HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_03_171 ` .-•'�'�-•t'.. ,,;�'•i.'�•tii.� t � lr'.tl.►, ..1 � t LIrlr : � r�,i�.r �. r'il,i _ ..... , PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PI CKERIINNG�'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 50,100 'Mo 1 I 32 PAGES 'ZC l • , Local kids busy �° Lb FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 2000 Success of grads pays off for Durham College BY MIKE RUTH Staff Writer Durham College received a provincial grant bonus Tuesday. in part because of the succus gradu- ates have had finding jobs and em- ployers' satisfaction with those new staff. College president Gary Polon- sky says the institution is getting $19,444.774 for the 2000-2001 academic year, which represents a 3.3 -per cent increase over last year. 1'm m happy in the sense that it's more money than we've seen as an increase for many years:' he says. Funding for Ontario's postsec- ondary institutions is up by more than S68 million to approximately $2.4 billion for the coming school year, says Dianne Cunningham, Minister of Training. Colleges and Universities. Arid, for the first time. a portion of the funding increase is designed to reward post -secondary in%utu- t1H' — a0 0006 6 ■ Page_8__ RON PIE TRON1RO/ News Advertiser pluuo Look at Mee! tions whose graduates are success- Evan Mee catches some air while inline skating at the .youth park ful at finding work, and how satis- in Pickering. Mild weather, combined with the fact it was March break, provided the motivation fur Evan to head out for some See COLLEGE page 2 spring -time fun. Pickefing struck crossin Hwy. 2 g Teen listed in serious condition at Hamilton hospital PICKERING —A 14 -year-old ed in front of a car. old Pickering man. Pickering girl is in serious condition Cora was taken to the Ajax and Constable Mark stone says no after being hit by a car while trying Pickering Health Centre and then charges are expected to be laid. to cross Hwy. 2 Wednesday night. transported by air ambulance to the "Witnesses said it wasn't the dri- Durhatn Regional Police report McMaster Medical Centre in ver's fault." Cora Neal was crossing from the Hamilton. Police say Cora and a Anyone with information on the south side of Kingston Road to the group of friends were crossing the accident is asked to call Const. north side just east of Liverpool street when she ran in front of a Stone at 683-9100 or 579-1520, ext. Road around 7 p.m. when she dart- westbound car driven by a 78 -year- 5231. OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $5/ $1 NEWSSTAND � ` Skater cuts ' fine figures Page 25 Police under the gun Durham force ordered to pare its budget BY KErrH G1LIJGAN Stuff Writer Durham Regional Police have been told to trim $8070)() from the force budget to meet guidelines set by politicians because taxpayers are saying -enough is enough" to de- partment requests for more money. The force presented Durham council's finance committee Wednesday a budget of just over $72 million, exceeding the guide- line of $71.2 million set by Region politicians. Following three hours of deliberations, the committee re- quested the police department try cutting money from its budget al- though the fore needs more offi- cers. .we DURHAM 1tii.te 4 Inside the News Advertiser VMW TO FM IT EMtKW Paye ...........6 Celm>taist ..............6 Eatartaiea. ..........23 Spens ................25 C .............26 GIVE US A CALL 6eaeral ..........683-5110 Death Motion .....683-3005 CIS ........683-0707 Death Mendes .....683-3005 Sincerely Terns ..1-800-662-8423 Email ,shouston@durham.net Web site ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 ROGER ANDERSON 'l'ni , elling thc'.Ii "ling from tilt' hnhlic that they've had rnrru,;h.' • SALES • SERVICE • L.EASM • RENTALS • BODY SHOP �s ttLiOiloii na, totrJotq o 4 wxm 420.9700 "Try The Best" :A f r t�•y College awarded a bonus from provincial government COLLEGE from page / uted to colleges says Durham Col- list. would certainly be of graduates, and Of the $52 -mil- billion, $16.5 mil- ful grads were at which scored well lege's share is "Durham Col- amongst the top, the satisfaction lion increase in lion was distrib- finding jobs six fied both grads in three perfor- $498,375, which lege has actually and that of course rate of our em- university fund- uted based on months and two and employers are mance indicators. puts the school done very well," is a result of the ployers and gradu- ing, bringing the graduation rates, years after leaving with the education Mr. Polonsky near the top of the he says. "We job placement rate ates" total to about $1.7 and how success- school. students received. College fund- ing is up more than $16 million to $722 million. Of that new money, $14 mil- lion was distrib- Tuition fees up by $34 Durham Col- lege president Gary Polonsky says he will rec- ommend a tuition fee increase of two per cent or S34 for the com- ing academic year when he speaks with the institu- tion's students. When the Prov inces 2(")- 2(X)I funding for colleges aril uni- versities was an- nounced Tuesday, a new, five-year tuition policy was also released. Be- ginning this fall, post -secondary education tuition hikes will be capped at two per cent per year for the next half decade. "It's a tremen- dous day" for Durham College students who have been hit with double-digit in- creases for sever- al years and seen tuition costs dou- ble over the past decade, says Mr. Polonsky. And, he points out the two per cent actually translates to 1.4 per cent since '0.6 per cent gets rebated right back to the students." � of 401. Wrest of Sr k R&) SWIM 3316 Help kids, government told Province, feds must do more for children: Advocates A new Ontario Children's Advocate Task Force is being formed to lobby the provincial and federal governments to adopt a youngsters' agenda, reports Durham Region's child advocate and Pickering Councillor Maurice Brenner. The Ward 1 Regional councillor joined representatives from municipali- ties across the province in Toronto Tues- day at the Urban Summit on Children's Issues to send a message to Queen's Park and Ottawa. "Unless the Province of Ontario is prepared to partner with the feds on na- tional child care and a children's agen- da. Ontario municipalities are prepared to deal directly with the feds;" says Coun. Brenner. The summit, hosted by Toronto chil- dren's advocate Olivia Chow, was orga- nized following the federal govern- ment's 2000 budget, which Coun. Bren- ner maintains didn't address the needs of young people. Coun. Brenner reports the summit provided politicians from Hamilton, Ot- tawa -Carleton, London, Waterloo, Hal- ton, York Toronto and Durham "an op- portunity to collectively assess the im- pacts of the new federal budget along with provincial cutbacks on child -relat- ed services" He also reports several recommenda- tions were approved Tuesday. They in- clude: • the Province must act in partnership with the federal government to establish effective and accessible programs and services for Ontario's children by De- cember 2000; • the national child benefit supplement should be for all children and the provincial clawback on this supplement from those on social assistance should be removed; • user fees assumed by municipalities should be included as part of the munic- ipalities' 20 -per cent contribution to- ward the cost of child-care programs; • municipal councils across the province should adopt a children's charter mod- eled after the Toronto charter and the draft Durham cuter. Help birds with .. their boxes PICKERING - If you're itch- ing to get out and welcome spring, a local effort here could be just the thing you're looking for. Area residents are invited to join members of Pickering's Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Pro - jest in cleaning and maintaining bird boxes located in the watershed at Alex Robertson Park, West Shore Conservation Lands and West Shore Community Centre on Saturday, March 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. Participants are advised to dress - for the weather and bring ladders, gloves and hammers. Phone 420-4660 ext. 2155 for in- formation. Words of Wisdom AVA A friend• is one who see. . through you, but still enjoy; the show. axibi H you like our quotes, Jur Dick. -Am you'll love our printing. 683-7363 www.durhamnews.net ? :div `f)'.". �r'f axil' 4�C"ii"`i? r•1,:1 ('. A w A/P,_ PAGE 4 NEWS 11DVE"FeR, M%OAY EDITION, Me" 17,2V Durham polices Female apprentice trainees sought budget too A meeting for women interested in apprentice- be held at the Durham Col - lege Skills Training Cen- ship training or career op- tre, 1610 Champlain Ave. ( ponunities in the skilled in Whitby. muchsay j trades are invited to an up- The event gets under coming meeting on April 6 way at 7 p.m., and tours of ./ councillors in NN'hithy. The evening is offered the facility are available at 6:30 p.m. by the Durham Region For more information. Local Training Board and call 728-2999 or 1-800- DURHA,N fr</m page / Durham Collegc, and will 483-4845. The finance committee meets again Tuesday to consider budget submis- sions from all Region departments be- fore the final spending blueprint goes to Durham council March 29. Most Region departments had been told to hold the line on their budgets this year. But, the police force was allowed to increase spending by 0.5 per cent and the works department was expecting a one -per cent hike in funding to pay for road work. Durham Chairman Roger Anderson noted Wednesday the police budget has risen drastically from $54.6 million in 1997. "Rte polish quickly rubs off- with taxpayers, he said. "The perception I'm getting (from taxpayers) is enough is enough;' said Mr. Anderson, a former Durham police officer. "I'm getting the feeling from the public that they've had enough. I am. Any increases over and above manpower in the future are going to be hard to swallow.- The force budget includes a propos- al to hire 20 new officers in this, the third year of a five-year staffing plan (k -- signed to reduce the department's ratio of citizens to police to 750 residents for every ofhcLr. The current ratio is 790 to one. Since a first-class constable costs between $65.0(X) and $70,000 a year in salary and benefits, about 88 per cent of the force budget goes toward pay and related compensation. Department spending requirements will "fladine at the end of the five years;' Police Chief Kevin McAlpine told council. -After that, our increases will be tied to growth:' The new hirings will increase the number of uniformed and plainclothes police officers here to 651, still six short of the target in part because veteran cops are retiring and it's difficult for the force to get spots at the Ontario Police College to train new recruits. Chief McAlpine pointed out to politicians the police department initial- ly asked for a budget of $78 million. "We have trains and we knew that wouldn't be supported here" The chief noted his department also needs more money to build a new police station in Whitby. It's "a high priority" because the current station has "long since passed its useful life. We're taking cell doors off to use as offices.- Chief ffices"Chief McAlpine also wants $500,000 to cover a full year's dost of operating a police helicopter, which has been a huge success since the depart- ment began sharing a chopper with forces from other regions. Little Tots Hair Shop' Open 7 days a week - Thursdays until 8:00 p -m. Toys, Party Favours �­ Ballroom Kids' Chairs >- Club Card The latest in hair accessories Ceftbbrat'tn9 32 YOM of wtt h kids' (lair at 2 great Wabons -roronto's n Chilean's Mayr Salon' city Parent MagazlIn Poll Toronto a Pickering (Beadles) 1926 Oueen St, E. IMandarin Plaza) 1725 Kingstonn ltd - 416.691 -9190 906.32E -34M "When I die, just throw my ashes into the ocean" (How do you plan on getting to the Ocean?) Everything you ever wanted to know about preplanned funerals is just a phone call away. Talk to as. and discover what a funeral can be, and how easy it is to arrange your own funeral. "Call & Compare Before You Decide" KFAIRER RONALD MARTINO & SON G.F.D. FUNERAL DIRECTORS &.- MOCK ROAD CHAPEL 17119LIRIES PLEASE CALL 1057 Brock Road (Just "nth of 301 Pickering 905 686-5589, R RANNIVER --416-491-2000 24 HOUR SAGER` 416-390-0166 Conk' to the 000rdwom Is! =,Iwo 00"! 198, l RW.X 1IT AND AIR TAX INCLUDED! PURCHASE.9% I PURCHASE 525,888 Pat FINANCE Znba..r PRICE Ped.Fit &Air An loll 7&4wA1W# SAm-4&! TY'11►T �11T CE" AVE. Discover How to Avoid the 6 Biggest Mistakes Homebuyers Make PICKERING - A new report has just been released %%hich identifies the 6 most common and costly mistakes that homebuyers make when buying a home. Mortgage regulations have been changed significantly over the last few )ears, making you options wider than ever. Subtle changes in the way you approach mortgage shopping, and even small differences in the way you structure your mortgage. can cost or save you literally thousands of dollars and y ears of expense. Whether you are about to buy your first home. or are planning to make a move to % our next home. it is critical that you inform yourself about the factors involved. In the answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report entitled "6 Things You Musl Know Before You Buv ". Having the right information can undoubtedly make a difference in this critical negotiation. You can get a FREE copy of this report by calling 1-800-613-8393 and entering 6707. You can call anytime. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Call NOW to find out what you need to know to secure the best mortgage for your next home. seam n •rren K .ru'Ir<y pcnn,, g•,s Yor nrrnprp ,. •! rorrnies cunrm'N %SrM rn. srr Grygnr C.a�7 O.nor C !497 We're online at www.durhamnews.net Seniors... Enjoy Retirement Living at Its Best. OPEN NP"'••• CENTRAL PICKERING Visit us at 1645 PICKERIN( `INATCM FOR OUR Mon. -Fri. 10-7 WE% 426-6603 FiftidimQ news gidts­g0-o----d C marks from Durham aifi6l'i'c'' boarNOM ADaMn1WR, MWAY E Mod- 17, WIN PAW 5 XVd While many Specifically, materials, money lowance for em- hand, a negative teaching employ- ment System — The money fit. But, he ac - have slammed the Mr. Andrews for remediation ployee pay raises, impact is the gov- ees' pension plan back into the was previously knowledged, it's Province's educa- pointed to addi- programs in read- although the latter ernment's move to — the Ontario provincewide edu- made available to been known for tion grant an- tional funding for ing, writing and is "somewhat lim- reinvest savings Municipal Em- cation system, school boards to some time that n o u n c e m e n t s Grade 10 learning math and the al- ited". On the other from the non- ployees' Retire- said Mr. Andrews. spend as they saw would change. made last Thurs- day at St. Wilfrid Catholic School in Pickering, Durham separate board education , • • , , ' director Grant An- drews wasn't among them. "Ibe change in the general leg- islative grants were much more e positive than the media forecasts of last fall;" he said in his director's re- port to the Durham Catholic District School r♦ -, Board Monday. - lF;, Choose MJF An 4 FREE Local t }� Choices student �!', 4 • � F . POM paged to ,.. = • hg4p r Protector • Dipsssi d Old Set `♦ - ' Reis • Jerm Sd d Queen's +-- • sheet strw sods ark ' UP" Y,.: Massimo De Simone, a Grade K student GST � PST at St. James , Catholic School a •- iANY MATCHING MATTRESS SET n Ajax, hasM110 EM 010 been seeing ' o M MIN first-hand how rU1' w things get done • • �— .�4 • ,,,, . • at Queen's Park. On March 9, POSTURE CARE COMFORT SLEEP ORTHOPEDIC ORTHOPRACTIC he attended an t - orientation ses121 - sion to learn Mess$i 49 � Mtn essli 79- 1259Single $ingie what a page at Mattress Mattress the Ontario lcg- Set '269 Set =319 1 : %t'369 Set '429 islature has to DOUBLE 179 SET 319 DOUBLE 219 SET 389 DOUBLE 269 SET 4+39 DOUBLE 319 SET 3 do. QUEEN 229 SET .109 QUEEN 279 SET .379 , � � � � QUEEN 329 SET :99 QUEEN 389 SET 359 Massimo was KING SET KING 509 SET '99 KING 9 SET 36S nominated by the school and x',; t f. r.~`<' • • • ... was among the 60 youths cho- sen out of 703 • , }� �' " •• applicants. t Grant An- • ` Brews, Durham Catholic Dis- Ch Ma a taw. 11liar agates trict School Y. Board education • ' a• �; • director, con- • gratulated the • •� ' . ,� �� i^ i student Monday and wished him luck in the job _ from March to April. Peacodr • Ub a • • � MbtettaN - As a page, ; Massimo is run- ning messages . • ' ♦a.+a�...0 between MPPs BAYLY and the Speaker c Me of the House • ; ® Fsteet e five days a the z week..fir Undift rraba 1...1rw, m Sleet. wv. He will be � keeping up with� tires � � F'ct.rr .. his subjects _ t� T Mod through tutoring •''•'' �'� „' • , and by keeping • �"°' in close contact' with his school. > 0 Editori I&OPINIONS N L V1! S A D V E R T I S t R EDITORIAL Colloge makes grade in Treating Futures, Institution proves it merits grafi cation to university Durham Collcgc has once again caicd at Durham Colicge proven it s it eras. act. D%namrc college president Gari In fact. the post -secondary institu- Polonsk\ reports that. of the money the tion'N performance is an indication it's school -N recon rng for the next academic worthy of graduating to the next Ic%cl — year. is a reward from tht to be home to the long-awaited and now Province for a job well done. Queen'! well-deserved Durham University. Park doled out the extra funds to only The college received what•arnounts those colleges which scored well it to a glowing report card from the three performance indicators — gradu provincial government Tuesday when aces' succesN at finding jobs. employers' Queen's Park announced funding grants satisfaction with the alumni they hired to Ontario's post-wcondan institutions and grads" ratings of the education the, for the next academic year. rccci%ed at their schools. Durham College wif! get Durham Colleges share of tha 519.444.774 for 2(XX)-2001. a 3.3 -per money puts it near the head of the class cent increase over last year. A portion of among institutions of its kind. "We the funding hri.c is a reward of sorts for would ce.-rtamly be amongst the top. an the outstanding job the institution's that of course is a result of the jo done at turning out graduates who are placement rate of graduates. and the sat ready for the workforce. isfaction rate of our employers an Fur the first time ever, the Ontario graduates:' says Mr. Polonskv. who' Ministry of Training. Colleges and Uni- spearheading the ambitious push fo versifies has recognized those schools Durham University. which have more than met their man- He also led the campaign for the col date of graduating people with the skills lege's most recent expansion. That drive and knowledge required in the ewer- was dubbed. fittingly enough. *Creating changing working world. Futures'. The pro%inial government. which is It's evident Durham Coliege is a! often maligned for its obsession with ready doing an excellent job cif 'Creat - on]) taking into account the bottom line. ing Futures'. Durham University wool should in this case be applauded for that continue to do so and even build on that mentality. That mentality holds that success. what's good for business is good for On- tario. E -Mail your comments on this opinion And. what's good for bu%ine:ss is to shoustonodurham.net. Include skilled employees like those being edu- full name and community of residence. M A R C H l 7 rTs, a� Itd(�R�I�LE.. WTI Wow% 6� G O C 0 Pum 4 i C LETTERS TO THE EDITOR s NEWS DV ERTISER letroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Pubh.%her oanne Burghardt E"clrtor-in-ChrcJ Ste%e Houston Managing Earner Bruce Danford Uncector uJ Advertising Duncan Fletcher letuii Adverumng Manager idie Kolodziejcak r.%mfic•a A(Acrivang Manager John Willems r/ Estate/Automotive fverticing Manager Abe Fakhourie rtrihution :Nunager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison umpomng .Vlanager d Catholic schools b s r d your nodi of the hest I have ever made. Niyn (905) 6x3-5,10 tion is given. "I think the next time you I am in my OAC year now. I first SALCI are mad. perhaps you could tell your resented the strict environment and (905) 683-5110 worth preserving uniform policy back in Grade 9. Classifieds That is the accepted behaviour here" This initial hostility was quickly re- (905) 683-0707 To the editor: placed by a sense of acceptance and Distribution (90*; ) 68'; ;1 17 1 was astonished to recently read love. In a Catholic school, I found General Fax in another newspaper letters from enormous strength in prayer, be it (90',) 6x3-7363 graduate of Catholic schools in in the morning. before a test, and E -Mail support of a single dxducation sys- epccial ly before exams. In times shouston(u durham.net 1em• of need. there is a chaplain to speak web address I am a Catholic so some will call to. for a moment of solitude, there www.durhamnrws.net ecce biased. But I am not. Until is a chapel to sit in. United by faith. 130 Commercial Ave., Grade K. I was educated in a variety Catholic schools provide a support Ajax. Ont. L I S 2H5 of public schools. When I turned system that dues not exist in public 13. I decided to be baptized in the schools. Publications Marl Sales Catholic faith which led me to Over the years. my grade have Agreement Number transfer to another school system. improved and I have become; more 1332791 Looking back, the decision to at- active in my community. I have t1• tend a Catholic: school has been one learned the value of giving my time t • •red o a go cause a how important The News Advertiser is Children teach adult meaning of love it v an l�gr another person. 1 one of Publishing g have an excellent grasp on my fu- Printing. Publishing and lure goals which I do not think Distributing group of would have been possible without newspapers The News Volunteer learns life lessons from wee ones guidance from some of the besy r t Advertiser m bei Lovc' The euphoric feeling of liv- ing in a world where all things are pos- sible. Butterflies in your stomach. a lilt in your step and a smile•that Mona Lisa herself could not top. Scientists have proven love will help you to live longer and improve the quality of your life. My serotonin levels are filling me with the exhilaration that comes from the joy of experiencing love. It is inde�d a many-splendoured thing complete with harpists and waves crashing to the shore. What, you may ask, is the some of these sappy sentiments, this virtual new lease on life? A junior kinder- garten class in a public elementary school where I volunteer consisting of 10 four-year-old boys and 12 four- year-old girls, is the culprit. Recently, as I was putting their en- velopes of school photos into their backpacks. I thought of how wonderful each and every one of them is. School „ Suzanne ,, Kahler f Opinion Shaper firefighter. Which one will fix our cars, write our stories and nurse us back to health. Each one is unique: each one has his or her own strengths and weak- nesses. Perhaps this is where understanding and compassion for the general popu- lation begins. Two four -year-olds tus- sle it out. Some would say, "Oh, they are just little kids:' titter with laughter and excuse it. Here, the children learn an accidental jostle in the cloakroom does not justify a shove and a shove does not justify a push. They learn the appropriate response is a verbal expla- ed - teachers I have ever known. This is a er► of the Ajax & Pickering tion is given. "I think the next time you more than enough reau)n to keep Board of Trade, Ontario are mad. perhaps you could tell your and celebrate Catholic education. Community Newspaper classmate instead of pushing him/her. If Catholic education is abol- Assoc., Canadian Com - That is the accepted behaviour here" ished, the public school system will munity Newspaper On the other hand, these same chil- become another one of the monop- Assoc., Canadian Circu- dren will not hesitate to enter into acts olies that have too much control Cations Audit Board and of kindness. One child will help anoth- over our society already. For now, the Ontario Press Coup- er to pick up toys. Another's atm will people have the choice between cil. The publisher re - discreetly reach across at story -time to Catholic and public school. This j serves the right to classify a classmate's shoulder in a gesture of choice is a valuable one for two or refuse any advertise - comfort. Someone is sad and tired and reasons: the freedom to choose, as ment. Credit for adver- is stroked and consoled by another. well as the measure of control we ' trsement limited to space Tears appear and the alarm is sounded have over the s stem that I Price error occupies. for the teacher J urates , our young. It is indeed not unlike watching a For these very important rea- Y . small community at work. Every day sons, I firmly believe in the precer_ : there is something to maryel at and not vation of Catholic education. It pro - in a million years of experience, could vides an atmosphere where. stu- - you predict what that would be. dents can grow spiritually and aca- Everyone should be as lucky as I demically, yields excellent pupils, was when this wonderful volunteer job _ and provides not only the freedom found me! Keep your heart open and it but the legal right to choose be - may happen to you. tween two systems. It is an institu- ,;. lion that I would not give up with - is their work right now and they take it all so seriously. As you realize that they nation of. "I am song. It was an acci- dent:' or "Well. you made me feel out a fight. NWen your comments on thisopin- ,Serena Schwab, # (: are the generation that will be looking mad." With teacher intervention, the ion to shouston@durhm.net, kk*ode - Student trustee, after our country and our world. you wonder who will become a teacher or a explanation of anger is honoured and an explanation of a non-violent solu- yoaw full name and community of rosi- Durham Catholic District donee. School Board soft omm+e�w+rmn�lrt .rh7 TTIT%k NEIM AD1%E 't 4F DAY , • • i6"'-LJ 6" 1y; 2000 AGE 7� _1•; BUV REGENCY Pillow Top Queen Mattress Set $69900 7 Piece Solid Birch Bedroom Suite Get Pin Wheel Canopy Bed FREE The most comfortable mattress with a plush feel on top, and a firm base for the most possible sleep you could imagine. 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Pik6fle WE ft AMIT iR' , *(6AY EDITION, tilarcfi 17-,'2-00'0 00 FL L Ilk Honeybee Stephanie Fava pon- ders a word during a coaching session at the Pickering Public Library on Monday. Semi-finals take place next month. High school volunteers bring their own, special enthusiasm to the Durham Regional Spelling Bee coaching sessions. Kathleen Rose (above), guides her group through Bee etiquette. At left, youngsters in Pickering line up to spell words in a mock bee held during coaching on Monday. Busy spelling bees On many evenings this month you'll find groups of students honing their spelling skills in preparation for the Durham Regional Spelling Bee. It turns out spelling is a popular pastime in Durham. The Bee, which is pre- sented by the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser and its sister Metroland newspa- pers across Durham, has attracted 735 competitors. "We were optimistically hoping for 550 competitors, 735 has exceeded our wildest dreams;' says Editor -in -Chief Joanne Burghardt. In preparation for the April semi-finals, volunteers are holding coaching ses- sions at various locations -- all with the goal of improved literacy for young people. Among those volunteers are nearly 70 high school students who are do- nating their time as coaches. 'The high school students have proven to be a tremendous asset to the Bee;' says Mrs. Burghardt. "As any volunteer co-ordinator knows, people don't have a lot of spare time on their hands and it's not easy to find enthusiastic, dedicat- ed volunteers. Without the help of our volunteers, the Bee wouldn't exist and a lot of kids would miss out on a fun project" Semi-final competitions will be held in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and north Durham prior to the May 28 regional final heing held at Durham Col- lege in Oshawa. Joanne Burghardt, Editor -in -Chief of the Metroland newspapers of Durham Region, gets to work at a Spelling Bee coaching session. Editors and reporters from This Week, the News Ad- vertiser, Uxbridge Tribune and the Canadian Statesman are among the Bee volunteers. «. Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Managing Editor Steve Houston puts Ryan Cassidy to the test. Ryan is one of the 725 students who have registered for the Durham Regional Spelling Bee. ryT Ajax, Pickering pair share in $125,000 lottery prize An Ajax and a Pickering resident are among seven employees of Schneider Electric in East York who are splitting a lottery win. Steve Fountain of Pickering and Eric Spriel of Ajax each have a share in the Lotto 6/49's second prize, which netted the group $125,327.30. The seven co-workers have been playing lotteries together for seven years and came up winners in the March I 1 draw. Mr. Fountain, a 49 - year -old material analyst, was one of the three winners who collected the prize at the Ontario Lottery Corpora- tion office in Toronto Wednesday. He plans to pay off some debts and in- vest his piece of the pie. The winning ticket was bought at Beckers in Oshawa. The remaining winners in the group are from Scar- borough and Oshawa. Local church has Hope you'll turn Rouge Valley green PICKERING — Hope Communi- ty Church is inviting Pickering resi- dents to take part in a Rouge Valley Clean-up Saturday, April 8. The event, which is being spon- sored by the Ajax -Pickering Salva- tion Army, will run from 9 a.m. to noon. Anyone interested in helping with the environmental project is asked to meet event organiicr,, al the "Iwyn Rivers parking lot, approximately one kilometre west of Allona Road on Twyn Rivers Drive, anytime be- tween 9 a.m. and noon. Gloves, rakes and plastic bags will be provided. Free refreshments will be available. For more information call 426- 4347 or visit the church's Web site at www.pickeringhope.salvationarmy.c a. Single parents meet in Ajax Wednesday AJAX — The Ajax -Picker- weekly meeting for custodial at the Annandale Golf and Curl- ing chapter of the One Parent and non-custodial parents ing Clubcorner of Church and Families Association holds its Wednesday, March 22 at 8 p.m. Bayly streets. Phone 837-9670. A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, Parch 17.2000 r a ! +7' fir,.„,:. • 4 ,:•:: ..wc.. i �. �►.^ :. .� '��'-..rlrY�..'.`.�i � �y � '� ,y� off; r �� a tiS � yY ✓�ygt44 A6-�r+�"�' � '+a-,�,• "'""'� � �` i ' �1 ..�.^ �'. � Ap', \ !\. _�” +�, +r�>. � ' - .awe �,.A~•. +„>'.. •aS iT�j; j a, y 9n��7 r y� •.cls # ,�,,�`,...,* 'k', � .a j ;�' .,� � � �;�: •'may y ., <~ is l.. G. A y 3 'fix , j*y, r J ��J Nit ll lir` r� Pk• � ..asp ^. ;5:;"' .All furniture and sleep sets are on sale or at Special Purchase prices. Plus, use your Sears Card and don't pay for one full year* and get double Sears Club points** on all furniture and sleep sets. - p Sale prices end Sunday, April 2, 20DO, mess olterwise stated. Some items may haw been on sale duirg the pest weds. sem >frrr�;a�r< atone iMML M_� AS O—mlikk �� I: 1 1650 VICTORIA ST, UNIT #7, WHITBY, ONTARIO. furnAum N ION E (905) 5794048 14 W-336-8073 "Don't Pay' War: Don't pay until March 2001, on approved credrt, with your Sears Card. Mhmu n 5200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and al a icable taxes and charges are payable at Gme of puchase. Offer ends Sunday, April 2. 2000. "'Dab* Sams Cub pomW ol*r: Use your Sears Card and get double Sears Club poets on al hrrdbre and sleep sets. On approved credit. Offer ends Sunday, Mardi 19, 2000. tp0338D00 IM altar:: Applylo Muinxe and sleep sets in Sears Furrit re, Sears Furnwre d Wow and Sears Fumitre. Appiences b Home ftmemera Stores. Exclude Catabgue purchases. Ask to detals. CWOgr 2000. secs Cirrrde roc i^'i � � i , • .-. . �, t� • Z� � i v � . � -.-. <4'+a R'w...< <.. <....� • f f w<1l.�!< •• . { l���sy��.... � ��� _ A.J. GROF.N/ News Advertiser photo Toll donations help Lions roar Aja.r Lions and Lioness Club members host row, from left) Bob Rowland, Len Crocker their annual mad toll at various plazas in the and Les Pearce. Front row, from left, are community this weekend to raise money for Teresa McKinnon, Lyn Nowinski, Ernest programs. Ready to raise funds are (back Coutinho and Germaine Pearce. Meditation group gets loose on Tuesday AJAX — 'Ibe Ajax -Pick- Masses Tuesday, March 21 at Bring Sahaja Yoga Meditation 7:30 p.m. at the Ajax Central group offers free meditation Librar),, 65 Harwixal Ave. S. S LE ___!PECIAL BARGAINS J IN TODAY'S News Adv_erdsO Fri., Mar. 17, 2000 News Advertiser •SN *Coepaleofiet *k IberflllePeeleetGimm Aj f& Was • Ddivinal to sdwW households only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy papa, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your all advertising flyers, DUNNCANNc:'� FLErCHER at Mdcws A,sa 683-5110.FM FELICIA Friday's carrier of the week is Felicia. She enjoys running & swimming. She will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald's. Congratulatiom Felicia for being our carrier of the week. Walmart,Ajax 135 Kingeon Rd.,Ajax 222 Bayly St W.,Ajax 726 King um Rd.. Pick 1360 Kinuston Rd., Pick. 59EE/A 0 ItS CORRECTION For our 36 Page Spring is Everywhere Pre -Print (sale dates: March 13-19, 2000) (C033FSW) Evenflo Champion Convertible Car Seat shown on Page 8 and 18 -Speed Deluxe Dual suspension ATB Bike shown on Page 32 both items have been incorrectly illustrated. We sincerely apologize for anv inconvenience this may have __-sec 111EN►S'AWERI R.�FR� Y E--,a1T10N.111111 0 17. 20W PAGE 11 MP LISTEN TO r4 rn RADIO your current music station Email it NEWS ADVERTISER Send it to us at: shouston@durham.net )ISC* �uNr _h 4V o YOUR AMISH 00 oosA Furniture Warehouse 5°'°y 438-9053 o� s, or 877-438-9053 Lynn Md Tm%ws*ww% Owner 1428 HWYtt2, COURTICE Just East of Oshawa/Courtice Townline Sears Presents over $ 7,000 to Big Sisters Ajax/Pickering Sears. Pickering Town Centre presented Big Sisters a cheque for over $7.000 for their Twinkles The Reindeer promotion this past Christmas. From left to right are Michelle Dupuis, Terry Goodfellow. Marilyn Cummings of Big Sisters. Ajax/Pickering. Chris Marescaux. Robin Vi: or and Susan Maste. SEARS .,i� �{�. .. .�>: �,�'' �==:a.� a�'-� Y. z� .: - : .e -.fir :.:. .^ts:�. . �•.�C,.:h,. • CMdee ree Ajeti'PA 'Com ' Qmmtoee Chl dW Fe"n ik4 Pi L Domillia ArytlPiot. . Ho11.800 el Aim .SD" .11M Herdeel..0011"S011.11" Pitt . Hm Herdeele • Cub Swer AjeWft .IGA Aim 'tflleTalgioStldi Pkr RtMetle ._ *111111111111111w . A jsllPitk. flerrHoleu ' . AjrtdPick 'Pbnllaoi Pick *SF 11 m 0 AtAo Sedoll FI& own on Ed 111101"Awk ' Wined Qdq Ajt •SN *Coepaleofiet *k IberflllePeeleetGimm Aj f& Was • Ddivinal to sdwW households only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy papa, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your all advertising flyers, DUNNCANNc:'� FLErCHER at Mdcws A,sa 683-5110.FM FELICIA Friday's carrier of the week is Felicia. She enjoys running & swimming. She will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald's. Congratulatiom Felicia for being our carrier of the week. Walmart,Ajax 135 Kingeon Rd.,Ajax 222 Bayly St W.,Ajax 726 King um Rd.. Pick 1360 Kinuston Rd., Pick. 59EE/A 0 ItS CORRECTION For our 36 Page Spring is Everywhere Pre -Print (sale dates: March 13-19, 2000) (C033FSW) Evenflo Champion Convertible Car Seat shown on Page 8 and 18 -Speed Deluxe Dual suspension ATB Bike shown on Page 32 both items have been incorrectly illustrated. We sincerely apologize for anv inconvenience this may have __-sec 111EN►S'AWERI R.�FR� Y E--,a1T10N.111111 0 17. 20W PAGE 11 MP LISTEN TO r4 rn RADIO your current music station Email it NEWS ADVERTISER Send it to us at: shouston@durham.net )ISC* �uNr _h 4V o YOUR AMISH 00 oosA Furniture Warehouse 5°'°y 438-9053 o� s, or 877-438-9053 Lynn Md Tm%ws*ww% Owner 1428 HWYtt2, COURTICE Just East of Oshawa/Courtice Townline Sears Presents over $ 7,000 to Big Sisters Ajax/Pickering Sears. Pickering Town Centre presented Big Sisters a cheque for over $7.000 for their Twinkles The Reindeer promotion this past Christmas. From left to right are Michelle Dupuis, Terry Goodfellow. Marilyn Cummings of Big Sisters. Ajax/Pickering. Chris Marescaux. Robin Vi: or and Susan Maste. SEARS .,i� �{�. .. .�>: �,�'' �==:a.� a�'-� Y. z� .: - : .e -.fir :.:. .^ts:�. . �•.�C,.:h,. b W ,., :►4+c i' 4rey►.11?1N1l*14 V % I f t r17Y'If,444411 A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 School councils raise cash for textbooks more: Report Government downplays their role of `raising money for essentials': Teachers' union report School Community Councils spend most of their time raising funds and suffer from a lack of volunteers, according to research conducted by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA). The 35.000 -member union released its findings at its annual general meet- ing last weekend. The re- port. 'It takes a village ... A vision for successful school councils', is OECTA's response to the Ministry of Education document. 'School Coun- cils: A Discussion Paper'. Jim Smith. OECTA president, says in a news release the research re- veals SCC volunteers '77 Save 1100-200 Installed Steel Entry Door Systems Enhance the beauty and value of your home. A wide variety of styles and designs. _" i Save 1100 InstAW Patio Doors Vinyl patio doors in a wide range of sizes and attractive styles. wonder why the provincial education ministry does not recognize what they consider the most impor- tant role they can play for their school — fund-rais- ing. "In the past, groups such as the PTA raised money for the so-called extras: educational trips. new playground equip- ment, a school dance:' says Mr. Smith. "Under the new fund- ing model for education, school councils raise money for essentials — textbooks and other class- room materials. "But government downplays their contribu- tion in order to hide the in- adequacies of education 0�4RS eCentral funding:" The OECTA research also found few SCC mem- bers return for a second term. most SCCs do not hold elections. and some councils, unable to find community representative members, leave the posi- tions vacant. The report notes SCC chairmen by and large find school principals "very supportive" or "support- ive:' and that administra- tors "readily provide in- formation". Last month, Education Minister Janet Ecker said by the end of this school year the Province should have a clear outline of what the role of SCCs should take. � Save 10% i# E Installed 30 -year Shingles ! Choose from 3 tab. T -lock �i or decorator shingles. *— Warranty details in store. Bonus Savinare Installed WeatherBeater• Replacement Windows with Low T and Argon Gas Sale prices end Sunday, April 2, 2000 Use ym Sears Card alld Save 1225 Sears Best-selling Kenaore• Central Air Conditioner Warranty details in store. #47710. Don't pay 'fil January 2001 on installed replacement windows, entry and patio doors, roofing and central air conditioning On approved credit, with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Offer ends Sunday, April 2, 2000. Ask for details. Just call 1 -800 -4 -MY -HOME'" (1-8004694663) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Products and Services from the Company You Trust" Call now, toll free, for a no -obligation in-home estimate or s visit your Sears Retail store. Ask for operator 130. Sears will arrange installation by qualified contractors in most areas NP0330400 • Copyright 2000. Sears Camila Inc. C 1W NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 PAGE 13 A/P 36 MONTH SmmTLUSE PURCHASE PRICE 136 8' 129�99a FEATURES: 3.8 litre Series II V6 205 HP Engine • Catcher's Mitt Seat with Self -Aligning Headrest • 6 -Passenger Seating • 4 -Wheel Disc Brakes with Anti -Lock Braking System • Next Generation Dual Front & Seat -Mounted Side Impact Bags in Remote Keyless Entry with Panic eature • PASS -Key" III Theft -Deterrent System • Air Conditioning Nith Filtration System • Power Door Locks/Windows/Mirrors/Trunk • Automatic Level Control • Cruise Control with Steering Wheel - Mounted Switches • Automatic Light Control • 6 -Way Power Driver's Seat • 15" Aluminum Wheels "IMI "BEST BUY" AWARD — CONSUMERS DIGEST LEASE OPTIONS $o-----$53'montn--$2,425.90 $3.000 $438 -,.th $5,668.95 $5,250 $368 � �.th $8.075.95 seCunty Oepvarl. clot maanthb yiy.rrcr,t y.u� [awes. Licence. insurance. P.R51L and admin. fees extra. FEATURES: Gran Touring Package with Upgraded W Aluminum Wheels • 3.8 Litre V6 2oo HP Engine • 4 -Wheel Anti -Lock Braking System • 4 -Wheel independent Suspension • Next Generation Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • PASS -Key" II Theft -Deterrent System • Remote Keyless Entry • AM/FM Stereo Cassette with CD • Enhanced Concert Sound II 6 -Speaker System • Cruise Control is Heated Leather Driver and Front Passenger Bucket Seats • Electric Sliding Glass Sunroof • Automatic Dual -Zone Air Conditioning with Air Filtration System • Stainless Steel Exhaust LEASE OPTIONS '_te. 36 MONTH SwRTLUM PURCHASE PRICE .7 w^ �lv^,r^' -rex �av'•r^' ,;,,r 4 $299 $0 $470 —in 52.171.50 53.420 $368 me.t. $5.862.50 -i+ R Rf $6.000 5291...,. $8.665.65 �./ V t^ p,o ,..�. �,7 mor.'h.S7.4" Dow, ?.ryRlrnt. Saes herjfnf and excludes freight S,%5,wwuni'p.r�­i licence. ,mhranre. Pvs.A, and admin. tees exaa. $425 security deposit required Century 2000 Special Edition By Buick. Unique 2000 appearance package including Century 2000 interior and exterior badging and embroidered headrest and floor mats. Steering wheel -mounted radio controls, power heated outside mirrors and 15' aluminum wheels. FEATURES: 3.1 Litre V6 175 HP Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Enhanced Traction Control • 4 -Wheel Independent Suspension • Next Generation Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • Remote Keyless Entry with Panic Feature • AM/FM Stereo Cassette • 6 -Way Power Driver's Seat • 6 -Passenger Seating • Cruise Control • Stainless -BEST sur a�anD Steel Exhaust • Dual -Zone Air Conditioning with 3D VEM ■tee Air Filtration System `..r - C0 °iem LEASE OPTIONS Down Payment Lease Payment TOW Due On Signing 36 SIE Srrrtltasl PURCMM FIRAIgfF PURCIKSE PRICE $o $ nm $1.974.90 $2.950 $298riiioh $5.166.20 $5.000 S237mntn $7.403.55 $299 ' $25378 ve..o .ayir vso �•^ m m 48 moxas atluaes tiv lass Total due on signing includes down payment fr eight. zzic security deposit. sst momlys pa/mens plus taxes. 4;w svrmay depose WQ-W Licence, insurance, P.PS.A and admin. fees ema. _ GREAT AUTO INSURANCE RATES FOR GOOD DRIVERS FROM MORORS 1INI5URAN0 CORINORATUM — THE ■VSURANCE PEOPLE FROM 084 RAL MOTORS. V= YOUR POlASAC•RUICK-OW DEALM and call MK for a fast, no a6igg-, auso insueaseo quwr►A TIME. Q t.L ICK• V We'd Nos You to in I mors: Come visit us at your local dealer, on our website at aww.gnreansda.eom or call us at 1-I1011114I1.011 E. •Offers based on LeSabre Custom R7Z, Regal LS R7Z. Century Custom R7Z. Annual o af►n�a'►' cost of borrowing 7.914.9/4.9% per annum. Arxxiel kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.12 per excess kilometre. Option to purchase at lease end is $16.342.50/516.477.5W$14.380.60 (LeSabre Custom R7Z/Regal LS R7Z/Century Custom R7Z) pis applicable taxes. Other lease opbohs available. 'tFreght (as indicaW, licence. insurance. P.P.S.A., administration lees. and taxes not Included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. tFshanclng on approved GMAC credit only. Example: $10.000 at 4.9% APR, the morift payment is $229.84 to 48 monift. Cost of borrowing is $1.032.32. Total obligation is $11.032.32. DownpaymenNrade arxYor security deposit may be required. Mond* payment and coat ot borrowing woo vary depending on amount borrowed and down payrnertArade. *##hers appy as indicated to select 2000 new or demonstrator models equipped as described, and to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Pontiac Built GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only Luded time offer which may not be combined with other oters. Dealer order or trade may be necessary. Some restrictions may apply. See your dealer for conditions or details. The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Cafsurrms Digest, Inc., used uadsrissr!lJ Xftw GM Deafer is notliwtoip as an insurance broker and is not acting as an agent or broker or in any other capacity on behall of Motors insurance Coporalbn. MIC atter available to residents of Ontario only. _115 ?! 7 a la,41).111 ;- 041•r4 VCI Ic)i Nth l,,:, Ft.jI`*.: I ( t ! AO?'i A/P P4GE 14 NEW$ ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 r , ► 'Tr v I & To u'iasm NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 17, 2 0 0 0 Legal don't Travel tips rights here at home follow you abroad Drug use and trafficking are prohibited in all countries, even though drugs are readily avail- able and openly used in some places. Most countries impose heavy fines and long prison sentences for possession and trafficking. For more informa- tion, visit the Web site http://dfaitmacci.gc.ca/cngl ish/t ravel/adip-pia). In some countries, posses- sion of even small amounts of drugs carries the death penalty. Never take across a border any parcel that is not yours. Choose your travelling companions wisely and never cross a border with a hitchhiker or as a hitch- hiker. Although you may not be cam ing anything illegal, your companions may be. For more travel tips, visit your nearest passport office, or call the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's Inquiries Service at I- 800-267-8376. Watch out for the law Never assume that the legal system of the country you are visiting is the same as at home. 'Innoc:ent until proven guilty' is not a universally recognized concept. In some countries, you may not even have the right to legal representation or a trial in your mother tongue. Some countries do not rec- ognize or respect religious free- dom, freedom of association, speech or the press, or equality of the sexes. For instance, guilt by associ- ation is presumed in some countries. This means that you may be charged simply for beim_ in the company of a per - son suspected or found guilty of a crime. Even if you are an innocent bystander at a demonstration or riot, you may be considered a participant and rounded up with those involved. Your Canadian citizenship does not grant you immunity. If you do find yourself in legal trouble, contact the near- est Canadian mission immedi- ately. If you cannot do so your- self, have someone else do it for you. For more travel tips, visit your nearest passport office, or call the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's Inquiries Service at 1- 800-267-8376, and ask for copies of a booklet called Bon Voyage. — News Canada Marlin Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sun. 12 - 6 P.M. 905-426-6242 11YT10- -Ii1 � .4�r�o P.4/NT/NG � Boorrvo�irrs COMPLETE °"`"$4��,95 EXTERIOR PAINT SERVICE ASK ABOUT Linritct! Tinu Offer NO PPAYMEMTS� Ii�Q1'E VA%S_ SEE' J -N FORA YEAR oAr Fr ,;�ON T%A 3 "ours OT jU1, bodywork 955 Alliance Rd. Pickering (905) 831-4144 �Ils Vans. trucks and corrkn oai vehco t cy ettkhale. AcMKx%al Dodywork. rust repair and stripping Cl 'W] pint extra AddRronal surtace preparasons may t» nUCettar " valid wah any other oHw MARCO Auto Par+tnp i BOdywWk _.. CeMe a*e 1 dependent franchrSas Of MARCO Svstems Canada Inc Paces. hours and sir is may vary Just the fax: 683-7363 MONTREAL from $149 N O H $199 Hwy. 401 from L O m s. 2 � cc Y $169 v m from Ba Y�y x from $299 NEW ORLEANS from $349 LONDON from $379 Vans. trucks and corrkn oai vehco t cy ettkhale. AcMKx%al Dodywork. rust repair and stripping Cl 'W] pint extra AddRronal surtace preparasons may t» nUCettar " valid wah any other oHw MARCO Auto Par+tnp i BOdywWk _.. CeMe a*e 1 dependent franchrSas Of MARCO Svstems Canada Inc Paces. hours and sir is may vary Just the fax: 683-7363 MONTREAL from $149 HALIFAX from $199 VANCOUVER from $279 ST, PETES from $169 FT. LAUDERDALE from $179 WASHINGTON from $299 NEW ORLEANS from $349 LONDON from $379 PARIS from $499 WARSAW from $599 MADRID from $599 ROME from ..$669 'Cmldll M appy -a1 tis to Ise adds& Rob subject b Valli, Yid at iliac dp*t CALL YOUR FLIGHT CENTRE 905-831-9959 LOCATED AT PICMING TOWN CENTRE r1npp rtnpp r1inpp rtnpp rtnpp rtnpp r1npp r1npp rtnpp r1npp rtnpp r1inpp NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 PAGE 15 A/P ic' erin alr C are e int t o tractor tral er oads Suspects to appear in Toronto court to face charges of theft, possession of stolen goods, conspiracy BY STEPHEN SHAW multi -forces police investiga- gion by undercover officers, he traband liquor, valued at also faces charges of breaking Staff Writer tion, said Corporal Larry Camp- said. $138,0(X), was also seized dur- and entering and possession of A Pickering father and son appear bell, of the RCMP customs and The year-long investigation, ing the investigation. stolen property. in a Toronto court in the coming excise enforcement section. involving numerous police and Ira Hussey, 51, of Pickering, Other alleged gang members, weeks charged with stealing truck- "They were intertwined. One government agencies including is charged with a dozen offences residents from across Greater loads of goods in what police say (ring) did the tractor trailer Toronto Police, Ontario Provin- including seven counts of pos- Toronto, are charged with vari- was a highly organized theft ring. thefts, another obtained the cial Police and Canada Customs, session of stolen goods, theft ous bookmaking offences relat- A cousin of the younger accused American liquor and a third was resulted in the recovery of $1.2 and conspiracy to commit theft. ing to gambling activity, theft of is also charged. responsible for distributing the million in stolen truck ship- His son Brian Hussey, 25, of telecommunication devices and The gang was allegedly responsi- property to the underground merits from a Markham ware- Toronto, is charged with con- conspiracy to unlawfully import ble for the theft of tractor trailer economy;' said Corp. Campbell, house. spiracy to commit fraud over or possess spirits and tobacco. loads across Greater Toronto, and based out of the RCMP's Bow- The goods included furniture, $5,(X)O and possession of' stolen Some of the accused are to had ties to sophisticated liquor manville detachment. truck tires and electronic equip- goods over $5.000. appear in a Toronto court on smuggling and stolen goods distribu- Some of the smuggled booze merit such as computers. A cousin, meanwhile, David April 7, while others have sepa- tion networks targeted in a recent was purchased in Durham Re- More than 5,500 liters of con- James Hussey, 37, of Pickering, rate court dates. BILLBOARD _ MARCH l7, 2000 FRIDAY, MARCH 17 SERENITY GROUP: The Serenity Group- 12 -Step Recovery Meeting is at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group meets every week and deals with addictions of all types, including co-dependency. A child care program is available. Phone 428-9431 (Jim, evenings). SATURDAY, MARCH 18 CELEBRATION: Pickering Devi Mandir, 2590 Brick Rd. N., presents Phagwah Celebrations at 7 p.m. Cont is $10 for adults and $5 for children under five. Phone 686-8533 for more information. READING: The Young Readers Bork Club and Reading Circle for children five years and older meets every Mon- day from 7 to 8 p.m. on the main floor of Sarah McDonald's Place, 1467 Whites Rd. (corner of Hwy. 2 and Whites Rd.), Pickering. Phone 837- 2626 (Alma) or Email bookworm- rcadsL hotmail.com. TUESDAY, MARCH 21 PARENT SUPPORT- The local chapter of the Association of Parent Support Groups holds its weekly meet- ing at 7:15 p.m. for parents of kids in- volved in drugs, alcohol, running away, dropping out of school, crimes and parent abuse. Call 416-223-7444 or 1-80()-488-5666 for location. MEDITATION: The Ajax -Pickering Sahaja Yoga Meditation group offers free meditation classes open to all area residents every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Ajax Central Library, 65 Harwood Ave. S. SENIORS: The Ajax Senior Citizens' Friendship Club's Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Andrews Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. George Collard will speak about building houses for the Reform World Relief Committee. Phone 619-0315 (Betty) for informa- tion. In owL r h I8m-24th, 2000 11w, thefd=M it i smut On page 1 the offer Mbtktg to the 200 -Thread Court Qw* Bed-h-A-ft*,any size for $79.97, Is not described cweclh. This Ann is not a Tm Day Ory' sane iron. Rather it h a SpKW R rOm dem, and the price quoted va cOt bw to appy as bog as the Wn mems available. There are WW gttan bes, and the sekctiort may vary by store. You should shop arty for best selaitort. we apologize for any fttcottveniertce Utas error may ttave =md. ROYAL WOODS FORD'S NOW APPEARING 5 Star***** 2000 WINDSTAR Z 91 MEN Saturday, March 18 11:30 - 1:30 say hello to All-Star NHL Legend NO LIMIT FINANCING Up to 48 months " "�--� Receive Official Maple Leaf 2000 COMMEMORATIVE PUCK While supplies last r Hwy. 7 o , ya o o s CC 3 h tiwy 2 mord Lincoln } Hwy, 7 - 3 km. East of Westney Rd. r 5. ROYAL WOODS '0.9x 11.we1a, a 4fte was alit:. ` �' �,wy• T1' 1m ^: a�w4',rai.1• f14w>L�0 600-23� ��►R&I s NOW APPEARING 5 Star***** 2000 WINDSTAR Z 91 MEN Saturday, March 18 11:30 - 1:30 say hello to All-Star NHL Legend NO LIMIT FINANCING Up to 48 months " "�--� Receive Official Maple Leaf 2000 COMMEMORATIVE PUCK While supplies last r Hwy. 7 o , ya o o s CC 3 h tiwy 2 mord Lincoln } Hwy, 7 - 3 km. East of Westney Rd. r 5. ROYAL WOODS '0.9x 11.we1a, a 4fte was alit:. ` �' �,wy• T1' 1m ^: a�w4',rai.1• f14w>L�0 600-23� ��►R&I a P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITM, Mwth 17,2WO Pickering plant makes the grade Nuclear `report card' shows most targets met PICKERING — The Pickering nuclear station failed to meet two of the 12 performance indicator targets set for January by Ontario Power Generation (OPG). It bettered the targets in five categories and met them in four, according to the latest monthly 'report card' re- leased by the corporation to make itself accountable to the public. Targets for two other categories haven't been set yet. January report card results were as follows, for the first month of 2000, except for measurements that are quar- terly, as indicated: - In an index reflecting nine industry standard perfor- mance measures set by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (for the fourth quarter of 1999) — 79.9 per cent, bettering OPG's target of 74.4 per cent, but short of the industry median of 94.9 per cent. - Public safety Lcvel One and Two events reportable to the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) — zero, bet- ter than OPG's target of zero. - 'Reactor trips' or the num- ber of unplanned automatic reactor shutdowns per TOW hours — zero, better than the OPG target of one and the in- dustry median of 0.6. -'Me number of special safe- ty systems which exceeded their yearly unavailability tar- get — zero, bettering the OPG goal of one. - Compliance with nuclear safety commitments to the AECB — 100 per cent, meet- ing the OPG goal of 100 per cent. - Net electrical production by the station — 0.9 terrawatt hours (one terrawatt equals one billion kilowatts), failing to meet the OPG target of one TWh. - Capability factor or amount of energy capable of being produced per month as a per- centage of perfect perfor- mance — 60.6 per cent. worse than the OPG goal of 67.5 per cent and falling cfi •' "' FOR BOLD AND +� BEAUTHrUL HAIR, HEATHER USA MAY would like to CONFORn SPATARO welcome Heather May to the salon. He would also like to welcome back Lisa Conforti Spataro. We invite you to experience our expertise with 15% OFF any service. Enjoy complimentary aromatherapy with your visit. Pamper yourself for Spring. Call Timothy's today. below the industry median of 83.5 per cent. - Total outage days per reac- tor — 7.8, meeting the OPG target of 7.8. - Low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste pro- duced — 222 cubic metres, improving on the OPG target of 232 cubic metres. - Radiation dose to the public from both the 'A' and 'B' sta- tions — 1.26 millirem/site, bettering the OPG goal of two mrem/site. - Major and moderate pre- ventable spills — iere . meet- ing the OPG goal of zero. - Total collective dose of radi- ation to all on-site personnel and visitors — 2.96 rem/unit, bettering the OPG goal of five rem/unit. The targets have yet to be set for Industrial Safety Acci- dent Rate and the Accident Severity Rate or the number of days lost for injuries per 200,000 hours worked. OPG states performance listed worse than target is not an indication the reactors are unsafe. Bingo win w PICKERING — Karen Spence is a bingo superstar. The Pickering resident won $25,0)0 playing Super- star Bingo March 10 at the Delta Mayfair hall. -_1 as in the cards "I can't believe it;' Ms. Spence told others at the charity bingo. Superstar Bingo is a computer network of about 200 bingo halls across Ontario. DURHAM REGION MOBILE CRISIS SERVICE providing community based crisis services and follow-up Phone: 665-6932 Local 1-800-742-1890 Toll Free 24 Hour Phone Service 7 days per week "help is just a phone call away" �47 r AIP PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 ADVERTISING FEATURE A f y Design Answers B_v Charmaine Wvnter C.LD. COLOURS What's I Problem: I have been reading your column for weeks waiting for someone else to write in and ask. No one did! So I finally put pen to paper and here it is; • What colour is hot for 2000" • Is there a specific colour pallet we will he seeing more often? • If so, in what ways? • And for how long'? Thanks in advance for your answers. Solution: Thank you, for asking the question I've been waiting to answer. A single colour is not as important as the combination of your colour choices. For instance its easy to say blue or red will he popular, but more importantly you need to know the value of the colour combinations. With today's technology allowing for more complexity and flexibility its important that you consult a trained decorating professional who can create colour bridges and put colour combinations together. A trained specialist will select the exact hue or value of that hue in the correct combination with other colours. Having said that, there are some general colour influences we will be seeing in the new millennium. They are as follows: • We will sce strong blues and blue influenced reds. All shades of blue are in, and blue will not be fading away anytime soon. But the hottest blue trends are brighter, cleaner and more decisive blues. They arc combined with white and yellow for a fresh look. - In addition, walls are taking on a new depth. With the use of glazes sheerness and layering of colour combinations are on a quick rise. Blues combined with greys, soft purples and violets will create an ethereal mystical feel giving a multi- dimensional effect to your colour schemes. • Look to purple as an important accent colour combined with neutrals, taupes, kakhis, and celedons. they make an exciting mixture. • Terra cotta will remain important, as will orange in the form of coral, its influence will be seen in a spicy Indian hue with dips into a pure nearly true bright red colourway. • By 2001 the environmental greens will be strong with yellow -green undertones. You will also begin to see a blacker green replacing black as a colour basic. • Yellows and browns will become ultra soft, warm almost herbal. Seen as beautiful golds and ambers or as a succulent chocolate hue. • Metal is not going away. Its warmth generates the impression of luxury. its neutrality is modern, yet timeless. A smooth visual, it provides balance to textures and woods. There will be a movement away from coppers, bronzes, wheats and greens towards whiter titaniums, aluminum foil and brushed silvers. • Finally background hues, such as pale butter, vanillas and white begin to be the most important finishes for your wood pieces as they become the new neutrals for this century. There you have it, colour trends for 2000. As for the future who knows? Consult with me next year!! Editor's Note: This is a continuing series of articles. Written by Charmaine Wynler C.I.D. to LENNOX A 10 Years or.11. sai+o. S11111111 a atl. A19 s Years OlattP++Marr 2 Years t�tl e �w w mom= FREE OWiaORW LEM ATO FREE In -Home Estimate 15 � service 115 Licensed Technicians 15 Lowest Price Guaranteed Ild Authwiatid Lerhtox Dealer nett Business Bureau MR AN Carbon Monaxide Detector with the p�hctlase of wW Gas Appliance CELEBRATING 35 YEARS OF AWARD WINNING SALES & SERVICE IM Iffin ­ RAMNOR Yl 01r 905-434-5541 $fI0Noltet f00111 Pt:tg►Aint HEATING 8r AIR CONDITIONING LTD. � 20501-6TI d cGsat05d S.1Uttit 611 Serv/alg Drtrbaar S/uce 1965' ®� Whfty L :_, and Receive Absolutely 0_1 answer your decorating questions. If you have any questions you would like Charmaine to address please write to: Design Answers c/o Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ll S 2H5 or Fax: (905) 619-9068 Charmaine Wynter owner of Wynter Interiors, Interior Decorating & Consultation Services (905-426-3286) tits. Wyntcr will be Ica.hing a six week Interior Decorating Course at: Sinclair Community School in Whitby starting in April = 'ITucs. , W-9:(0 The Evolution -of Home the Sony store Piing Town Centre v a Lug A Vacuum on' Kenny APUia In ABeam! Model 189 Classic series §7 Regular 99 Price 579.99 F :-. � I tri=� � � �•�-� tow •Powerful 2 -stage 5.7" motor • Complete With I 1 Piece Air Package Alladxnerd Set all s •6 month No fs' Interest/No . , Payment O.A.C. See stare For details CENTRAL CLEANING SYSTEMS T1 tr 7vold: +rl �.enrrat el�anbw Srsrea. 11URHAM &,lam VACUUM PLUS LTD. 1271 KINGSTON RD. - UNIT #2 TEL: (905) 831-2326 FAX: (905) 831-6220 Theatre the Sony store Pickering Town Centre Tel: (905) 420-3224 It's not just a store it's a Sony Present this entry at located at Picketing Town Centre (this location only), for a chance to win a $100.00 gift certificate. Name Address Town PC Tel: Draw Date: April 30, 2000 . +s••• ...••.•.••r•�«.•••••••.�•••••------------ f.r t IlJ r.r 1'y,'f�I1f�rM1'!M�'fyrTl�Ir1�f'p'stlT!'R1/!T.•!'�'R/Vtow~ l►slty o 0. Nothing could be more important than Ultimate Satisfaction Sown our thoughts will turn to warmer sunny our clients;' says Paul. days and spring renovations. Whether it's a bay Malcolm and Paul collectively have over 40 or tow window, entry door, patio door, enclosure years experience in the door and window or retractable awning for those hot summer days, industry, from an architectural design/drafting your home will receive very special treatment as background, estimating to project management though it were our own says Malcolm Bradshaw and customer service. They can provide you and Paul Goddard of Albern home with professional assistance to evaluate your Improvements. renovation needs in choosing the best product They have established themselves as an and design for your residence. industry leader with quality materials, "Albern's products are selected, manufactured workmanship and courteous professional and professionally installed with great care so service. our valued customers can be assured that "Nothing could be more important than the conformance to their requirements is of utmost ultimate satisfaction of our clients." says importance:' says Malcolm. Albern has the Malcolm. "This begins with the initial trained experts who can deal with any project or consultation in the home, to ensuring the finest situation; we stand behind every product sold details of the job are complete, to providing first with a lengthy, non pro. -rated transferable class service if necessary long after the job is warranty that sets the standard in the home finished. "With over 45 years experience in the renovation industry. home improvement business, we have learned a For more information about Albern Home thing or two about quality and service, this often Improvements or in-home consultation call (905) results in additional business and referrals from 686-0545 and ask for Malcolm or Paul. Ty • Carrier• • • k , • l Pre -Season 01*r Air Conditioning Sale �arCh 2p1s BRAND NEW YEAR 2000 MOD � Y I I I TAKE A BITE OUT OF US FOR THE BEST POSSIBLE PRICE SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION PPLE WOOD Ajax/PickeringJWhitby l IR CONDITIONING�n (905) 426-6699 J L since HEATING � FIREPLACES :O::,Cf A�✓ Il.,i!^!'t�31 �..Tb A3? 1,^,?'�;L'1 ^,1"::' ^.A*1 t.',: NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION. March 17, 2000 PAGE 19 A/P mown Duvets, Natural Beauty and Warmth'- 'for any Season f k Did You Know... Down is the ligbt-Byffy undercoating that geese, ducks and other waterfowl have to keep warm. Down is a cluster, almost like a dandelion pod. K does not have a bard quill, like a feather. Because of the three dimensional structure, each down cluster traps more air for its weight than any other synthetic fibre. Down is the best insulator for duvetts. Always look for quality white goose down. More duvet questions? Come In to Bath Pi' Bedtime and ask our trained, knowledgeable staff. 1755 Pickering Parkway, Pickering Home and leisure Centre 4E28-0007. O r0 v Itiisae. Your Decor Store i F&A r4 to 111 F&A k I X 111 -0 r 41 SAVE 2510 OR MAIM M" FAMUCM SME UP TO 50°l0 1 "� 1 1:►1 Cxosc,�. .'Ar Springmaid hs Fww ;;3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: ��' � - ..TORONTO PICKERING LONDON . 1999 YYnea for Bedditp aid 502 Lawrence Avetwe West p1G�715�.5.,,,P,,i.ck9mg Parkway 765 Exeter Ro;A Bathroom accessone Law"Mm Plan • ^ ^•••'fi Honn a I.e1SUfe Crosucatls Centre t mwlyoWa Cumdfor o n 0 7 ye and BaMurst ti Lamwice 401 b Brock Road Exeter & welGtgton operated for or•r t7 gars. ��..w� .w my y ow. --- :'. (M) 42i -Y607 1519)111111111,41111111- r tRIP 1PA06 20J *IH1If/9 AOM6pT R FR�AYtE011it11�; fwlfd► M2= ADVERTISM FEATURE r .,5� .,. Consider Colour and Light When Decorating Without light there would be no colour. is never constant and will change at least fluorescent lamps in the home. choose "full And light - in its many manifestations - four times a day: sunrise, high noon, spectrum" or daylight varieties, which will afTects colour. Most people are familiar with afternoon and dusk. The light from the north enhance all the colours of the spectrum. the traditional advice to use a warm colour tends to be the coolest, and because it has Halogen - Also known as quartz lamps, in northern -exposed rooms to make them strength without glare, it is the one preferred halogens are a special type of incandescent feel warmer, since the north light tends to be by artists when selecting studio space. lamp, but the quality of light is much better "cooler" than that coming from the south. Artificial Light than from standard incandescent lamp.. The Most people are also aware that colours Candle light - The warmest of all lights, will appear different when viewed under candle light enhances reds, oranges and different light sources. The most common yellows. Similarly cool colours, such as blue comparison made to illustrate this is in and green, become dull and lifeless in incandescent and fluorescent lighting. candle light. G halogen lamp is more energy efficient and has a longer life than the standard incandescent. This lamp is becoming more popular in homes because it provides quality incandescent -type lighting in very compact units. enc Illy. Incandescent light will enhance Incandescent - It has colour _nhancing warm colours and weaken cool colours, qualities similar to candle light, but because COOLING while fluorescent light tends to enhance of its strong qualities, it appears whiter. It t S AMWViz r cool colours and weaken warm colours. lacks colours from the blue end of the 910 r3'si ,u Because fluorescent lighting is economical spectrum, and because of this, gives a poor '$ `_�' "1:02"� to use, especially in commercial appearance to cool colours. N.'- ' Call 905-66-7778 Now! environments, the industry has developed Fluorescent - This is the lamp most often numerous types of fluorescent lamps, used in commercial areas and areas of the "° ranging from cool to warm and even "full home where good overall lighting is Or Toll Free 177 , spectrum" lighting, which attempts to required. Although there are many different ` replicate natural daylight. types of fluorescent lamps, the one most � =- & save $3008 O� Natural Light commonly used lacks the warm colours of The most evenly balanced light is the spectrum. Fluorescent lamps tend to ; daylight, having almost equal parts of all the enhance blues and greens. and render reds, rox air Conditionin,pS. colours of the spectrum. Davlight. however, oranges and yclluduller Iusing � „_LIQUIDATOR OF BRAND NAME MERCMANOtSE FROM BANKRUPTCIES INSURANCE CLAIMS RECEIVERSMIPS �_OTWRS � ._� ...:, sbuffor Of tbf AUturf Am Old World • RESNEw jimad sMss� with d-owwwYed -W it 3• • Popiw !lsofalis� K cawwak allies • A sap to i mt@L Patsek pgp SW for saoy dsasig Willi wwni savy Warr. rasiMe • 1NfMt iw slit. a dllir 0" W wade aid wi st w and PlftwL so"* Iw n now in be* i�e+sslM�s fir www •s�j atstl arm son" � ' � wMifl�14W r _ , a' t . • . "� ''.+3r -"_ s�..R'` +ag _alb �$�'s"`k 'i .J' "" ' y ��' A 111yow 1171s" L7 i BLfNQS & 1?RAPERY SIS 0 !d Kino�► Road` .' � .� � 7; -; � � ., , � . r �'�N6W8 IIR1vERi16ER4�A1fi�A\►�p0�f,�#�N�I+► P�;►S09i�A0E'tf'1YP _ r ��^vim•• •t r� ! I1 l, \ : r. Y .n 3 • f; r. Z. 1' Y Fi =. (�. Satellite Express Canada "The Iternative" to able TV I Who WE Satellite Express Can;, that brings you only tt home entertainment market today. Owner, began in the satellite 1987 selling and instal large dish systems thr, Region. As technolog the market for s, increased Satellite I c�,olved into its presen customers with ever CABLE TV on the mai Why Dii Satellite TV offers highest available star quality on the market recognized as the of Canada of High Defii (HDTV) services and provides it customer development of Su "Television (SDTV ). enhances any experience and to that c I-xpressVu and Star are the only providers i Dolby Digital technology. What Do I ( Showcasing the systems of Bell Expi Star Choice and LO( Satellite Express Cam become the authority c alternatives. Digital T1 the consumer high digital picture and sour per -vu services, on interactive program gui, a channel lineup great anything cable can Consumers can now channels by Theme I News, Music, etc.. through LOOK TV h, ultimate freedom of I the channels they directly. Join us Friday & S, March 17 & 18 1 opportunity to have questions answered t trained professionals company representati% hand for our Grand C Celebrations. Complin coffee & donuts w available. Next Hen Sweet Hel March 3 GRAND OPENING SAL,E-A-BRATION i INCREDIBLE SALE PRICES ]IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! BONUS OFFERS! ExcrmG NO PAYMENT PLANS! AND MUCH MORE! s 41 - 0„m, Sqa - �� ' °'9' r,dudes DeGsry _�. r S ' t ! e f J - SCARBOROUGH k-" LOCATION ONLY! Sofa incudes fle[nAery On Markham Road, - Just North of YOU'LL RECOGNIZE THE NAME... Hwy 401 YOU WON'T RECOGNIZE THE FURNITURE! 1 ® 416 9 2910 3818 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 PAGE 23 AIP Ent rtain n NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 17, 2 0 0 0 Durham Philharmonic tunes up for April show The Durham can Church in Os- songs and spiritu- niors and students Music Store, Philharmonic hawa. al arrangements, and are available 1187 Simcoe St. Choir will sing The concert The choir will from Information N., Oshawa. choral music will feature the also perform a Oshawa in the Tickets will also across the cen- choir and soloists newer setting of Oshawa Centre, be available at the turies in their up- performing tradi- the 'Requiem' by centre court door on concert coming program tional selections Toronto compos- (Stevenson Road night. on April 1, 7:30 by Gibbons, Han- er Eleanor Daley. and King Street St. George's p.m. at St. del and Bruckner Tickets are West) or at Wil- Church is located George's Angli- as well as folk- $12 or $10 for se- son and Lee at Centre Street Joyful Noise beckons arts council members The annual general Durham Folklore Soci- Other entertainers the Waterfront Bistro, meeting of the PineR- ety will make an enter- include the Yo-Yos 590 Liverpool Rd., edge Arts Council fea- taining presentation cello group and Joyful Pickering. tures music, art exhibit which will include Noise. The For more informa- and a silent auction. Afro-Caribbean drum- meeting is on Wedncs- tion call Andrea Gra- Gcorgc Blakc of the ming and story telling. day. April 5 at 7 p.m. at ham at 686-8298. and Bagot Street tion call 721 - in Oshawa. For 9290 or 728 - further informa- 1739. Marlin Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sun. 12 - 6 P.M. 905-426-6242 Please Recycle Me.. THE NEXT BEST THING 0,5, MON-THU 725-", Or FRI-SAT.S�IN ' 40-4 2C- -25-1000 SNOW DAY(F) FRI-SAT-SUN 1:30-435-7:30.440 MON-TUE 730.9:40 ROMEO MUST DIE(STC) WED-TKJ 7 30-10:10 THE WHOLE NINE YARDS (AA) MON-THU 720-9:45 FRI-SAT-SUN 1.20.3:50- -2l)-945 FINAL DESTINATION (STC) -NON-THU 7:40-10:05 FRI-SAT-SUN 145 -4.15 - MISSION 45 -4.15 - MISSION TO MARS (PG) -MON-THU 7-15-455 FRF -SAT -SUN 1:15.4 10-7 15.455 THE TIGGER MOVIE (F) 'FRI-SAT-SUN 1 05-3:05-5.00-705 MON-TUE 7:00 NED-THU 7 05 HANGING UPfPG) '9:00 WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM? rAA)'9:25 MY DOG SKIP,F)'MON-THU 710 FR: -SAT -SUN 1 10-3:40-7 10 ERN BROCKOYK H AAi 'MON-THU 7 00.450 FRI-SAT-SUN 100-4 00-7 00-950 THE NEXT BEST THING (PG) '1:30-4:05-7:25-9:50 THE WHOLE NINE YARDS (AA) '1:45-4:10-7:30-9:45 WONDER BOYS (AA) '1:50-4:30-7:10-9:40 ANGELA'S ASHES (PG) *1:00-4-.00-7:00-9:55 THE GREEN MILE (AA) '1:05-4:50-8:35 THETIGGER MOVIE (F)'1:10-3:05-5:00-7:05 THE WHOLE NINE YARDS (AA) '9:00 SNOW DAY (F) '2:05-4:25-7:20-9:35 DROWNING MONA AA) '2:00-4:15-7:15-9:30 IV E11�I IMCODRf IIM 40M. 11MT RIFT (3 SUM v0, E'er 1225.225. N3* II ft -1 Yq(�-- f10 W 1130,11% 1:35.224 0 ESE E1B IF 4 R 31%(43q, (1101.545, 72S M t*9A 1:4.04 7,15. *110 MO THU 215, (OR 725,10,00 FWSW 1215.194235, 224 Nom+). 415 1020 1015 1EM1 EP4 IY101 724 DII5 1441075 SIN 35, WSW 194 315. (536j, 1:5. laic 1'RF-9111 1210.24 (410) 1tE 225.314 N56) ( 1 1341(5.1% 72 350.14301.15:101545.725. i ® 7:X 744 004 444 1075 mmlom T 11U = M0 tfm 1�11U 124 t�b.233,N901 IND. lQz ( 54725.105, 40f a MdM win �MIIIWI lam IIw11UY24151017%1*05 l A �TFWSFQ 1MRARsx 1 (2samFI FFA-SLX IM 134 39434IY15) wSAT tz35, 24 OA FIN -SW 12k YID. (Y!S).7147:4 (590(, 7-31X 11:4 145. 03 195 41411:10 SIM 1235.241M 7A5, till 4144$11:15 511F71E la 3A OA 794 T4 M*THU 134 3%341Y151 15 R TA 115, t41030 M]1F11E 1:4 0561, 74110 414156 E W OD-THU 1:4 KA VA3)-H11125. 334 W4 T4 456 '� WE IN (NO PASSES) � � »x �t �1 RIIsuF 1x74204 t�s).1a4 110,0 PA 75 241095 IMAM 1234 235. (t44 1101NIU 2E 15251/00. fa30 11�11101=f% MWIM1:441tE leE/r31M ■r tom! I) Q SLIEBIS) FF118N t?34253 (520► TS0. 1020 FI1d1 1130.1215 200 24 (1301 FWW 1215. M 233 3151(t45k 11011 -IU 2:411. *11 714 102 (&I%794I45, M 1115,1116 (5 .794 T.4 t15.110411Z INUM (111 W PO SW11341215.20424(M SW1225,195,236,3A(t15), 1`111IBQt294210.It5D).7:00. (&15167%7-4562X F115 15901, 790 T4 t15.1090 1141120 MONHO200.24 "X *t4 11011-TIU 1206 x35.325, (1151, 51/1123424 m 7m tt0 790, 7.4130,1115 ISA 655 74115.155 Mfr 116. (t4Ik 794110 I Ii1w1f IYI � Unu fn W �1M Ito SIN 1145 215 (t4a E'er 1225.225. N3* II ft -1 Yq(�-- RF1M113J 715 tSD 0 ESE E1B IF 4 =1 M iwii pip MDITHU z15. It1A. 7.15.450 t*9A 1:4.04 7,15. *110 MO THU 215, (OR 725,10,00 RFhU 735.10,70 S.�104 1EM1 EP4 1RIFIET2in FII.IIE M tM. 715,156 WSW 194 315. (536j, 1:5. laic 1'RF-9111 1210.24 (410) VAD -711 7.15, 455 WOW 205. (52017:10, 455 W*TFU 120, 325.(525) PLENTY OF M FREE PAUN1111 in an i ..t.;AT AT I NEWS ADVE ,r 1 'b g i 17, 2000 . 3 f a t BRAND NEW BLOWOUT PRICE: $1 1888 M';-1 DUU M Reg Cab Includes 2 tone, 40/20/40 seat convenience^ group, wheel plus group, anti -spin, AC, automatic p s p b ARA/m/ease ava @9 sag mirrors, P245/75 RWL R16 tires. T3119.3 -�- ..r�NGL.E CAS TRUCK - "'�. Miall d tiSOs, alr a tna .gran - vn ftl * en.. ' THIS IS 1999 NEON THIS IS 1999 STRATUS NOT A NOT A LEAS ` 2.0 L 4 cyl., 132 hp., auto, p.s., LEASE 2.4L 6 cyl., 150 hp., auto, p.s., p.b., p.w., p.b., AM/FM cass., tilt.. air Gond., p4l., tat, cruise, air coed.. AMfFM cess., "4cloth seats &more.1�P6274 cam buckets, fold -down rear seat d j more. #P6317. N ATTIMITIM 148831 83* 'Mbs tax. 48 moa $w beclanw br OaWa. 'YdeOes tor. 48 mos Sea dscwcw for deteia NOT A- 1999 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO T"� IS 1999 SEBRING CONVERTIBLE - -- _ 4.OL 6 cyl., auto, p.w., p.d.l., p. mirrors, NOTA 2.5L v6, auto, p.w., p.d.l., p. seat, air L air cond., keyless entry, sentry key, LEASE cond., keyless entry, sentry key, alarm, alarm, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cass., j tat, cruise, alum. wheels. p. top, doth �., sunscreen glass, doth buckets b more. buckets, p. mirrors, AM/FM cass., plus OP6292 more. #P6386. Bim.•• , 210* 8S? F ''•••411,09 r ,4,,ys" 'M+cYrOes tu. on= See *$dormer la 1*WS 'Inch+Oes rax. 48 mos Sea dscW M,r to w... -- -- delais 2000 RAM 3500 QUAD CAB DIESEL 1996 CHRYSLER LHS 1997 VOYAGER 1997 NEON EX 1997 SEBRING JXI 2000 CHRYSLER CIRRUS LXI 5SL diesel, auto., leather, p.w., p.d.l., m1, Fully loaded, all the toys. 6 cyl., 7 pass., air, auto, low,low One owner, 5 spd., AC, plus much more. auto, V6. AN the toys, f* Inc. V6 auto, p.s., p.b., p. roof, p. anise, air cond.. AMIFM cars., camper Low km. #P6129A kms. #V6182 Balance of factory warranty V6384. loaded. Get Ready for Summer. V6343 seat, p. locks, leather interior. special, vd"�rn �' slide """dow' PRICED TO SELL SAL! $1 O sP88• AM/FM cess. CD, all the toys. Brand trailer tow, SLT Plus, p. seat, heated , SAL! $10,488 SAL! $18,888 new. seats, sport appearance 6 more. #T3434. MCLUDES FREIGHT +Ali L�1L10-PRICIO IYaNT SAL! $449888 W 'II NVVJAGE PL HWY. am CHRYSLER r Tlo;lo O OSHAWA •► s a Ak ..aw..�«awv:�+�•..wv-s-.s. o ,.►�.- rnat6A VU.1031'AGhfit a31IF=VOA i;1V]!AAZ 7T�tkgCASI L _WMIS /1DYERTh;Ek FROM EDITION. Itlaiitrh 17.2000 PACE 25 P Sports &LEISURE NEWS ADVERT 1 S E R MARCH 17, 2 0 0 0 Ban curlers in the house w OPEN HOUSE - SUN. YAR. 19,24 P -Y, GLENN PRICE* 3 EYPSON COURT - $229,000 This 4 bedroom, guy open concept home, s located in souti Ajax, on a popular court and its large family room & x, ✓ kitchen is a must to see. For more details or directions cash 1-3300 Guam Pnoe today at 831-3300. Sports &LEISURE NEWS ADVERT 1 S E R MARCH 17, 2 0 0 0 Ban curlers in the house RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo Chucky Wilcocks is ready to repre- sent the Pickering Figure Skating Club at the 2000 Ontario Interclub Championships. His routines will he matched against other talented .skaters in Toronto this weekend. Pickering skater to cut figures in T.O. A 15 -year-old Pickering skater will compete in the Ontario Interclub Cham- pionships this weekend after placing second at The Skater's Edge Challenge Competition. Chucky Wikcocks said he only skat- ed `okay" at his last competition, adding, "It could have been better." He finished second in the Junior Sil- ver Men's Freeskate Event at the com- petition near Barrie. Wileocks started in the sport about five years ago because he used to enjoy watching other figure skaters. "I thought it would be great to jump in the air like that." He is confident about the weekend competition in Toronto. "I'm not get- ting really stressed out about this. A lot of skaters get really stressed out before a competition." Tho, competition will feature the top three skaters from four divisions in Ontario. •. ?.+ .r . Annandale boys' rink advances in competition BY JIM EASSONcame close, but lost in both the 'A' -side were denied their fifth zone champi- Special to the News Adveniser and 'B' -side of the bracket. Susannah onship after losing in the 'A' side final to AJAX — An Annandale Curling Moylan coached the Critchley squad. the Randy and Gary Grant rinks from Club bantam boys' rink advanced to the Annandale's other representative in the Uxbridge Curling Club. Teranet Regional Bantam Boys' and the bantam girls' event, the Kaitlyn With Leslie are Harry Nolte, Mike Girls' Playdowns after winning its way Leslie rink, finished with a 1-2 record. Nelson and Keith Metrakos. In Payne's out of the zone competition at the Dale- With Leslie were Tracy O'Leary, Kayla foursome were Dave Hutchison, Marvin wood Curling Club, near Port Hope, last Bianchi and Lauren Hong. Alex Bianchi Harrison and Craig Reid. Two sets of weekend. served as the coach. teams from the zone event advance to Paul Boyland skipped the foursome O ra 0 the regionals in Uxbridge April. 9. of Darryl Hill, Chris Janssen and Peter The men's teams skipped by Jon 0:) :1 Stecyk to the `A' side title of the zone Payne and Warren Leslie teamed up for The Intermediate Men's Regional event, finishing the 11 -team boys' event the sixth season in a row to compete in Playdown is in East York this week. The with a perfect 40 record. The Boyland the Dominion Regalia Silver Tankard Annandale team of Gord Norton, War - rink will now represent Annandale at the Zones at the Tam Heather Curling Club ren Leslie, Alex Bianchi and Ron regionals at the Bayview Country Club in Scarborough this past weekend. Alexander earned its spot at the region - this weekend. The Boyland rink is This event uses the combined score als after winning the zone title last coached by Paul Bourque. of two teams to determine the winner. In month. Two teams will advance from Three other boys' and girls' rinks the past, these Annandale nnks have thv� de�uhle-knockout pla,d<­%-n to the from Annandale competed atthe Teranet won four zone o:OmpCtituin..in,lt,A,, rr%:nc:,J, it !hr Fir,imp!-r ('i_,rlir�_, zone playdowns. Justin Ferreira's four- gional titles. l'nf rtur.; _ (' . %._ some of Tim March, Robert Rego and Matt Pyne finished with a 2-2 record. Wayne Ferreira served as the team's coach. Meanwhile, in girls' play, Shauna Critchley teamed up with Meaghan O'Leary, Stacey Hill, and Ashley Bianchi in the five -team double -knock- out zone event. The Critchley four -some OPEN HOUSES w RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo Chucky Wilcocks is ready to repre- sent the Pickering Figure Skating Club at the 2000 Ontario Interclub Championships. His routines will he matched against other talented .skaters in Toronto this weekend. Pickering skater to cut figures in T.O. A 15 -year-old Pickering skater will compete in the Ontario Interclub Cham- pionships this weekend after placing second at The Skater's Edge Challenge Competition. Chucky Wikcocks said he only skat- ed `okay" at his last competition, adding, "It could have been better." He finished second in the Junior Sil- ver Men's Freeskate Event at the com- petition near Barrie. Wileocks started in the sport about five years ago because he used to enjoy watching other figure skaters. "I thought it would be great to jump in the air like that." He is confident about the weekend competition in Toronto. "I'm not get- ting really stressed out about this. A lot of skaters get really stressed out before a competition." Tho, competition will feature the top three skaters from four divisions in Ontario. •. ?.+ .r . Annandale boys' rink advances in competition BY JIM EASSONcame close, but lost in both the 'A' -side were denied their fifth zone champi- Special to the News Adveniser and 'B' -side of the bracket. Susannah onship after losing in the 'A' side final to AJAX — An Annandale Curling Moylan coached the Critchley squad. the Randy and Gary Grant rinks from Club bantam boys' rink advanced to the Annandale's other representative in the Uxbridge Curling Club. Teranet Regional Bantam Boys' and the bantam girls' event, the Kaitlyn With Leslie are Harry Nolte, Mike Girls' Playdowns after winning its way Leslie rink, finished with a 1-2 record. Nelson and Keith Metrakos. In Payne's out of the zone competition at the Dale- With Leslie were Tracy O'Leary, Kayla foursome were Dave Hutchison, Marvin wood Curling Club, near Port Hope, last Bianchi and Lauren Hong. Alex Bianchi Harrison and Craig Reid. Two sets of weekend. served as the coach. teams from the zone event advance to Paul Boyland skipped the foursome O ra 0 the regionals in Uxbridge April. 9. of Darryl Hill, Chris Janssen and Peter The men's teams skipped by Jon 0:) :1 Stecyk to the `A' side title of the zone Payne and Warren Leslie teamed up for The Intermediate Men's Regional event, finishing the 11 -team boys' event the sixth season in a row to compete in Playdown is in East York this week. The with a perfect 40 record. The Boyland the Dominion Regalia Silver Tankard Annandale team of Gord Norton, War - rink will now represent Annandale at the Zones at the Tam Heather Curling Club ren Leslie, Alex Bianchi and Ron regionals at the Bayview Country Club in Scarborough this past weekend. Alexander earned its spot at the region - this weekend. The Boyland rink is This event uses the combined score als after winning the zone title last coached by Paul Bourque. of two teams to determine the winner. In month. Two teams will advance from Three other boys' and girls' rinks the past, these Annandale nnks have thv� de�uhle-knockout pla,d<­%-n to the from Annandale competed atthe Teranet won four zone o:OmpCtituin..in,lt,A,, rr%:nc:,J, it !hr Fir,imp!-r ('i_,rlir�_, zone playdowns. Justin Ferreira's four- gional titles. l'nf rtur.; _ (' . %._ some of Tim March, Robert Rego and Matt Pyne finished with a 2-2 record. Wayne Ferreira served as the team's coach. Meanwhile, in girls' play, Shauna Critchley teamed up with Meaghan O'Leary, Stacey Hill, and Ashley Bianchi in the five -team double -knock- out zone event. The Critchley four -some OPEN HOUSES JQ� OPEN HOUSE - SUN. YAR. 19,24 P -Y, GLENN PRICE* 3 EYPSON COURT - $229,000 This 4 bedroom, guy open concept home, s located in souti Ajax, on a popular court and its large family room & FIRST R"` kitchen is a must to see. For more details or directions cash 1-3300 Guam Pnoe today at 831-3300. OPEN HOUSE MARCH 17XW CURY 701 HUCREST RD., SOUTH NZERMIG PECK* 2 Willy, 4 bdrm., double garage home, 2 Idtsttens,S PnWentl;al 2 1l2 bads, 2 fireplaces, walk out basement --me" apartment- See it Sunday, 2-4 p.m. 831-7677 r 0y Irl UIR I R WKElMlti "WHAT A EEAU M $SOD M101161 MANEI RAt M OMM AT t0M,l00 �.r...I nAOanfallM JAM Boddj Cartoon 1" I •roe.$ �r0 4 todrooaa ri 4 Hallo. GOMA kl b0m dors dak wain I••r ane rldtrl 0— RCVM LEPMGE �I�r wont to dKk aotI-A a WW NOW UWW NO MW aotatiror CIS t1 OW bewasK $hall dn=W dm i a aAlAw Mon. Faedara raMll rk atiat� oaasa'r06i8rb1� MaNAwrtaeaW4WPtIrM1V1. Cat01 686-1821 �IE� tlnt, il�dd rid fdi.' rid 60k on tie lolls, mp oRtie oda nd mmll mt Ra brVid di 0V =dd00=* VM ni M= d F0 tori. Ckkin Md CW&a 1011dE ms's I,* $1LI Ak rlch 30,31 at to Air Cnatio See dotift ottgppilebee'sl Coulle`v of BOW Ice VOMM RTIrIIL3t)ees AIP P*AW 26*MM3.A0VER?16FA PRIM_EOnWN At thl PW,,.aoaeA = THE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE AJAX PICKERmia NEWS ADVERTISER CAIAX�SSIIIFIIIE" To Place Your Ad Call: Ajax Pickering News Advertiser: 6 8 3 —O 7 0 7 Uxbridge: 8 5 2-9 741 Full Time Position for a TECHNOLOGIST Either in the Architectural, Civil or Construction field for a manufacturer of wood components for the construction industry located in the Durham Region. For the successful candidate, we offer challenging position in an extremely activ design department. Skills in Autocad, stnx tural and wood beam design an asset. Ranuneration depending on expirumm. Full benefit package available. R� by fou "5.62.3 -MU Okly Oww n be xwerviewrd wall be cankxwd. TRAVEL CONSULTANT Required for Oshawa/Whitby area. [ust Haver A inimuat 5 years experience Sabre proficiency Excellent customer service Compefitive Salary .iiafnd benefits with superior work environment Please fax resume in confidence to (905) 668-9580 York South Association for Community Living CAREER FAIR 101 Edward Ave.. Richmond Hill L41C 5ES March 21. 2000 7 - 10:00 p.m. March 23. 2000 7 - 10:00 p.m. FULL and PART TIME COMMUNTI'Y SUPPORT WORKERS Successful applicants will provide support and services for people with developmental disabilities living in Richmond Hill/rhor chill & Markham areas. Full and Part Time Positions Available: - Full time (Awake) Nights Start salary - $24.276 plus benefits - Full time Evenings Start salary $28.974 plus benefits - Full time Weekends Stint salary - 126.770 plus benefits - Part time for all shifts - $11.36 per hour plus varaltion pay If you are unable to attend our CaenFair,plewefwV r`e2 M1lX Y.S.A.C.L. - Richmond Hill 905-737-3284 Attention: Competition #00-14 nmaynearwiDA�*b--way*-slum it :ttrNetrsoff becanack tAfuAh4lioliatcngilii rieaec SELL R WW CALL AJAX N"M UXMWM SO -9741 , Presented By OSHAWA • WHITEY • CL MGI'ON • PORT PERRY THIS WEEK . • Whiselcnair - Career Displays Accessible - Job Opportunities Wednesday June 14, 2000 Jubilee Pavilion Lakeview Park, Oshawa To Reserve Your Booth Space' -: or for, Further Information aPlease Call...¢ffy News Advertiser (905) 683-0707 (TOR) 416-798-7259 Uxbdd a Tdbune 905 852-9741 UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers tw e a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Enzo Cres, St. john's Crt, Third Ave S, Franklin St, First Ave, Dominion St, Brock St.E, Planks Lane, Main St. N. BRISTON POND Briston Sands Crs., Alta Rd. CANNINGTON Laidlaw St. S, St. john St, Peace St, Munro St, Davidson St, Shedden St. Also Adedt Carrier for we& & drive routes needed Call Debbie 905-852-9741 CONFWENM TO e0l R04AS ff there are firms or individual's to whom you do not wish your reply sad. simply place your apl* abort In an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisemient and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your appkcatm will be PLEASE NOTE, runiiisis duet are Ined 0"Ney le 0sMM Thi Meek, trill nd lee forwaniled IS No Ile mmi6w. Ordinate NW In nddinnft es wkded M eke kalrtr d m in In ad. PATTERN MARK/ COTTER Full time position to start immediate- ly. Must have a good command of the English language. Good organi- zatioml skills are required. Exped- ence with lycra and stretch fabrics an asset. ardeN Steeles) Cal 906477-1172 Is looking for reliable people to insert and dekver papers and flyers door to door every Wednesday, Friday and Sdurday in the Pickering arra. Deliveries must be completed by 6.10pfn. must have a vehicle. For more information 011 905-683-5117 wpMeai/RaftAvaiable - Loral &K0 Mkape Need !ate model Cubes & Vans Financial Guarmleel! ,6 positions available to start April 3 Call Rick ® XDS (705) 730-8397 BROKERS NEEDED!!! .:HAIRSTYLIST wanted For Busy Salon in Uxbridge Call Cell 416420.6897 _ .Or 905.640-8655 CLEAN UP PERSON reigred for dealership in Port Perry. Call Don Jr. 905-985-7354. THE ;ttrVorgs to ftse who Those who are focused= those who are teanieaNy skilled. Net. d Com. using MCSE/Lotus Notes. Database administration using Oracle. Computer Maintenance - A.. New media web design and Autocad. software design and programming. Financial as- sistance may be available to eligible stutferps. Cal Durham Business Computer College 19051427-3010. CUSTOMER SERVN:E/ ESTIMATING CLERK. Manu- facturer of washroom atxes- Wiles and IDilet partitions re- quires clerk for general ten- dering and other office related duties. Computer knowledge and good ibmmumcabon skills a must. Bilingual an as- set Fax resume and salary expectations to 905-420- 9988. HAIRSTYLISTS i TECHNI- CIANS required at Elegance mage Studio Day Spa -Aveda .oncept Readers Choice 'Sa- ion of the Year twrner. ohler- iN 6 oDmmsSlgn. Fax resume 389 or ad- dress to: 123 Aha St.. WM6y N 3Z1, MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYS- TEMS ENGINEER - MCSE - rup tratnng heading to $lira in deryrq in today's competi- Irve ousnm world Firranpitl assatanoe (E.L. OSAP) to those eligible. Dwham Col- lege UXBRIDGE. Girl 905- 852-7648 ext 25 THE MAIL STATION Career "arrwnq Center Career trap - �g avadaft in artAioal .anis, tar pea- 7wffs. wam . Ar tinsisrYng and taaoorrg teChrlwm +oSKH9 22t 7 n �I ALL DON CHERRY'S soca pons hiring Inetprtp cooks. nosVW. servers. Minimum 2 years experience Appy in DerrOn a- 1600 Champion Ave. Wtrttiy. Tliwsft. March 16 2-1D m and Saw - day March 1S 2Jp in AAeMMe ltlweflitwsl... Pre- mium Swiss Slun Care Earn extra money by" in n care products for the 1:114100 and adult Market Wt 800'444 7809 never C Faces. Car 1- AZ DRIVERS wanted for growing company You will as a omen have the following quaMieabaa: A clean dorms Abstract. m~um 2 VMS tt� or Ir bains. Drwrng upenerim in adkierse wtow a must Mrdrtwp at graft Offer edielilon aelleny d benefits padrage steadytali bn� emlNoyman, andIM CaN (705P57-3 Man -Fn for Into. AZ DRIVERS wanted to run Canada Saves United At WagtI Ind Q t yens US evenernce Come arra work for a owner/operator who tiara tour best interest a heart. TelepnorM (416) 816-3597 CLASS AZ MKRS will US T o." oo 00 home every 2nd day. Com- MMts rry nae am - liieI OW Phone: 0 Clean �-49 0 For 9%) m7-4217. cuom 12-15 �mA Landscape MM '1rt� Oft and COWVOWW wepes Ecw 90 6fs1s fCOtlNTER IELP NEEM for ay ch. UNVEVWAW MAeltlwp rrCOWAO t kwat- s i MRtiie tuZ 6613 Door A tf s caw . tAINR,I eIIRIFIq so Ions Q fir an RUM ID AMelta flus�IhpRAMR aM ToMails cans. AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 30 Geru■eleiri Aw,► 14 Tirellte St. : (4 6) 798- ; : �r ,: Toronto une 1 7259 �• w�.-fru: &30 m xoo F. `� - . ; te4-Hour Fax:.(9o�fj STN- 1918 852-4= tWed=Notll! 0.1 l fao vrrt. SOL 9:to &op �" . <, - "�..rr.».• M'..ro..'«- 47 11 NEWlS1401AHRl19ER RRM7fl1C�Ad6iN,.#1�11!F�#1'Y�BA(4t9L�2711�'j 1 —Gen"N* 1 GenerM HNp 1 GiMteral NMD 1 Gertrerel Help 1 General Help 1 General NWp 1 SON HOWAperre 1 Stles H WA"ft1 Stilet ►le4/AWft Best Pack Media Ltd. -Canada, Largest supplier of discount adult magazines lest 1958) requires a delivery driver. route sales person for the GTA and Southern Ontario The person wW be re- qulred to deliver service ano open new accounts r this expand•ng market Best Pack Media wr! st,ppry the de - every van cr pay mileage fr- yours Saiarr p us in- cenbves anc have! expenses for out of ih. ATA crave Perwrrs with Saks. Deliven, or Retai., Experience to fax Re%urtres tri. Best Pack Media Ltd.. Attention John Hell at 1-905-579'4156 0samm I "If Part-time Evening & Saturday SERVICE INVOICER/CASHIER required. Dealership experience essential. Please FAX resume (905, 83- -7549 Ari: Debbie Crooks FORMULA FORD "JOIN OUR TEAM" �kAIDLAW �O School Bus Drivers Q B Application now being accepted for: • UXBRIDGE • PICKERING • AJAX TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED TO SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS. APPLY TO: LAIDLAW TRANSIT 6775 BALDWIN ST. N. BROOKLIN, ONT. 1-800-263-7987 WINDOW CLEANER FL,, -lime posltior Nc exper.er.cc necessary. Own transportation. Neat appearance. reliable. Call or fax. Mon- Fr 9am-5pm. 905-471-4458 Pronto Auto Repair Dealerships, i icbling Durham Rcgltm auwmutivc pari, wholesaler is lonking tcw the following H) join their dynamic salt. team: Experienced Outside Automotive Parts Sales Representative Experienced Inside Counter Person Call Rick for appointment (905)831-4211 or fax resume to (905)831-4214 Salary and benefits bawci on experience. Professional lawn maintenance company in Uxbridge is seeking 9 employees from end of March to Dec. 2000. Approx. 8-12 hours a day, 5-6 days a week required. Landscaping and lawn maintenance experience Is essential. Applicants must be in good physical condition and able to perform in all wOrkhveather conditions. Please fax your resume to (905) 852-2w (include a phone number and your availability to work) -ally dtolse se/ie w will be ropnteoted for an interview. Our'Advertisting Co. requires 12 -24 individuals immediately to fill in Customer Service openings. Ideal for 18 and over. No experience necessary. Simply call Erin (905) 686-4473 THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for fids to deliver papers and flyers door to door four times a week by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. (call 905.683-5117 M EXTERIOR BL;ILDING MAINTENANCE CO-ORDINATOR j One of Canada's premiere shopping centres, located In the East enci I of Metro. Is seeking a qualified Individual to fill the full-time posi- tion of Exterior Buiiding Maintenance Co-ordinator. Candidates possessing a high school diploma and a minimum of five years related experience preferred. Responsibilities include co-ordinat- ing all exterior maintenance activities consisting of site malnte- nance, parking lot maintenance. garbage removal. recycling co- ordination, snort removal and horticultural activities. We offer very l competitive wages with opportunities for a(lvancement. Please submit resumes b) March 24. 2000 in confidence to: Attention: Operations Manager 30(; Borough DlFi%c. Suite 2(- Ioronto. Ontario,. M I N 4P5 Or fax to: (416 296-9949 :9 SCAROOkC(Gu No ap-encies or telephone calls please T C w h C E N T R E We thunk all who apply, however only qualified applicants will he contacted �— for lntervi.ews. 1 s.wa HagAgms 1 SAxrs r4lpApartb Skilled Help Skilled HNp i Join A Winning """i registtered. red. STS registered.Sales Team Needed for ext -sting nursing home i in Lxbridge - Salary 60K ( 416-489-8888' NFM Al)URTNI711 16-489-8888- NFMAl)URTISER Ili: M',h,\i I', `.i 'A'i Independent? Energetic? Like to play by your own set of rules? This may be for you. The News Advertiser is more than just a community paper. We produce over 40 other well respected monthly and occasional publicatoo is per year. We need a quality sales pro to work on these projects as an Inclepenclerllit COff'ir' ewr Great income potential ala proven quality products from a community leader will ensure success of the right individual. Please send a resume to. Advertising Manager 130 Commercial Ave Ajax, Ontario. L1 S 2H5 (905) 619-9068 fax DUARW .rte..+—,...+...�.► A ii y11XTNG Looking for an exciting career. We require New and/or Used Cars Salespersons. Sales experience preferred. Forward your resume Fax 905-404-1764 or e-mail orancier@durkamebryW*r.com • CHRYSLER �' 0 9mw tialp 11111111M Skf7ad NMP DIRECT DRIVER PERSONNEL requires AZ 111riveCs & 131Z IMveCs sw Re+esenag Start itnuaedialtely For expanding Pickering operation Call 1-877420-1270 tc.F ,dbr,GdLnG ,,df Crd:EC f' r CKer rG requires: - Mig Welders • Saw and Drill operators • Shipping and Assembly personnel Experienced applicants fax resume to: 905-839-1717 We have air ocer:nc for a CNC SETUP OPERATOR in our procuctlor machine shop. Applicants must have minimum 5 years experience with Fanuc Controls. We offer excellent wages ano benefits. Fax resume to: 905-839-1717. 1 GerterN Help 1 General HNp Do YOU L KE C^uNTPV THE NEWS CECOA7T Do you want to tun EXPERIENCED TELENAAKET- erira moneyI` Well we ant ER recu.rec contact new .r x !tear Iran you A FEW OF wrance customers Mosey OUR FAVOURITE THINGS evenig wdrk Iron you HOME PARTY COMPANY s hW4 flood Salary •bonuses expandrrg into VW area LAW „ based d on resubs we are lookme Lor entrom CaII Duane Mcoordic Seh syrhrrp ndrwdiiils for 1416Hf2fiAL' x208 Saks COOrdlnsarors we offer a FRONT COUNTER oersor re- th �IMiry e ec line -UP W a teltrowtia flat we are cuireE. icr exparrr,I, pnnap Srae "W you xe going to �,,,W„y %c experience re• Qu,red Trauma on site Fax bill Reap de benefits et be- 905-831-397: aq IN first coordinator In vow SNORT OPOER ;:ac• a r� area for ttns company For FULL TIOUPART TIME amapp more into please call 905- pomtment setters $10-S'4,hI 342-3245 pus mootnry bonus 8 comm DRRIER w1TN YAM or Car for experemx preferred Clear agl l41 a must Scarborough pickups ate deliveries Call AM area 416.321-3162 (416) 451.3540 ammme roto DRYWALL TAPERS reguired MIRSTTLIST regwred with experience. T for emeFIT Call (416) 2814160 or Fax frncr salon m mall (416) 281-4752 location Guaranteed wages . EARN 5200 S300rf500 or commission Start Imme- more per week, assembling diately John 725-20M or Prod" in the comfort of 728-3720 your own home Send a sen- IMIRSTrIKT Horn passion, Stamped to 0 PH 6-2400 Dundas St. loan a winning team 8 excel In W Sute 541. Ret 636, Nis- your cancer Earn top guar - sinauga. Ont. L5K 2R8 Meta salariesanth bonus available No indiction tee. ed"ion trips to world ora EARN ESM NUM by dee. decoy's Call VAMM s (905) Ing childcare in your home 666-3805 Call Dunam Professional IMminirLISTS POSITIONS in Home Daycare 905.509- Oshawa and Ajax. Great 1207. wr7rkirp envirdnmen! and C I nn tr Call Required Young and energgetic person with 2 1/2 years experience. Call for inter- view 1905) 509-7513 ex�n- ence required . full and pan time positrons available.rante Guaranteed wage plus com- mission. Call (905)723-8030 EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST required full and pan time for the Hair Care Centre in the Whitby Mall. hMnimmn 2 yrs amp. Call Nick a Derek 723- 0211 or Evenings 666.2125 NO 70InI rery HIRING Imawtiteiy - Busy Pickering Restaurant tsnng Experienced Cooks. 2 posy tions atonable Call (9051839 0443 ask to JW. RONEWORKERS NEEDED! To assembleour Pr oducts Free information Sen1d SASE to Kraft 16.7777 Keele St.. Dept 7. Concord, ON L4K 1Y7 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE 01 travel. Canada's largest in- stituie specWtzing In Travel and Tourism Training. Next class begins April 10 Please Call 905-725.3919 Curtis Industries, a leading National Distributor of maintenance and repair products, has an excellent career opportunity for a SALES AGENT This positron servlc,nci the retail, and automotive market it the York/Durharr area includes comprehensive field arc prmuct onentat,or Previous sales experience Is essentla along with the ability to manage a sales territory with man,mum supervlsron- If you are rterestea in a rewarding career, this opportunity offer, excellent benefits performance bonuses and competitive commiss,on compensation Please forwara your resume n confidence to John Wilson, 300 Dufferin Avenue, Belleville, Ontario K8N 3X7 or fax to 16131 968-6746. rJr.Ij :ricICr at r:erJte1. ,,,. y cc -tracer Nr Dhora eus piens. 1 Genera, Help LANDSCAPE CONSTRL'r"CN vehcle Tri 1 Genera, Help THE NEWS usr.rmn rn,r ADVERTISER aerS M11' Stn welcome tc�applyry eh - welcome 5 OCk rO for 905.509--1786 or fax 905-509- prospects to 6327 deliver newspapers and LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Compary r. Apx s r�..nr flyers to the ;)r Labourers. LandsciDe o Fu'' tame season- f011owin areas 9 al. TruCi Cruet wrm C or A $9 00 per hr we will be utter• arise ,oI« •r- work 6C hrs SCARBOROUGH Der weep *apes a< pe, ex- ererxe Fax resume 'r, 905- ROliOE 5 Cr -83-268' Acienmore P. rv,00rneld Dr rellanock Ave Brimtorest Gate Charles Tupper Langevine Cres. McCulley St. Centennial Rd. Calderstone Cres. Kirkdene Dr. Rouge Highlands .ICENSFC _: % ',• 6400 Lawrence A. m ­Sr.,*.ar!Qwrec ,.- :a Binge in PrcKe,,% Please TDr. Tilley CAN Anna or Paua 9%031- Wichey Rd. '215 McGrath Cn. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ora- Clappison Blvd. ami * Irmc Tust ^.e.t 6 Conference Blvd. Kxms workms eximfoxe i Hartland Or nngg tnhrCUCP Osh&W air Tuder Glen Cres. :air an asset From $7 W to East Ave $9 00 per hr we will be utter• _;.� _A .� +wring X the Oshawa C.vrc skins, excellent common" AtidaonW 99 Thonator Roes FOR FURTHER South OsMa Every Tues and Thws 93n i m - 2 p in INFORMATION LOOKING FOP : aew a.,,, 1 905-683-5117 'an, *e ire ,GOk% b key peope Mus: be se -.Sum, SNORT OPOER ;:ac• a r� wala g is won put -time 7o- 'mmad,a•e r I sow, P,ckti '5 hrywk Work rrom the 09 uretero. Must hese pre% :bntaort of vow home (:xl x roses snort doer expene, F, T 530am - 200pm 51G,'hr 434-7184 siV) Cao Catriona x (9mmg-' 151 MATURE person riaawrea to ext 3531 Beaver FooOe Lim les-derlw, house cleaning roto Monday-IFnoay slam -4p m Approx 25nryvk Expetettcr preterrtd To sou' mrtKdwe- fy call 905-W 7555 NOW HIRING "OWE MA t EPS Ee, Moret weekh plus bonuses maumo; ccn• pang brochures lentis rem home Into SASE to Hoak Markel rc Services PO Box '965 Kngswr Mar KmWor Ont K7L 5V; 3 IWI bow telerttarkelws requned %C seg, g -rvo vec �Ouny rate OsPo nc or estparence - 9 p rr Mon Fr. 10 3 P or Sat IMi 720-2479 INIL b[K lTn < lkiner• OFFICE CLEANERS neeMO- Amenw s o,atsi manutaaur Oshawa Pan time ana Fu;'- er of pr paving nonce and Time Evenings Also weNttm ro&rai wail systems Our positions Must be bondable. prodW Is used DY torose in rear appearance and able to the landscape Industry We work wnlh little supervision Call 4041564 or tax resume are currently senting a sea - Soral full time Inside Saler 723-1809. Customer Service representa- PAINTER W"ITED. interior rule at our Pickering location Candidates should and exterior Experience an asset Ask for Henry possess past sales experience, strong 1905)7231389 computer LAWkeyboarding skins, excellent common" PART TIME Program Assis- bans skills both written and tant. Some experience with oral ala nave agood rnder- speml needs. Daycare envy standup of main ilk suc- ronment. 11 am - 5 p.m. ceWul candidate mil be en- weeltil For more intorma- ergebc. organized and vallln g hon tax resume to 1905) 427- td work as team player In a 8155 atm. Shdky growing organization Please PARTNEWS BKL"DS,m- send resumes to 1890 Clements Road. Ptckennp. quires a responsible mak- Ontario LIW 3R8 Fax (905) coumer/bar person Fiextbie 427.25N e-nrol hours to work days, nghts( weekends. CMtrputer experi- ence Sman Serve 8good WANTED - Interlock ano Re- nnin Skips preferred Please hung Wap Speciakst. Mast bring in your resume to: have minimum 5 years ex- Parlms BlBiuds. 1916 Dun -Own twwrww. du St E Whitby =N td, xW foreman Mtf AS YOU 00 FITNESS. lar r a" Top dol- lar paid. Also Required La - No memb-4 required. Da- bourers Call or tax resume to ily' Wooley. MontlMy Passes Bnckscape Inc (905) 668- available No indiction tee. 2742 1905)427-6277 Power City Gym. 1035 Brock Rd. S. Pickering (Brock Fid/401) 1 1Rp www payasyougohtress Com ADMIN ASSISTANT position WANTED: Start Order Cooks avaitable pan lime at Cana - For more information cap da'slargest financial panixng (905)420-2595 or apply with- firm. Flexable hours 2 - 3 mays in. 947 Ditnngram Rd Pick- per week Please tax resume en11g to (9051 831.0130 Atm' Ron Taylor t oftice Help ,'EGAL SFrRFTAPY ..hetes 'air' r aw e Denerice prelefred Fax fe- wme uo (905,665--7 24 PART TIME=°ceptioncst re- ec ' to estate office Rea estate experience pre- ferred Must have typing Please tax ail resumes to Hew at t905;428-8869 1 11. Sws SERVICES' Pea Estate Saes, Licensed. 90% commissions, no tee s. back ups, leads. referrals. 905-509-6111 CE HERS DESIGN SALES Ing a seekrnQ in enawgysic protessrona •ah ales sk,.Is • menpr loan tiaagtound TNS meson Shbrald be $ares Mowat warm rtw abrhty Ic communicate eftenvoy and pewit dnW proposals for aur arems Carl 'Gamont 1905483-9660 'a aMont- mrm or tax raume to (905 683-990P EXTREMEFITNESS- *e are Cu„r^t'•. rt. N 'or a sales Rep to tri ri, -ur m mig WN” x our PNatcnng Wc~ Applrr" must cave int oi- IOWN credentals 2 yrs sales exp a sitGnig tmtess Caryigrri:nd Weer mrndeQ/ set starter strong people sktus.00wo.uia" sk,os Straus nausfeS need only apply Fax resume to 905- 709-2960 an Jasor Leat NONE BUSINESS 2000 Be come ' nancid secure n a ,try snort rime Dal tree ; Omlovi toollu% for serious ,"nowres Fcr molt intro Cali 905- , 76f5 SkMed N ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING c9mpar, rcv. r:rr, exper encW tiwocws m,nrmum years expenenGe Apprer- lices t - 3 years experence 4011meymaruwc^un m,r,- mum 5 yeas experience for new residential pro1lcl In Durham Region Please tax MUM b (905) 655-7994 or e -mad hgmedwileo cOW com EXPERIENCED NMC TECH Required with refrigeration aN min Gas Hite 11 IrCens. es required Top dol6v for top applicants Benefit package Come join the Certafledlen- nox ram Call I9O5i 683-03N Or tax resume to (9051 6833377 - HVAC COMM Y requires experenced lnistaller,Servlce Techmuan Must have mmI- mum C: Fdters 11 & CFO it- CenW. Please Call (905)686- 0018tax resume to (905)886-0049. LICENSED MCMMIC or No or 4th year apprentice. wrath own tools for very busy 7 -bay Itin 683-7301 or ) 706-2018 after 6 p.m. RV TECHNKIAII rft-OW for expanding RV Dealer. Re- 9G1fes DA RV loomse. Prev PGt contract Please appy by appoudrrtera 686.9383. or tax resume to Ralph Speelman 668.9734 SEANSTRESS5111L0R, ex- penence necessary, twi timei part lime jaimlions in Picker- ing and Oshawa Fluency in English is required. Please call (905) 721.0669 ,y'. c. L"1-4(. C: a', ,r4c•, ria`t;i] Yi"�h? ;4�"G'frS'i i+ir:- , AM PAIGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 �_ _ __ _ _ _ --- _ _ _ 5 OwmelwbbelUff OarmYw 1 OMMdWrod 1 Sale ... �s SM , c•wwiwm�► ' , Sen . PAN `. RerM. Of FOIST MnM ch? IA. .111 PIANO 6R Ma PNN n i7Vaac NNI IAN av Wm M TOYOTA TER El. 5 FRegpistered USY CLINIC center in Pi.yrinq seeking son & Risch. $3500 or best for ttatirg. repairs. and pre- speed, AWFM cass.. low enthusiastic, responsible per- offer.905.434-8300. purdyase consuKation on all KEN THE kms.. take over lease lot l-time/part-time son with sol arms and six makes a models. Also re=ar $242Jmo. 0 down, 0 irperest Ph iothera ist legs. Good phone 8 denim MARLIN CARET tickets, dtioned pnirqs for sale. Car COMPUTER DAC Please call (9105) 691- p skills preferredPart-time. Ridry Martin. CSNY, Tiro Barb at 905127.7631 DOCTOR 2901 ask fa Jainneed Call Drop oN resume at 1550 110ig_ turner. Korn, oasis, Maple House calls for PCs.905) 426-7690 Ston Rd., Pickering. Unit 11 Leads. Raptors. Great Prices. PMMOS/GRANMTHER CARS FROM SSM. Govern - (at Valley Farm Rd.) Buy a ser (90516'26.5568. CLOCKS Sale on aRoland Hardware, DOS and mem seized d surplus. Sold ume t0 (905) 426-2731 CARPETS SALE a HARD- dpiWl piaras and keytioards. Windows repairPianos,. localy, Cal toll - free for list - MEDICAL SECRETARY FII Re-CARPETS WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 all Howtriard Mtlleir clocks. Scarborough thru 1-888 346 0700 ext. VERSA -CARE CENTRE, UXBRIDGE for busy Ajar , rdid09ist. Include s ca t, om $339 (30 sq d) Large selection of used pa Oshawa areas. _ _ _ _ _ Excellent Con municauonnos Remi to own 100% of all Cd1.1416)464-1833. r A 99ai ONE BEDROOM split level WHERE ARE YOU? Dicta T DRIP Billing b Pad and installation. Free rental payments �PQ� Call 1 g PC Skills ReCuired Fax e- estimates, carpet repairs. TELEP PIAN01905) 433-1491 basement a swot level ff believe in gentle care for the older sumo to (416) 284-0141 Serving Durham and sur. • 5 �S14prW dermal neighbourhood apto in q at Fla - person - come join our team. We need roundinrgq area Credit Cards PINSALLS Large vandyHIGH RISE PART TIME Denial Hygienist Aaxphd Call Sam 905-686- available. come with full war- mony d Olive near bus you i( your focus is resident based. Posi- • required for Fridays and Sat- 1772 rarity Har - Installed and delivered. WANTED Buckskin lily, 1.2 outes Eat in kitchen. Irving tions avialable for casual Part-time for the urdays. possibility a m- Trade -m program available. yr old 434-0392. (sip) room, laundry, storage, pri- categories of: RPN, PSW, HCA. Previous creased hours in the future. CARPET AND VINYL SALE- Also jukeboxes, slot ma- SALES LIMITED rate entrance No pets, single Oshawa bpm Fax resume Carpet three rooms. 30 square chaos end pod tanks Can 1- SHELTIE PUPPIES (min -col- , , I Squash courts occupancy $700 all inclusive experience an asset. to 434.6422 Ali Barb yards. from 5339 installed. I BW550.9670 lie) for sale, females. vacs -505-576-7386 snp Please mail or fax resume to: wll ur't •� best quote nated and rrcegigssttered. Ready b NO CREDIT? Whirlpool PART TIME HYGIENIST re- up to IN New =dorsand POOL TABLES 8and 9' slate go 905436-0876 EVEN BANKRUPT OSHAWA - large one bedroom Versa -Care Centre, Uxbridge 9used for denial office in Ajax. designs Customer satisfaction billiard tables for sale Call I apt - new Private entrance. Elizabeth Batt, RN, Director of Care txpenence essential Wed- grgmteed. Cal Mike tot your 905.420-6113 BEAUTIFUL mixed breed fe- oshopping tndge. stove, laundry, cable. t male dog free to good home utilities, inclusive $650 Avail - 130 and (905) 42 1 p.m - nee estimate. 905 431-4040 RENT TO OWN new and re- No time tot her. Please pl • • 13� Reac Fax tdl 905.8522-0 17 L9P 1 L3 9 p m Call 19D5142i 0851 , • • able Apra 1st. 576 so9e COIN OPERATED Arcade conditioned appliances. and 426-9822 Phone Mel today - PART-TIME Dental AS slant t sal Ideal f 1. ' We timnif as who a st games or a or rec new s Fult Warranty Pao- apdy.y those drawn A1ran required immediately for 3 rooms or cottage or a great dy's Market 905-263-8369 or •itervrew, will receive a reply evenings a week and Satur- business opportunity for the 1-804798-5502 Oats Please call Michelle right operator. Super Checks (90514274280 Table Hockey Arcade Game SHEDMAN - Quality wooden 5 Artistes rot 5 Articles for 51400 firm Golden Tee Goll sheds 8 X 8 balm tut, oily sale safe REGISTERED nurse required Arcade game $2000 firm $359. plus tax Marry other part time including Saturdays profession* serviced and n Stzes and styles available WEEKEND ANTI (%E SALE to a Whitey dental office excellent condition FMeue A� puapes and decks 761 Q Pktase fax resume to: (905) ( 11 betreeru 6-10p.m. 905- �y Rd Urn 3. Pickett 666-1905 7204506 snp For more into still 9D5-611- 2093 (10-5J', Son. (11-5' REGISTERED physiotherapist � �/.p p�a� DEACONS BENCH 1 t'4- sill MARCH BREAK MADNESS! p� Da'1 lin Pic for p pne custom made Special or few TRAILERS for sale Private practice in Pickmrq p� f295 ,� q�rrte� a rent We can set them level h��I,,,,,�,,Y Amaire. Oak Roll -to Desks, Oak �o n"ned and D'tho ex last. PINE LOFT TREASURES with the ground Makes a '�""fes". P penene required. Call 905- 918 Smicoe St. N. Oshawa eat workshop 4347693 or Dressers. Grain Scale, Oak Dining Set. walnut 509.7181 9105-579-9311 4U-0392 (snpl Dini Set Book Secretary Desk. T bks R. 10•_11 � C1Sl5, a 11111:6111,1111111 SONY DSS SATELLITE Sys - Chairs. Doulton & Hummel Figurines. M� tem new in box. Over 400 DAYCARE REQUIRED, our Channels. $999 Cin (416) Chinas, Glass• Silver & More_ 460 -loss home or yours. Monday to Paas in the Bans_ Trunks, Cnxk,, Tunis. LantenLc Friday. 6 45 a in to 5 p in Stam Windows. Wooden Boxes, Books, Apple Crates &Sewing Machines. C� Bk C4V/Y PIIC[S ]7ttf 11[CLllld Only! ages ? 12 alio 6 Cat atktrgy. rx)fl smofurg Roseberrk Pub - uc School area 905-509-0781 LOVING MATURE person rt' Antique Discoveries quoted to Drowde 2bt? reeks �r daypre pw maim fa D„r 78 (Nd Kingston Rd. Ajax �3-g�� nine moms oW. nqn-smoktr wren renes I Nixhwav r2 near (lhwreill F'itkeng Barb 905-B31-BGiO HANK'S APPLIANCES MARCH BREAK %EEKE,VD SALE LOVING ..^.t.a ian home lar mCAwsr 4 whiseces of ywwr chwce.- only $1000'numbers pre, will team .9, . (. am waves 2-5 �0a'� g b'd. your dhorce $600,W Years presaW. First Ad/ CPR vafkry Farm Wytip Wasto a Drws $4997V pry 2. nowPrtkenn0 Go (905)" &i7- atrea frost -bee ktdign. ?yrs d up $21001,111P St.. $160 per more Inclusive Aboard Sdtfby-sde. (2 10 choose Nom) $799 cMwab. bke now only 31rs old Will Saran lop slave, S4II�Jwarwg, 2yrS orly $499 Now Style dra=t drive coin -op. watowseDryers $749 EXPERIENCED. LOVING mother watts IO tare for your child -11 opaw I fuai time HWWOOW40 Mea Lord Epn P$.. llembk hours, rMer•re=- a Dorsa 619-2W Rep. washers a dyers, plea S4491up P CKENING read / Rolle: D y s Sg4 Loving do a 18 more to ENO OF LINE CLEAROUT, everytrrig must go Mattress - Is Irom $59. maffress set hom $159 single. double sets from $219. queen set from 5269 Factory MMress 1-888- 2242282. 1650 B8aayy Pic . Onta no. (905th 837- om FUTON CLEARANCE! Simi morrs Pocketco,l-The dd-Ina disturb mattress -Al Di,rtiaIn's !vest everyday prix. Lurgi -ele roes 10 Years In bier ads by sNsfwg al prKtS on Pam, Furikture. Simmons Matrases and ow huge w teckori a Fuson and Dan Baps r you're looking for at - fordable turnewe. duck us ad NW LLWAs FURNITURE 488 King St W. Oshawa (across from Sears at O C) MUM DOING room table Manogauy Oval Seals 10.12 Two Waves Excellent comb- bon N nchairs 905666-1170 aft SYSTEM TOSHIBA DK16e 6 c.o. lines, 12 Dk. sets, 4 SLI, 2 port V.M. c1w 10 sets. Call MTS at 705-932-5600 PME/OAK FURNITURE...Dm- mg Rooms Bedrooms . Home Office. Occasional Funwhere plus Custom aeabons from your own deppm arra W49- malron are our Specialty Un a tum " r b•eruwt wlo Not - OW We have been harociaR- Ing Ire tkghest grably SOLID Oft a of hrrrrRwt avail" arnywho for 25 YEARS' Tri- g faional Woodworking, 115 North Poll Road. Fart Pwry (905) 985-8774 fly / wwxr.lgObOna*oo fwk- ungon ca OSHAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc. Classes starting April 10th, Puppy. Basic and Novice To ORegister call Bev, (905) 435 - PRIVATE STABLE large stalls available Large paddocks. In- door/Outdoor arena on 300 acres Foaling service. indi- vidual ked programs . Guar- anteed. Excellent pre. Fully insured $200/marh. Free trar- knnq avarlabk. Picketing 905-294-1928 • liveflatk WANTED 6uclrskm or Pinto Tilly 1 2 years Call 434- 0392 11 AUW.Robfts frtr ' '90 SAFARI VAN 110,WQ km $5995 '97 Cavalier 4 or. 116.000 km 5-spd. $7996; '92 olds F149 -Y Tcwrnp, hilly kladed Incl leamter b tnealed seats 58695: '90 Tempo. 95.000 km 52995. 195 Saturn. 136.000 km. 4 w. 5-spd. $6500: '92 Saturn Coope. 166.000 km $6000. Coming 96 krhepd ES 8 95 Senate. aha. oto. p r . p.l . crume AN cars an i ermsI , testw Call Doug days 905-985- 0074. R,gnts 7'05-277.3250: or Papp 905-431-7766. Dale. 15 HONDA CIVIC LX, Special 4 -door. 4 -,yl Automatic ale Cvftw & tawssrons tested 87.000 Kms $11.200 Phone 905-9864490 '96 STRATUS Oar . 2 5L cert. 112 0". AWFM Carts. 59500 905-985-0738 gra•• All applications Close to 401 r r r r accepted Prices Starting at Bring in this ad a get $100 5800 �I - - -- Isx75J QCs-2tJ'J4. . wiiiii emssam ksledno �$2. 905.686-M III - age MM conOrl- 150K Calrhild a emssioa passed OSHAWA/WHITBY border. 2 cable included. lrstAao re- gland. May ISt. k%g for sir In wi rioter your OW $i54rar PleaKe icer San 'bedroom main floor house. AfAowrrobles 1 I= CTEV CORSICA - 4 door. cel mo plus utilities. Want WHITBY 2 -BEDROOM. ';lose lion Non smoking . Available Apel WEST OF BROOK to all amendrtes 840 Dur" IS,, 666-7614 Ask for Pam CASH FOR CARS! We buy St.. $160 per more Inclusive SPACIOUS uirM-marmain•0 2 used vehicles Vehicles must except pale ql Ono (9M) PICKERING - close to all be m running clindmon Call 665.7543. amenities New large walkout 427-2415 or come to 479 cm basement apt Available km- Bayly St East. Ajax at MUR. 2 BEDROOM basement medatey. $850/month First/ AD AUTO SALES apartment. w/tireprace. big last b references required. OF Hwy 2 kdcten, air corrdmonng. seg- Call (905)686-9535. A A A AUTO- Cars. trucks. arate entrance. dose to 401 walk -In ciosat. PON provid- boats We Day up to $10.000 and Stropping AvalaDk April PICKERING - one bedroom Cash on the spot Any coed- 1st. $850 Firstiflast, relerene- basement apt Available April hon. I yWr. Call us time. 24 hours. 7 es 905686-5783. Ia. $385 bi- mckove days 30 mm twxwce 906686 5008 w OSHAWA 140SPITAL AREA. 19051 509-0127 9 a.m and 5 p m 9k15.706-3880 Snell returbdshed bachelor Prefer innsmokp well knowledgea va- India t APPLfA110E$ Parts/ Sales7$pna Stoves $1491 apartment In adult building. PICKERING(Westshore) WANTED - 1996 or 1999 Cen- fury Limited LeSabre Leri Nora -snow Pot bee, rdp. ONE bedroom basement apt. Seperak or ences $500 .1cl a Park- entrance, ppeirking, b. WOW rdwiM low kms. �0 �mOrY faclrties. film non smoker. no pta5. FirsVtast mit" corndrtron, absolutely no 90. 576-7540. Leave rmn- a references Swf one work- , .,e . (506) 457-6244 aAp sap b S p nit Farts BW h ti- Lupe 2 a allamenitiesamenities 1905)831.5 ers $50&m GE wasDp/dry• 1VNRKY GARDENS UNDER 4 ql. 98.000 km. $85M oto. 905 0294. 5 Trucks NEW MANAGEMENT -One PICKERING - LIVERPOOL RD. for and two bedroom apart.0 War Go Large 2 1R bedroom avaeoft m Oil "1lidien basement, Ito bathroom and 1989 CHEM mcsN n ton h"'di Utilrtia subided kitchen. own entrance and ready to work Good tpu6kon laakties; and pi a Askug $3.000 GN John aavala�ble Can 433-54220 Pat. bay � SS75 uAb6es w 1416)677.3532 AJAX -NEW / Bedroan ba =luded (416) 494-3765 INS CHEW BLAZER Tahoe b4 4 3 V6. auto wroverdnve. Pr.dow lock, tadigale. M. chase. NC. CD laden . b Min haver bra ex- haw. hies. gas talk. i0 r, wins A pi Certlkederms- ON tested Asking $4995 o b.•. (905)576-3111 mem apartmerm Sun -room. PONT PERRY - 3 bedroom looks out onto ravme FW apartment len a quiet beaMing. Iarindry facilities. aw comb- newly Oe=Msd, no Det al- frarg. S•lwale werana, lowred f8601rinamin pas OW parking n0 swoking/pefs. tie Avalfable April 1st. Cal SOW o¢kaavw 905V 7-1332 905.985-2534 AJAX. York St . bwb 1-bdrm RETIRED! - Draw, aM build - in quiet home. close t0 all Ing in Oshawa. mNpwe lM- amaxkes/401, storage. yard. ails, cwnk7l krpkon 3 boo- amn-smoker. June. room apartments avail" 19!! OOOGE DAKOTA Sport parking. rMMy-Pro Mgmt Much 1st Electric Deet. SED. queer brand now Ortno 19rg BtMCK PARK AVENUE RTS. raring stripe pstdkage. 433 0270.9 W_ WatJ__7_ eadl Boor. id D6Nnryshel5 - bfait n a t2 years Darty ovftw pedr= mannans. Dox sprung Marry :new parts. recently cer- red A Silva. Dap brit, ton- (905) 579.9016 portables 5249,up (toe�nail backyard and perk) hU6loapmrd wlhante SDN Meed and ewwssim tested now cover. bog ALTONA"im RIVERS - one - Too manly appbia m b list. Visit oar Kba�rtim! Crlls. sbry knit. m idr_ nu- GUN n rwaprpa Cost $1175. sal Needs some nnaw work Best 28.000 km Only S21.900 MS- bedroom bachelor basemem AJAX, 2 -Dorm and 3 bdrm brlr, me& A sisa=ls Fust $525 116.726.9885 offer Iitleplrowwe 905-579- 328-2212 apt Very Modern In New apartments In b•ddawg. 67 426 S`Cee SL S. (905) 721-48{3 Aid. CPR certified hon- SHO W .777 home Available I--- itey Chun St s . Near bws. I ng. receipts 905 1?b SUN PARCH t9 KING bel. pklbwop. ova- 1 Mary $700 irntl•dts cabs les txdhook. 3 flaw '\.m nar.ctrs may appy..uc xiwc w d, mi. Thick orthopedic nnattiaf. boar 1992 OLDS PERM Fuly 4 Call 1905M9 -9N72 Aprill. 2 bdre. Jens t no spring 6 TrUnused. SO loaded. V6 4aow. wmmacw 1!!t ASTNOIMN B Dassmp- pets (9051683 6145. dwPt•Y�wl 8 A.RL- won in kbst $1800. NO late CWAM om. P/L- POW, PIS. AVARABLE - 1 and 2 NedroaN M some M San 1 S6 (41617269M5 AWFM tactility saran. spoke0 IF 43 khe 6 M fun loNdw apts Parking aril Laundry SPACIOUS 1 -bedroom baN- PUE M rudedes 6000 w taakttes central Iocaoon mcm apt 5650 Ohba and UNIVERSITY STUDENT With Diploma. manormg CIVIC COMPLEX n USED DESKS dlaus. pbneK. $5 ado up rrr (416 492-5012 . wiiiii emssam ksledno �$2. 905.686-M III - age MM conOrl- 150K Calrhild a emssioa passed (905)404-0599 DACIEL(M AFT. for rent drib cable included. lrstAao re- gland. May ISt. k%g for sir In wi rioter your OW $i54rar PleaKe icer San VALLEY FARM RD. - e�d hard a power tools iorbtsl b star idtwefalo- I= CTEV CORSICA - 4 door. f10.900 GN Don SOS 852• 4380 Bugle. mature. rnon snuobng person. Call (905)619 - Bjt dna 723-9779.(sml WEST OF BROOK COS. Records. Faders. T- Records. shins O Record V6 auto with err, newer ores. banlry. brakesBurls excel- MNnru:yclke Whim. simcoe/ vfOrth area S40Wrwouwn "" " SPACIOUS uirM-marmain•0 2 lr.r RD. JUST SOUTH M 1 t� Hey"Ishore Palvikon Mo. sing $3900. cwtiI. / Phone 725 9991. all inclusive Available Aprd bedroom Avad. at 900 cm E alw 2- w stat selaxion. 0chiw oms=m tested Days (416) 1 dri"! Lots of 1st Nb partwg/pees Plane and as Gkrn Sb. Some wrlh fmilti4=. Avalabh ifdfdsbiee u d 43F66B1 ardngs OF Hwy 2 by. 50 Recoil stexa under 727.8156 Evenings (905) 668• 95 KAWASAKI VULCAN. call 576-3182 walk -In ciosat. PON provid- FULL TIME LME -1N. M. thane rat Excellent bcom. It, it wa waw Sa.a Port ore mob knh (905)728-5369 9969 "cc 6.000km, very dean. MAUTIFUL ONE NOROOM ed. Close b schools, shopping ore provider for tial ebwN woman With knimed auobl IF 905-689.81131 IIECONOlT10NE0 fRItICEs t!!3 PONTIAC Seabird. cobra Dwpes. leadnet lags. Hwwy pegs. 905.728.1051. rnent sport dight, gl�et. pn- amrc. GO Stolon utilities wldmled. Cal 728.4990. Prefer innsmokp well knowledgea va- India t APPLfA110E$ Parts/ Sales7$pna Stoves $1491 $195 / W recond'tio'rs'ang- a f1251 rip. r•cornditianw dryws $125/ up. recon dean. make an offer. Can (9051579•-9934. Malay Fir meueldskies • 1 vale In Pon Perry area. s lalge windows, hardwood Vows. 5850 lock Salt RWw Somali , 7 sten. onow X26 B % wkh. d 416- mss: refrigerabr 2 door trot the da. VOL Can (905)4W33W ihdusne. no VJrsawWA 5 Nog& up. Bat tndpe. kke new $12499 Apt-ska washer/dry borwd washers $1, / up, new amd nrwrhdwdrhed ram reef- IM $IN FW4E. 2 b. aub. air, "M FOMMU A Wue Sludge. pets. rnon-smoker, Cal 905- 905-4675, Farts BW h ti- Lupe 2 a �(� ers $50&m GE wasDp/dry• alb mom and Oryws a1 br Mer 4 ql. 98.000 km. $85M oto. 905 0294. 503x. 2000 ben, M wormers. CENTIMI Oshow, large 2 3 B/R units. $710 8 ISChootS EXPECTMIG7 Huge baby M. 2yrs oily $499. Fmq free k4m large 519W pnai. brarhd mine bridges 5400 aro up. new 30' �f�tt tpeim $1.000 m madww apart mernls aualaw $825.00 lKikties induct safe. pprrII IbrmowtmN set 5) 0oys fila size 2) 3 ' WW"m selection up Apt -size Irdw $149tup. Dishwashers bu t -n large rWgt wish dock and widow $44 R•condlrmw 2,r hang- IM7 CHRYSLER Intrepid Sport. 3.5L, V6, qAy bdad. Skidded track. stored ifhdows, ex s, supe i M tui � $2 500 boa w rib tradebuilding. tst In ren-rnainhinO dose ro all amem- ed. Easy access to shopping For crib Set. Crib Won. Bar- selection lAfasttefs a and 24' bast Nle ki0pes emenem cafdmuon, for golden modN plus rasp. des. call (905)723 - hall Ca �p sale IXtn 9 a m. 6p.m. j 7214741 ^ twin bed $ol. POW $149h1p Dlyows 149Ap 426 now aiaA" MAde =flection (9obrlls�lle 1529. for ol28-0402. �OVG SALE strong, bath.w. loll 'n go srmcoe Sts. (9os)ne 4043. a onhp now and r.comer stssoo. car $atlllft Illi- rh 18 P pert "' ' INfbewooM FL 1 tomd Car VI 10- IUM FOAM ESCOIIT M. . MIMYn � bedroom oo mf0m dlw'. sleigD. girls 2p<: day. �: Appbxtc- Mact a"" dam Nat. 2- bertinfpn wAh Tv -OUT 1-KOR M in 10.00 aJIM.�:00 p.nt 0sh Cash 6x snow taaR pits x n� efifoe oWwe (ice t32tr.door 00� °'ccm .- mak °w" °d'light00°le'g � �?° bwlNry home. A 1 213 newidea t, Plickadiri , shot sae 11, g.t dor swwg Ren p r+� Shaffer.rtlll=. Bailiff. pt. lag hw Wsq.R. 7418. 65.eopua.spa MtMst o11rANn►aM Rd North d FAnch Shaffer. dolli5 n. s iL7lYsgbL FJ. d1Ce� a y- taw mower. Mian Unit, Bookcase% anon f15)40�ta�fool. Car S �w padtape 512.750. all n Craft supper etc. $ W-wd- owewtfwtgo 723 -Mill. my Nan sgwrft Safes. ANTI ESJAfs idW Ad- o STMT SCADS for sale. Swill- $2.751balle. Straw $2.25. vile- aaIhwwayyss lratil". MAW �;itt>ird lw . Ilatpdw Meaot able for tar t7perabm. SOW inside. good horn hay. beef Pal"M q ortrgjK Is-. WE RNA= ow" Coli Paridk (205)613 -MM CA 8524494. IM Ml/=011fe a1fYgIM =01N- 11" PIN FM9MrtMME BrST oMNNrM fttliee k UM% IwllE TEATS sr$TEIa «ms do ko b qbs coo- EVMOK LFATIEM Jtter pa m;Lip fr m SC HI EMD Dolby DipMl AP First ♦lIt1C blly- trotkshao eaals Ngatedad for a PWl Fri Mlle po�otL 2 pries. JK proses hoof rxtr4ctioaM d Jay pttllw Be INdd aril atnom* to: RM 521, PO. NNr RterMS yJO.� g sat wagon or single an- mdusrve. WS114 st. Avalable -lin docs, mask dioloN. (9aM)G9S`_M o4ce Palo. no anlfhavp•ls LNENPOOL An MAyLY. dmca.bW OW 4" 3 bedroom Basinen Ill in it p In It fflOO/mmlh -irc4sive. Pnweh MWOY pNfiM hM 905-852-351111n and enhance. wart to . No put $B35rwcssive. Suit mm - senior Apt. (:dmf wtNbag awwrr. AMOk May plat. C0i dine bOftM 00 1st 6 2901 don OeiO..itq April 1st. lean U=W S MMMM. APT. n Mon. (k'W Sllbog adM"U from Oshawa. 14M s4 It. 2 Ill park AK nArias inglimijbilL For Oft 1fttlr f xistem. Knoll- 4M. 06 Fatawi/ SL, O$hB- f� $56.99: rluNlpk CD Double CapeNe KONa AeNx Speull NKarest w "I M rrno M try b re ers, �1(FU�I, Abi bMlx air con., irMelcom i atppl nK 4347397. - e�d hard a power tools iorbtsl b star idtwefalo- Ova, Ont. LIN 715 Ended Salon (3aaratfcs � potlsty. spend b a1 oom. Rogpt �d Cfedll. 00 • 1extra. Avail" y WWW GARDEN SL 3-bW MIO co�Winn military SLVPM w t�sh�. 9726-91300.. go. UwAdalw - Price sm m` able f ippies dip- a"'y' 0� 9osj666 Ml or Cr�II. YOU Works YOU CMFRINS MUM at 'rhe Gift a Crap shilmoare krat- Phone 725 9991. � Amb ft R TOML A MlE MAMA- Ex. in bE edge a by Fill b K topowIa 705-741 1018 E alw 2- w stat selaxion. 0chiw (905)242. 1 dri"! Lots of b n Me Coartia F.a lar- umm SPAOM apart- wags will bre apphaanoa for fmilti4=. Avalabh ifdfdsbiee u d 43F66B1 ardngs eal� w �� ttiae dies lididnNar s years KWAL AssartYT, Car*- Bbd OMgoiq i bon dshas sum. RnM if klfwayyyr rhAy wear a drYor tM75iai -" sopr- seers (905) 579-OBBO. NOOSE COMI M _ TOP CASH me - AnMgres. old cokes. toys, sifvatware. lama. '04 Choice. Doom or MeL 4 kin. NO d Odww jaf�a" k000 popk aMard- rat Excellent bcom. It, it wa waw Sa.a Port yorrGo ogm �t� TOP MP- pR law arioe 2 rah. Also KatMr I washer bedroom, sol 5600 ape po , statdp ab postcMd oorcrXia. JewNMry. Trade be all Alda wekand►. Ut bM show a ad yon crafkf dada- Perry. MaiMirg rp 1'xk a Lola scapog CaK yarK ORION �hx� MaMtanY yorr toi"ls!!t INf1q . Fix imo e: 906- b Fat to: 416-267- maid 2 haws Pkawip (906F��5. 29 $100. 905 723 ~ tion"re. a" of re"red. ly b NM f dit YOU do as 915-7211.7361. LkufSpra lock Salt RWw Somali M3513 IMttpNll sten. onow X26 B % wkh. d 416- mss: refrigerabr 2 door trot the JAZ ONIE 2GB + 3 lewd ww dmks, 11850 090. Cd Mdtftdie VOL Can (905)4W33W �M �NANCE band b a M M Thom is NO 6 s1anM maim Ram swh ar $3fir=Wt Cab 905436- MM NUB WONT atpartdroltl Very tags 2. Med ptV 1981 Ltd. (9M0�) 61 3006 or (M�) OW 32tt. raolrN tale 905476--1146 WANTED �(� 1024 roodns, Col. 5 minima to MENTAL ASSISTAMT, HA fIP NMrrJNND IMrYy dip washer MMMT MBINII MFFMS: IXNNNsd tri bw iNcMrfNp a dryer 8675 AN - VA ssp IOTM CIW9OANMS, 3 ape e8f TICIIefS• SHUNQAN M APOWA a am In sm $11 0 UK ISL � r I yon nr)nties dual aWistMWW � add Smf&", MD rate. Also KWna• wasAar o; ba =abs. W* fink- Will pay fate VWW. M786„�� Fambm 9M1xo2 U". dwi�ed ad on the 1rb MWIWiM for 25 Fax UM 2 gars sm Picin mN WO ask In m iiia. kf a 30 tap. per SUL EYssldyc ram Or (105 2456 (OM)CS-me. drill, atpbords, kr4nd. � Brt1C8 1 A 24DWA OM *WNW CANE a TWO EMROOM apt fird own we C and esd SaWdW 00 M brke/036 as axil 7:30 AUTOMATIC MATER 8176, � MPs tabwe IridBo a Mf -579-4400 IM CIIN"Lm MITNM. aod*b b Y tl Mp0sx id br AW a My Isl. Cowmi MalBle Pltae aM 906 rn- Pw I'mtRar 5225. Fracane rt aowaYe• 82350. Call eXL 2207 wlMh, badsd poraar tlal =antral acct05bliayard, no PINK � mpiell lie w xt99 Nrdrabr sm No ddrdxnbls ( IC9-1sn cim. wit artMy parMdp tact do pt (wild drsr to)". GA Men. WAMtEO - Dian argue Ips. Ms f T. 70000 dmist WSW SW Api a rdp b visN all 906 _ /lMsp4? 6M3B w (905►767- DT46i a 400 CdpfdinR 1pod Km CNN car Will Nra. fly 1st Can 72M4M36 �` go 022115 cabdiNdn, wtMld Kis b daNrr trimming. Coli 806 43EODllQ elfilK Of ill onion. l ?Ra�,•"r•"1rz 7 J . .) jM •i ` �Li V V Y , t ti S S Tw F�1��� • 1 1 Publk N9 OF • 1 1 PubNe NoliaB NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, March 17, 2000 PAGE 29 AiP Lar r.1.,A .r.S.Tk117 /,itti�=llr..�tr,7.7/\I.1 •:J•=J, & ;,',til 1 WWW-sery 1 SWOM ' - - • Seryls$ • 1 • 1 1 ftft NOtics • 1 FURNISHED EXECU-SUITES Long/short Term, Whitby Includes 'Dishes 'Linens *Cable 'Tel. 'Park b more $1700.+ up 1-905-852-6513 kxkn rW 11Nts mktdtntrfeI units INDUSTRIAUCOMMERCIAL WHITBY 7,080 sq -ft. located adjacent to new AINC Theatre Complex. Outstanding 401 exposure - Can be divided into units of 4,2(X) & 2,880 sq.ft. Available now. $5.50 sq.ft. net. Call Don Fleming - 905-686-8155 Fleming Realty Inc. Rltr. 1 1 Private Fbrnes 1 1 vrivate Homes fa SeM t« Selo QUAKER VILLAGE BROCKy10UEL approx 1700 sq. ft.. 3 bedroom 2.5 bath. fenced with pond 905-852-6332 Money to Lend IM Money to Lend EVERY DAY IS PAYDAY WHEN YOU NEED CASH! We hold your personal cheque 'til payday NO CREDIT CHECKS! 3 1 O -CASH CALL NOW! . 1 eusmns• ( usn•ss Jpponur4*s OpPct.lee _ NMI I)u5 its of owning a Country Style. ' oK+ 350 k xadons 37 penes in ouonesa to W" pier+ oda+ I w maYfetll oa+ ptlonY u4V-t ' rrlarWS xppon I'nrFtr locammn with dn,- 1!:n, in: I Hwy 47 & cfeweeeery Rd. GE UXBRID' Mw cash YnesMxnV SIOO,W0. For trarrhese r,/orn.ybn 1905)764-7066 1 P�rtottMs Lin 1 PNraortBls Oh Holy Saint Jude Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, new kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time o need, to you 1 have recourse from the depths of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent position. In re- turn 1 promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Marys and 3 Glorias. Publication must he promised. Saint Jude, pray for us and all who have invoked your aid. This novena must be said for 9 consecutive days. Has never been known to fail. MC fful 1 11111111111111116 9 WHITEHEAD Q Dave & Demise are thrilled to annouttce the arrival of their second child, a brother for Braeden, Madhow Gwrelt bom Wednesday March 1, 2000 at 1 p.m. wk�in9 7 lbs. 10 ounces at Markham are pavitlle Gy. Proud Grandpmads and Barry White and Arthur and AAnniUe� tiler Is welcomed b)y and Uncle Tom, Uncle Brian gi and Auntie Kathy as wel as 9 cousins, Special that" to Dr. Wall and all the nurses at Markham StOuffville Hospital as well as Dr. Gall; and his a8SWW Denise, for safely bringing MattheW IMO Our fives. =i4[on ►`[• 1 Fisheries and 40ceans Peche% et Oceans Canada Canada Highway 407 East Partial Extension Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), acting as the Responsible Authority (RA) under the Canadian Environmental assessment Act (CERA) is engaged in a screening level Environmental Assessment (EA) as required under Section 20(1) of CERA for the above noted project. The Highway 407 East Partial Extension Project involves: • the construction of a 15.9 km 4 -lane ( ultimate 10 lane) toll highway from the Highway 407 Central terminus (Highway 48) in the west to its terminus at Highway 7 east of Brougham in the Region of Durham Construction of the Highway 407 East Partial Extension can be commenced once the requirements of the federal EA have been completed. Public consultation is a significant component of the Highway 407 East Partial Extension CEAA review. As part of DFO's federal environmental assessment under CERA, it is within the Minister's discretion to invoke CEAA subsection 18(3) - Where the Responsible Authority (RA) is of the opinion that public participation in the screening of the project is appropriate in the circumstances ... the RA shall give the public notice and an opportunity to examine and make comment on the screening report. The ('FAA screening report prepared by the RA (in this instance DFO) will be available for public comment at the following locations: Markham Community Library 6031 Highway 7 Markham, Ont. L3P 3A7 Pickering Public Library Main Branch 1 The Esplanade Pickering Civic Complex Pickering, Ont. LIN' 2R6 Whitevale Branch 475 Whitevale Road Pickering, Ont LOH 1,%10 Reg. llunicipality of Durham P.O. Box 62-1 605 R(lssland Rd. E. Whitby, Ont. LIN 603 The Screuwg PaW is abo I - on pie worldwide wb d h"J The Screening Report will be available for an extended comment period from March 13 - 24, 2000. All comments must be received prior to March 24, 2000. Accompanying documentation produced through the provincial EA process will also be available at the above locations. If you would like to receive further information or provide written comments on the CEAA screening report, please contact: Referrals Co-ordinator Fisheries and Oceans, Canada Fish Habitat Management - Ontario Area 867 Lakeshore Road P.O. Box 5050 Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6 Tel: (905) 3364595 1A n CcaFax: (905) 336-6285 1 lisle'1For P494.� 1 Rw1 A AUKUTELY ASTOUND- ANA DANA YOU own yaw f5.ddwa nowt yoiff own 006 ntoulMrs free, Ilton owl a Oto �y rauotnud lucre sttrNtlO al 369900 pr Mute fan SBgOwom "t, It011e 6 mOtIMK flBe ties for las flm1 NC OAC.- Up In $5,000 mash bads 10 ! udW ltgm 24 In free mMNdd anup you! Require 530,000+61riy $28000. gross Cal Ken Col• 905.728.1069 to 277. COW mlcoFte and good ire& Shat W. Cddwel Riniker (905)726• w11 Radler RMR Nal EOW of deepwrsi� prfnwd? Cal Bill 9414. Alma Flits e m86floka. Sala RW Oftf AW max 7331600. PNase reed your do Wed ad on the ikd day d publiaft as we twlrlot be responsible for able than oat Ilgef I'm in the event of m allot. ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKI':RING VILLAGE 683-7311 Bible Study - 9:15 a.m. Sundav Familv Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday Schrx,l - Supervised Nursery Sunday School - Grades 7-13 - noon (� 1h. Thomas Gemmell - Interim Minister L EVERYONE WhLC'OME' Pcaf-e Lutheran Church 9213 Irvcrplxrl ltd. (At bayly) Pickcr-init 9. 15 a m Christian Education Hour 10:30 a.m. Worship Scrvice (x)5) H,;9-3521 'Conic •harr I'racr with us- e... d *- etaN& ilatslte.E ON jTsC.GyF rftetl !41!4 d 70ed.Add" A4ACa !9l PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH _I Brock Rd. At Hwv. #'7 T1 `Methodists Sunday school: 10:15 am Worship: l lam, 7pm Wed: 7:30 Bible Studv. Bible Club for Children and Vouth 428-6102;665-01111 St. Isaac Joques Catholic Church 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering LIN" IJ6 1905) 831-3353 SUNDAY IATURGY Saturday Vigil 4:30 p.m. U Sunday Morning 8:30. 10:(X). 1 1:30 a.m. Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. %a r4geowta" call i4zoczee ae 683-0707 ez gax 905-579-421,7 1 Auctions . 1 Auctiots AUCTION SALE Auction of Antiques Coilectaoles and modern furniture from a Garden Hill home to be held at CLASSIOUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS Burnham St . N of the 401 Hwy. Exit 472. Cobourg on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22. 2000 at 11:00 a m. Viewing from 900 a.m. day of sale Sale consists of very old artificial cast fireplace cover (nice piece), day bed. old oak bed, old cupboards, dresser, tables, crocks and jugs, hall trees. what not shelves. couches 8 chairs, set of 4 arrow back chairs. unusual ironing board chair, cast trying pans. 2 Aladen milk glass oil lamps (no shades). and other oil lamps, china, glass, collectibles and much, much more. Owner. Auctioneer not responsible for loss. damage, or injury while attending auction. Auction conducted by ct(.ASSIQUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS To consign or for info please gall 1-905-372-1225 or 1-888-633-1050 ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our'Auction Package' consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This Week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune • Canadian Statesman One call does h all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 Ift&iftg„ W �Shortm Dowpp=P (M) 571-6275 114 004NO-6275 MW* wWoAFIwUD TO LEASE: Ma n i M in r a m7-4583. MW 5 pm. Hosing YMrwrd WANTED: House or 2 Bdrm Apt on tam. I)itbri0pe, stouff- nlle or surmunt Ing area. Days 905-259-2952 eveiiinp 905-852.0549. 1 lowleww AJAX FREEHOLD TOWN- HOUSE. 3 bdrm.. 1- 4 pe. plus 2 - 2 pc washrooms. 4 apphaim. Ist/1ast. rewenc- es. lege, avapiW�lk May 1st.. spllale 1905) 6B3-oBgeuBBoa TeE OSHMM LARGE S NED- Room townhouse. pPPrriivvattte, Good neillilb�otxf obi, qoa ro schools, Omppinci Btls. s975.+utiMim Avail. Imme- U01y. (905) 571-M. 1 tlearmB IN Mitt UNKLYN urge U *Wminw room in smal adult bteldirla Close 10 COIIveNerlCeS, awi- am now. 655-5539 ROUGE VALLEY AREA, din 1111MIS ed nXW in Itwn, a** home. $111=09h0NSrployed e sepuate tildtnl, b911100rns. References, Brit and Iasi. (905)509-2459 iNA ll.m LL.ASKDALL Large budsltting room veparate bath, kitchenette, 4ara}',e parking 54110 / month 852-9333 PiCKERItrG - Irate +nranre uunary, Wk' ng. can, mti;W. bast $100 act N Call alter bpm (905.831-1279 PKKERING. WHITES a 401 area a ,e -cm a.ail immed. turrusned or uw- mshed Female preferred $95/wk Snare k,td* w o. �3own bAhroom Cau (905) WHITBY - Hwy 2 and Garden S' _irge Cuemax room to 4uW non smoker Shared ac - ass ti kitchen and ydxoom on 10 rransd Mad" im- *iediatery s4txbmomh trst and kat Cam 905-430.6429 1 Staved HWY02/LIVERPOOL area 'wl ase ;1 3 le000m house w/ goon, a" arw iawl0ry. pow ogle working female S425i momh mClusw FwSIAW re- 'uued A"40W imni drateg 9051837-7629 ACCOMMODATION walking olstance to town, full use of amenities private bath Avadable immediately 905-852- 3984 • 1 ow= a SECONO FLOOR off" spas for rem. ApprOx 480 sq.tr. Norm Osfgwa wAbori. Park- ing avaihabk. Undies includ- ed. Call KaN1Y (905) 576-5123 Units MEATI DSNNM CENTRE: EnNosed. 1 bay a tin A 12. with overnnd doors/sWe door. Heat b hydro induded. (hilth Mlings. PrIL tq. ON - ties. washrooms. ar-com- wenm induded). Spice for parting epwpmp brio /out- side storage. Also unit avail. soon 905-576 or 91035.626.6619. E 8� KAUTIFIIL UntaG, Lake Seymow 2. 3 a 4 bedroom ff4'=Po6' ed.Pool.flkxdrbkMord, 'Too t 1.888- 813-2212 wwrwo0dandes- tate.com g�forR•rx ;PEAT PSNiNG 4-1 T . -o„w, „, �e .a■e me "our from Oshawa Modern :ottagn Sandy beam, pYay- :round. drwrm's program Dw DiKe Mead5t conape 170st696- Sri 1' 1 a,vw. Ho1we For Y 2-9E:RC011 nunaaicw vnderund 'a'r',t1h. t6a651? I w" 2ux3J sped Good A4 .00 me $7$0 Cal 11111E0R00N ••.mold aw- ."�Ownccr^e 7ouole drw "v. Wage urge eat -m Ochen willay window S144500 OPEN HoU$E Sir: mu 19th 1 280 ormtrid Dr 0'. %1579-3107 5-SEDROpN. 4 wi t. fenced yard garayr. A. scam. hardwood fIng, reao to fndre m. Catt Bruce James. C21 eacd Com 905.721-1144 lbo 905-686.5155 NONE SELLERS! F,nd out "411 -ne some down tit! $treet ,-Ad 1Ox Reeve A convw 'ended onm w 01 ream area '+site sales and currem 1119- rqs mailed to you at W cost 'r otikgaeon C31 24tSS ro 1- 800-613-8393 d enter ext 6710 to leave message n*- car1W wnfdl $tram you am rdo on (tab to no one) Aur%" of Dwu Brew, - Surto Glow ,w ate Apr, K HONESELLERS - Find 0M "I 'ne home down the Weee sold is Rmove a COmpu- lenm prmlout dream vu 1)ome sales and currem kv- ngs MMW m you a W cost 0i odrga w Call 24 hrS. to 1- 8'7-692-9352 3 enter 10 01041 to leave a message in- dicat,ng wfuch slrats you wain imo on ttab to no one) Coldwell Banister R MR Beat Estate MCLAUGHLIN SQUARE Con- do for Sale Sous 2 level. 2 -bedroom, 1-1/2 bathrooms bvutgroom, drkngroom, den Walkout to ground level bal- cony overlooknp laMSGoed courtyard. Enswe laundry PiumW4 Indoor pod. rWriq room, workshop. rec room. IawWry facilities on same floor. TMephwre (905)432- 2421 10F alatddntment. S1 M.700. No AWO Please! N0 (INUFYINC - Handyman Special. $79,500. DeLicned. Wreplace. eat in kdchen. down, carries 5525+ month. Cal Frank Mnlat m 432-2010, Choi e of Service Really. onnaa WAM 1.2W S�q.11 on a gFgt 651147' lot 2+2 DedF001tIS. hardwood floors, 9new 674 68.000. (905)576- MCWMG -West shore ams 2.000+ sit.fl., fNtisbad base - mat, 3 bedroom, 1-3 pr, bash.. CAC, now (uniam w rarnic wearlce a Who floors. lar" treed 1K 120'x52'. PRIVATE -SALE - DEVELOPER WELCOME, 5185,000. Cal for viewing. 905.839-6989. SELL R NOW CAU. AJAX 6834707 UXBRIDGE 852-9741 i MM y� ,g Z12rF ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKI':RING VILLAGE 683-7311 Bible Study - 9:15 a.m. Sundav Familv Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday Schrx,l - Supervised Nursery Sunday School - Grades 7-13 - noon (� 1h. Thomas Gemmell - Interim Minister L EVERYONE WhLC'OME' Pcaf-e Lutheran Church 9213 Irvcrplxrl ltd. (At bayly) Pickcr-init 9. 15 a m Christian Education Hour 10:30 a.m. Worship Scrvice (x)5) H,;9-3521 'Conic •harr I'racr with us- e... d *- etaN& ilatslte.E ON jTsC.GyF rftetl !41!4 d 70ed.Add" A4ACa !9l PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH _I Brock Rd. At Hwv. #'7 T1 `Methodists Sunday school: 10:15 am Worship: l lam, 7pm Wed: 7:30 Bible Studv. Bible Club for Children and Vouth 428-6102;665-01111 St. Isaac Joques Catholic Church 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering LIN" IJ6 1905) 831-3353 SUNDAY IATURGY Saturday Vigil 4:30 p.m. U Sunday Morning 8:30. 10:(X). 1 1:30 a.m. Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. %a r4geowta" call i4zoczee ae 683-0707 ez gax 905-579-421,7 1 Auctions . 1 Auctiots AUCTION SALE Auction of Antiques Coilectaoles and modern furniture from a Garden Hill home to be held at CLASSIOUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS Burnham St . N of the 401 Hwy. Exit 472. Cobourg on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22. 2000 at 11:00 a m. Viewing from 900 a.m. day of sale Sale consists of very old artificial cast fireplace cover (nice piece), day bed. old oak bed, old cupboards, dresser, tables, crocks and jugs, hall trees. what not shelves. couches 8 chairs, set of 4 arrow back chairs. unusual ironing board chair, cast trying pans. 2 Aladen milk glass oil lamps (no shades). and other oil lamps, china, glass, collectibles and much, much more. Owner. Auctioneer not responsible for loss. damage, or injury while attending auction. Auction conducted by ct(.ASSIQUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS To consign or for info please gall 1-905-372-1225 or 1-888-633-1050 ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our'Auction Package' consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This Week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune • Canadian Statesman One call does h all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 Ift&iftg„ W �Shortm Dowpp=P (M) 571-6275 114 004NO-6275 MW* wWoAFIwUD TO LEASE: Ma n i M in r a m7-4583. MW 5 pm. Hosing YMrwrd WANTED: House or 2 Bdrm Apt on tam. I)itbri0pe, stouff- nlle or surmunt Ing area. Days 905-259-2952 eveiiinp 905-852.0549. 1 lowleww AJAX FREEHOLD TOWN- HOUSE. 3 bdrm.. 1- 4 pe. plus 2 - 2 pc washrooms. 4 apphaim. Ist/1ast. rewenc- es. lege, avapiW�lk May 1st.. spllale 1905) 6B3-oBgeuBBoa TeE OSHMM LARGE S NED- Room townhouse. pPPrriivvattte, Good neillilb�otxf obi, qoa ro schools, Omppinci Btls. s975.+utiMim Avail. Imme- U01y. (905) 571-M. 1 tlearmB IN Mitt UNKLYN urge U *Wminw room in smal adult bteldirla Close 10 COIIveNerlCeS, awi- am now. 655-5539 ROUGE VALLEY AREA, din 1111MIS ed nXW in Itwn, a** home. $111=09h0NSrployed e sepuate tildtnl, b911100rns. References, Brit and Iasi. (905)509-2459 iNA ll.m LL.ASKDALL Large budsltting room veparate bath, kitchenette, 4ara}',e parking 54110 / month 852-9333 PiCKERItrG - Irate +nranre uunary, Wk' ng. can, mti;W. bast $100 act N Call alter bpm (905.831-1279 PKKERING. WHITES a 401 area a ,e -cm a.ail immed. turrusned or uw- mshed Female preferred $95/wk Snare k,td* w o. �3own bAhroom Cau (905) WHITBY - Hwy 2 and Garden S' _irge Cuemax room to 4uW non smoker Shared ac - ass ti kitchen and ydxoom on 10 rransd Mad" im- *iediatery s4txbmomh trst and kat Cam 905-430.6429 1 Staved HWY02/LIVERPOOL area 'wl ase ;1 3 le000m house w/ goon, a" arw iawl0ry. pow ogle working female S425i momh mClusw FwSIAW re- 'uued A"40W imni drateg 9051837-7629 ACCOMMODATION walking olstance to town, full use of amenities private bath Avadable immediately 905-852- 3984 • 1 ow= a SECONO FLOOR off" spas for rem. ApprOx 480 sq.tr. Norm Osfgwa wAbori. Park- ing avaihabk. Undies includ- ed. Call KaN1Y (905) 576-5123 Units MEATI DSNNM CENTRE: EnNosed. 1 bay a tin A 12. with overnnd doors/sWe door. Heat b hydro induded. (hilth Mlings. PrIL tq. ON - ties. washrooms. ar-com- wenm induded). Spice for parting epwpmp brio /out- side storage. Also unit avail. soon 905-576 or 91035.626.6619. E 8� KAUTIFIIL UntaG, Lake Seymow 2. 3 a 4 bedroom ff4'=Po6' ed.Pool.flkxdrbkMord, 'Too t 1.888- 813-2212 wwrwo0dandes- tate.com g�forR•rx ;PEAT PSNiNG 4-1 T . -o„w, „, �e .a■e me "our from Oshawa Modern :ottagn Sandy beam, pYay- :round. drwrm's program Dw DiKe Mead5t conape 170st696- Sri 1' 1 a,vw. Ho1we For Y 2-9E:RC011 nunaaicw vnderund 'a'r',t1h. t6a651? I w" 2ux3J sped Good A4 .00 me $7$0 Cal 11111E0R00N ••.mold aw- ."�Ownccr^e 7ouole drw "v. Wage urge eat -m Ochen willay window S144500 OPEN HoU$E Sir: mu 19th 1 280 ormtrid Dr 0'. %1579-3107 5-SEDROpN. 4 wi t. fenced yard garayr. A. scam. hardwood fIng, reao to fndre m. Catt Bruce James. C21 eacd Com 905.721-1144 lbo 905-686.5155 NONE SELLERS! F,nd out "411 -ne some down tit! $treet ,-Ad 1Ox Reeve A convw 'ended onm w 01 ream area '+site sales and currem 1119- rqs mailed to you at W cost 'r otikgaeon C31 24tSS ro 1- 800-613-8393 d enter ext 6710 to leave message n*- car1W wnfdl $tram you am rdo on (tab to no one) Aur%" of Dwu Brew, - Surto Glow ,w ate Apr, K HONESELLERS - Find 0M "I 'ne home down the Weee sold is Rmove a COmpu- lenm prmlout dream vu 1)ome sales and currem kv- ngs MMW m you a W cost 0i odrga w Call 24 hrS. to 1- 8'7-692-9352 3 enter 10 01041 to leave a message in- dicat,ng wfuch slrats you wain imo on ttab to no one) Coldwell Banister R MR Beat Estate MCLAUGHLIN SQUARE Con- do for Sale Sous 2 level. 2 -bedroom, 1-1/2 bathrooms bvutgroom, drkngroom, den Walkout to ground level bal- cony overlooknp laMSGoed courtyard. Enswe laundry PiumW4 Indoor pod. rWriq room, workshop. rec room. IawWry facilities on same floor. TMephwre (905)432- 2421 10F alatddntment. S1 M.700. No AWO Please! N0 (INUFYINC - Handyman Special. $79,500. DeLicned. Wreplace. eat in kdchen. down, carries 5525+ month. Cal Frank Mnlat m 432-2010, Choi e of Service Really. onnaa WAM 1.2W S�q.11 on a gFgt 651147' lot 2+2 DedF001tIS. hardwood floors, 9new 674 68.000. (905)576- MCWMG -West shore ams 2.000+ sit.fl., fNtisbad base - mat, 3 bedroom, 1-3 pr, bash.. CAC, now (uniam w rarnic wearlce a Who floors. lar" treed 1K 120'x52'. PRIVATE -SALE - DEVELOPER WELCOME, 5185,000. Cal for viewing. 905.839-6989. SELL R NOW CAU. AJAX 6834707 UXBRIDGE 852-9741 P*OEr* WAVS'ADVlERP.WiJPNTbMl fC111.7.'Q� Cher info ship. A Contig Evwft ; 1 1 Imrov wft ; 1 1 NlproralRwNa ; 1 1 kfApretlarneetda • 1 CMd a 7hWft • 1 tailed a Twift 1 aro a ThW" ATTENTION HOME SELLERS: WHIT6TCD Record Show Sunday March 19th 11 Cpm. E SHOW? FINI HEO'Married LicensegB3132 References aradaae in yrsw coir a seeks �D n- iiion td's. e a BASEMBattroorns ENTSA Lowest Prices Call Ed 686-4384 race house. Lbxk for van• to take back mortgage reconHeyds. po rs. records. posters. t -shins. close to all amern- Numbers. 1.900-451-3638 extties, t,00psq.n, 2 -bedroom. t• 680$3 69/min must be 18 .dor Heartfelt Thank Please call 579-3866 for tut- of Record stores carder One rcpt Ird9057285369 RGESTKitchens Addithom Decks -You Cher info ship. A Create a private rtywbOx or 905-649.2347.905-b19-2396. AN wont guaranteed free. Meet a new Friend or Condos . 1 pts 1 � � E SHOW? lip • LicensegB3132 References aradaae MONEY PROBLEMS. Ger out To all of you who have supported and prayed for us BORED es LAOIES - ONTARIO. 50.. downtown Names a Home Phoneited M haws. dose Space 1� tiarstrupt or wng garrrsAad Everyone accepted tegrdkss Lowest Prices Call Ed 686-4384 cieck! rating. Can. NOW 9576.3505. during Elisabeth Weber's illness and death. The love and 9Oshawa. close to all amern- Numbers. 1.900-451-3638 extties, t,00psq.n, 2 -bedroom. t• 680$3 69/min must be 18 "lab 1 SAKH0. spiritual medium affection shown to us will live in our hearts and minds as 12 bathrooms. huge balcony. T-tpne. N.N I. FH li vat le °r�e`groprd-pankrrq. pexol. ll Devon or Wend sauna. 24 -(tour security. frt- rtes5 room. 595.900. 579-0077 evenings. WALK TO PickeringTown Centre D etenbaker Cart.3- bedroom, 2 -bathroom, laun- dryram. 5 appliances. ce- ramic floors. upgrades. im- maculate condition, approx- mately1.118 son.. $132.900 l905-839-6982 Lots fa PRIME WATERFRONT Build inq lot 75' x 200" 20 Summer est Meeting Place Dr. Bill Ppm. lake Sc www.DrumMates tom 593.000 Call (9051434 8493 DONT YOU DESERVE to meet 1 CtMrges someone rote? Call Misty nor Sete River Innroductrens Durham Region's traditional match - y 400 or 416-798-7259 or more info. i 1 Rooring ; 1 Roofing COBOCONK. PICTURESOUE er (416) 7774;302. cottage an,; sland cabm on OURNAM S OWN DATING ' 1 - Plumbnng • 1 • Mantling Gua Reser. New bodge. 12- SERVICE! Call 905-683-1110 acre island mdg S74 400 Caw M9!%8, Create a private rtywbOx or 905-649.2347.905-b19-2396. browse other personal ads free. Meet a new Friend or Morey L vile for Me lip • OSHAWA RELAXING Mas - MONEY PROBLEMS. Ger out sage Shiatsu Sema 40 KKnxpg of debt quick wrthuut ggo0rwripq SL W (9% 404.9625 1130 am -8.Dm tiarstrupt or wng garrrsAad Everyone accepted tegrdkss RELAXATION Body massageor cieck! rating. Can. NOW 9576.3505. 4Vestr'ey Roam (905(SoutitApx (s of 8aYN) Caw 190526 ISBS SanOns loans nclnded for ap0or4rnrre 1 SAKH0. spiritual medium + sdecul'zes n reumnng foiled ane. removed negativity. to - 1 1 •'"r'g MONEY ACCESS' Pn.ae r W protection. kxk business. LerdeuP•q L-doc nanc'al Assistance. Rethwed Oc (416)765-3489 10 be approved S/0.000 and up 'RRSP. 'LNiA • SINGLES GOLFOG - $mole: TIME MAINTENANCE & REMOVAL Me • Plumbing strength to deal with our loss. hank -you for the marry cards, lowers and donations to the Oshawa Cancer Centre. 01C RIF- 'PENSION FUND FROM aged 40 - 59. weekend WOW STUMP REMOVAL 1 1larrtrq 6 Ex r Call how Toll gyve, wwrw771 Fm pi°�6` tsr-1o62. Too fa °rrynrarmam.coon BOBCAT SERVICE CC%Tom HOb1E Foe Fax 1-886-703-1492. An- WWW ww44 SEN 1 K; y re rderredlour consu tants or i a �,DAVE831-7055 scution 7 Days per week MORTGAGES - Good. bad and • : 1 4-noaerup!y hnincu l; for any pur- pose AD appkcaaonw ed servren 9051 666 -BIDS SS GOVERNMENT lands$$ Grants and loam ntoiniti n toSort and4dyour b si- om a Lm 1-ND•5056MG I PIEX Apt Oft Seo Hydrometers low e,per_as. Nets pry5269900marea Oshawa R Sails'436-0990 Ae sac. Gnu Skr" swot HM k¢ CHIP TRUCK - 2 yeses aid. 2 Garland tryers gn1. 2-wsytndge. 3 lurks with rwrmg wager. stabile. 519.000. Phone ,ba 905-723--2535 I= OUT Hoer to gM pad an 1.000s of 1�y0ro a ttonrtea Pltpts 61}525.1(41. F15N a C1NPS - Iieuatrram W Osh plan win Key Te tarits ow 15 VIM Goon hand �. on IY 559.900 Call R Barri 906- 436.0990 Asses Bop Soon Styles ft Inc. FON LEASE - Owner wibuild a sus Tenon. 3000 sot. R O S10 sq n. no. ootwther- 9xia ge.Free36- OM Assoc. Bra. stem Sta- orc Full. in. Bombs Avoliblift. Tom . OuSolea-t /fhi . E No door ID door or ILII Fyle6rfe . by Guide dopa, a WA y SW pit. 4'16.7ii'R21. ..case- •ewesll, awr-wewor w � am a* f»a Plus residlsl io- come. baN ate a 905-723- gw7 ■ON[ F( ANVWNENE1 N yob .aro serious arbor aarrluq $10, a merle( 0r More ase team to ralum your tales uD 10 967.. CA tlrs 2468. ssage ppree recorded me416.41D- Evoift CERIML COLLU MTE'S 50 AflnlrilirarV a Ra1N110o on Aw 2. is IF6eo- 3 i 4N1 kl N nium You. An TAUU Nle' m6 mkq0i�M�6�flyrp eiiflited b lower -oldwAffaim ra � cattail des uft ms - NO TUItE TO TALC Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your tax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. airs," Fax News Advertiser 905.579.4218 Durham's Garden & Landscaping Show April est & 2nd Co-sponsored by Communities In Bloom Booth info. call Sharon - ext 2285 Heather - ext 2318 905-579-4400 or 416-798-7259 : Pony SarViCea : Peny SOtVket >RA>vtt WANTS WORM Doing Magic For Childnin s Pates And Alltel Ernie 6 n. •rrrrrrrrrrrr • PEPPIER r a wisest iraeinnnn • a-wri 1= fine Ar —w r ' (9osilii� �• rrrrrrrrrrrrr oaaae e 1 keproeeaeMt PAINTING PLUS Int. b Ext. since 1973 Sit c01hr1/S «�. fr (norMPWS Low cost, (hill- work Cleaft, reliable b honeaL Free Estimates. Jed (%5)720-2767 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Renovau0as- R, free estatiMs Au work ENaraneed Martin (9e5)68fr1677 L BERTY TAX SERVICE Over 250 locations arrows Canada. Now in TRANSSQUARE�AJM rr AX GO STATION $10.00 off TAX PREPARATION FOR NEW CEN S a 11 kwprovenaMb HANDYMAN Cal a Reel I IMKIp wit ler Bill your household Reegi. Pea0e will firiMd lYStl low. NO job 100 S VMt tI �� • 11 knlplevewuMa NOTE SERVICES ba Akidc tiPWAN MoM All Pro was _Pk_ T„o 41111 -my won at ne-awable ynkxs Dos an far Seurun c'au a a FREE Estirrsee 404•!x9 InL/ExL han spon g and rML. R,e�agilon since 1963 Fra Estinwtes (905)683-5838 SODIRA PAL1iMMG is Best Plime F"TIIiL1A�IS (905) 426.8865 i DECOR uWarlantimil- EslMp Fast. dean. rek" service. 428 -Ml boidas�re Pol Of Previous; Work Make "l (985) 831-4838 AN W.- "Ta MEWMEIR :: 0-111,111; etn nanniar_ SCHOOL Fvll a Ply. • 10 i6 car lestoas $159 Free pick-up and chap an (416)207-3060 F sol keepiwl your mcarkts W a SHOEBOX" Conlittseerized or manual Books. P. ompt, PM(essioeal service (M) 7154LMS (416) 46fa-7411 892:ti� Obowtit Sorlike ServRDurham EOcin Discretion Guaranteed Open (9051 725 9:y Now Hirina 18+ FOR SUMMER Lose weight andinches without 905-a3enisill1w.9 898 RE a vefear Basic Rdwn - 2 for i60 1 for $30 K RdaMifgDeb"ry ProlaaalaW AeoOutAent (CSM al yews up~ Dwre f906H427 7113- God Bless You Dr. Hans J. Weber and Family Z CARD OF THANKS The family of Leah Speare wish to thank our friends, neighbours, the Accetone Funeral Home and Minister Glen Eagle of St. Paul's United Church for their loving thoughts and support during this difficult time. The many cards, flowers and calls meant more than you could ever know. Leah will live in our hearts forever. Love Cheryl, Ron, Shaun and Rachel THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN VAN KRALINGEN (12/29/24 - 03/02/00) Wish to express their sincere thanks to all who sent cards, donations, and beautiful flowers in his honour and those who came with kind words of sympathy to say goodbye. Also Rev. Calvin Stone and Accetone Funeral Herne for their assistance. Fm from pain, may he rest in peace. IN LOVING MEMORY OF RAPHAEL "RAE" LAZENBY who rued March 18, 19% Gone dear son, gone forever How we miss your smiling face But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enford How suivet the memory still But death has left us lonely 7Re utorld can newer fill. Forever loved, forever missed. Mom, Dad, Daylon, Rob, Icer(, Josh A Riely • 1 osees • 1 0e00 BROWNE. 1, 111wre - on Monday. March 13, 2000, at her home ge aft ape d 57. Jar beloved wife d Paler Browns, Lov- iry mother of Siobhan BrotrStt Jo Will be sadly nNssed and tDn* remembered by herFrieind friends. Friends may fol at the AR16y a ii011C RIMMAL HOME. 124 KNV Street East Osha•• �on � 7-9 p a o n=at 730 A Funeral Mass an Manch it at 1030 a.m. at SL Georg IlIe Crest IlBrtyF IAuaiinl CeMloie Ch11Fch. (Lvov Bhd at Abert St1. Cremation, Memorial dortaiiorr1 10 the Yak-Durit�m Henillap6 R6iway WOW be ap- pmeMed by ft t(nliy. CUSTOMER CE News Admtw re- yuesla that advertisers cloak their ad upon pubb- cow as News Ad- vabsm will not be re- sponsible for frl0re tion one incorrect insertion and there Od be no 6- atiftfor non -insertion of am mfvwuswnwt. Liability for mors in ads is Bailed to the anxie nt paid for the Space oxal- Mill IN biro. AI copy is subject to the appro- lral of managnnart of Nowa Att'ltenfiser. Please read your classi- fied ad on the firstday off publication as we cannot be response ble for more than one'n insertion u 1 eYent of 0 100 WNMDdWj amm 105 Career Trailing 110 GeMral Help 115 Retail Bus. Opportundres 120 OR" Help 130 Sacs HelyAgans 135 Skilled Help 140 Computer Data ISO Hospital Medial Derdal 160 Daycare wanted 165 Daycare Available 170 Enpbyment Wooled 175 Home Care 160 Business to Business 200 Market Basket 205 Firewood 210 Bargain Comer 22D Articles for Sale 225 Andes V Rem 230 Articles Wanted 235 Ctx'stmas Trees 240 Barter Exchange 250 GaragelYard sales 260 A a a cratls 270 Comp teranrrnel 275 Pods. 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And if you find ail of our m* clovers, we'll come up with more Green in the fora of tickets for three locky wieners. So start coua* and who knowsloo could be the laky recipient of one of these brat prizesl Each wtinner tt'ecetves MAGIr 2 FREE tickets to mrr ' Paramount Canada's Wonderland 1. tools for the � clovers w wders faatre. arde.I* a you Iotna the dore,s on this st. stride's Day Fwure Page and w"Ide the Magic aover Days Entry Form slwwn hat. 2. Mail orrRbtal oomgkoed page lo us at the address at right by March 24, 2000. No f>� wig be accepted y -r 3. Three whiners will be selected by a random dmwlag from all cm. and cmpkte entry forms tecdted by the deadline. 4. Fmplayea of this newspaper and their Familia are not digible. 5. Dtdlsion of the Mrlga will be •mi toA*� t L oFEMMY—uAys moi' mel ve 1ORM tkm Tota) N sere s where 1 foundaU of the magic clovers? �� Of Clovers Spotted: Name Phone It Address City POS Code 1Kaf1 to. St. Patrick's C/o I;sa PrestCuin on P.O Bo 865 Farewell Aym� ON 481 L11i71.5 I vRlf � • I S -7 Come join us for St. Patrick's Day! 1790 Liverpool Rood, Pickering It 4'r' (905) 831-9258 ;:P �: iF FLOWERS & GIFTS Your Convenient Source for all Your Floral Needs • Roses • Fresh Cut Flowers liday Arrangements inp • • Sympathy Arrangm eents • Special Occasions TRY OUR NEW GORILLA DELIVERY SERVICE 20 HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH: AJAX (1 Block South of Hwy. 112) NEWS ADVEOTISEA FRRAY tt "ON, Marctl 17, 2000 PAGE 31' A/P INooN Ibnlns nw" in /tett► frost iM,t100 Nowye the Time to Make a New Beginning! Wilmot Creek is an established Adult Lifestyle Community. Membership to Wilmot Creek includes use of the Private Executive 9 -Hole Golf course, swimming lawnbowling and tennis courts as well as the activities in the clubhouse. 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