HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_06_14PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PRESSRUN 44,600 d Three hurt as car rams into crowd Fourth person shot in scuffle outside Pickering bar BY STEPHEN SHAW Staff Writer PICKERING — A 20- year-old man is facing numer- ous charges after a car plowed into a crowd of people, injuring three patrons, during a scuffle outside a Pickering bar early Saturday. The victims were rushed to hospital with non -life threaten- ing injuries, including a broken leg, broken elbow and concus- sion. Durham Regional Police said. During the incident. a fourth victim was shot several times at close range with a pellet gun, but was not seriously hurt. Police said two men got into an altercation in the parking lot at Mod Hen's Taps and Grill, at 1211 Kingston Rd., just after 2 a -m. At some point dunng the confrontation, one of the com- batants was shot in the neck with a pellet gun by an un- known gunman, police said. "It's alleged a second personm involved (no( the gunan) then got into a car and deliberately drove into the crowd of onlook- 1CKERING'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 48 PAGES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14,20M You're invited to join in on the `green wave' Page A7 A.J. GROF.N/ News Advertiser photo . \t 1 i� OPTIONAL4 WEEK DELIVERY 55/$1 NEWSSTAND soccer scores and more Sports, Page 67 ►. -a%E Province eases off on extracurriculars Legislation `doesn't change g anything Page ': l'he Ontario government has hacked away from legislation that would force all teachers in the province to supervise after- ,chool activities. Education Minister Janet Ecker announced Monday that, while she will still reserve the power to force teachers into ex- tracurricular activities, she will not wield it by proclaiming that pan of the law unless she has to. ..In the interest of students, we are prepared to take the unions at their word that they do not want disruptions in schools this September," Ms. Ecker said of the amendments to Bill 74, the Education Ac- countability Act. "I am provid- ing the teachers' unions with yet another opportunity to fix the problems that exist." But the bill, which is expect- ed to pass third and final read- ing today, still prevents teach- ers from [sing withdrawal of after-school activity supervi- sion as a bargaining tool in con- tract negotiations. Unions representing the province's 1440X) teachers I th the ers- The bar was emptying at the time and there were quite aamendment. few people in the parking lot:' i See ing Olympic g or Vj'�) say little has change wt 'What the public needs to said Sergeant Jim Grimlcy, a hearing Monday Warning in the ✓ appreciate is that this latest police spokesman. The driver of the Honda Ac- Pickering hurdler Perdira Felicien goes her sprcialty - the 100 -metre hurdles - dance of the seven veils doesn't change anything;' said Shelley cord then lost control and rhrr ugh her paces at a practice session ni whiles Fnishir{q sigh at the national toile- Page. Durham president of the crashed into the rnmt window pi, tenag High School in Ajax Monday of State championships. She will attempt to Ontario Secondary School of a nearby audio store. ; ternoon. The 19 -year-old athlete starred qualify for the Canadian Olympic team Teachers' Federation. "Rte rest "The suspect was pulled with the University of Illinois Fighting Illi- going to Sydney. Australia at the track and of the bill needs attention. This, from the vehicle by several ,u track team in her freshman season, field trials in B. C. in August. See the story the extracurricular part, that's other patrons and restrained until police arrived:' said Sgt. I breaking uthree-yea► old school record in on page Bl. � just the sexy issue" That the government will Grimley, adding the witnesses used "considerable zeal" to hold the dnver. Pickering moves _ to make park equipment safe Police seized a pellet gun ®i Etlibtl1 PW ..... A6 await treatment during asearchathetzar. New playground gear `immediate improvement for safety of children' Sporting a bie across andag ENbfla OWN ......B8 SPECIALS from 14.35 I= 0=01ed .........B9 his nose, Waid Ncemat Ataw, of - - Toronto, appeared at a bail area parks, including Brock- hearing Monday Warning in the ridge Park, Village East, Glen Ontario Court of Justice. Os- Ravine, Shadybrook Park, hawa. Mr. Ataw, who was denied j bail. has been charged with more, Claremont and Forest three counts each of cnminal Glen this year. negligence causing bodily "We are putting in 'state-of- harm, impaired driving causing the -art equipment:' said Ward 3 bodily harm and dangerous dri- f< ving, as well as refusing to pro- l vide a breath sample. immediate improvement to a He was ordered back for number of our parks and the court June 20. safety of our children:' Police are continuing to in- The issue of safety and play - vestigate the incident. No arrest DAVID PICKLES has been made in connection 'State-of-the-art'. with the shooting. the Region's health deparummt Inside the News Advertiser • 1NENE TO F. li ®i Etlibtl1 PW ..... A6 await treatment Eek DOW ........ A6 health and Long Tam Care, SSslts ............81 WEEKDAY LUNCHEON ENbfla OWN ......B8 SPECIALS from 14.35 I= 0=01ed .........B9 ' N= Nr STOW 1 NO AGftW " 44*i PICKERING HONDA 970 Brock Rd. s. of swiv, 831-5400/ SIM US A CALL Gen ....... 683-5110 Classitistl ....683-0707 01 - N - a ...683-5117 Bomb Ns'IF .683-3005 iManq Yam ...... 1-800-662-8423 EMWI ............... shouston@durham.net Web site durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 Recycle me! BY SUSAN O'NE LL equipment installed in several St wrrur area parks, including Brock- PICKERING — Ncw play- ridge Park, Village East, Glen ground equipment will be in- Ravine, Shadybrook Park, stalled in nine Pickering parks Green River, Denman, Dun - this summer as the City contin- more, Claremont and Forest ues to replace units torn out last Glen this year. year after being deemed haz- "We are putting in 'state-of- ardous by the Region's health the -art equipment:' said Ward 3 department. local Councillor David Pickles. Pickering politicians ap- The new equipment will be "an proved the purchase of immediate improvement to a $286,000 worth of playground number of our parks and the equipment during a special City safety of our children:' council session following the The issue of safety and play - executive committee meeting ground equipment surfaced last Monday. year following an inspection by The funding will see new the Region's health deparummt Supply can't meet demand at dialysis clinic Pick ering centre often sits idle as kidney patients await treatment BY SUSAN O'NEML health and Long Tam Care, Staff Writer the private clinic was launched PICKERING — Here's a in 1996 and operates at lapaci- constant hum at the Dr. Robert ty. Uldall Memorial Dialysis Unit But, the centro is only able on Kingston Road as the cen- to offer services for the equiva- tre's eight hemodialysis ma- lent of thrix days a week due to chines act as artificial kidneys a lack of funding, explains Igal for patients here. Holter, chief executive officer And, for people like Jim of Dialysis Management Clin- McEwin and Marjory Bowron, ics Inc. The rest of the time, he who each require approximate- says, the machines are idle ly 12 hours of dialysis treat- while area residents sit on a ment every week to cleanse waiting list for treatment close their blood, the centre is quite to home. literally a lifesaver. Funded by the Ministry of See PATIENTS Page Ai of 144 municipal playgrounds That inspection identified approximately 2,000 "cntical health hazards" which could potentially lead to death, dis- memberment or permanent in- jury of children, as well as about 1,150 "non-critical" ones. The greatest number of criti- cal hazards — 1,012 — were found at Pickering's 43 munici- pal playgrounds. Inspectors also identified 341 critical haz- ards at 31 inspected parks in See CITY Page A4 SHF_LLEY PAGE 'The threat of the legislation is no less intimidating than the legislation itself.' hold off on legislating extracur- riculars, and will not if it does- n't have to, is a minor distinc- tion, she said. The threat of the legislation is no less intimidating than the legislation itself:' said Ms. Page. She said the lack of after- school activities in Durham, contrary to what Ms. Ecker says, "was not a work -w -rule" used by teachers as a bargain- ing chip in contract negotia- tions. The heavy workload faced by Durham teachers is di- rectly to blame for the with- drawal of activities, she said. the natural consequence of over -assigning classroom activ- ities is that you (teachers) con- centrate all of your efforts in the classroom... " said Ms. Page. ""rhe voluntary extra things had to be of necessity compromised." Under Bill 74, "every sec- ondary teacher in the province will be exposed to our work- load:' she said, referring to the average of seven of eight class- es every two days taught by Durham teachers. Asked if there will be a teacher's strike this fall, Ms. Page said. " I'here is a strong possibility of confrontation be- tween this government and teachers ... I don't know what form that confrontation will take:' Liz Sandals of the Ontario Public School Boards Associa- tion said she hopes the amend- ments will let the unions and See UNION page A 2 Nurse Allison Gouveia monitors the machine which filters blood for patient Jim McEwvin. The CL AftC CNAARM 105 00* L WON 90 WhIl.n ria. A Hurry. 2 • Pklwrltq CABLE TEC ELECTAOMCS llMltltt tlOMM sptlttta 906.991.9667 PkMwltty Tom CoMe e LIFEEffiiYLE �IBNA�CATION Upper Law - stria. Wma 906.470.0744 a � "MW " WWS ADVERTISER, YIIEDWSDAY ElXrM, Jur» 11, 2000 Patients call forgreater P.4 TIENTjmnc page Al "We are only funded for 24 pa- tients." explains Holtzer, who reports there are another nine people on the waiting list, some of whom currently have to travel to 'Toronto fur treat- ment. "I get calls from doctors dowmuwn asking why the clinic is sitting here empty:' says Mr. Holtzer, who runs the business side of the clin- ic, while Dr. Paul Tam of Oshawa is the medics! director. "What we need here is more money for the operating budget to pay the nurses and to buy medical supplies" " 1 don't sec why it's not running full-time:' says Ms. Bowron of Ajax. "They've already got the machines and equipment. Everything is here. They just need a few more nurses. "I think it's ridiculous that all those people are on a waiting list and can't get in for dialysis here.' says the 69 -year-old who's been receiving treatment at the clinic for the past three -and -a -halt years. "1 used to have to drive into Os- hawa for treatment:' she says. "I pre- fer this place. We're not jammed on top of each other...lt's clean, it's com- fortable and everybody's friendly." Ms. Bowron, who's been on dialy- sis for ncarh 13 years. says, "My kid- neys arc shrinking. I've had two trans- plants but they didn't work. 1 am very thankful we have this and I hope the government does give them more money to expand the clinic. "It's very silly that it's here and not King used" Mr. Mcf:win, who recently moved from Pickering to Mount Albert, says he continues to drive the considerable distance to the clinic because of the pleasant atmosphere. "In the hospital it gets kind of de- pressing (because some of the pa- tients are extremely ill):' he says. "You don't get that in these types of clinics" The 57 year old, who suffers from polvcvstic kidney disease, has been on dialysis for about nine years. access to dialysis "I've had Ireamient in hospitals. which has been excellent, but it's so busy:" says Mr. McEwin. He doesn't understand why the clinic is closed most of the week when there are people who need treat- ment. "Personally I'd hate to be wait- ing in line" Meanwhile. Mr Holl/er notes the government is providing funding for a new dialysis clinic in Whitby. He reports the centre, currently lo- cated in a portable building outside Lakeridge Health Oshawa, the only other Durham site where patients can go for dialysis treatment, is slated to move to the Whitby General Hospital property at the end of the month. Janet Bidgood, dialysis program leader at Lakeridge. reports the centre currently treats 138 patients on its 23 dialysis stations. She reports the new centre in Whit- by will accommodate another nine stations which will allow treatment for an additional 54 people. Ms. Bidgood explains the hospital Psychiatric tests ordered for hostage -taking suspect A Whitby man accused of holding his ex-girlfriend hostage at gun -point will undergo a month of psychiatric tests Io determine whether he is crim- inally responsible. The man faces 25 charges in con- nection with a two-hour standoff with Durham Regional Police last Mon- day. Police were called to a townhouse in the complex at 711 Dundas St. W'. about 10 a.m. after the 30 -year-old victim and two other people escaped the residence. Union rips Ecker over latest move unlr,., Inam page AI their employers get down to seri- ous contract ne- o«cations. -We certainly hope that this will allow things to cool down:' said Sandals, adding that the association's first choice would be it) have the bill com- pletely with- drawn. A high school representative from the Durham office of the On- tario English Catholic Teach- ers' Association could not he reached fix com- ment. — With files from TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE Community .Living hosts annual meeting The Ajax - Pickering and Whitby Associa- tion for Commu- nity Living hosts its annual gener- al meeting fea- turing a special presentation from the national association. The meeting takes place Mon- day, June 19 at 7:30 p.m, in the Iroquois Room at Iroquois Arena, 500 'Vic- toria St., Whitby. Cheryl Gulliver, president of the Canadian Asso- ciation for Com- munity Living, is the guest speak- er. Phone 427- 3300 ext. 236. for more infor- mation. The woman told police she had earlier been confined, threatened with death and sexually assaulted at gun -point. Atter speaking with a police nego- tiator, the suspect voluntarily surren- dered to members of the Tactical Support Unit and was taken into cus- lody without incident. A loaded 22 -calibre handgun was seized. Thomas Edward Powell, 42. of Francis Street. appeared Monday in the Ontario Court of Justice in Os - S lie " MaWesses VOM$5goo hawa. He was ordered to undergo a 30 - day psychiatric assessment at the Whitby Mental Health Centre. Mr. Powell faces a variety of charges including taking a hostage with a firearm, forcible confinement. sexual assault with a weapon, posses- sion of an unregistered restricted weapon, breach of probation, crimi- nal harassment and pointing a firearm and threatening death. He is scheduled to return io court July 12. MAG W VERS PUB doesn't have a waiting list, but there are about 120 patients in its predial- ysis program. "We start as early as we can with education, support — anything we can do lis delay dialysis:" she says. CITY -We probably have eight l0 10 pa- tients from our region waiting hi 'start CLEANERS on our program (who are currently being treated elsewhere). Every pro- gram is in the same boat." SUIT SAL Mr. Holtzer agrees the hospital needs an improved facility. but he JUNE 15-21 also believes his clinic could he betterSUItS A For x778 utilized. S G "From a taxpayers' point of view, Hip length blazer & skirt or pant. we arc not getting a good return on 'Exckoes Wks A pieNeA sxinr. the investment:' 426-1581 He notes the situation is the same at the other two Dialysis Management 235 BAYLY ST. W. AJAX Clinics he runs in Markham and Pc- terboroueh. O rJ��rSrsrSrSrJ�tJ�cJ�cJrSrJ�tSrJ-a�PrJ�rJ�rSrJ�rSrSrSrJ�tJ�rJ�rJ� O C VINCENTS NJ STYLE CCut Wasttyle S C Ladies Men _ 9 s $15 5 P e24 �5' We specialize in custom Men's & Ladies wigs and Nail Estheticians 51 r • I I oil . t reg. $70 life recommend and use Joico products "PULE" S JOlcO a• • t I reg. $58 ELAM REPAIR TREATMENT S •• 1 t f feg. $68 with tray chemical service 111115walks IV 839-2127 S S PICKERING TOWN CENTRE„ 0L9 UJ ltJ�r_f-a1AJ ff- rnLr - - __tit Pt1�rJ�tJ�r�rJ�tJ�tltJ�cPLPIJ�t� Sleep Factory is Sinceeye file 1978 ' ' . �� F IW%o owned s 01"'W 1* "CANADA'S MATTRESS SUPERSTORE” We're celebrating the Opening _ 50OFF of our 45th location in OntarioIll, 01414 King St. E. Courticel.R olligg ' REGULAR SUPPORT S ?9 �= ngle Mattress Set '319 SET 389 279 SET 479 KING 469 SET 779 FIRM SUPPORT 39 ngk Mattt'ess Set 1399 SET 469 359 SET 529 KING 529 SET 829 EXTRA FIRM SUPPORTLUXURY FIRM SUPPORT S 99 ! 29 `'�� -ogle Mattress a "''�" ngk Mattrt� Set '469 :` Set $649 SET 529 SET 769 449SET 589 629 SET 869 r` KING 599 SET 889COUPON KING 749 SET 1339 koAosd -Foolbw rAfrtor Annals - - ytt se<„d tla�le olewa r side rt�l ' FREE CHOICES; •• 1 • d1 frsiiiiEr ole" I • Pyw Caws • P/�w • hide sM I 1 • Aiwftm hl • S" of sbwh 1 • b1 Ras of • ted 1 1 . ( arm . lyse rsol 11111111—Y1 1 t aFREEMIMAtA6 l 1 1 TOT' OSHAWA(WHITE e _ FACTORY OUTLI theLWi.wg OPEN Sleep Factory 'SUN Cl limira ,,•M WE MAKE HOURS ANY SIZE �.� MATTRESS n u.. • f'Pdui7:7 SETUP AVAILABLE` 104E DISPOSAL OF OLD SET AVAQ ABLE 19 Taunton Road W 2520 Ch Mllt� FREE 6 MO. LAY -AWAY — 905) 433-105' (705) Plem visit o" website at Remember, re the P 1. ' {a ,' BAYLY GST PST :►.air ' • r OPEN ,e ;, OPEN SUN. SUN. 114 nq Rd FJ 5?p �^J ,rnrry Roa.! S 1414 King Si -6211 (005) 519-1315 (905) 436-33 Please visit ol web -site at tory. www.deepfactory.com nlMMV[m14WlpElWY EDIIIOM,Jw 14,2111111100 w0[1NM Put helmet on head before foot on pedal, cyclists urged Teaching people to think and her of bicycle -related injuries says. wear a helmet when they got experienced by Durham Region Ms. Lechner reports police a hike ride is the goal of the residents" officers will be ticketing cy- Headfirst campaign being Spon- According to Safe Kids clists under the age of 18 who sored by the Durham Region Canada, 325 children were in- are not wearing helmets. Health Department and Durham jured in cycling accidents in The fine for cycling without Regional Police this month. 1995. a helmet is $75. Those who are "Headfirst is a bicycle safety Ms. Lechner reports the pro- ticketed have the option to at - program designed to help edu- gram was launched last year in tend a two-hour education ses- cate about and enforce On. the Clarington area where 200 cion with a parent or guardian tario's bicycle helmet law;" says tickets were handed out. instead of paying the fine. Six public health nurse Julia Lechn- "This year the campaign has education sessions will he of- er. "Through the program the been expanded to include all fered in each municipality start - health department and Durham Durham Region municipalities ing lune 15, Regional Police are working to- and our goal is to issue 50 tick- "The education sessions will gether to help reduce the num- els in each community;' she cover topics such as why it's Ostomy group meets next week in Durham The Oshawa and District Ostomy Association is meeting in Durham next week and inter- ested participants are invited to attend. The group meets Wednes- day, lune 21 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month in the Green Room of the Arts Resource Centre, IrBUTLER' CARPET CLEANING SPRING COUPON LET'S FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME STEAM CLEAN Ary 3 Room et P I Hallway. I Sej3btrs $ 6995 7-7--2686-9160 Fax it: 683-7363 next to the Oshawa City Hall on Centre St. S. Anyone with osto- my or is about to have ostomy surgery is welcome. Phone 728-7207for information. DRIVER EDUCATION CENTRE A Complete Dt6lfee sive Driving Course Approved tW DS" .. , , New Course Starts July 3 025 starts !very don't1 Thursday 25 Hn. In Clan+ • III Firs. In Car Instruction • Save up to 41 , on I nsurance - fat and G2 Road Tat Prep • Get lice 4 man&feaarlier CALL TODAY AND REGISTERJ 68HA;x 42fr%11 /A RNIGODAVE S. ACROSS ' 1. 11111 r- dCc, t2 13 14 .2 Kim's Partner 7.Capncet 18 1 7 19 '9 12. Dish d many 09rederes 20 _- .^ 1 22 23 14. Shads pace I I 12 wds.) a ?5 26 27 28 - 2+ 311 31 32 15. lhrcamy It Ra"choldron --. 34 35 36 17. Three make up a tbsp. 19. Sound from Marys 38 39 - Pat 20. She-sheop '� - - 41 22. wdl-d-the-♦- 24. Like srrrmq eyes 42 43 44 45 46 47 4A 49 50 V. vary sharp --- 29. Hasty " 51 52 53 33. Shallow sk" 34, h mgnt be I"No 55 i 36. Ede _ 37. 004w ba 58 59 60 36. TMrtt forward 39. Chasse. e 1 62 .63 6a _ 65 66 67 6A 69 70 40. Chakad dem in a bank 1 72 73 41. Cooks. to Alexa rKYr 42. Derdes 74 75 76 u. Surnue 46. Cherry seal s1. One of -rho Three S. 'Batty. _.. Cold 24. Jana. Japan 43. Ar7rect's addkor 59. Fikn carr# S,ysrs• Outride 25. Deedor Howerd M. Ids oonllwam 60. we"m mance: S2. Symbd 4. Sr@" 26. Between Harty and 45. Spm doctor's abbe $l srk*ea9aerew 7. Dwakfs Ude Jut ca am 61. Ime III poaY contusion caxaraors 27. Author Fose9 46. Network founded n $2. Pod vsgpe St. Blemsh L wRna4 rtUsrree 21L RAFs l nd 1926 63. All, Saw (Maar) 56. Sugpesaae y HP0 30. P.shos pool 47. Emupb Undbergn (2 wde l s6. Prowda money kir 10. mammy _I 31. Bnraea deg 48. BrNo sera 96, Pnzrrgy Will S►. Sava 1/. Ffardarrad, as corncrela 32. - Antonio 46. Naar Awmaem 35 Smarr and yeesson, 50. Comm book sound appy 16, PWN y PierBnmg 60. Pears hooding: - aper. 61. Many an orad n 13 Raw nialals 30sA9Was N Ampemerids Austraka 16. SIOCNaYMr 21. tame am ser, e.g. 40. Babbles Sub 92 SeadA - d as woods � 60. Olden car 64. Sundance's Place 67. Author Caleb 33. Ona _ blue mom 41. Detect 42. Emptoymra wcaah) 70. Pan d EBR. for stern 71. Rent out agar (2 wds.) 72. and caboodle 73. it comet befoe ark or socks 74. Model-plooe wood 75. Yoko 711 Sneezy's pal 1. Tryg" Lie's rancland: abbr. L Flananco snag 3. Traael term 4. Porter's M4• tyre - you erre on*ed to blartl about Protection from Pornography & P�dat01'IS on AT= WF `the Internet Jim Flahefty has awned officers Irony the O.P.P. (Prgect TI and Durham Regional PoNce (Intebigence Unit) to teach you how to prloted your family from un*wWe material and predators from communicating with r Wnidhen on the intemet .. Twsdan June 20,20W., Nilingbrook Public School 155 Fallingbrook St., Whitby 7:00 pm -8:30 I= reservations required: C 905-430-1141 p Ca?a4;n Fhght4cg4mm �. � 1 4- gs'iae the Family..( A Open Howse rot the BBQ - A { _ June 17th F .a -Airplane Rides �� j �. $15 Taunton Road -just West of Sims You Can twoatdl�e tete} Controls!! ti y t'40"-3-5,-9232II r."1`5 best to wear a helmet, proper fit we not only want to increase the tudes towards cycling safety for helmets, cycling safety, rules number of Durham Region rest- throughout the community. - of the road, laws and fines and dents who wear bicycle helmets For more information call bicycle registration;' Ms. Lech- properly while cycling, but also) the health department at 723- ner notes. "Through Headfirst effect a positive change in atti- 8521. Your Window Decorating Centre" BLIP40S & DRAPERY GIGANTIC TENT SALE. Wednesday, June 146 to Saturday, June 1r SHOM $50O sq. R. Reg. up to $32 90101ff 1 IN -STOCK DRAPERY Reg. up to $48 I tmw your windows & come in for die wrings!! "li)ur 1i'indow Decorating Centre" TENT SALE HOURS. WED- THM 10-6 11�( FWAY 10 - S ; S ix "n ri r ia- 147WAY 10 - 5 www toronto. com/wnsbade 88 Old Kingston Road 905-4.26-0937 (Pickering Village) Ajax trash & Carry. All Sa/es Final. P POAE A4 NEWS ADVERTIEEII, tNMMWAY EUTM. Jury 14, 2000 City continues to replace aging playground equipment ZrrY from page A 1 Ajax, 88 at 10 checked in Whitby, 139 at 10 in Oshawa. 108 at I 1 in Claring- ton, 73 at nine in Brock, 130 at 14 in Scugog and 74 at 16 in Uxbridge. The inspections evaluated parks for compliance to a Canadian Standards Association (CSA) guideline issued in 1998. which is a manufacturing stan- dard for the playground equipment in- dustry and was not intended to be ap- plied retroactively. Pickering had some playground equipment as much as 20 years old. The inspections in Pickering were carried out between May and October of last year and the City received a let- ter explaining the results of each. City staff reported Monday some of the unsafe playground equipment was repaired last year while the rest was re- moved from local parks. leaving some playgrounds empty in the interim. Richard Holbom, division head of municipal property and engineering for the City, told councillors Monday equipment still needs to be replaced at East Woodlands Park and at Glengrove Park. He noted the East Woodlands project will be completed in conjunc- tion with the construction of the west- ern library branch and said staff will be coming back to council soon with a recommendation to install new equip- ment in Glengrove Park. "We've done the best we can with- in the parameters we have;' Mayor Wayne Arthurs said of the City's at- tempt to address the health depart- ment's concerns. But. when asked by Ward 1 Re- gional Councillor Maurice Brenner if the City now has a clean bill of health in local parks. Pickering chief admin- istrative officer Tom Quinn said. "Yes and no. "Even new play units have difficul- ty with regards to public health inspec- tions" he said. Mr. Quinn added wear and tear can Summer Spanish St. Marg Catholic PICKERING — It you're look- ing to give your child a head start on learning something new this summer, the Durham District Catholic School Board may provide just what you need. The board is offering a free Span- ish Summer Camp to kids aged six to 13. TOM QUINN '1 don't believe there will be an. city with no infractions.' cause infractions. "It's like a clock ticking. "I don't believe there will be any city with no infractions;" he said, adding the City's record has "probably dropped to less than 100 (infractions down from over 1,000)... We will al- ways have some infractions out there" Mr. Quinn reported the new equip- ment will likely be in place by mid- summer which raised some concerns among councillors. "This is unacceptable to the com- munity:' said Ward 3 Regional Coun- cillor Rick Johnson. "Nobody can get hurt because we have no playground equipment in the parks" Coun. Pickles agreed he'd like to see the equipment in the playgrounds as soon as possible. But, he added, he'd rather explain to residents why thcrc's been a delay in installing the equipment than have someone get injured on deficient equipment which was left standing. lessons offered at Secondary School The camp runs from July 5 to 28 at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School, 1918 Whites Rd., Pickering. A Durham Catholic District School Board Spanish teacher will be running the camp Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. Registrations take place at the school July 5 from 9 a.m. until noon. CAN'T STAND THE -momm AAAAMCM iiiAV0• *AM CONomo(*G •sn V a SER ALL A Yoe. As Low As rW7tttT!slt lIIM�d is b11� • Lose W to Absa creel[ .NppMeek • Don't delay ...call today WE GI,AG sw Yu CP ICSE ki TrEWEOT Yu VE! CALL US NCW! W4&r Nu „ Tr -ft Weight ana ement ancl Nutrillc3n Centres 426.0261 420-0003 aeo saoy SL W. pate 1163 KingoWn Rd. nokoo ng Not valid with my orw olhr 01W extrkta Ju» 24, 20!10 You're invited to attend Pickering Nucleaes next open _J e �Y _r�. house in the community. The open house is being held to provide the community with a further opportunity to discuss Ontario Power Generation's draft Environmental Assessment Report on the proposed return to service of Pickering A. The open house will include a presentation of the key findings and ( RV - an opportunity to discuss the report with the Environmental Assessment team members. This open house will be held in Scarborough at the address below. Previous open houses were held in Pickering and Ajax. For additional information please contact: 1 / Donna Broekie at the Pickering Nuclear Information Centre �/ at (905) 839-1151 ext. 3156 or call toll Ecce at I (800)-349-4859 ONTARIO P102WER GENERATION Flyers to your door' Thr-- ti a «���: �n th-, \zws Advertiser r lrtlata.� 71t. Aft i oma swam!. -A. -: I AkM est'�r B�dlinls r''; Durham firefighters blaze a trail to free trapped crash victims Durham teams hope to extricate first place at competition Several teams of firefighters from Durham Re- won the regional competition and finished fourth at gion are heading to Flamborough on Friday but the intemalionals in Florida in September. horse racing won't be on the agenda. This is the I(kh year Ajax has sent a squad to Squads from Ajax, Whitby, Scugog, Beaverton the competition, Mr. Lang says. and Sunderland -Brock will participate in the Re- Ajax team members arc Captain Marty Smith gional Auto Extrication Competition with the win- and firefighters Ron Evans, Kyle Hoag, Ron ning team moving on to face the best at the inter- Quinn, Dave McComb and Shane Kimbell. Mr. national contest in Kentucky this October. Lang is team manager. Teams at this weekend's Twenty teams from central and western Ontario competition are marked in four areas: arc taking part in the two-day event June 16 and • how safely firefighters in a %quad work together 17. to free someone trapped in a vehicle: The western division takes in the Niagara Falls • the manner in which the captain in charge com- and Hamilton areas while the central section cov- mands and organizes the firefighters and how he ers the GTA, including all of Durham. works around the scene: The winning team from each division will qual- • how firefighters use the required tools, such as ify for the internationals. the jaws -of -life: Local squads will be up against some extreme- • how well the crew works together. ly stiff competition this weekend, reports Ajax Fire _ ti,,,,t.t� and Emergency Services District Chief Dave Lang. 19.9 Exdusire Reil Ierde -1,.,5 Fxdusire ■oiy Aeloh •2,.,5 29 The central section is "one of the toughest 410�fM; I�VVFRIPCV areas.�. PRICE rRKE RAMR jATE�; 04-0* SET AMR REL4TE•: O "rite cities around us, they put in teams that are U very good teams:' says Mr. Lang. Sat. Night He should know. Last year, Ajax firefighters k ,.____PRIME • SALE NOW ON!!! • Install Now & Save _ r' • 0% Financing a Extended Warranty Available • Carrier Trained Technicians Limited Time Ofter 1's CALL NOW FOR DETAILS! iletowee, "54284M »wura. WA36.3212 � WE'RE SWEEPING THEM OUT! tu� See our ad in Today's Durham Wheels SUMMER HOURS AT 1WREGION'S WASTE DISPOSAL SITES The Region of Durham's Waste Disposal Sites located at 1640 Ritson Rd. N. in Oshawa and 1623 Reach St. in Port Perry are regularly open Tuesday through Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. These two sites now offer.exiended summer hours. Every Thursday until October, we are open from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Helping you with your waste disposal needs. HtWb AUYtH 1 pith, NIEDNLMMY EDITION, JWW /4, 2000 PAGE A5 AIP eiway Come in and get a SCRATCH & WIN card for 2 in 3 Chances to WIN NISTANRY,.. A New FORD FOCUS Courtesy of Summit Ford, BIWAY SAVINGS or one of OVER 2800 other GREAT PRIZES! -Vro Year of "" `j PII/T One Year of One Year ofK .* PrimFOLGM CWM Q�Q�- O I 1 1' One Year of 'P SUNLKXT SOAPS P s One Year of MaiA IeATEa RT91 tYSTEeI One Year of I= CANUA MUMPTY OUMPTI CHIPS Miss Canada Don't run out ... Run in to WIN! jBiWay Content ends Jurfe 30 2000 ................. . „. ... ,_ :vo oar ��..,::., ce ,. ....; ...... ..:..... ,.. .. , ., '.s are ' n t 5 "on est be,h9 onducted in panccipatlnp Greats loronto/Widen horseshoe area stores upen no 1Imano resdems my rat ml stores are aced equal nlnndef of Savo 8 win cards allocations predetermined pnor to contest launch See official contest rules at cashier for additional prate and rs details • 10 x 4 x 32 CD -RW drive Say you saw it in the News Advertiser! HIGH VELOCITY t r r t t t I .s h4ort.u. rot —.0 #y = ••t it t. r'i F i V Or•• 'i i t. 1 1 EPSON STTIM 440 COLON PRINTER 13014 IPfI'lachirws • ESOOis COMPUTER • Intel Celeron 500 MHz • 32 MB RAM • 40X CD-ROM • 4.3 GB Nord drive • 56K modem 432678/"761 OW Prim 707.75 r less R*Wt* •1108.75 PRICE AFTER REBATE: ver (9404I010NOVIN) Morita, (nlvolewwelln 599 '01Mr.7f ))aFi reiaM 117f ref. «�f% etrittltge ttaeN NORTON SYSTEMWORKS 1000 393622 1")t2111M1101M1 0W prw INSTANT Isho se -50.00 A 96 4 'Rid. St►fte.e►wkf io00 vdw %* rwdele of MIT M Canon 14 SX -20,005111' COLOUR PRINTIR 385087 '94"70000000000C (Toa ahaJ Value: 99.93. � — 444 HIBAE 2180CDT NOTEBOOK NF*W • AMD K6-2 475 MHz - 64 MB RAM • 12 1 TFT screen • 4 3 GB hard drive - 24X CD-ROM •56K fax modern 96'036/961037 iWorebooa selection may wry by store I l t � $2296 FROME P /M0 —' oe cera Tow uK `bows we FRH milk tew6w of ANY ie-stedt iWelei teweler. Tates extra, ..,�Ritileei%1rws11,�YewerlYilw.MM+M1reWIdiYIwF«eli'�aealif. ° �. r �`; ft Avenue South WNM AE fNfo- t14lA,PM Sol (Ajmt),AME61M Sr (IF1 Tiff 11XF W AEUYEEY Mt I.1AMI -M M �co1 mss MCiL15E I 39146219500100000011100 RIO 931101 we: CD-VAUM PLUS .98 _ — VIRTUAL ART TYPING TUTOR 10 • 10 x 4 x 32 CD -RW drive - MUSEUM 437569 396646 OR Pim S OxdusiM 44995 _ ti,,,,t.t� 19.9 Exdusire Reil Ierde -1,.,5 Fxdusire ■oiy Aeloh •2,.,5 29 434510 (91M500000000000) DAT.WFETm CDR ..�icciuttttnft, SIMPLY PRICE rRKE RAMR jATE�; 04-0* SET AMR REL4TE•: O *hm AM we FM wly CCILOUR 10 -PACK ACCOUNnNG 13996 •,M1•rd•a• •l 434 Toa aha 425920 Iwtti000001)(11=1 a,0 433689 "Free oh« relate. Taxes extra ..,�Ritileei%1rws11,�YewerlYilw.MM+M1reWIdiYIwF«eli'�aealif. ° �. r �`; ft Avenue South WNM AE fNfo- t14lA,PM Sol (Ajmt),AME61M Sr (IF1 Tiff 11XF W AEUYEEY Mt I.1AMI -M M WIDE All Net111a ADVERT1iE11, WEDNEIM E01r10N, Juan 14, 2= Edmitorial &OpiNioNs NEWS ADVERTISER JUNE 14, 2 0 0 0 EDITORIAL Education Minister makes right move Forcing teachers to volunteer makes no sense The decision by Education Minister Janet Ecker to back off her demand teachers participate in extracurricular activities is wise. Any other move by the minister would surely have re- sulted in a provincewide catastrophic strike this September. That's no to say there's now peace between the Province and thousands of secondary school teachers across Ontario. But the situation had totally deteriorated after Ms. Ecker launched Bill 74 mandating after-school participation by teachers and giving principals broad new powers to force in- structors uo coach teams, direct plays or lead school bands. Extracurricular activities are just that - extra to the curricu- la. No one doubts school teams, plays. bands and other activ- ities add to the enjoyment of School for students. And many teachers like to volunteer their personal time to be with stu- dents in a non -classroom environment. But, it's one thing to have a teacher volunteer to take part, quite another to force that teacher against his or her will. to be involved. There are realistic options open to encourage extracurricu- lar participation by teachers short of making it mandatory. School boards could be given the power to provide hono- raria for participation. Parents could help raise money for coaches, hand leaders, drama teachers and so on. Knowing horn dedicated most volunteer teachers are. it's likely many would donate their honoraria back to the team, band or club they lead. 1 f extracurrio-ulars are judged to be as important as the min- ister has public:y stated, perhaps a points system could be es- tablished so that time spent in exuacurriculars could be judged against the amount of time in the classroom. For example: an English teacher also spends, on average, two hours a night for two months leading up to the school play. For every three or four hours of time she spends on the play, she 'earths' an hour of classroom time. The amount of time could be dealt with by each board or set by the Province, but the principle remains the sarne. Give the teachers something - even something small - to recognirx the time and effort they put into extracurricular activities. In this case, it's the thought that counts. No one can deny the Landscape has changed for teachers over the past five years. They do work hard and (cave an im- portant role to play in helping prepare our children for the fu- ture. The Province has taken a step towards realizing their worth. But more two& to be dkonc on both sides. Home healing Hospital treatment we deserve Excellent care. Clusc to hums. That's not just the rk.-w slogan of the Rouge Valley Health System, it's the reality of what's happening at the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre. These are exciting times at the local hospital and exciting times for people who rely oda the care it provides. A week ago today. Queen's Park announced an additional S 10.3 million in annual operating funding for the Rouge Val- ley system, RVHS for short, which inches the Ajax hospital and the Centenary Heath Centre in Scarborough. That new monlcy will better enable our community sick hay to pay for everyday needs such as staff salaries and supplies. More exciting news came last week when the auxiliary of the local hospital announced it's well on its way to raising the SS(X).(XX) volunteers have promised to collect to help pay for a CT scantier installed in 1999. That device allows for greater accuracy of diagnosis and earlier detection of abnormalities such as tumours. And, the hospital will prove next Tuesday that its (heart is fully into helping cardiac patients when it holds an open house to unveil all the new gear acquired in recent months to help keep people's tickers ticking. That equipment includes an echocardiogram machine which provides a clear and precise image of the heart when medics we looking for deterioration or other problems. The Ajax site of RVHS also now has Holter recording ca- pabilities so a cardiologist can hook up a device on a person to monitor their heart over a 24- or 48 -(tour period while they're going about their regular routines at hone and at work. in addition, the (hospital only recently became equipped to conduct a combination of an ECG and an ultrasound which is more advanced than a basic stress test. The health centre's new funding, equipment and services are badly needed. The population of Ajax and Pickering is growing by leaps and bounds, with no sign that will let up. More people translates into more patients. The local popula- tion is aging. With that aging come more health problems. But, until very recently, those frail elderly citizens, the ail- ing newcomers and ill long-time residents had to travel in- convenient distances during their greatest time of need to get the medical treatment they required and deserved. Now, thanks to recent developments at the Ajax-Pickcriog Health Centre, we can get "excellent care, close to home". E40WI comnatints on ulnas opbMaha to shouse on.d talvairLa e. inicluds yaw riatl none and coahtanaai- ty of residence. YOU SAID IT The question was: Durham hasn't had much success placing welfare recipients in volunteer positions under the Province's workfare program. Any ideas? Nancy Wurz John sills says, Suzanne says, ' 17hey "If they paid Bowcott says, should help in welfare recipi- "For more, work - the community ents more, they fare works. I got more. Seniors might be more a job out of it." would tic: a great willing to do vol - place to Stan" unteer work:' "M)" NEW WORKFARE PLACEMENT SIR... 0 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Real people voted to agree that if one single person 'consultation' is Bill 74 which is for Eeker's Tories wrote the News Advertiser and claimed to be a concerned parent about extra -curricular activities in schools, instructional time in and Ms. Ecker would not meet with Schools and penalties for board ofli- To the editor: them then we do have a problem. cials if they don't do exactly as they Re Blake Purdy's June 4 column However, we do not. are told. headlined 'Education Ministers In closing, it should not txr fox- The government doesn't like the .consultations* a charade': gotten that the Progressive Conor- word 'extra' so it has renamed I'm writing this response to Mr. vatives did win a majority govern- extra -curricular activities in this bill Purdy's uneducated opinion of the rnent a year ago. And, Mr. Purdy, 'co -instructional activities'. private gathering Janet Ecker held "real people" voted for them. Before backing off from forcing to discuss the provincial govern- teachers to participate in extra-Lur- htherK's education system reforms. Pend Przybyio ricular activities, the government He contends no "real pcople" wanted to tell educators when they (whatever that wthere tomu�hv Tory for 'co-inxstructxon- question the minniisi�erdor voice their consultations hies.lunt concerns.I wonder hum manly people in . Furthermore, Mr. Purdy con- don't reflect other jobs would sit still and not tends that since Ms. Eckel hasroan to a gommrricrht bill which friends who are "rid your avenge majority's view tells them to be on call to volunteer parents-. she doesn't meed to invite during any day of the year, week - her enemies to voice their opinions. To the editor: ends- in luded, during any part of Well, if he can remember. a couple It was rc frc%hing to read Blake the day and at their job site or else- i of months ago when tlx: teacher Purdy's June 4 column headlined where. unions were having their annual 'Education Minister's 'censulta- When Mr. Harris introduced this i matings. Catholic teachers' union tions' a charade'. bill he related that his crssultations members sat in complete silence This is but another example of with teachers showed that 99 per when Ms. Ecker asked for com- the Mike Harris government's coo- cent of them would agree with it. ments. That surely is not the way to wltation methods. Other examples His sampling was obviously very have your voice heard. include School community council small as the teacher.%' unions did a With regards to the people in at- consultations to which only a pre- complete survey of their teachers sendannce, it does nod mean only the selected list of councils arc invited: and found that 99 per cent were well-to-do have access to Ms. surveys which go out to only those against the bill. In this case, as with Ecker. So what if no opposition was who show a similar interest: mail- Mr. Purdy's examples, Mr. Harris's present there? Must i remind Mr. Ings to every household which ask hand -selected group did not reflect Purdy that every ciumen has the leading questions and assume the the feelings of the majority. right to book an appoinarhem and answer, etc. go see Ms. Ecker" i will he the first One result of the governments Larry Noonan Once a premier always a premier Former leaders still like the limelight The men who used to run On- find his fawning embarrassing, be - trio are finding it difficult to keep cause a day or two later people quiet. were dying from tainted water and j In the space of a week all four Eric it has been impressed as never be - living ex -premiers suddenly have Dowd fore that Mr. Hams found his popped up defending reputations. money to cut taxes by dismantling setting records straight or endors- At Queen s Park environmental protection and other ing causes and usually adding :h services e moderate Mr. Davis � something revealing. it is almost as set up. if they had never left. Frank Miller, Tory premier for New Democrat Bob Rae, pre- only a few months in 1985, came mier from 199495 and Progres- now had not been able to do in a out strongly supporting Tom Long, sive Conservative Premier Mike combined 20 years in government, Mr. Harris's chief backroorn advis- Harris's immediate predecessor, but instead added deficits. er, for leader of the new, right - emerged angrily from the refine- Mr. Peterson also pointed out wing, federal Canadian Alliance. ment of his prestigious law office his Liberals added a relatively Mr. Miller also brought a breath when Mr. Harris blanked him for small $9 billion to provincial debt of fresh air to a sometimes murky the contaminated water at Walker- in their five years in government, contest by saying he will continue ton suspected of killing 1 I people. while Mr. Harris has added twice to support the Alliance whether it Mr. Harris said as almost his that because he used huge extra chooses Mr. Long as leader or not, first wads after the tragedy, "in revenues from the current ecakorr.- because all those with right -of - 1993 under ttx NDP government is boom to hand out more popular centre views need to join in one the municipality became responsi- tax cuts instead of paying down federal party. This shamed Mr. ble for paying for all of the testing debt. Eves who made his support for the on water quality," but produced no Mr. Harris may have dampened Alliance conditional on Mr Long evidence this contaminated the some fiiendly relations built re- winning. water and Mr. Rae called the at- cently between him and these two Mr. Miller's endorsement of tempt to tie him in ridiculous and ex-prarkiers from other parties par- Mr. Long was natural because the unworthy of a premier. ticularly with their visits to the leg- ex -premier, while an elected politi- Mr. Harris maintained later he islan, to unveil portraits. clan was on the extreme right of was misunderstood and never tried Mr. Harris, normally highly the Ontario Tory party, favouring to point fingers or lay blame, but partisan, had commended Mr. Rae for example a fiat income tax the why, as head of a government that and Mr. Peterson by saying they Alliance now talks about, and Mr. had five years to fix water prob- had tried only to make a difference Long supported him for leader and lems, did he bring in the NDP at in people's lives and had good mo- premier. all? tives, but the atmosphere may be a A debate also has been renewed Mr. Rae's predecessor as pre- little chillier when the three next recently over who started the Har- mier, Liberal David Peterson, re- share the same room. ris Common Sense Revolution and entered the political wars when he William Davis, Tory premier how Mr. Harris, a moderate back - wrote to a newspaper complaining from 1971-85, emerged to sit in bencher, turned suddenly into a Mr. Harris's Tories ignored a cou- solidarity beside Finance Minister militant, unswerving right-winger. ple of pertinent facts when they Ernie Eves when he made a speech Mr. Harris today introduces Mr. crowed as if they were the only after his budget claiming that, Miller to people as "my mentor;' party ever to balance a budget but while his government was forced which shows at least one ex -pre - lamented they now face the large to cut costs to get on a sound foot- mier still has a la of influence. task of paying down a huge accu- mulated debt built up by other par- ties. Mr. Peterson first reminded he found the Holy Grail of balancing the budget in 1989-90, which other Tories including Mr. Harris until ing; it still is compassionate and has a social conscience. Mr. Davis almost genuflected saying he was impressed by Mr. Eves's sensitivity and concern for the less fortunate. The Fortner premier may now EdI1Nl your cmnrrunts on this opinion to shouaronOdudism.rnt Sulin&%s ora whldl indudo a fkw and last name, as wait as the com- nlunity of residence, will be consid- ered for pnbHcadon. J. s NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Direct, of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Ache•rlising Manager Eddie Kolodziejesk Clamfied Arh c rti ving Manager John Willems Real Errate44utomorive Adverrtring Manager Abe Fakhourie Di.ctriburion Manager Lillian Hook QTe e Munger Barb Harrison CoonpoNing .thinager News (905) 6x3-5110 (905)6x3-5110 S y,� {�. (905) 6XI-0707 Distribution (905)6x3-5117 General Fax (905)6x3-7363 E -Mail shoustonra durtwm.rlct Web address www olurhamnews.net 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 Jr The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Pub- lishing tahlishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Ad- vertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade. Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Bond cert the Ontario. Press Council. The publisher reserves the right 10 classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit be adverosenierit limit- ed to space price error occu- ples The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All let- ters should be typed or neat- ly hand-wrinen, 150 words. Each lener must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone num- ber for verification. The edi- tor resines the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertis- er. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Beetles send loosestrife into nowhere, man Bugs released to weed out nuisance plant from Frenchman's Bay PICKERING — Ap- proximately 10,000 beetles were released in the French- man's Bay area Tuesday in an effort to control the spread of purple loosestrife in the local wetlands. Staff from Ontario Power Generation Pickering Nu- clear and the Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilita- tion Project released the galerucella beetles through- out the area. Purple loosestrife ag- gressively invades wetlands and marshes, displacing na- tive plant species and reduc- ing the size and diversity of natural plants. Few birds, mammals or fish can use the plant as a food source, so it forces the native wildlife out of the area. However, galerucella beetles cause high plant mortality, reduce growth, prevent or delay flowering and can cut the seed produc- tion of purple loosestrife by up to 99 per cent. For more information about the Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Project, call 420-4660 ext. 2155. More fun lined up at Home Week in Ajax AJAX — There's more fun in store in neighbouring Ajax this week as annual Homos Week festivities continue You could pick up some- thing special for dad for Father's Day at the Home Week Auction Thursday, June 15 at the Royal Canadian Le- gion, III Hunt St. Viewing starts at 6:30 p.m. and the auction at 8 p.m. Call Donna Danks at 683- 9725 or Myrna Picotte at 427- 1322 for more information. Lady luck might smile on you at the Home Week Monte Carlo Night Fri- day, June16 from 6 to II p.m. at the Le- gion hall. Ad- mission is free. Call Steven Smith at 68(r 2223 or 683- 7811 for more information. Each day dur- ing Horne Week, the Legion holds an open house. Times we 11:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Wednesday to Saturday, and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday. Meanww a bit of rain on the weekend did lit- tle to dampen the spirits of Home Week rev- ellers. The annual parade along Harwood Av- enue contained colourful floats, marching bands and clowns, and Ajax residents turned out for the spectacle. As well, Pickering Vil- lage hosted its own parade and family -centred events, including an antique car show and the Lions Pasta Night. A.J. GROENz News Adveritser photo The Frenchman's Buy Watershed Rehabilitation Project and Ontario Power Gen- eration are teaming up this week to release 10,000 beetles into the bay area in a bid it) control purple loosestrife plant growth. The plants displace native plant species, reducin4 the hribitctt of wildlife. Here (from left) Michael Halder. Patricia lw,we, Ankela Horrett u,rr1 .S(nia Ma^Ma.ster hold purple loosestrife plants ravaged by the beetle hir,,r, NEM ADVERTIQEp,1NEON1130W MMM, ,ern 14. WN MW A7 P Come join the `green wave' Rain or shine, this Saturday, June 17, more Pickering residents can join the 'green wave of recycling' by ob- LalTaine taining The Earth Machine backyard composter at the subsidized cost of ROulston $20. The offer's available at the Pick- ering Civic Complex parking lot Recyclers Corner from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or while sup- plies last. Pickering's previous one -day sale the smaller office -size unit which saw all 250 composters snapped up collects paper. by early afternoon. Compost acces- Apartment residents and office sories and information will also he employees can also compost their available. fruit and vegetable peelings with the The Earth Machine, by Norseman use of a vermicomposter. Plastics, will convert grass, leaves This box, filled with a bedding of and table scraps into an abundant damp, shredded paper and Red Wig - supply of finished compost. gler worms, is the size of a Blue Box. A backyard composter will reduce The worms will eat their own weight, household waste by 30 per cent. As which includes both bedding and well. by using compost on your food peelings, every day. lawns and gardens you can reduce Several schools have obtained ver - your gardening water bill by up to 30 micomposters, which also serves as a per cent. science project and a fund-raiser if The Earth Machine, made from re- the worm castings are sold to parents. cycled plastic, has an 80 -gallon ea- Teachers have found that by having a pacity. is easy to assemble, and in- vermicomposter in the classroom, eludes a 10 -year warranty. students tend to take more nutritious At this subsidized rate, don't miss snacks such as apples, rather than out on your chance to do your part to chips, in order to feed the worms the help reduce the organics going to cores. landfill. During the warm months. a vermi- At the same time, you will receive composter, or worm bin, can be kept a rich soil conditioner for your front on a balcony. In the winter. just find and back yard. Compost! The Future a suitable. quiet and dark location for Starts Here. the bin. If you want some of Durham Re- Information on how to set up a gion's finished compost, take along a worm bin will also he available at shovel and containers to dig into the Pickerin)•'s one-dery bin sale big pile of free finished compost. People who got some last year know the value of this rich natural soil con- �1 xt,tiv l F Kti ditioner. YI k Also, Blue Boxes will he on sale for S4 each. e -Cardcnx As well as the regular Blue Box, x Grand & Tov will be- on hand to offer 0 PI,CKERING r a� 420-2222 • 683-2760 " 1: �"°'ti ::24 hr. Direct Access 420-4660 eb Site: www.city.pickering.on.ca� 14 Committee of Adjustment 14 Site Plan Advisory Committee 15 Pickering Museum Village Foundation AGM ria the Museum Village 7:30 pm 15 Statutory Public Information Mating 19 City Council Meeting 26 Executive/Council Meeting 28 Site Plan Advisory Committee FICKERING PICKERING'S MILLENNIUM WATERFRONT PROJECT GROUND BREAKING EVENT Saturday, June 17, 2000 Noon - 2:00 p.m. Official Ceremony at 1:00 p.m. on the Waterfront Trail, Alex Robertson Community Park Natural Heritage & Art Activities Musical Entertainment �o Complimentary •,,,� Barbeque Ewryone uvkv7me to attendi ONT MO ,y'�MX01A [a] '4 J :112rN PUBLIC N(:MCE e is bete*" sea " the Cmacil of ne mom of die Cky of liKke iag win be oor.idttdaa aactatau of a by-Inrr a cYaage IYe mom d tM ring Soret a Joe 19. 2000 a 7:30 pats, i. tM Cil Clntrber. r dw Fciri.R Citric Ca.tplln. Om rrci sort tie Wove-amnowd rteetiag. Cmmcil wtll beat in ter.• or by bib or her corosd or ager, try pasta win im to carie aepresemmoor ado u stVPon ot, of a eadoe a, &e popaed wear acre ci.ye rid wbo im to the Clerk to be bard. Ary palma wrbYg to tan cored Willi aspen *"moxa bond cornu ardauped m at before noa a Fridry. Jttm 14 iiace Tbyi.. AMCr. cmm . ri�r y aerie et>rpr oonkeInle F�plxrtle LI V 6K7 6rrio (90)42D4611 DATED a Picke in4 oa xino tido 156 day of May. 2000. SALE OF SURPLUS LANDS ,.I -r r T�f: KV(3TICE THAT .n J— M17M, Cd,. l"awtcdJULY ttg ,,—" R.t.1.6a. I2N9aray-b.. 5391M 4-1—ha th, faa..i" fatal ••rpi- 1. tM need. dw _ % 7.— - ` a•. � C-p—Ai— Th.l-W. basisW—Wr«.0... THE CITY OF PICKERING •1. is' bars, wbi.ct a .wy ,nrr...err. ,� �1' -:«J J J , P� �D •.J } rmtdirt�ri.a - J SUBSIDIZED L. L.0 la and 17. P1a. 4-1.r Pwu t. x 3. '� d•�iV••••d • •+ mid 5. Platy 4W.1=50 ,a.,..,- 0.27 ,..,, .,.,..r BACKYARD COMPOSTER SALE I—), k..a.n M tb. t Harr 171—.rt C. -m -Ay C,ta.. w the city of rkk-.ft tr.r—r♦11M H. -Lt Kinsmen Park, Pickering ONE DAY ONLY RAIN OR SHINE .r Ow...MI. R.i1•w M.-cipity .f D.rb.m, �..icy.ly b.... a. 4t•J91tMd1 a..aa R..i A espy •r tb. r f.rv.ce Ntr r .H.cb.s t. w 0 Adra.ar.l .f Pttrcho.. w saw S.lchia: 111311.111141.411. Starting at 72non (Mtm not be .,,b„rned ,n tM tow of r Apaewter of •Pickering Museum Yllanstrations P—lime and sok =h .,u be avatl.w r tM Ctvr . City Council/Pickering 20M Welcome Tertt C—Visa. LqA Drlmrt a. 2w Flos. P,ckm.a Tl. . Football Toss Pickering Dolphins NLY' A. ormer Pwchw wA Sale mmit be a�,n.tpa.tpt OUANMES by a 4" w tM rat. W a cowry order. bt.k salt u • Kindergym Park • •Inct LAST ,h.qw oert6ad by a bask. tr..t corpora.,. a Prov,.ce • Penny CarnivalTax of o rrw s...p and p.refti to r1r corya Is of . Children's Inflatables (Snow White. Frc thr Cry of rkYa,. f rd rtprs.rnby a ,e,.rn.. ad Par UP r tsar odf tM ptrch„e p.,oe .s aw w as ober Station, Rodry Mountain Slide) $80 The corporm" or tM city of PicMn" make. w ' Children's Stage Arca NORTH AMERICA'S R Rides SAI ,ct.n obe .o W. It"wk to or p—b.btodw tyy error • Teen YInflatables (30' High Mountain, 90' R1 SELLING BACKYARD t ascerwmy iMac marten rests wah the pae.tw Obstacle Course, Bungee Run) pwcia.ns. 711 sty reserve, tM nsl.t to refect a., a au .Teen Coffee House/5 Local Teen Bands COMPOSTER ;� of � city ref dioiiid �t be °�`d rs d1t •Teen Break Dancing and NBA 2 Ball Thu, sok a aoveraed by tM Mtrrc,pal Act The • Graffiti Demonstration Converts I[avc's and „rcceafol pwckmer will be reQrted to pay the balmier • Seniors BINGO Tent for Adults sue a cw,�.a, tM relevaa tad Tra miler Toa am say table Scraps into an abut- .pphc.we Gat The pwchM irm"cao. ,Mu be ck,...aamw MAINSTAGE FAMILY dam supph� of hkmus. , ^ .oars 60 days of for acep—t of the Offehe r by T Co p.of *c City P,:ku," Reduces pftW try 30% Far sefutattim respect" the v.awt" of tin property. PMaK Starting at 6:30 p.m. & Reduces pidenim to—* 6 �iit.m sad =-y �,� .ata bill by VA N'� picberi"aviccmglat followed by � nae Toe E>plyde Takes as little as 10 Picterra, Oatrw • L I V 6K7 minutes a week • .. Pi: 903-4204621 Abp A al" For Sol= a • gkr. hk.lb.a a tatrgiealel4 Pais ® • Shuttle bus services tui take you to • TRUCKLOAD SAIF M PARKM LOT AT Kinsmen Park and bald TIfb15 LOCATIOIk Adults: Loorie $1.00 Kids: FREE Pick ups every 30 miinutes from PickeringPICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX GO Train, Don Beer Arena and Ontario Poween•NE THE ESPLANADE Geration (Brock Rd, South Lot) starting at 12M room K* MORE WORMATKIN CALL 4204630 UMM Parking: Fee $2.00 at: Pwkh inn Pate Sunday, June 25m, 2000 b from 11 A . to 5 P.M. Year 21M City of Pickering • ME Concert in the Park Series Canada Day Celebrations A t 1u e Janma e 21. Thank to all Volunteers. Service 7:M lin Clubs, Community Groups, Partners and (� • FAtibm re Park (Gambol Sportsots for the coordination of theJalf �u 111- Caa�y GRceet Pickering Canada Day Festivities: land C�,,�,,,,� as C A M S H O W as �y an e"airg ofgmw bared ^stall'! —Vons"^ s no w .,...nttws cans o, e..... Be :arm a laws chair or blasket nerd a . Kinsmen 9 Kinette Club of Ptdrenng `" g� • Canadian Progress Club Durham Sduth '0d classic ars freta Southern awed sat at Papl— Park (on Valley Farm Road• just 00� exhibikim open, to book call the ACCCC x 905-649.2664 wwb of Kkgmn Road). Join us r we celebrre • Pickering 2 the Arts! • Canadian Progress Club Durham here music with the site to itis minae« ar die l be on ' "6 please check with the sir fog tuna when cars will be of display For more information, call 905-420-4620 Region Women or visit our website a www.pickering noses • Ontario Power Generation PlCKE1R1Nti • Pickering Optimist Club • Pickering Rep Softball Association useum • Pickering Concert Band il loge • 1 r West Shore Scouts SUMMER JUNIOR • Pickering Civitan Club ADMISSION: Adults $5, Seniors (55+) S4. Students • SQUASH CAMP • Knights of Columbus (13 to 18) $4. Children (5 to 12) 53. Fanuhes $15 and • Pickering Softball Association parking is free. Introductory Squash Camp teaches you • South Pickering Seniors Club the basics of the game. Racquets, balls • Durham Regional Police Service wEB SITE: city.picke^ng.on.calmuseum and eyewear will be provided - all you • KX96 a Shaw need is a clean pair of running shoes!! PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE is on Hwy. 7 between Bnsck Road and w'esiney Road in the Hamlet of Dates: July 10th to 14th Greenwood, 3 km easto(Bnxk Rowe. Time: 1 pm to 3 pm daily l Fee: Only $50 Fpr more information, visit our web site:a GE�TMN Call Scott Coleman, Squash Pro a Y wwcktyofPlckeiiing.com Z PICKER114G NUCLEAR the Pickering Rec Complex 831.1711 or call 905-420-4620 905.683 •8401 V Mft Ail tttteWV Al^*A11SE11, WEDNESDAY EDITION. June 1s, 2000 A 'uilBALyof fun Frenchman's Bay Festival weekend a smash success The 2a)0 version of the Frenchman's Bay Festival was anoth- er success, despite periods oj-rain. Thousands of area residents turned out to ride the midway, listen to music, watch drag- onboat races and have gorse! old-fashioned fun. Top left, Francine Dallaire joking(y accepts the proposed of balloon artist Darren Bedford ss ho created a ring and bangle for her. Top centre. Waterfront Bistro owner George Zubulakis keeps things clean — and dry — during a rain shower Top right, Tyler Mocmev leans into the turn as he takes a spin on one of the children's rides in the midxay. At right, Charlene Thurston gets up close and personal s, ith Jack the Gripper, a python who visited from Orono Jungle Cat World Zcx, Camp. Animal Life Educator ,Varalte hfalarczuk stands hv. just m case the python decided to tighten his grip on Ms. Thurston. Golf tourneyonce again links Bigand g Little Brothers Duffers do good for association matching boys with positive male role models BY ht.1TH G1tJJGArV Stag Writer Don Lawlor and Ryan Herbert were linked four years ago. On Monday, July 10 the Big and Little Brothers will hit the link, They'll he among the duffers at the Nokia Big Brothers Golf for Kids' Sake 2000 fund-raising event at Lakeridge Links in north Whithy. They're used to spending a lot of time together. especially playing sports. So much time, so much quali- ty time, in fact. that Ryan nominated Mr. Lawlor as Big Brother of the Year. The Ajax -Pickering Big Broth- ers Association agreed and bestowed the honour on Mr. Lawlor. A TTC industrial engineer who lived in Ajax before moving to Toronto, Mr. Lawlor became a Big Brother for "a couple of reasons. I saw guys like Ryan really not doing some of the things they'd like to do or things beneficial to do. I saw the need:' Mr. Lawlor had a need of his own. "I always wanted to go skiing and never had anybody to take" As well, hanging out with Ryan gives Big Brother •'a good reason to go snowboarding- We took up snow- boarding together." And a lot more. Big and Little Brother are both real jocks. They also play basketball, tennis and other sports when they get together at least once a week. That's good for Ryan, an active 15 year old who also plays on the Ajax Spartans midget •B' rep baseball team. He reports Mr. Lawlor "is able to keep up with sports". And, his Big Brother is "fun to be with". The two expect to have a lot of fun at the Big Brothers' annual golf tour- nament July 10. And, they hope many more people will join in. The aim is to raise $40.(X)(1 to fund Big Brother and Mentor pro- grams offered by the association. Cost is $150 per player, which covers golf. use of a cart. lunch and dinner. The price for dinner only at the event is 555. The tourney has a scramble format Ryan Herbert (left) and Don Lawlor are ready for a day of golf next month to raise money for the Big Brothers organization, Mr. Lawlor was recently named Big Brother of the Year by the Ajax - Pickering association after being nominated for the honour by Ryan. If you are interested in providing guidance to a fatherless boy, call Big Brothers at 686-2871 or 426- 5522. with a shotgun start. Registration and putting contest take place at 10:30 a.m., followed by pictures of four- somes at 11:30 a.m., tee -off at I p.m., silent auction and cocktails at 6 and dinner at 7. One lucky golfer could win a 2000 Buick Century GMC Truck courtesy of Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick by hitting a hole -in -one. Official sponsor of the tourney is Nokia, while others include Canadi- an Waste. Absolute Adventures, Whithy-Ajax MPP Jim Flaherty, On- tario Power Generation and Veridian Corporation. Pickering Councillor Rick Johnson is the honourary chair- man. For more information on the event, call Barbara Fleming at 686- 2X71 or 426-5522. Photos by Celia Bronkhorst A1 Ak V11 LTA Alk al ECLEARANCE CENTRE, STORE CLOSING SOON!, DESIGNER FASHIONS INCLUDING Nu Mode TORONTE). CANW t • I' « 11111111111INt 15 _ESI! Liz claiborne LOUBEN P'014,Y JONES NEW YORK PKI1110 R M PETITE COWADC YOETAN O/ O m1i or more'. HURRY, while quantities last', PICKERING Laura Clearance Center STORE HOURS Pickering Leisure Center Mon -Tues: 10-6 1755 Pickering Parkway m Wed -F":10-9 (905) 428-6248Sat: 10-6 MW1r.401 Sun:12-5 NEVIS ACYER',;,SER, WEDNESDAY EDITIO:t, June t4, 2000 PAGE M A/P Newpoliceget superintendent eagerto s Chuck Mercier ready for challenges which lie ahead IV tr 't.7W CHUCK MERCIER 'It came out of the blue.' Man facing BY STEPHEN SHAH' Staff Writer BY DAVID STFLL SmffEdiror Chuck Mercier made his impact on police services in north Durham and it didn't go unnoticed in the offices of his superiors. As a result, a surprise promotion earlier this week has elevated the Durham Regional Police officer from the inspector's position in north Durham to Superintendent of Crime Management for the police service. "It came out of the blue:' Supt. Mercier said. He was just as surprised of his new title as his replacement, newly appoint- ed Inspector Bill Temple who is gear- ing up to take over the reigns of the north Durham Department as Supt. Mercier now takes a few days to digest his new duties. No date for the official changing of the guard has been set, but he expects to step into his new duties around the end of June. The title is a newly created position, resulting from a study of the police ser- vice, the Hay Report, performed last year that recommended this change. Supt. Mercier said he was aware changes would be made, but not who would be appointed to the new posi- tion. Instead of focusing on a portion of the region, as he has in north Durham since taking on the inspector's role in September 1997, coming over from the homicide unit, he will now have a broader focus. "I'm going back to region -wide is- sues:' he said. The Hay Report called for a manag- er to co-ordinate major crimes he said and the new position will require Supt. Mercier in the coming days to organize the people who will report to him; to form the structure for the unit. Once complete, he expects to have one intel- Sex -assault case grows charges once given police citation A long-time regional employee who was once the recipient of a police citation for helping catch a sex attack- er is now himself the subject of a widening sexual assault investigation involving numerous alleged victims. The 51 -year-old man was arrested by Durham Regional Police last month in connection with alleged sex assaults involving three teenage girls, ages 13 and 14. The incidents were reported to have taken place between July 1998 and Au- gust 1999 in north Oshawa and near the Corbett Creek Water Pollution Control Centre on Forbes Street in Whitby, where the accused works. Police said a man acted like a "fa- ther figure" to the teens, who he met through a mutual acquaintance, and sexually assaulted them in his vehicle during "leisure drives." The alleged of- fences involved sexual touching. In the wake of news reports about the arrest. police have been flooded with numerous similar complaints, some dating back 30 years, said Dctcc- live Sergeant Jim Douglass, head of the force's Sexual Assault Unit. "We've had a lot of calls and a lot of people supplying information. Many are adults complaining of incidents that happened a number of years ago:' he .aid. -We certainly expect to be laying additional charges" The number of complainants has reached 10 and it could potentially double by the time the probe is com- pleted. Four detectives arc now as- signed to the case. "it has become a very far-reaching investigation which could take some time:' Det. Sgt. Douglass said. Alfred Borg. of Maplewood Drive in Oshawa. is currently being held in custody on three charges of sexual as- sault and one count of sexual interfer- ence. During a brief appearance in Os- hawa court yesterday prosecutor Tom Hewitt alluded to "some additional charges" pending in the case. A lawyer representing Mr. Borg requested the matter be set over until June 20. A long-time Durham Region Works Department employee, Mr. Borg worked as a plant operator at the Cor- bett Creek water treatment facility until his arrest. In 1996, he was awarded a civilian citation by Durham Regional Police after he chased down a fleeing sex at- tacker who had just accosted three teenage girls. According to a summary which was read when he was presented the award Find Serenity on Friday nights PICKERING — The Serenity Group's weekly recovery meeting takes place Friday, June 16 at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group meets every Friday and deals with all types of addictions, in- cluding co-dependency. Phone 426-9431 (Jim) in the evenings for information. _7303 T Z X "M Q'o1.mv i e inner & Back to Basic Classes •5,1 hr. lessons EVENINGS) - eginning the week of June 20 3 � Call: Greg Salazar C UM amps to Tn* your p t ,tome 18 c�»l gasses belld as s Fox Rua Golf Cetrtre W lYtrlton PA AW www.ladieo'nernt000ll.o7 at a ceremony in Regional Council chambers, three young girls were sex- ually assaulted in downtown Oshawa on March 30. 1996. "A bystander. Mr. Alfred Borg, at- tempted to apprehend the suspect. The suspect Fled on foot and was pursued by Mr. Borg for some distance through the downtown area. The suspect then ran in to a restaurant where Mr. Borg waited outside for the police to arrive... -It is doubtful this incident would have resulted in an arrest had it not been for the courage and persistence of Mr. Borg:" the presenter of the award said at the time. ligence officer, four duty officers and one major crime officer, all represent- ing the entire region, answering to his office. Talking about his experience in Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock. Supt. Mercier said he was pleased with what he and the staff accomplished in the area. North Durham offered an inter- esting challenge for police protection and he pointed to the strides they've made in tackling issues of concern for residents and politicians. ft:9F:X LN COMFORT WITH CONFIDENCE rogrerninie Thermostat & winter Cover with each Authorized Purch•s• Natural Gra Dealer "We made great strides to commu- nicate with the three municipalities, the public and even the media;" he said. "We implemented enforcement strategies in a number of areas:" Supt. Mercier pointed out that in Insp. Temple, north Durham was get- ting a 'good guy' to take over. "He brings a great background to the job Supt. .larder said. "He'll be good support for the trent-line officers here" Classic Heating & Cooling (905) 665-7778 or 4WVisit our 1-877-739-7778 M0 Showroom www.clossic cooling.com 628 Kent Sheet, Unit B, Whitby Sale ends this weekend 1%4. " In MNIAORe' M -M ". Futures twohumldlly-controlled crispers and glass shelves. M142. Sears reg. 1399.99. 1199 63.16` IIIOfI� Available In White and Almond Save 12M AMMO M -W. FT. TOP -MOUNT REFRIGERATOR Our lowest price of the year! Features 'spillproof' glass shelves. nm. Sears reg.1099.99. 180 ody 47.27' Moral * Available in White and Almond = Use your Sears Card and Save 1150 M"a-cu.". SIDE-BY-SIDE M I UGMTN Filtered water and ice dispenser plus four'spillproof' glass shelves. oaisw. Sears reg. 1849.99. 169999 only 89AI r ffmflry pay no interest'til 2002 on all major appliances 'Pay in 19 equal monthly payments, interest free, until January 2002. On approved credit, with your Sears Card. Monthly payments shown have been rounded up to the nearest cent. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. When billed, any unpaid portion of your Sears account balance will attract credit charges, commencing the following month Excludes Mems in our Liquidation/Outlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Offer ends Sun., June 18, or where Sears is closed. Sat.. June 17. 2000 Ask for details. dMILWA NP0630500� Copyright 2000. Sears Canada Inc. AR P*M A/0 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 14, 2000 A.l. GR0F.h7;b'e%s Advertiser punto Having their cake... Students Emilv Hamilton (left), sister Anna and friend Kaitlin Osko (right) waited patiently Ji)r the cake -cutting portion of the festivities during fifth an- niversary celebrations at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School in Pickering recently. The school organized several events during the celebration to mark the occasion. Summer solstice at holistic centre PICKERIV; — The Grccnwoc,d Holistic Health Centre is hosting a Summer Solstice event Sunday. June 25 from 2 to 7:30 p M. Act'%itics Include tat chi and yoga demonstra- tions; herb walk; and mas- sage, reflexology, shiatsu and crystal therapy. A pot luck dinner is being held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. followed by a solstice ceremony. The centre is at 2373 Concession 6. midway be- twccn Brock and M'cstney roads. For more Information call 619-1405 or visit the centre's We sitc at w w w. g roe n w oodho I i sti c. c a. A'EWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD J U IN E 14. 2000 WEDNESDAY JUNE 14 SINGLE PARENT SUP- PORT The Ajax -Pickering chapter of the One Parent Family Association invites You to our weekly meeting held at 8p.m. every Wednes- day at the Annandale Golf NO Curling Club, corner of Church and Bayly Sts. Ajax. for both custodial and non- custodial parents whether your children are 2 or 42, all are welcome. 837-9670. A L Z H E I M E R S: Alzheimer Durham holds an Ajax support group meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 487 Westney Rd. S., Units 19 and 20 (at Clements Rd.). Ajax. All caregivers welcome. 576- 2567 (Megan). TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax -Pickering Toastmas- ters meets in the Visitor's Centre of the Pickering nu- clear station on Mont- gomery Park Rd. Meet and greet at 7:15 p.m., meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Learn public speaking, lead- ership and communication skills. 683-4439 (John), 619-0647 (Peter). THURSDAY, JUNE 15 BREAST-FEEDING: The La Leche League Canada - Pickering Group meets from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the YMCA Family Resource Centre, 1400 Bayly St., Unit 15A (next to the GO sta- tion), Pickering. Informa- tion and support on breast- feeding. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and babies welcome. 427-8063. GOLF TOURNEY: The Head Injury Association of Durham Region's 2(x)0 Charity Golf Tournament takes place at Deer Creek Golf & C,untry Club in Ajax. The day features I8 holes of four -person scram - hie golf, special contests. prizes, a roam beef capper and guest speaker Terry Kcl h. 723-2732. BREAST CANCER: The Canadian Cancer S,ktcW% Living With Breast Cancer peer support group meets at 7 p.m. at the Dundee Private Investors offices, southeast corner of Bay1y St. and Fin- ley Ave.. Ajax. It's for breast cancer patients, families and friends. Support and prwti- cal information. 686-1516. ANNUAL MEETING: Durham Children's Aid So- ciety hosts its annual meet- ing at 6:30 p.m. in the audi- torium at the Whitby Mental Health Centre, 700 Gordon St., Whitby. 433-1551. COFFEE HOUR: The Ajax -Pickering Christian Women's Club hosts a morning coffee hour from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. in Gal- lantry's Banquet Room on the lower level of the Pick- ering Town Centre. $5 at the door, $2.50 for newcomers. Complimentary nursery available by reservation only. To register call 427- 3072. (Janet) . FRIDAY, JUNE 16 ADDICTION: The Sereni- ty Group — 12 Step Recov- ery Meeting is at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group meets every Fri- day and deals with all types of addictions, including co- dependency. A child-care program is available as re- quired. Everyone: welcome. 428-9431 (Jim) in the evenings. r1%M1AC;';W7"1RS.2Please 116 Recycle Me... 1 X V' Mexican Ole Brava, .tete beer of su rnrner. %-.1 �1I' _. . abyGW;i +tF"L"etK4112DaRat*&md'eve. eeewcabtea.eaalaRxreDtrptSn.bI&.H2 ., Read up online! We're at wwwedurhamnews.net EXTENDED LENGTH COMFORT' 1 TM w tdatay n di. only --I-- W arle.- . rwt Star Cr..h Tt,ft am" Eor /� Eeont i• Pm for d-- and front P.w^Mt. ba I— . ,tour COMFORTABLE PRICE $249 PER MONTH/36 MONTH LEASE NO SECURITY DEPOSIT >< MO Down tt pnewt Pow lifts Fr -40 II �� 0 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING ON ANY NEW WINDSTAR ALL Ttd= GREAT FEATURES NACU 11 AT O LOW PIINZ • Extended Length Minivan • Anti -Lock Brakes • 3.81. 200hp V6 Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic with Overdrive • 7 -Passenger Seating • Dual Sliding Doors • Air Conditioning • Power Windows • Power Lodes • Power Mirrors • SecuriLocklm Anti -Theft System • AMIFM Stereo with Cassette • Tilt Steering • Speed Control • Privacy Glass • Luggage Rack • Floor Mats WINDSTAR LX WITH CO I', GROUP tate2$M FAM fAMt GII�1tT IiA1Ulli tOLAIL QWW 11111MM 81IM alto tooOTt NNVL li o1rraw www.ford.ca/offers wlTrwe IEwu TIE LIGM CO" 'La— a r— 2000 Windpar LX. -h lett Nand ShWriq Upa Ind UMn, G,ouW 7000 W mduar Lx -th Leh Ilar,d Slidmg Dow. Utility end fon.enkme Group nom ford credo to gwliertll trin�nvev or approved oedd Tobi — nb1.g,1 � n $13 8141513. S85 Int nonth\ payment re0uned Some rondnom and • mdeege ntrrnw of 8p,ppp Sm om 38 month, IxI A char 1 Irv..uo, apple,, plot appbbWe tAM "0'w apD 9e o W ae pis tm tete m mommy payment n f57087, top W borrow, hruw�nq new 7000 Weer for a maeunum o148 months W rnoi rwlwrxn +ppoxd crart f q (75 000 hrurwed K OX annul per<emal;K rm tw Y n,or, M� may rhengt wdAo,rt retire Umited nrnt oNm Ofle t�wt mN Wlltotal 0 yeea[IW ve trot rrMMI bye mamGuned ptelerep� ante, admmntbtgn heraM NI applKaplt ban Deakr meY li'ax w xll b Ini Sglx rrvWd�dN apply prytn In U S meet N4_al y mry 4 rttWned Set dNln Ica dr1uA tThe Aphnt Iront.1 impatl rating Ica both IN doll and Iront pxiengtr R°"^^ MynaaY' iraflrr SaM AdmmMrafgn Iwww MMe roml Ixe compared to a SAM M,ael•ax model ad a td -M motI other -n, Ontar. FDA PO St. 21100. OMwlh, Omen. LU SEa NE" ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 14, 2000 MAGE Al t AIP to Gauss -work' Yard sale aids Ajax church in math MAGWYF.RS AJAX -- 1b'cstney Road, Ajax, PI B studenttop Heights Baptist Church All proceeds w the Smarks holds a yard, bake and craft church hue 4. fund. Rainsale Saturday, lune 17 from date is r Inf 24. Phone 686- 9 a.m. to I p.m. at IU Fuller 7782 for Information. Durham trio records perfect scores in tough test Durham senior elementary idents shone at recent maths- are penalized fix making guess - atics competitions. Three area pupils wored per- es. Scoring perfect "is a very, very difficult thing to do, which :t in the Gauss Math Contest means the teacher% are doing a Id across Canada fix Grade 7 great job of preparing the stu- d 8 students. Jason Poirier, a dents," says Mr. Gadanidis. ade 8 pupil at Frenchman's At the Ontario Mathematics ty Public School in Pickering: Olympics at Queen's University uwin Truong, a Grade 7 stu- in Kingston the weekend of lune ni at Fallinghrook Public 3 and 4, a team of four Grade 7 htwrl in Whitby; and Steve and 8 students from E. A. Fair- cdhouse, of Grade 8 at E.A. man finished first, making it the firman Public School in Whit- second consecutive year Durham were flawless. public whoof board pupils have George Gadanidis. Durham won the title. The team of Frik strict School Board math co- K(x)pmans (Grade 7), Melissa linator, reports the Gauss test "very Sparks (Grade 7), Stuart Wright challenging'. requiring (Grade 8) and Nikki Shaffeculah dents to employ high-level (Grade 8) worked in two -person nking skills to solve problems. teams for two events and as a c pupils have a time limit and group for two others in winning Kids protect ecology down -by the L902 PICKERING — "I'hc French- man's Bay Wa- tershed Reha- bilitation Pro- jcct (FBWRP) is inviting youngsters to take part to a fun -filled envi- ronmcntal stewardship program this summer. The Down by the Bay pro- gram, which is geared toward children he- tween the ages of five and 12, will teach par- ticipants atx)ut the importance of the French- man's Bay wa- tcrshed. Youngsters will learn about water testing, aquatic planti- ng, the 'yellow fish road'. and the FBWRP's bird box pro- grams. Chil- dren will also take part in en- vironmental games and will receive a Down by the Bay stewardship certificate. The program runs from 9:30 a.m. to ntxwn on July 6 and Aug. 3 on the west side of French- man's Bay at West Shore Boulevard; July 13 and Aug. 10 at Alex Robert- son Park on Sandy Beach Road; July 20 and Aug. 17 at the West Shore Community Centre on Bayly Street; and July 27 and Aug. 24 at David Farr Park on Glenanna Road. Children must be accom- panied by an adult. Space is lim- ited so registra- tion is required. For more in- formation call Angela Barrett, 420-4660 ext. 2155. Fax It Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser General 683-7363 tlx four-hour competition. Frenchman's Bay Public School students won the Math Olympics last year and pupils from the Pickering school fin- ished 12th this year. Christian women host coffee hour The Ajax -Pickering Christ- ian Women's Club hosts a morning coffee hour Thursday, June 15 from 9:30 to 1 1:15 a.m. in Gallantry's Banquet Room on the lower level of the Picker- ing Town Centre. Cost is $5 at the door. $2.50 for newcomers. To register call 427-3072. (Janet) YOU •-• • TO CELEBRATE OUR •++ ++ Or • • • r •r r ++r r ♦rr r rr +w w • ON SATURDAY JUNE 17TH AT 10:00 AM Surprise gifts will be given to our first 200 customers. Also, fill out a ballot to ss in a door prize. draw will be held at the end of the day. OFFERWE PRODUCTS:HEALTH FOOD High quality vitamins, herbal & homapathic reimed1les, body building and sports nub I Fresh organics (vegetables, fruits, dairy products, breads, baby food) and much more! BN Health Food & Spun.., Nutrition formerly located to the Super Centre mall is re -opening June 17 for business at 1550 Kingston Rd., Pickering (Valley Farm & Kingston Rd.), with a new name and look. Our commitment is to provide excellent service to our valued customers and answer any question you ma} have about our products or other health concerns. SPECIA.U.. ri-r• Whey rorotein Me =bo lean I � No Cavattlesl (120 eavadeq $31.99 $15.99 $24.99 BN Natural Food 1550 Kingston Rd. Pickering (905) 420-1462 •^11ZF^FZES FLIGHT CENTRE guarantees to BEAT any genuine quoted priW ■ MONTREAL from $159 rm pp HALIFAX from $178 rtn pp VANCOUVER from $349 "n pp ORLANDO from $159 rtn pp LOS ANGELES from $379 rtn pp HONOLULU from $699 rtn pp LONDON from $249 tin pp MANCHESTER from $269 rtn pa PARIS from $379 tin pp BERLIN/MUNICH from $619 rtn pp MANILA from $999 rtn pp TEL AVIV from $1069 rtn pp ■ ■ T ---ions aoph -aft cues to be sddad Flights s bod to nail Paid st timed print. CALL YOUR FLIGHT CENTRE 905-831-9959 A�aFs LOCATED AT PICKERING TOWN CENTRE._>%-5�,-�AFLIGHTCENTRE THE DISCOUNT FLIONT SPECIALIST YOU •-• • TO CELEBRATE OUR •++ ++ Or • • • r •r r ++r r ♦rr r rr +w w • ON SATURDAY JUNE 17TH AT 10:00 AM Surprise gifts will be given to our first 200 customers. Also, fill out a ballot to ss in a door prize. draw will be held at the end of the day. OFFERWE PRODUCTS:HEALTH FOOD High quality vitamins, herbal & homapathic reimed1les, body building and sports nub I Fresh organics (vegetables, fruits, dairy products, breads, baby food) and much more! BN Health Food & Spun.., Nutrition formerly located to the Super Centre mall is re -opening June 17 for business at 1550 Kingston Rd., Pickering (Valley Farm & Kingston Rd.), with a new name and look. Our commitment is to provide excellent service to our valued customers and answer any question you ma} have about our products or other health concerns. SPECIA.U.. ri-r• Whey rorotein Me =bo lean I � No Cavattlesl (120 eavadeq $31.99 $15.99 $24.99 BN Natural Food 1550 Kingston Rd. Pickering (905) 420-1462 AI PAGE Alt NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 14, 2000 A.J. GROENI Ne'w's Adrertrser photo Branch manager Mike Pepping prepares worAd far the sacred fire for the Native Cultural Centre of Durham Region's third an- nual Povt W�nc at Durham College in Oshawa later this month. The event is being hosted at the main cam- pus on Simcoe Street North on June 24-25. WE'RE SWEEPING THEM OUT! WN U Ra See our ad in Today's Durham Wheels --- L 5 ---------off energy bars 16 savingumoney.corn Coupons for past atiou l anythiN a parent needs. Pm them out. Then sage at stores in your reKlihbourhood. JAMES R. YANCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services OSEiAwA 122 Allbcn tic. 721-7506 rtr AJAX 46 so CoauRaercial ^r Ave. 619-1673 COBOURG 24 Coven St 372-41744 FREE INITIAL CONSI. LTATION Notice of n Liquor Licence Application -vim The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for Additional Facilities Hardwood Billiards & Cafe 74 Commercial Avenue, Ajax (outdoor area) Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than July 14, 2000. Please inclide your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commision, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of all objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Fa x:(416)326-5555 E-mail at licensing(kagco.on ca School's out forever at Pickering's E.B. Phin Open house June 20 before final bell tolls School, and the school community had been calling for a new building since the early 1990%. While a new F. B Phin is built over the next vear, students will at- tend nearby Woodlands Centennial Public School. which is also slated to close.'ntey will return to a new facility next fall. Ms. Nova reports 'Something Old, Something New' is the theme of the open house. Starting at 4:30 p.m. and tiff half an hour, speakers will be shar- ing memories of the school. There'll also be school tours, vol- unteer recognition, old pho- tographs and other memorabilia to look at before the wrecking ball ar- rives. For more information call the school at 509-2277. the i115 a y GREAT SUMMER SAVINGS ONE DAY ONLY.' THURSDAY., JUNE 15TM FOR THE FAMILY SAVE 50% SAVE 25% PICKERING — Former stu- invited to do so. dents and teachers of Elizabeth B. Under the Durham District Phin Public School in Pickering School Board's system -wide ac - and evenone else are invited to contmodanon and mtprownteni 'touch the bricks for the last tine" plan approved I K months ago, the before the school is torn down. Altona Road school is one of Iwo Vice-principal Mary -Ann Nova which will be torn down and re - says the entire school will be open built on the same site. 'Me first Tuesday. June 20 front 4:30 to phase off. B. Phin was built ap- 6:30 p.m. when everybody who proximately 60 years ago, when it wants to have a last look around is was known as Rouge Hill Public School, and the school community had been calling for a new building since the early 1990%. While a new F. B Phin is built over the next vear, students will at- tend nearby Woodlands Centennial Public School. which is also slated to close.'ntey will return to a new facility next fall. Ms. Nova reports 'Something Old, Something New' is the theme of the open house. Starting at 4:30 p.m. and tiff half an hour, speakers will be shar- ing memories of the school. There'll also be school tours, vol- unteer recognition, old pho- tographs and other memorabilia to look at before the wrecking ball ar- rives. For more information call the school at 509-2277. the i115 a y GREAT SUMMER SAVINGS ONE DAY ONLY.' THURSDAY., JUNE 15TM FOR THE FAMILY SAVE 50% SAVE 25% • ^N�. aa fashions MTO dimandd en's dress & Includes petite & plus saes. • AN worner(s casual shoes Selected styles EXpfession" faShionS SAVE 2596 SAVE 40% • Regular-piricecl TO SO% &-' Gold and line, Owellery panty sets • AN wbnvWs handbags • AN boxed bras & briefs � • AN as;yuge _ Dodders AGaSpat • AN women's coordinates • Ah'aFBt selection of wonlen'�,, moil's kide from Alia,VINager & Korot • Selectesd VAlitches, • AN worrmYs dresses fas Hollywoi • LeviOwd b �Reebok Everest lasiIions SAVE AN Selected styles in EXTRA 25% petite &plus sizes dot SAVE 30% clearanceiced fashions & Nrlgerie • AN women's Already reduced • AN women's � Our Im flidwted prices. prided sleeplMear lxked Excfudesjust-reduced nems. fashions��, To.Clott ., Flit R W1e e Levies , Point Zero &Alone f• do,-L111m,•f FOR THE HOME SAVE SM •plus five AM mattressdeli err Seal, Simmons, Berta, Beaumark and Marshall. •W a wi l give you a discount eq iyvk+tt to the mat of standard local d*4ay. •�s f wtiud-=a s Royal velvet & Ralph Lauren towels Ralph Lauren • sifadlum throw • Two-tone ice cream bowls SAVAN E • AN== to .� tIfJlAAelS 7040% Seasonal items, wooden patio liumituri planters & patio servelfare 7030% All furniture, lamps„ pictures, mirrors & area rugs SAVE 25% • Ali regular- & Including Govemof s Hofytte- Natubca, Wamsutta, juvenile bedding and more. • AN bath • AN blanloets • ANthcushions ows SAVE IS% SAVE 10% AN instodic ek<b*sy & p emits eersonal cane electrics National brand SAVE $370 331 go.stinia r�TSw stgn cookware set �$�M Also:sm so% Matching open stack cookware Endudes MW VAn k mot, N savings ars off ow ropdar prigs tl dm otlwvAse godlhd SAIKlit0rl wiN varyby store. t Why shop at a store that doesn't give you AIR MILES®? reward miles Reward mde5 "-ted monthly bred - —W— purchaxt euhw4rg I— - t s kmwk, a AIR MR E ti' IntehrW geW Naldu,9 NV Uud uewk•i Ix -- by Loyahy Managnneru Crap Caruda Inc and the eay AIN MILES*— NN MRES'rtward rnAe, iu Jr•x rhe rnnetil in„un rNfu.'r VAu is E I NEWS ADVE"MR, WEDNE=MY EDITION, Jtnw 14.2000 PAGE M P i, 'Sports&L 1; Ei SUR E N E W S ADVERTISER Felicien's journey take her to Olym Pickering track star has one hurdle to clear to make national team BY AL RIVI:7T break the record, but 1 didn't think 1 would do it Spode Editor my freshman year. 1 didn't expect to run 12s it PICKERING — Brimming with confidence year." after a wss cccful U.S. collegiate track season, a The school record was set in the first round Pickering athlete is hoping to get over her latest the heats at the NCAA championships. She a hurdle: Becorning a Canadian Olympian. vaned to the semi-finals in her event as the on Perdita Felicien, 19, will attempt to gain a spot freshman in the race, finishing mond in 12.99 on Canada's Olympic track and field team in her earn a place in the final. In that race — again as d specially — the I()0 -metre hurdles. And, judging only freshman — she placed a respectable sixth by de outstanding season she had with the Univer- the U.S. in a time of 13.07. sity of Illinois Fighting Illim track and field team, Felicien's eager for the Canadian Olympic team tri- `It should be a really als in track and field in B.C. Aug. I I to 13. "I am real[ excited just to compete.- says Feli- good opportunity and cien, who arrived hack in Pickering last week atter finishing ter freshmanyear at the Champagne. III;- experience for Ille. noir campus. "it should he a really gad opfx)num- — PERDITA FELICIEN, ty and experience for me. - As someone who has met the 'A' qualifying ON THE CANADIAN OLYMPIC TRIALS standard, her goal is to finish in the top four in fix- 100 te100) metre hurdles at the trials, which would give Although Felicien was a little disappointed by her a berth on the Canadian team, that finish. she was satisfied with her first year of And. Felicien believes that's achievable. collegiate competition. Ticre's a strong opportunity for me to go (to "1 was a little hit disappointed because 1 wanted the 2(1(l() Olympic Games in Sydricy. Australia):' to place in the top four. but it was a really gond ex - she says. "I'vc already met the 'A' standard. but penence I never had before. I was the only fresh - there arc a lot of gaol competitors who are a little man in the final, so I was happy lust being there:' hil older than me. i am confident in at lew4 coming she says. in top four." As a record-breaking track star for Pine Ridge Her main rival will he Toronto's Kaoc Ander- Secondary Schoxrl in Pickering. Fclicien was rc- son. a firmer Olympian who's attempting to quali- cruited by several U.S. universities including South fy for her second Games in the IW-nictre hurdles. Carolina. Rlcc• Indiana and Southern California. Fclicien enjoyed more success in her freshman " 1 looked at the programs and the University of season at U of Illinois than slic could ever have cx- Illinois %tail ,eat:' she ex am.. " It was tsecalsse of pectcd. She qualified for the National Collegiate the academics (she's ma)(xing In kmesiology) and Athletic Association Track and Field C'hampi- (women's hurdles coach) Gary Winkler, who's just onships at Duke University In North Carolina Mav a great coach'. 31 to June 3. Tticve. she ran the 100-rretre hurdles After taking a week oft from training. Fclicicn in a blistering 12.91 seconds to set a newU of illi- says she'll resume her preparations I -,r the OI%mpic nos record• beating one csUblishexd three years ago Tnals this week She'll compete at er;ol by Tinya Williams In 12.97 seconds, prior to the trials and possibly dire r )nt.ln„ 's "1 was ec.%Wic:' says Felicien. "I wanted to Ganes in Durham Region ln,%uvu,i Pickering duo [a lk"ll Di IN ON 11YE11 :I.ro, a�,w C-Wlod.• third at seniors' o,V vc trado aro %M lam n Mr spe<:Nny, -- the 100 -metre hurdws. tennis event sea w�,� by una�tyof season ane nail won lite lJrevers,ry a uincp Fighting Illin, trade lard Into! :cam, Fekaer,'s eager for the PICKERIN G —A pair of Picker- Canadian Ohympe tun foals in tad, Ing tennis plovers finished third at the ant heldnnC.Aug. 1110 13 Durham Summer Games recently. Perdita enjoyed mon wccess in The Dunmrlore Tennis Club played he, Ireshman se"M at u of lbm host to the senior mixed tennis tourna- than she could ever Iwo expected. mens for the 2000 Games. Lourenco She qualified for the N Tradit ColtegwNAthleticAll,e Association Trail, Conceicao and Cecilia McCaughey ani Feld Championships at Duke placed third in the event on lune 2. ur versly in WP, Camirw May 31 to Taking home first place at the tcn- June 3 There. she ran the locanetre ` cis event was the tandem of Frank %teles n 12 91 seconds to set a new Bidon of Oshawa and Ann Gcboirs of ,I Illinois record Bowmanville. In second place was the team of Ed Taylor and Dorothy Kelly, f both of Courticc. ` Bidon and Geboirs will represent Durham at the Ontario Senior Sum- mer Games in Ottawa later this sum- *� ���� mer. ;:.� SHERNfO�W �'� • HEATING 6 AIR CONDMONING10 HOCK 5/fjdp,� °^ 427-5551 + BANTAM-MIDGET-l]MRMEDlATE we-e-w� Skids dt DevelopmentMamtesance too SALEO rr • + Summer Program + AJAX COMMUNITY EENT; 8 - 9 p.nL iib • Sunday Night - Rink 4 ♦ June 18 - August 27 (9 week program) * llMITED POUTlONS: Call to confirm a position S1AW EOM CORRECTION For our 48 page Fatlrlsr's Day Pro -Print (Sale Dates: June 12- 18, 2000) (CO63F500) Page 22 - Save 30% Girls' Fashion Underwear Price should read: Sears Reg. 4.99 - 19.99 Sale 3.49 - 13.99. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused. We wish to drew ytwr attention to the Iblhnving in our current 'Love You, Dad' Aye Pqp 8 - Item e4- 14AV Cordless Circular Saw. 54-6321 Q Ca reads: 2 batteries included Should ,4ad: 1 battery included Page 10. 12 -HP Garage Door Opener. :opy reads: Reg. 259.99, Sale 219.99, lave 40.00. Should read: Reg. 239.99, Salo 09.99, Save 30.00 We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. A.S.A.P. - Program Director - CRAIG SNANDLER 4, - Starts thk Sunday! $115.00 (includes GS.T.) `rte•', y' AL a � a•eeel• +t-�a. The A004dwing News Admf atEr llY im mos you to REM YON KIDS FOR FAIL 1 Doh Are 2k 261127, 2W Icorofliirr Sit w s oma a Biel" a soear a Foall»I a Tar Kwm Di llUro e EdtfedaW Soviao • t;ya11ltalia a Drafa a Mudie a Adtit d CtiWmn P. ovate Schools and mon... hosted by PICKERINC,TOWN- C TRENJ SfJe Dur SflppklW Slbll* AfIgu1120 W ib obw i it -11on moon n Co Sponsored by: ince l nihoiyScho pence if IMCk«NM A lteaaaeto 003 -120 +z.a M inpnWd In a booth In the show or for general information AJ GROEV/ Nes s Advrmser photo Perdita Felicien discusses training strategy with coach Curtis Sahadath at Pickering High Sc•honl.Monday. The University_ of Illinois hurdler will attend Canadian Olympic track and field trials in B.C. in August. Save 45' Silverguard Esprit" 11 tires Mode for Sears by -n,roy Gcoar�n, t^.ese ':res are cocked by a 100,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty' and Road Hazard Warranty' Free tiro rorofion every 10,000 km. Durability with a ;mooch and comfortable ride er wo w., _ Frew Wlioch. PISS 801113. Sews reg. iT." _ NP0630700 Copyright 2000. Stars Canada Inc. SEARS �10c ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES ;`---u for more information call 1.888-158-2999 ONTARIO'S www.drivecloon.com ONTARIO'S UIV Pickering Town Centre �V IDa.«r Liao. 420-0271 A1P PAGE 82 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 14, 2000 A.J GROLV% Ness's Advertiser photo Rounding the base Jejjrc-v Joaquin rounds first base while compering in the Pickering Baseball Association's second annual Hit. Run and Throw Competition. Boys and girls put their skills to the test at Brock Ridge Park in Picker- ing Friday evening. Warriors' record-breaking soccer game begins Saturday A.IAX — The Alax'Aar- suhsntutlons will be made non Strc:cr Club will try to before the game ends at get into the record hooks 6:20 p.m. Sunday. The con - with whaPs being dubbed test will pit Ajax North Ircd the "world's biggest game, team) against Ajax South slated to kick off Saturday. (blue team). June 17 and continue A complete roster and through until Sunday. photographic rec(lyd of the To coincide with the final event will he maintained weekend of Ajax Home and submitted to the Guin- Week. the Warruxc plan tp ness Book of World field all of their registered Records. The event will cao - playcrs during a 2.000- th surpass a game described minute game starting at 9 in the German edition of the a.m. Saturday at Monarch book involving 1.063 partic- Park soccer fields behind ipants playing for 30 hours the Ajax Community Cen- with 20 halls and 20 refer- trc More than 2.0(XJ player ees. lai 6 Sat. Night 683-7363 FORD EXPLORER 4 -DOOR L AROUT 2000 EXPLORER 4 -DOOR XLS 4X4 $ 399 PER MONTH/36 MONTHS 14.995 Down Payment Mus $835 Freight and 5475 Security Deposit WE HAVE THE RIGHT LEASE PAYMENT FOR YOIJ Bash n� 3 9•p annwmerest .ate Over 36 mnn•hs IIs . ... 111111-1114 DownParrient or Due on � F'14 t 'rnenf EQunale rT adee sag" 5399 54,995 $on $835 $6,704 $473 S2.495 SSSO 5835 $4,353 SS" SO $650 $835 52.031 tint Months Pal Re w 011 so wkin char90 Over f,0.110o - for Amoisds. S 19149 20 Optional Buyback Aopiitabie'ues. Lxvice. Iriyvance and AOiinnistration Fees Extra $3 995 t • 4 OL 210hp V6 Engine • Air Conditioning • 5 -Speed Automatic with Overdrive • Power Windows, Mirrors and Locks • Anti -Lock Braking System • Second Generation Dual Air Bags Includes the Value Added XLS Sport Group AND Conveniersce Group: Side Step Bars • Wheelhp Mouldings *'09 lamps • Chrome Wheels • AMJM with CD • Speed Control - leather Wrapped Tilt Wheel • Remote Keyless Entry LIMITED TIME OFFERS! Also, take a look at the 2001 family of SUVs now available. Win the Ultimate Northern Ontario Outdoor Experience. Visit any Ontario Foal Dealer for compiee. e.•., . .. ... - . .� 1,,. N'. .w. r•r•We •n M ar,ie,ea W ane.nx.• iw r.r ,. S^ 1. .•,n «> >.... .. ,.� ..v ...,, toiio .oKiam apply Ofrws xyy for eixiyn o- rwrMW .� ... - What can you "Ant Pickering and Ajax for a) A satellite dish? b) A remote and a receiver? _• �- - 1 N�Elff ARM 0 Installation? PICKERING Bell World I'ickering'fown Centre, 1355 Kingston Road 905-837-1212 Home Hardware 477 Kingston Road 901 839-4321 Radio Shack Pickk•nng lown Centre, 1.155 Kingston Road, Upper Level 905-8:19-3260 in $199'? Satellite Express Canada 1670 Kingston Road, Unit lA 905-683-1603 Sony Store FFhe Pickering Town Centre) 1355 Kingston Road, Unit 309 905-420-3224 022 Future Shop 40 Kingston Road E. 905-428-4450 Radio Shack 135 Old Harwood Avenue N., Unit 216 905-427-0294 2001 Audio Video 90 Kingston Road, Fast 6 905-426-7499 Bell is a trade mart oI Wl Canada, used under ISMke. I.pr Vu n a trademark .1 8111 Iapres,V,,, Of Lamle d.tnme offer can a.pire without rvr ice -Requires a cabfe NO of til per month More taxes or a 12 month programming commitment to 'The Worts" c i nW package Programming and lees on 1799 are e.ba Customer are free to Stint the 'Deluxe" combo o i every of the $100 programming credit •Lina one per customer Must be purchased -th • complete system Customers —th multiple receivers must connect all recovers h, Ine same Phone 11111 10 avoid addihc. nal programing charges "WHY MY DAD'S THE BEST" SHORT STORY CONTEST WINNER By Laura Reid, age 12, of Pickering My Dad is the best! He is always there for his family. He lets us sleep in while he walks the dog early in the morning. From time to time he helps my Mom by cooking and doing the dishes. He puts others before himself. I am proud to say my Dad doesn't drink or smoke. He is a good example to my brother and I. He is not one of those Dad's who say "do as I say, not as I do". My problems and hurts are not dumb to him. He is very caring. My Dad encourages my brother and I in everything we do and is willing to help us with our homework and other activities. We all have fun playing many games together. A good sense of humour and patience are qualities my Dad has when he is teaching my Sunday School class. I am very glad that he is my Dad! I love you Dad! xoxo. �j Get your LEW VOX, Conditioner tAj qur SvayD Sole Don't Pay Until Jan.200.A COYER PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT IN HOME ESTIMATE 10 YR. PARTS & LABOUR %ARRANTY ELEBRATI\G 35 YEARS OF AWARD %INNI\G SALES & SERN7(: IN w erlM M w t.. - VISIT OUR SFIOWROOII Laura Reid I NEWS ADVERTISER, WEONEMMY EDITION, Jure 14,2000 -PAGE W AIP �- Get Dad teed off! ,. � 6U .PErtM PAU A046Driving Range and 18 Holes • 54 brand new Yamaha Power Carta supplied by Turf Care • Driving Range b Putting Green • Soft Spikes Only! • Reservations recommended • Tournament Bookings PORT HOPE 82 Victoria St. S. (905) 885-6487 or 1-800-346-5361 www.aoninc.com This Father's D Get Him Into The `AQI 19I'RO UQUI 0 LORINE �I� $695 141- Rcrill I PLU-2 JSAT., JLTNE 17 P%RE 18UQ�5 ANKETS Plus 3 yr. and 5 yr. 2 FREE AvailableMERV % 9 Shock ✓995GuardS2495{rqn2 Ute BROMINE K -FILL TABS Pf= 1 NIGNTUG 2 FREE r^``' _ UMlmare Underwater B OGuard 51 1`■45 - Li�Mng Spam for Move - Ute shock 1 J/ i "In-Grand��N° �` P°°`$19 .rt S100aI OF «Ipd. onto WALK-IN For use with above.gound or SWOU xrr.. ■,uw,. m.ground pooh. 9 00 DIPLOMAT POOL & SPA 635 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING � Week HWQ.-Id ." GALL YOU NEED FOR POOLS 8 SPAS' RUNNER UP Matt and Mike McFarlane of Ajax I am Matt and I am eight years SUMMER I old. My Dad is the best because 1 t he is our money raiser and he helps us buy food and have all 1 the stuff we need. Without my SALE1. Dad I think we would be poor. My Dad is the best "trapper". He can hold me in a trap for a long Casual 99 time. I laugh when he plays the trapping game. My Dad and I Pilots play pool in the basement and he teaches me how to play chess. My Dad likes to see me Summer 99 swim and he's coming to see 011111111111111���' me at my summer trampoline shorts ® 1110111class. Sometimes I go golfing` with my Dad. I love my Dad. My Woven shoo Sl..r. brother Mike is going oin to tell you 99 about my Dad now ... I'm Mike a■nw sporshirsson®and I think my Dad is the best � 2 because he takes me to my hockey and baseball games, Dress 99 even when he's tired -- I play a o� x lot of games. My Dad teas me shirts I., now., M ass that I should try my best and have fun doing it. He gets me grossand tickles me until I can't stand 9 9 it. My Dad gets us Blue Jay shirts shoo SI..,,. ® _ass tickets and Raptors tickets and sometimes even hockey tickets. OVMZ1 WM °11ROE My Dad and I like sports cars. —99 Moores- When he goes away on trips he Knit tries to bring us back something CLOTHING FOR M9N cool. My Dad's good to Us. Ajax a 90 Kingston Rood (905) 686.1176 O O� ® EC Matt and Mike McFarlane Pickering 9 705 Kingston Road (905) 837.2720 AOP MOt 64 MEN i ADVENTUNK WM ESDAY EMT10re. Jww 14.20100 ers Wednesday, June 14th to Friday, June 16th, 2000. Men's 100% Cotton EN® Sport and Cumberland BaIrFishepman"s 0 Polo Style Tops Sandals W Choose from styles for the entire . � famiy Available in `'".,, Reg. 14.99 assorted sizes and �n FF ' R .4.99iton ea. love0U1Y PE More Cool Gift Ideas foOlOwAftat Your Zellers Store! 25% OFF 20% OFF 15% OFF SELECTEI MEN'S A IKH SELF IN 13 BRAIN AU L>ttn r ws CIEIINEE• ANI LEVI'S• NAME 11AMMS TI to= FLIM ALL GMS TH1 BENIM FASIIINS Reg. 29.99-79.99 23.11-83.11 ALL MMy N LOW Ewen 50% CAST INN LANMI, Rey. 14.99 ...........................................7.47 ALL UK BISIES, smog BILIS ANI SI11118 LAIIEr ITALIAN LUUM UNIALS Rey. 24.99 to 29.99 ....... 1 2.17 T114.11 80X OFF In 11" MORN in MIR NO" NW D~ 1831 June Ath 256 OFF 7 U!' w111r1 wr^ Rep. 119.99 ............. I .... Im I L 8A 11M ISM Rep. 79.99 ...................N.q WN P11111114 Rep. 79.99 ......................iii 1'1� i1M1M � 1111! Pdl 1K Rey. 269.97 NW Rey. 119.99 ................. KV 33% OFF 11,111 LBM Rep. 119.99 .................. _31X CAIS ■ 1121B1I MIR Rep. 17.99............. ....................................11A 1111111!1 1= Reg. 149.90 ................... M.A 21" QA�i nr � Rep. 29.97 ......... 21.37 r 3 r Rep. 79.99...41.17 ABN M A I Rep. 79.99 ........................................................ iM 25% OFF "Will" Rep. 39.99 ..................21.1'1 0111111111110100 Rep. 79.99 .................. KV N111111W111r'1 r IMM A11111N1M Au ft* m ALL No ML loo1111r1 40% ALiMN1M 1113awl, Rep. 19.99 ...................................................n.17 Tw=c. Rep. 14.99 ...................................................1.37 AININOW am Rep. 29.99 ................................................... 17.11 3-m=11 BI11B1 SES Reg. 169.99 ................................................. IRS Pic OFF Ni111111i 1M1r li i 3112 irL Ii111 �l �i l� a"111100 a~ aM I o pw am! i1u � I1w11 p1111111N'' Rep. 29.99-49.99 MOi1.M ALL 01111111111111111- 11x'11, Rep. 24.99 ......................11.74 21% OFF Rep. 49.99 ................. me ■11' 11b1111r X11, Rep. 49.99 ...............11.17 11 -PL x11111 M !r18K Rep. 259.97 ..................I" NM i� Mew 1� Rep. 99.97 .............. 71.11 Y11'21l1111 W om Rep. 169.97 .............121.17 rLIS...E=LY m wi ilii 1ff ALL Itiillw A N1 All Fhft A IIs, 611111tH LM - f Ve . This sale is limited to in -stock items only. Sorry, no rainchecks. We reserve the right to limtt quantities. Selection will vary by store. Savings quoted are off original prices. 'Excludes truly brands. Who Fathered Father's Day Anyway? (MS) - It has been said that "success has many fathers; failure is an orphan." The same notion can be applied to the national institution of Father's Day. It was back in 1909 that Mn. John Iii -Me Do old was inspired with the concept of Father's Day to honour her own father who raised it family of six following the death of his wife in the waning years of tier 19th century. It took a full year for her idea to gestate, plus a lot of hard work among the ministers of Spokane, Wash. She worked with the mayor, the YMCA and with other civic organizations. Although her hope had to observe the first Father's Day on her feather's birthday, the first Sunday of June in 1910, the ministers of Spokane had trouble getting their special sermons ready fix that day. So, Father's Day was postponed until the third Sunday of June. 1910. That day of observation never has leen altered. In 1917, by Joint U.S. Congressional Resolution. Fattier's Day was enacted into a national. holiday, from that time forth always to be observed on the third Sunday of June. Another "Father's Day" is claimed to have originated in 1908 in Fairmont, W.Va., a scant 20 miles from Grafton. W.Va.. where the first Mother's day was observed in 1908. Perhaps Grafton inspired Fairmont. Perhaps Miss Anna Reeves Jarvis, who founded Mother's Day, influenced Mrs. Charles Clayton, who claims to have caused a Father's Day service to be observed in July 1908. NEWS ADVERTIl M WEDNESDAY EN, . June 14, 20W*AOE W AIY THIS FATHER'S DAY CONNECT NOKIA 918 i +r' With Mail In Rebate MW For the record, however, the Father's Day that Congress has recognized. the Father's Day o for which Dodd spent most of her 96 years crusading, is the day we observe today -- the third Sunday of every June -- a beloved U.S. and Canadian holiday This year. Father's Day is Sunday, June 18. FATHER'S DAY HAMMOCK ss r HUGE SELECTION Hammock & Stand From Individual pieces also available FREE RAPID ICE MINI BEER COOLER With purchase of hammock and stand. Value 1111.95. Valid thru June IWW tat IP 0 e . )DIAN 019HIE t11E 428-9767 Visit Our 7,500 sq. ft. Showroom Of Patio Furniture, Spas, Barbecues, Billiards, Awnings a Dinettes. 120 Minutes Included FEELeather Case Value •30^� O ROGERS GA"z Will l No monthly bin V NO contract V NO credit check NO strings pwiw" Team Cowin wMwae a. a Mary. 9 - poem hs, TM ow"" Comm. No uplerfLN OOMMIIMICATION CAW TCC NJICTFAMICA CLANK QCL11- — U"M Laval • fiaM wwN be" NspatM Mefr 106 ft* K wet f GA20.0744 80.1111311.9111111117 t)Of.8N.A0N w Rogers Commumcatim" Inc U%ed Under I.icenw -.AT&T Cnrp Uvd under hcenw 0 A Aj=F V NT F 1 P'CTORY OUTLET_ Sheet Sets Padp Fum tum Window Toppers Complete$999 & ftrCILM From $199 From Am is Selected Throws And One Throw Cushions or NEW Piece Slipcovers % Selected Chair Pads 99 ` ^ From 99 14 Brand Name Comforters Brand Name Comforters $19199 Imperfects $1099 Any Size D YS ONNY Thursday June 15 • Friday June 16 * Saturday June 17 is 1458 Fairall St,, Ajaz (at Westney-Across from Go Stn.) 905-683-2222 Canadian Owned & Operated HOME DECOR b 3 e • ,'W� 0—arn Region for o"e' 3 Sunday June IS HM 401 artr Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs. 10-8 Fri. 10-6, Sat.10-8, Sun. 12-5 . «., P PAGE 06 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESOMY EDITION, &9W 11, 2000 Gold is Under 12s the Sporting Image of consolation cham s twister p • t I Pickering girls compete at Newmarket's prestigious Sunoco Cup soccer tournament sls era PICKERING — The Ptcker- favourite ing Power Sporting linage girls' under -12 rep soccer team cap - Colour lured the consolation champi- onship at the 21st annual Sunoco Cup in Newmarket. In the consolation final. Pick - In the ering Power blanked Aurora 2-0 Rainbow on goals by Cristcn Allen and Ja- nine Arnott. Goalkeeper Alex Two Aiax sis- ters gut into the gold -medal act for the Scarbor- ough Gym - Elites Gymnas- tics Club at the recent Rainhow Classicmeet at the Pickering Recreation CorrtPlcx JOY C'RFTNF_ Y AAWE CRETVEY Joy and Anne Crctne_v com- pleteda rare double - gold medal effort at the competition hosted by the Pickering Aeri- als Gymnastics Club, Joy. 14, fin- ished first over- all in the kvel 3 Junior category. Shewon the vauh event and placed fourth on balance (ream and floor cxcr- cise. Anne. 10, won the all- around gold to the cadctte •B' bracket. finish- ing first on the floor event. third on beam and fifth on vault. knm Tomay- er,of Oshawa. finished second all-around in the novice 3 division after placing second on vault and uneven par- allel bars and fourth on beam. Rana Ger- schcovich. of 4YWhithy, finished 10th all-around in the novice I bracket. She won the beam event Meanwhile. pre -competitive Gym -Elites ath- letes posted strong results at the recent Uni- versity of Toron- to Invitational Mcet. Laura Ashley Rodrigues, of Pickering, fin- ished first all- around in the 8A category. She placed first on bars and beam and second on vault and floor. Samantha Lush, of Pickering, placed third overall in the same category after finishing first on floor and second on vault. bars and beam. S h a n a z Kalantar. of Whitby. took sixth overall in the 8B bracket. She finished third nn floor and fourth on heam. Sarah Willis, of Picker- ing. placed eighth uoerall in the same catego- ry after a fourth on bars and sixth on floor Russell played an outstanding game to earn the shutout. Based on a 2-0-1 record in preliminary -round play, the Pick- ering under -12s advanced to the semi-final contest against the eventual tournament winners, the Dixie 88s. Despite an all-out ef- fort by the Pickering players. the Power still went down to a 4-0 defeat. Pickering started the tourna- ment with a convincing 2-0 victo- ry over Southwest United. Jen- nifer Michalicka scored hath goals for Power Russell earned the shutout. In the second game. the Sport- ing Images under- I2s played to a 1-1 draw with Aurora. 1111e Ione goal was scored by Landis Doyle. Pickering scored a 3-1 victory over East York in the third game. Doyle scored twice to lead file Power. Jodie Hannon chipped in with a single marker. Tcam members are C'risten Allen. Janine Arnim. Landis Doi Ic. Jodie Hannen, Page Heathcote, Susannah Heathcote. Christine Langford. Kailey Lvnch, Alexandra Martinet, Jen - n ifer Michalicka. Stephanie ZMichalicka, Leanne Mustynski, Alex Russell. Amanda Sheppard. Holley Smith and Stephanie Tay- lor. Karen Michalicka and Colin Arnott, along with manager Kathy Lynch, coach the team Here's Some 'Homework' Help for Dad Father's Day is fast approaching. Dad may have every- thing his heart desires except per- haps, that twin engine plane or a little sports car he can show to his peers. Maybe you've given him all the shirts and ties you can stand. Now try something prac- tical yet different. If dad dreads going into his home- work area because of the mess and disorganization, help him out. Gift- wrap some office organizers and surprise him with something he'll use day in and day out. Include a handmade "gift certificate" offering your services. A gift of vour time, to help him organize, will make the surprise even more personal. Decide where he needs help the most and choose organizers designed for that purpose. 1-etter and stationery trays that stack will save space and help categorize papers or correspondence. Magazine files can hold his favorite subscriptions and manuals. File boxes are handy for storing papers that should be saved, like war- ranties, instruction booklets, busi- ness papers, documents and dated correspondence. "'hen he is readv to cash in on your gift certificate, go to it. Begin by gathering and sorting all the miscellaneous paraphernalia in sight — magazines, receipts, socks, etc. Give the Gift of Golf... This Fathers' Dari Save so » ON A RouNlr� ' OF GOLF SUNDAY, JUNE IS— ONLY Please present this ad for $5.00 savi C.H.H.A. Canadian Hard Of Hearinp- Association Hearing Ion -is an invisible disability. It affects almost two and a half million Canadians of all ages. It can occur at birth or at any age and the causes are many: genetic factors, disease, sidetffects of medication, noise damage, or Hearing loss interferes with our in Ottawa overseen by a national numerous workshops. ' most vital link to people: board. The organization has made • a clearinghouse of resources on communication through language tremendous strides since its hard of hearing and deafness issues. and sound. the effects of this establishment in 1952.• Listen, CHHA's national magazine, invisible disability are profound. j ..j. -and n umero u s publications OuR GOALS AND ACTfivrr S including: OUR Polikmi r� � Life after .veafness CHHA addresses concerns and co- t Hearing the Learning. Student The Canadian' Hard off' Hearing ordinates activities on behalf of �SmOndary, Education Association (CHHA) was- formed to -,hardof hearing and deafened Handbook V give visibility to an invisible consumers. CHHA promotes: - Self-Heip Guide for Better Hearing disability. It promotes self-help Hearing accessibility in all Manual for Senior Citizens Wbo among hard of hearing and activities of daily living including Are Hard of Hearing deafened persons and encourages the home, workplace, schools, Youth Speak Out support for Individual and churches, theatres, transport collective action. i y facilities, and hotels. x � • : x-} Hard of %hearing' persons have Technical supports suchN as1 WHO CANJOIN CHHA 1 partial heating, ranging from a mild assistive listening devices, hearing to a profound loss. Deafened aids and captioning, as well as AM pew who alppocts CMA -3 persons have very little or no mandatory standards for them. s , oblocnvrs may become a member. '[lois hearing after childhood; many have Self-help among hard of hearing' '' always hwhllded bard of hearing and become prosy deaf in and deafened persons to improve fened persons and parents °r �adukh ood. Both had of hearing and the quality of their lives. _ -guardians of a hard of hearing cWM or i� ? P to rout tw use Public � about hearug �,�! P - s issue*-,- siea hipils�fao ate. of los i,ss �somm r1 is Neu oiltal, non- Policy do►pm+ent throt>wgh' ' 7p9'& -_v untay; for presentanons, r esearrc� a n ¢ g" pardcipatiQ y v � You are invited to assist CHHA m cot wi>t`thc Public reducing the impact of a hearing loss dnb qvibeirs. as well with on the quality of life of hard of hearing Ma anal the calllmtwlty ajilrl i;I and deafened persons.q�A Chatten's Better Hearing Service is please to pledge you... purchase your hearing instrument through our office in 2000 and we will register & pay your membership for 1 year. `A Joint Venture ". We care about your hearing health care needs. ef, HAT T E N 200 John Street (Midtown Mall) Oshawa BET TER HEARING SERVICE (905) 432-7464 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 11, 2000 PAGE e7 P SCO R-7PE,Tw%0ARD - u NEWS ADV E R -T I S E R JUN E 14, 2. 0 0 0 PKIMFe9G SOCCER CLUIS Pickles. Katelyn Arathoon 5. Shahrtn Rogers. MVP's Ah- ac Panthers 1 (Elizabeth We* notion 1. MVp Elizabeth 91RLS' UNDER -1/ DIVISION May 29� Mobil Bush 25 IMVP Amanda Joudto w Weekly sonar scores en R on PKkles and Sha orgogers) haM vs Scocleod 2 Wakmgton). Eastern Drywall I (Carr MCCO"t. MVP JurN P Marshall homes 3 iAmy Panngoon Jenny McCoy. Mangy -s Restaurant 23. Fionnce E Birds, Realtor 15 CLAREMONf s WWW DIVISION (Akins Kamakans. Jany Mueller) Carly McConnell) n Sporting Images 2 (Lauren Mac Vicki loo l vs Hawks I IShanrksh Tkachukj Ian Marin 4 (MVP Sarah Thomson) n Crock N Joy 11 IMVP Jule Jum 4: Toronto Star Blue 2 (Alec Fobert 2) n Toronto Star GIRLS' UNDER -SEVEN DIVISION Fadyen. Cassandra Scala. MVPs Malynn Cowley 8 (Alone Csmo a 3. Chnslne Dn". MVP Alava rs ondl Meerakker) Purple 1 (Danes Johnston). Flyers 5 (Kyle Becker 3. May 31: Changepomt I (Sarah Donaldson) vs Bay Sales Rachel Copper), Sutton Group 1 (Megan Sealy, MVP Lind. vs Solid Image 3 (Jander Watson, Knsty fool Oona MITE GIRLS' STANDINGS Do mese Fellow. Cooper Jopng) n AC Technical Systems 0. Akhve Web Swnces 3 (Robyn McCann 2. Shwhnm say Karver) vs PCCCA I (Robyn Calm. MVP Poor Mrs. MVP Diane kars) Flyers I !Jessica Draper. MVP Jas- As or June r0 2 (Michael Reichard. Coln Hoeaenaars) Riches, MVP Sha,nOn Riches) vs Ladybugs 1 (Kaye Caton). Pickering Slo-Sports 3 (Jenna Kot-poulas. site Drapw) vs. Probe' 2 (Ncple Carter Ashley Woolson- TEAM GP W L T PTS PCT GBL BOYS' UNDEWFIVE'A' DIVISION Wood. MVP Jordan Huzam), Shnney's Optical 2 (Emily Danyelle Sofa. Samantha Brawn. MVP Laura Stewart) vs croft. MVP Ashbv Woo'stwkpolt). HwMax-Jae Pnno 2 IJor- 1057 con 4 '1 3 1 7 0 975 May M. Tm Honen-Tea' 31Makolm Shaw. Ryan Thornes Baron 2. MVP Emily Baron) n. Wildcats 3 (Hayley Hen- Rotork 0 (MVP Kirs"n Barney) den Bu Way Heather Dysart, MVP Lauren Saovnam) n Dr Ara-, Cohah 3 2 0 1 5 0.833 0 5 Jobe. Robert John Mauro. MVP Keegan Enc Kngo n derson. Sarah Ruderharrl. Kelly Watch). Thought Fusion 1 GIRLS' CINDER -12 DIVISION 2 Wayrhes Word 2000 1 (Lida E,bagoury). Eagles 3 (SeJa Knights of Columbus 3 1 2 0 2 0 333 2 Tim Hort--Whde 2 (Ryan Flo,oH 2) Shannon Stoneourgh) n Waynes World 20004' Gabriela hale 5: Krig Rio— Dwkai CInK 1 'Kay's V,11 oh MVP's Haddad.. Kathryn Skenon, Hely Stapley. MVP Jessica Du- Ontario Power Geri o0n 3 1 2 0 2 0333 2 June S: Tom Horton -Purple 5 (Kyle Armour 2. Connor Rederdrs. Linzae Emw 2. NKolene Worm. M m. MVP Ncolene Kaye ozier) m and America Cozier)" Durham Metro COV-- renal vs DSM 2 (Cafldsa Small 2) Royal Lepla-11 J Wil's 3 1) 3 � 0 0.000 3 Jackson 3. MVP's Kyle Armour and Kar to Rupeno) vs vision)ar 2 (Danielle Douglas. Cathine erLevesque. MVP's Jennifer, GIRLS' UNOER-16 DPASON DIVISKN! RESULTS Busy Bees 5 (Markus Del Re 2. Keo n Croswell. Kodey BOYS' UNDER-NNE'A' DIVISION DWo g ark) Danielle Douglas). Boxes Unlimited 3 (Melissa June 6: Ontar. P;wo C, ., lion 3 (Cham o, Rhoden. Joiner 6: iD50 can 10 IMVP Su,a'ane Miner) vs Or War Ogak1 2. MVP's Markus Del Re and Sean Mars hl. Tan Jwha w: Dr Lean Dentist 1 IRobt I Munroe. MVP Robert Joyce. Jenndar ValaWO 2, MVPs Dane Peolgra and Jule Ross. Christine Stephan. MVP Samenita Brighten) vs ren Cone, 10: Kngn;s of Columbus 15 (MVP Chelsea Horton -Teal 6 INIMcolm Shaw 3. Michael Bates, Sean Munroe) vs Plumbing Marl 1 (Michael Bwoato. MVP Meaghan Stone O) n Grand 6 Toy 2 (Keva McNay, 2. Ewes 2 (Joceym Nespiax. Klista Nem Herilaga Electric Duncan) vs Roy., Lepage Michael J Wilson 12 Weer MVP Ryan Chiu) Is Tom Horton -Maroon 2 aradrey, Kenn Jo,anov). Grafton 6 Company 7 (Michael Gouger. MVP Kava McNally). M&M Meats I (Dwelte Booth. MVPs 2 (Karns Ali. Teri Rennet vs Premier Trophy 2 Lindsay Jun• 6::D50 Com 14 (MVP Kane Gagne) vs Knights of Be". Alexander Gee), TomHatm-While 3 (Adam Bradley, Maxwell Bevan, Giancarlo Almeria 3. Cahn ParceShamir y. ShamHucalk and Nichol Brad", vs E -,w 3 (Ani- Sloves- n 2). Rougemount Phy-t erapy 2 (AI Bmiuk, Columovs *0 (MVP Tina Anders-,. Ontario Po,rer No. Nathan.l Ayres -Ferran 2, MVP Nathaniel Ayres-Fermn) Nicholas Bailin, MVP Gencarb Amental n WEB 100 1 son Parent. Shannon Coulthard. Keay Wmlerson. MVP Mar- Jezzmn McCurdy) Is, Pickering SbSpons 2 (Jerma Gills- clear General- 15 (MVP Cadlyn Nat) vs Royal Lepage n Tom Horlon-Hunter Green 3 (Aaron Baratta, Bryan Todd (Gregory Cammisuh. MVP Gregory Cammisuh) Law iyn Nguyen). Knights 2 (Alan Fetter. Tala Pal3nkalb. MVP spot. Megan Skidgrio e) Michael J Wilson 5 (Brittany Robson) 2. MVP Bryan Todd). Tim Horton-TurquOrse 0 (MVP Dana Tigers 3 (Slebn Budisavilow. Bair Kimble, Robert Son. Lauren C, 11o) vs Foyers 3 (Krish Smyth, Beth O GHT BOYS' TINDER-EI'8' DIVISION June 1 of Warren Cohen 15 fMVP Jwmdw Finlay Is, On- Alolmn) n. Tom Hmtm-Navy Blue 6 (Brayden Jones. clan, MVP Cob Reynolds) n. V/S Motor Controls 0 (MVP Donoghue. Rachel O'Donoghue. MVPs Wrstn Smyth and June 6: Pxkwklg S:o Sports I atake Clu" MVP B,arid- taro Power Nuck>ar Ganerattn 6 (MVP Tasha eartm). Darden Bassett 5, MVP Patrick Viola) Taylor Crack). Ontario Power Generation 4 (Ryan Cudahy Both O'Donoghue) Copeland) vs Lakeside Motors 3 (Jeffrey Monlpwd 2, Enc 1050 com 171MVP Jessica WhMeld) vstt Royal Lepage BOYS' UIYOER-SIX'A' DIVISION Tyler Kotsopatbs 2. Gen Papaconstanlnou. MVP Julian BOYS' UNDER-12'6DIVISION Gemm, MVP Jeffrey Mmlpalit). Zellers 3 (Jusln Spragge. Michael J Wilson 5 JUN 6: Employment News I (Nicholas Guccui,d MVP Flemmrgs) his Lyn. 0IMVP Jonathan Teixeira) - June 1: Butleys Marauders 7 (Ma,k Riley 2 A"— Relay Matthew Vol dauser David Evans. MVP David Evans) n. On- Mey 30'. ID50 tom 14 (MVP Valerie Brunel) n Ontara 'Mchae' Morgan) n Vista Engneerng 3 (Alexander Cas. BOYS' LNDE"NE'8' DIVISION Scott McRae, Moocher Alta-. Juliano MlcnaMdes. SMOW taro Power Ger.ranm 1 (Michael Sm.h, IMP Metthew P ri, Nuclear Genwatim 12 Or Warren Cohen 14 n twherto, am AdCarelocie. Mathew Langu n MVP's J1Koa 1' Bob Johnson Che, -Olds 0 ,s Mason Winnows 3 Butteyl vs Flyers I IKye Daley). Lynx 6 (Jordan Lanza 3, Ungar), Flyers 3 (Jeffrey Lyons. Conn Paterson. Matthew Kngh's of Columbus 2 er AlexandCastanhaoro and Adam Careloote). (Ryan Sawyer 2, Tome Ferreira, MVP Brendan Wete•xhg). JgIftW VadW2. Makes Anastascosl ns LegalEagles2 (GW Waters. MVP Jfalhey Lyon) vs Way es WOnd 1 !Ryan SOUIRT GIRLS' STANDINGS Oh Srzkopf P,ot 5 (Matthew Copper. Ryan Clarke 2. Jack Kwko Kids 4 (Zachary Tuwn. 3, Luke Poltard. MVP gory Badakan. RW Alit Plumtrn 4 (Justin Sm s r V Nadon. MVP AEan Gdowka . Fetlocks 4 'Matehew Cebtti. A, line Ir, Lang 2. MVP's Matthew Coppa and Ryan Clarke) ns Boyer Zachary t -I n) vs Stews Casings 1 (Malcolm Aba. 2.Mkdnael 8~. Kylie Pawtzas) ,s Re'Ma. F -I -Jon Wif. Tristan Davn 2an . Ian G. MVP Matthew Celeltd n Eagles TEAM GP W L T PTS PCT GBL Ptaiac d 4 (Comes Bass. Lam MacRae. Alexander Lode 2. hems. MVPs Jonathan Uruthxan and Malcolm Abrahams). son, 0. 1 (Tyer Werth, MVP Tyler Welsh) W Pi; ke, ; Ladies S P 3 2 7 1 5 833 Kyle M MVP's Kyaseall and Alexander Lodu 1: Labels Pius Im: Tra"o, Twlspo ratwn 4 (Darnel Switzer. Leyton Mark. BOPS' UNDER -14 DIVISION PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Canada Collwy 3 2 1 0 4 0 667 10 (Jame Rarencuk. Blake Sanderson. Christian Bentley. Ryan Slackrow Smdh 2. MVP Ms.milen Yule) n. Clean May 23: Chargepo'nl 2 (Pat,Kk Murdy 21 n L-1 It (Ross JUNIOR ATOM GIRLS' STANDINGS Century 21 -Percy Fulton 3 2 1 0 4 O 667 5 Lues Stork 3. Parker Machell. Carman Scale. Andrew Sees 2 (James Henry 2) Smiley 5 Stave KaldChloride,s 2. Kyle Chloride, Michael dumb. As or Jun., • ; 2..00 Core- Power GeneratrJn 4 1 2 1 3 375 1 5 Murrell 2. MVPs Lucas Ston, and Carman Sola) vs Exit GIRLS' UNDER -f 0 DIVISION Andrew rapine 2): Lynx 6 (Merl Gaeb 2. Kye Ka .M,. TEAM GP W L T PTS PCT GBL All State-Way^•e Redb,d 3 0 3 0 0 0.000 25 Really 0: TRC 9 (Joshua Grant. Joseph Vocx o 3. John May 24: P.psure I ICamoyn C,grilan) ,s DG Graphics 2 Chin Paste rack. Robert More- 2) ei Johnson Controls 3 Fb,e Bells-Reaaor 4 3 7 1 7 )8,5 DIVISION RESULTS Mdmas. Wd Porton 41 vs Village PlatNe Attack 0 (MVP Kathleen Adam 2). Arms tops,* a (Kasten Mcol len. IJasen Ramslmin Maurice Gxard. Jiutn Serr.y(. Maas 5 West P.;. Ladies S P 3 2 : 0 4 0 667 1 Jere 7: West Poe-, . oto..•, , pPdy '4 MVP Sunrine Nicholas Axhan) Nicde Roche 3. MVP Nicole Foctie) n Foyers 0, D 6 E (David Ganes. Taybi Sleelh. Ryan Comaery 2. Jordan Volpe) Mulberry Bush 3 1 0 2 4 0 667 1 Hies, vs All State Wa r a Redbd 9 (MVP Crista NaWle). BOYS' LINGER-SI%'e'DIVISION Warehousing 3 (Rachel Cahwlh, Kayla Richard 2, MVP K. Flyers 3 (Jarp+idar Amwal 2. Sawn McCurdy). Way-, Chic N'Joy 3 0 2 1 1 0167 25 Cwnay 21 Percy F�nc, 21 nOntario Power Nuclear Glen - JowN6: Papnw hers 2 oJvw, Lae,co,osa. Ch-loKayla Richard) n Vantage Estates 3 (Jule Arbuckle. Ja World 20M 4 (Jamison Hwml. MKnael Science. Kyle O•» Mangano s Restaurant 3 0 3 ,) 0 0.000 3 esti 7 fMVP Pony Lo'mi Moyer MVP Jordan LaaiC. -' vs. Home Lel_- Ser. clyn Cummings. KasaM. T -e-) Jumbo Video bark. Mat baMat F hi l n Fapcky Mamas I Adrian Castello. DIVISION RESULTS Am 5: West Pikerrg Ladies SIpP4c,M h 12 (MVP Tii vices 3 (Jarn Halsall 3, MVP's Dylan Barry and Maher (Kelley Spartan. Bair Rw ray) n Shelly Sharks 2 (Nicole Matthew Nuee 3. Trevor Violation, 31 June 7 West Pktow qi Lades Sld-Pili^ ' , (MVP Adan- Baenow,Iw) K Century 21 Party Faalbn B. Canada Cutw. y w Ssrlanan d). Ry6 (Jeffrey Heard 2. Matthew Outm 2. Renout. Sharona Knedy) May 30: Lacks 7 ;David Lally Ross Ser, 4. an Math- rte Ma) nan lhoMgano y s Restaurano 11, Mulber,Bush 25 14 :MpPeal VP Stean. Peavs Omar. PJwen- sr Nuclear G Erc Clinton. Jet Dow -Leo. MVPs Andrew Wiley alt Pierre GIRLS' UNDER -1g DIVISION es- 2, Is Lyn. 3 (Daniel Allen. Jao.b McMasW Jason (MW Taryn Bem,mw) Is Fbren s, E Bells. Rawor 25 wain B f WIP Jane King, Osvor) n Slemish Systems 0 ill Abdel -Rahman Bann- May 31: P--2 (Garolyn Coglian. Amanda Maya. Flamxg. MVP Dattel Alan), Johnson Conimer 3 (John (MVP Nicole Avila) May 31- r aro Pr 4i,cle,kx Generation 11 IMVP S -3h m). Eagles 3 ISewe Ham 3. MVP Ben Petersen) n PikVP Mn - MKate nn, Istage . VanEstates I (Jehmler Con. Da1ynim. , Anton. RPatrick M,") vs Changepont 4 June 5 Florence E Bons. Reademan Reader 15 (MVP Samantha (11 .-. w All Sore Wayne PerJfnd 9 (MVP Aanrxr- na A wrng Moli-i AMr-Hoon Clinic 3 (Bruce Cullen Adan w'y. Jumbo Video 3 (Mogan Taylor -Wallen, Katherx+e (Zachary Mn1w Aaron Zwdek, Patrick Mundy Darren Warden) n Ma gut's Restaurant 14. We9 Pooch I '. Tury 21 Pbrc-y Funon 8 ns Canada C,41i 5 Masse. Dome! Runout MVP Adan Modes, B K Barn Mueller. Ashley Poem) n. Pockaxg Kxnelles 1 IL.tseV Adams, MVP Aar- Zadek P. Way- Wad 2000 21 Taylor Lades SKI-PeCh 15 (MVP 5lephwnke Partu) n Chick N May 29: 'Aero Pcwier Nuclear Generation • 4 ('MVP Yr -ye Landscaping 4 (Ryan Boyerl. Drake Caggcula, Matthew Scor). AutonorNe Saxoof 0 n. Amts Topsoil 5 (Samantha Crabb. Chnstopha Boyd) IS Midas Pickering 7 tJoIli Joy 131VVP Jwnde, MCN-mr,e) 1 _w. r West Pi 1W K; Lacked 14 IMVP Danyer., W,*zk. Richard Thompson. MVP Ryer Boytahl n Amts Arms. Ncob Batas 2. Nicole Roche 2). DG Graphics I Assanze. Taylor Seem 3. Ekanrfan Barham. Brendan Gro- " 31: MuCemy Bush 15 'MVP Cay Warman, - CnKJ, B,igntm,. Canada ConarV 11 (MVP Choice Masse) Is Al TopsUd 4'Dawd Collin 2. POM Wulczyrnkc 2- MVP David bn (Megan Manay) DBE Wanwousng 1 Rachel Calwo ham 2. MVP Taylor Slea1h). Fanny Maness 2 (Ando. N Joy ' 5 'MVP Stephan. Hughssl. Fkokence E Bee- ns. RSea Wa•pvam , Ron] 5 Collins) Shelly Sharks 1 (Nicole Ra out. MVP Janda Kapftpo- Marson w,Taeo RKoi n Fiyws 5 IKe- Marshall. Wa t arc, • c 'MVP Colleen, Colemah)'y West Pnke' ^')'_ao,es GIRLS' UNDER -SIX DIVISION lean n Flyers 1 (Crystal Urhda. MVPs JessiU se da. Small Josio Duga: 2 Ma11u Cruss-t Sb -Pion 9 rMVP Paulxp Sawn., JUN •: Long I (Jad! W,iliams. MVP Jade Wdlems) n Crystal Land.) �FRS Fyas 2 (Jenner Park. Cha­Rappos. eo MVP Joinder Joa7: Amn Topsoil I (Semanaw Amts) n. Proouq 0. Pah). Geller nb r Co actrhg 4 (Alares e C, 2. Tna Kckkptas Jumbo Vteo 3 (Karns one Mlwew. Ashley Plain 2) n IME FIND YOUR NEXT USED VEHICLE AT: 2. MVP's Taybi McKaye and Em O'Hawn) n UCC Tota' W morou-V 3 (Al. Sye. Rams Cahill Kayla Richard). Home 3 Lor- Sayefs 3. MVPs Summar Simon and Pickwvg Kinettes 1 (Nicole Genro) n Vamage E.1loolor - Tracey Wareroy). Disthca 2 (Nicola Scheeler. Saran Wyck. 3 (Jeroiler C mery June Arbuckle 2) O R, MVPs Kseryn Dia -and Hp*w Rndwl n 7.Elo.en GIRLS' UNDER -12 DIVISON 1 1 (Mogen Kastelt. MVP Re" Han). Eagea 7 (Alison JUN 5: Lynx 7 fMVP Amanda Gesuaodoi vs Boyer P-n- durhamwhee1s.coM__ AUDLEY ROAD STABLES Memtncr .f () F I arca \ K I 1 In SUMMER HORSE CAMP REGISTRATION NOA BEING ACCEFFED ! BEGINNERS WELCOME' • A complete horse cxperience for children age 7 and up • EJLplore riding and working with safe, well-trained hurws and ponics • Qualified & friendly stable conveniently located in Ajax CALL FOR INFORMATION AND COME VISIT GS SOON 686-4641 "HUGE INDOOR ARENA FOR IF O-NSYEAR ROI'ND•• • �1 Swim School • Low taaiBdtrtttlad retia • Kea i6 ryistnties • Will water lit' l is 3 mostly - Alalt • Milksop slesses • ExlwimW intneten • A1alaquo 1-12 • ►esifiw wilaniag expwieea • hnfessiwe snisetiee � -0',, lf�- - -off;5 120tt la b a oo.to, m� 1 derrgerls I I Na n ee m11bnCWVM9lsn�inr a� I a. _ E1pYyJdy10.100D _ i` - EvilyM10,2060. - 8srl>e 1�e at Ertr a = m Fitnow How i laistre Centre, (90 "3.9099 1755 Piekerism Perktney The AjaxMcicedng News Advertiser Welcomes you to REGISTER YOUR KIDS FOR FALL "D� ER INCZ 3 DSY Atlga 259 26 & 27, 2000 8905 rodal Slower Ixo.N.1_ a I# • Dila - Issin d or Tat Kuoe Don(Ank - Gymnse a - A" A Chidw - Saar • fbeael - Edoxill l SawIF - Draae - f01eic Privele It d o u1e a cl woto_ So Ow Sup hind &r4iy AqW MM Ic otlt n rbm*m on ahNn Co SPWSO d er School f� 7`T �lrjyy� 420.7999 r1CIQJIfr10 Ar ALX MckIa ll 6B 0101341169 Hi to lits in a booth in the stow or ler general inlormatlon W Cfuis 683.5110. 'r. OMRA COACH LEVEL CERTIFICATION CLINIC Seolember 8•&90,2.000 \e Aiaa Community Center 01 11- - Cost $1215.00 -- - ZZZZZ t. `w Hockey -sports Camps ;` � 4.' and r' ' *Pre -season Conditionin - + Pickering Recreation Complex 4 Aug. 1418 Boys & Giros A Aug. 21.25 Players Aged 7-13 # + Grouped by size, age & ability 4 fAug. -Sept 1 5 Days + + 1 U2 hr. sessions + 0016 ♦ Call 905-683-1557 for registration details • CLaAC IS FRIDAY 6.00 PM TO 11.00 PX WrFH AN ON ICE SESSION FROM 10:00 TO 11.00 & SATURDAY 8.•00 AM To 7:00 PM wrru AN ON ICE SEsstoN FROM 2:3(1 T'o 4:30 • 100% ATfENDAMM AND PARTIC1PAMON ON ICE IS REQUQED FOR CERTIFICATION •, To maricRATE ON ICE PLEASE BRING sKATES, GLOVES, S77CK AND A MANDATORT Clinic is limited to 40 participants *Annual Summer Camp Allrbaw Retlloss Is Mast Unirtue Summer Cano • boys & girls 8-18 • includes golf shirt. • 5 day camp 9.3 practice bolls A hat. • min 18 holes per day - perent(child boot ball certified prty/assional tournament • instructors • driving range •lunch each day � 1421 t 3t, Cam Greg Set - Cart. twching protwwonal www.durharraj9rnloryolf corn 5" TALWTON RD. W A.iw"t - ia 1906)434-2481 f9D9f 428-8479 FSI RL/N GOLF CINTRi •• 'Glk- . i'. 1 t 41 M ns;$y�, w_ l T0F`. 4 '14•}1 ,r s ,y iia r "- Reliable, supervised day carie at a home in yQw neighbowhood • SINS, cw*rb* wwww aft • f#eieblt ideal back-up !or Proves • Train" pro�Sit nal Prwfidlsrs • CORlp" SSLW rice Covargip • AIatMlhr Rant intpecaons • klcome tax faceffs suppled ' a4 w BBk+ora� AIA aplataee cant b CA/ben alien 6 sorb d sBtl 1 _ O . F D11a1tiae�Cele AUDWAIsApacy Cam 18 MASTER RIM'S TAEKWON-DO (SCHOOL OF DISCIPLINE & SELF DEFENCE) WNW MASTER INSTRUCTOR RIM, SONG HACK • 7th Degree (DAN) Black Belt • Former World Champion 1984 - Serving Ajax and Durham for 16 years • Master Rim is in the TV series "Kung Fuor The Legend Continues ' for Men, IAlomen, and Children (s yrs. & up)of " Masxlsr RIM teaches all cusses • Register Now for 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. + SELF DEFENCE + DISCIPLINE • 8 8 + CONFIDENCE 0 0 + RESPECT + CONCENTRATION + FITNESS July 4-14 Spots available V. 2 left July 17-U Spots available S, 2 left July 31 • Atoll. 11 Spas available tot. 7 left Aug. 14-25 Spots available 11,8left O'Leary's School o Offering rix Hous[ training III rb,wirre and •22 - 1550 Buyly St. lickenrlK, +A1 daises are 6 weeks in lerath all are ny 3l' O t• f Drama Pion for uAi s S to Adults o.I I. IIW"tu t VMT OUR LOCATION 20 HARWOOD AVE UNIT *7 AJAX, ONTARIO CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DOW 4284 477 Ki VWW Rd. (He1y.12) rJj ¢ Yll-FRS'RlEK rLA7A � GsrdltMy Dir Hely 401 f AIV PAGE W NEWS ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY EDITION. June 14, 2000 0 Entertainment N L W S A D V L R T 1 '; L )Z J t N E 1 4 2. 0 0 0 Cars cruise at Cullen Gardens www.bouclair.com OUCLafirENTHE FABRIC & DECOR SUPERSTORE! SPRING APPAREL FABRICS ; S ALL ALL BASIC FABRICS • Lining • Tulle • SrooddA • Feb • Nylon net • Terry • Interfacing ALL NOTIONS y Except tNnckeis' a*-,F,sc,sso.• 'Off r.y.lor pr.c.., a �s c :w o.d. in roc, m.rc"O"So •4y, a,l TMw d--1. co - c. c. tm . -.rs m• -1. 261h Fly.,,p^pl. kiro Cord ,.robs, conn, comb— ,hn .4.1.nh rh.,r odd,,.onol dl,—cit, Dwail, in ,roc. NOW OPEN AT tAWBtRCE SQUARE Speroseted by this weekend . Society x. Antiques, 4 classics lined up for show Cullen Gardens will host its fifth annual antique and classic car show 'k this weekend. The show will take place on Sun- y d day. June 19 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. �� and will feature 75 to I(X) cars, in- cluding an old-fashioned fire engine. y People's and driver's choice _ swards will be given out and prices will be awarded for the top 10 vehi- MIKE R( 1A/ News Adverriser photo Iles, as chosen by visitors. /� (� t �• the A The Pride of Stewart Highland Dancers will be rformin• at 1:30 pc Stolt oI G Gdii-ector P.m. Anyone interested in entering Kee nt Davies, a Grade S student at Parkside Public School, reads a story their car can do so by calling Michelle at 686-16M ext. 267. There ret e•ndp to a group including Grant Yeo. Durham District .School Board is on entry fee for the car owner. education director. Students at the King's Crescent .school stere joined by Cullen Gardens is located at 300 community partners for Community AiN. which celebrated the success of Taunton Rd. W. wrst of Brock Street the Together We Light the Winmodel. North. Summer day camp in Pickering offers arts, crafts, Bible stories PICKERiNG —'ihe an- mg God's Gift. trip to Pleasure Valley. the daily. nual das ,ainp offered by That's the theme of the camp for children seven to 12 Cost is $25 per child or Ba} fair Baptist Church this day camp which will include years of age is being held S35 after lune 30. summer is more than just games. sports, arts and crafts. Monday. Aug. 28 to Fnday. Call 839-4621 fix more that. It's A Piny - Celebrat- singing, Bible stones and a Scpt I from 9 am. to 3 p.m. information or to register. www.bouclair.com OUCLafirENTHE FABRIC & DECOR SUPERSTORE! SPRING APPAREL FABRICS ; S ALL ALL BASIC FABRICS • Lining • Tulle • SrooddA • Feb • Nylon net • Terry • Interfacing ALL NOTIONS y Except tNnckeis' a*-,F,sc,sso.• 'Off r.y.lor pr.c.., a �s c :w o.d. in roc, m.rc"O"So •4y, a,l TMw d--1. co - c. c. tm . -.rs m• -1. 261h Fly.,,p^pl. kiro Cord ,.robs, conn, comb— ,hn .4.1.nh rh.,r odd,,.onol dl,—cit, Dwail, in ,roc. NOW OPEN AT tAWBtRCE SQUARE Speroseted by The Arthritis �� Society TTie Arthritis Society, Trent Region Invites you to a PUBLIC FORUM AJAXIPICKERING "Learning to Live with Arthritis" With special guest speaker Dr. Heather McDonald MD Wednesday June 21st, 2000 7:00 PM -9:00 PM Pickering Recreation Complex O'Brian Meeting Room (east side of complex) 1867 Valley Farm Road op Pickering SEATING IS LIMITED - Refreshments CALL TO RESERVE TODAY will be served 1-888-765-0005 The Sponsored by C Arthritis SE�iRL Society The Arthritis Society, Trent Region Invites you to a PUBLIC FORUM LINDSAY "Learning to Live with Arthritis" With special guest speaker Dr. Jane Purvis MD Refreshments will be served Monday June 19th, 2000 7:00 PM -9:00 PM St. Mary's School 16 St. Lawrence Street Lindsay SEATING IS LIMITED - CALL TO RESERVE TODAY 1-888-765-0005 Let us entertain you! • TRAIL -UTE • REAL4JTE • DUTCHMEN • CARDINAL • HITCHHIKER AWNING ONE DAY CLEARANCE - SALES Z the EVENT 0 tition $ CAP ANDYARD d m sa e SATURDAY, JUNE 17' 0 10:00 AM — 4:00 PM � SPECIAL Vil.. , FINANCING IT'S TIME TO CLEAR OUT THE OLD AND MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW! SAVE ON PARTS! TRAILERS! VANS! t .� N Hardware. Add -A -Roans v wsndOws . We've got Canada u0n the Run"... Whitby, you're next! The %tr>rg liioom _ 1+1 1 AV RUN CLINIC $6.99 ILEABIttglNs Jolt "a - SGP* low auk moo Opembig DY �� JW* 15* -18th le *ter 1 at �o P.M. ���� New Balance 713 In 1984, the first Running Room opened in Edmonton in an old one room house, hence the name Running Room. John Stanton was confident that he could fill a void in the market with a specialty running store concept. The Running Room has now grown to 37 stores and recently launched a new customer loyalty pro- gram which rewards its customers with points for every purchase. Come on by to the store for the Grand Opening and meet with John Stanton and get more information on the Rewards Program. Ittlsst J"n i.I , dm pmaNl t itid fisw•ttlw of 00 11111111001111111 111112 00 AWQ N ThUF e.lr, Atsss ?Asr, slyer" Ys Cs••sis. Best SeN.M Mor ft mgng Start to FiMsh. The Running Room is strongly committed to the support of social and health causes, the environment and to community involvement. To show our support for the Whitby community, we will provide a $10 donation from the purchase of every shoe during the Whitby Running Room's opening month to the CIBC Run For The Cure Campaign, to help find a cure for breast cancer. WHITBY RUNNING ROOM Thickson Place, 80 Thickson Road South, Whit men's i women's �`` `' •,: +� Gift WIti1 WN-Df2E WB-BJD every New Balance shoe *With any New Balance shoe purchase as supplies last. Quantity may be limited. RUNNING ROOM CLINIC P• The Running Room will be bringing a full range of running clinics to the Whitby location. For more infor- mation, drop by the store or give us a call! The Learn to Run Clinic is sponsored by New Balance. This pro- gram will teach you the basics of running, nutrition, goals, injuries, pacing and more! ON. LIN 77`2 phone:(905) 665-2060 VON Us On The Internet: www.durhamnaws.net 11Ews ADVER OM, WEDWADIAY EDMON, June 14, 2000PAGE Be Alp AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER TO Pfam Your Ad Call. ClAASSIFIE100 683-0707 Web S/te• www durhamnsws net t dei ey 1 GwMral Hop 1 Gwt•nel Help KNE fUtWE arlunpt .,rine i A Kerlins 0• GUANO tie xew4d er cw94 BUBQERJOB tear. >innras 1u: Tro haw -no of lamer rid M Enmusasoc Jut or g r19 GET FASTp RECOGNIZED TRAINING M,•no an Ncewcay Spieled W a Can oMq WEB $�TtDiploma' DIAMOND INSTITUTE our pro"Webns telam. Knave tun Md gain M A taw 40 INA plus Per -00 ►N ray r SIW Fr rwuap to Flexible financing + apW dates. rep sane experNrtt• f 15=rronth (905)20-9%7 th WWA AP• wA ft sup rel amply THAT WORKS. � 'l Prime Tem jnelietute Durham Region's First IT Certification College Hpr.lt Graduate in as little as 6 -12 months in: > compolan auetnrs. Applications nOS1t27-3010 Scarborough, N York4Downtown APPROVED DIPLOMA PROGRAMS ROIIETRIC r� > t3wtwl cltNnlde A..l•E.ne > Computersuppw prospects t0 X1416 %wonI • Computer Programmer/Analyst dNivr speci.Bst - Executive mica AeN•WN > N•Iwork 8 Commlanka0pn•Techniclan > Legal Admin. A•sisUm > IMormation systems Programmer > Mcdcsl omda Assistant, 1 G•lt•rM HNp 1 Garwrm HNp •Computer Service Technician • Computer Service/Network Engineer ria appy Co-op P(ameM > Aeeotenfnq a C -WW Appelkatime, ' HospHMi1Y Admlryyetratlpn ' asalrteesfkmM Aetr•Ilon < A nearly runs. WIERYNEI • Web Site (e -Commerce) Specialist - Job p M . HOM a Rett•utenl opwetl0rte ' Pa See Support Worker, (HeNth) . Ban 4 BevM nts" •n•gement good wages clean abstract nine un na,e expema for and U S experience Is a bust Broolk,r Grocery Store CERTIFICATE COURSES KMS AUTIKMUD Cnart "r e-rn row 'm cep assistance is °Hall". > Computer Arelmaton wM Alla Wvfro e > Trevel And Tourism mus call Jce at (9051427- CM Kevin nor Interne. 905, x863 0394319. or 905455-3}05 • A+, Network + Certification J • We will arrange co-op for now students in Financial assistance may be available to those who qualify TORONTO AZ DRWERS REgUfRED BUSY COURIER COMPANY needs diners .,in ars aro oris to Unna Ise Ganam - Microsoft NT - MCP/MCSE - Novell - CNA/CNE � '' , L diploma Programs who we not ••nPloYb at and Gu. Eam.q paeltew m •Linux Red Hat ( ) ''dei :..li the end of training. • • • Local P8D in She GTA excess o1 $700 weekly Call Automotive work 905) 427-8093 Two years exp reg•d. Courses are Instructed by experienced instructors ' 1 e 10-1 1 • , Weekend wok avail. Call BUSY UPSCALE SALON m wn,lbx kin who are certified by Microsoft and '•1 Novell. Authorized Academic Career Opportunity. Merrill Lynch... where success is its own reward. Ac Merrill Lynch, we recognize that our most important assets arrive at the office every morning. Our Financial Consultants carry with them our reputation of professionalism, incegnty and superior service to Canadian investors We're currently seeking new professionals in Oshawa. If you're considering a career change, and have financial smites experi- ence, we'd like m meet you Be part of the most successful team of retail specialists m Canada. A career as a Financial Consultant at Merrill Lynch gives you: • Pr;werful research, Innovative products and unmatched services. • New product development including wrap -fee Investment management accounts. xx " ,eve, supportive environment - : x . rpuonal professional development programmes t. • 71highest earring potential and unlimited opportunities. When you choose your career path, choose wisely. At Merrll Lynch, we can help you make the right choice. Please respond m complete confidence to: R. Stephen Willson 1 Mary Street North Oshawa, ON Ll G 7W8 �Merrin Lynch Merrill Leencyt Canada Inc. Member - CIPF The YMCA of Greater Toronto k currently seeking dynamic ECE's to work in our preschool and school age programs throughout Scarborough. If you are out -going, creative and have experience working with children 2-12 years of ape and you would like to join our YMCA team. please tax your resume to the attention of: Stacey Lepine-Fisher (416) 296-8981 Please note A c-rrmina: Reference Check and Certifi- cation in First Asst and CPR are mandatory prior to commencing employment with our association. 1 Caren 1 GwMral Hop 1 Gwt•nel Help KNE fUtWE arlunpt .,rine GREAT A Kerlins 0• GUANO tie xew4d er cw94 BUBQERJOB tear. >innras 1u: Tro haw -no of lamer rid M Enmusasoc Jut or g r19 Secunty.Paa canners you ban M,•no an Ncewcay Spieled W a Can oMq tWlep• MFdertts ne•dRd lex &OW A unew iiewq roE 1ran�'wNc' NCSE1Wtes Naves. DatAOae Aenlmrtralpn using Dude CO -- MNdaruna A. our pro"Webns telam. Knave tun Md gain M A taw 40 INA plus Per -00 ►N ray r SIW Fr rwuap to - saw medu rob amp a m AlAoad. soffaen aa91 arN rep sane experNrtt• f 15=rronth (905)20-9%7 th WWA AP• wA ft sup rel amply prpeamnwrg Fw4roo a SNMate retie, 04 AAAAabie 10 � 'l .wive vew�r HE Illir s show Oft," CAN � (905) 426-1322 ADVERTISER nOS1t27-3010 AGENCr •.aures bsnr td- Is looking for 1 GETAII rid wE113 .Ulu oNen- rrect prospects t0 p m O 1-705-357 39M to tot :"ren 9051831.:525 rare dNivr up a appolr,lmem for an ^- "plus rnw0 npppnMy b lew ~ newspapers and flyers g the HAIRSTYLISTS Rarms ollo or Guen Dr. Gates Cres. Hewitt Dr. Barbour Cres. Pickering Beach Emperor StWAN ED . Burcher Rd. �".• Thomcroft Cres. • r1�A Billingsgate Cres. Simpson Rd. • I� Wer m p tied j�� Clements Rd.E. ��,p,� Dreyer Dr. podop Larmaatebh1ayyrrd Cres. • Fell and pot tin liciftm Burrelb Rd. Taylor Rd. • jw $elm 2 �• olAr) Turnbull Rd. 3 t9kt tlllsr 3 O'DO Crt. ym �f Raised Dr. Wright Cres. Bam•ssDr. Lax • Diel{ Drst lad Eystxra Ibl Smuts Dr. Do" Dr. •a,r,, w•/ iBrMxWI Rd. Tipton Cris. • Ile dilelels mpired Dodson Dr. l��� Redman Dr. • 0, air keaag Fevldld ttstststs}Tk�? 181* FOR RwFoRmil� (905) 666-6890 'ft�Y 906.668.6117 N6wfrRee•sT.sa ("511831-2196 ,� NataLLlaa Service Ajax ("511509 0195 rMild 0• sub CbitNaabie ngslTop pal H.VAnd cpnp! (905) 428-6824 Noury MOO cMie T6°a°rlMw°�"aea a36NM"a liewly Siesp SI.SO tai murm t01 1606.0167. Aa DUCT CLMMII, psmw nest fwl tlntl. rxed and on 1 =fist N (rain. Mum My delete tlnvlre am=* iICpN 0:9.11 6eII s o M": M&,Sal Telipel. 14161 ANaF M -M---- - WAW •MMIC- yWtOra wBbd11: WWW.ilrWwke.denl APPLY NOWIII $12.95 to (;yj 905:si¢z �•.-,,." sten Fuwpan time port101n rue No "Per""" necessary awltebie. Training Is proved. 1e�Tvert ser Sell. Grw for mudems 16., std otenmp Awarded Call Is looking for reliable p ople to insert and Im� caw 11°0070 ren is deliver papers and flyers door to door mafem,n mens. Mom F:, Sts; every Wednesday, Friday and rime air, •CAI, r-. m, Saturday, In the Pickering area. AMIM al4UNit re - qui ed Resppniae for tits Deliveries must be completed by 6:00pm. oral mumennce a 56 -unit Must have a vehicle. townhouse complex. corn. For more information one rednig Juy tin InduOa nm reduction Oil nor apps call 905.683-5117 434-3972 8p ••tie► , g experience 11 Fundis be availall* for dww who quality -Training Prov ew 1 G•nerN Help 11905-426-2525 "'y loam Puyer can FOR INFORMATIO C bl A (90 5) 427 1922 ADMIRAL & EVANS Retail Floor Walkers & Security Officers Required immediately for Durham and Scarb area full and part-time. Retail Floor Walkers and Security Officers. Experience preferred. 'dust have good communication skills and able to hand sensitive situations. Wages commensurate with experience. Also require Surveillance Investigators - experience a must. Please visit our office located at Transit Square 100 Werstney Road South. #104 in Ajax to till out application or fax resume to 416-321-1142 Male or Fernal• Be a ptntttsr• r,,•• ^rade: and have f. h,r onr hour, a week duringg the echo vear and make a big dtfference in vr,ung chtld•s fife Contact Big Brothers Association Ajax -Pickering (905) 686-2871 ^•• apart ,rt the In-Schuoi Mentoring Program. We hoer 24 children wartnOg and you can masse a difj'erence -one child at a tmw- LL /9ar11 rIca II" • m11Ddn-t,me �7Rk• epesswy rpWeekends and UA General HNP 1 G,r* HND 1 General Help- som305430-0711 Fax resume 711 HOMEWORKERS NEEDEW PEOPLE'S TAXI 7,1NII-S AJAX INS P • e",n.e r or'wac+s •,. .. ,.,• _,,. ,., a ANCE -•9ker e c.e• d r%,• npr u Send SASE needed .mmedwler, !or very 10 Kron 09.7777 Kees SI. busy company Pin -time or (;yj 905:si¢z �•.-,,." Dept. 7 CMIW,O. ON L4K IY7 rue No "Per""" necessary Cax:n.r;r'�Asenq ft 50g '9051' 939-3090 If YOU ME sen molnaed 905427-7779 A37ESTANT BOOKKEEPER !tor 6 •nomas •ep,atc and naw a mm,mum of 2 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Jan mafem,n mens. Mom F:, Sts; rears AZ dnnng e. rime air, •CAI, r-. m, ASAP E.perrcna nn AeC- mm Raped An Or i� wrapper de„ nnlC asnmrs d P3C an good Idepnorre near hoppe, Innen n wel as Apply nen Sacs tracery toe " ned cag IV Appore- Nunnm Ona,o experience men M writ w tale to lou Ston 12C Marwood Aw. 5 Ape US 215 �gpr��.yy73 powm Ne offer Ian moll eawprnent PIIMAT, FOSTER CARE PART -TOME OFFICE Nap T- drM "Crwnt retumennan Wus Do Can tee oma AGENCr •.aures bsnr td- 7un.At '�• SJ':r deg Soods Ire- porter [,:. -'o P:• Senpal rtwween 730 am and 530 m'I >•Dporl supervrtgn A cle^rar donee fo "oude p m O 1-705-357 39M to tot IO aodloms :nO nlnq 7Mer emn, He up a appolr,lmem for an ^- "plus rnw0 nines needed mmtyeat Computer e.De eV" al w- set Pease suer. resume w ria appy 70532E-0949 94 30in parson to Staler Canada IMOU3TIIrl 'amps repwred PSOWCTgIe UNE .7rka 1Eg wmr"mm Sr Urm 16 mmedwery eepenerxe 1A,rf ti neMed P:rJennrr ^aru•AC. our 11 ;.11 - I ^.r• 't• ...1864 def dens. factory recurs ro 1TRMcr 1 ppngn' •n pmcfr gprxd +'rv- oatvwN Pectin Re- �bn rel 0,00.011. a NFCEPTIONST?N1'310•Afi- Cax:n.r;r'�Asenq ft 50g '9051' 939-3090 3aP Inc br aVorv" Well mass Der., Wnnttr J-,7-7207 'aoxr,c MassaO' YraC,i1 p 0 RECEP MONIST TRMflai f01N1aMu •d:r 1 06C1 n wTMIDy %a I/t61 Ft1LL TUWE r•errwtronr �� 92 Required for nsrtule '�a- • slaeoal'amg m Ir" and Rad UCEBSED 9r7ker re- .p, Rehab Cie IS: .. aim traaeq t0 raprtw ,,,,,.,a „e„ 'opene/Nd eoke•aW Good 4 days Prckenng. ;••One r9051 72}39}9 yaprwpge y electronic ;EDI) 1 day Oshawa UCEMM STYLIST for 'NM- systems outgoing Personk- Ex flenCed . ierti.`pw oxs�e,ori ' 'ggreat P ro PC 00. Preferred "-rtmg Stwo toren uppny ONA.n 0-"_L IH N4 Fax taw Mry law. call X905; 7157327 BlAMSTR[3a,TA11.011 purer-. .;essay, 'cal ::rrw (905)420-6965 LaONT MURY ASSISTART Pan •"r•. pr st'o^s r •�;c.er arioa0ia Amo Errplrsh is Ptsaw SELF STORA41 NARAGERs . 960 9roa Ad tax V I Pldee ng ualeEWired -p„�•eb, ,.�^ 3'ara LIGMT WOUSTOW, ting- KMS AUTIKMUD Cnart "r e-rn row 'm cep rou an tar ape,wlead pp Mona) Pinson w1n strong temp "us rate 4 ss^''% '0 ie rs- SAWS 1i Si..er vnru Ind ' oft Boning !xpa^Mrc• a '•��-in plana room ext) td•V4n fads re wen rou Dods M• cwwmer ]dells m aw Pan Mat W "tom MS Ol- u PERSCh.41„ .ES .- - - . :er-carr dnwre. mva +dew waq tnroupn 00%_ oar rima aysmrgy sourly wAg4 dew $tOra•e e n a TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. _ -• Q AP* a pomm a Cr an afsat F.om 3750 to as 5omd umctve. trio. let„Ita nw Appry a. �, m - - -3e• 9 I" St PON Ear so 00 Per h Mw dew be .Ken +4opeans al Arun a 905 ,rip ,neolr.ment 0- 'ran. Toery P•Ck Rt �y M Mr to .mood we- a SnoMnwe Orsi -'•tai-2109 Donation f•tl.w P+rw to S3 arack St. ~. Le • s y s M19P97 m osNN AuOHOnwm rportot Rd s . rKua rM sof West to atani•9• coq St E 4342555 Paid 03RR.R. Tore, and Tows r+d wagon a nErMe to '? T•� ^'OtRN AFF t5930am -2pw sACHIM •p,.yS37 THE NEWS ADVERTISER We have ECE laaDllMd nor darer UMTEMNtE IIECRAac IeBACiIIME I oil bis AIM oma T ,...re wa4o a »ern L rim.:-: :ce, •.w:rur OFEILATORs S 1.,:•a top rime 'aceplNnss Is looking for Kids to deliver papers the job A" Yf Rd P,cetin,g Fa p. r >.te.:rp :.. •., ^'-+ww we Iran cow - arid Caltdimie mart level taxa n'e.,nrca w aw pro- and flyers door to door four bines a for u! REaIKREo EIiCIRR WRYER a'a "d Potential Savoringtea won "wita taws week by 6:00 PM. in their YO wswnr iso ,""y antra opanro•W4iate 1111-119 Fee, z 9 nowill net rhOOds. u �E,C . �• :r.0 w. ono au "I't M •esvrns w r0 Box 7e7 •rI-torn ,^.. can -5117 .1.-t."Aff.taa - „�,a" `r M4Ad 33-1 P•`w•^,q aHa,p Lrv2R5 Can E)eEwnen VETEM Y PRACTICE re- n 905.33 -MOI La k Owing eoarmy rK a e_ePrcn:s• ever,. J hilip ocal,on s ioosuN for an EXPERIENCED BARTENDER Ft,-; -'SME. PAP- -'ME AND ASSISTANT MIANAOEM) MINIMUM 3 YEARS EXPERIENCE This is a adarmal position Plesset fax resume deo: 905-666-4636 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES It there are firms or Individuals to Whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. It the advertiser is one of the names On your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes drat are tend diredh to Oshawa This weep, will not be orwardeld to tM file number. Originals mast be seat dim" as Indicated by the instrudlom In me ad. hitby based contract carrier is see full time dispatcher for our 10 p.n a.m. shift This is 4 days on, 4 , Full benefits with an excellent c risation package. an resume td: File a S22, P.O. !out Oaf OB6awa This Week 56S Faeewell SL, Oshawa, ON UH 71.3 or Fax to 1905) 161 UU LOVE TO WMK 111M 1110007, ROCKWOOD 6V RNITURE, a Pickering MwuWuw of Said Wood Furniture is looking for TW. WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO HAVE EXPERIENCE BUT WE ARE WILLING TO TRAIN. WE NEED CABINET MAKERS, CABINET ASSEMBLERS 8 FINISHERS. Plan appy In person on Saturday, June 17th, anween 10 am and 12 noon a: ROCKWOOD FURNITURE LTD. Unit 03, 895 Dillingham Road, Pidunnp One Street South of Brock and Bfyy (1•S) ase-t7s4 :.Ise r; .•-� - ^wds e.Po •-PSC xs cs t Satwoay vwWy E.All Wal B NAx TFW- an0 ar:.rs Ica, ra yr ,me ' uwao -.At .Set ,nvtn Preferred •IA• •� rrP4nMCed 't- 1ppry :n pawf Orwaat E SF WIRD aEn30a - 1 ayanrcw tie M r e.- ' f.:ll Time "c .mme0wlry our Jo a m 00106. cam return I ; ...--Jpo^r peoW sass an ow CaII (9061177.7M1 ro 1375 Ncpdens St Who, Smr•-,:.i:`:a :c^War,Y kF eftwler PON" wtl re- E3111FTN3Y AN IWl .rat l' and n Pw•4,-q Sam4 See swn4 to crltlece Amete l•rMwsr Ser dt rl6rlvecleucun .ailed mineDwwrpA And venKfe rt-DeOaet. 573 Ttwrmor Rd l : only Jan Orin awn n an PML TNM e,u-^scar Iw O lea Temlc err leonnmek• Orllara LIJ a.5 .:, , m� uwvw $govt reu..e Appy m per- w CM f9051f371a42 ea 3pap 866-2228 ft Or- rvw.w and LS..I' ead `P ria BLRTd ORMTOR rRANK[ 1 SArw M OANw Comtten" pAy rot -our m,cr oawp:^g -d.alApes ArW Pwnhn FW ONE RINMNED OOLWS ': m F,xnt E::,:s. g0,c 1-800-21}1.9069 9a cads rima papmont fss :aN' v.. ;on:.U- -un sews NKP-" ,.nom CAM Ikteat a 434• 111 " Wer -- To need ."Wedge IorMm inpalnl'u 0r' Fax Reaufaw b: i • 47 wan 41110.0 q wk4bran an Awn ryty AR Apple n 666-9aa9 EXPUAE O A2 jr-rent, 2% sell ICM pone ". Pweon 5746 F 0 awkN E .aim 10 and lar• .:me rteeMn r4elc01ne Frmme 05 Sareororpl w 4 176• :.� ltegeiKy Crrsemt •'p ran 4.1; •, '' ,:e• CAN a"- 7928500 SALES DE -U RS wbllby' �• [ PlMENCED nw L ,e THE NEWS sNALn ou NEL, ���. �-EEDED LIG71►8 u^4• CA:^m m 3 ,': ADVERTiteiER �•°'' Dr Riau 90Sµ31. 215 Ea Cash $ .5 looking for pros. STOP Tr CASSO ooppserareMM y7r: ,Gan surnbl IgF2l46 Poets SG expner¢eC s :mors Call now :C CLASSIFIED FED Ex Groase epw K .n. CWrMBr yde ax,e i A•t receive a lovely muaw,C Steprr w"d ser nowjpaper$ and Ba rias -&W wMn r a - CUSTOMER fummin 'Brio Ppwnppy so ProrKLpW fm a raw gift upon jointing 11yers to the Fa narmw atw•al Lms r Teed .•o ower owraor for 1KNbwtny ifeae t90S) mow Pauline SERVICE w EA Grouse S T Pn , a ? a 416-39&9390 News Advertiser •F curfem MNtl. YOi PMS- iTRAwBEMr PROBE RS. quests mu a0w•rttsere I a I Ne Baso drnefs p" PK KERING aria eswc Prean taw, e Clettk tnen N upon to $519 a IesKnt4 w (90 172t� Abb" Rd ton Ad S •� , Told, BOOKKEEPER a+oc+gKende. veMWpublication as News Ad- Rigby Dr. rut Ttwnpap $750 per hr ;aur .r'r Daiwa I, Pring M Spgft wO not be a PENWfON ROaftaa tar- AmbeneaAv. Newaawaw Iratauer warned ,r Pearom And one incorrect ter mon min °�' Wages Hoorn a Sequin Sq MO NT regaued n Ducat :`01 NU a ikris Ow^e, umtPalo= One nCOrrett InSertlOn L PISM al 1413- Otonabee pr_ a 12yr rc yin ab a carp eveApe, for a ODed penOt. std thane shall bill n0 Ir s32-ysgp eek Ice pati ROSeDank Rd. boy uh and aupue Pion • r,oA mNupsr n our P,uwv+p abllay for scan-InsamOn GFaFRAI CAFETERIA ria rip Blear ora solo taw Cas location Sarslesf,Y :ano- of any ativemamint. Wildflower Dr. Su4 905426.4 59 does cad ce "Merl wd.er LiIDd for errors In aces rcowno 'mmnwiy :r ser H view rd. des 4raaa0N 2 ro 3 a dl' prokenng nude R au SUPPORT w01,KER 'tar B •PA is for I t0 the amain- sreet mtlu04 :;old foo0 Ser ben Dr. pr pp dew m a no +em+ wwa+. for me 9 I boy . toe ,CWR rue art4^aw uwraip Pard space ootu- prop. an, An Omer mom- Springvnew Or. our motor inose xmom cam axoums DAYAbie. ac - Yl s ISN e1 0r. it copy and runceYat new prevrolissfT Graenvle Cres. aver a son Full-swm expm- coram recavabie. payroe. h - IS Sof management a rat o• loomir"0vice etpeneda IA enWAOu ne , Fop -time and nAncui smemmn ared AN vel b1 management O1 E Wetria spm 5) 90mr OM Chiron Cres, nmareupr avrl" other ratan a booek"ng Nenvs Advertiser. ^� r (9031 639-1151 EEallyspaa Cres, Sratuq a s1Snr Renre,os ExpenerroA wrtn s,mpn Ac so 311} ewer foods Lun- Bier Ridge Crs. pI& ( y�� iyj ^�rY ce ma son.re mandatory nedDeabrooll Ave. Plessererorw rd a resume be FVWPartow COONKE MAIN- ►iallbr ole fa 10 :9051420 -MU -time TENAKA. tug time fAlii needN CONaftC em a must fr msua P'e m Douglas Ave HANDICAPI pnn9ous MmtOy Nome Im- tor Permawt SCOtlr•37•06U Old Orchard Ave. VAN DRIVERS prowment compary Great sMAT MOfwtED o rem Uverpool Rd.. S. Wanted full and pan 'rKoft Ra•rd'r tun erlWg,, p•d� ami In prime wNttly wat el. Dr. rime. 30 day cunent mem ,all Itch Cameron fM Service soon. mandiv a• �. 9057/64743 a" PAMM in maprnnnppmmOrem Own abstract, MOT IIMipi t m *-BP sun N (9061 pesonMFan m FaifVleW Ave.tt�w�a required. Li- fALEf R9MlsairnmBE SW 2Si-E• aft_ low required for wnlWwn j� Daaerb man B Call eonake or Bev M o cover the Oowmown iew, heir saw tuoneeW" for I Blvd. 19061371.1331. om"11 area Bae W"'I 11 63 � ad tW a 1Go salmi 1WI N corn Tatra Dr. Moa -Fri gaps - confit la car rwwana 6 min= Feeling ON cern- Krosno BNd to k. plan Uo returnee mltswn PtsaN all 16051 D F 2 OIIIYa BNN6N, 907.16M. r3af1101k1 Blvd, lEt[aAMiEfER -pan ume UNDERWOODS. u0 FINLEY Deewry a padbpea lee, 1M Zator Ave. position available win sic- AVE AJAX, COST Fax pelet i !m der & %&I Teen asdd oontraapr Muff naw ``pal j 6 oOSOU-0011 01 a n NOYp'b u!NMwI. 19-91129 +weerW&IM Pickering sawn Wesbhae Blvd. some computer etpenence E sun b a121 no p•mM: "wrylwmmwpn Auto sT1?Yii?S}Y,}t? Bm pay taw cammlsupn aem04rmNN.a CHINA RENTAL Good tipper, FOR FURTHER 190515794616. IIWty. For IaOrnINMn tie MFppMAT1011E CRrNbn 1605)037-0337 or THE O& 7A le NAlgp'f cep■ canner nowrK er cart Display (4161606.3067. 906.669-5117 Nw' u 6 r p rill ter Hole ume Oscar. m AUKXbift summer pbllgdn. LIPS a Omens wIm M PC. W ppiaee Q_PS,_P co id. Qlmw kncnn IMAGE SETTING a mus. CAN -'_1Yifed NAMBTnxT Will= SAI• Htpm �•• TU ""' Nun Oe avaNNON nal- 905419-1219. RR0avIt rid weMegs. Debbie Pa -dine eery . Com msKwn AS ANaea a , t� u manufacturer csC 1905) 9es2402 IMITOOa3rd y�r A Weekends downtown WNtbY. Aged Lies km* Of mw saw aid nW $Whr• nor int Pe0y Wad 0ppoe iii I FaK moo, n mut nqG °ray la dye., tumy.Forlmb.BBb6000 UNIVERSITY peaDN Good rid pen• Call 906.016.2146 Mordn reoslee6 ale COLLEGE cams cdrnPdar . an a- eXl. 260 IIEAUN FOOO INK Assts• RLRT Ttea artd rM tlme teff STUDENTS Fit CMI between 6 a m rut 6 rsnt ,e0wred for buq Wfttlq' f12.03 TO START 0 r^ (905)11-4025 WcMim. r4mbw noun. D,KY Phan surveyors mqurnp f750 o Scut. Experience Pre. Due to an expansion •� MOULD HOW Penon DRIVEN F011 furniture cel.• Iltpanartgl0 leads 'erg D• f National Firm has required Immedulety Able to eiry D IIanN reQelred Clean CPrleldlfed tax n• erred. No seKetg 1905) 720- sever Full Tune, ant trouble Spool. cnnos over atessume te 90541184462. f 507 f - 9 m rid 5 - 9 p m but will rainExpSince is whored 10men • 3 p m. Saure al, Time openings in lion d'Workn with m,m um� but will own someone oleo housewares and parson Must N agile to Ns waned 9 a nista boar PART ed tue, st Tali es- outdoor sorts won sett wont Plwse IA. nos Call (9051136-9p63 Or �'�bT nen S oar sryllm for tM P resume to (905)427.1 548 lax (905NM•9054 Lookin4 for a career line U Ser C nice m Town- nems. No experience change we have a IIs Comer urea Sharing necessary, training a CABINET NAIIERf rcgwred m great opportunity for commission, renting CNtr or provided Call Wed. OurNm Repwn Fu,r, KIDSI KIDS! KIDSI EA"" SM. Sm W or uu. En level os- $"FY Good 10� CI~n -Fn 10am 4pm enced Caemet 'oaken need Y trY P ccppep000uu�� L bi,ptlt non 905• 1903) 723-49211 on y apply Please In resume mon per week, aswmbirlq tions available wyth 432.6B7t. 905663•n04 a 405-983.9'14 - Age* Z+ - prOduns In the comfort lit rapid Advancement your own Mrne. Send a Sea• potential. Training "OKI NEEM Need eters T.me a FOAM NOW •pan Wanted for TV &Movie Jobs! addrwAed Bumped enveow provided f1,500a n Col4to aeounters r:maFWI Time HWtn mous CKD REWIRED to, 01nws to O.PH 6.2400 Due" SI. month uuAntee newspapercan n lyes tar try f8W-f3000 1.4 INFOR• campalpn Alary common - No Fee e M r same) n 18.85 yrs. W Sum 541 Ra SM. Mrs gg van a0wr to NATION 416-631-4925 or surra In uwnence F7essa Needed for same) No extras. Call Now 11 y Aare nply to fie nog Oshawa Pannb CEII (41e) �1-wi8� sswupa. Ont LSI 2R8 at$& rot en m Lo0•on to wwwrn Hrom (905)428.13?? aro tJ9 u93 Iuw mM• nomeplabry corn Acuss tins wok PO Boe 48+ sage Com 140 ;regwrAd) Ostewa. Onuro L:H 7l5 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER COIEtmer Ciel Ave., MaxIV "S N� .:.. �. • Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Our phone lines are open Man to Fri. ii(e:0o pm. 24 -Hour Fax: (905) 576-4218 Sat. 9.30 am to 3:00 pm. Chlissln9d Offline. Nowwhin you aodwrtlee, your word ad I�lj9ro�M, AAwa�Nlsdf�iAtAile klfMl$�t L y , 1 1 Alt• Pill= 910 NEWT A13VERTOM WEDNESDAY EDITION, Jure 14, 2000 1 �opwr 1 Dara" manpower Is currently recruiting for Executive Secretaries in the Pickering Area. Job duties include: • Setting up meetings • Taking minutes • Word-processing • Agenda's, schedules and arranging travel • Presentations in PowerPoint You must be intermediate -advanced in Word. Excel and PowerPoint 97', as well as Schedules Version 7 and Win NT 4.0 Please tax resumes to Marcos at 905-831-8134 I IF F,1 IL . • .0 Part -Time Evening and Part -Time positions available FKDetience In Lona Term Care Dreterred. Mail Resume to: Linda Grills Extendicare/Oshawa 82 Park Rd., North Oshawa, On L1J 41-1 or Fax: 905-579-1733 : 1 Boleros t : I auskrs b B So B.sk-. WAYS TO GENERATE NEW BUSINESS.". lice <,cl:iali-`v in bringing RtEAL QUALIFIED CUSTOMERS hI bLill nV!sll No matter what product or service you may represent. WE DELIVER CUSTOMERS at a loco, affordable lee. Call (905) 404-7304 UA Skilled Help WELDERTITTERS ­,'.,! "$Lir,. dN Jrn� Must III .b. ro read drawings Day and Nrgnt shin w po,ons aval- aDle GO." " salary Dentins F. resume 1-905- 831 1477 -90558311477 Ann Personnel Manager I Sees HWWAVM W $ es HepAgera JM Sawn Ite lwAgaws Canada's number one home furnishing re- tailer is now hiring Sales Associates for: Fur- niture, Appliances/ Electronic Sales. Home turnishing sales experience not absolutely necessary. However, you must be enthusias- tic, personable, presentable and willing to earn. This is a rare opportunity for career oriented individuals to join the renowned Industry leader and eam above average in- comes (540,000 - $100,000) in a friendly, stable and Profitable work environment. Our bene- fit, include medical insurance, dental in- lurance, prescription drug plan, generous cmp loyee discounts and profit sharing, along with career growth opportunities to those i% ho aspire to management positions. Please send your resume or apply at 1500 Victoria St. E., Whitby, Ontario LlN 9M3 We thank everyone who applies, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted ere l ou Being Paid What l*ou Are lififor'th'r I11, could You Like to Get Paid What l'ou Could Be North:' 1'b'r have hundreds of CAREER POSITION'S Aa'at:at•Ic to aimtnt carne no-Iti of SALES & MARKETING M.tndatnry '- yse,•ka training The Sales & .Marketing Professionals Call: (905) 404-7303 SALES PERSON REQUIRED • Training Provided • (:sw)d working em'incxlnlrnt. jF v,elknt income potential. a11 for Interview (905) 4261322 SYMed HM;o W SIuYd MAID DRI MFCNAAICAL ENGNEER .c ws "one"c �o- c commis --lee IV -tau., >" �.-i. Sion Ca 4'645'0597 'gfgwDm<m Mr.Aea„er ���J�T����,��'-fir' e, Paeypod moa Pock 3.5 t`iM, ,ol eiotneMt n A04(i D1.Or Fae to 705. CUTTMsM' msw i ANCANF MM. Great W - , BURNER Mccnanrc gas company bcae0 m cru noeae won own laps Raping o ii p pet. .nu u mDonat" wages son VMunlo with e.o." erm a Ca N$46tr9= with ewOMbOrICe Wig ►WOIKTlom sumvtum Garber almng "sum and WA rear,, atummh lac and NHIufu synd III alp gots snits 5 ,urs spent sO ooN syeem era assn omuomww E. t perrrrt an m4W DrmnO ge Asset Alai, uta FAs resuan me ` to Chmtee a 14161 1950941 AMeMiaa: trenda FNAlOB a FRAMING $EAU AUINOMM (moor Cw° Ar Services imme- CREW CREW t0 so wblwn 20 20 sobowp °w" ODtr•ngs o, 3 andnd Heat 6 Ar CondrtlOnng Me. of or Ikur'- AW Competitor dNqurhts yeadY eam- LAN W1e 905 can.CalRoD.9 11 176 a -2p 101n9b" up. rtartaDoneo dryers $In MMN MECVAMM LTD, re- guores plumbers apprentices msts suitable for and Uactufers for work in Clean. Co. mlgoah, "^Y Borwnanvdk. Wunlce pea we otter competitive rapes 10ca9d in Piciterb5• hes and beafrts Subow rano' MON . Pam leak Daws. also welcome Sem resume LANIn9 { y ippah; wo to P.0 Ba 2641 Orl Dm eb4. regiMed L3V 7C1 or Fa. (705) 329- 1230. Maes rWrie hbd0es sm and gay MUMMACMT required pan- �9wCa1'll.-D.ue.b__b�ie�-,� );i a kmt PROW" 17 his a- INaiE11N13 2 roams b rem in Ierom weekends. Oshawa rages W new �• wm And wvrdgW, pad Rat (905MAI-6622 La1Necalionm InciiiAde: CNC milling Slaw Operate 2-5 years corrmrteorwl mac1mng experience. 1-3 years handle on CNC machirMg elip and able To read drawNgs arta part programs as they lam assigned. Know%dg/ of CNC Code and ability to Eight part programs - Alae to set-up and maclurle email parts on both Wias 04 ve rWal nWblg machines. Phmm fix resume to: (705) 745-7353 Custom Stainless Steel fabrication Shop specializing in food equipment is looking for people fully experienced in these areas 1) Layout 6 Be dperal on of a power our 6 power brake 2) FatxeaDal of asbm starNess Sto" re ngerawd WDMs 3) TIG w"dk'1g and astern Stainless; swei lebnanon Call Bill McGuire 905-686-8955 1 ops kedGal De4ea Of%,., AILED-IOIHST ..r : ,r :a., . ,.,,,: -. ,au1 waw. to u.W ,I a Una,erAswce crow war Jerta nwr wo carr. Out. MUM,," we ala 0:n t. splay. D$ W ts. room wow Pan c wM rime FM - ,1e -W hweed a of AupW Is. soh .go to saw days Fat ,oenme to n6 29'4/47 AM ARI. PNAAMAWY Fun hmt pDR 1ur'r• Wn,'n lot W AODM w.m •n.: -c to show - ,„ro MM Taw' Plan. 401 OundM so w. whit. 905 6665491 e1MMMACT TtUMICIAN 'e I' - me <,osd.,r• 91 ..ndudod • 4nee ord AO1kr�Ms rwb tq Fara reban b 576- 1. PICKERING VILLAGE denied , syn bme AanAl _;p, I- e a wee 3. F .rd rMus A 8 MUST he. CENTAL esWrnnct Wmpa- rnpntrace wove be an -A Fa ,awns b 905-6 J:51 RN REWNIfO lar par t.me Dovlwn at a busy �racllu n Blookbn Vow unci n And FCG pre a Fall resume, f9MA55-4m a DakrN rAM NEEDED �r DuMgm Re- run ,..n 1. fie complete p-rnwrar,u medical on a .obd4 ems Wilt Tin w- Dmctwe. cat. ECG eilpen. era hareSunmkehne F75;M` Fu e 1 X652 L'ETERIWY ASSISIANTa, cwt si waned Pin -twee for busy clinic Must Not able to workh'brwrlOS and Saturdl $80 or faced on er Torrance Fax resume to 905- 831 1131 MOtycia ORYCAIIE PROVIDER ,non Smoker) reputed for Jury Aft CAM la 2 pd5 9 and 1! 7 am to b p m g% 1kgms Ideal for nmure student It bllternled please all 619.8087 after 6 p an NANNYI HOUSEKEEPER/ COOK Needed for family woh ne 5 year old. Liove III or out. Driver's license re- wuired Must like pets Expenenced preferred Car Apno- " d Cx,od SalA." and benefits Call 1.80PJ77-3316 Ask for Lynn BEFORE A AFTER SCHOOL us h"'I me summer are reps to Gthosro ve Puao Shcbel dee busroaes Daily swimming Urge homelback- yand Nmfendo. moves. 0000 loud 8397237 CHA►MANMMWOOD, car Ing reliable daycare avahake In my homenutnbws meas will smacks lerded yard and ollhrgi. all UI 426.6935 Cal DAYCARE - Maple WOpe area Looking to• c1W- ,an ;gel 4 and under Haw Frst aid and CPR Lots d love to Owe Ca1837-2012 Required immediately for high end Commercial / Residential furniture manufacture. We offer extremely competitive wages & benefits for the right candidates, These are excellent lull time positions for tete experienced person. Reply in confidence to: LEIF JACOBSEN 39 Riviera Dr. Unit 7 Markham Ont. L3R 8N4 by fax to: (905) 479-6847 or by email to: larry'.laycockCa-tekmon.com D.Ycan ArdltbM PICKERING Beach , a 0 o110 : ..,.. ' . 1R mUmm 10 r<aFT Drily cutups (ie«ed Wyard and park ) Claim, gory Time MUSIC. nu trms mea ouls A shoo Fest At C PR arMed Non smoking ecetps 905.428 1244 SOUTH PICRERMG espen- ad,ar�r� . r ,het love! ane sUunC acud:" WapP It, warm nu"unng emmon- em Meas games malts renced backyard/papround E-lient retetrias Fig Aev Dm U.- R47-8901 FT -1 . Free Tno FRE, TO GOOC NOW ' '. I 'Pay" d::, e] -,'t 1-683 683 5067 1 Firewood K07r Nth' FIREWOOD e, >• glace. ^And- ., hl guaranteed e,"a aq e 'ullr seasomd Ca 6 coon to Omni 'West Isuremenl lite delivery. • 53 2246 IM= DAR. OA. . .m-abm±ts ,­­ ,w.,s S5Vv AI - 'Id sen 1. goys 3350 4. adt 'r,dpe $50 Dnh- .,.•.hr $100 All 'woe SMW Mw 5125 DR kiln h.ue S (905M.1 -2m FURNITURE D,nrpoom w- 2aeaws 5350. ­­1 we 3-piea. S � r yrgi,twhile bed W-PWk. s' 0 cartage lrhdP 5750 GII 363 - LOOKING IN OICELIEIIT 11 JmHry used l^,,"i l41 wars Chad - f tsolnet and e t, ureal' Pr.go de� .UFWler sago. L,"I,Tvkn . -ru fed SM and mien .. 11 lame to mi Green- .. a Kerins ab now eery W- ... pet at Yaw tenure Cal .wet 90541635,4 MAYTAG ..str, a oryp worl„nG mobw f7oo ,5,412:4106 MAT GO w¢kn<hwr $70. .. d the $70 boy WmOd i ..Odw.otco,anr - $00. W-tq"W Mr '. 5]00 glass Sao table ST, two krl.i. Mq rrry on S' -. am =. Sao edit .n dad 560 gals fiction eM tabu f50 er $'S d.d 'Y F $4o sero. a speakers 5l0 oma I... dew Egg fie. gbd•r dnN'a sm 4~ arson dW ESO olm dnk wool 837-1410 PP8 PIFNINT BAINOIE STROLLER a ext new E. count and 5700 90}4-c6 35;9 03FW:__ Awncw GR STEREO AOItr > - ,> ..d sloe a ..no 5199 e' cont speake, e.m lw twees $100 Weomhtb g bomb wet ba SM wpns lODda 123 Am sm 11031612.1213 OW Arhl 1 . Sift l CARP[ TS a a•Det rw I" r lease fPM On had. I w Carl 3 modem. SM Price notch carpo. pnoww. MIL OW wesuaow tau dWw- erY tiK a"wu (30 wds) Nawab M6231A Ir JVC COLO%M TV .in r le blow row gill al snood carton Retail $350 � r P al $275 Cal 7261 Wi 3 CNM Vendg IUMM". Sup 7 seleaww. 2 years M 1905)604-1455 FEUCTMC GOLF Wn ,It doargets S500 1800 tarn :..e 905.9852234 On a ousa0011 n.euem col,aucr cchee take "Me tilalan tI c-ySlar Cp11c. to's pales. lm"". mwerg MICNIM. &mks paws rlw=r "AA I nw1. rA" aNOdable5 n 19051Buren Much mon' 7. 7%1 MOVING SALE: All W tiOR mahogmv bedroom sone ;urge AMMI $4900 Amour nuhogary Orastq m,rra $7% Wanut tape a { onus $475 Ca 8 Oiiech' Anne Chars a Oim8 u0k $1995 3 Moque 0ecas'ona dans SM uch, Odd Dress. er $55Yup Bookcase $295. 3pc Oak wall wd $495 M. III Peppier bedroom suite $1999 Bar w.t f2I Ardae oval table SM Palming a PrintsEverytwad must go' 1905)697-3532 ALMOST NEW - green sue wroughtnon altopy bed wm 'film night tables, dress. erask and curer stereo wet $1400 Sota 6 bwma $600 (905)626.5213 APPLIANCE CENM - Wash- er dryer lodge stow. drst. washer all lolly gwran ted Came mare A Deal' 33 Slabon Sn. Al (9054262682 APPLIANCES: refrigerator 2- door trust free dduxtow. e s matching heavy duty washer IS dryer $67$all -will dppii 'alt Alm Kenmore washer used 2$250 Phodurng 9051426-5945 BERNHARDT dlmngram set M.Pkte with notch 6 chars. 2 teats table A�1 condition, big raised $t 550 best otter La119%1668-7328 BUNDS DRAPES SHUTTERS ,5'. on at our tem sale June 1417 Sunshade Blinds a DraPryry 88 Ob Kingston Rd. Apt 905428.0937 CARPET i Mn several thousaM Jards d new Slain master and 100% nylon fir. Pei I .,If Carpet, Evening am hal la 1349 Prim includes... "alkho , T sduare yards; SIA* , 905, 743.0689 CARPETS SALE A HARD WOOD FLOORING: carpet 4 ,.,ms nom $339 130 sq yd; '� uJes pipet We"Ium ,0 and nsta cion Fra .sbmmel, carpet repairs 5.rwng Durtkm and Sur- '' Ad, area Credit Gros A-ceoted Call Sam 905-M "72 CHAR LIFT Int handicap 'tau chars suitable la ben- : hmOs 5 suits u4 " )5IIa61767 Visit Us On The Internet: www.durhamnews-net ���J�T����,��'-fir' cintm t`iM, �W e Re'N ANCANF MM. Great W VIEW OAWY wrbeow w car IM OW 311 MN. black. AM. NOW br Hem by dN kftW III mom w coRagb Span- man 1 4 players, kbrW ftnoars 6.000 btu R79, 1,000 Mu $375. 10.000 Mu Neff.', $ppm Oltkaoe. t ON antro. bald ww $Mmonlh CCA (905)"i Comes, Operma WW f11S 12000 Mu K% AS .I.elt. ISIwN0o1. 106.000kms.WVW■ 23D9a 11,6W16 -%8't Sboawg Video Games. CAP. anegaid wd Nell $1% J Bed. Aphs. f - " hill' tam A hch 1 - 4 payers 1600 nCpldtiaed ranges $12, le and Vert wormace FAppliances. avaifagathe !lay Ig FH- Gold t S 1 pryers. plus up. rtartaDoneo dryers $In ores $24.500 CAR 905-579-lled 8 New msts suitable for marM mom AIm < s 8 pod table 1905) 72045% sap p recondeflo ed washers st99 , W. aw ami --card- 7656 ll UNI. Included. dol wOMq 'AleshbNe Mc6- wwlw auk, CONPUIER SPECMLi Penn Imetal eland t»in opelaed w.sars id pryers a low playNtw 1M DODGE CMAMAN V6. 7 WSsergel powef SlKnrg.$Ypt. al Ma13Et. en laundry. pool. DDp cable No Dos 1905)um starl system Pentium laptop 3599 Maes rWrie hbd0es sm and gay ppwer Drakesair. 001 rack.5299 hater Ooards. kms. e Security. INaiE11N13 2 roams b rem in IoadM 533mnt system wm rages W new �• wm And wvrdgW, pad Rat well mamma ria- dial �Ce: Mon. Fri. 12 Flagyl -" bland new MetStilled 6 ROMWnk Available IOOema IT' rtromar. 3999 We love du,rg u,TAM and drffdWl Mored 24' ranges poll 24' Iron smokers Asking 59.500 080 CAN 905666-9686 SM 8 Sun fpm- Spm Ur ralelY Pnvae beth- �py7Se "Parrs 15 Years espereance tree tndges now available Wide selection of OIMr new call 416�487- 905b5}36 it ad remnddioned appkanceS Wry Stump Salarm 1 1.4, .ALIANi � M IL 0246 NAve messa0e CLfJIMNCF SAIF GII us today Sl. e able ear Alam system.COTTACF nmowble turd top. am7lm MANAOSMtNT PKRRING VILLAGE 2 fur unto 4 TIN idol the pilo_. sleeper tot Serohi Pan, 1 4 Saks. Serra, Pals 151 B- St Osh- psyche. esc'eNerN running nRhed rams pmabe pc �. �r � m PAS and space saver every °nes home and colage We (905)576-7N8 ecnarton, slisub °.bo GN (905)428-1636 900-071 S_.1 Sao hope ac ala. DaMg. g«k le crnercm a to NIYfAM MkkNMkys srndk. working, non-smoker S600/momn nclusrve 905 torn staring Irom 169 AIM 619-%56 a tea Mkdon a kaon bunk Pylrstch WE FINANCE svAcfuus emmalmai'ed 2 peas Ratner bm. tort a wholesale prices' ,m ANTIOUESINUaolul Ad vele always vahiabi ,is EVERYONE Ouaoom d ti And al 900 WEST HILL Large roam n Spaauus name. tion-srnak'np mom pocket cal The do not disturb wanness. rs now on es. Iree' Pur.hasing antique mils wrmmt annpue cam- First time buy .md 888 GPm St Some won walk,n doMls ppm proved working temple. all taa1111tI included Walk to Rouge hill Mk Always offering the lest wis (a lm, to vada con, ers, bankrupt, w, Clme to sdbols. shoppng GO Station urlt.s ,WBUS Frstnast rderences Wall at the lowest prim We rt averse«ked aria do- sidered) Cd1ec'aR of any bad credit, n0 none mclu0ed Get 7264993 Ca114161282-595g rytnIng is pnad to clear Fu. SM Ill" es or single an- ge SDec� "Noma m Ique nems credal. YOU a 1 Slww Ions mattresses, bean Gags bedroom sates, cutteevelyd Mble pinery 11 try to rc Work? YOU OSHAWA tables leather tumdure etc spond to at queers RoDnI Bowen Anugas- BrookNn. drivel Lots of 4p•,1Iy Bldg _arge 2 s AJAX. cunvenrent m 401 3 NI on sae now" Cheek us M brit you'll be glad you Ontario 1905)655-8049 or choice. Dawn Or µ B urns. 5710 8 beilnxim esecut'. eta. smukmp lum'shed home b snapped al Lupi s l s Fumlae. 488 Kmp SI W. (905)242-0890 OUr1NG ANTIOUE am ca- Trade may be $87500 Utilities mGud- ed Easy access to .;tare .m one Separate 4pc. e'ivale wm. o=ho Oshawa 19051436.0860 lecmble anthems mcluduly required. For al ac, hrepxe ""• a OAK DINETTE SET, table ar77e real real a cars compete estates gest pass'- Me pries pa'd Henry Kahn. SPECIAL FINANCE schools, Shopping. a0 'Call 905) 721-8741 a. Smt pprrolersrorul cult sties S7, r.Q�AuW In S79': Wnhe auannn'es Ian" PINE LOFT TFEASURES 918 905-ges.6tbiad WANTED, USED KAYAKS b DEPARTMENT Av'a abk JUy ✓adimg 905.6869963 -ARE ,meal St N. Ogawa 905- ton Kemal Canoe 19051%5- SHERIDAN CHEV VILLAGE OF RAGLAN acpe i" ACCOMMODATIONS 579-9311 0059 905-706-9498 basement Inanment wnh walkUn I,hke stUvP Mom newly •enevared home labnq la non SmObg le DINING ROOM SET Dark WANTED Tam Trader. b heat Incl s75Wmo 9%- male (Preferred) laundry maleWilful .KN! - 1'T hutch Jna buffet. U01u nh. 4 chairs. $700 Sleeps 8 mrd 90's. 1-Wncel- n. 080 dm bike for kids and GOOD CLEAN CERTIFIED 2 BEDROOM a is near 655362/ WHITBY- LARGE bed- ppa� resp aralaW. f500,m0 (irSlAag reputed Good eorbduon CAII mer EMum br Dad Call 905 a3a- A95 leannu nn Sa'e We Need The Rani' % Pontiac Osrawa Cenne4�t Puking. one nom .,in ,mce wASI Wenney/Tauma Ala area 60M 905683-0493 0392(snp Transport van sm '% b- laundry nun Smokers Pre- erred $695/mo pus hvd,. basement fire ace ale, a- �12,maitn Lrsa (416) 7261421 alp ON HENLEY Guess Who. Peer Jam KISS Shrq Santa In e l Ms4' Ile ES $8995. % Beni ,F $72% 97 Cavalier, 5 Sr, Avalable July est 1 SM 61 7. 6979 or 116-425.6720 met are, Wind n clus"'• Available rmmedM. They No Pemae �TL4mE N the Bou. pro- lesshwol nor. smoking male res tickets Also will buy a Sell Telephone 905126-5568 CRAFTERS WANTED at 'The 56995 92 Bomeville E.6pm 9295 Caravan '*92 Caravan 56695 9269 LE % 2 BEDROOM avallZa Joy smoking preferred 905436-8904 wanted to share bouma 2 storey name Ouet mance DRUMS PEARL Elft 316' ed b 'ncart �a,waaci i«a- All Saturn 5 sOd K.'D0 MI cos M. lel vied .n 350 Malaya rd WHITBY Large one bedroom Ores beards from decks. hot mars Dry pool eta crams<, 8-!012 13 t6' tam. 2, bAsS Sao- cym. e0 1r the '.Uurfiue Flea alx ket. 4 km east of DOW marled 6 emrsxon tested Come look ala make an offer Oshawa SM per mo Irl int ledge Stove. --pert hy- oasemvm sutaON W Oa, waw IU Gu, 1~ etc sham tub, barbecue, mrwnry dxa. bas (2 Splashes. 2 crashes nue. Cranial 13' Zddpan K (appo. 6000 Dpeeaappk pekes- 'no each weekend) LH M Call GII Ooup days 90}965- 985 aro and Witurq No WR Cam king o tawdry No pets1rrStAan. avaabe Jury 1n 5625 gto u hardwood astable JW 9m $600 oclus,ve FrstAan. rd halt Mot concis Hard- show 6 MI Yon palls dreg- bobs 105 277 0074Deale Molloy - ager 5 D m 5 6 724 sue 1905)427 7717 a chances 420.9076 (said) ran ktl 43ei716 END OF LINE CLEMOUT, ry t° ffe pubic you d0 not howra be them Ihen a NO 1 AeaOwhpbRM AMA - 2 BEDROOM base- (9051128-1815 WHITBY 2 BEDROOM. t � < 1 pieta mac! Manress 6 rnanl' arwga Rem slam F�- USCI. int apt two tar king. bed",um July ISI ev±rvmmg W es :row 559 maltms Mt at $Xmonth Cal 905-176- 1024 CASH FOR CAM! We buV MParae earra«e 5 00 ul. =hR'K No pets And 'm- available ala August Ig $790 anu $690 APPROx 900 sit A :tan pus 'mm $159 Single. double mR r.m Rt9 set ham HIOOpR CRAFT vudoim �:e� .c:'..,,.A .ehlcle5 W ' mOdaky Ft15Utas1 6 reler. all rbdhrxn n Ude Tdepnaie(9051665.7543 tappet m,e, Wen± motors 13 Wilson Rd 5 Oshawa lWd- $169 Tacitly Maaesi 1.886 warned am oownl0wn be rummy co,icnron Cal 427.24'5 m 479 o'as Cal l9%16836191 forel('rpl $,t0o A0 er shop 2202282. 1650 Barry St, Plckennp. Ih,, Gr,a,e' mune 7 24 25 10-.10' a amt 88 St Fop Apt at All 2 ROROMR MA'A FLOOR APT Aupvst WHITBv dupes. ower Iev". 2 bedroom. Ire" parped. SIM ha dirs'l Ian glop wme-making small busness Orsanc, 1905' 17- 7288 St00. dwi span Aral) au Pete 905666- AD tiuig SALES avarume .cy; 1st 5800 all cnrsnee Imi Wel sheet. 1 pxlpg SPM. compact, a ham0oper b7J7 lana message A A A AM Cars. trucks. last SoCalq" Osha+u i no IawldrYrr �Aoe Cal Skve 5766999 FUG$TOR. 7' Time- I appm., Oreo rnaikv 100 boats We Dov uP to $10.000 Cash on mt spot Ares mr'd- No pets Painting 2 entrances Frog 8 $sort .derded 723- t?rs no $750 ,Me gtat ubNnes. all iT01E FOR RENT .n WMOy 2 tr.e rent S75N so •1 $201 :ash b Carry Frew°°° $20 Coda, 2 a 6 ton rear fall us pry try 09YJ a 4369621 90566687W mourns mwnhy net. 800 .q a .in $1 ISr1 WoOdey s Sawmru < AnOques time. 24 IbuR. 7 days� 7p m 00560-060'5 +r M"na a 0311AWA 2 NOROOM Will R0./ FINCH, one bedrvn, kvm itch.. hull 60'sorm c. I" 1a rayy r9%1'2612121 A 706'7110 S, RC II ,m:hiSrK n 0t eat ,n all a three ouwen Ca IWHI'% APPLIANCES .aro ^wwALNU �. 1 mans. W wMTED Opt e' Alin rig I# res dareoxio room by,mM'rOught n `em "MO,d m�Warind " _ _ 416491-42M 8541 a local Pao 1905666 sr�Dme.„ arnnd SPF"1 AL _,,UE 6 rx.y pnol5l±red ';pts liars Mach-'ry 1, laps MN St ad $ued0e 51 traria non wvkmwpm ill ..'.•at $w4<. was•'wr pryer L' 9W 1.... 1. ASktrq $ 08.1. Mus absaaey DoOO ,emuvn pus osn GV 005- Call S.CM (9051721-2232 A.y Cale JuNr �p'R "a der Call I'll72 �wwNM rnckao- I' ..1 new 24' sbMs, SM p,mtnd elrperaces eya 1M' 19%must ( 101 4irI.7ArF anSJ'y4 nSo 3 NDROOM Aa. (III -10d) to lamsINI.Mg., awlbpk Al •- w11m air wet Ones 5700 I�JA•7 ' -s �3��� 30 amens IV less Itur, "�y'r' FOR p dewy h sm BR�__alNf- 5'M -011h. SafiAed ynn'ur , Galt DM Mie' TRIAL OCAt'!My Total fpe01 ft "a up Wdia caper 2'9Yn. s19W GE EaM-op wasters 5199 urge 1 ret. .n 1901 FORD • '. '4n coot ,r,. ,�. .-, .:' arse e.nald. first and Lou repwra Cam 426606! bet' Saes RAP RWMNs Wyly 119911 lb Sura(Mi � 65341' A n Irua IM badwg mon GE warw,erMF 4110,11, "rs dta-t� IllO n Ild new ,-Ill '•ealcc 1Nouh' 2C n aoorell loodar r mm trDtrgnxi 15a oar hoes $35gg Cai 9Dkt 1905)721- WNKTBr GANpEN3 '.:%DER NEW MMAGEMEh: OIn 6 19051 66B -b00 a 1906) 6K 3211 oaKAna 90S3TS67J0. 9 1. M 5 . 9 4,aS F 5115 Arc --Voltam 51 SD1 M = t332S 10 106666 1"M town-- 1 W DVNP Noe s s 399 Wap ones p beta sskcban 426 FORD NM Sion IMA, Available n sou m ftm. R'wweL' S -COSTS MS)rn-4m : 1 :Aaorma luck t.c~ rndlmn 12000dkm Asking enawn bu,ldag uime, - dudes Lawwv lemon and BLUE MOON RETREAD IMIIO TO► TENT '•aria. la aEWARO toSi u me '037 f6.ON obi 1965 Toros G- WM1urq awawW Call � � '.-o,> ia. 6-o' w yak ',.ry gad a,uvlRrrn_ Cy 5,14 ASIA 9::x:..e -11 peen I" DOad anOmon. runs � $1- Ilam GN 19%N3g-Sao " 's�PD"eg es A�",a with 4 wePi'se,0ws�dped. pit wital '9Rtm734tl9 wn'tn0� HARDWOOD TIG PLOOIIMG #I uck Wnis. gray. R{oass T ,tSell 1Mge A vnaY brgM Cbaa W 5.0 1 QIDS7 ���:% TM SRagm+ PnrMeant 'm""srw 52Sb n Plef $usq n Tin 2 par Oak* swn lmn t Mrs glare Nit eke 1-10 • GO schools. "bPparg. No AMO 1.1 Il riorM 8uysr7 rl�j. 4""" a beach. 3 boo- .,W Ibwrw4 n 5 $1 me"T1 FJ a to Mw keys Dara 436.1567 1990 DODGE CYApM. ' pets , uAN.m M24M 416St0 3510 A w slOvW R�7 ,clow; 3 DAmM picot No" room Inrtpea sa4NIN Tv. Cmng 40t'hry root W 1.9) paxsemge, ong nil Dam' +c 6 C,jp /,Hark LO.�R. racing k-WOM klnWe. Doug 19051149.1508 l0{T - SMYI DW try. woes 'W:. 4wr cls.n can. /36.o00kms $4500 ab AJAX. ' arao. bon.we 1 your next hollle. +*tiler A dryer dMkee"nr. ktNbpco111asm- .� pAN weer eves ,. IM ;667 Kwrpabr' r90SIa:M.9S6:1 partmem 110 TMOeh or Avanlape Jay 1u hndo6s AAOIptafft�l ,^M 571-6275 beds p- w.rh on art. tar A4. IMT SAFMI W E x • M dmr Irr'd6ggNr�� go.e An Ms ad Oeko M III. trcbsun Oen+n N W res 600" Onp%W Ona 311.000. abg 57000 WAI W IS (Mi W 5107 •rowmm, Pa .,w oo'll w<dnc :`bikes 19000km Ran .wnr 155wmd Cal (A06N86217{ 1.80p,•g,4p.d175 ,+Vrsel Kea 7..,... 'tan and .. a "Other k. -u4M n nom p mm 0 0 019D5M3a6297 Crap :'^a :5000 O D o GII QN1RAl DaeA. ..rgr 2 .a.wgfC '.73160 -Ism Irv) and ' ,e 1_. .wr,rwltm August 'v a snda.rnan Ihontpgn. M. hOnW kws, cases. had AHIwM $ALE6« Inrhtu W....,,- .,fie 5800 bel Sun s_la xc $400 xwNO STUD . , rbeued for RewflaMd NOGNAn limed TANS OVER LEASE 11 munm nmam '99t "tewy aralaak : wN- -Wtawed It tt°ss o in amtmw PNaM cam a- 11 -a pate saws WN alb hit pr" sMp { swmmuq. aN M. 1:1=411.1 Arm d., W Rey.' dor w Cal mw 9 P. (MWW Vwwt bucket Sol wwn (905)M-0779Am bpm N ,I* atw, gnu. PwdY {ye pu . $100 Rah'grraa and stow 31511 miles r'wN aro« MAIM mare ca g$I, W O M � saa,rt hail Park ��n $6W AMad ori M toe ....., . 44 Wauw _IUCMI COOTER SPOOL ""'" sxwm 571 -pit TCEN"MNI ,, Deorr,,,,- ,C' ." ,•„ M vr.,sl � : Oe AORMYGEDM .A.E FRONT 1 dryer $300 .me *n Oe fysem w/cabwtl D.; 'e a,", .,,mpel,.., •A' 4i ^cult, i 3551' P., Moeu 6 big R . rip fnas CM m 0 secluded �..,4a 2. INdewn ip; bwf 1`J VCR $t W RW -.p dace AS $too `res 140.e rausd. GKC R•P t TraRwft � Ih.ft wsekda f 8 ]11.4 70 '25 m.N. Ila wN. hupN (9031671-8001 PIANO relates sham 90SM5-BDt7 oACMNUND PANT 3 ,a 17 FLAGSTAFF COMA. ou . ° :5-' A, DOWNTOWN WMTBY J Deo- Mad rSbPilil a.. ww n.trrR..,,r.;ar h .it,,. A;rPr�� Noland 04,.oek �Y.<+C�DrDlee Aaw mulwu�e .nmah Mat a F-1, rl easwild nd0or°uta,r, srol�dwpa men, ::ruu. vw, •emvard. new 0,.,.u�..,,m.::erJmwR. .351657-1110 p ,h- ctunuaapOn °w an .+ars a AMC am . WxroovWd FW son. de ad AO•ar 7mw {1700 000 GN 401-l517yM6pm .... pwm 1 A AM DAM 00 own ,0w " n"rye '.nmpimwr CHANDOS LAR. 7aaa 2 { 3 panoArdqask BNaDa905.1271671 so .Rrn'Nd Roby JwM n Ca 19051606491/ IgM TROFIIY Pan MOM dROaA ppMrkrA apk Jr"' fix 09Nreomn W Sada W W, 6 nuuicns total hop b 3% aw Mock to bovi ,m no -orng tar• "pWon, Swan ,,,,,p'w�„ pp �y >hM10A,pANMmWWR gOOKLYN KtN$*L ."ens RV 18 2 w rn°m;1 w'r3 005-4069964 a UNWO W ria Knowe hwn s"000 CaII> won, 4.101 SI10 GII �.K$ Sate •. . Rolad 'amuy ,� ; bedrncr .'nae Auws 4 pee Win .ak rale An 6' Pobd'dw sled. -WI 416.1{3-IM3 ams nand Croft SW a a d,g1la Ounns n • .eyMxdf :,asses Agdrh -'� lloo. kwngroom 'Nps 9, used 4 LARGE BAIGNT Orr lied, own pwwINSI CA KIM CM OM Loa. retry 3 0td ai Samrn AepsM Poxhn b4elap tail woomcrg in a sumo $10.500 a ..N room .wuake �mmoda"y M. awraAN Mtkp Coidw.e Banti RUR Rey Endo room .r --.enema ALSO Pi, , 4 brats. Go- al rowan OAMr conks ~ snwwanmem ab aadiak Dwis a y 905- "a la DMk�un hoar 9p} main rola Stpuwt Cnnrallp. I Mon 'g V I" rad. 5770 1105,720-9414 gear .Ye tapn Rogow Go" sww► LMW tsNctaN ar ow pN an Rpt b mw,. 100% °I a4 �rn tHil pRR uRYOes suNOM bf sin- A ABSOLUTEl1 AsrgONp- nbw1q ad ming I-oll 412 gaEc apgls� TEL.EP i'IANp(9p51453.fw W PIJ►S Dlaat ab dgoa 1M$ FLAGAAFf COBRA '"<Ps 68 3C int: ,u. vp pghet pmhssohl all 1416)Rs. 1050 AK 6 munM Ire AST :Ion . POOL lwi PROFESSIONAL lyes .,KC regrsrred. ar- ;. xn,pped. 2 run he"a n0ar,oudua wive .-Soo, Actors room S/2g0 060 �GA Rd Octal near haus, ,..I s6W'muun 0Ac UD t.; ssDol cash MGk to COSY 2 w. ceda-pMd abortion" artag" kowmN A -72 A s son ak< San giMrawn m noes we Can 404-%17 mf spin M sotu...a 2.0Wrpom Masi Regwere SM OOO.tarnav log' ng, swmmng. OOMr'0 .,.k IW 1 paw rGs. naM, d'NcMd Dow deco n- mod SM Nora a 2 - 0' TPAILM ' S65u"mann Mm 1 AiAMM. wn0o•ne And 0pm poor shun a dawn Paywems CAN w irrrndy 4'm1y aMoapNn MnoaOupn Aro ham ;arkeN I' IWO. At'mom Mom ow 16000 AaI l Telphpn (Mi 357-1797 ,ww 1 oep bum'an -e» tvnnee Waking included JW ,g unary an PORN- AW Gm Row' I -M s26o0 121-s,SO 4ahas a ids a torn 'r ,ex mpr M CaK E9osH3aA644 S,SX 110�i 72Ft1I 83�566nnseM4k Aloeera•a, PMOMGbr MAwNMrsynoAk MCA ,p1Awr�k P„ad rphb' Cae 905 M IIEWLT OECOAATED : ba. M817716W GNAT FISHING .,o IA"wIN a W MOAlE AMII FOR TIENT 2 '2w --- pt I'll Dam a•m 1 Ap S 804000 Yrs awdaae ', Maar Rua fait On Mw Product pact Improve 5tad..g Styrs 3 2 &:. FO60MG TRANER RENTALS pwu.es. ar'derground Jay w C4w� Ars (OUN- ham Ogura MDdem comw .iwge OW -P- rw Yk. �_ sous I 10.,0 are sok Nm v,. ;,akmar , , ,V, ,no Mold pad Pickering we). - IN- RdNwy 401 AP M Swy bean, wzmmwld. brlMrbt APicaturil yp Ih12 tad' MOWNBW. 2 SO 150' PAdOockz an be 6.'rbal tur•wx !wrung Tue Weebf' waN to GO MM 15 $1100 . oM Fos Aau UM.o th. rsMbar aAawl't A Ni Low feel h JW a Age 1 Also mases' Mhlustrw AOOia cowwsrt4 I NM ane Straw, a wM1 ala car emaM $449,wen 905-6553564 +rola-- (9OSH26 Rt6 ng11s L wMkrds Cal (9051261m1 Pbar. arrtaoN SumMWaOs Ca. ooh 0►wn, pone---* 7M 61158-2/p p I Ike' &.mWW AYHd f350' maws PNM aS I 371- 705 90S•M7-109a OR BEDM M &M&. 2 6 MONTHS FREE, 4 b $5000 4pAs. 170S1M6-IW1 -M- 1 -M1 -97765M � � !9* Sim IM bed,-. S6.5 met e. Ileal ash call Dttxhrd 3-bsd- LAAO '0e LAKES. urn bell - ARMY ApIT TO 011111 new are R- � ,.,ailed ndW°g 6 stove w<r'O slap= neghb..Il u nUrth Sow- mamilla tarp Oryyad. Wm Mane s ,ppiwd4m ago. S;71m8I rota am mon mom SUwroMly two li anapM. room 54ppoll analuHkd app'umet. Aro . V s Fw1 carraynyy Pad M1•L7 ���ies� 8 B s330i-,-4 A247 ad atra6a0N 5 oW dap J Rb Fmmm ix as IWNao ep.pW gar NO ow• - *4 Maw ws-263-R69 a F011 iYF 3 yr ad Ju,MNa 1905r133.12a7 Ala, le .lay to Ca 71 . Ats«ui1t Bmkw. SombetP40y Grp4. RrWy paceye salted roan. a bees. --deo ahr 3 on. 1.6007965502 Mut wabTldrouphMsd. All MILLION MEW! IS n Dank $Cu- OSNAMM 7.8EDAOOM. Sm bedroo au Wge DrrgM 2. 100 ar (9p5)174-4600 a 1.686569- 1 .OS11 a 905-732• AMNpfHICMG 3A1EW7E Cym. 9I= green Droll Askmgi $t5W Phew !. Model In d- on lake qop 21La°rooms ruu 4 pc bedroom uovc 0569 33126 sprray 60 ctunals 9 % mommy endudnp ntl 70}3 1 -SSR (sip) Ddb. luY Alden large kw. len. panting rid lauMY Pa d dry, A YIIAFAown, O DEALT From AN COTYBE re• tgewOWae AAsp ,rax natant WNW - Bualkm W Pko OW 6 shed pas tumaa. 314.006080 906/361871 halihsm WarlaW July lu $70tVM fie 125-6434 $500 down own Yyour own far. surtrrg a $69900 a,. Sort cons wet AN compel a Mrd. great la Tseng boAlwg. eeerml. 4G bats taus Ila' 50 Mme momm Asa Mom F0 IsmZ teas Cal 431. $°P iii I C. � osam m.i 1.0 bedroom all la lett man ret. OAC 24 him Nee toieldo4 ON=P swmmuq 6 ruasNbnt Goff oar by 30 mm eat d Pi, free nualadn SPKW 905- apartments for August 10 905.725.1069 en 277 Coo- terboornyl 1400 we"y 655-3667 e�}w� Aro1MM Da made p90 nv 04 wd Baxter RAF Real Eswe 17051 779-3649 SIIFOMAN - Dialrn' wooden 9 x 8' Dam M. • e e�� 2M GMC fOaINA SIF. n- 1M HONDA INS 7506. r75) d wwbcn. Askog 62750 Ca166B-7339 Isti 9602 a Cao BW 19051 404- 96R aver S p. A Rata Aweka Raanu 110011 ST. tape 3 DeOroom 1Rmft Steps pay 1pWd a0. 1 clad diel 1-beCropm 565, tenad ram. cbce $359 pet tat Wry dfw gam Or fumy ba0e0. tr4- 1 � month fIIWO l to schools b sdwnds 5950 pus Ihru are 2.3 -below stn ad styks avaGoW dies. No kms' DOW new Wft wwwchelor Wwson ApN'lwtm r1W Kong Kong MnY0pr0 Available July Rl a fully tuNy hurmxts0. ar alhd- Alm paAOes and dada 761 sm.Doo. CAN 9o517S-5356 Lugo. clean. bright Near 15m Willi (9o5 436-02n flofrd. 'wMadure0 hDMU. McKay Rd Um 7. Fncl,arwg. IM FORMULA Plus Sk'OW. ShoOP�ng!binm laundry. park- R.I with peon b � Clummum, heaw lad. ha Fa mare into all 905-619- 2093 107 Ls§ r C4mml". black, 2 % !woo Nsw 543cl 2000 km. M warmers. psn Spnb $1000 m mae" 11 C= avadAOk Imine- Oak 190517262153. AJAK. llArWoodi9aYb Man tub does to buches ad masa anracum Chili HI moor MaFl99 New Www97 LMat seas MMS rkew rod SIWO[d Gari signed .total. "Mil" lupe. Ready w Hoa 3iedmo.. dost 10 Al Am a gs ow, 7iYrg Who weltane s2751w1My. Pho- toy snFkwn Yp. Mor. Shegn 1 Ay. upright w _ NO wNldshadd. Emrssdn kMlO ApnV1000 One ower snow S2.SW im a .d trade fell Aber mpg" ON met. Po Dra1a OXb a anwan a1d 50% +Maws FnrsWo hat" Jay be AWO to. 1905493--- 7 Cuwm, .MMW'Am. W* car "Ug SIM as 6 726 (705)328-04W A"433 immewl*. GII r905Wal4sw FIh1Me NMra used US 00 OpoCM 665- 0161sF41 � 19051509-0127 lave ones- NAN1A4N1AxAlE MFA 1 9738 ism) . 1M am mm 0 2 dos.M !M--- kedr0oon semi. da ala. 2.1 00N0W 1-112 storey SOLM POPLM oww of wne. ettdlem tandikoli. 2 lMsy Imolai yommsm (Ja4 2000). arAo ibc. eta"- � 1r WOOMF we no. had pICesNR 2 SEDOM bammM aPaftmHII won WWW/ow. mnan b 401. lit~ t4 wi . SM . 2111 Open concept. tkNmltll D1M- in"wili. Rew gar hes, pry Al eon lesves n table seals uupp YM arada0n. 8.500 OW a {'"Nle gacoAf. 5514 Chrysler tlow fridge. carpo- eegmObraft pinrKt N .iaa AwdAOM CAN 905/060173 Aw9ilIA 1st grata wtaidnp 20Q7 MhOP, to 12 Mold be Mere. CAN B05 687-0759 Is. alWNbelnasba n 190 Ca119D51R-101! ergne b ncelkm rura.p pryer. Train ncluded 3900 glgdss are ala. 5725, Nt-IA•r CAC. CAN (905 2111. Rim C'A1 JOM a Tnq 433- ntolhRW No DIIshMsbRO nCQlllle - TWO 3 bed• ROLLER RlAOEi. (Bauer) 11N JF9 U, 6 gender. 5 had { 10%. CAN 905128-1652 AAk/ 6:ODPn. rope Rana. 2 IR bans. 5 *Pian fHMINA Mss 00WNmWILSE.,wAse Wk. mem sax 11. S50: (Bawl Lady sue B. bw SOO, sot tops. red. runs 54000 oho GII 1M 1r m mowAFT Dep - mads. tented yarn Nary 35 Mw4i* Cls.. 2 sloreL, link, - -, rami padL elbow And hand SOO 723- arm, Grp dAts 705357-200: Rnwmat 1514 Johnson. MCMM VILLAGE. l.a 401 1-Oedroom basnaiL. Oeaalad. bon 'n IMSAAAW aaa Comb No Di ape, yard, decit tBIMa a. 3 kidUaM, 57501x4) Evaaps 705-132-7)65 "in mOalAt. 2 door P40- new fiOOD g"wAnd call m00rNg awn. tube, ad al bright. pnge carona, pri- baaYad. affw". AvIN. knfnhe- � hrNslkd peaugglt. panes. PNIE/OOA FIINMRM... Dur sal"y siiprlMN. 53.000 Ilan. 91t case IIOk. Da pka and $1375 pias r905M39.18M 3� i g Room. 9edoolm. mom Ottia. UCasiaW Furniture M�MirA .-.:"cprdia0n, 905-126ior 905117- 1091. Im. pds7sm0w�np PICKERING Rowm tot 3 Iy2�D0WMMIROE 7 Plus Custom ooh= from CMUIieO 173.)61 kms. all opfgp1rWi" $10.600 GII 905- IM SFARAV - 230 AvaikW Jay. 1N. CAN 905 426-2707. AM bedrooms. 2 1R taut. calm yr, etc Auad-bi M.podiAle- bdm.. 1 r 112 bO. anba av, yep sys. wood been 1p You wm d.W. lId rmn0- 4D66179 Mksethber, ties fee.. bAded. 319 endo n�'3 PleatggUS b IV. $1200 .ubMics. For more eaAOut 12. 25h tW1, 1100 ff nation Are our sDnlA11Y Let 1M FOM TOM 1-cylm- on ntolOr 521.500. Rice Lake aro 19051342- cation. Avail&* Jay 15. 1Momupm CAY stoney 905 - C. 6 APPNAIIca pail windM us es Kum Your *umspe ul, rest hr, SAWM c. 44W. bin W 3 pki,. 150000 h bisumn sort- 6*Ml ala 4p.m. Coverings Asking 5158.9o0. y We ave been Mndam- ug de highest qugq SOLID Only kchniar, tum wal clay MUM. po00 an Ps. rb FM 3 112 N.►. Evarlwk mop. mem SM per mwo ktdu sive (exdides CAW), Single SODID AM -Ago 3 b* ODelt Tian thts sm. { sun, CAA 1905183-0876 pie A pM tum ore, &IMUR S cended 6 Emk90nf. $1350. older Model. N1N. SM 116• prekrrOO. NpmsmbkenWK. 1sWM Refumbn. MOM beCHIPN1, .edges b I7HI. "Wil sLttpd a W aryrtere for 25 YEARS! Tat- dtxxW Wadwockug. 115 (905)7165032. 1M FOM 7er►0 - rum 267.5191 len sip MIIN'FII E1f►Ngi CNIIMfN- re Aou Lave RleaAOe (905)-83¢ 7773 dllwm .. . 2 dilrlg' rooms. tiksllad hwmeo, 1I0D5E AN yes . 3 Ipo. No Mn Port Road. Port Wry (905) 985.8774 Map+n Ore" 51500 6bo Call )6$6-Xe7 19% 27' rrnm' AMlrcrwser Bra- v0 dlee o"dnve Flay bd- PM](ERING, 1 booDm ham- a It new twee. 2 shy. MOW, .., tmShsaftf, shNNooM. sfrtaipliie0 ppopdp New --endows as 0a kf www tradtiaWWoodmk- 1M Toyota Coal SR 5. 5 e0. rWy, to atam. dNct Oa vrw or IsbW1 am la detail mens. ROMOaikRwwyYm Riv- ers laundry, pa no a $1 mo {dA RrWIMW- "'alas No AraiGoOk ge treed M and fibre. 0"M mp onn speed, crurse power mrmrs. New Lower prKc 543.000 For smdklrgypets. refemnm FrSI 6 Ian / Aug ISI 905-60}1300. 5164,900. 725-0836 ion. eabeUent cola. certified. into Sah 905130.1911 Jay 905-837- 9103 ROIMU LANG( 64EMOW Flew SALE WD 2373 1011 Iartl. 52/00. 985 2373. AOAriFIwM 11 basement ranInd 1 windows. doors. lotaw. a- ramics. entry. 1"y r4n0- JVC H NC END Ddby OpHI-AP Cog D Reapers 500 -watt IndrJdrg a .Allewly basement apt. all int pus plus Ary DINAWA s4urN 3 bed- vaM Ieab_ CUM ve Multiple Cg Double Cassette y/n ysg, 5800 ago CaN 1- M Iso) AIU Central 1 bedroom Caw Slagle person. Nd One ram townhouse cote TO 1a $,� NO $ Down SspeAkers. Hundred odyn IME PUTAN N ACCLAIM. beMment aWMrant. Orgm. Clem. 4 appliances. anmd sMdkinO. parlurig. S65g Neu aU a outms. Avail Joy schools, slioppnp SB75 Per adnm pus rakMrs Pollan ry''a�e p ll on Arm oul -55,3 per uiNl in pukapes nope Auto, arc, cruise Control. aW floor, pi luny. separate en- 1 905837.7614 bailaDk July ,0 19051 579- 1905)71 _' $150 Repiwr must n- dude suli'Dwt spoken ion SkrsO casune pail earl. Cauca, ./ be soil tesstowcel- trade. s560 a'AS uhntks Avail July 1 Ga0 905.683- PICU NING -newly OUAf. 1 8956 Drys ASSwne DOe. Murry for Diu ukctdn. Mled 4164 0- r oder Td 8768 hot. basement apAnnbmt uORTOR THINACE. 3 oed- ram Town homes w/wlhoa *K ng mo 3 esadrg aanpapo. 3-Drdraom townhouse. Asking $66.200 Oshaw; Stereo (905) 579- S7 dAys 116-4908887 en 232. Ew 9055091535 41LOE WMTBV- spacwus 3 aar Wlor OAKS and frock Rd 36251= admit garage 2 Appliances hard - In -C row GM Paul 0993 bdfam man n.. Mum. .ala wood nwhalf Ouldoor Pool Bldcheaper Bad Mon -Com L6lkmbwm RED. queen brad now oho- 1M2 PONTIAC GMMD AM Iurdwopd IlarS. Once nue- plop lot m Nbkn. ad 'rid AnrtaDk July 1st Pk1M Cyt (9051428.28% sauN ChtlOnos round p4, Close to al aramres RrtaO 1905)720-2001 aC manrns. Dos n ppee sp RD hch SIN SE 4 cylinder. aaprauc ALV laundry palms Suitable hot oaayatits GII (905) 436- 01alAWA ' IMCOIE PmWM otDpard w/Inme in w� Con $1175. sell WS 16726905 FM rosette. air. PW. PL bluedrey Wena. reliable at. profnspm '.ding person Is) Nm-sm°wg adult bu.* Ing No pets July Ill $925 SONBRVALE { RO38L11Np 3346 Rpper Kilner Baking. eaalent Um - ants. area 75% 7 If. LUNG led, polovdop extra- p. owner. NI maintenance records, emanon tested and uti1mM Cao (9051 660- II a0u11 130050 n 2 room bed Ment. large off n 1 = goad Yr hanarlg a 56% to coded thick 1111rC mmrss. Dos s I'll, b Untied, at,,,. 190km. $3.OW 905. Iwntproom. 4pc wasnram. AJAx - Clean 1 bedroom Hwy, buyer equals to appro ami shn Iasl,c. COSI $IBM Sol 7250610 sro 1•REDIIOOM oar OSMwA Gn5 Ulan quiet buidaing a dug a 4-1 parking. e2JChcd' arae nor 401. arm $1298 mon mens DI Saw M, $$20.WO n 11- 567 p16)726905 107 RwN UfOke Ltd. $695 monthly an ndusrve Lauri able Ua FrsuAst. bAth. pan InMng/dmrg room 41°n4 Figures to be TIRES 1 see" pe11W pplop. ea,7gc11 92.yODD tm esculent snap! Foonast ,denotes m pats. references, no Pts. $9504 ala laundry In Muse a1 n. venin M by DurrlGostr um 1 Juls S? od 9hall X500 aBo dW'Mom non-Smaers Avatable July to CA 433.2484 @"candy ,no area 90.5. 579-9719 Cluxve 565O,month FrsV (116)6908191 air tear oil. $150 all 905- 407 ft9 7B0P Good CM(9051426-9154 Visit Us On The Internet: www.durhamnewss..n9tOW--- � Ywr b 14wd Yawey b l�.�01 wro0arend ROlsl� AaeaatM � FASiT CASH ADVANCE S 1 O -CASH CMIL x10Wt 1 Tonderes to -T -4 - INVITATION TO BID Bids for services listed below address to. The Distribution (Manager News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave. Ax Ontario L S 2H5 will tae received until: Spm. Friday June /6, 2000 Contract commencing July 1, 2000 Work consists of counting or inserting, bun- dling, and dropping of papers, flyers, cata- logues and other products to specific drop locations in the Pickering area. Delivery to be completed within 3 hrs. after recervmg final product. InfOmmhGn packages available at: 130 Commercial Ave.. Ajax Ask for Pickering area Bid 01 Lowest or any bids not necessary accepted. S,-39 900 3 Ixdraom plus sw t0 mnrhan�PonaPmrirrpy roQpprma, Horne. N Norl4ltoa Or Sea graveJune 10th and 11th 9661 DOI I'll. - 3FOTLES3 5 bedroom home Main SI Mwdagte PE ,slaw 2.4 pc bavodms. large country leacher, large man Boor landry nh. termly m IlMproan, town r.ers 6 wan beautiful backyard. Walking discres, ro beautiful "wr River P40ww to so ewers aremous w sol" 19024364532 ahw 5 p m (SW) WWM - SIM.eM Arder- somMammg 1800sc it 3 bedmemf. Grin kitchen. chile garaN antral aii hreplass. hird.00O Ibonng, hmrd btniram win taloa He adults Cat 91154664161 WWW 4 b"noom clear. r.gh,cment gas ho E.. has Good nnytbowhood Man 1kaIaonldrY Man W - gram asksApeox 24M Asking 1240.000 0 8 D Cal (9Ds)-- Plmwfts R70.A11A f orwp•Twri ImI I SPOTLESS 5 bedroom Rome. Mar, Montagu .,I pE WIN 24 PC bwwaowWp e,, orman ww Eos •hint, M tarriy rm. m•rsoom town Alwin 4 waw bw aw bawywd rp wtakmuter r beautiful Rrrw Pedaad k 766. wow ol aimoM to sol" ,-902-6364537 alive s p m lvtpi 17 Me BUYS a bdy 'w aw cobourp Sale beach we Ida ifmwq Ism . aalpr. err&do* .416)431-155] IASMAWpo I IAIE err bur Due . 'S kmi d tnn� ng a 11 door hep Tea wdAconaw man �fw.AN $169M Terms 5165 29 mwosv 1613) 541-9B29 wamlmAne "U% Weeks 5757-m,sr„usl Kmrw mw.w wucpwn_ try w�Fylr f -shad 2- 66th bw6als•, sMept t. �werM..�61N/k�(90SIW�6,i�3E0am�wY alp " fie -MICE lAU au .ode wousonal sots pod Tyr" sant awrt 1a . M Mode """ pilaw now 1785)6963423 wwbawt ..w ouna room an o NO 3ETM W&UMT ,;amp She 6 Co4ag" Md" f * win .an as pwnOtiwvng 4 POW* rkaep we neve fora reap eM ara40k MGe SPEW" sant room MS6 row ww erre 6pea Ammo. mosomg 70577rrctisN 33096 6aans rddm 6 ILt$MM LOW - SIOK to s5DK approvals 46 him Gov- ernmrm sowed wins to $250K 1-677443-0130 or (SM14263960 WOMFT PNOILM. Get oma Of debt Quick mahout para tlallwnpl er bang ganatwM Everyone azepted MCdoess a c Na sal fa Nee salon Osap 905-576.3505 Sturm ben Huard Make MOM MWMIM - Good. bad and trey F•a•c•'9 for aro Four - :so as appaalmons oarcceppe- Servr�= �) 668- 68M ACCESS MOST. No mo k sOpalork Private Fstal- aal A"iaana, Required to be awood 310000 And up RRSF 'LIr1A •PIE ' MSION ROD FROM WIFLn Mow Sal Fee Fal I-W?Oi1NQ. PA earliest W4tl C*pi I_ I W MWb- F*DA"C6M6kwR era S6 M601M�T • FwldM Ganw ao qiw kwaKlYao M sot ala is yaa bim- rrr a lann 1405-505BIi6 am MOM cmw P&- laiMaJaeat 7oerral�Wpspga ::.it w9046 Il6atlpannr. ald OOa IGLIU.•ttpm. twoRam tanmb*s flow boom " p1ma w ad G'ift by� �raalbnLgkyOl�l eras. edeas. 6NI.0lwrtrips, ceraa [-eze ea l COSTM M UL brbkU W sale. Costume awm abry. Inches. ad materials Can Man(905)432.7660. ►DONT UR .ale of On• boo's terpin WO MV does - SUM. 05= tranJkse ap- Drmim. Muip dmolar comae Smile kcieon EaokM Do- ImM Cal Anthony Detroit. 1-(905)6ai-9655. nPMI Requires r74 AL * NWI- vidak to Imperial 6 ma - Map an m tM D~ Ra- cal r ppn Pleas cit Rain Sobd1- b (4161735-%63 THE norrpT OPPORTUNITY of ON Decide Come an the Leger Revdwon. 2/ yea old conlDarN latawlws m Cauda No rAmpebhon Recorded WfsaaNpe pp=y kill AUK 1- B77.3546551 EI= • WWRE ARE YOU? LoOkalim, dr"salike or saxxwft ante out for It" 'EM' ponrW a Fesuva SAID h+ RAFacam 2511 a Ras' N 9I54427 sip n 1 Pasonah AJAX AROMAMASUGE m Iunn R'W'nol s!ress stet. =21161111141"I 2116 -% sennas' 77 38 Hum SI 905-92AtteMams Do- sibals awdade CA 416-712- 9678 AM YOU SINGLE? The Mew - es! Meeting place www D,•amMales tom DURHAM'S OWN DATIIIG SERVICE' Cao 905683-1117 CrWe a P"we nialou. tar Me -o, .,her personal ads tree Mal a new Friend or Lae Its is, FULL BODY MASSAGE Grand Opening ka.0 mum moth studios Moo sun 10am-I1pm 77 A clang St Oshawa SIO for 30 mm 6 $65 kir to raA 4369115 IWAI1ENO` PSYCOC An savers Find me orxx mmn s299,mm '!8.•24 hot t- 906451 3783 LIFE WASN'T MEANT in r loved eon, dOn t ,aur doh - serve w,taone so" on you MoD 0,91 Rover pro- dvaars. (Intwro: "80honel .hadrnaiw 1519) 656428, MME ■ W$ so"* stave true wa, gmup Rept, to am 1553 Dn 80. 461 866 Farr hadl St -ONg , OrMM LTH 713 OSWMA NEU NIG Maf- aaa srvasu Struts 40 kmp sl w 9C5; 404 %25 11 3D an.svn p., NO TACE TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your tax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. IMS -SII Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 ***k"** STREAMLINE LIMOUSINE • Cars for any occasion • 24 hr. service 416.996.47911 905-509-606 WIIR WAlal 1AYAgr n- Iro Wdmtn pNy wetksW June 17 J16 flockyax hoer 905)985-0059 bmowdbKoosom else Ast� ��weeeIF0 W Til S SOH nXASZ CALL AJAX ofsom TNd Estab San Serke ANTIQUES As COLLECTIBLES AUCTION Sat. Jane 17th at 10 a.m. TIDDS AUCTION HOUSE S kms saes of Cobourg on Hw'y e2 hr Eot 401 at Hwy 045 Coilsow% go south u th set of light, (King St/Hwy ) Tum left Blow for apprux 6 kms Watch for signs hu Is the 2nd session to the Estate auclun std on June 3/00 ANTIQUE FURNITURE Valnut parlor table, 2 -tier walnut table, wal or dining table and 6 chain leu cund.), well ut dbl dropleal table, pane top tredlebawt ble, walnut china cabinet and matching buffet /2 moon tables, misc. side chain, plus more ;LASS AND CHINA - Royal Wo -ester tune hma candle holders, china spduun (Cwtnam y - nice pce.), C,midFurt f.ynne ..Maniyn ,.0 1750, Coalp(vrt Pa,wra t- milk poet, e, andland ware, Ayn,Wy, Sadler Occupied la an, salt glaze majolica )ug, many nice Birt Iona es cups er and saucers, several pees Of oic r'e'd p,lass, plus many Othof g. lass and chma COLLECTIBLES Old Im1 ad advertisement pees, old corns, old costum< wellery, many more Tea Wades, old marble ad p(stcards, OW named milk bottles (Cu, n rg, Port Hope', Lindsav, etc), old barn lam ,rns, old Ctca-Cola carrying cooler, vmtagt nens ar.J gloves, etc MISC Many household ems, 2-2 drawer file cabinets (still in boxes) ictures, lamps, ,hens, new hardcover bouks c Viewing En to a- - 4 p.m /Sat 9 am time of sale. Terms -Cash, Visa, M C , In 'rad, cheque w/pmper I U Which Available -resign yrntr quahty Items or to lb -lo, an es .to' sale Ca, atnaa Todd. TIDD ESTATE ALES SERVICE. (905)372.2994 or 1.877-963. 177. Specializing in Antiques & Estate uction Sales. Tuesday June 20 at 6 p.m. Viewing at 4:30 At St. Mary's Hall, (,o east on hwyy i to Ilwy . 35, North tine mile to Ldb Rd, then east I mile., or from Land'. hwV 35 South to Lifford Rd, then rail Selling contents of Mrs. Irene Av (if Whitby, Ontario. and from a home Toninto and others. Canadian furnrtL cupboards and tables, old parlour to siker dollar and fifty cent coins, wheel dolly cart, 4 x 8, Roy Rogers coo bsuik, reverse glass Painting, craft .tel large old Cola tin, sign, old quilt old Jill carriage, Hull art glass, antic Jishr. s, McCov planter, Limoges cups a •Jucers, furniture, garden tools. Ma m„re Items to unpack BRUCE KELLETT, (705) 328-2185 ICTION SALE " ' -- �.. r: ... A ,r Haydon From 401 Eat. 431 •a�-Sorrnamill roh 8 mi. on "At. 57 to Can. RQ S. tum Gest At Fir 1. Sat June 17 at 530 pm Household art:'les'•0 w reuse in ElOmamille. bed cnesterheid, bedroo It lodge. stove, aquarium, trick knacks. Cutlet SC glassware. dishes. larrlps. kitchen stuff. Ina Molly of tools. boa motor. looking more. 199E Bu. rk Avenue loaM Pone .roar, and marry other err I I"= cub. dwM On. M/C. cMpUIO. Our ant Arco~ Don SNpb"wn 905-263.44@ 5-277-0029. tam as" Moon . Wed.. Talent. 3:30 pm. Estate Aechoss welcome your location Ties. Jean 20r of 10 a no TO on(= Cry- aswnruwWlle N" ramved i^slruc!'Gns hoe^ 'he D, ^Opals We are larva IN suw.19 kv 6mdragging Nbra DCWBwqlduqSold .do*, Oman SWd SMI. Chicago porus brwr 8 b 55 ton. S 10 pick up buck. IMulbea Iron Worker. hydraalc I protection. sky pill IM. scissors lift. 5 new Armstrong ri Hoban portable gas wields. refrigerate recov- r recycling it codet. 2 plate tamptn. )tampon pelt. 'dCOd 53S it code WC on wheels. Wma Mthgidiee Core Drill Rodpod K-50 Orin clear�wr W welder, fair Master lot -tool bevOw. Acklands gh trequency arc welder Canon reader Surporer 4-C-CC/CV, 6 Redge d 0300 pd.lenwC.s. Sakes 12' Ter hacksaw. refngaant pump. portable at am BUN. 8 Ridged Yoke chin vim. Ridpd 0700 Pony led th'SOV, Ona press. Phase Mas, welding pose, net Copper peppers. Hart pas generator, mace - ,IOUs pot stands. Whoa quantity 2.3-3 Type topper N. on Int heave. 3 R 64 Pipe trommaders. wectm MW saw. 3 %Woe tum Went IWww*fws. 14' 00 fart. Mllwaukee a" Ortel, 6 tank torches. " HrWs sent pope CkftM.ask prm*M, electric X?wzo$. OW minor small hard a power tools, vinous avmg. 3 safe cutting brothers tpnpMM. step Wise; nflum container complete. drsmng tmale. Cad-kry along program. 6 Cama d"U. Motorola Bay season. Mike cellular 2 -way pliscnH. Calcining ladder prow. led int System. Small Mas i wrenches s ami 1W - a time: 10 a.m. Excellent Sake. Plan to AOand me egwpment new 8 of nexty row All in good "ottoman farms Cott. Curdled ctWgine. Imerx. Vola, C &WdOV Sold an mus got Madan Aedlon i L*Mdaban 915401.3291 N 905-432-2= Coll90s-7{7-140_ - SATURDAY, JUNE I­TH, 11 A.\e Vulel: auto auction a 1',wile.ruugh A - enter. Pa -borough. (2 int. 6r4 - Hwy Cl Rcr, . Public cvrmsgnnwnb, cares. vans, pick up a 4's, n i, trader, etc_ 9-: escun. 9, hvsmdawagon, low kat, 9 5 bureau. 94 cutlass. .rn . 94 ex knee 4 or 4 intrepid, 94 r ul. hi vi sable, 91 Chom 93 Eagle, 92 --n Vsdora, v_ rscel. 91 may yorker, 100,000 k. 91 Topaa -1. 90 gmc 35W SLE. 4 s 4 dually 1 hxn 90 I, .-an, 89 Regal, cent , 90 Temps,, 90 Fad Wp.•r duty dieseb with Barbed, 90 spurt, 89 fie- rettA W9 Crand Margam 135k, ththe eine top ode. ey 114K. tut Acrad, W,5 Feed kwwvdle cab ansa chaise, 16 ft starcrah fishing boat mouth and lead" We an expecting swer 30 vehicles Bring to loam Thum, Fort, partial early fail. . blect to a lditaorm and deletions . Some suuts seUmg with no, reserve. All vehicles guaranTced clear tate:. 6200 Draw Terms $5W Cash, deb. a, via or iiia ten )urge at sale. Balance by cash tor certified funds within S slays SSU buyers lee. To Consign call (705) 745-SW7or 1-tNx1-461-M99 Orval McLean Auctions RR7 Peterborough Saturday, ju 17 1190 aa. MclaM}eM Aachow - Afabw r SWIcc Area= 1!2 mole south of Blackstock on Old Sculling Road VIEWING fmm 10:00 a nL tis sale tune rocker sot (couch, 2 chma, cote is will tatki dlurK 'com suite W70uMst, dwsarfie0d 6 chair, pine IdWiu let. bedroom sudor. Ratan glass top table 8 chairs Irp kat table 6 dairs, distant cabinecabinet.b, coffee a and ta- les, rles, Victorian setts, occasional tables and plana IGWs. 9LM a china. Nippon, Pnwheei Naitaki. ok s„ la runeW N's, al lamps, Saga II Ekc-k Guild .owery Keyboard Model V120, Casio Keyboare •PS700. Westbury Pro-Cussion Drum sot, (al in ex. *Wd condition) organ, pool table, Tata toys, miler alas toys, 1993 9.9 Ewiruds motor. tads. Sale subied o additions and Bele-on. SonW" for everyone, ;nl bar a44*. Wm neer, al" WNI p w M. Wand or via. To cawgn to this sale or figure sales. Call (905) 986.4443 or (905) 404-9392 Jim McIntyre - Auctioneer lest as GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NENTONVILLE FRI. (UNE 14MINI, 6 ►M. selling theiestate of Russell and Feta Bake Wekome, ncludingg their 1999 Buick Centur Custom w/19,000 km. (Certified), the complet household contents Including their attractiv furniture and antiqques, as well as cumppI t shop nmtents onciudan the Husquvarna I.T12 noting mower (6 speed), Victorian marble toy, parluur table female), Victorian Rucker ani side chair, several cccasumal and side table Kine with the wind lamps, beswck hones, nor take bavarun, cornflower, Mary Gregory col lector plates, ��rus+le ext table, set 4 Dunces Phyfe Fhatrs, remote 17t entertainment talents (lwr lamps, mi-, table lamps, drop Irons de double pedestal desk, oak chair, recliner, rhes ler6"d, 5 pc bedrrum supe, chests of drawer- dr-rs, mantle clock, H+eddmg, (mens,ppm shelf units, B pc toilet set, Belden All,, Yashoo camera, solver chest and commurnty plate for F small appliances. lutchenware, trunks, pone an t!que flat back cupboard (IN ppanes, 2 duan drawers, 2 panel dix8s). lawn fumuure, cemen figures, gas mower, table saw, chain saw, 3 hl roti, tiller, 6hp sinpltaly snowblower, Powe bsUs, hand tools, lawn hiller, Karden equip meat, wheel barrel, etc etc Preview Fnday of ter 2 p m. Auction starts at 6 p ..Terms Cash app cheque, visa, mc/ mterac AUCTIONEERS FRANK and STEVE STAPLETON (905) 7862244, 1.8110.2639886 www.afaplNon auctions. corn 'estate specialists since 1971' SATURDAY JUNE 171h at 10:0111am Esme of the lab John MMadc. Bmoklin. From RWI1 12 on wed on IIW1 7 to the second dote read, turn north N right on Cochrane Rd. for 3 turn. to oro Mo. 7687 - sips poded. 'm 1190 9 ft hafrome, Int. 425 baler. 3 nay wagons.' e 3 PTH rake finger type. agrate; bale stoaker Int 555 double beater manure spreader, steelyranery to op disassembled, 4 furrow 14 Inch 3 PTH Oliver plow, 3 PTH cultivator, drag harrows. Ford 538 square baler, veel for bale thrower wagon, small utility trailer, heavy i` it try 7 h float older wagon, small ublity traitor, heavy ''.5 ft by 7 ft goat older model, Gleaner Combine self •opreled. home made cattle Chute. cattle oiler. 3 PTH • .it cutter. 2-8 fl by 17 - H 0 utility trailers one with 2 aides, one with duals, 2 rolls 6 ft Cham link fence, .:on trap 9 - 44 round bales of hay. pia of barrels. :cap steel. 10.32 ft wood trusses. Biro meat saw. H 0. belt driven grinder. Toledo platform scales, pro - cane cooker, hydraulic ales, stable tan. steel card saw, radial arm saw, tables sm. electric Conduit flt- lings. pipe clamps, logging chars, barb we, plywood, irngue stand made bulldog err tophi wood stove, woad _, rhng boiler dove. craftsman GT 6000 20hp riding awnrrower 50 in. Ca. and much more too numerous tc 'list, come and enjoy the mormrp with us Murray and Sloven Jackson Auctions Nopowe. 513-354.6713 ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our "Auction Package' consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News as Uxbridge Tribune • Canadian Statesman One call does it all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4214 POWER OF SAIL ;r-nlertkm rem estate a.,c,c- at '6 Pigeon lake real -!Say LIP Of Its 21 Gook. 7. oars Wwnshia p. p rp - coo ordMO Lot sge 66 , 10 Ailing apprommmely 44M sq b 2 storey bakdin .d,- whictm urds and 1 aW on mere floor, 2 at ' second floor Note ft building is , - lehad to I •Gugh Condition aro is subject to an order prohb q :sea occupancy of auak eudauq Isar coq r.,onnn Office) Torms Nw" whoa as Is su 'n rave lad. une .ocaerl dposlt at sale & •re 30 Iliyrl On dog" Property must be sob ;we• Of ism CJI now M knew NUEAM AUCTIONEERS (706132 -2783 of 1.8"14490 on Srtndean(misery ,gS rel ' or nye, cGrsMd Jowasa spknce. doer you, fake or consign euars _. SabwOay June 17 at 10:30 a.rib Hold M Ott falanhae Commumty Centree 01 ''u km east a umntu an Chars, eaMa Romad ei puss and how�4noia Most of the twrw&'* s an Ohs sae aro very can and ^ome rgdysorts ncailmt rofswsnwg prgecfe will tx ntludld TNW la oN rrnon6wy a0 �rggnmmt auction. wen f0 mery OdMed Cnslpne2 ulkolvld 1M vaa- '�M m IIW CI Wrrr Is raMk*il For OAMOW We will Oc Including the contents of A Small contig Shoptebally . owes W qution ality I alarm" ThHonda is 1, cisme . been a rem W. as a 61aya you aro nswo Of 4aMM9' pat,. as a carr you aro aUwed a not bWV mxeC MEwd AMRi ft. WE IEWM EOrWK JWW /4, 2000 -MOE B11�AIP� Oebairsl Haler OW&V AUCTM so" An I" raNRas � NeediMtfaE a faE ate/ i ITN Ire AN rant• at be P.i� Hooses, Apartmer". Flirter lin Removal YrMk MNi krawr repo:.. Tiip .puny wvL officers, Appliances a Trimming. Pruning 14' ases' M. U. boddk r -.W* ;_ Piano Specialists. Senior & Stump Removal (Hwy 012 norm to Implies a erre dr hw &mvr. 6 Mid -Month Oiseounts. Fully msureot. Hwy R as Broatan. lim right I'll Aw. FREI: Eshowe Licensed, Insured Free lura tum norm on Hwy on Estimates P do lie" Free estimates nMCosels Rel 404-9669 sender. Call Shawn Oins am . S000'�e Mas. Call 436.7795. x.41}1944 temrah err cdndloner. ser ca QUALITYclubs; n can MNMS. Dnnp room • Adie in. 18M s w I aso s dress- PAINTING A n AMQue boot shM. SMA table .illi pass top harp DECORATING Cross 9m EM bade dun with needle pont Interior/Exterior Fbuse,aws• seas, unite surpamnk LFw Padang Avert. dresser. 2 clock poo. old Free Estimates Estmutas e creamer ran, browse am- 423-0239eras. and Kodak Jmy still in 837-9558 al Free 7G!'uaranteed Gpscalevbe. lois more cameras7 -1 I ort 30#Vke GNP Rattiest amem. !rank. ing Durham and 2-6D s dressers. lots rxe Minim Too Much to NOUBE lEA9B140Regain vielolls catEenxEr TMS PAINTING scretion b DECOR VA wyan0one boy car BY LA11111E Mar. trader Man Loner Interior 8 Exterior 13 years in business I Pen 9 a.m. Daily van Line Truck ad Tonka European Workman- Works alone (905) 725-2322 grader small �metala wee ship Excellent Rates \ow Hirth • is. signs Old trams (3 sets, Fast, clean, 8 References and vannas Mass am a reliable service. A;ax%P,ckennp area Only :T%r1r �sarm lrtijA MOPEmIal 428-0081 (905)426.2948 Fq, mote in rrlatipr,, please rxuachlith H Opening! aeo1srq r+a••,•pq 7th Heaven BONNIE BROOKS (905) 432-2124 Two lovely Russian ,All Cawropnmwrr t1 win! Ladies will soothe Snare Bar on P.ormsas MOUNTAIN j ,• yyour tension. Hops to See You Tatem! MOVING SYSTEMS Sldrnr Camplrtr CORNEIL'S .11 e7 � �� Na55aReH JarlrZZr7 o. AUCTION BARN Canmnctal a nesdnteal SAou'er •Body Scone FRI JUNE 16TH skrepe and •`-�g0 reeds No apes. Open late AT 5-00 P.M. btP «> ere swaor 8 ' O'd°' 0�' 905-8394680 3 MILES EAST OF mod no" aucants era•Sabi Leeks LITTLE BRITAIN estimates(410) U7 -4M ON COUNTY RDµ 571-0755 1,114111) 716.1JM1N Selling the pmptrey 1-888491'6600 of an (h iiwa home plus wiser consrgrtors Oak china cabinet with glass inn 3 saes, walnut chma cabinet pine chesterfield 6 chair- wk treadle sewusg machine, 9pc Less & black lacqun dming r -in suis, oval tup trunk, oak Ir brary table, antique dressers & chests of drawers, odd press bark and kitchen chairs, tutee & end tables, table & 11 - Lumps, crocks, co -.d Latin bed chrstn- f r new front dua with 2 side lights (ap Pro.. 66. t4 ) wooden gold clubs. -king chairs. smgw ! or aefngerators, .-tonatic washer i d,Yer. 14- bandsaw, Makita min ..ew, upright freezer, tnogg lawn mown �, lode John Derre Toro HMR logo. •�b cadet 1320 (H I, Urtu AOr •'.I with snowblower Dass & Greg Ceneol Aacboeeew ppone tae la. 70i7R6.21a1 4,,(TION BARN 25TH SALE IRI AMI AI sale VAIL MILES EAST Of LITTLE SKITA1N ON COUNTY RD 04 ! -tit,v .et gust .i".ilaly antique furru- •..;-e. Charm. glass hwn at crsWceon Twd idorart steres. 9pc irli d walnut id�n�� wt. retsns,Ihld neryur sdebaard , .'rouvm slaw Hocked - g audit, pwacix:k p i.ia. ITV bleu pea.-nrk r..He, grooms beaded ark rose bowl, phaco m, n urnrval glass r-tah smt deprrxuah „civ. old toys, ars- Gerd Vity waw! lure details nor -k Doss a Greg Croswell Auctiodeen, RRGI Lord* Britain p{`one ,e ter• 70S7a�2183 800 lwin^ Bunk or yard Sake len Overs This sale well last apin 5 hours Visa. WC. InMJC Provrw 9 a.m See n L'6JS'1�n0 6 our wee page dartaopemon.nm for tull details or taWhm won gess sant. ft"rry new wood ss also tame sir, JIp sere. aid owned arid". will tools. tiadeere, etc. "call apt sue MARU M AIICTMMR 985404411 washer dryer. int elm. as Oak (nrds rami seiner old AUCTION, AUCTION, swp*Fs SALE. WED. JANE zt a NI 0IRLIAM ST. CONIMG. assets or Hinman 810s wew Trp hro of woavq eouo•ent 6 ended NW" to user 10 iron. Iwo +Ode, 1977 Ford Cab 6 Classy only 26000 mats. i s pe IR tan pWnu pad. tang i +siorp re", mot a supers No RESERVES Ory a tow Warner ArcOe m a. ME -3a6.21" l into read mat Olt mrCwnmont cions (bile mtapowenMau 11 .10 IMppyeawMa a" o table root oriental table 8 stool ser. bJU Wu, with amp. .mitt as • Frrtdirattg lose will tem day na0s ran. Seved ams. radon, 1919 Corsica 4 di suet rlxwwq car, household attacks. small sou, 6 chit ser, occaaorw chars. bedroom ser. dressers, chests. TV spin waren. V sue dryer dishes, glxsrar". etc pus more, SAT, JUTE 1TTM- 11A.M. Excellent modem Elie EMS r"�� does. � le6in mead clasailied hoer. enol a&love are srdthe board 8 bank rabM. am oak tad tame n¢HI full sue washer 6 dryer. y6fofauI�r 7�� eads sesvKq ngclnpte. ion int a- good upnpd Ireeaer Jul 'dor more nth nv=:L door, drop cal on the ad Mme, modem ao am ocnsioal dos, ciao tadi" am Cad day severm mtw- an Gu, smM Word. w9ma pedestal table nth crass. 111 est of dir leu. exalt small GibWrd drop Mere pate leg tame seec- publiCatlon as ASoER plass' Ina' hoUS" articles, oahaaW. etc No RE SGS we cannot be V 6 Mi Warm r Ibdlomm. 905355.2116 responsible for more than oneM 1 AL insertion in the t dvn1sV JIM 17M, 1/ s. an. event of an at 4US spans St. M. (Jud Vertu of Raglan) Goa a1010081 ale aelq arAlem. lumnors, applism", tools, lawn hmlbre, tranrpdiM, 14' ei(Or• Mai, 41 [WNW* MOK, doom $M -DM uviol i IN6 Mon. LNWA IWI WO. Rain dam, $onday 12 "On. Marco kKu" swvkn 90455 -Nn GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NENTONVILLE FRI. (UNE 14MINI, 6 ►M. selling theiestate of Russell and Feta Bake Wekome, ncludingg their 1999 Buick Centur Custom w/19,000 km. (Certified), the complet household contents Including their attractiv furniture and antiqques, as well as cumppI t shop nmtents onciudan the Husquvarna I.T12 noting mower (6 speed), Victorian marble toy, parluur table female), Victorian Rucker ani side chair, several cccasumal and side table Kine with the wind lamps, beswck hones, nor take bavarun, cornflower, Mary Gregory col lector plates, ��rus+le ext table, set 4 Dunces Phyfe Fhatrs, remote 17t entertainment talents (lwr lamps, mi-, table lamps, drop Irons de double pedestal desk, oak chair, recliner, rhes ler6"d, 5 pc bedrrum supe, chests of drawer- dr-rs, mantle clock, H+eddmg, (mens,ppm shelf units, B pc toilet set, Belden All,, Yashoo camera, solver chest and commurnty plate for F small appliances. lutchenware, trunks, pone an t!que flat back cupboard (IN ppanes, 2 duan drawers, 2 panel dix8s). lawn fumuure, cemen figures, gas mower, table saw, chain saw, 3 hl roti, tiller, 6hp sinpltaly snowblower, Powe bsUs, hand tools, lawn hiller, Karden equip meat, wheel barrel, etc etc Preview Fnday of ter 2 p m. Auction starts at 6 p ..Terms Cash app cheque, visa, mc/ mterac AUCTIONEERS FRANK and STEVE STAPLETON (905) 7862244, 1.8110.2639886 www.afaplNon auctions. corn 'estate specialists since 1971' SATURDAY JUNE 171h at 10:0111am Esme of the lab John MMadc. Bmoklin. From RWI1 12 on wed on IIW1 7 to the second dote read, turn north N right on Cochrane Rd. for 3 turn. to oro Mo. 7687 - sips poded. 'm 1190 9 ft hafrome, Int. 425 baler. 3 nay wagons.' e 3 PTH rake finger type. agrate; bale stoaker Int 555 double beater manure spreader, steelyranery to op disassembled, 4 furrow 14 Inch 3 PTH Oliver plow, 3 PTH cultivator, drag harrows. Ford 538 square baler, veel for bale thrower wagon, small utility trailer, heavy i` it try 7 h float older wagon, small ublity traitor, heavy ''.5 ft by 7 ft goat older model, Gleaner Combine self •opreled. home made cattle Chute. cattle oiler. 3 PTH • .it cutter. 2-8 fl by 17 - H 0 utility trailers one with 2 aides, one with duals, 2 rolls 6 ft Cham link fence, .:on trap 9 - 44 round bales of hay. pia of barrels. :cap steel. 10.32 ft wood trusses. Biro meat saw. H 0. belt driven grinder. Toledo platform scales, pro - cane cooker, hydraulic ales, stable tan. steel card saw, radial arm saw, tables sm. electric Conduit flt- lings. pipe clamps, logging chars, barb we, plywood, irngue stand made bulldog err tophi wood stove, woad _, rhng boiler dove. craftsman GT 6000 20hp riding awnrrower 50 in. Ca. and much more too numerous tc 'list, come and enjoy the mormrp with us Murray and Sloven Jackson Auctions Nopowe. 513-354.6713 ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our "Auction Package' consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News as Uxbridge Tribune • Canadian Statesman One call does it all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4214 POWER OF SAIL ;r-nlertkm rem estate a.,c,c- at '6 Pigeon lake real -!Say LIP Of Its 21 Gook. 7. oars Wwnshia p. p rp - coo ordMO Lot sge 66 , 10 Ailing apprommmely 44M sq b 2 storey bakdin .d,- whictm urds and 1 aW on mere floor, 2 at ' second floor Note ft building is , - lehad to I •Gugh Condition aro is subject to an order prohb q :sea occupancy of auak eudauq Isar coq r.,onnn Office) Torms Nw" whoa as Is su 'n rave lad. une .ocaerl dposlt at sale & •re 30 Iliyrl On dog" Property must be sob ;we• Of ism CJI now M knew NUEAM AUCTIONEERS (706132 -2783 of 1.8"14490 on Srtndean(misery ,gS rel ' or nye, cGrsMd Jowasa spknce. doer you, fake or consign euars _. SabwOay June 17 at 10:30 a.rib Hold M Ott falanhae Commumty Centree 01 ''u km east a umntu an Chars, eaMa Romad ei puss and how�4noia Most of the twrw&'* s an Ohs sae aro very can and ^ome rgdysorts ncailmt rofswsnwg prgecfe will tx ntludld TNW la oN rrnon6wy a0 �rggnmmt auction. wen f0 mery OdMed Cnslpne2 ulkolvld 1M vaa- '�M m IIW CI Wrrr Is raMk*il For OAMOW We will Oc Including the contents of A Small contig Shoptebally . owes W qution ality I alarm" ThHonda is 1, cisme . been a rem W. as a 61aya you aro nswo Of 4aMM9' pat,. as a carr you aro aUwed a not bWV mxeC MEwd AMRi ft. WE IEWM EOrWK JWW /4, 2000 -MOE B11�AIP� Oebairsl Haler OW&V AUCTM so" An I" raNRas � NeediMtfaE a faE ate/ i ITN Ire AN rant• at be P.i� Hooses, Apartmer". Flirter lin Removal YrMk MNi krawr repo:.. Tiip .puny wvL officers, Appliances a Trimming. Pruning 14' ases' M. U. boddk r -.W* ;_ Piano Specialists. Senior & Stump Removal (Hwy 012 norm to Implies a erre dr hw &mvr. 6 Mid -Month Oiseounts. Fully msureot. Hwy R as Broatan. lim right I'll Aw. FREI: Eshowe Licensed, Insured Free lura tum norm on Hwy on Estimates P do lie" Free estimates nMCosels Rel 404-9669 sender. Call Shawn Oins am . S000'�e Mas. Call 436.7795. x.41}1944 temrah err cdndloner. ser ca QUALITYclubs; n can MNMS. Dnnp room • Adie in. 18M s w I aso s dress- PAINTING A n AMQue boot shM. SMA table .illi pass top harp DECORATING Cross 9m EM bade dun with needle pont Interior/Exterior Fbuse,aws• seas, unite surpamnk LFw Padang Avert. dresser. 2 clock poo. old Free Estimates Estmutas e creamer ran, browse am- 423-0239eras. and Kodak Jmy still in 837-9558 al Free 7G!'uaranteed Gpscalevbe. lois more cameras7 -1 I ort 30#Vke GNP Rattiest amem. !rank. ing Durham and 2-6D s dressers. lots rxe Minim Too Much to NOUBE lEA9B140Regain vielolls catEenxEr TMS PAINTING scretion b DECOR VA wyan0one boy car BY LA11111E Mar. trader Man Loner Interior 8 Exterior 13 years in business I Pen 9 a.m. Daily van Line Truck ad Tonka European Workman- Works alone (905) 725-2322 grader small �metala wee ship Excellent Rates \ow Hirth • is. signs Old trams (3 sets, Fast, clean, 8 References and vannas Mass am a reliable service. A;ax%P,ckennp area Only :T%r1r �sarm lrtijA MOPEmIal 428-0081 (905)426.2948 Fq, mote in rrlatipr,, please rxuachlith H Opening! aeo1srq r+a••,•pq 7th Heaven BONNIE BROOKS (905) 432-2124 Two lovely Russian ,All Cawropnmwrr t1 win! Ladies will soothe Snare Bar on P.ormsas MOUNTAIN j ,• yyour tension. Hops to See You Tatem! MOVING SYSTEMS Sldrnr Camplrtr CORNEIL'S .11 e7 � �� Na55aReH JarlrZZr7 o. AUCTION BARN Canmnctal a nesdnteal SAou'er •Body Scone FRI JUNE 16TH skrepe and •`-�g0 reeds No apes. Open late AT 5-00 P.M. btP «> ere swaor 8 ' O'd°' 0�' 905-8394680 3 MILES EAST OF mod no" aucants era•Sabi Leeks LITTLE BRITAIN estimates(410) U7 -4M ON COUNTY RDµ 571-0755 1,114111) 716.1JM1N Selling the pmptrey 1-888491'6600 of an (h iiwa home plus wiser consrgrtors Oak china cabinet with glass inn 3 saes, walnut chma cabinet pine chesterfield 6 chair- wk treadle sewusg machine, 9pc Less & black lacqun dming r -in suis, oval tup trunk, oak Ir brary table, antique dressers & chests of drawers, odd press bark and kitchen chairs, tutee & end tables, table & 11 - Lumps, crocks, co -.d Latin bed chrstn- f r new front dua with 2 side lights (ap Pro.. 66. t4 ) wooden gold clubs. -king chairs. smgw ! or aefngerators, .-tonatic washer i d,Yer. 14- bandsaw, Makita min ..ew, upright freezer, tnogg lawn mown �, lode John Derre Toro HMR logo. •�b cadet 1320 (H I, Urtu AOr •'.I with snowblower Dass & Greg Ceneol Aacboeeew ppone tae la. 70i7R6.21a1 4,,(TION BARN 25TH SALE IRI AMI AI sale VAIL MILES EAST Of LITTLE SKITA1N ON COUNTY RD 04 ! -tit,v .et gust .i".ilaly antique furru- •..;-e. Charm. glass hwn at crsWceon Twd idorart steres. 9pc irli d walnut id�n�� wt. retsns,Ihld neryur sdebaard , .'rouvm slaw Hocked - g audit, pwacix:k p i.ia. ITV bleu pea.-nrk r..He, grooms beaded ark rose bowl, phaco m, n urnrval glass r-tah smt deprrxuah „civ. old toys, ars- Gerd Vity waw! lure details nor -k Doss a Greg Croswell Auctiodeen, RRGI Lord* Britain p{`one ,e ter• 70S7a�2183 800 lwin^ Bunk or yard Sake len Overs This sale well last apin 5 hours Visa. WC. InMJC Provrw 9 a.m See n L'6JS'1�n0 6 our wee page dartaopemon.nm for tull details or taWhm DF4:" MARU M AIICTMMR 985404411 Garbage res - Call -•lat-wn 1-888-579-0077 (9051-78(-21122 AUCTION, AUCTION, swp*Fs SALE. WED. JANE zt a NI 0IRLIAM ST. CONIMG. assets or Hinman 810s wew Trp hro of woavq eouo•ent 6 ended NW" to user 10 iron. Iwo +Ode, 1977 Ford Cab 6 Classy only 26000 mats. i s pe IR tan pWnu pad. tang i +siorp re", mot a supers No RESERVES Ory a tow Warner ArcOe m a. ME -3a6.21" Lsw W INWI Care •fawn vttmg mtapowenMau 11 .10 IMppyeawMa • Frrtdirattg •O;erteeal laHlscapmg Carpentry • O;ereral repairs Painting Ev (mtenOrAnd ext.) nfJ ("0a4 T�94 under one AVOT ReB9ovaliEgt Dwoorali9g? 14 es" 901K!? R11a1 Es9aft? OrlrE CALL DOES Q ALL 1-800-360-3391 OWN .co9n No OnhF fent gree'/ enter/ noW Ter DURHAM HANDYMAN SERVICES Semi retired tradesmen and hand- ymen. Reasonable rates on home repairs and remodeling. Electrical plumbing carpentry, painting and more. Fully, insured, bonded & written warranty NO HIDDEN COSTSICOUPONS FREE ESTIMATES 666-3332 L -LIN Rooltug i 1 Rodaeg A V C nooiO4C/wuamw a LTD. • All types of muting and windows • Full warranties guaranteed • School- D- unt • Fully Insured and bsyWcd • Free esurnatts BBB • (poi CANADIAN Call Aadmw at (9ss) 4x*41 *4 852 120=1111111 852 m Doing Magic For CfMdrn's Parties Md C6n onions. Haveeek ~~ tMaOM Renewal 6 Repairs Make your old force look like new. so Dowd -washing larnm •weareSr Prog atmg 4117 man* PSI $111111110111110 tafAN Ymm TIWM SOLas" dowp. kWh xMOL Masterson d - Fps1110i"SBrvfpe ii`� 706.1526 RooOTg LEV= EXTERIORS •• Roofing W &Medius Door •a' Decks a Patios w- Sunmom Rnmmq Atnilable, 416.262-5300 BBe 'GUARANTEED' PAINTNIO A PLASTn11160 Stucco cella gs. bawrnait leroyatnns Pat -. ay as you re saaslWd FaahN 6Wdbp all stint (416) 114-5911 Brfa6 JAc E4 Death Notice Listings For Audio Version on current deaths 683-3005 cunrool- a Poor Trey nlrwb Brovot to you by the following the funeral lsao" Accettone, Armsaorkg. Low Al Low. Martino at Son*. MrCarho, . Mrlmr»A- And-so, Moms. 11- ... de runetal Hooke. Northcutt -Elton. Omahas ruderal Service. Wgg. err(' Tnwn. lif-,rlal Cha 1 ACTON, Wesley Mason - Peacey:c, a'- =b Cottage HoSpial �)n Sunday. June it. 2000 Mason. beloved husband of the late Arnie. Oear father of BsUyAm and her fkgband Ralph Fundy n@m N nib M M has grarhdrtdmr6n Steven (Slaanl. JOert 'Mary). Trevor (Sue) and Den- se ISnn). Lung great 7andatheir of Notion P*ON at me Funeral Him of LOW 6 LOW. U)MFdbGE for service in the chapai or %esday ,kine '31P 2000 at 2:00 p.m. kter , ',Jmndge C6mebry VISdJ- ' was an Malay -ileo 700 to 9:00 p m Donaoafs to tte Uxbridge Cc" Floapaal would be appr6oated CLAERE90410T, Armand Louis Prosper Bern or Beigium November 21 1920 passed away p'aacodutf in hs vibes amu in ifry name In Fair - pod Be" on Aim 1!. 2000 He leaves has ode Help. daLg*IW Coude and her partner Ken Ctsnabm has Taken plata A Mamonal Senna will be hold at 4prh. on Thursday Jas* 15 at Ur OROCK ROAD CHAPEL of RONALD MARTI- NO ANO SON ':�- Brxi goad Saute. ahker 09 HANSEN. Refs May - PUcokiy at :he rya. 3 Pickenng Heaflh Centre. on Suroday Am 11. 2007at er op of 78 Ria 1 W son. beloved rake of me MM Mortial Loving matimad tM late RDO- ri-Lp Iran Survival by hear dajyW Gad Sort♦ wt Gran of JWVWw Kim and SMvM1. and GG to Victim, Few a. and Liam Paw will be Sally mm$W by her miry lanll aid hinds The fa miy wet recome !No S IM MCEACHNIE FUME& AL HOME 28 Ole Klrgsw Rod. Aa. Acknr- mg ilesge 305-A2&8488 Iron 2.4 a 7-9 pm Tuesday Furnace! Servos at Am' Prgby. Mian Church, 1820 Whys Acad P,cooenngi on 'Ne trosday Am 14. 2000 at 2:DC ; m me mMR - Ersturr Come" WOOD. Rounwy HNet (Furrier) °-acetwl} at the Alia 8 Pickering -4aaM Centre 3n MixhOay. Air t2. 2000. An Mr Billion yea. P"wnary Wood. 061ovW vide of 1e We Robest tovng meter of Rdbert. Beverly, Patricia, bar, Elizabeth Hatllyrrl and Ken ROsanary ad be sexy moon by list ----rJkbrnn and gent granorluidrert and her navy tarry, and -hands The Wndv wa raarve kw4s at 0r MCEACEMIE FUNEAAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road alas P cxenrc, . '.age 905428.8488 from 2-4 8 7-9 p m Wedresca. F1rmaral Serena in The ChapN on Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 2:00 p. m Id 0 Remember your departed loved ones with a special In Memoriam Sunday, June 18 Deadline: Thursday, junel5 • AAX/ I'IC. KLR I NC,, NEWS ADVERTISER til\CI 1961 (905) 576-933511 AOP POM 012 NEM AD1fER'TWK WEDNESDAY EDITION, Juno 14.2000 Sit Back, Recline And Relax! Rec� 1 n sem- C, r 1 . a,:: re ax. % -h the convenience of a Touch Moue- t,_ -ton. Recliner Char S_-9 Rechrer _oveseat 5969 The Luxury Of Italian Leather! Features plush pillow top seats, arms and back in genuine Italian leather for incredible comfort. Chair & Ottoman $469 Loveseat $1149 Ultra Modern Desk! 'Large keyboard shelf, rack for 60 CD ROM discs. F. Space for a large monitor. /its DVD Player • Outstanding picture and sound with over 500 lines Of resolution. • Dolby Digital output and component video outputs. Suer VHS Camcorder! 1 X digital zoom 8 2.5' colour LCD screen. >+ Imagestabilizer and a built-in digital still camera. 52` Large Screen TV • Picture -in -picture. • Built-in screen protector. • Digital comb filter. • Guide Plus interactive programming guide and a universal remote I-0, a h6jj M7 A, X74 . _]JE" _ IF= _1� 14E�'4Ft DOWN! * ZERO INTEREST! ZERO MONTHLY PAYMENTS!.„ �, ^ 'moi .... • r A - iii�t' �.:5 .-.. .. �' ' r'r ..'r ' f �:• �6.l�rR:- r..C, p.A., � . _. �:.o �' %dlC,lc. TORONTO CENTRAL Nl'0 WEST MtS51SS11UW1 BURLINGTON WHITBY SCARBOROUGH RICHMOND WLL TORO A �..�. •�' � � � � � �� � ales 1500 Victoria St East. SOA soMarkham Rd. at McLew 101175 vonge SL Leon's New Era GO" d lane A I 101 Rd. Souls of OEw al �Dh �• F_ of 401 & West of Th4 wn Rd lust North of "WV401 North of Elgin 7M lK Rd. 2872 Danforth Ave. y pl lye. e0Eat d Nwy 10 7o anm Oreo l rte 825-0760 (90S) 430-9050 416) 291-3818 (905)_770-4424 416).699-7143 416) 243-8300 (905) sol -9505 (905) 335-tsn 0Pe^ 9 9.1 x77 9 2- p r daily 10 da - 10 Open dear 10 am 10 pm do 10 am - 10 pn darn to da - 10 pn y "93P61pm sundal9 ppm S+L op. rn 9 r Ii.5 pn 51[9306 pm Sunday 110 rn Satlal pm Sunday 12 5 pm Sat1a7 pm Surdry 12 s pm 51[!17 pm smdry 12-s pm 51[!17 pm Sunday 12-5 pm P ;,1Cr 'Wii Fu�uv� ''OAC. All applicable taxa and a pros tikes hiduandcow of may vary ■J��{ii►`) ., ' ktdrdd arts. Not apE�rira0ie 1 1.CANAD` C UPS . 41" &011163-0 at the time d purchase (� flS00 puclyse with $45 PF equals an APR d 3%). Balance due orM yaar from the datedetoon my varyhorn stwN store Ai Rtm ava lade wFJe quantitla lora[ PIdN� discana not awllble on same Rens. See store for nsrldom Items. See soon for cow =wow" payment opuom 1