HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_04_05-(PICKERING PICKERING ' S COMMU N1 T Y NEWSPAPER SINCI PRESSRUN 44,600 40 PAGES WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 2000 7 pER10D1i.At RT R 1965 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $5/ $l NEWSSTAND Honda shows it Theatre group has Insight kOhits the road Durham Wheels Pullout "Y Entertainment B3 motion deo.p�was .��ts„mw. e to Holland Pickering delys push for end to Region MARK HOLLAND 'Tabling it was the only way to save it.' Sculpture honours, Pickering diversity Arts Council to draw on Trillium grant PICKERING — The PincRidgc Arts Council has rc- eeivcd a S75.0(X) grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to help beautify the East Shore The money was awarded to the council for a wood -carving sculpture to be called Home Place by Pickering artist Dorsey James. The sculpture celebrates the cultural diversity of the city and honours families who have settled in the atea.Once com- pleted. Mr. James's sculpture will be instilled in Alex Robert- son Park later dais year. Trillium Foundation chair - am Joyce Devonshire will at- tend the council's annual gener- al meeting tonight. April 5, at 7 p.m. at the Waterfront Bistro on Liverpool Road South to offi- cially announce the grant. In a submission to the foun- dation, the council notes Hone Place "will prove to be a striking amu liml to Pickering. - Crash dr BY SUSAN OWEALStaff Writer PICKERING — The City of Pickering won't be pushing — not yet, anyway — for the Province to phase out Durham's regional government. After more than two hours of debate on governance reform Monday, one of the only things Pickering politicians could agree on was a request to table a motion introduced by Ward 2 local Councillor Mark Holland that outlined a plan to phase out the Region and replace that structure with larger local mu- nicipalities that would he re- sponsible fur operating utilities and services with their nr�_h hours. "The motion clearly was not said, noting he doesn't want edly stated it will not imple- going to pass." Court. Holland that one tier to be the City of ment any further governance re - said following the council Durham. forms until the Greater Toronto meeting. -Cabling it was the But, while several of his col- Services Board releases a report edw One Rate 600 only way to save it" leagues agreed the current on governance at the end of the Criminal Code with flexing po- Coun. Holland believes structure of regional govern- year. stolen from a Petro Canada gas phasing out Durham's regional ment needs to change, the ma- Ward I Regional Councillor government and encouraging jority said it's too soon to phase Maurice Brenner added while East courthouse today for a bail amalgamations among local out the upper tier municipality. there is "room to manoeuvre" Courtice man, left the keys in municipalities is the "best op- "We have had frank discus- in terms of the functions carried WAYNE ARTHURS tion" for governance reform sions at the regional level and out by the Region, he's against briefly at the Oshawa court here. we have tried to pre-empt the phasing out the Region because sped away. "Local government should Province in looking at gover- of the economic impact it -If anything, given the infla- be local. It should be close to nance:' said Ward 2 Regional would have on the taxpayers. bodily harm", under new legis- the people and it should he ac- Councillor Doug Dickerson. He noted local municipali- Jim Grimley. He added the man cessible:' he said, adding he he- "We felt a modified two-tier ties would not be able to finan- The Ajar Spartans junior rrp baseball team got in some lieves the present two-tier sys- system would work best. cially support the delivery of past Saturday. loosening ap after the long winter layoff tem n 'confusing and unneces- "Chere is still a function at services such as social housing, DOUG DICKERSON r this stage of the process that the social assistance and public "n t, Region can perform," he added. 'We've had frank discussions rate of speed west on Taunton • sting the Province has repeat- See CITY page A2 at the regional level.' Pickerin a roves desi for gF �new western branch libraryGround breaking slated to take place later this spring PLAN BYSUSANOWEILL INCLUDED StafJWriser BY STEPHEN SHAW PICKERING — The City EACH MONTH* has awarded the' tender for the "short pursuit". orkstruction of a new library A Courtice man who is the and community centre in west edw One Rate 600 Pickering despite some con - said the incident began just be - .ern about the cost of the facil- Criminal Code with flexing po- ity. 1.500 Anytwm The Western Branch Library stolen from a Petro Canada gas and Community Centre, ap- in Oshawa early Monday was proved by council lar fall. will 'carry a $3.49 million ington. prix a^. Stephen Teeple of East courthouse today for a bail Teeple Architects told council - Ion Monday. Courtice man, left the keys in "It's a very reasonable cost AMC - and a very competitive cost for WAYNE ARTHURS a building of this type" Mr. _ 'Teeple said. noting the net briefly at the Oshawa court building cost is approximately $2.3 million or S134.13 per sped away. foot. custody on charges including But. Ward 3 Regional Coun- -If anything, given the infla- cillor Rick Johnson, who later IKW IMETAIONIRD/ News Advertiser phoso supported a motiau to award bodily harm", under new legis- the tender to the low bid of training said axon Ltd., M.Jspring raid the C�gttrc sounded "exa- Jim Grimley. He added the man bitantly high. This is not com- cused of leading police on pur- petitive at all. You're way over The Ajar Spartans junior rrp baseball team got in some where you should be per square spring training at the Ajax Communi y Centre diamond this foot. 1 certainly hope you're past Saturday. loosening ap after the long winter layoff not building some Cadillac"Here. Jeff Greene fires a ball toward the plate during the Yet. Mr. Teeple said the pro - practice session. jest cost is consistent with in- iver char led for fleeingolice gp PLAN MONTHLY INCLUDED SIU probes chase crash which injures Durham teen BY STEPHEN SHAW view Street North during a EACH MONTH* Staff Writer "short pursuit". ,u0 A Courtice man who is the Durham Regional Police edw One Rate 600 first person charged under the said the incident began just be - 259 Criminal Code with flexing po- fore 3:25 am. when the car was 1.500 Anytwm lice after crashing a stolen car stolen from a Petro Canada gas That's what it costs to build a in Oshawa early Monday was station at 1401 Hwy. 2 in Clar- to appear at the King Street ington. " Ibc Rouge library we have East courthouse today for a bail The owner, a 33 -year-old hearing. Courtice man, left the keys in ,.f its life:' noted Ward 3 local Bradley Emmerson, 20, of the ignition and went to pay the WAYNE ARTHURS Birchfield Drive, appeared attendant, police said, when a build a Cadillac. -we don't briefly at the Oshawa court thief jumped into the car and yesterday and was remanded in sped away. Mark Holland said the con- custody on charges including -lie attempted to run after -If anything, given the infla- "flight from police — causing the vehicle but slipped and fell, create a building that's more bodily harm", under new legis- injuring himself," said Sergeant cane back;' he said, noting the lation applying to motorists ac- Jim Grimley. He added the man And. Ward 2 Regional cused of leading police on pur- had to be treated at hospital for Ontario" suits. his injury. , The federal government re- Police were alerted and just 17,600 -square -foot library and eently approved the private a few moments later the car while" member's bill proposed by was spotted travelling at a high WALTpJfPASSARFIIA/News Adverdserphoto Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge MP rate of speed west on Taunton is taken into account, the cost pan McTeague. A statement issued by the Road, near Townline Road. The vehicle was briefly pur- As police and Special Investigations Unit officials probe an Province's Special Investiga- sued by two police cruisers and Oshawa crash scene, a Durham ratan remains in critical con - tions Unit reports the stolen was southbound on Grandview dition in hospital following a police pursuit on Monday. 1999 Neon rolled over and Street when it failed to negoti- Charges have been laid under a new law — introduced by slammed into a parked ,an on a ground breaking will be held Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeague — governing residential driveway on Grand- See CRASH page AS motorists who flee from police. PLAN MONTHLY INCLUDED FaT AlFTMER 110N1 CHOICES FEE EACH MONTH* Coun:illor Dave Ryan. "Pick- edien One Rale 250 ,u0 250 Anytme —IONNIJM 30C edw One Rate 600 $100 500 AnjUr a 259 *then One Rate 1500 $200 1.500 Anytwm 209 Inside the News Advertiser � U m 1i EAWW Par ......A6 Eft Hurt! ........ A6 s"flft ............81 Edmrmimed ......83 Iii .........B4 AIME 118 A Gil itllf....... 683-5110 MONO= ...683-5117 1'knMW ....683-0707 be& Mops .683-3005 1<aafa 1-800-662-8423 Edl .. �............ shouston®durham.net Web We durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 Please recycle! 04M , `gg* I'- �N= W MW ACCOM U 41M PICKERING HONDA offig`PA * 831-5400) THE 11111111111011110111 COOK -AM in bill M. N. IN -am KIIIK L91011IIL SPOMM W BIC"111111111CII CAKE 7IM. i a M-1111117 nd Hwy. 2, will "set the tone ..,r how this municipality is po.^rceived," said Ward 1 local _ Coun:illor Dave Ryan. "Pick- cnng is becoming a destination Mace. Pickering deserves qual- ity facilities" As for the project costs, he added, "The reality is that's what this project costs today. That's what it costs to build a quality product that the City deserves and demands." " Ibc Rouge library we have serves a good community pur- Pose, but it's in the late stages ,.f its life:' noted Ward 3 local Councillor David Pickles who WAYNE ARTHURS said while it's not necessary to A 'fine facility in a premier build a Cadillac. -we don't location.' want a lemon either." Ward 2 local Councillor dustry expectations for a build- Mark Holland said the con- ing of that type. struction of the new library is -If anything, given the infla- -an excellent opportunity to tion rate, we're actually create a building that's more pleased with the number that's than just efficient... we're not cane back;' he said, noting the just building a box.- ox"cost costis "in compliance with And. Ward 2 Regional other libraries we're doing in Councillor Doug Dickerson Ontario" noted the arca the library will Located in East Woodlands serve is one of the fastest grow - Park on Kingston Road, the ing areas in the GTA which 17,600 -square -foot library and "makes this project worth - community centre, will include while" a 10,000 -square -foot library Mayor Wayne Arthurs and community centre facilities agreed when the per capita cost including multi-purpose rooms is taken into account, the cost for youth, seniors and commu- for the library and community nity programs, a centre, which he describes as a therapeutic/counselling room "fine facility in a premier loca- and office and a serving tion", is not an extraordinary kitchen and storage area. expense to service west Picker - The new library, which will ing. Mayor Arthurs reports the replace the existing Rouge Hill ground breaking will be held branch at Rougemount Drive later this spring. Inside the News Advertiser � U m 1i EAWW Par ......A6 Eft Hurt! ........ A6 s"flft ............81 Edmrmimed ......83 Iii .........B4 AIME 118 A Gil itllf....... 683-5110 MONO= ...683-5117 1'knMW ....683-0707 be& Mops .683-3005 1<aafa 1-800-662-8423 Edl .. �............ shouston®durham.net Web We durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 Please recycle! 04M , `gg* I'- �N= W MW ACCOM U 41M PICKERING HONDA offig`PA * 831-5400) THE 11111111111011110111 COOK -AM in bill M. N. IN -am KIIIK L91011IIL SPOMM W BIC"111111111CII CAKE 7IM. i a M-1111117 .P PAOE M NEN AWMff1eE11, w(EOMeea►r EOrr10K Apra S 1000 For Your Weil Being 16 Norwood Ave. So "N,i"'re Still Here.. & City Councillor :doesn't get support In bid to phase out V7 Memorial service honours local teen slain in Jamaica V 7 A memorial service will be held in Ajax and a resident of Pickering, Everyone's invited to attend to ED next week for a young arca woman Ms. Lubsey was sexually assaulted learn how to prevent another tragic = y� who was brutally raped and murdered and slain in Rio Minho, Jamaica, while loss of life. in Jamaica recently. visiting her grandparents. For more information contact the "Sj 4274400 The Rubens Willis Counselling The service will be held at the centre a<428-6635. Cain �, Centre for Assaulted Women and Chil- church, 300 Church St. N., Thursday, dren and Pickering Village United April 13, starting at 6:30 p.m. Rev - Church will hold the memorial and emend David ]ones and Pastor Joseph Durham government For Your First Stop celebration service in honour of Tama- Fisher will officiate. Shara Stone is mph" F..d. tnOV(�...O..H Dlst.lOutO. Set 9AM-6PM h"204 80W.6c 1 Int«netlon•I 6046- 5 it 96 ra Simone Lubsey. 19. A recent graduate of Archbishop keynote speaker for the evening. An informal reception will follow the ser- /qj E ATERY �e,bs. each rich vital nutrients: vitamins CnYjmtn page AI firmed its position Monday I Denis O'Connor Catholic High School vice. (� OPEN 1 , 1 health, which are currently the Region's responsibility. "Change is inevitable, we do need change, but we need change that is cost ef- fective:' added Ward 3 Re- gional Councillor Rick Johnson. 1 have no prob- lem with phasing out Durham Region if it can be proven to me it is cost effi- cient...show me a business case scenario and I'll sup- port it.- Meanwhile, t -Meanwhile. Mayor Wayne Arthurs said he be- lieves the elimination of the Region is "only a matter of when, not if. - In a recent letter to Markham Mayor Don Couscns. Mayor Arthurs said regional governments should "evolve themselves out of business as govern- ments:' But. he added. -lite abolition of Regional gov- ernment in Durham would he inappropriate at this time. A modified two-tier structure remains relevant:' City council also rear - that the "amalgamation of Pickering and Ajax is the most sensible outcome for both municipalities.- But. unicipalities-But. councillors voted to delete a. portion of Coun. Holland's motion that rec- ommended municipalities should form service partner- ships. such as Vcridian which provides electricity to residents in Ajax. Picker- ing. Uxbridge and Claring- ton, to deliver services such as police, water and sewer. -I don't think I want to make a business case out of anything to do with polic- ing:' said Ward 2 Regional Councillor Doug Dicker- son. "I don't think the cop goes to the highest bidder." But. Ward I local Coun- cillor Dave Ryan said "just because the Region is (de- livering services) in a par- ticular way. doesn't mean that's the way it has to be done' Coun. Holland reports he'll re -word portions of his original motion before bringing it back to council. !rise !Feeds ah, Fresh, Quality Meats at Unbeatable 'ces! 71 �y Maw Fuck assay Gurve Smokies Snakies B d save $I." Ar. lave $140 sR lie we. $1 69 lb. lb.• "1.>m. ol Smokier*;rkSave $I," W4 RimL lb. lees aaM Ffla a.r wri..s.s Mdt =.rF SnakieSeen $140 Wr Fresh Venshm staid .Sausage w'� Save $1.40 W Save $sA* W ;b- lib. rot MFC -8600 ALL -IN -ONE t# • 30 -pg Sulo bloc. Raeder do, � • 250 -siert paper hair O • Priors b copies 12 ppin, 1300 dpi • 1200 x 1200 dpi scarinirig • 270 page fax niernory 3e+v4 (Special Ordw in "at. •wed _ Oar Price 397.41 �• : f Instant Rebate -150.00 * Price 41 After Rebate MK- 1970MC ALL -1N -ONE zr • 20 -pg auto doe. leader #. a 210P0oBE; • `SO to wilarlge � Lj f _ f • A7 0 Caller, ID ready 400 x 400 M^ lOOfMr11g MSM OW Price 311.76 ' Prka Cat -50.00 J AVV Price Ahem wM976 r b INTELLIFAX 750 FAX c � •cub 00 dor. feeder ptaper b �C '- • fF�mc/htL stad& 436% Our Prke 1!!.11 Mail -In Rebate -50.00 �. ,�' Prke A ter Re ate , } r� -Y "85 LAW • Wei"vor 12 9 a!drrtrlinv i __. � • PrwtlrOpts, - 2 ike iinas:"� Oar Prke 51.16 Instant Idol Price A tar • •Alk For Your Weil Being 16 Norwood Ave. So "N,i"'re Still Here.. & BETTER Than EVER! For Your First Stop IMee -fd 8AM-9�M To Batter Health Call: mph" F..d. tnOV(�...O..H Dlst.lOutO. Set 9AM-6PM h"204 80W.6c 1 Int«netlon•I 6046- 5 it 96 Matol a a liquid blend of 13 different �e,bs. each rich vital nutrients: vitamins !• and essential trace elements. !rise !Feeds ah, Fresh, Quality Meats at Unbeatable 'ces! 71 �y Maw Fuck assay Gurve Smokies Snakies B d save $I." Ar. lave $140 sR lie we. $1 69 lb. lb.• "1.>m. ol Smokier*;rkSave $I," W4 RimL lb. lees aaM Ffla a.r wri..s.s Mdt =.rF SnakieSeen $140 Wr Fresh Venshm staid .Sausage w'� Save $1.40 W Save $sA* W ;b- lib. rot MFC -8600 ALL -IN -ONE t# • 30 -pg Sulo bloc. Raeder do, � • 250 -siert paper hair O • Priors b copies 12 ppin, 1300 dpi • 1200 x 1200 dpi scarinirig • 270 page fax niernory 3e+v4 (Special Ordw in "at. •wed _ Oar Price 397.41 �• : f Instant Rebate -150.00 * Price 41 After Rebate MK- 1970MC ALL -1N -ONE zr • 20 -pg auto doe. leader #. a 210P0oBE; • `SO to wilarlge � Lj f _ f • A7 0 Caller, ID ready 400 x 400 M^ lOOfMr11g MSM OW Price 311.76 ' Prka Cat -50.00 J AVV Price Ahem wM976 r b INTELLIFAX 750 FAX c � •cub 00 dor. feeder ptaper b �C '- • fF�mc/htL stad& 436% Our Prke 1!!.11 Mail -In Rebate -50.00 �. ,�' Prke A ter Re ate , } r� -Y "85 LAW • Wei"vor 12 9 a!drrtrlinv i __. � • PrwtlrOpts, - 2 ike iinas:"� Oar Prke 51.16 Instant Idol Price A tar • •Alk i 1615 Doodles St. Eat STORE NOURS Moal-fri SA04 M Set 18M -9M pit,Sun 11 AM -51M 0 .vete *N4 16.32 16 Norwood Ave. So Save $a% lb. STORE NOURS IMee -fd 8AM-9�M mph" F..d. Set 9AM-6PM !• Son 11AM-SPM "Tho Neat PNpla" ; 1 , 1 r)% utne0ed u. nddh& Never Vikka flog ftl-"U Ttsie. Oak M� � Mseas 1 1 FFIL 9.0, vet. sMoslel Mag i 1615 Doodles St. Eat STORE NOURS Moal-fri SA04 M Set 18M -9M pit,Sun 11 AM -51M 0 .vete *N4 16.32 I0 1 ADYHI NNK 1MEONE■OA11 EDITION. AplS R 7M■ PM E All AN New teachers' ou forms `association of independents' � p Educators for Choice claims `kids are getting stomped' SY MIKE RVTA Soff Writer In the hope of staving off more labour disruptions this fall, a teachers' ,grate launched Sunday is seeking to win the tight for educators to opt out of unions. Halton District School Board teacher Terry Ross says Educators for Choice is inviting teachers who do not support union -led job actions to join the fledg- ling group, which could form an --asso- ciation of independents. "Everybody's fighting evcrybody and the bottom line is the kids arc get- ting stomped," says the group's execu- tive director. Mr. Ross maintains classes should continue in autumn regardless of the ac- rimony between teachers and the Province. Ontario teachers are required by law to become union members. Mr. Ross says that's against their rights, since the flip side of the freedom to associate is the right not to participate in collective groups. So rather than replace one union with another, Educators for Choice seeks to give teachers the option of not belonging to unions. Teachers' unions "are more con- cerrted about their power to bargain con- tracts;' Mr. Ross says. "We're more concerned about doing what we're paid to do — delivering quality education for children" A teacher for 30 years and a special education instructor the past two decades, Mr. Ross says the idea for such a group has been in the works for some time. But the teachers' strike two years Artists to show their stuff at May Artfest PICKERING —The City of Pick- ering and the PineRidge Arts Council are looking for student artists to partici- pate in the Ardest on the Esplanade in May. Up to 30 student artists at the high school and post -secondary level will be accepted to show their work at the May 27 event. Artfest brings together all forms of the arts, including dance. literary. dra- matic, musical and visual presentations in an outdoor setting. The event will feature an artist's show and sale, a duikhen's arts activity area, student artists show and sale. youth activities and mmnrous perfor- ttrrarrces throughout the day. All entries must be self -supported or free standing. And, all se -up and tape down is the responsibility of the indi- vidual artist. Students Wereswil in par- Iicipatifix in the event are asked to con- tact Tanya Price at 420.4620. Learn to cope with difficult people The Ajax -Pickering Toastmasters Club is holding an interactive work- shop 'Finding Joy in Conflict: Deal- ing with Difficult People'. Hosted by professional speaker Henk Ketelam, the workshop will be held Wednesday, April S from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station information centre at the bottom of Brock Road in Pick- ering. Admission is free. For more information call Mary - Anne Pietrusiak of the Ajax -Picker - jog Toastmasters Club at 686-1443. ago confirmed for him the treed for a new group for educators. And while the association did not plan to go public at this time, the threat of labour disruptions this fall sparked the move. "We know of thousands of teachers across the province who didn't partici- pate in the walkouts:" says Mr. Ross. "It's time these people came out." Educators for Choice is not political- ly aligned, but is willing to work with any political parry to achieve improve- ments to Ontario's education system, he says. While unions ' have a very valuable part in this society:' teachers who go against the wishes of their unions are very reluctant to speak out for fear of being branded a "traitor' by their col- leagues. As a result, the 60 to 80 teach- ers and parents with whom he is in con- tact have kept a low profile. Mr. Roes says research conducted by Educators for Choice has found there is a lot of support among Ontario parents and teachers for such a group, including in Durham's eight municipalities. "I probably have at least one e-mail con- tact from all of those centres." Asked how teachers' unions might view the new association, Mr. Ross says, "Not positive, that's for sure." But, "It's going to be actually tough for them to stand up and say, 'we don't want anybody to have freedom of choice';' he says. Jim Smith, president of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association, denies a rumour that Educators for Choice is OECTA-based. And he gives the group little chance of catching on since the Province would have to make unlikely changes to labour legislation to clear the way for teachers to opt out of unions. 1 clearly think they're a very small group of individuals," says Mc Smith. "I'd be surprised if you could count them on one hand " He says most teachers and other pro- fessionals clearly choose to align them- selves with unions, which both bargain contracts on their behalf and protect their interests. A year ago, Mr. Smith reports, 600 OECTA representatives voted roughly 70 per cent in favour of a two-year, $160 union fee increase. "That indicates to me a high degree of confidence" in the union, he says. Ministry of Education spokesman Rob Savage says the Province does not intend to examine what Educators for Choice is proposing. "We don't have any plans to look at this." 110111111150- EMI-ANNUAL 1011111115! Wedaesdsy 631-3469 Just the fax? 683-7363 bYaYdYnnartarfea r.r.i.rtw.rr�t■ • twaawt A4, tR.tR, rnw 6Yd- • c.rr.rr �rti rreata t fair 1999 Tax Return Preparation Mark A. CwtWrIgIld 1m .. 0, aaad Soft 123 Meted,, Oatarie 11101 r 905 -ear -0104 TAX Eanih ma«yrMono.com a EMI-ANNUAL TRUCKLOAD SALE WED., APRIL 5 - SUN., APRIL 16 MIN,,.Mrr" W I OptED MOIR DOUBLE POLL BOOK P%CE TO 31.98 A LARGE SELECTION OF BORDERS FROM 88, PER 15' SPOOL SOLID Via V11 8- 8 DOUBLE ROLL BOOK PRICE TO 45.90 ALL SUNWORTHY BOOK ORDERS 40°'° OFF 9/11119 a 9 STOP . C ASH t ■ ■ V ■ \ IVB ■ ■ ■ ■ in 14111.0011 1652 Bayly St. W. 5 w Points Mall Super Store Pickering (Just Weft of Brock Rd.)_ Outside mall - (Next to Rogers Video) Taunton Rd. at Ritson 728-6866 831-7747 -FRI 930.900 1 1 /�(� h10N -FRI 930-900 E ♦ g • 9 30 - 5:30 rte\ SATURDAY 9 30 - 5 30 ;'. 12 06 3 00 i. _ .4 SUNDAY 12 00 - 3 30 r SALE ENDS SUNDAY"�,ri` 5:00 P.M. � ghma QUALITY al EC MATTRESS SETS1.0. Pluow TOP I POCKET Car. MICE 39" Sin NOW 39" stzE NOW '�ni $639 $7492 PC SET 2 Pc sa fl LS TWO PIECE SETS ARE CONSIDERED ONE ITEM! W o 'f� ;FINE FURNITURE 1099 Kirvon Road. Just North of Hwv. 0401. Head* East... Take Whites Rd. (Exit 394). North to Kiinpton Road (Hwy. 2) and tum r*6. Header West... Take Liverpool Rd. (Exit 397) North to Kinpion Road (Hwy. 2) and turn left. (9051420.8402 Open Mon.. Tues.. Wed.. Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to i p.m. Sundays 12 noon to 5 P.M. PICKERING SHOWROOM M MOE A4 IIEwi ADVE11TOM wEO11Ea m Ea1111011, MAI k 8000 Disabled residents f demand Tories `tear down barriers' 'We need Ontario Disabilities Act to enforce rights', advocate tells forum BY KAREN SNIDER Special to the News Advertiser. Four years ago, Don Carr was in a car accident that left him disabled and con- fined to a wheelchair. Since then, the Ajax resident has made it his mission to im- prove wheelchair -accessible locations in Durham Re- gion. Most recently, Mr. Carr, 38, spoke at a community forum 'Breaking the Bam- ers', designed to draw atten- tion to the unnecessary struggles people with dis- abilities face on a daily basis. The Durham Region Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA) Committee, which hosted the event, hopes it will generate sup- port for the act which has not yet been approved by the provincial government. The ODA would elimi- nate barriers faced by 1.5 million disabled people in Ontario by, for example, cutting high curbs and pro- viding Braille or sign lan- guage interpreters. It not only intends to lift existing obstacles, but it calls for all new buildings to be made brmer-free. We need the Ontario Disabilities Act to educate, standardize, and enforce, if necessary, the rights of dis- abled persons in Ontario:' says Mr. Carr. "An ODA will tear down the bwrias to access for the disabled with- in Ontario.- But. ntario"But. Mr. Carr isn't conn - teat to just sit back and wait for the Province to pass the ODA. He's taken matters into his own herds. "I am very active in writ- ing letters requesting wheel- chair access for persons with mobility impairment here in Durham Region' he told about 150 people at the forum at the Ajax Commu- nity Centre. In fact, he has sent about 60 letters to Durham busi- nesses, requesting they make their facilities more accessible to people con- fined to wheelchairs. The list of places Mr. Carr has written to includes other restaurants, banks and grocery stores which he says have failed to make their properties wheelchair -ac- cessible. His letters ask for the things that able-bodied peo- ple take for granted, such as a place to park, or a way to open the door to get inside. For the most part, Mr. Cart reports, he is successful in getting co-operation from local businesses, but there have been some which have refused his requests. Mr. Carr's story is only one example of the obsta- cles the disabled face in Durham Region. Other bar- riers include the few sign language courses available, and the fact there are no classes for deaf children be- tween three and five in the area. Schools and buildings continue to be constructed with barriers that could be rectified at a small cost. If passed, the ODA would directly address these problems across Ontario. The act was first pro- posed to Premia Mike Har- ris during his election cam- paign in 1995 when he promised to make it kgisla- tion if the Progressive Con- servatives took power. "The Tories always talk about how they kept all of their election promises," says Lyn Artmont, volunteer member of the Durham Re- gion ODA Committee. "Well, this is one they didn't keep" 1 r 4W Save wildlife habit, Pickering urged Woodchip deliveries raise awareness of Rouge River, organizers say BYSUSANO'NEILL• a lel Co. a good teal of support" Court. Staff Writer s •" ? ` ' war .. Pickles says. He believes his mo- PICKERING — Pickering is c k. • . ,; tion "goes quite a ways" toward at risk of losing the "most impor- ; " addressing concerns raised by the tant natural feature in this area' �' Rouge Park Alliance and local en - unless local politicians make a cmk�w "aft 410& ps flow's _ vironmental groups. strong commitment toward the �/l( But, while Mr. Casselman ad - protection of an environmentally- mits, '"(itis motion is a move in sensitive wildlife habitat in the a }„ the right direction;' he'd like the city's west end. r City to take a stronger position to That's the message members o "ensure the greatest amount of of the Rouge River Restoration u protection for the Rouge-Duffin's Committee (RRRC) and Save the Wildlife Corridor." council's meeting Feb. 28, Rouge Valley System (SRVS) areAt spreading this week as they step - + the RRRC had recommended the up a campaign to save the Rouge- ,' City request that all provincially- Duffin's Wildlife Corridor beforeowned lands remain in public City council considers the Rouge" ownership; that provincially - Park Neighbourhood Study Mon- owned lands deemed to be devel- day. I ' opable be used for possible land A decision on that study, swaps; and that the Beare Estate which sets theParam eters for de- property, which is adjacent to the velopment in a 160 -hectare area provincially -significant Amos near Altona Road and Finch Av- - Ponds, be acquired for wnserva erase, was deferred Feb. 28 at an „y tion purposes. But, Ward 3 Regional Council - executive committee meeting which attracted more than 100 j• 'f for Doug Dickerson explains, "If area residents. They urged council you put too much into a motion, to protect the wildlife corridor by unfortunately you can cloud your ensuring provincially -owned central issue... We've got to set up lands in the area remain in the ,J 3i.- r the necessary first steps" public domain and are not sold to .+ —• Coun. Dickerson notes approx- developers. imately 30 acres of land owned by "If we don't do something the ORC have been designated for now, the Ontario Realty Corpora- �' :. development in the City's Official tion (ORC) and the developers Plan. will get their way and we'll lose And, although he'd like to see the wildlife corridor," says Dan those lands donated to the RPA. Casselman, project coordinator Coun. Dickerson says, "When of the Pickering -based RRRC. "I don't know if everybody in CARL FERENCT/ News Advernser photo somebody already owns some - thing you can't just demand it. Pickering understands what's at risk. The city is at risk of losing fan Glynwilliams, president of the Rouge River Restoration yhave to get them to the you table •,•We don't have the legal probably the most important nee- Committee, is busy distributing 20,000 bags of woodchips to right to demand anything, but we ural feature in this arca:' he says. Pickering residents encouraging them to get involved in preser- have the moral right...Wc warn to Mr. Casselman notes the corridor vation of the Rouge area. approach the Province in the spir- is the only natural link between it of co-operativeness.' the Rouge Parc. DufTm's Crock lose politicians to request that the could enhance wildlife habitat and Meanwhile. members of the and the Oak Ridges Moraine. ORC "participate in discussions corridor functions" RRRC and SRVS arc delivering "[his is it. l don't think people un- with the City of Pickering. the In a recent kw to residents. 20.000 hags of ward chips to dusted drat" Rouge Park Alliance (RPA), the Coun. Pickles says discussions to Pickering residents this week in But. Ward 3 local Councillor Toronto and Region Conservation enhance the wildlife corridor will an attempt to raise awareness of David Pickles says a motion he'll Authority (TRCA) and other in- include "investigating the oppor- Monday's council meeting and present to colleagues Malay will terested lando wnen in the Rouge tunity to convey ownership of the importance of the wildlife cor- create an opportunity to enhance Park neighbour—hood i(mards r"'' ORC land. to the TRCA for con- ridor that wildlife habitat. tenuall, pnvc.nnc a.i.ini,.nal .rrN.11wn rurr,,�,: " F,,r more information, call Coun. Pickles will call on fel- pro, n.,_, .1-0257. Please recycle'. 6y the end of this year... Y" md Mahe a fireanlls • Obtain belmre December M& 7! 11itd.. a we Arts a Colts ` h1lichasis The Aft a 0211s Supestaa WE RNtitart a E1Ntroaw ,�; Bo 1W Btntfprrus ' Centring Fa fry OtM M1talt Cou d iha ids Shopper FWud*, 0 - -s A Spat:iir Ph= cmk�w "aft 410& ps flow's _ Ellm Ap10 Htuile Fzk ME ON Crash leads to new charges under Criminal Code CRASH from page A l ate a curve in the roadway and rolled, crashing into a van parked at 933 Grandview St. N. "The officers had to rescue the two male occupants who were trapped in the car," Sgt. Grimley said. The passenger, a 17 -year-old Os- hawa youth who is also considered a suspect, suffered serious heal in- juries and was rushed by ambulance to Lakeridge Health Oshawa before being transferred to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. The teenager underwent surgery to relieve pressure on the brain and was listed in critical condition. The driver of the van, meanwhile, was arrested by police after being treated at hospital for minor injuries. The pursuit lasted roughly three minutes. The SIU, which probes police in- cidents resulting in civilian injury or death, dispatched seven investigators to the crash scene including accident reconstructionists. The SIU has designated one Durham police constable a "subject officer." and three others as witness- es. Mr. Emmerson has also been charged with impaired driving and criminal negligence causing bodily harm, having an alcohol level ex- ceeding .08 rags, theft over $5.000 and possession of stolen property over $5,000. LfHEATING 8 AIR CONDITIONING Nc Call MPPs want feds to butt out of Durham Region politicians are blaming the federal government for holding up construction of the planned Hwy. 407 extension into their area. The four Conservative MPPs for Durham is- sued a joint statement Friday saying the envi- ronmental impact of the route from Hwy. 48 in York Region to Brock Road in Pickering has al- ready been studied and no further review is nec- essary. Environmental groups have asked the De- partment of Fisheries and Oceans to order a full environmental assessment, claiming the plan would harm the rivers and streams that cross the route. The decision on an assessment is ex- pected any time from Fisheries Minister Herb Dhaliwal. Environmentalists say exhaust fumes may also harts the area along the road. But Durham politicians, including regional M WAM"111".**"&KMVW."tK^WNuns &.srwue"ww f Hwy. 407 plans chairman Roger Anderson. say they are losing And Durham MPP John O"Toole said the 11YIRJuI Ydl patience and want a shovel in the ground now. highway route already has been the subject of d CASMh "We need the highway desperately," Mr. An- "extensive" study with public consultation our Peel derson said. under stipulations of the provincial Environ -'M payday lk(09MOMS) "We just can't get along with only two or mental Assessment Act. 27-4400 three lanes of traffic out of the GTA to the 11 — Torstar News Service NOW11 east. Attorney -General Jim Flaherty (Whitby- — 40 Ajax) said the toll highway has eased conges- tion west of Durham, and registers up to • `' `�' ••• 300,000 auto trips per day. ... Durham Region has only one multi -lane V artery - Hwy. 401 - to the rest of the GTA and V deserves the same benefit, he said. y Education Minister Janet Ecker (Pickering- �+ Ajax -Uxbridge) said the present holdup is a y stall tactic. rA "Once again the federal government is showing its lack of commitment to transporta- tion infrastructure in the province:" she said. SPECIAL OFFER from "THE TWILIGHT Lennox Central Air Conditioners 350'&"� tegouo `". or off FREE �� 'n air qZ end � easier, ZONE"'F tWtPIES • '�.r Cr hQ 1. rT R. Your little artist will love creating9 colouring and decorating with exciting Hallmark and Grayola products. • Gok>uring Grafts • Decorating • McicWin4 • Barole Dream House 49PNO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST for 6 months — OAC. Call for Details G.T.A. Ajax/Pickering Oshawa/Bowmanvill 416-282-9997 905-683-0380 905-723-5544 - .. - • ... Serving Darbm East Metro Since 1962 • `' `�' ••• Looking for Your Cool ••�---�_�, :. Comfort Zone? • -��=••, find it with this SPECIAL OFFER from "THE TWILIGHT Lennox Central Air Conditioners 350'&"� tegouo `". or off FREE �� 'n air qZ end � easier, ZONE"'F tWtPIES • '�.r Cr hQ 1. rT R. Your little artist will love creating9 colouring and decorating with exciting Hallmark and Grayola products. • Gok>uring Grafts • Decorating • McicWin4 • Barole Dream House 49PNO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST for 6 months — OAC. Call for Details G.T.A. Ajax/Pickering Oshawa/Bowmanvill 416-282-9997 905-683-0380 905-723-5544 • 'IP PAW =010 *A NEW Editorial &OpiNioNs NEWS ADVERTISER APRIL S. 2000 EDITORIAL BreathingSpace for non-smokers Health department leading war against preventable deaths It's the leading cause of premature death and disability in Ontario. But. it's entirely preventable. Its cure isn't a mystery to medical researchers. In fact, the cure is known by every indi- vidual who has an iota of common sense. However. some of those same and mostly sane people choose to defy logic and ignore the fact. That fact is: Smoking kills. Otherwise intelligent people who inhale is: into their lungs are reminded of that fact every time they pull out a cancer stick from some cigarette packages which carry that blunt two -word warning. Yet. they continue to commit what amounts to legalized suicide, slow and painful at that. What's worse is that smok- ers who practise their bad habit around others could wind up : killing innocent people. And non-smoking taxpayers help cover the medical costs of thousands of Canadians as their final days ebb away in hos- pitals across the country every year. Durham Region's health department knows your money could be better spent — in a proactive manner to teach people of the dangers of smoking, rather than in a reactive way to treat individuals gasping for breath as a result of self-inflicted diseases such as emphysema and lung cancer. The local health depara rent is playing a lead role in creat- ing a campaign to promote smoke-free living in Durham and the rest of the Greater Toronto Area. it's one of six health de- partments in the GTA which will share more than 5815,0(X) in provincial funding to dcveloe a public awareness drive dubbed 'Breathing Space, Community Partners for Smoke - Free Homes'. Durham health officials will use experience gained from a 'Smoke -Free Hrow* campaign in 1997 to enhance their exist- ing effort.% to reduce tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke. They are especially troubled by the fact a survey corAict- ed by the health department in 1999 revealed 22 per cent of youngster in Durham live in homes where someone smokes : on a regular basis. So the lives of more than one in five chil- dren hese are being endangered by an older person who should know better, probably a parent who loves their kids. Thank goodness for the health department's goal to give wee ones and other non-smoker a little Brea t rig Space. Bring on Hwy. 407 Delay won't serve area residents The introduction of a six- or eight- ea evert 104wic super- highway to a region will have a dramatic environmental im- : pecL Of that there can be no doubt. Despite that, the push for an eaviroamcrttal assessment on the route Hwy. 407 would ' travel through Durham Region would be a waste of taxpsy- ers' time and money. And it would cost Durham jobs. As the current gas price crisis clearly droves, dos country runs on its wheels - on 18 wheels that is. The need for a new highway in Durham is crucial if we're to draw businesses which rely on trucks to transport goods to other points in On- tario, the rest of Canada and to places far beyond our borders. The 401 corridor. as it stands now, works well from the Clfrert 407 starting point in Markham and points west. From dtere, transports have many choices to keep freight moving. But east of that line. the choices narrow to 401 and its collec- tors wed from Ajax on the 401 goes to eight lanes to six lames. and eventually just east of Clarimgion to just four lames. That's it And it isn't nearly enough. Traffic snarls hurt just -in -time deliveries, increase costs, : waste fuel, Muse pollution and generate more accidents and highway death. An extended 407, reaching all the way to Hwy. 35/115 in Newcastle, would vastly improve current traf- fic flow and make the prospect of locating a business in Durham, especially north of Taunton Road, very attractive. Na only that, but a 407 extension would alleviate the auto- mobile boom we'll face hese when the population of Durham doubles to 1,000,000 within 20 year. All four Durham MPPs, the Durham chairman and the Os- hawa mayor are adamantly behind the 407 extension. They realize dee value such a road would add to our Region and law desperately it's ricxded. Studies have already been dome on the 407 extension pro- posal. Those who would build the road have assured as little environmental degradation as possible would occur. But, la's be realistic too. Things would change, but there's always a price to pay for progress. We must pay that price or be left behind. Let's build the 407 extension now and make Durham all it can be. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR a Parents do that the law provides a choice began chest compressions on my with respect to this controversial husband. The fire department ar- have medical procedure. rived within about five minutes, indeed a t the ambulance very soon after. choice in school Dr. Robert Sasse, Pickering Although I had kept up the com- pressions until help arrived and ;. the emergency personnel tried children's Emergency everythingu could oe save m' load, a do it Tee foul dryscoin- idn't vaccination ked on him, a As they stayed forter. It's light, no sharp edges. crews show young fireman with me. To the editor: Your recent article regarding kindness and assuring me that I had done everything possible to help, that school vaccination neglected to ware my husband was now receiving provide important information compassion in oxygen. cardiac medication, and for those parents who choose not continued CPR. to vaccinate their children. tragic timeWithout being negative, he Many of these parenIs have r managed to keep me calm and grave concerns about the danger- It's midnight. My husband's out comforted although it was appar- ous side effects of vaccination To the editor: ent that the outlook was not to be which range from high fevers to Too often, the only publicity a happy one. mental retardation and even our ambulance personnel, police, This young man stayed with death. and firefighters receive seems to me while I waited for my friend Other have fears about the focus on the spectacular. to take me to hospital and his long-term effects of repeated in- In the case of ambulance companion outside borrowed a joctions with mercury, aluminum crews, we seem to hear about shovel from the neighbours and and formaldehyde (all ingredi- bow slow they we to respond to cleared my walk and driveway ents found in vaccines). a call or how rightfully frustrat- of snow. The Immunization of School ed they are with the current state I will never forget the kind - Pupils Aa allows for exemptions of hospital emergency depart- ness and compassion shown by to immunization for conscience ments. those firefighters and para - or religious beliefs. We see photos and read sto- medics. A parent need only sign a ries of police involvement in In my haste and confusion. I form stating the immunization high-profile crimes, car chases neglected to ask for their names requirement conflicts with their and union disputes. so I am unable to address them sincerely -held convictions, have In the case of firefighter, we personally. their signature notarized and the usually get to see dramatic res- I'm sure the records will child will not be suspended from cues of people, property and an- show who responded to my call school as the article suggested. imals. sometime around I I a.m. that Should an outbreak of the dis- Rarely do we ever hear about morning. ease occur in your child's everyday acts of kindness and I want to convey my heartfelt school, the child may be asked compassion. thanks to them and especially to net to attend. On Sunday, March 12, my the gentleman who kept my The article uses fear and coer- husband Frank collapsed in our mind off the inevitable for just a cion to try to make parents coin- kitchen after attempting to clear little while. ply, the snow from the back dock. I Parents have a right to know called 911 immediately and Gwen Williston; When good deeds go bad! Nightmare week courtesy of Stunt Cat c E41fW yrow eowenarra on faaaa dnpMeasa to daasratarnldtrltaan nnat kk*ids your W arena and coil mum- Mle in the Three people its the Itottu, but a having done Itis good deed for the day. I have some sews for him. No washload which would make theTey good deed goes unpunished. In fu ­ t YOU SAID IT Oshawa Generals training stagtae Tomkinson my husband puts his own car ;. weep? I don't get it. I stip have to away! load, a do it Tee foul dryscoin- The question was: forter. It's light, no sharp edges. Ophdon Shaper 1um_imT beds switch on Thunderous banging"� ware What do you think of the Province's plan to from Whirlpool's finest. Nuts! "What?" hold parents financially responsible for their Hearing that sucking noise repair- "1'm Wig!" children's property crimes? trent always nuke when you show are in it?' It's midnight. My husband's out them a problem I cautiously open "Yes." of bed• flailing his arms, paddling the dryer door. Nonchalant, ole- "You don't have spares?' for his life. The waterbed is a foun- gant, throwing the evil eye in my They're is a pas pocket "Yes ll fain. Seventy pinholes in We bled direction, out steps Stunt Cat. I we- in Manhattan!" der. What makes multiple holes in lease him. My good deed for the Silence. a waterbed, disappearing without .�. ( wet .our day. "Will this take long? I have a trace? Let's see. Four paws, five 'Gk.: "nteaay: meeting in 15 minutes." "We'll in 10." claws to a paw that would be... Stunt Cat! be there Found a bargain bottle of dish- I'm panicked, my friend's keys No doubt crept into the bed - washer liquid saving money. Sure- in my hand, borrowed because all room while I was ironing shirts. Joan Ludow LAM Powers Tracy I%* ly a good deed. Liberally pouring Ford locks are the same, right? Another good deed gone bad! says, "like blame says, "It's about says, "I think it's liquid into the machine, I add dish- Wrong! My good deed for the day We're back in bed by 3 a.m. should be 50-50. time parents are a good thing. Par- es, press buttons. through the mar- is locked up tight, pumping out Kids should know held accountable ents drop their vel of modern technology I get.... carbon monoxide. His car hates Friday: bttter and their for their kids. kids off, the kids bubbles? This can't be right. Dish- tete. I'm singing the words to that patents should With the amount are alone and washing liquid, not automatic In five seconds recovery guy is ad, 'Get all you want out of life know what of vandalism hap- then they get in dishwashing liquid. What's the dif- in the thief -proof Ford with a with Depends!' I'm just surprised they're doing. pening, there trouble" ference? Clean dislee< or the chunk of bent wire. Shoulda I'm only singing the song, not Kids are aline a should be a law.- world's biggest bubble blower. bought G.M. Good job recovery wearing the product! - lot because of parents working. How would Homer put it? Doh! guy is a good guy. He beams as I punch the air, E4Mall yaw comments on"opin- As a result, kids Wednesday: startling the cat by yelling, 'Yes!', ion to shoudanldudiamntal. W dud& yaw Ailf notes and eomrrr* _ go out a lot." "lite car is running, your keys as the door pops open. He leaves, err drrddMtoa. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Dannn Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Koledziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate.'Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing Manager News (905)6X3-5110 saki (905)6x3.5110 Classifieds (905)6%3-0707 Distribution (905) 683-5117 General Fax (90516X3 -73,S3 E -Mail shousWivit-lurham.net Web address wwwAurhamnews.net 130 Cotrn ercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 Publics is s Mail Saks Agreemem Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing. Pub- lishing ublishing and Desna group of newspapers. The News Ad- vMiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickemg Board of Trade, Ontario Community Comm dy Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Presa Council. The publ I , reserves the right to ctaoify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for 8&ealisemem limit- ed to space price error occu- lics- Ih11111111F The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All let- ter should be typed or aeat- ly hand-written, ISO words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone num- ber for verification. The edi- tor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertis- er. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. �7 inti— eeueeeeaan ♦1 :I WEDNESDAY, APRIL S SINGLE PARENT SUP. PORT: The Ajax -Pickering chapter of the One Parent Fami- ly Association invites you to our weekly mating held at 8p.m. every Wendesday at the Annan- dale Golf and Curling Club, cor- ner of Church and Bayly Sts. Ajax, for both custodial and non- custodial parents whether your children are 2 or 42, all are wel- conic. 837-9670. TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax - Pickering Toastmasters Club meets each Wednesday. Meet and greet at 7:15 p.m., meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Learn public speaking, leadership and communication skills. 683-4439 (John), 619-0647 (Peter). THURSDAY, APRIL 6 APPRENTICESHIPS: The Durham Region Local Training Board and Durham College pre- sent a Women & Apprenticeship Town Hall at the College's Skills Training Centre in Whitby. Women can learn more about ap- prenticeship training and career opportunities in the skilled trades. A tour is available at 6:30 p.m. with the Town Hall to start Agencies, helpers meet their match The Volunteer Resource Centre for Durham Re- gion is looking to match organiza- tions with volun- teers who can lend a hard. Volunteers get to help the com- munity. meet new people and en- hance your re- sume. Listing your skills, loca- tion and availabil- ity with the re- source Centre makes it easier to find an organiza- tion which best suits you. Meanwhile, ton -profit agen- cies and Sports groups needing helpers can sub- mit to the re- source centre a description of the positions avail- able, skills re- quired and local - 60111L For more ill- formatlon, phone 440 4509 or fax at 4361780. Talk focuses on women and heart disease Women and heart disease is the topic when a local group meets in Durham tomorrow night. The Durham Dental Hygien- ists Society mats Thursday, April from 6:30 to the Rega30 l Room of the Whitby Colrtiouse The- atre, 416 Centre St+. Whrr from the Heart gad Stoke Foun- dation will talk On Women and Heart Disease. phone 905-987- 1617 (Helen). BILLBOARD APRIL 5.2000 at 7 p.m. (728-2999). TENNIS: The Dunmoore Ten- nis Club will be holding registra- tion in the foyer of the Pickering Recreation Complex. 1867 Val- ley Farm Rd., from 7 to 9 p.m. 509-2167 (Ann Taylor). DENTAL HYGIENISTS: The Durham Dental Hygienists Soci- ety meets from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Regal Room of the Whitby Courthouse Theatre, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. A speaker from the Heart and Stroke Foundation will talk on Women and Heart Disease. 905-987-1617 (Helen). NATURALISTS MEETING: The Pickering Naturalists will be meeting from 8:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. to watch a slide show about the upcoming spring season in Durham Region. The meeting is at the St. Elizabeth Seton School library at 480 Strouds Lane, off Rosebank Rd. N..Pickering. 905-666-3897 (Doug) or 416- 287-1374 (Lys). FRmAY, APREL 7 BREASTFEEDING: Parents interested in working with other parents to make it easier to dis- creetly breastfeed their babies when out in the community are invited to drop in at a Breast- feeding Families of Durham meeting at 10 a.m. at the Durham Region's Health De- partment office in Ajax at 126 Commercial Ave. 427-9547 or 723-8521, ext. 2157. BALLYCLIFFE: A pub night is being held from 7 to 9 p.m. at Ballycliffe Lodge, 70 Station St., Ajax. Entertainment by Celtic Storm. Free admission, everyone welcome. Phone 683-7321 for information. ADDICTION: The Serenity Group — 12 Step Recovery Meeting is at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group meets every Friday and deals with all . types of addictions, including co-dependency. A child-care program is avail- able as required. Everyone wel- come. 428-9431 (Jim) in the evenings. ut W* AUVZM INtK WtCL*MblMC ttlM I K^ A" 6. V ID M%M A7 P Durham group discusses overdue pregnancies Is your little bundle of joy come into the world? Monday. April 17, at 7:30 p.m., overdue:) The Birthing Circle invites all at the Knights of Columbus Hall, A normal pregnancy lasts 40 expectant and new parents to 108 Bloor St. W., Oshawa. weeks, but what if your hahy has rake pan in a discussion group Phone 905-576-1833 or e - taken — or is taking — lunger ur atx)ut going past your due date mail bcircleCdhome.com. 1 — >I f ll U=IL441 • RECEIVE FREE: i- A standard 40 gallon hot water tank supplied and installed in the same location. OR A high -efficiency electronic air _ - • cleaner 1400 cfm model supplied and installed to your new or existing furnace. OR A whole -house flow through humidifier AND programmable thermostat. BR DLEIMOOD ( 416 ) 752-9444 Currier _ �`'iria«t" �--�' HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ,an lea o, -m ae,ais PICKERING °+ `420-2222 * 683-2760* 24 hr. Direct Access 420-4660 Web Site: www.city.pickering.on.ca FRIDAY, APRIL. 21, 2000 TO b1ONDAY, APRIL 24, 2000 Fi C"X comrLn terry WALL) _ rf Friday. April 2l C'LOSEU Nand". April 24 CLOSED •r'.•.:,torrttlDuncaa�entD "� T-sla.April 6 chi. G. -I Menmga,730pm ' . •CirmaCr l RIMC ;" -� Friday, April 21 NO PICK UP' • r„ be colR7ed on Saturday. Alin1 :2 %Mndq, April 24 ;1!ICOW NO PKK UP ON MONDAYS Q TOAMM . . Fridy, April 21 NO SLRN'ICE Started". April 22 Results Saturday Saver Monday. April 24 Regular weekday Service .in Einow. LIhlljfjLEverai Dial•►Sir anaooadsmaa amps Sm,cc ' m,l�l7.lt)Rt.ICL�RQe Frlday, April 21 CLOSLD Saturday. April 22 Resular Hu- Sundy. April 2.1 CLOSED Niadii April 24 CLOSED "PKMRMMUIR=VRLr1BR ,® Cl OSI.D FOR THE SLAW% I'ma9 infroamesmIt%Is F ridgy. April 21 CLOSED Saurday. Apra 22 70o - - 400 pm Sandy. April 23 CLOSED Mandy. April 24 900 sm - SCO pm Ei• " -, NOMATIONComm=POOL � Friday April 21 Ct OSFD satrdey.April 22 with a detailed reams by April I Wpm -400 pm ,A) pm - 9 00 Pro Sully. Apra 23 CLOSED Slartdy, April 24 Adult .Ta'am • 900 - - 1.00 pars Arte. %,,- w,100pm•400 Pm 1 00 pro - 4 00 Friday. April 21 CLOSED Soawd.y. April 22 programs will uparat as wad SwMey. Apo 23 CLOSED Nondy. April 24 CLOSED e]aatgency Serv,ces w,ll not be affected by the Hohday SchduI. Cin of Pickering Public works Emergent' Telephone Number is (905) 683-4319 t The City of Pickering will begin actively enforcing Its Hawkers mad Peddlers ay -law 4437194, effective April 1, 2M. This By-law requires any person operatimg a Hawker or Peddler business within tAe City of Pickering to obtain a license permitting this activity The fee for a license under this by -taw is $200 00 per year per location. plan S50 00 for each day of operation per location, to a maximum of $2.000.00. Alt hoeases will to on December 31 of the yew of true. An application most be submitted to the Municipal Law Enforcement Department indicating the same of the business, the merchandise to be sold, the locatioats) to be used. and the specific data of operation. when a locadmis to be used Y gat the Pit eperty of the applicant. a letter frust the property ewoer most be submitted wkh this applleatkon, amhmAtimg the use of their pea" ty for this wrPw- The City of Pickering Pleasing and Developsment Department mast confirm the zomat far the property per -in the les-- of a Newker A Feddler License for the product spsre!/kd on the apiphcoaroa submwoA ZoMwg sou be apps- - for Ahs larva re to be iuuoL Any person who coauavenn gay provision of the Hawker & Peddlers Sy -law is pesky of an offence mad upon conviction is liable to a nae or penalty for each offence as prescribed by the Provincial Offences Act R 5. O. 1990 if you would like more ink ion coacennag the Hawker A Peddler I.Keese pleue contact Kim Thompson al 905-420-6611, est. 2187 or kthonVwafcity puckering on ca. CURBSIDE GARBAGE COLLEC1ON The City's rc wine Management 8, ^ o54.:A moa plata a r aurum on the amber x PtMge be :olkcied each wet from every wale famly daidlnq to fa 4) Pleas time, however. dm tis Rich ts furniture epplran)e will. NOT BE meludbd r Iku baa. For mudena Ile mural tri, north of the Paid Comaatice Wad. all 4 itenr, other dna poiteea. well mobaat to he colbetd ca reek with retain pe1bW. As awl• aDdiamm such rcfnpttatm Lova. washers. dryers me only alleged in 1 ural w as the fist Friday of every amA An approved iapuck for tartate collection stn alder be hasrdwy plastic by or a itmable cut din twoh s tsatat M1WIp and is not tIPOS dim elpaey (a)) centimeba III her by fifty 1501 ceabtaetla in width at diamax In a0 rank wppM of cath mcptswir shall ria tacaed menlwhme (2 kileprmwith comm Ali lope conecbk p bitbepe mug coaYRd witha in pprOKd Ncepticle, It should also be rptd tllr with da pa" of the row b) -h the sauce leptahm of tayclaible aero gad yard wee MOM16 i now corpulaay. "found cosoim caller of dace solid wage m urah, wilt be mW sol k lichad for compliama by the lepective homeoaar. Plans lic�atys bykesupCpa tof he ' haft � theNNW � nada by 4 Itedwe. Rom and Wrydtl @r fAdr yi .was r p - V M Clot a.t mtmisreeArwarm ata ares ajif r r. rade manrraaasr VE pitwr Consistair ahteitid lnaaseF L gaahasrim Dhiiaa.r •_ 4 The Clay Pot's First Annual Spring Pottery Show and Sale Su mby April 9, 2000 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 pima Proceeds to be donated to Denise House Shelter for abused women and the Humane Society of Durham Region Please cau 837-0181 for more details OF PIC, Drop Off Rat ,Wa*— tilickering Cow Lempka. Carry Tower, be.aen the Clvk Complex a Cern) La wary. west Side. 1 The Esplasada 12646:1 Pickering Itc raat,uw Curapiex Front Counter 186' Salley Farm Rood 6a3.6m., X 40 All pmyl-fit mothoths we now aCOopled on one r @Iil It, form. A r 1jau alai y, : Hew kiflmng " rNf3 welcorne to the 2000 Edition of our Summer Camp Program' Trus summer the City �`— „t Pickering will offer a wade variety of Summer Camp programs Our staff are aaa ana•a.saaa E,penenccill, Creative and full of Enthusiasm so come on out and join in the FUN' oniaoa MW iwffici\ Mi. Placa others the r1^r• S �� VPom,mp to 1- 0. wall. play and kam m a cooperanve` si em uaamm supe rli d by experienced and qualified staff Sparta oris Camp will pros , carty+er, an Vrot m4r - \ 1n and enjoy a numr .+ bef ,arruuv spats Th t- Am Camp will offer an exciting Camp will [ecus an FU\. skull de,cl.,prnen and approach to Ms, pled with a tpatarnanahip ,a a team plat. en. inmrnent y an La � . Cme,n,ny,left \ lot Extended care . • from 7 00 am 'y a 6.00 pm Advenl= Camp wee motion out r survival skulls as well as athletic adventures All activities tsr designed to fn the meads of camper. 2000 SUMMERY taAmae 1: Wu* Laaianiip/gMaliuship (For YtMgh 13-14 Yaw d /les) Phase 2: Assistant Co ww4Rot (Fps Youth 14-15 Yo@m Of Age) Itchades: or Racquetball • M C►mmgeawoma (w�) • Pleasure Stirtmsthy • Haih Club Facilities BROUGHT TO YOU AND A MEND: ' gra °ior'� moble) R'�"e`b''t a"'"'b 2 FOR 1 TERM: APRIL 1 - SEFE 30100 SQUASH OR RACQUETBALLS lllp FRIEIIo Purrc um ktllreee April 1 - April 30,200 SPUr M COST OF OW CONV= OUR FRIENDLY STAFF AT 031-1711 FOR RATES AND SPECIAL AOILi I DETAILS AND NMRS. WE WELCOME NON-RESIDENISI! eat Uvlq at an nmptioaal Central Yiekering Location OPEN NOWI Comfortable Independent Living with care to meet your needs 141 It - j, __77 -1 1645 PICKERING PARKWAYPa. - Mon. -Fri. 10-7 P.M. rkwa (905) 426-6603 THE CITY OF PICKERING REQUIRES FIREFIGHTERS For area blooded by Find Aveaae to the So.ti; Morkiaer-Pickwing Towalm M We Wet; UsbrWp- I am Ego wlita o th yM North patghg, OrAlute Read illn (I.akerMtde Road) to LtY gK7 fie F:aN. Minimum Qualifications: An Equal0vliomfrw Einow. I. Picketing Resident anaooadsmaa amps (widiin the above 4aenayomiFr.adoeaa boundaries) Nalarlbn d PrAdey 2. Legally eligible to Aet ell kmotnmllan Work in CYlade: igatlt.iw in calmed 3. Minimum Grade 12 * WAN ASO a on a egwvalent' "G teen, e.AL 4a, end wee 4. valid Class Gntario be used leo eaten a Driver's lienee: awww mw S. 18 yrs. of ase. vw a at a Individuals aft apW re icallo11 ferns Can be twwwar,only v -s obtained from Ow Human Resources Department. One women Tile Etplhn.� l ad most be Completed and redlined with a detailed reams by April 25, 2000 to: Employment Services Coordinator Fax: (905) 420-4638. t The City of Pickering will begin actively enforcing Its Hawkers mad Peddlers ay -law 4437194, effective April 1, 2M. This By-law requires any person operatimg a Hawker or Peddler business within tAe City of Pickering to obtain a license permitting this activity The fee for a license under this by -taw is $200 00 per year per location. plan S50 00 for each day of operation per location, to a maximum of $2.000.00. Alt hoeases will to on December 31 of the yew of true. An application most be submitted to the Municipal Law Enforcement Department indicating the same of the business, the merchandise to be sold, the locatioats) to be used. and the specific data of operation. when a locadmis to be used Y gat the Pit eperty of the applicant. a letter frust the property ewoer most be submitted wkh this applleatkon, amhmAtimg the use of their pea" ty for this wrPw- The City of Pickering Pleasing and Developsment Department mast confirm the zomat far the property per -in the les-- of a Newker A Feddler License for the product spsre!/kd on the apiphcoaroa submwoA ZoMwg sou be apps- - for Ahs larva re to be iuuoL Any person who coauavenn gay provision of the Hawker & Peddlers Sy -law is pesky of an offence mad upon conviction is liable to a nae or penalty for each offence as prescribed by the Provincial Offences Act R 5. O. 1990 if you would like more ink ion coacennag the Hawker A Peddler I.Keese pleue contact Kim Thompson al 905-420-6611, est. 2187 or kthonVwafcity puckering on ca. CURBSIDE GARBAGE COLLEC1ON The City's rc wine Management 8, ^ o54.:A moa plata a r aurum on the amber x PtMge be :olkcied each wet from every wale famly daidlnq to fa 4) Pleas time, however. dm tis Rich ts furniture epplran)e will. NOT BE meludbd r Iku baa. For mudena Ile mural tri, north of the Paid Comaatice Wad. all 4 itenr, other dna poiteea. well mobaat to he colbetd ca reek with retain pe1bW. As awl• aDdiamm such rcfnpttatm Lova. washers. dryers me only alleged in 1 ural w as the fist Friday of every amA An approved iapuck for tartate collection stn alder be hasrdwy plastic by or a itmable cut din twoh s tsatat M1WIp and is not tIPOS dim elpaey (a)) centimeba III her by fifty 1501 ceabtaetla in width at diamax In a0 rank wppM of cath mcptswir shall ria tacaed menlwhme (2 kileprmwith comm Ali lope conecbk p bitbepe mug coaYRd witha in pprOKd Ncepticle, It should also be rptd tllr with da pa" of the row b) -h the sauce leptahm of tayclaible aero gad yard wee MOM16 i now corpulaay. "found cosoim caller of dace solid wage m urah, wilt be mW sol k lichad for compliama by the lepective homeoaar. Plans lic�atys bykesupCpa tof he ' haft � theNNW � nada by 4 Itedwe. Rom and Wrydtl @r fAdr yi .was r p - V M Clot a.t mtmisreeArwarm ata ares ajif r r. rade manrraaasr VE pitwr Consistair ahteitid lnaaseF L gaahasrim Dhiiaa.r •_ 4 The Clay Pot's First Annual Spring Pottery Show and Sale Su mby April 9, 2000 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 pima Proceeds to be donated to Denise House Shelter for abused women and the Humane Society of Durham Region Please cau 837-0181 for more details OF PIC, Drop Off Rat ,Wa*— tilickering Cow Lempka. Carry Tower, be.aen the Clvk Complex a Cern) La wary. west Side. 1 The Esplasada 12646:1 Pickering Itc raat,uw Curapiex Front Counter 186' Salley Farm Rood 6a3.6m., X 40 All pmyl-fit mothoths we now aCOopled on one r @Iil It, form. A r 1jau alai y, : Hew kiflmng " rNf3 welcorne to the 2000 Edition of our Summer Camp Program' Trus summer the City �`— „t Pickering will offer a wade variety of Summer Camp programs Our staff are aaa ana•a.saaa E,penenccill, Creative and full of Enthusiasm so come on out and join in the FUN' oniaoa MW iwffici\ Mi. Placa others the r1^r• S �� VPom,mp to 1- 0. wall. play and kam m a cooperanve` si em uaamm supe rli d by experienced and qualified staff Sparta oris Camp will pros , carty+er, an Vrot m4r - \ 1n and enjoy a numr .+ bef ,arruuv spats Th t- Am Camp will offer an exciting Camp will [ecus an FU\. skull de,cl.,prnen and approach to Ms, pled with a tpatarnanahip ,a a team plat. en. inmrnent y an La � . Cme,n,ny,left \ lot Extended care . • from 7 00 am 'y a 6.00 pm Advenl= Camp wee motion out r survival skulls as well as athletic adventures All activities tsr designed to fn the meads of camper. 2000 SUMMERY taAmae 1: Wu* Laaianiip/gMaliuship (For YtMgh 13-14 Yaw d /les) Phase 2: Assistant Co ww4Rot (Fps Youth 14-15 Yo@m Of Age) Itchades: or Racquetball • M C►mmgeawoma (w�) • Pleasure Stirtmsthy • Haih Club Facilities BROUGHT TO YOU AND A MEND: ' gra °ior'� moble) R'�"e`b''t a"'"'b 2 FOR 1 TERM: APRIL 1 - SEFE 30100 SQUASH OR RACQUETBALLS lllp FRIEIIo Purrc um ktllreee April 1 - April 30,200 SPUr M COST OF OW CONV= OUR FRIENDLY STAFF AT 031-1711 FOR RATES AND SPECIAL AOILi I DETAILS AND NMRS. WE WELCOME NON-RESIDENISI! eat Uvlq at an nmptioaal Central Yiekering Location OPEN NOWI Comfortable Independent Living with care to meet your needs 141 It - j, __77 -1 1645 PICKERING PARKWAYPa. - Mon. -Fri. 10-7 P.M. rkwa (905) 426-6603 AV PAGE A$ MM AOVEt•7NE16 11111110 0111oA1r 1lAff10hi, April 0. lrttoo Fiph BY JACQUIE McINNES Staff Writer teve's mother always knew there was something wrong with her child; what she didn't know was what. Always in schoolyard scraps or get- ting into trouble, Steve recalls he had a lot of anger management issues even as a very young boy. "I had a lot of rage, a real appetite for violence, whether 1 was fulfilling these fantasies vicariously or with schoolyard fights:' he relates. By the time Steve was 13, he was an alcoholic. "The first time I had a drink was at 12. 1 started drinking in an alcoholic way at 13" When a neighbour found him stag- gering around on his front lawn in the middle of the day, Steve says, his mother took him to the Clarke Insti- tute, a mental health centre, in Toron- to. He gives a hard laugh as he relates the doctor's diagnosis. "They basically told my mom I'd grow out of it. It was overactive hormones or something" In fact, through his teens and early adult years. Steve's mental heath caregivers would have just as much trouble putting their finger on his problems as his mother had. Steve spent most of his teen years and early adulthood escaping his illness through hallucinogens and downers. Five years ago he was diagnosed with schizo -ef- fective disorder, for which he now takes medication. Life isn't easy when you have a mental illness or when you're a sub- stance abuser. It's that much more problematic when, like Steve, you're both, says Bob Theoret, a senior coun- sellor at the Pinewood Centre. a divi- sion of Oshawa General Hospital. which operates offices throughout Durham Region. "When someone has psychiatric ill- ness and substance abuse, it can't be viewed exclusive from the person. 11 can impact on many areas. he says. Mental health problems can very quickly be compounded by financial, physical health, legal and even basic housing crises. Mr. Theoret points out. It isn't uncommon for families of the mentally ill substance abuser to quickly drain their coping resources and be forced to ask the person to leave the family home. "It's not necessarily that families are angry or don't love each other. They lack resources" And then there are feelings of guilt, he adds. "Some- times they have to get themselves to step back.- perhaps ack "Perhaps it's not surprising then. a high proportion of homeless people we grappling with mental illness in one form or another. "You can offer many psychiatric chem a hostel and places to stay and they will refuse it outright. Many indi- viduals who are out on the street arc schizophrenic or paranoid. They will often choose to be out on the street:' says Mr. Theoret. But that doesn't mean it's a satisfying life. "I've never ting double demons Mental illness and substance abuse can compound problems met a person who would say it's a hell of a lovely day. It's great to be out ' here on the grate. r For France, <� ' life on the street was where friends L could be found: the , ones who made her feel accept- ed. As a young girl, France recalls never f feeling comfortable in 1 her own skin. The first F time she had a drink it was to fit in. And though it made her sick, she had found a way to feel accepted and protected. "1 met some girl i and she said come ` to a party. 1 thought } WOW. someone ac- tually wants me to come to a party." So began her life on speed where the people are "a whole dif- ferent breed.- she reed"she says. At 17, France got off the speed when she became pregnant, got married and "started back drinking, back to the old ac- ceptable. main- ;l stream life" In and out of abu- 4�r sive marriages, France, now diag- nosed with manic -depres- sion, found herself battling not only alcohd but severe detxession. You unplug your phase. hide be - &ad your drapes. don't answer your door:' she relates. "1 don't like crowds, 1 don't like elevators. 1 don't do super- markets and I don't like malls." She describes panic attacks that hit her so badly she left full carts of groceries mid -aisle and fled. "The first time it happened 1 thought 1 was having a hean attack. 1 had pains in my chest, my arm went numb. 1 didn't know anything about anxiety or panic. 1 just thought 1 was grown children has started talking to her again. She's hopeful there may be a chance for forgiveness, for a reunion. Steve is less optimistic. He's still grieving the "what ifs:' Although he's well spoken, relating to others doesn't come easily. Steve sees no future for himself. "1 just can't see myself achieving a lot of the things I would have liked to have achieved. That in itself gets you down." he says. Grief for what has been lost isn't uncommon, says Mr. Theoret. For people who weren't always mentally ill or who may have sustained an im- pairing brain injury in an accident, this is also the case. "Sometimes the therapy process is to realize it's not going to be the same. The goal of the person was once to finish university, now it's to get through a day without becoming angry. The goals become smaller." Anyone who thinks they or some- one they know is suffering from con- current dkorder or a substance abuse problem can call Mr. -Theoret at (905) 683-5950 to get information on a pro- gram which could help. an ako- ,l M holic and a drug addict and this is the way it was." fart of the difficulty for psychia- trists is unravelling the effects of the drugs and alcohol from the underlying illness, says Mr. Theoret. It's the medical doctor's role to sort out "which symptoms arc related to the abase and which are the illncss it- self," he says. Now, at 44. France is trying. nw I,,r MCQUIE MdNNES/71Ws Nleek photo From left Stew, Dave and France an mommates who three air members of the Pine Loft program at the •art helping each other regain control of Asir lives, de- Puiewood Centre. Mental health pwNenrs can quickly spite mares/ heahh and substance abuse pmbkms. All be compownded by other crises. Piekerimg Town Comma Monday, Apra 3, 7:30 pin. — Placket q Comma, council chamber, Pickering Civic Com- plex, One The Esplanade Ajax Town Counca Monday, Apra 3, 7 p— — Aj- Council, council chamber, Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S. Dsrlu m Regiomal Council Wednesday, Apra 5, 10 a m. — Durham Region Counca, Council Chambers, Durham Region Headquarters, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whit- by Wednesday April 5, 9 a m. — Durham Region Police Civaiatn Awards Ceremony, Council Chambers, Durham Region Headquarters, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Durban District School BoardTuesday, April 3, 7 p,n, — Durban District School Board Staaliog Comtmfttee, Education Centre, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. W,4i - the first time, to bring her life into focus, to find a pur- pose and some hope for the future. She is part of a group of people who we at the Pine Loft, a drop-in centre at Pinewood's Os- hawa facility on Centre Street. People who have been diagnosed with a con- current disorder — the official term for mental illness and substance abuse — can come, share a coffee and their battles against the demons of sub- stancc abuse, the trental illnesses and the sometimes nasty side effects of the treatment drugs. "When you end up coming to a place like this, you've lost everything — your family, your hopes, your dreams:' says France. But it's at Pine Loft where she is learning to rebuild that hope. Here she met Steve and Dave, a 38 -year-old re- covering alcoholic who hasn't had a drink for four years. He conunues to fight the depression that prompted the drinking in the first place. The three have become roommates in an apartment totally independent of the centre where they help each other through the daily tasks which some- times seem like insurmountable feats. France looks to Dave as a role model. She's been off the booze less thea two months and every day is still a struggle. Dave, on the other hand, is further on in his journey. He's taking courses at adult day school and has a regular marts he Ines to keep himself sober. "I've go to kap reminding myself I'm allergic to it and why should I drink or eat something I'm allergic to?" France finds this message, and Dave's success, inspiring. One of her 10 4 WORDS FROM M OWN WISE blitim Points ofYlewv and Parodies 0-,0. Smnler jobs numbm ,soar above expectations Last year, 61,525 students received assistance to find employment or create their own summer work through Ontario Summer Jobs, well above the 53,500 expected to take pan. "Summer jobs give young people an opportu- nity to work, to learn new skills, and to gain con- fidence in their abilities:' says Dianne Cunning- ham, Ontario Minister of Training. Colleges and Universities. "It's also important to recognize the efforts of the thousands of employers who opened their doors last summer to provide young people with valuable work experience and an opportunity to build on their education." Bob Theoret, senior counsellor at the Pinewood Centre, notes mental illness and substance abuse can spawn further difficulties, such as legal, health, or housing problems. The Ontario Summer Jobs campaign runs from April to September, helping young pewle ages 15 and up find work. The 550.8 -million in- e Be r vestment combines programs offered by the Min- � istry of Training, Colleges and Universities; Man- agement Board Secretariat; the Ministry of Eco-1Pr noetic Development and Trade; the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines; and the Min- istry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Ontario Summer lobs is pan of the provincial government's Youth Opportunities Ontario strate- gy, which promotes programs that invest $216.6 million in 206,778 services and jobs for young work -seekers. For more information call the Ontario gov- ernment's training hotline at 1 -888 -JOB GROW, or visit www.youthjobs.gov.on.ca. —News Canada =Mlhere to find help LIF Dorham Region e aro a number of pro- year[[[[ in Pinewood Centre loce- fiorhs tfrrotsg1mit Duft m Region ;arid ilt ugh odw agencies In ft l000nimmunity. Usiled below am some wood locations include: -•-, tater: 571-3344 C gl361i60 -. I 11407 005-4721 trtaDnC OW -2747 ►1 Mincludes leak A five -ft a weak 0,01 I(Allh 00411 trrrM sub- and uband mwthl lraaN In. who liar sub „=F �; � Psoprapr A�kwW Vw stub, +� z Free for all givers and takers Monthlytreasure chest :. may contain agem foryou y As is our tradition, Recycler's each D - 416-286-0127. Comer and the News Advertiser Durham cation consultant for the 15) Two bar stools - 839-0734. bring you the 'Treasure Chest' basis. Lorraine 16) Drywall, tool shed, metal on a monthly This space grades in recent years. roofing and siding, filing cabi- allows residents to give away ROUISIOn nets, paneling, ride -on lawn items they no longer use and list ---- mower, trailer, lumber and hard - articles they need. To use the Recycler s Corner ware (nuts bolts, etc.), shingles, 'Treasure Chest' phone 420- -- plumbing and electrical supplies, 5625 during regular business medical supplies, weed whacker, hours weekdays. Call by the last chairs, wagon, curtains, hand chest of drawers and furniture. Wednesday of the month. weights, aerobic mat - 416-349- truck trailer to keep some ani - 4923. mals quarantined, and volunteers ITEMS NEEDED 8) Auto -harp• old linen table- - Second Chance Wildlife Sanc- 1) Old bicycles - 839-1904. cloths, matching drum tables - tuary - 649-8282. 2) Dining room suite - 839-9163. 427-2085. 17) Summer maternity clothes, 3) Two sofa beds, neutral colour 9) Little Tyke plastic playground new infant car seat, playroom -8397402. set with little slide (older model furniture - 686-2138. 4) Freezer, apartment -size wash- that is a bit larger than what is er/dryer - 416-265-5522. available today) - 839-6249. ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY 5) China dolls, VCR, TV - 509- 10) Fishing tackle in any condi- 1) Microwave, older style, good 8760. tion - 416-737-7453. working condition - 509-2088. 6) White elephant items, all 11) Working vacuum cleaner - 2) TV and consol stereo units, types of clothing for St. Martin's 839-0440. not working but may be good for church New to You sales - 839- 12) Sofa bed and fridge, comput- parts or cabinet - 831-0036. 4257. er games, adjustable bed for a 3) Washer/dryer, heavy duty, 7) Piano or organ, toaster oven, handicapped child, boy's good condition - 420-0197. girl's bike (age five to six), in- clothes, TV - 426-6170. 4) Stove, gold colour. good con - line skates for male size eight to 13) Acrylic to knit 'Project dition - 619-3333. 10 and a four-year-old, helmet Linus' - 420 5633 or 839-6249. 5) Single boxspring, single metal and knee and hand guards, ice 14) Medical supplies, bandages, spring for bed - 686-0511. skates for a three-year-old and gauzes, assistive devices such as 6) Aluminum sliding patio doors skating aid, dining table and walkers, etc. for Third World use with attachments - 683-4912. Catholic schools aim for better student literacy BYMIKERUTA —and which was focused upon tinuc practice test sesiwns and Staff Writer last year — is literacy, particular- other strategies designed to make A renewed emphasis on liter- ly in our younger grades;' says students and teachers accur- acy skills is one of the goals of Ms. Perry. -It was something that tomcd to performance-based as - the Durham separate school was done a number of years sessments. board's Action Plan for Improve- ago' Another goal is to help gar- ment. Results of the EQAO tests ergs and guardians gain a better The plan released last week were accompanied by question- understanding ding of the assessment sets out five areas that need at- naires completed by students process and the changes which tention from Durham Catholic which revealed girls like to read have taken place in the school District School Board teachers more than boys Strategies will curriculum. and other staff. be developed to, for example. Presentations to school com- All Ontario school boards are make teachers more aware of munity councils will be made required to submit a system -wide what reading materials appeal to when requested. Arid board staff plan to the Education Quality both male and female students. will meet with more informal and Accountability Office The board also wants both groups of parents who, for exam- (EQAO). which each year coni- students and teachers to be corn- pk, want a better understanding ducts Grade 3 and 6 reading, fortabic with the EQAO assess- of the new mathematics cu nncu- writing and andunetic tests. At mens process, and intends to con- him. Une tical level schoolasst m come with its own improvement � D Susan Perry. ekn—tary, edu- PA DAY K Durham cation consultant for the WIIEN YOU separate board. notes math has NEED CASNI been the focus in elementary We role your personal grades in recent years. Nor -One of the areas we're loon- (905) 427-4400 ing at for the tail end of this year CALL NOW11 C� incl u r7s V PRE -SEASON SALE CALL FOR A (FREE M 3 ME ESTIMATE TODAYI East - 905-706-93.44 • Ff7! Ali Gsillal 60Oi1e00Uma] MWast - 1-000-281-9294 Fkumarg Ava/aWe Iron VS, OAC .-M N aw Maarercartl and Visa Accepted • AMM I :eat 4t)o* =WUMMO 00@- oi'N+s Unice 31100 1_1 111111111 10)erOarls-0W.— to Hist 25 CES6 t Mt awaa a w OLi►�+n w.rwr va a in. v« rt; v-,. NEMIi ADVENFIBM t#IEONEfOAY ZDITIOK Apr@ 5. 2111110 PAM M M as.V "Dwo All The Ajax Multicultural Festival Children's Program Saturday,Apri18 'C"Ite'a 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 P.M. presentartons Pickering High School Chrroh Sfoof Nwfh, Ajar Guest speaker. Jean Augastiae, MP at 10 a.m. Singers, Dancers E Musicians from Other activities: Around the World Sports skills, arts S crafts, art E literary exhibit videos and moore! Free shuttle bases 4Festival S Dances) Is Ajar all: 427-5710 Is helix* all: 683-4179 Just the fax? We're at 683-7363 Come see the many sides of Sears® cr1 ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES IV for more information toll 1.888.158-2999 v ONTARIO'S www.drivecloon.com EOt6NTAO'SIV Pickering Town Centre : mtr*ct un• 420-0271 o 8 cllw. x. i7 mEm AwAmmmL ww Ape* s. am eo0001- ns The Bil, On 'Vow! The One €� Only! CadsMost Popular Home Furnishings Event Is Back This Spring. Better Than Ever. For Seatin1; .4-Ald Sleeping Deep Seating Comfort Soft 499 Contemporary Casual Stunning Leather Sofa! Double Size Sofa Bed !1 r-rrsn I arro L.uuK: Casual Transitional Sq ing Cam rt I MOttOn! Sleek Italian Leather Sofa fo >� Am=ingPrices! iA lift cr Leather ChairOttoxax �nt YOU DPoy Yt Cent For r Stoxe d GZan Cocktail Tabk End Table $259 Plush Rodwr Recliner 1 Available in blas, wine or green. . • �p f CANADA'S ONLY FURNITURE SUPERSTORES VAN= SCARBOROUGH 01010 ONO NRL MOM CEMIM TORO= WEST MISSISSAUGA BURUNGTION w •a. a wrt �•� A A v!e• uaw rww A 1 Soo WSWO St fmt Soils Mrtlwn u w lkle•n IOf7S Mo��e St !eon's Naw Era Gordon dl MM M. at �rihmir PAS" d OEM al CaielpA file d 401 i Met d Oidm 61 AN W* d May 401 Nwdr of 9 - 11 Nd 2M Osrdorth A S."O d O., Ae bl EM d M" to Tposto pieR liae pS4M0 (WS) 430-90SO 416) 2to91--3810 LIOS)_770.402p6 41i)_6W7M. 14 416)_3.1130p0n (W -!=��) Srt4.104 pn so=124 Mn SeL147 pn SuMsy R3 pn sstwaa7«pwn saa8� i2 S Na sM 107Mrwr Saab►1 1. salo-l�pay sriely 12 5 pa salsas pn s.dsr 171 FS y� p„ I pa Uo PM•O.A.C. AMWPft1WMM MA a proaaip Ue of i48 N dw at Ma tine of pMeMw (Eg San pMehw vft $4 PF so* w APR of 9 0%l Bd-- dua ana rwr 1roM1 dMa or pwehw S km am lar11h1a - b we WP llna..a awn w 1 myd= NW MNMa sa. alw.lor�aRlae�wll �Ni1 pafrim sWe �ylMw Ptoplbn�adc CW= aed�ila w 19% d*NL tae Mora for dMewf �w.aa. Nw appseabM to pnelolra pw4lMaaa f NEt111i ADYEw'r WLWEDNEWM E=TlM Apr 5.loon PAGE h r GOLF CS orts EI URE r ]NEWS ADVERTISER APRIL S 2000 Tina ow iMonr CALL 416-321-9331 Pickering curler earns another t. Mary makingapitcli Ontario title ' BYAL Sports Editor aspremier soccer team Sport Fdr or PICKERING — It doesn't get any sweeter for a Pickering teen who added Pickering school's senior girls' squad captures three indoor tournament titles yet another curling title to his bulging r6sum6 of triumphs this season. — Jamie Bishop, 15, captured his third PICKERING — The St. Mary Ione goal. Visser was named game major cutting victory of the season after Monarchs senior girls' soccer team MVP. helping the Jeff Thomas rink from the has firmly established itself as one of �t ..� St. Mary opened the tourney with a Avonlea Curling Club of Scarborough the finest high school squads in7-0 romp over Georgetown. Jones, win the Bantam. Boys' Provincial cham- Toronto and district after chalking up lop Bianca Savarino and Katrina Gaudet pionship n i three titles at area indoor tourna- led the scoring parade with two goals Brantford this ments. �� apiece. Lahey added a single marker. past weekend. The Monarchs captured the cham- d Jill Bunting earned MVP honours for The Avonlca pionships at the Humber College St. Mary. foursome posted Classic in Etobicoke, the Hangar Var- Next, the Monarchs blasted Holy an overall 6-1 city Tournament in Downsview and Name 6-0. Smith scored three goals. record in the "` the Tri Mark Investment's High t Bianca Savarino two and Mroczkows- e i g h t - t e a in School Tournament in Brampton, de- ki one. Bianca Savarino got the nod as round-robin feating top -calibre competition en game MVP. event to win the route to the titles. __. _ _ . - - St. Mary downed Sacred Heart 5-1 crown. Along JAMIE BISHOP St. Mary's most recent tournament in the third game. Bianca Savanno with skip Another curlingconquest at the Humber College event continued her torrid scoring pace with Thomas and March 29 saw the Monarchs blank three goals. Gianetta Savarino and Bishop, who championship- Markham 1-0 in the championshipColetti netted one apiece. For the sec - played the vice position, were second final on a goal by Althea Jones. Adn- The St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Monarchs senior girls' soccer and time in the tourney. Bianca Jeff Benner of Thornhill and lead Dar- ana Cornacchia earned most valuable team captured three championships at area indoor tournaments and is Savarino was named game MVP. ren Anderson of Newmarket. player honours in the title lilt. Mon- primed for a solid season in Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics So far in indoor tournament action, The Thomas rink was almost unbeat- archs' team captain Bianca Savarino league play which begins later this month. the Monarchs have compiled a near - able this season, losing only one game was named tournament MVP. perfect 15-0-1 record. Offensively, in the zones, regionals and at the provin- To advance to the final, St. Mary 5-0 in the semi-finals. Bianca Savari- final game's MVP. Bianca Savarino the team has been led by Bianca cials. That Ione loss came at the provin- defeated Brother Andre school from no connected for three goals- Gianet- was named tournament MVP. while Savarino who's piled up 19 goals in vials against the Alexander Dyer rink York Region 2-0 in the semi-final tilt. to Savanno and Katrina Gaudet had the top goalkeeper award went to St. 16 tournament games. Meanwhile, from the Russell Curling Club. Bianca Savarino and Gianetta Savari- one apiece. Mary's Ashley Visser. the team's "Weeping has been su- But, don't get the impression the no scored for the Monarchs. In the quarter -final contest. St. In the semi-final game, the Mon- perb. Keepers Katie Patton and Viss- Thomas rink had an easy ride at the In quarter -final action, St. Mary Mary downed Cardinal Newman 3-1. archs edged Cardinal Carter 1-0. Gi- er have recorded five and six shutouts, provincials, cautions the Grade 10 situ- crushed Father Bressani 8-0 to ad- Lahey, Bianca Savanno and Coletti anetta Savarino scored the game's respectively, in tournament play. dent at Pine Ridge Secondary School. in fact, the Thomas rink had to gut out four extra-cnd victories that called for some thatch shooting at critical times. "We shot malty well and we didn't get down on one another." notes Bishop of the key ingredients in the team's chart tpionship win. "We're all good friends and good curlers ' To say it's been an eventful season for Bishop would be an understatement. Earlier this year. he was part of Leslie Bishop's (no relation) Bradford Curling Club nnk that capered the Pepsi Ban- tam Mixed Cutting Championships in Belleville. The victory at the mixed provincials earned the Bishop rink a berth in the Ontario Winter Games in Sault Ste. Marie last monaL The team returned with a bronze medal. Moat remarkable about this trio of ranee to the semi-finals. Gianetta Savarino led the attack with two goals, Bianca Savarino, Coletti, Lisa Lahey, Jones. Katrina Gaudet and Julie Mroczkowski had one apiece. In preliminary play, St. Mary tied Henry Carr 1-1 on a goal by Tonna Coletti. The Monarchs then bombed Don Bosco 5-0 on goals by Bianca Savan- no and Coletti with two each, and Gi- anetta Savarino with one. At the Hangar Varsity Tournament at The Hangar in Downsview, the Monarchs took down Bishop Moroc- co 6-1 in the title game. Bianca Savanno and Coletti each scored twice, with single markers to Jones and Melissa Gaudet. St. Mary advanced to the champi- onship final after downing Richview victories is that early in the curling sea- son Bishop suffered a broken leg while playing indoor soccer. The injury was severe enough that it could have kept Fa barn from compeung with his team at the provincial mixed event. But, Bishop re- it taimed for the provincials and was in- sitimmental in pushing his rink it) victory. "I'm ecstatic. To cone back (from injury) and win two provincials and win a bronze at the Ontario Winter Games 683. X363 was incredible. We had a good time and we won while we were doing it" iiiiiii X42 O _1 Rft7de! (905) 985-8390 4 km North of Ashburn or 4 km south of Utica -- then turn west scored for the Monarchs. In preliminary play, St. Mary blanked Danforth 2-0, thanks to goals by Coletti and Jones. St. Mary then earned a 2-1 win over St. Famille. Again, Coleui and Jones were the scorers. In the third game, the Monarchs finished the opening round with an unblemished mark after scoring a 3-0 win over a University of Toronto team. Bianca Savarino stored twice, Gianetta Savarino added a single The St. Mary Monarchs laid claim to the Tri Mark Investments tourney title after blanking Port Credit 5-0. Bianca Savarino and Coletti led the charge as each amutbuted two goals. Natasha Smith had the other marker Gianetia Savarino was chi,sen the 1 1to 0,10 So tar tin sear, Pickering soccer player Bund savanna he$ FAM �r oppceaq 9ods w . Them* "odhoWWNOW ana leen captain of tat St. Mary Catw•e Secondary Shod Momerrh Senior gale' soccer learn hallpaa the swell to three Cnariipwalva at am indoor mcnar lounwnN+n so lar flit sisam She case yarned to toumar srd WVP at Mo d the i everts. She's also acorea an neladbM 19 goals n that free 1pUMnwMa. Last year. Severn* playW wee the provincial under -19 womM's soeear am as wee as Will a member of ft in4er-20 wcrieri's nalional training coma teem. M IRI] sew- •err Annual r' '- General Meeting Sunday April 16, 2000 7:00 pane Aim Com w*0 Centre HMS Room Directors Reports Now Business, Elections Requests For constitutional charges must be received in writing I A days prior to the meeting. Execufln Pashkms for Eec110n President H.L. Director - 1 st Vice President (Minor Diva 3rd Vice President Assoc. Business Manager O.M.H.A. Director Secretary House league Director Bingo Director Childrens Boys & Gins SUMMER Welcome plOCKEY Ages 5 to 13 years old AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE �u Ages 5 to 13 years old • - May to August Season x'71' schedule � 14 -Week c Affnoir NaviOe April 15th 0'.90 an Dor B!!r cls MVJW ]penile t Ap S lf3th 10:90 an D= Bfeer #11. Minor Atofn Apttil 15th 11:00 aura Doty Hoer #2 Mgjor'Atlowt AprU 161th 9:30 an Dor Beer •s April lath 12:30 pin Don Beer #2 Minor Bantam April 15th 12:00 prn Don Deer • 1 llfaJor Bantam April 15th 1:30 pm Don Beer f 1 Midget April 15th 2:00 pm Don Deer M2 ;,4 T At Doe, Now Athens - `e_..H. a It Axeisni; - - Yt0TRYOUT A A att1EW AONERffl MMtwill I rort SHORTS APRIL 5, 2000 Air I'l IS ban" to tramp provincials s i PICKERING — Three Pickering trampolinists are headed for the Ontario championships in Etobicoke this week- =end after sticcessfulty competing in a *ties of qualifying events. Erica Allingham will compete in the W teDrrlDN. Apra S. NO k Picrin e g gymnast beamed uD to Ontario �evel 1 junior female category while !Evan Pelan and Matthew Sharp will par- ticipate in the Level 2 senior male group it the provincials at the Elobicoke 3C"ium Saturday, April 8. This is the first year of provincial- Jevel competition for Alfingham, Pelan ?and Sharp. The members of Pickering Air Dev- �s Trampoline Club qualified on the basis hof their performances in recent meets in Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa. They are coached by Lannette .Dobbs and Ben Snape, a former junior world trampoline champion and member rOf the Canadian national team. Hoops loop shoots to net new players The Durham West Basketball bop is looking for players to join its summer }house league for boys and girls aged 10 to 17. Games are played Saturdays from mid-May to mid-August at Lincoln Alexander Public School in Ajax. Earty-bird registration dates are on April 6. 10 and 17 from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the school, 95 Church St. N. Early registration fee Is $85. Top ringette teams shoot to score recruits CKERING The Pick_ PICKERING — Four Pickering gymnasts are taking direct aim at ad- vancing to the provincial champi- onships after strong efforts at two qualifying competitions. The members of Gemini Gymnas- tics in Oshawa competed at the second provincial qualifier at the Winstonette Gymnastics Clubs in Unionville and the first qualifier hosted by Gemini Gymnastics. Tara Columbus guaranteed herself a spot on the Metro East's junior 3 team at the provincials after finishing first overall at the second qualifier. She placed first on balance beam, sec- ond on floor exercises and uneven bars and third on vault. At the first qualifier, she was third all-around, with a first on beam, third on floor, fourth on vault and sixth on bars. Arran Black finished fifth overall in the senior 2 category at the second qualifier. She placed second on noor. fourth on bars and beam and seventh on vault. At the first qualifier. Black placed third all-around, with a first on beam. second on bars. fourth on floor and seventh on vault. Jenna Grandy placed sixth overall in the pre -junior 2 bracket in the sec- ond provincial qualifying meet. She finished second on vault, third on bars. fourth on floor and seventh on beam. In the first qualifier, Grandy also finished sixth, with a second on PI — ring • tt Association is holdrlg tryouts meet TARO COLUMBUS Placed first overall in junior 3 category at second provincial qualifier vault and floor, seventh on bars and ninth on beam. Kaidin Grandy finished seventh all-around in the junior 3 division at the second qualifier. She placed first on vault, fifth on floor, sixth on beam and seventh on bars. In the first provincial qualifier, Grandy was fourth overall, finishing first on vault, fourth on bars, fifth on beam and eighth on bars. tor next ,neke Compexsat�ntoe Recroabon Corrtpleu's OT3rten doe Atom Raidersgo swept their final round of playoffs, for tiring Wolves in three games. The Raiders are guaranteed a GaturdW April 15, 11:30 am.; Sunday. April 16. 11:30 am. berth in the Ontario finals this week • Belle 'A': Wednesday. April 12. &3o because they won the championship pad this month. Each player is required to be regia- j Star hour of ice brae. .mom � fm • third • Ontario • title isams are $275 per player The tryout dates are as on"r, e. � ► Tween 'AA': Wedr esday. April 12, 7:30 The Ajax -Pickering atom Raiders p.m.; Saturday, April 15. 9:30 am-; Sun- i swept their final round of playoffs, pay, April 16, 9:30 a.m eliminating the Central Ontario • Junior *^A': Fridays April 14. 7:30 p.m.; Wolves in three games. The Raiders are guaranteed a GaturdW April 15, 11:30 am.; Sunday. April 16. 11:30 am. berth in the Ontario finals this week • Belle 'A': Wednesday. April 12. &3o because they won the championship m.: SaRxday. April 15. 10:30 am.; last year. April 16, 10:30 am. The third game of the series in ' ° y Ajax saw the hosts prevail 5-4 in Calling all ballplayers ovenimc when Marcus Carroll and Activities included in Nick Mainelli combined for the win- Sno-pAeh n May stung goal. Mike MLCusker had two The Durham Wort Area Office of the i goals in regulation. )lean and Stroke Foundation has McCusker scored the overtime yescheduled its 7th arrn+1111 s111014ch winner to lift the Raiders to another tournamerht to May 6 from 8 am. to 5 ! S-4 victory in game two of the series p.m. There just wasn't enough snow to is Lindsay. hold Q1r•rx tins D•M'""n1°r and d was Steven Koufis had a four -point ef- poistponeid on two oceaaiom fort and defenceman James Jarvis The tournament, a normal slo'pillchchipped in with two assists. Raiders )°vent with a snow theins, wilItake Waco 'al Belly BLOM. St Patrick's. Lester B. goaltetttier Alexander Cyr stopped 22 :Pearson and Miles Park ball diamonds shots. [a the first game of the series is ,n North Aix. No rair>date s P�. M entry Tse d $20 per team rrlerrr Ajax, the Raiders- offence was too Der s maridabry to timer the Wurna- ' much for the Wolves to handle is an 11-5 drubbing. The Raiders' line of rent and a deposit of $20 is required at the time of regig - I - - . The balance is Brendan Hann, McCusker and Koufis .due the day of the burnameM I combined for 13 points, including a The last day to r gMW is April 27. hat trick by McCusker. Marcus Car- Qx tact Mike Gardner at the Durham roll contributed three points. Goalie west office at 686.1521 for more ardor- Eric Nottbeck was solid in the cage, rnabon or to register. facing 20 shots from the Wolves. ' Proceeds will go to the Heart and The Raiders will play in the On - Stroke Foundation. tario finals which start Thursday with ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC NOTICE N TIE MATH OF, THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the council of to R , - trt+^dp I)of Durham may pass by-laws autrwaing wwvucbon d ata l N prtti tle: Road No. t Location D•eeriptiorl 4 Tauaon Rd. ficin Raaon Rd. 10 Racortastrc•an aid Harmony Rd. (Oehaw) wtdararg. 423 Taurson Rd. I Lake Rrdga Road trn■raoc•on irporraarlr. (AiadWtimy) a Brocit St and Oue6w VYpe or. UrbrYvaYon said . (Uxbridge) 22 Bayly St and shor Paid Rd. kr■lacliart arprowaranrr (Ajnt) and bndola 22 YKtonat St tram Rr ' St Road wdw" on South wider to Charles St (Whitby) of Vik2om St 22134 Boor St and Carlin Rd. Siprtatiation and (Cterkgbn) ++.a.c+.•:ttproaamanta. 23 Roaslard Rd. at Fenoaow I sw ahzeim and 1 Canadian oaks (VlRipy) kdw"Cbw inpra ameneL J 30 Rag. Rd. 30 and Doris Dr. somaration •d (Uxbridge) kMen Lection npowrtrMt. 31 Weetnay Rd. from flay. 112 to RacanYt ebtar and - DeWey or (/yon) wnd■tkg. 57 Reg Rd. 57 at Stakelon Brdge raMbitMice. Overpass (ClarirgM) A - J 57 Reg. Rd. 57 at &Kip rMnbitrion. J Bowmamitile Croak (ClanngWn) Hwy. 2 Kingston Rd. at Cohbktk k Rd. Installation of a weslDowd (Clamgtorl) bypatls Ione. Hwy. 2 Kwgswn Rd from Townline Rd. Corridor and entrance to Varcoe Rd. (C1arm9ton) iniprovernamilts, includig nrmbalkr m idien wale. Woke Committee, being deNgabd by Repaid Council as IM haerirg body atoll hoar in parson or by his or her counsel solidta Or egad, any persoh pre)ukcielly trisected by the by-laws and who appkas on or le10 Apel 19th. 2000. to be heard st a "%a" of the Woks co rmn■e on April 25th, 2000. Plans 00wIng g tun dstanb of the Prola(ft and she tends anecWd may be seen at the ofacea of the Durham Region Woks Deps rbrrnl. 105 consumers Dr Whitby Ont Telephoro (905106&7721 or 1-000.372-71 Dated this 17th day of March, 2000. 1, P..MN.. Ewa VA, aty.w.. F. Ewa. ok.cw M Trwww-taa.w �ar�rrnrw-� l a C...k..u.w a.r.k.. the opportunity to set a record of winning three consecutive champi- onships. T -rte Zb .ge�Inner b Back to Basic Classes •5, 1 hr. lessons Beginningthe Neek of Aril 11. Call: Greg Salazar 0001111 rtrdrq /hty(sar.at to reserve your spot Seniors can take part in Games PLAYERS BORN TIME A MINOR NOVICE 1982 The Durham Senior ceps darts, which costs7CALL 1981 Games take place through- $IA, and golf which is�ld 1111111 out the month of May at $28. All events include' otrpttrsaul various locations in the re- lunch. Registration forms, ' ° y gion. as well as information on 1987 Activities included in event locations and dates, 27-4400 the games, for competitors can be picked up and re- NOW1t over the age of 55, are bridge, darts, bid turned to any seniors' cen- tre in Durham. }} }� Fax the euchre, euchre, five- and 10 -pin For information call it l� bowling, horseshoes, lawn Verna Charlton at 579- 11"SMO 1: bowling, tennis, and golf. 9336, Terry James at 839 - t,n If There is a registration 8890, or John Lester at CQQ 7QQQ fee of $7 for all events, ex- 839-2428. 683-730 Qasses beta of nos Rea■ Golf Ce■nhe Taunton Ild.a Nu 110• A "/PICKEMG a ' PR&TRTOU" da001• '''� AAA, AA, A CONDITIONING CAMP BE PRETARED FOR SPP94G TRYOUTS . ' • Pbwer Skating • Checking Sk& • Poch Control • T ryottt Drills a • Shooting • Goaltending Ontario Hockey Schools DON BEER ARENA (PICKERING) April 10,11,12, & 13, 2000 TOVn1T1'Q rnUMIVNCF APQTT. 1; 7_I11N1 2000-2001 AGE CATEGORY PLAYERS BORN TIME A MINOR NOVICE 1982 11:00 - 7:00 pm. MAJOR NOVICE 1981 6:30 pmt MINOR ATOM Be 1980 7A0 - 8.00 pm. MAJOR ATOM 1909 ORLANDO C MINOR PEEWEE 1gn so -9:00 PAL MAJIOR PEEWEE 1987 from D Mil i kw. 9ANrAM 19x5 a 1986 9.00 -10:00 pm. MIDGET 1963 a 19M $199 Approximately 10 skaters & 4 goalies per xssuro (905) 839-3794 L imued poauiau. Call to Rcscrve. Head Coach. Crag Clnodter c P Q' BOC ASSoci" .four► •�' �� r� 6 JffAW ifs le ApcD '1416 S:30 pat PAI)% Z J IWW lrov'Is APO Zd■ 5:30 pmt PAD Z J ORW Atoms Apt111 24- 6.-00 pmt PAD 1 MrJor Atom April W0, 6:00pmt PAD i >6ineir Ps 0 N 0 0 April 2416 7:00 pmt PAD Z Jtl411111111" F1mtee Aptltil 20" 7:00 pmt PAD Z BNnor Bamtmn Apd124" 7:30 pmt PAD 1 Aftfor Bantam ApsU 250 7:30 pmt PAD 1 AMWk t - April 250 6:30 pmt PAD Z .hatable Aped 24" 6:30 pmt PAD Z J'a1l1lS P091Ea 11ti1 ARaRA AA & A C1oaehha•d Par First lygout L ALL WiL( DAM 70 A170111D I9ZUW 7 sJMEr 9[j01Ce 6 may 91e 5:30 pmt Duper 7 Way 91 6:30 pm • ^11RF^FZES Aftnor Atom May 10te 6:30 pmt Attom 1147 9" 7:30 pm JI[inor Peefuss May 9" 6:30 pm. Plsea tie -May 10" ORLANDO from $179 an pp ' 9.30pa a . ST PETES from $169 rfltt pp MONCTON from $199 "n pp ' WINNIPEG from $179 tett pp EDMONTON from $199 t,n If NEW YORK from $169 rM Fv LOS ANGELES from $399 runt pp LONDON from $379 tin pp MANCHESTER from $379 tin F9 • AMSTERDAM from $449 run pp ■ ' PARIS from $449 • r% pp ' Is FRANKFURT from $529 ■ do pp 'Coadtfoas spilt -d haat b be ad" FI * wljstt 10 ausL Meld M WM of print. se CALL YOUR FUGHT CENTRE �;.; --.. 0 905-831-9959 • ■ LOCATED AT PICKERING MWW c P Q' BOC ASSoci" .four► •�' �� r� 6 JffAW ifs le ApcD '1416 S:30 pat PAI)% Z J IWW lrov'Is APO Zd■ 5:30 pmt PAD Z J ORW Atoms Apt111 24- 6.-00 pmt PAD 1 MrJor Atom April W0, 6:00pmt PAD i >6ineir Ps 0 N 0 0 April 2416 7:00 pmt PAD Z Jtl411111111" F1mtee Aptltil 20" 7:00 pmt PAD Z BNnor Bamtmn Apd124" 7:30 pmt PAD 1 Aftfor Bantam ApsU 250 7:30 pmt PAD 1 AMWk t - April 250 6:30 pmt PAD Z .hatable Aped 24" 6:30 pmt PAD Z J'a1l1lS P091Ea 11ti1 ARaRA AA & A C1oaehha•d Par First lygout L ALL WiL( DAM 70 A170111D I9ZUW 7 sJMEr 9[j01Ce 6 may 91e 5:30 pmt Duper 7 Way 91 6:30 pm lltooioe may 10" 5:30 pm Aftnor Atom May 10te 6:30 pmt Attom 1147 9" 7:30 pm JI[inor Peefuss May 9" 6:30 pm. Plsea tie -May 10" 8:30 pm Mnor Bantam May Bra 8:30 pm .Bantam may W 9.30pa a . ALL TRYOOT8 AT DOR 11111=: AUXUA Xw o8 t a Tgls• 7s A take pla•o ha tM You Further Dawe Poo" At The Ar•na Entertainment NEWS ADVERTISER APRIL 5. 2000 Driftwood Group looking to 'Get onthe Bus' Durham performers take their shows on the road BY JOHN DUARTE Staff Editor The Driftwood Theatre Group is taking a forward step back to the roots of stage performers. The theatre company, which each summer travels aroundsouthern On- tario staging William Shakespeare plays in parks in various commu- nities, has launched a plan which ■ would see it become "Canada's first fully -functioning, travelling theatre;' says Jeremy Smith. Driftwood Theatre Group's artistic director and general manager. "This is an innovative and unique tool truly echoing the tradition of trav- elling players:' says Smith. "rhe Mil- lennium Bus is the next step in the growing accessibility of Driftwood productions." The Driftwood Theatre Group is a iron -profit, professional theatre compa- ny that has been bringing live theatre to people in south-central Ontario since 1995. The troupe has remained stead- fast in its mandate to make classical theatre "enjoyable and accessible to all people" through outdoor. free produc- tions. "We know the direction we want to go in." Smith says. "And this is defi- nitely the next logical step (for Drift- wood Theatre)" In its first five years. the company has continued to grow. In the first year. Driftwood performed eight shows in four communities in parks across Durham Region. Last year. the group performed 19 shows in 17 communi- ties. in order to accomplish this while logging over 1.500 kilometres in a sparr of four weeks, the company rented a cube van to lug all the gear necessary to mount a theatre production - costumes, sets and lights. That's not even taking into account Otte actors and how they were going to get to each evenin= s production site. lite logistics of that alone were some- times overwhelming. This year, the schedule will place Driftwood Theatre Group in 18 com- munities, from Hamilton in the west to Belleville in the east. for 19 shows. the idea for the Millennium Bus fust surfaced over dinner prior to the opening of last year's production of 'Twelfth Night'. Smith recalls talking about a scene in the film 'Rosencrantz and Guildeauem Are Dead' where a wagon opens up into a ready-made Dan Gallo said he had heard of a company in the States which travelled by bus from location to location;' Smith says. And we thought it could work here.- Converting ere"Converting a bus to a touring theatre has many advantages. The bus will pro- vide storage space, change and make- up room and a green roan for the ac - tars. "Some of the benefits the bus pro- vides include a safer and more private backstage area for both the performers and the atdieace," says Smith. "It also provides many technical Aga." Smith says plans for the M ilermitmn Bus will allow the group to set up a raised stage which will give the atdi- eaa better sightlines. It wdI also allow r . the company to improve the lighting r system. Never mind what it means in tams of set-up. "If we can ease sear set-up time so dial it takes an hour -and -a -half instead of tree boors, it means we aren't as rued." Smith says. "If we are not as tired. we an concentrate on giving bet- ter performances" ENG RICHARD'S PUB Monday* 5� Wings 831-3469 IIIIIIIIIEWT4 7/ IIS ) "A Another benefit of the bus is that it will provide the Driftwood Theatre Group with a source of advertising. "We will be travelling in our own vehicle and we will be increasing our image." says Smith. The idea works according to Smith. "We are not engineers, but we know it can work in theory." The estimated start-up cost for the Millennium Bus is $30.000. The Drift- wood Theatre Group is seeking sup- port, both financial and supplies, mate- rials and advice. ""lite idea is to have the Millennium Bus ready, in some form, for this years summer season;' Smith says. "It's in the planning stage but we are committed to this and, if it doesn't happen this year, it will happen" In the long run. the bus could actu- ally save the theatre company money in that "the cost we already have in rent- ing a cube van will go to maintaining the bus" says Smith. For more information on the Millen- nium Bus, contact the Driftwood The- atre Group by phone at 576-2396, by e- mail at driftwood_tg@bigfoot.com or visit the group's Web site (www.big- foot.com/-driftwood_tg ). NEWS ADIVdtr1UK WEDNESMY EOrT10N, April S. 2000 PAGE 03 AIP *MICRODERMABRASION *LAM PROBE • all skin conditions • hyperpigmentation • broken capillaries • acne scars • scars • aging skin • fine lines and wrinkles • sun damaged skin • stretch marks • body peeling • fibromas • cholesterol deposits • skin tags • milia • rough skin (ACNE) (STRETCH MARKS) BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER ftANTI -AGING THERAPY AVAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY SKIN CARE CONSULTANTS 416-439-3350 916 Markham Road, Scarborough Let us entertain you! The News Advertiser J Our lowest prices of the season Save'5000, teem KENMORE ELITE"" WASHER 3 DRYER Wnher. 'Total -Care' agitator and 3 -speed motor. ■2o952. Seers reg. 949.99. 699.88 Dryer. o6o9s2. Sears reg. 729.99. 47898 Available in White and Graphite ..,Save ­'$230 KENMORE• COIL RANGE Features a four -pass bake/broil element. a5eo6i. Sears reg. 729.99. $497 Also available in White -on -White and self -clean; Oil Save $1501 KENMORE IB -CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR 3 full -width, 'spillprcof' shelves slide out for convenience. s60e62. Sears reg. 899.99. 1747 Available in White and Almond NP0410800 Copyright 2000. Sean Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of Sears® 5�h�nnua 1 5 p I O's 41 KIDS CAUING GONIEST LLL WEEKEND ID'NCG �S OF �I451 over 50 tabl -IC lllk� lall RECD 149.,A . t�tr CDiOI.ER f6 wa 59-19, IIIII�� KIDS DRAW MORE 61VIN6 i V 100015 OFDq.IA wr•s ov FUN PRIZE es outside piled wigh wifh flem AL% 6`11: 9 It /T, VISIT US AT THE YARD SALE APRIL 8 fi g "M; _P_�j gilf Ll e O's 41 KIDS CAUING GONIEST LLL WEEKEND ID'NCG �S OF �I451 over 50 tabl -IC lllk� lall RECD 149.,A . t�tr CDiOI.ER f6 wa 59-19, IIIII�� KIDS DRAW MORE 61VIN6 i V 100015 OFDq.IA wr•s ov FUN PRIZE es outside piled wigh wifh flem AL% 6`11: 9 It /T, VISIT US AT THE YARD SALE APRIL 8 fi g "M; LE PRICES rsHIMAAiO M'SAIRE PI-ELIC6 (3999 69-S SIENNA 5 REEL 1f6 (dam CASH NOnN6MA tmmw HOVOK PEG 84.99 5PINNIN6 meo w6 im �749 War NEWS ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY EDITION, AprII S. 2000*AM 06 AOP 4JO of 'a 4 ji 41 Cc K p4012] J-U5T BRING IN RODS, YOUR OLD RF-FL5-TACXLFAND AND W5 TACkLEsBOXES Buck-6GoYURE E S Buck-,EM1VE Y&j BARKLAYS WftM TWE'LL IN T o RN To - CqNEAUiPmEm T ALSO SSisA. HAVE THEIR ANITsWIL GLUpES SITE RAN ON DISPLAY AND AM APPIWckk ON of 11 TE 7HAT WILL BE ABLE TELL- WWHAT15 Wt)p DPAS Alft 4?3BIoorStW.Oslawa * 456 - 0644 1W PEARIZUMI C 151m BY =8 VPIOB GLIPLE55 .­ 4W 99 SMTO SHI $9 8 FME116MBRE699! df 8 PEDALS REG 9" RHODE EAR kn i.': $„ s L-AEL oh5is PRO SELECTED M -M FENDERS WA4 CLOT"Ima UpiD. �70% HELMET SAVE 15°O...., or SHM RDCK SIAOX St'� $138 ECHO 11 CYCLE qroo SUSPENSION FORKS.... %JVaN COMPUTERS REG 3999 cmm amm vi PmE 1499 ms'a­' $198 Bicycles &btKfwm MINIME :.109 WmA 9CHWINK 0 -.$278 SALES & SERVICE MIMP-MVE &w M&M & ACCESSORIES Plus AVOCET 700C 'IR00 MGE MTE 79-1620 436-6040 R0ADnPZ5-HA1FW....-.'-" -0 i — " no MUM% ft"WEII-M slate M WAILS ALL 3ALF-5 FINA L - QUANTITIES LIMITED • NO RAI Annaal Yard Sale Blowout 2000 IWOCIA 19" M maX' " " ALL 11MOCK 50/6 BIKES -OVER W OW" LAKE A% ItS SHOES OR10A9 HELMETS ....g CAMME RIORK REG IW" 1W PEARIZUMI C 151m BY =8 VPIOB GLIPLE55 .­ 4W 99 SMTO SHI $9 8 FME116MBRE699! df 8 PEDALS REG 9" RHODE EAR kn i.': $„ s L-AEL oh5is PRO SELECTED M -M FENDERS WA4 CLOT"Ima UpiD. �70% HELMET SAVE 15°O...., or SHM RDCK SIAOX St'� $138 ECHO 11 CYCLE qroo SUSPENSION FORKS.... %JVaN COMPUTERS REG 3999 cmm amm vi PmE 1499 ms'a­' $198 Bicycles &btKfwm MINIME :.109 WmA 9CHWINK 0 -.$278 SALES & SERVICE MIMP-MVE &w M&M & ACCESSORIES Plus AVOCET 700C 'IR00 MGE MTE 79-1620 436-6040 R0ADnPZ5-HA1FW....-.'-" -0 i — " no MUM% ft"WEII-M slate M WAILS AfP PNOE R OM AOVERiNM WEDNEKkhY EDITION. April IL 2000 AAJAX DICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER -�• � C S S IFIED "TECS" Training • Education • Careers • Schooling "TECS'' - Training olm Graduate in as little as 01Aacm 2ol44 6-12 months In: WEBSITE •/eeh-k adrwWabr(Mtv,spw w • N•Mrk 6 IMNMI SYeMMs $D.� �I DESIGNER (MCSEICNA) _ it, %I -1h Dopl rm •CompuW Bwrss Appkcahona(WUS) • 6ubr+en AdrnxwkaWn - INTERNET . AaounbW a CoroprMr Appbcasas PROGRAMMER .urcMk Um O Mmlh lhploal . Smaf Buses, Mangra a• - lJMITF-D SEATS r . L.gal Adnnatralna Aanwnl • COk. Aawnant Get Connected 420-13 YAaebl,deWYea w..aeaeb.l.a•w Gmannal Asarsbr.ce m.y Oe .va�4deMg fl LpiL • • • 't to mpea NW Go-akty r.... . oM� r PlckaJring Campus ce T-1, o p ryern • Computer Service/Networkrk Engin • Web Site (e -Commerce) Specialist CERTIFICATE COURSES • A.. Network . Certification • Microsoft NT - MCP/MCSE • Novell - CNA/CNE d('' • Linux (Red Hat) K►" DIAMOND INSTITUTE Durham Region's First /T Certification College Novell APPROVED DIPLOMA PROGRAMS ROMETRIC t� • Computer Programmer/Analyst • C m iter Se l TESTER DUTIES: Pt-rlum s all electrical tests from standard procedures on all ranges of uutrummt transformers, as determined by the Test Lab Supervisor, using the appropnale eleatncal unstnunmts to men daily production quotas. Must be able to perform duties with minimal supervision. Records all test results using standard test forms and procedures, and fills our daily production reports and any other related docvmmtation. FuUows all safety procedures related to high voltage testing and the workplace. 01111ALIFICAT10Ms: • Corrlpletium of a college program in Electrical/Power Systems Technology or equivalent • Must be familiar with the construction of high voltage instrument transformers and past experience in high voltage test is required. • Must be able to read and follow schematics, factory work orders and rradt.bd drawings, as well as Testing and Engineering instructions. • Must be safety and quality conscious and be a team player HOURS OF WORK: Shift work - 3 shift rotation is required. RATE OF PAY: 517.111/HR. Please reply to: File P 516 P.O. Box 481 865 Farewell Street Oshawa, Ont. LiH 7L5 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT & COST ACCOUNTANT required by Ajax High Tech Company Experienced in CMA/CGA program (2/3 level) to ensure inventory is property valued and costing transactions are recorded accurately. e-mail: hr.ajax®nokia.com Fax: 905-427-3285 Courses are Instructed by experienced instructors 0 CLASSIFIED Melo are cer#W by Microsoft end Noxell. AuMarindAca lmic WEB SXTE Diploma CUSTOMER Funding ffialy be available for those who glUiallifyi Training f Flex,L ,z11 + seen talcs. SERVICE bit re. FOR INFORMATION CALL (905) 427-1922 PrimeTi?�i N&"tute quests t e; w "�I $ isl-•X Publication as flews Ad- ®Lenbrook 633 Granite Court, Pickering, Ontario L11N 3K1 (FAX) 905-6374352 of e-mail: SENIOR ACCOUNTANT - File 1392 Reporting to Lenbrook Canada s Manager, Financial Services. this position requires a high achiever who is a proactive, multi- task oriented teamplayer. Applicants must be a 3rd level CGA/ CMA student with 5 years of general accounting experience with a strong emphasis on GIL. You must be comfortable working with 7 applications and be an advanced user in Excel. Ex- perience with cost accounting and multiple currencies would be considered an asset. The man responsitIiiihitin include but are not klift to: • Custodianship of the GIL accot including the posting of al entries • Analysis of G/L accounts at reconcikaoons as regnafed • Preparation of the working papers and standard reporting packages to support financial rsWu g • Wire transfers. letters of credit and other banking transactions • Inventory main mance and coordination of physical Inventory counts • Analysis of product Gross and net margins • Accounb% for fixedass"and related least • Preparstim of audit working papers and kaison with ther company's auditors It you are interested m pursuang NK opportunity, please submit your resume, quoting File (392, by Friday April 14th, 2000. Only applicants stetted for an interview will be contacted. We thank all others for their wnterest. No phone calls or aoencies o*" Lenbrook is committed to employment equity. The Corporation of the Town of Whitby Is currently sEae Qualified candidates for the position of CONTROL a POUND ATTENDANT in hie Clark's Department. Reporting to and strider the direction of the Supomisor of Animal Control Services, the Animal Control 6 Pound Attendant is responsible lex the administration and eMorcemem of municipal animal control by-laws, including the investigation, documentation and prosecution of municipal by -taw infractions: pick-up, impounding arta ounanisirV of both stray and domestic animals: caring of Impounded and quarantined arwrWs, dew" and maintaining the Animal Control Centre and vehicles; and, promotion of public awareness and rwp, it' per ownership. Graduate from a post secondary Irgdtution with a two (2) year diploma in Animal Care or Law EnlorcentKst; a minimum of eighteen (18) months of directly related experience in animal health can arrNor mursieipal law erriapnrem; must possess a povmciw cisences officers Gernert"; possess and maintain a valid Class 'G- Drivels Licence; and, possess strong interpersaW and public relations skas. HOURS OF WDM 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; After ho rs a operation. required. SALARY :18.55 - $23.20 par hour ac. to be forwairded no labor than Friday, April 14th. 2000 to: Human Reaources Deparri art The Corporation of the Town of Wtillby 575 FlosslontJ Road East WHITBY, Omanot LiN 2M6 FAX: (905) 8865696 E4ML: pbs0imm.whkbyon.ce Personal information submitted te collected under the authority of the Municipal Aa, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, and the Municipal Fraedan of Irdomwtion and Protection of Privacy Ad, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, and will be used to dstiarmits Mglb"Ny 8-r a iployrivarx NOTE: We mantle al those parsons who appy, bull advise that acknovMadgment will only be forwarded to those appkwft who are Invited for an interview. CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL MILLWRIGHT Ajax automotive parts manufacturing plant requires a Certified Industrial Millwright • Must be certified • Experience with PLC • Able to troubleshoot hydraulic pneumatic reuses • ethnical experience an asset • QS9000 experience an asset • Send resume with covering letter outlining expectations to: JET COMPOSITES INC. Attn: Human Resources Fax (905) 427-8420 or E-mail - hlaurin@jetcomp.com carborough, ou6.liowntown welim cod not be re - Co.. C.ew. , `476 U*8121 efor more am ON -nccorrw TME FUTUREy those / ane entre SRM be no F waw r, a'eor.d for am -0 abklr for IrOR•i1gMbOrt 'afro focused Sales/Marketing Proressional ct any mcst NM 0 C.a •e•q $35.500 Potential up. is fol 0 t0 ItN anglMN ., S,� r, �C oraw For the right Individual. our company oplpr- Dad for That spa oeru- ompA. aa..uwtrMa A. tunity 6 rated secord to ripe in the areas Of FiF•g ee Mo. AN dopy W. 1 sur a b product lens, cusbnler satlshttion. rapl0 w so go� orodramM.e. F.laaal ae- managi ment and strong lin..w =;, pG- =10114Z. -P-4 d asuaa .sur be a.aNMe w sire 33 years business experience or eolops. MoObta 711tertln w 0•tllara For COsael a r n A' it- kltervlew apponnsqR: bm omrmms -m stns ewnas eoweat r Covets Card IlukhK 1400-268-516L0a ors rt 1.0m to serrxa 905!127-3010me Dwnw M iwmrw rico. 3IM WYNONRIo ower. 5�'•r•0 0Ma•ts f700 wMar w ear aar.ras unpacwr y 1 "coal flop 1 Geri.. Neo ria fn (fit IMr41011 AeS P.rson T, poo- m pte$2 ow5ure� DELIVERY a.d,r- COON 905-4m2010 DURHAM RE 1 N A NOANT CARE IN DRIVERS VOLUNTEER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cath Paid Daily' Y�i_�leo Durham Region Attendant Care Inc. Arm Ac=� 6=;%� Provides high quaky personal support and so" Vehicle care. respite and homemaking services Please Call roughout Durham Region enabling phys- (416)677-5135 ease escilrexacie r calgi disabled clouts' 16 years and older (FormerlyFros-T) to arm as it go fit rK as possible eo ed Ifiew wm.wuta for naon NOW hlfug riders (Icon �. dem- ottrrar'on Catco yal or Cath paid Lely! TheBoard of Directors is seeking mdmdu- oDo "0' " BOO .0- ExT1 hundreds/wk aft who are interested in holding office as uata 727e sur retire Voluniler Board member. The SpKftst sawae -m .e.wra Win Prim Have Fun area of expertise Nit we are bolding for is Call (416) 4t1l41N in aatwfrirg, rnark4tirng and strategic �^ , plamitq. Inbrested individuals are asked tosao-„7, TRE NEWto respond m writing higfrigi tq relevant ave s= Um a.a.ametpr.q ADYERT21l= nod Acs m ti a.aon d Is looking for Direct yaw It by April 19, 2N6 to:j0i or tier seta a so pro to Dig Nicoll"i 54pe� w` rten,sPepsi ahs Chair of Nominum common laves Ow Ilea 7W ft no Shm" it. N. two OMNI Fear nkat tot agroarias OtAaea.Oat. LIS 4106 Iro "Yen IAS? S b AIR. E 3rV> 615)576.21/2 ft. (M6 576-5275 Ns rrr..ar. st ► 60 AJAX n090. Owwr 04 L1J INC Fgter Crt. pism anti ant Simpson Rd. CNnieMs Ad. E. emperor Rd. Patterson Cres, Pwr&y Dr. Ritchie Ave. Tams Dr. Heron St. Doric St. mwxkako St. Angus Dr. Knapton Ave. Wright Cres. Reed Dr. Redmond Dr. Thorncroft Cres. UUKOMn LUIOWAPE amprM to Air "N" r" yMman rim rr M.m 3 n�M f1 �mle•br�q so" 10 Ie00urara Fac re- eMe w (fOSMsllits apoonCaea� PpNI�Otfnlapl n- QWW 111" Cali m051*30 � fteelleF, Maldo" 32' wow work. Exprwrre a tale(. foo IwIkIn1 q RN 0M. M dor int WMl. oro Iw 4n. *rr.a. ohs. sit RS Fowmp)cmpatm rwn- M. la.awla 3 wars dgr$- Mtoa. call Per Mo SSM57/i. am ftt col "" Mt Celwe, new Main w like wet 1 d: Par to Ars It. ah. call tea. -3 I - must iait mb« ktww a YOUR CHIN sfi $20.340 hr + P/T and r/T Vehicle required No exp. necessary (905) 668-8939 ORM 09WA AaENO st Perm Ddtnbr0" d Wedrq mstervis in Oshawa ve-s Mmolrvated masda rnh flood commuwal*n and or. gammoral rap's for a Duty order desk Duties Include acceptmo and dspalOng ri- ders and dnvmg a folk 101 sorts OVS.oA labar re. awned Compute, exp rience a most ForwN resume sum Wry asp.Ctatlons to File nu, oabr wmrlby This Weet. W Fitimo SI OSha. r. Ontario LIM 7LS jImusthan SL, North SL, Nbuirrg St, Center St., Main SL N. BRISTOL PONDS Bristol Sands Crs., Alta Rd. Laidlaw SLS�St., Adelaide SL, Laidlaw SL N., McKay St., York St. Also Adalt Cancer for mantle & drive roa tes needed Call Debbie 905-852_9741 If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish r sent, sift* piece your aDD � all e111ro10(10 addressed to the box number in the advedisel and and atncfl a list of such naives. Place your applicAlon and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser Is one of the names on your list your application will be PLEASE NOTE, 09 an taxed dirally to Odom This Wm*, will ad he b Me RN nwmMr. Indicated by the Instruction In do ed, Line cook er cafe staff SeasonalFuWPart-Time Fxperiedaced, was host evenings and weekends. Apply inn send resume or fax to: 700 Taunton Rd. W., Whitby, Ontario., LIN SRS Fax (905) "$-Oslo E -Mail caardeneedudiussu net women neew•d. react. aata vele ocean eraea ereMF V" us On the,Rlaralt ylwefA111ae11NaKJW 7►b P/ace Ybui Act Coll: 003-0707 Mftb Sift: wwwAurhamrmws.tnet ARE YOU FEELING Fi UISMTED IN YOUR JOB SEARCH? Are yea eller 21 ysare N sge aed eat a w M ilea feel ad toll are M prgnwe ad *m int an •Egerlea w wow Mce yew" JOB CONNECT! WILL PINMM 1fMt M" You NfItaOD W. can help you with • Resume and Cover Letter preparation, • Interviewing Techniques, • Job Search Strategies, • Access to faxing, photocopying, • Computers & Internet, and • Individual career counselling To register, or for more information, please call: C.A.R.E. 9: (905)420-4010 1400 Barfly SShr"t, Wdt 12, Picked" (b miche the, Go otation) Discount Car & Truck Rentals is looking for full & part time people who are reliable, enthusiastic and looking for great growth potential. Now hiring for Durham locations. Must have valid Drivers License. Please submit resume to: 101 Simcoe St., N. Oshawa, Ont. L1G 4S4. or Fax: 905-432-2253 Email - pflinda(I@discountear.com WORKERS NEEDED NOW r Full time - Truss manufacturing r Full time - Production packaging Are You: • 16 - 24 years old • Out of school At work You may be eligible for Joe Ccou EcT at Durham College North Campus 2 Campbell Drive, Uxbridge ON CLERICAL WORK Immediate full time positions available. Must have strong intarpersonal and communication skills. Computer knowledge a must. Must have own car. N interested please all Mrs. Khan 416-297-7077 ext. 345. Ar Jpoorturtdy 'las arser ti, a 1Aark.tng A9•m n dh• A— cA sv — AW _V aupia•4 Aro ' ' 10 row ane raccounts awory aeaxners we Pnoaads: -fun Tra mV -Felo Support 'A guer.Med per yep rtdM M teat lbe pfwAde: -Self-mate aoon'OrgerMt•Cdl -Customer Solvice -SrA lift WOMM - storape for stock The UCCOWW IndwrOual ra !wild a brrp-Mm sneare and determine Tw own ncane 4.ef. 36 Athol SL E. (Downtown Oshawa Is h "V full & part time expernerlcod Una Cooks, Bartarfders, Servers and Wait staff. Apply In person with resume on Saturday April 6 i So" April 9 11:38 am- 4.10 pm Mew LaWAN ap- I It no As Aper is now fang team pinyers for 8e blo" locations. Sea1mM O biliew - PkkMNlg ■b1AMeirr Anm - Othaaal town ambo FilOPrf Wn Line Cooks ad ill~ Send recta in s to: Lisa Miller 101 Kling SL W., BoalMWWNle, LiC 3Z6 EXPANDING ADVF.RTISDVG CO. I" to 6D 30 +zeas ranging from • CulstomerService • Public Relations • Account Activation Call Sabrina (905) 696.41672 STUDENTS WELCOME t Must Be le+ MONEWORKERS MEEDEDI To assemole our P'Mucts Free .dormahoo SW4 SASE m Knit. 011-rM x•we St. Dept. 7, C.Iatt ON (Alt IY7 INTERESINC LONG lEllln Par? tome opportNhty to be ,^,art of asmart nam Mm -M a daaMln You .0 PC - n" .noel r O rte a- sistana at ROM. cork ahs a.)uM toles omwcghm ° p a" tea erre. OPIMrfM.rRMatrtOaed 1"v kcw, ria.I ve- NOW and 0000 d••Iq naive esu." Naas falld rF sums star OnNseO awn b- t�vd PO 11 481. 000", Onto LIN 3 JUNIOR TECNNOLOGW - Mppted"'i " ar.91" AMOCAO eMtparn ImMetal oopp•eMMpp Fns nbwe b (�j7!*•,?ea tANoeeAM rt.edae a rr MrtOcl dKis bacon ahs wooructron mrAlra,p &a asb$WMI' ..8-r Cie 14 Lan cAae Cormilate is 010"d convow" 6n6 Il. caawl R'F- IaFtW No Militia a 44141) 21111-11321) UWr Il MYOIML, boy I,- IMq ua haw * moon .otMtp ayn-o a -ito sa.F eldi bas m- e pit Mo Ethroten "a'a 17 SO1b $900 OR Ili Or cod he ow wrwp r M Otiose Ck% ArtlN.tew M iMnom Nae South. 01IM.a Every Tom W4 Then s30 a at. - 2 p.a LLKK clemmouu Nr= coca-.(* a% mono* pia ■naiew b s" Mee asap e.ea TA law raw A Ne 0476. Olean Ns =14 tai Fal• re A Owlaaa ON 7L5 LOCM I" hent. SO M pap010 lor away h•+aMes C:1010 er ort "M M.M sts 007" rya 3wrrtas i1- TECiNaC1AN Full and part time Hourly nape poll bonus Fxperierna heeded. Valid rtrivers license sea [7arnmda 1 iRay Rd. S. of 401 Alex SERVICE Requires retable clearers for put time positions to Stutxtolyr z pre- ferred, but nects- Say. On trans - iii s" s i hil as MH1N '� CMware FanaONi1.Nrsdidr awwe>a ano DOM 11- so" M TVIFILM AUDITIONS er". Pnwes waot s MF Rands pR,d.... U"II�II GE TREBUNE ft tea 1l -MI OF Clover _^ - E CNE -4--s neeN7si7T m - !tem 2-wra ahs. ur m Cit. NEWSPAPER CARREM act.f r o FOR FURTHER M deft 0 pupors lwdee a wdak w t..awam""alist. . 1st tion want hit lid �dltNnhlp New.amass "•aE swoRM710N 105.413.6117 UNELIE&E f~mvaatf 7 .4*aml-w. wet 1 d: Par to Ars It. ah. call tea. -3 I - must iait mb« ktww a YOUR CHIN sfi $20.340 hr + P/T and r/T Vehicle required No exp. necessary (905) 668-8939 ORM 09WA AaENO st Perm Ddtnbr0" d Wedrq mstervis in Oshawa ve-s Mmolrvated masda rnh flood commuwal*n and or. gammoral rap's for a Duty order desk Duties Include acceptmo and dspalOng ri- ders and dnvmg a folk 101 sorts OVS.oA labar re. awned Compute, exp rience a most ForwN resume sum Wry asp.Ctatlons to File nu, oabr wmrlby This Weet. W Fitimo SI OSha. r. Ontario LIM 7LS jImusthan SL, North SL, Nbuirrg St, Center St., Main SL N. BRISTOL PONDS Bristol Sands Crs., Alta Rd. Laidlaw SLS�St., Adelaide SL, Laidlaw SL N., McKay St., York St. Also Adalt Cancer for mantle & drive roa tes needed Call Debbie 905-852_9741 If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish r sent, sift* piece your aDD � all e111ro10(10 addressed to the box number in the advedisel and and atncfl a list of such naives. Place your applicAlon and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser Is one of the names on your list your application will be PLEASE NOTE, 09 an taxed dirally to Odom This Wm*, will ad he b Me RN nwmMr. Indicated by the Instruction In do ed, Line cook er cafe staff SeasonalFuWPart-Time Fxperiedaced, was host evenings and weekends. Apply inn send resume or fax to: 700 Taunton Rd. W., Whitby, Ontario., LIN SRS Fax (905) "$-Oslo E -Mail caardeneedudiussu net women neew•d. react. aata vele ocean eraea ereMF V" us On the,Rlaralt ylwefA111ae11NaKJW 7►b P/ace Ybui Act Coll: 003-0707 Mftb Sift: wwwAurhamrmws.tnet ARE YOU FEELING Fi UISMTED IN YOUR JOB SEARCH? Are yea eller 21 ysare N sge aed eat a w M ilea feel ad toll are M prgnwe ad *m int an •Egerlea w wow Mce yew" JOB CONNECT! WILL PINMM 1fMt M" You NfItaOD W. can help you with • Resume and Cover Letter preparation, • Interviewing Techniques, • Job Search Strategies, • Access to faxing, photocopying, • Computers & Internet, and • Individual career counselling To register, or for more information, please call: C.A.R.E. 9: (905)420-4010 1400 Barfly SShr"t, Wdt 12, Picked" (b miche the, Go otation) Discount Car & Truck Rentals is looking for full & part time people who are reliable, enthusiastic and looking for great growth potential. Now hiring for Durham locations. Must have valid Drivers License. Please submit resume to: 101 Simcoe St., N. Oshawa, Ont. L1G 4S4. or Fax: 905-432-2253 Email - pflinda(I@discountear.com WORKERS NEEDED NOW r Full time - Truss manufacturing r Full time - Production packaging Are You: • 16 - 24 years old • Out of school At work You may be eligible for Joe Ccou EcT at Durham College North Campus 2 Campbell Drive, Uxbridge ON CLERICAL WORK Immediate full time positions available. Must have strong intarpersonal and communication skills. Computer knowledge a must. Must have own car. N interested please all Mrs. Khan 416-297-7077 ext. 345. Ar Jpoorturtdy 'las arser ti, a 1Aark.tng A9•m n dh• A— cA sv — AW _V aupia•4 Aro ' ' 10 row ane raccounts awory aeaxners we Pnoaads: -fun Tra mV -Felo Support 'A guer.Med per yep rtdM M teat lbe pfwAde: -Self-mate aoon'OrgerMt•Cdl -Customer Solvice -SrA lift WOMM - storape for stock The UCCOWW IndwrOual ra !wild a brrp-Mm sneare and determine Tw own ncane 4.ef. 36 Athol SL E. (Downtown Oshawa Is h "V full & part time expernerlcod Una Cooks, Bartarfders, Servers and Wait staff. Apply In person with resume on Saturday April 6 i So" April 9 11:38 am- 4.10 pm Mew LaWAN ap- I It no As Aper is now fang team pinyers for 8e blo" locations. Sea1mM O biliew - PkkMNlg ■b1AMeirr Anm - Othaaal town ambo FilOPrf Wn Line Cooks ad ill~ Send recta in s to: Lisa Miller 101 Kling SL W., BoalMWWNle, LiC 3Z6 EXPANDING ADVF.RTISDVG CO. I" to 6D 30 +zeas ranging from • CulstomerService • Public Relations • Account Activation Call Sabrina (905) 696.41672 STUDENTS WELCOME t Must Be le+ MONEWORKERS MEEDEDI To assemole our P'Mucts Free .dormahoo SW4 SASE m Knit. 011-rM x•we St. Dept. 7, C.Iatt ON (Alt IY7 INTERESINC LONG lEllln Par? tome opportNhty to be ,^,art of asmart nam Mm -M a daaMln You .0 PC - n" .noel r O rte a- sistana at ROM. cork ahs a.)uM toles omwcghm ° p a" tea erre. OPIMrfM.rRMatrtOaed 1"v kcw, ria.I ve- NOW and 0000 d••Iq naive esu." Naas falld rF sums star OnNseO awn b- t�vd PO 11 481. 000", Onto LIN 3 JUNIOR TECNNOLOGW - Mppted"'i " ar.91" AMOCAO eMtparn ImMetal oopp•eMMpp Fns nbwe b (�j7!*•,?ea tANoeeAM rt.edae a rr MrtOcl dKis bacon ahs wooructron mrAlra,p &a asb$WMI' ..8-r Cie 14 Lan cAae Cormilate is 010"d convow" 6n6 Il. caawl R'F- IaFtW No Militia a 44141) 21111-11321) UWr Il MYOIML, boy I,- IMq ua haw * moon .otMtp ayn-o a -ito sa.F eldi bas m- e pit Mo Ethroten "a'a 17 SO1b $900 OR Ili Or cod he ow wrwp r M Otiose Ck% ArtlN.tew M iMnom Nae South. 01IM.a Every Tom W4 Then s30 a at. - 2 p.a LLKK clemmouu Nr= coca-.(* a% mono* pia ■naiew b s" Mee asap e.ea TA law raw A Ne 0476. Olean Ns =14 tai Fal• re A Owlaaa ON 7L5 LOCM I" hent. SO M pap010 lor away h•+aMes C:1010 er ort "M M.M sts 007" rya 3wrrtas i1- TECiNaC1AN Full and part time Hourly nape poll bonus Fxperierna heeded. Valid rtrivers license sea [7arnmda 1 iRay Rd. S. of 401 Alex SERVICE Requires retable clearers for put time positions to Stutxtolyr z pre- ferred, but nects- Say. On trans - iii s" s i hil as MH1N '� CMware FanaONi1.Nrsdidr awwe>a ano DOM 11- so" M TVIFILM AUDITIONS mmm to" NW& 11111 •" "'' I@ Far Malaysianuat Fie CA 905441�- ACTORS WANTED ' ����. �p - i eelast Adults S Kids (2 S Lip) needed for use w:eeas ar'b" ami:: mac - costst A.eWW TV b Film AesiprYrnerits Nig" n,"detMeaea pd"n�"I~f "6 M mm Twos. a No Fesm No Courses. - Pr IeeMaeapte7W M Xw:g,mwi'L01M CRN I41i1 Jet1aB!! - " tgalrad ter KV"SdkNMN. 1401Nr4. Palls wrest a =d a'w"artea°I `.w° 0ACa am' Z DRIVERS REQUIRED II. Of Wattage MO0606 lot *AM or to or clitiolft. MOM -M. LOCAL P&D IN THE GTA aspen Arrre'0C�0V'r eerrr10r arrsrts retW++ a iounit Ida in W "I W4 AUTOMOTIVE WORK 706.79 -tar Fitt eoIdlam. a gr, Two Voir Overtime after a tis _ fl 61 START CALL SPRINGER hissawpr wsaww t d * k`"0or, ,°•wae"laft a "'LF„ 0 30�" owwook Cd141010,0111111aq r -M WAMffnW estua aened lir ear Fkkmq Wad Ave obro. f -%tA w PRO RAIRIMTLnT taaleae latae PMR thains 1*01111- Cal for islenin Tim at Mdnb Busy newersalols is aweraavele A Ajax wad ho asamoi mowtoa W mmom3m, seeking fun -time /pan -time experienced wool T*MMar flee( 131- ULIM PON Sale mi- m for Icy wYaa nein StyYab, smal was Ow 11lm 1otives, friendly 00 a (416) 721 -IOL Ie0lI —n• ••• wenrad boon. Naala 18- T Bowltaaruville (905)697-8950 Ficilalas, anus . Pansad111 aAaa w /os•6ee•wn. Ajax (905)619-8057 ahs for latest "a Yah O.aon we WA savor e PON, Son • oceanic D>RIVP,FR is looking for Kids to deliver papers otimmosbn. For rowne 1105*a-310. required lex and flyers door to door four times a HoFa a liardwore week 8-)r 6:00 PM. in their SM Page 7 g 1 Centra notghborhoods. 04ekw v Pickering call 905 883-6117 edition ) Liconu 8 Clean abstract AWAFWV�NG for of requiredLANDSCAPING PkkarMg Job ryan Yaarleles' (905) 839Call •4321 Seeks Labourer, prefer 1 Fax resufrm to VM lh On the Internet: 9FwwF.durharrNtewg.net a•"••N asRbMI IIFI! abl6nol llbrINK m m mo slowns, www* � looking *N b cleaver �to � p1O1tERNN13 Auturrin � While CD Silver Maple Dr. yer SparrowCircle Chickledies Crt. Woodsmere Cres. SumWildflower Dr. Cres. park Cres. Garland Cres. Grandby Crt. ForesMew Dr. in Durham Region requires True Builden E Yard Workfen Experience a definite asset. Benefits after t� months Faz Rewmn to: 905.623.64811 (loll those err be mrervlewrd will br rarructrd ing for reliable people to insert and deliver papers and flyers door to door every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in thePickering area. Deliveries must be completed by 6.0opm. Must have a vehicle. For more information Call 905-683-5117 1 yea 1Nxiai std Waterford Gate M 50011.41M•1•• Lancrest St. IouRrM moot Senator St. 2 Bdrm apt a Westcreek Dr. Fa to 905-7211.214 Tranquil Crt. tial plc k the world's largest Pinegrove Ave. l business services company 7funher Rockwood Ave. 50,000 employees worldwide. Butternut Crt. eking professional, highlyValleyview Dr. , dynamic sales people toLawson St. pand our businesses in our Castle St. Healthcare division. rt s. Rd1e1.1L JRw 3P m M rookSq. Yuu will be responsible for developing new Sandhurst aQo,unts in our feminine hygiene and wash- Hoarth St. r -m services, in both new a.d existing re- SweetbriarCrt. fillcommercial. and industrial clients. Full Nordale Crt. Technical and sales training will be provided, Meldron Dr, however, preference will be given to those Oakb urn St. candidates with previous sales experience. Roue Forest Ailhough all applicants will be considered. Cres fclaa;lic consultants are most suitable for this FawrWale Rd. po.aion. Riverview Cres. Valley Gate K'r offer an attractive base salary, car •} allowance. gas card, and an open ended FOR FURTHER commission scheme. benefit plan. plus an INFORMATIONInterested attractive pension schellle. 905-683-5117 candWwes shor/d send or fax dw,r x m „ .anenwnmg their resume. with a coverfrg hitter. Mall resume to: SWPDMCEMII needed for heavy duty puck pans David Mdenachan wumexse m wnn0pry mus. hM nperfertu. Fdrldeh ii Refnokjl Yost Healthcare (Canada) Limited pion Art Ona Fax re am to.9o55Tr-506 7280 Victoria Parte Avenue rel, blweg 0ww u.ws,x toRectxma must RM flow Markham. Ontario OR 2W SUPERINTENDENT Fax resume to: (905) 940-2196 COUPLE /at 5stonyblet M 0sbs1►a Rentokil Initial d Years las .ecrIaCOpe of .ICL•trxCl, uch. Inecha _ plumteft claskwq and sm R=ooms -In ansa fm salt- am IouRrM moot CABINET NaRER3 •vqw d " 2 Bdrm apt a g," Fwy wpm !"red G«ran savers nerd Fa to 905-7211.214 oma appey FMw to mwm GRAVEL DDMSDLTAMT 9059°19714 ,.. .,-. . WOODWORKER 1« kill* ra/neMe Sabre knoe"Op oared solid Dere llxnoere pr , Pkae Tax ,VmatM -101, E.per.enm MaE to 1054M -a45 be am ro erre u1Ns. sows VWT*U= re0ared rM e.ar•ence t« spade to and Captive To stars mmne- � p9fA�" Appy �n ppsan o 1527 ab- 905-023. f5ro Y�reweY�oaYY s. Rd1e1.1L JRw 3P m CARPEITEMsr a 3a rw UNM1 AZ omen rill caw m 2 US apMMrRM Ap«emxss Eramxq ; Fprn- m'p •Mpw:s IWI W has lent run 0sexami geNpneMma�WI Me S Erse AdeeR&eme Gmmi exis 0. RauMd Res 6RlearRNs. 1900)fit-010•'71ww teas Worts to bow" AleYam cemt, l mum mwr. CM. 1 • .4 beerNts CCA 427 1 a la raw" (105)07-N" CLASS A WTO QCNANIC rbw"SECRETARY t$wwm "Ww'rqy aDug 01garn:e0 tot ­111 -40 In jer _.k coo .iaea44ps CAN 1905T-oo-am Ur* Dr N E In oak I., Rab Srarb 07y6.Eves. 19oe)+3o-9eu a aw to Sat 30-40 hiV*k vrNwwwf mo Send resume to: 1t4K TICNNC1AN ..p T Box. #6711 dw,r x m „ .anenwnmg 10 Tempo Ave.. �Y rag mes ,',at gam e I, et�Aw aNkaCmee North York. Ont. r� � caw cask Co L4mp M2H 211118 n�3u (Mi 4 �a ACCOUNTS RECflv&m rel, blweg 0ww u.ws,x toRectxma must RM flow Knema 012mma3 n oso*- r inert a" -As**11 awns wow«k ante area an $a xcoe St R ones M AM Neer eral Oanawl a aamo "W'. =X MM a F Plass b Fp 15,2 •earn IKca•a aw TIMOR 011 - wars for me snoweem Tem Qno ThN Iermk PO Bou 4x1, ova Draw ILS Pnabae 10 ,ewuiN b Wwwk Lm HOW CON, I=) M0 s6ea omesm Afa3TANT reseed East$arwuroupn LsRYEO Et3GTIlCw en, e"w4r 1yp eyrie aaaa -nit are NNAAW I P' -C prug,axrwllp an out .w a set tra , =4-76& T - lot w44ms s= AcaWs- •11. Law 1.21sydwy UM to IMCMMC i to corm WH~bN argeta. . 612:&MN"` W. hy0lawK ap eleLatal 41$Cw so IlraOea e« nuwar.6ee.E «altso aa: brew Marr eco MM shin 3 so Oft" WY Essw w- E lean epaRw wo rew. In am -e'+-��+waN.w•rewk••,-905•NSOE6 encs 014 M rrlNrlp scot asesRltcu do a 4N Cke.wt Fk sept. Ary or I i BOOKKEEPER Pick lee IN tm)466.4544 enepl We are $ .y a oelam WOWK ummo- o - apO W -W •al'Rc eteam per meed In iohnson Ewnnm. or RN erIr 81010"q *DOA• M...v am ST.,. romp MN is Naar aaods a*- Be sea 160014*AVA, same Salary bear a eNperoom Ph. TOS -004660 Mom. can aro. 4TAew. a war n Our awceorll6 yo- NEOVACAABOOMIIUsed awwosaftessides A pea-meeemry cal toe n AW in-. full at-- al n CG A uprreaxxx Rrme Fa OuarG1al la -Weer And ow paw" 10 bbr0 m aura ID01• KnDrNdp a SakO arm" ucen" .0 ow WKM. IMAM, Loralp w abOM a "I" see Fdo-lo, re0wres Leah Lowery 10 dm ASAP P.- W.We$M ALSO FU LAkO ke car Ow" air was or,," "Hey ale 0tL/Illr sap No exp m alWa TRkp Inen note. rinN dedxst gwowKo Ilk$. Sewis) IolgWmo NIM mw 2-3 Was aw w ony aCOM 1905) 619489 rgy ( p"R egewye (ROR-Fermi• IAW) bl ane 1Naosam wont INK =W FMWA ON Reswms .1111 ,dwellCer. lel F) required for Alex ptrckeq lntdtpace b' 0 man". Compery, Must new now 1305 FldeelD Partner Sob as in hydraulic ryS- M 2013. Pt MMM, *am LIV MM •Iaepl1lk.� V2 or A to a: 19851 420- ­-dAWUMi,cat Wn A mixture:c and - 1073 Irma a tax b Ibi/MMY mov AR Now, 6 Dat • sum Fertileteased to xl- w s JdNt, &= od- SERVICES. Mad Maas on boasts. Lop heal Estee Serb$/ roWN paler to Cekbey, Sultstrwn, ereabw eoN. Licensed 909E MMM4 fw rearm 10 905 65581M a aaM b 7725 Wim, St WorBrod. commissions, IID fee's, back UPS, Ona 0 Waft, referrals. AN Ray Smtea + 905-509'6111 RPiMN EOM 3YSTM to P-1 2 46BFOa. Conn ' wiO ATX Can. 500. CDROM. Mo*m, 3D sou 1. NM o' Card 32 Mo Ram. de AGP SItI.ES DEAI.F.RS vireo WICO M. SWAG Cal 905j97-5915 we Oso do UWAU. NEEDED ��a JM ails Amar. $ CASH $ for pFRi� rBMy p�oR�- Oye fDo.N#fe'Mf *, $60.ent per f C� 905ar912f�559 AN KarHopis MOCK SECREART. FuF- PauWBe NauIls previous ma. °peren Oka. Omy. pip 416.398-9390 Re e aloA t 3AlERPEM0I3 Pleast imbuing. resume . 905- lull ad palerne -_(N 723-M OUR FAST PACs Picturing large mum ry dealership. dermal office is seeking an e0- Saes of top leads: Camera attitude"aid ex- FOWN Campers by Fled- pNerlm fdl time Admrnns- '04 cub. Knows AgoMe 6 traor to lam our extraoronvy Sraelpel Exparndabks. Travel nal 501" OwwgHSaur• Tra sis 6 FAm YYfeeb OF, days Abu •110 er Fw 905) Thor mg. makers a Nr- P.asset slrw In Twumes So 905- 056558134 65&8134or truest to Holiday FART -TM CENU MO Dental Work, 7725 111,1 n SI N. Assertive Team w• w a drop ,ewme Or J LkskiR Brooklln. O.W. LOS ICO 3 Wrwous AN s. AOM. L1Sr An Barry Davis. 2C1 No prone Cas pleas &UEWERam FOR proms- S 13 Re - S -"'lode- ram asphalt maintenance serving 0uftm seep roll r its• Doctor r - company Rpioo 6 sermwm ares 1 area Plej e r Ape- af- PRa Ns re - Top ammaslos GII 125 time 10 4162149707 1795 IN 263.4738 -.oft N Dentist WNITIY DENTAL '!Ince ! lrnme rouarrq eymlxnpm as Siat K2 -3 veears exper - woo PWN *Na tepNrN h DWftsy On�ON,aapa. 10T • 1 SYM to 1 Wiftd LOVING DAYCARE needed W me Y.- f« 14 manttl llrwnedaRanm Panum so e tici CAN 429,6183 Ory I e� ' Am 1 LOWING •.,• m. d.v can.1e>KAn'�arplsMt. -14,­e+I-it mews 2-5 Vsrs p1eeU�eo1� fast Alec C►R Ranrw 2. exter Plow Go 96M bT Oa6'UIIM in an NOM. rqy 026 wnm" a E: E matsw a «r -Wo re to 'Lu - es Vow d•bw 24 yore al SRI . tier erne n and Ian acew I= Fat066 W. Cate team los- 7-tws L&I-00T NaNNI 'come 11Wn a"x.a n.`ps lands. 3-wa `, rings few l'eftn"= cola Cr.." dame. 905176.5224 AOI PUZEMM6 bomb 7 Res: Lovwq U-, 18 main b 12 years Derry oobnp IMEM bakrara wN New) Mary lirew mwr_ Re, ""W else sal M. C ►R GeeiNe Kel• /•� cow wg rEa 905.42e- Irla MM NEKrN CAN Gwak wow prnlesswrW nears, We .4 cheeAw/r aeuae any Mp yW tired zDmum Card as ASSIST IN% 259,2441 11ro1 1 N SALMTMN TWO rW ud kms. Needs newnow seems. mare up b deb. keg sed AVK% eb N0 W Pas fri CAN 416-E17- A37t am a 9 N' RANGE. wMlehike rmrw. sero Sony cow N we us -renters contra rrelm- Ooard plw IJW TOba r CROW TVAMO I= IIIA Spm. 905.137-2x77 a9 am INE 1a $a. SM or bbl Ater Ca a A11sse N FT. Less Aruiwwn bdal .em 25 tipS5NwtpWqwwlVwr x10 tralF lwm:IKwe"ta 655-7529 ferlmq ,line CR*lI w ra" am saw. 12 gap $750. CM 9054367425. eels oo*w commTi $Pant mint 1005 19.5- aka eluulm frame MM~ bill IIiCISI. WAd Grolier pip. Rock Shw. Lx tea deraee. dOlU PwNs. gran an PW*. i ITAMCWMma gar Reid Co Moleo. Psaa Call 9116- 2554M 0625544 or SW3183 ever 0 + Aamp (ero). 2 plea. kath rr p arms from 0.90. kr " from Smile. . . wake& from 0.9. Eada slow ckwmm SM! Fahy Lawler, s Psolt W Oahm SW721 --M. mm I iMeBEFAI TIM mm Satwpr alt m area son 9rraaWe'd to firm hp! For mNrmwM m. 60o al obigleaL ab 905725-1360 MIIMM DWI am 4 dlaira, soled daW 4 spore IMP as hapareed - very danW. Cat for more faot- mmn. NS-72e•9R0. we MFUMICM ren"fir 2- dow fret hr, dehow SLm matdwq navy dully wales 6 dryer 07540 -wit sew ram. Also Kama° easier used 2 pas SM POPna 190514265945. AUTORMM ORM 3175, Washer 3225 Frost -tree te- Mo tad $300. No fwfplabk one, refused Cat Mary (905,242-6838 or (905)767- 0215 may FMN T M - Cliff. (Iesser. chugNable rocking pair (wh" lash) Euakm afldrllal. asking UO0 "5- 1435, 530 N 7 of in wea- din ism) RMMAN NO tow. Tim Tuner. Guns Who. Oasis. Spinforlifin Retain fispebswmMLeafsle IGrain � y a suit sell 19051629, The Corporation of to Town of Whitby is currently seekini; que~ candidates for the positionECMRof In the Public Works Department. Reporting to the Senior Plumbing Inspector, the Plumbing Inspector is responsible for conducting on-site inspections of plumbing installations, and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and by-laws; organizing and maintaining daily inspection records; processing plans and applications; examining plans; and, conducting property research as required. Must possess a secondary school graduation diploma (OSSGD); Certificate of Apprenticeship; Provincial Plumber's Licence; a minimum of five (5) years directly related experience in building and plumbing construction; thorough working knowledge and understanding of the Ontario Plumbing Code; must possess well-developed interpersonal and public relations skills; ability to work well with the public and with local contractors; be able to communicate orally and in written form in a clear and concise manner; and, must possess and maintain a valid class "G" Driver's Licence. HOURS OFWORK Monday to Friday - 8:30a -m. - 4:30 p tin SALARY S33,761442.224 per annurn Detailed resumes, indicating education, experience, references, etc to be forwarded no liter than Friday, April 14th, 2000 to: Human Resources Department The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario L1 N 21111118 FAX: (905) 686-5696 E-MAIL: jobs Otown.whitby.on.ca Personal information submitted is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.56, and will be used to determine eligibility for employment. NOTE: We thank all those persons who apply, but advise that acknowledgement will only be forwarded to those applicants who are invited for an interview. TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE y REQUIRES A TRUCK DRIVER ShNlffSfaaffia: I Applicants moat have a olid DZ Liowtce and submit a txterBON aDmaa dated ager February 1, 2000 meet $Mir Mo caWm. 2. AppacantiaAald aWo be Tankers with ew apambm d heavy soulonm nt such atiloaders, grades and rubber Med beddbes. Sno plowlrq and sarrdNg experience Rall bean asset. 3. AN applicaag7u must De reostvad in TV au addressed to Sen Koster, Director of Pubic Works, 51 Toranto Sheet Swat, Uxbridge. Orlfario, LAP ITT. no Later Often 4:30 p.m. lin Thursdil 1, April 20. 2000. 4 Wage rasa as pw current Coasctive ergs irtirg Agreement. Ben Koster, C.E.T. Director of Public Worksc $ MCIw b sr J- aggress -,e -x_-a. CAAR"T MIND,,, � UU .pure AAMXO* repel Organization Is seek rg WO, n k Alas PKMg iN for rte •mood°� eab mo b t0% M cows am too" powbors: megAs CesMmer smwac w a in" ler Apprentices & Class A,E,$ 'f05431 4" MECHANICS Cardda" fro."a De rinetgtew. Customer 3Mveae-0r IK am hate their awn hods. Must have proof of mlctlalrc's oertiacakorl or apprenbot and a valid drivels license. At offer an awam" salary plus inceroves. a good beriehts package. career salisfachon and a pleasant and sale work enlnrionment. Please fax your resume. in confidence. am afire Errington at Fax: 9054664SM -ZIB All, Required immediately for busy import dealership. • Must have intport experience. • Clean air certificate an asset. • Good pay and full benefit package. is Good earning potential. Fax resume to: -- (905)-2753 roqukm *AZ DNwirs • DZ Delvass 9ef >RNgreials Dias! L555saliateyr For awaslift call i- > m-ino� ManutaictuMg company in the Bowmariville area, requires the following positions: • Experienced ahipped4eceiver • Experienced saw operator, • Compedtive Wades A Benefits Fax resumes to (905) 434.6409, No phone calls please stake, t6 n. s6' stem. kw Collakm, s7N.6auie ox red 13 if an hnghelf. telt, drip, canvas v-surn sNcW we, (1.500. MNNW 3 ho d esinc. moor. To V 791 wnftw. (W5)72F- CARPET - I haw sews thousand yams a new sear, MNW a,x1 Igo% nylon car- pel. I '"ll Caper your kwrg room and hat IN S:IH Price include Carpo, pad *4 in' situation (30 square yam). Shim (905) 743.099 CARPER 34LE A NARO• EM FLOW : carpet 3 mom from i339 IN sq yd) irdums carpet, premium pad And vat"xin. Free enraes. rarpt repan Servuq Durham and sur- munding Cfedu Cards CM San 905.686 i Cockatiel6 large age $40. 3 feather comforters 1 queen $30 2 double $25 each 905.852-4105 905.052-7785 t51O memo Arae Were for sselsId" to res bus siness«tgponlwttyyr fgreat or few nom apraa EcdNM Nle- Oaai Mltark In gN tlglq b• oho. Dar. dub. to nM. ftM from.. kAMM April b Pro - mw In Nwawy nrwea wwNm cDIkXNn Please Cat below 610p m. 905. 720.4506 sip NEMS AOVEKM 9F4 WEONESDAY EDITION. Ap N 5.2000.5MOE 57 ANP Earn A Good Home Income r r 1 o e r e o o r o roe Pa. bots MM. enc 3 Fuseper maw. )Freels. binnstt • We otiver ix for parents • we offer leo roc b guidance sm R=ooms -In ansa fm salt- am • We ma- 1 poyn�x�t iron parents • We 13rovide liability Ixoledia � 00 • We provide child iNrK,ss Coverage • We're here b 61an 8 give support 9'C'MU wap.F. err epa P*• • We're on call b Derange bock up a, all eeaan iwwvoo Wee Watch a Canada's largest Day Care Agency. box Staft. ::.LT To join the Wee Watch Team of w140 taloa sena ntro, cos l lee° pro Day Care Providers, call: �eI d of TLC. it6Ymo. ms. lots April 705324'105° X9051686.4816 I'°°"""` s" "°°'� �" DDPpes 6wedet rlww.weewMti.tdr ForeYraerOel home rased. vet r� CKC regAbreds hill 7d. 1 Msecs-723 905-023. f5ro Y�reweY�oaYY INFANTS - 12 YEARS OLD $950 event ps 6 "wa,er 7ass67sts2 In carinq. safe, tun home envtronmem. Licensed by M.C.S.S. Reasonable rates Receipts, flexible hours. Can DURIiAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE 509.1207 The Fastest Grow iMy VWn RetttM Gob In (cesda now las exceptlesid hasidiss opportunities in 0sltswq, WW6y, Ciorilgto t i Port Perry at Full training 8 On -Going Support • No Franchise Fee • Financial Assistance Avadable CON Curtis Frans for acre 40 irfw adon 1.800-239-sas2 I Artk� for I M � to OwrS1.aM.aM.N DOW TO THE PUBLIC at UIP TO M% ole Wail. wt have Dan msfructed to supplement and sea ands ane. end at season. pre -season, sham enpae7eeDo and discontinued pats and dW"; .aRaer a rtyldrf computer bks. had a son lid lei casesdiary's. notebooks. suit carry alts. C7try� uop� makeup cases. It all at up to 80% .of MS .egaYsalet lases teguet $99.00 now lust $65.00: As: Mckpadks. sports a pym trips. rept• 10 $4999 tic ruermnp AT $5.99 a up. Ladles regular a micro Iib unabagit n up to $39 99 now Moms Dor s ia". regular $29now lusl .99 each or $19.00: ladies golf clothing. regular up to $2001 ,duced up to BO%: Adult a cluldre prenta0 spans mins regular $14.99 now $6.90 Ladles a am lag Cnaa; reguyr up to $11.99 new just $4 99 eeCh or or 38.00. Irlfanb pup outer shaft regular $9.99 no it.99 2 for $B 00: Laden, turtaeck sours: ni {12.99 now $6.99 2 for $12 00: A lags asst. a TTM c oven to table cookware, dannervar6, glasswa 0 00 a up. LE Creu$* cookw0.re up b 50% off IAS .nedlo CO's and calm tapas. cabrrq books. pas dM $1 OD a up. Than. Apr. S. Is a.m. k a P.M. FA. Apr 7. 16 a.m. to a p.m. SM. Apr. a. 19 a.m. Ii { Sm. SM. Apr 9. 11 a M. Y $ P.w. SALE coffrom No, April 10 to So"" AAAI 16. IoM bas M Na om Bacton._ d{a0ed Of 3 lA� G� Tmome Raw IoM n/aWts Usaft and Near websna at X1N.W"fluILM Durham Rev ion'+ L". GE a? '1AkA D Z Sat. Apr. 8 th - 8 a -m. - 5 p.m. Sun. Apr. 9 th - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m- Barklay's 423 Bloater St. W., Oshawa TONS OF VENDORS & IN STORE SPECIALS!!! Don't miss the great deals. ARE NOL LOOKING FOR A REWARDING CAREER IN COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE? C­xa(-sw_, vE ices W" AlbaaNrt aaaall IBr--Nmpmsd? j Consider C-C4rr N'e ac 4 dyn.nnc industry kmkr .wrcetly capvWug syw market preset" natmm0y. As a mults-dawsphimary comwmnuy care pi-ider. we are stock, a qualified applicants for the followring position: Client Service Supervisor - Home Support We offer. • A supportive work environment • Opportunely for advancement • Fkxlbk work hours • Competitive pay andbeaefics • support TIN: following qualifications arc required: • Current Certificate of Competence as an RN or RPN • 2 yeas supervisory experience in community health is preferred with the proven ability to work creatively, as a team member. Please apply by email or fax lo: COMCARE HEALTH SERVICES 500 K$-P� St West Oshaw; Oat Llj 2K9 or fax to 905.4.33.2353 Atte: SM" McGeougb Deadline for auupplicatious: Wed Aprf1 12th Cartels, desalbrb bl itr Ole tpr a 0. Community Lifecare Inc., a commit provider of LTC services is seeking highly motivated individual with strong commitment to exceptional qualil are and proven leadership skills for 'Aon at their hears office i gr Ontario. Your skills include; • Expertise in managing licensed nursing tomes and retirement nsidences • Excellent organizational. communication, interpersonal and analytical skills: • Experience in policy development. implementation and monitoring: • Knowledge of accounting systems, budgeting, marketing, human resources and computers: • Ability to provide staff training and to guide and motivate Care Teams in a unionized environment; • Educational background in gerontology. LTCM Certificate. BScN; • Willingness to travel within Ontario We offer a competitive salary and guru benefit package. Please forward your resume alongg wit Salarryy expectations no later than Fridal Apn-121sk 2000 to; Community Lifecare Inc. Director o Human Resources 1955 Valley Farm Road, Third Floor Pickering, Ontario L1V 3R6 or fax to(9051831-1802 M- anew as tesla COMPUTER IRT i:N + PeMw 4plop $641 supe im !a/IIZ r '-xis $moeew rw 1r NP 'AAft, on we Am time `V616557301 '� 'spas COMMUTER WIMS herr .W sant, geese' Elms .m l 30GMari sx•a1a1 $raiser $699. Loaded P3-500 corm • -4EC maxim, Sim. Pa► um kpbp SM w kat dap 90Sj9Y7id oftw ms's DAN omrrE MET. fable. urg�re .ea oedldal A dee" $.i 95whde gvontes W. N, LOFT TREASURES $18 Selow st N. Ddwm 905- 57)-9311 E110 OF LINE CLEAROUT ev ,M -v mal W man- es 11W. $59 maorm set rror $159 5.40, direr$ be& from $219 qRw se from W69 Fac" Maras 14M 220-2282. IBM bsyly M 029 . Prdr eft Oleo". 19051 $37- FROM FOR shelving )665 5065 aft Spm (sae) FVTOR EIEMINCEt Sm- eldeSm- elders Poriatal-The oo-not aware I"mess-At Oumam's xi.e., weeveryday pro Lap akerion 10 years to b s - ress Ty sue SF".".'rqFa' ma m o sment d bili hope sr Nobs of fa0m and Bsa Bags p yours hootitRp br ar- IordsOk furniture, cad us Did Test, LUIGIS RIRMTIXif. (wq 4N f d St W. Oshm arose ham sears at 0 C) MPA NY APKMAC13 Paler smous wee. MMC Wq kfdphstor. good gad. SM IQ. Ap.-sue trelars S15o"a. Large selection sbvei. rtes/ *"W MOW-dsa•re 091 up, Wath .Mterprpr sd S:9grup. Brad new sOIM dee GE Washers $34. SOMMNnl offer 5299 Large s $249. D"M mw Rtsher $1500up Com -op. washer/dryer $599'est. Lap selection ddwmdikrs $99. Dtsheraslers 31751up. Macro - waves 3491up. 26 Simwe Sts.(WS)72e-4043 "Amow W 7111 Select 01 birch UNNrAW f2501sft- PTdkw w S4rsq N Pim flooring 01. S $170ngn FJ Calirq 4ptAinsu tool. Call Doug 1905) 619.1506. NOW TKATM SYSTEMS JVC HI END Dotty DuW-AP Rece,yers 500 -watt Indudrng Multiple CO Double Casette 5soeoers. 3 -Models your choice. 250 -Packages Trial go. llgudanon - Fake $870. tax while supplies list Hurry mor best selection Ostuw Sexed (905) 57% -OM INLws11ML MI. washing macbm. and 2 miwtrul 751b dryers. 905.579-6621 ND TNT SUE Omat mea $beer. 10' bark Asking $600 Call 9D59B5.0616 LMMS SOLITAIRE diamond uq, apdranad O SH75 (ap- praisal nCWded) SaC,11" $1500 1985 Prymmh WW. gold. nee exhaust. gas Wk. a4 mk $1000 o b o 726 9736 ore year old (lust moveo no space) Fater S1300 askenp $eisl Please Cn Wo 16s- OPIRKAY 2001 LX5-3 ekdne scooter "s than 25 1.. M KD gel oattenes, bums. air-nde susperei vert. speed. aelletabe seal. Cost $5500. asking 52750 Atlas scuoler lift. (ns most vanV SUVs. cost $1600 asking $950. David (905)666-9775. PMO FOR SALE 5 n Wsr rind pain Dy Hardman Pad .o MaM09any vbmel re- tmished, play n luny re- stored. tuned and reeppuulaa��e0 Asker,qq $6800 Call 905.686. 83511snp) P1ANo TECHutc" available 1 �un�np repa,rs and pre' our:hase all mazes 6 models Also carom 9r,nned pews kr sale. Can Bars it 905-427.7631 PIANO MTIDDE square !rcede" conation "as made 'n 1875. $2'000 or 5!s• offer. 74MOVne (705) ---256, I'IAN9/6R 'CKs Sal, on all all - Rnurq "al ponos Ory key Dilrds. Saadi Acoustic Po,os. �Hoeerd Mira clocks �'7e $600ons of usedpi R" to Oui.atopoy% of a6 EP P11 IAN019o5) 411491 RENT To OWN - Ory M- '.orNhoned appeunc!1. and sew i i s FMak.ull wornamy Pa0- 1-BOD799,5SM 267-8769 or SATELLITE W. speci ra Apo; N Crank $1995 rlaonlny mdlAaq Few w Moo. 19055- 3661 SWOMM ;whey wooden studs 3 f 9 llam IN on r $359 plus a wNry Mme sim praaypes style '""f For rei i. fiat 7 Pkksaq For °lyre ado oI 90541 2093 N91 ;.rte .006w r . 6. near car ay leo. des- marin $9S. are ask usury +sn 4p and cape. 3725 Jun 434-2415 STOMM rRARERS for sol a rax w•d -.g v Inca We nn se Mm .� melt 94 grown Won a •eh wow- sneo 4347653'srol PI$Eic" FURNrTm., Dm- urg R.- 9!a•nr•n rnree aero. u,us,wna Furwlure plus c.5m. also" bo x )ow own deswa ata xxxii neon oe ow 1paa ft Let a min lar •ewe weo mal AY we NM Ilea hseRrM- xe It ileo gaAM1 SOID pare 4 . hamwR aaW ID aryaaie for 25 YEAR$' T4 orteleal woom oft" Its rows Pon am. ►on ►wry 1 NS8774 mp u items- •y.a o us. 8mm arae naw oiler , kc -Mb=ar. be f/rwap +latt0000vd. .1%w 51i car 31tM Net s•.2s 9,r29,9B9 AINg bull. prlb.ewp .dra- t rmrpwrkC meMWMf IN 4 4arM teraw. yM cow $,aro. to 1a u,q 736916 Too", ses, teem. 4 is ..mon. arrow CaceNelma. wbfsal amenabka .• well con rU"M. mer• a Swaaw AW 9 Tiles of O NSho-Sak. ins ROhl Tao $4 519.2913171 or '.' L43►'J97 rw•Q CAP 8 %x. cora .•-1 wdel Pv windows. '32�wom 011 W galeCIN . ■ •319.905+3316ro Deal TM OF rW CNITUPIT IC prem smut orury •Ix n tet � p•a pare •ens fJsro eYSNEAIR4Ea, ke$2 were me"Z SP04CYA Mb? VW NS 1435. 5,30 to 7 p ■ wea- ve (Wei MeeomTwwo FMOil3 $195 uc rare a $125, up. nconalbo"r WWI 3125t w. peee4 Baer .ergs $190 1 op. We W4 rommOboma Caw ins, Mile .rhos and exi a low pry° tae fired saw been SM old a. new 30' rmm war Oak ad .M. 300 IaaCOledeI I N roar a old W hep tau 1n - now "am Nur somm of Dire tier gad reomm. tested awkwAn Cis as Ne, day. Unhwkon'f Appbatc- 0. Sae. Senn. Part 154 meet A. Disler.& 19g5)67L 74r smartie Ida ON carpe. l00% Mwn. new Stan R watt apes on Rad. I Net carper 3 roar", 3349 Price mdxda 0". prer"wn pet. t.prt ertnalalbn, tag dekr- Nnor (3o prat) M du M7teal�wR-su-rrr-eat �valulause�y Ince rwWrwq «ltrirm. a- ta= alsomt asiga as- sm. (m fire b rata con- sidered!). collective a any son. rewmu or score ar- bale *on Special wbrtst m Momcrdl pomry 11 by to rr Spm to aK Rome. Raven MBrooklin Ontario eaps* am a 1905I242 (!11155 alTls "TIM aW Cd- eclaGN conlerMs r4ho6q CDInPWW whilst. SM Desi- priCrsl Dwa Henry Kate. DKNY TOYS, rotary mod- eLs-ailld, fieses. tress MMB n Ona War Lookelg to Doled. 905,VA-2607 WANTED Leaf T3ckels' Will pay face value. Call Bruce 579-4400 ext. 2207 Will= - bar Indole. In good working condition 905-259- 9996 0(905-985-3193 05. 59- 99%«905985319J Isnpi SUTED - Owner engird DT466 or Oro Cummlm. ito condition. woad we 10 h . -039 running. Call 905-4342 (SM) WANTED - Honek CABO On base pond Wrld4worl, raason- ably paced Call 905.434- 0342 Isro) 1 L44o 6 FOUNDSony Brand Cellular E bark in black ase. m flaws area in mid March. Cal 905433-1005 all Fesl$gpd WANTED - Ducksem full, or Roto or rcrb0lwp. 1-2 rr. ole. 434 -OW (rpt BQdgle m nee, ,-of awirnnog lamely tree 10 a good lKid Very lormp 6 pW1ul Lova Omer pops (nth tits) Can ASAP 9p5-9653660 or ties. sage 905259.3660. W FILM - family ranted. chotwlale. Mack and yo•ow MIF cnampoer sire. dam on locator CKC registered. Ma- «ocn�ppeo First shots, its - MM removed f600��6rooldm 906.656-6005 amuvook, t wANM Buckskm or Paso F.Ip . 2 yes Call 434- 0342 snp a I Aulrmbka q7 CAYMAN, 116000 km 5 speed. $7495 % :nrysk, In treped ES full wad. 141000 kin 510.500 95 scum, e dr 5 spa. 136.000 km SM; 92 Olds 98 Tourxq. me oene- Win 123.000 lrn sm. 92 Gearid V"W LE, loaded le6.1100 km. $7495: '90 Cors, I n. 199.Oro km i88 Tempest. 133.000 kin m s. AN cers artteraLOre ksW 6 12 morn 12, WO Imo LmAe ed Premiums me" CA less CUTLASS SWfAM-A null «Aaey" Lowered metal - et green sw,90, tuned Wagw k0W sm. kOw SMmnlq wMa C~ MN rams. bw praik Mies. Mia Great stupe Rai $poli. 6 co AW q f45g0. breerep- prand al $7300) Must see Ths SJ000 n rwtr om strap towable mow,neva pa shyw new se0743 o spotless Net « Mae I= NYLAONK. 2 5L 4 awwu enpme Blue 4 clow pn' A " 1750 (W5)432-74611 Am" Me $NEVI Darters. m. roM, ;enxrd One err Pwryows. JDor !Coe grape t1g5a �M f4700 Co "go CNWA 6 CM r 7 DaKm s war xt-hw afro rcmmr slarkr war. mNnwete limed ft20D 9115- 4130-201117 05479,7pe7 ager 4am. lain low a t CO. lav gun. ea*4 xnfl err awsaea 6 !neasrri 52'50 f9N C- MM. ilelwltlimt, Oil. awn war. $1180 MV60 a saw vans($E6N19-2351 a 1414rNT7iBe0 191 COM LT A, 3 252 OOOhe' mgnwsy Paswe it- dew, 11- orakes !raw Mr Cocoon 6 NbOo $2 500 aN CA use, (994767- 1st OOR SWOON rr hit 4 eyl 4-4r awomalc hatchback. aW,, ustsonr rwwwry ckr FAram GI6eoeM 324ro o b e. Crt 379, im P -W ww. 4 lar. W. xwrmawee 090 - *9 ux fla A. Clea a. owl, f". am Cap ngSNa< 169 CA4KIa1 Sa,sm 190001310- SM 90apkmsaoo0 cr liars, i- 1686 M1MA 6.'16LX Am pswx _"e,_ porn Amex 4 cad .un exceeds ma- ma *.Sao cxoa mi 1667 aIRI$LEN S 2 ., l coup .d "IQ err loaded. 4. a. 67.e eedw - •shot ams m ismer ss orN 96i2a "mass a +ebmdrwO 197 INS" 7Kv. ,ed each - LSpuNr tit -W I'm . bw wen. 5151eea. pww wwwm 4 bans. MC. loam ttwbrdqwu .owevawa SM al/mom lee INS1616501D fNatrao•odr flet fm cmow N •ORT, 4 .tr based 37 3D0 lee's aswnnqq f1a.JtX: :as 906-509,41 at. WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy ers, bankrupt. bad credit. no Credit. You work? You drive! Lots of Choice. Down or Trade may be SPECIAL RNANCE SW 1:1DEPARTMENT Tram 1401( air, Auto S 91 Aeclatm 4mdr scan. sdx any f1005. 90 Sano Sal5. C t 0Isi Ips lam, ftsinS4M9Be5gepatea Ise cwm me Gabe. 1!f NnM St W4@L a nae.. RaL hit smm raaf! acs 1iN sNsr. $7 Boo Le Sebelooking to sea As is Fat sell. $TOM obo. 576-7916 sm GMs mm UK Goren• mss wad A smplvs. sold family. cam mem - fres for, afnta 1000 Ao1MtbMe CASNFOR CAMI We buy � used Idleda. Velkdes mat be lel flux'" Condition Cal 427-2415 or ante b 479 y St. FactS Aum A IW, WTO SALE A 6 A AUTO Cas, truce, bogs we pay up to $10.000 Cash on are spa Any cord, '"A ynr Can w he'll. 24 Iyurs. 7 at 30 w service 905-6665003 or 906-706.3880 ME -__IM 1 int CISEVY 3'a. SW"d. cams cow. w0r,40. alarm link. stop $12.500. ALSO 1990 CM Astro an. Waft fug power. V6. rurfulmis urea. f4000 4364MI HN FORD FIN UMW 5 6 in 5 spm, fay ideft lap and No liver r eemen. 133.000 kris. us Garay. $7,500 ask" Am-" I /YI• POW M I19'' R 8 ADVE11'newr. tMEONEiCMv EomoK AprN s. am VIM Us On tlEe E k*W'St www.&#iW w".d ME'Irn'T' mire `�„ Arw6N6 7"0N{ OWN AN61I6NN ® _ "N MED 4u. 305. 4 spar. MIANAGE1M UT • R•gleNeltlaa 1 Re¢eEraaaM I and der loaded new fires E.cellem running common. So 500 denied Aslunp 1905N3N-9906 Sal - Desch. V'S i Oxo ,oil Pau rL Located Th°° Coaled " loam°'°' ( IM IMI F0110 Whedthar oto- $ sSluld am welcome ,951879- ser. air. ewrAMd eaa ,-%. o` �I a SH • ow van. also nes neo con- owpeh, srnooner m0, w MSM o . IIeNTMon" E NOS WAI CprtSidn Armed suds one paler,ee M ERMW. border ase {ver rose. s 11x1. 4 et tits .. loam, AaNA. AF 1, 2 a a dad. Apes. IIa/IIrOiNled a New ZVZST D" IIS PAIMS" 'ale noshed room 121 .n prnale (2 • :' mv INII,ft. wwtl 1XM16a,n. W40 it* or wP APPHOW". All Will. kIG4ud8d. VVIM 1 YOU N=D CASM • passed ms1 dulomahc Irdnsm,SS10n. Nf-house Supt. a Merint. We hold your personal cheque 'til payday PIC[ERNC 'llype. ,-bot- rppm oasemen•Ron apartment AIC GII 9snp ,lot -smoker. no pas awn- On ske Security. NO CREDIT CHECKSI r§Wa 70x0 or 905922-3010. „V IMG DODGE CARAVAN SE able May1. $400imo hrsV lost 'dermas 72&7861 IMI DNrdooLFT taawti nMlal onia: IIOn - ll. 12 n00n -IFN wM 1 i separate kitchen. Dad LW RClererKlS hr51 aro last. Yams $5595 000 GII T_ sot a Stan Iplm spm L t ,905)509-7459 FUNDAMENTALS PROGRAM an -3011 1IFY m Mar, ! VALIANT PR0940r r AtMeons "N MED 4u. 305. 4 spar. MIANAGE1M UT • R•gleNeltlaa 1 Re¢eEraaaM I AOCTION SALE Frilay April 7, M 7 p.m. Ballamrae Community Centre. 1 km east or Hwy.. 48 on Aurora Road. Leah at merebedise. very partial list. Front line rotohller, portable power hacksaw: pas FT •w WHF adult 4 a plunces. No weed Inmrner commercial tarp sue 22 h. x 11 h. E2 Corson - E, seer, a <QwOpN ;,oro- and der loaded new fires E.cellem running common. So 500 denied Aslunp 1905N3N-9906 OOS-579-1 a2t3 V'S i Oxo ,oil Pau rL Located Th°° Coaled " loam°'°' ( IM IMI F0110 Whedthar oto- $ sSluld am welcome ,951879- arse a 1 �I and a4 yam 3129 Leave message ow van. also nes neo con- owpeh, srnooner m0, Roll NOS WAI CprtSidn Armed suds one paler,ee M ERMW. border yard rm Ods. rwr smokers �.entn Call (00 ta0t GP 19051421-7655 ISI, Avauble June 1st $625 nrcy June 'ale noshed room 121 .n prnale (2 572! Woo4m 24. IM2 COLT IENII VAN Emt 1 tion will certify No 9115.433'2190 home tar rem No smoWnp. Pets call (905) 666-6653 Love to Swim? passed ms1 dulomahc Irdnsm,SS10n. OWNFA FOR plan bachelorm a 1m,nl. suns one person. l and " PIC[ERNC 'llype. ,-bot- rppm oasemen•Ron apartment AIC GII 9snp ,lot -smoker. no pas awn- ROUGE VALLEY, ANSA, clean Interested in learning more r§Wa 70x0 or 905922-3010. „V IMG DODGE CARAVAN SE able May1. $400imo hrsV lost 'dermas 72&7861 furnished room. n guel. adult tome. sunaDk Int luny em- ployed non-smoker Share about Competitive Swimming? �. Wmle gray imenor 3 3 hire, vb atoo. fuse loaded yeao NORTH OSNAWA. 2 Oed room and one bedroom separate kitchen. Dad LW RClererKlS hr51 aro last. The PICKERING SWIM CLUB. NC. pmlacy glias. white map ora 4 an rams .SII snow ISI Dud, clean, lamely build tarp ilea( hydro and Iwo ap- ,905)509-7459 FUNDAMENTALS PROGRAM Cres. Wha don $rorty free ONE OWNER. 170 -km. caro. p(a„p� LOOM Pay able. , FarYehet PICaERMC y4lass 1-Md- •low, luse,nen, ase ,•leu•, kit dine dean 57.999 (905) paMp, and btt40, Wk. (905) r13__ 1 So- 4." am 1..1 nermai, and NEW WAVE 2000 - 4357656 �'�W" I'w border 1- PERFECT owr,grnlodging business naaele, leguun, are hosting a swimmer assessment 1M7 GMC SAFAN. 5 sealer. 1"7 len warren 88 h to ' bedroom basement apart- mem. amiable April 15M conduct ousmes, person Durham Sophrmated room and information session on IDG poo ul "Celle" ca41- la. $14 - Telepnau MI $500 pus Ira dates btal for Sunnpyiee pe" Call Pam W, home Fireplace. glass �, �. April 7,5:30 - 7:00 p.m. JEEP YJ 1967. A x 4 44rbe. 9051666-7614reliver pICKMING . I bedroom Dame aea� M weeny a daily 1905) and April 8, 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. ham top L soh top, tracer 1mrn. goed COW -on $3900 apI Separate entrance No chAdren no smoking. no 3000 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. 9054�i-t4a7 pas A �qeve Immt- ' wedearum dry r. $7SO/wa0, .251E nen. les AvaalMe way /s Dara • I date Ca11905!6A6.45s97 IrW 4b4 Ab, •eo• W'- yylr Powoa+t traesr 7 tIF2129 Meet Coaches Bob, Cathy and 1 Trailers FICKERNG GO STATION 3 bedroom mar floor 5995 plus AT 401; W1lo,se RD Large 2 bedrnc- noose share w:2 Tom at poolside. AOCTION SALE Frilay April 7, M 7 p.m. Ballamrae Community Centre. 1 km east or Hwy.. 48 on Aurora Road. Leah at merebedise. very partial list. Front line rotohller, portable power hacksaw: pas FT •w WHF adult 4 a plunces. No weed Inmrner commercial tarp sue 22 h. x 11 h. E2 Corson - E, seer, a <QwOpN ;,oro- or . bedroom basement $950 Each yen coon ""k -lip'" co-op Call Mary Wilton 420-6032 i Oxo ,oil Pau rL Located Th°° Coaled " loam°'°' Firm Se siara,e !wU1420- dont Juw IN $ sSluld am welcome ,951879- 9319 q wsw Awry park rrnr Orono Swmrm,p and a4 yam 3129 Leave message 7540 a -mail dmuaawaa"- recl colo re for additional information. 6sM0. proal. loo. Erlpy rot Summer there or move 810900 (905)623-1909 PICIIERMG V.I[.W large 2 krrN studio averment. Wpirk- m0. 4 appIWY2S. targe Dx4 IMMENT APOJITMENT tea snare �n clotting S35C per ar VILLAGE ARTS FOR SALE Encbsted 54 lean yard rm Ods. rwr smokers �.entn ,!,omit 1„st,ast 905509 1105 Jamas & �S GUILD haler pee 3 po-arh Gn Vann e16 443.7 7 572! Woo4m 24. I J oFr Sura Liable. peas' SPRING REGISTRATION A ' ,4161757.7773 ext even- mrd. c"6Its1- F ROOM 10, ,em a Wa arta of Aw. A, Monday April 10, 200 IC:�_ 1M3 V TWIN '100 HONDA PIC[ERNC 'llype. ,-bot- rppm oasemen•Ron apartment reynual employed incl Q.WW Forest included Prelx rode smokers only apply Price Naga Call 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Pickering Village shadow new ruboer. braided lin IlokSred nms. low kms 2 CorDm CMbm wry arngm. Pa," Fiance. large o and pets 5 Community Centre, Ajax. saddles. vpW. mWt k7 euakru 9057116 dWk S77Lmadn Ro gds. naHsrwokers Weekdays Ce.TRAI AWI Newts vera• Feed able oa,becal. tar• (corner of Linton 8 Sherwood) ow -Sao, (416)757.7773 W 24 even- h.W.:uund, ""a"er 5 red noww kill Oslo ria. Pprnni. arpet. A„ 2 um 1 Snowrra0saa ngshw iltnd $1416)251 wwwW rot to all amrrh,s Registry tion in the tw2 FORMULA o,,n SYorx PICaERMC y4lass 1-Md- •low, luse,nen, ase ,•leu•, OM a �M � •Nw•� Ed 90542/-7X/ following Courses: So- 4." am 1..1 nermai, Dealing ane cable. laundry. ca 41"75-4m Quilting, Pen a Ink, Knitting, Mpt 'D°" s 'sane .,vo Deesp. Naw nAm " w ya'd '""iO4 J'"" ' =17ill to $v m "� h^wMed T Bears, Porcelain Dolls, �� NM%M M Mn f'tl' wx Now $2.500 a Dade 1700 Citi 9� 42s ��4 dont use a ,11 tadmn clean waking mature 'ow- Stained Glass Patio Stories, per plan mrd ria ad RC1 try,rq mac army 5450, maim Stan workers wit- 1/12 th Scale Dollhouses ITMI 3210rg2 -h, nt. "N1 UAftmem apanatrv. Met we vu„ No. oeM - ggwy Great 1pralron Atwell Iw„Igoom b"Wdul bey - Ila ARCTIC Co. 700 EA. anM'ykc rand PMwq 110513 13M Classes start week of May 1 win new cl." stared eau racesern conN.M. dry r. $7SO/wa0, .251E nen. les AvaalMe way /s Dara • I For further information IrW 4b4 Ab, •eo• W'- yylr Powoa+t traesr 7 tIF2129 .,6aea-2sa .rhwargy ila/K,9-31w Rawy,,; A..Rm aao .t. I yam ,,,.y Please call Diana 427-8692 or «(414) eI2-M17 FCKERNCAarrRPD/L uoo<• level. prime location. 73 Sharon 427-9465 MM yIMANA , M" ado. mmpwteh •ernrideorrr, xd oa lemmant. aw. grey Would -Cee 4Jw�r.y Ra S a+a+n son am WA have able. Yms $2000 G CA yew. NNtwg, tot enew".. $76 -MM ase to SServe3S0C h65r1AJK3 -Nt an to WS .sere grew Ren or sea DoeaH . 1 PasorWN . 1 Parson" b WOOD ase beck ba • audid 14161 4194-3765 low", Ali $875 y0 hydro parneiO' - Oaw. ~ belt A0 4, $41M 17.5 -,ORA SORT •-5 Dnp m OsNr. what lea,arNMNYI art antral brain 3 bills. wakK ' 3c IV J honor " apaaiaF4nn.s art OW 24 vow zrowp waa on rare "D" 1N %OM ria NEAR OSHAWA CB11r Mcrr9/r 3 new bNW- Wah--dryer 00 eMr to I.....sa:: .:a -w low L Hader Sano Mm- fw51 s76 MM awm avarwtrC doorsvde ••1. 100 Oo.n rr00•rs ' art Nota a air .noise ami IW1I. seer. 1M must AJIN ,."Wry apYYPMwA WyleCorOWa. p dud,%. e MIN 6. .0 sr A., „lel a.lorq 67 ON" St S 6m. mow, a.-towe e w I9g1 67J 917' a^e. 6 likur L tt qts 40('111116Palaw wVadMl Soto lir f/a 500 SRi;td �P wer,l�r, - SPICIOaa .M -ore - 2 a" owf05S7F7fa2 a y"r amen papRbl Awa a e00 ID 426x19 I-argR0011 win nM GNP St Sar .0 p" L... waY-w daft. WR Pent 1 ht SII 9C5 E • • '6'9 ad CIO" b 90"M tae)perp trim. GO $40" UMan NAUT1FUL sernma .a" :'.m Cal rA4M S"wo n 2. 3 L 4 bed,com WHITBY naps h/ypwppeo Por. HIGH OSHAWA � win Cavowoft d. 2 APARTMENTSe--.'v 84t; .arge a noes 10 of Tom" 14M We have it all" 134 Odds. $710 a 8'3.2212-.M6W4n W500 LWON Hdlg• `perwin Env scons M wear FISH" and hit -' ns, st(Ippap. For Main., an Wc< .ase Ont Hoar hum Ostawa Modes■ (4 (905) 721.8741 Ddu clNgran ww+m �S!tr r^r�y milia/ RACE ,Cerin ,Crim 2601 CadO,t. (7a61ae6 Mum of NEW MANAGEMENT -0" .a.c .Mn SACC and 4 MI. < mus pr✓q Tra,M a -grpMrd Prow GP 905-716- or 1a05µ27- 09a pw Iwo "doom $Feiner door Clea. 10 401 Pyr 9319 q wsw Awry en par a ro oil. CoNe Pao.='m 11 aenMr R.M.R. Rid evaA101e m OnaN w,"" 666-IXi7 5161.990 st. gin as END OSNM. farMn41Y fatAlet am 1r•ry warm. area. t 0,0000 09 MY WORLD IIORicA om � o" moiv* CA 430 -WO luu, wnt kitchen MIR IPM achy nay n , � .nen Vow apoor KIM tender won eegi area a*bl MIR MM +thew ale I J oFr Sura Liable. peas' mum W spend ess aro got ' ona ioung "Uwe Dal Cabot. (a'wdry wr,dwat 290 valva r a 4-u- ewvry Iltrlrt Cwsd w W~,4'01 � m.rit new, ar4aMb say 1 571 -am 2461 6431)."U Mean 1Ntdenra 4rect oaN-aae ID•rt• wd -ft.PL" big Nfdlen MW rem exit. arvalubee Mry 1s. $575 Isuas 416.461- sial.. awed oro to 401 a" ygpprp AvOle fK0 vow port t,wle sot I,W air you !nrn' :as Caw IMy- p Mb I,yt11r, rellrellpW 905Swawa MO $des WO RUIMs Wath I1M1II lot 3 aMRoor. ' Cory a1F371p (ap61 ell-3eo0 or ot- ra051 r red noww kill Oslo ria. Pprnni. arpet. A„ 2 um t aMa00rI. 2 tlaPnbwR. 32 " $orad per pot rK-<em. Mcl.n b4{r111an1 per It Idplrr" tenets y,N. 5,31k 90f - at ,mance. Canal on R0• Tb~ $7� 1 a32.NW ell arta. On a1RM Avedao N7-MDROm detached,2- lift Am r pets oN m+ Ds+9 2 -wad, -al 1 AlxOpa Arc'abllt dada dl hardwood rot. esu u broadloom, "tale Sam MNI{r aaaOENl UNDER mem arv,7oPr saiq'ard wa tisk aaawa Y An, man man lea only. he* OF mom M you a w tan ' clstireEmduft 0 A 0. per r NEW MANAGEMENT -0" a d 24 M. b 1NotS a aiz a� -grpMrd Prow GP 905-716- or 1a05µ27- 09a pw Iwo "doom $Feiner a � rypa �9 9319 q wsw Awry en par a ro oil. CoNe Pao.='m 11 aenMr R.M.R. Rid evaA101e m OnaN w,"" <���_� p,,,A,,,,,,g ..wr"...W 5161.990 st. gin as END OSNM. farMn41Y fatAlet am 1r•ry �N1lT� 60VOKIrA E -ria rLM6 om � o" moiv* CA 430 -WO IwMlmr, drys. tMFOrd. $650. ' Pray bwrelbw do very urgt Id 3 ",dbrooaarbl. 9" apoor KIM tender won eegi area a*bl MIR MM +thew ale � ra••ly. na d.,od Roots. canra.00, ' ona ioung "Uwe Dal 57144275 K d.ar, 4 S1 war. Ailwq 5159.000 � 9Nwk.'e and fNdr. Nogg pit 175 9K-69 -1331 1 Coo A nrurim" Non {pogyMer. ion Tot exit. arvalubee Mry 1s. $575 Isuas 416.461- f00A1. ecce �. '"M Nap -.up bee, a4 wea-n dos C811MV NNNE taaprlpM m - 122--4 �PMM. 4 9a6 14,61 00-979 a CMRLM USS T per�� �v ,New k • OOrmss.. t Pope I �mwe,Yer,01 illygreeashed- PIE-fIMIM pMtWy aWltd- COIIVCmenpy baled ed SWK C4arel Park Ogne". vas. %not . SM bot L AJM 3 6EORDOM mum. a- rant. OW to bus. slgpp0g ventre and schi baite0k gaow arched gaage. we*- cep. timely, room. 2A pc am m�wdA $169.900 coon. a CIA lmmediddy FrfNast re- n 19D5µ26 COFAM*10. able. 3 cep- ONE aED{OOa syn lord basemem apt n Quid row- i.3�. 1705! 7765556 l padKss. sbMr rle4ry 2 fApTlFri 5 bedroom home. rowM. Ed In ancien hwrlg ROOM plus Private A -plea am. sawed kitchen L Law- IFTaCIB - ALL aRtaL 3 i pot $140 wzw kow M C411rl Mltden, erg, mint Mie ent4na ND past. Swlgk Smoker. avallede Immo Wrm haRe on 6uid crscM 4 f e�Cya264467 'M'P Iw„Igoom b"Wdul bey - oo Awn wnmedlalery 905.574 NM GII 421.2770 s VOSA sL. CI& COV. 12M 34 )wd 2. Lao kMdPic `( AMX bare bedroom ale rot (4532 Isro) mars yf�RaleWis sudL Ayt seta. 6170.900. ' I OMM to Wd pm4ft lavi Mw* MOMjwaa f905µ26-7660 ww.Mcon• ! CAN earme 900 m4�r � IIei011.COMIbIR.bel1 am WA have able. A AMOLKW A6TONIM-fF101WER ewxabl free. am over a from $60WmmO b1e. SaksWAW.IOr propLID ��house b WOOD ase beck ba b. Tyou! AeQm i3o.000+bmly a opuoma b, ale good ata. Shat d dDePr paywNN7 Cal Y Z ]SALIEEi6 ppmm�rl,w.dM' eS77Wit aid Saes W0. sIa SOnN19051 726-,ig0. ,-Ikt e a , "Nil'T�-1600newb ve Oefully oow a;apls * NOW am M.urM t, pgrpgp Fogy 4latmela/ Prole {15$0000 6 Sidra NM.albn { LHON. AYeMrRiW, am MNl•fwtlsr. r IrcoNM a04areoMrN boa 126,00 Vin Cal NM Cal- N MRH11M{ - Find ase pds�s Res4ence its. GowaIN Baur IM irw ow 1r how down ale SRM N05-Ci}M71 of Papa 9414. soot Mr. WaieA a a 0N' I' I IAIMWIE Olio 1-DCOrooa AMG, 11MGALOw, 3 -bed- A rine sakt Aa6acMrbM M�- tisk aaawa Y An, man man lea only. he* OF mom M you a w tan ' clstireEmduft 0 A 0. per r vmod rmumy sR• mor b FML. a d 24 M. b 1NotS a aiz a� 'vEN" "N FUND FROM or 1a05µ27- 09a fneatLung6 nal M Main a wre>op11)723-0147. • room. laundry, 'van and MORN NNW 2 - De• en par a ro oil. CoNe Pao.='m 11 aenMr R.M.R. Rid i ILVJWK 2 WW 1 GI, w taCled Spaobut A Odrm, OR MAP gall. appllaKet. we. F st. gin as END OSNM. ease to aH amenrIeppties. land- MY L{0{{aOMNT - Ap- Amoker. o Is able. om � o" MODfddVWUry t with a IwMlmr, drys. tMFOrd. $650. ' Escape m A .FaZ� (905)683.1206. apoor KIM tender won eegi area a*bl 1 723.1492 (NID) 1--s s mrwtq and hose ",•.n,wt ,,,4 1-1165, waa-oa b deck Lam LIR.COInK Oft., Wee 2 A MUM CHiAk OWUNA - DRI and FM on riot floor A 3 bedroom aputmems avail• 2 bedroom,. 2 floors and Salm den ase 4 DAOr0001 able May a Jute 152 in wet beamism. lanced n yard L on second floor tiaM bed- manWred buedir dose M allacreaton PWM alt exit. arvalubee Mry 1s. $575 Isuas 416.461- f00A1. ecce �. '"M Nap -.up bee, a4 wea-n dos 119051723-0977 9 a m 4D m . uMnes. 4 727 d rAA M0. For more da - nation call Danny Edwards CMRLM USS T per�� �v ,New k • 416-63}6666 aanble May 1s Fridge. abW aKalydtd Centrally and 1 illygreeashed- PIE-fIMIM pMtWy aWltd- COIIVCmenpy baled ed SWK C4arel Park Ogne". AJAa. lum.12 ised roan lot lot. beds onto y, old 4 rdbom raised Dun• $675 Ah Induslve Call 576- rant. OW to bus. slgpp0g ventre and schi baite0k gaow arched gaage. we*- cep. timely, room. 2A pc am M99 lmmediddy FrfNast re- n 19D5µ26 Well Yept' Must see' ONE aED{OOa syn lord basemem apt n Quid row- i.3�. 5145.000 Cour' a. (905) 436- 0280 No Agents dvu I - Fewer PKIDWAG • FURNISHED fApTlFri 5 bedroom home. rowM. Ed In ancien hwrlg ROOM plus Private A -plea am. sawed kitchen L Law- tyro St Montague. PE M- une 2.4 a rmrooms, lleurppre room laundry. slow. Pit' dry dost b transit. yon- C411rl Mltden, erg, mint Mie ent4na ND past. Swlgk Smoker. avallede Immo t0a IDW4ry rm. amity rm. OCC19aKy aN xlduuve aidyr $45wmord 10 Iw„Igoom b"Wdul bey - oo Awn wnmedlalery 905.574 NM GII 421.2770 pro $75 900 1.902 Bu - Sm (4532 Isro) bench vse, and grinder: commercial storage shelf 8 ft. wide x 30 in. deep: lawnmower. HD Dena table sarr, small too boxes: 4ty. mMal siding 8 N. a 3 h: loll np chains, car ramps etc. etc. {eadfitel paneled Wk -Dea- cons bench: oak hall table: man dining fade IwtleaF a realty rice new cedar Wankel box. small a ftUe Side- board: rdmished Chest M dawers• double bed: dress- ers, chairs: other furniture items. CNR and hurricane lanterns plus other collectibles. upright vacuum; wheelchair: household: rnsc. and Nwd1 more, Prevent D p.m. Sain few every whet, consignments Wan. See ear web pap for detaits: darka00aaclarmt.cm CLARKSON AUCTIM 9154~1 P", "T..wla�...:1 1r Sar � 3 IEDROOM tOWWON -n 'vEN" "N FUND FROM Eal Jsruwa �nrsned 4 t' :all W. rill • room. laundry, 'van and F,w 1-aN-657.1062. Te, ."„Jrd+r lir 11d lalwoem Fee ERI 14M.AIAM AH .. aMf.rrN. a,YtrQ S7a.lOo our CW per orad a or ld •.,.aNDne tlOSn y2, -,91a $went, a*A Wcas4n xeruhaa a !acro AAe" Rrra, mono e ftn' MORTGAM Got W ata M.TOe FULLY Swam freta AN Is, aid 2"d •,rreM. cu,,,.& yid bead b��nancmGp lea arty Rom 1--s s mrwtq and hose ",•.n,wt ,,,4 1-1165, (:,•IOttltkw mot. Far •are wb as M. a RMw . 1 W4 pWW taped Cap 19o51IaY531L EMNTSMU Goof M per mar. CMN. 14tH Got. ugly FNwx.9 b ay Prt CMTM SUPRUM 3r Ira Wee M appkcarM wi name ,- vee bed In, ad Tall "1Jwn 3 -Pc Dean kk 111ort. srvoW Gere. I o,wa:rew WV MOS ]Can hew haMlarit" cow re, aea aUne. Cal lot ase py :„ 100.0 .. ar57I4 back chanes, walnut �v ,New k • Are 2. 3 L 41h n On WAW- �r 33 GDVENttetE t F.14M 1 T» flay and nnorwMa �11 MMtpw. b Stan .0 r .,o yyaoaD ba - Camper ,M7 Fwd ecpo Cm w ta nem, or m 14a1'a�AeM vara edwe.d roof. 33 300 kmx. M Pe. aw o. E M. am f I oat W?""TM w tWe� �Mp " t DOC, a EIJECTIIIC1tY CI1L ..a 2 SNA 2.3 ISM Fear TOWRS'I PMMe am 1477- W -77M .ad 4 II - C 2 lo, Arrdlslws cabd"t ��IL d eI 57100 4e6 ,sna .Il WNNMNN" mwm errarneas Low mar fort 10 aa�its�s a10"ara ra:. " miff PEuwM tOM ]a' TttarFlMaE hale t2 or Pok NOW e40' won Morino. ' nadI s Lw - �p P'�` $.Katt CORNEILS n-4. Floor. 8.10 scud Ca (9061 I'y' AUCTION MRN Dow. CdA www Or4atrAMMt obm FRIDAY APRIL 7 NNWA"trt 10 war MI tai, hRw 1 P.M.ren. AT M. AT x0a E a OdMwt +NMNM lot 3 MILES EAST OF $M 900 1123-M77 .*I MI TIMOR Pass IV LITTLE SWAINa-" rALAKI 5prinpslew. amrrty Spears ON COUNTY RD N mar. CMN. 14tH Got. ner Property of 14,s Ga lord 11wET Pa,. thud EM aril. MINI 142. IF Audrey 11 M4tibntok 1'kd Gt11er- I debt mor Maul ppie.mrpp .wyae X14 F1^wwAalr bMa 1- Anon a9axw) plus ad► or b brrrua a burp 9ar'•r„M Evil= etaPMd r,1MMr Mama WILlaMTt1 So 4 Naa schen{ re, aea aUne. Cal lot ase Amwersay A Reunion a back chanes, walnut ttrwet00 M557a-$!OS Are 2. 3 L 41h n On WAW- Slna,rN leave "0." um yaw M TAW~able, n.2 paeiowr table,, 'h Duflet �11 MMtpw. ooldl* ftl oft oM MVWA*P aW OW*ft s arta For rap JM mft 106 -oadxnatMn, p,AmESA d draw CI. "my arc conal ro'� P , paw- aa�its�s a10"ara ra:. " miff PEuwM Aboard bolrNs, be approved $10,00 ad up prey bad rocker, wsPw4 *WW. . •URA AM Val SMSLV The bw washstands, oafs .0 Mow" PIM dresxrs, Tneaydle, www Or4atrAMMt obm frroont secretary. N/t. �' 11 "a"re PW w:Jpl� Harvest table. arrow back raker, walnut dreAeer wdh Marble top, PMae Iamb table• iron bed brass trien, 3pc. parlour set, tw utilities , upriRlMparno,6h IF 36en x ,p bitter oak display calk - with lerveled vulfbarbnl settee side cheit set of 4 aaa�claowlo gMn stock J, flat top wicker attacks, co-od Napolem air Howl tight wood stove, sale ld ed Always loved and missed �aE1�aNN Fater m Tap" M.. =a& 10- table saws B wife Julie 11a mum cart of OW 115. seen a FaN M w 255mm Mor Y M lots apl{Mlal, motim New, qEy. d mush MYdaa, NaMaMn. NlN1ar A hnmbee (CSH ttAlMar, AFRI RIM,IIRM LM. t Maple) 8H TRaCRf: 1914 CIMv. tandem wM4h. dump_-- wised Mese _- - - Lawn wtovwe4 1Y19 HtN4 plusd reoffecubles. for showing Aperil deft betro ween :30.5:00 at DeR k C #NM AocdmnM RIA IIMk Milein 705-MG42113 AUCM commoinam E911111113 Low COIIREIission, payment rod dw Sales every Tues. Mrs. anti1 w.,., - -11 - -« . wow war Sat Ed 6 p.m. An- Aw•• MA) Dn W�day A[d 5. 2000 at 1030 SATURDAY, Apm a n A.M. lumittare, Ep- am. k*mwt - Pmkm tAm CernaMy. Public auto auction At Peterborough Auction Center,pkanCg$ BIC, �- Pelerborough. (2 mi. Feu of Hwy 87). Repos, pubic mMlg n, tz, cavara p up•• 4 x 4's. RV's, tail Yid raw et.. 95 GMC Wain at. vat. lurid, 94 Acclaim, 94 IOM THOWWK Marlon Jun - At Iferidleln Ford Aer,etar van• 91 Ford Super duty diel with AIJCTM Stm*vd'tp Hospital oil Friday Martel 31, 2WO. 8 91 rend JU.T. 4 a 4.91 Cadillac Chita, 91 Beloved Wile of ft We " Deer moDlw of ilF Sundance. 91 Ford Ewpbrr xt 4 a a, 90 Conio. 90 .33 W SL ow. Dayta,a, M Fad Ranger, 89 Buick Lasall a do ata David Scott and David and Diane ThOnp• recd T W.. 89 N- IdICA, 97 Fava Ford convertaun n, O*MA son. Predeceased by Brands (Ars. Neil Arse - a6 keV c' rok.e 4 . a, eL Uodge 2Dwwwat, as C.ddrat 9 '11, , 'in ryull), Loving ¢pndtngllMf of Melanie and b d" 4 Ville,� .1�15p Olds Cierra, 1 1700 lent. M Figk1960 4 d wagon, mored, 8 SRS ' 95sbk w«•R,4n loaded, 725.6761 Sarah annd CIGrog dE Thompson. Sister and Mallian ril Edits. R ­', It -J -�IBBBBBB sum. 31M.5w. M R M. 1750". n.. IrAOW. daIRM- r1oouM. Open . mSeDSM. PIX 579-1657,78 a A t. o aL 41 Visit Us On ttte ItMemet: www.durtiamnm+s.net Area curler BY JIM EASSON ''ispeeld 10 the News Advertiser AJAX — Ajax's Bob Turcotte is representing Canada at the first-ever World Senior Men's Curl. ing Championship in Glasgow, Scotland this week. Turcotte. 55, and his Scarboro Curling Club rink mates Roy Weigand, Bob Lichii and Steve McDer- mot ate overseas for the event, which coincides with the Ford World Championships. Turcotte and his team earned a berth in the worlds after winning the title at the Grey Power Senior Men's Canadian Championship in Portage La Prairie. Manitoba. The worlds aren't the Turcotte rink's tint foray into international curling. Turcotte's team repre- sented Canada. in place of Mike Harris's Canadian Olympic foursome, at a competition of Olympic curlers in Karuizawa. Japan last February. Tur- cone's Canadian rink won the event which pitted 1998 Winter Olympic men's curling teams from Sweden, the U.S., Switzerland and Norway against four Japanese foursomes. "It wont be as daunting for us;" said Turcotte in a News Advertiser interview following the Canadi- an curling triumph. The Turcotte team will play a three -game Schenkel to decide which four rinks will play in the semifinals. The Canadian foursome is scheduled to play England. Netherlands and Wales. The world seniors final is slated for Saturday. April 8. Annandale Curling Club's men's skins competi- tion is now reduced to two teams. The Jon Payne rink of Dave Hutchison. Marvin Harrison and Craig Reid will take on the Gord Norton team of NEWS ADVERTMP, WEDNESDAY EW101111, Aparill 5, 3111110 PAGE 0 P skips town for world sweepstakes ished out of the medals after posting a 2-5 record Leslie team competed in the regional playdowns of during the eight -team round-robin event. The win- the NC mixed event in Ennismore. Leslie's rink of ning Jeffrey Thomas rink from Avonlea boasted a Brenda O'Hara, Dave Hutchison and Dawn Tester record of 61. finished with a 2-2 record, which kept the foursome »• out of contention. The Leslie rink won the zone .Also on the weekend. Annandale's Warren playdowns of the event in Uxbridge March 18. ` FF • - 1 Fweati :1 Roalkg :1 R••6q ab.Yhg a aw.,a : e EAaNrkwar g qy OCCa.S10rs. Have Own BELMMG BANGS e Coming off a regional win last month, coach trom tie BraMd M e net 905-43, 34% 110(4'7 Ita1CN sun- A N C LTD. Paul Bourque and his bantam boys' team of captain AMER t4v* ail pj set abrlp call Matt' Fuser m- •,, Save up to 329r book Now.... e up to 32% Book Now! FOSS OVQfS � ' : `�qt, T OYi�, 0 vaducuons. Durttam's Mot - nhBdtngier (4161 777 • All 1 sof ronfin and wnrid— YDe S Erip n ff ay y �te 6302. • Full wanianuet guaranteed FIO i • Apls. Palaorg AVBiI. pet bland. Truly a gentleman's OIIRIIaM Swam CLIB. • seniors umoum Free Estimates pleasure' Discreet. New appwN n fitdry last • Full insured and bonded 416 Qut Callt Ot><v! aYr rip relatrorrafips Porsaul Swann, pub . Free estimates TOR Free ,R t. ' � Ne 'tt won Senetive. eat roe til BBB-IOe'16 CANADIAN Cad Andrew aat ("§) � 1 - 1 416-989-8"1 Itinnew 436117211 a 431-0055, rwwdurtunsiges.can %W Iran Intel ::' CY La. FYherCY otiatua'S olne liffel • Ifaaaarhwlu BOB TURCOM.' SEIInCE1 call 905.683-1110 create a xmte ma lboa ear erase oilier persorul ads At NAM CLEANING INC. too busy too a edn a just � RANGER LANDSCAPING Representing Canada at World Senior trat. Meet a ear Fiend orI awn Cutting $IS & up dont hie cleanne? Banded 8 GET FASTER Men's Curling Championships. Low 1101 lag Spring dr Fait Clean up insured Give Tensa a fall at 190516660727 REFLNOS WITH FREE E -FILING BEAVENL9 n7CNC An- Trimming / Garden work • Prepared while Rich Poole, Mike Susko and Ron Alexander next savers Find the oracle wmm 329%.. '18.'21 bra, I "FKrcellent Rates and F-xceaena .Service" GUAaAa M!NES�1 .So far yor'" oird de rest. N"Writ— w you wart by A Certified 1 week. After a tough season of competition, these 900451.37e3 s comowmm az the Ben! General Accountant two rinks will face each other with $500 on the line. (905)619-2125 (416)806-1808 vacuu—S. dusting, lady Kuksi, CGA 1 W BEV YOU .0 airy m kochebaths. binn&. ledges. 9054262081 bu>urass ••' tAMawn or proOlem 1 wn tea baseboard,. for I Also Annandale was represented by the Paul Boyland you about your oast. preawn a ' Parte s-Acw IM Petty seir'k" d ori nt,$65 . CciuntrnR servhas rink at the Ontario Teranct Bantam Boys and Girls 11txraa rat today la mnle- d,,, ,,,,,n u„ oaaM rand ur Coal R.I. RJ►mm wwrPPs w^l w Curling Championships in Brantford March 29 to 561-3 77 TT Dpn() Magic Fox Children's Partes raT tea aL7W921w '114-9 April 1. LOORM ro Mail sornaone qy OCCa.S10rs. Have Own BELMMG BANGS e Coming off a regional win last month, coach trom tie BraMd M e net 905-43, 34% Call Ernie 66e1 -a1"2 seance sw5 es pn,nde0. own t ampalatan. 6 years Paul Bourque and his bantam boys' team of captain awaxenou Boor maNee "penerKe Rek craves aWnaw�adabk aesamex � Paul Bo land, Darryl Hill, Chris Janssen and Peter Boyland, • ] "ot"E°ne Rnao $01A &'si RaYN.I eat 1906 ASBS � ' : `�qt, T OYi�, apanmerB. con6a. Ut6256 Stetyk performed well at the provincials, but fin- 11p"6p°""aa 4160. W16 -497 -SM Sam, So." .46u0. speaahns m rawalli lowd orin, removed T-12 y. p- LIBERTY TAX SERVICE LALOM" HOUSE, oFRCE a Procter & Gamble ,o prddwdedr lam,, CONDO CLEANING OC (4161765-3499 Osrr ^_41 :�.atu,m acn,�. (anad� SERVICES Now in business TRANSIT SQUARE �AX GO STATION 13 Works abry r 1 I IIIIPI•ra•IaI•• WAIL off Excellent Rases TAX PRFPARATII W FOR NFW 1-1 IFNT'S 8 References, SPRIN 905-426-9936 j=) 4Af2 FINISHED • BASEMENTS 1 hMar9a : ;re•.rh,a Warehouse Sale Bulletin Ice COVER GIRL & MAX FACTOR Assorted Lips, Eyes, Nails and Face Makeup if-- ADMISSION 1.00 pperson Admission Poceeds to LaeY �••• Look Goodg"'°;;'r O Feel Better Mors-~. LN�If aC. Feel rNRr.r 1• rrI[.aate Mxti/ioa c a•... Ne aK I JI7Wa 14MOml 145 WEST BEAVER CREEK RD. UNIT 2, RICHMOND HILL Mon-~. 10-8 -Thur h Fri: 10-9 - Sat: 10.6 - Sun: 11-5 All Sales Fincol! � t ! Ir 11 J � 31dU 11W Firm• Vis. TMS PAINTING Board Ar � m GUARAMTEEO' i DECOR Inland Growers wait"428145 PAINTING a Interior 8 Exterior Uind3eaping The News ` �� so�� European Workman- igrliBuild 53rerrterr leriovatxss. ship s ., ,W 5-.:.r . puler.... Advertiser Pay asVWMtuRAaA Fast deal. •-^. Ba tA,n. acalJf ICT4 Rr Fa Meata rekaCle Servicelaicr 1oCiwelcomes 428 -Ml your notices AROva05) 742-SM> ar for bulletin Poe Met• Drill" �.«. • board. Non- Call - lf7On TIMBER TREE 1t-868••579-0077 AI1 M profit organs (qps)_743.= ►a+.n■s land notwTm SERVICE 1l�erirr6 Dov=StSTEe7S Fepar..r, R,. .,".,:. Zat10nS are ait wa m.•.+wm n Tri ermine, Frurmq welcome to ":";- " ,a .t ea .tamp Rye F �OFAUDOCAPS -a sr 1. a— f•tlarne sora♦, aaa Fully murcd, submit their k.elDseAK 5-4; ,�•. FM Ean.aar a� s saaaa Fret estimates • Swing �e.r+ws .r wase awmwa FM announce- tom $I*. • w ' �M aea a+ha Call Shawn ments for Maintenance lire, ,.,�';��6on publication. iso -earaUP d15 Ad" •Fan am"itDe intim DEADLINE: S35 per week A up PwIntnor i10 days prior f*r.a Etaaaaa..a.Goraar.•t Jrmor J eaMouses a;ar•-,ets (116) 29e4MM 211 YOBt ". apaatdas a to event. FM-nRnOSpioah s SafraI3 AMbtow in 06cour is7725-7'322 tiyTL.pnad.+nuted Freealr�wMea5g3-7)� x27 CaRSli7716. h,rhrmamUK PLUBMWO thaxlEMAIL mem: a rt�wvATlols I teedshoustonO Plumoing a Reda s. QUALITY - ear r r small Dailydtullam.rlet CafiR1e r qPAINTING 6 2erat Canape 5-2322Co.gNtabadsrooms--'atrulsharldn/ :r,4:4. 5ase.Nr1:. dens DECORATING-;Je'al cl",- AIM them: p swan 'ao n� as and mrtats A„ rnri TNr a^�..d In(c•ris�r F�-sic•; �,a _.cam SELL 5-r Mpw 130 Commercial �� _„ CALL Frey f•:sumatrs . e,5- senna Ave.. Aiax, On- Free Esemaln x37-9;�K -+ _awrente Servia AJAX 683-0707 tario, L1S 2H5 an Phil 1115-x27-sau � oa Selly. UXBRIDGE 952-9711 Saturday, Apd 8e 9:304M to 50Opm admission only $100 pa persat IN Petit by OL"'AY NO TUNE TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Fiease allow time `or us to confirm jour ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your Company name, address, phone number and contact name. 444aII Fax NEWS ADVERTISER 905-579-4218 UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 905-852-4355 Motoren - Taybi &Joekftm stars of OU Voll IN.— Iicanlc hilliga, - c, s'O11DM Or rM Going with Voll!' tUe utM.Io.6 Itxrlaedr we•�b ;,�; at lite Petr ttlwd= lbutm MW % im elnw a win oetm MAIN li6 a a jog ��... aslt1f101E1s b 9f twl/ ftwr flAttle Mit». PoI iafttls atilt vbw • FM Sells R Vlakilop • w11 faklkllt:1lN.lq polds i sestlI t ler per resqu • Sh* Capin &Stttred • 111.i -0e oomph woksYr -amaterst EXCLUSIVE Taeiia cn�nn� sol ►ei.i� o'M. sol /oie Mara Otitzb l 50.1 _ a ij I tool W 1 gaealttliw h•ia 1M s tat t'raat with an artificial hip, but the Forecaddir rcmin ds ... he's still the f allot near Jack Nicklaa.iu, awakened his cki rrunl p,� F Arw at jug the right time. Thr Masters ::pon us. and '%"Liu, , ,.x -inns winner at Auprta National Gdf flub, limit .y (.uh a 11ournh April 2 1n the feel rouund of the Tradition In Scottsdale. Ariz- Nicklaus rizNicklaus shot a Sunder -par 67 and finished at 1 -under -par 2R" for the 72 holes, playing the last 24 boles at 4 under The 67 was Nicklaus' best rand since a final -round 6- at the 1995 U -S, Senior Open at sliriera Country C Orb :n Pacih. 1'a4,rdrs. Calit ( hilt How'ar'd TvrWs i.t, bear Nicklaus f(x law Grin-nrind sdotr. `Phis." Nicklaus loll the Foreoaddir. "is very encouraginyt Ks bccn a while." Nicklaus teacher. Jim F%c11 noticed a dderence in ht, pupil .He played golf today.' said Flick. -and his body language is better' %a-klam alw•aps has born able 10 reenergLw himseK at Atipsta National, but he said the time is drawing near when that tight not be dr ase. 1 ttgoy the go f course, but it is getting to the point where the FM course o a hick too strong for me.- sad Nicklaus. who won his Inst Masters in 1946 at age 46. -1 dont have the Irttgth I once had, and Titer keep lengthening the golf course. tflsN/a Polish" Coit M intsomrs;e chose not to play last week s seQSo"hi Ck=k becatise he dorsn i parucu- larly are for the TPC at Su pdria[ But on his wtiy to Augusta from 77C at .16 Ziasm. he stopped by the BellSouth the day before the opening round to tat out some new equipment on the practice We. However. after about an hour. PGA Tour officials informed Monty he was in violation of the rales and had to leave. During an official Tau event, the course and practice areas are open only to compering pnokssionals and die top 10 aker- naies. Shoo, Fly.... And speaking of Georgia, the titan out front hap. pened to drop in at the Golf Club of Geotsia during BellSouth week and enmuutered this star-studded foursome: Sergio Garcia. U.S. Amateur champion David Gomm Australian Open champion Amin Dr6ley and Victor Grda. I Setgiofather and teachm who is considering going to the Senior PGA Tour Q -School. WEONEOQAT EOMOK T^ 5. 3110 "This is a big ' milestone for me. Y profaed to myself that 1 can win out here. " - POA True Io .. Orr Fseldws, tower -ow at Ism sMsuNY CWMC FROM THE EDITORS OF GOLFWEEK (WWW.GOLFWEEK.COM) APRIL .3-9,2000 f nd'i g Mast r while working mostly at tournament sites. Fights that other people would notice, Olazabal drives for confidence Iacobs called them. "Wed both be uptight because we wanted it so much," the teacher BY JEFF RUDE IEFERENf year, same quandary. Jose Maria Olazibral and the driver, adver- ,;in(s. He has struggled off the tee since at least 1998. Big crooked stick, tittle confidence. He did win his second Masters on those wide Augusta rational fairways in 1999, but he sat out the weekend at the next ihrcc Ii:;dors. Spray jobs all. "1 couldn't hit a fairway,' Olaribal said of the U.S. Open and British ()rent. "Out of 14 I'd hit maybe three or four fairway's. it was quite Jepressing." The year, even considering that one splendid week in Georgia, was (,ne of his worst. He finished letter than 10th in only one other nodal tournament. He ended up No. 32 on the PGA European 1",ur Order of Ment, only his third time out of the top nine in .i (kizen hill seasons. He broke his hand punching a wall m frustration after an opening 75 at the U.S. Open. He blcw a singles lead to Justin Leonard and his European side last the Ryder Cup. Mainly he drove it en rrurry. And it w -sighed on his mind from one millennium ` the next. ti. "Thr only way to get positive is to see .tic ball Fly in the middle of the fairway," - ()lazibal said. The woods and water ate -sot good. They are not a builder of con- t txlence.- 't Most of his [Hisses have been to the nt,J%r His clubface has tended to open at impact, leading to a push -fade. But ler ,A isn't out of the question, either. So. enough being enough, in Jarnnry ()lazibal got on an airplane in his native t " Spain and flew• to London to see rc•rx)w•ned 75,ycmold instructor John Jacobs at nearby Wentworth. The erudile Englishimain, tutor to Olazibal for nearly mo decades. made one major change (,v t',r• tavv days: a stronger grip. „a Olaza`bal. 34, has long had one ofe the weakest grips in professional golf. lacobs had considered recormlerding the• alteration before but didn't tanker tx cause timbal has been so accu- rate hitting frons. Bot now it was time to turn the left hard toward the no on the grip. G' ! "He's not as bad a driver as he thinks he 1t: he's talking - - hi, way clown,- Jacobs said to lith England. Yet the other turd, he had bet confidence. I is drives it perfect for me alta five near Lacs, but then goes to the first we and has pmblenis. k had become so mental." The gnp change felt 'hontbie" at fns, Nit Oku:A l sddernly could set tip nght and ht a natural draw down die right side A the fairway. That's good," he tdd laeobs, "because normally 1'd be deep in the right rough." Jacobs and Olazibal see each other al,out three taus a year They have had their argumentatme rHannents over the years sat [ sat 1 get the nicest notes from him in Christmas cards. In January, they worked away from the usual traffic of toumanem, and in calm, and both came away encouraged. ......71.30 Their only concern was that the stronger grip might cause Olazibal to h,iok his iron shots and fight going left. For that reason, Jacobs told AM rMYE Oft 0 ADVOPIM him not to be afraid using a weak grip with shorter clubs, a practice 49. Heim Dobson ...:.......714 rI O ndo "You have to have the carne grip throughout the set," Jacobs 50. FtlnAci blumgttchi ..:....n16 ,aid. "Teachers will tell you that, but champions won't necessari- surge of abduY rosigbo &pW to ly do that." Where Vley're playing Post -advice, early signs are that Olazibal is driving the ball POA Tour i � --w641c------- NR7IT Ile: 'I'hc Ata.acr,, Match Play, for instance, he missed only three fairways. April r.-7, Augusta ((;a.I There's no reason I shouldn't be a good driver," said National Golf Club. .' THE BUZZ: Tiger'NX-xis despite ranking 64th in driving accuracy and 55th in distance. hx)ks h>r hes second )seen The changes will take a while to get comfortable with, but jacket and the course suit., they have put me in the right direction. I hope to see his g:uue, but Phil improvement throughout the season." Mickclsnn is hot with two 55• lura Phio ....::::.....n25 victories this seas(in, ' including; Last week at the BellSouth Classic, TV: 1 "SA, Thu -Fri. ( Live fA cuvcr gc. I-6.30 p. m., ., repeated tram 9-1 1 : 30 aY p err ): CBS. SM ( Live cov- ". craag;c. 330-6 prat., high- I. Karrie Webb .............69.05 lights, 1135-115opill .), ' Sun (Live coverage. 1-7 ' ` # p.m , highlights. 11:35-11:50 31. Nancy lupex , . , , p rat ). 60. Kdo Abri ............n38 The Odds ------------- 3. Se Ri Pak .................69.86 Fawita o • ntpliK of Wft It. wii On tr..rw., .ee«•.t� w t..r.. bdadur 111p.. vac 33• Alden Faionhiima ........71.78 Tgpr 94 ...........n41 62. Ctirtie Kar -VY<)0 _ bwo Du 121 5. Mi Hym Kim ............7036 DIY6 w.e 111 161 _ • • • • • • •71.83 tido M- - IBI-- Eme Eis _ _ 26- .play, _ Phi MK .&t 251 64. Teary Hanson _ lm A-yk_ _ 281 Tom Lehman 2131 cn�nn� sol ►ei.i� o'M. sol /oie Mara Otitzb l 50.1 _ a ij I tool W 1 gaealttliw h•ia 1M s tat t'raat with an artificial hip, but the Forecaddir rcmin ds ... he's still the f allot near Jack Nicklaa.iu, awakened his cki rrunl p,� F Arw at jug the right time. Thr Masters ::pon us. and '%"Liu, , ,.x -inns winner at Auprta National Gdf flub, limit .y (.uh a 11ournh April 2 1n the feel rouund of the Tradition In Scottsdale. Ariz- Nicklaus rizNicklaus shot a Sunder -par 67 and finished at 1 -under -par 2R" for the 72 holes, playing the last 24 boles at 4 under The 67 was Nicklaus' best rand since a final -round 6- at the 1995 U -S, Senior Open at sliriera Country C Orb :n Pacih. 1'a4,rdrs. Calit ( hilt How'ar'd TvrWs i.t, bear Nicklaus f(x law Grin-nrind sdotr. `Phis." Nicklaus loll the Foreoaddir. "is very encouraginyt Ks bccn a while." Nicklaus teacher. Jim F%c11 noticed a dderence in ht, pupil .He played golf today.' said Flick. -and his body language is better' %a-klam alw•aps has born able 10 reenergLw himseK at Atipsta National, but he said the time is drawing near when that tight not be dr ase. 1 ttgoy the go f course, but it is getting to the point where the FM course o a hick too strong for me.- sad Nicklaus. who won his Inst Masters in 1946 at age 46. -1 dont have the Irttgth I once had, and Titer keep lengthening the golf course. tflsN/a Polish" Coit M intsomrs;e chose not to play last week s seQSo"hi Ck=k becatise he dorsn i parucu- larly are for the TPC at Su pdria[ But on his wtiy to Augusta from 77C at .16 Ziasm. he stopped by the BellSouth the day before the opening round to tat out some new equipment on the practice We. However. after about an hour. PGA Tour officials informed Monty he was in violation of the rales and had to leave. During an official Tau event, the course and practice areas are open only to compering pnokssionals and die top 10 aker- naies. Shoo, Fly.... And speaking of Georgia, the titan out front hap. pened to drop in at the Golf Club of Geotsia during BellSouth week and enmuutered this star-studded foursome: Sergio Garcia. U.S. Amateur champion David Gomm Australian Open champion Amin Dr6ley and Victor Grda. I Setgiofather and teachm who is considering going to the Senior PGA Tour Q -School. WEONEOQAT EOMOK T^ 5. 3110 "This is a big ' milestone for me. Y profaed to myself that 1 can win out here. " - POA True Io .. Orr Fseldws, tower -ow at Ism sMsuNY CWMC FROM THE EDITORS OF GOLFWEEK (WWW.GOLFWEEK.COM) APRIL .3-9,2000 f nd'i g Mast r while working mostly at tournament sites. Fights that other people would notice, Olazabal drives for confidence Iacobs called them. "Wed both be uptight because we wanted it so much," the teacher BY JEFF RUDE IEFERENf year, same quandary. Jose Maria Olazibral and the driver, adver- ,;in(s. He has struggled off the tee since at least 1998. Big crooked stick, tittle confidence. He did win his second Masters on those wide Augusta rational fairways in 1999, but he sat out the weekend at the next ihrcc Ii:;dors. Spray jobs all. "1 couldn't hit a fairway,' Olaribal said of the U.S. Open and British ()rent. "Out of 14 I'd hit maybe three or four fairway's. it was quite Jepressing." The year, even considering that one splendid week in Georgia, was (,ne of his worst. He finished letter than 10th in only one other nodal tournament. He ended up No. 32 on the PGA European 1",ur Order of Ment, only his third time out of the top nine in .i (kizen hill seasons. He broke his hand punching a wall m frustration after an opening 75 at the U.S. Open. He blcw a singles lead to Justin Leonard and his European side last the Ryder Cup. Mainly he drove it en rrurry. And it w -sighed on his mind from one millennium ` the next. ti. "Thr only way to get positive is to see .tic ball Fly in the middle of the fairway," - ()lazibal said. The woods and water ate -sot good. They are not a builder of con- t txlence.- 't Most of his [Hisses have been to the nt,J%r His clubface has tended to open at impact, leading to a push -fade. But ler ,A isn't out of the question, either. So. enough being enough, in Jarnnry ()lazibal got on an airplane in his native t " Spain and flew• to London to see rc•rx)w•ned 75,ycmold instructor John Jacobs at nearby Wentworth. The erudile Englishimain, tutor to Olazibal for nearly mo decades. made one major change (,v t',r• tavv days: a stronger grip. „a Olaza`bal. 34, has long had one ofe the weakest grips in professional golf. lacobs had considered recormlerding the• alteration before but didn't tanker tx cause timbal has been so accu- rate hitting frons. Bot now it was time to turn the left hard toward the no on the grip. G' ! "He's not as bad a driver as he thinks he 1t: he's talking - - hi, way clown,- Jacobs said to lith England. Yet the other turd, he had bet confidence. I is drives it perfect for me alta five near Lacs, but then goes to the first we and has pmblenis. k had become so mental." The gnp change felt 'hontbie" at fns, Nit Oku:A l sddernly could set tip nght and ht a natural draw down die right side A the fairway. That's good," he tdd laeobs, "because normally 1'd be deep in the right rough." Jacobs and Olazibal see each other al,out three taus a year They have had their argumentatme rHannents over the years sat [ sat 1 get the nicest notes from him in Christmas cards. In January, they worked away from the usual traffic of toumanem, and in calm, and both came away encouraged. ......71.30 Their only concern was that the stronger grip might cause Olazibal to h,iok his iron shots and fight going left. For that reason, Jacobs told 20. Grace Park .............71.31 him not to be afraid using a weak grip with shorter clubs, a practice 49. Heim Dobson ...:.......714 of Amold Palmer, among others. pk)rr's rating is a rartrrericd area- "You have to have the carne grip throughout the set," Jacobs 50. FtlnAci blumgttchi ..:....n16 ,aid. "Teachers will tell you that, but champions won't necessari- surge of abduY rosigbo &pW to ly do that." .......71.56 Post -advice, early signs are that Olazibal is driving the ball ,iraighter. In the first round of the WGC-Andersen Consulting 23• Pat Hurst ..............11.60 Match Play, for instance, he missed only three fairways. 52. Jan Stephensim ..........n18 There's no reason I shouldn't be a good driver," said 24.Leu Lindley ............71.64 Olazibal, the superb scrambler who won the 99 Masters 53. Michiko Hairod ..........n22 despite ranking 64th in driving accuracy and 55th in distance. plawn' mtbw indicafrs The The changes will take a while to get comfortable with, but 54. Sherri Turner ... , .......725 they have put me in the right direction. I hope to see vpecw eofgroin per improvement throughout the season." Jacobs expects t. "I ant see into the future, but I think his best golf is 55• lura Phio ....::::.....n25 ahead of him," the coach said. "He's a champion. He's his j another one who an will way to win. Without a shad- ow of a doubt, technique is secondary to heart. Jack Nicklaus is a perfect example. There are a lot of people fA with better golf swings, but look at Jack's record. On the ., 72nd hole, s trying to win, not trying not to lose." aY Confidence eertamly is vital to Olazkal. He seems to ". respond to pep talks. Seve Ballesteras went out of his I. Karrie Webb .............69.05 way to all the slumping Olazibal the -bust player in the n.72 world" before the 1993 Ryder Cup, and OlazAbal ' ` # responded by winning two team matches. Babcsteros 31. Nancy lupex , . , , sect hart a now d encouragement before the final round 60. Kdo Abri ............n38 of the 1994 Masters, and O"bal won. Last year, Gary 3. Se Ri Pak .................69.86 Plain gave him an inspirational talk two nights before the Masters started, and feeling more relaxed and confi- dent, the son of a gieerskerper wort again 33• Alden Faionhiima ........71.78 OLukal arrived last year at Augu su having won 17 ...........n41 62. Ctirtie Kar tithes on the PGA European Toter and four times in 5. Mi Hym Kim ............7036 Artuencat. But he tied for 52nd and maned the cut the two • • • • • • •71.83 previous week, and his confidence was low. He was three years removed from thinking he miglu not ewe .play, or eventwalk. again because of nagging injures to 64. Teary Hanson his k -et. 7. Laura Davies ... _......'..70.44 The Maya sermon helped Bit nodurig lifted his spc_ ......n.85 as moire than a smcond-round 66 en route to an 15•0nder- par 240, two strokes better than Davis Love III and three 37. Vandy noohn ..........71.87 .ilicad of Greg Norman. He won printardy because of son 66. Duro DoEmaan ,, ,uracy and a remarkable short game. He got up and 9. Meg Mallon ............ .70.47 .i(.wtn 21 tunes in 28 tries, a 75 pemertt success rate. He had no three putts far the week. This year, Ohazkal knows Tiger Woods is favored to 39. Gori Nisamdt ..........n.89 win. But he also knows how confidence and moms tuat 67. Hee-10bo liar :..........n50 an ,witch. There's driving, then there's drive. 11. Rosie )ones ............70.80 If I'm playing my hest, I'm gang to make things hard 'n Tiger,' Olazkal said "1 think most top players in the w(xld think that. otherwise thd7e ., no reason to tee Off." 7be Perfontrance Index its a world- 19. Rachel Hediai►gatt ......71.30 48. Yuri Fudoh .............72.10 wide Ruing 9fpm g*n• Facb 20. Grace Park .............71.31 49. Heim Dobson ...:.......714 pk)rr's rating is a rartrrericd area- 21. Keli KTreMie ......:....71.51 50. FtlnAci blumgttchi ..:....n16 surge of abduY rosigbo &pW to 22.1 Nminam .......71.56 51. Jit McGill ...... .......72.16 [bat golfer'sgpticdone-round 23• Pat Hurst ..............11.60 52. Jan Stephensim ..........n18 score. 7be d*rlence betnrrrn atw 24.Leu Lindley ............71.64 53. Michiko Hairod ..........n22 plawn' mtbw indicafrs The 25. Grit► Koch .............71.64 54. Sherri Turner ... , .......725 vpecw eofgroin per 26. Wier Ku ............71.69 55• lura Phio ....::::.....n25 round btdmren [base pkDm 27. Nancy Scamon ..........71.68 56. Kim Sacci ..... ...n26 29 Hirci Kdxyarhh ........71.69 57. Barb Mucha ............72.21 Name .................neft 29. Alison Wars ..........71.71 "..... 58• Helen Alfiedstoa ....732 I. Karrie Webb .............69.05 .... 30• wme ........... n.72 59. Cindy MODAdf ..........n33 2. Juni lakstax ..............69.74 31. Nancy lupex , . , , ........71.75 60. Kdo Abri ............n38 3. Se Ri Pak .................69.86 37- Becky Mason ..........71.77 arta 6h. Aki Taka 4. Arnim STlrensnm .........70.01 33• Alden Faionhiima ........71.78 ...........n41 62. Ctirtie Kar 5. Mi Hym Kim ............7036 34. BeW 1b6 • • • • • • • • • • • • •71.83 .............742 63• p,K feather ............n44 6. Dot ie Pepper ............70.44 35. Tammie Green ..........71,63 64. Teary Hanson 7. Laura Davies ... _......'..70.44 36• andofn Sosmstam ......n.85 ...........7244 65. Mardi Was ............n45 8. Win Sleiohalra .........70.45 37. Vandy noohn ..........71.87 66. Duro DoEmaan 9. Meg Mallon ............ .70.47 A Kelly 1labbits ...........71.88 ...... _ ...n48 10. Louie Kane .............70.53 39. Gori Nisamdt ..........n.89 67. Hee-10bo liar :..........n50 11. Rosie )ones ............70.80 40. Trish johmon ...........71.91 66. Eva h)bado. ............n51 12. Maria Mjor16 ............71.04 41. Chdtpohasoo ...........71.93 69. Htmg Yu1hcn .........n51 13..Wice Moodie ..........7im 42. Jane Geddes ............71.94 70, lila Kh68errs ............nu 14. Wee Oda ............71.12 43. Catdom M6daer ........71.97 71. Midori Yoneyama ........72.53 15. Jenny I d ............71.19 44. Daam Andrus .........71.96 7 Klisdl Parka Grapy .....n53 16. Bede David ............ '71.19 45. Lud ingo .............701 73. Daum Coe Janes .........757 17. Michele Redman .........71.20 46. Pead Sim . . ............705 74. Q*Flom ............n63 18. Tim Bam . , ..........71.24 47. Cindy ft QrriQ .. .....n07 75. Pat Biadley kr' z,. AKIEPIDG & hisperih►ig edge QOLF COURSES �U 2 Courses -1 Location 1DO Memberships • Public Welcome • Tournaments • Weddings • Fully Equipped Pro Shop w 1%PE4G 0 Irons & Woods �e Demo Clubs & Custom FlUhW 311m north of Hwy#7 on Lalierkite Rd at Braw1ey Rd. 1L