HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_06_23PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING'S C 0 M M U N l Tl' N I-WSPAPER SFNCE 1965 ------ ---- - - — -- -- --- -- PRESSRUN 44,000 26 PAGES WEDNESDAI, JUNE 23' 1999 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK D S5/ SI NEWSSTAND NEWS Out of war comes the modern farm, Page 7 Hydro utilities ready to plug in Pickering, Ajax, Clarington commissions to merge: Arthurs SY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — It's ex- pected an agreement will be finalized next week for the merger of publicly -owned municipal electrical utilities in Pickering, Ajax and Clar- ington. Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthur% very briefly an- nounced the amalgamation plan at Monday's meeting of Town council. "We've been working on a merger scenario for the utili- ties and that matter will be on our agenda next week." said the mayor in a later interview. Ajax and Clarington councils are also expected to be asked to ratify the proposed amal- gamation agreement at their next meetings. Full details of the plan are to be announced shortly thereafter. Durham municipalities first began discussing a merg- er of their ctecrrical utilities about five years ago, but Os- hawa and Whitby opted out of the plan relatively early in the Wks. Under recent provincial legislation, municipal electri- cal utilities are required to in- corporate by next year and municipalities will be permit - led to privatize their local utilities. Mayor Arthur% said the goal of the proposed amalga- mation is basically to create a larger utility. "It will create a strategic customer base to address the new competitive environment in electrical supply and retail- ing in the province of On- tario," he explained. The mayor would not pro- vide further details or say w halter the ultimate plan is to sell the now. larger utility. "A merger should be a good clue as to what we're planning to do," he said. RECYCLING h--9 sytfu(! takes 'pairs' to ret -vi -le. Page 9 ENTERTAINMENT 'STOR Clavet Monster heads to ('.5.. Page 10 PC/( D Trustee `not pushing aq one agenda' 011 A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Down to the wire Quarter horse racing at Picov Downs in jock^, Tob, Slater and mount Dashing Ajax last weekend provided plenty of Sissy leading the other contenders in the thrills for enthusiasts under summer sun- home stretch. The race featured a $1.000 shine. This race for three -year-olds saw purse. Morning prayers approved BY SUSAN OWEIIL StaffWriter The Durham public school hoard will go ahead with plans to implement inspirational readings and prayers in schools each morning despite several trustees' concerns that students will be ostracized by what "seems to be an agenda to put Christianity into the schools" Durham District School Board trustees voted 6-4 in favour of introducing scripture readings reflecting the multi- cultural make-up of the re- gion's students Monday. Oshawa trustee lane Weist. who called on trustees to sup- port a return to prayer at the board's standing committee June 7, maintains her motion is Golf course housing plan gets thumbs -up Residents angry as Pickering approves controversial propk)sal BY MARIANNETAKACS Stat j Writer PICKERING — A contro- versial development for the Cherry Downs Golf Club in north Pickcrtng has received a thumbs -up from Town council, despite vehement opposition of many area residents. Councillors approved a reso- lution Monday which states the proposal for a conference cen- tre and residential development with communal water and sewer services on the Of club Lands "is anticipated to be of significant benefit to the Town and Rcgion": that it is "suitable for consideration" as a pilot project for communal services in the Region. and that the an- ticipated Official Plan amend- ment application for the project `warrants consideration". There is no actual applica- tion for the project before coun- cil from ClubLink Corporation, the owner of the golf club. Rather, the resolution was brought forward by Mayor Wayne Arthurs at the request of ClubLink, which was looking A fond farewell to Woodlands Centennial P.S. `Pickering school `positively affected the lives of many students' iBYSUSAN O -NEI l wwriter PICIi 99MG — "Now the time has tome to say goodbye - We have shared so malty bopes and fears. Whey I thiait of all due tittles that we've bees through, I'll retnember you dttough the y Staff of Woodlands Ceffml- nial Public Sdtod Friday sang '1111 RemetnberYouThrottgh the Years' during what was the last student assembly at the Whites Road school where many tears were shed. Woodlands students will leave the school for the last time Tuesday, Juane 29 when the doors will be closed afla 30 " lilts school year has been a special and unfortunately sad one for Woodlands;' said princi- pal Tndy Deacon. After 30 years of providing quality pro- grams in a caring environment, Woodlands school doors are closing" for down support ror its efforts to have the Cherry Downs prt>- posat chosen for the c4unmuswl services pilot prt test bc:ng co n- %idered by Durham Region. ClubLink director of real es- tate development Brian Moss told councillors the company was looking for a "signal" from the Town indicating it would be receptive to the application, so ClubLink could "focus' its re- sources where the firm could do business and be welcome. "We would like to move ahead with some confidence, but I stress, no guarantees" An application from ClubLink for a similar develop- ment was turned down by Pick- eting council in 1996. Area res- idents maintained then the pro- ject would endanger their well water supply, the area's natural environment, and their rural way of life. The residents, one of whom referred to the proposed project as "Club Stink". were back Monday. They maintained it wasn't appropriate for council to favour ClubLink w ith a .tate- MARK HOLLAND 'This is not a neutrul mntion.' [Hent of support before it actu- ally submitted an application for the development currently being proppned. "Perception is everything:' said area resident Chris Whillans, adding approving the resolution would stake it ap- pear to the public that ClubLink was being treated dittcrently than other developer, "Don't CHRIS WH1LlANS 'Perception is everything.' put yourself in a position where you look like you're on their side " Lorne Almack of the Green Door Alliance, a group dedicat- ed to preserving the natural en- vironment in north Pickering, said the resolution showed bias in favour of the project even though some councillors were SUSAN SHbTU.R Calls in favour of prayer. all inclusive, noting "it is not pushing any one agenda.- But. genda -But. sortie trustees, believe the intent behind the motion is to impose Christian scripture% and prayers on students. Scugog trustee Bobbie Drew. who asked that the word prayer be taken out of the mo- tion, said "there seems to be an agenda to put Christianity inai chs%drawls'. -4 -to impose a certain reli- .,ion on to students" then trustees would support her pro- ; -used amendment and vote in favour of -an inspirational mes- sage or a positive thought for the day to encourage positive behaviour (that) would be aw acptable to everyone.- But. veryone -Btu, supporters of Trustee Weist's original motion voted against Trustee Drew's propos- al. "It totally waters down and misconstrues the whole mo- tion:' said Oshawa trustee Susan Shetler, who reported she's received "over 100 ptwne calls" in support of prayer in schools during the past two weeks. " 1 feel this is the proper mo- tion:' Trustee Weist said. -If our children can play together 1 feel they can pray together" Trustee Weist noted the mo- tion to include "a spiritual en- couragement, a positive See PICKERING page 4 See PRAYER page 2 Inside the News Advertiser �n Mff F --- W Pap .......6 Eric Dols ..........6 F I - -..nit ......10 S1lwb ............12 Clss<sitital ..........15 GM US A CALL Go@. ......683-5110 Disa>bInUm ...683-5117 Cludile l ....683-0707 9@rA Mika .683-3005 Awdw Wit ..683-7545 SNWGI y Ynitft ...... 1-800-662-8423 Entail ............... newsroomOdurham.net Natalia viriga gets tossed into the air during closing cele- waY lith durhamnewS.net See STAFF page 3 brations at Pickering's Woodlands Centennial P.S. FAX .........683-7363 - FULL Illlttas RNs'"' N 17i" trttraattttrnt moi'» Comm" Ckh R 009401 (111 MATERNITY shortalls $ J 9 95 Imo, o� ro i.t,Iw '_' MIlya �-m rw I e AR PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERMlt MIEDNESDAV MMN, ,twee 23,19" Board bids farewell to student trustees The first two students to wxvc as pupil representatives on the Durham Leanne Morrison. The two OAC students were selected were challenging:' he added. noting he was "proud" to witness the establish - District Schdwl Board were congratulat- lase spring to sit on the board for a one- ment of a student senate and changes to ed by trustees Monday for their year of year penod w represent pupils acnes the Mtard's student trustee selection service. ' ilecy have set the standard for stu- the region. "It's difficult to believe my year with process this year. "The year has been extremely inter - dents, who will follow in that capacity:' the board passed so quickly:' said Mr. esting: • noted Miss Morrison. "It really said board chairman Doug Ross of Pon Stanley. "I appreciate the experience I has been an eye-opener. I have a much better appreciation for the work all the Perry High Schad student Gavin Stan- and opportunities gained this year. ley and Dunbartdm High Schad student '"Ilse many late Monday evenings trustees put into their positions:' Prayer, inspirational readings approved PRA YFR from page 1 At the lune 7 standing committee Iy.Thal meant trustees then had to ad - meeting Trustee Schedlich had pro- dress Trustee Schedlich's original mo - thought for the day, a scripture passage or a prayer for the students well- posed an ad -hex committee including three trustees be formed to pull re- tion to form an ad-hoc committee. The committee was eventually ap- being" is not intended to leave anyone sources together. proved after Uxbridge and Brock out. "It will be multicultural:' But, at Monday's board meeting the trustee Nancy Loraine recommended Yet, some trustees argued it won't Pickering trustee asked the board to the word trustee be removed from the be a positive step for the board. form a tack force instead. which would motion to ensure the group wasn't "Who is this motion going to bene- not include trustees. "loaded" with the trustees who had fit?" asked Pickering trustee Ruth Ann "I don't believe elected trustees voted to bring prayer (rack to public Schedlich, who maintains introducing should be par of it:' she said. schools. prayer will "alienate" students. However, her request that a task The end result means an ad-hoc Student trustee Gavin Stanley of force be formed failed in a tied vote. committee including members of the Pon Perry High School agreed "a Board chairman Doug Ross, who board's ethnocullural committee, and scripture Fassage or prayer will do voted against the tack time. later ad- no trustees, will report to the board in nothing to unite students, rather it mitted to marking his ballot incorrect- November would be divisive when some students_ refuse to participate by leaving the _ _ _ _ _ i THRIFTY MEC® , HOP ty ' class or sitting down : He "A solid foundation of ya ootrwMl7 b added. I 695 Finley.1v-c. Ajax ethics and self-esteem can be instilled without religion... those that desire a greater role for religion in schools may I. ROTATE A BALANCE I - - = send their children to Catho nc or A t r Cbnstian schools" r � 9 >E Trustees also voted 6-4 in favour of .� - 5 setting up a committee to develop a re- f most source booklet of inspirational read- I ! ast-c: 8 cars ' ings for schools to use. . " However, chert will be no tru tic. o_. M,Ch 1 c. I —10 Adag w^ees K Trucks Extra IIN• 10 tMnY il. h, y.lu.d i involved to the committee, a, ora c"itom.. a ra. ori ro. tri.•. EXPIRES JW � svv originally planned. L — — — — — = -°'— Board to:; AtI I;, seeks funding la1: J, - t . .4.1 tech The Durham District School Board will con- tinuc to lobby the government for funding to sup- port its tec:hnok�- gy plan. trustees voted Monday. Trustees ap- proved a motion tAc Mcncatry d Education asking the Province to reconsider the board's applica- tion for funding to SYpport the do velopment of a wide area school network. an in- vestment in cur- riculum software and staff devel- Under the Province's school board restructur- ing program. boards were in- vited to submit applications for restructuring ini- tiatives. And, the pub- lic board submit - led a request for $11.8 million to implement its long-term tech- nology program. However, the board was only allocated $600,000 from the Province to establish a video. conferencing net- work. 11te board re- ports other school boards made similar re- quests and re- ceived millions in fording from the Province. In a recent let- ter to the govern- ment board chair- man Doug Ross states the Water- loo District School Board re- ceived approxi- mately $7 million while the Halton District School Board received approximately $6 million for the in- stillation of high speed networks, kniness syswrns and student record systems. Rte ministry has to be held ac- countable for this:' said Scu- gog trustee Bob- bie Drew. IT �f NPST GST 15 COMFORT SLEEP Single Mattress 179 Set '319 DOUBLE. 219 Set. 389 QUEEN .._ 279 1wt _ .479 KING_ ......469 x.t .. .799 811 Wolff faH Vanessa C Playround EqWpirrmIt Dock & Fence Wilding outdoor Stains E s ✓ Rudy to anwrtble Demonstration _ ✓ lumber �,ded Both Stores, ft"trounded Saturday, .lune 26 10-2 p.m. Mill"work Monday - Friday 7:00 - 9:00 Sahxday 8:00 - 6:00 Sunday 10-00-5.00 tot - Olympic Deck Stains Natural, rich -looking finish, waterproofs 81 fights sun damage Many colours available OSHAWA 1279 Simcoe St. N., LIG 4X1 (905) 728-6291 AJAX 19 Notion Rd., LIS 6K7 (905) 683-6771 Read all about it in cyberspace! 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PI�,iSe Vitilt nue ;il'bsit at ■ High-techAjaxtool makes its way NWAOERTSEq 1E7E pAY ET0, Jury 3.199 P AG3 P -Pickering hospital BY MARiANN/:' Stuff Writer Head trauma and other patients will soon no longer have to he shipped off to other hospitals for test- ing with the purchase of a new CT scanner by the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre site of the Rouge Val- ley Health System. APHC announced the $I -million purchase at a press conference at the hospital Tuesday afternoon. The new machine was on display for the assembled dignitaries, hospi- tal staff and visitors to admire, but it will not he in operation until the end of July. "We're very pleased to have the unit on site." says APFIC chief oper- ating officer Bruce Cliff. "It demon- strates to the community that we are committed to making an investment in the latest medical technology so we can provide the best care. The second statement that it makes is we're committed to making this a full-service hospital." Dr. Michael Mah, medical director of radiology for RVHS, says he ex- pects the scanner will he used 25 to 30 Is a day. or on alK,ut 7.000 pa- tients per year. He notes the Toshiha Astcion CT Scanner is a "state of the art" ma- chine that scans quickly, can provide some images in real time and is user. friendly. "-rhis is a big, big pan (4 making CT Scanner purchase shows hospital `committed to making this a full-service hospital' TAKAGS - - - �'anrtttttn9 ANDREW IWANc)WSKt/.VeK s Advertiser photo Medical staff, dignitaries and hospital Offc•ials afternoon were (from left) Dr. Michael Mah. Ajar turned out yeslerday for the unveiling of a neK state- Manor Steve Parish. Bruce Cliff, Bev Mtchetei. MPP of -the -art CT Scanner at the Ajax and Pickering Jim Flaherty and MPP Janet Ecker 1.vin,4 doKn to Health Centre. The high-tech diagnostic tool will be test drive the new CTScanner is Pickering Mayor Put in use next month. Celebrating its arrival Tuesday Wayne Arthurs. this hospital a full-service hospital," says Dr. Mah. who works at both APHC and the Centenary Health Centre site of RVHS. "The hospital was basically handicapped without a CT scanner." Dr .Mah noted that two weeks ago a patient who r.unC into the enter - D ANDREW fWAN014,S k1/ :yr.vs k rvtrtrser powro Big Bike hits Picker- Ing Staff at the Pickering Town Centre hit the road last weekend to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The Big Bike event organiz- ers hope to raise -"JkV tlrmugh the initiarive. Staff, students say goodbye STAFF bows 1woft I Refcmng to the Wexxllan& Wildcats school spirit. Ms. Deacon said, "We see and feel that spirit everyday here ... Now unfortunately you sec that spirit in the tears and sadness A)me people arc feel- ing. " 1 want each and every one of you to remember your Woodlarids Wildcat spirit and never be satisfied with any- thing less than your hest," Ms. Deacon said. The ". ol, which was built in 1967 to commenxxate Canada's i00th birth- day, first opened a, students in 1968. And, the facility was one of several schools across the region slated for clo- sure under the Durham District School Board's system -wide accommodation and school improvement plan. However, while Woodlands students are leaving the school this June and moving on to the new Westcreek Public School, the building itself will continue 10 be used by the public board for sev- eral months to come. The student body from the new AI- tona Forest Public School will attend classes at Woodlands until next Febru- ary when thew new building is com- plete. Then, pupils from Elizabeth B. Phin Public School will be housed at Woodlands while their school is knocked down and rebuilt on its current Vocation. "It's with mixed emotions that I'm here this afternoon." said board su- perintendent of schools Norm Powers, who tried to comfori students. "Ibey're (closing) my school as well- E. A - Lovell Public School in Oshawa is also closing this June" Mr. Powers tooted that Woodlands is "renowned" for its academics, its sports NORMNORM POWERS 'Memories will live on forever.' team, is multicultural activities, its "grear" studatts and its "fantastic" par- ents. -'lite merriories will live on forev- er," he said. Academic resource teacher Barb Blouin said, -When I first heard it an- nounced in the fall of this year that Woodlands; would be closing I didn't give it much thought. I told new staff members not to worry.. -it will never happen." She added, when the public board turned down its initial accommo- dation plan last November, "We all breathed a sigh of relief." But when the school's closure later became a reality, everyone experienced a "state of shock and disbelief," she said. "it has been a very difficult and long year for everyone knowing that we would have to say goodbye." CLOVER RIDGE VXWZX & BARBIM SHOP The owners Carmen & Vito are pleased to welcome DOMINIC to their staff. Dominic invites!� previous & new customers to his new location. 676 Monarch Ave., Ajax 683-1330 gency department while he was on call needed a head scan and had to wait four hours to be sent to the Cen- lenary Health Centre site to get the test dune. "Once this is on-site it will be done when the patient's here." he said. A CT scanner takes multiple cross-sectional images of a patient's head or body and the images or 'slices' are then stored in a computer. where they can be reconstructed and reproduced in single plane or 3-D. The images can then be rotated to he viewed from all angles for a complete Look, up in the skti:.. Radio fliers take to the air Saturday in Pickering The sky will be buzzing a.m. will be followed by )ver north Pickering this the flying which starts at 9. Saturday morning. Th event is being held The Ajax Radio Con- at 3920 Brock Rd_ about trolled Model Airplane two kilometres north of Club holds its annual Hwy.7 Scalc Rally Event June 26 For more information when hobbyists from call Charlene Thurston at .cross Durham Region and 831-1505 or Michael the Toronto arca will par- Crichlow at 6X3-3624. or ticipate. Registration at 8:30 E-mail the club at Red - Dakota91@aol.ct,m. Have your resume checked PICKF.RING — 1-ook- tng for a ,ummcr job? A local agency may be awe to help. Pickering YMCA Em- ployment Scrs ices. in part- nership with the Town of Pickering, holds a free re- sume critiquing session Thursday. June 24 for youth aged 16 to 24 years who arc out of work and I" returwmv r.. -11-1 1 :n Scptcmter. Drop in from 3 to 7 p.m. it the Pickering Recreation Complex. I x67 Valley Farm Rd., lower concourse area to find out more diagnosis. The scanner allows for greater ac- urrcy of diagnosis and earlier deice - lion of abnormalities such as tu- mour,. in a case of head trauma for exam- i•Ic explains Dr. Mah. the scanner ,an he used to detect internal Need- ing a simple X-ray might not identify. The hospital auxiliary has com- mitted to raising at least 5500,(X)o of the Lust of the scanner• with the rest to come from the hospital foundation. Recently, the auxiliary completed its first fund-raising project for the diag- nostic imaging department, raising nearly 5500 (NN) in just 30 months for the new fluroroscopy and general ra- diology units. At the press conference, auxiliary president Bev Carmichael said mem- hers will he working hard to bring in the money needed for the scanner quickly. "You are going to see the auxiliary in from of your face a lot." she said. RVHS hoard chairman Gale Moss - man urged residents to support the fund-raising effort. "We are going to need some sup- port from the community." she said. "This is your hospital. We need you to he there when we ask for the dol- lars." Donations towards the purchase of the CT scanner can be made by call- ing the foundation at 683-2320• ext. 1227. FREE INTERNET SEMINARS A BARBEQUE Pickering Recreation Centre 1867 Valleyfarm Rd. (Pickering) Sunday, June 27th Seminar Times: '0 0G arts, !2 '0 noon. 2 00 pm, 4:00 pm (Barbeque between 12 8 2 pm) Come W abets to reconor a Special Wmduc&y Offer, C -Wil -entry Ht f Dop sm! chance to tin ptrw first J trron0a free of High Spens kinemet Access too `.. - ntrr � r• t to aa� f ir+l trpr Si 3— for More Information 416-290-6222 ext 7052 - DeWmed through cat; c . ,, - Exegttiiiw @14orna brov~ hnnem vn., It- h.tt est th. W.A% Instant Access up to 100x tasty titan a 28.8 modem Unlimited access time 24 hour technical support Shaw a Home 45 t An.rtuczZ GM's OUT... SO LET'S GET TO WORK!! SAJAIWOE; 25% ALL In -Stock 50OYo off Wallpaper &Borders C� P PAGE 4 HEWS ADVE1111 R WEDNE8DAY EDITION, Jur» 23, tfff Pickering, rural residents at odds over golf course housing bid Durham Region can't be trusted to protect Pickering interests, residents say PICA'ERING from page I to see . ,� 120,�otT Ward I Regional Councillor claiming they only wanted to Maurice Brenner and Ward 2 assure Clubl.ink they had an t_ local Councillor Mark Holland open mind. opposed the resolution. 'These are not neutral state- ,.: Both maintained it was map- ments." said Mr. Almack. "You propriate for Pickering to de - don't have to be a liierarn ge- part from its usual development mus to see what it means and ,_` approval process by passing a how pro -development it is." supportive resolution before He also noted the Region's even seeing the application in - proposed policy on the issue . volved. would ban communal servicing Si- 'SSR .2 "This is not a neutral mo- on permanent agricultural re- Sage WSW°'S5/80R13 tion;' said Coun. Holland. "it serve land such as the propertc M.N can't he construed as a neutral to be developed, and that an} motion. If it was a neutral mo - significant residential develop- '5!70R 13 non it wouldn't he before us." merit would conflict with Pick- RAYNE ARTHURS But Mavor Arthurs said ering's own rural population 'ifxe have an interest in the there are times when it's appro- targets. business there is nothing priate for the development Residents also warned that ss a,ng Kith saving come to process not to be entirely neu- considering its past positions in us sr itll a gurxi proposal.' tral, as long as the final out - favour of garbage dumps and SO come is nox predetermined. airports in Pickering. Durham ISA 99 17799 He cited as an example his Region could not be trusted to and tourism to Pickering. efforts to get Canadian Tire to protect Pickering's interests on "We're probably looking at locate a new store on Brock the matter of communal sen ic- a 5211 -million to $25 -million m- Road. ing. vestment. and with the housing "It didn't happen because 1 ClubLmk's Mr. Moss said comfxment it probably reaches waited for them to come his company Is operating com- up to a number considerably in through the door and said 'sub- munal water systems success- excess of that." he said. mit an application'." said the fully at other golf courses in When Mr. Moss was asked mayor. "If we have an interest Ontano. and if approved, the what ClubLmk would do if the in the business there's nothing Cherry Downs plan would resolution was defeated, he wrong with saying 'come to us bring employment. tax revenue replied the company "will have with a good proposal'." f. 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ENTE:r- our CONTEst NOW to WIN COWJWNtary tiCKEts to sE ThE MOFFatts iN cONCErt at ThE MOLSON AM *,ItkEatM iN T ONTO. ON JUNE 30, lqg it S p o n s o r e d b y S • MO74 CreSf FFATTS CD EVERY DAY COVERGIRL Tide Liquid Laundry Pringles Detergent Potato 32 loads. Chips Assorted 37 1 8 , flavours. 170.200 g. EM% ' EVERY DAY '' 77 Tide Pmcw Each Laundry Detergent EVERY DAV 29-37 loads. f- Nall Slicks ` Assorted 1 24E6Ch tblotxs. s 77 C2EeCh Assorted types. °'• i EVERY DAY 131 ml SEE StOr'E For CONtESt LES aNd dEtaiLS. Your WaL- Mart StorE is at; Whitby ShOPPINq CEWE. ThiCKSON Rd ONld HWY 2, Whitby WlkLm MAU WE SELL FOR LS evM la yf_ Au it ,� 120,�otT TIRES 699W9& ALL lap 999 TIRES 8 W& S— i, 4Sw-171w. 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Come see the many sides of Sears"" L�TA ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES fa more information call 1.88&158-2999 www.driredean.com ONTARIO'S IW sl MOTORHOMES WELCOME I'VE Pickering Town Centre Direct Lune 420-0271 �;hecr.s:�terY 3rxltk tense ... , i i 1 f' COME MEET THE MOFFATTS AT WALmMART�" 101 EDGELEY BOULEVARD VAUGHAN Autograpk sEssiON iN our VaugkQN stop E ParKlNq LOT ON: TUEsdcy, JUNE 29, 1999 5 P.M. TO 6 P.M. ENTE:r- our CONTEst NOW to WIN COWJWNtary tiCKEts to sE ThE MOFFatts iN cONCErt at ThE MOLSON AM *,ItkEatM iN T ONTO. ON JUNE 30, lqg it S p o n s o r e d b y S • MO74 CreSf FFATTS CD EVERY DAY COVERGIRL Tide Liquid Laundry Pringles Detergent Potato 32 loads. Chips Assorted 37 1 8 , flavours. 170.200 g. EM% ' EVERY DAY '' 77 Tide Pmcw Each Laundry Detergent EVERY DAV 29-37 loads. f- Nall Slicks ` Assorted 1 24E6Ch tblotxs. s 77 C2EeCh Assorted types. °'• i EVERY DAY 131 ml SEE StOr'E For CONtESt LES aNd dEtaiLS. Your WaL- Mart StorE is at; Whitby ShOPPINq CEWE. ThiCKSON Rd ONld HWY 2, Whitby WlkLm MAU WE SELL FOR LS evM la yf_ M• Top honours for top high school students in Durham Board hands out scholarships to graduates The Durharn District School Board announced the winners of several Scholarships Monday, hon- ouring more than 10 high school students across the region as the recipients of this year's Pauline Laing Scholarship Award, K. D. Munni Scholarship and the Monarch Youth Scholar- ships. The Pauline Laing Scholarship Award, named in honour of the former board director, is "awarded annually to a graduating student who has studied the arts. -and who is continuing his or her studies in (the arts) at apost-secondary in- smution,•' said superinten- dem of programs Bev Freedman in announcing Pickcrin,• High School stu- dent Jennifer Head as this year's winner. The K. D. Munroe Scholarship, which is also named in honour of a for- mer board director, is awarded annually to a Durham student who is physically handicapped, hearing impaired or vision impaired, board director Grant Yeo said in presenting this year's $I .(XX) scholar- ship to Allyson Partridge, a student at Pine Ridge Sec- ondary School in Pickering who was horn with cerebral palsy. "Allyson has had to cope with the limitations of her physical disability while completing a very demand- ing academic schedule." Mr. Yeo said. The winners of this year's Monarch Youth Scholarships, which are available to students pursu- ing post -secondary studies in the areas of science, mathematics or technology. New schools in Durham now have new names Durham District Schoxil Bored trustees approved the names of four elementary school. in Oshawa and one new elementary school in Bnoklin Mondry. A new - elementary sctxx)I in the Aticrslev area will he called Gordon B Aticrslcy Public Schtwl; the amalgamated facility for students from E. A Lovell and South Simcoc public x:Mols will he called Vil- lage Uni<m Public School. the facility for students from lake Vista and Dr. C. F. Cannon public schools will he called Dr C.F. Can- non Public Sch(x)1 and Cen- tral Park Public School. which will hecome the new site for French immersion students from Ridgeway Public School, will he named Walter E. Harris Public Schox,l A new cle- mcniary school in Br oklin wdl he called Winchester Public Sch<ol. All of IN-- names were selected by school namme committees and input w.i1 provided by the commutun BEV FREEDMAN Bestowed award named after former hoard director included nine students from throughout Durham. The scholarships are awarded to students who will be attend- ing university and to those who will be attending col- lege. In the university pro- gram. Chris Langford from Dunhanon High School in Pickering won a $5,0(N) scholarship, while four other pupils each won $2.0(X) scholarships to- wards their post -secondary studies. Those students include Jacqueline Crossfield from Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering, George Epaminondas from Anderson Ci)llegiate and Vocational Institute in Whitby. Julianna Hsuan- Hui Huang from I'a'[dale Collegiate and Vocational Institute in Oshawa and Krista Sider from Dunbar - ton High School in Picker- ing. In the college program Chad Lance from Port Perry High School was awarded a $ 1.0(X) scholarship and three other students re- ceived $2,(XX) scholarships for their college studies. NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION, Jur» 23. IM PAGE 5 Np PRECIA ON 1�OMEI sa�R4uPP"Ify, MINE EVERYTHING* IN THE STORE! O/O OFF OUR 4066 REGULAR PRICE All IR-stocll= ROME DEC & RELATED MERCHANDISE mduoe5 DraPe7 & tipnoistery Draveryttccessones & rorl"re O/o 40off OUR REG. PRICE Alltllher� MERCHANDISE OUR REG. PRI 018OFF 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 CHECK OUT THESE GUAR�iTEE PRICE CUTS LOW E'S GUAR l�ITEEp ;NrAITAI La 7 ,« �I f � M%milm i 4 "W4 ®MICROCASSETIrE Our Price 19.990 ANSWERING Instant Rtebcde -S_AA MACHINE Price after rebate •Call -screening *LED message indicator *Auto message reset 99 Volume control •Remote message p6ybock 39880 '14 Applicabb Tants art paid ort prose parable ammme. 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Strict• 250 Fro Sow East w Bru.yi• $a Kr4 Sow 1 tN t t E •Vkk M aff"s MI: 1->300-6� s FX ~1-1100-567-2260 ITORN NOYRS Mtoll.iri iAM.yPM ft kw&y 9AM4pM 11AW M 'llEEiw9rihr Aw. lt#s9t• ttittlMti fM9ier>r 91191Y A9wwf MIS t" tit 0 CALLER ID ®CORDLESS PHONE *View incorm calls while using *Full -Feature caller ID • 1 -year warranty 45389 1179 'Requires service from 0— a V -W P PAM Ari NEWS ADVERTISR. WEDNESDAY EDITION. JWW 27. 190 Edmitorial &OpiNioiSJIL b. the FuTuer UR_ M NEWS ADVERTISER JUNE 23. 1999 n EDITORIAL More power to nuclear study Pickering station advisory group must have strong mandate We'%c heard it all before. People who run the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station have told us time and again that (a) 'the power plant is safe and the community has no reason to won (b) 'we care about the public's concerns and we welcome input% (c) 'we're not trying to hide anything': (d) 'trust us on this'. Of course in years past Ontario Hydro. which used to op- erate the Pickering station. had a phalanx of spin doctors who spoke in nuclear gobbledeygo ok that only rocket scientists could understand and who were able to downplay any power plant mishap sheen of a core meltdown as a 'reportable event'. Ontario Hvdro, now Ontario Power Generation, the re- structured successor corporation that runs the firmer provin- cial utility's generation facilities, has become more open and communicative in recent years. But the danger is that with the provinces energy mdustn being opened up to competition. things may regress instead of progress. Ontario Power Generation — OPG for short — is still the biggest player in the marketplace and it has a vested interest in retaining that position. So. it would not he a surpnw if OPG was less than forthcoming with informatics that could put it in a had light or be useful to potential competitors. But. we didn't get that feeling at the first meeting the other Clay of the new 'Community Advisory Council' OPG has as- sembled for public consultation on the Pickering nuclear sta- tion. The group will be able to address a broad range of issues and will be given all the information on the plant it needs. sta- tion chief Bob Stricken vowed. quite committed to this type of process." Mr. Stnck- ert told CAC members. "I think it's long overdue for the com- munny It's certainly long overdue fox the statio n." The nuclear plant could not be a sustainable operation here without the community involvement the CAC is designed to achieve. he said. Mr Stricken reported he expects the group to remain in place and continue its work indefinitely. "I'm looking for a lex of advice and guidance os how to do things letter." The station chief also said he's committed to full disclosure of information about the plant to the ccxnmuruty. But he added some informatics might have to he considered confidential if it "could affect Ontario Power Generation's competitiveness''. though he promised those occaskiem would be very rare. -I can tell you in advance we're not into trying to hide much in- formatios at all.' WcAl take Mr. Simckeri at his word, fir the time being. Or at least we'll give hum the benefit of the doubt. His vow of full disclosure of information — well almost full disclosure — his assuvawc that he's kwiking for ala of advice, and his corn- I-- om- t...,,— ...A .d .lire c coo - ..., a,.v,..44—h what it hopes to accomplish. That is to deal with all the issues raised about the nuclear plant by the Community Working Croup put together baa year by Hyden to provide input on its environmental review of the statics. Thosc issues can only he addressed if OPG comes tip with a solid set of terms of reference acceptable for the commum- ty and the CAC itself. Sonne community groups may with- draw trom the council if they find their mandate is unpalat- able. It's essential that the terms of reference make it clear that the CAC will he able to deal with —and OPG must ddrem — all issues raised by the previous Community Working Group. OPG must nor use it% reed to keep some things confiden- tial from competitors and the fact the corporation is no longer required to abide by the Freedom of Information Act as ex- cuscs to keep information about the nuclear plant from the public. And, OPG has to be willing to hire independent experts as required but the CAC to assist advisory council members — people the CAC and the community can trust people like Pro- fessor Nick Evies, who did such a fine job as previous inde- pendcnt reviewer for the CW'G that he won praise from work- ing group members and his findings were largely validated by the Atomic Energy Control Board. That's the only way the Community Advisory Council can do its job. And. the only way Ontario Power Generation can win the trust of Pickering nuclear plant neighbors. Just plane fun North Pickering residents shouldn't panic when they wake tap Saturday to the sight and sound of planes in the sky. No, an airport couldn't be built between now and then. In- stead, the Ajax Radio Controlled Model Airplane Club will bald its annual Scale Rally Event beginning at 8:30 am. at 3920 Brock Rd., about two kilometres north of Hwy. 7. They're just model planes. There is no airport. Join in the fun. Or sleep in. Zzzzz... F,atu id comments on these editorials to atsewsodrrham net Submissions which include the writers full name and town of residence will be considered foe pirbilwafiow. YOU SAID IT The question was: What should new Minister of Education Janet Ecker do to improve Ontario's school system? Claire McKiernan Don Bilenduke Nikki Cameron says. -She says. "For the says. "Put more should stop cut- most pan, main- money in the - ting the number sin and fine tune system. of teachers. espe- changes made by cially special -ed- the previous gov- causes ucaoon teach- ernment.' war; keep It out ors. Thank Gori the majority still can 1 , LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Why the fear liefs. This is the real 'criminal' act. own beliefs. If they can't keep their God bless you anvway. Andrea! personal religious beliefs separate Davd and Be' Cartwright, from their duties to the wider com- Q of al lowin., child Pickering munity they are unworthy its hold `Religion office as public school trine". to choose`' causes Ned To the editor: war; keep It out Bike helmets Thank Gori the majority still can make some de isxms. We are refer- protective near, ring to the narrow-minded opinion of public schools of Andrea Bullock in the June IS leder to the editor of the News Ad- To the editor. not fashion pieces vertiser referring to the prayer poli- I agree wholeheartedly with the cy in public schools. News Advertiser's June 8 editorial To the editor: How dare site call the public headlined 'Prayer policy s short- Surely I wasn't the only parent school board trustees narrow -mind- sighted'. 1 would, however. go fur- o cringe at the sight of what the ed. They were elected by the major- ther in an outright condemnation of News Advertiser calls a "properly icy and represent many views. trustee Jane Weist and those other helmeted" cluld in the Gare Cy - How can this woman in one public school board trustees who cling article of hie 9. breath state the educators are duce- supported her motion. The way he wean his helmet mg our children what to believe Religion has absolutely no place way back on his head will definite- dvtugh a prayer and in a second in our public schools. Throughout ly not proxrct him in case of a fall. breath state that while she went to tust ry. religion has been and corn- The entire forehead, usually the both a separate school and a cos- unues to be the root cause of nu- first place to hit the ground, is com- vene..t .trin'n —&,- her believe? mertxm conflicts and wan. It must pletely unprotected auxd there is We grew up with Free be kept out of out public wt"As. danger of back injury trom the rear Methodist. Salvation Army. Evan- If parents wish to indoctrinate of his helmet if he tut the ground. 1 gelist aril United Churches and their children in a particular rch- Please. as rt:sponsible journal - have made our own choices about gion, they have the right to send fists. get your facts straight before religion. as have Buddhists. Jews, their children to separate schools or you publish a photograph like that. Muslims and many. many other. private religious schools. Do parents, children and emer- Andrea Bullock says her d:wgh- The trustees have to realize that gency personnel a favour and Jim let is entitled to make her own our public schools serve an increas- the proper way to wear a bike hel- choice wtule she is clearly making ingly diverse cuhural and ethnic suet, with the front of the helmet ap- that choice for her by not allowing population and many of the clul- proximately two finger widths her to enter the school and hear a dmn attending and their parents do above the eyebrows. You could JO-sexxd prayer or scripture read- not. or no longer, believe in the save lives and prevent injuries! ing of any mligioru. She is so afraid Judeo-Christian concept of a god or A helmet is a piece of protective drat her daughter may chaise in in any form of spiritualism. gear, not a fashion statement! favour of believing in anything By approving this motion. Petra Munro, other than her mxxhcr's atheist be- trustees are evangelizing for their Picketing Mike doesn't practise what he preached Premier Harris expands his cabinet After complaining for year too many politicians spoil the broth, Premier Mike Hams is oddly now finding room for more in his inner circle. The Progressive Conservative premier when he took office in 1995 promised his cabinet would be radically different in three ways from its predecessor. He wanted it to be small - he ap- pointed a fust cabinet of only 19 members including himself, On- tario's smallest in more than three decades. He vowed also his cabinet would not lose a procession of min- ister through indiscretions like the preceding Liberal and New Demo- crat governments. And he added he would quickly pass a law that would require a cab- inet to manage taxpayers' money prudently or have its pay cut. Mr. Harris explained his first, small cabinet by saying there are too many politicians manipulating residents' lives and went on to cut the number of MPPs through his Fewer Politicians Act and school trustees. But the premier, after another election, has sworn in a new cabinet which has 25 members including himself and has crept back up fairly close to the average size of cabinets of all parties over the past 30 years. The biggest by far was that of the last Tory premier before Mr. Hares, Frank Miller, who had a cabinet of 33 in his brief minority government in 1985. Mr. Miller achieved this mile- stone trying to reward virtually all MPPs who supported him for leader with jobs and went to such lengths as naming separate minis - Eric Dowd At Queen s Park tern of trartyportation, urban transit and northern transportation. No one knows whetter having such a large cabinet would have brought any benefits because it last- ed only four months and Mr. Miller as gone. wHarris for all his boast of small being better now has a bigger cabinet than Liberal premier David Peterson, who in his fist couple of years in minority government got by with only 23 ministers. Mr. Peterson may have shown a small cabinet works better, because in those two years he had the high- est popularity of an Ontario premier recorded in polls and it was only after he won 95 seats in 1987 and increased his cabinet to 30 mem- ber that he lost an election, al- though other factors influenced his fall. But Mr. Harris's smaller cabinet worked well enough to raise ques- tions about why he increased it. Ministers were caught poorly in- formed at times, for example then - municipal affairs trmister Al Leach admitting he could not explain leg- islation and asking the opposition to question him another time. But these were due more to personal in- eptness than overload of work. It is possible to make a case Mr. Hams needs a separate minister to deal with crucial higher education, but ministries devoted solely to j tourism and correctional services seem designed merely to provide jots for the boys. Mr. Harms deserves more credit than he has received for keeping his cabinet relatively intact and free from the indiscretions which plagued his predecessor. Mr. Pe- terson had to let go at least half -a - dozen ministers directly because of their personal misadventures. New Democrat premier Bob Rae lost seven, most later cleared in j various ways and some sacked for trivial acts, one being shown the door moody because an office em- ployee tried to fix a parking ticket, without his knowledge. Mr. Rae made standards ultra -strict trying to appear holier than predecessor. Mr. Harris lost only a solicitor general, Bob Runciman, who iniad- venenty identified a young offend- er in violation of federal law, and health minister Jim Wilson, because an aide revealed high billings of a doctor -critic hoping to silence him, again breaching privacy law, and both were quickly retuned to cabi- net after enquiries cleared them of I wrongdoing. Mr. Harris as far back as the 1995 election promised a law that would require minister to balance budgets and avoid tax increases or have their pay cut. The Tory premier has had plenty of opportunities but still not got it passed and is proving not the great innovator in cabinet he posed as. E-mail comments on this column to nnewsOdurham.net Submis- sions which include the writers full name and town of residence willbe considered for publication. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Mctrol.md Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-Chtel Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford lbrector of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail.fdrerasing Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified . ld% erturrkV Man- ager John W'illems Real Fstate.furomoroe Ad- vertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution tlana,Yer Lillian Hook Office tlanager Barb Harrison Comp­urK Stanger bIO/ News (905)683-5110 &Ins (905) has 3-s 110 Classifieds (9051 681-0707 Distribwtios (9)5)681-5117 General Fax (905) 683-711,; E -Mail newsman a durham.net Web address www.durhamnews net 130 Common: W Ave . Ajax. Ont. L IS 2115 The News Advertiser is owe of ilio Mctrotand Printing, PubliaAmg and t>,ant� group of newspwm. The News Advestises is a member of the Ajar & Pickering Board of Trak, (kaario Community Newspaper Assoc. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc . Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publishes reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for ad- vcruscment limited to space price error occupies. The Ncws Advertiser ac- cepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last same or two initials and a Last name Please include a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opin- ions expressed in letter are those of the writer and not aeccssuily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of ktters, not all will be print- ed. ,leo= ear wrwooxwia f.�.i.�� I `-licif`W1+ WEOttEW" EOtflplti, Jute 23. 111101109 PAGE 7 Ai* CARL FFRFNCZZ hews Advertiser photo Bob Hunter, pictured at his rural Durham dairy farm with .ion Adam, knows that like any other, the dairy business is one of supply and demand — if you overproduce, prices fall. Out of war comes the mfarm Yesterday's machinery of carnage helps produce life today BY LFSLFY M, ,vASTFR Staff' Writer saner. healthier animals. more stable prices, and larger acreage's - oh, what a difference 50 gars makes down on the farm. A, one of Ontario's top industries. agriculture generates about $13 hillion in business for the province and accounts for one-tenth of its jobs. In Durham alone, close to 2.001 farms generate approximately $208 million in farm gate sales as well as $28 million in wages and salaries. And to think, much of what put farmers down their evolutionary path can be traced back to a war which took place over 50 years ago in Europe. The Second World War, with its drive to build bigger and better war machines both mechanically and chemically, revolutionized a number of differ- ent industries. agriculture included. -It helped develop a lot of the machinery. With the production of army equipment during the war, a lot of farm machinery was produced afterwards as a bit of a spin-off," explains Neil Moore, a crop spe- cialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Attairs (OMAFRA). From that point on, the size of equipment he - came bigger and bigger as horse power was gradu- ally replaced by the tractor. That trend continues. says Mr. Moore- Tractors ranged between 35 to 60 horsepower in the 1950s. but those models arc now considered small -fry compered to the large ma- chines of today, which average out at 100 to 200 horsepower, he adds. Larger machines meant farmers were able to cover greater areas. However, sometimes especially in excessively moist fields, nothing could replace the work of a horse. which was able to posh on where a tractor had difficulty, Mr. Moore points out. "With the cost of machines, farmers would have to cover enough acres to make purchas- es worthwhile," he adds. But did bigger always mean better? Orga- nizations like the Ontario Farm Safety Asso- ciation today reports tractors are associated with 47.5 per cent of farm -related fatalities. However, Mr. Moore says safety risks have always existed on the farm and are not neces- sarily the result of mechanization. Tractors and other equipment do increase the "potential" dangers, but most accidents can be attributed to operation error. he points out. Safety associations and other farm orga- nizations have worked hard to raise awareness and emphasize the [teed for rollover protec- tion when it comes to operating machinery, he adds. Another important link in agriculture's evolutionary chain is pesticides and fertiliz- ers, which were also developed and became more and more available after the Second World War. For the first time, farmers found they had some control over the insects and other pests afflicting their crops, says Mr. Moore. "A la of pesticides when they were first brought out were fairly long lasting but not all that toxic," he explains. "However, they would stay in the environment longer and af- fect the food chain." Public oleetings Today's pesticides have a much shorter life span and are less harmful for the environment. says Mr. Moore. The concern now is for the safety of the op- erator. who now must complete a certified course allowing him to handle the chemicals, he adds. Fertilizer was also a welcome addition to the farm. With its introduction, croppers now had a way of correcting deficiencies in the soil, explains Mr Moore. In the 1950s and 1960%, fertilizers began to spring to life, with the mining of phosphate in the Tennessee Valley and potash in Saskatchewan. When added to limestone and applied to soil, it helped correct PH and other deficiencies. he adds. Farm animals haven't been left out of the evolv- ing last half century either. As livestock producers learned the benefits of proper housing, they began to move their animals indoors, says lames Recsor. OMAFRA's swine specialist. "Changes in housing meant producers had con- trol over temperature and ventilation. Animals weren't as stressed and were less apt to get sick.- he explains. Aa result, the size of swine operations grew from an average of 40 to 50 animals per op- eration in the 1950%, to 1.000 to 2,000 today. he ,.n, Sonic of those numbers could also be at- tributed to advances in vaccinations and breeding. which has also meant leaner, healthier pigs• which can he raised with a lot less feed, he says. Today sows can raise as many as 20 young as compared to only 12 to 14 half a decade ago, he %ave "Average back lai has al%o dccrca.c'd fn+m aK,ut two -and a -half :n.hc, lin ,car, .ic„ 'i in,hc, today." %Ir Rcc,,,r.- a pork hien i, In the Jain hu,in:,. taken advantage of large tractors and combines to handle hay and increase productivity but have en- joyed a system of supply management. Introduced in the 1960%• the system mandates quotas designed to stabilize prices, says Bob Hunter. of Hunter Brothers, a 65 -head operation in Greenbank. "Each dairy farmer or chicken farmer is allowed to produce only 'X' amount of animals." he ex- plains. "The dairy business is like any other busi- ness - if you overproduce. prices fall. - th producers purchasing the right to in- rc,ise their quota%, Mr Hunter says %omc TI argue supply management is expen- sive and discourages young farmers from entering the business. But he says that's a small price to pay for stable pricing and points out organizations like the Durham milk committee have tried to attract young people to the industry by holding a series of dairy farm tours for students. Hunter Brothers is on the list of stops. Some of the most recent innovation% in farm technology include global positioning systetr%. Whether hard -held or moktr"d Mt 0- aa.h .,e > combine, the devices can map out a field, pointing out low and wct areas and portion, giving the best yield, explains Karen Ycllowtecs, of the Durham Region Federation ,+f Agriculture. That inftmnation can then be tcd into a personal computer, the use of which is gradually rising among the agricultural sector today. says Mrs- Yel- lowlees_ More and more farmers arc going on-line to research their livelihood, she says. From general information searches to keying into electronic agn- ultural magazines and the latest weather forecasts. �.iriner, :an even talk to other producers halfway or on chat sites devoted to crops• ma - and livestock, she acids. lust the fact you have access to what are trying on their farms." Mrs. Yel- explains. "Farmers have access to uni- +r college trial plots and while research -tans, sometimes you have to go further t. When a farmer has tried something, ids to be more fine-tuning." ver many machines and instruments of +gy have been introduced into the agri- industry, farmers still continue to ex- t with their trade. New ideas set to take j old profession into the millennium in- !veloping dairy cheese and milk from ays Mrs. Ycllowlees. little stronger, like a goats cheese,- she inting out it could someday have the mic appeal. "The milk is thicker and is ike a coffee cream." vith its drive to build war machines both ically, revolutionized tries including the dness of agriculture. Ajax Town Council Thursday, June 24, 2 p.m. — General Government Committee, second floor meet- ing room, Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S. Monday, June A 7 p.m. — Standing Com- mittee of the Whole, council chamber, Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S. Pickering Town Council Monday, June 28, 7:30 p.m. — Picketing Council, council chamber, Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade. Wednesday, June 30, S p.m. — Site Plan Advisory Committee, meeting room 113, Pick- ering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade. Durham Regional Council Wednesday, June 30, 10 a.m. — Durham Region Council, Council Chambers, Durham Region Headquarters, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Durham District School Board Monday, June 28, 7:30 p.m. — Durham Catholic District School Board, Catholic Ed- ucation Centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. Here's to a healthy summer... Did you know you don't have to participate in vigorous physical activity to improve youth health? Moderate physical activity, such as a brisk walk most days of the week, can help to im- prove your health. It's true! And, since summer brings new opportuni- ties for families to spend time enjoying an array of physical activities, you can take advantage and try something new, such as rock climbing, water skiing, hiking or horseback riding. According to the Canadian Active Living Challenge Family Pack, active lifestyles can improve quality of life, strengthen family rela- tionships and foster a sense of community. The Canadian Active Living Challenge or- ganization also says regular physical activity can actually improve behaviour and healthy lifestyles in children and youth. Now there's something many parents would hop, skip or jump over! Have a safe and active summer... — News Canada PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD IN BRIEF JUNE 23, 1999 Board delays bylaw review until September A report outlining changes to the Durham District School Board's by- laws has been deferred to the board's first standing committee meeting in September. Board director Grant Yeo told trustees Monday several changes to the Education Act have required the board to update its bylaws to ensure they conform to thet legislation. A board com- mittee met from January to June to review the 13 by- laws covering the rules and regula- tions of the board and its commit- GRANT YEO tees. Updare The revisions to the bylaws re- flect changes in committee names or titles, changes to the forms for public question period, additions to bylaws, a code of conduct and changes due to the revised Edu- cation Act. Committee called to study Whitby's overcrowding A public board committee will re- view the accommodation needs in Whitby's secondary schools. atter Durham District School Board trustees approved a recommendation from the standing committee Monday. Trustees voted to form an ad-hoc committee to examine overcrowding in the town's three high schools in re- sponse to concerns raised by parents and students during a recent budget meeting. In a presentation to the board's fi- nance committee last month. Sinclair Secondary School students told trustees there are approximately 1,900 students at the school, which was built to accommodate approxi- mately 1.400 pupils. And, as of September. Sinclair students Mnh have a total of eppM centro as the board attempts to ad- dress overcrowding on the site. "Whitby has tremendous growth, - said Pickering trustee Ruth Ann Schedlech. who maintains finding a so- kthon to the overcrowding at Sinclair is a "number -one priority- for the board. The committee will include trustees. board staff and members of the school community councils from Vie town's three high schools. Board wants advisory group on family life education mandated Durham District School Board trustees are calling on the Province to mandate the establishment of Family Life Education Advisory Committees in school boards across Ontario. T r u s t e e s passed a motion Monday in favour of sending a letter to the Ministry of Edu- cation requesting the government consider mandating the group through- out the province. The committee, which was formed in Durham in 1977, includes trustees, JANE WEIST board staff and Tables community mem- bers who provide input on family life Programs being considered for use in the region's schools. The motion was brought forward by Oshawa trustee Jane Weist. D QLI.STARIED WHEN,11 W [MEM "Ll �GrErT�Y�OUR - ` uLi jR tt�l4titylBti. AM PAGE S NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION, Juno 23.1999 A.J GROENI News Adverruer photo The littlest gladiator Dann% Carroll Rives it his best shot during a 'gladiator' match with op- ponent Stefan Burns on Saturday at the McLean Communtry Centre in Ajax. This event was part of the Ajar Optimist Club's Picnic and Fun Fair and was one ofmany activities offered at the closing weekend ,,r ser, . nual Home Week activities in Ajax. Get help*'Dealing with Feelings' Workshop runs this-veekend Helping people learn The workshop will offer how to express their feel- participants an opportunity rugs is the goal of an Inter- to Identify and express ,ioi,c work,h,.p t+etng held their fcclmgs through a va- in Oshawa Saturday. June nety of exercises. 26 The seminar is being The Dealing with Feel- held at St. Philip The ings workshop. led by Apostle Catholic Church. Patrick Harvcv and Susan 1314 Oxford St.. Oshawa. Tapp. Is geared toward from IO a.m. to 1 30 p.m. people who have expert- Registration is $15. enced difficulties with re- Everyone is welcome to lation%hlps, saying incl' or attend. r setting boundaries in per- For more information conal and professional re- on the event, call 432-2732 lationshlps. or 420-4385. ---------------- I0111 just insured my vacation Not to mention myI peace-ofmind^iWEEK ONLY Expires. Jona 30/99 1 SUMMER j 9/ SERVICE 1 0 PACKAGE 1 I 00 I Save 13M sAYLY ST. W9 �++�• EI�twlal wK.�. Sem ce Gtt�n�nte�ed� Keep It Going.l Notice of Liquor M2 Licence o Application The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Lieeuce Act: Application for Addille a it Facilities Papps Restaurant and Tavern 1755 Pickering Pkwy, Unit 20 Pickering (indoor area) Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as so whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than July 23, 1999. Please include year name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commision, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Regkitratfw Department Alcohol and Gaming Commisslou of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON MSG 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail at licensing©agco.on.ca 11 Cancer fighters ride for a cure Cyclists ride from Pickering to Kingston A group of cyclists are hoping to following a short ceremony which end the journey in Kingston. rause $10.000 fur the East Durham will include East Durham Cancer So- Anyone wishing to make a dona- llnit of the Canadian Cancer Society ciety president Garry Minnie. tion is asked to call 1-905-791-(1007 when they ride from Pickering to The marathon riders will continue and speak to Mr. Perks or Lir Mack - Kingston on July I. through Durham Region and finally ey. Twenty people will he cycling in (905) 430-0118 the 3rd Annual Gail Perks Memorial Hike Tour on Canada Day, said Kilby Perks. "This year, we've got a goal of S10.000,- he said. Last year's ride by 18 cyclists raised $6.200, he added. The first ride raised $2,200. Mr. Perks organized it less than one month after his daughter-in-law Gail Perks, an Oshawa resident, died of cancer in June 1997. Mr. Perks developed the ride as a / method to help fight cancer in her memory. "I think the cause is fantastic;' "Hurry In For said Mr. Perks in explaining the Best Selection!" growth in number of riders and amount of money raised each yeAr. Cyclists range from the fit to the not -so -tit, he added. v/O ]Designer Clothing & This year's bike ride will start from Extreme Fitness, Brock Road Up Off Accessories and Hwv. 401 in Pickering, the fit- ness club sponsors the ride as does J. Simon Chang • Bogato • Votre Nom • And More H. Thomas Industries, a Brampton 3 Days ()NIX June 24, 25 & 26 company which also field a team of Color Me Beautiful Boutique four cyclists, including Mr. Perks. The cyclists will start at 8 a.m.. FAMILY DENTAL CARE Yew Modem Facilities Friendly, Courteous Staff ! 1110111"1111 M Nitrous Oidde And Otter Forms Of Sedation Available u Cosmetic Dentistry With Complimentary Consultation • _: Fimcial Arrangements Available We Do Implants We Do Braces DR. J. D'SOUZA `- 185 Brock Street North. Whitby Fax 1t News Advertiser Newsroom 683-7363 Canada Dar Cel . 1211001 Our July 1 st fun is one big, ­JulyIst real-aslife, 3D adventure movie r exciting party. Along with Burton ride. We've also got KfdZvlllete Cummings and fireworks, we'll have the for the little ones, great live shows, and furious new Fly'" coaster. Then by Supei more. So don't miss a minute of the Soaker and The Plunger", two new '�. excitement. Head for Wonderland water slides in Splash Works. CANADA'S and party on. Park open 'til And check out D,!lo Isla, id, our 11:30 pm on July 1 st only. Park open Cady lhrough Soptember 6. loll weekends to Ocwtier 10. Wake park open daily Orough September 6. Boos aibpd to wwttw NO dna conditions "' • O 1988 PUan ou it Piclwes " ® O 1999 Paramount Parks O 1999 Viacom Inloinab W Inc. 0 1996 Works Emertarnwit Inc N Ripfea Reserved. 1997 PmSkde Terhrioloay Inc At nyea roert�C. (905) 430-0118 Fax 1t News Advertiser Newsroom 683-7363 Canada Dar Cel . 1211001 Our July 1 st fun is one big, ­JulyIst real-aslife, 3D adventure movie r exciting party. Along with Burton ride. We've also got KfdZvlllete Cummings and fireworks, we'll have the for the little ones, great live shows, and furious new Fly'" coaster. Then by Supei more. So don't miss a minute of the Soaker and The Plunger", two new '�. excitement. Head for Wonderland water slides in Splash Works. CANADA'S and party on. Park open 'til And check out D,!lo Isla, id, our 11:30 pm on July 1 st only. Park open Cady lhrough Soptember 6. loll weekends to Ocwtier 10. Wake park open daily Orough September 6. Boos aibpd to wwttw NO dna conditions "' • O 1988 PUan ou it Piclwes " ® O 1999 Paramount Parks O 1999 Viacom Inloinab W Inc. 0 1996 Works Emertarnwit Inc N Ripfea Reserved. 1997 PmSkde Terhrioloay Inc At nyea roert�C. Even local pets `Paws to Recycle' at annual Frenchman's Bay Festival One day this question may appear in Trivial Pursuit: Q: Who were lydy, Bernie, Ryder, Puppy, Brandy and Tan- ner? A: The first K-9 Recycling Team that encouraged people to 'Paws to Recycle'. The dogs were recruited on site by the Frenchman's Bay Festival's Recycling Team to wear cloth signs that promoted recycling. As well, that mes. sage appeared on plenty of posters - one of which will re- main on the Mr. Softie ice cream truck. A 3Rs display was enhanced by Rob Owens of Durham's works department who provided more regional in- formation as well as the popu- lar mini -Blue Box key chains to hand out. To capture recy- clables, the familiar Blue Box or a large recycling bin accom- panied most of the garbage cans. The Blue Boxes allowed one happy fellow to add to his collection of aluminum tabs. Although 100 -per cent partici- pation is almost impossible to achieve• the effort was success- ful. Recycling initiatives at the Frcnchman's Bay Fest vol were very successful in diverting waste from landfill: • two -and -a -half large recycling bins plus two large plastic bags filled with plastic bottles and Pop cans; Larraine Roulston Recyeiers Corner • one bag of plastic film which will be taken to Dominion's SavACentre plastic bag recy- cling; • from Pat Sharnd's corn con. cession, 20 pounds of corn husks went to a backyard com- poster: • all boxes from Pizza Pizza volunteer Ruth Leue; • plastic cups that were used for the Pepsi Taste Challenge and a bag of polystyrene to be taken to a recycling depot. • large pile of flattened corru- gated cardboard and boxboard. Many of the regular garbage containers that were marked for recycling got a mix of waste, with the exception of the one that was in the midway. Well done, observant midway folk: Although several pails were set out to collect organic waste, very little was put into them to compost. Dragon boat race partici- pants filled two large bins and a bag with cans and bottles, and they stacked a pile of card- board. Green -haired gremlins are headed to Pickering library Summer fun for kids features many activities PICKERING — You can build a totem pole, make green -haired mon- sters and enjoy both indoor and out- door fun this summer, all without kav- ing town. The Pickering Public Library is hosting a series of free programs for children aged six to 11 years beginning Monday. July 5. Participants will listen to native sto- ries and make their oven totem pole pencil holder to take home at 2 p.m. The Let's Build a Totem Pok program will also be offered Tuesday, July 6 at 10:30 am. Tickets are available from Saturday, June 26. Indoor Fun is the theme on Mon- day. July 12 at 2 p.m. and again Tues- day, July 13 at 10:30 am. There will t be sports stories, Jokes and a variety of indoor games. Tickets are available be- ginning Saturday, July 3. Green -Haired Monsters invade the library on Monday, July 19 at 2 p.m. and on Tuesday, July 20 at 10:30 am. Th1:re will be stories and a chance to create your own green -haired, ghastly, goofy gremlin. Tickets are available from Saturday, July 10. Kids can enjoy The Great Outdoors on Monday, July 26 at 2 p.m. or Tues- day, Judy 27 at 10:30 a.m. They will discover how to enjoy nature at the cottage, camp or in dw it own back- yard. Tickets are available beginning Sat- urday,July, 17. Finally, a Jungle Adventure sets off at the Rouge Hill branch on 'ILesday, July 20. Hear jungle stories and make an origami craft. Tickets are available from Tuesday, July 6 from 9 a.m. Tick- ets to all programs are available on a first -corse, first-served basis at the li- brary at 9 a.m. and by phone only after 10:30 a.m. on the specified date. For more information call the li- brary at 831-6265, ext. 227. OMMEMT EveninWWur* Appointments AVaiW)W Mptl Free Parking a ttlrrf$ood Aoa. C Volunteers at the 3Rs dis- play answered composting questions, indicated where peo- ple could obtain a second Blue Box (Miller Waste on Squires Beach Road) and yielded ques- tions about Durham Region's recycling program. The festival also had a vari- ety of environmentally friendly vendors and organizations in- cluding Christmas in June with lovely handcrafted gifts: the Second Chance Wildlife Sanc- tuary; waterless car -washing products; millennium water- front display; and Save the Rainforest. Frenchman's Bay Festival organizers set an example for all Durham community events and have established a goal to collect even afore resources next year. They are appreciative to members of the Pickering Waste Reduction Committee, Army Cadets, Kalene Dun- smore and Stephan Antonious who created posters and signs, DeeJays who made announce- ments, Miller Waste for extra Blue Boxes, and the Town of Pickering for recycling bins and special pickup. OJJ COMING EVENT: July 31 - Aug. 2, St George, Ont. Natur- al Life Festival — a green mar- ketplace. Visit the Web sue at http://www.life.ca. PtEN A""TleErt BON w60n M, duff.23''** P*" t An " Break bread, do business at picnic Durham Networks for Ex- with 200 to 300 people at the Hamburgers, hot dogs, cellence will host a Durham event, which will be held from sausages and refreshments Region Business Community noon to 4:30 p.m. at 1601 will be provided. Picnic Thursday, June 24. Hopkins St., south of Hwy. For more information call You're invited to network 401, Whitby. 665-6330. Yard sale aids north Pickering wildlife sanctuary PICKERING — Second and veterinarian bills. The event posted to direct you to the site. Chance Wildlife Sanctuary is will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 In the event of rain, the sale holding a yard sale Saturday, p.m. at the sanctuary at 2060 will he held Saturday, July 3. June 26 to raise money for baby Concession 7 at Brock Road in For more information call formula, supplies, medication north Pickering. Signs will be Joyce Smith at 649-8282. Gentle Dental Care for Adults, Kids and Great Big Babies. iffc keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand d dr needs Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art tecrbriques and you've found a goad dental horse. • A FW Rup of DwW 1i+r,Nnetsta - - B* the whole family. • St tachy A Even* AppteioWmw - �K fr•J � 'Jif serve you butter. • ice int oplim a .H** you get the t aiiinettt you vial - .A Rebx1mg Abhospbem - Vubtal vwm &Wk time a to help atria yaa have a piam visit. Comiledc Dwdstry wilik %. rand. - YOUR and. - YOUR TORONTO AREA RD 6 MERCURY DEALERS'— IA EALERS'— , 116 - A 5. ?7}. 777711116111x. A �• a- YZA RETURNS TOR A LIMITED TIME. TOO CAN rINANCE YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE. INCLUDING TAXES AND PAT NO INTEREST. OR CHOOSE A LOW LEASE PAYMENT! do1 � '!! F111 19611T '!! 11 Z12 FSS• EXPL11E1 u 1 I �« SMS OW � IWfll40lla '!� /WBr Lain tiM11N11repr oEl)!>Q ALL =01112s rror lWWofO furl! . aeMl AN p• hemal 6-6 Want Sar. • r.rr taw aa. • err WA.r. taei.r. 0 48 Or lslaJt Ilam "!f far ta*NBr lirm aaeaa wavuaa; . 9-111- r W aaawfaagtu t..•y.rtwwd • s�eA.rwr.tk a.rwiWles.r weWb4aa two - '99 F111 911TIN1 11 0116111 ■TSTIl1E 048 ®1�•, N011� iMru1MKM s v �, s � oW� In-Sfld flee. 41. tarw�wr4etwnf` '!a fWrr r•W.tWWr Wr INM4alr earrvo aeale . ef.a.y taae. n fTAuoJkWo • 3 $Mea OW 1115 tf• • w rifting . U ft. INK _111.. • nd la— .6— •..pa.a..a...ar.er ewwiM r..4.w kt� . fair el.ee4 EYn 1=SMA FM At INERCIPIT DEALERS LIST Cam UPIC" Maic w stun ua wrom sun W_ n'OD SbprdAwR eesao 2nplAa E. A1oWawtzar-+m isr ro os tm so WPM SLIM 3700SNNWAaL 59751a1b1AfaE ABaooml AI-IOIC ltiwayl lWfornv sovapww RIM r W P �s�. SAM Lm 200~SLE. = ;w n°440 -tau ...a....d.wo 3W aulta d.apitc, an 4M Iio L $LaYiFpp SK2S Ela lit aimum pw% 1177. swe or W. 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Forl ESwct/DQ1Cantourrtaww/wirfdstar/Epbm A mvcwy Mptaf m/Sable fa a mast of 4s nrmfa on appro red credt to Qualified cuuomenr.%1MON ficlarlcedat 0% annual per,"Up FAIR for, 41 montes, ff r"payment$416.116, cwt of borrowing$0 and tonal w be reWid af20OW nth$0clown pMroftSn.MlUS.OWff30OW f3S.000Jf40.W whtn c.nparM to a firwnnctq rat of 8.7S% fm 49 month, cop of It r nq a S].M.t61K72S."1SS,E70141 1461S.S21f7,S160211 wah $0 down paSrmem. Tbw ata emnAbwI "all- - olds. **LUM a mw 1!!! Wirdtt. LX wah Twin Ouad Group Appease, Group. and Alumnwn WwMWFad Taurus SE wah Sport and Camwtenct Woup/Meccury fable I.S. m nMrrl law pft-e a of SMS2911142f! baud an a 316 month lem from Fwd Gads to waldi l revel Wu"% on approved aedil. Leafs Weld on an amus! interest raIR o+4!%/t.!%J I.S% Total Nate a0kgatiomare f1L75l/f1t25l/f /l25l. Doran payFfwM a eluwaknt Vada, fMrght fwunry deport Aid first F11aMh] payment reowed (fee adteNwmtnU_ Somt condibom wd a rmltaye reMKOon of 160,Oes hm otter 316 Frronda apply A chwW of SOHO par km abme "lamp remieta% pkr ppkca0le two wig apply +licence. mfwana. admrmMr.ron few w.-d.h.wr irrpeccion arrf all appl,cable ta.et are aeationAl. Oesler may seal w Naw la le.. Of1wf may dwFge without notice. L -ted time often IIM.tdq ata/ biles raft wawa VLaM 4es ftaaYWWM eefdtWlw. 011an etwaR M �d wM w0 saw •FOw. Soar condtiom may appy to the W aduaIR Cath Back proram. See dealer far rwa. f tThe wglwu frontal anpftl rating for both Ow cirwet and from pile rW m U.S. Gotemmm Matwcnl POO" Traffic Salary Acinwatrabm a" for •ehrcles w Own 227 kq (SOD lbs), Whe MOhM lro," ,mp"t rabrg fm both the diver and hoot paaenpw . U.S. Gaw—em ft."Ml MgtmW hafAc +++ory Adnwniaratron eerkq fpr tewclw with. 221 kg (M tW and with a bm MSV unde $30.000 Toronto MDA PO. floa 2000, Oa vale. Oowq UkJ SE4. . Alp 1111� 111111 NEW EtDf11011, dints 2& low marts&Entertainment NEWS ADVERTISER JUNE 23, ] 9 9 9 This monster is out of the closet A' ax band heads to U.S. for concert tour BY AL RIVE7T Staff F&tor AJAX — Ajax alternative [rockers Closet Monster will play a club gig here Saturday night before heading out on a summer -long tour across Cana- da and the U.S.. in support of its debut CD to be released this week. Closet Monster. the creation of guitarist and singer Jesse Colburn. 18, a.k.a. Shaggy; bass guitarist and singer Mark Spicoluk.. 20, a.k.a. London Monster and drummer Kyle Stanley. 19, a.k.a. Kyle Marx. will be joined by Toronto band Marilyn's Vitamins on a 54 -day North American tour which kicks off June 28. The tour will take the bards to Vancouver. Chicago, San Francisco. Los Angeles. Indianapolis. Detroit and New York City and every- where in between. The bands will perform at small clubs across Canadaand the U.S. until Aug. 21. Ifs the third time Closet Monster has toured Kids urged to dive into a PICKERING — Dising into the pcxit Is a favourite sum- mertime activity for many kids. but there will be diving of a dif- ferent kind at the library. Children aged six to Il years are invited to join the Dive into Reading club at any of the Pickering Public Library branches begin- ning the week of July 5. They will have the chance to win family pool passes at the Pickering Recreation Complex, in ad- dition to numer- ous other sports prizes. Contact your local branch for more informa- tion. The library will also offer Arthur's Adven- tures for kids aged three to six years. The preschool sum- mer reading club features the popular story - time character. Registration for the take- home reading club begins the week of July 5 at the Pickering Central Library and the Rouge Hill branch. All partici- pants will earn prizes for read- ing. Call 831- 6265 for more information. Fax it News Advertiser Newsroom 683-7363 Canada, but the first time it has ventured into the U.S. Al- though there's a little bit of trepidation about their inaugur- al visit stateside. the hand members are looking forward to it. notes Spicoluk. "1'd say there's more excite- ment than anything. There is a little bit of hesitation to going to the states. but the bottom line is it's going to be amazing:' says the Pickering High School graduate who'll join eight otter musicians and two roadies aboard two vans to be used to shepherd the entourage through Canada and the U.S. "Everyone is a little stressed out. but we're all excited as hell. Every tour is the best time of our lives. To be able to travel which we love to do and play music at the same time is the best summer job you can get The CD releasd tour kick- off party for its first full-length 15 -song recording entitled A Fight for What is Right is slat- ed for Saturday. June 26 at the Closet Monsters is (from left) Jesse Colburn. Kyle Stanley and Mark Spicoluk. The Ajax trio is gearing up for a tour in the U.S. to promote their independent CD 'A Fight for What is Right'. Chameleon Cafk on Dowty Spicoluk as "politically moti- Road in Ajax. Opening bards vated, poppy punk". He ex - for the event are tourmates plains the 15 songs are "hall Marilyn's Vitamins and local music and half message". band Cid's Lance. Closet Mon- "There's not really a central sten will take the stage at ap- theme to it because the trackk proximately 930 p.m. take into account so many is - The music on the indepen- sues:' he notes. "It's more dently released A Fight for about personal freedom and in - What is Right is described by dividuality." Internet lesson for older adults offered PICKERING — A free Inirodunc- tion to the Internet program especially The CD was recorded over aimed at adults 55 and over is being of- an eight-month period at fere d Thursday. July 8 at 2 p.m. in the Toronto's Insight Recording auditorium at the Picketing Central Li - Studio under the direction of brary. One The Esplanade. Pickering native and recording The focus of the program will be on engineer Simon Head. Spi- how to use the Internet successfully. coluk says it was a total "DIY" and sites of particular interest to the 55 - effort (do it yourself) released and -over age group will be highlighted. under the group's independent To register or for more information record label Underground call 831-6265 or 686-0250, ext. 243. Monkey Operation. Closet Monster's last two cassettes have done well independently. HERONGATE selling more than LOW copies. • All the tour arrangements were BARN 'I'MTH made by the band members zeas Anon. Rd.. Pickw" themselves. Spicoluk reports that the band has been booked NOW PLAYING! at venues by promoters sight unseen. but the Internet has also Pinothet' Hib rious Comedy helped to expose the band to "When The Cat's Away'" concert promoters in the U.S. r �I and Canada. ` CLXL "The Internet has been our MIN 2 Save S 10 best friend:' he says. "We've sent sound files to all the bookBtj�- 4 Save S20 - ing agents. Instead of waiting a week -and -a -half to get pack- (905) 472-3085 ages to them in the mail, we w+nemnoe=r sent it to them instantly:' mr �! Next To You We:r`e Your Pet's Best Friefnci�',�.%�;� �, Itl-o" -S tM �I ' Irrm 7W �U� h=11 �I rl ` PATown Centre ss LWIM Udy, J>me 26t 1111 IL V AIJ, Sm ws ARE ONE DAY Oftfr Wim Suppm lAsf: No RAH[ -Ceps Lrl Free Hanister flKil a BKff ®6m Free Insert ft fledwo[ao MINI k.'ar 11tH 1111111 NpicdlMh BN2andGelL Free �rnd��nwei Free Waterftep 4whMpm Pet Look -A- Like Con- test pho(m99 , X19 ��� 8 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 23, 1""AGE 11 All) ' = Adva1skg Fedum YE' 7 K t, F t s^ .sill Enriched'Stops!11earning Never Veto Programs by Dr. Gary Hunt, Chair Faculty of Education, O.LS.E. & 111-1 for -F Senior Educational Advisor to Grade Expectsideoe Learning centre Your '6W is in a classroom for only children who attended a summer outdoor science Grades 9 months of the year, but his/her program not only improved their education program. ability to learn does not stop in July! literacy and numeracy skills, but also If your child is 6-8 In fact, the summer break is no more developed a positive outlook on school. musically inclined, NEW. private school than a product of our agrarian past Children who begin school confidently consider putting for grades 6.7 and g in when math and reading were less in September are more likely to him/her in a music Pickering for Sep- crucial. But, summer is actually a maintain their self-esteem throughout camp. If your DR GARY HUNT tember. This is an great time for your child to increase the year.child's interest is art, then an art camp y -:,v excellent opportunity limey & numeracy skillsl For this When deciding iv III type of will present an excellent opportunity. A for children who thrive reason, you should carefully consider program to select, examine your child's child interested in sports will want to in enriched environ- y ions when choosing a summer final report card. What are his/her attend a sportseamp: Summer activities ments. Each class will program for your child. You can take strengths? Does he/she.neeCto review should be useful and rewarding at the have 10-15 children in advantage of those months to stimulate language or math ISM? Based on the same fignet it and will be run in ayour child's academic potential! teacher's suggestigram There are so many different pro .P*n traditional format. Researchers have shown that that reviews basic ~..A is and that can help'our child learn during the while keeping with the y n8 Montessori philosophy summer instruction benefits children provides extra practice Individualizedsummer! By enrolling your child ifian significantly. In fact, learning should programs are ideal because they academic program, you are increasing �.✓ s M71, •boys a gats ages 8.18 •Includes god shirt. -5daycang9am 300p.m practice oak& •drhmg range oswulctim each day bas" hat • lurch each dayparentlaw pest . • min 18 hobs god per day • ball'=.mamem •cemhed prolesvono e+st actors Weeks sterling: Juhr D. 12. 19, 26 Aus• 9. 16, 23 419 FOX RUN GOLF CENTRE 560 Taunton Rd. W. AJAX :. (905)434-2651 (905) 428-8479 • GRADE EXPECTATIONS LEARNING CENTRE! of an individual continue all year lots Retention of provide the flexibility for our child to At Grade Expectations our sumr curriculum per child. y g' h y his/her potential for success. But ttrake P The curriculums will basic skills and concepts is increased progress at his/her pace, focusing on sure to look for the type of program that pmparns offer an opportunity cover all core subjects by continuing education throughout the areas which require attention. will allow your child to have fim while to prepare fix the s,dx)ol year including drama. the summer, particularly in the areas of Remember that maintaining a balance reinforcing academic skills. Ultimately, Our individualized plWams bu French, physed, ding and math. In September, then, between academic and recreational you want your child to have a busy, self c(Akleme, itx-rtase interest computers, the arts, children will be better prepared to activities is important. In addition to productive, yin enjoyable summer. The and ifirnpirrve acaok•a w performs music (intramural). tackle advanced material and they will your child's academic program, possibilities are endless. To register for all in a hits fie friendly environmt ,kung. swimming. be more confident. A recent study consider your child's extra -curricular sumtnerprogram please call 420-9930. extra curricular karate published by the Toronto Board of interests. If your child is curious about ' Math and Mallet. The .ch—i Education(January,1996 found that nature, explore thepossibility of an . - LgtlGtef has many sp"lal;,t,._ i111hR S�" Y&4 NO"44 Age.. guest speakers and special events to keep) the program dyrnmtc and lepbeat. The school has also Implemented sow of, the principles belnnd, Stephen Covey's 7' habits of highly cffec lve people which .are be of special help to pre -adolescent. .tudests. The class, will be at the I"wkering Campos of Blacsdalc Momcsson School which is celebrating its 30th year. The school has gained a repwwon for having happy crxrfident. motivated students with high academic standing. rhe carapos is nestled in a residential area surrounded by trees with lots of open green space. The samples was nearly rcruwated to provide large. bright, airy c la.sroonn. lowresled parents should call Heather Wilson at (905) 509-5005 ext. Ill- 0 Th Fill the Summer months with fun and learning! r to etc offers three different programs: Fun Model Camp (Ages 5 - 12) 2 his x 5 clays - $79 99 Teen Development (Ages 11 - 15) 3 hrs x 5 days - $149 99 Modeling Session L"49L Prices Vary r,• , • f 90 T/ 04111 T/z &.�14 eof� r t3avly Cour t 550 Bav'v S' „mt 29A. Picwer ^r ,• :� 1 Durham's No.'. A' r;�p��TSPOT'; '�,j For Your Family tIt eTs l C;0 rLJDOW N .,! ' I C (JPEXFOI E Sl'111I�:� "� Featuring: tic,ur 1 PH -7 : j. I x M - mplcr5 rat i put �wict� 1 is -• .: , pF. le'A rt R sllUt , , rtnt.tc�isncsuscl ' not what you hoped, use the =� PLAYING Ill Volleyball • Mier PH} summer to improve them. w.*ale ac+�•- FIELDS FIVE o 'Ciw'S MK. •.away n g ._ North Of ur Boss llialll Illa Itl'l Off .r 1)urhan�R'd 57 + 3 llrs. iostr.etNe = .. R I h. ,11r .11W;) '63 :,satin - In U&WMD Ontario Hockeyy S6 00 S `, ko" He��M Gni .` s: I G.S.T. vailable All Houseleague through rep. divisions BOYS & GIRLS AGES 7-13 _Aug. 16-20 Aug. 23-27 with -Geraldine Heaney" from the Canadian National Team Aug. 3a -Sept. 3 All Programs Include • Complete Skill Development • 3 Hr. daily ice (daily scrimmage) • O.H.S. Sweater • All-star games • Pizza Party Call todav to reserve 839-3794 Program Director - Craig Chandler Approx. 30 skater & 4 goaltenders per session Ajax/Pickering 1885 Glenanna Rd., Ste. 103 420-9930 CLASSICAL DRAWING, ANIMATION, ASR BRUSH CLASSES t 420-2ART -11:1 (I It 1 \ 11STM S x`sL"..A1 i� '�I 1111 f.ingslcn !• tl. FiJeringArt Sclli d St Golleria CUSTOM AIRB S ART ANY SURFACE MASTERS PRINTS & SCULPTURES SPECIAL ORDER MUSIC/BUY•SELL USED CDs SPECIAL KIDS SUMNER ART DAYCAMP Call For Details -• + Drive Range -• a PKXERING • Battieg Cages not what you hoped, use the =� PLAYING Ill Volleyball • Mier PH} summer to improve them. • FIELDS • ga e.. Rose o • CLddron's Play Cntre advanced programs, individually SUMMER CAM • 1/2 DAV GOLF CAMP S1S0ilAIK `Y + 3 llrs. iostr.etNe = .. . �t1 Roles, short sell long gain. BIRTHDAY c e chiPPiy nl Putti., Pun math organization Driven and Irons PAQIA6E5 + I hr. for Leech A Mini Ps" + Loeek preridoli VAILAB ALL DAY SPORTS CAMP S250/MK r• lettriefiee is golf, Volleyball h Anil Baseball Rules a1 Foelaweatalt -� -Skills n - velleyhall Scrlelleeyet col M..'I a cli ;rte's to • 1 hr. i« Le•.\ .•a M1.. eat - r... >r..,., - — • •Leech Provi/e/ Cd See. lr ne. - Fell Cow" s • F.ny Lw " itN h. ►.h.O R� 1 a.....d.,. r r 100 awl. � 6i7 42M . • , 7 /eltllw lC o a• e a•••• 1 o _o .• o ." I tare M IL renat�s CLASSICAL DRAWING, ANIMATION, ASR BRUSH CLASSES t 420-2ART -11:1 (I It 1 \ 11STM S x`sL"..A1 i� '�I 1111 f.ingslcn !• tl. FiJeringArt Sclli d St Golleria CUSTOM AIRB S ART ANY SURFACE MASTERS PRINTS & SCULPTURES SPECIAL ORDER MUSIC/BUY•SELL USED CDs SPECIAL KIDS SUMNER ART DAYCAMP Call For Details -„ O'Leary's School of Drama priw4e r in dFt•ark f Ars*. TAe niv well Fline for •les S m A&db. M71"i4 St., Pietserls.a, ON, I.1 W JW l Your child can Pye a great summer&W a fabulous fall! PICKERING 1105 Finch Avenue (at Dixie) 420-3141 LEARNING CENTRES® www.oxfordleaming.com Pickering Horse Centre Fine -t Oulduur Hurw thus. Facilities Summer t Camp �^t � • C.. �` Registration Beginners to Advanced •30 acres • 3 outdoor rings If Hunter & Jumper Courses • Indoor riding area with onlooking lounge • Qualified Instructors Call for more information 649-1342 00" • saw AUDLEY ROAD STABLES ARF -011i & GEF. el=bff Summer 14 Horse OF Camp • A complete horse experience • Children age 7 & up • Explore riding & working with safe, well-trained horses & ponies • Qualified & friendly stable conveniently located in Ajax. COME VISIT US SOON can 686-4641 for info. L 'How kdt nAy Ia ayisr nand' C If your child's marks at school are not what you hoped, use the summer to improve them. At Oxford, we have basic and advanced programs, individually created to improve: reading spelling = .. writing study skills math organization -„ O'Leary's School of Drama priw4e r in dFt•ark f Ars*. TAe niv well Fline for •les S m A&db. M71"i4 St., Pietserls.a, ON, I.1 W JW l Your child can Pye a great summer&W a fabulous fall! PICKERING 1105 Finch Avenue (at Dixie) 420-3141 LEARNING CENTRES® www.oxfordleaming.com Pickering Horse Centre Fine -t Oulduur Hurw thus. Facilities Summer t Camp �^t � • C.. �` Registration Beginners to Advanced •30 acres • 3 outdoor rings If Hunter & Jumper Courses • Indoor riding area with onlooking lounge • Qualified Instructors Call for more information 649-1342 00" • saw AUDLEY ROAD STABLES ARF -011i & GEF. el=bff Summer 14 Horse OF Camp • A complete horse experience • Children age 7 & up • Explore riding & working with safe, well-trained horses & ponies • Qualified & friendly stable conveniently located in Ajax. COME VISIT US SOON can 686-4641 for info. L 'How kdt nAy Ia ayisr nand' C AIP PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 23, 1999 'moi +y Vn efi2r a �w . i-�.�_ . I i Redpath Sugar 2 kg Limit 2 per family Saturday, June 26, 1999 only must be at least 18 years old Brand Name Apple Juice f. Marshmallows ,p -I Baby Food Assorfad Heinz & Gerber Tropicana Orange Juice Feminine Sanitary Pads or 00 Toblerone Chocolate s4 -99 a0 Dairy, Grocedw0 a Fresh Foods 11 I'll 1i Brand Name Crackers 69 C 225 grams or tt Kellogg's Corn Flakes Soft Drinks i f0 Jam t E Montclair Water Jz , 00 • Brock Road (Pickering) - just north of Hwy. JIM �• every Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m. - 5 pm. • tree parking • for vendor and general inquires, call (905) 427-0750 • great food & entertainment • new pub • child care centre • rock climbing well • www.pickeringmarkefs.com 11110 a NJ KI I f [1 I:1 t1 1 'r �rr PICI� Caledc 11110 a NJ KI I f [1 I:1 t1 1 'r �rr BOOK YOUR BOOTH ' NOW FOR THE 3"° ANNUAL SHOW Sat. f3 Sun., I 44 E-1 44 August 28th 0 29th Children's programs. Educational Services, Health &Fitness Clubs, Career Training &more. CO SPONSORS - T AEKWO*'O ��, O W MLL,1416-284-8861 1w ,. aN d 1.7309 UIN 1 �'Ki1M10 at7-2�Z8 L ar (ho Cwwaan Centre For Grappling Arts rfWMwing 420.640 337-2839 AIAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 For more details call Chris 683-51 10 KI TON RD. HELD AT: 401 m fa UP, CO SPONSORS - T AEKWO*'O ��, O W MLL,1416-284-8861 1w ,. aN d 1.7309 UIN 1 �'Ki1M10 at7-2�Z8 L ar (ho Cwwaan Centre For Grappling Arts rfWMwing 420.640 337-2839 AIAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 For more details call Chris 683-51 10 N ► PAGE 14 NEwlt ADVEM16ER, WEDNESDAY tE01Tl0K iww 22, Im d Sp o rts- &L EIS URE NEWS ADVERTISER JUNE 23. 199- 9 - Soccer thends take the pitch from U.S. schools Pickering pair on scholarships to American universities BY AL R1VE7T fourth place in the novice Sports Editor choice before settling on Devils Trampoline and the Savannah College of PICKERING — Two Art and Design where she Pickering friends playing will study photography and on the same soccer club painting while playing for this year will go their cepa- the Bees. She was also rate wavy this summer on courted Mthe NCAA Divi - scholarships to different sion 1 soccer programs at southern U.S. schools. the University of Massa - Erica Gajewski, 20, will chusetts and at Xavier Uni- play at the National Colle- versity in Ohio. The Geor- giate Athletic Association gia college won out be - Division III level with the cause of its full scholarship Savannah College of Art offer, along with its acade- and Design in Savannah. mic program. The hot cli- Georgia. mate also helped her make Meanwhile. Natalie up her mind. Higgins. 20, will suit up for "The girls were great the Palm Beach Atlantic down there and obviously College women's soccer the weather.- says Gajews- team which competes in ki "Savannah offered me the Florida Sun Conference the best scholarship. - of the National Association Meanwhile, Higgins of Intercollegiate Athletics. says Palm Beach Atlantic Gajewski and Higgins College is a perfect fit for are currently playing mid- her. field positions with the "The weather's part of Rexdale Elite women's it.- says Higgins, an OAC soccer team which com- grad from Pine Ridge Sec- petes in one of the top ondary School who'll study leagues in the province. photography and graphic But. both arc anxious to design in Florida. "But. get their collegiate soccer they started the women's careers under way. soccer program at the `I can't wait to go. school four years ago, and That's what I've wanted to they're going to be moving do all my life. I'm just hop- up to Division 11 soon. ing 1 can live up to their That's another reason I standards.- says Gajewski, wanted to go." an OAC graduate from Both are expected to be Dunharton High School. impact players with their Adds Higgins "It's a respective collegiate great opportunity that I've squads when the season be - been given. There are lots Of people who say they gifts in August. Gajewski will start workouts in Geor- could have gone, but never gia in mid-August while went. I didn't want to be Higgins will begin prac- one of those people. I still ticcs earlier in the month► can't believe it. It still has- -My coach has definite- n't completely hit me yet.- ly told me that I'll be on the Gajewski had a tough starting line. I want to Air Devils are tramp champs PICKERING — Local fourth place in the novice trampolinists from the Air girls' division, and Megan Devils Trampoline and Ogle was fifth. Gymnastics Centre of Pick- Kounney Monaghan ering bounced onto the was second in beginner podium after a strong Showing at a competition in girls' category, and Kcrn Harris finished fourth. Richmond Hill Saturday, The athletes are coached June 19. by Pickering resident and The meet was held at former men's world junior Skyriders in Richmond champion Ben Snape. In Hill, the training centre for addition to his coaching the Canadian national duties, Snape recently fin - trampoline team. The event fished competing in the was judged by national World Cup series and is team members. ranked 10th in the world. In the senior boys' tate- He is a member of Cana - gory, Matthew Sharp cap- da's national team and is tured first -place honours currently training for the and Evan Pelan finished 2000 Olympics, where mond• trampoline will be a medal The senior girls' event sport for the first time. was won by Alexandra Van For more information, Steen. contact the gym at 839 - Megan Boduck captured 2190. P&W to LOW to Ml erfise! Free In -Home Estimate *O.A.C. Free Prograatauble Thermostat With Each Order�/gy 5 Yrs. Parts & Labour Warranty CLASSIC COOLING L HEATING 628 Kent street, Unit B,WNtby (905)4 Ajax/Pickenng OVER 50 YEARSE ---- make an immediate impact with the team:' says Gajewski. going to be a starter too;' adds Higgins. "Basically, they want me to help the team and he an im- pact player. I'm hoping that 1 can bring the team up to another level" Success has been no stranger to either Gajewski or Higgins during their soc- cer careers. Their Rexdale women's team sits in first place in the provincial league standings. Last year, they helped the team to a second -place finish in the Ontario championships. They also played together in Erin Mills in 1997 where they competed at the provincial and nationallev- els. While at Dunbarton. Gajewski played on two Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics champi- onship teams in 1997 and 1998 and the provincial ti- tlists in 1997. Both started out playing as youngsters in the Picker- ing Soccer Club. TO ANDREW 1WANOWSKI/ News Advertiser photo Erica Gajewski, left, and Natalie Higgins will head to the southern U.S. on soccer scholarships this fall. I �" Pe c1-) to selected items stomu;ide RN SAVE UP TO AN ADDMONAL 50% 40% off all permanently reduced women's and men's fashions, women's lingerie and sleepwear. 50% off • men's casual spring and summer outerwear • regular price of Soft Touch towels 40% off • Vanity Fair hosiery, tights and trouser socks • men's spring and summer sports coats and dress pants 25% to 50% off all previously reduced fashion jewellery, handbags and fashion accessories. 30% off • all swimwear for women, men and kids • all shorts for women, men and kids • all men's ties and hosiery 25% off . • regular -priced designer bed fashions from Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica & Esprit • all non -electric frypans, skillets, saut6 pans, stir fry and grill pans r NO TAXI • on all women's, men's and children's shoes and athletic footwear.— More great deals in store. EATONIS Times have changed. 'S"rW are On the original hcM W wKe unws otherwaie sWified. sale offers cannot be cmidned. Osler awludes Warehouse Stores and CMnrance f antras. •• Emiudes rWur-pncw stores by Stuart. Yw Spite, and fedi. s""N"; selected reVIN-WICSd shoes by Easy Spirit, Enm k96, a and nine West. 'Eaton's w+ll deduct tha squlwlent of the PST and GST frorn the total purchase price. Personal shappirq Onix Sale offers good lune 24th to June 27th only umess otherwise specified. TSE r f)(&9 Re Ayifl AN '� �� _ • FE,rfTd/iPEENTf�PT,t�PDY!ll�' !� �ri,�►E � 100!!/.P. BN�Ar'y'/�'ld... � v t e met �s • srIV AK PM&MC/,fMM � 801MNE.PB& fnfnl w.kaw. D/NNEiP.S'PEC/siC.S'�br Na tttuw n u.lii NEW !/ /. P. S'POJPTs rPECT/ONS (tel lien 8e1lh d Mrly, Wen Of Orw& flied) %7 IMngb= Rd.- Pklreaine I A 'IVY W"" AOttEWMR, WEMES"Y MnM, ,tun• 23, 1"9 PAGE IS P Just Desserts squad fit to be tied q with Concord Storage in tennis Court's back in session for top teen players in Pickering 17s league s PICKERING — Just Desserts is giving other tennis teams their edging out Subway -Pickering 3-2. Meanwhile, in the Head Titani- Butler 1-6. 6-'_ and 7-1 to girl.' In matches between Just Tennis .t just desserts on the court in recent Pickering 17% League um win over Subway. singles. Desserts and Concord Storage (Head Titanium Tennis players arc Team captains are Ashley Junes Desserts play. The tennis league, which fea- (Just players are listed listed first), T.K. Butler outhit (Just Desserts). Chris Pennington first), Anne Sterling and Conor Ryan Kaufman 6-I. 6-2 in boys' (Concord Storage), Dave Ochotta tures many of the top under -16 and under -1 S players from Pickering. Speirs defeated Catalina Gonzalez singles. In mixed doubles. Max (Head Titanium Tennis) and Alvaro and Ken Hand 6-4, 6-2 in mixed 7clenine and Jonathan Crossley Gonzalez (Subway -Pickenng). The Ajax and east Scarborough, has taken to the courts again this sum- doubles. However, Jemine Caner played hard, but lost the second league's directed by Pickering com- was unable to keep up the momen- match in a tic -breaker to Sylvia plex pro Dave (")Ita. mer for Sunday afternoon play. r After three weeks of play, Just Desserts tum as Alana Carere defeated Gonzalez and J. Kaufman. 7elc- Teams compete throughout the Carter 64, 6-0 in girls' singles. nine defeated Andrew Arwneault spring and summer in weekly remains on the top of the league standings after playing to a Mike Seli tied Riley Speirs 3-6, 6- by default in the second boys' sin- matches at the Glendale. Wcst 0 in boys' singles. Jay Canlas and gles match. Robin Speirs was Rouge. Dunmoore and Sandy 2-2 tic against Concord Storage. Meanwhile Head Tta T Daniel Morgan were tied as well 3- edged out in a tic -breaker by Cory Beach Tennis Clubs. h i A.J. GROF.N/ Nr Is Advertiser photo [eyes the pitch '(ening pitcher Dana Loughlin gets set to deliver hall to the plate during a novice select girls' con - against the Whithv Lightning Saturday Pickering 17-4. 77re game was played at lroquois Park in thy ids can show eir ball skills Sundav PICKERING - Local players W put their i11s on display I he Honda 11 Run and hn�w Baseball I, i l 1. Competi- Dn at Picker - Ig , Brock idov Park this Originally hcduled for tturday. June the date of c event has en changed by ganizers to inday, June Hosted by the tckcnng Base - all Associa- on, the compe- u)n is for chil- rcn aged six to 3 years. It be - ins at 9:30 a.m. Since its in- eption, the Hit, un and Throw aseball Skills ompetition has rown to in- olve 46,000 articipants ross the coun- at more than sites. Top perform- s, to be deter- bined by to- talling the indi- ridual's best scores in the hree skill cate- gories, qualify 'or a regional :vent and then a wovincial final. rhe top partici- tant from each tge category at he provincial ompetition is hen invited to ttend the na- ional final and Toronto Blue ays' game at ikyDome on iept. 18. Each partici- ,ant will receive pennant signed ,y the Toronto Ilue Jays, per- onal progress ard, a souvenir fooda poster, a ackage of base - all cards and a Lin -filled (Jay of erticipation in Ire competition. To register or r more infor- .ation call Gra- �,anm George at :r mum enms , 6-2 by Ryan and Jason Muszyn- has moved into third place after ski in boys' doubles. 2nd ANWAl, FACTORY SCALE Friday, Jtme 25 9 am. to 5 pm. �t SPS Saturday, June 26 9 am. to 3 pm. 0 pRI�HOP LEARN TO BUIL) o - 20% discoarrt an showroom samples A - 10% die r n - rt on comm dribs obs zfree drib Ruing, and a bw sand wedge o - Extra diso- I an ahvWy lowwed 2 l n dr ivas, ere. - Diso wft on selected driver heads, RAYLEr yy� a w 2t"'S Phone: 428-1551 e 1xm CNr"witii Rd. UnM 239, Pkiwl Tols [wok Road wu1h d loyMy. �W Awesome Baskets & Sifts 704 Harwood Ave. . Ajax - CloverRadgc "a 686-2334 Beanies from 6.99 Pillow Pals 14.99 & up0 NOWIN Maple, Fuzz. Halo Millennium, Kicks, Princess + more f" "SPECIAL - HOPE- 9.99 ENTER TO WIN FREE MAPLE Conte e.M sw the co..OMe invr oPTy-o•oeucts An Authorized Dealer L I 1 i1f/i •71 I Sale PrIC88 i111 Iffers oil hilly, Jill 27,1!!!, wile quititles list "wri pil'tlalt Stta wbdLttn •n0utr grar•tbtu GSr 6 PSr�011a lar taadatar pb "wP elle Stat n/ aWdat amaAepr�nr b hG6T /Ona lttr OuttaePdoe M arMreAppy b mI - fele h Sty a fkbl * w X= m rad M* b Pe W htipacer aad aatnMRAd•q', bg•atr', Gaya IOtYP td tisbdrot• ad toaboAtf rit•rA• Mhdo•canatgt kVW ab 3W J2k Pt►tew br atm hAtt0. iMlltr ptosdl to l elaMotr b)0. natbn ado dtta tG t a dthetr ad nairrsuace apm. loges. Exceed rtWWra* QW1Wpet•tr"offUMMOOMtawnbdnYe01nhr1eRr0.Lie25bSatma,t9Pt1SpsagpmdtmsAltlendlfbiMIbar6e�etra•atpea0.f•tlrnEttp•aetrObhreitetoaeeAaaEaatewsPo• 6eeaKeama•14genat t�ht r attl nestle h ortOtMd•t (bra Itmdawe rid anr0le h •r (i•r•d s>!.e s wloatr rw. romr hee•w sls•c arleee up ae too tnww n � sweaty er ea Npo"1799 Come see the many sides of SearsrM Copyright 1999. Soon Canodo Int. ; till �t SPS I 1 i1f/i •71 I Sale PrIC88 i111 Iffers oil hilly, Jill 27,1!!!, wile quititles list "wri pil'tlalt Stta wbdLttn •n0utr grar•tbtu GSr 6 PSr�011a lar taadatar pb "wP elle Stat n/ aWdat amaAepr�nr b hG6T /Ona lttr OuttaePdoe M arMreAppy b mI - fele h Sty a fkbl * w X= m rad M* b Pe W htipacer aad aatnMRAd•q', bg•atr', Gaya IOtYP td tisbdrot• ad toaboAtf rit•rA• Mhdo•canatgt kVW ab 3W J2k Pt►tew br atm hAtt0. iMlltr ptosdl to l elaMotr b)0. natbn ado dtta tG t a dthetr ad nairrsuace apm. loges. Exceed rtWWra* QW1Wpet•tr"offUMMOOMtawnbdnYe01nhr1eRr0.Lie25bSatma,t9Pt1SpsagpmdtmsAltlendlfbiMIbar6e�etra•atpea0.f•tlrnEttp•aetrObhreitetoaeeAaaEaatewsPo• 6eeaKeama•14genat t�ht r attl nestle h ortOtMd•t (bra Itmdawe rid anr0le h •r (i•r•d s>!.e s wloatr rw. romr hee•w sls•c arleee up ae too tnww n � sweaty er ea Npo"1799 Come see the many sides of SearsrM Copyright 1999. Soon Canodo Int. ; MP PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Juno 23,1999 WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 23 ALZHEIMER: Alzheimer Durham hosts an Ajax support gawp riveting at 7:30 p.m. at 497 Westriev Rd. S.. Units 19 and 20 (at Cletrtents Rd. W.). Ajax. All caregivers welcome. 576- 2567 ( Kon). COMPUTERS: Macintosh Users East (MaUai) meets tont 7.311 to 9:30 p -in at the EDS offices (third floor of pang Tower) in the Walntart plata. 1615 Dundas St- F. at'Mickson Rd . \k1whv. Bernard Becker of Apple Canada will discuss new products and strtegic.. 433- 0777 (24-hour message line). E-mail Mac- wast(didirect.ca or lug on to MaU,E First Class BBS at 905-404-9573. MUSEUM VILLAGE.: 11e Pickering Muse- um VillagC FOundauon holds its first annual general meeting at 7 p.m. in the auditorium at BILLBOARD JUNE 23, 1999 the Pickenng Centrad Library. One 'lite Es- planade. Former museum village advisory committee member and chaimt:m Gwen Mow- bray discusses the history of the ntuseunt ytl ]age. Members of the public are invited it, at- tend and discuss the foundation's agenda, and to juin de I)undation for an annual tax-de- ductible membership fie of $25. 939-3672 CONCERT: An evening outdoor concert of c,mtcntlxirary talk music by the group Brook- field is ull'cred at 7 p.m. in the gaichi at Es- planade Park. behind the Pickering Civic Com- plex. Free Appropriate fur all ages. Take hlan- kcts or law n chairs. 420 4620. THURSDAY, JUNE 24 DROP-IN: 11w Ajax North Drop -In Centre is ofl'erLd to Parents and caregiver and children aged lour and under on Tuesdays. Wednesdays and'Mursdays from 9 to 1 I a.m. at the River - breeze Community ('cntrc. Richards Lane. Plav, circle time. snacks, crafts (tis both chil- dren and caregivers). Trips, guest speakers. Wheelchair accessible. llie group breaks fur summer on June 24 and reconvenes in Septem- ber. 429-."17 (Darlene Walkcr). RESUMTS: Pickering YMCA Employment Services, in Partnership with the Town of Pick- enng. holds a free resume critiquing session for youth aged 16 to 24 years who are out of work and not returning to school in September. Drop in from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex. I S67 Valley Farm Rd., lower con- course area. Crusader's Hr� located near LindsaY Sporlts Can Swimming Lessons Youth Camp ages 7 to 13: July 4-31 $169 per wee Teen Camp ages 13 to 17:Aug. 1-7 s2 19 per week 'Cull Eger: (877) 979-9990 www.1,cminl1.ca 'crusaders We're online at www.durhamnews.net For the final weekend of The Marr Of Zero Event LL you may now buy all the furniture, appliances anW - electronics you want to make your home mucho b e aut�ful and--- Pay nd___ Z"O3r CAJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER 1AASSIFIElb DIAMOND INSTITUTE Durham Region's Lead I ing IT Certificaflon College %lead Packaging (Canadat I,I-Itcd, I dl%'Ili,,n ,t the %lvad Corporation, is a Fortune 500 COMpdny and a ,oder in the North American Packaging Industry. As a ­�iilt of continued growth, we are -set-king a pro active .Tid results oriented professional to join our main- -, II.Ince team at our Ajax facility. ELECTRICAL LEAD HAND Qualifications are: I icenwd industrial cleLtrician with 3-5 yr-.,. exp. as a lead hand or supervisor Ability to work in a Team environment Stron Iectronics/PILC/Servo's & computer skills Fxcelfl�t organ izationa 1, interpersonal & communication skills (" VMS experience would be an asset, k%e are,,an equal opportunity employer and offer a ,I,mpeti vecomperisation package. %%v thank everyorse who applies but only those selected t,,r interviews will be contacted. Pleasc- -.end your resume or a I ' Lpg in person at: Mead Packaging (Ca a Limited Human Resources 281 Fairall St., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 1117 Fax (905) 683-5032 OUR HOME ReakientiaW a Rairspifirto sairrokes requirshe A Program Co-Ordinaltor A. XA HOME 1 -4 alk RD allial to Ed vork r ft MY' I 'I wmdoluol lot NPWON)I*W-dbt l=@NlDft8MGIDR=trftm* MOOMQUALF"TM. ONOTTYR&D" In a soca science; ** spook W*wwp of coview cove I " to OfOlk eam" with v*mw bold wiv. . tarrides. on. pwwom coffff" aid Dow g , - Attiely to pov* *s*WV Will in a clonge omoimm A ve ationg I , and , g Oft F g, in' onspla Piano Eg inawwiwmpw PWm oL4mk r*Kwnn by June 30, IM to: HOME P4wdw*w & If 5: swvwm Ul $Mr-scr*M Mmd OWW^m, OM LIK M H WPM S, An: Mr. Rolialk OUR 0400 Willuirift to Diem at MM) $70,340 ISO 9000 UNIPLENIEN'TATION ASSISTXNTS Inimcchaft Contract position. Must have experience in ISO a -mating procedures, work IN RIO impliertientation, T, a instructions. IN Tnd have technical winting skills. Excellent communt"icin killsand organiz4fionall skills are a must. C LA S S IIAI -ED CUSTOMER SERVICE �neclx ad upon their Djbl,cabon as News Ad- -Irser will riot be W soorruble fix more Man :,e Incorrect insertion i -d Iffithe shal be no IT - ANY for non -insertion -1 any advertisement ability fix errors in ads I mftd to Me amount �d for the space OCCU. -,ng the error All Copy SUOI 10 the Apollo - of marnagernent of L %eirs Afterthser .0UNIIEN SOONER -1 I o1i,­1 -�, -11, ,-ling Qx"W', LIMIT 8NY1 " 42? -8612 whNniff a and3li. WWR .qP.W 428-9698 plu ICE CENERES Thick In"' to be 2� j,"', aid W-41ID-91177 W 905. ,it 245; DWOM A POLPM Thlad :11 a Par' 1- IV -rit; ."" 1011eniA, 2", ­NNI W hor = ., ithe 9.50- (905 DRMRS 1. ""INN ",,,encNa � J , 1.1 Ifift Plaaaacal 432-3M7 (9-5 Pill) se,, sm. am. nk afteark"I 0- likkike ssia a gow sobowd ll�� .. IT W OPHI a Sm 50 PW &16 oft MW -a 00 L59 2% act 00( YEN Pa.". --al. Sow � D, k4ft IBM 10 wmw� = Collins f2w PtI III-" An w 1. Dow" ov� tu us no Ph" PWM cian .~ Rliax, OW as, ri,ti-ed ti,,fall corro.1=1Z am am -A 08= sol -1 , emw� low �Nxck West, W Mmmmft =r= .N. we cwroft a "M Pick. a" am ~ "ftowow �, *= hi, 4--W PWV-Ww I-ew ��wo ExploKWAD ISTS xiihiiii] 'a, I Arll� IT 111.11.0 fxuv.� ­� . I. -Ala" CIO IkNS0 ,-Ulfo '"23-5437 EKFIIUEWAD housk""M ,,kxfi­ -hiled r� NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNEMMY EDITION. June 23, I"SPAGE 17 AlIFY To Plam Your Ad Call. 683-0707 G-- -G--,* sawilssialkliker, AWENTION EMPLOYERS! Make your hiring decisions simple and reduce your payroll costs flow d4f, you benefit? Wage ubidy Employment specialists who will Saw recruitment time and match your company s needs advertising costs with the workers knowledge and screening of all job referrals skills tit �our business You have the final hiring decision An employer friendly profc-ional streamlined smice Ourongoing commitment to ensure your mlisfactum (Imt2cl us At 0)(A) "21-3093 JOB (�ONNF('T is funded by the I overnmirnt of ()mano Business Advisory Centre Durham 13 seeking a ausin. Information Officer 0 no Year Contract eased in Whilby your fOCUS in this PoSiton will be to assist start-up businesses to obtain information on .gistrahon. traincing. business plan preparation. ac - Counting, marketing and legislation ExCephonal Cont, f1hur"Calition. computer skills are essential Tiffany you 11 have a unryerssipcollege degree in business andil)r related business experience in ine above Interested Applicants should forward resume to: Manager. Business Advisory Cantrif Durham 1601 Hopkins St. S WITTY Oat. L1 N 9111111 Or Fax 905-665_4m We thank all applicants for showing an interest in this position; however, only candidates sekTted for an Interview will be contacted. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to Nhom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. It the advertiser is one of five names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes first are taxed directly to Oshawa This Week. will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals mug be sent directly as isdicsted by Ow instructions in the ad. WHITBY TOYOTA ry ��mc `�rt (lea k.? VVr rrmii?r F TIECKNICL%N FOR OUR EXPRESS LUSE ILAT Full time Soinne evenings and Saturda '. I. .7identiall interview Call 4905) b68 792 Or Fax Restanne to (905) 430-7874 Ask for Debbie UEATERY OPE % .E.. W. CA, a W A 111 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE OUR GOOD FOOD AND LOW PRICES KEEP US BUSY WE NEED MORE FULLTIME COOKS EXPERIENCE ONLY. WE START OUR COOKS AT $12 HR. APPLY IN PERSON 9-11 A.M. OR 3-5 P.M. (905) 839-2507 1 SCARSOR3UM _LABEL COMPANy SALES REM LUCX Sivirtallon 1, S.017 ." e"Musafne so & �hlppirxg Supply ConigWy u nkK Soles Pereon Is arling Iguexpand its fraf, P"Jar he"xi �, salles a s4ahrkh"N,Vx,N, 40 WA Insin T=rfye _1"_ package f J�lq;,,rrhe "'2" Neaffe, fax fesurne �,Iin Rear Mo " a Poll 416-293-6561 alk,hg '517Y In ind �I' I were, an u no "C"han .11 ,-,n pro. 11 Tied ma", i'll, 1. M".. Plem Ia. 1.1-Inhe Ia UNIQUE OPPORTUNI T 1111'er, ply 11-'u" mi,rig boruws Expecled "M21".1rig S�Oleniohuls P needed Trade �,Clh�$! Intentahmae Inc 46-41 21" EXPERIENCED 'uck d'-, x1l' r �1 -11 PeTurnes %a MI. hdfa� 913 Nixii Ad I far 2)(9 or ON BEKAVE1. , j, !, in ,, FIBERGLASS Truck cap hon. ,N] I Croxnt, ft, Droanry S- He", S~ Hill, 11 1 No- ma - '-d �1,111119 IDT- requires hxr, 110T 4n aM Benefits net ft �ww let muo .01% PYll yot'h The Opposite se. �alr Feely S 4161335-4246 OSHAWA COMPANY 00-g - -,a ^�­,. 00eratrrs 1101,s; Posses$ excellent Typing. COMmuthicardin and &131hruraff Skills 'lln-vall. ea'. ­ssage of,ly qualified appi,canIS at be contacted PATOTER .-1 fail My L-ftq & stilippingniquired ­Ihf, effirithner, must be 00 10 Clean Proof AN Pam Print -0 sup� Phr, To 01" to PYM =Lld 185 �kkhift St LTG AS �,- 905 - PART TWE A�WNIFTICIAAI v,1, uassu, 'n,,aarst need. ,,C Apply . , it ; A:, O�S I *E0 2-W I- ONE Ittadi PK)I Hourly wage he, raw uport evenerce CA zt L Picke,rig 905-428- 1373 or fax nuthe to 1905)425-7376 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS GENERAL LABOLtRElt ,;Par i0rA4N0,h PCker% hily 'at'? - piece work partial Experience DWMCTSHOPPOG WANTS 11-111! -,14172 7790 Fleatl PIT noun Earn Cub Trarokly No whall. Parba. MLM 09 Inv 91 Car requared r9101 427-01114 Och-&'Nhfty (905� 686-13" US TILEMONETING CO fl- -711C '011�,­ liffil 'k 4Q.4111, �_Inlln E.C~ 91C tionefin, a" is% Case P" W hisms, PICURIOG FLOWER $MOO '117-11 1-1 ­_ r- 1 to T I � . am =,1111 W! 0733 1�, woher posabol, Call l7amishen ("S) 420-6704 �U%1011 ESTINTA-,R leDarrinew must uke excellent cortiliffer 'w"s am De able !a ft&Tft .Ndxew taw Nm tax Im" Vainkine, all" 'I'D at I 'y E,9Eo5 OVERNM NOR -hairs: "­.nCed _ , , eW. .4 "'AaMon at 'cliOn, And fail. $too own kwtom REPLAUMENT Wll$DCIW I- ID., 1I.P` -0 � _� J0. )o -Lait- un, iaxhi anal 0~. mw~ 10 Yrs frilikinvice Good par Sfta&, xOrk 0- hatils ", And 11-1-Pormow Fklk.- "T I. -W can (105141:33- 75" LtOILOCK LTD. a Weft Varit am our protect I AW by g� WKUAN -dV" 1: cww" so" lic O.I&AK I" Ivil .."k, ant mr4m full I- Im th- pav um -w� 0 El PENN% .-.it W 111�. -1 ldv.OM" ..,;­ Tap C-nvaese paid Pot dialf, W ogwou �Trikakry CA (9051-r2o- 34 " ITT, = 9, is. �, to _,Mxp, !!NDWICH .41C Sus mm 111"19M 7 A. Thin ­­ ;AS Tanes, Nd I" W Gm to ow .4� too M Is oc~ WONNNINNI oft am .00 No will havir , M wosta,# at Puts mm"sbA :rodaft, " of ineg, Amins, 04 "" 10 PoT a ft. Olson in . grixii, am&, -zoo rand ."Neft to Im CW.Wft -,ad Picks. OPIUM Live -9 Tax 905, 427 2SM 0- Ool'AL ADONIST4ATOR 11. 1 . - 111.1 - SOLES MO $WE$ 0 � A� ". an P -N 3- . -P -W - Villiv am C* Pa. as a ideal plaim� Ift P.O.& I.Reff NN SIR receae, "-ftwa^ low Sastakes 'VOWIWMM am palft had eqk~ Visa r" - � co ft �.Ili 'AMD.& I= 's,7SIS Su�4 ion, - afto- 4* - �'­M =ft .4 3ax, SA114iCL do Its 0 Schw $%am Car To - 1. IM tok� Am. P,,fannit, call 4lSTB1-,X9n xN_ $T%TM .4 . dwK :Q uw if �� W moww" Pit "W an, --Sp-Aw .0 0. V ,.Tus P%m = clTI -ftm 0 104 Mo PROGRESSIVE M"NTt" �eskxhq r:A :. afatiat �a JLt, Z­;�711 '­�v JKJ�Irl 2WO On ,hm 416-M 1 1 nod k%g W~ "a '= ' , or 1051 IP: PO VtO1RS I,, It Fe. (905) msm 0 ose )'I R4 Anift ii a - a _117, - TAXI am i Vai D- Id AM Liver" Rd allies, apply lur y TIRE unic Straturve posguon:. pospose fax your -11ITIMJILUUT PROFESSIONAL a restuarse to W_ .72'1.3339. No Phone Calls Please. as COMPUTER PROGRAMMERANALYST 4wrt Ai" C;a, phramild -M.1crL.S= CP 011,1111= =111.21 ==0 M.0 ft" evwwu skills. Specialize In developing programs in Access. Visual Best shdVISUSIC... 04ir DAYCARE STARTED rey COMPUTER SERNICEINETWORK ENGINEER Ia �mwu CAN 6"thraknis Friday W5� T9_67 I 6, "Tell Prepare for A+, Novell CNA & CNE and Microsoft MCSE certification in 10 months. On any given day there are COMPUTER SERVICE TECHNICIAN about 25,000 IT Jobs available in Canada. Are you prepared Prepare for A+ and Network Administration (Novell Or Microsoft) Certification In 5 months. for IT opportunities? Our June Tres1w crt. graduates have 100% a placement In related Jol so PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT Novelt ...... 11=1 797 goo. Part4gWVN Oft cwirsn Ovailiabe. A SCIND01 AtilrbortzedAcade" ic ROMETR[C Trainting 1rr)Rra N Elt rA 11-1 Y4FQIPF4 %lead Packaging (Canadat I,I-Itcd, I dl%'Ili,,n ,t the %lvad Corporation, is a Fortune 500 COMpdny and a ,oder in the North American Packaging Industry. As a ­�iilt of continued growth, we are -set-king a pro active .Tid results oriented professional to join our main- -, II.Ince team at our Ajax facility. ELECTRICAL LEAD HAND Qualifications are: I icenwd industrial cleLtrician with 3-5 yr-.,. exp. as a lead hand or supervisor Ability to work in a Team environment Stron Iectronics/PILC/Servo's & computer skills Fxcelfl�t organ izationa 1, interpersonal & communication skills (" VMS experience would be an asset, k%e are,,an equal opportunity employer and offer a ,I,mpeti vecomperisation package. %%v thank everyorse who applies but only those selected t,,r interviews will be contacted. Pleasc- -.end your resume or a I ' Lpg in person at: Mead Packaging (Ca a Limited Human Resources 281 Fairall St., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 1117 Fax (905) 683-5032 OUR HOME ReakientiaW a Rairspifirto sairrokes requirshe A Program Co-Ordinaltor A. XA HOME 1 -4 alk RD allial to Ed vork r ft MY' I 'I wmdoluol lot NPWON)I*W-dbt l=@NlDft8MGIDR=trftm* MOOMQUALF"TM. ONOTTYR&D" In a soca science; ** spook W*wwp of coview cove I " to OfOlk eam" with v*mw bold wiv. . tarrides. on. pwwom coffff" aid Dow g , - Attiely to pov* *s*WV Will in a clonge omoimm A ve ationg I , and , g Oft F g, in' onspla Piano Eg inawwiwmpw PWm oL4mk r*Kwnn by June 30, IM to: HOME P4wdw*w & If 5: swvwm Ul $Mr-scr*M Mmd OWW^m, OM LIK M H WPM S, An: Mr. Rolialk OUR 0400 Willuirift to Diem at MM) $70,340 ISO 9000 UNIPLENIEN'TATION ASSISTXNTS Inimcchaft Contract position. Must have experience in ISO a -mating procedures, work IN RIO impliertientation, T, a instructions. IN Tnd have technical winting skills. Excellent communt"icin killsand organiz4fionall skills are a must. C LA S S IIAI -ED CUSTOMER SERVICE �neclx ad upon their Djbl,cabon as News Ad- -Irser will riot be W soorruble fix more Man :,e Incorrect insertion i -d Iffithe shal be no IT - ANY for non -insertion -1 any advertisement ability fix errors in ads I mftd to Me amount �d for the space OCCU. -,ng the error All Copy SUOI 10 the Apollo - of marnagernent of L %eirs Afterthser .0UNIIEN SOONER -1 I o1i,­1 -�, -11, ,-ling Qx"W', LIMIT 8NY1 " 42? -8612 whNniff a and3li. WWR .qP.W 428-9698 plu ICE CENERES Thick In"' to be 2� j,"', aid W-41ID-91177 W 905. ,it 245; DWOM A POLPM Thlad :11 a Par' 1- IV -rit; ."" 1011eniA, 2", ­NNI W hor = ., ithe 9.50- (905 DRMRS 1. ""INN ",,,encNa � J , 1.1 Ifift Plaaaacal 432-3M7 (9-5 Pill) se,, sm. am. nk afteark"I 0- likkike ssia a gow sobowd ll�� .. IT W OPHI a Sm 50 PW &16 oft MW -a 00 L59 2% act 00( YEN Pa.". --al. Sow � D, k4ft IBM 10 wmw� = Collins f2w PtI III-" An w 1. Dow" ov� tu us no Ph" PWM cian .~ Rliax, OW as, ri,ti-ed ti,,fall corro.1=1Z am am -A 08= sol -1 , emw� low �Nxck West, W Mmmmft =r= .N. we cwroft a "M Pick. a" am ~ "ftowow �, *= hi, 4--W PWV-Ww I-ew ��wo ExploKWAD ISTS xiihiiii] 'a, I Arll� IT 111.11.0 fxuv.� ­� . I. -Ala" CIO IkNS0 ,-Ulfo '"23-5437 EKFIIUEWAD housk""M ,,kxfi­ -hiled r� NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNEMMY EDITION. June 23, I"SPAGE 17 AlIFY To Plam Your Ad Call. 683-0707 G-- -G--,* sawilssialkliker, AWENTION EMPLOYERS! Make your hiring decisions simple and reduce your payroll costs flow d4f, you benefit? Wage ubidy Employment specialists who will Saw recruitment time and match your company s needs advertising costs with the workers knowledge and screening of all job referrals skills tit �our business You have the final hiring decision An employer friendly profc-ional streamlined smice Ourongoing commitment to ensure your mlisfactum (Imt2cl us At 0)(A) "21-3093 JOB (�ONNF('T is funded by the I overnmirnt of ()mano Business Advisory Centre Durham 13 seeking a ausin. Information Officer 0 no Year Contract eased in Whilby your fOCUS in this PoSiton will be to assist start-up businesses to obtain information on .gistrahon. traincing. business plan preparation. ac - Counting, marketing and legislation ExCephonal Cont, f1hur"Calition. computer skills are essential Tiffany you 11 have a unryerssipcollege degree in business andil)r related business experience in ine above Interested Applicants should forward resume to: Manager. Business Advisory Cantrif Durham 1601 Hopkins St. S WITTY Oat. L1 N 9111111 Or Fax 905-665_4m We thank all applicants for showing an interest in this position; however, only candidates sekTted for an Interview will be contacted. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to Nhom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. It the advertiser is one of five names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes first are taxed directly to Oshawa This Week. will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals mug be sent directly as isdicsted by Ow instructions in the ad. WHITBY TOYOTA ry ��mc `�rt (lea k.? VVr rrmii?r F TIECKNICL%N FOR OUR EXPRESS LUSE ILAT Full time Soinne evenings and Saturda '. I. .7identiall interview Call 4905) b68 792 Or Fax Restanne to (905) 430-7874 Ask for Debbie UEATERY OPE % .E.. W. CA, a W A 111 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE OUR GOOD FOOD AND LOW PRICES KEEP US BUSY WE NEED MORE FULLTIME COOKS EXPERIENCE ONLY. WE START OUR COOKS AT $12 HR. APPLY IN PERSON 9-11 A.M. OR 3-5 P.M. (905) 839-2507 1 SCARSOR3UM _LABEL COMPANy SALES REM LUCX Sivirtallon 1, S.017 ." e"Musafne so & �hlppirxg Supply ConigWy u nkK Soles Pereon Is arling Iguexpand its fraf, P"Jar he"xi �, salles a s4ahrkh"N,Vx,N, 40 WA Insin T=rfye _1"_ package f J�lq;,,rrhe "'2" Neaffe, fax fesurne �,Iin Rear Mo " a Poll 416-293-6561 alk,hg '517Y In ind �I' I were, an u no "C"han .11 ,-,n pro. 11 Tied ma", i'll, 1. M".. Plem Ia. 1.1-Inhe Ia UNIQUE OPPORTUNI T 1111'er, ply 11-'u" mi,rig boruws Expecled "M21".1rig S�Oleniohuls P needed Trade �,Clh�$! Intentahmae Inc 46-41 21" EXPERIENCED 'uck d'-, x1l' r �1 -11 PeTurnes %a MI. hdfa� 913 Nixii Ad I far 2)(9 or ON BEKAVE1. , j, !, in ,, FIBERGLASS Truck cap hon. ,N] I Croxnt, ft, Droanry S- He", S~ Hill, 11 1 No- ma - '-d �1,111119 IDT- requires hxr, 110T 4n aM Benefits net ft �ww let muo .01% PYll yot'h The Opposite se. �alr Feely S 4161335-4246 OSHAWA COMPANY 00-g - -,a ^�­,. 00eratrrs 1101,s; Posses$ excellent Typing. COMmuthicardin and &131hruraff Skills 'lln-vall. ea'. ­ssage of,ly qualified appi,canIS at be contacted PATOTER .-1 fail My L-ftq & stilippingniquired ­Ihf, effirithner, must be 00 10 Clean Proof AN Pam Print -0 sup� Phr, To 01" to PYM =Lld 185 �kkhift St LTG AS �,- 905 - PART TWE A�WNIFTICIAAI v,1, uassu, 'n,,aarst need. ,,C Apply . , it ; A:, O�S I *E0 2-W I- ONE Ittadi PK)I Hourly wage he, raw uport evenerce CA zt L Picke,rig 905-428- 1373 or fax nuthe to 1905)425-7376 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS GENERAL LABOLtRElt ,;Par i0rA4N0,h PCker% hily 'at'? - piece work partial Experience DWMCTSHOPPOG WANTS 11-111! -,14172 7790 Fleatl PIT noun Earn Cub Trarokly No whall. Parba. MLM 09 Inv 91 Car requared r9101 427-01114 Och-&'Nhfty (905� 686-13" US TILEMONETING CO fl- -711C '011�,­ liffil 'k 4Q.4111, �_Inlln E.C~ 91C tionefin, a" is% Case P" W hisms, PICURIOG FLOWER $MOO '117-11 1-1 ­_ r- 1 to T I � . am =,1111 W! 0733 1�, woher posabol, Call l7amishen ("S) 420-6704 �U%1011 ESTINTA-,R leDarrinew must uke excellent cortiliffer 'w"s am De able !a ft&Tft .Ndxew taw Nm tax Im" Vainkine, all" 'I'D at I 'y E,9Eo5 OVERNM NOR -hairs: "­.nCed _ , , eW. .4 "'AaMon at 'cliOn, And fail. $too own kwtom REPLAUMENT Wll$DCIW I- ID., 1I.P` -0 � _� J0. )o -Lait- un, iaxhi anal 0~. mw~ 10 Yrs frilikinvice Good par Sfta&, xOrk 0- hatils ", And 11-1-Pormow Fklk.- "T I. -W can (105141:33- 75" LtOILOCK LTD. a Weft Varit am our protect I AW by g� WKUAN -dV" 1: cww" so" lic O.I&AK I" Ivil .."k, ant mr4m full I- Im th- pav um -w� 0 El PENN% .-.it W 111�. -1 ldv.OM" ..,;­ Tap C-nvaese paid Pot dialf, W ogwou �Trikakry CA (9051-r2o- 34 " ITT, = 9, is. �, to _,Mxp, !!NDWICH .41C Sus mm 111"19M 7 A. Thin ­­ ;AS Tanes, Nd I" W Gm to ow .4� too M Is oc~ WONNNINNI oft am .00 No will havir , M wosta,# at Puts mm"sbA :rodaft, " of ineg, Amins, 04 "" 10 PoT a ft. Olson in . grixii, am&, -zoo rand ."Neft to Im CW.Wft -,ad Picks. OPIUM Live -9 Tax 905, 427 2SM 0- Ool'AL ADONIST4ATOR 11. 1 . - 111.1 - SOLES MO $WE$ 0 � A� ". an P -N 3- . -P -W - Villiv am C* Pa. as a ideal plaim� Ift P.O.& I.Reff NN SIR receae, "-ftwa^ low Sastakes 'VOWIWMM am palft had eqk~ Visa r" - � co ft �.Ili 'AMD.& I= 's,7SIS Su�4 ion, - afto- 4* - �'­M =ft .4 3ax, SA114iCL do Its 0 Schw $%am Car To - 1. IM tok� Am. P,,fannit, call 4lSTB1-,X9n xN_ $T%TM .4 . dwK :Q uw if �� W moww" Pit "W an, --Sp-Aw .0 0. V ,.Tus P%m = clTI -ftm 0 104 Mo PROGRESSIVE M"NTt" �eskxhq r:A :. afatiat �a JLt, Z­;�711 '­�v JKJ�Irl 2WO On ,hm 416-M 1 1 nod k%g W~ "a '= ' , or 1051 IP: PO VtO1RS I,, It Fe. (905) msm 0 ose )'I R4 Anift ii a - a _117, - TAXI am i Vai D- Id AM Liver" Rd allies, apply lur y TIRE unic Straturve posguon:. pospose fax your EL a restuarse to W_ .72'1.3339. No Phone Calls Please. as � ,liollh.11 kWh P�l no Dauxt �.Iftcavxng CVh 4wrt Ai" C;a, phramild u 416) a Clicks M.0 ft" evwwu is 04ir DAYCARE STARTED rey 15 Ia �mwu CAN 6"thraknis Friday W5� T9_67 I 6, "Tell so -R-10-amm- 1,111"Ca, -1" taw -!69!21N. EXPERNINc AD lit CNN mn cap Axaft. 6611-5001) 905-&W-2 68 Tres1w crt. T,.,,. o a = Nwdy -M (905)_ so PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT CENT R omwwbam coiler NAOUTYUST 1140fal Tax 11=1 797 goo. Part4gWVN Oft cwirsn Ovailiabe. A SCIND01 Aw busy small Good Page, max 000� colexesuor, Must be elph, ASSISTANT AN .= Timed Ask for fund or Raoul 683-59, 1 U04a HARDWAM No 745 hUm s - so boy E.== N awall' pan bw opomw lam I, =4 MUDING CENIZZ, Milorksbury Rd Sea TOP DOLLARS PWI E.- OUC durfoln; ["wed Expen. Busy Skom requires _N PICKE&MG I kft of Jm. effort to nK*SSNV * train Safe and dean enwineeN, cam" aia"a" MWMW Hourly like carnsission And AIIIII THE UL goinaw cow law% cow. cum %at. Call The Pam 905 420 I lan's sharing FINE -it Pan AWAM & LUJII[11111111�1111 '10riclory Dr. C -pow bpa Nuft Wife plauttorts to, expentake stylists Trarking for Appren- fic". A"M CalwatThws� 9 041 & mw*g of Mao at- ASSWPXU Trilateral CO ()"" 4M) 90719" SAIM S7A" INNIS; - -*V. P- - 5.(905) rZ1492O. After Pffv"Ww4 & CASIUK" Sanolk Dr. Telixt &.0� FUU-nM miamm -wm. fix ow MUM W laskiredgir of bliflallon Full 1894 Requiled ITT, ion So whou, plus prok Plalwasta email AMft arid tanoom LiArnTuan S"� . I No S.11Y. it Canto, -wvw.. CINDY OR ("S) 11111131111"ll SUM No (905) 411 -CM "W sdool ,X M294W _ AUM=nVi PON! Prep HOUU cuum meow. - Sao" soomm Um Pek- �� ;Z�, NAkRsEYuST wurru Ci� SCHM OF FL ma be Our 01 Savo Good OPPMO."-" Ch- - -"4d to am Dan sea AL OESIGN 26 wt �M & felt a War ..40wwv Cal =-hao mom MOT 4wrt Ai" C;a, phramild u 416) a Clicks W -M CAB 10 571-1331 kla-F. I law3p. CREEK 04ir DAYCARE STARTED rey tiLEALMORTM Mowed FULL RavensCroft Rd. -R-10-amm- 1,111"Ca, -1" taw -!69!21N. TV Do" Oil" E�nkg vark Ecoom herselfaiss" CNN mn cap Axaft. 6611-5001) 905-&W-2 68 Tres1w crt. _111 wefir- call 2" loom -M To Can for Daily wimi am EOUPWM 111111MALLM Call V 4264479 Oak TV 11=1 797 goo. Part4gWVN Oft cwirsn Ovailiabe. A SCIND01 ATTENTION - a" SkdMts 16. Will OMMOTS, Lo- I= NLWS ADVMTUM is W" for prospects; to delliVer newspapens and ;,,low are" SL Nellson Am. Beech St Beaty Rd. Ehm St. Codw St. Brockman C;res. eowws Crt. WIN 111 AL OESIGN 26 wt �M & mm 00 4wrt Ai" C;a, phramild DOW" Dr. - -C- &Omu PMgfaN*; in, Cal Flablan CO-MWW Or to = own Cal for FULL RavensCroft Rd. -R-10-amm- prograls: .3 rn= caurst: 'I- 6arn 1. Old uw 9 IE.00= CNN mn cap Axaft. 6611-5001) st,,utt%ill�. Tres1w crt. ru,st north (A -ScouftviLk Fica Markict -W how VON; eoprmm pro. Can for Daily wimi am EOUPWM 111111MALLM GIN Cres. !VTNERS HELPER heflumal goo. Part4gWVN Oft cwirsn Ovailiabe. A SCIND01 ATTENTION - a" SkdMts 16. Will OMMOTS, Lo- WIO" da., HN;RNIMNIZ AbmAo"bgmL-. W_ tion experience Home Ave. Walsh St. ASSISTANT AN .= IN firs h. 41 ..10 fult Truck -M P -V MR.. 011,1=1ky2=�_ PKWERNG - so boy E.== N awall' pan bw opomw lam I, fdcesa%w - 6r, to be do 061 Ask its OGY& WUCk CaM too ASIA$. Milorksbury Rd Rafthencin reftned PEON AC1=777 sm No exparkince Tom- kft of Jm. ::Ztehfioturs 05&LUY based on experience VftstMWO Blvd Infe Yiers Com� Ser-ift esperift. THE UL goinaw cow law% cow. cum %at. am in� vwm Mum fill paution, by Thensue. *MR WATO Its ciuw 5 OViork in Dahom Region '10riclory Dr. C -pow bpa Nuft inq avad" fin will" A"M CalwatThws� 9 041 & mw*g of Mao at- xx Cros. n_ & cassilso INNIS; - -*V. P- - 5.(905) rZ1492O. After Pffv"Ww4 MMMK COLOS" LIM OMTRIAL, 11010 - Sanolk Dr. Telixt &.0� cures, rauding. Air laskiredgir of bliflallon Full 1894 for LOU MrAu spa P/T. um mm� mm hm 6 fificki Dr. FAR "w rammm 0, arid tanoom Quired dirrialkilety Fax IN, LGVM NOW DATCANNE I I wouv mow*= & SUM No (905) 411 -CM (905) 939-3115 Student Financelf aspabaM AUM=nVi PON! Prep HOUU cuum meow. - Sao" soomm Um Pek- �� ;Z�, FUT TOM FlacepLonsi it, L_ (MKIII-M I NEKWONEWM moom Perhon reopred by Now" that cap maxoad" b� 2-3 days a seek 5 - 6 hMS d& L- pro rd F&T of- Suft 10 " Through oslastal ims (905�� Car AN me we ad be in, RM IFURTHER r NE FUTWA WINTAW at 1. `Y cau"flos' TV. Cantaker NNad, apennu Nourred. &%a-- 9 Z"h""otZ99N= D�NATM 905-68"117 7111 Me mpaw to ftm. am busm and to CIA. 1111parsts, and am work 0 . . and I last CA W5MW7373 Of far (1, Cal ( RoJ905KII-7376 S" IWAM OPPOEtUWTYi, Earn LiOGewso Pan irm a IT up *= Full LEAD NO reakined with ROME So*. W. . Taw RuCk. 7undays. woon- from 9 3D am lot" THE AMMSTwrof haise who are tochalcavy Allied U 106 -wo, AZ Donn LWA And am a" corriany to Canada, dan. MW Thuridays, Men thm EM 1.II - ASK - -;far. Nift. a Cand one ACSE/Lotes annual salary into your work Reow, AMM N= sakes AM to eures MITI. service Rio evenvu nK- ever*= in lain, not WAMB sm Do m*7 m*ftnmm Also Geraral rearketing parrip" nomft to WiLDiF� 1; it, ax annistraudia u� Oracle. 98 gem or 1-877-601- 9we 9-5pm essary Training not" (905) QO_W7 LAINDAYS, MwAot mug lava Mple during ft rush sw Bortmannate ftaum Shit wort S1200 10 S13D0 per "'Piftf MaUdeniancla - A,. media Hob KMKSS AI)VURY Centre lurches lenced Vard, 001- rensiturn 2 yr; exparience in sm NO *xPOrm" nlm- lum inusileriance. Call Dave 111filling 10 Call how Plem rally ut peritia iseb design and details NO CAREER in fire servion? Inmft IN" preparas you Durtain is To" V an E.- 42"U8 4136-71121 12 to, Nalryiew at (905) to 74 ShKoe St S. Sole lamening. Firtuarical As- to succud a Application pro, ow" Asuaaaff we pwVU sectolan, and adesarArgivl EXPERIENCED. responsible daticare 720-3144 Full Ties Ill- Said- oft *dConlod 301 Oshinau. ON Inauthis oamckii9D5)436-5818 "a"011 flW be avail" to 19,bs studM Car Dehas =a Call 1-877-533-M expluxtride Excellent cost- A JOS LWUUMM requerAij in Tia. NOW MMING e*erwxW Conrouter CANNN nicatim xxid b, an 1" ate"a" so gwkut" stults with alifirly to manage Johnny didn't onto. Accorintiodstaxi "=. bM CookS. Call 426-6440 fix tance Fa. 41 apitakirtl7l, AwHoft;DGnl 6-211 THE I&EWS ADVENTI&EN Jb)427-3010, EXPLORE the *of VI reach ESL abroall Trays, III ksmm many pfopKts Strong cont- at want to work. min to Wes 9M or cam 1- 15 Wolon . @0*45-3062 kosaing TV ... To dalner lot university Grads CA I- INAR, skft eakentus Fa. to- surre to Ifunager BACO at Want Johnny's Call Today. 141a to r26 OFFICE I ERSEN SALES Ps. pi's 90 Non it= to 6: low um a -80 by 6 00 Pill 877 553 -MM 905_6� job? 0 1905) 720-2190 .,ad TV Whitby how =cxe in me, notaliblarthoods, Call save full a. forl. lim Phone (905T -666-5W 9D&M3-5ii7 1__ PKXM PICK LIVE-IN j, . VE -OUT Car !, n , .- PIT aid Fro Toronto Une: (416)798-7259 Our phone lines are open Mort. to Fri. it 8:00 pprL 4wrt Ai" C;a, phramild 1=2 Wlakaeal Rd. Plicliferift (SWa LAW - AwWrift Ph.) = =*ndsawk 24-Holkir Fax: (gos) 57"21 e Sal. 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. CIMI61110d 011111111111`1111111- NOW WhOn YOU &dVerbn. Your Word ad V.r be avagam GO l.-ekdwfN 8 aLus. - a P.M u rele 'Otict 905�428-712*6 [IFIMIH wicellicands, A anL - 5 pffaa. WELPER Chillitancra Wck-ouw' 'I- 6arn 1. Old uw 9 IE.00= IOLIT, Line, Hurt, n(,rTh,,t st,,utt%ill�. '" aid am ru,st north (A -ScouftviLk Fica Markict ele areas "Arr plem Can for Daily C -p Upd- �.75Q&mhnd ITT BrYTIR lour OUTI CUP11"IF14- Or bto OUT's !VTNERS HELPER heflumal whure, TV Z QNkkw Go Help Oak* Help :naz_,,A , .0 Try him hdav Shloarn rial, (90503-5507 TO" UUSSMMI- FULL TIME ACOMTPAtOR "O'd IT S** tar turvitinke in-lawne cas of 3 STALLI*Mw be expen- aures rcluoe �a -, - - so boy E.== as. S. . nns. .. s payable AkAL&I)ft th OGY& WUCk CaM too ASIA$. vocesung Vatirs. bark ,c Rafthencin reftned PEON a, WM TWA Gaid asaftion, onoluthorts experient:e a CAE 905AN-00110 . and abletticai � no must, jund"'Ne 01 Quip" SOUTH AJAIN Cnalk;&N, MM vald Onvers licartse books an asset ". 1.L.e nWdAd to SUM jup, 5 . our little dead As1rACL CYW To 905-839�6426 h0ft 'a, hic crildren Full ROL� Pd"� 905-42$- hate position in nor niaske 7371- Fail 905429,7376 Prith rod pay CAN 428-1915 LEGAL SECRITAlff. Expel, After Pffv"Ww4 enced in ENUN Estate *Ian WNT, ,SSESAINHYM, BAVI laskiredgir of bliflallon Full Pablo MAIDS and Stiocier suit IT, Tiftle, 4, 6 faind Cal The Pak act 42D_ Quired dirrialkilety Fax IN, LGVM NOW DATCANNE 2596 SUM No (905) 411 -CM Story arres; and quakey Chad - wmm ran s rhusat. 2yrs - PW pan bft ftleband xw X"I S"y III "am am of FUT TOM FlacepLonsi it, Ard1c bft An2dillie Mmsmokmg, tax receipt prowdej Inflanuchad oshi.3 =sTand refunne fkared for real estile ail CPR first aid. Valley Fanov XP@rWKI and ex- A" astate experfarxe are- 51 2 dos LPKWM Go salary to File 0300 feted Must hive hinting 9051937� ftek� PO Box 481. Ostuffra. Onlarxi LIM Plea" tax lu CHILD I 71.5 Moen a (905 1 11 7=2 den E CeEaftlunierwow& Ce* - sm" 1401 Quality loving cam WMU You We to 90 ba- No In We' I M "No i 40m" Jra.lattie In Ani, VOW can hill, You do that and turn Your best be'lu it e, (whoste, s Rdili Or 4011 cam igm)-831-f" annual salary into your =knoothe Pkiase Call ECE -we of two MAN 98 gem or 1-877-601- 9we day"le 3y&labb. smaka And CNN Pei it" Ed"*U am hold aC1ImtIeS nutntional snacks? Hob Sa "as llers 7ick. lurches lenced Vard, 001- ACCO40TW./ADNMTPA- litookilrock Tel Vkaly 905. THIS We ate Currently In- d 42"U8 P" and we looking to, Ajax area eftFgftt UN Starler Poll, 3 to 4 wani N-,, " - No Quolzis EXPERIENCED. responsible daticare Co1NCt*ns. AI Excel, 4C_ can AM formal xco.nIng Packages Mat be Conflort. - Exating Inwntives Available in tun lov- rg er-onakent, hrs1I Afa KO CN indw/DuMbor icbvem Ab dh dn4n aw, use of Spreadsheets AM da ill"a U1 Pauline Nall '""ho s"T"i 019"0" Knakeloge if Asm cott""' crins Sam am i,,vh IOD. nicatim xxid b, an 1" 416-3W9390 .tied Flaipart India, surt"Nor MLSI have :ya.labl, Wainty/401 ONE. low Fax reuins .822, a 99ir lenots Tel 1905) 5*4195 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Toronto Une: (416)798-7259 Our phone lines are open Mort. to Fri. it 8:00 pprL 130 CalapeasclitcW Ave, Ain Ninexamebutomilimpis 1=2 Wlakaeal Rd. Plicliferift (SWa LAW - AwWrift Ph.) = =*ndsawk 24-Holkir Fax: (gos) 57"21 e Sal. 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. CIMI61110d 011111111111`1111111- NOW WhOn YOU &dVerbn. Your Word ad M11111"bu Now -W PIR, , . , I �4 1. �P-Gwa­ a%* 4111pum an to Initemet at h Up * 0 le, If We A� Allis PAGE If NEWS ADVEF TISIE 1, WEDNESDAY EDff 011" imew 27.1tN /r iiia >fMM <iAi .. ler LY 4tNY SALE OFRWAIL FUCTUMIS Cartwits of 40,000 sq If Canadian Tire si including Century (E.J.-Wright) fixtur Clearing out shelves, brackets, bask pegboard. pegboard hooks. Cabin checkouts, showcases. rollers and asses specialty fixtures. LOCATION: The Old Canadian Tire Store 200 Jahn St. (OR Park Rd. North of 401) Midtown Mail, Oshawa TOME: Thursday June 24 and Friday June 25 9:00 am to 5:00 Dm tTe CARPET AND VINYL -Carpel Inrr!e alt sOW rt 505. Annual nom 5329329 anslalled I colt ms - Count you1 best Alae up b Giant Bicycle 10i Customer me'umlm SALE arc�e ���� r Don't Miss Out COMPUTER FACTORY Sale June 17e - 30' BLOWOUT Amazing I y, no payments Into S161wk loci[, A+t-rY-•-1'r d°'^s T° 3 a 33 Mn: IWd. vomer 1 . aA701CL1 ��r oreem. Intemn. sones ne and 982 Oral. FloS a, Bar", me Free scanner, dalVery (9057.1133 and setup 14IW515-5545 O.rare Ayrmae DINING ROOM SURE lips LIVE IN .eekmC a Ixm 10, °ark oak '•ad__ able. 2 -.m :n a •amw wtn young urge Naves bullet. Milch. 5 6Ndien Avmlaae evenings side b t arm Chan $1 75D RR beby . a Muse om Do 0 1905)666.2452 or call 161-873-7664 Rill 19051-0669275 /ICKERIMC leach / ms In n FA$tM Fercl.q I9 stml Orr Lags 2ivcale. !B morons 12 U:C ally outings pe cine table Saws. gas (Nock backyard will pule) brush Inln"On orrice dish. CrIN story tdN mlgic. nu- Ruck cap dranng table. 486 t o, nNMS b Snacks First coMuler walk+n Coder Aid. CPA cendkd Nom Ips -35•-3%5 s244 sfineltunpp . ecas 905-428- S. AJA1. Ha.00awestrry FUR COAT Beautiful Cho. Ona. TLC 8 5mpkt-Inti Fvy coMm brow: can lelgm, we Ad CPR duty walks b Feld 10.12 Appraised M $9500 trips swimming nam sac it was aSNmO $50D0 ealDeleM. If ences b e- Eumw ,educed to 53000 0epm. DSGIp cue can CAUIer-N days, emngs 1705) 7e6 -008B two) S166,127 GOLFERS Play the beq PH WHITES i FMCN. ; r ayee a Your IAe GII 1-e067W available Sep I ,msA3 and COIF Fa orae -IlOrrrwe ladders day cornus trued SMUT DIAL! NNIlydin 61 yard, Sim lune norms. rat-Syslem esus one Controllerntllon. sm3e-Inti N Ann- hire ma,,dr5 cards nM - Arid Call CherN 905-120 grit M, depadaro tied W 0206 faoMk,leye and Stx Was F Shadow 6 the Emptl Allo �� ng 5200 brm CAN Loge Loyd A- 90% (trial AIR=GNDI'IONENS 6 Io HANR's APPLIANCES Pans crr.A - Sa1r 4•.,ce D<iu.. kostSPS-7eMRee ••Jps utk:4nae i On CAARNA NR V$In somcbm d d oo-S- rebs S399'm AcK-sure Irlapts lOrntn S'S SrsAxa rug 5 a $14970 Stoves 715010 a 560 Isdy IWO co-auile wasner'dryen 319B'M Pdrt- $too HAAWdNAr neve uaed able Dalwast. 52497up. $f0 (9061 6611222 bum -.r f199fu0 AIS rc cpna- boe,re,s RFbme septa Sa- CLOtMeaG .rid ddiesat or-cw ppR0mm 426 S.4M ��Ilu�p .erv,n.q Wdw is SAS E9oS172e-4043 AINM/adres. cmloMM FOrnF NENbN)RE ElOMMet er FaeMOld Nn mO65 Old RE ETAL PON Platn^b +apt tw -ai•bo.a WRrks 90562661119 ffer � 11114373 A-junrar MOVING SALE tmnn OWMIM 0n (sm) W,w,, S.% -Jin mew tabor KIM=RE wATMr and dyer { ad Of 5225 DOWC bed hcnr• :,.yrNn can do.. f�xTc9 owv SM 1903E Air k -,N S350 -it Cate ISM - Om efoOI TABLE 4 172 b tete ROG sun NNOROOM l.I, am to Ma *t IMIMr tnmc,11 9495 AAjc*M 1- go MdNOet ate std oil. -pep &Ad mMm». wme0oard. Ca rat! braes oil• 'Vale, aid tit%. 4 by Agn,sent, $6 OW AN $26(OWL "Wo �jp does aa■tal NOP SM ftWl CO N905-9167{20 OMIa-m y!Ae,Brawl, Dow 4AAjft IIIM on Sm N► �1 1 Mtn• ..orate $50 dNrnt doRas •rva $I% 190514266Mt 19401 ,...... -.fir ,..-:.,rig ul"NNAM SaoUGW1E t.:.. •-y-. ;,",les Aewap Ma',-t.s :wv,q saw Sale 0 Cw 4a-e1W Isml arr- N ciao WIND I+e, amdru kierr Md a .teras me Of 1M g ONvv e R A. HOT ft. your bat .0 do RO Cao Cao 985,110 b. 5tarq am ant car 'wY 903 F" am." 30 pa►CTtdaY OViLMT JJune b NN eleobOby&lMOat Iwo ai�SS W p T3 tinFFa9 d PM1 San 1.1N POOLS .wale Ad Ja. 30W 1773 is___- As smuls '2 load mfw•m x a.-nd owe , sat N-atl z S _ JC Plwe 1 NOW Af LOW Af s11ar 15ro1 Y abate Become rl.Na 0Aw MTIOOAL mocaapw .AA FANOPAWA. telt. ear+ --IBM 1. .999 .W_ a wMlme,vi Clwr ,fir carr :Aa '05 745050' •+�. PENTHAM H MA a 500 1 hal:t'Am ai;P D N :l d613d vid, Rla. awad. UW . .loft. tNNekaR low M -ley yn7,a, -A, N76 0.400 tori Ht61 -r4e,WAAArg pow la .wrey rkuwN naNO TECNWUW AraIMy 4ratlACeaA■ Iwfrar0 to, !unna reOA ries pm - 32.M6.00 pVChax canulut- m as OWALLAT10k Imeba L meth CAN a1N0 M AVALLAINc 90542 %31 Fee bow ..6.06- Welefte.n OAN AN Rr. U'_xS Ff NDvA•'nN SALE 1-6t7T-�i.1•M14 Mw want rte 1Nnn w LE Ivr•nie - u _� pqa+ A �qu of AOA ad wedOlnnoe t.N . I'MFnrn/u ,b.000w eTU d*a "M "At 3m ate Ger be ONW-A W b poprit s. go Ren b o 100% d JA L -IX! C 8 098596/9 -6 D1ESSM $45 each e.o- doge hart MBs amp CAtom sail 5150 6 Om TRIPPIAIO Q}14M �0pn 11W fg50 tn4 MCA. Ota. UT1115i . IW. $125 ION ate { 6a_r $t% -oder 5135 i IeN CapO t 2 pd UOIeS $75 Gid ,,, U11IairM tow a led 5245 M,¢hat WM Chlrlllak n 'a f mars 565 D•1 -q mANAbm &&law Cad moW NNk i75 Aagw puu cion~ to, 6 rNwms •Iteer w 5365 bwwmm S5 xdn5a 19051 725-Ot% each$225 04rai tae,$ f5 190516i69BM Yom TV { vCP $150 M1M °nen Wm5 1905)•691. Kul TO OWN n:. And Ir 7� ca d weed atelkwen Ones a' L-SMKO Wk rash wo IIlW IVs Fwl Wrragy Pao to $975 tro Cavo Cash 1-0007965502 263-8768 a e1Mi win scales f850yaeb lhlee 8 Sat "k SW On- ROYAL OOUITON F0JR- fes Cal 19D5Jr 3_65I6 WES AN *SCNWnud ores im SALE' Elkwesmry Ssv- aiN ilu clow many hwwma Ito FADr105 lorHeM Drm_m. mess cats pp Erse M and tum wrrms Ras &.Y*tISM 905NJ0 Rome (MMD O pf4•naCV lavws By asmru w vmum. gWlry Elapn { Deco, 1997 OPWA* dYMt um 3- 1 311 Or 1. 806906 wimp SC0o14r yrr ppa 2ERp SEii66 rA1W rM sat Ono ►MIu1 ALMwO a WNITE SIW-by' X706 to IriawsC"t2 Coto SNERMNR - cobeen wooden tem eMlw m bdman 0" a- 1 6' bin AN &y ttm burr bits Fuji sue S:L79. Pke but many oow TWMb pinlocopr, (bo O ) saint Ono myNe 7gr11k Yo rns«uw oke, rdusd' ARo prApM And desks 761 CAN 575-0455 tlCNa11 R0. IAEA 3. PytbpuEo LVACA1MAn ago INN- F« Nqe erb. p1 906.61 bRY Oaeb Mitt cony- 2093 901. IGWmS ad 11ak Wes Nae OAK 3pc Aa&urd raga w Sxdte $1,500 3950. Mack s04ADVa m 00.0 (9051623-6.580 3750. Uses SIR a Ite- N CWLI AUTOMOBILE AIR ;,q* O=_w COM $100. CONDITIONING SERVICE. 5Q9 Rap11 blk/Cltikt 5250 Erb link r"II WAN store. MNsoame S75.. DART$ bicY- N> unO130111. •lapalasp u' Ck Soat&*M $15. (1051 PWM 6119051259-0526 668.9102. an to sae. re wino and OAR aeAlq room saiw. 4 will rarNlp Owes. Aar it"- Chan. 1 IME. ptaabl tank. Rrg Dies Sw am fmgam paeMp Cal 4�'NpM. %R610- WU SW kids DINS f25. 03fU2594300. PIMA30.6496 Ask for Daw. PEE" FYNMTYaE.GW BUM Cut ere nNdde 4m WANI19 out 2511A amwoufy in Rmtakr las custom made eleDaimMl Itt(F�..!,aw Mnw. coverings,verlcal. W bait Whicti n a solid Wwbn. Moem Fra to prN, pale a parry led. RaNS (416)227-7777 Or moms...swo NN&• CAIRIM• �)ti60-0g72 or I -BBB -369• RAN beds. palter M& Ma D" be&we am* Mem 90PET Boom. iw% ley. al.Ow Gahsmen amo kat• len ttm* plush slam rnrsw build Emefanmra rids. Vt For 3 oom5. Onty Home once. Deg Flown. 6900 Pe,te Includes 30 Sp Kitchel. Bedroom will Cwlom vas carpet. faux- Wit ad n- pil,gM. al. m ppds- MAYamOn n your leant Fra As Drop in will we our SUN OCtA m In your Mme No @WnHa. rte Ia7Ynlem for one or the M rmOw dekttg faG111y Aute year 1-100205. And W a 910- you holy r4 875 am m furtNture a maw......RORam• CARPETS - Ids of carpet. be, •There m No Sukauk 1005: nylon nein sun re- for Qualify .. TbIMbrW WA Cupeft on had. 1 oil WgoOworonp....115 MOnh carpe 3 rooms $349 Price PONT Row IS on Read) Rest won ofpet. pramm pad, . Port Perry 9 apett l atlm lam OWr- 8774...wrwtraPbwtyNcoO- ASYybimtlAneGB 2311 (3D Wads) WWOnpmG CAaFETL SALE: Lo a Car TIRES. 'our Pueus Winters Ma 100% 7Wn Sten re- 014 0.813 23.6 $55 sel sue. carpet 7 rooms 3339 a 4 C0905-723.6&W N 905723if20 00 54 Yd 1 lentulo Gro" TRUCK W to GUCadea S wmu m Pad and miau- Car 5-10 Clmv p7u tae nor tion Fra estimates. cmw again SenunU Durum And selling Iran as ads ■ardors rmandlrlg kG GRaI far& and rem MAM IgM ODD nTNNIGa sari 9WEGE_ as GN Doug M5277.3928 ($to :1,n 78 a O4 eMr PM 1. e: FAfdejE of LatreeNce) AWN Delve Smm"y 27ti usedIVVM-fin% -uo -used 11 dlyen $125. up. used wash IN SOW CIA,ens f1OP i e new And usd 1MCADILLACleetwoo l m drys op I washers and t... IH f conation /Rams dryers al for glees New Ali opkan 1 owner or As- bAnd rune hedges $4801 And i650D 1986 Llncdn town Ki Imr 3P ranges nn dock ca 110kms 1 owner car End rlrldoW SI30 Wra se- $2 5M Call (905)683 - Well. or °der rsw and used applancts Call 0 today Wilsons AppNrlces. 19% Ford Tempo air con. Sema Pam 154 127.000 km. alto 4 Or shred, Bruce St Oshma(905) 576- Clea) condown Emelvm 7448 rib site www Burnam- Tested and Certn- ASNnp Arab LmNstephmsans $2850 905- 509-9550 WALNUT amRproom suite 1991 FORD TEMPO, a door, win 6 mans.hinlch, wh.le power sreenp cower ped SSOnO aSkind �'u'pfe 0 on bikes air IRO OOU WI a5a- wMe sora Am lowstat $500. Ind 52.395 certified and 2 desks f50 e am "'Ce emissions I= 0 im Tefe- kM Cmahon 743-0551 ghat (9051 WATER SKIS Dan Wood Ex- 1952 OLDSMOBILE CUTLAS celsi^r COMDO Islabm skit CIFRA Pore, deermryhaNs7 S150 Pa:: 'Tuck skis' $50 locks. SCaS. [twee. Un. am pan. Skis Arth slalom skill cordiummO am -tor radio 550 Cal Jan 852.974t sin 4d". burgundy Am= WEDDING DRESS, site 1,, Ano, 11 000 km saran *,Wbeaded Omcc rulNNq calOdrxl $6599 oem- dropped alsl full skinon i0 Ow-�'76t4 train, sweetheart neckline 1997 HONDA CBR 600 mail short sleevesvery comfort cycle vtllor. b white 1993 Caw As sent n *Brides' Honda uw. S, hatchback MaOanne 5600 Incl head- $9999. '93 Cmc DK Ilakstb3 MU vol 8 W31 DOlgwt $5495. 91 loya4 Carry. V6. 536-0857 ism) LE leaded. D roof. 90k IRmy WIRE CAGES Ion eye CAN SM 92 SinOrtd 4 d auto. Tim 905.683-511. sin ar 549%. 90 HorW Axdd, 4 a auq 56900. 92 Cmc. 2 YAMAHA PSA 63C kevDoa,d or hatchback. 127x. $6995. Thee 3 5 mus midi sand. 91 Aecord 2 or cape. awo. slc Ienrch m,rest tart pwa. back. 11dk onA, (6900 Over manual Orly 6 mo s OM 50 Vin. Trucks 8 Cars to $1 100 0 B 0 571.6142 cnoc se tram Marrryry Call SMB INVESIMNTs. GARAGE Boa fpArrs or" 666-3310, 1401 Dundas St spnnos Cables rolers. open' Ea9 wMq YYe ere nsWhd Tuneu05. (1995 arrange M�cmo Ootid. Bad. 416336-0073 or 110 Cmdn Bur Ism Pay - - Ilene alio Available, RRO. 6 1 W�Illg $491 SUN81R0. 1 a an. 4MTIOUf SIAliso Mty! Ad- ed CSall D a aye S 985- ailY3 uAble asuaaiy 0074. Eve 7DS-277 3250 ,rH' Purcnl5mg Wtrpm. es - m. eumne adque cony- 1555 CAVALIER. 2 does. 4 cV. alts (no Nord r raa con- trldn win td cruse. its, fi0,nd). __kook In any DJ 116000kms AI_mNgm sort. "OM a woe an- rheem $8.700 Certified Call egos ANIa. SOiwI -merest in 725.53/5 Isnp_ Mootfan pdMry. la fi Io ,e- 1917 ROMA CRY Sport (AAF SO."rMlkgifer aooelin N auto an ,.mote Starr. Ordano (905)6558049, h. cassette Honda cell pions. (90$1656.5501 side bus sad p1w Oe,mv 5e.000kms 521950 pea tr- MntNG AMTIOUE And cd- es (905),'061315 lectaae cunMls nW ,com19a rJ Jep V6 spirit two prlceesesplNndes Hwy � W red bw Wnenn plat 9015-9/}8161 m=a Ta (9065112012aho 9/ 'n PAY TOP CAM FM: Anlaa­ -•+: WE FINANCE ries JAreyw:ne. aeweiry, EVERYONE Old Coria. Stamp Com a, Spprtards. OEd First time buy- Recoc" Oa Toys. OId erf, bankrupt, POS1 `Card C.N, bad credit. no Private Collector Credit You it 9w) 430-3385 work? You drivel Lots of Choice. Dam or 1 AM 6 Trade may be reQUlfIEA$ WANTED a 'the SPECIAL AL aW In Toe Cwrrce 'E­vudea Us FINANCE hat 4 N- sat a Dow" Let DEPARTMENT i Fria. a so vow dant o- he"COy.. e a IAN ado Mo SHERIDAN CiIEY 6 mak cowl Amo. W 95-7"96 MRN 1 nollah fife mm a roe N'.00 y ism 30 C 0 905 a CHEW . ,pc Vrw *.UW, $1 AYC. '1908)-p28- 1 C -W~ n%gyw OOOiE. CANAMe IA. 2 s IWbo Arc Ami _ Aa WEN NO r :ror,lDac*' 'M stweo roof •ac. very C.,- ­.00h air -Anon, Baan consul. Priced u, RaN (.n 'Np row t-goo-/3o-17ao {2.500 905463411 Ann 2$73 $t 9lrma mlNr M W LUMM ..,4" ISO w■s . SN.rU R/9M45 $5900 ., ,iu, unix 15711.011 e.!,��p,7�_- •4wf" m ft Caro /11/eli ',N. t ry $14 wo s' r sod w930 S+rWnaa. 4.y cn0$FS5 Z7 sj 500 POO up 10 hNM MYAE 6102 882.7427 a 79a1.4,i6 POOLE ae no f, I 6102 0e,04N +Idlf•ry d•C.,e,,9 16 ASSM1E LEASE 19M Grant 14 DID. $2 WO PAttage Am SF . 6 dam, 51071$ -Cuda err- 2 Idars ung .iepnps �. V. ■air. at i-000 �mumg9r008b�) 676-2372 a r_�.7564 (416) 72s, -y SALflallf LEASE 19aIII 0POOM PUPPIES ,ram v, Do MtArR1y $169 " moil ' 9/9 cramr 2 ElgW eIN It ,Ans yet °pO1 106000N -S 12,00111 CJ`3CkWI MSA 19U WIC 1-N n PCM° 9uNuaw 190519/61000 $4.000 19051-433-1 9% alta MIEM PIIPPRf. ler tit 5 tAak 2 wire 6rsl soda HEED A CART RaAdy ro now am." S5" Down! WOMB can pa„t2 a Free "AA6Ww,anry Sl. MMMAD PUPPwl. Free oil changes C N c Hpnl .c y wa- Bad credit okay bans a,- rr.mled 2 Cars from $199 ■ss" M■b°Da (7%)-972- per month $1 I 73 (905) 420-1666 aN.i� 1"s rA TOPLESS IM summer Cass .n S ru 8: •°you Swimyaw ma oM Cr 4;w AWFU caWIM 6 M■MI 5 - 1P4d. 00-w w -I& -t pD • • doo, locks. W conama.Kg 185.000 Only M90 CANr«M- 665.76W $2990 lint $9051 ' IOU hebat /rat .4 SALES LIGHTED Or 50,000 org mks rum AM . mem, Dairt a9 year .0 BAD _REDIT1 "darts egcdw1 shpt Indo g 40 CREDIT' SaaNtJe,.w SUM 1.105 326-2212 Isms EWLhI BANKRUPT felYcau Imo Du9.ay Perim 6086 TIA sl«k Ctrs 1.1000 Mort -W 1.705328-2212 576-1800 (sort nwess Ons O d Ds" mumosu N Down s Oil. *WCO N tbMMn 75.000kW Has not be draw in 0 Vain. Al AWC. rum Owl'" ami Ian 1905) 1aBao �AR leExcel- it" Esse iess ExGF lent Cw Gold rM NAO N A A A AUTO- Cas, Rum. wftner NL -e,0 M2W CAN boas. we Pae p b $10.000 M4 CAMANO 6cyl406,'d As m. � umy r Call imft 50 Any C aay- fi1Bcceystt1 oM11e,i' 19M Webd bore. 21 ko1Ns. 7 Bedagyss 70 1906)426fi616 BW acyl!!! win NMR 9056865003 a 9057065271 17b OAKS CuraoW cni sit CASH FBI CARSI We buy -!Shin 0 PSS. O.r., 11 M, LAW"twa. VMrJes Omum 39, Craw. aW-tm cuww. k in ft""C011dnm. Call mchan . Abrar New tad 64aAy7yIy2415 a cant b 479 S750 or oft 4D4�9M4 kMSUD St. Ea k Air a I= WJUWeal. PARA AVENUE. I= toes. S AR tib. 726 1873 ARN 11 (sm) 1M7 WTLAU SALON MU JILT M 4 or leer 305Es0. ne4NNai De,e,VeeW ■WRs. TAN pq8 RafNn. 4.3 cofmatOn, bIACYn4lw, fACtpry VK LO1010 Ney las sdry o WS4.500 M: � U �!is ALSO. 1983 .. G4rNBd Dat 750 $20a tie. wo = 401IrW 6In. 19051576.0548 a iWml»a"'ne .Com lm CNN Mn. And 1900 "K CIMTQEA IABAROM Cher vs. bon in poop "ad. cotemrMN, Luny 10 0 New NW SM aar. BM Iters Sw M MWiwltl rate ry05)57"M o call 576.0351 E. OsIIAM 01 IM FORD MUSTANG Lx. 1M2 LLOINAI 6 Cylinder 381. SOL. 5 $pd. ac. 125,000 len. 7 r, I62,0011km. ho merry baa. 2 grits MHN null, rp mamaMd Good catORton Very Last bin Car. SWM obo Tel (ie5iC runnerelhad (9051430. Pam enasim5 $6300 cent 1471 lid. 905985.2113 1eM = EUROVAN camw. aua, aaomialt air abs IM PLYMOUTH Voyager power. mope stow. sin. SE. 4 LyNldm turbo. 7 M. a■ring. bre Came, Loadd unor. WOO CAN 1905)426 and clean 527.000 (ft. is 6291. Naw m-ap $54.000) Court". (905) IM Telae, 4 a. 141.000 571-2620 km Baca gfey d , 4 Cyr . aur 52295 chi 6 emssan 1 Tr&k M tem dont985-1991. EvMNngs 70Dry55- 219Nem) 1911 STARCAAFT wt trailer 120 TOYOTA Tercel. 2 does good condition $2000 Amo hatchback MM In colour adlm Jeep VJ. money cdlou. 119.000km A9i1g $2.9% ASknlg $400 Gd 905-697- 0 b 0 19051666B129 0156 HN AENOSTAR 2L van 1911 TRAILER 32h, rA*V t93.0110aw. $2200 Atlnp- endysd In 1993 ac. rleW raw $75 Portable dish. room,"bite neiiwe ry$ tied. a win. !SD Pirate cs rier (905151641M 5pn IM06-7466 BUYING OR SELLING? "MAPOOM 1INCOl111 IERCIANT" Your one stop show ler will re"is M no CM 1-9064664Ma 320 NrEjM 320 Di > La1BIM'*- ;P,C �. The Durham a $ Catholic gem LEN AN commem rm,n. District odg School Board VAN SALE le Dutham Cadwilic District School BoE esently has two 12) Vans for sale: 1991 Ford Econoline 350 Cargo Vans Approx 112.000 km. (troth) Condition for sale: -VANS SOLD AS IS" IEWING - Tuesday. June 29th from 8:30 a. 4:30 p.m. at the Board Plant Department, b assland Road West. Oshawa. id sheets will he available at the viewing. ds must he received by the Plant Departml r no later than 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday. JU 1. 1999. Please call CLEM LAFERRIERE e Fksard's Plant Department, at 576-9J01. range for viewing of the above vehicles 1� . _: 1995 Stratos Bass Boat. 17' with 90 V4 Johnson O.B. Fully loaded. 4 seats. 2 swivel 2 live wells. 3 batteries. fish finder. trolling motor. fibreglass with custom Stratos trailer. S12.500. Call 705-328-0402 after 6 P -m. or weekends. (snp) 1 T"d" 1916 36 TRAv IAMf Prift - :. raw Nr cm !1,ry ed $para(, back bed - .e TY -B Wd Slid On a vat Iran Will, PWW Lalli in iirthas I706N41-7iA 19$2 COLEMAN arm TIAM,. -bay Sinn <dar 5401 41Nmawt. 4.14,, ■NamN T,I10V aWn-q and want m facaRaw Cobd*W P&M to =51430 tag 19W FRANKLIN • 2' 43- Pat -ited , COO ;,.o S44s.xu, Park M MWNMwrr LAN IAvi Ro { "Ay 48) 1042 ONO ded. ate .N16o. cotNwN- APA 11901 aek MO (I" SIO DOD) I Pest Ger. M tsnaglmrll, W W no Ar tAw ke,M4. Hort { We" xh". a1 MrM1koar 119a Any, bol RAZah $idol A0 1M And e4wmy *A UcRai Oelrw Meek e - I PON, be leebilk. acne skORbbwo bm6o MN. NeROOMt and ■O Nees lot $72.200 C2 (70)-4.irt14m INS FLAGSTAFF neap te■ hale, SWM a ria«/ON- aa oar. pODaie Or doc t he,6oe. aunt. 4•e, -e,5{ { Mir tanto roan E"No I- 460 -0223 - Urso n fMs era "on n WOO" 0 WE to er Seeps 1 AMaq 5900 aIG JAYAYa375N 17 DUTCHMEN Tem now tNpa 6 B i wq recite Brow e.nx Alva 3 b■a A A NW ees to %500 glee W (91161 506UNt NEerks ca.WM jj�i res s MMn 1 U64 5374 iraml M5.4a-$114 IT (WyI I YPALM FOR ERIE n or aialy Wk 1996 Prone, 2/' -T5 6 1989 Skylark Pak %,ON 40, n-t00m1M7 VOrrNW10trt stpmWs 40 nW Sranr+ taau GSx6 �t ;ciNrdm pan shoo Mlet ad bralte S oleor Cal Adam 9059N-BDSBNoIBEM LS I IVT tAnOEM Bournal m tale, 4 cyc Fag n. mralo,Abud mesa New coiSOC'b'o"s Se. LIM 00 ARAW cam 091351571.3409 lm Sks" Bass BM. 177 win W Ft 90 Joh.NW ae 2 Wield 4 Sam. 2 Sova 2 IM .MK 3 b&NSM. nth how. trokm Arab. Ntre- pass wa custom SOrM& Name $12.500 Cr 705-326 04M ANa 6 IF in o, .se- tm (std) IM LEU W 16 it died r SINN"kw. Arlo Mair. side salter. M .M 3 seas . own cows. P&Od05. tarn, w kY• p1U5) 2 m47-AaISggersws ri. LARGE 1-Deaoom basement ApaltaiMm. IspaaN eMrana, IamdeY, A *. ArM- Aw ilRWtde,aatW. MWAtes7 NO d Smak- n, 631-0153 2.Oam 0Yt paid k=§W In wd 0lmomW 12¢8 NNM mowwhw,cwu to shop - on No FrfpgatlmtI Mk - All cable. law" laAmn Sart. M dogs. rate 905-576- 29182 055762982 OSHNWA- MM SO= ST. S. kwlr renovated 1-bdioom apt $550 Mkbn And Aval- able mmeOW" FinUlat record Cal Sl 11 19091- 571-3229 A« 2 BEDROOM. 2 atony Cap Lage IM-■ I4R- NV Ilrl^grOmL NO allratA. 1Park%7$toy= . Abba • 1 I ADn AAM hY•, ap ;FIAT A - . `,..s.yA L.afmn kossurorMry Prat paki jddWOr WIMIMLaund'YArJWN 5M3671 Ajax large 2-ble W bah m en mbes Siddle p1 anto .1 art " kwdlW JNy, IW.. 100N01 a ANN 19051576417$ INNS• Mal res AMI ' one bad. b�asMNAN�+D.rtr1N11 Nm Iff Mw foram w weeme, rep{ b No and D► he as w. ONe,ae,q SPa bedO WM ape Aok In 6010 N MR. MMM AN, M ON Atkle.m Cal luran M 4,6 « (7051 AMI. Ent NNIII�R L•Ma, L Meldnvewty. bwion U bdloPin 5 , Pool. ee beF WAS DtnN�A.D6Ne' NSArMIet Ist Cm 1*54A21Mf7 4M 3n PASERNMT AFT. I DeaOom lmilKStrpaiK Paye al- Inarm PArt-q LA,npy Q ler Snot « mlawd Wreb ho 008 -ambler Atn n JNy Cal jsod` a4E1 goweAMLLE 3 be«0o■ AOAMmema4aw 1M laf 9051 665 'SU M6 >M 4143 CearNk ONha yge 2 { 1 _._ 6 fits atN n aft .ntlw bemaq CbM to it Anitmea PNtN ate 1905172 oA71 9 k■ .700 SPKJDUS Cuskw WSW" Car 5wro4m b■elmaa Ala . per afa AO WWN Oshm Irk AtalnOm A -g 1 110W ead rw a" .0 DNA Omm CANwimuw ST. WWI" A Ola one be*- in 6 pt, ria} wpod noon. 2 iopka m. COioisemu0i�ai0m f15D pia NOD "4/O 766521 FAKWC 1 Iw OMI( I n Powe sArmeaokuON MWft Mo Mb LM Om $9051.509.3 43 Acint IF you 100k -q la a urge «e,aw mri Ma. 2 ___ apatlnn a. full kitchen bol and sep«at Alwapinny«Y.M fvtWVMrtLs (9051 5 /151- 0202lem WAMap PNCAwrNa LARGE approed 2 bedroom bu mAN in quem 1101111 SAr Ilton coWk « rasp ase Nocam %75 ONM 9"i 9050.5-40'-43f1�i9 a refaat- WKNRT 2 mw wm Vt Nor Dona, opow a 0 Avd Aug In hyftSM ■� � "B* 432-1601 or.. �) 1 { 2 aFlNOi Sple,We,fa. SOT Ole. f fAdPd nIW HOT Mules. AAcwoeaNW Do IW. Nmmlralli ia.a kddft 433-7360 579./'0. EMIT Cera O&P.A led 7- rods- WAO NwtmwtL MOWOL ayNae ANY IW 6 JWy isw. INM 14R qwt. n" OMLOW JWy 15W "M Radmas Woe R. h. f wov mm. CDN (MS) 95-3144. OLME4 AaMNT. IfG 3 wm. mm lbw 011 AMIN.jWeN Y��a• 1250. n1OMl1. f11AtA1W 1tt Call (N6) 6G6N01. ONE BEDROOM W. vay Wan. h4dge. ma. 1taiIIaY 1aCiOBm. DWYC Good pNOWb. ntwMd. 19001n3• OMIAWa, am-bodmm Wit. W Mon Ip. SIP alrnm- pAltMg, 60 -in RYt. . an late raw. slat to GM Morw PIM11. Von sorer, d pea. seed klckww. Ikltnwt Avail"J,�WilYt, 1st. 905 47 0374927-0005. TWO BMNOOM, Irk Down 15015. FridgE. flow. Ialudry. WRnD. antra At. mdyard. s1wN5im . all . (905) 434.1116 AvdAb4 Ala• pas Na PCNRIW ' uV 2 Md- rmm 1 1R wdm tram Go Laundry. wrluq. up w tram. &m!,16.0,. 40% IWIEAe! . 831. 0658. 931.1746 Ism mu - UP PKKNRMq BALw 2 Od- moms Pan" Aral Aug let No phis. Non-smobig HMO CIOni b M $150fnd . lif 19051.466678 noir-won" gess 1.2 i z Sed. Apts. RNwbi~ i New Applient efs. AN UNI. included. WAINikuse Supt. i Maint. On site Security. Re TIM ONke: Mon - Fri. ern - 6 pin sid a Stn rpm Sm VALIANT PROPWM MANACU ANT APARTMENTS - AJAX 33 & 77 Falby crt. 2 & 3 Bedroom apart- ments. Includes fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.bigfLxit.com /-highriwr pr r La1BIM'*- ITEM f bednem WSW Hill on Still- IomlMtW Cir_ gem LEN AN commem rm,n. blNae,10BMMNq bid Blackenotk I.aMINN)r WI MO10 ppppWpd srIlnlWAtp a IIBMq hgE1W 000nI-IM A%F' 1IBB smreed al let Tempo- 67Sa37/arr6p.W. ant arAwON pries lo, tale 11AI51- A LAKE. Eenraw190519$6-016 desert FAA,.. I a J Mdlxmi INfune- keepm cottages June 26 - 1 July 3. and Aug 26-SOO 6. In cluas lo,q reeeMO. Quiet AEC RESORTd pe family few. sandy beach. Y ampgfound colt meal on trod DOMrsNas 1$77-a7.255U $500It- es 2.3 Older, $d50fsp0 Der lit welk (Slow ■ir"Adro'IM Pte$ hom - t. 2. 6 3 1EDIIOOM Garages 3[1500 RM heH. store. Ori beau111w Pally Lake Iwe pgeud. hCwShot lakefrom rM frinno d 6 cyan song IF sNsr��_em{emttlr��q- bowl_ g��, Is 22 xm Swimm_rq. bsmnp (%)1132 MMp. DaMnq. kms, bead_ e0rwy rolNy be. DnkctGll, bd- V m_ntM, horseshoes hot-tYb. Wcuul barnacles a file pus $5'yda- SlNn101S5Ad a c , tos. pm. just bring YWru uMuntil �� A,rswtl in 20 mm 665- sow Items b rood. and MM 1146.1162%9902 Blue Moon Retreal'i Cal now to book 1-600659-9118 MONEY PROBLEMS. Get cut of dem quick without gding Mn f DUuge eN Tailerd M� VOcWut E e'rvo^e xC1 In ryleed ng wtemppaa�SdhleeesOs Call Ip' Ilee and minor available Tek. A cdsh rat" rmomuhOn 905-5763505 pMlt 1613.351-5199 StlddR Barts mcluded. GREAT FISHING and Iweely holiday m Rice Lake One hour tram Oshawa Modern cottages Sandy beach. play' 91ifund. clvldrars program tow talmy Tnt-s. Jay a Au - dust AvalaW 1105)696-2601 410 410 410 SICK OF RENTING?? OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EASYI1 • First Time Buyer? - Cal! Mark! • Discharged Bankrupt? - Call Mark! Not Much DpWvrlpayerent? - Call Mark! Mark offers honest, prokmsk"l. % no pressure service to Help you own a home. (905) 571-6275 or 14800.840-6275 Mark Stapley S.I.•nSp RenHe,a ANal, Real Esul• LId 420 42U 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 1-fitdrl"in, fnvsnhrnnr L nth Parking included Stove lir: Refrigerator. Parquay floclrs thric ughout. Ckyse to schtnls and shelpping. From $910.00 including h dro Call 905-721-0980 MCNERINGWHIIE'S AD I.,.:V;.: xc:.wn oAx ni4n, rartmrm 5675 ho Das a Saww, sieve a �I•.MddIalFaR11��W"k whirred In- :9os163p7m Ist Ittlast WTMfp - 13uor bat" Na► 'u tMams BMW hocow ,-A dwnrw*w A" sm *,mum119M. lel IN 57W r4 SOUrM EAST `tna.e - 3 Mawr^ bi.gamow Ola bea- Nr■ AMrbMd rAn 30e0mr wnea ler subM Too Cao- okwxm An adl 0.200 Oa ma Cabe wabo Ea nsat Ni a Ampul lin Plait lE Vuloufa2prMNI-mm tor. d 2 ant 1M/ GMn $eRr alai .0N -n CM1NW4. pawn}' tea I1rJAeie Cal Ni7i! OSHAWA .arge i a 3 3.R .wins ,;nilnn iris."ag :oil access to u,poit. snap ft, apps car i; 5) 721-8741 ONE MDR00M 3570 giro ilxn voila. �u drW rermt Anilide JIAI' tt MMDNMq rd RMIr R dl6ne �-6017 WE AN CUROWLY wopa- ve,9 rwmr APO"- la q aDAm•Mw bldWq "West a 4suml IT AA otra t Bedroom 1uwm Ned ow n■ 477fm0 I" s -tl mg r US 0 Mw e d PaEet raaWla M Dw- n.m INBIe.M H= ALow- M 5434-5011 altf i► la *pew ul m www, GuAan 0 1 a 2- bdr- Aoh. Clip quer building par M Fury4wd. "wait Lank dowit Mw sllo0t GO Ra -v401% Fn sive Mop +rMrw b Pw M6INN-1414 WHITBY, ONE NONOON Gsenem Adertn.n Dnoft .I,- res a IWAjA.ed ,.an oa C..Poowawwov member. $MO per nor hall TawlwmarMNF 1905) 66 WNWTST Two and «m bd. Com awnmaais 56707$6% pus NCO tow raw bea•p r amMY Avada01t the. JW v1 Cr 905470 00.59a746 -4s -iii WMTW 1-WrM■ WMMu Dasemwe sM4eelam, uncle,$ m6dd 5600 ANOWe -12 IT FAs1AA9 egl-raid C Came (905W&3-2758. maw 4retapn WWTOV, G00401 WMM H ba00m bin 3= mMm ea h,p1aR. mvH Into DMR lRimti armlp Ca01t S rew- try ntlFi-m9rWW- WA1ld %a. - M X* K W" 6{6- M 11 pm. WW*Y AIC 3 ba■, don. 9a4L 4 Will. 401760 ARMs ba Suds ramp copra. Mon-siloNdd pate mad Aug. 1M 975kd. w IW LouReMellon- 19051,4611- G aiBad1A wUhffiow nsl RON1b4BMdM abs il5yrts res riWI -Mb 1906166&8191 wwrw - 3a ASN I 2 b10111I bEwAm sm b- daf lwalFl*NveyaLllgamt Aug. ist Z, L Caa gg,Fb6B1T$ " W Caper akin how b lw on 103 �p�y°RIP. OVA R)a1"er, 193i� ') E631M ail(fB6) Ei L k11W&SONOLf* Aries, NOR 0 ddq wo•O0r00m pt kidBS, mit. �kRmtl1yb�adyrppAW�. ddm. hip clap. f747/WOAr. (a1INle,I '' N�• ev�mrtgra 54 ' 2. :'MM� bLuc WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE' CA M from $700mormi t u Hot Wer Omwoopm nrm (905)571-6275 1-900-840.6275 Mark Staph w.r•arxr, Ir $72,M1 MONTHLY PAY- bbillins Or AM cheaper Him 'wwith fi"KOVA i1cngSlNlpn AGroup�IYoyn+me P4*yl in - (%SM344B00 AM DAM W A hoaN of 4 °winc0 a "oft rradon lnaifli hon S20.000 psi. N Ark• Naw ipaiblI CAN Ka cc". Coaad am" 1205)7209114 E "torn-. Ia AN EFCEL,ENT : wdun , to own IYJ arrin paynN111 ran - m' AS11:IAric, '.Al 2 oNf- roo■ ona"Wo p.pyo. --am to Iris c.. AKrodw Raey-Nn Ass? own =51 An 3 a0N00M Ig77f9U4%199 n - by 2 1 � Sattw c,Iwq AWe. n"Ail Rrrr.. ;aunon Orel Cara .. t001m0 .-r s I 6=I TTOO a ager Pia.f5905Iiiwill. r ONrIrA C.mr, tea a .'" JMW rt 045 yyus atu_Oes Td@OWW (9061 iNF 1349 IBM $0- FT. Ea ceae hpmm {rourtw. saw 1BM. Vbwm FRae, saw M: 1.6 AL'I"M« 122-2n$ (so) ABSOLUTELY LLTOUNOING 6 ms free, lyes OW,i .uN ! ca, $55D•madl you -quM full brie laW4y, in AN sit 000 mwonaw nedR I . this rat DMT wad Cap M Rom COWAN BanNe, Rmft Rea Estate b - Un ism) 72.9414 AJAT 3 a2 *OM AFT a rnt $950 A S'Slnno . No Pets ou.Q ArA- '.mora (MSYm.o1p4 AMA 4 MaOMI Mae. 2 17 2 1Wbccon. Sa/oYtlta. Camey nron effasir ONO'sitaw. arr C'I' Car p011aira ent $1300 oEwe{ Mj-/i7-am NIAR OfMAWAS CENTER A Horn Back art fmcd =1 I 12 arts GAnra w W{ bent Arai ANO 1st $108&m•cites I$Lim Ow - 1.0,17061475.4M1 OF 14141-7M•2418 MM FLOOR. 2 brd0on. 5 apo -once, Li con*bm d. $a:1mala +IClual.g 1mmRe,t C.0 o■rA MIArFtmgMrs N0 db � aOpmt 19 easy 5% DOWIS - ow W 6a - rig M,Aadrd s a ppwMMOMMnoepprNttil a' cam�(905172610N a1 220 Paw Fnew. Sara THAP colowl Estes saAar OMAN 1M111TNY tm~ a AnMawl 3 betll°on Npwe .M 2 bid - apt Gro wwm an 13 aaa Avid Sep 99 Oko e MiW d ta..9905.-666JM& $1250 7631 mw_ IN Item Al DSRRWA SOUTH 3 bed roan tow be ciao to scarorsllgppirq fe50 phi NlOIM Ps& Ilbla6 F.SIAafI 5A 79,91156 dawit (9051 LUXMY NEW Wit haee in WMOy. 3 bdroln. 3 bem- odms. 1.01i" bewfmw .M ow N Com. 5 new W pkarkc4s. al. no gem. later OM And Cora chert 0.500 Mer eb Ph M (905) 430 - CLEAR 2 M#OM 4, DW- r'dT wdap""N'�jommm. fJpWO q at aWerdbU. AWi =Je,t!y� 1st. fMaM . on. (+w7.128- �now Fsewmi a Fw- 05ICI�Ii W. Ce" Ali. Gal. am bokMt, Ipaa1 allgeG. ADE. iaiM. SwM MdteoYq gzrly. t4301m. sae 676 WBDR mmol CorAlai- Ab tial how Use of P�artmw' aiweeeWA-AbYie. $3aL Rtow M 467926. a00M or 41ard ACCOWmO. atsar resod Mr JW let rat I51 4%,31479, or MNa meNEM. show AMCWit gt�AE house b cAw. 080. LAW yard. 5 M"Moa LAW d ■tk M Avail,. $=Jim Ft. mat 111 6131978. GUNNWAmkm FIAT PAN NORTH AM. 2 bedMOM. PANN a Jay 1. flogs. aso- ww. Ger 9o54266B71. MOM VILLAGE - AMM 1st. Running 2 Nam , Coma apt. with emuhe Fantastic fit. Imisant kWW NI import S1.2007per monmh. Refenerces etc 416441. 1x9 M. MaMy SHOP FOR NEAT in Hampton f355dsoft- 200 $150='Cm 1 n -2460. - 1 Er9Eb 3 BKDMOSIM targe Lim WW Gaa60rt- I Lw. NWaulbn July 3. 10. SM 9f9 -006a Iort.9e5 a Rerll HAVE A FUM '�pd With or -. gem Lake ,,.IK type dons. conplele wnr mtrOWwe And 850 1and mi IN WA Pado o A' Carlo: bShA g DOM -1,es pit. CmWa.G slat On cl-liturt, Call 1-877-747- N>uMal by EArru PIGEON LANE 3 Ddroom walMlom ottage Ids safe sn^,eknedock 'aunts 5 5 A a omemee $629 .. Iunvshed Aya.ab4 an 3 -•-•s August (9051655 CAN ONLY Gf T AWAY FOR 1 weekenl M ew a,", LaN- hprA .ccorn..damer n rume PQRvNM ON be«m■. hone - k440 -e,0 aoArrlNm-nw Pr mrbaafpl F o 1-aM- OMw4n5nwrny CAN no. tbla Fear. Aft C.EARWA'ER •iAh Iur heo Ana ranv,Al An conaear0. 2. 3 balm R swat (gem► rrw) None& Poor no he sea MAGMA ant ■era M- twpMs CNiOral ..rove, PNOrt Me_.. n ew how s2n.oft (MO3-sem A PlitFECT FAMILY ,$C~ konA m C LEM *A*I; H AREA 3 bwrd.m, iii-, routs ped. ACOM Owe mot pend. 880, Pawn yea. om to reach AWIIaft W. Fee u.0 { mrnM orris.-57a3ree ow low 1 1 Pe,i..a NaMe 61 JANIHSO■ ti' aRnby 5 bad. iaOWm. IvaOs a "j vadn dote to ockuk ad Perks L -la Wates- ("NIW$713 « raw to" fMS)US-3111 he,Ot Raley $OML New Rlprp . AMaw - W a' AAAN By Use 2 som kir 3 baron 3 baflidwia. rMk- On kdchw b Ore. 5 Cap prates OOdN atbwre Fvmoned bsum m awn ler O"V ar-ON $/65,000 (905WBB-7688 10WMALLE Saes 1N huge ANr1tm, .a 3 baw1 F.rN>hw base.mat wM 2 ac and bow ws IlMpace Oft%$ b 4101ACNoNt Maly M.-OpbtOOlaNA $1M �p Cate SMmWAm sn'74 « 14tS1922 Nom FOR SALE BY OWEF in I4M Ad" MAN tama5 I.AWorld NL Bo.mamnie (905)69: 1:58 a*fip0 OSN WA 25.' A AI%v Moo ole Adelaide 3 Al«o" 2 MOvwm nudwod Mors. OM ot :OM 906404.1101 To .0. W 05N A. 3 bedroom. She- $Ow covIsble Cool n Die- ne on" arta of Dthm, "AA, WNlat 1 dK&aw m - bun. ha0woo0 fawn. on tu,r t fix I.mdmk sae $149900 cam 579-6411111 PERFECT LYNN in Nesnemni 4 bedroom IlO M 08 acre bawON Ihaae lel An IMA .vdons. Owns and un' Custom ON Wlchen Cita did 2 - 31c Ur Arms. 20, 36 1001 -awned woe"w ArmwWOOdSIove Fenced in Orlyuo s a mute pqurti 311655 n000i Call 9059B6.4MiN i SOU" Oink - 12 M da fully Wtached 5 bedroom. 2 landluns 2 Gins. coma Vx. W. POO. by pat lar. " schools out route. stores 1505) 571.6175 call CCwmmvm � qt it*. d VA aMy SaiAAw for dbce of $IRA legs dop. $150 a WotM . NUN Ryan. can 90507F3210, e AVR SIIUIL 44 FALBY CRT. Sm rib« (Narggd aAyy) Ape. BwMhdy-dtcoraad 2 bad - Monk iYRe001R NfletfplDlR, I=. Iddpm. floes. dim AnneF- a. wp-tlpMae, aMKNx tandowL alar a• aWMMIn. 6169162 or &telt rayl 905- 294.110$. NANW000 a moty. pA- o. 2 Rea00nl bra IoM Boor. rtsNm RNpOtairt. J1aNrp ft16.900. l7onp fah a Au- pa1 CAN b new, 905-436- 6961 Car 9054261247. rMs- uge. OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUARANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UP- FRONT FEES, OTHERS 00 NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGH - LT BEFORE SIGNING ANY COI"ACTS. � FYWcaa I FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW! I(886)641-4626 DEBT RELIEF GUARANTEED WE CAN HELP! 1bn�ges. • I a Ile,)-e,Kt WORIGAGES ;ad bad .0 ugly Pmancmg la Cary PI- ATCan Gp My Monpa�pe- Servtes Corp 1905) 668- 6805 ME 1 fua.IaA DNponul+bn ADULT VIDEO ,ancone huge ilk lero Cabot I. nope rS ortm F nope a meso e h -NY Slat n n o0erAlloN k Z own bass Cyr 1116) 562-6144 ler -p, - can FOR SALE Stedmans V b S Department Store north of Toronto. Great market potential for growth Limited competition. Inventory and fixtures negotiable. Approx. cash re- gtueed $60.000. Building also available with 3 bedroom apartment above Store. (rider will assist in financirog 1-800-665-5085. U" 11EALTM TICHMMOGY a' -Ser^i-rr �. -:wnr• S.eec 3salw..w" aetta .,c you Love PbpgeY1 A,, you ArmlOwa a Ymtvaw7 .n Auto Potar"a Call Few: 905-420-5951 COwLEiE n�we,. ., vin n.Kpane mcom. Sae flare b ower ve,wle nal (9031 11111, Opel UUPTMU OP MITUMTY Will In be -.d FVAAAM! NIaRAart SLaciICE Newest G tteryOM AM r CA -M CAOn-Id 6005 Wpk per WNRM nal Darer 905-Qp- am WE NRI LOOMW '^1 DMF b.tt N,SIAwAnrs Misselp TneypvS Motels -u IW saw" sbbt�hm turf ad Deme, Ow tllnlwe phodX.ch, PWe CAN as - WEED CONTROL BOSOM - Estaarsho -W, 10, SAN NI aena ud Cate hit After6 0 in (90514W519t YM FUTURE It 6kq Prado IewomrnNNraum gas no eratp Stints 10 amoom ba -1a5 Al MIM slnWaM• 19Lq)426-3 Pore,a00 CM 1011 1, CUSTOMfM APPWAATM SALE. N houu of NCM, Aw tluit 6 Gln 51100 N paenvOn plMm (adudn) wiled Ma) Avaade at 305 ON Mary in - Slone SDeCIAIS Gffvd. such as aeaw CouecabK a x- ce mes A *ort Ont =ft a fdklla b ddam ant COMmr Cant Mpg a stroll InrWMgnh ad m. Ws Wsith a cool gess dKeVIA now VCIM Pa- eo ga den an Ms shin hours Wednesday to Saturday Sam -50m Sae begns June 23rd to July lOm Fbnpm Veape 19051-263.8206 • FNHBON� IOUs NIOMKW MIE$ - ON- TARIO. Named a Home Plant Nombre, 1-90D451- 3630 eta 6f0, f3(i9mrm WAIT kid T -rte. M FEE, n ORDER IN= • mwm a pfwu Iim PBM Numbers. 1.900451.3631 AR 235 33AWr WAIT be is, AM 100 A NMnNIG PAY mqryrst-p►flew - RR117 own -ad. eD ver 10ca4a. Rpyl b Ik. P3I9 t P.ONoesW 4 46181. T 865 eed . 51.. Oshee9, OWMa, LIN 71.5 )L6. CERTIFIED PERSONAL Dan- INNpUuk WWvMlfa Woo.. Wes holm AWW Md etches. AT 6� 5�1s1 V.4" 190"M•5) 680 680^ Art in the Park '99 "Ontario's 2nd Largest Fine Art Show and Sale I Calling all Fine Artists dE Strolling Minstrels July 17,,118-r i` NOW 17�Yo Mentilm Park, StouffW116 tE IS YOUR CHANCE TO WI WA - WHITBY - CLARINGTON IIS WEEK PLATINUM SERIES BALLOT BOXES WILL BE WEBER 880 LOCATED AT THE IROX. RETAIL VALUE FOLLOWING ADVERTISER'S $1,099.00 tURGER KING 105 Cladnglon Blvd., Clarirgton DURHAM TV a ANTENNA 151 Liberty St., Bowrllanvdle SITY'S RESTAURANT 8 LAUNDROMAT 7 Nassau St.. Oshawa TESTAMENT BOOKS 1121 Dundas St. E., Whitby LIBERTY CAR WASH 146 Liberty Sl., Bowrnamille CLASSIC AIR SYSTEMS Call for ballots 427.2622 LIMO SERVICE Call for ballots (416) 410-8312 GOLD REFLECTIONS 243 King St, E., Bowmanville HAIR BY SHALAMAR 153 Broils St. N., Whitby GUYS & GALS HAIR 28 Division Sl.. Bowrnarlville BEAUTYCLUB SALON 1402 Hwy. 2, Courtice DURHAM AUDIO/VIDEO a COMPUTERS 500 King St. W.. Oshawa KRISTA POOLS a SPAS 1975 Taunton Rd.. Hampton OSHAWA PAINT a WALLPAPER 894 Si -Coe St. N , Oshawa LANDMARK FURNITURE 77 King St. E.. Bowmanville THE NEW WHITBY TOYOTA 1025 Dundas St. W. Whitby EMPRESS CARPET N FROM FAMILY HAIRSTYLING 243 King St. E. Bowmanville ALEXANDRIA'S BODY SUGARING 1645 Dundas St. E., Whitby, O Dubd SUGAR LIPS 16 Rosehill Blvd.. Oshawa (North of Sears) ALMOST PERFECT FROZEN FOOD OUTLET 191 Sloor St. E., Oshawa ( at 40 1) PAULMAC'S 243 King St.. E . Bowmanvies MOSTI ITALIAN[ INC. 6-350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa THE GATE HOUSE HAIRSTYLING CLINIC 21 Beatrice St, W. Oshawa THE STYLE SHOP 166 Church St., Bowmanville 'NORTH END BOWL 1300 Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa HANK'S HOME APPLIANCES 426 Simoce SI. S.. Oshawa IN of 401) GLASS ACT WINE MAKING 96 Waverly Rd.. Sowmanvdle GONE W1ITH THE DOGS 2651 Trulls Rd. S. Court" TIMOTHY'S 1561 King St, E.. Courtfce (Hwy. 2/Prestonvale) RAMA SURPLUS 735 Albert St.. Oshawa BABY BECOMING 17 King St. E., Bowmanvine PERRY FUELS 285 Bloor St W. Oshawa Call for ballots 623-0808IWAWA • N111 ray • r't ARIN ,Tl LA HAIR THIS WEEK 965 Dundas St. W. Whoby �Nrrr WON OWE 01111110 area — ar. — — — — — ae- rare a kriirl� r 1 Name 11 Name 1 [.Address 11 Address 1 �► 11 � 1 Phone Number_ 11 Phone Number Me see men area rim area aw ame, amin las I L" -4 'r A7MMM" SPECIAL OCCASION PACKAGE Up Do MakeManicure Tax Make Up $65.00Included 960 nuneias St_ W_, Whitby 430-0300 MIN ec". : 1 1 imprcgsrnls : 1 • ►Aane, : 1 Re0rr9 : 1 R4eenl AUCTION MACK -TEL A O c ROOFD#G CONSIGNMENTS 50L.I.M011113 rtu un 0% rialgo And Asumrlanne 701:0wiN �,„mh.ngat 4mllmil..,l. •.;r..,I :,.'.'., - ,njOK AND ESTATESs o•^.� Renonade rates Awkinanalrp t:earaaeced 10% Ducoual to WANTED •Tyr a Carpnrr Serwm and Semors, fully ataaed. Fres craimain Low commission, Itl° t r+ea rifer. aIi001r Can Aa16rw at (Ilei) ialf�Me fMea SOY. 1 Rets wit pa)'n'e y rleod CAN for Free Esummaw -c vwclal Sales aldiry Tues.416-724-9295 F1o0 -owm 1 la.vy s soar Thurs. Sat. at 6 HANDYMAN realm n TMS PAINTING 11ARRI-aTNE- ILI Arltpw hltYr- Ca'I a aea I:au � '� 3 DECOR cure, a "arwrr•un 'or Mwt taq or u•1yl we ppftartces all rya wura ptd neeat NRe a NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 23, 1999 -PAGE 19 AA alit Wak 20 Lr�THIS WEEKand NEWS ADVERTISER help with your Garage Sale'. Place your ad by Thursday, 2 p.nL and you'll receive 2 Free Signs�,- GARAGE SALE I t a e a '1 Pouch* • µlliik slaarrol� la4 • • 1,11” tr pr,ted up A • 1 13it 1�aek �(hlray.al .1r %ir , %dt'rrnver 1 A Free Draw For BLUE JAY TICKETS Ura%s I''riday.,lutw 25AN al1E.AYs. Ibrrq a srr,e. : �ovaa �ranmqIM •souw �laentnq Cross Movers E,c , � / / 'bllstoee • Officer; 1 • ape. PrLitq Atal /" If •ceEsetnara 1 416423423e `•-a smat �x-at rA e1C. 01MEler and p Ovral rlslla pin 1 wlaaa nor error PMCf them yl Free eat- 00•ral� IWftw ��� Ewell. Wprk"latl- mat4s sanon abeourlt. I ITh%f Ilr Aft ow notce nteeee. Ace 4:W 1M, MYLES KING I+taraall„AUCT1elelyneal,tT Frit. CNan, Olrertpes nrtwa. oleo ••••,, •. res q,,,rr 33 Hall NS w pR 'GUARANTEED' rek" service. awaipe. Mu 73 Nall SL IIeI ata 7sa PAINTING i 428 0081 ItISMA aelt 1,1 Mill aw Oglaw, aea • peSleil•eTO 1-Mt-to-sa>s Established in PLASTE9MCi 1960 ' e q' .a6264410 HOME SERVICES 725-MlHOME 6 Decks. NM For ae bee sonwA a i Ao4rtme 721�Ot Kitchen a Bath f0f Call � aes SYSTEMS Ibces. Apartments rovaeG fYfrErf ill" sp waoncss 4 PBaswwftA as P** 41Ht snag) (pica- r.. no • ""ir & Mi 51111" es senor ►«eoneU afIR9) - aa.r,e,r rtromr a AAd-Monet Dnceurtls s. � ....., +nr1 rA. (91K M-7— _I N 1 o�nne r �ae a nr~rr LJcerwea, enured Free naE .law v', w ro RaeEMr Et11.W M John �a.a a,ea+ar 5ar.era a E- wil ►lee -WW ti rtr MY! wt rnC Ile J,i�f r,1Mt tiMe111. Vscrnaln �ual,n "9Wma le,'24 M 1- and alatelt aer4raee Ewe aa. 00451 3M AX PM Call gFTM. ►a roll noes. el.m IEAaeta► [srtla s2 rr THE NEIGHBOUR, Paillairding S71-0755 Iw•eeoarrdx, rryu. n to. 24 noun ii HOOD HANDYMAN a•/ tJ9i•491-0600 Jess. sed wane for 1 -7753 DAILr MM. wa1�orim MOVING I_ P_ (166`100 .:JR 1-eap ell T7:0 Mfq /Horne RepRaL r + ,�• •,• general cu%W Cam Rai J ra ` Dpgroon : Ta.weA4 Erwn ' • 'rs hi naetg a cel 414701 •VZ l aEEr+ cam romp- 1 rill- /CeramleTilW :tom ,at I.r s� n SELL IT NOW genera crew — De m meas R SM -DD Palrtarq a EstEr-. t: tneae CALL 683-0707 a m ash a Kils De +rsi le a�''44s e4i4 �/pu0AoRoAr IYPT EEUOR FAX 579 4218 retrieved ALL WORKas.tsnce GU T-1�1eka Cee Alen IeeaFeaa-eea4 TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives WIN call you. Please remember to lave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax Illwln Adviedleeir P05-579-4216 MAID SERVICES — — A unya' P ,wnno Mant-arse S- -•. Personalized, professional service. Enquire about our SALE! TO aA NEW clients, with all bookings of weekly and bi weekry services Limited time only ...so BOOK NOW! fFV)' 9onded A insyfydt A 683-7515 :K »cuJa aaanm9 nrrrunanan MINT EAGER CONDITION Young, College k .-jr�..; aroccs. Glrl Is Please Call Desperate to M-831-7757 Please. 18- A seri. ice tna. is 1-900-561 rdenhCJ/ to none 81 00 .89cents per/ — ttE(..410E & CL4/3 min. ti 1,04 •r e.vrw eF�yaD1"MA TO ADVFMMM YOUR AUCTION IN ?HIS s,B `MN PLEASE CALL 683-WM -jeaBRI]DAL XPO Find out how your Business can be involved in the spring bridal event of .. the year. Participate in a bridal and evening wear fashion show! y ° . F -- AJAXTICKERING pJ t, t� }-NEWS ADVERTISER � ,. .554 ' ��• Y A Wedding Extravaganza t 4 = ;Sunday September 19, 699 i 4 .:Pickering Recreation Complex Valley Farm Road, Pickering �' tL t 4,Sponsored by -, e, r 6 � "�1�ts"t `Y Radisson `� ° �PidoirNlg Town Canby r ON BEACH RESORT 01Q01 F , s INtd Ii • matte INE GIVE YOU THE WORLD - Brides and Guests `AWatch for upcoming promotions to find out how you could win a fabulous Sears Pickering Town r­4:tx;_,5 Day, 4 Night trip to Nassau. Watch for details. Centre Bridal Event BIIS1neSSeS Sat. June 26/99 Watch our -Up Do'" + demonstration A special section will be published I i a.m. & 3Makeovers nn and more! Fri. Sept. 14/99. To reserve space call .683-5110 1 L.tesaAa 1 .ay,.p J'Vrt,c rshea,W` 7DkKAW Thai IIiMMAL A MADITENA SM F Nril. LWMS A Lanillwmphn a tits mat/lza-411zz w8 -" CALL DAVE A7e111ew ttE(..410E & CL4/3 83 TIMBER TREE eF�yaD1"MA SERVICE ��`�D � ":Yet • Ln Oerty ServicesVany Serincee Exper.::. H: ,..., . Tnmmsng. Pruni aseeoatd wiUt any, ether AT.Mas A�ewcxs" RAI SIT WANTS WORK Fu[Iy Inured 404-8761 Doing Magic F'Jt Chow s parties FM estimates NOW Hi�iNra And As occasions Have My Own Maglclan. 1 Call Shawn Can Era" 666432 1 70"111-17a4 TO ADVFMMM YOUR AUCTION IN ?HIS s,B `MN PLEASE CALL 683-WM -jeaBRI]DAL XPO Find out how your Business can be involved in the spring bridal event of .. the year. Participate in a bridal and evening wear fashion show! y ° . F -- AJAXTICKERING pJ t, t� }-NEWS ADVERTISER � ,. .554 ' ��• Y A Wedding Extravaganza t 4 = ;Sunday September 19, 699 i 4 .:Pickering Recreation Complex Valley Farm Road, Pickering �' tL t 4,Sponsored by -, e, r 6 � "�1�ts"t `Y Radisson `� ° �PidoirNlg Town Canby r ON BEACH RESORT 01Q01 F , s INtd Ii • matte INE GIVE YOU THE WORLD - Brides and Guests `AWatch for upcoming promotions to find out how you could win a fabulous Sears Pickering Town r­4:tx;_,5 Day, 4 Night trip to Nassau. Watch for details. Centre Bridal Event BIIS1neSSeS Sat. June 26/99 Watch our -Up Do'" + demonstration A special section will be published I i a.m. & 3Makeovers nn and more! Fri. Sept. 14/99. To reserve space call .683-5110 P PAGE 20 ME1NE AMERr EEK WEDNEMW Durham kids 1 touch down for another football season The Durham youth Flag Football League has hegun another season with almost twice as many players and teams as last year. In senior league play las week, the Argos tamed the Lions 28-16. Jared Neville. Micah Callanan. Ryan Camp- bell and Adam KnighL% scored touch- downs for the Argos. Neville and Campbell each added two-point con- verts. Callanan and Ne%illc snagged in- terceptions. Stacey Yew and Adrian Goffe scored majors on kick returns for the Lions. Gof e added a two-point con- vert. The Ti -Cats defeated the Stampeders 34-25. Scott Fryer led the way for the 'Cats with two touchdowns, Ashley MacArthur, Brendan Cosgove and Joe Vanderlaan added one apiece. Vander- laan chipped in with a two-point con- vert, while John Burgess added a single point. Darryl Matsushita. Kyle Gibson. Kevin Davies and Ryan Brogan scored touchdowns for the Stamps. Gibson added a one -point convert. In junior division action, the Bills soared past the Falcons 33-6. Tyler Cos- grove paced the Bills with three- touch- downs. one coming on an interception. Alex Lengyel and Max Tremblay scored one major apiece. Jeff Draga and Jason Babcock added single points. Jason Junmae scored the lone touch- down for the Falcons. Luke Holland had an interception. In other recent senior contests. the Lions downed the Ti -Calc 14-13 Jarrett Rischoroigh and Andrew Miller scored touchdowns for the Lions. Ri%chorough added a two-point conversion. Joe Van- derlaan scored both majors for the Tn- Cats. John Burgess added a one -point Convert. Tbc Bombers got past the Argos 20- 13. Sean Hunter ran in a pair of touch- downs for the Bombers. Matt Riedel had one major and Tim Pent$ added a two-point convert. Raymond Levesque account for al l the Argos' scoring, pick- ing up two touchdowns and a single. Tine Bombers blew out the Eskimos 34-18 Scan Hunter scored two touch- downs for the Bombers. Mike Orfus, Rcbdel and Penh added one major each. Dustin Chandra had a tworpoiM comm and Brad Wikn and Hunter added one - point converts. Scoring for the Eskimo% were Matt Wo olstencroft with two touchdowns and Sean Morrimm with tone. The Eskimos defeated the Stamped- es 31-25. Alexander Schroeder coxed two touchdowns and a single point for the Eskimos. Adam Cooks. Michele King and Charles Smith had one major apiece. Scoring for the Stamps were Sean Mcnsour with two touchdowns, Kevin Davies and Darryl Matsushita with one each. Kyle Gibson added a single point. In recent junior division play, the Dolptuns and Cowhoys played to a 26- 26 tie. Dolphins scorers were David West. Matt Embree, Tom Roach. and Derrick Gray, with one touchdown each, Roach with a two-point convert. Cowboys scorers were David McIntyre with three touchdowns. Adam Camp- bell with one and A.J. Lozanovski and Campbell with single points. Nate La- casse had an interception. The Packers shaded the Cowboys 18-12. Brett Vernoy, Nigel Fingal and Ryan Zak scored touchdown for the Pack. Damn McCloy and Darryl King had interceptions. Campbell and L.ozanovski had the Cowboys' majors. The Bills sunk the Dolphins 20-13. AI Valiulis, Jason Babcock and Max Tremblay scored touchdowns for the Bills. Babcock added a two-point con- vert. Scoring for the Dolphins were Detrick Gray and Matt Embree with one touchdown apiece and Gray with a single point. The Packers blanked the Falcons 32- 0. Scoring for the Packers were Darryl King with two touchdowns, Scott Mc- Cusker, Daniel McCloy and Bma Ver- noy with one apiece, Ryan Zack and Chris Taylor with single points. SCOREBOARD JUNE 23, 1999 PICKEna4 EMS slow PFVCH LEAGUE PRIMUM Of Monson Jury IWnunwd C1• Pau YgaMelld. TUDOR AIWS'A' DIVISION ChwnpronShip We. Young Guru 18 v Scoff's Rests, . oras 15 Car*Oi M*n ads: Caput Pwmhffwl 23 rs. Hardman 11 NonDArlrs'r D MSM Nn Cponshp oda. Mud 's Mayucim 11 n Durham Burs 5 C,WwoWon ode Fos Goes r,« 21 vs. WMnlgtm Boot Pub 20 MUD NEMS V DIVISION pmnpmshp ands: Pappsa 1 27 vs. w Prelim Bow Jays 17 ConsoWcn sda. PKkenng A's 11 " Papp682 7 PMREgNO aoso .o' DIVISION CMympmwp srdr IsM 12 n Roi"B Corroiaton oda NSF Dodges 21 nSad Sacs REBOUND SPORTS 'E' DWISM Chwnpanshp We Woodruff Barrens 26 n Ci nods Twat • Cpromm $44 %Wes Moap Servos 10 ro Bonk of Mmoaai S LONE STMT ONION Chwr pwWV sda Country S" 16 w R.Mu 12 C =Wdn We " Rcftrd's 13 vs Frrastorws 17 caktws 11 Jutit 23, 10M $4724 :9,884 =9,912 =9,768 ;9,831 ii.91 - ,95 cgs 94 Geo Metro Com. Mercury Sable Neon Neon Sport Taurus GL $5,942 $6,844 $9,862 $9,877 $6,956 ` '92 92 '93 93 94 Cavalier Plymouth Shadow Saturn SCZ Cutlass Clerra Mercury Topaz 11VA 3 ME I [a I STITAIA kill kD1 $11,662 $19,642 $14,893 $iffl! 1 0 00 YO '95 94 952 Doe a Caravan 8 ort Ford E loror BUMPERWindstarrt $9,721 $5,809 TO $17,857 $17,861 +s . BUMPER WARRANTY • 95 '92 Font _ 96 � '97 Suzuki Sidekick Ranger Indstar LX CMC Safari $12,823 $11,944. _ O $10,841 ®� 510,81V195 �1 100 YO30 95 Plymouth 95 95 Voyager GMC Sonoma PARTS Doage Caravan SE Taurus Wagon iJiLla"T 4011 00 /o $15,31 $13,444 E13,352 $12,912 1 LABOUR - ON ALL `96 Grand 96 Grand OUR '97 95 AM GT AM Suntir• Grand Prix $11,932 'Iw $8,841 VECERTIFIED ICLES $10,856 $10,818 'see dealer ral W LA for details '94 '92 Buick '94 HotMa '94 Grand Prix R al Civic CX Mazda MX3 $11,884 57,823 510,917 $16,832 $11,882 98 95 Honda got 97 Grand ' Civic LX Agra L Stmflr• A4 0 . W_X. en 111000 $13,731;� OPEN SUNDAYS 12 -4 iiv! 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RK KAME *An official mark of the "dF�r Gar ON XW b0fa s "W #A up your $ 995 $ 3 995 Provirm of Ontario used FREE CO �sy `'S 3 ?? � A X under license. ♦. ItIUh /IISVeN,V�. A FMIY ft t� tltlrtr0 11CL 1016 Brock Rd. Pickerio9 (Jost MA of rig 401) (905) 420.3555 HOURS:MON: WED. & FRI. 8-6, THURSDAY 8-8, SATURDAY 8-5 At Consumer Car Mart, customer service is our top priority, Our salaried Class'A' mer:hank:s recommend only necessary repairs. •offers liannemon expire JUNE 'AUL TAMI EL.LIE BOB JEN NASCAR RnvFr rnmv 30/99