HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_07_23. . . . . . . . . ..... ..... ----- LL 1 TillltS I NEWS,ADVERTI$ER; SUNDAY EDMON#:July 23, 2000 PAGE 3 P Row IF l" �g 1� 4, 4 Ir }-Ito 10k } u "N 7 ,Dols of ITEMS EST WTFF AT fr.s_ tea'..-, ;r IRS F F . C i 99 y�E J.� dye ta go } r� LL �s r p WirtPuTrulFA,owl,_ AF` c� z -+-.r' r S"'-••.-. ;: � t �z f � ya � i"y� - ,d� � - �,-�1 sSYc�,:; �.� a .e ; � y ifs � k '^,�:` -. "� �.: }� e ow i K , 8E�" x pri - j fot I 0 P} f ! g;d dSA `�'f� �-�.F�Qd, ~b :z'�- �„'n �f H" 5-�i�-.�r��£ sa; �t f•� '$ er;<:` --_ :.. 'I' ~_._ - ._ � _�:�� , �� ,. FA LAII1 c a ^ f _ s Rn F f:fd FF:E`re0i5 PURCHASES. . - ;� r .,Gi .:sl. `.i � ;Fi- STORE FOR DETAWS- T}aESF 11*F.t:S .,,c,y` �• s CIN S�.iE.. .�AA- OAC ' A/P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY -,EDITION, July -23, 2000 NEWS ADVERTISER JULY 23 2000 EDITORIAL- NEWS - ADVERTISER �- _ ..� - - - _ Anti-smokln obb �� _ _ A 1Vletroland Community . �� �� � _ Newspaper. - - - Tim Whittaker Publi .r -- mm ``�� a Joan n Bnrghardt must' have limits' Editor-in-Chief / . Steve Houston Warning labels, public uo-smokin44 �z �;, i % / Managing Editor t7 p b /�//Jfj�/ / Bruce Danford areas fine lawsuits not ; �'�/%h �� ��i��% % Director of' y , � Advertising It seems governments always want For, decades, family doctors have 'y /,/ /.,;; ;%%, / �� Duncan Fletcher j to have Retail Advertising it ..both ways.. been telling their patients not to smoke. • o - Manager , Take cigarettes for one very notable Cigarette ads were kicked offtelevision o Eddie Kolodziejcak example.; in Canada a long time ago and sponsor- F Classified Advertising, The federal • government receives ship of sports "and cultural events in on Manager billions in _ tobacco taxes every year 'the way out. Paretitsteachers (in health��%% y/ John Willems from the mill'ions'who smoke in this classes in school), friends and other rel- Real Estate/Automotive Advertising,Manager country as well as from the companies, atives have almost without exception - g Abe Fakhourte which make cigarettes.'. Howevcr, it's told their ones not to smoke, Re a Distribution Manager also forced to pay out in medical costs port after report after report for nearly, Lillian Hook expensive _treatments or those who " half -a -century in newspapers, on' TV, Office Manager , contract emphysema, lung cancer, heart " even in the movies, have told' people t/f 1� Barb Harrison disease and the ` myriad other health smoking is bad for them. f/�<// %' ,�:r Composing hfanager �.� , evils, associated with long-term smok-_ And now, people want to sue for- ingl damages for taking up a,deadly habit Is, the trade-peconomicalworth the willingly began in the -knowledge Y g Y $y News it? A cold question, but as in almost all it, could one day render them gravely �/��� f�I///1/i,. (905) 683-5110 things it comes down to money in the_ ill?Talk about being in denial. end It wouldbe laughable if it wasn't so TT (905) 683-5110 Not only.does 'our federal govern"serious. It;speaks to the problem of'our LIE1 RS V ]EDITOR OR Classifleds mer4t-receiye a fortune in tax revenue, age: the desire to avoid personal re- (905k683-0707 now the federal and state, governments sponsibility. It must always be some- lieve this " man (and I'm sone" � OSj 683-5117 Connun1t in the United States have taken up thea: body else's . fault. Blame big governmany "others like him can con- Generat Fax lawsuit -happy concerns of their smok- went, big companies, big tobacco for tinue to drink and drive repeat (905) 683-7363 in citizenryand have one after the our own behaviour and then, et safe edl without any. _ si nificant , E -Mail g.g_ Y g J Y. Y g big tobacco companies for billions they •something for it in return, - _ legal action. taken, _ shousto urban net s are owed due to the health hazards The on sensible way to handle the bemn pushed Consider this; If he has been Webaddress say - only Y r www durhargnews.net caused by smoking. You. can be sure smoking issue is as supple as it has al- convicted seven times, were our federal government is watching ways been. `.Don't blame' anyone else:- there other times when he drove 130 Commercial Ave., - to backburner very closely and considering legal ac-' Quit the habit and do yourself afavour. drunk in our community'without Ajax, Ont, LIS 2H5 :tion here as well: It begins and ends with you. being stopped? While itis some,. ft's hard. to believe, this is even an l . To the editor:: what admirable this man ha"s a Publications Mail Sates . Agreement issue in 1000. After all, since 1964 -E-Mail your comments on this opin AgreeNumber Re: `Seventh drunk driving con- "very supportive family" , and meet 1 when the Surgeon General of,the Unit- ' fon to 'shouston0durham.net . Submis- viction nets -man' six months, has "enrolled in An alcohol treat= ed States proclaimed loud and Iong sions which include a first end last July 7. ment program", does this guar- mom smoking was hazardous to your heahh,, nanme, as wait as the community -of reel- I was -absolutely stunned to antee the safety of the cammum- no smoker can claim to be "totally un- clenee, w/Il bensidered 'for publics- read this story. Surely there roust ty around him? „ The News Advertiser is .aware of the health risks of stroking. tion. = bemore to it since I cannot 'be- This is just an. example of our one of the Metroland �" i. = • reactive .rather than .proactive Printing, ,, Publishing and approach type of Ulm.What are we for? nuire -Beach, tV t victim - Bigger headlines of senseless Advertiser is a member . deaths where we can shake our of the Ajax & Pickering Ontario water woes continue with no -end in sight g - heads at the tragedy of `it ails? Board of Trade, Ontario Imagine Mike Secan's nasty sur I'm not the first to suspect.a counec- The real- tragedy,is not, address-- Community Newspaper prise when he learned from the guy i, tion between the record rainfall lev- ing the problem with the first Assoc., Canadian Com - shocking his well_ with chlorine that els we've had this - year and the conviction. That's when the munity Newspaper `, it was fouled with E. coli. Mike- mushrooming rate of water contami- mandatory treatment, monitored Assoc., Canadian Circ"- "I "was not informed that he was nation. Squires Beach is beside the suspensions, hefty fines andlor - lations Audit Board and Rina the Ontario Press Coun- going to be doing this," says the mouth ' of Duffins Creek, which jail time should begin: Our pn- cil. The-publisher-re- Pickering he.publisher rePickering resident. He and his neigh- Sta Writer drains a fairly wide watershed Chary concern should be with the serves the right ssify ght to cla ff hours in the Squires .Beach area of stretching• into farm country. -Did an- safety of the community: After or refuse any ,advertise - the City have been victims of mis-_ inial waste containing E. coli wash all, pone of us want to be " the mens Credit for-adver- communication from their landlord manages the Property for the Ontario down . the creek `from several next statistictisement limited to space Del Management Solution — ".Realty Corporation, which -is. an sources?- Did -it simply leach to the price error occupies. about the fitness of their water: sup- - agency of the province. The: ORC water table -fid make its way to Donna Rogers, ply. owns the Secan property,. all the Squires Beach? OrZ as some resi- 'Pickering Del was "supposed to tell Mr. houses in Squires Beach, and about dents suspect, did their own failing Secan his water was not potable and 100 others in Durham Region.. septic systems contaminate the high- . someone from Jagger-Hims Limited, This is ` a government that on er groundwater beneatGtheir homes? The News Advertiser accepts let the environmental consultant hired Tuesday offered up Northern Devel- Resident Irene Conway thinks it ters:to the editor. All letters should by the ORC, would be contacting opment Minister Tim Hudak to_ the may be the latter; wondering if and be typed or neatly hand-written, him to arrange a time when the well media to explainwhy the Province's when the systems stems had been tested. 150 words. Each letter must be Signed with a first and last name or And water system could be disinfect not -so -secret list of :water problems - She may be proven fight and, if so, two, initials and a last name. Please ed. across Ontario had not; been re- the Province will have even more to include a phone number for verifi- _ Florene Nugent had a similar- leased., The'.answer? Mr_ Hudak said- answer. for: cation. The editor reserves the right Ed torial story. She heard from her father that municipalities " on -the-, list- should . One , last question, Would you to edit copy for style, leng& and her water was contaminated. Del , have been informed imtmediatel He canters. Opinions expressed in let- ' y want to rent a house from this goo ters are those of the writer and not ' !� knew of the tainted water,, but- didn't didn't. _ know why they `weren't. ernrnent? necessarily thou of the News Ad- ' tell them right away. Sound familiar? . g y ,. ' " �vertiser. We regret that due to the All this seems incredible in light Mow it's_ time to find. -out what L -mail your comments on this volume of letters, not all will be � �r--• of the Walkerton water tragedy: Del went wrong -and how it can be fixed. opinion to mrutaCdurhamnew .na printed. NEWS ADVERTISER; SUNDAY EDITION, July 23, 2000 PAGE 7 P Ottawa Ordersup -ho'nouor quiet �giant Yor' CENTRE Dr. J. Murray Speirs, named Order of Canada member. ACTIVITIES BY MIKE RATA logical Reserve, which continues �3, 20®O -JULY Su ff Writer to be a site for scientific monitor- _ A Pickering man recently ing and study. GO back t0 the '70s ` dubbed "a quiet giant of Ontario Linking most of his pursuits r. ornithology" has been named a has been a love of birds: Dr.- this Week at member of the Order of Canada. Speirs has said "there's nothing member Dr. J. Murray Speirs, who has more alive than a bird," and the�+ The Youth lived on ,Altona Road for over 50 creatures have held his fascina- `centre ears, is one of 103 Canadians tion since he was a, six-year-old<. appointed to' or promoted within boy in; Toronto, watching a ruby- Its time warp time at The the Order, the highest honour a crowned kinglet in his parents' W Youth Centre on Tuesday; July 25. Teens from 13 to`19 can expe- Canadian can receive. backyard. y �`rience.the "We thought that was pretty In 1931, at the age. of 22, he fi 1970s,complete with a chocolate fondue and a '70s -in- accurate," -Margaret Wilson says joined the Wilson Ornithological V spired movie. . of :the Ontario Field Ornitholo- Society; the first of many such ° It's to tdeens living f6 gists' description of her grandfa- groups with which -he would be- r Ajax or Priseekenng and runs they. "He's pretty quiet. When he come involved. Dr. Speirs re- f to 8 p.m. says something he means it." ceived his doctorate at the Uni- The 91 -year-old Dr. Speirs versity of Illinois in 1946 with a : ; s tures Afternoon... pa' fes was unable togive an interview thesis titled, ,`Local and migrato= y due to health .reasons: Mrs: Wil-, - ,ry movements of the American son said in addition'to the "nation- robin; in eastern Northern Ameri= meditatlon, spirituality. al- honour; in September he will ca'. ,� and skin Care help formally receive the Distin- He was.a. University of Toron- h guished Ornithologist Award 'to faculty member for almost 30 Teenenjoy age girls can "o a ses- from; the OFO: years. -Dr., Speirs has worn many. hats Dr. Speirs is well-known and sion on meditation and spirituality in along career, including those respected for powers of observa-' at The Youth Centre. ' , Its one of the centre s-. Sum - of author, "teacher, researcher, tion and his- keen sense of hear- ; Spa Day `sessions and its naturalist and bird watcher. He in which made him a gifted re - ng d Tues day, July 25 from 1 bei he Id co-founded the Pickering Natu- searcher, withal focus on popula- .0 to 4 p.m. ralists in 1977 published what tion coasting, migrat on,.and_the .P Guest Devorah Garland 'will Mrs., Wilson described- as his life histories of many songbirds. speak, giving participants a life's work, the two -volume Mrs. Wilson, said her grandfa-. . N::x.k` - , . ` chance t4 learn the art of mellita- `Birds of Ontario' in 1985, and in ther's .health is "not good- at the , tion, . while The Body - .Shop: will 1995 donated a 12 -hectare piece moment," but noted she .still Dr, J. Murray Speirs, 91, who was named to the Order of Cana- have a representative speak on of -his property'in the Altona For- takes him out for drives to, go da- recently, still manages to et out birdie ". est, the .Dr: J. Murray Speirs Eco- binding. y� 8 8 g' skin care. 'the session is free,'but those . interested must register, prior to •the (�]males ��� �� S -,are,, b Aran oval session. It's •open to all fe- 13 to 19years old living in nnlum w*11Vint equ Ajax or Pickering. 1 9 Get n10i1� at Reit MILLENNIUM from page I _ $to m series,. fall: .., . The route will basically run be, (if.drama WOrkshOps tween the :city's . east and,west boundaries and- will connect with _ existing pathways and is actually Movement is the theme for the three trails, themed to focus on second in a series of six drama European settlement to the present vtrorkshops. Hosted by The Youth.Centre,. day, the area's First Nations her, tf2e workshop will explore different itage and the environment :and - character walks, open and closed ecology. - - I positions on stage and musical The focal point of the trail will :movement. be Millennium Square in Alex AN Ajax and Pickering teens Robertson Park, ;where the three. ' from 13 to 19 can take . part in trails converge.." Coun. Holland, m��� a � ��� " Drama-rama. Experience isn't h � said it will feature signage, art and .. necessary. imageryand represents Picker - While free, prior registration is ing's hopes for the future. One- necessary. work of -art, to be created. by It's being held Thursday, July Uxbridge artists Ron and Lynda. 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the centre. : Baird, will be a.40 -foot, kinetic, Teen keglers heeded' metal sculpture of a white pine : " tree; whose parts will move in the : for Fun Friday wind. V Well-known Pickering artist - The Youth Centre hopes to Dorsey sines will, create bowl over, teenagers on Friday, ' $125,000 worth of wood scalp- July 28. ` tures in Alex Robertson Park. One For it's Fun Friday, the centre Piece, `Home Place', will tell the - ;� � - is hosting a bowling afternoon at municipality's story., through:: "the PlazaBowl in the Ajax.: Plaza : Totem -like poles. � on Harwood Avenue between. The Waterfront Tram is not to Hwy: 401 and Hunt Street. All be confused with the Trans Cana- teens 13 to 19 years old. living in da Trail {TCT),-whichwill. not Ajax or Pickering are invited. The pass through Pickering. Coun. RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo fun runs from 1 ta.4 p.m. Holland explained the City re- „' While free, prior: registration is- ceived $340,000 from the Millen- Construction of Pickering s Millennium Waterfront Trail began this week at the foot of Liverpool Road. necessary. nium Bureau of 'Canada for the Waterfront Trail making it, in the - For more information about federal, government's eyes, ineli- rated in to the national trail in the .doesn't make sense he said. of those places, and residents:who these events or to register, contact gible for TCT funding". future. - Access to the waterfront will have questions relating to con- the Youth Centre, 428-1212. The Coun. Holland added Picker-" "My opinion is at some point be limited in some areas while struction. should contact the city's Youth Centre is at 360 Eayly, St. ing's trail can hook up to the TCT - 'they'll alter that .decision and -see. construction proceeds. Municipal Property and Engineer- W. (between Westney Road and and speculated -will-be incorpo- , it as a Bureaucratic decision Which, Fencing is already up_ in many. ing Department at 420-4630. Finley Avenue)- in AW 1110.A1G1 lAzklzn ' iMCl4, 1UI17GU. eight on July. IT' Special wishes from Mammy, DrOdy, Alex, Jessica, Chantelle,: Nannie and Grandpa, his aunts, uncles, - Lassa. He rued eight on ily 15." Happy rthday wishes om your Mom id Dad, your ..others Daniel and Michael. With NEWSIIOVERM.EitWNQAY 9DMO*jAs!y,23,200W PAGES F�"A-� ■ -P PAGE 10 -NEWS ADVERTISEWSUNDAY EDffM,'duly 23, 2000 fv lir v ICes Ines o e tIEi�T_41 page 1 off" The fine for being over the accept- - . hiclesto drive .by: alyi emissions" 1}tYttt is $380 to the "We'll` stop them and do an in- owner of a light-chity:. vehicle found spect ion.1 if we; see visible emissions, in- violation and,.$520 -for a heavy we'll stop .them. Regulations allow duty vehicle owner. 15 seconds in a five-minuie_period is -,Inspection can -be -as short as -five, all you're allowed to emit," Mr. Grifw minutes for a light=duty vehicle and - fin said. up to 15 minutes for a heavy-duty ve For heavy traffic such as large - . hicle. -HAve a" great story idea? Let us know at 683-5110* trucks,, the vehicle will be escorted "Depending on the vehicle Arid the back to a location for inspection. complexity of ' what's there," he TT# v v 1` paj s td p� y�ur "We're looking for the gross emit- added. ters. They ottt two to 20 times "it's a new program. We're f nd- Ne�S Advertiser carrier - put , more pollution; It's so disproportion- ` ing the response from tickets is real- ` w ,why . . Just ask L. who won a TV in Cork- of Ajax ate. That's we focus oh it," he ly positive, They'll get the work done noted . ' - when they get a ticket and when they . the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's ,recent For _-light vehicles, such as ears, come to court, they'll show the Jus- they've ` collection draw. To be enured to win,. just, vans and pickup tracks, 1asoeeters tice 4f the Peace how much Took if ' bring - the to PAY yob' tamer the $S.�.v©�untary delivery to see equio"t such .ac cat= spent, to vehicle- up alytic converter are removed. code," charge and send in your ballot. The car eier "The devices ,_mere on -the ve-h .. The Smog Patrol does have the A'1 GR6FjV1N M'e°`pa°f° on this route parr l; also received a $25.00 hicle when it v��slevv i should be authority to seize a plate _if the owner 'vehicle bonus for sell><ng the winning coupon sheet on It," he said, • -doesn't bring the up to code. Michael 13enediet, arl d;Qicer.- with "i3elieye it o bttt we got a "It's new and we're Ending people tO a custombr oil his route. the t!efricte Emissions D forcenw 2000 vehicle last. week � +h re tftey are really- positive and they eke the Your CaIPT ei`.vvYlI be arnund pert to Collect llnrt, was Qn mwgpatrol this week. had pulled the= cattil�c ctaaverter- steps' _ s before of=:.3�,thave. a. �P . Chan! to,"61 R. A01: _. �T OO �� 4 t, i c �P . VENTLE.1 IRS S TOPIUOW j C ''�Y JN T��� Dresser, Mirror, Ghost, 2 Adver = }.FOOD TI_M1 ION - SIMday,-Ady 23, 2008 News Advertiser FROM Shannon 95. 319 w p�� � * �I Vi1CZiai$ AjaX� Sunday's Carrier of the " D. METAL FttAME L � ��.� * Pharma Plus Week is S Shannon enjoys basketball and S - AjaxlPick. rollerblading. She will 4 PC.Dresser 19 5 s Flit0M. $1 *Surs AjMdPicIL receive a dinner. for voucher compliments of McDonald's. �r . 5 $• 949 _195 _1e 91 $8y A)tlPlck. cangruul�t _ 2 � __ S�1BRIivTA BED: .. n for S hanno I?etng our Comer. of the ,... M� y Welk 02 D 39 ara1, � A S. I9 . ...2895 135 Kingston Rd. ,AI zzz Bst.w,li�MATWS 13soc;ngston Rd. tic: 19°9 W9� Dresser *219 a Mates . $ 9' �Tabie 569 ititirrctr .....: $89"'x% 5 ....... 3 9. .. .... r3% =�i,�atoseic�a nQl �f bCl , 4[i:inser1s,111C11>dII1g �105C iN1 ttreey the 5 -Drawer .;......... $199" ' Desk & Hutch....:..'1:339r.. = Extm.$�" , pier, can `!fid �viih gest Y newspaper your blue box T WHITBY , . : PICK- _ >- ca' AS '1540 Dtm�asMa Street East 1755 Pickering, 9 rbc For iaformason on �tivering advet�stngfl�rs; call Northwest cornetNorthwest corner RES BEDS • SU • LINEN • FUTONS • CROS 0;ETC., '.`, .7 o HWY. 401 your ,.� DUNCAN R=Rro Of Thickson !Danlos . 6Ei8-#3t of Financing Available a Credit Cards Accepted-,, flu 4ot &,6ro& Rd. grid,* Frim *'Posture oalutce ffioq aase Extra) ' 4274047 - �3 3114. P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, July 23, 2000 Ex -Toronto cop appears in court, assault ease put over until next mouth A day after resigning from the Toronto Po- court appearance for one of the sexual assault Earlier this week, Mr. Weber,.turned himself ibs lice force, a Pickering man facing two sexual charges, the case was put over to Aug. 11. in at a Durham police station to face new crim- `. Bab), Back R assault charges appeared briefly in a Scarbor- After his;appearance, Mr. Weber, 38, quick- ; inal charges of sexual assault and breach of rec- -.Full $799 ough courtroom Thursday. ly _left the courthouse and, comment. ognizance. The charges are in connection- withRack (noi) AZO-�55i 65 �255Ba*St:,Lareru!; r,e�. Haurs btodFri8=4pm, Anton Weber, a 10 -year veteran of the force, . The charge stems from an accusation by a an unrelated incidentJuly' 9 at a Pickering AR. resigned Wednesday =through his lawyer; just 20 -year-old woman who said a man sexually restaurant, where a customer "inappropriately ; "logs 2i( all the time minutes before a police tribunal hearing into .25 assaulted her at a Pickering house party and touched" a 16 -year-old hostess, police said. 83'1-3469 Police Services Act charges against him involy- again in a car on July 9. -Mr. Weber was charged ' Mr -Weber is scheduled to appear in an Os- ing allegations of rape and stalking unrelated to the next day and spent a night in jail before Q hawa court on those charges Aug. 4. - i �1.�7i.` �eC�l� the criminal investigation. During Thursday's being released on $5,000,bai1 - TORTAR 1VEVS SERITICE e C Portable 6 Adjustable fiaine +"Costjust grnnies a day. Kitchens • Bars 0 Mantels 10191®yA"., UM 3, FAarM9, 0mario { www.saMW-r ►e*s " .I (4I6) 566-2691 CAMMK {�7WE KNEE,,IYHIIC '' u SPEGtAILISTS w s_ , Special�i no in assesstnertt, education and active rehabilitation of knee problems , - Medici ne.= SurM- Deffli ry - ►Cover a by Exteht#ed Health Plans, MVA tnsurance �ntive HeaW,- Prescription Diets - Boarding - Classic Air Systems 'Custorn ► Knee brawn► Orthotics - Dr. J. sawyer. Oilm *"*Oyw ,u - Itudalladoa Sales & Service to ALL Mak" : The Court 416,481 -KNEE Rd.StSE9 (noi) AZO-�55i 65 �255Ba*St:,Lareru!; r,e�. Haurs btodFri8=4pm, Air Conditioning, Fteatino & Refrigerstiolt l elal&Abdu hw ` 2863Er�oug e { 5` ckerin8 Sat gam-3pm- >l� >1„�>» r.��►,t _ "9-5888 427-2822 . �Piek-A-MIX Mmerete Limited IM Concrete Weekdays and Saturdays On Site Mixing, Special Mixes, Latex Modified Concrete,stone Slinger Concrete Pumping 2890; Brock Rd. N.,, Pickeitrig Tel: (905}6834501 Fax. WSI683-8381 e- it ic.kautiz+a . 1 k That's what happens .to your, business without advertising. ;7 Cal/ inside Safes at X79-4400 to plan, you campaign. lumbing ,,Mart )R KITCHEN 8c EATHR66M.REN6VXTlONS HUGE IiENOVATION " CUSTOM UPWUDES tNCLtA)RD SH()aV8(?OM WITH ALL ArEN OVAT10N'PROJECTS, 7TCIfk".# BATHk00M I t) KED , MOUE1 _ NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION July 23, 2000 PAGE 13 P BILLBOARD . JULY 23, 2000 SUNDAY, JULY 23 greet at 7:15 p.m., meeting FAMILY' FUN DAY: Va- from 7.30 to 9:30 p:m. cation Day Camp; ends Learn public speaking, with a Family .Fun Day for leaderslfip and communi- the whole family at the cation skills. 683-4439 Christian Life Centre, (John), 619-0647 (Peter). 1030 Ravenscroft Rd. in SINGLE PARENTS: The Ajax. There's ;barbecued Ajax=Pickering chapter. of hot dogs and hamburgers, a iant slide nm, --c face the One Parent Families' Association meetsat 8 DR. JOSEPH A. • TIME MSM, DENTIST \[iJCllij 1 1X. ? vrs • GENT'I.E DENTALCARE ARE -IMPORTANT : { .. { TO YOUh V ` ':i:s `. fir; WE ARE AVAII"LE TO SERVE YOU :4 WE WELCOME ;. r• WE PEOPLE painting andg more to p.m. every ' Wednesday. enjoy. Admission is free Meetings are for both cus- all are welcome. '686= todial • i OF ALL AGES ',7v'r-mfr v� 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE and 1411. and non-custodial parents whether your chit -F• aX Ave: iv A��tR, Ontario Ui ltt_th olFy, #2J: s s' TUESDAY, JULY 25 dren are two or 42- . For more information- a _ 'N WORKSHOIP'S FOR WOMEN: A .free personal and meeting ;location, call 837-9670.- 63 ` development and employs- . ALZHEIMER: Alzheimer ' bil'ity workshop series pre- " Durham holds , an Ajax - seated IDENs/SMART hY support group meeting Inc. for -'all women aged 18 7.30 p M. at 487 "VVestney_ 39 iu years and" over"takcs place in Pickering1 Village. Rd. S., Units and" 20 (at Clements Rd: iX�.j, Ajax; S P Rfl 6 -To register or 'for more informafio-n about the se-, ries and employment assis- All 'caregivers are wel-: ' come. 5.76-2567 (Megan) HEALTH COUNCIL: Nb r tance services for Durham. The Durham u: Haliburto'," - women call 434-6789 for Kawartha and Pine: Ridge -' - times and place. District Health Council.. holds its ' regular monthly, _ WEDNESDAY JULY 26 .: meeting from 6 to 9 p m. at TOASTMASTERS: ..The Z the District Health Cou "1 Ajax -Pickering Toastrnas- - office, I59 King St , .suite. ters meets'in' the Visitor's Centre the Pickering 300, Peterborough- Seating limited, Ao, of nu- 'clear station _ on Mont-.,. is so ,call .re- serve seating-, "765-748-: gomery-Park Rd.'Meet- and 2992 or 1 -800-833-7543., _ � •tiwtr� �I�IEItY�R L� to ciT7 Qll Sc�I$ tt3 £Sll t, Therap ' S' .the"I3iscove�r to t aIlo�n�ng fa>� a C�N�C>c?RD� Melfi - lirtiMs• 'ProckktWId4p, Cpl, Heal ietnidW Services, -Bad plane Perms, Air hill" Masiure Oedetio<a �, ;Protein lou; Frizz -k Split Ends ' f a�l�. &, Aso* 4600 sees -000 INW2 !01& -JW vt7m, 111CIA",_9qb �$ AM cur a WWI NIMAP" • srvu taroh�r�m.-v�a�y� +Lagt�ir.�mt •v�ia.,,,t�ir;�a� POOL �- ,..� �.�. i3S Hv�n+d Ava M #t[119:#s'6KldEteWnsl r R YonbFrt tAQaa,-Aaapa•sda0oam-s96am DWIWM:ce ' A: NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDMOK July 23,, 2060 PAGE 15 AM • s *—ALL PRICES 14€ECT FRQitti3kY J3t'it3'tt? . Uff{DA4, iIYE. RE TMEt1` L�fiNT�Tt#ES • +.• <- s f SWEET URGE FROM THE TRQPICS .. ,_ BoX Hour R �II.L FURF05�'. FiTrata.7 49, GRAN •> u tI- .. d PEE DEUVERE°D DAILY s 3 u .. 1 CiQs RIA0 PUBRAR fiM1 cE" aE r =" ArTO11 A QTL S .WO c n>Q . _ - re raotxt ttoLtS F r PAOIliI f# 7t3F, PA Cl 1VI 4P.1 EASE P �°x ; : to eRt� °► I NlVL„ OSA � =�}y( -"i ..lex t"'' a_ - _ #."t'r�.a�AG. 149ffl G EASE Slab soo BASS OF 1e Ma a�ao.cAr, VV 4 q 1.6 • RENOROOKSPRINGS USA RETERl�N1 SGC€Nl Lt1FFX , ' FAB G - ,. CASE . - 'a r• x y a -,... MMMOMMEMONEW Visit Us On The Internet: www.durhamnews:net NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDtT10N July 23, 2000 PAGE 17 A7R To -Place Yow Ad Cil. THE UXBRIDGE TRIBt11vE ' AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADV-ERMER 'Ajax PIde ng News ews Adverfise ': 6 8 3'-©7 V 7 Uxbridge: 85.2=9741 LASSIFIEDPort Perry: 9 85-2511 MATERIAL HANDLERS You (Lift Truck)com,l� BEST PR/CESS /N TOWN - (Shift Workj Wave a otiAl; WEEKEND & EVENING CLASSES . An established` manufacturer but tlp you have a of packaging material for the " .. food service industry has an -Centre Open days • • f immediate opening or a eel- Chtidren•s'Pr ams for. Stammer: • tified lift truck o erator with . ° FULL TIME CLASSES RflN6: - pp MIS Word, Excel, Powe td 200e & Winnows 98 Train NOW for a career experience in >,all areas -- of Introduction (z weeks -so hours). Instructor ted class _MCSE, E -Commerce & Web Design with • rtun� ► forklift operation. $495 Call f details. Please 1 Exploring the Internet, P y' Internet Explorer, PART TIME CLASSES STARTING: • Acxounting �i�uter Applic9tions � �P ' A 0 Mcl�iairn Pac gidg A+ Sat. 9:119.2118 July 29 •Business lion • ffice Assistant E-Mati, Newsgroups, • Payroll Administrator 125 Consumers Drive Researching the -Internet a i MCSt Most Wedt Thu. 6:30-9-30 pm July 31 • Web Developer (E- Commerce) Whiny, Ontario., LIN 1C4 - 50 hours $395 Network+Mon, Wed, Thu 6:30.9:30 pm July 24 • Web Designer (E -Commerce) Fax (905) 668-5038 . • Accounting & Payroll Administrator computer Assembly iii Dre mr, Flash dt HTML bly 29 •- Community 8s Social Service Worker & Troubleshooting "IMP Men, Wed, 620-9:30 pat July 31 Personal Support Worker • Esthetics- - 40 hours $395 SQL Admio. Sat. 9.•1-2;00 Any 12 • %I Administrative As istant •Law Clerk r 1` E j� • Med'calAdminist-fiveAssistant e_ ry Get i training at excellent ices! quality 9 prices! Job Placement Assistance • Medical Office Assistant: • Mdividual attention • Unemployment Insurance recipbnts welcome • Dental Chairside Assistant 0 mos MA, • Unlimited lab time • Fundingg avail" for those who quality • Travel & Tourism • Police Foundation'llll@ �u • Hands -ort training • over 90% success rate Registered andApprovedasa Vbcationai TROT scarbor Scitovtunder the.Privatevtx�tfonal5d►oolAd.. _ 4 � _ • /to check class . ..• Y Bund a BetwLife PEN HOUSE availability. *Idpi* 0disi t l aapuaf Picker C us REGISTER TODAY«..WORK "MORROW. . a1 .Centre 1450K eg OL • • Needed imrttediatel t • t 419 Sti. W. Z 753=11$3, (905) 420.1344 Y' A STtEP"TO BMER HEALTH • Certi-fled Forklift ` OWN A .LEADER Zellers enc: has o + Assemblers/Packers J ppot�ttxtities fdr Pharmacists with MACE A. DIPPERENCE excellent conversational sk ks and emphasis on. CustoriI •> warehouse Viceroy Homes Limited has earned a solid reputation �. Zellers offers Competitive salaries,. comprehensive 'Mechanical Assemblers in global 'and domestic markets as a major leader : in -bot pEtckagt3 and shopping discount. • home manufacturing. Known. , fora _ its innovative Apply irt' person - products, sound, financial status : and the " ability to ZOws Moan Empto imW Equity ljrogram and Mon.&Tuesr. - July 24th &July 25th deliver, Viceroy continues `to , excel. Our success has encourages apjpllr atlons from all qualii'red candidate, between 9 a.m. and 2.p.m. - been built on -a firm foundation - people. inclut in *Vnwn, g . original people, visible minorities Vicero 's " knd with di RbiNes. � � In � an ever-expanding marketpla€e, y l�'QP� . Corporate Offices in Port Hopehave the following e# Please M*1111 ZELLERS INC. POSITIONS AVAILABLE +c �me In S%ve VftWk wvrkf:�nce a' Irhrtects • Architectural Draftspersonp., Technicians 'confidence: MeruK , �. 10" Wigston -Rd. Suite #230, Pickering' and Technologists".'=Torbram Road Brampton, Ontario L6T 4Qr1 A sound .education in Architectural, Drafting or M-6310 Fax MAC OPE _associated degrees or diplomas in the architectural- field- ) TORS field is a prime requirement. Knowledge of AutoCAD .Pharmacy Manager Ful -Mime and Part-time 14 or similar CAD software drafting programs is a must.: Preference will be .given to those that have at ,r i SCHOOL c,�«wrat The Oshawa/Whitby production department is seeking least ,3 years of drafting experience as well as some . building site experience. < Recent graduates of a OF FLORAL DEUGN experience. ac Macintosh operators with newspaper production O2fl wlt. Fleri:stry_6 Ihisinee Program recognized drafting _course will be considered :for our 12" laen#i1t8 8- baser m D ►r!prehensive knowledge of Quark Express and Adobe training Pham. 3 wk. Protessional �ttrsep PERSONNEL Photoshop is necessary. Forward Imume b fax, or mail to: -requires. , Experience in, Multi -ad, 'Adobe illustrator and scan ning y Part-time/full time comes in s Class.Drivers. would be c;onsideredan asset. V>rAy FIOmeS, Limited •A beautiful career to be in` 5 General Hours of work would include evenings and weekends. Humm Resources- financial assistance may be available Please submit. resume to: . • SZ Sifarooe S, Et+shaw►a Labourers 414 CrQft Street East for Pickering area OSHAWA • wtmmr • etexuaI(nW •+lyra Melly 41 L9os) 436+7746 $9 _ $12, hour PortHope, .4i Arlo LIAr , : - Avg. iitftiit z, Fax 1905885-$362 E4f►) 33s�9oss 1-871-420.1270 TniLS. WEEK Telephone calls will not be "ted. We thank all applicants wlw apply, but frt m AYE " n[f�-AZ OshaW advise that on those under active consideration} will be contacted. Ate YOU rlg Paid Drivers mew Picicerl� :11Nh1tby This Week -area. Fail -thee. � yeir-raged %ATT:',tarbara 1 affison' . What You Are :Wont?+ . worts. weeteads on. New RO. t8ox 481 eptoww- 5 years ttdnimum Would You Like to Get Paid experieaae. r resume to am Fan well _61L, 416 695.2626 , VVltat Y©u Could Be Worth? ;,,, wAlrt� to o-ain for L Hha � Ontario rtapwaxaraarrr■riw. 2 Week Program available in the Lms and Fie Com a ggrr Sales & Matketing Industry. Expo aQOS sea e- taA - element We have hundreds of W rnWred. Omar, urfices barb.harrison6durbatnneWs.not 11 ferens 1 Gttnw Help opening soon. cab RobeR CA,R_ E♦TsI3�, MSFTIONS Wows: or drop off resume at * avat�able in'alrriost eve field 107 Caft" St: W.; Whitby: / General I1etp „ , Tei£ to tfi4se A a0 YR OLD company to AZ DRIVERS for 6rdcer, 3 'yrs r (9051 V5-7000 G/Mr�1 Gerlani#Wp who are ° f t mgt tette. at says a 11•emoa. a ren�e. dealt tat*ray. uaraateed Job Placement 11pse wtq are tapuw amt to Pickerfttg is loolgng for ex- Canada ante u.S cin 906 - those Vft are t""Dy "Ptrtenced tu0 time indostriai 571-1097 Positions in Excess o� x6 ~A+~- DRIVERS 1. aired: lief. are' using madrine +nears Mc3E1i0% [totes. Database t�asewa t9o5i42o °os. $40-$60; per: ear > :IMMEDIATELY . afttftalon using Grade. TOP PAY $$ Computed Maintpnamx = .A*. T $files : MQi ett ng FI T, day, evening & midnights. Local, New me*a wen deWI Ana NEW AND USED CAIS` $ Expanding -International Company Autocad. a-„ city & highway at mostly hourly rates. programmhq. f mnctal as Pt` tESSiDtiEljS has immediate openings CLEANUP IDETAILER of Also P?T &weekend work available. srstanoe way be svaftte Call: (905) 404-730.4 (Retirees welcome) Current abstract, • �ull time eligfbls sytdeuts.: Cel, Durham Required immediately Y, Call: +Positions available in romotions, easiness Computer Couege C.V:O.R & cola: l'ytar O:T.R: required. p , (s05�z7-�Io1o. bus ChiySler deolersW in -0t.$6 to sort. AZ�:.TM delvers. 1 yr installations and management It ASME• Aro- tonal company has 37 mew ~ expeI'mm and. clean abstraa Please contact: • $1,500 minimum guarantee matherapy certitfcate Itvel 1. Ajax: Experience a' mist. "' r TiPi openings, must fill by reQttired: Mage 512 -lata full Alae Randy • We provide training ; y Start d '19 3 1z. 9am - Jtay 27th. No expv*a r / }tdNt at'irnam cw apply hMntlti resume by feu to: tssary. - trainetg .i& provided. and partdime pas<trons swat Fix restmu to (9o5172s-1857 ADAMS LNtslyles Posdrv® Cali for 1menw_ information or call 9os 72s 932a. - = SERVICES 1VI011day for `Interview march rung. Isost .a (905)'683=5938 ( t 1 Call h �..: 0., - , E05) 426-1322 S7l_,� . . AJP PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, July 23, 2000 , and 1 General Heb / General Heb Visit Us On The Internet: www.dufiamnews.net 1 General Help 1 G�emoel Help 1 Gen" Heb -- 1 General Heb 1 GenerN help / General Help IMI General Help FULL Tlaz WAITRESS/WAIT- AN NSIDE ALES REREP- CLASSLFIED. ' ER experience a must. Full in, busy family restau- OFFICE ZL.EAINN(I days,evemngslweekends iVOW H/l�I �G! united Way of., is ae�ded le: our sxtreme Jam% tyo�awa. CUSTOMER time dy ' �a rig sera ark Ted- Pickering le Bowtnanvnite. STUDENTS WELCOME! Inc -Pickering &*:!liar department hi SERVICE o Experienced BROCK/BAYLY UP TO $7-.50 PER HOUR is seeking a //QpEFI/L.APPLICANTSSNfNrldhare: w- self motivation and a desire to succeed News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers GENE IRAL couplesCndividuals preferred • Picker/Packers CAMPAIGN ASSOCIATE w- a cheerful, articulate and business like check their :ad upon publication as News Ad -Must HELP, needed for References required have vehicle. • Sorters/lrrserters • General Labourers Full-time Contract Position tele hone manner p a appropriate officelbusiness attire vertiser will not be re sponsible for more than busy advertising 1-905-666-9156 • auto Part RackersAugust • Forklift Operators ($10.50/hr.) 28 to December 22 a- the ability to work well with both as a team member ant on your own one incorrect insertion and there shall be no ii for -insertion Company. No exp. necessary. Doi ECt - • Exper. Machine Operators ($10• .) - The successful Candidate will be a .r some advertising/sales experience would ability non of any advertisement. Will train new applicants. DSR (NMn. 3 yrs• expel and Met be Mechanically InCIlfed') hi hl motivated team resourceful, g y be a definite asset Liability for errors in ads Call for interview PERSONNEL t/yEg,'rNEY/BAYLY x7.50 PER HOUR player who demonstrates: WE OFFER:salary + commission &the oppurt1wity to tuiv a job Into a e8leer. is limited to the amount paid for the space- occu- TRISH 10 AZ Drivers , Scarborough o Excellent organization skills Full time ePperh ft1U@$ wild heirefils are pying the error. All copy is, subject tot] appro-' (995)571-0102 � � & Pickering areas • APssseem' ers • Mover Helpers ($8.00/hr. pe ) o Strong coordination, monitoring and training abilities possible in the Ituture. to: val of management of News Advertiser. GENERAL _LABOURERS re- quired-for a busy manufactur- m- aunt in starting $14 - $15 how' 1-877-420-1270 BO911MAMIILLE G7` Above average public speaking Send your resume Sales Lisa Preston e�I�. Noudy. rate $8.50 hour. fit4 -;19 PER HOUR & presentation skills Inside c/o P.O. Box 481, 71er COLL GE PRO Ate'" r§on a<"' st:, =1 AH fax to osHAWA•s AUEDA trensitton- Salon is- tooki" for Nair- • Flux Core Welders (CWB Certified) o driver's license Oshawa; Ontario L1 H 7l5 PAINTERS son .or 9o5-663 6558. No Phone al er list and Apprentrca; OffCall �.: (5 _yrs.. exper., 6 am - 4:30 pm shift), o Computer skills �c or fax (905) 579- 6851 Full-time student calls please.0m0pon7nmrty. 60©60;After REWARDS- • Long-term positions (some lead to full-time) , • Vacation Paid Weekly - o Strong interpersonal skills o A knowledge of the Ajax- Pickering Community pp__,,��,,,,��,, WWI or th re available for the remainder of the summer. Must have own - GR WING.COMPANY Are you tired of filling out endless applications with no results? If you 9teave . THE NEWS �1DVER1'>I>BEIt • Stat lloiiday Pay • Bring a friend, earn areferral bonus ' Please forward our resume no Y • • transportation. Call -Mark are a, hard worker and can start right away, we is looking for pros- to = All shifts available. steel toed safety later that! Augu 11th 2000 to: PART-TIME SALES (416)992-2768, have several customer deliver boots/shoes is required. Firing your void cheque for direct deposit. Walk in 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. lJllllted WAY of Ajax -Pickering Attention: Edna Klazek •Superior Music Knowledge fax resume to (9o�294a64s• service /positions avail - able: No experience necessary. Car regwred. news rs and P>� flyers 10 the Wednesday, July 26, 2000 407-95 Bayly St. W., *Responsible,. EnergeticCOUNTER NEW asproximate 110 $400 week to start. Gall (905) 579-7814 following areas �rik,"rr fkrr McLean Community Centro laoorn 2, 9s suogill orlye Ajax, ON 11 S 7K8 ply With resume: part-time hours per week evenings and Please bring a re- HAIRDRESSER High energy, PICKERING : ftdJH .2)<A x FaX: (905) 686-0609 Wed. July 26th .12-5 P.M. Thurs. JUly.27t�1, 4-8 mmlaeer os. p' Mini storage, trend setting salon seeking St.,'Ajax, Ontario. without Rosebank Rd. .rr E-mail: uwavaDOdurham net p.m. 65 Rd. E., AjaX Kingston 16ostayon Nairstyhst with or ria Exceltent salary and COURIER DRIVERS required. commissions Friendly, tun to Sheppard Ave. Barry Dr., We've get greet things in store for you! _ Gateway Plaza Harwood Ave.) fast expanding company. work in environment in ,Oe Must have own far or van. Rouge Scarb Cab for ap#t. 70% 70X 70X 70% 7094 Imine Edmond Dr. Daylight Crt. Now. looking for (Just east of Rosario 416-281-2504. commission. 905-ses-35M diate positionavailahiel Creekview Cir. MANAGERS The 1iCfleSfer Aims -CULLEN GARDENS INC: °tna& RS D , openings for ale following.po- o or IW setons; bar Supervisor Carmallo Crt. Downland Dr., �NAGrOu IRS RUST Exp is the food industry ;:nadir frier nice dressed skins in food prep. schedtd- `' ess 'to m :rasp ing, "ring. cash office'wnh whnby salon. Please E r Dr ye Ashford Dr. . sill asset.: Also Hiring management les now hiring team p avers for the experierice, mature Line ' can 9E15-668 526fi. or even- with knowledge of sauces Ings 576-0967: I388ChlaWn Qr:, Vistual Dr. . [,w A- N D trainees, with, or without experience. Pe following locations: Winchester Anna - OshaWaBowlhaiiville KJ Now Oshaw$ location To 611 the following and coolkin9 techmques. Maintenance _position for 01'rHALENDA'S MR . FOODS Re- eral clean! and repairs: All quires an individual who positions cleaning weekend a,ld like to learn the art m work m person t0 Cut meal Must be enthrr ten Gar Taunton Rd: :iritic and dedicated. we 1230 Random St. . Forest ark Cres. � St. Woodsrrt@r@ Cres Apply in person or fax resume las pP Y pe 1750 Bayly St._W, Pickering positions: Floc[ Manages ,5110 W., Whitby. Fax (905) 668= also require an apprentice -05110. sausage Must tfos WikjflOWer Dr. Q�utihf',ed S1y�Kl5 (945)428-11883, Fax (905) 428-2216 Full/Part tine Line Cooks and Walistaff ' Send resume to: Lisa Miller their DEuvERr VER, Vd m their : oat valid ward resume to: 915 drivers' license, ; ustomer SL.t>sttawa Lill 5N7 cdes. ,erpark Cres. , c:learsired Crt. Exce1{ent wage and bench's g�i . morrcfup a must Ealy mom- 109 King-% W., dart Five -days a HANDY PERSON - Great for Mon: Fn p skraAY fit; fa semi retrrad poison. a BOWrrWTlVll1+1;, Ontarki.1.1C 3Z9 rattan wnh Durham region work 2 9 days orweelLIFor Sandhurst Cres. Dye Ave. . package � - "An ertiployer you can count on" � Job' apphcatrons up more information call Carlo': THE NLx1A15 ADVE SER 312 cumbetartd cit. Electric (905) 728-7361 M ion Dr. wester@@k DL f�tordane Cft. 4r Full and part time poste Is looking for carriers to deliver door to door A Aspen Rd. • Fail! yKation Z Wks. after 1AW papers and era , sped. Fri. 8r at. 6:00 PIM. pug by .DJIr -SERVICE -,,''Pebble rey�srel,abledesak�, rER PERS"NEL D - . Millbank Dr. y year, ,� wks. after 3 ye4f5' in their ilei hboffiioods: g call 905-683-51117 for Bart tiara postti�s t o. startuna.ed�atety. 2n DZ D!' VOM New .St. Lodge Rd. WALT IS RETIRING "A NEW CONCEPT "IS COMING" WARE USE CLERK/ DATA -ENTRY ' nnott oW, ,but for recycling Markham g Ln. + DenW, Drug and Egftare p� Employment : opportunities available Person for light material ' handling, some data en elated experience an asset. call p�ta sonreq�f tr Cull Afon -FH : se, fnguirks g*: Pickering/ • 1.877-420-1270 "INSTALLER Bridge,Cres.' Major Oaks Ad. Dellbrook Ave.',. • 8" �tItIMS Managers (905)668-6429 or fax resume t0 (9(T5)668-3620 619-03:3 DRIVERS rpm=fru the AW WANTED with . Mirror and' Glass Corrq�y_ $p1Jih(x7tt'Rd. chi Cres. " •: 110 clientele rer�+ued `,� Servers 1i0St$/HOSteSSes rt Pickering area, must be Must have valid driver's li bondable & hardwodkirp, fun cense together with drivers EXPj NCjED Gltit00 training provides, must have abstract. Looking for e i Sala encs individuals oMy. rYy Abllottit@S id `t i$i 7 1r`t ' • i4UYaa(ed traming {lrOYlded nu�M I(itchen p r�pgp p pj�,1FFg Dian vehicle prof a vary. arab wages. salary *. 05-292 time ae s io expeneMe. fa time position available Fax FOR FURTHER Yt-510N ' • ff e+� ttrolu�± $ISI/ rriAllsV. BONUS Interviews Tuesday July 25th Must be reliable, hard workin and g 5riO4 and abstract to (905 EARN $'1100., 8300., $500., or or call (805): 432- ;gI(15�683-51 117 " 9054 L I'itlCef'IA Whltb. y 2'4 1790 Liverp001 Ind. , have a strong love of animals. _ Contact Luanne at Pet Peeves -Goodwood more per week, assembling 7873. OnN p0 aninal carMi- s in the comfort of dates will be contacted. ivor nwn lame. send a sen PART-TIME (905 666-6890 1905) 831-2196 A �1 n 292 Hwy -47, 905-642-1444 addressed s envelo TRAVEL fi TOURISM train! . 9 o:Pe 6-2421Durdas- . Next sacs lie{prns August : _ Phone Work, u_.�. dourly wogs $7.54. (905) 509-0195 MLL &PART TIME w., Side 541. f Nlis International Institute of Trav- muga, Orn. L5K.2R8. el, speaalkzsng m travel and morning & Iltly Wrrge $8.5©rhan CT7ltI`fY C)I�FICERS IF OU LOVE GOURMET FOOD tourism training. Beginning in, September Evening Classes. afternoon shifts.' Oshawa Max1 RiS6J:itt?ed AND ARE SELF MOTIVATED, Retirement To register pitons {goal 725 $919 Salary {905) 434-4994 (9©5) 428-6824 . must lie wiling to work various. weekends and holidays.. please fax resume to t home requires N CED RIDS` CAMPUS requires a !4 33M ` 1 264L-33M Pickerin $75D ibwly wage,S8S0 ntn , looking :for well groomed, mature communication Mrs. V1lideman s J list InCredlble Foods EXPERIE COOK flexible motivated mdtvlduat to work with kindergarten lI ` • , Nle Ther ith excellent skills d verbal). Previous security ex- at 905-642-0105 For part time chi. This poi would be suitable for• a graduate d , RFGISTERfO aplst or relaxation a st. civic. rcliltours d 1st aid and :CM certificate§ .an asset. or phone -642-5838. includ]lrtg Early Childhood Education. Expnarierteewonuno with Part-time to stgrl ;nterne(905)72,-st have reliable transportationweekends. and secvristudents welcome. tY JAC TRANSPORTATION FaX resume to sir dren would be an asset. 0369 Please man your resume to Kids ca-GhAdcare ,sAFEirMANABERIDAIMER mous recruiter warted for growing ire. 2 t"u t�" AFFpk DABIE, PROPMMOn1114I U ICs ARE WIi>R8N11�•APPIY �ISIt OUr YMYk1Nllrst flail ' at - ntario Gumd Services (Durhafln) Inc. requires AZ DRIVER U..S. a rienee (905) 425-5002 ort- N 5r Amu r must be submitted by 11th. Qnly those sdaned +e Ort amis, n1eWeb�te: h _ftkaar me b. woaki 24 Wilson Rd. South, Clean abstract and a moist Steady runts home wee- tOIPERN:NCED :door persons d contacted No phone Mulled for Trader Sams, for of be in Beaverton. Sa would f Oshawa, Ontario L1H 60 kends, wa es. r*IdaY & Saturday gipins Ap g m person at , BABY SALON REOMES''th k of ax rice to tote �l Joe at 4965) 427-4863 Pori Perry, or call Sensed stylist "for Oshawa 0e , full benefits provided 1 * 5. guaranteed salary/Commis- after 6 months of work. If You FunilC ON� EI(PERIENCED HAIRSM- slop, great xrorlurpl envinonr are looking for a career move Full -Tillie )i't�sition A ni$ walled for C'Annu s. radlnf). 1wnu5. and working it a #aorto �S Summer Job Senfice Locations m Oshawa Centre. D "' run Dushless fax resume to imematioital company seeks 2 bright, : (15.24 YrS) salary + commission. Call CSM ( ) 7323 attention Gerry or, Ray Hir'in for (766)+1126 7366. articulate slid career -min individuals. g b -Job Conneet stnsne) 23pe s3o to Dloatlonrm termLIGHT temp must 'have 6 EXPERIENCED SANDWICH Full & Part Time 16-2 Must possess good self-image and enjoy () Oshawa centre.. momtts woneng experience & ' Maher for night start worlan with ole both on the hone Positions Durham employers safety steel toes boots. Pik Sunday -Thursday aDpm sant• S pep P Apply m person are looking to re FOoo PnEPAnAnoN and ering through. Oshawa areas. Located @rack Rd 8 4011; and in person. Bast salary plus bonuses. it Y pe Non{ serving part time. Experience car an asset From $7.50 r Pickering. Call (905)839 with resume at $9.00 per hr. We kiln be Wer- 6423 For �itt@rVIBW 256 Ki>iton , 186 CWR1nEfCf811iV@, preferred. Send a resume or viewipq at The Oshawa Civic A + nAC 834-7747 �s ably in persat Monday Auditorium. Ttrort�t0n Rd S.. Son INDOOR MEAN AIR Call 905 839- / r 4� Road East (ilesside A' Thursday 2 4 p.m. No call Oshawa. Tues. and Thurs. Services . has immediate L (W5) H9Hre fJepat) . (9IiJ]427$165 please. Biktite Fish and 12:30 p.m. • 4:30,p•m• opeoirige for Duct cleaning betwCcri•Nl?tlit - &00 #7,�m. Az DRRf9t with 3 years veli-. silt CLEANERS needed for cfpps. 46 chum"1615. Atex. AAANDNNN RESTAURANT Tet lam and. Helpers. a11d ,FaX tY?StNYI� 110 : liable ex to run - us lousy rental, car offxx. DutiM L1V2M8• reyy�scree lunch stint host staff. Training provided, transports within mile radius. Please include claiming and prepar- ddlvery driver, part-time but-- tion and dean d(tvers' kense (905) 839-9471 �SAI905 6238655 inq cars for rerrral. Must be 2, tet anenaam. Experience not regsared. can AV(re 421112109. years;of age wAh dean drlvirng FULL TIME COOK required for necessary. Photo ID required. AZ DRIVEN. reT*W rekord Opportuntres in Uur- daycare. Please bring in re Apply in rson from 2pm SNANDEII.TRUCK.INC AZ . dlaely 3 yrsdmbrq a>Wen- ham "R ff interested, some in person to' Alyson or Spm, 1725 Kinpston Road, Driver needed mmed8tely". School Bus Drivers Needed . once prefmre4 dean abstract, tan Jennifer Bender a Pickering (KingsloNEast of Excellent 1115 two qulaiidified drivers required for growing, tardcer rxperrena an asset for W-477-2199. � Asa. School r r to Brack).. ExDe e• -. busines.' Must have clean driver s abstract and fuel delivery- broker home kiddy 7 a.m to 6 p.m. (s/w ors. Please contact. Bill deny. ExceAert rates. Fax re- LUBE TECHNICIAN . required Domer Lakeridge Road and NEED .ADDITIONAL INCOME? (905)420-7407800$19.6226, be wilting, to work 3 torts per ud�aiyo.. sum to ((905)576-4778 or for busy GM dealershsp m �r 7) fantastic home based busy Tally Ile * - - j call (age *6-A498, and leave Ajax fax resume to: (905) r , peas. can 1-800-335-1778 message please. 683-6130. - Visit Us On The tt>#wrt6t: wwvu:durhatnnews.net A contract position is available for a wood ra,t� Please• len ppeerr��kf�r fox Bluor RaauaDpta:, 361,BIocr St East, Oshawa.. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, July 23, 2000 PAGE •1 9 A/P DNiix Halp ofRa' Help Office" salve Hit, Agmfs_ , _ . � i �MnMeU . itDormoM AAt Mor , E orio- Smt Wpncles Yenbed� .. CUTM ASSIST NIST fast direct firm Pickering AV COTTON DEPOT -Js cur renU accepting resumes for the following Mart- Fax resumes to (905) 837 - 6753. CARPET - I have several MOVING -SALE, Living foam BUYING ANTIQUE ayhd cd-, thousand yards of new Stain- & Miscellaneous items. leclebte contents mcl rep p 7Asmall -paced, Small marketing in es amotivated multi -tasking person fpr recti tionist p positions: ager, Assistant Manager, FudU PartTime Sales, for our new NEEDED . Hous oTwork-s-L8 pin master and 100% nylon car; Please call after bpm complete estates. Best ssi- pet. I win 'carpel your living (905)579-81395 Me pnplisp Henry Kahn, room and hall for 1349:61.and assistantto the President.' . Assisting the President, location opening soon: e fax resume: (905)831 cM�� al SerS includes carppet, pad and in- CRIB w/mantes$ by LIT- staliati0n (30 sgqeare Yards). TLE FOLKS, excellent comdi- TURNBULL APPRAISALS & tisk $399.00. James Lumbers uOU1MON,-_Specializing in ,oa'esinclude. answering telephones, typing correspondence, faxing/coping etc.,, 6156. Mon. -Fn,, 9.6p.m. skilled . ' ' a RN s, RPN s, PSW s sieve (905) 743- 89_ unframed print (mint). THE asset appraisal, inventory CARPETS SALE & HAM LOCKET -51'000: Stephen Ly- Irquidatifm'af sales -support, administrative/clerical,duties. pefkrice for busy tiro akb auto extra income? Part-time, full tenants, estates, WOW FLOORING: carpet 3 mans unframed pprint .(mint) inventory• overstock and ex- from $339. sq. THUNDERBOLT, Phone 905 .Need Experience with Macintosh computer systems and. direct mail a definite Salary commensurate with Minimum -- CABINET MAKER needed for small custom shop. Minimum time hours available, flex schedule, rooms (30 yd.) 11200; call cess equipment - Includes: carpet, premium 905-986.4096. 831-8205, Fax 905-831-9205. pad and installation. Free asset. experience. 3.years related experience: 5 years experience. Oshawa South. Call (905)404-2599 close to home assignments. Join the 9 -estimates: carpet repairs: f�►��C�iC1A rs,TECHNICIAN available WANTED good eason Serving Durham and sur- - Please reply With resume to fax: (905) 831-1207 CABINET MAKERS required in vveCare team In North. York, prase consultation on all . ably priced. (905) 434 -0392 roundi area: Credit Cards makes tG models of acoustic anD: , r,`W SaM so5-se6 ore -mail: wyers@attcana0a.ca Ddfiam .Region. Filly exiled- enced Cabinet r�akera ,wed Please Scarborough; Ajax or:Pidcering! inz: manor. Reconditioned MMaso fax resume ro-9714. FAX: 416-438-8209 CARPET AND VINYL SALE- Risch, & other grand or E . carpet three rotxrs, 30 square updord Duras iorsale, start Sia Hf�me, y Contract Position CARPENTER required full time. Must have wood ma- Call: +416-438-4571 yards, from $339 installed. 1 irq at 5995. Get ready for fall will discount your best quote lessons now! Check out the I'd Ni , OVER ashe fudge $200: Dishwasher Make Money RECEPTION DESK chane experience and be able to assist in manufacturing E=11- WeCaretotfsympatieo.ca up to 1096- New colors and web at www.barbhalleom or , 53000 dog desigcs.Gustomer satisfaction call Barb at 905427.7631. ho�.(�)831n�2�. rant cd Cao Mhke f Y MC Amex. sw hg wwek,pes. k's we..find outtkowl Sand addressed A contract position is available for a wood ra,t� Please• len ppeerr��kf�r fox Bluor RaauaDpta:, 361,BIocr St East, Oshawa.. SO stamped _ Mne,o Maternity Leave for Reception. We are a D,itT InEManua experi- anced.in manually prepari shop fabrication drawl Consumer Electronics Company located in Psft oMUP ON. KU S While's Road/ Hwy 401 area. This position is effective August 14 and will run until Fax resumes to (905) 837 - 6753. TREMMEM approximately March'15, 2001. Nvitc MULLED required, NEEDED . Hous oTwork-s-L8 pin The candidate will be required to handle experienced, gas licence., for Durham valid drivers • $10 per Imr set rata f Sf>.+re ea�errenr e. Incoming telephone calls, main, COUtler packages and dally filing. Word and some licence. resume to 905 33-7941 or phone 905)2259 -Ml (call) 'it PeterExcel 905-686-2445Ca woulk be of benefit. _ . If V a are hillore31P , state jr�-- BecHANfc oR 5TH YEAH Apptamhce also Servke Advi- sor: Full-time, must have ex - (ext 250) be" .salary tIIXIIectafte and Tax y01R pefkrice for busy tiro akb auto re$@Ilie til 9�- l -as b the att811tI0n O>f .�b8f0a Panna. kende in Oshawa. Fax m- sume 416-5WO346 or call Richard 905-726-6221 Appolaftitent Only those candidates considered ' for the pOSltlOrT Witt lie C01?tSCtf3d "UAL �ticATOR for ae-. to* shop. Experienced with .ge[>i punch press and brake. Fax 05) 8337-6Mg7or Required- Immediately sited H*sited iter roe ROOFING • No Selling x Ii«trly wage COMPAM LOOKING FOR, qua e M r sa, , free estimate, 9� 43t- PIAN05/GRANDFATN61 M & ARCADE GAMES,- Great for CLOCKS. Back to school sale eCratts rec room or cottage. Spider- starts August 15th on all Ro- CRAFTERS WANTED at 'The man 1 - 4 players, Mortal Wit digital pianos and Sa Gift &Craft Showplace' local Combat, Operation Wolf Mick acoustic pianos. Large ed in the Counties Rea Mar= Shooting Video Games, Cap- selections of used pianos. ket, 4 km: east of Oshawa tain . America t - 4 players. Rem to own, 100% of ah rental Gold T Goll 1 4 players, plus mems apply. Cal! TELEP (approx. _6000 people attend - many more; Also `4' x 8' pod PIANO (905) d3S-1491. f►kq each weekend). Let ns fade. (905) 728-4506. snp : show & sell your cialls direct- POOL TABLE 41ft 8idshes byiY to the,public. You do not COMPRESSOR, gasoline Bit 4 inches. Original owners. have to be them. There is NO powered, Honda motor, 3.5 Like brand new. finch slate, 6 month contract. Rem starts- hfV2:7 kw, 107 cdae3 elec- balls, cues, rack, pool :table at $36/momh. 'Call 905 -436 - ironic _ r arca, little used IreM. 57650: Call 905.920- 1024. $475.985 8181357. (snp) 6406. COMPUTER PARTS - Ali POOL TABLE 4.5x9, 'custom- PO NEW!! 8x4x32€D Bumer units bulk, cherry stakred said oak X�2275. Keyboards $10. Mouse with turoed legs, leather soo 56'Speakers $20, 600x1200 pockets, V slate, brand new USED KAYAK POOL Rech.! IM 1 $12-0, Lexmark Z11 . doth, bags, rakes, rack. Above -ground . w/decking b Photo Printer $110. JWF Com $2,800. Call 905-720-8322 le g - balance of warrantee puters (905)697-5945 RENT TO OWN new aW m=- ���) 52,650.00. 1-800- COUNTRY DRNNGROOM set, conditioned ap ifances, -and sold birch, honey odour, ex- new TV's. Full warranty. Pad- Pey/sp " celrent. condition, 6 chairs, dy's Market; 905-263-8369 or table, buffet and hutch. $1200 100-798002: 080. can 905.655-$343 RESTAURANT CLOSING Ta FOR SALE -Boxer- pups. `Vet OAK DINETTE SET, table. W cwnrt deep trysts, "_ checked. Shots. Parents may le leaf, pedestal;'A chairs haunt pop kwol% potato viewed. '$400. 905 432- 5795. While aueniitles last!! peeler, three compartment 689$: PA is 04 us Our -business continues to grow do SUB PINE LOFT TREASURES 918 sink, cash -register gas targe. LOVING HOMES NEEDED for Call For Interview we need oat to row with us. CONTRACTORS G TERED MASSAGE THERAPIST simfwe St. N:, Oshawa 905 conee reelect, oaik counters, adult cats. Merry young and Y S For stungte roofiakg REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY f 579-9311 gm. refrigerators 623 mature kms . or neu- (905) 426-1322 - Immediate openings for Cabinetmakers ' toted, tuRy Wk - must hive own tools Per'Tit�'irlNnt Pert Tiine DELUXE GRACD stroller, ler i for horses. 10tktis with Est to produce the hi uality and- - hardly used green plaid 5100: SCRUBS -$27.75' 576 5,542 SUITE`DREAMS - Dwham's f Rbooster sometimes available. Commercial & Resi ential miture. h% rate d �� 11e therapist,re Ma�polIe _h back crib and Waft bedroom Y P'd p�s9 flTttrlBdlat in tIt lNlS ; vrefi eSt6ibllshfed iraitrass like new, $175. call 1979 HONDit'as, 4 cY1. good Marey medium to larger am re looking for We offer extremely competitive wages Ca111-ST7�►25 7663 � � 404-8378 attar B.'snp condition, 11100 •ALSO St)FT- breeds of dogs also f uq sates pilrsah for mhh stab phySiotherapyclinlc in Picke Ing• TOP TENT TRAILER, rod tiaa Psis $applies uq &benefits for thf; right candidates. 5 fitter Ilslhed locxiiorn in Durl►arit: An .. ChBMeI@ rOVid@d. ENGINE ONLY -from 4985' cwndition, $500 pbo. Cell 79- cat food- arta ' )and dors- Salo oppo► to join a These are excellent full time positions SITE VE - � Buick Park Ave., V6, 3.8L, 9300. tions always welcomed. resume 30 Hu y � app y t _, ( ) TINA niRtMit fiCKE11G FOR Please. calf Dtrmam Ammar Ohl t1 Yl i ' e need l p - END of LINE cLEArtour, SALE: also DM Chicks:, 0" and 338 8411 stable wi+l�g company. -FAX -1. for iridividlxaL resume to Human Resource Evenings 5=7 Tit tion. 5960.905 8391357 _. 4 R in LD. Please fax resume 26,000 km, excellent Pend Jam, Salta, -Sum- TRADESPEOPLE -AND HANOY tti�1 Ce fimrood mug go. Manress mersaun 2000. Ned Young, Eff PERSONS for lofal.hoame im- I.MF JACOSSEN Car required _. as `�rom'° $s9., mattress set s r Kk,gs, erinanY soeans. provemem company. Fu0 and '39 Riviera Dr. Unit 7, DAYCARE NEEDED, 7:30- FREE FIREWOOD - Broken tram $15& sbrfae rlOuble 3eis .Also Al-ddo&, buy or AM REG. BULLION Sorrel part time ava�ble. Must be E lish a must 6: .m. (fieible..hours) for 2 wooded sidds; 4 paBels. limit- from $219.. ueen set from sell. Can 905.626-5568. 4 old. Call for background neat m vane, cant foils . Marldtam ON L3R 8N4 call �► spies •1 ages 5 & 6. A1001- ad time offer. Frce delivery by 3269. Factory Mattress 1888 pgNEt01iK FdRNNTbRE...tl? M. (91 ,)725 7493 five tool and veMde mvuimd: Excel or fax to 995 479, -W7 -or der - Orahmir "eeK P5, area. ( ) tractor trader bad, 6 khace lett. 3282. 1650 St., led. wages. in-person Egt b Cell -837- PST NO GST during out 7th 220 b email to: la la eteknion.Ctuit (Locally only). 905.434.0392. Pkureriihp, Ontario. x73 Mic,►ael Whftby, 9 Y iii' Y (4 2- 6tdp:m. l 11288 Annual Factory .Clearance PUREBRED BLACK us, _.m. - 2 OxF* emlay - Friday- We wilt conrtoc.•t only those selected far interviews. WO - Custom ) Sale Due to overwhelm Ito pups for sail, ready in August, WE ARE LOOKING for mature shop, ing ienced m solid OUR NAM PROFESMO A KOZY NEAT FIREWOOD, ex- FLAGSTONE, 3' grey lime= *AW we are extending our vet check : first shots, lhogre- peopk to expand our mean woodAamunate/veneer fabri- Home Daycare lnc; Daycare acx biggest " - $raised, b s in home. teNmN � ihest q�Y tsrd- stone. Ca�shh imatfey 100 u1y sate d tlr6 Y�kr M Sat. raised. both ppm cation. Fax resumes to: 1905) Qroviders oheeded 11, Ajax and wood Guarantesd extra toe . sq.ft. & Ca Gar J 22f00, No Pst..No list Cal 905-987-4065 cal Services business in cis A 837-6753 or call for Interview . I?xlterrrp. You :work"at lgdie, time 'fuKy ssasoned, cut & � �. � & �• on all .our Emenawmnm area Please colt Grace Dos. (905)837 6751 prOvi a Safe environment, split (ready fo bran), Honest leY s Sawmill. (905) 263 2121 unttes, HWrre office. Dirk MiunED Budcsldru or 905-579-2869. MATEMAL HANDLING 1 2 years. Call 434 nutmo meats and fun ac- measurement. free delivery. Room, Kitchen end Bcdroan :asp ti+�e,5 "the rieTdmrt:. Por FOR SALE -Peg Perego 'Ele- tilfpMlAN'S IgTI1Es3 & sPa requM'Ss f♦ 9�7s3x246. vy Fur�ture...D Vit. miss 'on i mQ experienc�ed Nutrition= �more d abort.tthis exct blue w%pmaattmern � 5�0Cortior. �Calt rk! anit r YEARLING for sok - Dun istt. (naisticp�y i. 1'srsonal PARTS PERSON A DENTAL .OFFICE Mang . 91W ect our staff at 5 inn 416.295-1716 msg. sap State of the let maoe...Quaff trainers. E.M.S. and Body Mlrllnllaln,tw0 yeafs; ; regtir� fm 1'r@' g p►ao quarter -cress t .filly: Halter b m Atterhtlam: Fax mswne � nr orckermhg. Must be LOVING NANNY warhkd 213 +' " No 5ubstitufe for Quaff -broke; crass ties very fa{m Industf tai ul merit:ex once. us Pt►M1EREp air ram ms ry"'Traditional Woods tC; and alinfieso, • $1500: €eat 995 605.426-M. eq t flexib t,' 4xperienced in den- - days/W for 3 great cdkNen, � 418585. CONDITIONERS size: from 30-5 reuqq 115 North Port Road S Grey oft Reach Rd.) Port Parry, O1Kea Cali 9 -��� Petry. and pig great - poo- 73M. starti August kaki seat, 565. (905)576-0732: sot, s HP, 5800 OBO. 905 905 96x6n4...www.traditb s _Eax re'imle 4tten- References and drivers ti- 43'► APPLIANCES0392 Hdo Oft iFiEnc �r 7T22 , Lis' X35. renes required. 90.5 839 8660 ANTTOOE Buttemhit fhop leaf mD•on ce f please leave message. table, seats 6. Four antique HANn ptiarn es _ of - your tat{tmdk SNEDIMAN - Quality wooden 1669 Audi 100, mint condition; AOMMINSnIATW Assistant CHIROPRACTIC ASMSUNT doting odretrs. 1 targe white 31ance incef and degvery icein- shedsSNED 11' X 8' barn kit onN u�t loaded $7000 obo. 9&5 estAbli - required time, . pe SIGN MANUFAC IURER uireff 20 - 2255 hits. 011�R 75 HOME,&1(B`mmo`s. M be deswtr u u & s sithaics. Ikea luded. Frost -free fridges de-, $�• plus tax. Many other 'OA6 yyeet�rrss fir Office. ufesk/wafi unit grey, Large � & regular models, JIM _? and styles available. profit _ Microsoft fxfice, week . blast- Ire flexible. Mile and able to work days, antique sideboard tea- Also and decks. T61 1981 CAMARO =Black,` tined st skills REQ LTIRES Please submit resutte in r nights and alternate woe sonable otter's ietrsed. 905 Stoves, white &almond grapes ppee uupp Rd. un t 3 windows auto, good condi- ard ty to grfodtize DESIGNER son at: "8 -Old K' gston Rd., kends. Noir-smoker. 905686- 509.0039 i199/up. Washers/dryers, For more into: il� tion. '$t 800 Will certify. wrtxkloads ars also to 'red,. erience in Sign d ask 'et _ Dr fax (905) 427 Oi6 9079. matcht sok antra ceR.Y (905)57,4 -199. - company Dyfhamfe . •benefits Sri esign; } 1»�Sr by August 78.20 . ELECTRIC DRYER Vittinq 5449. washers $199khhp. Dry- exfoedent. wonlhng emhditions. scanning and IVC controlled router operation: excellent Conditio n tiDo. Cell ers SIM*. Amain freezer on KING .bed, pilbwto , extra- 1965 OLOSMOEILE Cutlass Wax fesirbroto 905420-7342 ECN®. CARD106RAPHER (90831-9759 bottom fridge, hie new only thickSupreme, 127,000 kit., $500: owledge of Signlab;_ Gerber, Flexi, Citral pahi time, Fax to (905)6611 $499. Air conditioners $f5w n �. " �'� �j Telephone (905) 436-0541 DOOUEEPERI MGR ac " " 8778 DAYCARE m my home ;In SOFA SET, 3 pieces; - be' aP Large set 2tion side by, lin txhwdald required by A)ex air Aix ' Lovrng em inamem: gp0000dd�condition, 5300. Call $,des $3 Alp. 4' stoves• ° �stic. cost $1880, sell 1989• MUSTANG - _4cyl•, fuel ceunfirhq firm.. fxpedenco in DENTAL iiy NOtti►igus meals. cratts, out- 9 5480 See; store for details. 426 $67 {416) 726 X85. injected motor, automatic SIGN FABRICATORAnstaller Par"me ' WOO an Simply ursed( GA %*h a raeitce in ail of eicial est and Saturdays. �Sil , and fun. Years of experi Shows St.S. (905)728.4043. WASNERISPIN - DRYER, (Hi- transmission with overdrive, . €MA)' co assel: course -(C & types co*tn (02443. antra. _Call Tasha 683-7421. i for Solle HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS for �), Oke new condition, New � M leaks,rut's gram, orrel M/S ONice. Good imerperson- signs' DAYCARE IN MY HOIhM; Hwy sele: 324 French St., Oshawa. 772120. (s 1360. Call 905 . $2100. ' CertifWitemissions. al and Communication skills. Applicants must possess a drivers L TE ��T/RPNyr ret b VMS Rd. E.C.E. mother CARPETS lots of carpet; Furniture, large & small ap { 905-47-2601 Able fo Prforitize part tirrre for buys ' G/ td one would like to cam flu 100% nylon, naw Stain re pliances, decor, tools, qa titan 1ANTAGE-GUITAR includes woitdoads, rax utsume and license with a good driving absiraet othce experience m ECCG your children 2 yrs to 6 yrs of lease car" on hand. 1 will equip., beds/dressers, khchen - Samick 22 watt amp boots, 1987 DODGE CARAVAN 2.6, expedat!orhs to: 905- Formad training is an asset. (905).668Stress 1877 rs. Fax age. Hot meals and tum achvi- 3 "rooms, $349.. Price ware. All - must go! Sat. and fender . $250 Q80. Call - rebkuft, • 3 years old, transmis- 68►i- T6. ties. Fenced yard. Cao Irene it des carpet, premium pfd Swh: 8 a.m. 905-433bkao srhp sigh sip, body fair conditio aJg ReSikMHiuE t0 . LICENCED REGISTERED 90x8374878, 905-837-0315: expert installation, fast delry "" $500 as is or best offer. Coil BUSY FULL service unrest MASSAGE THERAPIST. ilMt Cry. tree estimates (30 yards). KITCHEN CABINETS $700., NEW DIUMY window air oxer after 6p.m.725.2271.. mem office near .Scarborough - 90"86-4534 DAYCARE, experienced care- . Norman 686-2314. Beaubttlt Indian: carpet 12x18 ditioners. 5,000 Mu $239, Town Comm seeking p[ofes- needed. immediately. Picker- gi�r CPR & Rrst AW traced, $1.199„ Bal - sofa $250:, 7,000 btu $375:, 10,000 btu 1987 MAZDA selling for - Plane- Plane- fax resume to: smoke & pet. free. fenced 1MOVING SALE: 9PC ANTIQUE $2 its or for the person, to._ sional,=ensrgetic receptiooust. - wall unit 1250.. -2-Brown 5445,' 12.000 btu $495. Re= Computer riterate tyfhmg sr , TEST DRIVE YOUR FiEXT'JOB_ ) 427-9147. Z. Safe, reliable, reason- mahogany bedroom` suite leather look la4dioy chairs conditioned fridges $195 / up, be fled a� o.b.o. will " data entry sidle Fax resume ►D.A `full time, required im• aDie rates- Ctwrch St. , Cali (large armoire) 53900 - An- $100., Rocking chair $.W.' reconditioned ranges $125/ do.. Call Mike .at (905) 579- fo 1416)296 2646 IN THE' AUTOMOTIVE-1NL3tfS 'ItYf fly•""B x office. cfrelle 697 Bs74 #qua dressing s j9E )430 6136. up, reconditioned dryers $125/ 2209. rot $695. t table w/4 ti wDlas fa>< 05 6837790 HIGHWAY 2 8 DIXIE - Wil- rnp, recxinditioned washers 1667 NISSAN 308 SX, iuilY CORPQRATFaEURfCWhilby � er fS, Current) ret:rUiti-, apidm0 katey dee®nisch em Liam Owbar and St. Marguer= chairs 3475. Cherry Queen . ARE YOO LOrIKING for a, big $199 1 up,, crew and reeoncd• loaded with Proof, $3,195., office ce tum -an pea 8 ti�l� Wsemblers and' Warehouse workers OEIfrAL _ ,I P IONUT S BDi 3 -Ant ng table LCD Paneld hof thhe•199iO0n0ee boned cram t low pr washers 1991. Taurus 144K, 52;999. ite, relerences, CPR, arty ageand dryersat low prices: New fuU4ume .legal secretary. Moat needed lir PON" location. welcome, 11 yrs exp, non M19 $bleach. 2 . bed 3M 9800 overhead projector brand name fridges $480 and tCe�rteied a d I 55k. emission$3est�. have a -minimum Df 5Yy ttj worft air a_ iotydl _automotive supplier in A dance ;s a . smoker. Happy safe strut-, room suite $135. Bowman- (RroJerxs inn a up to! 140' " cera 30' with cbdk corporate experlence able to Durham Re ion. You must be able to Please . resume, attamioxh tared envrromnent, lots of ville (905)69135 i2 wide fxno whits rasa) RCA or Warranties available. P.M.hugs. (416) 721 3107 S video conrntion. Works anA window 5430: Recondi- 7301 or 426-1961 after 6 .m. ; work 0 Fax re work rotating shifts, "in both Pickering and Liss ®905 839af935 AIR CONDITIONERS rot sale. witii ani DVDs, VCRs, sale8ks twined 24- ranges and 24` frost 8' A.N.ARPH " aced for a PICKERING Bonk / Rolle: 6DOO BTU, $150. 8000 BTU free fridges now available. 1993 SUNMRD spotless, 2 soma 1a ( 9 OFFICE Whitby: YOU Will Cath extra money as $2 systems. Original cost"over Wide selection of other new door, -ice cold air, 4 cylinder, 5 HELP REQUIRED to , busy me office imine Loving daycare, i6 rnkxhth5 to $175.10,000 sifridge, ;150. $t5,000• Seg used in excellent and reconditioned appilances. speed, emission tested and ar a s Social a overtime Is required, including Sattlrtiays. - dude ! fo 12 "years. -Fax -to, Lily -: outings ire rep c �f�' .._ (905)571 Call us today, Sfephensoms�. certified. Excellent- condition. #ha1ry. soon. fa& fops with Starting salary 1S _ 8 501h i fl sctlefltlled ig 428 #501. :widwIds. (fenced, Dockyard and park)• 7285 or 985 3820. 1ppikazhk es. Sales, service, . 54200. Can 426 8922. ahanae of advanicememf to inCreaSeS and possibility, of Finanerit Crofts, story time; music, no LUIGrs CLEARANCE SALE. , Parts.' 154" Bruce SL Oshawa. Fi as a Mans and, trifMus rnreals &,snacks, First Alffi E MAPLE Dining sal, Futons are the perfect sleeper (905)576-7448. 1695 NISSAN SENTRA XE 4 Co dolor, only 82,000 kms, ou- 6R len Whit ". Aid, C.P..R. certified. Nan- � vintage, ►able; side taafile and spacesaver for everyL, Arty tomatic, air, excellent condi- rt Brown at (905) Please call Ra" at 985-831-76$3 or p e , - mak. receipts. 905-428, & byttet, elegant detailkig, a ms's theme and cottage. Ten 1 tion, emission tasted and cer- 665-7000 cW leaves, _ 6 chairs, $2,800. ne- different styles of futons; and 905-M-7732 between gam and 12 noon AVemt� howE - 1244; Please call 90x720 bunkbeds always in stock. lified, $9,500. Call 905 -665 - WE PARITwk,' One Fv11- Mdrldop#o frids . M ba Ilea alb WHITEWIROUD$ - It yrs. V Futtahs- from 5169/mattresses AN'nWES7AbsolvIeW Ad- -Alarm room operator, l�� e - riertce, non smoker, no $89. Palliser leaf her furniture voce always valuable, usually 1996 SUNFIRE t DR., customer service oriented, �Y�3�E s, cbsa to scfools, large APPLIANCES: refrigerator 2- at, wholesale pdcesl Sim- freeVurchasing oulrig ht, es tomatic, cd player, sunroof,, answerrdmq msant � V�I � ►eawne"to: b rfl, any aaggee door frost free, deluxe stove: atoms podke►kwil, now on sale. tates w/some antique cont- dual air bags abs moving keywrelcomed. Kmay matching heavy duty washer Always offering lire best qual- ems (no limit to value con must Sell 570-000: Canto . Shift work. Bene . -fl$1 - dy at :the lowest prices. We Dames (905) 728-3649 or fits ant fable, fax (905)683- fW `l7W & dryer f1875/atl -well cepa am gverstOcked everything sidered), collections of any work 905).644 4938 or emahT 6GJ1 rat off resume: 717: #t5>e : PCUSdWK: Canada.$ } rate. Also Kenmore. washerIs priced fo dear Futons/mat ►, quarditles or single an ftdge�ecf tdororhto ce p used 2' years 3'150. Pickering Fk ft Ave., Unit 1, Ajax. 3 bhelo food rwttmany s; - t e end o m #que items. SI>xlel interest in t91TATE SIEYtETARY , "IA00 �►po 2 div 'Ales poll D ENTAL �, ate'. (905) 426 5945. suit c e a es. Moorcroh pottery. til try to re-- 1997 TRANS. AM Convertible; Bimenopart tirrce for n bons. Nit Eigr: sup Receptionist UVE-NG N MAf�R8: fo FIGNKLIN fURNACE, oil leather`hrmfture -aW more!! , to sit pueri R�ert 300 6_ speed, loaded. 12 irhg Mrd -weekend Real EXPENtD .BALES' PER No cad landing. Muni_o� cars_ for Seniors 34 days/ water heater, -brick-blocks, reduced to dead tlr us ilowem .Amigfles Brooklin; i>adtD, 2Afy km, mire! Ga Estate effke experiertee 30 required for too used' uriri► velice and �, m person -ah resume fveelk. Fare $350/Neek ileal steel tieams, etc: f0 Radial out first,- y0u'ti be glad you Ontario. (905)655-8049 Or Coved �7��l��1q p& fax resuime to lion .ter cleats Please fax re ro travel, Avare ean>ayts. � Puams Mall Elerital Of for rstira► Seniors. arm saw, etc. Ph {905)I25 shopped Ltrxgis. Lu s Furni . 905.430-2550 Sartre to t9415�5785 $1500_ plustweek. Mr, Andrei Far Serintts )434-5t15. tore. 4>M SL: W Oshawa. ('0242 0890. 2848 V.P.1 8wffo0 331 9945. hce. Oshawa, No phone calfs: 7493 (906 436 0 .. tAIVisit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews:net AIP 20 NAuWmdWn 1 AGE fa BON S ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION} July 23, 2000 I i 1 Rr 4 + Rent 1 A000""eogeti°" Prwftwimm Ion Selo ,: : ' /1011. for $1111l IAott4y to lend _ eM K Eoidla 11101( to a. �r� IMM40MU person 10 #DISTRESS SALE * SS FMlti OUR NEXT USE VEHICLE _AT. share Iow0house in Picturing ernm 46 hrs. Gov-" = Village,, avah1. t. t, 2000. * POWER OF SALE 'k emme t" secured loans to RENT-WOR1 Y FREE For im9115 428�9085gtufres t� wandr a1 FREE List of Bank -owned Prgperties $250)1( 1-eTsa-0130 or. durhamwheels.com,1, 2 & 3.eed. A (9D5 . WESTERORE"by the, Bay, pro- Receive fa FREE computerized printout MONEY PROBLEMS, Get out Refurbished do New fessional non-smoking male of debt quick •withoof HE CAVALIER z24, warned to share beautiful 2 Pre -Recorded Message banlaupt or being 09mr e� red, tint. 5 loaded, pwr 1 Trailers ` 11 stmt Appliances. All CJtii. included. Storey home,' Guist mature Everyone accepted IV • 1.888 735-7664 ID#104� of creek •rating. Call %r free engrything, air keyless ern AJAX. 1 bedroorm, In-house Supt. & maint. street. Seconds from. French alarm: CD. 116000. 416-295- STORAGE TRAILERS for sale basement apt. Seperate err mart's Day, _pod, decks hct Pads Ratty Advaaeed ittormatian. 905-576-3505., 1716. On siite Securitt/ tub, barbecue, cot Wry decor, Student loans irnciuded or fent and kidang to b�uyy. wa trance, -laundry fig badr, CAC, - . 1f99 CHEY CAVALIER Z24 sant set them leve{ vh4ttn the no srtakera/pe FirstAast re hardwood. available imine- F et - 'IM RE loaded, Z24 cannxse - them evgreat work- d. 700. ktauslvri, s Rental Office: MOn - Fri. 12 boon' 8PRI diatdy S60!) inclusive. First/ money, to Lend` t�loRelr to Lend , haolo: Co. Tadce over lease at strop. 4311-7693 (snp) 2d 7=037 ask for Clovis. Sat do Sun 1ptn- 5pfli last.. rdeterNcea. 420 9038. 56.10 per month. Cab 905• • �) ACQUIRE CASH iSS51- Take 428 9085 1992. SANDPIPER 35' with BACHELOR APARTMENT. Y�IA� I O �n 0Bk0"i a. vantage of yo�r LInvest- slide-out, like -new cx 611411 Near Ajax hospital. Large, _ a . 1 menta. R.Of y with lar deck on beautiful nice above ground sepae - MMIAti�MEffiil' l.l.F., or A Pension Fund' from site inLARD ESTATES, entrance. f�d� ravuro, in ti1Ri` i VENTRE: office and ex employer of 10k re WHINANCE canpbaord. Many extras. _ dudes iridge/st¢� sharittftt space, office and .workst�p •s w red to be approved. Free Ind qtr. nskbtg 574.700. washeudryer. Suitable for gh)dg-g 70-1 0=0 now available. Cas (905) 434- �i t r+RWMNY Dl�Y 'IS "�iss iusY Grnnsultation. 'Private Finan- EYERYdNE cdr` ) s3 a3t7 workinngp adult or senior ata y s Y dal Assistance. 24 hrs. Call First t1iTit; buy- 19911 MALURD 26ft. tike Zen. No smokif Tdogslalco 80� kiave mess7ge. YOU ED �A�izt Toll Free 1-888-80D-0085. Fax new. $13,500 (7O 2611. Li Id. '$60mont 905-428 PICKERING -' walkout base- Caur�ee 1-877-7545251. erS, bankrupt, 4571 or 4W725-474. 8 bad credit, mint, ono bedroom apL very . Rent We hold your pCT;S0II1i elteque. til PaY�Ynonetgee, no CAMPER TRAILER hadto , BACHELOR APT S512/monnh• dean, non-smoker, no pets.mwwm credit. You 6-8,- stove,"fndge sink. ly plus uti►hies, 3rd floor walk- Separate entrance. FnrsiAast BOBCAYGEON LAKE FRONT. N0 EREDIT CHECR51 dinette. 9enceho• awning, n0 d or. enquiries Cadl $675. inclusive.. Call Available Au secluded tamely cottage R. % � ©-� �� MORTGAGES - Good, bad and work? You screened porch: theater spare rk 852-3407: Leave mes gust 1st. Cmt90542&.9653 1>edraom, 44pp�c. 11 iV: VCR, ugly. Fipanciny for am pun Gro, eleclnpl hook extras. ti - , micro, barba . ` well. huge drive! Lots of sari• DICKERING, BROgt a Fnicn. CA1.i irOWl pose. Ail applications accept $ 4790 o.b.o. Gal y05)834-. -deck, f k• A. �) ed. Call Comm Choice. Down or 6277 BASEMENT APT. 1 bedroom: Spacious, renovated. 1 bei Services i Trade R18 be CEDAR _1?ARK, north of whiteslStrou�. Private en room basement apt with sap 6571992. 1woffds y trance. Parking.'Laundry. Go ante entrance. Large. bed for So. tarSe40 6805 fegUlred. Bowmenwile. 3M Trailer, 2 , Go- ble, $inllle mature couple• room, livingroom. full bath � �� GREAT FISHING and famiy tipotrts, 8x14 add-a•room, No pets tiah sanokw Avai. room, complete kitchen and f. tuour BROOKLIN H YOUR OWN waterttw- • • 1 SPECIAL vrra around deck, winterized: 1st. Call r 4648 a laundry. An inclusivve: Who Modern cadag- 3 plus one bedroom 2 storey 3 bedroom plus swimming f11lAlICE qtr txtnd. $112,500 080. 00 morrnn. A Zble August es. Saran* black playground, with garage, gee heat, central ppb fancily room, }o min. RtfNENr � (905)579 2278. UYLY•w[liT8HORE - New 2 }, ygpp. Cab 905 428.6118: sh8d(en's DroOrom• Low pm air, extra upgrades, asking trim Port Pe►ry. Open House, DEPARTMENT FOLOt11G TAAILER RERDtIi bdrm• bfsa apt., en No pats, no smoking. x 61 pies, ddy i $195,00D. Place call for apps. a4' Mongtan► Or. m g trend ���- SHERMAN'CHEY New Y2K f;oleman's, sleeps . trance, laaxNlr E4ase m •: «variable. t sot- t9o5)s55 eoo3 saturor b a _pointms i - 4 W sk4noole and Woo . PICIIERNIG Town centre: tapes, (705)r>xIi 601 pm or by appointment (9os) s or 905-706.8498 6, fridge, tumace awrrng'Tow 5 ► ALSO i Cory _ 1 -bedroom basement : - OWN wN LESS than, rent. 9861001, wilts. any oar. Wise rials bdrm, seD.. entrance, own , apadmerht, Aaund , separate Flarlds Cozy 2 tredroom bungalow in $449hreek 3564 .b11h, share- kilcden. $350/ entrance, nos or pis,. Ostarnra. New windows GWlernfl'1tBt1t TS CQI1VF11TE 192 whiEe rry - 9447-tt194. month inclusive. Call Dibble Dreier single teoro e Aval• throughout. _qaa heat, C!A FundSS at Res (411 er Bus. able immediately Att undib CLEARWATER, 2 -3 -bedroom Large lot w8h maturo Aram FppD FY . 4�k4. vdealr SOLFERS DREAM, 4D' Park Nve. 5575. Call (905)686 SB,BB* VW OONAk $100 Grants and bertS �t askklg $1200. Call 428.0796. mo0ei plus Florida ttlWm, on C4t6)36 51 r fitly fumisthat. - Mr uxnndi Only R90 Really t 116 hole OeK uxttm11e. Excalent -6105. lonted. etured homes. n1S• rst Ltd., monthly: wooded. trailer of intormatiorrto CEMTRAI AJAII Basement 3800, Tor. One and egjand NEED A CAR? Q0nat6onr fumrstced, adult SMiCOE/TAUNTDN basement clubhouse, heated pool, hot X905 near Cobourp: Hydrolwat 10 yatu section, indoor/outdoor. �pI separate entrance, (9115 686 X800 (asp) business or farm.. $17,900. Gab (905)697-18f1 fad•. ale• use of washer/ separate entrarxxf x tub dose to beaches am sewers, ratio hi0s. next to �i ince and. Close to firopiaee. ale. parking, cable. major attractions. Children Famous 3 -BEDROOM county focal, sand beach, 1.800- BIX-1RAikER, 4'x8', $450. , as a in ➢001. Avmk: "Sept. 1st. Non Welcome $21S/weakly. Pho-. serN m court 7yrs eld, 4940 great swimminyOshing. Call Credd"C� Cehgo$j6 86.2458 , clusive, tirsviuL. available smoiagg adutt/senior. 1550/ lot shown yaw home. (4}6)431.1555 1 Pkersormb Low as $99/mth ULTRA �iGNi CADET house 905-5 say 4426 x124 mom brstnast. utast ae. frailer 13ft tem exten- CENTRAL Oshawa, lam 2 AJAX ,• Avg. Sept 2 - Clean � R�.Stu". - - �� fin• Gmpr CA w a T99hnt ph.lbs. -- ! 9 579 4522 C ) � def MAE ARE MIBNTCLu4s jug not stop t>fry, s00 cart be bedroom utas PSH WA level, "4 bedrooms. tai j DRIVE'TODAY.► p ided car. $3.300: maintalmd b"0 Close to 2 a 3 B/R".opts. 280 3 wasitrvans. Dearoom homes with pri 6136:900-(9Q5)7 rl Oshawa. trod scene, Misty River In l s°s ern all amenities. call Mardracd iloos, broaoloom, , 23 -SM BEAUTIFUL TRAILER STiEi tional mat Ontario's a trod! -509-2 (905)723-09779am 6p.m; wdntworth St. West $t 250 disc uOTties• tteakd :pools Canadian tnmm - available on Lake Seymanr, tional matchmaker, al (518) - $740 & $850.' utilities No non smkuker Call er. L� than • Imcary hotel KEEL HILLS 5 bedroom Campbellford. Launch ramps, 650-4204,(416) 7715302 , ES1DtB1lBH er . M =1n VOUNTRT SETTING, near incl. close to schools: pew n 905-931-9500 rates. 1.800 24&}�6 httpJ/ home,' 2 +1 bathroom, large heated pool, on-site conven- yowrwowBiacksttrck 3 bedroom tum- shopp'n1g end 401. Pub- vrebinonhe.idirectuxarn/-croUce kitdron, on 10 akxes. DURHAM'S OWN DATMI&- i Drimro t reat Car! 1 yDu wwm - Honda CR$o dirt house- withhe?hout apo he liC Tr2nsit right pas3 .3 bLrm. 21100 sq.ft. 2 p*� Park -1 setthtg ram 6noi hie 30 acus grass, 2000` SERVICE$ calf 1105-683-1110. or have i ea srednl a bdx anNar Endura dht bike, os: Avalable Sept abro0. storey home. Huge family 1 le dept ami trout stream waterfront.. Family trailer park Create a private mailbox ds . a past Oankru WE UcAN. 0obd ++x�ion reasons tram also available. 905 -SW Y r boot for I room, , hrepla�a. Owktt 9 00p1 K�JOS 9836073 acrd .reson. wODDVXO ES , b► a other personal ads FLP! Ca�O lief for Your 0 0778.snp 905 T�1-tf741 ' crescent AC..21/2 Lite;ttoki5 ' LAROE 1+1 BEDROOM fi$1T � Meet a mevt Frlerhd or J�r oI G Bruce ( )668-' ) ItARWOODtBAYIY.- 3 Uecl- t � interbddr� ` WOW, NM rtaotfay doeim. bet Love for life. 58A6"Val 3Br toil free 11-877' =. room maks Y .- 3 5bad- T� OM: 2 baths: $t�3gle5�! sncF. utiir�es. Available in ion less than rtsm. ,011-01 s duplex,, brand new kitchen 68633Id!x2 Gus Brown Pontiac 1808 SUM �' main floor laundry room. Aug. lst.905427-t796. 3 bedroom home; 2 bedroonh cupboards, ceramics, new a i 1 2740okms certified, $}800 per month plus Bo% •uiiii i s• deck downtown - wbttbv, arc ,Marge lot, hum lot. gbo CCK ( ffi-721-8951. Available MOM M. Ist9att. 1775.riw phs`hydro. Call 99.g�5 OwN FOR LESS than rent. broadloom ihroughotd. New tglW TORR` IffXT used "vin= references no dose to all 619-2488." Cory 2 -bedroom bungalow in 5719,900 isn't it hme.•you Y psi windows, door, �s haat peat:durliamwlrodsused 1198 3X BN, -Kawasaki buck amenities Cal (905) -420- Oslawa. New windows owne47 Actrick Jol statift No SS p' .comA4 sinner, crow this re8.r, 2 }281. WHITBY August Ist. ldeal throughout, heat,A gNj geed «edit" n9t+hed. Call- Gonias same as,teM IEAIE NiKEDYER - t99i t g hehnuts anal Wket lex gkael lex ,:29edrgont in Lrye lot inhere 110411, •._ g a WS -128` 4Jlpets ndL3X_ R- largest and fastest ang�rowing 1192000.6.0. Cab 7111 8891.. ��gg� dean,t ee9roomn . l" • " . ypp�- The world's' gk Talon - Red w/bledk rad`6 ' S Aiax: Quiet area, fehreed tkVji $109900 " 1600 Remac 5 :" available. Mike '(905) business. services franchise is exp ng in spoiler: 5 spews. ppwar, wa'� Apertmyau entrance• �'" :' , Ramax tld' � Ajax/Pickering. We are seeking ale customer cwt /.kicks tkTm cohdl>fatt:" i l room, No Si -Inclusive, 9� 11x. Bne 435-9664 1 g g 1 t I -lock $3708t per " 'r'fim BROOgNI BEAUTYI Blooming $875: ar668 8667"34DD (sung) service oriented, self startir;g franchisee to join bathroom, iluiet-------T- 3 bedroom freehpld end Gell hi k of over 270 centers in Sahous Ngukes ourfranchise network Dave at - working,.- nock sit. at ppre- .WHITBY Spacious 3 itdrrrn, WMRBY, fM7lR O0, large ra victoran styled townh tme: �4�a. 111 year.new de- Canada and 4,100'centers woifidwide. A 5010.snp ` fined. No t$; 1011ast. lunge eat -len- kitchen. Avail. vine Iof 3•bedroom-buniialow: 1440 s4 It set on a larger --gated Matte, 3s1 bedrooms, {8�) message: Sept. 44995/month Inds waKrout lnasefrcent, 2 car at• protessionalty landscaped lot- pbenomenal..apportunity. Mail Boxes Etc. 1 NEW bedroom bosenrornt ave. CaB'Paul Bird, Mincom tadhed garage $1300 prus, 3 } ' rovides coni operational, marketing, k�annwm (95)720-2004., (9fS)668-69811 or (90427- tel! Wades and 3 -level custom-built deck P $750/month. WNW - shpt: W. , extras! Asking '$169:900. Call overlooking landscaped training, support and powerful advertising new. � AMoma/Twin , WRTfBY extra 1 -bed- (90) 655-4387 o Tre- � and lake Q exposure. loin the world leader. For franchise 211 �t CARS! es buy backs used whicdes. Vehicles must Rivers ar.i. Avail. Atugtst 1st. ream apt.,- in dead triplex WHY T1Ntaw Si$ away? motxd.,96eJnotkrroil.com. No Non smokers, Cable and u% buildingAvailable Sept. 1st. several homes available wMh $174.,900. Call Bob or trma! information on this exceptional opportunity ba len rerndng condition. Call tip incl 00412, $725 mus tuydro. Also, 3 -bed Tittte br ra S Barin. F> `' e - 905-579.4051 CALL. 427-2415 ux come to 474 , - Body St. East, Ajak at 1w 1- OREt DROOM,apts. for Au- roomy Momtom, kitchen d(nirng avagaDie. Owrt• 1-800-661=6232 EXT. 287 AD AUTO SALES. 1r iW�edpl n�t �d� q� � s�r 435 664 � . � plusngbasor It Ikr Dries boats'- We pay up to Std. amostly AM �ew�ccall � . Avolgble Scot. t 5 1 LL Cash on the spot Any 4623, 418)2696 55449; roomOSNIt 4 bad - lion, -any. year. Call us any- TWO bedraaea, let. townhouse close 41) ` ifine, 24 lucre 7 days.'30 central edr am.. pre WHITBY, DUPLEX, lower lev- schools, shopgki➢. $111f0 per min. squire. 905 686 0605 or ferred, fridge shove. carpeted, 41.2 bedroom, treshN painted. month plus uust t3rs(9 906 706 3880: frothy-pairft shopping, sem, 1 parking apace, avail to amgksr_ 1st (9 95) ivory, Pa • pets, near bus. sin aryr blast raquited no M non578 9858. days. WIHrttD Duni of AHhrt,. reastmable:. (905)7252642 $75OJmo. pies uOthies. cal KM > T� area (S Ei Cart Trucks, Madhif+ay a 5pm. 905-666-8763, townhice.ouse. 3 bedroom Me" plus cath• Cali ONE BfOMtO01B basement ap X7893 or 9f15 434 431192; WNITttY Large 1 bedroom pOances. $975 ♦}�r� av01i U ptkaise. Avail 1 %;W WHADWWJVE a�� folt Sib � able -Sept. tsL. D/t>romh basenlenl apt•.Close 111-att able August }_ Ca1(905)721 firsvlast. {lttMles included. amenities. Aval; Aug. 15th. ,821$:- - available .Aug 1st. Fridge.car$600/maNh include$ utilities 9BIS CNEY TROCK , pay stove. cleat. tpro mdudaii. �re 47247 letmY rkoq. Rrstllast Nki i restored $2500. 199P ahol No $74ffJmomd Cxpet, '571-733f�(snp) pe�n0. Call (905 Blazer Handymen's special 1 : palirk r�} .space. laumdry. 874(11 or after Spm (9056 6 - fu m dam $1500, OBD, 88 {fie Cara Daytime ±±6633 8833669 or tush O$RAWA f bellydont lass X45 hem& geared fapTiUes ; 1n . vat cenJam l., $1900: 1990 tugs 263-2522.' . ment apanmi nt, stm w1va WNY rem wham you can own dudes-" cable, ': dig, dish - GMC coling chassis 4x4. 350 person. Parking, centra{ air, complete $1500 2 BEDROOM avallabe any yak„ �. $595/mnxith. Your own home r less than washer. mtcrrvave Sums Woe; 1 bedroom_ available RrsVbst requrred Available ou mnk?l! Calf Dave Hay- working non-smoker. 5400/ sept. td• Located it 350 Ma- immediately, (405j7Y7.9242. �� ReiMaa- no. " rstAast. (905)427- t9H CHEV SRVERADO 112 Iaga Rd., Osthawa. $620 i Stumrat 1991 Ltd 5932.. tot: 350 V8, arbfled emus $720tmo. a8 {nctusive. No OSHAMIA APTS. Batdndor 1 1(9g0p6�) 668�'or (9006 GL#AM; SAID environment, SiOts iesle, fudAr load, Please can from m a.2 bethmom. indurdes a8 $nil 3211.:, - $3'15, dose to ag mron tion. 3 'box #net. wex a� m., Mon -Sal. (9078 iVes'amd parking: Laundry `on a Loal llenta0 Alex• Haavuood, woAiMg 1e -he M0 56,000. Call 905 725 8445 6724: sHe. $udRm 7 f9�05 32- 1 .e+, �• n.M k mak�prefyened. Ava4ade Aug. -----2-- .. � 5. Or for all 1- AUL y Bedroow Horace on farm 80 hang area: LaRle 3-IGWA, 3 'bed= yard, s. $6Wmo. 151 } ofus . ces. 'Near hwy 115. t&WWHeat 905 721158: parking, act lash For PAN a_(90a) 723-2994. Quiet btr8olng near A ABA DABA. DO 6. months trans orW06e �- "tree! own your. own hoarse, ded. tellym 04AMiN 1- Ceeh -track bonus. to you! froom $679 2lbid- =,000 plus family income �g 1, from . $71.9, Shortof down payment? For r686:tr1U1730pm^ spec(aulau results call bn 6 iJiRGE LINE_ ..Coils associate broker, base apart Coldvnll Banker-RMR heal , n eitrollCe, Aigust . Esate (905)728-9414 or' 1- plus. 1'13 utilities. -877-663-1054 emailmoil'seidireacom 6, LIVERPOOL' #2. :broom basemen) S BOgtOQM 2 storoy h9nhse separate entrance, rent $LIDO per mon. plus able, 2ic.. newly, `rau- no y utl J1W Partt/Jobn. CaO 432 knclus{ve� 7999 of 242-5908 (Cel) (9051837 -AW A UNSbTME "ALI From B Renovated 3' &00 4aWn: own vow orm AM''pAGE 22 NM ADVERTWER SUNOAY.EDITION July 23, IM NEVIS ADVEfITISER SUNDAY EwtoN, juIy 2s 2bo6 PAGE 23+A/F x ' Continue the tradition of ed's-Big MO riginalDnve to r n�►nr„o food, grow.times. since 2 : 751: Piekedog Pa , : +wom 'OR INS i42 featuring r DA ER SAITSFAC 770, - AT rro mrCR`�. 3 7 ety i /rvi £ u �V1 jtU 'F Jim ice' IE&e �/y k �p " .�fliLG 170 MRS, Fa2p a Lv. act Y� r �� �Fi.. flli��� d�� r',.,,, "V" `if� wow Bay ( mems fll��j��� ,7m,� x �Q� AA PAGE 24 Alp NEWS ADVERTMER -St*=,Y EDMOK July 23, 2000 = i r= tawmanam FlyNMI ow trade, I* windows, pmMer bGtx robed.fidsw, in. bk.w Low control, A111�Fkf cassette, 's.AaWsee! speed idem I pmt k% 4 M10A -ism bow 110: 7 un, 7 in Tdp Of the so HUrql 14MA W* lk SAM fe* to io. stigm- S&km,#4ftaPft" at- cl= or*o" 2 dr. Isopt Is" 1, rK alik Ar oo"�; At Ok*OK Mill 11111M Ell � nr Mill