HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_07_21:.{-R,,. PIC G .{ PICKER -I -G,S 0MM (I�TY �IFW.SPAP ,r5�1� T �vc�t 3ti,iflt...-. F �� X000 ' +KLIBRY. $5f S1 NEWSSTAND Fl - .. N la on'S on 7 f rthe e -pi -ace - movie sports -Imft"und U down 4Wk-s.an, F .. Y- on.:rte t� �� t bV'I �= _ts w.w _ ' rug rai 4ntari�Rtalty Corporatim have ffinished the'A this wek.viduai properties, will be = d sad y zssays 37 of its 55'welisin Pickeing Sp man Judith d Pub when the testing is Are'o ted. the QRC,hm one 11�jatc=vveii, juvhidi: completed STL�P'i111€ SI�IAW GC3Ttned off by police tape and �WTnr i Wjaa€'Fire Department was re - r K3agger dims Lumted, ,@is Owl- is ;�Vf "� a See USC 4' Police, teams .executed per, �uesttvd to standby, at the scene, dawli raids Wednesday across. m itortng` search. It ag.. engineers . veIls page l Durham, ' wc} ag a _-homsd ,- 110Membeg! of die To dnto police, " north Ajax�.spspocted of housing' Special Investigations Servtcsst:. anstasy iib -_ , . which is conducting the xn�+ehga- T Assisted by Health Canada `of- tion with Durham" Regional Police fidWs, police d6nned special pro- . assisting, spent all day..Wednes- W- soft air they, carefully re- daylidentifying and cutalogu m -W j RO1V PIJrTittril�Q1 Newsuser plsoti - .:}1r s'i.:. i ♦ - 1(�{�iyyy`. s hid to suit up in protective gen.r.�esday before ding: into Q�, ener - . ;t �y�,� ilkgat dru 1,ab yV¢S 4cpve�ed �m, i# eJL .. Y- on.:rte t� �� t bV'I �= _ts _ • BY M1KE iet/7Ahired by the provincial agcy to with. what she did not specify. Siaff Writer `test wens ori -its prop ties, was to said ahe test results for-indi ` 4ntari�Rtalty Corporatim have ffinished the'A this wek.viduai properties, will be = d sad y zssays 37 of its 55'welisin Pickeing Sp man Judith d Pub when the testing is Are'o ted. the QRC,hm one 11�jatc=vveii, juvhidi: completed .fl8# r K3agger dims Lumted, ,@is Owl- is ;�Vf "� a See USC 4' It ag.. engineers . veIls page l Ntft ADVER"JL*,�FRIb #I5�, WAl*+A* Thirst being quenched at Chalk Lake natural spring How lmkhy e• is your well? � BYMARYJANE CONBOY en to'Spring ��e� on Special to .This Week Earlier this year, the worst E. "coli out BY TODD HAMILTON - break in Canadian history ooairred in. Walkerton. Thousands fell M, countless Staff Writer died and health officials are investigating a Constant warnings haven't de- - . :- number of other deaths that might have re- terred people from drinking water "° sulted from contaminated water. from the Chalk Lake natural The water was contaminated with fecal springs. ' } _ bacteria. The particular bacteria that The popular springs ` on Lak "t caused the illness was a pathogeniostrain eridge Road, near Lakeridge Ski Gv' of the bacterium Esdierichia coli (E. Coli Resort, continues to be a: common :- 0157-:Wj. Although most strains of E coli source of water, even though, it y are. harmless aW Hoe:iii the aitestines of N has had posted warning. signs .for , ~ �' �� ' �" � .: ��. f - healthy umans and animals, this stain "° _ _ , nearly a decade: _ ,�"• /�►'�cpstoxin can cause and severe �l "That's before my time," said and Beat L This is only one of marry, recent out - Neal Mattes, senior inspector for x breaks n North America. Contamination of the Durham Region Health De -f drinking rural drinking water by bacteria is more partment. "It's safe to say that sign common than co tamindtion due to exces- has been there since the early N;� t sive nitrates or pests. Almost half the 1990s. „ wells tested in an Ontario survey had fecal In the wake of the Walkerton bacteria present in the wellwater. The crisis, and more recently closer to safety .of drinking water is declining home in Pickering and the Region r � 2 � . throughout the works because of microbio- as a whole media re its have po logical contamination. This decline is not raised public awareness to the f Y E on "in Third Works countries, but in devel- possibilities of water contamina-, o. x oped countries. ' tion almost to a level of hysteria..:. Durham officials agreed that °� W ' TEST YOUR WELL WATER while it is advisable to be cautious" s at all times and vigilant; all non- The local health unit will test your well regulated water sources including water for bacteria far free. Stop by the unit . private wells and springs po- " and pick up a container, follow the instnx~ ,are ` tentially, prone to periodic contam- tions and return your water sample to the ination. CARL FERENCZJ News Advertiser photo health unit. They will send you the results, or you can call after 48 hours. Officials say while they are ander no obligation to test the The Ministry of Health tests well water water at the spring they do so be- The Chalk Lake spring has been a very popular spot lately. for total coliform and fecal coliform bacte- cause of the sheer numbers that ria: These bacteria are used because they use-die water source. nation of the unprotected. source bac- zero," Mr. Mattes said. "But that is The region continues to test the have similar life cycles, h pathogenicsn feria. The presence these organisms "Wedo feel -to some degree and they are satisfied -with the test- t indicative of only one point in site twice a month and takes at- it water is a strong indication of recent' nsible to test the. water .. even ing done by the Region. spo _ time, that's the problem with least one -scan per year for chemi- sewage or animal waste contamination. if we are not able to endorse it," "I... investigated -it and they test water testing. We try to use it as a cals. Where these bacteria are present more Mr. Mattes said. "We know people • it so I'm happy, that;' Cathy, predictor of. ;what is happening Durham officials said that �e� may also be present and take that water regardless_of what' Pinarreta, who drives an ;hour with the water. should there be any -indication of therefore you should drink this water we say, even though it is buyer be- -from- 'Toronto.. for' the water. Even'though there have' been contamination they would imme- without treatment. ware to a certain extent." "We've -_been drinking it, for five no indications -of contaminants at diately notify the municipalities regardless of the old posted ." yearsand I don't have... any con- =-the _spring, those using the water and post notices at the spring. ' WHERE DOES THIS warning, users of the spring show cerns. Even from the store (bottled may be inadvertently contaminat- "I don't think thereis any phys-. BACTERIIACOME FROM!? -little concern and are more suspi- water) there are some concerns: ing the water themselves. ical way to shut it off but we may cious of municipal tap water. You still ,never know.'.' "What concerns me are some put barriers up if need- e," Mr. E. coli comes from human and animal "I won't touch that tap water," Durham .records for the past - of the collection bottles they are Mattes said., "We would use every wastes. During rainfalls, snow melts, or Ghizelle Brisson of Oshawa said.' calendar year have shown' no using.' I would gather that many of means possible to inform people." other types of precipitation, E. coli may be "You take your chances with it traces. of, any bacterial _Cor 'the vessels used to hold the water In the meantime, spring users was into creeks, rivers, streams, lakes (tap water).... I'll take my chances rants but because the spring'is an are not disinfected or sterile and "° find little wrong_ with the crisp, or groundwater. Whreri these waters are with this (spring water)." unprotected source,, that number contaminate it, even though the clear water flowing from the used as sources of drinking water and the Water taste, most of the spring could change virtually instanta- water is fine," he said. "I've, seen spring. "I've been drinking it for water isnot treated or inadequately treat - ' lining there all 10 I'm not dead yet," ed, E. coli may end up in drinking water.., users said, overrides their con- neously. kerns of -water contami- "Everything has been zero and, people up with years and kinds of bottles." Ms. Brisson said. Coliform bacteria originate in the intesti- possible - nal tract of warm-blooded animals theme- fore Where coliform bacteria occur in well water this Is evidence of movement from t e in ater labssw the surface (or near surface) of the soil into , groundwater. The two ;main potential sources of fecal' contamination in rural areas Up. � ¢ are manure from. livestock opera - Health - de artment }n to kee u with oWln demands berms and septic tank systems. - BY LESLEY McMASTRK ' Recreational Complex, .2240 helped contaminate •shallow or .iform and E,coli cost $10 'each, LOOK AT YOUR WELL Staff Writer Hwy. 2 in Bowtnanville. poorly constructed, wells, he says. but residents can also test their :This spring's water woes have -Bottles can then be dropped This week also marks the be- water for other inorganics, gaso- On the farm there can be several ani- labs across the province strug- off at health unit sites, local hos- ginning of the department's annu- . lime and solvents, various 'pesti- mals. However, when looking at the histo- gling to keep up with request's -for pitals and Garnet: B. 'Rickard _ al E. coli testing of local beaches. cides,_ oil and diesels for'various ry of contamination of the well or by doing free water testing. Recreational Complex.. -Health officials- are doubling their prices plus shipping costs.' a visual inspection around" the well,. the "We're swamped," says Tony "Provincial labs - are handling ` sampling of Durham's •16 swim- Those interested can° contact ' sources can be limited. As livestock opera- Wong, director of the Durham from I,000 to 1,500 samples -a ming holes because of raised pub- . the OFA, which sends the order to �n wig generally have a concentrated Health Department. "Our provin- day," -explains Mr. Wong. "Some lie awareness about water quality a lab in London, Ont. area of manure, which would house a very cial labs are so inundated with : samples we're sending directly to and with the help of added sum- Atest kit is then sent to the res- � number of bacteria, this would be the samples, "we're limiting one sate- our regional lab for a quicker -re- mer student staff.. ident via a courier. most Wa* source -of animal origin manure ple per household." sponse because they have special- Results should be ready next Results are reported back to on a farm. Other poss des include rodents or The Durham Health Depart- ty testing!' - week, Mr Wong says. the resident in three to four other animals falling into and dying in the Ment offers a free pickup and Health department officials For those•interested in another weeks. well, or an incorrectly sealed well which al- service. for those ques- have also been kept busy answer- ,i perspective, the Ontario Federa= Well testing should be done rodents cn �, or other animals to lows rodents tioning the quality of their water ing a growing number of phone tion ,of Agriculture offers third- yearly, and through the. health basically five aitd defecate within. the well. supply. Sample bottles can be calls from residents concerned party testing through its baseline unit, it's free for total coliform Visual inspection should reveal � per- picked up at the health depart- - about their drinking source. -:Mr. water well testing program. and E. coli testing," says Ms.ence ,� inside and if the ment's locations at" 2 Campbell Wong says "a variety of contami- The OFA's volume of calls in- Beaton. web tests high for bacteria, but has never Dr. S., Suite 301 in Uxbridge, 126 nation` issues" are coming back, quiring about the program have " : "But sometimes people just, had any bacteria prior to this occasion, this Commercial Ave. in Ajax, and from public labs: definitely increased with the con= want a third -party source." would be a clue that a visual inspection of 1615 Dundas St. E. in Whitby; High total coliform and E. coli --cern about drinking water, says For more: information, contact, the well is necessary. any local hospital and municipal are the most prevalent because executive assistant Wendy Beat-' '- the health department at 723-8521 office, and.at,Gartiel B. Rickard heavy tonrential°`downpours have on. Basic testing for total col- or.the OFA at 1-800-668-3276. aWforDwJam "!'°t'IFe&rs a rn9fA tuftu y''�'" Myst for the OnWb Fedsr►pNon Agri - PgPA604MMMWAViOFie ISEA1 FMDWE13 THKT.N!Wgt 20MU List'do'esn't tell whole story: Region BY JACQUIE MCINNES further testing. proved to be safe "u:1w gests Alex Connor, environmental man - Writer "The municipater supply in "The ager for the -Region's department of Residents tapped into -municipal Durham Region is naintained;',Mr health, The heavy rains this summer " water. in Durham can keep on drinking Thompson says. `Testing is carried out have created more problems" than usual while their neighbours on well systems continuously with water testing done on for residents with dug wells fed by shal- - should keep on testing to ensure their a daily basis. The water is safe to drink. low aquifers, he, says. Many of the wells supply is safe. There is no reason for concern:' coming back with poor .quality. results Reassurances came straight from the ` While reports of the water problems are shallow, dug wells south of the Oak' top at the Region's works department " are concerning to residents, he says the., Ridges Moraine, he adds. about the safety of Durham's municipal truth is "time to time you will get a neg- The health department recommends -.water systems yesterday; following a alive result "from a well" and that's noth- testing four times a year for dug wells leaked Ministry of the Environment ing new." and twice a year for drilled wells. Resi- `Adverse Water Incidents Report.' Calling the, series of events "at Walk- dents should follow, up their results with - The report contained thenames of erton a tragedy, he says the. one good the ..Peterborough lab the samples are dozens of Ontario communities believed thing to come of it is people becoming sent to, he adds, because the Durham to be experierWing water quality difficul- -more aware of potential water problems health department does not receive indi- ties within the province. The list includ- and having their wells tested: regularly. vidual results. " ed 'Pickering, Courtice, Uxbridge and While municipally -served residents The Region has information on water Brock. But,- Ken Thompson, director of can be reassured the $9.8 million operat- safety and instructions on well testing environmental services for the Region, -ing budget for the Region's ,water sys- available through a link -on its web site. says" all the Durham incidents were iso- tems is providing a clean drink, private It can be accessed at lated cases and the- water ,in question well owners must remain vigilant," sug- www.region.durham.on.ca. x RON PIETRONIROI News Advertiser photo e have keoff Ajax resident Chris Pe% ``was airborne; in Pickering this week, after stopping by the skateboard comple at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Lopa.l ngol,den in:ex,resbf the Dube Two young Durham -Re- than Armed Forces. gion 11men were Ihonoured For 19 -year-old Stephei by royalty in Montreal on Harrington of Whitby Monday, when they re- whose 'interests run the ceived the gold award of gamut from -stamp collect achievement from The Earl ing to tearing up the rac of Wessex, Prince Edward,, quetball court, his involve the Queen's youngest , ment in the challenge child. helped him improve his or The award, which is'' art ganizations skills. He trav of The Duke of Edinburgh elled to Frontenac Provin Young Canadians Chal- cial Park for hiking and at lenge, recognizes responsi- tended the CanadianJam bility,, personal- develop- : boree with Scouts Canad mens and involvement in in Thunder Bay in recen the community. years while volunteer nj Matt Reid, 19; of Pick- with the Venturers scoutin ening, -went all -the way, -to group" and coaching socce ,Wales for two weeks; -.of _; locally. mountaineering and -mill= The Young Canadian Lary training in 1997 to dis- - Challenge award wa tinguish`himself before "the founded by the Duke of Ed award selection committee. 'inburgh, Prince Philip ani The very" fit young man, has bronze and silver cate .who weight trains, para' gories as well as the gold chutes and runs, has served Open to all young peopl his community by cutting between the ages of l4 an lawns for - the elderly and 25 the} participants -estab assisting atRoyal Canadian lish their own goals in ;th Legion , dinners. The, Sir". areas' of, community ser Sandford, leming College 1, vice, . , skills developmeril student, plans to be a can physical fitness and expedi servation officer and"hked tions. The award ceremon; 85 kilometres along- the in Montreal will honour 8: Bruce Trail in 1998, die Canadian- youth. from On same year he earned his tario, Manitoba and Que jump wings with the Cana- be.c. NffM is &MMI NMI FFi1+2MWW=8VWPq Lvuv caravan NWrtAPV &4T Chirlopracto rsvince a so Board -,chainnen: say - CHIROPRACTOR 'Sftom page I 00 (Sale� Dates. July �9�, 20Q0Y_(M74W1 q) they, run again the start of the search showed a strong of volatile, materials; said . Pereira, Ross -to -seek re-election presence .one officer. Were talking about a lot. . . . . . advertised ori page 10;' - stated - 'of chemicals. It's scary to think this The .,chaien of stuff was in a house on a residential Durham' ' g twormI school street." boards-- say they will seek A chiropractor's office attached to another term of office in this a Pickering fitness centre and an in - U, -riot in0d.dol.this.adapWr fall's municipal elections. dustrial'unit-undera children's .dance is nota convwkm row neat eat. Fran Pereira of the studio , in Whitby were also raided, po- . ..... -Durham Catholic District lice sources said School Board and' Doug L: Det. Glendinning said the investi- Ross-of the Durham District gation is ongoing and refused to re- AUVE School Board in interview 'this.. leAse,any details about the case, in- N Mmesefler Migwkes Wiff- - oti Ma4,_. week- indicated, they cluding the number of arrests- or -:AJAXR1C-kMNQ`Anew report has homesellers make -7 -deadly mistakes fttl,. plan to sipfhe Nov.o charges. mistakes that --most- -homeowners make The good news- is that,each and every one when sellin' 9 -their home,and A 9 Step of, these mistakes is entirely preventabie., A Toronto,Police spokesman said a System that can helpseyor home n answer -to this issue, industry insiders= youll -uJ erInse- - One of two Pickering news release -would be issued- Motf- -trustees, --on the Catholic day. the traditional ways of selling homes have Home Sold'Fast and For Tap Dollar board,, Ms., Pereira will -be Meanwhile, neighbours of the Hes- -going aftef ii third' term. She ter Avenue residence, northwest of -their home and become -0 usi, iojrw .24 hours a slay; 7 days a wee is in ' her sixth year on the FRAM PEREIRA Church Street and Hwy. 2, gathered they -put their home on the market. Call NOW to find out how you cart get -.-- board and was elected chain - outside and watchedas officers tested This report isrowtesy of Biff Apw,?7xANttiAeUnwx RaTfyNot ~Ad ro Jv*cWpmpMx aormdy hJustforsak Copyright# 2". -man by her peers last De-,. kids; they work so hard." assorted chernicals which could be cember. Ms. Pereira is direr- Mr. Ross is, one of two seen lining the shdve - s in the'. garage. tor: of the Ontario Catholic Whitby trustees on the pub-, A pill -pressing mac-hin& was also c bpaid and is in his School Trustees' Associa, li,d an officer said. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tion and the Education Net onterm at the bq�rd, table. ",'This is a nice, quiet neighbour- work of Ontario. She said He was elected chairman in hood. Trust me, we're pretty shocked her , involvement, :at the December, 1998 and repre- Nothing ever happensaround here," a, Provincial level gives -her a. sents the' board on several woman said. RON PIETRONIROI News Advertiser photo good feel for what's happen- , provincial organizations, in - One police source said five sus- ing, at boards across Ontario, - eluding the Ontario Public pepts were . arrested including a -man An illegal drug tab was discovered at this -Wester Avenue home. living the Hestci�v nuc home, dur- and an opportunity to make School Boards' Association comparisons with the and The Learning Partner- at ing the raids conducted late Tuesday among party -goers attending all-night, The drug, which stimulates the Durham Catholic board. ship. 'for or early Wednesday. underground dances called Raves.- _- user's 1central nervous system, and also Ms. Pereira said she. "I am going to run The, source described the scope of The process of manufacturing Ec- produces hallucinogenic effects, has would miss the job if -she trustee," said Mr. Ross. "I the-investigationlis "fairly large' and stagy, a semi -synthetic drug which is been blamed in several fatal overdos- didn't ruin see the value of public edu- - said the alleged designer drug opera- also known as MDMA, can be ex- es in the Greater Toronto Area, which "I'love working with the cation tion was manufacturing as many as tremely dangerous. in that it involves prompted a recent coroner's inquest. people, the teachers and the 1 don't have any other 10,000 pills weekly.changing the- molecular. structure of The drug sells on the street any- students," she said. I get aspirations. I like being in Ecstas�- is the drug -'of choice existing chemical compounds., where between $10 to $40 a pill. teary-eyed when I see the volved." W I o -Am gift 2 a UU %Z in N N'Sup the Oshawa Centre n ECIM-N Wtldt 400011REMON For our SaW, SWSUn. Pro-Ptint,(Sale: Cl ITT �A 17, ro ID our Tj the In 'July 19-9 2OW live Dates: July 22-2-3 2000)(W073W Ad 0 . 100).a for our -19nid.- k6hd'W*►arehouse siowo foll.ovAng error- occurred: 00 (Sale� Dates. July �9�, 20Q0Y_(M74W1 q) BUY one LV#imQ. evont should mad law lamp • The Epson T20OU Scanner and price *i V0 11% second for-... - advertised ori page 10;' - stated - that, the product Includes A-,,-, Alsa kir, our'Super SatOwi Pre4hir)t the 25.50% oft fires sale piertains to selected transparency adapter for slides, automotive tires. negatves or 4"x5o trdn6paren- Our 8.pop kwenlory l3WwoW_PM*rint, des. in, W, the Product does-, (Salle Dates: July 17-30,.2000) -riot in0d.dol.this.adapWr Pao Maytag seff-clew mweclion range - is nota convwkm row neat eat. 6 u 1046, t h ft ay ave, ncorivenienbe Um I3" --$ sale price sirmidtoed. caused our valued customers. We Sincerely regret any inc,6nvenlence� - this ma ,,have caused our customers. AUVE WW ch of TheseCoaly N Mmesefler Migwkes Wiff- - oti Ma4,_. Yuen Wit SellYour Home.9.0- -:AJAXR1C-kMNQ`Anew report has homesellers make -7 -deadly mistakes fttl,. 'just bten'relemied-whi-ch.1-eveals 7 costly cost them literally, thousands of dollars - mistakes that --most- -homeowners make The good news- is that,each and every one when sellin' 9 -their home,and A 9 Step of, these mistakes is entirely preventabie., System that can helpseyor home n answer -to this issue, industry insiders= youll -uJ erInse- - -try fast and for the most amount of ey. have prepared a free special report This industry report shows clearly how entitled "The 9 -Step System to, Get. Your-, the traditional ways of selling homes have Home Sold'Fast and For Tap Dollar become,-. increasirigly, .'less and less -Anlessfte- effective in today"s market. 71te fact of To hear ,a brief -teror.,46d the matter is�,that- Wily three -4 Ofabout ho* to owair YoUr, VVY thiscall- 14"42 -"al -�fflw report horkiesellem don't get what they -want for enter- 10#11".. - jllft calm call aayti e, -their home and become -0 usi, iojrw .24 hours a slay; 7 days a wee fl aRy dis - worse .financially advantWd when they -put their home on the market. Call NOW to find out how you cart get -.-- As this reportunc , over-$,, filott": the most, money, for yo* homb. This report isrowtesy of Biff Apw,?7xANttiAeUnwx RaTfyNot ~Ad ro Jv*cWpmpMx aormdy hJustforsak Copyright# 2". MEN'S MEW DRESS& SPORT SHOIR QU1121rq -­- ^r%le MOM &VA AM 11E X18 NE'1N3 AfJM�i fRIDA1f i'.iWf► 21,:@ tive." half-hour and I wondered why weJASON LiEBREGTS/News Advertiser photo Mr• Benetin says he felt nau- "killing OnAe-scene clot -buster coald save your l seous and his arms were 1) rhalm-as me." . Although he knew something 'd s gin, e.r,- u armev BY CHRIS BQVIE": Wt realize there was this new pro- Paramedic, Trevor Bain, left, and Advanced Care Paramedic calling paramedics when they- "When Icame-to I was soaked and Staff Editor :. should for fear of being redirected had this unbearable pain in my chest. When John Benetin suffcre l 'a study to determine the effects of Retavase, is a fibrinolytic or Those involved with the study- . "` y . to another hospital; It felt like a hot poker had been shaved heart 'attack in June he 'Made help and got on the phone to the the United -"States and two in stores blood flow to the heart. It's . the, actions of those suffering "If you're critically ill .we do into me;' . Cana&n medicathistory. medics, with the Durham Region . heart attack and reduces mortality Dr. Rakesh Bhargava, an LHO: ` against the kitchen wall and our best to create a bed here," he ` He admits even he would have cir- Paramedics. Tina' Brown' and said. "We want to keep patients cumvented paramedics and driven- to Trevor Bain received. the. ewer- y;` right here:' - . the hospital himself had -he not gone gency call to attend the- Durham " Dr. Bhargava points out LHO into cardiac arrest. Had he gone into man's home on the morning of went from four to 12 new monitor full arrest in his car the end results June 16: beds and there are more to come. might have been fatal. The two skilled professionals "The Setting the Pace cam- It's a frustrating dilemma for both had in their arsenal a`relatvely paign allowed us to use- the doctors and. -paramedics who know new, fast -acting medication. money now, when we need it and time can, be a -very important ally As the paramedics worked on not until we had reached the tar- when someone. goes into cardiac at - the 55 -year-old, in communica- tion with Lakeridge Health Os- get goal:' Even with that assurance, there rest. According to- " Ted Sellers, emer- hawa `doctors, the clot -buster: Re- will still be those who, don't call gency a.ud, tudy co-ordinator, it tavase was proscribed. As a result, paramedics when confronted with takes on average 54 "minutes': from Mr. Benetin became the first per -"cardiac distress: `door to needle' time when para- son in Canada to receive thepow- "I've had no history of heart medics, are not called. It took only I 1 erful drug injection prior to arriv- problems," Mr. Benetin says. _"I minutes- before 'paramedics were on ing at hospital. get a medical every year, I haven't the scene providing assistance to Mr. . "We were in the driveway for smoked in 22 years and I'm ac- Benetin, - what seemed like 15 inintttes to a tive." half-hour and I wondered why weJASON LiEBREGTS/News Advertiser photo Mr• Benetin says he felt nau- "killing weren't going: to the hospital," seous and his arms were said Mr. Benetin, who is now re- John Benetin, was the first anent in Canada to be iven` the at a' stay at � p � me." . Although he knew something covering .home after I.HO's Cardiac Care Unit. "I did- heart attack drug Retavase. paramedics. Primary Care was not right he rationalized his Wt realize there was this new pro- Paramedic, Trevor Bain, left, and Advanced Care Paramedic arm pain away due to delivering gram and they were using, this 7-ina.Brown were the paramedics on scene at the time. Styrofoam` and - thought the drug on me:*' -queasiness he felt was indiges- A' Ha&ard Medical School have been trained'to use the drug, the onset of symptoms. tion. study to determine the effects of Retavase, is a fibrinolytic or Those involved with the study- "I walked into the kitchen and Retavase and its use by para- thrombolytic that dissolves blood are ecstatic over the results of this my wife (Cheryl) knew. I needed , medics, includes ,17 hospitals in -clots in coronary arteries and re- first case, but are still worried by. help and got on the phone to the the United -"States and two in stores blood flow to the heart. It's . the, actions of those suffering , doctor:' Canada. Advanced care• para- considered the. best treatment for heart attack symptoms. At that .point he, collapsed - medics, with the Durham Region . heart attack and reduces mortality Dr. Rakesh Bhargava, an LHO: ` against the kitchen wall and Emergency Medical Services, rate when given within an hourofcardiologist, says people aren't. passed out. AJAX PICKEMNG 29 Harwood Ave. S. 37-,3 Pd, 428-1659509-3622 I-WOBILE CUU,'vl 5 4 i E.c T n 2 LOCATIONS i -u- 14EVV LOCATIO14 ----- ----------- i NEVUS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDMOM.'July 21.2000 PA13E 15 Classic Cooling & heating has M AIMIE YOUR SPACE 6 sEST sewed Durham for 32 years Problem: My, living room -lacks size. It is too small for a traditional three piece, Your home,: It's more than mere bricks, board providing 24-hour emergency service to Durham sofa set. The two pieces currently in thie, room make the space seem unbalanced. How can I maximize the space without-wrificing looks? ' and a mortgage.. It's your refuge from the, Region. outside world. It's your destinantion at the end 'Their HVAC,:Sales Consultants can provide } of the day, your sanctuary. you with the qualityproducts that will best suit Solution: "Space is about feeling note square footage." By that I mean, your So, when it co=opurchasing_ an air your needs at a very competitive price. Classic sense of space can be manipulated. Regardless of the size, the success of a room is conditioner or furnace or any other part of your offers a no cost in home consultation to ensure the there- are no hiddefi costs or you can visit their due to the compilation of its design elements. home,heatirig system, you want to. make right choice: showroom. In a room with small -dimensions comfort and practicality -are most important. Here "We at Classic `realize the purchase of any are some design tips you can implement to add to your sense of space: _ D@Slgrl Answom piece of home comfort system is an important Classic care authorized dealers for the After it's will have to live following quality products: • Float: Furniture inyour room by pulling them in from the walls creating the By.Charmalne Wynter C.I.D. decision. all, one you . withfor many years to.,come,°' • Lennox illusion of more depth and space. CDECA "We value our customer and our assurance to • Keepriteg Goodman Manufacturing Place,the furniture to allow 18" to 24". between major furniture pieces: Allowing for comfortable movement around the room You is prompt, courteous, professional service when it comes to selling, installing and servicing • Napoleon your equipment. It's important to have someone • Fujitsu • Avoid placing heavy furniture where it is the first piece seen upon entering- this will visually open up the area. you can rely on, someone you can mast.- • Coleman, . Classic Cooling & Heating is a family owned • General operated businesslocated' centrally in " • White Rodgers • Choose furniture in a lighter scale such as glass top tables or wrought iron pieces to maximize the existing space without and Durham Region with 32 years experience in the • Honeywell ' & is •GSW Watetl teateis biockingthe visual openness of the room. business. Classic Coolinfg Heating an authorized Sunoco Hosie Energy dealer 0 Sunoco,- gas -supplies • _ i imine window treatments as fussy dressings tend to diminish the sense of space making the room feet smaller Balance the sizes and shapes of all the room's furniture, -and accessories to blend -'the various elements; thus, adding IE cohesion and visually enlarge the space. -K _ Follow my tips aboveandI promise you'll maximize yoursmall space!!1 Charmaine Wynter is'a Certified Interior Decorator and the Owner of - Wynter Interiors IinteriorDecorating Servicers _ (905) 426 -3286 -her advice column appears BI -weekly. NO NEW FURNITURE JUST INS i , v,_.. Lf1 ������t.9aeiw� �.. �.. 96Wre = AT 356M . t : : But 'Y ' 1h SSAM TS ^1 or L. s� � �a r► MW7_ ._M ,K 6 sEST CHOML ON I. B4 HLRL Ns i5a,13 iSg t E THOSE ' A MOS -LOVE? 3 Goodman ��te'ITiCXr7� � g4ff�. N. POL£ON :� -- ►; ,', t � r i M11 • • is Es 1' AIP PAGElfilkMAIMERM9 FWIk1NRAWMA- Je*fjTfv t - -. ... , .. ,. :� ,. ..- _ ..., .. .. . .e, 1.,.k.t 1..7: �� r �,Yl1.9 .. '�r• y i..� � Y:�,Y �N ,�'�. 7� +J ..Y, G E Vu. -CANADA. CLEARANCE VI -I �T_ -01, 1 ;f .Y �,p.w } a :,w Ci'4X.ra ..rl 3',+iE.#'..+ :},1�.,,.s $a--r�€,t:::�.xdSV, S ,,,3°'. .. _ ..ur_ 2t, z.o. opacE'_ arr A3tFtXEWTI". ,.�.•,a,aY �VV1WrXP PP �r.wrnfrn�7nnterAnnnnrt+rnr+c+r!rrt.t,,.S........,...e,,,....,rr,..,,.,.e,a,rsrx�e„,.,....�.STtrs*sr SmLocated In WKaWart Alan _ OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A:M. - 9 RM: Sat9 AM. rati 12 - f3' P.M: . ;M. - 6 P. St }:= E sE` a L905426=62422 1, 2 a 0'0 92-242 An t 0_r 'tr ttP su mer ave If you're planning an out _ published "in.. the New Eng- of local medical care. customs officials or to an in- be helpful in the case of an sufficient bottled water to of- q y vacation, im experi land Journal of Medicine, 20 2. Health . insorance/can- surance carrier in the event of accident or emergency in a avoid becoming dehydrated. once this:summer; you're not to 70 per cent of international collation insurance: _Make accident. foreign destination. 10. Avoid excesses: When alone. Statistics Canada esti- _ travellers develop , health sure-youhave out -of -country, - S: Pack a first-aid l it: Your 8. Investigate access to travelling, avoid excesses in- mates - Pvtario :residents will problems during their trips. travel health insuebee cover- kit should include such basic, health care at your destina- cluding overexertion, make more thim niwmillion ` Of cotuse, the risks of travel age from a reputable carrier. items as ; bandages, gauze, tion: If �you are going on an overeating, excess consump- trips cattsidetthe:country this depend on where you go, It is important to research dif- disinfectants, headcehe exotic adventure or to a dis- tion of alcohol, or averexpo- year. And, it's a'safe bet that , how, well-prepared- you are ferent travel- health p in . tablets, antacids; anti -nausea tant destination, remember sure to the sun. at least a few of these would- and whetter you're twilling to advance of your.,ft , as they medications, sunscreen, in- certain locations offer only . Also, avoid walking bare - be travellers have tropical follow' a few simple rules be- may vary in price and cover- sect repellent, etc. very basic or limited health- foot or sunbathing directly on diseases or, travel accidents fore and after you arrive at age: An accident or .illness 6.. Take copies of your pre- . care services. the sand. atrt#>efr .- Yet these arras these si ` you follow caw, dentition. it stands to . bex~omm ” :expensive scriptions and identification: 9. Watch that water: Avoid If y tnple just a few of the contingen- reason the more exotic the lo- for anyone without- sufficient For longer-term travel, con- drinking/using - tap water in guidelines, chances ate you'll cies travel should consid-._ cation,. the higher the risk: coverage. You may also want cult your - physician prior to countries where water duality, enjoy a safe and worry -free pr when they -plan their surn- - The following are 14 tips to consider, purchasing trip departure. bock all=orescrip- is uncut *, Be sure to'di ink ' vacation this summer. tner•hiati - designed to help you -plan an cancellation insurance. tions,, passports, credit cards kH. Therisks of tragi are real. enjoyable and safe summer 3. Don't cry too much and any other important doo- w R They range from sunburn to vacation; no matter what your cash: Automated teller ma- uments in your hotel room diarrhea: -to brokers bones and -destination: chitins (,ATMs) are widely safe or the hotel.safe. , automobile accidents - with i. Research your, travel avatllaltle' attd eliminate the 7. Research Customs/Im- 7 all of the attendant financial 'arrangements -and aceommo- 'need to carry large amounts migration/Embassies: Re= Hardships these natter medical` dations: Check travel maga- of cash. They also tend to search the customs and imm -- emergencies can involve. zines, the travel section of provide a better currency ex- gration laws of the destina- .!Qr One case in point is the recent expetience of an Ontario your local newspaper and change rate. Take travellers tion you are visiting. Be Web sites- to research' your cheques in case of emer- aware.of transportation laws,C6� a 41Tkily now faced with mas- destination,` _airfare, hotel, gency. especially if you plan oft op- Ove medical expenses ` after rental cars, local attractions 4. Keep your receipts: erating.a motor vehicle. Also, � an uninsured day trip to Buf- and potential health and safe` "When - travelling, - remember ask your travel agent where fulo led to a fatal illness: I ty risks, And don't forget .to to keep all receipts as' -you the Canadian embassy is To-,- 'I,So, p t what are. ulna risks?- research weather conditions may-- to present theist to o- ted. That information can According' to a recent article 'and the level and availability Ii, u R PAGE NDIAtSrA�RVI R tS Fi, HI©A1FfQI Ik?M,- try► 21-,�E8di8 IN &&Entertainm.. nt lnneenYagainiaizes Po4o hem materat the movies Here are new movies being Pokemon trainer on the plan- WHAT LWS BENEATH his beautiful wife Claire. But perfect - so perfect that wraith -like image, in their released this. weekend and et. However, _ Ash and _ his Starring: Harrison Ford, with Claire oblivious to the when Claire tells him of hear- home, he dismisses her playing at Ajax and Picker- friends; try "to- stop him be- Michelle Pfeiffer, Amber Val- truth and the -affair over, Nor ing mysterious voices and mounting terror as delusion. ing cinemas. cause Lugia's power could Jetta, James. Remar, and man's life and marriage seem seeing a young woman's See LOSER page 19 destroy the world. 'Katharine*Towne. POKEMON: ' (Famous Players -Picker- Directed by Robert Zemeck- ,THE MOVIE 2000.._ ing Town Centre, Cineplex is. VER Starring: Eric Stuart, Odeon Ajax 10 Cinemas) It had been a year since D15 N Veronica Taylor, Philip Dr. Norman Spencer betrayed Bartlett,, iUR AMISH . It a c h e l -+--' _ 1FALM00US Lillis . and a OF A d d_,i e SOUND!BIG SCREEN! BIG , �F 438-9053 BlaustDirectedn. �� �N or 87T-438-9453 Directed CHICKEItRIM (PG) 3:10 - 5:15 - 7:15 - o1►K � NO 0.S.T. by Kuni- DISNEY'S THE KID (AA)1:20 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:35 1428 HVJYs2, COURTICE ON SOLID OAK BEDS "tom ME, MYSELF& IRENE (AA)(coawwV mai+l*Wsanasmwelmwtnotmmm *dbrrui)9:20 . Abos M ess E Eoxapri�gs h i' k o AT THE - - � PDXEMON 2000 (F)12:00 - 2:30 - 5:00 - 7:20 Just East Of Oshawa/Courtiee Towniine Y u y a m a NIOVINS SCJiRI! MOVIE (AAINareccmnnW ferdi*mt lipSNninqsoaros, s W cmWO". 3:00-525-7:40-9:55 a n d e� THE IN CR6w� (P ) Mature theme 4:10 4; w 7:10-10-Qo. -+--+ THE �AiRtOT ) �. not re need for ettildren COCOA FUDGE AND WHIPPED .CREAM Michael Haigney.:_ � THE PERFECT-STORM(PG)12.1&-3-20-6-5Q..;9-50 : A Pokemon collector, Ji- �. WHAT LIES BENEATH ( 0 PASSES) {AA) 12.30 - 3:30 ,7¢ -10:20 X -MEN ND PASSES PG Vfo*m 12:50 3.5ti -=Z:25 -10:10 PLAY rarudan, tries tabring togeth- � o � By Charles Shahan er the three rare birds that are sots AND sIRLs (PG) 110 - 405 - 7:40 -1 ono Owner Pickering DQ f i PALACE said to release the sea anon; CIRCIM RUN (PG) 4:00 3:00 -6.00 7:30 - 9:30 stet Pokemon, Lu ia.. If he DINOSAUR (PG) " scenes 1:15 - 3 45 -6:45 g OISNEY S THE VG)12:45.3.30 - 6:50 -,9:20 ( 9 MUTON rW. ,captures it, it would make Ji- N1 -7:15-9:40 2 (PG) vioce. 1:10 4:00 7:00 - s;so Farudan the :rilOSt powerful :=> � POKEMDN ® (f) 12:00 - 2:25 - 4:50 7:15 9:40 ■ ICKERING ROAD 0 (F) 12:30-2:55 5:20 - In •�t 1Ye inttOdRCed the Held Geo Mpd F.,,i.� b11ifZ8td: It includes Whole chocotde • RDAD iP (AA) Aaature ticerrce, sexual content 7:45 - 10:20 -. �►"'` . _ � SHAFT (Ato"A)No[ recwMM D :� , copse MM, valence.1:45 - 4;15 - 7:20 10:00 fudge Qieces, h'esh pecans and a special bhetHl of �coa and fadge called "Chocolate Crackle" in _ ap blended into our world famoas DQ soft serve. It really is spectacular but so are the other new blizzards including the Yonkon Kr►nrcber, the Whoppers Wild:a�t the 1Vonka NerdsuDiNr. a 1Vhat has that gat to do with whipped creamy Well I have tried pretty well all the flavour 1101 L€z ed in WalAart-Alax combination, s possible for blizzards (at hewer 60Y -Including adding chopped ants, spaaish OPEN Mon. - Ery. 9 A.M. = 9 P,M. Hats, almonds and pecans. I've added real strawberry, blueberry, pineapple; cherry and r ispberri. Where can you get a Hawaiian Blizzard, a Banana Split Blizzard or Cookie Dough S8#. A.M. - f l l SUt_t. IZ - 81?M. Blizatard? The combinations are endless arid. I truly believe that one of the reasons our „ ,,, products taste so good is `because the Dairy Queen corporation uses only the best NAME 3 1lnntawtq nnrrm■I(� e►Po) Asad BRAND ingredients. You will :never see a generic product used in our store. It may cost a bit Ia 11eo:225 (aflt�:7:15 7 , 0 a m but the taste of our products alone it worth it. One of the joys of my job is seeing the � look on people's faces"when they take that first spoonful of a:blizzard! I can't think of a tw (s sa es►iNo r1►ssEsl SAi'S1itl1M.225, 4X 715, 7�5, SAi 1z� Y15 530 53e. 45 730 IY80135 z1a ` (425) 9aa 1920 tt45 94a 1925 i1;ia better treat for any wife than sitting out on the patio Wag a blizzard with her husband. . �;�:g7:15,7�0 M10�, +nartlrao.zzs.t+5oi,r.�5. "tom.zz5„uso,moo;ao,dao It's a way to end a good of bad day. =4BR: 4Di�+f�F11l71I : beat 112s 915, s4o,1o25 , $ , ALL S A7'$! ` ��� : t4 t .1; whipped cream! In experimenting with different blizzard combinations I suggested flO t_at*o 23a2sa_ &spats s:4atoss ALL S! . sUal2oa 135 2� 23x425 ida 3�. 3�O j4 . (iooi. (5 30) tso�, a mag them *M whipped cream but I bad n4'Ytt' tried oee selL My fW suggested it to_ sro x.15 70 oto tao51a49 r�5o, 72a 750, s2o 9�1a 430 10x10, Ma1i11r IM�IIINItM 4ers and t a lake warm No one tver Beard of.a blizzard topped with' ALL A01"I NorfiMuram13a2tazoo, tam11a 8st response: taq 7:15 75Q sai lxta 114Q isa> z2o 250, Rs! 4! Then odert I drove -through oar drive thru to check and'see' w fast laslh�rcart►»o, l�c� � 32x,M 38,�a510;&40,0, 1101z3a115,zoo,325, 5a�-ts�l 720, 7 tr�a 900 aao,l000, salstzt 1130 1�5, 2aa the lint moaI ordered 0teo blizzard topped >vitb`whi ` cream. As I drove M12 50 9 ' 1f3Q 2185 43a 52 ' [.tried a mouthful and I couldi t believe how ood it was. I went back Mad- rsli.rws,a+r..(�eeRtre >2a 1?�afio.�:4o 120.200 r�np►r�o t1s,z4a3�.. good 1:1 1r 11a 7.4 tt25.1ao0 1225 iso zae ai5, ass 320.330, 4:3a son 5:X t o9 s�0, .t+ el, when the elm's closed and gathered all t>se s togethrer wird made an Drzo bhizzard topped On 745 923, to e9 720,7:K 928,9A0, 3D, to oo to3D ;m,rr a nelE pal; Frith whipped cream and eve everybody a. sp a, As s000 as they trhed: it they`loved it and = Npt f225 is, 248 3:15." M0N-TM 1110, 27.40,1:10,50, M 'R (NO vassEs) 43 7:10 7: 925 10:08 gra 720, 3A (4^ �, t5 } -IN 2.4r{520j, 721 aga4.55,�160 now they wholeheartedly believed in what tboy were :fig± Today Akan, 5 out o� 1 720.730 tk2a9�8 929. ,72o.ttAO very ten customers accept our -suggestion' "TI►ould y tike your bliz2ard topped with wcilaatl1: SH lzoo ao0, z SH FT, 300 w®nat tun tzao tit 12, ran �u z ,raeoa whipped cream?" Your Coupon for this Week? Free whipped topping on any size blizzard. 87�e a r r r 10-M r r r r r r r Pff-MX720912 3311, t415} Hit tl tom] 5 no N ism'15t5$0L1�01:45 &30 ia99 1i 10 IM Iai Pii N MIS COUPON. ENTITIES iH� BEARER T41R1 n wilAes�erw itef+ l $may 1 ?40 .: saT iza0,1115 ,3a 3 x.13. Tata Ru 125. (5.f%): Samuel Jackson _ , _ `.: 1ti5;335�a, 1a4a�(� 79D:7:ari, 330,1830,11:10 saT-st1N 125, `.� N ! $iN15'i30 323 SIN112�8,12�,130,330, 415.530 ifJ� VIfiP D TOWING 7W 7s9 . irl9.7 * th38,1a38 - WTMHU125 t335Y - s � � .., x t>15i$il30 ik>4 NONi112001Z.it30,330. N 4N ANY SIZE BLIZZARD ORDERED . ' : te156ls�f:7oa, f:� a�a woo R1I (4:80i, 9�5 s. i FLINTSTONIES IN VIVA ROCK VEGA 4'4O WE$ iH0 2239 12� 33a t4 i5) ,Sar SUN 430,9$ v F �i s - 7% 7 i5 900 toz0 •: Notriiat taobti 993 a' This coupon is not reoeemaWe wiEl+ any other coupon or special oiler ` P Y HNR:1!!Nti ;_ +. to 10 Sales tarn WQcoupon ft rre'a,i�r r tanerpernett Enptres= ry .r o 1997 SES MA -1 A B . caor, ---------- auto, alp :4 door; 5 -speed, air, pw, pl 4 door, auto, leather,. rod T"19 A111! °t: ;1996.rR 194 a�.�r users fame ---o f�hf r LOSER from page 18 Directed by Amy Heckerling.interested in manipulating the people who walk aWove However, as Claire moves Nerdy,: good. -natured Paul her than ;loving her. The moretherm ' — proof that even closer to the truth, it becomes Tannek is -'a square peg in a people push them around, the losers get lucky sometimes. . clear this apparition will not, round hoIe that is New York' closer Paul and. Dora get -- (Pickering Moviplex 9 Cine - b& dismissed, and has come -University - his pot -smoking, she helps hon dress betterand mas, Cineplex Odeon Ajax, " back for ' Dr. Norman girl -chasing roommates hate appreciate. New York, h6 lets 10 Cinemas) Spencer... _ and his beautiful him, and everyoneelse on' her stay with him while `she . For complete listing of wife. (Famous, Players -Pick- : campus`; ignores -him. But finds a job. In- the end, Paul': movies playing on local eying Town Centre, Cineplex when he meets fellow student and Dora not only fall for screens this weekend I in Odeon Ajax 10 Cinemas) Dora Diamond, he .discovers -each other, they find the Ajax and Pickering, call LOSER a kindred spirit. Dora is prac- courage to walk -away from F your local cinema. Starring: Jason Biggs, ticallybroke, has nowhere to Tom Sadoski, Mena Suvari, live, and her boyf iend, Pro - Zak Orth and Greg Kinnear. fe.ssor Edward Alcott, is more A3ILLB0AIA-"- ENTER TA LVAIENT JULY'_ 21 - -- 2000 - - - r LIJVE .. ..-.. FRIDAY, JULY 21 Donors ` must make an ap-} ADIIICTION: The Serena ent " calliir'" '016 Group — 12 Step Recovery,974-9911. Meeting is at 8 Pm. at Bay - fair Baptist Church, 817 S "AY, JULY 23 - Kingston Rd, Pickering_ The FAMILY FUN DAY: Vaca-- group meets every Friday and tion Day Camp ends with a. ` deals with all types of addle- Family Fun Day -for - the I)Il�11I>rR SPECIALS tions, including co-depen- deocy. A child-care program "whole family at the Christian Life Centre, 1030 Raven- : - MONDAY NIGHT is _- available- as, required. scroft Rd. in Ajax. There's * -Beef Ar Port from Everyone welcome. 428- barbecued hot dogs and ham- :: WEDNESDAY NIGHT 9431 flim) in the evenings- burgers`a giant_ slide, games, face painting and more to SATURDAY, JULY 22 enjoy. Admission is tree and BLOOD DONOR CLIN- all are welcome. 685-1411. IC. Canadian Blood Services holds a blood donor clinic be- _. ' tween 12 and 4 p.m. at the V Y Md:eati CQmmwuty Centre, 95,, Magill Dr. in Ajax. • # - - H :. Waltis' Sat, 'I�' 29th Molsa� S�aeh party - . , -- _ ,, Sat, Aug 12th _watt's Slumber Party --_ u;, j - - - - 77 �.� � Fn. r zx.00 z _K are avallaige from the Regional'Planning Department du "ng regular office hours-'&30a.m. and 4:30p.m., or by contacting: Chris Darling, MCIP, RPP Co test Idem es Durham- winner - EAC Co-ordinator Durham Region Planning Department .., Fourth Floor, Whitby Mail Phone: (905) 728-773,1 (Whitby) or 1905) 686-1651 (Toronto), Wendy Thayne, Centre, €rf;Courtice, was the newspapers in Durham Region.. With Ms _• - Fax (905) 436-6612 rand- raze winner o the Identify Durham Tha ne was - -Du Re conal Chdirtnan >. ' E-mail:ecce@region.durham.on,co .� . fy Y g � _ , photo contest co-sponsored -by the Region Roger Anderson and Councillor Susan' ' The draft terms of reference may also be viewed on the Regional Web site at' of Durham'and Metroland's community' Para: werwrs�on.durhorr%oncat--------------------- tease *fiat} a W,'wfi*qvlease e7t E10$Q2 $16N r wee, PPIE and taxi w„. . lfS about tim , Em-vo-in- aW Zj" dfkr wto may not be aMb" u vciau#aeincourtcom ��►sett d�iuered by,�y 3k 2U0t1 5khides may rs�t be exac�y as suers. BaSeti;Qn a 48 rnorrth w�c-a+ntay , ";- Hent ava�aksle. Fist .ot $22$.85 �$331.2� and of E25Q / �35Q' aNe due upon deCnre�c Tfltat ),UpQ (' P�ck�es availal�}. � exceadee�itionat krt� Mage of �OA8/lan a app�Cab� tense, s, Tr���rea�issg� p►an � � fcxget to pidaip 6se arc. - WWItul .1.. 60" 8prey Poly 60s1we Poly POOL P001 ,� 24� 4 I ; YA I I fli" lKE PICKERIR. PAGE i22sNEWS YER r R, jc. Y -#! :: s r , uRE- ..Or.- S.11 N_E.WS A D V E TIS'ER JU`L-Y . 2-1-, 200 Lo'cal -fastace Blues rovi n I amasters crown Scarborough over-40 squad sets sights on Eastern Canadians BY AL RIVE7T ford was instrumental in helping asked me to lay recalled PlaneSports Editor the Scarborough -entry to the On- 'who played right field with the: Two local fastball players tario title. He pitched the Blues to Blues. "That was my birthday, were part ofa- successful run for a pivotal 7-5 come-from-behind present." - the Ontario senior men's champi- win over Cold Springs, the team Now, Plane has "the icing on - onship last weekend. which entered then the as the cake following the provincial Andy. Plane, 40, of Ajax, and the 1998 - national masters win. Gary Latchford, 50, of`Pickering, champs. '`They were -a really good- -played- for ood"played-for the Scarborough Blues He notes the main reason ffor bunch of guys," said Plane "We at theOntario Amateur Softball the Blues' success on the dia had some injuries, but everyone Association-Masters Fastball mond was the camaraderie of the played hard right to the end." Championship in Mitchell, .Ont. players, many of whom had atistically _ speaking, Platte And, after -four consecutive played ball at the senior level in had, a fine tournament, going 5- wins,- the Scarborough Blues their younger years. for-ll at the plate with four runs .were the champs of the Il-team "We played well as a team," scared. event. explained, Latchford.-"We didn't .The Blues played Kitchener-, The- Ontario win represented . really have the .most talented Waterloo twice in the double- the second-consecutive provin- tea. We executed well . and we knockout event in order to secure cial title`for the Blues which also have some guys who can still run the; championship. .won the Masters' crown in Port- : well. :In fastball, speed is a big -Scarborough handed Kitchen- Perry-in 1999. part of the game."er-Waterloo its first loss of the The Blues will-now represent Planer who plays in the Pick- tourney by a 3-2 score. In the Ontario -at the Eastern Canadian ering Men's Recreational Fast- second game, -the Scarborough Masters Fastball Championships ball League with the Hollow Leg Blues earned- the title in another RQN PIETRON/RO/News Advertiser phyto in Halifax ,later this summer.. 5 Restaurant squad, received an in- tight affair; defeating Kitchener- As one of +eight mainstays: vitation to play -with the Blues at Waterloo 6-5. -with the Blues' league. team, the, provincials for fastball play- Scarborough started .the event , Gary Latchford, left, of Pickering, and Andy Plane, of Ajax, were which pickedup several. ,more ers over age 40 on his 40th'birth with a 9-2 victory. over Sarnia., Part of the Scarborough Bluesmastersfastball, team which won players to round out the roster for day. In,the second-game, the Blues the OASA championship for the category in Mitchell, Ontario this the Ontario tournament, Latch- "I hit 40. in May and they defeated Cold Springs. past weekend. P_ PUE SCOREBOARD N E W A D Y E RT 1 S R JULY 21•, 200-0 PICKERING MEMS SLOW PITCH LEAGUE Dodgers 7; Pickering A's 19 vs. The Mets 19. As of July 16.2000" TUDOR ARMS DIVISION PICKERING 2000 DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A PTS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Melanie Pringles#2 9 8 1 0 184 97 16 The Bear & Firkin 9 7 1 1 14683 15 Canada Trust 10 8 2: 0 193117 16 '3 Capital Punishment' . 8 7 1 0 136 80 14 Gophers 6 4 '3 2 118.95 10 Paws 8 4 1 124 115 9 Guzzlers 8 4 4 0 96 102 8 Mud Hens Marauders _ 9 5 4 92 94 10 Paws 10 4 5 1 114130 9 Wilks Industrial Warriors 9 4 5 -0 118 126 8 Melanie Pringles Sad Sacs 9 3 5 1 97 137 7 Metric Motors 10 3 6 1 105 119 7 WOlfpac k 9 1 6 2 55 118 4 (soft 7 .2 5 0 36 91 4 Pro Copy Systems 9 1 8 0 86 182 2, Hardman 10 1 7 " 2 55 102 4 — GAME RESULTS Wilks Industrial Ltd. Warriors 12 vs. (soft 11; Wilks Industri- GAME RESULTS Capitaal Punishment 11 vs. Metric Motors 9; Papp's 16 vs. Met- al Ltd. Warriors 24 vs. Pro Copy Systems 1; Canada Trust ric Motors 14; Papp's 15 vs. Mud Hens Marauders 4; Hard, • men 20 vs. Mud Hen's Marauders 5; The Bear & Firkin 22 vs. 22 im Pro. Copy Systems 3; Canada Trust 23 vs. Melanie Pringles #2 13; Melanie, Pri VW#2 25 vs. Guzzlers 1; Gophers 17. BAYLY S DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A PTS Papp's 21 vs. Melanie Pringles Sad Sacs 21. REBOUND SPORTS DIVISION TEAM G W LT F A PTS Mud Hen's 3RST 8 7 1 0 115 71 .14 Papp's 10 6 3 1 140 129 13 109 81 t f. Long Homs , 10 7 2. 1 167 79 15 Legion Tunherwolves 8 7 1 0 146 87 14 Re/Max-Brian Kondo 8 6 1 1 120,78 13 Tigers 7 5 1 1 Stallions 8 5 2 1 126 90 11 Raffles 6 4 2 0 64 68 8_ Robbins Moving Services 8 3 5 0 9Cr 116 6 'Papp's on Tap" 7 2 4 1 54 70 5 Melanie Pringles 8 3 4 1 98 82 7 Bank of Montreal 8 2 6 0 76 129 4 Fox Goes Free a 3 5 0 78 91 .6 Dazed &Confused 8 4 4 0 94 90 6 Woodruff Barrons 7 2 5 0 - 76 100 _4 Durham Brewing 8 1 B 1 54 130 3 East Side Mario's 8 3 5 0. 97 103 6GAME Danforth Roofing 10 3 7 6 79 117 6 RESULTS Bank of Montreal 18 vs. Durham Brewing 1; Long Horns 28 Wellington Boot Pub 8 3 5 0 54 111 4 Dunham Buffs 1 1 6 0 63 82 2 vs. Durham Brewing 6; Long Horns 17 vs. RWWx-Brian . Kondo 6; Re/.Max Brian Kondo 12 vs. Woodruff Barron 4; . GAME RESULTS Robbins Moving Sendm 22 vs. Legion Timberwoives 13. Tigers 20 vs. the Wellington Boot. Pub 10; Dazed -& Con- fused 13 vs. The Wellington Pub 4; East Side Mario's " LONE STAR DIVISION 'TEAM G W L T F A PTS -'Boot 14 vs. Dazed & Confused 4; Papp's 22 vs. East Side Mario's 11; Stallions 15 vs. Danforth Roofing Supply 11; Fox Goes Metanie Pringles 10 9 1- 0 165 64 18 Water Doctor Warriors 9 7 2 0 109 55 14 free 13 vs. Danforth Roofing Supply 5; Melanie Pringles 14 vs. Mud Hen's 3RSTr 12. Re/Max 9 6 3 0 150 99 12 Country Style 9 5 -2 .2 96 99 12 MUD 1HEN'S DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A PTS Royals 9 "5 4 0 196133 10 Bright Idea 8 4 3 1 102 73 9 Yankees 10 7, 3 0 119 78 14 Watennaker .10 6 4 "" 0 96-108 12 Papp's Black Sox 9 4 5 0 '109125, 8 Palmer Bros. Heating -AIC 9 4 5 0 11.0 113 8 ' Sharks 9 6- 3 0 126 93 12 76 12 A.C.L.606 8 3 4 1 90 72 7 Firestone 17 Catchers 8 2 5 1 75.69 5 WTRMKR_ 9 6 3 0 114 Scarb, Lexus Rangers 7 5 1 1 916 11 Tudor Arms 9 1 ' 7 . 1 49 99 3 Usual Suspects 8 5 :'3 0 107 87 -10 lGrg Richard's Pub 9 0 9 0, 55 205 • 0 Hurren,Flett, Sinclair_ 10 4 `6 '0 121 133 8 Pickaml; As 8 1 .5 2 77 150 4 GAME RESULTS Water Doctor Warriors 15 vs. Royals 4; Tudor Arms 8 vs. Harp & Croom 10 " 2 8 0 114143 4 The Mets -9 1 7 1 81, 1 T6 3 Water Doctor Warriors 3; Bright Idea 10 vs. Tudor Arms 3; -Country Style 10 vs. Bright Idea 8; Melanie Pringles 13 vs. GAME RESULTS Usual -Suspects IS vs. Sharks I& Shaft -20 vs. Harp & Re/Max 10; Re/Max 20, vs. Firestone 17 "Catchers 19; Palmer Bros. Heating & AIC 22 vs. King Richards Pub" l; Croft -17; Scarborough Leics Rarsgers 19 vL Watermaker .. avraft" 9A. I4SF r1 Wvergkwris° 12 vs. HSF See SCORRBOARD a 25 " nag XN11 NEW BRAND NEW 20010FOaIS MSTAR LX 3-080111 WGN T LX 4-QtNlR WY1 w4m, 4-spd 2 c>L sPlie a VwW fes, 4 W trans.,Ae ak, PS, , BSW tires. AMIFM st6reo 41%101501=5 ,jaicassette 3.56 ratio regular SOL 10-8515 radio. Sk #10.1126 �w A►YW��r A A�Q* t_NWINNEIrmw BRAD NEW 200 F-150 - 4X2 STVUMI NO 1W_ 4.21. ER engine 4-spd auto trans., air, PS. PB, steel wheels, 5600 H GVW ppkkgg,� shtNng rear window. AMIFM electronic stereo/dodt,P235170i-16 SSW fires. SOC #IOQW BRAND NEW 2000 TAURUS SE 44M0- SED 9:01. enorte, auto Oro - �I trams., alr, PS, PW, PL, >I u d P21MM16 allswoon fires, fipass. fold console. 59017 " a.�aAoa rasrrr 3aa6 1+ r BRANO NEW 2000 II TANG 2 -9111 -COUPE 7•3.6L EF1 en", 5-Wd tram, alk, PS, PB, ntq, power deciC Hct; to- lBeea, P2065Rt5 BSW Hr9s Silt.+li.2tfly FM lFchmple.wheels. R;XLS 4x4 4 -DR QHY Y6 ald0 E>♦D nn, Air, 5 PW. PL. ed =ft, Oft steering, re- keiAess entry,' carp area Dover, step bet, tg . SdL #10-8219 r� OF C�j 1t.7Ftt L3irii . io 292v I 171 eastceuf t.com ER 26 Y ARS a ACCRf41TED`TESTAllD RENR CENTRES for mote information call I-888-758-2999 - .� v ONTARIO'S' ONTARIO'S wWw.drivetlebn.tom Pdcenng Tovm Cen#re E /E D�reet LIIne 430-027'1 AET&OD, FT l%COREBOABD Show jumping er in Ajii �un�ay Pony, club members from across The competition will be hosted at NEWS ADVERTISER JULY 2 1 -. 2.0-_0_0 the GTA will compete at the second - the Audley Road Stables. of -three Central Ontario 'Region Central .Ontario Region's show SCOREBOARD from nage 24 Katie Pookon & Danitia Sown); Boyer Pontiac 1(Andrea Romeo. MVP Andrea : Show Jumping Qualifiers in Ajax jumping team will be selected based Romeo) vs. Lynx 3 (Chloe Bent, Kimberly Dixon 2, MVPs Kimberly Dixon P g x this Q .1P g R.C.L. 606 15 vs. Papp's Black Sox 6. Jamie Gooding): PCCCA I (v Davis) vs.. Sutton Gmow 5 (Megan Seer Darcy Sunday. on the results from the show. Howard Torry Aiern 3 MVPs Radnel & Da Have ' RAINOUTS MUDNEWS DIVISION rcne rtn. BOYS' UNDER -14 DIVISION Usual Suspects 16 vs Harp &Crown 14: limp &Crown 18 vs Pickering As July 11 -Lias 7 (Ross Salley 2 Kyle Chandler, Michael QttiNo 3 Andrew - 15: Yankees 10 vs. WTRMKR 13. LONE STAR DIVISION Morrill, MVP Michael Qutimo) vs. Changepoint 3 (Patrick Mundy 3, MVP Kevin Bishop): Johnson Controls 11 (John -Michael Davis 2, Adam van Dgk. Jason Country Style 5 vs. Fw0storess 17 Catcher's 3 - Ramsaran 3. Maurice GirsK Chris Bullet Patrick Moony 3, MVP Jason Ram-" PICKERING SOCCER CLUB • Recent soccer sees saran) vs. Lynx 2 (Daniel Allen, Craig Boduch, MVP Robert Moreira): Flyers 4. (Harpinder AIIYAW 4, MVP Brent Small) vs.: Midas-Pickaring 4 (Taylor Sleeth 2, GIRLS! UNDER -NINE DIVISION July 11 • Accurate 1110 (MVPs Kelly Smyth and Samantha Boychuk) vs."Veri- ski, Sean Ferguson. MVP Jason Krasnowskl) : yrWs World Jason KrasnowWa 2000 2 (Matthew Finley 2, MVP Matthew Filey) vs. Factory Mattress 3, ' ty 2 (Alexandra Geremia, Kattneryn Rumbolt, MVPs Danielle Austin. Tess Bat-. (Mattihew. Nunes 2, Kelvin Vadera, MVP Kelvin Vadera). UNDER -14 DIVISION tler and Cayla Gartner): Boyer Pontiac :Peinlhers 4 (Victoria Mathieson,GIRLS' Stephanie McNown 2, Kristie O'Brien, MVPs Genevieve Eckes ton' and Na- �y 5 - Hawks 0 (MVP Allyson McEachen) vs.:WayrWs World 2000 2 halie West) vs. Granite Press 5 (Gaetana Giarntriddo 3, Lynsey Nakamura,(Stephanie Shannon Murphy, MVP Samantha Pato;): Odieke Eagles 2 (Samantha Doneti 'Easton, Arnuaar Hsan, MVP Brittany Tozer): Eagles 3 (Kelt' Dura,. Katie _Skelton, Nine J11000, MVP Ainsley Saker) vs: _Solid Image 2 (Christina Roma, Jendler Watson, MVP Charlotte, Dekxmer RemaWoe Pkino 0 Ian Shona. Dunkley, MVPs Kade Doucette and Laura Kelly) vs. Carpel Towne 3 (Elizabeth_ Jaglal 3): Wet'nes's' World 2000 0 (MVP's Shannon McCarroll and vs. Martin 0: Flyers 6 (Jessica Draper Kristirre Bandzoski 2, Nicole Florio 3, MVPS Stephanie Myers) vs. Mikala Inc 4 (Nikmllwe Evans, Shannon Sauve 3, MVP's Bianca Diquattro and Bethany Thompson -Chase). Nicole Florio and Nicole Kennedy) vs DSM 0 (MVP April Haze): Marshal Homes 1(Jenny McCoy) vs. Percise 3 (Sarah Manion 2, Samantha "MVP BOYS' UNDER -10 DIVISION July 10 - Masterworks Screen Printing 1 (Nathan Morris, MVP Nathan Morris) vs. Carpet Townie 6 (Kevin Baker 4, AnthonySotoadeh, Briartit Medwid, MVPs Candice Pearsall). July 12 - Ian Martin 2 (Cannel, Asse nza, KeIseFWlleteriig, MVP Christina Day) vs Eagles 2 (Lab Haddad, Kelly Duran, MVP Lisa Crowder); Percise Stephen Ali, Navdeep Hayer): Ryswin Graphbc Inc..5 (Michael Lush 2, Brian - 2 (Megan Oates 2) vs. P MAax Jae Pities 8 (MMeakm Campbell, Jordan Bud, Forrester, Anthony Mercurius 2. MVP Mike Atkinson) vs. Flyers 5 (Jordan Hill, way 5, Shannon McLaughlin, Heather Dysart): Hawks.0 vs. Pro -EM -3 (Nile Carlier. Julianne Ash Image 6 Kevin Montgomery, Nicholas Beare 3): Ontario Power Generation 7 (Logan Pktlowyk, lo!r VVoolstenoott): DSM 0 vs. Slid Mitchell, aces 1 pent r Jesse Boileau u- (Florence Yeo, Diana Mils 2, Jennifer Watson Adrienne Nike, Heather MVP Christopher Prato) to, Kyle MVP C Christopher Prato Kyle Golder utast (Spencer Foley): Florio U 21 �• MVP Heather Redmonde Marshall Hames ri vs. Flyers 3 (Je then Hurl Associates ADULT MOVI E -WAREHOUSE minum 6 (Jason Joseph 2, Michael M000vski, Joshua Ryan 3) vs. Lydx 4 ,2, Jacyn Stark, MVPs Laura Lawson'ard Jennder Hurt). (Justin Warren. Zachary Lamacraft, Andrew McConnell 2): Marshall Homes 3 GIRLS' UNDER -16 DIVISION - (Mohamed Jama, Tanner Fernandez, Michael Marshall) vs Tri Tech 4 (Taylor June -13 - Ontario Paper Generation 7 (Leslie Earley, Lindsay Watson, Julie Stephan, MATE M Mr I Ross, Michelle Christine Stephan 2, Whiney Shore, MVP Leslie Ear- Robson 2, Rkxneko Lottman, Adam White, MVPs Carey Arrnott, James Large). BOYS' LlNDER-12'A' DIVISION toy) vs. R.argAmOurN Physiotherapy 1. (Michelle Crabb, MVP Mille Crabb). May 25.= Yoplait3 (Adam Burke, Kevin Nicholas. Simon McKelvie, MVP Kevin Jul 11- Ontario Power Generation 2 (C. Rhoden, Whitney Shore, MVP Sarah 11TAL, J . . Nicholas) vs. Kinsmen and ClubFra of Pickering 4 (Chad 2 Kyle 2Watson)(Uwe � Eagles 1 (Cara Johnston, MVP Care Johnston): Premier Trophies 2 (Lauren McKedhrrie;'LaureniNbkerrMVP Lauren Walker) Heritage FJeo- NIYHO MVP. Richard vs. Downing, Steven Mulch, MVP Chad Franklin), Thantlercats 3 (Richard Rutitis, Myles Guthrie. 'Stephen Marina, MVP Stephen Marina) vs. GFP 1 (MaIIheW trnc 2 (Shantel MagDuff, Danielle Postemack: MVP Danielle Postemack) - k MOVIESALE Miler): The Hawks 1 (Adam Volpe) vs. Canada Hardwood Flooring 2 (Mitchell Rougemou nt Physiotherapy 9 (Sarah Schcelield. Michelle Crabb, Christine Chudziek, Dah- Bridge. NNP Justin Petrovich):.Sporting Images (Cory Whitall 3. Jazzmn McCurdy 4, MVP Jazzrnin McCurdy) vs. Pickering Sao - Giordano. James Coughtrey) vs. Melvih's Milenium 6 (Shawn VNatson, Brian Spots 0• Smith 2. Jamie Robinson: Jordan Stork 2, MVPs Rory Slater & Tntmaynne Ex. '. PICKERING BASEBALL ASSOCIATION From W W eter)• As of July 6, 2000. June 1 - Kinsmen and Kine tes Club of Pickering 4 (Kyle. Edgerton, Chad ROOKIE BALL DIVISION TEAM G W. L T PT'S Franklin 3) "vs GFP 4. (Geoffrey Madden, Nicholas An nett, Joseph Arrhenta 2); Q? _ Spo" Images2 (Daniel Gkar%A Jeffrey Warne) vs. Canada Hardwood Floor- Village Plaque Attack . 7 4 2 1 .9 ' ing 2 (Nathaniel Underhill, Michell Chudziak): Thundercats 4 (Richard Ruft - Dairy Queen Pickering 3 4 _4 .0 8 Daniel Peterson 3, MVP Daniel Peterson) vs. Yoplait 2 (Andrew Till. Simon Pickering Town Centre 8 .4 2 0 6 Mckelvle, MVP SimonMcketvie).. Roye►Pontiac Buick Ltd. 6' 3 2- :1 7 - Jule 8 - nnxman 2{Myles Hayward Daniel Peterson. MVP Myles Hay ticks b 2 3 0 4 Party t3 1 5 0 2 VOTED = BEST EUROPEAN MOVIESI K waren vs Kinsrrnern end Kinettes Club � Pickering 0; Catekla Hardwood Floor- ; ing 2 (Machell.Chudziak. Justin Petrovich, MVP Jose Gomez) vs. Melvn's Mil-7Y)EE DIVISION Ienixn 5 (Brian Smith, Johan Stork Tnx►hayrne EtBter 3. MVPs Adam Dobush TEAM G W L T Honda Pit i DVD ' PRICE & Daniel DeSouza): Yoplait 3 (Andrew Lawson, Adan Burke, Keven Nidwlas) Pickering 6 5 0 1 , vs GFP 1 (Joseph wRicci vs. Hawks B (Justin Berernekhe 2 Michael Hud, Dern and Wallpaper ; 4 2 a Adam Volpe, Matthew Rica 2). EMC Enterprise Storage ADULT SYS �k EURO. N AGS. DVD.. ' GIRtS` Uf�ER-12 DIVISION 1 6 3 3 0 6 Judy 10- Pickering Slo-Sports 4 (Jenna Kotsopouios, Emma Borg 2,.Nioola Unistrut Central 5 2 2 1 5 Boyer Pontiac 6 2 3 1 5 AJAX A jYAX PICT EItT1�TG SmeI,.MVPs Sarah Marschall & Nicola Small) vs. Rotodc2 (Anne Polzirh, Jamie Kistex_MVPs Seirrina G1a►las, Kanitie Morgan ii Jamie Illsley): Sportr(g Im Licks 5. 1 3 1 3 2i HarWood Ave. S. 1163' Kin tOn. Rd. ages 0 ( MVPs $arch Leslie & MicheM Warne) vs. Eastern Dry(MV Drywall 0 Ps Pr for Sports $ 0 4 2 2 : 426 =64 4 , 83 -3113- OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & :SUNDAY JULY 22 & 239,2-3 P.M. 998 VISTUI A DRIVE, DICKERING (EAST OF WMSHOWSOUTH OF BAYLY) JUSTLISTED! "DON'T MISS THIS! $22921W,- `Beaut: ful 4 level, 4 bedroom backsplit. Backing to ravine, conservation & park). ' Quiet street,steps to bay &lake. H$$$thousands spent on renovations. Cus[Om kitchen with built-in appliances. SwR"lsow Family room with gas ft eplace and OW) 831-33M walk -out to deck & treed ravines Hardwood fk5ors,central air & vac Or Visit Virtually at- west-shorecowl , , wa:s :�.s -g tr.wo, itav�� SUN., JULY Z3, _Z-4 7 MILN�R GRRd 6 -5185 SW ©AMIELS CIMS. $i AJAX BY TM I.AK! Tr$fub W1114atly ggWaded _ baale; 5 1 awl Anes this Void items. 3 erwsizeA tieQloomo, 3 6afwoalea, N,1111111Otlt benmeM , P tltrkllo 6 Ott 41h, - - m .-Mb floor fbally , Ceder deck, Close t0 a Mohr. volar and Nurrdry roams. Cwwd * cowd tree mrd as such amore. Iia P� with ming hardwood bme a tf acY Ns1f316ti.01 r.: Wedf*V o 4Noldfiww to PRw t4 tWpow Nam 4rmkww nQY ttnQ tools dtlta0 or d radio s cd Glwgi tMee tad W�N WNW CKURMIG 8S1-7577 " ipsment With lR breer�etttn t root *prud PRICE* 1. 831-3300 900 no., rTlllrble shows to alio t✓lie. Fm ICQ/IW at851-3900: ter ftW lad enol- L)VF. F i Ifs IE M A/P PAGE 26 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 21, 2000 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net been built on a Firm foundation - people. To Pace Vbur Ad Call.- a//:THE THEUXBRIDGE TRIBUNE HAIRSTYLISTS CAJAX PICKERIIVG NEWS ADVERTISER Ajax Pickering News Advertiser: G.8 3-0707 1[jj&S'S11F11 11b ` Uxbridge: -.852-9741L prospects to deliver Web Site: www.durhamnews.net Training Education - 1 f3srleral Help 1 General Help 1 General Help 1 'General tfelp 11 Careers 1 General Help ham Region. If interested, please call Jennifer Semler at T e NEWS AdV@ills@f MASSAGE TRAINING - Aro- Az DRIVERS for Broker, 3 yrs. EXPERIENCED GR OMER matherapy certificate level 1. experience, clean abstract. JQIN A LEADER Is looking for reliable people to insert and deliver flyers door to door NFYMED AT PET PEeV start July 29 & Aug. 12. 9am - Canada and U.S. Call 905- 5pm. eld at Durham Col- 571-1097. MAKE7� A 7T A DIFFERENCE papers and �p every Wednesday, Friday and le Lifestyles Positive ap Must be reliable; hard working and p Training. (soy) a30 u oRlflpt3, regt,ired imine have eiately, 3 yrs. driving experi- Viceroy Homes Limited has 'earned a solid reputation in local and domestic markets . as - a ma or leader in g ) Saturday in the Pickering area. -Deliveries must be completed by 6:00 pm. a strong., of animals. 0895, ence preferred, dean abstract. Contact Lianne at Pet Peeves oral tanker experience an asset for 292 H 47 fuel delivery _ broker, home -home .manufacturing. Known for its innovative products, ` sound financial status and the ability. to Must have a vehicle. For more information . .Goodwood �'v3' , dairy. Excellent rates: Fax re - 9055 -642-1444 A 40 YR. OLD company lo- sume to (905)516A778 or cated at eayly b .Liverpool, cal (9o5)S�fi-443a, and lean deliver, Viceroy continues. to excel. Our success has call 905-683-5117 been built on a Firm foundation - people. T= Il E*S In arever-expanding marketplace, Viceroy's Corporate Offices in Port Hope have the following HAIRSTYLISTS POSITIONS AVAILABLE` - III. Architectural Draftspersons, Technicians prospects to deliver busy rental car office. Duties include leaning and prepar--- Ing cars for rental. Must be 21 newspapers and and Technologists fl ars t0 the flyers following ham Region. If interested, please call Jennifer Semler at areas **•iy**.Or* A sound education in Architectural . Drafting or AN CLASSIFIED D associated degrees or diplomas in the architectural' Ravenscroft Rd. Cedar St. SERVICE Kent St. -field is a prim_ a requirement. Knowledge of AutoCAD - Ages: - 9 and there shall be no - abiGty..for non -insertion Port Hope, Ontario L1A 4H1 14 or similar CAD software drafting programs is a QDQW ; skills along with some computer knowl- edge. We provide full training and offer must. Preference will be given. to those that have at MERCHANDISERS REQUIRED least 3 years of drafting experience as' well as some hAdwags MA hell k - building - site experience. Recent` graduates of a recognized drafting course .will be, considered for our Meeings Dr. Pickering IS looknng for ex- message please. perienced full-time industrial AZ/DZ TRUCK drivers. 1 yr sewing machine ooppeerators. experience and dean abstract ad Please call (905)•120206. required. wage 312-14hr. Full T= Il E*S and pan -time positions avail: Fax resume to (905)725-1857 AVOp TW ' R or call (905)725-9324. is looking for CAR CLEANERS needed for prospects to deliver busy rental car office. Duties include leaning and prepar--- Ing cars for rental. Must be 21 newspapers and Years of age with leant d"'"i'e record. Opportunities in Dur - fl ars t0 the flyers following ham Region. If interested, please call Jennifer Semler at areas **•iy**.Or* 477-2199. Macey Ln. CLASSIFIED Randall pr. CUSTOMER Ravenscroft Rd. Cedar St. SERVICE Kent St. News Advertiser re- * th t mise training program. • Fd and fin � ORS Pill 1► SKIP TRACERS/COLLECTORS Mapie St. reed Dr. George St. ques s a ve rs check their ad upon Forward resume, by fax, or mail to: • Pad wKalan 2 after 1 � Collection Agency located at 401/and Redmond Dr. WrightCres„ (905) 434-4994 428-6824 y wep eotrcly Me" publication as News Ad - vertlser will not be re - Limited Iffilma' n Resources Wks. ice► 3 titkS 3 • _r _ Kennedy Rd. has immediate full time Kennedy Rd. positions available. Candidates should Palmer Dc Noake Cres, Windebanks Dr. sportsible for more than. one incorrect insertion Ii 414 Croft Street East per weekends. Please bike a re - DELIVERY _ ORnm vam drivers fresrmu customer re= have strong interpersonal and negotiating Raine Dr. - Ages: - 9 and there shall be no - abiGty..for non -insertion Port Hope, Ontario L1A 4H1 -' Ofs lawe/YllhitbY Tilds Week ATBarbara Harrison skills along with some computer knowl- edge. We provide full training and offer Pollard Dr. wicks Dr. MERCHANDISERS REQUIRED of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads Fax (905)885-8362 • De1W, DR wnd 4ecmre pkn , interesting and challenging work. Good Meeings Dr. • is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- - Tetephme calls will not k accepted. We thank all applicants tulip apply, but • 811 leedw ( Parenls Call (416 221-3829 salary and bonus incentive. For dept. please call Noble Ave: Miles Or. thaws. ax iN1t+�ks neer ar for u Aube & Pickering area. must be is s the error, t; All copy is .sub' to the ro- ►e �p advise that diose under active consideration will be contacted. .. s Ii0 f%flfe�, reglAr� � Full & part-time Miss Khan 416-297-7077 ext. 345 Marsh Ln, Mapson Cres. vel of management of News Advertiser. a Advaued kt" vided Ritchie Ave, ,e �9 Pro $19011M NNUS riorhroraiu ,rem Whittr Pickering George St. (905) 666-6890- (9051831-2196 MACINTOSH,OPERATORS'. Hourly linage $7.5o (905),50970195 Full-time and Part-time Hourly wage $8.50 Oshawa Ajax `(905) The 'Oshawa/Whitby production department is seeking Macintosh operators with. newspaper production (905) 434-4994 428-6824 y wep eotrcly Me" experience. - . Comprehensive knowledge of Quark Express and Adobe _rT7"fL;WWAj Photoshop is necessary. • _r _ Queen St. Windsor Ave. COLLE E Tudor Ave. PAINTERS George St. Full-time student York St. Heatherwood Rd. positions available for the remainder of Kings` Cres.. the summer. Must Churchill Rd. Roosevelt Ave. Ihave oivn transportation. -Exeter Rd. Forest Rd. Call, Mark ' (416)992--2708, Admiral Rd. Fraier Rd.. Larnbard Cres. fax resume to ("5M4-7645• Dreyer Dc E. COUNTER .; NLP WANTED.' Windebanks Dr. rt -time approximate 10 ours week evenings and Harbord Cres. per weekends. Please bike a re - Experience in Multi -ad, Adobe Illustrator and scanning would-be considered an asset. Hours of work would include evenings and weekends. AFfORQABIF l001lswOMLFuuRGlfif. 1F YOU LOVE GOURMET FOOD AND ARE SELF MOTIVATED, �r11�"r FOR FURTHER INFORMATION sums fo , Mini forage, 180 station t., A)ax, Ontario. DRIVERS required. Fast company. fast _ Blease Submit resume to: THE FUTURE bOOW to those Tose w,,apVf-1, , VW olio _w": www:isskhoke coin � P lease fax resume to 905-t83-5117 expanding must t+ave own car or van. 70% 700m%inl7 OSMWA • WHnY R Gg.ARN13TON • PORT PWY What You Could Be Worth? Neeww mer Maintenance N media web design and Mrs. `Widemanls MOVE AVERAGE NICOME-AZ ar:'Ds05. .70% THIS WEEK CAREER POSITIONS ��w�justIncredible `� DSI Foods at 905-6 2-0105 drivers needed, Pickering area. Full-time, Yeaf round DELIVERY _ ORnm vam drivers fresrmu customer re= d y b Maes Positions in Excess of - Ages: - 9 or hone 905-642-5638 p work. weekends off. New equipment.'5 years. minimum; Fax resume to lationKihip a const. lady morn Ing start. Rye days a week. Mon. -Fri., physically fit. Fa- Ofs lawe/YllhitbY Tilds Week ATBarbara Harrison Profess)ioniats Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Feesl! Men/Women 16-65 yrs. MERCHANDISERS REQUIRED experience. 416-665-262.6 miliaith Durham- region. r w j �ra picked -up c crto P.O. sox 481 Needed for same! No axtras'. for • 312 - _ 865 FwvweU SL Parenls Call (416 221-3829 Big . Box Stored' A ax , _ 1t.., thaws. ax iN1t+�ks neer ar for u Aube & Pickering area. must be Oshalwlra Ontario � Full & part-time MARWirS bondable ✓t hardworking, full LIN` 7L5 Hiring for Full & Part Time or e-mail resume to: minimum supervision barb.lMMson0durhamnews.net wages, salary +. 05 -292 - THE FUTURE bOOW to those Tose w,,apVf-1, , Are You Being Paid " Qt'What You Are'WO>i�tA? those who are ledmically skived. Not.& Com. uussi�nngp MCSE/Lotus Notes, Darab�se Would You Like to Get .Paid administration► using Orale. What You Could Be Worth? Neeww mer Maintenance N media web design and 2 Week P am available in the , Attooad. '*M design aid programming. Fh ancial as - Sales & arketing Industry : We have hundreds of sistance' may be araiiaolie to dfgiw students. Can Dwham Business Computer Ctaege; CAREER POSITIONS tsl>5>a�i�ole• _ - available in almost every field Guaranteed.9b Placement d y b Maes Positions in Excess of Matitet Trading $40-$60,000 per. year Ear® E*8 The Sales & Marketing Income Profess)ioniats Call: A05) 404-7304 41- have Dependable, able to work with ' Depen Hiring for Full & Part Time Vatrrmg. Provided, must own veMdl prderably a van, minimum supervision Positions _ wages, salary +. 05 -292 - > Ear required Apply in Person with resume at EARN S20O., s3e0, 5500, 'O'r more per week, �semblng Fax resume to: 416-285-9235 Z56 ton Kinn Products in the cortdort of Your own frame. send a sw, , or -E -nihil - f hirlisywOsprint.ca Road East (inside addressed stomped envelope Home Depot) W., Ste. 541. 636. Mis- ARBYS RESTAURANTS assauga, Ont. L5K 2R8. Oshawa. Whitby and Ajax are ESTNETiCIAN. Great oppor- rson "Ing enthusiastic, energe- to�se frvke existing xpesinclientele. enced tic individuals as suit manag- For more information please ers Applicants should have can (905) 852-8832. some food service back- ground. wage dependent on EXPERIENCED door persons experliu,oa. Apply "ft. 905- regwed for Trader Sans. for 723-4178. Friday & Saturday nights. Ap- ply $18.86 to start. aY in person M ism &UFO Local company has 43 New St Pon Perry, or call 11105 - Local must fill by fI85 9955. July 2 training expe'sd pnrcie nese FOOD PREPARATM and essacall for interview irdormatan serving part time. Experience (905) 723-4920. Pmferrod Send a resume or a�pty - in person Monday - AZ ,DRrM with 3 years ver* TmuradaY 2 - 4 pm. No .call tiaDle .experience to run m' ease. Bigingsgate Fol anti wi8tin fi00 mile radius. Please 46 Chwdr St S. Ajanc. can Af 905 623 8655 Lt 2m8. • 1 D"careWanted i Arxcole- i Anellefor - 1 rte" want w i11 fo -� Rei da [ a ermaerte Sole- Sere Selo SeMe 11 for SeN iron sae. Rik / 1 y--- ,.. ford DURHAM PROFESSIONAL APPLIANCES: ►igerafor 2• LIt16rs CLEARANCE SALE. YARD SALE t. J` A,`. 22 8- -Iwt CSD - Blac i,. tinted 114015 CHEV TRUCK ,, W-ally Home Daycare Inc. Daycare door frost fres, deluxe stow, Futons are the perfect sleeper t� s wudanrs auto, good condi restored $25o0. 1991 Chen UXBRIDGE, One bedroom apartment ' receded in Ajax .and matching heavy duty washer and sparesaver for every- 2004 Underhill Cot., Pickiedn don. $1800. will ca". Blazer Handyman's special You work at home, b dryer 5675/alt -will s one's name and cottage. Ten g i905�71-iss9. 51500, OBD, 88 Dodge with SUnroom walking distance r,0 provide a safe environment rata. Also Kehmgre washer different Styles of fulo s and GatC�Brl meRt, rowing rlt8Ct1ifle, van cert/emmi:; $190b. 1990 nutritious ;meals and fun ac- used 2 yyears SM Pickering bunkbeds always in stock. shelving, used garage dopy pRener. IM �i 10, nth condition. van, ertrolli�q chassis ax4, 350; amenities, Heat & Hydro included. 1 st liva'ies for the Children. For (905) 426.5945. futons from $169/mattresses ' loaded i7� obo, 985 SS - complete $1500. 350, - more details about lois axial- S89 PaNisec leather furniture & mi�ctt more. D6t6 and last $650.00 plus 1/2 of cable. Tali nu ay can our staff at CARPET - I have several 'wholesale 906 509 t2D7 thousand yartls-of new Staler _ at Prices Sim- 1!188 MDMA - 4cyl.. fuel in- Call 905-852-4485 master aA,100Yp nylon-car- POCkeI Ok now onsale:locled1!89 CHEV SILVERADD 1/2 LIYE-OUT Caregiver for a pet I win carpel pour kving Nways offering thlsl e best goat trarntnesseor�e with overdrive. ton. 350 V8, certified, emis ;old A a 2yr old starting room and feat flor $349: -Pricer az o rs - vtcerythWh►ge Saturday, JU/y 22, 2AAQ:. 8i7/It no rusl,, no, of .- reJ�le, Sim b boat 4r»zi f badedWon mall� 2�-aEDRDOIYi separate basement 0$HAINA Quiet building r Sepinrber• Please call :LIDS nndudes ca pad aqd In, is priced to-dear. FutmWmat- Zp/rt 1 11greaf. dtea of fns.. SB ppd Calf 905 I25 64a5 wed 4 appdanras,. man ard rance "ntrain ded Mdl Y- 4 aper ilp m starvation {34 qYa►9s): tressest6ean: ba gstitedroom t _ Weekes Dr.,11 4.. (Church & Delw Carr iemiss eg n. Avail bean ' 1., a { � 743 96831 " suiteslcrdfse `.arW call tables 447 26ett Y tll8 FDAII DtPEtNlak Xk&;' , ogle jet atwr Sept `1. 9.A 3 bed tAJllllp tNlN11Y wgoed -213 father _ ors�F _ _ able 1, S' l • NJ7 1Ni41A1 ! - rSim oom- from SM file Att6e 3 DaDO dow4 ..lit v x } .. - h1111113410114Wsaw ft"M r no ft Or - : ,: .: � -.. : �- rte _Y. _ �� : • =� � ''^ � - r.3 4 u LL. .0 _ ahg tads ;+s: tl►s twr t W8€S kis 6a8 Sawn 90541 -1772- *9 RA0 AYI "tat fuel: DAYCARE ire -z home in diose soon of an _ 2g01r $2.SD@ Cab dte 8 BJiiM APA11:iia1lt f pe Amax, Loving environment. CA){PET ASID. 11NlYL ,SAli- metres,& rnetlers d acoistic - trader bitch, $6000 ceffil & avlaib(e irnd�aky WditDy, }837 6702: emisswn tested.m.nifir905 571-5887 Nutritious means, eats,-Crafts. out Carpet three atoms, 30 square pis• Recartidn #fekdz•'" }{$yj �ar51 Esf pRq LppPDD1 fYl: ings, and fun: Years of expert yards, from 5339 installed. I �, Yar aha, - Mason `& 1883 SUNBgiD spotless 2 ( ) once. Can Trisha s83-7421; m8- discount you nesi� q�xite Ris!m. & other grand or YAu fN'i@d our prOv�q g$F s Sale kif.. door, ice +mld.alc 4 cyder, s 1Y18 DDusE cARce RAM ( } o, one bedroom basement DAYCARE lit MY H011E, up to 10% New colors and !tAn9nt for sale, start speed, emission. leafed aW WAN, 1/2 ton V8 short' box, ( 8441, apartment, separate entrance. lewdry,cable. a/c, newly ten - DAYCARE � designs.Customer satisfaction I� at Gd ready for to G2eat;fpr "bei�inners. Signs, p#ICQ relit, cetbFced. Fxcrdsrhf-car4tron. mechanically good: some "WHITBY GARDENS UNDER oval no smokers/ ts, An & Whites Rd E.C.E. mother uarameed. Gab MBte for your IessonS now! Check out the $�• Coe 426'$9YY, rust. ' ;1800 as 6. can NEW MANAGEMENT -One e4 done world like ZQ care for estimate, 905-431-4040 web at wwwbarbhafl.cohn or bU 101ii, batt90nS, bele - td b0ilklet, it , $700 alt inclusive. Available . your children 2 yrs m 6 yrs call- Barb at 905.427-7631. 1886 NISSAN SEIi1RA XE 4 and two bedroom aparnnents August 1. (905) 837-8509 simple for a tell - out sate. door � 82.000 kms. au- � V6 av�lefnq�tmrdem, included. age. Hot meats and ton activi- ARCADE GAMES. Great for Yhsa, MC, Amex 1883 I$ffY in too 6uerring. Utintfas included. PtCKERIM6 Renovated 3 ties. Fenced.yard. Cate Irene rec room or cottage. Spider •air, exceikrd:caeW' 116,060 kms.,vsry clean, tau facilities and 905-837-1878, 905-837-0315. man 1 - 4 players, Mortal PIAMO$16AANpFATHER f 9.�J i s/t i. �1lOFley-baht gulranteE. tron, emission tesled acrd car $8,68 OBQ 905 263 8139 nnddrryy parking 8drm: main floor of bungalow, DAYCARE, experienced care Combat, Operation Wotf CLOCKS. Back' to scnirot'safe WWWjbor�.,r, COKt.' 38500. Cab 605 665 1,008 DODGE GRAND Cara- avaitabfe-.CaB (905)430 5420: uvingroom� rep D� p stalls #5th on at Ro R, 3-car rid Cbse giver CPR a R Shooting Video Games, Cap AuAu�t ADELMDEAWLSON. Bright smoke S petfree.dFusVlast' $1,200/month,irdw tam Amertca t - 4 players. W digital P and Sa• van SE, loaded, 4 caption targe clean 2 bedroom apart- Gold T Goff 1 4 players, frfus mirk acoustic pianos. Largs Tt3tlf f 8�%'�-3i 1817 TRANSTARNS- AM Convertible, Chairs, 16,000kms.; AAVFM yell Sate, reliable, reason, Also 4' x 8' pool setecborns of used epos. 800 frpi 6 speed Ia 12 m t s, noir-smoker Cf7 4tc mom. � q CQ 521.500. can 905-434- Siva. No pet able rales: Church St. Call Ram to Duro, YDD% aft fardel 2 -.• - Ga - 2775 qpplI (905)420-5845. Michelle 697-8974 tate. (905) 720.4506. sip - raged winter, irreludes' $835 plus Sept 1St � t _' paYmeuf Thr. tae tELEP * MMN'G SALE-* Comer," 521900(905)- 4W . Tel (905) PICKERINc walkout base - HIGHWAY gasoline PFANO () 4331491. Hi6HWAY 2 & DtXiE. • Wrtt- 27 Iles St, ItjaX CtAlri It lRt tiAstlBnd 1 Trailers 473-9329 Clean. one non-smoker, m eyed, Honda motor, 3.5 FB48 fleet Dunbar and St. Marguer- 7 kir, 107 ccicm3, udec P� TABLE and custom- � 11911 CHEM CAVALIEA $ AJAX, t BEDROOM basement Separate entrance. Fi t ire, references'.CPR, any trdrdc Ucan. little • used ice, rdW►y slakled solid oak Sat9rsfe� 2, �1 am-4P black . itdy toadw. AirVfM STORAGE TRAILERS for sale parking, shared wrelCeme, 11 yrs exp. non $475.9Q56391357. (sr�} with fumed feg>F leather:. or rent looking to . Nb Iaurrdnr suns pa d buy. $675,, inclusive. Available An- we happy sate strut- -pockets, 1' Slate. brarhd-rlew" , y Or 5�1f n@ - "° -ran; set them. level with the irq person. 1600 # 1st .OW 181. Can flD5 4289653 terrfxl em4rorhmem, lot& a COMPUTER FACTORY taoth baths. cues, took. F_xeFcss egUipitt Ch11df8fi $ t0}i$ indCO3, SM46 - Would• Mates a great work- a last 905 6T91�51 PICKERNIO . Tomah Centre hugs. (416) 721-3107 BLOWOUT, Amazing i yr, no $2.8.00. Cab 905.72D-83N - .430.7693 ( f Co 1-bed" tiaeemenC SjAtiieS, $�. 2 ra1tK3B (ttt?t"WOr aoarthlent. Tawdry. asement ' payments, tan $13/wk (OAC). AJAX, large 1 bedroom, legal PICKERiN6 kuh t Rave: d68 , Mhz loaded, printer, RENT OWN new-2rhd-re Orrli ft$W D((i 3ti8. (te [ lld`:�1ryi81Tk1f1 t$88 NIALlARD 26i1. "Like ,basement apt. Seperak en Laving daycare; r,8 mondrs to monitor, igkmet sattware and C o 04mat and new, 313,50p• (705)277-1428. trance, laundry, fun bath, CAC. arNrar�, Smoking. is 12 rears. Dally outings . new TV&, # Pao Ca(ripitiQStDV4;fti�C, t, ... tri Of1d$ 1 Flltltfl nio smokers/a ts, firmnWC re Prefer sire tem Avail- 12 , fenced. Dockyard and =park). ire. free scanner, delivery & ¢tH15SS:'--: {� 3 �tlh tit3W 1A 1 Ry CANER TRAILER :•f¢rdf ( aria ,1-600.515-554s, s Malloch. 9� 263 of . - EIiERONE05. ooppquilted 5700. ir�Itaiva s5cele ma Crafts, story time, music, flu 1 SOtk19R 5502: F tall hi 8tt7V9 - � Q. (1St fire t3fiy- dirherie 6 & gay T ho 427-0372-ask Mr Clovis. 61 Immediately. Comae (911`ij686 trtious meats & Cracks.. First COUNTRY DINRIBROOM' set. Aid, C.P.R.- certified' Non- , solid bitch, honey odour, ex- s 52ytT5,576 55x2 - b 1• %eQ�} screened porch, heater -spara .BACOELM APARTMENT. smoking. receipts. 905-428 ear+ tire: electrical: .extras. Nicer Ajax hospital.' ceue, condition, c chairs, SHEOeIAR- hty wooden bad ceedd, iffy - $4700 0.b.o, - C 91)831-' nix, above around: separate • 1244: - table Duffel, and hutch, $1200 sheet X A` Train lent only, H� YOLI SEEN � 6277 Q �A OBO. Calf 905.655 E343 .:. eriframx, facing ra+rtne: in- 2 $ 3 . $!R WHITE'=TROUDS • 12 Yrs• $ 1 plus A• "Many other credit: You opts.- 28fl experience, non smoker, no OAK DiMETTE $ET Table, _ azed. styles avafk6te. THE NEIN A TA Work? w/� CEDAR PARK, lust north >» wclraudes sherlifkye Se, Chs to Wentworth St. West. MA, cbse to schools, large Inge teat; pedestal, 4 chairs . and decks. 76f 111 WRIK Bowmanville. 35ft Trailer, -2 $740 & $854: Utilities emxd m backr d, any a e -$795: While quantities fast!! McKay�0 3, Picker?ng- drn/e! Lots of lipouts, 8x114 add-a-roarn,. M smolk wN at Incl. Close to schools, q for art iota: cpl1 90519 SAVE UP TO ON NEW & USED w welcomed. Coil Kathy FINE, LOFT TREASURES 918 CtidlCe DOViIfl OF rap-around de(* winterized � 5650! 905 428 �pp�g � �: Pull (90631-1796: Slalcne St N.,' Oshawa- 905 MERCFIANDISE ah, Gond. $12,500 OBO. 4571 or a16 7 t4: Mans right past lance '579-9311 PtNEJDAUK EURNINRE.;:NO 87fl Tauntesn Rd. TTade may be - (0579-22'!8.. � r door, for .tau cyo EMU ONLY from 985 PSt..NO GST...:durirg out ft Formerl ,(MiclRans.AtietionHouse -09, eQllir�." FOLDfBD TRAHER jtENTAj$'. usultnT APT. 1 bedit". / Whiles/Strouds.. Private en• �)7214741 Buick Park Ave.. VB, 3:SL, Annual Factory Clearance 1/ t�iit. P1st of ThtCkspn New, Y2K Coleolen'#. sleeps trance. Parking: La+mdry. Ca- LIYF Ni - HMiIESIAIE9iS to 26 km, excellent condi Sale...Due to overwhelming 6.• fridge, furnace, awning.. Tow sit& or-mature 0".TWO BEDROOM, 2 baths, care for Sealers 3-4 days! tai . 630,1357- demand we are exuding: our - C1itt5iclL'ven4ior and Ft1� iE whth, any:cac Weeks rantaNs jos. _Nan saYekar Avail. ry (sr 1} . No mom Boor � larmd rim; , week. Earn $350/week. Meat ! e d >1te year to Sat. Fad titers ttfarkQi �� 5449lwcek: 905 fi55-3584 A tst. CA 905-B39-4648 deck, downtown Whit for retired pers6ns: Seniors . END... OF LINE CLEAROU'r Ju 22/Of1...No Pat .No Gsi t� 965 447-1094. 619-2488. $ � �pitrs hydro CaB 9� For Seniors.(905)434-5115. . everyth' must 1m. Matttees- ort.---all'.our Entertainment . r 1 sale and's1#m VMslttoffi 666-5100, ' VIEWAN CHEV BAYLY:WES73HORE _ New 2 ergGOLFERS DREAM, a0' Pmt ss from 559., mattress set from wales home": u><hce tiinng .. : " -- - ', h%�-�I�rm, bsmt. apt: with seg. eft• . 0: r I-Awood5159 single, double sets• #nom _Room Kadten std BeWoom FloridaRorhda trancebudhAry, paring, -Glens AWust ideal mom pins roam. on WHITBY 1st. $219:, queen set irom'3269. FunAure..:DrnY miss Lai 1;i (i MOE wit. z�r 18 hole Iwo own- Excenert to schoak;and t+anspatalTon. for quiet corals, 2 bedroom n Fatttrry Mattress 1.889-220• oul!tl-.Oft in and see our 7151XlAYETfE, L82 walk a4 tom, furnished,; paodnod(t incTr►dEd, rcaf Dor, w FREE osskhds 4 pallets limit- ra$�5) g288� eFl h et -- rte ..,{Ars t5ii(} ',h1.iQtiYiil ialag&.fie sn 84 FORD f2K5190. Indoodouldolibr 1s11 - 576ti/ri> Sep irtdusive.: ALmtrai"SO- 1 rs lex• Door, apploane.' : ed firm offer. free rletivery by `tet t11a bath, -share Mom '':SLAV lro�ci lett tp`,.:.Traditiolna4 Woodwork- asldrg;)t200. Cad 428fi796" 00X TRARER, 4'x8', $450. morph inclusive Can' Debbie $84.166 or 666-8687�e tractor trailer kled. 6 bads FLAGSTONE, 3' grey time 1 l5 North -Pori Raid (S. Z �► (Locally only). 905-434-0392 stone; roximadey 100 of :'float Rd} Port Pertly Sometbilstg for eireryenet Call 905.786-245b t R(41116016-4903-.w Bus r . 3 Winn SM) sq.it: szoD n a Gam. Gar 905 9� 4:.awww.t 6 . NEED A. CAR . INTRA LIGHT CADET tmuse Wigs at-in Win. Ava6. don Stores .$40 & $60. Wood- na�gunta ' trailer: 13ft W �arnt exten• CENTRAL AJAX Basement ! 1st. $995ftnoith indu- t tsergein ley s Sawmill, (905) 263 4121 : $649. fiDtVt1 �0 m a skive. Call Paut Bird, Mincom Ron. Only . Cdh be aPartme • • Separate tante, fO116 tiN. op 'extra Millennium(WS)720-2004.' FRANKLIN FORRACE, dl thick box � {,'`( { (} po d by any ,oar i3 30ft. Parkmft. air, tea of wastror! staler hsak brfck•blocks;" ( X25. Nryer, mse Ckase to WHITBY extra large 1-bed- AHI CONOITIDNERS from mps7 used, �l I.aYN as $99/mttt" 4 ae ameratlesinorhtt in r $85 -$185: G full sits GMC steel beams, etc. 10' Radial hY k, 'Gist $1800, . seD 4I ThesipMus lane �1" ifotc►oyekre rLustve fksUlast month in- room apl', m dean tnPlex : van seat, $65.(905)576-0132. 7193 w, etc: Ph '(905)725- $6 .. (416) 726=9885. CALL T'(iDAY; build Availebk Sept. 1st. 7483 _ (C"%O aS1 HA!`YPOhDd) DRrYVLrTODAY! try 9ff5028 9124 $725 caws nydnu. Also 3-bed. ANTIQUE Butternut drop-leaf WASHER/SPIN-:DRYr#1 (Hf � y = ' li t- WANTED }fends CFWO' dirk CENTRAL Deknra, Targe 2 room thnoi kitchen rare- table:- seats ' $, Four antique PQWERED air rwmpres- Motu), ft new `ren, NOW �s ,y fiocle. the tx1M aaa, ma t' trills and/or Enduro_ dkt bedroom apartmeids n well- g►a�, floor dirdrg chairs. 1 large while sor, ,8 HP, $800 080. 905- $650. asts� $No,, Qll'� 05 . basement. No grass- kr CIM tale & 6 chairs. licca 434-0392-Circa 723.8120 ion est 2��r mairtairled buitdin dr, or. snow amovaL deskAv urdi s rep Large 5� GAI AMP, SAID R CAA fi De you hawro 434 ail ameititles. :x ng antique side-board. No tea HANKS APiLU1your 4 Ap VATAGE BiNUk - mMdurles 3t.OQO9£ afford (s^P) 0723.09779am.-6p.m. aitaDk Sept. 1st. $915+ Banc�es: your etwice Samhdi, 22 watt amp books CR�eWFORI? DRIVE AtAif _ ----- heatAlS+mo. 668-4321, 655- offer-Is recused. 905 �ttflg0', taxes and delivery n•- fonder $25D DBQ. Gil lvioveTie a ,Sasti.sf-.l" atwo4Ct proved a tii3 �FIUKI 388. COUNTRY SETTING, near 4623, (416)269-5449. 905 1. ) 22. ,R,ttl. - i tet o:bx+ CaB; CertFfied. $1�0 : house 3•Dedwam farm WHITBY, DUPLEX, lower lei- chided. MO Tres" xt.fridges, da p - : Y t . , 721-89 ii. house with/wKlhautl ant- d' 2. bedroom, freshly p 50b0039.. 8 27.00Okms ELECTRIC BAYER, Vile ng lace- & regular .models, mom y. p .: fNW:YOUR, MEiKr him veld • exratkrd cerdntiarl 5106 CaII - Stoverti whifa a .arnamm fGf:DAttl{Y: wtrhntrwr con- de;disSAm 18� iX $0@ 'Kawa(d black, lilble tIstfoota also, avaflable­ goat street 1 fnarlonp space, (905i83t-9159 ` $199lup Waauers/dryers ebtiaters ' S,Q00 iiia .--.. -. & Silver. new tus 2 0778 laundry facility no pets, non:. u� UK, mar- tap. Only 7,000 btu $375;; 10,000 btu GAS- Gig SA i; yyee�aYr ' FANNIE $250: Stove 1450: , S4m 4a washars: $199/oc: i5ry 5445 :12 0� -:tiro ;195. Re Mairwl futnitute a fgrTinld, ya0ul dr, thdmurs, arhd 'poker, smoker fust &last required, washer $125: dryst $125. Or era $198( •:Amenia fipzer on -• � Y !`hdere ADO bo o..fp1172f 8841. ilARW08WBAXLY, 3 bed .: S15D.?rrfo. pt s utilitiPs�cafl. ton �t / . } .,, �, room train floor lactase 125 905-866-87 . fb ,name an ober lot' A 965• ;,bottopr jrdge, like . rnew racoridifiohlerf " ; $125/ Sit I>�y�z 9<n3.ist .r,3 in � -psi' pits f;D% oWitks, - �lvr 686 3576 after 4pm $499: Air iwnditfoners-.$1501' tip, recaWitioned�s 5125! 3K} In b T Aerginl fat. IStilasl. W3HTBX Large 1 bedroom up- La�rgeselection side-by- up, reconditioned washers ga [tae, Ajax basement- apt Close to Al SOFA SET, 3 pieces. be' e, Codes aP 24' stoves. ' $199 ! new and recondm-- (Hacwood/Rgaalated area) # rmenihus no pas a to an amenities. Avail. o-0 condition, $fig. GaII dee store for rktails. 42H tioACd mh�rh ed washers gig afne► Cato {9f�) 4?0- Aug. 5th. 905-683-5480 olherat- 1281 S690innadln includes itUMfes 5imcoe SLS. (995)728-4043. and dryers at low, prices. New 1paewdry g. RrStii No NNioc7FArt las HOUSEHOLD 'CONTENTS for brand have fridges $460 and G SALE AM SAM.-Quiet bedroom ed 6740 or alter 5�pin lK Sob, sate 324 French St Oshawa: rmr-' rareges wltn ckhdc Satlfrdaf Ju 22rrfEff 8 8m.= 2 pm and window $4M. Reeordi- Separate 'erftrarrce. 3615. Furniture large & small ap li-Ske A�i87� CAN STEREO BOX with 12 pMnm decor, tools, garden finned 24' ranges and 2a' freest � WCREDIT? 1lalhroote; $Swfmcl, �':Oriiet Y"OSNAWA, well kept, full shim speakers, paid $�0 & � tree fridges now available,new (South of ft 1-2, west 0f estney) one bedroom & two bedrooms agog;, beds/dressers, tricfierh asking $299. Two 6' Boss wart All must ! Sof. aid- Wide selection o1 other clew �� deli' r b Children s dot etc, ' nmr-smoker cart s� witt,tweelem SIM., Skim.Ba.m. and reconditioned pp�I s - krr♦d No pis istAast: available. Parking, Wwtdtp. Nkid MGitiatt bench with bar• Call us, today: St�M's' {905}68•; August 1st/September 1st and_ 125 lbs. ' KITCHEN CAlmETB , 5700-. Appliances. Sales, Service, WAAIIER i DRYER M. BEDROOM from 5808. fkfiU& lad, credit $ 50. 837-9213. sap Beautiful Indian carpet 12x18 marts 154 Bridx St. Osh Dishwasher • pBmFnS &- 8801 416 457- 51199. taiga wta 52b0., f )67& 74x8. 8 est AAkla $ noise. (9ti5}831 6112. b 1GCated , in thcbridpe an 1 Wage unit 250., 2-6rown I -rem whim you C n � for saleArticles FOR SALE -Boxer paps. Va adult occupied budltl loather look 4uyboy 'Chairs Arlie 6 Cited" WAS. Farads may, � to Wow sail- 905- y� shim home for fess than $100., Rocking. Chair $50, a you thnk?It Call Dave fay- CARPETS. hots d carpet, the viewed. i�Q• _9115.432- 8!i2�' you _ Satan rte Re/Maz (905)43o-6138. Tp�"-barooef, August 1st. Summ6. Really 1991 ltd. 100% rrytrn, new stain re- ANTHMS?Absofuteipf Art- 6893. _ lease carpets on hard, I will ARE YOU-LOOKING for a pig *evaluable, usually CRAFTM WANTED d 'Tho f LEAST - 1997 .� central Qslawa etnhple Pis- ) $68 or ( 88d. . ca�3 rooms, $349. Price green TV? t have a 3M 5900 (reel ohdrigld, es• Cab &' Craft Showplace' kcal ,Lkadoollf Premium .pad; LCD Panel wAop-of fiwlins Cates w/some antique rOnt ed in the Corolla- FIPa Mar 31>e n Red rtt6futic font-& 1td hid8e strRae carpetad;> 3211. carpe eras. no limit to value can sponer 5 speed�'po� expett xstailation fast ddiv 3M 9800 overhead prosector ket, 4 km, east of Oshawa AGRA REG. $TALUOM Sorrel sera / kadcs. d c iceihdition: f N r Noerykine W231,estimates (30 yards). (projects image up to 140` Quantities conscOr Sof any (avp►ox• 6D0g people attend- 4 -Old. Cad for bac ground 103,000km. $370.8t pe► . 1`hw1725 2642 aiikr 5pnw. Nrmhazn 886 2314 S onto_ wrtale wall) RCA a firm, Itemsp ci single an DUo alp-•tor ,sem give foal md*. Serious inqukes 0)ME. BEDROOM MOWN basefnaM RESPONSIBLE, : nrodrng: cou- MDYIIB SALE: !PC ANTIQUE S video carnectlon. Works serris Spm interest ih Tali each wvaatehtdT. Let in atly with all DVDs, VCRs, sateniteMoorcroft tery• I'n try tore show _& sell your crafts dlred $ 0)725-7 Com�t, Dave at $11486 50tDsep . W NIE `arta, . adult . ; e errtranee. -Avg ple with cat Wx* lex clean, ( fte a r •bedroom Crile systems. Onginat cost over sport to an mhedes. Robert y m the public. You do not t BLACK LAB. T111% roefn aptable Sept 1st $508/morth one bedroom apart►t�, all (targe armare) 63900 An B flrst/iast. Utilities included. inclusive n , between ihque dressing min Condition $ � (905)5711-- Om�ario. � 5809 or fhawe 10 be thnero: there is � -camps for sok ready n Aigua# ntano�ary a� Aug- 1s1 Fridges . her $695. 1NalCh .fable een � 6 rrratNh contract. Rent stens ra �l s!�', th�te one car No smolurg 5500 •$600, for Cab 1963 fa:vkwi g. 05124 raised bat► ar Wane. shove. heat Included; or s. 7 7% Mor Alicia (905) 9856543. chairs $475. -Cherry Queen at $36/matth C88 9� �6 t' Whacb. Ga11905-997-4065 No Sft�. 571-7X31 {sip) (snD} Mahe p'' tam wV8 rLtairs MOYIN6 SALE, Laving room BUYMG ANTiQUE and cd 1024. � CASH FOR CASM We buy t pa sp�e fa ry. � e � St695:, 3 Aniique oaasianaf a �scalmaneous items.- MNHIiED • .@ur kin a Pkdn rhe veivdst. lhgk#s must �8 9 or every BBUBMA Y•bedroom base- For Rat chairs $295leach. 2pC ad Please fall after plate estdes :Bed fh - 1° • 3 25V, room .suite $135. Bowman= years. Coe 434- be n:rwmwlg canEBtion. Cab sent single vilk-(905)697,3532 , (905!579 X95 9 1 p1 - �' � 427-2415 or come to 479 2 KONG= avaeabe my a Pi sive $5central 5/ anti Bn farm. 2 Bedroom Home �8 8 •' okv, CBM wYnnattress by LKT NDrEY001E COWL MIL YEAi for -eiMa. Dun 8ajdy St Fad, Ajax at MUEi tete; 1 bedroom available � Available Yard. harry es. Large AIR S for sok. TLE 'FOLKS, exhxBent erndi " TURfiaint IiPPMA18ACS 8 CottiPaut 53SD hno ?33 �0z. 4$ quarisr, htxsa fNy !loiter _ AO AUTO $ALES. ' : Stet: 1st. Located a 35& Ma-Invitplus fWar htgr 145 BinBTU. 5156. BDQD $TU two, 6394.0@. James Lumbers UODIDATIDN. SAectaizeng ar 1116, 2 GBHO, 4iDit,b thes8 iii; vary talo * S A Afti�; Cam trudie;" $2� uxSusifio NDRTN- D$NAWA721 Dei 9S-721-9358. $175 10,000 BTU $200. wframed mint}. THE am a • ; mventay .fdpdem, 5945 , fat 905-852 and $1508: flex 905- al sl7e fridge 5150: LOCKET $ LY a est 5352 - bow, f pay tp► w $tO Please sail from m- roam: bopt, kL" Omfet dean z tbww pap a n great wooing ortmx Cait mans emframed pp �' (mud} mverdory overstock and enx- t SR"ori She scant �g cendK m halt.-SAL (BfLri J6 fa bu Heol; hsrdro THUNDEfiBQLT, :312WL cab cess eq I. Phhone 905 ate hie Ooh, year CaS OS 6�4:':. and two indrded . 728 5130x985 3820. 11105-9116-4096. _ 831-8205, Fax 905-831-M `ttervtce 905 or f l�ttdd; 1a90111111111;aw W* f MONTHS es, (g je T13 21194 ! d ' ANTIQUE MAPLE.Dmng sof POOL TMI Oft , 8keehes by WANTS = Kkle 4'wheakr 5D .SM KA10QI TAW Aeon tl07 DODGE CARAWA 2:6; 90,S79ti38WL basdnetd app. tdorro � `40S *alalic, table, side table Bit 4 inches. Original. owners. -125 cc., i�d slabs. feasor iAbove•grountl Wdeckng & rebuilt. 3 ofd, trarhsinis 4 t onditi mt- Ave AW tat PItRH1N16 - I NNE ONE theme 4 appliances ow leo, Yt9aft - Oat of Aiiee i check is a dint �/ bedroom bassnhenf $$77QKNaMh� You rah own"for & build. elegant debating.. 3 oke brand new- -loch state,_ ably' Thrived (905} 434 0392 fit - balance of waina�e cion ' le& cardhior►. S1 ft J. Mfarnm From leaves, 6 dhairs, 12.800, ne-r .tans. cues, rack, fwd fable SM 117 } $2,65R.i10. 1. W $500 ais -is dr, bash otter .CaB Cors <Tdeks. f�ae`, llwyi2tVllesnhey- $800lfoonrh mord. own entrance. Ar«{ust . A �p�. Pkass rale 905 720 light sr, 650. Cab 905 920 6�6:' 666-7544 oiler 6p:m. 725 22Tt rbmOvai pias 905. ' all ndiesfva.: Can 90542& Ist: $7 � 14 tdi'kties: DyrerMC ` .. 430-7893 or §0644 Da92: a26- 7 or )434 460x' IT IS 1,10"i C h dei Andretti Signatu,re D(-Ikut, is alvail blo at Daaids on Chrysler aiong vvit h signed P'llolson h7dy tickets by M'chael Androll! 22 1 P a,", age !N-Clfu'd�e-, F -c r--fnl,�Tvllsslon 4-1 .1heel fud' engine a ditioninig * filt ste-etto ridepei rl pensio w cuordi INTE"O'Slere- os-s-,ue �'Il M {Jiek six � �ls ;*" 1ri llf,Ip�� rPcj ext-eneationd a *,S- vSr oalFJO-000 year km p o v� -d?, in v! a inn IN HICTLIN E -95 K N- G Q T 10 N I -Y SCARBOROUGH -I