HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_01_01i rroni our e menus az thNewsi 'Omar, 7 _ y . PICKERING NEWS ADVERT _,.. PICKERING'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 196 PRESSRUN 50,100 32 PAGES You woke up in a city todaol.,y Pickering now `Canada's Only Millennium City' PICKERING — Welcome to the City of Pickering! Pickering is celebrating its new status as 'Canada's Only Millennium City' — which be- came official at midnight Friday — with a flag -raising ceremony Jan. 7. The municipality received word from the Province in Au- gust that it could officially call itself a city as of Jan. 1, 2000. The change was proposed by Ward 2 local Councillor Mark Holland and councillors voted in April to request city status from Queen's Park. The new city has also ob- tained the trademark right to call Itself the 'Millennium City' and is adopting the motto 'Canada's Only Millennium City'. Becoming the City of Picker- ing does not change anything about the municipality's legal status or the way it operates on a day -today basis, but officials hope being able to use the new Millennium City motto will help improve Pickering's marketabili- ty to businesses, visitors and prospective residents. Officials will raise a giant City of Pickering flag at the Loblaws Pickering Market on Friday, Jan. 7 at 3 p.m. to com- memorate its new status. The Loblaws Market, former- ly known as the SuperCentre, is located at 1792 Liverpool Rd. Everyone is welcome to at- tend. tE4!0010 SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 2000 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVFaY–$5/ S__ 1 NEW ANP Looking ahead to a year of `consolidation' Pi*ckeri*ng . . banner buildini A.J. GROEN/News Advertiser photo Gymnasts clean up after Boxing Day fire Members of the Pickering Aerials Gymnastics Club are busy this weekend cleaning up after a Boxing Day fire at their prac- tice facility. As a worker removes some of the damaged materi- al in the background, club members (front row, from left) Hilary Skoritsch, Ashley Bianehet, Kim Dingle and Talyn Andrews wait for things to improve. In the background are Kate Newton (left) and head coach Tanya Szpak. See full story on page I year in 1999 BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — The Town and council will be focusing in 2000 on securing and moving forward on the gains Pickering made in 1999, according to Mayor Wayne Arthurs. And, this past year has been a banner one for Pickering in terms of development activity, reports the mayor. As of the end of November 1999. Pickering had issued building permits for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional con- struction valued at a total of $137 million. By the end of November 1998, only $88 million worth of permits had been issued. Looking ahead to 2000, "It's Inside the News Advertiser 11VW TO FIND R F.d t " Page ...........6 Celwist ..............6 Name Dropping .........11 ENI I ino........... 22 Sports ................26 el-- on I .............28 GIVE US A CALL Geasrd ..........683-5110 Ois$ibodso ......683-5117 Death Nafkes .....683-3005 Amorally Yews ...........1-800-662-8423 Emall .newsroom@durham.net Web site ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 going to be, in my view, a year of consolidation;' says Mayor Arthurs, who reports he plans on running for a fifth term as the community's man at the helm in the November mu- nicipal election. Areas of progress in 1999, he explains, included establishment of the 'stakeholders' forum' — con- sisting of government and citizer. representatives — to negotiate the future of the federal airport lands expropriated in 1972 in north Pick- ering. Gains were also made in secur- ing a more thorough environmental assessment of the Pickering nuclear See PICKERING page 5 Happy New Year from The Citv of Pickering www citypickcring.on.ca. I* lifn tie SlfYl0e5. looking for entertainment? we him the mtlsicM' ! HAPPY NEW YEAR 87 Mann! IW wet kW (416) ?8&4W (5, of MW 401, east of PW Utiat PA) �.:'��'o`�-sr"'�',r?sit�r�t �,., ,�.... . a�a. �X!. s 4� :a�:.P°t x....-..s..._..f _—.• ���2�� �,`_� �,.,��. . kC..ly.. y DIY . - � ..._.� .� '�.f'clyna-, r +�1C•: ' .. ,: .Yr-+�- � .. - . •... •`�`...., .R YYfx :/-�- , v_ .(�1.- ,p11_."- � -� -�.' �pt1 _. •- � yam; �� w p!1 low it = A 777-- -4 _► Ar , 14 L / h ,._�' ` � •y.ijrY _ � . ...�... ,rte .- � ^ '.�.i.- '.'i - ,'.J`` ���� �� t_.I 4 ;•.µms, •.22 - u. wry ti _��-•- '��. , S ToFEvniE- RNITURE APPLIANCES AND ELECTRO ICS 1 _ MARKDOWNS.' r,. MISSISSAUGA NORTH YORK SCARBOROUGH WHITBY BARRIE C'm I- 7 f -S L1 � CHAINWID501, Zr HURRYDONT' L��.,.�-�� Z .tom 1480 DUNDAS ST. E 1255 FINCH AVE. WEST 1119 KENNEDY RD. 1540 DUNDAS ST, E. 42 �� DIXIE a ouhoAs E Y �APLAN AVE.M15.5 K E! E �'N KE ahE Y �rv�Eh,E s :1 NEEKC�YS= - S4TS-E S� r 1,'EEKSdYS S4 TSdY�r''� SYS.'. EY APPLIES TO IN STORE ITEMS (905) 803-0000 (416) 630-1'777 (416) 750r-^8888 (905) 430-0000 (705)+722-7132 J NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, Jonuwy 1, 2OW PAGE 3 AIP Gymnastics club seeks help rebuilding after Boxing Day blaze BYAL RIVEIT Staff Editor PICKERING —A Boxing Day fire at the Pickering Aerials Gymnastics Club has left club officials scrambling to put the facility back into shape for the new year. The fire broke out in the front portion of the Aerials' club's Kingston Road facility. Al- though the building's sprinkler system quick- ly extinguished the flames, it resulted in ex- tensive water damage to the interior of the 10,000 -square -foot facility. According to Aerials' official Bob Dingle, the damage has necessitated the removal of all the mats in the club in addition to the disman- tling of a custom-built vaulting runway. Cur- rently, a disaster recovery company has been working in the building in what may be a long road ahead to putting the facility back togeth- er. The club, says Mr. Dingle, is insured for $150,000, although the damage estimate may be beyond that amount. Damage estimates are much higher, he says. "We do have $150,000 in insurance and it looks like we'll need every dime of it:' notes Mr. Dingle.The club's 650 gymnasts were due to resume their training schedules Jan. 4. However, programs have been postponed WE CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE A FRESH START prorrsalon d and person SWV?e• Fran Confidential Consultation Several convenient locations. including: OSHAWA 116 s«nco• St. N WS) 726.04M toownto—) scAnsaauc+l 1919 Lawrence Ave. E. (119)754.6826 (flow DVP ane 101) 255 Mootpbide Ave. (116) 263-4110 (Morn■wsid. M1114) A lie i� best in the A w year ' How long ' has it been? ' 1 � ' 10 rEmm OIC CHANGE CENTRE' No APPOKMIENT NEEDED, 1 wAnnAmw AP9RnvFn 0 1 1 1 1 1 km I � OfFEA t7trNEE dba tJ1:2800 � �. Oft AbkWm cAllortaotlllEtaMtllNNffO B1 aF1Sl, OPEN 7 DAYS A W=Q 196 WESM RD. (Souls d 101), AJAX' w MG) 427-0796 until the middle of the month when the club hopes to either have enough work done to re- store the facility to an acceptable level or pos- sibly find a temporary venue until it can be completely refurbished. "We're really under the gun to get things up and running again," says Mr. Dingle of the tight timeline to get the club back in running order. Mr. Dingle notes the layoff may take a toll on both the club's competitive stream gym- nasts as well as those in the recreational pro- grams offered by the Aerials. He admits that an overly -long time spent refurbishing the club could put a strain on its programs. "Our 65 competitive kids need to get back into the gym as they have a competition in two weeks. Clearly, our recreation program is the lifeblood of our club from a financial stand- point. We can manage to find space for 65 gymnasts, but there are 600 others who come and go." The Aerials' executive is appealing to the community for any help, financial or other- wise, for the club. The most pressing need, says Mr. Dingle, is to find temporary training space for the club's programs. As well, financial support would also be appreciated as the club will be in need of new 1 A"7 INTEL rENlllltYf 0 433c • hfttlew II Q Meimlilmd • V_" SR I= Medm 1 tumbling mats and a new vaulting runway. 5260 and leave a message, or call Mr. Dingle "Even if someone could donate plywood, at 905-683-1604. there are many people in the club who could Members of the Aerials are asked to call build the runway," says Mr. Dingle. the club at the above number for updates as to If you can help, call the Aerials at 905-839- when and where classes will resume. NEw TCAK" i IF 0 lit PRICE From all our Staffs r iPACKAGE i PAINT ..��,� �,,,�, 0 Paint the complete exterior of your car! • sutrmE mw �, 0 100 SMART PACKTM wARRAGLOSS ieo265 . UV SUI�Rm1 N 401 N 0 Reg =52990 0 c 10 IWhenl6lyoll're bolng tifa eoonorty or stafeol-dwart paint ser"s, tae here a < / targe van* of pa *ages to chose STOP IN TODAY - LIMITED TIME OFFER! m 14 / ,(905) 831-4144 - 955 Alliance Rd. Pickering % EL 01M ag (BROCK & BAYLY) it vale. was and ootwwo 1 while or 11111111111119.a t. Aar�C bmr k rug nor will SMWV d oaf P rt IMAdlbsl tulan craovaaI flaa y WAS"ry Na Vie w4h ant a w ata. tMACO Aulo Pw" i &d raat coon an tWomdaw lrartfvte a aY1AC0 9ylwns Canadt irC artn, roue aro servcn mar'tirr FREE 3 NOW TiRAMIM WN lE AVOW OFA Cp WER MW • 32 Its SDRaw • 16 Mt sswll • 1A411eNs' RHoe • 3 Owner Melee & Pa/ • 32 Rt it / Drive • wie/e-rs !a rr MrrsNf+ 29 , :.Il�rare :444 D � •129WWK Sp • WIN lR M ZS• w hover UPON • X0 30 MIS ASP Wes 4 Carl • V." Sf[ Fu Meow r.r.cre.1049 .w..esN ss.r.b.E WU PENIM1 N 46& • rMW= M AM Mdmbmd - Semad wl.r 12s ro •"NS=ftm tem CWd •1A1 •,Aa MIuM !�a +Eri.. 1!2 • Sills • 961. !s • 15" aMisA Neebw 29 • An Meiwe Ta111er Cars • III CFw M ZS• w hover UPON • X0 30 MIS ASP Wes • 3 SnDa Neese Carl • V." Sf[ Fu Meow 14uls o�nssm IAi Iy corrE� y��� �IrflflcR • • �Ic� • flrrolars INTEL PENTIfAM 11366c • Pwtiw 11 Q Mdilewd • • 321 Cam 32 WitlDftm_ sn1 • 1f M soloo/Ift 99 � • 32 tis IbN Drirs • rW CM sr haler f�/1� • a Mywee • 3 SaVAm Meese Ai Ia/1$ 4w9"i$t Ilk:'A3ILa:II WM Poffm M 500 • ON RI ro Nodwbwl - • O iws N AdVW • ns m 9ttRwr ►nae S6ir Iii • 1.41 Srlee - Drift - 01 Fmmt 2M 321% rl% SA*s s wiii N/» Carl de mI"irt • SIM COSew • Ta A�srie • iaeaw Lin ie w�w A�t'aa bw 1M • M K Ri wieder • AAIB yeschn wIa 96 01, Ali hm • A.AL K lis' WE VM 1lrioe F= linos Amory • A SAW Mslew 0*6 tU M" 1 • Irir W • MZ lN= Case / 2W A" • Ati Adw • tdess= REtiac — lwrsr 2a &r OW 1 Aft" • Nktrantk IsMi News A111- I Amm 10 LOCAUM 11 C 106 LJ TE(E WORM �WN ON) $31�!6il tiw't tTAIAti rGUMMi11=15i14 AMI/lri. R IWM Abs. - WMYSR 3 some Meow 126 toot Spaken Mrdt o Uj `i sled 91*9 1T' Msai or W rlswasie un"r EM it swl CsrirUP trris/er MAA f=ee Nd-- -rt tail . Chea no PI law wradatl 116 II.. • Arlr/ C&*M j= rs�tr•Anii�rAH•m; �Z"9�9� &,** f fame P" mmarer JW wa�a the ,�,N��+�I Sleep'Factory nr• q` a MEDIUM REGULAR SUPPORT SUPPORT ■ ► .ie fA DOUBLE OUEEN 2. SET0. ~' EXTRA FIRM SUPPORT L� LUXURY FIRM err SUPPORT /l7■Ztt. 11! r iglip r: bell$ i jr 4,W-8 . 1 FIRM SUPPORT NO PAYMENT NOINTEREST ' 1 For 1 year See store for details ki / POCKET COIL S N C E l 9 7 8 FIRM SUPPORT SUPER FIRM SUPPORT ti Lu us s259' OC 5229 cc _ _ s209' p 5239 y 5249 m y 5319 Lu Cal to UJ ca 52 : 4. 5299 4 5 69low 0 5 19 s429' o i p89 The OSHAWA WHITBY PETERBOROUGH AJAX;PiCKERING Sleep Facto FACTORY OUTLET . FACTORY OUTLET _ � FACTORY OUTLET WE MAKE HOURS _ J ANY SIZE - sur. ■1r�1 ��� MATTRESS SET UP AVAILABLE 1 l tiE DISPOSAL OF OLD SET AVAILABLE "JE E F LAY -AWAY . r Pitit"t' ,►",t our „uhs,tu at Remember Nvv. afactoryre the >• �� �� ��.�It't'�>f.l�'t�►r�.��uti� ♦ tI er,N�� � ti 2 CARL FERENCZ1 News Advertiser photo Providing some bear essentials Youngsters who end up at the fracture clinic in emergency department and fracture clinic at the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre can take the hospital to be given to youngsters who ar- some comfort from a brand new soft and furry rive there and require some measure of com- friend thanks to the efforts of local school chil- fort. With the bear essentials are students dren. Students from Highbush, Fairport Beach (from left) Rebecca Caunter, Lisa Fletcher, and William Dunbar public schools in Picker- Kris Smith, Jennifer Cox and Kamaldeep ing recenth collected I15 teddy bears fr,r the Miulhar E BEARS AUTO BODY VW OF AJAX'S LAAOEST AUTO SMY A COLLUSION SHOPS" :$$200 0r 271 w Your deductible up to 1200 ! I Offer(wAh this ad) 1 2000 -- - - - 31 - •Lw�or, must tw ptMWd I ___ P,w,c..,y ' UNIT ti2W, 282 MONARCH AVE., AJAX S°"A * br dWads. (9051619-2327 ,aw a. derails. 'OR KITCHEN & BATHROOM RENOVATIONS "T" HUGE RENOVATION CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED SHOWROOM WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS KITCHEN A BATHROOM BOOKED THIS M(1NTH! MODELS I. I AICRALAOL C General 8 Specialty Veterinary Care KWYz - WNIMS Services iftclude: Preveftt a Health Care, Mekine,perttistry, DerrtIrttemal Popp ycare Classes d, NEM PA1EWS>rYE.001E Dr. c yak, ttadtay • a Charts Ito w Dr. Sfharo,h French, F,IvD • Dr. U0 Aare r Dr. Dale sMrens NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 MW S P Pickering � ma or looks ahead PICKERING from page l means to be a city and what our expec- tations are. I think we have to put on station than that undertaken by Ontario paper the expectations we have organi- Hydro (now Ontario Power Generation) zationally as an administration and how in 1998, and council approval for con- we're going to do business as a city." struction of the Millennium Square and This process will include some form of Trail on the Pickering waterfront. public input as well, notes the mayor, One goal the mayor set out for him- though he's not yet sure what form that self in 1999 and was not able to achieve should take. was an agreement for the amalgamation Also on Mayor Arthurs' agenda is of Ajax and Pickering in time for the continuing with the administrative 2000 municipal elections in November. changes that have taken place at the While he's "disappointed" Ajax has re- Town over the last year or so. Those jested the merger and the Province re- changes are crucial, he says, because fused to appoint a mediator to negotiate they affect how the municipal govern - amalgamation, Mayor Arthurs main- ment interacts with the community, tains progress was made on the issue. local organizations and private business. "We certainly took a lead role in cre- "It's an important process to prepare ating public dialogue (on merger). us for the governance changes that are We've created the opportunity for public inevitably going to occur in Durham Re - debate in the broader sense" gion and the 905 area;' he adds. Andcontinuation of the debate is Other challenges facing the new city necessary, he notes, since it's clear the in 2000 include York Region's plan for a Province is moving toward some form water pipeline through Pickering (which of municipal reform in the GTA. is opposed by council), and holding the A think one only has to look at what line on the municipal budget in the af- the Province is doing to see something is termath of provincial downloading and going to happen;' he says in reference to funding cuts. No further provincial cuts the municipal reform Queen's Park has or downloading are expected, but the already imposed elsewhere. mayor is not ruling them out. According to the mayor, new initia- tives in 2000 should include examina- tion and articulation of the opportunities `IAGWYERS for change and improvement brought by PUB Pickering's new city status as of Jan. I. 'As a body, council and senior ad- ministration have to formalize what it SEPARATEODV RED. Sem nars sponsored by Separated Anon mous S esteem sexualit� S •^ea"', ' --- recommended by Toronto Doctors 6 Therapists Make friends, men & womenour aqa n our sate' since 1989 otter professional lectures on law, gproups. Call 1/ZJ rtaw t , apply andl grief, anger. children, trust, letting go. self- be registered y anuary 12600 r ,What will you do if you're involved in a winter collision? _�r By Peter HughesThree Bears' staff, ,•, -� Winter is here ana the snow r professional will have vehicle looking coming. Do you know what to ;ilike your do ifou're involved in a winter Y new again. Fo, ,collision? You can never be reminded no -payment plan OAC-" enough, that when it orales time r ` �-You vehicle deserves the -' J- choose who will do r coni- " best. That means the best quality ,sion work, the decision is always paint and oven baked, high qual- P _yours, Don't be pressured by a .,ity finish, the latest high tech tow truck driver or your incur g • -equipment for accurate repairs ance Y $,; band top technicians who know �- Insurance companies or • • • 90 'heir business well and can make tow truck drivers may suggest your vehicle look like new again. p shopfs giving the 1 • • • ,Additional services provid °'d impression you have to take it include a free shuttle service c there, saysKevin of Three Bears <�Plutobody. "WeU you don't. If as well as arranging a rental great savings. Right now at vehicle depending on our g y a ward to take it Three Bears take adv of anlage - insurance coverage. There is also ' 41 whedwr its Three Bears or their coupon They'll year warranty on the paint p e� the : decision is y P (some coarrditions apply). and a warranty on collision work , yc tilAd Y alione ,,. r- "This is a Perfect opportu- :� as kxtg as you own the vehi- de_ you ChQ06e Three Bears �� <their orfial staff will have nrty Y vehicle repaired ..., . For more information ..veidck new whether it's for rust or collision about Three Bears Autobody call k .like work," says Kevin of Three ` �) 619-232? or visit their shop Tlhte nitre is spa right for "ason not Bears Ar>other re to at 282 Monarch Ave., Unit MIS in delay is our 90 day, no-iribe mst, AOX PET Inured 3 t3orubd PL"CARE Dog Walking & Exercise Daily or Occaoiorlal Pet Care and House Sitting during Vacations or Business Trips (905) 837-8853 ON-SITE WB SERVICE311111MME A DEPOT CENTRE 1550 Bayly St., Unit 16A -Side Door, Pickering, Mario LIW 3W1 (905) 42x4860 COMPUTER SALES AND SERVICE Authorized Warranty & Service Centre F• - U Allb PAGES MEWS ADVERTISM"'g111U11W EbMCW,'JVPjW i, 300b' Editori I & OP -1 N.IONS retebrate the 'W Are r DURHAM NEWS ADVERTISER JAN. 1, 2000 `97. 0 EDITORIAL All the best to you and yours New millennium offers new hope Happy New Millennium. Enjoy saying those words because we can confidently predict it will be a certain 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportuni- ty. So for that matter will be Happy New Century. Happy New Decade will be something many of us will utter again in 10 years time. Happy New Year ... well, ho-hum, another one'? Despite what some say - that the new decade, century and millennium don't begin until Jan. 1, 2001 - don't believe it. Was 1990 considered part of the Eighties? Was 1980 considered part of the Seventies'? Was 1970 con- sidered part of the Sixties? Get the point? No, this is a brand new century, a brand new millennium. Yes, we'll be hearing the dreaded M -word for a number of years to come. Soon, we'll have the fight of the millennium, the car of the millennium, the movie of the millennium. Better get used to it. But, finally, we'll be free of the dreaded lists. You know, Top 100 peo- ple of the century, Top 100 people of the millennium, top 100 this, top 100 that. Put them all in a time capsule and let your great-grandchildren have a look in 100 years time. It's just an arbitrary date on the cal- endar, but we'll bet there are record numbers of readers out there bound and determined to make lifetime changes starting today. No doubt many of you are determined to never smoke again, stop drinking, stop overeating, start exercising, etc. It's good to make self-improvement goals and especially with a new decade, cen- tury and millennium as a powerful in- centive perhaps record numbers will keep their resolutions. In that special way, 2000 could be a terrific year. There will be changes on the way and we can only hope they'll make this world better for all of us. Perhaps nations could resolve to fight less with each other. Perhaps we could take se- rious measures to eradicate child poverty in the next decade• unlike the empty resolution Parliamentarians made to end child poverty in the last decade. Perhaps we could come to some kind of closure on the Quebec separation question before another decade rolls over. If we look back 100 years to Dec. 31, 1899 who could believe the kind of world we'd have today? The car and telephone were mere prototypes then, the TV and computer non-existent. Flight was still a dream and putting a man on the moon an utter fantasy. Surely 100 years from now unforeseen creations will have changed the world in ways we cannot imagine. We can only hope our war on disease, poverty and pain will lead to a better, happier planet for our descendants. E -nail comments on this editorial to nnews0durham.net. Submissions which include the waiter's full name and town of residence will be consid- ered for publication. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Liberals' gas taxes do consumers no favours To the editor: Grandstand Dan McTeague, Liberal MP for Pickering -Ajax - Uxbridge, is extremely arrogant and misleading when he tries to convince us that his government is doing .us a favour by gouging us with gasoline taxes. Yes Dan, the oil companies do manipulate the price of gas — so Do we really care? Children seem to be lost in -the shuffle of today's society The images are hard to get out of our minds. Six children, including three in Oshawa, are killed in fires just a week before Christmas. Fire officials suggest smoke detectors weren't oper- ating in each case, though more inves- tigation by the Fire Marshal's office is needed before we really know. Children are beaten to death by gangs, shot to death at schools and threatened with death in confrontations on small-town streets or in big -city `playgrounds: It seems times have never been more violent for children. Children's Aid Society workers re- port on the horrors of neglect and physical abuse. At least once a month we hear about a pedophile in our midst convicted of sex crimes against kids. The Internet looms as a vast network of child porn, endless in its Web of de- pravity. TV, movies, video games are a storehouse of violence, sex and mater- ial utterly too `adult' for the average young teen or pre -teen. The above examples are the media W buttons we see on the news or read Tim Kelly Staff Editor about in newspapers and magazines. But there's more and it's insidious and quiet in its destruction. It's child poverty. Each year for the past decade there have been more and more kids grow- ing up poor. They don't have enough to eat, they don't have enough to wear, they don't have enough of anything most of us take for granted. And it's not their fault - not in any way. They're innocent. It doesn't help to blame parents who may have brought a child into a world when they were ill-prepared for the responsibility. Or the single parent, forced now to raise a child on one low income where two incomes were ade- quate before. Or an unwanted child, left to be brought up in foster homes. It doesn't matter now, because the child didn't have a choice. We can help. We can offer assis- tance to groups in our community which need it. We can push our politi- cians at all levels to pass legislation which shows concern for children. We can take seriously the pledge of Parlia- ment 10 years ago to eradicate child poverty. We can demand changes which will make our streets, schools and society safer for our students. And, we can listen to our kids when they cry out for help. We, adults, don't have all the answers. Sometimes we have to ask the right questions and we have to hear what our kids say. Their futures depend on it. E-mail comments on this column to nnews@durhanLneL Submissions which include the writer's full name and town of residence will be consid- ered for publiatr Un. do all big corporations with their products — but your government never drops gas taxes, just raises them, while the oil companies' profits are quickly taxed back by your tax -and -spend Liberal ac- complices. The truth is Dan that whole- sale oil prices, which have gone up by about 250 per cent this year, are not set in Canada and we have no control over them. I also fail to understand your criticism over tax concessions for oil exploration when it is your government that gives them out. Dan, your committee investi- gating oil prices is a sham set up to deceive naive Canadians. Your Liberal cohorts want high gas prices as we are a pro- ducer nation and the more gas companies make the more you get in taxes and from sales to the U.S. You would have us believe that we should be grateful we only pay $3 a gallon. You're a hypocrite Dan, not a "Great Politician" as one of your loyal party members wrote in the News Advertiser in October. Try serving your constituents who have legitimate concerns rather than being a self-serving Liberal apologist. David R. Bulmer, Ajax The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please in- clude a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and con- tent. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not nec- essarily those of This Week. We re- gret that due to the volume of let- ters, not all will be printed. NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate/Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing Manager ftiw� NSM (905)683-5110 5AW (905) 683-5110 Classifieds (905) 683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E-M2il newsroom@durham.net Web address www.durhamnews.nct 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 21-15 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Coun- cil. The publisher re- serves the right to classify or refuse any advertise- ment. Credit for adver- tisement limited to space price error occupies. • � 1� yrs:-hy ^ _.Yj� r.. ,. � � it . i I NEWS ADVERTISER,'SMR11W EMTKW, Urivary 1, 2000 PAGE T AV Getting fit in 2000 How to be'a real loser this year BY JENNIFER STONE Staff Writer Did you contemplate loosening the belt a notch after several trips to the holiday buffet? Did you decide that after the new year, no matter what, you're going to get in shape'? Is this the first time you've made this kind of resolution'? Probably not, say those in the know about such matters. "What happens usually in Janu- ary and February is that it's just packed in most gyms," says Matthew Brook, training club super- visor at the Ajax Community Centre. "By late February, a lot of those have dropped of — probably 60 to 70 per cent" Burt Henderson, fitness appraiser and personal trainer at the Whitby Civic Recreation Complex concurs with Mr. Brook's estimate. "Within three months the gym is back to normal;' says Mr. Hender- son, adding most people don't even stick to their resolution that long. "Two months is average" But there are ways to ensure you keep your New Years promise to yon -self, say fitness advisors. "Pick something you already like doing but increase the intensity or duration of time;' says Tracey Leonard of the Fitness Centre in Bowmanville. Setting attainable goals is also important, she advises. "People should really set some- thing they think they can achieve;' she notes. "Start out small and as you reach certain achievements, aim for something higher" Before starting into any fitness regiment, Shawn Woods, a public health nurse with the Durham Re- gion Health Department, says it's important to give your body a good once-over to see what you are phys- ically capable of. '11 hey should always make sure they do a head to toe, asking am I healthy? how am I feeling?" she says, adding a visit to the doctor is also a good idea before starting any new exercise routine. "Ibe key for people is seeking medical attention and making sure they've OK to get started on a pro- gram;' she says. When that is complete, Mr. Brook says getting an appraisal from a fitness consultant is also important. "A professional consultation, get- ting an appraisal drone, can help get a direction which (the new exerciser) is lacking;' he says. "ff you're on a This Year, you're &*Ay going to do it. After years of putting it df, you're *WAY going to lin the ranks d lthe non-smokers. Both the Durharn Rection Health Department and the Lung Associa- tion want to help. The Region is part of a proyincewide, am Smoking 2000 contest. According to Dave Groubc of the health deparlineM residents are welcome to enter tubal Feb 29. Prizes include a diamond pendant rteddece, three TVs and VCRs, and a three-day getaway with $500 spending money - The contestreq 'vires smokers to take the fist steps toward becoming JASON LJEBREGTS✓ News Advertiser photo Matthew Brook, fitness club supervisor at the end of February. Fitness experts from around Ajax Community Centre, says 60 to 70 per Durham have plenty of advice to keep you mo - cent of newcomers to the gym at the beginning tivated and help you avoid becoming one of of the new year will have slacked of by the those statistics. road trip you want to know where you're starting from, what the goal is, and how to get there. - Mr. Henderson says, at the Whit- by facility, "We encourage (people) to speak with stats' who teach them how to use the equipment safely and properly' , People shouldn't expect immedi- ate results, say fitness experts. "Don't look at it as a New Year's resolution, but as a lifestyle change Sometimes,- it pays to, quit smoke.free by gttittirh9 brbur weeks during the month d March. Smokers will be encouraged 10 have two SW port buddies to h* with the process - Winners will have to submit to a urine test which will delet2 the pres- ence of any nicotine, and the two buddies will be asked tot verily that the contestant did not smoke. Entry forms are available by calling the Dunham Region Health Depart- ment at 723-8521, or on the kttemet at www.opc.on.ca/ctb. The Luny Association is offering a number of programs to help quit smoking in the new year. Get on Trade is a *40 -help guide to help you quit smoking. by giving practical advice on the benefits of and long-term goal;' says Ms. Leonard, who adds weight shouldn't be the major indicator of success. Because muscle weighs more than fat, getting in shape doesn't neces- sarily result in weight lass. quitting. The cost is $5.30. To obtain a copy, call 14110-972-2636. Sign On Smoking is a ttxee-part series in conjunction with the Re- gional Respiratory Rehabilitation program. Participants will learn about resources avab bke to them, develop a plan to help them quit and set a quit date. Cost is $35 and the program nuts Thursday evenings from Jan. 13-27. Space is lirnited and preregistration is required Smokers Overcomirhg Smoking is a support group for smokers in all stages of quitting. The group meets Mondays at 7 p.m. and is ideal for people wanting continued support. For more inbrrnation on Lung Asso- ciation programs, call 436-1046. "Don't set a weight goal, or say I want to lose this much weight by this time," she advises. "Say, this is how I feel, this is how my clothes fit ... You're losing inches, not weight" Mr. Brook, a professional fitness and lifestyle consultant, says when he takes a person through a fitness appraisal, he also tries to direct them .sway from setting weight goals. -For the first month or so, the weight comes off, as body fat de- rcases and muscle increases;' he says. But the weight loss can level off, and people "can get disheart- ened:' A more effective measure of h,,w well the fitness plan is working by measuring waist girth or body (at percentage. Body fat is measured using tools at the gym. Fitting workouts into an already busy day can be a challenge, say the experts. 'You have to look at where it's going to fit into your day and not stress you out," says Ms. Woods. It's a matter of making fitness a priority, says Mr. Brook. "If you want to do anything con- sistently, you're going to be more consistent if you do it fust, before anything else. Say, OK. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at this time, I'm exercising and work around that," he says. Having a workout buddy can also help people keep their fitness resolutions. "If you know that person is going to show up at the door to go for that walk or to the gym, you're more likely to go;" he says. vAjym etiquette i0et ready to line up for equip - at if you plan to head to the n over the next month or so. January and February are tra- ionally busy times at the gym, rs Matthew Brook, training b supervisor at the Ajax Com- oity Centre. But by late Feb - try, the majority of newcomers re quit, he adds. pm are some unwritten atom cases, written -- rules Obioetra _ to dw gym should r', in order not to annoy -who are replan. yew - 3t thing: says Burt' A..fitaess appraiser 0ftthiw at the Whit III 1Jl'!1} IIUDIC%41ItMIF IIIiiliMta1l:7l1ili11i1iMlitiTrTL• to Furniture and sle ighting and windoo ,p sets. area rugs, home electronics. spoTfIng goods, toys. hard,%%are. housewares, coverings. bed and bath. home modVnization, paint and wrallpaper. favin and garden, automotive products. baby furniture and accessories even if on sale S, 111 &1OI f:MVII f:41 Elio to -M t - APC 43-1 :W1 1111 fib T U I I LII W 119 I Men's, women's & ch' dren's fashions and footwear, luggager:fwellery, hosiery, handbags and accessories, including already -reduced cleara 'e -priced merchandise even I,f illsalpea on so en AIP PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 WI' " A • I IL 3 1R In 0 as sUICK GMC • Pontiac Montana M2K 3.41. 185 NP Engine • Power Windows and Door Locks • Dual Sliding Doors • 4 -Wheel ABS • Dual Front and Seat - Mounted Side Air Bags • Air .PASS -Key III Theft -Deterrent System • Deep Tint Class A *' -- 36 MONTH SMAnYLEA•E Best Fuel Economy in the Van Segment** NO CASH PURCHASE PRICE $259 NO CASH PURCHASE PRIG; SECURITY OR s24,458 per nhahnhrsl seo aowh psrnsrt DEPOSIT �,ees � V55 and $7% frie" required P� mahehlMAW do -n paynient DEPOSIT aocludes fre4d $M and $8% freight required Whistler Blackcomb Special Edition Jimmy 2 -Door No -Charge Running Boards • Vortec 4.31. V6 190 HP Engine • 4 -Wheel Disc ABS • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive • Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • Air • 6 -Speaker AM/FM Stereo with CD 36 MONTH faAs7Lssss $298 A aranw e V% fm" 0 par,nerrtvar NO SECURITY DEPOSIT CASH PURCHASE PRICE OR ASS_ Whistler Blackcomb Special Edition Jimmy 4 -Door No -Charge Running Boards Vortec 4.3L Y6 190 H En 190 HP Engine 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel Disc ABS • Lower Body Cladding • Air • Power Windows/Locks/Seats 36 MONTH Sw•rrLssss -- $368 NO CASH PURCHASE PRICE SECURITY OR $34 388 per nhahnhrsl seo aowh psrnsrt DEPOSIT �,ees � V55 and $7% frie" required 2000 Sierra Regular C Vortec 4.81. V8 270 HP Engine • Automatic Transmission with Overdrive and Tow/Haul Mode • Air • 4 -Wheel Disc ABS • Chrome Wheels, Grille and Bumpers • AM/FM Stereo 36 MONTH Sw Ae7LE/sa $298 p«ehontlu/S2.300 do.n pgMrt arra 5910 *00 "Wal NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 2000 Sierra Extended Vortec 4.1111. V8 270 HP Engine • Automatic Transmission with Overdrive and Tow/Haul Mede • Air • 4 -Wheel Disc ABS • Chrome wheels, Grille and Bumpers • Ar/FM Stereo Cassette 14 ■ UTH sosarLitast $376 bid oR 23498v NO 8ECURITY on $27 8' DEPOSIT 4" U tZ Amd oo �Regular Cab " Siena Extendlad Cab RM d bft', ,irg 2 rec. Come 9Nwisit us ad your 8.4%bcal dealer, an our webs"- at seurn pace nedaome a call us at 1.01XWK DIrVE. *00ors based on Montana RMJe m y 2-0oor R7Z/Jimny 4 -Door R7Y/Sisrre are free to eM ' idividrri prices. 1FKrancirV on approved GMAC credit only. Example: $10,000 arnam. Annual kilometre limit of at 0.9000 ken, M 1.9% -awese moat mo0.nthly payor011- Int is available. or 48 mo (as "Cost edi, licence, irourance. P.P.S.A . adrr stratimfees and taxes not included. Dealers and Dost d borrowing will vary depending on amourK borrowed and down "" nhortfty P-Ymert is 12.57/5216.52 la 48 months. Cost d is payrt�rq paymentMads. The Swrrrt.Ense monthly psymert and the GMAC Ned— finanw rate Program arenotgvarlabie with and are incl calculated the SCafh Pu we' prim as Th- d6sren ce Detween the proe for the �C Purchase Finance offer and On rash Purchase diem deemed under provincial dpdowre y►ws to be a cost d born whey,-, ar not with name required to is es shown. as an annual percentage rage which is 3.689N4.07%/3.53%12.7796/2.S4% (Montana R7Z/Jimry 2-0oor R7ZIJimmy � D� Regular Cab R7Y and Sierra Exlended Cab -V apply to select re1999 and2000 , anddsrtpr for n,Ddsls-q„ippsd as described, and to qualified retail arslamers in the Ontario Parhtlac Buick GMC Dealer Association &me order dealer for carhdans or dale- - **Pit*~ by Nakral Resouurow Canada. Fuel CaMhan/2*= 2000. nyY � ^sOBeiwY. Limited time offer which may ,hot be combined with other offers. Soma eaebidlaw may appy. Sae yaw I.— • � -.• .•-• �->•+s •.�r�-. - aa...at,+•a.a-.r, ..awl r.s-•�r.�asr. NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PARTE 11 A/P 6Waime 9ro PP in 9 NEWS A DV ERTISER Wedding Sept. 18 was really a picture perfect day for Wendy Brands, daughter of photo -man John and Donna of Ajax. Wendy married Michael Nagy, son of Edith and Joseph of Ottawa. "What an in- credible day!" Birthday JAN. 1, 2 0 0 0 Scholarship Ajax High School grad- uate Amanda Dennis has received a $3,000 scholar- ship from the Canada Mil- lennium Scholarship Foun- dation. Amanda graduated in June of 1999 from the University of Western On- tario with a degree in psy- chology. She's currently at- tending teacher's college with the Queen's Universi- ty Faculty of Education. The award is "intended to help young Canadians acquire the knowledge and skills they require in order to participate in a changing econo- my;' the foundation notes. "We're very proud of you and your accomplishments," Amanda's family say, Birthday Jan. 1 is a special day for Jamie Kerrigan Tarry, as she turns two years old. Wishing the big girl a happy birth- day are Mummy, Daddy, Granda, Granny, Gram - ma, Grampa and her aunts, uncles and cousins. Birthdav Birthday Happy third birthday wishes went out to special boy Nicholas Amaral on Dec. 31. "You have made our last three years the most enjoyable and busy time ever. Have a great year. Love Mommy, Daddy and the very many who love you." Birthday T h e new year means there'll soon be another teenager roaming the world. David turns 13 on Jan. 8 and wishing him all the best, with loads of love, are Mom, Dad and Mine. Tyler Pullen has Jan. 3 circled on the calendar, as he turns nine years old. Happy birthday wishes with love from Daddy and Lisa, Daniel, Melissa and Brittney. Birthday The Ajax Sil- ver Jubilee Baby turns 20 on Jan. 1. Amanda Kelly MacIsaac was the first baby born in Ajax in 1980, the Town's 25th anniversary. Aman- da is now attending Durham College, enrolled in Business Administration and Financial Planning. She attended Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School. Best wishes come from family and friends. "Bless- ings go to Bianca Al- banese on your fourth birthday this Jan. 5 from Mom, Dad, brother, sis- ter and all your ex- tended fam- ily. Loving you always unconditionally. Remember, ,you're a special part of our family. Bless you" Birthday 40th Anniversary Happy 40th anniversary wishes go out to Ellen and Aleft Soh. "It was Dec. 31, 1959 When they said the words 'I do' And so to one another They promised to be true! Time then passed - the years flew by But their love just grew and grew And before they knew it so did their family too! Six children and their spouses... Oh but wait there's more Soon 10 lovely grandchildren were coming to the door! All our love, wishes and blessings we want to send your way... Our thanks for always being there each and every- day! It is now Dec. 31, 1999... Forty years have passed since that promise to be true Forty years of love and laughter — of family tried and true." With love always from all your children and grandchildren. Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Let us know. We'U publish your special occasion in an easy -to -read and easy -to -clip format... ...Send to. Name Dropping, c/o Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajcsx, Ont. LIS 2H5 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 831-5431 THMS WEEKS CARE WINNERS ARE: L Ala PAer od WacaAtb� Winners may so directly to Baskin Robbins to receive their FREE cake. (Please provide identification) Plfa VAIM UN'M SAT JAN. S, 2000 Birthday The Ajax Sil- ver Jubilee Baby turns 20 on Jan. 1. Amanda Kelly MacIsaac was the first baby born in Ajax in 1980, the Town's 25th anniversary. Aman- da is now attending Durham College, enrolled in Business Administration and Financial Planning. She attended Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School. Best wishes come from family and friends. "Bless- ings go to Bianca Al- banese on your fourth birthday this Jan. 5 from Mom, Dad, brother, sis- ter and all your ex- tended fam- ily. Loving you always unconditionally. Remember, ,you're a special part of our family. Bless you" Birthday 40th Anniversary Happy 40th anniversary wishes go out to Ellen and Aleft Soh. "It was Dec. 31, 1959 When they said the words 'I do' And so to one another They promised to be true! Time then passed - the years flew by But their love just grew and grew And before they knew it so did their family too! Six children and their spouses... Oh but wait there's more Soon 10 lovely grandchildren were coming to the door! All our love, wishes and blessings we want to send your way... Our thanks for always being there each and every- day! It is now Dec. 31, 1999... Forty years have passed since that promise to be true Forty years of love and laughter — of family tried and true." With love always from all your children and grandchildren. Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Let us know. We'U publish your special occasion in an easy -to -read and easy -to -clip format... ...Send to. Name Dropping, c/o Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajcsx, Ont. LIS 2H5 AR PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 -MA • i NJwI. I 3RE�AA • :1411111 ILI GMC • I� u a Buick Century 2000 Special Edition 3.1 Ulm V6 175 HP Engbe • Century 2M is la and Ible Is Barlift • snoring Radio Controls • d -Wheel lads6endswt Suspension • Driwr sad Front Posenom Atr Balgs • AM/FM Stefreo Caesetts • Dual,Za o Air with Air Fstrad w system • Aluminum Wheals • 6•Paasenger Seating 36 MONTH SWA $291; SECURI DEPOSITY aW583stregm re*mrw Buick Regal LS 2000 PURCHASE PRICE $25,258` ffew$m 3.8 Utre Y6 200 HP Engine • 4 -Wheel Independent Suspension • Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • AM/FM Stereo Cassette with CD • Enhanced Concert Sound 11 6 -Speaker System • Cruise Control • Heated Leather Driver and Front Passenger Bucket Seats • Electric Sliding Glass Sunroof • Automatic Dual -Zone Air with Air Filtration System 3e MONTH fw♦erg___ $378 3 7 .SECURITY DENO POSIT pr mondvS3,No Gown pa r" and 5835 h•r9M repined PURCHASE PRICE 29,998` fte*d $05 Buick LeSabre Custom 2000 3.8 Litre Series It V6 205 HP Engine • Electronic 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel Disc Brakes with ABS • Dual Front and Seat -Mounted Side Air Bags • 6 -Passenger Seating • PASS -Key 111 Theft -Deterrent System • Remote Keyless Entry with Panic Feature • Power Deer Locks/Windows/Minors/Trunk • Air and Air FHb. on System • 15" Aluminum Wheels IASE PRICE 529,998, a d"M freight me Buick Park Avenue 2000 3.8 Litre Series M Y6 205 HP Engine • Electronic "poed Antosratic Transmission with Overdrive • Electronic FuN Function Tnmdks Control • 4 -Wheel Disc Brakes with ABs • Dual Frost and SeaSMesrrtsd side Air Bags • PAss•Key ■ TL %-Deterrent system • Remote Keyle" Entry with Psok Feature a AM/FM Stereo Cassette • 16 -Way Power 0~8 Seat • Power Door Loelks/Whdews/Trmdk • Dual-Zose Air and Air RUs U -s System • 16" AhnnlMm 11fheNs I -OR A LIMITED TIME ONLY AT YOUR L06AL PONTIAC BUICK 0 GMC DEA �No E We'd No you to brow aeore: Come visit us at your local dealer. on our w4bds at or can us at 141004W"Alft. 'OEers boned an Century Custom R7Li%" LS R7Z. Annual coat d borrowing 5.9%/5.9% per annum. Amua1 Irnorrlebe limit of 20.000 km. $O 12 per excess kilometre. Ower lasso options avdsW '�Frei�K {as indcaled). Yanres, irsuranoe. P.P.S.A., adminiauation lase. WW tax" not inck+ded. psalms are free lo set individual :10,000 at 0.99%/1.9% APR, the mond y peymerd is $212. 4= narWls. Cad of borrowing is 5203.3&WW.98. ToW ob plow is $10,203.3W$l 0,392.98. •s: ��p9 on an smo GMAC troth, oNy EwnpM: nrwr/bade. •t2011ers apply to select 1999 and 2000 naw or demarmbator rtwdNs egrrpped as deembed, and to qualified retail customers n t o Orderio Pontiac 8rwck (,MC a O g �y r9 mit borrowed and down pay - time over which may not be cornbkred weh ower offers. Some redriob— may appy. See your dealer for eombbonu or detds. fAerka" A"Ocwbm area 0* Desist Order or trade may be !necessary. LvAsd NEWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD JAN. 1, 2000 MONDAY, JAN. 3 TEENS: The Youth Cen- tre, 360 Bayly St. W., Ajax, hosts a free pancake lunch from 1 to 4 p.m. for Ajax and Pickering teens. Games, activities. Phone 428-1212 for more infor- mation. TUESDAY, JAN. 4 PARENT SUPPORT: The local chapter of the Associ- ation of Parent Support Groups holds its weekly meeting at 7:15 p.m. for parents of kids involved in drugs, alcohol, running away, dropping out of school, crimes and parent abuse. Call 416-223-7444 or 1-800-488-5666 for lo- cation or more informa- tion. AUDITIONS: The Scar- borough Choral Society and Pickering West Hill Musical Theatre hold audi- tions for 'Finian's Rain- bow' beginning today at Bendale Acres Auditorium, 2920 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough. Chorus and dance auditions are from 9 to 10:30 p.m. and speaking roles from 7 to 9 p.m. today and again tomorrow from 7 to 10 p.m. Call backs are on Jan. 10 from 7 to 10:30 p.m. To reserve your place, or for more in- formation, phone (416) 284-9881 (Julie). TEENS: The Youth Cen- tre, 360 Bayly St. W., Ajax, invites Ajax and Pickering teens to make a Y2K calen- dar from 1 to 4 p.m. A free movie night drop-in with free food and refreshments is held from 6 to 8 p.m. Phone 428-1212 for more information. SENIORS: The Ajax Se- nior Citizens' Friendship Club meets at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Andrews Communi- ty Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Bill Parish provides an update on a new central library. Phone 619-0315 (Betty) for more informa- tion. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 5 OSTEOPOROSIS: The Ajax -Pickering Osteoporo- sis Support Group meets the first Wednesday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in lower -level conference rooms A and B at Ajax -Pickering Health Centre, 580 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Guest speakers. Free. All are welcome to attend. Phone 683-3948 or 428-6632 for more infor- mation. 4& Serenity group meets :Friday in Pickering PICKERING — The Serenity Group holds its weekly 12 -Step recov- ery meeting Friday, Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group deals with addictions of all types, including co- dependency. All are welcome. Phone 428-9431 (Jim, evenings) for more information. NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY 1, 2000 PAGE 13 AR C L I Cooling & Heating DEALS 80% MID -EFFICIENT FURNACE $1,588.00 Installed 92% HIGH EFFICIENT FURNACE $2,188.00 Installed General Humidifiers - Best Price Napoleon Fireplaces - Stoves, Direct Vents and Inserts See our Showroom Prices v Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:00 p.m.rCALLABS Saturdays 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. EE 905-665- M illennium Bonus I VUU" 11JE COUPON I I I I I � I I I I 1 � I I I I I 5 DAYS ONLY - JAN. 2-6 2000 i * UST PRESENT ENT THIS I J I I COUPONANI)YOUR I � � PURC E IS TAX FREE. ! 1HOPY NEWITP& � I � CIV; 1 ' 1 477 MGSTON RDO, PIC RING EXCLUDES LUMBER, PLYWOOD (905) 455-5755 AND BUILDING MATERIALS AIP PAGE 14 NEWS AMERT1SER, SATURDAY EDITION. &nuwy 1, 2000 Hangover cures more myth than reality Time is only remedy for over -indulgence with alcohol PY CINDY UPSHALL Staff Writer Wasn't that a party. If you were celebrating the ar- rival of 2000, chances are you have a once -in -a -millennium type of hangover. A headache that won't quit, a churning stomach, dizziness, nau- sea: They're all tell-tale signs you've indulged too much the night before and are paying for it now. Dr. Donna Reynolds, Durham Region As- sociate Medical Officer of Health, ex- plains alcohol when consumed acts like a diuretic. "When you drink you're more likely to urinate more fluids than you retain," she said, adding this promotes dehydration "that leaves that unpleasant feeling called a hangover." That feeling can leave the most enthusiastic reveller anxious to get rid of it. But Dr. Reynolds says a cure for a hangover is not easily prescribed. ""The only known cure is time," 'she says. "But some cures have Head injury support group meets Survivors, families and caregivers of head injuries are invited to attend an upcoming meeting. The Head In- jury Association of Durham Re- gion will hold a support group m e e t i n g Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at 459 Bond St. E. in Oshawa. Parking is available at the back of the building. Survivors will meet on the main floor ,while family 4rtd caregivers will gather up- stairs. Anyone re- quiring assis- tance with transportation is asked to call 723-2732. LR!\.1., e. ..a,atla been popular from eating cab- bage, which was a method pro- posed by the ancient Greeks to having a stiff morning drink" However the so-called hair -of - the -dog -cures "do not work pri- marily because continued alcohol consumption will continue dehy- dration;' she says. While there are some who will swear by a couple of Tylenol or Aspirin taken before going to sleep as the key to fending off a morning malady. Dr. Reynolds says it's likely not the best ap- K..p your Resolution proach. "The problem is, when you drink, both the Tylenol and the al- cohol you drink attack the liver;" she says. "If you have problems with your liver, the alcohol and the Tylenol act to attack the liver." As for taking either Aspirin or Tylenol before bed, Dr. Reynolds points out its effectiveness wears off in four to six hours. "Unless you intend on waking Lh n that time, I don't know if ill do any good:' she says. can't see physiologically ow it would prevent a hangover." She suggests drinking lots of non-alcoholic, non -caf- feinated beverages before going to bed to fend off dehydration or alternating alcoholic and non-al- coholic drinks throughout the evening. "If you're worried, drink a lot of water," Dr. Reynolds says. "Other than that this too will pass. The only cure is time once you have it" However she adds, "the best treatment is prevention" If you don't drink you definitely won't get a hangover. A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo A pint of thefinte-oct Helmut Kirchsteiger is an old pro when it comes to blood donations — this was his 114th — at a clinic at St. Bernadette's Catholic Church hall. Canadian Blood Services is starting a new program which will allow donors to give by appointment. Phone 416-974-9900. RINGINTRINfW YIAR LUBE,OIL FILTER A FREE T= ROTATION -check "freeze •41 of 5w30 or 10w30 AC Delo premium of -check lire pnmmxe � turieup 95 .brake kispection •check front end hop up wAvadw RoodFlushAfill -CMdt for laala and cool g syswrrt oparaion THIS ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PROCESS CLEANS AND RECYCLES YOUR VEHICLES ANTI FREEZE LIKE NEW! Got your ear in shaped TUNE-UP S FREE EMISSIONS EVALUATION •includes new A/C Delo or Charrvion a labour to ir"tal • $20 extra •8 cyl $40 extra •vans and tnx*s $20 extra Bother parts extra if needed 4 CYL 5PI 00M >Ph 10 al" C= stili Iia N N*W i FN % l SATURQAY &b 80g TONY PAUL hub Semors V. Discoints �a Consunser Car /Nart ;: 1016rOC k Rd. Pickering.. s" of 401> f# _ - 005) 42 ..,. r.^:moi Lam"__ +++rY�.♦.. ... ..e!u�cL .♦'I. .. 'f V'w i♦ ♦ ... �iCf`Y T it�K1 .pv ✓�.'.i W. �:d,...��+1 S55 "r A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Blade runner Teens can learn CPR Youth Centre hosts Heart Saver -;P1us course eens are invited to learn life-sav- ing techniques and acquire a new skill -to add to their resume this holiday. The Youth Centre, 364 Bayly St. W., Ajax, is offering a special Heart Saver Plus ('B') cardiopulmonary re- suscitation course on Friday, Jan. 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The course is for teens wanting to learn a combination of life-saving -iechniques for adults and children. The course offers an introduction to heart -healthy living and preventing childhood injuries, as well as a chance to practice adult and child one -rescuer CPR, foreign -body air- way obstruction and rescue breathing techniques. The cost for the course, which in- cludes certification and materials, is $15. To register, or for more informa- tion, call The Youth Centre at 428- 1212. NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PAGE 15 A/P MAGWYERS PUB Just the fax: 9!ii683-7363 Wilson Furniture presents... JANUARY CLEARANCE NO IMEREST m 2001 1 1 • LIVING ROOM! 1 • DINING ROOM! • BEDROOM! • MATTRESSES! SALE STARTS SUNDAY JANUARY 2.12 to 5 Elm A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 THE OFFERSRYOU'VE iABEEN 6H TO�BEAT,��B�RW 011 HAVE FINANCING LIFTED ED1M cHM BLAZER 2000 NO -CHARGE RUNNING BOARDS AND SPECIAL DECAL PACKAGE Vortec 4300 190 HP V6 Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel Disc with ABS • Off -Road Suspension Package with Locking Differential • Power Door Lodes/ Windows/ Mirrors • Air Conditioning • AM/FM Stereo with CD Player 31net� cwn Parer" of $4 470 ",.nred ~ "tides "aipm of S7% NW Nr rzo 'p of $100 0 SECUPW DOW WNW r� MEW OR� iLxw T. nrsurarrce ane lam emit CHEW VENTURE 2000 Puts You In Compkte Control W-dh UP -Front, M Disdosure Pricing W-dhIbMWdjocjL Chevy Venture is the first vehicle' ever to earn 5 stars (the top safety rating) for both driver and rear -seat passenger in side Impact testing". Best fuel economy in the van segment=. 3400 18:; Nc VF Engine • 440eel ABS • Next Generation Driver and Front Passenger Dual Front and Side Air Bags • Dual Sliding Doers with Child -Security Door Locks • Power Mirrors/Door Locks • ^ePc --_,i G a=- • a Conditioning tDradalM '�rwn Pavmem d 14.290 P qutred which inckft r .,am of SO% and Air 'a. X15100 s , a IV' 8 NSECURM Vorlac 4300 200 HP V6 Ergine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive and TowMaul Mode • 4 -Wheel Disc with ABS • 4OW40 Split � (�otl�► Trim • Air Conditioning with Interior • CERUMM Vortec 4300190 HP V6 Engine •4 -Speed Aulotnadc Tmrtsmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel ABS • Power Door Lodes with Child Safety Lode on SI' Door • 842asserger Seating • Air Conditiorttrg • Deep Tinted Glass gu"n". d�f3K160 IFIC000 A Air M NO krlrr0as Fralart d 0 and Ar Tar d 5100 Vim=. hwAma no Tares rewa) looks F�NMI d f;BY 11,11111111f11E M fechrdes rw prt d ad Ah rand 6100 (Lioaia, Insugrrte and Taas erma.) r I I � 7 171 FENM Vortec 4800 270 HP V8 Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive and Tow/Haul Mode • 4 -Wheel Disc with ABS • 4WM40 Spit Froth Seat with Custom Cloth Trim • Air Conditioning with Interior lZiltration System • Chrome Wheels/Grille/Burnpam • Easy Access Third Door f� =P a=m S3 Tuad X000 Mid Al r +rides NI Niz Air hidii ds Frai j t d 11110 a10 Ar Ta d $100 (Liaaoe hwrraaa ad Tada area) ORERS 1180 AMY 10 CAV11IER NMI ONTE CaO, IMPALL ALERO 1WRICH Smill tRurnR m su ung M r I1111111tr 11111111M11111111Maws Come vW us at your local dealer, on our 11v1bsiee at www �aa�a oaw a cap ��E us at 1aM bases have arcual kilometre Nm M Of 20.000 km, $0.12 born>rNq d 4.4912.9%/E.4%/&1'114.4% per amen nor ebzer 2 -Door R72/1br10ue R7CISNveraOo Req. Cab RMISdverad0 EXL Cab MtAstro R7y. pCler base options available. tRapproved Per excess kptimetre. PST. OST, pease acrd Insrnerae extra Ap lesaea have an tithed cat d 5212.57/5216.52 for 48 m1n8s. Cast d borrowing is 5203.3fi/t39. 96. Tafel obppabon is $10,203.31510,392.96. MaMly payment and cost d � on �o� GMAC °O only. Fumple: $14D00 at 0.99%/1.9% APR the morrlrry b program are not available w lh and are rat calculated on the "Cast P nhm' vice as shown. The d0wence between the price for the SawrlrA � Purchase F offer arid the Cash Purgiwe dbr bdeemed urrbr a and the GWIC puchaae t�rab e the same represents actual interest and is regWred to be expressed as an arcual percentage rate d 3.97913.68%/2.77%/2.49%/5.77% (elazer 2 -Door RIMent re RMSi MAW Reg. Cab RR/silverado Ext. Cab R7LAstro apply are lava lo be a coda[ b n baidr a 0 an or not grWftes d 199models of Slazer8 models available. U -Door R7ZNerUe Rmibd time oferrwwlich may Dined with other offers. tree to set indivr0 . Cab WZSilverado Ext. Cab F17Z/AM RN equipped as descritim. Oftrs � lo p�bd roaW aor)cord in the detain Chevrolet OldstnaDib Dealer. Merketlrq 11>tsocietlm area MOW Deabr oder %=0;9 -M r bedeilidicilibij ila new or dempmhabr 1989 and 2000 by Natural Reaolnrces Canada FuN consumption Gude. 2000. prices. Y dollar calditlaw or details. 'Car or IgM truck. '-Test ctirlducted by the Natiaisi m ilowM Trarpc be rNnpa=11 y LfmI0e0 Salary AOmkrbtrapon t;sN. tPladpetre0 e NeWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PAGE 17 A/P Travel &TOURISM NEWS ADVERTISER JAN. 1, 2 0 0 0 Marlin Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sun. 12 - 6 P.M. 905-426-6242 Sydney provides impressive doorway to Australia BY DAVID W/USHART Special to the News Advertiser There are many good things to say about waking up in Sydney, Australia on a January morning, the most obvious being the sun- shine pouring in through the windows. Sydney has more than four million peo- plc with an enviable lifestyle and is one of the great cities of the world, the very best place on the planet for a tourist according to readers of a glossy travel magazine in the U.S. and Britain. With a climate opposite to Canada's, this is the place to be right now, lunching on fresh oysters and prawns and mellow Aus- tralian wine at a cafe on Sydney's spectacu- lar harbour, taking in the view of the famous bridge and Opera House, watching the little ferries scurry back and forth, contemplating the 2000 Olympics nearby and spending the afternoon on a glorious beach. Then, silently, an old sailing ship rounds a point. It is the 'Bounty,' a replica of Cap- tain Bligh's ship, and I'm thinking again of the souls who were transported here against their will on ships just like this. Instead of the beach my afternoon is spent at Hyde Park Barracks, a handsome sandstone building designed by Francis Greenway, who was a good architect but a poor forger. Few museums in the world are as fascinating, for this is a place where men Consider important custody issues Y when travelling with children Your child custody arrangements in Canada may not be recognized in another country. In extreme cases you or your child may not be allowed to leave. Check your status with the country's embassy or con- sulate in Canada before you travel. In regard to custody questions, contact the Consular Case Management division at I -800-387- 3124 (in Canada) or (613) 943-1055. If a person youngcr than I8 is tra,clling alone or with only one parent or another adult, notarized documentation certifying that the trip is permitted by both parents should be carried. For more travel tips visit your nearest passport office, or call the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Tradeis In- quiries Service at 1-800-267-8376, and ask for copies of a booklet called Bon Voyage. — News Canada lived short, brutal lives, and unlike Siberia where men toiled for not much more than salt, these men laid the foundations for a prosperous new country. One of them wrote: I was the convict Sent to hell To make in the desert The living well: 1 split the rock 1 felled the tree The nation was because of me. Indeed it was. The decision to colonize Australia was not for settlement in the usual colonial landgrab fashion, it was to relieve Britain's overcrowded jails. Many were con- victed of trivial offences, with transportation the penalty. Their children, however, were born free, a vital fact that did not escape an early gov- ernor, the Scots -born Macquarie, who had the vision to see a great nation in the mak- ing. His wife, whose favourite spot is now known as Mrs. Macquarie's chair and is a terrific waterfront spot in the Royal Botanic Gardens dominated by a shady Moreton Bay fig, would have approved of the sign at the park gate: "Please walk on the grass. We also invite you to smell the roses, hug the trees, sit on the benches and picnic on the lawns. This is your garden!" It is, needless to say, free. At the end of the day, strolling back from the Rocks area, where the city began as a tent town, to the air-conditioned splendour of the Sheraton on the Park, one recalls the words of Gore Vidal, who described Sydney as "the city that San Francisco thinks it is" Certainly there are few cities where you can picnic on a beach or dine inexpensively (the Canadian dollar is actually worth a cou- ple of cents more) under the stars, marvel at the waterfront and take in a sight like the Opera House floodlit in scarlet. It's also a lot of fun meeting the Aus- tralians, whose easygoing friendliness prob- ably goes all the way back to the moment the first Australians realized their fate was maybe not so bad after all. 0'J :1 David Wishart is a freelance travel writer. Follow him on the Internet at www.travel-wise.com. J J L 3M z a' . A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 0 LTJ i�iliLl� .. onday�anuar whiU we eleap oil ear siockpoom, mapN down our prices aad eel ready for -81P first sale of the centery OVA SEAM-NP1251499 u Recycle electronic equipment with new program Durham begins new initiative to divert waste If you have a Commodore 64 or a rotary -dial phone gathering dust, you can get rid of them without clogging up a landfill. Beginning Jan. 4, the Elec- tronic Equipment Recycling program starts in Durham Re- gion and items accepted include broken or unwanted personal computers and attachments, ra- dios, stereos, VCRs, tele- phones, fax machines, photo- copiers, calculators and cash registers. "The Electronic Equipment Recycling program is just one of the initiatives the Region is taking to reduce waste going to landfill. The Region is committed to providing residents with re- sponsible alternatives to land- fill;' Durham's Waste Manage- ment Manager Peter Watson says in a news release. The equipment is shredded into plastic, copper, aluminum, steel and other metals. These Fast track to road tests MPP announces new program to clear backlog BY JACQUIE MCINNh.S Staff Writer New drivers will be able to get their ticket to freedom a little faster under a new provincial initiative. Road tests can now be booked through a toll-free number and 184 examiners have been hired by the Ministry of Transportation to improve the time frame in which people can get their G2 exit exam — the final step in the graduated licencing process. "There's been a bit of a problem not the least of which affected my children personally;' says Durham MPP John O'Toole. "There was a backlog... in 2000 it will be a lot more accessible;' he says. At some sites people were required to book as much as six to eight months in advance, said Mr. O'Toole. He ex- pects, once the changes take full ef- fect, the wait could be reduced to four to five weeks. "It's important to children and par- ents. Children are working part-time and need to get places." I In addition to hiring more staff, the ministry is looking at expanding its hours in some locations to accommo- date the demand. Can you be a Friendly Visitor? After the many presents you give all Year. the best gift of all could be your time. The Victorian Order of Nurses, Durham Region branch, is looking for Friendly Visitors to spend time with seniors, the disabled and others who are socially isolated. Anyone aged 16 years and older is invited to become a Friendly Visitor, but young seniors and men are in par- ticular demand. Volunteers will under- go an orientation before being matched with a client. For more information, call Donna or Doreen at 571-3151 or 1-800-263- 7970. items are then recycled into new products. The items can be dumped at the Region's Ritson Road North waste facility between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. There's a $2 fee to use the site, which is north of Taunton Road in Oshawa. For more information on the Electronic Equipment Recy- cling program, call the Region- al works department at 579- 5264. H a 2000 CMSLER INTREPID .�•– The family spats sedan for the driving entKansi s NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PAGE 11 AIP s Q 06ew2co" During this time each year our thoughts turn to those who have made this past year so successfid. Saying thank you to our friends and customers is one of the great pleasures of being in business. We will do our best to continue to keep your friendship, and confidence in us for years to come. We wish you and your family all the best and sincerely hope the New Year brings you continued peace, good cheer and prosperity. Happy Millennium,,,,t,(,S-,;-", THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP INC. 695 Finley Ave., Ajax 683-5112 Recycle your News Advertiser! y/��Eaa� aC H R Y 5 L E R `_ X00 pa1f$lER 30011. mobirllwtd^s+ 19" CodYM 2M CHMIM N C H R Y S L E R 4834722 MW MAY ST. L PICI� • PAM 683 -IM • DWV MW 183.6488 1101iAAY TO THUrA AY" • wl T"* SATUrMY sa C h R Y 5 L E R 2= CHWf$M CM 15 Qm ItTlw - st " davery citedp**L E wry pc►1t� F Ahm look lair g P M O.�r Qd L1t lA'sr�p—kX". 4 v••POoI.IMM■2W0IY•IL �.O•W•t*&mwd1�.►I,•.dIq11 YI d FFD! eE1NErT TED mIC1E Rip( ,EFF CAIfAq S" EMW MW TE WHEW MLIO" Som rngr Gm" AMIa STMT � cEFm Fates -oowtr RMLOW FFEMTD waLs t>AAGE coFtaFr.An IUP PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 To keep in top condition m See Your Chiropractor Regularly Dear Patients and Friends: The new millennium means many things to many people. To most of us it is giving thanks for our many bless- ings ... all of those things that are neces- sary and dear to us—food, clothing, shelter, family and friends. It is appreciation for the changing of seasons --spring's glorious new growth, summer's blossoming riot of colours, the full harvest of fall and the peaceful stillness and quiet of winter. Dr. MaryAnn Eranko D.C. B.A. B.P.E. It is the pride of parents as they watch their first-born eagerly but hes- itantly enter school for the first time. It is the joy of a family outing in this beautiful country of ours. It is gratitude for neighbours and friends who lovingly come to our aid in times of trouble or sorrow, and who join us in rejoicing in our happier moments. And it is extending a heartfelt "thank you" to all of our patients for giving us the opportunity to serve you. The new year makes us grateful for all the many blessings that God has Tips for Healthy Living Compliments of Pineridge Natural Health Here are a few things you can you arch your back continuously. and sags, it's time for a new one. do if you have problems with back - Sleep with your knees bent. Put a - Lift with your legs. Don't bend pain: pillow under your knees if you sleep from the waist, bend from your - Strengthen your abdominal mus- on your back - under your pelvis if knees. cles. Poor muscle tone in the stomach you sleep on your stomach. The fetal • Stand tall. Don't slouch. Make area puts stress on your back. position is the best for your back. believe someone has attached a Exercises that strengthen and flatten - Check your mattress. If it's too string to the top of your head and is your abdomen will help your back. soft, slide a board between the mat- pulling up on it. • Wear low shoes. High heels make tress and box springs. If it's lumpy Areyou read for somethin different?� g by FRAN BRUNKE, Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre One of the most obvious things lymph and energy moving into cells more awake and alive you will feel, about having a body is that it tends to and muscles which haven't been able not only in your body, but also in your stiffen and tighten with age. It creeps to breathe in a very long time. Over thoughts and spirit. Those are the side up gradually - one day you notice that time, the body becomes more supple, effects of yoga. you're not as nimble as you used to be, resilient, and strong. As you free your We're at the dawn of a new that you can't reach your arms behind body, you restore lost movement. As Millennium. Are you ready? Call the you, and that you're carrying around a you open up, the energy, blockages Greenwood Holistic Health Care whole set of aches and pains that you that cause pain in the first place are Centre at (905) 619-1405 for informa- didn't have when you were younger. released. The more yoga you do, the tion and class times. IV like living inside a shrink wrap package that consistently gets tighter as your range of motion decreases. What's worse, most of us "know" that this is natural and resign ourselves to it as we continue with our sedentary lifestyle. But what if there were some new Millennial anti -aging, anti -harden- ing, anti -constricting miracle cure? Some process or elixir whose only side effects were beneficial? There is - and it's nothing new. In fact, this "miracle" is about 5000 years old. It's called yoga. Much of what we do in yoga releases and nourishes the body's underlying connective tissue, called fascia. The power of this process is evi- dent the first time you move into a yoga pose with focused awareness and breathe - you'll feel a deep, warm rush of heat and energy which is blood and =#%I` 111 " m at t e r s A %0Cid HOOM 1411O000W rrl "a1Q bwan�;ioeo CMc111C*m: 46600D To Book lbur Ad Spore cc* , Still. choosing the right Laser Eye Surgeon is a critical step. Dr. John MacLeod is Durham Region's Chief Laser Surgeon for the world- renowned Herzig -Eye Irk. A veteran of thousands of LASIK procedures, Dr. MacLeod offers the experience you can trust. Experience The Frleedoml EXPERIENCE You Can Tmstl Life wWvM glasses or contacts? Imagine the look m your Wed one's eyesl Cap MacLeod Eye Clinic today, for a FREE consu ltadon and candidacy test for LaserV'ision correction. HERZIG EYE INSTIUTE John N. MacLeod, MO, FRCSC 117 King SL East OdWIA OR Canada L1H 1B6 tit (905) 721-1211 www.mwko"o.com 94=k madex11@ u CLC0M iop kW I -877 -721 -EYES given us, especially for making chiropractic care available to the sick and suf- fering of the world. WE HOPE YOU ARE TAKING REGULAR ADVANTAGE OF IT. YOURS FOR BETTER HEALTH, NATURALLY `tnaAya.-. C%0-1 PINERIDGE NATURAL HEALTH jPINERIDGE NATURAL HEALTH 1670 KV4GSTON ROAD - UNrr 05 N.W. corner Brock Road R Hwy r2 Sig ING SIAL 0 PICKERit "I'A' P OX HWY rt M 10 Greenwood fflo1LStIC fflealt1('are Centre 619-1408 Honour Your New Year's Resolution Make Time For Yourself • Yoga • Tai Chi • Meditation • Reiki Classes Starting January A peaceful Oasis - Easy to get to - Lots of parking 10 Minutes North of Ajax/Picicering To register call Nicole 619-1405 z •t �.iif;'�',�i _�.�,:1�".:+�i �.:.. � , eai r, dw�r,r`xr _ . .. 'ti ., ..'."*'y,''4.t',„ �r,*�'.'y�'�'" � y^^ " Whenyou're Because the denturist you see, all he does is makes dentures Your Denturist is a Denture Specialist to make complete and partial Dentures. He is the only professional legis- lated "specifically" to make Dentures. For Service and "one on one" contact with the person who is actually making your Denture, see your local Denturist for a con- sultation. Do your dentures spend more time in a glass than in your mouth? A prominent biblical figure whose patience was legendary, who withstood pestilence and calamity, was heard to say one Day that the only thing that got to him was "sore gums". ARE SPOTS The main reason for sore spots is ill- fitting dentures - It is a combination of shrinking Gums and Denture wear. See the person who makes your dentures. NEW DENTURES You can expect some adjustments the first month after getting your dentures. It takes time to settle into place. At the first sign of discomfort, do not be alarmed. If it lasts more than 3 or four days, contact your denturist. NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PAGE 21 AM ADVERTISING PP etter.He a FEATURE L 2000 having new d UPPER uffu F_S The upper Denture is the "good Guy". The one that gets all the smiles. The Denture that causes the least discomfort. The big plus of the upper Denture is its suc- tion. The Air caught between the palate of the denture and the roof of the mouth makes an ideal suction cup. LOWER D ntFS Lower Dentures have become the "culprit" from much oral abuse. Lower den- tures are much maligned. So much so, peo- ple tend to divorce them from your partner, the upper Denture. The lower Denture has become somewhat of a misfit, and seeks refuge in the most unlikely places. Bottom drawers, bottom of the bed, amongst lip- sticks and combs in ladies' handbags, lunch pails, back pockets, and if they have a car- ing owner, submerged for eternity in a den- ture bath. You you see the "lot" of a lower den- ture leaves "a lot" to be desired. ALL IS NOT LOST You can have a "soft liner" put in your lower Denture. This is a "perma- nent"liner and will stay soft as long as your denture lasts. OTHER REASONS Medication can give you a "dry REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' COMPIete. Partial Dentures NEW PERNMENT, 111iam Steil, DO,K.A.I.A) SOFT DARE UNER harles Wm. Steil, Dn. 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE, AX After hours 428-8801 entures made Go to the "Specialist" mouth". This can cause sore spots. Bone chips can appear many years after the ini- tial insertion. As we get older, our body goes through change, tissue becomes more sensitive to pressure, which leads to sore spots. Poor oral hygiene can be the reason for denture discomfort. Dentures must be brushed thoroughly after every meal. TO EASE DISCOMFORT Rinse your mouth with baking soda or Salt. Leave the offending denture out as much as possible. You should brush your gums, palate and tongue with a soft bristle Toothbrush after every meal and before going to sleep. A sore mouth, if untreated, could lead to complications. If the problem recurs regularly, contact your local denturist. SERVICE WITH A SMILE Seeing a denturist can save you money. Denturist Fees are affordable because there are no cost mark ups or out- side delays. Make an appointment full or partial dentures, new or replacement, refit or repairs, whatever your denture require- ments see a Denturist. A refer- Charles Wm. Steil D.D. Tal is not necessary. For a free consultation You can call William Phone (905) 6634294 Steil D.D. F.C.A.D. (A) or IF • TIIbm • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAnABrE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME PMW PATHENIN WE r PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. *2) DR. JOSEPH A. MISKM, DENIM :Dr.Kevin Tyber and Assocbtes OPTOMETRISTS • Dispensing of contact Lenses and Glasses • Complete Family Eye care • Low Vision Services • Laser Surgery Co -Management 15 Harwood S. �1,,," 427-4144 ta,,,,,,, z ACTIVE THERAPY & SPORTS INJURY Registered Therapists Physiotherapy • Massage • Nutrition Insurance Claims Accepted (Auto & Extended Health) 1099 Kingston Rd. (Hwy. 2 & I%%*) g31-8115 Suite #202 IF • TIIbm • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAnABrE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME PMW PATHENIN WE r PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. *2) DR. JOSEPH A. MISKM, DENIM *'AAP PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 '• M011ED FREE Calendar of your choice Ent rtain ent by WALTER CAMPBELL or BILL SAUNDERS with purchase of 5200 or more. NEWS ADVERTISER JAN. 1, 2000 Critics and audiences have given a collective thumbs up to the often funny exploration of suburban life in the film American Beauty featuring Kevin Spacey and Annette Bening. It's playing this weekend at the Moviplex 9 in Pickering. Weekend at she movies... American Beauty ages gracefully on silver screen Now playing at Movipkx 9, Picker- man could generate belly laughs, stony ing: silence, tears or brawls. American Beauty: Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening. Lester Burnham be- comes intrigued by a young girl named Angela, and this fascination sparks him to make some major changes in his life. He relishes these changes, much to the exasperation of his wife Carolyn. Anna and the Kung: Jodie Foster, Chow Yun-Fat, Bai Ling, Deanna Yu- _ soff. In 19th century Thailand, British governess Anna Leonowens is em- ployed by the king to look after his many children. Soon after she ahives, Anna finds herself engaged in a battle of wits with the strong-willed ruler. Double Jeopardy: Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd. A woman who has served 10 years of a prison sentence for killing her husband after he Faked his own death and framed her in an instu- ance scam sets out to take in the money from the scam. But, a downtrodden pa - 'role officer tries to track her down. End of Days: Arnold Schwarzeneg- ger, Robiti Tunney, Gabriel Byrne. When the ultimate personification of evil is unleashed upon the world, beaten down ex -cop Jericho Cane is unwitting- ly drawn into a heart -stopping supernat- mural game of cat and mouse. Pokemon: Animated. Ash Ketchum is on a mission to become the world's greatest Pokemon trainee Although he's successfully captured many of the 151 types of electrically -charged Pokemon, each possessing its own unique powers, his greatest challenge lies ahead. The Sixth Sense: Bruce Willis, Olivia Williams, Haley Joel Osment. Eight-year-old Cole Sear is haunted by spirits and turns to child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe for help. As Dr. Crowe uncovers the truth about Cole's supernattual abilities he also finds there is a price for his discovery. Sleepy Hollow: Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Casper Van Dien, hC- randa Richardson. A retelling of Wash- ington Irving's 18th -century classic Legend of Sleepy Hollow, with a few twists. The World is Not ��F��.a��.�olpl&:: Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Marceau, u, Robert Car- lyle. James Bond faces his most danger- ous opponent - a young woman who blames Bond for the death of her father. Will Bond be able to prevent her from taking revenge? Now pdaJ►i11g at the Cbwplex &Neon Ajmer 10 CWen . Man on the Moon: Jim Carney, Danny DeVito, Courtney Love, Paul Gi- Any Given Sunday: Al Pacino, amatti- The late Andy Kaufman was Dennis Quaid, Cameron Diaz. Proles- +onsidered the most innovative, eccen- sional football provides the action- tric and enigmatic comic of his time. A master at provoking audiences, Kauf-gee DEUCE page 23 Marlin Located In Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sun. 12 - 6 P.M. 905-426-6242 Canadian gospel singers take the stage in Pickering Jan. 20 PICKERING - A host of formers on Thursday, Jan. 20. Those performers and others Canadian gospel singers will Singers include Hiram recorded a CD available for pur- perform here at an upcoming Joseph, Deborah Klassen, chase through the mission at a concert. Friends of the Gospel Quartet, cost of $20. Cassettes are avail - The Arms of Jesus Children's The Parker's, The Unashamed able for $15. The concert begins Mission, a Pickering -based Quartet, Janet Yukich, The at 7 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Christian charity working to Klassens, Lloyd Knight, Paul Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pick - meet the needs of children and Linda Evans, Andy and eting. Tickets are $12 each and throughout the world, will pre- Donna Parisien, Sue Gerrard and can be ordered through the mis- sent a concert featuring 20 per- Norma ]can Mamse. sion by calling 509-6140. THE GREEN MILE (M) sat Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed-Thi, 12 244 20-8 30 Fn 12.244 20 BICENTENNIAL MAN (PG) Sat-Swr #M Tu*-Wld-Thu 12103:2045:50-1000 Fn 1210.310- 6 50 DEUCE BIGELOW MALE GIGOLO (PG) Sat-SwoAo„-Tua-~Thu 2455:to7:30*45 F, +230.2445.10 THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (AA) -Sal-Sun-MornTu4-Wad-Thu 1240-3:4571510:20 Fn 1240-345 SUBURBANS (AA) -Sat-set- nTue ed -Thu 210.4:35.7:069:30 F12:10.4.35 ANY GIVEN SUNDAY (AA) -Sat-Su►Mon-Tu.-W W -Thu 1200-3:30.7:00-10:30 Fn 1200.3:30 GALAXY QUEST MG) 'Sal-SunYonTu.-W.d-Thu 1.00.4:10-7351010 Fn 1:004:10 TOY STORY 2 (F) 'SM-SuM1Mon-Tu.-Wad-Thu 1 10-3:5045:40.720 Fn 1:10-350 TOY STORY 2 (F) 'Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu 1130-2 00-4:45.7 20-9:55 Fn 11 30- 2:00-4 45 THE WORLD Is NOT ENOUGH (M) 'Sat-&m-MorrTuiFWed-Thu 1:15.4:10.7:35.1020 Fn 115-4-10 SLEEP NOU.OM (M) 'Sat-SLOMon-Tue-Wed-Thu 2 10.4:357:10.940 Fn 2:10-4:35 THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY (AA) - Sat-Sun-Mal-TuiFWed-Thu 12:30.3:457:30-10:30 Fn 1230-3:45 POKELION (PG)'Set-Sw Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu 12:453206:00 Fit 12:45.320 THE GREEN MR E (AA) *Sat•Sun-Mon•Tue•Wed-Thu 8:45 THE TALMO MR. RIPLEY (M) -Sat-Sun Mon Tee-Wbd-Thu 12:153:157:0410:10 Fn 1215-3,15 THE GREEN MILE tAA) -_W-Surf-Mon-Tue•Wed-Thu 1210.4:1548:15 Fn 12:10.4:15 TOY STORY 2 (F) 'Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu 1:00-4:006:40.9:20 Fri 1:00-4:00 Let us entertain you! The News Advertiser i 41r1IRr um A ICE MMIS/ 0 1 IMO MBSES) ■11E � �) Ru It% II:X ,211 t250 LM0; - F, q 1:a M M M µms'.011kRtl tts111:15 1150.12/5 5951. PA II:45. 7:15.7:45. 856 925, l sM 1:151:IS 251 310. 354 1610► SAF711U 1951 ,,all 1220. : tsall. (1MI, 7:15, 7:0.5, t15. l2% 121, 225,2% 375, (4351• -n1MrrA.wrr a 9sa laH p -ft (SOS) &,45.71S. 7.4 955, 401 er Rt1 W-11411 i*K 111s, Il:% 925.931. IM n2101:IS &Thick t24s 1:15 1:45 251324150. A■r � >�IM ptly [sflA (scup. (9A11, rts, r.4s, (3 X67 P O PAM tt5 !20.951 1121 ,120. IN 1225,111, lit 3:4 (0.45), �=PQ 1159.1229 (5-'15).1111. M 9:M (3 Ste) _ S Mrs (A - SIQ TINT IM 111,151, i4S µ:4S1, (5:161, 7•.195 c,0. tot 8111 A5 10.35 1:15 1:15 219 R SI3 M ,9341130. IM ILMI. µ35l. (5:15►, 7!0.730. FW 112& tt5t 2At 231 11E 11111111 lift "ll (,451, (5:15), 730. M niiiiia nnM g" SAFTNU 11A4113k 115, SST--TFU 1121115%2At (2 39194 1:45,2A 0.14'351.15:15), 23t (k4% IL'15L 71; WR MRI 11 12M, tis, 245, WA 7At 750.1111$A IM 1911 tc41 (S$ 795, IAS SIQ1Mt tl]S,12M, 215, 245, 1t4i 1230 1M an■a1(Ap ` µS61. (f. 7a m ms. 1 Rl lift µA6).115 lea 8111 A& 110. 32t (S:Ip, W-71411 lit (M M. 1925 MBAV 4W (lq 7.40. 9s6 � Y A7 IN 11AR 1210.124t 1141,225 SAFTNU 11AL 111 320. (43N . g111:IS 225 (S1N TN SQTMI11:1123 (c1R 741 255, 315, (top, 0.s* (SNp. 7-41L IIA 26 }115 1245 956, 725, rS,1%cot IM SAT -71111 11At 121112411:19, 226, 256, 325.(4.1^ (ffd% 114, 210. (591) 7.41 IRI 10.45 l 11315 t1I (5•AII. cis. 725,154 0.112A SAT-TNU I IAA 220. Mfr 7:Q S0. nu 1a4s,1Ak 315. (YISJ. 10111125,,tit 1215 *5 tit lea 1246 PLENTY tIP(`w'�+ :F#EE PAR•N• in as mawwNn1 cwwe Roorw i Sound TOY STORY 2 (F) Fn. / MAN ON TIE MOON(AA) 11:30.1:45.4:05.6:20 NO Papa Fn. 1:15.4:00,636 Sat. -Thu. 1 45.4:05.6:20.8:30 SIL • Thu. 1:15.4:00.6:55.9:35 DEUCE 1111GALOW MALE (AM GMEN SUNDAY (AA) GIGOLO (PG) No Paw I'm 2:06,8:10 Fri. 1:30,3:45,6:30 SU -Thu. 1245.4:15.806 S0.. •Thu 1:30.3:45.6:3SA:56 I GALAXY QUEST (AA ) /THE GREEN M ILE(AA) NoPaslm Fn 1215310,700 No Pasta (Qt 2 Sown) F& - Tim 12153:10. 01)" Fd. 1:55.610 /THE`F1UR DWLIW`W Set. •Thu. 12:25.4:30.8:40 ( AMU AND THEI=(PC) AA) NIPapa Fti 12WJM. No Paw Fri. 12:10330,630 aas 12: Sm. -Thu. ,2903918:45130 IsnmrurU(F)i6ftm �THECOdl110111ERINPi( Fd. 1190,196,320.525,725 AA)N.AamRi 1236.3.25. sa - Thu. 196 320 5?5.70 7:10 925 Set - Thu. 1235,325.7:10.1000 TIESOIECOLIECMOII(R) .f 0M TMEMDDN(AA) FtL 840 No PI (OO 2 SaOaq 8: Fd 1250 330.790 ♦BIB34NOIMMLIMOYICM( SM. -1110. 125%=790" AA)Fd. 190.320650 DPARK(AA) IAMUAIpTME1tSIG(PY) Fd. 1240,3;10.7:10 NI Palos Fd. 1230.3;30,c30 sal •TIM,. 12;4D210.T.10,9:10 SIL - Thu lZ30330.113MM T Fd _ Th - 1:10,340 4 FEATI■ma C misc E GA= Rom IT0YS101IV2(F)012S0N" t§N;BnBIMLRWM(PG) FtL 10:4e tLOS,1216,216,4:4t No Pwa Fd. 1: 850 S0.. -Thu. 1:1a4:10.T.10.9.30 SIL 1295,1245225,4:40 flITUNITUM(F)WFI 920 Fd. t0U0.12311=496A:45 Set - 7hu. 10.40.1296,1245, Sot 1230.230.4:35,6:4669:00 225 4:40 8:50 8:20 Set - Thu. 1130.1230230. IT E GIMM MILE(AA) 4 S a 46,9:00 No P1tpM (On 2 S -M) 01 No Paw F� �OG( 790 Fri 1:1510:15.1k-00.625 Sar. - Thu. 121490.7:00,9•.46 Sal -Thu 115316590.7:45 IAIff0M9UNDAV(AA) &15 No POaOI Fri. 2.00.020 DEUCE aGALOW: MALE SOL -Thu. 1:00.4:30,&:15 G L 12*40OLO (Po)) Fd 121 I GALAXY QUEST (AA) 250,4:50,7:15 NO Paw P0. 125 3SO 7:30 SIL- TAM 1240230.4'.30.714 SIL • Thu 1=540=01115 825 ITKTid==rl NPUI1( JAMIAAMpTKII10008) AA)N.PbmsFrL 12353x0, No PM*Fd. 1220,326A:86 8:30 SOI. - Thu. 1220 325"6,,40 SIL _ Thu. 1236,330.6336 '�l �..`t�►6 G �� , i'-_�w .. L�'r': 'rl": r .y ,� 0...,p , y -.v �{-�..t,_,. "i'"0. .S7v J�L�.� )',`�^'Y.a'AAy�1.c•����`.t%�'*'�rT ,6} nN3a a.: a. Deuce Bigalow's new job DEUCE from page 22 packed backdrop to this look at the men and women who comprise the pro sport, from the modern-day gladiators of the gridiron, their coaches and often belea- guered families, to the moneyed team owners, the hungry sports media, and hangers-on trying to get a taste of the glamour. The Cider House Rules: Tobey Maguire, Michael Caine. Based on the John Irving novel, the movie explores the world of Wilbur Larch, the director, obstetrician and abortionist of St. Cloud's orphanage in the 1940%. Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo: Rob Schneider, Arija Bareikis, William Forsythe. Deuce Bigalow is a down -on - his -luck guy who cleans fish tanks for a living. While fish -sitting for a debonair, world-class male escort, he mistakenly answers the business phone and be- comes Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. Galaxy Quest: Sigoumcy Weaver, Tim Allen. Twenty years after 'Galaxy Quest' is cancelled, the stars of the clas- sic '70s series are still in costume, mak- ing appearances at sc:i-fi conventions. A group of aliens who have intercepted TV transmissions arrives at a convention and whisks 'Commander Peter Quincy Taggart' and his crew into space to help them in their war against a deadly ad- versary. With no script, no director and no clue about real space travel, the ac- tors have to turn in the performances of their lives. The Green Mile: Tom Hanks, James Cromwell, Michael Duncan, Bonnie Hunt. An extraordinary tale set on death row in a southern prison in 1935 follows the cell block's head guard who devel- ops a poignant, unusual relationship with one inmate who has a magical gift that is both mysterious and miraculous. Stuart Little: Geena Davis, Michael J. Fox, Gene Wilder. He's clever, enthu- siastic, a 'can do' guy with attitude — and he's a mouse. Stuart's raised by the Littles, a human family. As the mouse embarks on adventures with a variety of characters, including his nemesis Snow - bell the cat, Stuart learns the we mean- ing of family, loyalty and friendship. The Talentteti Mr. Ripley: Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow. To be young and carefree in sun -drenched Italy in the late '50s; that's la dolce vita Tom Ripley CORRECTION For our January 2, 2000 - One Day Sale (advertised in the local newspaper)' the 15% OFF stated in the ad Does Not Apply to Major Appliances. we sarcarey apai*m bt ern, inowtrurueI" Mts pray tram =md Sears eust &wm craves — and Dickie Greenleaf leads. When Dickie's father, a wealthy ship builder, asks Tom to bring his errant playboy son back home to America, Dickie and his beautiful expatriate girl- friend never suspect the dangerous ex- tremes to which Ripley will go to make their lifestyle his own. After all, it's bet- ter to be a fake somebody than a real no- body. Toy Story 2: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Don Rickles, Jim Varney. The sequel to the landmark 1995 computer -animated blockbuster. This time around, Andy goes off to summer camp and the toys are left to their own devices. Things shift into high gear when an obsessive toy collector kidnaps Woody and it's up to Buzz Lightyear and the gang from Andy's room to spring into action and save their pal. Also plc}•ing: Anna and the King, Man on the Moon. Now playing at Pickering Town Centre's Famous Players Cinemas: Bicentennial Man: Robin Williams, Sam Neill. An android is purchased as a household robot programmed to per- form menial tasks. The Martin family quickly learns that they don't have an or- dinary robot as Andrew begins to expe- rience emotions and creative thought. The Suburbans: Jennifer Love He- witt, Will Ferrell. An 80's one -hit won- der band named The Suburbans reform for a special performance at one of the ex -member's (Ferrell) wedding. At the wedding, a young record company tal- ent scout (Hewitt) happens to be in the audience and decides to give the now 40-ish performers a comeback push. NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PAGE 23 " Also playing: Any Given Sunk: 1 1355 Kingston R d. Deuce Bi,galox•: Male Gigolo, Galaxy Quest, The Green Mile, Stuart little, i Pickering Town Centre 839=5990 The Talented Mr. Ripley, Toy Story 2. p 1 • FINAL DAYS We Mime always offered what we feel are the lowest prices on quality lighting fixtures... AND NOW WE ARE OFFERING Don't Miss Out! !! THIS ONCE -A -YEAR SALE IS ABSOLUTELY OVER ON MONDAY, JANUARY 3RD! DI• NO PST AND N 0 G S"Ve ON ALL IN -STOCK MERCHANDISE • Vft offer a discount ewhrolaat to tA! taxas AIP PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, Jenwry 1, 2000 CANADA "A" I "AA" GRADES BEEF • SHOULDER • BLADE S4'39 kg • SHOULDER ARM • BLADE , I sl�LB. 7 W' —WAIL _AT..EDEL COIJWT 0559NQ Le2.99 .'7 E EX7;tA.LOW &mob LS 2, = I ma'm *MACKEREL 4W EA • �&RNA LIGT TL-Tmu T11fA 69 •PK SALMON 2 7`04 EA - Os,xmi� • r STOW 2.99 zoo nN "THE FOOD TERMINAL" ,o 1 T .0008•'[ •IFwl Nwr7 6Mn 1M� SYCOF Wn d1T" �•F111 R SOIIp W1'�.. i77yy pMA•^ 511T0001•Y $i1T�/ZapAY CHICKEN LEG 1.30 kg x QujAn�us f-VFWESH OR LEG EQUARTERS W22.99 i,g. SS SOlESS SEA`IE� A- SN p1 M�NOUSIY i �Oi•*O CdFAAw +A.C." ell 18 2 99 Co 2,99 99 cffi`c'vnRu�c� 79 `� sALAD ., w •.. , e . i n `o a. 3 LB PAIL A LARD]L][9l,PKG WHITESTED2 k9 SAx2m3 LIMITL � TOTA NVI-IITE L.AKGE SIZE CARTON OF 12 •EGGS FROZEN SLEEVE OF 20 PATTIES • HASH BROWNS EA. N DUNDEE NALEWAY FROZEN su-i- r >EzA 2.79 PUNBALMM ER6.OGIES 1.�, L -..r-oom '�'i�Ii..itY=Y�Y�"-•.�..'. N. 'S�.H. a - y�, NEMl8 AMM"W" SATURQAY EOITION,imm" 1.2000 PWIE N Alps •.• "FRESH NEVER FROZEN" T -FG OF pa T��� ,791po "1:;.p w EA • WHOLE OR HALF • NO CENTRE STEAKS REMOVED •BUTT OR SIXANK PORTION 2.18 kg OYLMEL CADET BRAND • AT THE DEU COUNTER • BY THE PIECE • ; SIAM LOAF 1Ll3cu.7&3mmsI�Dte�1.89 LB. 3.28 kg Blo4911 2� �- FROO SIDE RIBS A 1• 1. M" OR KA7)CH CLEMENTINESF 17 -LY 7- •. • HART7.EY VARIETY DIA TMOND BRAND lam' p R • • • � �' ` "� TOTAL S LB. MITQVIN LARGE SME I 2.3 kg BOX SAG • CHEF MEDIUM SIZE •ALMONDS99 LARGE SIZE p099 218 , 2 PRODUCT OF U : B01s Icg I.B. BHowA'TSP WASHINGTON GMUE ®,99 n NURD PRODUCT OF U S A •CALIFORNIA g gODIJGT OF nFTTARp • It GRADE Y HY LEMONS 3l�1 OSAVOY CABBAGE �, 99 • . FILL YOUR OWN BAG 2 78 LB S+�n LAACE ns• 1.39 EA 1 R • GREEN ExTnA WIDE saE • POO OF • GPAOE • 2% PARTLY SICHUM Ul SWEET • GREEN • CUBANELLE 01% JK TOTALPEP"K;l��,S LIMIT E T'RA LARGE SIZE 4 L BAG OGINGERLAma FII.i o V� o V i T YOVIN OUR BAG FLAT OF 12 x 175 g TUBS (.29 EA..) EA. 2I8� I.B NESTI KELLOGG'S E KELLOGG'S CEREAL SUN PAC PRODUCT OF C►•NAORcANnY BAx�s 1.6999 ARESBARS 1.69 Buns 3.99 . FRi�rDY 99 IC 2 ,..o .99TREAT SIZE BAG 76 18• PKG EA JU1�0 I 1 BOX 1 J6 TIN EA • RC COLA �= • C OTT 3 CASE LIMIT CASE OF 1 21 x 3W mL TINS ALLVAINIFTNES RC cofff °x.59 .. . s OREO BONUS 5W a BAG AH PASSIOCARNAMEIC Fi.Ai 1sag • JOS I.oUis.l..oII YZAMLS R To • To • ALL PRICES IN -cQ /yyyyF�.U"cJI//i,• 1 `77%.ftN FA 1099 LAUNDRY DETMENT 10-2 kc SOX 819t, l� . , WAB®AUBB 1 F.A ,1.99 10 LB. FAMILY SEZZ SAT' BAG TOMATOES !ZMA LMM M= MUA=TOUR 01AN LARGE oazcmKAL B11NL7m Bur4m JTATOES =R 2 TO SATURDAY. JAN. & 200 GINGERALE • TONIC WATER I CLUB SODA 5"EA. CASE OF 24 x 355 n IL TINS 99 PERFWA MAYONNAISE `''s9 R w TE• R. IV9 4 L JAR 750 rtll BTL OFU K18K0 cwmftPPES ; pEZER Q� G R •'r01VlC WATER V o�F$ 150 mL BOX OF 8o 2 L BTLS. 1 H� LATS 1J $ SAFE•T ALT 1115" $ 10 BAG 4 'nab: a ., ;:.. ,tea � t •):. ,.. j4NGE LJRAF TRIN'E S FILL YOUR OWN BAG gasnlxi•c .�r�'ti,••. i� n 2.18 he LB V r PRODLCT OF ONTARIO • FANCY GRADE mcm%HA1P1P'-,1E S 2 WI FRl= FILL YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 Ice LB. IN S 2.18 k8 * Lgi GES TO LIMIT OUANTTTIES. • • • • '• • .y' IT.1 UUl.1R : `< • CENT COUGWTASL •Iq 'Im ' 29!S kL 0113 TOMATOES 25 Adowinwa va L� �x RESTAURANT SIZE 6 x 7 CASE LA H�aE BOX CT OF ITALY TT 19s' =pK= nRprpRHpAM TI i1�1p1 L' S L8. PROp1CTOF�GINQAt1 COOi1•i1�IG � XIMATE 22 L.B. BOX �X MusHROOMs BOX SIM ,v B PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FREStjHI •NIE (R�1F�IRJO1ZITEIIN . A ' '..9, NEMl8 AMM"W" SATURQAY EOITION,imm" 1.2000 PWIE N Alps •.• "FRESH NEVER FROZEN" T -FG OF pa T��� ,791po "1:;.p w EA • WHOLE OR HALF • NO CENTRE STEAKS REMOVED •BUTT OR SIXANK PORTION 2.18 kg OYLMEL CADET BRAND • AT THE DEU COUNTER • BY THE PIECE • ; SIAM LOAF 1Ll3cu.7&3mmsI�Dte�1.89 LB. 3.28 kg Blo4911 2� �- FROO SIDE RIBS A 1• 1. M" OR KA7)CH CLEMENTINESF 17 -LY 7- •. • HART7.EY VARIETY DIA TMOND BRAND lam' p R • • • � �' ` "� TOTAL S LB. MITQVIN LARGE SME I 2.3 kg BOX SAG • CHEF MEDIUM SIZE •ALMONDS99 LARGE SIZE p099 218 , 2 PRODUCT OF U : B01s Icg I.B. BHowA'TSP WASHINGTON GMUE ®,99 n NURD PRODUCT OF U S A •CALIFORNIA g gODIJGT OF nFTTARp • It GRADE Y HY LEMONS 3l�1 OSAVOY CABBAGE �, 99 • . FILL YOUR OWN BAG 2 78 LB S+�n LAACE ns• 1.39 EA 1 R • GREEN ExTnA WIDE saE • POO OF • GPAOE • 2% PARTLY SICHUM Ul SWEET • GREEN • CUBANELLE 01% JK TOTALPEP"K;l��,S LIMIT E T'RA LARGE SIZE 4 L BAG OGINGERLAma FII.i o V� o V i T YOVIN OUR BAG FLAT OF 12 x 175 g TUBS (.29 EA..) EA. 2I8� I.B NESTI KELLOGG'S E KELLOGG'S CEREAL SUN PAC PRODUCT OF C►•NAORcANnY BAx�s 1.6999 ARESBARS 1.69 Buns 3.99 . FRi�rDY 99 IC 2 ,..o .99TREAT SIZE BAG 76 18• PKG EA JU1�0 I 1 BOX 1 J6 TIN EA • RC COLA �= • C OTT 3 CASE LIMIT CASE OF 1 21 x 3W mL TINS ALLVAINIFTNES RC cofff °x.59 .. . s OREO BONUS 5W a BAG AH PASSIOCARNAMEIC Fi.Ai 1sag • JOS I.oUis.l..oII YZAMLS R To • To • ALL PRICES IN -cQ /yyyyF�.U"cJI//i,• 1 `77%.ftN FA 1099 LAUNDRY DETMENT 10-2 kc SOX 819t, l� . , WAB®AUBB 1 F.A ,1.99 10 LB. FAMILY SEZZ SAT' BAG TOMATOES !ZMA LMM M= MUA=TOUR 01AN LARGE oazcmKAL B11NL7m Bur4m JTATOES =R 2 TO SATURDAY. JAN. & 200 GINGERALE • TONIC WATER I CLUB SODA 5"EA. CASE OF 24 x 355 n IL TINS 99 PERFWA MAYONNAISE `''s9 R w TE• R. IV9 4 L JAR 750 rtll BTL OFU K18K0 cwmftPPES ; pEZER Q� G R •'r01VlC WATER V o�F$ 150 mL BOX OF 8o 2 L BTLS. 1 H� LATS 1J $ SAFE•T ALT 1115" $ 10 BAG 4 'nab: a ., ;:.. ,tea � t •):. ,.. j4NGE LJRAF TRIN'E S FILL YOUR OWN BAG gasnlxi•c .�r�'ti,••. i� n 2.18 he LB V r PRODLCT OF ONTARIO • FANCY GRADE mcm%HA1P1P'-,1E S 2 WI FRl= FILL YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 Ice LB. IN S 2.18 k8 * Lgi GES TO LIMIT OUANTTTIES. • • • • '• • .y' IT.1 UUl.1R : `< • CENT COUGWTASL •Iq 'Im ' 29!S kL 0113 TOMATOES 25 Adowinwa va L� RESTAURANT SIZE 6 x 7 CASE LA H�aE BOX CT OF ITALY TT 19s' =pK= nRprpRHpAM TI i1�1p1 L' S L8. PROp1CTOF�GINQAt1 COOi1•i1�IG � XIMATE 22 L.B. BOX �X MusHROOMs BOX SIM B X U.S.A PERS 18I,AE� =f0FONTAFlO•CAW0An ftjfflOOU7OFU.SA A�I�u 77SPANISH CARROTS 9 14" LARGE SIZE sox se L9. JUMBO SIZE BAG ONIONS COLOSSAL S12E 50 LLB. BAG P W#Zi NftS ADVERIIWI, SATURDAY Ebf M, imitir i 1, i000 NEWSSport &LEISURE 4. ADVERTISER JAN. 1, 2 0 0 Pickeringrookie soars with unior 'N Eagles McAuley's status continues to climb with Bowmanville squad BY BRAD KELLY Staff Editor jump to junior hockey has be When the Bowmanville Eagles opened training camp in the fall, Jason McAuley, like any rookie, was hoping to make enough of an impression to just make the team. Not only did he make the Provincial Ju- nior League hockey team, but he has emerged as one of the best players. His sta- tus has continued to climb during the regu- lar season to the point that he is playing on the first line, and also sees his share of time parked in front of the net on the power play. "I %%-as pretty confident I could make the team, but I had my doubts;' said the 17 - year -old about the anxiety facing any rook- ie. He attended a couple of games the previ- ous season and thought his style of play would "fit in" with the Eagles. "I don't do anything fancy, just go to the act and dig in;' he said. So far, that stvle has been a welcome ad- dition to the Eagles. After 26 games in the regular season, McAuley was averaging bet- ter then a point per game with 13 goals and 17 assists for third place in the team scoring race. Not surprisingly, the two players ahead of him are Seth Gray and Jason Jackman, who just happen to be his linemates. "It just happened by accident;" said Coach Mike Posavad of the chemistry be- tween the three players on his top line. "It was an experiment that just happened to click. That is the one line we haven't messed with all year." McAuley played all of his minor hockey in Pickering, including last season with the Ajax/Pickering Triple 'A' midgets. The Lightning peewees win nail -biters to nail tourney title It wasn't easy, but the Durham West Lightning pee- wee 'A' girls' rep hockey team skated off with the championship at the Aurora Hockey Tournament recent- ly. In fact, all the Lightning's games were one -goal con- tests, including the final in which Durham West eked 0 en a smooth one with the help of a few of the veterans. "(Ryan) Jackman, (Seth) Gray and Raj (Bhangoo) have really taken me under their wing and not many veterans do that for a rookie;" said McAuley, who attends Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering. The tutelage by the veterans has "boost- ed my confidence, and now a lot of the rookies come and talk to me," he said of the leadership role he has inherited. Not only have the coaches and players taken notice of McAuley's play, so too have OHL scouts. Two teams inquired about the prized rookie earlier in the season, said Di- rector of Hockey Operations Mike Laing. "(The scouts) liked his work ethic and the fact he played physical;' said Laing. Be- cause McAuley was undrafted this year, he would have to catch on as a free agent in the OHL if that is the route he wanted to go. But he is keeping his options open. "I'm still looking both ways:' he said of the idea of ohta:mnc a college scholarship. Pickering's Jason McAuley is enjoying a productive rookie season with the Bow- manville Eagles of the OHA Ontario Provincial Junior 'A ' Hockey League. So far this season, the forward is averaging more than a point a game. He's current- ly on the Eagles' top line and on the club's powerplay unit. out a 1-0 victory over In the third game, Brampton. - Durham West defeated host Laura Clayton's first -pe- Aurora 3-2 to advance to the riod marker proved to be the final. No scoring details game winner in the title tilt. were provided. 1.,ightning goaltender The defence corps of Suzanne Wilby put up a wall Lindsay Ryan, Lisa Lillie, in front of opposition shoot- Ashleigh Laquaniti and ers to earn the shutout. Alyssa Branson was in top Wilby's outstanding play form at the holy -contested earned her the most valuable tournament. payer award for the champi- The Lightning peewees oship gam- got solid work from call-ups Durham West started the Jennifer Brault and Chrissy tournament with a 2-1 loss to Tereshyn who filled in for the same Brampton team. Nicole Ruta who wasn't able Katelyn Sears scored the to play in the tournament. lone Lightning goal, assisted Team members are by Brianna Gooding. Suzanne Wilby, Kristen An- .* The Lightning rebounded derson, Alyssa Brandon, in game two to record a 1-0 Laura Clayton, Katie We, victory over Barrie. Katie Brianna Gooding, Alicia Dale scored the game -win- Konecny, Ashleigh Laquani- ning marker for Durham ti, Lisa Lillie, Misty MacK- %Wst, assisted by Misty innon, Kristen Marson, Lyn - MacKinnon. Wilby recorded dsay Ryan, Katelyn Sears the shutout. and Stacey Vahey. Youth rinks ready to rock at big 'spiel BY JIM EASSON Special to the News Advertiser AJAX — Three youth curling teams will represent the Annandale Curling Club at one of the largest bonspiels in the province for young curlers. The annual Toronto Curling Asso- ciation Merck Frosst Junior Bonspiel is slated for today, Dec. 29, and Dec. 30 in Toronto with 103 teams en- tered. Games are slated for the Avon - lea, Tam Heather and Bayview curl- ing clubs. The bonspiel will feature 40 teams in the junior men's category, 26 in the junior ladies' bracket, 15 in the bantam boys' event and 22 in the bantam open division. The Graham Hill team will com- pete for Annandale in the junior men's category. With Hill are Jason March, Blair Metrakos and Mat Critchley. Shauna Critchley and her team of Robin Wilson, Meaghan O'Leary and Ashley Bianchi will compete in the bantam open event. In the bantam boys' bracket, An- nandale will be represented by Paul Boyland and his team of Graham Hill, Chris Janssen and Peter Stecyk. Annandale curler Paul Bourque is serving as the chairman of the Merck Frosst Junior Bonspiel. He notes three visiting teams from Switzer- land will compete at this year's event. The winning team in the junior di- vision will win a curling trip to Switzerland in February. In other curling news, the regular curling league at Annandale will re- sume play Jan. 3. NEWS ADVERTISER, SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PAGE 27 P Christmas break skills camp at Art Thompson Arena Hockey school still has openings gs PICKERING — A non- profit hockey school still has openings for girls and boys during the Christmas break. The school, for players aged five to nine years, will focus on skills development through fun, organized drills. Two sessions of three one - Pickering athlete gym dandy hour classes will be held at Art Thompson Arena in Pickering. Sessions are Jan. 4, 5 and 6 from 11 a.m. to noon and 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Class sizes will be limited to ensure individual attention. All children will receive a cer- tificate of achievement. PICKERING — A local athlete posted excellent results at the First Super Qualifier for men's artistic gymnastics in Mississauga Dec. 13 and 14. Kyle Charbonneau, 17, competed in the junior 'A' category at the qual- ifier. He placed third overall with second -place efforts on floor exer- cises, rings and vault and third on pommel horse, parallel bars and high bar. Charbonneau's a member of the Durham Whiz Kids Gymnastics Academy in Oshawa. Cost is $40 for one session or $70 for both. All fees will go to pay for ice time and sup- plies. Early registration is recom- mended. For more information on the hockey school, call Paul Etherington at 420-2971. AJAX MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REP & SELECT APPLICATIONS 2000-2001 SEASON DUE JANUARY 8, 2000 PLEASE PICKUP APPLICATIONS AT ACC OR VILLAGE ARENA FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL TONY O'BRIEN 683-15577 CARL FERENC71 News Advertiser photo On his toes Ryan Lane of Westney Heights Public School returns a serve in a game against Pringle Creek Pub- lic School in Whitby during Durham Elementary Athletic As- sociation junior boys' volleyball action. The DEAA Final Four Vol- leyball Championships were host- ed at Anderson Collegiate in Whitby recently. pRMNa SCHOOL Y2K sr$ciar. fi4X f(Ql� Q"U"C:001* CO—tinuing Education W40 inter f3 S pring 2000 Programs Coming Wednesday, January 5, 2000 - - '�"_^ _ _ _ .:7" -'._SSM"._' ..2'�__ _+�...+►.tee.-- - _. AIP PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 To Place Your Ad Call: THE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE -� AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Uxbridge: 1152-9741 .1&&SSIFIED Port Perry: 985-2511 •Schooling oo• 1 Cateer Training 1 • Caner Trainim it's time tplan for theNel"Vionr! ��e"" have lots to offer you 11e0V Computer Testing 0,r aPolice Foundations Centre NDo you qualify for this demanding MICROSOFT & NOVELL APPROVED and exciting program? Prepare for: MCSE'A+ •C.N.A. Personal Support Worker Information Technology Technician Legal Administrative Assistant Internet Programmer Network Administrator Executive Office Assistant Network and Internet Systems Medical Office Assistant Specialist Travel and Tourism Counsellor Dental Chairside Assistant Computer AppUcations Specialist Prepare for your Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) designation ' Marketing Assistant Computer Animation o0of Retail manager with Small Business Manager AliaslWavefront MAYA Accounting and Computers 10 month diploma program Business Administration 10 Programs — are working on to start in the New Year! Massage Therapy Chiropractic Assistant Community and Social Service Worker Veterinary and Animal Health Care ISB Toronto School of Business Check for details at the Campus nearest you! Financial Assistance May be Avadable if You Quality Oshawa Centre Pickering Cobourg 419 King St. West 1450 Kingston Rd. Northumberland Mall (905) 723-1163 (905) 420-1344 (905) 372-8978 • Awl ,A,11k1r/0ffl% inc. For A Technology Adventure... IAiriO is an internet-based wireless service company that integrates GPS, wireless communications, computer Intelligence and GIS. The result is a powerful suite of services that protects and manages cogmrcial vehicle fleets. in Pickering, AifIQ is seeking competent and enthusiastic professionals from the l Region to join its team. WIRELESS DATA ENGINEER Your primary experience is in wireless technology, however your work ethic and en* siasm, combined with a BSc in Engineering (electrical or electronics) and strong relat experience will earn a place on our team. You are a software programmer and have pi ticipated In wireless data solutions development, hardware and firmware design. SOFTWARE PROGRAMMER You have extensive experience with internet-based applications. You also have creat ultiple advanced animated websites, developed 'e-commerce' applications from t ground up and are ready to contribute to a new internet company with a worldwide mandate. Please e-mail your resume to: AirIQ Inc., 511 Granite Crt., Pickering, OM. L1 W 3K1 E -Mail: kwrigMOairig.com oily cs WWata seiieried for k.lervww wid be contacted. ,AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 70 Cemeerciof aAlt.,► Ain a , 24 Toronto SL North, Uxbridge Mon. -frit: Me mr W FN Ham 111 en.-fri.: &X am- po Solhrldgr -• 2 4116ur 0%1* (9" 80 �horte yes are' ID Fit. ilrBigo`pm. .r�90 to 3:0© j v N +ri. Yr h. cNF CDI College is the next ep in your IT career puzzle! Proven Choice in Computer Training for over 30 years. "Ask us about:" The CDI Advantage: Microsoft NT Over 3000 graduates employed • Network Tedmidan yearly • Computerized Accounting 100% job directed training • Network Specialist Employment Support Services • Ctt, Visual Basic in 8 GTA locations • LAN Administrator Fn' Pff day and evating • Analyst training available Financial assistance may be Delivered through the avaitabk to those who qualify CDI "Lear Mg System" V!? ,'CD/ COLLEGE (905) 434-8585 oFAUSINESSA TECHNOIaG,Y www ��5"L King Sfteet, West ; Microso r�....MOlila..we d.....8C• Ch%A-..;i" Clqr.ui111' I 1 Cans Training 1 Cans Training 1 Cans Training JUNIOR PLANNER leading Retail Facility Design and Planning npany, located in the Oshawa area, is looking experienced Architectural Technologists to fill ming positions. Candidates will have a mini- on of 2 years experience in retail facility space ening, strong skills in Auto Cad (Archi Cad an etX detail oriented and a high degree of profes- positions are initially on a throe month b contract basis with the possibility ing permanent employment. Please fax a copy of your current resume and salary expectations to: (905)434-2566 Only dKw applicants to he interviewed will be contacted 100 Ca p�lleaW inwat p. in at wound floor n urs e�lo sire customer service i us - try: wdb our fully loaded phoalspconirnitinard tlie and aies Oda for adva�cemaM in tAe em- prowxq 'Call Capra' busi- ness. Ttrs tour week, lw* on piolitant starts January 2000 eieher days or evenhW. Fundirq is available to efip- we. for iolo. Esser 90S 1- 3309 or 1 -NO -016-3615 Jan� 3rd. in Catalogues. T.V. Commer- cial. Mmazines. and extra Wit. n accepted and 4t 59r 5 0io 00 MAD- E.LU.S. 4a4700404�wv Today for the year LUUU•�. "One of the fades! growing industries in .NAA:*, Only 8 seats remaining. Esthetics Diploma - graduate in 614 months 721-7546 Next start up Jan. 17, 2000 Hairstyling Diploma - graduate in 9 Yr months 576-0479 Neat start up Feb. 7, 2000 Registered and approved as a private voca6onai school. Job Place mats and lbrant w assistance availsbl.. 15 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa (at the 4 corners) www.artandtechniqLie.com 1 General Help 1 General Help $14.65 PER HOUR Start off a great new career for a fantastic new year! Looking for individuals to start im- mediately for Eco Mfg. Durham outlet store. No experience necessary as we will train. Car required. We offer advancement, paid vaca- tions, fun atmosphere. Call: Sunday 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. & Monday 9a.m. - Spm. only. 571-3532 rIeninrt'sults is your speciality! G News g Canada Marketing, Camden only full service consumer promotions company Is seeking a professional... 5ALE5 8t MERCHAND15ING REPRESENTATIVES (Part time) Our client Buena Vista Home Entertainment is seeking exceptional communicators with the ability to handle multiple tasks, the creativity to satisfy customere' needs and the energy to exceed established goals and deadline in the Scarborough, Ajax and Pickering arras. The ideal candidates will los outgoing anJ thrives on the challenges of a busy route and sees Pproroblems as opportunities in disguise. PHor experience in sales snJ merohandising of packaged goods to dna and mass memh accounts is an asset. Use of a reliable vehicle is essential. Qualified candidates are invited to fax their reeumi to: Liana 5. ah6-2400 5igmark Avenue Mississauga, ON. L4W 51.3 (905) 602-8625 Project: MER -01 NEWS CANADA MARKETING TANNING SALON Currently Seekin Responsible Person(11 for Part-time Attendant Position Please call Ryen/Melanie (905)428-2617 Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 ,�. y 24 -Hour Fax: (905) $79-4218 •, M Classified Online. Now 1M1en ad vusrl You � Y� � s ter_ a�tsa���� anihept>itpll`tlfwwd�rttellmtrt�nllrs.nat •'L1 Iffly General HMP 1 Gw" H* I General FNep 1 C»nww P" CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an enve- lope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on, our list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. BRISTON POND Briston Sands Crs. Alta Rd. CANNINGTON Cameron St. W. Country Lane Meadowlands Dr. Windsor Crt UDORA Sulevi Ave. Lembitu Ave. Manniku Rd. Viru Ave. Vambola Ave. Also Adulf Carrier for walk & drive routes need- ed CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 The Uxbridge Tribune requires Rural Route Drivers to deliver newspapers twice a week to the following areas: Sunderland Uxbridge o drwooed Reliable vehicle required 905-852b9741 THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for Kids to deliver papers and flyers door to door four times a week by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. call 905-6w-5117 Is looking for reliable people to insert and deliver papers and flyers door to door every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in the Pickering area. Deliveries must be completed by 6:00pm. Must have a vehicle. For more information call 905-683-5117 UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. Bristol Pond Bristol Sands Crs. Alta Rd. Heritage Hills Silversprings Crs. Hillborne Crt. Also Adult Carrier for walk & drive routes needed CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 TELEPHONE SALESPERSON • Commencing January 26 to mid May • Minimum pry of $8.00 an flow pkhs commission. • Potential earnings of $15.00 per hour • Good verbal communication skills essential • Ideal to supplement your income • With or without experience. Training provided • Ajax location. Working hours: • Monday to Thursday 6 p.m.- 9 p.m. and Satuardays 10 am.- 2 p.m. 11%4a Wbor 416-269-8333 120 - . 120 . COO11181ercial Lines CSR/ Mark~ required for insurance brokerage. Experienced & enthusiastic applicants only. nd resume, Ann: Mario Cervoru Schofield -Aker Insurance 337 King St. W., Oshawa, ON L I J 2.18 fax to: (905) 723-7688 1 sere M.OAPM 1 Sefe.IrbMBmt. 0#2001 AUDIO VIDEO FULL TIME COMMISSION SALESPEOPLE You must efl)Oy stewing and satisfying cuswinars, exhW strong work ethics, vakles ilk mlegrify and be ttortMent in ym sales abiities. You wd be paid base salary, commission, e4ensire benefits, ilk more. %= for adVancemier 1. Part Wm positions also available. Apply in person at our Oshawa bcation - Auk lir TM IIBr"ein. Tony DLnbm Cwft - 90 I(bg W Rad E or Fu PM 4264M 135 135 and HVAC Service Mechanic Good WRges & Benefits 12 Year Old Company Fax resume to: 905-683-0817 MECHANICAL DESIGNER Autocad (3d) experience mandatory, College graduate preferred. Jig and fixture experience an asset. Good benefits. Fax resume attention: Dan Pallister, Oshawa Pattern & Model Ltd 905-668.0102 11 confers THE FUTURE belorgs to those who are prepared or charge. Those who are focused and to nhose who are technically skilled. Net. a Com using MCSEILotus Noses. Database administration using Oracle. Computer Maintenance - A.. New media we despn and Autocad, sdt- ware tlesugn and programming. Financial assistance may be available to efgible students. Cao Durham Business Computer Cooege(905)427-3010. THE HAIL STATION Career Trainnrqp Center. Career trainitg avadade in artificial rails, ear candling. pedicures. waxing. Air brushing and tattooingtech - Nques. Student RnarhtMhq hego- tabk.(905)439-2217. 1 G«No rr ATTENTION Students (18.)0 Others Local firm has 44 New Year Opertitgs. FtM Avail . Tmg. provided $1200 to start. Must fig by Jan.7 Can Mon10:00-061m. or Tues. 7 30.9 30p.m. 905 723- 4920 AZ driver. 3yrs experience, tanker experience preferred W will tram. Toronto te,_r. daffy. Call 905.576-4438 and leave messape or fax re- sune: 905576.4778. BUST COUMEN COMPIINT reomres drivers with van and tars We pay up to 70% on ki- al aM hurt of town delve iia. Cal now (905) 427-8093 CAM -SCOTT TRANSPORT re- qures AZ Drivers. Part -timet full-time. AZ OmmdOuebec and some northem omano ruts paid ontYu s and drops No flat rate raip loads and LTL Also AZ city trailer drrv- ers needed for GTA. Fax re- sume to (90S)831-0199 or phone (905)831 - cam mm. Bowmanvile, Door Person warned. Cas atter aM ask for John 905- 7072 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advemser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will riot be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non -insertion of any advertisement Lability for errors in ads is kn*ed to fie amount paid for the space occu- pymg the error. All copy is sub(ect to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. EM 6200 MM SSM or more per week. assemWup products in the comfort W yaw own home. Send a sd- a00ressW starDed to O.PM. 6-2400 Dundas W. SWe 541. Ref 636, kks- snsaknpa. Ont L5K 2R8 EXTIEME FMEU row Iknrg Certified Personal Trimers Witt R.ceplon. Phase dekv.r resume in perms. 17M Pick- emg Pahway. An Dan FULLi PART TME SUPEW rIan Lake TiefuiNee 04 dhalges, previous experience necessary. Wbd drners l- ace. Appy at PENNZOIL. 195 Weso" Rd. S. Ajax (nil phone nos). NIMTTMAL SEWN G ma- c1nM operators nreded. Part time. Hours are $4.30 p.m Mon -Fri. Experience on twin p 6b` call Air Fun= 905.6-0633 elsR.rh 9:00 6 5:00 p.w com- plex pla Osm•ra. Experience required 111 mainlema. and munage- ment. Prefer middle-aged or rewed. beaftly wuple, must be able to pertorta physiW work mze qx reswaes tb (90s)623-2257. Only oMllied applicants wild be contacted M. WI MHI and kids needed for tv wmmeirdals and Ma 5716. work Cal (905) 430 oME OF CAM/1M 1 kadmg = WAMKiale fuNlppayrtt time openings. ExaOer Martin salary plus bosses_ must lofthive a car. 905.579-7816 Madly (Jail. J s 4) W >ro-Z a: Brand New wive-n-cru't• Music Co. Hiring Now t! Earn $00-$906fweek! FT/PT No Exp. nec., Will train. Its Fun-n-FZtt Call Rocky 905-7204772 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 PAGE 29 A/P 1 General Hudp WANTED - 5 experienced Line Cooks, full a part time Apply to the chef at The Edge. 250 Bailey St Apx. No phone calls please WANTED EXOTIC DANCERS top dollar, Wsl dubs len On- tario. free training Drivers and accom available. Call Melissa 416-231-1160 or 9D5- 837-3256 05837-3256 or 905723.5271 "0 lI ASSISTANT OFFICE Manager for busy Chiropractic OHree. Must have experience in 0,C A program, WSIB a OHIP billing F0 time - some even- ings and Saturdays. Cal 905- 623-M. 05623-8388. GaNail MAKER$ required in Durham Region. FWty experienced Cabinet Makers need only apply Please fax resume to: o 90 - 983-9714 OFFICE ADMINISTRAT0f1 re- quired Challenging career op- porturxty for person with ex- perience in insurance claims 8 wale billings Must have computer experhmtt for busy Rehab Clinic. Cal 905 -623 - am 0111 "raopl.l 100" DENTAL RECEPTIONIST. Full time. no evenings or wee- kends MUST have Abel Computer experience. CDA erred Fax resume to 905-434-8520 HYGIENIST required Mor" a Wednesday 1-0pm for taw ly practice Please drop oft resume to 169 Simcoe N., Osheoe UG G 4S8 PART-TIME Hygmust needed Wed evenrflgs Expenena an asset Fax resume to (905)576-0937 . 1 Dere.. DAYCARE WANTED - m home shift worker, al ;W 5 p.m (905) 668-0718 DwyosIn . Arw11164 PICKERING Bank / Rolla: Lovrg uyare. 18 morons to 12 years Davy )Yl qs ((trxhc.d backyard cera perk) Orales, story time muwe. nu als Won m 8 Sup . First Aid. C PR certified Nor, smoking. receipts 9D5428- 1244 1 ewkw.. to Bwrh.as OFFICE CLOSING SALE. Ex eathve desks. photocopier. Chi". rabies. arca pro* syrs tern Please al Dan al 987- 5353 1 -R--W KOZY NEAT FIREWOOD. ex- celient way bat gtwhy hard- wood. gwranred extra time hilly seasoned. cut split "aunt maSurerlMnhl. Im dehvery, 905-753-2246 ABSOLUTELY THE EST - top quality seasoned hardwood =P10.4% Ajax. Wht- DURHAM FIREWOOD 427-5278 Droken sleds for firewood Pickup or dervery avadame. (kneed time Offer) Cal 905- 434-M. 05434-0392. LAKEIMOCE FA FIRE- Wt100.fhe Deet Qu" wood. delivered. for Discwnt forServing Pid M. Whitby. ostim. Courtnce. CAN any- time 905-427-1734, of ario Fhvwood Dry cut a spkt hardwood� r� Free delivery to 0shm area call Yrsa Accepted 1 Adkan ler Sob I '82 - '38 Ford ftM or Brcow 11 from 1.. 1100 adk Also One new rodMr petrel, drivers side U& far flood used Itood aid gril, lean IWctn • 2 side curvM 911m.ypBA 985-3183 MW 6 snack/pop rlsoo tacti our $6.000 for a1 Duce. Cal 725- 1920- 1 251920-1 90.5 11553358. LEU MlI JACKETS. up ID 1/ 2prig, IWW purses from $9.99, luggage from $19.99, leadw wallets from $6.99. Everything Must Go! Family Leather, ve1thheer, 55 Points Mal Osha- wa. 905-728-9830. CARPEn - lots of carpet, 100% nylon, new stain re- lease carpets on hand. I will carpet 3 rooms. $349. Price includes carpet. pranium pad, expert installation . last deliv- ery. free estinars (30 yards). Nomwh 686.2314. 1 Artfor sur CARPETS SALE A HARD- WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms 5339. (30 sq yd) In- cludes carpet, premium pad and installation Free esti- mates, carpet repairs. Serv- ing Durham and surrounding area Credit Cards Accepted CaR Sam 905686-1772 COMPUTER FACTORY BLOWOUT. Amaznp 1 yr no payments then $16/wk (oac) 400 Mhz loaded. primer. monitor, ntemet. software and more. Free scanner, delivery and setup 1.800-5155545 COMPUTER SPECIALS Inter- net starter system $288, Intel 30OMHZ superfast system $699. Loaded PMW with 17'NEC monitor $1333. Pemf- um laptop SM. we love doing upprides and difficult repairs 19051655-3661. END OF UNE CLEANOUT. everything must go Mattress- es from $59. mattress set from $159 single. double sets from $219, queen set from $269 Factory Mattress 1-888- 220-2282. 1650Baylt est kPickering. Ontaro (965 GTMS TILT & LOAD FOR HIRE Moving of Equipment in Durham Regwn Call Neil Malcolm (905)767-1191 or (416) 295-4393 AK's APPLIANCES Parts' SaleslSerrra Brava New Jwair stove Acr3!clvd vt $2.499 Kitchm AdllNhrrlpool frosl-free fndges $349/up Amina (Doom freezer), like new 5599 Rdfrost- free S249/up = slde- by-Ades Black avadabk Stoves, whte/almond $1491 SCD Dryers $10up Washers $14%Lip Extra-ao, wt.MW .eshher ik. new $249 Match- rg Maytag washerstdryers. electndgas $499 Vivt our showoom today 426 Simcoe St -5 (905)728.4043 HARDWOOD FLOORING 3-1.4• x 3.4- TdG Se1M 01 birch txtiniow $2 SO/sq.ft . PretwisbW $4/sq ft Pms flopkg 01 5' $1 5Wsq.ft FJ Casing 40dluheu toot CaU Doug (905) 649-1506 NOME THEATRE SYSTEMS JVC HI ENC Dryby Do" AP Receivers 500 -watt ududrg Multiple C0 Dou01e Cassette 5 -speakers. 3 -Modus your :once. 250 -Packages muss go. Uprrdaborh - Price $870. tax Hurry for Dear selection 0Oshm 89 Stereo (905) 579- fKYE113 7 1,2 toot plow com- plele with harrim. come off 89 cher, $1700 Car haler tramp. tandum axle. 5950 Boat trader. tandun axle. $450 433-0775 MEW SUNBEAM Electnc Blankets (The Blardkel we a Bram) fW it guaranteed. hen size 10 lurig Unde wfWlesaie coat at 560 00 Call 416-V$- SM 16-0265383 days a 905-9853055 everngs PIANO TECMNICM avanabk tot tuning, repairs. and pre- purchase consdUton on al maim a motels Also roar diboned pwas for sale Cal Barb al 905427.7631. F 00 S WANOFA MEN L awls an RdIand digtat pianos and keybwrds, all Samick Aco6trc Pianos. al Howard Miler docks. Large selec- ham or used piirros. Rpt to own• 100% of ad rental pay I'M Cal TELEP PIA - No (9051491. POOL VAU 4 x 8 scar wM al acnxssoria $1100 gdod condtion. Pall Bonn* 905 839.2281 PRACTICE CRM Cohrtry SkWV al yar rowel. Nadir track t molt New $1300. Sill for 5700 O.b.a Call 905- 852-7112 05852-7112 or 705454.3387. ME 70 OBMI new and re- conditioned appliances, and new T.Y Is.. Fui hrarranty. Pad- * kbFkK 905263 8369 or umim M dish special, compiae system Only $150 after rebates, or lease for 11 from 58 110 TARE saw, 10' DekallMluau- 1teeD'' M>i5250mD cklOcmKeptOattLS te� saw. $575.4316503. d M. queer brand new ortho- pedic head%btoDud,' o wrapf0aol Cost $1,75. sill $525 116726-9885. KING IN.Ilowlop, extra tlkdk peaphc mattress box 03 °frarthe unused' stil m tic, cost $1800, sell 1�7(116) 7269685. TREADMILL, Magnetic re- cumbant and lifecycle type exercise bike, stepper, weights. and elliptical. ( )420-3079. MIL Artk l..Ior Sde RECONDmONED FRIDGES $195 / up, reconditioned rang- es $125/ up. recondnioned dryers $125/ up. recondi- tioned washers $199 / up, new and reconditioned coin oper- ated washers and dryers at low prices New brand name fridges 5480 and up, new 30' ranges with cock and window $430 Reconditioned 24' rang- es and 24' frost tree fridges now available Wide selection of other new and recondi- tioned appliances Call us to- day. Stephenson's Applianc- es, Sales. Sery", Paris 154 Bruce St 0shawa(905) 576- 7448web site www durham- mall comsteptimsons. PINE/OAK FURNITURE. DUTCH AUCTION" Starting Jan 1, 2000, we vie feature a complete SOLID OAK dining room and bedroom .each whI drop $100 per week until sold. Custom creations from your own designs ata imagi- nation are our speculy..Let us tum your dreams. into re- aliy, We have been hand- eratting the highest quality SOLID pine a oak fumnure available anywhere. for 25 YEARS' .Traditional Wood- working. 115 North Pon Road, Port Perry 905-985- 8774 059858774 .hdpl/www tradiUonal- woodworlung on ca . I AAlti.s HEALTHY CHRISTMAS AND 1Vart.d PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ANTIOUES7ADsoMoyf Ad- FROM CERTICAR. CHECK OUR NEW LOW PRICES. Eq. vice- always valuable usually 96 and 97 Sunfve and Cavah- free' Purchasing otan9M. es- ers from $7.977 to $8.988 tater w/some antique cont- Also 96 Convertibles from erns. (no limn to value con- $10.900 96 Chevy Blazers 4 x Rend), c011W A Of airy 4 loabed from $16.995 95 sort. quantities or single an. olds Dela 68 LSS. loaded hque ams Special Me. In 108k, super dal. $10995. 92 hiloorcron poetry 11 try to re- Hyundai. auto. clean. 170K. spond to al quem A06W only $2.995 Dn v aawwyy pia. Bowen Antiques- Brookhn. 93 Astro SLE. ext. 168K IWd- Ontano ((905)655-8049 or ed A -t, now $7.975 94 cava - (905)242 -0890 W. air, auto. 113K, perfect red only $6.600. 94 Buds loaded. v-6. spot - len. Century. less. 135K. now $7.750- 95 'Leaf Tickets' Grand Am SE , while. mom. Will pay face value. 121 K. and "y $9400 Fw Call Bruce Danford . roes c b.. A m c'c., 579-4400 tri. 155 Kr.6 St. west, at ext. 2207 Irielowo OWL all 57114M. 1 Automhobl.. La.t A wi1i0 • 1 Frxmd GSH FOR CARS' Ae bar LOST GT AJAX. Elkatktn a used veh'cles "th.Jes must D. -2 r Oa 427-2415 or Kingston Rd Chnstmas 5or co comea to 79 to 4 479 Evs. White cera Badk. mak. gayt� St East. Ajax at MUR- Oeclawed. green collar cera Ao AUTO SALES ales 10 A info. please ail 905-686-,452 1 Trvuks • 1 P.t.1SUPP" l for Sal• Bowdkhe 1997 CHEVY THUNDER JACK RUSSELL 'e.. rs lir �an-ron cx•e"ted ca^ !LI) sa,e Female 8 wks. tailsa 46. aoc. pos,trachon, alum - sew darn Done. snots a de- rwm whits. tit. taus. as - sone. boxlrW her. ornwormw a (905)852-9494tady to go mold Asking $19.00 (905)7254441 Ile GMC t 2 -Ton 5 J auto. 53800 697-2'89 1 veno 1 whom Draw 1992 TRACKER 4X4. xmhed. emission tested 123 JOOkms Bard top. 5 -speed. $4900 Cal X509 -85M CON (416)97- 1 snu•wrobl.. • 1992 FORMULA sus skidoo. 583ec 2000 km M warmers, lust spent $.000 on machine. St. lack. tack. stored indoors. exceaatt shape Ready for snow. $2.900 firm of ctrl trade for older model plus cant. (705) 328-0402 • 1 Arts A - C111111111 FOU ART !LASSES next tie- M- steeliwary ary 17Th levels. m ffwxL skmoon and evening Bassa awd- able BeDirrers our spea". Learn a craft tint can re iewt stress and give enormous err r. 96call (905)576-3947 itorrnation. EM Aporkft For R.nt 1 LANE. 2 -bedroom fuxun- ous apartment on 60 acre ranch. fieplace, voBrouL ppoodd and more. aI indusove S100N month. Please call Rob (416)315-9100 to more infor- mation. 1 1 utas .� for Sib 1995 MONTE CARLO. Z34, 103.000 kd, loaded, keyless entry and auto Stan. white. sharp. $10.600 as .s or $10.900 certified (905) 432- 7306 11195 PLYMOUTH Voyager S E Sport Wagon 3 3. V6, Auto, Air, Loaded. 149K, Ask- ing $9250 Cert with Emis- sion Call 905-432.6088 WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 AMERICAN Ceder spmwl puI75 AdcraDie bundles of lova Loyal compare m Tad and ducla" docked Forst Shaft. vet ducked 905-985- 8021 LOOKING FOR A GREAT op- portunity to manage or run you own tiuSn , Do I have a great ppeaace for you 1z am Dam r'/laroe rhdrhg arena, 6 pj Drs ndmD-bads a more! 57 1((x10 all meusive CA (416015-9100 for more .dor- mam KITTENS. vet checked wrath fust booster as wdI as youg to mixt spayed or rltWerW MS (b* vaccinated) lookup for homes. Many dogs also avadabk for aooption Foster homes for dogs and can needed Pet supplies (espe- cially cat food ria I Mer) and kbratrons always welcomed Phase CMD. Animal Adoption A (905)436-8411 11 Arl.mabaea 1964 CUTLASS supreme Brouonam. 305. v8. 0000 mruns good. Asldrnp S1 o.b.o. CaI 579-fi166. 1986 AUN SMB Turbo Quium Avant - 215 km, exoelent car, some spare parts. needs mndshieK $2200 0.8.0. Cal 905-101-0502 or (all) 416- 6162433.snp 11108 CNE1f1r Cavaw. very sporty! Excellent shape, .new lm pa.. anift stereo, cowled. emission bested, 52650. 1965 4 -door, certified, $1200. Cal (905)686-•8985. IBM 1111133M CENTRA - 4 dr. auto.. rod extJgmy it., cd. mechanically Al. No nwy new parts to 49. $2.500 o.b.o. Cal 905.965.9ew IBM PONTNC TEMPEST, good working condition. ask - I 4.$1.300. Cie (905)725 1M1 EAGLE TKf.ON TSI Turbo al wird drive, fully loaded. Excellent combon, c ham- poc silver, tan interior. Power everything. AIC, rear defopgerhnper. tint. awesome stereo. Recent dutch. bake calipers, rotors and pads, tune-up, banery, thermostat. Factory installed new ennggin! int 1995 now with 100.00(ilcm. Awesome in snow Bills to rove Willing to certity. 2, Scott u (905)721-904 R AIP PAGE 30 NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION, January 1, 2000 11� ` 11 oat • 1 0 R" e 1 ouPAM ftm` :1 ° ," ,e'�•„� :1 �,0r1w,e•e'� : Party Swylm : Pair Swim CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Ca(I Jeff (905) 839-7057 • eangtiel F -Oft • i EMMwt FeNifiN i mug purrs r • 1 uerlese . I Pakmrg i N / VALIAT PROPERITY Row op,pwt "$ o.cor.t MANAGEMENT NEW 3 -bedroom bungalow w/ • 1 Auctlons • 1 • RENT A BAR walkout lots of extras ro- TAGoverrinlent Bourg, across from school Funds$S SICK OF RENTING". 905-57 9-1 626 "„ a p�`, BMs ormgpur1,t Grants and loans PAINTING b RENT -WORRY FREE OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EASYII PLASTERING 1, 2 1113 Bed. Apts. • Firstrime, Buyer? -can Marta WHITe7-house for rent. 2- business or farm. Refurbished b New Discharged Bankrupt? - Call Markf APARTMENTS - AJAX bedrooms plus 2. room. 1-800-505-8866 basementrerovations. Appliances. All Util. included.151 •° Mar oot�uch �o ash professional, Pay as you're satisfied. For a free estimate In-house In-house Supt. eft Maint. no pressure servios to help you own a home. Ca11686-0845 after Spm 905 T13 0881 sOREO r•AOIES- ONTARIO. Townhoon On site Security. (�) $71-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 1 Names 6 Home Phone or visit us at: For nNumbers, t-900.451-3638 W AM Pro Mark Stapley Paiuf� and Rental Office: Mon - Fri. 12 noon - BPm Salve Rep. Remax A1114 Rent Estate Ltd. townhomes $900/month ap- ARE YOU SINGLE? The New Sat 3 Sun fpm- Spin 11 n•"te °t 11 ^ ' a prox plus utilities Can est Meeting Place tient Rent (905)576-880.5 www Dreamfdaees com CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Ca(I Jeff (905) 839-7057 • eangtiel F -Oft • i EMMwt FeNifiN i mug purrs r • 1 uerlese . I Pakmrg i N / VALIAT PROPERITY Row op,pwt "$ o.cor.t MANAGEMENT NEW 3 -bedroom bungalow w/ • 1 Auctlons • 1 • RENT A BAR walkout lots of extras ro- TAGoverrinlent Bourg, across from school Funds$S 905-57 9-1 626 "„ a p�`, BMs ormgpur1,t Grants and loans PAINTING b pr for $167.900 w/6% assimu- information to start PLASTERING able mortgage 905.377-9922. and expand your WHITe7-house for rent. 2- business or farm. stucco ceilings, APARTMENTS - AJAX bedrooms plus 2. room. 1-800-505-8866 basementrerovations. dinangroom, kitchen. 2-bam- _ 33 & 77 Falby Crt. roorns. large yard Close to as - Pay as you're satisfied. For a free estimate 2 & 3 Bedroom sats. amenities $950/month+fL ih- 1 Personals ties, avail immediatey. Call pg Scan (905) 831-4620 Ca11686-0845 after Spm 905 T13 0881 sOREO r•AOIES- ONTARIO. Townhoon Pickering 1 Names 6 Home Phone or visit us at: For nNumbers, t-900.451-3638 W AM Pro mu. w 69/min must be 18 h ttp://windjammer.webjump.com NORTHWEST OSHAWA - T -tone. N N I Paiuf� and Available Feb 1st - 3 bdrm t� townhomes $900/month ap- ARE YOU SINGLE? The New Sruco,rerlmKx.Gencrel 11 n•"te °t 11 ^ ' a prox plus utilities Can est Meeting Place tient Rent (905)576-880.5 www Dreamfdaees com m m Tit rix quality work IBEDROOM basement apt OSHAWA Quiet budding near 1 poonr OURNAWS OWN DATING SERVICE! Call 905-683-1110 :0% ort for Senable nior; ew Rem Wmrshed/untum,shed. Gas shopping. transportation ull- Create a private mailbox or k-.0 for a FREE Estimate BrepUce. ppaartkurlp. $8001inclu- mea included nicoliMli 2- AJAX furnished room for browse other personal ads 404-�9 titre. hrst/pst reQured. Refer- bdrm Jan 1st, $772.(905)436- rent. dose to bus, sfloppruq fret. Meet a new Friend or ences. Mon -smoker. ro pets. 76% unex 790pm amire and scfwots. available Love for kfe PUBLIC AUCTION 3773 Ragemoutama 509 PICKEAtMG - 2 bedroom. kv- immediately First/last re- NEAVEMLY nYCNIC An - TMS PAINTING 2 LARGE 3 bedroom apart- Ing room. shared laundry. 1 qunred. �inonti. a DECOR An - mem. Srmcoe st S.. Oshawa. or parking. uq pets. avail- (905)426763, swers Find the oracle wrthm Appliances and parking in- age ,fon 1 f750 pus lmkties $2 ??rune 18. 24 nn I- Interior 8 Exterior eluded Utilities extra 1 w/ can anytmr 905-6861206 AVAILABLE Immediately Fur- 900-451.3783. fireplace $900hrontlt 1 w/0 ini room in P,gcerng, ca- European Workman - fireplace $850/mortal Avail- PICKERNN: Ationa,"" 2 2 . ble. lutchen facilities. near .: 1 Aw-t-roc ship able immediately (905) 725 Dorm basement apartment. fryrn0 Generating Salon. Fast, clean, 9991 separate entrance. kit n. PTGGO f180 b wtlekly roreliable service rta��,a, a balk. ale ppaarlorq, no smoky ADELAIDEIWILSON. walkout ppeettss 5925/nd February 1st basement bachelorette Quiet. Phoeue (9051 509.9849 prnrne ere.. pool. park- PICKERIN6 '-bedroom vase etg. yr0ry al rtvac. re- ment awr'uem, available bladed. antral arrlac. hre- Place. non-smoker, sal. Feb JamwrY ISI. partung. cable. 1st. $6251month 905-571- Separate entrance. S550/ 1963 month Non-smoker. no pets Fi stAast Can (905H39•-4623 AJAX-Oxferd T_ Spa- cious apartmentQu,et budd- np close to shoppng. 401. 60 Pow. sawn,. 2 -bedroom ` US Jwv*eb 1st Cao 663- 8571 until 730p in, 333 SMCOE ST. NORTH - AvatlaDle Feb 1s: 3 bedroom aapp $1.3C7'momh Aad Ilarcn 1st - 2 bdrm apt $1.20GrmonN All and 6 puirces Included call (9051 571.3760 for ap""Ro a ro 1110" BACHELOR APT $5121month- y pas utilities 3rd floor ask- a'0 s k - Xup ro elevator, enpawrs Can rk 852-3107 leave mss - up wmmY. BROCK/DUNDAs. 2 -bedroom apartment low- lim wedding. ble xapnone" anA tral Feb 19 3779/month pus Laundry i parting Sun senor Cao (416035-48% MOOKLIN. 3 -bedroom apartment new broadkxm and decor 4 appliances Fe- bruary 1st. $725 . hydro. no dogs Call 655-s539 CHITRAL Coma. large 2 3 3 bedroom apartments avail- able 1n wd-mantierd butd- 01".9 1(905n) 728-0977x9 am 4ip m Cllanr ng 2 bedroom apt in downtown Whitby. tauWuly _ dtsoorated.lingh roans 752 2750 905- 62rr-4 EI CUTME 1 BEIROOM, bripbt. quiet, Private. Bar- Mor"mom. no PON mdusivt. Pore Perry ata,. :A 985-1675. COWMM- ftrrrtistrd 1 bad - MW apartmall. Very Quiet home. Pn a elltyt, . hewn �) y tirtietrd. Ceramic lila in bwtmom 6 entrarlu. New and elaeere exae- 15VIastPrrlces re- NO rNO srtrlurp/Pon 905 432-7257. IREMCWMN*t BAY1NacER- =.New large 1 -bedroom bosentert apartment. Awl f.lfeb 1st. Separate entralce, No oil* q/pets firstAut 6 alta. OO/mortdl nde- sire. Cal (905)839-1516. aOR111EAST Oshawa. 1-bed- toom awnleflil in Separate 1eeBoul, near bus tnoD. fa'sngle wak- ing person or retiree, no imobV , $550 . hydro, 1st and W Fib.1. 705-657. 2525. -OE nEMOOM Spadous wakoW basement apartmwn for rad Jan 1 or 15. Reit" d Finds. 905-831-8255. ONIMA tt►ACIOU$ 2 -bed- room apt., Gibb7Moarave. Oefet dean building, laundry. storage. no ppeets. r htydrp laust. Avat. 1st 905-725-9226. 1� 6 RAGLAN 12100 -MA two-bed- room apartment in Nouse Palwarr.c new, garden doss to patio i large yard, fire- place, parking, separate en- trance. c/ar avail rmrMdiah- y. no pets. hrsWst 6 refer- ences elaw ammolnd 985 -OM RETIRED - Quiet building in Oshawa mature tenants. central tlocawn.2 a 3 bed - 11001e1 aparimehts available January 1st Ekctnc brat washer/dryer each now Tel 1905) 5M 9016 AJAX. 2 -bedroom apart- ments ,r building 67 Church st S.. Meer b. schools Aad .:.= Feb 1. $850imarMh ndusne No pets (905)683-6145 Large freshly decorated 2 b 3 BIR apts. for rent. $690 d 5800 util. Ind. at 280 Wentworth St. W Your First choice. For appt. call (905) 721-8741 MN1RY - 2 bdrm deluxe abed in adult wddrlp 1 1/2 batls, laundry. ill" wall unit, fire - of=. upgraded $90Nmonth ter ex lusive FirstAist Avail Feb. 1st Suitable for single person. (905)6 "7m VISIT ret when you an own yow own home for las than you 1Mkl!t CA Dae" Hay - lock Sala Rep. ReMax summit Retll) (1991) Uel. ri11 66eo (905) 6116 3111. wriNrtlSduOttppNl0M area. adult wiabfe Two-bedroom i meds ". stove. Irl!, hydra in, No dols. $713.501 rima .Carpet. t paddrtp space, r evenings 263-2522. 1 26� Ht FWFAN YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE' 1 unin from S7OWmor4h 1 Not Much Dowlipoymorill?" (905) 571.6275 14MO-840.6275 Mark StaEl t Lha Iry aaawr aha4 u, M. down, own your own home starbnp at $89.900 can - ties for less than rent. IMC. 24 to free esesr/N anotiesp 905-728-1069 ext 277. Cold- well olawell Banker RAMI Real Estate. AJAX 2 BEDROOM APL in a house. 575011710. No pets/ smoking. Available January ist.(905472-0924. PICKERING - FURNISHED ROOM plus private 4 -pea bath. stwcd knchen A Laun- dry. dose to transit. non- smoker. available tmma- dytil $400/mexrf*. 1st/ list CaN 428-2770 1 Sired MCKERIMG. professional mak preferred to share a 2 - bedroom oakeo/town+ouse $550 ncfusm Avalable Im- medutey call (905)426- 22141nve ""sage . Gerap a Sweet Space LARGE WORKSHOP 3 575 $° ". wrtr heaf 1 175 sq it not heated High cw�s alarm SySrt�n Close o 401i 115 (905)!87-1445 Prm" "am" 1 1 ik fureclanunrs, free Of fwecbsure proP- aes en Dr,rha s Re- na To receive a free Printout 1711= 1e-805-7%5. ID 61402 leave a message aid, - ung which price Re and area pu are nested kn..(Talk to one. Report courtesy Chins Pyke of Suwon -p Heritage Realty) opportunity Leo 9.00. w prox $03.000ry SM.000. Mon- cadanlrq 3 ple�c approx f25,000N 1158.inq Groat po- twltial. inquiries unes a6335-6104. 1. Wrald RBcem . c0'!, video's and audio hpa, suet music. MUSE mernAAonnrayybipla and rWN- ad item. pic k up. 906.985.771 Will eater MONEY PRMLAS. Get out Of debt *** without E.W. =:Wtankno or d Ct lm d txedt sang CaB iw the offormation. 905-576-3505. Student loans included. :1 r0fw'B'a• MONNAGM - Good, bad and ugly. FirorlaRg for any our- raAli w coappraomrsMarccefft-- services ra. { )p 666- 6805. • 1 ealwa OBOOMWAN tis COVENIMENT - Fwidss$ Gents and loin xrfomHbon to start and expand your ost- ness or farm. 1-800-SM-BB66. OFFICE COFFEE $ERVU dealership. Hone based, with said customer base in Dur- ham Region Great potential. Cal 14 0D -64i-3996. 1•V aBJim TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your tax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. 1Saaaa Fax News Advertiser 905-579.4218 : 1 1 Mmprova ft 1111111.111111110097 MONK OQlO'rlBAslfli Basernfordirn Additions, el dywak theism" 6& cwwtt 20 yrs- Exp. Cal Mario (9)M p14416) 560• 4663 DOORS MRa US GARAGE OPENERS, install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service 6 Repairs 905-837-0949 Basement apartments, rec rooms, framing, drywall, taping, general repairs, (905)837 -OM cell (416)616- 3689 428-0081 815 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We MR move anything anywhere. anytime. con vwow Of resrdarail. Packaging. storage and baa available Savor 5 mrd .torld diSC0lxriS Fra a>mar 1 571-0755 1-M I8-491-6600 i St'ORAGE Houses. Apartments. (mutes. Appliances 8 Piano Specialists. Senior 8 Mid -Month Discounts. Licensed. insured. Free Estimates. P. out "Mice. Can 436-7795. mew WAM QUICK NOV •M"M •!•),fineries - Rubbish Ri-Prof Social Services Seniors Mid -Month DiOcolrMs U Load Truck& Driver $25A)our can Roy Office (9195) 571-7533 Paler (905M35-1947 Wed. Jan. 5, Start: 6:30, View from noon Kahn Auctions 2699 Brock Rd. N Pickering 3 ml N of Hwy 401 exit 399 featuring fine furniture, glass, china d collectibles to incl: FURNITIIIIE; 5 pc. mahogany BR suite. pine sideboard. 5 pc modem DR suite. 7 pc. walnut DR suite, walnut Malt stand, walnut vanity, set- tee w/2 side chairs carved w/swans. Wurlit2er organ, child's maple BR set, fem stands, Macey's radio, etc. GLASS. CHINA. MISC: marked 'salesman sample* Iron bathtub, place setting for 18 Noretake dinner set - Love Song, antique wicker prams, numerous wicker doll buggies, antique clocks. White Rose grease can, numerous antique dolls to Incl. -composition, Shirtey Temple in box. Eaton's moving display window doll d others, antique doll accessories, old costume jewelry, antique cradles, antique lamps, cranberry pitcher, crys- tal, 9 Tom Thumb books, interesting cal paintings incl. Canadian Thomas Mower Martin, punts, carpets, etc. Plisse soft, IAS is vary a small sionwisr of me navy daunt IN f rs, for first safe of as year. dart to afferdiv 10 restraJMt! Randy Potter Auctioneer (905)6113-0041 ESTATES A CONSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY! :11 tirlproverrnanb :11 Improwanlareta `- RETIRED CRAFTSMEN & OTHER EXPERTS FOR LOW COST HOME REPAIRS & REMODEUNGY' 9 N �by a cal • Pakfing eft Nub Ihn 1 rm Mmr�I/ ® 905-686-7236 1 Noo1Mg : 1 laodirg � ��~ ' 11 rrasarrlear Roofing, 41$,OcM LELLAN w;naws Ovor tom Alois ,B 945-767kh -1240 & Rewvati00S who f swClifford o D c. 31, HN Imi s John McLellan "A Maw of His Word- Down � � of css t�iB7a1IwMB today eat w B ✓ s e g�wys an° wear you. 9�'�Ru Estimates YYv vowften tock a �ed1ppmwuumn�) ew -wr. j •pile eta for wsWAlh eloveedd yoouu_1 Ps'd' rBtrtMtMreee and never we get The any finings you did 101 IIS. Inlend and lo . t "°•" ' Laaw ted • baa rTNT • Y � us Yews ofhappiness !! NO one can take away, SNOWREMOVAL To us you vim someone specW • Someone good a sue IMIpNTML OlwlWAYS Youll never be fore son dear CLEANINGtj)'i lEAfi01lO AlW000 ------ i 111!8 thought ells world of you. DAVE 831-7055 bUna ; �` PKr1y Soeioea ; P+NI! Servk+es IIRAl1111111T WANTS WOM OaeSta 1 Daatha • • Doing Magic For Children's Parkes A..A as roc--.- ra., rv.- roc _6M•k4lC3>e - Adult G11 Ne'aBlie maceit Seirvl" Serving Durham Region Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily ( 5) 725-2322 Now Hiring 18+ Pill * Chtldren's entertainment for arty occasion. Clowns, character kook-alikes, loot bags face painting, magic, music. "Ile Rbboe ABwd Wilmer - Clay Pao'!i,'!1'!1'W >k >k >k >k97711� ACIIFOFA Nuel Vkkwb - an Wedneix1lBy, De- Lember 2911, 1999 at the Guildwood Ebertficare. Hazel Vklona McLellan in her 76th year. Wile of Ow lale Albert Acldord Loving moom of Now and Ilei htlsbend Les Mat NM Bell end his wife SIJiiB<L Dear Wandmollher of David, D000k, Col- leen, and the late Kam Gree grandnother of Mitchell. Sjsterof Maly Jack- Mamie, Dome, Del, and the We Goldie, Art, and Jean. The family will receive Inends at the McEACHNE FUNER- AL HOME, 28 Old Kirton Road, Ajax (Picker- ing ) (905) 428.8488 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., 9 5. Funeral service in the cftapel on Friday, December 31, 1999 9 1:30 p.m. Inter- mooEmkine fierygas my be made a the Canadian Society �� " 1:'t"'`r+7a"a!"t^x�iTSat,•, ..:-! s 'S';"..,.. . 'i �''e �:�, balk. ale ppaarlorq, no smoky ADELAIDEIWILSON. walkout ppeettss 5925/nd February 1st basement bachelorette Quiet. Phoeue (9051 509.9849 prnrne ere.. pool. park- PICKERIN6 '-bedroom vase etg. yr0ry al rtvac. re- ment awr'uem, available bladed. antral arrlac. hre- Place. non-smoker, sal. Feb JamwrY ISI. partung. cable. 1st. $6251month 905-571- Separate entrance. S550/ 1963 month Non-smoker. no pets Fi stAast Can (905H39•-4623 AJAX-Oxferd T_ Spa- cious apartmentQu,et budd- np close to shoppng. 401. 60 Pow. sawn,. 2 -bedroom ` US Jwv*eb 1st Cao 663- 8571 until 730p in, 333 SMCOE ST. NORTH - AvatlaDle Feb 1s: 3 bedroom aapp $1.3C7'momh Aad Ilarcn 1st - 2 bdrm apt $1.20GrmonN All and 6 puirces Included call (9051 571.3760 for ap""Ro a ro 1110" BACHELOR APT $5121month- y pas utilities 3rd floor ask- a'0 s k - Xup ro elevator, enpawrs Can rk 852-3107 leave mss - up wmmY. BROCK/DUNDAs. 2 -bedroom apartment low- lim wedding. ble xapnone" anA tral Feb 19 3779/month pus Laundry i parting Sun senor Cao (416035-48% MOOKLIN. 3 -bedroom apartment new broadkxm and decor 4 appliances Fe- bruary 1st. $725 . hydro. no dogs Call 655-s539 CHITRAL Coma. large 2 3 3 bedroom apartments avail- able 1n wd-mantierd butd- 01".9 1(905n) 728-0977x9 am 4ip m Cllanr ng 2 bedroom apt in downtown Whitby. tauWuly _ dtsoorated.lingh roans 752 2750 905- 62rr-4 EI CUTME 1 BEIROOM, bripbt. quiet, Private. Bar- Mor"mom. no PON mdusivt. Pore Perry ata,. :A 985-1675. COWMM- ftrrrtistrd 1 bad - MW apartmall. Very Quiet home. Pn a elltyt, . hewn �) y tirtietrd. Ceramic lila in bwtmom 6 entrarlu. New and elaeere exae- 15VIastPrrlces re- NO rNO srtrlurp/Pon 905 432-7257. IREMCWMN*t BAY1NacER- =.New large 1 -bedroom bosentert apartment. Awl f.lfeb 1st. Separate entralce, No oil* q/pets firstAut 6 alta. OO/mortdl nde- sire. Cal (905)839-1516. aOR111EAST Oshawa. 1-bed- toom awnleflil in Separate 1eeBoul, near bus tnoD. fa'sngle wak- ing person or retiree, no imobV , $550 . hydro, 1st and W Fib.1. 705-657. 2525. -OE nEMOOM Spadous wakoW basement apartmwn for rad Jan 1 or 15. Reit" d Finds. 905-831-8255. ONIMA tt►ACIOU$ 2 -bed- room apt., Gibb7Moarave. Oefet dean building, laundry. storage. no ppeets. r htydrp laust. Avat. 1st 905-725-9226. 1� 6 RAGLAN 12100 -MA two-bed- room apartment in Nouse Palwarr.c new, garden doss to patio i large yard, fire- place, parking, separate en- trance. c/ar avail rmrMdiah- y. no pets. hrsWst 6 refer- ences elaw ammolnd 985 -OM RETIRED - Quiet building in Oshawa mature tenants. central tlocawn.2 a 3 bed - 11001e1 aparimehts available January 1st Ekctnc brat washer/dryer each now Tel 1905) 5M 9016 AJAX. 2 -bedroom apart- ments ,r building 67 Church st S.. Meer b. schools Aad .:.= Feb 1. $850imarMh ndusne No pets (905)683-6145 Large freshly decorated 2 b 3 BIR apts. for rent. $690 d 5800 util. Ind. at 280 Wentworth St. W Your First choice. For appt. call (905) 721-8741 MN1RY - 2 bdrm deluxe abed in adult wddrlp 1 1/2 batls, laundry. ill" wall unit, fire - of=. upgraded $90Nmonth ter ex lusive FirstAist Avail Feb. 1st Suitable for single person. (905)6 "7m VISIT ret when you an own yow own home for las than you 1Mkl!t CA Dae" Hay - lock Sala Rep. ReMax summit Retll) (1991) Uel. ri11 66eo (905) 6116 3111. wriNrtlSduOttppNl0M area. adult wiabfe Two-bedroom i meds ". stove. Irl!, hydra in, No dols. $713.501 rima .Carpet. t paddrtp space, r evenings 263-2522. 1 26� Ht FWFAN YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE' 1 unin from S7OWmor4h 1 Not Much Dowlipoymorill?" (905) 571.6275 14MO-840.6275 Mark StaEl t Lha Iry aaawr aha4 u, M. down, own your own home starbnp at $89.900 can - ties for less than rent. IMC. 24 to free esesr/N anotiesp 905-728-1069 ext 277. Cold- well olawell Banker RAMI Real Estate. AJAX 2 BEDROOM APL in a house. 575011710. No pets/ smoking. Available January ist.(905472-0924. PICKERING - FURNISHED ROOM plus private 4 -pea bath. stwcd knchen A Laun- dry. dose to transit. non- smoker. available tmma- dytil $400/mexrf*. 1st/ list CaN 428-2770 1 Sired MCKERIMG. professional mak preferred to share a 2 - bedroom oakeo/town+ouse $550 ncfusm Avalable Im- medutey call (905)426- 22141nve ""sage . Gerap a Sweet Space LARGE WORKSHOP 3 575 $° ". wrtr heaf 1 175 sq it not heated High cw�s alarm SySrt�n Close o 401i 115 (905)!87-1445 Prm" "am" 1 1 ik fureclanunrs, free Of fwecbsure proP- aes en Dr,rha s Re- na To receive a free Printout 1711= 1e-805-7%5. ID 61402 leave a message aid, - ung which price Re and area pu are nested kn..(Talk to one. Report courtesy Chins Pyke of Suwon -p Heritage Realty) opportunity Leo 9.00. w prox $03.000ry SM.000. Mon- cadanlrq 3 ple�c approx f25,000N 1158.inq Groat po- twltial. inquiries unes a6335-6104. 1. Wrald RBcem . c0'!, video's and audio hpa, suet music. MUSE mernAAonnrayybipla and rWN- ad item. pic k up. 906.985.771 Will eater MONEY PRMLAS. Get out Of debt *** without E.W. =:Wtankno or d Ct lm d txedt sang CaB iw the offormation. 905-576-3505. Student loans included. :1 r0fw'B'a• MONNAGM - Good, bad and ugly. FirorlaRg for any our- raAli w coappraomrsMarccefft-- services ra. { )p 666- 6805. • 1 ealwa OBOOMWAN tis COVENIMENT - Fwidss$ Gents and loin xrfomHbon to start and expand your ost- ness or farm. 1-800-SM-BB66. OFFICE COFFEE $ERVU dealership. Hone based, with said customer base in Dur- ham Region Great potential. Cal 14 0D -64i-3996. 1•V aBJim TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your tax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. 1Saaaa Fax News Advertiser 905-579.4218 : 1 1 Mmprova ft 1111111.111111110097 MONK OQlO'rlBAslfli Basernfordirn Additions, el dywak theism" 6& cwwtt 20 yrs- Exp. Cal Mario (9)M p14416) 560• 4663 DOORS MRa US GARAGE OPENERS, install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service 6 Repairs 905-837-0949 Basement apartments, rec rooms, framing, drywall, taping, general repairs, (905)837 -OM cell (416)616- 3689 428-0081 815 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We MR move anything anywhere. anytime. con vwow Of resrdarail. Packaging. storage and baa available Savor 5 mrd .torld diSC0lxriS Fra a>mar 1 571-0755 1-M I8-491-6600 i St'ORAGE Houses. Apartments. (mutes. Appliances 8 Piano Specialists. Senior 8 Mid -Month Discounts. Licensed. insured. Free Estimates. P. out "Mice. Can 436-7795. mew WAM QUICK NOV •M"M •!•),fineries - Rubbish Ri-Prof Social Services Seniors Mid -Month DiOcolrMs U Load Truck& Driver $25A)our can Roy Office (9195) 571-7533 Paler (905M35-1947 Wed. Jan. 5, Start: 6:30, View from noon Kahn Auctions 2699 Brock Rd. N Pickering 3 ml N of Hwy 401 exit 399 featuring fine furniture, glass, china d collectibles to incl: FURNITIIIIE; 5 pc. mahogany BR suite. pine sideboard. 5 pc modem DR suite. 7 pc. walnut DR suite, walnut Malt stand, walnut vanity, set- tee w/2 side chairs carved w/swans. Wurlit2er organ, child's maple BR set, fem stands, Macey's radio, etc. GLASS. CHINA. MISC: marked 'salesman sample* Iron bathtub, place setting for 18 Noretake dinner set - Love Song, antique wicker prams, numerous wicker doll buggies, antique clocks. White Rose grease can, numerous antique dolls to Incl. -composition, Shirtey Temple in box. Eaton's moving display window doll d others, antique doll accessories, old costume jewelry, antique cradles, antique lamps, cranberry pitcher, crys- tal, 9 Tom Thumb books, interesting cal paintings incl. Canadian Thomas Mower Martin, punts, carpets, etc. Plisse soft, IAS is vary a small sionwisr of me navy daunt IN f rs, for first safe of as year. dart to afferdiv 10 restraJMt! Randy Potter Auctioneer (905)6113-0041 ESTATES A CONSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY! :11 tirlproverrnanb :11 Improwanlareta `- RETIRED CRAFTSMEN & OTHER EXPERTS FOR LOW COST HOME REPAIRS & REMODEUNGY' 9 N �by a cal • Pakfing eft Nub Ihn 1 rm Mmr�I/ ® 905-686-7236 1 Noo1Mg : 1 laodirg � ��~ ' 11 rrasarrlear Roofing, 41$,OcM LELLAN w;naws Ovor tom Alois ,B 945-767kh -1240 & Rewvati00S who f swClifford o D c. 31, HN Imi s John McLellan "A Maw of His Word- Down � � of css t�iB7a1IwMB today eat w B ✓ s e g�wys an° wear you. 9�'�Ru Estimates YYv vowften tock a �ed1ppmwuumn�) ew -wr. j •pile eta for wsWAlh eloveedd yoouu_1 Ps'd' rBtrtMtMreee and never we get The any finings you did 101 IIS. Inlend and lo . t "°•" ' Laaw ted • baa rTNT • Y � us Yews ofhappiness !! NO one can take away, SNOWREMOVAL To us you vim someone specW • Someone good a sue IMIpNTML OlwlWAYS Youll never be fore son dear CLEANINGtj)'i lEAfi01lO AlW000 ------ i 111!8 thought ells world of you. DAVE 831-7055 bUna ; �` PKr1y Soeioea ; P+NI! Servk+es IIRAl1111111T WANTS WOM OaeSta 1 Daatha • • Doing Magic For Children's Parkes A..A as roc--.- ra., rv.- roc _6M•k4lC3>e - Adult G11 Ne'aBlie maceit Seirvl" Serving Durham Region Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily ( 5) 725-2322 Now Hiring 18+ Pill * Chtldren's entertainment for arty occasion. Clowns, character kook-alikes, loot bags face painting, magic, music. "Ile Rbboe ABwd Wilmer - Clay Pao'!i,'!1'!1'W >k >k >k >k97711� ACIIFOFA Nuel Vkkwb - an Wedneix1lBy, De- Lember 2911, 1999 at the Guildwood Ebertficare. Hazel Vklona McLellan in her 76th year. Wile of Ow lale Albert Acldord Loving moom of Now and Ilei htlsbend Les Mat NM Bell end his wife SIJiiB<L Dear Wandmollher of David, D000k, Col- leen, and the late Kam Gree grandnother of Mitchell. Sjsterof Maly Jack- Mamie, Dome, Del, and the We Goldie, Art, and Jean. The family will receive Inends at the McEACHNE FUNER- AL HOME, 28 Old Kirton Road, Ajax (Picker- ing ) (905) 428.8488 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., 9 5. Funeral service in the cftapel on Friday, December 31, 1999 9 1:30 p.m. Inter- mooEmkine fierygas my be made a the Canadian Society �� " 1:'t"'`r+7a"a!"t^x�iTSat,•, ..:-! s 'S';"..,.. . 'i �''e �:�, Spa- cious apartmentQu,et budd- np close to shoppng. 401. 60 Pow. sawn,. 2 -bedroom ` US Jwv*eb 1st Cao 663- 8571 until 730p in, 333 SMCOE ST. NORTH - AvatlaDle Feb 1s: 3 bedroom aapp $1.3C7'momh Aad Ilarcn 1st - 2 bdrm apt $1.20GrmonN All and 6 puirces Included call (9051 571.3760 for ap""Ro a ro 1110" BACHELOR APT $5121month- y pas utilities 3rd floor ask- a'0 s k - Xup ro elevator, enpawrs Can rk 852-3107 leave mss - up wmmY. BROCK/DUNDAs. 2 -bedroom apartment low- lim wedding. ble xapnone" anA tral Feb 19 3779/month pus Laundry i parting Sun senor Cao (416035-48% MOOKLIN. 3 -bedroom apartment new broadkxm and decor 4 appliances Fe- bruary 1st. $725 . hydro. no dogs Call 655-s539 CHITRAL Coma. large 2 3 3 bedroom apartments avail- able 1n wd-mantierd butd- 01".9 1(905n) 728-0977x9 am 4ip m Cllanr ng 2 bedroom apt in downtown Whitby. tauWuly _ dtsoorated.lingh roans 752 2750 905- 62rr-4 EI CUTME 1 BEIROOM, bripbt. quiet, Private. Bar- Mor"mom. no PON mdusivt. Pore Perry ata,. :A 985-1675. COWMM- ftrrrtistrd 1 bad - MW apartmall. Very Quiet home. Pn a elltyt, . hewn �) y tirtietrd. Ceramic lila in bwtmom 6 entrarlu. New and elaeere exae- 15VIastPrrlces re- NO rNO srtrlurp/Pon 905 432-7257. IREMCWMN*t BAY1NacER- =.New large 1 -bedroom bosentert apartment. Awl f.lfeb 1st. Separate entralce, No oil* q/pets firstAut 6 alta. OO/mortdl nde- sire. Cal (905)839-1516. aOR111EAST Oshawa. 1-bed- toom awnleflil in Separate 1eeBoul, near bus tnoD. fa'sngle wak- ing person or retiree, no imobV , $550 . hydro, 1st and W Fib.1. 705-657. 2525. -OE nEMOOM Spadous wakoW basement apartmwn for rad Jan 1 or 15. Reit" d Finds. 905-831-8255. ONIMA tt►ACIOU$ 2 -bed- room apt., Gibb7Moarave. Oefet dean building, laundry. storage. no ppeets. r htydrp laust. Avat. 1st 905-725-9226. 1� 6 RAGLAN 12100 -MA two-bed- room apartment in Nouse Palwarr.c new, garden doss to patio i large yard, fire- place, parking, separate en- trance. c/ar avail rmrMdiah- y. no pets. hrsWst 6 refer- ences elaw ammolnd 985 -OM RETIRED - Quiet building in Oshawa mature tenants. central tlocawn.2 a 3 bed - 11001e1 aparimehts available January 1st Ekctnc brat washer/dryer each now Tel 1905) 5M 9016 AJAX. 2 -bedroom apart- ments ,r building 67 Church st S.. Meer b. schools Aad .:.= Feb 1. $850imarMh ndusne No pets (905)683-6145 Large freshly decorated 2 b 3 BIR apts. for rent. $690 d 5800 util. Ind. at 280 Wentworth St. W Your First choice. For appt. call (905) 721-8741 MN1RY - 2 bdrm deluxe abed in adult wddrlp 1 1/2 batls, laundry. ill" wall unit, fire - of=. upgraded $90Nmonth ter ex lusive FirstAist Avail Feb. 1st Suitable for single person. (905)6 "7m VISIT ret when you an own yow own home for las than you 1Mkl!t CA Dae" Hay - lock Sala Rep. ReMax summit Retll) (1991) Uel. ri11 66eo (905) 6116 3111. wriNrtlSduOttppNl0M area. adult wiabfe Two-bedroom i meds ". stove. Irl!, hydra in, No dols. $713.501 rima .Carpet. t paddrtp space, r evenings 263-2522. 1 26� Ht FWFAN YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE' 1 unin from S7OWmor4h 1 Not Much Dowlipoymorill?" (905) 571.6275 14MO-840.6275 Mark StaEl t Lha Iry aaawr aha4 u, M. down, own your own home starbnp at $89.900 can - ties for less than rent. IMC. 24 to free esesr/N anotiesp 905-728-1069 ext 277. Cold- well olawell Banker RAMI Real Estate. AJAX 2 BEDROOM APL in a house. 575011710. No pets/ smoking. Available January ist.(905472-0924. PICKERING - FURNISHED ROOM plus private 4 -pea bath. stwcd knchen A Laun- dry. dose to transit. non- smoker. available tmma- dytil $400/mexrf*. 1st/ list CaN 428-2770 1 Sired MCKERIMG. professional mak preferred to share a 2 - bedroom oakeo/town+ouse $550 ncfusm Avalable Im- medutey call (905)426- 22141nve ""sage . Gerap a Sweet Space LARGE WORKSHOP 3 575 $° ". wrtr heaf 1 175 sq it not heated High cw�s alarm SySrt�n Close o 401i 115 (905)!87-1445 Prm" "am" 1 1 ik fureclanunrs, free Of fwecbsure proP- aes en Dr,rha s Re- na To receive a free Printout 1711= 1e-805-7%5. ID 61402 leave a message aid, - ung which price Re and area pu are nested kn..(Talk to one. Report courtesy Chins Pyke of Suwon -p Heritage Realty) opportunity Leo 9.00. w prox $03.000ry SM.000. Mon- cadanlrq 3 ple�c approx f25,000N 1158.inq Groat po- twltial. inquiries unes a6335-6104. 1. Wrald RBcem . c0'!, video's and audio hpa, suet music. MUSE mernAAonnrayybipla and rWN- ad item. pic k up. 906.985.771 Will eater MONEY PRMLAS. Get out Of debt *** without E.W. =:Wtankno or d Ct lm d txedt sang CaB iw the offormation. 905-576-3505. Student loans included. :1 r0fw'B'a• MONNAGM - Good, bad and ugly. FirorlaRg for any our- raAli w coappraomrsMarccefft-- services ra. { )p 666- 6805. • 1 ealwa OBOOMWAN tis COVENIMENT - Fwidss$ Gents and loin xrfomHbon to start and expand your ost- ness or farm. 1-800-SM-BB66. OFFICE COFFEE $ERVU dealership. Hone based, with said customer base in Dur- ham Region Great potential. Cal 14 0D -64i-3996. 1•V aBJim TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your tax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. 1Saaaa Fax News Advertiser 905-579.4218 : 1 1 Mmprova ft 1111111.111111110097 MONK OQlO'rlBAslfli Basernfordirn Additions, el dywak theism" 6& cwwtt 20 yrs- Exp. Cal Mario (9)M p14416) 560• 4663 DOORS MRa US GARAGE OPENERS, install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service 6 Repairs 905-837-0949 Basement apartments, rec rooms, framing, drywall, taping, general repairs, (905)837 -OM cell (416)616- 3689 428-0081 815 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We MR move anything anywhere. anytime. con vwow Of resrdarail. Packaging. storage and baa available Savor 5 mrd .torld diSC0lxriS Fra a>mar 1 571-0755 1-M I8-491-6600 i St'ORAGE Houses. Apartments. (mutes. Appliances 8 Piano Specialists. Senior 8 Mid -Month Discounts. Licensed. insured. Free Estimates. P. out "Mice. Can 436-7795. mew WAM QUICK NOV •M"M •!•),fineries - Rubbish Ri-Prof Social Services Seniors Mid -Month DiOcolrMs U Load Truck& Driver $25A)our can Roy Office (9195) 571-7533 Paler (905M35-1947 Wed. Jan. 5, Start: 6:30, View from noon Kahn Auctions 2699 Brock Rd. N Pickering 3 ml N of Hwy 401 exit 399 featuring fine furniture, glass, china d collectibles to incl: FURNITIIIIE; 5 pc. mahogany BR suite. pine sideboard. 5 pc modem DR suite. 7 pc. walnut DR suite, walnut Malt stand, walnut vanity, set- tee w/2 side chairs carved w/swans. Wurlit2er organ, child's maple BR set, fem stands, Macey's radio, etc. GLASS. CHINA. MISC: marked 'salesman sample* Iron bathtub, place setting for 18 Noretake dinner set - Love Song, antique wicker prams, numerous wicker doll buggies, antique clocks. White Rose grease can, numerous antique dolls to Incl. -composition, Shirtey Temple in box. Eaton's moving display window doll d others, antique doll accessories, old costume jewelry, antique cradles, antique lamps, cranberry pitcher, crys- tal, 9 Tom Thumb books, interesting cal paintings incl. Canadian Thomas Mower Martin, punts, carpets, etc. Plisse soft, IAS is vary a small sionwisr of me navy daunt IN f rs, for first safe of as year. dart to afferdiv 10 restraJMt! Randy Potter Auctioneer (905)6113-0041 ESTATES A CONSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY! :11 tirlproverrnanb :11 Improwanlareta `- RETIRED CRAFTSMEN & OTHER EXPERTS FOR LOW COST HOME REPAIRS & REMODEUNGY' 9 N �by a cal • Pakfing eft Nub Ihn 1 rm Mmr�I/ ® 905-686-7236 1 Noo1Mg : 1 laodirg � ��~ ' 11 rrasarrlear Roofing, 41$,OcM LELLAN w;naws Ovor tom Alois ,B 945-767kh -1240 & Rewvati00S who f swClifford o D c. 31, HN Imi s John McLellan "A Maw of His Word- Down � � of css t�iB7a1IwMB today eat w B ✓ s e g�wys an° wear you. 9�'�Ru Estimates YYv vowften tock a �ed1ppmwuumn�) ew -wr. j •pile eta for wsWAlh eloveedd yoouu_1 Ps'd' rBtrtMtMreee and never we get The any finings you did 101 IIS. Inlend and lo . t "°•" ' Laaw ted • baa rTNT • Y � us Yews ofhappiness !! NO one can take away, SNOWREMOVAL To us you vim someone specW • Someone good a sue IMIpNTML OlwlWAYS Youll never be fore son dear CLEANINGtj)'i lEAfi01lO AlW000 ------ i 111!8 thought ells world of you. DAVE 831-7055 bUna ; �` PKr1y Soeioea ; P+NI! Servk+es IIRAl1111111T WANTS WOM OaeSta 1 Daatha • • Doing Magic For Children's Parkes A..A as roc--.- ra., rv.- roc _6M•k4lC3>e - Adult G11 Ne'aBlie maceit Seirvl" Serving Durham Region Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily ( 5) 725-2322 Now Hiring 18+ Pill * Chtldren's entertainment for arty occasion. Clowns, character kook-alikes, loot bags face painting, magic, music. "Ile Rbboe ABwd Wilmer - Clay Pao'!i,'!1'!1'W >k >k >k >k97711� ACIIFOFA Nuel Vkkwb - an Wedneix1lBy, De- Lember 2911, 1999 at the Guildwood Ebertficare. Hazel Vklona McLellan in her 76th year. Wile of Ow lale Albert Acldord Loving moom of Now and Ilei htlsbend Les Mat NM Bell end his wife SIJiiB<L Dear Wandmollher of David, D000k, Col- leen, and the late Kam Gree grandnother of Mitchell. Sjsterof Maly Jack- Mamie, Dome, Del, and the We Goldie, Art, and Jean. The family will receive Inends at the McEACHNE FUNER- AL HOME, 28 Old Kirton Road, Ajax (Picker- ing ) (905) 428.8488 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., 9 5. Funeral service in the cftapel on Friday, December 31, 1999 9 1:30 p.m. Inter- mooEmkine fierygas my be made a the Canadian Society �� " 1:'t"'`r+7a"a!"t^x�iTSat,•, ..:-! s 'S';"..,.. . 'i �''e �:�, _6M•k4lC3>e - Adult G11 Ne'aBlie maceit Seirvl" Serving Durham Region Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily ( 5) 725-2322 Now Hiring 18+ Pill * Chtldren's entertainment for arty occasion. Clowns, character kook-alikes, loot bags face painting, magic, music. "Ile Rbboe ABwd Wilmer - Clay Pao'!i,'!1'!1'W >k >k >k >k97711� ACIIFOFA Nuel Vkkwb - an Wedneix1lBy, De- Lember 2911, 1999 at the Guildwood Ebertficare. Hazel Vklona McLellan in her 76th year. Wile of Ow lale Albert Acldord Loving moom of Now and Ilei htlsbend Les Mat NM Bell end his wife SIJiiB<L Dear Wandmollher of David, D000k, Col- leen, and the late Kam Gree grandnother of Mitchell. Sjsterof Maly Jack- Mamie, Dome, Del, and the We Goldie, Art, and Jean. The family will receive Inends at the McEACHNE FUNER- AL HOME, 28 Old Kirton Road, Ajax (Picker- ing ) (905) 428.8488 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., 9 5. Funeral service in the cftapel on Friday, December 31, 1999 9 1:30 p.m. Inter- mooEmkine fierygas my be made a the Canadian Society �� " 1:'t"'`r+7a"a!"t^x�iTSat,•, ..:-! s 'S';"..,.. . 'i �''e �:�, in NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY EDITION. January 1. 2000 PAGE 31 A/P DREAMING OF THE PERFECT WEDDING. I JIJL - i SundayJanuary16 11 am - 4pm at the A. E. KING F/ TNESS CoNpLEX . 1200 Leland Avenue Townline Rd. between King & Adelaide TICKET LOCATIONS:. CAA Travel, Oshawa Travel Centre -1050 Sirrx)oe St N., Val's Bridal - (Courtioe Plaza) King & Townline, Courtice Special Moments -137 Byron SL N., V%Aby House of Golden Aire -1323 King SL E., Oshawa AWX)FW Frmm Salm ESM! -1200 Ross a Rd. E, Illlhfb►y The Gift House -18 King SL E., Oshawa . The Bay - Osh� Centre ry Jewellery by Sanders - Gibbons & King SL) Oshawa Everlasting Nlernones - 305 Queen St Pat Perry Ost�awalVVlw�y/�Claringbor�l ���, .� Port Perry This Week - 865 Farewell Ave., Oshawa Athina's Bridal - 302 Stevenson Rd. N. Oshawa d Tickets: ;r $7.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door . LIVE ENTERTAINMENT featuring DAN CLANCY From the Popular Group "LIGHTHOUSE" • Over 50 Displays • Prizes • Refreshments (Compliments of Bunny's Catering) Hors d'oeuvres by Delectable Delicious (a division of Delectably Delicioy6 Event 2000 "Durham's Largest Fashion Event"' SKCTACUI FASHIF SH( _ .1.30j •� jiv CaCC wFl Presented b ... a f = y _. OSHAWA • WHITBY • CLARINGTON • PORT PERRY TT I bft FOR INFORMATION CALL 579-4400 • HEATHER McGIVERN or DEBBIE PEARCE RAND PRIZE ip for twa ABUL0US AS VEGAS impliments o1 .nTQe11G Event 2000 "Durham's Largest Fashion Event"' SKCTACUI FASHIF SH( _ .1.30j •� jiv CaCC wFl Presented b ... a f = y _. OSHAWA • WHITBY • CLARINGTON • PORT PERRY TT I bft FOR INFORMATION CALL 579-4400 • HEATHER McGIVERN or DEBBIE PEARCE We Pa The 00� OF els on new vehicles only on selected models V RECEIVE 3 DAY - F: CRUISE.,., IN V With any new e purchase or lease. Dw 089.2d apply to WE ARE previous pppu-rc A fare & portaxesIWINd. 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