HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_05_24ro PICKERING NEWS_ ADWR PICKERING'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 44,600 30 PAGES WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 2000 Global players plot % new eco -strategies Page 8 Just 1 1 charged in 10.900 Durham RIDE stops Durham Regional Police conducted 10,900 RIDE spot- checks during the long -weekend and charged nine motorists with driving over the legal alcohol limit. But it was a relatively safe long weekend on the region's roads, with no fatal collisions re- ported by police. Police, working alongside members of the Mothers Against Drunk Dnving's Toron- to Chapter — which, inpart, sponsored the long -weekend Program — stopped 4.200 vehi- cles at a RIDE check -point in Port Perry Friday night. Eleven drivers' licences were suspended for 12 hours. but none of the 34 motorise required to perform roadside breath tests were charged, police said. MADD volunteers spent the night at the spot-check showing their support for police and speaking with motorists to raise awareness about drinking and driving. Another 6,700 RIDE spot- checks were conducted by po- lice Saturday and Sunday in Pickering, Ajax, Whitby. Os- hawa and Bowmanville. Nine drivers were charged with dn- ving with more than .08 mgs of alcohol in their blood and police suspended 19 drivers' licences for 12 hours. Police arrested numemusdri- vers on owtstaMing warrants or dangerous driving or drug-relat- ed tAle"ces. A total of 117 charges. 81 for aggressive driving, were laid by OPP officers in this jurisdiction over the weekend. says Staff Sgt. Sweeney. " ITte rest is Just miscellaneous stuff." Mcanwhulc, a pregnant Pick- enng woman and her husband were admitted to hospital with serious injuries following a car crash in Pickering Monday night police report. Police said Karim Kara-Yxani was making a turn at the intersection of Kingston and Brock roads at ap- proximately 9:15 p.m. Monday when his green 1994 Oldsmo- bile collided with a gray 1990 Dodge driven by Stephanie Young, 19. of Whitby. "Both vehicles were demol- ished:' states a police news re- lease. "Traffic was blocked off for several hours." Anyone who witnessed the accident is asked to call the traf- fic management unit at 579- 1520 ext. 5213. f.____. OPTIONAL 4 WE City soccer star moves u���°oto; Page 12 Vigo - 'Whitewash'in Pickering `unacceptable' Toronto wants in-depth nuclear restart assessment BY KEITH GILLIGAN Staff Writer Crews are busy clearing land to make way for the eastern extension of Hivy. 407 as it PICKERING — The City makes its way into Durham Region. Construction of the highway here has been marked of Toronto is calling on the fed - by controversy and protests from area residents. cral government to appoint anindependent panel to conduct Hwy. 407 opens road to easy streets ment (E Environmental Asstart of (EA) prior to the restart of four reactors at the Pickering nu - Infrastructure ins rovements needed dear station. City p councillors recently ap- oto ease traffic congestion in Durham proved a motion calling nf oral Environment Ministerter BY SUSAN OWEILL Staff Writer It's a first in Canada, it's one of the largest construction projects in the country's histo- ry and, before long, it'll be winding its way to Durham. The eastern extension of Hwy. 407 from Hwy. 48 in Markham to Brock Road in Pickering was given the green light by the Province more than a year ago. But the construction of the toll road to Durham only began last month when Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fish- eries and Oceans Canada, an- nounced the 407 extension could proceed without a full t federal environmental assess- ment fir a public review panel. Local politicians and busi- ness leaders, who have long supported extension of Cana- da's first all -electronic toll highway into the region. wel- comed ilio announcement Durham Chairman Roger Anderson calls the highs a,, MARK HOLLAND 'A unique, eco -system.' Inside the News Advertiser FMASE Gil 683-3210 4 h=WVhAdFffIotiNr SS. � � ��M ( IL POR You TWO ITERNITY 1 .':tit-.i�--] anJ* oft t IP A �Umrr 9 111 1 ra0........ 6 Eek Nmsd ..........6 (AECB). Eat s r to bssl s a. ....... 9 11owk ............12 Toronto council says in its Clesdfled.......... 14 GIVE rS A CALL CON. ......683-5110 0 I ....683-0707 0drImUn ...683-5117 Il nett Nadas .683-3005 Nearrly 1fe .. . . 1-800-662-8423 Email ............... shouston@durham.net web aft durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 Please recycle! David Anderson to re -consider "The federal government's the screening assessment for recision is good news for the the restart ordered by the Atom - people in Durham Region:' is Energy Control Board power on safety, environmental Bay -filling plan all wet, Pickering critics say BY SUSAN O'NEILL Staff Writer PICKERING —A plan that could see some minor in -filling along the shoreline of French- man's Bay to create additional land for a boardwalk raised con- cems at a public meeting here Tuesday. More than 50 local home- owners gathered in Pickering council chambers for a presenta- tion about the City's plaits for the waterfront and to provide input on a draft document outlining the development guidelines for the Liverpool Road South Area And, the primary concerns raised were centred on a propos- al to use bay -filling to create land for a public trail or boardwalk along the waterfront. A draft report prepared by City staff in conjunction with a team of consultants says, "Minor bay -filling will be considered primarily for the achievement of public benefits, such as a water- front promenade." The report also states any bay -filling "must be designed in an environmentally sound man- ner to not only maintain but also enhance ecological functions. - But, many of those in atten- dance Tuesday had concerns about what would he deemed minor bay -filling. "I think any in -filling should be considered major not minor, even if its just for a pedestrian walk:' said area resident Joan Skelton. "fire bay is already in See PICKERING page 5 BOB STRICKERT '1 don't think the AECB will rake it on face value.' and economic grounds.- When rounds"When Ontario Power Gener- ation (OPG) applied to the AECB for approval to restart the four Pickering 'A' reactors. the federal regulator decided a 'screening' level of assessment would he conducted. But, nuclear watchdogs have criticized the screening assess- ment in part because OPG would carry out the work. And, nuclear industry critics art om- cerltcd the reactors on the vidcr side or the Pickering power plant are nearing the end of their operating life and main- tain they shcmldn't he restarted without a more in-depth assess- ment. Dave Martin, a research di - recur with Nuclear Awareness Project and a member of Durham Nuclear Awareness, says, -A new nuclear plant would never be tolerated for safety and environmental rea- sons in the Greater Toronto Area. That's all the more reason to thoroughly review an old. risky nuclear plant like Picker- ing 'A:." Mr. Martin hopes the Toron- to motion will serve to push Pickering council to approve a similar resolution. OPG spokesman Pat O'Brien told a Tuesday meet- ing of the Community Advisory Council established by the util- ity to provide input on the plant that OPG officials are calling See NUCLEAR page 5 Drugs a drag, Durham students learn Race against Drugs teaches* youngsters substance abuse is the pits BY MIKE RUTA such as Durham Regional Po - Staff Writer o- StafWriter lice, Scouts Canada and the More than 6,000 Grade 5 Durham Elementary Athletic students from across Durham Association. Students are as - will be shown the benefits of a signed certain stops to visit, and healthy, drug-free lifestyle as spend about eight minutes at the Racing Against Drugs pro- each one for an interactive and gram takes over Iroquois Park exciting presentation. Arena in Whitby recently. "Every pit stop has a little "We take the arena and different approach to it," says transform it into an exciting Ms. Lowery. racing arena for 'the children," For example, Canadian ]in - says Linda Lowery, substance penal Bank of Commerce staff abusetcommunity liaison offi- members will outline the finan- cer for the Durham District cial consequences of smoking School Board. cigarettes and drinking alcohol, She notes that the link is while emergency medical ser - made to auto racing because it vices personnel are to discuss is a sport which has no toler- the dangers of drugs. ante for substance abuse. Thir- The public is invited to an ty "educational pit stops" are set up and staffed by groups See DURHAM page 5 Sam Picano (left) and Joseph Facciolo play in a simulated drag race with an anti -drib,+; theme. Tfl» @Wia00d 0. CLASSIC " C L l U l A ii 105 ftr�Bl. W M IMA/i" TOM Come r 6= I PLO" "Rl06AKW41 CARE T551; ELECTRONICS ftoft "N"W spurs f , ,ays Oshawa MPP Jerry Ouel- (AECB). !one. "An immediate start to Toronto council says in its onstruction is crucial. We motion it wants the panel to M -cod this highway now. `reconsider the scope of the re The need for the 407 has view, and to include amongst peen recognized since the other issues the review of a se - :950s and some construction vert accident with kris of con - work on the central stretch of tainment, alternative means of f lite highway actually began in generating electricity, and an two 1981% when the project economic evaluation of the was a purely public -sector job restart proposal and its alterna- being pard for by taxpayers. tives." But, the expense meant the Scarborough councillor JERRYOUELL67TE process was slow. So, in Feb- Lorenzo Bcrardinetti, who put 'Wp need this hightsav now ruary 1993. the Ontario gov- forward the motion, says. "A eminent challenged the private whitewash review of the Pick - approval "great news for the sector to develop the 407 ETR enng nuclear plant is unaccept- residents and businesses in in conjunction with the public able. We're calling ori Fnvrrtm- Durhani Region:' sector and a decision was mens Minister David Andersch And, he's confident the made to accelerate the project to consider green energy as an highway will benefit this area using tolls collected from mo- alternative to re -starting the in several ways — bringing tonne. Pickering 'A' reactors:' hundreds of jobs here as the The first stench of the high- Din River councillor Jack extension is constructed. im- way, from Hwy. 410 in Bramp- Layton agrees. "In a fair hear - proving the region's infrastruc- tont to Hwy. 404 in Markham, ing, I'm confident that rcncw- ture and attracting new busi- able energy and conservation nexus to Durham. See NEW page 4 will come out ahead of nuclear power on safety, environmental Bay -filling plan all wet, Pickering critics say BY SUSAN O'NEILL Staff Writer PICKERING —A plan that could see some minor in -filling along the shoreline of French- man's Bay to create additional land for a boardwalk raised con- cems at a public meeting here Tuesday. More than 50 local home- owners gathered in Pickering council chambers for a presenta- tion about the City's plaits for the waterfront and to provide input on a draft document outlining the development guidelines for the Liverpool Road South Area And, the primary concerns raised were centred on a propos- al to use bay -filling to create land for a public trail or boardwalk along the waterfront. A draft report prepared by City staff in conjunction with a team of consultants says, "Minor bay -filling will be considered primarily for the achievement of public benefits, such as a water- front promenade." The report also states any bay -filling "must be designed in an environmentally sound man- ner to not only maintain but also enhance ecological functions. - But, many of those in atten- dance Tuesday had concerns about what would he deemed minor bay -filling. "I think any in -filling should be considered major not minor, even if its just for a pedestrian walk:' said area resident Joan Skelton. "fire bay is already in See PICKERING page 5 BOB STRICKERT '1 don't think the AECB will rake it on face value.' and economic grounds.- When rounds"When Ontario Power Gener- ation (OPG) applied to the AECB for approval to restart the four Pickering 'A' reactors. the federal regulator decided a 'screening' level of assessment would he conducted. But, nuclear watchdogs have criticized the screening assess- ment in part because OPG would carry out the work. And, nuclear industry critics art om- cerltcd the reactors on the vidcr side or the Pickering power plant are nearing the end of their operating life and main- tain they shcmldn't he restarted without a more in-depth assess- ment. Dave Martin, a research di - recur with Nuclear Awareness Project and a member of Durham Nuclear Awareness, says, -A new nuclear plant would never be tolerated for safety and environmental rea- sons in the Greater Toronto Area. That's all the more reason to thoroughly review an old. risky nuclear plant like Picker- ing 'A:." Mr. Martin hopes the Toron- to motion will serve to push Pickering council to approve a similar resolution. OPG spokesman Pat O'Brien told a Tuesday meet- ing of the Community Advisory Council established by the util- ity to provide input on the plant that OPG officials are calling See NUCLEAR page 5 Drugs a drag, Durham students learn Race against Drugs teaches* youngsters substance abuse is the pits BY MIKE RUTA such as Durham Regional Po - Staff Writer o- StafWriter lice, Scouts Canada and the More than 6,000 Grade 5 Durham Elementary Athletic students from across Durham Association. Students are as - will be shown the benefits of a signed certain stops to visit, and healthy, drug-free lifestyle as spend about eight minutes at the Racing Against Drugs pro- each one for an interactive and gram takes over Iroquois Park exciting presentation. Arena in Whitby recently. "Every pit stop has a little "We take the arena and different approach to it," says transform it into an exciting Ms. Lowery. racing arena for 'the children," For example, Canadian ]in - says Linda Lowery, substance penal Bank of Commerce staff abusetcommunity liaison offi- members will outline the finan- cer for the Durham District cial consequences of smoking School Board. cigarettes and drinking alcohol, She notes that the link is while emergency medical ser - made to auto racing because it vices personnel are to discuss is a sport which has no toler- the dangers of drugs. ante for substance abuse. Thir- The public is invited to an ty "educational pit stops" are set up and staffed by groups See DURHAM page 5 Sam Picano (left) and Joseph Facciolo play in a simulated drag race with an anti -drib,+; theme. Tfl» @Wia00d 0. CLASSIC " C L l U l A ii 105 ftr�Bl. W M IMA/i" TOM Come r 6= I PLO" "Rl06AKW41 CARE T551; ELECTRONICS ftoft "N"W spurs f , AIP PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDMON, May 24, 2000 Officers to stand trial in fatal Durham'shooting, judge rules Ry %TFWOWSHA%, Const. Rubins is 'represented by tenor to vigorously challenge the mur- Mr. Black said he fully expected the media from reporting on the evidence Stuf'tf'nier lawyer Harry Black while Officers Mar- der charge against Const. Martin, the judge's decision on the charges against heard during the preliminary hearing. Three constables charged in connec- tin and Hoskin are defended respective- first laid by the SIU in its 10 -year histo- Const. Robins and added, "I'm telling The case now moves to the Superior Justice in Whitby, where the of- tion with the fatal shooting of Tony Ro- Ip by David Humphreys and Scott Fen- ry. Neither Mr. Humphreys nor Mr. the truth when I say he'll he acquitted at Court of June 2 to set a dale fix magnuolo and wounding of his sun ton. Black expressed surprise the officers Inal" ficers will appear Rocco - including one officer accused of Mr. Humphreys told reporters he in- were committed to stand trial. A publication ban prohibits the a pretrial second-degree murder - were ordered by a judge to stand trial yesterday. Scaled behind their lawyer, the offi- cer displayed no expression of emotion as Mr. Justice Rhys Morgan read his de- cision Hollowing a three-week prelimi- nary hearing held in the Ontario Court of Justice in Oshawa. Some relatives of the constables wept in the arms (if' family membLr% as the courtroom emptied. Outside the King Street Fast building, their lawyers ex- pressed confidence the offices- would be vindicated. "I feel %(wry for all the parties in- volved. The police officer, their fami- lies and the Romagnuolo%... Tlx truth will come out. Unfortunately all of the parties will have to wait until this goes to trial for that to take place: • Terry Ryan, president of the Durham Regional Po- lice Association, remarked following the decision. Judge Morgan delivered his ruling after hearing at times emotional testimo- ny from I I Crown witnesses, including the widow and sons of Mr. Romagnuo- lo. York Regional Police Constable Randy Martin will stand trial on the charge of second-degree murder in the death of Mr. Romagnuolo, 44, of Sun- dcrland. The father of three died of multiple gunshots fired during a confrontation which occurred Dec 28, 1998 outside his family's residence on the 17th Sioernad. During the clash. Rocco was shot in the abdomen. The altercation erupted when two Durham and two York officers attended the horse to arrest Ento Romagnuolo, the oldest of the three lrottiers. The Pmvince's Special Investigations Unit. which prctfnes police Incidents re- sulting in civilian death or senoras injury, last spnng kud the charges against *.hrcc of the four officer% involved in the inci- dcnt. Durham Constable AI Robins, as- signed to 26 Division in north Durham, faces charges of aggravated assault and discharging a firearm with intent to wound in relation to the shooting of Rocco, who was 17 at the time. York CorL.stablc Mike Hoskin also facts two charges. assault with a wcarkon and careless use of a firearm. The fourth officer involved in the in- cident, Durham Constable Nancy George, was the only officer not to dis- charge her gun and was not charged by the SIC At . %cnd point% while testifying, a somber C'rm%t. t;etxge wept openly. Lunda Romagnuolo and sons Rocco, now 19. Faro, 21, and Michael, 16, also testified as Crown witnesses dunng the emotion -charged hcanng, which was held under intense police security. Other %itnc%-sc% included Dr. Martin Queen, the pattntlogi who per(cxmcd the post-mortem examination on Mr Romagnuolo, and Finn Ncllsun, A firearms examination expert from the Centre for Forensic Science%. Before entering the evert. rchEaves of the officers.. police colkagw% and mem- bers of the public and the media, were subjected to %capon searches by mem- ber of the Durham Regional Police tac- tical support unit. Outside the courtrarn, plainclothe% officer patrolled the hallway of the Jus- tice building, while a% many as six oth- ers were seated inside the courtroom at all times. Durham offers = recycling tips Durham resi- dents can learn more about the Region's recycling and composting initiatives in the latest edition of Durham Works. The eight -page newsletter from Durham's works department is cur- rently being dis- tributed to 166,000 house- holds throughout the region. The newsletter includes valuable lips and informa- tion about Blue Box recycling, water efficiency. water quality and composting. The publication also includes arti- cles highlighting the Region'% Transportation Master Plan and waste manage- ment in the 21st century. For more infor- mation call 1-800- 667-5671. EXTENDED LENGTH COMFORT' The Windstar is the only minivan to achieve a Five Star Crash Test Rating for ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ front impact for driver and front passenger, sit years in a row!' COMFORTABLE PRICE $249 PER MONTH /36 MONTH LEASE NO SECURITY DEPOSIT S3.4So Down Payment nus S945 F"ht 0 O16 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING ON ANY NEW WINDSTAR ALL THESE GREAT FEATURES INCLUDED AT ONE LOW PRICE • Extended Length Minivan • Anti -Lock Brakes • 18L 2GOhp V6 Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic with Overdrive a 7 -Passenger Seating • Dual Sliding Doors • Air Conditioning • Power Windows a Power Locks • Power Mirrors • SecuriLockT" Anti -Theft System a AM/FM Stereo with Cassette a Tilt Steering a Speed Control a Privacy Glass a Luggage Rack a Floor Mats WINDSTAR LX WITH CONVENIENCE GROUP tDw�n * MORE A MONTH fAi BERT 1R11Tf PLUS: QW0 nuourr T1s A� QrL! NET" www.ford.ca/offers WISE BUYERS nEAD THE LEGAL C01'Y: 'Leake a new 7000 w-ndnar lx, mI Leh Mand SA d,ny DOor and LIV.ry G—LW2000 w.n". LM wash Lrn Nand ShChnq L1oar. Lnaity and conrrnrtnce coup from fo,d cred.t Lo Q -10,I0 rna.I app,ovrn "edit iotas lex• oblgxlon rs it7.a la/t+3.5tt5 hl monthYpayment requred. Some <orkdn,wn areola mileage reurKtwn of 60.000 km over 36 monthk appMw A Lnarge pf SO 08 per 4m uvel mileage rntnctKv+ app,ef. was+ ape,(+be :a.<k • •L p„rcrufe t,nanc,nq on new 7000 wlMsur to, a maalmum of N moron to read <wtomen. on approved (icon E9 175.000 r,nan<ed x 0%annual per(entage roe cur a8 mon;M, monmiy payment n 5570 83. cost o, bo,•owlnq . 1v and total to 6e repayed n 175 000 Offen a CIP0t IKen(e mwrarKe, adm,mRranon feet and all appl,rade u.n. Dealer may leafe or kelt tw leu Some cw+d�nom apply Lrfrn mar : nangr wrtnout nonce L � 11d rime ohr,y Oft ­1, —1-11,ea<,_ and cannot be c—blr d Oe.- r order ,be reduved. See dealer for detaIh The hghekt hontal Impact rannq for both the driver and front pati nqr, -n gove nment N+Oonal Mrgnway -.aM�. Sottery Adm,n�st,at�or Ivvww nnsta.<oml tAs <ompxed t0 a short wfieNbafe model advernsed wIM most other rrvnlvanf io�onn, ';:A cC 8u. 1000 Oak. -III. Ontan0 L61 5Ea Ottaat Dtwltl Illi >Mw neat a Had Rdttns •••�,d,ILf ZS }CHRYSLER J7: :AUSED CAR DEPARTMENT 5 47W ■ 3 0*_ 21995*:�J �4,1 1 Y1Mt11ilhltt wove e Dtnl w,V! Power 3 Door Air To SwINq Ct>111q toml., •o.0 olt a ^�y� ,,:M Co" -'1WiYu i • - Y; All" Comma PAM �N TM YlMttttlMuk CIIY Nsof M14/s 4 Door fi :;i• 'r Dew ! Lsala M SrslMg Ak �. ,, , Cattle w11�lltl ;` O,!-- / r; -K 9 B'oof Sta W., Oshawa tonin (905)686-1642 CHRYSLER •fbltlilr t1�Np fw1!!I wMkllt 0 IURHAM DODGE EVERYDAY IS A GOOD D Tentative deal reached between workers CAS An end may be in sight CUPE members were to the four -week-old strike scheduled to vote on the at the Children's Aid Soci- deal Tuesday afternoon• ety of Durham Region. (alter the News Adverus- Representatives of the er's deadline). with the set - agency and members of Ilement for go before the CUPE Local 3223, which CAS board for approval at represents the employees, 6 p.m. came to a tentative agree- The two sides have until ment to resolve the conflict midnight Tuesday to ratify during negotiations over the agreement. Details of the weekend. The sides the negotiated settlement began meeting on Friday were not available before morning and the agreement the vote. was struck on Saturday. The Durham CAS cur - More than 120 emplov- rently has 4M children in ees, including casework- care and handles 7(X) to ers, walked off' the job 8(9) cases on a monthly April 26 after negotiations basis. During the strike the failed a) reach a wale- agency's caseload has been mens, averting the strike. handled by management The main issues were on an emergency basis wages and caseload only. welfare demand continues to decline in Durham More than 1,000 fewer residents collected benefits in April More than 1,100 Durham residents dropped off the wel- fare rolls last month, the Re- gion reports. According to Durham Re- gion's Social Scrviccs Depart- ment. 1.110 stopped collect. ing soxial assistance in April. There were 18.111 people on welfare in Durham in Apnl. down from 19.421 in `larch 20(X1 and down almost 4.20) frum April 1999. But, of the more than 18.0(X) people who) were col- lecting +trial assistance last mcmlh• 9,921 or 54.2 per cent were children• the department nt)le.. Acro.. Ontario, apprnni. mately 12.7,00 pcople slopped relying lin wcltarc in April. the Province reports. noting a total of 497.714 people have left the weltarc rolls since June 1995, "It's tremendous to witness such a dramatic lumamund in Ontario's welfare caseload. - says Community and Social Services Minister John Baird. *'Our welfare reforms includ- ing workfare• carnfare and Iearnfarc, combined with a strung provincial economy. continue to help people break free from the trap of welfare dependency" The government reports 218.042 cases, representing 518.742 people• received wcl- fare assistance in April. Thai. down from 241.5111 c:i.c..Irn: 5 t1 S50 people in \IarLh Just the fax: 683-7363 FAMES R. YANCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX so Conanmwcila Ave. 61.9-1473 COHOURG 24 Covert St. 372-4741:4 LOOK FOR THE I.... INTERNATIONAL ,,Lt�Fw CLOTHIERS Cryo Party Packagers' µcrwy sr mw ONG PENN 8 Page Flyer a8 in today's rF, II NM mow 0 r :Brava, NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 24. 2000 PAGE 3 A/P summer. ia9wnyCaveos`llusblwlQtiada2A 4FI2 DmaRliIi"marlklee. BrevredbrC neo to Poet Lnpr_" Ia*m THE REES9GNE� 2000 1=40"D mirAnuRus Parrfornsame Features: • 16" Aluminum S -Spoke Wheels a Improved Steering and No Other passenger ver t Handling a increased Torque and Horsepower Coaefort Features: a Power Driver's Seat in the world has power • Heated Mirrors • Light Group a S -Passenger Seating with Floor Shift eac"t-Mind adlustabk pedals -Features: • Power Adjustable Pedals a Advanced Restraint System • Child Friendly Trunk Release System a Dual -Stage 'Smart' Air Bags • SecuriLock— Anti -Theft • Anti -Lock Brakes WE HAVE THE RIGHT LEASE PAYMENT FOR YOU • Bayea on t 9\ annual .ntetnt •+te over 36 montI *2 rrei� Siq it y1789 +3,895 1350 1890 15,4741343 +1.995 400 490 13,678na 400 r0 475 +890 11,765 2mT/1� srorrra 36 MONTH LEASE nt Mo••maaaymMt .eym,eo to a.tm ;n«gen aeo opo .m "' st m oDnpwwwat F—E.11. . 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING f1,M Dawn 1atmMt elw MrO llwpht r.a 9e+01etuntt Wpoe.a ♦n . In 0 +Ommntr+lian Fera tra www.verysmartcar.com Taurus has earned five stars - the highest possible U.S. government trash test rating for front impact - for both driver and front Passenger - two yean m a row.-- etatnll'6e6MADTWLAGALCOP''tea n ate 700DT aSE Seton �n-n•+.i•,a •en• nDanvM reAn Tot«'e.ae onl�q«o yS'a:w11- ty'a.1.u1 •nan.ryq err +6 e ew 7Dp0 Ta p,, Inv a meu�num .11 aX -... n. �� auVlored.�ealt. _ ix *,p I.nan.ea +t ,: 9'. army: {w�.e�:Lyea'+tea -0 1 —. n untnly payment 1 SOf 70 I w••yu t a 176,505q Oona aro n t appy to Irene arta .1, - n,•, r rT, pram 9 ti sell a kaae to kaa 1o,rw <or— 20 apply Oona may mange ell,rd to a ,IKOU.0dW tlmt one•. h~, 1— rwDllnaf .rrlw r Oe1w1 tranet M torll6YtN ttlet ark Mita e/Mr, See, moL la Wt "4olt <nA and tare oner Mit a lVid t M �n T,M new lODD ti bag Mat «e •eta- oNwr,ea to and mewed W the pu-1- Inw• n• nDt N�g16k nn ,«n, nett. Dort +ran+ete a patrypalayq awn Mh VHe reterre M rylt ro allpnnk qwr am.arta iMq ra me„n«wne or equnalMt ra4w •y TM nyl.tt hmtal imp« t •,1 ••.1 •. �� �.��,. I �:'. � '�;�., �••aw �� � t 9a«nnvnt Natwnal N,gnw+y T,.ns lahh .ammlatrNen Iwww I-atw tan) Maar 19.aad M eMlpuw+rt. I TD Daembn 1999 new p.aMnge, regtporo -upper aWdl. aeW—, 0•'1«�., ID. ro'9o. ]a)0 pNnik. Oman W Sea AIP PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDIMM, fly 24, MW Hwy. 407 will take a toll on ecology, foes charge Environmentalists who warn the eastern extension of Hwy. 407 is threatening the nationally -significant Rouge \'alley Park. Duffin's Creek and 27 tributary streams are taking their fight against the toll route to court. Jim Robb of Friends of the Rouge Watershed and the Better Transporta- tion Coalition reports members of the 407 Action Group, an alliance of area residents and emironmental groups from across the GTA, are launching a court challenge in a hid to slop the highway from proceeding. "We filed in federal court (Max 15) for a judicial review of the minister's decision,' Mr. Robb says in reference to the recent announcement by Herb Dhahwal. Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, that the 16 -km 407 extension into Pickering could pro- ceed without a full federal environ- mental assessment or a public review panel. "It's ludicrous that they gave this decision right in the trout spawning season. It's the most sensitive time of year:" Mr. Robb says. He adds. "R'e haven't received any information. despite repeated ques- tions to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, about whether they've ac- tually issued the Fisheries Act per- mits" which developers need to begin building across waterways. The road toll's for thee Electronic equipment records trip length, sets fees If you don't already know what a transponder is and how it operates, you'll likely become familiar with them in the near future. According to 407 ETR, about 362.000 transponders have been dis- tributcd to highway users, which means approximately 70 per cent of the people driving the toll road arc now using the devices. And, that figure is likely to rise when Canada's first all -electronic toll highway makes its way into Durham. The company which operates the htghwa) reports the 407 1% equipped with a state-of-the-art electronic toll collection system linked together by fibre optic communications technolo- gy. Unlike on traditional toll high- ways, drivers on the 407 don't have to line up in front of a barricade to pay a collector at a toll booth. When a driver enters the highway. electronic equipment automatically records the beginning of a trip and when the driver exits the 407, the equipment logs the vehicle off the highway. For users who don't purchase a transponder, tolls are tallied using a licence -plate recognition system which sends a video image to a cen- tral computer when the vehicle enters and exits the highway. An invoice is then sent in the mail. The road trip: a, Mid-1950s — 1996 — Work is The idea for a completed on the highway on the first 36 kilome- northern out- tres. skirts of Toronto is first proposed. June 7. 1997 — The first 36- -w 1968 — Engi- km stretch of the neering studies toll route from begin for Hwy. Hwy. 410 in 407. Brampton to Hwy. 404 in ow Mid-1980s — Markham opens Province begins to the public. highway con- struction. 0' 1987-1994 — The Ministry of Transportation calls for tenders for construction work relating to the highway worth a total of $240 million. or February 1993 — MTO in- vites proposals for development of the highway. Three consortia respond. + May 1994 — Canadian High- ways Interna- tional Corpora- tion is awarded the design/build contract for the 407. or December But, he says. "'the culverting has already begun of many of these streams. Mr. Robb notes there is "serious sedimentation problems occurring right now in the cast bank of the Rouge River. There are large amounts of sediments entering the Rouge from the construction site and damaging fish habitat and water quality" He also reports the Urfc Creek near Brock Road in Pickering is "pretty devastated". The 407 Action Group also main- tains the extension will "trigger mas- sive suburban sprawl on more than 40.(1(X) acres of publicly -owned green space and farmland which extends from the Oak Ridges %lor:unc to the Rouge Valley Park New highway touted as solution to gridlock NEW fmm !rage l opened in lune 1997 and tolls were first collected in October of that vear. "The 407 ETR is like no other highway in the world. Its technology has become a leading edge for all-clectron- ic toll highways of the fu- ture:' reports the company whichnperates the toll high- way. "The open -access toll road has become an essential element in the GTA's trans- portation system, relieving congestion on other major 400 highways and serving more than 200.000 cus- tomers on weekdays." M According to orrie Rae liutni'k. Nice -president of nt:,rkconL for the 407 ETR, i!,, �ccckdac tral tic" on the highway is ap- proximately 243.000 vehi- cles, up from 207.000 in March 1999. "it does relieve quite a hit of congestion on Hwy. 401:' she says. "If they weren't on the 407, where would they be' '"Ibis traffic would have to go on the main arteries. which to most people is just unima�gmahle.' "Traffic congestion in the GTA is estimated to cost On- tario businesses upwards of $2 billion a year in lost time and productivity:' the 407 ETR also reports. So, the relief from traffic congestion which Hwy. 407 will bring to Durham is good news for region husmcsses, nam of which rcl% on lust in -tine 1'; "111,1 on. 14,4, Malcolmum, executive di- rector of the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Malcolmson notes highway congestion can force shutdown of major in- dustries here. "if you do have gridlock. (that could mean) shutting down the main line at Gener- al Motors for an hour. You can ser the cont:' he says. Traffic congestion affects .,any business or industry that relies on just -in -time (delivery):' Mr. Malcolmson points out. "If (gridlock) shuts them down, people don't get paid. You can see the ripple effect through the economy." However, he says the chamber, which lobbied the tederal government to ap- !�n iyc the highway exten- sion, bciieves the 407 is only one component of what's needed to improve the infra- structure here. "We need a transportation master plan, which not only includes Hwy. 407, but also other major arterial roads and access routes for the east side of Toronto:' Mr. Mal- colmson said in a recent let- ter from the chamber to the federal Liberals. "As good as Hwy. 407 is, it is only part of the solution. We need a co- ordinated plan in Durham Region and the GTA to ad- dress the needs well into the 21 century" Local politicians and business leaders also say there's a need to focus on the extension of the 407 through to Hwy. 35/115 in cast Durharn. 1!Ml I10YlIIItlER. YROKWAY(MWN. MM' 21. ]OOY IA0!! PI Pickering must tread carefully on bay -fill proposal: Holland PICKERING from Page I pressed concerns that new na and yacht club. msidcn- text month. "We want to tant those guidelines aren't in the wake of an EA report on development could block tial development and shop- ensure development guide- too constraining either, he enough trouble as it is the views of Lake Ontario ping, office, entertainment lines don't try to encourage said. "We want to ensure without filling it in." and Frenchman's Bay and recreational space, will development that is unreal- there is a delicate balance Ward 2 local Councillor which are visible from he revised based on input istic; added Jun Linton cif' between feeing too ambi- Mark Holland added, their homes and that it from the public before TCI Management Consul- tious and being leo restric- "Bay-fill to me is a very would create traffic con- being preserved to council tants Ltd. It's also impox- tive" large issue: it's an issue we have to broach extremely South. e i eetpas Road South. Residents also told Durham kids Race Against Drugs carefully...Frenchman's City officials there's a new In its submission. OPG be- others returned to service at six- available at all local library Bay is a unique L'cxlsys- for additional parking in DURHAM from Page I Parents can view and Ridge Secondary School tem... Arbitrary bay -rill the area and many are top- pick up educational mate- Break Dancers and the isn't appropriate. posed to a propo%W hoat open house Wednesday, rials. The Ontario Provin- Mother Teresa Catholic "My preference would launch at the feet of Cum- May 10 from 6 to 9 p.m. sial Police search and res- School Jump Rope Team. be to say 'no', unless there merce Street. at the arena on Victoria cue helicopter and Toron- Young people can visit was an overwhelming Catherine Rene, Picker- Street. to police Winged Wheels the program's Web site, community need. The bur- ing's manager of policy, "The pit stops will he Motorcycle Team will he www.autonet.ca/rad. den of proof would have to explained the draft doeu- operating so the general on site. And entertainment download a quiz and take be extremely high for it to sent, which outlines the public can come and see will he provided by the the answers to the open he considered," he said. components of a desirable what the kids are learn- Bayview Heights Public house for a chance u1 win Residents also ex- waterfront including marl- ing," says Ms. Lowery. School band, the Pine prizes. Nuclear officials hope to fire up idled reactors starting in 2001 NUCLEAR jrrrm puRe I The Toronto motion followed PNGS-A is not likely to result in The four 'A' reactors have in the wake of an EA report on any significant adverse effects on been shut down since the end of all Toronto councillors to supply the restart submitted to the AECB the environment. 1997, following a damning Inte- information on the EA. by OPG. "Indeed, the project will result grated Independent Performance "If you read the resolution, it's The report, provided to the in a number of positive effects on Assessment report of Ontario clearly a DNA resolution;" Mr. AECB at OIL end of April, is the biophysical and human envi- Hydroi s nuclear program. O'Brien charged. more than 1010 pages and in- ronment." The public has until June 30 to OPCi Pickering site vice -pre%- eludes a main section. appen- OPG hopes the first of the shut review and comment on the EA Went Bob Stricken said, "I don't dices, an annex report and nine down reactors will be hack in ser- submitted by OPG. think the AECB will take (the technical reports. vice by the end of 2001. with the Copies of the document are resolution) on face value. They'll In its submission. OPG be- others returned to service at six- available at all local library investigate it:' lieves. "The return to service of to eight-month intervals. branches. ''-- Mi1RtR! � �"• r. � - 1'V'•-" BX.200050 COLOUR PRINTER • 720 x360 • Prints lip b ppm block;2 ppm solute 385097 Cur ►rice 119A3 camin SM -3000 COLOUR PRINTER IS 1440 x 720 dpi • Printsup to 9 block; 4 ppm colour • Uses USB or IEEE parallel ittlerFOcns 43'1771 Our Ponce 229.% Moi4in Rebase -30.00 Price Alder Railah *19996 HfKh* m8 m" 27, tdiAe glati es Ian. Not d Phan orrr- II ail d•&" or on-line eden, AJAX 16 Harwood Avenue South WHITBY 1615 Dundas St. East sIORE HOURS Mon -Fri 8AAM1'11 Sd(4u) WAIN Sd (Whitrll) 9AM-9PM Sun UAM-51111 FREE NEJIT-W OR= PH: 1404614M FIG 1-100.567-2260 S11091 EDITIh WHO WANTS TO BE A MIWONAIRE 24 432105 JUN= GAMES ACTMTY CENTRE 34 95 435669 aft VW DONT KNOW JACK 2007 6 43 6 434935 . D* SIMS .53 61 426529 Affel Wl1DOM" UPGRADE 9996. 1 386177 VMW.businesS&p°t'GOm The study, which was triggenx: by two develop- ment applications, is divided into two phases and exam- mes both sides of Liverpool Road roughly from Com- merce Street to Lake On- tario. The first pari of the study, presented to residents Tues- day, examines the opportuni- ties and constraints for de- velopment in the area, sets broad land use and design objectives and cwtahlishes an implementation strategy that will guide the review of re- zoning applications. P"' CARPET CLEANING SPRING COUPON LET'S FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME COMPUTER + MONITOR + PRINTER! aDroma Our Price 1765.49 PRESARIO 7479 Price Cur -25A9 © LEASE FRAM COMPMRMoil-in Relttotte -95.00 33 Price A R $"/MO MHz ProceSmor • 64 MS. RAAA = Oat•7r~era n.ra Poor•• are • 20 0 GB hard drive 16451 AMD�A •, • CD -RW • 56K modem 428745/388909!385087 13V BX.200050 COLOUR PRINTER • 720 x360 • Prints lip b ppm block;2 ppm solute 385097 Cur ►rice 119A3 camin SM -3000 COLOUR PRINTER IS 1440 x 720 dpi • Printsup to 9 block; 4 ppm colour • Uses USB or IEEE parallel ittlerFOcns 43'1771 Our Ponce 229.% Moi4in Rebase -30.00 Price Alder Railah *19996 HfKh* m8 m" 27, tdiAe glati es Ian. Not d Phan orrr- II ail d•&" or on-line eden, AJAX 16 Harwood Avenue South WHITBY 1615 Dundas St. East sIORE HOURS Mon -Fri 8AAM1'11 Sd(4u) WAIN Sd (Whitrll) 9AM-9PM Sun UAM-51111 FREE NEJIT-W OR= PH: 1404614M FIG 1-100.567-2260 S11091 EDITIh WHO WANTS TO BE A MIWONAIRE 24 432105 JUN= GAMES ACTMTY CENTRE 34 95 435669 aft VW DONT KNOW JACK 2007 6 43 6 434935 . D* SIMS .53 61 426529 Affel Wl1DOM" UPGRADE 9996. 1 386177 VMW.businesS&p°t'GOm The study, which was triggenx: by two develop- ment applications, is divided into two phases and exam- mes both sides of Liverpool Road roughly from Com- merce Street to Lake On- tario. The first pari of the study, presented to residents Tues- day, examines the opportuni- ties and constraints for de- velopment in the area, sets broad land use and design objectives and cwtahlishes an implementation strategy that will guide the review of re- zoning applications. P"' CARPET CLEANING SALE NOW ON!!! a Install Now & Save - f n It 0% Financing •Extended Warranty Available • Carrier Trained Technicians Limited Time Offer CALL NOW FOR DETAILS! WADLEM "„ *54284M42�y8/�-033 y�3/�1.,.a, -A- a A,u -�wwr.r+r It "5430212 _ ^'•• 212 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF LIUMHAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING a _ AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE OF TME PROPOSED AMENOMENT REGIONAL FILE NO.: OPA 2000.007 The negrorw INAPIC palmy Of Ourtum is COnYOenng M artWdment to me ouMam Regorut orrwl Pran lotang elements a ow rtes odoptod Town of Ales Office Pte" •rte Cpnfdffnal! ewero. The WOpoeed amendment world. 1. Delete we 1NatedrOM Place' syrntid at the toot Or P•arwood Avenue and 1M Caresporx" WgorW Of1'cae1 Plan policies pertaes+g to -•Marwood Pony: and. 2. Matra manges b rw designations of certan rods. n toaows • deige, Clements Rood, w+ste 1, from Crean Court, as a Future Type C Artenal Road: • deia" a Future Type C Arterwl Road fa Lake Orrveway Eau. easteM from WC4rrwr Court. • r'edasWq" a portion of CsmnMn Creek 0,,0. %_ bMw••n y SUeet b Emperor Sabw•�. lrpn a Type C' AMnY Road to a Type �B MtMW Road. ad" a new Future Typo CManan Road. beh•een Rosstend Rood v and Tanood n Road. horn Salem Road to Audley Road and. add" a new Future TWO C Mtenal Road. M an est nsron 10 Kemson On". 026" trom Camitwes Cre" Crnre to Aud ey Road. TOWN OF AJAX = - MtsaC� - rr.•� S � n SUBJECTwAre AREA Lake Ontario TOWN OF AJAX St To`wt+o ADD FUTURE x: 5 Eo• "`p.• • TYPE C ARTERIAL ROADS DELETE FUTURE TYPE C ARTEiMI►L ROADS • REDESIGNATE TO TYPE B ARTEr1rAL ` ROAD Lass Onade PUBLIC MEETNG The Durhent Region Planning Coxnmitbe will told a pudic I Walk 10 preside inlor estad Partin 1110 dpportiMY 10 matte oommenls, KW*IY lawns and provide addfti" o tormalkin relative to the Proposed Meld r ert The public treating will be hold on: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 10:00 air. LDurhaw a k Planlrg Deparurteet, Main aoerWoonw Whfty Md, Fouts P— Larg Town COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? M nlornwtion report otgmg the detaft of the proposed Amarlbneat may be obltiined frau me Durham Region Planning Dwarblm* N You rave any questions or comments regarding the proposed Amenalm irk f>ialifee oorltacl: Gary Muller, Planner Tel: (905) 726.7731 (Whitby) Tel: (905) 686.1651 (Toronto) Fax (905) 436-6612 N you wish 10 matte a written submission or it you wish 10 be notified of subsequent meetings or the adoption of the PrOPOsed Amendment, please write to the commissioner of Planning. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario, Lt N 6A3. Please include your address, telephone number and the Regional file number in your submission. APPEAL N a person or pubic body Out lies a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of a proposed official plan amenOment to the Ontario M unioipV Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or don not make written submissions before the proposed official plan amendnarif is adopted, the Ontario Munxioat Board may dismiss all or pan of the appeal Steve Parish AL. George", M.C.I.P.A.P.P. Chair, Planning Committee Commissioner of PleretMg SPRING COUPON LET'S FRESHEN UP YOUR HOME STFar CLF.AIV a nts Sofa & Chair $99 = I9O5' 686-9160 umreee rime eels SALE NOW ON!!! a Install Now & Save - f n It 0% Financing •Extended Warranty Available • Carrier Trained Technicians Limited Time Offer CALL NOW FOR DETAILS! WADLEM "„ *54284M42�y8/�-033 y�3/�1.,.a, -A- a A,u -�wwr.r+r It "5430212 _ ^'•• 212 THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF LIUMHAM NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING a _ AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE OF TME PROPOSED AMENOMENT REGIONAL FILE NO.: OPA 2000.007 The negrorw INAPIC palmy Of Ourtum is COnYOenng M artWdment to me ouMam Regorut orrwl Pran lotang elements a ow rtes odoptod Town of Ales Office Pte" •rte Cpnfdffnal! ewero. The WOpoeed amendment world. 1. Delete we 1NatedrOM Place' syrntid at the toot Or P•arwood Avenue and 1M Caresporx" WgorW Of1'cae1 Plan policies pertaes+g to -•Marwood Pony: and. 2. Matra manges b rw designations of certan rods. n toaows • deige, Clements Rood, w+ste 1, from Crean Court, as a Future Type C Artenal Road: • deia" a Future Type C Arterwl Road fa Lake Orrveway Eau. easteM from WC4rrwr Court. • r'edasWq" a portion of CsmnMn Creek 0,,0. %_ bMw••n y SUeet b Emperor Sabw•�. lrpn a Type C' AMnY Road to a Type �B MtMW Road. ad" a new Future Typo CManan Road. beh•een Rosstend Rood v and Tanood n Road. horn Salem Road to Audley Road and. add" a new Future TWO C Mtenal Road. M an est nsron 10 Kemson On". 026" trom Camitwes Cre" Crnre to Aud ey Road. TOWN OF AJAX = - MtsaC� - rr.•� S � n SUBJECTwAre AREA Lake Ontario TOWN OF AJAX St To`wt+o ADD FUTURE x: 5 Eo• "`p.• • TYPE C ARTERIAL ROADS DELETE FUTURE TYPE C ARTEiMI►L ROADS • REDESIGNATE TO TYPE B ARTEr1rAL ` ROAD Lass Onade PUBLIC MEETNG The Durhent Region Planning Coxnmitbe will told a pudic I Walk 10 preside inlor estad Partin 1110 dpportiMY 10 matte oommenls, KW*IY lawns and provide addfti" o tormalkin relative to the Proposed Meld r ert The public treating will be hold on: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 10:00 air. LDurhaw a k Planlrg Deparurteet, Main aoerWoonw Whfty Md, Fouts P— Larg Town COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? M nlornwtion report otgmg the detaft of the proposed Amarlbneat may be obltiined frau me Durham Region Planning Dwarblm* N You rave any questions or comments regarding the proposed Amenalm irk f>ialifee oorltacl: Gary Muller, Planner Tel: (905) 726.7731 (Whitby) Tel: (905) 686.1651 (Toronto) Fax (905) 436-6612 N you wish 10 matte a written submission or it you wish 10 be notified of subsequent meetings or the adoption of the PrOPOsed Amendment, please write to the commissioner of Planning. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario, Lt N 6A3. Please include your address, telephone number and the Regional file number in your submission. APPEAL N a person or pubic body Out lies a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of a proposed official plan amenOment to the Ontario M unioipV Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or don not make written submissions before the proposed official plan amendnarif is adopted, the Ontario Munxioat Board may dismiss all or pan of the appeal Steve Parish AL. George", M.C.I.P.A.P.P. Chair, Planning Committee Commissioner of PleretMg P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 24, 2000 Ediotorial &OpiNioNs NEWS A DV ERTISER MAN' 24, 2000 EDITORIAL Hwy. 407 extension needed now Tories shouldn't delay, start building eastward today As Hwv. 407 celebrates its third anniversary next month. it's cold comfort to those of us in Durham that the six -lane toll roadway still stops in Markham, well west of the Durham bor- der. The electronic 'tollw•av' has not been without controversv. with its sale to private interesL% and complaints over billing methods and the travel amounts charged to motorists per kilo- metre. In spite of these problems, the extension of Hwy. 407 through north Durham is the best hope we have to put an end to daily. traffic gridlock through our region. There has been a paucity of highway construction cast of the Toronto border for decades now. Other than a widening of the 301 to Harwood Avenue in Ajax, Durham Region and those living cast of the GTA have precious few options to enter the lucrative southern Ontario market. The extension of Hwy. 407 to Hwy. 35/115 in Clarington is the only major project in place over the next decade to pro- vide some relief to transport drivers• commuters and cottagers who rely on the highway system to get them to and from their destinations. The Hwy. 407 extension is a great idea for many different reasons: • it will more efficiently move transport trucks through Durham, lowering transit costs for companies, prices for con- sumers and assisting the economy: • it will attract new businesses and help develop the area near the 407 boosting Durham's husinsess tax base and bring- ing new jobs and services to the region: • it will help the environment by drastically reducing traf- fic jams and the attendant excess exhaust fumes they produce, • it will draw more young families and workers to Durham since the commute will he that much easier with another major highway going to and from Toronto. • and finally, the 307 extension will take significant wear and tear away from the 301. lengthening the current high- way's lifespan. The most important demographic for transportation plan- ncr% considering transit possibilities east of Toronto is this: Durham Region. which has more than doubled in population in the past 25 years; will double again in the next 20. The 301 wa% fintc fur Durham in the 1970% when the population here was in the 250,0(x) range but pushing 500.0[X) ass we are now, it's not good enough. And within two decades. when more than one million people live here, it will be traffic jams all the time with increased probability of accidents and road rage. Durham has been urtderservx od long enough. It's high ting we had another highway here. Survey says... Durham teachers not trendy where sick days concerned It's crcour.q;;ni� w cv tcanccrs in Durhun Region arc remaining in the classrooms with their students, even in the midst of ongoing turmoil and disputes with school board and provincial government officials. That's the word from the Durham District School Board after its completion of a survey on work absences. Tbc sur- vey was conducted at the behest of a high school leacher here who suggc%ted increased workloads arc negatively af- fecting the health of educators. If it's uuc that teachers in Durham are working harder than their peers at other school boards- then it's also true that they remain committed: The survey says there is "no significant difference in sick day usage between those sec- ondary teachers who taught three of four versus four of four for semester one 1999/2(W'. Indeed, teachers who instructed three of four classes were sick as often as those with heavier teaching schedules, the survey noted. Teachers• like everyone else• do fall ill oc- casionally. But it can't be construed that additional teaching time is contributing to the failing health of educators. At any rate, the survey clearly indicates a trend, which is to say in this case, there isn't one. Most teachers still hold that the students are the most im- ponant people in the system. Most leachers are interested solely in educating Durham Region's children and young adults. Some of them get sick and some of them miss class- es. But it's not because they are working hard each and every day. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Petticoat Creek fees should be lowered To the editor: The thought of York Region's future water Supply Pipchnse/Pumping Station clawing its way through the bowels of Pick- ering'% largest recreation area may he perceived by some as dcgenera- tion of its greatest watert'mnl land- scapc. It is no scoot that Pickering has already messed up its watcrfmnt. The aging nuclear station visible from the city's entire shoreline stands proudly as its greawst testa- ment. To the eay. the visions of Ajax shows an expansive grornway sys- tem several hundred feet wide along its waterfront. To the west Toronto may be spending billions of dollars to create the same. With- out resources, Pickering can do nor titer. Only one green waterfront jewel remains — Petticoat Crock Conservation Arca — and it is presently owned by the Conscr%a. bon Toronto and Region. We have already seen how con- servation lands were lost to devd- opment not only on both sides of the park• but along both sides of the Waterfront Trail. Soon. TRCA as the landowner of Petticoat Creek Conservation Area, will almost certainly realize another financial windfall from York Region. A park's real value cannot he treasured primarily in terms of money. It should he affordable for everyone. TRCA now charges $9 a car on weekends at Petticoat Creek, plus extra fix the pool. It is by far the highest fee of all its conserva- tion areas (others like Boyd. Al- bion. Bruce's Mill. Glen Haffy, and Heart lake are only $4 per czar with equal or superior benefits). Why is Petticoat Crock more than double the admission price'! Toronto has nxxe than 30,(1x) acres of parks and conservatwn arras. Its waterfront area parks with acreage include Humber (111), Ashbridgcs (86), High Park (356). Bluffers (104). Fera Point (137). All of these parks are free to the public. Rouge Park is mostly inac- cessible south of Hw). 301 except for the Beach in Toronto. By comparison. Pickering Ica only one city -size park at Petticoat Creek ( 176 acres) which is techni- cally not even a park. Like a park, it is seen in many ways as a large playground of human activity of- fering grocriness, spaciousness and peace with lake%iews, a beach, green ficWs, wildhte for lovers of nature with clean air and quiet soli - tide, offering ample time to think. to dream, to feel content again. The largest of Pickering's 'town -sized' parks are Kinsman (37 acres). Beverly Morgan (33). and Princess Diana (29), none of which are on the waterfront. A park is not just icing on the cake — it is a measm of our civi- lization. It is a living museum pro- viding recreational activities which cannot he indulged in at home, es- pecially for many young families. Parks should not only he afford- able, but large enough to provide full enjoyment of the environment and within easy reach so people do not have to travel far. We should not try to deny our rscighbours access to water just as we wouki not want it denied to us if we were in their shoes. Is it not pos- sible York Region may bring greater long-term benefits than Pickering alone could drum other- wisc, if done properly'' If enough people would strong- ly urge their local councillors, the mayor and TRCA to [educe gate fee& at Pattico tat to half ex even with free admission (like park% in other cities), just maybe York Region's 'pipe dream' could turn into a 'golden egg' — the new 'city - sized' park for the people of Pick- ering. !Marian 'Martin, Pickering Tories giving away the store Businessmen are just loving this government The proudest boast of On- tario's Progressive Conserva- tives is that they are smarter at business than other parties, but thcy are out of the running for this year's prize for Businessmen of the Year. Tories under Mike Harris and earlier premiers have taken de- light over the decades in jecring across the legislature that the Liberals and New Democrats have 'never met a payroll.' The Tories, particularly under Mr. Harris, are a party mostly of small businessmen. Their oppo- nents are more professionals and employees and the Tories meant Eric Dowd At Queen's Park market for $8 million and adver- tised it as an incomparable gem. They sold industrial land for $1.27 million which the purchas- er re -sold only six days later for $3.92 million, which seems a bit more of a bargain than Mr. Har- ris meant when he said his gov- ernment would be good for busi- ness. They got rid of land for $1.92 million that was re -sold eight months later for $4.39 million; a warehouse, which cost a previ- ous government $11 million, for only $5 million; and a former cemetery for a paltry $300,000 giving the new owner the right to build a crematorium estimated to be worth an astonishing $25 mil- lion. Among other giveaways they sold 232 acres for $2.94 million to a developer who within three months re -sold one-fifth of it for $6.67 million and the last, a prized empty site for develop- ment on Bay Street, Toronto's fi- nancial centre, for $2 million when appraisers say it is worth three times that amount. These Tories are definitely not guys you would want selling your house. But then Tories in govern- ment have not always shown themselves the astute business- men they claim to he. Long-running premier William Davis took over a resort that went bankrupt and spent $50 million of taxpayers' money up- grading it and building access roads, but could not make it profitable and eventually it had to he sold to a hotel chain for a measly $4 million. The same Tories felt the gov- ernment should own part of an oil company and bought a share in one for $800 million including interest charges. A later govern- ment accepted it was never going Io he worth keeping and sold it for its then depressed value and taxpayers lost $410 million. The Tory government created a company to design and build rapid transit rail systems for commuters and poured $140 mil- lion of taxpayers' money into it, but eventually it was sold to a competitor for a mere $30 mil- lion. None of this cooled the To- ries' ardour for getting into busi- ness and they chipped in $30 million as their supposed one and only contribution toward a domed sports stadium. But construction cost much more than estimated and by the time the Province sold its hold- ing to business and got out it was out-of-pocket $300 million. The Harris government's sales of land at bargain prices are further complicated because some were to Tories and allega- tions are being investigated that party insiders helped arrange them and senior civil servants accepted payoffs to facilitate them. Mr. Harris and his govern- ment will have to accept some of the blame if any deliberate wrongdoing is found, because they were supposed to supervise the whole process, but this is one time they probably will be re- lieved if they are merely found incompetent. E41MAH your comments on this opinion to sbowstmOdurham.net. Submtallons which Include a lWat and last name, as well as the rem- munity of resldeneg, will ba con- sldered for public aHon. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Puhlivher Joanne Burghardt Editor -In -Chief Steve Houston Mamtging Editor Bruce Danford t hrecfor of AAertrsing Duncan Fletcher Retail Advernsing Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Clasvrfred Advernsing Manager John Willems Real Estate-Auromouve Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Disirthutron ifanager Lillian Hook office Manager Barb Harrison Compostng tfunager l� News (905)683-5110 5AJO (9051 6x1-51 I+) SJa sir_ foods (905) 681-0707 Distribution (9051683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E ~Hill sbousion(a. d urha m. nct Web address www.durhamncw%.nct 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 285 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Pub- lishing and Dionbuting group of newspapers. The News Ad- vertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontano Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circulate ns Audit Board Aral the Ontario Press Council. The puUmher reserves the night to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limit- ed to space price error oceu- P- The News Avi%cruscr accepts letters to the editor. All let - tots should be typed or neat- ly hand-wrincn, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone num- ber for verification. The edi- tor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertis- er. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. this as the supreme insult and E -alai/ your comments on Onto opinions to pi tdown, implying they alone shouston6durharn.trt. Submissions eafuich include a Meat have the qualifications to run and bat nmw, as wire as the conummaity of residnroe, stip be government because they ran constda^ad for pubMcaaton. businesses and made profits. Tom Long, Mr. Harris's chief YOUSAID IT election adviser now running for leader of the federal Canadian The question was: Alliance, felt the claim to be a clever businessman so worth Should parents be held financially responsible making he launched his cam- for criminal acts committed by their children? aring 'I month by lusineess. have bpaign uilt a successful) bt I know what a bottom line looks like. I have met a payroll.' Mr. Long did not mention he also had a leg -up from Mr. Har- �t ris's administration, which gave him government contracts in re- turn for helping it win elections, but these supposedly self-made men revel in thinking they made it all on their own. Tina Beattie Gerry Noonan Linda Lyth The Tories have lost thtir :says. "Yes, I says, "No. I dis- says, "Yes, vaunted business acumen recent - think so, if it's agree. 1 disagree parent; should be ly. however, in selling millions done deliberately. with everything more responsible of dollars worth of real estate be - But. if it's an ac- that Mike Harris to teach their longing to taxpayers at prices cident, that's dif- tries to do. He's children respect which suggest they are at best ferent. By the ruining Ontario. for other people's inept. time they're 10 What if the child property and They disposed of a breathtak- years old they was adopted and each other." ingly beautiful Lakeshore and know hLiter and had emot`.onal outdoor education centre, which they know problems?" a previous government spent $10 they're doing million renovating, for only $2.8 something million and the lucky private wrong." buyers have put i1 back on the Eric Dowd At Queen's Park market for $8 million and adver- tised it as an incomparable gem. They sold industrial land for $1.27 million which the purchas- er re -sold only six days later for $3.92 million, which seems a bit more of a bargain than Mr. Har- ris meant when he said his gov- ernment would be good for busi- ness. They got rid of land for $1.92 million that was re -sold eight months later for $4.39 million; a warehouse, which cost a previ- ous government $11 million, for only $5 million; and a former cemetery for a paltry $300,000 giving the new owner the right to build a crematorium estimated to be worth an astonishing $25 mil- lion. Among other giveaways they sold 232 acres for $2.94 million to a developer who within three months re -sold one-fifth of it for $6.67 million and the last, a prized empty site for develop- ment on Bay Street, Toronto's fi- nancial centre, for $2 million when appraisers say it is worth three times that amount. These Tories are definitely not guys you would want selling your house. But then Tories in govern- ment have not always shown themselves the astute business- men they claim to he. Long-running premier William Davis took over a resort that went bankrupt and spent $50 million of taxpayers' money up- grading it and building access roads, but could not make it profitable and eventually it had to he sold to a hotel chain for a measly $4 million. The same Tories felt the gov- ernment should own part of an oil company and bought a share in one for $800 million including interest charges. A later govern- ment accepted it was never going Io he worth keeping and sold it for its then depressed value and taxpayers lost $410 million. The Tory government created a company to design and build rapid transit rail systems for commuters and poured $140 mil- lion of taxpayers' money into it, but eventually it was sold to a competitor for a mere $30 mil- lion. None of this cooled the To- ries' ardour for getting into busi- ness and they chipped in $30 million as their supposed one and only contribution toward a domed sports stadium. But construction cost much more than estimated and by the time the Province sold its hold- ing to business and got out it was out-of-pocket $300 million. The Harris government's sales of land at bargain prices are further complicated because some were to Tories and allega- tions are being investigated that party insiders helped arrange them and senior civil servants accepted payoffs to facilitate them. Mr. Harris and his govern- ment will have to accept some of the blame if any deliberate wrongdoing is found, because they were supposed to supervise the whole process, but this is one time they probably will be re- lieved if they are merely found incompetent. E41MAH your comments on this opinion to sbowstmOdurham.net. Submtallons which Include a lWat and last name, as well as the rem- munity of resldeneg, will ba con- sldered for public aHon. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Puhlivher Joanne Burghardt Editor -In -Chief Steve Houston Mamtging Editor Bruce Danford t hrecfor of AAertrsing Duncan Fletcher Retail Advernsing Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Clasvrfred Advernsing Manager John Willems Real Estate-Auromouve Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Disirthutron ifanager Lillian Hook office Manager Barb Harrison Compostng tfunager l� News (905)683-5110 5AJO (9051 6x1-51 I+) SJa sir_ foods (905) 681-0707 Distribution (9051683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E ~Hill sbousion(a. d urha m. nct Web address www.durhamncw%.nct 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 285 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Pub- lishing and Dionbuting group of newspapers. The News Ad- vertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontano Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circulate ns Audit Board Aral the Ontario Press Council. The puUmher reserves the night to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limit- ed to space price error oceu- P- The News Avi%cruscr accepts letters to the editor. All let - tots should be typed or neat- ly hand-wrincn, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone num- ber for verification. The edi- tor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertis- er. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. P NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 24, 2000 PAGE 7 Ic KERING 'j- ,� OF P/C 420-2222 o 683-2760 ' . ,.. �� OF P/ckc 24 hr. Direct Access 420-4660 XVW Web Site: www.city.pickering.on.ca May 24 Committee of Adjustment May 29 City Management Meeting May 31 Site Plan Advisory Committee June 5 City Council Meeting June 12 F.lecutive Committee Meeting June 13 Race Relations & Equity Meeting June 14 Committee of Adjustment June 14 Site Plan Advisory Committee yy, s s CULTURE AND RECREATION DIVISION VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED • Explore new challenges! • Use your skills! • Gain Work experience! • Make a difference by helping others! • Have fun! You can: • Assist in a recreation program • Assist with various Special Events throughout the year • Be a Special Friend, (Leisure Buddy) ...and much more It's easy to volunteer: • Applications available at the Pickering Recreation Complex 831-1711 or 6836582 • Attach 2 letters of reference to your completed application and return GET INVOLVED, VOLUNTEER TODAY! Thr 1111, of Pit'lirrinx IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HF:RfTA(:F: A(T and IN THE MATTER OF THE LAND% AND PREMISE -S MUNICIP\I.11TY KN(►NN AS I$W EIt:FrrH Co"vCF_\%ION ROAD, D, PICKERING IN THE CITY OF PICKEItUM; IN THE PRol, I%('E OF O%TARIO NOTICE OF INTENTION "1"0 DESIGNATE TIKE NUTICF that rSc (,iumil tit the Coifsiratu+ri of the ('nv of Pickering intends to designate the property, in, lading lands and buildings, at the following municipal J,Lfress as a property of architectural and historical value - interest order Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. R., 0 1992,, Chapter 0 14 Cleevc Hone House 19" Eighth Concession Road N..6 Hair L- ta, E'—i.r a, Ilia krrirra REASONS FOR DF_SIGNATION TIx-Clccvc Horne If-- wa. constru.tt'd in 11+5s and was the first house In Canada to be built of thin sWl. i c-inforerd concrde and to dispense with bearing wall .upPnm Cleevc Horne was a distinguished artist riled for ht. portrait. of prominent people, hts public sculptures - .in) his rule as an an consultant to Canadian bisinemo, lean Horne was in accomplished sculptor whose works of .,n .trace private collections across Canada. T .� KF N(rnCE that any person or agency may appeal this %,,i ice hs filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the ('vv of Pockcnng a sratemcat iwtlinmg the mimom fix the ohicctroo within i0 days of the date of the Notice of Intention to Designate IIwrED at the City of Pickering this Mrd day of May. rNl Bruce Taylor. A,MCT, CMM. City Clerk Cay of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, (ntano L I V 6K 7 The City or Pickering IN THF: MATTER OF THE ONTAIIIJO HERITAGE ACT grid IN THE MATTER OF THE LANDS AND PREMISES MUNICIPALITY KNOWN .AS 1636 ARATHOILS COt'RT. PICKERING IN THE CITY OF PICKERING IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering intends to designate the property. including lands and buildings, at the following municipal address as a property of architectural and historical value or interest under Pan IV of the Ontario Heritage Aa. R,S.O. 199, Chapter 0.18. DBlingham•Lamerie House 1636 Arathorn Court Pickering, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION The Dillingham-Lamorie House is located at 1636 Arathom, Court, Concession 2. Lot 19, half way between the Third Concession and Finch Avenue on the west side Of Brock Road. The property was first settled by Stephen and May Dillingham in the 1830's. Built circa IR50, possibly in the 1840's, the house is an important example A an early -to -mid nineteenth century rural residential E NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal this ce by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the of Pickering a statement outlining the reasons for the :lion within 30 days of the date of the Notice of ition to Designate. ED at the City of Pickering this 23rd day of May, Bruce Taylor, Ali CMM, Clerk City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering. Ontario LI V 6K7 Bwomew"nd Is \ Sunday, June 4th, 2000 �1 c Sentors Activity Center ���SSS via u..,rw o.r s•w. 1 J.•o ....nE:ao caw Can«!M MdrCle areal scars+ from the L s►nna els � Listening t y r"r•w\'er sr u' and Dandng arrtsirrya rltamim owg Itlr y w NEW Pickering Public Library Branch and Community Centre Ground Breaking Ceremony May 16, 2000 470 Kingston Road (near corner of Rosebank) PICKERING el�KERiNG From left to right: Pickering Public Library Board Members Bill Boyes & Heather Gux:ott. Pickering Public Library CEO Linda Linton, City of Pickering CAO Thomas J. Quinn, Councillor Maurice Brenner, Councillor Dave Ryan, Mayor Wayne Arthur5, Pickering Public Library Chair Jill Foster, Councillor Mark Holland. Councillor Doug Dickerson, Councillor Rick Johnson, Councillor David Pickles. th {rjou�h j ,,,nd,ry t�lalfl: t t Iunr trx rbcs, I ,-•--� a �.c. -I AW a .s`a'ss iii 911 s; • Mifti:; • !K � 111 CI IN uF PICKERING PUBLIC NOTICE Solace is hereby given that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Psckcnng will be considering the enactment of a by-law to change the name of the following strew on lone 19, 200o at 710 pm. is the Council Chambers at the Pckenng Cmc Complex. One The Esplanade. Current strm.N:lmC gtlpsne 1 Itmet Name Nuthatch Street Kodiak Street-- At the above-mentioned meeting. Council will hear to person, or by his or her counsel or agent any person who wishes to make reresentmwDs either in support of. or in opposition to, the proposed strew name change and who applies to the Clerk to be heard. Any person wishing to address Council with respect to this matter should contact the undersigned on or before noon on Friday, June 16, 2000" d Bruce Taylor, A.11CT, CMM. Pickering Civic Complex l One The Esplanade t _ -� ':•. Pickering, Ontario LI V 6K7 420-4611 DATED at Pickering. Ontario this 15th day of May, 20011._, Sak of Surplus [.ands TAKE NOTICE THAT on June 29, 1998, City Council enacted resolution 126/98/By-law 5391198 declaring the following land surplus to the needs of the Corporation. This land is being offered for sale on an "as is- basis, subject to any easements. descrillifin, North West Part of Lot 19, Comeession e. being Part at Logs 16 aid 17, Plan 43, designated as harts 1, 2, 3, 4 crud 5, Plan 4*R-11(3,10 (approx. 9.27 acres more or less), known as the former Claremont Community Centre, in the City or Pickering (formerly the Hamlet of Claremont). Regtand Municipality of Durham, municipally known as 4M (Old) Brock Rand. A copy of the reference plan is attached b the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Sdc.Rd= $I3ei0M N Offers must be submitted in the form of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale which will be available at the Civic Complex, Legal Department, 2nd Floor, Pickering. The Agreement of Purchase and Sale must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order, bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to The Corporation of the City of Pickering and representing a minimum 10 per cent of the purchase price set out in the Offer. The Corporation of the City of Pickering makes no representation regarding the title to or any other maner relating to the lands to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters tests with the potential purchasers. The City reserves the right to reject any or all offers or accept any offer should it be deemed in the best interest of the City. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the balance due on closing, the relevant Land Transfer Tax and any applicable GST The purchase transaction shall be closed within 60 days of the acceptance of the Offer by The Corporation of the City of Pickenng. For Information respecting the viewing of this property, please contact U Operations and Emergency Services Pickering Civic Com plet, One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L IV 6K7 Ph: 905.420.4624 EVENT LOCATION: Pickerin Civic Complex Esplanade Park 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. FREE DEMONSTRATIIONS & ACTIVITIES ALL DAYI Painters, Phologmphen, Artisans, Doll Makers, Carvers, Sculptors, Quitters, Potters, Jewelry. Glass Work, Portraits FREE CHILDREN'S & YOUTH ART ACTIVITY AR 5: Giant Banner, Sock Puppets, Face Painting, Cholk Drawing, Print Making, Gross Buddies, Museum Programs, Interocfive Dance OVER 100 ARTISTS AND ARTISANS INN OUTDOOR SHOW • )ale & Show of Local Artists' onginal work A great place to purchase one of a kind gifts FREE FOR CREATIVE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES ,deractwe & impromptu Performances throughout the Park �. II Day Performances on the Gazebo Stage ocal Bonds, Dance Schools, Singers, Youth Dancers and Quartets Creative POW* Food Court W r a ') For more info, call 905-4220-4620 •+ :r« shvRly saws Provided on Moy 27 bNwwn 3 gear community ir"nfs: Arrf*st, Shorn Up i NINGSiDN riakD ¢ t.i,•c ARTFEST WHITEY � E ESnJnrV. M Artfast Voiry Fern+ Rd., of lis Esp6riads Fork w.& -try 11000. 11:30C.. 11450. Mu+wow: Adinauserchon Mwldiny wan porkirq lot 1:00 P.T. 12.-00 P.. 12:15 P... Whirvvl•: MA (norfl'sid.r © 1:30 P.w.145 200 p-2:15 of tnaRERaNG A\AKmar 3:30 P.w. 3:45 pow. NRiiNO4r tbt • ,r aarlr SiAEET f :r« shvRly saws Provided on Moy 27 bNwwn 3 gear community ir"nfs: Arrf*st, Shorn Up i Opwvng, VA rmit sonng Fnnvol PICK UP LOCATIONS ARTFEST WHITEY MUSEUM Artfast Voiry Fern+ Rd., of lis Esp6riads Fork w.& -try 11000. 11:30C.. 11450. Mu+wow: Adinauserchon Mwldiny wan porkirq lot 1:00 P.T. 12.-00 P.. 12:15 P... Whirvvl•: MA (norfl'sid.r 7:00 p.m. 1:30 P.w.145 200 p-2:15 pow. P.w. 4:30 P.w. Arop oHl 3:30 P.w. 3:45 pow. Mai- 17 X8.2000 r t -.[.brut. thio prOM&W d "Wing at /'Irk.rind Nrrwsw t/ IWat._ • .rw..w.yw.r ww.s...r..r., • _.d.. _•bk •r W "b'•r.a. • a., Wb— ►, ran Ndillr "40—. N— • + rid 1r.r1. N lar I siM rwrw.. Wr I w....r� r.r.,.ab. I • vivr ,.•r iw .y, L= oat colossi. rr+..•r• As— `` ��fi1 R®rT,t♦ WWrY Srwr•iat•1 M. 8 �111+\atr :J r is) N T.•.rn is r is) As I�r,1r 1I e r prr.yi r !.w t staam �. Nor ' r,w. 8.0 • ib.r .,• .'r�,a. ani gas J "L r, A. ♦ Welcome to trio 2000 Edrtan of our Summer Camp Program, This summer me Gy PIGgIFRIMG of Pickering will offer a wide Variety of Summer Camp programs Our staff are -Gb is Experienced. Creative and fou of Enthusiasm, so come on out and Icm m the FUN Mini Pid aea m-, P data o0em the opportunity to Laugh Seng, play and learn as" 3 to S nwo� a� live environment supported by expei Fenced and �Anaa ,;rarts. muysLgaT.s 'pelt ttits Camp Ants Camp will offer an exratRp approach to Arts. Mid I aim S to 12 *nth a summer of Caour. Creativity and Laughter. �Arki. cans. coosvq araim&~. O&Qm m�]carmeri,,a s<wwnc " . po"s `amp Sports Camp will Provide campers an opportunity to Isarn and am S to 12 an" a number of various sports. The Camp will focus on FUN, `.&askst"11. sWasnram t im,W,nwr skim derobpment and sportsmanship in a team play environment. mture Camp Adventure Camp will locus Do outdoor survival SMS 1012 sb4s as well as athletic aktventures. All activities coir. nawn (Di%oor are designed in tit the neeos of campers. cans skaa IS Ili i p E Extended care from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (2000 SUMMER YOUTH CAMP PROGRAMS UaarsalNsaaeaaattal-POO= aa�i! co n ow Rattans Pickering's City and Country Celebration Saturday, May 27, 2000 t Freie Shuttle Service Provided JA Day in the •� ` �� Country for Family' , Music, Entertainment, Face Painting, Farm Animals, Norman & t The Antics, Bake Sale, Kids Art Table, Giant Hot Air Balloon Rides, g Bar -B-0, Tour of Historic Whitevale, Art Gallery at United Church, )! y Cameron Brewery, Tea Garden and more! FREE ADMISSION AND PARKING ' Hamlet of Whitevale: A unique heritage village in its original setting in the valley LOfirN of the mighty West Duffins Creek. picbwkv Mari) convk w. clot 4n S00t 111141 SgUal I Pro. A/egL R,pg Ft a!wr11! 211 +•! *!tom. $89ma ZF03 APP PAGE • NEWS ADVERTISER. WEONESDAV EDITION, say 24.2000 Environmentalists think loball , meet locally `'el Xis dA i din- a eat Saturday y i itn er and discussion on Chi- etaans invite you out Sal - groups meet to discuss strategies, technologies nese vegetarian cooking are urday, May 27 to the Ming on the menu when a foal Du Restaurant. Phone K31 - Keynote speakers fnmt around knowledge and invaluable contacts ❑ U U group meets here. 1040 for more information. the world will be providing global soluliuns at the R'2(XX) World Congress on Integrated Resources Management and Enintech Canada Trade Show to he held at Toronto's downtown Convention Centre during June 5-9. Ilv fifth World Congress on In- tegrated Resources Management is the most comprehensive environ- mental event of its kind in the world. Maurice Strong, chairman of the R'2(XX) International Advi- sory Committer and li:uth Council stated. "Not since the Rio summit of 1992 have the Americas hosted an emirunment conference of this magnitude and signilicanrc" 4r "there will be more than 350 presentations on em irunmemal is- sues ranging from Air Resources Management to Zeno Vl'aste Initia- tiNes. or V1'„rkshops and Special Ses- sion, "Ill be held for common in- 'terest groups. w the Envir tech Canada Tradc Show will display the newest technologies and equip- ment. R'2(XX) offers comprehensive solutions to resources manage- ment issues. be it waste, material or environmental elements. Ener- gy. air, water. waste and land re- sources management and current global trends will he discussed at the Congress sessions and work- Larraine Roulston Recrcler s Corner shops. As well as technical tours there will he more than 4(X) pre- sentations cuvenng all processes. materials, products and resources from around the world. lVegaies at R'20(X) will take away abundant r_ MPP Ecker eases off on conduct code Minister relents on citizenship pledge, length of suspensions BY,H/A'f: R1 TA Staff µ rtier School community councils, and not the Province, will decide if stu- dents must recite a citizenship pledge. Education Minister Janet Eckcr announced Thursday. Poised to introduce legislation to amend the Education Act empower- ing leachers to suspend students and pnn%�ipal% w cvpel pupils. 14s Ecker says she was unable Io do so because a motionwas intniduced at Queen's Park dealing with the Freedom (it In- formation commissioner's rcpon. But the Pickering-Ajax-Uxhndgc MPP did pro%idc some details on the Code of Conduct for Ontario schools which she announced a month ago. One aspect of the code was to make mandatory the recitation of the federal government's Canadian Citi- zenship Oath. However. Ms. Ticker says she was "surprised" at the num- ber of people who told her ministry thev would rather have students re- cite the Canadian Bill of Rights Code. Others wanted parents to have the final say. "Having listened to all that feed- back. I said. 'let the parents decide.*" says Ms. Ecker. acknowledging par- ents could decide not to have students recite any pledge. Responding to what Ms. Ecker de- scribed as concerns over teachers' "unrestricted ability" to suspend stu- dents. she also on Thursday set a one - day limit for suspensions issued by teachers. -We will be defining in the legis- lation the limits and parameters around the suspension and expulsion authority:' she says. On Monday. Oshawa public school board Trustee Kathleen Hop- per expressed her fear that the sus- pension power of teachers, coupled with more special -needs students being introduced into regular classes, will result in unprecedented numbers of expulsions. "The groups who represent spe- cial -needs students, we are continu- ing to work with them to develop guidelines and rules,' says Ms. Ecker. She cited the example of a student with Tourette's Syndrome, some- times characterized by uncontrollable swearing. Under the Code of Con- duct, it is proposed that a student who swears at a teacher or other authority figure be automatically suspended. "Clearly:' says Ms. Ecker, "with the rule about swearing, there would have to be special rules around a child with Tourett.'s.- If approved by the legislature, the code's standards of behaviour for On- tanu students will come into effect this fall. As well, parents will have the power to implement a school dress aide or uniform, the singing of O Canada becomes a mandatory part of the school day. and discipline pro- gram demonstration projects will he in place for expelled students. "A student will have to earn their way hack into regular school pro- gramming,: says Ms. Ecker. from their global colleagues. the R'Congresses of 1993. 1995, 1997, and 1999 — each held in Swiverland — have creat- ed a worldwide platform for sci- ence, industry and the public sec- tor to come together to discuss in- tegrated resource management is- sues. For program information and to register online. check Web sites. www.rrr2(XX).com or wwwo ak.net/r2(XX) or call 1 -8(X)- 208 -9199 - Thanks to Pizza Piva, students from William Dunhar Public School's Environmental Club won first price in the draw entry to re- ceive a free pizza lunch for Com- posting Awareness Week.'IYte con- test consisted of a composting word search and word jumble. The City of Pickering offered second and third-place winners at Glen- gnivc and Fairport Beach public schools a copy of the compenling book entitled. 'Pec Wee's Great Adventure' for their libraries. Advertisement Baywood Centre invites you to 7th Annual Community Garage Sale The whole family can enjoy a day of fun and help raise money for the Rouge Valley Health Care System Saturday, May 27. The Baywood Centre hosts its seventh annual giant garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. Tables are available for vendors who want to sell their treasures. The cost of a table is only $15.00: the proceeds in support of the Rouge Valley Health Care System. There'll be lots of entertainment, clowns, magicians, face painters more. Admission is free. and much The Baywood Centre is located at the corner of Bayly Street and Monarch Avenue. Those interested may contact Gord Dixon at The Gift Gallery 427-5589 or 683-9789 evenings. Baywood Centre Ocala Orchards Farm Winery Ltd. 971 High Pant Rd.. Port Pere' 905-985-9924 Saturday, Nla} 27th & Sundae 11av 28th, 2(X11) 1001 am to 5 3 pm Entertainment it'oimi in,g rht hand.N it/ Port Perri' d Car?wright High Schools 14agnn Rides • llinen Touro di Tailings • No Charge U o jour us (ar'Drs,rm at Ooh" frmurirg utwmkfrom •Amor FAdn Thursday, June 8'' & Friday, June 9d, 2000 7:00 pm to 9-00 pm Call (or oiclxi ire(onnaoon ul� SALE ENDS THIS WEEKEND CRAFTSMAN 20.5 -HP LIMITED EDITION 42' LAWN TRACTOR Our most powerful lawn tractor. Features 6 -speed transmission with reverse. Sears reg. 2799.99. Automatic/hydrostatic. As above. Sears reg. 3099.99. 2399.99 $130 CRAFTSMAN 6 -HP, 21' REAR -BAG GAS MOWER WITH BONUS 3.8L (1 GAL) GAS CAN Our best price of the season! This 3 -in -1 lawn mower lets you mulch, bag or discharge grass clippings. •36045. Sears reg. 429.99. Hi -wheel. As above. 036046 Sears reg. 459.99. 329.99 Bonus must accompany any returns IN Look for this symbol and shop by phone toll free 1-888-607-3277 When you see this phone symbol on an item in our ad, it means you can buy it at your local Sears store, or order it over the phone by tailing the above toll free number. If you shop by phone, you can pick up the item at any store or, for a nominal fee, you can have it delivered to your home. NP0541700 Copyright 2000, Sean Canada Inc. n Arts Entertainment N FWS n DV E RT I SER MAY 24, 2 0 0 0 Durham set to celebrate Tent Event C'ELIA RRu,VKIIr t RST/ Nen:r Advertiser photo Medieval misses 'Queen' Elizabeth Traicus, 8. gets some ,grooming from 'Lady C'r'ystal' Nicole KWnliuk, 9, during a Medieval Dav at Blaisedale Montessori School in Ajax. Students created the past through wearing period dress. making tools and medieval weapons. and constructing miniature cas- tles. C� Y Entertainment, food, fun promised at second annual festival Local municipalities will be show- casing their communities at the sec- ond annual Tent Event at Durham Re- gional Headquarters next month. A tent city featuring entertain- ment, food and displays from Durham's eight member municipali- ties is being erected Saturday. June 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 605 Rossland Rd. F., Whitby. The even[, held for the first time last year, was originally organized to help celebrate Durham's 25th an- niversary. -There are many exciting things planned for this year's event for the whole family to enjoy:' states a news release. Activities will include an exotic BAKNTHE ATE BARti THEATRE 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering l XT Husband's wild Desires Almost Drone Ke had! (905)472-3085 animal chow presented by Jungle Cat Admission is free but memhers of World, a petting zoo, pony rides, the public are encouraged to bring a mini -putt golf. clowns, face painting, nun -perishable food item ajumping castle and a colouring con- For more information call 669 - test sponsored by Crayola. 771 1 ext. 4443. Student play brings Charlie Brown to life AJAX — Dullin's Bay Public 7 p.m. when this entertaining story is School presents 'You're a Good Man staged at the 66 Pittmann Cres. school. Charlie Brown', a play based on the Tickets. at $5 per person. are avail - comic strip 'Peanuts' by the late able at the school office or at the door Charles M. Schulz. before the performance. Come to the school on June 6 at For more information call the 1:30 p.m. and 7 p m.. and on June 7 at school at 693-6023. LENAWX,�) MAY AIR CONDITIONING SALE rogrammabl Thermostat b Winter � Cover with each aturaiaea �//S/� Natural Gas Purchase Dealer Classic Heating & Cooling (9045) 665-7778 or Visit our � ':i 1-877-739-7778 Showroom www.classiccooling.com 628 Kent Street, Unit S, Whitby Wnde auantt es -t,t All Kenmore 0 major appliances on sale Nw1f" 111E1111111111111'lZ-AMP tP1111111W 11111111011110111 25' cord. irAm. Sears req. 319.99. Haw 3990 KORMCANSM VACUUM Can be used on a bare floor. 020400 Sears rep. 599.99. NP0540700 bra ter• �w KEMW19.9Cll.FT. FRM Witt+ 4 -:ass rail -min Sneives an! 2 clear crispers rtciaw Sears req. 1199 99 $898 Ar�;,Apr n While Buck i^' 2000. Sears Canada Inc. AR PAGE 10 ME" ADVERTISER, tXEDNESDAV EMTION, May 24, 2000 _BILLBOARD M AY 24, 2000 fflVarehouse WEDNESDAY MAY 24 SINGLE PARENT SUPPORT: The Ajax -Pickering chapter of the One Par- ent F:trrtily Association incites you to our weekly meeting held at 8p.m. every Wendcsdav at the Annandale Gulf and Curling Club. corner of Church and Bayly Sts. Ajax. tie both custodial and nun -custodial parents whether your children are 2 or 42. all are welcome. 837-9670. THURSDAY. MAY 25 FUN FAIR CANCELLED: Valley Famt Public School. 1615 Peppem o o d Gate, has cancelled its annual fun fair. scheduled to run from 5:30-8:30 p.m. For more information on future fun fair plans. contact the school at 428-6337. STANIPS: The Ajax Philatelic Society meets from h ill to 9 p.m. in the pro- gram room of the Ajax Public Libras. comer of Harwood Ace. and Kings Cres., next to the Town hall. 683-6219 ( Stephen Clark). CHRISTIAN" %%ON1EN: The Ajax- Pickcnm, Chn`tian N',mten's Club in- vites you to a dazzling display of jewel- ry from Fifth Accnue at "Evening of El- egance: ' staning at 7 p.m. at Gallantry's Banquet Room in the Pickering Town Centre (lower level). As well, enjoy coffee, &%ori, special music ark] a guest speaker. The cost is 57.5() and reservations are essential (Janet. 427- -1072), FRIDAY. MAY 26 NE%% TO It tit Martin', Anglican Church. 1201 St. Slarims Dr.. Picker- ing, holds its final tie" to You sale of the season from 7 to 9 p in. Orxwd used clothing. white elephant table, toys and books. Dimations needed. especially children's clothing. 839-4257. ADDI(TI0%: TTtc Serenity Grtip — 12 Sap Rcco Ncr% !darting is at 8 p.m. at Ba)fair Baptist Church. S17 Kingston Rd.. Pickering. The gawp meets every Friday and decals with all types of :Iddicuons, including co-de- pendency. A child -cart program is available as required. Everyone wel- come. 428-9431 (Jim) in the evenings. FUN FAIR: I.akc'sidc Public Sctlkol. 4 Parke, 1r. Ajax, holds its I Ith annual fun fair from 5 to 8 p.m. Silent auction. hrarttYue, bake table. jumping castle. games. hingo. 6xt>-101.1. SATURDAY. MAl' l.7 VEGETARIANS: J,an Durham Lake- side tier an Asian dinner and discussion on Chinese vegetarian cooking, food resource% and exchange hunt% and tip% on your own sxtcntal- style vegetarian cooking Ming D i Chi. nese RestauranL 235 Bayley W. in Ajax. half block west of Harwood. 831- 1 o4o, CONCERT: The Ajax -Pickering Chamber ()rehests presents its final concert of the current season at All Saints Anglican Church. Dundas Street West. Whitby. at 7:10 p.m. Featured musician Katnna Mahy of Pickering will perform Concerto fix Ohne and Orchestra by Vivaldi. Tickets S5 fadults). S'_ (children under -1'_) and available at the door. 831-8466. •�y S H Ei��DAN Call Sak4F o� 427-5551 hO" asYr,� 1 all's OPTOMETRIST Eveninoaturday Appointments Available Ample Free Parking NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Cons.nxions avaeanie lex LASIWPRK corrtcnve surgery 62 Harwood Ave. S., Nuc (905) 4"c(i 1434 1360 Hd. Ikiit 9A t 631-6870 We wur to draw your attermon to l/te fakwing in our cwrent'2000 Annual Catalogue. Page 92 - Item Itt, Quantum XR Spinning Combos. 78-5564X Copy Reads: XR Reel and 6' and 6'6" Fibreglass Rod Should Read: XR Reel and 6' or 6'6" Fibreglass Rod Page 102 Item #5.9' SO -on -top Kayak, 79- 8291.2 Copy Reads: With Paddle Should Read: Paddle Sold Separately Page 407 - Item 117, Niehotf Ignition Control Computer, 18.650OX This Product Does Not Carry a 'Lifetime Warranty' as stated. We sneerely regret any mconvenrew we may have caused you SALE SAVE 80% Otl' Suggested Retail Pnces i MIKA41 �.J No Ikalers please AI I Sales Final N,, rctunds or exchanges Cash. Visa. MasterCard Inierac (No chequeks)) VttttttISA 5 DAYS ONLY! Wed NIay 24 11 am -8:30 pm Thurs.. Mav 25 I1 am -8 30 pm Fri.. Play 26 11 am -8:30 pm Sat.. May 27 10 am -5:00 pm Sun.. Mac 28 11 am -4:30 pm 0 NE 161 McPherson St.. Markham, Ont. Just the fax: 683-7363 All furniture' slee P sets are on sale or at Special Purchase prices It's like there's NO GST ADDED* � Use your Sears Card and don't pay for one full year on all furniture, and sleep sets. "It's like there's NO GST ADDED' offer: Sears will deduct from the item price the same dollar amount as the GST you will pay. GST equivalent reduction does not apply to purchases made under tax-exempt status. Offer does not apply to deferral fees, maintenance agreement, delivery or installation charges. -Don't pay' offer: Don't pay until May 2001, on approved credit, with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Ask for details. Both offers: Exclude items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Offers end Sunday. June 4, 2000. 'D/601 Furniture Shop; excludes baby and patio furniture in our Sears Retail Mall stores NP0540900 SEAM Copyright 2000. Sean Canada Inc. ('F.LIA RRONKIIORST'/ .Yews Advertiser photo Living and learninor Students from the Aja.t Montessori Learning Centre During their lunch break, students Amanda Beer. 7. combined education and fun when thrry headed out to and ('arty Valliant. 9. decided to tram up and sN'ing Rotan Park last rs'eek to learn about soil erasion. on the tire at the pluyKremnd. CAl F PRNtFS FND MINOAY_ MAY ?R_ XM_ WNIIF FNIAFRMM IAST Hurry In! last 5 days'. Ends Sunday.' '' 7► - L ; . '` --'' SF64N4kIl` its fires BFGoodrich Plus all -season tires Computer-generated tread design provides excellent traction on wet, dry and snow-covered surfaces. The 'S' speed 180 km/hr rating helps provide safety and confidence. Distinctive While sidewall or raised letter Block sidewall is available. Depends on size. »36000 series 3 99 9111111111111111 All 13" TIRES NP0540800 499&9 Ea All 14" TIRES 5999 Each All 15" TIRES Earn extra money son ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES delivering the for mote information call t-888-758-1999 News Advertiser! L www.driveclean.com Mountcastle Cres. Woodsmere Cres. P R'3 -v ve 79.99 Direct Line 420-0271 White Cedar Dr. Summerpark Cres. "5!8CR 13 7199 79.99 Ariel Cres. Senator St. Springview Dr, S5:9,'R!3 7699 79.99 Sommergrove Cres. Pinegrove Ave. Highview Rd. =<;75R14 80.99 49.99 Annanwoods Dr. Nordane St. t o P"v5/75RT4 82.99 49.99 Middleton St. Meadowlane Cres. Saugeen Dr. P:05/75R 14 8599 49.99 Eagleview Dr. ? Sturgeon Crt. '75/70R13 7499 39.99 Silverspruce Dr. Trailwood Crt. Call the circulation department at 195,7pR13 ='85;70R 14 78.99 8399 79.99 49.99 i !95/7CR T4 8999 49.99 P205/70R14 9299 19.99 P215/70R I4 9599 49.9 P205/70R 15 9699 39.99 •";'' P175/65R14 8299 49.99 PISS/65R14 8599 419.99 4drdn NochorR� flood Huard Worroary' 'CorApMa.anWy d"6 w 0— Otlw am oho 0o .6 +b 0V � 90 BFGoodrich Plus all -season tires Computer-generated tread design provides excellent traction on wet, dry and snow-covered surfaces. The 'S' speed 180 km/hr rating helps provide safety and confidence. Distinctive While sidewall or raised letter Block sidewall is available. Depends on size. »36000 series 3 99 9111111111111111 All 13" TIRES NP0540800 499&9 Ea All 14" TIRES 5999 Each All 15" TIRES Copynght2000. Sears Canada Inc, E O'SNE ' NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITIDN, Uft 24, 2000 PAGE 11 AM L=_ I WANTS YOU! We have a route available in your area. Earn extra money son ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES delivering the for mote information call t-888-758-1999 News Advertiser! L www.driveclean.com Mountcastle Cres. Woodsmere Cres. Pickering Town Centre Autumn Cres. Wildflower Dr. Direct Line 420-0271 Copynght2000. Sears Canada Inc, E O'SNE ' NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITIDN, Uft 24, 2000 PAGE 11 AM L=_ I WANTS YOU! We have a route available in your area. wrianx messar, 1r11M119:r:i9iiff1 By the end of this year... You must have a firearms licence nw•n.m 2.n.•u, •Ot AW ...... .. .... .. _ ,. CY I"" •►Ur • Obtain before December 2000. possess fillearms 1st and to buy ammunition. • A valid FAC will do. • A hunting or driver's licence won't. • A licence is not the same as a registration certificate. Don't Delay! Apply Now! For more information, application forms and help filling them out: 1800731-4000 www.efc-ccaf.gc.ca Canada Earn extra money son by delivering the News Advertiser! Sheppard Ave. Napanee Rd. Mountcastle Cres. Woodsmere Cres. Nipissing Crt. Autumn Cres. Wildflower Dr. Graceland Crt. White Cedar Dr. Summerpark Cres. Eramosa Cres. Silver Maple Dr. Rosebank Rd. N. Ariel Cres. Senator St. Springview Dr, Oberon Crt. Waterford Gate Kirkwood Ln. Sommergrove Cres. Pinegrove Ave. Highview Rd. Major Oaks Rd. Woodview Ave. Greenvale Cres. Annanwoods Dr. Nordane St. Otonabee Dr. Greenmount St. Sandhurst Cres. Sequin Sq. Middleton St. Meadowlane Cres. Saugeen Dr. Pepperwood Gate Wildrose Cres. Boyne Crt. Eagleview Dr. Maple Gate Sturgeon Crt. Redbird Cres. Timber Crt. Amberlea Ave. Silverspruce Dr. Trailwood Crt. Call the circulation department at (905) 683-5117 wrianx messar, 1r11M119:r:i9iiff1 By the end of this year... You must have a firearms licence nw•n.m 2.n.•u, •Ot AW ...... .. .... .. _ ,. CY I"" •►Ur • Obtain before December 2000. possess fillearms 1st and to buy ammunition. • A valid FAC will do. • A hunting or driver's licence won't. • A licence is not the same as a registration certificate. Don't Delay! Apply Now! For more information, application forms and help filling them out: 1800731-4000 www.efc-ccaf.gc.ca Canada P PAOE 12 HEM ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION,"24, 7000 Sports&LEISURE N F til S A D V E R T I S E R h1 A Y Pickering soccer player hopes to burn bright with Flames Oshawa team set for season U} HRIAJ sh �:Ill' Stall- Wn rer The Oshawa Flames are aiming hi bum brighth well beyond the upcoming Cana- dian Professional Soccer League season. While not ruling out im- mediate success. coach Stan Bombino is clearly looking to the future with the 2(MN) version of the Flames. whose average player age will be around 22 when the% take to the field for the season open- er Nlav tri aizainst the St. C bar R sool . at mea onia %es at JIMMY K17AIANOVSKI Civic Stadium It's a icor rhullrn,ee. Gone are all but three metres and 1,5(X) nic- members of the team from "Wc have a lot of players its inaugural %e ts(m a year to choose trom at the grass - ago. when the Flames were root% level right up to the respectable Mit failed to professional lc%cl." Bomhino qualify fix the post -season. says of the talent ptol in "Wc may suffer because Durham Region. "I think this we don't have a veteran per is a team for the future. but se." says Bombmo, whose that's not to count us out this most senior player currently year." under cuntraet is returning Pickering',, Jimmy Kut micifickkr Al Fuggoti. a'-6- manu%ski will Join Oromo1 year-old from Port Perry. David Kohek as a scoring "M% goal is to urn 511 per threat up front. Bombirn) %a%% tent of our games and make all he needed to sec from the the playoffs. 1 have to he re- talented 22 -%car -old when he alistic, it's a young team." coached him at Durham Col- Bombino, his coaching Icgc this pati season. staff, croccutive mcmhers "It's a new challenge," from both the team and says Kutmantwski, who ted league, and several players the Ltxd% to a txonie medal were In hard for an intro. at the national champt- ductor% press conference at unship%. "It's great that I Derr Cherry's restaurant at matte the team, but I've never the Kcn,Ld'*"Ard Park Pl;ua seen this calihrc before." in %hrthv yesterday. The CP%L will have the _ In announcing an atTiha- same eight teams - O%hawa, _ tion with the Whithy ln� St. Catharines, York Region yuoi, Soccer Club and im- Sh,otcr%, North York Astros. pnncd tic, wwh uthcT y,wtn 'for..ms, c)l. nspi.in,. Tun,nb. „xc.cr pnigrams in Durham Croatia C',Icn Shield., Sun Rcgion. the Flames are Devils and London Cu% - in sh„wng a dedicauoxr not)ust tlx league again thn c-, to young talent, but also to 'Ilio Hamc% will 1,'..r. local talent Lcai!uc and ,r% UUI• _ r u 2.4 2000 Pickering teen burns up track PICKERINC — A marcs. He also fin - Pickering athlete who ished fourth in the 8(M) attend, a Toronto metres and 1,5(X) nic- school fared well at the trey. recent Toronto Sec- He qualified for the ondary School Athletic Ontario Federation of Association Track and School Athletic Associ- Field Championships to ation regionals at York Etobncoke this past University today. week. Wednesday. Ma% 24. I.uke Boland, 18, The top four in each who represented Lea- event at regionals will side Secondary School advance to the OFSAA at the championships, track and field champi- ran to a gold medal in onships in Windsor on the senior boys' +.(N)(I June I tri 3. LUKE B01 -AND Off to Oh:SAA reeionals. YOU WANT WHAT.... • you want your investments guaranteed • you want to luck in future growth! • you want creditor protection ! • you want to avoid probate fres OK! .............. Are you concerned about current market volatility and the security of your investments? Learn how to protect thein by attending our: "INVEST WITH SECURITY" SEMINAR. Tuesday, May 34), 2004) / pit - 9ptn )r Thur -Any. June 1, 2WO 2pna - 4pnt DUNDEE PRIMATE INVESTORS IN(:.* Financia) Planning; (:entre 33.5 Bavly Street Rest, Ajax, Ont. To reserve vour seat contact: `tan Martin CFP** or Nortn Forshner* * * 905i 427 7000 "Iw.ur— pn,.lu.t. pr.,ri,1..1 ... W. Iwur.,,r.ai(.nt •••I.wr.e.. p..dwt. p....d..l ... LG tmur.r-.,F.e( thr—ch Dona.. I—Ar—, Ltd ODUNDEE PRIVATE INVESTORS INC. A Dundre Wealth )Lmaernt.•nt I:onilian% SOMME SALE! SALE SPECIAL Carrier of "Bpp(,pINSThe Ifi-ek ,k - e � IN TODAY'S NeWS wed., May 24, 2000 News Advertiser 'AnowFtrifte AjldPiek . Daale Do" I� loll Jesse Flo Beth Raft Pidr. Wednesday's Carrier of the Week is Sunil- Sunil ' FosW Polaite Bock Alm- enjoys collecting coins ' Fraser Fiord Aleut and stamps. He will ,FutweShop mak, receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments warehatMek of McDonald's. Party pwklpw k CowgratnWilons Rstate Sunil for being our @W E Carrier of the Week. Rodman's His itg Ajatllftk. The Bay white Rom 04odplek Y 1�5 Kingston ldX RJ .Alex 212 BA) K' 1t NK . AJAX 1 360 Kmg+tun RJ . Pi, k , I kh,acd to ►ek,ted lamebolds ode Rem,mher. all itt m. uKludmg those on is,,, paper. can be recyckd with the rest of Noir newspaper throufh your blue hux Regchng ptograa Fur 1111 L11111111111011 on dchwring tour advemsmg flyers. all UISCA,SFLEICHER at sof+ I sOoca OF tlotcaaelltx SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMME r-:*,— t10.. Lte errs AJAX AIAW W.MiirrHOt- F_ r. Yu1n.., till w A.. � .b ft Phone (416) 462-1761 MMe1tK tOLet..tM PT)" EN VKCEN /c rf(1tF!'e 1rU%A ruFrA Wl Pickering gymnast Tara Columbus captured the all- around crown in the junior 2 category at the Youth Provincial Championships in Oakville recently. Columbus, 13, a Grade 8 student at Our Lady of the Bay school, earned a silver medal on vault and bronze medals on floor exercise and r balance beam to take the overall gold at provincials. She's a member of Gemini Gymnastics in Oshawa. ci ,' ,. V. f tiJ AJAX MINOR HOCKEV ASSOCIATION SELECT APPLICATIONS 20W-2001 SEASON VUE MAY 31, 200() Please forward 3 copies of your resume including: I. Team You Are Applying For 2. Your Coaching Experience 3. Coaching Philosophy 4. Team Coals 5. Any Other Pertinent Information To: AMFIA Coach Selection Committee 40 Anstead Cres. Ajax, Ontario LIS 3X5 (905-68-1-1557) Candidates may be required is) attend an interview. Applicant,- with current Cimchin►r Certificatienr are preferred. Email the newsroom shouston0 durham. net Lill II11 Men's149 99slingle or suits°Ilts= gross 9@now 99 Wildbreakers,11999 shirtsM."......gro 1799am Polo min OVEMn CUM CHUM Moores CLOTHING FOR MKN Wwwo • 22 Stevenson Rd. South (9051433-0455 Aja( • 90 Kingston Road (905) 686-1176 OOMA TRACK ASD PWO 1M INIML' 1 Tete Cltrlee, PYO RdW 1237: 2. M@Wm West. pan Riap. 12.558:4 VAWW Bathe. T111110er.E 24: Mahe Weber. TleYyr� ,3.37: 6 TANTS Meyers. PYO aloe. 13.58 0 111E 1 TION CP- %& PYO Ridge. 25.56.2 s1On,on Boodle 1. St Mrya, 25.80 3 Tribes- 0 EeelOdye. 25714 mom" rwlothrl. Paul Dwyer. 26 61. 5 Ek4s Bolen, itse Rdpe 27 45.6. ThIO Myon, PYO Rtop. 30 15 486 METRE: 1. ThOo Moyers, E4rkMW. 10041. 2 Cert 4 Caes,yrO 105 E 1 06.05 M . I05 go. G;;;;. EraMW. t 16.4.6 Era McQwsn. Uabr oge, 1 17 00 NO IETRE:,. Sarah Wes. C7Nea, 229 .50.2 Cele AW., Mdsuahln. 231 11, 3 Oarr4 Berg OMI Dwyw. 231 37; 4 Lrxbft Zero. Mdrmn'Z32 W. 5. Eyes Caritpae. Dv1br• Ion. 236.99, 6 Cour" LanMm. Durbrlon, 2 47 72 1,50086ET1E: 1. Barrels Be- PMI Dwyer. 594 97:2 Slash War. ONeI, 5.1041.3. Elyse C4rtple, oke oarlm, 5.1396.4 Cab ApIOw, MdAughwL 51972-.5 Dene Szeprm, pw Dwyer. 5.20.26:6. LAdey Zrs, Arderoa,, 5.27.58 XON 6ETRE: I Derae4 Bk,ne, re POU Dwyer, De San*. O. Raul Dwyer. 1208.00:3 Caltwms V9ad, Mdaty. in. 12'.42.00: 4 JotEdnxeds, Mdaupawn, 1_'5800: 5 JUe Dixon, EasdYe. 13 02 00.6 Ger Eu,. Pau Dwyer, 13 21 00 SO SITE HK*4 HURDLES: 1 Melrr Slate, TrakeWr, 14 55.Z Ama rte Marsh, UxbrlOgs. 14 77.3 Learre Nash, Artderam. 15 22.4 Alpin M/a de, BowmrwNM, 15 24.5. Ser9h WIN" Paul Dwyer. 15.72 6 Arm Radzasxawgo. Pau Dwyer, 15 75 300 METRE Mr. HURDLES: 1 Sherri- So~. St. Marys. 46.43. 2 Jen Eras. Dutbarlon. 5200; 3 Amarillo Mash. Uxbridge. 53 90.4 Leaves, Nicholls, Aderson. 55 79.5 Amts Retlt6isrrskl. Paul DwYsr 5593.6 Ram Mskb. Bowewwde, 56.86 4X100 METRE RELAY: 1 PYO Rdpe, 52 82; 2. S. Mary, 55 26. 3 Pon Perry. 5743, 4 TOa9r, 5749: 5 PaU Dwyer. 59.50.6 Ueb,"W, t.DO24 N1➢11 JUMP: 1 Imoe Mala. S Stephens. 1 65m, 2. Jam Sow".. Dutanon. 1451. 3, Learns NKhoft Ar,dem•cer. 1.3Dm, 4 Chrism. Maga. St Marys. 1 301. 5 Lauts Bock s Tawre Feeler. 1 25rr, LANG JUMP: 1 Keay Costs. Pore Part' 3 971: 2 Jams Geer. Pprl Perry 3 85m. 3. C/Mb Mega, St Ma yS, 3.71m. 4 ADI aon Thmp. Bow.nsrwile. 34Emy Spat. 5. LocCour". 3.34m. 6 Leah. Meade. Paryema 3 331 TARE JUIP: 1 Tabs, Cheras. PAe Rdps 11 07 Lyrey -.2 Mea, S Stepens. 6. S7m; 3 Snelrr Kak9errtp0a, putr- bn, 6.261 SHOT PUT: I Lospe Sae. Course. 7.61m; 2. Kim C.A. Ps" Dwyer, 6 71 m, 3 Cher Margot. S. Mays. 6 Skr. 4 Tay,e Bucthowslo, S Stephen's, 5.54m; 5. JYr,er,de MOks(krtz, POU Dwyer 542,, DISCUS THROW: I Page Pe" TrW1ger 20,50m JAVEL1NTHIROW! 1 Pa9s Peeps. Trafalgar. 14 92m:2 Taashe BuCZMowsb. S't. Stepf *% 11 07m JUNIOR WOMEN'S 100 METRE: 1 Kama- M0ma1, Pre Rdpe. 12 51:2 S1 Lucas. P M-9. 12 53.3 KNIQ Tyler. Pre Rdp9, 1290.4 Ja- dyn Dutarne. S Mary's. 13 10; 5 SMHa BerQn, St Mary's 1320:6 Lyrey Carpa4er. St SYlpens 13 44 2001ETAE: 1 Vis ra ri MIde1 Phe Rotas, 25 41 2 Jecyn DIMM St Marys. Z7 45. 3 Chess Bergwm. St Marys. 2899. 4 Joarc,e Brenwate. CaAacs. 29.36. 5. Scary Sunni. Adria,. 31 M 6 Diene Taatt. C-bbe. 31 41 400 METRE: 1 Pabseea Lockett. Phe Rd9B 1 05.06 2 Kers tenScot. Uxlx". 10564. 3 Altair, Lummy Uatrdga 1 11 09,4 A^Ar.O Lopez. Pse Rdge. 1 13.809: 5 Massie Dees. At"- 121 29 NO METRE: t "W Soot- Utndps. 232 70-.2 Resolve LoOwl. PYO RdpO. 2 34 71. 3 K1 Sam. Outran, 236 50 4 Klee- Cam1, Ere 240.85: 5. Nay Mazer, Tra♦r0r. 247 W 6 JAw MaAugh rr EOsMrs, 24 56 1.500 METRE: t Akaa Kaye. uta Dnm. 512 33.2. Kt, Vi, Scot Dlrtator,. 53414. 3 H* Maar. ThIblgsr, 54232.4 Pam JlYema,. IArtberos, 54533: 5 Shaft Baan. St Marys, 0.91 M. 6 Deope Abrw, Eassf W. 603 r7. 3AN METRE: I Akar Krye. Du'Oran, 11 06.00. 2 Pam barren. OAA)~. 12 29 00 3 As !" Coh.+. Durtberson. 13.C700; 4 Arre.erraaa n. Dum-b~. 132700:5 Dense I- P k-,% 7352.00. 6. M-0- MOWerem, ArGw- Son. 135600 b eeETRE H6GHI HURDLES: I Lay, Creels. Pry Rasp, 12 36.2 Kap TGV"W Pry Relay. 12 72 3 Enna I.W rw,. Earn 136sh 7. 4 Chwkrw Otchas. An- 13.90 5 Jtaerrte Corft o. POU Dwyer 13 97 6 Marie Dene, A10eram, 14 Ol app METRE NT. HURDLES. I Ley, Cshek. PYe Rape. 4756.2 Jost r Ouente. St Marys, 47 63. 3 Callen Coney Ata in 5200 A Ern LA-. Ere 5297. 5 Kaka litter Pw RIP. 53 Y. 6 MOM- 0-- Ardnsm. 1 03.06 411100 METRE RELAY: 1 PYO Rdg.. 5242. 2. Utodge. Se 02. 3 Pae Dwyer, 59 23 4 Cprspa 59 M HIGH JLMP: 1 Lfdy Motor. Casars. 1 571, 2 A441esre Looe, Pro Rpgy, 145m. 3 Encs Lulsrrn EA.W. 135.: 4 Wee Let- Orrtrbn. 1 351. 5 Lao Frees, Tr41r9r. 1 301 6 C1rraA Seger.. S Marys. 12" LONG JUMP, • Sawees LuceL Pick -9. 522n.2 AMO See. w, Ea .: •., 3 Sl,ers, SOW 'it Marys. a 4l- 4 Lyrow, Cwprna,, St SMps,n's, 4.371.5 AAerse Callas PrA Dwym.403m,6 Sereh PkrrrtOr, Adracn 371m TRIPLE JUMP Kr,em Mlc el. PYO R00O it mm. 2 Stew Lura. „Kang. 11 20-. 3 Also Skonap. EOskaft 11 00,,, 4 Juan Stall -aft Carecy. a 96,,. 5 Odyssey it Mrs. Ur„ TOO. a 30., d Wicket". --. 1Jt ioZ 7 65m SHOT PUT 1 $1w, WoomOOa. BOewtdyW.945m 2 JaYr CarOom. PW Dwyer, 7 58-.3 Kelly atones, Uxbridge. 6901. 4 Asely stores. Eater. 6 70mu 5 Sable Mlernrw,. Ardryon, $50. OISCU& t Jen Merlin. St A&W re, 2513m. 2 Kelly Kopretra, LhbdpO. 2010,-3 SaOedsrrn n Pka,.or. Ar111451 4 SAIwA Memren. Aslwson 1507. JMIEL/4. 1 Jym Marr,, R MWya 20 43m 2 Lao RoayOm. lAbdpO 20 371 1 L+,d Map C-esm 19 971, SENOA WOMEt4S 100 METME: I P -aft Lt w A4en, 11 00ben 2 Ines Sa, Aura,' ' 205 3 tis 1r,ryt. Trakelper. 12 16:4 Mbnary Tyles, Adman, 12 54. 5 Joe May Port Party, 12 n 300 METOW; t Sens,a Samas. Ammar. 24 W. 2 Mrs Jamya Thelwgsr 25.-J 3 Lnea DAbreO. S Mary's, 20 05 NO METRE. I Ka Jrnea Arra,, 1 01 12.2 Key M cFeW F r� ' N M. 1 Mreele Gto4an. P/*,A- 1 1442 s y- 306 Owe, 4 3 Cse3en Myope,', Fe,eY,•rO. 306 51 4 Jyrrrt• •..,-r, N,OY„aa loo 13 1,9001E7M t easy Mffrer. Eases. 5 IS 072 CewO Lase, Pre Raga 5 20 43. 3 OOrreee Ro.4ant, Paul Dwyer, 5 34 91 Heater tarmy 4 Hter C, lAbeepO. 61661. S Cahn oprw. Pa,Oy,,,O. 4 37 74 3AN METRE: 1 Corns Lava, PYOftftk 1I 51 00; 2 Ulmer Rewtn Pea Dryer123, 00.1 H.Mw Crewel. Umbrage, 130100 160 Wr"E MADIAM t P,op4 L.apes, hen. 13 72 am NETNE WT HUIDlES. 1 Joe May Pert Party 1 1050 "IN METRE RELAY , Aarr. 50 55.2 9 Mrre, 5501 41NM METRE M!Lff I Paw Reay. AM 00, 2 Easier 445M 3 Pon Pony, 4:4.004 Camoe. 4.S0a05. Mdalug . F. 45100 101 ANSI' 1 Melrn Berger, St. Marys, 1 STM, 2 KM Bed4a, Paul Dwy, / 40. POLL YRLL7: , Kar sec us, P kd Dwyer . 2. W. LONG Jlwr 1. Moreque Taylor. M,Oerson, 52W.2 Mehr Seaper. St Marys, 4.90., 3. Jod May Pad Ferry, 4471n; 4 Kele Hereon. SI. Mrya 4.46.: S. Saran NrNOn. St Sephwt'a 420. TRIPLE aM► t Maptw TOya• 0 dreon. 11291; 2 Mahn Beapr. S MWya 10 631, 3 Ker Newlo,, St Metya 9931.4 sea Hdoranan,S Sepan's. 9931 SHOT PVT: 1 tan Lombe. S Sleptan's, 7 04, 2 Owasso Sow". U.I." 6921 Dacus: 1 KONtO Ship. Aderam, 19,00.. 2 Drs04 B01h4, Uxbridge, 19 521 JAVELIN: I Vocria INooda Usti dge. 28 OR 2 tare LOMO SI SMpen% 18931.3 Demers Bosho1. L)d dp, 13401 WIDGET MEMS 100 METRE: 1 Joked MSAAN. Adereon. 11 95.2 Zack Ver. Boremarree. 1196. 3 Delrby Fb1dOr. Anderson, 1212: 4 Dask Sterns• St. Marys. 1216. s. Kent Ashby Paul Dwyer, 12.20, 6 Lal Hath. Ar,drsm 1222 200 METRE: 1 tam VM. Brw.lBtree, 2441, 2. Jerd Wa• keel. klde son. 24.55 3 Mdwel Andrews. Asian. 24 93. 4 Deed Ferdna,d. St. Marys. 25 13. Derek Sha" St Marys 25.41; 6 Kyle Church, Eama W. 25.63 ND METRE: , Mdtar Walker. Anderson, 55.54.2. Jewel W. ken Anders-. 56 K. 3 Mdtaa Mdrews- /sem. 56 77:4 Enc D --V. Cou". 5689: 5 Kyle Church, Ee - 56 90: 6 Jason Colhm Easier 59 97 900 METRE: 1 RCMd Brayer, Pon Ply". 211.60 2 MUOa We%,., 416-. 21316; 3 Adrw Wilson, Pal Dwyer. 2 13 99. 4 Ala. Gabaa,, Pwsyrna, 21692. 5 Enc Donna. Courace. 2 17 90.6. Curs Wood. Pareyrna, 2 22 02 1,500 METRE: 1 RctOrd Brayer, Port Parry, Mark CLOW 0'Hx1. 4 40 37; 3 Ander Hutepn. Paul Dwyer. 4.43 66. 4 Al.. Gtaon. Parterre. 4 49 55, 5 Darryl pat. Fapdae, 4 50 37.6 TJ Dave. Pau Dwyer. 4.5162 3,000METRE: 1 Mark Duffed. Owrl. 10.164 2. Draw C. PrAs 9 1041 65.3 Scoff Ndyson, Ptot n 9 104 12. 4. Marko WSW. St. Ssphen's. 1048 39; 5. Darryl alae. Em- dele. 1056 32.6 Asan HonrNa.Jores A,Oarson, 1102 '9 10229 100 METRE HIGH HURDLES: 1 rrmeapyt Seaming, P1cker- n% '325 2 Nd, 0Daehue. &w,nrwM4. 14 08. 3 Jody Tlgmas. B- 60. 16 25.4 Jeff Meer Boemerwas, 1742 300 METRE MT. HURDLES: 1 Nick O'Dondsas, Sowr,rrwas, 41 12 2 Cameron Sriadetl, Pdemg, 47.4; 3 Dan Wart¢ Ftng, 51 Stephen's. 53 03 4310D METRE RELAY: 151 Marys. 48.93.2- Ardstson. 420: ev SCOREBOARD MAY 24, 2000 J BpwrrlrMe, 50.74 M04 AVAP. 1 Mark Odor, 00-wNe4. :901: 2 Italian, Weer. S Marys. 1 72x,:3. Data Fwartard. St MWL 150m, 4 8J Bran. CaAa. 1 59., 5. Jroon Noel. Arderwn. 1 57m. 4 Soot Amy, Pon Pony 1 51rm 1410 JUN: 1 C4tn $w SMeOelh, PMwnp. 5 rim. 2 Joon Colne. EMM 5.54-, 3 Trow, Weer, St Meryl, S 531, 4. DW Faa elm - . S Marys. 538m 5 Was Tybr. S 10-. 6 Roderick RMVi0 S TRIPLE JUMP, 1 Rod nch RMrios St SOp enS. 10 721.2 Kewrt Rdbee. Pon Perry. 10 331. 3 Jody Thornes, Bow mawft. 9 96r; 4 Jon Lxfenldy, M,dersm• 9 811 Star PVT. 1 Hvrk A xkmspn. Pdwng. 12161; 2 Lo" Deylon, P&A Dwyer. 1 1241.3 MFe Brabartow. St. sisohm,0. 9 971; 4 Sew, Lyr ch, Paul D.W 7 691 Dacus: 1 HRra A,Enson, pickax g, 33 40rt+ 2 lorry D- lm. Pau Dwy, 31.55-, 3 &,r, Lyrt&, ParA Dwyer 2• B8m JAVELIN: I Henrik Altereon, Pdckemng. 38161.2 Lary Day - W. Peal Dwyer. 34.Wro. 3. Brier, Lyn&. P&A Dwyer 26.1781 ANMR NEWS 100 NATIVE: 1 Sheldon Som. Pdaarg. 10 76, 2, Dean Van Crop. Port Parry. 1120 3 ZWW Brown, Esetr, 1126. 4 Jesse D'01wisoa. D,lWarlm. 11 40.5 Shad- Malppem, Pete Ralpa. 11 50.6. Ar gab Bovree p owban-. 11 55 200 METRE: I Shallow ScdL Pickering. 2193, 2 Zrrw &overt. Eaamr. 23 35: 3 J- D'Ouwsa. D npnlon. 23 44,4 Joseph Halb9ewada. D,z+benw. 23 92.5 Zad, Fa• Port Pery. 24 54 6 Bryan Gs g, DurtbarWn, 2513 400 METRE: 1 Part Mel-. Pete Retail. 52 39; 2 Tragr Mas. EailOele. 54 34.3 Rear Heard. ColAbce. 55 16.4 Derek Sd- stabroke. Uxb,dge. 55.86: 5 Bryan Gag, D1rboW, 56 74 6 Satchel, La -bard. St. Marys. 56 78 000 METRE: 1 Aram Morrison. Da,brtm, 2'00.50 2 Joan L-sdm. Dtnbr . 2 06 00. 3 Sp cA Tspolm Pkkrnq. 2 09 57 4 Sheldon Malcolm , Pre Rdps. 210 57: 5 Man Sam - Pie. DurbWW. 211 52. 6 Nataha !ohms-, Dutanon. 21863 133 METRE: 1 On Mane St Marys. 4 04 99 2 Jos Dara. Paul Dwyer. 4 09 03.3 Adam Morrison, Datarlon, 4 1298:4 Josh Lu„adbn, Dutrlm. 4 24 45. 5 Tye Lrtb. Fes, Rags. 4 20 77: 6. Nrtr Jaheo r. Ovtanm. 4 3 76 3.000 MEIRE! 1 len M aym. S Mary's, 8 50 97.2. Jos Dto e e For Children 2'/t yrs to 7 yrs Half Day / Full Day Programs Open 7 AM to 6 PM An Early Introduction to • MATH • LANGUAGE • SCIENCES -8 eArly ST • ART • FRENCH € 55 Emperor St. Ajax EINErIM s $ DO YOU HAVE -THESE. PROBLEMS' wr Jia 'the so/utfont Unsurpassed results in skin resurfacing using *MICRODERMABRASION *LAM PROBE • all skin conditions • hyperpigmentation • broken capillaries • acne scars • scars • aging skin • line lines and wrinkles • sun damaged skin • stretch marks • body peeling a fibromas • cholesterol deposits • skin tags y mala • rough skin (ACNE.) (STRETCH MARKS) 13 13 .it 1: BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AF FER UL ANTI -AGING THERAPY AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY SKIN CARE CONSULTANTS 416-439-3350 916 Markham toad, Scarborough FREE BECKii Learn to build a dock life a Pro. Learn the basic steps you need to build your dream deck filo- the pros at RONA Cashway. Wel show you the consauctiotl tectulques you'll need, with helpfW tips and sound advice to make yottr project a reality. Call now to sign up for. the RONA Cashway dream deck clinic. Space � limited. ENTER TO WIN UP TO $6,000 IN GIFT CERTIRCIRES PLUS DON T M UNTIL 2001 *NO IM INENTS, NO INTEREST ON SELEDER PROJECTS. L-7 15 WESTNEY RD. N. 1 AJAX 427-9931 HWAY *O.A.C. (Our apprtwed credit, Nbi4iiunl 5.500 iict ptirclusc. Once Expires stay 28.20(h) NEW ADVEIIr16E0t, WEDNESDAY Etlmolt. IMr 24, loon PAGE 13 AIP Paul DwyeLate.r, B:Se M, 3 Mom Not late. Durbrlaa. P.4.t4; 4 10,08 OW. W II- - ,DuW*53 E lon. 01 32.43 Chile ear. O'►M. 110 New 101 HIDum. 1 Paul MrYI, PYO Rdpa 14 91. 2. Kern Myers. PPI Dwyer ,e36: 3. Jewmelae Dr- dyo-, PYO Rtio& 17.03. 4 dwlee OeM. St SOpwl'a 19.37.3 Gro Saraw, Couwos, 18.46: 6 Chs, Beaatrl. Sort -5 x,1670 3101ETRE 94T. HUROLA: t. Ander pry, Passomm , 46 52, 2, Carp Bawl- a CotAsos. 50 W alae eETR1E IIEL/lY: 1 P^,q. 43.47.2 Pat Parry, 45 77 3 Feeler. 4703; 4 Du'tenm, 47 W: 5 Pre Ridge. 47 13, 6 CONICS, 47 90 101 JU NII: I Paul Mrsn, We Resale. 1 84m. 2 TJ Gibb, PMrae,p. 181 m, 3 Dow Lryy. Paul Dwyer, 1 72rrr, 4 Ke- MarOrd. Paul Dwyer. 1 72. 5 Indaew Feryusm. Ardw-. t 641, 9 Orae Brvwm. Cour". 164. LONG JUIN: t Argy kWenodwy,. Pdt4rr,g, 5.96m 2 Ar. ckew OW" P4ww, , 583m.3 Chile Wyea. Easier. 5.871;4 Seat Mdr4nas. D.,b~. 5 511; 5. Godon Dn Co rsoe. 5.48m 6. Atm Barry, St Step s. 529m TRIPLE JUMP: 1 Ardy Martrtau9h, POser14 13.04m. 2 A,dew Osk y. Pdwtr)% 12 4913 Scott Mdy lene. Scott ,a MdWs. Dmbrion. 11951:4 Chia WfykO. Ear, 81 , 11 8: 5, Za& Fa. Pon Parry, 1164- 6 Rardal Ryan, Pse Rdge. 11 291 SHOT PUT: t Ryan MOrprt. Easier. 11 30m.2 Kenn MdyPrard. Pay Dwyer. 10591.3 Der BrOorr Courice 9941 4 Som Lana. BoertwwMs. 9.44-; 5. Lewis 5.141, Ar4-. 8 Seri, 8 Gra St rly-, Easter. 7 071 DISCUS: 1 Ryer Morlaw. Ease, 23 76n: 2 Gita Sssgem E NW. 21 38m 3 Som lore. Boawlwm4. 2122m JAVELIN: t Rym Morale,. Enaw 35 70m. 2 Ge9 Baseball, Cornea. 29 Born: 3 Oensn Langley POU Dwyer, 29 36m, 4 Cha Sturgeon. Envier. 16 701 SENIOR MEMS 100 METRE: 1 Scott Chttlewe. Anderson, 1084: 2. Derrick 195 Ptdur,,q. 1 t 1144 U, t t 3 DwWry. 11 fir, q E,,Ayr n. Auer, 11 35.6 MM14 Sw,erat. Md1Pugrwc. 11 30 200 METRE: t D231 Cumm+gs, Ir- Pq 2244.2 Gary $Mar,der' Ayiar 2315 3 NO Shekpr P�rw•, 2338. 4 Ja6a, Copan. it Marys. 234E 'nark B-" D -r 23 93 6 ,ck, F-.. POU Dwy.' i4 79 400 METRE. ' - y Sas 0- Aaaer 5L 92 2 Cnr,Kk C,am- rmegs. Pryp^,.-, 43. 3 - Mustard JK.: 3W 5' 6- 4 Marren , Daren. 52.06.5. M& slow, Mae 52.,6 6 Oft" Ulbn7pe. 53.53 on WAI1t1E: 1. P1el Supe. Paul Dwy. 15610.2 In. HYML Phe alai G29010, 3 Mark D0611. 5 Barweea.2, OIN 4. MefOy7 Gddky haen, 295 tt. s Nick Rer,del, dPlsO. 297 71, 8.yy Sl Joon, U716„dD�. 21402 1,NO91LT1E: 1 Ps, Size, Paul Dwyer. 402262 -1 CbA,vy. Aar. 410721. 3 Mffi Leeac, P &W% 4 08 31. 4 "WOO, PMA Dwyer. 41296: 5 MO Logue Mdasyr,. 42390.6 Jy Sl Jan. Ux0 1pe.44703 3.400 METRE: I N90 Way Pied Dwy 8495. 2 Hake Logue. Mda, OW. 854 12.3 Mels L"X. POW 985887 4 0101hs,w GodIry, Aaat. 9 12 W 5 13h1 Stull. Pack Dwyer. 939 87.6 NKk P-00. O'NM. 95317 110 N rrm HIGH HURDLES: 1 Demyras Mage,F, p"Arrg. 14 56 2 WOOS Bawd. POWM 1517 ON METRE NT. HURDLES: 1 Geoff Clow. Lho .5652. 2 Dwsyne H9pris. ROaertng, 59 47, 3 Crap Mustro. Uabrdps. 100 at 2.000 81ETRE STEEPLECHASE: I N9el Wray Pau Dwyer, 613 21. 2 Mee Log,ae, Mdaaghri, 6:24 19 3 Mark Daemon. Bowens -U. 6 36 63,4 Nota P "M. OTaa, 6 37 W. 5 Chia LanraSar Owes. 7 08 716 Breit IW.0- S Marys. 8 45 91 4X100 METRE RELAY: I P I -S 44 03; 2 Aasen, 45 74, 3 S Marys 50 29 4%400 METRE RELAY: 1 PIcks". 32622 2 thtrdge. 33090. 3 Pau Dwyer. 338.56, 4 O,Manort. 3x483.5 Pre Rage 34676.6 Cwmce. 35064 HIGH JUMP: + Pro Krawetz. Adle or, 1 81m, 2 Mks DeLuca 1 781 LONG JUMP: Scot Ch,otww. Aderion. 609m 2 Jason Evelyn. A Sir, 5 97m; 3. R•Itn RDero, S. Sbpan s. 4 791 TRIPLE JU NP 1 Jas- E1w". Austin. 13 aft. 2 Scott CMp wa AndeRor, 13 441 SNOT PUT: 1 Joel Krig, E oW.. 11 55m: 2 NOW Hobbs SI SlephW i 9451. 3 Bobby Fag. Aroarepn, 9 121 DISCUS: I Joel Keg. Eater 32 021. 2 Mee Carta-. 29 31 m, 3 Bobby Forg, AGK*- 19 Pm JAVELIN'. ' Ian Lawson. Bow+•+arv+b, 45441 2 Peme Krawrz. And. , 41 441 3 MYB Caret-. MCL -Ji 4 J,M K EataK 29,)F 9 •fin. 5 00" -r.- Ar>L'ercr 2724, AMBULATORY 724r- AMBULATORY MEN'S 100 METRE DASH: ' E- Fwmrtg, j-, -43`. BUND MEMS 1.500 METRE r_ .n _. F =,-•fy 21 F. WHEELCHAIR MEN 'S!.500 METRE ,. ..+ - ... t 2i, 2ND lror•wa>~uuae rrLui a s RIS.. fir Pit�rio� M119C1� Villa�i ,. 4sGB� 66�uR a11i �B.is 1M�'t1Uy � � JS 411.! GG4■ ani �ie� +so IOU= ewe, by no sere. names wtDntraNia .me*udma 1aftwititiftOIilih t6awkwa, 9rneaq sBf-eel+Ilr..e.7llewriei+gNrAe�Ciu1 �LdA6�i1 i tie M� 6etseq -lrM6w�, 0rbw soba.a t4.Id..rlErUtt� 1 � ftifth= r.ie i *�» l� G1iU96M � S � a• siriot Tr .Saw:u Ab i5- H (13 W 18) 84. !-hdd- 15. 12) 53. -w.4y 0:1 as s Vw" ,. f- 1- 7 twt- Wick N -d re W.- lk d ' 1"•rYL u:t Pckr*rN •. .Gauer- • ate.. .x �ww `r... war• era .x 14u elm Nw �' u -Y au.rtam N {Kew �•Y r �' �ea-ZAPsY, • l� Iry You're invited to attend Pickering Nuclear generating station's next round of 1 open houses. The open houses are held to provide the community with an ala opportunity to discuss Ontario PowerGener'ation's draft Environmental -y0 11 Assessittent Report on the return to service of Pickering A. The open house will include a presentation of the key findings and an opportunity to discuss the report with the Environmental Assessment team members. i For additional information please contact: Donna Brockie at the Pickering ,Vuclear r/ Information Centre at (905) 83%1 151 ext. 3156 or call toll free at 1 (800)-349-4859 ONTARIOruntR" GENERATION Alp PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 24, 2000 Visit Us On The Internet: www.durhamnews.net AJAX PICKFRIIVG NFWS At3vFRTISF.R To Place Your Act Call: CLASSIFIEDCLASSIFIEDOBa-0707 Web Site: www.durl,tamnewts.net Education e Careers— Schooling• .Schooling [I a WEB Spt *10ma fj Lng Flexible +qI dates. E Prime TWJbiputitute Graduate in as little as 6 - 12 months in: ! ScarborotiN-worn. Downtown > Computes Blainseu Appficatlons - Dental Clvimks Asshlard { _U UM121 > Conquter Support specialist > E.Scub" ONia Asslatant > t1lNsrork 6 Comrnurdauons Teclnktan > Lpe Admin. Assistant > Int m a systams Programmer > Medial ONia AssMtant 111A Central Melp 1 G~W Help > Accounting a Computer Applications > Hospltallty Adminattaeon > ewlness Administration > NOW a Resta invid Oparrtbns > Personal support Worker (Memo) > ear a a«erae• Marrgsrtmwmt - Computer AnarrlaNM wins Alio Waveltorn > Travail And Tourism Financial assistance may be available to those who quality TORONTO •• e 4f L:O �.x.a 1h 7 _b_S Career & Job Expo The solution to your hiring problems. Find the right people /or the job! presented by ,,';,u1• •i. •I'1)R: PLRR'I THIS WEEK ochok"Nom'" Wednesday, June 14, 2000, 12 noon-8pm, Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeview Park, Oshawa On Bus Route - free Admission - Free Parking Special Publication: Sunday, June 11, 2000 To register your company, call today! Tel: (905) 576-9335 or (905) 685-0707 Toronto: (416) 798-7259 Participdnts to date. • ITS Training • Kawartha Otiality Care • Primerica at Kelly Services • Manpower • In Transit Personnel Inc. • Pre -paid Legal Services • CDI • ParaMed • Diamond Institute • YMCA • Sunrize Enterprises • News Canada Marketing • 7 -Eleven T _�eik The ddaimnoi: W'�fI-Ad=--i oCo 61iut we't beep . yW vror*%at 7I 1be *fit 07npal hdema K5 a new world at work nM ,c a r reli ble t1 vc area sun ttar individual . Have your own transportation and can work shifts. Please call Now for an appointment. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES It there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed direct h to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as Indicated by the Instructions in the ad. Pickering 1050 Brock Rd. FULL TIME BAKER & COUNTER HELP REQUIRED Apply in person 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. K•AREHOLSE SL-PERVISO f n.moholrtal Products Fulfillment i int•,:pcin Ltd., a leading fulfillment ,:r:bution company of point of p-: of purchase and direct rest: pit+ducts, has an immediate pox -xiable ,n our Operations depart, The successful candidate will pa th.• :ollowsnb skill. Arid should hav s tear. experience. Salary package pendent on qualifications. • Strong Coasmunication skills • Ability to moaitoe: assess rk motivate stall • Detail oriented • computer skills • Multitasking APPROVED DIPLOMA PROGRAMS • Computer Programmer/Analyst •Computer Service Technician • Computer Service/Network Engineer • Web Site (e -Commerce) Specialist CERTIFICATE COURSES • A+, Network + Certification •Microsoft NT • MCP/MCSE • Novell - CNA/CNE rL • Linux (Red Hat) ill _ C"R Placement Job plamment assistance Is cava Whiho. We WIN arrange co-op for new studsrtls In diploma programs wlw an not errployed at the teed of training. Courant are Instructed by experienced instructors who are =III ed by M1c osoit and Novell. A orMAcadenlic Ftlltdng mor be avaiW" for those who q1' r Training Prpwi w FOR INFORMATION CALL (905) 427-1922 1 General Help 1 Gettsre Hdp 1 Gm Wal Mop EXPERIENCED COOK NOW HIRING HOME MAIL °` s weeny For retirement home setting for ;in^5 baluleS. almg tpm . wfl ;;' tno rsN— A.M. and weekend shifts. r ow M•Irtr•a $e w«s. Po sot Fax resume before "SK7I71is'v""'t'° ""QSOn Mav 29th, 2000 to PART TIME PRESS operas (905) 926-5002 "a da , ^ : color will, rn Attention Marcia mr•f raw D" am onlr ^•omemard 14M apply Fax rnaaau Jpd.rgl ..1 s..ae 'P samady u amour 912 D5 b ID 905683- 5 PARTS PERSON WANTED Must have Chr) ler experience Do not have the time to train. Fax resume to (nos) -683•5738 • No Nights. Weekends or Holidays • Paid Training 6 Workmen's Congwnsatlon Work part-time hours with the World's WJMBF-R 1 Horne Claming Service AlaslPickering Location 683 Sj-$1' hr card" exce :e" Ce Full time hours dependent on weather Can Marc s Pamhrtq Stroke (905)852-2234 ,',RIVERS YEE:)EC LANDSCAPE LABOURERS Part time nights and weeltends to "eel 6 1a, won. Mu. ^a,e good .owN. •ot good, worn Pearson argon from Durham smic Ap ply ape, Mamma °cap Rohl, - al].A lris�,,. 1 Germarsl Pray The News Advertiser Is looking for reliable people to Insert and RegNDl1 SllFIAU a for early rebrees. 831-8454 awvh. A mr m cern, I I+nap. uuemo 57111.1117 to mart A UaWEt131TY cauu deliver papers and flyers door to floor guests that advertisers an- - l,'1" ,al•n sa4r. Paid •TUKaTS FU'emu sun W F every edrnesday Friday and �oay— Innc[> Orr 5—INS NOR Pose l .. Lina ��,m mea.. Saturday In the Pickering area. y"„°i;01N w„aaendl we' t" w"' rnaaau Jpd.rgl ..1 s..ae 'P samady u amour 912 D5 b DEIIVenIlS must DE completed by 6:OOpm. k " � e - a °i9 fan Np ilia eat ria liar Must (lave a vehicle. itiantooiI• nNaft as r 721 rJYle~ Mud n a J" lo Cas sun For more information cwt to me Ck*k" Fa mor. dlaak amid BM well- LipPy UUIIY ASSISrAa1T wed to a. 6 Dm a Thus call 905-683-5117 •�}° ^' ry ao sin at 1 roma ed twi time .Drop an and Good en-or.rrm Sat 10 am .3 pat CDmpuNu Maintenance - A. ern. 212 Ptdar•e nick Dmp Iwlelr =nick (905) 7a AM Mew mode web deW and tnaarac sou Fw .,m erns Rd Ilrm1 n 1 hast SWI WY10-ft open- Swims Chalet in Ajax '. (905)120.1666 ask Mr Deas Al I roams "° tear have the followin ositions �ii,de w1 Ma. 3oao ink p• .at °Lagoaa= Lm °Nd rte damp Iraew Maas 3 4 B P orpp an nelnm a Wrma•n cgokvg tccw alDoa • rwpms a sunt. .01 a a- available: 1311 -5pm MMFFn CIawI G C 00 3n p,rrrtsd a age to n,m (906)421-3010. ON M «q Eeux~. 7paRes+oonna Ad W h ftv b or to Pear M. 7Wnm or, _" asaempv 150616"IoCLAS tOuvNent "perwlp whit a car" KITCHEN MANAGER orodkcts -n int coenon d s,Arcll Good ram New ae- for (905) 433-2939 At Doom wen US DINING ROOM MANAGER rraa awn n�auwI.ep.Sewa.w,.sw1e�N,,- IOSNaIa FOR ,mate mem ever dlpermna Trips apps 1. OP,d 400 0r10a 9 n of vrdlrw laorxlay kpw SWIM Mme DELIVERY DRIVERS 41 W 5rllla 517 Nd Cts. sus wins D arm Slatdays a aro day contpl ow ra. av raN ,rid alntlb CM,rIsrsswpa. Please contact Ott l5N 2RB ora 3 e Milk l0 Clmrl .y r Mrm. Plaennp norm Caws aM&W 1 72 - 2 mi, D,rr.rtdod Pham (705 N7- SWISS ELECTRICAL APPRENTICEta. Mln.ma, It, aPont al (9051 420. NQ Fax ,705) N7J2t� (HALE7 ICK warned e.p,,, nrce reslomtlarmmmcrcul a� at, ,mom woemt 24Da(4t61 an 4417 Cu (905) 619-0343 and Jmit whom Fm mini SSIFlEO toAIAIM Sols El.ane 905725- thou► IBMO wk,ng twI CUSTOMER SolutionDeveloper a Ct%o SERVICE TME NEvys ADVERTISER Netts Advertiser re- 64 koolung for Kids to deliver papers guests that advertisers and flyers door to door four times a check men ad upon week by 6:00 PM. in their publlC r W l Neva Ad- Public r Willnot bere- �._.,,_i�s- neighborhoods. sponstde for more man Calf 117 one Incorrect Insertion mcoris, Please lomard ap- and there shall be no k- ablllty for non -Insertion of arty alfvertisement Liability for errors in ads IS Ilrrvted to the amount pard for fed space accu- Tying the error AN copy s Sublat to the aggro- vat of manag'atnt of News Advertrsu. Wood Iwnewe ma uladwo nus Iralpled time MtptarBNm ine" It in its f..Nwp room it"Vemmmps. Wood tvnn- gg expanin a (sanding. Spay ann". Mceaun0) an ase. Faa same to (9051 nxloentul sen- OVER. Systems Engineer Mrcrosoll a s NIGHT RELIEFr ate sun SolutionDeveloper a Ct%o Geasre 7252912 or apps n Preen e Systems into. Tuesday May EIE FOM Iebrps��.• eoeew woodwork. IS 6r Dr.. .•-_ wo an,or(se 1610 Champiam Ave WMoy �� donor s notes Immunization Thm wro am balled ant b rebµred, Dynasty Inn Dr"A mcoris, Please lomard ap- wdMn "It navel d D~ trose who e technically is � Colleges Gentled Tedlncal UNIM YOM SE11EM s sow Net sC m ning an aftest in tilt COMma NW Maisoll, w nor aoppmp reswms fa MCSEAaus Nees. Database theme Rtap�n^w•s Call dry-CkyWp depos n Apt/ er- DHost super- PMW of Hosup mn adisiging p oracle IIe,,m Neill (9D5) 666 9W P'i'ng. DgYs)EvaugDy visa Dodoes will includeco- CDmpuNu Maintenance - A. ern. 212 WaModc. CanpRr luloWl• orOrealp n DOrN"On wen Mew mode web deW and Petal "Parlance a Most, premlax edw prrdensd. WW train. hast SWI WY10-ft open- Ampall. oftwgrt dsogn and 1 esrsw (905)120.1666 ask Mr Deas has of a Vanvaill c mydMo- hat senra to enmdiaaly caw programming. a modal t- >n W COtIeIEN Ilan ROAM® bWworalh IdtallalQM add- tspm males successful Ali- SUM1rK MMTE NNESTIGT003 NEEDED NOW 3 day surxt- E rica nrmoe0 a r W at W eyy Inc �� euslness Computer College Lang dowse stars June 6. (116) 677 - 1Ci1. Pkonts me m tare A dWw In a hent along Withsun (906)421-3010. Cost 5550. Compare space ORM WM Al 2 gas lit Ye Etna yarn a da wamom Call 1416)716 DTR Claw aband CnmrW tOuvNent "perwlp whit a car" OF" NOIaE - wcrtlson 3107. Sunallmot Consult. m s,Arcll Good ram New ae- for (905) 433-2939 nxloentul sen- OVER. Systems Engineer Mrcrosoll a s NIGHT RELIEFr ate sun SolutionDeveloper a Ct%o Geasre Job rdaed ilDcurreneaal tre- Systems into. Tuesday May t for both positions (m- 301. 7 p m WORM Gdlege. fume Dollce (deck-currem. 1610 Champiam Ave WMoy 2 PMMTENANCF WORKERS donor s notes Immunization Highest qualay IT training rebµred, Dynasty Inn Dr"A mcoris, Please lomard ap- wdMn "It navel d D~ and tiammg expenenoi. pllcelons l0 22D Cubb St Colleges Gentled Tedlncal Roan provided Salary nego. osnawa oN L1M S)4 or lex Eft"on Centre Funding Int- lade AP* npenton 10 9o5-571-07011 Uudurp E If to quaided Cao J" 905.721.3341 SELL R NOINCAU NAIL EXTEMON COURSE ADULT VIDEO STORE lowed m PwAenog mgwres Pan AJAX 663-0707 Eam inn Income 2 day pm ran fa begnnrs Jane 41 g Time Sales " for w"" C arta weekeMs UXBRE IDG 111 $ow m ,nuuded eau A A T Brash Supplyn as Petal "Parlance a Most, premlax a men sur Now 728-73e3 resume to 905- 426-6434 652.9741 (95P. ) 31N1.ur ..kin ant. Fn 5.30w,230pm Swt ons Igdlaov moo h.. ortrtahon Orono Powder =Gww,kng stow. B - OT nalmte 905-697- 7580, a U9 905-623-4670 .7wl Rob, &.1971 Todd E W NOM �opttoiltuncr AYa md PMw raY (905)426 7260 SITMT and NW Tco"WA m mrod glat« uyabn located In Pic" n rW �0 3n097µ3r IIAM STYUII Rel0aSTS m4vww forsalon n wmtpy Man troart ant bm no mon 3 wars a - or w aam AIM IFMeg.tl nal od" Acm 430-3156 10 MR spas. Cal (905) ount tar& CKOW $$�''Satan d PEEA}MI SPECCUIpFUI w dm rid uro al Grpbr (4 m Now on" Sanwa , 9054E64M or adilren so: (loll. Ps aakw 123 AM St., YYhiay LIN 321. usutoom. mupre stad- am. Part-time mbmadwm P066 M NObW to lima 1 a ab9ae ragdile. s7 gni mote wRo guYify.call b 619.4991 brtmreun 1-61.01. b anww Klemm To1 end SASE Fro sdorrnatiorl 01114s= bNan. M71771 K"be SI, D p. T. Co add. ON L4K 1l, Holm CMT ATIEEOANT tsftImm ari m look uaku(lual$800 pa hr Vtltde reared Crap Mors. Coe S. (906) 4104-2450 NOOSE CLAM. Needed 4-5 days a rat 5-6 Mus per dat (Dnvem poem an na�se raMportamemn pm dedd no Cam r amps ei—co ul imodieel• no eapPttnelta mmcsary.. wit tan 2: M available royslevemnW right, lactDry wort. Oshawa, Picul Rehatak well groomed. deal for cdbpt stu0mt /mature cam a e6P Inc for lmertew (416) 407- 1207 emu deoend+bie 1lVWS . rib Apx7Prlderaop area Orly at kprut a must TraMpa- Law and hauyng prowded sent appwpa caw cat t9MK274" SEARS AUTNORINO Clean 4' S-" "X'o for aD- "Ulm..0 .11— mature M. iubN n1rr0uan inn Ptmrn room expererke computer SMIS W mel Mt1IIrh wage Pius ppemnttrou5 bonus $nuC tore. Serrous Ami TOM" GaWE 90542 8-2109 1 German HNp SIDING INSTALLERS Local h­-o^pr•.,c m.nl company regwts gualalM Sidling ad eaves trough enlalkr Must hart Male truck and toots 990015 1�� 0114 or tax SPEC9A11. PEOPLE t (EXDFM I raking; Wr ., ,.ur.•r , hanWr Ke ewe a vr�,at rpportumty tar .0 Entry levet post - n. me tradable with rep:d advancement p. 't<•rntul Tranulx `T-ded 51-Wa Irnth RmFarantee Can (905) 4261322 [130 130 Are you Loo iris for a Career in Selling? HOME HARDWARE PICKER]ING i� itlr�lltl liar OUTSIDE SALESPEOPLE to call on Builders, Painter and Industrial accounts. We will train you Salary plus commission Please fax to: (905) 839-2051 Join A Winning Sales Team -Fv�,,,�NDUNG Forever Young, the nag— premier source of 50+ news and shopping inlorrrwtbn and Durham Parent, the regions newsrrlagaane for young Families is lodurlg for a self motivated, energetic sales pro to help grow these established publications. Your skins, akxig with our reputation and market position will ensure 6rtarlclal and professional success. Excellent commission structure and base salary Please send a resume to: Advertising Manager 130 Commercial Ave Ajax, Ontario. LIS 21-15 (905) 619-9068 fax CO•STEEL®LASCO • A Division of Co-Stccl Inc. INSIDE/OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE CO -STEEL LASCO is a highly automated and technologically intensive steelmaking company with a tradition of leading in its Industry group. The company sells and distributes 1,000,000 lofts per year of structural steel products exdusiveyr tram recycled sleet with a sales base across Nodit�Ammenca. This position is located 'nw o OOrpwaFB office in Scarborough, OMano. You will be a key player of the Sales team contributing to am= of the Division through service exoelence, distribution ef6liericy and personal motivation. All candidates must have completed two years college or university. Key assets ihduJde the ability to dorrimni lde, direct and focus on strategic longterm plans, as well as work through the day -today challenges of a fast paced sales environment. The ability to interact with people in a positive and constnx:uve manner, while maintaining and developing corporate values, sales, service and goals constitutes the principal characteristics of the successful candidate. Fluency in French would be a definite asset. Please submit your resume in confidence by June 20, 2000. Hunan Resources Co -Steel Law Hopkins Street South Whitby, Ontario LIN 5T1 Fax: (905) 668-1493 E -Mail: Co -Steel Lasco appreciates the interest expressed by all applicants. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER Toronto Line: (41 6) 798-7259 mar Phone orae are open 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax yr ( g� w e m /' r 1 241 -Hour Fax: Wis 579-4, Sol a3o;m to 0Doo p,,. S .IMwc Mss. -h1.: OM a 0-6.00 N L 4 J� ( s .. ; _ _. k F Ci"61111 d nl) . Now whiepE you adverts l e, yo.r word ad t9ssd Salw+sy A N athUpW"wdPar wmfww&nm .. - � � , aPPMra Visit US On The Internet: www.durhamnews.net NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 24, 2000 PAGE /5 A/P retool Ileo tNtaee NMp : 1 BaNMeeawwAmM . 1 � lent F0Y"d 1 /M polo 1 Nod 11 Nsd ' M." b lane "" b LMM Jvianuractlutng company in the Bowmanville area, requires the following positions: • Welder/Fitter • General Machinist • Shipper/Receiver • CNC Machinist/operator Competitive wages & benefits Fax resumes to f IR Dept. 1905)434-6409 01 1 GMIMM Help WAffNE33t3 WANTED Full rine days, must be 19 or over Erubc dance dub Forore uaormanon Call 1905 420- 2595 WAMTEO EXOTIC OAMCE03 - mee��usl be 19 or over. no IHen" rU0 9�1 CO-2595Wn nmprmanon WE ARE LOOKING for malas Mto e.pand aur Fayn- tems bushess in th.s ora Please call Ran Kam 905.436"8099 WNDOw AND DOOR IN ,,TALLERS tool tame pron Companyrequires qtaldred window ad Goort in staN's Must - hex brate. buck and took. Call 19051627-0004 or tae 19057623-0445 wMM FORM NOME Part irmPJFulI iimC Hedllr v]us� 1.y f80053016 FREE 'NFOR- Mg-On 1 Ota-G06,fro 5 or LopOnb wwYr wennrpn 1mNy re Co. Access Gds 1x01repHoly umMl 1 ORky FULL-TIME reg:«etu rest need to to, a vrsnnary place" Unnersay degree, pderaM Stxil"a MW,ed IrlNrvieles start Lad -Jock. tgneq Deere August submit r"uhe 10 RosebRe A4rnal M019NI_ 1414 Rpsebak Rd N Por er+q. Orn Uv 1P4 or U. 19051871-5639 No phone dh please Law I'Msr«ks etDerkrrCM Estates Sea,lary an-bme Mus' know °slafea-base or srinWContact sot 5" B KNq St E. DAuaq. Ont i1Han 1 54N1 NEW PARK - Kawan93 Rnx ease ora urge Seriau site wnr. ook up P WI hrxa. beach doderq roc half Iran- .., W fat wFgr *so perk Models br ant Cap row ZI-M-7427 greamurm IBM AGENT Busy Bow. mamrnapwM e ren onrct �oAw. la son toWvtJ with rep years aR1rPoriam to Ta rewmts 3 rrrkpa s Trawl905V3-1121. 9osTlzt SkOW 049 '40 APMIpPREMTICE aECNMIC •• •Aiw Etktrnq ere cm ler E.D.rre,Ce •.gluten a row loan Own 100!0 Cal (9051 831-3121 LiA c WINK F W"N gAsmlrq la DCdeq. •medal praeua apo�pp�ryryt Necnv Oa Gh sAualennnh d TvM J,10 T7w1N hOm I a. . - 2 p m a to roap,ala b Lllllllllle. SWI Pre 14167 4115 OMI Nle COMPANY •eWre NH sine ant nNper l : aJmfleW3 t licence 3 W-0018 . to call nOSI (910 ogle a 1n r1- ome Wa 1905)6I60p49 IE Cac Sub -c Ua,traCt'r ,,r hourly rated. titrady wsxk. Lyt7urham Area. Lynn hand rors. 1 lila•. IaY'nve. Call today 1905164.5-77YN err I- 19115M30.6673 1 ,..ww DENTALL Rp CE"IOWST l$SIS' 'a eaabK mu 1 ers thew OCR. eurnmaad ant d1pM101a� HIAl1P CRI LOg wan Few 1IF'.1rpaw "ft$YNF.w1 an wp eee Pal Ni ant 41 Fm NaWM b 1311 Ikenst b Our, bob Ny- QN ro we ue b,MRq la uN,p �rmrwapa N m m I IeaRaan bwK tial Mtay of 10 rr CD 090" w d plrrq Ca••hhp04h1aw an0 aarPat N1111:hM I'm - b61 PNas1 Pale Mara Neto 2% SmiOoa St $ FILL -TWEE bosom age "a - 16w PF' reatnorl for oa- Wars Off. I Aum Fat N. sant b /15427.2624 PUT -TWX DENTAL Recap bonet Val for lempiusy OscDoni PIn future 'One Mm pwNO, Must tut Ow" receptioNu racket uaVRRR IMd blowssdtPro IUNM. Gogo D1.Mnor P. d1Yv- R .wr m pper1ifm0n 10 WM- M CSt s CenIN. 7-1101 bad St pan. NIIMIaY FOLD 7ecnrtdopKt - The 05hawe pruc L,Mro to Saw Medh ON, a $ W-gl-th -ad akaep 1"ac ..as resume% fa a SNep T1dMm"in pit an. Your a0as wOWe w duce patient snmmem. S16 -W), mM" Arm Rich !nWcx Of a inky of cwr- pplN p0lysomroOnpM Col - Wife or WVIe15N1' aluabon n Mom xrRlcet apt vola CPR cerfa.caom raaunt RPSGT, rlgastry dobMy M p p duun& 9tdrq DOWN cut sit&, auylmal and *ovM ability wd,Ca ua Wl offft ow for fMon QrI0wth.umm oF Co ewA "Be old Parking. M b w M WMMIes DY 20 W Ctka Tu maW@W, Gentile Gime Gran for Sam MO& M. 56 Chess Street, Oftm. ON L1H 1X7 Fat: 905-723.3426 E- .: ocom* 61w.corn FMS111011f AVMLW • RPN for temporary comV AM War AAl n1pN"nINK elm RN 1%age Nat Cal ww rBwtidn cow• ressum b. Bre 6110 Pat pw =(905)153721. tea RECE"NK )UNMAL CARE AssNtad. Ajax. lull M pan- bel&rewind hN DIaU, IeNn- nW3' CIMlc CaMma4 nor have eIm"lfIm diad will or - Pausal" sieft must love waWq with pMMN MMI sloe pelf anomer service a•nt point" an a. Thar you Nr ygof kion in In pow ==%== 15. hDlvtvir Ody applauds conU O la Muse s wet e, soma PNAN sera /o sumo dT RN P537. dD 48Hwa TNN Reek. PO Rita 1sT 66I F7L5 St . Oso• wM. ON LIN 715 for Aux ClurIC 3 3 V2 days per week In n Des and N required Please to resume to 416-261.1668 • 1 DW - W~ A RESPONSIBLE a Ionil WFAy, er rs requnetl pDyr a WhnM taimlh nn 2 crNld.lnh. 3 yrs 6 6 yrs fail nine, days Pease Call 905-665.5406 CAREGIVER NEEDED - Lrw-or or I've out Cab Sams 1905!427-3668 CARING. FUN ver, reliable 4veoul Nanrry Iw 3 and 9yei r old MDn Fri at 0,00, Ad RCSASd Own IraKportdan NM smoker Releren"s re Wine. 14161409.6971 NEEDED Irve-m, IWI ume. arcplver for 10 moron ole Iwms Lyqd Maekeeprlg, la reg to, to work some evenmps E EekenS Pnk Mn0 rYyi-R37-1662 � " A AVAILABLE DAYCARE - Cee" 801- "n A safe hJDIYY ehvfW' mem. smoke free daily out. MOS to park Map. Oaks am Brock as Telephone 905- 696-0127 ewargs OAYCu1RE - WHM&*INCH - avalabk 1n my home 3 y5 of ape ant up Full-time Drop on and prchlq Before ad fier xnod Summer holidays References EI.nDeth Seton W ANau Fpr"!. Call rt" 19057420-M AM, NURSEMOM odlwd ka[ArC home Ta w .arNt slacks l H,I lads puMUA Nnd snacks Included Ora"A ,Wm amre :ar."d sin payOrouM H pit eleraicts dvaMaOM RawnDts 4269596 FICKERING Bene 7 Bell*: lor.,q+dayrHre 18 mormK to 12 •ars Carly c tmgs (lend backyard and park) Crates, story bine mbap. no. InhpK ,Mala a SruclK FPA AidCPR C.MfRd Non. 12snM q, raceFgs 905"428. SROM DIY CARE Cente ybrsc ndau,non am yD�nrn'mg chmrtrt pdwal 1 5 years 1578 to on Cee. Pldr.wle Cba IO m Net ora - (905) 4262N42t7F WARM Nnewaly Umtp Ppm /VWpetin GJmes etS 10 15 smoke 6 Pet Ne. 19 y's or HVvprrrbrn;e Will 1773Smay Lal vz.n. alx-gr 1773 1 F - FREE FIREWOOD Broken _Cc_' • • J 3a wk. MINI" ed ant ala Face d h" a Iran awe bad. 6 Wft MR (Lrlraar any) 905134-M (Apr 1 aR9kk, BOAT TRALEA '.en SW ft -,e, 200 ,e, ppfppeew �miA $ t'SG90S1t31J14s modem Iw Sar ! IEAP OLD] . la a ave vat w,pe win Arlen rWY ant burgymy MM) ant bw- aw•di' rKm. chi. ITS $1200 Call fWS4354, 73 a •• 6 30pm APKLUC7 CUTRE *.ft- 4.(er I'Vae swve dM- .aywr All loary purple .:arm slaw a air' SI 500M ;1 AIM tIMA292N2 APPLWICES ,11rnDIrww 2- OoOr Irm: hx gor0. .00Ring nary wa" a dryly 7675,40 -wp ups. A4 A al Kernee a wWw ON 2 Wan 1250 Fiber .9 M514265m AOYAFM Warr S41bm, 3 yrs ac wnanh $1000 Cau 705.786.06'.: BLACK LEATHER sldwln l Aeepel sola tr r cww. black come, LA 2 only NCw1- a. dace Cw,ee Dae w an lwswl a eNplm t,"ormK Gu 116-822-3654. rave M•ewa494 CAOM - coMalan. WMX surae 16 It 94 VMem. nor condition 5500 a bear Dila GRNrr Chestnut 1a n slice Ir4gNa molt Alp Coleman,0. v-steO ..am . $1200 o, best olio 19051726-754 CAVES - GWK Carla and ft Sok' 27th. Dep CraryBattles Part. h.Ol+ told pplraMONgmeee & Call ; 111-wnLOROt roc mon Moo 11 dRFfi I uw several thousand yams of new Sum' theater IN 100% Mon Ca`_ pet I me UryH your nvnng Nun and half la 5749 Price indole carpet. Pad an n- SYave oro 743-06pguare Ya0s7 CARPER 31111 a MAW MOOD 0: u 3 ms Iranom SI$339i9 mo(30 sad ye 1 pad 9 CMU p n -z Pad comma. CooperalS rs oveng "eget repairs. . Crew Cvft �M�oMMMnena6grrpp Durham and Sbl- Aa7epRed fS1Sam ws-w, 1772. WHET AN VOYL SAlE- Cabal daa roans, 30 souse Ed MOW I daf u yo�w b o 4" uo MO OPEUM 906j31.40q cade gum for Iddul for nec mals or 00" of I great business oppor Willy to 1M riga opwala. ECOM adm- bahal Nlcdrmi0 m the rqM Io- cation, Mr. dub. pool Hg. restaurant DOtMN to dh00se from .Prdeaausy serviced am in ex"bd CwKtbw Also looking for expenexpld Pease Gal DDetw�iaasElOpm 0-7201506. snp CM mourn in BE" s1ET Pentium 9. Pe swag Sy5- S $299. Pentium wptop larva $riser, ler SOD n- 'o'l $[earner with 17' HP momta Sandi we low pairs. upgM�IdNlaml trepan. WHAT'S YOUR DREAM? Gone Hollywood Video Canada's II Video Franchise Company with over 60 Locations and Cruelties Exceptional locations now available in the Durham Repon • lxdnarcd tiuppm loam •tin ErarNru •Poole lAAatnaN •Finennd AsvManor • HuyhaCY Plstpnm •Turnery Oppmunny • Pmvrn Mirknrnp PnSpra.ro • Mlnirmm SSS.pO Call Curtis Evans 800-239-5852 R•wd afemher rl me <'1'A Mkuw lite Iw Fo 1 SW 1 Ser HANK'S APPLIANCES Aman washer, staid -ss steel Nb only $349 Air Camd!aers S79aup Microwaves I Saw Deluxe 6 regular host free reingerafors $199iuti While 6 almost stoves 5 99,up Desgn 2000 extra Capacity flashers only 5299 Ma1[dWq wasters 6 Fryers $1100 Portable dishwasher orgy 2 years old. Ike new only 5299 Built in GE dishwasher, 2 years old $2N FMadn spit washer oNy $700 Come in Orly far hest wleclirrs Too many appliances to ykill. fit Vies tion.rowT -40Indole. 426 Simcoe St. 5.905) 728-4043 The full CLN pore SALE •1111 Iron The perfect Axper W4 spare saver for every one a hark am cottage We ST 10 tlikrRB Hyla a 111 1one starkr+p horn $169 Also a wide Selection d to" bunk beds Parise kama lom- lure a wM15ake Oriwi, S3m- m5n6 podtt ria - IN e0 not "urb numesf K now on safe Alorye a" the DBA quaky at the lowest on" Were overstocked and eve- ryllYlq IS picerl to ata, Fu - Ion nnall,eS3lS. been hall. bedroom sorts, m"me vd Maas, k"N' IaMae etc An 5 sake nal check a pa I,.A you'll benngqdead uypou Edlkwu. 1948 L4760460SI WS OM DOMEM SET, obit. large I DMestal 4 alms $795 Work uannh" "'ll"PIKE LOFT T RES 918 9mco, 5, M. Oshawa 905 579-9716 CO NGSOOM SUITE Sand Gr p: ' -d $600 Pa•,. r>a waving Cota- 1w 5500 thcr . Can $25 CA 190516399039 OWCAN ENERGY SAVER anlF+mane- Kim Hri slots. i9MA264631 $900 Call END OF LME CLEANOUT, ev rrmmq uA J9 WI$ Se n S5awlw '•,m ass ,rev. aauew winm $219 punt IRS front $269 Factory Wllhaw f -AW 1207m 1650St. Poe Orem ( 837 POMM un >eveygpwetftR"s oopw 9C5 725490. ,IW 4 orn ' oUr, Cap for 1Naqq b• S'C Pith up tea $,SO cDu 9017256tP17 IsiRI MAMR'7 APPLWICIS >artL' 9Jk1 Ser.ice "g.sekdmn : i none B amNam , vA Ilea •Nrnpaaas FLIA Wlmt i nOrt W rRw�1B'�MNr�iai S/4Wup I Aid up WNVw a arvtn f9Yup. Ori3On 2000 trey $299 4Acrrwnvlt $SOnR Lpiruplry eeieclian or .vol u- Owgo itchon f W sem ants Sl Nate AM ..Obw Ow I $I-a0,a. Dawes stS M 4111 $Iancae StS 1905177646q NAROwoo0 R AOMG 31 r , la' raG 5ae0 a' prcn 11", ".004 S25" Pinhavoinvil aoo 5'$$1 ?ft4.ft FJ caMq 4"Imar, low call Draw 1905! 6691506 LARGE DISK u1NMe sYsIam 7 cavus a,m1 !MOR system am grDgYOOMI rM Wei CM Cp15436.31M Ma mDI or baa metago t1WIGR00Ll TFT srka. lea JnC w g Suitt crew uMasetra r Dui.w2und1t5 grMn lflwnl CMIaIWeI Inut," now ft 200 to dw set call 7W6 WOULD TO LIM 1d 'as WEIGHT w/NN you AMD' Y1 paorad GII 905728-111 for repo mbrmalm LM KAT Hprst of B,pgwn as PMN w7aWl- t]ne $5% Large conte blow RDrae DI sum p.w ODnd r. O bre .g wbm 05455 wKlaiarq Iae,Mt 90S-aS5-9749 OM DINING NOOM S.on m It 12 51200 o bit 6 12 A t.. cop mil f3Y1 CCM eteNsO hBe 905 7scons 26Ft40�'r S33 19057 FEMT M 133 COMgr1r 32MB ram. 12 Gp HW- dnve ental pocessor Ind.ed sod cards. 1! colour SVGA mama. 33.6 MOOMM, key- board. mouse. spoken In- lernel ready. f350 905.716 5130 PWM 1ECIINGMN araable IOC turning. regio. No m - purchase colsuMaion on all nUkU 6 Menta Also son, dkwlld pilim la $ok. CAN Malo a 905427.7631 CLOG Roam di0al Pam am WbOWa. all Samnck AooueSc Paola. all Harnrd Myer clodK =AA: aps seNdoah gl used pi- rpc Rwnw piBlyb own,ats alpOD% of ant al TE P1Ns01 14Yt-1491 NEFMGBUM - Spays. NFMM. good wMwq cwi0ion. SIM. CAR 571.1107 (gip) KK TO OM new and re - C )ndIIaork d aPPMa cis. and raw fV's. Full warraNy. Pad - Dl's Makuel. 965.163.0169 a 1-800798-5502. SA7ELLanMia Spittal for April 60 dtumwk $1995 mww mdu v allotment Free irslalWion 1905)655- 3661 SREDMM • OuelMy, wooden amts eX 6' ban in only We pus tax. Many other sues and styles available Also narageS and 6904 761 none Unt 3. Pckennnpp more nfo. UM 905-6a 2093 Home Dav Care Business with Wee Watch... Coaufder the aJvaatages: -Training and ongoing support -A regular pay cheque - Payment for overtime and statutory holidays - Some equipment, resource material. crafts supplies - Advertising and marketing support Wee Wulrh is Camda's largest Privatr Hume Dov Cram nerrork To alisrN.0 rnr,rppurlunrnt.c fire Pmrulrrc, roll the oQirr nruresr cuu� (905)-686-4816 � www,weewatF:h core SOLAR BLANKET 15X24 " one parr, tr 'Jmroyal Br hies on ,vitals. balanced Ma. Bar to DNC rale Dla$50, lady S mm3 sir! 11 f50 Wyk sue 8 le7uert win knee pads elbow i,q hared $100 723-5750 (snp) STORAGE TRAILERS for sale or rem aN looking Ion y We Can sol Irwin level with the growtd Lakes a prat woA' shop 4307693 ,srvl PINFJG" FUROMRE...Oin" wq Rrwms Bedrooms Home puce Occasion Furniture PIN LWAOm craaerons Iran yore own desgs ora imp. rubor) aro our specwry Let Nturnyour dm into me- My vk He ant nonanal Ing b the IM6 pla llawoncnn.ONIO aMyNw5 YEARS' 1n- amona 115 Nam Pod ROW Ppr1 19057 9458711 Imo I ww 1raNpyrOpdwgk- TY •+p 5 w AUDIO wAME"OUSE SALE NL HI ENC �,Iov DigitalAP Recovers 566 wan Including MtAnpe CD Double Cauett S-soukm MwWnd 0011ar per ret in packages single uM $150 P4=m mw n- dwa saRrashl spoken FArry lair beat edecw Oe Sam 19051 $79. 10. Toscwabmi o ot new wile D•d'C r l em spmq. nead'IuorDOaN. wRralrR Aar wrepl0e COp ft+75. MN Ells ,67249aa3 lINc 1N a11owl0p. 1wNa mCi Mr,roe� mrese. D M M ipn y 4 I Nm ANr1d t m COf,�. so eA 1 4+, 61 72L915 TIN TURNER nun Jam TIN R uta $Mp, IGrs Air; 11tYNs ranted 905-a7LSM1 NEW DA9Y wmaw r OM 9,X6 111 ' )OG au f7N. JOG Mi. 00 fol '0000 ant iws u.Doo ap fes M0- clNMWAO ,nape 5193 r up rlw,taeplld ra.npls $+ri up. r1MCWAO a aY1rtup f12b Stan r W NmM- boned cYa OprsMm .woes and overs a low pintas bar 0.0 near rtheawts f490 Ano Record - one asmB . $470 2r true I ale 71• ta1+lot ab .0 +Net Ire1 +napes now ararlaw Wine saw- w omR Itew ant recwWnpwo a1lNrcat Lap a 100ay. flepaen30n 3 AppliancesStewart sk sle l Orw :903151{-7A4 CAMETS - lots of am !OC% von Nw tem N- 11efe urpeta m IWm I yr Car9et 7 roan, $749 ll Pod eine aarrtpat . test Dna iR1n a maN4 ft 30 (Mr. No nee 0shasar (70 yarOfl Norma 1792311 VMIMI) Ams 4 whiew 5C -5 w: j,"-. -. sole D,2ed 19051 434a7m wMTED .oligo hard OR 3M Ire,kr Sleelo $ mrd SOS. n lawrnl rwmma Nod for Juh rant 19031 434-M rro WANTED 90 92 Yamaha Waver _ 1 2 roc waw in etwdrN condom arm N► piR10 (905) 434- 1 AANrda MTIOAS?Mo Mefsi Ad- Act- InMSs MOW. Wsuoy 'roe, Purcrasng Wright, e3- tms w3ook, arnipw Com. IM. IH leant to rola Don- si0eredl. ttMleeboN of any sat. OswrM6t o SThple W. boa ams Spe age Aww in MD=Mft pmm Il try 10 m• sporm to IN Genas. Rapist Bowen Antiques- BmootMn, Ontario 19051655-M49 or 1905)242 -OW Buy" MTN" am cd- COMPIrletwefNpM3.� MNpOatA, 15.9BSBlap I ABS -M WAMM Om KAWaf WANT® - Haml CRIO din oke. pool 55a65. rusw abh P1aad Call 905134 - OM (go) pdtalp a=o0 IWWaI Wb IEFIst be a IYwg 4 Suter. prefer wood sbs. Looking to Spend $1500 or der. (]57905xust ) 66B019o7 working � a- a craft CRAFF WAREHOUSE SALE 50-M OFF MAY 23.27TN 10-3 P.M. 1115 Clemab Rd. Unit 260 PlckerIng1 686-9131 Slppllas and Finished Product KAYAK INTRODUCE& the all new pressure truted 'Woody' 20 R law -proem reeWqu- Im Pods $5250 Idles etas ararlabre) 1800.568156/ : 1 Loa a FOUND Racing Pigeon. while will grey has land Foul in ColDome/CoBgurg au Puss WI to Identify evall 9053552682 low message LMT. BWWS pesaRllon glasses. gold rimmed at the At Rm�eaach Rd 7pol Nie aaroa. M Sal, May 13 Call 19os168S-5534 SET LOFT May I W Possibly lost m of near pah io Wess10e Of hendlmM-s say IGouselraar or Caneunt Absp.W Dunt NHNNmo won Owner d ervqrittated r,Mc.Cus rewem la rdurn 905-831-0876 • 1 P1,alSJRpIIW BEAUTIFUL PUREE SIAMESE InneMl 10 zees !st snots f200 Rai3et win atndrml. cars dogs and lo+e Faa:DuaWly well Soadln7N 19051 476'8911 LARGE lovable dog IooYmq 101 rami to lon Tyr old fe- male n.et all soon. obea- "g scrod Frog b 6 Un.q home Calll 430- 430- OOB2 N NORSE BARN FOR REBT 2 Stannp Spars. 3 12.12 BC• Sti ' 10.17 our stall 1202 Tack roorNweter. 2 Wrist) Paddocks. an be counted Into ane Shaw 6 Foy aralable Asking S350+ man Plue Cal 1705-374 5582 land) Who's Walking Who? 'The Smartest Way to Train your dog' Puppy Fusses. Fahy pct Obedhnce Behavipural COnsta6col, Ticks 8 Seminars 619-1733 ETT= Thhoocu 4 YEAR OLD wee "IsIlul G,,,Tuk.o ;5 3 ha.Id3, broil Enalish and Western $5.000 19h Superior 2 horse he"' atage room Idea width 6 Low mileage I 1263-88:17 NORSE FOR SALE 3 y old Marc Arab'horouPltbret Gemnp Mtlt. tern brm! 701774-5582 Isrq� � , WANRO so". or Pbb Fi:y 7 Kars Cal 434- 0392 R 1 1 A wiwaefor 20w 14114 MERCURY COUGAR t•., I..' p, Bos+ niter Cal 935 430-C'80 117 M.N. Carlo SS. SNp Car' 365 , -,pd am 'n.Goo Gcd ✓ralron cwdw $5500 obit 7053261495 IS -P, 117 TOYOTA S" rum Excetenl condition 5-soeen AM/FM cassem AL rt p- solemn a -~ lires. w.iAred x043719 1111 404- CARAVAN SE . Amo Pw PL $2 5001 8' 000 am am, $1506 G- had al W.Cisew an ub- 414 um 1.RRm Mted cy x049310 194 POKW Tfwf1T. 4 wl t lr e.arwm meq air EmKAon hritb n :n ,Ned 52.000 905579.Oea 19M MO NISSAN PULSAR ".'75 JOG m oo roe tO_ )OCP au i62600 •wr: Ip -,1N a 9067084180 line FOND IILM A q1 5- spsed bupundy wit' •ley n !mgr •e HOAR '.ms 8 tenet wry wee Gr1t m pus p Md rend 19 put 61676 9057+b5002so72 199 70AUS WAG ir- wn aux NatlrC raw nww pbrm. :66.3 ms wry alit .900 to emw43 Ii1loE. f7.900 9oiax sen rnr spew p .,Aaiac. G pw At& aF u0aerw w Me n 6 erwtirnt woe $3 900 w la snrdRls' Gil n+aNt HM7 AIP GRAND C1'ERO- KEE axa mAN wale -0 yNe6S3-agn 4t 76 asking iI: ]00 Gt 1ee4 POIITUIC BONNEVILLE SF -6 "I '" "• epwpped.-cn:tleC a.0 e...s 4,will *sm 2L271 slow CN 905 1 an CAWLMN gx4wd .0 worry 1a,c -; atron w- e5ns teged "•c :uA M50C teheeMOae 190516111127 IM FDIC CO" + :1a HOAR win Nor'•. .rte wrrmpwi IrYM 151 0 500 Cal 90b -x34 '2g5 al - IM 4p m HM CNRY3LEN OTREPND 26 Matins 'a6 OJced amt. :asSene f' - S•7L 191 NEON .0 x 4 or asv Ine wasom Co. M 906 cap (H05) 434.2775 MM CINIOM A 5 sod Co. 06 pour anven sea. CNN. Am WOOS Later 10 ria . an Half *am, Se", 36000 ttwwyy km Saw SK $19 700 705-484 5799 1tN1 $499 Down Bad Credit OK Low as 599/mth LCALLowTODAY, DRIVE TODAY' 905-509-2200 Ell ri0'w $4.49J. 91 rOm 66K. was $5.495, now . 91 Chev Cavalier . 6 .low 54.495.91 mpdh AC - Cam. 15M $4 90 Buidl LeSabre. $2.650 Com Is C1nkw Iw top ant wont time 0044 aw wk1hHu. Sm ryyMw alaas give St. Waw. d Mli wm mi. CW 91} 2111 LEASE GREOVER 1999 Grad Am, led, ekdre sunral p door Ws. 2 doe. aunt. CD payer 90537/1902 sop SHORT TERM LEASE 1998 Monona ran 14 monms le" on lease loaded willing to mare dal for Daunce 905- 6664010 evenings or law message WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, uyers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905.706-8498 1 AWa p,. CARS AND TRUCKS warned' Any rad pl tree 1u,: ggI 428 pad up bl 510.000 w 428-1959 CAS" FOR CARS! We buy rKed +.ncrle3 Vemd¢3 mutt be m mMi q wnOrhon CoA 427.2415 a come tD 479 Bash S, East Asa. al MUR- AD NOSALES. A L A AUTO Can trudK. Dual: we pay up to $10000 Gan 'n the spot Ary Caib- lrOn am/ yar GII Us airy 1^me. 2d hours. 7 Days 7g m3ervice 90'54860605 a 7� 3Rm 1 Trutkw For SW 1944 DODGE RAM :roup New pratr5 dkr••alnr Graf uarrq Askmp $2 ck,r,q r2 ggg $ m =A+ape 2 1N9 GM p.k.o. 474 705 78 25, )or km .;aced New •.res. b Yes 96000 ,pit 416. '30-7312 Isrlpl 1994 PATBF'NOER XE 5 '.peep err a rye 'ret amnm 55Nte win 9 spUke,s •64.000kms e.CeNem PIT ,on. per had swats must sell 110 900 nem Call 905_571- M_ 05-571- 1 n Who yRr 1990 CHfv AStRO RS • n Wwe: ., uaSse,Iptr AW n FM usse 1, a rssmns 6 cenikt 2BOt em" ant 95�it �' 54500 Cant 436 SNI $MANI NAR 3 ;Vs. -Trgew air. Cs D� 'If8loo ••wIR ray. wSM Corning 6 SAS tests 434-0392 i TreNMs 1N7 CORSAIR A 10' Mee :i;.na ••win BBC. Shed dick lawn IurmIM1. hNrtec4 :IeeDt 6 on ft Onnem o Stiletto 1705! 2-7445 a sum L I lop will td w sMep, 7 , snow ow $395C x peg alta IW 6555-7$N POLONG TTWLEN NNNTLLS Mew v ,nreman s Ax', win an Cir WwtlY rrartai SM9/wN6N 905-"l v• r. MtN IANOSfJIE TaMIEM •C or•p 5 wd tan? Yue ,n lel •ole -aa Pit rOrl: fere �r,. .I.� 31400 an 726 meauq UNE NEtN. ISM Rur.wood HkOlap ..n •• rW SkeDs 1. !nye Tannernew nett 2 aIM"a. S3 MO 90542121411 MILLON DoILM YIE1M' A >an sAMw en ya >c - �opbcmxms u 4 Dc aNk l YM o NCM s- Ns 1971 6c in 903-436 tpt JIIR 6p m RBAAC! r*ARXNS IUr son a rww ..v aw.m ro an lw ran ire Iwm Mr win it. g.1a.Mm bars J p.1•a wM- RhOp 00-7m trpi IMt NOW uWASW aAca gear• Nw r.aa •ere-ulcnn� c m m sol 6 netaw 76500 9BS 1101 IARI . 1 Fang - .I 1677 PE1ENlI0N0 Rigw wl^ sh rip cwaoa ays 539 106 Call RM a16267 5394 erol lel FMMUTA >,us LuOoo 563rc2000 .m 'tt wMM,t 1.0 sbah 61 ,TOG un mapon StsadeN 6assdn�. esro,9Mg aNaRoas for mi"$2.500 hem a .01 "aft W Dldr m00a plot 00 .705) no -UM 99 M11111 tlwt w 1N6 21, AKLM Bas Boat 20C ,R Janson TOurNMRM- rigged 100 many erns to Yp Priced for QUO sal. f19 DOD W3nm moon has so s0nosu inquiries dory Aso huge quantity or quMAy flAung " lA . ,qui. Nos /MC- Irmks etc CAN 905-473- W07 rep SORT - 15 n Chrysler Do. wmdel ono wnxon little, $1000 I9o51430621 T CANOES i urAKS 'sS BSeddkrY' Kanas acmes Skins Trice ins >aaales LAeMCkse. rano Kris' Wing" ha our Manna May r. 6 9a. - 5P. $m" :a8e A Kayak 1-80D-6611429 wwW.swmfarbe Can 11 Aerberwi 00. um./401 pargl�ipr ,=. Man $mokslS living tetrad S69Lmo. ole S1 I- W -617 June 6 July 6- 1- 87200he179 or 116425- 6720 alta 6p.m. 2 KOM" avalable for JUN 161 or by IA 2 W. taynsMp. M94 Masson St L 350 MAMBa R0. OSuwil.$720 air month AN inclugw. M pets, call Imre 9.9 905- 76�724 OL4AWA - 2 BEDROOM 1780 all ndusive urge Dv. rte ram and tuning room OUwI B dogs St an0mcaF 51 5 Ga 1 (905) 721-2232 2 GMT LOCATION& Two 1 bedroom apanmmis north. eat Whitby 6 northeast OtHwa Nom smoking. M pets. $625 h15VIAA great for workingresponsible arson Whitby 261.1378. 2611334 Ihuwa 626-33M AMBEALEA AREA - I Dal. mom , Den basewro. air uh U.S." son single women, Mn-SmOW $7U onih. nm/ telt, noplls A golable June Tat 905x31-8143 nE�+r-WORRY IME 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apts. Refurbished & Now Appliances. All Util. included. In-house Supt. 8 Maint. On site Security. Rerdal Office: Mon - Fri. 12 noon - open SN S, Sun 1 pm- Spm VALIANT PROPERTII MANAGEMENT 9os-Is79-111 sze AVAILABLE JUME ISM 3 Dsh, 11 drip h apt m S9Wm tooter No pees F95amanh. ntedk665 FSVtasl repaire1 rt Mounted 1905) 665 1 r 967 SACRELGR APT IOD floor or noose Clan ane qukt 111"l ase isnawa All ,nclu- Aw S4251mc Parking. bus mule Ayalable Jwk IA Cal 721-0122 MNrttY Bact leo, apt Also one bedroom on ream floor ooh avatable July IA Well maintained IOw rKe. clean quiet mature building Ad ponces parking. Nmtres in. cluded. security ur.raas UunC lac balcah Cali 666-2 666-2750 BASEMEMT AMRTMNNT Dednwm IumiSn¢yunlur- v5netsunt working wonmq on- nc=Md A.qk w�Ulrydro 5 C parking h WA 9675 GII 9ullr 2607 or 905-626.5069(u11r BEAUTIFUL AND LARGE walk -nut Hsement nry bright 2 arm ?amity storage I naf ". hnty Town olm rmm AOve cable. etdmK arm ba•kMq end $275 t a 2 per - Son narking opets Avil- Mk July t 905 fiB6-8469 CENTRAL Oshawa•ge 2 bedr0em aDanm«••: availaae m wurru:num«^ Duilarq. close 1. aK an mtws. Please 1,711 19051223.0977 9 a m - ca m Do" G' wMRBY 1 Dorm p• ,.., ;, ,0140' Patin, ea,mry ,"Ird A Last pus Mao July arm (41 A9017 Joy 1 U16)6AL901) LAPSE MIGHT 2-moroom as!m,nr ap, n Hank! g�ary,I1aa.. Pr:ra:e emrancere. Darlorq. IlirhaY. M Mk. rtorF smoker 9650 nnyrdemro aanl- aa0 August 1A •65SS95E lwJtUI1T PFNTMOUSf ,NUC• b,shed YD,d•-win apOroe 9176 sq r uiN soon bm '$, nraae twv llw ne 51400 30b 5) S pabrq end 3sni.r 190575799016 AM -Now ]rte b Broom pus d -M -e sial base- rrkw apRl+nwm. t11MraN en - 'ran". MlrAide[ Yb1meZ. Ca - da. IalMha.1Y. pRkMq. No ItRpl nypets RrAAaA 5725 Da mo x26-4455 ONE all Two adrow aloe rmgmvrm ]mlrprpan, Gi- • p+r-sW, rirdwoad Mas. r•eA a uA M Dots r1T1MR- 3 Awaew JUIN 1 Jsethr1 57 9057•!!-16x7 720-1aM. sr94aN OSWMA 3 'wit oMoxm . npanmms Juh to 7875 Pa '••'- :1us hydro NIAaa CAR M CW51 4049102 a1Mr 7 pm PGKEMRG ,Ran bot md- rpom n.scme:M alwlmm avbrtaDn irnrrnedileely In- dwaF paiwng MAW dry. $700 pr wit mo 't1MANt %on sm oop M pets. TaN- OW4 Bal -9710 PIMPING uN ON- poemen• I. Prwe11 0 rmre r ant ar,RNeN AvaarN irwirrlalabh r90S 1309-0127 Iwaw me- sape atvlrrN nCNEMN4. bwtr.M 2 Dee - ".M pl s8Cai avi., or "sad CCommoahm $500, F,t%Aav No smm- IM pees $tat" Ti- 1 So, dtad 105-531-0143 POURING VILLAGE ass NaitaOk _r M.uII J ye• pit r1Fde^e, 5' wet 10 ;rrbiwq"rant Swt punt _rkmg oath 2 DOnmi740 r,:l_ 1 bd-S37O pa Moo 1905, 509-2375 K1NM01 Ciaet. atm owd- Mq in 3sruwe, meat yn- amt. amia wwaon 7 a0 - room apwllMmt aramw JMM Ig electric MM www.'Orya No MM To (9051 SM 9016 SPAC*O w11 maintained o,w WIX. bag~ AM Separate smr aim bltn- en. &hand WWOV. $150 mom Y alako". M AMn MO. aril Jean 1 AIM 905. 425-2985 fMC10Ut wit-nsainwwa aakis rSM Glen 51t ape S ir 900 m BBB Stmt wan walYin a05ets pF. Drowe- a0 Close tosdr5ah Amp" wnln. GO Ste" GSRs Mldudo Call 728-4997 0SHAWA Faintly BWg. Large 2 6 3 BIR units $710 8 $825.00 Uthties iii ed Easy access t0 schools. shopping. For ap I. 0711 905) 721-6741 TWO 1MOn00M yips N9M paemlm 7p7rtrtWM. fue ap $tum-hil"r-smoker nor pairs S70 Top Includes Women and Aw4f0r June 2110. 9osp'1634 WANTED. quid mature car- son erson a couple to 2 De000. apt, 2nd floor ol Muse m Pkkennp Village $750 6 laplus. first last equired Avant July.!. 12e-6386 IMMTBY - 2 IDMS Asia. four Para row. Very ioaclass. nem Ieepa". Own entrance, no SAX" or Des Awnl rm- n OW" $750 1 duAw FnVW. 19D5N1"I4 WNFM. DMNnn St.. 1 -lied - room L 2-beGroom. 2637 6 $752 Clean. quiet building, pill" Lara closets Nor shops. GO IrNN40T triage, goo MM" NO pets 905- 404-1414 WN11ES NO,/ M" 7 1 1.12 bedroom basement apan- menl Suits working single person, non-smoker. $500, monthly Available June Isl 905-420.30/11 Play rent ween you fr own your own Mme fa less then you thmili GII Dave Hay- lak Sales Rep Rowa. Summit Really (19911 Ltd 19051 50 -AM or 190.5) 666- 3211 WILSON AND ROSUAMD. Spacious 2 beJlwm Joan ment. Iwo ippiances taurmry faolltles,. play area close to Shopping and buses Please uNt9051436-6616 686.1278 1 Hlauta For Rare Income $35,000 plus? ' Ist Time 9uyer7 Pr0/essoonal Realer? Call Mark to "Own' your next home! (905) 371-6275 143004WO-6275 Q � L h linO O m O- - Mark Stapleey sew ao R.Yw •a.1 Rr A Au DAM 00 ,wr lour item name -, D1«roiy Jp. prad0. 6 monms Ircback to e $rpm youu0 Income From 129.000 plus gam sea, Spon M aym tow pen, Cap MM Cd- llsdo ayme Drake' COIOM1e Banker RMR peal EAak 1905;728 9614 A AUMUTELY ASTOUNo- MG r; mrsl.n3'rx 'ten cur I a,+:e '•' $6001momn ' a c you, q ire rash pack lO you' Ramg $70000 •t shoe mwme as good ,on Spon a gown paymento GII ern ROYa Sal" Rep bam tppay n . War $p 19051 728-1600 1- 1,118--v 1600 A ABSOLUTELY ASTWNO- INc 5 mnmM Itl. twr %,w• a roue 'rum f6pGrmoms ; a up w 9S 000 Usn pas lC you' RagwN $J0000•I9" of down ymQ seal 98.11 a do.n barmRlen Lair reit Rau. $acs Rp to0sy Ra loft 32 T 1905) 7261500 '. 646772.1600 4-N01100M -•..Ie anrupk mmedatNv -,Caw : Wmplor f?�; -,omn pus utMrbet Fn2*0t 762 r1Wra Cant 12501-7460 AJAK aFAUTwUI 3 peaban Durpaow rain mwr ante Anel nNs.1y de«oratld IMP en. 1 Ci 175 ape a eG ro Das W f1rM,YS IA, Wo ugue,A 9051 Ns -a1$1 115 a AWNASU JULY tST 3 boo- Jas n1et wMmyvrJpe tewNlew4 .plr- 50e oleo $' 700 mwmay owe :all Bid 105,263 apt Plpl[Mf4 a 010r00n a ew,y kcal"IT $ 5 a .pe ti F�n_ytt. f,1 200 •-rote wy No P as C;Me to Do CIO MO pets Goe b Gus CIO 905SOFa0R WNTBY t IINOOM ,:••a 4nw,ee eluted vat 1 u y" rape 1N aN4 pbrka9-0749 ANMJM y 90S� wwwa WAa'FC M nONrmNG ole• can ro t]wmren 'waft !pedal 'weee loo4rw 'c up. dr :arJrM ,ur ome tairned 45"Ca0ru0rn Igny Foramen nhRencri aved- Jer 905931 Tose 1 Tawwlow•w fq New A, OSHArA SWTN l bcd to ••'rp f175 DR Mhalm sDAw UeYAR FrriylfA AM"" Am 10 9051 57f 9156 ars 1 ftm ear P MPUNG .w furnishig tor' wo:e ole taCnMae{. wpa'.k:i•4:Jrw AvW now $Nle arg Sir fxNuthe RaiCall (9054 39-4271 and Mm rep LLTOY RO S SeIE/PPMMO nsMc -:,, -• a wprYlrp De•wr :Cir' quart srvliie- tm Mme )509 brief LAW 19D57509-22rlint f45959 1 SIri1M AawwmeNrin IASEMENT AFT. yNerrop ire .bite S 1"12 uu f575� N1 duan CN D..905y31'OlS AJAX- :onverNaM to 401 � 3 bedroom ewcutiw on smeki I -shed Halle to Asst maw separate 40C orwre pan. owl IrSnl+Droom 111C hropk M W a J00, wt orobsApu Duel street SioGMVs Pamp0lyde Aw,lable JWy+A ng 905-686-9963 SNARE INTN an yr old mae. 2 bedroom Coro in Aper a Wagner am Hwy R Own fa Mtn and taurdn. an. TIM smoker. $450 per month. Leave m ssage 905426- 4103 wolm" NA PROFESSIOL seeks same to sure house A bawl I GMIXT, dost N amen" teal per o.10ro nduslw Pwase nam 905- 404-0615 05404-0615 M For MIL PKXEROs LUXUI" COIR for roc". new 2 bahmons 2 Deado , balcony. rM taal- Iles. great location Desna PTC Pc 4brar, 8 roc c5tro Awe Appust f16mmomh t9051aiI-Ttti elomto a STORE FOR RENT, WTrtby 900 so If . only $750. Mo law for revel gore use. medics or once awltade now GII i,111161696-8541 or (416) 691- 4200 Wdnww EW U -b OFFICEIWAREHOUSE space aralaoie m Boum e t n min trial u ! I,7 a 1500 sq n Junitun fBO0astable JUN 1st G11 II M Murray 905 426 -segs 1 tM Rant CHANDOS LASE. clean 2 6 3 Dedrwm housek-_ rep gob tapes Beach good ISDmp no Deis Prices from 5380 - $485 Cal 705.6564981 FENELON FALLS, Smrrp!Ch Lake. mCdern great WeonI cotlble 3.bed rooms f11 con. kenunces. use No pets IIICAM ( 516p23-. 37 wxk- h CMI 1905W27-7637 GREAT FISHING and family rnoirday Pr" Lake One hour 11o. Osuw Modem Tonag- as SamY bW Dlaygra., dwaens DrogMm Low lam - IN P.Ces. July 6 Apgusl asp salable SSMMeads Cot- tltim 17051696 2601 EVERY DAY IS PAYDAY WHEY YOU NEED CASHI We hold your personal cheque 'til payday NO CREDIT CHECKS! 3 z o -CASH 1 sqe a Rtm GLUE MOOR RETREAT ' 80rr 559 9449 9rr1• Ino wsn l W' m ^SaDps yet alaq 4 wNI ¢oulppee- °rr CO- Cvrtapes erns riot m-, have a secpq lu;rury - Age The Snangrda Pn ale nr wweY 8 seam3 bed De0- "wms. 3 bale Dnv.ae TV •r:m. hreplau satellitea N ¢ommp hwngroOm Iwnnure. anther a dryer Crshwaer ' w top knrq 6 quem Vied Viee r„ nsAll Ona7M have BBC,. Jim pis ad pi tur- i' 12 dere use of Hollub In- ,li>0!d m rema price IeaIK. oaskelbad beach volleyball. a0mmton horseshoes`30, Doffs canoes and battle boats We also lux great fishing 6 swmmht au 5 e5. flown Puny take lust '.'lkm5 from Agonqum Park 1 c!am0 • ' vac gl.nall LIEAPWATFR 2' ^°^-•m .,^ •n, el ca i d m ,,roer rMmes W ', usere udro ar1neatedoc pita. tql ,D Close to beadles arm .'.alpr attractions CmktrM a,lcome 52751wRMy Pno- S shown your Home HK Wn-SVY! 1 1 P•n.1R• rsrnln p561 71.. .- . A, s 'wiry •.n /CID n 2 D:arnm nder r new krtaten Under pain L IIS sMuq glad oh geK done 5 31IIh set on a urge Rt win n.Alrae tees m a good oral d 0511%, war ant vKJnites 5 appliaces its trek m 5100 remvlp arm 2p Lasa MW '"' C~C Bahker today a, 1905i7M 941d i-NOROOM BUMCJLOW •' etnM a: : i x+es °utwes lnclupe urge ntcnen. alhtfeo ynpe wyk uw b+sen,efl to puler aOyard Sl•ym flews across 'a malure trees 122900) 1.10 '9051655-SaaO for foals 11 IEOIIODMSSned ,•dwo0a 2 look_. •..'' onflan schools bares TIM Pnrt Perry NO Agenk $199.999 Caa 945. 5637 OPEN ROUSE SAT Mak 77. .DUP" E 4pm :roc 'oro lDeC-r. +rM-m closets : S loam Sba- Auaifforroy Lrvmper, o Tude r t pMgtn, wrn7 EST! Camay Comm wrMepyee JA slda'+y sySrer- 5 p Fang tented ,.w aprash p0'wabldl In haft JI.O pMb t+79900 994ca-role AFFNE x MRLT 4-bedriam vine d � .aunroe 'army rDUln ,wgri hrepKl ale mimesebaral. ed. roam roma a m�rq-•omm nyge tui -m -krone 1R1pa0- ee C1OwM11 ceramic W"' WLW 6 library ream -Tate 'armdry ovtrAHt r DMI bldrpmm w+wwpl-:n tlaet 21d 'Irwin L AKwre wW* hall b IPWelaWer edecoraee mp ok AwJWprq step rrre.ord Ilpp,wq m man nae L waited UrpN throughout E.tm -MM =MM wwmow cove -W mrpraiola tu5 a Caem,ka shun" amry-air bOeeO inqw AMnaea area Ivo m -wt em s .pownF- L paap-Ooar-Ogne. •"r I1rYad bRlrarO wTrra -Jfw1 tyres Flow wrr. Pro - !.s o.wy IkMKapaid A MIST SEF" ^row m a wine S sitimagelo ro, 3 1, Iyn Miring V'9900 434- 61419 W OSMAMA I1ar 1W 101 ant SO&C-N a win man 1ala11 rented ant lane- xaped kart wrVW Wcno.w 11N500 9 7M17tp earl NDIITII WNAwA - : orw fl • ur, oO (ad a: •g oak ctrl 01a100m_ I0w lowm Day ,.in Free reCOm60 'Rf sage 141-2545750 100 2001 FWn Fest Away Lm OPEN "Dow Saturday Mal, 2•T 6 Snday bay ,81h or Spm 64 '3m :aan W. WMlfly OryV w&m L Golden a dn) 3 pOrr• reMbm rortrtnouw and una NOr1D 'ohnap se y dale raa- hm b,* anee amrlfed s Otauah lr m 13956 Fm- 'sned basement t 3t5sG It ,[ tn7e 324 a 110" Asknp f' 69900 OPEN HOUSE S-' Mr al 281n - a •, ai OPEN UOU Lr130wnwn- wIN t 744 W t 2 story 3 poolbedI ms, on sure reit pal " ub. DbreMape. Inalk To Wi3 m ale school S1 f+43900 ,9051 6977 a37s OMM TOIMI OwN wuMr:tn' 2239900 JW,00n• :..5 swimming poo, ,amryrppm 10 A Iran Open 4aseb. 44 NA. 0 sea 28 q a a Mar 213 Jvnc tin 986-11 001 $MTN PICREl11NG. 3 be0- ppm wrih new Irl 4. pat centra air a ITIC rlarJWDod 110o,s 6 appnancrs wart to take. Gd L 401 Asking 5184 WO UII Peter 905-431- 0606 tam lex biuwroo AREA 15 Be ac- es Wool. 950 ft Dad Iron- Iwge Claret and tented Wait new Rare 5 mm G Oshawa are, id Guide Cal Adam J81 Rao. Gwa Racy 723-5281 WOLFE ISLAM Waterfront Lots 100.600 IT Sao 000 Walter Frank Royal Lepage Frank RE 905576.4111 1 ON-oFTrwn P.E.I. - SPORE33 5 oeaoom home in St Montague PE Is" 24 pc bathrooms large country kncnen. urge Ilan it" uurory rm, family rm. Innn trovm town sewers 6 water beautiful backyard Walking distance to beautiful Z' $75900 I- U! wwtlorl PS4Q!!bL PARRY SOUND, Sun lake Is insa pods. swung 3-bdrm avauble June Sept. Ot: F700,wk S2aQQ o 19051 47.74088 sno WW SC AM SAW Rg RED SETTER RESORT ;amp Site S Conaas Lloam _ot- lapes win an ;,;ndliwl�:q 6 C obaN hearing We Hve several Camp silts available large spacious sites :tom $850 season We offer good nsninp srmm�nnp roc -hall ant games room 7D5.778- 3096 ato Lord BUSINESS LOAM$ S13K Iu WK .Ippmvals 48 his Goc- • mem seC�ie:1 ons to S2SOK 1.$778643 0130 or 19tri 3960 Money to Lend MONEY PROBLEMS .-•' ',ut ban rout , .:::•, ��,..,..� Everyone regardlessof accepted ress in Clean rating Call V II Iee information 905-576J505 Snrlent Sam rahmee :1 Manygri. Irnurtrlq MORTGAGES ,.it oar] rn, tub .".c:np br am( "-:• use Au appbralnm axcpr- etl Call 'Minority sil"O e Services Corp '905! 664 6805 ACCESS MONEY treat 1nve511 gdnr.n FIHn- nal Assrsia -'°Soared t be approvM $10000 aro up Fina o 'RRSP'LIRA. -RIF •DENSION FUND FROM Es-emplover `an Now Tail 1-888.657"1062 Ton ¢e Fax I.888 703 1492 An. , ,mA M our xminams and •«tarot IDC ape ':Nrw3dl >s'nron 7 Lays a +wok Mumti two F,runcmg onsdlams • 1 J B1ektlee SS GOVERNMENT U: m..• A:..: ,e ...::row. ,ess or Farm t.Bpr}SOia81i6 AJAX MELLTX CENTRE ;prlrq ySpeOal aromarnera by Doh 'nsa makrom am aDn 965-586"982: 01]M loam "t t p m GREEN DOLPHIN=Y,'a014 ME4'At_• ;D F9: SPE- a;r,= WA�dF" a SERVICES rum ,ey 7i. :14i"0" glrril"tory nwJr7e - . duAw ""tory rvprac cuA0mrr3 wwtrprr r. e a Arami Ia Mpn income Do lemur Supeon arm •d 525 00000 raaape aViu Mr- T yark-1 ,n.1..6157.:9 r-01: M77 7 uyAlarm CDmbac ns'rtre, 'uaQue' apprtsv+e Wrk.• )P ow .v>rmr. aakri�i�rnz area .,r mem 2511 e f9 •:� fZ5 000morrn "us ' rq 'CLr]�ar nr�me � !ler '7PPOP. JN:7v �F - ^E.AOf' :airy wean.:. d009W9J05 ",. rIaasJ•mSSaIeO4tDpn1a6awOH;Sii9tp6ltsrrNTIiyydmAmt':riYr 4ielaNnam3a'un6A•:trlare iDNri.✓MDT tdag.irr•Y�,.v•YtrR-�, o�tar.omrrIrieOMtC.WMdrk iuvAU7" ,;'0 = 'lsJ:eoe.e "adNeimr2sn,mIaa2 Tml TWFC LOCATION lir ad. year Gna rntai0e+- H•;r ' a :TIOmadn m Iart - n•,1s Sinai 97' 795 ..195 WONK FROM NAME• bei' J M ^C.penwKe 'leas sin w •Cyn fmtllMl ry 573 7092 proxo.1OeC hes W . I � 30 mays Auer Nay " 2006 AILA Mn3101 aged sed by public Author, 414 fo60avq accounts Timolol we 30- iroAm M Cover 4N cost of rent and n- peme DedrapW,,alkarr mom pas F,Wddrrr CTTWk pertora " d 1M above tens rots may pay ar"ol o" 1n Cash, and r9 Deem Mor rierUlat- Q9. a ante Mte prior /10 Ute auction. CENTRAL .'GLLWAIE'S 5rI1 ,n 2 J L WI in it" N w - um baa AN 'Gamer ws' aN Cm%^ mokid Wa renew olid owrwove am nwl+mne For An rah Jr. IAMer, 905 720.46N 650 �� AM PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Iliay 24,200D inert Us On The Internet: www.dudUWrCWWS.net t6nato rltnar of Stoufhnue and Etch» M the late OL ales Sao n Jilbridoe a Vanhaven Sales Arena. 72e Davis Or Uxbridge Durham 13 (takeridge Rd) nom fo Davis Dr A west 2km FwalYn 4 ItounhW/. Dn ries. incl oak 8 pc a buried oalemaple'wal 7 pc d oak 6pc, china cabinets math player piano a bench 8114 rolls, caner captive, w/carved door, :orner wall whatnot oak sidebds., qty Oak wardrobes ind. 2 Ig w/dbdrs.. 2 sm wtcarvec single dos.. pone cpbd., pm cobd , wrought iron bak. e s rack (not old). Oak hall 6 tree. tables incl. oak 6 oqh , barky twist. wal. nesting, games a Singer trey die, enter cemre, tea cart. piano bench, thein mit. 2 rosewood balloon back, heavy carved wneedlepoint seats (ex.). 6 d/r, wicker tuba ladder back, nursing A oak fan back rockerstwig arm Mair a table, gossip bench, couches, Oueen bed chesterfield, wicker s'tl" & than, deskbressing table & chair; pine washstands, came dry sink, dressers. chests mit, pone w/glove box (ex.), desks incl Ig oak, architects, oak hb & child's db.. 6 school desk a chairpine cradle. oak church pew, sew mach w/cab, trunks and steamer. Com- mode. elec db bed -new 97, brass bed, carpets incl. Indian & Oriental. swing mirrors, quilt rack, .primitive pine, 18' satellite dish Uw receiver & card: China 61m a sityaG ROYAL DOULTORS - Julia Hill Shiner HN'0"c Sharon HN3047, pinky Do HN1678. Belle HN2340. Baoyy HN2t21 Wendy HN2109. Tinker DNI HN1677. Fair 1�'laide' HN2211, Affection HN2236. Child HN2154 a Gentleman from Williamsburg HN2227: plus Dickens Series - Dock Swrveller, Sam Vetter. Mr Micawber. Sauey Gamy, Little Nell. Artful �er. Fat Boy & Mr Pickwick. Ridgeway (serv.n) w/ nn scenes. Royal Worcester (sent 6). Ww lug A om set. collector plates, cups & saucers, occ. Japan, nupage blares. dep. ill . crystal incl comflower, sil- t tea sery & trays. rr9itKbgtri.li--MtM 8 stained cal. windows. crocks Intl 4 gal Medana Vct oil lamp w/cranberry top A brass base, wrought iron floor Ian1D. gingerbread school dock. Ig qty. old frames, tins, city books. doll clothes & dressers. copper wring- er washer, marbles, sial churn, type trays, Pepsi signtmenu board. Coca Cola, Blue Jay & oilcans, hockey game, golf dubs. LM. Edition Art, sm display cases. newer w/slides & box, puzzles Brig boxes. records, scale. McLaughlin tuner seat deer head, sad irons: TOYS. over 100 tap incl Dinky. Tonka. Buddy) L. Coqp, Marchtc. oiecas: & in, military.steel trucks. dons a more. SPORTS CAR incl Parkhurst hockey - 1163. 54, '55 Motion. Richard. OPC incl rookies, baseball. 60s rocker Star 1Neekly & Telegrams, IggiS Mastercrah 14 no & B&D recharg lawnmow- ers. eiec rotobller, push mower, weed walker. Shop - craft table sawn, router & table. wood tool box, qty Hand. power. garden & old toots. Cryhand saws. .buck. chain a cross cut saws, wood planes ind Stan- Abuctro ere arc selling treadmill,. me Ilsamerer nine thiir.d � rot's Inview. 8 a m Sale Day Terms: Cash. X. M.C. In- tl or apt•-ved cheque. Gary Hill Auctions (Drv. of 1361082 Ontario Limited) Uxbridge OMice 905-852-OSM Toll Free 800-654.4647 Cellular 4/6518-6401 Fn 906-652.1067 AMTI(R MALL "WY 42. COLBORNE :w,h d M1,•,t tv^„s^Ings t-•«^ +.,•tie M Mz 5%bf,, :wDourc o. wmmn ct atkow vp dna seuexi amc- TNURS. MAY 25TH. SPM. —130 and ou 2 aucwreers. 3 wmme pnola:Wien pi,r with "M OIC Tosh ser Ba 79C. PawrPx W 3:11C me tprhy 5110 An 9OW arpkng con- tta,w r,7 1/2" PMOorpry, Dow -units we ,.w a 13014 rV)Omm 6 DtAeore ,r,aa acv0wil ar,ennr, Plea y. RP 01Ap epxoxii" and suppke$ ntorae d,rn. 1k,y ab wa" am . Wlalandt ayw now, Drape m,CrpMrn sOrrr supplies s. OUR . c m e& Dina Dan tit. once sP tattrDrn Done f—nnirhps bier ii Iwngr IBC room. fnerslnen. same Mt Arras woscuitia wit cab. Daae Mail Dian 9.0 table$, erslrt. olds wares, dwu, aftcwm s oa. War. prcbre$ twc Nrrwous .00 SAT FAY 27TN - 1M.M 5ua,e sic an W- hopr,y ek•nC :,• Dr,sD+,e : rrJrtv.. apikorr ata a drier nwv«te w h 6 maims apt. aailmn+i aers re4 war trot " 0, with carried t bd - dww Wap now caw ta0erac leer, tree ttarxee so00 A- nU cam cru ,4aaw, arm ocs am n. ppwwbbvtr 2 oto rOe. «m rams araDaw ale arOew V Hit & tarome wt r,r '+,gra Dor Overseer .w minor yaw, w a Dora ion, r.w +use set l 2 Boa lrrpge ph lbw Of woe. moean slrra0 war ale I & Ixi ins. P Ci wndDa, nod mixer ry CRY' urry a wtr. w. akew,o a ale inn .wrmrr entw oda irr nor ftld bMte$ Doarsebre mdvo trot aere.r ole „10irr, ave aria t.ne as r.calwn anmw, tea W.M. +• vM ue some st.wy soft its vivre cc inner, F,yrirr tOeiDe. rnhpia. dwel sear Na■rr oymr clod �s erre- 61~aewain 0.5 rwrmrlr wtawoea as Ir"W Oen WON Clava Nile fart slrrMt most b mom,rm hoar, rwrvehp acoh n. no ,wrest llpnuxs- Cary & til W*fl w AKIDOWs. IW3S62lN AUCTION SALE swvrdav, Mat : I I W a ria. Wirrfyw Awcs.rm A4atwnnr .+errs Arno : all rnxR, of 9lwko-k on old boNtog R. J VIEWING from 10.00 a.m. till sak time Mwlinn ent -entre portable colour ry S. dresser no corner DiPbOrd. rr W# kitchen Set. Ilea Mcile R wwJler low said old ant cupboard. aepN feta car kl ll. gqu a china, hand 17an4p Deal. Mita aeura Curb cabinet. Inill nhanee clock. Cotta b tables, old Vul Old milk border. day Ded wM 940 Crops. one wooden butter bold, old tabic to or Chum. Spur gas Pump. cast Baran Be, smr Male tiC I CDndhlbn. Chm$Uffhed and Chin. 6th wmude oebord moa. 2 - 15 IIP Johnson our tarp motors. 1993 Entim show It. da0le skft DW (ac). 4 ton dump traler double ala. 12 HP G Biala noting Iwimower (aci. Horba 5HP gas a eryressort snow plow 7' 6. 92 Honda motortyd 15 Istd cartMlodi. 16 Hands motorcycle good to hon. 85 Ov smon wagon. roto Aller. imaurrpwen r tstne saw. snopensUh Mach 5 (sandal planer. lad A oras 1. car ,rbrps - 350: 1991 43 them rr4K" reed 1967 293. 6.5 turbo diesel. 16 canoe. pa no tae-. 6 Ion Rams4y arid, and hush bar Sal OW to allftm orb dMeans something for M one snack ba available Orion; cub ck"" with prow M. »»vitt or Mala. '3 Gong, .", sale or future sales, Call (905) 986.4443 or (905) 404-9392. Jim McIntyre - Auctioneer Tuesday, May 30th 6 p.m. Viewing at 4:30 p -m, - 2 auctioneers ST. MARY'S HALL o rust on 7A to Hwv 835, north 1 mile LlNord Rd., go East I mile. Or, from ncisayt Hwy 35 South to Lifford Rd., o East, Selling contents of the Lae Irs. Charlie Revnolds of Bethany and intents from a Port Perry home, and hers, old flat -to -wall kitchen cup hard, old tables, steel wheels, 2 old em whistles, collection of Harlequin .)mance novels, (over 1600 books), old lilts, fountain pens, comic books, tin rich box, radio, wooden boxes, Orono ile can, antique dishes andglass, dress - rum rill pottery,Royal Winton, col- btables and MANY MORE ITEMS )m these homes. BRUCE. KELLETT, (706) 3262115 Friday Eve, May 26 at 7:00 p.m leld for Mn Iva Kieffer of Stouffvhlle, at the allantrx Community Centre, 1 kmeast of Iwy. 48 on the Aurora Road. Also including old tins and the quality Contents of another IouffvkAe home, very clean sale, most items re "As Neu" and ready for your home. Partial !Bogs: Simons -hide a bed chesterfield; 1940's alnut clurung table w/chairs; Danby window a/ (only used last season); lazy boy style dui- w/ At in heat and massage; color, t.v; Beaumark Itchen stove and fridge; microwave; small tdhen appliances; radio w/6 in. t.v; dressers; fffee and end tables, desk; silverware; linetfs; w set an collector books. large selec- n of glass and dtina will include many good ales. Good selection antiqyue Canadian coins gg Newfoundland, PEI arnd Nova Scall toms 16] and up Hand and garden tools; mist. husehold affects and much more, a full sale. eview 6 pan. Some antique pieces included. Web Pagge. clarksonactions.com CLARKSON AUCTIONS Ph/Fax (905) 640.6411 GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE FRIDAY, MAY 26TH, 6 P.M. Selling an estate from Cobourg, and from Huwmanville homes, including uednwm sur twin beds, dressers, chests of drawers, chests field, coffee tables, kitchen set. thou, tub char scasronal chairs, china hutch. garden ton pwuu furniture, apt freezer. etc etc Tern Cash, app. cheque, visa, milli, interac. AUCTIONEERS FRANK and STEVE STAPLETON (905)786-3346, 1.800-263.9886 since 1971 oe SPRING ART tette AUCTION Q 125 PIECES TUESDAY MAY 30TH PREVIEW: 6.00 P.M. AUCTION: 6:45 P.M. FEATURING e Robert Bateman e Laura Berry e A.J. Casson e Trish Romance e James Lumbers e Doug Laird And many more! Newcastle Town Hall Exit Mill Street For info call 905-427-2450 ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our "Auction Package" consists of your ad running weekly In these publications: it Oshawa Whitby This Week Or Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Peary This Week • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune • Canadian Statesman One call does it all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 AC(710M1 SALE SAT. MAY 27 10:30 A.M. rhe pmperty of Mrs. and Mr.. Norman Wil. vin, 5 Manvers Dr., Janetvllle, Ont. House sold, moving to Lindsay. Anngsee bedrtx.m set, anti see oil lamp, Shelley .uF., saucers and rhes, 8 hp snowblow- er. Harden tools, tolls, famitume dishes, nett. organ and stool., drop leaf table, old commode, cooper boiler, hall table. Many more household Items. Phone for teal het: BRUCE K EL LM. . 1705) 3262185 , ,,In . Coll 1 1". Dahow•s. soorts MemorWlfs. DM Radio's ane Japer Aso So" ray 2rk. 111-30 a On. (Vai rka !M) rscGrgor Action Cahn. 6owmsarne 4h to wawrty IN. Elft 431, Mart to 02 "car Ego 10 sale) SI. Mort 1 tin. Sunday s Auction features a ;ualiry selection of amass from the past. rernshal a NigirQ .onbition. ml trip oak strop top dist, oak office chain. bah da lu, Mk nvwv lap. M,sc Mars Xdour. cannel. Doss backs. Vtctorw etc I Canadtana PCs washstabs, dnssws. dawn a tool taxes. local advertising arR On Doe CirOs. pumps, kad gkm windows. old ra. dio's (Grants. Baroness 610, Admra, RCA. G E. De- frost. rrosley $2. 2 Phdm floor nitldes 63 & 22A Royal n m Doulton MN 3646. 2361, 3954. 3263. 3625. 1315. 3457, 3647, 2017. 2105. 34%. 1954, 2471, 3381, 2877. 3427 3601. 3966, 3694, quality & dtro. Sports cogediNa include r of sal» om Montreal Forum, old sport' tardy Iewom Docks. also sdeg at 11 30 sharp 1986 xA Jtpur tt til Plus marry mad rare a unbue articles MOtE sports COl K*Wn id 1st at 10 Mam CON IN Far ONOMf Africa CaNM Archon 6 Npranaf so am "or focatbn or sari racGreNer rtnen iwlnces Nick" J r 1-Ne6.623-T9N 1-N6F 791 -- .ITL IW 11 M 41 :-T14. to 1 M „ a„t,. w r•!. r. 1'e4rboewQg.h ;_' m, Elst owv n H 971 Trocterr, 4nm macieuwry. 10 a.m Ind ring neav small apphances, dinette furnenay. r,,n :I a.m. pubhc euro auctuon, rxepo's .t4nowrlb, ei[. about 40 on, truths, vara. rn -Baia Iab wndeL call br hatlo consign can -0s 74,S -%07m 14kx1-lot-Mw II Ord McLean RR7 rrereenr..8tn--.. ItULDING ^_Te-ee alit 115 r+wy Drtc Peterbc•7 Ca unty ad 'J go north lar, or 3s int or oriwnrre on e7. 5k l.crh on Emily Pk Flo 10 The dal assoti- mem of antpwm,oft furrusrangs. appliances. Grp_ of 7 prints, IN Ford traikor wtloadr. 6x11 tb trader leen nation -12h JO *4 attachrtar . 12 Sir Crafts- man twin and teh MTD hen cyl , 15 CWM fbwglesy boat ii Mere aid trier. 1996 bhp Everudr Oe, 9 Johnson OB used 2 WAS gas. 84 Dodge Goo cotivert- nbk, g. qty hand tools, concrete saw. ficetylmt loch. CS as new, 314 drive irf r- r gun 30' alum ed balder 810 male CasNdledt onyi NA WTCHELL Am - TIONS RR4 DMEMEE 715-716 4 7N. 1 Prsrhale AN you sow, 'tie 16— err cad g Place www On MmA cam er1NrtArrt 9MIa 9ATN19 serener Call a rasitio. O a privet :rWlOpx Or Drowse oma personal act tree Wel a now Frienda Jar kw W DMOM a LEM ar ra same lime Mia Irish emc ng lessons rratrugor s 4 I,mt web tltanpgw f10, 7i 9p m Pay P4kering Gu x+ • 631.7611 H1H Cas. shoed tide to Claremont neeYdoedMonday, - snbunwk0w WlsrblpernN�to (416)402-0s5W NENK LY PSTOK M- sweis Find the owde well s299row, 16.-24 his 1- 900.451-37ed via Or m snort Or in Gere Car Ik6ty liver kwodudrors, Ontarb s trasdbrW MOCh- make. Toronto atac))777- 6X? Soun/yNs1 �5,9)65a- LOWNa FOR A NICE. err. pyaw man who trop on OMMOO's. catage w, swim - fol E aabny. 51yrs or okf- il Also Imurria re a& = 905.119 3000 Vaaey am. . uaeaers ovawmapproa pamm 1NfaAr. ng reluromhps Well 10 - growth ser vi ars, dances. cab suigngie New tin hey lo mea tervie selective Cal I« kr worw W 43gles co p wwwdurNnWryles wrfn • : 'IrtAN Please read your dassified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. NO TDIE TO TAIA Why not Fax us your at You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our Customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. afaaas Fax NewAdveftlowa 905-579.4218 YOUR CAR OR showcaw It across Durham Region. CaU Ciassif1Cds Max at 683-0707 or fax 5794118 Uxbridge at 852-9741 or fax 852.4355 Congratulatlolls 8 Best Wishes Sara Jo Cairns, B -SC. Honors, B.ED. We are so proud. Love ya lots Dad, Mom, Jody, Dusty & Kit. '°''' 700 Happy Birthday "Zito " Love, your friend t' CDCa rol`��''' p.s.: I'm blinded by s0000000 many candles UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the followitV areas: UXBRIDGE Me a Water St.. Bascom & Main St. S., Colonel Sharpe Cres & Mdne Crt., BrackSt. E., Franldin St . Third Ave. S. a -ane Planks. Colby Rd., & Main St. N. CANNINGTON Allison Crt.. Beaver Ridge Dr. Heron Dr. & Meadowlands Dr. also, Adult Canters deeded tar vran" a dimer rq routes. Cath Debbie 905-852-9741 COME & WORSHIP Is a regular Friday Feature for the Churches in the Ajax Pickering area. To advertise your Church Services or Special Church events please call Janice at (905)-683-0707, Ext. 2218 or Fax# 905-579-4218 Deadline for Copy is xx Wednesday noon for friday) 800 B00 DURHAM HANDYMAN SERVICES Semi retired tradesmen and hand- ymen. Reasonable rates on home repairs and remodeling. Electrical Plumbing carpentry, painting and more. Fully Insured, bonded & written Warranty NO HIDDEN COSTS/COUPONS Tom 1.800.955.5101 kaw 1111111471N1,I)m DE=Gt GN ROUT ADVM MW rllpscale� 6ieMr For all your ■sealer IitareAO_ �AaTAx bathroom Serving Durham bevy A tom renovations Regicm 905-426-9965 �scrrhon Guaranteed RUSSIAN TOP Pkv r'eb'ate• (416) 4104904 Ceo9a.m Dail OR GAlt1AG1B (`�WIH 5-232Ld Pidtermg Grand opening 2 La ties - 4 Hands Complete Massage & Jacazzi 1211 KirgRton Rd. 905-839-4680 AEU[OVAL ing 18+ ung 1 P.bwya allot Deeks Post Hole Drilling INSTANT LIVE GIRLS I Tll�Is Call - Jason Phone conversations 1-888-579-0077 with dee gid next door I Slra�.rTIO (905)-786.2022 Have a secret affair with a naughty re nice d. your areal $1PLAo I cru /G ucco cehnqs. baserngrl rerovatrom Pay as your re San". For a free Mlmate call Stolt (116) 114.5911 P tiering Aft Pro PairtiEL9 and Wallpapering alum, fupyWul won+l.e yi4 sir I,x S�•s FREE Estimate 404-9" Death Notice Listings For Audio Version on current deaths 683-3005 currux bo a tan Perri resldmR Brought to you by the allowing the funeral homes: Accenone. Armstrong. Low a Low. Martino k Sons. McEachnie, Mclntosh- Anderson, Morris. Newcastle Funeral Home. Rortbcu t -Eldon. Rsha,n Funeral Service. Wagg. W.0 Town. Memorial Cbapel QUALITY PAINTING 8 • I I k.beebnwne ' 1 I k.awwarrrr DECORATING In Loving Memory of InIenor/Extrnor ALAN DUNNING -'Age 37« Free Estimates taken from us suddenly from 837-9558 Canine Anaphlylaxis (Dog bite) on May 25th 19% SODIRA PAINTING ``....����l�dl am _ s+amer PAST, CLEAN a MFSIaaL c Far I srsmarrs (905) 426-8865 "A TRIBUTE OF LOVE" Dear Lord put your arms around him And give him a great big hug Tell him its from his Mum And give him all my love It only takes a little space To write how much I miss you But 'AI' it will take the rest of my life ,c torget the day Ilost you. i TMS PAINTING 1.800.955.5101 & DECOR Lyn Dunning' DE=Gt GN ROUT toll -tree European Workman- Sisters Lynda, Donna & Sandra i 6ieMr G-1 C..I, deo • Drywall' Fat cwn. �AaTAx • raping i Pickering bevy A tom 6"W**~. • Painting • Dirks/Fences TO AIAMM N �Ott< RUSSIAN TOP Pkv r'eb'ate• (416) 4104904 ELITE SPA Pidtermg Grand opening 2 La ties - 4 Hands Complete Massage & Jacazzi 1211 KirgRton Rd. 905-839-4680 ���� txs 1 P.bwya allot "GUARANTEED- PAINTING i $1PLAo I cru /G ucco cehnqs. baserngrl rerovatrom Pay as your re San". For a free Mlmate call Stolt (116) 114.5911 P tiering Aft Pro PairtiEL9 and Wallpapering alum, fupyWul won+l.e yi4 sir I,x S�•s FREE Estimate 404-9" Death Notice Listings For Audio Version on current deaths 683-3005 currux bo a tan Perri resldmR Brought to you by the allowing the funeral homes: Accenone. Armstrong. Low a Low. Martino k Sons. McEachnie, Mclntosh- Anderson, Morris. Newcastle Funeral Home. Rortbcu t -Eldon. Rsha,n Funeral Service. Wagg. W.0 Town. Memorial Cbapel QUALITY PAINTING 8 • I I k.beebnwne ' 1 I k.awwarrrr DECORATING In Loving Memory of InIenor/Extrnor ALAN DUNNING -'Age 37« Free Estimates taken from us suddenly from 837-9558 Canine Anaphlylaxis (Dog bite) on May 25th 19% SODIRA PAINTING ``....����l�dl am _ s+amer PAST, CLEAN a MFSIaaL c Far I srsmarrs (905) 426-8865 "A TRIBUTE OF LOVE" Dear Lord put your arms around him And give him a great big hug Tell him its from his Mum And give him all my love It only takes a little space To write how much I miss you But 'AI' it will take the rest of my life ,c torget the day Ilost you. i TMS PAINTING Lola of Love from "Mum & DECOR Lyn Dunning' Inaericr & Exterior Tony & Brothers Steve, Gary, European Workman- Sisters Lynda, Donna & Sandra i ship the rivet of the family Fat cwn. all formerly of Bay Ridges rekable service. 428-0061 i Pickering bevy A tom 6"W**~. MOVUVG 1rAllls TO AIAMM N 1 oerw 1 ornr gee.v departures Door 10 dow owv" No hiodn chorges Cal TOLL FREE We Pay ft GST! r01MITAw BOOM SYSTEMS We wit +rive wrv•wq Vwt— Wr�wyinwciai a reeh0 aw Do." a,r7seis9i wa a0 wawi asxersrR Fro ervware 571-07SS t4ftd 181-6600 a rtosess pM� Jnts P1ab SlkroiaMM �sewa & Mid -Mona Discounts. Licensed. insured Five Esunon TrrnafakN 1 6"r1**" ser,rka. FREE ESTIMATES C3,114W7715. 9AULDRY, tuna► - Ahw a 3 12 yaw baft with cancer 666-3332 Ilrotw husband to Gail Pers. Year. urge oM VING Ing feeler b Craig and Bran. Dear Papa to Dow general and Com Lynn. He will be sa0y missal by hs sa- .tlr. LTD. meeruls handling ndug vwrg brothers, sifts. his mother-iMaw Velma general Clean-up Moore alit to many htarrdS and ExIYYati i BObCN SIf11iGla Iran aria nktw soma Of wlrembrwxm to be hold at Dunbrto k. remove ..S�ecseeit8 :1-r ind Action Anol Fast sed FPdWtg an Thursday May 251hu. 2000 at 11:30 MfpOR UI Chea, 1066 DtaNlrlol Flood.Fary Apar Detwecw dew s.aas.wa Meer' SI. Lamins Srvice aLARTMO ANitt. Funeral D SON d to RONALD d For yews Hsae tMwree h r•yeds (905)767.1391 Phone (906)721-2745 CeR (906)2 -Ol Pd-" (905W-55119. Cross MR L, a a M at home an TNXW" verything oll Frin u"'^ 4�%e �0�Mq 18, EIMILL,� Son OfEW*aid errku won ovali R0e1lt94 t I»aa EVIL Blotlw b Noun Tuti n Loving Pon_ �••�-•r•7/ imr b Diem MOIfMISHINliO>! Red t'Skdot YOU wa be Woolly misad but kited ONE CALL DOES R ALL and hdd der in our herb taevr. LAUSEMA nwnorservice will held at Illy Tdnky Clie 1.1800-3"311"1 t "�N May 25, 200 Mat 11 m 9 s i�a .COIN 13 Yes in blenads don IAey 25, 2mer or 11 and M so in Larry s rhhethtay ail ha m9ds b iii alone nm Orly kW you'd anew aaad for ExcaNaM Fla»s Children's Mhell Fpaldaian Attract�meIILS� d 3� hare a la�trtafaa/fI(Y a nefrwhoes busied to ere WEACHME ADAIR. Jena» - Quivery yr, Alda P,ckenr,gg Health CuMreon Tuesday May 23, 2000 n her 79th yet lser. fa,Irolovod nit1M Ir s of e Lira- Ador ioarfg ntoe»r G Deer and her hebrld tom Moom and Dome FForr4ptJrr Clew 7andmKodhor to Ken and aw Taylor, sister of Edna�r��MCBUmsyr and CN Sha"onon so* nk- by . and Jan» and nopl»tw Pal arta vw and Into . Rosing r RONALD MARTNO AND SON, Fil- NERAL DIRECTORS, Brock Road Ctapei, io57 Brock Fid.. Pickering " sotAh of M& 401. seal shderl 905-686-5589. The farcy will fictions finds Friday, May 26th from 1000 a.m. until »re d Sema d oo Ren»mbronr 1100 am. PmtaM cier sob has lakan pill= In issue's woe be appwdarC ftCarladan cowSod»y RANGER LANDSCAPING Lawn CaMia1 $15 A up Spring a FaD Claim top 7Yimeiag / Garden work "Excellent Rates aa/ Ereenesof sari e, (905)619-2125 (416)81116.1806 M Partys SrMta E.hrA Part' sorr»ad F = WANTS WORi<tAagk Fa Clt4dren's Paces asbrs.Have My Own MagicianErnie 668.4932 TO ADVERTISE TOUR AUCTION IN TM SSC• TION PLEA= CA '11111111"M CAPW "W"4111 83,I►' cam' DT LANDSCAPING . �Ctalg • rt � ESTIMATE: AFFORDABLE PRICES Call David Tasker (416)825-5683 car Fnrwrrwl trex M_ I11AtER UK SEMM Experts in Removal, Trimming, Pruning & Stump Removal Fully insured Free estimates Can Shawn 410:419.17414 CORRECTION For our 44 page Out & About Event (Sale Dates: May 22 - May 28, 2000) (CO54F500) Page 3 - Speedo Tanldnli Mem #7%U is not available for hs promotion. Page 41 - Craftsman 8 -Drawer or 9 - Drawer Chest is riot exactly as illustrated. Our 8 page BBO d Patio Pre -Print (Sale Dates: May 22 - June 18, 2000) (V054V100) Page 3 - Item # 30009 Broil King BBQ description should read 595 sq. In. total cooking surface. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our Sears customers. Clellllie!lQEI 0 Caroti 106 GindiTrai�q 0 Genonl HNb Its RI711d Bus. oppetmik's IN Oka Heb 120 Saba HWAp* 110 Skied Heb cmier Dab 150 f Medical DBIW 160 (kyate Walbd 1N DaycwAWiii* SERVICE 170 r:mpbJImdfttbd 175 Home Cate 160 Bllsiess b &G MM 20D Market Ballet N 205 Firewood 210 BalwComer 220 A&* for Salo 225 Adders la Red 2)0 Arldes Waned 235 Chsbm Trees 240 Barter ExNnge 250 Garage/yard Sties 260 Arts 6 CrA 265 Antilm 270 CompulerAnlanel 275 PooH. Spa 210 Lost 1 Found 290 PetsS(gplinScardN 295 Livvodi bf Sale e 300 Aublidies lot Salo 305 Adbrttdbdes Wanted 310 Treks lex Site 315 TncuWalled 320 VaW4 Wheel Dine 330 Trailers 310 Aub Para a Reim 350 Aub Leasing Rerdah 355 moorydes 360 srorltdbdes 365 Mame 370 RecrealbrW Lourdes 375 Farm Elopffen 400 var"Is For RM 405 Apatlferds Warded 410 Hales Far RM 415 HOI1slgWanted 420 ToorhousesFor Pal 425 soba Far Refit p0 Rttmm For AN cis Rims Waited 44 Roan & Boatd 145 Conrad ed ACLon00041bs 450 SharcdAaorstiodaem 49 Cor doltrnans For Rail 460 ONO 6 Rew span 40 GaV 440 1 y6 is swa 46 Warehouse space lin C�m,viwed ,�,. For R COMM 475 Waned 116 Resou � 190 Florida vacam % t 4% :and For Ren 900 Pry* Hames For Sib 505 veined To Bury 510 Taarinm br Sob 514 Cont nonal Pbopely 515 how" Pftgety 520 Cordon For Sita 525 Derehpten Lad 530 Farm for Salo 535 lite lea Salo so OL147M Rww 545 VaCAM Frowles 550 Cot" For Sao so Mow Hines aid Pah 570 ampe'rader SIN So Monty b lad 56 moripp wv+a1» flu 5N 9tsetpt(�p011eyN 100 P,Okc N*16 6t0 Leo Noire 620 Tenders W Meir Ails in pqUab 64 Cam; Ewe 150 Aulxom 0i0 670 Persmtab FM Bus4MM Pasorok its Camoarrats Ip AInOt11CtlIMla !0 wasftq Settees 700 710 Brls 72D Deans 740 In Mdmlalm 750 Cads Of Thads 755 GraduaNs W,ldlfigArrpu[enels Trill Elippift 710 k(Wagm tad 1@ Fla( Desgn calHoolr�14 Unk" N&IlGasSonote itA Ino M Beflial O Plaabhlg m Ipd a1�5 Shop m Appfanoe RR* in IIS M sZil;6Sdiga 117 Cm- '-'R-..-,U it tad PirloTurg Plraleflepa s Asowas itt a Le Iii! CabM Flavin 0 S" W op.4pus 111 *001 a DeNwAkil/T*" IN Gfaay06" 116 Holsock ail; m yald"''Il- ri t1t lltxl MoaW Allpai In PodPOdVailli 019 so)bele Semdy FIN snxRb w a caring Et WCJ0*P RO 89"Fadies 95 Filling 0 Music Chtlkrs as ft*T*Msdbdl In Navy Serhas MO bligs h6mN-•yelx 0 Bow Se aPel 112 R*Mc W Di_olry IMO DINT illAxaadat; IK h1Mnu 117 HI *, &04 IN Tat, Fawtdal Did" 900 In Mlanorpms !10 DIII6 You can help right i ht here at home g Local groups seek Pickering volunteers for a variety of causes CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTI- TUTE FOR THE BLIND: In need of volunteers to assist people in their homes, sit on committees, and to help with fund-raising. Call (905) 43647,32 for more information. CANADIAN ORGANIZATION FOR TROPICAL EDUCATION AND RAINFOREST CONSERVA- TION: Promotes rainforest conserva- tion through education and research and needs volunteers to assist. For more in- formation call Marilyn Cole at (905) 683-2116. CHILD FIND ONTARIO - DURHAM REGION CHAPTER: Is dedicated to reducing the incidences of missing children and returning them home safely. Please call anytime and leave a message at (905) 686-3181. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF DURHAM REGION: Volunteers needed to act as special friends to chil- dren and parents, to supervise family ac- cess visits, to help with special events and to supervise our children's play- r000m. For more information please call Susan Kucharski (905) 433-1553 Ext. 2311 (mornings only). CHRISTIAN HORIZONS: Requires caring and dedicated people to assist and support developmentally challenged young and older adults within group homes and in the community. Individu- als seeking a very rewarding and fulfill- ing experience along with meeting some great new friends can call Dave Carleton at (905) 649-5715 Monday -Friday be- twecn 1-4 p.m. COPE MENTAL. HEALTH PRO- GRAM: h seeking volunteers h, assLt people with emotionat/psychiatric proh- Art auction sends epileptic kids to camp Epilepsy Durham Region, Children Ser- vices is holding a gala art auction Frtday. Mav 19 in Oshawa. The auction will feature kcal. Canadian and in- ternational an. A wine and checsc reception and a preview of the an take place beginning at 6:30 P.M. at Moxtsc Lodge. 731 WII- sm Rd. S. The auction starts at 7:30. Proceeds will help scoot epilep- tic children to camp. Tickets cont $5 in ad- vance and $10 at the door. For more informa- tion or tickets call Epilepsy Durham Region at 666-9926. Single parents meet in Ajax tonight AJAX — Sin- gle parents in Ajax and Picker- ing are invited to a weekly event tonight to make new friends and say hello to ex- isting ones. The Ajax - Pickering chap- ter of the One Parent Family Association meets Wednes- day, May 24 at 8 p.m. at the An- nandale Golf and Curling Club, corner of Church and Bayly Streets, Ajax. It's for custo- dial and non- custodial par=nts whether your children are two or 42. Phone 837- 9670 for infor- mation. lems either un a one-to-one basis, or in lowing activities: greeting children, group programs. "Training is provided. preparing and serving food, shopping Please call Sheri at (9)5) 686-3248. and delivering groceries, gathering do- nations and fund-raising. If you are In - CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Is opening doors to you! If you are interested in becoming socially active for the homeless in Durham Region, Cornerstone invites you to participate in its "New Volunteer Program". For more information call Ardelle at (905) 433-0254. DISTRESS CENTRE DURHAM: Will train volunteers In communication and active listening, crisis intervention and suicide prevention theories, and techniques for its telephone helpline. In addition, volunteers are needed for its board of directors and committees (i.e. fund-raising, human resources, nomina- ti(ins/recruitment and accreditation). For more information about volunteering with Distress Centre Durham call (905) 723-4461. DURHAM ASSOCIATION FOR FAMILY RESPITE SERVICES: Is seeking Individuals and families inter- ested in providing respite care to a child or adult with special needs. Host fami- lies are matched with an adult or child who is welcomed into their home ap- proximately one weekend a month. This allows parentskarcgiven a chance to re- energize and also provides families with an opportunity to develop new friend- ships. Training, ongoing support and an honouranum are available. For informa- tior. call (905) 427-3541. DURHAM'S CHILD NUTRITION PROJECT. This project is establishing healthy breakfast and snack programs for children In Durham Region schools and community facilities. We are look- ing for vo5luntccrs to help with the t d - terested, please contact Carla Rhody at (905) 686-2661. DURHAM F%MILY COURT CLIN- IC (DFCC): The DFCC Is dedicated n) fostering a healthy and safe community by enhancing and supporting the well being of children, youth and families who have, or may have involvement in the legal system by providing clinical .services. Volunteers are being sought for administrative and clerical support; ad hoc fund -raising and special events; communication/publicity support and possible nomination u1 the DFCC Mlard of directors. The DFCC adheres to a set of volunteer guidelines and seeks to pro- vide rewarding opportunities for its vol- unteers. All volunteers must submit a criminal reference check. Contact Yvonne Davies at (905) 436-6754. DURHAM SUPERVISED ACCESS PROGRAM: A YMCA program where children of divorced or separated par- ents visit with their non-custodial parent in a safe and supervised setting. Refer- rals are from the court or other profes- sionals assisting the family. Volunteers aged 18 and up are needed to supervise the visits. This is group supervision, therefore volunteers are with other vol- unteers and other visiting families. The volunteer takes observational notes while the visit is In progress. The notes may be ordered for court purposes. Vol- unteers should have some experience working with children. Training is pnr vidad. The Pickering location operates every Saturday and the Oshawa location every Sunday (both during daytime). Oshawa also has visits Tuesday evenings. Call (9051 X39-3845 Fxt 305. t 014 r *6w aero e4a" c077,77. ft" Looking to put some AOA NW,u.,lerl-,f colour into your life? 7011007 K'dI_ S, Not sure how to do it? the right tools to gee the Then the store to go to is job done right. Decorative Solutions. Maybe you feel The professional staff wallpaper is what your will help guide you walls need. Choose from through all your over 300 books by decorating challenges. Provincial, Imperial There are over 3,000 Crown and Waverly. colours to choose from, If you require more including the quality in-depth one to one paint of Pratt and service, the interior Lambert, Ralph Lauren designers on staff can be and Selectone. Consider booked for in-home a faux finish to give consultations at a some extra depth to your nominal fee. To help wall or to help cover stretch your decorating unsightly flaws. The dollar take advantage of staff can help walk you the $50° mail -in rebate through numerous from Pratt and Lambert techniques and rent you paints on until May 319, Pickering Home 6 Leisure Centre, 1755 Pickering Parkway (905) 686-6883 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 24, MW PAGE 17 P Women get `Hot Flash on Menopause' The local branches of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario are pre- senting their annual HeartSmart Women's Symposium entitled 'Hot Flash on Menopause' Thursday, May 25. It's being hosted by the Durham East and West branches of the foundation from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Harmony Creek Golf Centre. I(X) Bloor St. W. in Os- hawa. A growing number of women are in their menopausal years — from pre - menopause to post-tnenopause. The foundation wants them to have the test information to ensure their good health. Of particular concern is their cardiovas- cular health since heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of death in women. The presentation by a psychol- ogist from Lakendge Health Oshawa. and emceed by Kate Wheeler of CTV, will he anentertaining way to reach women with memorable and perhaps life-saving information, organisers say. Tickets for 'Hut Flash on Menopause' are $10 each. Corporate ta- hles are also available. Tickets can be purchased by contacting the Durham Region offices of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario at 686.1521 in Ajax and 571-1582 In Oshawa. All proceeds from the event go to re- searching heart disease and stroke and educating people about how to avoid it, especially since in 1997 more than 390X) Canadian women died of related causes. It Was A "Grand" Opening Mayor Wayne Arthurs was on hand for the Grand Opening of the new Price Chopper recently. Also with Mayor Arthurs is store owner John Stolte and his staff. The new 30,000 sq. ft. store is located in the Steeple Hill Plaza on Kingston Rd. (at Whites Rd.) Pickering. Please Support k UNIVERSITY FOR DURHAM REGION You Can Help Make ItHappen!! Please Write Your Politicians Today-! n tIr MsY—I N.... M. N_ i." 4... ft" Fewer ur Onv,.. M�► P Y ., AA, l.. JV AOA NW,u.,lerl-,f lealrl-v. W,.+.{. flu.w 2r1 211 11% Kass l Ra 7011007 K'dI_ S, Q•w,. pint F"—.& ON L IV IC) C b q. ON x9A 5Y4 Tawe. ON MIA I A I 1171. N+ Jt- rA, a TM t9r GI -.r Ca-YIM.a MA M'lurrry Ape 4pr D~ MP► Arles, W.— 101 I l4 0-%. S 1- 15 Kma SL L Murry tJ Tra,aq. ("ki. -p Ua.ae.,r WhW65, ON L IN W, Ro.nr.,I1.. ON LIC 1%4 owes amck. m► Ria 9m M S, 71. ora Orr owes" hrrr owia. Taws, tiro M7A IL2 Mfr HWhk1.m.- V..a,. Brut MA Oahe. 2 x.q A 1 b Aril S, L L W.l . ON R9V IC7 o.b..a_ ON Your Letter Counts!! LIN IRI THIS WEEK N.ENSADVIERTISER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE NORTH1; IBLRIANI) \Loik'S The 4Canabian 90tategman V . re ae ONE GREAT pace... `ON ONE GREAT. PAINT. Saar s5 avtlfib xu44x tot- A -9 - an Prtaa 6 LaMbetKAc1L7o/ade - the beaforwadatiad Fws ak patwt ausikt e. ftTT & LAMBERT us YM UWAYS LOOK ;( BEI I ER WM MATT dt LAMERI www.cm ems,:,:,.%,4, PAINT "N" PAPER ' OPEN: MON.-WED. 10-6 THUR.-FRI. 10-8 SATURDAY 10-5 SUNDAY 12-4 Pidtelilp Home B Lslsm Contra,17SS Pickering Parkway (905) 686-6883 PWC)--- to nbift nA to weft aMrlagrl Apfn 21. 2WO NO Mr/ 91.20011. Panda 11 1 to 10 yWIM per nolsatloq and matin ed"M 0111" IaOMt IN, ttaar w 1110111111111111111 Y parnCO" (taaYfa, Of Coq 1.80"UY ff (289.7728), alb wel meq VOU a tam. AIP PAW iA HEM AOMERTIEER, WEDHESMMY EDITION, M"24, 2000 Approach Shots Where they're playing PQA Tour this week -------------------------- NEXT UP: Mcnx)rial Tournament, May 25-28, Muirfield Village Golf Club. Dublin, Ohio. THE BUZZ: Tournament host Jack Nicklaus has made a fete changes to the layout since the pros saw it last. TV: USA. Thu.- Fri. (3-6 p.n1 ): CBS. Sat. (3-6 p.mJ. V, Sun (2-6 p",,,,) Senior Tour this week: N EXY UP: Fiounc Vallcv Clasmc, flay 26-28. Boone Valley Golf Club, Augusta, Mo. THE BUZZ: St Louis resi- dent Ilaic Irwin is a two- time winner here. TV: F1,PN. Fri. (3-5 p.m.), Sat (5-6:30 p -m.). Sun (5-7 p.m ) ILPOA 9 -this week: NEXT UP: c t,rning Classic. Rlsy _; 2.1. Corning (N.Y.) Country Club. THE BUZZ: i )cfending ch.wil, Kc :i Kuehne and two-time winner Rosie Jones, who finished second last year. will be in the field TV: I he Golf Channel. •flour. jun. (2-430 p.m.) Elsewhere _______________'---------- PGA European Tour: V,,I%o P(IA Ch.nnpinn.hip. May 26-29, Wentworth Club, Surrey. England. Colin Montgomene is gun- ning for his third consecu- tive %,)Ica P( -,A ,.,',,rn ,),t• r,T�..,r.,<r,k t n,.t(�x o :, (t.,rttt r,dr rurirgr �lPro x'o4Hs &iib PAW W S maga is a nuusrrirar hwraoan+ o%awry. rowbty quad la abYr RO#Prs rvpwal one -mond scow 7br tie h m*" aro ptaw+s ftU&# s) skarn. rid tagrcr- d d,(Wwwr of awakes p r round brurxrn d�aitarpir►eri. Name ' i ,g,7 %-.1, Rados N, w 2 (l)n Mrxigomoie 68,A 3. Dared Duval 6A I1 4. 1W %ftm 68 IS 5. Dave lave III 6H I- 6. Jin haryk 6823 7 wiry Sags+ 6H Sa H I<. err P•am+cvdk 66 55 y t rucF6 66r) 10. Tom Let== 6611 11. cars Perry 611 5 12. Niit Pete (A -'' 13. Phil MK*Ckom &)o3 14. Dusky halt 69.11 15. Juxin Lcomrd 63.11 16. Bob F'_socs 69.17 17. PwA Azinger 6924 tea skwan (ink 69.25 19 tic Westwood 69.31 20. Scow verplank 69.34 21 Frcd Couples 69-H 22. carve Flesch 69.41 23 David Toms W50 24 Jots Ihrraon 69.53 25 Frcd Funk 69.56 26 Saw, Guctia &.56 27. Carlos Franco 69.56 28 Kenny Perry 69.57 29 Scow Itoch 69.60 30. Duren Clarke 69.69 31Miguel Angel J-6-7 69.70 32. Scutt Dunlop 69.73 33. tike Wer 69.82 34 Mark Brooks 69.86 35. Kevin Sud)erland 69.87 36, Sawrt Appleby 69.89 3T Jeff Sluman 69.93 38. tarry Mize 69.93 39.Michael Campbell 69.94 40. Jonathan Kaye 69.95 41. Deruas Paulson 69.95 42. Shigeki Manryama 69.97 43. Bob Tway 69.97 44. Brent Geibar p 69.96 45. Rocco Mediate 69.98 46. Craig Parry 69.99 47. Greg Norman 70.01 48. Joel Edwards 70.02 49. Gary Orr 70.03 For complete coUege, amateur and professional golf nerds, scorns and statistics, visa uv)w.goljweek.com AD'VERTOM FEATURE "Only one player in the field was able to cheat me - two if you count myself. " - ttttewort CIM4 wile ta1MN a ftw short Iaetb and loot o Left loos to po ls!", , ow• who wool oo to wle tM MaotorCord Coloisol. FROM THE EDITORS OF GOLFWF,EK (\Y'WW.GOLFWEEK.CONI) MAY 22-26 Decision time ...again As he nears degree, 1998 darling Kuchar ponders future anew Ill' RON BAII(:KI krc)w w -hat he was ging to 110," sad ( )Cillo Tectl teammate lirydr Moklur "I Il' Cktln t krxm' What the was Witrig to ctrl. But I think we all realbwd the decision hc was trying to make, :nd tit the rry-A pan an Ktihar will rxt soxn tixgi the sumer of 199th we let him have his "cr - rs tlx: 199- I S Amitcvr dran"n. Kudmr earned a spit in the 199H MxAcn. wtxTe he tin- Ackled Kwhar -During my uxleo:tsion a was difficult on cvcTstxxh I didn't krx)w what to say to LJxxi 21st. 'I'wv rcnnths Etc he tied kr bath at tate L S. Open anylxxly. and I tknl think try knew what to say to .tae. wl: tried d to pi tut arcl hasp a Aid time and s,anc%0ic abng it--- way. the smiling Kudiar Ixt:aine AmeTka dating And s(xkknh, the dart• Omits' our dyes, but rx A)( x11• rtIll1knew- what to say I was scared to talk ah KA it, even with lath * sycar_(*I tnxn Irks Mary, Mi. was the hemi t aril rix r; 4xigh(-aker:unatcvr since [-IWr wixxk. 0Icpplea 1 kuxl of kit turn (art in the dark. arch I malty tegmtt 4-mig.tut I µsr had a ken (i &l* time I nck)rsernont mt)ey -:Ls in rridbom -taus dangled in heart t i hni in an atterrgx to hire hum away impxevirhg to (thn waw i was 1p)ing thnx)gh.- Ism his knal two stars at (KrxWi Tech and no the potessitnil ranks. At kast one of his kngtirrx• fnuack dxught Kt)char handled the titration well. Kuchars radiant smk And giacicus attitude Ln kired hum to the punk aril marls• him :a pnm• car- ••VNe trove Item tricrxis smci we wen lac, aril (wit with all idle .stull' dat wLm on arxd as I* a gxt lit ageTts and ampiinil•s Tice medra hounded hen WxW he tum pre, (r reran an amucur ccktrty y he had txc(xne, he was sup the stere cid Stas, in my Lves anyway,' said JeteTt y .MJLTson. `things really V crazy at Imus.- said Kuchar -rax phtxc rcvcT soppxd nng vW, an(I a sent )r :n I %IAV and Ktcturs high-silx x i tcu mi: -Ibe (rily ddf Tecr was we'd dr) to c%uvw•txxe I went I get a tett ti ate tion It was dx hutkst dmisio n I LK -r teas it, the mill..nd all thsx• rksTA- wit xakl ,top him and talk to him' mike' Kray IicLd tax :ncTaxi mcri of the time. Ixit then were unaiml nahk: Kutar tamir ed an anaieTar Two years Fake. the CeLxW Tech xiv t at -. mar MMS t:K, c do suit dictwri. In Ione. he and his Yelkm rrrt Jacket tntty. wap con-, a1 parte in the V AA Oiampixcstiip at (-,and Natiol Grit (]orb in ( )pciaka. Ab. and tar will tam his tactcl x's degree in nue gtLmTt ul'h:t thery Even diugh t wxxdd scorn Ktxiw is a slam dunk i) nam pm, Ids ex t stn' -I grad, I'm in tae vme chlenrm I was in curing my sophxrhtxe xxl Furor kx:us as ear arc waw Io do.' tae sail. Then ate gear d opxixr etlxT way. anal nght rxmI'm kLiTkng thxx,gxi)m (>Exn lett s:ntng ora amatcTu n a pxistsa- Ixlty Ktctur cul he awin wErtW Wee to itTv-s-it the I'nstd State. A the Wrxkl Anwar Tcam thampiinJup (Aug 31 -Sept 3) aril neV years WAlka Cup. He w(nM lice to Acte for fir NH VvctM Trim Anukw pxTk xntrcr etc I'S fin- i+tad somvich). As well as a 99 Walker Cup kxa t k matt play am tcvr golf kir (rc or two years and then devdc to to ri pin, :My hxxkm Ire is omrxuig aril k7lrhg "-sLif to ver Ix)w goxxi Ilan ir.- he sail -It I can (lo t A as an artrrcdt arid h sdi(casttd in tusmw a wtuM Ik May rc-& 1 thunk I wtxncl LTupts &A I ands try dtt..an1 it i's rix what I wart I can tum pit) Tac thing ts. I krxm (yke• I turn pre,. I dint than. I un gin hack cu) arnarcTr). Tlw's wary vial arttrcv )Dad xxAhLT vier a two) mgtt rex h• i tut xka - It he ddeeid►, k) tum poo this year, he would Lk) v, s( -,n after the NLAA La"NWW. v6ixit he wlXW have exugh tri^ k, silt spanstr txciri Nis iW) R'A xr Lvem n 3 r r l llx tx)rw wxuM tar to nukL• crxxo nitcy u, &ria n do k;) K (n dh - P(;A k xa cAm rag 4st Thai wit x)kd make himcxemgt as A Tit r member :,-r 31)1 and daianae the PGA Tads ()ual/yng Sctx x i (kr thing n ct=m KuLkar dkxvht wast u) gr) dough the srci 4 two yeas age, Icy hang talk. lie )sluts tx)w inwh t taxis cut,t tum, hxh nvmW4 arc! is* -wait. 4ml h- had t was to deal with kv him aril tkuc Anund hum -N(-ry in dta krxd of wturlwtnl civil" in rook i very d0iicvk in kxiis an ganf.- srkl Kdxhar. wax) in to scats X1.9 pant tad) tiny r- u,p-Rist -J rr kt tw x do Wanu ret ca Inbtnipaatc all i xtx red A dad N M L xA Rcw pal "My game sipped. aril it was ctnHadt it, l(Lt t hock. I was wuduag huml and Wog lit play gait like i used I,, play leap, hug with all the otrf can aetwa -N I w-asnl (king fiat -And sc AMU I was pprnng was uma>rg ►km Otleg) arch I)ac) (Peter). and rmv-lf t-, (we)knWAthe aacTtxn- I k ani his bmih eicl urs: fie ataciatn, tart the puewac of laysag k) make i decamn n his her: kx i ¢s top T}•peals. Ktahar n to ping I k ehpr, kikk* with his arch .uxl kaamak� It d w c'. the sidlhiLst t)ppxinauv kr a paLual pike. hc's the firs 1c) pxx)nc. Yd. kir A wthik. drat parr. X1.dA txianr Seabees Aad Alr»xt (INUM Ik--------------------- alar-- t k rile r a Nadi --------------------------------------------------- the ---------- the foreCaddiffo Tigw In I igc•miania was prev:ilc•m last weekend at the Deutsche Bank - SAP Open in Ilrtiburg, (icmlany, and offucuals at the Gut Kaden course were unprepared for it, cspe- cially in the first round. Marshals held up signs saying "Keine Foos- (no photos), which was ironic considering that some were carrying cameras themselves. 'Most faro had cameras, and they snapped pictures at even opportuni- ty. Funny, none of them wanted to take a snapshot of the Forecaddie. Some professional photographers took pictures when they shouldn't have. I%W Woods had to back off his very fust putt because an accred- ited photographer snapped Woods as he started his backstroke. Woods asked the official starter to make an announcement each day on the first tee telling the gallery not to take photos. 'That's the worst I've ever known a," Woxxii caddie, Steve Williams, told the Forecaddie, P. ill tednalogr Nitric Price oftered his opinion on the decision by the Royal A Ancient Golf flub of St. Andrews, Scotand, to tighten rules governing drivers beginning Oct. 1. "This is all too little too Late," Price told the Forecaddie. "The golf authorities should have acted sooner to stamp out this sort of thing." Moety seeks hep Colin Montgomerie has taken a radical step to try to cure himself of the putting problems that have been hindering his game. He has turned to swing guru David Leadbetter. Monigomene has begun working with Leadbetter, Nick Faldo's ex - coach. The seven -time European No. 1 player went to Leadbetter on the advice of his caddie, Alistair McLean. If GOLF Is Your Passion welcome To. • Toutnamc its/Wcd dings I t ;f )i • Practice Facility • 18 Hole Championship Course • 18 Hok Executive Course • 30 Day Advance Tec Time Bookings 14-4-1-16011M 269 Durham Rd. 118 10 Km West of Uxbridge I left had at ttrrhe-i wean I was getting the atkstkn aril there were other guys on the tum wti) cduservetJ it. c.+px- oully Mcc; he said. 'But :hey handled t well. lkyce n .1 area pFarcT and atxtut as grit d a rxrvn :is then is "r: ding alxxx It, 1 thunk our all knew drat rx) muacr eat Kapp uncd. rx) .mute w tw I derided to di). we um always Ix mends" As a Xnrr. Kwhar fvhnhJ in thx top 15 in each of his a sten carts. n ltxk * six t(4( 41s I te was tcxntkdN at the a.-)k)a InkIL( 44311 in tbwau arch his tircshLd m w(Nsc than xvtTth .1 spnnIL sxkxing a tar kv kxmh A the ACC tlampinship April 23 1 k Itis vn ranked as ho as No. I in the ((o#b4t*Sagun (:cilL•gctc Rankngs and .i key nada do Yt*m Jackets tovc txxn :mxng the top duLc arms - Itxkng A cut A N,i i - thnxgrJxxt tar sprtyt. I kr cif the hW-4 nasi ns. of m do hagW-4. kv ,ming an amakur xl () xmng hack u) sdh x i was to try to win tc V AA tide r a kamc- Kucits . i East year. r scunxd we had such a great chance anal wt kt t slip away h nwxd the J(rhis at), This year I tmnc win ttnt a great dune to win iii wit• hive sLVLT void p byets and we have cxpacne and rtwurry. Ks ...n . hn svr.- .IM kv die 21-ycara)ki kin a wt. Ike arch x* have bmf rx Ion, Always wA )LTramlxr the lieu- c'rarsncd in a I1; z w x span I k11 -raTnher th• guppy hens and the uyng trete, f k7 laugh Ah xx v ar d kx k Ilk k e n (xhrs as a learning mriTKTxr And lx: went kx * tack wg h Am ru rets 'I )tmTntxT t rr uric last Epp wtcn I was pitying hokcth)all and • ::rad my arnkk.- tar via "1 hhW k) st tut. All (fa vxkk:n I craned laugh - :)K and I say tart kxci (Ken, I shx l tum- Liken dr mkxxy I:vo.Tyarx pN L,ugh d oar )rally. I'm tuppty w1h the dL•tiwn I mucic I have ro egret%. snd rm happy wih the wry dung, ate gr)ng niYA. with hong a pan to the ) .axpa Tech kcal with himig a car telae kid kr kir yam I Ilii I'm goi ng Iiu%ls tack k) where I led dxv shtuM tar', it, txng the• did %t o IUktaf agar) :n an: that %falever deism I make kv tfi kart, 19 ix tippy with t' -As my caddie Aksuir said, we hid to go somewhere with the put- ting," Montgonx-m said. Montgomene, who normally relies on feel, said Leadbetter has him thinking more about technique on the greens. AM hype? Montgrimene used the controver- sial Callaway ERC driver in the first round of the Deutsche Bank. The US, Golf Association declared the club nonconforming, but it conforms in Europe. Montgomene has said the driver gives him an extra 20-25 yards off the tee. There was no evidence of that in Hamburg, especially on the 11th hole in the first round, where Montgomene outdrove playing com- panion Jasper Parnevik. Pamevik, also a Callaway player, used a Biggest Big Bertha Drher and ha a good drive down the middle. So did Montgomene. So how far par Pamevik did Montgomene's ball travels A grand total of 3 yards. Montgomene went back his old Hawk Eye driver for the next three rounds. k llll as d piloid rP tail pelt pl t?aW pIa Gail IpM tf l.lr<p►at aM kihd.pt�.rolrll�trlpakatl�.tt,lwdlus p�tr pIr plltc sail cats WB • gA i aaMll Matiul tMt id molt Mkt fatilp n aq0 at ttNl Wf qb IIOSRN4liI blc •sou I iOlfstdIthdadonaplw pIapiniwkw"AonQ7-wi MrouRFKwewa nt"Mromnn WIN 51427-773 FORMERLY 1-11I %DlKBIRU d. o The Hidden Gem... In Durham Region's Golf World! 995 Myrtle RoadWest,Ashbum ( 9115) 680-112 1 www. royalashburngolfclub.c om rA wmmm oe LIXIA CMdt�