HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_02_02PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PRESSRI'N 41,600 1 �PYI—C�-KERING'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 24 PAGES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2000 Get updated on our Spelling Bee Paae 2 1165 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $51 $1 NEWSSTAND Pickering set Charitable donationmade, women given probationary terms tale of Witty pleads guilty inpyramid scheme one city _ BYSTEPHFNSHAW Barrie Crown's office to prose - Pickering > Staff Writer nit is clear from cute the Wittys to avoid any Prominent Durham Region the facts these public perception of preferen- celebrates husinesswoman, political wife tial treatment new status wv and community fund-raiser three women knew In July 1998• he said. Mrs. Anita Witty pleaded guilty to Witty hosted a party at her Ajax operating an illegal scheme and that they were home attended by 25 women BYSUSANO'NEILL r was given a conditional dis- engaged In an interested in joining what was Staff Writer charge and probation Monday. known as the 'Women's Gift PICKERING — Remem- Mrs. Witty. 59, and daughter illegal activity...' Giving Club.' bering the town's past is the Kimberly Richards, 34, admit- During the gathering, cham- key to making the new city a w ted conducting a money pyra- J� a0 PAM pagne and hors'd'oeuvres were strong community as it enters mid in July 1998. Meanwhile, _- - served as Ivfrs. Witty, assisted the new millennium. - another daughter, Cheryl Loyst, Bernie O'Brien and prosecutor by Ms. Richards, led a presen- That was the message heard 40, pleaded guilty to being a Mike Flosman, after lengthy tation explaining how the pyra- by community leaders, school i party to the scheme. negotiations. mid worked. board officials and local politi- j As part of a prearranged The guilty pleas, coming on Mrs. Witty told the gather- cians who gathered Monday to deal, the trio made $85,000 in the day the mother and daugh- ing the money would be ex - celebrate Pickering's new city combined charitable donations ters were scheduled to go on changed in the "form of gifts:' status with a special ceremony to five local organizations and trial, marked the end of lengthy such as hidden inside the pages highlighting the municipality's were given conditional dis- criminal proceedings against of a book, and that cash paid achievements in the past charges and one-year proba- more than 30 local women out should not be deposited in decade. tion, charged in 1998 following an the bank at once, so as not to "No matter what we're "it is clear from the facts extensive Durham Regional Po- raise suspicion. called we will remain a com- y these three women knew that lice probe into several women- Among the women who munity bonded by our past:' they were engaged in illegal ac- only pyramids. were at the party that day, court Ward 1 Regional Councillor tivity. but were prepared to run As part of the schemes, was told, was Rowmary Pen - Maurice Brenner told a crowd the risk (of getting caught), women recruited players by golly. Ms. Pengelly made no sc- gathered in City council cham- hoping they might get away promising a $40,000 return on a cret of the fact she was a Toron- bers. He noted the kev in with it:' Judge Greg Regis said $5.000 payment. to Police officer when greeted `looking aft our future is appre- prior to sentencing the wife and After eight new recruits by Mrs. Witty. but would later ciating our past" two daughters of Jim Witty, the were brought into the pyramid, pass on information to Durham The municipality officially fomscr mayor of Ajax and pre- the player at the top, known as police. became a city on Jan. 1, 2000,vious chairman of Durham Re- the 'queen: would collect the Mr. Flosman said Mn. Witty And. as Mayor Wayne " gional Council and the Durham 540,000. The pyramid would participated in pyramid Arthurs said Monday, "We are Regional Police Services then split. schemes on other dates and was Canada's- Only Millennium Board. Ms. Witty, a former presi- 'queen' on one occasion. City." WALTER PASSARELL41 News Advertiser ptm•v "1 am firmly convinced... dent of the Durham Region Mr. O'Brien filed for Mrs. Pursuing city status was (Mrs. Wittys) actions were Real Estate Board, sat stoically Witty more than 20 letters of proposed by Ward 2 local Anita Womand husband Jim leave provincial court in Os- generated by greed' said the and displayed no emotion dur- support from prominent com- Councillor Mark Holland, hawa Monday following Mrs. W4,ttv's guilty plea and sen- Judge ing yesterday's 45 -minute bear- munity members. including who also recommended the Ms. Loyst and Ms. Richards ing in the Ontario Court of Jus- Durham College President rencrng in connection with a pyramid scheme. Mrs. WttX municipality seek the trade- mull also perform 50 hours of lice in Oshawa. Gary Polonsky and former daughter Kimberley Richards and dathyhter Cheryl Lcrvsl all communis service under the Mr. Flosman, who outlined Durham Regio lice chief mark right to call itself the Y g Po 'Millennium City'. pleaded guilty in connection with the case. Other women ire- sentencing terms, proposed the facts supporting the That new status will "create volved in the scheme entered guilty pleas last year. jointly by defence lawyer charges, was assigned from the an abundance of opportune- • insurance its for the mumupahtY Pickerinor sta s out of Reizion its residents, Mayor Arthur y EtedwLCLL b Although becoming the City of Pickering does not City opts to stay the course with current Insurer change anything about the mu- nicipality's legal status or the BY MARIANNE. TAK.aCS supporting remaining with codling to Mr. Patetson's report, with our present insurers is the way it operates, officials hope Staff Writter Cowan. there is a strong possibility the best option. This way our costs being able to use the new Mil- PICKERING — City coon- Oshawa has also decided tate could be further reduced are known, fixed with a ceiling knnium City mato will help cillors have voted against join- against participating in the pool through negotiations. The for the next two years, and addi- improve Pickcring's mar- ing a new municipal insurance for now Durham Insurance Pool would tional costs will he avoided:' ketability to businesses, visi- pool being established by According to a report from provide coverage to the City at a His report also notes the pool tors and prospective residents. Durham Region and six of its City treasurer Gil Paterson, cost of $.303.000 annually, but option would include adminis- The city's influence will eight member municipalities. switching to the pod would cost that sum includes the financial tration costs which would have be felt throughout the GTA:' By a 4-3 vote , council's ex- Pickering an additional $58.000 "cushion" of $174,000 over to be paid out of participants' said Ward 2 Regional Council- ecutive committee decided in- for each of the next three years, three years that would likely be premiums. for Doug Dickerson. stead to have the City continue though the 5174,000 total would returned. Ward 2 Regional Councillor Ward 2 local Councillor to be covered by its current pn- likely be returned to Pickering at "At this time, there is no way Doug Dickerson, Ward I Re - Mark Holland said the new vete insurer — Frank Cowan the end of that time if claims did of guaranteeing the results of gional Councillor Maurice status is "recognition of our Company. The commiucx's de- not exceed expected amounts. one option or another:' writes Brenner and Ward 3 Regional size and stature:' cision must still he ratified by Cowan has offered to insure Mr. Paterson in his report. But Councillor Rick Johnson sup - He noted Pickering is the council at its Feb. 7 meeting. the City for 2000 and 2001 at a he recommends against joining ported joining the pool. "only place that became a city Despite passing on the re- guaranteed maximum premium the pool. "At this time, all as - on the dawn of the new mil- giciml pool. Pickering appears of $245,000 annually, and ac- pects considered. remaining See PICKERING page 4 lennium:' And, the status pre- to have left the door open to per- haps join it in the fume. •• Blitz finds'many trucks rigged onewrtu cents an opportunity to pro- a sub- Wayne: Arthurs nutrd the wb- mote a new corporate identity. scriber agreement is being struc- ""fire whole exercise is real- turgid to allow municipalities to ly about imagination, to think join at a later date. BY LINDA WHITE about where we can be:' Coun. "It's not as though there's not Staff Writer Holland added. a window of opportunity for this PICKERING — Over - City to give consideration to (the See CITY page 4 pool):' noted the payor, who Inside the News Advertiser FOR YOU TWO Psi GST tar&tib1J,ATERNITY `,�y/�J' � ■IEIIE Te Ffin ff EdIte al Pup .......6 Erk linwl ..........6 1: - , iaallsat .......9 spwb ............10 Classified ..........13 GIVE U= A CALL flaaara....... 683-5110 ftbihatiw ...683-5117 Defied ....683-0707 Death Nation .683-3005 shmmly Ysars 1-800-662-8423 Email ............... shouston@durham.net Web sib durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 Please recycle! loaded highways and driver fa- tigue are among top concerns in road safety, police reported at a truck safety inspection here Monday. The blitz marked the fifth anniversary of the death of Angela Worona of Whitby, who was killed on Hwy. 401 in Ajax after her car was struck by a flying truck wheel. The spot-check is held annually to remember all truck accident victims. Of 86 trucks icw59 were placed out bad iee lbr "significant safety problems," Ontario Provincial Police re- port. Officers laid 64 charges regarding vehicle safety viola- tions. (That number is high, police remind, because only trucks suspected of problems were inspected.) But police are expanding their focus to include such fac- tors as aggressive driving and laid 14 speeding charges and another six in relation to work hours and drivers' log books. -A number of factors are starting to collide:' explains OPP Sergeant Cam Woolley. "lite key one is traffic vol- ume," he says, pointing to Hwy. 401, which is deemed at 95 per cent capacity 70 per cent of the time. "The traffic volume has more than doubled in the past 10 years:' Sgt. Woolley re- ports- "Iitere's not much new in highway construction; Sgt. Woolley notes. "Alternate highways (such as Hwy. 2 through Durham Region) are now choked with stoplights. rky're no longer a viable al- ternative.' At the same time, there are increased demands on truckers — many of whom have re- tired, paving the way for inex- perienced drivers from a wide range of truck driver training schools. And because those training schools aren't regulated, "there is a huge variance in the capabilities of truck driving See GUILTY page 2 pool GIL PATERSON 'Additioruil cows...' for danger Commercial motor vehicle inspector Phil Warner checks the brake lines of a dump truck in Pickering during a truck safe- ty blitz held Monday. The event marked the fifth anniversary of the death of Angela Worona, who was struck and killed by a flying truck wheel on Hwy. 401 at the Whitby -Ajax border. APP PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTM101, WEDNEBUAY Wrl` N, February 2, MW Calling all contestants! Ready to take your talents from IN to Bee? There's been a lot of buzz. floating around Durham Region lately. The .Ajax -Pickering News Adver- tiser and its sister newspapers in Durham Region (Oshawa-Whithy and Clarington This Week, Uxbridge Tribune and The Canadian States- man 1. volunteers and various com- munity sponsors. including Optimist International, have been busily work- ing away for the last six months in preparation for the upcoming Durham Regional Spelling Bee. The Durham Regional Spelling Bee is in its inaugural year. Devel- oped for the youth of the region, the bee's goal is to promote literacy and the education of our voung people. Metroland papers have already re- ceived hundreds of phone calls re- garding the Bee and a large number of high school students have signed Up to serve as volunteers for the event. Newspaper staff and commu- nitv volunteers will provide the man- power for this nun -profit event and administration costs are being borne by the newspapers. The event is also supported through the donation of meeting space at local schools. libraries, Guilty pleas entered in pyramid case GCILI2 lrom pagr I Trcvor McCagherty. Mr O'Brien described Mrs. Witty as a tireless fund-raiser who helped raise "millions of dollar%' for various local charities. and said the case has been hard on the family. "The case has had an enormous af- fect on the Witty family and it's their m belief their goxxl nae m the commu- nity has been irreparably damaged... They'vc been pilloried m the press;' Mr. O'Brien told Judge Regis. Mr Rosman said some people hold the -.wA pyramids are similar to a business agreement when really, "It's a classic play on a human foible, which is greed.- The reed"Tile Witty% declined an invitation to address the court. The resolution yesterday marked thr la t of the pyramid ra -irk— from the 1998 police investigation. Over the course of the past year, most of the women charged received simi- lar forms of punishment. Roughly S300.0W in donations — portions of which would be tax deductible — were made to various local chanties. tsmnson REGISTRATION: 9 days $1095 twin OshaEARLY Oshawa Public Library 65 Bcpd Oshawa Apnl 20. May X. 21. June 1. July 23 Call for details 5t, 2000 De'.Nure Tours 1-900-668-6859 10 a.m. - 1 m. HERONGATE BARN THE21145 Ahorm FW, A Opening Feb. 11 Another Whirious Comedy PLAYING DOCTOR (905) 472-3085 ANNOUNCEMENT Chris Baxter* MinCum New Choice Realty Ltd. is pleased to welcome Chris Baxter' to their Pickering Village office in Ajax. Chris has consistently been a Top Producer in the Real Estate industry. Chris is looking forward to providing the same superior service along with savings to his customers through MinCom's consumer friendly marketing program. Chris invites all his past and nnew clients to call him anytime at (905)42114557. ICONm 6S lr 67 OW ((hapten TILL NEM( CHOICE P"Wint ViNap MALTY LTD iBatiiawxtx Ajax, Ontario it Durham College and the Oshawa Centre. To date. prizes have been do- nated by Canadian Tire. Hasbro In- teractivc and Dickson Printing. The competition is open to Durham youth ages six to 16 in four separate age campiries: Honeybees (six to seven). Bumblebees (eight to 10). Carpenter Bees ( I 1-13) and Mason Bees (14-16). Participants will compete in zone semi-finals across Durham Region during April with winners going head-to-head at Durham College on Ma% 2X, A number of registration locations and dates have been established to make it easy to sign up. Keep reading this publication for ads and stories regarding times and locations. Registration will also he taken at our Durham Regional Spelling Bee booth which will he at the Oshawa Centre (centre court) on Saturday. Feb. 5, There's a $10 registration fee and participants will rccci%e this year's book of spell words to practice for competition. Coaching sessions. where participants can get some practice time in. are available free of charge through February in March at various locations throughout Durham. For more information on the Bee call: Oshawa/Whithv: Rose Beckford- W'ynter (905) 426-3771 or Chris Bovic. Managing Editor Oshawa/Whitby This Week 579- 4400 ext. 2244 Ajax/Pickering. Marlene Hawtin (905) 6216-49X3 or Steve Houston. Managing Editor — Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 6X3-51 10. Clarington: Judi Bobbitt. Manag- ing Editor — Clarington This Week/Thc Canadian Statesman 623- 3303. Port Perry/('abridge: Bruce Froudc. Managing Editor --- Pert Perry This %Vrck t'thridec Tribune 9X5-'-511' sr- Ii-. 4X_'\�', / FINAL May 28, 2000 Durham College Oshawa Campus entry fee Entrants must be aged 6-16 on May 31, 2000. The Durham Regional Spelling Bee is a non-profit community event promoting an interest in reading among our youth. A portion of the fee in support of the Literacy Council of Durham Region. Presented by aMWA WHTBY CLAY4NOW FM Mon AJAX MCRERIM THIS WEEK NEWS ADVERTISER UXBRIME TRIBUNE for CanaWn titwwateslnan Alax Ajax Public Library - McLean Branch 95 Magill Dire., Ajax Feb 3, 2000 7 - 8:45 p.m. Feb, 8, 2000 7 - 8:45 p.m. Registration ongoing at all branches (Main, McLean and Village) until Feb- 18, 2000 News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave Feb. 7 - 11 9 a.m -5 p.m. Bowmanville Canadian Statesman 62 King St W. Feb. 7 - I] 9 a.m - 5 p.m, Sot Eeb. 12 9 a.m. to noon Pickering Pickering Central Public Library One the Esplanade, Pickering Feb. 2, 2000 7 - 8:45 p.m. Feb. 7, 2000 7-845 p.m Registration onggooing until Feb 18, 2100 Uxbridge Uxbridge Tn une 24 Toronto St #2 Feb 7 - 11 9 a.m - 5 p m, Whitby Whitby Public L b,ary Dundas Branch 405 Dundas St. W, Whitby Feb 5, 2000 10am. -1P.M Feb 12, 2000 loam - 1 pm REGISTRATION: OshaEARLY Oshawa Public Library 65 Bcpd Oshawa B" 5t, 2000 REGISTRATION 10 a.m. - 1 m. At our Feb. 12, 2000 Infommfion Booth at 10 a.m - 1 p m. the Oshawa Centre, Oshawa This Week Centre Court 865 Farewell St. Sot., Feb Sr Feb. 7- 1 1 r 2OW 9 a.m. 5 p.m, / FINAL May 28, 2000 Durham College Oshawa Campus entry fee Entrants must be aged 6-16 on May 31, 2000. The Durham Regional Spelling Bee is a non-profit community event promoting an interest in reading among our youth. A portion of the fee in support of the Literacy Council of Durham Region. Presented by aMWA WHTBY CLAY4NOW FM Mon AJAX MCRERIM THIS WEEK NEWS ADVERTISER UXBRIME TRIBUNE for CanaWn titwwateslnan Alax Ajax Public Library - McLean Branch 95 Magill Dire., Ajax Feb 3, 2000 7 - 8:45 p.m. Feb, 8, 2000 7 - 8:45 p.m. Registration ongoing at all branches (Main, McLean and Village) until Feb- 18, 2000 News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave Feb. 7 - 11 9 a.m -5 p.m. Bowmanville Canadian Statesman 62 King St W. Feb. 7 - I] 9 a.m - 5 p.m, Sot Eeb. 12 9 a.m. to noon Pickering Pickering Central Public Library One the Esplanade, Pickering Feb. 2, 2000 7 - 8:45 p.m. Feb. 7, 2000 7-845 p.m Registration onggooing until Feb 18, 2100 Uxbridge Uxbridge Tn une 24 Toronto St #2 Feb 7 - 11 9 a.m - 5 p m, Whitby Whitby Public L b,ary Dundas Branch 405 Dundas St. W, Whitby Feb 5, 2000 10am. -1P.M Feb 12, 2000 loam - 1 pm RON PI6TRONIRO1 News Advertiser photo Hook, line and sinker... True• Imine and his son. VVvatt, tried their luck in the trout pond at the Mehr, leasing from the Province. memorandum „ t under- maintaining prices being ed representatives at the East Trude Centre on the weekend during the Pre -Fishing and Boat Shovv If they lose on bids for standing last spring that asked for the properties by municipal and regional Fishing and outdoors enthusiasts came to get a taste of the season to come the larger lots they're being provided for the placement ORC were too high for level" College report card highlights big matters on campus Cupics ul Uurhant College's NE1M$ ADVERTISER, %WDNESDAY EMM, Fbrwry 2, 3000 PAGE 3 P Three of six north Pickering tenants can buy under new deal with ORC Split decision for people hoping to stay on provincial farmlands BY MARIANNE TAKACS offered, added the council- � agricultural land, and lots Stuff Writer lor, they will he "kicked were being configured for PICKERING — The off" the farm sale into parcels unattrac- Ontario Realty Corpora- "I've already written the tive to farmers or amalga- tion (ORC) has agreed to Ontario Realty Corpora- mated into single parcels the reconfiguration of tion back asking them to currently leased separately :once of the lots being sold review the situation," said i by different people. "1'hcy faun the Province's hold- C'oun. Pickles warned the properties ings in north Pickering in "I think it's a very im- could end up being sold to 11rder to allow tenant tarm- portant issue we need to * developers because farm- s o rr. and residents to bay n land they've occupied for continue to pursue with the Ontario Realty Corpora- he cn wouldn't cable to at* - ford them. decades. tion" !'M Ina Jan. 19 letter to the However, the ORC has Last Novemher, at the F City, ORC executive vice - turned down requests from request of Pickering coun-president FINE FURT41TURE Brad Searchfield other tenants for reconfigu- cil, ORC agreed to discuss CUSTOM In FOR AND NO TAXES! Vnu Iw d in 6 Wrtxs . explains the agency has ration of the lots they're area fai,ners' and resi- ?r:;i' agreed to three of the re - being offered. dents' concerns shout the _. p,, quested revisions because Ward 3 local Councillor sale of the provincially- they accommodate long - David Pickles, who's met owned agricultural lands. DAVID PICKLES standing residential and and exchanged letters with consisting of about 5.0(x1 `It's it t en' important agricultural tenants. ORC officials about the acres cast of the York Re- issue ace need to The three other requests tenants' concerns, says he's gion and Toronto borders, were refected because they pleased with the three lot west of Duftins Creek and to pursue would fragment existing changes the agency has north of the Canadian Pa- with the O ss'tthe Ontario Reult, farm properties, he writes. agreed to but "extremely cific Railway line above Corporation.' On the issue of develop - disappointed" the three Finch Avenue, up to the ers financing tenant pur- other requests have been Fifth Concession. of agricultural easements chases. Mr Searchfield rejected. The area was originally on nearly all of -the proper- notes the properties are Court. Pickles told Pick- expropriated in 1972 for a ties to be sold, which zoned agricultural and pro- ering council's executive community to accompany would require them to he tected by agricultural case - committee Monday that the proposed Pickering air- used for agricultural pur- menu being entered into those whose requests have port. poises only. with the City of Pickering been turned down are The Province is now The purpose of the case- as agreed to by the ORC. "bona fide farmers- and selling the lands and cur- ments is to preserve much City and Region. long-term residents who rent leaseholders are being of the arca as farmland. The letter then adds. under the existing lot plan given first right of refusal. The residents and farm- -The long-term use of are not able to bid on the Pickering, Durham Re- ers asked Pickering to m- these lands rests with the lands they're currently gion and the ORC signed a fervent: in November, community and their elect - True• Imine and his son. VVvatt, tried their luck in the trout pond at the Mehr, leasing from the Province. memorandum „ t under- maintaining prices being ed representatives at the East Trude Centre on the weekend during the Pre -Fishing and Boat Shovv If they lose on bids for standing last spring that asked for the properties by municipal and regional Fishing and outdoors enthusiasts came to get a taste of the season to come the larger lots they're being provided for the placement ORC were too high for level" College report card highlights big matters on campus Cupics ul Uurhant College's to ilk: %k buoy wkJ Ushawa eau- dente. The rtrpcm was dtsulb- 1999-99 annual report are now pules, phau-s one and two of the tiled through community news - available to the public. Durham College Manufacturing papers earlier this month. How - The report highlights new and Automation Centre of Ex- ever, if you didn't receive a copy programs, the success rate of ccllcnce, a 5750.000 investment or would like extras, contact students in finding jobs upon in classrcx,ms and labs and the Shlrlcy Whillans at 721-3111• graduation, planned expansions expansion of the student resi- clot. 2502. PLANNING FOR THIS 9 IF YOUR RETIREMENT DREAMS are starting to take on more ambitious d,mcrrssons perhapi it's time to consider professional advice on retirement planning. _- CONSIDER CAd.41Nd:[ Paul McCormick. crr. rrr Investment Advtwr 4a nu,Wns Street Nest 2M Floor Myry� f)Rtalo phew 9005.6015 A025 rW fore I.MOO .401 1750 Mmm1 mcorpAMaearw ca ` 0 EVERGREEN The Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser newspapers welcome letters to the editor. Letters should be limited to 150 words and signed with a full first and last rtalne OR two initials and a last name. Let- ters must in- clude a tele- phone number for confirmation purposes. Un- signed letters will not be printed. FAX them: 905-683-7363 EAWL them: shouston® durham.net AWL them: 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 295 "Your I'Vindow Decorating Centre" = BLINDS & DRAPERY WINTER SALE of Hunter0ouglas W I a It O w F R S N 1 0 M I T,r cal Blinds. Silhouette ;7RoUerShades CERTIFIED and DEALER Lightrlines"-^•"-'• •� h••e Luminette Venetians IS`PLUS NO PST 50 % GST Factory4.` Rebates S20 to $50 per shading b NANTUCKET IFF Window Shadings Ila, ' ;I 33%0FF AH- -.- 2" Blinds, = - 1/2 Price Wood • Everwood • Metal 88 Old Kingston Road /e Ajax (Pickering VI lage) HWV. 2 11 SHOWROOM HOURS: rI s01 Mon. - Wed. 10 - 5. Thurs. & Fri. 10 - 6. Sat 10 - 5 DRAPERY Rosedale Fabrics OFF OFF F• • Jacquards EXCEPTIONAL, FULLSCALE, ROOMY 1 l� WING CHAIR BY FAMOUS �- 5 ar-REp ler REST & DESIGNERS... AND... f NpA`�MENlST�o1 R N� CUSTOM MADE Mp�RCH 3 lot, ask — )UST FOR YOU.1 please de4ll3 CHOOSE FROM A NIDE 'R' On\ %to%., Tres., F F ` COLLECTION OF DECORATOR FABRICS �r'rR sur :%INOW s398 Wfrll HAVE Ir mer IN1 Kingston Road. Just of Hwy. a01. Heading East... Take Whites Rd, IF.xil 39t1. North of Kingston Road IHwr. 21 and turn right. FINE FURT41TURE �� fU., THEBS., FRI. 9a,1 To 9ml S,TI RUAS 9 TO 5 CUSTOM In FOR AND NO TAXES! Vnu Iw d in 6 Wrtxs . Had'uq West.. Take Liverpool Rd. (Exit N71 Wrti d►in•am Q,ud IN.. _ 1_I stol turn M/t. R PICKERING SHOWROOM St905) i2laxai P woe 4 Mtwv AovemWIII. weoMnM 90nw. rab+r s sro City status celebrated in Pickering MARK HOLLAND Pursued ciry status. CfJ Y from page I Meanwhile, Pickering - Ajax -Uxbridge MPP Janet Ecker congratulated local councillors on their fore- sight in seeking city status for the municipality. "There are many politi- cians who do a good job, but very few have the vision to say where we can go, where we can be in the future;' she said. However, it was the mu- nicipality's past that was the focus of much of the evening, with a video pre- sentation entitled 'Decade of Achievements'. "We've come a long way in the last 10 years, not only as a municipality, but as a community;" Mayor Arthurs said. "We've seen a lot of changes, met the challenges and celebrated a number of achievements." He noted the municipali- ty's population has grown from 60,000 in 1990 to more than 88,000 today, more than 5,700 new hous- ing units were built in the past decade and more than $1.2 billion worth of con- struction was completed. And, as the city faces a new millennium and several new challenges, Mayor Arthurs said the community will continue to build on its strengths and will "always remember our start as a vil- lage". Pickering goes it alone on insurance PICKERINGfrom page I Coun. Dickerson noted a group of Region of Waterloo municipalities ended up sav- ing $900.442 in 1999 through insurance pooling — $300.442 more than they anticipated. He pointed out that, under pooling, maxi- mum coverage for Pickering would increase to $30 mil- lion from 515 million, and suggested that should be an important consideration. "More and more 1 see the courts ever -increasingly raising the amounts of the awards they are giving out:' he said. As well, Coun. Dicker- son noted that with its pri- vate plan Pickering would likely sce its rate Increase if its insured losses exceeded $147,000. while rates in the pool would not increase until the pool's collective losses exceeded $1.3 million — more than double the total of members' expected losses. Coun. Dickerson also maintained Pickering could save money it now sets aside for self-insurance or pays out for extra coverage which would be included in the pool plan. Coun. Johnson suggested long-term savings for Pick- ering in the pool could be greater than currently being anticipated in the short term. "I really think there's a benefit to starting now;' he said. Coun. Brenner said there was no real cost differences between the two options over the- entire three years. but pooling would provide Pickering more control and potentially greater savings in the long run. However, Mayor Arthurs maintained staying with its current insurer rather than a INVEST in what you value most ... TRUST "FREE" Financia/ Consatffallon 666-8245 • 1 -698-790-91 1 1 Debbie Morgan 0 DUNDEE J The News Advertiser General 683-7363 three-year commitment to the pool would give the City greater flexibility. He also suggested the pool presented risks if members' claims tum out to be above the cur- rent standard; and that the arrangement didn't provide enough incentive for mem- bers to cut costs by self -m - Suring or better managing risk. Ward 3 local Councillor David Pickles said he be- lieves residents would prefer Pickering to take the fiscal- ly -conservative approach of continuing with the current insurer. "Most of my constituents would say 'Lock Into the known rate'.” Kim Leith' MinCom New Choice Realtv Ltd. is pleased to welcome Kim Leith• to their Pickering Village office in Ajax. Kim is an experienced full time Real Estate professional and bas helped many local families realme their Real Estate dreams. Kim is looking forward to providing her clients the same hard work & comrnitmeat along with savings through MinCom's consumer friendly marketing program. Kim unites all her past and new diems to an her anytime at11051�28-1557. IM 6s A 67 OW Kinplean R& IIEW CHOICE Pkiteritq Hlwtge tntael name AIRS, ORtwiM Email it I News Advertiser rlewsroom4durham. net • 20% DISCOUNT off ulrreM prke Ibt p1tI 12 mwil pike pretedbo PRICING HELD OVER UNTIL FEB.15, 2000 a Export Quality lumber a Personal Architectural Services • Super High Performance Windows Quality Precut Hone Packages Independently distributed by: TECH HOME LTD Pderbffo*O li" 07 i 7a. ILL 93, On axle K9J 6x4 Cap UN Flea 1 888 417-8760 VISIT US AT THE COTTAGEFEST SHOW, WCKERING FEBRUARY 4-6,2000, BOOTH NO.615 'Pickering iunity Guide To Activities & Services In Your Community • M4i1 aa.o_-,t. This Guide will contain a comprehensive Use of contact names and numbers for residents to utilize thoughout the yeas To Book Your Ad Space. Call Jonathan Campeau ' 683-5110 • iniYM =U6 J I a 7T a 1 0 : I I ' 1 $ 019 36 MONTH LEASE 4,49S Down Payment Mus 41S F .40 and 1315 Security Dat—it INCLUDES VALUE-ADDED PREMIUM SPORT GROUP $379 36 MONTH LEASE 4,49S Down Payment Mus 41S Fmight OW 450 saturity Deposit WE HAVE THE IRCW LEASE PAYMENT FOR YOU EXPLORER • • aaaad an 3.9% annual irrtsrest raw over 3f mantle FIM Ilrrrarl F•y—e arpbed. W.Mlkw darge orw tetr- a %wrralra t.Oa W W.s Ndkaar lnw 11Feca, asrgiw will; Adwikwewbn Four Wa You PREMIUM SPORT GROUP INCLUDES: • 16' Aluminum Wheels • Fog Lamps • Platinum Front and Rear Bumpers • Side Step Ban • Wheellip Mouldings STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: • 4.01. 210hp V6 Engine • Anti-lock Brakes • AM/FM Cassette with CD • Remote Keyless Entry • 5 -Speed Automatic with Overdrive • Speed Control • Leather Wrapped Tilt Wheel • Air Conditioning e 4.01. 210hp V6 Engine - Air Conditioning • Anti-lock Brakes • 5 Speed Automatic with Overdrive • Remote Keyless Entry SPORT GROUP INCLUDES: • AM/FM Stereo with CD • Side Step Bars • Fog Lamps • Wheellip Mouldings • 15" Chrome Wheels wwwAord.ca/offers surae wawa trews. roue aevrss �w e: -leew . ,... avw cq.,v. a. ,v,.v, ,r•• , -,-,••r•••-------- --••••••• -„ ••-�" �,e„� ,o quannea retail lessees, on approved credit Total Explorer 2 Door lean obligation n SI5.9791516, 139/516, 30a Total Explorer 4-0oor (ease obligatmn is 518,139x519,2631118.396. Dealer may lease For less Some conditions apply Offers may change wdh-1 notice. Limited time offers See dealer lar deeds Ontano FDA, PO Bos 2D00, Oakville, Ontario LU SE4 HEM AMKr SAOP Truck blitz takes bad rigs off the ry oad TRUCKJrumpagel "Trucks have to keep mov- that big says a lot for the in- the death of her sister for schools;' maintains Sgt. Wool- 8 ley tng Still. "some things have dustry.- That pleases the family of heightening public awareness of truck safety and applauds "The 401 is not just a high- improved;' he notes. In 1996, there were 67 wheel separa- Angela Worona, who would have celebrated her 36th birth- police forces for increasing the number of officers way. It's a rolling warehouse" because of the demands of big tions in the Durham area, a day last week. available to inspect suspect vehicles, box retailers and lust in Time number that decreased to 27 last Her sister Theresaonce "The dedication of the OPP deliveries to manufacturers, year. "There is still room to im- again lent her support to Mon- day's blitz. has eased our sorrow and made our grief easier to hear;' Sgt. Woolley believes. prove, but an improvement She credits an inquest into ad - mits Ms. Worona. "We knew Parole violator considered armed, dangerous A parole violator believed to be hiding out in Durham Region is considered armed and danger- ous, police say. Durham Regional Police are asking for the public's help tracking down Lee Chapelle, 32, who was released from custody last October after serving time for several offences including possession of a restricted weapm. He was to report to a parole officer in Belleville, but failed to show up, police said. He is now wanted in connec- tion with a break -and -enter and is believed to be staying in Durham or Peterborough. Mr. Chapelle is described as white, 6 -fool -3, 220 pounds, with hazel eyes, short brown hair or shaved head, possibly with a goatee. He has several tattoos in- cluding a black panther head on his upper right arm and guns, ruses and a skul I on his lett arm. He has a scar on his upper lip. five years ago that we were just at the tip of the iceberg. We knew it would take more than a year to fix. "This is what we started fighting for five years ago.' she says, pointing to inspec- tors, one of whom was check- ing a truck wheel he suspects would have fallen off before reaching Toronto. "We were angry" at a sys- tem that failed to address safe- ty concerns when Angela was killed. "Now, we're very ap- preciative that our concerns haven't gone away," says Theresa, who is now 31 — the same age Angela was when she was killed. "In many ways, I feel my life is just beginning. The acci- At 43 %- 67 % off, just call us good sports. Compare our prices to sporting goods stores regular prices. THERESA WORONA 'The dedication of the OPP has eased our sorrow.' dent prevented (Angela) from reaching her potential" Choose from a large selection of famous label active wear. Mens - Windsuits, tank tops, shorts, athletic tops, nylon pants, outerwear Womens - Bratops, bike shorts, long sleeve & short sleeve t -shirt, nylon jackets& pants Styles may vary from store to store. 119'W I N N f R S Brand name labels without brand name prices. AJAX Harwood Ave. A Hwy. 2 WHITBY Hwy. 401 6 ThWtaon Rd. PICKERING Liverpool Rd. 9 Hwy. 2 100 stores across Canada, call toll free 1-877-WINN-877 for tate nearest store location. STORE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9:30-9:00, SAT. 9:30-6:00, SUN. 12:00-6:00. i A#P PAGE AS NEWS ADVERTISM WEDNESDAY EDMON. Febortaisff 2.2000 m Edmitorial PINI Ns N E W S - A D V E R T I S E R - F E B 2 2 0 0 0 EDITORIAL UJAM Farmland must M00 U4 b, NEWS k's ADVERTISER be protected A Metroland Community US MEN Newspaper Durham council can't allow FM Tion Whittaker Publisher further losses Joanne Burghardt Editor -tri-Chiel It's often taken fur granted, if not considered at all when cit- Steve Houston !J. 1lunugtng 1. fetor izcn,; or politicians think ot'Durham Region. Bruce Danford But it's a % ital part of our regional economy. a life-giving f, s Pireclor,1 source for us all. It's Durham Rcgion's farmland and if*,; been Adveritsiriv shrinking b,, thousands of acressince1976. Duncan Fletcher Durham can lay claim to being the breadbasket of the Reicid. 1,A-erilsing Greater Toronto Area. But according to Margaret Walton of Manager the Federation ol'Agriculture. GTA "farmland is under threat." Eddie Kolodziejcak Since 1970, a total of 51 (101) acres of agncultural land has C'1,1NV11i1'd 1111L,rttstnvItanager been lost in Durham Region. That land is one forever. From John " illerns 385.(XX) acres of farmland. the region now has just 3360X) MSN TAY Real Estare. lutomotive acre.. Its a worrisome trend - a total of 150.0(10) acres of farm- 0� A att-ertisinK ManaKrr land across the GTA. 17 per cent of the total amount. has been Abe Fakhourie lost since 1970 has been lost - and it can*( continue. Developers. eager to continue to expand north. have made Lillian Hook 0J1i­, Vanqo,,er P for toning changes and have offered farmers big Barb Harrison cheques fix their land. The temptation can hi: difficult to resist. omp,)s tti: lfonacer With plenty more land further north and especially in the east- ern part of the region. politicians can be swayed into believing more development is fine. There's always more farmland it) go around. (905) 6x8-51 10 would But that be a big mistake and one that cannot be Ulu changed down the line- (905) 683 , -; I 10 MN. Walton gives Uxbridge. Brock and Clarington top Classified mark, tor digging in and preserving farmland in their munici- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (905 1 6X3-07(17 politics. But Pickering, Ajax. Whithy and Oshawa, the four Distribution mitithern Durham municipalities where development since (90i i 6XI-5117 1974 has been heaviest, have steadily lost farmland. Ho", man`' must overcrowding, not eliminate the clans in both the federal and General Fax .1 (9051683-7;6, Ms. Walton made the strong case that 35.(XX) GTA jobs arc problem altogether. Do our leaders provincial governments are now E-NIa of dependent on farming. In addition, farmland is cheap to nuuno die before health have any common n.on %ense' patting themselves on their collcc- newsroom a durhjtn. net tain, with a cost of just 21 cents to service M am. The cost it) Our government is no longer five backs regarding the NHL issue }deb address service an acre of urban land is a whopping S 1.14. Quite liter- system fixed9 working for the welfare of the pco- for taking notice of what the public www d urhimnew s net ally. farmland offers more bang for the buck. plc. Temporary measures cannot wanted. 130 Commercial Ave, The Province can offer assistance. When it designates land as To the editor: fix the mistakes the politicians But, on more serious Issues Ajax. Ont. L IS 2115 agricultural. 'AiLvelopem pretty much leave it ak)ne:'%ays Whit- Lery dj,.. h,,ipitals acnes the have made. How many children, such the GST health, the home - by Ma,or Marcel Brunelle. Durham farmer Ho wic Hcrrema GTA are placing themselves, (in parents and grandparents have to less. hospital cutbacks. etc.. neither Publication, Mail Sales calls out for help from the federal government as well. "Saying redirect status where ambulances die before simicthing is done to fix level of government ha, appeared Agreement Number 1332791 the farmer lies in the provincial and federal hands:' he %a)%. arc racing to beat the clock to find our system" How many" to want to listen to public opinion Since all appear to agree. it's incumbent on regional count- an open emergency ward. So far, unlc%.-; that public opinion fits in cillc^ to make the case to federal and provirica politicians paramedics have attempted to Sacha Bbinder, with the rx)ltticians* own agenda in that farmland locally is worth saying. make the best of their situation. but Ajax some way. Politicians pay lip ser- The News Advertiser is one of • day more am more people ' ice it) this proposition of taking thcMctroland Printing. Pub. every da d notice but they continue to dt) a�% lishing and Distributing group are being put in jeopardy. It seems I nformation, please ctvL reformed Politicians should of new spoperN. The Ne, Ad o me our formed hLalth-care they want regardless of public in opinion. vcrtiscr is a member (if the sysic comes with a fatal u- price listen to us Ajax & P)ckcrong'Board of Only some nuclear plant info 39. If our MP, and MPP% are really I admit I supported our govern-%cnous abo)ut taking notice of what Trade. Ontario Community New spaper Assuc ., Canadian deemed confidential n-.cnt,&hcn it planned to rcstruciturc on bi(.)r issues the cl000raitc is saying it) them. Community Nc%%,paM our health-care system. I apptirtctfl they Quioild start listening to us eliminate To the editor: very closely on the more imptirtant Audit Board and the Ontario So. Ontario !'ower L�crwration rcluscs to release results of it when it planned it) Asso,. C"tionlr`,mulo,oa, a recent poll of Ajax and Pickering rcsxIcnL,4 asking fix their 'waste' from the system. But now. Your colit,,rial on the issue of coincems that have been raised and Press Council. ['he publisher views on nuclear power issues, including the restart of the when the live% of hclpl" people the federal government's bail-out act accordingly it) our-% and reserves the right to or she w" PiLkcnng W rcactcirs. arc being lust because they cannot of Canadian National Hockey requirements. I don't think that's rcfmc any advertisement The Lipe-rator of the nuclear plant hcn: is no loriga a public get the care they riced, mirricthing League teams. which was later re- too much to ask of a politician, c% - Credit for advcrtiscmcnt limit- uulity but is instead a quasi-pnvatc coirpowation, OPG reasons needs to be done to stop the insan- scinded, was to the point- pecially since that's why they were cd to space price crror occu- in keeping tight-lipped aN)ut the mxvcv'% findings. As sucfi, ity, before antiothcr life is lost. However. there was a paragraph elected. pies the corporanon sees itself like any other tusincu. its busitness In this *Common Sena Rcvolu- in it which contained a statement The public should voice the isn't anyone else's. The information gathered by the liollmer is tion'. I find it hard to sco; the logic by Industry Minister John Manley same outcry w; we did with regard ..pnipirictary", a nuclear plant offictal told the aWwmc at in cutting hack in beds, amilhu- that I would like it, comment on. to the NHL on every issue when OPG's annual public consultation recent meeting. lauccN and money in an effort to You quoted him saying that "the we feel Politicians are not acting ing in The News Ad% crusx., accepts We understand OPG's reasoning- After all, it's a business. create a better health-care system government listens and takes %cry good faith on our behalf. Maybe letters to the editor. All let - But, that doesn't mean we have to like the secrecy. Instead, for the people. Our government is seriously the views of the public.- they will listen more attentively. tens should he typed or neat - we feel it's unfortunate, cpLctally since rewlLN of a poll con- only interested in helping Ontario's This implies that politic,ans takely hand-written, 150 words I Each low must be signed ducted by the local nding association of the Gruen Party have txioks, not its people. Our health noucc of public opinion on all is - Ray Sino lair. with a first and last name or been released in recent days. minister is trying to "caw" hospital suc%. That's a hig joke! The politi- Pkkering two initials and a last name. That survey of Ajax and Pickering residents showed 88 per Please include a phone num- cent favour "stmt c permanent shutdown of tete Pickering e Pickeng 'A' her for verification. The cdi- plant if an crivininmentaly-friendly alternative such as wind lot reserves the right to edit or st)lar power were a% at lablc*'. Principles? at principles? copy for snit. length andcontent. Opinions expressed Of course. the Green Party's poll has to he taken with a in letters are those of the grain of salt. After all, the party is decidedly anti-nuclear. A., It's a shock when a politician keeps his word writer and not necessarily well. only 76 people answered the questions in its survey out those of the News Advertib- of 526 phone numbers called at random. And. the finding that I" politicians quit because and by becoming their sitting er. We regret that due to the 88 per cent of area residents want the older half of the Picker- their parties broke a promise - in member Mr. McEwen got the volume of letters, not all will ing station closed is puzzling in light of the fact 65 per cent the Ontario legislature you can Tory nomination instead. be printed said they feel safe living near the power plant. count maybe two in half-a-centu-Erc Marvin Shore left the Liberals Nevertheless. area residents will be suspicious of OPG for ry. Dowd in 1976, saying he never felt at refusing to release the results of the survey it commissioned. Progressive Conservative MPP case with their policies, and That's too) bad- Especially since the nuclear station's per- Toni Skarica has become the see- At Queen � Park Joined the Tories, but the Tories formance has greatly improved in the past few months. We and and earned a niche worth hav- had privately offered him a job in know that because OPG says so in monthly report cards it's ing in legislature history. Wgovernment, which he was glad to been issuing to make itself more accountable to the public. Ap- Mr. Skarica had been told by take when defeated in the next patently, that information isn't deemed -proprietar) his party headquarters communi- make a difference for working election. ties in his riding would not be men and women, but it had not Ron Knight also quit the Liber - E -Mail your comments on these opinions to forced into an enlarged Hamilton come through. als in 1969 without first telling his nnews0durhamnet. Submissions which include a tint and and campaigned on this in last A more realistic version is he party and sat as what he called a last name, as wall as the community of residence, will be con- June's election, but a few months was disgruntled because the party 'free' rather than independent sidered for publication. later the Tory government started dropped him as tourism minister MPP, which symbolized his atti- a process to merge them without over allegations he had an affair tude: he was difficult to get along al consultation. with a barmaid and offered her a with. You have to go back almost YOU SAID IT any re It was a clear case of a party government job and, after police half -a -century to find any MPP making a promise to help win an laid no charges, never put him before that quitting his party. The question was: election and breaking it and Mr. back in cabinet. The only other MPP in recent With the NHL All-star game set for this Skarica felt to his credit he could John Sola, around the same years others than Mr. Skarica who I '`+lief not go along with it. time, left the Liberal caucus on a could truly be said to have left on I weekend in Toronto, who's the greatest hockey MPPs like to talk of their high far from lofty principle. Mr. Sola, principle was Dennis Drainville, a player of all time? Is there a current player principles, but while some have of Croatian descent, did his bit to New Democrat. capable of dominating the sport? quit parties or the legislature over soothe the Balkan conflict by say- Reverend Drainville, an Angli- the years, they rarely did so be- ing he would not live next door to can priest, opposed his own go— cause of any principle. a Serb and the Liberals told him ernment in the early 1990s when Annamarie Castrilli, who had they did not feel comfortable it brought in casino gambling des - sat as a Liberal. ran for Premier sharing the same office. perately trying to raise revenues in Mike Harris's Tories in June de- David Ramsay quit as an NDP a weak economy. 0 claring she had read his platform MPP in 1986 and joined the Lib- This was a reversal because the and was swept off her feet by it. crals, explaining he never really NDP had opposed gambling as a I .--Pr syw but the real story is more prosaic. had been a socialist, but had the tax on the poor and Rev. Her riding was merged with added inducement the Liberals Drainville said premier Bob Rae another and Mrs. Castrilli failed to were in government and quickly betrayed his party. Man Frazer Kevin Medland Zac O'Connor get nominated in it su she petu- made him a minister. Rev. Drainville sat briefly as an says, -For sure, says. "There'll be says, -You can't lantly quit the Liberals for the To- Tony Lupusella left the NDP independent before quitting and Wayne Gretzky nobody better compare anyone ries, but did not win anyway. that year and joined the Liberals, running as an independent in a is the best. He tKin Wayne Gret- to Wayne Gret- Alex Cullen also left the Liber- but this was one more case of federal election in 1993, unsuc- broke 62 records. zky. Look at the zky. He's the els and ran for the New Democra- being shoved out. His riding was cessfully, but honesty such as his He's timeless. numbers. Eric greatest one of tic Party, but this was not because merged with another and the NDP and Mr. Skarica's is a reward. Players like Lindros is one of all time. Up -and- he saw any great light, but be- hierarchy gave the nod it) run Bobby Orr and the best players comers in today's cause his local Liberals felt he there to house leader Ross Mc- Gordic Howe today. He can hit, game are Jaromir was it),) prickly and did not pick Clellan. E -Mail your comments on this come close. fight. score and Jagr and a new him to run again. J. Earl McEwen quit the Liber- opinion to linews0durham.not. Newer players to skate. He's good one is Scott In 1993, New Democrat Peter als in 1994 for the governing To- Submisitions, which include a first watch are Paul on the power Gomez ol'New North left his party, then in gov- ries, claiming he shared their and last name, as well as the com. Kariya and plays." Jersey.- emment, to sit as an independent. views, but the Tories planned to munity of residence, will be consit d. Jaromr Jagr." explaining he felt the NVP would run a strong candidate against him ared for publication. WEDNKSDQAY, FEB. 2 OSTEOPOROSIS: The Ajax - Pickering Osteoporosis Support Group meets the first Wednesday of every month horn 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.at Ajax and Pickering Health Centre, 580 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. 683-3948 or 428-6632. PARENT SUPPORT: The Ajax - Pickering chapter of the One Par- ent Families Association holds its weekly meeting for custtidial and non-custodial parents at 8 p.m. at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club, at the corner of Church and Bayly Sts., Ajax. 831-1201. POLITICS: Durham's federal Progressive Conservative as%cia- tions host a policy consultation meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Touch of Class Catering, 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby. Health care, taxation and justice are among the topics to be discussed. Guest speaker is Senator Consiglio DiNino. All welcome. Refreshments served. 686-5504 (Leanne) or 428-9798 Cupid drops in early for kids' library fun PICKER- 3341 to regis- ING — Picker- ter. And, the ing Public Li- Greenwood brary is cele- branch hosts brating Valen- kids at 10:30 tine's Day with a.m. Call 683- stories and 8844 to sign crafts for chil- up. dren ages three Free tickets to six at arc available on b r a n c h e s a first-come, throughout the first-served city Saturday, basis. Feb. 12. The Central library, One The Es - plan dc. hosts a program at 2 p.m. To register call 831-6265 ext. 226. The Rouge Hill branch en- tcrtains young- sters at 10:30 a.m. To sign up call 509-2579. The Clare- mont branch offers a pro- gram at 1:30 p.m. Call 649 - Winter fun on tap next door AJAX — You can a.lebraic winter bothin- doors aid ,ast- doors Saturday, Feb. 12. Ajax Recre- ation Services presents Winter - fest, an action - packed altemoom of activities from I to 4 p.m. at the Ajax Community Centre on Cen- tennial Road. There'll be horse-drawn wagon rides, crafts, face paint- ing, games, en- tertainment and free skating. Food and bever- ages will be sold. A new event this year is a snow sculpture contest spon- sored by the PineRidge Arts Council. For mole information call 427-8811. Serenity group meets Friday PICKERING — The Serenity Group holds its weekly 12 -Step Recovery Meet- ing this Friday. The group meets at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd. The group deals with addic- tions of all types, including co-de- pendency. Babysitting arrangements can be mads: if neces- sary. Phone 428- 9431 (Jim, evenings) BILLBOARD FEB. 2, 20Q0 (Shashi). 1639 (Michelle). TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax - Pickering Toastmasters Club holds its weekly meeting, beginning with a meet and greet at 7:15 p.m., and meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 P.m. Guests welcome. Call for new meeting location. 683-4439 (John), 619-9079 (Nancy). THURSDAY, FEB. 3 NATURALISTS: Tlx Pickering Naturalists meet in the library of St. Elizabeth Scion Catholic School, 490 Strouds lane, Picker- ing, from 8 to 10 p.m. Marcel Gah- hauer discusses the peregrine re- covery program in Ontario. 831 - CYCLING: The Touring Concept Cycling Group holds a general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the com- munity nom of the Durham Re- gional Police station at the corner of Hwy. 2 and Brock Rd., Picker- ing. Topics to include member- ship. future rides, information night. 416-288-0293 (Lucy Perri). AUTISM: The Autism Society, Durham Chapter, meets at 7:30 p.m. at 35 Emperor St., Ajax. Sup- port for families of individuals with PDD or autism. 427-9572 (Judy Crosbie). MM ADVERTIDER,1NEDNESDAY EDMON. Feb nwy 2. am Prm 7 I UNIVERSrrY WOMEN: The , A ` Ajax -Pickering Branch of the Feb. 41%, Si 6 Canadian Federation of Universityrs Women holds a special Millenni- Cottage' est I um Night at 8 p.m. at the Kinsmen Heritage Centre, 120 Roberum Metro East Tt die Centre Dr., Ajax. 665-0868 (Sandy). PielterinS - 401 at Brock Road N. Spotiscxed FRIDAY, FEB. 4 ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds its weekly 12 -Step Recovery Meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group deals with addictions of all types, including co-dependency. 428-9431 (Jim, evenings). PUB: Ballycliffe Lodge. 70 Sta- tion St,. Ajax, holds a Robbie Bums Pub Night, from 7 to 9 p.m. Peter Glenn and Scottish dancers perform. All welcome. 683-7321. law r Purchase your choice of a Carrier high efficiency furnace, central air conditioner or CFM Majestic as fireplace'and eM. RECEIVE FREE: took:�ed Italian mhn.e Nor OR 14ter A i d. mosly � OR ra� MD '� same htc.fion. to your nrr or m NN A �D1 NO PAYMENTS UNOW FR EXTRA BONUS. DETAILS. OFFER ENDS FEBRUAJANUARY RY'6TH, 2000.O.AOC. B LEW000 (W) 689-7774 turho�l.r HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 1<roeta,es 0mlon- By CHFT and 680 News Almost As Much Fun As A Weekend At The Cottage! • we the latest cottage designs • save money on just about everything for the cottage • compare boats. ATV -c, cottage furniture & satellite systems • try out tools at the Mauercraft Demo Team display • check out hundreds of cottages for sale • enjoy the remote control boats and scuba diving photography at the Discovery Pool • taste delicims meals prepared at the Chef's Of Cottage Country Canac Kitchen Stage. • play at the Wye Marsh - Kids In Cottage Country Play Area • learn about northern animals presented by Speaking of Wildlife - live, • watch chainsaw log carving and a canoe being built • pet Huskies at the Call Of The Wild dog sled booth • shop the Crafters Marketplace for pottery & comfortable outdoor clothing • buy cottage: windows, doors, gunrooms & toilets • find out about loons at the Canadiayn rakes Loon Survey • get your new boat license - tests done on-site �I■■■■■■Coupon monsoon '2 Off Prescott tbo coupon and ,:cave f2, '2 off gg ■ per couple per couple of 11 art per nalde ad.is9on. PK couple ■ ■ Admission $7 Coaptn net valid he Stamm a Spcml sow. Haxim ■ ■ per person V2 price Sa4te To Senws Friday FrL 1p.ax-tp.in fillren 12 IN IaaRip— n & under San laa�id.•Spm.n ■ FREE The Cottagefest Show n Febk 4, 5, 6 Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering ■ n From 401 exit at Brock Rd. North ■ Lots of Fra Parking - Enter By New North Facing Entram ■ 1+.w 11, 1'..!--d H. lrn.... tin,... Please recycle your News Advertiser! PICKERING r r -RV 420-2222 * 683-2760* Z ` 24 hr. Direct Access 420-4660 Web Site: www.city.pickering.on.ca February 7 City Counai Nleeune February 8 Pickering Race Relations & Equity Committee Meeting February 9 Committee of Adjustment February 9 Site Plan Advisory Committee February 14 Executive Committee Meeting February 17 Statutory Public Information Mating February 21 City Council Meeting MARCH BREAK Y • "�- CAMPS 2000 PICKEAl111Ca Ages 3 to 12 years march i a to I i, cuw Haff Day Camp- WN PIDACA -AGES 3 to 6 mini Pidacs provides children with a hermits W4 co-oprMive expriet in els It trans, musk and silgalopgs, indoor games, theme days will special event. Juice will be provided dwM- : Racrembon COnlplex, te67 Vdry Fret Rd. S. 1111111 Fee for 1 reeek One Week 9:30 am -12 now 647 RILL OAT CAMP rOOCRAM 7:N A.M. To 6.15 PJM. REtiOIA■ OAT CAMP roosa M 77e AAL M ,a:aw VAL NUL46 arearw SPORTS CAMP - AGES S ID 12 For the actitte taltw a task dell of spofb and PMOL Join in I* fun ore ora ban bJdoor Soccer, Poor Hock@% Bokalbal, indoor Games and Ivry mole bon erupt: Spacial ova Ms and Mame days will be ploined Mt oulilfottt Mr week. A daffy swim TA be plerided by qAl bd IhEJIMIL 'Please trots: Camp att*n w sullied 10 dwgL L2Mft b be Ftr5ratsd in eonfiwr'I , MW CAMP Thn Fat for 1 feast EM 7on-ell5p■ 114 &SJKIM all • 3:30 ple $N ARTS CAMP - AGES 5 to 12 This Kbit pndMd week wll povkle cim"s in appartr4ty to dr4dop new edb and expwa MMatn.. Brough a wriey d w Mtn: Doe, Art, CmaMYe Groomes, Craft and WKW MMme days. A ddy swim is arta- I. for campers d MN Rscfeatlon Co■plMk saas -tots: am aeMrila ora WO be omit std glHlW M*wds will dDullil. ! Rrt C=*x,1O67 Wlq Farm Rd S. CAMP Ting Fee for 1 week El(m 7:00 am - 6:15 pm 614 I&MhLQp 9:06 am - 3:30 pm i9111 NIMUD A CAMP: 7 a.fn n 9 a.m. std 3:30 P.M. to 6:15 p.m. More & Aker Camp CARE takes place at the PidtM Reamill n Complex Please drop of & pick up your dtiid at stn CmWw Contra Ree. Complex.Ofteti vA be transposed by bus m std tram Sporb Ce", Art Ciampers will wilain at the Roe. x Compels IW provide their own Wdt and *4 daily. R■DUI.AR CAMP: 9 am. to 3:30 p.m. TratapoftMion is added. Please indcale boa slop lean Bus fare Beets. Pilate to a 'Mach Brent CampRaost aYrn Form and CsaplebANK For taenalnadmjaplo6Wdl>r4Dl. •NEW" PICKERING YOUTH CHOIR (AGES 13- 19) Come out and join other teens in a new Yount Choir starting up at Piste Ridge Secondary School. Particpertts wig have an opportunity to explore music in a adoral aenirtg and perform at va rloue functions, STARTING: FEB. 15, 2000 For more Information, call the Culture and Recreation Division at 420-4621. Deadline F-xtension For All Commercial and Indnastrial Property ().roars COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL VACANCY & EXCFSS LAND APPLICATIONS If your coramer vial, rodu meal, shopping centre .K Wfi.x building have vacmrf units for Me entre tore mouth period from July I. 19'19 to Sept ertiI , 30, 1999. you my apply for a reduction to your property tax rate for the 2000 taxa son year The eeduc,ron in taxes is approximately 15 Ire for industrial and 309E for the remmrng property classes. In order to ro:etve your lower tots rate, Y(l' MUST APPLY IN WRITING. by February 29, 2000 to: Ontario Property Assessment Corpaa0on Oshawa Centre Office Gallen. Suite 170 419 King St. W. Oshawa. [Nano LI) 2K5 I-800268-1224 If your application is not received by the deadline. you will be charged the full occupied rate for the 1_000 tax year. If your units are vacant every year, you are sin required to make a written applications to receive the lower tax race. To qualify for an excess land desipatiou. the property nos not be developed in any way oilier than land servicing. The same reduction in taxes also applies to excess lard. To receive the lower tax rate. you must apply in writing by the Febnury 29. 2000 deadline. If you have any gnes— fegardulg your vacancy, excess land status. or your assessment, P1. warns the local (PAC office to Oshawa. City of Pickieing Taxation Staff Are ora lee ft far SuKu we Is My .. -SPECIAL NEEDS OPPORTUNITY As the toad to -Has approaches, are you lookkg for sonnwlNn to play? The Cartbabrils Root at the Pickens Recreation Complex is open to Inds with Special Needs, their Parents. SibWW and Friends. 'W Special Plane• has soh activity "ap rot which provides hours of fun to dlildlert with SpwW Needs n a Fin. Cauls and Sale rwitomient Children must be directly suprvised by an A" at aM fires. Location: Pldrerfng Racreatlon Complex Combttgrlts Roan Sundays: 1:00 - 3:00 pAL FOR MM Nd*WAXnft MEM CALL 711E 1112CREA710M COMPLEX a 01-1711. HAVE YOU LICENSED YOUR ,LIMP? Corniencing on TuesdayFc , brvary 1, 2000, the City of Pickerityt will begin a doortodoor campaign prarwting the sale of 2000 dog licetues grid cat identiRttation tap. Does and cats are important members of your family licenses and rap identify your pets and ensure that, show they become cost. they can be retu mcd to their rightful berm. A SMAII, PRICE TO PAY TO KEEP YOUR PEr SAFE! tYY� tar�.+r+~iFi By bio, an dog owners mus license their dogs on a yearly basis.You could be charged if you fail to purchase the required licerne. Yearly fees arc as follows: Mak or female dog $20.00 Mak or fcmak dog with microchip implant 415.00 Spayed or neutered dog 410.00 Spayed or neutered dog with microchip implant $OS.00 CAT IDENTIFICATION TAGS NI cat owners may, on a voluntary, basis, purchase a cat identifkation tag.The numbered tag will identify yew- cat for the uuration of its life and may be purchased for a one time lee of $20.00. LOOKING TO EARN SOME EXTRA MONEY WORKERS ARE NEEDED in order that we can complete the program by early summer. U you are interested, pkat contact Mark Stewart at Ammal Uceruung Services, 904,72IA463. - QJI STION 0 K Any questions concerning dog licenses or cat idlcritiflcation tags should be directed to the Animal Control Centre at (905)427-8737. YOUR HEIGHBOU0000 RIC COMPLEX "ONE DOES NOT CEASE TO PLAY BECAUSE ONE GROWS OLD... ONE GROWS OLD BECAUSE ONE CEASES TO PLAY!" . ♦ GeoVe Bernard Show ti PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX 1867 Valley Farm Rd. South of Hl ry. 2 (905) 831-1711 (905) 68i-6582 TO VIEW YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD FACILITY, PICK UP YOUR REC COIPLEX FACILITY GUIDE AT OUR RECEPTION DESK TODAY. Easy starts to Mafty r:erci e - XF NO CD&r jai ars far a free, ee rode iMra/eetielr to Fitness - Pi keriws :tyle' Fiflumm Room orientation Discover parCiaM't wmind to work Lawn sale a silicates becenigttn for song, aestrgrtartirg and cardiowetrr Gail sr lotowbega A ewrpadaruw needed to bunch your own workout propose Gr active right away by sampling our st *d4heart ant ipnwM PrfiR ogtpor- I- a fait dill a FArwas plofaaaim Stouter year tllrtaaa A hum opme few i uxrucerms EVW OTTER WEDNESDAY IOM an - EVERY OTHS IHURSDAY, T:30 pan Cal for mars awaNa dab To romerve a spot for this FREE OFIEi0TATON steenply tall us: 831-1711 or 683-6582 - Spam ars Nmilad. Fitness clot OrientatiOII Explore On wi y of arabic dna oarklgL TFy fit b wk anoves oto ria yw an prlelpab in clean esadrbbty Fits at abet u.teI head rams, alloaa arab and dot b ww. Maw 10 ew mawic sample to aaarlwrtt of clams Ow a bio minutes of taoeaMW4 Ask a Cspal6W Fawn hrtrlpeoor abold your lrewls and 1wa1M t oodom will Mnatem' EVERY NOWAY L-00 JI - EMM TUESDAY 9:11iAN - Rwratial not aniaked RUNNING CLUB: El I vW run r you're just su r fincbs out or you're as aYld rYOner...NOw''S your ChanCe t0 meet Olbert for ,group running. Learn about nutrition, proper dress and different training techniques. ALL MEMBERS AND COMPLEX PATRONS WELCOME! Call! the Fitness Office for more detaib: 831-1711 or 683-6582. Train With a Friend & Save Affordable Personal Training! You + Friend + Thiner = Success + Fun + Savings Call the Fitness Office for details: J 831-1711, 683-6582 ` . All• lMOE NEM ADYE11fliH1,1AIfC11Eti0i1111=ffW , FiM m p 1.7000 Durham Highway 2 has changed with the times it'goes a Ion wa bab 9 y y BY JENNIFER STONE Staff Writer ing Street, Dundas Street, Kingston Road -- call it what you like, Hwy. 2 has a long history of being one of the most -used roads in Durham Region. Once marked by blazes on trees, the road has evolved from a dirt track in the 1800s to a major, largely commercial thoroughfare. "it was a regular stage- coach route. the only main road between Toronto and Kingston;' says Brian Winter. archivist for the town of Whit- by. The road has undergone a series of facelifts as it devel- oped from stagecoach route to. in most places, a four -lane road rife with commercial de- velopment. And changes are still in the works in all five Durham Region municipali- ties that straddle the con- course. In Bowmanville, for exam- ple, there arc essentially two main central areas, explains David Crome. Clarington's di- rector of planning. The town has an east end, made up of the historical downtown area east to the Bowmanville Mall, and a west end. the site of new development in the 1990s, in- cluding a movie theatre com- plex and mall. hr two major commcr- wl areas have meant ime plans have had to he inade to help make for more equitable growth in the town. 'The balance that we've been trying to strike here ... is that there is a lot of interest in putting new commercial dc- velopment growth in the west end so (the Town) has put a lid on some of it so some busi- nesses locate in the east and downtown:' says Mr. Crome. To that end. Clarington coun- cil in 1993 instituted a number of -growth thresholds" for the Zwest end. As the population of larington grows, so may commercial development in the west end. "On the east end," notes Mr. Cromc. -there arc no growth thresholds." Hwy. 2 winds its way to Townline Road in ('ourtice, change is al,o cv ident. It all started with some businesses trying to get out of rules imposed by Os- hawa. says Mr Crome. For many ycars. the City of Oshawa did not allow most businesses to be open late at night. So. -gas stations set up there, lust over (Oshawa's) border:' says Mr. Crome. Then, a developer in Oshawa "got land designated at Town - line as a local central area" which allowed for the build- ing of Kingsway Village shop- ping plaza on the Oshawa side of Townline. That changed Courtice's planned landscape forever. -In Courtice, when Cour- tice was established in plan- ning documents, the main central area was identified as Trolls Road and Hwy. 2. That was supposed to be the down- town area of Courtice:' he says. Now, new development in the area has made Hwy. 2 and Townline Road the major commercial area of the com- munity. While Oshawa's part of Hwy. 2 is largely built out, Evan Rodgers, manager of policy and special projects for Os- hawa department of develop- ment services, says there is still room for change in his This vie% of Highway 2 lrroks easthound (is it winds its waw inti, the village of Rent- manville, circa 1915. Todav, there are two main central areas in the town. The east end is made up of the historical downtown area, while the west end is the site of new devel- opment. neck of the woods. "For the most part, our King Street corridor is, of course, fully developed:' he says. "We will see redevelop- ment and different uses over the course of time, for sure" F urther changes may he on the way for Oshawa's part of Hwy. 2. Current - 1%. the highway, through Os- hawa's downtown core, is a one-way street system, with King Street running east- bound and Bond Street han- dling westbound traffic. "City council has asked us to look at a one-way, two-way street system:' says Mr. Rodgers, adding a study con- tract on the issue is expected to be awarded in the near fu- ture. Whitby, the next stop on Hwy. 2, is also poised for change along the thorough- fare, says Robert Short, the town's planning director. "It used to be that Hwy. 2 was that string of pearls;' he says. The population simply wasn't in place prior to recent years to allow for a great deal of commercial growth north of Dundas Street. Whitby's part of Hwy. 2. `The key thing is that all of Kingston Road isn't to be treated the same way...' - NEIL CARROLL One of the current features of Hwy. 2 as it travels through Whitby is the "very unique auto sales strip.- just west of the street's intersection with Thickson Road. But that all may change as population forges northward. he indicates. *1 think in the longer term. you will see change as the area grows to the north and there will be new east -west corridors:' he notes. Alax, too, has seen its portion of Hwv. 2 change rather dramati- cally The big -box store develop- ment at the interaction of Harwood Avenue and Kingston Road, which Ajax calls its section of the high- way, has popped up in a hurry, says the town's director of planning. "If you back up the clock about four years:' says Lco DeLoyd. "we've had about I . million square feet (of com- mercial buildings) built there ... that', getting into enough L,arraine Roulston 1<: Recycles ewer' poor space for a erg snoppmg A treasure centre" trove of And, the growth is far from over, he says. "On the northwest corner of Harwood is a big empty goodies space -- that's going to have a sizable commercial facility that's going to be up within As is our tradition, Recycler's two years" Corner and the News Advertiser Pickering's official plan bring you the Treasute Chest on a 'does identify Kingston Road monthly basis. This feature al- a, the town's main street:' lows residents to give away items ,ays Neil Carroll, director of ; they no longer use and to list ar- Planning and development for titles they need. the City of Pickering. To use the Treasure Chest, call ..It helps to tie together a 420-5625 during regular business lot of our different neighbour- 1 hours. Requests to have items hoods. It acts as a corridor and listed must be made by the last acts as that connector;' he Wednesday of the month. says. In the mid-1990s. Pickering ITEMS NEEDED did a Kingston Road Corri- 1) Omni -chord, auto harp, old dor Urban Design and De- linen tablecloths, matching drum velopment Study. which tables - 427-2085. pulled together residents, en- 2) Medical supplies, bandages, gmeers, and urban developers gauze. assistive devices such as it, come up with overall devel- walkers. etc. for Third World use opment suggestions for the -41(-286-0127. road, says Mr. Carroll. The ! 3) Double stroller - 839-4707. study came up with a number 1 4) Stand for an apartment -size of ideas to help guide devel- washerldryer, small freezer, opment, and essentially cut ' apartment dryer - 416 -265 - the roadway into five separate ! 5522. precincts. ! 5) One or two bundle buggies - "The key thing is that all of i 839-0734. Kingston Road isn't to be 6) Fishing tackle in any condition treated the same way. It can be - 416-737-7453. a main street, but it can't be 7) Old-style auto water heater the same main street treatment i (coil that plugs into a car lighter all the way through;' he says. to beat water, hot chocolate, etc.) The guide provides for dif- - for a disabled women, 831- ferent uses for the different 2592. areas. 8) Little Tyke play slide (older "Some of the precincts are model that is a bit larger than more car -oriented and some what is available today) - 839 - are anticipated to be really 6249. more pedestrian -oriented:' he 9) Working vacuum cleaner - explains. The study is part of 839-0440. the official plan, which is re- 10) Sofa bed and fridge, comput- viewed every five years. I er games, adjus" bed for a From main stagecoach 1 handicapped child. TV - 426 mute, to main shopping 8813. r„ute, Hwy. 2 has gorse 11) Dressers. furniture, metal fwrn a trail blazed on trees to roofing and siding, drywall, fil- a major thoroughfare. And, ing cabinets, paneling, medical though no one can draw a de- supplies, truck trailer to keep finitive picture of how it will some animals quzantined, and look in 20 years, one thing is volunteers - Second Chance for certain --Kingston Road Wildlife Sanctuary, 649-8282. will continue its evolution 12) Chest of drawers, women's plus site clothing, double bed and love seat. As a community moves west, so do the Watsons and mattress. 83 BY JENNIFER STONE W Wraer BOWMANVILLE - No- body knows change along Hwy. 2 in the Bowmanville area like Ted Watson. The owner of Ted Watson Farms is part of a family that has owned land along one of Durham Region's busiest roads for almost half a century. Things have certainly changed since his father bought the Watson's orig- inal Bowmanville farm in 1953. "Itte old horse farm is where the (Garnet B.) Rickard Centre and the police station are now:' says Mr. Watson, referring to the intersection of what is now Hwy. 2 and Regional Road 57 in Bowmanville's west end. In 1971, the land was expropriated by the Province for the building of Hwy. 2. Regional Road 57 also took on its current form at that time. Hwy. 2 had long existed in Bowmanville, but had followed a dramatically different route, up into what is now the Waver- ley subdivision. -lie road went in front of the houses instead of behind:' describes Mr. Watson. Fortunately, Mr. Watson's fa- ther had the foresight to pur- chase the site of what is now the family's home farm, southwest of dee original farm, at Hwy. 2 and Maple Grove Road, and they had a place to go when the expropriation took place- It was Pickernig Town Caroti Wednesday, Feb. 9, 7 pm. - Committee of Adjusuneot, main committee room, Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade. Ajax Town Council Monday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m. - Ajax Council, council chambzr, Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S. Durham Regional Council Wednesday, Feb. 9, 10 a.m, - Durham Re- gion Council, Council Chambers, Durham Region Headquarters, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Durham Catholic school board Monday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m. - Durham District School Board Standing Commiluee, Education Centre, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. Monday, Feb. 14, 7: 30 p.m. - Durham Catholic District School Board, Catholic Educa- tion Centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa WALTER PASSARELLAI News Advertiser photo Durham farmer Ted Watson stands on his land as the town and housing development slow- ly encroaches on his Highway 2 property. then that the family business un- derwent a rather dramatic change, diversifying from the apple growing business it was. Now, the Watson grow straw- berries, raspberries, sweet com, pumpkin and other produce, along with apples. They have both a stand to purchase a[ - ready -picked goods, as well as a pick -your -own produce section. "We're concentrating more on the retail end of it:' says Mr. Watson. In the early 1980s. the Watson had a little more of their land expropriated, "but only a harrow strip when they widened the highway," says the landowner. The family isn't sitting back and waiting for Bowmanville's boundaries to move even further west. In fact, Mr. Watson's son recently bought another farm near Soling Road and Hwy. 2 "so we have a place to go if and when we get pushed again" Mr. Watson has noticed a great number of changes in the time he's lived and worked along Bowmanville's west end of Hwy. 2. "There's been an awful change in the traffic and this end of Bowmanville has obviously changed dramatically;" he says. A different kind of clone... Revenue Canada's foreign content rule says you can't hold more than 20 per cent of the book value of your RRSP in non -Canadian investments. Historically, however, international invest- ments have earned significantly higher returns than Canadian stock market investments. "Smart investors should be looking for ways to increase foreign exposure within their RRSPs while remaining within Revenue Canada guide- lines," says Ed Legzdin, president and CEO of First Canadian Funds Inc. "RRSP-eligible foreign funds, commonly known as clone funds, are an ex- cellent mean to achieve this objective" Clone funds hold most of their assets in money market securities (such as Treasury Bills) and use derivatives to mimic the returns of an established foreign index or mutual fund. Many investors are rebalancing portfolios to increase foreign content with new 100 per cent RRSP-eligible foreign funds. Increasing foreign exposure in your RRSP offers bottom -lire benefits: • Increased performance potential. By holding a greater percentage of your portfolio outside of Canada, you get the chance to enjoy the potential of significantly higher investment return over the long run. • Lower investment volatility. Greater portfolio di- versification reduces risk - especially when you invest in markets that don't move in tandem with the Canadian market. • RRSP tax benefits. RRSP investing earns the im- mediate return of a tax refund, as well as the op- portunity to enjoy tax-sheltered compounding of your returns over time. - News Canada ITEMS TO GIVE AWAti' 1) llouhle stainless-stxl, single - handle kitchen faucet, null -length sheer drapes, single -burner hot plate, small black -and -white TV, tape recorder, ceiling fight fix- tures, record albums - 683- 0330. 2) Duncan ceramic kiln - 683- 6067. 3) Gerbil gage with one fury res- ident - 839-0734. 4) Child's new skis (46 -inch length with 30 -inch poles) - 416-737-7453. 5) Doors (brown bi-fold and white slab), decorative ceiling tile, red leather -padded basement bar - 839-3887. 6) Headboard for a twin size bed -426-8813. 7) Overhead exhaust hood (two speed, good condition) - 420- 4236. 8) Washer/dryer (dryer needs a new timer), 13 sheets of drywall, five gallons of latex interior white paint - 683-4924 from 5 to 9 P.M. 9) IBM PSI computer (approxi- mately 10 years old) - Jennifer, 831-1335. DOD The annual Second Chance Wildlife Sanctuary Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance nuts Fri- day, Feb. 1 I at Papp's Resraunant, at the Home and Design Centre. Cocktails are served at 7 pm. with dinner at 8. Door prizes will be awarded. For tickets call 649- 8282 or 837-1265. WU epkv IN A 40 zap 0 ko M 015 0 TAMS • wpm Entertainment NEWS All the right notes Local opera star raises her voice for orchestra An up-and-coming opera and services that audience and can also be bought at the star and former Pickering resi- members can bid on during the door. dent will be a special guest intermission. All Saints church is at the performer at the Ajax -Picker- Tickets for the show. at $5 corner of Centre Street and ing Chamber Orchestra's con- for adults and $2 for children Hwy. 2. cert this month. 12 years and under, are avail- For more information call Stephanie Piercey will sing able from orchestra members 831-8466. Mozart's Exsultate Jubilate motet with the accompaniment of the orchestra during the Torchmen fired up show at All Saints Anglican • a Church t Whitby Saturday. Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m. for Ajax Piercey, who has recently BUS TRIPS gospel gig relocated with her family to •1o:30am for Casino Rema CW Flolders London, England, is returning AJAX — A Grammy -win- Grammy awards and for several to release a recording of music ning gospel singing group will years has been voted the num- by Samuel Barber entitled appear in concert in Ajax next ber-one group by the Canadian Nocturne and to sing with the month. Gospel Music Association. orchestra. The Torchmen will perform Tickets to the Ajax show are A busy performer, Piercey at St. Timothy's Presbyterian $10 for adults and $8 for stu- has sung at many of the major Church Saturday, Feb. 5 at 7:30 dents and seniors. They're avail - opera houses throughout Eu- p.m. able at the church by calling rope and was recently the lead Based in St. Catharines, the 683-6122 or from Alice in a production of Mozart's Torchmen have appeared on Stephens at 428-6131 Monday Cosi fan Tute in New York stage in five provinces, 10 states to Friday. The event isspon- which was highly praised by and three countries over the past cored by the St. Timothy's se - local critics. 29 years. nior Choir. St. Timothy's church Copies of Piercey's CD will The group has earned two is at 97 Burcher Rd. be available at the concert. Also on the program are Caribbean sounds come Beethoven's Egmont Over - D Major. D Major. Britten's Soriee Mu- Britnn's Sorf a Mu- to Ajax this Saturday sicalcs and Smetana's Three Dances for the Bartered Bride. AJAX — Reggac sounds Ajax Room of the Ajax Com - The Ajax -Pickering Cham- and a tauc of the Caribbean are munity Centre. 75 Centennial ber Orchestra's annual silent in order when the Ajax Race Rd. auction fund-raiser will also Relations Advisory Committee Tickets arc S5 in advance. take place the night of the con- hosts a Caribbean Night this Tickcts can be obtained at the cert. weekend. Ajax or McLean Community Local merchants and indi- The event starts Saturday. Centres, or all library branches. viduals have donated items Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. in the HMS 619-2529, ext. 366. Ice Synthetic le 0 je in a warm A quiet atmosphere Art Thompson Arena Does your child not like the cold? Does your child need a skate aid? Does your back hurt after skating with your child? Does your older child get mbarassed because they don't know how to skate? f the answer is YES to these questions then we would like to introduce you to -Synthetic e". Providing quality skating Lessons for the past 15 years in Durham Region. We are now nning skating lessons for BEGINNER CHILDREN i3 ADULTS, in a warm & quiet tmosphere. Classes are running EVENINGS & WEEKENDS. Providing hours more suitabl o your busy lifestyle! For more information on this amazing Ice surface. Call Now! * 8 wk. classes starting now. Limited Spaces available * Semi & Private lessons * Birthday Parties * Spring 2000 Registration is on now for our 10 wk. session. Beginner to Advanced classes available. AME DYNAKC For any info on these programs Readers'I eau t90 Dna leave a tt0ssage E � 905-655-3600 Awards ,VAURI OR 1999 L1ff^pt V T O 3K^'r E 1-500-553-7747 EStANUS 1103ie10E 1wJ www3sympatko.caAL Shaw •.......•••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• 1S t �ettpkl'wn.Ctr. • OWAlrrs lrffEllMY Mor— • • .. • • + . l � . aetOtitYkatlyp.r.rr vesepeByThe &give • 122 SC Paeidr Sl Baca sm w. • • N•..rvadon. � GK od I� ENOR�utatrant 11 • A. . 9130=S4+o McDonelds • Holywood Prirrcees F=1 11 • Brunet Flan • a ""'"isSO" • =FREE BUS TRIPS 1 No�� •1o:30am for Casino Rema CW Flolders Baee�astawlbat tbnet East carver • • fthr4rxl Hill, OM. provided by Can -k Coach Ilnll w w.ya $995 (Taxitc) tpprd �� la 8: 1r.� Pd -V Pwk-y 1 Qr�irr • • • log 'claw• asee•s Balexst 8 rues 10:35wn Fi ch" P1eza • a,cksAos, • • • 2,238 Slob Wbw 6 Knb Plea INK Caner • • • a R••tmwantss 10:45am iram asaftus Coles Tame • • • Alcohol S•r111C• • • •yopngB 8 S161111111101 Cance Point Mel • • Lounge 10:15am ne®asaftus BeerSknre • • • by Ltls urV Baetust 8 Canis Pratnrneda Mel • • Hkd-way Coach 10:454n TrandTOM" • • 0111111111111111110111114011111111111 1S t �ettpkl'wn.Ctr. tBUTdeyC�PmPau • MON. - SAT. from t, • = 9:00 am - 6:00 pm ►keaer Mtl Ymp Street • SUN. 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 10AOarn mwra aW PMtO 1WAvem • N•..rvadon. Advised Hw 17 b ►rr St Holywood Prirrcees Local Hodine Out of Town 11 • Brunet Flan • (905) 148100)we4trwday a Saturday apwturn 731-3678 567-2121 9� Zes 4040 & Sira�e St. S. • 80 West Beaver • minimum age for F �n e Creek Rd. . V 9:15am a< Bailey 8 Harwood • fthr4rxl Hill, OM. provided by Can -k Coach Glenna Rd. A • Owe• Depart Casino Name at 7 p.m. 1r.� Pd -V Pwk-y • PROBLEM GAMMMs(; HELPLINE 1.0002303505 t Plua Padtside Dr • CANADIAN FouNDATICN ON COMPULSIVE 10 30rn Prim Chopper • f3Ak will 418.99-M Ant TrevN Rep 1919850 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• News ADVEMM EM WEDNESDAY EDfTwl1, Fabrtwy A moo PAGE Il AI► Prices In Effect From hursa FEB. 3 to Sun. FEB. 6 ID At'3 Nx �ug�`GPN 2a�3� E 3� G S\e c�s�OmG� V ER� RDEN CERN I SEEDS+ 475015BO198 Tj�,�Tjl - AV C,500 V 11 �1 6 G�pEPICK'�K y t� PINE G'`' pANEL1.IN 16701124 A4SO-'041. J �p 16 OL -Steed MMER WHA tiP WkD & RD 25 KG 8A 47590028 all purpose to f ed many speG1es t Jh� J (0AN REMO WHITE TOILET 14W3*Z Cper L SyFAFEq C?A Sorry No Raie Chegres--or II Stock MereMoodise ONIy! 15 WESTNEY RD. N. 427-9931 'two P PME 10 NEWS ADVENTISM WEDNESDAY Sports&LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISE)k- I-Fli. 2. .7000 Playoff -bound Panthers hope for miracle on ice `Anything can happen' in post -season, notes coach of last -place Pickering juniors BYAL RIVETT Sporrs Editor PICKERING - Despite missing several key, perform- ers, especially on the blue line. the Pickering Boyer Pontiac Panthers still found a way to post a 4-2 home -ice victory against the powerhouse Wex- ford Raiders Friday. A rash of two -game sus- pensions meted out following a contest against the Ajax Ax- emen Jan. 23 left the Panthers without the services of de- fencemen Doug Carr and Alex Pavloski, and forwards David Visconti and Jason Puterman. But. Pickering kept up with the second -place Raiders from buzzer to buzzer to post the victory in the first of a home - and -home series against Wex- ford in OHA Ontario Provin- cial Junior 'A' Hockey League play. The Pickering juniors played game two of the series against Wextord in Scarbor- ough Tuesday night after the New, Advertiser's press dead- llnc. Friday's win was the Pan- thers' second consecutive vic- tory over the Raiders, whom they defeated 3-2 in Scarbor- ough Jan. 2. The win improves the Pan- thers' record to 10-30-4 for 26 points, including two points for two overtime losses. Going into Tuesday's contest, the Pickering juniors were in ninth and last place in the league's South Conference. two points behind the Oshawa Lcgionaires PantherN head coach Brian Blad notes his charges have tended to play better when the team's bench has been short - cried by injuncs or suspen- sions this season. " 1 think a lot of times when we've been shorthanded we X11KE ANDREOFF Starting goaltender backstopped Panthers to win over Wexford Raiders Fridav night. bear down a lot more. We start thinking that we have to play the system better because of the lack of bodies. They seem to get more into the games:' says Blad. He praises the work of starting goaltender Mike An- dreoff who turned aside 27 shots, many of the difficult va- riety, to backstop the Panther.- to anthersto the Friday victory. "They had a lot more quali- ty shots on Andreoff than we did on them:' says Blad. "At least three or four times they should have had goals, but he made the big save. He was definitely the difference in the game " The Panthers led 2-0 after the first period and 3-1 going into the final frame. The teams traded goals in the third stan- za. Ian Ross. Garret Winder. Bill Duncan and Ian Law scored for Pickering. Drawing assists were Mike Hanna with two, Kyle Aitken, Sean Uni- acke, T.J. Kemp and Pat O'Halloran with one apiece. Due to a generous league playoff format which elimi- nates only one team from the North and South Conferences and one from the East and West, the Panthers will make it Into the post -season with a cub -.500 record. While Blad admits the Pan- thers may not be deserving of a playoff berth, he's happy his rookie -laden team will get to experience post -season play. "I think as bad as it is that so many teams make it into the playoffs this season, 1 think it's good that our young guys get to experience playoff hockey. It's been a second sea- son for us since Christmas. and we've played above .500 since Christmas:' he says. Blad expects the Panthers will face off in the first round of the playoffs against the heavily -favoured Vaughan Vipers, who sit 49 points ahead of Pickering. Since the Panthers played well against the Vipers this season, an upset of epic pro- portions just might be in the works. "Anything can happen:' says Blad. -We match up well against (Vaughan). The last two games they beat us 3-2 both times. We're looking for- ward to meeting them and let- ting our guys get some playoff experience for next year" The Panthers final regular - season home game is this Sun- day. Feb. 6 against the Nonh York Rangers at the Pickering Recreation Complex at 8-30 p.m. The Pickering Juniors fin- ish the regular season in Os- hawa against the Legionaires Tuesday. Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. WHILEQUANTITIES LAST HUM an! Get a real grip on winter driving rM struction to his planers while behind the League action. P155/801113 4P195/75RIA team in recent season plav Feb. 5P195/75R14 Teams from 5P205/75R14 Seventy squads at Pickering Ringette 5/`205/751115 PICKERING - learns 6P215/75R fl 15 from across Ontario and Quebec P235/75RIS 6P175/70R13 have converged on the city for 4P185/708I4 Other squads competing in 11 P195/70RIA sc99 P205/70R14 54.99 P205/70R15 OL" P215/70R 15 64,9! rA P175/65R14 54.99 P205/651115 64.99 iidrt.13odiq.bwHiii.iii"No '. 'or hisdW 449"! m ii 4 5 "99 M 14" = 6499! M Irma aR-VIM p■rSt iirts Made for Sears by Bridgestone, these snow and mud -rated fires provide superior traction. N64000 uiw Come see the many sides of Sears® a ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRESfor more information call 1.888.758.2999v www.drivedeon.com ONTARIO'SPickering Town Centre IVE a.«. u.» 420.0271 RON PMTRONIR01 News Advertiser photo Panthers' head coach Brian Blad gives in- OHA Ontario Provincial Junior 'A' Hockev struction to his planers while behind the League action. The Panthers finish regular - bench of the junior hockev team in recent season plav Feb. 8. Teams from all over after the brass ring Seventy squads at Pickering Ringette Tournament PICKERING - learns [real wotttcds teams a dch ter. Cambridge and Montreal from across Ontario and Quebec 'AA' and an intermediate squad will be coming in:' she says. have converged on the city for - will compete in the micrme- Other squads competing in the 22nd annual Pickering diatc *AA' division. Therc'll also the intermediate bracket are Ringette Tournament. which be strong local representation. Pickering, Etobicokc, Sudbury gets under way today. Wedncs- including teams from Ajax, and Nepean. day. Feb. 2 and continues until Whitby and Oshawa. Pickering will ice strong en - Sunday. According to Sharon Shcl- tries in both the junior 'A' and Seventy squads will compete don of the Pickering Ringette the belle divisions of the tourna- in this year's version at the Pick- Association, the tournament ment. as many of the players on enng Recreation Complex and will treat spectators to the high- those squads formerly suited up Don Beer Arena Teams will cst calibre of nngette outside of for Pickenng's provincial cham- range from the youngest bunny the provincial and national pionship team at the junior 'A' division right up to the top inter- championships. level last season. mediate women's level. With eight strong teams in Finals in all categories will Squads have travclle f Inom the intermediate 'AN category, be played at both venues, start - as far asvas as Nepcan ['ant- "The intermediate division will ing at mxxr Sunday. bridge. G6wcestcr and ', .Thur IX-'Juitc something to sec. Many Thcrc's no admission charge for the went As rel I r.s s.1 n . the top teams from Gloucc%- to attend the tournament. PICKERING SOCCER REP TRVOt1T SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 12 - MARCH 13 TIME TEAM AGE COACH I TELEPHONE SATURDAYS - DUNBARTON HIGH SCHOOL - BOYS Gs'M 03 W- 09 30 AM H,. '1311/ 13A I 1987 Ctvu Jad�i(91)i 426 1629 09.10-1100 AM Buss UIIP/UIIA 1989 lxnnuxMllhe11 1905)427-5484 11 00 - 12 30 PM llu , U14A 1986 Kennck Rickwn (905) 837-3143 12.30 - 02'00 PM Bus UIOP/U 10 1990 Iron Gurdon (9)S) 686-5409 02:00 - 03.30 PM Bos UIOB/U(9 1991 Mike Lynch 1905) 831.3992 03.30 - 05:00 PM Bu s C 19 1911 John Flemn 905 420-2775 SUNDAYS - DUNRARTON HIGH SCHOOL - BOYS GYM 08:00.09:30 AM Girls U I IP 1989 1 Steve Reeves 905 420.2511 09.30-IIi.000 BosU12R/UIIA 1988 Thomas Gill (905)839-3239 11:00- 1_: M Girls U11P I orwe St. .Aub n ( 5) 937-2736 36 12:30 - Bos U16 16A I ve Vierira 4_0 02:00 - 03:30 PM Bos U(xi 1992 Dominic R useo 905 509-4633 03:30 - 05:00 PM Bos U 17P 1983 Carl Pearce 905) 4201979 SATURDAYS - ST. MARY'S HIGH SCHOOL - LARGE GYM 07:45 - 09:25 AM Girls U 16 OYSL 1 1984 1 John Cook 905 623.2822 09 25 - 0:4 irlsin 9- 7 1015 - it 1 FrAmotim 1 (905) 831-2547 o :25 PM I Boys U I 5PAJ 15A 1 1985 1 Carl ChiVC1S(905)429-3962 02:45 PM I Gerls U10 1 1990 1 Alfonso Garcia4 - 6RY ITM 'of :4 - P S 39-1266 -:104"5 AM Girls U14R/U14P 1986 Bill Black (905) 420.5126 INDOOR PRACTICE SCHEDULE 1 TEAM COACH I TELEPHONE SATURDAYS - ST. MARY'S HIGH SCHOOL - LARGE GYM -4 - 3- 09:25 - 10:45 AM I Gids U 18 OYSL 649-2578 10:45.12:05 PM GirlsU15A =Jenws905 905 837-2547 12:05 - 01:25 PM Boys U15P/A (905)428-3962 (905) 839-6852 01:25 - 145 PM 1 SUNDAYS - ST. MARYS HIGH SCHOOL - LARGE GYM (905)420-8713 07:45 - 09:30 AM I Gals U 121` 1 1988 1 Karen Michalicka 905 839-1266 09:30. 10:45 AM GuisU14R/P 1986 Bill Black V (905)4205126 5 "ATURDAYS 08.00 - 09 30 AM Bos U13R/A 1987 Chris Jadoo 905 426-2629 Ian Kerr 1905 839-2771 09.10 - 11.00AM Buys U12PJA 1989 Lennox Mitchell Dan Cassid 19051 427-5484 (905) 839-8324 11:00 - 12.10 PM Bus U14A 1986 Kennck Rickson 905 837-3144 12.30 - 02.00 PM Boys U 10 PIA 1990 Leon Gordon Make Reynolds 1905) 686-5409 5 42- 02.00 - 03:30 PM Bus U I OWU91991 Mike Lynch 905 M31-3992 0330 - 05.(x) PM Bus U 19R 19M 1 John Flemm 0 (905) 42277` 081)o-(1910 AM Girls UI 1P 1989 Steve Reeves 905 420-2511 l9 30 11181 AM Hoy, U12R/A 1988 Tom Gill(9(5) Mail DiNunnu 839-3239 90S 420-7394 I (N) 12 lU PM Gds U14 1987 Horace St. AUBvn 905 837.2736 12.10 02(x1 PM 12- Huy, U16R/A 1984 Dave Vieira John Cawley9(15 (9)5) 4?0.2644 839-0866 02 (9) O1 10 P -M1992 .s US 1992 IMon nic Ra use,. (9061 5(19.4631 _(1 (I. . 0 05-.(x) PM Ho s U I 1981 U arce 9-) 420- 19 9 • port SHORTS f.I:R. 2, 2000 Panthers' bantams ready for playoffs Speedsters make fast tracks to provincials PICKERING — The Pickering Pan- i Ajax and Pickering speedsters posted strong results at the recent thers Johnson Controls/Music World 'AA' Roval Canadian Legion District 'F' minor bantam is prepared for the Indoor Track and Field Meet at Os - post -season after winning its last three hawa's Civic Dome. regular -season games of the season. The final of the three wins was The top four finishers in each against the first -place Belleville Bobcats. event in the 15 -and -under and under - Ne score or scoring information was 17 age groups from the district com- available petition qualified for the Legion The Pickering minor bantams will I Provincial Finals at York University play the Ajax Knights in the first round of I Feb. 5. Several local athletes — all the playoffs. The winner of the series will members of the Oshawa Legion move on to meet defending provincial Track and Field Club — will ad - champion Peterborough. vance to provincials. Pickering forwards Gerd Brettell, Jenn Evans, competing in the 15- s Brian Campbell. Derek Farmer, Stephen and -under girls' bracket, moves on Farmer, Matt Fettes, Matt Pernerowski, after winning the 400 metres and fin - Ashley Riggs. Tyler Van Gijn and Brian ishing third in the 2(x) metres. She'll Wilkins have collectively scored an aver- be joined by Shannon Boodram, who age of 4.5 goals per games this season. won both the 50 metres and the 200 In contrast, the defence of Greg ! metres. Elyse Campbell finished Garrett, Man Gartner, Evie Hanna, Eric Neubauer and Cale Smith and third in the 1,500 metres to advance goal- fenders Michael Fleming and Luke to the provincials. Danielle Visconti placed fifth in the 50 metres and Chivers have held their opponents to a sixth in the 200 metres. stingy goals against average of three Martin's headed to the On - iPaul goals per game. The team has also been helped I tario meet after capturing the 50 - throughout regular -season play by affili- rncire hurdles. 400 metres and high metres ated players Mike Watkins. Chris Lover- jump um in the 17 -and -under hos case- oderfinisboys' c e- ing and Michael Tantsis- Matt Sample in Later this year, the Pickering Pan- the R(x) metre. and seventh in the thers minor bantams will be travelling to 1,5(x) metres. Europe. The team is coached by John Leigh Cushnie is off to the Fleming, Carl Chivers. Barry Fettes and provincial showcase after winning Don Pernerowski. the 50 metres• and finishing second in the 50 -metre hurdles and third in Peewee Panthers the 2(x) metres in the 17 -and -under win cat girls' division. fight to take Kvler Carson placed fourth in the series M(x) metres and fifth in the 1,500 me- tres in the 15 -and -under toys' brack- PICKERING — The Pickering Pan- et. thers peewee 'AA' rep hockey team Amber Cushnie was first in the swept its first-round playoff series Kix) metres and second in the 1,500 against the Belleville Bobcats and will metres in the 12 -and -under girls' di - now play Oshawa in the league semi -h- vision nals. The winner of the Pickering Pan- thers -Oshawa Generals best -of -three affair will move on to the division final. Pickering eliminated Belleville from the OMHA playdowns with three straight one -goal wins. The Panthers took game one of the series 4.3 as goanender Quinn Caggiu- la shut the door on the hard -charging Belleville team which came back from a 4-1 deficit. Scoring for the Panthers I were Cameron Watters. Michael Rocca, Blake AraW and KynAss c Aitken. orts went to Brandon Launola, Chris Thorpe. Ryan Daniels. Kevin Cryan, Chris Pasternak),. Troy Glasson, Aitken, and Araujo Game two saw Bekivillee storm balk from a 5-2 deficit to send the contest into overtime where Michael Krasnowsfu L�. ra the6vrvhner for the Panthers at 5 victory. Krasrtoarslu was up from the W team for the series to replace Taylor Sheth, who was out with an injury. Also scoring for the Pan- thers were Patrick Mundy, Aitken. Rocca. Aratajo and Launola. Earrw g as- sists were Cryan with two. Shawn Coul- tice, Rob Selig, Araujo, Cryan, Mundy, Watters. Aitken, Pasternack, Thorpe. Rocca and Giasson, an with one. David Demarinis was sharp for the Panthers in i goal. Pickering took the third game of the series 2.1. Cryan and Rocca scored lir the Panthers, with assists to Araujo, Coultice. Daniels and Selig. Quinn Caggiula was once again spectacular in goal for Pickering. Atom Panthers mend their wounds to take series lead PICKERING — The Pickering Pan- thers Wayne Gretzky's Studio 99 major atom 'AA' rep hockey team scored a 4-2 victory over the Whitby Wildcats in Brookhn Jan. 18 to take a 1-0 lead in the first round of the OMHA playoffs. Despite suffering numerous injuries In the regular season, the Panthers managed to finish third in the Eastern Division. Pickering faced the Wildcats in the series opener with 14 regulars and Gall- up Shane Boyd from the Panthers' atom •A' team. From the opening face-off, the Panthers dominated the Wildcats. Pick- ering's James McCardle opened the scoring with Nathaniel Underhill assist- ing at 9:34 of the firsf period. Whitby tied it up late in the second j but Pickering roared back two minutes later to take the lead again, thanks to team captain Stephen Boyle. Defence - man Daniel Prebble got the assist. Pickering scored twice in the third on goals by Cody Pollard, assisted by Brandon Crumme, and McCardle, who netted his second of the night with Boyle and Pollard assisting. Whitby scored in the dying minutes of the third. Goalie David Tomei was outstand- ing. Other team members are Jamie Molony, Chad Gaudet, Will Mitchell, I Chris Dixon. Jordan Guarrasi, Mark Gertsakis, Gus Mattachioni and Jordan Pollan. i 1 — rnl kph l Ykl.st , IA V'D Did you know... -nc N-. ),Miff:: J Ilk onhrio Reis COMO, So kuld St7 row", om MSB 2M7. o indCpen*,N -Wn,Ww teal addriem Am % apnea nM~te„a,apeW R NEM ADVERTIt".WEONESDAY EDfT10N, February 2, 2000 PAGE 11 P LAST CHANCE Registration for Pickering Men's Recreational Fastball Registration for Ladies Recreational Softball L Sat., Feb. 6, 2000 -10 a.m. - 2 p.m. ues., Feb. 15, 2000 - 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Pickering Recreation Complex It pays to pay your News Advertiser carrier Just ask P. Wheeler of Ajax who won a TV In the Ajax/Pickering News Advertisers recent collection draw. To he entered to win, just pay your carrier the $5.00 voluntary delivery charge and send in your ballot. The carrier on this route. Bradley, also received a $25.(0 bonus for selling the winning coupon sheet to a customer on her route. Your earner will he around to collect between February 2 - February 14. 2000 and you'll have a chance to win a VCR. Stay Warm This -. �i���� -OqO� i l a!■ a • / o• Remote Car a-,• Starter Car Starters — 420-9965 — Bring the world RRSP. Ask me about increasing the foreign exposure in your RRSP. Gam resolis to News Advertiser 683-7363 John R. Price 539 Westney Rd. South Unit 1, Ajax (905) 428-0244 Pard for to port by 14 MONEY A� ' , CONCEPTS Money C'oncepu (wow C'apaal Corp. orad N. F M.J. loaaa wce Agawy hw. MuuW Fundic we wld by prespcw[us only t'nit values and total taveaunm n:turro tluxuak Spartans' Minor Baseball NM - 32000 REGISTRATION[ UNINKMMYUM 10 ani -1 pm, McLean Centre Room 2 *Jr. T-hil - $f04 Major J Minor T" - $ff5s Rookie Ball - $f2 AN Over DiriAl m - $1215 ♦ Rwh Cerdfwwe A Ontario He lkh Cwd necessary m rrgisW ♦ Thee ASMBA is pleased to annownee tkw we wig be offering a Women's Howse Leagwe Dttrision for worsen ages 19-25. 0 # ""A •LETS PLAYBALL! For Mee inkin SIM 0—mr- W h ASIA MO UNE 683N Or visit us at wwmajaxbaseball.com Tile now edifion Is now on life sftets pick up a copy at these leading businesses: Max/Piekerine Ajax Comm. Centre Academy of Learning Aj/Ptck Hospital Nanonal Bank Alai library Liverpatl House Pickering library Gast Side Manns Mad box etc. Hollywaxt Donuts Ajax Economic Dev. office Pakmad Ajax Town office Annandale Golf Ajax/Rck Board of Trade Country Donuts ('ick Comm. Centre Chapters i0GAN, IN TODAY'S News Adverfiser Wed., Feb. 2, 2000 News Advertiser 1111111" Aoffia ' jiv Using and Repairs Pick. BMR D" ApoIIPKk. ' Business rna AladPieL ' gassipl Martial Arts Pick. CM1001:911h 4mviCIL Dania udw AOIPKL ' Double Double Pia Pick. . Pial Mac's Ain ' Rdtaing Alkratim Pick Real Fsbte Ala Acle. Rami( Fnst Realty Joe Pbw Plitt. Remat Unique Wes Poshow ft ' '),livered to sckM houseWds oniv Remember. all inserts, including 11n.e on glossyy paper, can be ^cycled `with the rest of your ne'aspaper through your blue �,t Recycling program.F,,r information on dehrering yr advertising Flyers, ca:, DI"NCAN F1FfCHERat Fls -sa- Maurice Wednesdav's carrier of the week is Maurice He enjoys computers and playing basketball. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald's. Congratulations Maurice for being our carrier of the week. vii 1:,,.,,.. ,. • . Email it NE'A'S :ADVERTISER 4,P shouston@mail.durham.net I PICKERING SOFTBALL 2000 PROGRAM ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION Children's T -Ball (year of birth 1993-94) Three Divisions Children's Softball (year of birth 1980-92) Ten Divisions Sunday, February 6th 10:00am to 2:00pm Tuesday, February 15th 7:00pm to 9:00pm The Pickering Recreation Complex Second Floor, Vailey`arm Ra south of Hwy 2 $80'rs: child $VO each additional sibling Botn Biri + _-e"' care and Jrtanc ,wry ped cru;: -st -ed upon registration Other Pickering Softball Programs Scheduled to participate at the February 5th Registration Session -Pickering FnVitch (Rep) Softball oRecreatforial Softball: Mens and Ladies -Pickeri Select (TourrwreM SoftbaN) •Slo-pfteh: Men's. Ladies and Mad INFORMATION 420-6050 UMPIRES, SPONSORS. b COACHES 537-0606 visit us :;n the NeD :. a' cke, : q,.!:', .- Labour Sponsored Investment Fund Forum Saturday, February 5, 2000 9:00 am - 1:00 pm presented by Stan .Vardn, CFP, Financial Advisor of '®DUNDEE •IlfnrAT[ MICSTORS INC. A DW W*w WMIC, /AwMgw,­i CO p" - 335 Bayly St- West (Co■terence Room) Ajax, Oat. (905)427-7000 Meet speakers from Canada's leading Labour Sponsored Investanent Fund Companies Win Prizes IKX% Boom Box on location Learn bow Labour Sponsored Funds work; their benefits and advantages; RRSP eligibility; volatility; and the new protected fund. Agenda: 9:15 am - Working Venture Fund 10.00 am - C.I. Covington Fund 10:45 am - Dynamic Ventures Opportunities Fund 11:30 am - T riax Funds 12:15 pm - First Ontario Fund presented by Stan Martin CFP, Financial Advisor, Dundee Private Investors Inc. Paid for in Dart by cavoliGMIN DYNAMIC hw uuuu un 6.4CAPITAL. CORPORATIOi• alCRI■■i ■ working VCnittlifics C,I; Covington Dynamic Ven was Opporwnities Fund Wl r` ) TRIAX FUND rituwlM FUND PK First Ontario Fund Triax =MUMS= THIS WEEK � ;mac ? i'L:•-�-^�t. UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE Call: (905) 683-5110 for advertising information or to be added to our free mail list. P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDMON, Februery 2, 2000 ' Area curler turns o n hi*s Grey for ntitle Rink needs sponsors to get in the house at world sweepstakes BY JIM F,ASSON Special to the Nems Advertiser AJAX — An Ajax resident swept aside the competition en route to his third national title at the Grey Power Senior Men's Canadian Championship which wrapped up in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba Sunday. Bob Turcotte' s Ontario rink got revenge over the Wayne Laface team of Vernon. B.C. by winning the final 8-6 Sunday. Laface had earlier defeated Turcotte in round- robin play. "There was a little (revenge fac- tor) for us to win:' notes Turcotte, who returned home from Manito- ba Monday night. " I missed my last shot (against B.C. in round- robin play) in a game we could have easily won. But, we wanted to beat them in the final, that's for sure. Turcotte, 55, was a one-man wrecking crew throughout the na- tional championships. He led all skips with 80 per cent shooting during round-robin play. In the playoffs. Turcotte shot 91 per cent in the semi-final game and raised Hoops w break it o BOB TURCOTTF_ Skipped Ontario rink to Canadian senior men's curl- ing title in Manitoba. his percentage to 94 per cent in the final. By winning the national cham- pionship, Turcotte and rink mates Roy Weigand, Bob Licht( and Steve McDermot will represent firm -ever Canada at the Senior inners open in second half AJAX — East Side Mono's deposited an cosy All That's New In Cottaging To Be Unveiled At win over the Bank of Mon- fill�• treal in Ajax Ladles' F. FRY DAY....,. Recreational Basketball You Can Eat For As Little As You Can At Home League play VYcdnesday. • V44& After the bankers held a • LUNCHEON SPECIALS (Daily) $649 one -point lead at the half, r TWO CAN DINE FOR (Daily) $1449 it was all Mario'% in the the fast break, : ";re scv- second half asthev cruised oral quick basket, to take to a comfortable 42-27 the lead for good. The win. Reds tried to cut into Cae- Lori Fleming held the sar's lead with some good hot hand for Marto's, pour- outside shooting late in the ing in 16 points. Barb contest, but it wasn't Armstrong was the bank's enough. top scorer with 13. Engrid Carmichael Et Tu Caesar's downed posted an eight -point game the Reds 41-31 in the final for Caesar's. Julic Hughes game of the evening. After netted 15 for the Reds. the teams were tied at the Players in the league intermission, Caesar's used live in Ajax and Pickering. Flag football league looking for new recruits The Durham Youth Flag a week and about 20 con - Football League expects to tests throughout the sea - expand once again as rcgis- son, which runs from May trations arc being taken for 15 to Aug. 10. There'll also the upcoming season. be an all-star game at sea - The league for Durham son's end. youngsters aged 10 to 16 Those who played last expanded from six teams in year must register before its first season two years Feb. 29 for automatic ago to II squads last entry. spring. This year's fee is $93 a Allgames will be player. Each youngster will played in Ajax Monday receive a football jersey. through Friday starting at For more information of approximately 6:10 p.m. to register call Bill Moore Teams will play two games at 683-4935. World Curling Championship in Glasgow. Scotland in April. However, there's some doubt whether the Turcotte rink will be able to represent Canada in Scot- land. Turcutte says the Canadian Curling Association is reluctant to put up the funds needed to send the team to the worlds. It means the players may have to pay their own way to Scotland, or seek sponsor- ship in the neighbourhood of $20,000. If it attends the worlds, it won't he the Turcotte rink's first foray into international curling. Tur- colte's learn represented Canada in place of Mike Harris's Canadian Olympic foursome, at a competi- tion of Olympic curlers in Karuizawa- Japan last February. Turcotte's Canadian fink won the event which pitted 1998 Winter Olympic men's curling teams from Sweden. the U.S., Switzerland and Norway against four Japanese foursomes. " It won't be- as daunting tic us:' says Turcotte of competing in Scotland. The world senior event will be held in conjunction with the Ford World Men's Curling Champi- onship. If you or your business can sponsor Turcotte and his team- mates, call 428-2847. In other news, an Annandale Curling Club women's team won its way to the final for the Ontario Ladies' Curling Association Tnr phy. Susannah Moylan skipped her rink of Brenda O'Hara, Joan O'Leary and lean Maloney to a win at the regional playdowns at the Bavview Country Club last weekend. The Movian foursome advances to the eight -team Ontario finals at the Galt Curling Club Feb. 4to6. Annandale's next bonspiel is the St. Valentine's Day Jitney Feb. 12. The following weekend has the Annandale Ladies invitational Cash Extravaganza (ALICE) on Feb. 19. Among the entries for the ALICE event is 1990 Canadian women's champion Alison Goring and her rink. —With fetes from AI Rivett PICKERING SOCCER CLUB REGISTRATION Attention All Soccer Players & Parents Open reypstrah„n h,r the '_'W , whloa,r summer season ,x'cer pr inti vv,It i+ I.lkmy place I'feaxiwrtr!h.,:. .n, .::.0 erh :.na rst come" basis. There are limited spaces available in some age groups. Ir�rrr�• r All That's New In Cottaging To Be Unveiled At Unique Cottagefest Show, February 4-6, 2000 EArEa't OPEN r F. FRY DAY....,. presented by Dale and Jodie Gienow of Speaking Of You Can Eat For As Little As You Can At Home Wildhfe You'11 see and be able to ask questions about all • BREAKFAST SPECIAL (Daily) $299 kinds of a native ton including a skunk, a pair • LUNCHEON SPECIALS (Daily) $649 r r TWO CAN DINE FOR (Daily) $1449 r r r r r r r r r r r r IV Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 r r�r�rr��rr�rr�rr�rrr Advertorial All That's New In Cottaging To Be Unveiled At Unique Cottagefest Show, February 4-6, 2000 -:: There is also a terrific Cottage Country Animal display their grand re (1)(111:19 11W presented by Dale and Jodie Gienow of Speaking Of Wallace's hosted and v•ni,::i gnat Wildhfe You'11 see and be able to ask questions about all Cottagefest kinds of a native ton including a skunk, a pair 11Lallace's ori .0. n%. a the cit of rao:cowns, a ban owl tun the extinct list), snapping The next best thing to a weekend at the cottage is visiting turtles and a half year old bobcat. A huge indoor Discovery Pool provided by Colucci the 51h annual ual Cottagefest Show in Pickering at the Mdro Pools will feature on -the -water demonstrations of scuba Fast Trade Centre. February 4. 5. 6. 2000. Cottaowners ge diving photography presented by Discovery Scuba and from all over Organo dncend upon the Metra Fast Trade Waterline Sports. The (hha%a Boat Club will present be Centre to shop and to research what is new and exciting for demonstrating a variety of custorr ized remote control boats their cottage. A whole year of planning and preparation will and The Red Cross will present Corsage waterfront Safety culminate in the launch of the largest Couagefest event ever talks staged - grand opening Friday, February 4th at I p.m. Also At the new Country Marketplace for hand-crahed on the Friday seniors will recent half price admission as products you can enjoy a gourmet coffee while you shop pan of a special Salute To Seniors Day' for pottery, unique jewelry, birdhouses, wooden ducks, "We are very excited to be unveiling the 2000 etching and much more Cctagefest Show" stated Show Manager Dave Jenkins of As well a%. e mg the newest boats at Cottagcfest you can Jenkins Show Production. "We've added more an -show take the exam for your boat license from the Canadian features and many, many more exhibitors this year Last Power and Sail Squadron Also on hand is the on -the -water year we had over 17.000 visitors to the three day show and Opp our goal is to exceed that this year. Although many 'There is a real 'festival' atmosphere at Catagefest" attendees do own cottages many othersJust enjoy seeing continued Jenkin. •'Wc have a Kids At The Cottage Play the newest cottage blue prints and designs. They can Area, chamsaw log caning. a canoe building demo, timber compare prices on new or resale cttages. It is a very framing craftsmen, willow fumuure artisans• artwork, convenient way to see a hN of vanety in one place at one sculptures. great food and exhibits from many, of the finest time plus it's a fun. relaxed show to visit"' companies of interest to cottage owners. We also like to Business exhibiting in the 2000 show are from all over assure people that you don't have to own a cottage to enjoy cottage country They offer lust about anything and Cuttagetest - it is an all Canadian event fur the whole everything for the cottage including docking, roofing. boats. 'amily" decks• life Jackets, comfortable clothing, replacement At tle entrance to the show be sure to enter the windows and doors. harh:yues, fireplaces. sunreoms, Cottagcfest Contest for a chance n) win a weekend at a uniage fumrurc. solar products. lumber. garage doors. cottage uounny tit lakeside Community Cottages in skylights, spas, clothing, uuelluc duhcs, gardening Halthurton. Kawanha lir Fenlon Falls, a willow furniture accessories, campers. ATVs• argos, truck acc-ssoncs, upholstery, resons. hug shirts. water condhronmg. toilets, building wurkshop lair two. a Canadian Lake, LtMm Survey memhervh,p, a one week canoe budding tours: courtesy of septic cleaners plus much, much more Fairlincs Schuul lit Wioden Canoe Building plus many Also at Cittagefest you can ask questions ahour loons at ir,,,re great prizes' the Canadian Lakes Loci SurNey Muth. pel a sled team of Shu% hours are Friday. February 41h. 1 p in to 9 p in Huskies at the Call (n the Wild Moth, or try out the latest Saturday. February 51h, Ill a fit tu6 p in, Sunday. February pit%er tools at the ,meractive Mastercraft Iknw Team 61h. I Pa m it, 5 p m Admission to the show ,s $7 at the display Back by popular demand is the unique Chefs 01 ('onagc door and children 12 and under are free There is lots of parking too' To get h, Cottagcfest take the 401 to the Brock Country Cane KlOwn Stage where you can wahh nand lid exit north lit Pickering. The Metro Fast Trask Centre is talc) some deh,iom recipes concocted by chefs frunt some ;ust nosh of 401 and Cottagcfest is located ,n hall A which It our finest nurtham reso ns Cbets that will tantalize you is the vt rynunh cnd entrance Mark you calendars fur The in aI Ile show clude Randy Spencer from Grandvr-w Inn. Cottagc(est Show, February 4. 5. 6. 2(xx) and get a lump on UavJ Boyd from Rocky C'rest Resort and John Sweeney the first aAtage w -aa N,)t the new ,rallennmm' tnnn-Cranberry Rnnn FAX Game results to News Advertiser 683-7363 --Please recycle your News Advertiser Erin Rynberk, 13, a member of the Ajax Rising Stars Figure Skating Club, won gold medals in the level 4 solo freeskate and level 1 dance events at the 2000 Canadian Special Olympics Winter Games at the Ottawa Civic Centre Friday. Her gold -medal performances i may earn the developmentally ` delayed teen a place on the )� Canadian team which will travel to Anchorage, Alaska to compete in the World Special Olympics in February, 2001. Check us out in cyberspace www. d u rhanlnews. net ti amt the Stud}' and W tiN1LEP► NT1CK vs WO) ►'Id� t� -"'taA1Mi TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN STUDY JhoNe7,un, (it Durham i prtyanng a irkri ljortarnm %taster I",in h+ lxlp ide the 14%k) r s tramportatitrt prtrgnrrt+ and t:1"eStment f,'r the next twenty years and beyond. The Plan identify the new and impmn�ed facilities needed to serve tt:tae grimth, and will suggest vvay�, to make the best use of i r tramp xtaho n se n't es. 17u- public's input will play an important role in shalluag the l l.ot s reLornmendatxrm. Ifatblic (Tien hoLLses and Wtrfo}x ps h,:duled fir Lahr the year will ppnnide t1w caKrtmuruty with !nytxnt oppo,rhinibes to offer their input. Individual+ and „r,;anazati,rn interested in betoming rnore involved may wish ', mutioipate to Our COmmunity Adviso ry Contmitttr. The l , atunittee will provide rtsuknis, bu ine%xs and irahnshd , n,ups an oppoeturtih' to actively FaZpate in the !r.utspottati n dee rlivIaking pnKi•+i liar (f 'r a.mmtauty. 1?a,- ofradlinr fox e_cpn� lions o>F tnhtest Sir the CtKrtrtturtity \.!•ram Corrinuttev cs 1 ehrtuny 18, 2000. If You wish to be cvai3ered for manbrtshq oit tae Currtrtrrity Advir ey Co•rwove, have your name added to au nuiitg�woWd tns th tike to ere -Name the Study' Contok or Eke fin dm itAwm tion on the shady, pieme dut0act Mr. Gem Chartia,, Regitsto(DudininiWarlaDcpartrrtet 105 Cotw niers Dew%Whdby, Qlarb, L1N6A3 Iflf: (905) 6<&7723 (5& SM or 1804372-1103 (E a SM Fax 005) 66&MSI B.tilEne+tlxseudy®regiinduft.mattn 'rt Or wit our web site owww tstder OWNEWS aercli. :'us study a being ci)ndu.'.o.t •„­o,manor with the ,r,,visions of thr Munuipal Class Fmmvuriental As•e„nwrtt ,0 1 Plsnrung A,t. GRAND RE—OPENING CELEBRATIONS WdLace -Ap m -s 'T Wallace Artrts rt•cently crlehrand • fine lines and wrinkles their grand re (1)(111:19 11W • body peeling Wallace's hosted and v•ni,::i gnat • skin tags Crowd of their o ..:,,tri, fh,- (ACNE) 11Lallace's ori .0. providing exal,ti, i .o great food. n•:tsunal ,Y Where Neighbours Become Friends (left to right) Bob Guenisey, Billy Wallace, Mayor Steve Parish, Gonion Wallace. 967 W'estney Rd truth, Al:ix - WA Pl:va (Harwood Ave S & Westney Rd) -128-8790 Iassed results in skin resurfacinc *MICRODERMABRASION *LAM PROBE • ad skin conditions • hyperpigmentation • broken capillaries • acne scars • scars • aging skin • fine lines and wrinkles • sun damaged skin • stretch marks • body peeling • fibromas • cholesterol deposits • skin tags • milia • rough skin (ACNE) (STRETCH MARKS) BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER UL ANTI -AGING THERAPY AUAILABLE CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY SKIN CARE CONSULTANTS 416-439-3350 916 Markham Road, Scarborough • • • AJAX PICKEItING NEWS ADVERTISER LASSIFIEID Job Rel IAssisting ktput&12 'Foundations, I and Tourism irk Administration net Support Worker al/Legal Administration Conn., ..,.trot E-=�Etr mart MICROSOFT TESTING CENTRE NOW OPEN IN OSHAWA Through the World of Work at the Employment Expo EempI ed? Need a change in your current work environment? Then fill ur briefcase with resumes, head to the Employment Expo and get ready travel through the world of work. 1e third annual career exposition will be held on February 16, 2.000 at the etro East Trade Centre in Pickering from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Admission is e and tib seekers are encouraged to bring their resumes and be prepared networr with over fifty recruiters from a bread range of fields. rticipating exhibitors include Durham and Metro Police Services, TD nk, Lakeridge Health Corporation, Hudson's Bay Company, London 'e, CDA Industries, Cineplex Odeon and many more. ousands of Durham residents are expected to visit the 30,000 sq. ft. of rgrounds during the one -day career extravaganza. Exhibiting businesses 11 be searching for qualified help and accepting resumes for full-time, rt -time and summer positions right on site. addition to recruiting, the Expo will also feature a career workshop with mputer access for individuals interested in fine tuning their job search ills. Trained employment professionals from the community will be on nd to help Expo visitors create resumes, write cover letters, and improve erview skills. more into. on the Employment Expo or to register as an exhibi' w contact Kim McLennan at 905-438-1530 or visit the Expo website JET COMPOSITES INC. FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Are you a CGA, CMA or CA? Interested in transferring to the UNITED STATES' With annual sales over SIO() million and facili- ties in Canada and the U.S., we are a manufac- turer of heat and sound management components for the automotive industry. [hie to significant growth opportunities, we wish h, develop Controllers who would like to be transferred to new and existing; manufacturing sites in the United States. Candidates will be trained in the corporate offices and after 4 - 6 months, relocation would occur. An accounting des'gnation is mandatory and our ideal candidates will possess strong manufactur- ing; backgrounds. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package coupled with relocation benefits. Please forward your resume and a•covering letter to: Shirley Woodard Fax: (905)427-9403 E -Mail Shirley@ietcomp.com ASSISTANT CONTROLLER A Tier 1, QS -9000 Registered, automotive parts manufacturer has an immediate opening for a re- sults oriented Assistant Controller for its A11'ax facility The best candidate will possess the fol- lowing abilities: • Able to produce financial statements, including financial analysis • Control contract documentation and process • As part of the Plant Management Team, contribute to plant performance and continuous improvement. • Thrive in a fast paced and often hectic environment. This position requires a person dedicated to the continued growth of the corporation and themselves. They should have: *Be currently enrolled level 3 - 5 of the CGA/ CMA program of studies, *Have 5 years experience in financial statement preparation and analysis Please forward your resume and a covering letter to: Shirley Woodard Fax (905) 427-9403 E -Mail Shirley@jetcomp.com REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Certified forklift Drivers - $10.50/hr. General Labours - $7.00 - $9.50/hr. Long term assignments leading to full time employment for the right candidates. Steel Toed Safety Boots a Necessity. Good English and Math Skills. Must be able to work Shifts. Apply in Person Only Adept Personnel Services Inc. 15 Harwood Ave. South, #202 Aim Ontario Bring a Void Cheque for Direct Deposit ILIA caws orf DreDwp Lar Capt K .I. Ort Ipm.to aW M ...: .no an reclvecalkr • p NM t Can wig M 'rFlmut Nets Daause r '. �-rmstranlon lrsntg OraUt "gat. Mamar.xla A. v,-. mpu ewb o4sra^ aM tuft— aroyl ad . rammrg F.—M a. ,'.•.c. mar be a ."M ro sludm CAN Dwwm . . nos Canwaa CPntq . • Itl7 men ENF 11" STATION .uK. •am- avu4pk m andiWl •. tlr antWK me- unoar.g ud..am :RN F. -M-2 Ikponale r ' w►rn r CrMAMIC ACHIEVERS G.1rr ."mr Sr•• . :wwx.r ww.d. very co-own~ :,.rage Earn Nt Na.wg nme a fol Vm Cal 901 +�n 4093 a I& 90546640M NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, F"ruery 2.2000 P*AE 13 AM To Place Your Ad Call.- 0,83-0707 all.683-0707 Web Site: www.durhamnews.net EM PLOYM E NT EXPO Alui"M"Lnu""S BRANG RESUMES --- 27-8 FMIt" ^, ^ . y-; t� MLOSLSMT ILSRNAAT 15), 1000 /0 A.M. - s LM. AUMO LAST TAACL CLNTAL "- - laM e4rout MAe SOYTN PICKLAIN6, ONTARIO LFV 4Mr r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ErdHb- -Include: - - - - - - - - - - - i _.,,. rs I Wkeddge --ft Cpporolbn, Hudson's Bay Comt'uorry Durham PoNce Services I ��• i I Inveafws Group. haw Corgda, scottobvtli. The Aldo Group and many morel ' INPOAAATNMt INIOM.CAALLA/AIA.OAO OR (Sof) e!a-fsl0 '7K.P* IndiatA7e Is yuncded by Human Resources Development Canada ' 1 Gyral trop HELEN'S Home Services Hiring cleaning people for ho.Ese cleaning. Call 427-4385 A53EMBLERSI Srs, -time Make Mine;' iso asst•^.e products 5 tarn sbw" Amatng recorded message irj517 A0R7etaes Gn Ari 1011 STUDENTS 1N. 1 1 Careers I 1 Careen Kos Careen 1 General Help 1 GerserN ^our nme .on -, " p mC ,as ems pg-ranr. s +rep $12 05 to 3:M "51 5)a of Dip 41n jolt watrresWl w ASSISTANT TO THE ART DIRECTOR Alderbrook Industries Ltd-. a leading manufacturer and importer of Seasonal lights and decorations has an immediate opening for a junior level position In the Art Dept. Duties include retail packaging designing and execution designing and presentations for Commercial decoration installations catalogue design and preparation for publishing -print and electronic design and execution of trade advertising Requirements graduate of accredited computer graphics art program 1-2 years practical experience proficiency in Quark, Illustrator. Photoshop in Mac environment strong drawing ability to compliment computer skills retail packaging experience is helpful Forward resumes with salary expectations to: Human Resources Alderbrook Industries Ltd., 885 Sandy Beach Rd., Pickering, Ont.. L1W 3N6 Fax(905)420-0501 Email: alderbrook@alderbrook.on.ra Only applicants under consideration will be contacted. You will be required to supply 4-6 pieces of your best work on Zip or CD 1 week before your interview. Full portfolio required for inter- view. No phone calls or agencies please. . DIAMOND INSTITUTE Durham Region's First IT Certification College +mow MINISTRY APPROVED DIPLOMA Authorized ACademC PROGRAMS �•(amm r. og a Anaiyst •••'Cam^y,,;i;: Training Provider ;. ,neuter Seriice Tectmlaan Novell •�• -_r mTer SefvmNetwcrk Enrgrteer ) 04 iff PRONIETRIC rE,tl.r® PARTTIME COURSES ❖ A • �er,:acaaon ❖ M _•cscft NT - MCP MCSE O• trcvell • CNACNt LT. PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS Como 1A ❖ A -. Network - Mlc OSOft ❖ MC'. MCSE. MCSO. MCO9A ac -v° CNC DIAMOND INSTITUTE a registered w1tfi the M1nlstry d Eduaeon and Training, authorized by Microsoft and Novell to deliver olhdal curriculum and is an authorized testing centre for Sylvan Prcmeeic and YUE FOR INFORMATION CALL (905) 427-1922 11 cows 1'1 :.arms ADMINISTRATOR Parkway Retirement liume Pickering We are seeking an Individual to be responsible for the daily operation of this new Retirement Home and for the provision of quality care for the residents. The successful candidate will be a nurse with demonstrated ability in leadership, marketing and financial planning and experience in progres- sively responsible roles. Good inter- personal and computer skills are es- sential. Resumes along with a hand written covering letter may be sent by facsi- mile to: The Director of Operations 1905) 841-9263 Laeuv wu4ah inn their mi— W=teen rrw r..6lir:w.t Yid T.O.S. Personnel Service f 30 F/T CERTIFIED TOW -MOTOR OPERATORS D Min. 2 Years Experience O Local Durham Contract O Required Immediately h 15) penial or call: 112 1 St. Suite 263, Whitby Phone:(905 430-0605 Toll Fm: 1-877-M-3308 T.D.S. Personnel Service ro4ulres 40 AZ DRIVERS O Local Durham contract O Running Southern Ontario O Minimum 2 years AZ exp. Apply in person or call 112 Athol St. Suite 203 Whitby Phone: 19051 430-8605 Toll Free: 1-887-833-3308 WEB SITE Diploma Flexible fl-;ancing t sW dates. Prime Tr J4NLa titute Scarborough, Na'odL, Downtown 426 WWO121 i Rural Route Drivers to deliver newspapers twice a week to the following areas: Sunderland Uxbridge Reliable vehicle required Call Debbie 905-852-9741 COURIER BROKER DRIVERS with their own vehicles are needed for an expanding Pickering Lased courier company. Experience not necessary, willing to train. Earn up to $800.00 per week. Please fax resume to (905) 420-4352 or call Al or Vali (905)120-6705 DO YouLOVE TO WORK WITH WOOD? ROCK W OOD RAN In RE. a Pickering Manufacturer of Solid Wood Furniture Is looking 'or rbc) WE WOULD LAE YOU TO HAVE EXPERIENCE BUT WE ARE WILLING TO TRAIN YOU WE HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR MACHINING ASSEMBLY AND FINISHING DEPARTMENTS Please apply ,n person on Saturday. February 51h, between 10 am and 12 noon at ROCKW(X)D FURNITURF. I.TD. Unit 03 895 Ddiingham HOW Pickenng transportation company (MUST HAVE • I,— years, • L Iran driver abstract and CVOR • P , i Ice Clea ranee • %1 10 medical wE OFFER • 1ingle or Te.,-- • I h-4hwav or Local :'.r:,f Weekly/Direct Dep(,sit • l..-mpetltive Rates • mprehensive benefit package Please Coottaeu A11ttA HAMILTON (90S) 579-1911 Fat[ ("S) 5714i050 ttllfltlttlltlll. TELEPHONE SALESPERSON • Cor- me ang ,lanwri 26 to mic Mai • V r -mum pry of S8 00 in hour Dkns commission • Pntpri earnings of $15 00 Der hour • 1),A vertxal communrcatlon skills esseritul • weal to suoDlernent your income • witr Or mthout averience. Training provided • A,ax Iocatim Woriang hours: • Monday to Thursday 6 p.m.- 9 p.m. araC SaWrdays 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. iffaea 7w6,,- 416-269-8333 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are'Irms or ndmduais is .vhcm you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application In an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. 11 the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application MMI be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. 9 p* a 'nunWy 10 s m 230 9051 7234920 A! DRIVERS WANTED Dan lime wee.mas. J', rims. singles our reams �v 301 697-3859 BUSY COURIER COMPANr regwres dress w r ver am :ars We PO up 10 70% V. - a1 am out or roan dNruees ;All xrw 1905) 427 8M CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Aovv.. je. .,. ;nests mat aaven secs :heck their ad uDen cubbaton as News Ad - ,=r m6 •rot be e ,Donsible for more than ;ne inCorrect lnsertlorn and there stall be no k- abday for non -insertion :1 any advertisement -Lability for enors in ads limited to the amoum gad for the SDace 00cu- =ymg the error All copy sublect to the appro- 'aof lAdvengeement Of 11[AID SERVICE ,rad rmmiduMv' �. '_.perr..rr prekmd. bur our nR..,ar„ F r.n aanp,.uaan rtcu,rN tela .ensue. -M rerw.t ow.- Offb •x9-035)3 DIRECT :ARE WORKERS �:;:.� and`�rcwnnu tar.r: ;.Wired Qw4Ct tare •9rtk.t v.penp .tie ORI. and • eI ropily :aR aC1579- 2r%6I`a 3015747062 30 !1 PIrrA 9uswkts >tnm+,a vdw vrrg Dnr A„µ .t 'yv.0-850 � ^9 St 1 434-2555 1051 -acme St N AU 77 Pad .r.n niVWV' AMC malep 19r ...tmr 8 INt1-nme awsum ,rra4.s t"61m1 resume Af >.r uta Vi'at`r barida0lt d say vNr V .d lit tltpwerxrng. tut EtF.09".nwmt 51 '81790-5501 ["Playll RE OUIRED 'o ,.• ,,.. , r.. f5) r q. •.-. .r��t ey,rrpmm: irmrp .arta 0; ro rn 1 k0 90 rn sen ra. T .5439-6:EM :9+ERIENCIF0 •angs .r.enM 'Jrrat . I.r.1 Y,t; wall tan r ria. .Fn *51".80Wr,.wprort'80Wtr •^�a r ro'•'i9�yd x'"P P4 a Fw ;9051 42, FxVEIIIENCEO Fitt-eapp Lara ."taro too .nam r .aerkl ; ,r;uta toToronto`72f0pwven.. tmt .. Afro 60 m t9051619- :"2 !X,TIEMM DRIVER to ercn s •on a 1)raro W- • 404-96 r, FA PUN '.tl 905-401-9600 FA acs -40.9699 Pio R1ENCED HAIRDAESS- t5 REWIRED NO ad akn »11 m"tk•akly Qualew .w PW Cwtrmlrm CALL EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST& APPRENTICE required full time for trendy salon in Pickering. 425-2005 EXPERIENCED �e�rol•oast ma �_ast ttteen �-,r Wp FIpwN VUR 'LAw Techwa •�Do Chinon we•�trke necessary arc ;r. urs Anse4"y tags Apply a PENN: C1l X95 EYeuney Rd The News Advertiser Jr w� 1 ne ar n Ilk Is lookingfor reliable people to insert and P P 10, a le. a 'or "°m"`t deliver papers and fryers door to door 1111l suucuon Mos, hive Teo Crusta LifiMIvIN Irlprutim every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and A NLS Coe Amid Dr dM 1 ta4 Saturday in the Pickering area. 1,9051,•0%9495 or me r• so10190)709-M Deliveries must be Completed by 6:DOpm. FULL-TIME A PART.TWE Must have a vehicle. Harstynst wanted tot ON, For more informationnonny Awa and Dickering SaIMS. 'Mip! commission. DerkhtS Ca111905)6x'-7566 call905-683-5117 or 190516613650 No Fees!! Men/Women 16-65 yrs. EXPERIENCED IMINSTTL13T MARKETINGASSISTANT �> �p m�YI2m co. Pickering Loc'n. dynamic sew Co. nssw Cbemne an asMc counlee our, 19051 72!- Skills: min 2 yrs Bus. Exp. + 6311 ask to oaoer Strong Web development exp. INSIDE Fundratsuly Co-onlF g. 8 admin ability won rCgwred fol pnkce Markebng skills sponsored pubkc eOucAfidn Copywnling exp. program Day,poli. lions 15tuaent r%.10S Send resume to: Homemakers) FWI trawm% Mktg. Mgr. 905-420-2801 Or rovdul Enna MC M while making a r Wako n s.sinnott@ids-astracom 20x,2`r CO m'"m W 905' 06 1114KCTION CONFONT Industrial heating and air conditioning manuiacturer In Ajax requires an experienced purchases Experience with purchasing fora manufacturing company and computer literacv is mwntial for this Fx'>iuon. Experience in heating and air conditioning would be an asset. If you arc expenenced and are interesied in this position please forward vour resume to: Attention: Peter Edwards 225 Monarch Avenue re- gwrn sun Time insi;WM. Must be Amli a OWnoaM And weekends Ouk1wr wtrk all year round $af to Stan Fa resume b iiaoim r7S 7564 110It"NA11ONAL U13TTUTE or uam. Caney s lugat kH stdute spewtmng 1n Tra* ar.d Tourism TLamwrg Ned cWss begm'. Feb.7 PIyM cab 905.725-919 One Street Souln of Brock and gayly ' I Ajax, Ont LIS 7M3 I aukua tuU61il"U"L Mrs. to mem our new Spring clalogm OR to ftld oW lbw YOU ren earn ems Hrcollk Af KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! •' •'•• MOM dam^ay - Ages 2+ - If you en take ro y ply n9 people & want to get paid for h, ass rim guilty afford" 105 to gro. w tie Mo. Wanted for TV 8 Movie Jobs! we we have a lob for you! Steady work 1n a professional environment 3614567. Nd 94% LEARN will to Ope aM , rnw No Fees!! Men/Women 16-65 yrs. Opportunity to eam tip to $500 per week Otte wndesR. oWM .nom Needed for same! No extras. Experience not riecassaryiFT only ,our home ad earn a great mwd rr"" No OrtnaAf Parents Call (416) 221-3829 Gu: Mr. Jordan 905 68frd073 into oT'a"tE�� t"' AI► PAGE 14 NEWS ADVEATMML wMMMM EDMON. FNlfaery Z, 2ND In O..m O.M Mfy W we ANtae W -Oft Ase W s*y M,1dd Y ■ • No bights, Weekends or Holidays • Paid Training d Workmen's Conipoinsatiort Work part-time tours with the World's NUMBER t Home Clearing Service Pickering Location Car Required _cry 905-426-6683 maids '1 ASSISTANT MANAGERS O PART TIME DAYTIME SERVERS O DELIVERY DRIVERS Please apply in person to Pizza Hut 1780 Liverpool Rd. Pickering or 252 Bayly St. W. Ajax Industrial heatml; and air conditioning manulacturer In Alax requires an experienced power shear operator for close tolerance shearin};. Experience with A Power shear is essential for this position. If you are experienced and are interested in this position please forward your resume to: Attention: Ken Vertolli 225 Monarch Avenue Ajax, Ont LIS 7M3 NifM I Iatheit Atte Lim , the leading manulaiMrer and im- porter of seasonal fights and decorations has an iml-While open- ing for a Sales Administrator. Reporting to the Senior V.P. -Sales, you will be responsible for all sales reports, materials and presentations for distribution to the field. This position requires above average computer skills in Word, Excel, Power Point and 2-3 years experience in a similar position. Bilingual French/English a definite asset. If you are a self-starter with strong organizational skills, proven people skills and a flexible attitude, e-mail your resume to: parker_Walderbrook.on.ca We thank you for your interest, but regret only applicants under consideration will be contacted 1 General Help skald do 1p_ s k - Fill OFFICE MANAGER FU ITL M Ofncrmalugel "QuIlell 10 wok r�n al=e= and a- lamc Must nave excNknt LOmmunlW- bon skllh Must be SSN-sWt- Ade to work mdpem*rTy fpmpulet proficiency re, I-ed Specifically Access. I onto Attie to set up and marmaln Data Bases Must ww excellent time ma mape- 'go skip call rrurl- rmT adl o a tekmm mp « Ie once an assee. Godu- annp Dusmess maMlofficmyy « W010 Wmx leSW gu0"ms Wekpnne Fax resume to. 905- 4�6-2452 Attention, Mr Ia- Clear A., Se-ces�Dept is iWkmg col Cosi," entnu- WSnC M*w dUMS to book cep THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for Kids to deliver papers flyers door to door tour times a week by 6:00 PM. In their neighborhoods. call 905-683-5117 you oammants Ho selling. M "- Delae p�. sfw mart mme. h= iz�2010 bo"IM CAR TELE SALES people deeded to, bay Ala. Saks office or evenishifts alae Pry up oto $12mraYou it isl I1M A, ecebem tMe- = mama AN SoUk nt ean�tlolrst. trlendy eclarty we Off a •I,) Ire m mor You ha a 1 office H*1 Office HBO +nal 9 rakes to succor Iy 905Ft26-7861 a mer 50m Telemarketers Required Work from home flexth)e hours, no selling required. Top Growth Lawn Care 686-1436 TEMPORARY JOBS .rix: �ooxmg ,,'t people wlb +olid Ire to work for 3-6 months wan a Cr1rm I to mum MIs a celloae peple ellan a o 04 W i Ilrlregad to ate oMr 4M hate Olwl trAlrsporya0n Ip,chime+ CO 579.781/ UPSCALE CORIATICIF Sam aalrqiIanw a.p"erc4a Narrow mho of of tor, suoota susr bera0a Woo - n 00 alrrruoon CAR Ja Manufacturing Company In Eastern GTA has an opening for an entry level MECHANICAL ENGINEER AutoCAD experience beneficial. Mechanical Technologist diploma or engineering degree required. Fax resume to(905) 434-6409 N[a ufactnring Col alleargy Requires 1. General help laborers 2. Apprentice machinists 13. Electrical assembly persons Fax resume to: (905) 434-6409 %-th tiarh. nnlgh o+rl ha. the 1n14.M my; Ptnrt,llrt AY'Allablr. LICENSED MILLWRIGHT Shn of 5 yrs. exp. LII an Inlectmn Moldin Plant. strongg electrical and P.L.C. trou- t•irwhoomg tslots as well as exleruivt hydrau- h, nnmutic repair and rebuilding skdbc will I, tiblued. Fabricationp. exusag T.I.(:. And \I I; welding equipment with basic machin• Int; i"Is r, an asses. (Fax nrwune with salary ,-.r�Klahon) INJECTION MOLDING DEPT. \1a. bloc (- 3 iprraturs reg.lred for full 1-1 5 week stub operation. P -Yo s rvp. u I +viii. GENERAL FACTORY LABOUR \. mp rim- Full training pnn'ded. Full haw. 5 dor week. 3 shin operation. 58.25 per hour filcreaw after 3 rru ndms Please tax resume ba: (4160 292-2094 WELDER Migexp4l n',lulrv,1. year round, full time, benefits after 3 months. Starting rate $12.50 Reply by Fax to 490511693,-3734 North Ajax Plckcring Area Is your pet getting the exercise it needs? Exercising your pet is essential for both its physical and mental well-being. Pets left for 8 or more hours often start looking for ways to amuse themselves, and chewing and other mischief may be the result. PET PLAYC4RE, a pet care service specializing in daily dog walking and vacation pet sitting, can provide that healthy energy outlet for your pet. "Pet owners want to come home to a happy, healthy dog with no 'surprises' when they come in the door," says Melanie Hancock, owner of Pet Playcare, pictured above right with friend Wilbur- Daily walking provides stimulation and exercise for your pet, while allowing them the opportunity for a mid-day "potty" break. For many larger pets, it's more than just a walk, says Melanie. Many play frisbee, fetch and even go swimming in the summer. It can be a chance to socialize your pet with other animals, and it also helps reinforce basic obedience commands, particularly for younger dogs and puppies. For more information about walking and exercise programs, call 837-8853. PET Pet Playcare is insured PLAYCARE and bonded. Rivivocid 1 lnUriu Firrwl,d harOwood 4/8112-1160 U1106"1165 r•te oelNery to ishan/ area -au 1-05.71/-9339 Y5a Ac-oted 1 awgArl LIFE CAL: SISTEM. u'e urn, r s 40`m '•a winner. portable aaasau- La ick{ apoatt $500 .^ I4 Sinai alarm 11500 y1121-526/ OFFICE FURMITUMF 1da Dpleauan 110".-x 7` 1_t i -rrun stock 5�; ;:ommrcw ,we. Apt. 4264521 Who* -ors meanie Pill PLEAT DRAPES R.) Tb.}4 ext, loam back. 'rrnaaghe calor $125 DAF nor IN Flow 415.09127 I; 1 UM 520"M mica MOMO - A top nate lom•ro,o4A 111 1 hill 12W s� 10. Mknlg awr 1700 a- aner Lor a anr,Ae roc•at ' rnlOtder will tram t .. Lt.- .n int PrAenng ato ?, FortAble a"Imaalrr JAM 61905-M 74251 NF FAt\11 tiL nRt. IJUR 'rmra I Pan .. n,r. Ulaadoor ;Numl :..I wish thud Patty .I �.(`ext>Orl COmlPany ill ; hr. Fax --be Mlaurten. 72S-7164. WELDING CDNTRAC75 +a A: r .DreSti ir. ani; /. dx alai stv4wa shop i iniac tanra,•lg A won E" w tVerl t ley Axwn .olMll't4.1M1 1 ow_ MIL AOMINISTNITIW PERSON t.;w•e�cr r m,!- fundi tr nauitry 1rtlu duty{ with anpwle M dile air and pr0aem refOMwn mauve - AIweIM Ful rnlAas3M T„�a I customers. 7 PACE SOLD WOOD diming lame:atilt. tela lea o!Jaars. ate 9 Saw r" . 1 C�ielb 1 1 SMa • 1 1 ler+ x roc c0e♦00r1 51150 6M us -PIANO TECNIIICMM a Wtie MMnIY Two MOROOM. EEITN ■IT rl LL AUT 4J4-5760 - ' - .,n A+d are- IOLt ART CLASSES rent be SALES w,I .all" fix man HITBY L1 PIECE Dna Ippm M p.'o.r r'Ars nal Dn a• SWerlp Feauary IID N 41 I -ii act ' eeb with 6HIGH RISE b." MIWI ubM. 410 d11at Me Mw, "a mile/ t moORs Ara web► -mated OeMss b Sita LaR 4rtla. nrornmF an"ndgn And awrp daeea aW- moms 60D1Mms hw Ward Doxle,bam waraery 1917APARTMENTS II Cad Sete papa 1416) We S 905Q7 1631 able Neprmers oa mpo ly GMC Ji yrSks 4.Waft i't4X23a MwOSlCRA■OfATm1ER Lrxe a a trw an Ickes snm. 60.NM ISM Irck AMLVWAS ..ft,,N see 2 CI')CxS Sale - "I butte Rims,anlam0w co- MrmleM 68 1M515M3W7 no0mal"vttOraut 118.9/0 140.00% 1761 lour mast he. do" so. cie" WI•os rte b"bo"da. sand AawM Puna. to, raww b= pgdpa Sara VM&M Sim mArnuq bears dMl' +cellar dry" /<75 M . mm apa mowd tbla dodo LarP rteaoM COWNC vF rrIOLnnBS A^ RT raa 131.Eea 1994 Fad AniaW "sea 56 2% 134 0001 rt oma I(ann,art rAh" A 7 8750 Pka"alp fa ate pt oma Rate b Omit. 100%M 1 OM•a+ !pomp areaA Pndur.e FSK- 190.1 Ford Escod Wpb LAW 14/.0001 u lira g15N76-'AO rerRW paywwm� appy Ca ""aVAees M Gawas 4WARM. Ch" 4�ylaAub ITLEP►IAMp(ftWla l4W Male CppNOWMNO"W fess t00N1918 1'&^ I BABY FUIIIp VNI, 2 Ixw "ripe taw. Imhde Instil POOL tABI[ 41x9 soled Sohmat Doors Awl MINAoms ry 905-/36.7074 1"M kill M, 83790 .. J+ d1an. ar »�Mpen Iny darn stmeed Oak Wand -9TON 905<i' SIAyORIN orty . SOAROeC AMItA1lF. larDt 180.D" 19/8 Chte. w. g;2p am, M11600. tM7 Pw rtlar m =185. lea wow Doom. I kzBMmM� haft. Q Ill" Fecamobs, limg)bt hounk, GN 'W cubthm E350 a" -• .Ara caahM 4701185 470-4 a aeeam 0 : LOW 6 t�+s. %fig • • 18.00/ REM Ells. Ring SM, ..-•lit Sim dovat $138. "at ft06 IWm blow baa Akre S23DO AN 985-3120. `acrd FourO bog 'wit H�rrrs. yly mow 10 mr from �"a"a ^wow OAC 160 F1oad. aWs, 905.42i- rs d?1fA Pe mndlhlmedu•rwlaa. rk Mk"a �c .w rr 28 BEsu1 No Oulotes„a,aPr ., 1 Mm :. s Fyg +Arai Pao A Moe bard" cwwbeskv 907 905-985-8051 slMeO U*$Demm to service po"U0n Please alt 19051 COMUTER DECML$ mor, wm..Custom aeom trom 11M OIMMODME DMa M. .10 aPPrKIM f I rX000100oom M �OopM W mslim customers art de- 427-1443 10N111C Lhnglan MIM uv- nor slaw Ram S M. NAM yaw ben dws art -No, one ower. darn 140k, 190517264705 51 art SmcW 51. S.. rad �!! reap o aCalml* n int RMT MMUR TWWST are tie 1010 kIausbort '' 1e trgaM noon art Ow tDeneNr Le! 112 050 14 d MAZDA 323. W � AM Pldlennp Dwnarn rigor 8699. luadW P3-500 .en 79.0001. t a0a. 4 I.,Lldr. s lite GMC S*ea V6. 5 aW. (9057 7214232. Very Mwble nods Diel car No expenrcA 'equal nuMWS art rates 2-5 1r%EL alattr 111333. him• I■ bin your &Nm. oft r COfMtE1Nr ENCI►ONCi E�IIIPMEEy b ImmWwe FAA resume to aleWM emrmWlaley Rcker- teas pretdsd Fuel Ara wit *ptoF 8501. ee IoM dont Aber We now ben NIA- saaW scrula0. dein aA7r- 9s1L ea firer, tapes. ■IMF fiEM00E vin w onoW P*At tor. resume t u tdlep (2.450 19D5)SOB-M50. Mrs catatm. "tow 2-saaY Sarni n WE Dow& 905 QS -5986 CPR Val" Farm RalElry 2. �pprases nit df M r4slm CIMM 04 n'1 aunty Ce6ed ti PICI[erillg M OMId11g • 427-9147 mo Podwe g Go 19051637- 1905 665 3%t SOLID poor i Oak Il MWG ING3 K RA WTISM . 5 812950 734 2475 hApe/sae. Waller/drys, port h10Mduel for thisfir expYldllg EWW UCPAUN - Ful SM EMD OF mfr C araeOM aywere. W 25 SP W. air. 15AM. 86600 lME JOW - mom conow WA Pka � f90�D HIM IYId Gif AtEelO DIY�IOfL Mme mdn some tvnmVs fa CWWyr q YEARS,. Tradmw w wood EenNrt Conldmon. Cal M7• mmFully I s, s wdl d WYa APPRENTICE 12M a 3rd To" Pickering U`m` ax- es Irow 859. Norm al vmr10 115 DaN Pal RDA 9730 MtW area Oa. edMatiy. cr- 1 For AW call 571-1265 Ttfe CaladWW 1111O4dd be • reOMlt Wal For Mier We Ars &AD ala Oe1a WIM- Ex- AFFOAGUU LOVOG My- nom 8150. sings, door* rte Pat Perry 905 -MS 193 OfirAM MkW ate /swan Iet11d CAm orA 2 IEODOOM, Ill raMAes auy Fa. Viaepa, 1118.600. CA (905)432-3356 mrtiaNrO. on@d td TOW in sai Ye p hMlre 3-75 ion . ;I IInalm n e comm, m OtraviaxSOM FM m ng b 1M514zg-Oe63 CMF. a PS Me. Dia loos FAcom r1M tram $77wo tgp/IW.Im.IraO■aaF cm dw. * g110d a,Iaem Arno/* 1631%06 Ask br a lel erM 1 iiaectlolTe. MMer9ale- su res, OODWO6 GlnyoM PS VAuyk, M�alriry� 1156 WaWmwWq.m.n.. drM1905)i1a.46B7M Mao- t9.5 000ti OAR= 6 ■ra CU$TOM WDODWOMER m- DKU EXPERIENCED 41ry2 carpe *Tr00 DarAya,dIn ew 01SOOiM O row $16500 -tele Mvel Elmet 1ddMa b, end Oared m Dm mM " an. OrNw RspnoreetlAssMlam Payroom etc Laufer ♦ Otiwlo 677• /Wade bmW bOaM6p«rMp tM0 POKM $VOW. 2 d. sm CaRad EO a 905723 Am IWaoo401 bile POlAler Point fro eMeL salary r1p3er1Y0d+apk mOama�nera�. OItItt sMcu. 2 yrs.. imMW. hWalddtoad. NraMt:. 307 s fp0. tit. aMnFiW. 713 k. boomom bwMma. ArilAMe Now �� Awe flK TM f�10r, M oe�Pnae (DDi) 43nD2@4 ROMs al (905)6 0031 a °a^ ^ds 61! DIbYe d �-ErM n COM 11175, fa ra Mr MairMO MI gMede Mao 11 059 Mp W ifJF Nei*1711.11Tew/aAAle.e MTWAII rECENMR1Ea 10 83g-3226, 19051638`7237 1MFpM. toga2oa. Ors �ic"rNrMM atarapk0MrkMCMoff 710" �WrMOOW. MM19-M& a Mete nor r &low 906 lm FOM MMVA AM t IfeMIM ear■Isa *O"or N bbd b appy FMAN U MT AFOYIAED Ice nA01Aer $25DVF tarok Mile- =6 bOL pibwq. tate- 6031750. 117,0001rA afyllN sow ad tti0A11 Yew♦, OMarle. SM =8 drwa b r0r .000 IMM/ /+isle+ Medea calla b wLTMLgw000- ECE MOM ilea a/Ate al acid/. JOW atia arDldOdC wOSR bW a6aMMNl NMrIrN t IMiwpMF "Dallas wamm. YtbrNed ImNlaoiAMiy. CAD amg a�eMMw arab A 9Mr Was pas W n�m&d$MWN r1eM 90.0 Q. bmd M"dMw=WW n i I cost STOOD. so fW4. ans. Mom so rea NraWa. be" as NiWMeprya Portly. 416281•4336. mMpst a.d1 pool comnurm- bOYz srmits Aft. aaa. 8750 1r4gwf $175410. w 141Ei)726•M0. WE FINANCE {rte. EMulrt 2yrsyy DO air. pM6M1 we t"c iM• OFFICE CLERK F1T1E0 tIrtLJEO 1« dwtm ran ab paar� Nae gaa ttDlyDma, mNWINar edit W $raw. GE I 49g� aMR fYti phob txpi", EYERYt'NiE SIM.aafaiap S580D. 9t16Q0• 9s R for busy picketing Construction Co. s!m Monitan 3 yms alp. CAd Sia a Ftraa a1 1105-420- = 0542/ am CPR ::a= ,eleleltat. J6 $ s«ya. �,. ,drAd► ary- Y Saucy WSW m "Wairra 7335 a FM isen■ to 905- he (9051426-7339. FiW bM buy- 426-3014 CIFM SAFE Form - Rei. s�WOYrt =50. 709 Arldl * Ya Condbm. 6975. ro 65T a ers, banlQlQt, WsaeOWr. 30.000Ywz. IItlV b�iWwrN� Applicant ants be familiar with a0 aspects Phre 4362094 ttltlby 420,7312. see. Stella $1 tip. 24' fid, clad bleelMiE. tM CMAMII LE. Wft 7 Of amounting. Duties to include AlP. data INACNdisi- yl(rpi0 la PMNMACMT 7ECMMCMM ie1C. corvp Maher a time Ymk oar IAlON,00M boy. 426 PST Cal Locan 1-M620 � C�t no 6175 kwAM rJ -2775 . entry. typing, reception, general office. Fina *wlcaaq elm n AI1e ,s6ui,W la full-ORIe Itws vo St6 (%S)TJ6-pe7. 3309. ft7,500 till (9p5tCfF2775 paled• dppp b zdooM. ppyMaaar Fax rcaNrse acct salary ngadrel■e■ts to: 3 Was tlpweln rl Mirq EarpariMla m pmpWM n Would Web core for Vote MCONOfflOKO FROGS$ credit. Y0u M 0006E G0011111 3 DC bd,dedrM� CFAd1I ate 1etM mal a Mwl. Fa race Foo "061 5763272. �o1 k%m. tW a Wit' MAIAa Ma1MM fl% I1q ,ecadNard mp wow You ate amd aMy 15Y( $3805.hAma 905-6136-1155 resunmswb e5e6 w M.11yfimr. tem. wnao64kxgwb arta 3-1yf 1 3W Tic sed n a $125,' Ip. r m%Var drive! Lala Of 9g GW wad ruse, gni M6129r. CaN 3 1 ra 233 knwLabm ran. cal Talk Wal tllruWW 12.5000.1.. dryws 1125! nstonlOF wOuda ew*dM IMiaa ate Stes0E n. DOO M MCr001g - FWNM Asta- FLIMMEN Nnhon hcmu M. Horp Omtlfie . Pa pole 995428-1950. PrarrlAW Wdb.ft. PING NoW */otos $1,991 1 e0. now choice. DOWII Of corlNrd 66}7301 a 4261079 AwiIW Feb. Ig 3 bOIdOaM 1 GaRWE IIf4 dNa61 wP r serkiW. wadM ywyIppppl1rrWW Could " a IBM aW. Cal nCagn $eta IIMMti: eOaM h. S f1.10ROL Fl are rWaMlio ea coffin open Trade may be after bpm. taP.. a,3077MaNl. AMR. 6878-250619064261583. Ix61283.72". Larmlp IltyrAe; 70 NID,MM b Damp 4oeAerr 1001. CAD j rNw Grand rWM r aired. a ewI�Wd1.2aY IMpIM. N, nA 6'LI MT NMUST NL, bray nME TOW tDua OFEMTOD, lit- 12 ytut Dar armript Dap19U51649.15M. prMre� (DaaMpp)-- Meem win NNW. moat low 6[mi , PACKER y exprialWO. dart 1sedBraN 710awAM dor od rd 577-3760'IN wpoM wN bNNW UHM DO MnPi i rAa. gory ate. MnIL roe NM M ME Mao FNiANCE lac$F00MMLip1u� gd0oo.sail eOI t% OOa, ce a -d far AAW�axc ansa. AI■IapcWrinp oral Udtl■malls i gMt16. irfl $ci0. Wmrldkam0 N mp• 5RFa. 20M tIC M Nren.�coopth= Oshawa men.y. Fkelubk rasi0an, F1dey WY Pike AFIBMU M SAMNT 1145- C.P.P. coral*-. Mat- 'A1C R HID Bob, OipM♦AP a te N tmd 6W hldpsa DEPARTMENT yeti:cpmmiubn. BaMbpn4�0 m Piche new MaW Rv.. 5Mwn. Retail rbc anioL 'A rneciorc r6Taossa.Fran f7.so ro -25/week) Wicking, raapn. 905.421- 1N MM CNEV addict t.,tor. aid off bedroom ler 0.00 per hr we ad be rwr DULFPa 7eaILiO*. Ca91905)603-1927. SMWrd *rte Ironic MIHt 12M. MvNs * CO DOW* CUUMe a Ww mw ate naDI10F MlWllrlt ler NM gar t rn"Mrat col DOW OIpparras Cr a 10- fN5-716.14!1 April Ice. tomN1aYMSIrOsew% S tW Ostmw Cmc 00/iV 1 f em EIs S x64*4899 ate n- 5-aptakrs1 3�Io0Ma ala dy. 3ulfe,■O1,'� M now 12AM a rade *tier*4. WaaOdYdlrr� FPAualpnum 99 71bnNm ROW se W 5p.IT.9065066161. '�• 9 NM a•San.srvesPa*. 154 *r � � � �' PuaWM, aiMFn t'Soum. Oslulw. Every Toa e m: go. liaanotl •Pira 8870. fkuco St 010mary905) 576- M EntM 68, nw t 8T. 17%132/'040¢.dIAti1ea1Wdy., ate lhurs. 9.30a.m -2p.mA OEN4l ReuplbTrtilM- mgwea 30d Ona�i. SmOdwie RF000E0 CAM *Wed ala ser da* alPpfn YNt Nurry 1146Ww.dM.A60.ODD kM. Vry dart lad• sN* M`'ba*adr.LME4I SWvwftndot Coupe)8044697 s■taa "Aced lues-kN* i fiW coring Wrrm. p4m COIN *r bat NWW OaMnt sowma e0. CD. Ramo* SWL PaWt _ pal -Nm fpr our PbWM9 A pet me h0111e' 9051865560 SWW (205) 579- M3. 4 rcaWW ler aDanmgp cont- FROCAEtItNE $ICON n ScorOaoupll oniat. P*ae gree. Call x657 1 ArItM E $10.500.. 906T1rr M. MM $MCS Pfdmf*0 Wage. 1 be6aoM. ate lel Ex it souRltaaa sae. e.or a taeMtq hAVDan mM rosmW to F* 0456. 1 R1Rw000 blowftm11pu1w dW1 OWAN 6 OM1. MWisetr P-Imm SON O,Mwa ExWrkrloe rcgarAO ate. «darn riffs gYlitl. 119E-1 CAMBIVER reOulrW Iwo. MMAnt. nb pea. 623 Pdft - m nl&Wnvre ate R olpe, SAN reardy coin P.0 Bo 481, D Mwa On- ION 1 i 3 Y' ole M«dey Fn• aar 125. dyeed (tor pWM) AMTIOIEStAMOkW Ad- 6650 . qa mem. Prefer mitde-agW or rutwa main Supe Showa d�l1N71.5 dy RMpttm RdClwth 51. MOZY RAT FIREWOOD. a• m $75. tom- dp, wpys Wdpyp*. ypw, M AUTO SALES 2W p1Tn, DMCNNIRMf. 05 -6 MMNeOI indldOId. wee Cal rot anerrkr dMwN ee aro fug 00. TV lar retire. Mabry couple. mutt ABA Tomb Gda O trrrrq My seat guaa, Mi btu) Shp. um i gam �Ma. hmhmq oMnad• se- 2•Mdoom "mem. low- 905.127-5287 be am to perform 11118 ce pro,dod saury plus coin- pO5IM387tt wow. ovanttw tau tet somem Antb1OI cull. Dana SbW wMi, N eptly � =6 Peas tell resumes 10 Mmam 611 Irmo ACTRIITI Ab RpWea ro� a y +coria. ,p006.b00 675laadt ala. IM imN b vase r,Vll- VANS 829%-OM5 /,WNW. �bddirlp. AwA" Feb. dy's 721- time IW 770'rm�1 pals Iy OIpt,t (905)623.2257 Only "too M70. fo,1g Wm Lae FaWay. 20 MANM'IAIOUSEEEPER, en- split Hamot musunmru. Agro1. Solar*. Vgalfas. CaN 916)- 0� 0 M�IYE rOaNrm hours bin-w'oely Temporary agMlc, flexible person To. OY O1ET1E iET1 win yip uWree)' collWda,n a CSA+■. Lumina APV{ . drOTB �. senior AWKAMS all be cantata position Appiyms must aural to bury howehot trK lkkwry. 905-7512246. out pWt 4 0a deers. 117% LM. -+teff/ « wlplt an - I0, an wft v 6rga. CARS $1M5 -$M% Fes. �" �- aN . no ROCK CUMMNC FACILITY Mw a dWbms In Raaea• Alplldry-frAay IIwOle Mas FREE FIREWOOD - WWsen wMt :$ "oro ug Pial lII, doe Nn■. t" 1 ■ANN in CEM1TIAl OsbsrN, urs 1 Mid $625. Ratlsrlcot. a, LOCAL GREENHOUSE oolunq tan. Gerontology. Adwabon Mug tow own IW RMaerc- slid, and py*t chary Trtease 986 SlMrae S. M, Mo0ra0R p01rry. 111 try b r Wntikd. donlaWf 0 int• Wy00e eDAdmeMs arrlab* a dad! 9175, ler put time t1e4 - Flulalp, repares tlmrparl oral rtipM- « SMaS Services fapn- a (3lurch f Ros,knld Ca11 avaM15 431.0392 (cep) Oanaw 91,15-579-5011 ppn0 b all 01■r■s. ROW" Pott. 4xe'5 $49%-i6M5 In MeN. OINHd OOINDp 33M y r Umng. and moving DOM srote persons 18 curt ate 4nrti mM lMrvic pr ExW- 9 Giour13% BOwn Almpat• &OOtal. Dorian. C1woMm. BuaM, dose b AA w4nba. P*Me mSdW. WiMlp ro win rw- oleo. expenala ate *oder- FEIIF60 ClAOfIC ardW. OntaM. 1905)65548" a A EIVMM. PICI(UPS 64986- OAR 19%1773-0977 9 aW LUKUNT n"wl 11, Ma• kala{ dun el■Y Onrn AN ship skills good one 61I Rene respontd wM rsaW Ontal Firewood blue war aa* 0010. SAAR IM6124245M_ $10995 Certified GMCs 6 6p.m. blow g.�tyDoMm.. ppaa alt tram Fl* 0476. 686-4474 Mon -fn nta 4p m p7 W 11. 10 Now" Man- Dry COF 8 spld am busMw ate $wrab CWw Fnlrraq i Wu" CLEAN. pW 1 peprggm IWO SO., Oil aWdret, M1 Dons. Ihrs 865 Fan- Apr. Eewaxxe Og1■ea 67 ON CALL F C F Artl AndfaN ha WANAMWit 4wb. Mug see. 114M. vee 51 Oslmw. LIN 7L5 SIBERINfEMENT COUPLE pat ad M ORmw, One L1J poll aYaues lmmedmfe- rdrs sand 060 PrepO Dunt 19055 for into Ca Jpinmset m URutt�bEyr lis neOwrW for red malreaWd 4L1 ly Nlpn Wady tW10 con /AS1TNa faWON) sulwn. Olw MA W 190516651977 dose b town. avaMaO* lm-ylpNr*Tq led. OslmaaM. amilwAg EME06ETK pl 6 TH complex n ilk wNrc Full-time Permanent 't�rlrfM6 wilt Das. 8325 are, Will Tickets' ma kit". i095In101Mh, nl- (9051379901!. PIT tulen0"vserwr McOed iaomo ate leo cep Mas- BUT CSMWA Donut prA- Fra 011wery Ip ti0ndhrr. royal Die rdI Arc- Will pay, face value. CAN PMe 1800. GowrR Ica Yclerdse III . Pita* on 1 TWO MDItWM tot 6nla'i■ten T aIg GrAl sorry w b Iran Scary • Ira n Io01wV Ice a ps,!4d1e 1 0 blWY possible Mail a OSRaw xo mot 6M AM acOo cmd• wrN wrad 6 w,aw Sm 905173-2200. BoaMwMW +psrtnArM0. lo map bOIa1MMA �p drop, mume W February um Call Bruce IAN6E NEW Z MOreoM 900 F1dOkA1, St. WIMW A7 41 r C rMume b DerNS M'Wnw, W Frit S*pt C*Id Care. t990 Cell 1- •%t0"tli� two MMUMY at dutHn's Moly l- all -07 la IMt- adM *19Drq. Awl. Jit. 810 ply n Mon 3w 2 416M7.4t33 a cal Maine S VM �Mi cloth rg, logs A mom' Malt 579.4400 Nqd I-eee•3B4a7oo em ONMR, �. r l MIO m mei 6 Rorer Otp m aux mwm 4156-W.2979 Detwn 6 A m tk to Please to Wholes Rd PlaruW. 0M vldoo tuff 625 (905AW ext. 2207 %dd lea rasp, now appApllns. IG�1 (���' r"w tIt110de b 0105) 6Ei-t5N A pmt ands "WA- t 1MIn5.5= L 1V W5 any apNae agar100. W MK �g.4rgl 77�'1� or (mi MW 906776.5513 T e • ties MMM W5.2634 M of pasrein aft Into. */male 1 mmemeeaae MMnIY Two MOROOM. Dayw .aAn"M . Dara"kmftW CAMnMS rS - Ia IAM. I-Mp9R-i507 wit trial)/ transit /tali aralable M -P M Jne w - r Mron. mel team w- se ;arms a Mod 1 nM tenlltTE MMI yin t0eew. UP La 903-.12 10 stn a ~ alp CASH FOR CARS! Wt par oom. April lu 8oww.AW, 3 tsaoom Lima 1st CAN arae 3 some f3M Price dt d Comrwre systrm _,M Sul rbo& w a� used antic+' wen -des MM be looking CMahoCao It8 7814145 a 19051 616 INFANTS - 12 YEARS OLA ,mee $u49 ma iv Pomp - Ym 47-2415 a carte 10 479 .n ca, ­9 sob. tun home an free wouft (30 laal aom $9 96 a yaaw KS6.- emOIrlrct 3061 IO � suras + MMy St Fate. Apt a MIR- AUT Ail D SHIES a IFomm apt am Dir ,Al-F_s IIF.AI,tR� t4lrNorurwM. rawn6a1231a usTEM1W yy�eNA ad lin nal glow, tk00 A A AM Cit q Camrc and 401 � lamet bon, Pro \EF:Ii F.0 ,Li Lioelwed by M C. S.S. Reasonable rete CARPETS BIBLE A NARO- W000 FLOONW. -00 3 pan $339 130 50 SOFA ED $150 WJkv- n,, 2 *Leon, -9TON 905<i' SIAyORIN orty . SOAROeC AMItA1lF. larDt A wom mos we PAY up b $10000 Sales"" - tensa f6601mo eke hya0 �" 1"1s1 I-M6i17- Earn !sitm Fecamobs, limg)bt hounk, GN I•r'ms yd; W uwMltMllo^ FItiA 1450. race-wll Woo With a`"0' f dint DMdncAS UN Iurrlord ince- '"d"a rttaln9 program. t2 ■ bp„ Mcap 1y vw � ate- oma 24 Ipu,s. 7 6AysAl %79 a 4t6dtSi72g ARw OURFIArPi10FE5510NALMDYEDATI:ANE91a17II1 IFAS towwouAIM ram mom cm..p m t o" 10 s�aYMah1No x* LSU. l"'" MYYw 906iN17gg0 a FO M. No Oulotes„a,aPr 0 angsw. CMI Cant dors SM. N start (w 907 905-985-8051 FOW lyy 1 OrwA • 1 Dar M MAMed ounrMMIqp Mea Auep10 Ca SAM 905486 owm W CDs art fti0 2 loo WW 835. 723-1209 FEF to a good Mae. YAM tnadla 1 E s 7 briseaI aDrtg*M aW- Noa,mrat,Waa, Inventory CALL NOW CNIROPRACT IIEALTN MITT -TME era a ; anrr ILSs 7 OFFICE ASST w rm M a ll nine to ;ale 17;2 COMPUTER weTDRo ate A nN Iib recant Lap. M- -MM wan Ws. WO inn IMIIaT dos. Do ran Male �,. 1M7 GIC 172 IM ate 00, am Ilerth 1M FwaeY 04[6 a1W. aoaObOMW NmouBh- PIA. loge ba1C0NP, $729 m- Pauline ti.ullr pplImare�o Drop tiff r a 186 Lor two VO.N lays Varied Gr Rd Whtbf to 906- hours. ILDVKW. Ammaerpp 1 Y• M 11rn $1GM load PUKID d FVMIITLW4 DUTCH AUCTION.' Surt b MMM aeea ny re, Ire" 30.5 M vas .oro PWO 9 pP � art d same unr remn.1Qf, �-54" No plias aNs a car s- BamiSMOM PI payments AM Mhz load. pnMK Jan 1. 2000, we m■ 1WMe a t� 1Cam 5CA�Mpau� f Opp W�CAM 416-398-939(k pal Ad " C0106-501-12110 waew, W.V.+ldhom aha cplepwe SOLID DAA anln0- 1 1 &-NOW 1N G Cora. 911. eMnOW 725-1436 complain CIIEFTMC IBRO DENTAL HYGIENMT lil DaydMa slogan itaY, COIrnmK- Ice bnA1' dna Pan -We • more Free srarrw. OtlMny am NUO 7-1515-5515 roam am beaonw. al l atop 8100 Dr r4ee amt C40. Toss-up 4 galda a con. OTIg111A1 meec tYeM. OSH M- 7 BEOHOW 07M. a nrck■Iw, Lary/ kIr slMeO U*$Demm to service po"U0n Please alt 19051 COMUTER DECML$ mor, wm..Custom aeom trom 11M OIMMODME DMa M. .10 aPPrKIM f I rX000100oom M �OopM W mslim customers art de- 427-1443 10N111C Lhnglan MIM uv- nor slaw Ram S M. NAM yaw ben dws art -No, one ower. darn 140k, 190517264705 51 art SmcW 51. S.. rad �!! reap o aCalml* n int RMT MMUR TWWST are tie 1010 kIausbort '' 1e trgaM noon art Ow tDeneNr Le! 112 050 14 d MAZDA 323. W � AM Pldlennp Dwnarn rigor 8699. luadW P3-500 .en 79.0001. t a0a. 4 I.,Lldr. s lite GMC S*ea V6. 5 aW. (9057 7214232. Very Mwble nods Diel car No expenrcA 'equal nuMWS art rates 2-5 1r%EL alattr 111333. him• I■ bin your &Nm. oft r COfMtE1Nr ENCI►ONCi E�IIIPMEEy b ImmWwe FAA resume to aleWM emrmWlaley Rcker- teas pretdsd Fuel Ara wit *ptoF 8501. ee IoM dont Aber We now ben NIA- saaW scrula0. dein aA7r- 9s1L ea firer, tapes. ■IMF fiEM00E vin w onoW P*At tor. resume t u tdlep (2.450 19D5)SOB-M50. Mrs catatm. "tow 2-saaY Sarni n WE Dow& 905 QS -5986 CPR Val" Farm RalElry 2. �pprases nit df M r4slm CIMM 04 n'1 aunty Ce6ed ti PICI[erillg M OMId11g • 427-9147 mo Podwe g Go 19051637- 1905 665 3%t SOLID poor i Oak Il MWG ING3 K RA WTISM . 5 812950 734 2475 hApe/sae. Waller/drys, port h10Mduel for thisfir expYldllg EWW UCPAUN - Ful SM EMD OF mfr C araeOM aywere. W 25 SP W. air. 15AM. 86600 lME JOW - mom conow WA Pka � f90�D HIM IYId Gif AtEelO DIY�IOfL Mme mdn some tvnmVs fa CWWyr q YEARS,. Tradmw w wood EenNrt Conldmon. Cal M7• mmFully I s, s wdl d WYa APPRENTICE 12M a 3rd To" Pickering U`m` ax- es Irow 859. Norm al vmr10 115 DaN Pal RDA 9730 MtW area Oa. edMatiy. cr- 1 For AW call 571-1265 Ttfe CaladWW 1111O4dd be • reOMlt Wal For Mier We Ars &AD ala Oe1a WIM- Ex- AFFOAGUU LOVOG My- nom 8150. sings, door* rte Pat Perry 905 -MS 193 OfirAM MkW ate /swan Iet11d CAm orA 2 IEODOOM, Ill raMAes auy Fa. Viaepa, 1118.600. CA (905)432-3356 mrtiaNrO. on@d td TOW in sai Ye p hMlre 3-75 ion . ;I IInalm n e comm, m OtraviaxSOM FM m ng b 1M514zg-Oe63 CMF. a PS Me. Dia loos FAcom r1M tram $77wo tgp/IW.Im.IraO■aaF cm dw. * g110d a,Iaem Arno/* 1631%06 Ask br a lel erM 1 iiaectlolTe. MMer9ale- su res, OODWO6 GlnyoM PS VAuyk, M�alriry� 1156 WaWmwWq.m.n.. drM1905)i1a.46B7M Mao- t9.5 000ti OAR= 6 ■ra CU$TOM WDODWOMER m- DKU EXPERIENCED 41ry2 carpe *Tr00 DarAya,dIn ew 01SOOiM O row $16500 -tele Mvel Elmet 1ddMa b, end Oared m Dm mM " an. OrNw RspnoreetlAssMlam Payroom etc Laufer ♦ Otiwlo 677• /Wade bmW bOaM6p«rMp tM0 POKM $VOW. 2 d. sm CaRad EO a 905723 Am IWaoo401 bile POlAler Point fro eMeL salary r1p3er1Y0d+apk mOama�nera�. OItItt sMcu. 2 yrs.. imMW. hWalddtoad. NraMt:. 307 s fp0. tit. aMnFiW. 713 k. boomom bwMma. ArilAMe Now �� Awe flK TM f�10r, M oe�Pnae (DDi) 43nD2@4 ROMs al (905)6 0031 a °a^ ^ds 61! DIbYe d �-ErM n COM 11175, fa ra Mr MairMO MI gMede Mao 11 059 Mp W ifJF Nei*1711.11Tew/aAAle.e MTWAII rECENMR1Ea 10 83g-3226, 19051638`7237 1MFpM. toga2oa. Ors �ic"rNrMM atarapk0MrkMCMoff 710" �WrMOOW. MM19-M& a Mete nor r &low 906 lm FOM MMVA AM t IfeMIM ear■Isa *O"or N bbd b appy FMAN U MT AFOYIAED Ice nA01Aer $25DVF tarok Mile- =6 bOL pibwq. tate- 6031750. 117,0001rA afyllN sow ad tti0A11 Yew♦, OMarle. SM =8 drwa b r0r .000 IMM/ /+isle+ Medea calla b wLTMLgw000- ECE MOM ilea a/Ate al acid/. JOW atia arDldOdC wOSR bW a6aMMNl NMrIrN t IMiwpMF "Dallas wamm. YtbrNed ImNlaoiAMiy. CAD amg a�eMMw arab A 9Mr Was pas W n�m&d$MWN r1eM 90.0 Q. bmd M"dMw=WW n i I cost STOOD. so fW4. ans. Mom so rea NraWa. be" as NiWMeprya Portly. 416281•4336. mMpst a.d1 pool comnurm- bOYz srmits Aft. aaa. 8750 1r4gwf $175410. w 141Ei)726•M0. WE FINANCE {rte. EMulrt 2yrsyy DO air. pM6M1 we t"c iM• OFFICE CLERK F1T1E0 tIrtLJEO 1« dwtm ran ab paar� Nae gaa ttDlyDma, mNWINar edit W $raw. GE I 49g� aMR fYti phob txpi", EYERYt'NiE SIM.aafaiap S580D. 9t16Q0• 9s R for busy picketing Construction Co. s!m Monitan 3 yms alp. CAd Sia a Ftraa a1 1105-420- = 0542/ am CPR ::a= ,eleleltat. J6 $ s«ya. �,. ,drAd► ary- Y Saucy WSW m "Wairra 7335 a FM isen■ to 905- he (9051426-7339. FiW bM buy- 426-3014 CIFM SAFE Form - Rei. s�WOYrt =50. 709 Arldl * Ya Condbm. 6975. ro 65T a ers, banlQlQt, WsaeOWr. 30.000Ywz. IItlV b�iWwrN� Applicant ants be familiar with a0 aspects Phre 4362094 ttltlby 420,7312. see. Stella $1 tip. 24' fid, clad bleelMiE. tM CMAMII LE. Wft 7 Of amounting. Duties to include AlP. data INACNdisi- yl(rpi0 la PMNMACMT 7ECMMCMM ie1C. corvp Maher a time Ymk oar IAlON,00M boy. 426 PST Cal Locan 1-M620 � C�t no 6175 kwAM rJ -2775 . entry. typing, reception, general office. Fina *wlcaaq elm n AI1e ,s6ui,W la full-ORIe Itws vo St6 (%S)TJ6-pe7. 3309. ft7,500 till (9p5tCfF2775 paled• dppp b zdooM. ppyMaaar Fax rcaNrse acct salary ngadrel■e■ts to: 3 Was tlpweln rl Mirq EarpariMla m pmpWM n Would Web core for Vote MCONOfflOKO FROGS$ credit. Y0u M 0006E G0011111 3 DC bd,dedrM� CFAd1I ate 1etM mal a Mwl. Fa race Foo "061 5763272. �o1 k%m. tW a Wit' MAIAa Ma1MM fl% I1q ,ecadNard mp wow You ate amd aMy 15Y( $3805.hAma 905-6136-1155 resunmswb e5e6 w M.11yfimr. tem. wnao64kxgwb arta 3-1yf 1 3W Tic sed n a $125,' Ip. r m%Var drive! Lala Of 9g GW wad ruse, gni M6129r. CaN 3 1 ra 233 knwLabm ran. cal Talk Wal tllruWW 12.5000.1.. dryws 1125! nstonlOF wOuda ew*dM IMiaa ate Stes0E n. DOO M MCr001g - FWNM Asta- FLIMMEN Nnhon hcmu M. Horp Omtlfie . Pa pole 995428-1950. PrarrlAW Wdb.ft. PING NoW */otos $1,991 1 e0. now choice. DOWII Of corlNrd 66}7301 a 4261079 AwiIW Feb. Ig 3 bOIdOaM 1 GaRWE IIf4 dNa61 wP r serkiW. wadM ywyIppppl1rrWW Could " a IBM aW. Cal nCagn $eta IIMMti: eOaM h. S f1.10ROL Fl are rWaMlio ea coffin open Trade may be after bpm. taP.. a,3077MaNl. AMR. 6878-250619064261583. Ix61283.72". Larmlp IltyrAe; 70 NID,MM b Damp 4oeAerr 1001. CAD j rNw Grand rWM r aired. a ewI�Wd1.2aY IMpIM. N, nA 6'LI MT NMUST NL, bray nME TOW tDua OFEMTOD, lit- 12 ytut Dar armript Dap19U51649.15M. prMre� (DaaMpp)-- Meem win NNW. moat low 6[mi , PACKER y exprialWO. dart 1sedBraN 710awAM dor od rd 577-3760'IN wpoM wN bNNW UHM DO MnPi i rAa. gory ate. MnIL roe NM M ME Mao FNiANCE lac$F00MMLip1u� gd0oo.sail eOI t% OOa, ce a -d far AAW�axc ansa. AI■IapcWrinp oral Udtl■malls i gMt16. irfl $ci0. Wmrldkam0 N mp• 5RFa. 20M tIC M Nren.�coopth= Oshawa men.y. Fkelubk rasi0an, F1dey WY Pike AFIBMU M SAMNT 1145- C.P.P. coral*-. Mat- 'A1C R HID Bob, OipM♦AP a te N tmd 6W hldpsa DEPARTMENT yeti:cpmmiubn. BaMbpn4�0 m Piche new MaW Rv.. 5Mwn. Retail rbc anioL 'A rneciorc r6Taossa.Fran f7.so ro -25/week) Wicking, raapn. 905.421- 1N MM CNEV addict t.,tor. aid off bedroom ler 0.00 per hr we ad be rwr DULFPa 7eaILiO*. Ca91905)603-1927. SMWrd *rte Ironic MIHt 12M. MvNs * CO DOW* CUUMe a Ww mw ate naDI10F MlWllrlt ler NM gar t rn"Mrat col DOW OIpparras Cr a 10- fN5-716.14!1 April Ice. tomN1aYMSIrOsew% S tW Ostmw Cmc 00/iV 1 f em EIs S x64*4899 ate n- 5-aptakrs1 3�Io0Ma ala dy. 3ulfe,■O1,'� M now 12AM a rade *tier*4. WaaOdYdlrr� FPAualpnum 99 71bnNm ROW se W 5p.IT.9065066161. '�• 9 NM a•San.srvesPa*. 154 *r � � � �' PuaWM, aiMFn t'Soum. Oslulw. Every Toa e m: go. liaanotl •Pira 8870. fkuco St 010mary905) 576- M EntM 68, nw t 8T. 17%132/'040¢.dIAti1ea1Wdy., ate lhurs. 9.30a.m -2p.mA OEN4l ReuplbTrtilM- mgwea 30d Ona�i. SmOdwie RF000E0 CAM *Wed ala ser da* alPpfn YNt Nurry 1146Ww.dM.A60.ODD kM. Vry dart lad• sN* M`'ba*adr.LME4I SWvwftndot Coupe)8044697 s■taa "Aced lues-kN* i fiW coring Wrrm. p4m COIN *r bat NWW OaMnt sowma e0. CD. Ramo* SWL PaWt _ pal -Nm fpr our PbWM9 A pet me h0111e' 9051865560 SWW (205) 579- M3. 4 rcaWW ler aDanmgp cont- FROCAEtItNE $ICON n ScorOaoupll oniat. P*ae gree. Call x657 1 ArItM E $10.500.. 906T1rr M. MM $MCS Pfdmf*0 Wage. 1 be6aoM. ate lel Ex it souRltaaa sae. e.or a taeMtq hAVDan mM rosmW to F* 0456. 1 R1Rw000 blowftm11pu1w dW1 OWAN 6 OM1. MWisetr P-Imm SON O,Mwa ExWrkrloe rcgarAO ate. «darn riffs gYlitl. 119E-1 CAMBIVER reOulrW Iwo. MMAnt. nb pea. 623 Pdft - m nl&Wnvre ate R olpe, SAN reardy coin P.0 Bo 481, D Mwa On- ION 1 i 3 Y' ole M«dey Fn• aar 125. dyeed (tor pWM) AMTIOIEStAMOkW Ad- 6650 . qa mem. Prefer mitde-agW or rutwa main Supe Showa d�l1N71.5 dy RMpttm RdClwth 51. MOZY RAT FIREWOOD. a• m $75. tom- dp, wpys Wdpyp*. ypw, M AUTO SALES 2W p1Tn, DMCNNIRMf. 05 -6 MMNeOI indldOId. wee Cal rot anerrkr dMwN ee aro fug 00. TV lar retire. Mabry couple. mutt ABA Tomb Gda O trrrrq My seat guaa, Mi btu) Shp. um i gam �Ma. hmhmq oMnad• se- 2•Mdoom "mem. low- 905.127-5287 be am to perform 11118 ce pro,dod saury plus coin- pO5IM387tt wow. ovanttw tau tet somem Antb1OI cull. Dana SbW wMi, N eptly � =6 Peas tell resumes 10 Mmam 611 Irmo ACTRIITI Ab RpWea ro� a y +coria. ,p006.b00 675laadt ala. IM imN b vase r,Vll- VANS 829%-OM5 /,WNW. �bddirlp. AwA" Feb. dy's 721- time IW 770'rm�1 pals Iy OIpt,t (905)623.2257 Only "too M70. fo,1g Wm Lae FaWay. 20 MANM'IAIOUSEEEPER, en- split Hamot musunmru. Agro1. Solar*. Vgalfas. CaN 916)- 0� 0 M�IYE rOaNrm hours bin-w'oely Temporary agMlc, flexible person To. OY O1ET1E iET1 win yip uWree)' collWda,n a CSA+■. Lumina APV{ . drOTB �. senior AWKAMS all be cantata position Appiyms must aural to bury howehot trK lkkwry. 905-7512246. out pWt 4 0a deers. 117% LM. -+teff/ « wlplt an - I0, an wft v 6rga. CARS $1M5 -$M% Fes. �" �- aN . no ROCK CUMMNC FACILITY Mw a dWbms In Raaea• Alplldry-frAay IIwOle Mas FREE FIREWOOD - WWsen wMt :$ "oro ug Pial lII, doe Nn■. t" 1 ■ANN in CEM1TIAl OsbsrN, urs 1 Mid $625. Ratlsrlcot. a, LOCAL GREENHOUSE oolunq tan. Gerontology. Adwabon Mug tow own IW RMaerc- slid, and py*t chary Trtease 986 SlMrae S. M, Mo0ra0R p01rry. 111 try b r Wntikd. donlaWf 0 int• Wy00e eDAdmeMs arrlab* a dad! 9175, ler put time t1e4 - Flulalp, repares tlmrparl oral rtipM- « SMaS Services fapn- a (3lurch f Ros,knld Ca11 avaM15 431.0392 (cep) Oanaw 91,15-579-5011 ppn0 b all 01■r■s. ROW" Pott. 4xe'5 $49%-i6M5 In MeN. OINHd OOINDp 33M y r Umng. and moving DOM srote persons 18 curt ate 4nrti mM lMrvic pr ExW- 9 Giour13% BOwn Almpat• &OOtal. Dorian. C1woMm. BuaM, dose b AA w4nba. P*Me mSdW. WiMlp ro win rw- oleo. expenala ate *oder- FEIIF60 ClAOfIC ardW. OntaM. 1905)65548" a A EIVMM. PICI(UPS 64986- OAR 19%1773-0977 9 aW LUKUNT n"wl 11, Ma• kala{ dun el■Y Onrn AN ship skills good one 61I Rene respontd wM rsaW Ontal Firewood blue war aa* 0010. SAAR IM6124245M_ $10995 Certified GMCs 6 6p.m. blow g.�tyDoMm.. ppaa alt tram Fl* 0476. 686-4474 Mon -fn nta 4p m p7 W 11. 10 Now" Man- Dry COF 8 spld am busMw ate $wrab CWw Fnlrraq i Wu" CLEAN. pW 1 peprggm IWO SO., Oil aWdret, M1 Dons. Ihrs 865 Fan- Apr. Eewaxxe Og1■ea 67 ON CALL F C F Artl AndfaN ha WANAMWit 4wb. Mug see. 114M. vee 51 Oslmw. LIN 7L5 SIBERINfEMENT COUPLE pat ad M ORmw, One L1J poll aYaues lmmedmfe- rdrs sand 060 PrepO Dunt 19055 for into Ca Jpinmset m URutt�bEyr lis neOwrW for red malreaWd 4L1 ly Nlpn Wady tW10 con /AS1TNa faWON) sulwn. Olw MA W 190516651977 dose b town. avaMaO* lm-ylpNr*Tq led. OslmaaM. amilwAg EME06ETK pl 6 TH complex n ilk wNrc Full-time Permanent 't�rlrfM6 wilt Das. 8325 are, Will Tickets' ma kit". i095In101Mh, nl- (9051379901!. PIT tulen0"vserwr McOed iaomo ate leo cep Mas- BUT CSMWA Donut prA- Fra 011wery Ip ti0ndhrr. royal Die rdI Arc- Will pay, face value. CAN PMe 1800. GowrR Ica Yclerdse III . Pita* on 1 TWO MDItWM tot 6nla'i■ten T aIg GrAl sorry w b Iran Scary • Ira n Io01wV Ice a ps,!4d1e 1 0 blWY possible Mail a OSRaw xo mot 6M AM acOo cmd• wrN wrad 6 w,aw Sm 905173-2200. BoaMwMW +psrtnArM0. lo map bOIa1MMA �p drop, mume W February um Call Bruce IAN6E NEW Z MOreoM 900 F1dOkA1, St. WIMW A7 41 r C rMume b DerNS M'Wnw, W Frit S*pt C*Id Care. t990 Cell 1- •%t0"tli� two MMUMY at dutHn's Moly l- all -07 la IMt- adM *19Drq. Awl. Jit. 810 ply n Mon 3w 2 416M7.4t33 a cal Maine S VM �Mi cloth rg, logs A mom' Malt 579.4400 Nqd I-eee•3B4a7oo em ONMR, �. r l MIO m mei 6 Rorer Otp m aux mwm 4156-W.2979 Detwn 6 A m tk to Please to Wholes Rd PlaruW. 0M vldoo tuff 625 (905AW ext. 2207 %dd lea rasp, now appApllns. IG�1 (���' r"w tIt110de b 0105) 6Ei-t5N A pmt ands "WA- t 1MIn5.5= L 1V W5 any apNae agar100. W MK �g.4rgl 77�'1� or (mi MW 906776.5513 T e • 1 Illynot =ft. amowmamoom_ ! FeMRawnerreese 1wiw,rN h"*" r •1eP AAAI . Mk1rRIP, It, 2 - 0.12 Law �Metroid Sal. Fel Nk. 24 1e. FN t. R•M- 3 ro pwe7wtoWs Raewbet. h,-t4m $1073 tapww ,r11bk00 Cb. a Go. Amp Ret a 1N6.4779Q7 Aralebr Cor S76ZM7 ptNT wpMY FREE I�w. w INM Il .ftI w lq,l" 1p rat n 4Wer, h /S}� 1, 2 i 3 led. Apt*. do". CAN (a15Mledlat. aRet7/�ar-7 �.LL'.w^i pr=emed Ajw IM d aI Erarr n• RNurbltAed i New LM MIIBIl11 Wag • � Lineally caro. ?4A fee al d+iq upsOry Cae a76r ' AppiMne". All Utll. Induded. tr,crnwl a+Nw+dw, kr0a• 416-WY-An6. im o 901 ... ; thou, ,eurp p+obe id ynvsneed In-house Supt. i Me1M. cools. 6s'" alfallaron: 2-W 2M 1 vis 2 On she 31 CurHy. bahroo 1/, n Smoke proles. 510b Sowa4 "an" jeegergo. M EirNRbr $,%w down mvn r owR Rental Oma: 00� } Set IS Sun , l ORI• Spnl P~ f62Y,wes Lkr N, a8 1 VALMM PPM)MRT1r SNOM TERM I endrd lura � MANAOIMtNT om ry 2-bedrotondo. VCR. < 90a�QT9� 1f IQZs CAW. ra�MMON. Darkkq. dusrvery Awif' mm A 198151 • 1 AueOorM • 1 AIIeYorr 623-0079 Htfi) 675.3221 PICKERIM, 3-bwboom lake APARTMENTS - AJAX law 11 Refeerras. no pets Pkra 33 & %% Falby Crt. Call (905)837-550. karre 2 & 3 Bedroom apts. "lleslige Call 686-0845 F4wse.w or visit us at: COMMEKi k UN", FAA 8 Bw Crean location t Awd- http://windjammer.weblump.com acne units. 1425 so it ren Can (905) 579-5077. ane 5 Fit (905) 571.3281 E Rent t qpm EXCITING new ppelessoret space Ideal for Nauapan. Sage. Niilgq1- s e1C rn hMI- t 1 BrOputmb 1.10.01,111.10.01,11IIOOr Wan 905-1311871 OrGoMberg's OWN Your Nex�4t►/kH�aMe�H D�"a°" e (WSJ 571.6M or 1-1 14484 J 11 sAtearFar r Sol, r.7YJ Mark Stapley :Bolt MP. AWN AWN/ Mei Ewe Lee BUILDERS Wit "' lo • E E Apetrrwms rot Model lionle ONE SEOROON casement Re,• apanmem. 2 apylwntn. Her .006401 am X600 pi eF does parkrq, ubbba. la 1, Illy faoMm Non smoker Arala6b Feb t FRSWst 126-M7 COURTICE. PROFESSIONAL. RCshed • ONE NEOIIOOM l• dero,alm I.., 3 furnishedIasemem apt Lw- ixdlplm 1700 Sq it YIN to erpD*Uly. wait to Gp401, ffflold Yard. pond Paved on - entrance Clean brighe "+w'7. a, dose k school U,x,drr M "access b Not 4042775 41'1s $1504 pr 462"-1618 426]Y7EXECUTIVE Townho er. Stns OBNAMA near GM, sOtNeli ^!,y N E Whni err well weln 2 DeOraom ata new. ' gr prem�iiufi6m5�sspQ2�h�5x167 101� Opel adult 5 On Slut nil M AGA OARA YOU ,•. "1%=sed l d-0e0rOpwl 2 wR 'ehrol eery ry n•+^ "".r.'v�•�, •^^•ar°d v5aoans. mad Ma far*- I mo nTao extra Includes r'O' . 3500. 6 n Onf Me. room Ml Qr Mepww. 5 ata +q bNmne eawrenew Irpn pkwces. Cemra x Na heall..M tet � %xhis�ie 528.000 9rma Gk Fen Ca- 0=Ww upCprodes and own RNote 131 Fir Apr to Rayne le' ColoweR RatRr ISOSInB- f1 X.900. I'D all -52q 193 9n4 addaonw vb OSNwrA }beereeew m dw• 2 NOMI CW. Ree a Sok 7 OSNAMA IUMGALOM 7 Des 7., ilea. ��. Avaable Immed,ar,y' Cable, bwaoowa,I bam,00m up 7 _meaw�so hind a,d S615MMM 936 GEm beaowes, Dam clown. ti v¢AOOpalcpark SUM 03154" arrsla YAONw f pusall- 53x-7 A p 906430 sun 3- Ord t Ssgbr7apets�500 991 are FA. carrid 00 - end 9X606 ubkkw 1905420-tsm �. OSNAM Rd" 2 -bei men UTBROU aaeoiMwAwvrprp � 1 r elM Ileo k Rdd 2 BEDROOM ?ON 7 m Obarn T umn aro % HOUSE Hook Rdsz2N.ogg 901435-4694 or 416-520- For Rent In sm CANNINGTON melaoiNC yin LADE •� b.Vv . u•net•a oes PEDUCEO IO SELL' 't RpNeprNtpe it" Owe tee. 5800. takes ian-Y .r:.:-2pw I4FYbir- .00deMrn OdY to U ItwtJMe: r�i-" w Ee�.N, (905) 852-1741 an at 14 - arrow Ir ' NO Pae W SWAkws t,Or,w 30C MM, roe ardv 1MSe er. xM. pSNr.•were. ]-RE OROON r• 7 ¢ 00M Comm, ' Nam". .o C Fro doors b FeMRawnerreese 1wiw,rN h"*" r •1eP �e+N ' ternv+ram bee•rrewt. 0.12 Law �Metroid Sal. Fel Nk. 24 1e. FN t. R•M- 3 ro pwe7wtoWs Raewbet. h,-t4m $1073 tapww ,r11bk00 pey baM 11117 8571? OOD Minced tapww eor 1N6.4779Q7 Aralebr Cor S76ZM7 w ,ewp,g f9o319 00lS IO 7 Deo lq,l" 1p rat n 4Wer, h /S}� . , I n - 'nam pI SACN main h mwe ',;hurWHwi wn40y. ? 2 ,oarto veq dew, aRet7/�ar-7 �.LL'.w^i pr=emed Ajw IM d aI Erarr n• ni N.nLwwa rd, b- •arpore tar • d+iq upsOry Cae a76r AraAeeh "'" 1= Days rowE. FRoutrs. .n gut " ' 1308 416-WY-An6. im o 901 ... ; thou, ,eurp p+obe id ynvsneed RIWRWBrwettyt o) QI-0274IVoYows•YrdMY 2M 1 vis ORE be&-- DarMew ata A UNKATASLE DEAL! crow a civet ra.rq UII Ip bee Sowa4 "an" jeegergo. M EirNRbr $,%w down mvn r owR etawnwlon r 905-576-1503 SledW boo erOeded rrorrawu. a sal wenna SCC Yye wpEnd 10- wmrp q 968900 tar- nn rr rY Aen -0 nAC 5 Lrrrw b Seer SA :ardSrw P~ f62Y,wes Lkr N, a8 24 his hr rewlM -OOMP trrgegw. .WAR~ (1M .WAROI-3185 905-na-im M 271 Gold- Sir eAoor Now,w .redo n•CI11om 7 oe1 I= - Sake RMR Red IVAN NNTGAGES good bee aha ,,xiqr -dent •est A,nkaP L Qin ;n,r,c,�y :w all, yw UWCh 1 SIOormp indowe AAAA - IEM 3 bedrorw " AbCAOPtspwrrawrMynerpacyrppE- leaMM, No saoNn CAR noose Bos wWor .mac team 4+o 4SA5e72 .-it of 5 *pWu jF,6 Corp 1981 665- WOS pe I-rogroom ' twrtaY, r•e 401 SNS..W PIOR b1 notice n d1e wo. 36 1 Mw Iq/roOAw 571 , e Mwkere donden "i", "A'"I 5700 -Ki-Wo Call 141WW3196 AU"Util9 ASTOuoclmG 6 months free own A ZsS GOVEAarENi FunasSt MTNEW - Oro_ AY OuiYF Crouse Iron 55lom,oren You r=are new bwe rAiweY n- Ira ave aar•r enamor b arae aIo eO+o taw Aer u,g w 00•terr -No* "Wcow= 7?6.000 e.AOreer leer a taw 14D0 -508 -MSc 4=11. am"lerJ00rl ? A ] ' ",hil CNN I db M tete DM's °. Moth let r, RW CAN M RON. CW." Gar(9 ')n Pea EwM rtr �r 3C% rte •wlMe/ikyef dam Rota Ta 19061579.9016 d0Y 1903) 7769474 rwnrOtK Fu,d Out more M +Mwq DIrNw'S lendnp 0o- SMAM b)rr ATTENTION GOOD 11NRRT] ns ort s rw tai Con 3 IdleTd•demMecrdrY COrO 'r•'w rover, ls2Detropn Fewle ereatcn UrrtOrl7 6Mrnom W ;NA SMAEL ESIA&L'Swo spoor Llow. ckY b all aRra- near .,VN We now raw-iAnO� uM/ �] nUted how buvrass Er- popN1o1ssL. Akedow k%" I No Wo -4 905- WWkm oraumoAc SidIr-y 4 wu,n wilmried ereri 10r arrAnr D7 5=11rl Niger!Rave awl erriploa'- nom- or eprenow .MR Mrr•rwwaea- ,;nett Imaeeawe tltttrMr lira a cr08MN6 225t OSNAWA Woo .oro eonloco- am Ra8.ge Ofor red r 4164W-Ml try 7-10 0 / 2 BIRtreay 3 BIR opts. lW KAUTEOI 3 e" aa -am endrwR 9 N rid. Case to AN am WAN. $1 In CENTRAL COWGMTE'S Som at 2 WentS800 or at 280 Wentworth $Z. m . wwbY No per Aral- Ape Ihrcn tw Cap AN- A r,pr9ary 6 Reurran M 2 3 A 4M n eat M iiNee, W first Cho" 8,81 ,fine mo Year - TJrenrrC ate aVpupur Fpr905 721$711 ( 1 LMGE 4 CORM o a law• trete ptw� b raw MI aro rrr 723-0501 noose a.a4aW 1a tar -- mioateY Temh w rex 205 For '� °1 W' VEff bachelor apal' mWpprw H7 91000 p- u m a W n,1rn. -smotcr ole CA M e905.837 -M01 trW. a iridww sprit poll • 1 hreulaa �edr4rsbpRanngernd,re ave. N7Lrnarl CaN 19051509- am ADSilANOl3NICOE - wry ? b -roan bungalow. oar. hardwood sm. **rich ftm AAE To $Neu? The err WN MT - br1Wd, spaco-. "Ie N. pA�p�rsmngp D rw Dm&vAb tcolo tpraeyel, 1 boyo pa r p Ret awecw nawtlAro - bumimn E tar •� 1ib10' (WS) aw Moa 1 4164519387 a Pape 401-7185 air 12 W I GII �6S.1-IMIE 0 %7-0016. ItOdcl. Cor a m now" or brow" bMr prnOwd tls Bch" ft* In am M 3-braaaA holt tow F"w"d or bl an wwo mail IOCanon Prt. slrppc LOW for her N WANOOMLtd well and 401. A adtbleanwr IEA ENLy pTC1aC Ar 9 77 MsrM Ceael alt ap06Ma svdre Fid ANY brach wNbkt a 51000 93Rd dit- Few Irl bas. 1- b1eMIwTM.1 l0nson, Prom . 9522& c1�1tsMMt.��RWqe7kppgwqsRrxx 416- 1•A2=. �� a LET Us Giw Wlwakr-s OW .wad"` Ili. relerasM. pill, AO MSM Go." IT�. 4263109 a pgpe s Lm aMr Mrdr am awl -:r(416) S KWAOM rna r (416) 777-M. MMM, 2-bteMoow -&-ad lrwc. fort to ..faro 1NOMM. Lar" wndown. OduNa Spinal[ dw. rely ba 1 apwo pos. � Wed cmawr kckw cis NR9r IrtM Sod a for, 1-886617- N79 a (416) 425- ==On, 21 e. a On ,5620 mdw*. 6720 AYYIle 11MNnteeitrry. (1O616S5.44a0 or /9essism MMII ANN TWAMM sr. 5125 aVR 3je . COtw gee. Large 3 bKtooM to.NrA". 61ra ye, 4 M. 7krdoowmmlmL e aMl01 15■. Ge t915Adqq.. ) 2T l INS Rio CunMN a WARL a7C, pe - died. RN18 *ism Mo. burr dry. Sib* rale RNOKM& AMIM Ingram" Slow ,-IEMgOr. WOMW 07317. Mniflep. Call 430- lyieldc 4 M. all. A I 1 tYrw1pa oar TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine 10 send Its your advertl5effiv t. Please allow tulle for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our Customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. s"Vir Fax News Advertiser 9105.579.4218 SUNDAY FEN 5. 11 AM. Aucnon Sac 'o, par. ;ne of a UNOWle estate. pus r�rknityoGRee�aa 1 km U9 W Hwyat m48 an Room Ad EaCeNMt fAleCkOn Of AilaO.e. ttNaare, plats. ch - Old Orel. C01110 b rs etc. Ee Edkrroarl Oak setteev,et" gamut carried CaxG, Pennsylvania D,xk Dutch bench; Erw AMR pine corner " sat server anhgae drosms. ubw. chars INC. Lovely gas 'op draw Id rr*ft. tlMMrg tai women couch. hall Sm dmrrorbps of oder furnture Mme Oil" ug (100• y."1 Lamps end Nexi pelt Was. crys- tal. slanted plats etcltd. te0enI M Barran am ow- er pros amour POMM Vea. WC. I'm Dao" oder 930 Am See web pe" for deans or fax doteeewdMM.Om N$4484411 $o. Fele. S o f tam :::ne Ct Jonn rva. 2 Ste wart Line lc! l -or •, :r.A- En ••s Hoy at Pater borough GOWty Rd r; 20 ram Skira . w3kmam r Sttwm leer MasMRM}JG 3300 diesel combese 10' gwrn hexer- 2.6: his Jo 367 row corn Iw- vmw JD65 d%uiage Olower. JD 145-3 furrow, 3pin 16- bottom law. 2 Kasten 14' foreep epROa,s, 41' �ran auger. Ford 508 little delivery "IFI Acal W spwya. We 10 model 350 Iqd Mt dw. int 2No 9 hyd Mt cultivator, 3pen tarring bg ski per, Only India nems Sd•tl' fle on hmt Cash? pea Iii WJG rIT'ai u AucnONS. WA D -e- 1 m 715-71M M. um" Fu S. ,O a M Lagr Is"' 4 auction at Jrva McLear Auci,i remix - Lwdsay SOM property of Mai Joan. tone wer aro tdrer local eataa Fatunnngg 95 Skxi Formu4 SL 500 94 Sl doo Mil 1 6e000, 90 Ford pickup. as a quality and n,odwn furniture , some ann0ues. pass. China. hudndt all mureoep anetx711kCUDle da st ms Don I neN 1 sok Welch ear LIA ORVAL AND "My MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS (7151 324-2793 M 1-U"I-I4" For Ryer. - Ice na/NM:a W swip -toes. Nary MCLA. si tAPYeeektR• I" • Iowa ow Ctrb LW. ncmfyr. C'OMSMWNT PLUS ESTATE AUCTION MTLES M1MC MICTION IMLL, b KON OL OpAMa RelGVOF electric stove. autgmaK: washer A aryer P.I.: dNsterfeW and Ioveral ft*..k tante Cdr. a eel tables. sgnad And numblered pNds, pale drop front ditk. Oda UN9t. Oak mfr. and And f legs co- w lekw5dn. a of dresser Nd pleat of drawers. Persian rups. hyo .MOM woad stove, well clodL wa- did*. 2 toy bio Win, Areque cmoi ubws anagur and am tae Plain to 1111)let ved AmSp WOCWWd. 751 U II W R, MWA. FEB no, SMP E. AT IMI NIER•B AUCTION WILL. WIN 2 CKIOIBE IN ea takr of MAs. E Fos 6 Mks. L. D wed L40d*M A"bl" Ibm rrr" bM*"Oa" wC. e- Lw" am hew arAdY. #arm% bort Iter to Mast• h01d aMdW, piftOMW love. Okedrbra. rte. hooehoid fto likes am eraire begro0m Mart. mow "t. 6" rel . Bob A Wks, obrssbwel dean. good sow, hope. b.a, pose MOS. Ti dio Mit, aY1t of drawn:. Ib-rk' akin, kinbk leader OYcuM-. r- cmmw dPW Ale SWC. Gr". dw. INW pawn. pi no are =nae. M:aAe Bk be -w r wtetree. iia 7241 eNeR RMNIeMe tadN, Itean pPpp tet! Ave. ler Tvt, VCRs. elwea, Med appkanat, wAMwae. laveF Ivey. /eheanM. tutees tote, darrM = A IRM ass. ex RD RESERVES. eve sort Gary A RNE warwer - Aodko n, 9aS3a5_2=b e r WlMlretw N teNrM tow yrlN M �r leelYa 115Re IIM1)191iliA�ieMnirn� Istat FeI11lMy AM=. CAN lar a on4ww" waa ITIS ATTENTION AUCTIONEERSII ar PAlulios Packager consisls if your ad r9naiag weekly In tiles= publialloas: • Odwas Whiltl�by This Wait IN Ajax PickeriNews Adm • Pod Prry This Week PINI • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribon • Calladtae slat"Ma On all deo N Bill Phase 5711 -IM Fax 579 -ani NEWS ADVERMER, WEDNESDAY EEOf lON-F*Ww y 2.2000 PAGE 15 AIV , cuff___ A.0- Off -bpp-- M Eg". SevIRMRMss EaMIr-ft CORNELIS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY FEB 4 PtIlew ILer 1 li's AT Seo P.M. WILL YOU MARRY A 3 MILES EAST OF ()uestion �n �e[ .Tbe lel • LITTLE BRITAIN "LL J years bare Jxy.�sr ON COUNTY RDM - lead best in ntT Itjr. chesterfield. r 1 tame oval k, Ape. pine & end maple rucking chair, modem walnut chola cabinet, single & dou- ble box springs & mattresses, table & floor lamps, parlour tables, 5 pc. modern bedroom suite, occa- sional chairs, barbers chair, crocks, antique dressers& chests of drawers, flat irons, qty. fiesta were, 15 cu. ft. freezer, au- tomatic washer, sec - tonal bed chester- field, qty. hand & garden tools, 1997 Plymouth Sundance, qty. china, g�l1aasss, household & colli ablenems. Don & Gree Cornell Her Answer Paul: Aly Love My Life My Soulmale Yes! Yei Yes! 1 will marry you atil BInM Clmvrled INDEA ,05 � 1� n0 cy,mrw-ft its Rwa Bus oplonvrrtas 130 'l•ce Nell, ,>o AuctioneerMOVING 1 Toll FET.w 1.877 -1811 .20 ra�,,,x error Rei ab sx- Roamerro, wry .13Rmww husbard Grate Fisher, and Jerry and his wife PaL Sats r,eAyApexs RRA1 Little Britain 7D5 -706 -?,R3 Emma. Jamb and Matthew Peter will be sally 'seed aacca..� "o. W A drww mssed by his Ixoehers and sisters, speciel trend Rose LeEllai and many family and trends. The , ar , o genera towage f scri r-bo corAe°ear om Ip AUCTION _ .i cicanrnC lady Baby's Here?• p.m TU tresday and 2.4 a 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral • materials I1ad,rlg •gene al clean up 145 cavort r.arpw E a CONSIGNMENTS ...� Cleat entire hO incRedin feid5ei • •trashandmeuls too iasewtwaloewrw AND ESTATES alww MAfRI1feRI�.RS, 300 N ••.,•re• Far ire Fan � 2M 1 vis WANTED H 839-JJ7N +Irr.Inn !r_ f r 1%' rICCUQ fewthigS! �t. Lawrence $efYCe r0 -_tor, i 2X0 ax C Sar Low commission, Irw! nl'� �Ayw Sordid 4 5 Lrrrw b Seer SA :ardSrw 432.36N m ArierebPer, Payment next a Sir eAoor Now,w .redo HOUSECLEANING n0 a"x"P"'e. z3s Clnrmw rhes day Sales every Tues. LADY - MOVING WEST? 2ed rare Eecrwnpe and Thurs. and 46s Pax" Si Pon vrr . old wiltgzw4rCa. .mac team 4+o SAVE SSS •urHpr o t-nOr+ Sat. al p.m. An- ,';kx-wjhle M your natal Gudm Dreg Saw s• jN1I lav .errs. PIOR b1 notice n d1e Back haul rate zoo ,%x,, r titlue furniture, ata- s 6cn,. N/• • A •Pea - eeow wt 3 Sao- A 3Awre 116.992-7375 40 available for 20 ;� ' ^r Chances etc. Own- er and operator Ajax Pickering News loads gcinp, to or ares '-.,roa' p0v so, 70D •'""Ap0 i"°• $i1e thmu h Alberta. °bsar�stl MYLES KING Advertiser Westlock %lovers a o d" >s rws wwew AUCTIONS M Hall St. f780)-149--5573 n0 vam•. wn.r iD,•» 01AM 683-0707 w =ave a R o.vs Established in 19� 1 Cross Movers 303 rw.w and awn now lou an Ieceive a -,C 1 ` aro Rr,+E".,yrvcws Tiano 723-0501 �p�� i l\LL Bac/s here Gilt Pae r.sA ors • ow- •4c ,. Pidunq Aryl rvrEO rr Eaux .e sort more than M... ApipltAely FREE" 1 � a •Gem +W ror,w�w rp nee dos wrnrra wewd . o .,•.nee sa Rete -oo Sova •A �,rraera : 1 ArNeorReeeNrNN : 1 AMgtRnpRwreq : 1 • rRerpOrp -w c.,wwa *hr.. SAY R FROM THE HEART! LKPLUMMUM : It's as easy as ABC... `"`NO11•Y7oNta y �'� Dirg S ^ECUS ti.-., ..4 I h-- roar -_C :rand tent,. ., am Cw �.,Yeo,wle �ont,ra baDnoom6 - Discretion rel rrr,r c.. 5wvto• Choose border w 1 or R2. DMMIaft Guaranteed o r,ew•,., -root Top% Decks art 9 A.m raselIe �t ...,r"'r`+0 S•.ew I )n,p by tar call Inside Sales at 'L' work guaranteed (405) i2.r23L' .mar w' eve YhS Farewell St.. \C lot toc strap \.,.n H.n:n4 is. eve V..«ea oemrecp Oshawa ON L III X-5 Call Pial �a T4aB2 . I,)IIi) 579-4400 O,hawa • (1,4)5) 683-0707 Ajax 1 Pool a II- s of I all IU 1 sNIS 1576851 °iw TO en Car.nrrn, Reeve wws Choose your arra JL v our mcs..,gc aAD rl• r,ew 1,awtp C •19 .,rrr a irucM will appear Sunday. Fch. 13.2000 i "Irm Tic" :21 1PA*ffMG v -r ASTORM '*' A. -`�"V �ree1W NepYS ^ oaaltterK rNEnourappra °30 - "0 Pero 'r 1 (ie}A-fI5 ( }i2 Pay a I re olaw. OR 033 lour cw•I sm I e�17w7 i FW a ter. al'i-SM 40575 ...n w- oe 1 can 1 use .01 -r w�w•e +•C.S•T• 1416) 414-5911 f�aMS����e W �Mr� Amaral sit: 2'1,"x2- ftkw* saw a raaa7 soli A eso •wry or 1laord Ad .$1 9'� i i•S.T• An ftei SEMOH � «r esn rl • laws QVIArAa0aTE1 e.UApe:70n,IgTrFlA1" �L YO w- am I�r•erl•R THIS WEEK M, S Ea-uNmps, ('eepal �� YL. Au Fw tsowoN BY, rePR Tnp sp,ekry rat r. 0•Hry Scroor N Rar,wdre I*wa raA oN 193 Serpa AJAXNO AJAX/PICKERING can f -FREE Er,wrr NEWS ADVERTISER ~96" "a `nYMM1oxN "r Age owasotm.wn e. vrpeLaw vow Nie wm be pubrMrlai my Low, wi a Feb. 13P for Vokatne's Dapp. TO PAIIITING � M I r D x%1&Y Bogkiog Deadline is Tbnnday, Fek lr i DECOR ISO Dwae Aa d5 MNu 1e pen it y Fridey, Fek 111A Interior b Wei European WOrgran-Sh X11.7---- a 1 INrrN reliable service. IIOFFARTH, Petr Lao - Peacehdry at ft Ajax ��--� 428.0081 and Piclerng Heaeh Cerve on Sunday, January 1 4pwrNNMeNN n7erq bill- 30, 2000, m his 81st year. Peter Hollarth• be- ApRo loved husband d the late Mary. Loving latter d ftmk Toll FET.w 1.877 -1811 .20 ra�,,,x error Rei ab sx- Roamerro, wry .13Rmww husbard Grate Fisher, and Jerry and his wife PaL Servicing a1 w,re.e ffwj(" fridges, Emma. Jamb and Matthew Peter will be sally 'seed aacca..� "o. W A drww mssed by his Ixoehers and sisters, speciel trend Rose LeEllai and many family and trends. The lam -g .met l Raw weoe ace a sr,x,r. sow. Call NDN _ .i cicanrnC lady .a, •Tarot u••ae p.m TU tresday and 2.4 a 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral + )) an experience�Will we aawrw, 1.A e n cowew raewx els Caiepw wioe.e ...� Cleat entire hO incRedin feid5ei e- �'�• Lwab 446 ,•.eorre e- er 'apro, reeve O alww MAfRI1feRI�.RS, 300 N ••.,•re• Far ire -• - : Pte call si H 839-JJ7N +Irr.Inn s ,;ee•r•wow ••e0awe s,s .r..r••... .•,o.n AANA71NG :LEANING NC I �' OwiWa•wr lw• Irw! nl'� �Ayw Sordid 4 5 Lrrrw b Seer SA :ardSrw ' - Reed Gen TOY a Call w . a5) W60n7 _ s- - Ste Ma. teen enw•,lrae Seo ae'pe ei so, Seo %nrP ra Ste a Sir eAoor Now,w .redo HOUSECLEANING S,, .r•ww hwr Sew agu-1-allow,. LADY � •ederael,kat 10a6alntalaflML7 R B sole ea s- " °w'•'r moo w 46s Pax" Si Pon vrr . old wiltgzw4rCa. .mac team 4+o e Babv't Hot Gift Cuefica: is *ill Anne wR •urHpr o t-nOr+ ,';kx-wjhle M your natal Gudm Dreg Saw s• jN1I lav .errs. ewe wo...re•. 29 Taipei SL. L' Call Kell, AM, " � " • Am s 6cn,. N/• • A •Pea - eeow wt 3 Sao- A 3Awre 116.992-7375 40 +aNa-Ave vie+--•.-,�.•s- a+* e,,..rwe •.war 4•S Gonoe,ww ud ,,.w.weere, deo -oo Sova •A �,rraera : 1 ArNeorReeeNrNN : 1 AMgtRnpRwreq : 1 • rRerpOrp -w c.,wwa *hr.. SAY R FROM THE HEART! LKPLUMMUM : It's as easy as ABC... `"`NO11•Y7oNta y �'� Dirg S ^ECUS ti.-., ..4 I h-- roar -_C :rand tent,. ., am Cw �.,Yeo,wle �ont,ra baDnoom6 - Discretion rel rrr,r c.. 5wvto• Choose border w 1 or R2. DMMIaft Guaranteed o r,ew•,., -root Top% Decks art 9 A.m raselIe �t ...,r"'r`+0 S•.ew I )n,p by tar call Inside Sales at 'L' work guaranteed (405) i2.r23L' .mar w' eve YhS Farewell St.. \C lot toc strap \.,.n H.n:n4 is. eve V..«ea oemrecp Oshawa ON L III X-5 Call Pial �a T4aB2 . I,)IIi) 579-4400 O,hawa • (1,4)5) 683-0707 Ajax 1 Pool a II- s of I all IU 1 sNIS 1576851 °iw TO en Car.nrrn, Reeve wws Choose your arra JL v our mcs..,gc aAD rl• r,ew 1,awtp C •19 .,rrr a irucM will appear Sunday. Fch. 13.2000 i "Irm Tic" :21 1PA*ffMG v -r ASTORM '*' A. -`�"V �ree1W NepYS ^ oaaltterK rNEnourappra °30 - "0 Pero 'r 1 (ie}A-fI5 ( }i2 Pay a I re olaw. OR 033 lour cw•I sm I e�17w7 i FW a ter. al'i-SM 40575 ...n w- oe 1 can 1 use .01 -r w�w•e +•C.S•T• 1416) 414-5911 f�aMS����e W �Mr� Amaral sit: 2'1,"x2- ftkw* saw a raaa7 soli A eso •wry or 1laord Ad .$1 9'� i i•S.T• An ftei SEMOH � «r esn rl • laws QVIArAa0aTE1 e.UApe:70n,IgTrFlA1" �L YO w- am I�r•erl•R THIS WEEK M, S Ea-uNmps, ('eepal �� YL. Au Fw tsowoN BY, rePR Tnp sp,ekry rat r. 0•Hry Scroor N Rar,wdre I*wa raA oN 193 Serpa AJAXNO AJAX/PICKERING can f -FREE Er,wrr NEWS ADVERTISER ~96" "a `nYMM1oxN "r Age owasotm.wn e. vrpeLaw vow Nie wm be pubrMrlai my Low, wi a Feb. 13P for Vokatne's Dapp. TO PAIIITING � M I r D x%1&Y Bogkiog Deadline is Tbnnday, Fek lr i DECOR ISO Dwae Aa d5 MNu 1e pen it y Fridey, Fek 111A Interior b Wei European WOrgran-Sh X11.7---- a 1 INrrN reliable service. IIOFFARTH, Petr Lao - Peacehdry at ft Ajax ��--� 428.0081 and Piclerng Heaeh Cerve on Sunday, January 1 4pwrNNMeNN n7erq bill- 30, 2000, m his 81st year. Peter Hollarth• be- ApRo loved husband d the late Mary. Loving latter d ftmk Douglas and his wife Martha Jacqu*v and her husbard Grate Fisher, and Jerry and his wife PaL Servicing a1 Dear grandfather d Stephanie, Kevin, Jennifer, Danny, Katy and Peter. Great grandfather d ffwj(" fridges, Emma. Jamb and Matthew Peter will be sally mssed by his Ixoehers and sisters, speciel trend Rose LeEllai and many family and trends. The dryers, Stoves. vVaahers iamiy wiI receive friends at the MCEACHME F(UNERAL Call NDN HOME. 28 Old K Road, Ajax Yom) X26-818 from 7.9 (416) 704.5011 p.m TU tresday and 2.4 a 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral 9056199629 Prayers n the Chapel an Thursday, February 3, 2000 at 11:00 am. Interment • Pine Ridge MNno- nal Gardens DonaDams, In mengry d Peter, to pWlyenykw : ►orySrrrkaN Moerpa the Caradian Cancer Society a the Charity d VMNL your choice would be appreciated by the tamity. RAN= WANTS VAN= IlauNruN owl Magic For Children's Paha MOVING SYSTEMSIN And AN Off, Have My Own Mapcan w e ww mow anything, Caw a rale "o -o i anYe/er. Mur" CbrnnerCial Or resKbmHl • 11 aptivaMaM • 11 MlprdaNMNs midmonthdswlrr�Free COMPLETE lin-=07S5 PAINTING PLUS DECKS 1.685.191.8500 Int a Ext Since 1973 POST HOLE Drywyl repairs DRILLING Stucco ceilings Garbage Removal mlcwmmovw Caulking. minor repairs a 9TIMAQE Low cost. ext work Call - lateove HOUa Ss. Alanmel h. Chain reliable a eNxlesl. 1-88&574.0077 oHnOs. Applianps a Free Estimates piano SpeCialtsls Senor laq (9os)720 2767 (9051-756.2022 a Mid-MDmh Discounts Licensed. insured Free 7 Estimates PIeISaelI" call .7795. LEAKS, AW Earl - N Oshawa General Fbsp. tan, on Sa inday 29. 2000. Earl. in his 72nd year. Beloved husband of Norma (nee Ring). Loy lrg la ther of Janice Little. Allan, Susan, and Ruth. Grandfather to Jimmy, Ian, and Amanda Little, Alexander Leake, and Roy Leake. Brother of Myr• de Stratdee of Scarborough, Orval Leake and his wife Marion at Toronto, and William (Bill) Leake (pre-deceasaci Ead was a wormer umpire tar the East Shore Girls Baseball League. Mr. Leake rested at RONALD MARTINO i SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Brock Road Chapel, 1057 Brock Rd.. Picker ng, (just south of the 401, east side!. 905-686-5589. The family to. ceived trends on Sunday January 30, from 7.9 P.M., and again on Monday from 2.4 and 7.9 pm, COmpleM service was held in the Chapel on Tues. day February Ist at 1:30 P.m.Donations In Earrs memory N Me Heel and Stroke Foundation a the Diabetes A9SOciatonl would be appreaMed by the family. M PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, WE 11114IOAY EW*N. FNxus" 2.211011 GTSB here to stay: MPP BY CHRIS7i' CHASE Staff Writer Durham MPP John O'Toole has a clear message for municipal politicians in Durham Region - work together to achieve government reform and eco- nomic prosperity locally and across the Greater Toronto Area. In remarks that appeared aimed di- rectly at Oshawa council, Mr. O'Toole said councillors need to realize the Greater Toronto Services Board is here and isn't going to disappear. "I've heard rumours about the demise of the GTSB;' he said at a breakfast meeting of the Greater Os- hawa Chamber of* Commerce Tuesday. "Well, good luck" Oshawa council in January reaf- firmed its opposition to its "forced par- ticipation" in the GTSB. set up by the Province primarily to oversee public transit in the GTA. Council has also in- dicated it continues w support a 1996 referendum in which kcal residents voted against having am involvement or amalgamation, administrative or politi- cal, with Toronto or any body dominat- ed by Toronto. Mayor Nancy Diamond, a member of the GTSB. said the board is '•fhhun Church dering" and Oshawa ha+ the opportuni- ty to help steer it in the proper path. At the meeting, chamhLr members heard Ken Copeland, executive director of the Greater Toronto Marketing Al- liance, explain how municipalities. pri- vate corporations and others are work- ing together to market the GTA and help it compete on national and international levels. Mr. O'Toole picked up that theme. He said "nut wanting to be part of the GIA ...doesn't play well. Are we in or are we out.' float's the question. We're fighting among ourselves and in the meantime, Mississauga is saying 'Bye bve.' We have to be equal partners at that table. We must not to only the pour cousin.."" Through the GTSB. GTA politicians have the opportunity Co show they can make a difference and work together, Mr. O'Toole said. His comments regarding the GTSB in part echo those made by Mayor Dia- mond earlier. While some councillors expressed opposition to the GTSB, she said the City must realize the GTSB ex- ists and "ver actives participate" in it in order W "crtsurc the definition of the hoard mcci, ntv wcd,' head takes the pulpit in Ajax 1WV AJAX — The moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Cana- da will speak at an Ajax church Sunday. Feb. 6. Rcv Dr. Arthur Van Seton will participate in the worship ser- vice at 10,30 am. at St. Andrew's Presbvterian Church. 35 Church St. N.. Ajax. Following the service. a pot- luck luncheon will be %crved. Current mod- erator of the 125th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Cana- da. Rev. Van Sellers has been a congregational minister for 10 years and a then logical educator for 26 years. He was or- dained in Knox Church in Toron- to in 1965 and smed as a pastor in Ontano. New Brunswick and Rev. Van Sellers was pnnci- pal of the School of Theology and a professor of Biblical Interpre- tation and Preaching at Knox College in Toronto from 1993 to 1999. For more in- formation call the church at 683- 7311. Area Tories talk policy tonight Health care, taxation and jus- tice are among the topics that will be discussed at an upcoming policy consulta- tion meeting hosted by local federal Progres- sive Conservative associations. The meeting is part of a country- wide consultation process that will conclude with the party's national convention in Quebec in May. "Durham has always made a sign.ficant contri- bution to our party's policy." Pickering -Ajax - Uxbridge Pro- gressive Conserv- ative president Shashi Bhatia says in a news re- lease. For more in- formation call Leanne Lewis at 686-5504 or Ms. Shatia at 428- 9798. P. WITH OUR LOW LOW PRICES! Come on in and check out these incredible 'Ground HOG' prices: You'll be amazed -ONE WEEK ONLY: RIGHT HERE at VILLAGE CHRYSLER! 1999 DAKOTA C/C SPORT 1999 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 1997 NEON 2 DR. 1997 NEON SPORT 2 DR. 1998 NEON Pgwmi� 5 2: V-6 power sreeing pcwer Drakes anti soir axle, air corbtiorng. Dodo*, Goth 4 �y nder automatic power steering• pow* Drakes. int. wee, AWFM CD, W cond.. 2 0 ; s b 5 spd air Dnd AUFM ass. rw tpW*. tog tarrhps. dual mam. 2 0 L. 5 speed power stewing, power 2 0 L, automatic power steerng, power window seats. stile "or window 8 more 1 own* cbm buckets 1 owner only 20,300 mss. ockets 6 more . Only 19 300 miles. Gin Do cakes, air. AMF41 Co. rear spoil*. aiumnum mews' s 6 more rV6299 Drakes, air conditioning. Gck ott buckets 1 owner eV6= pnN 13.0001an 8'3659A xV6269 MAKE AN OFFER PRICED TO SELL PERFECT FOR YOUR DAUGHTER SPORTY $1 Ole". Taxes 1999 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 1999 LHS 2000 RAM 3500 QUAD CAB DIESEL 1999 INTREPID 4.01_. 6 cyl.. auto., skid plate group. anti -spin 3.5L. V-6, auto.. power sunroof, leather. 5.9L diesel, auto, leather, p.w.. pd -L. ell. 2.7 L V-6, aulo.natic, p. s.. D.D.. paw axle deep tint, p.w., p dot., keyless entry. chrome 1T wheels. AIWFM ass /CD, ss.. ca cruse. air cad.. AM/FM amperwindows,power dociilockstift, cruise, cloth lamps security group, sentry key 8 mor more. 06292 p.l., p auto lemp air, heated seat A special, anti-spn axle, slide window. trailer tow, SLT Plus, p. seat, healed seats. sport buckets, air row WF AMcasss A more. more LoadedtP6129. appearancemore. 4p6176. M READY FOR TIE Sr01M OF 2000 THOUSANDS BELOW NEW EESAVE MG MAKE AN 0+1%R 1999 CHEROKEE SPORT 1999 300 M 1999 SEBRING CONVERTIBLE 1999 GRAND CARAVAN SE 1997 VOYAGER GRAND SE 1996 GRAND VOYAGER LE 4.01., 6 cyl., aulo., select -tray, deep 3.5 L, V-6, auto., p. windows, power 2.5 L. V$, automatic., pow., pAl., P. 3.3 L, V-6, auto., 7-paswrger 3.0 L, aulomakc, power steering. 3.8 L, V-6, aulDnwtc, p.s., pb., p.w., tint, arro-31- aide, cargo cover, keyless olio Y, air cad., skid Die door locks, pow* seats, leal1w, aim. whneels, merors. AWN seat, tilt. cruse, cass.. akm wheels. keyless seat, sunscreen glass, power door locks, till, Dir Dralkes, power widaxs, power door �• p. seat, W, cruise, driver door. ABS, Willies group, pow., p.d.l., tit, cruise. air power cassJCD, premium speakers, K entry, alarm Wiaern, sentry key, ale cord 6arxg. ,A more. power � AtAtFM lyes. Dsr door lodes, lily* stile doe. cruiseP6236.. ABS, ale a more. W6217. side er" � �7& =I zaw air, Cass a cow.. AMIFM assJCD, alum. cruise. Loaded. eP62B7. eP6285. wheels A more. eP6340. sem'25 70 +Taxan A REAL WAUTY SUMMER'S COMING SAVE BIG SAYE BIG R AWMTS YOUR FAMILY - tZEANr �� s ilsrals s trio -� ntrau �tewa ; e-etra tteA Mea. Rte, .Y /� tteuuao treotrAm waaa-etete meowntltNtrns ttreteeo �arlteee. ttttttrt�e t+aoa a tt eletlmtt Cc HINT. a V; MLAW AX �,�N ALLAQI CNRYSLER A K%Ioom CHFrfSLM CHRYSLER • DODGE • DODGE TRUCKS 't'rOpy iµ ♦,onwro aNawu.. A ' $tOPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 19 HARWOOD AVE. tjor of 4m) 1 AND slow tow pM+tpiertYt lams, Nwrae A adaih. � _ �� � ' ... ors000Enjoy Safe and Comfortable Retirement Living tit th -Parkway Retirement Home...Reserve Now CENTRAL PICKERING LOCATION lr. Visit the marketing office located at the Pickering Town Centre (Lower Level) ` outside the food court behind Waffle Rich rAZ ,a Hours: Mon.1 pm - 7 pm Tues. - Fri. 10 em - 7 pm Sell pm -6pm Sun.12noon-illprri Call 1.SOA-25d-5558