HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_11_05A ."a•eFF_ .ter-_ ♦i'•�'- i�: r � •a :T, ii r .'y�.j�>�. PICKERING NE W,S ADVERTISER. PICKERING'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 49,300 28 PAGES SILE E Alleged con man remains in custody Former Pickering resident charged FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1999 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $51$1 NEWSSTAND 0 vcjQ el Local vets pay special tribute to their fallen comrades — Page 2 A former Pickering man ac- +� cused of swindling Durham Region investors out of $200,000 — and wanted in several states south of the border — appeared in Oshawa court Tuesday to request his hail;; hearing be delayed. Durham Regional Police said a • ��': -' r man known as Brian Nugent claimed to have connections to the Saudi Arabian Rm al Family and duped members of the Muslim�� community to pour money into ,n w, ✓y bogus 'work camps _, In 1997, police issued a warrant for the suspect, who operated Mid- _ East Consultants, at 519 Dundas St. in Nk hitby, between August 1996 ?I +•» and February 1997. 4 ' l One Oshawa man lost $40.000 +'•'' a ,� ani "' in the scam. 9 ^° " Last month, Mohamed Fuad N Sughayer, 39, a Libyan national, was returned to Durham Region from British Columbia, where he had been serving time for theft. Police say he stole the identity of the real Brian Nugent, a man killed A.J. GROEN/News Advertiser photo in a car accident in Maine in 1970. Mc Sughayer was sentenced tofive years for grand theft in Stretched to the limit Louisiana, but fled the state while on Youngsters at the YMCA's dance classes warm up before practis- Authorities there are now seek- ing his extradition. ing their steps with teacher Anissa MacDonald. From front, Jen - Mr. Sughayer appeared in bail nifer Harding, Emma Kikulis and Melanie Cruise get ready for court in Oshawa Tuesday and was the Saturday morning class offered at the Y's Family Resource remanded in custody to Nov. 9. Centre in Pickering. Pickering,Ajax in a battle to- trim wastes Ajax is seeking revenge on Pickering are battling in the an- -won last year's challenge so the Pickering in a challenge in which nual Mayors' Challenge to deter- Town flag was raised at the Ajax the winner is the one with the mine which community's resi- municipal building. : least. dents send the least amount of During November, Ajax and garbage to the dump. Pickering See MAYORS' page 5 Committee gets adjustment Pickering wants to close `back door' rezoni*ngs BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — Town coun- cillors have decided to reign in Pickering's committee of adjust- ment out of concern it's been used in some cases to circumvent the re- zoning process. They passed a resolution Mon- day sending a message to the com- mittee stating applications to allow new 'uses' of a property "should be dealt with through the zoning bylaw amendment application process The issue ended up before coun- cil as the result of two recent appli- cations heard by the committee of adjustment, which consists of two See PICKF.RING page 7 Inside the News Advertiser 'MMM FNS R Cokm P............6 Eal e W ineW ..........20 SMris ................22 Classified .............24 CM US A CALL 6emwal ..........683-5110 0106diea ......683-5117 Cbmitified ........683-0707 Dow& Nsliees .....683-3005 Sim Yealrs ...........1-800-662-8423 EmMI .newsroomOdurham.net Web the ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 'It's cui/rtic' fl FOCUS t y� {f 0CU S NEW AI� SHO%MNG s h� 0 i. ?QDAY and TOMORROWe4l~ 7we 2%" w= e to. knoodiftmom _11-A . Cwm and see wiry we're loop dog! DOG W MNA Rd YIk1 ftV (4102164FA4 �5L d wyt 401, eed d F1st u,on Rd) IL P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 Pickering prepares annual salute to war veterans MINUTES SILENCE PICKERING — The Pickering and Claremont branches of the Royal Canadian Legion are inviting veterans and the public to events being held to honour war heroes and commemorate Remembrance Day. On Sunday, Nov. 7, Pickering Legion Branch W6 is holding a pa - Special -needs students face `serious crisis' No `quick fix' from Province Br SUSAN () *N /LL Stuff Writer Durham's public school board could face "a vcrry srri- ous crisis next year" if the Province doesn't come through with more funding for special -education pro- grams, maintains a Pickering trustee. The Durham District School Board, like many oth- ers across the- province, is spending more moneN on its special -education programs this vear than what's been al- located by the government, superintendent of programs Be% Freedman told the board's standing committee Monday. And, Pickering Trustee Ruth Ann Schedlich worries the board could face a crisis next year if there is no new mone%. his is a very serious issue and it doesn't sound like there will be a quick fix;' she said. " 1 know we've raised this with the MPPs, but something needs to be done.- Ms. one "Ms. Freedman explained school boards across the Irovince have been working together for months in an at- tempt to determine the com- mon problems the new fund- ing formula has created and to provide recommendations to the Ministry of Education regarding possible solutions. She told trustees a posi- tion paper created by a group of administrative officers rep- resented by the Ontario Pub- lic Supervisory Officials' As- sociation (OPSOA) was re- leased recently to address common funding problems. According to an OPSOA news release, the paper was developed "to promote a focus on special -education services and funding given that in 1999-2000 school boards will be spending in excess of $100 million be- yond the Ministry of Educa- tion's special -education allo- cation" Ms. Freedman told trustees the association is "still awaiting some firm de- cisions from the ministry. If RUTH AA'N ,SCHEDL1CH 'Sonrethinx neeils to he done.' there was an easy fix I'm sure that would have been done. There is no easy fix to this (funding) model." Ms. Freedman maintains the government's current funding formula has created a ",cry co%tly" and "very limiting" situation for the de- livery of special education at boards across Ontario. And, she reported an allo- cation of new money is un- likely. "I'm not envisioning a major infusion of funds and without that we will be forced to (take another look) at how we deliver special ed- ucation across Durham;' she said, pointing out the board used an additional $3.5 mil- lion on top of the ministry's allocation to help special - needs students this year. And, even with funding from reserves, the board still had to make "a major shift in how we deliver programs " The board's programming changes this year have seen the number of teachers who work with learning -disabled students drop from 250 to 153. The board replaced its academic resource and learn- ing strategies instructors with special education resource teachers in an effort to bring its special -education pro- grams in line with those across the province. Ms. Freedman told trustees problems surround- ing special education are continuing here. rade and service beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex. 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Veterans will march from the com- plex to the Cenotaph in nearby Es- planade Park, where the service will be held. For more information call 839-9144. Also on Sunday. Claremont Lc- gion Branch 483 will hold a service at 2 p.m. at the Legion Hall on Old Brock Road south of Claremont Park. It will be followed by a recep- tion, to which everyone is welcomc. For more information call 649- 3166. On Thursday, Nov. 11. Pickering Branch (06 will hold a Remem- brance Day Service at I I a.m. at the Cenotaph in Esplanade Park. Veter- ans and members of the public are invited to a reception afterward, be- ginning around 11:30 a.m. at the Legion hall at 1555 Bayly St. r14,.4 - • ;ir — — w<ki— — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 Hearing I` Hn,.ruK(,,..°y„AF THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP iNc.� • k'°ti 695 Finley Ave. Ajax 683-1112 on police, CRIT)WR SAMSFAMON - - - - shooting set for spring A preliminary ` hearing will begin next spring in the case of three po- lice officers charged in relation to the 1998 inci- dent which ended in the fatal shoot- ing of a 44 -year- old Sunderland man and wound- ing of his teenaged son. The lawyers representing York Regional Police constables Randy Martin and Mike Hoskins and Durham Regional Police Constable Al Robins met with Crown coun- sel in a judge's chambers at the King Street West courthouse Wednesday for a pre-trial confer- ence. later in the morning, the lawyers and ac- cused otiicers ap- peared briefly to formally set a date for the preliminary hearing. It's scheduled to start April 25 at 242 King St. E. Four weeks have been set aside for the proceeding, after which a judge rules on whether to commit the accused to stand trial based on the evidence. The Province's Special Investiga- tions Unit filed the charges against the officers in relation to the Dec. 28, 1998 incident which ended in the shooting death of Tony Romagnuolo and wounding of his son, Rocco. York Const. Martin is charged with second-de- gree murder in the - = death of Mr. Ro- magnuolo, while Durham Const. Robins is charged with two counts including aggra- vated assault in connection with the wounding of Rocco. Const. Hoskins is charged with one count of assault with a weapon and care- less use of a firearm. 77 95 ' 1 Most Cars $34 Coupon expires I December 3 1999 Just the fax: 683-7363 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November S, 1999 PAGE 3 A/P ODUNDEIE PRIVATE INVESTORS INC. A Dundee Wealth Management Company Richard S. Price, Branch Manager, Staff & Associates are pleased to extend to you an invitation Please bring the family and join us for our Dundee Private Investors Inc. 335 Bayly Street West Ajax, ON LIS 6M2 KX96 Boom Boa The KX96 Race Cars - meet the drivers & have your picture taken Over $1000.00 in cash prizes & other giveaways Free Hot Dogs, Burgers & Drinks Clown & Face Painting for the kids Visit our conference room and meet representatives from AGF, Templeton, AIC, Acuity Funds Ltd. & C.I. sponsored in part by AGF Templeton, AIC, Clean Environment & C.L MUTUAL FUNDS J•GROUP OF FUNDS• GROUP OF FUNDS ACU1TY 6*�w dp Templeton . FUNDS LTD t:r=J ;� cJ„s.J lw.wa,.R AIP PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION. November 5.1999 HOMER LUMBER IS VALUE PRICED... EVERYDAYI Canadian Made 100% Cana paint prernium five finishes • Variety o! arta nt project for any e to I000's of • Tintab lours popular co Ulat Spec .Ia1Iy for Weathe for Canadian ns cond Satisfaction .9�a he can .The qual,W !Illll2' 5' STEP LADDER 47901749 s3997 each 6' STEP LADDER 47901756 $4997 each I UM I ch Sic�r INTERIOR LATEX SEMI- GLOSS PAINT SUPER SCRUBBABLE $ 94 34000638 290 3.78 litre Sicv INTERIOR LATEX FLAT VELVET PAINT WASHABLE - NON SPAT ERING $25 1111 94 34000232 3.78 litre EXCEPTIONAL DURABILITY 34020032 sico MELAMINE FINISH SUPER ENAMEL INTERIOR PAINT -$360 94 3.78 litre .y ;m. POLYPREP INTERIOR EXTERIOR LATEX STAIN PRIMER KILLER SEAL2ozosR $2S ■ 79 3.78 litre -8 a.m. - 9 P.m. Monday thru Friday � 9 a.m. - S P.m. Sunday MEN" INTERIOR LATEX KITCHEN A BATH PAINT WASHABLE AND SCRUBBABLE MILDEW $28 79 RESISTANT 0 34020131 3.78 litre HIGH HIDING - SUPER WASHABLE 34000430 SUM INTERIOR LATEX PLATINUM PAINT $27. 79 3.78 litre ..� �_ EM/ /I SUPER ADHESION 34050096 INTERIOR/ EXTERIOR ACRYLIC PRIMER SEALER $22 ■ 79 3.78 litre SUPER WHITE NON SPATTERING 34000018 INTERIOR LATEX CEILING PAINT $Z� ■ 94 3.78 litre 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Saturday Sale ends Sat., Nov. 14, 1999V " 15 WESTNEY RD • N# 27-9931 Mayors' Challenge urges residents to reduce waste MAYORS' f om page 1 A Pickering resident and noted environmentalist threw down the gauntlet to Ajacians when she ap- peared before Ajax council on Mon- day. News Advertiser Recycler's Cor- ner columnist Larraine Roulston rep- resented her town at the meeting. "Hopefully, Pickering will win again. We're off to a good start, with the new four -hag limit (on garbage which went into effect in Pickering Monday) and the composter sale we had on Saturday (in Pickering)" The Mayors' Challenge has in the past won the Towns of Ajax and Pickering an award from the Recy- cling Council of Ontario for munici- pal initiatives in reducing waste. Meanwhile, Steve Peters of the Ajax operations and environmental services department told Town coun- cillors the theme of this year's Waste Reduction Week Nov. I to 7 is 'Make Your R2K Resolution: Step Lightly Into 2000'. The week is designed to raise awareness of the importance of practising the 3Rs - recycle, reduce and reuse. A display has been set up in the lobby of the Ajax Community Cen- tre. with information packages sup- plied by Durham Region on such topics as how to compost, even in winter, and ways to recycle old paint. For more information on the week call Mr. Peters at 683-2951. Word Of Wisdom You Can't tum back the clock, but you can 14W Pt yy„ wind it up again. Iftutipe. (�unng November and December, or as long as supplies last. you have the opportunity of receiving Finder's Keepers as a gift. lust purchase $100.00 worth oft-illiput Lane product. and Finder's Keepers. with a Sugg. retail value of 525.00, will be yours absolutely FREE. So don't delay, as this delightful piece is bound to create ample excitement among Gilliput lane collectors. If you are not already a Gilliput Gane club member. why not join the club during November and December and you will be eligible to participate in the prize draw for The Plandariarn Isugg. retail price 53600)). The draw will take place at the end of anuary 2W) and the winner will be notified and also announced in the Gul6rer's World club magazine. j� Precious Plates W Things �(�(��11 475 %1estncy Rd. N. tat rvtancy) Ajax 3! 686-7185 ^9' hr WWW.prerK„rplatrs.com liao J,wdi Enm" EmIrm (algae caw NEWS ADVERTISER FRtOAY EIDMON, November 5, 190 PAGE 5 P 15L!REKA \ 90. A maw Cantrer year r�•� }•,��y $4,999r Built with 910 years of vacuum technology! All Eureka's knowledge, expertise, and advanced vacuum technology gained over 90 years went into this new commemorative Anniversary Edition central vac system! There will never be another one like it! • Em* g power for up to 16 inlets • 3 -stage Ikavy [NMF Motor • Self-cioneft 1/ter - use with or wMwut bagsl 10 YEAR • �d y guarantee of 10 full years 'ARRANTY • 137" of sties poAer • 6.6 gat. dirt pail with see -go =0 wYulow • Anti rmy puking Indodes ekc. powerhsad, hose and al atressortes Don't Wait, This is a are -time Limited Production model( A Plus Vacuum & Home Systems 1848 Liverpool Road Mon -]Fri 9:30-6 905-837-5641 (National Bank Plaza) PICIKERING Sat 9:30-4:30 416-292-8919 PRODUCTS • COMPONENTS • SERVICE • UPGRADES TAKE HOME TODAY WITH ... 'POWER HOUSE NO INTERESTMONTHS NO PAYMENTS UP TO O.A.C. INTEL PENTIUM 111 450 • AM n PCl MsdletbnW • wMtf0w0 98 hi rerrlew • 125 Ifs SORaw Pool MILLENNIUM SOFTWARE • 1.14 reappy Drive • wadpocesm • 17 68 lard Once •Sproodshow' • Ail ass 12: Air• 16 IIA • wauwlerfm Stifle 8 WD owe Card os moub0e • tllewnsk 1r Em • Atsf imide No~.27 Aw1]'IMuft w� . 441 C04h m • Te80o ApeAs • feondlillester live 2S6 -„ . van 011111111111111111! - • 480 Walt Sort Weehr 89800000 Tsat3e0 lose IRM "I ("s) 831-950 rypft S.I •UWMwe Ibie 1lfearld y X», �_ .�> X99"Bartro� Who 99 Rrl 8doxe • A.O.A.AL lire • HIR V.9111 Sf[ tleke Fox Ad* Story • RMAW Mew Illaw'0 AfK* 1 • Iltetrld • AIX Mellow Case / 300 Adw o US Adw • 1 seJIIX want Power Sgp* Abd* heteneet Acciess • Iierwdt aRe• Motive OUR status Coes tent llaawll wttuae i_?:LL _.. i •f r • Po llon N R7< Mbb6md • 318 CO4Ran • 321R sORan • 16 sR Saw/ • 1A1 Hippy Illdn • WIN 96 Ksyltswd • 22 it ■■d 0tati • MY cne ! Niww or • i w illmn • 3 seen Mows A ft WEEKLY SPECIALS 3"Butt" M"m .. ..s Keybiiiiiiiiii 3." 1Z3 WAK S*aalae $ . 5 9.99 BbA CD .......x..........»...51.79 6.4 SS Uwd Orrice ......._........5149.99 Y.91 S" Fax Medm ------- 529.99 17" Mair .. ....4299.9@ 19" Vlows ek Msakw E79O..S589.99 UP DudCarUMV IS9-99 1S/1N fttm Natcwd.».419.99 Cstllaw 1/N Fdalwyy,taw .....:99-.99 IX'I3.II11! CUSTOM BUILD INTEL PENTIUM 466c rOUR OWN pC • Peiw 11 sX Maisioord • Seendbloollor 12S PCI AND SAYE EYEN • i4 Its SORaw Setiwd Card t. MORE •1.14 HoNy Drive • 12a watt Speaker • 16.2 is Bard 111rIM9 • Wkt 7a treYk.ar+i • 15” SM Moier 23 • All Medbw Tower • 44X C0-Rvn Cave it 250 Wall( Powe9 • ATI 30 811111111111 ASP 1INeo Supply Card • 3 son" Meant one stswas car raswcta tww Mettaeti alla�twrs so nouns INTEL PENTtlNr111366c • Fa llun N Q Afth iMvd • 11.95 Sir I= NWhi w AMMM.• 32 SObn • 16 = sstiM • 1.44 /MMS Draw • 3 0MN0 Ninive b Pad WHERIM INSTM 1.31 1S LOGTION: NCIIMfIi • 180" s1MA Moir .280 MNISGI til sailwars • 32X coam rad tt BALL M1 SEE 80.733- t PR/num I b ..11nllla ■ UPGRADESPICICERIN6 • MY 1111101111111111 Can t wee , a- • PNAIalswanr , lose IRM "I ("s) 831-950 ow y X», �_ .�> X99"Bartro� oft - W is - is UT. is - iUMM mm offm MI AIP PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 N L�tebrOtt tt,e Future, E d 1.t o r & opiNioNs DURHAM N EWS ADVERTISER -N0V. 5 1999 "—�- (EDITORIAL Make United Way drive a success story The needs are huge, your gift needn't be You're tired of all the had news in the media'? Here's your chance to do some- thing about it. No. we're not talking about changing the nature of the news business. Instead. you can do something far more impor- tant - help turn a piece of had news into good news, make a sad situation a suc- cess story. First, the had news: The United Way of Ajax-Pickering's 1999 fund-raising campaign is well behind where it should he at this time if it's to reach the target of S 1.3 million. That could create a sad sit- uation where important community agencies which rely on money raised by the United Way will have to cut services to needy Ajar and Pickering residents. Now, the good news: You can help turn things around to make the United w'ay fund blitz a success and assist vital area agencies provide aid to less fortu- nate citizens living in these two towns, in your neighbourhood, on your block. A contribution of a few dollars now or a couple bucks a week over the re- mainder of the campaign can mean so much today and make a huge difference tomorrow for United '�Vay agencies and their clients. You can hand over a donation to give a hand up to a battered woman living in a shelter to escape ver abusive husband. Your contribution could help an ailing person get home care from the Victorian Order of Nurses. A few dollars deducted from your paycheque might provide nourishment to a shut-in senior who needs Meals on Wheels. Your generosity may help out the Big Brothers who serve as positive role models to Little Brothers, in some cases boys abandoned by their fathers. As you can see, the needs are huge. Your donation needn't be. Contributions big or small can be made to the United Way canvasser who comes knocking on your door. If you miss the campaign worker, you can call 696-O6O6 to be mailed a pledge form or to make a VISA donation by phone. If you're among the many area residents who commute to Toronto, you can direct your workplace United Way contribu- tion hack to your home community. You won't make the news for doing so, but you will help make a goxxi news story. You won't get 15 minutes of fame; instead, you'll feel fabulous for a lot longer. E-mail comments on this editorial to nnewsC&durham.net. Submissions which include the writer's full name and town of residence will be consid- ered for publication. L-4202 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR All should pay Social assistance costs. Instead of being critical of Toronto and Mayor Mel Lastman, they should com- plain to the Mike Harris Conserva- tive government at Queen's Park. Why .' As your newspaper states, � it's "provincially -mandated pool- ing of downloaded costs which re- quires Durham and other Greater Toronto Arca regions to share the price tag for such services as social housing and social assistance" If hath the provincial Tory gov- ernment and the federal Liberals assumed much more of the costs in direct funding for socia) housing, then perhaps we wouldn't sec re- gional governments quarrelling over funding of this much-needed public service. It should be admin- istered by the provincial and/or fed- eral governments. As a former Toronto resident, I know homelessness is a serious issue not only for Toronto, but all of Ontario and Canada. So we need more social housing everywhere. Don't Toronto's homeless popu- lation and the City's social assis- tance rolls include people who originally lived in the outlying areas of the GTA, other areas of Ontario and other parts of Canada? If Canada can afford to help the Kosovo refugees, surely our mu- nicipal, provincial and federal gov- ernments can afford to look after our own less fortunate Canadians. Shouldn't our governments be co-operating on some positive so- lutions instead of attacking each other? Shouldn't social housing and social programsbe every- body's responsibility? Shouldn't we have a caring and sharing soci- ety? Shouldn't Queen's Park and Ottawa play much more of a role in terms of funding than the local lev- els of government? Politicians on Durham council should take their concerns about downloading, social assistance and social housing to their respective Tory MPPs and Liberal MPs. Edward Sawdon, M•; :_ •V: '�'V,, ..,1 A , t 1 flax to help needy To the editor: Re the Oct. 13 News Advertiser story headlined 'Durham to send $4.1 million to Toronto' for this Re- gion's share of Greater Toronto Area pooling costs: Various local politicians such as John Gray, Gerry Emm, Gerri- Lynn O'Connor and Brian Nichol- son arc complaining that Durham Region is being forced to assist with Toronto's social housing and Nuclear drama anything but predictable Plot twists, dizzying cast of characters keep our heads spinning It should be an interesting if be- wildering few months for area resi- dents ae another act unfolds in the high drama being played out over the future of the Pickering nuclear sta- tion. So far there have been more plot twists than you'll find in any big - screen thriller, and a dizzying cast of characters. Let's pick up the story in the fall of 1997 when residents and a citizens' lobby group persuaded Pickering council to hold a referendum asking voters if they wanted the Province to order an environmental assessment (EA) of the problem -plagued power plant. Eighty-seven per cent said 'yes' but the plot began to fizzle when the Province said 'no'. Then along came the Atomic En- ergy Control Board (AECB) and or- dered Ontario Hydro (now Ontario Power Generation or OPG) to con- duct an 'environmental review' of the plant. Hydro appointed a committee of citizens to provide advice on it, but that process ran out of steam after the committee and an independent expert criticized the review as inadequate. Just when it looked like the issue was dead along came the AECB again Marianne Takacs Sta,,(j`' Writer and, much to OPG's surprise, ordered an EA of the nuclear plant under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act as a condition for the restart of the four older 'A reactors Hydro had temporarily shut down. A struggle en- sued involving the Town, community groups, OPG and the AECB over what kind of EA would be required - When the dust settled, the Town stirred everything up again by choos- ing as its independent consultants for the EA a team of academics headed by the man who had criticized Hydro's 1998 environmental review. This week, the AECB released a draft 'scope and terms of reference' detailing what OPG will have to pro- vide in its EA report. Between now and mid -2000, residents will also be faced with making heads or tails of the final scope document, OPG's EA report, AECB staff's EA report, everybody's comments on them, and the AECB board's decision on the restart - not to mention keeping track of an alphabet soup of acronyms. The plot will be thickened by all the vari- ous motives of the main characters: Politicians must try to juggle resi- dents' concerns, nuclear plant work- ers' votes, and the dollars the plant provides for Town coffers; while OPG must strive to keep everyone satisfied at the same time it needs to get the 'A' plant back on line as quick- ly and cheaply as possible so it can ei- ther make money selling the power or make money selling the plant. It would be nice if citizens could just sit back and enjoy the drama but they have a real stake in how it all turns out. Let's hope it hasn't all been just for show and won't come to a dis- appointing end that will leave the community's questions about the nu- clear plant unanswered. E-mail comments on this column to nnews@durha &"L Include your full name and town of residence. NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified : I dverti.sing Manager John Willems Real Estate Automotive Advertising ,ttancrger Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing Manager Jews (905)6x3-5110 Sa les (905) 683-5110 Classifteds (905)6x3-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E -Mail newsroom(a-durham.net Web address www.durhamnc%s.net 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2115 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Coun- cil. The publisher m - serves the right to classify or refuse any advertise- ment. Credit for adver- tisement limited to space price error occupies. � NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 7 P Nuclear plant Fato take ownershlp of recreation centre New north Pickering facility `a really great place' for young people and parents BY LINDA WHITE Staff Writer PICKERING — Organizers of a family and youth ccntre in Brougham hope the facility will be- come a "model for other rural com- munities" as it offers activities for the whole family without the need to travel long distances. "We are encouraging families to take ownership" of the Family and Youth Action Centre of North Pick- ering, says executive chairman Ian Robb, minister of Greenwood and Mount "Lion United Church. -Ile ccntre celebrated its grand opening in the old Brougham school on Delmeade Road on Oct. 23 with Mayor Wayne Arthurs, Durham West MPP and Minister of Education Janet Ecker, many coun- cillors and community members. The need for a centrc was iden- tified several years ago in a survey by the Social Development Council of Ajax -Pickering, which now over- sees operation of the ccntre and ac- cepts donations on its behalf. "Kids don't have access to buses and have been dependent on their parents running them around (to ac- tivities in Pickering), which doesn't happen as much as families would like;' notes Mr. Robb. The opening of the centrc re- ceived a kick-start from the Russell Johnson Memorial Golf Tourna- ment, held in September. It collect- ed $I 5,(M, along with another $10,000 from associated events, in- cluding a raffle, which will be used at operating funds for the centre's first year. Russell Johnson, son of Region- al Ward 3 Councillor and Brougham resident Rick Johnson and his wife, Susan, was killed in a single -car accident last March. While the golf tournament held on the six-month anniversary of the tragedy took an emotional toll on his family, Coun. Johnson is grate- ful for the efforts in hosting the event. "It's a great inspiration for peo- ple, in a time of government cut- RON PI F7RONIRO/ News Ads erriser photo Two-year-old Aidan Clifford and mom Leanne enjoy making crafts together at a moms and tots program being offered at the newly - opened Family and Youth Action Centre of North Pickering. Lo- cated in Brougham, the centre offers activities for all ages. backs, to see how much money can be raised in the private sector and in the community. "That's a wonderful story in it- self," says Coun. Johnson, who had been working to make the centre a reality for several years. The centrc now offers after- school programs for students, where they can do homework and enjoy games, supervised activities and snacks. Computers will soon be available for use. The centre is also home to a moms -and -tots program for moth- ers and their newborn to six-year- old children. The North Pickering Play Group is held Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and offers some structured activities, all at no charge. Youth can enjoy a paved area set aside for street hockey and an ice rink will be made this winter. Counsellors from The Youth Centre in Ajax will host information ses- ,,ions about nutrition and a fitness club may be established. Plans are also in the works for Human Resources Development Canada to set up a job bank that will allow visitors to access job in- h)rmation through a computer ter- minal. The centrc will also be home to community kitchen. expected to 1perate several days a week. That , ill be up and running once remod- cling is complete and equipment has been purchased, says Mr. Robb. Meanwhile. a Grocery Pantry - similar to a food bank - is in opera- tion and provides food to children at Valley View and Claremont pub- lic schools with the co-operation of principals and teachers, Mr. Robb reports. At Christmas, "we will he help- ing families with limited re- sources.- says Mr. Robb, pointing to the many families who must rent their homes and land from the fed- eral and provincial governments. Finally, the ccntre, which is being leased from the: federal gov- ernment for a nominal amount. will be open Saturday evenings and will alternate activities between families and youth. " I think it's going to be a really great place for families;' says lain McCully, centre treasurer and So- cial Development Council secre- tary. Admittedly, it has taken a lot of work to revamp the former school, built in 1959 and which was later a restaurant, into a community cen- tre. Organizers are particularly thankful to Home Depot in Ajax for supplying materials and labour, Gomhson & Glanford Painting of Ajax for a "reasonable" price on paint and labour, and Miller Paving, which covered over the area for street hockey and part of the drive- way at no charge. ..There were many others who have been extremely supportive;' adds Mr. Robb. Pickering `handcuffs' committee members: Johnson PICKERING from page I councillors and three members of the public. Normally, the commit- tee deals with requests for minor variances to zoning bylaws, such as permission to build a garage eight feet from a lot line instead of the nine feet which might normally be .required. However, the two applica- tions sought new uses for the prop- erties in question. One was an application to open a day-care centre at Liverpool and Kingston roads in a vacant building toned for commercial uses such as a convenience store or bakery, which was granted. Another appli- cant wanted to open a day-care cen- tre at the site of a former bar at Al- tona Road and Finch Avenue. The latter application was de- ferred by the committee to allow Town staff to ask council whether it was appropriate for the committee to consider applications proposing new.tises on a property not permit- ted in the existing zoning. In supporting the resolution Monday, Ward I local Councillor Dave Ryan suggested developers were "using the committee of ad- justment as a back door to get things done quickly and inexpen- sively" If council didn't do any- thing to stop it, he said, it would lead to more "manipulation" of the approval process, "It's inappropriate;' said Coun. Ryan. "It's unfair. It taints, in my mind, the process and the people who are involved in it" Ward 2 local Councillor Mark Holland, who's a member of the committee, also supported the reso- lution. Coun. Holland noted a zon- ing amendment involves a more costly and rigorous process, includ- ing a statutory public meeting to discuss the change being proposed. He maintained it's unfair for some property owners to be able to obtain what is essentially a major zoning change through the committee of adjustment process designed to grant only minor variances. " Ibere has to be consistency;' said Coun. Holland, adding there shouldn't be an alternative rezoning process for people who try to "beat the system". However Ward 3 Regional Councillor Rick Johnson, who's also on the committee, opposed the resolution, suggesting it "hand- cuffs" the members. He noted the committee can decide when the new use being sought is not a minor variance and reject the application. "We gave the committee that re- sponsibility and I think it's up to the committee to make that decision" Also opposed was Mayor Wayne Arthurs, who noted there are `tests' in the Planning Act which help determine whether the change being sought is a minor variance. Both the mayor and Ward 3 local Councillor David Pickles pointed out council can always ap- MARK HOLLAND 'There has to be consistency.' peal to the Ontario Municipal Board any committee of adjustment decision it considers inappropriate. Coun. Pickles also opposed the resolution, while Councillors Mau- rice Brenner and Doug Dickerson also supported it. scores well in monthly `report card' PICKERING —The Pickering nuclear station failed to meet only one of the 14 performance targets set for September by Ontario Power Generation (OPG). Time plant bettered the goals in 12 categories and met them in one, according to the latest monthly 're- port card' released by the corpora- tion to make itself accountable to the public. September report card results were as follows, for the first nine months of 1999, except for measurements that are quarterly, as indicated: - In an index reflecting nine indus- try standard performance measures set by the World Association of Nu- clear Operators ( for the third quar- ter of 1999) - 80.3 per cent. better- ing OPG's target of 72.8 per cent. but short of the industry median of 84.4 per cent. - Public safety Level One and Two dents reportable to the Atomic En- ergy Control Board (AECB t - two, improving on OPG's target of 11. • 'Reactor trips' or the number of unplanned automatic reactor shut- downs per 7,(XX) hours - zero, better than the OPG target of one and the industry median of 0.8. • The number of special safety sys- terns which exceeded their vearly unavailability target - zero, better- ing the OPG goal of one. - Compliance with nuclear safety commitments to the: AECB - 14) per cent, meeting the OPG goal of 1(X) per cent. - Net electrical production - 10.4 terrawatt hours (one terrawatt equals one billion kilowatts), better- ing the target of 10 TWh. - Capability factor or amount of en- ergy capable of being produced pear month as a percentage of perfect performance - 78.2 per cent, better than the OPG goal of 74.3 per cent but falling below the industry medi- an of 82.8 per cent. - Total outage days per reactor - 37.3, improving on the target of 39. - Low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste produced -1,568 cubic metres, improving on the OPG target of 2,175 cubic metres. - Radiation dose to the public from both the 'A' and 'B' stations - 0.6 millirems/site, bettering the OPG goal of 1.0 mrem/site. o Major and moderate preventable spills - zero, improving on the OPG goal of one. - Total collective dose of radiation to all on-site personnel and visitors - 42.6 rem/unit, bettering the OPG goal of 48.6 renVunit. - Industrial safety accident rate, the number of accidents per 200,000 work hours that result in lost work time, restricted -work injuries or fa- talities - 0.32, improving on the OPG target of 0.4 and bettering the industry median of 0.4. - Accident severity rate or the num- ber of days lost for injuries per 200,000 hours worked - 302, failing to meet the OPG goal of 5.0. OPG's report notes a worker fatality in a car accident in March had a sub- stantial effect on this indicator. A/P PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 a IN • a a 116thenj"s If es�r mfr .......A �— A 1 ..} ..; :►.+iia. 2000 DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 QUAD CAB •r• 4 spd. auto, 5.91- diesel, air cond., tat'cruise & more. Stk #73438 PRICED TO SELL 2000 DODGE DURANGO 4X4 SPORT 3rd row seat, anti spin axle, rear air & much more. Stk. #73414 1999 DODGE DURANGO 1998 JEEP TJ SPORT t VE, auc..w xk. PIN. PUL air oonc. It sae, arc spin. seamy alarm bg Wm %now lass, alum at*ek58 more Slk rv6•C2 IN STOCK READY TO GO 2000 DODGE RAM 1500 4X4 QUAD CAB Auto, 5.91- engine, air, p/convenience, ttlVcnmse & much more. Stk. #T3488 2000 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 5.21L engine, auto, keyless entry, air Auto, air, tilt/cmise & much more. & much more. Stk. #P6206 Stk. OT3503 41 2000 DODGE RAM 1500 ST PICKUP slot #offer 1*1 77 po ,84 iso 2000 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED TiIVcrwse, auto, 5.2L Magnum, air, Quadra drive, p/sunroof, p/heated side mouldings & more. seats & more. Stk.#73119 11 Stk. *T3483 2000 DODGE RAM 1500 4X4 QUAD CAB Auto, 5.91- engine, slide rear wind, 26G, air, p/convenience & more. Stk. #T3415 COME SEE IT! 1999 DO DG E DURANGO engine, air bags, auto, keyless air & much more. Stk. !07 MAKE AN OFFER! 2000 DODGE RAM 1500 SPORT QUAD CAB -r - A MEMO 0 � i Auto, keyless entry, p/seat, air, bit/cruise & much more. Stk. OT3422 2000 DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 QUAD CAB Auto, keyless entry, alum wheels, air, titt/cruise & much more. Stk. #73448 2000 DODGE RAM 1500 4X4 CLUB CAB Auto, air, side mould, 24A package & more. Stk. #T3463 TAKE ME HOME! 1999 DODGE RAM 3500 SPORT QUAD CAB -• f Auto, p/seat, keyless entry, 5.91 - diesel, tilt/cruise, air & lots hare. Stk. OT3158 0 1999 DODGE DURANGO IVII 5.21- engine, anti-lock brakes, auio, keyless entry, air & more. Silk. #P6152 0. REASONABLE OFFER DEFUSED - SOLE, UN EAAS,0 NABLE OFFERS ACCEPTED .G3 a ,a; ', 1f1�t�M ti at~ f11�N NetilMi!/ iMtir�T &foam* omm"M pow ILLAVE %Pnn1F*LEn` JR vi N VRAAW �- • •CHRYSLER•DODGE DODGE A TRUCKS 4 H". UM CUSTOMER" o 14 ARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) 905.6855358 SERVICE OPEN ALL DAY - , C: t • mos. Finance example: 10000 • 28X for m D E �P : ,� mos., moMhfy palrma�nt �..�, C.O.S.C.o.e.:s�.os. VERY NIG i5 6 Yule findplentyof NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 9 AIP Christmas ifs at school's fund-raising bazaar Durham residents are invited hosting a Castle Christmas Fair to support local charities while Saturday; Nov. 13 from 1 to 4 doing a little Christmas shopping p.m. at a bazaar at Trafalgar Castle The ftmd-raising bazaar will School in Whitby. feature handmade crafts, tree dec- The private girls' school is orations, a raffle, a silent auction and a bake sale. Youngsters can make a gift or keepsake to take home in the Children's Craft Corner. Last year's fund-raising event raiud more than 55,000 for local and national charities. World Vision and breast cancer Proceeds from this year's fair research. will benefit Child Find Ontario, Trafalgar Castle School is at Canadian Feed the Children, 401 Reynolds St., Whitby. Childhood Cancer Foundation, For more information call 668 - Mothers .Against Drunk Driving, 3358. Overall DIRECT CANADA'S- '- Steep 3 NY. n°i FaCler7 � S sales at GM up in October OSHAWA — General Mo- tors of Canada reports yet an- other month of increasing vehi- cle sales. In October, sales were up 8.7 per cent to 30,693 units. Car sales went up 28.8 per cent to 18,746 while trucks sales fell 9.4 per cent to 14,621. "We are ex- tremely pleased with our pas- senger car sales results," said marketing vice president Dick Conlin. "We continue to focus on build- ing cars and trucks that will meet the needs of our cus- tomers" Despite the dip in truck sales, there was continued growth in the full-size pick- ups and utili- ties, Mr. Conlin said. He also rooted the 114.64 -per -cent increase in sales of the Chevrolet Tracker. So far this year, GM's Wes are up 8.5 ,per cent. The compa- ny has sold 367,079 vehi- cles to date. Big sellers for General Motors in Octo- ber were the Pontiac Sunfire, the Chevrolet -Caval ier,the Chevrolet Mal- ibu, the Pontiac the Grand Prix, the Oldsmobile Intrigue and the ;Buick Century. Zu , Sleep W&I Make Its `i Irg., 4111, MEDIUM EXTRA F1RM _ C A•.lfAAl1T l ,F r - i�t � � We Del ver It!e Sed �F M.'au, ui, 25 coR*Wt Ic FREE CHOICES ' `� �c a�tt,oe • Pillow Cases • PiNow Rvleciors ' Single Single • Bed Frame • tocai Deisery8 7• %tftr%Prck"M • Set4v ' Single Sins;le ,Z!lel 19 h4tttresti $ 3T19 . BA IU* . DSA Of tik3trress %1ittress Set 319 Set 369 ' Strap%mar ' Set 5429 Set $509 DOUBLE 219 Sft 389 DOUBLE .269 Sty 4 39 • WEEN ..279 Sct -3�9 DOUBLE .�99 Set -399 DOUBLE .419 ' -*1 r�19 QU QUEEN ..329 S(I 499 • • QUEEN ..339 Set x-39 QUEEN . 509 kt t4i9 KING ....469 S(i -+09 KING ....509 SE,t 71)1i L J � ,Q � � � KING ....339 5ct 1369 KING ....639 A4ree t raeaaVW &M* OUP Plear.N* ad f►aadsm a Ira WX G ST i •.,,, Na + t Ira ��'' "lot - � _ � �� to rig Im Im PST 4 - ► 179 L-fframE Marva BM* tai R rd�r tom Bed l st D8 b of !ra ...ME M. � 1lGtt ' � NGS - 1KRi s ; :• :._ . ffs AM ,lam 19 '17 OW FON FWN RN* AMW BMd Aw M/ Imaw :AT/ 10 Ito II I l :N : V.116 R69111 rX.11TIT/111 :311: /=IK1 ff Illi 1lreaafli 7dradll 7t�aaY6 t�rw.+N as >a pm U Il:9IITI 3 lk&lb WA 111: G t N tiAYLY ae CLE '- Steep 3 NY. n°i FaCler7 � S G A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 Masked bandit robs A.J. GROE.V/ News Advertiser photo S-s-s-scag SfZf� E.B. Phin Public School Principal Linda Zaks- Wilker (seated) cringes as Patches the boa con- strictor wraps himself around her at the se-hool on Monduv. Patches is being genll%. led bN- Afar`• -Ann Nota. The event Bras scheduled as part of u deal.41s. Zuks-Walker made with students as part of a fund- raising initiative. This 'x•rap-up' event allowed the students, who raised 517,500 for the school, to see A9s. Zuks-Walker meet her end of the bargain by wrapping herself in a snake. . Halloween store Durham Regional Police say a masked bandit armed with a handgun robbed a Halloween costume store dust after midnight last friday. The man, wearing a baseball rap, hag gy blue jeans and a black bomber jackrt, entered the Monster Hal- luweer. Outlet on Pickering Parkway, demanded money and escaped to a waiting getaway car, possibly a Volk- swagen. He got away with a substan- tial amount " of rash. SEETOMORROWS BIDBOY GRAND OPENING FLYER SAVE A FORTUNE ON FURNITURE APPLIANCES AND ELECTRONICS! BAD" BOY v - F' w> Department featuring the famous Sears 'O Pedic Matt NEW" Pickering Drop by and see our _New Matt ress Tn"E SOUND GIZAND OPENING •o .- ONKYO NAKAMACHI TOTEM ANGSTROM TARGET XLO GRADO REGA ALCHEMIST ROGUE AUDKXRIEST ONKYO NAKAMACHI o 8 •SPECIALIZING IN FINE AUDIO COMPONENTS & a HOME THEATRE EQUIPMENT A •TURNTABLE SPECIALISTS •STEREO &VCR REPAIRS •SPEAKER RECONING •CUSTOM HOME THEATRE OPENING SPECIAL a ONKYO TXSV373 DOLBY DIGITAL -READY RECEIVER R PLUS n o ANGSTROM TRINITY PROJECT SERIES 11 SURROUND x PKG. - 5 MATCHED, SHIELDED SPEAKERS PLUS 4 POWERED SUBWOOFER MSRP $2195.00 1149900 OPENING SPECIAL ?t z } FREE DRAW 5 AUDIOPHILE CD'S VALUE $130 =`- SALE STARTS FRIDAY NOVEMBER 5, 3PM TO 9PM g SATURDAY, 10AM TO GPM 8 ugvrrvxvN OAIMq :S3f10U0nY 31100,+ :SIn3Hon Y03N ocvdo OTx :3obr1 ":sonr Y13_C: ,HotrnvxtiN axNo ' ; LE SHAW) DIGITAL CABLE TERMINALS AVAILABLE HERE! S SHAW @ HOME (HIGH SPEED INTERNET ACCESS) DEMONSTRATIONS ress selection. BY SHAW REPRESENTATIVES AT GRAND OPENING 7 Crafters in Ajax, Pickering display their talents in Markham Several arca crafters will be selling their wares at the upcoming Country Decorating and Collectibles Show and Sale in Markham. From Ajax, Sherri and David Audet of Garden 8c Grove will sell solid copper garden and home ac- cents: Suzanne Legere of The Bounti- ful Basket will make available garden collectibles and critters' birdhouses; Ann McKenci-, of Country Cabin has bears for such occasions as birthdays; and Gay Fletcher of Crafty Creatures will sell wine bottle decorations and Christmas hedgehogs. From Pickering, Christine Rut- ledge of Christine's Crafts will sell freeze-dried tlorals; Arlene Dncdgcr of Creating Christmas has handmade Christmas decorations; and Janet Jubb of Playmates makes fabric dolls and bears and bathroom and kitchen ac- cessorics. The show %vill be held Friday to Sunday. Nov. 19 to 21 at Markham Fairgrounds on %IcCowan Road, seven kilometres north of Hwv. 7. Show times arc 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Nuv. 19 and IU a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 20 and 21. Admission is $9 for adults. $R for seniors and $2 for children under 12 years. There's no charge for parking. Pickering High honours graduates AJAX — More than 290 eradu- atcs will he re- turning to Pick- ering High School Friday, Nov. 5 to receive their diplomas at the annual com- mencement cer- emony. The graduat- ing class in- cludes 77 On- tario Scholars. More than 55 scholarships, bursaries and plaques will be awarded to stu- dents. The 1998-99 valedictorian is Jerome Simpson and graduates Dan Carlson and -Danielle Skin- ner have been selected as the all-round boy and all-round girl.The cere- mony begins at 7:30 p.m. in the north gymnasi- um of the school, at 180 Church St. N. in Ajax. NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 11 A/P sA&PECIAL computek IN TODAY'S Advertiser • ' Fri., Nov. 5, 1999 DIPLOMA IN: CERTIFICATIO IN: News Advertiser Ashley Furniture Ajax Network Engineering MCSE, A+ • Biway Ajax/Pick. Programming & Systems Analysis MCSD FREE • Canaan Pick. Computerized Accounting MCDBA A+ COURSE ' Canadian Tire Aiax/Pick. Software Engineering CCNP WITH MCS 'Coverall Painters and Decorators Pick. Applied Information Technology CNE, ORACLE • Future Shop Ajax/Pick. MING IN: ' Grade Expectations Pick. 'Grand &Toy AjaxJPickSIX SEATS AVAILABLE . Web Design, HTML, JAVA ' Home Hardware Aiax/Pick. (11 week free course in' Home & Rural Aiax/Pick. keyboarding, Visual Basic IGA Ajax word and internet) Visual C++ KFC (Scott's Colonels Dozen) Ajax ilYD CUSSES START= Mic a(Pick.) Pick. 'Michaell sAjaxlPick. MS OFFICE 2000 MCSE (Nov. 13) New Homes Ajax/Pick. Introduction to Computers A+ (Nov. 13) ' Sav-A-Centre Ajax/Pick. Pennzoil Pick. Windows 95/98/2000 CCNA (Nov. 14) Pizzaville Ajax Get quality training at excellent prices! Sears Ajax/Pick. • Individual attention - Social assistance and unemployment insurance Shoppers Drug Mart A ja x/P is k JS carbon oug h • Unlimited lab time recipients may qualify for FREE funding Smitty's Fine Furniture • Hands-on training - Over 90% success rate ,,, Aiax/PickJScarborough Job Placement Assistance Telep Pianos Ajax/Pick. f' 'Zellers Ajax/Pick. MiCrosoft . PRON11-1RI(' a ;i KlecteJhouur '. r.. W�'N' member. all insms. mcludmz " )w on 21)s« Paper. can be Req)slered and Al creved as a 'Jocahona, Scrod: oder the P, ivatr, V;ca ;nor) S'r;n[N)I ac; wCled u :th the rest of vour PICKERING CAMPUS 1111111111" 10111 T111NT0 CAMPUS ET081CRE +i spaper thruu!h vour blue K Reodine pn,,,ram. 1550 Kimpton Ad. walkimg -from r mlurmatiun.m delnenng 11 Block W. of Brock Rd.) Kennedy Subway Q.eer-.s Dixon & Islington ur adverusine tiven. _ .1 - :::: •I tic.av w:. Just the fax`' Send it to us at 683-7363 :}TCHERat Z --..9-r'_ a Consumer Car Mart 'HICLE INSPECTION_ STATION BUMPER TO BUMPER SERV F J *BA;LMC114 I OF MSRP 10 i •www mimes usr OAC Nicole Friday's (;arricr of the �Xcek is Nicole. She enjoys piano and soccer She will rci,civc a dinner for 4 Vonrcher, compliments of McDonald's. (.'(Pngratulalions Nicole ft)r being our Carrier of ttic Week. Irsie.-,lLsen io W031sc vai A HOURS:MON=WED & FRI 8-6,THURSDAY 8-8 SATURDAY 8-5 1016 Brock Rd. PickeringAt Consumer Car Mart, customer service is our top priority, Our salaried Class `A' mechanics recommend only necessary repairs. Jost soots of the 401) to ply *offers expire Nov 12,/99 Cars and »�f� (905) 420-3555 �(�DEEENF9 LYNN ELLIE RANDY BOB NASCAR TONY PAUL P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5,1999 Computer & Business Career College Suite 217-1550 Kingston Rd., Pickering (905) 831$167 Suite 502-209 Dundas St. E., Whitby (905) 430-9400 ACADEMY OF LEARNING is a unique training and development group in the field of business and computer skills with over 150 loca- tions in North America, and expansion Internationally. The Pickering location opened 10 years ago and is overseen by Centre Director VAUGHAN SAWYER, with a second location in Whitby. ACADEMY OF LEARNING provides short, fast and effective office skills and computer courses using hands-on MULTISENSORY train- ing. They provide career training courses for individuals wanting to gain full employment in a modem office environment, or computer repairs and software support. ACADEMY OF LEARNING students benefit from the flexible scheduling of the Integrated LeamingTM System. Course modules are two hours in duration, and students can work at their own pace, whether it's days, evenings or weekends. It's ideal for companies wishing to train employees outside of regular working hours. Students of ACADEMY OF LEARNING can learn practical training in keyboarding, related office skills, and computer training in popular business applications, troubleshooting and servicing. Whether it's a corporate client or someone recently out of work or out of school, ACADEMY OF LEARNING assists individuals to refresh and upgrade existing skills as well as develop new skills. Financial Assistance may be available, for those who quality, from government/private lending institutions. SERVICE. THE OK DIFFERENCE M9D4R��I 860 BROCK RD.S., Pickering (south of Bayly St. W.) (905) 831-5800 Acct--_ditei Tes: - a Pmair Facility For many consumers. buying tires is a ritual complicated by a tan- gle of specifications, performance claims. regulations and special offers. Weeding through this jungle is often an unpleasant and con- fusing experience. The people at OK TIRE a AUTO SERVICE (Pickering) recognize that a little information will enable consumers to select tires that will provide excellent economy, performance and nde comfort to suit their vehicle. OK Tire Stores is the largest independent tire dealer association in Canada with 200 stores from coast to coast. OK TIRE & AUTO SERVICE (Pickering) benefits from tremendous purchasing power, resulting in value -minded prices. Every passenger bre purchase is backed by FREE road hazard insurance, FREE mileage warranties (ask for details), and FREE installations and rotations. All tire 8 auto service work guarantees are honoured at any OK TIRE associate location. PICKERING EMISSIONS, operating as OK TIRE 8 AUTO SER- VICE (Pickering), was founded in 1995, and is owned by CARL CAPRIO. OK TIRE 8 AUTO SERVICE (Pickering) offers reputable national fire brands for passenger vehicles: Michelin, Toyo, B.F. Goodrich. Uniroyal, Bridgestone, Marshal, and others. They also feature cus- tom wheels. This facility holds 6 vehicles and is equipped with 4 hoists: it pro- vides tire repairs 3 wheel balancing, shocks and struts, tune-ups, brake and exhaust service, and lube -oil -filter service. PICKERING EMISSIONS has invested in becoming a Test and Repair Facility for the Emissions Ontario "Drive Clean" vehicle emission program. Cal soon for your appointment SH P SERVING DURHAM REGION FOR 17 YEARS 682 MONARCH AVE., Ajax (905) 683-1089 (Units 2,3,4) 1-800-667-0539 Fax. (905) 683-1159 EXECUTIVE COPIER SYSTEMS MMC. is the ONLY authorized Ful Line SHARP Dealer serving the Durham region since 1983. to December 1998, ECS was the recipient of an award as 81 tidapendeat Sharp Dealer in Canada. Whether a prospective client is conducting business tram a home, office or a large corporation. owner GEORGE DUNK and the sales staff at ECS are two to advise on upgrading. expanding presert needs or buying for the fist time. Sharp copying systems include Master Series. Reprographic Series, Performance Series. Digital Colour, Digital Blade 8 White, and Sharp AL -1000 Series digital laser copier/printer which allows you to tum your digital copier into a high-quaNty 600 dpi laser print - or. At EXECUTIVE COPIER SYSTEMS, they also offer a complete ire of Sharp facsirrtie products from thermal to plaint paper laser technology including multifunction and thermal transfer with built-in PC connectivity, all designed to fit your individual needs. Multimedia Projectors from Sharp offer direct XGA/SVGA/MAC connection and make presentations corse to life. The newly introduced AR -505 digital copier from Sharp operates at an Incredibly fast rate of 50 copies per min urte, and can also be used as a network printer. All discontinued and current Sharp photocopiers are compliant with the Year 2000. Service and support are always available from EXECUTIVE COPI- ER SYSTEMS, whether ifs maintenance and repairs, toner and M". Surf their website at www. durharnmalf.cwn/acssharp, E -Mail them at sales0ece-cmude nom., or visit the showroom soon. "Life Should .ring wil 'I S1- taste )))ed without permission from Ultimate Marketing (519) 885-4441 1_ SrJ as good a� (01 ' rSwiss Chalet "I �' 1680 KINGSTON RD., r _JJ 905 428ngN22ARA( ROTISSERIE & GRILL DELIVERY:439- 000 A FULL SERVICE SIGN CENTRE 145 KINGSTON RD. E., Ajax (905) 428-7446 (east of Harwood Ave., Heritage Market Square) (across from Costco) SIGN-A-RAMA provides a wide range of services and products to meet your sign and image -building needs. This firm can cover all your requirements from the ground up, start- ing with graphic design and logo creation, and the use of over 2,000 typestyles from which to choose. The computer systems at SIGN-A- RAMA allow the staff to convert graphics from your own computer's designs, and also scan graphics or logos from a document, then implement them into your chosen sign format. In addition to hundreds of ready made signs, SIGN-A-RAMA can create cost-effective banners. A -frame and sidewalk stands, mag- netic signs or permanent vehicle lettering with custom graphics, and vinyl lettering for many indoor and outdoor uses. The various sign formats available includes pilon and fascia signs, kingboards for buses, site signs, real estate frames, freestanding signs. awnings and illuminated box signs. Other informational and image -building products encompass directory boards, trade show displays, custom decals, engraving and screen printing. Originally established in Farmingdale. New York in 1986. SIGN-A- RAMA is the largest full service sign franchise in the world with loca- tions in 19 countries. In Ontario, it has developed into a network of 11 franchise locations and growing. Owners ARNO & HELEN TAHK opened the Ajax location in July 1998. They ensure that the choices you make will truly suit your needs, and that the project will be com- pleted quickly, and with highest quality i£ service. Visit their new website at www.starpages.com/signarama-durham. 0FILI MW ltl/herr t/hs CustomwAlways Fnislhes First! 1167 KINGSTON RD., Pickering (905) 839-6666 Buying a new vehicle is an exciting time in anyone's life. It also comes with its share of difficult decisions --chief among them being what to buy and from whom to buy - The goal of General Manager JAY FORREST and the manage- ment and staff at FORMULA FORD is to provide the facilities, peo- ple and automotive products to fulfill all your automotive needs. Despite the growth of the dealership's clientele over the past 2 years and the many improvements in various departments, cus- tomers can still expect a family -like atmosphere. During your visit and test drive, courteous sales consultants take the time to educate the customer about their choice of new FORD vehicle, or Quality Certified pre -owned vehicle with 20,000 km/12 month waranty. Factory trained service technicians at FORMULA FORD can meet your service and maintenance requirements. On-going training allows them to remain current with the evolving technology and ser- vice equipment. They have extended hours including parts and ser- vice, and are open Saturdays from 8am-4pm. A shuttle service and courtesy loaner program are available. The body shop service at FORMULA FORD can restore your veN- cle to its pre -accident condition, with expert colour matching and insurance claims a specialty. Whether it's a family, recent college graduate, or business, ask the leasing specialists at FORMULA FORD about The Plan. The new Ford FOCUS is designed in Germany, engineered in the UK and assembled in North America. Designed to be a combination of practicality with comfort and style, Ford Focus is a huge step for- ward in design, driving dynamics, comfort, safety and cost of owner- ship. Focus is available as a 4 door sedan, wagon and ZX3 coupe. See the new Ford FOCUS being showcased this weekend at Formula Fordf 15 WESTNEY RD. N., Ajax (905) 427-9931 (M►08111110Y cul rigs pia, at Kingston Rd.) lum A ber & supply store must be marry things to different people in order to prosper. For some, it is simply enough to have a good in -stock inwerMory of products. priced right. For oRms, howev- er, helpful customer service is of the utmost importance. It can often mean the difference between a highly suooesslul project and a job which may require more Mme and materials due to errors. The staff at HOMER LUMBER have had the benefit of daily expe- rience with contractors and do-it-yourseders. They will help guide your choice of the appropriate materials ler your project, answer some questions you may have, and estimate your costs at no oblig- ation. It's anportanht to store manager DENNIS HUNTER and the staff that your renovation or improvement Molest succeeds, so their advice and help with planning is clear & precise. There has been a build% centre on this site since 1967; the store became HOMER LUMBER in April 1999. The departments are easily found with named aisles like Kitchen Boulevard, Seasonal Road. Electric Avenue. etc. HOMER LUMBER provides regular and pressure treated lumber, plywood, paneling and trim, Sino paints, FkwW and Minwax stains, plumbing and electrical suppler, lighting, fig, drywall, insulation, Bonneville windows, Aluminart storm doors, floor coverings, kitchen cabinets, sheds, fas- teners and hardware, power and hand tools, and much more. Regardless of whether you are in the discussiorh stages or have plans outlined for a project, HOMER LUMBER offers great customer service, free estimates, delivery services, and the best brands at a fair price. Ever since SWISS CHALET opened their first restaurant in 1954. they have used a unique method to give their chicken a distinct taste. Fresh, whole chickens are rotisserie barbecued slowly and carefully in real brick -lined ovens, cooking naturally in their own juices until its crispy and golden on the outside, tender and succulent on the inside. The Quarter Chicken, Half Chicken, and Double Leg Rotisserie Chicken entrees or all-inclusive Swiss Platters are served with SWISS CHALET's special sauce. Their meaty, tender "Fall off the Bone" BBQ Back Ribs are basted with a delicious BBQ sauce and charbroiled to perfection. Their exciting new for 1999 menu now includes Perogies, Chicken Wraps, Grilled Chicken Breast on a Grilled Baguette, Warm Chicken Salad Amandine with rice, Sesame Ginger Chicken and Salad, Canuck Burger with back bacon and cheese mix, as well as Veggie Burger, Chicken Stir Fry and Veggie Stir Fry. Other selections include Hot Chicken Sandwich with Fries, Charbroiled Beef Burger and Cheeseburger, Chalet Style Chicken Wings, Chicken Pot Pie, and new Chicken Strips, and Grilled Chicken Breast on Caesar Salad. Kids get free Shirley Temples, fun place mats with activibes, and a pick from the toy chest. The Pickering SWISS CHALET location opened on December 29, 1987, and is franchisee -operated by TONY BARRADAS. Whether you eat in their licensed dining room or require fast take- out, or 30 minute delivery at the home or office, or perhaps you're planning a banquet or kid's birthday party, think of SWISS CHALET ROTISSERIE 8 GRILL. 1 6 VALUE YOU DEMAND AT PRICES YOU NEED 615 KINGSTON RD., Pickering (Pickering VC Centre, west of Whites Rd.) (905) 420-6800 Whether you are customizing a new home or remodelling your cur- rent home. PICKERING TILE CENTRE offers a multitude of tile products designed to improve your home's value and livability. Tile is durable and has an extremely long life expectancy, and it's also easy to clean and maintain. The best part of using ble in your home is that it can be a real do-it-yourself project that can relate quite a savings. Since 1986, PICKERING TILE CENTRE has always tried to stock only the most current fashion colours and styles of file designs in the showroom. PICKERING TILE imports over 900/a of their floor and wall tile. The majority of tile today are bigger with the 10" x 16", 12" x 24', and 18" x 24" tiles being the norm. They also have a huge selection of back - splashes which are hand painted, raised decors, etc. PICKERING TILE can also supply shower doors, vanities, bath- tubs. whirlpool spas, pedestal basins. and MOEN fixtures. They can supply the grout, trowels, information guides and every- thing else you should require to install it yourself. PICKERING TILE's trained crew is also available to install anything they sell, with results that will satisfy the most discriminating consumer. For the selection, experience, price and professional installations, include PICKERING TILE CENTRE LTD. in your next renovation or building plans. ONS SiUPAIR t?CUr? •I YOUR DECORATING SOLUTION 1410 BAYLY ST. W., puckering (903) 831_1233 (Unit 2, east of Liverpool RdJGo, Station) Painting are design elements that can create a dramatic value; it should be a decorators tor'shome's livability o choice to freshen a cul living space or for Lose Pacing a home for sale that want excellent show ability. Pittsburgh Paints and ONE STOP PAINTS 3 DECOR have taken Color and given it a Voice. The PITTSBURGH PAINTS Voice of Color Palette gives decorators a choice of over 1,800 colors; from Acorn Squash to Scotch II to Soft Suede, as Allspice. xc an eexceptkxnal selection of Green to Dover Gray, rm, cool and neutral shades. There are also more whites and off -whiles, many with subtle undertones of pink, blue, or yellow to complement any decor theme you've chosen for your home. Manon ONE STOP ting contractors pECd old fa high have come to rely Olympic stains and wood finishes, and wall ovvenngsupplies. Pittsburgh Paints, B IRIA 1 need McGO AN at the showroomert C0104N lof ONak E STOP PAINTJOEL S i Or DECOR. They are specialists in decorating and colour solutions-- Pniaed right They are open at lam, and delivery service is available. W FRIDAY, NOV. 5 PUB: Ballycliffe Lodge, 70 Station St., Ajax, holds a pub night from 7 to 10 p.m. featuring the Country Jam- mers. Free' admission, cash bar, all welcome. 683- 7321. ADDICTION: The Sereni- ty Group holds its weekly 12 -Step Recovery Meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group deals with addictions of all types, including co-dependency. All welcome. Child care program available as re- quired. Phone 428-9431 (Jim, evenings) for more information. SATURDAY. NOV. 6 ALCOHOL ADDIC- TION: Is ,our life affected by alcoh4? If so, Al -Anon hosts its weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 5t. Andrew's Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby. Call 1-800-921- 3555 or 728-1020. Ask for AI -Anon. BAZAAR: St. George's Anglican Church, corner of Randall Dr. and Hwy. 2, Ajax, holds its annual bazaar from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Knitted goods, crafts, baked goods. toys, tea room, raffles. Phone 683- 7981. BAZAAR: Ontario Chap- ter No. 227 of the Order of the Eastern Star holds its annual fall bazaar from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Masonic Hall, south- west corner of Hwy. 2 and Mill St., Ajax. Crafts, bak- ing, tea room, face paint- ing, used books, miscella- neous table. Proceeds to charity. 686-8488 (Mar- lene). BAZAAR: St. Paul's Unit- ed Church. 65 Kings Cres., Ajax, holds its annual fall bazaar from Il a.m. to 2 Up to O 0 off retail 'A Toys. Games, Kids Books, Tool Kits, Housewares. gtUl Planners. Novelty Gifts, Building �• ', ��+f'a Blocks. Stationery Sets. Small Electronics, Travel Accessorie 8 much much more"". Don't Miss the Pickering Kinsmen & Kinette Club Santa Claus Parade Saturday , Nov. 13 t 1999 SUrtin9 at Serving the 10:00 atm Community's Greatest Need Letter Carriers will be collecting letters for Santa en route. 1_ NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 13 A/P NEWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD NOV 5, 1999 p.m. Crafts, home-made peas, corn, carrots, bever- baking and jams, white ele- ages and a selection of phant, Victorian treasures. home-made pies. Tickets Lunch available. Free child are $10 for adults and free care. Wheelchair accessi- for children under 12. To ble. Phone 427-7030 for in- reserve tickets call 839 - formation. 7271. TURKEY SUPPER: An Old -Fashioned Turkey Sup- per is held at Dunbarton- Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Road (at Dixie Road and Hwy. 2), Pickering. Sitting,, at '� and 7 p.m. Tu ke-.. ,tutiinL. mashed potatue". r. . BAZAAR: The South Pickering Seniors Club hold their annual Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Seniors Activity Centre. 910 Liverpool Rd. (just south of Bail} StrL:ctl. Pick,, rm Chit tnr,1 c1.c1 r.iti„n, knit Call the Heating Installation Experts Avoid the hassle of a breakdown - Call by Dec.15/99 and, with the purchase of a ,�ftxnace, you will receive 100 Bonus Y AIR MILES® 1 reward miles • payments as low as no payments/no interest `get for 3 months' s-soasss-assn www*nbriidgeser'vices It oro We fully back all our products and services. $20 = 1 AIR MILES® reward mile am ” Cartier Some conditions apply. Subit:cl to credit approval. Sample monthly payment.% of $15.68 arc Maud to a mardald gas to gas furnace insWlauon to ilk, amount of 52.1154.111), with no down paymcm. tnxrowed at 111.251E per annum. for a leanof W month.%, with a 3 month tkferral. Total amount to be mpud t%$21413 7h. Co%t of Koff wrine is 1549.76. ON Tratlonatk% ot AIR MM Ine mrrrul KAMP NN Uwd urkr lita:ruc by Lryaky vinw.wenl Group Cauda Ittc and 6thn* Savaas hX made crafts, books, records, CDs, tapes, cloth- ing, a white elephant sale, baked goods, raffles, draws, a tea room and lots more. Donations for the white elephant sale wel- come. 839-6705 (Jessie Docherty) or 420-5049 (se- niors centre). DANCE: Parents Without Partners holds a November Singles Dance frorn 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Dnipro Hall, 681 Dnipro Blvd., east of Ritson Rd. off Bloor St., Oshawa. DJ, door prizes, spot dances, 50/50 draw, buffet. Dress code in effect. $7 for members, $9 for oth- ers. CRAFTS: The Ajax I.i- oness Club holds its annual craft sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Bernadettc's Church, corner of Harwood Ave. and Bayly St., Ajax. Proceeds go to help local charities. 683-3323 (Ger- maine). .1 w• /ks BEDS • SURES • LINEN • FUTONS • CRIBS • ETC. D "S LARGEST 1PI:(.lA1:n_ BEI)R0 0M STORE SIVI'E 1982 Futon Bunk iFrame .. $39995 / With Mattress 559995 D -Frame _ with S" Futon $19995 Frame Only 59915 Perfect Sleeper Pillow Top et WORT-,: Features S(x) BEDROOM SUITES FOR 3a EVERYONE SAYE NO W.l' $$$ PINE CHEST >EAnM MWS eL Assorted Sizes FWW FIAT TOP BLANKET BOX I FROM FLANNEL SHEETS FROM $3995 :L MasterBedroo BEDS • SUITES • LINEN • FUTONS • CRIBS •ETC. WHITBY 668-4300 ■ carl�0rw" c DUNDAS 1540 Dundas St. E. cam (N_W_ComaratThicksoNDundas) + 1755 Pickering Pkwy. 401 (N.E. Corner at Hwy. 401 8 Brock Rd.) Continuous Posture Spirals With Posturized Centre e y Q. $72995 - -- S '549"" D. $639" K. 510595 BEDROOM SUITES FOR 3a EVERYONE SAYE NO W.l' $$$ PINE CHEST >EAnM MWS eL Assorted Sizes FWW FIAT TOP BLANKET BOX I FROM FLANNEL SHEETS FROM $3995 :L MasterBedroo BEDS • SUITES • LINEN • FUTONS • CRIBS •ETC. WHITBY 668-4300 ■ carl�0rw" c DUNDAS 1540 Dundas St. E. cam (N_W_ComaratThicksoNDundas) + 1755 Pickering Pkwy. 401 (N.E. Corner at Hwy. 401 8 Brock Rd.) A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION. November 5, 1999 swe It" sm-e All infants' Nevada' fashions All women's pantyhose Sas 163010 11; 24 Tionmi. Selection inciudes A greoi u c to stoc. up and save - iM overails. tops and Sweaters. Assonec coiclurs Includes 6-j,!o—* Servet' and ayies Sears reg 9.99-34.99 Each Jess--,' 6.99-24.49 (I;fc swew/ All maternity wear --le see 3✓ -ov 'o C'esse :3, -1a cas.3 1/2 price Remote -control 'Monster Truck' Exclusive to Sears. 'Super Big Wheels' truck in shiny chrome finish. Ages 4 and up. 8SM9. Sears reg. 24.99. 12.49 ZM10/0 MW TV `Shop and Cook' shopping cart For 2-wlshopping tun, this Wd--4mdcart %Muma UaK Vice r I P A , and baby dog seat that ft out as a carry basket Ages 2 and up. 0659D9. Sum mg. 29.99. 17." save 4U Men's The Men's Store"' dress shirts Selected patterns and vwes pvveste, A.a a� e S9 smie3�0�� All women's R & R sportswear fashions st! C- — K111.1 qfnWC, 1/2p rice Men's Sno-Fleece" lined weekend jacket Polyester with polyester fleece iining. Sears reg. 99.99, 49.99 save ��� Watson's, multi -pack panties ,Ces �.g- �-:. t. els Sea's -eg 3 99 3-,, 1? 99 PIc- 6.49 and 12.99 25% SM1e All `Christmas Village' pieces and accessories Create a holiday scene to remember. Selection varies by store. $91VI - Sam Uv" 'Sorrento' leather sofa by NaUad 857025. Sears reg. 1599.99. 12"." Matching pieces and custom options aWon sale NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 15 A/P Canadian lists author visits Ajax book store Former Pickering Village resident offers fun look at Canada AJAX — Just when you from Hounslow Press. his latest hook on Friday, in the Durham Centre, Har - thought you knew every- "A generous mix of the Nov. 12 from 7:30 to 8:30 wood Avenue and Hwy. 2, thing there was to know serious and the silly, the p.m. at Chapters bookstore Ajax. about Canada a former tit*' d h h Pickering Village resident has come up with yet anoth- er fun look at our country. Mark Kearney, now a resident of London. Ont., and writing partner Randy Ray have put together The Great Canadian Book of Lists, a "catalogue of Cana- dian achievements and fail- ures over the last 100 years - and lots of weird stuff;' ac- cording to a press release f,lc, an t e crotc., the en- tertaining and the enlighten- ing", the books includes lists about sports, business, the arts, agriculture, the en- vironment, legal issues, his- tory and music, the release notes. Mr. Kearney and Mr. Ray have written Great Canadian Trivia 1 and Great Canadian Trivia 2. Mr. Kearney will be available to sign copies of Step back in time to meet pioneers PICKERING — The lives of two local pioneer families will be the topic of a presentation and discussion at the next meeting of the Pickering Town- ship Historical Society Tuesday, Nov. 9. It will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the East Shore Community Centre on Liver- pool Road just south of Bayly Street in Pickering. Guest speaker will be Sybil C. Lynde Stirling, author of the recent book. 'To a House in Whitby: The Lynde Family Story, INX)-19M'. Ms. Stirling will discuss the family con- nection between the Lyndes of Whitby and Pickering's Woodruffs, and detail early days of the two communities' shared history. Copies of her book will lx: for sale, and she will sign copies for the public. The meeting will be followed by a social time and light refreshments. Admission is free and all are wel- come to attend. For more information call Tom Mohr at 839-1221. Library sells HMS Ajax book bags AJAX — You can tote books home from the Ajax Public Library a little easier with a commemorative book bag. During the recent visit of the HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Associa- tion, the library board and Friends of the Ajax Public Library gave each guest a copy of the book `A Town Called Ajax'. Each veteran was also given a book bag emblazoned with a picture of the British little cruiser which played a pivotal role in an Allied naval victory in the Second World War. The town took its name after the HMS Ajax. Book bags are now being sold for $10 each at all branches of the Ajax li- brary. The main branch is next to the Town hall at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings Crescent, the Village branch is on Church Street north of Hwy. 2 and the McLean Community Centre branch is at the southeast corner of Westney Road North and Magill Drive. For more information, call 683-6632. -L What happened whiley ou were out In less time than it takes to walk .t.e corner store, a burglar can be in your house, select the ,;,,odes he needs, and be gone. leaving behind heartache and the trouble and expense that comes w ,h replacing all that's gone If it can be replaced T^e best way to deal with burglary is to prevent it. You can do that for pennies a hay w- e ,ani; PC `55 Series home security system, manufactured by D SC ' P'otect a 2500 sq, ft. area. 0 Magnetic sensors secure doors or windows ' E,(tenor window decals ' Nall -mounted keypad with backlit buttons 0 Z-=ne control panels 0 E mergency buttons to signal fire. ambulance police a1% '' 0 - ,,a* 4 ' 11-itored 24 hoursiday �J ' ?ear warranty against wear & tear ' /ear service warranty a you are responsible for is the low monthly initonng service of $24`,p"Gsn ti , one should have to go through the heartache. ..pset and expenses of a hreak- n tNNOYATME iv -LLT w fil�_ (905) 683-2253 VIOMM- Hey Kids! Draw as a bee and you could win a $100 gift certificate for Horth End Bowl Drop off your entries is Person at: 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 BEE? The Dulrhalm Regional (Spelling Bee needs all>l'official logo Par WIN a $10i; gtt$��ate from North End Dowl, Oshawa. Contest cktfMs lday, Nov. 26. Open tw �t six to 16. send terms Contest c/o Dadiam Regional Spdung Bee 865 Farewell SL, Oskawa ON L 1 7L5 The Durham Regional Spelling Bee is sponsored by Oshawa Whitby Clarigba Pad Perry THIS WEED Ajax di Pieberia` NEWS ADVERTISER The Canadian Statesman UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE Celebrate the Future DURHAM 1 9 7 4 1 9 9 9 HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF THE REGION'S WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES The Region's Waste Management Facilities in Oshawa, Port Perry, Blackstock and in Brock Township will be closed Thursday, November 11, 1999 for Remembrance Day. Normal operations will resume Friday, November 12, 1999. V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. I Commissioner of Works It pays to pay your News Advertiser carrier Just ask E. Robinson (left) of Ajax who won a T.V in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's recent collection draw. To be entered to win, just pay your carrier the $5.00 voluntary delivery charge and send in your ballot. The carrier on this route. Crystal, also received a $25.00 bonus for selling the winning coupon sheet to a customer on her route. Making Magic- An Elegant Holiday Workshop �u\i;A'l. \0; [MBER 14. 1 a 1]:00 ail TO 3:00 P%1 DEER CREEK GOLFAND COU\TR` CLUB 27 Bugged Lane, .Ajar TICKETS 530 EACH Our expert designers will provide practical workshops designed to provide tips for everything from spectacular holidav entertaining to new and original ideas for decorating your home and table for the season. A delicious light luncheon will be served and tempting gourmet treats will round out the afternoon. You deserve to set some time aside for yourself'. Expect this warm and wonderful afternoon to become a favorite with you and your friends and a must do" part of your Holiday tradition. The Pre -Festival Workshop is the very first event in the series leading up to "Magic in the Making", The West Durham Festival of Trees November 25 to 28, 1999 at The Pickering Recreation Complex 1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering, Ontario All West Durham Festival of Trees events support the purchase of medical equipment for our community hospital thrcwgh The Ajax Pickering Hospital Foundation 11 th year cutting Kids Hair T T" Pickering 11I& � (Mandarin Plaza) A tuWgw catta�'a t� Rion a Toy Stale our ckib care [n- 1125 Kingston Rd. 905-428-3484 ra botkoan altaaaomofthesea Toronto iorf�, boot. crago. r..trUtk or i.wclow ry-Ows.biraid"9 . (Beaches) Thurs. , at. Sun. 1926 Queen St. E. open late 10-8 9-5 11-5 416-691-9190 What happened whiley ou were out In less time than it takes to walk .t.e corner store, a burglar can be in your house, select the ,;,,odes he needs, and be gone. leaving behind heartache and the trouble and expense that comes w ,h replacing all that's gone If it can be replaced T^e best way to deal with burglary is to prevent it. You can do that for pennies a hay w- e ,ani; PC `55 Series home security system, manufactured by D SC ' P'otect a 2500 sq, ft. area. 0 Magnetic sensors secure doors or windows ' E,(tenor window decals ' Nall -mounted keypad with backlit buttons 0 Z-=ne control panels 0 E mergency buttons to signal fire. ambulance police a1% '' 0 - ,,a* 4 ' 11-itored 24 hoursiday �J ' ?ear warranty against wear & tear ' /ear service warranty a you are responsible for is the low monthly initonng service of $24`,p"Gsn ti , one should have to go through the heartache. ..pset and expenses of a hreak- n tNNOYATME iv -LLT w fil�_ (905) 683-2253 VIOMM- Hey Kids! Draw as a bee and you could win a $100 gift certificate for Horth End Bowl Drop off your entries is Person at: 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 BEE? The Dulrhalm Regional (Spelling Bee needs all>l'official logo Par WIN a $10i; gtt$��ate from North End Dowl, Oshawa. Contest cktfMs lday, Nov. 26. Open tw �t six to 16. send terms Contest c/o Dadiam Regional Spdung Bee 865 Farewell SL, Oskawa ON L 1 7L5 The Durham Regional Spelling Bee is sponsored by Oshawa Whitby Clarigba Pad Perry THIS WEED Ajax di Pieberia` NEWS ADVERTISER The Canadian Statesman UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE Celebrate the Future DURHAM 1 9 7 4 1 9 9 9 HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF THE REGION'S WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES The Region's Waste Management Facilities in Oshawa, Port Perry, Blackstock and in Brock Township will be closed Thursday, November 11, 1999 for Remembrance Day. Normal operations will resume Friday, November 12, 1999. V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. I Commissioner of Works It pays to pay your News Advertiser carrier Just ask E. Robinson (left) of Ajax who won a T.V in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's recent collection draw. To be entered to win, just pay your carrier the $5.00 voluntary delivery charge and send in your ballot. The carrier on this route. Crystal, also received a $25.00 bonus for selling the winning coupon sheet to a customer on her route. Making Magic- An Elegant Holiday Workshop �u\i;A'l. \0; [MBER 14. 1 a 1]:00 ail TO 3:00 P%1 DEER CREEK GOLFAND COU\TR` CLUB 27 Bugged Lane, .Ajar TICKETS 530 EACH Our expert designers will provide practical workshops designed to provide tips for everything from spectacular holidav entertaining to new and original ideas for decorating your home and table for the season. A delicious light luncheon will be served and tempting gourmet treats will round out the afternoon. You deserve to set some time aside for yourself'. Expect this warm and wonderful afternoon to become a favorite with you and your friends and a must do" part of your Holiday tradition. The Pre -Festival Workshop is the very first event in the series leading up to "Magic in the Making", The West Durham Festival of Trees November 25 to 28, 1999 at The Pickering Recreation Complex 1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering, Ontario All West Durham Festival of Trees events support the purchase of medical equipment for our community hospital thrcwgh The Ajax Pickering Hospital Foundation A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 ���L1MICED i;fqs � 365 WHIS-FLEf • HoChxge Rrrttytg Boa►ds • Whetbr Blackcoftttt EmblPkge • Vortec 4.3 Lure V6 190 HP Engine • 4-SpeedBtACKC0X4BjNMy+D00R omatic Transmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel Disc Anti -Lock Braking System • Next Generation Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • Remote Keyless Entry • Power Door Locks/Windows/Mirrors • 6 -Speaker AM/FM Stereo with CD • Tilt -Wheel" • Cruise Control • Premium Ride Suspension • Roof LEASE OWNS Luggage Carrier • Locking Differential • Deep Tinted Glass Dowr Payment Lease Payment I Total Due 0^ S gning 36 MQYM SIMRtiuSE INAN PURCHASE FCE PURCHASE PRXE • Air Conditioning • Lower Body Side Gadding $0 $528 $2.56045 t 54.645 $388 S7.566.20 3 8 g 3.9%$36388 56.000 $348 $9.028.45 Per p2yS,k5doer• 44 •x�wM• sS6 Total clue on signing includes Gown payment. freight. security � s deposit. 1' month s payment plus tauce s. Licence, insuran. P.P.S.A. and admin. fees extra. WHISTLER BLACKX.C_,0MBI I MMY 2 -DOOR • No Chwp Ru r ft Boards • Wltistisr Blaclficamb Emblem Padtago • Vortec 4.3 lure V6 190 HP Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel Disc Anti -Lock Braking System • Next Generation Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • Remote Keyless Entry • Power Door Locks/Windows/Mirrors • 6 -Speaker AM/FM Stereo with CD • Tilt -Wheel..• Cruise Control • Off-Road Suspension • Locking Differential •Air Conditioning • Deep Tinted Glass LEASE DownOPTIONNS MO/f�H SwtlaitaE MRM�MSE FMMNCE wn Payment Lease Pa merit Total Du al e On Sr m MSE no= $0 $425 $2.317.00 $318* 3.9% $30689 • 13,571! f316 $6.174.45 55.000 $275 $7,719.50 PK C/tia.570 Aoww uP tlo 418 llaOrr�lat .xetrrdes total due on signing includes down payment. fref0t. security $756 tyMart sT5'S deposit. 1' month's payn em plus taxes. Licenoe. insurance. P.P.S.A. and admin, fees extra. AUTO INSURANCE SAVINGS FROM MOTORS INSURANCE CORPORATION — THE INSURANCE PEOPLE FROM GENERAL MOTORS. VISIT YOUR PONITIAC•BUICK•GMC DEALER AND CALL MIC FOR A FAST, NO OBLIGATION AUTO INSURANCE QUOTE.-- FM UOTE.' FOR A UMITED TIME. ONLY AT YOUR ONTARIO PONTIAC BUICK GMC DEALER Wd Ilke you to know more. Come visit us at your local dealer, on our website at wwwgrncalnada.corn or call us at 1 -900 -GM -DRIVE. 'Offers based on Jimmy 4 -door R7Y and Jimmy 2 -door R7Z. Annual cost of borrowing 5.4% per annum. Annual kilometre limit 20,000 km. 50.12 per excess kilometre. Other lease options available. 'tFrefght (as indicatad), licence, insurance, P. P.S.A., administration fees, and s taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. tFinancing on approved GMAC credit only. Example: $10,000 at 3-99/6 APR, the monthly payment is $225.34 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing 0 L is $816.32. Total obligation is $10,816.32. Down payment. trade and/or security may be required. Mon borrowing vary depending on amount borrowed Cost 0 down P n O MY dePosO Y eq Monthly payment and cost of will v v mentitrade 't$Offers apply to select 2000 new or demonstrator models equipped as described, and to qualified retail customers in Ontario (excluding Northwestern Ontario). Dealer order or trade may be ker. and is not acting as an agent or broker or in any other capacity on behalf of Motors Insurance Corporation. Available to residents of Ontario only. Qt4► 4%V%* necessary Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. Some restrictions may apply. See your dealers) for conditions and details. AYour GM Dealer is not licensed as an insurance bro- ` GMC -Information, please, on government services Ontar' informationlo centre opens lon Durham An information centre in Whitby will provide one-stop shopping for resources provid- ed by the provincial govern- ment. The Government Informa- tion Centre at 590 Rossland Rd. E. is one of 57 such offices across Ontario. Whitby -Ajax MPP Jim Fla- herty was on hand for the offi- cial opening last Friday. "With the opening of a government centre in Whitby, people can get the information they need in one location." Among the services provid- ed at the information centre are: • common government forms, such as birth, marriage or death certificates, and driver's licence applications; • answers to frequently asked questions about services pro- vided by the Province and other government levels; • on-line registration of an un- incorporated business through an Ontario Business Connects workstation; • electronic ordering of gov- ernment publications; • access to government Web sites. Another feature is the 'lost wallet' information package, which contains information and forms for replacing identi- fication commonly carried in a wallet, such as a health card or driver's licence. This saves people from hav- ing to visit several government offices to obtain similar infor- mation. Government Information Centres are open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Fri- day. More information on all the centres can he found at the government's Internet site at www.gov.on.ca . Put some magic into your Christmas You can come up with some new ideas for Christ- mas with a little bit of magic. Making Magic is a holi- day workshop that's an off- shoot of of the 1999 West Durham Festival of Trees, a fund-raiser for the Ajax -Pick- ering Hospital Foundation. The workshop is being held Sunday, Nov. 14 from II a.m. to 3 p.m. at Deer Creek Golf and Country Club, off Salem Road in north Ajax. There'll be infor- mative workshops on holiday entertaining, decorating hornes and tables. Guests can try different crafts and shop for unique and hard -to -find Christmas items. Other fea- tures include a luncheon, wine tasting and gourmet treats. Tickets for Making o � O Cl 'Yl/1 O ID / L/ '�'` EWEST LOCATION IN PIC to rru YOW Magic are $30 each. Pro- ceeds will be used to buy medical equipment for the Ajax -Pickering Health Cen- tre. Mca;while, the 1999 West Durham Festival of Trees is being held Thursday to Sunday, Nov. 25 to 28 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. For more informa- tion call the hospital founda- tion at CSX 3-23-10 ext. 1227. Everything In -Store On Sale At Both Locations SW CpIMI d • f itt]PP N �W$ �• Dwy DuosV ! a WHITBY PICKERING 1545 Duda St. L 1099 Kingston Rd. W 444 APYPTA F V 11411.94 1 T U R E 11D12^l aeee NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 17 A/P .ART AUCTION Feats rvn* treauwe* from today's, most pop",4w a rt"ustk w� 8aie~*v 'Berry-Brendlery-Caen.-Isaa.c.-Ladrd. Lmw"bers- Z ART GALLERY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH, 1999 Preview 11:30 a.m. Auction 12:30 p.m. AT VICTORIAN GARDENS BANQUET ROOM 60 Randall Drive, Ajax, ON (In Pickering Village) A u,ct-w ry proceed k to- oy--M United Way of Ajax -Pickering '#r,re'_.,r}�Jt�,:►Irl►rar:*.1..)dw,r.,IrJ.JI'JJ�.LrJ r!,.J..'+JJl J.l ,wf•rJ-J!"). r?_. A/P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 Tr a v I & To URISM Eerie N E1ti'S ADV ERTISER NOV. happenings in Kingston BY DOUG ALLXA.NIMY Special to the Neots Advertiser Dark, disturbing secrets lurk within the shadowy his- tory of Kingston. Unsettled spirits. grave robbers and chilling_ happen- ings haunt this eastern Cana- dian city that guards the St. Lawrence Ri"'er. Steeped in three centuries of Canadian history, Kinostom is the oldest city in Ontario. Tile "Limestone City" also has the country's oldest uni- versity. a well-preserved naval and military history predating the War of* I81?. It also has ghosts. Probe Kin_gston's shadows and you'll find something sinister. And, it you dare, you'll dlscoyer the darker side of this city through the Haunted Walk of Kingston. The ghost tour starts at the Tir nan Og Irish Puh, found at the Prince George Hotel on Ontario Street. Here. you'll learn of the 3m stenouN hap- penings on the third fltx)r — specificall% Rcxim 104 — of this 190 -year-old hotel. "Some people say they've seen a shadowy figure up- stairs.- says guide Jayne Griska. "One couple who staved in the room say they saw one of the beds floating in mid-air." It's a spine -tingling open- ino to the tragic story_ of Lily Herchmer, a young girl who lived with her folks in a build- ing that once stood where the hotel was later built in 1809. Lily was having an affair with a sailor who frequented Kingston's waterfront. On Ioncly nights, she'd hang a lantern in her window to beckon her lover. But one night Lily fell asleep and a gust blew the lantern into her room. The flexor ignited and Lily, tragi- cally. died in the flames. Later, standing on the steps of St. George's Cathe- dral, we're told the story of the "Resurrectionists" who would %teal fresh corpses from graves in the late 18t N h and sell them to Queen's Unl- Im r versity medical students. And. at the alleyway on Kings Street near Rochleau Court, we're told of the death of Theresa Beam. Many be- lieve she's still here. "Phis is where lots of" hauntings take place, in restaurants, shops and apartments in the arra," %ts. Griska says. In 1976, a photographer was determined to uncover the past to explain the strange knockings and odd sounds in his King Street studio. He and his assistant used a Ouiji hoard and "connected" with something. An unearthly presence claimed she was 1-heresa Beam, a woman murdered by John Nepier in 1868. 'Whilc the hauntings continue to this day, no one has ever found Theresa's hones and fulfilled her beyond -the -grave wish. sss Doug Alesamier is a freelance travel writer. Follow his other travel teles on the Internet at tvv%,w1ruve-v% ise.cont. THE R16HT VACATION! THE RIGHT PRial THE RIGHT REWARD! ! Book by .ti o�. 27th & choose your H8 reword.' E PACKAG( A Great Goll`? An Accul.,rm Wl,ut Mr ltnver . r A. r ut..rrn xna..r loaner Amy recur wlue •229 'Pnver) 01GULF 10 s�.nr serol o4.r •110 tPulrer7 I 1 1 l CRUISE �AGCUFARM kom PACKAGE i --- Hot Shades! _� pp+ e ltulu r, se<�g y{.mss• oy Non a,u Occhwh App— .cur wn.r ••113300 - '1501304 ; IAV I kA 5, 1 9 9 9 Marlin Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sun. 12 - 6 P.M. 905-426-6242 ORLANDO FORT LAUDERDALE LONDON HALIFAX SYDNEY LISBON LOS ANGELES ST PETE'S SPAIN VANCOUVER HONOLULU NEWARK from 00 O/IKAL ■ rtn pp from SALM AL rtn pp ; Sun....... .........:.... 15 May -- PAC/CA" C --- Sea................................. 16 Sept A Time for fun! F P coni 4h certln<ore. $179 foyers mous nlge,r out 6 C abt— & Evelyn phdo album p Dawn.............................18 Sept App— ,.rau.a—•75 Ocean ........................... 13 May �7 w geeil"""' "",...t,.�...,.,r $599 rtn pp from M endrasrn stopover oHa 6om PRINCESS CRUISES Radisson ` H ... $179 Arse — Purchase applies. Certain fags ae arse aM. per lam. WW a m la rrra to &0,*hp 1 enj f pan V lam chaps restnctiom, Valid while quantlses last. ?: '010s13Wll"0P01awe/atlbOft ~Goslmrs%esfttlrsetrApj,3te7WAftalr Ask Your consultant fordetalla. vocation I 75 I■wtttl 1An. N., Ila Sial it I., Ulk 7, 1315 Fief W4 ft, 3150 Gift sm, Ain 011100 Fdu* C11111111101 Coh, Wk* `838411 571-2231.1'' 6668266 831-1521 rtn pp « 5, 1 9 9 9 Marlin Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sun. 12 - 6 P.M. 905-426-6242 ORLANDO FORT LAUDERDALE LONDON HALIFAX SYDNEY LISBON LOS ANGELES ST PETE'S SPAIN VANCOUVER HONOLULU NEWARK from $179 ■ rtn pp from $ 179 rtn pp ; from $379 rtn pp ; from $179 irtn pp from 1299 rtn pp ; from $599 rtn pp from 399 ■ rtn pp ; from $179 rtn pp ; from 459 rtn pp ; from 299 rtn pp ; from 699 ■ rtn pp ; from $199 rtn pp « 'Conditions apply - all taxes to be added. Flights subject to avail. Valid at time of print. CALL YOUR FLIGHT CENTRE 905-831-9959 LOCATED AT PICKERING TOWN CENTRE i.....1��l���e�l;.�:`*a_.-a-••.•"z. �-!•�.I.�r��rll���.1't «r.�.�y,__�-_..-..-. Tl1.rYil!lr�r�r!►r>t..�i:;!>r:<L1.lilr'.F:r1:1 low NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5,1999 PAGE 19 AJP 77,fi Use your sears Cara and don't pay for one full year or pay no interest until January 2002** on all furniture and sleep sets. Viin Y Sean "-ft +e storeAM AM M MOMAM "iture store w1ole (0 h a ALC_ _ coorrliaated '1650 VICTORIA ST, UNIT l7,1K'IITmRY, ovru10. fum'tum PIIOKI:: 191)5) 579-UMS 1 •&A1-336•fur/3 *Val PW dlo Don't pay urd Novanber 2000. **Ib' oAw: Pay in 26 equal montliy paym a, milerest free, un61 JarM 2002. !ort adkm On approved credit. with year Sears Card. %writrn 5200 purchase. SM deferral fee and all appicable taxes and charges are pwpW at 6me of purchase. Exck Catalogue purchases. Appy to merdwkbe in Sears Ftrrnirre and Sears I'mull e d Appiarrces Stores. Ogas erd Sunday, November 14,1999. Ask for delais. IPTt1711199..�:.�_«.��...:.._:_...__���..__......:....._._._.,�..�......�,..��.►_...,.,yr:.ti:- ---..-�..,...........Cqwwt999.SMuCaraOpInc �MINE ME .ye^ . „rR,,s 'r-� si'� `Sup -•-'*..rte :. s Use your sears Cara and don't pay for one full year or pay no interest until January 2002** on all furniture and sleep sets. Viin Y Sean "-ft +e storeAM AM M MOMAM "iture store w1ole (0 h a ALC_ _ coorrliaated '1650 VICTORIA ST, UNIT l7,1K'IITmRY, ovru10. fum'tum PIIOKI:: 191)5) 579-UMS 1 •&A1-336•fur/3 *Val PW dlo Don't pay urd Novanber 2000. **Ib' oAw: Pay in 26 equal montliy paym a, milerest free, un61 JarM 2002. !ort adkm On approved credit. with year Sears Card. %writrn 5200 purchase. SM deferral fee and all appicable taxes and charges are pwpW at 6me of purchase. Exck Catalogue purchases. Appy to merdwkbe in Sears Ftrrnirre and Sears I'mull e d Appiarrces Stores. Ogas erd Sunday, November 14,1999. Ask for delais. IPTt1711199..�:.�_«.��...:.._:_...__���..__......:....._._._.,�..�......�,..��.►_...,.,yr:.ti:- ---..-�..,...........Cqwwt999.SMuCaraOpInc �MINE ME A/P PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 NEWS&Ent rtain nt ADVERTISER NOV. 5 1 9 9 9 Pacino VS. Tobacco in The Insider' Run with the family to Herongate farce Nots, playing at Atoviplex 9, Pickering The Adventures of Elmo In Grouchland: Kevin Clash. MandN Patinkin. Vanessa Williams. Elmo loves his fuzzy. well-worn blue blanket better than anything in the whole world. Elmo would never let anything happen to it until a tug-of-war with his friend Zoe sends his beloved blanket to far- away Grouchland. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me: Mike Mvers, Heather Graham. Yeah, bah}'. yeah! Austin Powers, International Man Of Mystery. is back to hunt down the nefarious Dr. Evil, who threatens to leave our hero 'shagless' forever. Bates: Lou Diamond Phillips, Dina Meyer. When the small Texas town of Gallup experiences a series of bat attacks on local residents, the gov- ernment calls upon eminent wildlife zoologist Dr. Sheila Casper to investigate. Guess what happens:' The Bone Collector: Denz:I Washington, An- gelina Johe. Two cops on the trail of a serial killer must see as one, act as one and think as one before the next victim falls. Rhymes is a brilliant forensics detective paralyzed from a gunshot wound. Don- aghy is a policewoman who must be his eyes and ears and capture the killer before he strikes again.. Bringing Out the Dead: Nicolas Cage, John Goodman. Patricia Arquette. This Martin Sc(xsese film chronicles 48 hours in the life of Frank Pierce, a burned -out paramedic haunted by visions of ghosts of the people he was unable to save. (Drive Me Crazy: Melissa Joan Hart. Adrian Gre- nier. Nicole and Chase live next door to each other, and that's about all they have in common. Nicole is up on the latest fashions, Chase up on the newest protest. To navigate the landmines of high school love, they must reluctantly join forces. Fight Club: Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter. You are not your job, you are not how much you have in the bank, you are not the contents of your wallet. Welcome to the Fight Club. Random Hearts: Harrison Ford. Kristin Scott Thomas. An act of fate throws Dutch Van Den Broeck and Kay Chandler together. They develop an extraordinary relationship which forces them to confront the truth that threatens to destroy them and discover the strength to triumph. The Story of Us: Bruce Willis. Michelle Pfeif- fer. Ben and Katie seem to have it all — two great kids, a beautiful home, a secure life. But, the mo- ment of truth in their marriage is at hand. Superstar: Molly Shannon, Will Ferrell. All teenager Mary Katherine Gallagher wants in life is a kiss. Mary realizes that the only way she is ever going to get kissed is to become just like the people in the movies. Three Kings: George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Ice Cubc. The Gulf War is over, and three soldiers want to go home rich. Saddam Hussein stole a great deal of gold from Kuwait, and these soldiers have no problem with stealing it from him. Nov playing at the Cineplex Odeon Ajax 10 Cinereas: American Beauty: Kevin Spiwey, Annette Ben- W V V a� DOUBLE JEOPARDY (AA) Fri. Mon -Thu 7:05920 Sal -Sun 2.15-4:45-7:05-9:2( THE SIXTH SENSE (M) 'Fri, Mw -Thu 725-9:45 Sat -Sun 220.4:50.725.9:45 MUSIC OFTHE HEART (PG) Fri. Man -Thu 7:109:40 Sal -Sun 1:504:207:109:40 HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL (R) In, Morr-Thu 7:309:35 Sat -Sin 2.404:55-7:30.9:3; BACHELOR, The (PG) •Fri, Mon -Thu 7:159:30 Sat -Sun 2254:7:15-9:30 THREE TO TANGO (PG) 'Fri, Mon-Tue 7]00.9:15 Sat -Sun 2:10-4:20.7:00-9:15 POKEMON (STC) 'Wed -Thu 7:00-925 AIEFCAN BEAUTY (AA) 'Fri. Mon-Tue 7:3510:00 Sat -Sun 4257:35-10:00 THE IRON GIANT (PG) *Sat -Sun 235 THREE TO TANGO (PG) 'Wed -Thu 7:35.9.50 ■iSDER,The (AA) 'Fri, Mon -Thu 8:30 Sal -Sun 2105:15-8:30 INSIDER, The (AA) 'Fri. Mon -Thu 8:30 Sal -Sun 2:005:15-8:30 MUSIC OF THE HEART (PG) T -ti. Mon -Thu 72'-10'00 Sat -Sun 2:05.4:45.725-10:00 DOUBLE JEOPARDY (AA)* Wed. -Thu 7209:45 THREE KOM (R) 'Fri, Mor-Tue 7:10-9:40 Sat -Sun 2:10.4:40-7:10-9:40 SUPERSTAR (PG) 'Fri, Mon -Thu 7:00-9:00 Sat -Sun 2.204:207:00.9:00 THE SO" SENSE (AA) 'Fri, Mon -Thu 7:309:55 Sat -Sun 2254:507:309:55 THE IRON GLOAT (PG) *Sat -Sun 2:00 THREE TO TANGO (PG) •Fri, Mon -Thu 7:15-9:30 Sat -Sun 4:05-7:15-9:30 DOUBLE JEOPARDY (AA) 'Fri, Mon-Tue 720.9:45 Sart-Sun 2:304:55.7209:45 POKEMAN (STC) 'Wed -Thu 7:009:10 HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL (R)'Fri, Mon -Thu 7:05.9:15 Sat -Sun 2:35.4:45-7:05-9:15 See CHRIS p4ge 21 PICKERING — Herongate Barn will be staged Nov. 5 to Dec. 19. Dinner 'fhcairc presents its latest farce Herongate is at 2885 Altona Rd.. from the master of the genre starting Pickering. For tickets or more infornia- tonight. Friday. tion call 472-3085. Herongate also has a Ray Cooney's It Runs in the Family Web site at wcbmaster(-Ihcrongate.com. r' L, EE0S OUTRAGEOUSLY JUICY Tender &Tangy e? MEATY614EARTY Bodaciously Good DOWNRIGHT DELICIOUS Applebee's Original Riblet Combo's All the goodness of our slow -cooked, hickory flavoured, signature Riblets, paired with Applebee's favourites, like juicy Sirloin Steak, or crispy golden Chicken Fingers. Come hungry, come soon, and don't miss these delicious combos at Applebee's. Riblets & Caesar Combo Riblets & Marinated Chicken Combo Riblets & Sirloin Combo only 9,99 only 10.99 12.99 Neighbourhood Gri & Bar 155 Kingston Rd. E Across from Costco Open for Lunch, Dinner & Late Night Dining ��y 1 • i •tea\ � � \w \ � a r� �,�, � � rr �a►� ►�-iia � Y l�aa. ��r NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 21 A/P ChriO'Donnell s runs for his wife in romantic comedy The Bachelor CHRIS from page 20 ing. Lester Burnham be- comes intrigued by a young girl named Angela, and this fascination sparks him to make some major changes in his life. The Bachelor: Chris O'- Donnell, Renee Zeliweger, James Cromwell. A con- firmed bachelor has 24 hours to find a bride and get mar- ried in order to collect a $I(N)-million inheritance. Double Jeopardy: Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd. A woman who has served 10 years of a prison sentence for killing her hus- band after he faked his own death sets out to take in the money from the scam. The House on Haunted Hill: Famke Janssen, Lisa Loeb, Geoffrey Rush. The owner of a supposedly haunt- ed mansion offers $1 million to anyone brave enough to at- tempt to spend the night there. One catch — you must stay alive to get the reward. The Insider: AI Pacino, Russell Crowe, Christopher Plummer. On the edge of ex- posing one of the decade's most incendiary public health issues, '60 Minutes' televi- sion producer Lowell Bergman must convince for- mer tobacco industry insider Dr. Jeffrey Wigand to reveal the truth about the practices of cigarette companies. Music of the Heart: Meryl Strcep, Angela Bas- sett, Aidan Quinn, Gloria Es- tetan. When Roberta's husband left her for a family friend, she lett the security of her small town and moved to East Harlcm to give kids the hope, pride and power to make Something of them- selves with the most unlikely of toads — 50 violins. Three to Tango: Nevc Campbell, Matthew Perry. f*lr BILLIARD ���, Solid Turn 8 1Z kgs deluxe leather pockets rri� i��. 6 stens to choose from Reg 12895 $2,195 5 ® r>t,� Black •Aibonte• Mish chrome `]�./+J s is ue caner caps and commercial kg levelers Req 51895 $1,395 " tura carred sant gok III* .... 3 in 1 Bumper, Ftr"I Tournarnerd & Dimer table 'fir can~ Dart Board rink eray table Value S69.95 low" Telescopic rods. yy Birds eye Imi k I'DialmolorftdolT11111111111 $479 finish 1 year warm* CA aoxssaMets` ' e NY 401 $7.95 Brass Dart set R .m Reg. $19.95 a Iger Office M -F 10.0-1:00 Sal 10.00-600 Sun 11:00115:00 55 Adi*istnlion Rd. Unit 23 Corrcad, Ord. 10(905W3599 Fax: (905)6603596 Oscar Novak is an idealistic young architect assigned to spy on a colleague's mistress because he mistakenly be- lieves Oscar is gay. Also playing: The Adven- tures of Elmo in Grouchland, The Bone Collector, Fight Club, The Story of Us. The Oasis Ultimate Man's Chair. Now fO�M„rw AMssaga Available for vn Heal Christmas ' e14 OSHAWA M5! lvssr• is sim "',":T. Now playing at Pickering Town Centre's Famous Pleq- ers Cinemas: The Iron Giant: Jennifer Aniston, Christopher Mc- Donald, Harry Connick Jr. A giant metal machine drops from the sky and finds a friend named Hogarth who helps him finds his humanity. _ ''. Coolest Ae4;linet wcd COOLER ?-sr May Ter no-6ecu c 'oda tie.v mases a True 7 Ire c5 game of '3o" Rae ;mage kris :7>e< .coos snack 7 a w -van 1 :amu .rise a hank 4,.V sack 104,!7 massage :3:. '7 Sift 7N r'" :'." -3. ec 3 i rLAV menage zom 3"" massage ,e "em+o-Eiecvc I agrees 71 r,em—= /" Pokemon: Animated. First movie featuring the pop- ular children's cartoon char- acters. The Sixth Sense: Bruce Willis, Olivia Williams, Haley Joel Osment. Eight- year-old Cole Sear (Osment) is haunted by spirits and turns to child psychologist Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Willis) for help. Also plaYing: American Beaute, The Bachelor, Double Jeopardy, The House on Haunted Hill, The Insider, Music of the Heart, Three to Tango. P PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, Nove+fnber 5,1999 . Sport &LEISURE N E 11' \, E R T I C IZ RON PIETRONIRO/Nexs Advertiser photo Skaters from the Pickering Figure Skating Club will compete at the sec- tional meet in Mississauga this weekend. Clockwise, from the front roK; are Breanne Allen, Amanda Gilrov, Matthew Smith and Courrnev Allen. Allens' elan earns them spots in skating sectionals PICKERING —The Pickering Fig- ure Skating Club will be well represent- ed at the Canadian Figure Skating Asso- ciation sectional championships in Mis- sissauga Nov. 12 to 14. After a three-day qualifying event held this past weekend in Mississauga. two Pickering club skaters earned a trip to the prestigious event. Approximately 275 skaters from the pre juvenile to the novice levels competed at last week- end's qualifier. Breanne Allen, 11, placed third in the juvenile ladies' freeskate qualifying event in which the top 16 out of 60 ad- vanced. At the sectionals, only the first - place skater in juvenile ladies will ad- vance directly to the Canadian champi- onships in Western Canada in 2000. Courtney Allen, 13, placed third in the pre -novice ladies' freeskate event, with the top 12 out of 80 earning berths in the sectionals. At the sectional cham- pionships, Allen must finish in the top four to advance to the Canadian Divi- sional Skating Championships in Que- bec next month. Both skaters are coached by Linda Donnelly. Two other skaters who train at Pick- ering, but represent North York's Upper Canada Skating Club, also earned spots at the sectional championships. Amanda Gilroy placed second in the novice .ladies' freeskate in which the top 15 skaters move on. Matthew Smith and dance partner Jennifer Hamilton, of Newmarket, will compete in the pre - novice dance event at sectionals. Other PFSC skaters at the qualifying event were Sarah Bates, Krystyna Byers, Elisa Chimonides, Joanna Glavin and Lenna Koichopolos. .5&- .54& & sowa# NOVEMBER S. 69 7 Pickering Recreation Complex Equipment Received NOV. 5 5 pm - 10:30 pm NON. 6 9 am - 5 pm Equipment Sold - NOV. 5 7 pm -10:30 pm NOV. 6 9 am - 6 pm NOV. 7 11 am - 3 pm No unsab eyuoTont p.mswit For more information visit our web site hM:#www.zvam.ca w k0aW or call Ajax (905) 427-5539 AOma ►�I Hn.. 401 Sponsored ft Cwm dan ski Pairoj sysia ILF 2000 Men's Full Membership S79S. Ladies Full Membership $795. Couples Full Membership $1375. Corporate Mon.-Ithurs. Only $225. ears. Widen f* Jr. Membership (18 h under) $295. Gold Card Membership $275. 1.1NFIb.r %o Fr1. i-.. %.w. a Y~ al*r S ) 0V. 5 199 9 ET.. . t Durham womens' hockey team downed by strong Mississauga squad Loss a victory of sorts for Lightning B I' AL RI VITT Sports P -tailor The Durham Clearnet Light- ning continue to improve incre- mentally in National Women's Hockey League play. But. that steady progress wasn't enough to subdue a strong Mississauga Chiefs squad which came to Ajax Tuesday night. The Clearnet�Lightning were blanked 5-0 by a Mississauga team rich in national team expe- rience. But, while the Lightning didn't post a victory on the ice, they posted a moral victory of sorts over the visitors in the con- test at the Ajax Community Cen- tre. Two weeks ago, the expan- sion Lightning were lambasted 13-0 by the Chiefs. So, keeping the score respectable against the powerhouse Mississaugans was Pickering juniors PICKERING — The Pick- cring junior 'C' ringette team was treated to a sweet victory Halloween night over a Rich- mond Hill squad that had no tricks. Pickering prevailed 5-1 after opening up a 4-1 advantage in the first period on goals by Jovette McDonald, Ashley a vlctory unto itself'. notes Durham coach Don Henw(x)d. "They are probably one of the top three teams in the league. They're a very strong team. they've been together for a long time and they have a lot of ma- ture players;' explains Hen- wcxxl. In order to stay with the high- flying Chiefs. Henwood says the coaching staff instituted a defen- sive, woman -on -woman game plan for the Lightning which kept Mississauga under wraps for the most pan, although they were able to score four times in the middle frame. "We asked the girls to play a style of game they had never played bLfore;' says Henwixxi. "We were able to execute the game plan well and keep the score down to a reasonable level." The game marked the debut ol' forward and Pickerinc resi- dent Erin Rourke with the Light- ning. A leader and captain of the perennially strong Beatrice Acros squad, she came out of semi -retirement to join the Lightning after the Acros had al- ready chosen their team for the season. Henwocxl agrees the leader- ship Rourke brings to the ice will definitely help the younger play- ers on the Lightning roster. "She's a great addition to the team and her presence out there will definitely help us;' he says. The Clearnet Lightning will suit up for the next home NWHL contest against Les Panthcres de Sainte -Julie from Montreal this Saturday at the Ajax Community Centre. Game time is 7:30 mm. have all the tricks in Halloween win Nason, Ashlea Harder-Bedner and Lauren Brandon, who was also credited with an assisi. Julie Ireland also assisted. Nason sealed the game in the second stanza with her second goal. Forward Katie Whitehead played with a lot of determina- tion in the contest. The defensive talents of AT A FAIR PRICE TM 95 INFINITI J30T 1 1111 , 1 523,998-1411 ip Low 000 ICtD TO GO A X-' 1999 INFINm 130 - 1999 INFMM 620 - 1996 NISSAN ALTIMA - *Pks mer fills imports!! INT. REMOTE R Lbw KM'S 0 goalie Kelly Dunn and defence - men Lisa Munson. Holly Shel- don and Ashley Nascimento were rarely called upon in this game, as most of the play was in tlx: Richmond Hill zone. Aline LaPierre was out of the line-up for the game, but cheered on her teammates from the sidelines. 99 NISSAN FRONTIER KING CAB V6 4X4 1 'll • 1 527,650 IVI551A 0 www.bobstephen.com 95 NISSAN PATHFINDER XE 1' 1 • 1 517,9881 94 NISSAN ALTIMA GXE 1M 1 � III 1 13,98£ 4 to damn hen : karom at X25,988 3 to al..o. N.. sb"1111111 at s'p18,9B8 s to dwm *w at 019,988 SALES HOURS mwe-liars. 9.9, fn"m !•i SERVICE HOURS MNr-fr,►. 7 SPA Set. 8:.3" hwtmbtt• 011111 Yt�teitsafrtts in Lmnng Memory of a Son who passed away Mwember 6th, 1991 WILLIAMS RONALD JAMES God called you name so softly That only you could hear, We did not hear the footsteps D the Angels draunng near. ou were our special blessing, one we thought the day would come When you "d be called away. Your earthly tasks were Relished, There was nothing left to do. You taught us all so many things We 11 cherish our whole fines through. Nene all we have are memories And yemr picture in a frame. Life goes on nrthout you But nothing seems the same. Our lives were touched by an Angel Who left footprints in our heart. Forever loved Mom do Dad IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY MOM & DAD, GARY & LISA NORTHEAST JONES, WHO WERE TRAGICALLY KILLED ON NOV. 2s` I"I. ���wer�s�rww �? eieavevrP�utsePic�i a &,c.4 for are 4,dP4c, 6ievw iT W /f%ax & Pad ' anwv 1711(&11eX .w e4.7 aI'e 4-0.-r APB, 1 Love You And Miss You Both, Your Loving Son Mathew. To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 683-0707 (Ajax) 852-9741 (Uxb.) and let one of our professional advisors help you. • 11 r►wwartusu In Loving Maawy of Our iom*W Dooghter L Sister, 414 Liso Northeast - Jonas who was tragicoly kOW Nov. 2n4 1"I IV Remember Lisa with a smile belay $he was not one for teen ReAW ensteod on memories of of the It" to mind the" she spoke and * she said. rmsembi hr a ms�kod way slie � The good Ames she shored with us ha eyes +at shone with fun So much of her the reser died, she kh for evwyom Donce with the ongels liso/ you bucked many wrath your spirit tar living. In ow Itearhyou are;drays Iltere, tae Blom, Brad, Rt, "t , carie, Jaalttie, Ymce a e v, w .i • 1 card of Thanks ' 1 card of Thwiks The family of the late DORIS MEYERS Would like to thank all the family and friends for the many cards, flowers and donations A special thank you to the VON Nurses, Dr. Ek and the Doctors & Nunes of Markham- Stouffville Hospital for their care and kindness during Doris illness. Mac Meyers & Famd •1 na n1 �r o u , To all my family and friends for their care; concern, prayers, cards, flowers and phone calls during my recent illness Also hank you to ambulance staff Drs, Chapman and Ek and nurses at Cottage, Hospital. Uxbridge, Drs. and staff at C C U. Markham -Stouffvllle and Sunnytlro& HoSpitaL I am thankful to be home and progressing well. Btufxewzm NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 23 AM 1 Cited d Tliedte ' I' • Cad d flub THANK YOU From the family of James Seens With Thanks; To the wonderful students, teachers, and staff at Dunbarton High Schoolfor showing us how important Janie was to you. To the neighbors and friends who grew up along- side Jamie here in Ajax and who made us aware of his roots in this town. To Ray and Darryl, his loo tame best friends for staring will; us the beautiful eulogy litey prepared in such a short time. To Roland his netgghbo,: for reading the summary of the Baha'i Fait F, in which, Jamie so proudly 10irved. To the Accettone Funeral Home for their much appreciated guidance, compassion, and kindmNs. To all those who offered their support and their frrendsh;p, and to all who spoke with words, �onYs, and muac from tluir hearts, for our dear lamie, thank you Jan, Jessica, Daniel, Frankie, Jamie. 'y1i,m. and his brothers OMIT • 1 oeerrr y KIRBY - Leonard Art", passed away suddenly on October 21, 1999 in Duncan, B.C. Leonard was born in Toronto on September 13, 1915. W wde Mary daughter, Joharmepredeceased ►sons, PaulPane). Leonard (Dorothy), and Michael (Donna); x grandchildren, Kara, Lisa, Michael, Matthew, Christopher and Kimberly survive Leonard Leo- nard and his wile, Mary were very involved as ac- tive sailors with the Whitby Yacht Club in Whitby, Ontario. In 1978, they made the big move west to Vancouver Island, settling in Shawnigan Lake. We F will miss him at different times in our future lives, for 6lferent reasons. Cod blesses him and our mother. A memorial service will be held at Pine Hills Cemetery, Chapel and Reception Centre, 625 Birehmount Road, Scarborough. Ontario on Sat- urday November 13th at 11:00 a.m. Those so de- sinng may make a donation in Leonards memory, to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Cana- dian Diabetes Association W,�Cejust Simply More Than A Pub, lVe would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you wonderful Black Dog patrons and News Advertiser readers for honouring us with the "Best Pub" Readers Choice Award for the third year in a row! We feel doubly grateful, because we are also nominated for the second time as best "Business of the Year Award" by the Chamber of Commerce. We are very proud of this recognition. It's who we are, and the way we do business. If you've never experienced Black Dog hospitality, our first class "real British pub" atmosphere, quaintness, mature clientele and the most gracious and hos- pitable staff are a rare breed that's above and beyond the rest. We have the only smoke-free dining room, a pub room with the best fresh air system available in Toronto, a banquet/corporate room and catering facilities. We feature an extensive continental menu, quick lunches, delectable and heart smart dishes with an excellent collection of wines, scotches and finest of beers of the world. We've heard time and again that we're the best place in town to bring friends, clients, family and visitors you really want to impress. You are a stranger here, but once. We genuinely appreciate your patronage and acknowledgement. 'O'A,cK Dpi, Ken Rueter & the staff of the Black Dog Original Owner & Operator Since 1993 87 Wand Rd West Rome (S of Hwy. 401, oast of Pbrt Union Rd. amm from White Rose) (416) 286.4544 t AIP PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5,1999 THE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE To Place Your Ad Call: CAJAX PICKERIN(: NEWS ADVERTISER 11ge: 112-9741 LASS111FIE1110 Port Perry: 985-2511 Training e Education e Careers is SchoolingEducation ee Training • Education Careers • Schools Wateh out for the new TECS column beginning Sunday, November 7. Due to overwhelming demand, we now have a section 1 devoted to training facilities, schools, colleges and universities. Whether you're offering courses or Ij job opportunities, this is the place to be. Q "it pays to advertise - advertise where it pays!" (Some restrictions may apply) 50 PEOPLE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY IN AJAX "General Labourers 'Packagers 'Long term assignments `Shift Work 'Must have own Transportation / Boots 'Keyboarding skills required Apply in Person / Bring S.I.N. Card Oshawa Centre Ex. Tower 419 King St. W., Suite 203 if you are unable to attend, Please call: 905-434-5424 KEIL[Y SERVICES 1 1 careen1 General Hetp 1 General Help :`- THE FUTURE bel-Cto those who are IIIOr atange Those who are focused and to those who are tednrcNty skilled Net 6 Com using MCSE.'Lotus Notes Database administration using Oracle Computer Maintenance - A. New media web design and Autocad. soliware design and Programming Financial as- sistance may be available to .ekpbk studenK Cal Durham j Business computer College f9051s27-3010 FNIANCIAL SEIMCES were �orkv,p for key people to ex - I r ' Si / I panel one of MIX fastest grow- i / t mg commpi m n the fastest - gqrroowwn�tpp industry n tiro world �.� / Trarrtrg roweled Box 145 Aja 2 S 3C2 and fax 905- THE MAIL STAT101I iareer /1 Training ;,inter Carer nran- To place your ad, �candling ani ,r ares. waxing An brushing call the Classified Dept. �: M �" ° (905N39-in17 at 576-9335 or fax 579-4218 1 in Catalogues '"'�°"Eues TS Needed T `1 commer- cal. Magannes. and extra and ask for our "TECS" section. n;' fees covered Call 800- MOD-ELUS OSHAWA • WHITBY • CLARINGTON 1 t- AnalunLIt BEAOTWA 1 Housecleaning now hiring ex- HIperienced cleaners Please call 683-1784 I has 46 NOW - new � ons to fill S WEEK p$11 50 10 start TFM" fiIS 1 Genelsl Nelp 1 General HNp 1 General Help 1 General ttI prow oeG T Must Pos�fill by am nNo- �� vembn 91h Call Monday to00 . 600 m °n" '''''- Orrr CotrAprrrty has long term employees and dierelme one of the lowest turnover rues W the industry. Our Company has both dedicated and non. dedicated rums that will moot your drivius style. Our Compaq ens lies that driven are compensaled-for their work and tort. 'Our ComPt=Y ensures Illiat your brae on the rued is productive to make wry you hart as nfuch home time as p°sstue. If these thinp arc as illoportaru to you as they are to us, them please amgx our imitation to apply and rurantee our mutual success. FlIme mbmk rttstuaes III sin Gftm ata., P.O. 11 100 Alliston, Ontario L" in P e or by but to: (705) 435.9863 4920 P SS26 WEEKLY IS POSSOLil Established advertising Com- pany expandug. great oppo• turuty, 10 mobvaledionw- ble needed now to EXP RI NCE NECESSARY WILLING TO TRAIN' For ap- pointment only' Call Brittany (905)720-3144 181 Ful bme Only. AZ OMM, wanted to household moves. Clears ab- straet. able to rwa crew. Sane right i we. wok 905 42683. For Akx I Pub in Dudion •stttziw Sem, Ibrarf -Personality Plus, ted, roe f I serrice bar, Mature diaMlde. AAIB PW94 km hoo ftu NW a t4t01NN PA ALTIONA a HVIV 2 11.00AM-3:30 ort See Tann or John • Qtltllified Stylists • Euellent Wage and kneflts package • Ful and pmt time positions • Paid matim 2 Wks, after 1 year, 3 Wks. after 3 years • Dettkll, Drug and Eyecme p • Busy kxati is • No tiilwI required • Advanced hung provided Please Call Cyndi: (905) 428-6824 Ajax/Pickering AFFCMYAU /MBrBBHMY K#A ZP& wMWa1�� YIsit ow Web5b: WWW.fisldleice.m requires Stylists Fell -time and Part-time Pusifiolxt available. Great wages, comtnission and incentive programs. Bright and friendly atmosphere. Come join our team! (9051619-8057 We are growing again and require another E.C.E. for Stoufl'ville daycare. Fax resume to: (905)642-4409 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 30 Gm.erlid A n., Ajit tin W1111111" iiia, Pidleril4 (Ste In-AANW Alai 24 Weds ds St. Nether W&* l Alm IIL: 90 =I bsL-Fr1i.:10:00 t■w4W FN cjbm w.. -M s30.�-s�a►�,ll F Our'iwrBir arwe tt e,open !flan. to Fd. fA 6X10 Bert. Sat. 9:30 to 3:00 pm SYt-N• Supporting you provides trained rehabilitation dM to (fill support staff implement individualized programs. We are based EI to Peterborough and provide community based services throughout Toronto, Durham and Peter- borough regions. We are accepting resumes for the following positions: Educational Assistant Rehabilitation Assistant Relevant post secondary education. Min- imum two years experience working with children living with brain injury. Must have reliable transportation. Please submit resume by fax to: Supporting You Mr. Terry Lamont, Managing Director Box: 21008: 1840 Lansdowne Street, West. Peterborough, ON K9J 8M7 Fax: 705-741-4098 interphase Child and Family Services i� � urrently Itx)krn • Far an experienced made Child an � Youth Counsellor l" work full tithe within our upper latency male residence. Minimum C.Y.C. Diploma re- quired, Proven clinical experience and comput- ,•r ;kills an asset. This tx»ttttm pays $11475, an hour and includes a comprehensive benefit psi lecke Please fax resumes to: (905) 434-1775 1 General Help1 General Help Casey's Whitby Its a busy time of year and we are looking for more full and part time LWE COOKS Be part of our winning team!!! Apply within and ask for Manager 1608 Dundas Street East Whitby (905)438 -SM 00 You LOVE TO WORK WITH WOOD? ROCK W OOD FURNITURE, a Pickering Manufacturer of Solid Wood Fumiture is looking for YOU. WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO HAVE EXPERIENCE BUT WE ARE WILLING TO TRAIN YOU. WE HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR MACHINING, ASSEMBLY AND FINISHING DEPARTMENTS. Please appy in person on Saturday, Novardw 61h, betrteert 10 am and 12 moon at: ROCKWOOD FURNITURE LTD Urlit One 1113, treet South of8rodt La* Must be available mornings ana have a vehicle. Sone travelling requinui Accounting / Bookkeeping experience an asset. Start hundiatdv Pime aV[y in Amen, with mslt rte: Petro Canada, I Harwood Ave. S., A,jut ® Toronto Une: (416) 798-7259 `� - _A544our faux: (905) 579-4218 110 110 11� jLAKERIDGE RESORT LIMITED Is accepting applications 790 Chalk Lake Road Uxbridge, Ontario L9P 1 R4 905--649-2058 / 905-686-3607 During normal business hours:: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. for GROOMERS, LIFT OPERATORS, LIFT SUPERVISORS RENTAL MANAGER & STAFF SNOWMAKERS, KITCHEN STAFF Unique fast-food like concept is now hiring for the following positions P/r, Frr FRONT COUNTER HELP, PREP., CASHIER All shifts avallahle. Must he energetic - a people person and like to have fun on the job! Apply in person on Sat., Nov. 6 Between 1 & 3 pm at: 465 BAYLY ST. UNIT 2 .VW corner (i 8uyly & Westne) Rdv Ajax Pia SHIFT MANAGERS 41ut.* Full and Part time CREW and DRIVERS Wanted. Apply in person to Pizza Hut Ajax or Pickering The perfect o M00 7'. Real world experience in an uphcd iC.JID 4miroomeat CREW - FULL AND PART-TIME Have fun. Meet friends. Earn money. Build skills. £ . Come in for an interview on: Monday, November 8 between 2pm and Bpm at: Wendy's - 80 Bayly St. Igtat west of Horwood Avej w or fair: (9)OS) 427-2729 I Office N* JR1111office, Help RECEPTIONISTS Part - Time arketing Office - Pickering Mall [h:o.roe. nterested in hiring mature individuals mote flickering's newest retirement Excellent iraterpersonal skills essential. PLEASE CALL 1-800-254-5558 SkiW help Skilled Help ELECTRICIAN REQUIRED Busy shop of industrial machinery requires electrician to wire diesel powered rail track maintenance equipment. Must have own tools and be capable of working from engineered drawings and schematics. Please fax resume to: Nordi o Inc. Oshawa (905)725-6887 INSTALLER Must be earper%aca1. Please call Mrs. Lyon 905-839-2594 for appointment GENERAL LABOURERS Various t -dine & full-time positions in the Durham lFlegion & G.T.A. Some heavy Sn►0 re- quired. Own transportation preferred. AZ & DZ DRNERS P & D for N.E. Newmarket location. Must have clean abstract and 2 yrs O.T.R. experience. Some handbombing required. Also seeking shunter for 12 hour shifts in Durham Region. Plsase call 905-571-1603 C Skilled Help Skilled Help SKILLED and SEMI -SKILLED PERSONNEL NEEDED We are a leading Elevator manufacturer who is expanding its production facilities in Scarborough. We have openings for the following personnel: .Shear Operators •Brake Press Operators •N.C. Wiedemann Punch Press Operators • MIG/TIG Welders • C.N.C. Machinist for: 0/M Vertical Machining Center, OKK Horizontal Machining Center, Mazak Machine, Slant -40, Oil x1o, Mazak - H500-50 3 years experience required And General Labourers We offer competitive wages and Benefits. TTC takes you to our door. Please send your resume to: Plant Manager NORTHERN ELEVATOR Fax (416)291-4654 RWI Office Help BUSY Automotive related business in Pickering re- quires general help Hard work Good pay Fax resume W905 -831 - CLEAN 905 -831 -CLEAN UP PERSON required at busy be ly shop Drivers li- cense rcense required Fax resume to 905-427-9252 COOK /CHEF required for Ajax n lion Fax resume to 905- 126.7607 or call for apps 426- -1692 COON PART TIME. ndsrtron available immediately Week ends included Cooking ex penence in brig term care an asset Cooking certificate pre- ferred Thornton View. A Long Tcrm Care Residents Please tax resume to Dietary Manag- er.905.576-0078 DOMINO'S PIZZA Business S booming Now 9knng Dmi- .qs App, at Whitby -300 )undas $I E 430-0030. "khawa-1051 $rotors St N 414-2777: Apx-,o Hxwood s 683-9993 id cash mphtryl Also !ookng for full-time a part-time ptm makers WANTED DOOR PERSONS. F,,)nf tesk, and kitchen Stitt Appy 1n person to 559 Blur St W Oshawa. or tax reume to 905-404-9034 DRIVERWANTED local Sam- tation a Shipping Supply Co seeks experienced delivery Inver Dales included mven- tory pick up a drop ons. warehouse managtmerit, hipping a rtcemrK Must be over 25 with a dean valid J ver Irisnst. Please tax re- sume to (905) 665-0811 DRIVERS FOR snowplowing Must be available 7 days a meek 24 hours a day good auger Must havt G license 905 623-6922 DRIVERS NEEDED for ex- panding counei company with reliable Can and vans. Earn- ing potential $600. weekly also ash stanmg bonus 905)427.8093 EARN 5200, $300. 5500 or more per week. assembling products m the comfort of your own home Send a sen - addressed stamped envelope to OPH. 6-2400 Dundas St W. Sate 541. Rel 636, Mis- sussauga. Drd L5K 2R8 OFFICERS Must speak and write English fluently Must have own car. Must be willing to travel. 90-430-2549 Mon. Fri.11-4 pm. OIPEIIIEMCIED COOK. days. eventrgs, weekends. Ulm ell also wait stall, Iu nc6 es Mon. -Fri., dishwasher evenings a weekends. wish resume a 49 Old King- ston Rd. El><r61ENCED COOK rewired evenings a weekends, call5455. HAIRSTYLIST required full time for trendy salon in Pickering. 426--2005 wNe"W work Must have small served card. Drop 0R resume and pick up application al del dub room downhstairs at 111 Nkat Street.Ajaxbetween 10:30 am - 10om before November 9. PER= REOINRED in Aiax for ktdow/oatdom property makme- rimice as suacontracor. Ask lot Chris 416-386.0333 leave menage. DrAIJ office Help SOD LANDSCAPE LABOURERS no experience required ca!! 852-7268 FRAMERS, MAILERS. AND LABOURERS needed ^c„2", pay to e,perlence Ful idme Call 449-7202 days. 697.1492 evenings FRIENDLY OUTGOING- neat ppee son required for small ca- letena n East Scarborough of- fice bulling Lght cooling a cash ha"inq Fluent English a must Weekdays - 30 hours per reek 1905428-1338 FULL TIME TEACHER'S as- sistant pose'„n FCE %w.ru required Hand deliver or to resumes by November 10)99 to Waterview Crald Cemre. 1200 Phillip Murray Ave, Una rt Oshawa Fax r (9051 721- 05% Attention Debbie Web- er. Supervisor GENERAL CAFETERIA ^elp required rnnrdiately n - ) Pickering catehrta P, I wee- kends Sat/Sun 6a m -4 m Cashier experience a must $9 001hr Cab Catriona at (905) 839-1151 ext 3531 Beaver Foods Limited GLASS SHOP looking Ip in- stallers Experience a must Please call 1905427- 7484 NIGH SCHOOL cafeteria help Ajax minimum 15 hours per week. sernxrs inquires only. Telephone(905)619-3089 INTERNATIONAL NISTITUTE stitute speciauing in Travel and Tourism Training Next class begins Dec 6 Please call 905-725-3919. KITCHEN help required 1111111 - mediately 1 ym experience ppelerito but writing to tram Iwgnts a Weekend sbfK Cab 723-4647 or Apply in person Jack s Filling Station. 948 Simcoe SI N Oshawa. See Jody or Rocky NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDRION, November 5,1999 PAGE 25 A/P Dertalr.ilical �1 "os � 1 Artie F°` 1 A � " boom tm a in an 1t file01MIMnt of offing, --a -I - and k tegrit V. As part of the Rape Valley Health System, t ha Ajax G Pickering Health Centre offero exciting opportuni- ties pportuneties to work in a dynamic and stimulating emlironneertt in the following positions: Unit Cleric [Part-Tirrlrne) In this role, you will be responsible for: pro'Atding clencal sup- port, patient registration, reception, booking tests, maintain- ing supplies and other related duties. Qualifications for this position include a sound knowledge of medical terminology, and an ability to transcribe a vanety of Doctors' orders. The successful applicant will also possess accurate keyboarding skills and proficiency In a variety of word processing and spreadsheet applications. Medical Transcriptionist (Part -Time) In this role, you will be responsible for the accurate tran- scnption of medical reports and providing clencal support as It is required. The successful applicant will be a graduate of a Medical Secretarial program with a minimum of 3 years' related expe- rience. A sound knowledge of medical terminology and a proven ability to transcribe a vanety of medical reports are also requirements. Rouge Valley L lleattb System 1 Office Fiebp PURE PRODUCTIONS •e quun exuuc .;ancers !nr Al- fano Clubs rao exjiei,eilce necessary Training and ac- commodabons avauatife Wages $1000• Wath PT(FT. 18. I -WO -6276934 ROOFER SHINGLER d Shrn- gle,s helper Ranted Gon- siriuctipn experience Dfe- ferred Will train (905) 434- 3818 after 6 p no leave mes- Sage $Now PLOW BROKERS wanted 3 9 ploys Late mixtel trucks East Scarp routes call Mon Thurs. 9-5 at 905- 428-7793 STUDENTS. aiamed to work days ever.mgs a ovemigM Sleep posrtons Strong will to work with handicapped! child- ren %east fax resume to 190 IN'_ by November ,5/99 TELEMIARKETER - Profes- sional to biwk appointments Part bine evawtgs (6p m to 9 p.m ) Work from home S20/ hr achievable tin nght ind- idual (base•bonuSl Lily. 1416) 261 A M THE NEWS ADVERTISER .s kxlung for Kids to deliver oa- pers Ano fryers door to door four times a week by 6 00 PM lin them ntoborhoods call 905-683-511 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. long- term Temp must have 6 WAREHOUSE / INDUSTRIAL months woriung experience a Fabrication Worker required safety steel -toed boots. Pick- for warehouse facility in Ajax. ering through Oshawa are Related experience and com- er an asset From $7 50 to puffer skills an asst( Imme- $9 00 per hr We will be inter- diate sari date Please tax viewing at the Oshawa Civic resumes to 905-427-9878 or Auditorium 99 Thoriton Road nab to Argus Industries, Unit Soum, Oshawa, Every Tues 12-530 West Road. Ajax. and Thilrs 9:30 a m. - 2 p.m. Ontario. L1S 642 UNE COOK required. Golden WE ARE CURRENTLY Iookmp Griddle experience preferred for an individual to help our 2 Whitby location Call Vince yr. old son with his fight (905)438-1894. agauW autism. Our in home TWO AS3ISTAMT TEACNIM program from the U S. 2"s Protein E. Nry rode. required for daycare Centre in ntsee vhouldiullits tnlerested send should have the O ng quay. Little People's Playsredsmuomde 3 �atiorus: ECE or Psrg olM Panne. o Falby Crt.. Ajaxd. OnM .' la is td: Wry creative: L� y 3R3. Last day Im resumes ofener d etidgli: Have winked wtdl Wednesday. November 10th, ore Oren in ell Das!: Ability b work 1999. rmor irps. evenings a w wke dS Qualified candidates are invited to for- ward their r'esum6s. In confidence, to: Human Resources, Rouge Valley Health System. Ajax 6 Pickering Health Centre Ste. 580 Harwood Ave. South, Ajax. Ontario L1S 2J4 Fax 1905) 428 - 5208. We Lhtirlk alf eppkw", but onty those 1 Sales IWyAgems SALES PERSON ex'¢mery ocs7 floristic weight loss clinic Must be energetic. motnaled and dn- ven Sales and/of wdght loss txpenence a bonus but not a roust $14-$20Mr Call Roxy, at 905-619-2038 S" AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED 34 ceras per -ap miles at bed' gram hopper trains carrying company offers Ontano runs Campamve pay. bonus bene - ht package Late model squpote+w Excellent mam- *fiance (705)-357-3938 Mon -Fn . 8 a m - 9p m CANNOT FAKERS required in Durham Region Fully txpenenced Cabinet Makers need only apply Pease tax resume to 905- 983-9714 CAN SPAN rabncahng re- quires ,lcencea welders Ap- ply, in ppasrrson at 165 Crown court. Wlnaby or tax resume b (905) 721-0467 ELECTRIC WATER HEATEr in staller experienced required for Durham region co o Fax rmtft to (%5)7.2- 7941 PRECISION UNIVERSAL GRMDEIt. dose tolerance work Whitby Precision, all 666-8628 SATELLITE INSTALLER re- quired immediately for busy retail outlet Experience pre- ferred. Pan time leading to tull tune o Fax resahto 9056ps ume65-0318 Of drop resume in person to 1501 Hopkins St. Whitby Und 15 SERVICE PERSON required for installation and repair of sectional and rdlinp steel doors. Scarboro (416) 412- 7790 150 •• F/rDENTAL RECEMONI Must have 3 year's experience, along with computer Fax rcsume to: 416-41415-6712 BATSHORE HEALTH CARE SERVICES .-, ales-, adap uel.• Se .rig RN; RPN's for Durham Region. / Vi,a&nX 'Nunmg ..Liable You .,It oto- exceptional com- ..;ury nunrng care to ...tree , also require --,e maker. hr mwe muruty Valid ens Iicrrwx and CPR .•r•.ficne required. Fax resumes attn: Louise Gilbert 19051 426.7447 DENTAL ASSISTANT 'am::y practice, Fast S arhorouyh urea. Flexible hours, fluent English required. (416)331-9737 TMST required experience preterred part torte to start Contact JA 905-427-0822, or tax resume to 905-427-0247 RM -S REQUIRED immediately (P,PT) for beaubtul local Pick- ering Retirement Home Must have current Registration with College of Nurses 01 Organo 2-3 years current Gerontology experience a must Team players only Fax resume 10 DRC 905-509.0011. by Nov n WWAO • 1 �r ENTMISIASTR, AFFECT10a- ATE, inatwortly person to care for 8 month oft in my horse. Non smoker. References required. Monday Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. nch Slad ry 9 3rd. (05) 6nd 63160 w OUR NOTE, a jov.g re-sport- sibk rare gqnneec two tikldrel. mR, 8 - 5.10lop. tR and 4 yr, pA, good rate. Rosebank and Stroud( area Must have CPR. rdNtrrus and be ran srnakry. Cal Wendy a1(905) 831-0215 LIVE ONr "114ousekeep- or, boys 1. 2. Reterdmas. Mon -smoker. Mtrmeym 4 yrs. V,). Ahma / Finch area (91509.8157 l ' gMji): Familiar mNtt MASSEY'$ �- DeperniiblN.mitmert RESTAURANT will be . 6 Sol 0 firs. per p forward week requites e resumes to: The Nac-carato Man, 1300 King St. East, Family. 35 Wreem Blvd. S91Vef5 Fu"mApply 1C 4N1. (No n pwon capon cafe apse) with resume. ONE OF NORTH America's 774 Liverpod Rd, hrgeot matcial swum co- Ion a centrad basis. Must n On partyPlCkering- If have venipuncture, car. ECG aea, you dun a OROM PNXEIrS_ Ato tom pian with excellent kr potential (905)426-7713. e- WM (Westinepyk/Baft Re- time tax rempts. infanUdrild CPR, First Aid. Valley Farm quiresto . & orden. N= WORKERS p= No experiencesck rIpr WH our required. $7/hr to start. Fax resrmle b (905)831-3127. for stay A Writ mortis and sbr- dents. Stan irmredio*. For free FIIOFEE310NAL MATURE 1-8 p 714 call 24 tis.lDl free line woks, tow servers. San- ta's helpers and cafe hip for Christmas. Evenings and 1 sou weekends. Appy in persexl with resume 10 the Garden SALES AGENTS/Distributors Restaurant. Cullen Gardens. waned for full We at industrial No phone calls please. 300 products. Experience pre- TawNon Rd. W. Wh W ferred. Compensation based on profit sharing. Call 905)626-4888 or fax 905)426-3505. Qualified candidates are invited to for- ward their r'esum6s. In confidence, to: Human Resources, Rouge Valley Health System. Ajax 6 Pickering Health Centre Ste. 580 Harwood Ave. South, Ajax. Ontario L1S 2J4 Fax 1905) 428 - 5208. We Lhtirlk alf eppkw", but onty those 1 Sales IWyAgems SALES PERSON ex'¢mery ocs7 floristic weight loss clinic Must be energetic. motnaled and dn- ven Sales and/of wdght loss txpenence a bonus but not a roust $14-$20Mr Call Roxy, at 905-619-2038 S" AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED 34 ceras per -ap miles at bed' gram hopper trains carrying company offers Ontano runs Campamve pay. bonus bene - ht package Late model squpote+w Excellent mam- *fiance (705)-357-3938 Mon -Fn . 8 a m - 9p m CANNOT FAKERS required in Durham Region Fully txpenenced Cabinet Makers need only apply Pease tax resume to 905- 983-9714 CAN SPAN rabncahng re- quires ,lcencea welders Ap- ply, in ppasrrson at 165 Crown court. Wlnaby or tax resume b (905) 721-0467 ELECTRIC WATER HEATEr in staller experienced required for Durham region co o Fax rmtft to (%5)7.2- 7941 PRECISION UNIVERSAL GRMDEIt. dose tolerance work Whitby Precision, all 666-8628 SATELLITE INSTALLER re- quired immediately for busy retail outlet Experience pre- ferred. Pan time leading to tull tune o Fax resahto 9056ps ume65-0318 Of drop resume in person to 1501 Hopkins St. Whitby Und 15 SERVICE PERSON required for installation and repair of sectional and rdlinp steel doors. Scarboro (416) 412- 7790 150 •• F/rDENTAL RECEMONI Must have 3 year's experience, along with computer Fax rcsume to: 416-41415-6712 BATSHORE HEALTH CARE SERVICES .-, ales-, adap uel.• Se .rig RN; RPN's for Durham Region. / Vi,a&nX 'Nunmg ..Liable You .,It oto- exceptional com- ..;ury nunrng care to ...tree , also require --,e maker. hr mwe muruty Valid ens Iicrrwx and CPR .•r•.ficne required. Fax resumes attn: Louise Gilbert 19051 426.7447 DENTAL ASSISTANT 'am::y practice, Fast S arhorouyh urea. Flexible hours, fluent English required. (416)331-9737 TMST required experience preterred part torte to start Contact JA 905-427-0822, or tax resume to 905-427-0247 RM -S REQUIRED immediately (P,PT) for beaubtul local Pick- ering Retirement Home Must have current Registration with College of Nurses 01 Organo 2-3 years current Gerontology experience a must Team players only Fax resume 10 DRC 905-509.0011. by Nov n WWAO • 1 �r ENTMISIASTR, AFFECT10a- ATE, inatwortly person to care for 8 month oft in my horse. Non smoker. References required. Monday Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. nch Slad ry 9 3rd. (05) 6nd 63160 w OUR NOTE, a jov.g re-sport- sibk rare gqnneec two tikldrel. mR, 8 - 5.10lop. tR and 4 yr, pA, good rate. Rosebank and Stroud( area Must have CPR. rdNtrrus and be ran srnakry. Cal Wendy a1(905) 831-0215 LIVE ONr "114ousekeep- or, boys 1. 2. Reterdmas. Mon -smoker. Mtrmeym 4 yrs. V,). Ahma / Finch area (91509.8157 l ' TEACNERS ASST with 6 -yrs Cap offering q bung PIIARMRCY ASSISTANT - Ful home R as d Dec3 al e d a Stroud'sLam. time. some evenings and weekends. Shuopper's Drug Call 0810 Rhonda 9 5 905 565 Man, 1300 King St. East, Oshawa. Fax resume to: Degan (905)4334660. • RN's NEEDED pan time to LOVING Christian home day - complete pre -insurance med. care teach alphabet. Ion a centrad basis. Must numbers, values. good man - have venipuncture, car. ECG ners and right arhtudes. 2-5 experience. tax machine pre- ferred. Fax resume to 1-1100- years preschool, ppaan/tull- 962.4652. time tax rempts. infanUdrild CPR, First Aid. Valley Farm 2, near Pickering Go, 190507-9600 i.MR/STA/AS AROUND THE 1NO/RO" ***OPEN HOUSE ** 10:30-2:00 p.m. November 6th 1:30-4:00 p.m. November 7th Unique 8 exclusive cdiectables, 8 decor items 1915 Denom Rd., #126 428-8887 Save 10% with this ad Need to fill 12 openings IMMEDIATELYM! Short & Long Term Opportunities Work No experience necessary. 18+ Full Time Only. Call Amber (905) 686-4472. KR3Daycare Available CHILDCARE E,E Fist ?1d,;P�i ;.ale:) grammmg (music, stories, trans. outdoor play. family - room toy a nap room) meals. snacks Liverpool/Krrsno area (905;839-6458 OAYCARE available in rv)me bong mother of 37 school -aged+ country setting. Hwy 7 and Locust Hill area loving family Good rates Call Jeniwfer 905-472-94M DAYCARE AVAILABLE tulU Dam -time ,8 yrs e,pnnM7cE Happy environment Huge play area crafts. movies, meals Wesineyl0elaney Re- cetp ,eferences All ages 686 8719 ECE mothi 0 row) nus ovmg ,Jayr-are available smoke arW pet hee Educational and fun activities+ nutnhonal snacks' lunches Fenced yard Deit- brook'8rock Tel Vicky 905- :26-e32s _ EXPERIENCED IAROWORK- ING 'oiaDle 'rusrr.rt-) & .1 ^army housekeeper from .eirseas seeking employer t0 2onsor Please call Lisa 116496--0562 I CAN HANDLE "eethmg. -o- "ImS and SUR •anam sane Part -lime. Full - me. daysrevemrgs Refer- tices and rectiptS Call Deb - ie at 427-6281 MAPLERIOGFJOIXIE -Jaycare f,arub.e .tont my VMe. Dart ' me or full thaw 6 mos to chool age chibdren Please ab Sharon at 905-83147% MON 2 provdrriq loving :ayrarw n my home Non - 'rimer Meals a snacks %ear St Jude and Appkaon S area Cab (905)-683- 'N4 PASTOR'S WIFE rovdng at- ';r^able lvYmC :lnstw Day .are in her home Beautiful ^ome with fenced tuck yard •rattling loving- Chrisban val- es Creative. educational clay. uans music, reading . utkrgs Nutnbous lunch. snacks F:pan -T available �ectiots Whites Rd ,Shep- :ard Calf Bonnie (905) 420- 7146 PICKERING Mach ; Refle' LCviog layare '8 monttts to 12 rears Cay outings fenced backyard arhd park, gallfl story time music. nu !rmous meats & snacks First Ad CPR certified Non- smoking. receipts 905-428- Ouahty daycare provided by caring mother Non-smoking home. nutrous meats arts and crafts and outdoor " Very anordabk Harwood and Rossaland (905) 619-2003 cheryt SOUTH AJAX. ECE will pro- vide warm nurturing environ- ment Braes to St 8ema- dene's and Parliside Expen- enced. references IrregAar tours, negotiable (905)427- 0296 NltOpt / MAJOR OAIIS Tender loving fame daycare for your child on quiet court. fenced yard. playroom 11 years exp, nursing back- ground. references. 683-8934 1 ewkt.a b SECURM GIMIID Company, looking for working partner Good op unity. Write: Para- mount Security Agency Inc. 1099 Kkgsion Rd.. Suite 210. Pickering, Ont. L1V-1B5 (no phone cah pease) 1 Fileetood KOZY NEAT FIREWOOD. ex - cow very best qualilyr hard- wood- guaranteed extra t«q time fully seasoned, cut a split Honest measurement. free ddivery. 905.753-2246. op OUTELMRW� YTHEN IIARONIOOOISOFTWOOD broken skids for firewood. Pickup or delivery available. (limited him offer). Call 905- 1 Firewood LAKERIOGE FARM FIRE- WOOD:ne e t quaw, good seasoned cut/split/delivered Discount forpickup Serving Pickering, Alai Whitby, Oshawa Courtice Call any- time 905-427.1734 Ontario Hr"ood Dry Cut 8 split hardwood 4:802" $60 418x16' $65 Free ;elivery to Oshawa area. Sa'1-905-718-9339 Visa ACCeved SEASONED FIREWOOD for gale, face cords, pick up loads, but,h cards, Dave. (905) 831-7055 WOODY'S FIREWOOD Ly llu�:: �_rd 12" do I6-' Cut, split, deliverW. 711:4arduvod (905)4711-2203 1-800-354-5328 Barge n cornu AMAZING OFFICE F.•-,: •1 Aforfd Bes: Prices Ctlairs SS X Taples $1000 50 Commercial Ave, Aµ1 428-8521 Wholesalers wel- come BEANIE BABY Mapie bear $'.: -LC le^I condition 66a-8659 I Articlrls 1911 Yamaua Wim" 350a 4-siroxe engine 6 -speed with dutch needs a Mlle love $1500 obo 404-M8 after 5 pm 4- ALUFaMUM PIPE 51 OOM 4' brcww+'ay flat S' %n quick couplers 3' loll: ay mat $0 501 A/ quick couplets Quick cou- plers 51000 Also 2 nngabon pumps 613-332-4811 9 K. OAK *rung room sole. buffet. hutch. ode. 4 side chars. 2 arm iters. new. must sell Call Steve, home 905-665.9065 LEATHER JACKETS up to 1/ 2 price leather purses from $999 luggage from $1999. leather wallets from $699 Evaythinq Must Go, Family Leather. 5 Pants Mall Osha- wa 905.728-9830 AJAX CIMMMET SWEEPS. wood/od chimney cleaning repays, we supplylristab past screens and caps. No muss no hiss. Free estimates (905) 686-7741 - Leave messax ANGEL LJI►TOP, Pentium 166MMX, 121 Active Matrix creen. 32 MB RAM. S 33.3 KPS Fax Modem. 2OX CD Rom. 14 GIG H0. $1000 obo Jen 905-619.2064. ANMOINICMIG NEW lower prince on mens dish satebtes. Only $249 after rebates or lease for $12.49 mor". Programming from $8.95 (14 s experience. 3661. year Aimout 180 gCentuurryy varMy. lint cwxtbw i2.00o. EL - MIM STOVE WORKS, electric old fashioned wood burring stove. 3yrs old, excesem condition. }4 200. Serious W - wines only. (905)623-0209. APPLMNCES: ref igeralor 2 door frost free. dduxe save. matching heavy duty washer 6 dryer $675 all - willsepa wale. Also Kenmore washer used 2 years $250. Pickering 416.822-9369. WY ITEMS - %ON Crib with mattress $165. Ass'I linens varimis prices. 655-4759.snc AIP PAGE26 NEVUS A6II11�F FRIbAi 1150010N;rNtsvefitber 5,1999 1 Ardclee foArtidK Sale 1 Sob BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND ring SMONIAN - Quality wooden Pear-shaped diamond with 11 sheds 8'X 8' bam lot. only baguettes on each side. Total $339 plus tax Many other diamond weight 11514K 14K sizes and styles available gold Asking $2.500 Appraisal Also garages and decks 761 papers & receipts included McKay Rd Unit 3. Pickering Please contact Kathy For more info call 905-619- (905A30-3661 2093 CANOPY BED, wrought Iron. $NOW TIRES 4 Yokohama queen orthopedic mattress Guardex 600 Snow Tires 215 - set New Cost $1.200 Sacn- 55-1416 bought Dec'98 used 1 fico $500 Can deliver (416) season. new $675 sell $400 726-9885 (9051852-7331 CARPETS SALE & HARD- PINE/OAK FURNI-TURE. BOX. WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 ING WEEK SALES EVENT now rooms $339 (30 sq yd ) In- on"' Place your order for dudes carpet, premium pad Bedroom. Dining Room and installation Free esti- Entertainment Centres or Home mates, carpel repairs Serv- Office before November 6. 1999 ing Durham and surrounding and we will pay the 'GST and arta Credit Cards Accepted PST' We will also guarantee Call Sam 905-86-1772 delivery for Christmas Drop in CARPET AND VINYL - Ca and let us Show you tow high - quality SOLID WOOD furniture is three rooms 30 square yards made Traditional Woodwork - from $329 instilled 1 wwll ors. req 115 Norah Port Road. Port count your best quole up to harry 905dition774, 10% Customer satisfaction www tradddnal-woodwork- guaranteed Cal Mike for your � free estimate. 905-431-4040 51.800 Sacrifice $750 COMPUTER FACTORY TREADMILL. Magnetic re - BLOWOUT. Am 1 yr no cumbant and lifecycle type exercise bike stepper, payments then S (oac) 400 Mhz loaded. Printer we Ms. and elliptical 101 Of imemet. software and (905)420-3079 more Free scanner. delivery RECONDITIONED FRIDGES and setup 1-800-515-5565 $195: uprecondnuxred rang - COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pent- es 5125.' up. reconditioned dryers S125;sum rup.p..newi. starter system $429 Penlium lap!op $744 233MHz bd washers 519999 / st emef system $699 Loaded and reconditioned cart oper- ated washers and dryers at 35OMHz system $888 We low prices New brand name love 0-9 upgradesand doh- fpne s $480 and up w 3D' repairs (93661 (ail 051655- ranges with clads and window DSS TEST CARD program- $430 Reconditioned 24' ra v - ming latest Steanh soltware. es and 24' frost free tridges uloopin9 available 1-905- now avalable Wide selection 729-9670 of other new and reconds- & E qoy a Homemade Lunch. ftned appliances Call us to- ELMIRA airtight woodstove day. Stephenson's Apphanc- inse^ black w'gold trim. 2- es Saks. Service Parts 154 Speed fan. Kenmore 6 -pro- Bruce St Oshawa(905) 576 - gram washer w,suds-saver & 7448 web site wwwdurham- 2--pprre�ram ms dryer Atlas freezer mail coteplensons 6 SBw h 1905) 623-1567 GIANT MATTRESS SALE ai Lptxdation Cemre Showroom 181 Bond Si Oshawa Singles from S79 95. 48' & Doubles from $99 Queens from $129 Dekm Slumber Peft Ouleri Set (10 year wan) Bey Se- IaAon. prices & warranty on name brands we accept Cards or kneeraC Win dow Can 905-720-0560 (Open 9 to 6. Mon - Sat ) GALS wfmte triple dresser vitt minor dean excellent condition asking $250 Call 5769958 ism GARAGE door repairs broken springs cables. rollers. open- ers �3360073T 54995 1 kick" Ilan Md ANTIQUES 7Ali rolrAary! Ad- vice- always valuable usually trw' Purchasing outnpht. es - Utes w/sorne anbttiit kbnl- ents (ilio hind = to coo- sdered) collections of any sort quantities or single an- bqw terns Specw interest in Moorcran puffery I7 try to re- spond to an Weenies -boat HAMI'S APPLIANCES Parts; y Bowen Antiques- erookkn Ontario (905)655-8049 or 5aia Service -Her $n'pmen (1242-0890 Kitchen -Aide write Frost -tree 985 1520 fridge like new. only $450 BUYING ANTIQUE and Cole table New saatWdent refrigerators contents ncludtng Conpkte y499.'up Frost-Irm retrigera- estates Best possible prices tors S199rnp Large selection paid Henry Karen 905-985- uprgM freet«s $2540/up 8161 Large selection stoves elec- magas sen<ie"awreWlar CARPET USED (Hold) urge 599iup 4takJwrq GE washer/ 0uanh4 six different c -lours. Dryer only 5349 Extra -large 45c'square loot 705.745-4044 Cap Kenmore washer/dryer Mon -Fn Sam -spm. Saturday $499 Full-size automatic 9amisoon of karst message washers $14S'up Dryers PIANO K" WANTED. a ny 514Wup 426 Simcoe SIS ('905)728-1043 style reasonably pr we0 Call Ren extra Rossland(Garden area S155lweek first week/Iasi rn868351 (snp) RARDWOM FLOtMtMG 3 1 4' x 3,4' T&G Smdn uifn- WANTED shed $2 504q n Siren pre-tirnstied S4.'s n luso pra 'Leaf Tickets' g Cal (9051619- Will pay face value. 1f 506 entrance. Ist/last. references required $750 111- (905) A" EOUVO EMT LIQUI- DATION NC N rid Dolby 579-4400 tigtil packages xrJubrw re- ext. 2207 Cervers multiple -CD players. COUNTRY LIVING 2 bed- doubleassene-0Ods 5 WANTED. Model tramis and tram Speakers $10000 per unit. parts Will buy layouK and com- receivers must nrhdude surer plete sets Any gauges OM speakers Oshawa 1905!420-8927 Surto (905) 579-# Am a e 1 BEING M. x -thick orthopedic lop mattress tet. rww- VOU CANNOT 51.800 Sacrifice $750 CRAFTERS WANTED at 'The Can deliver (4161-726-9QB5 Got & Crain Shomgtaa- loaned MENS SUITS and Spon )a*- n tie Wurbce Flea Markel east of Oshawa let us show 4 km ow & CIS, 100s of nems. many Sell your crafts directly b the Clearing for 510 Dont muss public You do not have to be pt' Visit Rugged Replays. mere There is NO 6 month con- Mfhaby 404-2063 lead. Rem starts A SMmonth KWO TECH KMN avalable - 905-411W1024 .tor to ing. repairs. and pre-, FOLK ART QASSES nein begin. Paid- consrttal on on ala tips starting Nowernber Sth AN wakes & models ALSO recon- levee. mosmi g. glemoon aid ditioned prams forsale. Call eviemng classes; avalabe. Barb at 905.427-7631 BegnwS oar speciality Learn a PMNOLSL40w m Crall OW tin r-, 0 P sum and CLOCKS. Specials on all pia- give enormous arpymat Cal nos and keyboards Huge se- (905)576-3947 for idormabon. kaon of new and used pia- & E qoy a Homemade Lunch. nos. Nkw 600 pianos from Foaa# 57% and up. Ran to own. Ad should read Camcorder has blast & white 100% of a5 rental paymem CAMCORM FOM Hallo- apply. Also a striation ween night in Quaker Yllape. CA W from SqWstd up. Cab TELEP PIA- Tem- Days $52-6185 or NO 433-1491. Ermirgs 052-9223. k=M FEMALE cat, Cakco NIINISWICI POOL idle 4x8 manaw Otatfr red and while (not sqk) ams am. extra 8- from Since balls & smoker WAS. $600 November 1st. Substantia$ 131110 905-427.0333crap. reward if relumed. Call POOL TABLES. 8' and 9' slag 426.7063. bildard tables for safe. Call velaNrOpfatl 905-120-6113. ME AM TO OWN new and re- and condinew 2 Isar aha American Patful TVs Fullpwarrces. Temer. Black oM brindle ups dy's Market.9 9 0 looking to breed. with rs Cal Joel at 579-8285 1-800-798-5502 (F1 SALE - 41% offon al as the HIM d if� 11 A1A°'0M" Shop 5709 Old Scupog Rd. N. LARGE 2 BEDROOM. with Hampton Village. Opened 1952 poll B from Sas. year rand Wednesday - Sun- wtchewan. new paint. all day (905)2634=. original 51.000 miles. pretty live home double garage, car, 5' whewMs last time d - driven OrginW aD the way feted. $1000 o D o Murray 1- contract for rKO person C«• died 525 000 7n45"15 18 45% 705- 328-2212 sup 1 lmsift for for sea 1 s.le. 11 Rol 11 ad a 1 11.d 1 R«t a 1 R.d 3 Family Big & Small Item Sale Saturday November 6th 9 am - 4pm 119 Woodview Dr., Pickering MOVING SALE Sat. Nov 6th, gam or visit us at: 25 Sherwood Rd. W. Ajax http://windiammer.webiump.com Walnut dining set, coffee table, patio table 6 chairs plus cushions, chest of1 1 lee BEAUTIFUL 700 sq n studio drawers, records, etc. brSale apartment in large country SICK OF RENTING?? OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EASY11 • First Time Buyer? - Call Mark! • Discharged Bankrupt? - Call Mark! • Not Much Downpayment? - Call Markl Mark offers honest, professional, * no pressure service to help you own a home. (905) 571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 Mark Stapley Saks Rep. Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. 1193 PONTUC BOMNEYILLE home. sky -lights, sunken liv- SSE, fully baded auto. au, ing area. balcony, separate a 11 mtnhertT� 11 ale r ori or • 1 Arts A Crafts • 1 Arts & Crafts power everything. leather in- entrance, very private. $725 Rent M for sale 1 1 ,o ff tenor safety/dnve dean inclusive Non-smoking single WHITBY 1 -bedroom available 6th Annual CRAFT SHOW Saturday Now. 6th, 10 -Spm SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL 380 Taunton Rd. E-, Whitby $3 Admission, $2 Students & Senior - HOME: FOR THF; HOLIDAN'S son preferred lrC 1. Call 905- in well manUlned huddling 4 Really e Home Zero Down engine, 180K. 59.500 432 1304 985 1520 Sevens Ltd 905-668- 8 9-6 m weekdays, or Man 666.5337 CORRECTION SANDFORD C'OMMUNITI' CENTRE Bayly St East. Apx at MUR- ,g„ X 151 o p,,,s, BROOKLIN. 1 bedroom apt 4 WHFTBY- BnghH open concept 1 can show you how to buy a home 1991 SABLE LS wagon, bad- appliances. $5751mo plus furnished basement apartment with zero down payment ed/excelleni condition This certified beauty has new tires/ hydro. available now. 655- 5539 to dean non-smoking quiet working person. Utidibes and rs is NOT a lease to own program) p 0Kr ) brakesiball ,ams less than CENTRAL Dthawa, Urge 2 able included. washer/dryer For Prerecorded message call 10K on rebwff erginertranlry Driven daily. selling because bedroom apartments avaiUDle extra Rossland(Garden area S155lweek first week/Iasi 1-888-805-7963 Por ss N4 new Car ordered 130K. In well-maintained budding Ck 10 all amemles Plej$e mOtmh (90666-8431. M.<fix-I Akt uIM. h R. ;Alia. L'uwhry Lunn LIA 58.700.080 (905)428-1365 cell (905)723.0977 9 am . 7 WHITBY - One bedroom entrance. Ist/last. references required $750 111- (905) For Rent p m basement apt.. $580)month • 1 1 Public Nofiees • 1 I Public Nokias Awkimobnlew COUNTRY LIVING 2 bed- Free parking, utilities indud- PEARLS Ware Dont apt. 2fbors IOq dome, rasher. dryer. saldide TV in- ed Available immediately 1N7t required. (905)433- µ'H() ti�y"ti i HOME: FOR THF; HOLIDAN'S CASH FOR CARS. m buy used vehicles Vehicles must doled Quiet horse farm. 20 nails from StouNvie. private WHY recd when you can own CRAFT SALE be n running co'drhon Call 427-2415 or come to 479 entrance $725 pus. 905-473• your own home for less than CORRECTION SANDFORD C'OMMUNITI' CENTRE Bayly St East. Apx at MUR- ,g„ X 151 o p,,,s, you tMnk�" Call Dart Flay- 10d Sales Rep Re/Max NOV 27THSummit 0.O AUTO SALES EAST ROUSE . large lase- Really (1991) ltd For our 56 page stop, Wish & Win Flycr (CI I IF599) s;+ TO B(N)K A TABI.E CALL, 1.905-8---5319 Trucks 1 mem apartment available Jan ssl suit workingtemale.all� (905) 668-38M or (905) 666- 11"clu For our Ori page shop. Wish & Win Flyer (CI I IF39)) 1orSa4 sive Park (S.ledyrs Nov I -Nov 7. 1919) __ 1990 DODGE pick-up truck. smoker, m pets Separate r Houeel 1 Page 1 - 6-I/2 Beech Pirie Christmas Tree is riot 0 GOOD%ti'OOD lull size mint condition entrance. Ist/last. references required $750 111- (905) For Rent available throw h Tcicshop 8 7 CO` MUNIT1' CENTRE, 100.000 km 6 I . $5250 5W1899Parc 14 (CI I IF 5991 & Page 32(CI1 IF -399) PEARLS 8i[ ]LAC E abo 434-2775 EXCELLENT LOCATION. Pck- µ'H() ti�y"ti %ten"s Haggar Special Edition ria Wrinkle Casual Pants Bo„toms varve 41 -.RAF -F --E SHOW 1 4'Ah"f 1)r'Ye ening stunning main floor 3 stun bcdraam. s„00/mid. uhhurs VOU CANNOT arc available mNum-C'uRed kmly Page 19 (CI I IFi99) & Page ii LCI I IF399) November 6 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m /992 PLYMOUTH Voyageur "idO�' ar. parkil laundry. non-smoker. near Gil. avail- vail• AFFORD TO Flue to an advertising tate, the Men's Kodiak label Come & see the Beautiful Crafl�, OrlCd ,rand Quad captains emis- stile immediately al 905 HL(t' A FIOI'SE' kicks were rtastakrnly photographed as part of rifle sons testa. tally baded rear 2104 Qyy�► trpn 5700morith McGregor Socks a1 Flower Arrangements, Wuxi Crafts, airtheat 202.000 highway120 kms 54995 905-72(-2265 or NMWOODIBAYI.Y. 2 ted ,von MuchDownpaymwrr Pare 41 (CI I IFS'>4)b Page 1i (CI1IF1<M) Folk Art, Wreaths, Kntlung, SCwing, a16-606 4635 room basement apt $850 n- (905) 571-6275 Samsung K mm Carnowder package #.11823 Jewelry, Candles, etc. 1998 LUMINA APV - Dile clusive Available immediate- ]-F3QQ-840-6275 W styes C'arricmder has colour vicwfsmkr & E qoy a Homemade Lunch. owner 7 passenger fishy ly F"rs v"0 pets/non smoker Close to all amm_ Mark Stapler Ad should read Camcorder has blast & white more CALL 640-3966 Infill • loaded tinted Wass. 56.000km 160.00017 yr ex- 'ended warranty Emission ties laundiytac 420-1291 -■+�--r. ...i ■ v,r,,frtrkier 1VC VHS - C Camcorder 111180 has been JAIL 1 One 3 tested, remote start - bedroom supe. in well maintained low rise -BEDROOM num floor of house close to schools and pholographed incorreclly seem does nx>a have side 1 1 A utonlobsin 514.95 o D o (905)720.2251 building Apple roeS. utilities South GM hrslAar Available vwwscrcen. Selree 1 sale 1 1M7 FORD F2W. 4x4. 5 4 r�q included For app wrimes iaely For move into- For our 12 page Red Hot Sale (W I 1 I W 199) 11187 FORD Gazer, SOC rare 0 D transmission. al 905.6662450 motors aY (905)432.7521 (gale dyes: Nov 6.7, 1999) door turd lop .89 mora, ridiii`ftI 5.0001um -H Arctic Poly- LARGE 2 BEDROOM. with 3 PLUS ONE bedroom eucu- Page 10 ad currently states: Fisher Pnce Flip Platte wills rod xtersor New watt � board Snowplow Possible sunroom. 5 appliances all live home double garage, Watkic Talkies tic a Fisher Pnee teem. driven OrginW aD the way contract for rKO person C«• died 525 000 7n45"15 18 45% amenibtes. Pickering area. Dec central ax. Saeede. an corn. must see' Certdied MN trade awiWee M $1300 n try tit. North Oshaw arta We sincerely apologize r« any inconvenience for truck or 56500 723-7019 Days. 433-9570 sip I I!RSLIMIITE�DI SrowmoWMe w 1 dlydedg Netses and under- prow nil parking (905) 42� 866 Fireplaces. $1.250 plus Avail- ender Credit tfua may have caused Sears Avsuirhhcrs im BUCK ELECTRA. Forida car new pasm new gas talk. 1992 Skieot Formula Plus. Bieck and relt- p� i6Check , • a 1 Connling Everks • a 1 Conning Evtahb OSHAWA 2 bedroom Dasa- WINK'. anemata. p s p ■ 583 engine studded track. mens Parking. fndge. sum. 3-KOROON Whdby. quiet „i ,xq w y�,� 2000 km M wartrners. dila- 52900 705- washer, dryer. freezer, await- crescent 2 storey. 2 car ga- j�s Moray I cot conation. � � SDI able i thirst i last References Call 905-571- age wall out Dasemerp. Available November Goodwood United Church o D o 1-705-326-Y1i2BL yip it need a car?< I 11 A°ForRi' ozal after 15m s1350/mamh pus Pap Of (9051668 Anniversary Service 1988 -ORO TAURUS. r For ONE BEDROOM Ostdswa - 5625 m6 Wdwn Apartments 6980 ; Sunday November 14th group 145 OOOkms ERC . 51400 as n a b o call : i i 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT ilsu near King Large dean. bright 4-IMOOM tome. available 1 1:D0 A.M. (90514266233 or applications I Baste., apartment Clean. entrance, al vases Near sfappagNus laundry. December 'st. bated in � l�4 � ex ""a, 19p CORSICA LT 4 door pennate included Na Pets. no parking M awsUDk Available iaNatdutey (905) Hampton 5850/ngrMh plus utilities Firslllasr raWed 7✓ Mini�j: Reverend John Burton hatchback one owner Great Shape. good running Condi- r I sinnoiters 5500nrnoriln,r Cal 5762559 720.2153 Cal (250)762-2460 Choir Director. Anthony Holt bon Asaorrq $1 700 o D o as a Cal (905)434-5468 alto 6 ONE AMO TWO KNOONS PKURMG 1 bedroom bast- mere Nov 8. $7Wmonee. al A UIMEATA U DEAL! From 5500 down own you own C � ^ `was$vNe 79w4twae- p m tmD _' _ I available December t Two apps . 2 minutes to Gil. work- home slarbng a $69.900 Car - 19M Men" F ULSM. bladk NEED A CART Onlyuuooil locations a 350 Malaga & 946 Masson Rd. Oshawa $600/ simpleseparate entrance ire for less ikon rent OAC tree down warranty (9051 837-11237 24 his meertI manage on blade, dark hoed windows. tih. a/c 16 valve. 5 speed res Bad c,. From $199 mam cal 41 - month. a1 ncluwt. no pets. Fleae al from 9a m -9p m PIC�NMG spacious 1 905-728.1069 ext 277 Cdd- well Baler RAAR Real Estate manual Asking /5.000 or best 59¢9742 91>S 576 6724 bedroom basement apanment AIxMa Rasanu offer Call (905) 436-9596 leave message ABOVE GROUND one bed- $725/mo includes laud & able Non-Smobng Avanl 48301 UTELY ASTOUNDING COODWOOD WE FINANCE room &On- Sell Con- Dec, Can 905.837-9342 or 6 months free. Hien own a jJ]t/=(�D �� 19" PLYNOUTM VOTAGER - true 6 cylinder 3 a engine. EVERYONE Wned Pickering Non smoker no peK Hatable 416 566 9012 house hom SSSO/monlh You require full time family n- "ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER^ 197Km good condntiun. mit First time DU December 1u call luxury Tndel. 1- CDR* 525.000. reasonnaDle '��" p" tied askfg 51000 Cap 743 - y 1905{83%-M bedl'ICKERMi, apaxI ent. 4 W taeW 1 do the rest Don't 'nisi w4y.%.wmbwIIth 014 Evenings ers, bankrupt, 2 BEDROOM apt neat Osha• plinces, air, plus fitness. pool. pa51095/month "" wan Cal BE Rota, Coldwd S.-WrJN. ce.rWud lea CkawefN cosw ail. auto. bad credit, no ora Centre and 401 Parking. includes i1MKs. Agilable Banker RMR Real Estate to- daft (905) 726 9114 M Coeemaeity Hall Ta4u nM 4 cylinder. 2 door. amlm ass ail. ted.credit. You IauWry. storage Non rlso 5660/Ist i ^- (►"' AiIuIL. $ I. C Mlikrcis 12 at siaikr SS k 2 a . 1ti2.800 kms St500 Call ; $45n•tesCal work? You plus by Asialled pia Moro AirataDle Dec. 1st M:TMfO Oruet building n AJAX Prc.WtkXACFN -Fur Sean or Sheen at 576-3023 drive! Lots of 905.728-9160. Oshawa. mature fannts. Immaculate 3 bdrm. -£venvxie Hh!<v (yip) choice. Down or 2 BEDRt nuentem ala central loation.2 & 3 bed - room apartmans assailabe main floor semi. 1M2 PONTIAC LMN, 4 dr. low Ism. lady driven. Trade may be Fridge. stove. washer & dryer. freezer. Fireplace No pets. Wa 1 a/dry« each Soon blTd �s Ivry, park - 1 � r owlMowet $3.600 or best offer as is. required. f625/nhonffl 1 part d Moro. (905) 579- 9016. inQ. No petSJSrtwkinq 1 N (905) 666 8202saq SPECIAL Awilable now. 1905►852-3g73. SPACIOUS wd-rnam ained 2 ANa11. Nov. 15 First/last, ref. main Odor 3 bedroom house. Gose to all Al ONMRS SOUM 3 bed -room 1NI2 PONTIAC SUNBIRD SE. red atlgray inflator, afro. 4 cyl. FIN�CE 2 OEDIIOOM. Oroadloomed throughout. wery dears $719. bedroom .Mail. a- 900 arra as Gem St. Some with � + �. NdlB. amawbes. IV,. rderahces, no bvwnbust dose b schook. pets. Awilabk Da. ISI. 5900 shopping. $850 per nosh plus 2 dr. =00 obo. 404 -ON al- DEPARTUM tAYbes included. 560 Bloor St, w ilik in dorm. palm firowid. x$39 -5M month plus rrDMies. 728-91175 ublilies. Frstnast. AnrlaDk ler 5 p.m (yip) SHERIDAN CHEV E Ostnwa. 725-1436. ed. Gose b schools. sfrgpptrq (sap) Oecemb«1s1. (9051 579-9956 1482 fAls., I auto. w, 148.000 kms.. 1 owwtr. txCe- Ian condition. $4.800. call -7�„�� Wu -centre. 2. ttEOM Nd $780 all tem. save Oust Blliki q Ostuws. No flogs. Call F905) At -2232. GO Station. unties included. Cal 7284993. OOwnuva E - 4 bedroom Imine on farm. 5 min. from SFs11tAasVrderah� THEE OEDROOM (rouse for rant. available omne9dia 1 Roams �wA aD�le 1b�ir1 �a OsfuwU $8,5 plus u11it for PAN 905 372-0699. OF 96 NO 97 C�LL� AND 3- m male floor Large freshly decorated 905-623-2895. kes. Cal Mdea a a.m. - 4:30 1NI2 4 . 4 dr. 3.1 aq. 55000; 1992 Grand Pio(. 4 ilk. SALE!!! COIIPEB, CONtBITF KES ALIO 4 DOORS FROM apinmalt 58001ma ih plus 2/ 3 utilities: Oe.d Iron snrokas 2 i3 3 BIR �S. for rent.oom p.m. Monday On Friday for AMI - ON LABS. lrmished 905 723-7321 bedroom. ail- PrixeGTP$uO: Wad Grand GT a a6....... ALSO THESE n 1 $690 a iOW A. and. at 280 Wentworth St. n with te�i tewr laundry ad family Boom, UXBRIDGE mdown�ba roo�iNN «, slue kildrae. CabN.. hue eater, 56595: 1993 ravalu NEW ANIMALS 91 Pmt 6000 arta (90511831-1882. W. Your First Choice. air iaMdbo ed. 5/200faronm. dry/ recreation 1lciYm park - 3.1 eng., loaded i 00u:' 1989 Bram ruff size. Le baded. 3.1v6, 5i 985., 90 Olds 1:1. A MUST SEEI Oshawa 2 bed- for Phone (905)697-8Ri1. after Spm 2 bedroom Country mom Sie. 619-51673. 5.7 eng. $7500: 1968 S10 lernaDaW loaded 170K, per- led $4.400. 89 Buick Lesa- room in 3 uit cadempo ( ) 721-8741 FOR MM 3a1 bdrp low, 1.12 Minutes to to1Nn� '�mim - owed �' Biu« 4x4, reberrN trip. new brakes. tial paras. exluust bre. 123 tots. loaded, mom. �.duledar#wWry�private rd. IIKBRNIGE large two bed- hath, brealdast ana, fkeisltd $tiltprof.fes. SaiUMe for sldeal or 5-x500: AN cam Cert.. delssoon $4.985., 89 while. Ron- da wooers. 17M.. SID! , 92 DV On bus rouse. 5775/ mo. inclusive. NO FETS. 668 room basement ap. rarputed, foropace. shared laundry. No baseaded, garage, fJA lensed y�aardM dose to sdmolslCivoc Non-smoker wortinq prolasiony. No smokitrp ds. Firallast te- 985 N-705-277- 11- 1432. Pleas/ leave message- aAai�abk 52-0�1601rmo wnNt.erikols: �«aeoe NO �� Available iHHNneAate (snip) $5.995 $5.9.9995 lint Wow 993. Grad Dec.1st 8MDWQ 5120Ne References required N (�� 1N4 SUM=, 183,000Iim Am. baded, v-6. 12%. only $6.995.. 92 Dynrasty Lt, load. AMI, BASEMENT apartment, 1 bedroom plus 1 very small WANTED - MAnK q� s.(416) 187 6319 $925. + Utilities WNW . GardenSurns area. WE eertily. veiy ODed cored- tion. 55,000. Air ed. 3.3 V6 TIN nicest n town $6.985..94 Cavalier Coupe, bedroom. Gose b bus tom- �renqq mp o s. $600 plus mn"smoM« m pets, st area stwtle d priests01. MAIM FLOW, OSNAWA 2 -bed- room. 5 air condi 852-9756 Seconds b 401. Furnished or udwrished room available price coed. iiia bra rShco/ 12 $6.995. auto. black beauty. Moro. Call 6860185. ��.spacious /few at boned, $a ria mo im me"dy )665.64'26. month int 905-07-0 St. BarmamiNe Bowma 905 697-9380. I OSK.., 96 Blain ve baded. snAds mCer BEAUTIFUL large 2- bedroom. lair. Waw. soft water. credit dhed(. $710. ren. utilities. Cable trim. Mote ers, m Available Dlceldb« duaive. Cab Wwm-oSNAm border, ( Ave.) 24or-1. 2 =18.1185 itair Crile/. apa-menl adult belt, m non-smoki WAM. 1905) 50�M 1st. Cal (905)665 6669. !�� stay 1 Slarad sem with basement apl I ' 1415 -OMD TAINt11S GL. 1-0.00. beige. air. 755 [lag it. Was. M Mkt tate. MGM OV61 pete SSSo/mow ava�* omme• WESTNEIAEARW000 off OMMwA2OEOR00M.2 storey. s-ove tertced gad ail. 51250 p/wn, $8ue. 1989 l 79.292VEHICLE$ Call S7O 21II8. (905)72&7861. HWYf2, Newly renovated. 2 older semo-detached house. ppus. Ota..1 Con doyn BMOOBLM. Mon -smoking le - OLDS CAL OLDS CALAIS, sue. 100.000 T U311STOCK. TRY USH BEAUTIFUL 2-evel 1 bed- bed. bsmt. apt. 2 ensute barns. CIA. Sep nor. Gose b Simcoe StJ401 area. Stove, fridge nchided. Available imine• AOaagemat, 905.428-9766. mak b share nein Moor d louse. Separate phot. Call km certJemission $1500. Both excellent condition 905• room aq. East Oshawa. Quid aha amenities. Suit" for dy 57251mo. a utikkes. C.II sten 5:30 p.m. 655 666-1207 neighbourhood. Appliances lessiaral neon-smokong/Wis 7953. plus able. No smoking, no On bus route. Felerences. pets Available December. 723-1492 Avail. Dec. 241h $900mo. 1905)-509.7876. 5650/mo. (sn p) poll 416-W- DECEMBER 1ST, deluxe townhouse with fireplace to share wrote single maleAemale professional Utilities includ- ed 5 apPIOMS. office space available $5251month Whites/401 Call (905)831- 4036 LARGE LUXURY condomrhi- um overlooking the water to share with one mature profes- sional $650. all inclusive. I rstllast Bayly/Liverpool. Available immediately. 416) 8734846 or 905.937-302 AT 401/ WHITE'S RO.. Picker- ing clean home quiet Subdi- vision by conservation area. Share all facilities. non smoker no pets available now $375 monthly. stare utilities 839-7540 Coridomlike For Rein A SHORT TERM furnished ,oury 2 bedroom condo. VCR, cable, telephone, park- ing, tennis. 1 floor, country setting. etc $1.849 inclusive. (905) 623-0079. (416) 875- 3221 M, 1 Mrs a • Retail Solite - LOCATION LOCATION LO- CATION "r Across from Oshawa Centre 600 sq. It, Of- fice m lable Oct 1. Call 434- 2447or655-4132 COMMERCIAL UNITS. Park b Bloor great IOCBhon 1 Avail- able units, 1425 sq ft. each Call (905) 579-5077 atter 5 Pat (905) 571-3281 OFFICE SPACE for rent. ex. :etlent condition. Dundas St E. Whitby, 400sg1t. Available mmediately All inclusive Reasonable Call 905-725- 2642 or 728.6956 RETAIL SPACE 1085 sq ft. S$ Best rate $5 70 Commercial Ave. Ajax (Harwood 40 T ) 1-888-819-0003 WHITBY- o..." '. h ;I a rant. w d: :dww- ng 28.26 2 offices plus storage area. with gqaaraagqee door Zoned M1 905-574 9039 �� INDOOR STORAGE. I';' 'x;ats se's e c Rasoneole rates. M, 9G5)404 0602 Industrial Lkds INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR FEN! - 1800 sq It trick level stle n door, pnme location in Prckenng. Ctdst to 401 Call 905-839-8991 Iffwt elwu" NEEDED ASAP 500 plus I ivare feet of a4fordabty prrad rreakru al space. water kook up aid porrer rieces- Sary a11905.68G-0OB6 1 cataea r It a= NOW for beautiful cN- let all conveniences. large Sam color t.v. jacQ1IIi. to tubmarry activities. Great 8-r a country Christmas Sleeps 10 Call Blue Moon Relreat Snow moble trailers and site fell nearby 1-800.659-9448 I• 1 Flix ATTENTION SNOWVWAS: A perfect family •eacabon home on Clearwater Florida. 3 bed- room townhouse, pooliactu- 2i. tears court, pond. BBD. Private yard, close to beach and QOWV. Available now and Jan. to Apnl oappeenn For wild. 8 "Os (905) 579 3788. 11 Ptklft ItoNra EX Safe 4 N N N" sm. in Bow- rnanvile, loge yard. gara0e. dose to school. shoPpww. 401. Asking $126.900. Fa more irNo (9105) 697-3532 WJWAM 5 IK 2.1 bedrooles, hushed new wktdows, hipRiMgtNwy Ws fw les, 307 GQNec llNe. 5. Oshawa $146.90D. Photo 9055767705 CLEM 3 NENnONI see in a desired north East OdWae area. close b sc. A dimsewy. &I 728 $074 AC O$nM 1500 sa IL 2 -ow tY, 3 bedrolls. 3 banks. IarOe eat in Idldlen, as to idle. tiW windows. double (forage, FAG. Krq�way Frxesl area $177.xIU. Ca15767500. MTKU SALE - Bartle tow dwee. trill No of sowtum Region. To raeive a�tr24 his. to 1 805-7965. 10 11042 to leave a message n- *CIWV which price raw and area you are interested in. (Talk b no will. ROW GOtx- (ot) Sow Group Heritage 11Prilowlift Hamil for Sul@ FOR SALE NY OWNER - U. bridge brick bungalow, fin. ished basement, 3.1 bed- room. 2 bathrooms. Irving room, kitchen, lot 59x165 Needs a little work No agents please. Asking $150.000 905- 852-7254 after 5 p on. (snp) NEW 4 bedroom model back - Split. walkout. said oak kitch- en. ceramic floors. upgraded throughout, north Courtice $179.900 905.432-6465 Builder Clear-Ou1 OPPORTUNITY, first time buyers or investment, 3 apart- ments. positive income, great pdentia . prime Oshawa lom- tion. $155.000 Call (416)335- 6104 le Investrnrerit e mv INVESTMENT PROPERTY. 3 legal apts $1.600 income. Separate entrance. Walking distance to downtown Osha wa Stows fabulously. Imme- diate possession Asking 5115.000. Call (905)764-6667 for vwmng �. lits for Sok NEWCASTLE 1 8 acre budding lot on Wilmot Creek. trout stream. $80.000. call Walter Frank Royal LePage Frank Re (905)576-4111 Money ro laord MONEY PROBLEMS. Get out Of de Dt quick without going bankrupt or being garnisheed Everyone accepted regardless d credit rating Call for tree information 905-576-3505 Student loans included Financial Services A-1 CREDIT REPAIR. We :x ';ad t-redd Guaranteed' 416- 451 8537 or 1-677-643-0130 1 Mongsges. lnsuranc• tMLUONS F-" MrP'rAGES AES-DfN'.A;'- COMMERCIAL 1 it and 2nd - Reverse Mort - call lenri ft Mortl%gageOAC Guy. yJ5-655-4960 Dom -Mon Mortgage Corp MORTGAGES - Good. bad and ugly Financing for arty pur- pose All applications accept- ed Cap Community Mortgage Services Corp (905) 668 SW5 . 1 Busness 0 onuntr u GOVERNMENT rinds$$ Grants and luaus information 10 Stan and expand you bui nen or tare 1.800 -505 -UW CMPET CLEANING Business. truck moue well established customer base $15.000 Please call 905-579-T716 MAILBOXES ETC. Rated 01 busmess service and com- mureation franchise in the world Exrstng busriess with I mmediate ash NOW and bpi customer base in Osha- wa Excellent growth opPa- tunay, mnrmum ndW invest- ment SSOK, finaric avarF able Cass Mara al (9051 338- 9754 RESUIIRANT - NEWCASTLE on busy 35.115 Hurry Seats 200 Lot 300 x 300Paved parking 8-r 50 ars Only 5190.000 Call Walter Frank. Royal Lepage Frank R E. (905)576-4111 TINNRING ABOUT STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS? Dei only with Proven company with strap track record. Area distnbutor needed 10 service established accounts Low sun up cost - Big Resume, UrNtmited market. No Sell". Earn potential $46.000. year. Yrs invest. 514.800. For ado. brochure: 1-886335- 7533. 1 Prnatels BOBEO movuwins • 04 TA UO. Names i home Phone Nundwm. 1-900-451- 3638 of 600, S3.69'min must be 18. T -leer. N.N.I. ONR mics Own frATwN SERMI Call 905-683.1110. brovrse olAerr pe solism ads trm wen a new Fdatd or Lore km ill. Apoc F=35 so Y Mam joiam she dolt triedie EPam Paso,* walked your do0• mad dN rules, ltad a bind dab wish Aul Essm's mtttlw's toc- sins' Dor (midi!) What's next? l6 w Rives kAro d fissions (416) 777-M. Ar OMMANt ..1 Lai IU T%vels 7- 10 p.m. AN le$6 ners at 7. Pickering Lepton 1555 Be* St.. Woo of Bmr# Rd. • 1 Auctions 1 &ruts 1 Bir1M at McLean Auction Centre Showroom, 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby Singles from $79.95. 48" 6 Doubles from 011eflues from $129. Deluxe Slumber Pedic, Queen Set (10 year Warr.) list Setedion, prices Wamnty on name rands. We accept Cards or Intent. Will deliver. Call 905-686-3291 or 432-2636 :11 knprovements Rmw•eaw - General Han Rpari iW No Job Too Small ,le Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 25 Years Experience i AIMN (905) 686-1677 HOME ADDITIONS by T con Designs and architectural plans for permit approval Unique residential renova- bans. new home construction Ask about our special diem/ Budder program (905)-432- 7691 BOMB fArl. 17rwm, nuilnx �. i erpentry, ba.mrcnts. h.jthnwxns, crramtca. deck, Free euimarn beniun Discounts MEMBEROF THE BETTER BILSINEsS BUREAU IeOSt 428-3762 Ask for Paul CQN3TRUCTION • Additions • Renovations Decks • Basements 427-0059 1 • Plumbing Top Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential -Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates -over 20 years experience call 905-837-9722 810 "GUARAIMEO" PAINTING A PL.ASTEIiNrG StiIOCOcalki basement terbrakons, Pay as you're sallsbed. For a free ealmaM ON um (105) =14621 ifirin TMS PAINTING i DECOR Itlkrior 3 Exterior European WDrkman- SMp Fast. Clean, rebWe service. 428-0081 PNisi aid your WO deeAledid atdof � doll ie we cilulot be raspons(ble for more thin orw inuw rsvtNrat of an error. RYCKMAN Nolen and Michelle (nee Livie) are happy to announce the birth of their 2nd child MCHOLAS W U"O" On August 19th, 1999 weighing 7 lbs., 1 oz. A little brother for Alexandra. Proud grandparents are Paul and Cheryl Livie and Nole and Joan Rycknian. Special thanks to Doctors and nursing staff at the Ajax -Pickering Hospital. :1 Roofing :IlyaRoofing A N C ROOFING And A1/n sin um Shingling• all npc, of rf)of,, new and old, Workmanship Guaranteed. 10% Discount to Seniors, fully insured. Free estimates. Call Andrew at ("S) 428-9704 Us1 ardererv3 A a l Gmrfenrng a Laridfcapirg La discapm TREE REMOVAL i MAINTENANCE itSTUMP REMOVAL A SEASONED FIREWOOD AVAILABLE DAVE 831-7055 LUIParty Services MParty Services RABBIT WANTS WORK Dong Magic For Children s Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 668-4932 815885 ' d STORAGE HOusei. AFar ?r'S. Offices. Appliances 8 -llano Specialists. Senior 8 Mid -Month Discounts Licensed, insured. Free Estimates Professional service - Call 436-7795. ervice.Cal1436-7795. Cross Movers Ex-, r moving Households * Otfices • ACts. Padang Avail Free Estimates 416-423.0239 Toll Free So farr,yow've trirl d" reS4 Vow it's first to tri the Best! Vacuuming, duumg. krtchcas baths, bltmds. basrbuards.ledgm. down, and more for 1 low pence of $65.00 Spred Asses Tar, d NFJ Call Rain 0 cell4W7et.gM UN - sows •Dara Lawa Nc. 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Please remember to leave your caddres�s. phone number and contact name. wltteaaa Fax NEWS ADVERTISER 905-579-421 a UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 905-8152-+355 - NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, November 5, 1999 PAGE 27 A/P jTt. q1:7M113 ff I. Steps To A Great Smile The first step m sdmg your problem is a consultation. You and your denturist trifT discuss your ilidividwl meds and tfle dloices anl/abk ro you Your danhltffst will provide you WO ft iinAxmab eon you neuro to de rmiw now is right kr you. Recreate Your Natural Smile Servicekiv ith a your denturists fogs is on comfort and fit. Appearance too is very Important Your denturist trim work North you to recreate dire character of your natural smile. Smile! Sofa n your denture is finished you'll Seem its apyteararla Noy Guth sit Mntporm ilii in Wool lebu'N be ilvft b bring pho0ge or a !army rrtr►tbir to dello )=Midge• For Your Comfort Denture work is done at yrwr denhxuts' droit so a*ostments and revisions to W dsrNrsla an be made tefale you are therle. CarNW a *mm trill be paid to every detail of yto4tr deaOrR file seleilew atI l k an Ano lae ttae biggest chlrge b ylour aonrbrt a4d appianrlee. Why see a denturist? Denturists know dentures. They study dentunsm and general health for a lull three years, more than any Other health care pracbtfoner. Denturists make dentures exclusively for their patients. Their practice is devoted to creating dentures that fit well, look stbactive and allow you to maintain a healthy mouth. Seeing a denturist can save you money. Denturists flees are affordable (because there are no cost markups or outside delays. As denture work is done at one location, quality of carr is constant and personal. The Denture Health Care Centre Can Help Dewt um &*n6nart can a/twdsb pain, mak* roll look bettor and hoW seslne dw laaaft of roar mouth No Obliptipe d flexible Papent Plans -1H0 R osHl►wA MXLA " Py � Monday -Sc3u"NsTaturday 1 "• 9aim -6pm Ixiad 7T 33 Church St., ® 195 Shcoe Site N.9 Ajax •da""` lOShawa ("1426- 99 24 (" 123 -8266 1 � `NIIIIIJ 4m 2000 N -E O 1i 2 2 D p k g 2000 CIRRUS LX 248 pkge &*mono a IF! OLD KEY LEASE $288/MO.+TAIL/48 MOS. 0 DOWN APR. 2% 25,200 KMNR. NO OWNULMSE •+TAXMMOS. $0WWMAPR. 3.8%APR 3.8%PURCHASE SECWM OEPOSIT • AMS: TAXIAM TAX ARE ALL INCLUDIM. ADMIN- IS EXTRA FIMAMCIMG FOR U MOS. $715 FREIGHT A 2000 INTREPID. 22C pkg. 2000 399M 211upke. I PJM. 4.8'/0 am 40:93fT A R its 2000 DURANGOS AND JEEPS. AVAILABLE FOR-" v"w 0 CARAVAN 26Tpkg. 77- a bga9 41 �l , 1 1999 RAM DIESEL LEFT FO? 1�,9�19EDIATE QEUbtRV �_ _ MU RET IFAS $4 INIU.+TAIIM NDS. $2= W 1.9% PIIRCNASF FNUkNrJ= Fflist AX 1Wq 4S1 oil W± II Gold Key lasses are plus teagMlyos .iLA us all applicable tams. 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