HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_12_08DICKERING NEWS AD�R�'��E� PICKER 1 N G ' S PRESSRUN 44,600 40 PAGES - - - Citizens help shape Rouge community Neighbourhood plan requires public input BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — Citizens are being invited to help plan the future of one of the few re- maining undeveloped neigh- bourhoods in south Pickering. A public meeting to discuss the Town's Rouge Park Neigh- bourhood Study is being held Tuesday. Dec. 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the main auditorium at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. The neighbourhood con- sists of about 160 hectares bounded by the PickeringfIbronto border on the west, open space land just east of Rosebank Road on the east, the Ontario Hydro Gatineau Line comdor on the south, and the Canadian Pacif- ic Railway tracks (above Finch Avenue) to the north. COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER ----------- _---------- - - -- — — -------------------- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERS, 1999 Al41001(/,4 Cadillac it all ages Wheels Pull out CEUA BRONKHORST/ News Advertiser photo Visions of sugarplums... Brady Gooding concentrates on placing his decoration in just the right spot at the Ajax Public Library's Village branch in Pickering Village. Youngsters who came out to listen to stories were also encouraged to place the seasonal characters they created on the tree. It was part of the library's Story time and Trim the Tree Pam. S I N C E 1 9 6 5 OPTIONAL WEEK DELIVERY $51 $1 NEWSSTAND • Under the STOREiPOO � Bee: A winn ��oolc�l Page 3 Councillors support peer review team' Pickering j call for tougher nuclear review BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — Town :,)until voted unanimously Monday night to ask the Atom - i: Energy Control Board r AECB) to order a tougher en- tronmental assessment of the Pickering nuclear station than the one provided for in the draft 'scope' issued by the fed- eral nuclear regulator. Councillors made their de - inion on the basis of a report from the 'peer review team' of scientists from the University of Toronto and McMaster Uni- versity advising the Town on the environmental assessment (EA). The review team's report concluded the requirements for the assessment set out by the AECB are inadequate, and rec- ommended the 'screening' EA ordered by the AECB be changed to a more detailed one called a 'comprehensive' re- MAURICE BRENNER 'Our community is not afraid to stand up and f ght.' , view under the Canadian Envi- ronmental Assessment Act (CEAA). The federal regulator or- dered the EA as a condition of the restart of the Pickering nu - f Id 'A' Under Pickering's official a detailed review of the Lock • high BY SUSANO'NEML Staff Writer A new networking program • school doors on intruders: Trustee clear plant s our o cr rc- actors, which have been shut down for two years. Rouge Park ticighbourhood Rou practice of designing, building comes to leaming how the Inter - of work, testees heard Monday. and maintaining networks cape- net works. The Cisco Networking Acad- must be completed before any "Students conte to the course emy Program, which is currently global organizedoW' Ms. Elliott In supporting the upgraded major development can take Fear of violence by outsiders prompts public beard P P official's call EA. Ward I Regional Council - Brenner he place. The study includes a re- Eastdale Collegiate and Voca- - - course," which mixes theory for Maurice noted view of land use, transpona- tion and community design. as BYSU-ANO'NE1LL Sraj'Wnter -- _ "-- ,k Howc,.cr• some trustees 7:uscd concerns about the idea wastrepared to push the issue P to the point of taking legal ac - well as an 'environmental Monitoring or locking en- Monday tion if necessary, in order to master servicing plan'. trances into high school. would I "I can see all kinds of prob- achieve the thorough environ - Council's decision this past keep cwt trespassers and increase ryi - - _ i Cms with this:' said Pickering mental review the Town and May to proceed with the re- students' safety, says an Oshawa �!-s' �i- t r' fruuec Ruth Ann Schedlich req d staff PfePare a re- ho requested residents want -Our community is not view was triggered by the sub- mission to the Town of two public board trustee. Susan Shctler told the - tum on the issue for the next afraid to stand up and fight:' development applications for Durham District School Board .tarding committee meeting. "I said Coun. Brenner, adding he the area. One is by Map Real- Monday she plans to introduce a don't think it's feasible" hoped it wouldn't come to that. ty Ltd. for 70 condominium motion at the board's next stand- "It's not practical:' said stu- Council adopted the review townhouse units. 160 cordo- ing committee meeting in lams- dent Trustee Sundcep Sodlu, an team report as its position to be minium apartment units and a ary to "secure all doors in sec- i OAC pupil at Whitby's Anderson submitted to the AECB. It also 188-hcd retirement home on ondary schools" with the excep- _ Collegiate and Vocational Inti- endorsed specific recommen- the north side of Finch below tion of the main entrance to en- - tute. "I can just imagine how dations to be made to the the CPR tracks at the top of sure principals and teachers can many times I rum from a portable AECB — for the upgrading of Woodview Avenue. and the better monitor outside visitors. into a different wing of the the assessment, a time exten- other is by Bopa Develop- ments Inc. for 57 linked and "I have had the opportunity to talk to school police officers" The front doors would be the only ones permitted to remain school' He added. -How arc you sion so it can be properly com- pleted: and the inclusion in the semi-detached residential posted by the Durham Regional open during school hours under a plan proposed by Durham going to secure (the doors)? With EA of a cancer incidence study units on the south side of Police force, she told trustees. public school board trustee Susan Sheller. She wants high locks and chains? It can't hap- being planned by the AECB Finch just west of Altona. "[stere is a concern about out- schools across Durham to lock doors as a means to keep pen:' around nuclear plants, with the Town planner Geoff Mc K- side unauthorized kids in non -students out. Superintendent of Oshawa stipulation that Pickering be night says public meetings schools" schools Kaye Egan told trustees, the site of the study. being held on the study are in- In an interview, Trustee mitted. "In a volatile climate we view intrusion by people who "All of our schools have signs Coun. Brenner noted the tended to focus more on the Shctler said several officers she's have to be proactive. We have to don't belong in a school is "a that indicate (visitors are expect- cancer study is something rest - neighbourhood study than on spoken with have expressed con- take some proacuve steps to se- problem that exists everywhere:' ed) to report to the office (when dents very much want to see the two applications. A major terns "that outsiders in the cure schools" especially in some of the larger they arrive)" She added school done here. goal of the study is to avoid schools are a major cause of Trustee Shetler noted the high schools. administrators arc "constantly "It's a question mark that decisions about the future of problems" issue would have to be looked at He noted the "possibility al- asking people to leave... Visitors everybody deserves an answer the neighbourhood being And, if school doors were ei- further to determine the best way ways exists" that a visitor to a arc not welcome in the halls of to once and for all:' he said. made on a piecemeal basis as ther locked or monitored by vol- to monitor entrances. She said school could cause a problem so secondary schools:' "'There's an opportunity to put applications come in. unteers• that "would cut down on the board could pilot a program the issue of securing schools de- Board communications titan- the issue to rest. We owe that "It's a unified vision on incidents:' she said. "for a certain period of time and serves "a good hard look. ager Mary Brown pointed out to this community. We owe how the neighbourhood would "As testees we're not aware then evaluate iC' " Ibings can happen here just fire regulations allow schools to that to the families in this com- of a lot of the incidents that go on Durham police Constable as easily as south of the border," lock doors as long as students See ROUGE page 5 in schools:' Trustee Shetler ad- Chris Partridge said in an inter- Const. Partridge added. can get out. See PICKERING page 2 Cisco kids net skills in e -communications . Inside the News Advertiser WINE U RIIII R Durham high school students become `extremely marketable' to dot-com funis EIS' ..... lhmd ; 6 BY SUSANO'NEML Staff Writer A new networking program 6dent our students will be ex- or university levels" she noted. tmnely ntatketable." David Cairns, who's teaching The program, which takes the program at Fasldale, reports E■IMfr 4b ............12 Claadflf lI ..........13 .......9 being offered at select public four semesters to complete, is students are really gung-ho high schools in Durharn is "based on the principles and about it, especially when it preparing students for the world practice of designing, building comes to leaming how the Inter - of work, testees heard Monday. and maintaining networks cape- net works. The Cisco Networking Acad- ble of stwor ing national and "Students conte to the course emy Program, which is currently global organizedoW' Ms. Elliott with a high interest level in corn - operating at Pine Ridge Sec- said in her report. puters, he said. "Isley value ondary Schdbl in Pickering and She explained once students what they will get out of the Eastdale Collegiate and Voca- cothplete the four sections of the course," which mixes theory tional Institute in Oshawa, is course they we eligible to take with practical application. preparing students for a career in the Cisco Certified Networking "It's a very worthwhile pro - Internet communications. Associate exam. gram that serves the needs of "Ibe program is highly de- "Successful completion of today's students in a high tech - sired by business and industry:' this exam will enable them to nology environment," Mr. Cairns LAURA ELUO7T Laura Elliott, Durham District move into intermediate positions said. 'This program is highly School Board superintendent of within the job market or to pro- Meanwhile, Ms. Elliott re - technical and information ser- ceed to further education and/or desired by business...' vices, told trustees. "We are con- certification at either the college See DURHAM page 4 �orclaAe- Enhane ment Ysld1 w CoNwm L 40 Pc. Place Setdng Pen Dsft R99.824.` Sale 400.'° K rr Fitz 6 Floyd AA 07; Reciout Yolk - Anluri Figurine 6111ENACALL gonial ......683-5110 111*60= ...683-5117 Cbmilfbil ....683-0707 OMN Nrtlas .683-3005 Acephaly TOM ...... 1-800-662-8423 Emil ............... newsroom®durham.net Es11 sib durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 Recycle me! ..UP TO 80% OFF Swdksd FRARLY CHRISTMAS SALE �� GREAT SAVINGS SU.MIT CHINA A CRYSTAL AT TrithsROnalla EVEN SANTA SAVES NERC DavWWodw RINE CHINA S CRYSTAL 3Co„vW cry tart, semis. eas>larnr a stlltloolllls 1- ® lulgi Ba.. 1735 -01111 ane ILL t.L. carver w throe ML 1ratL. 3 Oman aaaaalrra wr.L thnlraralL ML Sondra Cook (9051926-9161 00 1 FOR YOU TWO MATERNITY 2 Nam INAtCK AIVI" $3495 �ovl�" &'l,a vicar' \�' of visa d rte 064001 P IMOE 2 NEWS ADVERTBM WEDNESDAY EDITION. D•e«nber 8.19fM Pickering calls on AECB to order tougher nuclear assessment Team of academics says current plan not adequate YICKERING (roots page I munitv. We owe that to the workers at MP P E this plant" M Le nM The review team report endorsed T by council also states that: Durham s Cn • The draft scope is not clear enough , # Stocking in delineating what is within the scope of the EA and what is outside m It; Outlet • The issue of public health is inade- . quately addressed in the draft scope; • The time frame over which the envi- 1000s of items in stock ronn7ental impact of the nuclear plant ^" is to be assessed is too short because +' it's restricted to the operational lifes- Black pan of the facility, and the EA should OVERNIGHT BAG cover instead the 'contaminating $9 99 lifespan' of the plant; • Under the EA schedule put forward cn by the AECB, there's not enough time SPECIAL WHILEQUANTITIES LAST to do an adequate assessment. KURT JOHA.'VSEN • The AECB has not made clear in the 'The real measure of the EA is the draft scope how the outstanding 160- e.rtent to which it addresses all the plus issues that arose from Ontario issues. not whether it happens to Power Generation's 1998 environ- have a certain label on it.' mental review of the nuclear plant will be addressed. Councillors were told Town staff hensne review is the key to obtaining are looking into what the alternatives a thorough assessment. Without that are, including legal action. if the change, he said. there's "a very low AECB doesn't agree to Pickering's chance" the other needs detailed in requests regarding the EA. the review team's report will be satis- The leader of the peer review fied. team, geologist Dr. Nick Evles of the Kurt Johansen, environmental as - University of Toronto, told council sessment manager for the restart of having the EA changed to a compre- the Pickering 'A' station, said after Choirs fill church hall with sound Sunday PI( KERING —;Members of the hckcnng Scout choir. public are united tit Kin a Chnstmas Refreshment, will he served to the Celebration Sunday. Dec 19 at 7 p.m. at church hall following the concert. A free Ambe-rlca Presbyterian Church. will offering will to accepted. The esening of Christmas music will Amberica church is at 1820 Whites feature the church choir, and special ap- Rd. N., Pickering. pearancc h} the junior choir and the 7th For more information call 839-1383 . JOSEPH Christmas 'Music Presentation Sun. Dec. 12 a.m. R I 1 a.m. ' St. Paul's on -the -Hill Pickering 839-7909 Sh'_ Kingston Rd. E.►st of Whites Rd. FUTURE SHOP CORRECTION NOTICE our DeC•rnoe- ' 'Iyer. -+e following error ooxurred. • The Panasonic Palmcorder (model PV0209) advertised on page 18 for 5599.99. shows an incorrect pic- ture of the item. The item does not have an LCD monitor. We smcerely apokVze for any incoern_ fencnv e This may nava caused our valued customers "IL ■■9-0 is ",Us" Nev" Sig& Se -ng off vN 1, LM'- -•e , finned '4r'Cte' Y'1e.. smaw 1999 MEAYV DUTY Agzaq wwty m civ W._+ n.+rmi-w yi,"h r4 s-. x a. 'l.uu. or— cawu, uator-sen. r"m R1om WV. tit. EVEN SEY-S QN lEAT1rER No MCUvrwQ rwd-d 1or CullOrt tsar- W v we), mo *WbTs. twrw 9-.s or %Mm. sin d-ercom a". app" w aro man. 20 sttCt nneuoes itv art Oak and see mapc name omw ow 4trnor+td ram- or poyvmws Tnie nerd+•- 9-r• ad" too hart-. Vofaaa•rw a scrod 25 "W aananlr. row Dnos •-h Cat so - ZMA0 .+•+our ft So - $579.95 Vat 11"A. ran a VISA. MAST�E�R�-GsrnGnRI) 6 AMERICAN EXPRESS Uv -A -War tplsr EMM DK tt. 1M SIN11 SIMCOE ST. S. Man. -wed. 9-5.30, X;.. �sw. r� OSHAWA 433-1140 'N--. Fn M. sat. 9-< Thinking About Creating Your Own Employment Opportunity? Find owl aboat Self Fmpto)"wiel Opporta>Idties araitabte to Jvu at ibis orteatation date. (_AI_I_ TOI)AI TO REGISTER tt To gaality for fits Self Ea hgvwW Assbilmor latake, you mom have been is receipt of E.E. Reaef6ts dtuiag the previfi is 3 yeas and attend this Sessioa Pkm nitstn by phasing 11ieapport Trais ing Group at 905-"5-0o2 or 14900-667-0391 Canada. iv H.Mgan.r.Ye Ibis program is funded by Hunan Resources Dtiveioppernent des Development Canada ressources hunaines Canada liffiNNYB-A G- 0 L L _E C T 1 B L E ����tr� �tttttttt�t�artttttitttaitti �saatts •tnr.>:- ' 10=1100 CART! I'M1110111 Sr/1uES rOMEMON •AIS rIASSAR DIECASr (NEV RELEASES) A1101RAIMEI NEVIDIMUIUI BEANIE 11111110 A SOMIN BEANIE 11111ES (DEARS) LICENSED GOUVARE LICENSED SIbk $ was 370 Monarch Ave., Unit #20 (Just South of Boyly) beside MVP TRADING 905-426-4963 or 428-7225 the meeting Ontario Power Genera- tion is conducting a thorough EA "re- gardless of what the scope says". He noted the AECB's draft scope docu- ment is "typical" of the EA require- ments issued under CEAA. "These documents are typically a statement of direction or of objec- tives; they rarely specify exactly how things are to be done;' said Mr. Jo- hansen, adding putting in details that are too specific would create the risk that some work which is necessary but not specified would not get done. He also maintained that for the Pickering station's assessment. OPG and the AECB are already going be- yond the normal requirements for the 'screening' review ordered by the reg- ulator. The real measure of the EA is the extent to which it addresses all the is- sues, not whether it happens to have a certain label on it. The label itself doesn't ensure comprehensiveness." Mr. Johansen also noted, "The Town is concerned about safety and environmental protection and we are too. I would like to think once every- one sees the substance of our env iron - mental assessment everyone's con- cerns will be answered or addressed" The Town's submission and others will be used by the AECB to draw up a final scope for the EA. which is ex- pected to be released m ahoui a week log• MP P E M Le nM Durham s Cn - � I , # Stocking s Stuffer m Outlet . 1000s of items in stock n ^" GIFTS ... TOYS &much more = Black OVERNIGHT BAG $9 99 EACH cn i SPECIAL WHILEQUANTITIES LAST I m •PEN ii ru Saturday 8: it 00 t7 0 M — Sunday ni ru • _r _ 394 Idea0 O MtNY 401 > o C cn M W O N • • SoUth Ajax Mz 3 eartr i McLearu HURRY IN FOR : �GBEST SELECTION N LOOT BAG FILLERS -T-SHIRTS - PLUSH TOYS -HATS Just the fax: 683-7363 1 `,. 11K ULTIMATE GIFT FoRYOUR 1^ISHERMAN . STELLA 2500E $ SPINNING REEL --'759. Y�. SHIMAR0 v ROD_ . $199. • HIGH PREC1510N • 13 BALL BEARING`' • FLuto DRIVE 11 GEARIKG ? ' - SYSTEM 4 ALuHLNUN BODY • DYNA BALANCE''WoSOLE — FREE' SYSTEM _ • SUPER STOPPER IL r ANTI REVERSE DEAR(Nb 1 • NEW FLOATING SHAFT • COLEMAN PROPANE FORGED AIR 75.00o aru HEATER 99 mg Vy. ClAaA OUT OUR. GIFtCANN WEYE bar LAMPS - THROWS • CARVINGS PRI NT S • DIECAY S ANo MORE! WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY %immAid"A REFI. 3MV11itbl AT 69.99 YOu'I.1. RFGEIVE A $ 2PO GIFTCERTIMA VAL101b USE TAN 1.1000 *COLEMAN 2 MANTLE ADJu 5TA BL E GAS LANTERN REG. 74`9 2999 CoLEMAN 31611;mn4 liner, SEPI HG BAG RFf-i 9q 59 Z9. Y KO N1 Lt - WK PIKS LOADED WITH FEMURE5 �� yy AT...... 99. • COLEMAN NO LlUART VERTILAL - HORIZONTAL. REFRIGER�CRiR mc,. 99 20.99 . NOTAY OR CLOTHING WIN THIS PACI�fiE +�tOR�'!i AVER 41^0^ Spelling Bee logo contest winner Bowmanville lad has been creating eye-catching art `since I was little' If there's such a thing as a born artist, Chris Kwaka probably fits the bill. The 14 -year-old Bowmanville youth, winner of the Durham Region- al Spelling Bee Logo Contest, reports drawing "ever since 1 was little" And from the dozens and dozens of creative logos submitted in the con- test, Chris's whimsical, smiling bee flew into the judges' hearts as it cap- tured the spirit of the upcoming spelling bee, to he held in the spring. Chris, a student at St. Stephen's Secondary School, drew the winning bee during 'Take Our Kids to Work Day; when he reported for work to his mother, a graphic artist who runs her own business. "She handed me the newspaper clipping (outlining the contest) and said 'Here. work on this,"' recalls 4EGIOp9� j Chris, who con- firms the logo is entirely his own work. 0 Hc's en- rolled in an L1N� art class at school and lists the subject, along with math, as his best. His own personal art supplies in- clude pencils anti crayons, but "not any special pencils" When he's net drawing, Chris en- joys baseball, indexar soccer in the winter, hiking and video games. And while he believes he's inherit- ed his talent from his mom, it just may be dad's footsteps that Chris follows inwhen it's time to choose a career. He's thinking of going into the field of architecture, "or I'll do like my dad and work for GM." Christ winning entry will appear on official spelling bee promotional material, including T-shirts and pro- grams. He will also receive a $1 00 gift centreecme trom N.xth End Bowl. Os- hawa. The Durham Regional Spelling Bee is sponsored by Mctroland com- munity newspapers 'Oshawa-Whithy Ibis Week; 'Clarington This Week.' 'Port Perry This Week; the 'Uxbridge Tribune: the 'Canadian Statesman' and the 'Ajax -Pickering News Advcr- liser.' L3 Chris Kvraka workv on another piece of art, fresh off the news he won the Durham Regional Spelling Bee 1.owx corntevr sponsored by the News Ad- vertiser and other Metroland newspapers in Durham Region. Chris is a Bowmanville resident who attenels Sr. Srephen's Secondary .School. Below left is his winning logo desi,Kn. SALE Carrier 1683-0407 --►PECIAL BARGAINS '�The Week OF THE YEARI �185/75R14 10499 St.49 Forget • 10999 54.99 Half IN T00AY'S P 205/75814 Price News Advertiser Sales 12199 60.99 Our Regular Wed., Dec. 8, 1999 12899 641,49 Prices Are News P225/75R15 Lower 192 Harouvi S 'ala, Advertiser ' Avtei Media Comm inic26on - Inc. Pick. Stephanie Business DeW AlaxlPiek -1 ucsday , C.lrncr of the St." 10399 51.99 CompuCtrtre AprlPldt vxcc•k is Stcphanic. She o•nitn•s collecting beanie P185/70R14 COrnP,rL* Pith hahtes- She will receive ALL -SEASON MUD AND Double Pizzaa ft dinner for 4 voucher. compliments of Lansing Baldall AlaxVick N1, I>onald',. 11999 5999 Leon's Alakpick 11:11"ggrratulations P205?OR1.5 P215/70Q 15 13199 6399 136 99 6a.49 1Irphanie for being our ROAD HAZARD Lae Caem AW t:.errier of the Week P" PaCkaprs ApldPldl oth..� ' Paul Mac's Pidt. 'C—pin --ty I Estate Ap Mxk j Sware Boy Pick p� ' The Wy Aox?i l z, I aS A-,. , N.1 A,— TV Shotrcee BY UNIROYAL-GOODRICH F,: • -ember, all Inserts, Including e t e on glossy paper, can be ckd with the tat of vour ,. through ,your blue r.,s cling program. i} -r information on delivering ,our advertising fivers, ll! WAN AtLV7,i`T� EL .TCHER at � � _- nN;-5110. Fax it: 683-7363 Shop :30 am - Midnight y, December 10th and ; ct, December 17th j r Wear the sticker to Will M� You could win a Pickering Town Centre Gift Certificate if our Secret Santa SPS yML Step 1. Pick up your Secret Santa stickler at Guest Services. Step 2. - wear your sticker when you shop at Pickering Town Centre. 3 r 1Prepm to wins Pick lqqiw mSeanta NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Deownber A 1111 PAGE E AIP "Ywr 1r..k er' no,—eintr Cene-- DRAPERY Fabulous Low Prices on �.� Hunkdou las Window Fashions C ' • Verticals .......................... 50%OFF MSL u ' �� I �,u • 2° & 1° Wood Blinds...... 50' OF OFF • • 2", 1 &'/t Horizontals... 50 MsI. OFF • ' • Applause'' Honeycomb.. 50%MR, • Pleated Shades................50% MSL NEED IT F,4ST22 All advertised Hunterpouglas products ready for pick-up in 5 working days or less" t - $250O°FF X50O° $100O° FF Orders over 5250. Orders over S500. Orders over $1 ,000 lar wwd" a •.ww r„ sx c rd K,ftX oat Rd.. FREE y JJ 4ivrl dm nxY41aRU SHOP AT HOME SHOA100v1HOUS SERVICE BLIND S6 DRAPERY N11— W4 I0-5. an 4Z8-0937 Th&rte Dae. Sa. IO -5 Flyers right to your doorstep! The News Advertiser 1/2 0 prwe SILVERWARD ESPRIT• II ALL -SEASON TIRES s;.. ,.� OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEARI �185/75R14 10499 St.49 P'.95/75R!4 10999 54.99 P 205/75814 116 99 59.49 P203/75R15 12199 60.99 * 100,000 KM TREAD P215/75R'.5 12899 641,49 WEAROUT WARRANTY' P225/75R15 13799 6699 p235;75R15RL UL99 70.99 - Pn5/70R13 9499 47.49 P75j70R1a St." 10399 51.99 COMPUTER-GENERATED P185/70R14 10899 54.49 ALL -SEASON MUD AND 0195/70'14 11499 57.49 SNOW TREAD DESIGN P205/70R 14 11999 5999 P205?OR1.5 P215/70Q 15 13199 6399 136 99 6a.49 ROAD HAZARD P225/a0R16 14'� 99 70.99 WARRANTY* INCLUDED oth..� i:.1. 'C—pin --ty d.N,it of sect, ' MADE FOR SEARS BY UNIROYAL-GOODRICH 3W,9=970L P 155/80R 13. Seors reg. 79.99. NP1221699 Copyrght 1999. Seers CenWs Inc. SALE MtlCES END SUNDAY, DECENIDER 12, 1999, MIIIILE QUARMS LAST :J ONTARIO'S CL Z SEAMc �' ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES � for more information call 1.888.158-2999—(-1,— � www.driveclean.com ONTARIO'S Pickering Town Centre 0re Dict Line420-0271 SII Air P*m 4 NEM ADvERTO , MIEDN MAY EonmN, Deeenwber c i age Video makers named Junior Citizens for 'Tragic Memories' Hard-hitting program created by Durham students shows dangers of drunk driving BY CINDY UPSHALL Staff Writer After touching countless people in their own community. a group of Whitby students are being recognized on a provincial scale for their work. The students involved in the mak- in 13 -minute g of' Tragic Memories.* a I - minute video to raise awareness about drink- ing and driving among high school students, have been named Ontario Ju- nior Citizens of the Year. The awards, a program of the On- tario Community Newspaper Associa- tion of which this newspaper is a member, recognize youths from age six to 18, whose dedication, communi- ty commitment, initiative, bravery and valour represent the ideals of Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year. Durham students get e -lessons in new program DURHAMfram page I ported several other high schools have expressed interest in offering the pro- gram in future years, while there's hope the course can begin in the second se- mcster at Dunbarton High School in Pickering. Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby. Central Collegiate Institute in Oshawa and the Durham Alternative Secondary School also in Oshawa. Ms. Elliott said teachers from those schools participated in an extensive three-week training session at Center, - mal College during the summer to be- come certified Cusco instructors. She repotted the curriculum is Web - based and each school is supplied hard- ware (routers, cabling 1. software, cur- riculum materials. on-line and tcie- phone support and the delivery of rc- placement pans. The equipment. which costs approximately S50)1) per school, was donated by Panduit. she added. Ms. Elliott also noted five of the six schools have been designated as local academies, while Pinc Ridge, which has ban designated as a regional acad- emy, will cvcntually offer a "train the Owner- program fox oxher Durham teachers. Teachers want more computers for kids, better training for themselves Approximately 50 per cent of ele- mentary teachers say they'd like fur- ther training to better use computer software in their classrooms, accord - Ing to a public board survey. And. educators want more comput- ers installed in classrooms and porta- bles. Durham District School Board technical resources officer John Brig- gs highlighted the results of the board's Elementary Computer Tech- nology Implementation Evaluation Monday. He told trustees the length and con- tent of computer training for some programs was -considered adequate by only 50 per cent of the respon- dents.' The survey, designed to -gather data for future planning and imple- mentation of computer tralmng nmua- tives.' was distributed to all elemen- tary school teachers last June to solicit feedback on the School Vista, School Valla. Math, Personal Science I-abora- wry and Computer Curriculum Corpo- ration (CCC) programs. 'Simply providing hardware and software is not enough;' Mr. Briggs said. "Adequate staff development is critical: ' While Mr. Briggs noted teachers "appreciated" the training in their schools, he reported many educators .expressed a desire for more hands-on training. He noted the board intends to offer more "in-service sessions" in all of its software programs, but most notably with Scholl Vista and CCC. "It makes me feel honoured. When I got into this credit had nothing to do with it,” says Matthew Gillespie, a Fa- ther Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School student. "It's about the fami- lies. Its not about credit at all. It's about getting the message out." Matthew was one of seven students involved in the making of the video. which was completed in June 1999. The other students being recognized for their work on the project are Heather Lampa. also from Father Leo J. Austin. Paulette Guay and Cathy Smits from Sinclair Secondary School. Kern Godfrey and Aaron Hess from Anderson Collegiate Voca- tional Institute and Sarah Franko- Thompson from Henn} Street High School. 313NIORAk Cjrr 2 C�2 YEAR "1 never dreamed it would go this far," says Heather. when she found out about the award. 1 just hope the mes- sage gets out to as many people as possible. The emotional video is a documen- tary -style film which looks at the after-effects of impaired driving and carelessness by talking to the families of Amanda Heron and Jennifer Crook. Amanda was killed in June 1998 in an alcohol-related accident on Brawley Road north of Brooklin and Jennifer was killed in April of this year when she was struck by a van trying to cross Taunton Road. The students came together to do the video following the suggestion of Inspector Greg Reid of the Whitby Community Police Office, whose daughters attended Sinclair Secondary School when Miss Heron and another student, Michelle Berry was killed. Miss Berry was killed in 1997 when G I! the driver of a car she was a passenger in fell asleep and the car hit a bridge support. Although officers with the police department got the students to- gether, Insp. Reid said the students were entirely responsible for its con- t • apresentation. crit rill The video is currently being shown to high school students across Durham Region, used as part ot`the Durham Regional Police's campaign against drunk driving and has been distributed to police departments across the province for their use in drinking and driving programs. Twelve individual awards and one group award will he presented at a cer- emony to recognize the Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year on April 7, 2000 at the Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel. Super Saturday & Sunday 1/2 Price 'CAMERON' SOFA Blue/Mauve Flose/Gmger 054167-086. Sears rep. 1399.99. 599.99 Matching pieces and custom options also on sale Sale pee oda today. December Is. lfeg Save $111 'FIRESIDE' ROCKER/RECLINER 141111-021 Sears rep. 699.99. $588 Custom options also on sale 1/2 Price 'NEWPORT'SEARS-O-PEDICe SLEEP SET Available in Twin -King sizes, plush or firm mseo. Sears rep. 1499.98-2599.99. Set 749.99-1299.99 All furniture & sleep sets are on sale or at Special Purchase prices Plus, it's like there's NO GST ADDED" ® and, use your sears Card and don't pay'til M01t on A furniture' and sleep sets —1" Bta Yen's NO GST U='~. Sears will deduct from the item price the same dollar amount as the GST you will pay GST epufvalent reducbon does not apply to purchat<es made under tax-exempt status. Offer applies to merch rosen Sears Retail sora. Offer does not appy to deferral fees. maintenance agreemanl, delivery a installation charges. Offer ends Sunday, December 12, 19%. ^Ow'1 pay' after, Don't pay until January 2001, on approved credit, we your Sewn Card Minimum 5200 purdme. $35 deferral fee oW W appicable taxes and charges are payable al Uma of Purchase. Offer ends Sunday. January 2, 2000. Ask for details. Belk efMra: Exclude items in oda Lieu letio vOueet stares Will catalogue purcluses. •0/601 Fuaiture Shop, excludes baby furniture. Furniture is no longer available in some of our Retail stores. Please call your local store for the Sears Furniture Store nearest you NP1221999 Copyright 1999. Sean Canada Inc Come see the many sides of Sears® AN" "INVITATION TO SENIORS SUNDAY DEC. 12" 1p.m. - 3perne Fax It r ? Christmas `Open House' at Parkway Place Marketing Office The Ajax CHRISTMAS DRAW - REFRESHMENTS i Pickering a Pickering Town )Centre Aaertiser outside the fool! coutlLower t behind Wattle Rich ewsFir ♦rk Genera' Hours: Mon. 1 pm - 7 pm Tues. - Fri. 10 am - 7 pm LL s„: - p t Sat 1 pm - 6 pm Sun. 12 noon - 4 pm a .. �: REFIREMENT -7363 �- - Flom 6$3 1-800-254-5558 i �r Ready to party? Pickering celebrates at Winterfest PICKERING — The Town's sec- ond annual Winterfest kicks off' Fri- day, Dec. 10 with tree and park light- ing ceremonies. a 10 -minute fireworks display, a midway, carolers, hay wagon rides. children's entertainment. a visit from Santa and more. It all takes place in Esplanade Park behind the Pickering Civic Complex, beginning at 6:45 p.m. Admission is free. The midwav and carnival will con- tinue Saturday, Dec. 11. Other Winterfest events will in- clude: a Snow Sculpture Contest in Es- planade Park Dec. 11. with snow pro- vided no matter what the weather; first prize $1(x), second prize $50 and third prize $25: registration at 10 a.m., judg- ing at 2 p.m. - Christmas in the Village at Pickering Museum Village in Greenwood Sun- day, Dec. '12 from noun to 4 p.m. • School Music Night in the gazeh, in Esplanade Park and in the Pickering Civic Complex council charnher Tues- day. Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. - the Mayor's Holiday Light Tour Wednesday, Dec. 15, beginning at 7 p.m.: pick-up for seniors at the South Pickering Seniors Centre. 910 Liver- pool Rd., maps available to follow the bus. - Cookies. Carols & a Movie Friday. Dec. 17 and Tuesday. Dec 21 at 7 p.m. at the Ontario Power Generation Infor- mation Centre. 1675 Montgomery Park Rd. (937-7272). - Holiday Karaokc Saturday. Dec. 18 frurn neon to 4 p.m. at the Pickering Town Centre. - Christmas Classic Mosrc Saturday, Ike 19 and Tuesday. Dec. 2N at I p.m. at the Ontario Power Generation Infor- mation Centre (937-7272). - Figure Skating Show and Free Skat- ing Thursday, Dec. 23 at 7 p.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Dc- lancv Ice Arena at the rear. - Free Skating from 1 to 3 p.m. Tues- das to Thursday. Dec. 29 to 30, at the Pickering Recreation Complex. - Gym and Break Dancing for teens aged 13 to 19 Wednesday. Dec. 29 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the East Shore Rouge plan put before public NOUGE from page I develop," he explains. The Rouge Park Neighbourhood includes part of the Rougc Park and has significant open space lands as- sociated with the Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Corridor. As well, it's locat- ed south of the 'Lake Iroquois Shoreline' that is the source of many area creeks and streams, and con- tains environmentally -sensitive areas associated with the Rouge River and Park, as well as a section of Petticoat Creek. "There are a lot of inter -related environmental features we have to develop carefully around, and we need this process to establish what those are," notes Mr. McKnight. The current population of the neighbourhood is about 200. Pickering's official plan sets a population target of 1,600 for the area by 2016. On page 8 of the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer in effect from Sunday, December 5th until Saturday, December 11, 1999 the Polaroid 600 or Spectra Film (10 Exp.) should read "Save up to $12.00 with a Polaroid mail -in rebate. See store for details:' We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. .4 ZOPMO MART. Community Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd. - Teen Art fur 13 -to- 19 -year-olds Thursday, Dcc. 30 from 7 to 10 p.mat the East Shore Community Centre. - New Year's Eve events for all ages in Esplanade Park and at the Pickering Recreation Complex; watch for further details. Also Icing held in association with Winterfest is a Passport to Prizes con- test. A passport will he mailed to every house in Pickering that children can have stamped for a chance to win 10 prizes of 51(x) to spend anywhere in the Pickering Town Centre. As well, there'll be cash prizes at the Snow Sculpture Contest: prizes for the best -decorated homes during the Mayor's Holiday Light Tour ($150 for first place. $I(N) for second and $50 for third to be spent anywhere in the PTCI: and a coloring contest sent to every student in Pickering with a chance to win one of four $100 prizes to be spent at the P"rC. Sponsors of Winterfest 1999 in- clude Pickering Town Centre. Cough- lin Homes, Canadian Progress Club - Durham Reorm W,4nen, and Ontario Power Gencrauun For more int)rmati1 n 4620 ME" ADVE11TI6ER, WEDNESDAY EWn0N, Dfeanbw A 19M PAGE 5 P You Are"Invited ,' % Y to remember your Loved Ones by placing a complementary, personalized memorial on our Tree of Life. We will light the tree every evening during the month of December. To arrange for your memorial, please call the Cemetery Office, or drop by any day of the week between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. We are proud to be an active member of our community. Duffin Meadows Cemetery (905) 427-3385 2505 Brnrk Road Nurth, 1^,xcring, Ontano LIV 2P8 Owned and ipe,are i w .Vh nt Plea,an: ..- up „% Crmarnr Canna. ntin -profit se"tce to the cam munnv nnrr 1436 Pickering News Advertiser General 683-7363 tr P 1110A E i NEW AWAMYNER, W E011EtoAY EDMOK Doowrtbw *. 1M Edmitorial &OpiNioNs NEWS ADVERTISERDEC. 8, 1 9 9 9 EDITORIAL Tougher nuclear review needed Federal regulator must heed call put out on behalf of residents It's quite obvious that the Atomic Energy Control Board needs to go hack to the drawing (ward. The federal nuclear regulator has come up sheen in the en- vironmental assessment it's proposing for the Pickering nu- clear plant before the station can restart the four reactors on the older 'A' side of the facility. That's the blunt assertion from just about everybody who's seen the 'draft scope' of the assessment setting out what On- tano Power Generation must do before it can flip the switch on Pickering 'A'. which has been shut down for two years. It was no surprise when Durham Nuclear Awareness was fast out of the starting blocks it, call for a tougher review of the power plant than the AECB is proposing. After all, the group is admittedly anti-nuclear in nature. Pickering -Ajax Citizens Together for the Environment got on the bandwagon at the same time. Little surprise either since PACT is committed to watching out for the environmental in- terests of Pickering and Ajax residents. OPG. the AECB and their defenders might be quick to point out that the opinions of DNA and PACT should be taken with a grain of salt since they're special interest group,;. But, that's not the case with the scientists who were hired by the Town to conduct a peer review of the environmental as- sessment proposed by the AECB. That team of academics from the University of Toronto and McMaster University is trade up of experts independent of any special interest groups and with no vested interest in calling for a tougher review of the nuclear station. The peer review team recommended to Pickering council Monday that the Town join the push for a more stringent en- vironmental assessment of the power plant. And. Pickering politicians unanimously agreed and have called on the AECB to beef up the review of the nuclear station. Those course illors do have a special interest, admittedly. They -re looking out for the welfare of each and every Pickenng resident. If the AECB can't be moved b% the demands of DNA and PACT. it should at least he influenced by a call on behalf of all Pickering citizens for a tough environmental assessment of the power plant. The nuclear station. after all. affects so many townsfolk here in so many ways. The AECB must be most mindful of that. Animal cruelty Crack down on pet abusers Northumberland MPP Doug Galt, wfto called for tougher penalties for those who abuse animals. was on to something - Prompted in part by the torture last summer new Port Hope of Nikita a rotimciler dragged several kilometres behind her owner's truck. Dr. Galt's plea for more severe penalties has been heard in Ottawa. Federal Justice Minister Anne McLellan has announced animals will no longer be considered purely property (they'll have rights), maximum jail terms will be extended from six months to five years and the ceiling on fuses will jump well tip from $2.000 Those who prey on domestic animals have been put on no tire. You will be punished. and severely, for your actions. What's also been discovered about animal torturers is a disturbing link between pets and people. Serial killer like Jef- frey Dahmer, Ted Bundy and even Canadian mass murderer Marc Lepine. who. 10 years ago gunned down 14 women at an engineering college in Montreal, were later found out to be animal abusers as young people. Long-term investigations into vjcious criminal activity in the United States has shown an eerie link between those who torture animals and those who go on to kill people. The process is a continuum that involves a potent mix of power and control by the abuser and those he considers weaker and defenceless against him. That's why alarm bells have gone off lately with reports of cat mutilations and the torture and killing of small dogs and other animals. Children's Aid Society workers have long seen a link be- tween men who abuse the family pet and go on to, or simul- taneously abuse other family members. Often. kicking the cat or dog is a prelude to punching the mother and children. Sortie then may not even see much of a difiamrice because, perhaps, then really isn't a big difference. Abuse of a living, breathing being in the care of someone bigger and more powerful, is a criminal act and must be seen as such. it's one thing to attend the Criminal Code to bring in tougher penalties. Now, prosecutors, judges and juries must do their part and make those penalties stick. Animal cruelty, abuse of family members: we must fight it all with every tool at our disposal. The innocents among us are counting on it with their lives. !`wail toatwenar on editarials to t wews0iWhamt-wet lnclade your fall name a" town of mtideace. YOU SAID IT The question was: How could we stop violence against women? Tetra Curl says, Greg Brady says, Kristin Hansen "There should be "People have to says, "I think we help for the peo- realize women should have ple who are doing are equal and groups that get to - it. Counselling men should treat gether and dis- should be manda- women the way cuss these issues tory for the they'd like to be with the offenders abutter." treated. Men themselves and election because he had virtually should see try to find out no chance of winning, more than women as they why they do it." any opposition party in 60 years see their own the best premier Ontario never and more even than three recent mothers and treat had, announced he was quitting as governments. them according- leader after one election defeat. He Mr. McGuinty took on a gov- ly„ told media, 'You won't have this emment that was almost unbeat- / Nixon to kick around any more,' J WHO IS RESPONSIBLE tJ FOR THIS? A GANG OF YOUNG OFFENDERS... BUT NOT rt1Mp1 FTFI Y OF LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Scrap the YOA, let justice prevail for teen criminals To the editor: Allow me to express disgust and shame at the senseless slaughter of Matti Baranovski in a North York park over a pack of cigarettes and the swarming and beating at the Eaton Centre of a 15 year old who is now brain dead. Let me suggest our country over the past 20 years has become noxh- ing more than a vicious crime-rd- dcn frontier land. When I arrived in Canada in the tarp 1450h along with a boat load of excellentth people from e Brush Isles. Canada was a peaceful and safe place to comic to. But the Bara- novskrs whom arrived from Russia must now wonder why they ever came to Canada only to see their aspiring son killed along with all the others wMi have been killed, robbed. mugged. etc. in our now lawless country. It is getting worse, but I'm sure our roving Prime Minister Jean Chretien isn't even aware and cares less. And of course Minister of Jus- tice Anne Mct-cllan can't be both- ercd withsuch a trivial portfolio as the Young Offenders Act. Our grandstanding MP Dan McTeaguc. who for the past two -and -a -half years has been blabbing about high gas prices (which he has no control over), might at least try to convince Mr. Chretien and Ms. McLellan to scrap the YOA altogether and let justice prevail whatever the age. Tom Lom. Pickering Governments gain more from gas price hikes than oil firms do To the editor: Re MP Dan McTeaguc's letter to the editor headlined 'Gas price editorial missed the mark': 1 would like to suggest that your editorial no more reads "like the Latest argument supplied by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation" than Mr. McTeague's letter reads like the communist manifesto. I am primarily concerned with two as- pects of Mr. McTeague's letter about your editorial. R I First, it was a Liberal govern - men( that created Petro Canada with the mantra that it would pro- tect Canadian consumer% from the vagaries of world oil prices. Oop%. Second, while Mr. McTeague rails about the insignificance of gasoline taxes, nowhere docs he state what these taxes amount to. I am quite certain that if they were truly insignificant he would have readily produced a number. (And by taxes 1 mean all taxes: fcderal and provincial, excise and sales as well as income taxes on the large profit.. made by oil companies and any other government -imposed levies that consumers arc not gen- erally aware of) My suspicion is that if all taxes, Labour costs, capital expenditures. etc. were removed from the price of a litre of gas the profit trade by oil companies would be 10 cent-% of less. While this strikes me as quite high, it also highlights two key points. First, making oil company profits illegal would not only be unsustainable but it would also not restore gas prices to the levels seen only one year ago. Second. the profit generated by oil companies on a litre of gas is significantly less than the revenue received by gov- emments on the same litre. Brent Furrteaux, Ajax Leadership: Grits don't know how !Liberal party abuses its own top people Ontario's Liberals have been governing it fell apart. 1 doing so many bizarre things on Stuart Smith was an intellectual leadership for so long they don't and psychiatrist who could not get know how to stop' Eric into the minds of ordinary people Thus, a sizable section of the and made caustic comments that party publicly criticized Dalton Dowd cost friends like, 'Thank God 1 will McGuinty although he attracted 40b[I _-_ never have to come back here,' per cent of the votes in the luneQueen's Park when visiting one wintry northern election because he had virtually _-- city. no chance of winning, more than Robert Nixon, justifiably called any opposition party in 60 years most consistent workhorse in any the best premier Ontario never and more even than three recent party with a knack for down -to- had, announced he was quitting as governments. earth argument and identifying leader after one election defeat. He Mr. McGuinty took on a gov- where every partisan body is told media, 'You won't have this emment that was almost unbeat- buried. Nixon to kick around any more,' able because of its unprecedented Mr. Conway said first he would parodying Richard Nixon, but stili, tax cuts and a booming economy, run and some Liberals even wor- ran again for leader and won, sour - but some Liberals could not con- ried he would win so easily it ing some in the party whu had tain their impatience and left the would remove any suspense and taken him at his word. uncommitted wondering why they publicity. However be later tort- Andy Thompson became leader should support Mr. McGuinty eluded he lacked the commitment because he made a stirring speech when so many m his own party needed to lead for the next 10-12 on civil rights, but stayed only refuse. years. briefly after performing weakly, But this is business as usual for Mr. Phillips then announced he being fitted for dangerous driving Ontario Liberals. One of their would rum, but withdrew citing a and becoming sick. He recently MPPs some years ago, Phil heart problem, which would be embarrassed his party because he Givens, disagreed with then leader true, but exemplifies how Liberals was revealed trying to hold on to Robert Nixon on how far an ex- are accident-prone. Mr. Bradley his Serrate seat without leaving pressway should gouge into knew too well the problems await- Mexico. Toronto and contemptuously as- ing Liberal leaders and did not try. The first time John Wintertney- suued a public meeting 'leaders But what sort of party has a leader- er met this reporter he suggested come and leaders go.' ship race that does not include 'I'll tell you what I think and you He summed up accurately the even one of its three most logical put it into words as you see it,' Ontario Liberals, who have had I 1 contenders? which was trusting but naive. leaders, including a couple dubbed Earlier, Lyn McLeod was cho- Walter Thomson, leader back interim leaders although in the sen because many felt it would be that half -century ago, ran the party Liberal party all leaders are inter- an advantage to have the first for three years without holding a im, in half -a -century, nearly twice woman leader and she had been an seat in the legislature and was ye- as many as either the Progressive admired minister. But she so puled never to come near it or his Conservatives or New Democrats. lacked an urge to command she al- colleagues. But when you think Even the choice of Mr. lowed her party not to give her a how Liberals abuse leaders, per- McGuinty had a touch of the platfarm and image that goes with haps he was smart. bizarre. The three best -performing it until an election was under way Liberal MPPs start with Sean Con- and it was too late. way, considered by everybody the David Peterson was chosen on E-mail comments on this column cleverest orator in the legislature. the claim he was an efficient orga- to wnewsWurham.nes. Submis- Next comes Gerry Phillips, a fn- nizer, but never mastered the art of sions which include the writer's nance critic who never missed a questioning so he could fluster the full name and town of residence chink in Mr. Harris's economic Tory government and became pre- wid be considered for publica- policies. Finally, Jim Bradley, the mier only because after 42 years tion. Cdeb,dte the rutwe, DURHAM PIC:KERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt f daur-in-t -Inel Steve Houston Afunug,ng Editor Bruce Danford ! hrec for of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Kenai ldcernsim! Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Ciassilied . I,herusing Stanger John W illems Real hvrate lutomwive Advertising Stanger Abe Fakhourie Distribution Danger Lillian Flook OJlire Mangt!er Barb Harrison Comp—mg %tanager lows (9051 6%1-sI10 Sales (9051 bx+•iI10 Classifieds (905) ns; 070 - Distribution (9os i tic i.s I I' General Fax (wi5i vx;-'3ht -E Mail newsroom u durtum net web address www durhamncws net 130 Commercial Ave . Ajax. Ont. 1.1 S 2115 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metrolaod Printing. Publishing and Dismtx"g group of newspapers The New,. Advertiser is a member of the Ajax A Pickering Board of Trade. Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc . Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher resmcs the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for ad- veruscmcnt limited to space price error occupies r The News Ad%crtuer ac- cepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or ncatly hand-written. 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for vcrifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit cope for style, length and content. Opin- ions expressed in letters arc those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be print- ed. Gas price fight um s No need to suffer in silence over cost of gasoline, say BY MA R to NNE TAKACS Staff Writer Gas prices giving you a pain'! Well there's little doubt you have plenty of company. Pub- lic complaining about the cost of filling up has become laud enough in recent months to persuade even Ontario's Con- servative government to ap- point a task force to investi- gate gasoline prices. But is there anything helea- guered motorists can do be- sides complain some more and hope something eventually comes of the task force report disc in the spring'! Well, there are a few things — though how effective they'll be is any- bexdy's guess. Anger and frustration over gasoline prices has pushed some motorists to join a con- sumer boycott in the hope that a dose of financial pain will convince the big oil companies to cut their take at the pumps. The boycotl started in mid- October and is being spear- headed by computer store owner Ruh Smith of Barrie. His organization. Gas Busters. is urging motorists not to fuel up at Petro -Canada and has even picketed sonic of their stations. He says Gas Busters has chosen to target Petro - Canada because it has a huge market share and is vulnera- hle. and the group plans to continue the boycott until the company drops its prices. -Our goal is 52.9 cents a litre, no matter what the rest of the market is charging. - Mr Smith admits he has no way of knowing exactly how many people have wined the boycott• but he's getting plenty of phone calls and hits at the Gas Buster Web site and has been doing two media inter- views a day recently as the issue heals up. "We've gut quite a few peo- ple participating." says Mr Smith. "It's spreading coast do coast. What 1 always tell pco- plc is we need to havc a lot more than we have now." In addition w pro- viding information about the boycott and gas pricing issues. the group's Web site (www.gisbu%tcrN.net ) has ups on how to picket and offers posters people can download and picket with or display on their vehicles. While he favours changes ao federal legislauun to encour- age competition in the gasoline sector, Mr. Smith would also like to see a made -in - Canada oil price poh- cy. "i really, really object to Canadians having tci pay OPEC (Organization of Pc- troleum Exporting Countries) prices for our crude oil that comes out of our ground." he says, though he admits bringing in Canadian pricing over the ob- jections of Alberta could start a political battle in the country few may want to fight. Mr. Smith also wonders how oil companies can use a 35 -per cent increase in crude prices since July to justify a jump of about 13 cents per litre in prices at the pumps over the same period. He maintains raw material costs were accounting for only about eight cents of the cost of each litre of gasoline in July, so that prices at the pumps should have gone up by no more than 2.8 cents. "We are getting such a line of baloney from these oil com- panies about prices and costs and everything:' says Mr. Smith, But. Petro -Canada spokesman Donna Hildebrant says the public has a lot of misconceptions about gasoline prices and profits. "What's really almost im- possible for people to believe is we make a penny per litre. on average, over the year on gasoline she notes. Ms. Hildebrant says in- creases in the price of crude are to blame for price hikes at the pumps, and points out that while Petro -Canada produces 75,(1X) barrels of crude per day from Canadian sources. it processes 3(1).(1X) barrels per day and must purchase oil on world markets at world prices. "We're very exposed to the rising cost of crude oil:' she says. She also notes that among countries in the industrialized world. only the U.S. has lower gasoline prices than Canada. and that gasoline prices here actually went down between 1996 and 199M when the prices of most other consumer goods, were going up. "If you really stop and think about it Canadians really are getting a good deal,' she main- tains. Meanwhile. Canadian Auto- mobile Association (CAA) of Ontario spokesman David Leonhardt says the club has been getting plenty of com- plaints from drivers who feel they're being fleeced at the pumps. "What really sticks in the craws of our members is when they get caught with an empty tank when the price nscs:' notcs Mr Leonhardt. While he sympathvcs with frustrated motorists. he doesn't believe boycotts are a very effective weapon against rising gas prices. "It's not something that could be sustained over the long run." he says. But Mr Leon- hardt believes there arc ways consumers .an fight back. "The number orie thing they can do n contact bah their \IP and their MPP at -out lowering taxes ,,n gasoline.' sug- gcsts Mr Leonhardt. noting the federal government spends only five to 10 per cent of its 10 cents - p cr-litre gasoline ex - se tax revenue on i,,ads, while the Province spends about 40 per cent of is 14 7 cents -per - hire gas tax and li- cence revenue on roads. i DAN M. TF.AGl'F Boit ,tt% ars. 'a barometer' ri He says the �3! CAA also supports a review of competi- tion in the gasoline marketplace. As well, it wants to see other measures such as re- quiring retailers to t t gasoline prices for predetermined peri- ods, such as a week or two. and a prohibition on raising gas prices for any reason with- out providing 24 hours' notice to motorists. While his Liberal Commit- tee on Gasoline Pricing in Canada recommended apply- ing the federal GST to only the non -tax portion of the price of a litre of gasoline, Pickering - Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeague says cutting taxes is not the best route to lowering gas prices, especially when those cuts would not necessar- ily be passed on to motorists. JOHN O 'TOOLS Co-chairs provincial task force. Mile IN Pickering Town Council Monday, Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m. — Executive Committee, council chamber, Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade. Ajax Town Council Monday, Dec. 13, 7 p.m. — Ajax Council and Standing Committee of the Whole, coun- cil chamber, Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S. Durham Regional Council Wednesday, Dec. 8, 10 a.m. — Finance Committee, Room B-15, Durham Region Headquarters, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Durham Catholic school board Monday, Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m. — Durham Catholic District School Board, Catholic Ed- ucation Centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, December 8, 1998 PAGE 7 AM up theheat Lafraine Roulston crusader and politicians Rec;)eler'sCorner t I 'People obviously ha -,c a problem with taxation:- he notes. "but it goes to the com- mon goose" He's not sure hoycotts arc such a goxxi weapon either, though he doesn't oppose them "1 think they're a barometer of public anger. Boycotts arc the result of the public's frus- tration that their (political) representatives just aren't get- ting it. Mr. McTeague suggests the most important thing citizens can do to fight rising gas prices is to put pressure on their politicians to take action. He maintains that action should include making changes to federal competition legislation to prevent oil com- panies from controlling the market. and changes to exist - mg federal policies that create advantages for the big compa- nies at the expense of indcpcn- dent retailers. The MP says politicians arc beginning w address gasoline pricing because they realize it could become an election issue. "i think they're seeing the light: they're not prepared to pay the cost of public anger." One politician who wants to hear what the public has to say on the issue is Durham MPP John O'Toole, co-chairman of the Province's recently - formed task force on gasoline pricing. "We're going to be consult- ing with all of the stakehold- ers:' says Mr. O'Toole, adding that includes ordinary citizens as well as oil refiners, gasoline retailers and people like Mr. McTeague and staff from the federal Competition Bureau. The task force is planning to use a Web site and a public comment line to gather infor- mation from citizens. Not only does the task force want to know what members Kober) C amphell was one of many motorists is ho filled up re- cently to avoid higher Yas prices. Fuel price} at major retail- ers jumped almost free rents per litre shortly after.tilr Camp- bell filled his tank and hate continued to fluctuare in recent weeks. .4 new consumer Yroup is ur.Kini� a motorist bovcott. while the Canadian Automobile Associatton offers tips on Ways consumers can sate on furl ('osty. of the public think. notes Mr O'Toole, it also would like all the data people can gather about things like gas price pat- terns in their arca There are also actions indi- vidual consumers can take to cut their own gas consumption and costs, says the MPP His suggestions include shopping around for the lowest pump price, taking public transit and car pooling. He notes the task force will also be looking at alternatives that can reduce fuel costs for the public — such as incrcas- ing the availability of public transit. While Mr O'Toole doesn't expect the task fierce to report until March or April, he notes it may havc things to say be- fore then "I suspect there'll be some kind of preliminary stuff after Chnstmas" Anybody who wants to pro- vide comment iso the task torcc may call Mr O'To„le's Queen's Park office at 416- 325-6745- or the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations line at 1-%00-268- 1 l 4'_ Rob Smith of Gas Busters may be contacted at 1-X(1)- 661-_'631. Big men on campus lead Durham College New chairman and 'ice -chairman selected bN- board of turo%ernors Durham College and Uni I - versity Centre's board of gov- ernors has a new chairman and vice-chairman. The board recently elected Oshawa resident Terrence H. s - Hing to the top post and Uxbridge resident Douglas E. Wilson as second in command. - Mr. Hing, a senior manager TERRIENCF DOUGLAS with the Ontario Ministry of Finance, has served on the HING W/LSON board of governors since 1995. Mr. Wilson, the founding The former vice-chairman member of the Uxbridge Cot - takes over from outgoing tage Hospital Foundation, has chairman Sharon Young. served as chairman and vice - The Oshawa resident is a • chairman of that organization's member of the Multicultural board of directors. Council of Oshawa Durham. He has also served as char - He has also served as director ter president for the Rotary and registrar for the Society of Club of Uxbridge. Management Accountants in The Durham College board Durham Region. of governors is comprised of Meanwhile, Mr. Wilson, 17 members. who runs a corporate/commer- They're appointed for a tial law practice in Uxbridge, three-year term and may be re - has been a member of the appointed for an additional board since 1997. three-year period. ' WORDS FROM V THE WISE -10 ROVERPolitics, Points of View and Parodies CHI saves the property owner from having to go Where to turn when you through the much longer and more complex normal rezoning process. need a slight adjustment In order to qualify go before the com- mittee instead, an application must meet four conditions: it must be minor in nature: appro- Your municipality's committee of adjust- priate for the desirable development of the ment is one of those things you probably know property in question: in keeping with the gen- little and care less about right now, but you'll eral intent and purpose of the municipality's be mighty glad it's there if you ever need it. Official Plan: and in keeping with the general Under the provincial Planning Act every intent and purpose of the applicable zoning municipal council can appoint three or five bylaw. people to its committee of adjustment, and they For example, an application for a variance may or may not include council members. for an existing shed that was built a little clos- The committee's job is to hear applications er to the lot line than the zoning bylaw allows for minor variances from zoning bylaws, which could likely go before the committee. Your guide to helping Mother Nature And, some tips on reusing old Christmas cards As part of its 1999 Waste Rrivaon Week event. the Re - ling Council of Ontario RC'O) created a 'Material Fact ihect Series' which offers a description of materials in On- ario's recycling programs. vill occasionally provide in- :ormation from the fact sheets. i hanks to the RCO and corpo- rate sponsors, all schools in Ontario received a set. The se- ries is also available at www.rco.on.ca/wrw.html. The first in the series gives the following 3Rs terminology end symbols • Reduce the items you con- ,ume by doing more with less ind by buying products with little or no packaging. • Instead of buying new tem,, reuse articles as much as possible. - 'When a product is no longcr useful in its current form, recycle it through your local recycling program. Con- sider whether the material can he recycled when you're mak- ing purchases. • Rccvclmg alone is not cnou ,h By purchasing prod- ucts made with the material you put in your Blue Box. you are closing the loop. Buy items made of recycled materials. • The symbol of the three rcc.-hrig arrows (black on a light background) indicates that a product is recyclable where facilities exist Federal guidelines stipulate that it may only he used if collection is available to at least one-third of consumer, in the market area. • ( i ght-coloured arrow's on a hl"k background indicate the rec)cicd content of a prod- uct or package Federal guide- lines stipulate that the percent- age of recycled material (by weight i in the product or pack- age must he indicated below the symbol, with the text de- scribing how much is post- consumer recycled content (versus post-industrial rccv- cled content) -1J-1 In order to continue with its projects like the recycling fact sheets, the RCO relies on vol- unteers and on individuals and corporations to join as paying members. The RCO offers a yearly conference, sponsors Waste Reduction Week. hosts the Waste Minnutinon Awards cerenion). promotes the Rem- carnate program for 'end -of - life' vehicles. provides a li- brary service. and distributes its 'RE -News' electronic newsletter co members. You can visit the RCO Web site at www.rco.on.ca. For information on becom- ing a member call 416-960- 1025. fJ�J GREEN TIP: Use 1998 Christmas cards to make this year's Christmas postcards to send to friends. This eliminates the need for envelopes. Cards can also be made into little gift boxes. Or, you can cut up old cards for gift tags. On the other hand, an application to con- vert a building zoned for day care use into a gas station would likely not be considered. In order to ask for a minor variance and a hearing before the committee, the applicant must fill out a form at their municipality's planning department, and usually pay a fee which ranges from about 5150 to $400. When the application is put on the commit- tee's agenda, notices are sent out to everyone within a 60 -metre radius of the affected prop- erty, and a sign must he posted on it as well. Members of the public can comment on the ap- plication at the hearing in person or in writing. The committee usually makes its decision by a majority vote immediately following the hearing, alter which there is a 20 -day period when parties such as the municipal council can appeal the decision. When the 20 days are up and there's no appeal, the variance is officially granted. Now that it's officiai, here's hoping you g.t many more years of use out of your old shed! i� AOP Mot • NEtllri AOVERTIfM WtD MSDAV 0Xn0K D•ownber S. 19ft exs u`ement Announcing www,duphampegion.com Places to go ... things to do ... and people to see. Plan your next outing with our... ...your guide to what's happening in Durham Region. Choose from live music, movies, theatre, sports, kids & family and community. It's easy... visit our site, type in the date and go! OUICh 11 Aw d �ner. Pmr Mn�l.ry ekw Duth MIS nd .ow 'in ta•W-W— '�-�1 Don't miss a thing...check us out today. For advertising information, call us at (416) 596-4300 durlhamrogion.com ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DURHAM REGION durhamregion.com is the ultimate online guide to the city and surrounding areas. We've got information on shops and services, hotels, restaurants, arts and entertainment, business and community organizations, as well as feature stories, weekly restaurant reviews, sports and much more. Updated daily, I • W. NEWSEntertain ent ADVERTISER DEC. 8, 1 9 9 9 NE" ADYER718ER, YVEWaSOAY EDITION, Dom nfber S. 11199 PAGE 9 AM Theatre Review Heroes, villains in Players' pantomime Turn your unwanted items into cash!$ 'Moving? or downsizing? • glass a china a silver .. pictures a nldfurniture r antiques a ieu,ellery a zeatrhea Antique BY HILL SIMP.SON singing, dancing, jokes, heroes to Pesme and Winsome Winnie didn't seem to matter. The show � ���� �T��+p��� p Special ro rhe NrNrs Ad, miser cheer, villains to hiss and txn, played by Sarah Booth. was a great success. NORTON S gl1GIC EIILIa THE FM� For several years, the Picker- and a full -house audience. The On the villainous side of the Robin Hood and his Manly ing Players have been enthusias- cast is too large to list them all, story are Charleen Lapalme as Men will again he performed this CUT A FRESH, REAL CHRISTMAS TREE &ENJOY A7� tic supporter of the English Ira- but each gave a good perfor- the Sheriff' of Nottingham, Lynda weekend at 8 p.m. on Friday. FREE FAMILY FUN FEST dition of a pre -Christmas pan- mance. Burgess as Prince John. Dec. 10, at 4 and 8 p.m, and Sat- (her 00.000 rrry c.' I'ruc•..Spruce, Douglas Fir tomime entertainment. This year, Some of the leading roles are Stephanie Langstaff as the Witch urday, Dec. I I and at 4 p.m. on Pltev. Beitc rv. vtandv. bu, v. houghs & garland they took on the added challenge Robin Hood played by Jaime and Emma Pesme as the Little Sunday, Dec. 12. OPEN DAILY 9-4 of writing their own script, enti- Morgan, Maid Marian played by Witch (after the full -sirs Witch is The play is being staged at Fake 404 to Bloomington Rd tled Robin Hood and his Manv Kaitlin Webb, Friar Tuck played shrunk). Dunbarton-Fairport United Hayloft Playgrounds, Maze, gs east (past 48) to ninth line. Manly Men. by John Downs. Allen Adale The plot is probably too com- Church. 1066 Dunbarton Rd, hen north 400 yds to farm The show opened last Friday played by Fran Stecyk. Dame plicated for the younger members Pickering. Phone 416-410-021 1of and sandpit. Pla end Extras: Hayrides, Santa, 1-800-420-7385 with a cast of 25 featuring Shake -a -Lot played by Chris of the audience to follow, but that for tickets or more information. Maqk Shows, (andy (ones (SlouNville) 1400 Bayly Street . VA L MARSHALL TRAVEL �►�� .rrewaw �`� Pickering, Ontario Your American Express Travel Representative Office n� (905) 837-2366 702 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario Travt•I I.1S 3Y9 uUsryPu "r°-"""' New Year's Eve Tickets on Sale 1 TRAVEL PRESENTATION Let us entertain you. Please join us for an information evening A Fabulous New Year's Buffet on cruising in ALASKA Featuring The News Advertiser Roast Beef, Torbay, Nam, Fish, Vegetables and Location: Our office -702 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario Ift Scalloped Potatoes also Date: Tuesdav, December 14, 1999111110111111 te, ' iadN6S Salads, MBS and Batter win L � , • Time: 7:00 p.m. Tea or Coffee SPACE 1AN11TE1) � A and all the New Year's FWngs. •I`Ie've blocked off space on Celebrity Cruise Lines', 5th "GAL.AXI" Together with Party Mats and Fammrs - for a l week cruise of the Inland Passage, departing Friday, August 25th 2000. and Champagne at Mideight D J. Music. Assorted htus�c St/les from 3 pm ' Great Prices!! ft., Dance 8 Party with us until the R.S.V.P. 905-428-1328 '�� -Wee Hours" of the New Millennium _ e -Tall: vmtravel®baxter.net per aEc 274,429 Only $34.95 per person or SM.95 per couple Come to our Open House ... something for everyone. Durham College Ski16 Training Centre in Whitby is hosting an Open House offering wsncthtng (it interest to everyone. Informs[ion sessfosu wdl be available in Apprrwdcrsbip Training MkrosoJt Project Mawaitrwsewt Prujessrknsal CenijicatkAt Scbi,ek/rrs Electric (EnrW Managewww Sukati�) ;, nu. iv,; Jc:mm.+tt.rtx m w 1 he fc-.tturcd from :he !oaow•utg pro- grim% Aactonwtive Semler Tacbwfciam Electrical Tecbrdguos, Gar TecbnwAan /1, fleadng Vewtibtkm & Air Cnadbilauft Taebmiqum Industrial .Naaintrwawce TecbwGturs, Macbimbil Tecbedques; Weider FitterTerbwiqurs, Ffty E- .Exwrxrw y Srnices, .winusoJt User SpeciadLT4 Mk—oft Rd -k- Din rk per and Mk --o Certifrd Systnws Engh— Con1c out and d,xenc.- the wide rinse til uppununa,es offered right here in our own region. Join us... Thursday, December 9, 1999 a 5:30 - M. pm Skills Training Centre in tlYhitby 1610 prrwplein Ave,, MN dole *w off Hwy. 401 M Thkie ou Sam* Come our and vi&O us on Itall seioy fsr weere Thursdoy, Oesowr1 9. :dwrwof;.n of Looe to soot 721.3300. University Centre at Durham �hristxn f/1L r� 'yV: ti - , _ - r -- l: December 5 & 12, 1999 Noon to 4 pm Celebrate a Victorian Christmas and Scottish Hogmanay Featuring: Christmas Carob in the Chapel * Hogmanay Traditions Victorian Decoration ik Holiday Food Samples traa:ecxsaancs L1BEL7721 4 'y3. 3...1MIM 4 U.e,i.a. ea tl wM „� „ ncsarma*IBlid$1>A�11r>N Museum Villsae •w .,�.'�.. H e.ol Pkkerf,y _ i UVI' M r"n1 :�t18'Mt1 W Owe,. MIMmI trtb $ai: - '�i, v: 3"•a.. ewwtere4kke W4on.c&WAwom ROBIN HOOD and rnis Many Ma-ry Men PICKERING PLAYERS THEATRE GROUP is proud,o present this seasons Dicey, a zany comedy guaranteed to amuse theatre goers of all ages. Join us as Robin and his band of Manly Men try to stop the evil Prince John and the Sheriff of Nothinigham from their dastardly deeds. As always, there will be lots of opportunities for our audience to boo and has at the bad guys and cheer on Robin. Maid Marion and many other coloodul characters. All performances will be held at OUNBARTON FAIRPORT CHURCH. 1066 DUMBARTON ROAD (OFF DIXIE ROAD, NORTH OF KINGSTON ROAD, PICKERING - rear entrance). PLAY DATES: Fnday December 3 a 00 pm. g Saturday. December 4 4 00 D m. 6 8 00 p.m. Sunday. December a m 00 p.m I/"- Fnday, December 100 8'.00 p. Saturday. December 11 4:00 p m. t: 8 00 p.m., Sunday. December 12 4:00 D.m- 1``s Tickets Children (up to 8 years) $6 00 Students 8 Seniors $10 00. Adults $12 DO "`iiiJJJrrrAAA AMTIONSPANK$. IROIAiNU ANI KAtfF-R GROUPS-,:! Tris is an exzetlent grout) dctivlty'o celebrate the Cnrlsr,as season For group rate information call Sandy at (905,939-2662 FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TICKETS: 416-410-0211 w"ra r 0 F. W a 1 -.6 a Power is noMing without Controls 1 Winter ice �c Wtnatr 210 1� at Wlrtbr 16O1S Take Control of the road with R E �.�.� Winter Tires. „rr J t From Now rill Chtismus >! All aAL! - ylrtaswnp rw weanrurt..y Make Your Vehicle Safe R. s : ;trafwan---•--� :ter For The Holidays w tanats�__—ss .�+�u•s�«:•4lartlrr:, _� e��?twn>iu._____aq .ap��v eL., aan911a.__—.tw u +%ttfa9nb.__.__3a7 'k uptDSL ail -ass :t,srrsrns_---- tau Replaceta161eer Nine lrtspectior, - , M11 e6ES 4 tsY79i,3____-_tet �. , •'� i__ __.Ut 1419EA4011 Ws SE.... S a7saon,a__..__.n 95 -- :` s3aresA,3__.__._suo sseawu.... ... ... _S73 :atrnse�ow+:- ......a , -. n a._......__f2s 2500 ret. aawo ~ LIONTTM=ALLSEASON Voucher Towards Lrxtsrrsws...............sss tlnawawts_......... Tune Up Services . - a us,aasns...._.__....._...ws i�sasR ___= Rw ve1155,110141s'..That Exceed $150.00 t5sen,s_......_ 0276wRw._ffbes _. -sss f1SeMlfi . ._fr0 erTowa umles____ _ ..31111fzseoa,e _fes tr i50 16 avail _ .. _....399 rake Se Also available: Michelin, Yokohama, l;,xdyeac ocher To Dollop, lJniroyal, BF Ga,.lnch. wY Front E s 7" ..a .' E., Engine or t ' For Better Service And Best Values The Management Recommends That You Call: Lisa or Angelo for an appointment at 905.619.1222 264 Fairall St., Ajax (East of Westney, just South of 401) Au,�rr pn.n•rluae in4all,Uun an.l Fi[F ha4rw,nR „rr nwan,n 411 mr. hansal rep.rr. air ..arranint forw,l.,,, .,000 brei 1p,rtak l•Murl Ilrt iwaunb un parts anJ laAwr,n all rnun,n�rrn.!n.rr Se..pdnpt,pn ui.t 01frr rep,— DEC 11, Iwo R D dr / AM FACIE 10 NE" ADVERTISER, WEOIIESDAY EDITION, Deewnbw 8, 1ti99 $ILLBOARD DEC. 8. 1999 WEDNESDAY, DEC. B TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax -Pick- ering Toastmaster Club hold% its Christmas dinner meeting at 7 p.m. at Granita Rworante, southeast corner of Bayly St. and Westney Rd.. Ajax. Meet and greet at 7 p.nt.- dinner meet- ing 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Everyone wel- come. Cost is $24. 683-3439 (John i. 619-9079 (Nance). THURSDAY, DEC. 9 NEWCOMERS: The Pickering Ajax Newcomer Club holds its nxonlhly meeting for women who are new to the area at 8 pin in the fellowship hall at Pickering Village United Church. 3(X)Church St. N.. Ajax. S37- 2897.Tan%a)or686-1291 (Brenda). YOUNG PARENTS: A free parcnv:hlld dr,,p in is otterccl tor teen and young parents with children aged two %cars and younger from 4 to 6 p.m. at The Youth Centre. 360 Bay]% St N . Unit 5. Atax. Play time, crafts. stones, rh%ones. healthy snacks. Its offered by the Famih and Communi- ty Action Program. Durham Region Hcalth rhpartment and the centre. I- 8(XIX31 2729 or 428-1212. Nt CLEAR: Staff of the Pickering Nu,lcar Station will answer ques- tions- listen to concerns- and report un public satety and the upcoming cmi- ronmental review at its annual com- mumty meeting at 7 p.m at St. Mar%" Catholic Secondary School, 1919 Whites Rd . cast of Finch Ave.. Pick- ering Displays_ S,--7272. FRIDAY. DEC. 11) ADDICTION': 11hc Scremt% Group holds its wcckl 12 -Step Recover Meeting at S p.m at Baytair Baptist Chur:h. 817 Kington Rd.. Pickering. The group deals with addiction of all types. including co-dependency. All welcome Child care program acail- ahle as required. 425-9431 (Jim, c%eningsl Readincr circle breaks new, trontiers for Ajax kids Volunteers souuht to help nil group ATA\ — Volunteers and partici- pant, arc sought for a free reading circle in Ajax Frontier Collcgc. with the %up- Ix)rt of the Ajax Public Library, has formed the Ajax Reading Circle. Thc focus is on children aged four years and older who need assistance Plus, use yours and to improve their reading skill. or who simply want to read.I Children arc matched with a volDon't pay 'til - 01 unteer on a one-to-one basis. Ajax Reading Circle sessions are held Saturdays from 9:30 it) 10:30 on all majorappliances a.m. at Ballycliffe Lodgc- 70 Station St. Frontier College. a grassroots or- gamcation working in communities across Canada. has been involved in literacy programs for 100 years. People who'd like to volunteer and those who want to register a SEAM child in the reading circle should NP1222199 Copyright 1999 Sears Canada Inc. call Cindy Kiniher during the day at 428-356-1 or Brendac Walters in theevening at 6x6-9276. Come see the many sides of Sears MS Society needs you Sunday r: # t Save. s220 KENMOREe DISHWASHER �eatures Quiet Guard scurid package and 0-9 hour delay start 115862 Sears reg. 849.99. $629 Black also available :� • ti it H + xv r' -i r •� I 0,01tatAn Smve 1240 ► 7(1`-1, '"D N) , 7(t` -t. "3(N) .... -:un KENMORE RANGE KENMORE 18.1 -CU. FT. FRIDGE KENMORE SJPER CAPACITY PLUS With Cly lit Fe-: LAUNDRY TEAM oven door 5579 s^e'.es • 5899 S699 Optical pas: cc: S35q The Durham Regional Chap- ter of the Multi- ple Sclerosis So- ciety of Canada is looking for up to 10 volunteers to help plan, or- ganize and run its carnation campaign. The campaign is the annual fund-raising and information event which runs from May I I to 13. It solicits do- nations in ex- change for car- nations and is run by MS chap- ters. Anyone inter- ested in volun- teering should contact the Durham Region- al Chapter MS office by calling 686-2591 or 1 - SM -268-7582 by Friday Dec. 17. 1, HowAjun"%/.ex"s Lelia Huzar helps Ukrainian communities stay in tune with their heritage L.rsia Huzar is Canadian by birth, but Ukrainian at heart. To preserve the rich Ukrainian heritage and culture in area communities, Lesia volunteers with two bandura music schools - one in Toronto, the other in Scarborough. Students come from as far away as St. Catharine~ and Courtice every week to learn this complex and classical instrument which has 72 strings and originated in the 13th and 15th centuries in Ukraine. Lesia helped open the Scarborough school in 1994 with five students. Todav 35 students between the ages of six and 31 take Itwroms at the two fixations. Besides For inJiminitiun nn dor Bunduru ,Sthrxd 92 ROYAL DANK helping with administration, Lesia organizes bandura seminars, teaching camps, iq Mu.uc.. till 1,t,mu tit 1W)5) 839-27,47. FINANCIAL GROUP international tours and concerts, and fund raises un the schools' behalf.Swim ®RarytiMercd tra.lr mark of R,,..d Bank ni Garuda 1 ImatpnP � a ti... Spn d Camury - "Students enjoy learning their Ukrainian language and culture through song and music," says Lesia. 'And the concerts and tours give them the chance to meet and make many new friends across North America." Lesia works for Royal Bank in Ajax. She's just one of many Royal Bank employ- ees across Canada who take time out to help in their communities. And we'd just like to take this opportunity to thank them for doing what they du. •1 e1 ;0f NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, December 4, 19994 AOE 11 AIP Ho, Ho, How Tim PMMff*9&?0 No Money Down!* No lnla- ! No Monthly Payum" On EVERYTHING in our SuperStore Showrooms! A Brilliant Gift Idea! 30" eram c table lamp, available in bronze or beige. LBuY! $99 liui/+ls Crede an xstonlaC7: r909 Capture The Holiday Spirit! 16/320x digital zoom, 2.5" colour L screen, image stabilizer and a 2 hr battery. CANAIM"S ONLY FURNITURE SUPERSTORES From Sklar Peppierj e sofa in a beautihll plaid cover wish ling and coordinating accent pillows 9 Ononlan $369 lamp $269 Charming Couft?,,6011 --cies wood table d 4 arrow back available In green. DIue cr wine). A- ASK uour OUR a ► 90 DAY s4a.no4e.tu..atnat 7 • SWs PE,. Declaration 449 Postaedic Twin Size Set Experience sleeping comfort with SeolY's world famous patented PostureTech coil with sensory "arm' that senses and cush- ions body movement. 600 triple offset posturetech high profile coils. Double Size Set $599 Goeen Size Set $649 King Size Set $999 46" Bif Screen 3 line diaita comb filter with up to 900 lines of resolution. Universal remote and built -In screen protector. 18 Cu. Ft. Fridge 2 full width cantilever shelves, 2 door shelves with 1 gollon depth. WHITBY SCARBOROUGH RICHMOND HILL TORONTO CENTRAL TORONTO WEST MISSISSAUGA BURLINGTON � .�.ti awn�i � • lar« � �al�r 1500 Vietma $I East South Markham Rd. at Mdevan 10875 VOW SL Leon's New Era Gordon MacK We H. 201 &m rtaia Rd South of QEW'A Guelph Lane - at, 401 6 West of ThKkson Rd lust Nath of Hwy 401 North of ElginUlls Rd. 2872 Danforth Ave. South of Wison Ave 401 East of Mh" 10 Toronto Cmd Ute 8250760 (905) 430-9050 ((416) 291-3818 905 770-4424 `416) 699-7143 (416) 243-6300 (905)501-9505 (905) 335-1811 Open dart, 9 50 am 930 pm (Ipen dal, 10 am 10 pm opend�arl7 I o am I o pm Open daily 10 am - 10 pm Open daily 10 am - 10 pm ow d4�' 9 30 am 930 pm Open 8481' g . 9 Dm Sat 9306 pm Sundry 126 pm SaL 10-7 pm Sunday 123 pm $910-7 pm Sunday 12 5 pm Sac 10� 7 pm Sa dq l l -s pr Sit la 7 pm Sunday 12.5 pm Sat93" pm Sand" 12 5 pin sat 9.6 pm Sandal 12.5 pm •O.AC. Al onditabl. lmw aasd o p►aaainp Iw of $45 is due a Ir lino of purdmw ft S 1500 pun}wse wih $451f .aw4 m APR of 3.014. 8alonn dw Jarwary, 2001. AN ilerns waiaW. wli. p1�yp IaH. feran and corrditian very ocoadry b region. Se6cion nwy vary bean !om to soon . pid KMft not avaiabb an rtatre ikslms Sw store for t' incbded ecce Noe app8cafa{. b We, purclwsos and nsarlidown Arms. Soo Hoa. for Wfwr a«rw.w* pay sow options. Custom orders mquia 25% deposit and cannot fat puoraNwd br CMisMnm do Z; P IMOE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, DeCembsr S. 1999 Sports& EISU--R-E W E W S A 1) V E R V I S E R D E C. 8 1 9 9 9 Loss to Ajay makes it sit consecutive defeats for Pickering juniors Coach says changes in the offing as Panthers' woes continue B) A[. RA 1,17 $Irrrrl.. ftlllnr PICKERINC —The h:unmer is set to come titm non the %%oclul Pickering Bover Pontiac Panthers After dropping their sixth aon ecu- ticc game. losing 4 3 at honic to the rival Alax Klondike •\semen at the Pickering Rccrcatnm Complex Mon- day night. Panthers' head Coach Brian Blatt has seen enough Blad sa), he -II bring up players from two affiliated teamas — the Ajax - Pickering Raiders 'A:1:\ nudgets in(] the junior 'C' 1'xbndge Brums -- in time for ThursdaN game in 'Toronto against the St. %h,:hacl-s Bu/mrs. And. many of his underachieving pkt%crs will sit out for an extended period of time. "It was just stupid — the same old stupid mistakes: notes Blad of the loss "If these guys don't wam to play. I'll get some kids who do I really wasn't happy with the ettiort from a lot of our guys. so there's a need to re-evaluate things, to %aq the least." Blad also reports that other changes are in rile works for the Panthers' roster. as general manager Run Bhiiard and head scout C'hft Lung are rurrenth at- tempting Go consummate several trades which are expected to Fre finallZCd shortly "Fur a team with such a had, pitiful record, there are a lot of players who want to conic here. We should defimic- h know in the next couple of days. I rc- alh hope we Can make some changes:" says Blad. The victory for the Axemen (11-10- 5 for 27 points) over Pickering snapped a tour -game winless slide. lite wires. however, continue for the last -place Panthers (4-21-4 for 12 points) who came hack nr tic the game twice. but were done in by an Axernen powerplay goal midway through the third period. The Axcmen. with the win, also re- gained the edge in the season series with the Panthers. The Alacians lead the series with a mark of 3-2-1 against the Panthers. The teams play each other twice more, with both games next WE'VE MOVED!! PET Eii� S' • ADPL �AN�ES N+, ria atu + rerrr, i ra+ae .r♦ /Lt NN IN Sofa I SAME G R EAT g,.�—� ®-°rrrrrni[rr Loc►rtor ig �.rr—atawo - �. r.-rn• .. •ratter rip. I .. ,. ac:•a� -woo ... � . � . ., ...,= ..,. � n..a,.riasi Toy1 & Gif4tW/a rehous Nov, 1 Mon -Fr.:.. �, tit i. -n, sur. ::-5 PICKERING 726 At Whites Rd., next to r� ston Rd. t. FAX Game results to News Advertiser newsroom 683-7363 month. Ajax led 1-0 after the opening 20 minutes and, in the second period. opened up a two -goal cushion with it powerplay marker.'hhe Panthers, how- ever, came hack to tic the game with two Powerplay goals later in the frame. Ajax scored late in the second period I ur a 3-2 lead after 40 minutes. Ric Panthers tied the score at 3-3 in the third period only to have Axcmen•. Steve Devine score the game winner for Alax on the powCrplav with 10 mm- ul" remaining in the third. Brent Chandler. [)an Schofield and Malt ( iaristo scored for the Panthers. lite Pickering juniors are in North York Saturday for a game against the Rangers at 7:30 p.m. On Sunday. the Panthers return to home ice for a con- test against Vaughan at the Pickering Recreation Complex at 7:30 pmt. " Please Ontario •i'° �_ •�ll 5(�#�, Hockey Schools reevele this newspaper HOUSE LEAGUE THRU REP LEVELS Boys and Girls Players Aged 6 - 14 Power Skating & PuckContml Contact Clinics Goaltending Instruction Dec. 27, 28, 29, 30 Jan. 3, 4, S, 6, 7 11/2 hr. sessions Extended student holiday week $}^� 8500/week o J 1 112 hr. Full Day Hockev sessions OR Sports Camp `95"r/wk 275"7w1k • Puck Control • Passing • Checking • On -Ice Strategies • Scrimmage • Stopping • Acceleration • Edge Comfort • Cross -Overs • Shooting GROUP( 1 112 HOUR SESSIONS) "A" House League Age 6-7 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. "B" House League Age B-11 10:30 - 12:00 NOON "C" Rep Level Age 8-10 12:00 - 130 p.m. "D" Rep -Select Age 11-14 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Call today to reserve 839-3794 Limited positions Program Director -Craig Chandler Approx. 30 skaters & 4 goaltenders per session Celebrate the futures JL�j I DURHAM 9 7 4 f 1 9 9 9 COINS COMMEMORATE THE MILLENNIUM Lrmued ednior M.11—muni rrrternrao+r Curs ar nn+ ar 1.1* a :al municipal ffi— x- . I)Naitant q,o.. ant at all tw.k bnr.ctrs. ad .roost dit unun..n tk Rq.. As a pnjw to rA both dr Rep'— 25th Arruvasay ad roc+. "I'll—un, dru c.rm —dL b. wd doe rc•.idrnt, :ud tuure..es of Durham. --hare - —1, its doe unF: lkkd :dn. ,r hlc we all rnprr 1—h urn pt -ilk Jrpi.is a landnSak .srrr N, dr mor nwonpalrn o npr—m, r keg. r A 1lwtwn Cern dlusvar. doer prrtani a.p,,,, o bfe in [)orlon - the aur. 11 ur waiotn rtru. dr• ,iputrr.tac r,f r apo inval --N. thr .t gM uu nrnuf:t'rrmnR your For r the acro arc arrlahk rn nickel hrrrW arm. ulav rr p,d plate, titre Marr lir 24K pnid If- aur• A- —w Uhk m s.rgk,. pion mr. d as a iurr .rrn - -.cooed m a .4 -cal unnrrn rinse h�lrlu Pnr;c >tan at SIM I�r a s.ngk :rrn. l� mr h. aad dr 4 u M nckel wr is a wW4, d 57� 00 I tr.a- .,•im :ra• a 1—lath and i.tnlittrk runrrrtn r.1 tlrr eonmwnm wt.,h we all .elkd i..rr in tltYrr .'IL r r' • • THE AJAX PICKERIN(: NEWS ADVERTISER. DECEMBER 6. 1"9 -PAGE 13 AP CAJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Place Your Ad Call. LASSIFIED 683-0707 TS ime to plan for theNeVVYear! We have lots to offer Mou Toronto School ol'Business Private , rogranis $0 Computer Testing eW police Foundations Centre NDo you qualify for this demanding MICROSOFT 8 NOVELL APPROVED and exciting program? Prepare for: MCSE *A+ * C.N.APersonal Support Worker Information Technology Technician Legal Administrative Assistant Internet Programmer Network Administrator Executive Office Assistant Network and Intemet Systems Medical Office Assistant Specialist Travel and Tourism Counsellor Dental Chairside Assistant Computer Applications Specialist Prepare for your Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) designation ' Marketing Assistant Computer Animation 1 fee Retail manager with Small Business Manager Alias/Wavefront MAYA Accounting and Computers 10 month diploma program Business Administration Programs - are working on to start in the New Year! Massage Therapy Chiropractic Assistant Community and Social Service Worker Veterinary and Animal Health Care 1'-35 Toronto School of Business Check for details at the Campus neares[ vou' Firtsnctal Assistance May be Avselable d You Quality Oshawa Centre Pickering Cobourg 419 King St. West 1450 Kingston Rd. Northumberland Mall (905) 723-1163 (905) 420-1344 (905) 372-8978 U Lenbrool, 633 Grande Court Pickering, Ontario L1W 3K1 (FAXI 905-837-6352 or e-mail EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT - File 1393 (Maternity Coverage) Reporting to 1tN L•ribrook Group s senior executives, this post requires a high achiever who Is organized, proactive, flexible extremely confidential. You will provide executive admimstra support and project management to a fast paced senior man: mens team. Applicants must have excellent verbal/written cl munlcation skills and have advanced proficiency in Office Knowledge of Maximizer and MSPmlect would be considered asset Three to four years of Executive Assistant experience is main responsibilities include: All administrative support including but not limited to. word processing, call handling, scheduling, follow-up, travel arrangements, mail sorting, filing, etc. Preparation of confidential projects and reports to be accomplished within scheduled timeframes Co-ordinabon of meetings and executives lunches Preparation of meeting agendas and mee0ny mmutes Other activities specific to the offices of the President and Executive Vice President you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please submit ur resume, quoting File 0393, by Monday December 20, 1999. ly applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. We ink all others for their interest. No phone calls or aaenaes lLmbrook is committed to employment equity gInterested individuals can apply by fax at (905) 427-2558 or email 0oe0diamondinstitute.on.ca 111E MAIL $lAtlen Career Tom" Center. Career train. cop available in artificial Nil. ear candlYp, ped' ewes. waafg Nr brushing arm tattooing techniques S r FkianCxg negottallk 1905µ3922t7 FMIAMCIM SUAXn AAreal career opportunity Fortune gtil- lions people Sinn Pin-tiimee No uperence necessary Wen Boa 145 Alia. On is 3C2 a m 905.683-za26 call hehaMkipat Durtlam Oki tnuup the ground floor in In uolo- sive customer service ndus. try with our telly loaded [ran" program, end Yoa Ido commitment and person) Vs, the opporturdies eon or x1vxcem", n the eva- groenlp 'Call Centre' bus.- Mss This lour week, eau on or Snits January 2000 oder days a eJnuar Fund np is avatadt to elyr par For into Esther 905.721 3309 a IBCO.616-3615 TO FVW fittings to now T are can og- for drape These wIg are focused and to thus who are tectaucaih slulled Net. 6 Com uup MCSF/Lolus Notes. 0-1, admfaoralfon using Oracle Computer Mamenaru:e A. New media web design and Auiodad. soft"re design and programming Financial as. Slitance may be Ayataae to Niglbe students Call Cullum Business; Computer College 19g5µ27-3010 calaa avia 482 It rhere's never been a better )pportunity to Rain quality !xperience and Ret a head start on pour career objectives! Are Mu '`-3r. years •.W am a I of Dumam Qegon'r Are you current unemployed o derempioyed and rot Collecting E I Benetdso Then YOUTH CAREERS 2000 Mto be for your This new program s nevgnetl to _Pwrl you t• • Mulcnlng your interests and skills to career opportund— • Prpvrdr+g a bur maim laaq xdemship • Continued wppon Io securo FIT employment CALL 105 427-7670 fCoaecf Cos Accepted) To register for in inrtkrlicns, TYMCA 10 Plogrom funded by H.R D.C. and deivered by the YMCA MATHESON GAS PRODUCTS bquipmem, nes an tmmeatate full rime o Hing h.r a PRODUCTION PLANNER the Brancn Manager, the successful applicant must have strong .r'erper oral skills and exnce wah production planning wftwarc and computer systems App��vst-srcnndary Dtploma m Operations Management or ami ar pr gram. n a udrrment. Interested applicants should forward a resume with wane eY�pwert'uu ilea hT Matleesow Gas P'redoets CaesAo IXW- Max M, Vibitby, Ontario, LiN SRV Attention: Personnel SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 6834W uxW4DGE X24741 1 Derr -s nap 1 ;«sera flop 1 senna Hop Christmas Rush Our advertisingg company requires 12 - 20 individuals immediately to fill in customer service. Ideal for 18+ No experience necessa ry. (905) 686-4473 Vivian 73 Students Welcotme Tbr Rettirwaal Muniripalky of t/urlixe a is arekinic an rnthrr.u.ts. and d.d,.olnl —11-1-1 f— this —,—I i l..,wlw,a iw rwr 1•�ur.ssrr .fr-I.srt�rnl. Printing Clerk Rr I« .rhl.• f. die --t up and --iii—rat.-4 prsnunp, I duphr-alusg. (ddmg, unit an.- r.lusjurnl, Yrw well 1-11 ing a wwM .arch ,4,11.1 s snrlu.tutR n,nating. aa.1.4np, triwwng. raises Fral.lsrr -k. and .4I 'lubes a. seas, -r, rrvl. 1'rw are a xradaaw r,f a r, roue unity rnllrpr Fraphar% 1NY icraai .r have an rquiru4n1 r..-fNMl.nn of caber and rvdurat... Prrrwuhle unit ria-araivalr.l, rrw r4uBv err fasrulter nith \rrox h.«vtrrh and Silo) ropirrw. PhyxH•ally fit and rig -1.6 of m,ntnK hrary ol.irrd. s..0 M.kl a relied Ontarir, driver's I— ami Tuve lieminsal trarsal-rtatmor. Ma- apply, l.y LI-7birr 22, 1999, quotirs; File At94-1:bt-I/Yi I- Sitafrult Adri.-, T1- Rerriuwal Munirilsality of Elurhaaa, 6115 Rural -A Road E.", Rlrtby. ON LIN 6A3 Fax: (self) 668-4935 w ws..wolev. a•L.a•uosMuodurlruw/durhrru.kua I cW A MGM saw to YearInueso in 20001 0 vacr split CoMfN wo Sys- Ce�rew Sloan fir. MOUS- Word. Earl. Power- Plae. A¢Ks'. 'A. Complier aa�rr« Ci n E I WOM assO" b Ignore "P"Jastarts nuary 2.000 9 7wroWs.05 PIRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIACIST • Full Time • Knowledge of Kroll system - Benefits Open 7 days a week Contact Allen KatlYin (905) 426-1711 i °iae" AMY NOW - Local company hat N nice postions to hit $11.5o to SILL raining is radiation. Postias art Ilen- d4 FT/PT Must fill by Dec 911, Cad wed 1000 am -600 pm a Thuns. 1000 am 200 p m 190517234920 At DRIVERS warned for Orwnng tympany We Art Compein," pay b ncellent bmlddS steady full-time am. payment. late model egwp mile You will pronde Clean drivers aonract 2 yon ex. penance In flat bed and'a Ir cram Call 17051357-39M peon R, BSI to, xto sure -sensitive base materials is turn drtg production team members PRODUCTION T11" ply your manufacturing skills to this unanufactunrtg opportunity. You thm e ability to set-up, operate and I hoe costtu�/slitting equipment while Ag standardting procedures to e superior quality material. .As we0, maintain a clean and organized t take initiative and comply with AU h safety procedtues. imam of a Secondary School Gradw oma (SSGD), Shift work is a requiren moor certified is a definite asset, N I. College. Technical or other post sec school training is a definite asset. B interested in outing He r Production T se submit your resume in Osbawlt Tile Wngsk RO- BOX 44a, Otl MW34 Om"ciw. LM 714 F"*&t&R4 NOW HIRING • FULL TIME[PART TIME Front Counter Night Shift 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. Including weekends Also required • FULL TIMUPART TIME Mornings and Afternoons including weekends Apply to the 1 Harw Hely 2 location, Ajax. (905) 683-fi497 DIAMOND INSTITUTE ,Durham Region's First IT Certification College lsigRal SEng0COMPUTER PROGRAMMER/AN�YS a glik-son CerVrhd Solutbn Osvaoper. Learnming and analytical skill.. Specialize in SOL, Access. At Diamond Institute our mission Front Page. Visual Basra and Visual C— is simple... COMPUTER SERVICEINETWORK ENGINEER Getting YOU trained and Prepare for A-, Network-, NetWare 5 CNA 6 CNE and Microsoft MCSE certification. placed in a rewarding career. COMPUTER SERVICE TECHNICIAN Prepare for A- and Network- certification Also learn NowN 5 There are approximately 35,000 Admm and Advanced Adrrlm and NT Server and workstation. R positions open in Ganada today. FOR INFORMATION CALL (905) 427-1922 Presented by THIS VV'EEK Wednesday, January 26, 2000 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Holiday Inn, Oshawa Publication Date: Sunday, January 23, 2000 To reserve -,our M3oth, or for further information, please call uJHAA.A • `ti Iii I Bt • i LARiN(ri ON • 1'i )RI PERRY THIS WEEK 576-9335 Pickering 683-0707 Toronto 798-7259 1 GsrtnL Help 1 :erwm Hap UJ Genera Hap Casey's Bar 8 Gn8 will open its doors and welcome the people of Scarborough in the New Year. We are looking to fill the following full Utile and part vinnit Positions: • Line Cooks • Servers • Prep Cooks • Bartenders • Dishwashers a Hosts Experience is an asset and complete training wig be provided. These jobs are not for ordinary people! We're looking for extra special people with outgoing personalities, lots of energy and a strong desire to work If you are hired, you will receive an Excellent k�b that starts on the 2nd of January, that means you get the Holfdays Olt and for Christmas you will receive a Ipt Dollar Gift Cemficate that you can use as soon as the store opens. Come and see us on December 13, 14 8 15. rime: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 P.M. Location: Quality Inn d Suites, 22 Metropolitan Road @ 401 A Warder) If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are fazed directly to Osbawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as Indicated by the instructions in Wad. We've got great things in store for you! NOW HIRING IMMEDIATELY Full Time Storefront Personnel No experience necessary. Full time day ,hili available Monday - Sunday Also available shun shift days Mundas - Fridal Apply in person or fax resume to: 1750 Baily St. W. Pickering (9051428-0883, Fax(905)428-2216 T* # &Me An employes i, ur ran r un1 on.. UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. CANNINGTON Cameron St. W. Country Lane Meadowlands Dr. Windsor Crt UDORA Sulevi Ave. Lembitu Ave. Manniku Rd. Viru Ave. Vambola Ave. Also Adult Carrier for walk & drive routes needed CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER _ Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Our phone lines are open '�.L* Cowneercial Ave.. Ajax � � pen. Mon. to Fri. til 8:00 pm. 24 -Hour Fax: (905) 579-4218 Sat 930 am to 3.00 1100 atrk00 P11 Online. Now when you advertise, your word ad r• r —� �7 appears on the intemet at: httpJ -rrlaik oo111pot»�d1lsh�m nM -- —x PRIVATE COLLEGE ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVE Novara DIA MD INSTITUTE of eusirFess and cornpuMr rechriology, a leading IT certification school, is seeking a dynamic individual to recruit • ' and enroll students for its facility in Durham Regan. The successful candidate must be a self-starter with experience in promotion and sales. Computer skills are essential. Vocational school experience and knowledge of student funding sources is an asset. gInterested individuals can apply by fax at (905) 427-2558 or email 0oe0diamondinstitute.on.ca 111E MAIL $lAtlen Career Tom" Center. Career train. cop available in artificial Nil. ear candlYp, ped' ewes. waafg Nr brushing arm tattooing techniques S r FkianCxg negottallk 1905µ3922t7 FMIAMCIM SUAXn AAreal career opportunity Fortune gtil- lions people Sinn Pin-tiimee No uperence necessary Wen Boa 145 Alia. On is 3C2 a m 905.683-za26 call hehaMkipat Durtlam Oki tnuup the ground floor in In uolo- sive customer service ndus. try with our telly loaded [ran" program, end Yoa Ido commitment and person) Vs, the opporturdies eon or x1vxcem", n the eva- groenlp 'Call Centre' bus.- Mss This lour week, eau on or Snits January 2000 oder days a eJnuar Fund np is avatadt to elyr par For into Esther 905.721 3309 a IBCO.616-3615 TO FVW fittings to now T are can og- for drape These wIg are focused and to thus who are tectaucaih slulled Net. 6 Com uup MCSF/Lolus Notes. 0-1, admfaoralfon using Oracle Computer Mamenaru:e A. New media web design and Auiodad. soft"re design and programming Financial as. Slitance may be Ayataae to Niglbe students Call Cullum Business; Computer College 19g5µ27-3010 calaa avia 482 It rhere's never been a better )pportunity to Rain quality !xperience and Ret a head start on pour career objectives! Are Mu '`-3r. years •.W am a I of Dumam Qegon'r Are you current unemployed o derempioyed and rot Collecting E I Benetdso Then YOUTH CAREERS 2000 Mto be for your This new program s nevgnetl to _Pwrl you t• • Mulcnlng your interests and skills to career opportund— • Prpvrdr+g a bur maim laaq xdemship • Continued wppon Io securo FIT employment CALL 105 427-7670 fCoaecf Cos Accepted) To register for in inrtkrlicns, TYMCA 10 Plogrom funded by H.R D.C. and deivered by the YMCA MATHESON GAS PRODUCTS bquipmem, nes an tmmeatate full rime o Hing h.r a PRODUCTION PLANNER the Brancn Manager, the successful applicant must have strong .r'erper oral skills and exnce wah production planning wftwarc and computer systems App��vst-srcnndary Dtploma m Operations Management or ami ar pr gram. n a udrrment. Interested applicants should forward a resume with wane eY�pwert'uu ilea hT Matleesow Gas P'redoets CaesAo IXW- Max M, Vibitby, Ontario, LiN SRV Attention: Personnel SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 6834W uxW4DGE X24741 1 Derr -s nap 1 ;«sera flop 1 senna Hop Christmas Rush Our advertisingg company requires 12 - 20 individuals immediately to fill in customer service. Ideal for 18+ No experience necessa ry. (905) 686-4473 Vivian 73 Students Welcotme Tbr Rettirwaal Muniripalky of t/urlixe a is arekinic an rnthrr.u.ts. and d.d,.olnl —11-1-1 f— this —,—I i l..,wlw,a iw rwr 1•�ur.ssrr .fr-I.srt�rnl. Printing Clerk Rr I« .rhl.• f. die --t up and --iii—rat.-4 prsnunp, I duphr-alusg. (ddmg, unit an.- r.lusjurnl, Yrw well 1-11 ing a wwM .arch ,4,11.1 s snrlu.tutR n,nating. aa.1.4np, triwwng. raises Fral.lsrr -k. and .4I 'lubes a. seas, -r, rrvl. 1'rw are a xradaaw r,f a r, roue unity rnllrpr Fraphar% 1NY icraai .r have an rquiru4n1 r..-fNMl.nn of caber and rvdurat... Prrrwuhle unit ria-araivalr.l, rrw r4uBv err fasrulter nith \rrox h.«vtrrh and Silo) ropirrw. PhyxH•ally fit and rig -1.6 of m,ntnK hrary ol.irrd. s..0 M.kl a relied Ontarir, driver's I— ami Tuve lieminsal trarsal-rtatmor. Ma- apply, l.y LI-7birr 22, 1999, quotirs; File At94-1:bt-I/Yi I- Sitafrult Adri.-, T1- Rerriuwal Munirilsality of Elurhaaa, 6115 Rural -A Road E.", Rlrtby. ON LIN 6A3 Fax: (self) 668-4935 w ws..wolev. a•L.a•uosMuodurlruw/durhrru.kua I cW A MGM saw to YearInueso in 20001 0 vacr split CoMfN wo Sys- Ce�rew Sloan fir. MOUS- Word. Earl. Power- Plae. A¢Ks'. 'A. Complier aa�rr« Ci n E I WOM assO" b Ignore "P"Jastarts nuary 2.000 9 7wroWs.05 PIRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIACIST • Full Time • Knowledge of Kroll system - Benefits Open 7 days a week Contact Allen KatlYin (905) 426-1711 i °iae" AMY NOW - Local company hat N nice postions to hit $11.5o to SILL raining is radiation. Postias art Ilen- d4 FT/PT Must fill by Dec 911, Cad wed 1000 am -600 pm a Thuns. 1000 am 200 p m 190517234920 At DRIVERS warned for Orwnng tympany We Art Compein," pay b ncellent bmlddS steady full-time am. payment. late model egwp mile You will pronde Clean drivers aonract 2 yon ex. penance In flat bed and'a Ir cram Call 17051357-39M peon R, BSI to, xto sure -sensitive base materials is turn drtg production team members PRODUCTION T11" ply your manufacturing skills to this unanufactunrtg opportunity. You thm e ability to set-up, operate and I hoe costtu�/slitting equipment while Ag standardting procedures to e superior quality material. .As we0, maintain a clean and organized t take initiative and comply with AU h safety procedtues. imam of a Secondary School Gradw oma (SSGD), Shift work is a requiren moor certified is a definite asset, N I. College. Technical or other post sec school training is a definite asset. B interested in outing He r Production T se submit your resume in Osbawlt Tile Wngsk RO- BOX 44a, Otl MW34 Om"ciw. LM 714 F"*&t&R4 NOW HIRING • FULL TIME[PART TIME Front Counter Night Shift 11 p.m. - 7 a.m. Including weekends Also required • FULL TIMUPART TIME Mornings and Afternoons including weekends Apply to the 1 Harw Hely 2 location, Ajax. (905) 683-fi497 DIAMOND INSTITUTE ,Durham Region's First IT Certification College lsigRal SEng0COMPUTER PROGRAMMER/AN�YS a glik-son CerVrhd Solutbn Osvaoper. Learnming and analytical skill.. Specialize in SOL, Access. At Diamond Institute our mission Front Page. Visual Basra and Visual C— is simple... COMPUTER SERVICEINETWORK ENGINEER Getting YOU trained and Prepare for A-, Network-, NetWare 5 CNA 6 CNE and Microsoft MCSE certification. placed in a rewarding career. COMPUTER SERVICE TECHNICIAN Prepare for A- and Network- certification Also learn NowN 5 There are approximately 35,000 Admm and Advanced Adrrlm and NT Server and workstation. R positions open in Ganada today. FOR INFORMATION CALL (905) 427-1922 Presented by THIS VV'EEK Wednesday, January 26, 2000 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Holiday Inn, Oshawa Publication Date: Sunday, January 23, 2000 To reserve -,our M3oth, or for further information, please call uJHAA.A • `ti Iii I Bt • i LARiN(ri ON • 1'i )RI PERRY THIS WEEK 576-9335 Pickering 683-0707 Toronto 798-7259 1 GsrtnL Help 1 :erwm Hap UJ Genera Hap Casey's Bar 8 Gn8 will open its doors and welcome the people of Scarborough in the New Year. We are looking to fill the following full Utile and part vinnit Positions: • Line Cooks • Servers • Prep Cooks • Bartenders • Dishwashers a Hosts Experience is an asset and complete training wig be provided. These jobs are not for ordinary people! We're looking for extra special people with outgoing personalities, lots of energy and a strong desire to work If you are hired, you will receive an Excellent k�b that starts on the 2nd of January, that means you get the Holfdays Olt and for Christmas you will receive a Ipt Dollar Gift Cemficate that you can use as soon as the store opens. Come and see us on December 13, 14 8 15. rime: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 P.M. Location: Quality Inn d Suites, 22 Metropolitan Road @ 401 A Warder) If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are fazed directly to Osbawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as Indicated by the instructions in Wad. We've got great things in store for you! NOW HIRING IMMEDIATELY Full Time Storefront Personnel No experience necessary. Full time day ,hili available Monday - Sunday Also available shun shift days Mundas - Fridal Apply in person or fax resume to: 1750 Baily St. W. Pickering (9051428-0883, Fax(905)428-2216 T* # &Me An employes i, ur ran r un1 on.. UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. CANNINGTON Cameron St. W. Country Lane Meadowlands Dr. Windsor Crt UDORA Sulevi Ave. Lembitu Ave. Manniku Rd. Viru Ave. Vambola Ave. Also Adult Carrier for walk & drive routes needed CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER _ Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Our phone lines are open '�.L* Cowneercial Ave.. Ajax � � pen. Mon. to Fri. til 8:00 pm. 24 -Hour Fax: (905) 579-4218 Sat 930 am to 3.00 1100 atrk00 P11 Online. Now when you advertise, your word ad r• r —� �7 appears on the intemet at: httpJ -rrlaik oo111pot»�d1lsh�m nM -- —x AP MICE 14 - THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER. DECEMBER 941"9 etRSM (EtEy Qellwel KtIP QSIIWY Ntlp 0511MY qdP xx AllDON Coulatirs unifuLND CO.ORe11M- IIAIRSTYLISTS rkvir iw,wJSvr siywr. CHAR. LaidratinedSU doort-up05435 visors and lelem inetesi n yaw YM Cyl SUn 905--135 2452 area noun p0o0 krnwMdp m GIA mist kww /all n And "Ilimlq knowledge d coin Vu1Ers dn0 a very plexor nhorre numier non smoker. WAN E D,y MANS rTERMAT10NAl needs a Lew QWO mm and women Dur to an uimpiece dented demand for xcumy xmces during New Yeats 2000. we nave immediate 12 pp,huur can I16 -2e7 3107 CHRISTMAS CASH! a salt needed Inc "ho,"Late sales paidExemnitsig ly Weekends Can We npmh 830 850 Gk Wennps for pan Irma Secun Chnsta a 6199257 mrd lean pmaK Pl,,. will be message • Qualified Stylists • Excellent and benefits D .l� poekoge • Full and fine given to uMrnduals vnth e.- penarce Or pest xCmNry aucaluan m roe law aro Se unly Field. however a full I.ammg Wu, se is mandatory and provided successful .aMaates must frM Im 1d- wing Excellent ,.Iran A r"al Communication Q skills c,iWwe OI wokm a„u., SIUOENTS rartnme ware hdUSe wnrkC,s ,keOed 1 stints 3:Gam 720am e 445pm 9popm IOW arnd dates n be physially to a team q Iyel and able to 6h 50 Its roe oaportunity at com- 9De05 721-85195. tax RPS it part positions • Paid v cation 2 wks. after 1 year, 3 Wks. after 3 years - snot No cnmmal record are ',,rs vehde faeae appy n ",Kon nh mesume m 909 5'mi sbal Norm urn) F4 Jshawa 1905, 571-4040 ae some may be taxed to 19051 -1-0617 TEAM INOUSTWU SERVICES s „okrry for nanous and deo�ated Hnnmun sun la hie A1nrJ1YA.I1N drea frena" shun 16pm Io lam) plots wa' lend won also in an industrial mwronment Must fuve safe • Dental, Drug and Eyesore plan • Busy locations BUSY COURIER COMPANY 'rUmres dr-, .11" v1, a•nt we pay rip„ ^ , ,„, „ .+ am out of town ONivenes ;rill row 19051427"8093 'v footwear Prewoirs expem eda an asset but not nea5- air Please lax resume to .9051426 7621. Arian on Mike Dunphy • No clientele required • Advanced training provided Please Call Cyndi: (905) 428-6824 AIM./Pickermg Or Coll Barb: (905) 623-6444 Bowmdnville/OshorrD PNEPES10wAL ..--.'-' CMAMA Tw oil website www.flrstcho te.kyn The perfect combos Real world eape6com in CREW - FULL AND PART-TIME Grill Person Z Dining Roorair"etenance People needed for north location. Earn money. Build skills. ` Apply today at Wendy's - 60 Bayly SL bust dist of Horwood Ake) [ BSaNBns ] or fix: (905) 427-2729 Casey's Whitby its a vua: �wa-t)n and ti e are lcx>king for more full and part time permanent LINE COOKS Be Part fat our tinning learn •.. Apply within and ask for Manager 1608 Dundas Street East Whitby (905) 438-801)0 I XBRII)CE TRIBUNE n quire+ NE"SPAPE:R CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week In the fallornng areas CASTLE HOTEL Bnwmarvak ,e norv„' wanted Gu after sno ask for John 905- --7072 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News A_.,*,e 3ue515 that advertisers check their ad upon cubOcatier as News Ad- verhser will not be re- spprts.hle for more than incorrect Insertion and there shall be nc Ir ability lot non -insertion cf any acivertisement. ,.lab lity for errors in ads s Irmted to the amount _ad for the space DCcu- :-nnQ the error All copy subject to the aporo- .a of management of 'Jews Advertiser 71 pal .. r Mvv..F.. i K 8 31". :'<Mw area Please fall J? : -7335 or Ian resume 10 Vew cop"prry� s~ A;rp.,• r 4 2 ova 105+ y •' ar 51 N 4 to 999 Au nigherly s Also Woking paid •�,igloos' And e,w roe u 're 6 Wn"nme assrstam '•anaFeK zuDmil resume a, n.pr �r Rru-,nq 'uk r par ^, pai,nim-. va,u0k , ,unarm, 61 en rico )Sian C 82}.1220 OUIIRAM PRDFESDML UE .'• , - ,ARE °Rov . , you Inarie A saes Of owbxt ch" nom err. exm. ,normo to sup" .. A xod my ova a kCaead 'cy aria ; .1"niaw sun In, swarc< am you III AlurMaierei9 a- 905,509 1207 ria905'509.1207 1a more I,I NEK%I LAf$VL Kt KJ hen, Par, trm<- k r • dad E h- chat parking. Scion.. ,.,end -wk C.11 14.6) 264-3336 PickennK GE RRiil iM 0"tx'. aro �mvaren face A,ft sorOao, Ya _.,,alPiui.MiF Ph - II., �cN, rem! ,.awDic raasaubk raw . i Crrtfw a laman us - W rIAIrISTYLIST e.Owed IWV P. time inn pwri nw to Jusepn s t Mfylmg. Oman Cemrs Appv i a Dexon .loth T2j-9251 Aak Ice Jw HARD WOMING ,- rem r gui•ec o.;,n.wrwlaey Out pp-- I'll, THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following reas } :i -k .,a PICKERING Rosebank Rd N Highvlew Rd Spnngview Or Kirkwood Ln. Greenvale Crs. Amberlea Rd. Major Oaks Rd Blueridge Cres Bentley Ln. Detbrook Ave. Foxwood Trail Flavelle Cn. Norfolk Sq Sultana Sq. summerpark Cres Wildflower Or Woodsmere Cres. Garland Cres. Valleyview Dr. Butternut Crt Senator St. Lancrest St Plnegrove Ave. Sheppard Ave. 1555 Finch ve. Marshcoun Or. Bambrtdge Or. Fairfield Cres. Ashford Dr. Southview Or 1580 Kingston Rd Krosno Blvd Reytan Blvd 905 Bayty St 765 Oklatwrtro Dr. Stonebndge Ln. Steriple Hill Ightfoot Place =larrtyday Or FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 905-6e3-5117 ADVERTISER , , prospects to deliver newspapers and Byers to the ",I'D- .1 ,I'D lg areas .1"�'�1�� AJAX Harley Or Adams Cas. Trawler Cres. Arnold Estate Ln. Redmond Or. Reed Or Wright Cres, Barnes Dr Dobson Dr Griffiths Or Sant "Nee pas 1 No "IW&pea MES a t:r51w I AM a CYSNS wet a t:et$A ARt A 01100 - A fted Fewilr thristlts�s . Shrts with a rod tree Thorots me better PIN* to host for "IF thos right hone Advertising Sales For oti9rortisiNg Miles A info. lootmt: Aja: Neherisig Nowa Art9rortisor 643-0707 Professional Uxbrillgo Tribusle 852.9741 The Durham Business Times. is lookig is business publication in Durhamlooking �•�bE�LrWbl�•litl>mlipliAdrli�Eit✓b1iFa1M�1`4r�i�E�M for an organized, self starting Advertising Sales Rep who can make things 1 ka, so Harsor ANoinoOt'a 1 4 N4rean 1 happen! IWIDW D Flo A 1M2 GRAND Carann four The Durham Business Times Is one of 7 3-1N' x 14' TAG Birth Mnm 1M1 O 1500A6UN bit loaded , $5900 u . a Lady fast OWin BUSif1e55 TIrT1e5 UiJllcatlOnS » xit7r11e CARS Krkd $Z 50/sq h Bimn pre 5500-OBp ,50.000lims. 1986 asse,ie. an 0 00 lady gr g P uhad $ S4/sa n Aso qqe Park Avenw excellent nomd driven. dean, rink main serving the Southern Ontario region. REMOYBD ti{ tbOm" can OOup 19osW49" tranny goad fir Pans $650. famed Call 1+16)419 earl We provide a proven format, a proven Cash Paid ' 3966 CADn 4l runs wen ase bpm 51200 or trete fir maloreM/ tM6 PDppe'd rand p°n hock record, a grov'nng, vibrant market, t'rhh Ir Jik'i riot NOME THEATRE SYSTEMS anything mtereslmQ 111190 19 ,ally egwpped brand new base salary. car allowance and generous have to be loulable JVC NI END DOIDY DkrUl"AP Nelson St Omawa 1° fires GM wmra..,y eludM commission structlJre. All you need I Receivers 500 -watt Ielydlnp view 9059B6 1264 117,000kms Cepdied, All Call: Mwbple CO Double Crime Fell GRAND PRIX. new mo- $12.000 Cali (905)665"1551 talent. Do you have nv GTMS 5 speakers 3 -Modern your sur swnmei 98 11 A solid sales background. a IOCd chug. 250-Paduges most oDs 7229 FORD EXPLORER XLS 9 (905) 767-1191 g' L Q.dabon - Pnee f87D. $1 650 b u Please all 4x4 6 auto new cores Pb business perspective, determination 10 Wx Hurry 10r Gest selection 1905)579.6791 (sop) Ps Pw an AKTM calmne. succeed and on engoging personality 7 DOOR NAR trope for sale Oshawa Slam 1905! 579- 1111 HONDA ACCORD EXI. cruise warrmly $19500 won dean sp�ggools. excellent 0097 eat CSI mu4 sell 1L and. 041905.417.1516 'tire essential assets. c wdn,n $, SCq 1905)430- gr I Nonee, deck. sunrwd If you fit the bill and are look. for an 5888 NEW GOLF CLUBS e rims 3 tD wail pmamuned. $5500 0o0 < 1 SrrwmoDWa Y rig PW . styles on steel sfrom k?xcltlflg Work enVlrOflnleM and Sr SONY 19 b zfaro. rkmr nranv styles to rJbose from Call 571-0912 prOfeSs10f1o1 opportunity, Saeid YOU, used °Sin ff 800 asking Pnorm 905715-6381 1M7 OLDS. runs good. sport 1991 FORMULA plus skidm resume with sola expectations to: $1.200 RECLINING apt fat " DNE 1111 5 r + Maruron $1500 sires emir" cleaned 583,. 20r, kc. tit warmers. Y Pec sola. loresey echoer, won con toll brakes $1200. 1985 Jdu. ttfast span $1 'V,, m nuctme Mag. -seal prdealon. clever r W pump wets Cum- SludOeO tack stored Kaoas used Pa.d 54.500 minGS Owx1 {9.400 Call nlml poo0 ew UwJe'fa� nape gea0y Advertising Supervisor: $2 500 TECHNIQUE 61 sddisc (6171332-411 $700 19051 987-5055 sr" $2.900 1. m or VIN bade stereo system 3 n waramy ►RANO TECHNICIAN avadade 107 TOYOTA COROLLA, un for older model pus cash Nardh used Pad $1,800 ass" ,p. ,Orono retia ns and DM- anined .reeds clu,oh Low {705) 328-0402 I Ilusiness Times ng 61000 Cal (M)786" purchase ronsuv'I on all low mileage $50C call 427 0364 1"5 SKIDOO SLE SIO ran makes b " As0 elan" 1156 reverse lea' fully loaded I PC. 0111E am ,Dom suite, dnwed fir sale Call ttM EAGLE TALDN. wnne. .rip punas Great viol n.achne. wen 130 Commercial Ave bullet hutcri table 4 side Ba Da 427-7631 a ... 11en, snap' 14C FJO .a ma laed low Is $3300 chairs 2 arm chairs. crew PWfOS76NA110IATHER new mgme 5 spas $2 706 Call Ted. 905725-3155 must xff C4N SIM. home CLOP KS Ch1,11 a1 Sp..Jis Or best ;at as K 19051 Ajax, Ontario. Ll S 2H5 416372-0623 �y�� ry��� DaOa all Rnun'. Oigna: panus and 665 1218 a 11 fox. (905) 619-9068 A FITNESS sender wiwdeo keyboards. all Sam.cM im SUNBRIND 4 door. For Ra+ used once otgnalhp' 5650 Acoustic Banos. all Howard pmd wn'hnpi {2500 Or 1988 {125 ALL INCLUSIVE fico Snotr qy $350 Roland EP3 dp- Miller docks Urge fake- Alda node 98 $3.000 Bain Wnne s F:u F,exenro new Im Skilled H@V Sk1Ntd ntW tun a Wrx; fund with stand nimK of used aiarros Burl to past emn,Rom yon amts sWao," one DPdrmm quiet 750 CA1905.263-9949 own 100% of YI rmly pat•: gp5.426-1380 coon. dW for Vigle fila" memsaappppMIy Ca mrn TELEP flA sny". n-sol.mm er e - LARGE LOCAL BODY SHOP LEATRER ACKETS 'up to „ NO 190514311491 1t" t(MM acellere con- doe 19051837-9159 Ince <annr' Durres from011,.172 �""led emission $999 luppm7• ,rum {1999. MME FLOORNG wainscot- lWe'd a' 1m ':ascot Ask 1 MO IUOM awnmem. $645' Requires Immediately <aner raMn Iryrn $699 0o VJa I ai .1-9a acrd rirqp $1700 Call (905!263" mu i.Iud,tq sdines Febru" Experienced BodyEstimator. Fr.mn'np Must Go' Firmly 9m'Jm"M dress', .',des And it72 ary 151 in m Auilae ewu lealrr 5 Pwns Will o,,- Iu1n"dned l,w. 27t,'fwl. bwp,nq aaommoOdmg Must be accustomed to workinga 905-7211-9830 r'Mr. 369noo' 1•x10'•4591 1+111 SILVER Buick LeSabre. ,e,mai„s only m better with Insurance Adjusters and ALM11M FRIDGE b see- darywyxie AN ,n eo m9D9057 "I" 1ecs6 c, iwssrm mlestb. I H39 -0B93 .-no sine White noe-Dr- 710-0654 a 613-623.6414 shirr condSan 200000gkipnpsd public. Excellent remuneration sie Indgesell gtY°ng DekmryAMack $4150 deo fab 905726- TWO BEDROOMS iaileee SIOve 81xx tndw side -M- PLATER NANO made uOV 3M lot C-mbi ' limory 7 and benefits package. Rw a 'Dema sees d ass- Two w a suns a 3x Mysw <r Toshiba plrpbtop.er 721- 19005 M CU.KdA1. �,ab Co 1W Chtw*W Casalnr auic• 6 946 Mnsm Rd Oshawa Send resume to. cow i0 art F• w I- excel" 4 ,I!nd,, da), nm.'m 572Nmomh all mCkme no wortmq oda 32 000 o b o cansn em. vin ,rated pen Dlease pap bum %m - File k 453 ANNOUNCING NEW ewer 666-3819 anw 600 162 WO a lims $4500 Call 9p m gO5s766721 ,,,, , ' Lsr vml:rtn Sean a Sher y 19051 837 Two This Week Orin f1J9 'flee ,'Dates ar PLYWOOD B ASPEIInE 4.8 Mar snp) Two ? nail am apunm ms lease to $,2 a9 mpmhy "'a P•,Iwx„t 3'P' $' . 'S ay.ui.ro,e )Amery 1st frirRiy P.O. Box 481 °rawariimwo horn $895 ,7_-S,8% S5=S2a 91 'i'. 1722 DODGE SHADOW. .M browloomw 711504111 nx<mdy 11 wxs tiearrrce 829% ASP." 7116'-1295 75000 xil 4 Cys automatic. 4 ,�,�,��. urge woo". 865 Farewell St. .905)6 1111 S£ or 14'.St 7 95 Open 7 or gree w,u mainuec r $729 marrdn0 wnnnn And dayVxank Dmscowrts tot sal and ..muton check. parking Call 14:x Oshawa, Ont., L1 H 71-5 APPLIANCES -Nngmarot 2 wger order dm. ,y Yry $2 oshow Mor.y nam lea • '-- defum Win wnne a Onluio 9115-720 .9 0 51 13 5 41 14 OWAWA- 3N SWM ST 3. 'nlO'N 'Vary duty wafMr 0654 a 61346234414 I ben",- t'. SS51. auks t 2" $675 tl . M ssqqaa 1M2 SATURN ill meal A.awok .m edurey L l L E ti 5l D T F C i (� 1 C I A\ t Aft. Kenmmt = PDDL GRE Curti 4xB IC 3 0- S sped 4 Sao, FmrLnal required Call Set '.mo 2 ysn< $15C 1Nriiarq sum kamn paters " Tle1t rcm 11 sone' Wss<d g„ -y, .9051-STt 3119 Required for afternoon shift, a 9372 fan cuts fpm rcd ten LAW sant His, raia�AN i. ores. 4 m-mldnl ht. - e+ f,Mb Cali A 965-3120 Pantsryry anamala VIM, AAAA7. ': 1rr 1 Bd ground P Pi IROWI um,ma, pass a- Om1w 29900 C~ Ca 905-576 n,,,r s.mn dtlachad. akin For busy Chrysler dealershtp. " h ^and doubt look Pool TABLES 8 ant 9 ink 417 n me East Wntbr' ample k.hrvsler experience preferred. e11o7IVp n 1125 Call tii rabies for sal4 ran lett TOYOTA 7eme " 4 door. "O F"tr�'s S' �9nL 905-420 61 3 5 speed ' w yox', C1000. J„a,ybti i,m,rp,pMMyy Wm t Fax resume to: BRON V"Ct ANW"Ils"y good runnu9 $3700 CJI lit, CAN Barry Ilo14n 436. •„ +.e.e c 6 4 a :u,e RENT TO OWM new am n� Jam 19051 ;:6�NoI (905)683-5738 ��'u SDG .�Iwr_ and owan�Maw VOD S the cwt d iyoYu ne'a 'r5 ". w,: alsy Pad 1"4 OLDS M LSS sedan ALX _ wwYYow bNr44m 6198y.,� or, U~ 9052615369 or wte< O'dw lamer rile navm,'.m .ykaw a ma eke 1 "1007" SSW mitt u,on,m $ta app sen.- W_ .,,, ranee Out- im u1APEFsron VIN:. rrE.'au FyRNITOA[ w< 6" mat ks,ed ca 905 s,,,Dl,rng kmak $vsn r)MOVwEY, x opus on nerd 1 w oar nandc'^,iq me castes umdas pining Wit" qrw 3 ,sums $349 Pow .efts^...wire `OL'C pore a 1113 GRAM AM `A 4 awe dry aro P waft .unease .= oo,rpp.at� g,wnuin �. Oa ,urmtum 11.04010 Any air 31, J6 $8_'!, -til M A Wok Feb IM Firs and AMMIN <xwK mrdw'n fast Gabe -nice ror 25 YEARS' we 0778 wt nFtrerrw (905) 427 - Inv. hw Mmas .30 Fayl SPttidue n Orwgroom 1116 OLOSPIME Cumss IRAN Requires normae H6 M14 � O0 nUnas Horrify,opua Car,suneme 7 a..., i ar RMX u NOIITN , bedopn CARPETS SALE A wi* roes Count m and woo pee0 ron3do 1ud • s305 ve avaw011 n m du,alr y M Apprentice Body Man woad rtooRrG fw 7 sok a ilk Alt .ODdwalep $, 300 9z!7+o-9a2 Person 'wti, Resume $339 ,3C tc d m- 'xwft aro lel H arw You aJs000m 2 +ookaxta aN r _�dn carpet pr,m,um Ptd now aWMr turmur K 1/N $won. 'ed SFwta a odor ,war DwnRn C�we Epi .ria .1suNibw Ff44 nt maw redtiaW ra'edr•d 108 I'm sem Apar, raN ar f60s rid ha, 557 k n Ston Rd. Pickering ADS dwi .rfagt i:.aiMa. , , SN27-7405 9 9 -INNI carol ,.par Sam, rice 1,5 rlom ►on Aoq Ppt emi.aon 4alAd wel faker Attention: Pat, Body Shop ',u Dalian and turduidrq Ps" 9059858774 4ipil rare d {9000 aMr 6 pm AJAX ONE MDROOM Cndl raids A..WW www,raanrriw.mdrom 703.357"2351 ,yo, 'y. ,.,u•atM .•maiv.e JS- 90545E t 772 nam. M t:l.7 ,,wcw. rwrer Y<c�ral�. GRR MID eRm, r�9a wo baa w +4r 5200 150 xi-PONi fI,, -,rT s,wWu 1. 0 . r •lawet tilt • ,w moms Y: ;liyr< mad L.9m aA gwtn erlfk.Mdt S,OW.,t" A'. „ar F.terrW 2950 4r wekmww „n 5]29 ,nswkd r.B dt matnu tN Sbri wg � dn.BO ,ad<r, mug Terypnar slF 26M : 9 raw Me tear W b Sick Mttopsdr pNowapp �� {18900 010 CenMO AJME. 2 MMOM INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD 10% Cwroara sansf", "' ns au $675 New" a Deo ct a+aatr f05 Dedham wiln dm nit 41 .wJtwaE cad M4 la Ww PYgP 14161.FINS It}.9M5 �Omem- Dngm. errrmrOrxnerM Crit MmMa. 905y71 JOaO 11 Pt C?;;;Marg Sunt rK:s. nw ra4a. was, Licensed by At c S.S. arISTMAs )ALF suns 97 tan p4fttu I ubr a WE FINANCE own k'ad s 1 x s 0 y, y9r y ars+ Last alas y neeson5ble rales ToAll50 -sll«KmWbyar � w"0.'ua u G Coo $1330 o EVERYONE +"''rd yid t5wR rid Ae. Reoepas, R•able hours cat dime a r11e HOUSf a AM" SACntrG $3 750 (4111 721- 'n<,arwt. 1905! N}9i,3 BER GIFT $FLOP 15 sin" 9r5 First time hay- AVAILABLE DELHI-- 1Mk pURMAM PROFESSIONAL NOME DAYCARE 511 1217 East d 00e I raft Nam ers, bankrupt, bbl- ': Dasa aw n tRMMLL MAgwM n. Of Tawq Witte0.0 s MY p')'.U-53,. Ju vise k pss ton Opwi NledrtdrySun wiiipa.t a; klancr tYP4 cud credit. 720 aSOmaia inaaaa .ram SCHOOL tR6Y Dircanoir 4innuu ba4 Sapper ary 9o52s1�2as credit You ",11Mst mgw,ed 19050065- 1 lltePtra SJanaat ,G v, 6 erarrl w4nyNs and MO" 'wlMsRuq Mine, A.= Cow TER FAel011r 9OSr4203079 work' You x, - •i Manager araltbh RDWOUI +n ing 1 r' M drive' Lots of AVANYLE FEB IST ' 2 Ma- ta, waR And watYPM lnoitsryo�s payments ,nen flbwk .wt, wASMER 1 DA7'EA f45NWr ..,m aN , ) se 11- a A Broddesbyy Cres. !eW wR a fOS-p7- .kX Mn: 1o,bd primer w,damp ores $350 Cr choice. Down or C. UXBRIDGE mytwun8' chnfreld Dr DE N'TAL py so.to ren a saa rrt and 242 61138.;6; 0215 fete 6'aepluxinions r '" rTERRAnONYI INsnTUTI y1„Ohes Dr. ASSISTANT SONTN &A X. ECE ova Mort lice scauw d�nrtry KCM noKD "VMS Trade may t1E y,n1s tnom .250 pr raolei Main St N. 0 „a.e -a'..de, argrs .r a Were eoo-stsssas required t:nuh Or i ✓•'am::v eae -1 nununng anew" n�i -. •.�i„,dn p�i0itor�ig •.uaYw ry 0105, 57,-3760 Brock St. and Town- Tainng Nee W"ee Of � ,ktke, rail me "'e0uw nous wgob CoruTER $PECLALS "ler a t12Y e`. dixone- SPECIAL Neoxwnat pat tey m Jan 7 10 ftm .or 12 meas t4ouni c4 net s:ana s <I'm S7o5 ryas W FINANCE CENMK Do- gt 2 L ria 905- 99,9 Marks Crt. ,,.al'bUrough area R<Ms,cts Also Iaablip Panum iaq'p 1745 .used bard weN1eS {199: W..rw, 3 0e0r..,m aWr:n,<ms Ora" Bristol Pond 7IS jyoygys, pin"nm4 ASSISW sum IN4,DANIt sysi m supeum and recadhdrra can aper- DEPARTMENT .nv ,n .wu nw.wra a M. Meelun pr. Flexible Bristol Sands Crs. Alta Rd. UCEtMfD " MlYr y1 1905147 7-0296 SIM We fir dorg upyadas ena q� iA And M M SHERIDAN CHEM 'N tlw. to w Zealand" pe� b.s, ov... -.,"„, Hunter r I,umt English i706M33- °,<ax aR (905!723.0917 9 5ya°' M son Cres. reyvlfnrd1°i"""'1°pa' 1 brapas 5410 air up iw 7C 905-706-8498 a. m Wmmiswun pin polo Map son Hills snYrn'tg Pr rime mwsniar Mantel cies. 1.1161 i31A737 1 R1eO°0d r s'i.m clop` And .W. �d for Osewa and Alu Got" DEILCRAFT ON UK SET -6 5430 Reconisix sol 24' rang. DOWNTOWN WHITBY .n 6 Silven, rinl4yy Cn,. Stearns Crt. EDIT Heal FIREWOOD, a ;ant-Oacl..iwr�' um but n and 2r host nos 1 S7 No— IAua 9300L P 7 woteg mwrmmae of DfMTLL ASSISTANT Oat kms iw.tubc 4 dwm pee Small aWnmem bwa Hillburne Crt. gang trynnp aI Cary Hawker Crt. iuiire +, a main^ `run rcn Dent Crakh rd- M 6 nnu aDmet ;puss low ay.dook was sdAam p1<an cennHa 4 emsLerym rig .1, Ju.. 2 xnr00m 19051 n3'. �'J Emperor St. nus<nx•,e lean yu:l ,uv. r 0.:uam,u,mec extra bop door as SdM Dadwsue' d other rrw and racdld" leslm 52150 eau 905"509 laundry WtkmM pw4 to Also Adult Carrier for walk usai ISMSTRML Serif. BurCfler Rd. 2 rias cepa mw nn iDw Sue fully st a s ran L 6wwl wnmkt $tso600 bred aMOMMOions" CA A w Io- �D Call 4,6.937 ansa sa Dfr fe20 pw rdm W him IemG Test run 6 Plumed a Crt. asswrp aW nsceWm dwM spkl ttornes, weaRPtRfaR. perp approumttery t5 yYn Nv St4pMrrorns Agpkarc' pwry4 svusl /aJmkw g Mus M b VIM e10 f ee dekxery. 905753-2246 old arrOnion- s Sales serww Parts 354 AFFORBOAU VEMMS to, rbw (9051669-4009 & drive routes needed rams wonuN Me— a •+ro Woo 9�osF9 sat steel -rota bran Prpn Simpson Rd. Ings Aro Saaluys Prost ABSOLUTELY THE MST ",W St 00 ca 7-0273 7Bruss Os1 r.r00w 1 51'6 sale "ll ,oda' '990 Sprint WMTSY LarQe 3 -bedroom, CALL DEBBIE ai ;aro "n osnaw a ea Clements Rd E send seas b Osmwry tr �u+ asor ed turdw00d Oji SATELTE System 406 rAl 98 000 M aipw Ylc 4 OW urge u m into" a tm*. ear an cense, From f7 50 to Exeter Rd. Chddrm 1355 t+"sbn Ra E Snvnq P�gRrYq. Ayx. Waw- pit maxth ,iew $799 rat Enwssbn lesMa Sed linArd antralty loc" 5950 by - 905 -852-9741 !900 Pe nr SN wVl y rear Kin Cres. Und 33. Pickenng Only L1V aro Oft" (j 1416)460-7055 1 ArlNra �G t aull �gp do Avalabk unmedwasly exnnp y the Ostuw Gwc 1M altmkm May DURHAM FWW'000 MIST SELL. Said Emssen Tened aro Celled. 1905k509 -7M5 J Audtmum 99 TlbnAm IAoW Wishbone Crs. 427-5278 , $259500 or best Offer N- DONNrOWN WIRTBT, 2. Scum Ostra". Evay Tues Graham Crit. DENTAL NYCIENMT reowrcd are bedroom Sae ANil011Ef7Ah,oitpw AO' THE NEWS ADVERTISER viten," Sola turtn,e W 1tAR0YF000ytOFTIB000 umare $4 400 Soud cherry ova- Ywde s.taAr narnaun" Avaubk Gall fibs- sdoom Iuawoo0 {)Dors I old Thur 9 30 a m -20. Clover R Dr.E Tr" 11905-83, -0666 bruaen swds to firewood table A 8 0~ Anne chairs 5555 ant ask for Randy IS looking for r to to deliver papers ' Pickup on aehvery avalable $1300 Da buM {5952 Oak 6w v 0u Antigua U. WnmmQ. cru ar laS72Zry und LOOKINGOn FOR a At the EAI Rollo Dr. urs W unx 10Oka .Clan- GARB ewAN and s. Govan- fadliws Mast, mm and flyers door to door tour limes a Orne pit 5some al me Air Cltaen Dr. 1'BARMAC? 4ikmkd 04 03 1°'t 01e^ Ga 905 dial rule Stu 4 er ai btpl sss. Im born ro Yaks can- mem sewed Ala surplus sad moma fnIt reerenas week by 6:00 PM. in their zone toss IGr"twn R0. 4940392 pun Sias oma rs SM son, Q . collecbom of +rM Iooly Cys for lstinps 1. No Febkb Int (90514313 832 - week . Pipimra Menten Rist CaICIiWa Crt. TECHN imixe IAIfER10if F1wp frE• 5u. wssgb40 pr, � silt pu=ss o UK" yr- 800-297-0727 En 30 �.5No. � am HiDrnan Dr. Full Ti1rc Wacothe best lau" wood. pnrts $325 a less. dunce b� tea' st a COWTICE turmsted 1 bed - Call 117 $piers Cres. Klbwledge of scu ed n/asrerea f45 room Span em very was needed for h commncus 1 be0room semi44ux MDdnom Dully 11 by 10 re- ASSMM balance of lease, and extra won Cys 19051 Salus Dr. Kroll system p.swunn ta�tp Strvnp 5122 900 Bowmawdk For �01d ro al 11raes RODert 25mm11s. 59 Mart Sydue. home Pnvyt a11ma cosi• a30-5716 y RcteON Redly, eam Ao 41119051697-3532 Bowen An Braakw. 5-spd. ar. 23.500ims 531& N 1Vrslkd tribal Nes n Miwel Construction Shoal Poiret Rd- EiWnence a nuw osnawa Courbu Dag ay Omand VIG55'Ma9 or math (lbw weep GAJ Trawl ymroom 6 entrance New MMSIC TEACKO regwred .r **;k ;};x Cooled bore 905 -a17 -173a g0 OF UE CLEARpeT. 190512/2-0MO 831-0291h msQ. 1mlgNstovercuDbsrds Pas - OPERATORS G°oed�0t a with ca G�ra0e 2 FOR FURTHER ' '""1"'xng $s °.'9 mks LOrnNi IQ, old a amps LEASE TAIM SER, 1999 itwu!tm mcntded exdtr Ttkory. AN rnmumemn nau' INFOFWA7MN (905) 428-1711 onww 15rtwead trio„ $159 supe. dm=1e sen firm lis aawgr.o fir, ig, GT. mama Qr«n. lel 1SIAAst/rek"mw m 8 SNOWPLOW DRIVERS Christmas cal M4ks29 M yule rm. 2y norm lert s bwr4d No smdunppes de hours Fax resulN ro from {219. 4w from 1905, 721 9799 o e -mad 905.683-5117 Dry cut a spld pfear (905)7201991.sfp Moe. VIM pay Irswfa lees. 905-132'7287 with DZ Of AZ licence required. OFP�wnwv ll• hardwood i2FB 82_ WotMs 1'MF qw 1st IaAraem ca 19osE puyrrniaicesynpylcoa Physiaherapist Bwrlurville 220-2282. 1650 Biylr St. 57�i7N2iu5 ONE BFDRDIN a bKRr NYtl MFEOEO MEAIATFLT. ear" NOM mwomom r�.f1 Pnrale OernIC RNMb Clients 41�2't� PtNua". OMarb (905) B37- WAN d glace hplemi IAurgry 4W Call (905887-5270 mg Products rx adwtes welcome b app 4"lr M D2M IMI WAM MD BE, m t. ss, waN to "1_4 Co". rs Fi er ly new home IoW for stay a hOnr moms Poore 416-591.1020 En 1y' Fra delivery Leaf Ticket$ fame 3 vary t0 M.600 sol.. cert 4 -dr. new M' tusWSVrdatees mpiktl.. rt Smog Fire area And slogans Star unix Fax 14161-598.3963 OShiwO area Ka Off• . WIII pay face yakle. eery. aNarua and bryks, No pets. yd". Iw seniors, Experience JIM 1. Gaal `salt tap` m wtai4 F his � 1011- «Di 98 I D,ycWt Call 1 118 711 {189 y,an. ac "",°N Call BruOe� fExd ' T y Qp��"s75""19n to t fad aw o only l� (905)985-9136 771-7409 visaACteD11d "HeP. III grla WMM. 7aIN1T 11000 1trwC1 FWI-fame aro I SAMA FTRL IRAN LIVE OUT NAlry a slortr rMdy prqp years exL 2207 BSMAMM - B%M 2 -Mm ASSISTANT MANAGER PTT position a our dywrraC required wan wxibe hours w ovislms l4ap'S. Fu ufe, bMalwn � 1ewN WWAI. cal arsre. E.CWW comma' fJIfN PRD DAILTt W to Id loo Soar ,tam IArNt be mar- I �p'I' 4M Rkp 51 w oFlMts (905) �n N gg, a fly A �i is mOM bimrdlai- WE Offer WrnpetlM! COmpeasatioe smok4r Broctvconc 3 Pit- 136 0860 P5' SAMa SIM9t $5� DmA I sm. and rnabon wills a most Will CASH I Lna1vq toy l ODD, to a,gg Ona t Nbck fey lr1prnsx i!f!! Love mN11a0k 132.7133 Fraw paeksge and atlraldive beaefH plan. Iran Ikdpk ,,D, PDsdnm M. dao Saks Peale FrtFOfft rA"'E0 ALL fEASIM Tis, nal ' Free CAA BWBrrrny 905 BM -2753085 Ext 71 IMIDE (SM) 579-8330 leant no We will train you in the maaagemerd Etudes Guaranteed salary. 16. GSR BA=1 )710-31.1 lent door, 4 Dwwp P205/ pAaT LEIIEIB BAtt: PNCE. bonuses Call JW5)723-6900 srrt FLILL•Tea UVE•m nxiry 65815. 5200 $a 4 MRo1;an SPRUCE, HEMLOCK LwtOsr Free al GIBf19BS oBMAMw ora wMt"s Yee Of 8 Pius Hut Restaoraet. e n .,ad from Mont -froay P20S75R15. 5140 f 4 d es5td a /sass. Yw Ins Bad Credit swap". owspw wrl IAF PPh D nice 1Dday for 2 dMdren 11 Its 6 6 foo) Michelin P20516OR1S, 160 .Ries incbwd Please a m person to: y SpA OM Sa avVIM Pad moN1 FAWTM WANTED - txpen. Non-smoker Please aU set 4 Rata Rim 4boN 15' (p ORION Wood: I)z up NI 1•Id2'. CA $20 640 FAQ. Pte. C8p r mo S1 1 6 2-lsi", IMM PIZZA HUT: 252 Bayly St. W., Ajax. once cele Face ret'me (905) ANDINDECTIBRAL P F MISM� 19051427-9519 Audi 5000/00 se 001 11200 yy fr", v-JarN Ara A* $20 640 5Watson per nlOnul Dec. 351 19051571J912 686-0110 Dr GII 1905) 606- bron Prequires LAK resume to 905 NOWf�9raN1'aTIBI, new SW for 5450 IIi05NB6- td"w and Qroore pw: SS.. , Fkwtc** AVAN" ALSO SnmcoaMNl 1-DOrm 1 271. Ilii 300. 11110'. �alr1 imme"e. SM. 3-badgan 2286 9813.9714 to Pildtmp am 9 613 year �,. Ctnv. IaMB ( � KY-� Dec 1R. SM (gDSM*7618 AZ DRIVERS with US Experience PANT.TW* TfLE►NOME sus- CAUT MUM to urrad n ads Must be Ikbblt. re- ArR21NC OFFICE IfNed) - 2111r, 4.721•, 6116• Thi{ • uNd 7.30pn For our van and Flatbed divisions tomer Servet Rao neede0 10 Durtum Repan flay tipm' reWwine le Ho� 3.30 � Furniture6CIO" $5.00. T� wk s spDM. SW tralarA 4ytlMagUg P"EMp, aR map, pys, Gixtd starting ratty Benefit package y -0",n pit m I�me, hohac- ena0 GbiM (takers need Mon _Thi Sal 9305 Lagfit St000 50 CDMffWCl Avg., f1.501Da Lap salsltbn 1I /0�, pWMW Sanest ew sage 1-pym cep.. Yew Runs to Med west and Southeast Ir" would be an asst Sao o"ly appy Pkm to resume hours iepeng. Grey for stun- Aµ< 428.8521 whdesOn rough 110•, 1'x1 O•, 1'x1, lefrWt salt 6-7 efw" OM. aDDAM=a, bus b D0.. 60- 10 905983.9714 rough lunge for loariatift Offen load lot few drys. Harmony/ used hicCUM FOR Vehi we ug mofm tNAnsla a . Nl- resume 905'8371139. Arlen- cot. references Please WI wdcOme If you want work we've Rot "Loads" ton. De11wy Availibk Open used vMoctas. Vmicts must 420-06 AW.MOk DecOec 1551. Ion Keny Wright to 9Q5 -B39-3086 OI)CF Bed<fk5lerwM. = 7 dirfMek. 9g At, I m. Hwyf2. black ul 6 mifk. APPLY' Yorkshire Interna Uunat KITCHEN 72FF 62 42 1 rump come to GM +21-g67p 4Wnegs. PERRY HOUSE CNILOCANE. LIYF r BAtYSIT1E11, unneeded lonseaf 6 ctwr. {200. 906- 0654 or 613• 3• bkN Sys. Cal 7267739 coq 427.2415 or come to Q9 1-600.360.6220 or 905-206-'0778. Part time and supply sun CABINET from Monday b Friday' Chb- 1905)427-2MSana6pm 6411. BAy1y St ESN. AN. Y MI MCSEMIC - LARGE 2 borm needed Mai resume to 129 SERVICE PERSON ren apes 5 arra 10 work ,der- fpIMD, male RotlRtftr m AD AUTO SAI IS rondo, Ah Door. 5 appli nc. Peri St WhitbyOn' L1N for Cams/Cel- ences needed Please fall BRAND MEW 12'x20' very BOE{ CLYM, (mats a la• CQntswn SrMitaW m es, reCrmm flood" 2 car The News Advertiser K m Ido duality wry't , ales). er. 1D.oao lu air 4B7ya lax w 105!568'8528 I'Ickerin to Wendy 19051 4262774 aver 6 u r 10dn°P D wM*r 1tt Friendly' 905- I Tmctrs undergraad Parkin. awe to W glossy no wase. sun olrOAiarNr. f175� dmmmiOYia 471-TJ72 anWme rip t myV Janwry 1st. 116 - Is looking for reliable people to insert and No G^me Cyls blase Ile wmanvlue ° fesuun¢t�pnm beige Pool $75. Nom& scow-sebvel SM pgy.�8°07 Mrnlmum 5 year, NANNY Ove a or OW tar ADX. GI183 1 Chess -of -draws $75, cop- FOUND- dmaaU shoo -hair 14FT CUBE Mr 1991 72 de' deliver papers and flyers door to door PERMANENT rcuaauon send 1— won 100. 1-10, per boder 05. tkWwe u- Onowywnnm appy. male. nor sol Spit 199 DWkm, pow PlCKEROG Village house b nelerenCeS to PO Box CHESTEIIFIEID tike new bks SM stip Sara BAD 5+5. r"TDrNX Yc, roRopen - every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and PART TIME expener ce 66112 1355 Kingston Rd neutral fated mWrmcobmd Drill BAD $20. Chin saw 585. a°urea m Harwood Ave seek sum 1-wdroom. p Saturday m the Pickering area Pos►TIohI hvn tuob and Piperq pit lav IP7 Bulnm tutted back aro wynYt 9p5-430-2650 ALSO domestic long sur. dear aw'I^0m wap' reow Apt rawfed cap trans anannn accents m the ams $300 said grey, mile. rid redlered. tears may' new Wns 905- 5725 Jan 1 Also 2 - Deliveries must be completed by 6'00pm. In In— Eacn,ry ptyam 0 b o Call (gas) 723-4... IMMRY APPLwuS Plow yuary; coW, ,Run gig Y 7y„ x-2177 main Hour, for distill C,xmuc` SM Must have a vehicle. O `Ee' Mr. Albert s FIREPLACE " wood burn. $i1n? of ' -free I Ata High School Dec 1st 613- 102 CLEC TOW Trxa, dol' Must h- available 720' Wh.npod frost -Ira InOptS Ins ncluded $2000 00 o k 1ry BpdamndYrrppndude muwSl4ererspr, For more Information days and we4kends (905) 420-0716 PICKENINC Sauk I Rollo 1.10 Clearance UOaWAW 5349 ug Aar (Dot(pm 6130 Call (9051579'6731:snpl d905w1219768 905773• Call 905-683-5117 trmlo., retail lonrq daycare. t8 mwrtns fo Orass ,nm {350 Telepnme bearer). Ike esu 5599 Jun- �e 71 PEOPLE eapenenad m .riles 12 rears Daily -1 its 1905)655.7015 Ar Refngeretots Irpstara s 1 'y""B'W's" 100 CMC 12 Im pmol -up '" a•.Penena'e an awx't ,ion mou10.rp set up mem leveed yck vara and pan) WRIGHT FIIEEffII. woods. 5219/up SNecuon ova -M' mm rap Good mATron.ori. MCKERIMC, esu satnft Please fax lenance cualrt control Agly Crass slay time music nu- $250 day bed wnne Inme. •toes 24' trust fiat $249 FARROT WANTED: Athan $5500 CY1655.4076 basement apanment AN 1nck, KIDS KIDS! KIDS! resume to Duramould �usics 1950 embus meals b snacks Fist nem Soy nghess. $200, piaci avafable Stoves grey or cockatoo Reasaude IM3 Nr IMI, H, ES sive plus ablearo Wnug ! Bounyr Rd Wnnb Ohl Ad CPR anAmd Nom Kmq Site walaDeO. motored wMualmira, 51491up Jam 434 -OM Day in O.K.W. s ante m. (9051683.1541 y r price. plunk loaded t4000O1tm $5900 e➢ I,N BTe tar 1905,434"2953 Smdin recces 905"428 ar stove or" esu. 5cratW trance pnm 3700 First/ R� g D neaaoard 5100 19051137- 905 pai nnpp�� - Ages Z+ - I>uMCX PRESS OPERATOR '°" 6676 dem avY ers $ 9/up Extralaw- TUnel ar DOG bonding ( N31"2775 last La111905147P 8776 n and W4, pro sive up Washers Shwas Earne kennel ra Broonlm. xetr ee" yapy 1 RETAIL m:es'gawrs Onards iu gins b, Iran DAYCARE Wooded cap 1Mut washer Ida nencM roomer Dune I RETIRED - Omet a building m Wanted for TV 8 Movie Jobs dies Must love en per., a Or on p mu,nei Nan smU new $249 pMoatch1 Ala Oshiwa malum Imals re0wreo immed Yah loi Alii. wmin p,Og,esiiye dies mea" u"nume nulnua cords ads SELL NOW waslmrs,dryes. lee""o"`qu I TOFUL IM2 DODGE CARAVAN 7 «neral Ioca11an1 6 3 bed No Fees!! Men/Wom6n 16 65 yrs. kering o511wa Wnnor un" mslruments lorthn aid Crafts as outdoor pay CALL $499 NiRI our snow oom 10- BFAuiMllt HWKY g10ss cox tut. At a Iupm AWnmenls available YNe�ede/d�for same! No extras. run limn and Wn"lime Paid knrwledp i SPL ISO Pit very affordable Harwood And AJAX 883.0707 as 426 simtde 515 wh'e. prey and axle 10 passenger lend shape 198.SOOkm. .fanner tsl ElecuH nut i�fh@Iltf Call (416) ii�'470ii „a cop goed suiting rate mop area trice resume 905 9bssuq 19051 6192003 9p51728.4N7 moots. Fororae. all shots esu brakesW ew ricusl WaJG7dyer eam 8po TN fa. to 41E0192"32% to 93x13 u`ondppy m Deno^ Chao UX42-941E La44n0 24 a it Spin IAmiy asb fN99 080 call 190315749016 b Precise T Ser Dt 9sif 852.8741 f WIB717143 MaSpm 655^551 Dillingham Rd Pckenr" 1 • • • 71.11 • JASON LIF.BREGTSI Neyvs Advertiser photo Captain hook 4 Pickeroi.s Panthers major peewees' captain kine Aitken, left, honks his stick around the leg of Toronto Aero.s' Luke Edwardv (20) during Picker- ing Hockey Association 'AA 'Tournament action recently. This contest was played at Don Beer Arena. r 3 c im . .' aye corn Cr tin oom�'ai. R �aea Atom Raiders can't be rr beat at big tourney The Ajax -Pickering Raiders then played to a pair of draws IBEW/lnvcstors Group minor atom against the Watcrhw Saints and the 'AAA' rep hockcy team reduced its op- Burlington Eagles. Portents to Tim -hits to win the cham- In the quarter -finals. Ajax-Picker- pionship at the Kitchener Blue Line Ing faced a strong Toronto Manccs Tim Horions Tournament recendy. team. In arguably their best game of Sixteen teams faced off in the the weekend, the Raider, played well 'AAA minor atom division, the most in both ends of the rink 10 pont a con - formidable competition the Raiders vincing 5-3 win have faced all season. Many of the top The team's regular -season record is squads from Ontario and the U.S an unhlcmished I 1 -0-0, which in - were in attendance at the prestigious eludes a come -from -behind win over event Baine recently when Ajax -Pickering In the end, the Ajax -Pickering scored two goals in the last 30 we - atoms earned their second con%CLUtIVC onds. But, no score was provided. tournament championship by going The atom Raider feature two out - unbeaten throughout and defeating the standing goalies in Alexander Cyr and Elgin- MIddlcsex Chict's 3-3 in an ex- Eric Nottheck, hacked by a solid de - citing final. fence of Michael Carey, James Jarvis, The Raiders knocked off the Matt Kasanagh. Daniel Pineau and Oakville Ranger 3-2 In the semi-final Steven Shanks. The potent offence, clash Trading 2-0 in the third period. which has scored 27 goals in the last the 'Cardiac kids' milk a dramatic two regular -season games, is powered rally to cam the victory and advance ul by Marcus Carroll, Derek Gregorack. the final. Brendan Hann, David John A)n. Steven Tbc Ajax -Pickering minor atoms Koufis. Nicholas Mamclli, Mike Mc - opened the event with a hard-fought 4- Cuskcr. Johnny Patterson and [)Few 2 win over the Michigan Ice Dogs, Stark 400 ffi400 RENT -WORRY FREE 1, 2 & 3 Bad. Apts. Refurbished & Now Appliances. All Util. Included. In-house Supt. A Maint. On site Security. Rental Office; Mon - Fn. 12 noon - /pm Sol A Sen fpm- Spm NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Deteember 8, 1998 PAGE 15 P I • '� 7iie �7'.3i s;,r- �":-;; �°5>.'k"� '��;.i'' fPi-. For Your Patience and Understanding. We're working on it. The success of 407 ETR has resulted in increased traffic. This has increased the number of our customers and customer calls. You may have been kept waiting or had difficulty getting through to us. We're sorry for any problems this may have caused. We are working on it. 407 ETR is enhancing its customer service technology including: is Ongoing improvements to telephones and systems , throu(,h increased capacity • increasing automation on telephones. through Internal Voice Response. to assist customers in directingdheir calls • Increasing the number of Customer Service Representatives + Introducing e-commerce as a service alternative by the end of next }car. We have extended our telephone service hours from 8 a.m. to S p.m.• from Monday to Friday on our toll free 1-888-407-0.107 numher. This is all part of a continual enhancement to our serlce s}•stems. Thank you for your understanding and patience. 407 JC F.Ir.,, vi eo,... www.407etr.com Email the.News Advertiser at newsroom@durham,net r `r,■ 4 rte' -1.1 b M"mZr ir. R� .we � Il.nl RM SICK OF RENTING?? OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EASYIT • F,rwt rima Buysr? - call Mark' - Dracharpad Sankrupt r - Cao Maidlif • Not Muer Downp•yment? - Can Markt Mark oflom horyNt, p.od».w.esl. no press we aarvr.oN to harp you own a honsa. (905) 571-6275 or 1-B11041404275 Mark St>1pNy e.e.. ey .assn.. Ability oar c.r.l. ort t VALIANT [e1110PERTY • 1 1 • :1 aes'n" �:is MANAGEMENTLOCATION LDCATION . OWN A Pilot A 9oeS-ST9-7 6Z6 ° qq Oct' r 3 c im . .' aye corn Cr tin oom�'ai. R �aea I= a syurerSTMOOMRREee for sale. ;e�raY1905.O4-611 "le' ae4M 44 - or 655-4132 -bee rica board ww * SON wap IN APARTMENTS - AJAX COs11FENtwI oMri. >rn a o.ad �n la Ude � 33 & 77 Falby Crt. �1 a` 1905 5795077 "ch 5 ,t pie on „r adpr a coign psno. pe KS•� ��i�• m ,- 9051 571.3281 ,, 705;54 2 & 3 Bedroom apt'. NCBERwr ,.pr,le ohroe WNW, wet M Go. 1 -bad- Call 686-0,445 W.,- a.� Baltyuny-�� SDipks and Heir plKff Advalea lifts Only. For lift (� of room basedwit Snpk wale- q adedweb ",,�r .,•. a,Wlxq -- MONEY PRCIUUS. Ger t Or visit us at: 3a1r11 cw (9051831-4733 or I Jeer owl thaw prep http://windlimmer.ws•blump.c(im 40N2'I!= • nu,uupI w heuW -"'Yon' accagea ,eFirlar �I "Her*, STH AMC new Lake 3- WNW. townhouse hnLsw CONT wf, IORa. �I crit rake r5- 2 SPdoum wee mularA-1 onths Casement. 2 bathrooms. wen 6- M bpw 9uded 505 At kdroum a is Awn al 900 I' then opNG fi months hie (lien ow, a 6 mT1ENT1011 iNOWN1N05. A Student Stldre !oars included and au Glen $I Some wet waw -n Classes purl prows Muse from $SWinonm You require toll rime bmdf .i- gimlet family varatron home n Clearwater Flhnp 3 Oetl- Mr4a"L : M Close No $Gook yroMOVcome 828000 . reasonablecoo n Mern"o5e. pod. W - ,at ate. i1131"On in Yee sent,. Go Still" Uvrhes axeot Ido the rest Dal n. families court, pofw. Bao MUNTGCaS . Good. bad am wckwed cam 7234M wan UII Bd Rdd Clawed Powe crera close 10 beach upy Iwunatg for arty pw- 680. 8a69nrn germ be 18. Barrer AMR Rpt Estate to- am ODmm9 Avalable Mw. doe, IW Naf,.Ndes - O HAWA day (9051 7289114 Jit a Apr 1 Foa IMO 8 pMtos (9051 57 4 3788 al Can eam,nulMy, Mortgage t2& y decorated S aEoe00M puny- low tap kitchen sepaale an- CLEmv mTER. mode (per- Services corp (905) 668- �` fillfra 2 8 3 BTR apts. for rent. $b90 6 SR00 Of. drcl. req_ lirdrgod thmu~ own Wndry. canral at dish. manrn) Iwn,sheo 2 3-o0rm Mmes hear pool nM tuD, 181VICEI Cid 905.66.1.1110 SER (CEI Create a prvale madbo, or at 280 Wentworth St. washer spaekMtg aw 'eft (trundles to Dexncsm N, n - 1905A35-0543 NOI NOR HO! A Must Sit- AM W Your First ChoicE. DDqp lard. glen Slrtel rid y IiL13s1 tractions Blue J v useDall. Nell HOCkey NFL InoIDell 38 T - FundaU For t. WI uli0oyard. no ins, rer&an=. (9051683-9213 her- oo hacks Cnodrc Grads apt lora mfpmyen 10 vat And aiaaw vow bmw f ) 721-8741 welcome 190503-5503 ors, d Wm 1-ap0-SOS88B6 AJAK 2 -Bedroom b park A lake photos shown m your Mea Millar - RNnsiNd baraNlor $595rNlaiNtn. one $595 one =np rranAl Plus uMkes Fust and 11 Allure Herr 1 F M Over 2 W- as DoYrs n a Mme Deed. rlpldl wkckv.Bedroom M ppeess list. available ",arm a stress err business I am aMhr. rJeal. tJtr ro T. ?-ft must Cam (9051686.6870 1ppgtp a yl, didiwdir Own engy. (905) 5W -2o38 AvailableJM 11 as to leads �l ba My tpu Mlle► Radium dorsa. 11rps dlai Ip - pOSSHHAtWA, lag a SWC Cal 24 INS 1-ala-23Ftfi6a noted ler r it** Shc bushel woman 9W plu, gdeo - •"� d"'k'p I= a syurerSTMOOMRREee for sale. ;e�raY1905.O4-611 "le' 430-1328 (seen WNltlp eAClMlall in Yic- Aber `_'�R i-IGea4 n ad ii01°ns430Stjety441q�ieNrR�'tt 8 3 . coiDoc n Ws oleo. 3 Ili bovoanL in KS•� ��i�• m led. no pns, via 905.725- Soars 9Ui�5137 or AdDi Ne S134,900 FIRW 71 �Y. �..a ad on the *d WNW, wet M Go. 1 -bad- 905-4648722 SDipks and Heir plKff Advalea lifts Only. For lift (� of room basedwit Snpk wale- q adedweb 1 �MCallgtltts. group rays, lopEa. dMs pwk8 m as ATI ..5, 623-4644 4570 Peterborough. ore. �I "Her*, STH AMC new Lake 3- WNW. townhouse hnLsw CONT wf, IORa. (, a e�0e1 a CIA Oa we rt•W[M be -3151 Casement. 2 bathrooms. wen wrY ilea 3 ballroom. tgtaM a'•' 1> ont. K9J .Ia�.vr.ai��avt. a� Ir.Bpfflq le FM ww reM wenn you pre own Yow own CPN for kss.Osn bar. oaape Available imine- 1905 61621 or pugdy fq X12 rendgtad. Pier doors, floor, mg. 3 mw bans. news ktdl- more Merz one IT. Dave MIT- oN am*?" W. Dan lock Sum"�RaY Ji99,R)01 id peY (116N2o`4925 1 -a m. 2 rtw dxJn. Cytls onM rba heior apartment p6W W pagMlell BOM LA�s- Off M. ,at ate. i1131"On in Yee 1905) tela OF( 906) 6* 3211.r a very °1Vr Names A How Penne mwwms. 1.90D -e51-3638 m event of aro ' L" Gault O/IIIMIIA - targe room. pre- 4n 680. 8a69nrn germ be 18. error' bW0xq Two-beOropn apt & de S k tlk8 COURTHM MKW000 Vil. T -tone N,111 avaitaDle mmedaWy. taiaidiy. sift studnUvp laps. 2 bore condo Gmund Rope Premium location OWN IATIKG FMa� 510'x. fry. kF cu&d IM dogs. 713.SN mak s10Nmalley 1 571-4%7 Priced to sell 8105.900 CA 181VICEI Cid 905.66.1.1110 SER (CEI Create a prvale madbo, or month Carpet. 1 parking space. laundry Daytime 263- a R 1905A35-0543 NOI NOR HO! A Must Sit- AM Drowse other personal ads tree Meet a new Fend or 650 650 650 650 650 IANKRUPTCIES A LIQUIDATION OF MAJOR RESTAURANT. PLIZA. CHICKEN A IAKERY EQUIPMENT LMOM. 15W Hephwry 17 Ead, PW fIeererqy IFlea Markel) IUtlwndq,0ecentNer Is, IMM at 11'00 a in Take Hyl pin to Broca Y vc^ ' whiloy to Mvy 17 Tum nglK to Por, perry Flea Marked) YMwrrq Moming of Site Pavy Ong orgy 60Ui NnGn mons, pas Blodger - oval. as MMny Permy pressure fryer. Gartand :onto steamer_ Holman roan. U B 3 cold 6 c -v "401ay Cases. pas fryers. Cutting board tables, stainless eel Winks Saud cold table. DCC Cooler. Fanny Penny -'adrp machine. single Chinese was 13 eE walk-in __okr 6 heeler ,like newt. Brute over unth Procter .,,der counter dishwasher. gen ember Yo gra. pias washer. tp-Mail Sinks, IONCIrC flyers, Garland 24- eec. Inc grill. Ile Crum freezer. cohee madtimes c10coate machtne soceR. Ice cookers. gas Garland TWO burner espresso machine. 3 6 4 well steam taxies metro racks. Stites. Cash registers exhaust hood. Hosfkak, Ice dispenser. chairs 6 taoles, SrtWI wares. coffee veMmg machure. chips vending machine, pop vending meonrnes. 8 much more Terms $200 :.se ralundacr ileo, 5% allies premum -d apply a mis sale as oa 109" terms in in enact Sri ,.ow to dwnro,s a errors ANCOONO, Ince Koom Tel: (!a5) 32/-211115 ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our -Audios Packa4M consists of year ad rtmniq weekly In mase publlatiells: • Osbaw�a�Wek ..bft This We as � pPairry.. This; � AdrlffiSer • Nordisioullisdand Nears • Uxbridge Tribune • CaMdias Stalim"a wMnrtisers Please Note' •: The Canadian Ste owns is now a Tuesday paNiatlea laidead of Wednesday., se pills submit your ad by (IOM I'm fllay- One all does N allll Pros 576.9335 Fax 579-1216 M. UNC. M Mies" 11"M Nil, 33 131. aNnra 2 door refrigerator (like newt, automatic waster and dryer, coffee and end tables, rosewood wall unit (like new) trench provincial chesterfield and two chairs. duncan phyfe table and 4 chairs, chest of drawers. dressers, raking lett, alfa chest. commercial coffee maker, cash register, 8 hp snowblower (working good. with chars). 15 hp compressor, wlnoed hacked Wer, doll collection, color I.v. china, siiiilver, signed and numbered prints, 1968 Camaro T -roof, loaded, never seen winter. certified. Large sale p1aN M anwe. All otesIIM14M wlcoMo. Win Kul ApN 7255751 6369 or evemnps 263.2522 LOCATION brick 3-Dedioom 2058sq h . Low Ip lite •' _ FrR&i 1'lg1 MN:LWIYE. fiomwopd, ingmurw Doul w7 Wkw%for 7MClA "WO „ o �i�V'G r 1 Furnished rOMMahk, ac FDre DDlic Ightolp. central q la laeep-Ia1n rWhpl- rlpr9drance air/wc. nulnednl allnps Uel q' i,r,ptal growth story - floor �ai Snap ban. spxlous tamely room. cedar cars M u it a mf. Selectlr WHO SAYS kmaed tae d Muton. �. maty upgrades. Team- Cyn' Ip Imarview (905)576- i IONRoSstanO up Open •Jose to bus. Ir11111Naate lblde Sun ,area 12-4 Sy 1PMO 616 Memoriam YOU CANNOT rrs, y�fe� gel t1 t2-4 (905)571-7"f KAVENLY PSYCHIC An- �p��� f AFFORD TO � (90) SW 13" OSHAWA 2 slorty 4.1 two yy m' d ,e ii`len ii- CS11 Wel-Y7�7 (Ajax) BUY A HOUSE. room 3.baths hnlsna Due- $29*. -3783 ,a QM from S7g month � mem. walking to vavue. By- .lNmlWCowionmerx"7 lS.1aAN .__-_ '.." chary. yc. unlul ac 2 ap LIFE WANT mint to e- `g2-g741(M ) -� p,alely awllabk mme- Avid alone p)nl you de- • (905) 571-6275 IIOM•IMOKM6 lemale re tliatNy $237 900 905-431 serve to than soneoa s" �N�/� N� our y mar 840.6275 lens to share with sane gun 7787 Rivera ImrpductionsCTloronto Misty wW lot om of VMr Mirk Stapley- bachen. unselldry room. sale kart' it laundry N nsnaru SELL IT NOW 777' W matUmawer 14161 Jan M 190itle,5Ba29 or 7776302 AM DW OU 1 have a Clothe 19051571-1360 anew 530p m GALL OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE die rofessionai la YYou 6 months Dee. Irpn AT fill WMTE•s AD urge 3 AJAX 683.0707 younger win suokes npn r'.. Income requirement bedroom house shire with 2 Anacs. Oubatn etc Giw •.� s' a lout nom s28.500 gross 5peCA adds 4 appliances non. UXBRIDGE 1 fl of We by helpn a i nomas and hrun(a1q Car smoker No pets immediate kin oar Ione weqnt Fp ken cdl,s Col tlwell Bawer $375 mrnlNv plus ubMles 852-9741 more odor= r�li Les y 190517289114 Coop 71;:fio enls wekome 436-5004 t9osM39-7 CONSIGNMENTS AND ESTATES WANTED Low commission, payment next Sales eve yTues. and Thurs. and Sat. at 6 p.m. An- tique furniture, ap- pliances etc. Own- er and operator MYLES KING AUCTIONS 33 flail SL Established in 1960 725.5751 723-0501 MIXED ESTATES FROM ACROSS CANADA Under ,mrfrisol .. -s vd N,MII - .,It well Iw desa l ion by MAJOR ESTATE AUCTION SUN. DEC. IZAT :_.UO NOON (PREVIEW- I I AM) THE PICKERING SPORTS COMPLEX 1867 VALLEY FARM RD PICKERING COI.LECTIRLSS: R.,..: a.Ji.n Fitun--.. ;vy.. F.v„c w.vcn,rt P•.Iicry. lik-wk Ar„m,l., Detrew.m ws prdwi It -pa Nrsr lin .wmY. F-6 Lrage.. P+ elu, H P WPP+. GWk file vara Ewel.6 Pirextri.la, -Ro .l raw' p -Ln c-rla..aw. $Irks Sd-. SerrlA.- CORGI-MATCHWX -LLUO -WE -DINKY 'Dv: 4 coNrrow (Mw) ender Rm Ars Sruywiee., Speoal Edwuw [)- . F,eu.e.. Crlamwwe. C-..- I.,ya Swanvu Ancell. -d ry" P•'cra- IMPORTANT CORPORATE ART COLLECTKMv: "u uirW circ AJ w i 1nl,a., .. C.wm. wd ,nyk ,ikon. Or- H -W ( .dk,Ma W av,yr,pY Inn. rat Iyafl\ W w -w ere IwY wp.I„re .i AJ C.eso► Generic Mw.WI. leo Lwiiaoa AY Lctrwr. T.w 7kwrR ClaaatL Nn ev; -go,w wl P -las.. pwrl. awde„ piny - A deka n EX041LSrTE MAHO(:ANIr & OAIk FILIRNITI.'RE: Klow-veddesas. .awwl l.blu..oanka. mr, v . J,aun, n,vn nu,c pini I.Mr. F A "k ,I..J. ('h,ppaJ.k i,i.ln. ,rr.me cans,.u.aer cD.u.. w.e.ea., verve caurris. ►» rr„w alwrca err mw, wrmlerr, arn.e ossa, a.,eraw Irwea bio ,...d...Aid.ir erica sea Cxhwxey •im..pw rat, merNc Wks, TY aid. A mac... ISTATE & MODERN Je WELLRY: D- .d S,kr,rc riep o.v lw Par w. A .seri pmawa wile nee 4law wJ w.rup. P+u clews, kaalm...ryksa, wear amalre. P•sb. enplanes Ealae J-hry (My -.ad A wi neer -&\ O -wild. Reay, Ear W, a 5 k-,*) RMT11; QOM COLLEC IN)": 24KC Gwen cans. clu+wy of asrtmiay Cal I Now DM D-111- Pr'id sea.. M seas carr Oovks. -M rr las. warn awk,L Allied sues". (meed •vim. GVSRAL rt$Ms: EJccuo.ie i, spore exer.rw.k►a A cdlexv6ra r.V.pb.& MOnd 110gwr GM*y Scabby Car. Tr Dau. Sada, Aw.ph ism. Tally air la ap, rswpkos mins, ria nes, Park• Weep.. PeaUvr c.vwplier, Pri"d. Scalews, ake.rr Aeltreaasese ONE An aarrry (sae sale, am,e Orly limited Soule. 7aaec calk Vies. M. Ana, se per pored A ..--& N. Wyss Plemns, wtdowe a Al dskdar reply. Irllossraw: Call - 41634.176. www.pa v - PROPES70HAL AUCTIONEERS INC 4 t6.3R 1762 � I-MPN&SAJE CHRISTMAS ART AUCTION SUNDAY DECEMBER 12TH Preview Time: 11:3 0 a.m. Start Tfine:12:30 p.m. At JACKSON'S Touch of Class Catering 104 Consumers Drive, Whitby 905427-2450 (1st. north of 401 off Thickson) FUTURING TODAYS MOST POPULAR ARTISTS Robert Bateman * A.J. Casson Doug Laird * James Lumbers Carl Brenders * Trish Romance Plus many more ! 140 FRAMED PRINTS IN ALL DONT MISS THIS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY ! aimANno -mint, �11 Anloln.kes4 .: 1 ArNlrNfanwA CELEBRATE the true meaning of Christmas at your Church of choice this holiday season..... SPECIAL "COME & WORSHIP" To be published Friday December 17. Please call Janice Samoyloff at (905) 683-0707 or fax to (905) 5794218 r /M4E 1• NE1Ma Ao11E1171i M WEDNEWAV EDMON. DOCWVAbW 0.t••• Sport_ SNORTS Pickering gymnasts on the beam at provincial qualifying meet DEC. 8, 1999 Novice Pangs tmmy with Close mins PICKEIiING -The Pickering Pan U1ers major rwvice 'AA' rep hockey team gook care of some unfinished business at the Pickering'AA' Hockey Tournament at Don Beer Arena Nov. 25 to 29. After being defeated in the final of the 1998 tourney, the major novice Pan- thers captured their age category at this years event. The Panthers were underdogs in the final, txrt still managed to score a 1- 0 win over an Aurora team which was undefeated entering the championship g:me. The game remained scoreless through awide-open first period of play. In the middle frame, the Panthers scored what fumed out to be the winner and hung on the rest of the way with contin- ued pressure and a commitment to de- fence. � In the semi-final contest the Picker- ing novices recorded a thrilling 3-2 over- time victory over Oakville. The Panthers blanked rival Ajax Knights 2.0 in the quarter-final game. After a tough loss to Brampton in the first game Ino score was reported), Pick- ering faced an uphill battle to advance to i the playoffs. With a 31 victory over , Oakville. followed by a 2-2 tie with i Rochester. Pickering secured the sixth and final playoff berth in the 12-team di- vorlon. Team members are T.J. Angrove. Bryan Barton, Kyle Bateman, Cole Cr- erar. Joseph Demannis• Pat Farren, Adam Finlayson, Craig Mazerall, An- drew McConnell, Spencer Pamngton. Anthony Pompilii, Scott Reilly Andrew � Rhodes, Chris Riches, Alex Starkey and Brook Vert7oorn. Impressive bantams let win slip away DICKERING -The Pickering Pan- thers Oasts Sprinkler Systems major � bantam select hockey team earned a veto and a be In its last two league con- tests The Panthers engaged In a see-saw battle with Richmond Hill. Pickering led Late into the third period only to have Richmond FIII score the tying goal with only St seconds left for a 5-5 draw. Adam Cawley opened the sconrg � for Pickering to the first period. Mark Cruse and Enc Ranta drew assists. After early . the Panthers' de- fertce of Robbie l_accics. Chris Grabs. Steve Boyd, Baan Greer. Paul Rosser and Enc Bartle tightened uP consider- ably 1n the second pencil. Jon Horobm scored the second goal j for Pickering, assorted by Grabs. Matt Glavin. assisted by Derek Kolro and Nock Vtenloon. Med the third goal Kyle Hamilton popped the birth. Kotro corn- pbtedthe Scoring for Pickering with 3:49 rortlairrg in the Curd period. Goaltertder David Vargo played veep in net for Pickering. In thew previous grana. the Panthers i clobbered Uxbridge 9-1. Scoring for Pickering were Greer. Horobtn and Cruse with two eak:il, Cawley. Vanbon , �vtd Glavin with one apace. Assorwtg were Groer, Boyd. Cawley and Cruse with two apiece. Rosser, l.ackics. Glavin. Karo and Vanloon with one each. Other team members are Scott j Campbell, ChtJdkle Smith and Adam i Pett. SCOREBOARD DEC. 8. 1999 P93C rar 11 "K%SBMTL1LL LEAGUE W Wla horn g ^ ar Nw 29 19% NAMM orrlEroN - GAm ONE Mn r" me hYurr,ea 50 K En.oy Busses Sa c 47 TOP SCOIERt 1An xlrl W nava Brom 14 SMI Terry 11. SW NOWOora 11 Enver Roger Wvq t5. Siv• Loony 13. Dave Vor 9 Gads Jaw 8 GAWTWO carr Pa1pMa 49 va lrua /Ian i 46 TOP etortErte 1lalana Prrldaa. Rtat JonN 16, xan I,UiCltatton 16. uirn 1lratar 9. Tom RaoYa 7 ' tAr HM'a. erry WooO 14. Ray Fora 70. Stw• AroQraOa 9. Ona $MIOOn 7. GAIE7TlrH ra.rrva E.rr et w talar a9. P anon 45 To►EoortEts Gaerr'Va: oanlorl Alraa 15. rAtr Pok 15, Al a.kaQ ,,. Briroa bra s. Ron Fara>drr e laYrlOpa Paie•pn. N Saaaw 18, Iver Weaker ,!. Jin Prarron e. Frank rvaa 7. GAe>E Potty tBhRoa ttoianpa t, v&.l kat.t,aa P. 37. TOP SCORERS t3Roa Jan clr.ar.M ,1, FraM GaeO ,Q Join Eapoa• b7. 111eGW lir[ Stihl!. Enc Carr 0. BA Boron , t. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL JUNIOR •A' ItOq�T . clefs 5uktalrtps as d Dec. Br99. SOUTH CONFE103M STANDOM Tam G 111 L T Ort F A PTS GAA iltortrir 31 20 7 3 1 189 118 M 371 Nt�1M 27 20 / 1 2 113 65 /3 2.11 .Ilralora 2e 19 4 2 3 135 91 13 325 WIOWn 27 12 12 1 2 122 120 27 !.N Apta 25 10 70 5 0 >N 92 25 3.88 S. 11ct,aara 29 11 16 2 0 115 736 24 4.89 Nall York 29 9 IS 5 0 87 I15 23 3.97 dw 30 a 19 x , 90 12, 19 Lao tttra.rQq x 1 2e . o lq 12e 12 uT EAsr corsEReacE sT9traoBA;s TEAM 0 L T OIL F A PRS GAA t,ra..y 29 23 z 2 z 1 39 n So 2.52 T/alrgpn 2818 7 3 0 138 M 41 3.07 TrarlQil 30 18 9 3 0 117 110 39 3.87 CKirqslon 0 29 13 12 3 1 171 toll 30 3.88 v u ,z o 1 n2 1n 29 111 llattaoe 30 11 15 3 1 179 123 26 410 •olartiarlvrM 25 70 12 3 0 107 /18 23 4.64 F110ar0oroopn 2e 9 15 3 1 t02 122 22 436 tiyraolga 27 8 t8 2 1 97 181 15 598 ttbrl NOP• 26 3 22 0 1 76 157 7 6.04 NORTH CONFERENCE STANDINGS TEAM G W L T OTL F A RS GAI Ilelaritarkal 29 24 5 0 0 194 96 48 338 CO,iUttJtrp 30 23 6 1 0 782 98 47 327 Corlp■o0tl 28 16 9 1 2 t36 68 35 314 Aurora 26 16 8 3 0 89 71 35 2.51 rlari •. 30 1 S 13 z 0 724 rte 32 393 HW*$Yo 20 12 t4 2 , t08 t20 27 414 Pony Sound 27 3 23 t 0 79 105 7 6.95 Dumarrl 26 3 24 1 0 e6 201 7 7 is IrEfT CONFERENCE ETAl1ONG5 TEAM G w L T OTL F A PTS GAA Milan 29 21 4 1 3 1 49 W 46 324 GaoMatoeri 30 20 8 2 0 142 t 09 42 363 Brampton 28 16 7 3 2 126 t02 37 364 Burripon 28 17 9 2 0 103 r 36 3 le StraraMla 29 16 10 3 0 119 120 35 414 HamAon 28 14 123 2 0 142 123 30 439 tiak-se 29 9 15 5 0 114 145 23 500 Mawwupa 30 9 1 8 t 4 1 12 ' 37 23 5('0 BramalU 29 7 17 7 1 77 107 t9 389 Billo 30 1 22 0 1 101 153 15 510 r DICKERING -Pickering mem- bers of Gemini Gymnastics Oshawa pl7�leJ outstanding results at the Metro Fast first provincial qualifier at the Oshawa club Dec. 4 and 5. The meet also serve) as a qualifier for gymnasts hoping to represent Metro Fast at the upcoming Ontario Winter Games in Sault Ste. Marie. While none of the Pickering gym- nasts qualified to move on to the On- lario Winter Games, they'll get other opportunities to qualify for the provin- cial championships in the future. Arran Black finished third overall in the senior 2 category. She place) first on balance beam, second on un- even bars, fourth on floor exercises and •seventh on vault. Tara Columbus, competing in the junior 2 level, placed third overall. She earned a first on beam, third.on floor, fourth cm vault and sixth on bars. Kaitlin Grandy was fourth overall in the junior 3 division. She earned First -place honours on vault, fourth tin floor, fifth on beam and eighth km bars. Jenna Grandy finished sixth overall in the pre junior 2 bracket. She was second on vault and fIn o s lour, seventh on bars and ninth on beam. sou ndiYu ualiryVe Ictfis.., aranteed ��{.61� $?%,878 $12,711 $16.657 $14. 1 -u' 95T,yota i.:ti:.:.. / �E. Quad even Ec voyager r,as:r&31 4 V� 1_�y , imn y LEI JIMMT 51,x.,5:; 510,832 56.958 t v'. '93 Hua Civil: COW. ntrn cr.� - .. 5 so.. air. Sunblyd ,ry Topaz :torus � Honda ruru hand nondi rnnn f Y ACCefd EX ar YI ErT ;AM GT 1 dttfn Ai - - � II`'- _- S• i,31; 59.814 4!puta _ .,;nae`© yr 95 Y6 LE t.ord EXR Civic �hev Cavalier Contour 51;.308 515.802 Laurus �iHonda --•:� nLLurd EXR V6 Caravan -sun IT ADO Maxima tiw�ville SSE 51G 83! 5.1.,922 � a "!0mina NTAQIChsv`i34 ::amara �Ilu:111.1. = - idna Ito Z28 o*T SALARY! Showroom Hours:Mon.- Thuts 10-5, FrT CA 112FIR 01 0 01 R THEROUDA FO i. � Sat. 10-6, Sun 12-41 l� � Consumer- Car A4,af-T 1698 BAYLY ST., DICKERING «� of ��• west of stuck Rd) (905)420-9800 0� i-soo-377 X31_6 STs LUB�E,OIL FILTER �9 -�` &FREE TIRE ROTATION TIRE •�IaCk OIC fiwra •� I d Sw30 a lt>+1r30 M $244PISS81111111013 p�rtrurna1558• $39 • ttat• uP � � • eyy�S q�lN11f � 17570R1S • S39 •tea :AST 1t3570R14 - � •dnek tTottt a d 11' •At1rn11tex >b Bee Ise t.eeaweri Beed t1� rlseerw itellded x6 months . ,._ �o Interest �%O Payments J,tur=tea $.;:oo• oar }� �.M�J .•: -Y . !f'- X:,JX1f: J1...V..WNK�JYJ•J�/J,/Z Af:.011fkMr1•r CQ OttApff, t31ff0111ar S•RdGY \J O OYf�� If . •- i IaC011w11•rNt Of� ELLIE RANDY MOKfO'1r�a• •offers hir__ e Dec 15!99 Be �oxti�nt���e wihalA�l, swtiaaFs7s a�oirawlr FREE COURTESY CAR � FREE LUBE OIL & FILTER FREE HAND CAR WASH fT7V�: men MON-WED a FRI B�, THURSDAY e�a �TUA�i � BOB TONY PAUL LYNN Ofl•R appy f,0 most cats and IISM Wilts Q Consuitr►leir Car Matte 1016 �roek Rd. Acke-dia- t�r�e��+oi� (9a5) 420-3555 r ONTARIO'S f�Jtir � •offers hir__ e Dec 15!99 Be �oxti�nt���e wihalA�l, swtiaaFs7s a�oirawlr FREE COURTESY CAR � FREE LUBE OIL & FILTER FREE HAND CAR WASH fT7V�: men MON-WED a FRI B�, THURSDAY e�a �TUA�i � BOB TONY PAUL LYNN Ofl•R appy f,0 most cats and IISM Wilts Q Consuitr►leir Car Matte 1016 �roek Rd. Acke-dia- t�r�e��+oi� (9a5) 420-3555