HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_07_09KERING'NEWS AVDERTISER` PICKER] N G' S COMM UNITY N E W S PA P E R S I N C E 1 9 6 5 PRESSRUN 49,500 32 PAGES FRIDAY, JULY 9,99 19 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $5/ $1 NEWSS"IAND Fuelling controversy Consumers paying through the nose at the hose': MP BY KF,ITH GILLIGAN Staff Writer Drivers suffering from gas pains may get some help from the provincial government. Ontario Consumer and Cor- porate Relations Minister Bob Runciman announced Wednes- day he's asked ministry staff to look at how the Province could help control gas prices in the wake of a 10 -cent -a -litre in- crease earlier this week which saw motorists paying 59.9 cents a litre. Whitby -Ajax MPP Jim Fla- herty says it may be time his government got involved. "We might have to look at pricing and competition. It's al- ways a concern when oil prices increase;' says Mr. Flaherty. Ontario Attorney General. He reports that. whenever the price at the pumps increas- es, his constituency office is deluged with calls. 'People arc suggesting there isn't true com- petition. The onus is on the oil companies to explain that to the public.- Pickering- Ajax- Uxbridge ublic"Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge Riding MP Dan McTeague has been fighting for some time for more competition in the oil in- dustry in hopes it will bring DAN McTEAGUE 'Consumers are being fleeced.' price stability. He toured the country last year and produced a 70 -page report on gas pricing, but his Liberal government has- n't yet acted on the findings. "I guess my fight over the last three years ha-sn't done anything;" says MPP McTeague. "I'm floored by what's hap- pencd (in the past few days). Consumers have no option but to pay through the nose at the hose. Consumers arc being fleeced at the (pumps) by the r— (hieaswl Wmide M-11- 0- most ot:,r W SF -r«. -SALES -SERVICE -LEASING RENTALS • 80171f SHOP PICKERING VOLKSWAGEN INC. m tttgm. Ra n*m" (W 42"M h"amoliq M °nye 'Watch for It July 28 in the News Advertiser - Inside the 10 -cent increase. "It's bevond what the nor- mal (market) forces would (dictate). When you have a mo- nopoly, an oligopoly with four players, any excuse (to raise prices) is legitimate:" Mr. McTeague contends the federal Competition Bureau, which is responsible for over- seeing gas pricing, has "bought the (oil industry's) excuse lock, stock and barrel" Mr. Flaherty, meanwhile, calls the Competition Act a "toothless tiger." "The wholesale price has gone up quite dramatically, but the price was very depressed, which hurts the Canadian econ- omy;" he says. "When it rises so dramatically, all at once, it always raises some concern. It's a continuing issue that has to be dealt with-­ That ith"That could be accomplished by examining the issue and calling on the oil companies to explain why gas prices rise across the board all at once. However, Dianne Salt, a public affairs associate with Imperial Oil, says gasoline is "a traded commodity, with prices (News Advertiser WNM M FIND IT fribri>i Page ...........6 Blake Plum .............6 Enterhiflll�ellt ..........23 Sports ............... 25 C ............27 WE US A CALL General ..........683-5110 Bairdw im ......683-5117 Bestll Netk= .....683-3005 Awtiell Lille ......683-7545 Sul wd, Years ...........1-800-662-8423 EmW1 .newsroomMurham.net Web site ... Aurhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 See GAS page 2 A.l. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Gavin Penin' of Pickering was one of many motorists stunned by the sud- den hike in gas prices at neighbourhood filling stations Wednesduv. The provincial government says it is considering another look at across-the- board fuel price hikes. Inset, some of the prices around Durham. Nuclear operator opposes full probe Environmental review not needed, Andognini claims in letter BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — Ontario Power Generation contends no federal en- vironmental assessment is required for the restart of its 'A' reactors at the Pickering nuclear plant. That places OPG at odds with the Atomic Energy Control Board, which infomted the corporatiion in a May 14 letter that the amendment to its operating licence needed for the restart will trigger a requirement for an environmental review under the Canadian Environmental Assess- tnentAct (CEAA). Local politicians and environmental groups have also Carl Andognini, executive vice- president and chief of nuclear oper- ations at OPG, has written a letter back to the AECB, accompanied by a supporting opinion from a law firm, taking the position the restart does not require a licence amend- ment or a federal environmental as- sessment. OPG maintains the AECB could grant approval for the restart under a condition of the ex- isting licence. `"Ills process includes consider- ation of the effects on the environ- ment and provides the public with a full opportunity to review the docu- mentation submitted, and make hearing;' notes Mr. Andognini in the letter. He maintains neither the work being done on the 'A' plant for the restart nor "the act of starting up a licensed operational reactor" should be interpreted as requiring an assessment under the CEAA. `Iire act is, in any event, not in- tended to apply to pre -1984 nuclear reactors that have not undergone major alterations;' adds the letter. Mr. Andognini also points out OPG is already required by the AECB to complete an environmen- tal review and action plan and an ecological risk assessment for the called for a probe. submissions at an AECB public See PICKERING page S -------------------------------+---------- FREER/tCf1lIG4Lfli4M�i�%1QGtf.R' i FREE t/EC>�/ oft a ma 661%weftrJop.oft a FRIG .� a. N.e......y [autos. e.■..- 1 W"t».veb... am a�bow ea.�bo- 1 Please present coupon before oroerng. Teff coupon is not vasa an , deelKwy or with any Plies" present ~ offer or cfore �amew spec aa. This cou nnalss rwcash Aehvery or wllh any don offer w combo speaM OW has no cash co vaWe. LYIMI one coupon Per guest Per Mall. value. Urnit one coupon par aguestper visit. -' Tosora t erre. 1 TYM ant aRba. . 1 VsMd ordy at PW"C4 ftW 1 NaMd only at pamirticipetbW1 Harvey's reetwormft kc Harvey's testaments kc Alex, Bewfnrarvtlls. Cortrtleo, 1 :- Alax, Bowe fawnb. Courme. Oshawa, Pk*or ns. artrNt y 1 06h"8,rtdattnti. 1NINtbrf I Valid I Il July 31, 1999 1 VaNd artN July 31,19" tag. rr. d e-. oi.rr.. u..r '.. • 't�' '�. ,, AN PAGE! NEWS ADVERTISER F'AIDAT EORION, July 9,19'99 Gas price hike fuels* anger in consumers, Competing gas stations routinely carry the same price per litre. An Imperial Oil spokesman maintains prices are determined by supply and demand Teacher faces seven charges of professional misconduct The Ontario College of Teachers has charged a Durham teacher, previously found guilty of drug trafficking, with seven counts of professional miscon- duct, including abusing a student. A college discipline committee has scheduled a hearing for later this month in the case of former Whitby elementary school teacher Martin Hungerford, 49. The Oshawa resident was on sick leave in July 1997 when officers from the Durham Regional Police drug squad raided his then -St. Lawrence Street apartment. Police seized 16 pieces of crack wrapped in cellophane, four pipes used to smoke the crystalized cocaine and a small amount of cash, a court heard. Mr. Hungerford was found guilty last month by Judge Norm Edmondson of possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. He is scheduled to be sen- tenced next month. Earlier this month, Mr. Hungerford was fired by the Durham District School Board for "just cause." He may now be subject to fur- ther professional punishment. An investigation launched by the col- lege following Mr. Hungerford's arrest has resulted in the college laying seven charges of professional misconduct. Among the allegations are "abusing a student physically, sexually, verbally, psychologically or emotionally," and "conduct unbecoming a member." The charges also include committing an act "regarded by members as dis- graceful, dishonourable or unprofes- sional"; failing to maintain the standards of the profession; failing to comply with the Education Act; contravening a law if the contravention may have caused a student to be put at risk; and contraven- ing a law relevant to a member's suit- ability to hold a teaching certificate. CAS from page 1 increasing and prices decreas- ing: The price is determined by "supply and demand. In the sum- mer, there's a higher demand;" she says. There's been a "tightening of supply with planned and un- planned shutdowns of refineries in Canada and the U.S..— Ms. Salt notes. As well, the price of crude oil has been increasing, she says, pointing out the wholesale price - what oil companies pay to buy gas - has risen 2.9 cents a litre in the past few days. "The price goes up and goes back down;' says Ms. Salt. "Like any retail business, the price will drop to attract customers." Despite that, the latest price hike has consumers fuming. David Hilts of Ajax calls it "a joke", but concedes there's isn't much that can be done. "There's nothing really. but bitch and com- plain because there's nothing you can do. I've got to drive to work. It's in Brampton, so it's not like I can take the TTC and GO." Wally Hawkins, the owner of independent Tally Ho gas station on King Street East in Oshawa, is equally peeved. "We're being ripped off, but who's going to do anything about it? Everybody hollers, but nobody does any- thing. "How do you do anything when the government is in hed with (the oil companies)'? Dan McTeague is a good guy, but he has no support. Consumers get bashed every time.- However, ime"However, the current situation is nothing new to Mr. Hawkins, who's been in the business for a quarter century. "It's the same thing for 25 years, so I can't see anybody changing it. Politicians holler, but it does absolutely nothing" "I'm one of the only indepen- dents around for miles and miles and miles and we sometimes have x. 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Ms. Salt says the cost of crude oil makes up only one-third of the price of gas and other factors have to be taken into account like the wholesale price, taxes, the re- fining costs, transportation and retailing costs. She says it's unknown how long prices at the pumps will re- main high, but she's optimistic they'll drop. "The market works in two- to three-week cycles. It won't last long:' But, Ms. Salt warns similar price increases will occur again. "It will drop and someone (in the oil industry) will say 'we can't do this any longer; we're selling at a loss'. She reports service stations lose 20 per cent of customers for every one cent a litre more they charge. "It's a very price -sensi- tive industry" Mr. McTeague offers a differ- ent explanation. "Increasingly, sectors of the economy are domi- nated by two or three corpora - FREE 3 HOUR nWNNG WN THE RROUSE OFA GOA PUIR SYSTEM compurEn • Intel Penbhrn Il 3330 • Pentium II Mavnboard • 32 Meas SDRam • 144 Floppy Drive • 3 2 Gig Hard Drive • 8 Meg Video • 24X CD-ROM • 16 Bit Sound • Win 95 Keyboard • Mrd Case b Power Supply • 3 Button Mouse b Pad S'Aww!! JIM FLAHERTY 'We might have to look at pricing and competition.' tions that aren't competing against each other. When there's no competition and no one is pre- pared to fight the oligarchies, we'll have high, sustained prices." WHAT MAKES UNITED UNIQUE? Price - We will rat my mW~s sdva*d ltrice Service - kwelsts > - 1. - &plww o egets fat« terve waveb M r%wirs A sKrs/a Qualify - we sell *my quality Ilrssrd nitric: Satisfaction - our velieninw, kwewkdgeAk am Will sum yew emy step of *e Wsy UNITED SYSTEMS INCLUDE A 7 YEAR LABOUR • ! 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AwPSA UMSlrreolClM $ 2923 17'2912SAr M 5:,9.!9 Sqwsochiiif 7 $139A3 SowdfbWWAK U $ SM 1s•gr�ptrswtaft 5229.et AeoeP2L1744fM.XS14lii 499mb SmedAbobrf2rllo S 74,3 17-1Pfweoht' E7t1 S3tt9.99 At* OWOx $11" fT ywhwowk am tlfit.N "NARAMS "M R 1!' gtYproot trill S741Avthlar' 1M Koyftwd ; I&" +; S euaon AMU" f 6.77 SCAIIMIRRR ': 150 111111WSoeat" S 14.77 S&VA S 44.'1! Smn AMpk $ 99.00 AMwyhk co AarA a90 S 51.3 hti sMM NPS 5100 SM.00 A1VAFEE Ani! VkW $ 49.77 gillbit hrl0 5129.13 Mfao Tech $129.00 Sdk Fehr NIP, d n $ 39.77 RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo Paper tail A few paper plates and a good imagination were all that little Brooke Naherne needed to create a colourful bunny during YMCA Famil v Re- source Centre activities in Pickering on Thursday. The Fun With Paper Plates activity offered to children vesterda_v featured a Tortoise and Hare theme. Autism Society meets AJAX — Families in the July 14 at 8 p.m. at 19 Bird area dealing with autism Circle, Ajax. The group pro - have a place to turn. vides support for families of The Durham Chapter of individuals with PDD or the Autism Society holds a autism. Phone 427-9572 for get-together Wednesday, more information. NEWSADVERUSER Durham'Catholic" high school extra- curri culars in limbo Teachers reject contract change cutting workload BY ,SUSAN O'NiFILL Staff Writer The future of extra -curricular activities in Durham's Catholic high schools remains in limbo after the separate board's sec- ondary teachers rejected a con- tract offer that would have re- duced their workload for Sep- tember. High school teachers repre- sented by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA) turned down a pro- posed amendment to their cur- rent collective agreement by a vote of 52.5 per cent last week. Bob McDonnell, the new president of OECTA's Durham secondary division, says the pro- posal was "agreed to by teachers' (union) representatives. Howev- er, when we presented it to (our members July 2) they didn't sup- port it." Durham Catholic District School Board staff and teachers' union leaders signed a "letter of understanding" June 30 that would have reduced teachers' workload from the 6.5 of eight classes educators are currently required to teach. Under the pro- posal, which was baled on the model in place at the separate parents." "We came very close (to a new agreement)." says board chairman Mary Ann Martin. She reports the hoard is "prepared to work with the teachers' federa- tion throughout the summer" in an attempt to reach a solution that will allow for the resumption of extra -curricular activities in the fall. "We want to provide our stu- dents with the best educational experience they can get" and give teachers the "tools and working environment (they need) to be their best," says the Whitby trustee. The board's contract negotia- tions with its high school teach- crs hit a wall last September when educators staged a partial strike on the first day of classes. The board responded by closing its five high schools and teachers were locked out until the Province passed the Back to School Act in laic September. Negotiations between the two parties then went to arbitration, resulting in arbitrator Graeme McKechnic's January ruling that required teachers to instruct an average of 6.7 of eight classes. However, the board bettered board in York region, high school teachers would have had primary ; responsibility for instructing six 4W periods and would have been re- E quired to spend an extra half pe- riod assisting a colleague with . p: leaching duties in the classroom. V "It was our view that (the pro- C.J posal) was a reduced workload," 4W UWUW says Mr. McDonnell. While it was "obviously not a true six (of rn eight)," the proposal would have CC reduced pressures on teachers .� such as marking and reporting to IT PAYS TO PAY YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER Just ask A. Ibarra of Pickering who won a VCR in -the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's recent collection draw. To be entered in the draw for a chance to win a great prize, just pay your carrier the $5.00 voluntary delivery charge and send in your ballot. Karl (left) is the carrier onQ this route, he received a $25.00 bonus for selling the winning coupon sheet to a customer on his route. that offer in March, reducing teachers' workload to 6.5 and granting all full-time educators a $700 bonus in recognition of their increased workload this year. But, teachers have given no indication that extra -curricular activities will resume in Catholic high schools this fall. Mr. McDonnell says the agreement reached in March "al- lows teachers to do all the extra- curricular activities they did be- fore." However, he adds, "Most have chosen not to because they're still not happy with their working conditions." Meanwhile, the governing body responsible for organizing high school spoors announced last week that teams won't run in boards where contracts have not been negotiated. And, according to Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics, that means teams won't be operating in Durham's come September. The Durham District Sch<x)l Board also made an offer to its secondary teachers last week that would have lightened their work- load. But, local members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation rejected that propo,al. 1 SASE . • SPECIAL , BARGAINS 1 . t:! JN TODAY'S News Advertiser Fri., July 9, 1999 "" s .r • ' News Advertiser �ia,.1p�.t, Janine * """ ` Friday's Carriers of the * Tie AjaxP& VPeek Janine. They enjoy Ba*soccer and baseball. She will receive a dinner for 4 * Gr&W & Tay AjaXij voucher compliments of * McDonald's. Congratulations Janine * L4ukbft Aiaxlfi& for being our carver of * IfIchams the week. * NOW Homes AOxlP& *NN 01 ' Prim 'sm AoJft DRIm SM TMPW COW NU * Delivered to selected households only Rernember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCANw5 FLETCHER at �own_' 683-5110. Waltnart.Aiax 13% Kingston Rd .Ajax 222 Wyly St.W.Alax 726 Kingston Rd.. Nick I _'Wk Kingston Rd. Nick f AfP PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER•RRIDAY EDITION; .Wly 9,1!99 ' Ajax,Pickeringbreast cancer thrivers win on the* water- Two area women have helped tame hers see paddling as excellent ther- The most common cancer diag- women aged 35 and 54 years, ac- per cent over the next decade, one dragons — both on the water and in apy. both physically and emotion- nosed in women. breast cancer is cording to the release. With new in nine women runs the risk of de - their own personal lives. ally, the release adds. the leading cause of death among cases expected to increase by 50 veloping breast cancer. Christa Legault of Aiax and Mariir% Robinson of Pickering competed re- cently at the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival on Lake On- tario. The team. Dragons Abreast. is the Greater Toronto Area's first dragon boat racing crew comprised entirely of breast cancer survivors. More than 10 such teams compete across the country. At the Toronto festival, the crew won the Spirit Cup, the challenge match for breast cancer survivor teams, and fin- ished strongly in all races. The team also set its own personal best time in the Women's International 'B' division final. At the Vancouver Dragon Boat Race Festival in mid-June, the crew won the No%ice 'B' division championship. That was a first for a breast cancer dragon boat team in a regular stream race. The crew plans to race later this summer in Waterloo, Stratford and Montreal. Dragon boating originated in China some 2.0(10 years ago and has re- portedly become the second -most prac- tised sport in the world after soccer. Each long. narrow. flat-bottomed boat carries 20 to 22 paddlers• a steerperson and a drummer. The Toronto festival is now the largest in the world. Dragons Abreast was formed in 1997 and has grown from one crew to two. "This year so far has been exhila- rating_ because 1 think we've really proved to everyone that breast cancer doesn't have to slow you down,- says Sue Humphries. a founding member. Crew members range in age from their mid-30s to early 70s and see them- selves "not only as breast cancer sur- vivors, but as breast cancer thriven." a news release explains Despite the medical communuv's Opposition to strcnuouN upper-NKh ex- ercise folloAin_ breast canccr. Dra�!L'r. Sylvan offers accelerated and bask programmes in . reading and math. 981 Brod( Road, PjdwN Pock & Ba*) (905) (905)726.3666 SYLVAN LEARNING CENTRE' Success is learned!' www.educate.com a t M s n ter, Leaffa le s SWM im. 7 0 I now ~ � a 1 ,11 T k ;r ' v ; L Yes indeed, when you buy half of this sweater, you'll get the other half free. It's kind of like getting 50% off (in fact, it's exactly like that). And there are more buy -half -get -half -free deals. 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Performing an assessment could set an unwelcome precedent, requiring a lengthy environmental review at the end of other long out- ages before the reactors could be re- turned to service" Several community representa- tives, however, have not been im- pressed by OPG's arguments against the assessment. Those at- tending a recent meeting of the Community Advisory Council es- tablished by OPG for the Pickering plant urged the corporation not to fight the assessment. "It's giving the impression you have something to hide;' said Evans Enyolu of Pickering -Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Environ- ment. PACT president Dave Steele maintained that after "20 years of neglect" at the Pickering plant the r 11 tit year cutting Kids Hair zee Tc" 4O Pickering eir ShOO (Mandarin Plaza) A � ceod�r toAr 1725 Kingston Rd. ro s.e t T" sove 905-428-3484 M,kn.."°"'" soma d"S" Toronto y-_ Ibm"tf, ow -."hft10& (Beaches) Mon. -Fri. Thurs. ,fit m. 1926 Queen St. E. 10-6 open late 10-8 9-5 11-5 416-691-9190 Dr. David W. Parr and the titaff at T1IE PARR CENTRE art pleased to welcome Dr. Kimberley A. Hanke to their dental team Dr. Hanke is a native of the Ajax/Pickcring arra. She was born & raised in Ajax and attended Ajax High School. She attained a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Detroit, Mcrcy in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Hanke is excited to return to the Ajax/Pickcring area. THE PARR CENTRE is now offering evening and Saturday appointments and as always, new patients are welcome. Please call 683-2561. 5% KINGSTON RD. W. (CORNER OF KINGSTON RD & CHURCH ST ) PICKERING VILIAGE s Nt iPo7 fou ly t: low, E Si he RD. cufOR public wants to know not only whether the 'A' reactors are still safe but also if restarting them is worth the estimated $800 -million cost, and that residents believe an envi- ronmental assessment will he the best way to answer those questions. "You're right, it's a business, and I want to know as a taxpayer I will get my money's worth out of this;' said Mr. Steele. If the nuclear plant is as safe as OPG says, he added, the corporation should be "fully confi- dent" it will pass the assessment. Tom Mohr, who represents the Pickering Township Historical Soci- ety on the CAC, agreed it "doesn't look good" for OPG to be trying to avoid the assessment. to us safety is paramount," he noted. "If your business case does- n't work out we can't walk away." Brian McTavish, senior vice- president for support services for OPG's nuclear division, told the meeting OPG's opposition to the as- sessment involves only legal and ju- risdictional issues, not a desire to avoid dealing with environmental questions. "It's not challenging the AECB, it's not challenging the act;' he said. "It's asking what applies under the process " Mr. McTavish explained in a later interview OPG's concern is that if a CEAA assessment is re- quired for this restart, it could he re- quired for the restart of any reactor following a routine outage for main- tenance. Because of the nature of the CEAA and what it requires, he said, "There's great potential for de- laying our operations significantly. "Of course we're not talking about every shutdown," added Mr. McTavish, "but where do we draw the line?" 11I All TWO DAYS ONLY SAMRDAY, JULY 10, gam • 6pm, SUNDAY JULY 11, 10am • 6PM ON BRAND NAME FOOTWEAR, SPORTSWEAR, INLINE SKATES, BASKETBALL SYSTEMS & MORE 699 KINGSTON 0. KINGSTON rm. W— HWY. 401 9os831-6360 u O P, PAGE 614EWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 Editorial &OPINIONS Ge�eb�u- L. EDITORIAL Gas price hike fuels controversy at the pumps It's time Queen's Park poked its nose a little deeper into the oil well Collectively, we've got one big gas pain. As MP Dan McTeague says, we're paying "through the nose at the hose" in the wake of a 10 -cent -a -litre increase at the gas pumps this week. The explana- tion for the hike, which brought the price of gas up to 59.9 cents a litre, depends on who you're willing to listen to: the oil in- dustry or our politicians. Imperial Oil public affairs associate Dianne Salt maintains it's simply a mat- ter of supply and demand, with prices fluctuating on the market since gasoline is a traded commodity. The price of imide oil, which has risen 2.9 cents a litre in the past few days, has also been point- ed to by the gasoline industry as a sound reason for the hike at the pumps. This explanation could be as slick as the traded commodity itself; the price hike might have more to do with the oli- gopoly in the industry with the four main gas companies that aren't really compet- ing against each other, as MP McTeague suggests. He contend.% the federal Com- petition Bureau, responsible for oversee- ing gas pricing, has "bought the (oil in- dustry's) excuse lock, stock and barrel." He maintains the ](}cent price hike is beyond what normal market forces would dictate, and says any excuse to raise prices is legitimate when you have an oligopoly. And after touring the country last year and producing a 70 -page report on gas pricing, one would think the Pickering - Ajax -Uxbridge MP knows of what he speaks. In any case. it's high time the provin- cial government poked its nose a little deeper into the oil well to discover the truth in the interests of fairness to con- sumers. Bob Runciman. Ontario Con- sumer and Corporate Relations Minister. said Wednesday he's asked ministry staff to look at how Queen's Park might help control gas prices. Attorney General Jim Flaherty also suggest% the government look at pricing and competition. Let's get on with it. In a fair marketplace• the consumer expects price fluctuations and even the possibility of the occasional bargain. But motorists know when one gas company hikes its price, the others are quick to fol- low suit. In a truly competitive ecoriomy, prices should be headed the other way, especially if the cost of imide, wholesale prices, taxes, transportation and retailing costs are variables behind the rise and fall of prices at the pump. Consumers who feel like David against the oil industry's Goliath need to collectively bring more pressure to bear on the industry and elected officials for answers. E-mail comments on this editorial to nnewsCa)durham.net. Submissions which include the writer's fug name and town of residence wig be consid- ered for publication. PM— I TI NK IT's 5M TO GON OM VAT Tl1ERE 15 A COW LATiON BETWEEN SUDDEN INCREASES IN PRICE AND INCREASE IN BI�ooD —T;fl �X 4 PRESSURE -Z 7, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Durham teens ning of the school year. Transfer lose with no extra- curricul ars To the editor: Our children arc in a losing sit- uation. All secondary students in Durham Region are losing their right to an equal education that others across the province are re- ceiving. Parents whose children attend both the public and sepa- rate board schools should be de- manding that extra -curricular ac- tivities be in place for the begin - It was so hot Quakers wore halter tops Cops doffed bullet-proof vests for Cross -Your -Fingers bras Ah, the heat wave of '99. I remem- Pickering Town Centre and his fans ber it like it was only yesterday. who'd normally be screaming franti- How hot was it? It was so hot that... cally would have barely made a peep. O Durham Regional Police dog ChaseBlake The Zamboni driver working the pub - wasn't living up to his name for a few lic skating session at the Ajax Commu- days. In fact, the K9 officer applied to Purdy nity Centre Wednesday night was as the courts for an official change so popular as the latest singing sensation, he'd heretofore be known as Leisurely News Editor with his own groupies chasing the rink Stroll. rat everywhere he went, worshipping O His two -legged colleague officers the snow pile he dumped outside. doffed their bullet-proof vests in ex- D Sales of Chrysler vehicles made D The Pickering nuclear plant was change for Cross -Your -Fingers bras. with parts from the Ajax trim plant producing so much power to keep air Which are hard to find in size 48 DD were barely outpacing those of Dickie conditioners running that the utility ap- with a holster. Dee wagons. The highest -paying jobs peared on pace to actually get out of D Ajax Mayor Steve Parish and Pick- are in the IT field - Icy Treats. debt ... if the heat wave continued till ering's Grand Pooh -bah Wayne O Pickering Museum Village volun- the end of the millennium. In fact, On- Arthurs went most of a week without teer staff weren't in their customary tario Power Generation might have wearing their robes of office. Hence, period costumes. Unless Quakers wore even been able to pay the price tag to they cancelled all ribbon cuttings and halter tops and thong bathing suits. fix our own Mistake By the Lake ... if locked away the ceremonial scissors. O Heavy metal music lovers in these the hot spell stayed with us through the O Firefighters in Ajax were called out parts had been turning the Balance next millennium, and the one after that, to more wet T-shirt contests than knob on their stereos all the way to one and the one... blazes in recent days. Pickering hosers side. The head bangers, injured as they E-mail comments on this column to were actually dispatched to a garage are, believed that by doing so they'd nnews@durham.net. Submissions fire that broke out after someone fried only get AC when they listened to their which include the writer's full name an egg on a driveway and things got AC/DC albums. and town of residence wig be con - out of control. O Ricky Martin could have visited the sidered for publication. payments to the hoards across On- tario arc equal so why arc our children not benefiting from the clubs and sports activities that -others enjoy? i When our children fill out their applications for college or univer- sity or for that matter a job and arc asked what extra-curriculars and clubs they took part in do they leave it blank! What about the students who could be developing skills that would help them in their search for universities? Does a young football player who might have a chance to go on to McMaster or Western lose out be- cause the coaches don't get a chance to look at them? Why do talented musicians and dancers have to look elsewhere than our schools to develop their skills? i It is obvious that the teachers i are very unhappy with our school boards and many are looking else- where for jobs. How is their expe- rience going to be replaced? If 1 teachers don't want to teach here we certainly won't be attracting the cream of the crop. Again and again our children lose out. I know as a parent how much we want for our children. Isn't it time to put them first in this situa- tion? Parents whose children at- tend St. Mary Catholic Secondary School have other problems that need to be addressed. The over- crowding is becoming a serious health issue, with the portables, lack of cafeteria space and wash- room facilities. Again I have to ask how did this situation get out of control and more importantly what is going to be done about it? Last time I looked I paid the same taxes as those whose chil- dren now seem much more fortu- nate than mine. Colleen Judges, Pickering PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor- in- ( hie/ Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified ;Advertising Manager John Willems Real (stale -Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution ,ttanager Lillian Hook Office Maiuiger Barb Harrison Composing .ifanager News (905)683-5110 (905)683-5110 Classifieds (905) 683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905) 683-7363 E tilail ne%vcroom,u,du rham. net Web address www.durhamncw s.nct 130 Commercial Ave., Ajar, Ont. L IS 2115 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. 0cm re m 1 m- i •rr.r ,: �I� :c. DURHAM NEWS ADVERTISER JULY 9 1 9 9 9 4 9 EDITORIAL Gas price hike fuels controversy at the pumps It's time Queen's Park poked its nose a little deeper into the oil well Collectively, we've got one big gas pain. As MP Dan McTeague says, we're paying "through the nose at the hose" in the wake of a 10 -cent -a -litre increase at the gas pumps this week. The explana- tion for the hike, which brought the price of gas up to 59.9 cents a litre, depends on who you're willing to listen to: the oil in- dustry or our politicians. Imperial Oil public affairs associate Dianne Salt maintains it's simply a mat- ter of supply and demand, with prices fluctuating on the market since gasoline is a traded commodity. The price of imide oil, which has risen 2.9 cents a litre in the past few days, has also been point- ed to by the gasoline industry as a sound reason for the hike at the pumps. This explanation could be as slick as the traded commodity itself; the price hike might have more to do with the oli- gopoly in the industry with the four main gas companies that aren't really compet- ing against each other, as MP McTeague suggests. He contend.% the federal Com- petition Bureau, responsible for oversee- ing gas pricing, has "bought the (oil in- dustry's) excuse lock, stock and barrel." He maintains the ](}cent price hike is beyond what normal market forces would dictate, and says any excuse to raise prices is legitimate when you have an oligopoly. And after touring the country last year and producing a 70 -page report on gas pricing, one would think the Pickering - Ajax -Uxbridge MP knows of what he speaks. In any case. it's high time the provin- cial government poked its nose a little deeper into the oil well to discover the truth in the interests of fairness to con- sumers. Bob Runciman. Ontario Con- sumer and Corporate Relations Minister. said Wednesday he's asked ministry staff to look at how Queen's Park might help control gas prices. Attorney General Jim Flaherty also suggest% the government look at pricing and competition. Let's get on with it. In a fair marketplace• the consumer expects price fluctuations and even the possibility of the occasional bargain. But motorists know when one gas company hikes its price, the others are quick to fol- low suit. In a truly competitive ecoriomy, prices should be headed the other way, especially if the cost of imide, wholesale prices, taxes, transportation and retailing costs are variables behind the rise and fall of prices at the pump. Consumers who feel like David against the oil industry's Goliath need to collectively bring more pressure to bear on the industry and elected officials for answers. E-mail comments on this editorial to nnewsCa)durham.net. Submissions which include the writer's fug name and town of residence wig be consid- ered for publication. PM— I TI NK IT's 5M TO GON OM VAT Tl1ERE 15 A COW LATiON BETWEEN SUDDEN INCREASES IN PRICE AND INCREASE IN BI�ooD —T;fl �X 4 PRESSURE -Z 7, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Durham teens ning of the school year. Transfer lose with no extra- curricul ars To the editor: Our children arc in a losing sit- uation. All secondary students in Durham Region are losing their right to an equal education that others across the province are re- ceiving. Parents whose children attend both the public and sepa- rate board schools should be de- manding that extra -curricular ac- tivities be in place for the begin - It was so hot Quakers wore halter tops Cops doffed bullet-proof vests for Cross -Your -Fingers bras Ah, the heat wave of '99. I remem- Pickering Town Centre and his fans ber it like it was only yesterday. who'd normally be screaming franti- How hot was it? It was so hot that... cally would have barely made a peep. O Durham Regional Police dog ChaseBlake The Zamboni driver working the pub - wasn't living up to his name for a few lic skating session at the Ajax Commu- days. In fact, the K9 officer applied to Purdy nity Centre Wednesday night was as the courts for an official change so popular as the latest singing sensation, he'd heretofore be known as Leisurely News Editor with his own groupies chasing the rink Stroll. rat everywhere he went, worshipping O His two -legged colleague officers the snow pile he dumped outside. doffed their bullet-proof vests in ex- D Sales of Chrysler vehicles made D The Pickering nuclear plant was change for Cross -Your -Fingers bras. with parts from the Ajax trim plant producing so much power to keep air Which are hard to find in size 48 DD were barely outpacing those of Dickie conditioners running that the utility ap- with a holster. Dee wagons. The highest -paying jobs peared on pace to actually get out of D Ajax Mayor Steve Parish and Pick- are in the IT field - Icy Treats. debt ... if the heat wave continued till ering's Grand Pooh -bah Wayne O Pickering Museum Village volun- the end of the millennium. In fact, On- Arthurs went most of a week without teer staff weren't in their customary tario Power Generation might have wearing their robes of office. Hence, period costumes. Unless Quakers wore even been able to pay the price tag to they cancelled all ribbon cuttings and halter tops and thong bathing suits. fix our own Mistake By the Lake ... if locked away the ceremonial scissors. O Heavy metal music lovers in these the hot spell stayed with us through the O Firefighters in Ajax were called out parts had been turning the Balance next millennium, and the one after that, to more wet T-shirt contests than knob on their stereos all the way to one and the one... blazes in recent days. Pickering hosers side. The head bangers, injured as they E-mail comments on this column to were actually dispatched to a garage are, believed that by doing so they'd nnews@durham.net. Submissions fire that broke out after someone fried only get AC when they listened to their which include the writer's full name an egg on a driveway and things got AC/DC albums. and town of residence wig be con - out of control. O Ricky Martin could have visited the sidered for publication. payments to the hoards across On- tario arc equal so why arc our children not benefiting from the clubs and sports activities that -others enjoy? i When our children fill out their applications for college or univer- sity or for that matter a job and arc asked what extra-curriculars and clubs they took part in do they leave it blank! What about the students who could be developing skills that would help them in their search for universities? Does a young football player who might have a chance to go on to McMaster or Western lose out be- cause the coaches don't get a chance to look at them? Why do talented musicians and dancers have to look elsewhere than our schools to develop their skills? i It is obvious that the teachers i are very unhappy with our school boards and many are looking else- where for jobs. How is their expe- rience going to be replaced? If 1 teachers don't want to teach here we certainly won't be attracting the cream of the crop. Again and again our children lose out. I know as a parent how much we want for our children. Isn't it time to put them first in this situa- tion? Parents whose children at- tend St. Mary Catholic Secondary School have other problems that need to be addressed. The over- crowding is becoming a serious health issue, with the portables, lack of cafeteria space and wash- room facilities. Again I have to ask how did this situation get out of control and more importantly what is going to be done about it? Last time I looked I paid the same taxes as those whose chil- dren now seem much more fortu- nate than mine. Colleen Judges, Pickering PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor- in- ( hie/ Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified ;Advertising Manager John Willems Real (stale -Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution ,ttanager Lillian Hook Office Maiuiger Barb Harrison Composing .ifanager News (905)683-5110 (905)683-5110 Classifieds (905) 683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905) 683-7363 E tilail ne%vcroom,u,du rham. net Web address www.durhamncw s.nct 130 Commercial Ave., Ajar, Ont. L IS 2115 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. 0cm re m 1 m- i •rr.r ,: �I� :c. „y _ -Y.. -...._ .....,..-....cam- .s+�>s+s�ne..s..sx+,+�lww�. -.._ .. ..,._.._ _�..v,►. ,�l��p� NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 19 9 PAGE'! A/P NEWS BRIEFS IN AJAX Cyclists putcancerfightInhighear .AND PICKERING Riders raise $10,000 in memory of organizer's daughter-in-law JULY 9, 1999 Despite the hot weather and a couple of mishaps en route, the 3rd Annual Gail Perks Memorial Bike Tour from Pickering to Kingston was a huge success last week, re- ports organizer Kilby Perks. Twenty cyclists participated in the three-day event from July 1 to 3, raising close to $10,000 for the East Durham Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. "It went wonderfully. We had an absolutely great time;' says Mr. Perks. The 20 cyclists all "made it from start to finish” and came "pretty close" to reaching the $10,000 fund-raising goal for this year's event, he says. "That's great," considering last year's ride by 18 cyclists raised $6,200 and the first ride collected $2,200. Mr. Perks organized the first event in 1997 less than one month after his daughter-in-law Gail Perks, an Oshawa resident, died of cancer in June of that year. The event was developed as a way to help fight cancer in her memory. This year's bike ride started at Extreme Fitness, at Brock Road and Hwy. 401 in Pickering, where riders gathered for a brief ceremo- ny at 8 a.m. on Canada Day before hitting the road. Participants in this year's Gail Perks Memorial annual event was held in memory of Oshawa Bike Tour kicked off their three-day ride from resident Gail Perks who died of cancer in June Pickering to Kingston with a Canada Dav cere- 1997. Close to $10,000 was raised for the East mony at the new Extreme Fitness club. The third Durham Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. The team travelled 85 kilome- tres to Port Hope on the first day, which was a tough ride, Mr. Perks says. 'The wind was right in our face;' he notes. Day two, when the cyclists rode another 110 km to Picton, "was a really hot day". They biked a further 100 km on day three, ending up in downtown Kingston on Saturday night. While Mr. Perks reports there were "a couple of crashes" along the way, neither rider was hurt and it didn't take them long to catch up to the rest of the gang. Overall the ride "was really fantastic," he says. This year's event was spon- sored by Extreme Fitness and J. H. Thomas Industries, a Brampton company which fielded a team of four cyclists, including Mr. Perks. The sponsors also supplied cy- clists with clothing, snacks and beverages for the three-day trip. International delegation eases tensions in Ireland Durham's Sid Ryan brings message of peace BY JACQUIE Mc1NNF.S Staff Writer The annual Orange Order pa- rades in Ireland have traditionally amplified the tensions between Protestant and Catholic factions in Ireland. In the past two years international observers have helped to mute the violence which has typically occurred dur- ing the demonstrations. A local Whitby resident and well known union leader is part of an 18 -person Canadian delega- tion which hopes its presence will help bring the eyes of the world to the event and create ac- countability among the partici- pants. "I was here last year. I have Irish blood and they were looking for people of reasonably high profile to get the information back to Canada," said Sid Ryan in an interview from Ireland where he's been since July 2. He is currently on holiday from his job as Canadian Un;on of Public Employees (CUPS) president. The delegation, which in- cludes Liberal MP Dr. Carolyn Bennett and NDP MP Svend Robinson, is following a 10 -day itinerary -of meetings with key players on the Irish political scene including Chief Executive of the Orange Order George Pat- ton, Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams, Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Sir Ronnie Flanagan, and British Secretary of State Mo SID RYAN Told not to 'underestimate the role you're playing here.' Mowlam. The purpose of the interna- tional delegations, which also in- clude an 80 -member team from the United States, is two -fold, says Mr. Ryan. One role is to act as messenger to Canadians of what is occurring in Ireland. The other, is to act as a witness to the events. The presence of the delega- tions makes the participants more accountable for their actions by letting them know the eyes of the world are watching, suggests Mr. Ryan. "Jerry Adams told us, 'Don't underestimate the role you're playing here'. Three years ago people were being beaten to a pulp... Since the international ob- servers came onto the scene two years ago, there have been no in- cidents (during the parades)" That may not be true this year, however, fears Mr. Ryan who was part of last year's delegation and senses a more ominous attitude in 1999. Although only 25 of the 3,000 parades scheduled through- out the country cause any con- tention (most run peacefully), there are a couple of areas where the potential for violent con- frontation is high. "There's one in a tiny Catholic enclave in south Belfast sur- rounded by Protestant communi- ties," says Mr. Ryan. Orange Order organizers refused to meet with the independent commission overseeing the parades. The com- mission determined, due to lack of communication, the parade would be banned, says Mr. Ryan. Instead, Orange Order march or- ganizers ignored the ruling and have re-routed additional march- es to converge upon the enclave on Lower Ormeau Road, an area notorious for drive-by shootings, on July 12. "The chance of vio- lence just escalated," says Mr. Ryan. During past parades the Catholic residents of the area have been forced onto side streets and into their homes for up to 36 hours while the parade passed, he says. There's grave concern about what may happen this year and how it may affect the tentative peace process occurring in Ire- land now. "Tensions are running very high;' says Mr. Ryan who will be in the area on July 12 wearing the blue vinyl jacket that will identi- fy him as an international observ- er. Some say that will afford him some security; others say it will make him a target. "There is a sense of anybody from the out- side not being favourable to the Orange Order," he explains. "It's the fear of the unknown. There are a lot of angry people." Last year there was a sniper in the crowd. "There's no question there's an element of danger there," he admits. Last year the delegation met with a human rights lawyer who spoke con- stantly of her fear she was being targeted for assassination, recalls Mr. Ryan. This year, the lawyer isn't there to talk to the delega- tion. The mother of two young children was killed by a car bomb in March. While in Ireland members of the delegation are staying in the homes of ordinary residents with- out political affiliation, says Mr. Ryan. This affords them a view of how people on the street feel about the issues. The delegation returns to Canada on July 13 but Mr. Ryan, who fund -raised and paid for the trip personally, will remain on until July 18 to visit family in other parts of the coun- try. Stabbing puts Pickering man in hospital A 32 -year-old man underwent surgery yesterday after he was stabbed in the stomach during a dispute at a Pickering residence Wednesday night. Durham Regional Police said two men were drinking in a Naroch Boulevard house when they got into an argument about money around 10:45 p.m. The victim suffered a three- inch knife wound to the stomach and was rushed by ambulance to Rouge Valley Health Ajax. He was listed in serious but stable condi- tion, and was scheduled for surgery yesterday, police said. A man was arrested at the scene and a seven-inch knife was seized by police. Avnash Chander, 53, of Naroch Boulevard, was to appear at a bail hearing charged with as- sault with a weapon, aggravated assault and weapons dangerous. Teen attacked by gang, struck by beer bottle A 17 -year-old Pickering boy needed five stitches to close a gash to his head after being at- tacked by a gang of six to 10 youths at Dunbarton High School. Police said two 17 -year-old summer students were leaving school around 1:45 p.m. Wednes- day when one was confronted and assautted by a group of youths. When his friend tried to inter- vene, he was struck in the head with a beer bottle, police said. The victim was taken by his friend to a Scarborough hospital where the injury was treated. Police said the incident may have stemmed from a dispute over a girl. An investigation is continuing, however, no arrests were made as of yesterday, police said. Areanatsical m hit right (totes at Ontario contest Two area residents represent- ing the Pickering Metro East Music Festival dazzled the judges at the Ontario Music Festival Association Competitions held recently at Sir Wilfrid Laurier University. Pickering's Giles Tomkins, who is entering his second year of stud- ies in the University of Toronto's music department, won the diplo- ma class in singing at the provineewide competition. And, Miranda Laramy of Ajax finished second in Grade 8 wood- winds at the event. Winners of local festivals throughout the province are invited to compete in the Ontario Music Festival each year, reports Jean McDonald of the Pickering Metro East Music Festival. She says the syllabus for the local festival will be available at area libraries and music stores later this month. For more information call Ms. McDonald at 837-2611. �,IAYI:�►1'���r�'�r�; : tf1'TrSl�3'flf�l?IlJliSJ7tlird'. Crime Stoppers Clues sought i*n solving Ajax assault BY SERGF-ANT KEITV SLANF_Y incident came to the aid of their Durham Regional Crime Stoppers friend. The assailants fled the Crime Stoppers and the area of foot. Durham Regional Police are Immediate medical attention asking for the public's assis- was necessary for several cuts tance in solving a serious as- and bruises sustained by the sault in Ajax on June 16 of this complainant in the cowardly at - year. tack. On Wednesday evening Suspect number one is de - around 9 p.m., while walking scribed as male, white, approx- near the GO station, two males imatcly 20 to 25 yeas of age. motioned the victim to ap- short. with a shaved head and proach them. In an unprovoked goatee. He was wearing dark attack, he was harassed, blue pants and a light green or punched and kicked by the two. blue shirt. The thugs then smashed a bottle Suspect number two is de - over his head, slashing his right scribed also as male, white in side with the jagged glass. the same age bracket, tall with a Fortunately, two nearby ac- large tattoo on the calf of his quaintances who witnessed the right leg. He was wearing a Toastmasters meet Fid. AJAX — The Ajax - Pickering Toastmasters and Pickering Powerhouse Group will hold bi-weekly meetings together this summer. The group meets next on Wednesday. July 14 at 335 Bayly St. W.. Ajax, in the basement of the For- tune Financial building. Meet and greet takes place at 7:15 p.m., with the meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. It's for those interested in public speaking and/or leadership and communi- cations. Call 683-4439 for more information on the meet- ing. dark sweater and shorts. Crime Stoppers will pay a cash reward for any information that will lead to an arrest in this incident. Callers never have to give their name or testify in court and we do not use call display. Remember, Crime Stoppers is interested in what you know, not who you are. The phone numbers are 436- 8477 or 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477). Q D D Sgt. Kevin Slaney is the police co-ordinator of the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program. CORRECTION We wish to draw your attenhon to Me Vlowirg in our current ALWAYS A GREAT SALE" FLYER 7- Kip 161jem Goo Set, 86.2540X COPY READ&A 219.96 set, save 50.00 SlVW Read. Reg 269.99, Sale 219.96 Set. Save 50.00 WE SINCERELY REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE WE MAY HAVE CAUSED YOU 'I n A'v f A model 1001 CV2101Z For homes up to 3,500 sq. R. System comes ,w+'"�'1000 107" of suction power. Amatek with a quiet 3 pLamb, 1 stage. 5.7" Dy -motor. stage. high Deluxe electric powerhead. perforamce Ultralight 30' erushproot power unit. For electric hose. 2 -!unction homes up to • �Power Touch Handle. 12.000 sq. ft. •. .. ,. 13mited Lifetime " ♦ ♦ �—j AUREW Waaraat� tm.voks to an m.rw tr anNeY oE..e...n - � b�II oSPErune can" UP Cyclonic action. I _ - o bags needed. . I�; �n_0M.-M, - M . '' 1 � M `✓ammjjl I -N T(Daa 1848 Liverpool Road Mon -M 9:30-6 (Prational Bash Plaza) PICIttZREF#d that 9:30-4:30 Say you saw it in the News Advertiser' The Three R's... relax, refresh, rejuvenale. Leave your stress behind and (lead for Northumberland to relax, refresh and rejuvenate. There are so many ways ... travel quiet country roads to the nearest farmers market, cruise the Trent -Severe, discover historic towns, antique tleastlres or artisan studios, sample our famous apple pie, treat yourself to our spas, camp under the stars or grab a 16shins pole. The living is easy... in Northumberland County. For your free copy of the Northumberland County Travel Guide, 1 1 / please call: 1-•800.354-7050 ext. 237 max,,.1ft4 /, Northumberland County Tourism 860 William St., Cobourg, Ontario K9A 3A9 www.eagle.cahourism 0 tourism Oeagle.ca NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 9 A/P WITH THE BEST SAVINGS YET THIS YEAR, NOW'S THE TIME. 1ELM M1 FMI yMV1 VITA I I SM^KTLEASE PURCHASE PRICE OR Seipp -*-"59998t OR EXCLUDES FREIGHT S680 PER MONTH/36 MONTHS/S1,56o DOWN PAYMENT, $680 FREIGHT AND 5300 SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED WITH 109 % LEASE RATE UP TO 36 MONTHS OR PURCHASE FINANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS* 11066 SUNFIRE COUPE 10wn Per mod L• Poy—o p T.iN Du. On signing" $6— S233/...o.4h 51,436.19 -- $1.590 $1ss/n,.0 $3,212.48 $3,000 5/47/.naw•. $4.787.68 rrlb•r al,. an .lpr.a r.oUe....... �•p•••K. n.irl. ••a•4 a•a.K tri Ya•)wwaa Pr Or.a SM"TLr&u $238* PER MoNTw38 MONTHS/ 12.080 DOWN PAYMENT. 5720 FREIGHT AND 5300 SECUATTY DEPoSrr REQUIRED OR PIIa171 F P• -OF A, 9 NDE11k AV A 1999 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe A fun -to -drive coupe that delivers on acceleration, at a price that won't slow you down. Included in this sporty Package are: 2.2 litre 115 HP engine • 5 -speed manual transmission • 4 -wheel anti-lock braking system • PASSLock• theft -deterrent sys- tem • Next Generation driver and front passenger air bags • Folding rear seatback • Rear spoiler • Tinted glass WITH 109 % PURCHASE FINANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS' 1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE The Pondaic Grand Am doesn't Just look sport►, it says you're in control. 2.4 litre Twin Cam 150 HP engine • Bold and exciting new design • Al"" chassis, with exceptional rigidity • 4 -wheel anti-lock bracing system • 4 -speed automatic transmission • Enha. TFaction System • 4 -wheel 10 indeperlderlt suspension • PASSLock• theft - deterrent system • Air condk coning • Power door locks • Tilt - 1M1aelI • Rear spoiler ••t•b apatlr, me MORMt Papaw Pr. Lala sriKIFLEA>E WITH $288-. % PER 'MONTHS/ 62,980 DOWN PAYMENT, 8615FROCalff • SECUMTY RE�QUIR�ED OR 9 PINICH VE FIN*wcs� uP To 48 MoKnw PURCHASE PRICE $24,298[ aocLuoEs Y pownAC furrwnnd yourself weft a allnrprisbg tDouct of Maalry, This Buick is owshopied vtrfla 3.1 litre V6160 HP ergine • 4 -speed automatic transmis- sion • Held Generation driver and front passenger air bags • 4 -wheel anti-lock braking system • 4 -wheel IfndsF S d-nt skapension • Enhanced Traction system • 64pawenger sestina • Child - murky rear door locks • Remote lylees entry with Pa nk: feature PASS4W N tlneft-daterrerrt system Air c atkm ystem • Cnlies r,n tin • TNt-YNnsN1O • AM/FM stereo cassette • Power door kicks, wirnelows and mirrors le owl= Col TUM o.... Aw mw Law Aw"" Row a.r a* m•.ae- sD sx?WwAnih s1.932.36 82.960 s28e/mswl $6.131.70 M1100 $228/w.onih $7.366.40 T PONTtAc SNMTLFAst $2881" .Ewe MONTN/]6.IONTHs, f1.•00 OOYYN PAYMENT, fN6 "WIGAPT ANO 5350 SECUPIM DEPosrT REOUIRED OR PURCHASE PRICE ;26,298" EXCLUDES FREIGNT S935 WITH 109 % UIP I TO EIMIMsw HS tic Sw•rI . $358 PER MONTw3s MONTH$/ 83.980 OM RIkv11ENT,1136 FREIGHT AND 8425 $ECtNIfTY C•T WITH 109 % PURCH&W FNMNt:M PONTIAC 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix GT Unsurpassed handUng and control. 3800 Series II V6 195 HP engine • 4 -speed automatic transmission • Enhanced Traction System • Wide -track stance • Next Generation driver and front passenger air bags • 4 -wheel anti-lock braking system • 4 -wheel independent suspension • PASSLock• theft - deterrent system • Air condition- ing • AM/FM stereo w/CD player • Rear seat pass-thru • Power door locks/windows • TIIt-Wheel— • Cruise control • Rear spoiler MIN GRANO ►1110k GT aa... �.r•.++•. � -.....,. Tsar w.. 0. s,•...•- so 11399/month $1.960.35 $3.600 5288/m. m 55.867.70,, $5.000 $24S/nwn.$7.378.25 rrhtM Ar m .4n.y a.duer Alva.. P•p"Mk n.lpw. ••wKY e.Pw•, m n. , t a.I••..a air L...& ... Buick Regal The pen fa mance-bas" Buick Regal inncludew 3.8 litre V6 200 HP engine • 4 -speed automatic transmission with overdrive • Next Generation driver and front passenger air bags • 4 -wheel anti-lock braking system • Grand Towing padk- age • Enhanced Traction System • Remote keyless entry/PASS-Keys' II theft -deter- rent system • 6 -way power seats • Dual -zone climate control • AM/FM stereo w/CD player • Power -operated sunroof • Heated leather seats use DUICx "as" 1s D.... /.pawn L. /.Maar. near a— 0. so S480/"m4h $2.173.50 $3.960 5358 -onm $6.437.20 $5.000 $927/. umo $7,572.5$ •^ 1r>mI•r el. an,l6wlp =doer saw P•I••1«IL ti910K «a.>,r awn►. la.narn•a a•I••r•r Alia r..a We'd Illi you to know more: Come visit us at your local dealer, on our websils at www.pmcansde can or call 1-600 GM -DRIVE. 'Offers based on a Sunfire Coupe R7ZJGrand Am R7B/Gkand Prix R7=mitury R72/Regal LS 1 SC. Annual cast of borrowing 1.996/4.9%/6.9%16."A.9% per annum. Annual kilometre kni120,000 km, $0.12 per excess kilometre. Other lease options avail- � able. •tFreight (as indicated), licence. insurance, RP.S.A., administration lees, and taxes not Included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. *Financing on approved GMAC credit only. • Example: $10,000 at 1.9% APR, the monthly payment is $216.52 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $392.96. Total obligation is $10,392.96. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may GSIC ,0 be eg1A a . Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down paymenl/hade. '[#Offers apply to select 1999 new or demonstrator models, and to gmlilled retail arsiorners in Ontario only (excluding Norlhwestem Ontario). I.imiled time offers which may not be combined with other offers. Dealer order or trade may be necessary. See your %in1e1desliKs) for wriftons and details. ttLicence, insurance, P.P.S.A. and admin. fees extra. _#. --- -- — 4;Z_7_- -. , AR PAGE 10 Nf:NS ADVERMER FRIDAY t6MM; Duty 9, IS" Dutham project seeks to `� build Italian historical record People of Italian descent can share nations of artifacts and stories of Ital- their roots to help create a historical ian Canadians, many of whom immi- record for generations to come. grated to Canada between the mid - The Durham Canadian -Italian 1930s and late 1960s. Heritage project was initiated to cre- Anyone who would like to make a atc a resource centre for the Durham donation or find out more about the Italian community where a shared organization can call Vince Belmonte history and culture can be appreciat- or Sam Princiotto at 725-8053. Or e - ed. mail Aldo Di Giovanni at The organizers are looking for do- aldoC)abcdevelopment.ca. Youth CPR courses offered this summer Teenagers can learn how to save a life this summer. The Youth Centre is offering a two- day Heart Saver 'C' program for Ajax or Pickering residents aged 13 to 19 years. Topics covered include adult, child and infant life-saving techniques. The I I -hour course is being held Friday, July 9 from 6 to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday. July 10 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $15 per person. Prior registra- tion is required. The Youth Centre is at 360 Bavly St. W., between Westney Road and Finley Avenue, in Ajax. Call 428-1212 for more information or to register. Shakin'all over Donna Morrision screens earth as part of preparations for electrical power line work being carried out by Ontario Power Gener- ation. Ms. Morrison's company, Advance A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Archaeology, was hired to assess the area for potential archeological significance be- fore heavy machinery moves into the pro- ject area. The News Advertiser General 683-7363 Composing 579-9273 I Find out how your Business can be involved in the fall bridal event of the year. Participate in a bridal and evening wear fashion show! -AJAX/PICKERING- �. NEWS ADVERTISER ;� w YOUR COI`1MU\I I) NBNSPAPER Sl\CE 1965 �yV,. eats••• A Wedding Extravaganza Sunday September 19,1-99 - � Pickering Recreation Complex Valley Farm Road, Pickering .Y w. W, 4 Brides and Guests 4 ` *atch for upcoming promotions to find gout how you could WIN a fabulous 5 Day, 4 Night trip to the Radisson Cable Beach Resort, Nassau. Watch for details. ;r. Businesses y r N> 'A special section will be published ,Fri. Sept. 14/99. To reserve space call 683-5110 Win! Enter a ballot at the show to be drawn during the fashion show to win a FREE Engagement portrait aboard a Harley Davidson & signature frame. PIW for ihan polic-eSearchwidens 6 IV" elorin g oth rpossibilities The search for an Oshawa day land and water search of the Mr. Barnes is described as man whose belongings were surrounding area was launched white, 540ot-7, 125 pounds, found along the lakefront Sun- by police, without any results. with a very slim build, short day has expanded. Investigators are now looking gray/white hair and wears gold Durham Regional Police say at the possibility Mr. Barnes may or silver frame glasses. He was a wallet and clothes belonging to not have gone into the water, as last seen wearing black jeans, a Nigel James Barnes were found first suspected, and are asking for white T-shirt with "Florida" writ - on the shoreline at Lakeview help from the public. ten on the front, black casual Park around noon Sunday. "We're working with another shoes and a black -faced watch A suicide note was also left police department. At this point with gold trim and a black wrist - behind, police say. The 42 -year- we are exploring other possibili- band. Anyone with information old man hasn't been seen by ties, covering all our bases;' said is asked to call Detective Steve family members since 8 a.m. that Sergeant Jim Grimley, police Mackey at 579-1520 ext. 2770 or morning and an extensive two- spokesman. 6234. No charges to be laid in alcohol -on -the -bus Tory campaign incident No charges will be laid after an investigation into allegations youth were given alcohol during on a Tory campaign bus during the recent provincial election. The decision was made fol- lowing a five-week Ontario Provincial Police investigation, which involved interviews and statements from 40 individuals. Based on the statements given, investigators concluded that while some people wit- nessed what appeared to be alco- holic beverages, none could identify specifically those who were drinking, states a released for the OPP. Investigators also found no evidence that any alco- hol on the bus had been provid- ed by political workers. Instead it's believed the liquor was car- ried on board the bus in individ- ual backnacks. The investigation began May 13 at the request of NDP Leader Howard Hampton, after he said he received a complaint from an Oshawa teacher. The teacher claimed he had overheard a student talking about alcohol being consumed on a Progressive Conservative campaign bus that travelled from Oshawa to London and on to St. Thomas. Your I The Classic Beauly of Stone. Brick Slate pooch is invited to the Dog Splash An opportu- nity to refresh the family pooch, shop, enjoy a barbe- cue and support your humane society takes place tomorrow, Saturday, July 10 in south Os- hawa. The Humane Society of Durham Region Dog Splash `99 begins at 10 a.m. and contin- 'ues to 7 p.m. 'at 199 Waterloo Street, Unit #12. Bubble baths and • flea baths are available at. 37 each for dogs that enjoy hav- ing a bath and who are on a leash. For, more in- formation on .the event, call 433-2022. or '-- - out pending a Fortune. Our Stone Mason Pattern Concrete coating beautifies tired looldng concrete pool decks, patios, driveaan:s and wal %,A,,. NEWS ADVERTISER FR1W.E0ITit)N, JYty,9,1999.PAGE 11 A1P U= Wil -JJ,r,L�, PICKERING TOWN COMMUNITY PHARMACY .11=4 Aft • ACCEPT ALL DRUG PLANS • FREE DELIVERY IN AJAX & PICKERING • 10% OFF FOR MultiForte?Q ' '�1lwn,A,l Yif�l►FAar.r,.. ,, t1 1360 Kingston Rd. Unit 4 Pickering (Hub Plaza) 831-6121 on all Pharmasave Products Expires July 31/99 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON.-FRI. 8 A.M.-12:30 A.M. SAT, 10 A.M.-12:30 A.M. SUN. 10 A.M.-6:00 P.M, MATTRESS SALE BED & FURNITURE BLOWOUT! 7PC BEDROOM$ SET 316600 1 r N rAm Q lBlE M MILE NM 1 1 a ll L 1�1115 ll M 111 MT MMTAl1A110M M1f N !El r110FEWOMALS VtJT°N$482°O BUNK ExrttA " 1 1 'I 2262 � tI }: RS (905) 837-0288 �. AIP PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9,1999 �Mb—m' dinar ed in fdret 1999 Ajax Home Week attack on Auction was a9 reat Child neglect charges laid by Durham police BY STEPHEN SHAW Staff Writer A Whitby mother has been arrested by police and charged with child neglect after her infant son was viciously at- tacked by a pet ferret while sleeping in his crib. The 19 -year-old woman will appear in Oshawa court Friday on charges of criminal negligence causing bodily harm and failing to provide the necessi- ties of life. Her two -month-old baby boy required surgery July 1 after being se- verely mauled by the rodent, his tiny body left virtually covered with bites, scratches and gashes. "The child had about 50 cuts to each foot and there were small lacerations and covering his face, head and upper body, as well as several very deep gash- es around his eyes, forehead, nose and ear area;' said Sergeant Jim Grimley of Durham Regional Police. The horrific attack occurred in the mother's Craydon Road apartment around 2:30 a.m. while the child was asleep in a baby seat, placed inside the crib. •'lite ferret had been in a cage in the hallway just outside the room and some- how it managed to escape. The mother was laying in a bed beside the crib;' he said. Neighbours heard screams around the time of the attack. "but thought they were from a cat;' he said. When the mother realized what was happening, she grabbed her son and rushed to a neighbour's apartment to call 911. "Police and paramedics arrived about the same time and found the mother in the hallway holding the baby covered in blood;' said Sgt. Grimley. GM may get new car for assembly A reputation for strong productivity and quality has put General Motor's Os- hawa plant at the top of the list to build a popular mid-size car model. *'The Oshawa plant is designated as the lead candidate to build the Grand Prix. They (GM) are now developing a case to support that," says Patty Faith, a GM spokesman. "'lite reason the Os- hawa plant is being considered is its rep- utation for quality. It says a lot about the quality and productivity of Oshawa. - The Oshawa truck and car plants recent- ly placed on the top 10 list for produc- tivity in the influential Harbour Report released in June. The Grand Prix is currently being built in General Motor's Fairfax, Kansas plant. It could begin production in Os- hawa in 2002 if the plant here is chosen for the line, says Ms. Faith. The compa- ny will be "looking at other opportuni- ties for Fairfax;' she says. If Oshawa does get the line, Ms. Faith says, "We're not expecting it to have a significant effect on employ- ment." However, Local 222 union secre- tary -treasurer Terry Spence says a good seller can't help but boost employment. "It's supply and demand. If they sell like hotcakes obviously it would affect em- ployment. Look at the truck plant. They've got three shifts. It's the hottest thing going." The baby was rushed to Lakeridge Health Oshawa but his injuries were deemed so severe he was transferred to The Hospital for Sick Children, where he was operated on by plastic surgeons, said Sgt. Grimley. He was released from hospital on Monday. "There was blood all over the crib... In the opinion of medical staff the attack would have taken place over many min- utes to inflict such injuries," Sgt. Grim- ley said. The child's 17 -month-old brother was asleep in another room in the apart- ment and wasn't hurt. Detective Dave Parry, the investigat- ing officer, said the mauling lasted about 15 minutes before the mother took ac- tion and responded to her crying son. She apparently wasn't aware what was taking place. Just two days prior to the attack, the children were removed from the resi- dence by the Children's Aid Society and placed in the care of their grandparents because of "unsanitar. ; onditwn,,,­ S�:i ,e" 7 Grimley said. The pair were returned to their mom the next evening. The mother was released Friday on $1,500 bail. The terms of release include a condition that she not be in the com- pany of a child under 16 without super- vision. Her name was withheld by po- lice to protect the child. Det. Parry said the charges allege she "failed to ensure the ferret was properly secured in the cage" and failed to ade- quately protect her child from danger. The children are now under CAS su- pervision. The ferret is being held in an obser- vation quarantine for 14 days, said ani- mal control officer Karen Wilson. Ms. Wilson said ferrets were banned under the Town's exotic pet bylaw up until 1995, but under existing bylaws two of the rodents are permitted per household. Ferrets are generally "hunters, used to hunt rabbits:'said Ms. Wilson, adding she couldn't recall a similar incident in- y()lvine a ferret in her nine year~ a,; an ,tii-7cr IrGht"Fe,4�N11�, 9 success... Thanks to our sponsors - Hallmark Laura Secord - Interim Personnel - Magwyers Pub - Town of Ajax, Parks & Recreation - Dupont - SOHO Travel - Ajax Muffler Ltd. - Pine Ridge Insurance • Rodman's - Wal -mart - The Body Shop - York Fire & Casualty - McDonakr's - Seaton Gott Club - Bulk Bam - Mryna Picone, Melalevca - Citadel Assurance - Ideal Industries - Ajax Legion - Hair Fashion 3000 - M&M Meat Shops - M.A. Stewart & Sons -Wooden Paddle - Awesome Baskets • Economical Insurance - Scotia Bank & Trust - Mr. Greek - Town of Ajax, Mayor's Office - Subway Sandwiches - Deer Creek South - Picotle Plastics - H.G.R. Custom Classic Clubs - Bonnieview lodge - Old Liverpool House - Honey Garlic - Glen Heay - Beauty Mart - Master Mechanic - Dominion of Canada -Your Choice Communications - CarruMer's Creek - Swiss Chalet - Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser - Annandale Golf & Country Club - Butterfly Kisses - Duffin Creek Pro Shop - Alax. Pi kering Board of Trade - Dickson's Printing _ : r,tec-ternarioral 0 - 3j mbo 191oma f+ay Tt� w If -W. - �'a Above �i sleitttj �s1m J fir+ ¢ lip* 7411111 30" 211111=M1111 Table..... ---...----um Awsmlown 3r PA=d Rosi. TaW....... .._ ..?3.1t6 Jll"ZW III ■tis 6mtar...............'19t1.M _0179AN 5C � � Table .._.... � ar N-)6 " deal Resin Table ............. �0.l6 4r Read &I= Deeu .................... SM." 42--xT •' Dass T" Table....._.........sM.r 75,.,x„ >� � Table ..... "Jlr.11r 311"i2" oa Resim Table ..... ___�_ e+s M 3r xW Ricci hval....... ................ #am Q's7T mss Tiny Table.............._'tTlt... 4CXW Dass i! Table..... _.....47l.r 36"xW brat Resin Table ....... - ....... VAAI 4r Ras/ idea..•.........................rM.M 1-4r Das Top Tile 4ir.elfle: Sbddog ttac6ers 4a Tbid ttra.. Pais 1-75 rid MAD MIIF 1 -Mader $3 IF W ,. bmhlkul 91AIIJI�C!)f11(r s 14C oetion Fi.yas Tib 6-4 P1111111111111111111111 &edra 11111M Ib�t� 1-7s rt Oft a V It - •IM.M rrisra oiere atreettc ttlbtb fin 1--'3i6" >Ord Tabs 246dm Fdiq Itaeei.rr tics 11-7♦�srii�t! 1m kd 4MMf 1 -Amble Rm*Am E�al l 14rlits tttt. mb +ap.rkAb.)yn led sin! Laois ld met ralls�e l�mder , 1- arm mer T4 bbr. + sb st I firs 2 -fats 11W3 Pais 44411ad a Seel Pah ' s► tas ts>ier. ► 1-Ancb.r i w .._ � �.00 ,.+. {.- b? aJ1lyt 1-7rxW do p" R I VIM Tib 1.3.5 llmbnetta w sr umhmb *710.u4 nowmi b t � sau JJo11 ` I � I � • Ili �'�10 � 9a9R err w lar stare er. "m orr s sa .ri MA Ihd i Nrlltt tarnamftrw a on MA "Wft s.ISA swabrtab sad UM Sarya�r.wr � AN Win III MUCH, MUCH MORE TO SHOW YOU - COME IN AND aa�r�ri<t1� t �,ntt'. - aii�.rror•� c.,rt�>rat�. 1]Oki J,V!rIrt ;111►al 3 Will I I'DATIT ► l 47 NT77-3 NONE; NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 13 AIP on t ese 3 great buys for your home Beat the GvT plus use your Sears Card and don't pay 'til January 2000 on all furniture' and sleep sets. Sale prices end Swday. J* 18. 1999. while quantities last Warr" Scars furniture stone "itu stare WhOICO fr<on►c. coordinated 1650 VICTORIA ST, l'AIT #I, r111T1iy, furniture ONTARIO. Pi10NI': (905)5194M " Q 6ST oAr. Sears ri dedup an amort er alert to tl>e GST from y� pry pa. Fidu�s dete ral fees. deirery. martenarae agrean�t and nstalaom '�aiges. Ends Frft ,* 16,1999. Vont Pelf der. Dont pay rnd January 2000, on xwo ed credt vM you Sears Card Mnrrrm 5200 prrohase. 0 deferral fee and A appkxbfe tares and drarges are paO* at bm d purchm Ore girds Sun., ul 18,1999. .. .. 8011 oft* Appy to merdocise in Sears Roan Sore and ed & Catalogue pudases Ask to Beta ls. '01601 Fa tue Shap: a ckdes baby and pato furrifte d aur Sears Retail Mau stores IP071e099 CWgM 1999 Seas Carisoo Vic HM 101 u VICTORIA STREET E. a N c "itu stare WhOICO fr<on►c. coordinated 1650 VICTORIA ST, l'AIT #I, r111T1iy, furniture ONTARIO. Pi10NI': (905)5194M " Q 6ST oAr. Sears ri dedup an amort er alert to tl>e GST from y� pry pa. Fidu�s dete ral fees. deirery. martenarae agrean�t and nstalaom '�aiges. Ends Frft ,* 16,1999. Vont Pelf der. Dont pay rnd January 2000, on xwo ed credt vM you Sears Card Mnrrrm 5200 prrohase. 0 deferral fee and A appkxbfe tares and drarges are paO* at bm d purchm Ore girds Sun., ul 18,1999. .. .. 8011 oft* Appy to merdocise in Sears Roan Sore and ed & Catalogue pudases Ask to Beta ls. '01601 Fa tue Shap: a ckdes baby and pato furrifte d aur Sears Retail Mau stores IP071e099 CWgM 1999 Seas Carisoo Vic APIPI►GE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY E0ff40N,,ju4y 9,159! t e 'f Irt, A "I—Aalala' lss1r04�ri"1--ia1+4��a IT'S TRUE! VILLAGE CHRYSLER IS ausri •ra�_� WE'RE, SHOWING OFF OUR ww�wi�wa� �7 199 u` YAGER w sac 8y `"t'►� �'c Special Commemorative Package Including: • Special 15M Anniversary PlAMM Series Badging g� • Exdueive Brwjht Plstinurn Exterior Colour + �+ • Sunscreen Glees & more — 521, 488* a 522800 * 1293 SEBRING CONVERTIBLE JXI Y1k ab. lrltiir. Pyr. PIDL• till. crime. w Calla.. AM .M.r. taction caw*, ts.d a nvNi- AIRIM CUWM a aat. oMy 10.000 oWw StIL #PW in Z"Cx AMY TO a 1999 DODGE RAM 1500 SPORT QUAD CAB DOW tow, aub, 24G peclrags, air, OL andes, SIlk #T29M6. ® STOCK FAM TO N 1999 NEON 1992 GRAND VOYAGER J One OMrm IOW km wiMl warranty: St` int 1999 LHS Ful► loaded, kawy at go bnsL Stk.# M21. SALE $37,M pkat tax ■ STOCK NWT" 00 %t Includes automatic, power steeringlbrakes, air, AMIN stereo, 2.0 litre, 16 )v"M valve engine plus much, much more! 1996 STRATUS 4 DR. One owner, anwe we warranty. Stk. #3112A THOMM LEU TW KIN 1998 LAREDO u L wl, eAlaea raa, aal aaarlasl� arm. ■wk,.er r. eaaa, elslr aasss i aae. 0 Rom MW To So 1999 _RAM ST !:=Zo Includes automatic transmission, two tone paint, carpeting, anti spin axle, 5.2 eng., air conditiong, side moldings, plus much more. Stk #T2997 $259 P"-�°-° �9 ^ rA G C SPGR MDR Includes automatic, air conditioning, anti spin axle, fog tights, 3.9 V6, plus much more. Balance of factory warranty. Stk. #T3139A. lt^8' No air tax 1997 VOYAGER 7.# L. y:. aft K PB, air pond, auks, d*m slide dr, 1 k rase. A isms. Sola, #VM 0 STOCK MW To" 1999 DUi ANGO SLT 4x4 at its best. Come see what everybody's tolk" about. SOL M6132 _PRICED 'T(O SELL 1999 DODGE RAM 3500 QUAD CAB Trait bw, 5.91. diesel. power sesle, air, Ilia. auiae A atone. SOL #TZW 0 STOCK EM TO 40 ONTARIO'S s v VgOWAM f AMMMWAT tl• is �� MINS sattaw aRNer 7� - 2� � � AJAX * MM . ., rYOm OWN" R CHRYSLER • DODGE • DODGE TRUCKS r , Y «> .. .- "1�IINKING ORI All DAY. tJ 9 HARWOOD AVE. kft of 4ffl) EVE�r ••�.Mal.w.k•wIft110111110,aalletr.,~sIlN41c.SIM 111Atodeebc IMi. ���a»� "7iarenMra➢etltrexlteee ilrwde1111/eww���io >]m �te•ee.RieilF Ilr�tiC. /er�l�perim" {a . •anLhML�.��-- !- lrrW�r_�W M- --•.m�.���..� �—_-.�-- _ _ _ _ - _ _ e�a�C��LeaM:.fir/w��.i6�..�...t.�r�...�a * ., • mil .i Y9�i+�ad,s,}1j�• V 9 e 6 Advertising Feature NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY E � ,. 4 �, ,,..tea F♦.,r,�r '` , � ,4 � � ` - .`� .. ter- ti - ; lk. •y� w- �"T «r Ift f$ .; ALAk- 'tit- a _ r 'VIC 10 I f 14 4r . a • AO ' 7! 3 j w k,;t - .r d r 1I '� .//' - -.- Op- A RM y' +gig �`!•• j > V51- � Ems. "� t, r. y � �'! .• � 1p r Authorized ' . Enbridge . Consumershe.=_ Gas Dealer_ -__, - - _':�� •.,...� �` .-� ��="�=i�55, .. „fir. / � .. 21"11-1 id w AIL • AIP PAGE 16 NEWS AINSPITN" FI DAY ONTX)K Ady 9.1999 F844M . L ku N STYLE, COMFORT QUALITY, FABRIC SELECTION. N -A P— S ALE LPickering Home & Leisure Centre (Brock Rd. 7401 East) Daily 10-6, Thurs. & Fri. I4-9 - (905) 428-6317 DIPLO PDO'L As Sig TROPICAL FISH IN er 'I A SPLASH CSF A SALE ! Now STOCKI 1=1 CHLOME 95 20L RAII Sat. July 1 O i Sun. July 11 ATTENTION BROMINE USERS! $1.5995 "NUMEMOV POWER PUCKS P" a- $ 95 $10000 a, 39Off wM Valkft4n KUMBMYSffFER Holds toddlers 15 to wq-A� -AN6- 30 lbs. som - I KAMM $29 $'2yr. 95 A",w - I RO . Availabk T"--- t 12_1 1A 4b -75% off �I r ::on . ..in veqffiing the bum Shop early for best selection. Now is the time to stock up on all your bedroom & Bath needs. indulp M to M sq '0Arof ..-P 9")pinj 2nd - 9d IFT7 t / �• t 1� 1 .. ;, .. Advertising Fptun Hot & Bothered.? Now that El Nino has disappeared the other half of the family, Lanina will guarantee us more hot & sticky weather this summer. Do not let this Latin family get you all hot and i bothered. Call and let Walker Heating cool you down at 427-2577 Total Height 93- DU JOURMOUR MUghting Showroom Locally Owned & Operated Since 1988 250 Bayly St. W. • Ajax (905) 428-6686 :.� ' / AvaLLable In Black. White, • (.handtltrrs • "irac •Fans • Recessed Floor/7able Lamps • Wall Mounts We've Movedl Visit our New Ughting Showroom 7 Days CEOv Soli'dwood s a e Company's Ear � tZE� ��aguwLTEqalt'ET 1 of y FRAME CONSTRUCTION spring construction, which is the latest LEATHER CRAFT Leather warrants that advancement in coil seating and proven in the frame construction is free from the automotive industry. LEATHER CRAFT defective material or workmanship for the Leather warrants that the spring life of the product. construction is free from defective CUSHION CONSTRUCTION material and workmanship for the life of Cushions have a two year warranty against the product. loss of foam resiliency. The loss in TOP GRAIN LEATHER resiliency should not be confused with LEATHER CRAFT Leather will repair or normal softening and flattening that will replace any defective leather, where the occur in all foam as a result of use and defect results from cracking, peeling or aging- fading. The life of leather furniture is SPRING CONSTRUCTION shortened by exposure to direct sunlight LEATHER CRAFT Leather uses a Coil -Flex and dryness which voids this Warranty. _Nwt.....•rr.• lam.,.., �.,rF., e -.-.._ aaotlaaoia Doll ant bw ffi tdKM& PM"Sts a tMe and ta�ied Sotidwood Bed & Table Company a� b aao � r is located at 1 CORMQ 7. s><ar MCM. 3090 BROCI!< itD S. law woe and uaoolatw Abo kyenoftop qu" h ubw pa4 top quah1� and ist Street South of 401 AdOMMM is bm Md pdyeM c COO and 5MMAW & ffW and poyp btsalata at corner of Plummer (Unit i-4) consaudwPWM b �o.atmt They may be reached at 905431.8! uic cosawt.ro`. NEWS ADVERTISING FRIDAY EDMON. July 9. 19M PAGE 17 AM AR PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 Advertising Feature WALKER HEATING s &Air Conditioning presents our S(/MMER AIR CONDITIONING -- LENNOX THE EFFICIENCY EXPERTS' 1:jkr1#1q19 Featuring: FREE M�ATe� and PVC WINTER COVER OR FREESERVICE��NING OR Sf00 20INSTANT CASH REBATE IF THE O KEEPRITE AIR CONDITIONING DINT IS PURCHASED WITH NEW KEEPRITE FURNACE &W NSI! 00*1 Wd 9" NM A'alffIN' Hill N : A Nkft GOA01aft EASILY FINANCED ON YOUR CAS BILL oAc ACT Now! offer ends soon ret Yw centro/ Aw itg /nM1led Mow sso rmw Road, sonar, unit aA, grox (905)427.2577 HOME DECOR .�9-Urham Region tot ov0.�3y �E 5 000 INDOOR/OUTDOOR WICKER SET OF 4 Incl. 2 chairs, Coffee Table & Loveseat GENUINE FACTORY 458 FairaU St., Ajax (at Westnep - across from GO Stn.) (905) 683-2222 STORE HOURS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEER: Mon. - Wed. 10-6. Thum. 10-8 Fri. 10-6. Sat. 10-5. Sun. 12-5 AVAILABLE! Loveseat Chair Pad with Purchase A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Taking s -s -s -shape Marc Soares cuts a fine figure in the creation of this paper snake during arts and crafts cit an Ajax Public Library drop-in program. This project involved the creation of pop-up cards. Help fight wetland invader PICKERING — Resi- wildlife habitat. dents are invited to help re- A training and informa- move invasive purple tion session will be provid- loosestrife plants from a ed by FBWRP staff from 7 local wetland Tuesday, July to 7:15 p.m. Volunteers will 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. learn how to identify this The Frenchman's Bay purple invader and tech - Watershed Rehabilitation niques to help control it. Project (FBWRP) and On- All participants are tario Power Generation are asked to meet in the park - sponsoring the event to ing lot at Alex Robertson clear some of the plant Park on Sandy Beach Road from the Hydro Marsh near south of Bayly Street. the lakefront. Purple Rubber hoots are a loosestrife is an unwel- must. come guest which is rapid- For more information ly growing in area wetlands call FBWRP at 420-4660, and taking over important ext. 2155. BILLBOARD JULY 9, 1999 FRIDAY, JULY 9 starting at 10 am. at Vaugh- ADDICTION: The Sereni- an Willard Public School, ty Group. holds a 12 -step re- Glenanna and Dixie rds. covery meeting at 8 p.m. at Following the tour, there Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 will be a strawberry tea at Kingston Rd., Pickering. 3:30 p.m. Cost is $12 per The group meets weekly person. 839-7057 (Jill and deals with addictions of Snape), 839-7600 (Barb all types, including code- Twiner). pendency. Child care pro- gram available. 428-9431 TUESDAY, JULY 13 (Jim, evenings). TEENS: The Youth Centre, 360 Bayly St. W., Unit 5, SUNDAY, JULY 11 Ajax, hosts Nintendo 64 HORTICULTURE: The Challenge Night with prizes Pickering Horticultural So- from 6 to 8 p.m. It's one in a ciety holds its Cream of the series of free drop -ins. 428 - Crop annual garden tour, 1212. NEWS ADVERTISER t=R1DAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 19 A(P You care about your community. Sometimes you feel concerned about having us –Pickering Nuclear generating station —as a next door nei(rhbour. ilii li:l �, �'��il� �r .I:r':i.• , � I ' 1 1�1�11 rjlr<f;r�ll<;Ilnli' ,,i'• '. i!.i: 'tlr ', i1�1f1!II•ri' 8 V \1111;1!I� �.I,I!F Or MMYM find out the steps w e•re taking to protect the parks ► you walk in and the water you drink. •- I ri 1111` I)f a(l<_ ,.,' re I rltrl llicl)II til .IIRIt' 111 illy �II'lil)l� wlill iIIP �IR5�tit'r5 ill ihlltit' (lllt-�11or1� Flt•nlllr• �� }lli :lir ��Ilr� , • _ IT'll tel krep thr 1'ickrrin;,; nuc'If•arplant,aft• fur�lllt anll all�i '.lig:• , My name is Laurie Swami. I'm the Environment Section Manager at Pickering Nuclear generating station. It's my job to make sure we run our station in an environmentally responsible way. In fact, our station is applying for registration under �- 1 ISO 14001 - an international standard for environmen- tal management. My work is more than just a job for me. My family and I live close to the station, here in the community, 1 so I want to be sure it's a safe place to live. When I tell people about my job, here are two of - �u the questions they ask me... Q1 How much radiation is coming out of the plant? Is it harmful to my family? Al It's true that small amounts of radiation are released during normal operation of our plant. But those amounts are less than 1 percent of the limit imposed on nuclear plants by the independent nuclear regulator in Canada, the Atomic Energy Control Board. People drinking four glasses of milk a week for a year would receive more radiation from the milk than they would from our station during the same year —even if they lived right at the station fence. That's because milk contains mildly radioactive potassium. In fact, a 1996 study by the Durham Region Health Department confirmed that people in the Pickering and Ajax area experience no adverse health effects from living near our plant. If you'd like to see a copy of the report, drop by the Information Centre at the station, or contact the offices of the Durham Medical Officer of Health. For more information, visit our web site at: www.ontariopowergeneration.com/pickering Q2 How much tritium is in my drinking water? A2 Very little. Tritium is a radioactive form of hydro- gen that occurs naturally in Lake Ontario. But it's also produced by the reactors at Pickering Nuclear. Tiny quantities of tritium from our reactors are released into the lake and therefore into our drinking water. Drinking water around the station typically has readings of about 15 becquerels per litre. That's about one-fifth of one percent of the province's current objective for safe levels of tritium in drinking water, which is 7,000 becquerels per litre. The becquerel is a unit for measuring radioactivity. To ensure that these low levels are being main- tained, we constantly monitor water coming out of the plant. Ontario Power Generation and the provincial government also sample drinking water every day at every water treatment plant within 20 kilometres of our station. ONTAR10ruM^nta GENERATION AM PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER FiiIOAY E6fR`l6N, Judy 9,'1999 NEWSHOm &GARDEN A D V 'E R •T I S E R JULY 9. ] 9 9 9 Here are some cut flowers to add colour, fragrance to your home One of the reasons I start- ed gardening_ many years ago was the notion of filling my house with arrangements of flowers from the garden. In fact in a previous garden, if the plant couldn't provide me with cut flowers that would last in the vase. I wouldn't grow it. I have since softened my views and now grow lots of things that aren't so ,(xxf in a vase. However, for those of you who are still practical here arc a few flower types that are easy to grow and also make excellent cut flowers: Asters (Callictephus chinensis ) Vase life: 7 to 14 days. Annual or China asters flower in all colors but or- ange. Their blooms are up to four inches across and they have strong stems 20 to 36 - inches tall. The; single -flow- ered types ('Single Mar- guerite', 'Single California Giant') look like multicol- ored daisies. Others like Veronica Sliva iL J In The Garden - f --- -- — 'Giant Princess' or 'Powder - pull" resemble pompons. Some look more like peonies ('Opus' )• Asters will grow in light shade and poor soil. They flower from late July until hard frost. Most newer aster varieties are wilt -resistant, but you should change their location each year to prevent aster yellows, a disease that stunt; the plant% and turns the flower~ an ugly green-vellow color. Cut when the flowers are half -open and then re -rut the stems underwater. Celosia (C. argentea cristata. C. a. plumasa, C. A. spicata ) Vase life: 7 to Itl days. Enrli tipsfor j11 Be nice to the Celosias are sometimes called cockscombs (because of their resemblance to a cock's comb) are easy to grow and have the added ad- vantage of looking good dried as well as fresh. I think that the tall celosias are the best choice for cutting be- cause they are so dramatic looking. Cockscomb types (C. ar- gentea cristata). like 'Chief A1ix', have six-inch, cauli- flower -shaped heads in reds and golds. 'Century Mix' (C. a. plumosa), available in red, yellow, rose, and cream has big, feathery. foot -long plumes. Wheat celosia (C. a. spicata) distinguishes itself by its long, narrow leaves and finger -length, wheat -like flower spikes in pink ('Flamingo 1--cather', 'Pink Candle') and white with red foliage ('Amazon'). Celosia flowers midsum- mcr to frost. Cockscomb and plume types are easy to grow if you keep the soil moist. environment when cleaning your yard .Getting the lawn and garden ready for winter can generate a lot of waste and clog land till sites needlessly. "Homeowners can help the environment and do their lawn and gardens a favor this fall by following a few simple earth - friendly steps;' says John Mansz, gar- dening expert at The Home Depot. Try A Munch Mower • Don't spend time raking up grass clip- pings, instead use a mulch mower to cut grass finely enough to be left on the lawn. Not only does this return essential nutrients to the lawn for a lush green yard next year, but generates no waste. • Look for convertible mulch mowers that can break down leaves and grass, such as a 3 -in -1 convertible mulch mower. Fertilize Your Vegetable Garden • Give your vegetable garden a boost for next year. When the vegetable garden is finished for the season, turn in compost- ed manure to rejuvenate the soil. It's completely organic and safe for the soi I. Tips On Composting • Fall is a good time to start composting. Composted soil makes an environmen- tally friendly fertilizer for the garden. • A good composter can he purchased for approximately $40. • Put both garden and kitchen waste in the composter. Ensure that only veg- etable matter is added. • Speed up the composting process with a layer of soil between each layer of compost. Compost accelerator can be added to speed up the decomposition process. • Composting takes between 8 to 12 months to develop good soil. • Take composted soil from the bottom of the composter. • Composted soil is jet black in color and does not have an unpleasant odor. What You Need: Tools: Mulch mower, composter, shov- el, garden fork. Materials: Environmentally friendly in- sect spray, Burlap sacking, straw, com- 'post accelerator, top or rose soil, rose collars. Wheat types need long, warm summers for optimum flow- ering. Our current weather conditions seem to promise that. Cut celosias when 25 per cent of the florets at the base are open. Dip stem ends in boiling water to extend the vase life. Cosmos (C. sulphureus, C. bipinnatus) Vase life: 5 to 6 days No cutting garden is com- plete without cosmos. Even now you can plant the seed in your garden and in six to eight weeks have a show of color that will last until frost. These sun lovers grow in poor soil and tolerate hm humid weather. Any of the varieties are a good choice. To retake them last even longer as a cut flower, cut the newly opened flowers, re- move the foliage, and plunge stems into lukewarm water for several hours before ar- ranging them in a vase filled with cool water. OPEN UP TO TOTAL HOME COMFORT WITH CLMSIC COOLING 8 HEATING AND SAVE 200 OFF AN AIR CONDITIONER AND GET A CHANCE TO WIN A BBQ** Sunoco is pleased to announce that they have teamed up with Belyea Bros. in meet- ing all your home heating, cooling and water heater needs. Buy an air conditioner or water heater before Aug 15, 1999 and become auto- matically entered to win one of ten Napolean BBQ's val- ued at $1000. 1 _ "BUY YOUR WATER HEATER AND SAVE" "BEST WAR RAI?ITV' CLA IC coo d o a .1 .1 IG ;.J - UNOC81 628 Kent Street. Unit B. Whitby �_111111ik (905) 655-7778 Whitby/Oshawa (905) 430-9959 Ajax/Pickering MWON Fax: (905) 430-6673 1 MIMI) ULTRA -GAS OVER 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE 858-7242 .M ....,, .r .m ,.. -., .,. ,..,. �•.,..�., ,... TM _.., ., ..,..�„�.. a w,.. � -, .�..... -.nra..o►a�.ego...ee.aoa�..a�+•r.rr�se:wr.aV n +w Just the fax: 683-7363 AT A FAIR PRICE TAA AUTO. AIR, POWER GROUP, P -ROOF, LEATHER, B -GUARD WAS $309995 NOW $269988 AUTO, AWIFM CASS, PS, PB, CLOTH WAS $15,995 NOW $149988 AUTO. AIR. POWER GROUP, STOP W. AWFM CO, CRUISE, TILT WAS $291995 NOW $26,988 5 -SPEED, AWIFM CASS, PS, PB, CLOTH WAS $11,995 NOW $9,988 AUTO. AIR, LEATHER, P -ROOF, CO, GOLD PACKAGE WAS $419995 NOW $389988 AUTO, AIR, TILT, CRUISE, AMIFM CASS WAS $239995 NOW $189988 AUTO, AIR, LEATHER, P -ROOF, CD WAS $399995 NOW $369988 AUTO, AIR, LEATHER, P- ROOF, BOSE CO, SPOILER WAS $269995 NOW $22,988 Balance of Marnrfactureos Warranty or 1 year, 12,000 Ian Powertrain Warranty with all certified used cars. • 3 day return policy • 90 day exchange policy SALES HOURS um -mm -mg, Fut trimL to tlFEn ISt, SERVICE HOURS nw-Frr. », s e � EM0 -, rw'+`.�'thi3r?'2tR�4; .y ; ,• c�4,dh" � s.e. ,::M*ra. „a APV Durham RIDE program hits roads this summer Motorists reminded to follow rules of the road when out and about You're heading home after a timer barbecue party at a friend's ise somewhere in Durham re- n. You've just had a 'few for the I Wait a minute, what's that up ahead'? A roadside check? Uh, oh. But what does that mean'? Do you have any idea what will happen to you when you are caught by a roadside check or police patrol? ... and what if, heaven forbid, you kill someone'? The summer months are the worst time of year for impaired dri- ving - worse even than the winter holiday season. With outdoor terraces, festivals and golf, people consume more al- cohol in public places in the sum- mer. In addition, barbecues and va- cation activities often mean a drink or two. The problem arises when people then get behind the wheel. Impaired driving is taken very seriously by the police anti the jus- tice system. Over 87,000 people were charged for impaired opera- tion of a vehicle in Canada in 1997. Over 14,000 people went to prison after being convicted for impaired driving with a blood alcohol con- centration over .08. Forty per cent of fatalities on Canadian roads in 1997 were alco- hol related - that represents over 1,200 deaths. Alcohol-related car crash injuries are over 90,000. JIM GRIMLEY 'Some of the numbers are higher here.' In Durham Region in 1998, there were 1,807 Criminal Code driving offences (including failure to re- main at an accident scene, danger- ous driving, exceeding .08 blood/al- cohol, impaired driving, refusal to take a breathalyser test, and driving while prohibited). The vast majority of those charges were alcohol-relat- ed, says Staff Sergeant Jim Grimley of Durham Regional Police. Staff Sgt. Grimley says the four- month totals of impaired -driving charges for January to April 1999 have gone up, as compared to the same period last year. "But that may be because we're catching more people." He says the RIDE program is being stepped up this summer in Durham, with more roadside checks - and not just on holiday weekends. That's in part because Durham has a bigger problem with drinking and driving than some other areas. "Some of the numbers are higher here, per capita, than in other re- gions," he says. In addition, deaths as a result of vehicle collisions went up by 57 per cent in 1998 as com- pared to 1997. But say you were caught drink- ing and driving... What would it mean to you, personally'? A convic- tion could ruin your life, says safety council president, Emile Thenen. Here's what happens: - A criminal record will follow you for the rest of your life. Em- ployers (and potential employers), police, insurance agents and cus- toms agents can access this infor- mation; - Your insurance premiums will skyrocket. That is, if your insurance company renews your policy at all. Other drivers in your household could be subject to similar increases and any injuries you sustained or damage to your vehicle in the inci- dent will not be covered; - It will cost you a lot. An aver- age tine of between SI,(XX) and Hells Angels expected to roar 41 into Durham this weekend BY LESLEY MCMASTER Staff Writer Over 30 members of the Hells An- gels are expected to roar into Scugog this weekend and local police aren't exactly throwing out the welcome mat. Police checkpoints will be stationed as usual around Caesarea to usher in the annual Para -Dice Riders barbecue this weekend. But the department will also step up its uniform patrols throughout Scugog having learned Quebec's notorious gang plans to at- tend the local biker event. "We certainly know the reports of the car bombs in Quebec. A lot of in- nocent people were hurt in the fighting between the Rock Machine and the Hells Angels," says Staff -Sergeant Mike Ewles, of the Durham Regional Police's North Durham office. ."So when one of those groups comes in, we become concerned," he adds. "It raises the stakes in terms of community safety." When it comes to the Hells Angels, Staff -Sgt. Ewles admits he isn't an ex- pert on their activities. But he says po- lice suspect the gang is on a network- ing and public relations campaign in an effort to get a foothold in Ontario. "We suspect various bike gangs won't appreciate this," he adds. "The Hells Angels are big leaguers. So, it just takes (the concern for safety) up a notch or two." The police checkpoints aren't aimed at "nickel and diming" bikers but collecting information, says Staff - Sgt. Ewles. They allow officers to keep tabs on which gangs are associat- ing with one another and if any mem- bers have outstanding arrest warrants, he says. In the past, however, the Para -Dice riders have tried to seek a court in- junction to prevent police from being stationed outside their annual barbe- cue and fund-raiser, explains Staff - Sgt. Ewles. Those attempts have failed with the Ontario Court of Appeals, which has come down on the side of police, in asserting their activities need to be monitored, he points out. The checkpoints have resulted in a few confrontations in the past between biker and officer but all in all, both have acted professionally toward one another, Staff -Sgt. Ewles adds. And that's also been the experience of owners at the Railroad House Motor Hotel, on Scugog Street in Port Perry, where Hells Angels members booked 19 rooms Monday night and at press time were expected to return sometime Friday to spend the week- end. Peter Jamal says he had no idea who would be occupying roughly half his establishment because the arrange- ments were simply made through a travel agent in' Montreal. He admits he was initially worried when he heard the roar of motorcycles as the gang pulled up to the hotel. "But they were gentlemen," he ex- plains. "They were very, very nice people, who followed our rules." Mr. Jamal says the group were also respectful of the hotel's other guests. He adds he has no idea how long they plan to stay in Port Perry. $2,000 to start. Plus lawyer's fees that could go over $10,0(X) depend- ing on the circumstances; . - Your employment opportuni- ties will be limited. A criminal record can prevent you from obtain- ing certain positions; - If you kill or injure someone, the penalties compound - up to 14 years in prison for impaired driving causing death. You could also be open to a negligence lawsuit. "Police officers often sec the car- nage caused by impaired drivers," says Staff Sgt. Grimley. "it takes a terrible toll in our communities. We're hoping that, by increasing RIDE programs to a year-round schedule that people will think twice and they'll park the car and use another means of transporta- tion." The defence is simple, says The- nen. " If you drink. don't drive. If you drive, don't drink." Friends andfamily members could also remem her what's at stake and prevent their guests, acquain- tances and loved ones from driving after drinking - because it's every- one's problem and responsibility. Community outreach program helps preschoolers A new community outreach pro- gram gram is aimed at ensuring all preschool children in Durham get the chance to reach their full speech, language and communication po- tential. The Durham Pre -A --hoof Speech and Language Program, hosted by the Grandview Children's Centre in Oshawa and funded by the provin- cial government, is offering free ser- vices to all preschool children and their families. The program offers free assess- ments of children aged four and under to identify any communica- tion problems the child may have. The speech and language ser- vices system for preschool children was announced by the government in 1996. The local program received S730.(W from the Province in July 1998 and the government increased funding to $9(X).(XX) in April 1". the news release reports. For more information about the program, call 728-1673 ext. 261 or 1-800-304- 6180 cxt. 261. ,QIP PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9.1999 NEWSTr v I & TiO URISM ADVERTISER J U LY 9, 1 9 9 9 Golfing New Zealand i's a duffer's treat BY RAY CHATELIA' Special to the Nous Advertiser Every country has its own way to say hello. The Hawaiians place a wreath of leis around vour neck; the French kiss you on the check: the Germans like to shake hands. New Zealanders, on the other hand. want to know your handicap. For the country is a golfer's par- adise. a birdie in a world of par golf, having more golf courses per capita than anywhere else in the world — one for every 7,728 people. And many are unattended and have hon- our boxes for payment. It's also, without doubt. the most affordable place in the world in which to play a round with prices ranging from S 1 NZ_ for a pasture course, to S50NZ for a champi- onship resort course. Yet, it's one of the best kept sporting secrets in the international travel community. Other destina- tions — as good as they may be — cannot match the variety, the cost, or the beauty and unusual settings of New Zealand. Besides. the real adventure in golfing New Zealand is telling your friends hack honer where you were. With courses named Muriwai. Hua- pai. Titirangi. Pukekohe, and Arikikapakapa, you almost need elocution lessons. Off' -shore golfers asking directions are a constant source of amusement for locals. There isn't a golf course, private or public, that's off-limits to visitors. The most exclusive clubs allow vis- itors — providing there are avail- able times. And New Zealanders — being New Zealanders — do like playing with outsiders. Just put your hags into a rental car and start driving. You won't go more than 10 kilometres without seeing a golf club sign. Start north of Auckland at Waitangi and then work your way down to Christchurch on the South Island. Each night check the map and pick out the courses vow want. Unless it's a Sunday or a designated club tour- nament, chances are good you'll get on. If not, try the one that's always down the road. A few things are different in New Zealand. Courses are all marked off in metres so you must know the yardage equivalents. And men gen- erall) tee off from the blues, women from the whites, and seniors from Spectacular settings are par fur the course in New Zealand n-hiCh boasts the highest per -capita amount of courses than am_ where in the world. the reds, though there doesn't seem to be any hard rule. And don't ex- pect the same kind of club house service you get at private clubs in North America with their varied menus and bar service. Courses range in style and quali- ty from the pasture course at Norse - ward near Napier, where hazards include wandering sheep and cattle (and their leftovers), to the country's number -one -rated links course at Paraparaumu Beach near Welling - BOOK YOUR BOOTH NOW or FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL SHOW Sa# & Sun., Aiypast 2r 0 290 Children's programs. Educational Services, Health & Fitness Clubs, CareerTraining & more. am .46 _COQ_ HELD AT: n AP •a.►fSaar ' AJAX/PICICERING NEWS ADVERTISER VOW COMM" NEWSpMKR SMILE IM For more details call Chris 683-5110 ton with its massive dunes, howling winds, and blind shots. New courses arc still being built, especially near Auckland, where the spectacular Gulf Harbour Country Club complex was recently built. On the South Island, the Bob Charles -designed 6,4(() metre (7.(X)O yard) Millbrook Country Club golf resort near Queenstown is a pearl of a course, now six years old. Going into sonic clubs — such as the Arikikapakapa (known local - Is as the Whaka) in Rotorua, or the Pmaparaumu Beach Golf Club. near Wellington, is the New Zealand dual to being at Augusta or St. An- ,Ircws, but without the stuffiness and ,•ob-webbed atmosphere. And you'll find character galore. I`or, no matter where you play, you're always near a unique cultural experience. For example. the 5,416 metre (5.923 yards) Whaka course is dotted with extinct mud pox)ls and unpredictable steam vents. Whaka is also near the Maori Institute, one of the most visited places in New Zealand — a living museum in which visitors can experience tradi- tional Maori life well removed from the Maori war -canoe past. Still, the most unforgettable ex- periences in Ncw Zealand may no( come from the big and the best courses, but from the little places — villages and towns that have their own nine and 18 hole courses and are proud of every one. CI j J Ray Chutelin is a jrrelunc-e truvel writer. Learn more about New Zealand on the Internet at iv %naravel-►rise.com. MANCHESTER from $399 rtn PP GLASGOW from $479 fln PP LONDON from $399 ren PP PARIS from $599 "n PP FT. LAUDERDALE from $139 "n pp ORLANDO from $139 "n pp LOS ANGELES from $369 "n pp LAS VEGAS from $269 r n pp HALIFAX from $199 an pp VANCOUVER from $429 1fn p, _'WINNIPEG from $389 11' n pp NEW YORK from $193 !fin pp 'Cattdllimts appy - dl bw Is to a Idea. Figfta >rtt *d 10 miL %W at ** a putt ....................... dni........ CALL YOUR FLIGHT CENTRE• ,- 5i:: 905-8319959 � LOCATED AT PICKERING TOWN CENTRE �' 4AL rt.f 0.1 t'lt1 q• fvd J'n-' c -v.` t.;. Ill. k NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 23 AIP Entertainment NEWS ADVERTISER JULY 9, ] 9 9 9 Weekend at the movies... rimin Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN 7 Days a Week A Travel Agency... Investing in my Future? Call for details 905-426-6242 The Muppets visit the final frontier Now playing at Moviplex 9, Pickering: A Midsummer Night's Dream: Kevin Kline, Michelle Pfeiffer, Calista Flockhart. Another classic Shakespeare work gets the Hollywood od treatment. Arlington Road: Jeff Bridge, Tim Robbins. A widowed college professor/terrorism expert ( Bridges) suspects his neigh- bour (Robbins) is a member of a violent right-wing hate group. Entrapment: Sean Con- nery, Catherine lcta-Jones, Vin, Rhames, Will Patton. An insurance investigator (%eta -Junes) convinces her Kiss that only she can set the trap to catch legendary gen- tleman thief Ruben MacDou- gal (Connery) by pc)sing as a master thief hcrscll'. Instinct: Anthony Hop- kins, Cuba Goofing Jr. With- in the brilliant mind of prima- tologist Ethan Powell (Hop- kins) Tics an ominous secret -a mystery unsolved by his estranged family and the law enforcement officials who have jailed him for murder~ in the jungles of Rwanda where he lived among goril- las. Now, in a brutal prison for the criminally insane, Powell is remanded to psy- chiatrist Theo Caulder (Goxxfing Jr.), who must try to unlock the dark mystery in the mind of what appears to be a madman. The Matrix: Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishbume, Carrie -Anne Moss. In the near future, a computer hack- er named Nco (Reeves) dis- covers that all life on Earth may be- nothing more than an clabomate facade created by a malevolent cyber -intelli- gence. He joins like-minded Rebel warriors Morpheus (Fishburne) and Trinity GET YOUR "COOL IXN#AX." AIR CONDITIONER BEFORE /THEY'RE ALL GONE, AT THESE BLOW OUT PRICES. 628 Kent St. Unit B, Whitby,•' •, (905)430-9959 Ajax/Picketing OVER 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Mud_ Hen'S Taps 4.0rill T#• S LY PLACE 1r'0 8 ## (Moss) in their struggle to overthrow the Matrix. Notting Hill: Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant. "Ihe ro- mantic comedy chronicles the amusing and unusual courtship that begins when the owner of a small travel book store (Grant) finds his world turned upside down after the biggest movie star in the world (Roberts) walks into his shop. Star Wars I - The Phan- tom Menace: Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor. Darth Vader is a hopeful nine-year- old boy named Anakin Sky - walker and Obi -Wan Kcnobi is a brash young Jedi Knight. The first chapter of the Star Wars saga follows Anakin's journey as he pursues his dreams and confronts his deepest fears in the midst of a galaxy in turmoil. TheThirteenth Flexor: Greg Bierko, Gretchen Mol, Vincent D'Onofrio. Comput- er scientist Hammncxl Fuller has discovered something ex- tremely important and is about to tell colleague Dou- glas Hall. But knowing some- one is atter him, the old man leaves a letter in his comput- er-generated parallel world chat's just like the thirties with seemingly real people with real emotions. When Fuller is murdered in our -real" world the same night, his colleague is suspected. Now playing at the Cineplex Odeon Ajax 10 Cinemas: American Pie: Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth and Eugene Levy. Five high- school buddies try to lose their virginity in a movie that promises to match the raunchiness of old favourites like Porky's. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me: Mike NINers. y'rah, baby. yeah! Austin Powcrs, International Man Of Mystery, is back in full swing and completely shagadclic! This time, he's heading hack in time to 1969 to hunt down the nefarious Dr. Evil, who threatens to leave our hero 'shaglcss' ti)r- ever. Along the way. he en- counters Felicity Shagwell and Nana Humpalot, and gets in and out of x:rapes faster than you can say "Smashing, baby !" Big Daddy: Adam San- dler. Thirty -two-year-old Sonny KUufax is a law x hoo)I graduate steadfastly avoiding See SOUTH poi! • 24 PRESENTED IN DIGITAL SOUND ✓STM •AIIB: EN800E 1-11E MNMTOr DACE IPGI NO PASSES, FROM 1:4 t% 6:44 90 ✓ NOTTMO PLL (Pty FK -MK 12% 34 71A to 610 DADDY M ON 2 SMO FRL-M 12A 1:10, 243:ACA63Q 9,9:15 SM DADDY IAAF WED.-71IURS.1:10, 3:30,6:X US ✓ AM WEAL NUMA1W (PGI FRL•1MJitS 12.4 3, 7:10,10 ✓ A1111111111111111Q1111ill M (AA) 0 PASSES, F111.41111113.120, 1:10, 7:28, tM IIIIP11111ETS PROr SPACE IF) HIED.-7MNIS.12:38, 2.4.4% IIJA 9 GREAT GIFT IDEAS FROM CINEPLEX ODEON Nipaft", &" OiA RTWICATEa MIaG�IMCM •..sur r a � Includes admission tickets t10d...ra.- and concession vouchers. • ICKERIN 8 - iramous care featuring WILD WILD WEST (PG) 1:35, 4:15, 7:35, 9:50 THE GENERAL'S DAUGHTER (AA) 1:00,3:40,7:30,10-00 SUMMER OF SAM (R) 12:50,3:55,7:00,9:55 BIG DADDY (AA) 1:10, 3:40,7:40,9:45 TARZAN (F) •12:45, 2:55, 5:00, 7:05, 9:15 AUSTIN POWERS: THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME (PG) *1:30,4:10,7:15,9:30 SOUTH PARK (AA) •12:55, 3:00, 4:55, 7:20, 9:25 AMERICAN PIE (AA) *120,4:00.7:10,9:40 1 9 HS on', W1 ••, Y. -., - SOUTH PARK (AA) '1:10, 3:10,5:10,7:15,9:20 THE GENERAL'S DAUGHTER (AA) *1:20,4:05,7:10, 9:50 SUMMER OF SAM (R) '1-00, 4:00, 7:00,10:00 TARZAN (F) *1:35,3:45 WILD WILD WEST (PG) *6:45,9:15 WILD WILD WEST (PG) *1:25,3:55,7:30,9:55 TARZAN (F) '1:05, 3:10,51 7:20, 9:25 ARLINGTON ROAD (AA) '1:15, 4:00, 7:05, 9:45 AUSTIN POWERS: THE SPY WHO SHAGGED ME (PG) *1:30,3:50,7:25,9:40 PRESENTED IN DIGITAL SOUND ✓STM •AIIB: EN800E 1-11E MNMTOr DACE IPGI NO PASSES, FROM 1:4 t% 6:44 90 ✓ NOTTMO PLL (Pty FK -MK 12% 34 71A to 610 DADDY M ON 2 SMO FRL-M 12A 1:10, 243:ACA63Q 9,9:15 SM DADDY IAAF WED.-71IURS.1:10, 3:30,6:X US ✓ AM WEAL NUMA1W (PGI FRL•1MJitS 12.4 3, 7:10,10 ✓ A1111111111111111Q1111ill M (AA) 0 PASSES, F111.41111113.120, 1:10, 7:28, tM IIIIP11111ETS PROr SPACE IF) HIED.-7MNIS.12:38, 2.4.4% IIJA 9 GREAT GIFT IDEAS FROM CINEPLEX ODEON Nipaft", &" OiA RTWICATEa MIaG�IMCM •..sur r a � Includes admission tickets t10d...ra.- and concession vouchers. AIP PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9,1999 0 '-,1P u q '" ar ra sgra duateto big screen SOUTH from page 23 the increasing pressures of adult responsibilities. In a misguided attempt to impress his soon -to - be -ex-girlfriend and prove he is ready for responsibility, Sonny accepts custody of five-year-old Julian under the pretense of Group needs a few good singers The Jean McDonald Singers are looking for a few goW voices to join the musical group this summer as it prepares for the upcoming season. Auditions are being held from Wednesday, July 14 to Monday, July 19 to find singers for the group's 10th anniver- sary CD and the upcoming sca- son of concerts and musical theatre. The group has openings for people interested in cabaret unison and part singing, and choirs for children aged seven and up, teens and adults. For more information or to make an.appoint*ent for an au- dition call Jean at 837-2611. heing his biological father. The General's Daughter: John Travolta, James Woods. In a world where nobody asks and nobody tells, the daughter of a popular general is found brutally murdered. But certain secrets cannot remain hidden forever. N11uppets from Space: The Jim Henson legacy lives on, this time from a new frontier with old favourites. South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut: Trey Parker and Matt Stone bring the colourful citizens of South Park to the big screen in a film that is animatedly hilari- ous and irreverent. Based on the hugely successful Comedy Cen- tral series. Tarzan: Walt Disney Pic- tures' animated adventure Tartan is an innovative and entertaining exploration of the classic tale by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Taman traces the story of a baby or- phaned in the African jungle and raised by a family of apes. Wild, Wild West: Will Smith, Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh. Special government agent James West, long on charm and wit, and colleague Artemus Gordon, a master of disguises and a brilliant inventor of gad- gets large and small, are each sent to track down the diabolical genius Dr. Arliss Loveless. Love- less is plotting to assassinate the president of the United States with the aid of his monstrously huge walking weapon -transport vehicle called The Tarantula. Also playing: Arlington Road, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Now playing at Pickering Town Centre's Famous Players Cinemas: Summer of Sam: John Leguiramo, Adrien Brody, Mira Sorvino. New York's summer of 1977 produces the city's first se- rial killer, Son of Sam. The city is gripped by panic as the vicious murderer preys on innocent young couples. After a Mafia boss offers a bounty for Son of Sam, a thug and his gang of flunkies become obsessed with the idea that Son of Sam is some- one from "the neighbourhood". The hunt is on, with an aspiring punk rocker becoming the focus of the gang's suspicion. Also plm'ing: American Pie, Austin Prmers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Big Dada -4. The General's Daughter. South Park: Bigger, Longer do Uncut. Tarzan, Wild, Wild West. LADIES & MTLEMEX OF 600D BRIEDINUT Sheriff Nelson Gi en Reynolds invites you to be his guest for "Castle Capers': For your entertainment and bemusement 0110070V an evening of victuals, mystery, musk and interactive *an%6dv isberebv proffered. �­. A;�o Dili -;-- +� OfrJk LVL/tl 0 — A Jtyr 1 .aid Z40 A gust TWand g1 At Trafalgar Casft scud. 4OPf S&IN4 t Tdit CociUft to be M%vd at 6:30 pmaW diner 10Itabwc Cass► Sw,, caffiriftwiMy non,alcc **,- bere qp& SID !M IAB IN11�f R LlOtlii 1>iBI1Ri, � t LYr, ll:Yl. INR � V ONIfIL ke-live tke gl{oty of tie Cas& in 1869. _- . Join us for an evening of melodramatic revelry! For hickets c aff (505) 668-3358 or Email h com Cost perpt0 $QW adA/$XM senior Table of & SM5.00 Table at 10t s3so�ao CHEQUE, CASH OR VISA Aft�i'fkpk+rJ:'�,.. Mike Ah�ers is back as the snaggle-toothed super sleuth Austin Powers in his latest send-up of the spy genre film. It's playing this weekend in Pick- ering and Ajax. ALUMNI CLUB SPORTS BAR & GRILL 325 WESTN EY RD. SOUTH AJAX (ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF BAYLY) 619-0938 BEACH BASH'99 JULY 24TH , 1999 BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT (DAYTIME) Tournament will run from 11 am to approx. 6:00pm e minimum 6 players per team (min 2 females) Registration forms available at bar *Cost included with admission --Great prizes to be awarded LIVE BANDS (EVENING) 'Opening Bands: South of Seven & Dr. Evil eHeadliner:Practically Hip (A Tragically Hip cover band) DJ AND DANCING (throughout day and early evening) !SPORTS CELEBRITIES: Glenn Healy (Toronto Maple Leafs) Spider Jones (the Fan 590) OUTDOOR BEER GARDEN SPONSORED BY: ; ?sli" MCKSON46FUND RAISI G FOR: Sk'n Art Peter Bombacci Ariss � NEWS ADVERTISER HAULAGE ehikieni w� 'an C( cwodv NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 25 A/P sport &LEISURE NEWS *ADVERTISER JULY 9, 1999 WIRETOWIRE Cham ions M -RIVE -FTI -M 839-7662 Now looking to sponsor Adult Baseball teams Mon. & Tues. nights 1211 Kingston Rd. ® ROOM Ajax, Pickering ball players advance to regional skills competition Five young baseball players from Ajax and Pickering have advanced to a regional skills contest after win- ning their respective categories at the Honda Hit -Run -Throw Skills Com- petition hosted by the Pickering Baseball Association June 27. Richard Abbott of Pickering won the mixed pre -rookie category with a total of 250 points. Adam Corless of Pickering cap- tured the mixed rookie division with a score of 288 points. Alex Marquardt of Ajax was num- ber one in the mosquito boys catego- ry with 348 points. Bantams' bats booming as Pickering wins tourney PICKERING —The Pickering Bob Hendrickson Construction bantam girls' select softball team captured the Whitby Select Softball tournament last Sunday by downing the hosts in the final. Pickering and the Whitby Lightning entered the final with identical 3-0 records so a close match was expected. That wasn't the case as Pickering rolled to an easy 16-6 victory. The Pickering bats were booming as the selects pound- ed out 21 hits led by Nicole McCulloch who went 4 -for -4 and Devon Curran who was 3444. At the end of two in- nings, Pickering was ahead 7-1 and never looked back. The pitching was shared by Angel Gray and Stephanie Kelley, who limited Whitby to six hits over six innings. Pickering defeated Topham Park from East York in the tourney opener 13-9. Pickering's defence was not sharp, but the team's bats carried the day. Con- tributing three hits apiece were Caitlin Pask, Wendy Taylor and Nicole McCul- loch. Pickering pitcher Stephanie Kelley recorded the last out by making an out- standing tag at home plate to quash a potential Topham Park rally. In the second game, the Pickering bantams posted a come -from -behind 6- 5 win over Chinguacousy. Pickering fell behind 3-0 after the first inning, but chipped away at the lead until tying the score at 3-3 in the third inning. The Bob Hendricksen bantams took the lead for good with a three -run fourth inning. Chinguacousy scored two runs in its last at -bat, but Pickering held on for the vic- tory- In a must -win third game against Brampton, Pickering needed a victory to advance to the final. The Pickering bats came alive in a 14-6 drubbing of the op- ponent. After Brampton jumped out to a 3-0 lead in the first inning, Pickering's defence was outstanding the rest of the way. Melissa Baril led the offence with three hits, while Gray, Pask and Nicole McCulloch contributed two apiece. Stephen Budai of Ajax placed first in the peewee boys division with 610 points. Jenny Brown of Ajax won the peewee girls category with a score of 281. The winners of the June 27 event, held at Brock Ridgy*c Park in Pickering, will move on to the regional competition Aug. 7 in Bowmanville with a chance to advance to the provincial eticnt. Winners at the provincial level will then move on to the Nation- al Honda Hit -Run -Throw final at Toronto',, Skt Dome Sept. I AIP PAGE 26 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9,1999 Diamond rivals Major Mosquito baseball between rival Ajax and Pickering teams provided plenty of action during a doubleheader at the St. An- drews diamond in Ajax Sunday. In the top photo, Ajax Spartans pitcher Jevon Edwards hurls one toward the plate. At left, Pickering Red Sox pitcher A.J. Rajanathan fields a line drive before making the platy. Heat hot at provincial softball tourney Third-place finish at Peewee Eliminations PICKERING —The Pick- ering Heat peewee boys' rep fastball team is proving to he one of the top squads in the province. At the Peewee Eliminations in Waterloo from June 25 to 27. Pickering finished third. Ontario Amateur Softball As- sociation teams are asked to attend the eliminations to se- lect two squads to represent the province in the Eastern Canadian Championships being held this year in Labrador City. Next to the Provincial Championships, the elimina- tion is probably the biggest tournament for boys of this age. Because some players were missing due to school gradua- tion trips, the peewees called up squirts Vince Carbone and Daniel Keith for the first two games. The Heat opened the tour- ney with a 4-3 victory over Kanata. Jason Carey handled the pitching chores for Picker- ing. Stepping on the dish were Chris MacLeod with two runs, Anthony Paradiso and Carey with one each. Stephen Tsatskas played the game on his way to the provincial tack- wondo championship, where he won a silver medal. The Heat then thumped Willowdale 7-1, again behind the pitching of Carey. Scoring runs were Paradiso and MacLeod with two each, Billy Keith, Steven Valentini and Vince Carbone with one apiece. Pickering couldn't get its offence going against Chesley, dropping a 4-0 decision. Jeff Magee was on the mound. The Heat rebounded in a big way against Kitchener to win 13-7. Corey Beer picked up the victory, while Billy Keith scored three runs, Par- adiso, Carey, Justin Over and Bryan Gillespie scored two each, MacLeod and Magee crossed the plate once apiece. Magee had a stellar game in the Heat's 3-2 victory over Waterloo, picking up the pitching win and scoring once. The Heat followed up that win by pasting Cambridge 9- 4. Beer picked up the win on the mound. Oliver Salmon and Billy Keith both stepped on the plate twice, while Beer, MacLeod, Over, Valentini and Gillespie had one run apiece. Pickering then edged Ches- ley 2-1, with Magee tossing the win. Carey and Over each crossed the dish. The highlight of the game came in the bottom of the sev- enth and final inning. Over got on base with a walk and Beer and MacLeod move him over to third. Facing a full count, Billy Keith stroked a hit over the shortstop to drive in Over. In a game that took a week to play, Pickering fell 9-1 to Napance. The Heat were trailing 5-1 when the contest was stopped because of a storm in the Wa- terloo arca. A tournament rule called for the game to resume one week later at the point where it was stopped. Team members are Antho- ny Paradiso, Chris MacLeod, Billy Keith, Bryan Gillespie, Jason Carey. Corey Beer, Jeff Magee, Steven Valentini, Oliv- er Salmon, Justin Over and Stephen Tsatskas. Call-ups for the tourney were Vince Carbone and Daniel Keith. Coaches arc Norm MacLeod, Paul Magee, Jim Gillespie and Rick Beer, while the manager is Liz Keith. Local hockey players go to camp PICKERING — Develop- ing youngsters' hockey skills through fun, organized drills is the aim of a non-profit camp for boys and girls aged five to nine years old. The camp's being offered at Art Thompson Arena in Pick- ering, in two sessions of three one-hour classes. Sessions are run Sept. 14, 15 and 16 and Sept. 21 to 23 with classes from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Class sizes will he limited to ensure individual attention. All participants will receive a certificate of achievement. Volunteer coaches will help at the school. Cost is $40 for one session and $70 for two. All fees will he used to pay for ice time and supplies. Early registration is recom- mended. For more information or to register call Paul Etherington at 420-2971. . ,.r .7° -..: :, .. ..�xtro.+i�i�.ri`�:: ': • ... .. . p'a�'.i42eN.r�C�l,��ji€r..is"'jpr:��f:wc _..ELL&���'��. NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 27 A/P AJAX DICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER TO PI2C2 Your Ad C811: CLASSIFIED 683-0707 t 1 Catroers 11 Careers 11 Careers 11 carvers 11 Careers 11 Careers NI 11 Careers 11 Careers 11 Careers Join Our Team GnRDEHS MANAGER, SPONSORSHIP & ADVERTISING The Corporation of the Town of Whitby is recognized as a leader in implementing innovative approaches for providing outstanding services to the community. The Town of Whitby has expanded Iroquois Park Sports Centre as Canada's largest municipal mutti- sports facility. Lauridon Sports Management Inc. is a private company specializing in recreational sports facilities. Lauridon owns and operates The Ice Gardens at York University. The Town of Whitby. in partnership with Lauridon Sports Management Inc., is seeking a motivated business -oriented person to join the team in the position of: Manager, Sponsorships & Advertising. You will be responsible for marketing Iroquois Park Sports Centre and other Town recreational facilities for sponsorship and advertising programs to generate revenue. You will develop a marketing and sales plan, and call on regional and national clients. To quality you will have a combination of a minimum 2 years of relevant experience and education from a College or University. You possess excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills; excellent negotiation, administrative. PC and analytical skills; knowledge of advertising and promotional mediums, including production. You have a track record working in a corporate environment, in marketing, advertising and/or sales capacity. A valid Ontano drivers license and vehicle are required for the position. This position requires a high energy individual, with an entrepreneurial approach who will enjoy working in a high paced, proactive environment. This is a performance based contract position with salary and bonus. Oualified candidates who are ready to become part of our highly motivated team are invited to submit their resumes by July 16. 1999 to: Mr. Peter LeBel The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ont. L 1 N 2M8 Fax: 905-686-7005 e-mail: lebelp •town.whitby.on.ca We wish to thank all applicants for their interest, but advise that only those selected for interview will be contacted. THE FUTURE Sr4,nys t:, muse who are prrpared lot chatge Ik 1 General Help 1 General HNp 1 General Help Those *M are IOGhna0 and to dose who ri ter7rhreaNy ART i TECI►NME ACADEMY DELI MKERY Gerk required EXPERIENCED 1lacmers and skilled Net d Com using OF ESTHETICS ESlhehc;am for TO time q;sdwn E.Apen- helpers needed for general MCSE'Laus Notes. Database Electrutyss Instructor and en- ence preferred Iwl ttarwq will renow►gns. for restoration administration using Orack try hive uK2ructors Assistant be given to right caddie company F1M/pan link dust Computer Marmenarce . A. repwred Excellent and re- Drop resume off or appy be «ruble and able to work New caeca web design and witdwq opportunity Mini- wdhn Brooldin Food Town. 64 witch nrruinurri 0 superwyon Autocad. solhrare dew and mrrm fie years working ex- Baldwin Street. Brookkn Car essermar 905 435 -0902 Programming Financial as- ptrwncce Must be reliable. srstanix may be available b motivated. knowkedg&AW carrierSPA, u fc:r hat bed EATREME personal now rwre9 ekOMe shhdaks Cal Durham Fax resume or apply m per - Mess computer College son 15 Srrrot St S Oster- US LogWICS 6 coni- ness consultant. sales people. (9051421-3010 wee Fac.905-728.6310 POW skins ria Terry. 905- receptions and floor Stan 693-,111 tax 905.683-9492 Cal Don Adam at (905)026 . VAL-PAK West tletham is MR MANAGERand DOMINO'S PMA Business 7620 searching for enthusiastic n- and servers tdr scamp Is maing Now nmrp Div- Full lure and part hint line 4urdWs who luaue the aDiMY Restaurant Call 420,0063 for tis Apply at Alex Iar�Lah. 10 cooks and wait staff needed to create lastrp Diem rete- appointment from 4-8pm Harwood Ave 683.9993. King to Pickering area C0 Kum at neliocessary. Outside sales. car MLAMYS Restaurant 1051 St. Oshawa. 434.2555, Sim- 428-6999 necessary. uWpa etime nG Shmcoe St N Oshawa. am rxe SI Al.Osh m. 434.2777 necessary y mussart time De CAS aro fol -serve sec- sdons ComrtuSSgn. Fax rt- �' seeking experienced Also IOOkrrp for full -lime d xrve proWne crud Gar wash sumo: 905.263-4124 cooks for full and part time pan -low pcua makers atlendaru required Full him THE MIL STATIDN Career Training Center Career trarl- mg available ,n arld"I nails. ear cawing, pem- cures, waxing Air brushing and tattooing techniques. Student Financing negotiable 1905)439-2217. MENINDNEMMM. Needed in Catalogues. T.V. Commer- cnal, Maga nes. and extra work 0 ac epled training and registration tees Covered. Cal 1416044.9343 a t -MO- M O D- E L.U.S. 1 - rrOI Piew" Sc Transportation Ex chool�Bus Drivers for 3 rusts daily. Clean abstract, recent DDC, Fluent English preferred. (905) 420-4574. ends positions Weekand eveningsApply In personmore EM 52 00 300 5 $500 or per week assembling CANVASSER WANTED - One products in the comfort of of Ontario's leading Metal your own home Send a sec - Rooting and Vinyl Wmfbw addressed stamped enveko 0 PH 6-2400 Dundas St. companies requires bold and enthusiastic individuals to to W. Suite $41. Rel 636, Mis- assist our proven sales pro- sissauga. Ont. 1_5K 2R8 lessionals. Highest commis- son. pad we". No. expert- :CE MOUMMO for stiool- encs necessary. we will titan. aged program. MartlanV c , „� area. GII (905)267 - Call Today (905) 666-0018 Alex. 77" CHATLINE needs part time carncrw.ww w ..- help. Work from home Must uan wanted Really goad 7 be flexible. Call 906.948- portunnly. Cau for more neo. 9753. Axxe T%68.5000. 0914KRAL MECNA M D A It4:1SE PERSM WANTED .Preferably with a 'E' License lease send replies o khatYa This Week 65 Farewell SL lishows•0aL LIH 7L5 EXCUSES DOM LOUNGE, 504 Skucoe SI S. Door per- sons. Mak or Female. Ewen- ence required. Apply in per- son alter 3 D m. EIt ONEKO mNl- TEMA= PERSONNEL. -for wag established North Pndrer- ing based Landscaping Com - parry. Must have experience in lawn maintenance. Cal Malay through Friday 905- 619-6761 or lax resume to 905-619.0796. Family Pet Foods. 376 Kim- WgUENCED SINNGLFII ston Rd. Pickering. CAN for Transportation necessary to 509-3417 905 - lyre lion hme Apply in ppetrson at 698 Kingston Rd Prcker- Rd � ,M.ry>w•• •• HAIR STYLIST WANTED Part time/ full terns, Could lead to perma- nent for busy salon in Oshawa, hourly wage plus commission• plus benefits & paid birth- days. No Sundays. Please phone Margaret or Mandy (905) 576-4177 try pus commission. u- cerse required. Phone (905)725-0119 days or (905)431-4255 have message please. BOY SALON requires li- cersed assistant manager Hourly plus commission and profit snaring Full and pan time positions to experience stylists. Training for appren- tices. excellent opportunities. Burger Kang s cuumli enioy+ng unprecedented growth .r. the Ganad,an market Our recipe for success Includes valuing employee contributions and promoling from within. We offer a wide range of managerial possibilities for qualified candidates. It you would like to become part of a team that welcomes your Input and ideas, consider joining us We are presently seeking RESTAURANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS Ne have positions available within Durham Reg on and rhe Scarborough area You will need superior Interpersonal, communication. and customer service ,kills Restaurant or retail experience would be preferred You will receive a competitive starting pay. attractive cenehts. generous bonuses, flexible schedules. and 'he chance to achieve your professional goals For BURGER cansideration. please send your resume to Hamm KING Rts Resources, Burger King Restmraaof Canada Inc., 401 The West Mall, 7th Floor, Etobicoke, ON 11119C 544. Fax: (416) 626-6696. 1 General HNp 1 Gere W HNp Id ( General Help NOW HIRING! Canada's largest duck farm is expanding. Full-time positions with good benefits available now in Processing plant and on farms. We train. No shift work. Apply in person Mon. -Fri. 9:00 - 3:00 (previous applicants need not apply) KING COLE DUCKS LTD. Warden Ave. just north of Aurora Rd. HAIRSTYLIST regwred •a busy Whitby Salon Daft him i,. `• of ham salary . commis- �� i Mill Run Bo l l'C l u b son Appy in person wah it- , - t- ,- I Anthony Frances Salon--- E,ohm' 12M Rossano Rd E atilt Run Golf K Country Club W*bv 905-430.0966 KMRSTYUSTS to four very successful and highly mou- vated progressive team. 2 years eV - advancement mrd competirhons. photography 6 ( 430-2113 work tc The W d Flower HISKY EDUCATED MGI concept salon seeking post - live experienced upbeat team players for the following posh• tions. Stylists. colonsts. esle- teccan and nal technician Call 430-3156 NITERLOCKMG Stone labor with or without experience. Full time Truck an asset. Must have own transportation. Lois of hours. W$12 pending experience. (905)-M-3977 LAMM NEEDED for cw- M" finishing. preferably with some exppeehence. Must be turd workup Can 905-432- 8871 leave message UNDSCAPEA: MTRUCTION help needed. Interlocking store experience needed. Must have transportation and keerm. Cab -472-2779 IRardF) LICIT Nn11STRIAL, long- term temp. must have 6 malls working experience ti safety sled -toed bods Pick- Tthrough Oshawa seas. an asset. We will be n- tafininifg at the Oshawa G- vic Auditorium 99 Thornton Road South. Oshawa un Toes- appt. 905 N. Ata-. Floury wage. ( ) Cal Cheryl (905) -7323 .July 20th 6 27th from 9'30 2'00 requires mature adult full time for golf course maintenance. Seasonal (April - October) full days cvery other weekend. Fax resume attention: Barry McIntosh or Brian Morrison 905-852-9272 DELIVER FLYERS. Once a week in your neighborhood. Earn $20 to $30 a week. For information please call Carol at 420-7691 or Sandy at 728-3009. Lea" a mom9e inclusive of your name, awnber and poMI code NOW HIRING! Permanent Full time applicants 30+ hours week, please apply at. 1163 Kingston Rd. Pickering Mon. -Fri. 2-5 p.m. or fax resume to (905) 839-7459 Of your FINAN IAL CAREER (Farm Mutual Financial Sernces gives you a working environment that welcomes individu- als who want to further their financial business through a unique career opportunity. • Referrals produced through our network of P&C Brokers • Generous commission schedule • Your own marketing & sales support • Initial & ongoing training provided • Home based Advisors considered Please tax your resume to (905) 426-1025 1 General Help 1 General Help HAIRSTYLISTS Be Your Own Boss Rent a chair or work at up to 65"r1 commission. Clientele to be taken over - Benefits and professional training available. Call Tony or Arlene (Uxbridge location) 905-852-5155 or fax 905-130-3281 HOME, PICKERIING Requires a VOLUNTEER CO-ORDINATOR -Par, time 30 hrs per Neek 41-� year contract •D�,ree or diploma in related field . -C­iticate to volunteer management an asset •_rcerlence working with seniors preferably in Dng term care setting •Act ity to work independently •Frcenence in recruiting, training and manag- +olunteers •ht -,t be organised, caring and resident �e,�.ered Please fax resume to Program Director ("S) 420•6030. rn.,nuf.icturer require. a Purchasing Agent/ Production ('Icrk P1 ,: cankil�l.rle rnu,t ptissi� goixi .,n.,lytical .kill.. Strong interpersonal All", computer ,kill% are required. Please fax resume to: (905)831-7571 or mail to: Ellis Packaging Ltd. 1830 Sandstone Manor Pickering. Ontario L 1 N' 31' I 4���� xr • wwrrrraa+ f is currently seeking Permanent full-time and part time LINE COOKS, SERVERS b BARTENDERS. STUDENTS WELCOME Apply in person be/ere 11a.m. ora/ler2p.m. to 795 Kingston Rd. Pickering. 11180 7bidrson Rd. Whitby. a DURNM a TZE OTA FR & P/T WORK LOCAL PIN TO PIN 2 YEARS EXP WEEKLY PAY $13.00 - $15.50 PER HOUR CURRENT ABSTRACT CALL DDP 683.6389 Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Our phone lines are open AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Mon. to Fri. til 8:00 pm. 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax 1822 Whites Rd., Pickering Sara Lee-Amberles Plaza 24 -Hour Fax: (905) 579-4218 Sat. 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. Ilwm ifU&-fli.. M. titer -k00 IM S Mea 100r4%tit 4t L IOwr1� Thom/ IOr-iN `� Classified Online. Now when you advertise, your word ad r a' also appears on tate Internet at: httpJ/www durilsllttnews.net Sondol Sol 10=-6p% Sw. NatIN-5pw M1' E-mail: compose•durham.rtet ...r. Svc-•m.ss.+rw:+r-.+►•t....w.a�o�+,r..arr s........aw...,.a...s�..:.s.►...�...�raa....w-a•:,s.+-�aws•.r...,,ew-.rrw..e;a;v.._...-+•r.�.sa:w-.....r.. ....n a...... ..,• ...-....v...-w-.--.�.r. ..yr.. 11 g .i,M PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISEWFRIDAY EDITION, July 9,1999 1 GllfwM Help 1 General Help 1 Ofrilx Help 1 Office ►MIP SktKed HNp Skilled Help IM Market Basket Requires Social Worker (M.S.W.) to provide risk assessment , counseling to young offenders in a secure residence. Please mail resume to: St. John's School, P.O. Box 5000, Uxbridge. Ont. L9P 1 S1 or Fax 905-852-5967. FULL TIME pi s:nonc .r.a;iehr immedlater, n a Pickering manufacturing compare Fax resume to (905)427.1548 LME COOK regwred. Golden Griddle ex:) ^ence preferred Whitby location Call Vince (9051-438-1894 LIVE-IN Superintendent couple reatir , r.r 27 unit buddngs located in south -Central =- *a Experience required in maintenance and manage- ment Prefer middle-aged or retired. healthy couplemust be able to perform physical work Please tax resumes to (9051623-2257 Only qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview Ice 1'n -am \enders WA\TEP %(N%: Cast pard daily Posnbve environment nt Make money. make friends No exllertewe needed 15 years old & up AJavrk-k-ng (416 ~1109-e l N9 who woulC Iikr to hep im- prove the Wabry of We of 001- ers while makinc areal mort- ey 46 year old coo Vaniy with lifetime warranty Call Ram - soft for an appointment (9051665.8483 MAIDS WANTED Experience necessary Mct' have own velrcne Part time positions clays only Please call 905- t�6-9'50 %IASSI)'S RESTAURANT k quirc-s Full time prrmainent expencnced LINE COOKS SERVERS DAYSHIFT DISHWASHER %PPI,. In per...wn to 17.1 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering pedpr dump one rusts ser son IYc experience iteces- sary Willing to train-' Can JWw tot interview at (905) 720.3144 Ful Time 18. Stud - left WekDmed PMT TIME Help required for home cleaning company No experience required Must lute din trartsportad,on Call Jane 191)51426 62?3 MY AS YOU GO Gym No membe,snip required Pay as rPaygo gym No commtmel as you go gym Daily. Weekly. Monthly Absdutdy. ppsosivivvelt, no pre -authorised Forcer CityPGM OX Mas ood oil M - F Weekends 9 am - 5 p m 1035 Brock Rd Pckemng (9051427-6277 SSS TELEMARKETIING. CO. re- quires energetic telephone reps No experience required wl train Excellent pay plus rash bonwses dairy Day a cash Ill a ralabk Great Summer opportunity Please tan (9051438 0058. Debbe or Lon Casa paid for rderals SEAM AUTIMUED Indoor clean Air Services Dept. is looking for positive, enthu- siastic individuals to book cep• polinMempe�us No selning. o ex- penence. full 2 )(10 bonuses Call Call 9me � 428- 05- PIESM. experienced part- time for dry ilea" plan Call 663-2212 PROGRESSIVE SALON in Cournce. Is seeking full/pan came stylist Salm recently competed Goldrem Main Stage Show at ABA Toronto. Goldweu training provided. salary plus commission Call Timothy's 721-9810 RASPBERRY PICKERS warn- ed - no experience necessary. Families welcome. $648. per flat 640 Bayly St East of Harwood. AW. 905-427-6095. July I -30th SUPEWTENMT live-in couple. one planner to share duties for 123 unit apartment bonding, limited maintenance duties. salary 2 bedroom + Fax resume to (905)579-9472 STORE MANAGER, Pckenng Health and Beauty store seeks full-time Store Manager to lead our team of salespeo- ple Stong sales and people skins 2 years experience re- quired Pease tax resume to 905-660-5724 an Heather/ Michelle THE NEWS ADVERTISER Is Looking 1:- kids to deliver pa pers and fryers door to door tour times a week by 6 00 PM in their neighborhoods call 905.683-5117 TOW TRUCK Operators for- hgM o• heavy for Markham. Toronto Durham. experience preferred but will train night applicant. must be insurable .+ge Apply 14 Laidlaw Blvd . Markham or fax 905-472- 9751 1 Office He CONSULTING :N,.h[;P N: compa,,. equires mme- dxately a Secretary/Recep- tionist Positron requires good communication skulls com- puter skills to include Wind- ows '98 Windows NT Micro - son Office. and must be la- m" wan the mechanical In- dustry specifically HVAC re - Pon preparations alio devel- opment of specifications Sal- ary ro be based on oeailol hors and experience Please W your resume to fW5430- 7154 PMT TIME 11 am - 3 pm Mut'. navy some bookkeeping AM be ode to draft good Id- lers 19051 837-27W or 4151 822-1604 PfJRCHASINGIDMMTCII Jerk ExVt,!V'rcId r eiectn- i datrrbuWoryl or contra - ug Eax complete resume %I (90.519.6444 1 Sales Heb t Agents MANAGER R-qurec by growing ^sport store, naw car r,i.snm up by over 50%. Hi-iponside for afar -arket sales. warranty Contracts and •..inc•4ease paver w :-k Salary pka 20-. •--rnrssan on profit:,pro M-erly car allowance ' , is not a 9-5 pos4•on 'onward Resiume to JMnawa This Yurek Po Box 496 Fre a 382 Oshwva Orn L/H 71.5 FREE WEEK JULY 12.16 FREE KR FREE SAMPLES NO SIGN UP FEE EARN EXTRA CASH CALL TODAY PAULINE 416-3981-9390 EMTNUsiASTle eager, sen - motivated SALES REP re- guired for fast growing busi- ness Dynamic opportunity available to earn SSS• on commission base Own vehi- cle a must Phone 723-7111 EKPE WJM new home sales representative required - Strong sales skulls, pleasant personality. Call (905) 428 NNIUSTOk DISTRIBUTOR seeking outside sales repre- serdative for Durham region Drop resume oft at to Surat' Street, UrkV16. Wtuthy Please respond try July 19th SALES MM ESEIITATRIE re- quired for sanitation supplies. Base salary. commission. car allowance a benefit plan. Submit resume to Jim Car- ruthers do UNDERW00D'S. 410 FINLEY AVE AJAX. ONT Fax (905) 619-9829 Email - supOiesduwood.com TELEMARKEIERS needed lot charitable oroamsation Post - tions are full fume and and - dates with experience are ptekrred Cal (905) 743 0887 BOOKKEEPER B(x)kkeeper required immediately for busy Ajax office. Extensive experience in AccPac, A/R, A/P, Pavroll, MS Word and Excel. Must be a strong communicator, team player, able to vivork independently and meet deadlines. Please apply in person to: ADMIRAL INVESTIGATIONS/ EVANS SECURITY located at Transit Square, 100 Westney Road South, Suite 104, Ajax between the hours of 9:00-5:00p.m. or fax resume to (416) 321-1142 III You're knrwie,fgeabie r, WCP, P[gPF T Wdt DICTA -TYPE experience, and would like to type litigation transcripts M YOUR HOME. -Requirementsyou muss have a PC IBM Corrlpahble)-Windows '95-'98: At least 80 wpm ypmg speed. Excellent spelling and punctuation Skills And be willing to work full time i e at least 5 hrs per day Ajax/1"ickerin6 area only IF YOU FILL THESE REOUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL SANDY AT (905) 839-7254. TELEMARKETING FOR EDUCATION PURPOSES We require a mature person with good telephone manner and computer skills. This position requires the following up of various leads that are provided to you. Our company is a unique field that requires you to learn various codes. Please send resumes only: 1885 Clements Road, Unit 215, Pickering L1W 3V4 Fax 905 427 2545 Attention personnel 1111;111 solea HepAgerits 1 sales HelpAgrls WHITBY TOYOTA Whitby number one volume import dealer. Due to increased floor traffic and a strong sales market, we require an EXPERIENCED NEN- AND USED CAR SALES REPRESENTATIVE: We Want: • Enthusiasm • Friendliness • Willing to work hard • A desire to succeed We Offer: • Huge inventory • Good working environment • Car allowance • Commission plus bonus plan For confidential interview call 6684792 or Fax Resume to (905) 430-7874 PACKAGING MACHINERY SALES Excellent opportunity to promote Top of the line Packaging Machinery including Robotic Pick and Place Systems, Case Palters, Wrapping/ Cartoning Systems, Bagging Machinery. Fax Resume to: B St T Sales Inc. 905-426-3866 Emait-bandt@enmdl.com Slender/ Help S AW H* A brand new outlet of the world's larges painting and bodywork chain is opening it Pickering and needs: Painter- Will work w/modem spray bootl + bake oven AtUobedy repair Person- Experienced must have own tools. Production Masker/Taper3DNailer -Experienced required. Call clow er tax a resume - Ph: (905)0314144 Fax: (905)9314305 requires JAZ Drivers 2 yrs. U.S. LTL exp. Home Every Weekend Satellite Dispatched No NYC No Slip Seating Competitive Rates Benefit Package Paid Weekly -Direct Deposit Call Bryan (905)706-2596 BRAKE PRESS OPERATORS AND SHEET METAL MECHANICS Must be able to do Setups & Layouts. Shift Premiums. Kanalco Ltd. 1080 Brock Rd. S. Pickering. Contact Max at: FAX 905-420-1925 Phone 905-420-1044-EXI. 29 REQUIDD f ickcring Location EXPERIENCED LASER OPERATOR Nightshift Monday to Thursdav, 4:30 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. Fax resumes to: Nelson Industrial Inc. (905) 428-2392 F-A'ss'e'mbly OUGH EQUIPMENT MFG. gs In the following positions: ly Shop Supervisornical Assemblers•elder Fitters• should have experience with machinery or a relevant field. work may be involved ume to 416-297-4034 Hospital 11WKal1 Hospital Medical al PAR4J� II( )%It IIIA[ I'll (_\RE. IMMEDIATELY REQUIRES AFTER HOURS CO-ORDINATOR A successful applicant will be: • Responsible for the appropriate assignment of staff to fulfill client care requirements. • Will work minimum 1 night per week and 1 weekend in four. • Have minimum of 1 year experience providing in-home health care • Possess a RPN or RN Certificate of Competence • Demonstrate ability to responsibly shift priorities and meet tight deadlines • Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in English • Demonstrate excellent orgarlizational ability and interpersonal skills • Enjoy working in a dynamic team environment Forward resumes immediately to: After Hours Supervisor 179 King St. E. Oshawa, L1H 1C2 Fax: 905-576-8852 Equal Opportunity Employer • We thank all applicants for applying, only those contacted will be interviewed. SECURE YOUNG OFFENDER FACILITY Requires Casual/Part time Nurse. Please mail resume to: St. John's School, P.O. Box 5000, Uxbridge, OM. L9P 1S1 or tax 905-852-5967 Skilled Hi1p AR DMVER requred for a Maid Ol Comparty. should have experience with B tram. Will provide trammi; in gaw Ime dekvery. Serving South- ent Oman. modilied Conti- nel" stilt. ( 4.12 how stills per week). Clean aWrad. drup screening. must pass me0ial, professional al4llde. ExtxNem pay plus bandits. udorms supplied. Tap tuyq- mel. Call 905-985-2191. CAWSICOTT TRANSPORT reputes Class A mechanic. Heavy truck experience nec- essary. Day/rwght stun, Fax resume to: (905)831-0199 or Call (905)831-3656 to anange rater Am. CONSTRUCTION SI KRNI- TERDENT, with lnimmum 5 years experience In super- vision a management on commercial fecls Fax resume 905-576- 2582 COBIMERCIAIplumber/h elpe required for work n gine Du- lam region Must be a scif starter with own IranspdU- bon Call (905) 2610003 ELECTRICIAN Apprentice or Journeyman Canadian ex- perienced to (905)-43D-9721. re - Skilled Hob er walled. Fax resume to 905- 655-3265 or all between 6 6 8 pm to sr/ up apps. 905.655. 3105 or 905 9854131. Ask for Kevin. EXPERIENCE!) Medical Sac - m" mowed toir a dar nob En - /Nuclear MMedicine Clinic lir permanent Part-time employment. Su e"ful ap- Ocants should be proficient in medical dila-typing. (nuclear rite .. I an" radiology, ex- pentru an asset). Own .- ertlx using wudows 9WH and Microsoft Office (Mord). possess efficient reception - .W, skips and have a plex- ant manner in dealing with Q���nts and physicians. I hese shims are essential for this challenging and dynamic position. in which the suc- cessful applicant would be guaranteed a mnmum of 15 hours/week (with probability of more), and tun lime hours lot vaation and sick time coverage Attractive and competitive salary will com- mensurale with gpali-m and Please lax resume to (905 -3278 r.e.r, cels'+irt4ttia�=^.4iA�!i�'�i�FGl�x• :�;, Market Basket PICK YOUR OWN RASPBERRIES *%F 443 Durham Road 21 Uxbridge, Ont. Tel: 905-649-2101 Call first (if you can) to make an appointment. We will save a "special" picking area. We also have ready -picked Strawberries, Raspberries, fresh Vegetables in season and homemade Berry Pies, Jams and Pickles. R-W(�MAP GOoow000 .urs (ciwrch s, i covvars Rd 31 CORNERS Pnry = Farms Bring this ad when you pick berries and receive a FREE Berry Receipe Calendar Or Whittamore's FAQ Berry Farm Pick Your Own / Ready Picked RASPBERRIES (excellent supply available) Green/Snow Peas GreenNellow Beans pin 294-3275 8100 Steeles A-ve. E., Markham ImSkilled 141p MACHINIST NEEDED irnrnr ower, 4 , ,car. bunny mill i .NC lathe with programmilg egene. Able to read blue pmts. work with minimum Zrvmm Fax resume )721.0467 NEWLY EXPANDING busmen I.Criq for cumoetem 0 _men _minis; Saw resume 1. 1: -el 2020 WerawoAh St, UM WMby. Ont L IN 9AB or all +9051571-5319 BASEMENT RENOVATION curnpany looking lot person with great Cdnslruchon tnou► t(w and a variety of skills steel stud tramir-oW board". Up"* ism etcl Must eh-Up"*able, responsible and have uwn foils. Cal 905.665-0034 WANTED - Experienced k- .:ensed automorve Tiedla- :.un. lir general rear strop Fax resumes to (905) 434- 2974 1 Hospital Medical Dental CERTIFIED DENTAL Ass slant receptionist require pert -tune apprux 20 huurs per week in- cluding Saturdays Computer experience and Logic telt an asset Call (9051837-1231 DENTAL ASSISTANT (Certi- fied( for Pickering office. Tuesdays a Thursdays 2 -8 Fridays 8am-4pm Sat 9am- 3pm Faxed resumes only will be considered, tax to (905)831-3977 ann Debbie PROGRESSIVE PREVENTIVE Denial office Seelang PDA in Pie �keringl Pease call 1905►- EXPENENCED Reception" Assistant required for oMo- domic practice in Pickering. 25 hirsitweek, HARP ^ certified Orthodontic experience an asset. Please tax resume to (905) 837-2099. NOOPER Homes Portamedic Requires RNs to Wmpkk pre-insura nce medals on .e moble basis in Whitby. Dill wa aril Bowman- area. VoW nicture and ECG exped- ence an Md. Must have own vellide. Contact Kelly tax (905)579-0639 m phone ams Please. FNANMCIST - Oshm. pan file required Excellent Sal- ary. experience and Pro- Pharm Fax resume to 95- 576-3272 FNY$KmffMmT-Oshawa Private Onho Rehab Chert. Graduates welcome to apply. Phone 416.598-4020 Ext 13 Fax 416.596-3963. • 1 DeYCare MYnMed FR NANMYIMoosebger to care for a 4 yr old child in Pickering some evenings a weekends required Non- smoker Call (905)-420.3074 . 1 Daycare warted BABYSITTER REOINRED 1. t 2 ,.hit�reri ages , and 4 Pu:kn- rg B-&Wgo4a dwd area, Preferably in my home Mon - Fn. 130-4pm stoning Axp t year round Call (41 6)968 3- 20 leave nlessage for ext 320 Daycare DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my horre All ages S1 Pairchs Cathomc SOW area 428- 62" NWYe2,'LWERPDOL. Mother W 1 adores children offering did ore on smuke tree lov- ing em•ronment NWrttrout mals a snacks Lots of TLC. very5aftorftk AS apes 931- 2PCKEKING Beach -7 -Rollo: lovinq :taycare 18 months to 12 years Dady outings (fd+ttd backyard and park) ^rafts. story time msrc. nu- tritious meals a viaclis First Aid. CPR certified Non- smoking. recapls 905 -428 - SOUTH AJAXIPICKERING BEACH RD /BAYLY private hone daycare will provide a warm nurturing environment with many WiTung upponum- ties Irregular hours available (416) 750-1732 WHITES Rd highway 2. full time care in my home all ages welcome. fenced backyard and finished basement, non - 9 05 -420-0940 • • Free TrAft FRE TO Good Home - Syr old temale Border CWIWJLab mux. Very good temperament, great with children. Fully, trained. (905)426-8924 nip SIIEPNM MALAMUTE 5 Year old. lemale spayed. oral temperament good with kids (905) 852-4602 1 grawood KOIY NEAT FWAV000, ex- celled very best quality hard- wood. guaranteed extra time fully seasoned, Cull split. Honest measurement, free delivery. 905-753-2246. ENDS WOOD PNOOUCTS. truck bad of logs. Buy now. HeadSea- soned cutamnext spkl uaReaS p bum (905) 852.7586 1amuws comer AIR CONDITIONERS 6 to 10000 BTU from $85. De -hu. midfier $55 Tel 516-0132. KONOOII SET, white mefa- mine, with green trim. dress- er, desk. night lade. head- board. $225 (905)839-1248 MBargain Comer DINING ROOM Table with 2 leaves 4 chairs $375 Kitchen table w/4 chairs $35 Small dog crate $25 (905)-683- 7064 JOINTER PLANER 7 IT exc con $350 Large wood stove. brand new fire brick line. $450. 3 drawer dresser $50 Students desk 535 Drafting table $25 (905)-619.0250 SOFA and arm chair Scdch- gaurded, very good condition Sola 90' long. $350 Call 839- 6720 WASHERISPIN DRYER Honvmr At c(indium Asking $275. Ajax 19051 683 2814 PW 1 Articles for sale 1 -YEAR kenniore Fridge. via ter/Ice $150) 21 in sailboard 5500. ice but 6 -person $500, i destyle spa. 5 -person $1500. Maytag stackable washeri 1ryye5 $850. tools 080 986- FOR 1. or FREE CONTACTS 50% OFF frames or lenses Discount for Seniors and ;hildren Tilley Opticians. 150 ?rock St N Whitby 430- 3849 6n. OUEENSIIE bedroom lite. sulid mxwd mml c nd- in $1200 Gas Rarge like ,fw paid $1700 asking 5800 AiMqueparlour set. solid ma- ., gamy. 5800 (905027-7374 Al UPHOLSTERY! Domestic •i Foreign Decorating Fabrics nslom Furniture and Cabs - ^'1s Knowledgeable and ex- :-rienced Decorating Servxc- Clearance on pnntsiac- - scones Showroom by app - ruse of Quality Design a •Icor (905)725-1311 or I. 0-906-6667 ANTIQUE FURNITURE, tools, r-rr% quality riothinq at a "'sing sale. Sar July 10 Cap '5- 6412663 for directions BE COOL! AUTOMOBILE AIR :ONDITIONING SERVICE. use home central air service. -1419e. stove. washer dryer. :ehrNnilliher in -horse service 'ease call (905)259-0526 CARPET MOVER. 100%. Ny. xi thick plusi, scam resistant xpet For 3 room. only 5369 Do Price includes 30 Sin vds carpet, ddwe pad and at - in in your home Fra 'lugtwon in your hom No rmeest. no payment for one tun year. Dame t -SM -2W 87577905-434-1830 CARPETS SALE. Lots of car- pets 100 nyion stain re- lease. carpet 3 rooms $339 (30 w yd.) Includescarpet, premum pad go nstaKa- lpn Fra estimates. carpet rim Serving Durham and Acce Cal Sam CARPE1772 T AND VINYL - Cape three Ilium S 30 sgwr. ,faft hum $329 rKtalled i we dls- cowit your best quote up b 10% Customer sattsladion Olwa ed Cal Mike for your ria eshmat .905-431-4040 CHAIN nk fence posts top ran au dlulps. 80tt 5250 080 416 286-3741 CHERRYWOOD SLEIGIHEV. qurrr urlhupedc ndlftrSs set. New. unused :..+sl $1.500 Sacrifice $690 Can deliver (905)-431-2268 FOR SALE 1 8 piece queen sire pine bedroom side. 1.9 Piece oak dining room set Good condition Cal 416-372- 0623 FOUR SMOINMDMIES. 1 double trader $500 cumpiele Call (905)427.9955 FUR COAT - Beautiful cho- colate brown an length. six 10.12 Appraised at $9500 sacmice was asking $5000. further reduced to $3000 (705) 786-0089 (snp) HANK'S APPLIANCES Parts/ Sales/Service A new stup- ment has arrived today! De- luxe frost -free fridges like newscratch a dem extra ca - pacify washers a dryers (ap- prox 2-5yr old) Large selec- tion of stoves, automatic washer a dryers $150/up. Barbecue pans available 426 Smwm StS (905)728.4643 ILWOWOOO FLOORING, I1 Grade Birch. 3-1/41x ,11' a 2-1/ 4'43!4' TdG. Better bdurp than maple at less than hal the Price. S2.50/sq ccfAlso Pinlow prices. floopcespDougg(aappeesat j905j649-- 1506. 10011 0 Couch a chair Blue in colour In very good, clean condition. Asking $175 Call 905.372-2239 snp. KEMMME washer a dryer $325.pr. Teak desk with 2 chairs. $175. Computer desk $125.852.6797 KING SLEMMM, solid pine. New x -thick orthopedic pd- lowtop mattress set Cost $2.600 Sacrifice $1.075 Can dekver(9051-431.2268 LOVESEAT size sofabed, metal office desk, both in good rnditio n Make an offer! Cal Tom 436.9061 (snp) 1 Art= for 1 Artk les for saw safe EST. 1974 FACTORY CLEARANCE & SILENT AUCTION OF SOLID PINE & OAK FURNITURE We are clearing Tables, Chairs. Hutches & Buffets. Cannonball Beds, Sleigh Beds, Dressers. Armoires. Night Tables. Entertainment Units, Coffee & End Tables as well as other one of a king pieces. ALL PIECES DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE Sale Runs July 5- Ill Silent .Auction Juls I I & 12 W4:111 lost d Found: 1 Lost i Found MISSING DOG. 'MOLLY' 2 year old cock -a -poo light brown. Last seen Hwy# 47 west of the 6th Iine.Thurs. July 1. Reward 905 985 7172 11f4 1 or ets o Ice 852-33 9 Saw b. i ll F" rn 1986 'L 1999 Lice new Cas 705.745-0507 NEW $4501 Sacrifice at S- 500 Opel Almira Cook Skew 1905F-640-0008 or 470- 2125 PIANO TECHNICIAN available for !ununq. repairs and pre- PW"S6 consWutiun un all makes 8 models Also recon- ditioned ponos for sale CAN Barb at 905-427.7631 PWIOS/GRAM*ATNER CLCCKS Inventory Must Goa Scratch and Dem Sale Huge selection of new and used genas New dotal ponos ham $795 and up Rem to own. 100% or all rental pay- ments apply Also a Huge se- lection of grandfather Clocks from $995 and up Cal TELEP PIANO 433.1491 IMd 1 ersage Baro GARAGEE Saturday July 10th 8:30 am - 1 pm 106 Cornwall Drive, Ajax (befween Wesfney d Harw000 north of Hwy a2r Household Items, small appliances, bicycles. books 8 much more MOVING SALE Hardcover 8 pocket books. videos, furniture, garden 8 yard tools, electric lawn mower, electric edger -trimmers, brush wacker, barbecue, fireplace brass screen, dishes 8 household items. NOT TO BE MISSED 50 Munro Crescent {Testa Heights), Uxbridge Saturday July 10, 1999, 8:00am-12:00am EYARD SALE 95,97, 101 THORP CRSS., AJAX Saturday, July 111 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. YARD SALE Saturday July I11th gam-2Pm 27 Booth ('ri:%IAjax) dents household des knD ls ,kv rem lawn mover Pnred to sell Garage Estate Sale Sat. Julv 10th yarn - 2pm Lame variety of items 1004 Ra=eberrV Ave., Pickeirng Street Sale Barrett Creac. Westney/Hiery11f2 Sat. July 110th Sam-lpmm Soething for Everybody: RURAL MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE Sat. July 10, 8:30 a.m. to ?? 1210 Scugog Line 8 Port Perry (Hwy. 12, 1St Conc. N of Reach Ro turn right or take Old Simcoe. 1 st Rd North of Soccer Fields turn left.) Handmade pine fumiture. kitchen table 8 chairs, oak typewriter desk, books. 112 ton step bumper, clothes, tools, 2 wheel tip trailer, other Items too numerous to mention. Rain Date Sun. July 11. 8:30 a.m. \111 I III \\1111 c.qR:\t.f ti\11 -(wx! sit the• oast ` -.err• k, thr ttsf- Sat. luIV fah. aa.m. - t p.wk. 41 ratter+ew Cre .. Aia. N'-1." and HI-* V_ MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 1 Articles JULY 10TH 8am to 2 pm RENT TO OWN new and re 71 ADAMS DRIVE, AJAX :nrd:..rlec appnances anti Furniture, books,games, appliances new TVs Fun warranty Pad - plus much more! dy s Marled 905-263.8369 or 1-800-798-55C12 ret' BRUNSWICK BJkard table like new complete AN accessories $17-%uG High quality woud desk $75 410 ItAuret bathroom timing room tamily room (905)686- 1692 SHEDMAN Dually wooden sheds 8 x 8 turn lul only $339 plus tax Many otter 6Lzes and styles available. Alsogarages and decks 761 McKay Rd Um 3. Plckenng Fo, more into call 905.619- 2093 SOFA 1 LOVESEAT grey while 8 turquoise $750 Sold Oak dining room suite. 8 pac- es . 2 leafs $1500 Call 728- PINEMU FURNITURE- 7640 Sale Sale Sale 6th Annual SONY PLAYSTATION with 2 Floor Model 8 Inventory paddles 7 games memory Clearance at up to 50% card and chip installed. 5350 Oil The year we will also obo 579-6566 (snp) have a SILENT AUCTION on 1990 CMC Sena SLx shirr selected Items.. This 1s our USED milk b cream cans. txthingggesir Bak of the year_ eve_ Various types and sues $25 Entertainment onus A up some are panted ready Home Homeoffice. Dining Rcom. . for an artist (905)-579.1380. Kitchen. Bedroom and Custom Designs are a1 redubed...Drop USED FRIDGES $10 J up. In and see our State d Bre Art used ranges $125+ up. used Sys $125/ up. used wash. woodworking facility and let VS $199 J up. new and used us show you tow toe fumiture coin operated washers and is made.. "There is No Sutati- lute for owlity'...Tradikonal dryers at low prices. New 115 Nath Port Road brand fume fridges SM and up new 3p` rangla with gat 1S. Ready Rd.) Port Perry...9MxAS-8774... and widow $430. Wde se- lection 01 oow new and used YnMiM 1ionalwoodwork- appliances. CaN us today. Ing.on.ca Stepfenson's Appkances. POOL TABLE. 4 112 x9, soled Saks, Service. Parts. - 154 oak. turned legs, leather Bruce St. OshauW905) 576 - pockets. 1' sloe. Includes oak 7448.web site www.durlwn- scoreboard. cue fads. Mass maN.cotrVsteptensons- tfvah to �, bAn ...t A or ��. GARAGE door repairs. broken Call Al 905-985-9820. Osha- �' cam' rollers' installed. Tlaeups. $49.95 NO 416-336-0073 416-336-0073 RCA. OSS. $AIfluun. new model 5135 including test 1 WMNNL CardLal drarrell, open) Yuew 8600 over 100 dwrels. 5739 in. BUYING ANTOINE and col- stallation available. yard lecuble contents including guaranteed for 6 months. nSat (905) 725-0196. 4905)767- 3637 complete estates. Best possi- ble pnc% pard. Henry Kahn. 905 985 8181. MIRE CAGES for safe. Calif SAYE IR To SIM. - NAYAK Tun. 90503.5117. snp r,L, N P.Rl' PREAIIII %1 Bl)Oh-1 Private Estate Sale -51.50 each. Bateman-Leatherbouunds etc. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 2DAYS SATVRRRRRRPAY ANO SUNDAY PICKERING ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET- 9:30-5:OOPM Articles Wanted 11 Automobda for saw 1 Trucks car Sok 1989 GRAND VOYAGER blue 1919 FORD RANGER XL 6 ggood condition 150 000 km 33850 cylinder cap excellent Gond, certified 1986 Aum 5000 Quatro Station Wagon hon $3700 0 B 0 fall 905- 72&-7298 Gold good running condlhon 19% JAYCO '257 tent trailer -, $1600 as is (9051433-2445 1990 CMC Sena SLx shirr evenings bcx extcar excellent cundr cold air auto $3395 93 L, tion loaded libreglass box top 1994 DODGE Shadow 4 dr $7800 Truck s certified d nunp s p b hr. tilt amilm emission tested 19051725 cassene 148k. certified EM 2539 or (905)718-5439 atter 6 tested $6000 obo (905;576 pm 6630 inner s- ; . - ""Ir, out now $4985 94 Satan Ext. 1993 FORD EXPLORER XLT 1994 NISSAN SENTRA 'i- 4,s ',rnimr. qr- y sprl mmar:Wale r,r;nr; I�, n air pourer doors and windows low kms. ivaded looks board good rubber new brakes new Executive driven 56400 trailer towing package Cert.- 905-725-6704 (snp) tied and emission lestect Im- 1994 SATURN 5 speed coupe maculate condition $11 000 0 B 0905.430 6805 upgraded sterer, alloy wheels ax,m lull deck Fuily lur- excellent condition inside and 1995 MAZDA 83000 v6 out Emission tested $14 25C :en r or: 41 'axes .n- 127 GOOkm Great runner duded. 5 speed AWFM cas Asking $6800 (905) 683-9578 Bette. 60!40 high backseats after 6p m 56 OOOkm full factory warran- AUTO CENTRE. 155 King St ty 1988 GMC 44 S15, SIR WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers. bankrupt. bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 IS HnT WF AR; .ertiher, 2 a 5 -,peed. draw •.ar aria tab rear slider new ;amt no rust AM/FM as - ,Me 705-357.1527 1 venal I WheieDrive 1986 PLYMOUTH E goof ;r.r •,,^, useri deli/ :neap roomy.. transport All LE atures $1 195 o D o as is 9051686.5594 1998 _,49e Caravan SE ;ren• • !.!Ion no rust Good 11 Gas 51600 080 852- 733 1 Trailers 1986 COLEMAN CHESAPEAKE eep., :. "Jpy included Excefieni , on - :tion $3500 1905 728-1093 1992 COLEMAN :railer +riar Oestri - Sleeps OVERSTOCKED ON GOOD -, kitchenette heater manne RECONDITIONED AUTOS Eq Danery awning b screen F rr . 5 -p..; �•x ;,,,e room Priced to sell $3950 OSC 9: Bu a ."Sabre LN905-436-1090 kids Ste loves attention For Wed nice $5995 firm 89 and Caravan loaded cold 19% JAYCO '257 tent trailer -, air high K -dean $2995 firm Ivv &lay Indge fur 91 SunD,r^, .E coapt 175K rlace� twin propane tanY cold air auto $3395 93 L, Screen room and awning mina Van air Suter nice winter cover very clean cnn- d,tion $7900 0 B C 905-43C 147K only $7985 92 Buick 6805 Rega! _td white loaded. , 134K .ve $6995. 91 Lumina 1997 10NAIR NAPO TOP !-t 'Jan ided perfect .n 6 inner s- ; . - ""Ir, out now $4985 94 Satan Ext. high and low pressure Stoves loaded sharp $70 985 86 City and on board water un - Mustang auto pretty and used canopy $.1006 Brook clean. $1995 88 Buick L eSa- lint 655-8893 bre loaded 113K must be Seth $446694 Chev BUttr ilOX10 2 BEDROOM "•'' 4 dr Tana LT loaded 143K +ark "10da "'0- asking $12 500 91 Firefly ax,m lull deck Fuily lur- auto 4 dr 703K only $3395 nshed air-conditioned large `2 Astro Ext loaded 144K corner lot 5 star park Buck - d i Suver now 57995 96 ''oat Lake 30 minutes from attire Coupe auto air red Oshawa Sandy Beach pool '114 onN S9500 CERTICAR locks 99 fees pad Many ac - AUTO CENTRE. 155 King St 1,villies $34900 1416; 992- W at Midtown Mau Call 579- 8600 2885 TRY US'''CORSANI _ newly erovat- NEED A CAR? S599 Down ! Free CAA &NarrdnCy Free oil changes Bad credit okay Cars from S199 per month Financing Available on Car Repairs 9( 05) 420-1666 1998 CHEV MALIBU xm _.. -r ,e of !.,Glory warrant, CJil 434 ?775 rrrrrrrIOU[S Ad- r_ ==__1ANTIOUES7Aksolday! FREE 3 -ear old Ronw'eder to Dale':rcn' npnr'rnq' Of(" 6 vice- always valuable usually i good home Very good rein I e nee' Purcttasklg outngM es- kids Ste loves attention For SALES LIMITED tates w/some antique cont- more information please call APARTMENTS - AJAX I ents. trio limit to value con- - Brad or Julie at 19051432BAD 2 & 3 Bedroom apart- CREDM ";",. rr•.u: .,:,• ..�.,. ..oily Wa,k i ,"nel„t,ts anti Gr sidered). collections of any 6842 (North Oshawa; no fridge, stove, broadloom, , s shot. ,mmediateN Near bus shop - sort. quantities or Simile an- ton items Special Interest in LHASA APSO PUPPIES- ada- 51800• utilities RrsvlasUde- EVEN BANKRUPT I Moorcroh pottery I'It try to re- able- ready to gc various Co- lours Fust spond to all queries Robert Bowen Antiques- Brooklin. shots.vet decked dewormed Call Ju- I Ontario. (905)655-8049 or be 905-721-8009 or Joanne Phone Mel today (905)242-0890 705-786-3124 576-1800 Pools ATTENTION: Dog Owners Doggie Dooley Pet Waste or applications s Systems model 2000 $5499 SAYE IR To SIM. - NAYAK up to 150 Ib will model 3500 POOLS . Rectangular above 349 99. model 3000 $79 99 up ground including deckuhq.16 to 300 IDs Dog Life Jackets x 24. O/D. $5.995 Package starting at $25. 24' Fire Hy- yincludes includesliner. 1 ladders. sand dram container $25 99. BEST fixer,motor• etc. 1-B00- 668.7 Bail 3, 4-1/2'. 6'. 10' Ldetime Guarantee. from S5 99 Dog AtilowoOiYs Lae A shrivels from $599 Sam - 9pm, 7 days/week. (905)723• :1 F Ned 5413. Fax 72&1466. "•mad A A A JUITO- Cars, trucks. boats. We pay up b $10.000. Road dabstnDutirq®sympaAico.ca Cash on the Bpd. Any condi- area. ling! Cit. ptugabrOwN area, a Cal.be AKIonNoNNat 11 Don. any year Call Its time. 24 (ours. 7 Oats. 30 black. mak. lora hair, de- Clawed. bob tail very friendly. min. service. 905.686.5003 or Call 831-2952.snp 11MB DOM BM, convert- 905-706-5234 PWANUPpiul ible, while. new top and bres. auto, transmission. PS. PB. 1 CASH F011, We buy • fliffiedifig owner. as is $2.300. 0 8 0 used vehicles Vehicles mist be in running condition Call FREE MN Dwarf rabbit. OW 905-666-4749 427.2415 or come to 479 aU accessories 683-9116 1987 CHEV CELEBRITY new Bay IV St East. Ajax at tires Certifiable 5500 as is. MURAD AUTO SALES GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups. 728.9400 call anytime. Tracks purebred k. avan urns• in 1917 JABIIAR.XM Auto Ful- 1 tw Sob PonBUoPerry. 905 5-0769. Pon Perry. 905-985 0769. Iy loaded. sun rod and leam- er 198K. $5500 080 428• 1985 GNC full sue pickup. FREE TO A GOOD HOME- 13 7142 new Tires, chrome rims. box yr old purebred female hus- ky. Great with kids. Very lov- 1981 HONDA CIVIC WAGON liner. doth and carpet interior. 305 auto. red, great shape. ug and gena. 905.965-0059 auto. am/lm cassette, new 147.000 km on engine $3.500 (stip) tires, new brakes. new muffler firm certified. Cal (705) 328- 280.000km. Good condition 0402 $1250 obo South PN:kenng Call (905) 420.2923. edw' nd ,da room a de, ,.rarrdwew Park on SuWlorr Lake Huge of bear Poul .^,.b Many more actiahes and evenls Ask,nq 512 9CC -28 2988 RENTALS Bfo0A. },L 6`_. • 1 1 4prme^a :9r ser_ 2 BEDROOM • Udora $700 inclusive Self contained First 8 last No pets Ouiet country setting August 1st After 6p.m 705-(70511 228-M 2 BEDROOM APT Close to O.0 $700 all nclsive FirsV last Fridge and stove Call 726-1600 Linda Currie 2 BEDROOM apt. Includes heat 6 hydro. (ridge. stove A freezer 1sVIast months rent req Private residence No pea References S9751nonth. Counice. Cal Joe 4 436- 2155, LEGAL 2-BEMODN base - mem apt South Ajax Fridge. stove. Parking, separate en- trance. own driveway. $775/ month inclusive. No smoking or pets First/last required Available immediately. (905)686.2295 2 BEDROOM basement ot 3- plex - 385 Mary North. Osha- wa 5575 per month includes beat. Available August 1 Can (705)437- 2924 after 6 p m ..-NEWS,ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 29 AIP all Aperts fa allAparrunitinis for all Apartments or Dale':rcn' npnr'rnq' Of(" 6 Rent RMt AJAX Oxford Towers. Spa Cim1t osanto s pin curia41 mg, close ro snapping 401. WINDJAMMER Pool Ill" 4in"r-1 i"_ "•x5s to Out sauna Dep r room $939 Available Sept APARTMENTS - AJAX ISI Call 683.5322 until 730 33 & 77 Falbv crt. Dm 2 & 3 Bedroom apart- AJAXWESTNEY/401 oed ";",. rr•.u: .,:,• ..�.,. ..oily Wa,k i ,"nel„t,ts anti Gr ments. Includes Tram Non -Smoking No pets Suitable tot single adl;n $650 fridge, stove, broadloom, inclusive (905)426-2941 s shot. ,mmediateN Near bus shop - BACHELOR APT r.eritral area a:a,,nh,! llm, palely $475 Inclusive. first 8 last non smoker no pets laundry facilites References required 905-579-9666 BACHELOR/Bacheloreve Sep PT iundry cable very clean non-smoker $485 all inclusive Avadabie imme- diately No pets 839-0821 LiverpooV401 area BROOKLIN LARGE Oedrr,rm Pt I ...';nr, ',. 'of Au 1st 5v20/montn including heat d hydro Also Large room S420Jmonth Available ,ow 655-5539 CENTRAL Oshawa. ,rle 2 8 3 r,ea•.,, .... aparma,ns avail- able In vel; maintained building close to an amenities Please au 19051723-0977 9 am fpm COURTICEMSHAWA order Gorgerjus large C- 2 bed- room ground ievei apannlent "till kitchen and bath private sundry parkingno Smoking Available August Ist or Sec- +mD 1St 5750 inclusive .all 571-0202 leave message snpi DOWNTOWN N^,tt, ore be,.. .. ,•.•,^ encs !rum $575 lir ji25 p.mu Pefere"nc es required lirstlas: no pits ivdddble Septem Der t Call 19G5r43C 8327 HIGHWAY -2 CHURCH ST ' son Separate rival.. : en trans Super clean Suit ;in - ]Ie non-smr"ker Centra au :able laundr, r,ciudeo first. wst 5750 Ava able now 416- 456-7446 HWY 2/HARW000. 2bed - I ";: :4 , - - Dain Separate entrance JDie 'Ail - ties ncd,ded Na sroolonry pet- Near shops Schools 8 ;c 5750 month Fast last ava,uoie Auqust 1st Oawr. 9051426 244. LUXURY SPACIOUS apart- neris !^ ' . I-, Toes for rent E■cel',enu ocahon Downtown Water Street Pon Perry Building uvtnocking park and Lake S,ugog Call 905.728-7361 8 a m- S p m ONE BEDROOM basement averment redecorated 2 aw pha nces Harwood 401 area 5600 pnerc includes parking uWrpn Ian l taoiibes Non smoker preferred AvatUDie Jul 3G F-Mlast 428 996' ONE BEDROOM .isemenr .iC' .. -v ., • Fridge %love pwiimgxpJ Ute en- trance $650•monrh ubtmes ncluded Avantabw Sept 1st sHast NoPets Slevenson, leuide area 9c5r7.5 6399 ONE BEDROOM :entral .:ear ;_ - nicely -sled top t1W pt house <rLes ISt r1ASt month an .e parkinq washer. 5695 per rnL Avid" l: 9G5i438-8822 4 LARGE 1 oediwn Good codes trudge tea: nydro water S Lauldry facilities No :.,cis Awad Aug 1st $660. is Formic 576-4229 OSHAWA k.nq,wllscn 3 -bed - .i ,w rrnt near Shop- .,uq & Ainendes Parking available immediately or Au - ;UST 1st $85G.monm. Inrst ase Call 005)728-3870 NORTH OSHAWA. Drdm lot, 1 I bdrm Sept ' Ouiet c,eantamely building Heat hydro and two appWrleeS in- cluded Pay able parking and laundry facilities (905) 23-2094 OSNAWA small bachelor apartment $400 Beautiful Large 2 -bedroom apartment. great location adult Duddnq laundry. parking. non-smoker no pets Available Au 1 st first d last $800 728-7861 DSNAWA, bright newly oeco- rated. 3 bedroom on Lake Large yard, laundry non smoker. no pets. references. $700 plus utdaes. 1705) 878- 3671 PICNU MC - newly renovated 1 bedroom basement. full bathroom. kitchen laundry, own entry. rac parlung 5700 all Inclusive Available imme- dutely No pelsv'smoking (905)426-4723 PI UAWG, bright above ground 1 -bedroom apt 4 ap- pliances. no smoking or pets Parking, $695 inclusive Available August 1st Call (905)683-9629 NWRING, clean. bright 1 - bedroom walkout basement. laundry, no smoking/pets. Single e rents 83%-" me inclusliv$650 air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.bigftwt.com /-highnu•r SELF-CONTAINED..' Fbuses fa Dale':rcn' npnr'rnq' Of(" 6 a 1 Rent �� Delbrook are, Available im- mednatel/ S760,mcnthly n- 3 -BEDROOM clusr,e Ist is last Call 4in"r-1 i"_ "•x5s to Out James (905)619-2289 or 991- GO item rice" school All ap- 2083 plunces outdoor swimming pool Available Sept 1st AJAX : bedroom ap^men, 5995 monthly 905-428-3807 it r 67 Cnurt7n St 5 3856, plus parking plus 34H S0. FT Execuirve home s shot. ,mmediateN Near bus shop - r, C„I ce dear school pi schools Nopets 51800• utilities RrsvlasUde- ( 1683-6145 pos,Creterence required Please call Sav 576-9339 or SOUTH PICKERING ';ne bed- room ^asrTr" np,rtment private entrance parking no Smoking or pets S651] nrJu- sive Istlas! 905,831-"7 SPACIOUS -veil-maintained 2 Dr^.••.•.,-- apl� Avail at 900 and 686 Glen St Some 'with walk m CfMIS paint proved. ed .,lose to Schools Shop- ping centre GO Station Uhl, Ties ncluill Can 728-•3993 OSHAWA 'Je : a- - :S ties 'ncludec Easy -SS t- Schools. ✓inC Pot acot Cad (905) 721-8741 WF, -8r Aug 1 $1 .. Close r,; ;C 40; $575,monthhJ 's1 3 .est Parking A(, smile rr,r smoker preferred666- 4586 WHITBY 2 tearoom rai- n r ' 1, wntown dupe. tic pets ,un smokrs Reterenc es required $8GC plus hydro Avddabw now 905-430 3800 Carol Noms Re: Max Sumrrut WHITBY _.,rive one DeCroum ,p,nloent suit sin- gle temm walk W Go town etc 2 appliances laundry facilities hs, DHS hrStrlasl available ,mmedulery 5625 inclusive 19051427; 717 or 19051428.1815 WHITBY SOUTH Brock 4C: A„ Jc : bdr- Daserner-t apt Available and .July Also 2 brdrn man Boor apt avir- able mid August Ale; pets f476 540-Ott3 WMITE'S.DKLAMOMA one D r - :., ,part. kern separate entrance Non Smoker no pets awulable September 1st $69Smo 1st Iasi references 19051 899 2324 WHY -rt when Jou un own i,,..• ion norm fin less than you mink7" ;all Dave Hay - look Sales Rep Re, Mi. Summit Realty 11991 Ltd , 666-3800 or 19O5i 666- 3211 WILSON OLIVE vta. adult D..:. !•oom apt a.uiaGle .mmedlalety Fridge stove heat hydro in- cluded No slugs $742honm Carpet ' parkwr space laundry Daytime 2638369 or evenings 263-2522 1 Houses For Ram YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BLT A HOUSE? WN from S700/month i Fat Much Downpayowtvvl (905)571-6275 1-800-840-6275 Mark Stapley Bre ley k..r.. man k.r i, ow M OM OU- I have a home for you Be it sem detached or townhome You must have a dolar - 6 months tree Mil - mum income. $27.900 Rea- sonable credit My service absolutely tree to you Call Ken Collis. Coldwell Banker (905)728-9414 AN EXCELLENT opportunity to own No down payment Ven- dor assistance Cute 2 bed- room detached bungalow. renovated to new Call Bill Richardson Realty -Net Asso- ciates (905) 433-7949 2 BEOROOM detached home. 2 baths. basement. family room, eat -In lutdlen. fridge and stove Close to 0 C and all amenities Available 15 July $850. Ftrst'last (416)751-7540 922-2856 Isnpi 4 bedroom Dnck farm house N E + Jxbr,dge Available Sept is: Can 19051852-6847 A UNBEATABLE DEAL' ='oat $50C !,, rr- Ciriwn m home s:ang at S69 9C{ car- nes !or less than rem OAC 24 firs tree recorded rntasag9 905-728.10069 > iri &ell Banker PMA keel Esute Aurelia Pisanu ABSOLUTELYASTOUNDING y se •.rr S55C, morzr 1wr° 'iii -;me iamo, .r m. S:8 Cur • reasnaatle ?rill 110 the •^S' Ccn t :,let .all Bill ACkn 'old'well "nker GMP peal EStat[ !0 ...1 k5 ;28-W,4 4JAX - BEAUTIFUL Dedrrx,m Ba,'J`UrAuc.0 htShly painfed central air laundr, parlurlg :e+ced lard ria :,IS ' smoker ISLtav $95: Dills August 'St 905, 637 8•,4 AJAX -0Y -THE -LAKE �e . 111. ' base- me:'t and replace Close to all arrlernlles 51150 plus wri- tes 416-8642742 ,day) or 905-432-9242 e•veningi BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom .main 11,1, • bungalow L,verpool Bayi" narawood hours 4- appitances central -air newly decorated well maintained steps to nun aro GO ampel paill halt ublst*S. no smox,ng, pets $12%month 905.8319879 BY OSHAWA SHOPPING C•, SE • . tics o nxv S on nRt "Mi or Duplex Gose to schoa ap- pkames pafk,rig included It could De rented Alm in-law apartment for S950rmorrrh Available Sept 1.99 Prone (905,728-0079 leave message After beep CENTRAL OSHAWA �.2 Air Dred "CA windows Close to SchoL,s tacks ern park Stommo Istusi Referenc- es 1905)-683-2298 HARMONY 401 :we! ,tar main flow buJlyu.,w r•ariullq storage laundry and fenced yard Laadlard in basemern Avail- able Sept 1st 5875 timlasi Phone 905-725-0967 LARGE 7 Bedroom plus one hc-- :,canal air applianc- es. tkksned basement. eat -,n -1%nen family room Avaial- Die August I Grandview/ 6ioor Close to all Arllenites S9W-p,mo 1905436-0332 LARGE ? bedroom sem, Nees' icnud- and stares Gas neat 5875 plus utilities A,anlable Aug 1st Ist/Iast 728-9567 N. AJAX, 4 bdrm 3 bath Inn flr tam b Lau rm ffx* b stove Avail Sept 1 J99 a $125000bmo plus utilities Call Jacglletynn Tamer. Sales Rep 4 Sutton Grp_Hentage Realty Inc 1-800.290-6991 Ext #1486 PIs leave your nane b number NEWCASTLE, Clean 4 bed- room. 2 car garage, central air on quiet cul-de-sac Available Aug 1 Fenced yard, dou to schools can for more details. (416) 423-0399 PARADISE ON EARTH, MUST BE SEEN TO BE BELIEVED Stunning executive stone bungalow set on 29 rolling acres in North Oshawa. 6 ac- es manicured landscaping with mature pine and trurt trees 5 bedrooms. 2 fug baths large bwngroom. di- nmgroom, den, recroom. kitchen. 6 new appliances. gas fireplace, satellite dish, security system. 20 car dri- veway. 1.000sq n of patio. iron gates. $1700 per month plus utilities A must see for a very discriminate family at execu- tive That appreciates Quality and leisure Call Helen Me- graw at 905-576.4111 11; .i �., h� 111. ,);... � .� J, i. 11111, (- . . '- R_ i,+ � ►. . . t) . � �... .',11 � � AI!R PAGE 30 NEWS 4DVEFMSEFt FRIDAY EDITION, July 9,19%9 0111iEa Rem wE butt mea Rert SICK OF RENTIN61? OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EASY1I • First Time Buyer? - Call Mark! • Discharged Bankrupt? - Call Markl • Not Much Downpayment? - Call Mark! ?+a Mark offers honest, professional, no pressure service to help you own a home. (905) 571-6275 or 14800-840-6275 Mark Stapley Sales Rep Remax Ability Real Estate Lfa. a 1 ownhousesfor a 1 Townhousesfor Rooms Rem Rom 1 1 for pert 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH -BedrOorn Townhouse Units. Parkinincluded Stole & Refrigerator. Parquav floors throughout. Close to sehool'S and shopping. From $910.00 including hydro Call 905-721-0080 1 Tenders . 1 renders ASPHALT SEALING PATCHING TENDER 62 Townhouses in Uxbridge For a Tender Information Pack Call Eastway Property Management Inc. 905-683-8329 or Fax: 905-427-8039 "Companies must have full insurance coverage & have been in business a minimum of 5 years. INVITATION TO BID Bids for services Msec Deicw aoc•ess :o: The Distribution Manager Uxbridge Tribune 24 Toronto St. N. Unit #2 Uxbridge, Ont. L9P 1 E6 Well he received until: Spm. Friday July 16,1999 Contract commencing August 1,1999 Work consists of counting. bundling, and dropping of papers, flyers, catalogues and 4olther products to specific drop locations len Uxbridge and surrounding area. Delivery to be completed within 3 hrs. after receiving final product. Information packages available at: 24 Toronto St.N. Unit #2. Ask for bid #2 -owes; or a^6 Jrds nJr 'tPCPSSdr,ly iccepred 62 Townhouses in Uxbridge Paint windows, front doors, frames, sidelights and other related items. ROOM FOR RENT clean, bright home Short Term available 401 & Whites Rd. suit a working professional 420-0042 PICKERING R - ,_,twn- !l" wOrk111g male Shame RICh- en,Taundry,poa,BBO and ca - ie.. $375 Available now Also large room $425 Available august 1 FurrxsheNumur- nlshed No pets (905)839- 5427 W M 6 BOARD own T V. C R central a,- parking. aundry 5500 would suite working gen (905)831.9460 VMTNEY/481 shared tanu- hes Suitable fr,r student or working proiessrOnak No smokmg/pets Flrsviast re- lnred Available August 1st 905428-2653 S snared Accommodel 2 -BEDROOM oaseme"! s hdre n Curet home. Bayy/ - verpoa area Cablelaundry and utilities S350imimh in- -,usiye Cal 49051937-8906 AJAX Working person to vyrr d 3 Ddrm condo Sew - e bathroom. laundry teak- 'rs Available immediately ;400rmomh First/last re- quired (9051666-5789 or 1905926-2480 AJAX. 'mxury 2"1111 con- ik: i n waterfrom to shire Ar co'ldn4orrrg pod. hot tub ex- erdM room. CM $600/month i ndusive Cal (905)426-1697 leave message PICKERING -rpt, fully fur- niSnc1 eRwpped. 3 bedroom luxury none to share with non-smoking prdesslo" Clearing lady. air fireplace. paho garage enc 5150 ndu- sme fYmo (905168:1.6716 C.oriOorrlkunle For Rant BEAUTIFUL 3 SORIA CONDO wrfr, pdrxing cable dud Close so amenities $a1u1ma mclusne Avali lily, 7th 1sir Last (416)-284-&%7 LOVELY SPACIOUS 2 Dorm 1 ' � elate ipttl C. A Inside Parking b pod Saucy Se- curity An utilities included S99S'mo (905)-725-4524 • 1 (]rain A Swe COMMERCIAL DOTS. Park b Boor great location 2 Await - Able urws. 1325 sq.N each Call (905)579-5077 ager Stere (9051571-3281 'Companies must have full KMMLgFfKt 1 200 6 OOC For Tender Informabon Pack sq n available In fire uarW- "w commeraal Mddirg Pn- Call Eastway Property vale parking 404-8217 Irnt1e1 Management Inc.+ PICC Convenient lora- 905-683-8329 or NEAR osban Centre En- gutted, Professional co closed Bay with oveAFeW fax: 905-427-8039 doorsifude door SSSO, heat & pus property for 2 month hydro Included (Ivgh aikgs nod commencing end of parking. utilities, washrooms err -compressor nch, 'Companies must have full insurance coverage 8k have been in business a minimum of 5 years. �- p GREAT RSI MG and family 9 PICC Convenient lora- TERM rental hon. 2 Bed on mann floor gutted, Professional co Rec-room. in bsmi Suitable with ddd require 2 for couple Non-smoker, no pus property for 2 month pits Avail immedulely nod commencing end of 5825/mo . 1/2 utilities gust (awaiting completion (905)839-7719 new home). Up to max WHITBY -4 Dedreiums s COU- nunutes to Pickenng 14161284 6767 TIRCE- 3 bedrooms - Exeuci- call Ire edudled. double garage. 1 tanelyAkreplace. 2 112 laths. For R August to 51695 Whirtpy. and S1 Couniae 905-579.7013. OSIIAWA. ROM MD 905 940 3060 Waverly. 3 bedroom to near beaches and map; at- houses 3 app"ItS. HDtrinl treat Rent from 5875 PPhotoss shown i � your home uWities IsWst required DOG LOVING WIDLORD )�-8806. B a.m. - 4 p wanted Mamed with baby FFo regltd bathroom. full & setic�q hoose in country set- FNXERING - Brock Rd. Ilnq. Excell I pb6 credit and Kingston Rd. Minutes Ir references $750 to 51100 401. Go train and sh pedlrlomh Gall Michele at ceder brand new 3 bedrot 19115)263.855912.4prtt. townhome. $1.200 plus u Spam for parking equipment/ trueks/outside storage Also Ir kine aid soon 905-576• 2982 a 905-626-6619 MlMtled tredroorri TorNMlorew CHURCH SERVICES 1 tor=Rem 683-0707 GREAT RSI MG and family 1 1 PrnMe Homes holiday on Rice lake One For SW hour from Oshawa Modern 2 STOREY d..:ncx 3 Wr,v,m coltaga Sandy beach, play- a- ground, c ildrens pr ram e Low Au- kitchen to decit also Includes gust A&*(705)696-260i� pe- Au- WASAGA BEACH, 3 -bedroom d co $600/week. Pease 40 Call (905)576-7603, call a fbridr IrYI. terliceea bxerrhwt. ger- . Reahls pFARWATER. fully IumisfiW ~ and central at conditioned 2 - and 3 bedroom mobile (perma- wn- nent) homes Pools. hot nub. gas near beaches and map; at- fish ported. 2.1 bedroom trrugalow tractions Cml PPhotoss shown i � your home .m $275 weekly (905)693 -MM A PERFECT FAMILY Vacation and Home in CLEAR WATER AREA om 3 bedroom. towrlquse. pod. ng tacuzu, terms court, pond. BOO. private yard. dose to fill- beach Avakabte now For Into ties. (905) 619-1774 6 phhotos. (905)-579-3788 . • 1 WR;W-- . 1 • . 1 "(�ManlTp e . 1 ors Services services Services Services ST. ANDREW-'$ PRESBYTERIAN 35 Church St. N. Pickering Village - 683-7311 Joint Summer Sen ices 10:00 a.m. at Pickering Village United July 11. 18.25 at St. Andrew -s August 1, 8, 15. 22.29 Dr. Thomas Gemmell Interim Minister & EVERVONE WELCOME TO ADVERTISE YOUR CHURCH SERVICES Please call Janice 683-0707 or fax (905) 5794218 1 1 PrnMe Homes S S Private Fomes For SW lar sake 2 STOREY d..:ncx 3 Wr,v,m WE SAVE ON REALTOR OJi yon save on the cost of home ween 1,2 ball. tOV the house Al li nekl 4 Ddrin. trwstne0 wsemem with call in 2200 ser IT arc " 5 ba. kitchen to decit also Includes faileXHn kitchen ;ths with %,,*- many other extras located Norah Ext Bowmnawille (905) out to His yard Close to 697-1758 Park shopping, go Cathoac school 8 new elementary 77 OOREEN ORES. Bowman school A MUST SEE' Open vale 3 bedroom 2 storey Saud1 i and d IrYI. terliceea bxerrhwt. ger- to rt aqq rage ternded Yard. ft�arqpec dad. 'may SZ34.900 (905)619 - ft25500 Cal 19135)404-0242 9054 4 REHOEA AVENUE. Bar -1 Townhouses manviine .Arge mature nal twsw fish ported. 2.1 bedroom trrugalow 3 BEDROOM ,wnr"u 1333 wrdwood noon. err coria - Mar, S' _stdwa Units aro no en eat -in kitchen. dish- seikrig In 1M too 570Ks rraSher oak cupboards. new EarN see— tequi- FFo regltd bathroom. full & nes ty wau pi-- ale FFull hrnslnd pale- ! (90517�28. 452 meet was kitchenette L 3pc Condos :uth gas hrnxe I -replace 1 for Sale water healer. clothes dryer ONPwbwon dnd hook up for range 2020 BEAUTIFUL= ccw_ud n :rtxhed. Insulated garage/ hydro dominium facing Court Yard. workshop nth B tete- MCLAU Square.Down- phime arDght wraodslow For lown Qjluriq Traw X door. menta nformanon call (9051623-44511snp) owner occupied. all amem- Carr W hes. swimming pod Indoor BOMMANVILLE reduced 4 . 2 paTing moven Con bearxm a bathroom. aN - 02100 (905) 432.1068 brick norm, In low attainment. WWTBY- 711 Roseland Rd E Durr enhance. many W 1-Beoroom Condo . Satawm Credits. 911,121l 4 Appliances. fell bommm da will trade. 905-697.2 - M"Xh uneergrownd parking Pickering Standard Church ti(Methodist) SUMMER SERVICES SUNDAY WORSHIP - 10:30 AM EVENING - 7:(X)PM "Tit, (Thur, h Their Smile., .. St. Isaac Joyues Catholic Church 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering I.1V 106 ( 905) 831-3353 SITNDAV LITURGY I-' Saulyda) Vigil 4:30 p.m. - Sunday Morning 8: 30, 10:00. 11:30 a.m. U Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. Monty to Land E ITY RRSP (Registered Re - es opp"ort;uZni—s OBTAINING A LOAN IS *Or RESTAURANT BUSY Hwy 10 GUARANTEED SOFA -i:..,: - •' ;,35 Newcastle COMPANIES CHARGE UP- LC80 4unced for 200 per- FROMT FEES. OTHERS som Lot 300 x3OO, HcXth 00 NOT IT Is forces sale Only $190.000 SUGGESTED THAT YOU Walter Frank. Royal LePaagqee Frank 'deal INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY Estate (905)-576 BEFORE SIGNING AMY 3111 CONTRACTS. v 1 1 Public Notices Amicile M ART IN THE PARK Urbnnq. Services r Elgin 1'ar% July 1 "t, leen 657.1062 Toll Free Fax 1 - .endors needed Gnu 852. through Pioperfy, d pond This 113 ( I 101 1 Personals MET— near WWpark 5 bdrm . 2 ktche 2 FACTS YOU NEED the area. Ask" 5490 000 TO KNOW! BORED HOUSEWIVES ''N 1 (888) 641-4628 ARIC Names d Home 'tone Numbers 1900-451. DEBT RELIEF 36M ext 680. $36%n n muss GUARANTEED x TB T -font MR I WE CAN HELP! ARE You SINGLE? Vlsd the reat Iota io Newest Meec.r; Place IIOri www DreinAtales urn. : 1 1legas. teeing* ACCESS ICUP MONE'r NOW' FAST FINANCIAL ASSIS. TANCE Private Financyl As- setlance No File Opening Fee. Minimum of $10.000. No Credit Investigation, Assis- tamx for Personal or Susn- nnis heeds. Clock & Coml- demral Accepana ELIGIBII- BUNGALOW a(I brick. 3 . 1 must Sul atkrg 595.900 Cal ITY RRSP (Registered Re - bedroom 2 tnarhs. general ar. 19051 109-1017 or 416.219- aremat Savnos Plan). RIF harOwood. many upgrades. 4182 (R brinnent Income Fund). Ps• pb. pct. sleeps 4-5. sits 6 in kitchen w/pantry. 2 baths, LIRA (locked -In Retirement tushed basementFl 1 F. Swale Allowance Plan). PENSION OSNawa rneiglFbowlsood CaN 905-57S.3670 frtedMy • iDached ger' PLM( from a Former Empby- Analyzed � HOS. 1.710 sq h M- ft ACRE NORSE FNIM. Ken- am bLU 600 It h0ifte with 5 er by out consun- arm and referred ser it- Wild nand shed Dasennem fenced yard. Door tool tidrms ""M drills 10'x120' E 40'x150' barter 40 execution INC Toll Free Phone 1.888- cemra at fireplace, vaulted Reser Wows 657.1062 Toll Free Fax 1 - with n 3 bedrooms. master with en scale walk m Har- through Pioperfy, d pond This 088.703-1492. 7woodOays/Mkek. 24 Hour Service 2 5206.000 19051 is one d tete lines, tarns n near WWpark 5 bdrm . 2 ktche 2 -0 683-0 — the area. Ask" 5490 000 Waller Frank. Royal LePage � cirp�'Xrydpur- MOUTH OSIMWA 3 -bedroom Frank Real Estate (905)-576- pose Ail applications accept - urge semicentral err 1.1/2 Wthroo r . driveway 4111 Caegee ed Call Community Mori ffqaqe Services Corp (905)in 668- reat Iota io 1 68105, $113.500 Call(905)579-3103 PIQiE# OPEN NOIRE, 11 lifor So* PRIMATE 4 bedroom well ME aromas a m - 5 p in . Tridet Casita. 3 maintained partially furnished ONPwbwon surrey. hardwood. skylight. 24 Nobles Creek. Boticaygeon. 6000 little esthetic and nal how security Steps to Go For further details call 905- salon for sale Fully equipped. Many, upgrades. Immaculate. 640.6371 good location. established 1400 Esplanade. Cats"401 Carr W clientele. senait enquiries Cal1905 7-1011 1 TAft son OSNRMIA, spotless 4-bdrm sped. poet Coat well ingiound 111117 FORD EwrioNne Camp - concrete pod wAFealer. ac- er Van. 93.000 km, auto. air. cess 6 shed Lot 75'x116, W- Ps• pb. pct. sleeps 4-5. sits 6 in kitchen w/pantry. 2 baths, ad. loaded. completely ;new carpel in rec room w/ self contained Ready, for woodstopver,� hd ardwood/carpet. camping $9000 obo 697-1279 frtedMy • iDached ger' REO SETTER BLi 1 - fam i- raw entrance, re- ge Aause shingled '96. alumn. eaves. ly (ampgrou nd and cottage sol t. fascia. allapowilces resort on the Two Rnra.Cot- tales 2 3 brdm f450 5500 per (6). windowcoverug stay. Easy 001 week New camp silts. New access' new schools 849 cartoon Court. wW drom sites from 51000 . Best offer Call 571-5757 per sexon Rec. half. store. pool, horseshoe. ykelrord 12 YR. OLD OSHAWA home s 11111ug• lailat•g. good fish - near WWpark 5 bdrm . 2 ktche 2 wig (705)-778-3096 its. baths—it,— n condition. S3500hhd .TMI. vac. A C pool Mins from MINrP 104 8217 stores. schools. 401 Call 1, Lad (905) 571-6175 851 - SIM. Advance all THE FLAG SHOP Join the 8 WALK -OUT BRSEIENTS7 4• paydaylcommission or pen- other 8 Flag Ships In Canada. bedrooms. 2500sq.f1. Ids d son Answer in 20 min. 665' Flags• banners. and flagpoles are our specialty Minimum 1148,416-296-9902 ceramics. 2 -bedroom base- investmem d 580 ting ment apt 6 more. $248.885. Also 4 -bedrooms. 2000sq.tt . fin walkout basement with fireplace A/C. very private lot $228.885 Also ESTATE SALE 140" treed Id totally renovat- ed. al brick new windows. furnace. IVC. do 4 -bedrooms $158.885 Call Frank Hawes, Sutton Classic 430-9000 MONEY PROBLEMS, Get out of debt quick without gang baflkNPi a garnisheed being garheed Everyone accepted regardless of credit rating Call for free information 905.576.3505 Studer loans included covers inventory. egwpmert, training and Iranchise fee Contact Doreen Braverman (604)-736- 8161. E -mad dor- www flagshlap com CERTIFIED PERSONAL train- rr Create ,ndr,dual pru,;ram- 'rwq Lose weigh red inches. r" frau on�iry Vial xto shape now CaK Bryn (9051 683.4509(s) OURMAM-S OWN DATING SERVICE! Can 905-683 1110 Create a pnvate mailbox a browse oH1ef personal ads trot Meet a new Friend a Low to We PNMROG RIDE needed 1m medutely troln Leask"el Uxbridge Teenagers needs ride to Sam Marys Caduokc School to amve by 8 a m Fee negotiable 852-6100 M-1 Auctions SUNDAY JULY 110 POUT PERRY FIFA MAOM7 van" at 12 New 11540 Hwy 7A. 3 km eau d Hwy 12 Brock SI north � 401) Lawn mowers. Hand red 7 mower pans TV s Sump amps, mini compressor. r conditioner. Shp Honda moor. Legal sue cabinets. Nancy Christine Lucian, daughter of Jo -Anne• & Don Latton, Uxbridge graduatc-d lune 17, 1999 from Loyalist College•. Brllcvillc with a IhvclopmcnW `;cn'ice V('orkcr Diploma and an Applicd Mc-dication Certificate. U'c arc very proud of you & wish you success with your career in Kingston Love Mum. Dad. Lisa. Kevin, Brittany, thlnna & titcvc- 1 1 Improvemems ; 1 Palming 8 DsCwalirg HANW000 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Renovations -General Horne Repairs. Specalizing In Custom sunrooms, bathrooms (new d upgrades) No lob too small Free estimates, all work guaranteed -25 Yrs. exp 'a 686-1677 1T I MAIM CONSTRUCnON Additions, Rooting. Kitchens. bath, basements, decks. entrance doors. plumbing, electrical, retaining walls. windows & aluminum references. 905-427-4234 1KAllitUi,I. PIK M4aAt= IA/l. "pinery. brnen r*,, rtfrecxorru. cYrawYn. duck. Eree e+liwralrn �MIOr1 i3h�fYYwes NENBER OF THE BITTER BUSINESS BUREAU HOST 421-J]k2 A" kw Pawl MILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION • Additions • Renovations Decks • Basements 427-0059 PELLEY NOME IMPROVEMENT See your deck before we build 4. in 3-D. btlericia walkways d garders, fences & steeds Call Rick (905x719-0681 SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY & DISPOSAL 14-40 Cubic Yard Garbage Bin Rentals for Week- end Clean -up 905-683-1397 Garbage compactor. Did pine doors 8 windows. Oak : 1 HINIdy PM84fR vernity, dresser. Old medical cabinets. Old horse hyrrne55. CuKlvata. Antique wardrobe. 5pc Pine desk. radios. Wal- nut Moor, Snow blower. Work Bench. Tool bakes. Trailer tae rack. Marry heusdFold gems. Much More to fist SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE PLEASE ATTEND For more mlonrWion please contact . I M ItAUCTIONEER BOIMME MAN Grass cutting, fall and spring clean-up and rolatil1ing & add jobs Small II orMg jobs Call Vie at taoaMsB-ssio7. "GUARANTEED" PAINTING A PLASTERING Sijcco ce1kngs, basement renovations. Pay as your satisfied. For a free estimate call Scott 416-414-5911(Pick- ering) All Pru Painting and Wallpapering . ;Icor.. Trp 4",1) -.1, a mavnahk tonic,-. _4r%,.II kr S.•nwwv k ,l- lend FRUT F%lif"c 404.9669 M E'SINGtucco &repairs.ble ratesy work)721.69110-2761• TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast. clean, reliable service. 428-0081 Moving A M Syria HARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS Move big or small. we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount. snort notice moves. Ap- pliances moved. also storage space available. Comparable rates Call (985)967-4437 or 1-888-263-5836 & ST�I� Houses. Apartments. Offices, Appliances d Piano Specialists. Senior d Mid -Month Discounts. Licensed, Insured. Free Estimates. Professietlal service. Call 436.7795. E ross Moms t�rinciving lnlds Of mps. Packng Avail.Free Esemams;416.423.Ma small we dD A all. 1 Re -ft comaim CONSIGIBIA,116 N2-21 RCS i 1 ' ��9 �aArsLLeA�T m e 11 InlprovwlwMe restretchmg, our FLIMNER ON THE 60 speciality. Top Otlality Plumbing at free estimates. GTR RESTORATIONS Reasonable rates 0 & M OM14oa8, • Complete Basement Service and 987-1799 or 987 -IM new installations & Bathroom Reno s • Ceramics, Mairble, Stone • Concrete Porch Resurfacing & Repair • Drywall Tape, & Painting pM4*M ronSi2-Tei Residential -Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates -over 20 years experience Call 905-937-9722 ::�:��aif•}!k!o'.9. <n{.eprzs •;.d- . • •,r, ,' ...•,,.,,v'<:�Irh4'JI' � �R�w ; ria ..+r= t-; +Pe:,�Y - �����Ir�, ...,��. W ^' NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 PAGE 31 A/P .- Amiwi=W :1 Attnivinaritt • 1 Aaetlonr . 1 Auetlonst ; l4oree ; • Ihimrre .f. • 11 khMetaateRm • 11 r►r.11ol+. cleedrn TIAorLsehook • Frr.rtwYi-.rr 40th ' STAN & MARY McMULLEN July ii, 19" Love always from: sons Ron and Gary; daughters-in-law Susan and Jill; grandchildren Lindsay, Bradley, Angela, Jeffrey and Andrew. ,711 Auctions F.TTIT Auctions TESSTIDD ESTATE SALES SERVICE IMPORTANT ESTATE AUCTION SAT. JULY 10TH AT 10:00 A.M. AT TIDD'S AUCTION HOUSE Dir: Exit 401 at Hwy #145 Cobourg. Go south to the 4th set of lights (King St./Hwy #Y2). Turn left and follow for appn)x. b kms. Watch for signs. Roofing u� Roofing A Eli C (ROOFING And Aluminum Shingling, all tNpcs of root,, new and old, 1Iiorkmanship Guaranleed. 10% Discount to Seniors- fully insured. Free estimates. Cap Andrew at (905) 5094480 1 Garaentng a � , 1 denmg a tstd� u.mdlcagiry TREE REMOVAL & MAINTENANCE Stump rcnwval 3 Landscaping CALL DAVE 831-7055 Party services Party Srevieift RABBIiT WANTS WORK And All Occasmors -lave My Own Mlacyaan. Call Ernie 668-4932 FESTIVAL DAYS 3 DAY AUCTION NEW SELECTION EACH DAY at the FIDELITY MASONIC HALL 320 Queen St., Port Perry ( Next to old Town 111211 at Queen dl Simcoe) FRIDAY, JULY 9th 7 p.m. Preview • 8 p.m. Auction SATURDAY, JULY 10th 12 N« n Prrvirw • 1 p.nt. Auction 7 p.m- Preview • 8 p.m. Aualion SUNDAY, JULY 11th 12 Noxen Prrvirw_ • I p.m- .Auction ActINX ow iwstructioms recet!'ew(, we retB atrctfow: MAJOR BUCICHORN ART GALLERY AND COLLECTORS GIFTWARE and a very special presentation of AJ. C;AS,1-iON - signed, limited editions including: (:asson. Ontario Series, Casson Ctruntry �,vrr 142 q. .'1 nils Kall-, tea _.X r'ilJlik rl..rah Lanilrayhry illi .limned , ti..m by Ken Ixanln Mnlurr I kxm4, TKrC Aaklrrw+, (Kinn M. Lean. neem T ­—W, Flwhrth tkrrr Mev Harare I•,rac Ikti+. rwrrau lw.,gw. Jute h rnt 11rah and marry .,rimer fkmr I.ana.lun anf♦i+ herr h.. % ri ,..Whk hd rd r+nm♦ t9' Martin vt♦.rr rW rwl Rankin FINE 1.1VTa'AxlE m. airmu/t (rah Inc ,yvral ra+r+/Ir,r l+ hard railed fryriw.nr+ i rult.rurr+ IA—, Uavd w' --m. R.,yal l..nrk.wl, rare a..11n'uw(hi r r 1ww—lhrm rare -t I.. k,.rll w'rdrrn.,,.W 1. Ka.+rr Lerman rw,.. rlalrl, fine re4+♦ I�CdR1..,. y1 6 1.. r1>rll and marir ,nher nem. url IyrhJ r�rven . aary+rt+ Eywwi TERMS: 0.4111, C,HEQ11.7 per info at sale Subject to additions & deletions • No buyers' premium THE MICHAF-1_K)r COMPANY INC. Anna Muench - Auctioneer 1-tR88-8a�)-2�1� or `X)5-660-a2ai9 Great shoppinrg • tots of Bargains • Fun for Everyone • Brixg a friend & enjoy the faller *CLEANING LADY* AVAILABLE For light housekeeping. Evenings and weekends Reliable, efficient and thorough References Please call (905) 565 0308* Leave message So faryou've trite the rest. Now it's time to try the Best! Vacuuming, dusting. kitchens baths. Minds, baseboards, ledges. dais. and more for I low price of $65.00 .4peciat Awes rrr, S W d Call Rula (m cell 416-706-92&4 MATURE HOUSEKEEPER Wen Expenenced Very Efficient Reasonable Rates & Good References Call (905) 239-5470 MINT CONDITION The cleaning experts. Please call 905-831-7757 A service that is identical to none Gad•ningEN urdywmq a TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING 24 yrs. exp. Fully insured Free estimates 905-433-7140 TEACHER to tutor students Grades Kindergarten to 4- Multiple exceptionalities and associated levels welcome. 831-2914 :: s choolit SCHOOL Approved by D.S.A.O • 4 lessons & test $105. •10 Lessons 5150 -Full Course 5259 Free pick -up and 4rop off (416)287-3060 Please read your clas- sified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be respon- sible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. aAwit4irl hes!)Memel EXCEPTIONAL LADIES SERVING DURHAM REGKA l.'/.h,Y:ANC/i £- CIASS ■EUA611lrY A DISCAFT S GUARANTEED "Not associated with any other Agencies" 4041-8761 NOW HIRING Seductive & Wild (0 1 -KIM' 256-125 3 En1 Cad of Throws LMA card at Thanks .i i nank you toeveryone who hclpcd me, prepare for my trip to Brazil. 'Rankyew to Bruce Travel Greenhank, Emmanuel Pentecostal Church and Living Water Community Church for your love, prayen and support. Thanks also to my friends aril family, you're all amazing! Darriel Irwin .see 'NNED1; Dorothy - Passed away into the Lot Isence on Wednesday, July 7, 1999. Beloved v William. Loving mother of Ruth Sutton and sband Ross, Bob Johnston and his wife Lesley, a p -mother of Margaret Blade and her husband and John Kennedy. Dear grandmother of Lyr I her husband Steve, Glen, Matthew and Crys kssa, Ryan, Robbie, Sandra and her husband k J Brad. Great grandmother of Tamara, Alic for and Alandra. The family will receive friends MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kit n Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905-428-84 n 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Friday. Funeral Service at Bi Baptist Church 1817 Kingston Road, Pickero Sunday, July 10, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. If so desin Cations to the 'Athletes in Action' would be i Deaths a:ill11n Deaths RONALD. Evelyn Iris - At-akenoge Health Cen Ire. Eiowmanvdle, on Wednesday , July 7, 1999. Eve lyn Iris Ewell in her 81st year. Beloved wife of dx late Leslie Ronald. Loving mother of Lillian and hei husband Mike Sauve of Newcastle and James and Ni wife Doreen of Keswick. Loving grandmother of Nichole, Leslie, Michelle. Jimmy Jr., and Jody'Gread grandmother of Kayla. Devon. Trevor, Madison. Am. ber, Michael and Rena- Sister of Lillian and Edth. The family will receive friends at ft MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME. 28 Old Kingston Road. Ajax IPCckenng Village) 905428-8488 from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Friday. Funeral Service in the Chapel on Satur- day, July 10, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. Interment - Pine Hills Cemetery In lieu of flowers, donations to fife Children's Wish Foundation would be appreciated by the family. 1 1 PMoe Homes 1 1 a vale Home( tp Sale torso* II *. u LAKE ONTARIO WATERFRONTBUNGALO -s a trim thro, ihout a "a wool Palo hreDpare. RARE PROPERTY (905)683-5589 =rger's velco-c- Actively seeking the ~ half. 43 tr old. SO. brown N*. brown eyes. outgomq independent moral 6 som- laung I envoy decora4rg. spending time with my little gid a gardeeig. I wish to MM a mm with stag moral values & who heft dot lee & family bonds exists. I'd Mope no. that he would bow how to hate great lun. 2770 Lay COMPANY And aFaays on the lip & up. 22 to Single Monty. Kao quiet lion, caring. 30s poesy & 11 r4. Mry down to earth. I am fun Or know haw to have a good time. Satialitig & friends are important to on. 1997 THE IVORY KERS To HH[ MIH HIE Fairly otmgoing & lie to be Liedae ford. sociiala50 Pimg 6 reading likes. Seeking an MWNQBK open minded. old - man who works hard & plays hod Them s lots mise to the Spry. So can to hear, the rest! 4002 ALL OF THE AIM Very attractive. easy gig 40 yr old. SWF brown hair. brown eyes. warm, kind with a smile that would knock your socks off. I enjoy running, swarming dinug at & warm bubble baths I would lace to coonat with a plenarn- corm- pnsarale, bpi 6 all around gentler mm 7M avomm Yo1H1 TIRE Shop rigs thererWho really wants to grow up? 68 yr old. W. otwe cornplesm. "ac- tive a mail you ger looking I like to read. take brig walls white engaging in stimulating a chalkrgng mrwersaDm. I would We to sleet a hind ON is active & yang. Both at heart a ser. 170 PREM MEAT MIIMD Active sun lova 6 desperaw N seeking the stn 34 V SF. May adventurous 6 tseabwe very acme. Spawanemrs 6 spy pulp 9. Wiling b tale the dare. !log lovaIt this scuds good to you call 4 hear more. you mutt tot be a kiver. Be 10 try tm things oncewilling not go ovorboard 3232 ARM LIFE Fit bubbly, 18 yr. old. SwF. 57 6 115 Ibis, Tong blonde W. blue eyes, f reay 6 fun of pep per I am unipm- honest shy 6 s,ao.m,�e,times rebellious I enjoys to ttleg moviiees am looking 9 log, �➢ wish to meet a happen - inn. folL lvonurleeus 6 nwsdwe vass guy. 6899 ME IDMM TO MY HEART Carefree 6 loyal. 47 M old. SM. 5.10, plump but not over. done t am fun, sporaneous, anistrc & Okctioi" I enjoy _ravelling, bis" a the arts, f wish to meet a tall. Open mwhded & hmmreut man for a 4822 6000 TWU CM To TNOSE VNO VAR Fere 1 come. vivacious 6 adventurous. 38 yr SF S4' with green eyes & brown ham I lice to socialite barbecues, gdlig. swinunimg & good movies- V you shoot straight from the hip & word lite to Stan t ultivaing a retatiaWhp then I' d We to Bolen. 2614 PURRYAWAVANOW ■ EVERY WAY Nice looking. Wade lair Doli be eyed 21 yr SF. SS & 120 lbs. Swastc 6 hip stay at halm Mom. avis hiking to", ,k illeress Are you tat. togedr a & a real muni Iman7 rd eve to hear from lbw 7443 MICE MNMA OO RYIE spomanears. smart admim- krous 6 opor minl[d 34 yr SF. Herm lair & eyes & nice looking. very rarer a giving. I like dogs. horses a swim- ming. NW" to cormat with an easy to get along win dog compatible. adventurous guy. 3459 d09T YOU AM I Generous & giving 21 yr old SWF. I can be described as l am tun like an amusement pan 6 bouncy as a bowl or warbles. I e" anything that is sthggeSted & then save. I wish to meet an energetic, tui a wild kind of guy. In all seriousness. 1228 NNIRIIHINHR i III Elm VMY Meow. This kitty a looting for no Tom. vivacious, active. Wa t - (retry. 51'.11, le hai/browh 29 yr SW F. Stating, spas a nature into - am Fun M learless pmles- $00L Pkaea have a prnn- " ramous spine at horror. 1551 IIACM N49UN EVH KOM Onymq engI vii holest `sew- Cen 19 M mw* tbm &I boxviva ■ nil 55- weh a small bald Pat tote :telco omens realfing. wrol & ruac Seek" a bill. !maldir moon c. wusrmg 6 wtspokem male. IM men n� Q"" W'L� 19women IN CON6 TO M 1Myb TOIE � 6ewtlewan d vvohhderhr tlarac- rer & charm 38 w SIU nit locoing 587 a 150 lbs Browehid wagsA Karam good shape rm awhry well man- m'1!d coriderate a sw^ inclmml Had working I dint of con as wen as myself Gutk Shy boy at first. Seakrg to caehetl with a spored mtd- kgW Brat 1074 40 AIOM MIN miow EM M' you can drossvim vp a tale vim w�hlfh 6warrdrxaldirg SociabM hied 1 lit am ft MW got suxi cars, faking. re 42 yrs a in good Slaps. to reventr tamads roman a people a eGainfully mploynd 1'M MARY VM MIO I M MUT. No We fun mew somear to stare of with 5'8- a 185 los Rokssionally employed 42 to W Blonde hair with blue eps. Pass* type personality. Easy company 6 always egopble I We to low ammpnties 6 ow tography Respectu of woman. Seeking an attractive. intellr C gear. Lan, 6 &*Cu o- of combn 42 N old, W. 5.10 rowheitic, What you see is MM 6 180 Ihs. black ham, green what you get & mems is lots �, �� eyes. outgoing, satisfying & to see Blue eyes. Well man01: ri spicy I enjoy walking my dog, oered Artist. Freelance twmpary Very handsome 35 N 6" 6 reading a good book 1 writer Yes, you must love II I�n am look" to meet a trusting, arwals. I'm independent & solid side to fhs boy I like good no mid trippsg or mouth -flip- would welcome that 6 a MAUI CNA MY long note of Wality. 8604 warm spirit in you 2246 Pretty 46 lo old SF. 5'4- wilh RARRI 1HMIM M SM PAMPA MMOEIIi donde hair & baby brows. TOTALLY ROME Easy to be with 6 wring to Very caring Ili somewhat 011 diem stat. 45 M old, SWF, pleater. 21 yr old, SWF. 53 6 mogorrg Gainfully 53 a 13o vie of purr satstae- medium bull bibbly. Ihorhest employed. Swinrrmilg, fire tion. glurameeill I am sports caring & fun to the last dropi I ding & los more. Great real. tsidrating & nsta9 1 1 intoe horn ruing, romping & caww.0 o whst. rm (tel- lnloy to arts & orals. the ort- having goat times with good h" 6 in tach with tm doors a snugpMg indoor as frirds I would Ire to cw times. 2661 well l am hepitg tt catwI with will with a se sitim. am= - 24. S'4 A A WNW LOT a mm of hone- imegrif f & tine & attentive man who MOI( humor. 4716 an animals & of own my Pretty girl. Brown hal with LOVENU A MMO=TAOLE cauPatM- 2278 hazel eyes. lin bang 6 Yang sigle lemic. 22 yr 5'8' LOMIrr ICOM very affectionate. Pool. E 250 Ibs Single Mom- ylbrn, IGnd hearted hardwmrbig 29 barkg lime ding 6 lots fun 6 of Wadi heart. Care to W old. SWF, 5-2 a 140 hs of more interests. r you're e t hear more? 1396 kindness & since ityi. 1 We to them 6 well bdonted do NOT TM IIMO fro take crafts. osteo to music & calf sills GET TO IONV lave a glass at wine vitt A ONE BY AMY sociable & somew he a quiet good --sA- I wish 10 be Wouldn't floe. Blonde be bto dance, ngy exienamong man of te- faired/bloe eyes & slim kee a reading. AN the good pawl. 2470 hilt 47 yr SF. Mary pretty. dings in life shard be Involved UP 4 NEGOTIATION knder ie the both f4 warm by someone lite you Pease be Seam" for hue love 25 to to the hean. Well of high morals & deppmdable. old. SWF. 5.5 & 123 lbs. mPloyed• 1 love tm travel Knowing how lo show a lady a brown lair, towed. toned furl good a wug. good time would be highly of life. adventurous. I het I Moe loCompanyFeet III appreciated. 1954 been accused of being seduc- �. Hoping for a orae gen- 1 MME 016 EYES tive. 1 enjoy waking out limon & with Arid that's not just what grand- dancing a whatevext happen- appengood goodmoral standards Please. 2581 ma says Nice looking wild 9 lig. I wish to meet a stable. relaxed 6 attractive love con FALL 0 LOVE red hair. 57- with a very shim Will. Outrageoussense of election. 2082 Happy. lin loving. Creature bumor. Optimist 6 a hopeless VIERS It MY MANCE Actively seeking the ~ half. 43 tr old. SO. brown N*. brown eyes. outgomq independent moral 6 som- laung I envoy decora4rg. spending time with my little gid a gardeeig. I wish to MM a mm with stag moral values & who heft dot lee & family bonds exists. I'd Mope no. that he would bow how to hate great lun. 2770 Lay COMPANY And aFaays on the lip & up. 22 to Single Monty. Kao quiet lion, caring. 30s poesy & 11 r4. Mry down to earth. I am fun Or know haw to have a good time. Satialitig & friends are important to on. 1997 THE IVORY KERS To HH[ MIH HIE Fairly otmgoing & lie to be Liedae ford. sociiala50 Pimg 6 reading likes. Seeking an MWNQBK open minded. old - man who works hard & plays hod Them s lots mise to the Spry. So can to hear, the rest! 4002 ALL OF THE AIM Very attractive. easy gig 40 yr old. SWF brown hair. brown eyes. warm, kind with a smile that would knock your socks off. I enjoy running, swarming dinug at & warm bubble baths I would lace to coonat with a plenarn- corm- pnsarale, bpi 6 all around gentler mm 7M avomm Yo1H1 TIRE Shop rigs thererWho really wants to grow up? 68 yr old. W. otwe cornplesm. "ac- tive a mail you ger looking I like to read. take brig walls white engaging in stimulating a chalkrgng mrwersaDm. I would We to sleet a hind ON is active & yang. Both at heart a ser. 170 PREM MEAT MIIMD Active sun lova 6 desperaw N seeking the stn 34 V SF. May adventurous 6 tseabwe very acme. Spawanemrs 6 spy pulp 9. Wiling b tale the dare. !log lovaIt this scuds good to you call 4 hear more. you mutt tot be a kiver. Be 10 try tm things oncewilling not go ovorboard 3232 ARM LIFE Fit bubbly, 18 yr. old. SwF. 57 6 115 Ibis, Tong blonde W. blue eyes, f reay 6 fun of pep per I am unipm- honest shy 6 s,ao.m,�e,times rebellious I enjoys to ttleg moviiees am looking 9 log, �➢ wish to meet a happen - inn. folL lvonurleeus 6 nwsdwe vass guy. 6899 ME IDMM TO MY HEART Carefree 6 loyal. 47 M old. SM. 5.10, plump but not over. done t am fun, sporaneous, anistrc & Okctioi" I enjoy _ravelling, bis" a the arts, f wish to meet a tall. Open mwhded & hmmreut man for a 4822 6000 TWU CM To TNOSE VNO VAR Fere 1 come. vivacious 6 adventurous. 38 yr SF S4' with green eyes & brown ham I lice to socialite barbecues, gdlig. swinunimg & good movies- V you shoot straight from the hip & word lite to Stan t ultivaing a retatiaWhp then I' d We to Bolen. 2614 PURRYAWAVANOW ■ EVERY WAY Nice looking. Wade lair Doli be eyed 21 yr SF. SS & 120 lbs. Swastc 6 hip stay at halm Mom. avis hiking to", ,k illeress Are you tat. togedr a & a real muni Iman7 rd eve to hear from lbw 7443 MICE MNMA OO RYIE spomanears. smart admim- krous 6 opor minl[d 34 yr SF. Herm lair & eyes & nice looking. very rarer a giving. I like dogs. horses a swim- ming. NW" to cormat with an easy to get along win dog compatible. adventurous guy. 3459 d09T YOU AM I Generous & giving 21 yr old SWF. I can be described as l am tun like an amusement pan 6 bouncy as a bowl or warbles. I e" anything that is sthggeSted & then save. I wish to meet an energetic, tui a wild kind of guy. In all seriousness. 1228 NNIRIIHINHR i III Elm VMY Meow. This kitty a looting for no Tom. vivacious, active. Wa t - (retry. 51'.11, le hai/browh 29 yr SW F. Stating, spas a nature into - am Fun M learless pmles- $00L Pkaea have a prnn- " ramous spine at horror. 1551 IIACM N49UN EVH KOM Onymq engI vii holest `sew- Cen 19 M mw* tbm &I boxviva ■ nil 55- weh a small bald Pat tote :telco omens realfing. wrol & ruac Seek" a bill. !maldir moon c. wusrmg 6 wtspokem male. IM men n� Q"" W'L� 19women IN CON6 TO M 1Myb TOIE � 6ewtlewan d vvohhderhr tlarac- rer & charm 38 w SIU nit locoing 587 a 150 lbs Browehid wagsA Karam good shape rm awhry well man- m'1!d coriderate a sw^ inclmml Had working I dint of con as wen as myself Gutk Shy boy at first. Seakrg to caehetl with a spored mtd- kgW Brat 1074 40 AIOM MIN miow EM M' you can drossvim vp a tale vim w�hlfh 6warrdrxaldirg SociabM hied 1 lit am ft MW got suxi cars, faking. re 42 yrs a in good Slaps. to reventr tamads roman a people a eGainfully mploynd 1'M MARY VM MIO I M MUT. No We fun mew somear to stare of with 5'8- a 185 los Rokssionally employed 42 to W Blonde hair with blue eps. Pass* type personality. Easy company 6 always egopble I We to low ammpnties 6 ow tography Respectu of woman. Seeking an attractive. intellr C gear. Lan, 6 &*Cu o- OUTDOOMY My A IMII i ate singe female 2313 MM TREY DAY YOU CAM TELL A very al— protesstoany Lffr 42 yr ark a About a guy 1M the company SMA. Imoun build. m wet he seeps let me Creep you brown hair. intense eyes. pas- twmpary Very handsome 35 N sioruwe• '1479111% In *0 a Sol Prolessiral Shm build 6 fashionable 'a" woad•cmt- e goad shape Ort there 6 a 'g- water sports nci ding solid side to fhs boy I like good romantic bubble baths. I am comedies 6 making the mat looking for a woman with out of life Romantic fool So, it integrity 6 a sense of commit - you're grime a pane at9mng 01ent A sexy snide would be rd like ho hear tom you 8023 iiia too 4445 UL/AMP A VLLNg To TME A CHOM EVEN E LRTBI T/ YMIR 11UE TOM s O Kid Aandwmkrg 41 to �� That511 :IMF 55 a at SWF a 2M ft pteesart. Vitro - ld"worri&s. seat mhsn+onthi, conhhdrll 6 SM ma *goad a spwnky I entor pilon. I enter Pillig. draw an^9 myself 6 living hie to pQ wuwratna 6 Marvin ort best I can I Yee the arts. mmr- wth goad peak. I am seeds tlrcmg & the tate non by so to am a tar, am cold. the fee. I wish to meet wet an secure 6 emobonally stable attentive. since e 6 loving Cady ark. 4141 of enchantment 1631 P PAGE 32 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, July 9, 1999 _ .. .< - ,.-. .,r > • ,�; aha}�0- c d NOW AN ISO 9002 COMPANY RACE FOR WSAVINGS big when you shop here R EAST END M11 IVAN & TRUCK SUPERSTORE '9 NEON RT 7'99 C/RRUS JULY /S HE 116709 STRA TIJS ARE HOT!! MEMO-- -.00"Iftmop— — I • i• ALL IN STOCK CARAVANS & �. t 1 GRAND CARAVANS ha CHRYSLER 369M Of/AN OEMO CvZwfi0,vA8v11T /S NOW ON! New -'98 DODGE AVENGE -4 in CHRYSLER NEON 2000 4 D OD WN 22D Pkg., auto, air, cassette, much much more No Security Deposit, OAC Freight, Air Tax & Gas Taxes are included. (Admin. is extra Apr@ 4.51/0. 25,200 km per year), excess kms ® 0.8¢ per km. Closed end lease. 'Gold Key Lease MAINTENANCE -circ V7 9 TUNE -U P 6 CYL772: 8 CYL$ aim" vM Qixmn ` ` Visit us - at our website: P llwa,dwideand yAwcom a ov;;;; , e megawhq $16) 7j CLE y .•. ... ': .".%::}^�.wt"r-.. ••�ga. - .. ti9. y.^•rhdff:ir '�7':.. a •. �tic.')C "ri .J-.'`'3y'S'.i�.9�"