HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_01_1114, s Streaking Pickering peewees the comeback kids ..I Spots Page 20 a PICKERINGADV6 NEWS PICKER 1 NG'S CO's?!�1U N 1TY NE1\'SPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 44,600 20 PAGES Durham welfare rolls shrink in 1999 Almost 50.000 fewer Durham residents collected welfare last year than in 1998. In fact, the Region's social as- sistance rolls decreased just about every month in 1999 as people found jobs, says Durham's income support division administrator Paul Cloutier. He characterizes 1999 as "a year of virtually steady decline month to month. The caseload dropped more quickly than antici- pated. From that perspective, it's good news. "Tire economy was strong and our understanding is people were moving oft- into employment op- portunities:' Mr. Cloutier says. Slightly fewer than 260.000 Durham resident% collected welfare last year, compared to almost 3(8.000 in 1998. This past Decem- ber, 19,845 area citizens needed so- cial assistance to get by, down from the November total of 20,396. In December of 1998, there were 23,339 people on welfare. Durham's experience with shrinking welfare rolls mirrors the rest of Ontario. In December, more than 6,000 residents of the province stopped collecting social assistance, the 23rd consecutive month the number of people on See DURHAM page 2 TI SI)AY. JANI ARY 11, 2000 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $5.' $1 NEWSSTAND RON P1ElRONIR0/News Advertiser photo Rock star Don Jevons leaves the hack to toss a rock during a bonspiel at the Annandale Curling Club in Ajax Saturday. New year brings- a robbery a day BY STEPHEN SHAW Staff Writer Durham Region is on a stagger- ing record-setting pace for rob- beries in 2000, with nine holdups in just nine days. And with the local force's rob- bery unit short-staffed - it's cur- rently down to just two full-time detectives - the crime wave could- n't have come at a worse time. Durham Regional Police say another four heists this past week- end, all of them in Oshawa, have NOM 5,60 T N WO PMPNM kept the region on a one -a -day pace early in the new century. "Happy New Year. It's all just happened so quick. And what's that (in the news) about crime being way down? Yeah right:' re - See HAPPY page 2 No medical emergencies unattended: Police 911 crashes fortwour lirnergency services officials across Durham report no medical rrohlems went unattended as the rc_ion was without 911 phone ser - pec for about two hours Monday. The 911 system failed around 10 a rn.. Durham Regional Police Scrgeant Jim Grimley said ..It was quickly realized that the :,rult wasn't in the 911 centre itself, but a Bell Canada problem:' Sgt. Grimley said. "ThL system fault was later traced by Bell Canada and found to he- a malfunction in Bell Canada's Oshawa switching sta- tion" Bell rerouted 911 calls to a seven -digit line by 11:50 a.m., al- lowing Durham resident% to call to report any emergencies At 2:45 p.m. the system was back up and running, said Sgt. Grimley. Bell Canada spokesman Don Hogarth said late Monday after - Inside the News Advertiser WHERE TO I= IT Editedal Page ...........4 Opimies SMaper ..........4 Classified .............16 Sports ................20 GIVE US A CALL General ..........683-5110 Distrilistiea ......683-5117 Classified ........683-0707 Death Notices .....683-3005 Sincerely Ve 1-800-662-8423 Email .newsroom@durham.net Web side ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 Imagine the gift of wireless ..h '35 ,R imamew 4(1,IM r«w.t.. i 1N a� �M.► «ft H s� BESNIE NATIONAL SPORTS PICIERINB TOWNCENTRE THE BAYWOOD CENTRE -ASAI( Whips Rd. i 62 OM -9557 UPPer Lttttl-Stats Wil 4'10-0744 1 105 Bayh St. W. W401 0 Rogers Cantil Inc. AT&T Corp. Used under License Ajax and Pickering residents couldn't get through to 9// Monday morning. noon officials were "still trying to get better information" on the cause of the problem. He attributed the See BELL page 2 DOOM urc"�00D Thinking of hardwood or Laminates Come Talk To The Professionals (905) 420-3285 1550 GAYLY ST. UNIT 17, Pickering sbo ruin Nouns: Iron. FA. ufAmn MOPPETS DAYCARE CENTRE NOW IN PICKERING 16 Months to 12 Yem 986 Dunbarton Rd. O*W 012A DWO) (905) 420-3211 Quality Child Care and Ed moon For over 15 Yeats,, pager and unlimited 6 months service with voice mail and 15 sec personal greeting G A/P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 Durham welfare rolls will continue to dip,Region official predicts DURHAAf f rorn page 1 welfare has declined in Ontario. Mr. Cloutier says he's hopeful the downward spiral will continue in 2(0). "it may not be as rapid a decrease, but there will he employ- ment opportunities for people to move to'. And, he's optimistic more single m clfare recipients will move unto workfare and earn their pay working at a�_encies in the non-profit sector. Bell probing 911 system DIVII . I crash frunr pag( I)• •k Ih ) •;l th� �•ni•� shutdown to an equipment fail- ure but said officials at the utility have "no better information at this time. "We're undertaking a full re- view and will also undertake am corrective action that is neces- san." Mr. Hogarth said. NN'hile the lines were down, anyone who called 911 found their phones were locked and they couldn't disconnect when hanging up. Sgt. Grimley said 18 locked calls were traced by Bell Canada and the locations where they originated were contacted by the Durham 911 centre. If no one an- swered, emergency units were sent out to check, he added. "No one was found to be in need of assistance when emer- gency units arrived.- he reported. "V4'c found most got through by other means, by the seven -digit line or cell phones" In some cases, people had called 911 to test the system and were then locked in, Sgt. Grim- ley added. JIM GRIMLEY 'No one in need of assis- tance when emegene _�. Brews arrived.' There are thirtv-two 911 phone lines in Durham, 16 rout- ed through Toronto and 16 through north Durham. The lines through Toronto were down Monday manning and Bell had to re-route the calls through the north, Durham Region's com- munications manager Pat Robin- son said. Durham Deputy Police Chief HappyNew Year; stick'em u ! p M r� ns� n — c . < « has a hack -up system in place for people to call in an emergency. The 911 system started in Durham on Nlav 1. 1991 and the deputy chief reported this is the first time an external problem has knocked out the system. "We had one other problem (in 1996), but that was internal to us:' While 911 was down yester- day. some calls went to the Toronto 911 centre, Dep. Chief Denson said. "They called us and we called the number or we responded to them:' The lack of 911 service had little effect at the Ajax and Pick- ering Health Centre, according to hospital spokesman Katie Cronin-Wooxl. "There's been no real impact on the volume:' she said late Monday afternoon. -In fact it's packed in our emergency depart- ment and we've been on CCB (critical care bypass) since seven o'clock this morning. We're in the midst of the flu and pneumo- nia and we'vc got a lox of people in our emergency department waiting for beds" HAPPY frrvn jwge I marked Detective Jim Smith. The robbery unit, which typ- ically has an impressive clear - 0 3 Z ante rate, has been under- manned since one detective went on holidays and another was recently transferred. Six of the heists have oc- curred in Oshawa, with the oth- ers in Whitby. Uxbridge and Ajax• police said. BLUE CHIPS BLUE CHIPS MANAGEMENT & O O O FINANCIAL SERVICES -*a M.k. E.e. M«- Specializing in: * Business Setup * Business Plan * Business Re -Organization & Change * General Accounting and Physical Inventory Counts * Computerized Corporate & Personal Tax Preparations * Registered Charity & Information Return 20 Years Experience Call Ezekiel Ekeh (Accountant) 1360 Kingston Rd. Pickering (Pharmasave Store) (905) 831-1230 Fax: (416) 638-8038 • 7 fl. SENIORS FOR SENIORSTM OFFERS THE SERVICES OF JUNIOR SENIORS TO ASSIST SENIOR SENIORS AS DROP-IN, LIVE-IN & OVERNIGHT HOMEMAKERS, HOME CLEANERS, HANDYPERSONS & DRIVERS. For a free brochure outlining our rates and services in Oshawa Whitby, Ajax and surrounding areas call 434-5115 or 686-0717. There's a "very active participation rate among single parents. They're continuing on taking advantage of the �qponunitirs there. But, he warns, "One thing we al- ways need to be a little cautious of is the economy does run in a cycle and there will be a downturn" EALTH r7i a t t e r s A Special Health Magazine 4 Dc ce _-�- Ad Spa F oT gookin9 � � 4 ZpOC �„�1r�►ine • Ict Publishing January 2000 Circulation: 46,000 To Book Your Ad Space Call Jonathan Campeau 41.\X/PICK"'"r 683- rJ 10 NEWS ADVERTISER You may not be able to predict the future but you can plan on it! Mutual Fund RRSP Investing in the 21st Century • Winning Mutual Fund RRSP investments for the New Millennium • New Ways to beat the foreign content rule through Mutual Funds • Labour -sponsored funds - tax credits plus profits • Little known RRSP investing strategies • Forecast 2000 - stocks, bonds, mutual funds and interest rates • Plus many more valuable Mutual Fund and RRSP tips Gordon K. Pape (well known author -and broadcaster) and Richard S. Price, Dundee Private Investors Inc. invite you to attend a complimentary seminar Thursday, January 13, 2000 at 7:00 pm Holiday Inn, Oshawa - Harmony Hall Seating is limited, please call (905) 427-2943 to reserve Paid for in part by ODUNDEE C* 4, ` - I PRIVATE INVESTORS INC.1 MUTUAL FUNDS a r - NEWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD JAN. 11, 2000 TUESDAY, JAN. l I BONSAI: The Matsuyama Bonsai So- ciety meets at 7 p.m. at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Open to all in- terested in bonsai. 436-1990, 683-2568. PARENT SUPPORT: The local chap- ter of the Association ol' Parent Support Groups holds its weekly meeting at 7:15 p.m. for parents of kids involved in drugs, alcohol, running away, dropping out of school, crimes and parent abuse. Call 416-223-7444 or 1-800-488-5666 for location. SENIORS: The- Ajax Senior Citizens' Friendship Club meets at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Andrews Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Bill Parish will recap the 60th reunion of the HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association, and show a video. 619-0315 (Betty). WEDNESDAY, ,IAN. 12 Correction AJAX — A newspaper columnist speaking at the Ajax Public Library later this month was incorrectly identi- fied in the Jan. 7 edition of the News Advertiser. Len Henry, an Ajax resident and weekly columnist with the Montreal Gazette, will speak about automotive trends and repairs at the main library branch on Sunday, Jan. 30 at 2:30 p.m. The News Advertiser regrets the error. 69EEIA nR69 CORRECTION FOR OUR 20 PAGE MILLENNIUM MADNESS PRE-PRINT (SALE DATES: JAN 10-16,2000) (CO12F000) PAGE 13 - PANASONIC CAMCORDER #31622 PRICED AT $999.99 IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. WE SINCERELY REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED SEARS CUSTOMERS. t ALZHEIMER: Alzheimer Durham hosts an Ajax Support Group meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 487 Westney Rd. S. at Clements Rd., Units 19 and 20. All caregivers welcome. 576-2567 (Kim). TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax -Picker- ing Toastmasters Club meets on the lower level of the Prudential -Dundee Private Investors building, corner of Bayly St. and Finley Ave., Ajax. Meet and greet at 7:15 p.m., meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Guests welcome. 683- 4439 (John), 619-9079 (Nancy). MONDAY, JAN. 17 BREASTFEEDING: The Durham Lactation Centre presents a Working and Breastfeeding Workshop from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. It's designed to assist the mother facing regular separation from her baby, such as returning to work or school. Call for location. 427-9547. INVEST in what you valve most ... TRUST "FREE" Financial .r . Consultation 666-8245 1-888-790-91 1 1 Debbie Morgan ®DUNDEE II:►w,v.re +vesron C QA NOTICE Edward George Humphrey, of Ajax, was expelled from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario on December 1, 1999. Mr. Humphrey failed to comply with an order made by the Institute's discipline commme following a Waring at which he was found guilty of a breach of the Institute's rules of professional conduct. As a consequence, Mr. Humphrey is no longer a chartered accountant and is no longer entitled to use the designation 'chartered accountant" or the initials 'CA'. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario is the VNevnirtg body of chartered accountarts in the province, and, among other things, is responsible for enforcing standards of competence and conduct in the interests of the public and the profession. ,Durham College, Durham College Student Association and the Unit temty Centre at Durham are basting the University Lecture Series January 13: Jody Berland - Technology, "Evolution," and the Web February 10: Naomi Klein - No Logo: Solutions for a Sold Planet March 2: James Laxer - The Undeclared War: Class Conflict in Contemporary Society Manch 16: Tony Johnston - Starting and Succeeding in the Canadian Film Industry All lectures are FREE of charge. ' Durham College Oshawa Campus, Room 1-110, 7 - 9 pm Call Lynda Allison at (905) 721-3083 University Centre at Durham NEWS ADVERTISER, TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 PAGE 3 A/P ........................................ • CASINO AMUSEMENTS CANA A PRESENTS DEPARTS EVERYDAY FROM... • : Dundas & Unrverstf t tow w-. Village By The Grange 0 I 9:15am 122 St. Patrick St. front of Sun Lok Rest. • Gerrard Square Chmaiown Eau) Gerrard & Pape • • f� 9:30am McOonalds Restaurant • • York Mills Subway • =FREE BUS TRIPS 10 20am Old York Mills Rd : Bathurst &Wilson No Frills Plaza • for Casino Rama Card Holders 10:30am North East Corner • � New Players $ 95 (Tax Inc.) Bathurst & Sheppard Sheppard Plaza : !9 10:30am Dairy Queen • • 109 Table Games Bathurst & Finch 10:35am Finchurst Plaza Buckstop : • • 2,238 Slot's Wilson & Keele Plaza N/E Comer • • • 3 Restaurants 10:45am ., e,p y w Pay w Coffee Time • • Alcohol Service • • • Entertainment Lounge ��nge a '=''�= Centre Point Mall • • of •Transportation by Luxury 10:15am do WEE or SAT erg ji; Beer Store • • Highway Coach Bathurst & Centre 10 45am Promenade Mall Transit Terminal • •• 1111110• • • OFFICE HOURS S=arb,r ,;–'H, 10:00 am Brumley&Progress WE Comer • • MON - SAT from q , 111- 3 9:00 am - 6:00pm :. • ti,ucres+ t�� Yonge Street SUN 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 10:00am tie 4K ySAT Pa up 16th Avenue • Reservations ...:.. , r • • Advised • • Hwy x; d .art :' Hollywood Princess • • Local Hotline Out of Town 11 ooam Banquet Hall • • (905) 1-(800) Wednesday & Saturday Departures • • 731-5678 567-2121 �` ZellersPlaza 0 i ;Car^ 401 & Simcoe St. S. • 80 West Beaver ' T'nimuc. ayP `�" • • passengers -19 yrs Creek Rd. Wendy's Burgers • • transportation at Bailey & Harwood • • Richmond Hill, Ont. provided by Can -Ar Coach = Gler a Rd. & • • Buses Depart Casino Rama at 7 P.M. y--' Pickering Parkway • • CBLc :' aA!AEL.. , ..�_?L:"+E . u 3505 Newmarket Plaza • • CANADIAN FOUNDATION ON COMPULSIVE ; 3,,a— Davis Cr. & Parkside Dr. • • GAMBLING 416-499-9800 Ont Travel Reg 1919650 Pnoe Choom • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Of • • • • • Of • • • • • • • • • • • • Of • 1�~ AM PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2001) NEWSEditori I&OPINIONS ADVERTISE EDITORIAL It should be a GO Ajax needs all -day train service like Pickering's enjoyed for years The Greater Toronto Services couraginv. More than 10 years after Board owes it to Ajax. Whitby and Os- the,. were initially promised. GO sta- hawa to bring in all -da,., seven -day -a- tions final% appeared in Whitby and week service. The world cast of the Oshawa. obviating the need for bus 'Big Smokc' doesn't end at the Picker- service to link up with the GO train in ing GO station. much as downtown Pickering. Toronto types like to think sometimes. It's an old lament. often heard. but There can Ix no more effective. Durham has long got the short end of cost-efficient way, to help offset Hwy. the stick from the Province. The trend 401 congestion than to increase GO in the GTA for the past three decades train service. Oyer the long_ haul. it has been to extend west from Toron- will complement expansion of the 401 to's borders into Brampton, Missis- from Harwood A%enue in Ajax sauga. etc. After all. to be lair, that's through Oshawa, alone with the exten- where the major growth was in the cion of Hwy. 407 through north 1900s. 1970% and 1980%. Highways Durham to Clarington. It's not just and GO services alike were expanded more convenient but environmental%_ year -in and ,.ear -out. friendly as well. But now. as a new century dawns. The GTSB has heard from Durham it's our turn. Extensive growth in Region Chairman Ro;Ler Anderson on Durham over the past decade merits the issue. Mr. Anderson has spoken out the $1.3 -million annual price tag en - loud and clear in his push for the en- hanced service would cost. The GTSB hanced ser% icc. is expected to vote on the issue later Haying hourly ser. icc will be "an this winter. Should the vote pass. en- advantagc for businesses in Durham hanced scrvice would be expected to and those businesses coming to start up in May. Durham. There's access to Toronto it will be up to the people of Ajax, and access to the region from Toronto. Whithy and Oshawa to use the added Employers and employees will have wr%ice or lose it. Should the service access during the day. Increased access not prove viable the GTSB would he- :to tobusiness means an increase in husi- well within its mandate to cancel it. ness." Mr. Anderson said. But give it a chance. All -day service did exist once but was cut h,. the Province in 1991 when E -Mail your comments on this opin- ser%ice to Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa ion to nnews®durham.net. Submis- was reduced to morning and evening sions which include a first and last rush hours on weekdays. name, as well as the community of resi- A quick look hack at the history of dence, will be considered for publica- GO train promises is not exactly en- tion. R J A N �3 2 0 0 0 "BVI RiC�I. 5GNTIC ViDENU OK '01 OK MQaE To 6E Y `[,ST AM? Jq, TIE REwJ5 VE M1V5NE. SNoYJM iIfS CANNOT RIDE ON WN ICE c LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Grits do little to protect us from gas pains To the editor: 1 was delighted to read David Bulmer's letter to the editor Jan. I regarding Pickering -Ajax - Uxbridge MP Dan McTeague's numerous tirades regarding gas pricing and the lack • of competi- tion in Canada. 1, for one, agree that Mr. McTeaguc and the Liberals make far too much noise, but fail to act Make use ofJ our Y2K junk y Cut open your mattress and grab the cash ... unless it's a waterbed So. how was it for you'? Y2K I mean. Well, you must have survived it or you wouldn't be reading this, right? Of course, now you have an even bigger problem. What the heck are you to do with all that 'Y2K emer- gency' stuff you bought? Here to help you out are a few ideas you might find useful: 1. Take the megabox four dozen candles you bought for when the lights were going to fail and melt them into a huge wax ball. This should last you for the whole ski sea- son unless you are in training for the Winter Olympics. 2. Collect together every tin of soup, pasta sauce, tuna and cocktail wieners (it was all that was left in the store), you were squirrelling away to stave off starvation while the gas was off and put them carefully in a brown paper sack. Now, take them to your nearest food bank. Do them a favour and leave out the cocktail wieners. Tracy Tonkinson Opinion Shaper 3. Put on your hat, coat and snow boots. Go to the garage and round up the 70 gallons of bottled water stored there. Well, didn't everyone say the water treatment plant was a shoo-in to fail? You may need a buddy to help if you want to finish in time to catch the Leafs game on TV. Better still, get the wife to do this and you won't miss a thing. Liberally pour the bottled water over the backyard. At that price you just know it's. gonna give you a rink as smooth as glass! 4. Slit open your mattress and re- move all the loose change and bills stuffed inside. Put it back in your bank account. Those of you with water beds will need to pick up a patch repair kit and remember to use the futon next time. 5. If you pass the travel shop on the way to the bank you might like to pop inside and check out the knock- down Y2K, fly away New Year's Day, get away specials to Florida. 6. Don't worry about the waste of that new portable generator. It will come in mighty handy for inflating the bouncy castle you'll be using to raise the money to pay the $5 -million tab sent to you by Hydro's Y2K -com- pliant billing system. Now, repeat after me, "I will never fall for hype again. I will never fall for hype again. I will never..." E -Mail your comments on this opin- ion to nnewsillidurham.net. Submis- sions which include a first and last name, as well as the community of res- idence, will be considered for publica- tion. in any meaningful way to deal with the problem. While on a trip to South Car- olina in November 99, 1 made some observations regarding gas pricing. In a distance equivalent to driving from Pickering to Ajax, I noted gas prices which varied from a low of $1.17 US to a high of $1.34 US per gallon. How re- freshing to sec actual competi- tion! Converted to Canuck bucks at 1 current exchange rates, that equals $1.76 to $2.01 per U.S. gallon. Still nowhere near the price of $2.43 we were paying for the Canadian equivalent of the same amount of gas at every gas bar here in Ontario. Competition among oil compa- nies in Canada does not exist, and the Liberal government is doing little if anything to protect, or help, the beleaguered taxpayer. Mr. Bulmer's letter is dead wrong on one count. We Canadi- ans are not naive, and for that rea- son Mr. McTeague may soon have to get out there and find another job. J.D. Anderson, Pickering The News Advertiser accepts let- ters to the editor. All -letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifi- cation. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in let- ters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Ad- vertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. 401: NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Commurim Newspaper Tim Whittaker l'uhlisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in-( 'hick/ Steve Houston ManaEit ry lidttor Bruce Danford 1)crec•tor of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail, l dverrising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak (7assefied .t dvernsink .t fanaver John Willems Real Estate :I utoniotive Idvertising .tfanaxer Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Off ce Manager Barb Harrison Cornposing Manager Dews (905)683-5110 5A10 (905 ) 683-5110 Classifieds (905)683-0707 Distribution (905)6x3-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E -Mail newsrcxxn'a: durham. net Web address www.durhamnew ,.nct 130 Commercial A,. e.. Ajax. Ont. L IS 2115 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The NCws Ad%crtltier is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a mcmtx.-r of the Ajar & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Coun- cil. The publisher re- serves the right to classify, or refuse any advertise- ment. Credit for adver- tisement limited to space price error occupies. 0 C#C • P NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 1999 PAGE 5 P �� �. 420.122222 * 683-2760* 'y � 24 hr... Direct Access 420-4664 "'web Site: www.city.pickering.on.ca January 10 Executive Committee Meeting January 12 Pickering Race Relations & Equity Committee Meeting January 12 Site Plan Advisory Committee January 17 City Council Meeting January 19 Committee of Adjustment January 20 Statutory Public Information 24 Executive Committee Meet Put yourself on the List. The City of Pickering, in cuoperation wuh the PineRidge Arts Council, is currently seeking Pickering Artists and Artisans to become a part of a core group who may be invited to participate in local shows and community arts projects. All interested citizens should drop off or mail a non -returnable Mo and photos to: The City of Pickering Department of Culture and Recreation One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 For further information please call (905) 420-4620 between the hours of 9:W a.m. and 4:(x) p.m. Are YOU Looking for Somewhere to Play? The Combatants Room at the Pickering Recreation Complex is open to kids with Special Needs, their Parents, Siblings and Friends. "Our Special Place" has soft activity equipment which provides hours of fun to children with Special Needs in a Caring and Safe environment. Children must be directly supervised by an Adult at all times. Location: Pickering Recreation Complex Combatant's Room Sundays: 1:00 - 3:00 PM FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL THE RECREATION COMPLEX AT 831-1711 Y�Adk�,M,, Register your small business today for the 2000 Safe Communities Incentive Program (SCIP) ...offered by SCOPA in partnership with WS&IB This health and safety program provides you with valuable health and safety training where you can earn a rebate on any savings realized on your WS&IB claim If you would like more information about the 2000 SCIP program you are invited to attend: SCIP Information Session January 13, 2000 12 noon Ajax/ Pickering Board of Trade 1099 Kingston Road, Suite 224 ...arm nckdadAW a syer nae. 0 Uri, Www niq /t "*! P21 ci o� PICKERING In Celebration of the new CITY OF PICKERING the Mayor & Council are hosting a CITY STATUS LEVEE Sunday, January 30, 2000 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Civic Complex Lobby. EVERYONE WELCOME TO ATTEND CITY OF PICKERING WESTERN BRANCH LIBRARY AND COMMUNITY CENTRE Expression of Interest and Prequalification The City of Pickering proposes the demolition of an existing single storey building and the construction of a new single storey library/community centre building of approximately 17,000 square feet at 464-474 Kingston Road, Pickering. Ontario. It is anticipated that tenders will be called in January 2(x)0 Building completion is expected by December 20(x1. General Contractors interested in tendering this project arc requested to submit a letter of interest. including a completed copy of CCA Document No. 11. letters of recommendation and any other supporting documentation to: Teeple Architects Inc. 511 King Street West, Suite 300 Toronto. Ontario M5V 1K4 (416) 59"554 Attention: Ms. Cheryl Atkinson by 3:00 p.m. on Monday. January 17, 2000. Contractors will be selected on the basis of the success of previous relevant experience, quality of project references, proof of bonding capability, volume of current work, and proposed project personnel. The Owner reserves the right to prequalify only those Contractors deemed appropriate. e�+OF THE CITY OF PICKERING REQUIRES A TAOIST TAI CHI INSTRUCTOR Applications are being accepted from TIN CIF dPMW4 qualified applicants to teach Tai Chi classes ftwb one morning a week at the Pickering Recreation Complex. M mgy"�" Experience working with older adults would In M^r» be an asset. rr.:tpr..dmaa 6Monpron ane Piu�rAon a Qualified applicants are invited to submit a b°Mo ,SRR. 0. resume by no later than Monday, January 17, t2390, CAG. MW coil a 2000 to: urrd b ado a un6 tib than d tt m Employment Services Coordinator, One the Esplanade, Pickering tM . Ontario L1V 6K7 aa...t.e�ra Fax: (905) 420-4638 Pay Only When You Use It! No up -front financial commitment. Use +tate-uf-the-art . audio equipment. selectorized & free weight, fitness classes to meet all needs & abilities. Hassle -free environment. Call the Fitness Office for details: 831-1711, 683-6582 Fitness Class Orientation Explore the variety of aerobic class offerings. Find out about exercise heart rates, shoes, mats and what to wear. Just talking - no moving! Ask a Certified Fitness instructor about your fitness and health questions and concerns. Call for next available date 831-1711, 683-6582. Maintain a Healthy Weight The Healthy Way Lifestyle Program will teach you to make healthy choices that will improve your well-being. Tap into resources you already have at your fingertips to make personal eating changes. Nutritional Cowrse"g with a Registered Dietitian. Therapeutic Yoga Two different classes for people dealing with heart disease & cancer. Let Ruth help you make your most important mind -body connection. breathing... imagery... meditation Medical Needs Fitness Class A group exercise class that is not fast & furious! Experience the supportive social & emotional network you just can't get by exercising on your own. Claremont Fitness Class Enjoy a great workout with friends & great music! This hi/lo group exercise class is motivating & offers plenty of fun! Just bring yourself & a mail Call the Fitness Office for details: 831-1711, 683-6582 AIP PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 01 4"IC. THEATRES t~.0"M Free popcom �kz V 414 > -PUS Shoo A" I a YOU COULD WIN MOVIE PASSES POPCORN AND POP FOR JUST COMPLETE THE ADVERTISER SEARCH ON PAGE 89 AND SEND IT IN ALONG WITH THIS BALLOT BY rim1UAY JAN. BLIZZARD CONTEST 14/00 FOR 4 AMC MOVIE PASSES POPCORN & SOFT DRINK NAME 1ADDRESS PHONE I Look inside this special section and you FT r._ i n17) could be winnerv. *3 faWS -A—D YOUR CoMMUrTITY e® ADVERTISING FEATURE What type of things could happen as a result of the Y2K problem? (NC) -Although no one knows the extent of the problems that may arise due to Y2K, the following problems may arise: loss of power, telephones may not work, manufacturing and production industries may be disrupted, roads may be congested or grid -locked. computers may malfunction (including embedded chips that drive everything from cars to VCRs), failed heating systems, and Automated Teller Machines may not dispense cash. If you have questions about specific services or products, contact the service provider or manufacturer and ask them to answer your questions. You may find that they have already taken steps to address many or all of the related Y2K issues. Check out Industry Canada's brochure, The Millennium bug horn check. The 1998 Eastern Canada Ice Storm , along with recent floods and forest fires have highlighted that Canadians are not immune from disasters. If you are unprepared for a disaster, it can cause major disruptions in your life. If you are prepared, the problems may only be minor inconveniences. Given the unpredictable nature of Y2K, expect conflicting information. You are the best person to assess your situation. Because no one can be certain about the effects of theY'_K problem, the Canadian Red Cross has developed the following checklist for you. These are sonic easy steps you can take to prepare for possible disruptions. All of these recommendations make good sense, regardless of the potential problem. What you should know • Check with manufacturers of any essential computer - controlled electronic equipment in your home to see if that equipment may be affected. This includes fire and security alarm systems. programmable thermostats, appliances, consumer electronics, garage door openers, electronic locks, and any other electronic equipment in which an "embedded chip" may control its operation. • Stank disaster supplies to last several days to a week for yourself and those who live with you. This includes having nonperishable foods, stored water, and an ample supply of prescription and non-prescription rmcdications that you regularly use. • Similar to prcpanng for a winter storm, it is suggested that you keep your automobile gas tank full. • In case the power fails, plan to use food that does not require cooking or use alternative ctxAinL, devices in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Don't use open flames or charcoal grills indoors. • Have extra blankets, coats, hats, and gloves to keep warm. Please do not plan to use gas -fueled appliances, like an oven, as an alternative heating source. The same goes for wood -burning or liquid -fuelled heating devices that are not designed to be used in a residential structure. Camp stoves and heaters should only be used out of doors in a well -ventilated area. If you do purchase an alternative heating device, make sure it is approved for use indoors and is listed with the Canadian Safety Association (CSA) or Underwriters Laboratories • Have plenty of flashlights and extra batteries on hand. Don't use candles for emergency lighting. • Examine your smoke alarms now. If you. have smoke alarms that are hard -wired into your home's electrical system ( most newer ones.are), check to see if they have battery back-ups. Every fall, replace all batteries in all smoke alarms as a general fire safety precaution. • Check with the emergency services providers in your community to see if there is more information available about how your community is preparing for any potential problems. Be an advocate and support efforts by your local police, fire, and emergency management officials to ensure that their systems will he able to operate at all tirres_ • Re prepared to relocate to a shelter for warmth and protection during a prolonged power outage or if for any other reason local officials request or require that you leave your home. Listen to a battery-operated or crank radio or television for information about where sheitcrs will be available. - If you plan to use a portable generator, carefully follow the manufacturer's installation and operating instructions. We recommend that any installation involving a hone electrical system he completed by a licensed electrician in accordance with prevailing building and electrical codes Generators should only he operated outdoors, away from any windows or air intakes that could draw toxic fumes back into your home. • I`.tlk w tth your neighbours and develop a joint plan for your street. The Canadian Red Cross helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. were in your ncighbourtxxA every day. providing personal preparedness information and teaching classes in first aid and other lifesaving skill., it, beth � families like vours safer. For rnorc mtormau,,n , contact your local Canadian Red Cross Nc%, , ; . PlumbionglIlMa-rt,� FOR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM RENOVATION RENOVATION DREAMS Start at$17740 +tam Brilliant bathrooms With Elegance & Grace Largest selection of model suites anywhere In Scarborough and Durham Region!! ✓ Powder Rooms ✓ 2 piece ✓ 3 piece ✓ Main Bathroom ✓ Ensultes ✓ Luxury Suites ✓ Master Bed Suites ✓ Designer Dream Suites And many more! _ NJ co y Workmanship Since 1959 1l,fe :Design, .We Supply & We :Install NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 PAGE 7 AM � Green --Rn Y2K Clearance Sale NO G.S.T. TAX ON to stock �` Hurry Sale MTL' R TIRES Ends Jan. 31/00 n lair I furs mkludr , T'aN t, ' a ill hr .hargrd U,r am ,mta labxwr or cher pan, p.trL 3'< 1 N70 (0 -N -E 0 0 0 Snows a t.� TIRE SIZE ICE b SNOW WINTER SLALOM ARCTIC ALP1N P155/80R13 53.95 57.95 67.95 P175/7OR13 67.95 73.95 86.95 P18WOR14 73.95 79.95 96.95 P195/60R14 87.95 94.95 111.95 P205/60R1 5 93.95 99.95 126.95 P195 5 15 87.95 95.95 116.95 P225/66OR16 103.95 112.95148. 5 ARCTIC APIN GETS YOU ANYWHERE IN WINTER • SUPERIOR TRACTION ON ICE S SNOW W.7H Sa -,:LEANING TREAD • EXCEPTIONAL GRIP AND ROAD "'t CONTRACT IN LOW TEMPERATURES D. E TO FLOO E RUSKR COMPOUND • SUPERIOR RIDE COMFORT � AFFIOM MOfL% COPW, RX"IM �. IAVI� 00 LT Y OF TO 8 OGST ti -ii purchaar (A' + tires y� 1 Westney Rd. Ajax Ac.NL tat Hwy #2) 686=21 82 Photo i lustrates, sample luxury FOR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM RENOVATION our ExpSO anded Discover Unique Space Saving Designer Suites - Shower Suites and Basement models Call for FREE cassette "Make your Dream Bathroom cost free" �r Hwy. #401 ELLESMERE 0 Z . Z � - w Y LAWRENCE �r A/P PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 ADVERTISING FEATURE Auto coverages (NC) -Many people routinely take insurance off any vehicles they don't drive in winter. "If you get your auto insurance suspended for a vehicle you don't drive in the winter, we recommend you keep at least comprehensive coverage for protection against %andalism or theft.- says Deb Blewett of -Me Co-operators. A Cooperators Agent can assist you with all your auto insurance needs. - News Canada Emergency kits essential (NO -Having the following items as part of your in -car emergency kit could save your life! gas line anti -freeze; flashlight; Call Police sign; flares, warm clothing or blankets; sand or kitty litter for traction if you get stuck; first aid kit; booster cables; shovel; tow strap, cable or chain. Also, put a few high energy snacks in your glove box. A Cooperators Agent can assist you with all your auto insurance needs. - News Canada (NC) -A much greater distance is needed to bring a vehicle to a stop in icy or snow), conditions, so keep a greater distance hetween your vehicle and the car in front of you. It is important to note that with the anti- lock brake system (ABS) you must slam on your brakes rather than pump. if you do not have ABS: Slamming on the brakes could lock the wheels and produce an uncontrolled skid. Motorists should pump brakes gently and intermittently to bring the vehicle to a halt while maintaining steering control. In winter conditions you need to slow down gradually in advance of any stop. For better traction, start out slowly and maintain an even speed. perky stops and starts can cause skidding. Here's how to handle a skid and prevent your wheels from lacking: • turn your steering wheel slightly so your car's wheels point in the direction you want to go • take your foot off the gas slowly • de -clutch with a standard transmission or shift into neutral with an automatic car • apply the brakes gradually and gently by squeezing the brake pedal until you feel it grab - ease off and repeat until you have stopped. A Cooperators Agent can assist you with all your auto insurance needs. - News Canada LUBE OIL, FILTER & FREE tIRE ROTATION • Check anti freeze • 41 of 5w30 or l Ow30 AC Delco premium oil • Check tire pressure • Check tune up • Brake inspection • Check front end Top up w/washer 2 A SERVICE VOUCHER i,with this service (MCOMMM) Winter driving safety (NC) -There's no escaping it - winter is on the horizon. The sleet, hail and snow that comes with this season makes for had driving conditions that we need to cope with and adapt to in order to prevent accidents. "For insurance companies, the winter is our heaviest collision time:' says Linda Wchh, an auto insurance expert with The Co- operators. "These collisions happen for a number of reasons but mostly because drivers don't adapt their driving habits to reflect changing road conditions" W hat can you do to prepare for driving this winter" Follow these tips! Winterize Your Car • Change to lightweight. multi- grade oil as heav-y oil thickens in cold weather, making it harder for the engine to turn over. • Cold weather is hard on batteries so if yours is a few years old, check to make sure the connections are not corroded. • Worn tires are dangerous any time of the )car - in winter weather they are treacherous! Safety, mileage and tread wear are each affected by improper tire pressure. Check your tire pressure monthly as for every 5" C the temperature drops, your tire pressure decreases by one pound. • Have the brakes checked to make sure you have equalized braking on all wheels - this eliminates pulling to one side, especially when stopping on a slippery surface. Before you start your car: • Make sure your lights work and they are clear of ice and snow. Top up your windshield fluid. There's nothing more dangerous than a windshield you can't see out of properly and not being able to clean it because the fluid has just run out. • ('fear off the icc and snow and defrost all windows, making sure the wipers are cleaned ott and in working order. Remove any loose snow from the hood and roof to prevent snow blowing up on the windshield and rear window as you What you should know (NC) -For more than 100 years, the Canadian Red Cross has been at the cutting edge of disaster relief activities, helping people prevent, prepare for, and cope with disasters and other emergencies. Canada is recognized as a world leader in preparing for Y2K. Our governments, utilities and financial institutions are all reporting that they are prepared to meet the year 2000 with few, if any, anticipated disruptions. While acknowledging that Canada does not expect to suffer from any major Y2K problems, the Canadian Red Cross recommends that you read the following information and take steps to prepare you and your family for unforeseen emergencies. Planning for emergencies is always a wise move. Emergency preparedness starts with you. - News Canada SHUTTLE SERVIa SENIOR'S VIP DISCOUNTS �Z ONTARIO'S DRIVE JIMAM ®COI1.S�1�1�1.°r Coil Mort 1 016 Brock Rd. Service Centre Pickering (lust south of 401) (905) 420-3550 pick up speed. It's not only potentially dangerous but a driving offense as well. • Listen to the radio to find out local road conditions and accidents - it will help you prepare mentally for the drive ahead. • Always travel with a full tank of gas. Not only will it add weight to the rear of the vehicle but it will also help keep moisture from forming in the gas tank which can cause your gas line to freeze. Add a bottle of fuel de-icer in your tank once a month to keep this from happening. • Are you one of those people who goes down the highway scraping off the inside of your windows due to heavy condensation? It's caused by snow that's brought into the car on footwear or the increased humidity of breathing. Leave a door open for about 30 seconds or open a window right away and this will help clear the humidity. A Cooperators Agent can assist you with all your auto insurance needs. - News Canada A For Winter! 0 0 Treat Your Car Right 1 R SAVES! .°f. .� 355 Bayly St. E of Vk stney at Fin ►ion ---------------------��--------------------- 1il, Lube & Filterl;.Winter Tune -Up Save $8.00 &>O 1 115 �Retaaaetided gray I ■onla a 5A0!! bit Barite itelitdes rP l0 5 t' NetaP+ 11'!6 itttttllyeeaipsioiu kw to t 111111dstvreeP P atttrresaia=clot► ices at StaOco euttd ittiila oi, Oar fila aid dttt�pis bbticatioa ' 'll0et MM PW 12 aetifl NXIt it 95*, 1695 I 64, tltw"i..IAltAo_ - - - - - "ift- - - - - � twn~o�ari�srr...ar"11.0trw• . ....-..wi4 }. .�.e...tli.fiBM: tKs•\<+r.C' .y�rt J " r • r .. �+ .•`!"Qi4" -1.�• i r ',1� '4 � t ° lei , y1 .. . ADVER76M FEATURE NEVUS AO'VERTISERTUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 PAdE 9 AR 4CAq&FP or 41M -�- Vacation Val Marshall American Express Travel has specialized in group travel for all of the 12 years they have been in business in Ajax. The year 2000 is no exception. While the two tours to the passion play at Oberammergau are fully booked with a waiting list, there is still the opportunity to join with Val and Gale on their cruise holidays to Alaska and the Greek Islands. West coast weather is great, the salmon are running and there's a chance of sighting whales on the 25th of August, 2000, one week Alaskan Cruise from Vancouver on the 5 Star, Celebrity Cruise Line "Galaxy". Flexibility is the key with this offer, which can be purchased as cruise only, or with return air from Toronto and transfers to and from the ship. A great time to add on your Rockies trip, or spend time on Vancouver Island. 7 l Q: We're planning a Caribbean honeymoon in early April, the destination is still undecided. Is this a good time weatherwise'? When is hurricane season? - H.M., :Montreal, P.Q. A: While the islands of the Caribbean Sea span out across more than 12,000 square miles, creating climatic conditions all their own, generally speaking, the best or dryest weather is from mid-December to mid-April. Rain showers are a possibility at any time of year on the small mountainous islands, but a little more so in April and May. The hurricane watch starts as early July, but records indicate most hits are in September and October. Here's the Caribbean's hurricane mantra: June, too soon; July, stand by: August, be cautious; September, remember: October, all over. Q: We'd like to plan a two-week vacation in the St. Pete's Beach area of Florida. This time we'd like to fly instead of drive and wondered if we could book condo -style accommodation from Canada" Also, is car rental expensive in high season? - V.P., Kitchener, Ontario A: You most certainly can pre -arrange all of this from home before you go. In fact, while there's lots of choice on where you stay, sometimes it can all be done with one reservation, and better still, sometimes you get the car for free. Take a look at the Air Transat Holidays Florida brochure, for example. You can choose between one-, two-, and three-bedroom condos on St. Pete's Beach, with return air transportation, and rental car for two weeks, at very reasonable prices. Ask your travel agent for details. - News Canada 2 TANSY oo/00F . FOR AU INSTORE suCI PROP �D �' • TIME ONLY[ 6107 CERTIFI"TES AVAILABLE • VIP MEMBERS, UNLIMITED TANNING $19A MONTH 105 Bayly St. W. Ajax (Baywood/No Frills Plaza) 428-2617 Choices An opportunity to cruise The Greek Islands and Turkey on the Luxury "Crown Odyssey" with extra days both in Athens and Istanbul comes on the 29th of September, 2000. This vacation comes completely packaged with return air fare, transfers, hotel stays and cruising. What are the advantages of joining our groups? Quality Vacations at IJ great prices; companions with like interests; an escort with you for helpful advice and emergencies; the opportunity to make new friends while exploring great destinations. Call Val Marshall American Express Travel if you would like to be on their mailing list or their e- mail forecast. Learn firsthand of exciting opportunities for travel. Call Val Marshall at 42$-1325. VAL NIARSHALI. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL -M 702 Harwood :1-e. ti. Ajax, Ontario Stnk % "LOOK AT THESE SPECIAL DEPARTURES" 7 DAY ALASKA CRUISE Departs August 25th, 2000 Sailing on Celebrity Cruise Lines 5* Celebrity Prices start as low as $1,728 p.p. (Inside double, includes air fare) Port & Air taxes - $258 Cdn. GREEK ISLAND CRUISE 12 days - Departs Sept. 29th, 2000 Stays in Athens and Istanbul plus cruise of The Greek Islands . Prices start as low as $3,157 p.p. (Inside double, includes air fare) Port & Air taxes - $390 Cdn. Limited availability - Call today! 905-428-1328 or 1-800-669-1257 Ont. Reg. #2741427 AIP PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 ADVERTISING FEATURE as NE --- The Cruise Report Cruising in the Caribbean is categorized into Eastern, Western or Southern itineraries, with shorter 3 & 4 day cruises going to the In Bahamas. Itineraries vary from cruise line, a cruise specialist will be able to help you choose the itinerary that best suits your needs. Travel back in time walking through five centuries of history along the cobblestone streets of Old San Juan. Bask in the warmth of the sun on the beach at Magens Bay, voted as one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world. Find duty-free bargains in Charlotte Amalie: or stroll through palm -lined streets enjoying outdoor markets in Oranjestad. On a Caribbean cruise you can he active, just relax, or do a little of both. It's all up to you. 'W'hile cruising the Caribbean, enjoy evervthing your ship has to offer. Enjoy fine dining in the restaurant or go casual with the alternate dining options (including 24 hour complimentary room service). Pamper yourself with a massage. stay in shape in the fitness center. or relax by one of the pools and do nothinL, at all. cand sr Getting Married in 2000 w Let us make your day picture perfect. Beautiful custom flowers for you and •_s�'% your wedding party. Bridal Bouquets Wedding Corsages Table Centre Pieces Floral Decorations " n ` Stop in or Call Today, (905) 426-5477 t 20 Harwood Ave. S. I Ajax UttF_ Tlly Caribbean Cruisim, the Caribbean is an excellent familv vacation. Most cruise lines have excellent children's programs for the different age groups, some even have a teens only disco! This way the kids can enjoy themselves doing things they like to do and meeting new lifelong friends while mom and dad get to do what makes them happy. Even grandparents can come along and enjoy the best family vacation ever! We are Accredited Cruise Counsellors and cruising is all we do. This makes us the experts and we'll make sure to get you on the ship that is best suited to your budget and needs so you can enjoy the vacation you deserve. To book your cruise contact: Cruise Holidays of Metro East 1660 Kingston Rd. N/W corner of Brock Rd. & Hwy. 2 (905) 426-7884 or 800-535-9424 www.crui se-holidays.to s u"O.« From $989. 7 Night Caribbean $1449. 10 Night Caribbean Stop postponing your dream cruise vacation. Call us today to take advantage of these special rates before the ships leave port without you. Z RayWCaribbean tit no r tbon on earth Cruise Holidays of htetto East 1660 Kingston Rd (905) 426-7884 or 800-535-9424 www.cruise-holidays. to Ont Rrg 0(4616736 Esceed.g typ,,,. s pnces are Canadun Bogan per person, doubk occupancy, cr.sr oah. Am add ons avalable. Certain resrncnons apply, Imrrd 4va,66,6ry. Mi '41,411 1% L4211 P4 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR T.kNNING 831.779 FOR THE TAN OF YOUR LIFE... AND THE LIFE OF YOUR TAN! # f 0 - • *Try Our Ultimate Hex Stand Up Booth Present this ad for one fres 20 minute tanning session. First time customers only. One ad per customer. TAl`MG WORLD 1735 Bayly St., Unit SA PICKERING (905) 831-7794 ' SCARBOROUGH COURTICE LOCATION LOCATION 647A McCome Rd. 2727 Courtier Rd., Unit 3 SCARBOROUGH COURTICE (416) 439.4533 (905) 438.9877 --- Winter, Allergy Alert ADVERTISING FEATURE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 PAGE 11 A/P . � RILL HENSTAPS &G�.MUD } 4 Many Canadians get stuffed up and sneeze knacks regularly with a damp cloth. n because of indoor allergies during the winter. 6. Avoid fumes from g g painting and cleaning Here are ten tips to make life more pleasant. products. Open windows to ventilate. I Wash the curtains and heddin to 7 D h d f g T h — on t over- um i y. oo muc cut down on dust and kill dust humidity promotes the growth of mites., , mould. 2. Open the windows. A seated 8. Try Fisherman's Friend house keeps allergy causing ' medicated lozenges for relief. irritants and stale air inside. They're Canada's first choice 3. Bathe your pet and wash• ;' for cold symptoms and they their blankets in hot water. Cat work on allergy symptoms or dog dander, hair and fur, too! can cause allergic reactions. 9. Take a walk outside to get 4. Change furnace air filters fresh air. In the winter, regularly to improve their outdoor air does not contain efficiency and cut down airborne allergy causing pollens. G dust. - 10. Vacuum frequently and be sure 5. Damp mop floors instead of dust- to change the bags or filters regularly. mopping and dust furniture and knick- - News Canada STOP FOR MORNING y Monday to Friday 6 - `i 1 a.m. Includes: 2 Eggs, Choice of Bacon Ham or 99 99 > > Gausage, Home Fries, Toast, + Taxes Baked Beans & Gourmet Coffee EVm Jan. 31/00 PITA F3 BUNS EXPRESS 1016 BROCK RD. PICKERING ` (905) 839-2909 SUNDAY, JAN Masted by SPIDER JONES Talk 640 Radio r 30" -SUPER DOOR PRIZES 25" T.V. Gas B.B.Q. V.C.R. & a Jacket Half Time Bikini Contest � � tMB18El�Y Judges to be picked from audience 4 Proceeds To a Children Wish Foundation Limped Number Of Tickets Available - 1211 KINGSTON ROAD, NIL'i +-�eV% PICKERING., ONTARIO taps & grid TEL. (905) 839-5570 V ,,SCRATCH & DENT & DEMO SALE 38 Central Vac Systems & Vacuum Cleaner With On -board Tools Hoover Upright • Traps 100916 dust mites 9 • 99.98% ragweed pollens • 99.98% common grass New First pollens • Attached hose and wand Ouality for overhead cleaning • Snap -open case mabes bag changing clean 6 easy 74 64227-030 reg,199:. WindTunnelTm WindTunnelTM Technology Rated Technology -Rated best cleaning, best cleaning, clean air upright on clean air canister the market. with Power Head. 2 Year Warranty $277 $427 s-3630 BT 4700 Hwy. 2 --Your -vF V 0 Vacuum Since 1986 Vacuum Cleaners On Displd- • PcwerMabct'" power 'A4� nozzle with single brush Agitator. • Pcwer Gnp oru`off switch and remote agitator control. • '30 -ft. current -carrying hose. • Includes 2 chrome wands, dusting brush. furniture nozzle. crevice tool, walLYloor brush and hoselool storage rack. • Charcoal Black power nozzle. S5697 S5671 For big homes or homes with big cleaning needs IYou Get It AII! 1$595 Reg. `699 S5673 -S5701 ly must GO! DELUXE CENTRAL VACUUM POWER HEAD & HOSE SETS dli"'i ' afb from ,o,,,,,,.., g 9 7 Sales, Parts & Service for most vacuums GARAGE KIT *Tw f lR". 149" 0 EE Q A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 Resolution 2000: F2 4 Healthy Choices in the New Millennium (NC) -Maintaining healthy eating habits can he difficult at the best of times, and eating properly during the holiday season can prove to he the greatest challenge of all. Now that our holiday celebrations are behind us, many of us are considering some positive diet and lifestyle changes to help us kick off the new millennium! This is the time of year when many Canadians pledge to lose a bit of weight and improve their eating habits. We gear ourselves up to eat less of the "bad" foods and avoid some of our old favourites. In our efforts to be strictly "healthy", we can lose sight of how healthy it is to enjoy a variety of foods. The messages of Canada's Guidelines to Healthy Eating and Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating remind us that all foods can play a part in a healthy diet. If you are interested in losing some weight, it is important to remember that no single food or nutrient is responsible for weight gain - any source of food energy can contribute to weight gain if you eat more than you need to meet your energy requirements. Foods like snack foods and sweets, and ingredienh like sugars and fats, may have a bad reputation, but they can all be a part of a healthy diet. As ingredients, added and naturally -occurring sugars are an important part cif many nutritious foods from all four food groups. But. healthy eating is only half of the picture. Successfully maintaining a healthy weight is onls possibic with both hcalthv eating and rc,,ular physical acto it\ It doesn't ha\, t. `:urt. but it lrr "Edges" Learn To Skate: "Coaching Committed To Excellence" * Parent 8 Tot (2-5) *Learn To Skate (416) * Adult Learn To Skate * Preschoolers (2-5) * Learn To Figure Skate * Hockey Skating Skills Development 10 Week Programs Available For Winter Sessions move ;. little more, a little more often, everyday! To be successful • with this new year's resolution, it is important to set realistic goals and to congratulate yourself for all of your successes - big and small! Here are some tips to get you started making the healthy choices that fit your lifestyle, so you can do the things you want to do: • Be Realistic - Make small changes over time in what you eat and the level of activity you do. After all, small steps work better than giant leaps. • Be Adventurous - Expand your tastes and enjoy a variety of foods. • Be Flexible - Go ahead and balance what you eat and the physical activity you do over several days. No need to worry about just one meal or one day. • Be Sensible - Enjoy all foods, just don't overdo it. • Be Active - Walk the dog, don't just watch the dog walk. Have a happy, healthy new year' - Ne%%s Canada Family Fun All Martial Arts Schools are NOT. created equal! Martial Arts Programs for Families This year give your Best of all share the family and those you Martial Arts experience. care about the benefits The skills you will learn of Martial Arts Training last a lifetime. Ask your at our school. instructor for more information. World Famous. Special Free ; Tiger Kims Martial Arts Academy, Introductory call Now: Offer 1 SWest Stgn up for our new family classes(90S)837-06'.S.S' I starting Sat Jan 15, 2000 1050 Plunnir, and receive Iknteron 1 WEEK FREE suds of hu11ding.L--- with . a—d----J LIMITED SPACE STILL AVAILABLE For more information call 905-831-1271 (Registration will be accepted by phone) �0 Direction: Janice Cook, Member of the Coaching Association of Canada Level 3 certified Your child vA improve one full grade level w -in 36 hours of instruction, or vvel provide 12 additional hours at no charge.* ` First Pickering Place Kendalwood Park Plaza 1550 Kingston Rd. 1801 Dundas tit. F. Pickering Whitby f (9115) 839-%37 (905) 404-1818 z SYLVAN LEARNING a J %�R CENTRE* Success is learned. - o op o • o i t ENROLL NOW FOR LESSONS QUALIFIED PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN. Rock •ve ��f ms * Folk • Country • Metal Preparation for conservatory exams in classical guitar& Piano. ALL LEVELS 0 Great, Deals 0" • guitar• • amps • drums • full lima of strings • picks • straps • tuna% metronomes • FX units • aymbals • sticks • drum heads • cables • books ALL AGES 1211 KINGSTON ROAD i3EMlEEN LIVERPOOL & WALNUT LANE ON THE 50UTH 51PE PMMW l�uw (905)37--2839 SALES • EXPERT REPAIRS k ' . ADVERTISM FEATURE GI N G E R B R E A D P I MPBOORFA M N 0 S R E VI R D G N U 0 Y T CE F X J P R E C I S 1 ON T U N E C L I S D M W A G P Z S S 0 R D N A N E E R G G U G H K X P M 0 B I LEVACUUMJ QE NECWW I V A L M A R S H A L L I R OR B S R S A T L E G E N D M U S I C S 0 S K 0 L Z N R AS T R OL L E R OB I CS P I DE R 0 R AMFDKKCJQDBBSMZMI AT I I NB UT T E R FL Y K I S S E S E R RT 0 D I VA H Q 0 00 F Z Z L W Q S N A A R B 0 0 N S D I MU DH E NS DD PT MT S UJ CNSSSHX I T I R E N E T 0 G C A N P Q I GS E AS Y R Y CC MC WS N E B S B U N S E H I MS Y L VA NP OK I P C E X Z G 0 MOP X K 0 0 KY BS RA BX F X P CWI L LGH GH S SD 0 M M T ME G P I X OD F I T F OR L I F E X OE UE D R P Q R C I DEANNATRAV I SLDD E I NL B C A RT G E E K F F WJ P P A S S E M D 0 0 Y R E A D Y F 0 OT B A L R Q S M C 0 N S UME R C A R M A R T Z RGV Circle all the advertisers listed below in the word search. Also include the page number each of these ads appear on. MUD HENS GREEN AND ROSS YOUNG DRIVERS PLUMBING MART CONSUMER CAR MART PRECISION TUNE PITA AND BUNS EXPRESS MOBILE VACUUM VAL MARSHALL .SUN BODIES BUTTERFLY KISSES TANNING WORLD EDGES LEARN TO SKATE SYLVAN TIGER KIMS LEGEND MUSIC GRADE EXPECTATIONS YCCMC GINGERBREAD STROLLEROBICS AJAX WARRIORS CRUISE HOLIDAY GINGERBREAD -NURSERY SCHOOL "Success for over 20 years" chug Teaebw Pareirrlt 2 1/2:5 YRS. Parents Participation Optional • 2, 3, 4 or 5 mornings 831-9246 (on Elayly between Liverpool & Whites Rd.) Pickering NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 PAGE 13 AIP PLAY TO WIN TAE �SMARTT�VAY�TOtlLEARr LGr�nivnvta .civ i nc� Wig READING WRITING STUDY SKILLS MATH • Grade I to OAC •bstlivkkialiud Progm • Low Sludud/Twdw Natio • Conwh a Assessment ' 420-9930 Ajax/Pickering 1885 Glenanna Rd. Suite #103 Creative, wonderfi l music W"i and movement activities for cuneus busy bodies and active minds. �- Three monibs to four Pears old Tuesday mornings only starting Februan 15th Register now X1!'1, •• 416 486 8742 Est. 1972 New Pickering location (Bay Ridges Plaza) JWX wwrim Sicca` •auT000R:= S000ER G1�TWN oikring Haase I.eopm nerd Conlpeli n Pmgnpms. Spoons are mile'so please Ieg'Isla early. Wed., Jan. 121h 7 pm - 9 pm AWSC Oubhouse Sat, Jan. 15th 10 am - 3 pm AWSC Cki *mm Sun., Jan. 16th 9 am - Now M dew CC Thum, Jon. 201h7 pm - 9pm AWSC CkAhm se = 3. Boys and Girls bom 1981-1996. . ` '$100 per pkryer pkis the $15 Town tsry. Cd the Ciublause of 683-0740 for more Wd mwlion. Strollerobies Ina and Moms In Motion Personal Training • Keep per Nw Tar's Roselotion "1 6" leer baby with lei at ell times! Strollorolies offers formal fitness Glossae is beth Darlow and York Region, as well as can on sea (well, astally Well Personal Training. Oar mortified Personal Troiser specializes in Post -Notal Fitness. Have your child with yon at task session. Om't dolall Spring Registration is limited In Denten Region call (905) 579-8545 AIP PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 1999 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 1999 PAGE 15 A/P 905-428-2500 AMP PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 1999 THE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE To Place Your Ad Call. AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Uxbridge: 852-9741 ]FAALSSIFIE11b Port Perry: 985-2511 ■ 3powsors to Qale: • career Jchool of Hair c- .faits • Kett), Sm'kes ■ • CDI College of Busixess & Tecbwoit)V • Diamond lxstltute • C.omcare ; • • Kawartba Qtuallty Can • Appleowe Emplo)wtext Semites • Rogers Cable • it • Caxadiax Arxited forces • Toronto School of Bwsixess • ACadem of Learxing • Scott's Restauraxt ■ WEDNESDAY, ,IAN. 12, 2000 4 P.M. - S P.M. LONG TERM TEMPORARY POSITIONS Interim Personnel is currently recruiting for Antrum Interface 100 assemblers to work afternoons and midnights Light assembly, soldering positions SHIFTS: Afternoons - 4 p.m. - midnight Midnights - Midnight to 7 a.m. Pay = $7.00fir. + 4% vacation pay pard weekly. Midnight employees will receive a .40 cent/hr. shift premium Please apply At: Antnlnl Interface 112.5 Squires Beach Rd. PlCkerlin5, Ontarlo Please come to the Ist employee entrance on North Side of building Tel: (905) 426-6332 or fax restwne to: (905) 426-1890 ballDar training I Dumanrham CatCod a kpe Get m.l at 1-11 ground Aoor in Ates eimb- We customrer Strom ids to With ow " loaded training program, am yaw tull gook the opportunities exist la aManamem in ft ever- grownq 'Call CMRre busi- ness w whar weir tunds ooDpeAha mm t nom Eviler� m- 3309 or 1.800.616-3615 imivary 3rd. TIM 7 ME belorips to Esse who arc prepared (or t3trrpe. Those wlq are waned and to Vow who are tednialy skilled Net b Com using MCSE/Lotus Notes. Database admuiistrabon a" Orade Computer Maintenance - A. New media web design grid MAocad. software design grid programming Financial as- sistance may be avadable to eligible Dwtwn Business CAuOdftputerCollege �' (M)427-3010. CWUTER REPANI - A. ter- Minbon Become a success- ful Compeer Service Todn- c an Propuahon for Cow TIA's caukcatim exam (Core i DOS Widows) Dur- ham C~. Whlby Cawpa 1 -MO -416-3615 or 905-72- 3334 THE NAR STATION Career Tramp Center Career train - up avadAle in anit"I naAs. ear carding. "- cures. waxing. Air Drug" Stu"Fuing negotlaw (9051439-2217 MAR TECNNICIANS Program - Acrylic fiberglass. mani- cure pedicure, airbrushing. day aril ewning classes. Training Wads to certificate. carat Scrod d Hai Nail Division 19051576-� NMTION TIIAININC - At- temakve Disllule Resduban has proven to be mine cost endive 8 sveamitt dpAow Whitby Carroia l B00 Bf6- 3615 or 905- 1-3310. CAREEII 30001. OF FLOR ■ ■ ■ Business Pmv m:.12 et w-0�m drati:nsive3-phase program: 3ntirk. for bW Prolesstomalcourse: .lin-CaBhone E.I. iDu� linilrp 10 ekgr `-81 vweo:.BogwmersOD _ ■ Presented by THIS 'WEENK ■ ; . Wednesday, January 26, 20A-mok: : 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., courses available. A school Holiday- Inn, Oshawa Publication Date ■ ■ Sunday, January 23, 2000 • For further information, please call ■ OSIIAW'A • W*iIITBY • CLARINGTON •PORT PLRR't' ■ THISWEEK ■ ■ Tel: 576-9335 : Pickering 683-0707 • Toronto 798-7259 ■ ■ 3powsors to Qale: • career Jchool of Hair c- .faits • Kett), Sm'kes ■ • CDI College of Busixess & Tecbwoit)V • Diamond lxstltute • C.omcare ; • • Kawartba Qtuallty Can • Appleowe Emplo)wtext Semites • Rogers Cable • it • Caxadiax Arxited forces • Toronto School of Bwsixess • ACadem of Learxing • Scott's Restauraxt ■ WEDNESDAY, ,IAN. 12, 2000 4 P.M. - S P.M. LONG TERM TEMPORARY POSITIONS Interim Personnel is currently recruiting for Antrum Interface 100 assemblers to work afternoons and midnights Light assembly, soldering positions SHIFTS: Afternoons - 4 p.m. - midnight Midnights - Midnight to 7 a.m. Pay = $7.00fir. + 4% vacation pay pard weekly. Midnight employees will receive a .40 cent/hr. shift premium Please apply At: Antnlnl Interface 112.5 Squires Beach Rd. PlCkerlin5, Ontarlo Please come to the Ist employee entrance on North Side of building Tel: (905) 426-6332 or fax restwne to: (905) 426-1890 ballDar training I Dumanrham CatCod a kpe Get m.l at 1-11 ground Aoor in Ates eimb- We customrer Strom ids to With ow " loaded training program, am yaw tull gook the opportunities exist la aManamem in ft ever- grownq 'Call CMRre busi- ness w whar weir tunds ooDpeAha mm t nom Eviler� m- 3309 or 1.800.616-3615 imivary 3rd. TIM 7 ME belorips to Esse who arc prepared (or t3trrpe. Those wlq are waned and to Vow who are tednialy skilled Net b Com using MCSE/Lotus Notes. Database admuiistrabon a" Orade Computer Maintenance - A. New media web design grid MAocad. software design grid programming Financial as- sistance may be avadable to eligible Dwtwn Business CAuOdftputerCollege �' (M)427-3010. CWUTER REPANI - A. ter- Minbon Become a success- ful Compeer Service Todn- c an Propuahon for Cow TIA's caukcatim exam (Core i DOS Widows) Dur- ham C~. Whlby Cawpa 1 -MO -416-3615 or 905-72- 3334 THE NAR STATION Career Tramp Center Career train - up avadAle in anit"I naAs. ear carding. "- cures. waxing. Air Drug" Stu"Fuing negotlaw (9051439-2217 MAR TECNNICIANS Program - Acrylic fiberglass. mani- cure pedicure, airbrushing. day aril ewning classes. Training Wads to certificate. carat Scrod d Hai Nail Division 19051576-� NMTION TIIAININC - At- temakve Disllule Resduban has proven to be mine cost endive 8 sveamitt dpAow Whitby Carroia l B00 Bf6- 3615 or 905- 1-3310. CAREEII 30001. OF FLOR kir kceiied HAIRS SNUST no AL DESIGN 26 ale- Floristry A fi_ Business Pmv m:.12 et w-0�m drati:nsive3-phase program: 3ntirk. for bW Prolesstomalcourse: .lin-CaBhone E.I. iDu� linilrp 10 ekgr `-81 vweo:.BogwmersOD permanent full time work. grim. Pan•kirhAflw tame Mo.D- E.L.U.S. courses available. A school -3340. where all yyoo«« traahaq beoomes Finan• COYIBE SINP 1nA1�10 - ieorlhrlMe tial assstarha mAy be mutt- mingle art asset to a, Curse area. Diu aDk. F.T.D. Catre 906 436 ham CaNege. ��rrp� 7746. « 965-7't1- 99.o.o.s - ahihq a li- 3.40061rr361s 3310. • aosoft oNice lker SpttiaMst 1NIlATIMO S it olkraq Old - at the Master Wvel ihidiealK slarndaq earea HELP WANTED We Have 40 New Positions Open Apply Today - Work Tomorrow • Warehouse • Packaging • Assembly APPLY TODAY WORK TOMORROW ADEPT PERSONNEL 15 Harwood Ave. S. Suite 202, Ajax Bring your void cheque for direct pay 1 General FWp 1 Genial Help requires Rural Route Drivers to deliver newspapers twice a week to the following areas: Sunderland Uxbridge Goodwood Reliable vehicle required Call Debbie 905-852-9741 UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. BRISTON POND Briston Sands Crs. Alta Rd. CANNINGTON - Cameron St. W. Country Lane Meadowlands Dr. Windsor Crt UDORA Sulevi Ave. Lembitu Ave. Manniku Rd. Viru Ave. Vambola Ave. " Also Adult Carrier for walk dL drive routes need- ed CALL DEBBIE that yah are an evert in rte kir kceiied HAIRS SNUST no number one rid. Voss Tolle wore in the world. You be (9050 reAuttd. call (90ti)666-3805. CMCM M will « "nye o P e11111111111111TYM for bW . If you are looking br E.I. iDu� linilrp 10 ekgr `-81 , „ � � �� permanent full time work. 3615�«r CALL TRACY (905) 686-4472 -3340. ;AJAX NEws ADvERmER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE �1M ich% An, #4u24 tanto St. No* UAMp 1 General Help CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or Individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. untry5tyle,. Pickering '1050 Brock Rd. FULL AND PART TIME COUNTER HELP REQUIRED Apply in person 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CO-ORDINATOR Hello, how would you like to work close to home. We need a person to help in our Service Dept. The position will initially be Part-time, but within a few months become Full-time You will get to meet our customers, help them to schedule their appointments and follow up with them after service. This opportunity requires a person with great communication skills, Data entry ability and desire to work in fast paced environment. To join us please forward resume to BRANDON FORD Box 1120, 254 Toronto SL S. Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N4 or fax 90S-852-6189 General 1 l HOP ATTENTION Sludents (I&A Others Local firm has 44 New Year Openings Ft/Pt Avail.. Tmg provided. $12.00 to start. Must fill by Jan 14 Call Tues. 7 30 - 930 p.m. or Wed 1000 - 6:00 p.m. 905- 723 -4920 - AZ DRIVERS for Broker. 3 yrs. experience. ICC Medical. clean abstract, Canada and C r.rr onc_c+i _1•a7 L .—.Cha YLrrRU IU, Towing company We after- omppeEttitive pay b excellent harielrt5. steady full-time em- ployment- late model equip- ment. You will provide: Clean ^.rivers abstract. 2 years ex- perience with nal bed and/or •B' trams. Call 1705)357-3938 Mon -Fn 8-5) for irdo. BUSY CONDOMINIUM n Oshawa required 1 lull -lime maintenance person Some weekend work Mechanically inflicted Rate of pay based on experience. Please fax re- sume to 1905)571-3079 by January 12th BUSY COINHER COMPANY requires drivers with van and urs. We pay up to 70% on h - al and out of town deliveries r At ,.,,,.. tons% "7.mtov RGU.0 N busy renal ar orrice Domes include clearing and prepar- ing can for rental. Must be 21 years of age with dean dnwp record Oppodurrbas in Dur- ham Reon n interested.pease Sue Ross at 905- 477.2199 CLEAN UP PERSON regcared la deaiership in Port Perry Call Don Jr (905)W -MS I Cdadono ant in oshaw re- gtires 1 IuO-tate leaner Sane weekend work reitwed Raft d pay rased on apen- ence Please tax resume to (9051571-3079 Chincsc loud cxp Will train the right candidate. Fax resume it) (905)327-6859 call 19051327-1299 CUSTOMER SERVICE epre sentatrves rweded in the Gly A Oshawa. Trainog proved id. S1600/moth For interview as 579•-7814 car rewwat CUSTOMER UNVICErSmp- ppe[rr From Coumer Person for PAK YAIL A packaging ant shipping store. PrYe�nirn�Qq Kingstdn Rd /Brock (beSrde Mandarin) Phone 905-426- 4725.Ux 905-426.7756. DADOT O'S GRILL Eupen- enced Wearess ! Casha Pan tante 3 daWweek Apphy in Q�eersoa. 961 Brock Ad S . Pkticenng. Cal (906)42()-2547 1Ara So in Ga "M prcvm i CxtncrW&X a a ampervm.r it cicaacr waarkl he a pea &%%a. But wiAmF ht train nEhr applicam. Own Irarpriaiin rarym d. 9ff..Wtoe.-Fri N Voss have to howl ner week to tan air eartrrp pro- qnm? Work hon% nage. cal 41rrzB! 1493. 0o11111M rm. Business is booming. Now lump Dmr- as. Appy at osnawa-650 Icing St. 431-2555: Apx-10 Harwood s. 683-9993. Paid asth rhplr Aso loo." lor tuldiAhe 6 part-Mhhe assist o srbmd resume at us, =3114' s oe St. N.. Oshawt EA011 Sm.. Sm.. SsoD.. or more per weds.a:SEAlbYrld prodttds in the t>oitton d cow own t olme.e.pesew aVaso- addresan bPSH. 6-2400 Dense■ S. W.. shite 541. Rel Ln" Nlis- sasaigii, Ord. L5K 2R6. d11N1 E> u 1Ni= by do- chwcam c"I Dwhema"`.1a i Hone Dayan 905-509- 1207. Toronto Line: (416) 796-7259 z 24 -flour Fax: (906) $70-4218Vhm � you yon ward ad 0 M-', .� . s.zt4Si+.1§°1ri,.-r7SFG�a,t,..... .. .. w:.... •i•.ri;a:'yl'i-F .,r-s�:e ... . sM 011111111 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 1999 PAGE 17 A/P 1 Gwws N* 1 GtNWW Help 1 General Help 1 GwwW;;p 1 office Help 1 offite Help SkiNed HNp Skilled MNp DO YOU ENJOY SEWING?? Embroidery machine operators re- quired. For part time and full time Positions. Must have 2 years sew- ing experience. Located Ajax area. Call for Interview Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ask for Wilma THE PERSONAL TOUCH EMBROIDERY 000603-6301 AZ - G Class for Local, Ontario + Quebec Please Call 905-839-6000 requires SHUTTLE DRIVER 7a.m -4p.m • Have clean driving record Fax Resume All: Debbie Crooks Service Manager, 905-839-6008 Hairstylist Required for busy, upscale salon. Salary plus commission & vac. pay. See Linda for interview at: s';(ailt IllM416s to 1725 Kingston Rd., Unit 21 (SE. corner of Ffwy. 2 & Brock Rd.) Pickering Tel. (905) 427-4110 Requires it FIELD SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN Submit Resume to: Fax: 905-610-1639 e-mail: paul_coteCitmineradio.com IMINE RADIO SYSTEMS INC. Requires an OFFICE ASSISTANT Submit Resume to: Fax: 905-610-1639 e-mail: gaol-cote@mineradio.com SALES PERSON Required Nan he waadrahle for aperrnnwu and weekends. Call Connie at Perfect Touch (Flowers and Gilts 852-2988 SALES PERSON REQUIRED affably hNr i even ince, primarily IaplvWeW km*n. Good Cal t0 anarip hwvkm Mortday ask for Bob or Doug (905)831-9&K er(905)t91-9145 NOW HIRING LINE COOKS & MAINTENANCE STAFF Apppply in Person at 722 Cltalk Lake Rd, Skyloft Attention: Katherine TELEMARKETERS NEEDED ` Hours of work 5-8pm ` $10 per hour (set rate) Call Plater 905-686-2445 (ext 224) THE NEWS /RIE ER Is looking for Kids to deliver papers and flyers door to door four times a week by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. call 905.683•-611 T UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. Bristol Pond Bristol Sands Crs. Alta Rd. Heritage Hills Silversprings Crs. Hillborne Crt. Also Adult Carrier for walk & drive routes needed CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 Warehouse Clerk required for Electronic Service Process in Whitby. Involves light material .handling and computer data entry. (905)668-6429 9am-5pm Mon. -Fri. IN%eaw6wi Whitby's leading lawn care company is !iioking to make additions to its existing staff. Energetic telemarketers and lawn technicians required. Knowledge of lawn care would be an asset but is not necessary. Full, comrehensive training provided. Call 1905)666-3187 BODY SCIENCE WEIGHTLOSS :enrre New ocanon :n Pfdk- +nnglPositron avadable Saks person. salary plus cno mmussn Also General leper revered CAN (905037- '541 or tax (905)475-6710 FULL-TIME POSITION Live k:1! Ione in Milton Ontario. Transportation provided $12/hr 1-800-565-0572, Attention Sue. re- quired for Reed's F11" AM locabon. Please aN Job" a GERRIT$ PROPERTY SERV- ICES requires Snowplow Op- erators and Snow SAOveINK for Ext Scarborough and Ajax/Pickering Arm Phone 416.410-3435 MAIN STYLIST required for busy Port Perry salon Expert- ence a must Pat o IWI one. has excellent commission �Call Connie 985- aptrg appkcataru for ume heath counsel- Sucaisaful sand- s will be provt(*V ht management selling and setting h pp"r��od��uctts�� in a cl rve a004111W1T02 nut moduds Free indorrnation. Send SASE Ii Kraft. 06-7777 Keek St.. Dept 7, Concord. ON L4K t Y7 NUMCO Wood products Limited pallet MamAacturex requires full -tune experienced saw and rail gun operators tax resume to Ray Morden (905)686-8916 SOIVKE TECN. $Mtiaea. FT/PT. will train. AN work sup - Cd Must love small car. GII Aetdrew 1-808-387-5853. ■1EwRUMM INSTITUTE Of ravel. Canada's lugest In - shute spe iYiikrp in Travel and Tourism TrammD. Next dans begins Feb.? Please tall 905-725.3919. MT MMTRML, low term temp, must have 6 mn Its working everieerce a sg* ening though Otdowia ares. Ca an asset. From $7.50o $9.00 per hr. We wU be kJ yiewing at the Oshawa Civic Aldirormrtt 99 Thoreaon Road South. Oshawa, Every Teas and Thuts. 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. SNOW Pleur broker wanted 8-9' plow. Snow plow driver a sag truck driver (must love se"I experiatoe) Cal (905)azs 7793. SINNOLERS UTANTOI. Ex- poneNa imic"Sary. 9r6 - LITTLE PEOPLE'S SCHOOL requires a super user and an Assistant Erk, maturity leave Supervisor aDDkcar must have a least 2 yrs. experience as a Super• wsor or Assisnm Supervisor Knowledge of Wrrdoin 98 end tamliar we ch"ren'3 Setvici in the Durham Re- ?ipi N appMr�or� mad to 72 Burk $t Oil wa L1J aC4 Final date W rau ies for pph position is February 1sL 2000, LIVE -11111 Supermtenti couple required for apartment com- plex located in soutlrtentral 0slawa Experwrnce relturred ,n malmerfai and manage' mom Prefer m we -aged of retired. heraehy couple must be abk to perform physical rock Please tan resumes to (905)623.2257 or" aublwd applicants wm be contacted for an nkrviaw LOCAL DIURMIN House- ptanmg Company requires PArt-tmte roue Ckuw Ex- peiterice pli leered, mat haws own velude 905.6664727 MASSEY'S RESIA~ requires t penenced Full- T,me Lino Cooks Apply in person 774 Liverpool Rd ng MORE MOIEY? Love to 111,311- el? eerel? Sick of mating PUMAS? Then it s bmt to charge to ttk lucrative load business as a food counseW Earn $3.000- $6.000 morNMy GII M Kelly a 1.800.331-9945 MOVING SALE - Daycare eqwpmem. baby nems. see box. Wl set. power tqs. bikes. urnturc. W prances, restaurant grWVfry- er. . and much more. Call (905)1.6679. kM- TEACNERSrequired. boalike ween cm Mnmum Grade a Practical. Grade 2 Theory. all instruments/vocal Flembie hoursFax resume to: (905) 721-9799 or e-mail lummusie®torne.com NiOlINNIMlia MIC., a natlorial distributor of sponfistiing egniprruern is arrer* ac ceptng resemrtes from applic- ams tar arc hIY-u.:x prxotnn of wuehouse person. The successful candidate will assist other persomd with shipping and reatvtng, as Wit as order ON a r d some denCal duties. Some MNYWwdw at woube an asset. Err W1!9� rview dim De maacled. T:Z�� experienceds oely pro- AS.A.P. for sclod. fort taN (9115) 831-9246 TRUCK OINVER TRAINING inwaLipr needed ASAP. Must possm valid AZ driver's k- ceree. Please call between 93.11111-Sp.m. 1800 347-8803 or 905.428-9415: or to w dote: 905.128.3659. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Join our growing team and help with computer scheduling of driving lessons, administrative duties and telephone sales for YOUNG DRIVERS students. You must be computer comfortable to work with our custom software, willing to meet student needs with a smile in your voice, organized, and detail oriented to maintain YO Systems. We intend to meet student expectations of excellence and to maintain the standards of Young Drivers. Please drop into: Young Drivers of Canada 95 Bayly St. W. Ste. 405. Ajax Mon. Jan.10 to Wed. Jan. 12 between 4 p.m. & 6 p.m. No phone calls please. Saks HelplAgeme WC1111Sales HelplAgenhi Napoleon Home Comfort We ;ire expanding in the Greater Toronto Area and are seeking self -motivated, reliable individuals with Sales Experience to juin our fast growing team of professionals. Vease /ut resume rep. Paul Killoughby 1416) 2X3-2782 1 General Help PARTSCOUNTER PERSON. Trac L. =art, s a progres site near/ ^ury truck parrs ^.mpap looking for an ex- perwriad parts person. After rarMet Saks an mW Com- .ebtive wages and bendas. ,.r coatKw" interview }ease tax resume to 905- 571.5436 MY AS YOU Go FITNESS. No mernomniDDt,"red a - IV. Akekiy k{pnriy. Pasts awailabk No indiahion tee Start today' (905427-6277 Power Cay Gym. 1035 Brock Rd S. Pickering (Brock Rd/ 401) • DLJMP 5 SAT* L-%RNINIG CENTRE Require, a experienced ECE fior schoial aged engram. Mist sur eXperiame Call Sheila (905) 427-6263 &Z tiff a$runJ .Ve,c WdJ-n-Cru v'Ali CTI Hiring Now " Earn $6W$9O0/wcek! IFT'/rr %s Exp nice . 14'ill tran Its Fir -a -EZ!! Call Rocky 905-7204772 See Page 7 (Pickering edi1110ft o*) for Town Of Pickering Job Vacancim SERVICE MRN111M. GM Dealership Applicant with technical a business expen- enced preferred. Fax resume t rderenroes to 905485.0680 or Call Bryce Plip Pontiac Built Ior interview appam- mNm. 905.965-8414. MAC30M orlFswross s Exedlent earnings potential for experienced industrial sewing machine operators. Vl uM be willing to train the right awkCaMs. Full-time day shift. calf Brenda (am) 420-0794 brodktres lhoiighod Dtmtam Region. Day. 9.5. car an asset. Must be enerpgic, outgdng. Whour. Call_ 266 7582 ed. 2205 WANTED - 5 *Wno=d Lina Cooks• hull a pan time, b the dot at The Edge 250 Bailey SI. Aur. No OWN calls; please. 1 General Heilp COURICE FLEA MARKET •it :,ares :c'i--!-� n •N •r;llnw- mg areasProduce Electronics. Videos and Games Music Wine. CompAtayFhrdlik-USortwae. Doors and W"XII( wq Call 905- 436.1024 VENTCARE INC .s a leader m ennrormerta: :.ntdahon in - cleaning. and monr or -g Looted ur Pickering general labdrr regixre'd. Prev- xm expenente m budding amror dam COrKiraChorn e g Asbestos Renison Out of Town triaiml IS reawrod 900 tors posnbI Car .ode be An easel. bol not mred for out of town travel Plem rax --warm to 905 -Ml -3759 WANTED EXOTIC DANCERS ' ,o ddlar. test dubs m -n- :ano, tree traimrg Drivers and Mx0m avaiwA Cam %eissa 416.231-1160 or 905- 337-3256 a 905-723-5271 WARENOUSE DRIVER Prv- Nons Available Needed •re- meawui for Electncm Wholowit Distrili Must be bondable. have currant Anvers IKand references Marl resume to Kesco Elec- tro Supply 555 Wentworth - UrM 9 a 10 Dshawa. On L 1 H 3113 1 oNke N EIVIERENCED.Part-time Bookkeeper required by Retard Company Fax resume to 571- 2600 At. LEM. Secretary Re- Cepttonist required Mut have txpenence in au aspects of Uw Mao Or tax yaw resurtle to the haw firm of SOSM a Burch. 214 Colo" Street West Whtby. Ontmo. LIN 1X2 fax 905.666.6999 IRECWnONKT, excellent tel- maxner, muhrinnt flood Erigksh. gentry ohhce dries. in Scaborougn Pfease tax rewme t0 416- 291-0045, 1 Sera H SERVICES' Real Estate Sales/ Licensed, 90% commissions, no fee's, back ups, leads, referrals. 905-509.6111 WOW! Jan. 10 - 21 FREE IUT itt SAIIPIESi NO SIGN-UP FEE ESM EXTRA CaRh Sell at Home or Work NO QUOTAS Call Pauline i CANADIAN TIRE AJAX "Here we grow again' Full time Junior Management Positions - Chance for advancement - Will provide training - Must be highly motivated - Must have retail experience - Able to work flexible hours Please send resume to : Personnel Manager 260 Kingston Rd. W. Ajax, L1T 1P5 Or fax to: 905-683-1637 No phone calls please. MECHANICS FOR ROUGH TERRAIN FORKLIFT Shop and field service mechanics with hydraulic and diesel engine ex- perience. Mail or drop off resume to: 2275 Markham Rd. Scarborough, Ontario, M1 B 2W3 (416) 291-1928 1Derrtreledicr I Hospna DonM DENTAL HYGIENIST Weeded fi r Alaternity Leave Nlar.h - S-.piemK-r. Hca & Thurs 1". Lte fax resume to 905-852-9558 Part -Time, Experienced Apply to: Sherr• Dixon c/o Glazier !Medical Centre 11 Gibb St., Oshawa UH 2J9 RN REQUIRED For P,'T hours All �,hi!ts. LTC experience preferred. Fax resume to Sunnycrest Nursing Home (905)-686-1061 Att. Director of Care SaulkO 11e1e MECRANICS-CLASS A ruu- nme 5 Cary week Illus: have expeneme For malor ere and auto center in Oshawa Fax 416-590.0346 or aN Richard 905-728-6221 EXPERIENCED VINYL Graph- cs worker regwred :n ouSy Dumam oalion Dover S It- cerise. rcerise. some Vaud. mostly GTA Resumes may, till for address 1905) 666 -WOO ext 210 FORKLIFT MCNAMC- 5 yrs exp LPG Electric. Own tools. Goodarmrg record Fax re- sume 905-427-8764 FULLY Elt►EIIEM6E0 Framer required Must be reliable Wages negoh&W $18 per tour Atter 6 pm 905-242- 4432 JOURNEYMAN needed for umre- sume to (905)434-1020,Fax re LICENSED JOURNEYMAN Eleancuri Industrial expen- enee preferred. Wdlkg to work erknds Must be turd working. No K9 s40uters Fax resume to (9051428-8302 RECHANRCAANDNNEII: Used car lot in Atex regwfes 11,111 bme employee weh good me- durkcat knowledge and own tools. Knowledge d Safety Standards an asset. Valid Drivers License with dean abstract a must. commission. ALSO: F ime Labourer for car demi and deWaV shop. No exp. re- quired. Will tranfigtK, reWok person. serious "ones (Aim) Cal (905) 619-2899 PIIESSPERSON required im- Msmust Shop. have a on All Dila 9810. Fax resume 8 sera- eery xpeda6ons to 905-723- W WOODAETAL patten maker for Nre. Will consider anay- premia that piismckned with pdmexflallcalty 905.683.5298. rnaVt . VJM APPLICATIONS lex li censed Doily man. Must have col tswNfnme experience a own tads for a small, busy Pori Perry shop. 905 -985 - Skilled Fletp TAXI DRIVERS -,ceased Me. Cnark: or 3,c Dr ,, yeW ap- pntMice needed immediately for very b stop Taxi Drivers 427-7 , ) IMechanic 683-73011 1 reoepar N afar Defter DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ASSISTANT -erutrec 'all time Picketing wXft:un Fax resumes to ;oame 905-831- 7094_ ESTABIattEo OSHAWA Famdv Dental Practice re- quires Charside Assistant Approx. 10 ors per week PDA and Receptionist SOS an as- set Fax resume to ,9051-576- 1433 P.O.A. Full-time no evenings or Muds Innovative Oshawa otbce Experienced with Abel computer an asset Please fax resume to Office Manager. __8520 OUR CUSTOMERS demand excellent service For an ex- perienced pharmacy techni- cian wrath good communica- ton slums, we an provide a Mylerging a friendly work environment. 15 Incurs per week to start Fax resume 905-985-8464 PART TME (PGT) Certified dental assistant/receptionist Evenings a Saturdays Drop by with resume Dr Tse, PidOM Tanen Centre. Lower Level. PART TIME RECEPTIONIST SECRETIYIT required for ptrysiotherapy clinic in Ape. 1:30p.m.. 7p.m Mon. - Thurs. a Friday am. Word Process - ng skills re"red as will as eq�erie n todwv awls.. liming and day to day deal- 99OSd2ee8di9460). Fax resume PART-TIME Hygredst needed Wed evenings. Experience an asset. Fax resume to (905)576-0937 rj=n tEO Physiotherapist required. for Part-time on positr n an Ajax Private dare. Con - Md &enda(90503-9598 - 1 Daycare Warmed AFTERNOON nanol near Anoria.5heprw r, -:y come Must have: a glerences Call days n• .6- 490-4899 and ahu 905.509-6161 EXPERIENCED NANNY :-ii ted for S er old to; .m -iia: preparauor Live :rut .Aust love active ch.:r-n' :efererres 905-831-92C7 FULL-TIME LIVE -OUT i, ny •,c.:r W,' ; . r :.,y. ' ,r 2 ;r:ldren ,4r, b E mos) '.cr-smoker Please :ah 105)427-9519 HARWOOD/DREYER AREA -.w ❑:.rpa .urs 'teedec r ;-1;2 yr a 10 mo old HuurS 30-530 4 days/week Stan - •9 March 1st Non-smu. nq -,al 1905x128-3381 IN OUR HOME yours ' .+•� 'r • , ' 9 -^os Md ba0v m e P'cxermg Pkw, losat,Cn Needed immediateny 905)831-5154 IN OUR HOME - yours a nr^g caregr:-r 'air Syr old PT attending Mona Forest PS and 1yr old (FT., au;e- oanM and Woodsmere area. Tease nail 1905)831-0215. eave message PICKERING. 'Al lime nanny. re 'n of expeneneed 'or baby gid nousekeep ", oc- ;asional evenings Sense of -:Amour and fun required M:d- =eoruarr Tara 905-509-5489 WANTED annq non-smok- a--air 'o are toe our tour rung yws in our none :or �xaswnal neeke^ds Gall Mona 905-852.3892 NE ARE LOOKING-,, a lo" :n, home or ori 2 dayvwerk T!wrs 6 -: for 6-monm-ofd baby girl -15-852-0685 Ups Dwt'car- Aradow ti'WY :,HARw000 ,-ea =r. .it,- wicd- - +ry nome -Itordaole rates Non-Smok- -q Fod-time 6 months a up 4)5-426-2676 BROCKAWY 2 LOVING fay - r• ala.Ude 'ray -,me. :art -:, me w .'kuFtime ahord- ,bk rates fenced rant. CPA, rst Aid non-smolurlg a -iorc' ?905r426-3964 OAYCARE -y 'tome young :•e^C^,finer Woking for faymane for 3 yr oid grant :aughter Fenced piTr area `itanhous meals stimwatirg lea ri activities co,eSi Pd amAux 4126-5633 DAYCARE OPEINNGS as of mirm - an igen experience, relvences. 11ay room le ' lard E C E trained Whites Rd S area 905.420-J676 P=ERING Beack Rollo _ mor, :arcar• 'c nontbs tc years Lary outings fenced backyard and par.' „raftsspry timemusic nu. frrapea; meats a snacks c -,v Ad GPA centred Non- smoking receipts 905-429- 1244 $MTN AJAX Sncai P -it rd fuii- ime race .n tull-wllr mcae oet tree home ECE '.rst aid otam CPR 905-426- :954 leonw Can LOOKING TO HIRE 'el -,L and Caning anendant :� ne-0 n Uly tasks Round my home Must have own vehicle Please call (905) 509-5697 - - Free Tredt RESCUED Cats and Kdans ava uole for adoptWr Plrasr call 905-571-7402 1 Firewood KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD. ex- cellent very best qualir, hard- wood. guaranteed extra ong time fully seasoned cut a split Honest measurement tree delivery 905-753-2246 broken skids for firewood. Pickup or delivery available time otler) Call 905• Ontario Fsrcwood Dry cut 8 split hardwood 4�V � Free delivery to Oshawa area. Call 1-1�6-Tit-9339 Visa Accepted 1 aw9wn cwm BABY STUFF 905-420.1741. USED SHELVING and pallet racong, industrial. Make more room in your storaagqee areas. Priced from $55-$851 unit, villous sizes avalatile. 905.668-2652 • All PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 1999 1 A"lole` for saw 2 WHMCHAMS and 1 bath- tub seal 1 hospital bed table, blood pressure cuff. 1 small walker 905-728-1269 3 VENDING MACHINES snack/pop $2500 each or $6 DOD for all three Call 725- 1920 or 1.905-855-3359 A SIGNED HOCKEY sweater by team members of Mighty Ducks Asking $199.00. Teak LiquorC1t $9900 Please Call 905 APPLIANCES: refrigerator 2 door frost free. deluxe stove, matching heavy duty washer 8 dryer $675 all - will sepa- rate Also Kenmore washer used 2 (905)426945 $250 Pickering BRAND SPANKIN NEW Just out of the plastic ;ouch and loveseat, very nch looking' Satan Style $1600 oto. Must sell 905-852-1206 CARPETS - lots of carpet lW nylon. new stain re - lase carpets on hand. I will carpet 3 rooms. $U9 Price krdudes carpet, pm num pad. expert installation, fast deliv- ery free estimates (30 yards) Norman 686-2314 CARPETS SALE i HARD- WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms $339 30 sc yd.) in- cludes carpet. premium pad and installation Free esti- mates. carpet repairs Setv- ng and am Cal Sam 905686.1772 COMPUTER SPECIALS Inter- net starter system $288. IrM 300MHZ superfast system $699. Loaded P3-500 with 17'NEC morvier $1333. Penn - win laptop 5599 we love dal �raOes and dftrcult repan (9051655-3661 EXPECTING? Baby boy domes NB -Size 2 IOsh K'osn pc) III Wwme-the-Pooh Crib sel (Sears) 5600 girt$ toys. Battles. et. Mary more ftm to hall Clara 49051837- m 9051837- 9485 BID OF LEE CLEAROUT. everything must go Mattress - as from $59 maarm set from $159 single double set from $219. Queen set from IIZ69 Factory Manress 1-8- 220-2282. 1650 Bgy St � . Ontario (9966551 831- UK'S APPLIANCES Parts SAIMService Brand New Jeri-ar stove scntcildent 52,499 Kitchen Adi'W erlpod Ircist-tree hrdget S34%up Amara (bottom freezer). We new $599 Plefingerators. host - fruit S249/up SdKim scle- by-sides Blick available Skees, wwaltri 5149/ up Dryers $/49/up Washers S149dup &,.w wrorpod washer lite nen $249 Ma chi- irr0 Maytag wathers,'dryars. olisclnUgas $499 Viso our shorwoom Way 426 srmcoe SIS (905)7284043 HAr4)WO 0 FLOORING 3-14- r 3.4- T&G Select 01 bush tkrwrshed $2 500n PMrrrshed S4/sQ h Prw ours q et S. $1 501sQn FJ Using " Doug 1190516419.15061001 Cal NOME THEATRE SYSTEMS JVC Hl END baby D9tai-AP pamven 50o -ran Including Multiple CD Double Cassette 5 -speakers 3 -Models your t]wrceI 250 -Packages must go, Liquidation - Price $870. Us hurry for hest selection Oshm Shaso (905) 579 - Om. MDVIIIG SALE - 3-Whk day- beds $50.. each. universal I$700 o loo. Ofboe desk/ drawers. 550. 7pc teak bedroom sate. s90D o.b.o (905)686.2301/Apn IEC 9754 Con W. 200 UM kid processor. 3 2 gig hard drin e. 48 mens of ran, 16 tDotd of CD rom. 1.4 aop- ddow, 12 into Voodoo 1111 3 dh acwWrA r aid. Nec key- board and mosso. Comes wean Windows 958 and 1awmotl Wales. 5450 tkm with voo- doo 11: $375firm without Voodoo 11. Monitor not in- duded. John 725 -OW caller 5 P.M. (Sao) NEW TOASTY WARM sun- beam Electric ManMM (The Blanket with a Brain) Bitter - Mood. Two six to Mg. IAh- der wholesale coat at Sw. 416628.5383 days. 905-985- 3055 evakngs. PMNO 7fcmml ll avadme for turning, repairs, and pre- on tables a khnd*. Also recow dboredpianex for sok. Cal Bath at 906.427-7631. �� peaalt al Roland 6oi al pianos aced keyboards. -all SAmiCt AM" Pianos. al Hill" MNa dodo. imp seloc- UN Of used piana4. tient to 100of AN noted MD (9%4. lay WA IIOr TO Will new ad in, conditioned appliMhoes, ad now TV's. Fd wtamarlly. Pad- 14ag.7w9f6-WOW. T6M8369 or 1 Articles for sw SATELLITE MINI dish special. complete system only $150 after rebates. or lease for $1249 monthly Programming from $895 monthly 14 years expenence (905)655-3661 SLOT CARS are back. better than ever AFX SCX. NINCO. and more For best prices. phone 905.655.7709 SOFA. LOVESEAT, ottoman. N. VCR. N stand entertain- ment centre, mattress set (queensize). HP colour prim- edsannerrtax. stereo. lamps. d kitchen gadgets. Crystal a much mored Call (905)655- 7665 SOFTOUCH Unramahc bed 39x74 wrm 2 massage units. Jerry wheelchair- hand con - trotted Pride h t lair, burgun- dy Call 436-0047 PME/OAK FURNITURE DUTCH AUCTION" Starting Jan 1 2000. we well feature a complete SOLID OAK dining - room and bedroom each will drop $100 pet week unlit sold Custom creations from your own designs and imagi- nation are our specatry..Let us tum your dreams. into re- ality We have (leen hand- crafting the highest quality SOLID prom d oak furniture available arrywetere. for 25 YEARS' Traditional Wood- worlung. 115 North Port Road. Port Perry 905-985- 8774 fillpJA ww tradihonal- wdddwOflono on r BED. queen brand new artlq- ppe�dic mattress, box spring. hnNtoolboard. w/frame SWI mnwraplbou Cost sea KING bed. polowlop. extra - truck orthopedic mattress. bat flo"6 frame- Unused. ski in dutK. cost slow, sell 5675 14161 726.9685 TREADMILL. Magnetic re- cumban' and Idecyde type eexeeerrctnissse bike stepper wp. (90SWO-3079 VENDNIG MACHMS 5 n to- tai- comamron 6 "I mount $11.000 Cali 905-723-9781 or 905579.6285 RECONIX71MED FMOGES $195 up recmdrttoned rang- es / up, $125, up, reconditioned bteeC _hers $199 ne- was new and reconditioned can oper- ated rimers And dryers A low ponos New brand name Intoes SW and ftp. new 30- raroes wall dock aid widow PW Recondlboned 247 rov- es ant 24' host free fridges now, avalable wide selecaon of Omer new and recondi- adrlt, appkantfs Cal us to- day. Stephenson"s Appwne- a. Sala. Service. PARS 154 Brea St Osbawa(9051 576- 7448 web srk ww,w durhan- wad coms"htinars 1 Articles wt wiled ANTIOUES?Abselidety! Ad- ace- always valuable usually tree' Purc asrq outright. es- tates Wsoee antique com- was. (no lifei to vakre Con- sidered) collections of airy sod. quarmhes or $mole an- bw items Special ceerest n Moorcroft pottery 17 try to re- spend ball quem Robert Bowen Arwr Lives- Brooklin Ornano90)655 5-849 or (905)242 WANTED 'Leaf Tickets' Will pay face value. Call Bruce Danford 579-4400 ext. 2207 . 1 Ams a CFAFleti opportunity to da - pay your trans in AN in a NutsnW. Low rent. no com- mission. no adm nstration 999914IkKk ododr « 6= Werstly Mike 98 FKK Bar CLAM net be- prners sta4anhq Jarweay 111h. N keds. rreorrwq, afternoon and evakrnp CJasses wral- able. Beginners our specialty. Learn a oaf Int an rekeve stress and give enonthobs ar- ioymem. Cat (905)576.3947 W keenrutioc. :1 Low a fooL LAST CAT - Tabby, mak, blOwn.btadk slnpkro wif while pis and chat Mad spot on back kN paw. Missing since Dec. 30. Roseti nkf5hoppard am. 837-2250 • 1 Mof$ogpteel IQrrEN WAN1® Siamese class clinical /brown. blue eyes. FREE TO 0000 OW - 7 year old mak beagle, mor tered, vaccinated. in owdem hu M. Owner has allergia. Please Cal Clam at 839.5901. SmOIMM IRISKY FIRM. CKC Reg. est shots. dewormed. miao-cApped. Broom or blue eyes. Used dog sled 8 har- ness". Sue 986.0310. :Ti LHASA APSO PUPPIES- ador- able- various colours First shots. vet checked de- wormed Cam Julie 905-721- 8009 LABRADOR RETRIEVER pup- pies for sate CKC Reg cham- pionship blood lines. mi- crochnpped. dewclaws re- moved 1st shots 8 de- wormed 905-579-6157 GERMAN SHEPPARD pup- pies CKC registered very large boned championship Innes 1st shots vet checked family raised absolutely gor- peous $400 705-786.0322. AMERICAN Cocker Spaniel Adorable bundles of Poveups . Loyal companions Tail and ductaws docked First shots. vet checked 905-985- $021. 11 Auanobftes for $W 1984 CUTLASS Supreme Brougham. 305 V8. good shape, runs good Asking $1650 o.b o. Call 579-0166 1986 AUDI 50N Turbo Quattro Avant - 215 km. excellent car. swoare parts. needs rt 6 0 Call 905-404-M or (cell) 416- 616-2433 snp 19% JAGUAR XJ6 i 1. preen -tan interior Just spent 62000 at Jaguar on tune-up. Nice car. dmren daily. 14__)%m $6500 as is Needs rear brake to safety. 1967 Chev Blaen 40 5 type ? door many new parts $3200 CM a emnsim 1989 Ford Tempo 4 -door 129.000km Claim car 52800 cert a ems - son. 1990 Arctic Cat EleDR Ext 530 $2400 1991 Plymouth Acdwm 4 -door. 165.000km 53850 an A mussrom Cal 905965.1991 1988 CHEV CAVALIER. 2dr. new pant, excellent wn*bW enassics tested 52450 1992 GRAND AM 2dr air/factory stem. excellent condition. cer- dtiWkmrssion lasted. $3950. 6815_8985 1t1N PONTIAC TEMPEST. good working condition. ask- ing $1.300 Call (9D5)725- 8114 905)7258/14 1991 CAVALIER 4 -door. tow kms auto new pard, new ores. r4a•Yere cant- , I AW FM stereo. at. $4 300 cem- tied a emsnons testad 905- rM-0613 1911 SUM Buick leSabre certified 6 emission tested new tri. 1 owner. len good dean condrow 200.0001ims $3950 o b o ram 905-728- 1992 CHRYSLER New Yorker excellent condition new Wes 140.0"rns. passed tru- sion test one owner S5.50C Cal 905839-2428 1994 TAURUS WAGON. green loaded Prot condition xvnaay from B.0 Must $w. rtew vow, cab $7500 obi Cal 666-1714 fsmPl 1985 FORD TAURUS GL 4 door gVw we very rice oon- dibon rNout. aceft r gas mnkage. 123 fol, carie0 and emissions tested $8.700 o.1ti (9051728-0705 1988 PLYMOUTH Voyager S E Spon Wagon 3 3. V6. Akio Air Loaded. 149K. Ask- ing $9250 Cert with Emis- sion Cal 905-432-0088 1987 CRM VICTORIA, wrote. certified 105.000 km all highway driven Excellent cor4ow. new tires b brakes. fully loaded $16.000 oto 5791759 WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTNT SHENDAN CHEM 905-7"99 S SATURN SLt. 4 door. ae- lumbe, air. MUM steno assdk, highway driven. $8.800 Certified. 90$-665•- 6111. alta 7pm. M VA Mt a, exalem condition, red wNh prey imaf- or, 95K allHwy, seats. locks. a.c., cat, 10,900 alio. H-905.985.4334, 8416-906- 9661. 1 AhwoMoblsa CAIN Pont CAMS? We buy toed vohides. Vehicles mat be in ruannng Co"". Call 427.2415 or come to 479 Bayy SL East. Ajax at MUR- AD AUTO SALES. 30� A a A AUTO- Cars, trudts. boats We pay up to 110.000 Cash on the spot Arty condi- lion. arry year. Call us arry- lime, 24 hours. 7 days. 30 min service. 905-686-5003 or 905-424-0591 Iff1 Trucks f r ale 1917 CHEVY THUNDER - Halt -ton. extended cab auto. V6, a/c. positraction, alumi- num wheels. fill, cruise, as- sene. boxlmer. chrome g. molding Asking 518. 5 1905)725-0444 N GMC 1.2 -Ton. 50. auto. $WOO 697-2789 1 vow 4 velvet Drive 1997 DODGE Caravan SE. green. 95.000kms. PWind- ows. p s.. p b. timed windows. air. arMm assetle$12.500 certified (905)436-0441 1996 CARAVAN LE. loaded. 7 passenger 27 OOOkms black/ silver. arn/1m asseneJCD. Call (905)434-2775 1 Snowmerbkles 1912 FORMULA plus sludoo. 5B3cc 200C km NI warmers. lust seem 51.000 on machine Studded tock. stored wide=. excellent shape Ready for Anew $2.900 fon or wit trade for older model plus ash (705) 328-0402 AOwM- 11 For Raw APARTMENT lot •em in Ux- bridge Parking hydro a mr- crowave included Available Feb. 1st Call 905-852-5450 1 -BEDROOM -Os .awa Bright Urge open-cr,ncept Separate entrance new 4 Dc w,liC- tub. New laundry 6 macri" t" UhMwVatxe Incl Ncys Flesponsible adult pre'e^eC Available Feb 1 165;_- 905-434-5431 Mike 2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE. Feb 1 2 locations 350 MAa- ga. 946 Masson. $720 per n10nd a9 rndusrve No ppeet1ss please all Non 9.9. 905-576- 6724 2 BEDROOM basement *art - men - newly renovated New Lake. GO. 8 401 Ar. batdtral vac. separate entrance. 1st a last required. non-smoker. no pets. 5756/mpliy . hes uw on Available immechatey Call Peter at 905.831-0606. 2 NEONOOM basemerm apartment, wRurepace. big kitchen, separate entrance, dose to 401 and "fig Available imme" nsU last. references 905-686- 5783. 2 IedrooM aw nent avad- able Jan 15thdao- rated. brOadbOw rlghnm out. large balcony. $715 in - drinking ublAfa and parking, 560 Blow St. E. Cultural. Cal 7251436. AJAX Win hall bugabkr dose to all amenibu Arad. Feb 1. 686-M. AJAX OXONd Towers. drtment. WM build- close e al ao apa- nq dose toshoppi401. GO' Pod. sawn. -seuroom 11859. JwdFeb 1st. Cal 683- $571 until7:30p.m. AJAX. t bedroom newly ren- ovated basexm aparatrem. separate entrance, al victim - sin. Await. Feb. 19. Landry, 426-7676. AJAX. 2-1odroom butieW sepum Nara= patine, $625 Mo ti plus VbMks. 724-OWAvailable Feb. 1st Cat (416) AJAX, briam spotless 1 -bed - mom, besAom has glass viol, calling tale wat-in dos- es. 6 appkonoa, soparak w trance, .walk -poi no pots. $65I fruclesive. Fel (90519-197A AUX. Dreyyeer/Pickering Beach. 1-1/t bedroom base - more, n�tr� borne. separak enlrace, urge windows. lurMOW- norl smoker. peSellts. 7 F.. last Inmoediialc. 686-9797. IM Apwbvwft for all s'ti"'"rs a l ousas a l oarless oir a l ouees or Rate RON Ronk Rent R«w APARTMENTS - AJAX 33 & 77 Falby Crt. 2 & 3 Bedroom apts. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: http: / /windjammer.webjump.com • 1 Coming Event EN Coming Events JACK & JILL R)R Angela Bearden AND Andrew Stoteler Goodwood Community Centre Jan. 14, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. Tickets $10.00 each, available at the Door or Call 905-8524762 ..1 Auctions . 1 Auctions ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS! ! Our `Auction Package" consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This Week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week is, Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune is Canadian Statesman One call does it all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 AUCTION SALE: PETMCK AND STEPHENSON AUC- TION BARN, HAYDON Sat. Ju.15. at 5:30pla. Prevlefe 4 pm. to sale time. From 101 Ext. 431 at Bowmanville, North / n i. on Hwy 57 to CoA. Rd. 8, Olin east at Fireball. Various consignments from Bowmanvdle and Lindsay Homes: RCA colour N. CI- Jarette machine (early 501). cast iron bells and coltect- ables. asst. chop pa..(cotrs). Crosa horses and tears, glassware, mist. tools, mmeettihl toys Tonka. Texaco Tank• er,old buffalo robe, church window mircor, pine (took shell, bronze style lamps and dock, sterling rings, new watches, costume jewelry, coffee%nd tables, at condi- 'loners. Also from Markham oDminercial shelving, store Dins, office desks, mrcrxhrp machines, able Dynamet- ers and lots more. TERMS:CasA, Mcrae. M/C. Visa. Amoco w: Don StepAeAson PH. 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9029. Sunday, January 16th. 10-30 a.m. (Viewing 9:011) Ma or Auction CeNtre, Bowma*Wlle 401 to Rd., North to i2 Hwy., East to ScoM St. Nor* / len. nday's Auction features a varied selection of arts: hm past to present. Including dressers. tables. cru rockers. desks. household contents, collecUbl us d china, old bottles. books, pictures, mist. to hardware, plus many more unique i useful artxles. Call fell ad Ywr AscNon oeeds. Macgregor Auction i Apprawl Services 905423-790 14860.3634799 Sat. J". 156 of 1tN a.m. 670 Twottee Rd. E. WMIkr eat. We are selling an estate from Mississauga plus a Ddb Store for the Bailiff Including: small freezer, Berkd slicer, B ft. deft cooler, small fridge, microwave oven, heal lamp, Simplicity air conditioner, large 2 dr. glass pop cooler, pluls smalls, bedroom suite, cedar chest, 3 TV's, sewing machNnes. new table i chairs, teak cabinets, white bedroom suite, chesterfield i chair, small cabi- nets, oak rockers, 9 pc. oak diner, glider rodua, leather glider recliner, wool blankets, 27' TV, new box spring i mattresses, king size box S mattress, entertainment ants, computer rill t desk, s Other anicies. 1989 black Cadillac, 1984 6MC S15mpickup truck, Note Time: 10 am. Good Sale, plan to attend. Viewing Friday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Terms Cash, Visa, MPC, Irterac. Odom Audions a 1.4vMaN6N 9054W3M & 90432-2806 Wed. JIM. 12, SIMI: 6M p.m. View. Ino B tin Auctions, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering. 3 nib. N. Hwy. 401 exit 399 featuring_ fine furniture, glass, ina collectibles from a Ig. Markham estate to ind: ISE: 8 pc. mahogany Gibbard OR ste. wl laid back chairs, 9 pc. oak DR ste, 6 pc. Gibbard OR Ig. pine fw to wall cupboard, executive desk, ma- 9drum table, Gibbard lilt top table. wing g chairs, Pe. soh set pr• mahogany dropleaf end tables. pine rale, cast Iron &enamel kitchen took stove, curio ab :t, buried wakhut book case, oak deco buffet, 4 pc. board BR set, ash armoire, 2 pc. flat to wag capp aid, 2-5 pc. modem BR sets, washslands. 5 pc. di 11111 set. ine kitchen set etc. framed J. Varlet' dated 1811, e of 1951 Aryonaut It stein, regulator dock, lig. wvase, argiJsuggar, Reo�yal DouNkxn dogs, pay 10DoultonTony ,kr musical character jug (rare), numerous coins i limps, collector plates, numerous hard cover coffee nk books, Carnival bowl, Lladro figurines, crystal, swick pitcher, Ni 2 Ig model airplanes, crocks, tique nickel plated apothecary sales, silver overlay, rips, numerous women's gold rings, Beanie Babies, rbie collectibles etc. Randy POW AudWN (1111111511 $Is - ESTATES i CONSWOMBOAMM SPEC1ALTY1 SICK OF RENTING?? OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EASYI! 13 - First Time Buyer? - Call Mark! Discharged Bankrupt? - Calt Mark! - Not Much Downpayment? - Call Mark! ?ti Mark otters honest, professional, no pressure service to help you own a home. (905) 571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 Mark Stapley 13Sales Rep. Remax AWfey Real Estate Ltd. • 1 Auctions • 1Aucdons AUI,IIUN, [ UAT tblAlt, MANNIAGt bil BAILIFF'S SALE, TO BE HELD AT WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, 1/4 MILE WEST OF COLBORNE ON HWY 2. Thurs. Jan 13 5:00pm 6 Sat. Jan 15 9:30am THURS. from the Bailiff complete restaurant, partial list. 2 old fridges with Keg beer attachments, ZO qt. elec mixer, small meet slicer, freezer, refrigerated show cases, other show cases, Ice crm type freezer, micro- waves, dishes, decorations 8 flat ware, bench seating. ornate cast Iron base tables with marble tops and quantity good chairs to match plus miscal. related arti- cles. All outside to be sold at 5:00 p.m. Immediately af- terwards Marriage Split up furniture inside, nearly new fridge, stove, auto washer d dryer, 27' remote N with VCR. nice oak dining lent. bedroom, youth bedroom captains ted, other youth furniture, oak entertainment centre, oak coffee d End tables, 2 good sofa 8 love seats, book shelves. small tables, 2 unusual show rase china cabinets, cherry break front China, dinette, plus miscal. household articles lamps. dishes, pictures. dia- mond ring, countless other articles, NO RESERVES, Sat. Jan 15, 9:30 -Estate of the We Bill Coltman. plus household of M. Purdy (Cobourg) moved to nursing home, upright freezer, love seat, occasional chars. single bed, Ige. quantity knidk knacks. some collectibles, fridge, stove, chest freezer, microwave, excellent ant. oak armoire, ant. dressers and chests of drawers, old pine cupboard with upper paned glass doors, several Coats of paint, needs reffn., old trunk, china abinet, excel 9 pc. mahogany dining lent suite in rnnt condition, ant. wash stand, old desk originally teachers desk from Bethell School House, portable T.V and stand, old kitchen rabfnet, old table w/tumed legs. some old tools. ant. beds, old single horse plough, small tables, old chairs, apt. size washer b dryer. qty. household dishes. !,lots. pats, collecta- bks. includes glass. tuna, lamps. dishes, pictures. Ige. quant old books. Gary i Bill Warner - Auctioneers 905-355-21M SATURDAY JANIZARY 15TH -10:!10 a.m Auctioto Sale featuring items from an Ashburn home held 4 Vanhaven Saks Arena, 722 Dam Dr., Ux- bridge. Durham 23 (Lakeridge Rd.) north to Davis Dr. 6 west 2km A�kllN41�E111Pfttt9_f_ftoYSCkIIId Oak china cabinet. desks -oak 5 S roll top desk lex ). 8 repro pine i oak roll tops. 5 sec. stacking oak bookcase, d/r sters. incl 8 pc BraehlB pre (ex.), rd oak table- pianos, pump or- gan w2 candle/lamp holders i ornate top wdrnircor; pine table. pine jam cuptill hoosker. oak washstand. entertainment unt. pint dry sink (repro.)12' oak uphol. benches. Rama bark chairs, 2 hoop back arm chars. pine glider rocker, marble top coffee ii end tables Ind. Stickley; bdrm. saes, Ind. W. Braehill pine (ex.) i 4 pc. burled walnut: cherry/butternuVpine chit's bed, wardrobes, dressers fnd Insh i oak Pugh boy w/mar- ror, davenport, oak chaise lounge, trunks. Persian rugs. woodstove, 3' safe, sewing much., wringer washer, freezers• water softener d filter system; • 3 ria fire trucks (gd cored.)i 190 's tint wind -u , fire truck (fair cond.), i 50 Dodge (?) i Fire fighter pial tars, Cessna motor- ized to scale plane, qty. crafts & remote crontrols. toy cars -remote, old hockey game, sports cards, wood cradle, gingerbd. docks, Campbell Soup sign, Coca Cola clock, oil lamps, candelabras, camera egpmt., brass trumpet. Ig. qty. books Ind Uxbridge Music fac- tory. Ltd. Edibow Art incl. Helen Downing -Hunter i Lee Reynolds oil, IWita i Glass: Chinese vases, col- lector plates teacups. Wade miniatures lnd. 30 pc. vil- lage, crystal: 3Aeciallir: Elec. till -up invalid pair. Ig. assort. of geophipical Inhume& (uranium 8 iron ore) Ind. heavy crusher sm. style, rock saw. lab bal- ance beam scale, maiplsurvey file cabinets. nacrolidie reader, drafArq table;Vehicles; 1987 Ford EConoline ext. cab Vat, V8 PS 150k las is)- body ex., w/4 rapt. chairs i bed ti Alpine stereo wdqu ick release; 1974 Mus 5 speed, ( cond.), 24,000 mi. (not run- ning);MI Cement coaxer wAires i hitch. Delta wood lathe i floor model drill press, 7hp dapper, crosscut saws, moulding i block planes, wood damps i level, polished brass torch. sprayer pump, sliding sale etc.; scribes, hand i old tools. lad- ders, corn planer, upright grain scales, ind. shelving, RR switch key, outbi motors ind. Mercury 10 hp, Mariner 35 hp IL Evinrude 10hp, boat bumpers i mise. boat items, fishing egpmt., fishfireder, Gravely 16 hp Pro riding mower (ex -new 1996) gear driven w/snow blotNer, mower deck i utility art EZ lawn vacuum sweeper,sprayer, Ig. sifter, lawn mowers W. Honda, a, rotoblder, 51V utas weedwadler, picnic table. sleigh; Nell: Two auctioneers selling at same time; PfMt1 w 8 a.m Sale Day; Twmr Cash, Visa, AM, Interac or approved cheque. GWY MI Auedons W of 1351= OilseMb Limblod) Omp N06�62 86St Ti w041644Q CoNtdw 41NF4l"401 Felt 9054 MZ -187 2 sale featuring quality furniture, antiques, oak k in suik, se tee, fancy tables, new oaks - rd it, beautiful ewall and mark dodo, hanging used lamp I dd=,W hNhaq d�mrerware�"and yya�l �Doulton #go dreds of interesting and collectable items, :it Birds eye maple Nadel car. Don't miss this tial list of a MICLBNN ASd"R . 705-324-271 010-46144 for flyer, Certified Appraisal Servo ision Estates. Bury iMclean Bowes and Cocks EM Ave Raw or 333 SIMCOE ST. NORTH - Available Feb 1st 3 bedroom ail. March Ist - 2l. lbdrmr apt $1100/momh. Air and 6 appliances included Call (905) 571-3760 for appoim- mem to view. CENTRAL Otkara, arge 2 a 3 bedroom apartments avail- able In well -n amaine0 buld- ing close to all amenities. Please all (905)723-0977 9 am -GPM FMCH a WHfTES 2 bedroom basement apartment Sep anti bright a new. hardwood floors Available immediately $Mi ne inclusive Itim 905-837-9630 LAKEVIEW PRRK. Oshawa Cory bnght. lower -level of house. 2 bdrm. latchenMe. stared Wm- dry/ppaaiknq Ubblies nduded. lst/lasUreterences required $65CII'morsh, availaablei February 1st 905509-2625 NMR111G - ONE BEDROOM furnished basement apt ldv- erpooVBayly, walk to Go/401. entrance. Clan. bright.U undry. no pees 905-420-3774 or 416-2dr-1618. OSHAWA 3 tiNr- in duplex. Very clean. spacious. appliances. backyard. ppalrkrnp 6rsvLar t required. AYalable Feb 1st 200/martb plus to*tms. 1905wo--1846 OSHAWA Bloor/Pak freshly painted spacious I -bedroom $620 morally Near al amen - ran Laundry on site Firstling r oll No pm Por 416-501 1687 OSNAWA Qual bai*V new snopping trainUhl- dret Included. �1 2- bdrm Jan 19. S772.MM)436- 7686 uro17 30pin OSHAWA Stone bed- room above =0 Prwk raves wit. Washer/dryer. Wino. pod Must be seen UN as inclusive 905432-3032 RETMEO! - Quid A" building len Oshawa mature Tena %. Co- tral location 2 i 3 Iatdr- EEifeancch'hM v�w'le0widr ter ek March ta Moor Tel (905) 579- 9016, AJAX. 2 -bedroom apart- ments in t alArq 67 Church St. S.. New bus.shoopum schools Aval Feb l. S835o' moron fndusrnre No pets (905) 683-6145 SPACIOUS 1-NEOROOM plus den basement apt. laundry parkno (1). MC. own en- trahce, no smoknypets would WSIOD t mature sn gklco 5800. March 1st. (905)420-3509 SPACIOUS wed-naintarrd 2 bedroom apts Aval At 900 and US Glen St. Some with walk-in closets. Wan provid- ed. Close to schools, shoppno centre. GO Station Utilities mdxdsd. Cal 728-4993 SPACIOOS 2 bedroom base - mem apartment. Fireplace. las pm". suits 2 people Available Feb. 1st. Central ParkA(uV area. $675 inclu- sive. Cal Steve 5764999. Large freshly decoratl 2 6 3 BIR apts. for rer $690 i $800 UAL. int at 280 Wentworth S W. Your First choic For appt. call (905) 721-8741 beautiful one bedroom. ft k - out, da, 3 pc. washroom. Ia ri eunr . ad Nord ��nyp�wt. Awa. none cK$750baorah ndusm. (905 1247. www OAK Qdot. spa - am one bid = main bole home, areraty khakd -'ode pnake ork- Mg yardrdpm*sr)hta► mww.NNo pts. Feb. 1st. $ lablAret. 905668-3011. H pia YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY. A HOUSE? u M bon $70fto* Not Mich DownWymare" (905) 571-6275 14800-840275 Mark Staph sai do hip Arm ry ce NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 1999 PAGE 19 A/P 1 • PNrsrantl8 1 C0i°0' : 11 NtprovNtttNnb • 1 card of Tttarrks • 1 Cad of Tlnadrs • 1 DeMM • 1 DaMM for Sob HEATHER HILL GIBSON CONDO 1,2100 SO. FT. 3 bedrooms. 1 112 baths. two Intuitive, Life Path Spirkof Coaching balconies. lake view, walk to • Spiritual Insight with Tarot mall and Go Move in condi- „ • Comforti &Accurate Readl " tion Available immediately. Telephone Tuesdaay Reading 1/2 price (%5$115) 839-311500 20 first time with this ad. 1sts. 2nds. Commercial 8 905-2949136 Markham room, etc. Cable. plane ac- cess Non-smoker preferred. 905- 852-0653 Uxbrid a RABBrr WANTS WORK ABA DABA YOU own your renovated GOODERHAM - Haliburion 3 - to LWW Dorm cedar Wig cottage large oueet for Room• kitchen. 3pc bath, new root. a 1 a 1 Rent far File, insulation wiring. two 6' patio doors Fc -KERING oft Maar Oaks 1 -BEDROOM, Wesiney to large deck overfook- overtook - roll 3/4 acre wt and Pine lake Road 3 bedrooms, targe fain- Hei tits Max Everythm in- New 10x12' bullae won't last ty room. 5 appliances, air. $1225 « utilities. Luded. 5 app(iartkxs, gargling, long at $116.000 Arrange your M �Y �� : �Y S�� ppaarking Firsvlast. References Avail- access to backyard, sharing weekend viewing today PICKERING spacious. dean furnished room. Cable. all Jan. 15 (905) 428.0678 kitchen, livingroom. family- (905)985-0059 1sts. 2nds. Commercial 8 able evenigs. room, etc. Cable. plane ac- cess Non-smoker preferred. Consolidations Call Glenn, RABBrr WANTS WORK ABA DABA YOU own your renovated Immediately or first of month 1st/last $400 Near 401/Go;Doing to LWW Magic For Children's Parties own completely home,$500. 6 months free. Nat (416 )793-0750. 1905)426- MONEY PROBLEMS. Get outAnd of debt quick without a All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. MU"tMAN, wllllam unes - passea away peacefully on Monday January 3, 2000 at Seven Oaks Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba at the age of 85. William will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 61 years Florence (nee Probert) sons, Phillip William and Linda of Ajax, William Laurence and Sheila of Kenora, Ontario, grandchildren Derek Horseman of Windsor. Janet and Laura Horseman of Ajax, Ontario, and Ian Horseman of Kenora On- tano and sister Annie Mane Gunn of Brisbane Australia. William was predeceased by his parents William George and Gertrude Mary (nee Ecob) Horseman. Brother Ernest Jack and sister Alice Brown. William was born on April 171h, 1914 in Nun Eaton Warwick shire England, he worked in England as a Master Mechanic until 1939, he then served in WW II in the British Extraddionary Force in the North African Campaign. Sicily/Italy invasion of Europe he was discharged in 1946. In Incoe requirement from 6674 after tOpm bankrupt or being garnisgtleed. Call Ernie 668-4y3Z 1948 he mmigrated to Canada he lived n Ontano 528,000 gross. Call Ken Col- AJAR Large roan, shared Everyone accepted regardless . 1 oftft • 1 Deeths and Manitoba. William loved Canada and also trav- ti360 s, Coldwell Banker (905)728- facilities. 5per month. Non o credit rating. Call for tree • eling from coast to coast. In he of flowers dona- 9414 smoker, no pets, dose to Go information. 905-576-3505. I Cant d • Thanks 1 card of Thnru tions can be sent to the salvation army. 2 -BORN semi raised bu and 401. Available imme- Student loans included. - low (no bsmt). 1.1/2 baths dutely. Call (905)-619-2896 Mortgegu 5850/nth plus utirties. OR Ali- after 5 p.m. : 1 rt Blossom. Bowmamlle. kb1st. NopetS FistAast and Cb PICKERING spacious. dean furnished room. Cable. all aran ce MILLIONS FOR MORTGAGES rdererces (9051 -22611' fac5klies,uparale entrance. 1sts. 2nds. Commercial 8 4 BEDROOM farmhouse. 2 Awl. raw. Swls nonsmoking Consolidations Call Glenn, min from Uxbridge, new fur- worker 3450/m0 Cal (905) The Mortgage Guy 905-655- face. workshop Avail for is, 6792 8394271 4960. Dominion Mortgage Corp Feb. 905-473 BRIGHT CHEERY secol floor 14 AT 5:00 P.M. - A UNBEATABLE DEAL! From room PnvAe home. own en- MMOlyRTG6ES - Gncing ood, ood, and $500 down. ownYyour own trice. non-smoker. kitchette. or any p home stir" at jour car- ties for las than ren! OAC kvkrgroom, bathroom. 3125 a wale. F". 1a Vr114 rendes re- Inose Al applications accept - ed Call Community Mortgage 24 his free n.. , ata»,e qured (905) 579-5M Services Corp f905i 668- 905.728.1069 ext 2P. colo- well Darier RAIR Real Esfi FEB FrsWst red No 6805. oe1A••• Aurelia Raswu. in1. smolnnyAccessg. (Aust De be worknrng Mass to G0. 401 8 • 1 Opportyrillin AJAX - (lean 2 brdm !rouse, It IFFrrq. 619-06M 33 GOVERNMENT Funds$$ nilaws 4 appliances. ro smoking, no pets 3384 - BEACH, Isabella Margaret (nee Wallace) - Peacefuly at Versa Care Health Centre, Onflia on Sunday January 9 2000. In her 100th year. Be- loved wife of the late Walter Thomas Beach (1967) Dear mother of Beverley and his wife Nonny of UxbridgeCatherine and her husband Vein Ashton of Ori ba. Fondly remembered by 5 Grandchildren and 5 Great Grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Isabel will be remem- bered with the highest regard as a teacher, a neighbour, a dedicated member of the United Church and a lifetime member of the United Church Women. Resting at the Funeral Home of LOW 8 LOW, UXBRIDGE for service in Me chapel on Wednesday, January 12th at 2 P.M. in - 1~ 1 tumrstled room m Grants and loans urtonwahon tefand Uxbridge Cemetery. floViswers Tuesday 2- 6 yard all icludtd. to 4 and em P.M. n Neu of flowers the family re all amenities. $975/momh larvate Rome $100/wk in- W Stan arta expand your Oiasn 1 AtactlonN . Errtrtek Adult QII� remembrances 10 the Heart and Stroke (905M39-0941 or pager 416- dudes t v. able. Shared ness or farm 1-M505.8866 • 2 -7506 kitchen 6 bathroom. Mature. Foundation, Uxbridge Community Care or the Mis- responsible R emplored Call A VEIN SOLID BUSINESS tim aevt Ronal Naito inn tit Ina 11Mnd Church of AJAR 3 BEDROOM. - 2 1/2 aft 430pm (905)-104-8827 opportunity full-time or part- tune• involverp Government CORNEIL'S number and bamrooms. to y room with hreplaa. S appgnat. kxr► h �RIMG Fwmshed and grants. Ful support Excreting Fres defile. AUCTION BARN 3189. 6673. air. garaps dose b lake unfu nished roonN 'wan cable poNrieial. Phone OPENING Zg00 AJAX 6e3-0707 5/175 • utikYes (9051 427 in W . Shared g SALE -FRIDAY JAN 4601 Reasonable rates Call MIS1r ICE CI16AM store. pn- 14 AT 5:00 P.M. - AJAR "BEDROOM house. (905)427- 9007 We sale South Pkckenng. al- 3 MILES EAST OF upper levelse . cloto schaow MCKERMS, room n ince. fordable. good lase terms. Call (416) 447-44% x324 for LITTLE BRITAIN 401. Awl. vi med. 31000/ma dean townhouse. �•d more morn~ ON COUNTY RD 14 nd Frs least a must. 905- ta�ldies Avad tNy The Estate of E- Kal- 576-4178. knave msg ro smoking, no pets 3384 OSNAwA MACMIE SN0/ for nu -Posits of Lindsay BEAUTNRIL 7 btdroonn morn -"62 hrsVlast. Cap 905- sale owner retiring Reps Fie 1162 Ostuwa This; ark 865 Plus articles do poo bungalow. Lrwnpool/ 42G-1027 Farewell St. Oshss4 Oil. LIH Hated to flue Dobson ��� 9bors, PICKERINGMOC8 Rd Large 71.5 Family Mahogan •L:pscaIeV Escort Service yennng Dhurham Region Dtscret ion Guaranteed Open 9 a m DaII y 1905) 725-2322 pnarn=t. cerarahaw aew4y Dight tumished room share sideboard, oak hal! . Now llinnv, I i il mal0iad fab rarpNdked both S laundry Willi AVC. . 1 pM a free. 5pc modem bed- steps hll stifles. rid non-smoker' working gW.. room suite, walnut �iqriypets 511lift- - Avail immediately First/tart ARE YOU SINGLE? The New- nestingtables, tn- 905.42674M 3375/rrnorah. (905) 61116,-07" est Meeting Placa. ring heel oak dis- Slwad www OreamMaks.cum la case 10 matchufg To place ,call M �, call 663-0707 Ajax) 652-9741(Uxb.) and let one of our professional advisors help you. home to( - o la farm 1 Aaan.nnoaeron P Y ftwtx to rent wiNi yips lot. pURIMM WGIEpub . prrfe captairss chairs, $1500imomh 905-127-6095 LAKE DRIVEWAY West Aw I oo!uog to a tong term tilt eintzman upright By OSKOU SHOPPING Luxury condo 2-bedmom a• tronslnp P•rtirmi grow4li no, 6 Duncan nth p CENTRE - $750 mous ircfusive. on -the -lake. indoor- stave ars dances No inial Woe chairs, cosee i nikrNs 6 rooms on aN first pool. sauna, hot -tub. temks east - sewctrA. Cal for rrirr- end tables, wool am of a Aipfon. a could be courts. 6 appliances. 2-4pc. view 576.1616 winder, dough box, gx�� apartmentbatthooms. ton -smoker DURHAM'S OWN DATING butter chum, appra�xppYarca$595/monh, YWV Votes- SERINCE! Call 905-683-111020 Canadian Passpq Yardsional 90544 4007 private malbox o g sdadSINUIED ACCOMMODATION browse odfer ptrsatal ads k� goblets, chrome79 leave tree. Meet a near Friend of kitchen suite, 12 pc. s .►"� a. .•�,.��� Gn-cies r area 8300'mo "� kcludes treat. hydro 8 resole Love for Ne lunchecm set, mantel �4a: } r t�f'!�•-M•4►-rs; r..: �ZI GRANDVIEWAILOOR. 3 -bed Available immediately Call OSNAwA REIAXMG alas -1.xk, walnut dining room mairdloor. Bungalow((705) 432.8039 a (705) 755- sage Shutsu Service 40 extension table, ches- y arc: Very dean. well kept. laundry. 8973pager St W (905) 40.4-9625 1130 terfields k matching ,a�/c;y .1 ► ntDarrorrg. appkarnees. sur quer ONkt A am - 9 Ian chairs, iron trivets, � stooksW ptrsans. Doo • wing back chair, 20 Fid - peis $900 inclusive, First/ YRELAXARoad B� massap(Se cu ft freezer, cedar R '�� :� '-rt4•ty� • •^ c-� . rut. mwennces. Credit GNck. Apz Aralabk Feb 1st. 571-0318 COIM�m UMTS• Park 8 of Baylyl Call ;9051-426 4585 chest, approx. 10 Roy- Bwor. great location. 1 Aval- for appointment al Doulton figurines, LARGE 4 bdrm badrsplit Aft wNs, 1425 sa. n each Hummel figurines, Central P&WHllcmN. North Call (905) 579-5077 atter 5 WE Mose Y YOU to loup a Oshawa 51,100/month pus pm (905) 571-3281 tabs in one month Straus wooden decoys, pass ommms No pets Fi stAast 8 �IIWC ofrce space from enquria only Can Elizabeth back rockers, crocks, references. Awlable imnN- (M) 652-0221, c"d lamps, Danby •► $250. indusrve. am pad- dW*. 05.953.2073. bar refri III 10in. 7 mg. Cal Chris 5588. WINTBI can be a lorNltt sea- � � �^ e ''�� T- +. PK ERINC - Westsfhore/ son - donl let l be Cal Misty portable 8 l:p FrenChmanS's Bay. 4+1 twit- Separ>ie office River Introductiom. Owham naduna Snowblower -• .`v =� �.K " w .. rooms. space available. Bayly/Liver- s tradntanal "ch �o� per. Units pod area. Available imme- °" with electric start. 3 i4C, appliarfas. dose to GO (1161777 6302 1 /2 HP lawn mower, station. scfrods. $1.475 plus daely. -9 (905)831-0733 a qty. , utnrntm Avail" Feb. 2nd. (905)127-8722. wwores wheel barrel. 9m 7 • : 1 small electrical ap- r TONE, Cyril James - Peacefully. on Fnday Janu- ry 7, 20W, at Lakeridge Health Port Perry, at ge 85. Cyril Stone formerly of Pickering Village, eloved husband of the late Jeanne (nee Barber). oving father of Marilyn, and Gary and his wife udy of Prince Albert. Loved grandfather of acirson and Michael. Dear brother of Les Stone of Nd Basing, England. Rested at the WAGG UNERAL HOME "McDermott-Panabaker hapel" 216 Queen Street In Port Perry (985- 171) A Service to celebrate the life of Cyril tone will be held In St. Andrew's Presbyterian hutch, 35 Church Street North in Picketing Vd- kge on Thursday, January 13th at 2 p.m. Inter - tent Erskine Cemetery m the spring. If des red. tentorial donations may be made to the charity of our choice. KUBIEN, Stanley J. - Suddenly at the Alax and Pickering Health Centre in his 62nd year. Stan Kubien, loving husband and best fnend at 33 years to Carole. Proud Dad of Dave and his wile Karyn, Steven and his wife Juke, Christopher and his fiancee Laura. Much loved broher of Gladys Socha of Hamilton. Much loved son-irrlaw of Isabel Smith of Hamilb . Dear brother in-law of Donald Smith and his wide Betsie, of Myrtle Beach. Ro- bed Smdh and his wife Patricia, at Brantford. A Service of Remembrance to be Meld on Wednes- day. January 12. 2000 at St. Paurs United Church. 65 Kings Crescent. Ajax at 2pm Visitors will be received from 1 to 2 Dm onor to the serv- ice in lieu of 'lowers. donahors • !av De -ado !o the Ontanc Heart and StreK? =-�,-Ca,,or Ar- rangements en!r„s!ec MCEACHNIE FUNER- AL HOME. : -412?-^-�c I 1x4 -3008. a vbgO tFIL0011 uta- spas to rant Approx. 500 sq.n. planes, china, glass 2A1BIBY-mill poor den. ow. Ildlh Oshaw loaboo. Park- NO Tim cele mllecteble items. Cor On In 2 bedrooms Maus den, co- inq piiralnces. f imily. storage, ed. Cal Kaft a Nob (905) � TAM � tArsc� eA� GWPW We fe9OAN111101 �dlmvbe. i 576.5123. Why not Fax us RM link Britain rellervictis Ro OW 906601 a your ad! 70S7B421a3 7 You can use yourF �t�� jhi� 1 N�aMM IJIaiE NON OIN OP, 3.575 fax machine to :1 -------- and e second >tr 3FW rAd not 1L INiL 1 17s Alla send uats your �U a. ove 1 e 1 Oshara aunt sysMr. Clops b v adVefbsement. 115 144 Mint C011611MIC IRON ,�. X53 f�''8 tt/li J?'�Illlal N ll1C1W ^ rirgAis�k 811a1r- Please allow tine moons, Rota, a"1 • 4 lO6 1 """ for us t0 confirm Kah@IIs, btallh, 'ted '�`. �t � 'AN C 19 2332 u� aNb nor your ad copy and baaeRNl!p1s. rials. ; (� 11utd 17r if i e,... R � Quit seek FREE! lFS Oii�3 2 weeks, �rrre BOWBBRM8ILLF 3 batbnn elMrartce doors, x imgi awe WON' 2 4 PG bA4R P tD Pb+II�IIQelBcbficsliori tO 1 tllD FIft1UI i1111ss AD r SA* �8 CKAral air, awfttral wa. DAs deatflne. retdrprfy ads, „K2. dollMe 0a t;1 900. cab 1 , customer oms rvice 71my •CLUMIM O N" -leas Odra � 3- 86907612r0I8B11NL1E. s eBaoon rBprBSefltatives WEN blow btNleotrp, Irk dunitic, 1-1/2 Was MM aIs" CA y� 576 33 1114) 10 PwftC aaN i ,PaabNs MM, submw mom-q�rr f°ukad w1H. Please femember B M*.FRowNiti7S 6231346 In 9 i 23 905 t0 bin your t coni name AJAX/PICKERIIdG -1y BRADLEY ES- futtltas 2 baMhioopls, large a address, phone TAYTE$ Wil! mom woad lyra fon �1aL 1r idtfv.wy. number and ^' ;ll!65 7773 a (MAWamter- utp. 15,100. 906 966- contact name. ams 3189. 6673. Fox Adverdw SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 6e3-0707 905s79.4218 UXBRIDGE SS2-9741 r -NEWS ADVERTISER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE PORT PERRY THIS WEEK 852-9941 .985-2511 P PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER, TUESDAY EDITION, January 11, 2000 & EIS URE Spo�lt L N ENN' S A CSV ERi l Streaking Panthers peewees come back for two wins, tie PICKERING — The Pickerim, Panthers minor peewee select hockey team picked up five out of a pos- sible six points with two wins and a tie in league play before Christmas. The Panthers outshot the Newmarket Redmen 1 R-10 en route to a 4-3 vic- tory. The Pickering selects worked hard to overcome an early two -goal deficit and eventually record the win. Matthew Perrault scored twice to pace Pick- ering. Adam Turf and Tay- lor Gray tallied once each. Assisting were Josh Lin- klciter, Bobby Clark and Steve Loder. The Pickering peewees took the wind out of the sails of the Sto�uffvillc Clippers 15-0. The Pan- thers blasted 41 shots at their rivals. Every player SER JAN. 11, 2 0 0 0 on the squad earned at least one point, including goalie Robert Morr1 who posted the shutout. The Panthers played the Unionville Jets to a 2-2 tie. Pickering opened the scor- ing on a goal by Linklelter. assisted by Perrault. The Jets roared back with two unanswered second -period markers to take the lead. Perrault netted the equaliz- er in the dying minutes of the third period, assisted by Justin Bruce and Leland Street. Providing steady efforts for the Panthers were Craig Deebank. Ryan Lindsay, Bryan Cruse, Kyle Walker, Kyle Fredericks, Ryan Van Santvoort. Derek Savoie and Matthew McMulkin. The team currently boasts a league -leading record of'10-1-1. SALE SPECIA BARGAINS.1 he Week IN TODAY'S News Advertiser Tues., Jan. 11, 2000 Fes. News Advertiser Jumbo Video Pick. 11 Helen Tuesdav's carrier of the • Pharms Plus Ajax/Pick. week is Helen. She enjoys swimming and ' While Rose Ajax/Pick. playing baseball. She will receive a dinner for 4 voucher, compliments of McDonald's. Congratulations Helen for being our Carrier of the Week. Walman,Ajax ♦ 135 Kingston Rd.,Ajax 222 Bayty tit. W ,Ajax 726 Kingston Rd., Pick. `Delivered to selected households only 13!>tf Kingston Rd., flick. Remember, all inserts, including ' = those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box RRecycling program. For information on delivering gr advertising flyers, DUNCAN FLETCHER atTlao 683-5110. Fresh, quality Meats at Unbeatable Prices! 3 SAVE si. o lb. The Lean' -Veal Wieners Ground Beef Vic 'aKnack Save .70 Ib. Hams Save S1.3o Ib. �� Whole, Halves or Silicedft 77 L$lt 99 lb. lb o 1b, Fresh Shed C•Id Meaty Pork Pork Baloney Back Ribs Tenderloins ssc/LOOS Save S1.40 1b. Save 2.00 Ib. �1b• lb• lb. 4;41b. k JW lien & �t Breaded in �,;cl Fmigas $ks Save $11.00 1b. � 0$31b,99 P London ChiBuffalo d Same $1.00 ]lb. Broils save S1.2o llb. 3 lb- 12lb ic101° 120 Pork Ti s n. %uvlaki >tr. SAVE $&ft ib• • Fine Ponds "The Meat People" lir% 1ATWpo1 Rdn Pidt fak Pla:s, Piokllxiat 011"l TmL 104, We& & T11rrs. Yl sale elsectl a ti UM cledaS FrL 9A sat. J►swa nv 199 20111111 Please recycle this newspaper r-----------------------1 I I I 1 1 1 I �J 1 ONTARIO'S DRIVE1 I CLEAN I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I =L L- UIL2-- _X-11 I 1 1 1 We 1:--1 re"Ul � II I Model years to be tested in 1 ... I 1 1990 199-+ 1992 1 1 1990 1988 1986 1 1 1984 1982 1980 11 1 Accredited Test &I 1 Repair Facilities t;LUtl LL_:� t 1 1 363 Bayly St. W. 1 1 (E. of Westney) Ajax (905) 428-8888 1 1 1 I/:(�Gll• Ili(' /:lr�(�1ti(ttl\'(' 1 11051 Brock Rd. Pickering 1(at Brock Rd. and Bayly St.) (905) 427-57111 L►'d a:_C L L oyc L L VII L Liu. 715 Kingston Rd. 1 1 (E. of Whites) Pickering' (905) 831-2974 1 iL�_,L, lt't�,ul,.z- UO -L 1425 Bayly St. W. 1 1(at Westney) Ajax (905) 427-2500 1 L= L -LL (:- L'- LLL L L' L lttli_( Ltu' , s 1201 Bayly St. W. 1 1(at Monarch) Ajax (905) 683-6561 1 Ldu W L- .�_ uLe ­�z Ltd, ,111705 Dundas St W. 1 1(at Lakeridge) Whitby (905) 430-6666 1 11 I LL LtttLL La LL Lt1 1 11167 Kingston Rd. 1(W. of Lkvrpool) Pickering (905) 427-28281 I L' LL L:.L LiLth LiL Lth�: I 1 970 Broclf ftd. S. I 1 (S. of Bayly) Pickering (905) 831-5400 1 I 1557 Kingston Rd. 1(W. of Whites) Pickering (905) 420-90001 1 V iLLZi�:LtL V LQ-L- 19 Q- L i 1 19 Harwood Ave. S. i I (S. of Hwy. 2) Ajax (905) 683 i I 1 VT hdtb\t Dov eta 1 11025 Dundas St. W. I (E of Lakeridge) Whitby (905) 686-22281