HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_08_11PICKERING k PICKER I N G' S COMM UNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1 9 6 5 PRESSRUN 44,000 20 PAGES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11 1999 -' ,��,,, OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $S/ SI NEWSSTAND d9fti IN THE NEWS The future requires qualified teachers, nurses and more, page S Feds to respond at jet speed Pi*ckeri*iig wants deal on airport soon BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Wnter PICKERING — The Town can expect a response from Ot- tawa any day now to a pro- posed compromise solution on the future of the federal airport lands in north Pickering. Patricia Short-Galle, a Greater Toronto Area regional manager with Transport Cana- da says the department's rec- ommendations on the issue have been submitted to Trans- port Minister David Collenette and it's now up to him to send his reply to Pickering. "I expect it to go soon.- says Ms. Short -Calk. "I've asked (the minister's staff) to let me know when it goes out" Under the compromise pro- posal endorsed by Pickering council June 21, the issue of protecting the federal lands herr for future use as an airport would be dealt with by having Ottawa delegate authority to local municipalities to impose the required zoning regula- tions, which would prohibit land uses such as tall buildings or trammission towers that could conflict with an airport. Designation of the lands as an airport site would still be re- quired. But thcrc would also be an agreement between Ottawa and the local governments which would require the feds to negotiate with arca municipah- ties and citizens' groups on several issues - such as what wouldbe done with the lands in the meantime and under what conditions construction of an airport would be permitted. Ms. Shon-Calle says the dc- partment is "very supportive" of finding alternatives to the federal designation and zoning of the lands for airport use which was originally an- nounced by Mr. Collenette in July 1998. The Town and some area residents opposed to an airport in Pickering have fought against the original fed- eral plan on the basis it would make construction of an airport almost inevitable when there is no clear need for one. A stakeholders' group of cit- izen and federal• provincial and local government representa- tives came up with the compro- mise solution endorsed by Pickering council For Picker- ing and the citizens, the goal has been to maintain some local control over if, when and how an airport is built here. Ot- tawa has said it wants to main- tain the option of using the site for an airport in the future if necessary. Transport Canada officials have said an airport will not likely he required in Pickering for at least another 15 to 20 years, if ever. "We support the initiative only if the alternative meets all of our requirements for long- term protection.- notes Ms. Short-Galle. "We look to Pick- ering to take the lead in this and we've looked to them all the along.- Stephen long "Stephen Frederick, who heads the anti -airport citizens' group Voters Organized to Can- cel the Airport Lands (VOCAL). says he's pleased with the progress made on the compromise solution so far. though he adds he expected things to go a little faster. He notes three of the six local mu- nicipalitics involved in the air- port issue — Markham, Whitchurch-Stouffvtllc and Whaby — have not yet tib. SCOREBOARD Athletes get credit where its due, page 12 Pop star BARBERSHOP CHORUS Durham Region vocalists looking for a few ,good men, page 7 )PON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo Will Hughes takes a big swing and connects summer are ,getting their licks in while the during a friendly game of pick-up baseball can — there are only three weeks left in their See VOCAL page 2 at Mullen Pork in Ajax. The boys and girls of summer vacation. Gordon Willey left a lasting legacy Communit. GARY POLONSKY Mr. WiUev had 'absolute integrity'. Inside the News Advertiser Live Lobster Special Buy 1 Get 1 FreX s21 95uutaw TYhw ``Best Van in its Class' Car & Drive 1999 ALL NEW ODYSSEY PICKERING HONDA 970 Brock Rd. .s. of savlr 831-5400 MIT EditwW Pop .......6 Erie 19W ..........6 Eslertail % .......7 spilets .............8 Cl in ..........9 GIVE Illi A CALL Genual ......683-5110 AbtriMtloe ...683-5117 CInMW ....683-0707 Beath Medan .683-3005 AMU= Lim ..683-7545 shy w* Ytlars ...... 1-800-662-8423 Emil ............... newsroom@durham.net Web site durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 mourns death of founding Durham College president BY CINDY UPSHALL Mr. Willey, who held a doc- came known, he says. Staff Writer torate in metallurgy worked at "He believed in profession - Gordon E. Willey, the man Algoma Steel in Sault Ste. alism in some unique ways. who helped shape the face of Marie and Union Carbide in (Durham) was the only college Durham College, has died. Welland and Toronto before that had a dress code. The leaving behind a long-lasting heading up the school. women students had to wear ,:ontnbution to local post -sec- When he did he left his dresses or skirts and the men ondary education. mark on almost every aspect has to wear ties.- he says. Mr. Willey, founding presi- of Durham College, Mr. "He was high-quality, dent of Durham College who Polonsky explains, including high -professionalism, high - served from its opening in "its location, its program mix energy and high -take charge;' 1967 to his retirement in 1981, and its style" To recognize Mr. Polonsky says about Mr. died Saturday at Lakeridge this contribution the main Willey. "It's kind of humbling Health Port Perry after a long building at the Simcoe Street to follow in the footsteps of a illness. He was 85. North campus was named in founder." Current Durham College his honour two years ago. In addition to his dedica- president Gary Polonsky His insistence on profes- tion to the school, the long - praised his friend, saying Mr. sionalism flowed from the time Columbus resident who Willey had "a very good heart, staff he employed to the stu- had recently moved to Port totally honest and absolute in- dent body as a whole with the tegrity" Willey dress code, as it be- See WILLEY page 4 Business balks at paying for new Durham schools BY LINDA WHITE Staff Writer Firms do not bring new stu- dents to the area and therefore shouldn't have to fork over money to build schools, busi- ness officials told trustees at a luunt school board meeting Monday. But they do benefit from an educated workforce and should therefore contribute to the cost of school construc- tion. onstruetion• argued home builders who don't want their cus- tomers alone saddled with that responsibility. "Development charges are mother firm of tax;' Ian John - cox, chairman of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce gov- ernment affairs committee, ar- gued at the meeting at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Sec- ondary School in Whitby. "Commercial development does not bring about a need for new student places;' explained Mr. Johncox. While 1mc rccogntzeu ivah- messes "create employment that might draw people into the area', it is the purchase of a new home that creates the treed for another desk in a classroom. Mr. Aohncox pointed to Durham residents who work outside the region as an exam- ple. Because their children at- tend school in Durham, they aren't creating a need for new student places in the munici- pality where they work, though their employer may be charged for school construc- tion. "Give business a reason to come to this area;' Mr. John - cox urged trustees. Bob Verwey of the Whitby car dealership Owasco Volk- swagen & Audi Inc. agreed. "We arc still a bedroom com- munity;" he reminded trustees. "We have to change that" and create a community where people can live and work, The forces are with you... See NEW page 2 Durham, GTA police services sign information -sharing pact BY DECLAN FINLK'ANE going uses and otter key infor- The ultimate winners, they Speciol to rhe News Advin ruer nation is stored - forces in say, are members of the public. If information is power, then Durham, Halton, York, Peel, Durham Region Deputy Durham Regional Police and Niagara, Hamilton -Wentworth Chief Derek Denson, CIMS their southern Ontario col- and Waterloo regions have chairman, described the signing leagues created yesterday an al- agreed to purchase one new of the deal as an historic mo- liance they believe will better 515 -million Common Informa- meat. serve their front-line officers tion Management System "We all saw the rewards of and the communities they pro- (CEMS). being able to am only sloe our tett. The system. purchased from own internal police information Police chiefs from seven Newmarket -based information with others but also the poten- municipalities signed a pact systems provider Utton/PRC, tial of cost -savings to our tax - Tuesday morning at Peel police will be up and running new the payers," said Deputy Chief headquarters that will see the end of 2000 and is expected to Denson. forces unite in efforts to more provide its users with unprece- York Regional Police Chief effectively share and manage dented information -sharing ca- Julian Fantino praised the co - i.— E cs. o- pailities. operative effort. Currently equipped with Officials say the move also "rite critical importance of seven different information represents an unprecedented today is that different organiza- management systems - where "coming together" of so many reams of data on numerous on- police agencies on one project. See PACT page 4 rhn°eir p���N 91YA NO I --Pickering ifltttttiru�.::, Aa1■�661i OCRATEjil,; ia, no ea"y a w 619-0662 DEREK DENSON Potential of cost -savings to our taxpayers.' P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION, "VM 11, 1999 New school construction charges debated NEW frrlhi 1kige l which can't he accom- plished it' businesses are faced with costs that pre- clude them from setting up shop or expanding. But home builders be- lieve a portion ofthe burden of school construction should fall on the shoulders of the business community. Eliminating their share rep- resents "a mayor shift that unfairly burdens the resi- dential share:' argued Paul Saturno, president of the Durham Region Home Builders Association. He noted employers enjoy "certain benefits" of an educated workfi+rce and suggested the business com- mumty be charged 10 in 15 per cent of the cost of con- structing new schools. Meanwhile, the lawyer representing the Urban De- velopment Institute's (UDI) Durham chapter was critical of a background study, on education development charges. Lynda Townsend ques- tioned why the cost of preparing a school site in Durham is $330X) but onh 522.(X)0 In York Region. She suggested "there Is ex- cess there" and warned "as an industry we will take a hard line" on those differ- ences. Ms 'Townsend was also critical of the value placed on land in each of Durham's municipalities. For exam- ple, the study suggested land in Pickering is worth $290000 peracre, but the UDI believes it's worth lust $235,41x). Other issues concerned Ms. Townsend as well, in- cluding estimates of student population over the next 15 years. But Durham District School Board chairman Doug Ross stands behind the research. And while the public and separate hoards have yet n) decide it education develop- ment charges will he shared between residential and non-residential units, Mr. Ross believes "public senti- ment" Is leaning towards charging just the former. Development fees: A brief overview The Durham District School Board and Durham Catholic District School Board held a joint meeting Monday to consider new Education Development Charge (EDC) bylaws in Durham. Under the Education Quality Improvement Act. the Province set out new cri- teria for the collection of EDCs, which have been used in the past to fund the construction of new schools. But, with the implemen- VOCAL optimistic everyone is on side' VOCAL f nem page I dorsed the compromise plan because their councils are on summer breaks. Ajax and Uxbridge have en- dorsed it already, in addi- tion to Pickering "%*c'rc optimistic cvcry- one is on side:' says Mr Frcdenck. He expects all six mu- nicipahtics will have passed resolutions endorsing the comprormw by early Sep- tember, so the senou; nego- tiating of its terms can begin by October. Some of the things VOCAL will be ImAing to achieve during those nego- tiations include: - long-term leases of about 21) years on the federal lands to allow them to he used for farming. Mr Fred- erick says existing leases of three years discourage the kind of investment needed for serious farming opera- tions, - establishment of clear conditions - including a public review princess - for any application for airport development in the future: - prohibincm of public fund- ing for any airport to be constructed here. "If people don't want it, why should they pay for it'.'' asks Mr Frederick tation of Bill 100. education development charges are to be used only for the acquisi- tion of school sites and for servicing costs. All current bylaws expire Aug. 31. Under those bylaws, the public board has been charging $1,3119 per resi- dential unit and 1.07 per cent of 'declared building permit value' of each non- residential unit. The separate board, meanwhile, has been charg- ing $339 per residential unit and 0.26 per rent of 'de - Glared building permit A f Garbage Bags value' of each non-residen- 12" x 96" 97 tial unit. 350-15007 5 each -* `' Builders pay both the t M public and separate board - - - -- fees at the time of applle tion and the money is then Batted es not required Z ped divided between the boards. Another public meeting 1188997 418-09260 eaok on the issue is being held A salute to ,grandparents was held at Pickering Museum Village on the Wednesday. Aug 25 at 7 weekend featuring scenes front our collective historv. Here. Jima Heap p.m. at the Durham District (left) and mother Janet sing in the ntu.yeum church. School Board's hcadquar- tcrs at 4(A)'launion Rd. E., Whitby, when trustees tram I — — —— — — -7 THRIFTI' MECH_1\IC SHOP Lv both tx)ards well consider ��tti►n the bylaws for approval I ",�, ' ""';" 695 Finit-c .iov..iijax m s No' TrSPOT' A f Garbage Bags t:IYoun. 12" x 96" 97 oily tip -DOW- 350-15007 5 each 78 2P (. t 0-r Whet Salkell -1d 11441 to thank all his VNuao dF C1 I RT!l1 - Cwlomar41 At fM rid41 Ion th411r L _ _ _ _ _ =roma _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — — LAURA M I. killiMN41,kipl; Laura Laura Laura II NEW ARRIVALS DAILY! WORLD FAMOUS DESIGNER FASHIONS GREAT DEALS! A 0 J COME AND VISIT ONE OF OUR FIVE LOCATIONS BARRIE MISSISSAUGA PICKERING SCARBOROUGH NEWMARKET DUNDAS EGLINTINI AVE. DAMS DRIVE 8 ® = r � 111ayyy W UM I — )( 0 SAVFIELD ST TM* DUEErsvor Hwy 401 ST CIAIR AVE — curs Carer — CW _ C -rt- ora Caars cur tan CW_ Cir taxa 41anas cur Myi1W 4Y 1224D-& n1 "urn Crit Vtft~Powesar C0�.1Ybr- taoe.M.Sat (965)2mee)1 r 56 PrkN7Prsa1 US Aq IP310Y PSI (106�rn MeS Itb61 a7WY H1eIr5617ee Ip6i.6ea6t L.� wle Re1uh1c, supervLscd day Circ at .1 home ,ii s u i ncighburho od -Safe, comforlable enwortments • Pellable Iotal back-up for Provider's • Stimulating daily programs holidays M dkiess • Trained. professional Providers - Complete Insurance coverage • Monthly home inspections • Income tax receipts supplied and, we welcome full or port -time care for children from 6 Necks of age! —W - V .� �Inialsli■e�gCate �� A L"fd d Agency For Worm -tion Call: 686-4816 HOMER LUMBER IS VALUE PRICED... , EVERYDAY! Tremelad Rust Paint 3.78 l 2497 each In ifeek eeleen sale 40 Pack 26" It 36" PREFINISHED Garbage Bags White Shelving 12" x 96" 97 350-15007 5 each 78 2P 16" x 96" 797 350-15502 each 492-41003 o0nom Otte odd fin1thed NOMA EXTERIOR 25M NOMA 11 LIGHT EXTENSION CORD MOONRAY SET 16A - 9 PAGODA /2 SPOTS 420-12005 1188997 418-09260 eaok 4 scat Qeaatitiu may ke Iieliled. Sorry so raie okegeu. Sale ends AUG 15/99 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday thru Friday 7 a.m.. - 6 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. - S p.m. Sunday HOMER LUMBERN s01 Priced ,, I 15 WES1N EY RD. N. 427-9931 Defence motion calls for acquittal of BY STEPHI.'N SHAW Staff Miter An internal examination perfumed on a female psychiatric patient by a male nurse at Ajax-Pickenng Health Centre was 'medically appropriate.'. and does not constitute a sexual assault, the nurse's lawyer says. However, Todd Ducharme conceded yesterday his client was not authorized to conduct an exam on the 17 -year-old girl, and is guilty of professional mis- conduct. "He participated in an event that con- stituted professional mis:onduci... He has exceeded the scope of his profes- sional duties as a nurse," the lawyer said. .What we dispute is what was done was done for a sexual purpoise... He did it lir a medical pumose and he did it be- cause he wanted to help her," he told Judge Norm Edmondson of Ontario Court of Justice, (hhawa. Under a court order, the name of the 36 -year-old hospital nurse cannot he- published: epublished: he can only he identified by his initials. PS. PS has pleaded not guilty to charges he sexually assaulted and sexually ex- ploited the teenaged patient, now 19, in the mental health unit on Jan. 31, 1998. Court has heard PS performed an in- ternal examination as part of a broader physical exam on the girl after she com- plained she was suffering from menstru- al pains. The teenager testified the internal exam lasted about 10 seconds and left her feeling "shocked" and "unsettled. - No female hospital Personnel were pre- sent, court heard. The Crown completed its case Friday and yesterday the defence filed a "non- suit' application asking Judge Edmond- son to halt the trial and acquit PS of the charges on grounds they were not sup- ported by the evidence. Mr. DuLharme said the elements re- quired by law to constitute a sexual as - vault or exploitation were not proven. PS concedes. as a nurse, he was nut authorized to perform an internal exam and doing so was "pods judgment." said Mr Diacharme. However, in the expert opinion of a physician wtx, testified for the Crown, the procedure was a -mcd- wally appro>Frsatc procedure. - In addition to her co nplairits about menstrual and lower Mack Frain, the teen had a history of ovarian cysts. "What's clear from the evidence is the touching occurred in a therapeutic: context . Thcrc's no evidence he demonstrated any signs of sexual arousal hcfire, during or after the exam- inanon.- said Mr. Ducharne. He also argued the teenager -clearly consented" to the exam and was fully aware of what it wtwkd involve. A pauent's consent twwever, is con- .udcrcd Invalid by the court when it has been uhtamcd by ..fraud:' prosecutor Janice Strath said in a counter argument. Sts. Smith said PS did exactly that by sw Fax it Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser General 683-7363 SALE BOWS IN TODAY'S Hews AdWW Wed., Aug. 11, 1999 News Advertiser * Arby's AjaxlP& * Arrow Furniture AjaxlP& * Business Depot Ak. `OWPic Compumt _ * Double Double Pkk * Future Shop AjaxlPick. * Home Depot Ajax/ft * Patriot Computers AjaxlPidt. * Paul Mac's Ajax Real Estate A00icL Wheels A00idt. • Delivered to selected households only Remember, all inserts, including those on gloss paper, can be recycled with the rest oyour newspaper through your blue box Kecycling program. Por information on delivering your advertising flyers, �y call tt%e'Ad{vcA1`tr DUNCAN FLETCHER"" +t - at > �. 683-5110. not telling the teen he wasn't authorized to perform an internal exam. -She consented to a medically neces- sary procedure... by a person medically qualified and authorized to perform that procedure.- That non -disclosure by (PS) amounts to fraud... and such a fraud vi- NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION. August 11, 1999 PAGE 3 A1P Ajax nurse on sex charges lute. Ilse consent of (the paneno." said Ms. Smith, who added "(PS) knew very well he did not have the authority to du the examination." 'Ilhe Gown also urged the judge to interpret PS's failure to document the exam in the patient's chart and to reveal the procedure to a hospital administrator during an internal investigation as con- scui mess of* guilt. "(PS) knew he committed an unlaw- ful act and knew the unlawful act he committed was a sexual assault" Mr. Ducharmc said the evidence t 1 _--f A A i no 14m:T=r AN i during this s shows the reason PS concealed the exam was because he was concerned about professional repercussions. Tie judge reserved his decision on the motion to dismiss the charges. If the bid is rejected. the defence is scheduled to begin calling evidence in January. 1652 Bayly St. W., Pickering iiii�LN 5 Points Mall Super Store ELA (Just West of Brock Rd.) Taunton Rd. at Ritson 831-7747 728-6866 Our lowest p6ces of the season! Only until Sunday Save $152 KENMORE* 18 -CU. FT. TOP -MOUNT REFRIGERATOR Frost -free. i cantilever and 1 clear meat keeper. moe02. Sears reg. 949.99. $797 Only 56.93* monthly! Black -on -White and Almond -on -Almond also available Save $402 KENMORE 20.5 -CU. FT. BOTTOM -MOUNT REFRIGERATOR 1 full -width and 1 halt -width glass shelf. 06.9142. Sears reg. 1499.99. $1097 Only 78.36* monthly! Almond -on -Almond also available NP0821499 Copyright 1999. Sears Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of SearsrlN NP PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EMM, Auriet 11, 199 Willey family, supporters plan memorial service GORDON WILLEY Founding president of Durham College. Pact signed pledging flow of police information PACT from page I place. level of coopera- • Peel Police tions have seen Services Board the value of Chairman Emil coming together Kolb described . on behalf of the CIMS initia- officer safety live as "a key and public safe- breakthrough" in ty. That informa- the journey to - tion be available wards more cl to front-line offi- fective poh,:inc cors is absolutely QUEEN .,.... 279 `_+et___ 479 critical. It makes KING..,...._ 469 Set..... 799 their jobs safer series rdeoe ding on size. and more effec- letter srdewalls. tive." starting from In essence. nsl/9.nf 52" the pact will save 60 each police force ,•-; time and money. said Peel Police Superintendent Bcrn,c Swain. B e c a u s e they'll be operat- ing on the same system. forces will be able to accts% informa- tion from one an- other to help in ongoing cases in quicker, more cf- fcctt.c fashion than the current setup allows, of- ficials say. CIMS will be especially hclp- ful to front-line officers during the course of their shifts. And. when the system is in need of upgrad- ung. the cost will be spread out among seven agencies — a big ' money -saver, said Supt. Swain. "This move marks an un- WlL LEY frrmr page I Perry, was entirely devoted to his family. 14c was definitely devoted to (his wife) Doris and his children, but he idolized his grandchildren;' Mr. Pulonsky says. Mr. Willey leaves his wife Doris Norma (nee Wachsmuth), daughter Barbara Anne Smith and her husband Barrie of England: and sons Robert Gordon of Stratford and Ronald Dou- glas of Bowmanville, grandchildren NOTICE Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association (OMAA) Membership Meeting ALL MEMBERS WELCOME! ...and those interested in joining Date: Monday August 16, 1999 Dinner, Door Prizes Time: 5:00 p.m. NO CHARGE Place: Quality Inn Toronto East 22 Metropolitan Rd. Scarborough, Ont. Your input is needed On the future delivery structure of Training & Employment Services for Metis People OMAA is a provincial non-profit organization representing the interests of Ontario's Metis, Status and Non -Status off -reserve Aboriginal people. WE MAPMFACIIM 1T: precedented COMFORT SLEEP level of coopera- • tion and commit- Trilli t I 1==""I, ..��.,Ilel� ment among 179 S111111111411' cR �� seven different Single RodkW Titfr•s police services. • Mattress • Aggressive tread design It's quite an Set %319 achievement to W K111 fora smooth ride get all seven to- _ DOUBLE. .219 Set ....389 gether on such QUEEN .,.... 279 `_+et___ 479 an undertaking;' •• KING..,...._ 469 Set..... 799 said Supt. Swain. "These forces represent 28 per cent of the popu- lation of Ontario. We're really really af- • fecting a lot of people" Noticeable by their absence ; from Tuesday's 249 launch were Toronto Police, who earlier opted out of the pact. Supt. Swain stressed Toron- to's decision will cot have a nega- ORTHOPEDIC Single $219 Mattress Set '369 DOUBLE . 269 Set.... _439 QUEEN ... _329 ',et___.499 KING . ...509 Set..... 799 Jocelyn and Julian Smith and sister Lorna A. Freeman and her husband Richard of Hamilton. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Armstrong Funeral Home, 124 King St. E., Oshawa. A celebration of Mr. Willey's life will be held at Columbus United Church on Thursday. Sept. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Memorial donations can he of- fered in the memory of Mr. Willey to the Durham College Scholarship Fund. VIT/M 11 F,;k 1 :is • Passenger all -season steel -belted radial tires • whitewall sidewall styling • Available in 75 and 8o series roemminsi on size. Starting frOf, 2397 r '1101310f1® idTtPtoClcew If.ih*-TnPCk Trilli t I 1==""I, ..��.,Ilel� Radkd Tires and RV Tires S111111111411' cR �� • Nantibrandal.poStim. •All -position, all season RodkW Titfr•s al-MMtortltghwaydr-9 .Ali -terrain. aggressive • Aggressive tread design • Good tVg wk% Dactlo ark) tread design excellent for an -seasons W K111 fora smooth ride for all-weather traction •'S- speed rated LV to IM la" • N:dworll5 br5 EYerFat$b9ad on or olf road • Available in 60.65 or 70 •2 -pry radial polyester with 2 • Sporty white or black series rdeoe ding on size. safely steel Melts letter srdewalls. Starting "m starting from starting from nsl/9.nf 52" .Id1f•nlv� 989' 60 See Automotive Departlnlnt for more sizes and prices. EVERY TIRE • It istabdot • Rotation even' 10.OW km PURCHASED - � tire : A�� , i,,,�Y�Y� �T WAL-MART INCLUDES: •Road Hazard warranty IkRomotive Centres only. �-'— -- _ BETTER EVERYDAY LOW PRICES 270 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX (East of Harwood on Kingston Rd.) AJAX M 11 F x•hill t r, ORTHOPRACTIC Single 109 Mattress Set '429 DOUBLE.... 299 Set....... 499 QUEEN ...... .339 Set _549 KING.........539 Set..... .869 W ORTHO ELEGANCE Single Mattress %V9 Set $5N DOUBLE.... 419 Set..,.... 619 QUEEN....... 509 Set.. ._.689 KING. ._....639 Set.....999 ORTHOSUPREME Single Mattress Set '609 DOUBLE.... 489 Set ....... 719 QUEEN....... 589 Set....... 809 KING.......... 709 Set..... 1179 NOGST PST CHOIXE iwr Is "a C11O= :11 • Pwow coca •Carlow ! • Bed From • Local DeYvwy Yattras Pod • Sel-W • Bed Rays • Disposal ol • shoat soaps old Sat • • Plllow Ill for live impact. _ d 0439 n ;589 :'+ =339 ;1 i 9 "They're committed to the htttrr�ea * �� same vision as • /hlaeilrlelYerr75 we they'll get we are, there but SED DURNM & FOR �� 21 YEAM _ in a different way;' he said. _ In the works for about three years now. CIMS a addresses recom- mendations made in the Paul Bernardo and • Guy Paul Morin inquiries that called for more effective infor- mation -sharing A tools among de- ferent police ser- vices to he in 0IZ 7e Taunton Road W. 49061 433-1052 he factory Please Visit our website at � www sleepl.ictory corn NENrE ERTISER tlyEnse1011ESDAY EDITION, August 11, 19" PAGE S AM i mon cents ononsemw . • Larraine . Roulston Recyelers Corner BYJOE DUARTE Special to the News,".d.c:i In light of the Europe— community's adoption of a common currency, NorthAmer- icansare wondering if we rnivht reap the same benefits by creat- ing a North American dollar. The answer is :, definite maybe, ac- cording to econom- ic analysis (who insist it shouldn't be allowed to happen) and economic -devel- opment profes- sionals (who say�.' all regions would Sl gain from the pro- ject). Students of ,040 economics say there is no need for a common curreJa cy because the Un States dollar is alread world currency. They sa, it would make more sense to adopt that currency rather than create a new one. "It's expensive to convert to a new currency:' says Jack Carr. Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto. "You have to print new money, call back the existing currencies, ex- change them, e1c. Thal takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money. "European countries saw a gain in adopting a common cur- rency - movement oto a greater political and trade alliance and. therefore, attractiveness to for- eign investors" says Prof. Carr. "We don't share the same con- cems and goals here. Outside investors already deal in a world currency to North America - the US dollar - and neither Canada tar Mexico would add anything to the mix.- That's ix"That's not the case, argue economic -development prulI sionals. "Because of our cultural, political and economic unique- ness. Canada is regarded in bet - act light around the world than is the US:' says Rat Olive, Durham Rcgi on's Commission- er of Economic Development Cud Tourism. "Of any other country in the Americas. Cana- da is more like the European na- tions in its cultural, political and social policies. Having that power in a trade alliance would make such an alliance more at- tractive to the rest of the world, and strengthen Canada's uniqueness:' Economists say creating a common currency wouldn't change things much for Canada except that we would give up sovereignty over our currency. The experts are split on the benefits of a common currency Ye s, -wpm we'd have a say in the new central bank's policies, but the US would have 90 per cent of its control, says Prof. Carr. That's also a cause for dis- agreement. Mr. Olive sees the use of a common currency as a sound business decision be- cause it would simplify proem -- es and lead to lower operating costs. "Using a common currency would simplify billing and banking processes, benefiting businesses — especially those that import and export their products:' be explains. "And the Policies of the central hank would be overseers by a scpasaic board. such as there is in Eu- rope where all countries arc rep- resented. I don't know if there is equal representation, but no one country has veto power." Further, Mr. Olive sees the creation of a common currency as inevitable, but it will not be a North American currency unit. Rather, it will be one that will be embraced by both Americas. "There already exists a South American trade alliance. Now, Chile wants into the North American association so it PAT OLIVE 'Canada is regarded in better light around the world than is the U.S.' mattes sense that in time otter South American nations would also align themselves with North American nations:' he explains. "!f countries like Chile, Argentina and Brazil Help Wanted. strengthen tics to North Amen - ca, others will follow suit. "In time, and I see it as in- evitable, there will have to he a common currency unit. again to simplify banking and billing be- twecn nations;' he says. "But the common unit won't be the U.S. or Canadian dollar. In fact. it probably won't be called dol- lar at all. It will have some generic name like Americo.- Prof. merico"Prof. Carr :admits there might be some gains in trade. but these don't present a strong enough argument for a common currency. First, much of our trade takes place with the U.S. Iargely between companies that don't deal in hard currency at all but in credits, using goods imported from the U.S. in ex- change for goods exported back across the border. "Companies like General Motors of Canada may buy, say. engines from their U.S. parent companies, but they don't pay in dollars. They pay in import/export credits. In GM Durham employers prepare for future BY CINDY UPSHALL Staff Writer Durham employers say they're bracing themselves for a projected labour shortage. Help Wanted, a recently re- Icaced report by the Urban Fu- tures Institute predicts shortages in a number of fields, including nursing and teaching as the number of Canadians retiring begins to grow as baby boomers leave the workforce. Other professions heated for difficulties over the next 10 years, according to the study, are professors, firefighters, con- struction workers and police of- ficers "1 don't have any disagree- ineat at all with what the author says," says Garth Johns, corpo PWIC els UMP Ajax Town Council No public meetings in August. The next scheduled meeting of Ajax Council is Tuesday Sept. 7 Pickering Town Council Wednesday, Aug. Ig, 7 p,m..— Committee of Adjustment, main committee room, Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade. Durham Regional Council Tuesday, Sept. 7, 9:30 a.m. — Health and Social Services Committee. Planning de- partmeni boardroom, Lang Towers in the Whit- by Plaza at 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Wednesday, Sept. B, 10 a.m. — Durham Re - *nal Council. Durham Council Chambers, 605 Rossland Rd. E. in Whitby. Canada's case, it pays its debt to GM Corp. with finished cars and trucks," ex- plains Prof. Carr. "Companies that would benefit from a common currency would be the small high-tech ones who could then be listed on the U.S. markets. If you want to get listed on the U.S. market. you Hwy. 407 a road paved with more • have to deal in U.S. Environment Canada says rate director of human resources Canada will retire between 1996 for Lakeridge Health Corpora- and 2015, but if they retire early tion of the study completed by the number jumps to 61 per the Vancouver -based group. The cent, roughly 211,000 out of report's authors predict the nurs- 347,000 teacbers. ing profession will be hit the Mary Brown, spokesman for hardest as almost half of nurses the Durham District School in some areas are slated to retire Board, says "Educators are in 10 years. aware of the fact that a shortage Local school boards, col- may occur in the following leges and universities will also years and are addressing this in be hit, likely looking for teach- the following years by encour- ers to fill vacated positions, says aging young people to enter the the report. leaching profession." It estimates Ontario's ele- Durham College, mean- mentary school population will while, has hired 15 new profes- grow by 500,000 over the next sors for this coming year and 40 years as yang immigrants has an eye on potential academ- move to Canada and have fami- is staff' departures over the next lies. However a Statistics Cana- few years, says Bonnie Ginter - da report estimates 43 per cent Brown, executive director of of the 1995 teaching force in student services and communi- Ajax Town Council No public meetings in August. The next scheduled meeting of Ajax Council is Tuesday Sept. 7 Pickering Town Council Wednesday, Aug. Ig, 7 p,m..— Committee of Adjustment, main committee room, Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade. Durham Regional Council Tuesday, Sept. 7, 9:30 a.m. — Health and Social Services Committee. Planning de- partmeni boardroom, Lang Towers in the Whit- by Plaza at 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Wednesday, Sept. B, 10 a.m. — Durham Re - *nal Council. Durham Council Chambers, 605 Rossland Rd. E. in Whitby. Canada's case, it pays its debt to GM Corp. with finished cars and trucks," ex- plains Prof. Carr. "Companies that would benefit from a common currency would be the small high-tech ones who could then be listed on the U.S. markets. If you want to get listed on the U.S. market. you Hwy. 407 a road paved with more • have to deal in U.S. Environment Canada says dollars and those motor vehicles are the largest companies don't do single source of air pollution in that now becau.s.e Canada. Every day noxious it's too expensive chemicals are emitted from the with the exchange tailpipes of millions of gaso- rate:' line -powered vehicles. The exchange A full federal environmental rate on a single assessment and public hearings dollar may he a on the significant and adverse detriment for the ordi- effects of the proposed Hwy. nary Canadian, but large 407 extension to Brock Road in companies trade in millions Pickering should take place re - of dollars and it's not as ex- garding: pensive to exchange millions • air pollution and public r as it is to exchange a single health: dollar. Also, adds Prof. • fish and other wildlife Nabi - Carr, some Canadian tat: companies think • farmland, green space and their products would urban sprawl; Se worth more. but that • impact on the Rouge Valley isn't the case since the flue- and Duffins Creek parklands. tuations are mostly due to We are now ha%ing oione forces outside North America red -alert days. Recent studies — e.g., the Asian market crisis. in England and California. ac - Those forces would still be cording to some published re - there regardless of what curren- pons, have concluded that new cy Canadians use. roads make getting to places As for everyday transactions, harder, not caster. For every people won't really see a differ- 10 -per cent increase in high- ence. say both Prof. Carr and way capacity- there is a five -per Mr. Olive. cent increase in driving time. "People may see cheaper As pollution -fed catastro- prices at the supermarket. for phes rise, officials should crc- example, but it will really cost ate a fast, affordable and com- ju.s.t as much to buy those fortable Greater Toronto Area - goods because people will also wick transit service and take be taking home less money:' other steps to reduce auto dc - says Prof. Cart. "Man people pendency, smog -ind traffic believe that if they arc making congestion. $25.000 now, that they would If you feel strongly about be staking 25.000 units after, this issue, for the sake of your but they wouldn't — they family's health, take action by would be making les.." not only attending the Hwy. "1 can we the point of the 407 meetings to ask questions. economist that the everyday but expressing your concerns Canadian wouldn't be any fur- to politicians. the Minister of ther ahead with the adoption of the Environment and the a common currency" says %It media. Olive. .. . "But he wouldn't be any Going to the CNE" If so, worse off, either. And as a use the recycling bins that can group. using Durham Region as be found beside trash barrels as an example, 1 believe it would well as the igloo depots for give u.s. the opportunity to pro- beverage containers. CNE fa - mote a competitiveness and cility and events co-ordinator economic morality that you Gus Bovoleus says the Ex has don't see in the U.S. been recycling for eight years "We have some outstanding and has included the recycling industries here to Durham that of wood pallets, clean concrete. would benefit greatly from the all scrap metal and paper. alliance that would come with Organic waste from the food the creation of a common cur- building is composted, along rency:' he concludes. with straw and horse manure i from the agricultural building I on the CNE: grounds. And, kitchen grease is sent for ani - labour shortage mal feed. "At the present time- our re- cycling (efforts) for the CNE cations. 'According to our stats, in the next five years we could lose 20 to 25 per cent of our staff:' she says, adding that number is over 30 per cent for teaching staff in the nursing department. However she says the college "has not had any difficulties at this point attracting professors to the school" and doesn't ex- pect to in the future. Unlike their elementary and secondary school counterparts. post -secondary institutes must also accommodate programs for career fields with huge de- mands, as well as grapple with staff shortages. Although Durham College has a nursing program, several province -wide changes to nurs- ing education may have an ef- and horse show Quancrama feet on what type of nursing ed- capture a good percentage of ucation is ofTered at the school, the waste stream:' says Mr. Bo - making it impossible to coy now voletis. "So far, it has been dif- how the school could accommo- ficult to gather the food waste date this, says Ms. Ginter- from the public, but it certainly Brown. needs exploring." The college has a history of With public education and a offering courses relevant to de- composting unit on site, such mands in the job market, such as as a VermiTech system that is the firefighting program at the situated at Metro Hall or the in - Whitby campus, which was vessel type at the Ontario Sci- started after consultation with ence Centre in Toronto, plans local fire chiefs, she says. should be made to start captur- "When there looks like ing public food waste. there's going to be a need en ! Boxes of unwanted fries, mass and it looks like a program wooden ice cream sticks and is needed, we try to mount it as wrappers, paper towels, fruit soon as possible;' explains Ms. peelings and candy floss hold - Ginter -Brown. ers which get discarded at these —Wth files hem ! events can certainly be com- Torstar News Service posted too. WORDS FROM THE WISE rill Politics, Points of View and Parodies Food for thought: Smart school lunches A new school year looms. You can play an important role in keeping your child safe during the school day by selecting lunch ware and food items wisely and exercising simple precautions when packing school lunches. Start with the lunchbox itself. Insulated lunch - boxes are a better bet than their flimsier counter- parts and they'll last longer. Inspect the bag for washability. Can you get into all the nooks and crannies to wash out food that may be lurking there at the end of the day? If you're planning to send soup or pasta for lunch, a thermos is also useful. But make sure it's N a good quality thermos that will do the job prop- erly, warns home economist Mairlyn Smith. "For food safety, the rule of thumb is to keep hot things hot and cold things cold. So when you're packing a thermos, follow the manufactur- er's heating instructions carefully. The same holds true for cold items. Always pack straight from the refrigerator to the lunch - box, says Ms. Smith. "To help ensure foods keep cool, add bever- ages packed in rectangular Tetra Pak cartons. They'll keep food in an insulated lunchbox nice- ly chilled until lunchtime. And they're a real boon for school field trips where paper bag lunches arc required. You can add a frozen Tetra Pak bever- age to keep food cold all morning as it thaws" — News Canada Mx WEER W P MtE µ NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDMON, Au quiet 11, ion m E d im t oria & NEWS ADVERTISERAUG EDITORIAL Taking stock of our little corner Agencies must remedy ills diagnosed by wellness study It's good. every once in awhile- to step outside ourselves and take a look inward — to take stack of who we are, what we are. where we re headed, what's wrong with this picture. Taking such an inventory is the first and probably most im- portant step if we are to embark on a journey of self-im- provement. That applies on an individual basis. And it's appropriate if we are to take a self-portrait of ourselves as a society in the hope of righting what's wrong. So it is as the Social Development Council of Ajax-Pick- enng undertakes a Durham Region Community Wellness Study. Its goal is to assess the well-being of the region and its eight municipalities, to measure the pulse of the diverse towns and cities that make up Durham. Social Development Council executive director Duncan Read shared sonic findings at Pickering council last week. Those conclusions. although preliminary, indicate there's a lot right in Durham in general and in Ajax and Pickering to be specific. But, the diagnosis, if you will, reveals there's plenty ofroom om for improvement. First- the good news: A large majority of residents in Ajax and Pickering are at least satisfied if not very satisfied with their home town. However, the check-up shows there are symptoms of trou- ble. In Pickering. for example, residents are more concerned about nuclear safety and hospital services than others in Durham. Their Ajax neighbour, meanwhi:e. list quality of drinking water as a top concern. but aren't as worried about nuclear safety. Just a few snippets frim the information gathered so far in continuing telephone interviews with 1,500 Durham residents aid surveys mailed to 500 people. When all the information is gathered, it's important that action he taken to rectify probicros. After all, there's no point in getting a check-up and domg rxithng to remedy ills identi- fied by the diagnosis. So. the Social Development Council will analyze results and "brainstorm" with cornmumity, leaders and others "to come up with strategies to successfully grapple with major is- sues we discover," says Mr. Read. Thorc community leaders and others must co-operate with Mr. Read's agency to work toward solutiorts. For example, suss Pickering residents are more concerned about nuclear safety titan their Durham neighbours. power plant operator Ontario Power Generation ought to he called on to take steps W address those concerns. Because Pickering citizens have %aorto worries about hospital services, the Ajax-Pickenng Health Centre and its umbrella Rtxtge Valley Health System ahuuW move to ease those fan. In Ajax where townsfolk arc troubled by the quality of drinking water, Durhurn Region works department officials need to ensure the water coming out of the new Ajax supply plant is as safe as it can be. The Community Wellness Study's findings offer otter government bodies and even the private senor an oppoxtumi- ty to take proactive measturs to correct some of the short- comings identified by survey participants. For example. since Pickering residents are happier about access to shopping than their counterparts across the region, the Ajax econorttic de- velopment services department might focus its efforts on at- tracting new rcuul eaubimhmens to town. And, retailers look- ing for a place to open stores might also take notice of the per- ceived shortage of shopping facilities in Ajax. Study respondents have also complained about king -dis- tance phone calk within the region. While it's not long dis- tance from Scarborough to Etobicokc. there is a charge for calling from Pickering tar Oshawa And hecause a vast num- ber of regional scn ices are based in Oshawa, many people from Pickering looking for assistance may not be prepared to pay long distance. Ma Bell, and alter short-0istance k)ng-dis- txwc phone service suppliers, might want to answer that call. So. it's evident there's a la to be done to correct problems identified in the Community Wellness Study by area rest- dents.But, it will be a worthwhile exercise if it snakes this town and this region a better place to live. Curbing curb sales Where have all the flower vendors gone? Some will be gone the way of the Dodo bird by next spring if Town of Pick- ering officials have their way. Town council is asking the Province for permission to pass a bylaw banning petal pedlars and other vendors from plying their trade on street caters here as of next spring. We support the move if it's motivated by a desire to pro- tect drivers from being distracted by curb -side vendors and causing traffic accidents. And, although we don't normally support government in- terfering with free enterprise, we back the ban if it's meant to level the playing field for legitimate merchants who operate stores in Pickering. Those merchants who employ townsfolk and pay business taxes keep the economy ticking. Flyby -night strut vendors don't. YOU SAID IT The question was: Has the OPP's creation of calming zones on Hwy. 401 reduced speeding? Pat Malone says, "I think it's great that they say it works. I've never seen them nut on the highway but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt." Judy Angie says. "We recently look a trip to Montreal and didn't see any OPP. And the av- erage speed being driven was well over the limit." LN Dave Sheppard says, "Oh yah, absolutely. People are scared to get tickets. I've per- sonally slowed down." INIONS 1 1 1 9 9 9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MP McTeague does us proud locally as well as nationally To the editor: 1 have just read the Aug. 6 Pickering Ncws Advertiser and was appalled by the venomous at- tack by letter writer Steve Mignardi on our !NP's efforts to signal what's wrong with gas prices. As someone who follows poli- tics closely. I must give credit where credit is due. In the span of one week. Pick- ering -Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeague was praised for his depth of knowledge and his deter- mination to see market forces re- stored in an industry that behaves like a monopoly. Coincidentally. the death of a Sudbury police officer as a result of a high-speed chase also put MP McTcague on the front pages and editorial pages of newspapers. Mr. McTeague was commended for his private member's bill C 410, which seeks to toughen crim- incl penalties for anyone who fails to stop for our police. MP McTcague's record is cer- tainly not tow shabby for someone Mr. Mignardi feels wouldn't be known if the price of gas didn't go UP. if Mr. Mignardi weren't so bent on knocking Mr. McTcague. he might be aware that the the provincial Conservative govern- ment has publicly endorsed our MP's work. But then again it is typical for sonic people to run down our MP who does us proud locally as well as nationally. Fern Maw, Pickering Oil companies continually hold drivers hostage To the editor: Canadian oil companies con- tinue to np us off at the gas pumps, using weak, unconvincing excuses to justify their greed. Pe- troleum consultant Michael Ervin of Calgary recently said, "Relief on gasoline prices will come when OPEC oil-producing coun- tries supply major oil companies in Canada with more crude oil." What a line of malarkey Canada has lots of oil. Having just returned via a car from out west. I heard Petro Canada drilled new oil wells there and capped those wells. It pays farmers for having those capped wells on their properties. Is it expecting to increase the price again, and then start those wells operating to np us off some more? Are the oil companies in bed with Prime Minister Jean Chrc- lien and his Liberal party? Even renegade Liberal backhencher and Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTcague is not getting much support from his own Lib - ml colleagues in Ottawa for his well-meaning efforts. The big oil companies continu- ally hold consumers hostage. Environmentally -clean hydro - Sen power now being used by prototype buses of Ballard Power Systems in Vancouver, B.C. could be the answer. It will break the in- satiable appetite Canadian oil companies and their cronies have forced upon consumers and busi- asses. It can't come soon enough for this cowboy' Herman van tier Veen Premier must bring MPPs back soon Legislators have met just seven days in 1999 Despite winning an election in cabinet and will give new minis - June saying he needed to complete ters more time to inform them - unfinished business, Premier Mike selves before they face questions. Harris is in no hurry to get on with C Ffitime He also will give himself more the job• to firm up some of his The Progressive Conservative Dowd promises in the election, which he Premier said in the election his had difficulty explaining fully at Common Sense Revolution still,ft Queen's PaartE the time. required finishing touches and list- Sonne may feel Mr. Harris de- ed some he felt urgent. serves another fotw months' break These included removing men- There is no reason a premier from the legislature, because he tally ill people, panhandlers and canna call a legislature back had an exhausting month of elec- squreegee kids from streets, intro- much more rapidly after an elec- tion campaigning beginning in ducing a patients' bill of rights as tion. As an example, the last previ- May. protection against dramatic short- ous Tory premier, Frank Miller, But these exertions were on be - ages in health care, cracking down won an election in May and even half of his party, nes taxpayers on pollttters by doubling fines and though he lost his majority was who pay his salary, so his patty more privatization. back in the legislature facing his should pay for any extended boli - But Mr. Harris is not rushing to hungry opponents in Juste. day. call the legislature together to start There also is no doubt why Mr. Mr. Harris also should get back working on any of them. He has Harris has kept the legislature earlier because the legislature em - not had the legislature sit since from sitting for so much of this ploys many public servants who, early May just before he called the year. Before the election, he want- when it closes, do nothing or little election and has no plan to recall it ed to avoid being subjected to and or don't come in and still get paid before fall. embarrassed by daily questions in and Mr. Harris is above aH dedi- Worse, Mr. Hams has had the it from the opposition parties in the cated to cutting waste. legislature sit only a meagre seven months leading to the vote. The premier also for four years days so far in 1999, starting in late Mr. Harris underlined his mo- has promised a law that would re - April, and then contemptuously tive because, even when he quire budgets will be balanced or merely so he could introduce a brought back the legislature at cabinets will have their pay cut throne speech and budget contain- long last for seven days to get his and it has become a symbol that he ing tax cuts to launch him into the desired publicity, he turned up at does not tness around. election. Throne speeches and only one of its question periods, so But it still is not approved, be - budgets unveiled in the legislature opponents still had barely a chance cause he brought it into the legisla- are given more coverage by news to lay a glove on him. ture too late and knowing he media than mere announcements By keeping the legislature would call an election before pass made outside. closed until fall, Mr. Harris will ing it - he should come back quick - Premiers mostly have had their put off renewing arguments with ly and pass it as a matter of pride. legislatures sit much longer than Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty Mr. Harris has this year. As one and his bumptious MPPs, who are E-mail comments on this column contrast, the federal Liberals, pleased with themselves because to nnewsadurbam,ouiL Submis- whom Mr. Harris's Tones like to they won more seats in a smaller sions which include the writer's disparage, have had the commons legislature and straining at the bit full name and town of residence open for business on 73 days so far to get at hirn, will be considered for pub4m. in 1999. Mr. Harris recently shuffled his tion. t7•�►de � 1Wvar sari ic.Z DURRA PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Wilkms Real £state Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distrrbution Sfanager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Co tposang .Manager NM (905)683-5110 Salta (905)683-5110 Clanifimi (905) 683-0707 Distributiom (905)683-5117 General Fix (905)683-7363 E -!Nail newsroom P durham.net Web address www.durhamncw s. nct 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 The News Advertiser is one of the Merroland Printing, Publishing and Distribute stoup of newspapers. the News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax A Pickering Board of Trade, (*&aria Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canedian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves tate right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for ad- vertisement limited to space price error occupies. The News Advertiser ac- cepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed M neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last same or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opin- ions expressed in letters arc those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be print- ed. ,kom em MR M- anis• rarra•iia I; Durham BY JANF, MCDUNALD Staff Writer They call it ringing the chord. When the voices of 50 men conic together to sing in close harmo- ny, with such perfection and sol- idarity of purpose, their collec- tive voice somehow lifts to greater heights. "Sometimes when you sing in such a way, when the hall itself picks up the vibration, it adds another octave to your music;" says Roy Brillinger, member of the Oshawa Horseless Carriage - men Barbershop Chorus. At is a hair-raising experience" As summer quickly approach- es fall, Mr. Brillinger and his fel- low chorus members arc hoping to swell their ranks by develop- ing a high school chorus in Sep- tember. Made up of male youths who like to sing, the new chorus will hopefully sing with the Horseless Carriagemen in their 51st annual show next April. As well as being the 50 -year- old group's millennium project, the recruitment of younger men will help the barbershoppers sur- vive. The average age range of the 50- (active) member group is 50 to 70 years. le have a few younger members but we are concerned about the fact that we are aging;' says Mr. Brillinger, fib. -We have a culturally pleas- Baraka delivers NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDrn0N, August 11, 1999 PAGE 7 AIP rrts& N E WS ADVERTISER AUG l l 1 9 9 9 Horseless Carriagemen want to pass on tradition chorus loves to sing Murrrry Osborne (foreground) and other members of the Horseless Carriagemen Barbershop Chorus are planning to begin a high school chorus this full. As well. they'll be enter- taining shoppers in Ajax and Pickering over the coming Christ- mas season. ing skill and talent and we don't want to see at get lost:' When the carriagemen ap- proach high schools in Durham Region the pitch will he plain and simple Thcy havc t., love world music tonight PICKERING —A concert by the contemporary folk group Baraka is bong presented Wednesday. Aug. i I from 7 to 8 p.m. in Esplanade Park, next to the Pickering Civic Complex. Baraka uses a wide range of acoustic and hypno- electronic in- struments to provide music synthe- sizing a number of ghihally-rooted styles. Their intriguing sound is de- rived from Ccltic, cast Indian, Ara- bic, Spanish, medieval and classical foundations. Tire group recently performed as opening act for Lorecria Mc Kennitt at the Kingswo tid Music ThLairc at Canada's Paramount Wonderland. For more information call the Town Zuiturc and recreation dcpan- meni at 420-4620. HERONGATE BARN THEATRE 206 AaoM rid, Plek«1ny A Terrific Murder Mystery COLUMBOAft A CASE OF 80MKIDE Aug. 20, 21 - Matinee A 22 KLONDIKE DAYS AneveningdIDllg"mm* Aug. 27, 28 - Matinee Aug. 29 (905) 472-3085 0 ApoprlLr Tanto aria artist bas a SPeddCWWry aft an antsy of Ire sim Nursery Xbywes, Fairy Taks and satNdcdplkxes sorbed f how faros odor btees, Me Gdern is a rusMc cowdy setsGg f 6e1y wiwdn f m davWt TWVN14 contains fares ru huak, a bey"M softy d a party size f mp+c C4W tig to poops and bAlsildnak- accommodeft the cba&-WA CotrlP I I -ry appk drier and ow7bilais"a A tourist's reprteve_a fawily dell k -a child's dreaml ori g a caaeeral Norwan Cooler ��At (905) 294.1730 +•pk 2825 Yorbbs LMr�lwar I'A4 Town L F "',. open April to October to sing and be willing to make a commitment;' says Mr. Brillinger. "They should have something to offer outside (if (singing Int the shower. They ha -.c t„ he ahlc I„ .ins and carry N.G. Appliances out loud , Neiln 20 Yr ApphanceTechmcla20eanExperience a tune but they don't need to read MUSIC.' All the carriagemen's music Is a cappella and boasts a reper- toire of songs from early in the century up to the 1950s and '60s. A compact disk produced in ccl- ebration of the group's 50th an- niversary offers renditions of 'Amazing Grace' to 'Hello Mary Lou,' 'Swanee' to 'Shenandoa,' and 'Sentimental Journey' to 'California Here I Come. - The carriagemen practice every Monday night and perform a couple of times a month. In December they do what they call the 'Mall Crawl' when about 30 of the men join together to sing Christmas songs for shoppers in Pickering, Ajax. Whitby. Os- hawa and Bowmanville plaza. and centres. They compete a couple of times a year provin- ,tally, consistently placing in the I,,p ono: -third of barbershop com- petitions. The carriagemen also offer members the camaraderie of many service-oriented organiza- tions. "We're almost a service club;' says Mr. Brillinger. The men have used their talented voice,. to help children in need of speech therapy. About 5200X) has been raised over the year% for such therapy at Grandview C'hildren', t-cnirc at. �,ugu Jonn inn A Phone (905) 428-8310 Let us entertain you! SUMMER'S NOT OVERY and you don't knou- what to do with the kids! t k i. 4 SPC" �t kvatla� stswon � came P"n. F Allt r Registrations are now oeirg tax?' for rhe . = regular drama classes which commence September 12. Some classes are almost full. OTcary's School of Drama I,i , /iall: It i}<.P4'.TgY. (`M r: L IU a . • .All C'd55- n• - - _3 - th O NLN i 1 a su ar 2k9 or Brand Name ter2-1.5 litre bottles a Wno other purchasenecessary trot eligible special r family vendors 9 one spec ld must be at least 18 years o Jam Tropicana 2/1 e e Orange Juice Brand Name Crackers Feminine Sanitary Pads ee 11 Chocolate Shredded Coconut Covered Cashews 59C so t Dada O� C.Occatr� A Tetra Juice Boxes Assorted • tr Marshmallows a - to Brand Name Apple Juice ""71at Pantry Shelf Mustard Cr 2/si as e a Montclair water t Dairy, Groceries a Fresh Foods 2/sl .00 *Brack Read (Pickering) -jug monk of Hwy. 401 - every Sate rdag & Saaday 9 a.m. - 5 pm. • free parking -for vendor and general inquires, call 1905) 427-0754 - great food b entertainment • new pub • cbild care centre -rock climbing wall - www.pickeringmarkets.com m x - r ►' i 1"S ADVERTISER WEDM SDAY EDITION, August 11, ttii99 Sports&LEisuRE N 1 11' S. A D FRTISER AUG UST 1 1, 1 9 9 9 Pickering takes the title Piratespillage Guelph JENN FORFST/ Ne.vs Advertiser photo Sivinz shift Chelsea Duncan (left) and Matthew Sters!ios were among local golfers ,who turned out to improve their game at Fox Run in Ajar last creek. Thee were taking part in a golf carap operated at the course and which drew kidv frnm Ajax and Pickering. Senior division action continues Eskimos freeze, Ticats PICKERING — The narik and Romeo Persaud Pickering Pirates Wright in the final. International midget select The Wright Internation- baseball team captured the al midgets bought their championship at the recent ticket to the final after Mississauga North Select crushing Thornhill in a Tournament, blasting Guelph in the final game halted by the mercy contest. rule. No score was report - The Pirates pillaged ed. Loughlin supplied a Guelph by an 8-2 score to double, two singles and claim the title. three RBI. Minarik dou- The charge to the gold bled and singled twice for medal was fuelled in the an RBI and Chris Ohergfell first inning by a three -run doubled and single for two home run by Adam Chitus- RBI. Melo recorded two si. singles and an RBI, Top - The offensive onslaught ping and Chitussi each sin - continued throughout the glcd and brought home two game, with Chris Gibson base runners. ripping three singles for an Persaud. Caughers, La - RBL Mike Minarik, David combe and Gibson all sin - Lewis and Philip Lacombe gled. Gibson and Lewis all contributed a single and combined for the win on an RBI. Shawn Loughlin the mound. supplied two singles and Pickering dropped its two RBI. Mike Melo, Ryan first game of the tourna- Topping and Jordan ment to Guelph 4-3. The Caughers all hit singles. offence was led by Gibson Pickering received excel- with a double and two sin - lent pitching by Lewis. Mi- gles. roar in Durham flag football The Ticats froze out the Es- kimo.; 21-13 in recent Durham Youth Flag Football league se - mor division action. Joe Vanderlaan led the way for the 'Cats with two touch- downs. Adam Rosborough chipped in with a single major. Scott Fryer added three single points. Brendon Cosgrove had an interception The Eskimos got touchdowns from Adam Crooks and Alex Tomaszicws- ki, Matt Wowlstencroft added a single point. The Bomhcrs bombed the Stampeders 34-24, Sean Hunter had a pair of touch- downs for the Bombers, An- drew Aggio, Josh Neville and Brad Wilen had one major apiece. Neville added a two-point convert. Andrew Miller and Mike Orfus each had single points. Sean Mensour scored two majors for the Stamps. Kevin Davies and Ryan Bro- gan had one apiece. The Eskimos downed the Lions 28-18 Alex Schroeder had two majors for the Esks. Matt Woolstencroft and Patrick Downie had one touchdown apiece. Wtolstencroft had two sin- fle points, Curtis Streeter and Alex Tomasnewski added one single apiece. Adrian Goffe had two touchdowns for the Lions, Guido Ciccarelli added one. The Bombers blitzed the Lions 31-19. Andrew Aggio, Matt Rcidel, Sean Hunter, Dustin Chandra and Brad Wilcn all scored TDs for the winners, Chandra added a sin- gle point. Adrian Goffe scored two majors for the Lions, Kyle Hernott had one TD and a sin- gle point. The Stamps got past the Argos 18-14 Darryl Mat. sushita, Jason McMaster and Scan Mensour each scored a touchdown. Scoring for the Argos were Bran Laviolettc and Ray Levesque with one apiece. Marcel Charette added a two- point convert. Meanwhile, in junior divi- sion action, the Packers grounded the Falcons 35-8. Scoring touchdowns for the winners were Darryl King with two, Daniel McCluy, Ryan Zak. Chris Taylor and Darren McCloy all with one. Single points were added by Scutt McCusker with two, Darren McCloy. Taylor and King with one each. Jason Ju - rimae had the Ione Falcons' touchdown. David Kennedy added a two-point safety. The Cowboys ran roughshod over the Dolphins 33-7. David McIntyre scored four touchdowns, added a sin- gle point and had three inter- ceptions for the Cowboys. Brandon Wilkinson chipped in with a touchdown and a single point. Dwayne Clarke added a single point. Natasha Sorgic scored the Ione Dolphins' major. Cory LaFlamme added a single point. The Bills clipped the Fal- cons 34-13. Ai Vahulis scored two touchdowns. Jason Bab- cock, Ted Anthony and Tyler Cosgrove had one major apiece. Cosgrove added a two- point convert. Anthony and Alex Lengyel had a one -point convert apiece. Kevin Head and Jason Juri- mac scored touchdowns for the Falcons. Patrick %Iissen added a sin- gle point. The Packers trampled the Cowboys 30-6 Ryan Zak had two touch- downs fur the Pack. Brett V'er- noy, Darryl King and Daniel McCloy added one apiece. A.J. Lozanovski had the Ione Cowboys' major. The Bills got past the Dol- phins 13-12. Al Valiulis and Ted Anthony scored touch- downs for the Bills. Tyler Cosgrove added a one -point single. Natasha Sor- gic and David West scored the Dolphins' touchdowns. MWO Wanderers �p°�R�+�e�>�Y" &" R Rasa aTRTOV" Monday August 16 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. IP5 Wednesday August 18 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. 11`5 set sights on MWWN AustZccogre ro TAM I erlov s league title AJAX — The Ajax Wanderers Rugby Club's under -18 boys' team has advanced to the Toronto Rugby Union's league championship contest. The squad accomplished this feat by downing the Toronto Nomads 12-0 in the semi-final game at Fletcher's Fields on Wednesday night. The Wanderers will now wait to play the title game. Neither their op- ponents, nor the game date and time were available at the News Advertis- er's press deadline. Scoring for the Wanderers were Sean Schoefield with a try and a con- version. Matt Clark added a try. In a light schedule this weekend, both the Wanderers seconds and thirds men's teams will travel to Oshawa to meet the Vikings on Saturday after- noon. The Wanderers seconds team will play the Vikings firsts at 3 p.m. The Wanderers thirds team will play the Vikings seconds at 1:30 p.m. The con- tests will be played at the Vikings' new clubhouse and field in Raglan. Meanwhile, the Wanderers women's team will lake on the Yeomen at Fletcher's Fields on Satur- day at 3 p.m. c Pickering Hockey Association Final Registration For 1999/2000 Thursday, August I9 h 6:30 p.m _116 IOIS Of HOCKEY _7_ T' SLHOOI SPOTS Ail �4 Don J30CrA4AMnW__ OTHER DIVISIONS tIMITEO_' Bring a copy of Birth Certificate and Heslth Card to be left with registration atrolication. CURLED Wi1TED Bring Your Own EHIROLL League or join ours. IYOWIJ LMU PRIORITY Men's, Ladies LISTS Mixed, Couples From and Jrs. 0140 per From 1150 Yew per yr. C- ,4nnandale Golf & Country Club Church St. N. of Bayly St., Ajax 905-683-3210 Melo singled twice and drove in two runs. Chitussi, Minarik. Caughers each banged out a double. Obergfell, Topping and Loughlin each supplied a single. Gibson and Minarik pitched for Pickering in the contest. The Pirates bounced back in the second game. defeating Burlington 5-3. Pitchers Minarik. Lough- lin, Lewis and Gihson al- lowed only four hits in the contest. Topping mashed two singles, driving in a run. Melo singled for an RBI. Persaud connected for two singles and Obergfell. La- combe and Caughers each belted a single. Obergfell. Topping and Gibson each stole home plate in the game. Pickering dominated Barrie from the opening pitch to chalk up a 10-4 win and earn a place in the in final playoffs. Lewis banged out two doubles for three RBI. Lacombe doubled and sin- gled to drive in two runs. Loughlin singled twice and added an RBI. Caughers singled three times, Persaud, Chitussi, Mclo and Obergfell each hit two singles. Minarik singled and drove in a run. Pitchers Loughlin and Lewis combined for the win, allowing four hits, four walks and four runs. The midget select Pi- rates captured first place in the South Durham Select League this season. They'll play a playoff semi -Final match at Kirkey Field in Pickering on Aug 8. The playoffs will deter mine which team will rep resent the South Durhair league at the Select On- tario Championships in Richmond Hill over the Labour Day weekend. Lost 5 days.' Fantastic prices on BF Goodrich Plus tires! Save 35% ftw ti. N.1r1" lief The revoliAi«tay segsealing tiro for peace of mindl 619or Road I lozard WarrarMy: should a Unitoyal Tiger Paw Noilgard tiro Fail to seal a keod puncture of up to 3/16' in diameter, Sears will reploce it for free. •57000 mi- FIroiiiiii ft"ftad P 185/75 R 14. Sears reg. 145.99 00- r ch. - -6, Prigs wry by a . 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N.1r1" lief The revoliAi«tay segsealing tiro for peace of mindl 619or Road I lozard WarrarMy: should a Unitoyal Tiger Paw Noilgard tiro Fail to seal a keod puncture of up to 3/16' in diameter, Sears will reploce it for free. •57000 mi- FIroiiiiii ft"ftad P 185/75 R 14. Sears reg. 145.99 00- r ch. - -6, Prigs wry by a . ALL it 3 999 TIRES ALL 14"TIRES 4996&9 noir S 99E§&9 TIRES BF Goodrich Plus tires Save 28-45% Backed by a 90,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty'. The computer. generated tread design provides excellent traction on wet, dry and snow-covered surfaces. Distinctive White sidewall or raised leter Black sidewall, depending on size. •36060 —, 1t NPW20799 Copyright 1999. Sears Canada tnc. Come see the many sides of Sears'" ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRESfamore Fu information call 1-888.758-2999 www-ddvedem.com Pickering Town Centre 0'S r-2 Dirsta U o420-0271 AN • • NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, All" 11,19954PAGE 9 AIP CAJAX ING NEWS ADVERTISER To P/am Your Ad Call. 1AASSIFIED '683-0707 1 1 Carpe I I Cancers I I Career, 1 1 careen 1 1 cw we 1 Gtriwel Help 1 renew fop 1 Garwral Help 1 rsnwel Help 1 Gwtwel EFdp DIPLOMA PROGRAM RESPOND TO ADS LIKE THESE IN AS LITTLE AS 10 MONTHS Assistant needed in Dental be r nmkable and naw •` I 61 asw Repar'r•a_ w�arRy rrrw'y an s WoaK�H� gt �ED�pSE`-ynv Inr� � M W � �or"°'"'sane :ud Craupa 4060E yearly wn- DE,N�jppPu�s��� • . Ft•""' OswM rep poMvma liware fall Mr Ianm 90.5-e29-2tp9 ��y�� relow YMr DOf AL aawfnwr (It. repfor busy sea+ a . R'sew a o.niie.w wwvdaneivvr'• ow+y ser tawH " awn sd Appwuiy'w sg'p°•• aro,w...ad a ordtodaitic Deice A.s.A.P. tar• �.,wp ,C•lrrn -M& Cyd nw^ sox Aw,ny M Sidi fax resume to � MODULES INCLUDE: • principles of Dental Assisting • Medical Emergencies • Dental Materials • Canp ter Office Procedures • Operative Dentstry . Clinical Work Weeks • Preventive Deri istry . Radiology 7Ae Rad" -sr, r'uvrwewrw e,.fAkb nrpl- Ping -1, !IAAFWrn wA rw wecwr/awr r. w * IAv 117 41W .Area Rwdimeew P -, w. Mr. lead. TORONTO 1• e Pickering Campus 420-1344 to LITTLE CAESAR'S M COME JOIN A WINNING TEAM NOW! Grow with the 3rd largest Eliz Company in the world. Become part of the largest Little Carsar's Franchisee in Pastern Canada MANAGERS 1st TRAINING Receive Paid training earn $19,700 - $24100 to start Earn up to $35,000 per year in 12-18 months Fax resume to: LITTLE CAESAR'S 416620-0583 1 Gamumd Help 1 General Help EMPLOYEES NEEDED FOR VARIOUS INDUSTRIAL ASSIGNMENTS IN DURHAM REGION AND EAST SCARBOROUGH !!! Manpower is currently recruiting for the following positions: assembly line, bin- dery 8 warehouse workers 3 certified forklift operations, for a competitive Nage. We require you have a SIN card and valid Photo ID, safety shoes, reliable transpor- tation, work-related references and the ability to work shift work. Come work for the leading staffing serv- ice. Manpower offers a benefit program and paid statutory holidays. Please call Shelia at 905-831.7683 or 905-686-7732, or fax your resume to 905-831.8134, stating job preference and salary expect2liom. OMANPOWER The Finance Department of the Regional Mun:c,panty �f Durham currerpy Has the following posrtrpree available for expener,,A d owkVAduais. ECONOMIC ANALYSTS Peporting to the Manager of Budgets Economic Studies and Risk "+'an"gPenn't" anter The Manager of Sper:ial projects and Financial Planing. the SUCCessftll candidate well direct and parOCipate in a ntJmt)0r of pokey '!search areas inducing the financial impact of charges in: prwoscial furxhny arrangerrfetts: realignment of provmcial/munrcpal responsibilis". murvapai Property tax policies and market vallue reassessrreM: residential and ndL SMW ,}eveloprYternt: infrastructure and soh services financing studies: long -tem :aodal budgeting requirements, borrowing capacity and capital financasg: and money-market and foreign exchange acne ysrs and transac0an. A Master's degree in Economics. Business Admrrwtrabon or a mated field is preferred. combined with several years of experience in policy analysis and research in a munucipaVprovncral orgarxzation Krgwledge of provincial �egmlaboin Is required regarding property taxation, m rrcipal finance. devefoprytent charges. to" services reaignww* and other relevant IeQslatipn. The successful candidale should have a dernortsbated under'Stirdnq of municipal finance Strong cornmi rseaton. presentation and Computer slulb coupled with eHtactrve venting skills are essential. Foe OW1764-006 SENIOR FINANCIAL ANALYST In this temporary tull-pine povior. you wnu be responsit4e *Or the Contecal and operation of computerized accounting and analysis systems. and t)se preparation and review of financial slataimerts, and specrakzed reports. You wnl be expected to plan, research and prepare reports deaMg anti the implerft♦ntatxxn of policy and financing S&aftpn. YOU wd POSM" a PDft"KXW accour" desgmWn (CA. CMA. CGM) combinW with several years of trwlcial analyst experience, preferably in the pudic sector or public practice. Excellent corrrnunc ttion, report-wirii inq and analytical skills. as well as a high proficiency in the use of stsrxfard microcomputer software are requred. Fie NWVAC-M SUPERVISOR, ACCOUNTING Reporting to the Manager of Accounting, you will be responsible for the effective wpervesron of the general accou nting and alccouMs receiv M staff You mO also ensure the provision of accurate, tnroly accou brig and neportsg services. and c0-orc nate the application of generally accepted accoueing prncePles and m m%CP l accounting principles to M regional opestians. Other respansibiKim viae nctxte mp uryw ntng and marnaReng fruncts policies. procedures and controls for tim assigned areas. co-ordinabnq the preparation of financial reports. and providing accounOfg and anliytidi expertise in the preparation at various studies or in the evaluation of financial matters. You are a urversity graduate with a professional accounting designation (CA, CMA. CGA). and several years of experience with computerized accountirig systems in Islge ogan:asans, preferably with PeopleSoft pubic sector software. A dernonsuated ability to organize. set pnionties, meet deadlines and arm" the effictio nt operation of the work unn is essential, as are knowledge of fund accountng. and strong commLxvcauon and Analytical skills. Fist NSe-VAC-020 Qualified indwduals are nu thud 10 re* in confidence, by Auq at 13,199k quoting the appropriate file number, and stating salary expectations, to: staining Advisor, The Department of SNrnan Resources, The Repostrial Mutitipekly rN DLrhrn , 006 Rosalind Road (East, VA*by. Ontario, LIN GA3. We thane all applicants but advise that only those to be considered for an 1 interview will be contacted. 100 TME FUTURE buildings to guise sono are prepared for Charge Those yin arc located And to MM who are IecllnxalN skilled Net a Com ming MCSEILDIUS Niles, Database administration using Oracle Computer Maintenance - A. New media we design Ord Autocad. stalwart deign and programming. Financial as- si5talxe may be avaable M deble swdme. Cal Owham Business Computer College 1905027-3010 THE HAIL STATION Career Trams g Center Greer van - ng avalable In anihoal Hilae. ear cants"'"' cotes wrung Air brushing and tanfmlllg techniques Slunem Rmm�np negotiable (9050392217 11 cars" AL DESIGN 26 wk Fbratry A Business Program. 12 wk. n- temove 3-pbase program. 3 wk. Professional course. In- home video. Beginners Pro- gram. Pan-hmellull bine courses avaeable. A school Were all Yyour framing becomes vmr8rhde Finan - call a5sew" may be 4val- able 905-436-7746 1 Owwel fUW TRE SPORTS GARDEN CAFE Inlermnssmn5' Is looking lot responsibleorganized indi- viduals 10 work Dan time At the concessions stand Day. aid weekend shins at avid. a* PleAR drop DN your Fe sumo at the concession stand Currently Seeking Employment? Between the ages 16 and 24? Out of school? hen the YMCA Employment Services ffer you free one-to-one consulting an ssistance in: Job Searching ♦ Resume writing • Subsidized work experience placements For more information or to register call: (905)427.7670 Or call the Job Hotline at I905) 839-3645 est. #706 Pickway Transportation Experienced school Bus Owers for 3 runs daily, Clean abstract recent DCC, Fklent English preferred. (905)424-4574. un A TECapUE mcaa n 3F ESTHETICS ',ewt.Yn *ctr,," IrYlr:,(,t01 And An y ww imit-kn AsewNN grwee E.KC~ and tr waHq dpDdewmY Wx. win A.t yen wa4n0 •a- ;wMnce ItAW r» rNWM. -Ioee4t4N. knpwlydpeeW r rw/me aiASw- -■ ,5 Swore s 13ek► sol Fr 91DS 72►6710 sENwtt AOVWR PST for .1w aro and ere :wmn in etawA Mull nM mia. -tr in wa. Darn. sera ant :sod Connote sflwCe Fr 'sw a 101416E5$0.Mo AnENTION ",u Qwrnem +cpm .,rove . ,elm U M a Arid we .m1 Carlo a anumer vgrwg Oswsmwr No ar , I b dos a Nserr Also. .1 CAN AM No saw Also. 'at As old cure tram ve +m b { D m a T(as Uro t a e U 6 p m IfIDS) J23. a'n0 ATTENTION COLLMtE and 'ea- cel. 1111110- rp VWad for now house isles In law "Awn own Ham. 2:Ntatal is. raw" to 'wail a 19M,469.107o Al WWR swdv JL rsea 3-d soap. cwan itsagq ro t s S.peN„a a A rue CAN Jr r :9051 -427 - ow DALSM .MeJ Vvol Falx a K mn.yR 'a August 21 2A ' Ika,.wm Asea 2o- iept 6 -W 2 S 3V ONH MW 'eW la,my nacre eon 'moan ta774a7-2550 CAnIGMA Ia wile Wry m Pi,:W.: g Par' rime wen days. ,P.1 -Ad m VOW- CaroteCWSorUrr sw ors, (90548"717 CLASS A2 3-, leaded Clean abstract 2 Vera C.- wertce ovar Crawnnqq al eau Dan afw r 00 pm. 90y -13j-0977 CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- veRtser will not be re - 1 soon$" tot more thin oneincorrectInsertion mo there sal Ile n0 b- ag lity, for non -Insertion Of any advertsement. I.AdAtty for errors In ads is limited to the amoum paid for the Span OCcu- Dyirg UM Ma. AN copy is su Meet to the appro- Val of nIMagemem of News Adventsef. loos agwmrrce. Redeem to pmNe NOana Park OU Excedahrato rise erm Plaine pal (416) 631.6909. OWNS MOdO to enlver newspapers Rc 72. u Gull (W5) EARN 5200.. 5300. 3500, or more per week, amambhrq produ Is m the comfort of your own tore Send a sell - addressed SLmppo errlelppe b. oPH. 6.200 Duhdes Sf w Sae 541 Flet 636. ue- smaga. out. LSK 2n8. PA" -TM CASSE Swvtorp 2uttwpcwe Cmbmera n mm P"o6 noel ora isaR� FleublHot in, Hol W -Mousiest Call Joan (905) 6861344 WANTED For busy Ladies Health Club. 3 rooms available Please call Melodie at 905-428-25M CLEANERS REOUMED pl Inc depar,ment store Mud, be 3,91 Mncad CAI 1-8W463 D"Y°uLOVE TO WORK WITH WOOD? ROCKWOOD FURNITURE, A PICKERING MANUFACTURER OF SOLID WOOD FURNITURE IS LOOKING FOR YOU. WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO HAVE THE EXPERIENCE BUT WE ARE ALSO WILLING TO TRAIN YOU. WE HAVE OPENINGS IN OUR MACHINING, ASSEMBLY AND FINISHING DEPARTMENTS. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON ON SATURDAY MARCH 27 BETWEEN 10 AM TO 2 PM AT: 13 F�c�ckwrood �rrtrac LTD. 895 DILLINGHAM ROAD YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS PLACE':' - Ashley Furniture Homcstore, the newest and most exciting concept 1n retail, is opening a new store in N HITBI and looking for ambitious, motivated individuals tf t hec:onx a member of the Ashley team. We are looking for the hollowing positions: Full Time Sales Assistant Manager Manager Interior Designers %%c are also looking for full and part time Cashiers, General Once, and General Warehoaue staff. We titter a Ihenetih package and an exciting, challenging work rnvironrnent. L interested. please call STAN at 14lb) 752.4503 OR FAX REST %If !r1141h17;2-11633. �f a�• eaEr_ 1 1 Our dsds tidied -, he J,f'vv+ Region ,re looiung 6 people to i 11 Am 61owtry postop • Ger:ercl labourers • .aq-Fy C,ala'ol 4 you am o ane :rd drill. hole omm a aaaparanon and inn warlb ilii please cell Clsaw Or " 427-0717 or Faac wet' 5764698 O UM StaffingServlces PERSONNEL OPEN HOUSE Thursday; August 12th 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. RECRUITING: • Assemblers • Material Handlers • Order picker/packers • Certified Forklift As Able to do shifts Oshawa Location Oshawa Centre Tower 6th Floor Suite #1601 Pickering Location 1099 Kingston Rd. #1230 Sign Up Bonus (Some Restrictions Apply) AVAILABLE SCARBOROUGH AREA • Customer Service • D/E entry 10,000 keystrokes • Switchboard (Large boards) • WP/Admin with Word and Excel • Senior Clerks Please fax resume to: ISHBEL WILKIE NORRELL SERVICES Fax (905) 7262863 Aurora CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES It there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application twill be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed direct )►t to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. BAYLY EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST required full time for trendy salon in Pickering. 426-2005 FRIENDLY, ' ^ m •n atetv Please call �4ri109_0443 COOKS REQUIRED, Fw, and .,It e.rumence Appy .etre Cams Wo a :arc FULL TWE COUNTER HEV •eawnd Inc ane ,cal :Jrta- n.a^ eager - A,+aPtwnmp. 1111 tram CAN 19051-X20.7027 FULL TIME EXPERIENCED """i ar I.:..r: APM " x' Sas G, -v 'halope HAIR STYLISTS required rot ..'nu •rued .n Super Cent. N. ? rears eryer,er,p FVK ' sore -Dine ra.rg and renpl awadaDN Gal i6,-9274 Malay F,.. lay Nay I^ YOU ARE -too. "toy e puldm,s "'love apps men �vr ,s s :aa o 905) 42o-0597 IOM THE wMNING TEM' �.apef .1 'ecnmcun ::a:lw.c A yM omit pwrNort "'M m our sols-nioneries And .'�MpAawtoNganv iiiiccentow 6r bwntom Her in an. xaAlos deperwmk new A Recd dnwrg r4ead and MUST -1 • goad teopir tmb I.- rmnce An rase but ria �lnsar isle .4 nam Cap ^ WStax 1905N344589 LArTOUPS SM ,tot:' 'lesion C Awwwn Cann , row Ir. rt-bem and sol -tanner r AMsta. rise 5 yrs a .^+••m,xr and "M mince am sem wrmbmc OM «116eL IDM6ane 1aor �mb +' 6157E 7060 loplrrG Fon Wes Apo w^a .: c 6e o nrxp elm f# Awa -,V Msea at W, akattural r fwNMp sdrkon "ar Gam. car Hertel 'au p 'a wb AH A. aaDownmtm •SeiSeM3 .00eING •c nn drat pm - 11% 4 Crams full Amis Ma�.re. �,eC�auy INapa • Spot 4525 Danwt mloS WANTED rwpaNnce a' v�sm I- own mswmm any r Powe UK gm- -+x-9160 MM CASH DAILY Drivers oww- M; ewn•c�r-cmistry tram 4" WN Mel r -�MIX, .a MAKE T." on me as wet s hp e,ptnexl a xninF 'art ''r0= Moe moo a , wrMw'�I Cpvnwtey S►ECu try, PRODUCE 1ua- Air .ee4np An6.rts 'o w .'^ps a .te.eds civ, .pnwnce Fle.ale hours .,seg roc ewe C a p At ,t ,Dnre Pleas car Stewart •A 'rQ1-x622 rMTURE k AT.0ELl tie* re- awred Dan me :..noel i Ad b 'sol time I,pewide tleiptw YC ptiorte r peau[ Apply nn nave to Ease Fm Owllty Mean 104 L.P. Dave wtnmv :Come of Lunn And Hwy .2 NAIL TECNMCUMS lo, new UJ C!m to `eptMme 99 -he r-1 Place 90011-4111. NEW ROME SALES - Bluder epwrn etp n house saes rep I- cb"�p stalls a must FA. resume b 905.85073,2 OPENING (Ajar North) Now rnxruiung: shift supe;AWS Join an emnronmen where your Insigh and coaching talen will contribute it iervice cis "cIIcnci Aid a winning team. Forwardyew resume le: b0f.; WENDY'S oto asyly SL W. Ajax, OeL LIS IN9 Fax(9e5N27-2729 Cate curve by 3u0 16th PANT TIME evnwps A wee. kends Looking for mature perpoem U Mp Oct leads In - waling and knocking No solo Cash nonny Cali Terry between 9m-tOMI pu, 1905)-4273536 PART-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE $15 hour CAR REQUIRED ENGLISH A MUST Call Peter at 905-686--2445 ext. 224 PART-TIME position cru ague shopping company seeks eneofix. sell-slArterS 10 work :n nuc unique Worm- nwn, Rouble hours cash �dld weeklymint enjoy alk:ng and reogt Gr it. gwred Please Call Chris At I. 888650-5300 (mention ad code 1) OMANPOWER PURCHASING CLERK I SUPPORT 6 Month assignment - location Durham • Min. 2 years experience in purchasing Dept. in manuf. setting Work with purchasing agents and buyers to generate P.O.'s, expedite deliveries, research and resolve discrepancies. Fax resume to :905-831.8134 Attention: Mary Also Data Entry 10, 000+ KPH, Receptionists, Switchboard Operators. undcr new ownership We've got great things in store for you Paid -training Valuable experience Hot Opportunities. Permanent P/T flays. Ffr. 13akcr positions available. 465 Bayly St. W. Ajax. (Mt. LIS 6.x17 Fax (905) 4 2 1647. T�#�� An rmt,l'ncr c,m .rtT� u,!, PACKAGING OPERATORS We are recruiting for longishort term temporary positions for a local manufacturing company. If you have • Safety Shoes • Ability to work 3 rotating shifts • Grade 12 or equivalent and • Packagingtproduction experience • Transportation a must ^lease fair reisume to: (90.5) 4104266 INTERIM PERSONNEL AVAIL. I N1N1 ED. S inn-S4rN)/u•k. No Exp. Nec. Pavdav - Friday NO SELLING need n tuii ti mi- R'icpn„ne Reps to conduct Market Studies. Hours 1 9 ,Lion -For. 14-1 Sat. Dependable People only Call 720-1507 !OSrEN', Sales Person A Photographers Durham Region Reliable Transportation required. Fax resume to (905)721-9892 KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! Ages 2 + Wanted'or 7V 3 Move Joos! No Fees!! Men / Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No extras. parents call (416) 221-3829 Landscape construction Company requires: People experienced In flag,hone, interlocking, stone. pfsa same. Bobcat experience. Top wages. Call 905-640-8374 PETS ON TV Dogs. Cats B,rds and Exotic An mals needed lot TV commercials, series, films, catalogues and brochures. Send picture with name and phone number with Info on pet to PO Box 58541.197 Sheppard Ave E Tor. M2N 3A8 TELEMARKETERS REQUIRED 7o call Existing Database. Top wages paid • Training provided Contact Peter at (905)-686-2445 (ex. 224) Sits TELEMARKETING CO r SEARS 4UTRONUED Inoow 3wln ene'gClr( Tfwplgse clean 41 Ses Irnmreale reps Np e.perwnce 119 -no openings 'tK 3 ;enamd ftM- .K train Excel" Wy plus -0 S Air Conditioning Me. ran Donilaei da"" Urs• 6 Craupa 4060E yearly wn- smmergrsrns avrlaeM Grear ogDatuury Psease 905038-0058 rep poMvma liware fall Mr Ianm 90.5-e29-2tp9 all OemM a Lon 'Cin Dao rot ,ererrAM SIRNERS. orolesslmals with POSITIONS WAJLMEE. ,w. In, dining eq),nerxe piny WC appy Top m rmarasum MW onto o area A: diners lsen 427.6999 n taunits 8 train and Juin Op 3 ytan drnirtp eapererice SItIFPMGIetanalsG.ta, an lr train on UM vehicles Cleanaburan am 'Ncrede5 cnamcs slxk and yid in tdured Serdm Amucrits orlly seri, resume to Flom Amory PCOutside work Full amt pemanen( ponAtpnM 1Inc RRA2 Peterbor. t Aub PMS OWN M- i 0 K9J 6x3 a tae sol fu resume to Tim (416)- resurne W 17057 748-0591 286.8690 NERAL AGENT. we we cur - reedy eupading and are to out SNORT olmn COOK DIN rvscartswough COUNTER PERSON, up pw reotais We arc looking for tetrad but not reoared Full ttpb Mngy individuals sem a e Imre one Morning SIMS bIM m a fast p 00019's KVI r� Apply, in person 10 J,m r renis emlromlmt Compel- Texas Boger 21 Harwood rive salary and Oerleflts F,a Ave S AIA.. be. 9._ resume U (9051686-8221 Spm 1 Olen fop 1 Olen Established Durham I�nsuurt� Broker requires RI-B.O. Licensed Bookers) to Ian our team as a personal lines CSR Must be R.1.9.0. Licensed. Send into; resume to RM pea Itis TWS apt. P.O. Ip 481, O3bm, ON LIN 7L5 WHY TRAVEL TO TORONTO? Local law firm requires LEGAL SECRETARY with • 1-2 years ruin. Real Estate Law • Word '97, Windows '95 • Excellent communication and organizational skills Telefax resume and references To: Gillian Vanular (905) 427-5542 Phone: (905) 427-4886 AIP PAGE 10 NEW ADVERT03k WEDNESDAY EDITION, Augum 11. INS �' t MIM 116yMrRm Baur 11IrlARIwY 1 Sara kN W1aom 1 MM NdOAPemIllf UMW HMO ti1NY1 RIM tBpla ► para..04.5111. dpB1NM Nar a co X11} Dynamic, exciting commltte to uncompromising customer service. The PICKERING STORE needs top-notch people to help us. Currently we are looking for Part Time Associates We have openings for the following *Sales • Commissioned Sales • Merchandise Presentation • Automotive Installer -Logistics You are helpful, friendly, energetic, and have a history of providing excellence in Customer Service. Experience is an asset. Interested ? Please apply in person to: The Human Resources Department located near Catalogue on the lower level in our Pickering Town Centre location at 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering. Only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted. Applications accepted between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mon. Fri. Sears Canada Inc. is an equal opportunity employer Sears Canada Inc. Due to our phenomenal growth in the area Canada's number one home furnishing re- tailer is now hiring Sales Associates for: Fur- niture, Appliances/ Electronic Sales. Home turnishing sales experience not absolutely necessary. You must be enthusiastic, person- able, presentable and willing to learn. This is arare opportunity for career oriented indi- vIduals to join the renowned industry leader and earn above average incomes (535,000 - 1�100,000) in a friendly, stable and profitable %%ork environment. Our benefits include medical insurance, dental insurance, pre- ,cription drug plan, generous employee dis- counts and profit sharing, along with career growth opportunities to those who aspire to management positions. Please send vour resume or apply in person to: 1500 Victoria St. E., Whitby, Ontario UN 9113 (905) 430-9050, Fax 1905) 430-0378 tool ••.a;er': d Id", .. .-. Fu- a;Re s4wixeU wa.L.A, with Gommrsron and vehicle :ommercEal sales experieltice preferred Old not es8efifil! Fax n� to 905-683-M 7 at Call 905-693-4177. .',~o •yip soil Apply OIL IM Appy whir Aro. baexn taorvin tam-Sp.a SIMMER JOK. .. awar- aW 4n.assng taken ON' :.' •� Sur !SL do No 060 1~ ewwsM rase In day, dart roNrarow AM.. I•Iaerrrko ua N16f;1}2691 No+ THIN NEWS 4DV4RTt3El pen aro .iron mor b door roar weds a t a 60D M rlMw etNyyorNpp� au SOSi63-31 t 7 WMTEO C.IeI"erwed MW 4.-na -.adn Must Naw Ow, '.nn•. ulely rgwpmw Aed UW"DoR~roA" h, QUWWn 00Car 19031379-15117 Mew new a N" NOMI WORMERS ti pNEEDED 1! "^•m n M4�•: uT .I+Y L nunK rowe bred erwwns Sial R.cN6ampeR- dtaMY to Mt web p ,69 tau 4 art tOm-las„ 1 7n a4op "UTN "HOUR b uan W Nell Ouse . _...:. so"- Een,nIMIW ad OAO&Clbm an nee Ra $16 3Cas WNIN 0b Lia 0►TICAI STORE part ,ir,„e eceouo a st Must I, wsuurxx Wrvwa a.MM friendly ane work wen NAi pia Dubuc Cedpufr ".11s and orewas OpKal store b- pavtWra an non ba Net bre b trap 9th now oM- son shbwM be O0 - wed n pmm to Bad or 375 Bond St ON oinawa. DECEPTIOONISTUCRETAIn " item to :puny sbos ,eQ` .' ' SCarp«Oirplx ot- f`e MW RI S D halal INR' left" system Odlesumlo POW 399 So. 481 865 Fi-ell SI OShawa OrL1H 71.5 Nftf1 3'111' JEWELLERY STORE in Pick- XG ilei% mature espm- SWw udrv10ua W, Suits As wane opinion Must be .valine nigras and were. kenos Call Jur for deals 190514202552 FULL few sales assocrase 7unei Durance Cmfee Lo- co( Ied NEW 02Level" Ex- cynenee required Interested 8'f96679s *am cau 1905) R.E. SALES Big name han- -mm se 901 Comssonsl Back ups Leads. Rderras pwnad No lee'S "' CALL 905.509-6111 ROYAL WOODS LINCOLN MERCURY AUIDMO11ve Saks We require two experienced sales representatives Grow- ,Nousershpp Olson working amasphre F« Imervlew call 2300 R¢k Larelow. 19051-686- EXPERIENCED ALTO BODY PRE EREQUIRED imereediately for INa,y Oat -rale body shop In1Yhltby. Phone, IENSEN AUTO BODY (905)668-3331 CABINET MAKER LhrdworkmgppLunt L n breed :n Marfham req wrt, skilled nee h mist' asw mblers. Contact Geron Asso. ciates 19051470-0208 I tel I 19051 470.17149 (fax) Etc E.i Sled"" 'Wo --RANA' C3MDMYC3MPANY mernann ':At x:•i��m own, Yon -Fn mint hew 1).n boli tPIWo f9051pt- ;;%56 1- rb ,esi"nwa b 1931-01" ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Weattlar rev.. -r In (MO4n 1242 sUC1RK1Ms ^• nv sit~ .,,demMl Vdft ted Cal a1w 6 D m (!0151 INPEaNMCED weNlf RS n- fku,-a NO-, ve ben "b"1w fyl o. 4nd 315 TpMI floM D1905190M5075ii IL-MiOCEDa sawA& rowed t . ^u .6 old gmw man Fw awe a wt90IM--4N5!a0p q• taWrtp P1LLY EIPENMNCEO -"wer rr0aed Mr HupM Wages nwpaybN $'' pr Alen 6 Pm 905-242 GAS FIAEPIICE ,l.tre re- qu'es ial WI .,..- It fuel I— ;wIrbom, .tin between OKL3pE AM "aim- ,tial sans is, ba lempdryy oeplane r4/4t9 posse b ties aro Died a tb 414 397: "S FITTER arMoo and experienced Contract wan n Setfb raumt 9L:-433- 1 Pbpne 90} 'zs-9nl ■STALLERS and wrvtu,re. Ingrral'ur mbchae, required ;W edxalety Must be k uX.Med (9051686-0018 IIECIUNK to, Inn A flaw repay Muv or so ON AP peduice, a licensed Shop E msdwork On call ,"ft -em ga Per maMust be AW b «Y wskpr ud . over. one CAN Amw 431-8215 paum CMM *Top a "Wit, *81aaOi* *RRSP opporkuiba* Pick"am ( 1.9760 PLATE FRTERSAEELOESS. Egabksw feta tabow." n AW pedenty requer" Rae fitters and cellaMd weidem Must be fully nnwersaM wIm MuphiNa and work NM men mum SplfMq 33 me b 990�5--1422Bt re- su PLUMBER wartedlicensed, experienced in stMei work C 905-426.3495 a RENOSMTDR- Full-time pose. uan n wt tby Meswem 2. years ppenon with rrklot exterior. resr0emtaUcommen me reservations Will train Must have 10015 A vehicle Wages cmtagdo upon e.. DMr`e Fax lard: to 905 430-8088 or cal 905-430 165+ STAINLESSSTEEL FABRICATOR Staieka Steel Food Equip mat Ma im. tiring Sbop is Eoohing for a person experi- eesced in the fabricr tion of Staiobw skirl Refrilleraled Tables, Sinks, E.luw1 hoods, Preparation Tables said rather feed eq"W erten as weD. Pim CNN OW MCO9N9 ves�r'Nts 1 tkoapRr DENTAL ASSISUNt lequred for Wfulby office full -bane Call 1905)571 1955 o it. resume to (9051571-2235 DENTAL ASSISTANT requned for Wnnby OtXe tvemtigs andwftleends RARP cetyl ned Must be Mende a, 430.1778 No Wednesday ale p ^b.on,. w.acn _v' ishor t« N, enre Sal •'-My aan F Prom Is $a '"..a a met Deere Is, re- mr b F905N4*9672 Ami EXPIRI419CED -MW dtwra -ur,l uvf"J.,reer IMe6- OR Q? 443 DYM d Jadse OW FAST WED Pwb^wg been R -.no emNsrnnc owr.1 and experienced ra awe Nvow" GoomwawfAd. "Iwalekabr b pas Our Mrs adsHMy Full $one nwe"ry SalFtetnOw►aKt� AOM 1110 Aelra,q 1iose 420-4056 bred Fat ►AAT -TNN: ' Nw.Y NiCh. ascan I.� ^an Papa 20 b 25 hour, ar' ..,Y A..i"- N ape fez MM Saturday w b Mt "cc MS lsrwess o.. •tH RS -NtWt O"TUWTIES - Ckwc Renu Grana Wnn,h . P" .... l 064wa ", y,m order M uM1 McNs GlaaMtn "'0'""W appy Fix 416..516796 Rite 5w x64020 Er t3 3 . 1 D"y OATCAKE '.puma In, trot eaten I ' 2 It 4 BarwMw Hrigfes ata 8313663 EXPERNNac rrrpwc W. ny Nprld 6 eny bosh Mb. nNKa b 7 t 4 yea ad ISi annian O'devl Nonfor s " SION-O own 1)e S1arIr10 StpWnm,r 420702: MTCAM 'ebaned in key tom, 'vear and t y,a olda Her I.ud and a 02 arw Ca wolrIed 19051425'266 MATURE PERSON. we, Mike in Ow home I- c1a,M. tar ale :.bolt:. a ouJ: CAN IOam 7per ""718 WMTEO -% w"K tw- 6xne Nanny fie w hours NOW h,K a can 4 lowwxu Defeat 1�90�5:1905-6Nbt n2n2 ��_� �•13� LOVOG HOOK DAYCARE Sbry limits and Quality CrMd- rin s ."`2M 5yrs per Khool Pal bw aro hYl w e ]rallabs Nonsmoking tax rc[tpt Provided InfaaiCNld CPR. till ad Valley Fame Mry 2 cbw to Rckn`p Go GY (9051837-9600 MYLYMANWOOD KIDOIE LAND ECE More las 3 Ful bust sores aYilAle. 2 yyeeaarFs pus Smok point trso Ptavroan, aW11gs. cra15. so. =ft pus more' CPR Can. bedAnSl ad I905µ26-7339 oloc ROSsu" Rexalme daycare across from St Wlnred taloa Smow Tree FaburpuMspl y pan Fnwtd vied CMI TM - ay .426-1864 '111)"I 110009. it," moDer of 2 fan eproricad d3%Xe Smoke-frWpet free hoard. wltsd yard KWOOM Clans a x0vdvs Loch% 6 3366CM Tanya (90Sµ26- DA►CME avalsbe In my home in AIM, new the lake Stones songs, wages mom dols meats. loving ennrm- mdn ECE student __ SSmM ng house. Tnsna 1171- DAYCME AVARABLE. Mon- daY-FndSY. 3 nonN15 aro p eeDxdpalb�r00k S Brock 16 years (9051683-5278 k fa Betsy OU"LENANNA. Expire,. emCld dayGrt mlUbk In a Eon. OruarviWrll•ira Clot to Vaughan W1aM PS DaOly field tops, playrooms rms , .ush more. much reeCad CPR pus Inst Aid. references and «craps pro. .M 111837-1814 FINCHMNITES Rd complex Close 10 GO Nxe-pom high Quality Centel wall I`ended program coop AIC Inlay to saw aged6am-0pn. IW 8 part I'm spin !ttW- Kms (905)-9312513 NOME UAY CARE available Located In Whnevale Please cab MdMsa (905f 472-8736 LOVING mother plonalq daycare .n my home Nutm 10A "IUK day ways DIA, dmf .dines slo"n arts/ Crafts. Smoke lift no pelf. references. ,ecnpts 665 9051 LOVING. Reade Home oaycare x,epup ata up to 5 Years IUndltS wall big Mmorn Ling, pro. AIImw ,-, owe au FUN lune bray C;vw Nig 7187 '� xence. fees: ad CPR, From ^dung, n0 pelS Retnp, aces 3 a under hot meals. ..affordable 049837-zW2 NEXT W William Dunbar ^ , Dubbed. ace" •e^<ts E�rSt-ad CPR. +" i math lots (5)839-12- NOT YOUR AVERAGE he- _ :sclassroom M - .nt F_ydsy is a m leaneg ^•:wrwFroee ECE mom 'miles e.c,Ilern care n .Ino. smoke -net 01* 1 ^tate aSW" Septem� Neal '400,11Nbama Receipts - rr (9051421-8025 PICKERING IeaO / RON: 'n'>C 1a K..he Tel -Ins to ru•, :1sp ounrbs '--Iced backyard and •415. adone) story rime. music. nu - a •'•tomeaty a tricksFvst 4�^. C PR amfwd Nin :..,alrq. rtkpn 905.429 u RELVoa"e. ICE Er e nm lunpys. sena+ ;.: x, )fan"� Mak1114,d- - am: Elle, ..1.1 Near Wm lredwar --1)m (416)478-8751 ROTHERGLEN -Ind South ....•ted -A ^,,. back- '.'^.aned NRs Clow Cams a . •Ilose o b ekat QS -•gwaJ Ms available 425 ib WESTMFrRMMmed.' +toe X65marrarr 13 dkao- ilpl NnCn sr%Kft ECRM - d Sara" �.,komer r.W - t1 •rl�Mas 4274937 I Flnewood KC:- ^tr ' REW000 Q,K +my fill, : '^. -a.d .out gwa.nfwa a u. famepm neyl fop wa . ca SItehl xmwr"ur het dekvMr 9015 75}22)446 .ae$rasbrp- Iar tui t• •- ins Fast b a Goodnow Puts dbtawe brown m cape BULWW we enperana ad is go twrw F t O.0 ptMd dog 63- 3637 t6aTum neo were a- nG Reek -to-, boor raid _ eo en ar`- Fa Mh*r4 62 Mawen It" yMkone 62OldNmp- 4 r 1�9D5.42�i9916 I,*- NELVIMTOR cbnnen Adm- ry 'Karo lnN werrMr A dry n S+Y. w5'426-Sb1t UNUR ,a Fw prow cow 4 gamin idea Wr rrn.,C l balder Devoted M 4 54K urge Peter Wan 5m10rp 32taMsOwes 60--tms 60avd W« W AN ei atabr M. 24. 1.10 Dt rnry a"dlw 1lost T.O. yiY4 OOFFAI -her 4 drys. e•vte w Judy teed CpIF a b, 4vinnpp 4350 PMof, ale MCS,509 9393 $MR FRAME Nx pep sw pl, enW.lnwe 1:,no* ,pia Iw enua:, :-xa :neo n spat bed 57711 new sed 5450 a Def oNn &Good NR wero"a twwl (9051 t36N56 1 Ancon ow So* 1964 NOMY .q- 2516 cup awn mown 'Myo EMI. 41 - our 11-d new. He used $4200 o If o CAN 19051579dn, 9.9W 1998 Evnnude outboard motor Mar.Uikf M Sper F'md new never 1)M St8m Pkwe CA (905)430- 6&71 APPLIANCES ,,Ingram 2 OUo; finost file Wine, Sbw maCNng heavy duty Masher A drys 3675 " - wlssoppaa ate Also venmore wna, used 2 Kars $250 Pwaeuq 116-827-SIX9 BACK TO SCHOOL - Duality Marne brand nen to new A new _m - ,nn Ism s A ppoot'ysS (&Ib 12 f. Mm s x70tLGi Hundreds Of nems W choose from wr met ON - " weedy From Jeans $12 CWm tares $8aces pains S12 sorts 56 swears $12. iR15 $45 sport Jackets 525 plus, ohs. pus %a m we Nv Bauat. Gan. Polo. Crosswps. Gap Lets. Harry Roue pus Marr, more. Sound utomoMpaoa b a true'+ W ad see yourself yself Shia 1 we've beth OWN My pv Desi n ever A need to new Ut b 75RL Glow T d sawn t« pAt b SchOd Rsae' Tyle tlo age b hvklukeny�Rdd n 10 Burrns, SIM1 tendp�Mr &.1 Lbe (mtfm s Sit P )I IbmOn �M�W io-0 T4 10-9 Sa 10.5 Cal W54042063. Nae Maly d Dur CRuau alms Nom p Slip ray lot best vane ad uICCnOn K COOLI AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE. aro Vane Cora as senna trudge, stovewasherdryer detlumlMw ur-home service Please cam (90!.)259-0526 SRANO new Mlydm 48' 3 one sinr row Wali dm's Never been unit. cost $1380 asking S1200 (905432-3446 CMOFT BED. wrought um. Queen ortMDedc mattress sel New. www 6051 51 200 Sacrifice $490 Can d,IIver 1905N31 -7M CAMET OMEA. IDD''., ley. lon IFA push. Sian res151are carpel For 3 rooms, only 536900 Price includes 30 SQ VIE Cato data: pad am R- Stallat10F1 M your baric Free QuoWlm ke your home No arrest no payment its one IW1 year. Daniel. I-BEII 8757,905-434•+830 CARPETS loft of carpet. 100% nylon new son re. lease copeu on EMM. 1 rod Carpel 3 looms 5349 P,wt „Ydacaw platinum Dad. expert l mlatatan last near eq fes atlmMIS 130 Hips) Normal 686-2314 f/ria An Usid1lt Ter A Pi smift Cmw- �aOEld /ItMMIs � MN' t'ewGB tr r r0.Ow 311 lyn6 Det \ori IJ*WtPhmdd" LIS US MR. ft, Sam Mall 1par nsalRe m P.O.Box Ont 7 ELECTRIC WE FINANCE Ajax, Ont EVERYONE LIS 303First time buy- er fax m 120514294422 � Eleettrieal e bankrupt PAMCO. a division .d L-1111' Nstem. Limited 'xc4uhres a Field Sonne Mechanic fhr thrir +Nhonwgh facility. %'a Sen"F'c Mechanic. you will Ow- involved in the heavy duty mdustna1 rnglrle markeh I he Ideal candedile must have. R-ynun Mechanic n.kct. he highly enceivrod and a Ilam player with F:'+d -"Fier -real hdL Crm.Idcreuons al gtvcn to "J. 7n1 and aft year apprcrra'c. SAY prier A -onfortltive wage, a cortgweh-m c I+cnefiu Package and a ttm+pany service rehwk Inw,,cd mdnxdual, arc invited 11) slllimn . resumc to confidence to Lm ere,lin PA NI('O 60A Nuc•(;r-Eskin R.wd SearbotouRh. ON MN 64'5 F..#: 14161 24 AI Nn .4.rsrt rR PHrvv't ('a, PIPE WELDERS ITip/stick) Our Pickering location is expanding again'' Fur (rver 50 scar, we have dc,Igned. built aid %lipped luhe oil pumping modules worldwide. W'c we 1-1king for Pipe W'eldcm expencnced with carbon and stain le- ppng. We offer excellent working c-onditiora, comI)cUU a s'alary/henchtS and a L'tolgenlal atmosphere Please fax or mail vnur resume to Howard Marten Company I.td 875 DiOinoam Road Pickering. Ontario 1.114 21'5 Alt: Perwmnel )tanager Fax 1905-) Sit 9369 .---.--No Phone Call. Plca`c'...---.. requires AZ Drivers 2 yrs. U S. LTL exp. Home Every Weekend Satellite Dispatched No NYC No Slip Seating Competitive Rates Benefit Pad(age Paid Weekly -Direct Deposit Call Bryan (905)706-2596 •W=kly Minot •Pard o,crtlme 145 hm1 •F.wc1litim cepupwrit -%hntl ­wk-oty or highway -BcncfsWccrntrcutne pay rho -Mimthly employee inwards, • W e -r arrrrmdate Y(x tlY,, hedule' CaN Tito at (905) 420.5005 s -lel FIN %IXIINII I NHN NIarl%t -H)1% ON AT (R k UILN HUL SL. KAM 'PM FRIDAY AUGLIST 13. 1999 0-1).P. rwr.- IllOe[EDIIA?E OPENIPI" •kc, . _-_1 ­ntracr IUurhaml F •ror.No and ScartNxAkagh C ata wawlt shies he able 10 husdcomb Mu,t have (Ilan abstract 41-55 h-, pct wreck - weekly pew Apply in PSMU betW� 6=-"o 955 {reek Road SooWPileko (005) 420 5005 0.0.P. SOLARIUM COMPANY s ' ., pr,scennel for factory, instalkitgns 8 ,ebdery positboutJ Some exip an asset Pay to Colnn*Murate with exp. Markham arra Non 905-475-5460 Nit. 304 ,eave message 1 Ariwln - ; Annan sed Sees g.1e Ga►ETS SALE ..:'• .a Trade may be ah a•. •. ��.� ,•a' PMNO TECMCIM avaaapit Mase axon .f '(%rills 33,79 130 to Oil wi an carpet to, ,umng repors and pre pechAse -Nation on am iDad and 9MUNa- 7 110,1 Feews r aNOUrMwa7. mak" 6 noNi dAlso 'Kar CAN .Was 3Daa, Surrounding No FeDMdG PMOOLV INOEATIIFK 1772 CLOCKS las to schooh We CKNIET AND VINYL - 715 on allparrs and keye- SorAugust 187 Aup rruee 'a.ms X say t ,, ts HLV Ik"Oe sek,tborl of ft. and Corr $329 nnulr3 if do. mrd para New OgNW p"t cant you Dte, .sate len ow Emus S]% ip RtM b toy. til Alen 10pp .114, renes pa1- puueewed GII w Call Mike lue, riser Ree 905%3'%040 A mods apply Awa Rugs estimate -43! 0 COMPUTER FAC701T tflecllal at OralWWlw docs in- - and p Ci/ TE up PM0433.1491 KMDUT. Amanny I n nc then cert emissxon5 tested X200 9861991 (sen) payments $16wk lox, 333 MN looked Dinneraft @NEM So4 poster wT d, od six drawer Ia,an1W novw merna software as macee scanner d livery NlO owm mmresS am Man 5250 a best aro w 0.454 1-900-515-5545 @live (905) 720-1104 sp FUTONS, MTTNESM NCA, M. SATELLITE. new Bean Bays Sofas BeGroom Sans. Baby Furniture 144 nlOdeM 0du�dnp NO card Cpar) View Stock Brad Nams vee Seen. >• ttN1111M5 ow iia T=iOL, alomm muss Palliser Tngad A Sparlsh GalavisWK ad WN - %WAW. The Best Quality at yifdn Inns 1)M av31MM. me Lowest Nae n Durtam Futon Cad pYyalNed for 6 merWt. are always in stock 'Be Savings for StudmM pR Kenn$. lOjl )2;}Q196, (9051 767-�7 IN back to SOW LUIGI-s Furniture 488 King St W MIIT TO on now Will It- 6- CRnau (9051-43rdmontd OB60(Auoss from Sean M m aPOkaMM and Ta Oshawa Cement) pow TV'S. Fullwananty. Pact. Palin� hr's Math. 905-M34ip of 1.8007965602. S*VSVMPIGVftttE 1906 FOAo ESCORT 4 c74 gym Mo', $1499. only SIM sutn npb Ask" fmW Urge ukctlon frost -tree frK%M WNrIpD01 frost -free. S1 OK" • oa*y w000m Yee her. on $449 Sde-IR- SOMM 8' X a gam k4. a1M sides $599 3349 pa Mx Many ouw Stadude wnhheer/dryeW1-GEe. Silts and StA" sglMMe. 2yrs $699 Edra-capAtKY Also WrapN ad dela. 761 staffers Special S250 Wash- McXay Rd. Uro 3. Pickering Its $19&0 Dryers $149,p Large $Election stoves 5175' For mare nb. tri 905.619 - OWMopes 2093 ShOe(rom 6S i Le SIS (905)728-4043 SOLID OAR Tame W2 lents. 11011Eentertammeen stens- lams Super pedltne recnv- as 6 I/M 4 side soma. ms 100 disc CMrlges Delude 1 on, char Com 52000 Ask - cassette Syeakers Hurry 15 00 $1 250 Ph" 1905)-571- Packages one ' Reuel 53000 eye one 5999 AA a Warr 3109 II�Use 19051579-0097 PME/OAK FYANITUAE ..Eo- 040T Its. t year ad 13 les. beftammenl mars. Home .- fWe. Dimrp Room, KAdtWn Wars 5. $2350 Weedaw art 12.000 used gednmm Wd Custom2OtxYo0ne1 1 2 uasoos 5375 GB Drug"our Craftsmen hoe 19051720aL7B6 evenllgs been handDtaid" the Who MNG SED, dock ,on CANO. panic sad lift A Oak fum- PY NFW .-Ih`k ormopeac Ifere I,, the home Stripe plWw lop mame5s so CDs, 1974 Dfr,p in and bre On, Siam Sac,nlce 5825 Can Sues "I lne An WDOpa1W" 0"M 19051 4 31 2 6 8 2266 Medn, end He a r :Eayou MOVING SAIF 5 pto Sep- bow t'r'y "rim 15 nMa if bona pea sofa S& clam- Yoil DU, arywhue else. you hill s Dp7io en lundure Sam will pa, MORE 6 gel wale Childs dresser and LESS' Lantana wood - hutch $200 Sweo CG weaker working Its Nor Port Road smoke puss door oak fnvw Co., IS on Huth Rd ) Part Perry. fr. 31nsea Sle 045ullo,7OO 905.985-8774 fart:/7wewlea - e, brielve 2 end Niles I see dmaanxxlwOrMepmta tee and 2 Easke than $400 190514323290 WEDDING DRESS wlet. sal NEARLY NEW white Electric in Dee,'. sequence will lacy Deucnlr: nam nth head scow: No? w new ashwash. p�N.QCSC HeILI 5+100 along iseed I,xY el D oil bed Parti: abut eth Dad case nein broth -'-- Lle400 E.Cs km c;xvYtan CM 263- 5400 OBO 1111 905.433.7619 990 per bpm WINE CAGES to, ale Call Tim 91•�'.n, i7 t7 sip Ko rd S. bad credit, no 1 Anila credit. You work? You USED FRIDGES $195 up. used ,an0es $125: up used drivel Lots of dryers $1 5' p. used wash- choice. Down Or 0 5tmat A 05edld Trade may be dryers at row prices Newrequired. brad Flame mopes 5480 and Up ern 3P�aqes .,in clock Wide SPECIAL ala wwaow Sa3p se- lecles, of Other new and used apolMrKes Gam us today. FINANCE DEPARTMENT Stephenson Or Appliances. SHERIDAN CHEV Pa Be a St os+tiwo99Gm'5E 5'76- 905.706-8498 7448 wet see wwwdrlmam- mal 92 CAVALIER S3V, IF! 5'9 GARAGE time Fepa s. broken 94'' ' :'v spnngs cables mOpen Oft. . us nsulkd turollps. $4945 K NISSAN MULTI. 4 whose 416.336-0073 d-, pro P, v-, 200kms Ruse Lee Aakmg 52100 1 Amelea Everwips 1905)-031-21110 90 MERCURY TOPAZ. ANTIQUE S>Ablulwley! Ad Ndoor. 4 ryI 5 •.heed , ks. res- akwssyyss vawbie ..alty, free' Purehalueeg mingle n. cert emissxon5 tested X200 9861991 (sen) Utes w/s(me arnoue mm CARS FON $500. G0 ares (M Ynwt to abs con men, W.•n• , 1"Olus San seared). eogWb ria a arty bead, Cay - Idnngi '- sort. businesses « single an 0001-297.07 Est 30 $prey mtrer m Mpprcr aelery It1 by rc- =Per 000140 Auto SALES 1991 to road b am quirress Roan O DOG,�I a5 t' -k br- Reunites- Boaen Antiglws- Brodkin gu,utr. S48SC 5 mask rove to 651, Ombra 1905)655-8049 a Mom nom 1988 Olds, bur - (905942 -0090 fgw* 235k. Waded. 42.650 1989 BUYING ANTIQUE and cd- Acord Exl Waded. platy $4450 60&_3803 AN leer..: cumrms including eshicles eerahed and Mvs- campew "tales. III polar- scone tested 1695 Clemenft Ikw1• Rahn 110 U 177 Rye�req NeM a 90 rpid fx. can Phil 696-3903 CLEAN FIL: WamM GAre- 1906 FOAo ESCORT 4 c74 mom aro 6996996 sutn npb Ask" fmW PAT TOP CASH FOR: ;F0 IV4 rut X19 40000 o.pna m les spppprts tar. U Ant10Ues - - :era^ 50019051- 623' ^d d C«rn. Sgmps, coms. 19M AAnrur '.rte 2'4 Dm km ax1n, {'4:�- CORnt3. $ppF�F� DNf- R � T b W.. Old Post cad collection Private Collector (905)430-3385 Am a VENDORS •+'^r 'o' oYn-, 011 .r M v -t- :wer wrkn-i.0%wn lam ad 19th Albinism 95 w 0al 4361024 Up, NOW' OON'1 MY TIL 2M ;-. n'::fi' tAYAA Pools H 'Quin bout . kdu kw, 2 .dors. lad wr peen saw 4c I -w0 K6.7j64 Milli Lor a REWMD - LOST Mack w H.-.1 RIO,.lNleraY►avry xu iu arra "leaves ax rws rens: or .H,tirrwaaon re- y!rdp no Reappearance be FREE TO GOOD I—, re.. m•al coonI.u"C "eal",C ale ol0er db6 intlMt Rwd axd nevem (905(443:-90n • 1 Dtlm•SwOewM SOFT COATED Wn-n le• pwprs 2 males. 2 W maw. book Iowa. la- nu'r T100y was Parwi tiro St00 CNII ales Green 9USE430-0531 LMSA Apse PLPVWS- ada- axr read +c aro vanars bto- urs 7i 1 shot$ wt ow -.nwGw 705-7K63124 ATTENTION owners potwna Sens noduh 2000 $5499 up t0 150 a. r moeM 157 Sr9 99 ROOT 30DO 57999 up 4 300M Opp l4 Jackar e+rM10 a 525. 211, Fee oraleRyy s COrL& M M 99 .7, W T 4.1/7 6' 10, LAesrew Guarantee. from SS 99 Doo showers few $599 9am- 9PIn / UV$ NKt 19051723- dkW FA 723 A Awso.MNN 1 1 N he sw 1147 FORDGtaxy 500 2 boa. flap top 219 mbtOr. Ma nM led OOM Newel roan awn OIgIrW al la wiy mw sen fAl16M ft train Days for A33-9570 rot6wip 7217019 1M Kg Tmpn, 21.57 as M 1M rR7 conwmae. 31500 as a 1964 DODGE 600 coltvemtNs 5500 is M (905)571-1031 1915 LANAE. CONVERT - WE. 4�cyll- aft. mit new 5toa•3wq 31AD ua e. Cal Tip mom CYTO with 1969 drura NAk1. 411 pun. Post. new trWMsiabN SIIbCYSItMINy. mpe ar dl - Mt (9DSf-t27�ID15Ber 7pm. no NT1BIaM Exam. 4 Co.. 4a. 5 sod.. trWNplsson. aw in cau. radio. low miles. UK - COW COId.. no Ink. Co Md NO CA �� .51.750. iw WhimLab1lm lamrltw 4 Ly aay. 2 door AAOMa C. Olaf POW top. cow CortdrpOn $1500 as M (905) 5097466 lm UNCOIK Tbwral. Co MW. r4mae starter Rat Ease. Full W M ExpM enl INImq GOM-- . f4100 - (905) 436.9337 between 4.30pa A Spin. ISO NO" Cmc Ox aa. 4 door. 5 steed. no tried' run,t%Celwd. Certified . S3 560 PnMe ale 1905)509-65.50 or 416.937-85W 1991 P047IAC grand am - Server grey. 4 door. '36000k.. wN fact 53595 E,ttuem Condition Gall 683 6142 1964 PONTIAC Seeped I.E. W S. A arc. Vb31. 2 goo Like new condition. 53.1360Ym. manuence robed SB.S00 CAR(905)619-0250 1MT CANARD SS Red T - lops grey fume,. 6 speed PeffOrni package GII (9051 414.6509 of email Williston rd 1M SUNFINE, red 2 -door or retermknent wipes ash tray Win courts 5 speedsppprnoyle: factory war nGy�t l90mu)436-3w wner f10800 FRA E, `r,�Lrd so ellaatr7 Nom EM a&Ia f.`ItpR aM fate a ear. Ralf BM 11 1 576-9800 or aSY1C4Naw aecepMa rtq n fens bre a 9r 1 We" yrw owes. N7•w..ml r.Rie w, .�.5 il�NtNilr A 4 A AJ -C Cars meta b 1110.000 aV, p Ane ewo um.. 74 YMs ws CIO duasyF rrr- mn 1ervlta 9DSYF5003 n sw ms-wm CAW FOR CARS- ft bell keed wNckts re,4CI,F Tyke Ir in runng Co.~ Car 47'2415 Or come, b 479 111Ey4 1T0 SAFW Aare a WUA- a. LES ISO CMC Sia[ yrk+p Kw : .nl ,iw -Cie. ,r tio"' and :brio: fw1 e JreN. onked nC. Or_ 100 le$31a CMplta IGN 'MI T26 Opt 1987 FOND ENKMO XLT oft with aro "-,. ..w W- CondN.onI._a wf 160.000kms 51197 ogres. tied Cal, ,9O5µ36-0130 1 vawM 4 Wwm 0"" 19U DODGE CARAMM. .42,M 1 . lob anti 1.1I eewKr prraNO,nNlaid ebalines OM a trM oFNSO 200 at ne r�leMoaorM f9061 656-5274 IM FORD WINDSTM Gl alvei ." loaded Quad, 63000Em 70it" W steno "W coned: N Capx.ty y, 38 Ime V6 S,eapy s (effluentcan~19 900 (751655-sm 1 TM1_ HUs SOUS Troller 29 12' OV with 3 m 1)m. can Sleen 6 20 awelp A 0", shed Located an Rae Lake immaculate Condition $? OW D B.0 (905)-665-5461 1M FLAGSTAFF TENT Tral- a sleeps 6. Poppe stove. "Vowa9. 8' canopy. ST4 b (9015)- 30 rase. 57.475 1M Coleman Cape Cod. Wimp. harbsedes. Inow furnace. won mom. used i bores. We nor . $7.500. 905- 619-6969 21 F7. TNAIFR, prime to on Scugog River. stops 4. full bimfurnace. New Carpet. ..'et lockers ANM Cade Rrve um, $16.OM Fwood Park. Lindsay 905.666.1980 Rr Ym UTU"sghee�n, dircip-Oowne Um1i 000 tat 509-23411 • Ms.. t� 98.S 914. Used 11 Ap= 2-SED1100N aYouble A,IY' bme Lowed 309 C0100w Rd. Dgu a. M pen. Rose CA 905-5792387. aro 5 pas 1 A 2-KDROOM apartmeaw antra Oshawa. IirstlluLre- erences. n pus. cal kftmw 8 30am-4 31pm reekdrys 725-7321 1 BORM. UW. APT. Ned to GO Peckennnqq All Well No peed S654p IstAasl (905) 7D6 -09m An Bpm 1 -BEDROOM available sep� terror, Ise. 350 Malaga Rtl.. new budding with taloony. $6201mmm Inclusive. Heal. typed, water 6 Parking No pets Please cal 1905)576- 6724 a 1 ram Day Care Available m BENI1 m wsaNmm Nab so n encvyW h011N. "WNW wit'sm. IV" son "Hound &" wc. oWwa tK. IM ked . fear GO Irish Will PM'" Mo. 117111) pav mp mckar" taalobleSept M. or reporter No pets (9051- /20-9187 ONE BEDROOM. North OSM- wa. Mcely decorated. Self romawvd Ground Noor. 4 W of inces. cereral-am. tope fenced yard. parking Aval- aae so lit $GIs FM1AW (905) 5763830 400 400 RENT -WORRY FREE 1, 2 Oi 3 Bed. Apts. Refurbished & New Appliances. All Util. included. In-house Supt. & Maint. On site Security. Rental Office: Mon - Fri. 9am - 8 pm Set 8 Sun 1 pre Spm ' VALIANT PROPERTY � MANAGEMENT sos-'5791-� 43243 APARTMENT'S - AJAX 33 & 77 Falby crt. 2 & 3 Bedroom apart- ments. Includes fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Cal 1686-0845 or visit us at: aw,s hfg!- ,!.rnm--highriser 5,,. am All A�nchwrq No pin •.o smart. stories couple wMned "vale rswr Avail �q 19 1905)-42669756 t 1EOA0I am Not, Oar► n1 :enln end 4r1 'ond'y vat Non evokers Pro1M.- S650Fsa .'ut Inydrp Avtaame Sap Ise tp.576793! 2 NEON" Am ay,wwe IP .-I baNa met uundry 905-404• KSp➢ 2.ROFAM ine`11Mewe apt ;;bee A. MMM. audry, lac1NI+G NN we lieu W feel r,avN A A.W. a01e Sp 110 Fp Moe top call 905.723-3670 or 4/6335- 6104 3 BEDROOM v ,, " w ONawa ring WlacAgo-wa- ed .111 L. pn,d aro p eb p ler 2 sero Der we pro war! Nes AealarM Nn %I p0s. FMLUN Jim M- 18 3-I001n rr 2 Nprs 1MY ""dr.,new n he, nn,mrw,p rlkpk ellr- .,e,ry rumen. 1 364. no Jugs. St6«mo 1 tyrpn St S Wbwy, (SMI.6165305 Sae MANY $I E. WMTDY. t pep ,A, wen laintjiined Now nu Quiet building Aar POW$ DAIIng M "core, IV w I-ov JIM bdaanm Stroup" b,1C7 7 -MI app b wed. CAN W6 N SMOICA. new 1 -gam basement wi Eur CAR" .JFnawa 1" WUlen 4 PC parr. pakwq 54paale am. • uMr. a ten rplwe +raN- rp- ria LNoknq. no oironwe S RalneRa J :Swft tS.: eorY.rp Ossa Ay 36 Sep 1L Ca0 579-1011 3625nno M watkr Yve AJAS large dean 2 Maoom teasemem apshe ar- fiance, parking,iffier dry. skis b tae and 414 No 426-9549 t StOWmo. AJAS CENTRU, 1-be&*M ba$EmMl aware l 4 W p.anCQs. OUb separate ed- Irance Landry Medoff, Sh o" stall No par 3500 utditn Avant W August (9055. ed M l. AMS, Westray P44ft. One bedroom bawwAm ria Wa OA 10 fab. Span" laeldrtr ava w Sept W $67S7m0. plus Cap as.* La. (9051 428.65M Lean Maw YANG NEW aighl IWpe 2 bpd. pt R lblNlh,� dSMpO�. 4WN so est. (�jd3t•ttt3 Awee 00011111 1100 no* mon. On 2 12 bras. N 1 - ib bedroom CMw b WMR tlta NtMmMyl n0 Sr sktfa -5293sWtt f65Wmo. BNOOKLO, 1 pedr m redewratpd Auld new brWo- b m. tar Sao. 1. 55415, pks hydro Also 1 large room. Sa20 month extuswt. oval. now. Cat 906.6%s539. CENTFA Otkw, Will, 2 A 3 bedroom apadffwvs ami- able In Wel-ma tww belarq dm to at myna. PMat call (905)723.0977 9 a.m •7pm. LUKURY pennbuss refur- bstvd 2 bedroom aprpx 1800 sg1t Corn buearlg m7 hire mwft. Must see. $1400. 1.1I16tws and Parking end. Ostlwa. CM (905) 579-9016 LUXURY spaclom apan- MOMS with five aphaKM for It'" E.CNImi Whore. Downtown Water Streu. Pon Perry Building over look,n� Dark and Like ScuyDp GII (905)-728 7361 &am - 41= file :$HAWA APTS r..udr:.✓r..lY And pan.p laudry m 8 -id (1 19051432 4 a 11114mp 12 6 t3 1571.0125 6r We am I -558-2622 ':;NAWA me oMlrpom large bre 't-bwl,woom..Bw brae MetDM spaq 721prM 11 1st 05 3S4MA. 14sad, & Pak 2 n nfml Ssroalo.fry«o �Poo s Apar pas Same dogsI ..1' 571-1507 or 432-1521 DSHAWA Ar.iaNf S4ENOJ 1,1 i terNJOM 4rarNle, Rewe yA nue, 36110p as ft ets net'" oust OC0N arta dws ,. r ovs 1905tS71- PrAERllbG 8rooL wMpwl Bnyn wacnus are bowp basemen: apatrrm Sent ale exiberele 914 bep4H. CN" AN. ,a -w Men" new AmLaw SSlemar� (9051931 9614 DKNLNING 2 0edreew out. mem aPanmere dOw Is id1001 Yr,i Arid G1) PITS 1. , Soo" NO $ISO AwaaaO , SNa,wrmer 1 5750 p'we sMewati uelllNa (9061 127.14479 n ..Nu WEsfaNDNE :petrous 2 nrhnum base were alai -r! 4,parab Mwraece a nxtlHdNlo"rp. po-%-Q c -ow to $dopy aealA4 Sent Ir If41Mt rwnwwd sm .dwMve 831 3611 P'1CKUW 'arra. brlpfw, ithe ar bedrtm OaewHaM AWNMm viae cowl Iaan10"ypink% sepavaW w DW= Na snewr ne pee W to POO nduwt (9051 421) -amt PICUMOG, avmoo M 4rp, b,aWm pawwMFK eon. new. 4i.: Oath. ea•M it". W. WNW MMales. BN r- o1Mt in Go EIwopN a1 abet M Aa $65aln4em1313 (1NISIp1' PKNENlllG. soxam cl.e 1 basement aWlt"Wd S111W WAM Soma" w,aNa. $how ItrW►. AC. wtntm To 401 CA w ell am,wmM no smokeMpei Rom"u FMWUgt .&lythe wNw7 as%% (9051439-9102 METMED Quiet bnaldng su, tat tenenlS arra bra%M I and 2 "noon tOa,rRrM•M "40&W Oc4bbn 1 EWMK TO WasaM/w)wr S" IM $19- 9016 AJAS. 2 Dedman ApanwMre i880 pus 67 ChwCh St 5 DAr" Near bks VJQWept In p- (oar �*"145 SWIDUSapwsee-mNnwrd 2 900 And! aN Glen St SoAwakill m so NWk-n closesWpawMw prO1e7 ed CION b $ChoO15 SbW Ted cymre GO Supper UM, ns wdwato Cab 729.4983. TENRIFIC Remtwtm Com- pere 2 apir mon aMAAOle 1st 6 2nd ftw. 2 bKwoom SEgialke St,8c5cderrg area. SBOWRo a SOON ISO i Da iin GN 436 OWWA Large 2 8 3 IIIR ureas. utilities included. fas to schools. . For appe. call 721-0741 VAWW AVWO glF WYP2, Nally M*vMd. 2 Mils GA Sep. Mer. Cbn No am N %$So a SwNff4 Mr 0o- kwgVla one bus NUNIwm. R. Atund.50Do its. $U&M. We* bdfm. inclu fs Jorge no wN� vl �gqp% MW Oaa OMn Contra 1WhoMy 666 S700. CM (905HM WWVIY, modem 2 Oadr00m Mga laament apaumm, trreal IOGlipn ance. par". laww y AvWlable Ocmbw 1 57811 in, dudrlg dkn RrsVlat rW er=" renewed. Tim Wet• 9905419YM SOW Gmup Heritage WNT fpm wrm yw can owl Vow awn ban* for Ins men You tMnkTll Call Dave Half. look Sala Rep RMMx Swm- FWAIry (1991) LM ) 668.31100 a (905) 666 3211 110 SICK OF REPMNGYY OWN YOUR HOME - rrS EA8YI1 • First Time BuY4K2 - Call Msrkl - • Diatcharpad Bankrupt? - Caul Markl • Not Much DownpayrrwyM? - Call Mark, :._01 Mark ofNre honest, prokula lanai. i no rpre"wm esrvica to hOlP You own a home. (DOS) 5711tAark $4'Dpp-04D- ;,s Sale" Rep Rtrrlax ADWY RaM E,IMe Lb 1 _ r NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDTr10N, August 11, 1999 -PAGE 11 AM RM 1 . 1 Tendon 1 TtRMt 1 Teee6ae • , 1 r...r . 1 FlealNl/ : 1 Sde"N/ • 1 1 YHMwANNww • 1 1 bHNrealarr 1011 MNNCOS $TILT MOIITM 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Parking included Stove & Refrigerator. Parquay Floors throughout. Close to schools and shot ping. From $910.00 includin lift Aro Call 91) 1 wx 0 Willow Park Co-op OPEN HOUSE 610 BEATRICE ST. E OSHAWA Large, spacious ulnli 2 bdruL apts. $800.00 (inclusive) 2 bdrme torYuhrolllses $842.00 mi 3 bdrnL townhouses SSIMOO neo. 4 bdrfn. townhouses $937.00 mo. an fA ? Ally Orientation and unit showing Far afore information or an at"fication can 432.6809 1 HoutAnt _171Z IC FURNISHED V\110 SAPS "' ,, . w d kikineo '., wuea rndr Cable new iY)l lAn 4()r q mougnbl �ab, paM1xp \FF'()RDT() sl5amam 1yaNble forme. 1,a1ely E9p51-726-Idly BUY A HOUSE' FURMISHEO ,axn won tr a .+QWN 6om 5700oncmt utile Non Solution, Snare al Nei Atuct t7aw+geyrner,Yrr !a, 1.1- sle"Morn 4p1 area (905) 571-6275 itsarno twl,sl 12347357 1-800-840-b275 NORTH Oshawa, furnished. !Nark Stapley 41Rued h,m". on _ •. ;m �nmNpees Leare roes /• Yr RENTING! Orify 14 Buy a brand new 3 - bed 2 stonly or II Int pu Be . mart Ye . to-*- a toot a dap[ - 6 maim Not Mew mum crier. 527900 hear safe.. cIm M aer C.N Kart Cb l rel Kon Comm,OM, Cplewal gamer 19051 r2e.ew14 3 K- Mo 1 sur, -ciao. Ola IJa bastmem , 1y�p Cow ant m cir.,wJ 1950 ON ani-nititrSW fu 5500 loom you 'awy hum! Z., SWI000 car- ne 101 leu man M OAC 24 M Na rewrdre wtaap ws. 2s.1a9 ee 21' nil tamp RW R.N Latae AWNa Rasanu '$Sol UTFIY ASTOU%04%G 6ins live nm ho,we him S550.•damn ,wurro tug 61111 tamty in, . us 000 . aaaaw MO l do I t rust Owl Wal h M Npka LOWAN Barn AMR Rea Estav Ni day (905) 728A414 BOWMAMWLLE - 3 tmrlrbom a.t„ •wit xW ldta ow NM tut�,ar,c 4243ItI 241JD IFAIWea E10SI GORGEOUS NORM - 4 eve, ol0ma ;rdw.QQ ,Il,brr,ared bm- 31650,molay Clow to whoeq End all sopor" Ilwy 2 and Rema P446P"" d4PMtnne "o' CAN 424 171 IIWEDMIE POSSESMU &.wow 2 Unity 3 bunt 2 batt ami wAM 0.1.OKk I 1W1ced yard hardwood now 3 LdrMMidea u$728 rd.Century 11 11 Ewaeco,w ANY tic [9051-r21' 1144 a 19 0 516 8 4 51 55 '10" STrAu Purl slept 2 tkd-ol age cO,nylry 4dgr en rem -1 yard acrd pHW1p a.rubr StpanWu 1 37DD m uWMe CaK (90s) 961 laOMM r`rmwnwnN removal ed baamru duuowppNuNtWrveway nlaBNn,adrNNy� 416 531-0%/ MMTH OF AJAX - 3 bdmw. ,Iewo, Da+,Mo I Boas aW Z lepr,i SIOM.Ome plus [*Ms Frstlits!pAvail - 114161287.3757 Sit 62 (41615 SENFDEYACNEO tum (base Fl . oobu, 2 bedroom 37901 FRO .unl 3 Includes lodge 8 stove CIA (90516554966. AJAX, 3 -bedroom man heo. A�Iwdndu" oo�tbonsed�10S7I5 N276095 EN ( IwbN sapNq . ceram,c Glneora sur LANE ONTAW Watenro t Ce*N beautifully aeconlW. bWypNOW Gmde7StaeMar• cbse to surds 1260.000 `� WORKSHOP o douoe gaage bit Sd,a oak docs A trim 19ps)666.W we tape 2 or 3 bdho how Throughout Sea foal wim Pa - to rem b commercial uo. nA ^'eWce Rue I>FW&ty fast[ t6 Wed Sept 151. (9 051-4 3 6 93 70. Of1erW at 1429.000 %is WyNTBY, 3.1 boor m IEWn r01EV PROLLEMt. 6N out w wecorne 3% (905)683.5589 Court W CIV Oreo Starer d debt Quick wrtlbul gong 1 T°ener , LARGE 1-12 sbrey housi tome. lupe terced pfd. bankrupt d berg 03A4aeW dela�ChedwyQuality. mMated, flexible dosing. $159.900 Everyone aeCepW regardless At 031 own SOe 3 bed- W S95WIn Car'" for nrm (9051665-1178 d of Creed neRlg. Cal for tree IU0111 townhouse date n1 Wrier 1110140 Vendors 10 scrods. shopping Sm Per ,range mortgage No Dank- 1416N12.3507 a de235 mfdmahan 905 5764535 AAS l� us uoNNs FwsN Is . 1 NrdrirrN Student barn included Aupusv5aq �_PFpgygi FdOFAM - (9051579.9956 days NO"TN OSIMWA, BACKING NMTM OSRUA 3 bedadm ONTO CMN SAMAC. 2 Car RETAIL FOR sakrease Oahe• to,enhose. rakkout lair . Dalai 3.Oedrood,. 2-1/2 WA OMY bN15Clyd1. retail a f r lode, close 10 s0lbd5 and badlrciod,5, pas hllpncl. pf0fissional bWbing. excel- , 1 ��Ihyobppppnp 1Avadabee Seel 1st clean. unique .00D on Q� km cod,d,ercual pdentral M p.w uAast 263-8153. (Aust $ee Perfect for CknK. FAIM YOU NEED WNITeVbouse Dyad rued Nwri- 1905)123-8161 NNew, nVd-size rKaY. patlWg. App!.. 3 Dto . 3 barn. 5 @EN HOUSE AW 14815. 1 CAB(1;05)43}7816 TO KNOW! Epp!.. pose es all amWres to 5 pm 267 Lcu ndNe Or, 1 (I N) 641-4628 Immtl,*pYbstts� 31.400, Oshawa DltMIkO 4 kvN 1 COY- DEBT REUEF 1.877 . Jrriy gi00 Goer"•. 3.1 Ddrm. 2 bab. Move ne coomoon. GUARANTEED t l ROOM.table c�= $�t� WWW 711 Po SOM IIF E. WE CAN HELPI in ftm ( 1 -Bedroom Cando o Solanum. rrtpJMww3 sympaco a 4 Appliances. IWI bathroom. (4th PER WIFTH, wM� lobby Pyw7Aouu.Mml dials. urderproun0 parkug wMass NO Buuny Nur, OPEN HOUSE August 7th A Must Sell, awnp 595.900 Gb : 1 YOfMe/'d' M at 4001 Cable Nal- Mn, Saturday IOam-bpm (905).709-Q17 or (4161 -219 - Smoking Townhouse EW unA ACCESS YOUR MONEY NOW, emcklnp. (90516658501 with urge 10. 3 bdrms, 25 1182 FAST FINANCIAL ASSIS. l fURNSIILO Dada. tarniN r21H Ua. w7o to /� 1Epr•. iANCE, M,wle Financial As looms. deck Mwy 2MArwooO 47 brM1�L'IM�M:. source No File Opening shave kitchen. laundry. 1st/ Boon Gesc. Apt' 19051426 Fee, No Credo Invesigatron. NSUA.0 -package ',Ara ea - 1687 Asking $179 900 IN - SIM Advance umd Assistance for Personal or l L,verpoo, 839-8x29' OSHAWA, 3-pedroom Du Business Needs. Quick A {15011 wkly each low. East 01 Nro0 m ronwm- payday/commission On pen- Confdenhat Acceptance ELI AJAX furnished food, m Clean totality renovated detached inn Answer in 20 mon 665 GIBILIIY HASP (Registered IN 1148.4162%-9902 Renreman Sot Plan RIF nocW Irtcludeb able. stun- garage new broadloom. ern Cry. parking Du Indge aM Nrpe hot. 3oc 8 2pc bales IRtluemem Income until Asking fI14.900 19051720- LIRA (Loemcf-in Rememerd m Mowat" Sots workino AR.Ylance Plan'. PENSION non -Smoker Awil rmmtl 2307 PLAN from a Fox Employ- f I'a IsV1i51 (905'427- el Minimum of $10me, Employ • 1 t N7W by our caaut4na and AJAXIMCRERING - 1 bed urWW uNIW NerrW larapd nn,nor ea 00for Private ballroom. Kim, CFM INC lull Ree 400fmunmly mclusFw use iaNt DIS MOSf Phone 1888.657.1062 toll Of kitchen. washef. A dryer free fax 1 B8&r031492. 1 Parking and cable mcfuAed PFL L"M CJs N CMN" carp"we Oays/Week 24 four Sernce Students welcome Furnished IS expanding In your area. MORTGAGES - Goold. bad And or unfurnished non-smoker International Company offering a service everyone ugly AnArcinp for arty Pur Ple" call 190514266926 needs and Call affo'd pose All applications Accept CENTRAL WNITIY Pnw1e LOmpetihve commission with renewal Income potential ed Call Canon Dun S,,.. GNP 1 51 bpe emu 6 path Working male ASSOCWIr tra�m�inq provided fiB05 68- pteterted s95/wti (9051113- Ms"a low p at NRIOIIY M. OWMA 4125 or 1905).263.2871 Satorday Aapd 140 at 1(1.n. IN 7p.m. `am a 4wtlry facilities Arc *smoker. waking yyin ',ala -*OV F"Arlik51 r1s, 1m 6W0,44 l Si-wd ROSS,ANO ANOERSON '+ edge 1- O,M[ t,e :'rby jec-Ie O. p -M v Cxwn, lute deck back' I amend" Nonsm a�dnsrpW maWkmae. 1500 GK 14.30 -5666 Lo aur"= A.AI .1 -ami `, .1 Mtn "notate SM POLY. - WNYA five, Star 1 He%rarCa 19051 985. ,1 A 371 su it ;".: h aactvafed bon Ilea A,L iq wamDom MOCK Rd Soviet lies 3395/mmlm Poll fill 427.74M nG STONE FOR •til Neat. 169 s,mrov Y S CNritr 4fh, Oshawa fb:5 first a ;JSI AnvaMF wrednaNy iler, PaEnq Car for AIN RETAIL o�FwFIC[ Spay 1200 'A A do !.I bbarsionlmm.�. .ORM I�]Fbe-IQl l t too SC " fusnW/com me,CW Araenr ,dame O41My I m SI wHI 401 oth�5764M nSao(s neo - 311E6 � ��Nnl AUGUSTSEPTENIEN. •, umlS org Wong ,ria, mlc ttwpeon ._ 1Deaul,evl Int aWAcaw IO •gOR Cownse IAerI from EFWCaylltp' ry 1 7 0317 3 6 4.'100 1e 2. t 3 KomoM .. De,ul,'W Vwty ., ,,rt.rgq [reg •, 22 liens i coat wum a on 77 a<m Surmrmnp ft&% DOLng tm1m.. pod, y'oEty bed. baskNball bad - I" ho,ftF00es no III =. bbrboC a Iwo pdr J111t brag sow, fOwNS I $Ong elm', 4 rood. and rotor Ikw Mm Rants" GA now b book 1-0010.65¢141( GREAT FISMNG a,d lamas nNrmy ,1n ort .ale 0[W hour 1-n Csuw, Modern coital sandy Deacn, play' 1 1 lex ser WA„rd ClbWtns program ICKERIMG VILLAGE. Bonita tw thistly glcls AralbOk 11O5IEBF2Em A�1 new � nmxulale end Ipwn- naw. 3 poop. i 1,2 OM %• I F WAkW. GA 2 Car garage .. Open ,.a Aug 15M 24pm (9051- A PERFECT FAMILY :xauon 42tr9,'3 _ Fbmem CLEAR WATER AREA PETERIONOUGN TMPLEX 3 bedroom town Fou a Pod. 488 Balker Ave very well H�CcY7al. Motors coon. pond. tieDl Could IerYnts NICORrt BW. Avala.YSt sad. dose el Sn9UExlmd f $800 w 621. baht es (9051-579-3788 90OM nor For ,ren b photos (90515 7 9-3 7 88 Pon and Who for lN,a,ce S186900 Refining Call Nor 1 1 Mita neAre man 19051-683-441'2 Far so ALL NICK Rung9ow. 3.1 TORNNA ebme Who F bedrooms. 2 banuooms. Urge tv N1 Private Vivo to wok stop. ng Brock aro Quiet coni. new windows And furnace ALE Cem 4 Bedrooms all brbk. Oshara $160.00D 19051-725- extensive mifflOtking, land - 1612 Tender document, may be obtained at the office of Dunlop Farrow Archnecls Inc_ un or after Six) a.m. Wednesday August H. 1999. C thus bidder, who received an ongmal set of documents from the :uchlteci will he eligible to bid on this project. Deposit cheque required in the amount of SI(xltx) per set, in the name of Rouge Valley Health System. Pnupecti%e bidders or their representatives are advised of the nlandaiorysite meeting at 2:00 p.m., Monday August 16. Ir,49. nneetmg will allow bidders to inspect the site and to have the ow and architect answer questions pertaining to the project. Scaled tenders, on forms provided, will be received at the office Dunlop Farrow Architects Inc., 450 Front St. W. Toronto. Onu .1v15V I B6 umd 3:00 p.m.. Thursday. August 26. 1999. fenders received after the closing (1ate/lime will be returned Fenders will be opened at the office of Dunlop Farrow Architects Incl ,it 3:10 p.m., Thursday. August 26. 1999. M' Inwest or, any tender will not necessarily be accepted. 1 Rewit ed" 1 R.O. ' 1 loom Interested in learning more about Competitive Swimirl The PICKERING SWIM CLUB & PICKERING SWIM FUNDAMENTALS PROGRAM is hoeing a swimmer assessment and information Nights on Monday. August 16 and 30 from 50) -70) pm at the Pickering Recreation Complex Meet Coaches Bob, Cathy and Toni at poolside. all Mary Wilton 420-6032. fcHr additional information. Auction TO TALK Why not Fax us your ado You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. 127l44'R Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 1 1 ImtxbyemenM THE Nimble Hand 1995 FRY TRUCK B,ano VHo,ne ,rw JOIN q,apper•, -I IF con Inlprov@rnenl5/ xened a ^go va,ier E ,mmm Repairs Ixan'. Pnerbo,ough at =-stwal of Lights 525.000 a /Ceramic"Files - d,nfer Rearadeed +vorkm7 only 2 days a wew' Must sell moaq. $25.D00 ata Cali !Outdoor b Im)Si 711.2811 (snp) Landscape Projects FAMILIES POTATO CMPS. Top, 'ma al heedr,m ,t 0711 Alan ms 'ro.eo wirml, Sow (905}839-0954 prsneis investment won Still" the -an to PRO" er ►ekekg A Ena me beneft. nt sdf- 1 v 00ymrw..,en loll coon Mn mrayment $16. 800 puts You on rr tat lrack 10 early "GUARANTEED' N i it* °'e1 ape PAINTING A 1 aNlllNe PLASTERING DON .• V 'HE IOAI h, PAY as yoursashed V,,:IF': ,A . lammerskm S For a Im "now" $OU H P�CIFic P,esu4ed 0341 Sw11 i ViCkmma HHAK ow0. we. 416-414-5911 (Pik. pm 4, 5 6. 7 10, 11 12 13 !Ilnl) j1 Wan• may a 905.372 oto Musca *Iocbw Mark Doha, An Pro Patintim and 1 PeleauM watllWeritks m -xi pose, Pmaw NlnntyHS 90-451 :�.7 .,e Hw Sr-_ 3638 ed 610 A 64mn mal .. FREEor 1 film oil F�manN 1 Aunlorlt - TMS PAINTING III DECOR te- or d cn• or O;.Qr. WGrkrnarl ship Fast. dean. 'el,able Service 428-0081 Nei a MQdI TAIN MOVING SYSTEMS :. tnagng scrape an0 ,rs 0%dSturm A ' nbrWltlececmae+ Fro abrnaa 57,-0755 t -1199.491.6600 MMMALSIU NNW 1 III STORAGE 1flrCes. Appranrzs A ' .no 506atNsts. senior s 6Nd-AID +m Discouts. tensed. insured Frew .Dffld" Preltnow terbin. Call 4]6.7795. MOVING a"ge 0, Small • gent'al cartage • -,t✓' Ws holft G ._ N ckeal and me6a15 Ic' ,lrvlc! • St. larro,rca Set"" 905-767.1391 1 Cr08S hovers 1 • I Penbonds Ell,, ^.' owq 1 HOuseM-019hGes1 • AptS PacisN Aval il Free Estimates 1 418.823,111M e BIG )I Small we 30 II all �.J 1 aarea 1 Ib 7� 7tG, f, -W, ANKS TO ST. JADE and th red Heart of Jesus for favours r red. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus adored, glorified, loved and pre- ved throughout the world now and ever- Sacred Heart of Jesus pray fo St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray us. St. Jude, helper of the sick, pray us. Say this prayer nine limes a day nine days. This prayer has neve ed, and you prayers will be an - red. Publication must be prom - d. V.K. a r CUSToNt fKAIF SEW 1�(: ,.« w at urs Dnm,r drape.. ,aWces, NW .u,hHn,. bhohis, Fined ship cosecs r tour tabnc ur son. Rw 15 rcr f kkas e.9 626..1410 NO." 1 ANcNMW AUCTION CLEANING CONSIGNMENTS LADY ANO ESTATES AVAILABLE WANTED 6 years experience. Low coryinisS10n excellent referenc- payment dexo es. $60 including fridge &stove. Call Sales every Tues. Pam al 839-1701 and Thurs. at r- nitu Antique fur- 1 f niture, appliances etc. Owner and operator TIMBER TREE MYLES KUNG SERVICE AUCTIONS Experts in Removal, 33 Hall SL Trimming. Pruning OehawM, &Topping Established ill Fully insured, 1960 Free estimates 725.5751 Call Shawn 7234501 90x•619-1704 INw DURHAM$ OWN BATING SERVICE' Call 905.683-1110 Aai Create a private mailbox of browse other prspruil ads nee Meet A new Friend or Love for lite ' HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Am swell find Inr oracle wo,,, V 99.mm ' 19.'24 his I 900451 JiM agemlleeWn s7N'slfrNt IF OSHAWA RELAXING Mas EXCEFMN'.3LLADOS SAGI tinul+u Serrce Ip qq St A 1175, 404 9525 Ilio ytkllm, P('RHLM RE6K7S am Spm f 1.1 dA.SC.F 8 C IANII NELLLRILM A 1;I RETION RELAXATION Body InaNpe Well"', R.,Id Soots. AIM IS of 8,x00 Gar 19051@6 45X5 4041-8761 for apptrntnlem NOR7 NIIfMG Art', AIaM1aaM Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old, Worknun,hlp Guaranteed. 105E Discount to Scnton, fully Insured. Free estimates. Col AXNrew at ("S) SelMM : 1 larnde rt : 1 unda IN TREE REMOVAL A MAINTENANCE 4 Slallllp rIII Will l A La Nbcapbg CALL DAVE 831-7055 Pry Servke4 Pomo' Ser4m RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children s Paries And AN Occasions Have My Own Magician. Cap Ernie 6664932 • I 1 knew,vNn,a • I 1 tivaar,awra FUNERAL HOME DIRECTORY Death Notice Listings brought to you by the following funeral homes 428-901x) Accettone Funeral Home 384 Finley Ave.. Ajax 433-4711 Armstrong Funeral Home 124 King St. E. Oshawa Low & Low Funeral Homes 985-7331 - 1763 Reach Rd. Port Perry 852-3073 - 14 Brock Rd. St F.. Uxbridge 686-5589 Ronald Martino & Sons 1057 E tack Rd., Pickering 428-94x8 McEachnie Funeral Home 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax 433-5558 McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Hoole 152 King St. E.. Oshawa 655-3662 Memorial Chapel Brtoklin. Ltd. 79 Baldwin St., Brooklin 623-5480 Morris Funcral Chapel Ltd. 4 Division St., Bowrianville 987-3964 Newcastle Funeral Hume Ltd. 3xh )fill St. South, Newcastle 623-5668 Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home 53 Invision St., Bowmanville 721-1234 Oshawa Funeral Scrvice 847 King St. West, Oshawa 085-2171 Wagg Funeral Home 216 Queen St., Pon Perry 668-3310 w'.C. Town Funeral Chapel 110 Dundas St E., Whitby _ !'a rr'r`_''�tri.1R - +Yui w'dl Your ewer br-: As luwr at *rand rierte n jar[ Wir w'd7 rerNaFNn.r, IRetr. For Audio Version on current deaths 6&1-3(915 or 404-6591 - Claringtun;'I'bn Perry resident. - Classified Fax service 24 hrs. 579-4218 or Call Classified Advertising at 576-9335 / 683-0707 Uxbridge - 852-9741 Pori Perry - 985-2511 I INU0K HIS HAINDAND FOLLIDWID M, d„he, wmr unw,x,tvd n,day. [,],do*[ nuke Ow hed. I u.a, no hand -it tulkmed w heft his a rar, n-lep, led we rent id -m -nit - M. Imk un ar,d I.. FxpkvmN all rhe gre.r Rrnern me wnermr 4). Ke waJed ,n -, Al Kt wamlered dle-Kh a wit My WLLhm won't ,wept nday Rut life urn Nay and Dad Ae hwrd a .0, urn. daPPred 01,x,1, And mor my vnall „n kn,w. R,w M,Nher Runny nrdr, Mr nN, A here Ick-in.Iht pulpit Nr„w, Ae we[rheJ ., n,hm heed M owns. Ke xllm NeJ a wnlit hill $aurlu,ked Ad A'amper ,hnwyh rhe ,Iy. tA't plucked a dalHda. T6a my horse w,x, olntdl. Thr I drdn', brush ,h, won. m nremy year. n„ne,m earth K.11 kmw,v even ere Hu[ ina I've helped my Imk boy I,-noblem nhor,d Nlm. In I-,, yer•.,he ,v N4 wide w,etd May Mai and see anti kni-. Lovmilly rennembered by Mdm. D.C. Brothers. Fami 910 910 CUFMS, John - Peacefully at •fe Alax-Pickering Hospital on Thursday August 5. 1999 after a coura- geous battle Witt cancer. 3 days before INs 90th birthday. Beloved husband of Ethel Lane for 57 years. Loving lather of Wendy and her husband Bran Appleton of Ajax Treasured papa of Scor. Shane and Caroline. Sarah and Nick. Dear brodw d Bill and his wide Lefty and Edith McCready. Prede- ceased by his sisters Ro Car dy and Lity Cornish A memorial 9"ce will be held in the Chapel at Thorn- ton Cemetery. Taunton Road and Thornton Road ,n Oshawa on Saturday, Augia 14, 1999 at 1100 am JES, Alfred - At the 'array •esiderce on Mon - y. August ; 1999 AlfreO ,les ,n his 39th year laved husband of the late Dorothy GOId5RMe1 and I late Moly Lilies. LovNg fa6fer of Elam and her SWM Bill Holman Dear grancrather of Brian aM anne. Great grandfather of Austin and Scon *W d Phylits and Renee The FamiN Will receive rods at The MCEACMME FUNERAL HOME 28 3 Kingston Roaa, Ajax 1Plckenng Village, F,- 6-8488 from to 9 pm 'NeMesday. Fuo;e once to be held at the Bayfaer Baptsi Church. 7 Kirnosion Road. Picketing (at Whites Road and ry 94d 1) on Thursday. Algesi 12. 1999 at 6 pm, flattens may be made to the Arms of Jesus CtMG Is Messlon. UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE reyuarea NE"SPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers',wlce a weeN in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Main St. N. Brock St. Rural Route Uxbridge North LEASKDALE Regional Rd. 1, Regional Rd. 13 CAN NINGTON Cameron St. E. Laidlaw St. N. Country Lane Cameron St. 41l'. Windsor Crt. Meadowlands Dr. Ann St. N. CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 ,,.n .., ,.., r,n ny .,I,Ht...n •ti •�1,\X I'IIKI KI\c, THIS WEEK NI:V1/ti AD\7-I?RTISER NORTHUMBERLAND NEWS PORT PERRY THIS WEEK IL AUCTION GOERS!! Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. For Auction 683=754mSListings Call Clarington & Port Perry Residents 404-261 S 852-9741 r. AIS ttVI M 121E 11- ADVdrT @M WEDNESDAY EpTgN• August 11, 19" Red Sox swing Pickering takes Ajax, Whitby in EOBA action PICKERING — The Pickering Red Sox major midget rep baseball team closed out the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association season with two wins over local rivals recently. The Sox dumped Whitby 7-3 and edged Ajax 11-8. In the Whitby contest, the Picker- ing midgets received outstanding starting pitching from Scott Grundy, who worked a complete game, al- lowing only two hits and registering seven strikeouts. Defensively. Brandon Cowie, Justin Couto and Alex George made several outstanding plays. Cowie was the big hopper, with a long dou- ble. a single and a walk for one run batted in. Kcvm Keen singled twice, in- cluding a perfect bunt for an RBI. Brandon McMillan. George, Grundy and Mike Lee also produced singles. Lee also drove in two runs and had a sacrifice fly. The Red Sox used a fine all- round game to defeat the Ajax Spar- tans. Tom Hazel worked four in- nings on the mound, allowing three hits and striking out six. Mike McElroy took over for four innings, recording five strikeouts while allowing only one hit. He was especially effective in the eighth in- ning. With runners at second and third, McElroy struck out the next three batters in a row. Mike Mitchell's heads -up steal of home plait: accounted for the Sox's 11th run of the game. George led the offence with a home run and a double. McMillan whacked a single and a sacrifice fly for two RBL Hazel singled and drove in two runs and Cowit chipped in with an RBI single. Mitchell laid down a perfect bunt to get on base. Grundy walked with the bases loaded to bring in a run. Keen also had a single. McMillan posted a good game defenslvciv, making many key blocks and throws. SCOREBOARD AUG. 11. 1999 PeeJLERa4G SOCCER QNB lope .*— —,, spoor scares Ir4E-AP404JNER OIRlY'A' OrOIBION wayvs www or Corecmbe" 5— 'Nwoe Aye 2. a-,- De Sora 2. Venws Fes plon. INP L nos" GOo.s n Aweo Whao 0 fMVP Rweec- Auger). Seery Sharks 2 ;Arema Rr-ea. Nroorn Reuh. MVP Mane R.npN) n P,durrrg Kora 2 (Urdrsy "go Cory MWK—. MVP Lnd"y Knge), O A E Warty areerg 2 (Auney Parra 2. Red W le clolerrdl w RC Grry a Assoc . (Camps Aoow.sk MVP Je"Ka IascA t—). Ckwwrr Pools 4 fPA" Wang 3. Laura *Wa,s MVV Red ru ftno % Arnte Topeori 1 IBrearer Vr Abeam MVP Arty Lop"). Boe-a thrnYd 1 4 seaKa " MVP Serer Mores. Dawn rlerer) w D S T VansDon r iAhe Ser Mdn dud. MVP Lmd"y Soc ). 0 G Graph" 3 (Known Oman 2. Amsmde Gres, MVPs Kayla Elea. Serum Georges) w d Chnalopnr 2 (Aahl" Lanbe 1, Moor Rod rw. MVPs Anue"s Moyer. Swap, Jrty 1S: dumps Video 1 (Reb-ora Adson. MVP sera Criers n Ptcha mg K notes 0 (MVP derlrWr Connery). 0 G Graphics 2 (hied.. FoaW Vrwae Gee. MVPs Joymras Roo. Marl eFeer) w CUrwrer Woes 0 aeVP AWson GMW*). D i E Wa'ahouaen2 2 (Meow Aaa-V. Krelen Reit MVP Lndaey Gum) era Smeary Sheens 1 (Noe Rumour, W"p Kryur KrK*n. Borers ldrr haewd 4 (N.010 SO-aler. K"andr. Tomrroe..1eeacs Moy Junrner SyMWr, MVP Amanda Van Cwrrenrpr. Jesse Grerraml n Anes Tcpeod 2 (Srdhrr YrOumuks. Shawyn RON* rgn. MVP G"urna manna). Vlay"s Www of CoaectpW 2 (Kale Do Soula. Nroole Aka. MVP Ern MOGuas) n RC Gree L Assoc 0 (MVP Crease Gordon). Dr Ch+retoper Tom 5 (Nicole Roar 4. Andras Fan", MVP Amaral Farrel) m D i T Trrepon 1 PQV%te Ferdnrw, MVP Krysr Ferdreand) tOAND4BIOEA am I DIVISION Lily is Speedy Auto 3 (Mere RKo. Beruth Jensen. RKAArd Rutaus) r& Boyer Pontes 1 (Mrcheer DeGrucl. PCCCA 4 (Derek Conron. Jasm D"w. WdeM Meneas. Chr,dop,r Ad ) w Royal Ban 1 06c holes LLrrnd). Tors 2 (Sen Cersw. Stare Vedra) w Sea- rs I (Deer DM 1440w); COMM Tee 7 (Ch nselper PWA 3, Shrwayne VQMond 2. Coen Nicholeu, Kyr car- dsrz) w. Shares Cas npa 2 (Maras Kararalar 2); Msseay's 5 (Sr-rr Watson 3. Mbar, Lupirare, earl Smeh) w. Wednts 0. 12-AID41l11DER RO'rS' DIVOION Jay !UPI EapW I pale 1Mrdry) w TortWbes 1 (Kyr Kawroms). SymOd 2 (Nem MOM. SN~ Maur) w F(Oro Aks.WW 1 (Kyr PMrntas): LJdaep 4 (Kyle MdArwan 2. Darren Adams. Ryan Grant) era. CAnrSan Progr"5 Club 3: Dubble Bubble 2 (Tau or Seehert 2. MVPs Andrew MmB, Darren Pavans) ve. F•eculy MIF bees 2 (elector Mart. Mewl Trueman): Craft Hand. MVPs Tana DeF3Ngak Bran ChdlrYn) ve. CrPM Td+zr 2 (Eric Parcrtgtanm. Mchirgl Tnearumay Gull Finas Pareree 5 00e40h Nsenra 3. Bradley Adolph . Mark I V vs. SP"V Impes I (Stere Boyd). Ay % Leal Eagles 4 (James Mbar 2, Ggerne h w- phy 2) w wn Carpet To2 (Eric ParrrunJulietner on. Ju So"). Factory Marase 7 (Jordan Lanza 3. scan McRae 2. Bnan Awm. Janes MoCardle) vs, Gull Fine Pernts 0. C411120 Madaood Flow" 2 (Mitchell Chudz alk, Aduwtiys MuhrnmW. MVPs Do" CarparMy( Jura e yaabsler) vs. l.yhbhng 2 (AntMae Ti, MlchoM Lallerlon): Fbra Aoa' 3 (Dee Flow 2. Jonsiman Pappas) vex. Canadian Proops club 1 (Robert NoM,armer, MVPs Robert Noehamtrr. Ally Wails). Tornadoes B (Alex Smear 3. Pot Cuban 3. Kyr Kovaratza 2. Nick Amen) vs. Sport - ng Mages 3 (Nnpholu Kluge. Stora Boyd. Jordan Kluge). Symbol 2 (Trurnwo Easier 2) vs. Dubber Bubble 1 (Seen McCurdy). 14-AID4R9)ER GIRIf' DIVISION July 21: Re/Mu 2 (TM Sob 2. MVP T_ Sob) w Volkswagen 0, Wddutl 2 (Catrrne Ker. Jia Boyce) has. Sold Image 1 (Derma MocOoreld), V"s Vlbrld 1 (Nrcor Zorn) n Abeey Meal 1 (Nora Curry) 14•AN04JNDER BOYS' DWIEION JVIy 20: Moto, Controls 4 (Jenny Markew 3, Ryan Mun- goa " Lghmng 0. Toad rnoes 4 Ilan kletttrreson, Jan Trupao. Tyler wn Glyn. I Stockwell) n Johnson Controls 2 (Matte- Whde 2). Rapors 5 (Matdnew Charsson 2. Mata w Okraaa. Mather. Renoaw, Juan Jorken) vs Homer Lumber, 1 (Ryan Bryn), Bombers 4 (Jordan Doody, Chris Boyd. Ales MAh"I, Rout Mores) vs Madder. reclean Grdl 4 (Ryan WWII" 3, Darrel Alen). aaaEtpNr MMS July 29: Vaemno's 5 (Dene) Rrdard 4, Sege Carneui, MVP Jordan Des) n St" Grey (Weary Cows, Manrw Hazel -pod. Cameron Kennedy MVP Cameron Kennedy). Grey (Matthe v Giftle 3, Alexandra Prove. MVPs RoWn Tudw. Kram rill) n Lir Green 2 (Brogan Donagtey Drell Phuson MVP Grp VV*ams) SED DORS km. Ika i W 'a..; :^Y: rR, '94 Ford 92lioidt 90 EmtI Acura Legate 9, 884 ;15, 802 $8,831 • Ates'95 Taunts St M X"Cl, InSe era LS 5>�. Mattel SHO Probe GT Ilse $16,417 ;11,882 $6,956 .1111111113 Sa�M18>IR Turbo Pelleei Civic Ex A0� s1■Mrd Mert:MTOW 11,944 , . 10,664 $9,814 ;15,316 $9,955 91 Zad Plymouth SAetltw ! YTS Conifer SAN GT a^ s C 1,862 $13,731 ;16,862 ;15,80 ;12,915 �2– r � 95 Chrysler 97 '95 Taurus CAe1t letdtp Cutlass $8,9 recedi� G= 4,871 ;13,352 ;10,435 58,956. $9,955 d' i Hole" '97 95 Che 93 Ford '93 F Accord Sawnre Asim Ya Aerostsr XLFill Aerostar JILT 5,851 ;12,823 ;10,414 $10,841 . $6,647 T%� 95 Plymeeth '95 Dcdge 9Z LE Vo Cst"M Dodge Cmmo ABrtlspR ME wl OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 Showroom Hours: ° >< Mon.-Thurs. 10-8 L I BAYLY ,,, F i . & Sat. 10-6 � la"S �rnerex Car Hilar. t un 12-4 1698 BAYLY ST., PICKERING a" (South of 401, West of Brock Rd.) c 05)-420-9800 OR 1-800-377-3316 ® Consumer Car Mart 3aNmra W'4= Vr/E r(:J\f26 ONTARIO'S DRIVE CLEAN Is 10 16 Brock Rae Pickering HOURSWON-WED & FRI 8-6, THURSDAYp 8 -SATURDAY 8-5 At Consumer Car Mart, customer service is our to riori Our *offers expire salaried Class'A' mechanics recommend only necessa repairs. Aug25/99 Urst 101A of th 401) Dome µ f905) 420-3555 LYNN ELLIE DREW BOB JEN NASCAR BOYET TONY PAUL ■I