HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_12_29.PI-CKERING NEWS ADVERTISER P I C K E R I N G' S COMMUNITY NIWSPAPE R S I N C E 1 9 6 5 PAGES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1999 Charges laid after police shooting Page A3 Pickering lags In recreation facilities: Johnson `We're losing that opportunity' to provide for town's youth BYMAR/ANNETAKACS figure skate.- kate"Staff Staffwriter The councillor wants Picker- PICKERING — It's time ing to start remedying the situa- Pickering caught up to other mu- tion now by inviting citizens and nicipalities in providing sports community groups who use or and recreation facilities for its would like to use the Town's youth, instead of leaving them recreation facilities to discuss with little to do but hang out at the creed for more. He notes malls and liquor stores, says most local sports organizations Ward 3 Regional Councillor have long waiting lists of kids Rick Johnson. they just can't accommodate on "Activity is one way of keep- the Town's limited ice rinks and ing the kids harnessed and going playing fields and in gyms and in the right direction:' he says. parks. "We're losing that opportunity Even if council is not pre - when we have waiting lists for pared to spend any significant kids who want to play hockey or amount of money on new facili- ties in 20110, maintains Coun. Emergency ward works through `bypass' code AJAX — The emergency dcpartmcm at the hospital here was forced to join other hospi- tals in the Greater Toronto Area by refusing to accept any patients by ambulance for a number of hours on Tuesday. While the number of hewn the critical cam byrNws was in effect Has unavailable at press time, the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre couldn't accept any patients brought in by am- bulance, no matter how serious — until 9:30 a.m. yesterday. At that time, the hospital went on redirect, which meant it could accept only critical cases by ambulance, reports hospital spokesman Katie Cronin- Woxxl. The hospital has been treat- ing a high number of patients with pneumonia and gastro-in- testinal infections, according to Ms. Cronin -Wood. That, coupled with the lack of beds, has created pressure on the hospital, she adds. -it happens every Christ- ina:' Ms. Cronin -Wood ex- plains. "People don't want to come to the hospital on Christ- mas, so when they finally come, they are really sick" The hospital expected beds to become available by Tues- day afternoon, which would free up room in the emergency department, says Ms. Cronin - Wood Johnson, it's important to start discussing what is needed now since it can take years to get something like an ice pad built. "I think we have to get a game plan in place. Let's get the public's opinion on where they drink we should be going" Another reason to get the dis- .:ussion and planting started now. according to Coun. John- son, is so that cost-sharing arrangements can be worked out with community groups and the private sector. He notes the days when taxpayers could be expect- ed to foci the entire bill for cul- ture and recreation facilities are gone, and partnerships with business and/or the c�ommuniry are the way t0 go. He maintains sports organi- zations are eager and willing to contribute funds or raise money for facilities if given the chance. and there arc plenty of opportu- nities in recreation for business as well. For example. conn. Johnson says he knows of com- panies that would be willing to build multi -million -dollar sports and recreation facilities. "We have to prove the demo- graphics arc out there and that the population want, that " The councillor adds he's "frustrated" the process required for getting new facilities in place here has not begun yct and he's planning to do everything he can to get it under way, including bringing a motion before council Jan. 17 to have staff start consul- tation on the issue with the com- munity. He also wants Pickering to undertake a recreation, parks and cultural services master plan to determine what direction the Town should take w accommo- . See JOHNSON page A2 Inside the News Advertiser N= NI STOCK! am "TIM arc -40M PICKERING HONDA 970 Brod[ Rd. 4. of Buyly 831 &4W TO M IR Eribfrtal hM ..... A6 Celama st ........ A6 � ............81 Eabrtairwt ......B5 Ckmal.......... B8 GWE 118 A CALL Sao ....... 683-5110 Bis- 1 11aa ...683-5117 OeaUI Neuters .683-3005 Dowdy Years ...... 1-800-662-8423 Email ............... newsroom@durham.net Web site durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 Recycle your News Advertised JASON L/EBREG7V Newt Advenuer pore OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $5/ fl NEWSSTAND Flu spreads in Durham Page A7 One-stop service touted Pickering streamlines departments for 2000 BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — The town s heading into the new millen- nium with a new organizational .tructure to accompany the new t% status it will acquire mid- rught Dec. 31. "There will likely be a brief .adjustment period for citizens dealing with town administra- iion, says Pickering CAO Tom (Kinn. But the reorganization was designed overall to provide people with "one-stop shop- ping" instead of having to run around between departments for information, services and permits if, for example, they want to build an addition or shed for their home. "It's easier, it's simpler," says Mr. Ouinn. "It makes it more efficient all the way around. We're already seeing the efficiencies right now. It's actually working very well.- The ell" Look mom, no hands! plemmcntreorganizationd veber�Tbr e mesa_ departments have re - Jordan �s beat the cam! by keeping his hands inside the placed the ten departments that sleeves of his winter coat during a brisk winter skateboard- existed previously. Their new ing session in Pickering. Lot al teens have been using the alruc liarurc is based on "f -a aimed popular skateboarding k in Pickering during their al olepuping together armed PoP R P� R R at grouping together similar Christmas school break functions, activities and ser- TOM QUINN 'It makes it more efficient all the wav around.' vices, to best achieve organiza- tional goals and the objectives of various administrative sec - bats. The new departments arc: • planning and development — resrxmsible for pro essing all develownent arntic-atin . -0 overseeing an appromd devcl- opmen through the building permit stage to completion; Neil Carroll is director of the See TOWN page A2 Girl in the Picture findspeace Subject of Vietnam war photo recalls life -changing event BY UNDA WHITE Scoff writer She will always be 'The Girl in the Picture'. But today, the young girl im- mortalized in the minds of many after being photographed run- ning naked along a village road after being brutally burned by napalm in Vietnam, is the picture of happiness, optimism and for- giveness. And though there have been unimaginably difficult and painful times along the way, Kim Phuc Phan has finally found peace and contentment following an incredible journey that has taken her from the tiny village of Trang Bang to the Town of Ajax. The 36 -year-old mother of two young boys enjoys living in Ajax "very much. It's so quiet and peaceful " That's high praise from some- one whose life changed dramati- cally, and forover at the leader age of nine, when the South Viet- namese military mistakenly bombed the highway outside her village with napalm. As she ran from die temple where she and other villagers were hiding. Kim tate ben burn- ing clothes fton her back. Sec- onds before she collapsed from pain, Associated Press wire ser- vice photographer Nick Ut cap- tured her image on film. The Pulitzer Prize-winning picture has been credited with prompting widespread support for the American anti -war effort and hastening the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam. But if the aftershocks of the moving photograph have been kk around the world, the impact it has had oat Ms. Phan is inunca- strable. as chronicled nicled in the new book, 'The Girl in the Picture: The Kim Phuc Story% written by award-winning Canadian author Denise Chong and published by Penguin Books Canada. "1 am really, really thankful he took the picture:' Ms. Phan adnuts in an interview at her home. "He was not just a pho- tographer. He saved me. He took me to the hospital. He's a human being helping another," she says of Mr. Ut. "My family was not there to help me' She recognizes the picture's impact. "It was a powerful image," Ms. Phan concedes. "It was a wonderful gift It has contributed (to the promotion of) peace. I think it has let people learn about war, the horrors of war and to question why children have to suffer. It changed the way poople looked at the Vietnam war and war around the wood." However, as the author [totes in her book, Ms. Phan became "a pawn in the hands of officials who turned her into a propagan- da tool for her country's Com- munist regime. Ms. Phan's dream of beconr ing a doctor, for example, was thwarted as she was pulled froth countess classes to be inter- viewed by a steady stream of for- eign Journalists, pressured to lie about what her life was really like. At about that time, Ms. Phan discovered in Christianity a strength and guidance she credits A4S0N L E6REGTS1 News Advemxr pAWo The journey front Trang Bang to Ajax has been a long and difficult one for Kirit Phuc Phan (centre), who is lucky to be alive after being struck by napalm during the war in Viet- nam. She's seen here with (back, from left) father Tung Phan, mother Nu Du and husband Toan But, and in f vm with sons Thomas (left) and Stephen Bui. with helping her survive the most Cuba, where authorities could no difficult times. She managed to longer take advantage of her get word to the Vietnamese celebrity. prime minister about the obsta- It's also where she met her fit- cles she faced at university and was finally allowed to study in See NEW page AS wTmA JUST IN 11! 2 NEW PHONES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM SMALLEST, LIGHTEST, TRIMODE PHONES AVAILABLE nrraM �«e • NUMAItalival" cap"ll" • M I= mill" oapislr FCAIM � . Elit�t>Ir. t Ill is ne man • Vika Call Aled TIIE aslr vm cERrRE-AIAx mcaRllla Taws tP 1 WWI enrlsatu usRTg • 81NI" Anhim la • 3.8 emwAs 10 ft* et. IN. IlIFm111 UWW �ttwl-t�M=10 �E" M www � L + @ a�-Na 9 1 i,14" x 41/8" P PAGE A2 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, December 29 1999 Town changes internal structure TOWN (nim page A I -department; .• operations and 'emergency ser- -vices — respon- sible for all roads and parks maintenance and construction. recreation pro- grams, facilities _maintenance. the fire division and the transit sys- tem: Everett Bunisma is di- rector of the de- partment: corporate ser- vices — respon- sible for taxa- tion. accounting, information sys- tems. purchas- ing. bylaw en- forcement. is- suance of vari- ous licences and permits and the council secre- tariat. Gil Pater- son is director of -the department. The CAO will -continue to be responsible for internal services such as human resources. legal 'services and -economic devel- �opment. Former directors of the 'departments which have been .eliminated now -hold the title of division head for their area of re- sponsibility within the new departments. Mr. Quinn says the changes 'were the out - :come of an cfll- •ctency review. "It was the re- sult of me work- ine here z0 vears and takmj; ov= .as CAO. It was :time for us to re- 'fOCus our ener- gies and effi- .ciencics here in the town. We ran for a long time without making :a lot of :changes." Rcsrdcntc car. -inquire about town programs and services through the cus- tomer care ceP- tre at 420.4666. Johnson shifts focus to .recreation 'JOHNSON frown page AI date future reeds. Council's ex- ecutive commit - )m recently Turned down a recommendation -!from staff to pro- jceed now with the master plan 6W hire a consul- iaw at a cost of x25,000 to assist with it. Several Councillors sug- gested Pickering )didn't need to ',spend $25,000 to rtind Out what .recreation facili- hies are needed :here. However. Town chief ad- ministrative offi- per Tom Quinn said the consul- Aants were needed .mostly to supply "'technical sup - Port" to staff. One of the jobs the iconsuItanIs 'would do. noted Steve Reynolds. Pickering's divi- sion head for cul- ture and recre- ation, is conduct a community tele- phone survey. Councillors referred the deci- sion to the Town's year 2000 budget discus- signs. Fivers richt to your doorstep! Only in your News .1dvertiser... t TOTAL VALUE $189 FREE FITNESS EVALUATION FREE NUTRITIONAL COUNSELLING FREE PERSONALIZED WORKOUT PROGRAM NO CARD FEE NO INITIATION FEE :F" OFFE1,,2000 F)(J?!4 l`1E f%lHEss1755 Pickering Parkway Pickering 09095) 466.7666 mond Hill • Pickering/Ajax • Noah York (NEW LOCATION) ran�m.�e.+1e"—n. V4 t. ftrraMOM v wa..d.gm— • • 11 r w I at �.. • t.r.,. c.w. .o, ran�m.�e.+1e"—n. V4 t. ftrraMOM v wa..d.gm— • • 11 Man shot by olice faces p Chase started near Port Perry and ended BY STEPHEN arm;' the Os- ed suspect, Mr. "The informa- "There has SHAW hawa lawyer Balka said in an tion I've been been no sugges- Staff Writer d d h h A Cobourg man shot by a Durham Region- al Police officer following a pur- suit last Monday has been charged with dangercws driving and re- fusing to stop for police. W a r r c n Mclvor, 45, who was on bail at the time, is also charged with two counts of breach of recognizance. The charges were filed last Thursday at the King Street East courthouse by Durham homi- cide detectives. Listed in sat- isfactory condi- tion. Mr. Mclvor remains at Sun- nybrook Health Sciences Centre under police guard, recover- ing from multi- ple gunshot wounds. With his de- fence lawyer Tom Balka at his hospital bedside. Mr.Mclvor was arraigned on the charges and re- manded into cus- tody by justice of the peace Linda Kay. A bail hearing was set for Jan. 4 in the Ontario Court of Justice, Oshawa pending his discharge from hospital. The Special Investigations Unit, the province's civil- ian agency, is probing the events surround- ing the shooting to determine whether the offi- cer's actions were justified. The shooting fol- lowed a police pursuit which began near Port Perry and ended in a multi -vehi- cle collision at the intersection of highways 48 and 12, near Beaverton. Durham Re- gional Police said officers re- sponded to the Great Blue Heron Charitable Casino on Scu- gog Island at 12:20 a.m. after a report of a "suspicious vehi- cle" in the park- ing lot. The dri- ver fled and a chase was initiat- ed. A spike belt was laid across Hwy. 48 by On- tario Provincial Police officers and the suspect was eventually boxed in by vehi- cles from three police depart- ments, including the Mnjikaning force from the Rama First Na- tions Reserve new Orillia. Details of the circumstances leading to the shooting have not been released by the SIU, how- ever, it's known at least three shots were fired into the suspect's windshield. Mr. Balka said Mr. Mclvor was shot twice in the right arm and once in the lower stomach, with the bullet lodg- ing near his groin. ',He's in a great deal of pain and he's under sedation. I'm ad- vised that he may have suf- fered permanent damage to his sat . SIU investiga- tors have desig- nated Durham Regional Police Constable Paul Williams as a "subject officer" and seized his gun as part of the ongoing probe. No other weapons were seized at the scene. Four Durham Region officers and one OPP. have been named witness officers, meaning they must provide statements to the SIU. Two officers from the Mn- jikaning police service have also been asked to give witness statements. Based on a conversation with the wound interview that he able to gather so tion ma e t at e has "grave con- far is the car was was trying to run cerns about why disabled by spike anyone down. he was shot belts, it was not Under all of under the cir- moving, he's those circum- cumstances" - boxed in by po- stances, of Mr. Mclvor lice vehicles and course I'm con - was unarmed, he's unarmed;' cerned," said Mr. said the lawyer. he said. Balka. FAMES R. YANCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services NEWS AatlElrfl11111M WEollESM Et IMW o.eauto.r 2f, 7t1N PAGE N 00 dangerous drivingchar e g in north Durham after man was wounded Mr. Mclvor and charged with was arrested in mischief under October in con- $50)0, posses- nection with a Sion of stolen break-in at the property, willful Old Oak Tree damage, resist - Furniture store in ing arrest and Hope Township dangerous dri- OPTOMETRIST Evening/Saturday Appointments Available Ample Free Parking NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Cmsunatws available for LASIK PRK :Orrect,ve sur?.j 62 Harwood Ave. 5., Ajax (905)) 426-1434 1360 Kinston Rd Unit 9A Pi[kerina (905)831.6870 ving. he live at the under a night - At a bail hear- home of his time curfew and ing held Oct. 27, mother on Henry was not permit - Mr. Mclvor was Street in ted to drive or released with Cobourg. consume drugs conditions that He was also or alcohol. B oxing Week Special Beanie Babies ® $ 92 Mil,, Last 6 + Taxes Sale Starts Wed, Dec. 29/99 through Jan. 2/2000 Cash Only (No credit or debit cards) •Beanie Babies •Pokemon •Crary Banes • Hunter Licensed gift products -Sports and non -sports cards & supplies WA AL S 2000 ORLD?eS,Cde M&Y 'A�a'•: Art PAW A4 NEWS AIMAMISEK WEDNESDAY EDff*K 0u1mnrr1 29. IM � ] your senses. See a show. Smell the roses. Listen to the music. Get a taste of fine cuisine. Feel the excitement online. durhamregion.com is the ultimate online guide to the city and stutoutding areas. We've got information on shops and services, hotels, restaurants, arts and entertainment, business and community organizations, as well as feature stories, weekly restaurant reviews, sports and much more. Updated daily. For advertising information, gall us at (416) 596-4300 NEWS ADNEIATtbEN, WEDNESDAY EDITION, December 29,19N PAGE AS AIP lvew life forged in Durham for Vietnam victim NEW from page AI cam she is so sensitive to heat — the impact of the picture on her life about her injuries. J k.s which is why she doesn't complain has allowed her to heal. "He noticed the hums on my lure husband, Tuan Bui. It was en about winter here. That healing has allowed her to arm and wondered if I was hurt:' route to Cuba from their honey- "'lite weather is wonderful:' move on and to concentrate on Ms. Phan recalls. moon in Moscow that Ms. Phan laughs Ms. Phan, recalling the raising her family. "He kissed me ... and was so informed him of her plans to rc- days when she would shower with She has brought her parents sensitive'% but has found it difficult main in Canada — to defect — cold water and use blocks of ice to from Vietnam to live with her and watching the documentary about while their plane refuelled in Gan- ease her pain. -Fite cool weather help care for her sons while she his mother, 'Kim's Story The der, Nfld., giving him just a few has helped me The hot weather travels and hopes to save enough Road from Vietnam', which first hours to decide whether tojoin her. gives me headaches and I tire eas- money to one day sponsor brothers aired to early 1997. "God opened the door for me:" maintains Ms Ph• "Who fl- ily:, M.1. and sisters living there. "Iltey're so happy." she says of an. n (o t- S. P an remains dedicated to Ms. Phan hati talked to her cull- her sons. The most important vials) asked who sponsored me. I making a difference. dren about her story. after her el- thing for me is that my children Just the fax • 683-7363 said, 'God'. I had no church, no "I know people listen. Maybe. it dest son asked several years ago can live with no fear, no war." • friends, no family. We had ab- will help them examine their solutely nothing:' she recalls. "I hearts and they will realize if Kim fell in love with the Canadian flag, Phuc can forgive, maybe they can li„a / knew French and English were forgive, too. 1 think that's the pur- Gi spoken here, and knew that (the pose in my life. • 5 weather) was cool. That's all 1 "From that picture, I can talk knew about Canada" about forgiveness:' says Ms. Phan, EATERY Ms. Phan and her husband, who who met the American who report- OPEN became Canadian citizens in 1998, edly dropped the napalm bomb EVERY DAV 990 a.m. have lived in Ajax for the past two that injured her while speaking at a ^� , years. They have been members of Veterans' Day Ceremony in the the town's FaithWay Baptist U.S. several years ago. to �-° YEAR AFTER YEAR - SAME OLD PRICES Church for six years. "I thank God again and again "I thank God again and again that I learned how to forgive. 1 r�<; that I can stay in the best coun- found peace and love and that has I I I I Breakfast Special (Daily) *299 try When I came to Canada I helped me from day to day." wanted to escape from the picture' Ms. Phan has heard from hum- � l Luncheon Specials Daily *649 and make her own decisions, she dreds of people inspired by her enthuses as her sons Thomas, 5, story and her ability to forgive. "I O $14 1 449 '` and Stephen, 2, crawl over her. cry because of them and they cry TWO CAN DINE FOR "It's a miracle for me:' she Says because of me:' she says quietly. /Every Day of The Week; of her children. "I never thought 1 "But 1 feel so happy. When I cry, I G1 w Year's Eve Bash! EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT $ would have kids. I never thought 1 cry for another. I never cry about /sec. 3tstP,,rl,mnrurn• N 0(jri, '17, kht,i( Man $1049 would even have a boyfriend:' my family" Shows :It 3o, sail anrt t o alpn,. Eve v ng or ,rte T,e, i a'rer 5 0o a T confides Ms. Phan, once conscious She also crediti the photo with V of the third degree — or worse — helping her establish the Kim Phuc bums to almost 35 per cent of her Foundation, dedicated to helping ;..w TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS body. young victims of war. As well, she aj ALL INCLUSIVE $5 9 0 0 "I thank God 1 have a wonder- is an ambassador with the United C05 Cullen Gardens Says Nations Educational, Scientific Per P9r50n ful husband, whatever I am:' Sa y CC � &Miniature Villaf;e Ms. Phan, who "no longer cares" and Cultural Organization (UN- Gi 300 Taunton Rd. W.. WHt"I'Bt about her scarred skin. Today, she ESCO). entre 839-2501 is conscious to cover up only bc- And she believes talking aNwl Teens charged, officers hurt after chase, crash Two Durham Regional Police officers suffered injuries after a stolen pickup truck carrying four teenagers crashed into their cruiser during a chase in Whitby early Monday. One of the officers needed 47 stitches to close a head wound suffered when the truck slammed into the marked ve- hicle at the in- tersection of Burns and Annis streets. Police said an- other officer suffered a bro- ken arm while struggling with one of the sus- pects immedi- ately following the crash. Both officers were released after being treated for their injuries at the Ajax -Pickering Health Centre. Three youths were arrested at the scene and a fourth surren- dered to officers a short time later, police said. Police said the short pursuit started at about 3 am. when the pickup carrying the youths turned away from a RIDE spot-check set up at Brock and Walnut streets. It ended a few minutes later when the truck collided with the cruiser as officers tried to block the roadway. The four teens, whose ages weren't provided, have been charged under the Young Offenders Act. Two of them were scheduled to appear in bail court Tuesday morning, while the others were released with court dates. 11 10 POSTURE CARE Single 4 4 9 Mattress Set 1269 DOUBLE 179 SET 319 QUEEN 229 SET 409 ORTHoPRACTIC MaW� 259 Set 1429 DOUBLE 299 SET 499 QUEEN 339 SET 549 KING 539 SET 869 f 15 Via COMFORT SLEEP Single 4 79 Mattress Set 1319 DOUBLE 219 SET 389 QUEEN 279 SET 479 KING 469 SET 779 ORTHOELEGANCE Single Mattress ��9 Set 1479 DOUBLE 359 SET 569 QUEEN 419 SET 669 KING 579 SET 979 a. ANY S FREE, I CHOICES r • Bed Frame • Pillow Cases - Pillow L • Mattress Pad • Sheet Straps • Set-up • Layaway • Delivery • Disposal of old set - Sheets • Pillow Protector WITH ANY MATTRESS SET PURCHASED MRP I FREE I I I 'BED INA BA61 %mmmmmmmmmlp ORTHOPEDIC Single 1219 219 Mattress Set 1369 DOUBLE 269 SET 439 QUEEN 329 SET 499 KING 509 SET 799 0 PILLOW TOP Single 1369 Mattress Set 1539 DOUBLE 459 SET 619 QUEEN 559 SET 719 KING 689 SET 1029 t e Sleep Fa r,. 1 WE MAP L _ J ANY S12 I� MATTjRE SET UP AVAIL oeCHE DISPOSAL OI SET AVAILA FREE f A LAV -AW, 'Ica�c �i.il slur ttcl�.i It Itl:r(lur�.ct 11111111dwJ 79 Taunton head W. (!9051433-1052 e(7 .).ar.ttl e� the Sleep Factory l FIRM SPECIAL PEDIC Single 1239 Mattress Set 1399 DOUBLE 289 SET 469 QUEEN 349 SET 529 KING 529 SET 829 ORTHOSUPREME Single 1399 Mattress Set 1609 DOUBLE 489 SET 719 QUEEN 589 SET 809 KING 709 SET 1179 ileebio: aW the a. nmama Sleep c Factory �8 $20 Weetney (Road S. (905) 619-1315 J k.s TO ALL MY FRIENDS ., .. AND VALUED CUSTOMERS OSEcn..,dw . ar,,,e+. • c.e+.� an. n (o t- S. P an remains dedicated to Ms. Phan hati talked to her cull- her sons. The most important vials) asked who sponsored me. I making a difference. dren about her story. after her el- thing for me is that my children Just the fax • 683-7363 said, 'God'. I had no church, no "I know people listen. Maybe. it dest son asked several years ago can live with no fear, no war." • friends, no family. We had ab- will help them examine their solutely nothing:' she recalls. "I hearts and they will realize if Kim fell in love with the Canadian flag, Phuc can forgive, maybe they can li„a / knew French and English were forgive, too. 1 think that's the pur- Gi spoken here, and knew that (the pose in my life. • 5 weather) was cool. That's all 1 "From that picture, I can talk knew about Canada" about forgiveness:' says Ms. Phan, EATERY Ms. Phan and her husband, who who met the American who report- OPEN became Canadian citizens in 1998, edly dropped the napalm bomb EVERY DAV 990 a.m. have lived in Ajax for the past two that injured her while speaking at a ^� , years. They have been members of Veterans' Day Ceremony in the the town's FaithWay Baptist U.S. several years ago. to �-° YEAR AFTER YEAR - SAME OLD PRICES Church for six years. "I thank God again and again "I thank God again and again that I learned how to forgive. 1 r�<; that I can stay in the best coun- found peace and love and that has I I I I Breakfast Special (Daily) *299 try When I came to Canada I helped me from day to day." wanted to escape from the picture' Ms. Phan has heard from hum- � l Luncheon Specials Daily *649 and make her own decisions, she dreds of people inspired by her enthuses as her sons Thomas, 5, story and her ability to forgive. "I O $14 1 449 '` and Stephen, 2, crawl over her. cry because of them and they cry TWO CAN DINE FOR "It's a miracle for me:' she Says because of me:' she says quietly. /Every Day of The Week; of her children. "I never thought 1 "But 1 feel so happy. When I cry, I G1 w Year's Eve Bash! EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT $ would have kids. I never thought 1 cry for another. I never cry about /sec. 3tstP,,rl,mnrurn• N 0(jri, '17, kht,i( Man $1049 would even have a boyfriend:' my family" Shows :It 3o, sail anrt t o alpn,. Eve v ng or ,rte T,e, i a'rer 5 0o a T confides Ms. Phan, once conscious She also crediti the photo with V of the third degree — or worse — helping her establish the Kim Phuc bums to almost 35 per cent of her Foundation, dedicated to helping ;..w TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS body. young victims of war. As well, she aj ALL INCLUSIVE $5 9 0 0 "I thank God 1 have a wonder- is an ambassador with the United C05 Cullen Gardens Says Nations Educational, Scientific Per P9r50n ful husband, whatever I am:' Sa y CC � &Miniature Villaf;e Ms. Phan, who "no longer cares" and Cultural Organization (UN- Gi 300 Taunton Rd. W.. WHt"I'Bt about her scarred skin. Today, she ESCO). entre 839-2501 is conscious to cover up only bc- And she believes talking aNwl Teens charged, officers hurt after chase, crash Two Durham Regional Police officers suffered injuries after a stolen pickup truck carrying four teenagers crashed into their cruiser during a chase in Whitby early Monday. One of the officers needed 47 stitches to close a head wound suffered when the truck slammed into the marked ve- hicle at the in- tersection of Burns and Annis streets. Police said an- other officer suffered a bro- ken arm while struggling with one of the sus- pects immedi- ately following the crash. Both officers were released after being treated for their injuries at the Ajax -Pickering Health Centre. Three youths were arrested at the scene and a fourth surren- dered to officers a short time later, police said. Police said the short pursuit started at about 3 am. when the pickup carrying the youths turned away from a RIDE spot-check set up at Brock and Walnut streets. It ended a few minutes later when the truck collided with the cruiser as officers tried to block the roadway. The four teens, whose ages weren't provided, have been charged under the Young Offenders Act. Two of them were scheduled to appear in bail court Tuesday morning, while the others were released with court dates. 11 10 POSTURE CARE Single 4 4 9 Mattress Set 1269 DOUBLE 179 SET 319 QUEEN 229 SET 409 ORTHoPRACTIC MaW� 259 Set 1429 DOUBLE 299 SET 499 QUEEN 339 SET 549 KING 539 SET 869 f 15 Via COMFORT SLEEP Single 4 79 Mattress Set 1319 DOUBLE 219 SET 389 QUEEN 279 SET 479 KING 469 SET 779 ORTHOELEGANCE Single Mattress ��9 Set 1479 DOUBLE 359 SET 569 QUEEN 419 SET 669 KING 579 SET 979 a. ANY S FREE, I CHOICES r • Bed Frame • Pillow Cases - Pillow L • Mattress Pad • Sheet Straps • Set-up • Layaway • Delivery • Disposal of old set - Sheets • Pillow Protector WITH ANY MATTRESS SET PURCHASED MRP I FREE I I I 'BED INA BA61 %mmmmmmmmmlp ORTHOPEDIC Single 1219 219 Mattress Set 1369 DOUBLE 269 SET 439 QUEEN 329 SET 499 KING 509 SET 799 0 PILLOW TOP Single 1369 Mattress Set 1539 DOUBLE 459 SET 619 QUEEN 559 SET 719 KING 689 SET 1029 t e Sleep Fa r,. 1 WE MAP L _ J ANY S12 I� MATTjRE SET UP AVAIL oeCHE DISPOSAL OI SET AVAILA FREE f A LAV -AW, 'Ica�c �i.il slur ttcl�.i It Itl:r(lur�.ct 11111111dwJ 79 Taunton head W. (!9051433-1052 e(7 .).ar.ttl e� the Sleep Factory l FIRM SPECIAL PEDIC Single 1239 Mattress Set 1399 DOUBLE 289 SET 469 QUEEN 349 SET 529 KING 529 SET 829 ORTHOSUPREME Single 1399 Mattress Set 1609 DOUBLE 489 SET 719 QUEEN 589 SET 809 KING 709 SET 1179 ileebio: aW the a. nmama Sleep c Factory �8 $20 Weetney (Road S. (905) 619-1315 $20 Weetney (Road S. (905) 619-1315 AIP POW 6 NEM ADV61'f16E11. WEDNEMY EDITION. DaosnuMr 2% im •i. Cdmifnrial p n NEWS ADVERTISER DEC. EDITORIAL Redirect, critical care bypass too common Tory government reactive rather than proactive It certainly seemed like a good idea at the time, a plan that was long overdue in Ontario. The Health Services Re- structuring Commission, given a clear mandate by the in- coming Tory government in 1995• set about changing the face of health care in the province. Hospitals were ordered closed or amalgamated, all with the goal of making the delivery of health care services more efficient and effective. Unused beds in hospitals - there were thousands of them a half -decade ago - were to be eliminated to save costs. With good intentions, the HSRC made many changes. And the Province backed most of those decisions. Howev- er, it seems these days we're playing catch-up with health care problems. Minister of Health Elizabeth Witmer is throwing money at hospitals overburdened with those who badly need care. Hospitals on redirect and critical care bypass are the rule rather than the exception. A few days ago the only hospital in the entire GTA accepting patients was Markham-Stouf- fville. Minister Witmer promised $196 million to help allevi- ale the crowded conditions to open up more beds. Some $43 million of that fund will go to hospitals in the GTA. Yet, it points to a multifaceted problem that won't get bet- ter anytime soon. Part of the future improvement to our health system must involve increased funding from the federal govern- ment. The social transfer payments from the fells to the provinces which have been massively cut over the past decade and which have helped the feds eliminate their deficit. must be restored now that Federal Finance Minister Paul Martin has a surplus to work with. Tax cuts are great. but not if we don't have an adequate health care system. Mr. Martin's next budget, due in about two months time, must restore badly needed funding to the provinces. But Minister Witmer must speed up the process of im- proving the system. Provincial Finance Minister Ernie Eves, with a surplus to work with next spring, must boost ipcnding on health care. Money for improvements is nec- issary as the population of Ontario. and especially the GTA Continues to grow. Finally, each of us can help by going to Emergency only when necessary. Too often, people want to see a doctor when confronted with a cold or the flu. Often, a visit to a pospital or clinic isn't needed. Some bed rest, plenty of flu- ids, etc., will do the trick. That trip not trade to Emergency ielps doctors and nurses concentrate on patients who truly IPecd care. Some redirect and CCB will always be necessary. To make sure the system works near capacity and is economi- cally viable. some sacrifice is necessary. But Ontarians peed to have confidence they'll receive necessary treatment in a reasonable amount of tithe at a nearby hospital. That claim can't be satisfied with the system we have at this unser. Did you prepare for that other bug? Influenza pays its annual visit to Durham Region Plans in pla unlikely eve nuclear mishap % • INIONS 2 9 1 9 9 9 �4 I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ere in TEX 3 nuclear exercise last and steel April, which received excellent less, our nt of reviews from its independent personnel evaluators. By To the editor: Your recent article headlined 'Province agrees to study 10 -km alert zone' may have mislead readers as to what organization is in charge of nuclear emergency plans in Ontario. The responsibility for plan- ning for nuclear emergencies re- sides with Emergency Measures Ontario (EMO), an agency of the provincial goviernmcnt. It is this organization, not Ontario Power Generation (OPG), which will be conducting the study on how to alert residents in the unlikely event of a nuclear emergency. Whilc OPG will fund the study, the final decision on what sort of alerting system to put into place and how it is operated will rest with EMO Public safety is the number - one priority for OPG, and the no - btu design and prudent opera- tion of our nuclear facilities mean the chance of an accident ever affecting the public is very remote. However. OPG, the mu- nicipality and the Province all have good emergency plans in place, and well-trained people to implement them. The Interim Provincial Nuclear Emergency Plan provides a good framework for protecting the public. This was demonstrated at the CANA- Bob Ferguson, Vice-president, Nuclear Performance Advisory Group, Ontario Power Generation tering our needy. our home - Canadian armed services the way, Mr. Stell, the mean distance of Mars from the sun is 227,940.000 kilometres. That's not a billion miles away (source- httpJ/www.mwsnews.coffv'focus/m �• You may he one of the unlucky ones in Durham. Your — --- ---- -- mead and muscles ache, you're tinning a fever and you Don't bet on premier quitting euspect one or more of your children may be coming down with something too. You have the flu. i Hospital across Durham Region were swamped with Tory leader at Queens Park for the long hat Oaticnts over the Christmas weekend, stretching already Thin resources ever further. Recent actions by Premier t However, with regional t.rgent care and walk-in clin- Mike Harris are encouraging tics open again for business yestreday, the crunch at ERs speculation he may leave his job an Durham was eased somewhat. In the meantime, take soon, but don't count on it. %care of yourself, get plenty of rest and fluids and see your Much of the predicting is (family doctor. founded on the Progressive Con - If you haven't already had a flu shot and haven't servative premier's frequent ab- jshown any symptoms of the illness, it's time to consider sences from the legislature, which ',getting vaccinated against the strains identified this year. the Liberals drew attention to by With all the talk of the Y2K bug these days, perhaps the novelty of introducing a bill +we've all forgotten to pay attention to that other, biolog- that would require him to be in his tical, bug which visits every year. seat more often, ahhough it will Swat the flu bug. Get rest and medical attention. Enjoy never be passed. the new year. Mr. Harris replied he attends as regularly as earlier premiers, lE-meil commeats on these eaimrirls to which is untrue. But his poor at- �twews@durkw&aet Sabmusssows whilch iwclrie the tendance is not new. The premier writer's fuU nate and town of residence will be tonsil- has been on a planned, deliberate ;%-M for publicapon, strategy for two years of avoiding The question was: :Why do you give blood? Asked at the blood donor clinic at St. Bernadette's cburcb ball. rr+ 7 Gordon Boyd Kathleen Dob- Carolyn WOOD says, "It's a great son says. "Be- says, "I gig edea and 1 like cause my stepfa- blood because :helping people:' ther is dying and makes me fe he needs a blood good and my hu transfusion:' band has termir cancer and nee blood transf sions:' parses cannot asst tum quesuons that might embarrass him and help their causes. He was equally absent before the lune election when he unques- tionably was staying and trying to win, so his absence is no indicator he is tired or attracted elsewhere and ready to quit his role. The premier is seen also as having lost some of his zest and run out of ideas because he is not bringing in as much far-reaching legislation as in his first four years. It is true his pace has slowed. His Common Sense Revolutionar- ies are taking a breather before storming the last ramparts of the welfare state Bastille. His legislation has been slim- mer pickings with its continued amalgamations of municipalities, minor attacks on crime and at last a requirement provincial budgets be balanced. But it is still on par with some previous governments' 0 Eric Dowd At Queen's Park and shows he has some goals be wants to attain. Mr. Harris is being viewed as planning an early exit because he passed legislation to permit for- mer MPPs to claim their positions earlier, but if it was designed for anyone in his government, it more likely was Deputy Premier and Fi- nance Minister Ernie Eves, who shows more signs of quitting soon. Mr. Harris, when he leaves, will be deluged with offers of di- rectorships from companies grate- ful for his tax cuts and weakening of laws that protected labour and will be in no mad rush to cash in his pensions. The premier also is showing enthusiasm for another crusade, trying to persuade the Liberal fed- eral government to follow his lead and cut taxes and may want to plug away at it longer before he moves on. The premier tries to shape al- most any issue into a criticism of Ottawa, usually winding up offer- ing to work with it in any way to cut taxes. One move he is unlikely to make, although it is being pushed at him, is leaving Queen's Park to lead a united right -of -center fed- eral party. Mr. Harris led the opposition in Ontario for five years, knows its disadvantages and would be re- luctant to give up a reasonably se- cure premiership of the biggest province for the uncertainties of opposition in Ottawa The premier also has urged the Liberal federal government to use its fiscal surplus to cut taxes rather than improve social pro- grams which particularly help poorer provinces, so they wM W not rash to welcome him as feder- al leader. Mr. Harris's proudest boast is be keeps his promises, which is not entirely true, but he has kept his major ones like cutting gov- ernment and taxes. If he quit in 2000 after being elected for a four -year -term in 1999, it would be the equivalent of breaking a promise and not a high note on which to leave. The Tory leader also thinks enough of his revolution he would like to leave it in secure hands and he has no clear, safe successor. The most commonly suggested is Management Board Chairman Chris Hodgson, who has demon- strated talent for smothering op- position criticisms but not indicat- ed he can inspire revolutionaries onward. Mr. Harris will need to develop a successor and he still could quit before the next election, due in 2003 or 2004, but not much be- fore. E -atoll comments on this column to nnews@durhan.net. Submis- sions which include the writer's full nine and town of residence wilt be considered for publica- doar. i Ceebrate the TutureI DURHAM THE NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editomn-Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising AEanager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified : t dvertising .'Manager John Willens Real Estate automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution :tfunager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing %tanager News (905) 683-5110 Salsa (905)683-5110 Classifieds (905) 683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 newsroom -u dudrham.net Web address www.durhamnews.net 130 Commercial Avc.. Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Mcboland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade. (huano Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circulators Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for ad- veniscinct limited to space price erns occupies. The News Advertiser ac- cepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or nearly hand-wrinca, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style. length and cornern(( Opin- ions expressed itif tiers arc those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be print- ed. �7 C Pad Johwston, Launch beefs Piel""'g against waste by Reader skeptical our space cadets about nuclear To � editor: assurances Re David Stell's column in the News Advertiser headlined To the editor: 'Money's just lost in space: Mars Re: The earthquake. probe dollars could be better spent': It would seem no matter how Wow! NASA squandered $165 much time and money the nu. million on a lost Mars probe? I clear sector spends reassuring the gotta ask was tial in Canadian dol- public about safety, not many lars? I thought not. people arc buying. So my next question has to be is The earthquake on Nov. 26 this any of my/your business? We proved it perfectly. Most media Canadians are not ones to stand in reports quote Durham residents judgement of American taxpayer expressing their first and fore - waste while we pay for dinner most thought, that the tremor was cruises on our search and rescue caused by the nuclear plant. and Canadian Coast Guard ships Think about it: nuclear problem for our politically connected bu- first, earthquake second. reaucratic elite. Sorry, that sounded People were relieved it was a little too harsh: perhaps my invita- 'just an earthquake" Well, does tion got lost in the mail. this mean people will now attend We don't seem to complain the public meetings, hearings, about the -waste- when the Amen- etc., w express their concerns? cams let a Canadian stowaway on a Probably not. As for the environ - space shuttle trip. In fact, we be- mental assessment, 1 believe the comic rather proud. I vote to environment has spoken. -launch" that silliness and spend Marion Walton, our tax money on feeding, clothing Ajax You may he one of the unlucky ones in Durham. Your — --- ---- -- mead and muscles ache, you're tinning a fever and you Don't bet on premier quitting euspect one or more of your children may be coming down with something too. You have the flu. i Hospital across Durham Region were swamped with Tory leader at Queens Park for the long hat Oaticnts over the Christmas weekend, stretching already Thin resources ever further. Recent actions by Premier t However, with regional t.rgent care and walk-in clin- Mike Harris are encouraging tics open again for business yestreday, the crunch at ERs speculation he may leave his job an Durham was eased somewhat. In the meantime, take soon, but don't count on it. %care of yourself, get plenty of rest and fluids and see your Much of the predicting is (family doctor. founded on the Progressive Con - If you haven't already had a flu shot and haven't servative premier's frequent ab- jshown any symptoms of the illness, it's time to consider sences from the legislature, which ',getting vaccinated against the strains identified this year. the Liberals drew attention to by With all the talk of the Y2K bug these days, perhaps the novelty of introducing a bill +we've all forgotten to pay attention to that other, biolog- that would require him to be in his tical, bug which visits every year. seat more often, ahhough it will Swat the flu bug. Get rest and medical attention. Enjoy never be passed. the new year. Mr. Harris replied he attends as regularly as earlier premiers, lE-meil commeats on these eaimrirls to which is untrue. But his poor at- �twews@durkw&aet Sabmusssows whilch iwclrie the tendance is not new. The premier writer's fuU nate and town of residence will be tonsil- has been on a planned, deliberate ;%-M for publicapon, strategy for two years of avoiding The question was: :Why do you give blood? Asked at the blood donor clinic at St. Bernadette's cburcb ball. rr+ 7 Gordon Boyd Kathleen Dob- Carolyn WOOD says, "It's a great son says. "Be- says, "I gig edea and 1 like cause my stepfa- blood because :helping people:' ther is dying and makes me fe he needs a blood good and my hu transfusion:' band has termir cancer and nee blood transf sions:' parses cannot asst tum quesuons that might embarrass him and help their causes. He was equally absent before the lune election when he unques- tionably was staying and trying to win, so his absence is no indicator he is tired or attracted elsewhere and ready to quit his role. The premier is seen also as having lost some of his zest and run out of ideas because he is not bringing in as much far-reaching legislation as in his first four years. It is true his pace has slowed. His Common Sense Revolutionar- ies are taking a breather before storming the last ramparts of the welfare state Bastille. His legislation has been slim- mer pickings with its continued amalgamations of municipalities, minor attacks on crime and at last a requirement provincial budgets be balanced. But it is still on par with some previous governments' 0 Eric Dowd At Queen's Park and shows he has some goals be wants to attain. Mr. Harris is being viewed as planning an early exit because he passed legislation to permit for- mer MPPs to claim their positions earlier, but if it was designed for anyone in his government, it more likely was Deputy Premier and Fi- nance Minister Ernie Eves, who shows more signs of quitting soon. Mr. Harris, when he leaves, will be deluged with offers of di- rectorships from companies grate- ful for his tax cuts and weakening of laws that protected labour and will be in no mad rush to cash in his pensions. The premier also is showing enthusiasm for another crusade, trying to persuade the Liberal fed- eral government to follow his lead and cut taxes and may want to plug away at it longer before he moves on. The premier tries to shape al- most any issue into a criticism of Ottawa, usually winding up offer- ing to work with it in any way to cut taxes. One move he is unlikely to make, although it is being pushed at him, is leaving Queen's Park to lead a united right -of -center fed- eral party. Mr. Harris led the opposition in Ontario for five years, knows its disadvantages and would be re- luctant to give up a reasonably se- cure premiership of the biggest province for the uncertainties of opposition in Ottawa The premier also has urged the Liberal federal government to use its fiscal surplus to cut taxes rather than improve social pro- grams which particularly help poorer provinces, so they wM W not rash to welcome him as feder- al leader. Mr. Harris's proudest boast is be keeps his promises, which is not entirely true, but he has kept his major ones like cutting gov- ernment and taxes. If he quit in 2000 after being elected for a four -year -term in 1999, it would be the equivalent of breaking a promise and not a high note on which to leave. The Tory leader also thinks enough of his revolution he would like to leave it in secure hands and he has no clear, safe successor. The most commonly suggested is Management Board Chairman Chris Hodgson, who has demon- strated talent for smothering op- position criticisms but not indicat- ed he can inspire revolutionaries onward. Mr. Harris will need to develop a successor and he still could quit before the next election, due in 2003 or 2004, but not much be- fore. E -atoll comments on this column to nnews@durhan.net. Submis- sions which include the writer's full nine and town of residence wilt be considered for publica- doar. i Ceebrate the TutureI DURHAM THE NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editomn-Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising AEanager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified : t dvertising .'Manager John Willens Real Estate automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution :tfunager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing %tanager News (905) 683-5110 Salsa (905)683-5110 Classifieds (905) 683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 newsroom -u dudrham.net Web address www.durhamnews.net 130 Commercial Avc.. Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Mcboland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade. (huano Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circulators Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for ad- veniscinct limited to space price erns occupies. The News Advertiser ac- cepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or nearly hand-wrinca, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style. length and cornern(( Opin- ions expressed itif tiers arc those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be print- ed. �7 C 1-4 kiet shot to battle flu Durham Health Department says virus is spreading BY CINDY UPSHALL Staff Writer already received your flu -� shot, she says, it's still not If you've been coughing, too late. have a fever or feel achy all While the campaign to over you probably don't receive flu shots is normal - have to be told it's flu sea- ly from October to early Son• November so recipients can The Durham Region develop an immunity to the Health Department reports flu, the shots are still avail - influenza has spread across able for those who want the region and arc advising them, Dr. Reynolds says. it's not too late to take pre- Immunity takes 14 days to cautions to prevent catch- achieve, after getting the ing it. shot, but it lasts throughout "Our nu season started a the year. little early, but it didn't hit People over 65, individ- Durham in a big way until a uals with chronic heart, few weeks ago;' says Dr. lung and metabolic dis- Donna Reynolds, associate eases as well as those with medical officer of health. impaired immune systems Although the nu doesn't are eligible for free flu usually surface until later in shots, says Dr. Reynolds. the fall, this year the first Anyone else interested in outbreak in a long-term receiving a shot can do so care facility was in Septem- at their own expense. ber in the Hamilton area. To prevent the spread of Symptoms of the flu are the flu individuals are ad-, the sudden onset of fever vised to wash their hands and coughing, followed by often, avoid close contact a runny nose, sore throat, with others and cough and' muscle aches, headaches sneeze into a disposable tis - and fatigue. sue, she suggests. The nu typically hits in If you are struggling two forms, influenza A and with the nu, Dr. Reynolds B, which both contain dif- suggests you stay home, ferent strains. rest, drink plenty of fluids. "if you've already had a Adults can take Aspirin, flu shot, you should be pro- ibuprofen or aceta- tected since the strain of flu minophen for fever of mu - that's currently active is sical aches. Children covered in the vaccine:' Dr. should only take children's Reynolds says. acetaminophen or ibupro- However if you haven't fen. Women talk job strategies Unemployed or underem- ployed women could benefit by having a mentor help with a job search. Women and Employment: Strategies for :he Next Millenni- um is designed to help women in their job search by match- ing panicipants with a profes- sional in their field of interest. The new free program is of- fered by the Ajax -Pickering Women's Cen- tre. "71ae mentor- ing service works by linking professional and business women with low-income women seeking employment," mentoring co-or- dinator Barb La- thier says. "71wse women might not other- wise be able to network om their own, know where to net- work or be able to afford the time or re- sources neces- sary to find con- tacts in the field of their choice" The centre also helps women find training and sup- port organiza- tions that can provide links be- tween potential employers and employces- for the project comes from Human Re- sources Devel- opment Canada. The Ajax - Pickering Women's Centre is a non-profit organization that offers resources and support ser- vices for abused women in the Other ser- vices include a legal clinic every other Thursday, through sched- uled appoint- ments. It's at 134 Commercial Ave. in Ajax. Call 426-1064 for more infor- mation. talwa ADY6ME11, rrwED1�0AY �Ofr10N, Oaeam ber2k HN /MiOE A7 R •. FRIDAY, DEC. 31 TUESDAY, JAN. 4 ADDICTION: The serenity EWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD PARENT SUPPORT: The local Group holds its weekly 12 -Step DEC. 29,99 19chapter of the Association of Par - Recovery Meeting at 8 P.M. at _ ent Support Groups holds its Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 PRAYERS: The Devi Mandir, MONDAY, JAN. 3 weekly meeting at 7:15 p.m. for Kingston Rd., Pickering. The 2590 Brock Rd., Pickering, invites TEENS: The Youth Centre, 360 parents of kids involved in drugs, group deals with addictions of all the general public to join in Bayly St. W., Ajax, hosts a free alcohol, running away, dropping types, including codependency. evening prayers and worship from pancake lunch from I to 4 p.m. for out of school, crimes and parent Child care program available. 428- 8 p.m. to midnight to welcome the Ajax and Pickering teens. Games, abuse. gall 416-223-7444 or I- 9431 (Jim, evenings). New Year. 686-8534. activities. 428-1212. 804488-5666 for location. MIL,L,ENNIUM HONOR ROI -� 1940's -i A `f Est. 1955 ( Canadian Cancer Society - West Durham Unit !x l Est. 1965 L Established 1948 467 Westney Rd. S., Unit 9, JONES—DOOLEY — Gunther Ivens Ajax ON LIS 6V7 �Ilydiffe--.-- Contraeting Ltd. Tel: (905) 686-1516 1•990'S Second Stories & AdditionsRETIREMENT 1950'5 e�ersollQlSel7liCe Jvlakes Makes LODGE - NURSING HOME • Kitchens • Bathrooms '`l Gunther Ivens Fablo Portugues/Parlo Italiano 1885 Glenanna Rd. Sensing the Community for30years • All Home Renovations t • High Quality Workmanship Contracting Ltd. Established 1955 VACATION - RESPITE Class Service Fully Guaranteed . "From Decks to ' - 24 HOUR NURSING From Decks to Custom Houses Custom Homes" Tel: (905) 839-0681 683-2331 Call Gunther <. 427-3595 `� Tel (905) 428 624 905-839-0681 1960'S 70 STATION ST., AJAX -- ;� Pick -A -Mix First Realty Ltd. Realtor t Established 1965 Est. 1984 2890 Brock Rd. N., Pickering Tel: (905) 683.6501 �� Est. 1987 tt:i'r ' x"11• 1-800-473-7385 `--tete 15 Years Durham ARC Industries Established gServing 77�Ra -i A `f Dowty Re••Ov JONES—DOOLEY Ajax ON 3 Tel: (905) 683-6732 c Insurance Broker 1•990'S Independent)y Owned & Operated SALES REPRESENTATIVE e�ersollQlSel7liCe Jvlakes Makes Casa Verde Ristorante Established 1997 Fablo Portugues/Parlo Italiano 1885 Glenanna Rd. A DI erence.0 49 Old Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ontario LTV 6R6 ' - Picker ingVlage Aax (905) 686-3330 427-3595 `� Tel (905) 428 624 (905) 831-3300 First Realty Ltd. Realtor PICKERING.- ,}�1 420-2222 * 683-2760* -' 24 hr. Direct Access 420-4660 Web Site: www.town.pickering.or I HOLIDAY f )PERATIM; Hot Rs: CNIC C069PL E January 3 Closed 46AREAGIZ & RECYCLHVG N Regular (;rbage Day un %tonday. January 3 Gartwge & Blue Box Collection on: Rcyular collection date December 29, 30 Regular Scn ice Friday. December 3l: Regular Service to 6:00 p.m. iedaanced Mid-day .Service Special Millennium New Year's Eve Service) PfIaRRIIMG SFECIAI.II.LID SRRV11M December 29, 30, 31 Regular Scr,we January 1. 2.3: No Service rKIZZIM 1pR11JC LEWAR1111.4 Central Library & Rouec Hill Branch December 29 & 30: Regular Hours Friday, December 31: 9:30 a.m: 1:00 P.M. January I -January 3: CLOSED January 4 -January 6: Regular Hours All other Branches December 29: Regular Hours December 30: Regular Hours (Whitevale Branch will be CLOSED on Dec. 30.). December 31 -January 3: CLOSED January 4: Regular Hours (Whitevale Branch will be CLOSED). December 29, 1999 -January 2, 2000 inclusive Closed to the Public December 29, 30: Regular Hours Friday, December 31: 6:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Saturday. January 1: Closed January 2 -January 3: Regular Hours Closed December 20, 1999 -January 3, 2000 Tuesday. Jewry 4.20DO to Friday Jawry 7.20011. Regular Hours. December 29, 30 6:00 a.m.-7:30 am. 9:00 am. -1:00 p.m. Adult & Parent/Tot 1:00 p.m.4:00 p.m. Open 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. Open 9.-W p.rrt-10:00 p.m. Adult Friday- December 31 6:00 am. -7:30 am. 900 am. -1:00 p.m. Adult & ParentiTot 1:00 p.m. -4:00 p.m. Open 7:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. Open 9.00 p.m. -10.00 p.m. Adult PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE: December 29.30: 1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. December 314anuary 1: Public Skating Cancelled December 31 -New Year's Eve Family Countdown -7:00 p.m. -10,00 p.m. January Z 2000: 3:00 p.m. -4:45 p.m. January 3,2000: Public Skating Cancelled January 4 -January 7: 1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. Emergency Services will not be affected by the Holiday Schedule. Town of Pickering Public Works Emergency Telephone Number is (905) 6834319. TMnn Riven Drive { CLOSED 6� Ashwood Gate to Sheppard Ave. E. Dttt4lw will be via Aillomt Rood JANIZARY 7 -FEBRUARY 11 The Birth of a City ti0�N °` P'C�� 9 Pickering's New Year's Eve Millennium Celebrations Family New Year's Eve Countdown FREE Family Event Pickering Recreation Complex Arenas: 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Activities will include family skating on both ice pads, DJ's providing music and give-away prizes, clowns, face painting, FREE noise makers and FREE Hot Chocolate and Coffee Pickering 2000 "Celebrate A New Beginning" Family Millennium Party -• ` FREE Family Event ' ' ,p ' ' 4r N Esplanade Park: 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Dance and skate to the sights and sounds of th&huge Outdoor Music V' 91111rly. itfi Family entertainer Jim Parker from the Mr. Dressup TV &`Stage Show. Jim Parker h slots, magic and costumes. Enjoy outdoor skating, entertain t,' activities and a giant rks lisplay at 10:30 p.m. and 12 midnight. �- - �1► Merlin's Teen Dance ..` FREE Teen Event (Ages 16-18) FREE advanced ticket required /T�• � �� _� - '~ Pickering Recreation Banquet Halls: 8:00 p.m. to am. I - Come and join this dynamic teen dance p rtin*Can In addition tt�lre excellent music, surround sound and lighting, there will be a Big Scree 4 New Year's Eve parties from aroundft world. f MINennitwn Beach Bash & Party - : ' y - ~ �` • I • FREE Youth Events (Ages 12-16 yeara) �` , -./►�' FREE adva imill tickets required j I Pickering Recreation Complex Pool & Activity Area: 4p Bring your bathing suit and participate in the F�ywu a ]W iMla music. Upper concourse activity areas will include games, FREE Tkdtat Irltwnw tlOn Merlin's Teen Dance and the Millennium Beach Bash & Party require adva[Ippri tit ketslbr admission. FREE advanced tickets are available at the Pickering Recreation Complex during operating hours. FREE Sta?iansportation to and from all Mdlemium Events will be provided by Pickering Transit sponsored by Canadian Tire and Pickering 2000. For more transportation information, call 683-4111. For more event Information call 683-6682 or vieft our webeNe at www town4ftkering.on.ca. Free Skate Time 'Dec. 29 & 30 -1 p.m. -3 p.m. Pickering Recreation Complex 1867 Valley Farm Road Sponsored by Tem Hortons Fanny New Year's Eve Countdown *Fri. Dec. 31 - 7 p.m. -10 p.m. Pickering Recreation Complex Please donate 000 -perishable food at Town Events, The Civic Complete or Fire Stations. Look for you Winter Passport to PRIZES - you could WIN gift certificates to the Pickering Town Centre. Thanks to our Sporuw: t PME �1�aIlHumolt aw aiwcpnthe w air MMM a mY ** da abdarlat and No Yws Wli non Ew* ads W an p TAM by 0-e Tam tors'' d no ctrilk low wow drAw of nai•pWwok tooth or cab its to SL Paulo' as w Food 8W; end as NOM Pidw Fm* aid Ywa an Can wW ern many Picbrino tends MW be pwy wceN. Food calacbd w4 hep 8nnn to pnoaida ,fpm gh= in camas wAo at in Tined of a hopin haW. D, donaltom d hamTurkm &W run for ash prodna w&A p rku" appaMd from primp indiWuals aW t•rloran easegad ran be made dvaty to die St Paulo' on do bill Fwd ik aid NOM Pdwv Fmiy aid Youlh Action Centre. aro wetw4d at at Tows of kwino New Yer's En and Wadrkw Enna and A the bftwiiq Nam Pickrkip Family rW YwM action Centro, DW=i& Strut in &outlm, 24 Ina drop box SL Pauls' on low H1 Church. 890 Kinostmi Road from 91110am to 12 noon Monday to Friday. Town of Pickarq Municipal Of a. One da Espbnade from 9:303m to 4:30pm, Monday to Fol". The Pop" Pwation Canpim 1867 Yalby Farm Rd. hom Mam to 110pm. Mon to Fn, Sat and Sun 709M to 9 00pm. Town of PKkerirq Fn Stibans, Had 02 at 553 KkWW Road. Hal /5 at 1616"Strait. Hal e6 at 1115 Finch Avenue from 8:003m to 9:00m. Ontario Porth (iuwftn Pidrbo Nucku Public Inform. Caribi 1675 Mw%wi ry Park Road from 9170 to 4:00pm, Man to Fri. L.W w's Pidwrinp Maker 1792 Liverpool Road from Mon to Fri 8:00am t410:00pm, Sat 7'00 to 9:30pm and Sun 9:00 to 6 OOpm. r Wrlw information on how you can volurrMr of asist PWM matt st Paulo' on ft Nil Chuch a 839.7909 or dna NOM *ring Fw* and YoA Action Canis x 428.1724. It's a fact that many fire deaths are caused by people attempting to cook or smoke while under dw influence of alcohol. There's more to responsible drinking hears eking il cab. Don't caw yourself - or your family - at tisk to fin:. - A message f mm the Pickering Fin Department and the Fin Marrhal'r� Public Safety Crnincit Alp ppM M HE" ADVEffrIsM UIE asWY EDnWK Deminber b In@ Food contributions just in time Businessmen raise $4,000 to help Durham Region shelter BY JANE McDONALD Staff Writer After working at Simcoe Hall Settlement House for 20 years, it takes a lot to make Executive Director Sandra Sweet cry. But when she went grocery shopping Tuesday morning with $4,000 raised by two Oshawa businessmen, there were tears in her eyes. "It takes a lot to make me cry, but when 1 saw all the food ... " says Ms. Sweet after returning from Knob Hill Farms' Oshawa - Durham food terminal. Be- fore the two benefactors, Paul Brah and Al Wright. loaded up a transport trail- er with the staples that will see more than 800 families through Christmas this year, the well-known food bank was getting low on sbpplies. 'We had no peanut but- ter:' confides Ms. Sweet. With the money the two men raised from contacts they have in the automotive community, boxes of peanut butter, cheese spread, canned stew and ham, apples, oranges, pota- toes, pasta and bread were delivered to the venerable social agency in time for the holidays. "I just called everyone I knew:" says Mr. Brah, the 34-vear-old owner of Os- hawa Auto Sales. "We could have raised more but we just ran out of time:' "We only started Thurs- day (Dec. 9):' adds Mr. Wright, 36, of Al Wright Auto Repair. Both men say it was such a rewarding ex- perience. they want to do the same thing next year. only "double the amount' Movies for kids screened at Ajax Public Library : AJAX —It's Showtime for youngsters at the Ajax Public Li- brary. Free movie matinees featur- ing some classic tnovies at the main library branch for chil- dren four years and older. . Two Robert Munsch stories ind a selection of Caillou and other Canadian short films will be the feature on Tuesday. Jan. 4. On Wcdnes- 1ay. Jan. 5, Run- away Ralph is the feature and will be followed Dy everyone's favourite aard- vark Arthur. Children can Ting -along with Hoober Bloob 11lighway and watch Thomas the Tank Engine selections on Thursday. Jan. All sessions part at 1:30 p.m. lNIRT :killed in Hwy. 401 crash A Pickering man was killed Monday when bis car swerved across three lanes of high - 1 *ay in Oshawa 4nd struck a brick embank- merit near Rit- ion Road. Witnesses told Ontario I Provincial Po - Oce the 1984 Oldsmobile was westbound on Hwy. 401 when for no obvious reason k left the road- way, struck a directional sign qnd smashed into a bridge overpass at 11:25 a.m. The 37 -year- old driver suf- fered massive Bead injuries 4W was rushed to Lakeridge Health - Os- hawa, OPP said. He died about an hour later. The cause of the crash, which tied up traffic for sev- eral hours, re- mained under investigation yesterday and the name of the victim had not been released. Witnesses are asked to Call OPP at 668-3388. and go for one at the corner of hour. The pro- Harwood Av- grams operate enue and Kings on a drop-in Crescent, next to basis and the Ajax Town parental supervi- hall. sion is required. Call 683 - The main li- 4000 for more brary branch is information. �� GM they raise. "Out of the 30 1 first called, only two people said 'No,"' says Mr. Brah. "It's going really well:' says Ms. Sweet. "The com- munity has just been awe- some. Requests are up 10 per cent this year and the community has really stepped forward to help. People like Mr. Brah and Mr. Wright have worked so hard" The executive director explains that even though more people have jobs this year, many make only the minimum way which makes extra purchases at Christmas difficult. "We see a lot of single parents making $7.50 an hour and paying $650 for rent. They may be getting by but that's all " _IcTHIS IS NOT A LEASE: Shop early best select A room full of food boxes will help the needy in Durham Region make it through another holiday season. r Jv v $0YOU OWN ONE FULL DOWN THE CAR! TANK OF ALL ARE 1iC N C-L;R Ilk c All fYlly SALE PRICES Come and join us in welcoming the new millennium, here at Look for these A FINE DINING RESTAURANT the can MENU EQUIPMENT INCLUDED APPETIZERS • Shrimp Cocktail $0 Down • Chef Salad ENTREES • Prime Roast Of Beef $79" • New York Sirloin .00/mo. .74/mo. • Queen Size Lobster Tail 22L er jine, stereo, anti-lock braking system, dual air bags, doth folding • Chicken Florentine X69 Dessert, Coffee or Tea BAR .00/mo. i$1 For Reservations Call 420-7577 bucket seats, rear seat, centre floor console' power steering, power 1305 Pickering Parkway (Liverpool Rd. & 401) _IcTHIS IS NOT A LEASE: Shop early best select A room full of food boxes will help the needy in Durham Region make it through another holiday season. r Jv v $0YOU OWN ONE FULL DOWN THE CAR! TANK OF ALL ARE 1iC N C-L;R Ilk c All fYlly SALE PRICES PURCHASE OPTIONS Look for these symbols on the can MONTHLY PAYMENTS INCLUDE: EQUIPMENT INCLUDED "995 $0 Down 7.00/mo. Air conditioning, Automatic transmission, AM/FM $79" $0 Down .00/mo. .74/mo. ALL l' �L ADMIN. 22L er jine, stereo, anti-lock braking system, dual air bags, doth folding $0 Down X69 $1000 Down .00/mo. i$1 TAXES FEES bucket seats, rear seat, centre floor console' power steering, power X799 $0 Down .47/mo. brakes, tinted glass and much more. $1995 Down .00/mo. V8. aW, air, map, AMIFM cm. 49.000 km. awe. It, P.W., RL, map ind rrwny odw eaessoties low die GNMN)RiE $PONT V6, aWo., 8IC, tilt, C8sae1ffi. son 01 bI I I '"_ I IFubidi �,� 71 4X4 wW1� 2 TO V8, auto, air, maps X4.900 Green, window bK Bose ftwduh, my Iaaate, V6, pw., p., pin, 4 din. A0 gftm, lust � 631.995 11 NTIL PRIL AMC d10MY as 413t4 -^9" &tors, ewe.1tbWK 36,000.41,1100 ka NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITIt)N. D.o.ntbw b, 19N PMIE All W It was a `green' Christmas if you pass this post -holiday quiz Clean up at home and employ 3Rs to waste less Games are often a popular activity for many families during the holiday Season. Try the Recycling Game to deter- mine how well you reduced your waste on Christmas Day. • Are you trimming and rolling gift wrap for next year? • Did you recycle all non -reusable paper gift wrapping? • Did you keep tags to reuse'? • Did you use any cloth bags this year'! • Are you recycling all boxhoard and cardboard packaging'! • Did all your organic food scraps. both in food preparat-tu and unwanl- ed leftovers, get cotrtp,„Icd ' Larraine Roulston Recyclers Corner • Will you be a 'creative cook' with leftover food? • Did you refrain from using dis- posable plates and cups'' • Were cloth napkins used for Christmas dinner., • I)td },,u m .t paper towels JASON LIEBREGTY Newt Advertiser photo On frozen pond Tim anti .Nutt .Weravt donned the blades and headed out to McLaughlin Buy in Durham ,,n 1)e,( 27 !.. zee in some yuatin hinm time during the Christmas Ire :,,:,:. i 1;-w,' it: rhe, ,) Durham Re- gion pro vi,h , .: r, , - ;,lavers from Pickering to H.,,, ,;.:, . and paper pulp egg cartons? • Are you saving all spent batteries and other household hazardous waste (HHW) to take to the Durham Waste Regional Waste Management Facility for HHW at 1649 Ritson Rd. North in Oshawa? • Did you choose not to purchase toys and gadgets requiring batteries? Give yourself a great big pat on the back if you scored a YES for each question. With the exception of styrofoam packaging, most of the Christmas de- bris is paper, cardboard, bottles, and foil pie plates — all of which are re- cyclable in our Blue Box collection. Food scraps, whether or not you have Teens can learn CPR Teens are invited to learn life-sav- ing techniques and acquire a new skill to add to their resume this holiday. The Youth Centre, 360 Bayly St. W.. Ajax, is offering a special Heart Saver Plus ('B') cardiopulmonary re- suscitation course on Friday, Jan. 7 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The course is for teens wanting to learn a combination of life-saving techniques for adults and children. The course offers an introduction to heart -healthy living and preventing childhood injuries, as well as a chance to practice adult and child one -rescuer CPR, foreign -body air- way obstruction and rescue breathing techniques. The cost for the course. which includes certification and ma- terials, is $15. To register, or for more information, call The Youth Centre at 428-1212. Felled tree means free firewood Anyone interested in free firewood is invited to help chop up a large maple tree felled in a recent wind- storm. The maple iter is located in the backyard of a home in Pickering Vil- lage, where owners hope to hear from those needing wood. For marc infor- mation, call Dianne at 427-2085. im Cotmg and 4;elebra ' 4#W�& , With US! P.%nnc CELEBRATE NEW YEARS IN Thank you Ajax & Pickering for choosing us as your favourite family restaurant. We look forward to serving you in 2000. Owrrr Chris.11 Tim nlpoY ' HMY HIM NeWYMEwNSWYS lDaf Dinwr 14 m8m 49 � Opnt 11 AM LOOM FORA LAST WNIIE NEW YEARS EVE us COMPLETE NEW YEARS EVENT!' • HOT & COLD BUFFET ;Pi DJ & DANCING CHAMPAGNE PARTY FAVOURS BMIDNIGHT SNACKS 7pm to wee hours Home & Leisure Centre ` ,We're offering: ) + Hot & Cold Buffet ( •I Is V Bottle of Champagne Party Favours & Much M( S30.00/Person'- •T�c..t. n 1 a ou.cn...a �� ~1. ,;.o a nee •� ECOND STOREYS 88 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax ! 1905) 683-2940 .w Y�ornco com. .A.W. HALL, 140 Hunt St. Ajax $75 per ticket -cash bar CHA6P,AGNE AT 12:00 •GRAND PRIZE AIRFARE & I1 t Hr)TFI Th ATI GNTIr' r'ITV � po Call (905)428.8336 for tickets •:` ire .- cooked for an army of relatives, can all be composted. 000 When it comes time to discard a real tree, remove all hooks, nails, and tinsel. Place at curbside for the yard collection with the trunk toward the street. DO NOT put your tree inside a plastic bag. The bag has to he ripped open for the tree to compost. This is a waste of plastic with bits of plastic ending up in the finished compost. 000 From 'The Creative Cook's Recy- cling Book,' try Ruth Johnson's Cran- berry Crunch for leftover cranberries, jelly or other sauce. 1 cup (250 ml) oatmeal 1/2 cup (125 ml) brown sugar, packed 1/2 cup flour 1/2 cup shredded coconut 1/3 cup (75 ml) butter I cup cranberry sauce I tbsp (15 ml) lemon juice Mix oatmeal, sugar, flour and co- conut. Mix in butter until crumbly. Put half in a greased baking pan. Combine cranberry sauce and lemon juice then spread over mixture. Top with remaining crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees F (180 degrees C) about 40 minutes. Cut in squares and serve topped with ice cream. Need modifications to your home to make it more accessible? Financial assistance is available to low-income homeowners and to landlords to make homes more accessible for persons with disabilities. The Government of Canada has just announced additional funding for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP). This program offers financial assistance to support the renovation and repair of housing occupied by low income people to bring it up to basic health and safety standards. The delivery agent for RRAP in the Counties of Durham. Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria, Wigwamen Non -Profit Residential Corp. currently has budget money remaining for RRAP for Persons with Disabilities. To find out A you are eligible for financial assistance, please contact: Wigwamen Non -Profit Residential Corp. Phone: (705) 876-6282 Toll Free: 1-877-803-0222 If you love soccer, you have to visit JMT Metrosport "The Soccer Store" Soccer is a popular sport for children and adults, play- m and fans. �v - So you'll ll be happy to barn that there's a special ,tole for you if you are kook- Ing for top quality merchan- dee at Kreat prices. 1 John Bertedwttas, President of JMT Metrospott invites you to visit his kcation ' at 1080 Brock Rd. S. Unit 05. There you'll find a wide wiection of clodurig, gip- John Benedictus, President of JUT ment and the largest selection MOtrosport invites you to visit their new of soccer footwear in location at 1080 Brock Rd. S. Unit #5. [htrh rm JMT Metrxwjx t is one of five authentic natkii-W tram tency, tro m the English and Italian Soxrer leagues 1,catmins with the most recent oPerung as well as a selection of vccer vtd". In Pickenng. John, who lives in the For mune information call (905) 831 - area, says this was the perfect place for 1844. a new store. "There are trioti than ZO,000 chit- - t/ i i+. .IWir/ ..ct.r ,in -.n playing sourer in the regiort,". he 1 says. "YVe supply teams and individual Sr�� and became of the buying power of five stores we can offer very competi- tive (905) 831-1844 The more also carries replica wear, w___,,, •-Continues... Still GREAT DEALS on Bedrooms, Table sets, Entertainment units, "*%Leather sofas, & more! (905) 831-9846 SUPER WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM 1020 Brock Road South, Pickering IIst St. South of 401 at corner of Plunintwr) �7_i t E � SLE P oN�LS R FURNITURE APPLIANCES AND ELECTRONICS jp't'--_T AA E�� im `ESS FCTR alVKEWIDE MARKDOWNS CHAINWIDE! HURRYmPON7 MISSISSAUGA MSSS THis• 1480 DUNDAS ST. E DIE & DJNDAS • ■ �,E:KGAy�q.'� SATS-, S_', APPLIES TO IN STORE ITEMS Ci (905) 803.0000 NORTH YORK 1255 FINQ AVE, WEST E rs FlNCH _ "r_SAT? 6 SD'�1'. (416) 630-1111 s SCARBOROUGH Li'V 1119 KENNEDY RD. EN", Dr 6 AOEVE SA 4 (416)150-8888 F `T y l! • � 4 WHITBY El"I �1:m �. , T� LM 1540 DUNDAS ST. E. 'iDAS : & T a rNSJN RC EEC S 10SA'Y6SJN'.6 (905) 430-0000 BARRI E a 42 CAPLAN AVE. NEM"0 HO"dE Ct'C' WEERDAYS9 10 SAT O -o S:X -6 (105)122-1132 • NEWS ADVERTISEK WEDNESDAY EDITION, Dweneser 29. IWO PAGE 81 P Sports&'LEisURE NEWS A DVERTISER DEC. 29, 1 9 9 9 The Pickering Panthers 'AA' major bantam hoekev team departed for an 11 -day western Canadian playing tour todav, Dec. 29. Team members are, front row, from left, Daniel Sharpe, Paul Ruta, Brad Binns. Keith Rhodes, Kevin Krasnowski, Ian Suginomori and Rob Follett. In back row, from left, are Dave Es- coffery (head coach), Wallv Brozovich (assis- tant coach), Bill Dallidav (assistant coach), Pat Lamanna, Rvan Donnan, Craig Wilcox, Brent Dalliday, Jeff Murdoch, Sean MeK- eigue, Dan Salvagna, Jason Brookings, Sean Goslin. Derek Polowyk, Herb Binns (n2anag- er) and Ray Suginomori (trainer). Panthers bantams leave for western Canada Pickering squad will be on the ice and on the slopes PICKERING — Exhibi- parents raised money through a game against a Whistler -area tion games, mixed in with lots garage sales, bingos, bottle team at 4:30 p.m. of snowboarding and skiing, drives, as well as working at The team will depart for will be on the itinerary of the the snack bar during tourna- Vancouver on Jan. 3, touring Pickering Panthers major ban- ments in town. the city through much of the tam 'AA' rep hockey team After arriving in Vancouver day. That evening, the Picker - travelling to western Canada on Dec. 29, the team will head ing bantams will play a contest for an 1 I -day tour. for Burnaby where they will against West Vancouver at 7 The Panthers' bantams left play a game against a Burnaby p.m. today, Wednesday. Dec. 29, for team on the afternoon of Dec. The next day. Jan. 4, the a playing tour which will take 30. Later that day, the team is team will fly to Calgary. On the team members, staff and slated to go on a snowshoe ad- Jan. 5, the entourage will trav- several parents to Burnaby and venture. On Dec. 31, the team el to Banff where they will Squamish in B.C. and Banff will play in the morning spend two days skiing and and Calgary in Alberta. While against another team from sightseeing. On one of the two there, the team will suit up for Burnaby, before leaving for days, the Panthers will play a six games against Western Squamish where the team will team from Banff. Canadian opponents. spend New Year's Eve. The Pickering contingent Team official Ken Murdoch On New Year's Day, the will tour Calgary on Jan. 7, notes its been an eventful year team will ski in Whistler. B.C. followed by a game In the of fund-raising leading up to the entire day. On Jan. 2, the evening. the tour over the Christmas team will spend much of the The team returns 1,i Pl,l.cr holidays. Team members and day skiing, while also playing ing on Jan. 8 -Pickering tennis teen knocks off top-ranked players at U.S. meet Shamasdin semi-finalist at Miami Shores International PICKERING — A Pickering tennis player made his mark at a high- profile U.S. tournament just prior to Christmas, placing in the top four in men's singles play. Adil Shamasdin, 17, a member of the Pickering Recreation Complex Ten- nis Academy, finished as a semi-finalist at the Miami Shores International under -I8 Tennis Champi- onships in Miami, Florida. The prestigious tourna- ment includes top -five tanked world professional Greg Rusedski in its list of past champions. In the semi-final round, Shamasdin lost to the top seed, Tutsuki Isoda, of Japan, 6-2, 6-3. He defeat- ed the number -two ranked player from South Korea in the quarter -finals, as well as an American and a Ger- man in the earlier rounds. To advance to the semi- final, Shamasdin defeated Yong Yoon Kim of South Korea 6-3, 6-3. According to coach Dave Ochotta, of the recreation complex's Tennis Academy, his stu- dent ably used all his weapons to eventually sideline the strong South Korean. "Adil showed a very ag- gressive serve -and -volley attack game;" notes Ochot- ta. The match was played on clay, thus making the successfuluse of serve - and -volley tactics even more impressive. The Ko- rean's excellent precision and movement were not enough to deter Shamas- din, who hung on to take ADIL SHAMASDIN Semi-finalist in singles at big Miami tennis tournament. the fust set, then turned up the pressure to prevail in the second set. Shamasdin started the tournament with a 3-6, 6-1, 6-2 victory over Jens Uh- lenbrock of Germany.. Uh- lenbrock took the first set with powerful serving and strong, well-placed ground strokes. The points were long and hard fought. Shamasdin managed to change the momentum at the start of the second set and didn't look back the rest of the match. In the next round, Shamasdin faced Matt Edelstein from the U.S., prevailing 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 to advance to the quarter -fi- nals. Shamasdin plans to pre- pare for the Canadian In- door Nationals next month. He's a student in Dun- barlon High School's High -Performance Athlete program. 4 ti I J ,Z Prrte�r ' down 4pft'" own 0 p a d mead yment .< pal0 Payments eat 'rl or go sle %t days men r � IS Scarborough MwningsWe Illazda 958 Milner Avenue M-7100 PILsi Asr aurggearrive WARA As Ym Mks AaW Wines S dolee:,ro la Guest, Pix thirchmFrlata0er No 904vin fie WCWeroaf "all a AteoPa^wax ALe LrLrmml't aMW pbadfapetlsae xd reAl pta0pl ad �Aerrneaeib ow q moats Eamon la S'0,000 d 2.441APlll Pardlp rttede Eti -011e* nPlaa a 52000 90 4 4 even. :.0 r is Sim 20 4 anal of $10.60 20 fertile PeNoreterpilini9laaeb Oster 90mya al MStdear bbne dkwr►da7alie�lvUOrIOAsten Barry 47 WAW M New Pinsets sera 94 P 0 E d se]da a moM'M am Price fawn suit. - Iv hbbsey llo0sa a 2000 tea 1Py ;t naW I IJA0UU5p01 trSlSsne ores 24000 w Rr,v ^InR aksua mics S 700 m Ta so mean, imam r aimm % err o leFln .amt rmras raaxa rpt dEle tsfga aresbaala asp bt ler sradtraaoLmr base ala Purensr Fylars dkls OAC traalnaermtotKrs alta krar tee mr rat :fknbasrmlr.F Leta limo talNrae�a�a =WAW Got a score? Email it to newsroom@durham.net POWT R;NG ;N TWE NEVV rN THE NErV YEAR SAVE I G r N'�JR aE�17�RJa FugD DE�1 EEiS Prdw my= — S CASH 20 M IN t fix !M -,�, r =f20QO(IBACK, til 111 I I I' 1' I I I ' 1349 : 12199iiia. =319 : 1219E � � • tttttttrl Immo ■ ratan teMt � tttw�n �rtr ■ I1t�1 �tmr I I' PAY NO INTEREST ON SELECTED NEW IN -STOCK 1999 YODELS AND SAYE... HURRY, LIMITED 401 TIME OffERS. vrww.eord.cafofrers ■Efe aUVM POM nit LEGAL COP.: 'Purchase any new 2000 Windstar, 2000 Explores 2000 F 150 (under 111500, ft. G.V.W.) and receive 52000 cashbxk. Tames payable on full amount of rued ase price Wont cashback. Tapes applicable to the cashback (5300) will be deducted from the cashback 52000 cashback not combinable with any other offers. %%ase a new, 2000 Taurus, 2000 Windstar, 2000 E.plow, IMF ISO (under 85001 Itis G.VIN 1 from Ford Credn to qualified retail l— on approved credit ('Lease Offer') _ Lased on an APR of 5.9% (Taurus), a.5% (Windstar), 4.9% (Explorer) and 6.9% IF -ISO) over 36 month. Total lease obligation for Taurus SI6.SS9, Wordstar S1S,059/Explorer 515.97MASO $14,039. A SNrge of SON pr km above mileage rektrictlon of 60,000 km over 36 months applies, plus applicable taxes. Lease Offer n avertable on 24. 36 and N —In leases only. Lease Offer aha available on Advance Payment Wan (APP) lease where one base monthly payment win be deducted'rorrs the total APP payment ••0% Purchase financing on .—,n stock 1999 whrrkn (exludmg Lincolns, Super Duty, Econolme. Mustang and Cougar) for a murmum of N months on approved credit to qualified retail customers Coll, 525,000 financed at 0% annual percantar rate for ase month. monthly payment b SS20.$3. cwt of borrowing n$0 and toed to be repaid n S2S,000 with $0 clown paynwrtt. Tells is a aaa*M cala/sNn evilly. All offers are mutually eacluuve -7Others exclude SWO (Taurus). $9251WelichU ). 5615 (Explorer), 5960 (F-150) hoo.L Ikenca insurance, administration fief and all applicWk ,T taus. Some condrt— apply Dealer may sell w lease for less Landed bmaptfen See dealers for detaft Ontario FOAO Box 2QW, Oakville, Ont�ia 1615E1 �, P PMK a taws AOV61MSM WWMWAV tEo WK o.eDttteDr 2A. 7t1N :SCOREBOARD ' -a DEC. 29, 1999G d oo ings Bruin v4 eecKe3sND 1110=1111OCLUB souRT DIVISION it 091; 12 Nesbm Bums 1 (Shama Ma-ni). Boyer Pon- Mat (Nxfrolas Baur). Waynlw Woad a !Boort Lyon° 3. �allum HammorW 2. JaKery LYms. Kayla $chrtKlH, salIustin M41artl). Tnneo(pa Trarut)orMtgn 2 (Chneopher !-' jlluryy. Mratlwl Khenl. Flap Aluminum S (Ryan SWtl' Pun -Smarr 2, Brandon Grent-Hurley 2. Rem are Warn M). Canark n Tech An 1 (Ma -11 Bevan) MOSIg urm DIVISION $porinp Image° 2 (Shannon See. Jell We,"). Factory Mamss1 2 (Mrcnwl Rice. Mathew Han), Plckerng Oy K h nger pm.sts 1 (Lauren Arseneaun), Florin Aluminum 2 (Dero r itc ener Ra - • nnA Kong, Kate Stenng), Sun- Grout) 6 (Canna Fhl 4or1 2. Jordan Lunt° 2, M.,melb Bacehan, Jason Flem- T^g), Manana!! Homes 0. Factory Mattress 5 (Found 'ztahaltprn2 Michael 5 (Ad,,an Fled North - a "J. "). Milanovic hopes good OHL season prompts Boston to take notice order g Opumrsts 5 (Adnan Feb 4. Melissa Joyce). Marshall Hanes 1 (Christopher Neary). Flores Aluminum .1 (De_4 Kona). Soortno Imaaes 0 ATOM DIVISION Grand 6 Tey 2 (Mark Mammg. Ebn Pappu). Madder tames. GNI Saare 0 Boys, Pmtua 3 (Tyson Henry 31. MeWayne's worts I (SNt)hanle Langford). Sporting Images ISann Musheu). s 3 (Juluno Mchasion 2, Mrcltael Mauro) BANTAM DIVISION slotnson Controls o. Ptd Slo Sports o. Bayer 4 (Mike Fuller 2. Denny Burnet. Cody Purchase), Shelley Sharks 0; Soled Image 2 (Amanda Burke. Mat Fmley), �Coln. Progr°ss Club 1 (Davvf Ganes). Homer Lumber, 2 /Jadtre Constanzo. Chris Psrrena). Binns 1 (Alex Anon). PICKERING MEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Re -It, Ir Dec 2C 1999 MASTERS DIVISION - GAME ONE lWall- Pringles 54 vs En -Rod Holdm91 39 TOP SCORERS Meshy PrvlgNs. Kari Hutchinson 20. Rrdurd Honor 14, Kevin Walker 7 Ell -Rod Holdings Frank Gaga 13. JoM ehratWlwn 11, eJrke Jonudrr 6. GAMETWO J. Mdcnen Pradmg 7e vs Mud Hen s 40 TOP SCORERS J. MdChea Pnmvrg. Tom Rowell 17, Bram Sullivan 14, Boll Boston 11. Luke Lukkenon 11, Erin Coffee 11 Mud Hens. Chnu Sheldon 11, Ray Fos 10. Steve 'Henphdl 9. Junes Wdh m- 8. GAMETHREE 'Gall..", Eslery 55 K Envoy Business Services 46 TOP SCORERS GPNarrel Bruce Bhro 19. Men Pnk Is. Damm Alyea 13. AI Ball 8 Envoy Busness Ser noes OeAd Voa1 13. Slow Leahy 9. Tom Panar S. Geoff Jones 7. GAME FOUR tSWx1ge Praasgn 40 vs. Van Kempen Insurance 39, TDP SCORERS .Lakeroge Pteenrom Al Szkea 17. Ivor wa4er 8. Dorno Murch 6 van Kamp°. kuurance: Bob NK/tlIl S. Sem Terry 7. 'Roy chrutunsen S. Gerry' Young 6 Lee" Playa reeunrnee Jan. 10. 2000 PICKERING PANTHERS IOM". DNA ONTARIO PROVINCIAL JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE SCHEDULE JANUARY Jan. 2 at Wedord Rapers. 7 P m Jen- 4 at 010- Lepynaeva. 130 p m ,Jan. 7 e St. Wheal Bufsws. 738 pm .J8._ 9, Maraham Waxen. 7 30 p.m. -Jan. 10 n Ala. A -. 930p. •Jan 14 atMen.hem Were, a p.m. Jan. 16 vs. Sr Mchaera Buawrs. a30 pm. Jan 77C Vaughn Vgee, ? I s P Jan 21 y O.A. L;;; M 7 30 p.m. Jan 23 a Ala. Armen 3p. Jan 2e N. Wall Rarpars. 7.30 p m FEDPKA%M Feb. 1 M Wepord Rapers, 7 30 o T BYAL RIV67T Sports Editor AJAX - It was a tough start to the hockey season for Kitchener Rangers left winger Ryan Milanovic of Ajax. An early -season injury, a poor start by the Rangers and the firing of the head coach have taken the shine of what's supposed to be a make -or - break 1999-2000 campaign for the rugged team captain in the Ontario Hockey League. But, the Boston Bruins draft pick notes everything is starting to turn around for him and his Rangers team- mates in this pivotal season in his de- velopment as a top pro prospect. Although they're playing below .500. the Rangers are tied for second place with the Erie Otters in the OHL's Mideast Division. "We're trying to get our game to- gether," notes the 19 -year-old. "It's a really important year for me. Of course, I want to turn pro, so 1 have to have a good season to impress the Bruins" After being injured and out of the Kitchener line-up for the first five contests of the season. Milanovic is stepping up his game to push the Rangers toward a playoff berth. In 25 contests, the 6'2 205 -pound winger has scored eight goals and picked up seven assists for 15 points. And, the coaching change from Brian Hayton to Jeff Snider may help even further, notes the fourth-year member of the Ranger. 07 "Ilme r A "It's been excellent. The club has really taken on a new attitude and the players have reacted positively to (Snider). "Our number -one goal right now is making the playoffs. Once we're there, it's a whole new season." he says. "Everyone's working toward getting ourselves a spot in the play- offs and taking it from there." In order to get to the post -season, however, Milanovic says the Rangers have to concentrate on being a better defensive team in the second half. "Our team definitely has to im- prove on defence. We have a lot of young players who can put the puck in the net. We have to work on our de- fensive game. If we can do that, we'll have a great team. We have to con- centrate our focus on our own end of the ice" The Ajax Minor Hockey Associa- tion grad's biggest strengths are his leadership and his physical style of play that keeps opponents on their toes while he's patrolling the left side of the ice. He picked up 114 penalty minutes in 61 games last season and, so far this year, he's been sent off for 70 minutes. So punishing arc his hits that Milanovic was voted as the "best bodychecker" by league coaches last year. He's been voted the best body - checker by his teammates the past two seasons. "I play a physical style of game. First and foremost. I have to play a tough, physical game, but I have to improve my offensive skills and pick RYAN MILANOVIC In fourth season with the OHL's Kitchener Rangers. it up in the second half of the sea- son.- he says. Kitchener Rangers general manag- er Jamie McDonald is pleased with the dedication and work ethic his captain has brought to the Rangers over the past four years. This season, with a large number of rookies on the roster, Milanovic's leadership has proven invaluable. "He's an excellent leader for us;' notes McDonald. "He's probably the hardest working player on the team and he leads by example both on and olf the ice. We have a very young team this year and we felt it was im- portant for a guy like Ryan to show thcsc guys the way. He works hard every game and every practice:' After being drafted by Boston in the sixth round. 165th overall, in 1998. Milanovic took part in his first NHL camp with the Bruins this past fall. He was sent back to junior for more seasoning. "I had a good camp. I was really happy with the way things went. They want me to work on a few things and go back next year." Although he could return to the Kitchener Rangers as an overage player next season. Milanovic says his goal is to turn pro and remain within the Boston Bruins' organiza- tion after the 2000-2001 training camp. He hopes a good season for the Rangers will prompt the Bruins to take notice. "The more success we have here, the more chance I have to he success- ful" McDonald has no doubt that Mi- lanovic is a bona fide pro prospect with the Bruins, given his steady im- provement over his four years in the Rangers' organization. "Boston drafted him in the sixth round and they did that based on his work ethic. He might need a couple of years in the American league, but he works hard at his game, so I would classify him as a legitimate prospect One clay only I Sunday, January 2, 2000 our entire store is ON S A'1 -;E or at SPECIAL PURCHASE PRICES plus, � Sears Card d ..SAVE 15'°. "Don't hr' ~. Don't Day esu ,tlaa.n 2001 Mlinll S200 pudlte. M dderral tee "all Wk" Mat end aff" we My" M mine of purMin Offer ends Blinn. JarW 2.2000. ftft tens CiIDF~ Ill Unit 1W Sera pm lad pts dude Sera Clea P" W M hnkn rd flop Will Offer in OW Sulday. A ruirV 2, 2000 sty. M lune Appy M rnerdlydt In Sera Futon Stora Ecude CdW*n purchm. On ap; ' l l x9011. M0 you Sen Clad Ask for detail. W125 M 'rapPl0ll Im sees convill • Pickering skaters ace ice tests PICKERING — Pickering Fig- ure Skating Club figured out their tests and were rewarded with pass- ing grades at the club's test day at the Pickering Recreation Complex earlier this month. Results from the test day were as follows: Novice competitive freeskate: Joanna Glavin. Gold freeskate: Courtney Allen (part 1), Joanna Glavin (part 1). Junior silver freeskate: Emily Gaudet. Junior bronze freeskate: Emma Cosgrove, Shannah Reid, Kelly Seifried, Vanessa Seifried and Eliza- beth Tyrell. Preliminary freeskate: Kimberly Dixon, Jeanne Kim, Cristin Neville. Class 3 skills: Heather Houston. Class 5 skills: Jill Korgemagi, Kelly Seifried, Vanessa Seifried. Class 6 skills: Lenna Koichopo- los, Meghan McPhee, Amanda Press. Class 7 skills: Kimberly Dixon, Lauren Hildebrandt, Cristin Neville. Gold dance - Quickstep: Erin Seeley. Gold dance - Westminster: Erin Seeley. Gold dance - Argentine Tango: Danielle Demerino, Linda Joyner. Senior silver dance - Paso: Shan- non Crossman, Emily Gaudet. Senior silver dance - Starlight: Courtney Allen, Joanna Glavin. Senior silver dance - Blues Emily Gaudet. Area curler leaves her Heart in Unionville BY JIM E-'ASSON Special to the News Advertiser AJAX — An Ajax curler and her rink were cut short of their goal of reaching the Scott Tour- nament of Hearts Canadian Women's Curl- ing Champi- onship after los- ing in the semi- final of the re- gional event in Unionville Dec. 18 and 19. Kristin Tur- cotte, curling out of the Bayview Coun- try Club, lost in the 'B' side semi-final to de- fending Ontario champion Kim Gellard. The Gellard rink will now join the Janet Brown team of Sutton at the southern Ontario finals in Lindsay Jan. 7. Annandale Curling Club on -ice action ends Wednesday to take a break for the holiday season. League play will resume in the new year. On Saturday, Jan. 8, local rinks are slated to compete in the Brick Men's Boospiel- Teams will play two games to deter- mine which event they will play in. After that, it's win or your out for the remainder of the week - long event. Finals aro at the Dixie Curling Club Jan. 15. Annandale will host its an- nual Youth Bon - spiel Saturday, Jan. 15. Last year, the popular bonspiel was full. Con- vener Paul Bourque reports rinks are still registering for the upcoming edition where 32 teams can be ac- commodated. Junior, bantam and Little Rock rinks will partic- ipate. Senior silver dance - Cha -Cha: Heather Houston. Junior silver dance - Harris Tango: Breane Allen, Laura Weiss. Junior silver dance - Keats Fox- trot: Dianna Ball. Senior bronze dance - Ten Fox Variation: Cornelia McPhail. Senior bronze dance - Ten Fox: Meghan McPhee, Kelly Seifried, Vanessa Seifried. Senior bronze dance - 14 Step: Jill Korgemagi, Meghan McPhee, Kelly Seifried and Vanessa Seifried. Senior bronze dance - European: Sharma Pereira. Junior bronze dance - Swing: Jeanne Kim, Nadia Mohammed. Junior bronze dance - Fiesta: Lenna Koichopolos, Nadia Mo- hammed, Cristin Neville. Junior bronze dance - Willow: Sara Bostic, Lenna Koichopolos, Kylie Mitchell, Amanda Press, Jen- nifcr Powell, Corissa Vivian. Preliminary dance - Dutch Waltz: Kristin Battistone. Tori Giglio, Kyle Hinan, Lauren Hildebrandt, Ashley Lambe, Stephanie Matzos, Danielle McPhail, Nicole McPhail, Hital Patel, Erika Pfaff, Kristin Soogrim, Jennifer Wallace. Preliminary dance - Canasta: Jen- nifer Adams, Kristin Battistone, Paige Heathcote. Savannah Heath- cote, Stephanie Matzos. Kristin Soogrim Prchniinar, dan.0 Baha Bine, Wen, t. %. C!K NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITKK Daeent1 29, IM PAGE 03 P Adil Shamasdin, 17, a member of the Pickering Recreation Complex Tennis Academy, finished as a semi- finalist at the Miami Shores Intematiortal under -18 Tennis Championships in Miami, Florida. In the semi-final round, Shamasdin lost to the top seed, Tutsuki Isods, of Japan, 6.2, 6-3. He defeated the number -two ranked player from South Korea in the quarter -finals. as well as an American and a German in the earlier rounds. Adil Shamasdin s ECUIL INTODAY'S News Advertiss+r Wed., Dec. 29,1999 News Advertiser DWADW* KFC Semi's D ichm Little Ca ws phn M&M Meats SM* Ciliflese • De ivaed iD rdorted haaeh" 0* Remember, all inserts, including :hose on glossy, can be rvc•. cled with the rest of your leu>pper athrough your blue ror Recycling program. F )r information on delivenng advertising flyers. T HF.R at =,,. Peter Wednesday's carrier of the week is Peter He enjoys playing basketball and street hockey. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald's. Congratulations Peter, for being our Carrier of the Week. Ale PAW 04 N 1 AOYIRTMdt. 0 Onoember fA HN Pickering g on buses New Year's Eve Town offers bus shuttle service for millennium celebrations PICKERING — Pickering Tran- sit is offering free bus service for res- idents to all of the Town's New Year's Eve millennium celebrations Friday night. Free public transportation, spon- sored by Pickering's Canadian Tire store and Pickering 2000, will be provided from 6 p.m. to I a.m. on Dec. 31. Pickering 2000 and "special events pick-up" signs will be posted on select bus stops to assist residents in identifying Millennium Night routing. The Town reports bus transporta- tion to and from millennium events will be offered with 30 -minute ser- vice frequency on Pickering Transit's modified "off-peak" routes. Several routes, including Route 2/11, Route 7 and Route 3, will be modified on New Year's Eve. There will be no Route 10 service. All other routes are listed on Pickering Tran- sit's off-peak service map which can be picked up at the Pickering GO Station. Pickering Civic Complex. Fun, fun, fun at Youth Centre in Ajax Terns can enjoy a free pan- cake lunch. create a calendar to record their own millennium memories, and catch a free movie over the holidays. Those are among the activi- ties being offered to Aiax and Pick- ering teens by The Youth Centre at 360 Bayly St. W., Ajax. The pancake lunch will be held Monday. ]an. 3 from 1 to 4 p.m. Games and activ- ities are also being offered. On Tuesday, Jan. 4. teens can make a calendar from I to 4 p.m. That evening, a free movie nigh with free food and refreshments, nocluding home- made mini piz- zas, is offered from 6 to 8 p.m. On Thursday. Jan. 6, wens can drop in from 1 to 4 p.m. and listen to music, surf the Werrkt. and play Nintendo 64, bil- liards,l„ng fig• fooze boll, board games and more. Mini -tourna- ments with prizes will be arganinod. For more in- formation, call 4281221�2. Boards closed until Jan. 3 With schools octet for the Christ - [on holidays, staff at the re- gioa's two school boards are also tatting a break. The offices of the Durham Dis- trict School Board and the District School Board have been closed since Dec. 24 and won't re- open until Mon- day, Jan. 3.The fust board meet- ings of the new year will be held on Monday, Jan. 10, the due stu- dents return to classes here. For informa- tion call the pub- lic board at 666- 5500 or the sepa- rate board at 576- 6150. local libraries and at the Recreation Complex. Additional buses will provide lim- ited service to Claremont and Brougham prior to and after millen- nium events. And, Pickering Transit will also meet all GO trains providing service to and from Union Station between 6 p.m. and I a.m. Shuttle service between the GO Station and the Town Centre plat- form, which will be used as the gath- ering and transfer point for local mil- lennium night public transportation, will also be provided throughout the evening. Passengers can get to and from Town events and make connections with GO train service at the Town Centre platform. There will be no Dial -A -Bus ser- vice on the evening of Dec. 31. For more information on bus ser- vice routes for the evening, call Pick- ering Transit at 683-4111 or visit the Town's Web site at www.town.pick- cring.on.ca. JASON UEBREGM1 News Advertiser phots Millennium fever Mea ghan Johnson (left) and Caitlin Dever of the Dun- ink Recreation Comple.t. The event also marker! Pick- barton District Girl Guides get into the spirit of the wimp'% conversion to cite Mullis on Der .t/ at mid - celebration during a Millennium part\ lit circ Pi, 4, , ,Pi,. Follow Finian's . Rainbow to a part in a musical You're invited to audition for a pan in an upcoming production of 'Finian's Rainbow'. The comedy musical will be pre- sented by the Scarborough Choral Soci- ety and Pickering West Hill Musical Theatre beginning Friday, March 31, with other performances scheduled for April 1 and 2.6 to 9, and 13 to 15. Auditions for chorus and dance will be held Tuesday, Jan. 4 from 9 to 10:30 p.m. You can try out for speaking roles that day from 7 to 9 p.m. and again Wednesday, Jan. 5 from 7 to 10 p.m. Call backs will be held Monday, Jan. 10 from 7 to 10:30 p.m. Auditions will be held at Bendale Acres Auditorium at 2920 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough. Those interested in auditioning should prepare a shoe monologue no longer than two minutes appropriate for a musical comedy and two contrasting musical numbers (an up -temp) piece and a ballad). To book an audition time call Janie at 416-284-9881. Library hosts Internet course for kids Have fun while doing homework PICKERING — Tea:hingsAit- dren how to use the Internet as a resource for homework • as- signments is the goal of an up- coming work- shop being held at the Pickering Central Library. The free workshop, enti- tled Internet Homework Helper, is a hands-on pro- gram for children ages eight to I1. The program is being offered Tuesday, Jan. I8 from 7 to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 22 from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Pickering Central Library's Train- ing Lab. To reserve a space for either of the dates, call the library at 931- 6265 ext 226. The library is located at One The Fspltrtade. Ajax library marks Chinese New Year AJAX — The Chinese New Year is caning and the Ajax Public Library has fun in store for kids who want to acknowl- edge it. The main branch, Kings Crescent and Harwood Av- enue, invites children aged three and older to learn about the Chinese New Year through sto- ries and crafts on Sunday, Jan. 23. Space is limited by room capaci- ty. Phone 683- 4000 for infor- mation. NEVM ADIIERTIBER WEDNEIM ED"X)K nar 29,1999 PMLiE 86 APP .' t s r &Entertainment N E W S A D V E R 1 I S E R I) F C ? 9 1 9 9 9 CELJA BRONKHORSr/ News Advertiser photos That's entertainment Pickering area seniors Alma Wilson and Norrine Hill (above) turned out with others for an afternoon of entertainment in Pickering in the days leadin,q up to Christmas. The event was a Poinsettia Tea for seniors and ffwturcd the musir of the Pickering Concert Band. Nuala Fulford (right hr,t„ ,(„nned rrtndrer antlers for the performance to help lend an air „.;.v the khow. AIP PAGE N NEWS ADVENTISM WEDNESDAY EMM Daouaba 20. INS �� IS GOING STRONG!—. 'Admallb, A Great Gift Idea! Tro&tiorwl oak finish curio with Ri el• This kirrelp S puce country sat feoh5res a 30"X48" table and 4 arrow bock choirs. rCozy ircGrlerrodcer mailable in blue, beige or glow. Ole eons maftwlf SINCE loop CANADA'S ONLY FURNITURE SUPERSTORES AV i4 and sold wood legs. Chair $579 Loveseat $769 Also aMaiable in Newport oak BIC 5211 W f eai um pec � �• contb �. Plus iWft �liivle r Pich+re tube. fnorlt =W a of a5r10 dodo set. 0 Ole. t1yoU DON'T PAY Int. finish, femhwes sold oak doors m�rrort queen see Chest 5469. No Moog powg No bdwMd No on EYEfVI -NNW is Ow' Sta�wrooe WHITBY SCARBOROUGH 001RWW HILL 1i MIO Ob nK TORONTO WEST BURUNGTON ww • a �` °' � rr�a • w•i A srw�aa A I SOD 1dmir St F&I South hN �fwn Rd. M'Adapin 10075 St le0ds New Era 1;o�don a01" ri 201 lin an o Sd Sash d CE1M at Cuelph I- 0, 401 { wag d ridow Rd xa Nohth d "" 401 w d E=ltd. Rd. 2072 Wnl" Me. Sash d YNwn he 401 EM of" 10 imaMo 0i.liu MIM (905.) 430-9050 416) "1-3818 (905)_770-642n14 416)_69 7143 416) 243-6300 ( ) �1' S (905) 335-1811 — 7J0 am ' r2b pie SOK:: � loam ii pnl 'SK'vi°a'7°^plll' ISI ii S mpm SR V"pm 10 aln • 2- pll dlil 10 MI.10 q11 SI 7� SYlldll Sil 9i 9 am i��lll wn vm "pm 12.8 pm Sr? pw sweq 124 fw Pn lan romc AS loan whd a faa of $45 is due d dw Gu d pu A 1* $15W pard - wish $43 Pf equd. an N! of ].M. Sda�n dw lalwy 2001. AI ww. o A -Mm wihiL s lose ►�icw, lrna awd�an wer vary aooaip is nljos 3elw0an woy vary flow dere 10 saa ^aq dY.ww not , , , ,ls an Sar iwws. S" own for diwry inc�hhdad woos. Na app6o" b praviow pardrsaas and wa�12: iews 5w !an fx alrr aonswiwr pgwM apdow Cwm wdas mpm 25%d9oaL 44 0 CEL/A BRONKHORST/ News Advertiser photo Escape artist Nine-year-old Daniel Provenzano of Ajax won a $500 Fire Prevention Week. With Daniel are, from left. Ajax gift certificate at Home Depot for his design of a home Fire Prevention Officer Thom Evered. Sparky, Ajax escape plan in the event of afire. His design was one Home Depot store manager Glen Treadaway and Ajax of four provincial winners in the contest, held during Fire Chief Randy Wilson. Hiring gains on horizon for Durham More than 25 per cent of Durham Region employers are planning to hire addi- tional employees in the new year, according to Man- power's First Quarter 2()W Employment Outlook Sur- vey. "For January. February WA March, the prospects are quite promrsin� a, per cent of the Durham k, gion employers i ntcrn its r.; Manpower survey shows optimism express plans to step up hir- ing, while 12 per cent say they will trim employment rolls. The remaining 61 per cent expect no changes:' re- ports local Manpower spokesman Kathy March. Manpower reports the findings at this time last scar were 'marc con- rune.f per their personnel levels. while I I per cent expected decreases. Last quarter. 15 per cent of employers posted plans to recruit more workers and five per cent said they would eliminate positions. According to Manpower, personnel gains are most apparent in non -durable girds manufacturing, ser- vices and public adminis- JASON L7EXREG7S/ News Advertiser photo Jessica hosts a pizza party Jessica Nolan had more friends that she could handle at a class pizza parry she pmvukd after winning a Halloween illustration contest by the News Advertiser. Jessica, a student at Alexander Graham Bell Public School in Ajax, took first place honours in the contest, earning the right to host the pizza party at the time of her choice for classmates. Jessica hosted the party just before the Christman holiday school vacation. Dig- ging in are (from left) Nicholas Rendle, Jessica, Stefan Chuuuah, Jillian Littlejohn and Skye Wallace. Barely in the picture at right is Stacee-Ann Campbell. Please recycle your News Advertiser! tration. A few reductions are expected in construc- tion. Mixed readings come from durable goods manu- facturing, wholesale/retail trade and finance/insur- ance/real estate:' Manpower's Employ- ment Outlook Survey is a quarterly measure of hiring intentions of almost 1.700 employers in 44 cities across Canada. NEWS ADVER ORK wEDMEODW EDW M. DaeMtt" U. IM PPM 57 AN Parents can eliminate power struggles with children in workshop Parents can learn how to eliminate and the role of choice and conse- power struggles with their children at quence in developing responsibility. an upcoming program that teaches It also examines the importance of discipline and communication skills. mutual respect in dealing with chil- Active Parenting Today Canada dren, along with several other issues. will host an eight-week parenting The eight-week course is offered skills development program that will at the John Howard Society at 136 teach parents how to develop their Commercial Ave. in Ajax on Wednes- child's pride and inner strength. days from 7 to 9 p.m. beginning Jan. The course will look at how par- 12. ents influence their children and A sliding fee schedule is available vice -versa, identify ways parents can for those with limited resources. either encourage or discourage their For more information or to regis- children, and define responsibility ter, call Pat Andrus at 427-8165. ATTENTION MSM CUSTOMERS Please Look In This Paper For Your M&M Meat Flyer. It's full of Millennium Celebration Goodies sure to please your guests, but simple to prepare, so you too can enjoy the Party. All of us at M&M would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for shopping with us in '99, and wish You and Yours The Very Best In 2000 NAPPY NEW YEAR 42�'�Z7 � PICKERING 4za3z=3 RP 1999-0282 Ontario Energy Board NOTICE OF APPLICATION Ontario LEAVE TO SELL ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION ASSETS LOCATED WITHIN THE TOWN OF UXBRIDGE An Application dated December 9, 1999, has been filed with the Ontario Energy Board by the Corporation of the Township of Uxbridge, 1382153 Ontario Limited and Veridian Connections Inc., seeking an order of the Board granting leave to sell to Veridian Connections Inc., the electric distribution assets which are located within the boundaries of the former Town of Uxbridge and are presently managed by the Uxbridge Hydro -Electric Commission for the Township of Uxbridge and which will, effective December 31, 1999 be owned and managed by 1382153 Ontario Limited. The Application also seeks related orders from the Board. If you wish to intervene in or observe this proceeding, or comment on the application, you must contact the Board Secretary at the address set out below within 14 days of the publication of this Notice. Copies of the Application are available for inspection at: Ontario Energy Board P.O. Box 2319 2300 Vbnge Street 26" Floor Toronto, On M4P 1 E4 Attention: Paul Pudge Board Secretary Toll free: 1-888-632-6273 The Corporation of the Township of Uxbridge 51 Toronto Street South Uxbridge, ON L9P 1T1 Attention: Walter Taylor Clerk Tel: (905) 852-9181 X208 Fax: (905) 852-9674 VerWian Connections Inc. 1920 Bayly Street Pickering, ON L1 W 3R6 Attention: John Wiersma President Tel: (905) 427-9870 X2200 Fax: (905) 427-4998 Dated at Toronto December 21, 1999 ` Ontario Energy Board Paul B. Pudge Board Secretary ATTENTION SENIORS2 ARE "V"U READY FOR A MILLENNIUM LIFESTYLE" 4.,' at % rde RESERVENOW FaX %t PIC RING LOCATION Visit the marketing office located at the The News 9 PickodnyTown CentreF757 Advertiser (toterarkw4a Istel outside On food Waffle Rich y t —Ind 141 TIRF%11 NY Hours: Lion. l pm - 7 pm Tues. - Fri. 10 Am . 7 pm 10 N I I General 9.t 1 pm - 6 pm Sun. 12 noon - 4 pm 687-7363 ti, r I �1W PAGE W NEWS ADVERTI6ER. WEDNEWAY EMnOK D■oarFb■r 20,1WO CAJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER TO PIS" Your Ad Cilli. LASSIFIED !683-0707 odc Training Education Splw;wo npre- No[G6a6aal lraq 1 b W N* ler Ha►'A fpaa 1 tiara Ha*rAnwot 1 "r-= a �II 1 fNr • :. • ' Sunday, 23, 2000 ' (915)6 7 Phase ony q�wrop „M ■DIrtE CARED. Ae, AJAt.D.ert Taman. $pe- ■ A GROWING him loafed m ■ is looking for Kids to deliver papers Napoleon Home Comfort PO 103.000 kill . 'Dada"' krOe.t em r aid amo sire, w1We, daM Mhr+eltn• pea its . dad 1"07T"401 - • • For further information, please call information, ■ and fl erS door to door four times a Y we are expanding in the 3wp. as M a p ll. n. Ca G63- • a30-5716 • ■ week by 6:00 PM. in their Greater Toronto Area and are seeking 8 Walke$10.60d 39.900 diene" (9051 432- 8571 ,wvT1P 6571 seal 7.30p M. ■ • s+oP. for areola •p1+I- ■ nelghborhtlods. self-molivaled, reliable individuals with HVAC Product S.I.c Fx,ptirle 7'106 Alar. aailable Immaaa 2 ■ .• 1 4 going FAST! Space ■ ■ sell 005 683-6117 ace to join our East 11/1 PLYMOUTH Voyaw SE Spon Wagon 3 3. V6. Lr9e. dean and ,M boo- rooms. applaias IreudM. 1VIM1M dna. IMx CMlen Gar - OSHMA SPACIOUS 2 -Deb room act, G.tW%$ mraa. Cma$ 40Liwea leaf W Dote E9051645H 150{ �•, up nNrvMw FULL TIME WAITI S&VAn- MAILRAOM growing team of professionals. Auto, syr. Loaded. 1/W(. Ask- dm. 665�p11 7 •• , booth! Call NOW, reserve 11 • ER 11" in busylamdy Please fue resume r<>. Ism � Emis" AVARAKE FE6 IST 1 -2 bed- ■ 1912 FORMULA ;Nus skdw ■ am appy m pe son roTed- flea nsqua-[E.p. Paul Willoughby (416) 283-2782 w pfks Nor Maid air nom and I -3 Daaoae. n A �irldduWedr ■ ■ S rs to dale: • fareer SCbaNll o Hair £- .ly'ails • Aelh .Srrrices • ' poac$o f : dy0s� keq St a Park Rd. All -0, Now !! um tapill SM. W love dap iulppppffagas AMI data mom WE FINANCE annd6 ip�pliancesor Ram Icon III- per mann ■ ■ ■ IMMEDIATE WZine work in, Iw ANs/Plekamp aM. fFDWwak. SMNMd iMq SIdMd HNp EVERYONE mdwve. Ca 1905) 571-3760 to appomm"m b vac, ■ Mlvw siwNltm vr. ur,:n.vvnmr •real Freset,ted by THIS WEEK w�by iQra&t d �'�' "' homes, unix; re am _ Will Irma. clump. tetra spun aM MECHANICAL DESIGNER First time buy ers, ba..nakrUpt� bw- Wbedro ■10 MBB, low■ 2-bedr00M bate JM lit $772 (905N36 ■ • AaaraPfbo Qssagli Care • ,hw iresse E I� 'anent Serrltes • R ers fable •J 'Yr -'T J ■wide.Must w bOndabM wWiw-EZ!! ADIUCb11ld) -per;e i nnndalory. b d credit, nonu p. acm._ Dodding. acepuonallyown 15% aW 770pm 2000 equipment ar a d x -eek) lensIO i Ile MadmMII 772 Cdkge graduate preferred. Jig and fixture tapmerltt an aicsel Crt>od brnt6te. Gredit. YOB antral. Available Feb 131 f779/mann da. taaidry b 1 A,wti.wM•r Wr,W Wednesday, January 26, • aen=I aidn. Tw Fax resume attention Dan Pallister, Work. You parking Sud senior. Ca 1416N36 -x695 M / 1:00 - 8:00 p.m ■ Houdemonthly HO -6873, S Ca,eda. 1-800- 3fVEIIN Oshawa Pattern & Model Ltd 905.668-0102 drive! Lots of Choice. Down Or arihmem new 3-bedroom la MwreMo m used vemda Ven,cles MUM p.m. • s 1 1 Carswrs 1 Gererw Help 1 GwrrrW EEelp 1 Gwrtwrr Hein Islu N �'" w 30 nEvOwool ted i t $IRA 1 1 Trade may be and decor. 1 Fe- ■ a • CO AAppeprahtd a fT30D sA cote hhremorylaspock ie. to - Dks located m s0eh-amid alb w gar• geyr t■U RWFtriY Oiareaid brainy 1st f hydro. IID • Holiday Inn, Oshawa • ■ 00M. Experience required m mawwarnrra Arid manage- Splw;wo npre- ■ Publication Date. ■ mem Preto midge -aped or • be abl I a coni e. M mn101e, must IerreO Fax resume to Barb 1906420-7342 ■ ■ De ape py ole al f OIAa ' Sunday, 23, 2000 ' (915)6 7 Phase ony q�wrop �L • January ■ acdnann will w ="asd A GROWING him loafed m • ■ for a mMwew Alas. Ontario n roosting to al • ■ MEN, WOMEN amt kids tlbc--.1W,nrslTIM" • For further information, please call information, adeen a `tv c m � ma- ■ : a Mom ,�' d°,';',1„°" p q b ■ OSHAWA t< WHITBY K CLARINGTON y PORT PERRY a30-5716 • lee` l'desu nelmmm loan, ■ ■ ' THI WEEK ■ MUSIC TEACHERS required. ■ ;,de with ler Grant 2 ads B Ps Grade 2 ■ ' 05ISIR61542 �ZC�-gkleM ■ Ieory. an wetr..O tLnoca s+oP. for areola •p1+I- ■ ■ i�onOk liorws. Flo rrsurw b Fee. ara Ca Sam 9056/61711 regUlr Wogs. call VA -s539. SPECIAL CENTRAL able.., large 2 6 FINANCE 3 heeroom ananmems avail- EPARTMENT '� ro LSHERIUMCHEV ,p %ease dl (9%1723.0977 9 05-706.8498 a m 4 p.m 9O AarO StE, to 1 load. FENCHMANI SAYMICKER- / 'NG.New large I-IMdroom GEST WISHES FOR A NIPPY basement apartment. Avail HEALTHY CHRISTMAS AND Fe0 Is1 Separate artrance, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR No smokmypeR FwILIM a FROM CERTICAR CHECK ielenmDes. S700ympIN Ifolu- OUR NEW LOW PRICES. 19 s,ve Cal (9M)639-1516. 96 and 97 Sumne mid Caval, e s from $;977 b $8.966 NORTHEMY Oshawa. I.W. Also 96 Cornenates Irom room OAsemem apartment m 96 C Blains a a alradrve t Separar 4 Irom 516.9%. % 4 IoN0 IaNloa. rear ars Olds Dena M LSS. loaded s Del s+oP. for areola •p1+I- ■ • Tel: 576-9335 a ^wy51 72�ca mail ONE, • ONF OF CAMADA3 Itaduq CABINET 111wxER CARPETS SALE a HARD- WOOD FLOORING: Carpel 3 TV WALL UNIT blaCk&grry lacquer nmol up !0 37,V '"Ixo jju dub. dean,�170K. ��� �,,,�� 7mpkmpnett. $550 hy4r0. 1st adr aF. Fab 1 705 -657 - ANTICUES+Abtolwblyl Ad wu- ��lt +rwW. awW nor' 1 •gym 130 so yd In- 350. Gpen-IOD w- 9O AarO StE, to 1 load. 7525. / ■ s ,a �cbaria �mmedlalt my °" Expirienctill auoes *&feel. Orimree 1MW W ^ Fret Oytwilb, new cdNXNln. 550. Mens -leaidM a A.I. now �'9� � Cavy ONE EDse"ImROOM twdolM ■ Pickering 683-0707 •Toronto 798-7259 ■ Dpwy EAcnMwt for Bucy Millwork est. M , alpel rwpa3 Sere- pal .0o0s- 1.3.53150.905697-9799 Iw, at, aro. 113K. pedes wMkaw eesene,lt apartmelll 19W TWOR ala, armed. l Isarri t O ■ ��:Inmp salary da wmwm. kcdlalws ma, have Shop in Durham. M O.Mm aid Creek Cads Asea RECONDITIONED FR■GEf Ied only 36.600 94 Back Cemm� baoeo. V-6. spot- to rem Jai I a 15. Meme { Fndt 905"11"255. 1 V -N" a ler :all 905-579-71116 la O, Fqrnmre in sane ara Ca Sam 9056/61711 111195s, up. Wo,*tMnN1 ra0- leu. 75K, ,low 37.750 % r� Isar 1 4 going FAST! Space +PLC TWS* (Jas 3 6 Q b Jbirri art asset. COMPUTER a 125 p recor4dww Gfand Am SE. whit. clam. 121K. 59.40. For OSHMA SPACIOUS 2 -Deb room act, G.tW%$ mraa. Cma$ 40Liwea leaf W Dote E9051645H 150{ �•, up nNrvMw Fee -rew W. (se55 68(r l 155 SPECIAL$ Infer. net scene, sY, mw 3266 Will dryer $1 up. no". bo Md ftshos $199 1 a. me. am only Meta " ~ hew me" Owe cim Interna Iwndry. •• , booth! Call NOW, reserve 11 WANTED EXOTIC OMCFRf doua, Md due �r On- sun �mmxuiae cowdnwn apt Mo 32700 Ca IBS �yll t 30OMH1 superfast system $699. LOOM P3-50 well aid rtmrlaaarlwd COM agar- SM mown lee dryer a tato N Cwmar Am Can, ne. 155 Km2 W. Wee. a go" 3+Ira0w. no pas 16W . hro 1stArt. Ave. 1912 FORMULA ;Nus skdw "'o a'm. nee 1rs�Mq Or,w,t WME1 MAKERS - Gorham I rNEC mama $1333. Pow w pfks Nor Maid air ark" MMI. Call S79.2m Feb ill. 9(b-ns5r6. S rs to dale: • fareer SCbaNll o Hair £- .ly'ails • Aelh .Srrrices • ' poac$o f a,,I av"aMe Ca • aeries 416231-1,60 a 905 -paned EWly openenced apply 114 um tapill SM. W love dap iulppppffagas AMI data mom Iridpt3 $410 and vp. new 3P ,alga •wen clop and -do. Merit FROM 5500. � Govern, 5oM mqaemIryF� slow. Quiet Ionsienntt far slow. CM Terbreoloay' Institute ■ 9)7.3256 a 9 7233271 �afm�b n (m)655-3661 5430 RamnsaetMd 24• rap � � 8imtoWM11 2- ■ • College of Bat"Riess of • DlaR9oRd • C.on$carr WANTED KITCHEN STAFF 913 971-3 DID OF l l gU a arm 2r nod trek haps 1 #06291 -Ml Ea 30 bate JM lit $772 (905N36 ■ • AaaraPfbo Qssagli Care • ,hw iresse E I� 'anent Serrltes • R ers fable •J 'Yr -'T J 1 M oke am tiwsam. CDM ori 89 dew s1700 Cw hwwr Trans,W w. wdwM ew S%0 d . op now av low wl t r, Of new Iecena- ow"m OFFICE CLOM ;REE. Es- 15% aW 770pm • .Y"- • C.aRTadiart Armed fOr+ClS •Toronto .School Of B11s/nes3 •e�mrM rmmeolAien • Woor SI W., SIT. TOOL MOOIWTOCK R00a1 ps"Me rM.,ed for nada es nom A9 manias set prom otter and �d�. � a p 1 A,wti.wM•r Wr,W FICONOG � 7 boom . bv- ■ w • Acadrnry Of l,Caening • Scot" :f IreS/1■IaRt D"m a 559 ■ .., to sant b 905104- !1iw• k1D,lraan snap n Moa Mw IM,w pooe tno.Mdpr p $159 ape, dDWt ems hrOwi i219. puM� M nets �. s APpNtie- a' Sales PaW. 1St CASH FOR CAMSI We our inn room snared Worry 1 ^ter par". fe pen. aam- 1■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ / / ■ / ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ / ■ / / / / ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ / / ■ ■� -3134 bw%om stop bots am S2M FaMV Wien 1,SIG 22P22R1. 1660 � St, Brod 51 Oalaa.a190S) 578- OdWr used vemda Ven,cles MUM swim t i75D OMAN" " 1 1 Carswrs 1 Gererw Help 1 GwrrrW EEelp 1 Gwrtwrr Hein 1 GartMW l4Mp slaw Noe Mwntwewbt a- %'a0554a4Ta7] rwsiwwt b Pia•i•1O oeMtb to 1St. 1N11 .0 yea wwwW ft_ Max ml^wEtOEiwiMnm 00. in rWwmp wmflgn ry1 or Conve a � SAD Cyt afybrM 9054861206 CO AAppeprahtd a fT30D sA cote p"au rmanot. P" Dark- Fndpt. SWM. hM boo w spit NNW mug.~. fmaom, 90&153.7146 t■U RWFtriY Oiareaid Ywelww SAxt ARM M1S05 P!CXERIMG GOft.ARE Gn Crmn7H•lo Oasts nanwp We p!oiii`r tloa m win espa tea Wth ou f fav oftd wry win at Nly bead CoMew probate, a and Faw IV mmwmnwwll lee Pwsowa M ap0wnrwaa dart 'a ..... M nit ate• 6raaq •CdA C~ w! MapoTpMrit colada nMMa 2090 MMr days a aWMq{ hwalr4 M avaaOM b aq, w b no Esc 1167?I jw4wy 3`11 1.600.816-3{,5 TIE $XM b am6110 an INrprta ken oww In= •Ab at vmw am b /flee veno art WCtAaaty "Now Na a Cor, a" MCSF/Laa Neta. D$tVim aawamra,m awo brace COM.IW Ilwiaw,w - A. Ne. moat w0 daps and Ale«ad N*w char And rima nim Frnw,pal a - tat a eaw be b,0406 b 6anwM Lowpnr CaMpr AT LAST you an fefi, , too" Ip soon" b nrM You rte a corer The Mku& =-=.2 at Orta 2 D SMwatMl lop a r Irom Damm Cat r6t M a 70 week p,opnm lotPMM 2.00 as"m aarAw crow warm JnW"1��0 Iplh aM Feb -- M iJk 906ttI 73w0 set am* ow WAS" TNF YH SUTWN :.x•w Tr inin Germ, ttaw win 8.49". an•raM filth. W comome. Pwdl. Caw". wewie Aw wias.% Fwtoimn Mehr a�iawF If05i439.2?t7 Greeted 1 AZ J,, - 3vn t.pe-a dnwe, upwwiw:a pWl:a W N Iran, T«afep Mrisq awy CAU 905-s76-nan enP ami MMMtaMaapaC a W re- sww 905.576 778 AZ DRIVERS weded we - re. eWred MerMerrillcer .099 ria New aQ.OWAN ell (7051 11F0006 CASTLE MOTEL Bowwiiaiwrk Door Pent woad Ca ate aid am for Jan 905 7072 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser it- Quel15 trial advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vubser all not be re- sponsible for more snarl ale AWrreet murlr0n and there shall be no U, ability for nort-msernbn of airy advcrtiserrant LNbeOy for errors m ads is'M W ID tle U "01 paid Ile ee space occu- pying tte errtr All copy is subiect to tie a11prO 011 ;WAI DO~ witls mm 3 years U.S. Clean Abstract, Criminal Search. Good Rates requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. BRISTON POND Briston Sands Crs. Alta Rd. CANNINGTON Cameron St. W. Country Lane Meadowlands Dr. Windsor Crt UDORA Sulevi Ave. Lembitu Ave. Manniku Rd. Viru Ave. Vambola Ave. Also Adult Carrier for walk & drive routes need- ed Pleasse("js�M Fraser Ford Sales Ltd. regwires anaw. SM. M. or AUTO RETAILER OW per week. &MMOwM girgaKa3 in wit comfort of for New Car Department. rose own raft Said a set- Experience essential. adapted sumpad envadpe ExPe .H b: O.P.H 624M Dwidu St. Fax resume to 576-6078 W.. sea 511. Ate- or call Mike Harpies 576-1800 �' � K � 211 � for interview. Servers/Hostess Required sgser Drop off resume Is looking for reliable le to insert and Mon. Dec 27th deliver papers and layers door to door 3-5p n every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Nickels Saturday in the Pickering area. Restaurant Deliveries must be completed by 6:00pm. Ajax. Must have a vehicle. J For more information Call 905-683.5117 WE REQUIRE ler EiptMnloed rips. ,raw polo wacawm. ~~ e.ttR•m snaps QeMdv !m umual bolia.2 { 3 twd- snow f7 90g A m "ll '- trx[a :Oec ata 162Smp tools Q lone{ Orme mop kwfM a oral Ste► � 9M Cwt. a~M pdb lame t4Y MMt pad aM aMRand ItdMa waedt Mum- ANTICUES+Abtolwblyl Ad wu- ��lt +rwW. awW nor' 1 •gym Mica PlMl Dann. yt. Sud w^,��y-,n« obi a ler C owd r ee a04 b raid wnptpwwOtmly a the re Sam GIW cn mtmn one- aM. PiKim EMs. MM30. wutiver p opr,pn. es- tan w/tonie an- I cont- to GMC • 7 5 0 awo s3d(k +9; 7789 Fete RN11� UM.. alt, ere case. �' hltmm is vaMrwlNyt rho Mal3305 rfa. Int tem b vena min- an WdaedL mRwdlmrM Maga Win. ea n=Wn a MMI, w" 1 T►aA 4 Wh.M am IaiRO'Y. Now Wt1. saRe�rootad "Wes weekend work Sad rMMRa 10 F116irl NS9. $14*0 Fmr•ca tAwrlpad -101 ft" somm Aalx. 7-bware0m A6an- E7ewrde DAYCARE WANTED t,my Ba N7, D{RatY. O,w LIN LI G T M S 4minill goo" I N "V 10 M. b a gliwet Rpwn 19W TWOR ala, armed. l Isarri t O ART: 3751 715 TILT &LOAD gowid Roan Are qwt- Mawrww, Mwd to Ilyd bp. SspNd. sa1o0 Ca S ca 1 V -N" FOR HIRE Omura 19EISMs6-aow a ( I -BSSO all 11t6031- RAGIAR .."1'.+u • •.'- 1 oodicw Balm OFwTAL RICEPTIONIST lull r� Isar 9O5)242OND sxu , 1 PWA scowe-.• rp�pMWgW{ largr� wOW ee. rvwm,et n. -w kale MUST Ran LMrMWmr Rt[aaW Call Neil Malcolm WANTED Leal Ticill IM Cis Cma$ 40Liwea leaf W Dote E9051645H 150{ CO-OP r -m 80A • fIDD OM M o at 280 WMhtorM SI. trllda wMeo { trlaOM Form Aa CPR rip. mey MI Meant WOW, W. ml MlmeaM pre 1 no ■Wr 61s1s46s2o (905) 7657-1191 w (4181295.1;693 Will pay face Value. Cill Bruce Danford sun �mmxuiae cowdnwn apt Mo 32700 Ca IBS �yll t «,aa *WOW lg?SIMAnd M 6•�� � � mas's APPLIANCES Pa^s 5.7w9-�4y4D� 1912 FORMULA ;Nus skdw �� h ooa PMeM dre0 a1 SJ�es $n f�tt B -C Yew ext. 2 07 5B3CC Hyo' -- M prawn chno t56-0adi+pts mMM iafweb 161 Sime $L N. Jm a Y,, tvow imiWiw S. lar, m wchm RETWO a" bLIM" m • Ast9 Parts Warehouse, Piduerhi! - Long term, indefinite assignment picking orders. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. shift. Must have prev. order picking exp., be familiar with computers. Immediate opening. • Major Canadian Retailer, Whkby - Immediate Several Week Assignment at Brock SV401. Whitby. 35 niphtshitt (9 p.m. to 6 a.m.) General Laborers (m/f) needed now for renovation, restocking of a major national retail store. Safety shoes required. No experience necessary. Job begins Jan. 3, so apply now!! Ain ExpelienceM , computer iterateP dkkw Pick- ers, Bindery Workers, all shills. Some as- sgnments lead to Rill time work! Apply: GbMI Mason Plaimarces, rwo iq is Ain, 18 sea. Is 3 p.m. an Tharadoy, Doc. 21 at AiC, tib stagy tui. W., 0542, (w. of Harod, tnw� marae a) All otlMr wootdays, aMh ti a.m. M 3 rel. at sloe Glefpl I M Ward" An. tt217. Scullim (i. of Eitkrlaa). UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliverWoe a week in ttte areas: .UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. Bristol Pond Bristol Sands Crs. Alta Rd. Heritage Hills Silversprtngs Crs. E-Iiliborne Crt. Also Adult Carrier for walk & drive routes needed CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER 30 ComlMet+l ial Ave., A jou ,..: ' -� n4] 44 It all Iww- i • v >MT-TIME trop -Mr ir,dgtw t31Wwp Armtrle rptlnm tieerrl wkw tR� Arts a r„V'j e.ttR•m snaps QeMdv !m umual bolia.2 { 3 twd- snow f7 90g A m "ll '- .,Q wet Iwdtd rad .+en`s timom 0new Rmmpragn_ 1rwN- "inEO plea 0.6. msdm a��n .� r .ssa a� b nM f24MM sekden side. u MT :LAWS rxn oe �;05132b0101 u+nuMy If Frdrm MM. fgyi5n-OR17 A-aida ala k -I" aMwlt. wo �- sum% Janary !7M Ar evefa. niann0. Mlaroa washaNrw MW rpa Tel 1 1 KP•'wr"s !9051 579E 90ri f l$law&*.% m 614 uD orYan t/4afup tattlers ler wvwwnp Wren aira- ea "•^ $14*0 Fmr•ca tAwrlpad aMa IpfwMn ear tpoWaY Aalx. 7-bware0m A6an- E7ewrde DAYCARE WANTED t,my --Off law nor 1241 %Wda ng Main woshwW rym3. Loam a can as an ewve IMM, am Ova wn«wMa tn• -its . reason 67 �' S Kea tem. HMnnNq, 4M { Mme ow +peer ala ara S Pm 9051666-07'8 foa W M SM Vol ler aDaoom bay as Sews gIoyVriIMrrMne GR (106150M 7 C.arfrla�M. •.:'arta mNmrOlaMY 'ec 1. fBSOlftonrwt wrdrve 115 190517iL10r1 mmAPARTMENTS (9%)$Oi145 Kummo Pion" Ir 1 Saw It1We a have it all' WA PICKER" nap 1 nature �r � WWW st 5pnp 'arge freshly decorated l 2wwb dmu,e ,I moms b 12 yun Gln ounrpw noon rad g$1 S& Pre +IoornO n 5' ft 5ortga FJ OW ser WX. Fknbft a OW m,nOtbn Rd MwMtwtM 2 6 3&" ipt► for rent. $690 'salad bK*wd sNe pwrl Crab a "ewe male. ate• Cma$ 40Liwea leaf W Dote E9051645H 150{ Ie. Whets aid ilii, a * dweMwd. West art am • fIDD OM M o at 280 WMhtorM SI. trllda wMeo { trlaOM Form Aa CPR rip. NOM[ TNGTRE SYSTEMS awo 6 MMyy web. Orae W VO« First CItOaCt. trleMd smon. . moots 905426- JVC w END DdOv Dpa-AP Rtatvers SOD -wan k .M% Can 90506b1467 eW/atM to aPOf t711 (5105) 721-6741 17M M *AM CD DO." CMIM • 1 ■�� "_- 51/NMn' 3-IIOOIIs pW ■IIM7 chno t56-0adi+pts mMM FREE 177 R EA00 I10aE 7 ww,., - 1 bar. "tear be w LAww6ekan ' PPL« p70. wionM ora 1p 9rrman 1 17 bwM. kA-.0 lett CARE AMIWl1 et tea b IluirY w 1aa stMeatw laom MtplMid w pppy ir�ts a001 I.wplace. eapFaad am Mon b Espen - d a Dr Od1ew1 $IMaO 19051 S7� din nMdt Iodn b ret ato mFeabbt AW sun araC PSw Avakpt n ypw7 OMO GaerM 1st SwMe b SM" Pwsa new Neta PWM call 421- 7627 w wewwmm 2MV4 7 1? bor pow ownut 600 gD�IbrtWaia aMad se 4y-7611 pawl I/o5M{ivn. 1 M oke am tiwsam. CDM ori 89 dew s1700 Cw hwwr Trans,W w. wdwM ew S%0 d 11 AwaMare mI .tad cow m own ow"m OFFICE CLOM ;REE. Es- Boa Haw. ta0mn aft. $450 1330775 INd CUTLASS SupraM 2 LAW 3 bwpociM aw- Mu S mt St S. OWWw& t'o'w, own hash w ae maw swco yet ■es- Ca DM Ney- O's, Mop. AIM "A sqyss Mo■A 5121 Dud IIDa Oen ft" VS. good strbDipiOtliri`!� Wits AWfq ADOwanose lee5 k n- CNrad. 1NMN *dill 1 w1 'net SM Rap RalMa "' RaAly (1901) LIS 1wn FaMM rap Dor a MT- lnaes to Giia N b $1860000 rJ115793i86 '40- f90Wmanai. 1 Wfq Mepaa 1■901monW. Awa- {M•3100 a 59051 6{F corwaa reMweO. 57500 666 0777 It/1 lm CUTLASS kown-A row brwlel'" LD•oad. iilawa- suit wrlrwrdnMly (061 126 -3211 1 ft -Md Planes TICN■CMR 8"9" Ne Wm. sunrpll W td. �npb �tacow � WLSONMM ara. ages am MM RREWIM, n- eco lerb tet letwrq, regain. end ore- IawrdlMe casu?Mm a a bM aM tea. AOEEAl1E1■N.WII. waMOM w.lari9 7Mo-bedrooM aq. awe wry a7aNM wood par tion coq A rrlo011s nam. Drohme Greg aapN Now spoon. 6 bmmem WdMMreRw. ora. AalYb4 WANOS" bins fwdy MdmaMd. ler ftoo UN Call Ban a J27.7631 CO AAppeprahtd a fT30D sA cote p"au rmanot. P" Dark- Fndpt. SWM. hM boo w spit NNW mug.~. fmaom, 90&153.7146 py ,WN CLOCKS Chm ; SpedrM renpp $4500. Mdaln wast set HM 5300 n rmo lee rru. tlrpq rater wtw.. doW Ib dPYt. F13.500 Mi MaaaT w waft t - mart Ctpmt 1 pMM7 dew. CMaal aw7ya, wa- wu. bwAv. Dow* 263- Ag8EUIRY Ym EST - lap nsuw wd Nrdwo00. a Rdaa ";pial INtlot w ktvbordm. a faMwa newt blast Mow. rete ma- DwMta SpWas atOr M plea. ranaMobr. call. Fal 1st. $67SIw1rAll. 505571- p9/adnwlad2Q-2512. swwv PtltM■, MM. Mm- ecvwae plarlda. a Nord hood. (9051431-0743 a (705)653-3909. sop 1963 by am a"", cam Akw, cldres. Lao WK. e DURHAM RREWOOD rets r cod Pan" 1im ID /fly CKW Crahw. way =IW = 427-974 ow, ,alappopp%7)rCaar In M may!o ' W INR Fb tr t wow etas tergo0 Pbkup a 6a•an aiitlaOM Pow *MIINU 10 MSR &-1491. FODL TAILE 1 K 1 ter W a 3110 pa w. AwNm sera, rbMeion �' $20& in$� 12OMD 414 few M5. wet k■t Ca 9Orr 4uERMM afxMarrs 9m6 No CAN905• MnBI 1M/ ■sled C,.E�NwiyIIA • 4 IK. ■■ ■. V■f■fTE 1, 2Naf111biafl■d FAR■ RE- ■mw.temons beW allw" woo0, POOL tr6LF$. s' w W ler w�ic11'ad r I ..I Al. No "•�!' i Nor mad tome to so . lay cow b Fez V-= 6.10. aa>�MS` fee. AppftnCM AN IJt11. blCl{IdMd. p Wy�" 90542"na -- tfl/ Falq LESAM LTD MFhOYM:IISf i IlaYlt. oa.t cdWw. to any- wrrf9s+x7.173t. RE■r 1/ eco rear w rt mm/NrrMd appllanw, w rear Tn w Pao- of 9"�iw •� aW'RADO rolltra �"•'Lfa610 On all■ . Firewood « a40 . RIr1- 1 offb9: Mea - Fru t2 a m -thaw omtw6o Dry OA 8 LUELEet ■1■ t16b epeatt Cap1M sYmW alar f,5o ' e commom nkawkm Fall= - pnoa Sat a Sew 112■► Sow {t«fYi� aEw re oW « WM for $12.4-3 ■ane P+e1MAwrhW bg001T311s CAN (661726 ata. VAUNT MO/fRTV da wry b bet Mss sw t�4 Fats ww�a � .E FOW w" Egli "" am drr'aaft N O Dos -070-1020 06111 TUE...fOK■G WEEK EaeaNsd talrfdn. dew Visa A spud SALE. OIC. 27�nN9M Bac. M " pepne s9wr tail kduWr. Poa■Y9Mf. AC. hr fildnroan, a" "Wis o°r`D RoeM"`Bwd .t Nit IDAe ApARTMEIVTS - AJAX 6rramaN seat w Naw DMM cera a on $tea. Real dal. trate SWN.rRea . 33 & 77 Falb Crt. ! IEW 'ez - •M rad Flalger a elodco T I Irpe rats Sar Slow ami XN" as " dll•d Enlo a NM ad �a axpera, ret' and "a Lena -up. ba". VS"008 M. Y 2 &3 Bedroom a tS. P $10 am; Aro aM new °0d Pow on fak.Tllf{ M ■a tui. ", bids ewow Fsbry me WO Iw MIYM a 1915 wW wire 10aD Mw Call 686-0845 Inch pew, Own cow au one poo red add w 61■ as law br. net mom r!!!. bee wen Iola0"-311- M tocol-. e■a b Or VlSlt ILS at: far Il add, . 2 WOe mrwd KIM g o. 9a5.31Ct ANr 6 idp p �p grME �Jp ft prr {61�lei 9w aWrrM pro". pro". wWq to Mnlry. � Score n (05)721- http,//windjammer.webiump.com �w 25 3 �Eom MACAMs snrAlpop $2500 am « $6.1■0 1a a era. Cal 725- TC l� W11.W Wapb watb- 115 Norte Fp1 RPa, -Portb- 1 blew r erMr or 1 1W=br 1220 or 1-905955-3359 enER AC". lap to 1/ ant. mpinrmw2AWL .oawaklp.otice SOCK OF REIPMN43TT 2 2 price. raw miles gran $999. Iupppe ham $19.99, katlw E0, ww bland now orate morass, bac spring, ogtwad. rental etas OIWNYOUR HOME - IT'S EAS1f It - wdlNls Iron $6 M. E,IerInM Mal Go! Fancy `7 ki wraprpP� Cod $1175. oto sszs ai'a07i69ees FWat TMyter Buyer? - GN AMrIt! Ne - viar90 PDMt fella oshu I tea BDi72B-9830. KING wars. 41� �9oo nprannapd� - C. N insem � �■ �L?� �E 6EARE IA6E5, 2 WOra, t Gern)aw 11aeNwve ro Ger• obed, epolowtop, IftOtpnp & Irate. lNae0. n Wnb, mss 3180-3. ret PrnMtxa WWrvfoW b.E$Nlp�1fot+�dawn a 9swtFw. - (9l WM-SM or 1� adi) rd o n (Rafar tell "56' 7 11416) 726Me5. L ult SUDIn ev Toronto Une: (416) 798-7259 Our prions knee are open 24 -Hour Fax: (905) ST9-1218 S&L 920�a1 Inn 3= prin. a Cyss�fad QflUllfa plow wlyn yo4 advrfrUM,.Xollr veto k3,' 7 1 ' NEVUS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Docewlbeir 29,19904Y GE SO All ata . , 650 050 590 690 690 690 WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE? J = from $700'mor" J W Mum Dowhant-11'" 1905)571-6275 1-800-84x6275 Mark Staple i.,.r r MA 091111 You own ynur orTcompletely renovated ha'". 6 moms tree. Irom 1500_ Income requirement Irom (30,000 gross. call Karl Collis. Caldwell Banker (905) 726.9014 A UNBEATABLE OEALI hom $500 dnw, n you, own Mme SUmng A $69.900 car - ties fa less than lent OAC 24 him free n o it masap 1105428.1069 en 217 Cold - wd Bantin RMR Real Esule Amelia Rawo "M1 1100001111APT. in a house 5/50 on N^ gels/ smoking Availaolu .anuary ,at 19051472-0920 AEw 3-bhko bagyw, o,W walkout lots of etas. Co- rowg. across from ',,trod AndaOk Febryany 151. Illoov Itlo a . mihes or parchase for $167.9DO WE- mu - ass, am mortgage. 905-371.9922 WHITBY -nous, for hei 2- bedru,m:: plus 2 Li d %,,,t n. bldw, -balh- rooms. large yam Close to lig amembes $950impttill has. avail formed'" Cad ant San 905-723-0061 lilic1 Boons llill for AJAX 1 room for em cine m Ous. shopping mare sad scaorlEs. aadaele rmmedately Hrsullst of. catered. $3801matm 1905)x26-7630 MCAENIMG - FURNISHED BOOM piss orwake 0 -piece ball. shared i IcW & Vae- tiny, Ow to trsnsdnon- smaller. aurfewe rmme- diile,y $40ohnopnTV. Iso Ito, CIA 4791,7770 1 ShrW ..= PILAF RING. p,,,I, � u rage V14- d la 'rare d Mdraom $55 0 v laa gMonaod'ble m eliCyt 1905 2214 rviv. message .atlomrrwr Fa ROM Pf"11.1119 �O*Do 7hW iaMn h w vMu- 5 4o- (Mance'. rep4ar:e Fr jlraisi ,w pins. no smoking Stl Month Plan Moto Phone Ani I I.Vr `+•'•g• a :AAf.F W -:Aa SMO► ,::5 cal neAled Aqvi prhp 1s 4,ViOte0's)yfuil.mm Close to r 115 1tS 19051w714/5 Fair So* 1 1 P7••p•Ireiew. ATTENTION AUCTIONEERSII Our MAudioe Paskaye" coosisls of your ad Fuming weekly in these publkations: • Oshawa Whitby This Week is Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune • Canadian Statesman One call does It allll Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 MacGregor Auction Centre, eowmanrille Sunday. Jan. 2. 10:30 a.m. (Viewing 9:00) 401 to Waverly Rd. Exit (431) North to 12 Hwy. East to Scogog St. North 1 him. 1st Auction of the New rear features a varied se- lect'on1 articles from past to present Furniture. Al tiques. CoBeMables 8 Auto in glass 8 china. di- rongroom set. settee's & pariour chairs. dressers. ta- bles Oshawa colleclables. 1953 Dodge. auto (sac shape) Note Car sells at 1200 Something for one & all Call to consign to this or our future auction MacGregor Auction Services Michael J. NInGr or 1-905.623-1919 1S00-6799 nmitivers. some modem pa. Victorian pa etc. New Years Oxy, Sal. Jan. 1, 10:30 a.m. M Warners Auction Hall, Hwy. 2 Colborne from in old Hirelings Courcy Home, everything as round. lent oak sideoeard with high rr l back Ian applied carvings, over pa, -ted needs fellmshn original Victorian sideboard in walnut with Ian in excell condition. amarmour with applied cat 3 beveled mirrors ornate crown and botte H. solid walnut Gibbard antdresser with frim am parlor sets found in stheds. also need refin le top bar tables With stocis. old tub stand. It S, old metal helicopter toy. old tins. old nruk be ant oak dining rm ext table. 6 Chairs and sid I. Birds Eye maple burgers chest (needs rein ere narrow old metal bed. old hand maple still cart. old atter in good solid CiorWition. Mier I articles as found in sheds. sebcbon $mall tabu modem & arltgue. old table from baserrwnt w If legs & drawer. good cooler (Coke) with 2 sit lass doors nearly new soh set. Oty old window, int 8 am dressers and chests. Ige selection sm IS. China. glass, crystal. lamps. pictures. mono s. Set Royal Albert china. Depression glass etc. I NM Ti Bryes a -no Ime t0 30 a m ary & Bill Warner - Auctionsere 905.355.2116 I aa,n fm•rt..tnr,I Advertiser 1 Birlls 1 fmrtw In u . C^7 • �j AAL1e AUCTION i IndjL 1404WS454 InUM le Om Tlder M ML R io Ir,a yprl,ehwi CONSIGNMENTS 663-0707 ii,rrwsad 1 Wirt Rr AND ESTATES OPEN MINDED 1-rill#]7x4, 10 not MADE TO fMSS ANY FXt'TPfIONAL L4DIE5 WANTEDFitsl\k, a t der : y E"• art ' 1 RE FE Baby I, Here Gilt Per N'RIUN 11H.14A Low Commission. ,MOM'' ,O ....,.. ,.w Baby's Here? 13 10 .,ole y, y , „. r„< F/.1"Tw 1c f- Il H,CLI u payment next 'town eros-wi;uim. lynd A Nkl.1v/IIdTYBTRw IkTMM day.c.l'AM.\'IT.F.e> 'mica. Irom. ove sperarig women rto rrIXr'N ggi„ at ,ry Ifa is -" u Ill -l", SIM►lT WART PEACE ON Sales every Tues. -.--- I MARE A . ..,rod a,- Al ;yixhy EARTH 404-876It and Thurs. and Sat at 6 p.m. An- s .Fifwenr,.ra:s .admlk 1. , j/Y.^� }Cru to !{CYll �f ppsl sir !{YX!! IlU Z1 mvq ounrw 'Blew! .r iiw.ig III. >D its lyll.sm and want w NOW HIRING ticlue furniture. ap- +MrY nue at v'w.smus q "n'lomwaM wfe rias the Mout ria,. -•au inn. col Cool DEMENOR chdnlces lid. Own- tiP•rt mndeet 14M .rte win muacke No 'n. Tat 7e1 anon,; . r+ ......:.-.,r• Cleawlwer Nal and operator MYLES KING AUCTIONS 33 Hap St. Oshawa, mote YoUr Pim rlokCe In 16 t�Jax Plt'gerllib . eiis �n�.4 i�..n.n osHAwa ppo $433 ooh ELpM..CW NON - 523. $OOa7 t5B.00D Glr la wield Serlllea wrysMs 416 g33s{,a MOM[r PArfti��end ii ,It nor iu sem ,�rshead Evertunoth rn b•rFJ e d Clow atO C IaIWOeat AN NIO..atw EAS-ts7F7505. i1w1�1M 10/1611141pad. S 1 (A,Nlg4gwe, ktRwo NOItTCA S Hood. Intl MW 41, fy err ant Per 410 Call COWA-KY morrave of �ga�ee- � Co.,Cor, 1905166a- eiaY`V7eL O GaVERRMENT ,ands$$ gams d Ioarl inlof roat.n b sUr. aid $µWW ruin bl-- el/a a taint 1-gOP5a5fM66. A VERY SOLID WSINESS opponumv. tuu-hoe a PAm ttiipmee�N involving -am 9D5 -a. 1289 dpRk.E $anoint NBi lie . n f2 . AbePNMlI' EE I.,.w r 4 1oW Bahy . fkn c do t ;ndiald iw mdbes sabe, at Nissan Pllamluw 462 Puffol SL. Pon Perry Yew Baby's Hae Gift Cero4casr is titdc'•Insde to your taxi Guardian DM Stme 29 Toronto, S(, L Xbn* • Baby 5 Here a a rq"od lift srk at S&Vo. A W Wi of A"Nit Van.l.i0 nonnot" nil NEW IN ONTARIO goyem- 1 Pekwkg i �,eg a �1ea 91w mem awlprepaid Ictal. DeNMYg RtwwM Exaoig apW11mWY 90} 3w6 MOVING SNOW REMOVAL OFFICE COFFEE SEMKI 'GUARANTEED' • urge or small m mm once tto Deer- PAINTING i • ginatenrdaN 1Me1 - - - Aare nedbn. Grw ot, 9 W. PLA.RTF.FI�G F.vFro LUIS _ Cal t- 7.3996 •general Clean-up r....Rell Stucco ceilings• • trash aid ourta15 � 4`^�1sr e ; W*V basement rWV$abmLS. removed Gam Evuft Pay as you're sashed Fast service when Med@L NEW YEAR'S 2M 1N NEW cam uw st'L�S-� -420.4261. YORK CITY" Spend the Md- MIS ie7.13t1 IwMeurn m New York Cra' See (905.) e31.1eZ1I • • YA Nle bRl oo lawn in liners Et1larlsY MR DDo wt'Counts"OepmterE 31 An Fm cm MOV:rs 7Guaranteed a 5 OOam ant Torah ms r� Exp.in1�f�6:OOwn Mnve in New Yoh W 101A•URIray a approlPlaamd 6:00 pm. WnpPaJ019 Thea s a arta in a (haps a- rip nro WAY -ark • E7 pIMllfe. OMNI NYC .IaruwY iewr.talMe Pricss 41e-4s3'ame1. 2000 a 12:00 (10011 Arrw 2M M1la sews is Toronto at aFll amA* fall ha a FREE FinmseTor F1FM 11:30pm and Osbaw at 1 1 1791Nm. EARLY BOOKING• SPECIAL Book 6 Day n IW fpen. OecoMw I. 1999 WOO Do Tip (9051725-9:9 kukda coach transfer oras'. TMS PAINTING No hod aaowmlodow hn•+ ��•� Now Hiring 18+ OMNI For .0. Ngonnabm it nW yow It" agent or Interior 6 Exterior all (905),10F068 or al European Workman- Ron R-ov :1 Roorq L/aoMon>usa�Irol• Ship MNI.Cpn Fast. clean, A & C ROOPFNC PM/Mild reliable service. And Agood� 428 -MBI Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old, IMO LADIES- ONTARIO, Workmartship Guaranteed. 10% Discount to Names & Home Pf10lw F Mpp•V a Seniors, fully insured, Free estimates. Numbers. 1-900-x51.3638 eW _ CaN Aalkew at ("§) 4a"704 M. $3.697mrn must be 18. T -MM. 11111.1 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS i PMqSetMaB Party serwho" ARE YOU SNIGLET The New- We well move xwftm.to w Mes era. sy` wMor neuneutralRARRITWAS" WORK ww.OmamMyM am mesP�M0npstooge ao Dant ivaaafae Sendr a 001119 Mapc For CNkken's Parties OURliuAl OWN DATING midmw-�a"ts Free And os DHawe� iaan. OERYKEI Call 905.683-tttg. eow,"s Crean a private madbox or 571-0755 browse other persona ads 1.968491.6600 free Meet a new Frrerld or • N•r use F.,W. • /Np1wI FedRfes Love k. lde A BAR NEAVEINY PSYCHIC Al 4 $TOMFPrivalc swea Fid roe oracle within Houses. Apartments,or Corporate Functions $2997mm '18.•24 his 1- Offices Appliances&ing the people, 900451.3783. Piano Specialists. ShiaMid-Month Discountse everything else! Licensed, insured Free. Bar Staff, HLxtes esRELAXATION Body massae Estimates PlM6tdORMRNstrtY Row south, caw IS arta. vailable on Request MOnly) ca E9o5f�V6 4585 Cap x -7795.k Toll l appammMl /M ( 905) 723-5271 tl - 4 M far ',.nig M f,wrr>r coq • re utter. Bla C>OPOrlr.wro M Ora. ter M ;.r.s-.oae.q M sRre w.o • M :.Mp.w Gas • M linpy kA,dry p.,,iw ip Dan w,a.id •r D,wa.. Awr.ur re f r.peyws. rwrM. _ 700 Ma,Aw, A.Miw .'0a vwpn :10 n huffe,V Sul :■ Amus 1. it l :r A.MusbAw :M Aiku..wwrw•s :r �fswMs rrr •cow AwrFrnwr,�. .10 r:iaeen+e ..w All Am ole las Annie• a-.`Moa.•iwwwr .7% oww, sew .AIMMtFane .,in P"SWPWift v" lie I modern a ser. m A,Aweleeee a ,a Arwner. w.eM 1l0 'ub•e's.w n5••,w. wa.w.e ,M To wo w Ower we so 4Vu b o Pwee t r4eia sip Arae twig Aeras .in rR+oiu7Mle m ".roewMOee. we Mwvw crsHahrteaaw velwcete In f wMnr.M antfweaw oar Fgir��.iw app Ars.'R,aM. Ftlr A.re -a a,lair.., FOV RIM wits eeryw am IMrrwrpisw Fw M ri sP•Ca to, RIM wap Ik.rr7'. Rw b nnirs W."d .ao P,r+rr a Bowe sit :rural Aooemmoalion ass ,iwp,rawa Fa Rene .ea .raw a RM,Y spew spa !' "s iay Sp.ol Viea ..Wool spec. aro : •vOe• F. Rw Viso-ifuwN,e Lang 485 RI rovl Vint Flim vecMnl, RaM.N Vint rip FIX Rent dip P,j w InO,nw FIX Ser >M of r TO our ser IOwviVepe� a Saw I I i<rm,wK FI PwpwN 515 i wail PM"M, sae Coral Fa ser SM D-INNIMI M Uro SM F.-I.SM. sirs Lou, br sm, 540 naq.Tpr Prpp•nrel s4s crA" t Fiat SM no Mbit H Fa Saw no c.,v tons aro Pant 575 " neerLend so AFS.w 575 Moet n Lend sunglSws Irsura,w silo the Pui Nolo. 610 leom NOaoea tiro TMbMs an Mibal A. oner +Go c.M yEeF 650 Auctiona 670 Pa� Q/ [1-Pwea414 an coMorlon mwarrSwwo.F Z ere enter 7M D.MM 740 In Mwwn Pu,M t,, PrwMe Tmaw$ahi Na,rry sennas a 5mooe B- S-- ChanMw Aocco tRxs Desg viARlrMnrl Wol Lot IM.stiiwne. !l teyi�d Icll In AwnaW w D.Mn Death Notice Listings For Audio Version on current deaths 683-3005 or 404-6591 Clatrington & Port Perry residents Brought to you by the following the funeral homes: Accettone• Armstrong, Low & Low. Martino & Sons, McEachnie, McIntosh - Anderson, Morris. Newcastle Funeral Home. Northcutt -Elliott. Oshawa Funeral Service, Wagg, W.C. Town. 1121 1 errl4lwwnit ' 1 1 eyallnlorisme 0'' JEANNE M. SPENCER i December 29,1942- April 8, 1997 Though her smile is .gone forever, And her hand 1 cannot touch, Still i have--- avesmany memories Of the one I loved so much. Her memory is my keepsake, With which roe"11 never part, God has her in his keeping, It have her it,, my heart. Sadly missed, Never forgotten, Loved forever, Bob 910 910 KLIJN, Rita Helen Geace'Jhy at to AaY--ir,- e,,N -earth Centre on Saturday December 25!h 1999 Rita Kiln loving wife of the late Jacob Khf• Loving mother of Debbe & ner husband ,el Relcherroach. Joe, Roy & Tammy. Nana of odd & Katie. The family Will receive friends at •rte McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME. 28 Old Kirror ^oad. Ajax Ppiunn Ydiage 305-428- ;x88 Irom 2 :o a &' 3 p.m. T.es. --,,neral `Hass or Wednesday December 29. 1999 at i t a.m. at Eloy Redeemer Catholic Chumn (796 Eyer Dr. Peplum g) Cremation. To place your tbled In Memoriam,' call 663-0707 852-9741 (lAb.) and let One of 1, I I&'Pmfmw" 1 advisors two WU• ^•'•' r- •� err'w• a..e• a, r ra suer' err•.. • •.rr a ro w r. Established in 1N0 W�ig Advertiser r fmrtw In u . C^7 7255751 i IndjL 1404WS454 InUM le Om Tlder M ML R io Ir,a yprl,ehwi 663-0707 ii,rrwsad 1 Wirt Rr OPEN MINDED 1-rill#]7x4, 10 not MADE TO fMSS ANY Women AND OUTSPOKEN a t der : y E"• art ' 1 RE FE Baby I, Here Gilt Per i like 0' -r'' -i 1 . Ana in FLih ,MOM'' ,O ....,.. ,.w v Ina S FR 13 10 .,ole y, y , „. r„< �n�.4 i�..n.n osHAwa ppo $433 ooh ELpM..CW NON - 523. $OOa7 t5B.00D Glr la wield Serlllea wrysMs 416 g33s{,a MOM[r PArfti��end ii ,It nor iu sem ,�rshead Evertunoth rn b•rFJ e d Clow atO C IaIWOeat AN NIO..atw EAS-ts7F7505. i1w1�1M 10/1611141pad. S 1 (A,Nlg4gwe, ktRwo NOItTCA S Hood. Intl MW 41, fy err ant Per 410 Call COWA-KY morrave of �ga�ee- � Co.,Cor, 1905166a- eiaY`V7eL O GaVERRMENT ,ands$$ gams d Ioarl inlof roat.n b sUr. aid $µWW ruin bl-- el/a a taint 1-gOP5a5fM66. A VERY SOLID WSINESS opponumv. tuu-hoe a PAm ttiipmee�N involving -am 9D5 -a. 1289 dpRk.E $anoint NBi lie . n f2 . AbePNMlI' EE I.,.w r 4 1oW Bahy . fkn c do t ;ndiald iw mdbes sabe, at Nissan Pllamluw 462 Puffol SL. Pon Perry Yew Baby's Hae Gift Cero4casr is titdc'•Insde to your taxi Guardian DM Stme 29 Toronto, S(, L Xbn* • Baby 5 Here a a rq"od lift srk at S&Vo. A W Wi of A"Nit Van.l.i0 nonnot" nil NEW IN ONTARIO goyem- 1 Pekwkg i �,eg a �1ea 91w mem awlprepaid Ictal. DeNMYg RtwwM Exaoig apW11mWY 90} 3w6 MOVING SNOW REMOVAL OFFICE COFFEE SEMKI 'GUARANTEED' • urge or small m mm once tto Deer- PAINTING i • ginatenrdaN 1Me1 - - - Aare nedbn. Grw ot, 9 W. PLA.RTF.FI�G F.vFro LUIS _ Cal t- 7.3996 •general Clean-up r....Rell Stucco ceilings• • trash aid ourta15 � 4`^�1sr e ; W*V basement rWV$abmLS. removed Gam Evuft Pay as you're sashed Fast service when Med@L NEW YEAR'S 2M 1N NEW cam uw st'L�S-� -420.4261. YORK CITY" Spend the Md- MIS ie7.13t1 IwMeurn m New York Cra' See (905.) e31.1eZ1I • • YA Nle bRl oo lawn in liners Et1larlsY MR DDo wt'Counts"OepmterE 31 An Fm cm MOV:rs 7Guaranteed a 5 OOam ant Torah ms r� Exp.in1�f�6:OOwn Mnve in New Yoh W 101A•URIray a approlPlaamd 6:00 pm. WnpPaJ019 Thea s a arta in a (haps a- rip nro WAY -ark • E7 pIMllfe. OMNI NYC .IaruwY iewr.talMe Pricss 41e-4s3'ame1. 2000 a 12:00 (10011 Arrw 2M M1la sews is Toronto at aFll amA* fall ha a FREE FinmseTor F1FM 11:30pm and Osbaw at 1 1 1791Nm. EARLY BOOKING• SPECIAL Book 6 Day n IW fpen. OecoMw I. 1999 WOO Do Tip (9051725-9:9 kukda coach transfer oras'. TMS PAINTING No hod aaowmlodow hn•+ ��•� Now Hiring 18+ OMNI For .0. Ngonnabm it nW yow It" agent or Interior 6 Exterior all (905),10F068 or al European Workman- Ron R-ov :1 Roorq L/aoMon>usa�Irol• Ship MNI.Cpn Fast. clean, A & C ROOPFNC PM/Mild reliable service. And Agood� 428 -MBI Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old, IMO LADIES- ONTARIO, Workmartship Guaranteed. 10% Discount to Names & Home Pf10lw F Mpp•V a Seniors, fully insured, Free estimates. Numbers. 1-900-x51.3638 eW _ CaN Aalkew at ("§) 4a"704 M. $3.697mrn must be 18. T -MM. 11111.1 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS i PMqSetMaB Party serwho" ARE YOU SNIGLET The New- We well move xwftm.to w Mes era. sy` wMor neuneutralRARRITWAS" WORK ww.OmamMyM am mesP�M0npstooge ao Dant ivaaafae Sendr a 001119 Mapc For CNkken's Parties OURliuAl OWN DATING midmw-�a"ts Free And os DHawe� iaan. OERYKEI Call 905.683-tttg. eow,"s Crean a private madbox or 571-0755 browse other persona ads 1.968491.6600 free Meet a new Frrerld or • N•r use F.,W. • /Np1wI FedRfes Love k. lde A BAR NEAVEINY PSYCHIC Al 4 $TOMFPrivalc swea Fid roe oracle within Houses. Apartments,or Corporate Functions $2997mm '18.•24 his 1- Offices Appliances&ing the people, 900451.3783. Piano Specialists. ShiaMid-Month Discountse everything else! Licensed, insured Free. Bar Staff, HLxtes esRELAXATION Body massae Estimates PlM6tdORMRNstrtY Row south, caw IS arta. vailable on Request MOnly) ca E9o5f�V6 4585 Cap x -7795.k Toll l appammMl /M ( 905) 723-5271 tl - 4 M far ',.nig M f,wrr>r coq • re utter. Bla C>OPOrlr.wro M Ora. ter M ;.r.s-.oae.q M sRre w.o • M :.Mp.w Gas • M linpy kA,dry p.,,iw ip Dan w,a.id •r D,wa.. Awr.ur re f r.peyws. rwrM. _ 700 Ma,Aw, A.Miw .'0a vwpn :10 n huffe,V Sul :■ Amus 1. it l :r A.MusbAw :M Aiku..wwrw•s :r �fswMs rrr •cow AwrFrnwr,�. .10 r:iaeen+e ..w All Am ole las Annie• a-.`Moa.•iwwwr .7% oww, sew .AIMMtFane .,in P"SWPWift v" lie I modern a ser. m A,Aweleeee a ,a Arwner. w.eM 1l0 'ub•e's.w n5••,w. wa.w.e ,M To wo w Ower we so 4Vu b o Pwee t r4eia sip Arae twig Aeras .in rR+oiu7Mle m ".roewMOee. we Mwvw crsHahrteaaw velwcete In f wMnr.M antfweaw oar Fgir��.iw app Ars.'R,aM. Ftlr A.re -a a,lair.., FOV RIM wits eeryw am IMrrwrpisw Fw M ri sP•Ca to, RIM wap Ik.rr7'. Rw b nnirs W."d .ao P,r+rr a Bowe sit :rural Aooemmoalion ass ,iwp,rawa Fa Rene .ea .raw a RM,Y spew spa !' "s iay Sp.ol Viea ..Wool spec. aro : •vOe• F. Rw Viso-ifuwN,e Lang 485 RI rovl Vint Flim vecMnl, RaM.N Vint rip FIX Rent dip P,j w InO,nw FIX Ser >M of r TO our ser IOwviVepe� a Saw I I i<rm,wK FI PwpwN 515 i wail PM"M, sae Coral Fa ser SM D-INNIMI M Uro SM F.-I.SM. sirs Lou, br sm, 540 naq.Tpr Prpp•nrel s4s crA" t Fiat SM no Mbit H Fa Saw no c.,v tons aro Pant 575 " neerLend so AFS.w 575 Moet n Lend sunglSws Irsura,w silo the Pui Nolo. 610 leom NOaoea tiro TMbMs an Mibal A. oner +Go c.M yEeF 650 Auctiona 670 Pa� Q/ [1-Pwea414 an coMorlon mwarrSwwo.F Z ere enter 7M D.MM 740 In Mwwn Pu,M t,, PrwMe Tmaw$ahi Na,rry sennas a 5mooe B- S-- ChanMw Aocco tRxs Desg viARlrMnrl Wol Lot IM.stiiwne. !l teyi�d Icll In AwnaW w D.Mn Death Notice Listings For Audio Version on current deaths 683-3005 or 404-6591 Clatrington & Port Perry residents Brought to you by the following the funeral homes: Accettone• Armstrong, Low & Low. Martino & Sons, McEachnie, McIntosh - Anderson, Morris. Newcastle Funeral Home. Northcutt -Elliott. Oshawa Funeral Service, Wagg, W.C. Town. 1121 1 errl4lwwnit ' 1 1 eyallnlorisme 0'' JEANNE M. SPENCER i December 29,1942- April 8, 1997 Though her smile is .gone forever, And her hand 1 cannot touch, Still i have--- avesmany memories Of the one I loved so much. Her memory is my keepsake, With which roe"11 never part, God has her in his keeping, It have her it,, my heart. Sadly missed, Never forgotten, Loved forever, Bob 910 910 KLIJN, Rita Helen Geace'Jhy at to AaY--ir,- e,,N -earth Centre on Saturday December 25!h 1999 Rita Kiln loving wife of the late Jacob Khf• Loving mother of Debbe & ner husband ,el Relcherroach. Joe, Roy & Tammy. Nana of odd & Katie. The family Will receive friends at •rte McEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME. 28 Old Kirror ^oad. Ajax Ppiunn Ydiage 305-428- ;x88 Irom 2 :o a &' 3 p.m. T.es. --,,neral `Hass or Wednesday December 29. 1999 at i t a.m. at Eloy Redeemer Catholic Chumn (796 Eyer Dr. Peplum g) Cremation. To place your tbled In Memoriam,' call 663-0707 852-9741 (lAb.) and let One of 1, I I&'Pmfmw" 1 advisors two WU• ^•'•' r- •� err'w• a..e• a, r ra suer' err•.. • •.rr a ro w r. W�ig r x Irsonals i IndjL 1404WS454 InUM le Om Tlder M ML 1�•tww •wrP-wwerw.w sr..riVirrwrww IIB w.a a+.w rwrrR. rwrr..wwwis..w .AL fall= OPEN MINDED MADE TO fMSS ANY Women AND OUTSPOKEN Men IlNsrf CT1011 i like 0' -r'' -i 1 ,MOM'' ,O ....,.. ,.w seeking 13 10 .,ole y, y , „. r„< seeking cou '.• s 'M. 0rnrnysi 'town eros-wi;uim. lynd A eco omni Pl men 'mica. Irom. ove sperarig women rto rrIXr'N ggi„ at ,ry Ifa is -" u Ill -l", SIM►lT WART PEACE ON tiny _M -11 as wen ai -.--- I MARE A . ..,rod a,- Al ;yixhy EARTH pyye,g sOC[e tni arvl MIEAIIFAST s .Fifwenr,.ra:s .admlk 1. , LW t an W., •u; t sews mvq ounrw 'Blew! .r iiw.ig III. >D its lyll.sm and want w aut/itlER f�.Y r• ' • :� i _.. ,rt••nur. �ren,�.•.r lir N h r- r0 .maw ^,Ono 89761 +MrY nue at v'w.smus q "n'lomwaM wfe rias the Mout ria,. -•au inn. col Cool DEMENOR r o F.mMIe. 56-. bg mown tiP•rt mndeet 14M .rte win muacke No 'n. Tat 7e1 anon,; . r+ ......:.-.,r• eyes ted -town Nr, run. CHOM►AGME CAVIAR a THE outdol hrk,rq swim ant 47 "I'M u & ._- L birrng. w ipfs OW lo RIGHT MAR 0%; w." .o0arng 1W an eller roc wore ^mveasaei.6 new bperarwe HM ent YYo.._: r: J-. . is .:'..... ',:' Ogen and srCen WNn apiPMachapie RpIlpnWrrg, 'iIX.ur MvilY 5autive, anod. I .W hLwe toll. ofMe nwe:s Orr9'nd in a new a.rd* 4y W ,elle, maent t mtf to Marg' m Ido :iris or Will .: .. ,dr^g Ire .t Iww i.- F,andsho f-11 rNadirg paha. plating DOOM shrill- no. Fem.l. w to. Ascan vd see what 38 Iweg __ TNI we .hout Nt.-aw lly tworoved Into we h- n "onrnen m ull MEN'$ A COMPETITIVE ,ou-11 waw$,, important Imrieras. McMitrq nM•+t0 yur, apfgavdd,el;Iuprserp 3x34 ATHLETIC l0 yill. wrrm You ser ypv, E c0akng swking an alien. EASY ON THE E464boG .w�mr. ren .n 10 -1 wrwtnwr torous g.mtem,err M Stan a 91o,Wee nai,ed 2855 FumewOedwr 9752 yfiri,n pan .. y„x�, 4f,• u �- aabw OOLCE wu 1 CAN BE A LITTLE rT SHY w n , x a .� vies run m Ve wast. ' ah. ,. mx„ieVia a arw.r i . gnilr SPr,is ash a fun ,- a:f SOeE arts MTAKE Viiii!tea um and sown w But ars rc., ;i '.v o ^wiaii.ig aanons. ,rami to*, -u CHARGE WOMEN _o, mint nanl nes Not VMr -i Ourt rr�ata ro sowwar .fen pus ip .r�,. CAN APPLY wmwd Hain &allow dogs eowA $.lent eyw. and neo iter and MY Awa. wM a y +p '.int. RfVSell r .. $o. lou mut kke tr,r.se 4 h de her A MiiOMe. I ase leen caw fw tpMWeg 7,waha Cl ire SM s 1 legged lode ,,read",' sf '"P Pow f'•'•"g ant. IRu"e'gw �17a sreigpwg A the to sh.Pe on wet I'w cow d adtmbte a MfR,c. And w•v'rp O0.1a, JUST MISMshG 'rPe good ,,wan ',n lodi^0 fIX . av,g br tda & huna I lie WI LOeb'0• +lig z w,A MERRY CIMISTMAS semeIXw 10 f .0 me improve to sl.p Waw meth shorts ro w d'g a deed, 'yaw 1bM .. :;.. .i. . :• M'Evoth&4.-Coviwona PNafe be down to au:h run 0W 1Oy ehr Www'" Pill vo +': - _ : 'nae Peru l.c .mei MW humorous & name a bre AM pM„uae it mea be .mod rt VV DuIga.g, thant tape life too FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS in. -ft 70)1 LOWING FORA sinfou ly. bv. w auW CALL THIS WM/EA A CRAFTY PtRSON GENTLEMAN TO SHIELD ME Melwd are sk,.,% tennis We SuPou'9 Ilia .woman ;,,r 6 ill- WIR i;iiaa IM nwn ii•• FROM THE COLO SD ... •.,_. weew a .fMagem. hereat & bath, bi-, i6n. tun & r W'annl 4 ps 1 Y 0 Frr a c. ..., " •. ..'o' .r"':. • moN do - v shun Let int tplyf 04, woulo ba toner 57', reaawww nH, aor.n me about ,ours. Y. y a Fe Cels itwWw it her brbit.vrlkM w,pv. m abort warseN ant M'he ML a Aurin-.sdW w as hall this It colbe Fila wad ww•m wp Catenny espying grey,Fel oflt u harts. PNM . i'wv Mem/ �I.Mn F. let4 7505 nro on, I Nue tarty, read- A gyeel seer d hit I late at5m SOMETHING plerug Pled and -M-nAnic. 1leiwere. ,eeN.e. rep•Fi An nBeOmed" newel OW I t11w1TING TO SPAMA SOME LOVE LITTLE SPICY To vil. '- . iuP 1 - :. rip pee,w. Tee me wMwt YOw Hem, ., w,n • c dP wM voter hoe. wrar sou ale � rte w e T . ' , •,tri,• .ams ,sen cus Oulgo.nq amt tu.,i kaoN,q or In d wmweank :no -In Im d moor aced ymewr ufn Budd gh l pe ."410. towing. I am sip to a" n I Me, Yovi n the .t 1 2855 mterefri wfe earl'leers a pail tun fere, hn i�laretwP in f fishing. witel about el have a ho rwrf PERSONALITY IS A of" hte-,n 4248 .0" Lookrq err a I -am n alsoft attitude btetestod it, sduisit. Pawhot LANGUAGE WITHOUT SOCIAL GIRL CAPTIVATING Nie +, a wane+ who . Meso ipyei. aiwsys ^.vssN & env w guitr, (twist ant mater ndw Mr„gs WORDS t 1 AOM Oa:.'..�..: 5 ha0iw)t1iC5 LOTS a Lots ', .. '• '7r .• �...v'r• got a"m�� 7Qyl try a slppative wn,*Stm Fa;grb[ Herman haw 0bn>r:r.ir w�:n:r 'PM 7' +k 4.r. a4 w,", u, d 1rpD•rVouvemhillerLw, n IIMPY HOIIO Tad Sena"'' r. ce+•apd -.':L m get M .now 95, R NEVER I4URTS r0 ASE bkw eves. 55' & 150 lbs nWili t intelligent gen rHP0lwite. open- oft 45sic \L u.59 Ls. Whi- ,.,. , •^r .,.,,,; ; Ydbrerssywnr OlolossyftM• mri0e0 a'a e, load ow � I ,,,,,.w..,�, rysa blue eves. swNe I m say ret mtytf arts...,,- :-. „ .,+ei� IV •'I"lavee Vea rn & rdeymit. Funiwunq & ary0y DaOde hoime3 looking to' an eftwtx Iwy age appexarca Moscir Duet ger mine -a outgo- rwDe tIor. Hlor6aS akmg, & Mllrgeret Wwwrsaton (leaf carpal easy m be two who If wit M her men. sricera aid hu•l m the sante time 1 hN m ng W�s-V p.MaMg an No some oe & _11vog ,0 4$W l sip sides !AL fmhi boo ': Wil ou car, h Pill hie nv.1o. era, cam halo V me ford.l. teests urs taille n coding la a ,w eP9etnw slot sl tare y Mme sndwg a cert- A Win- (eating. etc m moires eeo riorrleabus secure, & .,:rix- ,eaksu s - & Dait,onaM genWnian et & pm g rte m do Mrs with ,rte 1244 that $how me that mere are great Miami 1512 oat n eta ,,loin mem SW CME TO PARNER7 ass out there bw showing me UFE IS FULL OF STRESS DOIIBLE YOINI GM," pe !-4f,1 cmc 'o ' row, Charrinri hpwst and a STRAIN MANNA PLAY? PLEASURE g•t or corm woman -inn 42 6- 6 221 as seth oration WWV g paWIWtty 1701 T , :•, a v, c. ' Sk 5 5' Hem brawl O OPPMe your fun Dart M-121 Ms hem & gree eyes F.Srl A REALLY SOCIAL GUY LOvr ^r:.:..�„ p Ci, a JOi:q lar, piown nes eves Yo_. 57-, I eaW-sel A sLuaern s,ear-woil �. q. tlaskemall & out �i•,: ^.,v r� arse$ cc ,e - InIMpwlderii hard wn, & right now, I enp0y ,M down s,fMs inte'rsts $eEYxg do Sillon 4d ra Hem. 5.10-.200 socimukeg. Don".$ dolners time. yraikng latenmg td attfalsMe woman whe rs inter- lbs. relit rely good 'nape r want,c masers' & tibnal. music reasng Wywg 1a a •abed n paying Muse vom a Eniev sports. paring tnra. Ing conwrsaw a what ' ton. ever-chepOeg relpra,shfP wsocimble nate waking & ateaCine Sur 3172 Collating things Lolling Ion have in mod Santa hoping an amenkeWa. imrgunq otell and hoof in a went sup me a secwe Vol 9wth oil typething goy A no-sNris TWED OF OOIIIG IT SOLD , roman Tell me row . dent 6 gwlg calces $lid d of ax)eemem s the son of Ming the win owe W wrier have 41 have whet ra I.est' like ant wnat 2691 athrs Christmas time I her ,n nod 7706 you a ro fa a 156 C Mal. 5"I1', t55 IDs. Gown your � are nMEON a STRANGERS two. harel eyes Lawable. k,nd novel I'VE GOT KIDS I'VE G IDS But Iw got plenty of ahec- UFE IS MORE EXCIIIMG AS A COUPLE TO SAY THAT 1'M giriny Generous & Preta & shing, Camo'ng, walking, listening to mi tion left to stare wire the grit woman 41 to Mak. Explore tits' Mtle advert- very fun 5 7- Nair hag tan things hiding area dpueg allthea Mwp flat are mean wdi a brow'. 155 lbs nes. Aura snare ideas teams & with sue eyes 34 Yr SF Smarts te a d Qto-ea o Ma brown lam Like to make ileo- laugh -on Romal oreny 51 & saYrv, chemling a soh silo- caroutporror "9 and kind Pie and generalN have fun. fishing, canning, svhlm- yr SF Medium Wild with ken Single A40m. Optimistic ween 99M mng, music Looking for a brawl fair blue eyes fair hard working too &Dvng. I re a Slam SILENT TYPE faithful, caring partner to complexion. Humorous fun & strong faith Busy at most Sort of sod in my ways, but i make things a little more. MY compact to he with Seeking fool Coding, skating. teats believe I mold nate my ways 42 meresanng aroundnere 1050 a secure ever -ten pere0 gentlemen. 5592 & lots mine keep my time ars- pied Cane to occupv the Other Mas. vo Mak, all mr teeth NW all my tal f oelieve Pets EVER DO ANYTHING KINKY? DRAMARES ES A won" hyn 1252 uooreann Na spon"V ous. I Neither have h. but I knew it BEAUTWtIL PLEASIIE TO KM am mire of a sterol. porting 9MY Like the outdoors and would make you bot 41 r o. Male. 5'11-. blond Van, Is how she toots at the Very pent & supe active. !.".m movies movies Seeking a woman hate) eyes. slim build and a world Very positive Mp level tral have donee an extemm vdean is unata'-iad and who mustache Lovable, kind. fun headed 29 yr SF 5'8 & 160 amount. Educated mlelllgent las sunder inl,ests m mire to De with Like watching abs GaoN,Iv employed. d%emeng34vr SFS'7'4afkhan 7012 Atll listening to music. Happy social & gregarious. with blue eyes Single Many. READY TO LAUGH em Waning to meet the night pe impn fe really O09 lower. Ino the nonmeh- Hard marker Looking fa an 'g At the drop ah a hal 43 r5 Mal. 51C' 15C abs i,ereeafly ants to get toknow ,rte. to, of, TVs of life & always up fa m ul esing educated sarewhat happy aAvays outgolrg, fun m who has similar & new 8 adventures Cultured guv m Ging in the row be a.M Like saendng bine out Ideas 9984 Seeking 1 cal down to Millennium with Someone, doors, as well as tea I ant KIND OF MUSCULAR Saab poen ,nrlAed kind of who Ickes ins theatre. travel wo" movies I-" Ili WITH A FEW TA70M guy 5639 has a definite bite for life 1261 someone Comfortable and Wile Great looking great attitude SIMPLY SMASHING TALL BLONDE eyed In berg wM me 019' 6' hale) grey eves sandy It you are looking for a dews- ,LLE EYED Tel Iraned� Younu r age. your Its eas, Sean vwm onish blonde hair In -brw real nape Hard working ed In,rng an .guwom, you re Professionally em pent t7032 responsible Seeking a g,eal in the right place 50 ea & very 2gethen 28 Yr 5 SF Don t WOMEN a MEN LIKE girl with looks humor & a Frontal. stint & attractive let my Might Intimidate you DIFFERENT THWU reap lot life 2725 Busy cooking 'Udirg. doing Petr attitude into sports, travel Wald you like m compare A MAN FOR ALL SEA - sports Seekrga good man & gond moves Sher looking for rotes' 43 yr iesponsipie SONS partin to lake my life Lets a confident hard working tuna of tumorous & maim SM 6' 160 Frindly honest. and a Great go out for clim and sod guy wfe also has a Ill fp 121- Its brown hair'evei Even-tenF sense of numa, Ha, d woh- what chicks Ten me about el She's easy m be wM & likes ppee ei & highly JeCienlahe Hsn &dining mg 46 yr $M 5 10' & 150 lbs Dancing your interests and acuwues, to go wnll when eciledi 9Bfi5 yy moves out are afew ollhe things l like Id vwikmg ou: gilt. biking & canoeing are phd what ape of oenson you OF ALL THE THINGS W pie to meet in easy mamong get the few do e,e for for 5052 9 THIS WORLD abrg conn lemab. 9906 Seeko a ti Seet�i,fg an xuwe romanlc & INDEPENDENT SASSY SOCIAL a HIGH ON LIFE 1 Blight W lust what you fe :ook- ing furl Great sense of fife & I URE DIALECT WARMTH A SOMEONE WHO HAS uc one bnd o1 female. Care lar a cunre'ut.on Nice looking 46 Y, 5 5- humor full of adventure 41 -yr Something to say Supe active 1752 blonde runedrbmwn "old SF 5'B' mediufn Wild souider in x1m es Of IM ouldoo's 44 LOOMING FOR LOVE SF Caring will. & hard length brownish blonde hen M SM 58- wth a medium You qp 1-, fly spa s' Dapper working Independent Social & gregarious. Amateur Wdd Laid back unfettered about hl let the wall blow up 55 y a Gw•aieman 5 9.. 105 Ips, blue eyes. gray -blown Wmkin out dins some g singer Inati IiSN inter. ,ger n9, fishing around rhe 8 wnli Stavin wu frau Easy m get along wIM. of my interests Looking for a sm Looking for Mr Right to from the ebfnents Iran talk & retired Stamp collecting. gentleman with a sense of help bring n the new I can Inlen CoInlully reeding, gaff keep mzo e a himself, warm. not into hurtM.Reholum. He must be happy amploytl Looking fa sax -flood Te1I me a bit about M games a knows w to tram With himself & ready for a new w one he hes simlbr Oliafthe; you, dreams. ideas, and a lily like a lady, 1629 adventure with me 5300 as myself 2216 thoughts on meeting some- one right 7157 All• PAOE 810 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Docw*w 29 IM la M All warm and fuzzy A cup of hot chocolate is all that's needed for Picker- ing residents celebrating at Winterfest activities this month. At a recent snow sculpture contest hosted by CEUA BRONKHORST/ News Advertiser photo the PineRidge Arts Council. friends (from left) Stephanie Cooper. Jaclyn Kelland and Ashlev Brown, kept warm with the winter beverages. After the gifts, tbills... Spend wisely this holiday season, credit counselling agency advises You can enjoy the spirit of giving and head into the millennium "Christmas debt -free'. the Credit Counselling Service of Durham ad- vises. -rhe sounds and sights of the hol- iday season may bring forth squeals of delight from children. but they can trigger silent screams of anxiety in adults facing the annual rituals of crowded malls and the temptation to overspend:' the Credit Counselling Service says in a news release. It offers the following tips: • Shop with a plan. "Shopping Without a plan is like travelling w;th- out a map: Without one, you can eas- ily wander into dangerous territory." But a "few minutes spent planning will save you hours of headache at the mall and months of the burden of repaying debts that result from over- spending" The Credit Counselling Service encourages you to write out a gift list +nd include expenses you expect to incur over the holidays. such as spe- cial meals, travel, decorations, cards and work-related functions. -,Fvaluate your list and budget re- alistically for each item. Try to limit gift giving to family and close friends. Send a personal card or note to those you arc unable to buy for. And remember that gifts of time — such as babysitting or handicrafts - -can mean more to the recipient than a store-bought item:' • w'hen you shop, take along your list and a calculator, keeping in mind the difference 15 per cent in taxes can make to each purchase. Tally your :bill as you go and write it at the top 'of your list to help you keep your spending in check. Resist the tempta- tion to buy something for yourself and don't buy 'just -in -case' gifts. • Shop smart. Don't buy when you're feeling rushed or pressured. -Give yourself time to comparison shop and use the phone to check cost and availability at various stores. If you don't enjoy shopping alone, ask .fit trusted friend who can help you ;stick to your plans. - Use cash whenever possible. If using credit, do so wisely by limiting yourself to just one or two cards with the lowest interest rates; by keeping track of your purchases and monitor- ing them so you know how much you -have charged; and by not charging -more than you can afford to repay in -90 days or less. "Remember the true meaning of ,:YMCA Family Resource Centre offers programs The YMCA Pickering Family Re- 4ource Centre is accepting registra- tion for a host of courses being of- fered beginning in January. It is offering pre-school adventure programs. My School for kids aged ;three to five years, dance classes for young children, babysitter training, tutoring in language arts and mathe- matics for students in Grades I to 7, ,tai chi and yoga. The centre is at 1400 Bayly St., Mall I. Unit 15A. Call Diane at 839- 3845, cxt. 327 to register or for more 'information on cost and when the courses run. the holiday season." the news release adds. "Who got what, or how the gifts were wrapped will soon be for- gotten. ' The best holiday memories come from the simple moments we share with the people we care about.- Credit bout"Credit Counselling Services of Durham Region is a not-for-profit community organization and a mem- ber of the Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services. It offers budget counselling at no or minimal cost. as well as money management education. For more information call exccu- tive director Sandra Shcrk at 579- 1951 or 1 -877 -579 -DEBT. Father may not know best', but he can learn Ten -week workshop offered in Ajax Fathers wishing to improve the 9:30 p.m. beginning Jan. 13. quality of life they share with their The group aims to offer friendship children and others are invited to take and guidance to participants who may part in a peer support group. be experiencing difficulty coping in D.A.D.S. (Dads Aiming for Direc- relationships or with parenting. tion and Support) of Durham will host A sliding fee schedule is available a 10 -week workshop through the John for clients with limited resources. Howard Society at 136 Commercial For more information or to register Ave.. Ajax. for the workshop series, call Pat An - It will he held Thursdays from 7 to drus at 427-8165. E A LT H m a t t e r s • A Special Health Magazine Publishing January 2000 Circulation. 46,000 To Book Your Ad Space Coll Jonathan Campeau AIAx/ACKFAI�t. 110 NEWSADVERTISER