HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_11_03c PICKERING NEWS AbVERTISER D Lo PICKERING'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 44,300 no 22 PAGES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1999 w PIING _ Sawed-off shotgun wielded in robbery Suspected getaway van discovered in Pickering A pair of masked bandits armed with a sawed-off shotgun staged a terrifying "takeover - style" robbery Tuesday at a bank in Brooklin village. Durham Regional Police said two men burst into the CIBC, at 50 Baldwin St. N., at about 12:10 p.m. It was basically a bank takeover. About a dozen People in the bank, four or five of them customers. were herded into an area at gunpoint during the mb- bery:' said Sergeant Jim Gnm- ley, police spokcsnian. He said police rcxxtvcd sever- al calls from witnesses reporting the robbery in progress, and nu- merous units responded. But the robbers fled to a waiting get- away van, parked .mtsidc with the engine running and made good their escape before officers arrived, he said. Though no one was hurt in the holdup. "It's not hard to imagine how terrifying it is to have a maskcd man pointing a sawed-off sh:.tgun at yew Sgt. Grimky said - Tie bandits got an undis- closed amount of cash. No arrests were made. How- ever, a suspect van was found abandoned with the engine run- ning a couple of hours later on 7th Concession, in north Picker- ing. Both suspects were described as white men between 30- to 40 - years -old and had their lover faces covered. The robber with the shotgun wore an aqua -blue raincoat while his partner wore dark clothing and a baseball cap. Get busy as a bee and you could win! Page 2 ---A ANDREWIWANOWSKI/ N'e%s Advertiser photo All warm and fuzzy Needy people in Durham will he able to stay just a little warmer chic winter with the help of a group of students from Pickering High School in Ajar. Students donated $3 each to buy material and ended up making 100 scarves and 20 frog crafts %Inch will be donated to Denise House in Durham and the Ajax -Pickering Big Sisters organisa- tion. Marking the successful completion of the community project are Deb Koeper of Denise House, Linda Curlev of Big Sisters, Little Sister Brittany Mav and students Erica Edwards, Michelle Morin and Erin Buy. PTIONAL4 WEEK DELIVERY S5/ $1 NEWSSTAND Dolphin teams move on Page 12 Regulator weighs in on Pickerings progress Mixed review on nuclearp lant PICKERING PUBLIC p �!FiRra im is BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and the Pickering nuclear station have received a mixed review on their improvement efforts I rom staff at the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB). AECB recently issued a re- port on OPG's 'Integrated Im- provement Program' (IIP) for its nuclear facilities which sug- gests the plan may be falling short. The report notes OPG's management of its various im- provement projects has been "impressive" with "a degree of tracking and control not seen before within OPG" However, it also says this progress in management is "not consistent- ly reflected" in the assessments AECB staff perform on site. Ajax -Pickering United Way drive donations down Ac,encv asks communities to dig deep to meet 1999 goal DENNIS GOULIN 'The needs... have just been growing so fast.' Bt AMRIANNf T.4KAc'N kers. It would also mean Whng of Ajax and Pickering has in - Staff Writer short for the second year in a creased by 65 per cent over the The United Way of Ajax- row past 10 years, the amount dcmai- Pickrnng is appealing to arca "Our tartlet was $I l million ah to the United Way campaign resulenu to dig Just i Irick uocp- last year as well says United in 1998 was only 27 per cent er into their pockets to help their Way of Ajax -Pickering executive more than 1988's total. Cam - friends and neighbours. director Dennis Gouhn. Howcv- paign revenues actually dc - That's because donations to er, only $1.095.000 was raised in creased over some years during the organizauori s major annual 1998 and a 20 -per cent increase the decade. The numbers tluctu- tund-raising campaign arc is hoped for this year to reach the aced from a low of S855.(XX) in S60.000 behind where they target in 1999. 198x to as high as S1,02x.(XX) to should he at this umc in order to "Jose needs are even beyond 1991 and back down to $91 1.01(X) reach the drive goal of S1.3 mil- that, but we have to set a goal by 1994. lion. that's realistic:' notes Mr. "It went up and down because Falling shah of that total Goulin. "ihe needs of our com- of the economy in the late 1980h would mean fewer services for munity have just been growing and early 1990s:' says Mr. those in the community who so fast as the population has been Goulin. Donations have in - need them, such as seniors re- growing and we're just not able creased steadily in recent years quiring Meals on Wheels and to meet all the reeds of the com- as the economy has recovered children who could use the guid- munity" and United Way organizers have once of Big BnAhers or Big Sis- Even though the population stepped up their efforts. Pokehon tradin card craze not that cra *'We have �undertak`n°v"`� last few years a much more ag- gressive fund-raising campaign;* explains the executive director, schools, officials report. Pokemon, which means pocket monster in Japanese, is the popular video and card game for children. BOB STRICKERT 'Some things are completed some things are ongoing.' "For those programs that re- quire excellent implementation of new processes and proce- dures, we have found that many gaps exist despite the stated completion of IIP milestones. Rnu etas doubts on the ulti- mate effectiveness of the pro- gram. ro- gram " Areas of operation AECB staff have recently evaluated in- cludc the Pickering plant's Cor- rccuvc Action Program The re- port notes irnplcnicntaoon problems were found, such as inadequate resources and train- ing, as well as a lack of co-ordi- nation between management re- view meetings in various divi- sions; ivesions; inconsisterwics in defi- ciency reporting and disposition processes: and premature clos- ing out of Station Condition Records, making statistics "op- timistic". Overall, in their evaluations of the Corrective Action Pro- gram at Pickering, iIP mainte- nance projects at the Bruce sta- tion and configuration manage- ment at Bruce. AECB staff found "some progress" but "significant deficiencies". This was even the case in the Correc- tive Action Program in which IIP milestones had been record- ed as "complete". The report notes that even if the IIP is finished according to current schedules, the final completion date will be about 2.5 years past the original date estimated. "AECB staff assessments to date consistently show that See UNITED page 2 See PICKERING page S Inside the News Advertiser And, while a dispute over adding that has included hiring a Decision to ban left up to Durham school principals, boards say full-time fund-raiser. Still, it has been a struggle SY SUSAN O'NEILL trying to keep up with a burgeon- Scaff Writer ing population and the increased Although some schools here meed required for the services of EiAbfblINFAd .......8 are urging students to leave local agencies such as the Victo- ............11 any serious problems at schools here. their PokEmon cards at home, flan Order of Nurses, the Ajax - O totes to parents asking them the latest fad hasn't become a Pickering -Whitby Association t • (a �L t a major problem at Durham ? for Community Living, Big schools, officials report. Pokemon, which means pocket monster in Japanese, is the popular video and card game for children. BOB STRICKERT 'Some things are completed some things are ongoing.' "For those programs that re- quire excellent implementation of new processes and proce- dures, we have found that many gaps exist despite the stated completion of IIP milestones. Rnu etas doubts on the ulti- mate effectiveness of the pro- gram. ro- gram " Areas of operation AECB staff have recently evaluated in- cludc the Pickering plant's Cor- rccuvc Action Program The re- port notes irnplcnicntaoon problems were found, such as inadequate resources and train- ing, as well as a lack of co-ordi- nation between management re- view meetings in various divi- sions; ivesions; inconsisterwics in defi- ciency reporting and disposition processes: and premature clos- ing out of Station Condition Records, making statistics "op- timistic". Overall, in their evaluations of the Corrective Action Pro- gram at Pickering, iIP mainte- nance projects at the Bruce sta- tion and configuration manage- ment at Bruce. AECB staff found "some progress" but "significant deficiencies". This was even the case in the Correc- tive Action Program in which IIP milestones had been record- ed as "complete". The report notes that even if the IIP is finished according to current schedules, the final completion date will be about 2.5 years past the original date estimated. "AECB staff assessments to date consistently show that See UNITED page 2 See PICKERING page S Inside the News Advertiser And, while a dispute over � TOM R the popular cards resulted in a EdNKW PW 6 14 -year-old student being Erk NW stabbed at an elementary .. , .......6 school in Laval, Quebec last EiAbfblINFAd .......8 week, the game hasn't led to MARY BROWNSPWb ............11 any serious problems at schools here. Some schools have sent ...13 Durham District School totes to parents asking them M U A CALL Board conummications tang- to keep them at home.' COMM ......683-5110 er Mary Brown says senior " N 11M .. ,663-5117 plakbwn trading cauls have captured the imagination of stu- dents across Durham Region, but not to the point where school yard trading has become a problem, school officials note. staff are "aware of a few schools that have asked kids not to bring (PoWmon cards) to school because they're either being stolen or trading is taking up too much time. "Have there been any prob- lems? Not that I'm aware of," she says. "Some schools have sent notes to parents asking them to keep them at home. I don't At Glengrove Public School in Pickering, principal Neil Simpson says. "We have not banned them but we've said, 'Don't bring expensive cards to school.' We've said, 'You can't play games for keeps and when the (opening school) bell goes, the cards go away'." He explains the school adopted the rule that students can't trade for keeps to prevent think there are many schools that have done that though." See TRADING page 2 After $50 Rebate. See Store For Details Iloltu out ACTIVE Fup ® ROPM CAW Mc ATV Cory used Wer t Kane n' i Clau M ....683-0707 Nesltll Nedm .683-3005 a Tom 1-800-662-8423 EMMI ............... newsroom®durham.net Web sib durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 P1111111bfWDo....� tie pays 7 ONLY ACTIVE FLIP PHONE EXCLu akdow UM tarrw—go e - m enr Calendar ANY Ile/ Aasrrer = uptlelttl PWOOMon Is oa.lTEL z4 -AW. mass" .80/oFMANCNGNO LMU PICKERING HONDA 970 Brod[ Rd. % of Bayty 831-5400/ Upgrade. Downsize. Persensllze ELY WITH 'With Activation of 12 month pian :35" 111Io anda.I.e t,,000 taeefkeM ntl� AaP PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISEK WEDNESDAY EDITION. Move dor 3, 1999 $100 certificate for the winner Be a busydesignbee and our Spelling Bee logo You may not he the most high water levels and dangerous howling and arcade fun if your talented artist you know, but if REG bee is the one we're looking you're between the ages of six l�� for, The winning logo will ap- and 16 your artwork could pear on official Spelling Bee BEE a winner. +':r material and T-shirt,. 7 his Week inyitcs all c You have until Friday. Not. Durham Region students to get 11-26 to submit your drawing of a out their crayons, markers or Yr.a bee. Here are the rules: /- paints and create an official logo for The Durham Regional ` t� • Drawing must be on 8 1/2 x CAI I Mans Chair Distress Centre. Residents have I white paper. Spelling Bee. to he held next time to reach the 1999 goal. Mr. • Computer-generated artwork spring. 1I R,1 will not he accepted. We want you to draw us a [' �`l • Artwork must be original and bee. and we don't want you to Another problem which occurs dune in crayon• marker or be shy about it. might be perfect for us. paint. We're looking for a bee that The winning artist will re- • Only one entry per person. shows creamily, captures our ceive it $100 gift certificate Drop off or mail your entry hearts and makes us smile, so from North End Bowl in Os- to: Durham Regional Spelling don't worry if your drawing haws, so you can treat your Bee Logo Contest. c/o This isn't picture perfect. It just friends to an afternoon of Week 865 Farewell Ave Os- hawa: L I H Durham Three cheers Flood alert issued in Durham Region Spelling Bee is sponso cid by The Central Lake Ontario over Tuesday and HAcdnc. jy - Oshawa. Whitby, Claringion, CARL h RF.NCZZNews Advertiser photo for the hospital Conservation Authority is wam- proximate mm urecast a cot unto u . , at. y rola y. Goat high water levels and dangerous and Port Perry This Week. The The Aja.t and Pickering Health Centre was being donared to the hospital. Here, ing people to stay away from conditions could be experienced Ajax -Pickering News Adver- one of the beneficiaries during the grand APHC's Bruce Cliff (left) and a visiting rivers and streams in the atca. around local watercourses. tiler, The Uxbridge Tribune opening of Montana's Cookhouse Saloon clown offer a cheer to the fund-raiser with With heavy rainfall — ap- 1 30 f The safety warning will be in ff I Th ti t and The Canadian Statesman. 1 k' in Aju.r. Proceeds from the opening are owner Vito Rumitu. uc . United Way issues appeal for funds to meet target!The• �� UNITED from page I and more kids who need help ' teer to lead their workplace cam- their donation to be sent to their Coolest Recliner �""rOOLER Mr Gouhn sans part of the paigns are all hard-working and own community. Brothers, Big Sisters. Meals on campaign shortfall to this point committed mdntduals and we are Tbe campaign here continues to Wheels and the Durham Rc ton can ht attributed to a slow start in confident they will do everythin g the end of the ear sr there's sillg y Mans Chair Distress Centre. Residents have workplace camp:ugns tir the Unit- possible to achieve their United time to reach the 1999 goal. Mr. NOW � been generous with their donations ed Way, which usually account for Bray goal " Goulm urges residents u) give gen- but more is needed it) avoid falling one-half to two-thirds of donations Another problem which occurs erously it they're canvassed. If AVailable for m "'''' •"` „,• rM1wnn{wrr erw..e+s too far behind each year ever year is that so many Ajax they're not canvassed they may ChnSft'iJc�$ C ­*"I _7771 don't think they realize all He expects it's because the vol- and Pickering residents give to call the United Way at 686-06116, OssuWA the needs that are out there. The uniccrs who run them have horn United Way campaigns at their to either he sent a pledge card M iss-au•+ fou e.;.y need continues to grow. We've got busy with heavy workloads. workplaces in Toronto. Main like- through the mad or to make i do - more seniors to the: community '"Tier a people who do volun- ly don't realize they can ask for nation over the phone by %'ISA Trading cards pose few problems TRA 0/%(, 'n,m page I any possibility of arguments or tights over the expcnsiwc cards. "It's a geoid rule," he says. The Pokemon phenomenon is nothing new to his scho)l, Mr- Simp- son points out. "It's just like anything else. Pogs were the thing three or four years ago. We had a problem two years ago with Tamagotchis and we banned them" Mr Simpson says a decision to bars students from taking a chain toy or game to school "depends on the number of incidcnts" Anti, there also has to be '-parental responsibility" when it comes to chil- dren taking expensive games to school. "If you can't afford to lose it, you can't afford to bring it to school." Mr Simpson says. Durham Catholic District School Board chairman Mary Ann Martin says the decision to ban Pokemon cards or any other toy is at the discre- tion of each school principal. "If you're going to have violence in schools, you're going to have it whether you have Pokemon cards or not;' she says. Ms. Martin adds, if students are fighting over Pok6mon cards, there's likely a bigger problem. "There's always a fad every year;' she says. "I haven't heard of any problems and I'm sure our principals and our teachers are well aware of Pokbmon cards in their schools" OPTOMETRIST Evening6attrday AppoinUnents AvaNabk MOOF- NEW PATIENTS WELCOME xwiaatioris aireilage for tASltvPwc corao.e soryix 62Ilrtwooa Ara S., Ajn 1905) 149 .How does the demutualization of Canada's life insurance companies affect you? If you have received a package from your insurance company or have questions, please call: Andy Silverman (905)428-5468 L"Cll Ajax Durham Centre 90 Kingston Road Fast. Unit lid (Highway art and Harwood Road) Memll Lync4 Canada Inc is ■ mern4;r - CIPE Whenou imagined y 9 � ri�1l t�rJr����� =-, ��� �►r ;what you'd drive in 2000, p js'this what you saw? t = go it FLP .pa� PPP •trjam`^'":. - a i First month's payment reituired. $0.011/km over 60,000 km over three years. $10,101.79 optional buyback. Applicable taxes, licence, OWN"ia'N" and administration fees extra ''Y pti WISE OUVERS READ THELEGAL COPY: *Lease a new 2000 Focus SE Sedan, with automatic from Ford Credit to qualified retail lessees, on approved credit. Total lease obligation is $10,439/510,571/$10,692 excluding freight and security deposit. Dealer may lease for less. Some conditions apply. Offers may change without notice. Limited time offers. See dealer for details. Toronto FDA, P.O. Box 2000, Oakville, Ontario L61 5E4 W tM NEWS ADYERT1e K WEDNESDAY t.Off10M, Novenupes 3,199 PAGE 3 AI► riV VU PUBLIC SCHOOL . 'Many'students will fail Grade 10 literacy tests 1 BOARD IN BRIEF 4 -' Bud, public board confident NOV _3. 1999 ` " • . ' Prayer in Dwiraln public vast majority will succeed schools Muret fall BY SUSAN WNEILL Stuff Writer A resource booklet of inspirational prayers and readings should be ready for use during the open. The "vast majority" of ing exercises in public schools here by next fall, re- Durham's students are ex- ports a public board official. pected to pass the Province's new Grade 10 Lewis Williams, the Durham District School Board's ethnocultural equity and race relations offi- literacy test next fall. Car, told trustees Monday a committee of approxi- But. some pupils will nhately 60 community representatives is currently probably fail and therefore working its way through the thousands of submis- won't be able to graduate t:iorts that have been collected. from high school, predicts He reported a draft booklet will be presented to a local public board offi- trustees in February. And, following that presenta- coal. tion there will be a consultation process with the "I don't anticipate all of community. "It's our goal to get this into schools our students will be suc- next fall," Mr. Williams said. cessful... certainly the vast ApOidt majority of our students Parents help to teach kids will be successful:' Bev get Freedman, superintendent racial harmony of programs for the Durham District School Canadian Hoele Leisure Board, told trustees Mon - A new pamphlet designed to help parents deal day, with hate -motivated incidents and ads of discrimi- "We do recognize not nation will be distributed to families in Durham with- all students will pass the in the next two weeks. Designed by the Durham District School test and therefore not all Board, the pamphlet is an "attempt to provide re- students will be eligible for sources for parents" ethnocultural equity and race a high school diploma;' she said during a presenta- relations officer Lewis Williams told the board's tion to the standing com- standing committee Monday. Paftw LttOW Win "The thing that's so positive is there are so ' mittee. marry suggestions (in the pamphlet)" said Mr. The Grade 10 reading Williams. who noted the brochure offers advice and writing test• a new about what parents can do 0 their child witnesses diploma requirement under a hate -motivated incident, is a victim of an incident the Province's revised high or is a perpetrator. school curriculum, will be The pamphlet encourages parents to make administered by the Educa- sure their children understand that prejudice and tion Quality and Account - discrimination "are unfair and hurt people," and to ability Office (EQAO) for urge youngsters to'create positive social change-. the first time next fall Gala aids students And. although pupils will have an opportunity to whose hearts are in rewrite the test if they fail, arts I Ms. Freedman reported the I board has students "who The Durham District School Board will host its lack the cognitive ability to second Arts Endowment Gala Event next May to read and write" and won't help talented students explore the arts, trustees be able to pass the assess - heard Monday The Prelude to a Dream event, being held at intent regardlesti of the the board headquarters May 6. 2000, wil feature numbtcr of attempts they make. an everting of entertainment. a silent auction of Stu- dent and professional works and a gourmet dinner. A Gradc 9 level of lit - Funds raised through ticket sales, the auction erit rcy is yule r wphisucat- and donations wd go to the boards Arts Endow- cIcvcl literacy;' she merit Fund which provides aid to students who re said. quite financial assistance to pursan arts -related ue "It's the at -risk students job- we're most concerned Funds are granted to pupils through a board of about.- bout "governors governorswhich reviews appkcaborts from ele- Ms. Freedman said. ntentary and secondary school students *who re- -Many of our (current) gtrtre financial assistance in the pursuit of their tal- basic Icvcl students would tint dervelopmertl' stauxs a board report. mgt be successful She noted there arc The Royal Canadian Legion BRANCH #322 AJAX yb'isties to thank the Bushes, sector and the Gnfens of Alai for helping us raw the grad told of f26.9%49 donna ate 19" poppy Campaign As of 0kctuber Ist we have timburscrrents and expcascs of ever S24,000 to Veterans :h •-;t� and than Dcficadcnts in need. Thank yea Ajax Reg Wrrrn.Poppy Chairman Spirit of Flanders ..Flanders fields cilli hi," ri %ah p,-ppicc. I'm told Fight on -Take up the (ragmenn of that' -peace" The trenches and the dugouts arc no more. You won from days of bgter els and hate: The yeas are rolling fast and 1 an oid. Fashion a happier worid, dock not --surcease' - But my dim spirit wakes to days of yore. Comrades, it's up to you. 'tis not Ino late. N,s the dark days• sake we came marching Dome. Nota fast the tach that feeble hands did throw Thu some have passed In misery and %trite: And guide us lately through these days of gloum: But to the days when comradeship alone. Remember those white crosses. row on row. Mean all there was to us, yes all of life. In Flanders, where the blood-rcd puppies bloom. Can we not stud together as before. Pondering not on sacrifices with regret? -Park-111, B C . 1934 This world suit needs its heroes note and more - There's magic in those words. "Leu We Forgcl" Please join as for our Rtmtembrauce Dance Saturday November 61b - 7:30 p.m. to 1:00 &m- Royal Canadian Leftism. 111 Hunt St„ Ajax. Cornput� t.10 "If' DIPLOMA IN: CERTIFICATI IN: Network Engineering MCSE, A+ FREE Programming & Systems Analysis MCSO Computerized Accounting MCDBA A+ COURSE Software Engineering CCNPMYTH Applied Information Technology CNE, ORACLE FREE Introductory Course PROGRAMMING IN: SIX SEATS AVAILABLE (1 week free course in 1 Web Design, HTML, JAVA keyboarding. windows, Visual Basic word and internet) Visual C++ wBKEAq CLASH STARM MS OFFICE 2000 MCSE (Nov. 13) Introduction to Computers A+ (Nov. 13) Windows 95/98/2000 CCNA (Nov. 14) Get quality training at excellent prices! • Individual attention • Social assistance and unemployment insurance • Unlimited lob time recipients may quality for FREE funding • Hands-on training • Over 90% success rote Job Placement Assistance MicrosoMETRI r%ilNr' as a Vocalionaf ,$aborti udder the Private vocational BEV FREEDMAN 'What vie vvorn- about ore the issues of retention. It is a concern.' some students who cur- rently receive high school diplomas who would not be able to graduate in the future. She explained the Grade 10 test differs from any other assessments adminis- tered by the EQAO be- cause it is a "gatekeeper;' meaning students can not graduate if they don't pass. And, students can't be exempt from the test. According to a board re- port. "The Grade 10 test of reading and writing skills is based on the belief that reading and writing are in- tegral to all areas of study. The skills measured by the test reflect the curriculum expectations related to reading and writing across subjects up to the end of Grade 9 " The report notes. pcctations frrtn Grade y will only include 'h common to h,Oi plied and ae.idc;m, . . riculum." Ms. Freedman reported the EQAO is piloting the test in a random sample of volunteer schools across Ontario this week and one Durham school has been selected to take part. However, those results will not be released to the board and are intended only for internal use by the EQAO. "We envision it will be much shorter than the Grade 3 or 6 tests;" Ms. Freedman said. Although the test is still being devel- oped, she expects students will likely have to answer a number of questions based on several readings. If a student fails the as- sessment on their first at- tempt, there will he "limit- ed opportunities during the school year to retry another version of the test;' Ms. Freedman said in her re- port. But, details regarding rewrites are not yet clear. Ms. Freedman told trustees the board plans to put "remediation strate- gies" in place to help fail- ing students with future at- tempts. "What we worry about are the issues of retention. It is a concern" Meanwhile. Ms. Freed- man noted the Grade 10 test will likely he the "first of the major assessments" the current crop of Gradc 9 students will face in their high school careers. If the Ministry of Education rnucrs ahead with plans to test pupils In c%cn vr.idc Jim PIaherly M.P.P. Town Nall Meeting MR amv, no--- -mmmliL 1111111111101 !Aa Royal Canadian Legion I f 1 HUM St, Ajax, OntaHo Your MVP Kuno to halm to hour clews on crime and communin salery For further information, please call the Community Office at 9(15-130.1141 Whitby -Ajax SALE r� ►PECIAL BARGAIN i 11 IN TODAY'S News Advertiser Wed., Nov. 3, 1999 News Advertiser _• lite/ a Marketplace 'A01 Aire - Ctx6fied Healing Pick 'Arrow Fudtue AR' dPia Business Depot Aooick Cash Cameflers Apz Canpimh Apr/PidL Douce Double pig Pick Leona Apr7Pidt. Lewis Crtft Pick Little CORIM Alax patrol Can UWS APIIPtdt ptxvlitt¢on ApOidt Real Ell ale A00iek T. J. Sheppard Aiwa 'oollm ApOick , ".(mend to sctatod hlxtsebulds only R:-nember. all Inserts, including :e on glossy paper, can be 'sled 6ith the rest of your �spaper;hroueh wul'blue • rkticl;ng program Intormaronon ie rte Mark & Daniel 1tcdnrsdav s carrirrs of the Wick art Mark and Daniel They enjoy soccer and bowling. They will rk-( sive a dinner for 4 % mchcr. complimcnts of Ml Donald s C:ingratulatluns Mark .md Daniel for bring our r _irncrc of the Week r 1 k•1 lie -ter, h:11 . �. .. Window & WOR TfettarAgft Arts & Craft _• lite/ a Marketplace '� 4i : ^aels The Arts :..rafts Superstore Kitchen & Sallhimn Bath N' Bedtime w' Corning Factory Out* Kitchen Cur " at Philips Factory outlet . , The Tile Sheppe eb 4. Horne Furnishings A Special Plaice I. Canadian Hoele Leisure Spa & Pate De Boa's Ethan Allen Him ..f l. Interiors GslWy :L R Master Bedroom Oriental Rita CoMeAion c Paftw LttOW Win A & Small, Popple► slwaun by % cow F1n itwe ca N' POM 4 NEWS ADVFR711011M WEDNESDAY EfDIT10N, November 3, 1999 Santa Claus is coming to a town near you Durham parades begin Nov. 13 Now that the witches and goblins are leaving town ❑'s time to gear up for the annual Pickering Santa Claus Parade. This year's parade will be held Saturday. Nov. 13. It will begin at 10 a.m. Applications to enter the parade may he obtained more infor- mation call 420-5007. Santa Claus will make his wav into Bowmamille Salurda\, Nov. 20. The annual Santa Claus parade will hit the streets at 10:30 a.m. For more information contact Greg and Stacey Belanger at 434-6535. Oshawa's Santa Claus parade will take place Saturday, Nov. 27. The pa- rade will he based on the theme .Christmas 75 years ago; tying in Os- hawa's 75th anniversary. The parade will start at 10 a.m. and go along King Street from the Oshawa Centre to U.ilson Road. Forh?�`\ more in 1 formation or to help out call Run Dale at 434- 8674. Santa Claus — �- parades through Ajax on tiov 27. The fun starts at noon at Mill% Road. For more infor- mation call Vern Gilhooly at 428- 8()03 Scugog's Santa Claus parade heads through Port Perry on Nov. 27. The procession will begin at 2 p.m. at the fairgrounds and head down Rosa to Queen and then on to Simcoe. For more information call Jemmirie Huff- man at 985.2511 or Ray- Nonhcy at 985-4427. Santa Claus invites everyone in the Uxbridge arca to attend the 55th Santa Claim Parade on Nov_ 27 at I I a.m. Sixty to 65 floats and up to 10 bands w ill be taking part in this year's parade, which begins at the Uxbndge Arena. For more information contact parade chairman Bill Scott at 852- 6227 or Mary Hogg at 852-5325 or Angela Horne at (416) 917-1069. %luthy's Santa Claus parade is set for Saturday. Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. The parade will Stan on Cochrane Street and travel south to Dundas Street. Pa- rade entnes and volunteers are still needed. Questions or concerns re- garding the parade can he directed to Allan Dawson at 668-0763 or Ralph Machon at 435-0102. Bazaar Saturday AJAX — A fall bazaar offered this weekend could help you get ahead on your Chnstmas shopping. Ontario Chapter No. 227 of the Order of the Eastern Star holds its an- nual fall bazaar Saturday, Nov. 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Masonic Hall, southwest corner of Hwy. 2 and Mill Street. Crafts, baking, tea room, face painting and more are offered. Proceeds will go to charity. Phone 686.8488 (Marlene) for inf mmation. GLASS ACT rt WINEMAKING Now Featuring: Brew on Premise M -I Sale 195 r� ; Regular Price 179.95 • Largest selection in Durham rrom 159.95. • ksk about our Frequent R'iner flub Card. Just the fax: 683-7363 Oltr, r { 'r 7' .• i a x�a `. *r r 4 i- ItcWhlc, superviscd day cart at a hone in I= nicighbotuhood • Sale, cwtilortabie ertwavrwe its - Reliable tical back-up for Provider's • Sthmulaeng daily programs holidays or Ahess • NNW, professional Providers • Complete murance coverage • Monthly hwie inspections • Income tau receipts suppled and we wakoine bA or perm om. care for diftor from 6 weeks of ayel fdtwelsittaer/Caae For 11--- oration CaML, 686-4816 t OAC Students... Study at Canada's finest university` just minutes from Durham regions You are invited Saturday, November 6 1 1-4 p.m Come visit the eastern campus of the University of Toronto. .Attend a lecture or presentation, take a tour, learn about financial aid, residence life, and scholarships. 1:00-2:00 j Co-op Programs: Arts Management, Computer Science, Environmental Science, International Development Studies, Management 2:00-3:00 Management (BBA), Humanities, Life Sciences 3:00-4:00 1 1 Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Computer Science See You This Saturday! RSI`I'Y OF TORONTO AT SCARBOROUGH If ytx► ha%'e any questions, please call. (416) 287-7563 www. scarutoronto.ca ilitary Trail (Hwy 401 Morningside: exit) 1265 M_ 0 DUNDEE PRIVATE INVESTORS INC. A Dundee Wealth Management Company Richard S. Price, Branch Manager, Staff & Associates are pleased to extend to you an invitation Please bring the family and join us for our Dundee Private Investors Inc. 335 Bayly Street West Ajax, ON L 1 S 6M2 KX96 Boom Boz The IKX96 Race Cars - meet the drivers & have your picture taken Over $1000.00 in cash prizes & other giveaways Free Hot Dogs, Burgers & Drinks Clown & Face Painting for the kids Visit our conference room and meet representatives from AGF, Templeton, AIC, Acuity Funds Ltd. & C.I. sponsored In part by AGF; Templeton. A1C. Clean Environment Q C -t. ,Ac U I TY s.•-•.••� �-~ a FUNDS LTD IS Templeton Email it: newsroom@durhamenet �QQ U h "NEW59 Pickering Drop by and see our New Mattress Department featuring the famous Sears 'O Pedic Mattress selection. MUTUAL FUNDS •GROUP OF FUNDS- GSOUP OF FUNDS ,Ac U I TY s.•-•.••� �-~ a FUNDS LTD IS Templeton Email it: newsroom@durhamenet �QQ U h "NEW59 Pickering Drop by and see our New Mattress Department featuring the famous Sears 'O Pedic Mattress selection. MEttll6 ADVE11TUNK MIEDMESOAY ECffK , Mtwwnber 3,19W PAGE 5 P vuriftam` ' in ve ood Y2K stape �g All major services are ready, Region's project manager says Durham Region government services are pretty much ready for the clock to roll over into the new millennium as essential computers and other electronic equipment are Y2K -compliant for the most part. And, there's no need for area residents to purchase water filter systems to be ready for the Year 2000, according to a Durham of- ficial. Region Y2K project manager Dave McMullen told Durham Regional Council's finance committee last Wednesday. "As of right now, we're in very gout shape" The Emergency Measures Stressed? Dial H for hospital help Office, and the legal and human resources departments are Y2K- compliiant'he said. "All major services are ready — sewers, water, traffic control and homes for the aged -Things that artn't ready are things that won't affect resi- dents directly;' he noted. Departments such as plan- ning and computer information systems are lagging behind be- cause of a lack of manpower to do the necessary Y2K upgrading work, Mr. McMullen reported to the committee. -The issue is staffing. If we have more re- sources, we'd be able to com- plete it." You can now call the hospital here if you are seeking help with such is- sues as anger management, self-es- teem and stress. In an effort to improve patient ac- cessibility to its Outpatient Mental Health programs, the mental health unit at the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre is now open to direct calls from people in addition to patient referrals by community agencies and general practitioners. In the past, patients would have to be referred by a staff psychiatrist. Self- referred people and referred patients will be assessed by an intake co-ordi- nator and their assessment will be re- viewed by an intake team compnscd of a social worker, occupational and recreational therapist, nurse. psychia- trist and psychologist. Once the assessment is complete, patients will be directed to the appro- priate care. -Staff and physicians in the mental health unit hope that this direct access to care is making their program more responsive to the needs of the commu- nity:' a news release from the health centre says. Call the Mental Health program at 683-2320, cxt. 3275. Pickering improvements monitored by AECB PICKh'R/NG from page I OPG is making some progress:' con- cludes the report. "However, it is ap- parent that the stations arc having dif- ficulties in effectively implementing some of the more challenging pro- grams such as the Corrective Action Program or aspects of the Mamte- nance Projects. Also, AECB staff (have) found that although an IIP may be called com- plete by OPG, this does not necessar- ily mean that it has been successfully implemented.- Pickering mplemented"Pickering 'A' station chief Bob Stricken responded to the AECB re- port at a recent meeting of the Com- munity Advisory Council formed to provide local input on operations at the Pickering plant. He noted OPG itself reported to the AECB board early this year that it was having difficulty implementing some aspects of its Corrective Action Program - Mr. Stricken also admitted OPG has fallen behind on some pans of its improvement program. "Some things are completed, some things we ongoing;' he explained. Still, he noted, 88 per cent of the IIP will be completed by the original target date in 2002, and the other 12 per cent is expected Lobe finished by 2004. A further update report on OPG's improvement program will be made by AECB staff in April 2000. MRONGM BARN THEATRE i Af m ftL, Pidm h opening Nov. 5 Hysterical New Comedy It Runs in the Family For reservations call (905) 4723085 Some desktop computer soft- ware that isn't compliant should be replaced by Y2K -ready pro- grams by the end of the week. Hardware for the desktops is compliant. The health department has to rely on the Province to complete its work, Mr. McMullen report- ed. "These are issues really be- yond our control." Durham Regional Police Ser- vices compliance work was pretty much complete in August and the 911 phone service was tested the same month and found to be compliant. Mr. Mc- Mullen noted. He stated in a written report that as of Oct. 20, the Region was 94 per cent compliant in all "priority service areas affecting health and safety". A brochure is being sent to all homes in Durham in Novem- ber to keep the public informed of the Region's Y2K -readiness efforts, Mr. McMullen said. "It explains where we arc. what they can expect when the clock rolls over. "We are working with the area municipalities, putting to- gether a brochure to go to all residences. It's pretty generic, just stating the facts. We expect the content to be finished by the end of this month" (710w SKINNY C O L L, E G T 1 B L E s cin9 We're Open Again! - ideas*KEMON CARDS POKEMON SUPPLIES POKEMON HATS NASCAR DIECAST (NEW RELEASES) AUTOGRAPHED MEMORABILIA BEANIE BABIES 8 SUPPLIES BEANIE BUDDIES (BEARS) LICENSED GLASSWARE LICENSED SPORTS GOODS 370 Monarch Ave., Unit #20 (at Bayly) beside MVP TRADING 905-426-4963 or 428-7225 Sore Hours: Mon. -Fri. 10-7 p.m., Sort 10-6 p m. Sun -Closed Miss Mayfair Beauty Salon Dikuvery Bay Plaza Welcomes #..p I Gloria and Shelley to our establishment �PouAsd a.sd �d _ - 570 Wes tney Rd. S., Ajax •90_5-686-0022 rMiss Mayfair Disco1.1v Beauty Salon $ C 00 off Bay PLO, 1 Perms or Highlights Valid Wed., Nov.3rd-November 30th,1999 with coupon only L Look for our flyer inside Today's Newspaper! Please recycle me! ~4 MEN ADVERT1111011, Editorial&opilIONS NEWS ADVERTISERNOV. 3, 1 9 9 9 EDITORIAL Fission for hope A little history lesson for nuclear consultant We can only hope that a firm consulting Ontario Power Generation is right in its assessment of the low turnout at two open houses on the possible restart of the Pickering 'A' nu- clear plant. Only six people attended a public consultation session at the Ajax Community Centre. while 30 showed up at the sec- ond one at Gallantry's banquet hall in the Pickering Town Centre. That brought this response from a representative of IER Planning. Research and Management Services, one of six consulting firms hired by OPG to assist it with the environ- mental assessment being done for the restart of Pickering 'A'. ""kris was a low response. So it's telling us the level of con- cern is probably not that high in the community." But, the consultant failed to take into consideration the fol- lowing: • 87 per cent of Pickering voters cast ballots in favour of an environmental assessment of the nuclear plant in a 1997 mu- nicipal referendum. People know an open house is not a public forum where all kinds of views will be expressed but rather a series of displays presenting OPG's view of the environmental assessment process. Citizens know they can ask questions of OPG staff and consultants at open houses but they know they're on their own in a one-on-one discussion. Chances are people are in- timidated, especially if they belicyc they'll be face-to-face with a nuclear physicist. - When the open houses were held, the Atomic Energy Con- trol Board hadn't - and still hasn't - released the draft 'scope and terms of reference' for the environmental assessment which will specify what OPG is expected to do before flick- ing the switch on the off-line 'A' side of the power plant. Peo- plc know the draft scope and terms of reference and final scope and terms of reference are pivotal to the EA Process. - Fin dh. and must importantly. residents arc counting on the Towns of Pickering and Ajax. P,ckcnng's independent review team. Ptekenng-Ajax Citizens Together for the Environment. Durham Nuclear Awareness and other community groups fol- lowing the EA to act on their behalf in evaluating it and mak- ing sum it does the job. Citizens know that, as individuals, they're ria in a position to monitor the environmental review or lobby for changes on their own. Just a little history lesson for the OPG consultant. At the very least, we like their optimism. Stop the ride We need new carnival bylaw to keep council out of pig races Pickering residents don't have to run away to join the cir- cus. That's because it coma to town on a regular basis. In far. carnivals arc staged in Pickering so often that Town politicians are dunking about revamping a relatively new bylaw requiring council to spend precious time considering each and every dog and pony show proposed here. That ordinance approved April 6 makes it mandatory for everyone who wants to operate a carnival in Pickering to jump through hoops and imitate Harry Houdini to make an escape through the red tape to get a licence. Whether they want to hold a street -comer festival or a full- blown carnival, prospective operators must firm get permis- sion from Town of Pickering staff, then council's executive committee and, finally. full council. "nut's an inordinate amount of administrative work for wmedt rig such as a pig race," as Pickering Ward 3 local DON'T WORRY, %is NEVER D4 A MT RVA TU UES IR MR TM uiG1.1ERTUET�X TuE MORE 5AUS COME FROM LETTERS -1"0 -THE EDITOR Citizens must If we care about preserving the all, but merely a proclivity to cast sense of balance in our environ- aside principles and commitments Premier Mike Harris has swal- rent and surroundings that is es- in exchange for a fast buck, rather decide tvve of scntial to our physical and emotion- than tackling the more difficult task will have criticisms to make at a al well-being, we must make our of finding innovative ways for us to `' �]�r�}-� voices heard - loudly and clearly. live within our means. t�]ry� own n V1'� a want It our Politicians. at both the munici- It is time to throw down the I think this has gotten totally our of hand," said Ward 2 pal and provincial levels, need to gauntlet to our politicians, be they To the editor: understand we will not sit idly by incumbents or aspirants to office 1 The current controversy over the while the qualities that led us to invite those among them who be - proposed development of Cherry make cur homes and rain our fam- lieve that random development and Downs Golf Club in north Picker- ilies in Pickering arc gradually the gradual suburbanization of ing demonstrates that a majonty of eroded and replaced by a milieu Pickering arc both necessary and our municipal politicians are not that many of tis either fled, or took desirable to clearly declare their in - only blind to the insidious forces of care to avoid creating, in scent tention to pursue such a course and urban sprawl, but seem to have decades. make it a plank in their next elec- lcarned link from the unpleasant Pickering has an Official Plan, tion platform. The voters will let experiences of other communities. created through consultation with them know whether they share that During the past 40 years, in the community residents over two -and- vision. Greater Toronto Area alms, more a -half years. It is essentially a good he and his wife split up. than 3,600 square kilometres of one. It strikcs a balance between de- WiRiam P. Wilder. land have been consumed by urban veloprnent taking place contiguous Pickering devekipmem and the 2.3011 squarc to existing urban areas and the child to feel a same-sex lifestyle is kilcxnetres of prime farmland and preservation of our rural character. World's natural habitat that remain are being It docs not envisage spot develop citizens steadily depicted. It is time for Pickering citizens ment, which the draft plan ac - knowledged was found by other Could a off to reflect upon what kind of com- municipalities to be "unsustainable pay mtmtty and lifestyle we are creat- and inappropnaw". ,, ing. not only for ourselves. but for The alacrity with which thus Canada's debt future generations. Do we value commitment is being abandoned, productive farmland, fresh air, while the ink on the Official Plan To the editor: clean water, healthy trees, a variety has scarcely had time to dry, has So now there are six billion poo- of wildlife and a picturesque corm- raised suspicions in some minds pk on this Earth. tryside close at hand' Or, are we about behind -the -scenes dealings. If only each and every living content to resemble otter munici- Pickering citizens expect more soul in this world could contribute palities charactenzed by subdivi- of their representatives than the 3100 to Canada. then we would sions and strip malls developed cm a simple ability to expand and fill have our nearly 5600 billion feder- site-by-site basis with little, if any, municipal tax coffers, which can al debt covered'. regard for the integrity of the then be used to bribe us between build an image as a champion of whole'' election. This requires no genius at Hensing leaven Premier caves in on same-sex couples Ciuncilkor David Pickles put it to his peas the other day. Harris begrudgingly gives them rights No one needed to look beyond that executive committx meaing's agenda to get an inkling of how much time and tax- Premier Mike Harris has swal- ing a bill it was introducing and payers' dollars are being spent as Pickering officials; ponder lowed his pride and grudgingly will have criticisms to make at a applications for carnivals in town. That night alone, council- given same-sex couples more store appropriate time. kis considered four proposals. rights, but is unlikely to drop what Eric One likely target will be a I think this has gotten totally our of hand," said Ward 2 las been for turn a profitable issue. change allowing same-sex couples Regional Councillor Doug Dickerson. The Progressive Conservative pre -Dowd like other couples to apply to We agree with Councillors Dickerson and Pickles. mier Inas a long history of fighting — courts to adopt a child, which was While we recognizethat carnivals do often benefit chant- against extending same-sex rights At Queen's park the biggest stumbling -block when hes, there has to be a limit. That limitand needs to be clearly againing votes from it. the NDP tried to extend same-sex spelled out in a new bylaw placing a cap on the number of car- He won a general election in rights in 1994. nivals that can be held and how manly each operator can nut. 1995 partly because he led the op- two great kids and that's our farm- The Tories we bound to revive Amusement companies in the business of riming carnivals to position to expanding rights when ly," he said, somewhat holier -than- their argument which many share make profits should be required to come trip with a permanent a New Democrat government pro- thou because within two months that a home where both patents we kxwtioo, jttm as most businesses m town do. And, municipal posed it in 1994. he and his wife split up. of the same sex cannot instill fam- staff meed to be giver[ the power to rubber sump small ami- Mr. Harris smelled his first The premier eventually fly values and [night encourage a vale without taking up the precious time of our politicians. blood on the issue earlier in a nasty coughed up his legislation more child to feel a same-sex lifestyle is We want our councillors deliberating over moss important byelection in Victoria-Halibunton grudgingly than any has ever been normal and desirable. matters tun pig races. Stop the ride. We want tben to get off. riding, where the Liberals started introduced in the Legislature, A requirement same-sex cou- Frunaail eohas sets on odkerials re nsnew 0darksau stet. with a huge lead in the polls. showing he has strong feelings and ples be given the same rights to Sriseltsisws widish iawh de the wsifes s fern a sior and Their leader, Lyn McLeod, had is anxious not to let it go as an employment including pension hwn of redden" trill be coniidenrd forpubse row. said among many policies she issue. benefits, although already provid- would support some new rights for He stressed he brought it in ed by many employcrs, also will YOU SAID IT -sex couples. same-sex only because e court forced him th force extra costs on some business, Mr. Harris used a little licence and same-sex rights were certainly which is a Harris ally. and ran ads claiming his fust prior- not part of his agenda No one is going to win elections The was: ity was improving the struggling Mr. Harris is fond of giving his solely on the issue of same-sex question economy while the Liberals' was legislation naives that imply it bo- rights, but Mr. Harris is eying to Durham public school Grade 3 and 6 students giving rights to gays and this ap- stows blessings such as the Fewer build an image as a champion of did better on this year's reading, writing and pealed to so many the Tones won Politicians Act when reducing rid- family values, as tax cuts for and scared the Liberals off sup- ings and An Act to Restore Bal- which he is renowned become less arithmetic tests than the provincial average. porting the NDP's subsequent pro- ante and Stability in Labour Rela- possible and lose some appeal. What's your opinion? pad- tions when gutting union powers. The premier has started by ga- Since becoming premier, Mr. The premier tried to show ting stricter on crime and promis- Harris has shown no inclination to where the blame hies by calling his ing to force beggars and squeegee support same-sex rights, refusing same-sex law An Act to amend kids off streets and improve the be - to join other party leaders in gay certain statutes because of the hhaviour of students. :: ; pride parades and explaining his Supreme Court of Canada decision He would like to all the oppo- [1 priority for the day was taking his in M. v H. (the principals in the sition parties permissive and could "� son to camp. case which precipitated the change argue they are by their support for When the Supreme Court of in law.) same-sex rights and might do it Canada ruled in May Ontario was Mr. Harris also did not have a again because he did it before. violating the Charter by not giving single Tory speak in the debate on Leanne Schivas Ken Fraser Stacy Maks its same-sex couples the same the bill when the Legislature says, "I think it's says, "It's good. says, "I'm not rights as couples of opposite sexes passed it except Attorney General E -a aM commursan on turfs colusan because teachers It's probably the sure why that living together under common law, Jim Flaherty, who had to introduce to anew 6darrhant nd. Submit - are doing a better result of the would be, but it's and ordered it to do so, Mr. Hams it. swas which inch de dw wrrtsr s job." change in the a good thing." sniffed defiantly same-sex couples This suggests his party has nothing fiW toast and sown of residence curriculum and were not his definition of family. good to say about it, but would will be considered for publics. the teacben." "My family is Janet and I fppd our have sounded incongruous knock- tion. I �eeebre,e Me W,rrel '14 DURHAM PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Reran Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Adverbs ung .tfan- ager John Willems Real Estate Automotive Ad- vertising .'Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution. tfunager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing ifanager ISM (905)6x1-5110 511110 (905)-5110 CLsAfieds (905) 68340707 Distribution (90516x3-5117 General Fax (905) 683-7363 l -Mit I newsroom a durharn net Neb address www durhamncws.nct 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax. (hut. L 1 S 2H5 Publications Mail Saks Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Meuolarnd Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajar do Pickering Board of Trade. Ontano Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc, Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement Credit for ad- Vertiscmcrd limited to space price error occupies The News Advertiser ac- cepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a I= name. Please include a pbome Dumber for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. opin. ions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be print- ed. BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — Families from across Durham and many from Scar- borough and the rest of the GTA will come together at Pickering's Devi Mandir Sunday, Nov. 7 to celebrate one of the most important Hindu festi- vals of the year. Divali, also known as Diwali or the Festival of Lights, is a time when peo- ple gather in their homes and temples to celebrate and pray for well-being, Prosperity and peace of mind, says Pundit Ravi Prasad Sharma, one of three pundits or spiritual leaders at Devi Mandir. (Mandir translates from Hindi as 'temple', while pundit means 'learned man' or 'priest'). About 700 to 1,000 people are ex- pected to mark the most important day of the festival Sunday evening at Devi Mandir, the only Hindu temple in Durham Region. "Divali is actually a five-day cele- bration;" says Pundit Prasad Sharma. "It starts on November 51h and ends on the 9th" And, he explains, each day carries its own traditions, meanings and festiv- ities. The first day is Dhan Teras, when Hindus who suffer from illness wor- ship Dhan Van Tri, the physician of the gods, in hope of a cure. The second day. Narak Chaturdashi. celebrates the destruction of the demon Narak by Lord Krishna, and Lord Kr- ishna's restoration of righteousness to the world and mankind. "All Hindus will light a diya (a clay cup filled with oil and a wick). di the south of the house, and pray for their ancestors;" says Pundit Prasad Sharma. The light is supposed to guide ances- tors to their descendants' homes. "The ancestors become like angels for us and they guide us:' Nov. 7, the third and most important day, will bring Divali Night. Hindus will fact through the day- time before 'puja' or prayers at sunset, and then light as many diyas as possi- ble (Divali means 'row of lights'), and go to temple. They will pray to the goddess Lak- shmi- who is the mother of the world in Divali i*n Durham A time of celebration for Hindus Pundit Prasad Sharma is one of three spiritual leaders at Devi Mandir tem- ple on Brrx•k Rcxul in Pickering. Hindus from around Durham Region are preparing fur Divali (Festival of Lights) this coming Sunday at the temple. IIEYYi ADYERTN EK WEDI EOW E=nW No, a *ar 3,19M POM 7 M Rama returned after 14 years of exile and the diyas are supposed to guide his way as well. The diya lighting and 1 La1Taine temple services are often followed by feasting and visiting with friends and ROuIStOn relatives. Day four is Goverdhan Puja, when RecvclersCorner Hindus pray to Lord Krishna and cele- - brace the day he lifted a mountain to Goverdhan —with his littlee finger to Treasure shelter his people. It's symbolic, ex- plains the pundit, of how Lord Krishna "will move away the mountain of prob- lems we have " Finally, Bhaiya Dooj or 'brother love' comes o day five, when sister tic a string around their brothers' right the place to wrists, give them something to eat, and patch up any differences that might have existed between them. Throughout Divali, Hindus R practise 3 Rs ex- change gilts in the form of sweets, par- ticularly after prayers. As is our tradition, Recy- "We partake of those sweets as the cler's Corner and the News blessings of God;' says Pundit Prasad Advertiser bring you the Sharma. 'Treasure Chest' on a monthly The pundit notes non -Hindu mem- basis. bers of the community are welcome to This feature allows resi- attend the Divali celebrations at the dents to give away items they Devi Mandir, and may visit at other no longer use and to list arti- times as well. cles they need. The Divali service starts at 7:30 As this is Waste Reduction p.m. Sunday at the temple. 2590 Brock Week, it's appropriate that the Rd., on the west side north of Finch Treasure Chest feature a give - Avenue. away People who call 420 - Approximately 5,000 families be- 5625 will be entered in a draw long to the Devi Mandir congregation, to win a T-shirt, compliments about 80 per cent from Durham Re- of the Town of Pickering. gion, 10 per cent from Scarborough To use the 'Treasure and 10 per cent from the rest of the Chest', call 420-5625 during GTA. Regular services are held at the regular business hours. Call temple Monday. Tuesday and Friday by the last Wednesday of the nights, as well as the major service month. Sunday mornings. Devi Mandir also serves as kind of a ITESIS NEEDED community centre for Hindus in the i t Piano - D(,nna Machell - area here 509-8760. Community and cultural events are 2) Hockey equipment for held there, as well as children's pro- children four and 10 years old grams and classes in areas such as - 831-9303. computers and math. 3) Computer with monitor Anyone wanting more information and keyboard - 509-3305. about the services or programs may 4) Computer keyboard (can phone the temple at 686-8534 he broken) cable converter - the Hindu faith and also the goddess of Sharma. "That's why we light all those There's also a Web site at www.de- 420-7035. wealth. diyas to show her the path to our vimandircom. 5) Glass )ars and lids (partic- "We believe she visits every home homes." E-mail may be addressed to ularly the Splendido spaghetti on this night" explains Pundit Prasad Divali also m rk th d L d f a s e ay or o m f devimandircom. sauce jar) for storing preserva- lives; old linen table cloths . Durham's l6) 9322. 6) Acrylic to knit 'Project .� ��nt Linus' - 520-5633. eforaotten 7 Sofa bed n - ) and fudge. cons BY JA NE V, DONALIJ Staff Writer As Remembrance Day approaches, a special I•roup of veterans visited Os- hawa on Monday to see historic arti- facts from a hidden location that once played an important part in their lives. The Second World War vets, all cur- rently living in Toronto and well into their 70%, were young, adventurous women when they worked in New York on some of the most covert intelligence operations of the war. Their boss, Sir William Stephenson of 'Intrepid' fame, established Camp X on what is now the Oshawa -Whitby border in December 1941 as a school for spies and as a top-secret communi- cations installation. The women served with him and his second in command, Benjamin de For- est 'Pal' Bayly, at British Security Co- ordination Headquarters in Rockefeller Centre. They are still in awe of the men, now both deceased, who organized what was then the most efficient com- munications systems in the world. "Pat Bayly was in our office a lot," remembers Dorothy (Sewell) Evenson of the University of Toronto professor who ran Camp X. and who became the first mayor of Ajax after the war. "I was in the Type X department and I was the first one (of the young Canadi- an recruits) to see the machine. I was put in an office and told, 'Here's the book, read it and take it (the machine) apart. When you know what it's all about, we'll give you a staff.'" The full extent of the coded contents of the messages Miss Evenson and her staff received were unknown to them at the time. Communications came from around the world and once in a while, she re- calls, Sir William would bring in spe- cial visitors such as "Louis Mountbat- ten, Noel Coward and Lord Beaver- brook.'• The sophisticated communications network that transmitted the most sen- PWIC mlestiwls for the week IN Nov. 8 SecondWorld War secret place comers into open sitive radio signals across the Atlantic, to Bermuda and South America, and between London and the BSC head- quarters in Ncw York, was vital to the Allied cause. Included in this network was Hydra, a short-wave radio and telecommunications centre manned by wireless and telegraph operators at Camp X. a model of which and as re- maining effects the women came to Oshawa. Oct. 25 to see. 'We meter knew where be went, just that he went away often on important nwomwemts.I — DOROTHY EVENSON –I'm very proud of them." says Bob Stuart, curator and owner of the Robert Stuart Aeronautical Collection, located in a modest Quonset but at the Oshawa airport. The event was hosted by Mr. Stuart. "1 think Canada owes them a tot," adds the unassuming Mr. Stuart. Indeed. Only recently have some of the astonishing successes accom- plished by Sir William Stephenson and Mr. Bayly, become known. Pinpointing the location of Nazi submarines in the Atlantic — twice a day — was one of those achievements moving some historians to credit the communications feat as the decisive factor in winning the Battle of the At- lantic. "But because of this we were given the job," Pat Bayly is quoted as saying in an interview before his death for the recently published Bill Macdonald book, 'The True Intrepid — Sir William Stephenson and the Unknown Agents.' And that was kind of an im- portant job, where all these subs were. We got rid of a lot of subs that way. Bill (Stephenson) was very pleased with that. He thought it was proper use of our facilities ..." Picketing Town Council Monday, Nov. 9, 7:30 pia. — Executive Committee, council chamber, Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade. Ajax Town Council Monday, Nov 8, 7 p.m, — Standing Com- saittee of the Whole, council chamber, Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S. Durham Regional Council Tuesday, Nov. 9, 1:30 p.m. — Works Com- mittee, Works Department Boardroom, 105 Con- sumers Dr., Whitby. Durham school boards Monday, Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m. — Durham Catholk District School Board, Catholic Edu- cation Centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa J:l int", REAT CA' TIAM rfr '.i •a, •ja S.44.. y puler games. adjustable bed - for a handicapped child - 426- xxl3 Tools. equipment, machin - cry in working condition for ,ictal working, w(xid work - .ng, plastic,, printing, textiles 4 automotive =Testi lot tk- yelopment (tax receipt avail- able upon request) - 416-585- 5050 9) Sofa and love seat. 20 -inch colour TV. VCR, women's plus size clothing - 839-6056. 10) infant car seats icspecial- ly the larger size for 20 - pounds plus babies). cribs (must be 19117 standard)• strollers• high chairs - Durham Pregnancy Centre - 839-9561 or 720-3252. Il) Free-standing clothes racks for display and storage purposes, good quality cloth- ing/accessories, and volun- teers - new Big Sisters store - 428-8111. 12) Ridc-on lawnmower and weed whacker. dressers, furni- ture, metal rooting and siding, drywall, filing cabinets, panel- ing, medical supplies, truck trailer to keep some animals quarantined, and volunteers - Second Chance Wildlife Sanc- tuary - 649-8282. Port Pt author L nn -Mali Hodgson, who recent published a book !ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY �' y P 8 recently P I) Black 8' x 7' Stanley about Camp X, motions towards a model of the spy school as the veterans i garage door - 683-0558. look on. They are: from left to right, Charmian Manehee, Dorothy Evenson 2) Commodore 64 computer - Jean Peacock and Janet FuzGerald. 427-5838. 13) T-shirt, in a draw for Waste "Our department worked around the clock," confirms Mrs. Evenson. "We worked shifts, 24 hours a day" Still bound by the Official Secrets Act, the wartime communications ex- perts are unable to divulge much about the details of special wartime work. But of the famous Mr. Bayly, there is no reluctance to speak. "We knew he was someone very special and important," says Mrs, Evenson. "We never knew where he went, just that he went away often on important assignments. We didn't know if we didn't need to know and we never talked about what we did even to each other. But Pu Bayly was very impor- tant, very clever and very special. We were in awe of him." "I'm very happy they came to Os- hawa," concludes an impressed Mr. Stuart. "We're very indebted. The amazing thing is they kept their mouths shut. Tbey didn't go out and write books after the war. They're a pretty closed- mouth group of ladies." i Reduction Week - 420.5625. 000 Another Pickering Waste Reduction Week activity is a draw for cloth Christmas bags at Rougemount Food and Pro- duce on Hwy. 2. At the same plaza, check out the special Rs cookies at Bakery Plus. And, Loblaws and Austrian Bakery in Pick- ering will be decorating cook- ies. Make way for emergency vehicles The sound of a siren might be music to the ears of a child, but it's a warning for other drivers to get out of the way. As the Official Driver's Handbook says, "if you hear the bell or siren of a police, fire, ambu- lance or public utility emergency vehicle, or see its lights flashing, you must get out of the way. On a two-way road, stop as close as possible to the right- hand side of the road and clear of any intersection. On a one-way road with more than two lanes, stop as close as possible to the nearest edge of the road and clear of any intersection. Wait until the emer- gency vehicle has passed" You have to be at least 150 metres, or about 500 fat the old way, behind an on -duty fire truck or ambulance. Some volunteer blaze -busters use a flashing green light if they're travelling to a fire in their own vehicle. "Courteous drivers yield the right-of-way to these vehicles," the handbook says. OOO OUR MISTAKE: Information in the Wednes- day, Oct. 27 edition of the News Advertiser's Wise Words column contained incorrect information on the demerit -point system. Drivers accumulate de- merit points for driving offences instead of losing them. The News Advertiser regrets the error. rts &Entertain ent N E W S ADVERTISER NOV. 3. 1999 Pickering man takes unique musical journey Gain whistles while he works BYAL RIVf,7T and Toronto FM station CKI.N. "I think it's the most diffi- StajgEditor Next week. he'll perform cult and the most sophisticated PICKERING — Danny Gain's two numbers from the CD on music style. As I improved 1 not just whistling Dixie. The Picker- the popular morning program couldn't find anything as chal- ing musician has embraced many jazz Breakfast Television on CITY- lenging as jazz.:' says Gain. genres while performing his unique TV. He'll be accompanied by When you consider that ap- sounds the past three decades. local jazz pianist Norman Ama- preciation for jazz takes an ac - He's whistled in jazz clubs in dio. yuired musical taste. the addi- Toromo with many of the city's top A rarity in musical circles. tion of whistling might put it jazz musicians for the past 30 years Gain took up whistling as a off limits k, even more people. and he's puckered up to deliver his youth when listening to his But. Gain has found that over sweet sounds in commercial jingles to uncle Vince Mackey who %his- the years most people who've pitch everything from soap to beer. tied along with the music while heard his music like it. Now. the 65-vear-old musician has practising on his guitar. "It's kind of a shock to some a CD of jazz favourites which has "I was intrigued by it. I prac- people because it's so unique been on record store shelves the past tiled and got better. I started to hut. by and large. they like it. A couple of weeks. whistle what I heard:' says Portion of the population has The nine-Wmg CD. entitled List- Gain. who adds he can only found it irritating because of its nin' Whisilin' Danny Gain and name two other jazz musicians shrill clement. Friends, is sprinkled with jazz impro- who've whistled professionally. Whistling lacks snob appeal visation which breathes new life into While he's also whistled because it's equated with low - old standards like Autumn Leaves, classical music over the years, brow stuff like whistling for a Sweet Georgia Brown and After he's always come back to jazz cab or whistling at girls, but be - You've Gone. as it offered him the greatest cause of its uniqueness or the "it was a case of putting some- musical challenge. way 1 do it, it goes over very thing together for promotion:' Gain says of the CD, recorded with the help of a jazz ensemble at Steve Sher- man Productions in Scarborough two months ago. Su far. the CD has re- ceived some airplay on CBC Radio C Local artists =--t_ _ show top works in Ajax AJAX — Artists from acro %s Durham will display their works at an upcoming Joined Art Extubiuo n The opening of the cxtubmon is stated for the McLean Community Centre Friday, Nos 5 from 7 to 9 p m. Ttxrsc attending the opening recep- tion can meet the artists, view the pnzc- winning w.wk. and purchase the pieces as most will be tot sale The response to the inaugural event, sponsored by the PmcRndge Arts Council and the Town of Ajax, has been "tremerdbus", notes PineRrdge Arts Council president Andrea Graham in a press rckasc. The exhibition has attracted 102 Durham artists who've subnutted 185 works to be judged Of that number. 49 works are in the youth category. The show will be judged by Christopher Jackson, head of programs and interpretations at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Klcinturg. Almost S1S00 in cash awards will be distributed to the winners. The exhibition will be on display at the McLean centre until Dec. 1. The community centre is at 95 Mag- ill Dr. For more information call Ms. Gra- ham at 686-8298. Beat stress and stage fright AJAX — A doctor of naturopathic medicine will discuss topics of interest to performers and the general public at a local music association's meeting Sunday, Nov. 28 at 2 p.m. The Pickering branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association will host Dr. Celina Lubczynski, who'll speak on stress management. depress Sion and stage fright at St. Timothy's Presbyterian Church. A discussion peri- od will follow. Refteshinents will be served. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. St. Timothy's Presbyterian Church is at 97 Burcher Rd., Ajax. i For more information call Joan Touma at 428-7420. Music students, teachers keyed up to hit right notes A local music association will host an upcoming recital in Pickering Vil- lage. The Pickering branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Associa- tion will host its Canada Music Week recital at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sunday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. The recital will feature students and teachers in concert. Tickets, available at the door on the afternoon of the recital, are $5 for adults and $3 for seniors and children. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church is at 35 Church St. N., Pickering Village. For more information call 428-7420. well." His whistling has taken him on a unique musical journey to such Canadian variety shows as Peter Appleyard Presents, Juli- ette & Friends and Mr. Dress - Up. He's also performed on the CBC Radio show Musical Friends. Gain reports his whistling career has taken a backburner to performing as a movie and television extra in Toronto of late. That's because he believes many of the current Toronto club owners are lukewarm to whistling as a form of musical entertainment, much more so than they were in the '70s when his career was in its heyday. "Some of the club owners are leery of it, especially when they're not jazz people:' he says. Pickering resident Danny Gain has enjoved success with his unique musical expression through whistling. He's recentiv released a CD showcasing his talent. Manufacturer's Clearance 1/2 Price SEAR &ffDV D1iF.AMCLAU r SIE" SETS Available in Twin -King sizes, plush or firm. noeoe,lata Sem rep. 2499.98-3599.99. Set 1124.99-1619.99 Plus, use your Sears Gard and don't pa for one full year* or pay no interest until the year 2002'" on alff urriituret and sleep sets "Don't ay' offer: Don't pay until November 2000. -Pay no Jntwissil' offer Pay in 26 equal monthly payments, interest bee, until January 2001. Moth offers: On approved credit with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Excludes items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Offers end Sunday, November 14, 1999. Ask for details. 'D/601 furniture Shop, excludes baby furniture. NP1111999 Come see the many sides of Sears® 1999. Sears Canada Inc. y % d NEW ADVMnU& wE0NEE0iIN► EDnwK mer& dw & i9sw vo • 0 Weputtogether our heads and came up with a great new concept. Introducing Veridian: The new name for Pickering, Ajax and Clarington Hydro. Veridian is the same reliable energy service you've always received. Only now, your Ajax, Clarington and Pickering Hydro -Electric Commissions are bundled in a new, more efficient package. The municipalities of Ajax, Clarington and Pickering, who are the shareholders of the corporation, established Veridian. Together we Will ensure your comfort and peace of mind, and that includes a commitment to keep our prices low. Because we are a community-based business, we all have a vested interest in providing the best energy services in the marketplace. The people who work here are your neighbours, the directors on our board live in the communities they serve, and our head office is close to home. Together, we're making your community a better place to live. Ajax and Pickering 427-9871 Clarington 623-4451 VERIDIAN The power to make your community better. www veridian.on.ca I t M MOE 10 NEW ADYERTU10k WEDNESDAY EDITION, Nowarbsi 3. 19" WEDNESDAY, aNOV. Aj3 BILLBOARD SINGLE PARENTS: The az•Pickenng Chapter of the One Parent Families Associa- tion meets Wednesdays at 8 p.m. at the An- nandak Golf and Curling Club, corner of NOV 3, 1999 Bayly and Church Sts., Ajax. New members welcome. For custodial and non-custodial par- ages five to seven. Cost is $65. Call Cathy ents.831-1201. Wickins at 428-1512 (evenings). I -K00-597- 5772. ext. 220 (days). OSTEOPOROSIS: The Ajax-Pickenng Os- teoporosis Support Group meets the first Wednesday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in lower -level conference rooms A and B at Ajax -Pickering Health Centre, 580 Har- wood .Ave S., Ajax. Guest speakers. Free. All welcome. Phone 683-3948 or 428-6632 for more information. BEAVERS: The 2nd Ajax Beavers is staring a new Beaver colony at Southwoxxf Park Pub- lic Seh(xll. Lambard Cres.. Ajax. Meetings every Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. It's for K)vs UNICEF needs Pickering helpers UNICEF's work didn't end on Halloween. No scree, you sweet treat sup- pliers to the young and ghoul- ish While the in- temational orga- nization is most visible to area residents on Oct. 31, its work con- tinues throughout the vear. Right now. volunteers are being sought by UNICEF Ontario to help with the - organization s he - organization's Fall - Winter GrectIng Cards and Gilt Booth W the Pickering T(rwn Centre. People with retail, sales or cua(xncr service experience arc preferred. If you're mterected. call Reena L-alji. marketing direc- tor for UNICEF o Ontari. at 416- 41A'7 41 SZ t,,, more informa- tion. Chow down for a turkey stuffing PICKERING — An Old -Fash- ioned Turkey Supper is being held Saturday, Nov. 6 at Dunbar - tun -Fairport United Church. There'll be sit- tings at 5 and 7 p.m. The menu will include turkey. stuffing, mashod potatoes. gravy, peas. corn, carrots, bevcr- ages and a selec- tion of home- made pies for dessert. Tickets are $10 for adults and free for chil- dren under 12. To reserve tickets call 839- 7271. The church is at 1066 Dunbar - ton Rd. (at Dixie Road and Hwy. 2), Pickering. Autism Society meets tonight The Autism Society, Durham Chapter, will hold a general meeting Wednes- day, Nov. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at 450 Broadgreen St., Pickering. This group provides support for families of individuals with PDD or autism. For more in- formation call Judy Crosbie at 427-9572. AUTISM: The Autism Society, Durham Chapter, holds a general meeting at 7:30 p.rn at 450 Broadgreen St.. Pickering. This group provides support for families of individuals with PDD or autism. 427-9572 (Jud}Cros- bie 1. THURSDAY, NOV 4 OVEREATERS: Overeaters .Anonymous meets even Thursday at 7:30 p.m. No dues or fees required. Call 428-8660 (Man') for loca- tion. NATURALISTS: Pickenng Naturalists meet from 8 to 10 p.m. in the library of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School. 480 Strouds Lane, north of Sheppard Ave. off Rosebank Rd*N "' N., Pickering. Earle Keatlev will present Hump- backs of Maui and discuss their activities and the challenge in photographing them in their AIDS prevention blitz needs help environment. 831-1639 (Michelle Farrell). Volunteers are needed to hit the streets for the AIDS FRIDAY, NOV. S Committee of Durham. PUB NIGHT: Ballycldti Lodge. 70 Station The organization's Street St.. Ajax, holds a pub night from 7 to 10 p.m. Program targets youth by featuring the Country Jammers. Free admis- providing them HIV/AIDS Sion, cash liar, all welcome. 683-7321. information and prevention materials. Each weekend, ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds its staff and volunteers make weekly 12 -Step Recovery Meeting at 8 p.m. at contact with young people Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd.. perceived to be at risk of Pickering. The group deals with addictions of HIV/AIDS, such as sex - all types, including co-dependency. All wel- trade workers, drug users Come. Child care program available as re- and gay. Icshian and bt%cxu- quired. 428-9431 (Jim. evenings) al youths i The program involves educating youth about the virus and disease, distribu- tion of health promotion and prevention materials, and making referrals. Volunteers are trained in areas such as street safety, crisis intervention, homo- phobia and substance abuse. Anyone interested in be- coming a volunteer or find- ing out more about the pro- gram can call Debbie Car- son at 665-0051. Why would a union Pav for advertising that promotes an employer's business? Cooperation is the key to successful change in Ontario's electricity industry Tu:tl>s customars o! the nowsisal4a"ted utility, veridian Union. nion on behalf of Veridian soul its employees' the er of Pickering• Aja and Clarington .� poser Workers' newspapers on new company formed by the recent ��advertise�oents in localnemil- for advertising Ihat Promotes an en4lor s municipal electric utilities, placed Why would a union pay es economic sense for the employees and Sunday. answer is that it mak business's The term job security' ' adds to their long-term is corning to Ontario Competition and cuatome NOV, The merge r choice in electricity Supp or r of these three local utilities by which is expected amajor mper 1000. cition. . ring for that � the Yest of Canada, and the first Step in energy Ontario, cher energy suppliers from d residential fierce. to win bothbusiness every tomer that leaves United States, will fx trying rapidly-4ro"'ln9 region degree customers in thisother suppliers will reduce to some dear of these it of its employees- By working xleridian for one and the recur Y local jobs - ,with fiscal strengthte the business' we're Protecting with the employer to p industry's organized which represents most of the roach to .me power Workers' Union, n -minded, cooperative app utility workers, has taken an ° since it began in the early 19908- we restructuring beat electricity industry tition would rut only telephone believed from the start that competition le, coupe .1 _ ze (just as, for elle, u would open up many more interests of consum but also But we also felt long-distance services hasbeeworked worked in the business• tition should be as smooth as possible for opportunities for those of us that the transition to coupe is ort• those who had always kept Ontario's lights i made the PWU the Ontario government sired this goal industry, , including To its credit, for the changes in our And 1e're - r in planning Transit' Casatittse• a full partner provincial Electricity the most of the membership on thewith all our employers on Plans to ma Iplace, which will now busy working electricity challenges Saud �ort.unities of as open j shoes en es all of Borth America ' oneof the things ire doing tition The M's adYertitsin9 sign is only for and succeed when comps Veridian °tad its estploy�ees to prepare everywhiere in the Proving help re doing here, we'll do to cpmpetitive pegins Aryl what we' red that the key � their where PNU members work. We've determi sitre's that tanderstand they with busitye cooperation , is used tb 1suah as their emplayee8 i` Sincerely � L%- .. - F �:,� • .� 4" ,dam. " la Pic)wri g resident .c. -'`T;� r D. tlptiesx, a^; of the Pt7wez Norkers' ,a f .•: fv� y is President P01vElt wimp imp ul"ON For more information cal/ 1-800-958-8PWU or fax us at 1416) 481-7115 f Late NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EpT10N, November 3, 1999 PAGE 11 P Sports& EISURE N E W S ADIVERTISER NOV. 3, 1999 1111110 Pickering juniors record two big wins on weekend val lifts PanthersDast rival Aax Axemen � BY AL RIVE7T Srxnt.c Editor PICKERING — After playing like pussy cats I -or much of the early going of the junior hockey season, the Pickering Boyer Pontiac Panthers now seem back on the prowl following back-to-back weekend victories. The Panthers started the weekend by upending the Oshawa Legionaires 6-4 in OHA Ontario Provincial Junior 'A' Hockey League action at the Pickering Recreation Complex Friday night. They capped it offin fine style by edging tlx: rival Ajax Klondike Axcmcn 8-7 at the Ajax Community Centre Sunday after- noon. Rookie forward Mint Garisto was the Panthers' hero Sunday, potting the game winner with a mere I I seconds remain- ing on the clock The marker. Gansto's second of the garne. came as he swatted a loose puck hehmd Ajax coahe John Ccet on a g(,al mouth scramhle AIATF GARISTO Game-KinninY ,goal a,guinsr Ajor Axemen Sunda% MIKE HANNA ,Scored ,goals in weekend wins over Ajax and Oshawa. The suddenly rejuvenated Panthers have put together a mill two -game win- ning streak, while being victorious in three of their last four games. The team's formerly sputtenng offericc is also st rting to show signs of life, as IPickenng snipers have scored 14 goals in the past two games. Moreover, the 3- 12-4 Panthers have moved out of the South Conference cellar now inhabited by the Legionaires. And, the team's sudden resurgence has put a smile on the face, of general manager and interim head coach Ron Blizzard, who's not only had to pick up the pieces after his former coaching staff quit last month, but also to find a way to keep positive in the facie of a season which was becoming more grim with each mounting loss. He points to a looser, happier bunch of younger players who've suddenly found their scoring touch and have gelled as a team over the past couple of weeks. -1 think the team seems a lot looser. Everyone was afraid to make a mistake but now they're starting to play their game;' explains Blizzard, who admits his coaching days won't last much .& .52& fa Si(.4* NOVEMBER So 69 7 Pkkering ConlpNx Equipment Received NOV. 5 5 pm - 10:30 pm NOV.6 9am-5pm Equipment Sold .5 7 pm - 10:30 pm NOV. 6 9 am - 6 pm NOV7 11am•3pm No un�w oq..gln«x p....m For more information visit our web site I tmpjtw zve" ool V*"troi or call Ajax (905)427-5539 longer as he'll definitely hire a new french hoes this week "Everyone is starting to conn into their own now and the vets are playing good right now. When the rets arc play- ing with confidence. naturally the young kids will follow" While defence went out the window against the Axemen. the Panthers battled through both chippy play and numerous penalties to post their first victory against the Axemen. The Panthers held a 5-3 advantage over the Axemen after 40 minutes. That lead evaporated in the third periost with the teams were tied at 7-7 heading into the last minute of play. Also scoring for the Panthers were Garret Winder with three points, includ- ing two goals and an assist. Team cap- tain Bill Duncan. Mike Hanna Brent Chandler and Kyle Aitken notched sin- gles. Dan Sch41cld and Oliver Lope/ chipped in with two assists apiece. In Friday's win over Oshawa, the Panthers held a 1-0 lead after the open- ing 20 minutes, then upped their advan- tage to two goals in the middle frame with a 4-2 lead. Tit-- Pickering juniors hung on to their iwo-goal lead through the final stanza. On a sour note, the Pan- thers gave up three powerplay markers to the Legionaires. Hanna scored twice to lead the Pan- The Panthers return to action Friday thers against Oshawa. lan Ross. Dun- when they host the Parry Sound Sham - can. Garisto and John Buscema added rucks :u the Recreation Complex start - single markers. ing at 7 30 p.m. ART OF THE MASTERS ART STUDIO (Z CLASSICAL DRAWING OR 11 AIRBRUSH CLASSES ir- \ BY .MICHAEL Jt'L1A.N 4.. .I' YPT1'Fti -VCFD -FRI - `10fil(4X1 5) HRs $50 OR r lx1 51 HKti $100 WATERCOLOR CLASSES BY HEATitER iioi..mi.uND Tt'FSI) !' .� _ �: 1'x1 .ADULTS THl'R,DAY', ' �n) - y i . NS1 -OPEN 6 VVF.FK r f)t'RSE $60 CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 10 STI;DENTS (905) 420-2278 1211 KINGSTON RD. (M&M PLAZA) v, vvv,.artr)fthernaster,.com. 50% OFF Ct?STOM FRAMING L [t1j� 7 r Save ,KI <t�illl KENMORE SUPER CAPACITY LAUNDRY TEAM has,'1er features '9 7/ues arC extra rrse selinr, r. ;9 Sears eq 899 99 6'699 Dryer leatures 12 cycles and Wrinkle Guard. owm Sears req. 549 99 $499 Gu drys watim exda KENMORE FR 'Brawl... U. i1M1.1611t fotM.wl 111.1r „(.1, hr114.u1g I"'141 "a Save $140 DISHWASHER With direct -feed wash system and Quiet Guard. /17772. Sears rep. 739.99. $599 Also avaiWW in Black Kerxfs w, ® A Save $270 EASY -CLEAN RANGE Features flush fit and 2 appliance outlets. mo19a. Sears reg. 799.99. $529 optical tin door and sae -chart available: extra Korwirm e Save $300 KE NNaIE 19A -M FI. With 4 split -glass shelves and 2 clear crispers. s6m. Sears req. 1199.99. SM Available let white. Mata and Almond Kennuiwe 'Pay No Interest' offer: Pay in 26 equal monthly payments, interest free, until January 2002. Minimum 5200 purchase. $3S deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Excludes Catalogue purchases and items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores. Double Sears Club points offer: Use your Sears Card and get double Sears Club points on all major appliances. For orders from our current catalogues, state this bonus offer number: 94 16 22213 to get your double Sears Club points. Both offers: On approved credit, with your Sears Card. Offers end Sunday, November 14, 1999. Ask for details. NP1112299 Copyright 1999 S*ars Canada Inc. Come see the irnany sides of Sears I'm a k P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, November 3, 1999 AJ GROEN/ Nexr Advertrser pho(o Ajax -Pickering Dolphins • Kxle Exume is Football League plaigf)r action at Pickering grabbed by the collar by a North York Grit- Sundav morning. The Dolphins won the lies defender during Central Ontario Minor quarter -final match 32.6. Karate -, kids belt S ame 0 their W foes "Y Local mem- j i f •' hers of the Ajax 'j�►s` q ` ? J,{ }_. i and PickeringC `xQ Family Karitc Q Schools Idred well at thetr own tournament this Pam weekend. r 1 The tourna- ment to Pickering A v w- a had a distinct m- x >E•- � ternaIionaI flavour as a teak a. from the Scuhi%, - Ryu Kms: Ac -WmkL Kokusai from Iowa competed. Members of Scn- • set Hugh Smith's Richmond Hill Karate Dojo and one fighter from each of the Os- hawa and Clar- r utgton Wador Kai Karate Cluaho took part. l ' Local martial ' E antes' results: r- Children five to eight years white to green belt: Julian -- Harmsen, Seco in kata: Brendan Fox, second.. sparring. i` Children nine to 12 years white to yellow belt: E Emily Maille, first in kata; Karl Poyhonen, first in O 0 sparring; Aaron Karamath, sec- ond in kata, third in sparring; Riley Geurts, second in sparring: Kyle a Sisson, t1hrd in kala. low Children nine . b 12 years or- c s ange to brown belt: Jacob Broder, first in kata; Erin O'-- Connor, first in# _ sparring: Simon Utkala, second in sparring, third in NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSE kala; Gurpaul Kochhar, third in cy sparring. Adults male white to orange belt: Matthew Farmer, first in • �+�� t� ■trema Tw a■ asuratraa treenail■ ■a uattaar immuL■w sparring. Adults male ILLAGE C green hell: Bill W .2 Rabjuhn, first in sparring. second T, • CHRYSLEHRIE• DODGE 1E in kala: Chris u. DeAdder, first in ' kata. Black bell :-:. 9 HARWOOD AVE. (Non men's division: C tip 48 moa. Finance example: $10,000 @ 2.8%for 48 mos., Noah Hobson, third in sparring. . Dolphins teams in Central Ontario minor football semi-finals All three Ajax -Pickering and keeping the 'thunder off- game. Dolphins Football Club teams balance throughout the contest. The offensive stars for the have advanced to the semi-fi- Scoring touchdowns for the atoms were West, Olusoga and nals of the Central Ontario tykes were Huntley Richards Tyrell. On defence, the star of Minor Football League play- with two, Robert Spagnola, the game was Andre Muresan. downs after winning games in Andre Shand and Justin Smith. The Ajax -Pickering pee - Pickering Sunday. McLaughlin added three con- weer were embroiled in a hard - The Dolphins tykes white- verts. fought contest with Markham, washed the Scarborough Thun- The offensive game stars for but perseverance paid off. der 40-0, the atoms de -clawed the tykes were Richards and lames Leckey scored two the North York Grizzlies 326 Scutt Campbell. The defensive touchdowns and was 5 -for -7 on and the peewees ran roughshod stars were Hosein and Elliott. convert attempts. hoe Dublin over the Markham Raiders 52- Meanwhile, in the atom had Iwo TDs. Justin Malik, 34 in playoff games at Pine contest. the Dolphins rebound- Jason Collins and Devon Ridge Secondary School. cd from a troublesome first half Browne added one major This Sunday, Nov. 7, the to take control in the second apiece. Leckey and Browne Dolphins teams will play in the half. earned their touchdowns on the COMFL semi-finals. The tykes Abi Olusoga scored two kick return team. will travel to Burlington for a touchdowns and Dan West had The game star on defence 9:30 a.m. tilt. The atoms will a major and four converts. Jah- for the Dolphins peewees was play in Scarborough against the moy Tyrell returned a kickoff Bryan Trotman The offensive Thunder at I I a.m., followed for a touchdown to start the star was Leckey. h% the peewees who'll also I tsit Scarborough at I p.m. ' c In this past Sunday's tyke ALBERT... contest, the Dolphins got ❑fine all-round team effort to earn the lopsided victory, dominat- ing from start to finish. I he's /Je S back I00 The offensive line of Justice Mounsey, Jonathan Hosein. Any Perm or Wcslcy Northam. Scutt Camp- I c bell. Jide Utomi, Brox Elliott Justin Smith Colour jI I500FF with Style and completely controlled the game. The team got great kicking by Jordan Offer valid for new and existing customers. McLaughlin who gave the Dol- phins excellent field position I ALBERT HAIRSTYLkST I is on numerous occasions. Mean- I 1-2 Harwood Ave. S. Suite 202 while, the defence played like a steel curtain, reading and react- It +r Ajax, 683-2954 I 7M Ing to the Scarborough offence -I,H-ar-l�- _T— i ' lip _ wwhoc.- 1-i is . 19ARM CASHa fir-+ �--•� ,� D - SOME N EASONABLE OFFERS ACCEPTED NrYRT � t�tl •:' �■ M Ott YSLIR APLYMOM N v,. • DODGE TRUCKS ' C'""'e`" LIKE A CUSTOMER" «'°"°"'° 01INAM 0 h of 401) 9Q5.6$oo SERVICE OPEN ALL DAY mondif , p ym«+t ftx2o.4a, c.ae. sse2.oe. AND EVERY NIGtf� : 0 a • �� s7• r- N 19ARM CASHa fir-+ �--•� ,� D - SOME N EASONABLE OFFERS ACCEPTED NrYRT � t�tl •:' �■ M Ott YSLIR APLYMOM N v,. • DODGE TRUCKS ' C'""'e`" LIKE A CUSTOMER" «'°"°"'° 01INAM 0 h of 401) 9Q5.6$oo SERVICE OPEN ALL DAY mondif , p ym«+t ftx2o.4a, c.ae. sse2.oe. AND EVERY NIGtf� : 0 a • NEWS, ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY EDITION, Nova tim 3,19064%QE 13 AV CAJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Paco Your Ad Cain. LASSIFIED 683-0707 100 100 100 ME== 100 NE554 100 100 COMPUTER COURSES (IT Certified Professional) A+(MmredmTedti *WTedutidan) MCP,CNA,A}(W hakA&*i akxj MCW"CNA` _ -M& TORONTO • f 420-1344 723-1163 I w + Mkrosofr Mkrowrr - �s01mt� DIAMOND INSTITUTE ,Durham Region's First Ir Certification College There are approximately 35,000 IT positions open in Canada today. Build on your existing post -secondary education and Increaseyour FAcareer opportunities and earning potential. !:Al COMPUTER PROGRAMMER/ANALYST Prepare for Microsoft Certified Solution f Developer (MCSD) certification. --- - - Learn At Diamond institute our ✓ Programming, design and analytical skills mission is simple... ✓ Visual Basic 6 and Visual C++ 6. ✓ Database development with SOL and Access Getting YOU trained and ✓ Internet web pages, active se e -Commerce. placed in a rewarding Out �nsTructors are certuied .n their dela. only instructors career. Neth 5,gniflcant beaching and related experience arm �( --toll to 4N1•Vcl at D•amond Institute l.ak-Wife Health I. Commotcd to piwmg pattewis Ent by provdag excel wr ice M health care, research, and revrurcea to our urban and Ewral populufons M Durham rcpon Mcetrng the need<oF growth at our Osaawa, aowmlWl.ine, otic NK'kithy .ncs. we rcyutre sklllcd and drdicacd Food Services Supervisors/ Diet Technicians Part-time Yew will apply a ar ag tRaala ut.s knurkJgc ,H Pace" mabectaw N In eAhYrc the aPD401191,24e aurnlitmal care of our M-palwimi Highly devekVcd interpersonal and ciwrtmMmltetwl :►IIIs are essential K you will I>c tmolsed m the selection. training, cad supervsshort at saR A INlmugh knowledge and applacat" of (Xlk/C HA Nuant, Care kl:muals is prefcmed Your dfpbAna As Food and Nutria- MAnagewwat with advarwed dlrocal courses or an cyunvalem cundw"A s of Wasaam and caperlence arc cowpkwiensed by a mu mmum of two Yvan' cxpcncmcc as a din Wchrmciam w rctwd supervisory cxpencrac preferably is a heakllcare emrinnamirmt Famlitaay wish a vouv ued elwl.uarnew is an riser To ptsn aur prttg curve caryuro latm. pkwm apply in writing. irldaaing the appropriate btcatan code (Oshawa: 99-UN.EX.404. lbw Oamiae: 994.HM-1621163. Whitby: 99-1.'N.F:X: Itl3 i, w Hunwn Retictumn Departanent lakrridge Hralth Cierporation Oshawa, Ontarau 1.1<2 269 Fax: (9041 7214755 L%KFRIrx;F HF_tk 111 nil: 19051 576-9711 Ext. -UWP-! r,.0 e -nail: tbadourcr lakeridgehealt►.oa.ca CORE 11 Security Inc. is currently accepting Resumes for immediate positions in the Durham region & the GTA. All persons interested in working in the security field may forward a Resume by fax or by mail to: CORE II Security Inc. P.O. Box 255, COR II [ 31 Adelaide Street East Toronto, ON MSC 2.14 Fax: (416) 364-3361 Only persons seketed for interviews will be conlAscted • hilerviews will be required to pass a basic English test. • Applicants MUST be bondable - GENERAL HELP OFFICE We are looking for an individual who has a driver's license, a car, is handy, enjoys bei part of a bigger group while doing general errands for office staff from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 fm. with a half hour for lunch. The time rom 4:00 p.m. to approximately 8:00 p.m. would be used to clean and keep clean the interior of the premises. This is a pleasant working environment where you would be part of the Corporate office staff. The ideal candidate will be mature (possibly early retirement) who would like a second career. Salary range $18,000 to $24,500 plus full benefits. Reply to E -Mail to: bknelson®home. coin Fax to: (905)433-9704 1 1 C&"III 'wE FU•1RE 'via• .hilt t o Art t o aides rhpw +st are rocwd aid b ulama .h0 M lie= slrwd as a Com Yusa YCSE/laws Notes oaabit CO.O. lranpn "an Oracle Conyam , -0 desist - A. Auk . U ileo dNOW aid pmWaP. " F anion aid prrpamrmy F4& -ad a- fi4tarct m111 N Aral0 b dNFON mil/ Co.*"Ca CO"" ewarwfi emCoN•pm i9051t427-3010 A TEV -N" Postrm , mimwnY h}iADM n Ilam ReOan lar a Comae') Tntllr b rash dwwwi A.. tow .Mt mA imi dwi-aft rot, cave w«M m ^akrmdNcykt.y ..All W -W crab -pry w s M wgn�P. flan-wwing aw W" nay wo b 61A-. - 141' Pd° hal; a�' toFill rNnarto LIN 7L5 nNANCUL SERVILES .•f 1. a ,; ,, .wt P.idw b b - Pam :Inc al eA U..w It - m9 W"Wa in n the hump 4mwN ngkMOYAapttpIN 145 n act wild LIS 302 act 4 905- 24a TNf U.L STiTimm Irarwp :-<rnn Carni •lain tip avaWw A And,c,al nal.. Imo as r aaNig. C.1 wswnp A. aitAliip Etaaaotip fctinti ns 1HJ9•nl iw0•aAOA NfN7w06E04UGS NNOAd 'A..gun t. canaNr. CiY Magaatws anal Mala ww" ad r ow' I.t �cOwn Cal 4W -94M4fX7 A 9 a 1.1106 00 -FI us I PRIVATE INVfSTI"TORS meded3 Su l,1 anca COas4 stats Nw 19 lotions by pokes '"loots Co. fS50 con -pas Sam sot md- ADM CAN Su 1116171nF7t07. NO APPLY am - Lava C0R1pa11y 1. 16 rw Ddaaom b 116 31ISO to stat Inalrq K C1* P.... are IN 1 OM FTrPTMust IN w by oto• lom Ilh - Wad loam - 6 P m W This IO as. - 2 P In 19051 r23.4920. ten WEMY E FOUMW pbw aXPWA&' L gran Motor* wwy to -arid msi amsi- bNnndd mw MO Ex RI aCE ISECESSARY'.. WILLING TO TRANS, Fa W ""MOMor4y! caM 6rmaNy 19MM--31w. t81. FaFaAA cry. AZ owm mad by a- a kmlld Oektwa copaal PONO N ki left and iNYr- NY otic is Grater Tomme +Fu Haas 8 am. • cm pm 5 Chip weal blimmum 2 yan ream mommot .wk toter Dan am* aro dean co- Strait we FewI a Expw4 aria wo hmrap " , a bwwm pSCYapi aNwee aaAF alraNAar PIiot some Wd.11 work Awaked Sala rick pwdu. G6 INS) 013• 46n. air s d I9D51 72a Sol? At Drew. ward IN bads•• MOM. Cha a• wah d walk NEED A JOB NEED MONEY?? WORK IS AVAILABLE WAREHOUSERS ASSEMBLERS PACKAGERS FACTORY WORKERS Pickering, AjaxWhdby, Oshawa Apply in person in Ajax 15 Harwood Ave. S. Suite 202 ADEPT PERSONNEL Most bring void cheque for direct payment JOB FAIR Saturday November 6, 1999 Weare currenuy looking for Professional AZ Drivers (experienced and newly qualified) • Drivers Abstract - C a V .R. Abstract • Cmmmal Search (all within the last 30 days) The most qualified will be invited back for a road test on Sunday, November 7th, and the start of a Progressive Training P ram LOCATI;IVa Oshawa Execrative Towers 419 Kine Street West 61th Floor, Suite 601 Oshawa, Ontario Time. 9t3o a.m. - 2:oo pm. :^.Is itppiirhiro, wI , give v,iu tht'rx penance ou meed to become a fully yualifyied tractor trailer driver WRITTEN TEST WILL BE ADMINISTERED ON SATURDAY No Calls or Faxes Please BURNS INTERNATIONAL SE LURITT SLIMES. s seek ": 2, canpewm SC. ant, UE -S d ,Ya. A artery of . .'a Aid kicarom. C"" ,. ff-w" AM spsul "- Som par,iirwit P" - :ale I 0watrawllagEprte Saw be - air 909 4.0 No siAa°itope M NOM ma 4 Dtham's �'wwn 11 am and 4 pm - -rpwm AmPkranm q.d waif a;wv OUSE AaNw•Nw• •aced rnnwss pKit"' g r- I.- gntet} nap Ilam n Good pay Fa. wwnw '.. 905831 3360 CAFETERM GENERAL n410 ,•guyed n mer YNICA �puusxSn.,- YMond+y'fnpty nn� 3'Pm30p- 9.00x. I Doom pan-ame Sot A "I81=111% I 8+m�pm Ica.. Anse 'coni. rB Odm01a mai flitting I. 416K23.2%7 a ca Tma I4IfiQ2-5M Ca mala Su►taimaON W 1- h•p •mai+ad Pan 1- « Fun-hm4 .-..w And .N- kadw Ctlmi IAA «narrwd AAMMft 00$skawlicuan ipii,d 1a ts " smas 0 nam UPON (:b5M7:i1160 Fi T CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE NewtAdvert sc' -e. ouesn the dsfnam cheCk DN,r ad upon ouMN'ow all am Ad- rerOsa win not be w SppIMOM Foe =to Man one '"corm inlitmon aid there shad be no P abddy lot Mn-o"Mon of any Adverh>emeM. Liability for arars in an Is trwNd to ell am10wA pad lot 7N Saes occw pyalg the wror. AN copy n su0latt W 81e aopo- v�; ACYMLf 01 CLEM U► PERM .Q.,ld A bus, boat stop Drags k- tAlwe Iegund FA. resuiO so 9 6Q7.11M COOK IdIEF Meow 10 hr WOW Fai miwm b or 426760: a CAN a Asia. 42r, 9692 COOK PART TIME. Pwit n 04,140. mad" WM rads raatdd _ b - cars in aaCoorippctrUAtaN ple- larad 111OnAm * A Lap Tam Can Rn4 ms P1nM he 90657mtia600e b78. llmaY Mama" a DOMINO'S MIL Babwu N owarmpNON sE0. a OatawT 10A5,1 SMICAS st a thtmidial 663-8993 Paid1 cats , IUD= , iliWyi Atso boap pan4mt Dom mwM wAatle DDDR PEa:MM, From duk And mcom sits rw Arson b 561 Impar QF W. w IN mAme ID 905404-M aMael .0 own "imat wand a "M dt*AFFy. Am 6 0 im=am. , a NAuaw ]sf-�54 FOR V4WOMW am be amwk war 24 INlas a dei Ma ;:=. Nae s BUNFM BMaes NNW for ow Otia.IdawO Cwm aml E:: ma t 114001 .Ary MrA427-ilow OeRex an SM. s5011. at won r»< week AMMMIp prOdlcN III tae cdNson d you even NSONWApSdWm a PmMIMAIoSOLN!W s OPPHH.. 6.2 eO W., ser Mi. "a 636. Ea► sbalpa OIL L5K 211111. THE NEWS ADVERTISER IS looking for prospects to deliver newspapers1and flolvirg areas xx AJAX Emperor St Simpson Rd. Follett or. Kmgs Cres. Tulloch Dr. o'dsil Cri. Rollo Dr Hewitt Cres. Leach Dr. Gates Cres. Marsh Ln LNlcokrl St. MIN St. Duffin St. t. pdtm� Br�ookkRd Hkley Ave Bu rangnam Crs. Kukham Dr. Bramwell Or PICKERING Roseoank Rd WdOnower or WoodSmerc Cres. Garland Cres. Maple Gate Rd. Harvest Dr. 19W a 1975 - Rosefield Rd. Rost Dr. Stouds Ln. FaVndale Rd. � Riverview Cres, Valley Gate. Gwendolyn St. Ldnsbrd St. Hoover Dr. mowed Cres. Richardson St. Batory Ave. Vestaula or *�-.Ir__.�r-A FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 905-683-5117 FULL Tai tFACFEs7 as - Smug PCs�iorl. ME meDilm nm meed Hmld __ - - fa reswtws br NovAaibm lots IQ tawwwew Clad Comm 12M1 POIp Merry Aw. . Ura M Dwiam Fai I TIES) 721- 0596 �Aw DOWWIA UNELU CAMEWA MM1pp r4 .. awwmmaN m Scan urAtwu. P1r No`"o+l, GI Co. a at 961 1 FoodsLamaidid. 51 0.1 3531. sNYer SLAU SE Willing Nbt. Pba CIO(9051127-11M 00 tx,MOL Ca amia heti Apt sammom 15 him w watt alae (90 4T IImV NitirAAtMO MI Kith:. M INK Camlhs MW alk mahate wpaalaaCIi" in Traml ad Tom" Thim cklu IN7253stDAraMmsPNM ca,aiCM No legaaed. it M{ bid 10 . hall, rwhwkMe sk1a Cr Asp INaea J* I11 + t" 0elnw saw LWMr MONSTKV_ tali• New two. war haw 8 waM woWnp eperiaae i $Mqi Sb4Nad OM PNP a" 6 wio Ofaawa am Cm a cwt Fall" $7.50 to $900 law awe mal be mar- Gwwsl Help 1 (iafwY FMIp MU_"-. Help ARMADA GROUP, 570 Coronation Drive, Scarlwrough Ontario M1E 2K1 TIER II Automotive Parts Supplier TOOLING ENGINEER Responsibilities include, prepare quotes for new Plastic Infection and Zinc Diecast Moulds, review & approve mould design,prov,ide support for continuous Improvement on existing toolsand other associated duties. Some travel required. Successful applicants will have a minimum 5 years experience in similar position in the automotive industry, thorough knowlcd},•e of Automotive Plastics and Injection Mouldingg knowledge of zinc and aluminum diecast process will be an asset, Ability, to read and work with Mathdata and blueprints and understanding of GD&T's required. Engineering degree in Tool/Machine design preferred. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT Main areas of responslblhty include, administration of computerized hmrkeepinq system and weekly (outsourced) payroll, Group Benefits, WSIB Claims Management, tracking of training In so compliance with QSt:KM requirements and me clerical du- ties. Incumbent must possess excellent computer, WIN 95/ Office 97 and math skills. Forward resume to address listed above or Fax: (416)281-8789 email: armadahr uidirect.ca Attention: H/R Manager Do you love a good sale? We need 50-60 people for a ,huger warehouse sale in Pickering. Positions include 1 daytime supervisor 1 evening/weekend supervisor Experienced cashiers and floor staff If you want to earn extra cash for Christmas pkmw call: (905) 436-6202, (905) 427-0717 ` . Fax resume to: (905) 576-4698 e.... Olsten J1.O111ngSe7 Yllr The Working Saltation UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers twice a week In the follrnnrg areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. Bristol Pond Bristol Sands Crs. Alta Rd. Heritage Hills Silversprings Crs. Hillborne Crt. Also Adult Carrier for walk & drive routes needed CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or Individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application In an envelope addressed to the tax number In the advertlsenlent aNd attach a lit of such names. Place your application and list In an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are fazed directly to Dsltm This Week, will not N forwrded to the lilt slumber. Originals most be sent dirn3ly as Indkgbd by the istiftctiolls in the ad. This, flews "Wilw Is looking for reliable people to insert and dekver papers and fyers door to door ry Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and � SaNrday In the Picketing area. Deliveries must be completed by 6:00pm. Must have a vehicle. For more information call 905.683-5117 NEWER AJAX SALON requires EtLperlEfaoed stylists Fa ilkime and Part-time Pssitiars srailable. Great wages, coounission and inceptive programs. Bright and friendly abnospher'e. Cote join our tea (905)619-8057 WANTED News Advertiser is seeking contractor to deliver to rural areas in Pickering. Work consists of collation and distribution of papers and flyers. Four days a week. Must have vehicle. Please contact Camille at 683-6117 Sam N* At DRIVEIIS Af0UM10 34 ants per map mills. eat bad Drain trooper tracts carrying company otters Dmaro run COmpetn've par'. Dabs tem - ht package Late model egwPment Excellent Inain- WaFlce 1 7051-357-3938 Man -Fn 8 a in .9D m Al DRIVER iegweil to, a Malar rill Company should nave erpelln 011 8 team. wan ptevo fraimp m gab line debvery Sevmn South. ern Onuno moddma Comb nems SFa t 1 4-12 1xv, Shoot per reek) Clean absbact, drug scieemng. must pas medical.".";;Q. pmles5dn:1 andu0e E rm pry plus tlerrnils. umams suppFed. Top ingip. -4 Call 90Tr9862191 CABINET MAKERS rewlll -n ^urham Rttppiiaorni F any e.prienced GDirM Makers nesd only applyY Please la. m" 10 905. 983.9114 CAN SPAR Faaaadg re. bwre5 "Cenced welders Ala Ply .n pewri it 165 Crown �aurl Wh9by « tax resume to y) rV-0467 CLASS A Med-wX fill ante. 41•:nCaY.l'-day salary SAN- 'n•:t-lea.team p4ya person 10 DSnawA .No ".erne. 760 S'Moe St S a t, to 404-ZM 1 omit! Help 1 OfNce Freya We have an immediate position available for a career minded, goal oriented person. Responsibilities include maintaining previ- ous customer contact. Handling incoming calls and coordinating appointments. The successful applicant will have a clear speaking voice. friendly disposition and polite telephone manner. Starting salary is 5350 00 per week plus bonuses (reviewed after 60 (lays;. The key Individual we are seeking can look forward to recognition. stead!r growth and job security For an interview, call Marc at Magic Touch Chimney Sweeps, 6-0226 905-68 FLFCTRIC WATER NFATF, s Ali �frNra It.p PART-TIME House Cleaner Eancncncc ;xe(erred, mtw .naw own vchicle Durham ata 905-666-0727 GREENWOOD WS -ROOM FARM .ret vi ..me and e, -end tail aerk I.a .0-e We train you Must vie •. a soomatgn Can (905) 05.39H and Wm Nems aM mormw Pt RSCN NFGut RFO a mance^yeti a b:ar.,a ,a AL ice, ':hen 416.7a6 7ID t4sw mnsrpr rulu PRODUCTIONS awns. ZawaRw Ds d Cities 1. bili' „r,Crt nA mi -V Trawy aid w c ca or4ab at" a.. Walls SINx/627ay34 D n Snow now P4"ots. it~ 14 211 '. ,air +vtM In,tMi tail -0 rpW4s W Mon .rias 35 a 905- 4211-7M 05- 426:793 STUSENTS •an1d b .orA cars corps a .ulama a " IQ :veep Slrery w n •o,t cast NiialiCh" at n Plts. b at0wi Ice 3„2 M aoralw, TFEEMAANETER P•51n rata 'a Doc. app«mman CPad hM. eversnpc Ali in 10 9 IMmaCAAYaOA a MQm0 sm rear (Owt.Oonw�1 Lily. (4141261-1773 THE NEWS-VERTMA K waling roe sun m 30vm om- pen am niers b« 1. aa« spa ban A mala lay 600 PM in alb Otpltborhoodi CAN 9g5.4g}51I r WARLIOUSE : INDUSTRIAL Fob 1.on W«Aar req,.rd 'a -9homp triplet Atria Riad axpawrnu aid fpm• Pita, SMAIS An Assn lame - Quit mat dam pkast tax ntaOc d 905.427-9878 a mail b Argots wOsmts. Ling 12.530 wtsmey Rod. Ajax.)Maar, its Fal sE ARE WMENTLY onirlp l« W ddwdlla to hep ow 2 Y, odscot cam hs hot ,0,.w k". Ow In not" ilrrTOy p1aMaF1 lean the us K Protect P ACE Arh ma- tiovals mermaid in Appyay snud hate the following guadicaFNm. ECE 0, Pay- cldlm bxkomwd. YpY Mame. LM of awity. Hare worked mis children in me Pat Ability b .at wdm- . ewrwlgs a .$nodi (sot of") Farawae wth algia: DaOudalm. Cane. The waalwauN will be appmx 6 b 10 nm per ink Phase Ior.wd In ma to, TIN lac cA ala Fay. 35 W1am Blvd. 9ammarlrre. Oe. LIC 4111. Dao o m rots peas) "M woman MEEOED.n WUS-Awq Our voikets. hat la rot a mover Aiwa And studnift Stan Iwiae- daNly FM las fed patagl Call 24 las. by -tree 1408. 7n-7109. truck moUm. veal astaMKlNd customl, bale. 1115 000 • ••)wing .iarlAm rM •In �priwry ,nPri to (9051 43 EaPEMEIKEO PRESSER •aaom )Aad Dry-.- ry itin 2 Peas oat. A 434. 434 >p/8 AN aa1 Al d4]07/ FRAMING :mv,% Osaawa ^cue soma AOPro• i9 ^ A cep Rod on i Pad -IV 2 wAms :Ave 5)242 1655 « anal bpm $"7-WM ;avlgrS WEO MIDI s • +rip :a ..MrtenCAd snop ..•.-0 please woad rA. ..rw b above a a IN 905 -e 182 ,.,1 « cAII 905-723- ;As TECH N -. mmd .mme- ..; tilt V -11y I« 111.3. nts+aWuonN 4C aipwt- -•A an rima Din eau «e •"Ad sAev ComnfrKWAl! .-a a.FNRwhte CAN 19051 656-3720 « lu esww is 1905t N6 rumaE RS. nptFln Ens. 1,0 urtw t yr New Dasmont AYauow .m rryateng m .' m° cgliltmaw 00 wttol Aid relms" mpmN aid HOC tri aAa la. -- Io 905 -420 -SM PRECISION UsIAERsa GAMOER :ou '«cars" rtpr. Nh"Ll �,•G40,i Jm 664 dtulm SATELLM MSTALLEA •e wired .n Rich 'oh guar "I 00W Etpe'wntt Wil. Permit Pal Nam isim mq b td UN im tins 9054655imil, 40 Imitim cam rOhs « Alpo fsWM n owmn b .501 1bp. _ 9 Miami Ua a� STRUCTURAL WELOERAIA. STYLE! we nava a oav no d .n car rKnaiaiun Je W,,,vn1 .r 00.0I1y Ont9m Alto -waft ban and sonalg systema 10r Ali racycit" mauslry The ss - MOW carldidaA M1 be a am pNwr cin A Mawmna a5"us evewnunnr dra•aa. Aurical tomrsh weldiN ad VIA ammy b rod DMA ares The posaim" ca Dam of «tasoayly m aura to .00, on a9 of Nan -niallm icas V. nNr.nmw two .AM Do*& A good drwrp leco,d S a acct P,rwpus apois nwd not Appy, Sand ewmt to uUM RECYCLING TECHNOLOGIES 963 &on Rd $oink Ina 10 I"Clli-M. On1AIM LIw 3A4 Ib 19051 420-0719 No Pt1ONE CALLS PLEASE 150 WMrMq BAYSHORE HEALTH CARE SERVICES R.q.- Adaptable a g RN/RPN's for Ute Durham Reion g. oN/YFunng Nursing 'ridable. Yalu at p,w .ode e...ptional cpm. mately nursing caw Nldren , aiw m" hone msken for the un ry valid vers lexnr and CPR eq -w Fax aesiaea atoll: Latae Gilbert 19051 426.7447 DENTAL AUGTWTAKCE7- TIONRT Floured eaperNFla D-2*. , art lin N Start Colima Js 905-12744. or tax resume to 905127.O247 PHARMACIST NE01 KPRto, n OShe.ia facing OwrlalnS And mmurwatin IN a allot• carewAw.ea 6w^ Rya-- a Wpace W 905-5737 m 716 ma" Mgood conimuFM- r eamps. sm"IN{. rNM we"19 e Ostmwa W; candn ad pappt cam Shat Clam uA ,lea veal law IWIdF 41ska"o 98 m0ern Rae Part Time Bookkeeper �C11' „_,,_'^' call Sea a Ew•q' a 905-ao- N Mon: Fn., dnkmat A Sotto. Oshawa Every lees �y6M 7335 a Fax msalm b 905 - I T PtAb le amrallpi 6 wee:adK Appy acct TNA. 13D as - 2 pm. Motu to available travemorlling have 420.7342 s (OMerR) w1h mom N 4 as flip• LOE toot F amen. Gallas 8 vehicle. Some travelling required, PFNUIMACT AUSTUT - Fall sMw. a m Rd. Walk tivulenct Wekrmd. Accounting / Bookkeeping 11 Nati some evennps otic WityPlus, whtkr bcam. Cal vmu ex rienceanassetenced, for (405 I. weemnals Sappers Onprvice tar. CO MBl MKEN mound TWO AsgMTu ri 7EAe11Blg �Sur+-+4 a>OT- �`F,,,� can. ,300 Nap s, East, dieltab, aaalwanlar br lacy tical tied loved a milam corem PteaBe apply ire person, With resume: osnawa Fax reSWIm In. At,Nle 34cal (116) 754 L �:sad rnamN Petro Canada. I Harwood Ave. S_ Ajax NDEALERSUDRD ALTOaHWY2 Fapin Jim line n PtWrm 3 Lag33 'dy � N FORCHRISTWIS AN•S REQUIRED mdiduttyM -9:30m &Ass IW tae 6 pat Mae Wpmovomeer loth, r -V YrarlW al1Y1s7 aP/PT) for tA1MfW bW Ap- NG morJan sale 71yybb Mus, kaW anpal- 1911. t4C .nip IlmNemaN HORN Mus, ala. (2)III,-5I!3 FANT i1ME SAN 5tewad SHIFT MANAGERS xW hate current Reostradn We sE11Uiy tU1lON NEOUMEi iMENOLT 0076010. ria WNMN mirk Must here No QUO Co" a Sturm of Omand Assistaid MAQAW. Nary rd a Small cr u1url Nrvd cad. Drop oN Full and Pan time z-3 can cprmN Gwaeobgr DhA NOM enemy Pan ami A� scarli i alh d- minim ad act up ala cr CREW and DRIVERS Earn Extra CUM 2,peneilca a must team oppon1a te myui ntdlaN �tw�Rnmaxi E h SUM atban 9 heIII Hinl So". M• Wattled. Call Pauline oRcra9�5�,i�Na oppFitunilb Call xaMryn a map 30 ran ba wsn 1030 m - IOPM Oe - (905) 5762512. par ser 1905 1338. fpm Npwaehn 9 Appy in person to Pizza Hut Ain or Pickering J 416.398.9390 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER '' Toronto Line: (416) 796-7259 ourPhroF lines I sareoopen Mon. to -'.130 Commercial Ave, Ajax 1$22 Wines Rd., Pkkering (Sara Lee-Amberka Pleas)lllea24-Hour Fax: (905) 579-4216 sac 9:31) am to coo elm. p HumHumw.-FEL: 9:00 off-SAo pl � CIaSOMW Online. Now when you advertise, your word ad " Il..ra iia. -irk. l ado ttaN•�M$ ; 0 $sl'"*". 11 !�l K- aaloo On ttlf klterrtet at IEttp JhfwwANlIn pia I Eam�f�Nfa.eat at _# AIP PIat1E /4 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDI1111011, NovenWer 3, IM Bar HrAAApaRr t l IBM leayaoaw 1 twit 1 IeU Mw -o 1 Rae Palo. w~t ArBsMW 1 AreM1RB E� Canada's Number One Home Furnishings Retailer Is now hiring Sales Associates for fur- niture. appliance/ electronic sales. Home fur- nishings sales experience not absolutely neces- sary However, you must be enthusiastic, per- sonable. presentable and willing to learn. This is a rare opportunity for career -oriented Individu- als to loin the renowned industry leader and earn above average incomes ($35.000 - $100,000) in a friendly, stable 8 profitable work environment. Our benefits include medical insurance. dental insurance, prescription drug plan, generous employee discounts and profit Sharing along with career growth opportunities to those who aspire to management positions. Please send your resume or apply at: 20 McLevin Ave.. Scarborough. Ont. M1 B 2V5 We thank evet•rone who appnes. howerer. only those selected for an interview will be contacted. SCARBOROUGH LABEL ('041PA1'1 1, seckmg a Print Sale% Profie%siunal 1,• develop ncu s les PrOocnce will be given I,, ;hilae familiar with the Ilexographhc Indus- vy. Competitive remuneration package Please fax resume to: 116-293-6561 ELECTRICIAN REtr)L-IRI1) bus% shop Int mdectna, m,acnlnen re.;nacs electnican IV wire diesel powered tali track manotenance equipment. Nlust haat' a,w'n tool. and he capable of working tram engineered drawings and schcinalics. Please tae resume ur Nordco inc. Oshawa 11905)725-&&S" 15rofessional W7WWNP,S"Mff1AMdjW8 GENERALLABOURERS va',", ^:r' I- � �, ^,P cos -nuns in the Durham Region & G T A S::.^e Heavy lining re- purred- Own transportation preferre0 AZ All DZ DRIVERS P A •. , •. E '.•+w ^,,, .a' ,:acafren must nave teen o.tact ano 2 tits OTR e.penence Some hdnODombnng requ,red Also seek•na Shunter for 12 hour shuts in Durham Region Please call 905-571.1603 \h111+17 and SEMI-SFII.1-E.1) PE.R�ONNE.1- NE E UEU who capandmg its Production facihtwc In ,,,, Nwough Vic have openings for the t,,11 -,ng rx'nrnnel -Shear Operators -Brake Press Operators -Ill C Wiedemann Punch Press Operators ,MIG r$ JIG Weide • C.N.c Machinist for 0,111111 Vertical Machining Center. OKK Horimatal Machining Center. Maxak Machine. Slant -40. Orf 00. Mwaa - H500-50 3 pars erpenence required And General Laboertrz We Offer cumpre;:va- wages Jrd Ik nrf ts. TTC takes a.w to our door Maw vend sour «aurae leo Plant Manger NORTHERN ELEVATOR Fax (416)291-3654 NEW OFFICE CASH FON Wit We a"BRAND vw witican Val mm apJrtmmt n Im9• COwmvk WIMTeT. OAekaOM ] boon CWWW%wftm. quin court Need to fill 12 open in 5 IMMEDIATELY!!! pp Short IF TNEm Opportunild" Wolk rkwxnp c, , , Cal Iz7-2415 a core b 479 AiNv N- OP , tram. alma am. ecanomwa Long 0", St Eau. Apt a MUR- AD AUTO 1.2 A 3 Bad. A per• Of$ hias. $104.900 CA No experience necessary. 18+ . Full Time Only. SALES 1 T FieN2rbi~ & New (M5�'� Call Amber (905) 686-4472. w Appliances. All Util. Included. $1R.5M OPEN HOUSE. SUN Nov Id. z 4 - ndwrw Non-sI•Errg loot 1M0 DODGE up Poll In-house Supt. & Mlaint. Pro 1353 Wecker a Oshawa 4- is . 1 Ara { Crins . 1 Arts S CrahE nt FUB Snn. onion COrrTolbn 1m 6 CIA. $S90d Pop, 434 2776 On site Security. I" backspin. 3a1 bed ooms. attached garage. Ir coo lv Sw: Ymoirm bEm st 'Ola Dn: FlntAM Md vw RMhI Office: Mon • FrI. /Mn . ! pm m. Pas. trait. Iwo - nnum ,f/ mw-. Lal 19057576 SMI l Stn fpm- Sprint wood. 2 baMooms. ra rcomu wood, extra bedroom tgra,a Pod. . SHOW _ A 1I CRA" ,996 7 pa eng - one 1296 / passenger, IWIy clb•t b a• aiNwwtra Pot• ry (905; 723 -OOT? 9 am � VALIANT t>�tOPEt�n bRy lensed, near ti amenl- ties fenced, Isar all 905 - 1dv. 6th, 10-5pm loaded Imled glass, OO mwa60000�7Emnsnn BfAUTIFW. bgM. pry$ NUMAOEMENT 7234759 FSMU71 lenLAIR Tested temple Stan --1 1972 COIWCA LT - 4 Ona 905-379-1626 3 BEDROOM RANCH style NDARY $+4 Ae5Oba 1905172O -Z25111, "•m we Y $349 fora -lata Kenmwt .Mhf,;Oryn Evil-- nacnMCA otN riv.n.r Greg 1haM aood -mg Well O'numem wayMy Nett At.. SIM At teal- " ro ymulury no 7177 1997 FORD F259, 4.4. 54 UbkdWAN I'm, pMMlsion ApYwp Casement Earp In NorthEast OOL )-Ile On wammrsum �6.000km. 8It Arctic Pay- W"inst " ow Capp D --MM apanMM Oshawa urge private lot. aR Rd. E., Whitby poard Snowdow, Possible APARTMENTS - AJAX 1 5149900 to view 19051571.1679 b2 Students K Senium contact to, " nl�K,s«, card hlNd$25.000 595. 33 & 77 Falby Crt. -ARpW000 FLOORmG 11112 C6aw•w Cwrr awn . 1 sN.xber• 2 & 3 Bedroom apts. 4 BEDROOM SEMI, or Bow- ma -lie large ,aid garage. Mrk1 to 1 1 Ankki Wanted Sale Call 686-085 [lose p x72001. sln)pp1ry, 401 Asking f126.900 For BFOROOM SET i:ewwno�; BUYING ANTIQUE aid rot •s.r• nlOr i,,Nes 1992 SYwOp Formula Plvt. 583 engine uuoded track, Or VISIt US at: more,)- 1905)697-3532 )er:anll rorlenls conning heionoato Uumn runless cnril e,,ates Pest possr- time 2000 ton h9 wamers exod- len- condition $2900 705. ht[ ://windammer.wtJJum .eom F I I P sr•. A Asking $570 W prices paid Henry Tank. (:ad ,90516861717 905.985.8161 328-04W Still ,.A OFF TIED. wroupM von PIANO BENCH WANTED. an e7 SKIDOO CITATION e.cN- tem room)-, no damage Bert nrrA 1 Ipur•• a.. R•rA mropedlc manress Slvrc ,e,vn,eM•r DnreC Cali ° New Cast $1 200 Sac, Ron 586.8351 'sop. $+200 c b o 905&19.19t1 • S500 Car derver ,4161 .'9885 ' 11 AaFour SOCK OF IMN'TING?? cARPETs a carpel, WANTED 'Leat Tickets' 2 BEOIIOOM alt near ostia- OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EASY11 new ,. Ion rNw SM I o -e -pets on harts I R Will pay face value. via Centre and 401 Pa • Firat Time Buyer? - Cell Marlal !t C 3 rooms. 5349 Price Call Bruce Danford rounoiy. s,n,age x«i SmoMas preeened 5660'tro • Discharged Bankrupt? - Call Merkl 'ea carpet p,mawm pad. n mmrila n. fast ONn 579-4400 d,rs T90I Av-aaw Dec Ist rig • Not Much Dowrvpayment? - Call Markt Mark honest. hee anmaes (30 lads) ext. 2207 9105. 9160 Y offers Profee6ional, no Anrvice to help own a home. 6842314 CARPETS SALE 6 HARD. WANTED. Mode, Ilam, and 2 BEDROOM BSMT APT Sep m11 mcludmg utilities preswre you (9055) 571-62755 Or 1 -BOG -840-6275 WOOD FLOORING 'ripe, 3 I•a.r. pmts Will bur' Iatcut$ Parking 5751}nw Iso„sl Mark Stapley ns $.139 1' ", .d 1 in ono amprete sns any gag' Avail Immetratly No pens �. .39 ;,t,•. ,gym pap n 190m`l Set? Mwy2Albna Call 7 10pm eRia• n•p. sawmill Abbty Real Estane Ltd. installation Free esu- reek0ays. { anytnme on 1 Auctlom G+IrNa MOLE �."Ves Carpet repots Sesv. ekends (905)-509-8170 1 1 r 1. THREE BEDROOM house rot PrIvW Moms ; o a•.«,�•w Ouretare and surrootgnry 1 Arts i 2 BEDROOM. O,nadlOOmed 4"I. axAiLade immediate' 1 1 1a Sok AUCTION SALE �s n«.+n�: a,. nmt„i.•n.v ra Creat Gras Accepted throughout very clean $719 SPACIOUS we' mamtamed 2 antral Osba.a 5815 diA {.+ Sam 90}644772 btd'•xtm avl5 Aval at 900 .weds LGE MrUMk B a m - Sunday Nov. 7th at the CRIITERS WANTED at 'Int wAAn nduaa 51iC' 4100 $t 430 pr Monday hurt Frway DISTRESS SALE Barn tore- Pon Fin Make rn s..rn we '.ARPET AND VINYL E OslHwa 2s-1436 an, ran n"len some .an lot appointment (905) 723- Fele pr. erre 1721 0l foredo - Y raids, G,t S :art in_wdvlact Ut-- ad Close closets pram DrOvw- sure computerized ip rtion a ftanbg m 12:00 Noon Orwr "•< •rams :r 1 1 rads. ke .n the e"of ,lea Ma- 2 •EONOOM S'80 NI nclu- co post to'Stal' i 7311 1510 7A 3 son soy a lhopprrg tree mto 1-naa 05ISI5 cal I,•'I w o re•t wrest ,^ $32'9 best1n1 ! u Tot- uN. t w ant y Oshawa LN Lve plrrN fiw d1 Oshawa afmk GO $tarn tAlktes WMIT•Y-OSNAWA border 24 firs b t-888-8057965 10 -rw. 11. bon S, +0,:".01 s o.ru •Aw•.ew coriril your, Ot13 Woe up b u5 stow {set your crags d- No dogs Cal 9115 121.227! r10wed Call 264993 MnnagNn Ave, . 2 to, 1. 2 01042 to ked a message n. MnvF' 4Ot' m 101 Customer ke lov rotor redly 10 ek pude Ya do rot A MUST SEE Oshawa 2 bed- e'^•y xmi men baSeilNril wcahng w1NCh polo range RENS: w a...+..wei,.•... ppuuaaratted Lot Mike Ip v0m tote to be there Thee n N0 C~ esemae. 905431 4040 6 month rxlmen Ran won r0um an- .n 3 oat 1nnle, po- n' Irrdgc. M* IEmed gad. We aea you are ohneskd n A^T,QueS. Collectables. at f36 m1aWl Call 9os436. ra,y Du,blmg Ckan quiet se- OSHAWA „ $1250 dos Dec t Con- Irak ro ro one Ikoom cow'^u sthold furniture. ant N cr+r COMPUTER FACTORY .arCe !est. ',e�otalec dir.n Matagemem. 945-426 Inv a Chis Pyke. Swoon oat •r s.w 1024 core I"" p,wae m s'�a'' Shop Ohl furnace eLOwour Am + yr m 6 3 6H ac:s. for terve. ori Group Heritage •'avmmrs •nen $ tool FOU ART CLASSES ren ee- Da••r0 Ol Das nET 17Y a^''cut edel'. radio ")C Mn: '�oaad primer. nets ,•anon November mo ,Muvve NO PETS 668- SE'^ 65800 uhl. noel �No�� ib•+` 0^ g 4322 Please kart message at 280 Wentworth St. �!Nie7 "v "3- 3 -im Fill ,r 11 n �I.,r, Singe amlguE .arbr internal, software and 4m 41 evils mmrinq. after' �L._w "tel. a C', ,Innn Fast xnawa o. eaeIE Singer SEwmp aw µ�.'v s.r mace Free xarner aN W vOur FUSE chdCE area Cost to scoops ',1vek ave t.m. nary noon and ntmra cyeses AJAX. BASEMENT 01. 1 aanmem WAITFEO IN PI _Mow MaCnrt. Old brass w ane sNw t-800-,/$5545 avaude 1 0ea,0om Intra , xry ,mak a0d cal tREMNG a,ca� dnvtway, CAN 724.6074 shades. old aias y" +'.•.•.r early LeAm i trkl wmars� won" C10se ro bus mom- , (905) 721-8741 ano•-ars,pie tw . w - FOR SALE n OWNER U.- ctur 8 frames. an- ' COMPUTER SPECIALS. vont 'Neve turns and or $600 dot ageu,r pr 4.Rg 0' es oto um tanrr system $a29 „ �" Irydrp GII�txS TWO ^.•'l v 1r•+: •v"; 'a'• o dein- wan spew bioge Mlck dwgarlw ton- Oue CIynOEher_ Dint ate er..s,.w•.wv,.aq Nov.- uCaW f'14 Z33MMt Rtpymm aC ^"°'15 n Iodteg Ip a laps mw basement 3.' Mo n rg room suite. Old w reib„�ti s.. rMrrNl $Ysmm $699 Lowell t905t5767B/7 b, etornow BACHELOR awrtmem. Town- _1 . i;."x ori Tor, �'.,v�. atacMa clean wet mAn room. 2 OaMooms unrq 3SOMMt system 5848 We 11nell St Crown" Pan s Wer exctlkm for mauie taned 4 d S6edmom hwM oom. kechen tit 59.165 d.r.r7 to on hutch. sed •...twat love doing uq�saes arta dh- .ry. prvak rlmrarp tw Mm coupe quiet aMosphem E..O" W renew arta- Needs a ink 'von No AMrs ", 0ngrnal (20.71) M motors 19051655-3661 �!, PNNSnrpO••N and Wtcrten Norismd"mp arapaDlt Jan est FnsUaxo ogle PWM all 1416)436 d•2 AN141q 5150.080 9pS n�rr01N shurlung 01e 1 Oen I,`tlap SA's"'i ALSO oro ilaown ram g16A 4521254 aha spin Iybl Tape Saw, dcbng stove lute OSS TEST CARO :,:.gam- �rKluaes .mores and ode nronoaop u0 a Cy5150/p- rrswrrreNen NEW 4 dgmgm .00 pall r,'o ,dl up d00n 1976 two ��nrw '.,.I unt Steil- wnware .ACK R,SSFI, :!ro puppy ';ail(91751404-9121 Mier Spm 1 Shooing prom min 01R rota d0ef r sWt w -R, ,NIG Oi• kden- aa� Australian) of 96 riafaae '-905- r„ ` neaneon seas SA:KLON AFT near bus 4 ro IIMPAa A adwnlown Pre- m 'am¢ rrnort Yppr>Qed a ode name. Old an- ndi101d 427.7436 Loa .hNwa wnpW Avo4we kr hoh1i,,suer FMvtw At OSMAWA SOUTH 7 ut. rtwRt rAurtt:e c.+ atRlS DpRFtS and r..-. FR,.a•... ELMIRA ^,cM wood,,," N .Mc., :R. $45Dtmmm rhMw4905-259-0769 ,nom townnnirtr -line b $179 9055-4323465 1 tits Much much 54c. wgold Inm. 2- 2 yen- NA AmmiCan Ptpwl uxnwve FrsEAMF mond cahoot shopping $850 or T^.,e ar Kimmore 6 -pro- itrntr stack mm brW ort ANO Two 81DROgMS Brtloy Gw-ON Something IOr w ,� Ca" 19051723-2240 Wm 5 riaubk Novmnor, t F." r"'"" � 'N'I"s F"1� omorruIIITy. Ina tiro eve Ono one, Please a- r'• •r•• n^wasl+er ssu0tsavN 6 kis. )-Wins to Diego wpm pm alaON OecftWNlst 19051 b,yms p �mestmern 7 aWn. •e GOr rtgrf rdOrrtM- •'s . ;'ogran syn Atlas 6Wer papers Cap JON a 5793243 poopa.. n JSC Maus 6940 579-9836 aaytposiNF1 - .. 'Ac. ft 1905) 6711567 Isron BEAUTIFUL arge 2-bfdogm ,,,d„x,. a tK ro b•N . Rowed pNnaa. pNM ps M pea- 1"' -wase contact Gas p.s r adanmem aouN 10rq� ro AUCTIONEER Gus$ rode trek arm- AurWtmaw Ion rim smoking 4akpry. peat• can from 9 a. . 9 1 V Altl ,$155.0W at (416)33Y +"•• mora clean exce, EF I - S47WnbrM1. aada0k raNrm pm 905576624 x• 90N11E BR001(s .,..r,r.�,.. ��,e,uOn asking $250 CM AJAX 'mm s.naled OSIIMIA ,Y10 A 2-fbr- 905/323124 (Of -1951 ISro tae' "RD .,try 5Jc aagtly 1e'J17267461 WESTrfYMAAW000 aN twit)-. S+RI, w, nnpraan next •O A,rrrruwiwn nv l3nvvw. rAw OW ttaro r 249 ahgbr ted BEAUTIFUL 7W M h Mft irYY vat. Newtv '-fled 2 sr,b.m cbM b uGO n •'r. 3 oem- 3 bofN. lag• ,watxlw s.o NAMK, APM CES ,M lap .Kwbr Mvtr retro, apJrtmmt n Im9• COwmvk C,�or,r apt � cep 401ro Avaeble min hn, at Pilot vrvyl vim wn A.!' vo ^ I IM •tom awn 0 ala Ilk wlY hone W pets wwm W mill au DakpM _ _' Cb. b ae$pritWalMe : Et off lot pi6 r�CIA 19os1a,9-1496 �-'/__^ w,,,dpwik ODi,xle u Ruq� aY Forest kis rime 3450 aw Mfi II,erNO Nor Ir= Ib Dre1 a SSW 217019 salware fmraau. vary FinlW. $7I5 NMmrul trot -Can k,%Pm rw„V," $177 pop Ly 576'SMl 5rr "Aacrdam rtrnaabn DIA 43195Mfra ndwrw Non-sI•Errg loot On ON rouW ASN'erncra CSWMA Av..lalw NN"i bN,faENy+ Sa.Wup I'M, live lon ma- ' . $19Ww Loa 1WcbM 19M $ONO TAURUS, tp ptm,r,0 �jibyplf Avoid Doc 24M Minn 19osE50P 7276. pW 416432- coo lv Sw: Ymoirm bEm st 'Ola Dn: FlntAM Md Nro°'nv : pn Ewxarn S2540trab pot,fr Qrpup I's.. ri, Rc [y1 90} 985- 1520 ,f/ mw-. Lal 19057576 L. ..:• r.sor I, We ,;,. 5 ,,,:inn vn t• my 1 takdlon slw flet- j1ado n n 0 5 CAN 1N2 9ATUM Mnu At. clb•t b a• aiNwwtra Pot• ry (905; 723 -OOT? 9 am 9316 5et•wtn 9pn t I pn N INVES-TIENT + 1 PIP-, I 972. t•N-dfaNirp•tapaAa 190514-- BfAUTIFW. bgM. pry$ WMITer I-Deaoat a.aaaM4 Navmtra19p51259.2 Yegai •pt. S' M70 ntaNf. S^we M/GYIq GE wihN/ --1 1972 COIWCA LT - 4 Ona ODfn Cptcfpl 1 DO&M • wtp 'hYflfaN� �•r�_-4 Snxrn Realty LM= SMIDUS unit baW00m. m 3tpa'al< CIII'a1Cf WairrQ Small to - "•m we Y $349 fora -lata Kenmwt .Mhf,;Oryn Evil-- nacnMCA otN riv.n.r Greg 1haM aood -mg Well O'numem wayMy Nett At.. SIM At teal- " ro ymulury no 7177 lu.urm,rf 'Wed USE of .N Pallowed Pan, UbkdWAN I'm, pMMlsion ApYwp S-•'9 .IAgmebc . i•.Mn $+awup Dryers on bit" $1 _OO goo a s Cal (905N3b54U AW 6Wr.,lshed patfKnnPontn CAN M•90542- 3909 W"inst " ow Capp D --MM apanMM „g, 84417•)- „p,xie Foy A Mu HWwogd 6 Hwy a 2 f1t5.000 Cab !90517{4{66) 1 "e""" S +9•up 426 sNNea St ' " Oyu 0. yap eR00KtM leaxim as I r cyan tin -S" p• g a.a Carl 90}619-0976 Laak 4 -ARpW000 FLOORmG 11112 C6aw•w Cwrr awn •Dpun r. SS is 'mo dus ,or. a•+:aae now 655- ep" IOfrfOra UAMs .4 CAW now hod. wahouldr r WESTORT401 SIx kG► Srw tie we�v swt "..r•wn w r V tat pw•Ti•n, lave .a. .rww...w .wit ria�wa.w W we IN OUR "Wt A )vm0ft 1w0 Sarvwg It" Ar•.. Rhe OWN m1 Dan, 31P.M�pTP S1UL tfuel b� aro A,,"& k, -"M" 1- W 19051 44111 la � l7,tOrer I.utJ• .'. 'ab t.h Gam Ol,ntwa I.ap SIwaO 'a"a 5p O."W YEA' ISO Cedar 5'1917 ell00elM Nm�,moYi,q tr WATERFRONT LOT P. - � n•r•w DLiFiKW FWWOOC a. arw 4 +' M poOO tai• IoM 117-57 T6 UNG n-0. nM hfa6m0a1- apan 3, fry loaded NANWp00/Mrlr. 2 on-- mak x Harr m4rr 1ba N s : 1 Amwmr4wwft •te ,....r r"«ww oar+ aw Saorwl arta Mua a:..,: 5Fw .-mtl orebatrc 35 Isles lam be s+M roan a•xmwm cep MD., %HO SAYS 'Napo Sgprm often CAN JpSr1'1th,iNItul slbrNwt En t a vet , have CPR ralttwoors. and be NMMOODSOFTWGOO Cop 5' ary $7500. IBM sto coni" AvataW .MW440- YOU t-AN!/rr :,la" an- $30 a■ 957- $32 I•"• 1'DY1 1i11e "l, nw'"s SRI iron vilo Can- 01,Ov a or P." :s h; '�.r.o0o 300 Sail Se'S cep 8gnr 4N rob.0 9% r ly Ftyllafpro pNs/irom yy 900 Imms S319!A (SM1931-0215 Plc..,' .. ;ni,wt•, ntde OaM4r 14161'726.9x5 or,- 6n- Ibrw. MhaMI anraY•r CbM to aY aw. AFFORD TO mrmNw 61154, %A �xonex bon• OWr Cal BIDS 65700 AM yrs oro rnsfm eN Lawry kc 420-t2M BLY A HOt SF-' r-hoMC*� „QST' �' .Mwy Oay4Wf 4A am Puaw TECwICMN ,vTUOk IISW { wararary CaN Doty AvaArpk b, 'wing rte.'s and CIE. O-W5}965,W74 N-705.271- lAN6f 2 x011k wrt t a Q'�.S' C, D S7.:Gnbmn scan wen Mage m w uaN a- .uns..::.l.,,n ,n A 32W (fro) suentio 5 apGiancK all JNw05) 571-^I75 pw•a{bNa Uanr1 mdua- lOYIMG _ .. ,.m< I,r 1 lntarhr F anwrrd ares 6 .f, Ako radon- amcnAles PKaerlry ata. (905) 571-6275 as 5 4VUR M. Nkt IBtpa ,�deDl QuI MOBIEMSou;.a cul caf tarn n MPUMt :Sri•,' :'p„o 0atos Ne Sar CAN 1111 PONTIAC BOONEVILLE Vsk" DEC IN $1 300 ar- ri.law fSiS/moiaeh M o� 9a 7i01�f mono:: ..ass good mrh- " ' hn'p a 90}421 7671 SSE IRA, v..drd auto ar, i InMMs an- Pm 1-80G-840-6275 wlww4ol Cad $9031171- rgraarraw•aMs an an- oat anludM Wu�M ^ardwxd poll c Obm9 Nater .m y� owd 9YAmg a ITS, 124- 4036 Every- accepted Ea -5 Han preutbd paMW- M•r12" me PtMOSSRANDFATNER Nip sok HA Elora Esn Mark Stapley N Gal awag an- nM eNN M ere tds UNb Adair Us-.um.�.. an all see- draw rw 71W yoaramNpM� 'Ymn1Y wF M sw haat -40-noon 9055763505 CPA hm Aid vale, Iain =tee .e .••, ' '+Ila u: rr:d,nm .+ugt wgtrr ,Bill 31.500 /3i- p�pssesvon co" OY1•IY .a�i,Mr +rJus,le a IaWYmO. Srltaatu WYN rtkwao 3W 46pm nMdayt a r MMraN wSgh o T4d4ww 2 ria Px:Mwq Go �'aw- a.•�` �•.t,m N new aro "W,Po- 1 5b � - MNYrW�F'kIMIt-W 190'51637-9600 'us war argaai Drabs nom Mart 6fi6 coupe welemod. '-W avaaaYN aAgyWy Ea L7/' r 1 •!OS -711-933! 1304 tadw000 IIom '""' • ' 401 aE . LGN 1FaENy • ii i sMNbM f'9S am up RaN b 0.72 1984 SUNMNO. ,93000km It, Donald. shipping W"IV. 90511}1372. MYCARE arw,aW m VhSa Ac:.e:,Te; Ji"5 a au rmou Da ltor 61 CREDIT NfMIR We to time orb malt N 3 2 WO cenrR good wt0 w pts nw out maswww fGnrNP•9ed I oq Seea4 .I:+pT Alp a Myd /Waal For pp SS:AG Ar curd '903rr251Z ala 50m nae -eat Guaranteed' 41b p,aMlatMr UocYs from as, -111.3; a 137;fi43-0130 Nwy an- Lautl MN ata 1 Brgam SNS an- W CA tfLEP PIA- now bit ratrcaslMk 12 Oaf xOR001I ASK �, • Ywrq Ice W Gpoo rata Can- 5.,433.1491 906 -W -d SI BowmarwAH 6 Oshawa hopit Available A SHORT TfRM twrayNa ; e1p,IB•••a Tawe 905-an-9Ug 905.697.9380 p,Etmpm 1 S60D'mmm W- luxury 2 MOroore con0o 6NWING OFFICE as ' PODor- L iAafi 8 and 9- Swt OAYCIRE AYaIABEE •wu ;v 1I"r wo:1,; %Ilan Ural piebald Lacers 1a Sale Cam 4 FOND TAU;WA G, M5)r Fru 6 IaI CaN VCR. "Inel I nobs Pont MN.lgll$ FOR MORTGAGES Pal Carte Ie ns e.per.e,vx •apes S: -x Fres $2000 905420ot,;i 4puor olpc pawn ar (1D7172}228g 9Wn 5pn N. wuM. I dpa wYM7 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL NuDOr mvu;)n:nent Huge 50 Com her" Ave . 6q. 129 000 -km S6 090 1989 exE •fOR00M MMwM seloxi ac $1,849 "Khl ty and 214 P 4 Mon - NAY aea CrM mats. .28-8521 WtbksWn wN- RENT TO OWN row arw a- OLDS CALAIS due 100000- (9051 6230079. (416) 111 acetals WKTrey7pNaNy Re- „ L-11110red AccliarlCK aw it. cert/emoublm $1500 aDarinMrrl , osn H Ootl, 7221 pEpn Sof Ip b 1'r. OAC utas' N tin.v o ages rcw ' . • fou urtaey Pub Both".~ COridMOn 905- PAo Y WNf Oshawa tar, a1 GNm BN 905 1lorgape fwy. 6.6-8719 BEANIE $MY Mage bet Cass aA~ 905.0:1168 a 66607 am ken $wonneak,�lpaablt warxmu • 1 { IaaWale Carts Donu"rp" f'2C Flallent rAMftOrh 1300-7965502 ECE -NW N Iwo has N••Ig 'm6.BR55 3 Pc ba0. tail luncooka S•eFOR00M nun floor N dryU,e riatabN Smote sed SHEOMAN Quality wooden kildrpi. +rrY tlwn atl M,wy 1bWe. dm b SdioOs an- IT LOCATION LOCATOR LG - South MORTGAGES -hood Md an- per tree EdiCaMrW and tun CENTRAL VACUUM cNarw slNas p k B ban W only WE FINAN rrE mbvatp_ D+rLrpO. H1Ht (in-, MYY1ap Ar16MH GTlpl 6eroea hon p91Y F'rwrc'"8 bar rap dIr' arnwties nwnboiW yuck, neavr out, -ocNan 5495 $739 Pws as matey an- EVERYONE wwwv 00No $650 1w tnmtmm,, for x9,6 aRW Omm Cama 600 $4 ft G- 0p �U appYCaeors acap- cv larbles Fenced gad. Dell - bo becnlc organ A-1 von aro noes avarMOle nawwh Can- (9051720-2207 p,a,pp gy g051g2.yS2i ke allow Oil 1 GII 434 - First time buy osNAWA cion maY f Nay se bootErock 1N vruy 905 $299 opo PrOlKama n- Nsp grapes an- aea, 761 iM7 a 6574132. I F 1263328 version aatrnse ode 5299 MdEay Pa Lim 3. Pickering 1 MMB OE MWodx fradr 0 0 0 905-637-00x8 For more too cam 905319- ars, bankrupt, paalNd spacroue 1-badoom bwe M.M, do.W IWaOA. UMTS. Park i eLrw QPHIEIICEO EARLY C,nue- 2093 S62g. 7-N�Woan S72g call all. sa ft. m cols, Plod. W a Macon 1 Aral- • 1 hoop Educator to provide PING POND Lade $LOG Catch bad efedll, nD mbrmYy clow 10 a amen- pry Yw MOM olna.a aro aI. reve. 1125 III, a Mel rKiaMy, ire n my lbme Fun 6 lowneal $10(L�each coffee SNOW TIAES 4 Yokohama credit. You Det OR fw. FM"W FPO WK $1250 dN ASM; GII (9051 579-5077. mor 5 $9 goeERNWAIT Fawsff lumuig acurnks Lurch { 6 em tales f4(Leacn rine Guaaa 600 Snow tires 215- work? You DHS 116707- a0k Der5em0a 150, IeMM. DM 19051571-3281 Grains an- blot KnormarM snots orb dad Reaswupk kitchen Lack i6S craft sup- 55-1416 argon D.0 raWa 1 ( ro pad. Coo tdrck a d MI- OFFICE $PACE M ran. M- b oaf and MeaM yow buy- rms IlN cood,Nry 1 905- pies 5400 reaamg Tons Season . new f6" Kw $400 drive. Lots of o$MAMM. 2 baaooM baeA- Cron= (906(655-M EaNan ca186aI. OM18M Si E, wMortam I.80DSLLS38E6. 426.74U 11sue St Udo 6 much mac (SKISI 27331 choice. Down or min Put% hadgo. sun, WMby', 400SfI. IOiEeaMM Ptd ., 1905H26-8774 B•1FMRODM WIwY, Mia NESS IRAMT - NEV CMM r `vrPnw•+. ww cr , o.. r all _='r�� M N«.tY•n.• a.y • p'aw"w .I' v1«aww sn.. Or au Pat W'G+.�"'.M1 O.r.•rrrrm.rS�'' tedcx- n-v«e Yw.iw an- ra.• r. wrw_ w t".,,.tI.r,t.an•w testa W wF�w. Mt P,rw Twr4 aM nwrt Iwr.4.Ar an rrwa awvo anrN r,I.rr.,weM� 4n- an _� an FIPERIEMCED NMOWOMN- PwEAAII fIMMF Trade be vNsaEr' b"e"ar• "M'F deMrn 2-SbMr. 2 or gA- AN adaave. row" 7 trustwomy it* AMc1rA TLME. BOXING WEEK SALES � GBM Meet { YM.. hoe wMtoa IseelleAl. nuf•naOM. CM 905-125 M Body 3 am 50 can. aw 1 �� w rMmy Ihorsaleeper bpm 1 1 EVENT row ont'r place required. netfreAaf !05.571- AvailabH NOaaMba 15M. 2642To 2B-6{66. 208 lAI 709' K F4vad 1 fY1M omum wm% entpayet b WW urger lar Bedrcorri. De, SPECIAL 0254.aAa6 f175t MMM IMw. fy spansdr Pkax tau Loa LFATNEN JACIIE72. W b 1/ ag Room Edenantwm Cel, ONE S Oahara . 1905)9e5-0146 W (106116F p190. all waw Fralb. I.M. 2 prise kaMr purses from fres or Mane Once Delon FINANCE x800 (ryO1 ��.M Frank 0.f.. , 6999. luppage Irom (1999, flovereer, 6 1999 And we red DEPARTMENT s6zyMo' wY10° ApE,O•e,iM 111 f1 (n6)ST6d111. I CAN MAMOIE TMwq. To, leather walles from $699 Day the -GST and PST- We ft Low. EW"�'�d9�qt 4•IEOReOM both Ensue INC. real tantrums am star Everyou Must Go' ;ami will also guarantee delivery SHERIDAN CHEM Mea Ia'•r►• Doc~ est. bcam ■ $$ Best r� 6 TMMIMMI AMM STARTING nIqq YOUN OWN IUSINESSI DMI remain sale Pan -rime. FW'- learner 5 PUnms Mao Odra' for Gumma.. Doug n an- Ice N5-786449 AawilNk WA"N gy. (acs) mewiw Yj{ n fr iEaws�d o C Al-�� �I�Y 'MI Sam ' Baby's Here? time. ayuecennps Rater- wa 905-725-9834 a snow 91 lbw Milt Qua* 12D2,57. wed =boo 074 nWld. AIM v take and rrxwarpn GI Dm- AJAX CXr7MET SWEEPS. SOIID OD IurmAure H Ce5 R501162 -M �_I l) diftrilrNor nMOp b $am J moa Trade" woggwwx- CANf FM IN Sol- • Gomix. PICIQMIAQ .ONE beaopw AOSOLYTEtT ,Lile1M1i1M8 11-018i-Ol p� 3 NtaMitlled mcKv" Low bea427-6281 00d, Oil eChimpney clK Pass ing 115 Mon- Pro Road. )-nbtoate NyM,3d and "Nod" So bUMM A30 SS•,paarcae Al 6 MMrSM bed. HMR Own E acre aP COSI 5q RarrRITrepairs 7�/���/ `! f Screens and caps. No muss 9P77 Perry BO -01212Call7 E.1 3 a. 1- lace { rMAA�Ala Saint to MRM *ON a5WMam Yoe NNINT am IT son- {r, IOWRIpMoMrRMLW�M. NO SMY4 7oi1 Ii /fa a few iTdnas. MS7011'S WIFE prowdag a- 686 luss -7i41F lean message 7p.mn MFEO { C{M7 f599 r6bMn IW an hMiM i► iMMO rM4YraY sW IOpd 1iq' 11R fA6.Om pB1tf 0Ny ani penM. f3m%H mowy COMM Sam ♦ Awmmo 766s0,0. b 1526see. wreW 511.5,. FOf Mrbade. Irving CIIrIs1ta11 Day TRFAOMIII. WgrN'Oc W down WanaRy { Foe M Cbw 10 al &vAmt N. at&. I AD M rMl. DM7 MMp RMI Iiwy xl 00 EW M. ObclNn: 1-0M-1'15- Gore m Mr tbme BeauulW AMGEI LAPTOP Pemrum tumbled an- lrlelyCE, type cAaigas Bag peal aey. (9 05)5 31-5185 wm. a5 p foods. CMMIbS MM NMI EaOM 1.5pp.gli- ?533. Norrie with tensed W Yana 166MMx. 121 Active Wti t. exercise bee. SkppAr, iron $199 Rom Call 41 PCS - Spado , 2 pad- BaIYAr ROAN NMI Esm P 3339 . uKdrg wv-V CNWW va- Speen 32 MB RAM. 333 ms. an- eeippical. x2.9712. KPS fax Modem. 20X CO wtq Iroom be~ Pill raNx, apdwwN $7996 W 1905172i•84t4 U.S.amp&1 �� yaA �fA E10YLe k1 rte 1103 Creative educational (9i5N20-3179 •��� Rom 1. GIG ND. (1000 oDo. S5OO FIO0 Do n Cao Us pity awns. music. readry ,lex 905319-2061 $195/ up h E0 FMLDGQ wor"oOJ Apps Muss r7e Lew 5"• AJAX 5oN9 I'uw- vEf - 0*- i�yju Pickering News tapape Fran 19531656.1521pooft ,Airy Nutnrbus IwU AMNOu11CMG NEW lower es 1 5J1 raorhrv." talo- COrYDq MI App intory Ac- ImmSn icto 3 )-drill. rbihi. yalso ' FOMiOnNs. a-iii„45t- Mucks $/pan -i amiable fSfNNp n ,1257 up, racorwitbrie0 cepted DO nvanto ryy Vela- PICI(a1118 1 DBT000m wed- ly N0514D606U2 3639 Md x0. $16Www awe Advertiser Necmpts Whises RO 75Mp- Only S249 l afteUmpriesn or dryers $1251 up. rKo lb Iles $2500 an- up CExmae triton. Na 5. $?Owmm n. an- main fI00f a 1/. T-foM. KMI. teax for 312 49 marl bo ed "asmm $199 / up. row AIM Mkt, 2M oaROEe fl. I ��� OMMOe� Bao tag Bane (9051 42O- ,1001. 2 mrNAN b G0, wilt• APDh-. fidfryy, 6►:hl' ped an- recondtiaHd can opo- W.. WOMy. ON. BM) IFI• AlW' ' No peWSmokilg • YWNEYV r• 1146 Programming from $895 aged trillions and pryers a MT7 rq �) OIIRIIAM'f Oefe 011TI10. rnanmYy l4 years ei0erienu bw pr¢es New ban- rums _ esus'--' Av{li. Nov. 15 TMG 6 FOR &NM I CA 805.60.1-1tto. aW wO to. /ICMERIMG Mato / Ralo: 1905NSS366+ UidgK $480 an- wi. rcw 70' - - PICMM NEW. spew 1 Firstilast• ref. RENT - 1100 se h. track km Cori a p ,,m MIadw. of an race" • ANTIQUE Ian Gm ahM. 'Ir won dict aw rrwonr I Dedroan basemen- apoMWM � • W%Mlkl. door. Drlr MCAN hrGwse odw WSQU an- F�.E, Bsby's tlAn Gih P•C, lovNp aycue tB morns to "Or condnKb 922 EL. 6430 Rwm*, "2C rano- $29mo wxk4n wowry { n CIgN b 401. Ow. MM a now fftw a 12 Years Daly Owings AURA STOVE WORKS. ekconc es a d 24. 1rgs1 era IrldI N caw MAilAotiiq. Aval •B•�'&I Worm tont, sssrr, f29... Apaotwly FNEE1 pursed backyard also park) ad fashioned wood burning now avaiade '01w, 1. sekcba I Dat Cal 905337.93.2 a lowsm xu - 4 bodmm LOA lot WA. CMM story time muMc. nu- stove 7 rs ow excellent d Other new and mond- ( 416.5669012. MIM a1 $cern-, 5 AWL ft= LaE�a'1♦ '�� embus meas { Snacks First comnbn $42170 Serous n- tared 410uroes cam us 10- Pwtatp. 1•IAOroom bat- Rry. 401. SIOOWMo.. anal NEWEW PSTI MC An - Aid only 1905)623-0209 day Slephensons Apdiab- $ACEI LIMITED AW. CPR tended Non- mere apamlaA. Lame Ind, able now. FWJWWONWM. Is Saes. Save. Parts. 154 roan wMI sEwu { Iau12i. 90562}7185. NEEDED ASAP. 500 Pw ,was. End BH OnCM rMltn. smoking receipts 905-428- ANTIQUE TURN URI, 2 be0 Bruce St Osnawa19O51 576- soom Na 01 actor= $2.9Wmin, •15.'24 has 1- 1244 room { 11mng room. aslgner 7448 we0 she www ourtuni- pldnM, eAM•eOimaNled. lawn- prIpp rndlNtrfa !prop. waW - .. .. SOUTH AJAX, ECE wet Iadin clothing 4 - 12. will mal comsfephemors dry hcMities f100ympndi. CWNTICE. }pbglpptp nook -Ip � �- 9oD451-3793. Pip peck manreu ppeerrson upp Fh IMiptiMwMM AvaB• h%M, MNw win- erMwk ,. W r.tM r rale wain nununnp enmpn y1 excellent catdrsion i905i GARAGE Odor repay boten a Novempr 200 Cal Nth, Mab floes will Y an- ••"r'- IiDbl'SAt/i5Y mini Buses Ic SI Bema. no- 1511 spnrys Cablesrotors. open- (905)•20.2002Ian9y roan. ar pflmYalAd. 1 ULAKATKW Doty Mafsage. deal ria Parks -de E.cen- as installed Tweups. $1995 PICKERING. basement apt. f120otmORM. Phone of Bay Rad Sow)-. 6 IS 4 ' M1R0. references IrlepuUr APPLIANCES. ran rarer 2 416'736.0073Nov d BirNl Cal (9D5)-426 4555 1296 apolla0le 19051427- door Irmt tree deluxe stove. 1 ArWAN :11 .1 Law5igl no �� 490507 -Ml aft Spent pp6 LMW b NWUq fw appwmrNnt -- N, � matching heavy duty washer I Des Pa"un0 wwwrii person am color Iv, ptWaa, hot to QUITE Nrad ted clip. 1 BuWwa b { dryer $675 all . will septi oro F,myW $Zlmt en- YAW FLOOR. OSHAWA 2- tub. Marty .0.*. Grain Ice tate Also Kenmore washer ANTIOUESIFAEt41WIPI Ad- ,torte (905027-0072 after bedroom. 5 appaincN, aN a cowary C) -nor SW" tried en- PWO pa$onah. 'A used Z yeah 5250 Pbkarg wee away, valuable usually Spm reNdays 6 au days colldtraied, f9/6tmm1)- MI• Snow nbbawe e Indent an- sit, roes. tad ; dl�rNt n-4 with MFOMT Typist mil Twine Smkvds- i Bboicokr typing requirements. 416-822-9369 tree' Purchasing ouogn. N- dWKip WlirNs CFOk eonj - - Ou w { return Peoern WY ITEMS woe crib with -IN W.- .moue cora- PICSEAIMG. luxury Tr I- Mori-Smo*m, M pes AraF M"Mw 1300359-9115 Awa Emnu,s ,dew's sou• - -! rlum area Famlbar m mattress $165 Asst knew Bills. Iro bion to caw con- pedrown apartment. 4 ap. Aft December 1n- CAN �}a III y"S' (bY (Ypet!) Wha'I I' y M30 Terminology 905- vinous prJs 6554759SIX siaredl toxecuons dl any / AapMaOln diaron. art dos Ihtness, 19051665-36x - .�t ��� and WMm RnMr berg- Your Bab /39'311155 1611}'� _-_- , pool wksi0 $109vpwMr duction (416) 1173.702 Y • Here Gilt Cenlficaoe is sed. ouanutes or ytoyt tri- ��� rN7u0es w es Acala redcemabl4a: Durham fIECW1Tr GUARD Company BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND ring Epw Gens Spa.W owe,NI in hmmMaep (9051683-9429 OSHAWA 2 IEORDW. 2 ATTENTION 9NON9M05: A 462 Polon $1 ,Pon Pharmacy �pk for worm shacea damom wan t t try l0 re- A A A AUTO- Urs triols, s1aM. ober won-aMchAd Perfect family v"xin homy • : 1 '�M /a00 g pander Wguedes m each ode FNy Moacroh potkry I'u boas We pay up b 51o0oo RETIRED - Owe Dwld n n CLWwMu Rondo 3 DAO- Vow Baby's Fevre GI(I Cmificae is Woup opportumy Carne Pll dynbM t 15 5 14K spaw to ail nil M7use Simcoe SIJ401 aN Y mown Securril Agency Inc ws9nt psB owrNs Nobe,+ Cash On ON spur My cond- Oshawa. mature tenons. Store 1 uWuad Awl- town low, dow, poo W. LINE DAlIC1N6 - 1- Ied•'eI^•Rk a yWf local Guardun Oyu Smit 1W9 KrguOn Rd Sone 210 As" $2 5(x1 AD 'rice Bowen Mhoues� Brol t1on, cent yea Car us any. centra loeaion2 { 3 W"s n-9° n. IAmn court. por1A. BBQ, rys B paDen { receipts included Omano (905)655'5049 or urn-. 21 hours 7 yYyss 3i room apolnNms avaMMe •d• 'mmo*lM y $nShM . private yao. cbw 10 wadn 10 B m AM IAvek f6.d BaoKs- 29 T«rNNo St. Uxbridge Pickering CE OnI 11V 185 rib Pkax comet KaM 190512420890 inn Wvra 905.6e65727 a Janpry tsl Fleclnc Ilea wI" 69136300 and gdlrrg AnAdw now Mw Mrs at 7 Pickering Lerp, •e.W.Hit, .. wp.rit, •tMewn a19r1npr, Apwan, Ilb,e rats pkaxl (905H30-36614 W54210581 Wa)-a r no Hoa lei 'len b Ga aYo { ISM MYh SI. Wein of Mock prye AAppYY MArKwww, IMwntltnw Yix (9m) 5T17016 Vip1p• 1905133759 M f a I a' 7'Lr, Mien u,r„ , rn•^dt, :. MI, am lw 5519 nha RncsWdrGadtn arta ,`a '....!,N, In, 11udM a KASMKWAUMACK Loan s r. • r filled I Flrewppp ♦.: S. Jh B,rn Prr .".,IMO 'FQ wr m ., tealee •u2BOp Yms 31500 Cam CENTRAL OMwa. a,ge 2 S150rr.M n weeknn, mock 19051666-801 ,� •..ig prn,esa4n.r b ynW out fmslNN rad 'f acre iuwlw.l arlmnwq i1. ft YM Qr� .trq CAA OpKp (905164F S. a Slrfm M 376302] Mayon gain -his a Oak Ovrred A.MES --tram• 1, x E,u,. soon :vice ukur M'RUSAS'•_ AFF TI F FC Or A: '+v A.::' •'t A' , 9EW000 6 1�1 in •ee ram ".3 buftm WNY rnni "Aim 'Nil <ap pwrn war -,von home 10 ked onto tv 1905N26 -26.i7 kW 15 m bonne Fbtl nhry aro f29901 roan $29750 L. ..:• r.sor I, We ,;,. 5 ,,,:inn vn t• my r..n T Iwai uww,r, "•o- w„pi; a,,rameea <.:.a arg W010 FOUVWIIT . )Tx. 1N2 9ATUM Mnu At. clb•t b a• aiNwwtra Pot• ry (905; 723 -OOT? 9 am rpt Itinan" Cal Dan- "" WHITBY GWdWVIe ares Pa arwn 2 b O'Am Ftom hw„e Non srrrpYer Ret Role runt, MOOrkd Ew a DA-�1)N JVC N. •m: '1NBf 148 it- ,wrm aapL pa b0 Sain A" RNMA. Sm:mps to 401 ho a 613-5419629 ARMrapafo Martdav Fn- w, a 30 a m 570 p m Spot Mores mrawemw hit de•vfrY 905-'51-2246 0191. Facial •. umrq; rf- emverf muntpt-W dors tin Cpw,Iim. $A ADD CM 9053'2-06% CL"EMOr1. ugry ioh Samm1 lyyry (1987) Ltd F9p5) 6Y-3100 a $9051 666 unt..shed recta awaAfOk Im.Nga4Y f35plabasi w- W[Asrtf ITT .ar hMiq 000 am Fricri Sun Jaar *MOM MSOR OacY 5 "W small a tr ]1 aiMnmr,i, aw oeaoan ffp 9600 ]711 dhwwa rel 19DSif•5-6626 1oi m w.imol GM Crow urea, S60 DSO race Walter an 3rd 19051619.31W USMUTt1T Tik BEST 1D0 4-1, easmfd U,owi fpaken St 0000 OM wbo racfwa, muff "*m futlr $��. 191. ..row Pox 1 d1. orale e,ratu. parry. ow Syat 1 brown ,b PWF 1 FkaMa 1 9a/M FWW Royal LtieEgf iralY tie we�v swt "..r•wn w r V tat pw•Ti•n, lave .a. .rww...w .wit ria�wa.w W we IN OUR "Wt A )vm0ft 1w0 Sarvwg It" Ar•.. Rhe OWN m1 Dan, 31P.M�pTP S1UL tfuel b� aro A,,"& k, -"M" 1- W 19051 44111 la � l7,tOrer I.utJ• .'. 'ab t.h Gam Ol,ntwa I.ap SIwaO 'a"a 5p O."W YEA' ISO Cedar 5'1917 ell00elM Nm�,moYi,q tr WATERFRONT LOT P. - � n•r•w DLiFiKW FWWOOC a. arw 4 +' M poOO tai• IoM 117-57 T6 UNG n-0. nM hfa6m0a1- apan 3, fry loaded NANWp00/Mrlr. 2 on-- mak x Harr m4rr 1ba N s : 1 Amwmr4wwft •te ,....r r"«ww oar+ aw Saorwl arta Mua a:..,: 5Fw .-mtl orebatrc 35 Isles lam be s+M roan a•xmwm cep MD., %HO SAYS 'Napo Sgprm often CAN JpSr1'1th,iNItul slbrNwt En t a vet , have CPR ralttwoors. and be NMMOODSOFTWGOO Cop 5' ary $7500. IBM sto coni" AvataW .MW440- YOU t-AN!/rr :,la" an- $30 a■ 957- $32 I•"• 1'DY1 1i11e "l, nw'"s SRI iron vilo Can- 01,Ov a or P." :s h; '�.r.o0o 300 Sail Se'S cep 8gnr 4N rob.0 9% r ly Ftyllafpro pNs/irom yy 900 Imms S319!A (SM1931-0215 Plc..,' .. ;ni,wt•, ntde OaM4r 14161'726.9x5 or,- 6n- Ibrw. MhaMI anraY•r CbM to aY aw. AFFORD TO mrmNw 61154, %A �xonex bon• OWr Cal BIDS 65700 AM yrs oro rnsfm eN Lawry kc 420-t2M BLY A HOt SF-' r-hoMC*� „QST' �' .Mwy Oay4Wf 4A am Puaw TECwICMN ,vTUOk IISW { wararary CaN Doty AvaArpk b, 'wing rte.'s and CIE. O-W5}965,W74 N-705.271- lAN6f 2 x011k wrt t a Q'�.S' C, D S7.:Gnbmn scan wen Mage m w uaN a- .uns..::.l.,,n ,n A 32W (fro) suentio 5 apGiancK all JNw05) 571-^I75 pw•a{bNa Uanr1 mdua- lOYIMG _ .. ,.m< I,r 1 lntarhr F anwrrd ares 6 .f, Ako radon- amcnAles PKaerlry ata. (905) 571-6275 as 5 4VUR M. Nkt IBtpa ,�deDl QuI MOBIEMSou;.a cul caf tarn n MPUMt :Sri•,' :'p„o 0atos Ne Sar CAN 1111 PONTIAC BOONEVILLE Vsk" DEC IN $1 300 ar- ri.law fSiS/moiaeh M o� 9a 7i01�f mono:: ..ass good mrh- " ' hn'p a 90}421 7671 SSE IRA, v..drd auto ar, i InMMs an- Pm 1-80G-840-6275 wlww4ol Cad $9031171- rgraarraw•aMs an an- oat anludM Wu�M ^ardwxd poll c Obm9 Nater .m y� owd 9YAmg a ITS, 124- 4036 Every- accepted Ea -5 Han preutbd paMW- M•r12" me PtMOSSRANDFATNER Nip sok HA Elora Esn Mark Stapley N Gal awag an- nM eNN M ere tds UNb Adair Us-.um.�.. an all see- draw rw 71W yoaramNpM� 'Ymn1Y wF M sw haat -40-noon 9055763505 CPA hm Aid vale, Iain =tee .e .••, ' '+Ila u: rr:d,nm .+ugt wgtrr ,Bill 31.500 /3i- p�pssesvon co" OY1•IY .a�i,Mr +rJus,le a IaWYmO. Srltaatu WYN rtkwao 3W 46pm nMdayt a r MMraN wSgh o T4d4ww 2 ria Px:Mwq Go �'aw- a.•�` �•.t,m N new aro "W,Po- 1 5b � - MNYrW�F'kIMIt-W 190'51637-9600 'us war argaai Drabs nom Mart 6fi6 coupe welemod. '-W avaaaYN aAgyWy Ea L7/' r 1 •!OS -711-933! 1304 tadw000 IIom '""' • ' 401 aE . LGN 1FaENy • ii i sMNbM f'9S am up RaN b 0.72 1984 SUNMNO. ,93000km It, Donald. shipping W"IV. 90511}1372. MYCARE arw,aW m VhSa Ac:.e:,Te; Ji"5 a au rmou Da ltor 61 CREDIT NfMIR We to time orb malt N 3 2 WO cenrR good wt0 w pts nw out maswww fGnrNP•9ed I oq Seea4 .I:+pT Alp a Myd /Waal For pp SS:AG Ar curd '903rr251Z ala 50m nae -eat Guaranteed' 41b p,aMlatMr UocYs from as, -111.3; a 137;fi43-0130 Nwy an- Lautl MN ata 1 Brgam SNS an- W CA tfLEP PIA- now bit ratrcaslMk 12 Oaf xOR001I ASK �, • Ywrq Ice W Gpoo rata Can- 5.,433.1491 906 -W -d SI BowmarwAH 6 Oshawa hopit Available A SHORT TfRM twrayNa ; e1p,IB•••a Tawe 905-an-9Ug 905.697.9380 p,Etmpm 1 S60D'mmm W- luxury 2 MOroore con0o 6NWING OFFICE as ' PODor- L iAafi 8 and 9- Swt OAYCIRE AYaIABEE •wu ;v 1I"r wo:1,; %Ilan Ural piebald Lacers 1a Sale Cam 4 FOND TAU;WA G, M5)r Fru 6 IaI CaN VCR. "Inel I nobs Pont MN.lgll$ FOR MORTGAGES Pal Carte Ie ns e.per.e,vx •apes S: -x Fres $2000 905420ot,;i 4puor olpc pawn ar (1D7172}228g 9Wn 5pn N. wuM. I dpa wYM7 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL NuDOr mvu;)n:nent Huge 50 Com her" Ave . 6q. 129 000 -km S6 090 1989 exE •fOR00M MMwM seloxi ac $1,849 "Khl ty and 214 P 4 Mon - NAY aea CrM mats. .28-8521 WtbksWn wN- RENT TO OWN row arw a- OLDS CALAIS due 100000- (9051 6230079. (416) 111 acetals WKTrey7pNaNy Re- „ L-11110red AccliarlCK aw it. cert/emoublm $1500 aDarinMrrl , osn H Ootl, 7221 pEpn Sof Ip b 1'r. OAC utas' N tin.v o ages rcw ' . • fou urtaey Pub Both".~ COridMOn 905- PAo Y WNf Oshawa tar, a1 GNm BN 905 1lorgape fwy. 6.6-8719 BEANIE $MY Mage bet Cass aA~ 905.0:1168 a 66607 am ken $wonneak,�lpaablt warxmu • 1 { IaaWale Carts Donu"rp" f'2C Flallent rAMftOrh 1300-7965502 ECE -NW N Iwo has N••Ig 'm6.BR55 3 Pc ba0. tail luncooka S•eFOR00M nun floor N dryU,e riatabN Smote sed SHEOMAN Quality wooden kildrpi. +rrY tlwn atl M,wy 1bWe. dm b SdioOs an- IT LOCATION LOCATOR LG - South MORTGAGES -hood Md an- per tree EdiCaMrW and tun CENTRAL VACUUM cNarw slNas p k B ban W only WE FINAN rrE mbvatp_ D+rLrpO. H1Ht (in-, MYY1ap Ar16MH GTlpl 6eroea hon p91Y F'rwrc'"8 bar rap dIr' arnwties nwnboiW yuck, neavr out, -ocNan 5495 $739 Pws as matey an- EVERYONE wwwv 00No $650 1w tnmtmm,, for x9,6 aRW Omm Cama 600 $4 ft G- 0p �U appYCaeors acap- cv larbles Fenced gad. Dell - bo becnlc organ A-1 von aro noes avarMOle nawwh Can- (9051720-2207 p,a,pp gy g051g2.yS2i ke allow Oil 1 GII 434 - First time buy osNAWA cion maY f Nay se bootErock 1N vruy 905 $299 opo PrOlKama n- Nsp grapes an- aea, 761 iM7 a 6574132. I F 1263328 version aatrnse ode 5299 MdEay Pa Lim 3. Pickering 1 MMB OE MWodx fradr 0 0 0 905-637-00x8 For more too cam 905319- ars, bankrupt, paalNd spacroue 1-badoom bwe M.M, do.W IWaOA. UMTS. Park i eLrw QPHIEIICEO EARLY C,nue- 2093 S62g. 7-N�Woan S72g call all. sa ft. m cols, Plod. W a Macon 1 Aral- • 1 hoop Educator to provide PING POND Lade $LOG Catch bad efedll, nD mbrmYy clow 10 a amen- pry Yw MOM olna.a aro aI. reve. 1125 III, a Mel rKiaMy, ire n my lbme Fun 6 lowneal $10(L�each coffee SNOW TIAES 4 Yokohama credit. You Det OR fw. FM"W FPO WK $1250 dN ASM; GII (9051 579-5077. mor 5 $9 goeERNWAIT Fawsff lumuig acurnks Lurch { 6 em tales f4(Leacn rine Guaaa 600 Snow tires 215- work? You DHS 116707- a0k Der5em0a 150, IeMM. DM 19051571-3281 Grains an- blot KnormarM snots orb dad Reaswupk kitchen Lack i6S craft sup- 55-1416 argon D.0 raWa 1 ( ro pad. Coo tdrck a d MI- OFFICE $PACE M ran. M- b oaf and MeaM yow buy- rms IlN cood,Nry 1 905- pies 5400 reaamg Tons Season . new f6" Kw $400 drive. Lots of o$MAMM. 2 baaooM baeA- Cron= (906(655-M EaNan ca186aI. OM18M Si E, wMortam I.80DSLLS38E6. 426.74U 11sue St Udo 6 much mac (SKISI 27331 choice. Down or min Put% hadgo. sun, WMby', 400SfI. IOiEeaMM Ptd ., 1905H26-8774 B•1FMRODM WIwY, Mia NESS IRAMT - NEV CMM r `vrPnw•+. ww cr , o.. r all _='r�� M N«.tY•n.• a.y • p'aw"w .I' v1«aww sn.. Or au Pat W'G+.�"'.M1 O.r.•rrrrm.rS�'' tedcx- n-v«e Yw.iw an- ra.• r. wrw_ w t".,,.tI.r,t.an•w testa W wF�w. Mt P,rw Twr4 aM nwrt Iwr.4.Ar an rrwa awvo anrN r,I.rr.,weM� 4n- an _� an FIPERIEMCED NMOWOMN- PwEAAII fIMMF Trade be vNsaEr' b"e"ar• "M'F deMrn 2-SbMr. 2 or gA- AN adaave. row" 7 trustwomy it* AMc1rA TLME. BOXING WEEK SALES � GBM Meet { YM.. hoe wMtoa IseelleAl. nuf•naOM. CM 905-125 M Body 3 am 50 can. aw 1 �� w rMmy Ihorsaleeper bpm 1 1 EVENT row ont'r place required. netfreAaf !05.571- AvailabH NOaaMba 15M. 2642To 2B-6{66. 208 lAI 709' K F4vad 1 fY1M omum wm% entpayet b WW urger lar Bedrcorri. De, SPECIAL 0254.aAa6 f175t MMM IMw. fy spansdr Pkax tau Loa LFATNEN JACIIE72. W b 1/ ag Room Edenantwm Cel, ONE S Oahara . 1905)9e5-0146 W (106116F p190. all waw Fralb. I.M. 2 prise kaMr purses from fres or Mane Once Delon FINANCE x800 (ryO1 ��.M Frank 0.f.. , 6999. luppage Irom (1999, flovereer, 6 1999 And we red DEPARTMENT s6zyMo' wY10° ApE,O•e,iM 111 f1 (n6)ST6d111. I CAN MAMOIE TMwq. To, leather walles from $699 Day the -GST and PST- We ft Low. EW"�'�d9�qt 4•IEOReOM both Ensue INC. real tantrums am star Everyou Must Go' ;ami will also guarantee delivery SHERIDAN CHEM Mea Ia'•r►• Doc~ est. bcam ■ $$ Best r� 6 TMMIMMI AMM STARTING nIqq YOUN OWN IUSINESSI DMI remain sale Pan -rime. FW'- learner 5 PUnms Mao Odra' for Gumma.. Doug n an- Ice N5-786449 AawilNk WA"N gy. (acs) mewiw Yj{ n fr iEaws�d o C Al-�� �I�Y 'MI Sam ' Baby's Here? time. ayuecennps Rater- wa 905-725-9834 a snow 91 lbw Milt Qua* 12D2,57. wed =boo 074 nWld. AIM v take and rrxwarpn GI Dm- AJAX CXr7MET SWEEPS. SOIID OD IurmAure H Ce5 R501162 -M �_I l) diftrilrNor nMOp b $am J moa Trade" woggwwx- CANf FM IN Sol- • Gomix. PICIQMIAQ .ONE beaopw AOSOLYTEtT ,Lile1M1i1M8 11-018i-Ol p� 3 NtaMitlled mcKv" Low bea427-6281 00d, Oil eChimpney clK Pass ing 115 Mon- Pro Road. )-nbtoate NyM,3d and "Nod" So bUMM A30 SS•,paarcae Al 6 MMrSM bed. HMR Own E acre aP COSI 5q RarrRITrepairs 7�/���/ `! f Screens and caps. No muss 9P77 Perry BO -01212Call7 E.1 3 a. 1- lace { rMAA�Ala Saint to MRM *ON a5WMam Yoe NNINT am IT son- {r, IOWRIpMoMrRMLW�M. NO SMY4 7oi1 Ii /fa a few iTdnas. MS7011'S WIFE prowdag a- 686 luss -7i41F lean message 7p.mn MFEO { C{M7 f599 r6bMn IW an hMiM i► iMMO rM4YraY sW IOpd 1iq' 11R fA6.Om pB1tf 0Ny ani penM. f3m%H mowy COMM Sam ♦ Awmmo 766s0,0. b 1526see. wreW 511.5,. FOf Mrbade. Irving CIIrIs1ta11 Day TRFAOMIII. WgrN'Oc W down WanaRy { Foe M Cbw 10 al &vAmt N. at&. I AD M rMl. DM7 MMp RMI Iiwy xl 00 EW M. ObclNn: 1-0M-1'15- Gore m Mr tbme BeauulW AMGEI LAPTOP Pemrum tumbled an- lrlelyCE, type cAaigas Bag peal aey. (9 05)5 31-5185 wm. a5 p foods. CMMIbS MM NMI EaOM 1.5pp.gli- ?533. Norrie with tensed W Yana 166MMx. 121 Active Wti t. exercise bee. SkppAr, iron $199 Rom Call 41 PCS - Spado , 2 pad- BaIYAr ROAN NMI Esm P 3339 . uKdrg wv-V CNWW va- Speen 32 MB RAM. 333 ms. an- eeippical. x2.9712. KPS fax Modem. 20X CO wtq Iroom be~ Pill raNx, apdwwN $7996 W 1905172i•84t4 U.S.amp&1 �� yaA �fA E10YLe k1 rte 1103 Creative educational (9i5N20-3179 •��� Rom 1. GIG ND. (1000 oDo. S5OO FIO0 Do n Cao Us pity awns. music. readry ,lex 905319-2061 $195/ up h E0 FMLDGQ wor"oOJ Apps Muss r7e Lew 5"• AJAX 5oN9 I'uw- vEf - 0*- i�yju Pickering News tapape Fran 19531656.1521pooft ,Airy Nutnrbus IwU AMNOu11CMG NEW lower es 1 5J1 raorhrv." talo- COrYDq MI App intory Ac- ImmSn icto 3 )-drill. rbihi. yalso ' FOMiOnNs. a-iii„45t- Mucks $/pan -i amiable fSfNNp n ,1257 up, racorwitbrie0 cepted DO nvanto ryy Vela- PICI(a1118 1 DBT000m wed- ly N0514D606U2 3639 Md x0. $16Www awe Advertiser Necmpts Whises RO 75Mp- Only S249 l afteUmpriesn or dryers $1251 up. rKo lb Iles $2500 an- up CExmae triton. Na 5. $?Owmm n. an- main fI00f a 1/. T-foM. KMI. teax for 312 49 marl bo ed "asmm $199 / up. row AIM Mkt, 2M oaROEe fl. I ��� OMMOe� Bao tag Bane (9051 42O- ,1001. 2 mrNAN b G0, wilt• APDh-. fidfryy, 6►:hl' ped an- recondtiaHd can opo- W.. WOMy. ON. BM) IFI• AlW' ' No peWSmokilg • YWNEYV r• 1146 Programming from $895 aged trillions and pryers a MT7 rq �) OIIRIIAM'f Oefe 011TI10. rnanmYy l4 years ei0erienu bw pr¢es New ban- rums _ esus'--' Av{li. Nov. 15 TMG 6 FOR &NM I CA 805.60.1-1tto. aW wO to. /ICMERIMG Mato / Ralo: 1905NSS366+ UidgK $480 an- wi. rcw 70' - - PICMM NEW. spew 1 Firstilast• ref. RENT - 1100 se h. track km Cori a p ,,m MIadw. of an race" • ANTIQUE Ian Gm ahM. 'Ir won dict aw rrwonr I Dedroan basemen- apoMWM � • W%Mlkl. door. Drlr MCAN hrGwse odw WSQU an- F�.E, Bsby's tlAn Gih P•C, lovNp aycue tB morns to "Or condnKb 922 EL. 6430 Rwm*, "2C rano- $29mo wxk4n wowry { n CIgN b 401. Ow. MM a now fftw a 12 Years Daly Owings AURA STOVE WORKS. ekconc es a d 24. 1rgs1 era IrldI N caw MAilAotiiq. Aval •B•�'&I Worm tont, sssrr, f29... Apaotwly FNEE1 pursed backyard also park) ad fashioned wood burning now avaiade '01w, 1. sekcba I Dat Cal 905337.93.2 a lowsm xu - 4 bodmm LOA lot WA. CMM story time muMc. nu- stove 7 rs ow excellent d Other new and mond- ( 416.5669012. MIM a1 $cern-, 5 AWL ft= LaE�a'1♦ '�� embus meas { Snacks First comnbn $42170 Serous n- tared 410uroes cam us 10- Pwtatp. 1•IAOroom bat- Rry. 401. SIOOWMo.. anal NEWEW PSTI MC An - Aid only 1905)623-0209 day Slephensons Apdiab- $ACEI LIMITED AW. CPR tended Non- mere apamlaA. Lame Ind, able now. FWJWWONWM. Is Saes. Save. Parts. 154 roan wMI sEwu { Iau12i. 90562}7185. NEEDED ASAP. 500 Pw ,was. End BH OnCM rMltn. smoking receipts 905-428- ANTIQUE TURN URI, 2 be0 Bruce St Osnawa19O51 576- soom Na 01 actor= $2.9Wmin, •15.'24 has 1- 1244 room { 11mng room. aslgner 7448 we0 she www ourtuni- pldnM, eAM•eOimaNled. lawn- prIpp rndlNtrfa !prop. waW - .. .. SOUTH AJAX, ECE wet Iadin clothing 4 - 12. will mal comsfephemors dry hcMities f100ympndi. CWNTICE. }pbglpptp nook -Ip � �- 9oD451-3793. Pip peck manreu ppeerrson upp Fh IMiptiMwMM AvaB• h%M, MNw win- erMwk ,. W r.tM r rale wain nununnp enmpn y1 excellent catdrsion i905i GARAGE Odor repay boten a Novempr 200 Cal Nth, Mab floes will Y an- ••"r'- IiDbl'SAt/i5Y mini Buses Ic SI Bema. no- 1511 spnrys Cablesrotors. open- (905)•20.2002Ian9y roan. ar pflmYalAd. 1 ULAKATKW Doty Mafsage. deal ria Parks -de E.cen- as installed Tweups. $1995 PICKERING. basement apt. f120otmORM. Phone of Bay Rad Sow)-. 6 IS 4 ' M1R0. references IrlepuUr APPLIANCES. ran rarer 2 416'736.0073Nov d BirNl Cal (9D5)-426 4555 1296 apolla0le 19051427- door Irmt tree deluxe stove. 1 ArWAN :11 .1 Law5igl no �� 490507 -Ml aft Spent pp6 LMW b NWUq fw appwmrNnt -- N, � matching heavy duty washer I Des Pa"un0 wwwrii person am color Iv, ptWaa, hot to QUITE Nrad ted clip. 1 BuWwa b { dryer $675 all . will septi oro F,myW $Zlmt en- YAW FLOOR. OSHAWA 2- tub. Marty .0.*. Grain Ice tate Also Kenmore washer ANTIOUESIFAEt41WIPI Ad- ,torte (905027-0072 after bedroom. 5 appaincN, aN a cowary C) -nor SW" tried en- PWO pa$onah. 'A used Z yeah 5250 Pbkarg wee away, valuable usually Spm reNdays 6 au days colldtraied, f9/6tmm1)- MI• Snow nbbawe e Indent an- sit, roes. tad ; dl�rNt n-4 with MFOMT Typist mil Twine Smkvds- i Bboicokr typing requirements. 416-822-9369 tree' Purchasing ouogn. N- dWKip WlirNs CFOk eonj - - Ou w { return Peoern WY ITEMS woe crib with -IN W.- .moue cora- PICSEAIMG. luxury Tr I- Mori-Smo*m, M pes AraF M"Mw 1300359-9115 Awa Emnu,s ,dew's sou• - -! rlum area Famlbar m mattress $165 Asst knew Bills. Iro bion to caw con- pedrown apartment. 4 ap. Aft December 1n- CAN �}a III y"S' (bY (Ypet!) Wha'I I' y M30 Terminology 905- vinous prJs 6554759SIX siaredl toxecuons dl any / AapMaOln diaron. art dos Ihtness, 19051665-36x - .�t ��� and WMm RnMr berg- Your Bab /39'311155 1611}'� _-_- , pool wksi0 $109vpwMr duction (416) 1173.702 Y • Here Gilt Cenlficaoe is sed. ouanutes or ytoyt tri- ��� rN7u0es w es Acala redcemabl4a: Durham fIECW1Tr GUARD Company BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND ring Epw Gens Spa.W owe,NI in hmmMaep (9051683-9429 OSHAWA 2 IEORDW. 2 ATTENTION 9NON9M05: A 462 Polon $1 ,Pon Pharmacy �pk for worm shacea damom wan t t try l0 re- A A A AUTO- Urs triols, s1aM. ober won-aMchAd Perfect family v"xin homy • : 1 '�M /a00 g pander Wguedes m each ode FNy Moacroh potkry I'u boas We pay up b 51o0oo RETIRED - Owe Dwld n n CLWwMu Rondo 3 DAO- Vow Baby's Fevre GI(I Cmificae is Woup opportumy Carne Pll dynbM t 15 5 14K spaw to ail nil M7use Simcoe SIJ401 aN Y mown Securril Agency Inc ws9nt psB owrNs Nobe,+ Cash On ON spur My cond- Oshawa. mature tenons. Store 1 uWuad Awl- town low, dow, poo W. LINE DAlIC1N6 - 1- Ied•'eI^•Rk a yWf local Guardun Oyu Smit 1W9 KrguOn Rd Sone 210 As" $2 5(x1 AD 'rice Bowen Mhoues� Brol t1on, cent yea Car us any. centra loeaion2 { 3 W"s n-9° n. IAmn court. por1A. BBQ, rys B paDen { receipts included Omano (905)655'5049 or urn-. 21 hours 7 yYyss 3i room apolnNms avaMMe •d• 'mmo*lM y $nShM . private yao. cbw 10 wadn 10 B m AM IAvek f6.d BaoKs- 29 T«rNNo St. Uxbridge Pickering CE OnI 11V 185 rib Pkax comet KaM 190512420890 inn Wvra 905.6e65727 a Janpry tsl Fleclnc Ilea wI" 69136300 and gdlrrg AnAdw now Mw Mrs at 7 Pickering Lerp, •e.W.Hit, .. wp.rit, •tMewn a19r1npr, Apwan, Ilb,e rats pkaxl (905H30-36614 W54210581 Wa)-a r no Hoa lei 'len b Ga aYo { ISM MYh SI. Wein of Mock prye AAppYY MArKwww, IMwntltnw Yix (9m) 5T17016 Vip1p• 1905133759 M f a I )unbarton High wins team title at LOSSA cross-country meet Area runners advance to provincials in Etobicoke Saturday PICKERING — The Dumbarton gh School Spartans cross-country m ran past the competition to cap- e the overall title at the Lake On- Tio Secondary School Athletics anipionships at Trillium Trails near hawa Oct. 29. Dunharton finished with a total of II points. far ahead of Pickering rival me Ridge Secondary School which niched with 19. St. Marv. also of ickering, placed fourth overall while ickering High School in Ajax fin - bed fifth. The fastest three individuals in each are and the top two teams from each event at the LOSSA meet will now movr on to the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations Cross - Country Championships at Etobt- coke's Centennial Park Saturday, Nov. In the midget boys' category. Dun- barton's Ryan Thorpe and Craig Bur- rell finished first and second. respec- tively. Dunharton's Alicia Kaye ran to first place in the junior girls' event. Adam Morrison was the Spartans' top finisher in the junior Mays' event with a second -place effort. The Spartans' midget girls' contin- gent was led by Elyse Camphell, who finished third In the senior girls' bracket. Knsten Toomsalu was Dunharton's top Finish - Trade something old for something new at Ski Swap PIC'KERItiG — The annual Ski Swap for the Canadian Ski Patrol System is set for the Pick- ering Recreation Complex Nov. 5 to 7 "Rte event provides an ex cellent opportu- nity for skiers and snowMlard- ers to trade their present equip- ment for new or more modern items from Canada's largest ski swap outside Metro Toronto, say organizers in a press re- lease. A large selec- tion of new and used downhill and cross-coun- try skis and snowboards will be available. Ski equip- ment, including alpine and cross-country skis and snow - boards, will be received Friday. Nov. 5 from 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and Satur- day, Nov. 6 from 9 a.m. to 5 P.M. The swap runs on Nov. 5 from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Nov. 6 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Nov. 7 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Organizers are asking that no unsafe equip- ment be taken to the swap. The Canadi- an Ski Patrol is a volunteer, chari- table organiza- tion that pro- motes safe ski- ing and assists injured skiers. The Picker- ing Recreation Complex is at 1867 Valley Farm Rd. For more in- formation call 427-5539 or on the Web visit www.t.vaios.co m/skipatrol. News tips 683-5110 Tvler Lahti. left, of Pirte Riclr e .Secondary School, tun Mav'ne, centre. of St. Marc Catholic ,Secondary' School, and Adam 44orri von of Dunharron High whool..show their medaLv earned at the recent LOSSA crrass-ct7un- try meet. All three will run at the OF.SAA championships (in Sanrrday. er, placing third. Pine Ridgc Secondary School run- ners enjoyed success at the LOSSA championships, especially the senior girls' team which won the team title for the category. The school was led by Came Lahti who finished first Pine Ridge's junior boys' team fin- ished second behind Fiunbarton in a close race. The Pine Ridge contingent was led by Tyler Lahu who finished third. St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Monarchs cross-country run- ners were paced by midget Ian :Hayne• who finished first. Complete LOSSA meet results ap- pear on page 16. -C 1 Come see the many sides of Sears' E§jTA �a ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES for more information call 1.888.158.2999 IO'S www.drive(leon.(om V1 E Pickering Town Centre CLEwale«* UnIN 420-0271 ONTARIO'S DRIVE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, NovMlber 3, IM PAGE 15 P :1 tt W4 :1 SUM, A.r Aloor Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old. Workmanship Guaranteed. 10% Discount to Seniors, fully in red. Free estimates. Call Alea lrew sufat (94i5) 42$4r M4 MInpror«nMng M =' NOW ADDITION{ by anon Design aro amnnectrual MOUNTAIN Paris for permit approval. MOVING SISTEMI unique resrgemul rerli are will move amynmi ban new home mreltrucbon artniii. a yll he ASM ]CON our special clNntt 6wlder program 19051.432- COlnlllelCla a'�'�„� PxMaprq. staape aM 7691 b pm avalabN sena 6 mrd month discounts Per MOVING eshmares 571-0755 crayon 1-888491.6600 •Ge gall •Meterlals htandll Tr” PINRIOVAL a "UMAINNANOti sTtIIeP tt1111f140Vu a SSASONSO lNISWOOD AVASASLE owvlll a3�-joss laarly Srurlas party Sarvkss RABBIT WANTS WORK Oartg magic For Children's Padres AM All Occasions Have My Own Magician. Cap Esnie 665.4932 • iloeM wq C= • I I landecapn AMAZING CLEANING INC TIMBER TREE rw bvsvv tae u�ea'r ;,� �w dont Ide rlean:n0: 9rmOM R SERVICE InsurM me sicca a call at figrn, m Nrmueal. 1051 666-0 72 7 � Trimming. Pruning -General cleanup MICHALSKI MOVING do/a.,rou'vr mrd thr &Tuppmg -Trash 8 metals+ STORAGE int. %..ir1 nmr to Pully insured. removed Houses.Apartments try thrflnt' Free' limates -Fast service Sacuummc. dn.un:. SE Lawrence Ohio es Applances 8 knchen, ball,,, blind.. Call Shawn Service Plano.vlo sts Senior ha eMro dkd905.619.1'704 (905) 767-1391 8 Mid -Month Dncounts dive., anJ m.rr hs I Licensed. insured. Free —puce of _ 1 I. AduR VaMMYga Esllniales olesslanal Siva dR., !,., 4 N'A EntertalmKre ('all Rula Call 436.7795. rill ]ih 7nh v.x.t 'GUARANTEED• MOVINr HONEST, PAINTING i urge or sman •w.acle.^wturepersm. ♦l. ,.stet► PLASTERING general cartage P sluccn cglrtgs. • taten* handing Mh eapeneince Escort Se"Icis ;asem@rn renovation. •general clean-up "-es,'eslododeanng `m•r: inti Ixt ri..irn IM ed • trash and metals Excerbnf Hennas ke gi—, ts removed a?a5,rytNe •ate' Discmtlon Vast service 57(r9t165 Gudrdnterd St. Lawrence sent c)P,•n 9.1 m Dail• 905-767.1391 le•ure mesSu r (905) 725-2322 tirtw tlinnt: 1H. r4arttenance Painting o Cross Movers FALL CLEANUP Wallpapering , =to �,prn� •Goners leaves rEXCEFrIONAL -s�Larns etc.;i'; '..'"";'i•Apls. Padang AvailFree Estimates L(DffSr•ee Estm,ates •Seniors 10•h416-423-0239 discount V. Di'RHAN RM,10% FREE, Earnrarc ll Toll Free f 'Call lodar' A.v(.L F (.1.4vs 404.9669 ` t-877432-1841.. Jr 416-880-2513 acukeam a txw Rrtxr - �eore 905.420-2325 of ARsvreeu I t v a 404-8761 TMS PAINTING NOW HIRING dr DECOR ruvlWiueviP ATLANTIC TREE mtercr 3 torkma r..rymwsas�.p..aa European or man- SERVICE d al. c$ELL IT NOW ship n,r...ei,d,. Tree 3 Stump CALL Fast. clean, i,ttat arpcuven removal. trimming reliable service. t- vt fads ea• raw. Call Jerry AJAX 683-0707 428-0081 1rlvvcara11rkfe- 905-619-1363 UXBRIDGE caa 626-4410 852-9741 Alax/Plckering area a Pi Rememberyour departed loved ones during the Holiday Season 1 with a Ckistmas Tribute Publishing Sunday, December 19, 1999 Oshawa,Whitby, Clarington, Port Perry Deadline: Wednesday, December 15,1999 OSHAWA ¥ WHtf BY ¥ CLAWNGTON Y PORT PERRY THIS WEEK Call Class' ted Sales to books 576.9335 P PAIGE 16 NEW ADVERTISER, WEDWSDXV EDITION, Nowell ber 3.19" Sport SHORTS NOV 3, 1999 Not goalie leads atom Lightning to tourney semi-final The Durham West Lightning Par Four Printing atom tier II hockey team lost a heartbreaker in the semi-finals of the third annual Beatrice Aeros Solid Goal Tournament at York Uni- versity recently. After holding off the formidable Whitby Wildcats throughout regula- tion time thanks to the brilliant goal- tending of Lisa Plenderleith, the Lightning fell 1.0 in the overtime peri- od. Durham West played well to limit Whitby's ability to employ its wide- open brand of hockey. Plenderleith was named the team's most valuable player for her efforts. The Lightning opened round- robin action by playing to a scoreless tie with the Oakville Hornets- Kyla Thurston and Jamie Tostik missed glorious scoring chances in the game. robbed by the Hornets' goal - tender. Plenderleith recorded the shutout for the Lightning. In the second game. the Light- ning downed the Mississauga Chiefs 4-1. Kelly Woods, Thurston, Victoria Smith and Meghan Seto scored the Durham West goals. Kathleen Ed- wards chipped in with two assists, Sara Allain. Cassy Britton and Woods had one apiece. The Lightning then struck the Guelph Thunder 3-1. Tostik scored twice for Durham West. Britton added a single marker Assisting were Kelsy Adair. Carly Marshall. Seto and Woods. all with one. The Lightning defence of Laura Anderson, Katie Caggiula. Seto. Jaime Gooding. Allyson Young and Kelly Woods was formidable through- out the tournament. Forward Colleen Cryan returned to the Lightning line-up for the semi- final game Reds blue after women's hoops loss AJAX - A late comeback at- tempt by the Sponsor -less Reds fell short In a 39-30 loss to the Bank of Montreal in Ajax LadiesBasketball League action In Ajax last Wednes- day. After a slow first half, the teams played a lively second half with the Bank of Montreal dominating the early going on quick passing which ked to points. But. the Reds used their strong detenslve play late In the halt to create turnovers which almost led to a come -from -behind victory before time ran out Debt Bonar led the bankers with 16 points Julie Hughes was the Reds top shooter with 15 In the second game of the night, Et Tu Caesar's and East Side Mario's engaged 1n a pitched court battle. with Caesar's capturing a narrow 40- 36 victory. Caesar's quick transition from defence to offence led to many scoring chances In the first half. Mario's came out strong in the sec- ond half, using the fast break and ac- curate shooting to close the gap Late in the second half. Caesar's were content to slow the pace of the game and use up the clock to post the win. Anne Whitehead was the top point getter for Caesar's with 20. Lori Lomberg and Lori Fleming each net- ted 14 for Mario's. Players in the league live in Ajax and Pickering. Peewees rough up Redmen, clip Clippers, nick Knights PICKERING - The Pickering Panthers minor peewee select hockey team remains undefeated in regular - season action after recent victories. In a physical game against the Newmarket Redmen, the Panthers emerged with a 4-2 win. Ryan Lindsay, Kyle Walker, Taylor Gray and Matthew Perrault scored for Pickering. Assisting were Bryan Cruse with two, Steve Looter, Kyle Fredericks and Gray with one apiece. Goalie Robert Morra thwarted many tough Newmarket shots to earn his first win of the sea- son. In the Panthers' home opener, the minor peewees stopped the StouHville Clippers 8-0. Team captain Fredericks led the assault with a hat trick and an assist. Linemates Perrault netted two goals and added two assists and Gray had a goal and two helpers. Cruse also figured prominently in the scoring with a two -goal effort. Craig Deebank, Loder, Lindsay, Ryan Van Santvoort, Bobby Clark, Derek Savoie and Adam Turi all added assists. Goalie Matthew McMulkin earned his second shutout of the season. In an exhibition tilt with the Ajax Knights, the Panthers prevailed 6-2. Gray, Van Santvoort, Clark and Per- rault each contributed a goal and two assists. Savoie and Matthew Evans chipped in with a goal apiece. Also as- sisting were Lindsay, Walker and Fred- ericks. McMulkin and Morra shared the goaltending duties. Also contributing to the team's success were Leland Street and Josh Linkletter. Justin Bruce was missing from the team's line-up for the past two games. The team is coached by Bob Bruce, assisted by Steve Gray and Kevin Street. A. J. CROENI News Advertiser photo The chase is on SCOREBOARD NOV. 3, 1999 LOSSA CRM COUNTRY CHAMPa MGMW'e Trillium Trade Oct 28 MIDGET OMS 1 Sarah Weir, O'Neill, 11 53.2 040-0116 &nm. Paul Olivier - 12 02, 3 Ely" Campbell. Dunbarton. 1236. 4 Meredith St John. UxW,dge 12 46, 5 Jen Seeney. Ounbanon. 1250. 6. Adnerine MacNeion l, Dunbart, 13 12. 7 Catherine Vipond. R S. McLaughkn. 13 50: 8 Courtney Lumsden. Ounborton. 1351, 9 Kryslon Parks. Dimbancn, 14 11, 10 Heather SpoolBowmanr,l16. 14:4t. 11 Kende. Pneridpe, 14 47. 12 Le0-ne Pannou. puribu ton. 1506; 13. McLeme Fuller, Durham Christian, 1808. 14. 40 - ley Vella. Dunbarlon. 16 55, 15 Leanne Lamarche. Charles Ger- mer, 17 17, 16 Sarah Johnston. Dunbarton, 17 22 MIDGET BOYS 1. Ryan Thorpe, Dunberton, 18.23: 2 Crap Burrell, Dunbenon. 18 27: 3. Mark DuPoµd. O'Nedl. 18:30. 4. Richard Brazier. Port Perry, 18 52, 5 Elbp11 Gudbeutt, Plnerrdge. 1939. 6 Brad BakkOr. Durham Christian. 19 18.7 Scott Nelson. P,ckermg. 19 26. 8 Nall Rablohn, Pickering. 19.35: 9 Jonathan Kaye. Dunbarton, 19.39: 10. Kaim Robins. Port Perry, 1952; 11 Kyle Chappell, Dunbarlon. 20.00. 12 Bradley Cook. Pickering, 20 16. 13 Jason Kennedy. Uzbndge, 2025. 14. Mike Bowerman. O'Neill, 2027. 15. Ben No- sm,th, Pickering. 20.33. 16 Drew Evans. Pickering. 20 39 17. Matt Larking. Pickering. 20.58: 18 Ked McCallum, St Mary. 21 10. 19Jack Sheng. Pickering, 2127, 20 Bryan Mercer Couruce. 21 29 JUNIOR GIRLS 1 Alicia Kaye. Dunbarton, 15 37, 2 Kasten Scott. Uxbrdge. 16:34; 3. Ashleigh Thomas. Uxbridge, 16 51. 4 Ashley C., Dlnbarlon. 17 19. 5. Heather Mann. O'Neill. 18:04.6 Samantha Kuulo. Uxbridil 16:44, 7 Melissa Meikle, St Mary, 18:44.8 Anna Jamieson. Dunberton. 19 01. 9 Stephanie Hale. UxbrKW. 19.09: 10. Kan Scott. Dunbanon. 19.10. 11, Kelly Coales. Peat Perry, 19 19. 12 Paloma Costa. St Mary, 19 24, 13 Shannon Pearson, O'Neill. 19 35, 14 Deena Larsen. Pon Perry. 19.46: 15. Jacquelin Pushley. Pat Parry, 20.08.. 16. Lynda Baker. Uxbridge. 20 16, 17 Tim Talsma. Durham Christian. 20:27; 18 Clarke Wd- son, Dunbanon, 21.13. 19 Melissa Fuller. Durham Christian. 21:31, 20. Melissa Winger, Boesnanv,lle. 21.31 JUNIOR BOYS 1. Ian Mayon, St Mary. 19 50. 2 Adam Morrison, DunbWW. 21:29; 3 Tyler Lahti, Pirasaoge, 21 32. 4 Derek Bakngbroke. Uxbrdge, 21 36. 5. Josh Lumsden. DurlWrion. 21 48.6 Bryan Mason. Dunbanon. 22.33. 7 Chis Lancaster. O Neill. 23 10 6 Gore" WK -on. Pmerdge. 2326. 9 Chis Franz. Pmeridge 23.32. 10. Gudlermo Estrada. Pmendge 23 42. 11 Tom 0411. Cour- tice. 23:43. 12 Scoff Hubbard, St Mary. 2344, 13 David Wessel ¢ P- nrte it ge. 24 24, 14 Richard Barnes. Dunban0n, 24 25. 15 Brent O'Brian. P-,fte 24 50; 16. Brad HOrdaig. St Mary. 25 26. 17 Jamal Bmv,ayerton e. Owb. 26.06. 18 Chris Thompson, O'Neill. 07, 19 Kevin ArserNautt, Charles Gamier, 26 51, 20. Jamie Anderson. Pon Perry, 2704. SENIOR GIRLS 1, Carie Lam., Pirl Ve. 20 51, 2 Dan,eue. Rowlorda, Paul Dwyer, 21 24.3 Kristen Toomsalu. Duna non, 2224.4 Heather Cramm, Uxbridg0. 22 56. 5 Enka Franz. Pirlerasge. 23 49.6 Kailie Tyler. Pmeidge. 23.55. 7 Lesi.e Scott PneraJga. 24 20. 6 Rebecca Locke", Pmeridge. 24 36. 9 Andrea Halla. St Mary. 24 48. 10 Bmende .lospers Fags. Durham Christian. 25 34. 11 Amanda McKissmk, St Mary. 26 12. 12 Jdl Pollock. Dunborton. 27 48. 13 H,,,.,y Gramm. Dumbarton. 27 54.14 Jul. Fdinski, Ounbeinon, 28 00. Is Rebecca Leighton. Uxbridge. 28 01. 16 Sernenths S1dilll Dunbenw. 26 06, 17 Chishine Cameron. Charles Garner.26 36, 18 Carotin Brooks Chary$ Gam-. 2914. 19 Nadme Cooper. Charles Gamier. 29 14. 20 Melones Berger. St Mary 30 01 rtcxerinx o(7Ter r(.rruuc rururtrrJ ,/unit ouscema League action at Ute Afax L,OmmuntrV L entre Jun- SENIOR BOYS (1 yl is chased by an Ajax Klondike Axemen plaver day afternoon. A lust -minute Kozel lifted the Pan- during OHA Ontario Provincial Junior 'A' Hockey thers to an 8-7 vvin. I 1 Nigel M Paul D1•W 73 ar 2 Joe 0.4 M Pao iGodh 21 19.3 Mertha+, Leduc. Pitlyrm¢ N 30. 1 Manner Gadlrey. lJ Austin. 2145.5 Ph.] Scot. Paw Dwyer, 2457.6 ion Hay.. Pmerdga, 25 01, 7 Mike Logue R S McLaughbn. 25 04. 8 Nick Annual vets squash tournament in A. jax Nov. 12 to 14 Rg Mz � Tnk haYou to m all of our customers K'ho voted , U . 28 56.13 ShIndliki B �-::moi_"r t _ "*4. D CAR DEALERSHIP '•r ZY. Dielpenon. 2917. 14 Eric Keay. St Wry, 30,02: 15 AJAX -.4 lung -lime fund-Mai>ing Community Centre Nov.;.eon 12 to 14. It's All prtkeedc from the tournament tournament 1, courting older %quash for men and women in the over -30. will he donated to the Ajax chapter of' Clodd. Vidw dpe. 30 52,16 T.n Booker U.er". 32 01.. 17 Micheal Lea uxadge. 32 55 16 Map Chaim- Ounbanon. 33 21 19 oswm Douglas Pci,-19 33 40,20 Scoff shwboa. laver% lcause next a good caunext month. over -40 and over -50 a e bracket. An the Canadian Cancer Societ p - K Y- Tlik eighth annual Cha. D,K na ollcn-age category will al%, he cat- Call Viii C;ke.on at 427-7059 or Vict.sSyua%h Tcwm;uncni i%at the AlaN toed \n,l% %1.1'hcc .il N,, (,1422_ Dab.nin 335` SCHOOL CHAMPIONS ' Dunbar" 50 2 P • a -rig• " . ,• 6 a st Mary ,6 5 Picker..ig • 1 g ^.a es ;.a. L)_ „J 9 D,.ma Ci...Vt a e :'7„ Pe,.. r: BUSED ^ INDOORS',",s CARS 4 t i Tnk haYou to m all of our customers K'ho voted ('()'� SCT's1E R CAR MART B �-::moi_"r t _ "*4. D CAR DEALERSHIP 711 $10,841 .�- $14,88 1 xTs Plymouth 95 '93 GMC q%FVoyager tha ager ge Caravan SE JIMMY $15,8 $10,832 $6,956 Honda Civic 96 GMC 93 '94 4 dr., 5 sp., air Safari Sunbird ercury Topaz 14 $8,956 $15,316 15,917 , 96 Halla Accord EX 93 Ford erostar XL Ext 96 Grand' AM GT 96 Honda Vic EX Auto Air $13,877 • ;AI '93 Chen Saalld $9,814 '95 $16,2 Toy '95 Honda amry V6 LE Accord EXR Blazer LT Swig Contour ,� 11,847 15,7 $11,66!5 5,802 '95 '97 Chev Lumina LS Sunfire CHEV ASTRO LT 94 Precidia GS � '95 Taunts SHO CERTIFIED SPECIALS $8,953 $6,814 gg Pontiac Bonniville SSE $5,942 '92 Aerosport $10,83 oilota Fourrunor 40 $4,922 84 Camaro n8 90 Nissan Maxima a. 1 W p' OPEN SUNDAYS 121. Mon.-TWIlls, onT � aArlr Fri, i �1.1M6 N Consumer Car AWrr .12-4 1698 BAYLY ST., PICKERING (South of 401, West of Brock Rd.) 9o5 -420-9800 oR 1-800-377-331