HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_05_17u PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PRESSRUN .34,600 PICK I R I N C' S I'AGF', SERGEANT JIM GRIMLEY Police spokesman issues ubli • t nt COMMUNITY NCINSPAPER SIN CL 1965 WEDNESDAY, NIAti' 17, 2000 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY 55' SI Six super women honoured Page A8 It's cool cover ul Page 85 BY STEPHEN SHAW Sia Wrire•r PICKERING -- Durham _tonal Pohec are warning aresidents to lock their m and windows in the wake the latest attack by an in- creasingly daring serial sex predator - T% ice redator.Twice in recent days the man V c ser mg. detectives have branded the Teacher testing tmarks gets from Education Minister's guests BY AKKE ROTA Star t4'nier Education Minister Janet Eckcr spent hall an hour Tucs- dav morning meeting with arca residents to discuss how par- ents and guardians can have a role in the provincial govern- ment's controversial teacher testing initiative. The get-togcthe-r organized by the Education Minister's of- fice was held at the up -scale Pickering home of Jeanne and Ken Page, parents of Leanne Lewis. the Progressive Conscr- vativc Party candidate in the last federal election for the Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge rid- ing represented at Qucen's Park by Ms. J: -"-r- In -a room full of friendly faces at the Duncannon Drive home, those interviewcd by the News Advertiser expressed support for the Ontario Teacher Testing Program unveiled by the Province last week. "Lt's very unfortunate that its not being viewed as stimc- thing posttivc:' said child-care worker and Claremont resident Adair Bickerton. She said she believes -many, teachers are very' nervous with this kind of thing" because there hasn't been a formal way of evaluating teachers in the past. "Bottom line is quality needs to he consistent and ac- countahlc:' said M,. Bickerton. Teachers have called the plan "insulting', pointing out that educators are closely mon- itored when they begin class- room work and on a regular basis after that. Teacher, say they have to be accountable to students, parents, principals and superintendents and are among the n „st scrutinized of professionals. "If that was enough. I think all parents would be content: and that's not the case:' said M, Bickerton. "Education doesn't end with teacher' col- IegC " She is "very much in sup- port of seeing a quality change in education" "I do support this govern- ment;' said Ms. Bickerton. Ms. Page said those who at- tended the meeting were -ran- domly picked" by Ms. Eckert office. "Janet's office organised it and I was delighted to organize it because I think the (Educa- uon) Minister's (long a g,xd job:' she said. Oshawa resident Jann Flury. co-ordinator of The Natural Education Council of Canada run out of his residence and a member of the ministry's Edu- cation Policy Advisory Com- mitter, was also invited by Sts. Ecker. Mr. Flury issued a news re- leasc to the media prepared in advance of yesterday's get -to - gather. "A teaches-tcsting program Should be a most welcome im- tiative to the competent and dedicated teacher." he said in his media release. "In recent years, the teaching profession has taken the brunt of criticism for a flagging education Sys- tem. Testing the professional ability of teachers will vindi- cate them and allow the gov- ernment m better identify prob- lem areas that exist elsewhere in the education system. The Police 'E'arly Riser has eluded police Pervert 'extremes' dangerous', police fear after latest attack in Pickering Lock a weapon. police say. homes ag ainst sex offendere, BY STEPHEN SHAW Sia Wrire•r PICKERING -- Durham _tonal Pohec are warning aresidents to lock their m and windows in the wake the latest attack by an in- creasingly daring serial sex predator - T% ice redator.Twice in recent days the man V c ser mg. detectives have branded the Teacher testing tmarks gets from Education Minister's guests BY AKKE ROTA Star t4'nier Education Minister Janet Eckcr spent hall an hour Tucs- dav morning meeting with arca residents to discuss how par- ents and guardians can have a role in the provincial govern- ment's controversial teacher testing initiative. The get-togcthe-r organized by the Education Minister's of- fice was held at the up -scale Pickering home of Jeanne and Ken Page, parents of Leanne Lewis. the Progressive Conscr- vativc Party candidate in the last federal election for the Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge rid- ing represented at Qucen's Park by Ms. J: -"-r- In -a room full of friendly faces at the Duncannon Drive home, those interviewcd by the News Advertiser expressed support for the Ontario Teacher Testing Program unveiled by the Province last week. "Lt's very unfortunate that its not being viewed as stimc- thing posttivc:' said child-care worker and Claremont resident Adair Bickerton. She said she believes -many, teachers are very' nervous with this kind of thing" because there hasn't been a formal way of evaluating teachers in the past. "Bottom line is quality needs to he consistent and ac- countahlc:' said M,. Bickerton. Teachers have called the plan "insulting', pointing out that educators are closely mon- itored when they begin class- room work and on a regular basis after that. Teacher, say they have to be accountable to students, parents, principals and superintendents and are among the n „st scrutinized of professionals. "If that was enough. I think all parents would be content: and that's not the case:' said M, Bickerton. "Education doesn't end with teacher' col- IegC " She is "very much in sup- port of seeing a quality change in education" "I do support this govern- ment;' said Ms. Bickerton. Ms. Page said those who at- tended the meeting were -ran- domly picked" by Ms. Eckert office. "Janet's office organised it and I was delighted to organize it because I think the (Educa- uon) Minister's (long a g,xd job:' she said. Oshawa resident Jann Flury. co-ordinator of The Natural Education Council of Canada run out of his residence and a member of the ministry's Edu- cation Policy Advisory Com- mitter, was also invited by Sts. Ecker. Mr. Flury issued a news re- leasc to the media prepared in advance of yesterday's get -to - gather. "A teaches-tcsting program Should be a most welcome im- tiative to the competent and dedicated teacher." he said in his media release. "In recent years, the teaching profession has taken the brunt of criticism for a flagging education Sys- tem. Testing the professional ability of teachers will vindi- cate them and allow the gov- ernment m better identify prob- lem areas that exist elsewhere in the education system. The Police 'E'arly Riser has eluded police assaulting women and carrying screams, said Sergeant Jim home at the time. capture, despite large-scale a weapon. police say. Grimley, a police force "lite intruder, wearing a pink man -hunts involving canine the latest attack happened spokesman. sweatshirt with hoxxd over his unit tracking dogs. at 3:40 a.m. Saturday when a "'there was a jjrief struggle head. took the woman's purse Believed responsible for a 56 -year-old Rayleen Crescent and she kicked him. He then ran as he fled, dropping items as he string of indecent exposures in woman asleep on her living out through a rear patio door:' fled through a greenbelt. the Pickering arca dating hack room sofa was awakened by an said the officer, adding the door The woman suffered minor to Oclober, the man's attacks intruder sitting next to her. The had been left unlocked earlier. injuries. have escalated in recent wcck� woman fled to the kitchen but The woman's hushand. During the struggle the at - to now include hreakin_• iw, was grabbed by the auackcr. a.lecp upstairs, and their !herr homes. ph%,icall% ,Ind v u," 6„ ,ntrn,l ..! i„ nnttllc h,, nr ,,ld _,randdau_hi,• .. See PFRVFRTpage A3 CEUA BRONK11ORS71 News Advertiser photo Education Minoter Janet Ecker listens in- forms from invited guests like Mr Flurv..a tenth• to Jann Flury during a discussion of member of her ministrv'.s Education Policy the Province's teacher testing program at a Advisory Committee. and (in back from left) Pickering hrnne Tuesday. Mr. Ecker Bath- earl '• childhlxxl educators Dorreen Carlton Bred input on her government's school re- and Adair Bickerton. Student suspensions will skyrocket under conduct code, trustees fear 'We will see them go up hundr��i� of times': Trustee BY MIKE RI,TA Staff Writer eT Local public school hoard trustees expressed misgivings about the Province's Code of Conduct for Ontario students Monday night. Outlined by Education Min- ister Janet Ecker last month, the code would give principals the power to expel students and r t teachers the authority to sus- pend them. It's proposed that pupils would be required to sing O Canada and recite a citi- zenship pledge every morning at the Stan of the school day. KATHLEEN HOPPER "I'm very apprehensive 'I'm t'ery apprehensive about this Code of Conduct;' about this Code Said Oshawa Trustee Kathleen Hopper. oj' Conduct.' "in the past few years we've student suspensions and expul- cut special education (funding) sions when coupled with the to shreds:'Trustee Hopper said, conduct code. predicting that will be reflected " We will see them go up See TFACHER page A4 in a much higher number of hundreds of times to what Victim stoned, threatened, kept in closet during 10 -day ordeal Kidner ed woman beaten, res ed pp p BY STEPHF_N SHAW Staff Writer An Oshawa mother was kid- napped by her ex-boyfriend and physically, sexually and emo- tionally tortured during 10 days of captivity. police say. The horrifying ordeal - dur- ing which she was driven to Quebec, beaten with sticks and burned with scalding water - ended Saturday when police burst into a Montreal hotel room and found the 19 -year-old con- fined to a closet. Her ex-tx)yfriend. a 20 -year- old Pickering man. was arrested while lying in hod playing Nin- tendo. police said. Dwayne Kevin George, of Geta Circle. appeared in a Mon - DWAYNE KEVIN GEORGE Pickering man charged. treat courts nim yesterday charged with kidnapping. forcible confinement, d reaten- ing death and sexual assault. A warrant has also been taken out by Durham Regional Police charging Mr. George with kidnapping, forcible confine- ment, break and enter to commit an indictable offence, assault causing bodily harm, assault with a weapon and possession of a dangerous weapon. Two other men have been charged in connection with the incident and authorities are seeking a fourth suspect. The Oshawa mother of two was last seen May 3 leaving her apartment in a van with several men. Police immediately ex- pressed concern for her Safety as the woman had just ended a stormy relationship with Mr. George. He had recently been charged with assaulting the vic- tim, killing her kitten with a hammer and setting a blaze that gutted her south -Oshawa apart- ment in March. The charges - including forcible confinement, posses- sion of a dangerous weapon, killing an animal, threatening death and arson - were with- drawn by the Crown after she re- canted her statement. police said. Mr. George was subse- quently released from Whitby Jail. Soon after. police spokesman See KII)NAPPEU Paye A5 .,c'rc used to seeing as a ii ustec:' she said. With (setter government mea- ,urc%. specifically Grade 10 tcsung, Trustee Hopper said rustration levels among Stu - lents are going to rise and she predicted dire consequencrs. ..It will allow the children to slip through the cracks and we will never get them back:' Fellow Oshawa Trustee Susan Steller said she believes in student discipline and pun- shment, but questioned the cost of the government's pro- posed legislation. -We're going to get a lot More (suspension) appeals. Who's going to pick up the costs of that!'* she asked. Trustee Shetler noted a lot of teachers don't want the power to suspend students, adding at a See (70NDUCT page A4 City demands more time for input on nuclear probe BY SL SAN O NEILL Scall Writer PICKERING — Civic offi- cials and residents need more aeon 60 days to respond to the draft environmental assessment (EA) on the proposed recut of the 'A' side of the Pickering Nu- clear Generating Station (PNGS). City council decided Monday. And. politicians indicated they may ask for a tougWr rc- view (Nice they've had time to digest the prop(wd probe of the power plant if it's not stringent crxtugn. Pickering councillors will ask the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) to extend the public input period on the draft document from 60 set 12) days after passing a uruninxNts mor tion. -Sixty days is not enough;' said Ward I local Councillor Dave Ryan who called on his colleagues to request an cxten- sion. -It's nose sufficient time to, in any way, adequately review this material and reply to the AECB" The AECB has set a dead- line of June 30 for public com- ment on the draft EA, which was prepared by Ontario Power Generation and releases to the public May 1. "file restart of PNGS-A has fhe potential to cause significant environmental and social im- pacts on the City of Pickering and it,; residents:' the motion states. "Sixty days is insuffi- cient time to review and com- See CITY page AS Inside the News Advertiser WHERE TO I= R Editorial Page ......A6 Cdssamist ........ A6 ERtertaisseed ......A9 Spens ............B1 Cla:sitiad .........B6 GIVE IIS A CALL Gsllll....... 683-5110 Cls1'ad ....683-0707 DistriNtise ...683-5117 Deatlt Metiers .683-3005 shmWelp Yelra ...... 1-800-662-8423 Email ............... shouston®durham.net Web site durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 NOMI IN STOCK1 2000 ACCO M it 4=�, PICKERING HONDA 970 Brock Rd. mss.ofS" 831-5402) The Ba Centra CLASSIC CELLULARIAJAX 105 Sam St. Want 905.!!13.!061 Pk:kerin99 Town Centra LIFESTYLE COMMUNICATION Upper I.ewl - Sean wino 905.420.0?44 Whites Rd. A Hwy. 2 - Pickering CABLE TEC ELECTRONICS Beelds National Sports Mph Ce 906.631. er�04 T Coq l mina.. i,mwru� uiOi tla�r�N. AfP PAGE A2 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Ill 17, 2000 Stolen drugs could be lethal Durham Region's Einer- EMS director Rick Arm- gency Medical Ser%ices has strong. "It is critical aurone issued an alert after a para- finding this kit notily medic's drug kit was stolen Durham Region EMS im- Saturday in Bou mamille. mediately" The stolen kit contains If you know of anyone drugs for treating heart at- who has taken drugs con - tacks. severe allergic rear- tained in the kit. call an am - tions. diabetes and asthma. bulance or seek immediate "the amounts of the medical attention, drugs in the kit are large Anyone knowing where enough to pose a severe dun- the kit s or who has infor- ger or threat to life to anyone matron regarding the inci- experimenting with them or dent is asked to call emer- to a young person who may geney medical dispatch at not understand the purpose 723-8177 or Durham Re - of the medications:' said gion EMS at 438-4837. EXTENDED LEMGTH COMFORT' TM Wlndsbr i, the only mmnan w aeh.- a five SW Gash Test aaang Ur bout impact fw drive. and from. pnsenge.. 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Callon Shrubs Choose from a large assortment. -jX77 Each EVERY DAY Regular 5.77 Bedding Plants 4 pack • ■aeh EVERY DAY 44 L 497 EVERY DAY Top Stoll 25L bag • ■aeh EVERY DAY Plant'S1'�s� #'1 Grade Rosebush Hybrid Tea Rose 97 Mach EVERY DAY ny Baskets 10. pot 7 97 Each EVERY DAY eee�le. Gardening P Tree Alantin hwi7;ction f SA.hi M� UealeJtel, . p' Mlla. 4J\ lick ftft is ��dlOf bo. Peat Moss 3.8 cu/ft. j497 Each EVERY DAY waimart Plaza, Hwy 02 east of Marwood, Ajax Ajax t AJAX — An Ajax tot run over by a van on the weekend is on the mend in hospital. Two-year-old Alyshah Mam- dam was listed in fair condition Monday at the Hospital lot Sick NEWS ADVERTISER,tit WMSDAY EDITION, May 17, 2000 PAGE M AM of in fair condition after being run over by van Children in Toronto alter being Durham Regional Police when "a young child ran behind with what Acre first considered pital „11ictal, cunfirmcd that hit in Ajax Saturday night. Sergeant Jim Grimley. his vehicle. The vehicle appar- life-threatening injuries fx:forc analysis Monday. but would not -Ilse incident occurred in the He says a 48 -year-old Ajax ently knocked the child down being transferred to Sick Kids. update the girl', condition Tues - parking lot of the Walney roan driving his van passed an and ran over" her abdomen. "I'm told this morning the day at the roquest of her parent, Heights I'la/a on Bayly Street available parking space and Alvshah Aas taken to Ajax child is listed in fair condition;' The accident is under m%cNii- aruund 6:25 p.ns., reports began hacking into the spot aria Pickering Hcalih Centre Sgt. Grimley said Monday. Hos- gatson. Charge, aren't expected. Pervert becoming `much more daring', police say PER VLRT Jr,,rrr per,;r A I tacker dropped a pellet gun, an air pistol recovered from the kitchen fluor by police. Sgt. Grimley said it would appear the assailant spent a considerable period of time in the residence. "possibly setting the stage;' prior to the woman being awakened. "There was some furni- ture moved, several light bulbs were unscrewed and he disconnected two phones before sitting down next to the victim as she slept:' he said. "We believe that this in- dividual is extremely dan- gerous. The nature of the incidents is continuing to escalate and he is becoming much more daring:" Police are strongly urg- ing all heal residents. par- ticularly people living alongside greenbelts. to en- sure their doors and win- dows are secured at all times. The suspect is believed to have struck again yester- day, setting off an extensive police search. A bearded man wearing black jogging pants and a brown jacket, with features matching the serial attack- er's description, exposed himself to a woman at a bus shelter at Liverpool and Kingston roads at about 6 a.m. The canine unit tracked L5%off energy bars 16 savingumoncy.com_ Coupons for just at -out anything a parent needs. Print them out Then save at stores in your neiahbourtiood the suspect east towards a hydro field near Valley farm Road, but lust his trail. The man is described by police as black. 6 -feet -tall. with a slim build and be- tween 150 to 170 pounds. In earlier incidents, a 28 -year-old Chapman Court resident was con- fronted by the attacker in her home, a female Picker- ing Transit driver was sexu- ally assaulted and a Wild - wood Crescent woman was confronted by a man expos- ing himself when she an- swered a knock at her door. A newspaper carrier also told police in March she was victimized twice by the man who exposed hin»elf and masturbated while she was sitting in her parked car. In most cases• the at- tacker struck during the early morning hours be- tween 4 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.. police said. Anyone with informa- tion is asked to call police at 683-9100. ext. 2524, or Crime Stoppers at 436 - TIPS. 0I01: MANUFACTURER'S GOOFS Cosmetically blemished sewing machines Due to an error in colouring on front, Singer Machine Company has lust released for sale to the public a limited number of new DELUXE HEAVY DUTY FREE ARM, SINGER, ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINES. No tension adjustment needed, and sews on all fabrics: denim, canvas. upholstery. nylon. stretch, vinyl, silk, EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER! No attachments needed for buttonholes (any size), monograms, hems. Sews on buttons, satin stitches, overcasts, darns. appliques. 31 stitch functions. Just set dials and see the magic happen without old-fashioned cams or programmers These machines are suitable for home, professional or school room sewing. 25 year warranty. Your price with ad $299.00 Previously priced at $699. Free lessons. Terms available. We take trade-ins. Lay -A -Way. MASTERCARD. VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS. 1 :N S1_\ imm 0 an SINGER OSH WA SIMCOE 33-1140 Four h'.orrily Conrp`r"' MON. - FRI.9 - 5:30 SAT. 9 - 4 ,f;: ,rc-E.-=A.EW1M i-4 �r<� :;rclY•.1F'E: Service to all makes. TRADE IN YOUR OLD PHONE AND SAVE UP TO $5001 900 MHz CORDLESS PHONE WITH SPEAKERPHONE AND DUAL KEYPAD Our Price 129.95 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 Malf Price After Rebate 1099S Coupon code: 9488200000000000 WIRELESS 900MHz'WW HEADSET WITH SASE STATION Our Price 299.66 Trade-in Rebate -50.00 Price After Re 24966 Coupon code: 9489400000000000 CORDLESS PHONE WITH VISUAL CALL-WAITING/CALLER ID' 39M51 Our Price 199.93 Trade-in Rebate -50.00 Price A r Rebate 14993 Coupon code 9488400000000000 900 MHz TRANSLUCENT PHONE e An, Purple, Tool, Grew or Oronge 66669/rWI/395396/393390/431a1I •Colour sated— map vary by sore Our Price 89.86 Ailllh- Trade-in Rebate -20.00 or Price After Rebate 6 116 9EACH Coupon code: 9488200000000000 FREE Cordless Noodsot or Cordless Phone ■ottery (ria Ital-iff rebate) when you purchase Alff VTECN Cordless Phone featured in this ad (excluding sku 432690 TndeGil eHa tneilable off► a tb VTKH Preva behind i ilii$ .d. Elhei" iwa May 11, orbic quontitin last. No d hm oruii" with dA"ry or on -Iia ordrs. AJAX 16 Harwood Avenue South WHITBY 1615 Dundas St. East STORE HOURS Mwhi 11AIII.9PM Sol (Ain) 9AM-6PM Set (1Wril6>rl9AM-9MA Sun 11AM-5PM FREE NEXT -Da DELIVERY MI: I-100•i6d-i1L1 FX: 1.100 W-2260 vtech 900 MHz CORDLESS PHONE WITH CALLER ID' Our Price 129.81 81 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 ►ort!e R O� h &09* Coupon cede. 94"200000000000 900 MHz T� CORDLESS PHONE WITH INTEGRATED DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINE Our Price 149.84 Trode-in Rebate -40.00 Price Offer Rebatis 1 coupon e"M 94ee�00000000000 900 MHz 2-1.INE COXLESS PROM .one ow W1011111 R&ob 159 9 Price After Illebeft Cou,p="" 90OMHz CORDLESS PHONE A7066 Our Priv. 76.36 ��36 Trade-in Rebate -10.00 Price Rebate tr toupee code: 94ie200000000000 wwwebIS1Tw""-1r - NOTICEPUBLIC SERGERS NEW - SEALED CARTONS We .:dui cite; 43 ONLY new White Speede;och vergers. These sergers must be sold! These sergers offered are the most modern in the White line. They are made of metal and cut and overcast all fabrics (canvas. nylon. stretch, silk. even Berges on denim). All are new and in factory -sealed cartons and have a five year guarantee. With the new White Speedelock you have easy operation, easy maintenance. high quality controls and trimming knives of special steel with a maximum sewing speed of 1500 stitches per minute. Regular price 5749 00 Price with this ad $398.00 SALE 4 DAYS ONLY! I I I I 3 MOnthS -OAF No Interest, NO Payments!' at VERA'S QUILT SHOPPE 1099 Kingston Rd., Unit 102 (Kingston Rd. & Dixie, beside Dairy Queen) 420-1101 the suspect east towards a hydro field near Valley farm Road, but lust his trail. The man is described by police as black. 6 -feet -tall. with a slim build and be- tween 150 to 170 pounds. In earlier incidents, a 28 -year-old Chapman Court resident was con- fronted by the attacker in her home, a female Picker- ing Transit driver was sexu- ally assaulted and a Wild - wood Crescent woman was confronted by a man expos- ing himself when she an- swered a knock at her door. A newspaper carrier also told police in March she was victimized twice by the man who exposed hin»elf and masturbated while she was sitting in her parked car. In most cases• the at- tacker struck during the early morning hours be- tween 4 a.m. and 7:30 a.m.. police said. Anyone with informa- tion is asked to call police at 683-9100. ext. 2524, or Crime Stoppers at 436 - TIPS. 0I01: MANUFACTURER'S GOOFS Cosmetically blemished sewing machines Due to an error in colouring on front, Singer Machine Company has lust released for sale to the public a limited number of new DELUXE HEAVY DUTY FREE ARM, SINGER, ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINES. No tension adjustment needed, and sews on all fabrics: denim, canvas. upholstery. nylon. stretch, vinyl, silk, EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER! No attachments needed for buttonholes (any size), monograms, hems. Sews on buttons, satin stitches, overcasts, darns. appliques. 31 stitch functions. Just set dials and see the magic happen without old-fashioned cams or programmers These machines are suitable for home, professional or school room sewing. 25 year warranty. Your price with ad $299.00 Previously priced at $699. Free lessons. Terms available. We take trade-ins. Lay -A -Way. MASTERCARD. VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS. 1 :N S1_\ imm 0 an SINGER OSH WA SIMCOE 33-1140 Four h'.orrily Conrp`r"' MON. - FRI.9 - 5:30 SAT. 9 - 4 ,f;: ,rc-E.-=A.EW1M i-4 �r<� :;rclY•.1F'E: Service to all makes. TRADE IN YOUR OLD PHONE AND SAVE UP TO $5001 900 MHz CORDLESS PHONE WITH SPEAKERPHONE AND DUAL KEYPAD Our Price 129.95 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 Malf Price After Rebate 1099S Coupon code: 9488200000000000 WIRELESS 900MHz'WW HEADSET WITH SASE STATION Our Price 299.66 Trade-in Rebate -50.00 Price After Re 24966 Coupon code: 9489400000000000 CORDLESS PHONE WITH VISUAL CALL-WAITING/CALLER ID' 39M51 Our Price 199.93 Trade-in Rebate -50.00 Price A r Rebate 14993 Coupon code 9488400000000000 900 MHz TRANSLUCENT PHONE e An, Purple, Tool, Grew or Oronge 66669/rWI/395396/393390/431a1I •Colour sated— map vary by sore Our Price 89.86 Ailllh- Trade-in Rebate -20.00 or Price After Rebate 6 116 9EACH Coupon code: 9488200000000000 FREE Cordless Noodsot or Cordless Phone ■ottery (ria Ital-iff rebate) when you purchase Alff VTECN Cordless Phone featured in this ad (excluding sku 432690 TndeGil eHa tneilable off► a tb VTKH Preva behind i ilii$ .d. Elhei" iwa May 11, orbic quontitin last. No d hm oruii" with dA"ry or on -Iia ordrs. AJAX 16 Harwood Avenue South WHITBY 1615 Dundas St. East STORE HOURS Mwhi 11AIII.9PM Sol (Ain) 9AM-6PM Set (1Wril6>rl9AM-9MA Sun 11AM-5PM FREE NEXT -Da DELIVERY MI: I-100•i6d-i1L1 FX: 1.100 W-2260 vtech 900 MHz CORDLESS PHONE WITH CALLER ID' Our Price 129.81 81 Trade-in Rebate -20.00 ►ort!e R O� h &09* Coupon cede. 94"200000000000 900 MHz T� CORDLESS PHONE WITH INTEGRATED DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINE Our Price 149.84 Trode-in Rebate -40.00 Price Offer Rebatis 1 coupon e"M 94ee�00000000000 900 MHz 2-1.INE COXLESS PROM .one ow W1011111 R&ob 159 9 Price After Illebeft Cou,p="" 90OMHz CORDLESS PHONE A7066 Our Priv. 76.36 ��36 Trade-in Rebate -10.00 Price Rebate tr toupee code: 94ie200000000000 wwwebIS1Tw""-1r - A/P PAGE A4 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 17, 2000 Teacher testing ` a great Ecker told TFACHFR ITom page Ai Carleton said she likes the di- do believe that all people work mens retortus including teacher team •' - rection in which the 1:ducation htg wrlh children should be testin, and the mandating of "hat %at well with the as- rcor:de of teachers is to let hLnister is going• including, on evaluatcd" cmi-acumcular actisincs. semhled. "Janet's genuinely them prove that they :are true teacher testing Nis Eckettold the assent trying It, build to a keen to hear what people want protcs,ional. "I du think :u, cs:duauon. is bled the Prrn,nce wants then► we lot parents to all tit those. • to say: • said one Child-c:uc worker Dorreen a great thing." she laud -Arad I a, pLn a pall u, reccw ,•,,\rtn she .aid. " 1'ou7e pail A the ELI/J1 BETH ROY 'I know there are parents it-luo ore quite coirrenued with wlrul'\ coming down.' Conduct code has `lots of bugs' • • Trustee (-0\7)(•(-T/ Imm page A/ recent meeting between the Durham District School Board and Ictal h1PPs several questions remained unan- swered ••1 think there's a lot of hugs in this:' she said. O`hawa Trustee Janc w'eist said she Ickes the fact the Province propos- es requiring expelled students to con- tinue their education with academic ark] heha%tour programs. '•Wc have to to it, achieve for out students help so they can turn their Ines around:' shT said Howcvrr. Trustee w•etst agreed the policy will result to more expulsions. M'hithy Trustee Elisabeth Rov. who it, un the hoard's suspension appeals committee. said teachers will have toe _%otc more time to dealing with suspensions, which she main- tained should be under the jurisdic- tion of principals. She suggested making a statement to the MPPs ex- pressing the boards fears. 1 know there are parents who arc quite concerned with what's coming down:' said Trustee Roy Alliance leader hopeful here Thursday Canadian Alliance leadership hopeful Dr. Keith Martin will be in Ajax Thursday. Mav 124. Dr. Martin will speak at the firm - c% er rm-ever annual gen- eral meeting of the Canadian Re- form Conserva- tive Alliance Pickering-A.lax- Uxhridge Riding Association. fhe meeting 1 is heing held at 7 a p.m. at Annan- 1 dale Golf and Curling Club, 11 corner of Church and Bayly streets. in Ajax. Everyone is wel- come. Now serving his second term as IMP fur the British Columbia riding of Es- q uimalt-Juan de Fuca. Dr. Martin i entered the lead- ership race to fixus on health Care. Canadian Al- liance members will vote on a leader Saturday. June _'4. If a sec- ond ballot is nec- essarv, tt will he held Saturday. July 8. U ]i E.R wu, i F ANY FREE CHOICES I a •Bed Frame • Pillow a` • Pillow Can • set-up • Mattress Pad • Disposal of OW Set • Bed Rails • Pillow Protector • Sheet Straps • Percale Set • Comforter of Sheets 8 • Layaway • Local Delivery OR FREE BED IN A BAG .0fr with ani matching mattress set r:1 DI r349 WAS 219 s � fpr AM WAS 299 AM FM 20 25 WAR I w•R I A -t.y'i S309 COMFORT SLEEP ORTHOPEDIC p•�' ��� �I �ialrrml179 : Vaa r ssS219 ar 0" Set 1319 Set 1369 DOUBLE 219 SET 389 v DOUBLE 269 SET 439 QUEEN 279 SET 479 ` c QUEEN 329 SET 499 KING 469 SET 779 _ , KING 509 SET 799 ORTHOPRACTIC y V13 ess'259 Set '429 )OUBLE 319 SET 4" )UEEN 389 SET 55914 5 WAS S" w"s rs9 (ING 559 SET 86 ;. ¢ ■ NTEREST WAR t.;. AR t . 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SON=A 1101 99 1%Includes Mattress COMPARE AL1�290'00 ... 649 99 COMP.................. 499 For more in- AJAX: formation call local Alliance 282 Monarch Ave riding associa- lion president Rick Mr. Brown (905) 427-7708 atX31-14409 or the riding associ- ation at 427- • 4941. I e� rs�eMrar 1 UUM11 =A COMPARE AT.398C.'DO 1]9999 won Mel COMPARE AL3W.W 159" STARTING AT 59999 M W*stn•y Read S. (905) 619-1315 oormf noel] 10999 STARW I M 15999 49999 i i I Shop on-line at 0� ttvww.liqufdationworld.com LT� "!a 1 �� .~4111,00 40 Financing Available O.A.C. Kidnapped woman threatened `she'd be killed if she fled' KIDNAPPEY)l frrim Ix2Re• A I Sergeant Jim Grimley said, the victim was kidnapped from her residence, 'beaten into subnoission:' and terror- ized by her captors. At the time, her two young children were with rela- ti ves. Sgt. Grimley said the woman's head was -shaved as a fort of control" In the next few days she was driven back and forth foctween Pickering and Scar- borough and confined to motel rutins in the Kingston Road arca, he said. "Basically, she was beaten to make her comply. At one point she was taken into a Scarborough field by four men and beaten with sticks .. Ill's also al- leged she was hurried in the shower and bathtub with scalding water several times and stoned with rocks:" Sgt. Grimley said. "She was warned she would be killed if she fled. There may have also been threats implying hart may come to her family if she went to police again. - Acting on a tip from Durham detec- tives, Montreal police detectives Don- ald Lemieux and Jeffrey Stem, accom- panied by four uniform officers, raided the room at the Mamolt Residence Inn in Montreal at 9.30 a.m. Saturday, Io- eating the victim huddled in the closet. "He was sitting in front of the TV playing Nintendo... She was crying but very happy. She told us she was afraid all the time. She was teaten very had. She said she didn't know if she would he killed or not;' Det. Lemieux, during a telephone interview, said yesterday. The woman suffered numerous huts and bruises and was taken to hospital, where she was treated and released, he said. Police believe the victim was driven s i rs ' As, SUNVAY • '� to Montreal in a rented vehicle and managed to track the pair down by monitoring credit card transactions, Det. Lenueux said. She has since been returned by de- tectives to Durham Region and reunit- ed with her family and two children. Two other suspects, Jerome jefler- son Brown, 19, and Jason Hamott Brown -Campbell. 19, both of Toronto, were arrested in recent days by Durham detectives. The pair face an assortment of break and enter, kidnapping, assault and weapons charges, Police arc considering re-laying the prior charges against Mr. George and an obstruction of justice charge. Detectives want to speak to any taxi drivers who may have driven the ac- cused and the victim in Pickering. Cent Aid AW NEWS ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY EDITION. May 17, 2000 PACE AS P City wants time for nuclear probe input CITY from Imige AI mem on the vast amount of information contained In the draft IA document. - The drab EA consists of two vol- umes — a main report and a set o1' ap- Nndices. There is also an annex report on the more than 160 issues raised dur- ing the 199K Pickering Environmental Review and nine technical support doc- uments which provide more informa- tion about radiation and radioactivity, atmospheric environment, hydrology and water quality, aquatic environment. terrestrial environment, geology, hydro - geology and seismicity, community and stakeholder consultation, land re- sources and socioeconomic conditions. "It's a very large document:' said David •k Ward 3 kcal Councillor Da rd Pte le.s. -It's not just a matter of perusing it, it's a matter of understanding it. It's highly appropriate that we have a further peri- od of time to read the document. - Dike motion approved by council also reiterated the City's support of the Peer Review Tearn's conclusion that the pro- powd assessment may not be thorough enough. And, it reaffirmed Pickering's right to request a more extensive review of the proposed restart by the federal government. "We retain our right ill refer the pro- ject to a panel review or a third -party mediator;' said Mayor Wayne Arthurs, noting the fact that council voted to table a motion earlier this year asking the federal environment minister for a full panel review does not mean council can't take that route at %(tine point in the future. -Support or lack of support for that motion has yet to he estahlished:' Mayor Arthur said. Ward I Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner, who's 1n favour of seeking a full panel review. said. "I think Picker- ing should get their head out of the and. It's unfortunate the City of Toronto took a definitive position before this council.- Copies ouncil -Copies of the draft EA are available at all library branches in Pickering and Ajax. Gutict Now IPATIO SETS Down Interest " a f /Fair Orate Whole Year Q~ .&I 12 .wrM ^wrwtif w1^r^,a ' 6 (ai VISIT OUR SHOW F':_ - M - I - 2001 THICKSON Raz S. 905.4 1.5541 or 905.686.0571 7 i e The Ultimata ■ BACKSTREET BONS Tribal { we're got all tge elemeets for a great leme weereed. } Wonderland's got everything under the sun for a good time this Victoria Day long weekend - including great new thri I Is and events Add some exciting twists and turns to your weekend with our new ride CIIt111IIa1 Take a ride through SC941y-I a a'"' f Na1Ila1 ■IIs11I and help solve a creepy caper Nothing on earth is better than 111114ar AIISCII, the new 3D adventure ride at our FIX Theatre. Don't miss the 1111111111121111111141611811111 lays' Trllala, the great new live show playing at the InlerIallsoll SUa11ace. We're splashing onto the scene this weekend with the season opening of $1110 waits, our 20 -acre water park And the sky's the limit with our spectacular fireworks show on Sunday at 10 30 p in We've got over 200 attractions and 60 rides in all! So if you're looking for fun, you'll be right in your element at Wonderland all weekend long. Fireworks presented by ■VE.C1la11sWI111filed.ta■ Park open weekends staning May 7 (Lady May N through September a tall —kends to 0(lober 8 water park opens weekends starting May 20, daily � aping June 17 through Septemtrer a h,vrs suhie, 1 to weather and hghong ...... ins �wMO 2000 Paramount Parks immo 2000 Paramount P,clures 02000 Hanna-Harhera Snxby lkn,and allrAaleei elementsandchara.terns are trademarks ::I Hanna-Baibera02000 MeiNr AltAkOMIM\Cox Casbig 011ice Incilwerks EntertammenL Orc All Rights R,•srrved Cadhup iso trademark ,,I Cadbury Ltd used under Ircenre Check Out Our NEW Garden Centre From 139999 • Reg. Retail from 1799.° Includes 4-6 Chairs, Umbrella & seat cushions URNS From $69. ROTINiA 1 To Reg. Retail from 5119. OVER 5,000 DECOR PROD UC I a., Open 7 Days A Week: Mon. -Wed. 10-6. Thurs. 10-8, Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5 458 Fairall St.. Ajax (at Westney Rd. across from A (905) 683-2222 ; Ajax GO Stn.; --- Now you hove the power to choose your electricity from o number of companies. CALL 1-888-668-4636 cosi reeo$Wo a #04110, t! -patio braehWO. ® Ontario VK r our webstw e at www est gcvon ca or Email fytaest ace -n ;a P PAGE AS NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 17, 2000 Edmitorial &OpiNioNs N E: NV S A D V E R T I S E R Ni A Y 1 7 2. 0 0 0 EDITORIAL Transitp lan is incomplete GTA vision must be more usina TUE OLY(vlPiC DREAM... 0 -mm. ::5y 1 than just Toronto -centred There are few things we rely on more than transit. N _ Without a solid network of road and rail lines just about. everything comes to a halt. It's had for the em ironment due to the excess pollution caused by crawling traffic, had for the ' �1 economy because just about everything is delivered and must be moved along roads or rail lines. and had for our mental health. Just ask commuters to and from Toronto. y That's why the Greater Toronto Services Board's 20 -year - plan for transit in the GTA is such a disappointment. The re- l !, port, being delivered to Durham council today, simply fails to I address the key questions surrounding transit in the region and / its connection with the rest of the GTA. The report typically centre on the needs of Toronto itself Du and regions to the north and west. Consider that, at present. York and Peel have 180 highway lanes coming and going from their regions with respect to Toronto. How, many does Durham have'.' An unlock% 13. You'd think the report therefore would emphasize expand- ed highway construction through Durham. a region expected-�.-�s— to double in population to over i million by 2021. But. other than admitting the need to expand Hwy. 407 to Hwy. 35/115 in Claringion. the report does little else. Thal expansion LETTERS TO THE EDITOR wouldn't even double the number of highway lanes going _ through Durham. There's also) little in the pott offering a solid vision for We're wrecking Pickering to become a replica of amalgamation'. in improved bus or rail access from Durham to Toronto and Scarborough. filled with ugly strip Let me suggest there is no ap- points west. Other than strengthening the current GO linkup. Our environment malts and housing developments parent need for such an expensive the report offer, nothing. (stripped hare of any existing vege- waste of our scarce dollars and lis all a little ironic considering GTSB chairman Alantation), unchecked by stringent services. it is a foregone conclu- Tonks' comments. He said transit was the most important sin- piece by piece rules and regulations'' Why can we Sion that a merger of Pickering and gle issue the GTA would have to deal with. He couldn't have not demonstrate a greater respect Ajax is inevitable. It will mean had Durham in mind. given the nature of this report. To the editor: for the wonderful legacy that Pick- less government and 30 per cent It's only a report. certainly not official policy and costs I recently witnessed yet another Bring has historically, and preserve fewer greedy politicians who have yet to be assigned to this transit strategy. But it is m- example of what some people the larger tress when development 'hang on'. It will mean one mayor cumbent on the GTSB to do right by its member% and take the would like to call progress. 1 and is planned? It may cost the devel- and one fire chief. Since the merg- time needed to prepare a transit strategy with vision• oxrc that many like-minded people might oper more, but in the long term we cr of the Pickering and Ajax police will serve Durham and the GTA fix the next 30.50 years, not better describe it as criminal. would all win. stations, we have more efficient just 20 years. Given the length of oink it takes to build high- There is a property in north Lcst we forget, trees are the pri- police protection in terms of scri- ways and upgrade transit litres, not to mention the expense. Pickering which for many yeas mary produc:m of oxygen on our ous crime. we *11 probably just he finishing roads or rail limes in' about the was a working farm. It has stcxxl planct. The continuous dcforesta- Merging with Ajax will also time 20 years have gone hy. vacant for the past few years and tion taking place worldwide is ulti- mean a tax cut for seniors who are Durham representatives should make it clear to the GTSB last fall was unfeortunwely de- matcly going to affect every singk in need. Consicler that old -age pcn- that this report needs a makLmer. Durham descrvcs bcttcrstrayed by fire. The shells of the one of us. sions are nothing mem than pover- housc and barn were recently taken ty for some seniors and some of Judging the � edge s down pxcsuniably by the new own- !Marilyn Cole, them are now visiting fixd hanks s ors. Pickering because they have to. ON course. As 1 drove by this property, 1 some arc barely hanging on to was horrified to sec that every large their homcs because of high taxes. Sentences have to stand scrutiny Merizer will tree had been cut down. Thcsc trees ` thanks w Pickering council's i Deni e lawvcrn wets ccmunly defensive %leen a private had managed w survive fox hun-r auto of our hard -to -feet dollars. member's hill to put criminal judgmrnb in the public spodight drods of yeas, only to beconic the give us needed Surely, if Scugug Township can was introduced. most necent victims of progress. cut its taxes by 1-5 per cent, then The wringing of hands across Ontario was audible as the One can only assume that thew were tax break Pickering is in a position to cut Criminal Lawyer's Soddy. the Law Society of Upper Canada. considered to he in the way, or too taxes at least 10 per cent. We are Ute Advocates Socicty, the Canadian Civil Liberties Asso cia- costly to build around. To the editor: demanding it. tion and the Law Union all blastcd Tory Mwilvn Mushinski's Whcn will we learn that we are Allow me to refer to the recent bill which would hold judges publicly accountable fox their destroying our environment, piece News Advertiser story headlined Tom Long, sentences. by piece" W'hy are we allowing Holland calls for referendum on Pickering But. where is the problem with such a bill"___ -- Ac it is, all kindccs arc the public domain already and provincial legislature language sentences of the kind which would he included in the bill, are reported cxtensnelly in the media right now. Only offences that carry a maximum sentence of five yews or more would he included in the registry. The registry would list the name of the has reached new low judge, the offence and conviction of the individual involved. the amount of the sentence, and finally, reasons listed by the judge why the maximum sentence wasn't applies!. Premier leads charge into verbal gutter W'e're tsxntially talking about crimes of violence or serial repeat offenders and the sentences they would receive. And A threat to expel Premier Mike orders. Lyn McLeod. Liberal we're talking onh about those convicted. Hams from the legislature - the leader before Mr. McGuinty. was Tlx: chief objections from lawvers corse down to this: ju- first ever made against a premier - Eric ordered to leave atter she refused dicial indgxndentce will be compromised romisid if sentences are show's how pow debate there has to withdraw her claim Mr. Hams made public. Lawyers worn about pressure groups targeting fallen. Dowd lied in promising not to reduce judges and pushing for maximum sentences in even instance. The Progressive Conservative health care spending but cutting it There are however, safeguards in the system which protect premier was warmed by the Con- At Queen's Park later in an economic statement. judges. Its very rare that a judge is released due to miscon- servative Speaker, Gary Carr, he - - -- The rules forbid a member saying duct. Judges are fres- to sentence based on the Criminal Code risked being ejected not because another MPP lied. and their verdicts can be overturned on appeal to a higher he took some noble stand on prin- The diminutive, motherly Mrs. court. So. there's little to fear. ciple. pushing through laws he was ous and lovely English language McLeod, who rarely was as ag- Sentences are public now. Anyone can keep track of a elected to provide in the face of we use was reduced to guttural gressive as leader, walked halfway judge's verdicts and can complain about them. The registry opposition delays and in the snapping. across the Flax on her way out and would merely provide a place where people can find out what process breaking some archaic 'But even when we think the wagged a finger a few feet from judges have done in the past. technicality. place is reduced to a modey rab- Mr. Harris's face, shouting 'Mike. In the end, taxpayers foot the bill for judges and for the en- Mr. Harris was told by Speaker ble, the chaos soddenly is followed let me tell you, you're not going to tire legal and justice system. In a democratic society where the Carr he would have to leave unless by splendid debate and the get away with this.' system is open and accountable, why can't judges be proud to he stopped yelling personal insults strength of the parliamentary sys- Stuart Smith, an earlier Liberal stand behind their verdicts? What could they have to hide? at Liberal members and particular- tem reasserts itself and politics leader, was thrown out twice. The Victims of crimeand their families deserve the chance, as ly Liberal leader Dalton McGuin- again is a moble profession.' first time he refused to withdraw do we all, to know what oto judges have been up to. Attorney- ty. Or Liberal MPP Sean Conway his charge consumer minister Gor- General Jim Flaherty, who has not backed off the bill, should Mr. Harris, in clashes on three gently twittered Tory premier don Walker was 'a minister of try to steer it through the legislature. separate issues, called Mr. William Davis for his circumlocu- cover-up' for refusing a public in- McGuinty "the epitome of arro- tious style of speaking 'like the old quiry into the collapse of an in - E -Mail your comments on these opinions to gance" and a disgrace to the pro- Newfoundland railway, twisting vestment company the govern- shouaeonedurhsm,rrot include your hdl name and commute- fession of politician and when Mr. and turning, chugging up hill and ment licensed, despite warnings of i ty of residence. McGuinty charged there was a down dale and meandering its unreliability, in which many stink coming from his govern- through the remotest sidings be- lost life savings. meni s sale of land to an alleged fore eventually reaching its final Mr. Smith was tossed out again YOUSAID IT Tory friend, Mr. Harris retorted destination.' when he ignored a Speaker's order -- 'the only thing that stinks here is Or Mr. Conway, still in the leg- to sit down and accused agricul- The uestion was: you" islature but not speaking often ture minister Lorne Henderson of This broke a rule that forbids these days, more cuttingly describ- fostering anti -Quebec sentiment What do you think of the Hwy. 407 extension to MPPs from using abusive or in- ing abrasive NDP leader Michael by telling farmers Ontario could Pickering and eventually east Durham? sulting language considered likely Cassidy as having the warmth of do more for them but it contributed _ to create disorder, intended to pre- 'an ice cube wrapped in sandpa- most of the money Quebec re - vent the business of the house de- per.' ceived in equalization payments. generating into constant name- But such thoughtful, crafted Mr. Cassidy was sent packing r� calling that could stop it operating criticisms are not heard much when he refused to retract after and Mr. Carr asked Mr. Hams to these days and instead MPPs de- charging Mr. Davi.; lied by saying withdraw his comment and he did. clare regularly an opponent is a he would never bring in new user This was a level of repartee an horse's ass, slimebucket bigot or fees for hospital patients, but did. I I•yew-old would be ashamed of, jerk. Leaders whc accuse an oppx)- but it is almost par for the course This decline began long before Mr. nent of lying should be able to find Peter Hubner Chris Malcolm Deslyn Moore today in the legislature, where ex- Harris became premier in 1995, more effective words to make their says. "In general says, "I think it's says. "it would changes rarely have much ele- but he has helped it along. He once point, but they were still a cut it's goad. I don't a great idea. It he good for pro- gance or wit. shouted 'bullshit' at a New Demo- above saying an opponent smelled. use the 407 that saves time, pie who have to There was a time a couple of oral in the legislature and his use of much, but it is makes life easier. use it. i would decades ago when Stephen Lewis, obscenities outside it is well E -Mail your comments on this convenient. It's I've used it be- use it because I as Nev. Democrat herder could known and unparalleled for a pre- opinion to showton6durham.net. not a bad idea. It fore to get to and have to work in say 'sometimes one would think in mien. Submissions which Include a first moves traffic." from school and Markham." this oft -vilified chamher the demo- While no premier has Igen and last name, as well as the com. it has saved me cratic prowess was forged at the thrown out, several opposition munity of residence, will be con. lime." anvil of anarchy and that melliflu- leaders have been given marching sldsrod for publication. v a � PICKLRiNG NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim N hittaker Puhh,hrr Joanne Burkhardt Editor- in - O 7uel Steve Houston MUn"ging Editor Bruce Danford l )rrrrmr of +h•erticing Duncan Fletcher Retail Adn•rticing Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Cluj w/ird :1durndng Slanager John N'illems Real EcLue..4up)mutive Advertising %tanager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Stanger Lillian Hook (yfur thmager Barb Harrison Comp.mnc tanager Net) (905)MCI t i- I10 (9)5)5111) Classifieds (9151 6SI-0,0, Distribution (9X)5) 697-5 1 17 General Fax (90g16s3-'763 E -Mail shoustonia durham.ntt Neb address www durhamnews.wt 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont LIS 2 H 5 Publications !Nail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metrolanid Printing, Pub- lishing and Dutnbutmg group of newspapers. The News Ad- vertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Burd of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc- Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limit- ed to space price error ono- pies. J� The Ncws Advertuaet accepts kucrs to the editor. All let- ters should be typed or neat- ly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone num- ber for verification. The edi- tor reserves the right to edit copy for style• length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertis- er We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. EC:NA w •1 •1 •s May 15 City Council Meeting May 17 Site Plan Advisory Committee Meeting May 18 Statutory Public Information Meeting May 23 City Executive Meeting CITY OF PICKERING VICTORIA DAY HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS MONDAY, MAY 22, 2000 CIVIC COMPLEX CITY HALL Monday. May 22 CLOSED CITTY EXELL-nVEMELMG Tuesday. May 21 Croy Executive Sleeting at 7 tri P m GARBAGE, RECYCLING & YARD WASM NO COLLECTION on Mondor s PICKERING TRANSIT Monda.. Slay 22 No SERVICE ALL PUBLIC LIB Monday. May 22 CLOSET) Pickering Central Library closed Sundays until Mid -October MUSEUM Saturday. May 20 CLOSED Sunday, May 21 CLOSED Mondav, May 22 CLOSED ROCREATIONCOMPLEX Fnday, Stay 19 6(X)am -9(X)pm Saturday. May 20 7:00a.m. - 500 p.m. Sunday. May 21 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday. May 22 CLOSED May 19 - May 22 Child Supervision CLOSED SUMMER HOURS: Effective Tend=r. Mer 23 Mondry to Friday 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Weekends 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 P.M. RECIREATIONCOMPLEX Fria— \tai I9 1 -kin swim 6 00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Adult & Parent(Tot 9'00 a.m. - 1:00 p in Oren Swim 1:00 p. m. - 300 p. m. Adult Swim 3:00 Tim, -4:W p.m. Q3= Swim 4d)0 p.m. - 5.00 p m. 7 00 p.m. - 9:00 p in Saturday. May 20 Op= Swim 100 p.m. - 4:00 p m. Sunday. May 21 fern cwim_ 1-00 p.m. - 4:00 pm. M,mday. Ma, 22 CLOSED ylL.NwXrON POOL Saturday. Mi, 20 CLOSED Sunday. \lay 21 CLOSED %,oday. May 22 CLOSED EMMGENCY 1 RVI Emergency Serseces will nut he atfecred M the Holidai S,hcduk City of Pickering 24 Hour Emergency Trl Mair Numhe iv lw)S i 681-4119 lBGLUR I LARK 113 SWM i REC7L4TIds PROGRAMS )�j, a CdOM MM WALL) RRf�IAR 011Q4211%tt M AJL 10&X llL i AND aa -LAR crY 5nvwn ON 11A1( ]1111 Tender for Road Improvements T-8/2000 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned department for the above no later than 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 30, 2000 This contract is for the supply of the required materials, labour, machinery, tools and appliances required to place a Bituminous Surface Treatment and Emulsified Asphalt Slurry Seal on Salem Road in accordance with terms, conditions and specifications prepared by the City of Pickering and as directed. Tender forms and specifications will be available, and may be obtained by contacting the Supply and Services, 2nd Floor, upon a non-refundable payment of $20.00 per set by cash or cheque made payable to the City of Pickering. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Corporation of the City of Pickering Supply and Services One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario, L IV 6K7 (905)420-4616 Vera A. Felgemacher Jeffrey, CPPD. C.P.P. CMMI Manager of Supply and Services Tender for Road Improvements T-3/2000 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned department for the above no later than 2:00 p.m. The.Sday, May 30,2M The work consists of. complete all catchbasin and manhole adjustments to final grade; concrete curb infills will be installed to replace the existing temporary asphalt curb infills; the abutting intersections will be grinded as directed and the entire roadway swept in order to accommodate the new 40 mm -H.L.-3 asphalt overlay on West Shore Boulevard, Dunbarton Road/Dunchurch Street, Sheppard Avenue, Dixie Road, William Street, Balaton Avenue, Cecylia Court and Sandcastle Court as directed by the City. Tender forms and specifications may be obtained by contacting the Supply and Services, 2nd Floor, upon a non-refundable payment of $20.00 per set by cash or cheque made payable to the City of Pickering. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Corporation of the City of Pickering Supply and Services One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario, LIV 61(7 (905)420-4616 Vera A. Felgemacher Jeffrey, CPPo, c.PP, cmmi Manager of Supply and Services NEWS ADVERTISER, WTeLMt: UAV t:JXI ION, May t r, MAWAUM Ar I- C` EYY IK-' G j "'421161=2= 0 •683-276 W Mr. OksOAccess 420-4660 �- b Styapickering.on.ca Tender for the Realignment of Pickering Parkway Tender No. T-4/21100 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned department for the above no later than 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 31, 2000 The work consists of the removal of the existing concrete curbs, _sidewalks and asphalt roadway and the abandonment or relocation of the utilities. The work also consists of storm sewer installation, waternain relocation, excavation required to place a new granular road base in preparation for concrete curbs and sidewalks, azphalt i pavement, traffic signals installation, utility installation, j grading and sodding of the boulevards on Pickering " Parkway in accordance with terms, plans and specifications prepared by the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham. Tender forms and specifications will be available by contacting the Department of Supply and Services and upon a non-refundable payment of $100 00 per set by cash or cheque nude payable to the City of Pickering. A tender deposit will also be required and information is outlined in the tendering documents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Corporation of the City of Pickering Supply and Services One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario. L IV 61(7 (905)420-4616 Fera A. Felgemacher Jeffrey. CPPO. C P.P. CMMI Manager of Supply and Services Tender for Roofing Pickering Recreation Complex Tender No. T-1012000 Sealed tenders will be rece,vcd by the undersigned department for the above no later than 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 31, 2000 The work consists of the removal and disposal of existing materials, supply and install new roofing matenals, associated flashing and skylights, in accordance with terms, plans and specifications prepared for the CITY of Pickering. A mandatory site visit has been arranged for Wednesday. -May 24. 2000• at 10:00 A.M. staring in the foyer of the Pickering Recreation Complex. Pickering. Only bidden who attend the site visit, sign in sad perform a complete viewing shall be allowed to bid on this contract. Project to be completed by July 31!20110. Additional information may be obtained by contact ng the Consultant. IRC Industrial Roofing Comuksnu. 905-607- 7244. Tender form and specifications may be obtained by contacting the Department of Supply and Services upon, a non-nrfandoble payment nJ S35 00 per set by cash or cheque made payable to the City of Pickering. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Corporation of the City of Pickering Supply and Services One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario. LI V 6K7 ((905)420-4616 Ven A. Felgemacher Jeffrey. CPPD. C.PP. CMM( Manager of Supply and Services Sale of Surplus City I.Ands TAKE NOTICE THAT on June 29, 1998. City Council enacted resolution 126198/15y -law 5391/98 declaring the following land surplus to the needs of the Corporation. Thus land is being offered for sale on an "as is- basis, subject to any easements. I.mLllaacrlRllo6: North West Put of Lot Is, Concession E being Part of Lots 16 aced 17, Plan 43, designated as Parts 1, Z. 3, 4 and 5, Plea 4OR-11111.50 (approa. 0.27 acre mere or les), known as the former Clarens.at Community Center, In the City of Pickering (formerly the Haesfet of Claremont), Regional Municipality of Durksim, municipally known as "" (Old) Brock Rood. A copy of the refenoce plan Y Attacked to the Alp cc m of Purcbr and Sale. $aleAdi ; SIMAOS-00 Offers must be submitted in the form of an Agreemau of Purchase and Sale which will be svwlable at the Civic Complex. Legal Department, 2nd floor. Pickering. The Agreement of Purchase and Sak must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order, bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to The Corporation of the City of Pickering and representing a minimum 10 per teat of the purchase price set out in the Offer. The Corporation of the City of Pickering makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matter relating to the lands to be said. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. The City reserves the right to reject any or all offers or accept any offer should it be domed in the bat interest of the City. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the balance due on closing, the relevant Land Trwfer Tax and any applicable GST. The purchase transaction shall be closed within 60 days of the acceptance of the Offer by The Corporation of the City of Pickering. For information respecting the viewing of this property. please conuct: Operational and Enterpsaity So v Pickering Chic Cumpks, Oat the Fapktnmk Pickering, Ontario LI V GK7 Pi: f1e-a2f141124 or aquoltt at #WN ;ornplex. Cot of 44, Moms from Scott IM hent supplied for from 1179 MaY 27t *4 gBaah Pro anYBWts I Reweadt;2 Int III II■'lI■'41 ,♦rI r ,l ''► r`5► J<y 14W1`. Celebrate dee promise of spring at Pickering MRaaeum Village: ♦ .9—eq.WWp W.9 -.d .hi.04. ,...Sear so6.rdam A Swnda t • w„r.M i.fth r.- aA a.d f knsd. + ire fa.baow .11— ba + ,Y.da1 Mart � u,,,v. Gild, .vcp, Lqr Tuuu,p Aouy, tark•y '+x.nr., .t✓ta.n.y. +Ml.wr, AwueDu„ xpwnw, a iW.,w, 7 n Rnwp Mad Ton -.n t.o.+/ + .Mad Owura. in W mai- o -"-w - so­L.rtao... "—Wt.a— + pint .d. ewd d/M by cern I.r .tty. Ha.-d.e - At&- Maw t abitell- on srnday + —th— —d bmteioo,n pane. i-- Sp—. --ft rr.:acauaaa�sra �-�.- --- useum illage Ixfr �_ k... I Maes@e PAM: Ad Wt. Ib. S.nwn (53-) 114, Said -w (13 u Ice) t4. Children (b io 12) L3. P-Np 2.5 Mad pvWna n (rine r ^�„ Hw, 7 ber-een Brock Rod and Weiitmy Rod my Pc kerma nn oumu.evm urea W. 11, • rTe.a oat, o„ 5.eurdey. My 27.r U. II{f )t}ata'I? v Is ac A-04". ' IMMER GOLDEN PASS 4, 1 140.00 011CC�� •/ AY 15 -SEPT. 30, 2000 0� %.-,(Regular Price $326.00) YOU ARE SAVING $187.00 WHEN YOU 4 SIGN UP FOR THIS GREAT OFFER! • PREPAID ADMISSION TO FITNESS ROOM • PREPAID TENNIS, SQUASH, RACQUETBALL, MEMBERSHIP CHANGEROOMS, SAUNA, SWIMMING • 7 -DRAY ADVANCE BOCWNG ON ALL COURTS %,kering City and Country Celebratic Saturday, May 27, 2000 - Free Shuttle Service Provided A Day in the Country for Family' Music, Entertainment, Face Painting, Farm Animals, Norman & The Antics, Bake Sale, Kids Art Table, Giant Hot Air Balloon Rides, Bar -B-0, Tour of Historic Whitevale, Art Gallery at United Church, Cameron Brewery, Tea Garden and more! FREE ADMISSION AND PARKING Hamlet of Whitevale: A unique heritage village in its original setting in the vallev of the mighty West Duff ins Creek. AIP PARE Ae NEWS ADVENTISM WEDNESDAY EDITION. t#ay i7.2001) Head of Children rs Wish Foundation among winners Super women honoured BY CINDY UPSHALL Staff Writer Six women from across Durham Region were recognized by the Os- hawa YWCA Thursday as Women of Distinction. The 18th annual event held by the agency paid tribute to the outstanding contributions of women in their com- munities. The award winners, select- ed from a group of 18 nominees, are involved in a diverse list of activities, from coaching an international -win- ning women's faslball team to helping bereaved families deal with the loss of a child. Ajax resident Laura Cole, the founder and national executive direc- tor of the Children's Wish Founda- tion. was named a Woman of Distinc- tion for her work u) grant the wishes of terminally -ill children. Since being launched 16 years ago from her kitchen, the foundation has spread across the country with chapters in each province two years after it was established. "I thought it was the greatest hon- our to speak to you about what we do. but to receive this is an even greater honour:' said Ms. Cole. who was also the guest speaker at the event held at Oshawa's Holiday Inn. Susan Hendncks. a Newcastle res- ident and Lakendge Health Oshawa employee. received an award for her efforts to establish a Durham Region chapter for the Bereaved Families of Ontario after her daughter was killed in a car accident in 1991. -Every time I help another be- reaved parent or help in my commu- nity i get (something) hack :' she said. explaining there is a certain reciproc- ity in volunteenng in the community. Every member of the community has the ability to change their small part of the world by volunteenng she said. adding " i really do believe the power of cove a so much stronger than the violence and negativity that's in our world-­ Another orld ..Another Lakeridge Health em- ploycc. Oshawa resident Lorraine Sunstrum-Mann also received the YWCA's highest award. A program leader in the Family and General Medicine program at the hospital, she has travelled a long education path which is continuing as a student in the MBA program of Hcnot-Watt Uni- versity in Scotland. in addition to her involvement in focal hockey clubs. Brownie and Guide packs, she is president-elect for Durham's chapter of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and a nominee for the board of directors of Durtwn Col - 1 really feel this is my year to shax:' she said, recalling the story of bow bamboo requires years of water- ing and nurtunng to grow. but when it does it really takes off. In rece.ving her award Rosemary Thenauh said "Whit I do. I do for the love of the youth. For tie the youth arc the future" The W'hithy resident has dedicated herself to coaching girls fastball and ringette. She received a Canada 125 medal in 1992, was inducted into the Ontario Rmgctte Hall of Fame in 1998 and is one of only six female coaches in Ontario to be full certified in a Level Three National Coach Cer- tificate program. In 1999 and 2(X)() she coached Canada's fasthall teams in the World Cup held in France- ­If rance."If you give a smile when a smile is due and a hug when a hug is due we'll be better for it:' she said. Bonnie Fraser moved to Whitby in 1996 when her family purchased a Ford dealership and already she has an impressive list of volunteer com- mitments. They include the OPP Bear Hug Band. United Way Bethesda House, Simcoe Hall Settlement House. Durham Regional Police Ser- vices food and toy drive, the Festival of Trees, the CNIB crocus campaign and Road Safety Challenge. It's an honour to be honoured for doing the things you iuvc W do:' she said after receiving her award, adding she's never been in a community -that's so giving and so willing to give back" as Durham. Rumnik Kaur Pannu received the honour as the Oshawa YWCA's Young Woman of Distinction Award. The Dunbarton High School student is actively involved in a number of volunteer activities to put a stop to racism and promote multicultural un- derstanding. "I like working with people and I think racism is a big issue we have t.o eliminate:" said the surprised Picker- ing resident. In addition to the six award win- ners. Elaine Minacs, honourary chair- man of the Women of Distinction Awards planning committee and pres- ident of Minacs Worldwide Inc., was named an honourary Woman of Dis- tinction. Winn 1 it t)isrinc-tion uirard ivin- nery are (in fn)nr row. fmni let) Rosemary Theriault. Elaine Minacs (honouran• chairman) and Bonnie Fraser. In hack are Rumnik Kuur Parinu. Lorraine Sunstrum-Munn and Susan Hendricks. Missing fir photo was L.etum Cole. Dream weaver Tears filled the eyes of audience members as Laura Cole, founder of the Children's Wish Foundation read a letter from a mother grateful to the or- ganization for making her ill son's dream come true. The Ajax resident j was the guest speaker at the Oshawa YWCA's Women of Distinctionwards el. Thursday, wheAn she was named a winner. The organisation DURA which started 16 years ago out of her kitchen has granted over 6.7(X) wishes to scri- ously and terminally ill children. "We can't change the result of what's going to happen to these chil- dren. but what we can do is make things good for these children, even it' it is for a short time, and that makes us happy:' she said. "They are wonderful beautiful chil- dren and their families deserve every moment we can give them:' MELANOMA (CANCER) SCREENING HAVE YOUR MOLES OR SPOTS SCREENED TODAY' This may be a big deal Finding out isn't. It is the most deadly Skin Cancer in North America' Check it out! CALL tC%k PA F'F'01r`1 rMF N; ,011AYi SKIN CARE CONSULTANTS (416) 439-3350 100% COTTON & COTTON BLEND HOME DEC & FASHION SALE ENTIRE REGULAR STOCK OF 100% COTTONS & BLENDS OFF Our Regular Prices ^-- -- -�-. ..—.., �..__ a •wvi .,_.., :�---.._:�_�I_ :_ ......r.,_.e. 1 .rJr it lis. ...1 vV Mie PET E SUl:t95i PitAAMC`ES� YOUR BEST CHOICE FOR BOSCH APPLIANCES Bosch— lnnotatitw appliances lhal go beyond function. From high efciencr laundn, appliances to feature rich kitchen appliances, nothing comes close to matching Ranh for elegance, performance and design. Bosch, A New Line of Thinking In Dishwashers • Brdltanih cicans dishes • Four spraying levels and water that'% heated up to 161" F - Water and energy efficient • Quick and caw loading • super capacity racking • o :raffrd to perfection. inside and out ....................................................................................... . Bosch, A New Line of Thinking in Laundry �- • -- sc n.�m.�unn,Iled waeh cycles Precise temperatures Lcss water and energy consumption 4 • Quietest dryers you can buy • Smooth stainless steel tub and gentle tumble action • Reduce wear and tear on your chxhes f PETER'S KNOWS BOSCH APPLIANCES i visit Petres fir the finest ix b~ •ppliawces ar: I -SII PLt-MME.R %TRFF.T.I %I I ,. I'll KI RI`(, I.YE RUCK ]()l 1.11 „F IIIb111i11. tol - WEST UFF Bill ROAI) 905-83'-9000 • 1-luwo-231-92 • Fir 905-143--5530 SUNDAY MAY 21st • Dap The Music Mas - am & 3•.31pm • Kick Up A Fuss Ckiggets • 1pm & 2:31pa • Fac Prong - I lac - lip e • Cralls • llam • 4pm • Zoo Ani oils • Oshawa Flames Soccer Demo • 2pm • Hacky Sack Demo • 3pm MONDAY MAY 22nd • Das lie Music Mas - now & 3:31pm, 7pm • Oshawa Fina Soccer Deva - 2ps • Kick Up A Fuss Ciomrs - Ipm & 2:30p i •Face paoft-Ilio-qpm • Crafts - Ilam • � •mTao Animak • 00 .P Blur Hue • Spin DURHAM DS1XICrSCHOOL BOARD ART EX MIT Cosestedieloin Saaadayw �aAMay�Irtey Mndn Mpad�e4tWo11OShomalovaDt.bs• Rtngmtltplsy -KEEPTHE PACE' LUMUDGGE HEALTH CFNIRE Came��pu�t dtetsontdtdtaloeri*HMM Cmuern May 21! (mm b6W) & 22od(mm b9M) Saloon & ddmsTorthe Ilidc haYiegrsidlie lar) tlotr(iom wi be sniped SU; BIERGAMFS Suamtr Games Maim, May219Ina•ew lip•) & May 2nd (nom w9pmX;mlira[ a[ dwAthlen Pias & laws br kids (M& *emoties hr) DURHAM REGION HEALTH UNIT Promoting bike sal ty. May 21st (me to 6pm) THE HINET CHANNEL (0) FUNSHQVE TOUR site with bis d real games cad stiivities. May 11 fallen to bpm) and May 22 000a to Spm family FLIGHT CENTRE guarantees to • BEAT any genuine quoted price! HALIFAX from $199 rtn PP a ORLANDO from $179 rm PP DALLAS from $319 rm PP HONOLULU from $689 rm Pp St JOHN'S from $274 "n pp LOS ANGELES from $439 rtn Pp USBON/PORTO from $699 rfn pp MALAGA from $699 "n pp MANCHESTER from $349 int pp AMSTERDAM from $419 rn, Pp LONDON from $399 rtn PP SYDNEY/BRISBANE from $1289 rtn PP 0 'Conditions appy - all tarn to be added Fights subject to avail. valid at time of pm. CALL YOUR FLIGHT CENTRE 905-831-9959 s LOCATED AT PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ""'"•"� SPECIALIST FLIGHTICENTRE THE DISCOUNT FL14GHT SUNDAY MAY 21st • Dap The Music Mas - am & 3•.31pm • Kick Up A Fuss Ckiggets • 1pm & 2:31pa • Fac Prong - I lac - lip e • Cralls • llam • 4pm • Zoo Ani oils • Oshawa Flames Soccer Demo • 2pm • Hacky Sack Demo • 3pm MONDAY MAY 22nd • Das lie Music Mas - now & 3:31pm, 7pm • Oshawa Fina Soccer Deva - 2ps • Kick Up A Fuss Ciomrs - Ipm & 2:30p i •Face paoft-Ilio-qpm • Crafts - Ilam • � •mTao Animak • 00 .P Blur Hue • Spin DURHAM DS1XICrSCHOOL BOARD ART EX MIT Cosestedieloin Saaadayw �aAMay�Irtey Mndn Mpad�e4tWo11OShomalovaDt.bs• Rtngmtltplsy -KEEPTHE PACE' LUMUDGGE HEALTH CFNIRE Came��pu�t dtetsontdtdtaloeri*HMM Cmuern May 21! (mm b6W) & 22od(mm b9M) Saloon & ddmsTorthe Ilidc haYiegrsidlie lar) tlotr(iom wi be sniped SU; BIERGAMFS Suamtr Games Maim, May219Ina•ew lip•) & May 2nd (nom w9pmX;mlira[ a[ dwAthlen Pias & laws br kids (M& *emoties hr) DURHAM REGION HEALTH UNIT Promoting bike sal ty. May 21st (me to 6pm) THE HINET CHANNEL (0) FUNSHQVE TOUR site with bis d real games cad stiivities. May 11 fallen to bpm) and May 22 000a to Spm family NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 17, 2000 PAGE A9 AM Cl� 0 �_ Yrfts& N E W S A D V E R T I S E R -M :1 Y 1 7 2 0 0 0 A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Cool, daddio Grade 5. 6 and 7 students at St. James Catholic School in Ajax hold a wrap party to celebrate their successful production of 'Rock Around the Block'. Cast members of the 1950s musical comed}• included Paul Tittel (front) and (in back from left) Jessika Banks. Christina Srecvk. Daniel Lindehlom. Jaleesa Neveu, Colleen McGrath and Sarah Booth. Dancers step up to medal podium PICKERING — Hoofers from Cynthia's Creative Dance Arts in Pick- ering continued their successful season with outstanding results at their latest competition, the North American Talent Tours in Mississauga. In the mini group, Heather Colum- bus, Brie Crear. Ashley Anne Farnell, Jennifer Leigh. Nicole McPhail. Kira Poon and Jenniffer Yuen racked up five golds, two high silvers and five first - place finishes. Columbus, Leigh, McPhail, Poon and Yuen placed ninth overall for junior duethrios with their tap routine. Yuen was seventh overall in her jazz solo and third overall for junior soloist in her tap solo. Representing the pre -juniors, Nicole Cotie, Jessica Domingo, Catherine Hsu, Heather Maclsaac. Danielle McPhail, Meagan Papizewski, Shannon Todd and Cristina Yuen brought home two high golds, six golds, five high silvers, two silvers, eight firsts, and two seconds. The group's jazz number took third overall and the tap routine won high overall junior small group award. Leigh Frudiger, Maclsaac and Todd finished third overall for their jazz number. Madsaac's lyrical solo was eighth over- all while her jazz solo earned her a fifth - place finish. Yuen's jazz solo was fourth and she was named high overall junior soloist with her tap solo. At the junior level. Tara Carpino, Frudiger, Shannon Hewitt, Jeanelle Reece, Andrea Tomlin, Melissa Vani and Alexandra Van Steen captured four golds and four first -place firushes for their various routines. Cynthia's gids are now preparing for the studio's year-end recital and the 5-6- 7-8 Showtime National Finals in Van- couver in July, which they qualified for at a competition in Huntsville. The studio, at Rougetnount Drive and Hwy. 2. is operated by director - teacher Cynthia Hehner. HERONGATE BARN IIM AMorr Ile, IMoMrIn1 :6r Zw'M G MyHasbaad's1��dD�iires mmostWe Me Mad! ESTEE (905)472-3085 wwrr.hwon9Ma.Mn N, Musical Evening in May fills church Friday AJAX -- St. Paul's United Pictou Concert Band joins the Cres. in Ajax. Church presents A Musical Exeter High School Band, St. Tickets. which range in F.vening In May this Friday at Paul's Senior Choir. a soprano price, are available at the door 7:30 p.m. and a violinist in performance. or by calling the church office Nowa Scotia's Pictou-West The church is at 65 Kings at 683-4740. SALE NOW ON!!! • Install Now & Save • 0% Financing tended Warranty Available arrier Trained Technicians Limited Time Offer " -qqmw *CALL NOW FOR DETAILS! HEATING AI�oOD R CONDITIONING b tbyfosb- "5 3211 .tis O u"On, ``. ESTEE L A UDER 8-PIECEBONUS Featunag 'FRESH PICKS' wrtll your choice of Apsmck and blush in Pf *s or Browns. With any Estee Lader purchase oxcludg gilt sets) of $26 or more, before tares, receive this 8-peee bonus at no extra charge: 3g Futurist Lipst)ck in Sleek Pmk or Bold Bronze, 2.4g Sktsh Alf -Day in Raspberry or Desert. 2 89 Mere Than Mascara to Rich Black, 15 mL Resilience Lift Creme SPF 15.30 mL Take RAway Foul Maxeur Remover, 30 mL Clean Finish Pur*ng Toner a hairbrush and a hair comb Oean Faish hlh�QER ESTEE AIV PAGE A10 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 17.2000 c�a, i,_ NO MATTER WHAT YOURS DOING, rTU BE WORTH rT M MAKE TIME THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE AMAZING BIRTHDAY PRICES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! P.S. IF YOURE NOT A LEON'S YOU. -:DWT HAVE TO PAY FOR ONE YEAR PAS. IF YOURE NOT ALREADY A LEONSS CARDHOLDER, WHY NCYT VISIT A LEON'S AND APPLY FOR ONE TODAY! (4 0 -) CANADA'S ONLY FURNITURE SUPERSTORES WHITBY SCARBOROUGH RICHMOND HILL mnat A A a'% A 1.1111 r 1 Soo Md" St East South Markham Rd. at iklevin 108751�or�e SL of 101 i IIKt of 7hiduw Rd lust North of Hwy 401 North of E itis Rd. (905) 430-9050 416) 291-3818 (905)_770.4421 Open dais 950 am 9'.30 pm daffy 10 am • 10 pre Open &Illy 10 sm • 10 pre SaL9�306 pm Sunday i 26 pm Sat 107 pm Sundry 12-5 pm Sat IP7 pm Sunday 12.5 pm TORONTO aNIitAL TORONTO WEST MISSISSAUGA BURLINGTON eriir s�y�r War A t w/ewnr ! u■ea A Leon's New Era Gordon k4 oR lane st 201 Bramwell Rd South of QM at 0400 Law 2072 Danforth Ave. SotAh of Ngsw Ave. 401 East of Hwy 10 7ppio Direct Lane 8250160 416)_699-7113 416) 243-8300 (905) 501-9505 (905) 335-1811 �d++�rhh 10 am ! 10 pm da ly 10 am - 10 pre �n loll 9.70 am 930 pm Open daff"9W - 9 pm Sat 107 pm Sundry I2�S pm Sal la7 pm Sundry 12•S pm S+L9106 pm SmdN I2 i pre Set 9i pm 12.5 pm 'O.A.C. All appliuWe taws and a procos*ln, In of $45 is due at the time Of,urchaas (Eq. 11500 purchase with 818 PF equals an APR of 3.0%I. Balance due 12 or 15 months from dale of Wpurchsas. All Items wellobla whila quanlitlas last. prices, terms and condillit may vary according to region. Selection way vary from More to store. Pickup discounts not available on tomo Items. See store for delivery Included areas. Not applicable to previous purcheeas end markdown items. See store for other convenient payment options. Custom orders require 25% deposit. C: NEWS ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY EDff10N, May 17, 2000 PAGE 81 P Sports &LEis URE N E W S A D V E R T I S E R M A Y Katie bars RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser pheitn Fancy footwork Pickering Aerials 'gymnast Catherine b)rito concentrates on her floor exercise routine while competing at the annual Rainbow Classic Gvntnastics Meet. The competition brought top athletes from aerosis Onturto and Quebec to compete tit the Pickering Recreation Complex last weekend. Durham swimmers Sync to New Heights at Edmonton meet PICKERING - The St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Monarchs senior soccer Girl; returned from Eastern Ontario this past weekend with a tournament title. And. the Monarchs laid claim di the South Carleton Tournament crown in convinc- ing fashion. not allowing a sin- gle goal throughout the event. The Monarchs blanked Gloucester 2-0 in the title tilt. huoyed by goalkeeper Katie Pacione's fifth shutout of the tournament and her 16th of the season. Scoring in the final for St. Mary were Bianca Savarino and Tania Coletti. The South Carleton crown is the fourth tournament victo- rs_ for the Monarchs this season St. Mary ripped Ashhury College 4-0 in the semi-final contest. Bianca Savarino led the way with a pair of goals, Julie Mnnrkowski and Coletti scored one apiece. The Monarchs started the event with a tidy 4-0 win over Holy Trinity. Bianca Savarino scored twice. Lisa Lahey and Colctti tallied once each. The Pickering squad then blanked Notre Dame 2-0 in the second game Bianca Savarino scored her 40th goal of the sea- son. Coletti recorded the other marker In the third game. St. Mary Six Durham Regicm s) n- chromzed swimmers made a splash at the week -lung Sync to New Heights in Edmonton. The Durham 14 -and -under team - consisting of swim- mers Haily Agnew, Julie Bremner. Jennifer Guy. Krista LeGault, Rebecca Jaspar. Tina St. John and coach Debra Thomson - competed in the national meet which consisted of more than 420 athletes from nine provinces. In the figure competition, Jennifer Guy placed 22, which was f wrth in Ontario, and Re- becca Jaspar placed 29. which was sixth among the Ontario athletes. In the team competi- tion, Durham Synchro placed Itch. which represents fourth in Ontario. Later this week. the five a� u a >tOCC 3% Os t�[CtiLLiNC[ SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMME For playas age 4-15 yews AJAX Aug. 14-18 ScarborougKt'oronto JrMtsept. For a bootria•, earl or vial the vraadM Phone (416) 482-1761 -.00wneopr.o ®• ainemsoccow" IT/MEa CER 15 PR1FESV0%14L SeC('Ea 77W�/.VL provincial teams are heading to Ottawa to compete in the provincial championships. All Durham synchronized swimmers, recreational and competitive. are showcasing their routines at the Annual Water Showat the Civic Audi- torium pool in Oshawa un May 27. Ajax s Meredith Thompson - a member of the Wlnstonette Gymnastic Association in Unionville -- placed first overall in the pre - provincial eight-year-old 'C' category at the Rainbow Classic Gymnastics Meet at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Thompson won gold medals on the balance beam and uneven parallel bars, bronze on floor exercise and finished sixth on vault. She also won a special award for the best swing on the uneven bars. ,. Sid K3 Mr $100 43 Aeae,u.e ���� M R E D CROSS 04 1 L Y You could win 2000 son 3 61'M Prizes x$100,000 nana0 PwL 7 OW Cm I V8=M MUM Sebring Convertible including a Dream Vacation Monte Caria SS Coupe to anywherein the worldl TToyyoottaE Iheolrurigue 051 clilrMwwu n Nissan Xterra from giant screen TVs to the Lexus ITM latest computers. 4l, Dakota Club Cab "1-800-850-5090 itligm For lottery rules, see brochure or contact ate Red Cross Cut oft for Fare Bird craw indwo Jure 6.2088. Buries vall be dam for Fair Bird Prue on Jere 15.2000. Ficial Draw an Jere 30.2000 at MC office in Wibwdale. ON Fadi ticket is elgible, to every claw. lottery license amber Poll ------------------------------------------------ Please send me eticket(s)at$40each =$D Name set(s) of 3 tickets for $100 = $ Address Lunned number tit sats awdab4 on a 'first come, first sanrad' bases I'm enclosing a charitable donation of $ D cm Postal Code Tax receipts will be emit to donations. Toial$D Phone(H)_161 ❑ Chegw' O Money order ❑ VISA D MasterCard 0 Amsx CarUf rr Signs"ra: Please return to. Elm Canadian Red Cross Ontario Zone, 5700 Cancross Crt, Mississauga, ON L5R 3E9 Lottery license number. P000223 Charitable Registration number 119219814 RR0001 17 ?.00 the door for soccer Monarchs blanked Bell Academy 2-0. Gi- Earl of March 4-0. Giannetta able 25-1-1 mark at tuurna- annetta Savanno scored both Sacanno scored three goals to rnents this season 0%erall, the goals. pace St Marc. Katrina Gaudet teams record is 31-2-1 witf. In the quarter -final game, had the other marker. 113 goals scored and only 1: the MonarchS soared past the The Monarchs have in envi- against r -J �. / r BFGoodrich Plus all -season fires ALL 13" TIRES 39Aiio-1i99 � Eads ou ALL 14" TIRES 499&9 Ea ,s „5 ALL 15" TIRES S999 i tMlOwiisL N. ias �. a" 1`155/80R13 59.99 39.99 P175/80R13 71.99 39.99 PI85/80R13 76.99 31l P185/75R14 80.99 49.99 P195/75R14 92.99 49.99 P205/7511114 85.99 49.99 175/70R13 74.99 39.99 185/70813 78.99 39.99 P185/70Rt4 83.99 4999 195/70814 89.99 49.99 P205/70RI4 92.99 49.99 P215/70R14 95.99 49.99 /`205/701115 96.99 39.99 P175/65RIA 82.99 49.99 P185/65R14 85.99 49.99 Ixdnla N"i"ke. Rood ikzard weneey •Co+pMr.araw d•i a Odra OIAer ria o4o an sole NP0531000 Copyright 2000. Sears Canteia Inc. SEARS [�7 �� ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES�L� -.� for more information call 1.888.758-2999 ONTARIO'S www.driveclean.com ONTARIO'S RIVE Pickering Town Centre ?U%Dinecff Line420-0271 • P PAW N ME" ADVERTIEEM WEDNESDAY EOrT10N, I11ey 17,1000 They achieve passing grades at club's Test Day Pickering skaters make fine figures PICKERING — Numerous skaters with the Pickering Figure Skating Club made the grade at its most recent test day at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex May 11. Skaters passing their various tests were as follows: Junior bronze freeskate: Nadia Mo- hammed. Jennifer Powell, Noel Rozen- tals, Holley Smith, Kaitlyn Smith, Cor- rissa Vivian. Preliminary freeskate: Wendy Anscll. Paige Heathcote. Savannah Heathcote, Michelle O'Hearn. Competitive skills 2: Courtney Allen, Joanna Glavin (tested at the Toronto Cricket. Skating and Curling Club. May 10), Class I skills: Brcanne Allen. Michelle Frazier. Emily Gaudet, Heather Houston. Class 2 skills Natalie Salvagna. Class 3 skills: Danielle Demenno, Matthew Smith, Class 4 skills: Angie Vvfschaft, Class 5 skills: Krysivna Bvcrs. Class 6 skills '.Margaret Greig. Cnstin Neville, Kaitlyn Smith. Class 7 skills: Jennifer Adams. Kris- ten Soognm. Gold dances - Viennese. Erin Seeley: Quickstep: Katie Ellis. Emily. Gaudet. Linda Joyner: Argentine: Michelle Fra- zier, Alexandra Richardson, Enn See- ley, Angie Vyfschaft Senior Silver dance - Kilian: Ten Alexander. Joanna Glavin: Blues: Bre- anneAllen. Starlight: JenniferChomey; Paso: Courtney Allen, Joanna Glavin. Junior Silver dance - American: Na- talie Salvagna: Rocker: Dianna Ball, Deanna McKeigue. Meaghann McPhee: Keats: Spencer Barnes, Meaghann McPhee, Shana Pereira, Holley Smith. Senior Bronze dance - European: Krystvna Byers. Jill Korgemagi, Kelly Scifned, Shannah Reid: Fourteen Step: Jenna Graham, Lenna Koichopolos, Amanda Press. Jennifer Powell, Corris- sa Vivian: Ten Fox: Julia Blandisi, Jenna Graham, Lenna Koichopolos; Ten Fox Variation: Heather Houston. Junior Bronze dance - Swing: Kim Dixon, Paige Heathcote, Savannah Heathcote, Kristen Soognm; Fiesta: Jennifer Adams, Victoria Byers, Paige Heathcote. Kristen Soognm; Willow: Robin Moore. Preliminary dance - Dutch Waltz: Amanda Chui, Myles Chui. Maria Gar- goura, Katie Rochefort; Canasta: Katie Rochefort: Baby Blues: Ton Giglio, Kyle Hinan, Matthew Jubb, Ashley Lambe, Danielle McPhail, Nicole McPhail. Eagles soar to flag football title A Pickering school captured the first Monica doubled St. Jude 14-7; St. Fran - flag football tournament for elementary cis de Sales blanked St. Patrick 14-0; students at Pickering High School in and St. Monica shut out St. Patrick 21 - Ajax Saturday. 0. The St. Monica Eagles downed the St. Francis de Sales Flames of Ajax 18- 6 in the championship final which both teams entered with unblemished 2-0 records. Also participating in the tourney were St. Patrick and St. Jude schools from Ajax and R.A. Sennett school of Whitby. Each team played two games. with the two advancing to the final. In preliminary -round play. St. Fran- cis de Sales beat R.A. Sennett 19-0; St. Jude defeated R.A. Sennett 16-6; St. Tournament organizer and St. Fran- cis de Sales coach Don Joskow says all teams played well. Also exhibiting teamwork off the field were parents and other volunteers who helped make the tourney a success. For example, Joskow reports, "Some of my friends volunteered their time refereeing the games. And, we had some parents show up with watermelon and Gatorade for all the teams. I found the people in the community very sup- portive L ENNI We a mommommommom�� MAY AIR CONDITIONING SALE am% 4 Nat, ,ai O"W (905) 665-777 1-877-739-77 www.classkcooling.com Heating & g or Visit our 78 Showroom G vflmm�_�, come i n for storewide savings during our , va s a preview Sale prices end Sun., May 21, or where Sears is closed, Sat., May 20, 2000. unless otherwise stated, while quantities last price N= COMPANION'" 12Y 2 -SPEED CORDLESS DRILL Features 2 -speed gear box, 1 -hour quick charger, keyless chuck and variable speed. Sears reg. 129.99. 6499 1/2 price COMPANION 9.6Y CORDLESS VARIABLE -SPEED DRILL Features 1 -hour quick charger, keyless chuck and anti -slip rubber handle. Sears reg. 99.99. 4999 Plus everyday good values 648 Kent S Cooling treat, Unit 0, Whitby Please recycle your copy of the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser! KENMORE'S 10,000 BTU WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER N t" conven ent ectronlc controls and 3 -speed fan. ols Coapproximately 400 sq. ft. Sean; reg. 749.99. 49999 1/L price WEATHERBEATERM OIL DECK AND SIDING STAIN Plus, receive $3 m1r. mail -in rebate". 3.78L. 026200 series. Sears reg. 39.99. Now 19.99 699er mfr. mail -in rebate, •Mh I s in store ma. -.n reflate coupon; detail ® Look for this symbol and shop by phone toll free 1-868-607-3277 When you see this phone symbol on an item in our ad, it means you can buy it at your local Sears store, or order it over the phone by calling the above NP0531900 toll free number. If you shop by phone, you can pick up the item at any store, or, for a nominal fee, you can have it delivered to your home, NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION. May 17, 2000 PAGE B3 P They're the champs St. Wilfrid Catholic School had plentx• of reasons to celebrate after Lappin,:; a success/rd season by win- ning file sentorhovs'baskethall Pickering -area title as bell as the 7ournament of Chanrpion.s crotrn for flit, Darhanr flementan• Separate School Athletic Associ- RON PIVI RVNIR01 News Atli ernser phew, ation. /rarer nremhe rs ore Kevin Perumd. Adrian Reves. Jess Paalino. Adarn W'hitehearl. Jamie Buchanan, Shane Coatinho. Sean Rilev, Jason Viii/ker. Akeent foster. Mattlietr Renda, and Sean Mapngot. The learn is coached by Mansel Lelfac.v. now save60% ON WOMEN'S ASSORTED SANDALS DURING OUR SPRING CLEARANCE Soo, prKes may previously have been rw.. milled dol. Whik wamities last 139,,9 V - . , sandals Dress them up or down Sears orlgmal ticketed price 35 99 i Women's selected sandals. Slide or slip-on styling. Sears original ticketed price 49.99-59.99. now 999 MEN'S R & RO SPORT AND COURT CLUB© T-SHIRTS AND PULL -ON SHORTS Great gear `.cr active guys. Assorted colours. Sizes S -XL. Sears reg. $15-20. Women's fashion sandals. Sears original ticketed price 14.99. SAVE 40% ON WOMEN'S SELECTED FASHIONS a All DaisyFresh®, WonderBra® Sport and WonderBra boxed bras and briefs. Includes WonderBra PlusTm • Nevada® inner fashions. • Lily of Frances bra and panty co-ordinates. a All Phantom® pantyhose. a All Jessica® socks. a Reg. -priced Jessica Sport® sweaters, cardigans and pants in a wide selection of styles and colours. e Reg. -priced Emma James fashions. a Reg. -priced Nevada fit jeans. • Reg. -priced R & R tops and bottoms. a Reg. -priced graduation dresses. a Nygbrd Collections tunic and camisole. a Traditions polo -style knit tops. Save an additional 40%. Already -reduced clearance sterling silver jewellery. Not available in all stores. While quantities last. Selection does not include promotional items advertised in this week's flyers. For all items. Selection may vary by store LIV)SAY STI-C'lIAN Vinth overall in junior 2 cats on. KLV/1:11.1, PAIT[ RSON 10th )ierall in pre -junior 3. Area athletes gym dandy at Ontario meet Local members of a ScarN)ruugh gymnastics cluh were flying high at the Youth Provincial Gvmnastics Championship. in Oakville this past weekend -Ihc lounger memhers of the Scar- Monough Gym+']ties performed well at the competition Jenny Tomavcr, it O,hawa. placed sixth all -arm ind In rhe ri n ice 3 catego- ry. fim,hin t, a lnc%cn par - AM hars.lml hcam Lindsay Soo -Chan. of Pickerm,,. was ninth overall in the Junmi- 2 dni- sion. She placed fourth un flour oxer else and sixth on beam Kendall Palter .on. of Pickcrm�,.. finished loth overall In the pre-lunnir 3 hracket. She placed sixth on uneven hars and vault Raise Gcr,hcovich. of Whithy. was Ilth-%erall in the novice I dor.lnn She placed third on hcam and .Ixlh im tli«,r. save 30-50°% ON MEN'S SELECTED FASHIONS -sorted styles and .olours. Sears reg. 39.99 and $40. now 1 999 MEN'S SELECTED ARNOLD PALMERO KNITS Sha;. =as 1al looks at tee -off tir—e or ary assortec _ _ ._ l.rs Seas ALL MEN'S REG. -PRICED AND ALREADY -REDUCED CLEARANCE OUTERWEAR Assorted styles colours and fabric blends. While quantities last SAVE ON KIDS' SELECTED FASHIONS Now 9.99 Boys' cotton [will pants with belt. Sizes 2-6X. Natural, Green or Navy colours. Sears reg. 14.99-16.99. Save 30% All Bligle Boy® Spring & Summer fashions. Sizes 2-6X. Sears reg. 13.99-39.99. Ea. 9.79-27.99 Sizes 7-18. Sears reg. 21.99-49.99. Ea. 15.39-34.99 Save 33% Boys' Levi's® pleater pants. Sizes 7-18. Assorted colours. Sears reg. 34.99. Each 23.44 Save 40% Girls' Spring & Summer dresses. Sizes 7-16. Sears reg. 14.99-54.99. Each 8.99-32.99 NP0532000 RIMPOINiN/ fir Copyright 2000 Sears Canada Inc �Z :a 2499 now MEN'S R & R SPORT s` NYLON PANTS -sorted styles and .olours. Sears reg. 39.99 and $40. now 1 999 MEN'S SELECTED ARNOLD PALMERO KNITS Sha;. =as 1al looks at tee -off tir—e or ary assortec _ _ ._ l.rs Seas ALL MEN'S REG. -PRICED AND ALREADY -REDUCED CLEARANCE OUTERWEAR Assorted styles colours and fabric blends. While quantities last SAVE ON KIDS' SELECTED FASHIONS Now 9.99 Boys' cotton [will pants with belt. Sizes 2-6X. Natural, Green or Navy colours. Sears reg. 14.99-16.99. Save 30% All Bligle Boy® Spring & Summer fashions. Sizes 2-6X. Sears reg. 13.99-39.99. Ea. 9.79-27.99 Sizes 7-18. Sears reg. 21.99-49.99. Ea. 15.39-34.99 Save 33% Boys' Levi's® pleater pants. Sizes 7-18. Assorted colours. Sears reg. 34.99. Each 23.44 Save 40% Girls' Spring & Summer dresses. Sizes 7-16. Sears reg. 14.99-54.99. Each 8.99-32.99 NP0532000 RIMPOINiN/ fir Copyright 2000 Sears Canada Inc P PAGE BI NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 17. 2000 CELLA RRoNKHoRST/ Newey Advertiser phoro Committed to reading Marr than 150 students at Lord Durham Sparkv the 7•irr AN. From left are primary Public S(hool in Ajax received special cer- diaRnoNUC Class students Ben Belcour. Gar- tijiCates fi,r their Commitment to readin,n. rets Killaht. Kristen Schroeder. Lucas 7a.s Presentirll; the students their c'errijrcates it as and Bradlry Shiplrv. BILLBOARD VIAY 17.2000 "'EI)NESD %Y. MAI 17 YOO:A Olfcrcd t,• Censer patients and their ,arcgtver% who arc under stress. Classes will take place at Hearth PLwe Cancer Support Centre. 86 Colborne St W. O%hawa, from 10 a.nt - 1 1 15 a.m. Bring a blanket and small pillow Space is limited. call 579- 4913 to register SINGLE PARENT St PP)RT- The Al.n Pickering :hap(ci -I chic One Par- cni Familt Association mots tveckh. on w'edncsdays at S p m at the Annan- dale Golt and Curling Club, confer of Church and Bayly Sts Ajax Custodial and non-custedtal parents welcome. 837-467(1. OSTO%II' 1TL O%hawa and District Os..., . :\s :ianon meets from 7 30 to 9: 3f) pm. the thud Wednesday of each month in the Green Room of the Ars Rcstwrce Centre, next to the 0%- hawa City Hall on Centre St. S. Any- one with ostomy or is nowt to have os- tomy surgen is welcome. as arc fami- lvand friends. 728-',207 1AIma Mc Phe rst rn I. REI K1: TTL Hearth Place Cartier Sup- p,,rt Ccntrc is providing Rciki classes W Cancer patients and their caregtvcrs to promoting a sense tut wellness and deep relaxation by working with the llody's Mott of energy. Call 579-4933 to retake an appointment. THURSDAY. MAY 1N FAMILY FUN l.cster B Pearson Puhh, S,h„tl presents Community Day at the Coughlen Street school from 5 to 8 p.m. Families are invited to take par and enjoy games. a barbecue and hake We. pries and a rattle. There's also a magician. jumping cas- tle and ice cream treats iotr the kids. BREAST-FEEDING: The La Leche Leaguc Canada - Pickering Group meets from 7-30 to 9:30 p.m. at the YMCA Family Resource Centre. 1400 Bayly St.. Una 15A (next to the GO station). Pickering. Information and support on breast-feeding. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and babies welcome. 427-8063. BREAST CANCER: The Canadian Cancer Society's Luing with Breast Cancer ricer support group meets at 7 p.m. at the Dundee Private Investors offices. southeast corner of Bayly St. and Finley Ave.. Ajax. It's for breast - cancer patients. families and friends. Support and practical information. 686-1516. FRIDAY, MAY 119 EPILEPSY: Epilepsy Durham Region Children's Services is holding a gala art auction featuring Itcal. Canadian. and international an at Moose Lodge. 731 Wilson Rd. South. Oshawa, begin- ning at 6:30 p.m. with a wine and cheese reception and. at 7:30 the auc- tion will begin. Tickets are 55 in ad- vance and $10 at the door. For more in- formation call 606-9926 or lull free at 1-9f)(11-350-9069, MUSIC NIGHT: Music lovers won't wane w muss the 5th presentation of Sl. Paul's United Church's A Musical Etemng In May. It takes place at the church. 65 Kings Cres. in Ajax. starl- ing at 7 30 p.in Special guest hand. Nona Scolia's Piciotu-West Pictou Concert Band. loins the I'xcter High School Band. SI. Paul's Scmor Choir, a S oprano and a violinist in performance. Tickets are $II) for adulls. 58 for se- niors and 56 for kids under 12. (special advance prices for adults and seniors) available at the door or by calling the ` church otlicc at 683-47111. Canathan Scholarship Trust Plan Y►Canada's First & Largest Group z Registered Education Savings Plan (° use (R.E.S.P.) PRESFNTS CAREER OPPORTUN'Un' SUMINAR 1400-267.3106 Dem Mills Business Center Friday. May 19th. 7:30pm - 9:30pm Saturday, May 20th. i0:00am - 12:00pm to Iy48 Feekni nudgct Change, To RES P. ,a 20% cnham'erncnt up .'W to gran"" rc m" IN •cane. we acxperunctng w EXPLOS10% rnwth for w Plain. -i to attend to find out how you can earn an ncclieni income heipmg the% plan fa thew cinkimn . lutiuc poi-wcon.lars c, -t. You will hate appnunity to team )tow it, be w11mployed but with full training uul .,Wing supper of the ncl,uni non Cart A Mutt I all t-XW247.1166 %(tw t,a rc.cnanon 0.1, in .cat, per wtswit 11 ....ylc .,"-1 :,x';gone I.,.,N);, IN 1.114()1 1. .urasce Agee"" Arc w'ekon" To lnquuc Ah wt E.nhan uijt Ph4wi lotto Email the newsroom shouston@durham.net T6,g d ho a 6 your old cornpu&r. -i Hope. Let Computers for Schools* Transform your old computer so kids like Hope can learn the skills they need to succeed in the next millennium. With a simple phone call, your retired computer systems can be placed where they can really make a difference - in classrooms and libraries across Canada. If your company is replacing computers, talk to your systems specialists or supervisors. Let them know they can help our students learn the skills necessary to get ahead in tomorrow's world - and they can save money by avoiding costly equipment removal or storage. They could also get a tax receipt. And if you've got an old computer at home? We just ask that donations of fewer than 3 units get dropped off at any Sears store. So give Hope a place in Canada's future. Donate your old computer to Computers for Schools today. Call 1-888-636-9899 to arrange a pick-up or for more information. Or visit the Computers for Schools website at www.schoolnet.ca/cfs-ope Computers for Schools F -,7T;:,;,"`- NEWS ADVERTISER Women get Hot Flash on Menopause HeartSmart Women's Symposium in Oshawa May 25 'Ihe local branches of the test information to ensure their contacting the Durham Region Heart and Stroke Foundation of good health. OIparticular con- offices of the Heart and Stroke Ontario are presenting their an- cern is their cardiovascular Foundation of Ontario at 686- nual HeartSntart Women's health since heart disease and 1521 in Ajax and 571-1582 in Symposium entitled 'Hot Flash stroke are the leading cause of Oshawa. nn Menopause' Thursday. May death in women. All proceeds from the event 15. The prescnttuion by a psy- go to researching heart disease It's being hosted by the chologist from Lakeridge and stroke and educating pco- Durhaut Fast and West branch- Health Oshawa, and entered by plc about how to avoid it. espe- es of tits tirmdation front 7 110 9 Kate Wheeler of C'I'V, %sill he dally since in 1997 more than p.ni.. at the Iiarmonv Creek an entertaining way to reach 39.1(X) Canadian women died c olf Centre. IIO Bloor tit. W. women with memorable and of related causes. in Oshawa. perhaps life-saving intirnia- The Heart and Stroke Foun- A growing number of tion, orgamiers say. dation Funds two-thirds of all wouten are in their menopausal 'Tickets for 'Hot Flash on heart and stroke research in scars -- from pre -menopause Menopause' are $10 each. Cor- Ontario, more than provincial ,o post -menopause. The town- porne tahlcs arc also availahle. and federal governments coin - dation wants them to hair the Tickets can he purchased by hined. th annual r e Sale ' 7community Ga a g Saturday, May 27 j 9 A.M. - 3 P.M_ Rain flor Shine Enjoy a claY cif join and help raise ►tering_' for the Rouge Valle Health SY.ctem. Tables still available.for vendors who )rant to sell their treasures. Cost: $15. Contact Gard Diann at the Gift Gallen - 427 -5589 or 683-9709 et,enings. Baywood Centre. Corner of Bayly St. & Monarch Ave. Just West of Harwood Ave mnantit messap IJr. ll0119:.roINIInI By the end of this year... You must have a firearms licence possess firearms t loll > and to buy ammunition. A - P. 11 iil 11 • A valid FAC will do. • A hunting or driver's licence won't. • A licence is not the same as a registration certificate. Don't Delay! Apply Now! For more information, application forms and help filling them out: 1 800 731-4000 www.cfc-ccaf.gc.ca Canada w Molti�.r MCMARD Ir.r M•e��.r..r fM,+•r[..� 19". 01 2004-01.01 r t a e'. • a a t'. 170 C. ""a Glue us.ss7.w.o, EPA • Obtain before December 2000. possess firearms t loll > and to buy ammunition. A - P. 11 iil 11 • A valid FAC will do. • A hunting or driver's licence won't. • A licence is not the same as a registration certificate. Don't Delay! Apply Now! For more information, application forms and help filling them out: 1 800 731-4000 www.cfc-ccaf.gc.ca Canada Every litter bit hurts Let's put a lid on Litter remains a problem which constantly needs addressing in many communities. Last week I received two calls from readers Concerned about litter. One person, who always picks up the litter, felt strongly that the residents of the Major Oaks area in Picketing should take better pride in their sur- roundings. The second was from someone who participated in a clean- up al Miller's Creek in Ajax and was amazed at the amount of debris that gets blown into the stream from the nearby supermarket. And, a reader wrote a letter to the editor of the 'Mews Advertiser fearing, as the headline said, "'Pickering the Beautiful' will soon be a dump'. Litter, also referred to as illegal dumping, costs Ajax and Pickering each approximately SI(9).(XX) of their yearly budgets to clean up. To make matters worse, most of it is recyclable yet it goes to landfill because munici- pal staff do not separate these re- sources from the waste. Unfortunate- ly, some of the litter comes from im- properly -filled Blue Boxes. Always put a Blue Box or a weight on top of any loolse paper. While walking up the hill from Our Lady of the Bay school to Fairport Beach school in Pickering and along the fence at Ever Dnvc to Oklahoma Drive recently, 1 collected 16 pop cans and five plastic bottles. If Pickering hopes to win a 'Community in Bloom* recognition award, judges had best he steered away from Dunbarton High School and the Hwy. 401 over- pass at Whites Road. Having just returned from Victoria, B.C., I can report that Victorians do not litter. Firstly, tfterc is a deposit on beverage container. Secondly, litter- ing fines arc imposed. If you feel your arca is literally dumped on. I suggest (apart from tak- ing a garbage hag with you on walks) that you contact your councillor to help seek a solution. See if your ratepayers' association will make lit- ter part of its mandate. Find people of Sun Awareness Week It's Cool to Cover Up: Health officials The Durham Region Health De- partment is celebrating National Sun Awareness Week this week with a campaign designed to encourage people of all ages to cover up out- doors. The department is holding an 'It's Cool to Cover Up' campaign in con- junction with the Canadian Derma- tology Association in an effort to re- duce the incidence of skin cancer. "It's important for people to un- derstand the very real dangers that over-exposure to the sun can cause;' says Dr. Donna Reynolds, Durham Region associate medical officer til' health. "By practising sun -safe habits, we can help to reduce the risk of skin cancers such as melanoma" According to the health depart- ment, 38 Durham residents died from malignant melanoma between 1995 and 97, with halt' of those peo- ple under the age of 60. "Melanoma is the least common but most serious form of skin can- cer;" states a news release from health officials. "it usually starts as a flat brown spot that looks like a freckle with irregular edges. There are often two or more colours to the spot, which looks like a gray, red and brown mixture" The health department makes the following recommendations to help reduce the risk of long-term damage to the skin: • try to reduce sun exposure between I I a.m. and 4 p.m.; • look for shaded areas or create your own shade. by using umbrellas or covering your porch; • wear clothing that covers your legs and arms; • wear a wide -brimmed hat and wrap-around sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection to help protect against cataracts in the eyes; • when sun exposure is unavoidable. use sunscreen with a minimum SPF 1.5 with UVA and UVB protection (SPF should be higher forpeople who spend a lot of time outside). "We want people to enjoy their summer and all the activities that go along with it," says Dr. Reynolds "These tips will help them to do so safely and provide them wish protec- tion throughout the summer months" illegal dumping Larraine Roulston I' Recicler:v ('ornir like mind and set up a group of your own and ask council to recognize and support your efforts. Request heal school principals discuss this problem with students. People need public ed- ucation about anti -littering, a sense of pride, Blue Boxes beside public trash barrels, and political support to help keep their area neat. I also gel requests from garbage collectors, municipal staff and resi- dents living beside public trash barrels to ask pet owners to take home dog droppings to be flushed rather than be deposited into trash barrels. Dog feces should he sewer treated rather than landfilled. At the Frenchman's Bay Festival in Pickering lune 9 to 11, hook for Blue Boxes to discard beverage containers. Also check out the pails which will be put out to collect apple cores and other organics for composting. Recvcler's Corner is your space for environmental issues. If you have a question, concern, request or can offer solutions or green lips, call me at 420- 5625. Backyard compo,tcr draw winners for Composting Awareness Week 2(XX) were Pickcring's Bruce Slater and Doris Dunford of Ajax. June 17 is the date of Pickering's uric -day compo,ter sale. NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY E011710N, May 17, MW PAGE BS AM Web wizards Net new skills at upcoming training session PICKERING — Sea- vanced Internet Skills, the Internet lilt types, download- The free workshop is stored Internet users are invit- third seminar in its papular mg plug -ms, effective Inter heing held in the auditorium ed to lint: -tuns: their skills at Internet training series. on net seardunp. Internet chart- of the Pickering Central Ll- an upcoming training session Saturday. June t tram 17 til unp and Vv'eh pare produt hrarv. finc'Ihe Esphnadc being hosted by the Vickering a til it, na"ul 11'n3 Space Is hrnred and recl,- PahhL LlhrarN l'hC V11;uc01 IL,,I .Com e "rniln.n r m't apl,ro- tratwn I,rcqufrcd '1,,.lLi, vp 'lie hhrary Is oflerint Ad n;u %III . .rr t ,I,l. , . r 1 r Ii n•, 1 I . �\ r C, Call K i I f,'f,�, =:P -i Fel 0 1 =4 9 Performance Features: • 16" Aluminum 5 -Spoke Wheels • Improved Steering and No other passenger ear Handling •Increased Torque and Horsepower Comfort Features: •Power Driver's Seat in the world has power Heated Mirrors • Light Group • 5 -Passenger Seating with Floor Shift Peace -of -Mind adjustable pedals. Features: • Power Adjustable Pedals • Advanced Restraint System • Child Friendly Trunk Release System • Dual -Stage 'Smart' Air Bags • SecuriLockT" Anti -Theft • Anti -Lock Brakes Put .. 289 36 MONTH LEASE 68.aM Dawn 5•r-••na PN-- Sap Pialaht arse $ep $«serer O•P•an WE HAVE THE RIGHT LEASE PAYMENT FOR Yp11 Based ors 1.9% annual interest rate over 36 months MonWr Down Mka a Security Due on Paraent EquivakM Trade DePosil ketgftt Signing $289 33.895 5350 5890 55,414 $343 $1.995 1400 s890 8.628 5400 10 1475 s890 sl.765 Fast Month's Payment Required. $0 084m charge over 60.000 km 1. 36 months. $11,183 30 Optional BPyl—k Applicable To— L,cence. Insurance and Atlmmntrat,on Fees Ewa 2 EW16 48 MONTH PURCHASE FINANCING www.verysmartcar.com .......... Taurus has earned five stars - the highest possible U.S. government crash test rating for front impact - for both driver and front passenger - two years in a row.0 9n$E GUYERS READ tie MAL COPY. •Lease an .n stock new 7000 Taurus SE Sedan from Ford Cred-t Ip goahfied owes. on ape -ea o d -t tnta case obs gat,"', , $141991114.343. $14440 •'1 9% par<hate f --9 asadab.e on new 1000 raurm for a maumum of 48 month, on approved credit E G 175.000 financed at 19% annual percentage rate for 48 months, mwthiy payment .s SSW 0. cost o• , 61. SOS 60, and total to De re",d s $Sb.WS 60 Diller, do not apply to bones and mial,—e lees Dealer may *11 or lease for -ess Some mndd ons apply Offen may change without notice L—ted rime ohs- Olfarf an mutually *wfri e. OMo carrot be combined raith any otl-er ofdra See deal- for detals rfrwlf dub and bag offer only a llible ohm -stock crow 1000 raurm that see retail delivered to and received by the F-0aw,flei— n, u, W-n•e Mar 11,1. 7000 feet J-- es are — el qib a No ra n,�eck, Offer awdable at partKllil dealell only We reserve the right to wwa.le golf —, and bag For —,hand,. of egwwlent whir --The h.ghe-t fron.i rmpaA iarng for both int drive, and "ono Paswngtr 11 U S 90 11menl Natpn4l Highway IrarfK.tjafety Administration 1w nhlw corn) teslmg -Bawd on Compuwarch CYTD Derember 1999 new passenger, regatrato upper nr l segment Toronto FDA PO Bos :000 Oakwll. Ontario L61 5E4 40 A7P PAGE 86 NEWS ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY EDITION, M•y 17.2000 CLASSIFIED Visit Us On The Internet: www,durhamnews.net To Place Your Ad Call. GB3-0707 Web Site: www.durhamnewS.net "TECS" - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling "TECS" - Training • Education • Careers Schooling Still not sure what to choose. Come in and have a no charge evaluation of your Sutural strengths and interests. Toronto School of Business Oshawa Campus Pickering Campus Oshawa Centre 1450 Kingston Road 723-1163 420-1344 ADMINISTRATOR The Colonial Retirement Home 11 Whitby 11 We are seeking an individual to be responsible for the daily operation of this Retirement Home and for the provision of quality care for the residents. The successful candidate will be a nurse with demonstrated competence in leadership, marketing and financial planning and experience in progressively responsible roles. Good interpersonal and computer skills are essential. Resumes along with a hand written covering letter may be sent b% facsimile to: DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Alert Care Cor" ration lU_'43longe -Street. Suite 200 Richmond Hill. ON, L4C 362 (905) 780-2001 We thank all ahpli,:ant, torr their interest. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. L� Career & Job Expo The solntien to your bidog problems. Find the Lkid t people for floe job! presented by OSHAWA - WHrMY - a ARNGTON'' • PORT PERRY IS K Wednes one 14, 20 , 2 noon -bpm, Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeview Park, Oshawa go Bas IIOMt! - Hisao AdIm"MI - f m ftMM Special Publication: Sunday, dune 117 8000 To register your company, call today! Tel: (908) 876-9338 or (908) 6634Y707 Toronto: (416) 798-7689 Participants to date: • ITS Training to Kawartha Quality Cafe • Primerica • Kelly Services • Manpower • In Transit Personnel Inc. • Pre -paid Legal Services to CDI • ParaMed • Diamond Institute e n aslus a&x&t44 at . ekeh LT1l9eEaellblPr .Jytt•ora�dr inw, t . � you are a reliable individual. Have your own transportation TO! and can work drifts. Please call Now for an appointment. otba.1 Pickalar • - • e 4wwwoeWAt 10)4-7-0717 (905)8117159 FuN9 676416% FaxM905)Vl-4921 :;00 trotu Buys Atf AlARl1Q1R liOR IBBIf1T V 00 AM AURA OM OBCULb AD MM r11N0ot OM •AaAABi�mf>a 110! � M�AODIC - WEB S�TE' Iiiploma Flexible fieattc,ng + sjitt dates. Prime Tw4b&wdtute Scarborough, N -York, Downtown 416 U111I00121 AMWAY COLLEGE Sev- 11 Girded enlh Day Advenlrst Wgn School is Seeking a oualuied indlw dual for our Boys As THE FUMRE Wlrld6 10 dose y,um Oean PutSold Error. - .hu a,, prepared lar CIO dice p,ekmd resume ose wtV are Iocumd Thand to 10 David Branum. P"I"o". those hode ktlarieiAy 1200 Leland Rd. oslpwa. skilled Nd 6 Com I14rp LIN 2IH 1905)433.1144 MGSE/Lotus Notes. Database ext 217 Fie 19051477.1156 adm,mstralon owing Oracle CD%V ono umdwllupsway Computer Malnerta. - A• MCROSOIT Certdbd Solu- New mV. web design and troy t'exlooppeer d Durol Autocad. sollwarc desgn and C -k, ZT Campus June p,ogrammhtg F,nancW a5 5th sten we You will team s,slance may be available to computer programming and eugrbk sluderds Can Durtum openfifIrf tariff I Adm M 1905H27-30/0 Busmen Computer CC~dlahfxd tall Jdd 905-721. NMGSMAY COLLEGE Sev- tM=TnW111tOUM FOR INFORMATION CALL Ca. kdvemtf High PERM SPECIALIST nguued al SchuW s seeking a gualdied Elegance Image Stud.. Cay ndweud 10 sur Bad Trould oe 1 GerFvr Help 1 Geminal Help ono you for VOKamt s11oled w..R1 ONenng xlary 6 assess neassa7 dem - Com r. Fa. resume ) 427-1922 1 Gerrard HNp 'ah" and pmwrxad lxrno- 905.666-43e9 or address to SELL R NOW OUR PART -'MMI': Callan sdd resume to David SWUM. PnnCV 1. 1200 Le- 123ArMISt.Wh#byt1N32t CIARICA t seelong ,14w,du- CALL ,10IN PROMOTIONAL, TEANtrr lana Rd Osnara. Om LIN 1905)433.1144 run 217 at wtN a '"em! r tine ata of Fuaras Sli-cis M AJAX 68M707,'W NCWs Canada %larkoing. Canada', only ,mad aanandotoroswar- the Durham wn call UXBRIDGE full service promotions company is now ,trgtt ra Fax 1905147- ..56 I•ader Neild 15) 666-11669 ed 212 852.9741 hiring for the following prasitions in your local area IM :71M. INOM P E R S O N N E L swrt, c a. Ia ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Our client, located in Scarborough (McCowan tih.pparcl), is searching for a dedicated A/P indil h. till a 3 month contract position beginning imme 11 The position may go longer. • 1,tnang A /P (min. 3 yrs. recent exp.) • Proficient in Word/Excel • :\btlity to work with minimum supervision • I xcelfent communication skills. Don Wilkie, Interim/Norrell Servicts Fax: 1905) 726-2863 Email:dwilki 4O norrel1. com I G.1wr -11 1 Gerrard Help 1 Gwwral p _P Ja an Camera al. IGlve .:s roar merrones We 3 Make ya.. S-ri e WE WANT YOU IN OUR PICTURE NEEDED FULL TIME STORE MANAGER AND PART TIME AND FULL TIME SALES PEOPLE We have immediate operilngs in our Oshawa Stropping Centre store for a dynamic Store Manager as well as tull- !Ime and part-time sales staff with experience in the retail photographic industry. We oiler competitive wages, spills and commissions. For full time employees we also otter a comprehensive benefits package. Please fax or mail your resume to: Japan Camera 1 Hour Photo Oshawa Shopping Centre 419 King St. W. Oshawa, Ontario L1J 2K5 Fax: 905-571-7737 Email: cscott0iapancamera.com �'em ca4`A HERE WE FPP- GROW AGAIN! ,),e Great cisim I`lerwo (jia ny r^asirlo is currency reoueng for the positions of: • Bartenders • First Cooks Servers •Housekeepers • Porters • Coin Cashiers • Experienced Blackjack Dealer Shou ild you be inti - -;I ed in applying for any of 1ltese positions, please mai or fax a resume 14: ttOdNII!Ml g AdirOiA 2TrUWk NdFA.ldditm%Olftb LKIU racee64seen /tilellil■IwMleetassDepmlllnit Goneral NO M Goold MO CONRDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. It the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, rountes that are faxed directly to Oshana This week, will mot be forwarded to the file lumber. Originals must be sent dlredhr as Indicated by the Instructions In Wed. SAM A=IATES l_A a-TMW a sw..er help Available to work days, evenings and weekerids, for Fabricland in Markham. Sewing knowledge and fluen- cy in written and spoken English required. Students welcome. Please apply in per- son with r6sum6 to: Manager at Fabricland 7171 McCowan Road (at Hwy 7) Markham PART-TIME. DENIOtiSTRATION SUPERVISOR this challenging I o%mon will involve rrcmiting. ongoing training and whedul- Ing field perxmncl for demonstrating in - ,tore advertising programs. Other rrsprmsibilities include co-ordinating the distribution of cyuipment and supplies ,nuplcd with the ability to build Ilartncrships with store management. An Ileal candidate will be a [cam player with s,rme expencwwc managing people along with access to a reliable vehicle and stearagc space arc essential. 11 you are interested in this challenging 1uysition, please forward your resume to kudrey Alexander Fax: 1416) 2117-7771 Email: aalcx ruder(,, news anadamkte ca PART-TIME DEMONSTRATORS we have Immedmic ofacnlngs for outgoing, self nHllivated individuals with excellent communication skills to do in- store product prowmoNaams in retail cutlets. If you arc interested in making sonic extra cash please call Audrey at (W. ) 602.1101 ext 71620. ,' 1NAF:T1\t: HAIRSTYLISTS WAN E D •Qualified Sty % • Excellent wogs and blinew P@&OP • Fal end port bw posilio[a • Paid vocation 2 Wks offer 1 year, 3 wits. aper 3 years • Dental, Drug and Eyewre plop • Busy lo(olpns • No Liief - Ii retplired -,providw Alex/Pickering B4rvmantrile ("511428-6824 (905) 623-6444 Howly, hies S/.50 Hourly woad $7.75 Whill y Oshawa (905) 666-6810 (905)434-4994 Nowly Waco 57.50 Hourly w090 $7.50 NE a K -S APE M Y6i1 our wlsie- rtlw.krokoke.tom An OAma '^I Ass arisen lor a A4rbrwg Agent in are hi rif"ic Yg area. No so" -0hed, Act daay milvies ro rasesaaarm arilekaag r4asexrters full Tnirknp -Fatd Support ,A ouelaraerid per year income at E3ox %V plveldt •Se0-nlgtiwtion •Organirayort +Cusamer Setwe 4%A" vehicle • storage for stock The successful individual will Wild a brq-term future and determine their own income levet. lA1NF.IRS WA CfED The Pickering Markets is looking for Buskers to perform every Saturday & Sunday at this very busy market. For more information please Cali Karen at (905) 427-0754 COURIER WANTED Roof Truss Manufacturer in Durham Region requires For Pickeffinal Scarborou h area NELI WANTEa News Advertiser is looking for Truss Builders & Yard Workers for busy meati deli. FLAU part-time courier to work Wed., Fri., 4:00.7:30 pm. Experience a donice asset. positions available. Cherry shop. flexible hours. Competitive wages. and Saturday 12:00-6:00 pm. call 5117 Benefits after three months Fax Resumes to: 90$-62.i-6484 Weekends required. plidim fax resets to W6 -MUM rkrxr rn 6-r mtrrvlrwrd will rSr amwrrrd 1 General rMP THE NEWS ADVERTISER is !O0kin9 1Cr prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas AJAX Mapson Cres Meekings Dr Mantell Cres. Hunter Dr. Griffiths Dr. Ravenscroft Rd. Chatfield Dr. Thorpe Cres. Farmers Ave. Admiral Rd. Kings Cres. Burrcher Rd. RtdeotA St. Rollo Dr. Gates Cres Hewitt Dr. Billingsgate Cres. Thomcrdt Cres. Emperor Rd. Clements Rd E Straitly Rd Turnmbull Rd. Taylor Rd. A> A>.k>> FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 905.683-5117 uarxo,r ,walwsrvw, nmc'wl ,r,r Mol" atagrwd routes -GTA dO— .4 or load P.&M start Al 317maw A2 omalawoww nus Pad mdu s drop[ nil ad rale Sister kaslidtl{ aro LTL Mao 4 cAv haled it. III; rweded for GTA Fa m b t 1 9 0 5 1131-01» or r uM,.Yaa .Ni Iivd v+ar M! Ap d o�nrn+d adars Pkra4 ,, ,� t, aw u mo e d .,, "it, Eapnwntr w�r,(wrg syc Grog sur ifift— vroom m >;uAry c relwwa �rrs Gine ommwmwlr '-10 trout pd .edr Ip . r",�mwr d 9 wloneu [ran ..0 wdl M p(oar 10 r"A Ps - 1.0d r4nwwe to N Wid- .:., arrow- com p TIb ww- Farml&,1197r Mlayne Cyr �+nawa LI7W No :=.Z ;;SDS .;4 'OGla home every :.d MY Cowoiwn pts rat n.1 MMns CIW dnwng 41trac4 1 117 2 YMS 4r a *Xw Ph" (705 a7- 4940 Iy 17051 47321 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE flews Acver-ser ,e- :.ests !rat adwert.sers CneCk their ad upon pubhrahon as News Ad- �enlser wilt not be re- sponsible for more than one Incorrect Irdertron and there srWl be no If. ability for non -insertion of any adverttsonmi. L ability for errors in ads is 6-m ted to IN amount pard tot the space omu- pying the enor All copy Is subject to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. Fuwpart4insc Counier & Server Positions Must be wo sening J� Desserts „63 Kingstoor ria rickannoff tRt[Rn3. CONTEU and +telt($ Word n the preps ration or dek" of rbww i Mrtle to camirs ndatexiya . sn, 1293 O's olar CAN 619- COtlelat ee1NBa owd d 10 Stan i nrredyth/_ Errurplaapdwpomo'ao pylpxyek a BFoar Sam= Detvrart Sam. an0 3p m. cars or vin. xnas WOMAN. CatlRlat DR Nva quoted Fast expanday; cunquiry Must lave owl w or van lox 70% 70% 70% 70% mmmsson 9054x&3506. CKNB WADS taint vats a ears an rIeMM to service tK Durum and Toromo sea Earrrrq potential ADO +eddy pus Cat (905)427-48093 11111m 17 re"red. pled rasa dally Utile Caesar's Plaza Weslney Rd. Ajax Or 965 Ourklas Si w MRxWr' (9D5)430.143NI9o5i619-06" CLEANERS waTEo for a Durham tush clorrlg com parry Must be relaable and we Io work ngnl$ ar10 enn- rnge Vehicle a must E+pain cote an atxl Call Wry (416)678-9267 0111111111111111 COMMNY seeking exr(norced tradesmen pan ILI cine. rgM r1N ren .1,=e drywilletwn. tram. ers mill workers - etc own root and truck a must 19051404-0077 Toronto Line 416 798-7259 Our pilon lines; are open AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER --- pm. u6 commerc;al Ave., 24 -Hour Fax: (905) 579-4218 sat. aao am to 0 o pm. Clnailfied Oftllns. Now wtlerl you advertise, your word ad �BaM�ti .-fi! L: *AM all -3.'00 sNtWgyy s &R, oppwrs on 1ha irMernsl at brig!/www durlEalnnewa.twt aM�alw'tbll M ' i vin i itto Internet: www.durhanlnews.rlet NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNE8DAY EDITION, Mall 17. 2000•PAOE 97 AJP OwMI EM► ONI6M1 flEy Jim 09ttpa) No ONN IMI► -on-No NNE OMN IYyW Lost LOW MDG cep. 11111 5 DEN « Amid Sea $am is looking for Kids to deliver papers HO16Kkatilag ACCOUMAM Rwl 40BID w." d.."qopopi a"�',a UM -ole" Rain or Shkw r11112 SALE a o we May, oldras` b"�t and flyers door to door bur times a C MY 050 f1D0 134•$415 (gel � Sam Day Carry Worts 41111 I,9hug week by 6:00 PM. in their require A toil accounting firm with offices in Oshawa and Bowman- 61/Na YOu LAu b less 4p WoodrloMae Craev., � �nI1 0 �"A w nvgs Fl! 7hO0d8. Hawse Cleaner. vii* requires a senior xcounanl' Clio u ru rypy.z2'a0s-s71Tz F�OM.aiOr■Un" M a awYr u Cell 906.6!3-6117 Experience p orted' a more mknmbon Doug 905-342-2623 to view prior ee� . rods. ".k. t� must have Responsibilities include completion of year-end accounting as- 9 p Or t0 Sale tronK11 trc call 905-477- ownvehicle. slgnmenb, personal and corporate income tax returns and super- LLNEUV m- pH House � ■ p �CUM E GTAKE 150• KIDS! KIDSI KIDS! 905.66(-0727 vision of junior accounting staff. K -a us0 urge Donee utile- 11 kr 6w 11 tpsr. UseyNew' Remits Demos Mouse of BroWrn solid Blom Trade lW PaOaa The successful candidate will have a minimum of 2 ears ex- 11"1 w0`rM°` s�0 Irl e" NATIONAL AN K K; urewsNs carton ruts' V". - A es 2+ - y arisen tonauon outandln11 o eour Marta rAy 27 a 9 PI10OUCEImOflIIY CLER6 peritmte in a CA firm and a desire to pursue a career In public paces 905.555-9549 Specializing In motor 6 transmission reburies. general j� yarn spm Sown, cans Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! Full lime. mmwo k aapl H accounhn . Preference will be given to a student pursuing Char- repairs to most can b light du trucks. tfKN prodlxa Ile B 8 P g IMTTIIEO SALE: OuLI 0 f: Kayak t-800$61-ta o No Feesl! Men/Women 16-65 yrs. den ror Dun BrooUfgiGrGroo tired Ac muntant designation. Computer experience with Excel, mammaysa at reduced Pl cls used vehicles bought a sold wrr swmabs wen Needed for same! No extras. lorNo. (905) 6Ci065a1� 1« "' ter eware and Taxprep nt asset. Strong communication and in- �r=ends from 9offOoW Mi be 6171 m p. thanI � If30.4 30, 1 R.o.stlaw Parents Call )416) 2214829 trrtpr urea fa terpersonal skills are essential. Lan . 70 radnan RdFriItalian e red oust' k0 Resumes may be mailed, faxed ore -mailed to: E Wen 905 -see -3291 or Lope ■ M IM ATV Honda 200 3 salon In Whl lull flirty 905.432-2869 Wyk wnee!er Buns great. $700 Great wages a commis. 436-'468 PETS O N TV 30° r0f ippl 4o1s HOBS BAKKER BERGIN HILL *PIAN SALE* FOUND Raong Plaeon somimmO FOR MON? ROOFMS lASOUNERf wam Chartered Accountants, Attention: Sandra Meyer, CA An,1e with ;,ey has band DEIETIGAR If YASnT OVER 1 1 Amm"wt Dogs, Cats, Birds and Exotic Animals ed. experience an asset but 222 King St East, Suite 103, 2000 Models fours° ,n oltiorne/Lotroury STOCKED. OVER 49 CE RTI• For Kept needed for TV commercials, series, nor regpned Strong. nam BowmanvWe, Ontario LIC 1P6 Are Herel area Please al to lane ilEO RECONDITIONED VENT- GIDE WxrtBY ;lean spat woiifg rd rNlaDk Good evemps 905-355-2682. leave CLES. UNNLIEVAaLE VALUE mar nxr cnr bedroom films, catalogues and brochures. Send rgp Ca Nike a 1905 432- Fax (905) 623.9734, E-mail: smeyer6hbbh.com All 99 Models message AND SELtCTION E Mai apanmer' sated n c..mury picture with name and phone number 6692 or steN a 14thlaeo- Must Goll sans 97 Voyager kms nome Prvae itrana and with info on pet to: P.O. Box 58541, 197 2011 •1 °it °r wu $tz.995 N°w sl' 500 parking Aral junt, + $625 Sheppard Ave. E., Tor., M2N 3A8. aLON MSUEL - ou tam ESTABLISHED FURNITURE CO. 1 Eek Roland 97 rramypon xr folded a or pull ycrD syndok +or smet nitbep rock Avera Trans,. requires reliable, full-tlme person DIGITAL PIANOS amen. Berks old w Mo.- 'ed. 97N was $+5995 now working person ,eon-s'now aaW SaPon rs currdmy talk- r R. heavy duty unary iralkr al,ayan 5 114 Suff", ILWW $14.9% 97 Blazer Li. form no Pols '905666 Y,' immediately for general office duties. 3000 ID arks z vis nnm Also Factory Men Dory MON it,. new rip for Dene R 1 males Olue a. IOM The News Advertiser Friendly environment, benefit a duties. e, 0 Is su o"Meg n. 1 ono 8 a uCbmae was f, 9.985 now LARGE 1 BEDROOM wsaaqe 7nenap n t« Y P S Rebates On �r try ^' e Is looking for reliable people to insert and apps Mgvel 7237600 bonus, competitive wage and more. �°° 434-0792�sa1y) 2000 models $+5deacn X05263-4149 $19 .500 ,qyi perm+ea APVrvy me, na;axm,,,:a deliver papers and flyers door to door THE TECHNICAL TEAM m For interview call Bob Mowforth or t2 Fr. VM INpr Ipwd 1« Ends MAY 30/00 AMERICAN 0ULLG06i - $7.975 93 Anm en dutch kate0 Pa,krnp A,a acle lY po el $1200. Oehvery Apdf mate rias ananee CGC Coo" loaded. '7OK was nor• RNertnces 's. !pest sxo '" YmnDy is 'leer wlrq DougPeters (905)831-9845/6 avarlaagle cae a3e-039z �.sno) Call TELEP PIANOS ,; every Wednesday, friday and ro stpant Dior pan-llmet00�atf c a OD E,cellem comernlr se.993 now $7975. 9' Agro $seo e9ostaDa-Bez- Saturday in the Pickering area. R You a" -*rano ,n work Toronto line (416)282-0258. 2YR. OLD POOL. 21 len n 905-433.1491 ^'" ma y perms Wk LT Waded 20OK but Sri. cop a a Dury� uplea, salon dwm-er taumon Poon Po mos old Carty C«- Mss sale $5.985 93 Fam Deliveries must be completed by 6:OOpm. teat olluzo-19" a ak above ground wren all POOHaces- 1-800.995-8887 So maw Yale. 18 moa ora ?&!f v-6 5 speed A-1 Must have a vehicle. 111 Sylvia fsnp) 1 LW HWAp M UMF- Ik0lAppb sopa noduding liner. Plan- PIANO TECHNICIAN a ,101e cot +3cbe 'vnt447 +361 aa.Suu REDUCED line Olds For more information TELEPHONE SALES ken. Iadars Nc $1500 Cal for 'un'ng •tW's and Dir NORSE DAN FOR RENT 2 � l55 ,:TK +oD rine was rp 905 16 an 1 D19%. lbw St C.995 %Geo Call 905-683-5117 ke, evenings 10 7elk- SAnong Stalls 3 12x12 Boo stalls I t011C DDx sun Mlket.bCxpenemu e- Ou"t Zr DOstbn ptw AUTO PARTS TOADY COUNTER PERSON / DRIVER TRADESPEOPLE AND XAM01 PERSONS for iota amt .m. 2wd AN. 93.500 l:a�i 90S pr•,lemem ;pmpan ru inn WHITBY - OSHAWA w•+ Irene avala0k mus, be 852.9N1 evmngs m 705 - za1 m Dt c y�me0 Ems HONDA rson leen Mata appy n rson Requires a Junior Parts Person 'w !h ,3 M,miel elvd WtM�DY 9 aT -2 pm Maty - Friday good people Skills, a 8000 m^"^9 rlet5xd WE ARE LOOKING for mature• and still to drive manual transmission. peoae to expand our Fnkrr. Appy with resume and references to al Senna business on KYs 1110 Dundas St. E. Whitby Rome call 9`5.436 84IN Rm Kan or fax to (905) 6664571 WORK FORM NOW - Pan mxicnng navy duty washer •^Glut! Tn Healm Indus. 'r $OOo$3000 FREE INll Rryuirrd Immrd i,ui lr ti,r gn,sv:ng high red cornrn mercial/residential tusture manufacturer. We offer extremelv com- petitive wages 6r benefits for the right Candidates. These are excellent full time positions for the experienced rattsperum. R,Ply y in confidence to. LEIF JACOBSEN 39 Riviera Dr. lint 7, Markham ON L3R 1 Me, or by fax to: (905) 479-W7 or by email to: Iarry.laycockAtekn,on.com a IStvi.> Chalet In I'ukenet); have the following positions available: KITCHEN MANAGER DINING ROOM MANAGER DELIVERY DRIVERS Plea,w contact SWISS (H A LET ICK C (905) 619-0343 EMBROIDERY nqua r 1 Mu<t )tare ' EIa1101DtERY MACUMMI EZTESUENCE LAA for IniserVtesv Monday - Thursday, H a.m. - 2 p.m. Ask for Wilma TIM MLSONAL YOVCII EM MOt11DERY ENsH"-fiesea Ie35-D2 er cpm or - 8772463436 Our:nase "onsUlta! :r ,n all maks a motels Also recon- SAnong Stalls 3 12x12 Boo stalls I t011C DDx sun Auto 97K 4 n at 95 POLARIS 700 t10p1� for sae Lal rnaS Ior s t2xt2 Teck roomywaer. 2 96650. 91 Ob�Ciema oaten $6,6 $7700 ger PI moan' $7,7, 2wd AN. 93.500 l:a�i 90S Baroa 4271631 12x!2 50'x50' Padlocks. an be Acldam, mlm cod, 104K 852.9N1 evmngs m 705 - PIANOSg eT ml° Dm Straw a clow 91 Tempo GL. 88 731 -0299 eve*es snp C,C15 ;alt cr an Roland IMV agaae Askma f35W K maps. amnuc ers AIPI Mtnppeerri$1 2. d9W Dwnos and aevDoarts. sw ( Pkep al t-)05374- SSB2111e) �.9%. raw 35.9% 93 Asuu turf, I ,1oDr fro51 ,lee ONnA* gON. am $dmra ArAupK Pkros. al HDWrd Miller Cbdrs [te [raa al 155 Kiws St Wit. tae M,ilo.n man call 376 rlemar4 amp ha ryce ant only 54.99092 Snaaw 4 or 401 mxicnng navy duty washer (aa sekdwn d used 119 who S Walking Who? wnrte. auto 140M only s dyer $stern - u ate Also Koren. lSetppera-- w.sAcr rib's Rem ro own. 100x of an �y gall 'The Smarter! ✓✓tar f0 $3 m. 92 :°uyr co saver ,palet. 991(, mint common yse/ 2 $150 P'Cl'e^^g 90514265945 Darmerns appy TELEP >YNO x9051433.1491 T2in your dog +Qs $7.995 mw $6.9% 90 CANOES Cdemari. Ramx HENT TO OWN-.ew and re- Puppy Classes. Firmly Can De-Ik Pleck leaner. to k „wK ,rxa $6 995 „Der, sante '5 h s0. Vpem, riew "neC and •ifs pet Obedience. Old Cabs. !tied. con(knon $500 a bat offer n*I,r ll a, -t now Fun a,�ar'ry Pale consult flehaWourL consultation, 120$5.9 a t28k riles vier. orn $4995 C""I'm Cnesmm is it sari ts. 9 263.8369 or d Tncks 8 Seminars 90 Sidekick 4 4. patrons 5 nerghler ceder Strip. arras. -8p0.79 619-1733 tkraaD model. speed Mack Dairy 190K K.%5 91 I s,em. acela11 $1.200 or SATELLITE ami 2 D[DIFOONI -.nt-won apart: mem 9.'rx> :..• nt Party 2 door automatic!$39 xsr over 1905)7211-7546 Aom 6C kam*I�f prey n,�e aro ranee 0 Irpm 1219Shad t2,x super ick $3995 2 6E0 9f • AP, CANOES - ;lam Canoe and int T0'""ry "K,utdxg equipment Llvttlgckl 10 1 •rim 1990 Bucy LeSaD" ;.,ac. - - tr.: s; L/ATION 4166314925 or Doi yds sen dat'Tt Arid •■tP' va,ak iau 27m Oe[ Ilap` Free rmteanon f 1655- • taw sera on,l' $2650 CoInI le +. rhe Aail r •ir - - -rJ•-On ro wrw w«brom SYAIM Mp SANItd MN D P � . nary Pau Feereaoupn 3661 M nNn raM alarm Keo lar y IIIhaN been haldrrart- Ce1kw fe that eN SMO Floras Mal A11e 1st ntap 141,e01wmt'dl Acca 14p A,Jde G,igen DIDA4 9,an from 6keraler Larq SNEDWIN :ualrty roo0en NORSE FOR SAIF 3 /' )b Dwt Dn'•.nte eulanoerla. .10 -190 $'50.'mo r9051-a2o651a pale a tris frwma. avoom CABINETMAKERS REQUIRED pp�appppee�r NtaY CaII i- 3811 �WtLDROC tor*= Mo "IS 5 x ? been len. aM $359 ..�.s Mary finer `fi:. nnroupnWeo. Calm '�Mrme� .tri broke [te [raa al 155 Kiws St Wit. tae M,ilo.n man call 376 2 N01100M a,a•.laok ror •s, '•.t. YOWM WORN 'o work rrm emonorialN dmwbed Werupe on Dols Wrurq• g^Jp roma Expanding 42 -year-old custom cabinet CARPET 1 1111» $eNro .tuyry d Steri- am and Von variable 0 Oarapa and °xks 761 Ask"io 52000 die -iso al t. r053>A-55$112 rmpl [tN �- �urlt m �..r2 kir •Ions. 946 Masw� A 6 35C ,per Rp carw,ry g Oy alto 11 dater0owi Pn,SlTllxlS manufacturer fids immediate opening rams nn mdsler andIY" car- MCKAY Rd Uro 3Far' PKklnnq. "A al 9054, WAOM - Budsllxl pr Peen 1 wwea -,Wh all W -.t ro pen from AVAILABLE ten- n,m Drs home and MW (M. lar cabinetmaker. (deal candidates will oel I will Parnell you k•I,iamOft .,,ora f« price 20" cin z rears �I 434- CARS AND 'RUCKS Mer,.,• :<,N al 9.9 905- `,15-6724 ti ht- killed ler skilled in high-end residential and aid �w W9 t 96}-t24 w 905.7066N0 :rip -old"'on " -pelt. 5Y moan kmoM a most) •*IYd l custom cabinetmaking with o,pM rauanan 170 wars xdtnl r t dor, 2 kmpl' °a- oro oW*. eoigur 1 1 rwq .o ft 70C '905' 2 D[DIFOONI -.nt-won apart: mem 9.'rx> :..• nt Party v.e.vtrws SrARt JWy 1. 2000 RANGE $,000-51700 fiver five years experience. Permanen ;rtvt 19059711$-0669 prey n,�e aro ranee 0 Irpm ra Sme 1126-1%S9',n Sys cot AVid Np ODpa now Outman rat fs 00 !all-time: days; benehb; incenhve Ian. Ys P GRFfT$ SALE a IIAIID- "�chandelier Au excel- rt' tle3-sen 147 Mom. Carso 33 - SnarD tl16N Fell t:A1131 we out' Iwy nidpwttRov'r' uI�a emu $t020 1 *Ctrl R[OUIRF. ���=•Q�■stn [n{�F ct fo: WD00 fL0011MG J,ptt 1 ort mrldtori Uri Y;5 f spo aNa 172.000 SM Rn,cln ltn,clts coup Smobn7 �o Dtls S6TS ',rstNR Avauaae MENTS rder•roes. pgecr cnea. rrreaa ouraw Or R. H. Cabinet & Carpentry Ltd. .•x:,'•s ',ora $379 Y. :o 1,1. rw"kun nrp<: prwlean SOIAR nANKET '5(211. str to, Hiker wmer arve 20 < 10A Good orlaKion. aretlt0 a nig :nr,lnun Call 427-2415 « cane w 479 ma'6+ Jkml :.119115419.9634 your dolor ASSETS prow- aulinr �t I6-:i9fi-93911 taw: art' nsu arvin Fra 40 ,roo -I Cru masa. 59500 obo 706,3261495 W SI East flew a berm' "11111 7 °Iia°'" OEF s •xptrxaKt' i,ea's k- 4M Waterloo Court I. 10 5 onDth moms IT tae per ter• Jauroyo Ura m 'sml AO WTO SALES � w. good D■Ys a few 03howa, Ontario L I H 3X 1 y- wg puma. taw err ~s .d, $50 De Ir9aDMk pMer wlq• *Oa 'wort M.S. W P,dirm 9 A a A AUTO :Ars vias onorn ,mows m. trarn9 rtlatd lar .' cul w- Fax: 1905) 723-0'791 rvNq 41 Crede Cads •t�c�slad Gp sYm tos•6e6- Oen 7133)50 (sAl t6n roron stNRu Ttauo � We ori ro ro $,Coop la.nrr +'Sas. pall. CIAMIS guaYlxaign S*R Rs l.a $t. ". $TORAG! TIWI[N$ for saNEjocel ana, anula.a won r maw nome r4yalr ItaM "11511 m s+e sDa MN nerd. 19. row fft�S aou ,rWn oW kin aI al -t. num0a d men aW wo,ttin. moa M ow arrw Stalnietss Steel Fabricator CARPET A110 VMR SAI$ Vw"S oro kobrq to flak 'rbt Pan id nem !ova wnttl ten AmiFm : ""ar SrSpt I AILF41 Passmr AC. an r,n. arnf ilia CAN us cry IImI. 24 1= 7 4:,. 70 Ir. DK Aw4a01t W1 M Ip MAM *p 'Ik"^as � 905r 679- � rs Ia can. bles00, �� Mp:� '--- �rpN corm ,axns 30 swarf grolK* iia a 7'ea Moa- www summa L ryikr via. sews 90S-6ebaos « see An < *aro nlWm can k N f Custom Stainless Steel FacnwOCn Shoo rarrls r $339 .'nLrW � M7693' 1roP vel artAtd 11063nt 9057%3m am SW1N argt 1 bW- -Fpsnm « rn11AM b aarr�syY rFema. stS s 119 111 food eQ111Df71erd is looking for era raK West gwk p b 107E Nn ion and TA6lf 6 C1WNs. Dufh1 lioW 1YI traiatq DtoviOto to talo O CSK E1 1� .'.:'• ^r,tm<nt aC, 5� tn::anr.. p.: 11:,11 1wN�y 14 golKf I IN 311 a person k y FiVenersped In Icy Otat and the NI�1 Ca1A1e16Mb him 'Ouod fi a MrSrspe OWt im ODDN GRAVNI S[ v Ausoc. Illy r- ac Automatic. aIM�. -lets naw nyao <rd $700 -*.inFersUtasl ANanaMt sM.m,f 10 619{991 Delwn t.alm b Operation d a power Must�r,..vRiOnw. 906.11;11 11040 a■■'b bey e'er a a Mr. 6 1966 cat arwp..7a 705 CA 665 $ OIIIIt and a brake. 130tIer Cost COM ORMTED Arndt Ltln 3r am e70 T L~ Rd F wmrb2rN1905-666M9t a rw ala 281 Ogg en r•owr rransrm[11ron wrnsxrm fat- rceNWoMan.. 16 , s5 rr. r, ceded Nw ores. rase; 6600G aoc 416 rntiakp (SOSI 7667 yy a IkLw Auction 870 4~ Rd E WMM 905 Can Bin 11C GMIr! 905-X6.9955 ,r :ale dear f« ne 905.11371- ani. Professionallyeg- 90F7312 snoi aNi, leer! ST loser Wa- f1CC0UMTIMG CERN PaM as package Mgr m r s '°011e: ;' 'oltape Y a Y11111 n'•tr*sf app°mNrrtY f« tM F3 A, mod ISM M �M R n fryer pNY an Rrwr ilea Lrbsy Fior- •nnwlm0x a' S. Al- DUMIN a rn p Ft' rt- 1 e 'k' 1 �1■'r ■' 'A■ +W fxalAnK a/i- ■'D s '.urrw $299500 0�0 JN 905.11011 1101to +rs 7 Dr'vate •.a^ , rxd pia. wD aOt to M 01 .,,r -*b 416266246 Dlrea Dila :.;Ina eioml• m 6k rqN lo- r ems. lows ru u.mtun• p. e.4io. aaDait 1we 9010 nastnt e sMaYtrs IN cook, iso~ cond,� 5 wood row -smoke• f6.5 +NS %0 - 3ECIWTAIIML Pw.Faas svr,npr M.amp C.m•< '.: Ayr nplermt weokm � ^K wa let acgpt-p '^h arw tug Irnr Sew maim to ..e.,s576 DIrNAW Whole This w.dr 865 low A oar LIM 71.5 Duane ler axerabm Mw 250 soil Fomty loll P-li- '+w bdwp con eper*,x:d se!rNxPlower •o :tan -r CIA MM- *Oda,W s 190S6 I"IS I Sam -ML.6001L Itoori leu uu0 Ila 'aW,KarA Ooawis b tlipese f00 EO}OL-s2 yds sen dat'Tt Arid •■tP' \ IIF:ALF:RS ion. Rler rod minis mw 1/ IPO^n x1SH33-0270 'o. Proksaanrky 11trvised intim w oW tpecraty Lr 1IN ►OIIrYc TE9N4ST , i70900 nim can 90557, - 6 150. ane �n aaNem arwaion Iso too" ler •xperwKed M nNn raM alarm Keo lar y IIIhaN been haldrrart- ,,, V Niki AOWNANYtt LE 7 bli00m A,Jde G,igen DIDA4 ■ip IN W" *oft Soup a tmurpn *sled Aro �- 1 1 ro11 ..� ,y;,. Cora. ro n,see cap kli 6-100. pale a tris frwma. avoom Med $2.000 905.579-06N aemrKs r•q�w•O PMYtt tae Womb 905.96}97ta batg■t. 11125 Dow nydm x.5720a5pL 110 Ito, 25 vEAa' roar madea. IN.000 Yw f9N6. +4- a„Opn n-' PaDk. .ICkWed AeY1bk pacts q Munn 115 Oan Eam extfa IM .. SC JDLk^: -Irk Nn Ta SG314{S 7Sn Cp9fUTER Pemnum 164 Raw. Noor- Pon Raw. Part Perry INN Ned NRSLN PUS" n •eDwlt tumor vNeo am �9 1-6EDI1p011 patmem r:va< ' .,.w 32Mb 'AY MD CD 2 SRam 19051 MS -L774 rind.: 205000 .m ' •rip ..a an,o „irnnpors artm•d tSOpD oft al� u.yun ria w.is, M.11waa 31-4 • � pm v . 114"°C f+':L Can 905) 7274GM macaw 2-bo*o a oras lr gYM,li Cob« RwmftgtMkrs My vow ..W11ca- eons ,a fkNnd 96}-t24 w 905.7066N0 FOR'45 A. -<•:: , .. u Asawo -pelt. 5Y moan kmoM AVOID WAREN000 SALE tYi 121.000 Yen 162% N MRM* 149 MD Yen S7M y E jp`Da- "leo ,rn. andoan .AN- rt♦dY Wft- % A Mist A NC , ENC 'Jr my .,attar AP lEfsi�yltnFF/ Ilw.sare. wen ers w dl w Resp L crop ftl0 WNarr riser traisnad- Aeurvsn SJG .u.^. :ckrd+rp TNe MOWSWAi,ON. air- swgw staME .i 1 OucAee Sys cot AVid Np ODpa Non p00 $1011 won oyer. C, Move* Cas con crane "'Ch" '""On. sesta ,*eerie. ms. AIL Cas 19116455.55311 W ilei 726-5130 6 S-OPUbheft Ormit SSDtamn, Iblaa in" 'w uric n p Arps now Iaim. 144. mom .en din al raln•m evo plow Mpow- CwmrsyfANaWais f7N0 TTTmp51p1 7935PICKERING WNNTFR MALS OFT - no .rW $ISO Raaivar uta s cvbw ..kion w t057tL1032 louse arart td -arms b 12 Cally aemi mime+ Yarkr 111 lade soisciam so$*." kMa.p 4 RNTIW Oltswe a -;t 2 SNFM90 gi1D a0�-� ^-" ' e^ u99 Plnbwn uplW ^an ler aft sMlQnx+ im raron 4 RUNNER No-.- ,ryr'r,,..• ..,Aaft �_rw� T599 Slee lata IOOIMZ v+ OEIw $ssno 19031 579- V6 5 SIX ss �• o. � -a' ; AM PME 110 MOM ADVERT16EJ11, WEDNESDAY EDITION, MMI 17.2000 Viakt Lia On The Internet: wrww.durtlatmrleW s -I -I �Is = hefty M Load M Matey to Lad M Asch RresaMa_- - A-0- Met- me IN cnn IMI r vil � 1, 2 i S cad. Apts. Refur. sed Al Now Appliances. AN Util. incltadsd. lm4mme Supt. At Maint. On site Security. Rental Office: Mon - Fri. 12 noon - al SM i Sun / pm- Spm - YAILIANT PROPERTY INANA41EMUT Pk[ERMG LWERPOOUBA- 1 name a lEV 3" am mom floor d Rem ro"All large va Cain kdM- en, new t eVpant. snared .1. RMMNHEO room in laundry bus d ming, lsv Pickenhp Aduh nome Suit kW E1150 nldWave 905- employedonsmokinrpg pen - 831.8867 remen Share baMaundry RE7M ! - Ou¢t aduh pulp faalries All Avail imine. ,ng ,n Oshawamature ten- pietay� Rrsflast $IE5. Omh ants. Central ballon 3 DEO- leave �744atler Sp m or room apartmems available si June ISI (Leone heal a SInWM wanamryin each floor Tel 1 Aecanenodnai 19051579. 6 SIIOIIT-TERM RENTAL Lull BASEMEMT APT. lemaie Aug wxunous 2 bemoom Preferred , Lveumb 1 12 condo. 2 uluarea 1 h �usne turmi applurces. MowCall Dave 90501-7 E"m6a o pool. Ibexto 0a0 2 park. nonss,,,e SnI, 'd ant Wintes ecemOSs Re..Area. Wrinry awry "Ste 9, rex 40 - WinroOni. call Jen 905-831- 686-2783 8739 W%C10115 well mwnaired 2 MOMe1e1TE TO SHARE 2 bedroom avis Avail at 90D BDRM �,b 1600 son won aid 888 Glen St Some with shop great for mepunc or welt -m doxls. palm proud. hODpn,SI on secluded ided cotrm ed Close to sdidds. shop ON 101 rear 404 Cal 9D5-473- entire GO Same Utarnes 9207 Srq viduded Cal 7284993 Coridtrwwlwm OSHAWA RAR Fa Iry Bldg Large 2 $ RCKERING LUXURY CORD 3 B R amts $ 710 8 nedroums paled � teen 582500 11tIt01es mdul t es. great locelon beside ed Easy access to n.„'i P. Ubbi nEab e: cow" schools, shopping For ;g)- 11 aD UI Call 5) 721-8741 16 ct Rao/ $ a wwlrly - Fr• - -.,.. KING ST W. OSHAWA ,ern tae' ..rte w :u .. � �..:tic ionic wan DrgM enc Wasne, dryer pjmN ac. Clean 7-ar p 4 no e;4 Mogh1 4 cwAn in execuuw son. 1687: month Call Ram sea Agll immeauteh 600 I.erigauer Swore Group taiSWmomn mduFvt GOkSaul Really ane 905436- enraEvt- r905)666- 0890 0536 or 1416)-574-2621 UWTBY. cunem St I.bed- STOFM FOR RENT roof^ a 2 ueorooln. $637 a •_ �:dtd fes :can Quiet bw0uq. Nos (Norwood/4011 $bW$ GO trawl°wttar �Fod�Mu6'S sa"• sase^+e^: strove mouaM No pm 975- GoOd for any retad 404.1414 use or business WMTBY Seiner Apt Com- GivMaa R.E. Ltd. on , tearoom Av&lablt 906.479.4436 Juni 'V e, 4ual arae 416.493.9360 Eaaki I Mew own W- Noacrosshon pat AN uAacrossrrn mulled For app rid cpnwgM 4367397 1 R WRITES Re Hwy 2 I I? SLUE V _..% 4Eraf A' ,. 4 ysrnm; JpVI- k^' . -tib .: ^ s$i5ri00,eG 8_- __y Bou. ,uw so Itwwn wAFflnaf� You won I to equal mymyded mpi,pi,r aMaaOw W„p ,m Clan, et w 4 cath es Year ria f6-a7Qyyp dean mRape+. tar w The a aKMd wem anrwil Wit r" when you ,an aown- I W seamen. PON& drew 3 .+ iiAme 1a car inn cam a been. 3 bfWoom 7 Gla DaM Hit- Dims Dr,Sa IhonTV room. foe sea cap RrrWr +w.aAc. samnk ry maan- Siawme Maw (19") Lid mp Ywmpiopn IW -MM. : i66 a MOS, 666 pw'a�rem a dehwsM OSMAwUa1MTBY eondA 1 teOA AU Cgta�f IMW M VM •aie'mMI I pOs her Ms ad poo ,w- m&n Sb.X p�us eweis a m r Y their. mm AodMIM ache M Idea la bbbb~ treads vOftVW Fagot holo smom9 yM twawairon, Mrk4lhMs epic 76 pit cr Pam nOSas- bora. antes. and oleo. 1 bora m swalrsomiNxMipt pr9r 1"Will ieeawwt saw Wain I".. CA1e usir _ Sgams hem Ago^MwO Pak CWAM LAKE :ran 2 a 3 V4,r rr:. ng of a1,uc vtwq_ w t Asea lion f3eG E465 - ,i 7ostsa-4N, lee/M/ 535,000 pial? woo AREA bun, so Nee - NSS+orLI,ryR . ria,,. 'ail .DuopMi b.du,wm. arc .:¢„ail ri0o , .wo 1r 426 906.9,02 Cam Mark to -Own 7IaCE LAU , "" bow your food homol stir wt 3 can 'oro -up Alio (IOOj 371 4521b nue" DeIaor�ip15W" 1.004i/04/275 905)352-2839 L esnxd Pwo, Lnrl'51% $TOMOR LANE darn a ..Wrude : nagi and raiepS:wi ',sing ;'DOS e 14 -OV "Wet. YeweAid r ..MNem ran .MSS 3Si77D7 • CLFAM MTEM. 2 3 -Hereon, a fully V tic sr Corry- 6wwd rhdanetAciieed ban" .urharM iwwd POs. bbl aRaMm Nota Aw Me►akw AriwwW wiNcomig $27VMSWy Rho- A AM "aA 00 awn roti, In sho.m weer M" own 'Al CAmplefeey .p- '961Y3-5= JrmWIM five thorn DIMY. t nrdtsAL S..Om. AC 10 itk am bra t0 O'Ll do Fl.'dj 2 Luxury . 4 rrcomt hem $29000 Dedroom names in 014% Plus good new sewn of Ieamd poll Conadwi own- e0wm ix+s'iMm CAN Ren CO- n Less mai w.wy oar OL anoC a Mohr Coon law, ,-806246-19% fine �r lamer I.teal Estee wanw Oiw4 nest-oatfr A05)72e-Wn4 AftftgTELY RSTOMID- 1 e'Momn A6 hv" lee en own a Fee SAM kite Inpm S60Gmx" sac S.Mitb doom monmew in Up to 95000 ear. back to MLraDw Harlin 01 ASH - pa' Rnwre Sag DM.Uftly BURN on 15 too$ Features meow And good naw Sean "A"',"ll"I'd*,auteelyd RR Ogen PaYtMrt' CAI Rn Bop garw weA-W OwrrMm ro OY sale Rtp 41-1 backyard $1, novel LW road lOSi 725. 1' Across lot malWe Imes 186-737-t� &M OOG Ca (9051655-5180 3 lH HOuae on cage fon ddA45 K new kik Begun 1,coAa0 KUCM 2-BTORET In slowmaMn WNMS Ava4- Prlenenp aappppommaWy aka Ire IR CM 905465- 2.50ter - SM h 4-tedroans. te 5777 air 6p in tlwd Yseawd age famuy- AtiflaME JW 137. 3 -bed- morn, w/irsPIAM Cla vac room. 3 behm m an neo 4um own bads am pan. aid W". due. Goa- laid. Shows 10 perleabn on :loop oM W pus Asking 6251.900 (905)426- Go Ia (SM)26I-2146 6510 w Ew Iwo son larafflNl Mr - AaAa W home hon 3n 4mma CAon2. ee LANs - VaY pmMe. Ydd and, lama. an xwV enescol 112 blind. 1-12 Car pxapt 2420 h. 4 Adan. 2 1,2 No pits. AP JWewMO 1W "^ today kitchen, man ffW 23 rSMmadm. gnus � �. = 6rpyr. VA. CN. R�nO41111- 17 5709.Wo Ta weir W 190614n -Ica l. roglea taw spa. acus 2 nom bmEMW Comm IN" 1.0 north 09 MCAtIM (e &.ad"June 1st f95&kftnewly remAM ookil Uwes Baa lm. full wax t locals, acomet aepMA reamed Phase tag 115064 n bryed on sante (9721 841-7975 a rMaM ke ryer9e tmMtepe Ali Catht- ueaueeaACm.cam Ora Weskm new o tnpy IOIC4EAM1 3 htrm.. I1R smtet Summer 4 rAmv N% VOW Must 50 AN aDeW Mk. 2 btwoamP. A for 31399 son CARR appiahttt. tahMd backyard,1705)374.4413 AW JaN 1st SMO phe Nle 0311AwA, 3 year old Bit FkMAW. Cin 19061666- lode DeaGsed. 3ZOom. 3.7r inure nMY s 2 ka0guNy docand- WNrWHouse for ran. 2- ad tar wornwin mala ledroorns poll VvwWoom� tenures Fertax and Wo• dawgroom, astlm. 2 -Db: Sapa1 yard "M We Morro. hole b6mm, yard am o as owerugs melded 905-726 tS95pImaW.90- 1710 il immWady Cal IM 5Pm 905-723-0Mt OSOMM. 3.1 bedroom win W, spa .. cath Idl ���74wv&A� bedroo Large kvw trap bedroom tour prey Dam. terhde0 yard. hardwood floors. AI OaIAWA SOUTH 3 Ded- Irid9&aow Included. ar room lowntrouse dose to 561121 R2A roiled 10 AAmp Stools SNODOkg $875 Del $160.000 to mew 905 -728 - month pus Aeees Frsmast 6867 Available JUR 1st 1905) 519. 9956 days 6WIMIIMC POOLS - Fra WWTP. Mand new Lown- WmDkien7ed M d I,Oilres for sale n the Ourham ki n be fie. 3 b. 3 Dam 5 ap- win mground pods kin rar,ca. dose to all 311 reeade pd message 1418.887- C: Close posseson 9586. IDf1046 ntics Gap 31400 1 mth . A_��y, JernY Krbff I MDU am to I14 LANaches FROM 1 Red to 1/ Acfes Idly serv- vffl NTI08 HOLISTIC MMC- sed cam pg0000pp 401 otters 11TMNEng Span avxuble from S69,D00 Dpeer nue Call in growingdint Excellent b- EO VanNverDtke ASSOWte tygn In Win nu&n0 &' Broker Royal Leff Frank mogom CAMLedM or Ane Rey Esule't1051 7 1 or y9p5j43671 t t eat 2 e ec tic 19051987.321 1 1 ROOMLaa INH Sama IU MA 2 furnished rooms In k e Ir$1 OO'rk &10 hr on* o Acre Ilot 101 n 175hM BO mckxe 1 v CA- dean shortie 15 kit but W Shared kitchen 6 bah. roc gp road Rom allure respon&bk J 529900 tertgms f?9750 ;rod Car aver 4 30pm monthly (613) 541 9629 (p06)4W-W7 EVERY DAY IS PAYDAY WMN YOU NEED CASH! We hold your personal cheque 'W payday NO CREDIT CHECKSI s z o -CASH Lob for Sae t . 1 Auditors RAGLAN - 4 MLMNG lots 171 - 360 acres $975M ' CORNEIL'S $129900 Call Pan"Dr, Lem AUCTION BARN paue, SuttonGroup Status Realty Ihe 905-436-0990 FRIDAY MAY 19 ow-m-T0A" an AT 5:00 P.M. 3 MILES EAST OF F pmOEow LITTLE BRITAIN PE.I. - SPOTLESS 5 bedroom ON COUNTY RD 04 home Main SI Montague. The properh of the PE Island 24 p: bathrooms late leo & Vcldo kcv- largeCountry kitchen 4r a nan m I.indsas' plus "Iain floor tnidn' In Ia"'„thers. antique dress - m. um ialoom. sown sewos ,ors wicker chairs, 8 water beapblul backyard Walking distance to Wonqui Treadle sewing ma- Mommaapptie River $75900 t- chine, oval walnut 902.838-45321sro) dining table- walnut yaCebyi coffee & end tables, I IM P"p.m. h modern bedroom .m, r. Chesterfield & PARRY SOUND. Sun rake matching chair, bndge fisnN teats. sit- 3 -Wm lamps. Bamboo -oat available June Sept. Oct 5706wk S2.400,mo 19051 ,land. 4 walnut bal- 477.4086 sero ton back chairs, oc- slonAl chairs, drop 1� rent secretan' china TMNr abm,t combination, REO SETTER RESORT Cam, q ire oak dining Site b agrs eunModem cnt tabic. oak library tapes with air cwgnroning IS tabic, mortem dress- pro0ale heating We hive m & chests of draw- seveal camp sdn mftbi Iarpe sit"OOs sites from en. Mas'ta washer K $850 season We offer 9000 & doer an, wooden fishing. Swimming. me -hall huggv & w48 un and games room 705-778- vvin-Is, K Hp Tu 1 Trac ndmg lawn Mon",m�m•e•r 1 -Tip Mas- loLAo frrcraft riding lawn mower with bagger, BUSINESS LOANS - SIOK Ic T' ush lawn me - $ors epp-, 48 "Go, em -t i . ec IOans to er,Rl-tp Mdtercrdit fl 1877-64301M 0r snowblower. 12Hp 905W20-3960 Turf Trac nding lawn MONEY PROBLEM$, Ce + oro mower, English said - 111T amok w""? part de. roud oaknspear, 14 tt Hav ;noxi up! .r%arts gartnsMM '"ryore %aped eWrAess raik on case• wagon (good a neat rang Cas m nee C,nd.4o n). buggy, mamalorn 905-576-3505 19X9 Ford 150 1/2 hit student bag mCkidw truck, plus a qty Chi - P 1 M^^#a n. gClass, houxhold k"wtnte & Collrotable items MORTGAGES ;nod rad AN Don t Greg Comtil -.,+ .. ." for ati PAR- Auctioneers. ane AnappliCalmrt acap4 RRtt Little Britain ,C Can CorturuRMe k4urNa0e 70C'A6-2183 ",,mar, Cot.r/p 1905 668 - 5wri "Cxi NOM Y No 0fedd -' AUCTION v, t•pamr' • It Finai- a ASSiaaua. Aq.-Ar "' app101ed S100DD aid up 'LIRA AND ESTATES q RRSP •='i' 'cENSION FUND FROM WANTED E. employer Gil No. Tdl Low commission. ", FAi -M 700- 1492 An payment next AhAd by par Cwsulu Miolid go �: ve Sales awry Tues. PAYand q Thurs and ' ewki.ae Sat at 6 p.m. An- 1 OOOP•Vnprpp tique furniture, All pliancers etc. Own- K GOYERNMFNI er and operator c vSW and 1,IvAn; n� aar� MYLES KING iMM a arm , -806505M16 AUCTIONS AJAX WAl 0111111111 4,. LA -vss.w 'us::1vr"m 33 Hall St. marcor A- OshI , So-% Special - ardimoMra- Estabrshed in Pr only dna m robe ad she deed 3054w-,1960 a tOare-"am 725.5751 CADET ORYCLL M G u T23 Ow ebS, Ica rale Rr'1,110,1 oexm 4xahon cur. avenins bnq.wm m arta 77 Duda Mae J-,07 Ism- 7570 car. m,pp, CW Two $,a ant : Irv- Phase resod your Az 3 s '• wave,' had pow wed. •ax nimic P^0 uq law 1bww Cflft$flld sd on 161! r+rtaa esueloed Pon ►er Your ry vanrom IemMidn can firill of ptIbIIC>f Oar 705277-3250 M 9I5. 96-0074 kq �per.li:N' 'rhe; dui', 'rtrV dam 'wc 'ryen Irddpprr a,C I Lew yk to5433.4244 R.Aor in All, CRM Oft M EMV'RON. WENtA,,• FR,f IYc: SPE iALi2tt e1100ic'S a SEAvrcts Tum NAY Dealer/ A"wAaa potram lave a - :..4M ft rOWY w4m and :,.neiinert L%WVW ""Anne Ax ho $2500000 alkks T YAw 14161 LGMY LISAIIO, oM of On - rano ,^a: gra,nrq a"- stores0 ens '-.,chose do- pamawy As, As men, Whirty 'rut l Amamg donut s10" Gree IpfaM,pn Ewconem PC- waW can Amhony liumet I- fw(j. fins -%SS MfdwM M Arca 5. NM S", ria SuwoC sea' ,.wr.e , xh by put" Auction IN fol- lowing Accounts rawcn tae debigwnf ,o weer de chef d enl and ""Ins"" MRM Ewch. Alai Chris Jame Patrick 0, "ry of Ptkennp Larry Cie.," Nawi d Slaroaoupn Am of the tem AMS may pay to A -um ow ong tv visa. Masi read In- Ieract rash Or Cended Chats to "deem mer men. CharidKeremoving every - pro, to the alone ®t C." CENlRk COLLEGATE7 Soon Mmeersary a Reunion on Jure 2. 3 6 4th In int MNm- Mum Year All Temr&nes' are cadialy mvoed to renew old tne4gW and menores For aft Coll Jun Mote 905- 720.4698 BNAOW M Pearson Alumni Aeunoni, 5&. AN 27erW Open Hai% 4-6 p m. D&loe 7 p m- l a m TICous f21YAtMMe. sill Door Illkn"um Event Ca - Md AatswoM HaMdkDn 416 297.6422 Comas Cad Lyle 416-739.209 LEAW la lame water l(aytek on the Gut River Mr,Mn June 3 6 4 (905)985-0059 GW.w wddenwss- bkedUbadWcka am PWBWAIB ARE you SOMM The New- estrAalma Puce www D=. Cern OOWT NM a pannier to bit compete, Just want somemle SDKW to Fhart vow Me wmm Misty law An troduttions. Dmario's had, twal maldolaker Toronto aI (416) 777.6302. SoulhMest (519) 658.4704 OURK M7 Oft MTWG SOVKEI Cal 905-683.1110 Create a private mailbox or aowse other persorat a0., free Meet A new Frwnd or Love Lor Ice HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An. savers Fort the wade Yemm 6299/mm 18•'24 his 1 9DO451.3783 OSHAWA RF- AII06 Mas sage Satetu SeMce 40 Kms St W (9051 4049625 11 1 am 6 30 pm co-wi m OURMN SMGLE$ Cl New approach to hndirlp Last ,no heialmships Personal prawn Seminars. dances. pub nights New fun way to mets singles Selearre Call for in ternew 4381120 Or www durrumsdgles Com lion as we Carlrbot be responsible for more than one insertion in the afford of an error, IMPORTANT HOLIDAY AUCTION NOTICE ESTATES & MAJOR LIQUIDATION Under kmrtmdl reeeiva L we win tell m M pill et iw deWl Ins by AUCTION :NON., MAY 22 AT 1 P.M. (PREVIEW 12:NOON) THE HOLIDAY INN OSHAWA UNIQl4: ('ULLFITiBLES: Swarocski %fl -crystal Annual%, Handmade notalgia decormor nim.. Dlset Royal DoLlion. Dearuu,c table lamps, Hand -ide litany glass lamps, Dinky. MatchMu, EFF. Din cast collection. Royal Duo tine pmcelam animals. Bronze Slateary by the marten, Satsuma porcelain vases. nnTons. planters. Limngr France Poreelmn. Hand mad, Dragvmfl 'I'dr.- lamps. Samurai Swords. Hand carved lade sculpu- & Iree%. Bankers desk lamps, Framed Postmaster Disney & Nosalgm stamps. Antique golt showcase. gone carvings. Cristal miniatures. Rare Cartoon Ongmal Still cells. Barl I -ev Pink Par lher tic Coca Cola Priors and Sen cells and more. SLAJOR ART C'OLLF.CTION: 6 -up of Seven Tribute an collection. Robert H. n - dcov pools, Sp,ns an. A J Casson signed collecnnn tit Oilano'.. Ca-im, Planum. and single alta es. (Note'. A.1 Casson's have been signed by the late A.1 Casson and nor reproduction signatures) Selemun from the last known project of A J. Casson with the Estate seal. Christine Marshall Wildlife Collection James Lumbers, Trisha Romance. Alan Kmgslund. I.A. Reid. Hemhrr (',,,per. & decor an. Van -s famed hand made and caned gallery & foyer anon CAlection of master Anhsts Renoir. Claude Monet. RemMandt, on Canvas. rare Picasso L Prints HOUSEHOLD & (*VICF. F IL RNITURF.: carved desks. occasional tables. mous. mirrors, dining mom tables & chairs. plant Iabl,s. Chippendale lable,. n ng Cans. comer chain. lovrseats.. china nbintls, bow front cabme:. what roeswashstand, nesting tables, drowns bench, hail stand. colonial tables. tea cabinets. vnnnrs, quill rack, rocking chair. Leather top office desks. nom do den, cedar chest, Jewellrn-onres. Oak table & Chiu ort. Sold oak sola. -I & Cocktml tabk set. Mahogany -ed hods JESCELLFRY': Diamond, Precious & semi precious mune rings, thamrnd ring•. gild chains, bracelets. necklaces. bracelets. pearls, Estate Jerveery, Diamond. Ruby, Emerald. & Sapphire Jrwriry. DeSti tier watches dam nd s„1,4nrs. and more . F-1iT4,TF. COINS: Ti ons, world sets, mem xu, silver dollars, framed ramps. um arms. -11-1- n Ys, estate Ions. bankm,A-. book ors tic. C:F.NERAI. ITEMS: Home sumo systems C,,,dkss Moil Spits wrinc tin h Collrctihir W. -I, Givukv. &obhy Ort. Tic Demo. Sued... J -ph, arm. are 4 r All Sar arms Outddww cat iron planters. hwntams bronzes. Protium C .-puter. Printers. Scanner%, Sharp Camcorder w/screen. Big Screm TV. Home rhe.dre systems eCc. Terms. Cash. Visa. Me- Ames. as per posted & announced. 5.• Buyers Premiums Moo a idnn%& ,kletns apply. Informal- call - 416 -29x - .'h,. www.proatic Nm Coen PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS INC. 416.298.1762 1 -RNs -PRC FSA I -F: ESTATES & MAJOR LIQUIDATION Ulla btreNtrcadrr aaodls I w will ad It sup i . in d" lob by AUCTION FRI. MA1. 19 AT 7: PM (PREVIEW 6:PM) THE GLENWAY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB BUYERS PREMIUMS r EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD UNIQUE 12C` 1lE4: Sam* $icer Mo A UIK hid no nompe 11, , 1a on L Flopl Dalton. Nmro* t1Oh hope, Hand me& Tiny per bW Drill Maldeml . de cod co- - Royal Dia IN ; , , , l D*A k dmb Snamy by the Milan Ia,M pl oom mm OOROOeN. plus. Umoie Ffaor Pel M Had Ride Drelgrdy N phot %W b %a& Hand MM lbs WA*m a arts. Models dirk raps led AfrinoNr prNl a lloru4t IMOA Mos 9d orncNta sINN anep Cnsal am RNa Coban O ap it teff oft eget s Doug PYt Paan, at cam Cog Padf Seencfladaaa. )OR ART COUECi IOR Gram d Soar T#Ab at adedoq ROW BBNntan x Dlltg Sports at AJ. Corm aped d01s - Of Owes, Cmm Cmm PYlrkm, sur¢ Mow (Net AJ CBronN hoe been 9 VW by M I* A.I. Cmm and a rid O iridin War* S*dm km M to from ploy(2 at A1,Ctran Wit the Ems �alalr IINltrf 1M� CclKton JanNB WtrmMs.11Yr RMInoA Ago Katplo,4 Rud. Hew (:oapa. a dime at mna16 hsa10 hid ora aro alkld pier i 17yM 7rs. CdOw of IoM Mia Randy. ON & MoK Ratsatd, on Cow nw HOUSE110111 a OFi10E IL1RrMW-- earned daft - ' - O d OK Cmr0I mem IiW10 room Nee a dlars. piant rebbs, a' I I I1 aim )MMI arts, =m :Nabe seats. &M Iam7Ng Will MdM IabW ON Nk .dutnd no" NOM dM=u bE dL ltd aged, O011lae WIM M cftft vftft gut Iedt. todWg door _61fe r top Am 6000. MM dAdMs, Ochi coed. Rwbuy alM' Gall beg a CW sat, Sad Dol eoKsdaCafrdltMlasLlYAgpflyorrsdOsh ' JIFIAM M. DAMOK P1SOMr a a peon Mar mph denteno 4rthrp gold Csaok brahts. MdNMA Nine WandOL here Ed& JBWaI I Donk I#my EmNtsI1 $ 30taiJIRgIMy D11owwd $Nb dwwW sdWn ad mora_. FSTATRCIliW pNdaeN .gnoaasnalfrKaMmgr baoedarRpe NO bit rats, cdoctrmtsaohldts,Dadtnas,bat I*W- (uinAL i[E1lSc. Hiarr aNr10 f/llrlr CadIM phrlr Spells mot01d1I a CobuteM Wsyrta GNMr L OftCk TN Dm k SardrL JoW tame, Ra Sols N Sir antro, ambm oo wt prlalk buten (arm Theon Cooped Pnimfa q l- ShrptaNmldlrael1, 9g SatanNMnaThdasyamrn,et. Tema: Cook Vide LIG Mao M papsadaaMaloM tb Shea PWAM &*=A dlMmrTlpdp-.a.l1anN sty ggrl/BRear! 41b2w11Q...+N.1aoNooM PROF?<SS10FL11 AUCIlODWSW- 416-2WIM- I PM -SALE TION KLAN 2. CoMsm 1u Ine rise d uw W, Wu&ne, A ear viae and the All Mr k III ;pens or :o aro Tom. Mat lift 5:w pw saw aekr N lose as Drmol aro '9Fi' Sent", tumewe ail ka epbCel- otn do" pias Sire hoilxlgid abaci. at Are ban bed. torte AM "a e^+g he sum nomm roue on$- wspeas d drawws good sou alar M. bot Sok 2 wen inlet. 2 40 cam deal females. Vies mal mfbt a End rr dao n n o ddmo 1 0*0,ft uw 2 dws. da ,ebuwt iyrWwe++ Peones WKwe Hoover spm .moa.Dow new MIOn hour wrews baiMlyIcAs close born hea. oras oast cape stew est. May 2tsa NOTE: Ideala. Rl. Good Sekrdgn &Moue aro conu ecdp e pes us earn More kmwgw4s. 9000 stave. IrWpe oto easlwr erg dry&. am oak crest an "W nervi cher cele w wed meldwe Dahl Pr,yfe Jil tM A Own ewdWo sou AM cher set and wdm L eM toW n Wy power carps. use. 2 so bedroom walnul dresseR. tibt swcarve te ant d Oak had Iskerel cath mirroras peer s Chari. so a0 Yeah lar 2' t rradro0a cam mrraed ants Ant spa cath 2 mMCMO dors am ink dies' ran wadobe alteawd. ant putt Yen common Owe in uMkm COnldAiOn carpe punnty id11Ma. 1 6 GPkOabw dunes. China. Sett, knack kruckm 3 Rpy&I Doullons NO RESERVES GARY & BILL WARNER, 905355-2106 GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE FRIDAY, MAY 19TH, 6d)0 P.M. HOLIDAY MON. MAY 22ND, 11:00 A -M. idav 1.11 - Selling the contents Iron an haws homy' Vdcirsg 2 door fridge (Wee newt 2 . chesterfield suite, coffee tables, gold love - at, sola bed, occasional chairs, bunk beds, ovmcul white chests, double mirror war - Doe, small stands, a variety of household el - :is, electric mowers, gas barbecue and I .rou5 other Articles. eview after 2:00 p.m. Auctions sties at 6 M. r:dalr Mondav - Commencmg at 1100 am. !ting the household contents and furniture yin a Bowrnanvdle home. Attractive Provin- il blue loveseat, quality coffee tables, wash- uid, Pore chests. dresser, beds, also an inter - long small scale American piano and bench, uqw old table top keyboard instrument and ;Z mus antiques. Check web site for aAdi- inal onto on the Monday auction. Preview al A Auction stub al 11 am. Terms: CaaG, gyp. cheque, visa. aide, interns. nUCITONEERS FRANK and STEVE STAPLETON (905) 786.2244, 14MMaial6 erww,staplHlumewtimts.rnm Estlt spec W ism since 1971 AUCTION SALE Monday May 22 at 10 a.m. tae sale held at the Ballamrae Community Centre, I east of Huy 48 on Aurora Rd Many outstanding :es, Part 2 end the conclusion for the dosingof a it antique store (owner has retired), plus a0k0RIDOS large sale will feature a 16 if integlass canoe, an - les. furniture, glass, China, old coins, collectibles t iron and concrete Wrden collectibles and ums mbry of Persian rugs Good selection early Canadian York A spectacular large all original ao0tus 2 ce walnut and oak sideboard with upper china �trial and hoMled giant, also a mliching 2 piece our china cabinet wA~ glass. Antique dining es, dressers, refinished mah library desk, old 3/4 xJ bed w/brand new mattress. many other furniture ns including smaller pieces Nice aatlAue glass and m eg cranberry Corndol vase plus 2 Other cran0er- vases. cranberry 2 piece bedtime water set, ruby is vinegar cruet. old sugar shake. many good crystal As. dish sets etc. As always a clean sale. plant to no Details: clamsonsuctlons.com CLARKSON AUCTIONS 905-640-0411 Ro-Wwd GabRb. Collects", Asia aonday, Maty 219. Ria a.m. (ffoeWat 8:311 MacGrety AIICbMCubaer Iomamiw 411 N M. Nam to 12 H". East to Us/me b. Morro 1 km. )ur Sunday lbliday Aud,Or lecture% a large 6 vaned ;election of articles inducting 1983 Volkswagen con- 2,iole. tabesIS lairs, dressers, sideboard. Steres ,il d entertainment equipment. games. mdeds movies. puss A china. pidures. Dikes garden tools & wheel twrels. seeder, tool boxes, can supplies, goiter ,hnstmM decorations, once equipment, file ahrntts. Teta) storage tons. Gaunter, photo copier. paper cured. mail Saks. Doff cubs. household b small kitchen tap- Aances, plus many more clean 8 usetul articles Neu Earty Seen Time 11.31 a.m. Watch be am asm OsO AWW a CoRKbMe beau &NWW► May 10. CNIto Maccr� AuteR spNewf MkWI J. tab -i23 -Tint/ 1111 ?!! ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Ola "Ruction Pacitage consists of your ad ranging w"ift IN 1Mose Publications: Ye Oshawa WMitby This Wed Ajax • PNi M Wed e d NOW, • CaNadiaN Sfalsulan r ON all doss it 81111 PMNs 576-933.5 Fax 579"4216 At MND" MN, N no Oak by side bookcase desk, round amtook, balloon arrow back chairs, 4 shet corner what int .desks, try table, Heywood Waudiekl pressback and other tors. toy cast stage Coach ud8 horses, oak veranda wicker chairs. silver tea service, milk pasteurizer. Hiro 6' kflthen abinR, bufferMutch, fur pens, bear qqtryy. dishes. Ig. appliances. Miss- pedal boat, pow- vassfw, Sutton ur We saw.hand toots, rear tine idl- rabbiVgc feeders, cages, dump/feed carts. Tractor )uson 2085, 8' 3p1. disc, apt. pro Ferguson rake. rborn 2 furrow disc plow, b' etson showhbwer, It plane, Bush Hog 6' rotary mower, 3 pt 11 run J drill, 2 furrow Int. apt plow, tractor pull manure fader. Ferguson sq. and Allis round haler many, sty other items Partial Iislinp CasNCheck Oiy Behold items 1st DOUG MRCMCU AIICTIOMi, I= Na1NM: ae From 401 Eat. IM a wmanvllo. Ham d mC m Hely. s7 to cop. Fid. S. flim we al Pit - hall. No. Mry U at 11 am. Enc. 56e01110in of antique and hRM5 for cors VictoriaMrs. Grace Day Auctionk�g) andC Chantant m Bownunvee (giving W Musevv old dressers, 9 PC w" dawlg sum. hand made dune cab. bedroom suite, sora dna lis, lamps (ad, floor, Gore With the Wind style), mLsc dwva (Goals, 0 J. Clarice, Royal Bar reum. Cookie Lao, City milt bottle, pink glass. an glass, gqwueNkryry of glassware and dishes. books mslon Churchill, iitanlc. War). wooden rocking horse, press back rocker, does (ethnic. doll house, holiday cdleaan). VOM, Ireade sewn9 machine. wedker pts 31 day dock, scooter, In cycle. exCold q kiwns, coke mem etc 10r evpyona. T�rmo cash, deblt. vim, MIC, D. OmMr and Aucticul Don Staphemal 905203.4402. Consign. menta Welcome Mon.,Wod., Thum 3:30- ipm. Estate auction volcome your location or mine. Pert Plerry KWmea Hal - I2:N NOUN Efay 12 (BrOCk $t) NOM to 7A, East. Take OAA ro Sao. silvol _.wm wt go ho tdDdls north. Partly COnMMns from two older Toronto Mures plus other co ffwms arriving neat week Partial ISO includes pictures, barrels, pme bench, antique hall stand. books, glassware china, small kltche appban[es. marble coffee table, Did cabinet wrglass doors, old scalestools and many other older Items. "Light RMresAMIM aralilMa" Terms: Cash or Personal Chepue Wim I.O. No Ol Promiom.. Owner andror welioneor Not Rampongbla For Accident or Loma. tan M"Martin - Auctioneer- 1416) 724-638 AAO Member AUCTION SALE - HOLIDAY MONDAY May 22 at 11:00 a.m. the property of TONY BAGGIO at 7797 16th Ave. Markham least o1 Reesor Rd, on Highway 7) 1927 Studebaker sedan. Massey Ferguson die- sel 150 tractor, daffodil phone, oak library desk, parlour table, rocking chair. Landover motors. small church per, old theatre seats, dishes and manyy other old pieces Owner moving to Austra- lia TENMS: Cash or Cheque Earl Gauslin Auctioneer, (905)640- 3079 Owner Auctioneer not responsible for loss or injury pertaining ;o sale. 690 690 COME & WOR- SHIP Is a regular Friday Feature for the Churches in the Ajax Pickering area. To advertise your Church Services or Special Church events please call Janice at (905)-683-0707, Ext. 2218 or Fax# 905-579-4218 (Deadf7ne for Copy is Wednesday noon for Friday) Bab 's dere? "l ou'd rk:t:a' a {ew thingsf rloce rw birth notice an tie Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 683-0707 ane asx clow yci, :tar. ecene a FREE Baty s Here Gdl P. - Werth more mar S25 ADsoklNly FPEE' IaxN _ r�Mr-��ldjhk+rSiH2¢P You Baby's !We Gift Cemflalic is redeemable a: Durban Pharmacy 46? PWM SL. Pon Perry You Baby's Hae Gift Certifiare is rcdoerf able M your local Gua 4an Drug S 29 Toronto SL, UAblldge eBoli Here is a required tradelwk of SampM. A DNMion Of Admnm Ma em kk fo" Inc. Pr�tice �� the 3R's Reduce i Reuse Recycle. Please recycle this newspaper 0 Cato TMV 111 UW* Iris %w *1" im oke* is bisHHeIpAgats I's Skied * in Cgnplder oala 150 lbsiatil Medd Duda) IN Day%e Wasted 166 DayrateAnikle 170 Eoptopbelylaned 175 Home Care IN Bueaies5NBUSNIE5S 100 Menet Basket 205 Frenood 210 Bqr Comer 220 AlideS V Sale 225 Arodes roe Rem 230 AW51111aled 235 Cnlstri lives 240 BaduEfdtage 250 Gara*yard Sales 260 Ans & Crags 265 Ar" 270 CaT*ft*W 275 Pooh Spa 2so LostPound Foam 29D PetsirSullifW8cai 295 'uveslod 1a S8k 300 AulorhoolesbrSale 305 ANLrnotiesWaAed 310 Trucks for Sale 315 Tricks Waned 320 Ya1S40Drive 330 Taus 340 ANC Pads 6 Renals 350 ANC -easng Renals 355 Motorcycles 360 Wrmrol 355 Mame ril pweawd Valdes 315 'arm Equipment 310 -wn Duly E1HpAa1 IN Aparens For Rent 405 Amirmetsykhed 410 Him For Rod 415 "ft* 120 'owtowFor PIN 425 Space For Ren 430 PIOM For Rud 435 Fans Waned NO Tam 6 908111 115 :"IdledIccom odatom 450 SwedAtcmlo0dasul 455 Condominiums For %ir 460 'Duce & Regi Spat 462 Garage & 9 rage Space 463 nausllalllMs 165 'fk n pct sora a ropes Fa Aunt RS COtages Aermd 410 ;eareoll Living 415 'esons 4m Rooll What %rat as ,artd'or Rue 5N plIw Holmes For Sar 515 iftirsed To Bue 511 Tortomt tsak 514 Canmeoal properly 515 sNa its ;nw 520 Caktos For See 525 )evelcpman land Do 'arms for Sok us LOB b She so Dldct-TOW PMOMs 56 vacmP%M 450 For Sale A Mode Hanes and palm Sig :a1 mTralMSbs in MpleytLur 570 moripga, ntwtca 35 time kuoW, 31 31dteNs Q1P01INN6 in Public Now e10 .up Minces filo Tetdus 95 MaraalArts 630 RB9"Ons 641 ,nmol; Eructs 650 nitons 670 persaoD 671 Blaatas Pow* 615 » 6N kyol r" MO Wulsjp Swous 700 3Nttdm 710 Beta 710 Dab 744 In ", , , ms 79 Cads Of Thrid 755 GradRla 740 Wlddng Annwrcumena 710 Ergap pads 710 Arnherwe6 100 hwofemell$ lot *taw Decamp Des9n 103 HeargAdCatdlurg 04 Nand Gas Sew 1105 Hryyaao...rldwli�,iffall �,Sweeps E7 '"Miry 101 Eledra a Pi mdng Ito N" & korarg 81 Amance Repair 113 Defvery 104 RV%Smm N4 Postal Service M7 CaMleaeI RB ui s NI PialOTat$Ig 121 FumAreAfriing 12 Custom Funtin E4 Ya�dneAprrls Floormig. C" 04 GUM Dflaly W Yard Wiffar e 131 Latin lbaeRtpa$ NManknalcem W HlmfJeSel 115 SMwRNV4 a at Drscicelti OR Party Semces 153 BalpletFadMes 155 Fistq 0 Matic Char15 161 PnancTuel 65 PllvakTMassObills 9M Nat" Seyfds a htsuafte 141 Burners Senses B P otmlaul Dtefday 93 ChaderedAaaadads IN DeViiiksiggilort 195 Wegirt Loss IN nieslmens 67 He* Beady 141 Tay FI nckilCwtbry 900 If Munatms 910 Dellis Fountain Town of Ajax Operation and Environmental side of the Ratan Park Pavilion. Mr. Car - Services employee Rob Carpenter replaces a penter was hard at work on Monday morn - drinking fountain that was vandalized at the ing. wedUWA"j, May 31, 2000 ceoft Sponsored A special pre' -Expo supplement will be published Sunday May 28th. �JAXMICKERING NEWS AD YOUR CO'IMU`ITF \FWSP.APER SINCE 1965 Our Schools, Our Communities An educational forum for parents, students, teachers, and community members Thursday, May 18, 2000 7:00-10:00 D.M. (near Bloor Street and Ritson Road) Gerard Kennedy. liberal Education critic jaicqueNne Lather, Parent Rep. of Ontario Education Alliance Rosario Marchese, NDP Education critic Pat Fowler Durham Regional Catholic School Council Chair ...and other distinguished panelists For more information please call (905) 666-1122 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 17, 2000 PAGE 89 AtP E • n' 4ntrtlerarra 1 HANDYMAN SERVICES Semi retired tradespeople and handy persons. Reasonable rates on home re airs and re- modeling. Insur17 bonded and I yr warranty NO HIDDEN COSTSICOUPONS MWNrgN MOVING I *Mn ON .11 Mani afryrrine YuunK, .Weer.•-eRv, CommercW or "Mniuil pane blond paclap�nnpp no•epe eno Truly a gentlemenmt evntavatede Senor m Pleacun•' Ulccrrrt ma moron 9nrnums Hee Ort Call, nj)v NlimarN Durham rrKam 571-0755 416-989-8991 1.IM 491.6600 NNIts I FREE ESTIMATES I 666-3332 + n0"A°E Houses Apa me^ts RUSSIAN TOP Offices, AppianceS 8 pano6peaants5enor ELITE SPA E.P.M. TIN LTD. 6 Mia -Monro Discounts a,rkgn%Gar, Dpgrrg Excavating 6 Bobcat Servicer ronseC. nsurea Free 2 Ladles - 4 Hands estimates PrManlanal Cnmp/ete.Na,wge 'Spell:lrs, cuin limited Accese Ares" 9rvlca. 'Fey Arms between new whdivhm fnn hoes" C111 435-7795. & lacuna 1211 Kingston Rd. Fgr all your Nome Impro•ament Pro)erte 905-839-4680M VIN Phone (905)721-2745 Cell (905)242-042.5 BASEMENT LEAKS? Cell The Foundation Doctor (905) 427-7586 THE BATHROOM OlJle For al your bathroom renovetlons 905-426-9965 GARBAGE REMOVAL • ­+ainals handlnp goHoose Clwning HOLM Cleenlnl • general clean-up All Pro •,,W and metals Frow e-0,ntd DKIR9IAM CARPWT A • last serv,ce MAID "RVICM: St Lawrence Samoa • Prete Carpet .teem Ctemn• (905)767.1391 W -see ekly L 71f WI f,r n sanc FREE E ulam S KIa1-Carpft !nQ AOOm. EXtrr;aRo 515 Hallway s45. Crossvers QUALITY 42"721111 . CES AvailF,90 DPO*nq >^rte• •^� DECORATING B. 239RANGER LANDSCAPING 1 Incrr,,-rEsten,lr Lawn Cutting $15 ac up • a•pe or small -e^eras wrtape 837-9-558 BASEMENT LEAKS? Cell The Foundation Doctor (905) 427-7586 THE BATHROOM OlJle For al your bathroom renovetlons 905-426-9965 GARBAGE REMOVAL • ­+ainals handlnp goHoose Clwning HOLM Cleenlnl • general clean-up All Pro •,,W and metals Frow e-0,ntd DKIR9IAM CARPWT A • last serv,ce MAID "RVICM: St Lawrence Samoa • Prete Carpet .teem Ctemn• (905)767.1391 W -see ekly L 71f WI f,r n sanc FREE E ulam S KIa1-Carpft !nQ AOOm. EXtrr;aRo 515 Hallway s45. Crossvers QUALITY 42"721111 . CES AvailF,90 DPO*nq >^rte• •^� DECORATING B. 239RANGER LANDSCAPING 1 Incrr,,-rEsten,lr Lawn Cutting $15 ac up Free Estimates Spring & Fall Clean up 837-9-558 Trimming/ Garden work claeNna "Excellent Rates and Excellent .Service" au1uuI11:EDIITEstael AL SUNSHINE i CONWRCDAL (905)619.2125 (416)806-1808 MAID SERVICE pa ry Sarvleaa parry Sery cM • �pe+a,ve aa�es • ] Decade of=Apenenca Hire us & let the Sunshine through RABBIT WANTS WORK "oomq =; -cr ;�n:Tar a �a,!*s A+M Au G=as S Have My Own Ma9clar ur y'�orh��haoause., 47 7718 4can Ernie 666.4133��rear,nq • urlatcrw 1 1 mproeNnM b _� TIMBER TREE BASEMENT LEAKS? Cell The Foundation Doctor (905) 427-7586 THE BATHROOM OlJle For al your bathroom renovetlons 905-426-9965 GARBAGE REMOVAL Post Ml Drilling SODIRA Call - Jason PAINTING 1 -888 -579 -OOT' sprtlal (9051-786-20L' Summer .—__prk�s FAST, CLEAN a RELIABLE t c•� ,w„ua rrrr r+r .r Ir. Eeeo�t s•r,rlce 1 lereaena 1905,' 426-8865 , . .,•, . - .e 1 Kegion 'GUARANTEED- Dlsceene�n PAIIfTING l TMS PAINTING Guaranteed 341111110 d DECOR Open 9 a.m Daly '•x�c =il' gs oto' ( 5) 725-2322 Pay aser-r.•:.neva:,cr's 1 European WOrMman- `rW' H:nn • ',. For ryau normae. I Snlp a Ma m. ail Icon Fast, Cle (4161414-5911 relunM service PIeYOrlfp 428.0081 SUSDOW on SEMCK IN T= sEClIION PLEA= CALL � AJAX L --./ —I0! 852-97" Mill -feeMill arrfee ServN:N $MYKM BOOKKEEPING SERVICES (OSHAWA) Providing: • Computerized Bookkeeping • Over 20 Years Business Exp. Call For Competitive Rates 905-432-8061 ,r .4 SCltr 1� Death Notice Listings For Audio Version on cur, eat deaths 683-3005 ^la wpa I vox. Pen residents Brought to you by the following the funeral homes: Accettone. Armstrong, Low h Low. Martino 8 Sons. McEachme. Mclntosh- Anderson. Morns. Newcastle Funeral Home. Yonhcutt-Ellior,. Oshawa Funeral Srnue. WV_g W Tows! Norm r+alChata•I 900 IC== 900 Tem A. Clements Aug. 19. 1952 - \1a-. 16, 1999 In loving .1lemory of a Ilionderful Son & Best Friend. Loved with a lo%c beyond all telling.' Nl,.ed with a grief beyond all tears. To the world he was jus one. To us he was all the world. Sadl% missed. Mom & Dad Don't gamble with your company's '' new hires: I'L­* Register now for ( C22G J(D"l 7wire soluffon tohiri problems: w: Yom" � L ,,.find the mind people for the jobs preaeated by 091AWA-wE1M-aARQf('it *PORTPF�ItY , r T1MSW.,EEK 3a Wednesday,''June 14, 2000, 12 noon=fpm, Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeview Park, Oshawa On Bus Route - free Mesion - Free Parking Special Publication: Sunday, June 11, 2000 To register your company, call today! Tel: (905) 576-9335 or (905) 683-0707 Toronto: (416) 798-7258 Participants to date: to ITS Training 6 Kawadha Quality Care • Primerica 6 Kelly Services • Manpower • In Transit Personnel Inc. • Pre -paid legal Services IS CDI IS ParaMed • Diamond Institute SERVICE All Pro Tnmmml. Prumng Painting and sl iturrip Remosal W&UPgar6q Fully insured s.�.. _ Free estimates z,.mrNr ' Call Shawn 71f WI f,r n sanc FREE E ulam 10fiILV-1704 QUALITY OFFICE CLEANING PAINTING 8 >^rte• •^� DECORATING our yen. p m,<'v�l cy. Incrr,,-rEsten,lr Eaxscersomu,h Free Estimates 1— n rl —day m -91111 837-9-558 n•••905-4rr-1511 F.vc. 411-265-404' Post Ml Drilling SODIRA Call - Jason PAINTING 1 -888 -579 -OOT' sprtlal (9051-786-20L' Summer .—__prk�s FAST, CLEAN a RELIABLE t c•� ,w„ua rrrr r+r .r Ir. Eeeo�t s•r,rlce 1 lereaena 1905,' 426-8865 , . .,•, . - .e 1 Kegion 'GUARANTEED- Dlsceene�n PAIIfTING l TMS PAINTING Guaranteed 341111110 d DECOR Open 9 a.m Daly '•x�c =il' gs oto' ( 5) 725-2322 Pay aser-r.•:.neva:,cr's 1 European WOrMman- `rW' H:nn • ',. For ryau normae. I Snlp a Ma m. ail Icon Fast, Cle (4161414-5911 relunM service PIeYOrlfp 428.0081 SUSDOW on SEMCK IN T= sEClIION PLEA= CALL � AJAX L --./ —I0! 852-97" Mill -feeMill arrfee ServN:N $MYKM BOOKKEEPING SERVICES (OSHAWA) Providing: • Computerized Bookkeeping • Over 20 Years Business Exp. Call For Competitive Rates 905-432-8061 ,r .4 SCltr 1� Death Notice Listings For Audio Version on cur, eat deaths 683-3005 ^la wpa I vox. Pen residents Brought to you by the following the funeral homes: Accettone. Armstrong, Low h Low. Martino 8 Sons. McEachme. Mclntosh- Anderson. Morns. Newcastle Funeral Home. Yonhcutt-Ellior,. Oshawa Funeral Srnue. WV_g W Tows! Norm r+alChata•I 900 IC== 900 Tem A. Clements Aug. 19. 1952 - \1a-. 16, 1999 In loving .1lemory of a Ilionderful Son & Best Friend. Loved with a lo%c beyond all telling.' Nl,.ed with a grief beyond all tears. To the world he was jus one. To us he was all the world. Sadl% missed. Mom & Dad Don't gamble with your company's '' new hires: I'L­* Register now for ( C22G J(D"l 7wire soluffon tohiri problems: w: Yom" � L ,,.find the mind people for the jobs preaeated by 091AWA-wE1M-aARQf('it *PORTPF�ItY , r T1MSW.,EEK 3a Wednesday,''June 14, 2000, 12 noon=fpm, Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeview Park, Oshawa On Bus Route - free Mesion - Free Parking Special Publication: Sunday, June 11, 2000 To register your company, call today! Tel: (905) 576-9335 or (905) 683-0707 Toronto: (416) 798-7258 Participants to date: to ITS Training 6 Kawadha Quality Care • Primerica 6 Kelly Services • Manpower • In Transit Personnel Inc. • Pre -paid legal Services IS CDI IS ParaMed • Diamond Institute M NAGE 810 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, May 17, 2000 SCOREBOARD MAY 17, 2.000 i GUM4 M GOYS• GVMNASTIGB RNAL ADVANCED CO.MULGOII► KGRAOE S -GRADE a A1Mnwd Camp lsory ". I a Joel Fann. E B Phn 2 Anthony Fn,O E B Ph., 3. Said II Stephen Saywea a. Zachary Kany. AG Bell 5. Kern Cook. E 8 Ph.+ Adwntwd CarnpA.ory Sea 1Joel Farnan E B Phm 2 Zachary Karry A G Ben 3. An" Fr, q E B Phm a Brad Hrrks. Stephen sti l 5 Kern Cook. E B Phm OPTIONAL ONE CATEGORY Oplo" Ona vault I Corey Webb. Slemla, say—I, 2 Jason Au. A G Bell 3. Chns Birch - k. R H Cornw a. Grey Long. A G Ben S. John NL loll Stephen Saywell S. Josh Vrvrn, A G Bell 6 Scott AnnesoyE B Phn OptlaW One Floor 1Jason Au A G Ben 2. Josh ,', an. A G Bell 3. Grp Long, A G Bell a. Carey Wabb Stephen Say—(, 5. John N"10". Stephen Saywell 6. Scott Annasley. A G Bell S. Chns BdrehUk. R H C, r m, OPTIONAL TWO CATEGORY Optional T" Vault IMart Con A G Be,. 2. Jen TM R H Cornhsh Optional Two Floor I Man Ccnam A G Bell 2 Jeb Tnm R H Cornrh ELITE ONE CATEGORY Ella Dna Vaun 1C­Fargeradwe . Steanen sayn 2_ Man Jubb. W.114. Dunbar er E•" DFloor I Ccnne' Fnryerao. Stephan,sty-11 2 Man a Jubb. Wmm Dunbar ELITE TWO CATEGORY EMM Two Vault 1 Bar, Fn2gerak) Stephen Saywell E"" TWO MOM I Bar, Ftzq,.IC Sleprr, SayIvel AJAX BRIDGE CLUB Please Support � UNIVERSITY FOE DURHAM REGION You Can Help Make It Happen!! Please Write Your Politicians Today! The Hon Micb- Harr. 71r Hata. Jalart Ecker Day Galt Pin,.....r Onrarro Pin, MPPPhckmng-Ala.-UOndge MPP NadKanbMand -Bit Idnng. R— 281 21 3.1554) K,.,.- Rd 3011005 %IIIaa Sl. Queen's PGA Phckenng. ON L I V IC3 Cobaeg. ON 11 511 Toron,o. ON M7A I A 1 Kau$ A Co'npeny A 3 1 0 36 29 6 71. Hon lir nab" Jaya O'TaaM TTH Hm DWae CaeAn* M MPP tn,.Ala. MPP Durham Wi 101-111 Dundas Sc E. 75 KmX S, E Wn..uy of Tramnlg. C'alkges and Unn tilts Whitby. ON LIN 2H7 Boataaxrdk. ON L IC I144 Mown Bks►. 6th Floor Sara b sooner A 2 2 0 33 27 a 58K CARAVAN ES 900 Bay St The Hoa Che. Heriot. icor" Odette Toronto. ON M7A I L2 MPP Hahbn,n Vmtuna BratMPP Oeha 2 Kng St 170 AtW SL I, Lmduy. ON K9V 1 C Odu ..ON Your Letter Counts! LIH IKI • ..wttr•niaoso,an •calces• THIS WEEK N.RTISER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE NE:SADV1E NORTHUMBERLAND NEWS The Canabian Zitategman D.PWAM bog. results In— Tuesoay. May 9 STRATIFIED OPEN PAIRS T��� ��e rji] FAX? FLIGHT'." V G W L T F A PTS NORTIa•SOVTH 1 Fnie �h1.99 `Th °°" ' 2 ' .'"_ and FrarW Vanae'Bnrg9.n newsroom fax...683- 7363 EAST -WEST Kau$ A Co'npeny A 3 1 0 36 29 6 1 Phyla Mnclall and CI 1ha tJ s 2 Trr M--.nd ' KI IWrl F- 3 2 + 0 21 1a a Dana DohdI TSA 3 7 + 0 23 30 a FLIGHT'G" 9� _EDGE Sara b sooner A 2 2 0 33 27 a EAST -WEST WON'T 1 II Bentley and Den" sou E•w�n : Antpno O�n and r• ' D.,s Dar'Os EFLIGHT C AST ST I Dana PMn HI arsoO Tad Staves! WESTNEY HEIGHTS MEN'S SLO4nTCH FIRST-I1ALF STAlloal $17,972 F M As c' May • 2. OIL G W L T F A PTS Yu. Yves 3 3C 0 a• 11 6 East S, w Manor 1 31 0 32 25 6 Kau$ A Co'npeny A 3 1 0 36 29 6 KI IWrl F- 3 2 + 0 21 1a a TSA 3 7 + 0 23 30 a Pei 3 2 1 0 w 23 a 9� _EDGE Sara b sooner A 2 2 0 33 27 a 58K CARAVAN ES DKksOn P__V A 1 3 0 27 45 2 S. a 1 3 0 23 37 2 S17.823 Fl> 8= Sorel AM IGA 1 1 2 0 10 32 0 ,�� Soars Faara.FWM.a 1 0 4 0 19 42 0 • sorsa lion asst' 6: S,rt a rWP Lou Ku4aa MVP Doug � Mranda vs Slaw Fealor-PAM•a puslay Dry 7 ILP Bob K—aa, MVP Crag 94",,00dl TSA IC Wip l MVP so —_ Nxah n Slaw Fa Pla,Ata. OuaktY One 2 (LP Gob Kcx,a"a:. MVP I" Vn,I TGA MP Gen Nash. MVP 9A WINDS -AR 1, a Hatter DeLeon; n Sea 2 (LP Lou Ko"s MVP Mart P., bnOntI Yhr Y,rs 11 MP Pwl Ot I'.0. Mw D•a. Me- 69K r� Ifiedw, n Er Shea MAro1 1 (LP a VVP Daly CtarMl. $6.91 5 RIH 113111 nor ru s y f W► a Mw Pw Hwy; ver sovw to, a SPUN I ILP POW M.rra MVP W. MWkn), ESO Sri. Maros 9 ( WP 6 MVP II ItcCoxn� n Sopo. for sports A (LP Frl.r IA I MVP Moa hftr al (1 40, HHF, a two a MVP Dan ~I n, Dt — ft." , RP Oarr �orl Mw O. stnowi. Korn.dy —F, 6 as rW► a VVP La. Hat") w Kau$ and Ca V" 3 (LP a 111 Mw Jaaa' S hWol. Kau* a Comoarny IS (WP A MVP4 Ohm Robnsml n DrA*or• PI~V 10 ILP Dare Hodg- 93 PCN'IA" 1 %K RTJI 1 /1 - ash. W" Tan M.nOra,. p.hw1 20 (MIP POM Parry. I — Mw 11— G'.'9, •* S.,M Aw IGA 7 (LP Ar" M.t- $10.719 tuE lim Oared. MVP Dan Gr.ragbanl Eaaw. trop tlltel 7. Soheea W SPOrN 13 (WP Pear M na0i V VP Oolp Sta,trd) n Drina• lannil 719 7 fIP a wr_� Mv► Dave HoopaOn,. person W.tnp 9 (WP a Mw 0ard "009Wn1 w stew Farom4W%.a Ojai" Orr 6 _ OUR SALE PRICE: w � Kowaa., Mw Sal Amer . Sago. lor Soar 15Par MVP Dave � � �- hasp Ser.denion: n Saw F..an.R.Aa.a D"at4v Ore a(LP Got KO Wk,. MVPO 92 DODGE includes: Out Pei a 14 CWP Rwr Perry. MVP Man •tai nan) n 4iK CARAVAN ESAWD ;: shwo PMS Win; - S- 511.803 *Certification (�WP�Jawr O! a MVP Mw. Mand) Kau* A Canorly t I RAP a MVP J..a, sharp) n PwK er 6 ILP POW Party MVP e�rIIIRa1E ttttli. *Drive Clean D.rak "—) Ear snot Martis IC ,Aro a MVP D0.9 - Ctna; n Krwoy H, -F, 7 ILP DAh Hx" MVP D..n eReconditioning T1+om*w. E" S'da Moro. 2 (WIP II ascC." MVP ,atWhorl w Sour Ala• IGA 3 'LP A MVP Vft" Lue0oI. YW YIA's 23 (WP PW Da+xtng. II Rob J"- 98 SIINBIRD .on) w TBA s (Lr SA Nast MVP Scor.kaao.r Knh. 66K CONVERTIBLE •Arerdy K n Sven Alan IGA (Pod. nil AJAX SU•IIaER HOCKEY LEAGUE PEEWEE DIVISION $15.926 1`11111111110$5,957 ..: •.� STANDINGS CMRFMNL O, As o1 Very ' 2 2000 TEAM G W L T F A PTS 1 ►armors I I C 7 - Thr",w t G 7 scats$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4%HONDA p.Ya 0 .0 0 0 0 0 7COII/aG LEADERS CIVIC % Y� EC A. of MAY 921711100 62K EX. AUTO., AIR. 99K ACCORD EXR PLAYER TEAM GP G A PTS PM agar Meuw,n Pame,s 2 2 0 $15.986 MM S15,818 9wr.r'ung Pant 2 2 0 tl Km HYO. PAetrhart t t t 2 0 parr ••+h P.ntrhars h t t 2 0 Jbarka HAW P -M" t 0 2 2 0 Batt KellyPanthers I 1 0 1 0 Aron Ma it'.Wa ThMathe s h 1 0 10 Dow Fera, Panther. , 0 1 1 0 Jllaaph Arlo Parana a 1 0 1 1 0 %HONDA NDIgA YIEC Antonio, Stdtnitt PalthArs t o 1 0 86K ACCORD EX 101K ACCORD EXR Dust. Than Th t 0 1 1 0 Dustin Connall Thnalars , 0 0 0 2 512,915 �. I� 5151762 :troop FA hma Thnilpws 1 0 0 0 2 Local players leaders on B9K CNICSE 60K p11G r I V. y ! 5 `Nlis , (ice A err �.I.aR•�, rte` Reliable, supervised dai care at a home in your neighbourhoiod *Safe, comfortable environments -Reliable local back-up for Provider's a Stimulating daily programs holidays or illness a Trained, professional Providers a Complete insurance coverage It Monthly home inspections a Income tax receipts supplied and, we welcome full or part-time care for children from 6 weeks of age! Wft Watch? 44 plrlTa7e Untie DRyCa e A AiK ,, For Information Call: 686-4816 UY FOR LE5501 $16,836 FIM 113116 COMI'M hetet. 9'000GE 51K CARAVAN 1, $17.142 FKESM COMR11 E OIL 96 JODGEGRAND LE78K $15,753 I 515,753 ft1Ef 57111 /' CFIf11RG1118C1 95 TOYOTA 73K CAMRY LE $14.712 FIE SM CBMFIfM M COVERS 100% PARTS 100% LABOUR w. A95gOMLY AND ALL 511,791 C1111111I UL TAXES CAN M US= TO 11111MM MGA�ULaT�IPLEg"W.M W iG41CA s 121KKt $7,957 W311111111 SM957 111111181111111111 �1. i1111RWi8il. 92 CHRYSLER 97 CHEV 21K F8?H AVENUE -a CAVALIER $7,412 " WIM $6,686 imam SIMDOw 118K 93 SPIRIT 111 K ES 2 Da $8,963 $12,554 \.IAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER li)Itk,crNlUllnll5 Nl1s 5rnrlA slNcL lw,s 76K NEON 97K CARAVAN SE provincial = 1. COALWRmise Car *Wft ; lacrosse team 1698 BAYLY sT., PmCzmmG (so>u& of 4o1, West of Brock Rd.) If the Ontario Junior Women's (905) 420-9800 or 1-800-377-3316 lacrosse team goes anywhere this sea- son, it looks like players from Durham Seniors will be leading the way. Seniors ®EDRSIVIt�IL'r Car�' e Six Durham players are on the team,V'P Ange 1 " • • - including Jessica Brownridge, Ange McCready, Gill Guest and Katyn Peacocke of Whitby and Jill Discounts tars CLARE Shannon and Deborah Erwin of Ajax. w a They were relied on heavily for offen- sive production during the team's an- nual trip to Buffalo last weekend. SUMMER SERVICE In Ontario's first game against PACKAGE Cranbrook, a 7-4 loss, Brownridge 1 and Shannon boh notched agoal. The next game, a 13-8 victory over �fUUyn�e � 00rIyl tIyI ��lyr FREE SUMMER Mount Lebanon. saw Brownridge score six times while Peacocke added a brake ktspectien F78EE SERVICE PACKAGE two and Guest chipped in with rine. • }rower era WITH ANY TUNE UP In Ontario's final game, the team . top � up wlsraeher �TAT�N dropped a 7-6 decision against Nicol s. • cheek tune up Tune up Includes: • - despite three more goals from Brown- , chock anti fnew AIC Delve or Champion plu0e t labour to l•tstw ridge and another from Guest. I • , I of 5w30 or 10w30 4 cyl $79.99 s Brownridge and Shannon arc fur- AC Delco ium oil 6 Rog 11 x00) • mer members of the Canadian nation- P Cox :89.98 iRei. 119x99) e - cheek tin pnutre 90 8 Co. $99.99 �ne�. 129.99) al team, while Erwin was the Ontario University Athletics rookie-of-the-���� -grow�nm"25feC year last season. McCready, Guest and HOURS: 1016 Orwin Rd Pildreriq •spdGle cannlbeeomhNnd w1th Peacocke are three -time provincial MON.-WED. & FRI. 8-6 ~oMsa Enf team players 5 i THURS. 8-8, SAT. 6-5 ��% ������� ft"M &I fa most CM WW 4m 0