HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_04_07Durham Hwy. 401 deal a `win -win-win' situation Cost-sharing deal inked in plan for new highway interchanges BY KEITH GIUJGAN Staff Writer A "historic announcement" involving the Province, Durham Region, several municipalities and developers will see two and possibly three new interchanges constructed along Hwy. 401 here Ontario Transportation Min- ister luny Clement signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Durham Tuesday to build full interchanges at Pickering Beach Road in Ajax and Stevenson Road in Oshawa. And, if technical studies war- rant it, a full interchange could be built at Lakeridge Road on the border of Ajax and Whitby. "We hope to have shovels in the ground in 2000. It's a very ambitious timetable, three years to completion;' Mr. Clement said during a press conference at the Durham headquarters yesterday morning Surrounded by all MPPs from the lakeshore communi- ties and Durham Chairman Roger Anderson. Mr. Clement called the announcement an "innovative solution this Re- gion spearheaded. We'll use this as a template with regions in other areas of the province. This kind of arrangement gets the work done. "This partnership is the way to go in the future. It's a very ambitious project. This is really a historic announcement" The Province will pick up two-thirds of the tab while the Region and the affected munic- ipaLties will pay the remainder. The $48.5 -million projects include a full interchange at Pickering Beach Road, removal of the interchange at Harwood Avenue, building of an under- pass at Harwood, widening Hwy. 401 to eight lanes from Harwood to Pickering Beach Road, construction of a new in- terchange at Stevenson and re- moval of the Park Road inter- change. Technical studies have to be conducted before the iakeridge interchange is approved. One of the issues that must be ad- dressed is the location of a link between Hwy. 401 and the fu- ture Hwy. 407 as the technical- ly -preferred route through west Whitby is opposed by towns- folk there. See NEW page A2 ROGER ANDERSON Hwy. 401 'the backbone of Durham's transportation nerwork'. DICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING'S COMSIUNITY NFWti I)APER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 44.000 1: P+.;.I 1� \5 F'1)\I `1) 11. XPRll. ?. 19419 OPTIONAL WEEK DELIVERY $5/$1 NEWSSTAND ICON PIETRONINY .14nvs .44verkur photo Allison's excellent adventure The aquarium filled with colourful fish caught the often- exhibits as well as interactive computer information and tion of Allison Poliacik of Oshawa while she was visiting games for children. The new information centre was the new Pickering Nuclear Information Centre at the nu- opened to the public Thursday, April I after undergoing clear generating station. The centre features brand new renovations. Pickering nuclear station has a `new' owner Electricitv restructuring unlikely to have immediate effect on consumers The Pickering and Darling- The new companies came Each of the four other new The changes are not expect - ton nuclear stations are no into existence and the old companies will take the over ed to have any immediate ef- longer the property of Ontario provincial utility disappeared separate operations of electric- feet on consumers, according Hydro. as of April 1. ity transmission, electrical to reports. They now belong to Ontario Ontario Power Generation safety enforcement, electricity However, the break-up of Power Generation Inc. (OPG). Inc. has taken over and µill marketing and financial man- the old Hydro is the provincial one of the five 'successor continue to operate the old agement of the share of the old government's first step in companies' created by the provincial utility's nuclear sta- Ontario H)dro debt that won't opening up the Ontario market provincially -mandated break- tions and hydro and fossil fuel be assumed by the successor to competition in electricity up of Ontario Hydro. plants. firms. next January. Funding forspecial-needs students hiked Province says funds to `provide quality education' RON TRBOVIC'H 'The good news is on the special education front.' BY SUSAN O'NEILL Staff Writer The Province is increasing funding for Ontario's education system by approximately $150 million for the 1999-2000 school year, including an addi- tional $32.5 million for special education programs. "As the government promised, Ontario's funding for education in 1999-2000 will provide the resources you re- quire to provide quality educa- tion for Ontario's children;" Ed- ucation and Training Minister Dave Johnson said in a n . mo to school boards release,! asi Wednesday. "The gi „ ,cgula- lion for 1999-2000 provides more funding for school boards than ever before" According to ministry spokesman Rob Savage, the Province will spend $13.25 bil- lion on education during the next school year, up from $13.1 billion last year. "Next year, no school board will receive less operating rev- enue than it had in 1998-99;' Mr. Johnson reports. And, in addition to provid- ing extra money for special ed- ucation, the government is allo- cating roughly $188 million for new schools in Ontario and $150 million over the next two years to support the implemen- tation of the new high school curriculum. "Ilse good news is on the special education front," says Ron Trbovich, superintendent of business for the Durham Dis- trict School Board. "We were quite concerned the changes being proposed meant some se- rious cuts" Mr. Trbovich reports the board will get an additional $900,000 for special education programs next year. "We're very pleased with that pari of the announcement" But, he says the board will still go ahead with plans to re- structure the special education program in elementary schools, which includes cutting more than 100 academic resource See DURHAM page A4 On Jan. 1, 2000 at the stroke of midnight we would become a city': Holland new cl*ty for a new millennium MARIANNE TAKACS S'tagWnur 1'1('kERIN(; — It looks i',,kcnng residents will be ng to the city next year. ex - ,,t they won't have to go any - ]ere. lawn Council was expected r enst dorse a resolution lanight irking the Province to make 'ickcring a city as of next year "On January 1, 2000 a the stroke of midnight we would be- umc a city;' says Ward 2 local o:ouncillor Mark Holland, who was planning c.. bring furward the resolution. "It's part of a awrch to a new corporate identi- ty. Council voted last December to have the Torun apply for the trademark right to call itself the 'Millennium City' and to adopt the motto 'Canada's Only Mil- lennium City'. At the time. coun- cillors also resolved to ask resi- dents what they thought about having the Town became a city in 2(01), sxi that it would be able to live up to the new motto. Since then. Pickering's been successful in getting the trade- inark and citizens have apparent- ly indicated their support for ac- quiring city status. Coven. Hol- land says he's discussed the issue with many residents, as have other councillors, and they are "very excited" about the idea. "fife response hack has been nothing but positive. There has- n't been anything to suggest we meed to do more (consultation) than we have" While becoming the City of Pickering will not change any- thing MARK HOLLAND 'The response back has been nothing but positive.' kgal status or the way it oper- ales, according to Coun. Hol- latd, the new Millennium City motto will give it a "positive face'' The problems Pickering has had to deal with in the psi he notes, mean the town is now often associated with negative things such as garbage dumps, a controversial airport plan and a troubled nuclear plant. "People don't understand there's a lot more to this cornmu- nity;' he says, citing Pickering's grooving population, "progres- sive" character and many natural environmental assets. The coun- cillor maintains a new positive outlook and image will be bene- ficial at the current "critical junc- ture' in the municipality's histo- about the municipality s See CITY page A5 Inside the News Advertiser Wll G TDMIT Eritefirial ftp ......A6 Erie DaM .........A6 Sperts ............B1 Erabrtailmossirt ......B4 ClassWod .........85 See our Wheels pullout GIVE US A CALL Goo ....... 683-5110 Dlstributien ...683-5117 Death Metieas .683-3005 Aatetien Line ..683-7545 sloway Yomim s ...... 1-800-662-8423 Emil ............... newsroomOdurham.net Web site durhamnews.net FAX .........683-7363 '!0 tutu rat. tet Al 1w rerrn ower. No a cam soot it lin w illi SMW Obw Awasn"k W a Comby CW tires at. S. at Rgle at. 99N=4 rte World's Smallest Tri -Mode PCAS h one■Ml PLAZA -AJAX . 11061 1150 Minutes Limited t� e Only (, for WN CENTRE$35 a month o -Sean Wingsae store for Dewts •!ilent Vibrating Call Alert 0744Quik into phoneCAPM NAL SPORTSWorld's smallest tri -mode d. i #)2TDMA phone. 9557 • Call number ID. • Rogers Qmel Inc '" AT6T Cap. Usetl sneer License —tel V AM PAGE A2 NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION, April 7, 1999 KEITH GILLIGAN/ New-.% Advertiser photo Ontario Minister of Transportation Tone Clement (left) and Durham Region Chairman Roger Anderson had a formal signing ceremony yesterday following the minister's visit to Durham Region headquar- ters to announce a S48.5 -million Hwy. 401 plan that still see at least two net• interchanges built between Aja.t and Oshawa. The plan. which till he paid for by the Province and municipalities. calls for the construction of a new Pickering Beach Road interchange in Ajax and at Stevenson Road in Oshawa. The existing Harwood Ave. highssaY in- terchange is to he closed. Another interchange at Lakeridge Road on the Ajax -Whithv border could also he constructed, subject to a techni- cal assessment. New Durham interchanges announced NE:V fn,m page AI Whitby Mayor Marcel Brunelle _ said Tuesday's announcement doesn't close the door to a Hsit, }. 407 link. " Itus will exist on its own, without eliminating the link on either side. The trick I% to put in an interchange without closing off the link. They be- lieve it can be done:' he said. Tuesday's announcement is one of several major expenditures the gov- ernment has revealed in what is con- sidered to he the run-up tai a provin- cial election. But. in an interview, Mr. Clement denied the announcement is tied to an election. "Wc started on this in August and this is when we got it done:' Mr. Clement said. "Your MPP%, regional chairman and mayor% are saying 'let's gel an agreement in place as soon as Possible'. 'Thu is the soonest we could get an agreement in place" Durham West MPP Janet Ecker also denied the announcement is tied to an election, saying she and other MPPs from Durham "recognize the importance for this project. Pickering Beach is a significant foundation, a building Mock for economic growth in the community We've pushed it very hard:' Mr. Anderson called Hw\. 401 -the backbone of Durham's trans- portation network:' After speaking with Mr. Clement about the interchanges on Aug. 24 of Iasi year, he expressed surprise "to have it happen in seven months. I said 1'd be happy to see it happen this term:' The Pickering Beach Road and Lakeridge Road interchanges will open up more than 2.000 acres of land that is zoned for industrial and com- mercial development, Mr. Anderson noted. -(As to) Stevenson, there are sev- eral projects in west Oshawa that hinged on an interchange:' he added. "This is a win -win-win situation for the Province. the Region and the local municipalities and our partners" Oshawa Mayor Nancy Diamond called the announcement "extraordi- nary for our community". Noting about 700 woks a day travel to and from the GM plants on the just -in -time inventory system, she said. "They have a 15 -minute window of opportunity. This will get them to the plant without winding their way through:' The interchange will also improve access to downtown Oshawa. Mayor Diamond added. Ajax Mayor Steve Parish said the interchange "means so much, not just to Ajax. but to all of west Durham, in economic spin-off." He said the Town will he making announcements "very soon" on com- panies that will come to the commu- nity in large pan because of the new interchange OFAFFOFICERDABLESOLUTIONS'�� MYLEX.. A COMPUTER DESK � WITH RETURN 7� *Return car ae tel mac"¢ i r g^t or left conhqurarion •G•een and Oak Cnrsh9" -"-�����-•�- &' i knoire 1,.,169.99 a _k iwch �,.,5 70.00 ASK OUR RA UR CONSULS= AMOUi OUR NUBR CHOICE OF OPTIONS! SOt 7 F1 SHORE: ,t RR I' L SI 1) CORNER WORKSTATION -Fits 17- monitor, book and CPU storage, CD holder -Honey Oak finish 179 411!3 018% COWUM �Fllllll E NOOKCAM CPJUL- YOU NE®R • 1NE HAZE m - SOUTH SHORE ' RIVE SUD )v WORKSTATION D 1 ATH HUTCH •large keyboard tray, 2 odiusloble shelves, lock, fits 17" monikx, CPU storage book storage •Honey Oak Finish 77 88� Y -Ly_ x0479 Q I91att� ilrl" Fite 40441 8!." 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A COMPUTER DESK � WITH RETURN 7� *Return car ae tel mac"¢ i r g^t or left conhqurarion •G•een and Oak Cnrsh9" -"-�����-•�- &' i knoire 1,.,169.99 a _k iwch �,.,5 70.00 ASK OUR RA UR CONSULS= AMOUi OUR NUBR CHOICE OF OPTIONS! SOt 7 F1 SHORE: ,t RR I' L SI 1) CORNER WORKSTATION -Fits 17- monitor, book and CPU storage, CD holder -Honey Oak finish 179 411!3 018% COWUM �Fllllll E NOOKCAM CPJUL- YOU NE®R • 1NE HAZE m - SOUTH SHORE ' RIVE SUD )v WORKSTATION D 1 ATH HUTCH •large keyboard tray, 2 odiusloble shelves, lock, fits 17" monikx, CPU storage book storage •Honey Oak Finish 77 88� Y -Ly_ x0479 Q I91att� ilrl" Fite 40441 8!." AJAX 16 Horwood Avenue Soul, MISSISS.AUGA 15K Armco Rood •5935 Move Road ANCASTIR 1015 Gas links Road ■IWMARKIT 130 Do,,, D- : AMPION rewRAMPION 1250 St les Eas, IEoa rl 4101 OAKVILL11 2466 W�rigo Churchill Bbd W Duodo.) •OEW at Dorval Dina WRLINOTON 1801 Faa ,ew !a, B•anrl waKOALS Hw, 27 8 Re. dal• Blvd 1T09ICOK11750 The Queensway lopp%ae Sirrway Gom%,sl 64CARROR000N '+36 sirCowon INo,d, d shapao,dl HAMILTON 244 Barron Easy Io, C., all •96(lFat„no, E,n• „01 Warden) '850 Milner Avenue MARKHAM 3175 Hwy 7 Irou o1 W..6� l WHITRT 6�5 Dundos Sneer Fou WOOORRIOtII Hwy 400 6 7 TORONTO 2160 Sreebs Wesr !ar K«bl •945 Fgl,nron Eost ;r F.., u. • 1150 Dufferm lNo,rk d lo.. ni • 375 Um.enry Avenw • 1140 Yonge, Srreer • 250 F,onr Srr•er Eau V Bed..,! • SQ Kee, slrwr E AINI55 DEPOT' I...— D... ud 50.. ,n.• -o. .a h. ..,. n. „,no.. Z1011 ....... D.., bd iai FREE Noxi -Day Delivwy* 'Cit k FBR BEE►lit PH: 1-800-668-6888 FX: 1-800-567-2260 1N1M1M de's -_ STORE HOURS Mon -Fri SAM-9PM Saturday 9AM-6PM Sunday I IAM-5PM 10 CONTOUR TASK CHAIR VATH ARMS •Got ,� he,gnt ,•ilusrn4nt Grey Green or Bk,e 27 Adlbk A111111111, 9 IMANAGGER'SS CHAIR '.rnrV+r —.1 •.,,, [n. r tier hack •rlf tens;on/height adjustment •61u<h 139'9 I ERGO DELUXE TASK CHAIR *Height odlustoble rear -drop style arms Lumbar back support +Grey or Blue 19999 39867/39868 HWH-sACK MANAGER'S CHAIR ' •Contoured bock, seat, arms •Infinite rib mechanism locks in any position 1 •Pneutmok height adjustment *Grey, Green or Block 249r9 38843/41959/44629 r OPERATIOR CHAIR •Multi-liher; pr+e�Ematic gas lift •Adjustable bock & arms .Grey 29999 42694 11 Many Catholic portables at risk of mould Repairs on `major problems' under way at Durham schools SY SUSAN OWEILL Staff Writer Almost 30 per cent of porta- bles inspected at separate schools across the region last month have been identified as having "major problems', says a regional health official. Brian Devitt, the Durham Health Department's director of environmental health, reports 28 per cent of the 78 portables checked at elementary and sec- ondary schools in March have been Flagged for repairs to pre- vent mould growth. He notes there were "major problems" with 22 of the porta- bles inspected as "moisture had penetrated the portables. If you get moisture you -re going to get mould. That's just a given. We consider these major problems" The separate board and the health department have inspect- ed more than 140 portables since last August. With the last round of tests, the board has now completed inspections on all of its porta- bles that are more than five years old, reports board super- intendent of business David Visser. "All of the portables older than 1994 have been I(X) per cent tested, which is gaxl:' Mr. Devitt says repairs, which include replacing stained ceiling tiles and sections of soft drywall, arc "well under way". The board has 30 days to com- plete the repairs, he adds. Last month's inspections fol- low checks at Pickering's St. Mary Catholic School in mid- February when 15 of the school's 29 portables were identified as needing repairs. Mr. Devitt says board and health department inspectors checked those portables again between March 16 and 27 and all repairs have now been com- pleted. Mr. Visser notes the board and the health department will continue to inspect a random selection of the board's 2W portables each summer and re- pairs will he completed as re- quired. A report outlining the find- ings of the recent portable in- spections will be presented to trustees next week, Mr. Devitt says. SEPARATED- DIVORCED?' SeMnXS relOn'Terde: ev ­ctl r^ce ' 3?9 i +our age 3 c 1.r v c^-cv ;ate soc aever', A ­e written up n the "Star-. nal law, letting go. sed eveem FREE PREVIEIM AP' 20 8 22 Save S30 w lh d heartny relationships. Near new 4Kmis. R9rt 8 women rehrt & early regetraloor 1416-283-3305 arrytime. :: :.tr?:vt1Ta..� , .IML'�31�.L'lil,,wimv77vcn�,'�r'�{1yI MIria�LIVf-0 GfADE!' EXPECTATIONS LEARNING CENTRES WEE"SwaS, NY 1 1" READING WRITING IIIIIIIIIIIIIEEr STUDY SKILLS M1012r RUTH • Gram t to O.A.C. • Nsdividwlind Program • Low StudenNTescher redo • Ciompli l! Asfesseneni SA -E �-05 IN TODAY'S Wed., Aprill 7,19" News Advertiser ' CeWal Bauer Aja ' fader Mea Rolle Ajtlol'Idl, -16& L w Ajlol ilia e Fhiw Fal k 'FI n$q ApPfer 'W1gB111tY Pkk Ajal4ltk 'Nofflnntcjlde AO Bed Etlde Awft ' IIItltlotlRt Pkk mob AOdkk • Ddweral to sdaxd 1101111 ids only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, an be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For infonnation on delivering your advertising flyers, all DUNCAN y FLEfCHERat 683.5110. .1 420_9930 AlaxNkkering 1305 Glenanns Rd.. Ste. 103 Robin Wednesday's Carrier of the Week is, Robin. She enjoys Girl Guides do Karate. Robin will receive a dinner for 4 volllieher eompiionenb of McDonald's. CoolQatulalionis Robin, for being our Carrier of the Week. Walmart.Ajax 135 Kingu,m Rd .Ajax 222 &n•h- sr W.Aiax ^26 Kingmon Rd. t'iik 1360 Kingston Rd, i'ic k OKAMPRL1 COUNCIL Did you know... The News Adver- ti5cr is a member of the Ontario ?ress Council, 80 Gould St., Toron- to, Ont. M5B 2M7, an indepen- dent organization that addresses reader complaints about member newspapers. NEWS ADVLH tISER WEDNESDAY EDITION, April 7, 1899 PAGE As A/P HC RRY LV! : PICKERING HUB PLAZA ThThewvpeciu/ priers arc in M � S ' _ ,�5,. � a . !�.= .. , .- effect until: t pril I I th tit our a 5 Saturday 9 r � 0. Sunday 12 - 5 Pickering location oliol `1r mow. n Take an additional 50% off selected clearance fashions and shoes for women, men & kids. FOR WOMEN 30% off • all regular -priced jackets, pants & skirts from Jones Wear & The Work Connection 25% off • all regular -priced Petites & Eaton Woman fashions (excluding designer collections) 25%off • 3 -pack pantyhose from Silks, Secret, Vanity Fair & Hanes 25%off • all regular -priced jewellery from The Work Connection FOR MEN 30% off • all regular -priced Van Heusen apparel and accessories FOR KIDS 30% off • girls' Attitude denim • boys' Retreat denim FOR YOUR HOME 30% off • all non -electric frypans, skillets, saute pans, stir -fry pans & grill pans (includes Eaton Home, Cuisinart, Lagostina, Meyer & T -Fal) 25% off • regular -priced bed fashions, including Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica & Esprit FACTORY OUTLET 25%-50% off • selected Factory Outlet merchandise More great deals in store. EATON'S Personal shopping only. Sale offers good April 8th only, unless otherwise specified. Savings are on the original ticketed price unless otherwise noted. Sale offers cannot be combined. Offer excludes Warehouse Stores and Clearance Centres 06'p POE µ NEM ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDMN, April 7, 1999 Students the focus of summer jobs campaign Employer incentives include $2 -per -hour wage subsidy The provincial government is aiming to help more than 53.(M young people find work this sum- mer through the Ontario Summer Jobs 1999 program. Education and Training Minister Dave Johnson an- nounced Tuesday. "Summer jobs help young peo- ple gain essential workplace experi- ence and contacts to help build their careers.- the minister said during a press conference in Aurora. "We want to work with more employers to help more young people find work this summer." Mr. Johnson reported 88,(X)0 -net new jobs- have been created for young people in Ontario since 1995 so "The youth unemployment rate has dropped to 14.6 per cent from 15.4 per cent in 1995. "While the trend is in the right direction, the Ontario government must do more to help young people find work in Ontario's booming economy. According to the Province. On- tario Summer Jobs 1999. aimed at people ages 15 to 29. will help more than 53.((X) find work from spring to fall. The Ontario Summer Jobs 1999 program, which runs from April through September, is a $50 8 -mil- lion initiative combining provincial programs offered by the Ministry of Education and Training. the Man- agemcni Board Secretariat, the Ministry of Economic Develop- ment. Trade and Tourism. the Min istry of Northern Development and Mines mW the Ministry of Agricul- ture. Fcxxl and Rural Affairs. Incentives offered through the Provmce's summer jobs programs. which are pan of the Youth Oppor- tundies Ontario strategy include a $2 -per -hour wage subsidy available to businesses and community orga- nizations that hire young people for up to 16 weeks and loans for teens and young adults who create their own summer jobs by starting their own businesses. Information about the program is available on the Ministry of Educa- tion and Training's web site at www.edu.gov.on.ca. on the Ontario government's web site at youthlobs.gov.on.ca. and by calling the training hotline at I -888 -JOB - GROW. Durham welcomes funding for special -needs students DURHAM jnim Page AI teachers from the system. The Durham Catholic District School Board will -welcome" any increased funding for special educa- tion in the region, says director Grant Andrews. "We spend well beyond the grant level that's provided for special edu- cation, as many boards do:" he says. Mr. Andrews reports board staff will make a -preliminary- report to trustees regarding the minister's an- nouncement at the board's next meeting on April 12. "We don't have a complete infor- mation package yet. What we basi- cally have is a covering memo;' he says. Meanwhile. Mr. Trbovich says. "in terms of the whole funding scheme it's very much as it was last year. "The big thing is there's money outside the regular grant scheme of about 5150 million for textbooks. teacher training and resources to support the secondary curriculum. That's g;xid." He adds. there are -no surprises" on the revenue side of the board's budget for next year. other than the :,pecial education grant. Mr. Trbovich reports the public Ixiard's education finance committee will release the first draft of the bud- get at its first public meeting April 26. Community news online! Catch LIP with LIS at w-w-��-.durhamnews. net ----------- --------------------- 0 t ��---1 �����jjj1.Y1L:7 1J1.� t+l`JLI 20 i a WMM EL, L,QS� CLU i i i 426-9261 Feel seven FeeT TALL For a nay! Enter to win a chance to be a `Raptors Rookie for a Day'. • Meet the team and receive an official wphca Raplcrs u❑ form. • Be part of the pre -game warm-up. • Sit near the bench as you cheer your heroes on to victory. • Be profiled in upcoming Raptors game programs. Complete and deposit in any participating sears store. Name Age Male female Address City — Province Home Telephone ( Posta! code Tell us why you want to be 'Raptors Rookie for a Day' I hate read flte contest rules and agree to abide by them SVA" of ParirnGtivardan •• •• - •• •,• _•. • _ •.. •• 4114 '!iFS�1 i�15it1ti5 �L,nrt„ 49 Set s4M DOUBLE .299,-! »-9 QUEEN ..339 ,x KING ... 529 . i H iv 25 "Ingle"Linn.. QUO Set'599 DOUBLE .449,.1 -t,+ QUEE% .519lei -w KING ....669 ti i I! w it N 1 0 PAYMENTS, AJM JONI" tElblllQll� ' , r....r.a n....wi. n....+n. n...a�. ,w ,oma a 104 1M IM �7..r A STANDARD .. $9 QUEEN ... w, F73 :. TWIN .......589 FULL ...... $109 QUEEN ....5129 TWIN .......St' FULL ........$22 QUEEN .....533 TWIN .......$22 FULL ....... $29 QUEEN ....513 SOLID ......539 DESIGNER ...5 i9 11IL.L. YLIVIYLO .�.C� .P&- ft�,,r • s,d r .R . i«�i ircw.. I • &d RA I iq.r.d U • 9.a Soso Did 4, INTEREST for'l yeare ow . M N r . noon Road W. 433-10.52 ig 1702 �s nm Rd. N. pIfte..,���gWastnsy Rost! S,' ,2 ,, 1aO.5j 615-1315 F Budget folks under way Some cuts made, but Pickering tax hike still likely BYMARIA NNE TAKACS loss to the Town. Mr. Pater - Staff Writer son said the Town has PICKERING — Resi- launched an appeal of the as - dents arc still looking at a sessment decision, but it will Town tax increase of about take months to be resolved. 2.5 per cent after a day of "It could he September budget deliberations by Pick- before we hear anything;' he ering councillors yesterday. noted. While councillors did The finance director has make some cuts to capital also written to the Province expenditures, explained about the PIL. loss and about Town director of finance Gil the possibility of receiving Paterson after the meeting, some special funding to help those cuts would have little Pickering deal with its short - effect on the tax rate pro- fall. Last year, when provin- posed in the draft budget be- cial downloading and the re - cause most of the expendi- distribution of PILs between lures are likely to be debt fi- the municipality, region and nanced. On a house assessed school of boards left Pickering at $2()),(x10, the proposed with a serious budget prob- 2.5 per cent increase would lem, the Province provided amount to a 1999 Town tax $950,000 in special funding. hike of $17.60, to $725.80. While a 2.5 -per cent There would still he Region- Town tax increase would al and education taxes for likely be palatable this year, m hoeowners to fray on top of said Mr. Paterson, he noted that. budget trouble may he hrew- Councillors were told ing for Pickering in future yesterday Pickering would years. He said he was partic- not be required to consider ularly worried about the debt increasing taxes at all if the Pickering is now beginning Town had not lost about to take on for capital projects $750,00) in expected rev- after years of paying for enue from the payment in them from current funds aril lieu (PIL) of taxes made to resines. " ihcn it's a slip - the Torun try Ontario Power pery slope that's easy to get Generation (formerly On- on, but rn)( to get off;' he told tario Hydro) for the Picker- councillors. ing nuclear station. OPG re- A 1.43 -per cent tax hike ccntly won an appeal of the is required in 1999 just to property value assessment cover the impact of the new that determines the amount debt and lease costs the of PIL it has to pay, which Town is assuming for capital has resulted in the revenue vroiectsand %ohmr -- City status for Pickering? CrrY fn)m page A I ry, when it's Laced with becoming "an- other Scattxsrosugh- if the wring dcc:i- sions arc made He maintains Pickering will he the only genuine Millennium City because it will come into being at midnight at the tum of the millennium. A city in Maine has already claimed Millennium City status in the U.S., and Lotxkn, England has tracicmarkcod the title in the U.K., he admits, but they are already cities. If Council decides to reyucst it, get- ting the Province to approve cityboxd for Pickering is expected to be a for- mality. -It has never happened in the histo- ry of the process that the Province has turned anybody down;' says Coun. Holland. One eventual complication could be the future amalgamation of Pickering and Ajax some la::d politicians arc pur- suing, which would create a new mu- nicipality, with pomahly a new name. However, Coun. Holland doesn't sec any problem. "On the issue of amalgamation, we would be a city in that context anyway. We would still remain a Millennium City, only we would be a bigger Mil- lennium City." If everything goes as planned, Pick- ering will celebrate its new Millennium City status as pan of the huge millenni- um celebrations being planned by the Town this coming New Years Eve at the Metro East Trade Centre. Coun. Holland says most things like signs which now refer to the Town of Pickering will be changed gradually, according to normal replacement schedules. "We are not going to go out and spend new money as a result of this.' Tai chi class offered .;f you're looking for a way to reduce stress and improve your health, a local Taoist Tai Chi Society branch has the solution. The Durham South branch of the so- ciety offers Saturday classes beginning April 10, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and Monday sessions starting April 12 from 10:45 a.m. to noon and 7 to 9 p.m. Cost for most adults is $140 for four months. Seniors pay $90 a year or $35 for four months. For more information or to register call 668-6500. NEWS ADYERTISEII WEDNESDAY EDlTIDN. April 7. 1999 PAGE AS P The News Adver- tiser welcomes letters to the edi- tor. Letters should be limited to 150 worlds and signed with a full first and last name OR two initials and a last name. Include a phone number for confirmation purposes. Un- signed letters will not be printed. FAX them: 683-7363 EMAIL them: newsroom® durham.net You are invited to meet award-winning author, SIU,�,,ANNA Ajfltj�IJEY signing copies of Named of The Dragon, Saturday, April 10th • 2:00 p.m. SUSANNA 11f�'1!\JL.Gi THE DRAGON rl Durham Centre, 90 King, k ..:i I . \;,,x • Q05) 426-4431 Shaw Digital Cable. So clear, so real, *0 04" I1111"t 08% O' (AC3) satlnll wb2N&M &de1WW0tnit 39 d199911i 9f 99I q- tyk11919f c •basic calve rtquned. appAcatk Oxer erne. .95 F"Famw it's unreal. With crystal dear *-lure. CD "My sound, and an expanding km* of entertainment, sports, music, and mores, irs no wander TV lovers are swarming to digital television services Now you can go digital foe as litre as $10.95• a month. you? receive 30 channels of wwrte rugted music with Digital Music Express, an on-screen program" Navigator, and easy access to the biggest Pay Per View movies and sparing events. And for a M& more money, you on have a lot more choice. 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'96 Ford Taurus LX '95 Chev Lumina LS '95 Taurus SHO '95 Ford Aerostar '94 Honda Civic LX - SOLD '95 Geo Metro '90 Plymouth Laser RS Mb 1111que LS '89 Beretta GT '81 Toyota 40 p11up '95 Dodge Neon '93 Cutlass Ciera S '92 Plymouth Sundance '92 Ford Ranger plup '92 Sunbird LE ISTUM mmw) Antilimallf; — - IN 191 Dodge Spirit LE '90 Volks. Jetta GIL 190 Acura Legend A"A : wil- 1698 BAYLY ST. DICKERING 190514209800 or 1400477.3316 HOURS: MONS,-THURS. 10-8 FRI. & SAT. 10-6 SUNDAY 12-5 P POM As NEW ADVERTISER,WEDWSDAY ttEDMON. Aprw 7.111M Ed■ ■ itori4il N E W S EDITORIAL The highway to our hearts Will Province pave the way to prosperity in Durham? Durham Region appears to be on the highway to future economic growth. Yesterday's announcement that at least two new inter- changes, and possibly three, will be built on Hwy. 401 will ul- timately mean much more than just taking a different exit en route to your destination. It will pave the way to jobs and a broader tax base for municipal governments to draw on. eas- ing the burden shouldered by the residential taxpayer. The cynical among us will doubt the provincial govem- ment's assertion that the timing of the announcement has nothing to do with an upcoming election, since it appears cer- tain we'll be going to the polls soon. Assuming the Mike Har- ris government is re-elected. or assuming the incoming gov- emment will honour a memorandum of understanding signed by Transportation Minister Tony Clement yesterday, we could be driving on our new S48.5 -million interchanges at Pickering Beach Road m Ajax and Stevenson Road in Oshawa within three years. Meanwhile. W'hitbv was thrown a hone with promise of further study on a proposed Lakeridge Road inter- change. on the town's Ajax border. For the usually slow -turning wheels of government. this project was moved along in a hurry. Noting the Province has been working on this project since August, with local MPP% and politician, urging an agreement. Mr Clement comment- ed. "Ibis is the stxnc%t we could get an agreement in place.- Never lace"Never again doubt that governments. by nature, must operate at a snail's pace to get through all the red tape. The test novo will be getting those shovels in the ground and organizing the nbbcn-cutting ceremonies before those three years arc up. When - and if - the two Ajax -Whitby interchanges arc completed. mere than 2.000 acres of land will open up for in- dustrial and commercial development. That's of enormous benefit to all of Durham Region. more comparuc% will be at- tracted here, lured by the improved transportation corridor, a skilled workforce (think Durham College). a wide range of housing options, and family-oriented communities that offer a myriad of recreational opportunities. More industry in turn opens up more jobs in the community, a wider pool of con- swners demanding the good.; and services from companies that already exist here. and provides host municipalities with a broader industrial tax base. As more induutrie% coritnbute to the tax coffers, more community services can be offered with- out raiding the pocketbooks of homeowners. An addled attraction in O%hawa is the improved access to the commercial carr the Strvemuin Road interchange will provide- That's good news for all the husmcsses located there, as well as residents. Sincc Durham Rcgum population pm}ections leave link doubt rcskkntial growth is expected to keep on swelling over the next several years, it's more important than ever our in- dustrial -commercial growth keeps pace. In order to avoid complete gridlock. improvement-; to our major transportation condors have to keep pace a% well. Bring on the construction equipment. Mr. Clement. What's in a name? A tale of one town, a town that wants to be a city. And, your town wants to be a city, claims Pickering Councillor Mark Holland. He lobbied colleagues last night to have the town designated a city. No dust any city, mind you. but the 'Millennium City'. Not just any 'Millennium City', but 'Canada's Only Millennium City'. Coun. Holland and colleagues voted last Dec -ember to apply for the trademark right to call Pickering the 'Millcn- nium City' and to adopt the motto 'Canada'% Only Millen- nium City'. Since then, Pickering's succeeded in getting the trademark and, he says, citizens are "very excited - about ac=quiring city status. While becoming the City of Pickering will not change anything about the municipality's legal status or the way it operates or the funding it does or doesn't get from higher levels of government, the new Millennium City motto will give the community a "positive face", according to Coun. Holland. He figures your municipality needs an image makeover, plagued as it is by associations with negative things such as the problem -plagued nuclear plant, garbage dumps and a controversial airport plan. If Coun. Holland's colleagues agreed with him last night - as they were expected to - getting the Province's ap- proval to grant Pickering city status is likely to be a mere formality. So, when you wake up Jan. 1, 2000, you'll likely be liv- ing in 'Millennium City', 'Canada's Only Millennium City'. Nice ring, don't you think? But, the nuclear station and the garbage dumps will not have disappeared overnight. YOU SAID IT The question was; What should be done to stop the deaths of citizens during police chases? Lorraine Nabil Elhalabi Brenda Forsey Larnswood says, says, "The chase says, "It's a no - "We need stiffer should be justi- win situation for penalties for the fied. If it's worth the police. They criminals. When it, go after them. have to do what they eventually If it's not, catch they have to do get into court, them later. It's despite the risk" throw the book at tough for police them" to make a split- second decision:' A DV ER'T P 1 S E R A P R 1VIONS 7 1 9 9 9 • RL��� tY NuN�A�uT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pool change rules Help not a thing -t;°s put kids at risk To the editor: On page 26 of the Town of Pick- ering 1999 spring and summer brochure. there is information on public swimming at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Toward the end is a line -Children six years of age and older are required to change in the sante gender change risorii '. 1 foci that the modesty of a kw adults it being put ahead of the safety of our children. The Town of Ajax has recognized that the safety of our children is a priority and in- troduced family change roams at the McLean Community Centre pool. 1 think the Town of Pickering should do the same and have fami- ly change rooms at the Pickering Recreation Complex. As well as being an area that children are undressing in, possibly exposing themselves to pedophiles and perverts, the Pickering Recre- sum Complex change roosts have Iwo exits, and while a parent is wailing at one exit, an estranged parent could abduct the child, vii the other exit. Recreation complex officials mod to recognize that there arc bro- ken marriages, child abductors. pe- dophiles and otter perverts in our community. The rules should read "Do not allow your children to enter change room unaccompanied-. Heather Smith Pickering of the past To the editor: On the morning of Saturday. March 27. I was stopped on Liver- pool Road next to the Oki Liver- pool House in Pickering. Suddenly. smoke came from the engine compartment of my Ford Tempo I was terrified. but fellow moton%L% around me went into a 'rage" to help. They directed traffic around my sur so two young men could push it into an adjacent park- ing lot. 1 was offered cell phtonte% to call for help. When a fire broke out. a gentleman rushed over and caved my car with his fire extinguisher. So. thank you, thank you to all who helped. In today's world, it's encouraging to find out that the days of being able to count on com- plete strangers for help are not a dung of the past. And if my -personal firefighter' affcm to read this. my husband and I would like to reimburse you for the cost of the extinguisher. Please call us at 839-3737. Ursula Kurebn. Pkkeritgt UN couldn't help Kosovo crisis To the editor: This letter is in response to the April 4 editorial headlined 'Kosovo I must stop. But UN, not Proper way to go' It is true that Canada has adopt- ed a peace -keeping status in the in- ternational community. The problem. however, is that people often aswme the United Na- tions should be involved in every effort to 'make' peace. The blue helmet soldiers arc a part of 'peace- keeping' operations. not 'peace- making' initiatives. The distinction Ls impcxunt because in Yugoslavia there is no peace at the present time. As well. there is no conseaws in the UN Security Council as to the route that sharld be taken to protect the people of Kosovo. Russia is torn between historical alliances and desperately heeding financial assis- tance from Western countries. It has turned into an mternatiorial gamic of political etiquette. Thi% is not something I am cornfortable with as far as the UN's involvement goes. The editorial also had an incor- rect statement. The UN never played a peace -keeping role in Viet- nam. In fact. the Sccunty Council dismissed Canada's request for par- ticipation. While Canada did send 290 peace -keeping delegates after the signing of the 1973 Pans Agree- ment they were not a pan of the United Nations. The point is, in the Vietnam case the UN should not have participat- ed and in the present Kosovo cast the UN should retrain an observer as well. Tlie situation is horrific and disturbing but would not be im- proved with a UN presence. Matthew Wilson Premier aims to finish the job Tories' take on second term: let us continue work Premier Mike Harris has indi- cated the theme he hopes to cam- paign on in the imminent election - he will warn not to change horses in midstream. The Progressive Conservative premier's choice of theme had been awaited eagerly, particularly be- cause he ran so effective a earn- paign in 1995 it quickly became re- garded as a classic. Mr. Harris then focused almost entirely on promising to cut gov- ernment and taxes, which rang a bell with voters, stuck to it and sounded as if he meant it. which he did because he has carried out most of it notwithstanding harsh conse- quences of some of his promises. Many have wondered what Mr. Harris can do for an encore and he has given some clues in pre-elec- tion wanderings, saying Ontario .,must stay the cause:' meaning keep the Tories, or risk losing gains made since 1995. The premier said Ontario's economy continues to grow and leads the nation and his govem- ment made the tough decisions that got it there, although he left out that much of its prosperity is due to an economic boom in the USA. He warned some, presumably the Liberals and New Democrats, will feel they can stop worrying about jobs, growth and financial se- curity and turn to other priorities. But Mr. Harris insisted Ontario cannot pause or take economic: progress for granted, as farmers c=annot plant and then merely wait for a harvest. Eric Dowd ?ns Park Mr. Harris was helped in 1995 by the NDP government being highly unpopular because it ran up huge deficits and the Liberals re- fusing to announce policies until the election was under way and then so resembling Mr. Harris they were scent as plagiarists who waited to we which way the wind blew. But the slickness of the Tory campaign was acknowledged re- cently by even one of those he beat, former NDP premier Bob Rae, who said Mr. Harris defined issues and opponents well and "ran a brilliant, focused, tough campaign. It was not pretty or fair, but it worked:' Mr. Harris cannot run again solely on promising more tax cuts, although leaks indicate he will hold out this lure again, because he would resemble too closely a one - trick pony. Mr. Harris's principal secretary in the last election, David Lindsay, who now heads a government board while in practice working on election planning, also has said the premier will want to look for other issues. Mr. Lindsay has now produced for Mr. Harris. conveniently as he i% about to call an election, what the government modestly termed a 'road map for prosperity' and 'eco- ttomic plan for the 21 st Century.' It proposes measures including more and better -directed skills training, promotion of innovation and entrepreneurtisip, incentives to invest and removal of red tape it says will help make Ontario the best place in North America in which to live, work, invest and raise a family. Both stressed how time is need- ed to achieve this goal. Mr. Lindsay said it will take a few short years and the premier said that it is 'a plan for Ontario's prosperity over the next five to 10 years: Voters can expect to hear Mr. Harris talk a lot about this econom- ic package, because it is where he is strongest, and throw in promises to continue cutting taxes and re- store family values by cracking down on crime and lack of respect, an issue that has not taken off as well as he expected but is still use- ful. When Mr. Harris announced his program, the Common Sense Rev- olution, before the 1995 election, he said it would take five years to achieve. But in this election he will be saying the revolution is far from over, that the Bastille has been stormed, but more needs to be done i and it cannot be entrusted to others. Mr. Harris will ask like Winston Churchill in the Second World War that he he given the tools so he can finish the job and Mr. Harris will sound positively Churchillian. c0ebrett the fut�re! am lk URHA 74 � 9 PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Edeur-tri-Chic) Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail : t uYerits mg tlanager Eddie Koledziejcak Claysifted . )dvertising tlanager John Willems Real 1state .a utomotn•e Ado•ertising .tanager Abe Fakhourie Distribution tlanager Lillian Hook Offive tlanager Barb Harrison Composing tlanager ticws (905)683-5110 SJR (905)683-5110 Classifieds (905)683-0707 Distributies (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E -%fail ncwsroonra dudiam riot Web address wsvw.durhanrtew%. net 130 Coaimcrcial .4vc.. Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15 The Ncws Advertiser is one of the Mctroland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax d Pickering Board of Tradc. Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circulations Audit Board aid the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse arty advertisement. Credit for ad- vertisement limited to space price error occupies. The Ncws Advertiser ac- cepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neath hand-written, 150 words. trach letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opin- ions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be print- ed. E 11 1F E ' EEa The Greater Toronto Services Board: a diary April 1, 1995 - The Golden Task Force is set up by NDP Premier Bob Rae to examine local government in the Greater Toronto Area. It's given 18 months to complete its study. June, 1995 - N,tv: envier Mike Harris reduces the study time to nine months. Jan. 16, 1996 - The Golden , isk Force releases its report. I ecommends scrapping re- gional governments, setting jo a Greater Toronto Council limited powers, giving .n apalites more authority J reassessing properties. January, 1996 - Four GTA ayors, including Nancy Dia- ond of Oshawa. rebase '.roving Forward Together, :arch calls for a board to co- ,anate services across mu- "cipal borders. April, 1996 - The Province ap- points Libby Burnham to re- view the Golden Report. Among members of Burn - ham's review panel is Walter Beath, the first chairman of Durham Region. Ness Ash ertiser Jfk photo Noveimber, 1996 - The Six Jan. 16, 1996 mayors in Metro Toronto re - Anne Golden releases the report of base Charge for the Better - the GTA Task Ferre. A Framework for Restructur- ing Local Government. It Iden- tifies the treed for a board to co-ordinate services across the GTA. Dec. 17, 1996 - Municipal Affairs Minister At Leach introduces the City of Toronto Act, merging Metro's seven municipalities into a single city. Mr. Leach appoints Milt Farrow to help develop a framework for a GTSB. Feb. 13, 1997 - Mr. Farrow rebases his report, Developing the Frame- work for a Greater Toronto Services Board. June 18, 1997 - Mr. Farrow rebases Getting Together, outlining what re- sponsibilities the GTSB should have and the membership of the board. March 12, 1998 - Mr. Leach rebases a draft of legislation to create the GTSB. He appoints former Metro Toronto Chairman Alan Tanks as mod- erator to gather opinions on the board. June 25, 1996 - Bill 56, the act establishing the GTSB, receives first reading in the legislature. The board is to be up and running on Jan. 1, 1999. Dec. 10, 1998 - With only 22 MPPs in the Ontario Legislature, Bill 56 is passed. Jan. 22, 1999 - The GTSB holds its first-ever meeting and Mr. Tonks is picked to head the board. 'In 40 or 50 years from now. people will say 'the right thing was done 40 to 50 years ago' (with the establishment of the GTSB), as we say the right thing was done 40 to 50 years ago, with con- servation authorities and rail lines. We shouldn't build a future to 2021, but build a future for the next 40 to 50 years.' -Alm Tonks, September 1998 f' : Public nieetlnp TOWN OF PICKERING Monday, April 12, 7:30 pm. — Executive Committee, council chamber, Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade. TOWN OF AJAX Monday, April 12, 7 p.m. — Standing Com- mittee of the Whole, council chamber, Ajax Town Hall. 65 Harwood Ave. S. DURHAM REGION Tuesday, April 13, 10 a.m.— Planning Com- mittee, Planning Department Boardroom, 4th Flair, Lang Tower, Whitby Mall, 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Tuesday, April 13, 11 am. — Waste Manage- ment Steering Committee, Works Department Boardroom, 105 Consumers Dr., Whitby. Wednesday, April 14, 9:30 a.m. — Finance Committee, Emergency Measures Office Board- room, Durham Regional Headquarters, 605 Ross - land Rd. E., Whitby. NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EWnDN, April 7, 1"s PAGE A7 AM Since the election of the Mike Harris government, Ontario has Il to 199 undergone unprecedented change in almost every area of Provincial jurisdiction. As we draw nearer an expected spring election, the ;News Advertiser will review some of the most controversial areas of change. In this, the first of a five-part series, regional reporter Keith Gilligan recalls the moves that led to the creation of the Greater Toronto Services Board. th of a eaucracy Parochialism must be checked at the door if Toronto Services Board is to get over its growing pains ROAD TO AN ELECTION PART I BY KF7r'H GiLLJGAN Staff Writer Golden. Burnham, Crombie. Farrow. The Greater Toronto Services Board. The Who Does What panel. Downloading. Pooling. Assessment. Reassessment. Cap- ping. Names, phrases and words that have been added to the language of municipal government over the past four years. Since June of 1995. the Province has gone about changing the face of municipal government and. despite criticism, sonic of it harsh, the Progressive Conservatives have moved ahead with their agenda As the Tories said when they launched their Common Sense Revolution, "It's time for us to take a fresh look at government. To reinvent the way it works. to make it work for people:' To that end, the Province decided local government could work better if it Was leaner. Municipalities arc a creature of the Province and only exist hecause Queen's Park allows them. Of course, getting rid of a municipality is a lot nailer than it seems. Witness the furor in Toronto when the Province announced its plan to merge seven municipalities - Metro Toronto, the City of Toronto, East York. York. ScarhX- ough, North York and Ftobicoke - into sim- ply Toronto. Unlike education, where fortrter Educa- tion Minister John Snobcicn said the Province needed to create a crisis heforc it could overhaul the system. Queen's Park wasn't about to wait for a crisis in local government and went ahead with making changes. often in the face of stiff opposi- tion. Fix example. Oshawa citizens voted overwhelmingly against being included in a Greater Toronto Area government, yet the City now finds itself represented on the GTSB. Toronto resident% were also against the creation of a single city, but they now live in one. Durham Region Chairman Roger An- derson describes the ruling Tories as being "very aggressive in their approach. But sometimes, you have to give credit where credit is due. The premier made very spe- cific promises in the (1995) election. Fortu- nately or unfortunately, he's lived up to them. 'It's an aggressive approach that's been somewhat short on consultation. What they've dome so far has proven to be bene- ficial for cities like Toronto:' he says. The notion of reforming municipal gov- emment picked tip steam in the dying days of the New Democratic Party government, when Anile Golden was selected in April of 1995 to head a task force looking at local government The task force mandate gave Ms. Golden 18 months to set the Toronto region "on a new course for the ne.v centu- ry However. shortly after winning the elec- tion in June of 1995, the Tories demanded that Ms. Golden report in nine months. in January of 1996• the Golden Task Force de- livered a 269 -page report calling on the Province to scrap regional govemm ents, set up a Greater Toronto Council with limited powers and strengthen local governments. Over the next two years, Libby Burn- ham, David Crombie and Milt Farrow were called upon by Municipal Affairs Minister Al Lech to study and restudy the Golden Report. Finally, on March 12, 1998. N1r [.each introduced Bill 56 which established the GTSB. Fomter Metro Toronto Chairman Alan T,nks was picked by Mr Leach to travel .or•. Bund to arca communities aril gather The premier says (provincial du loading of services to municipaliti is not going to cost taxpayers nunev. We've ,got to believe him tuxes will go up 10 per cent. we do need a plebiscite, because we sho he on the steps of the legislature. he happy to lead a hos. But Mike n c says it's not ,going to cost us .... re money." - Then Ajax Regional Council Roger Anderson, August 1997 input from politicians. and acitizens on the concept of the GTSB. Most people Mr. Tonks herd from toll him a services boarden would he another level of governmt, it simply wasn't needed and municipalities diwant any waany part of it. On lune I of last year. Mr Tanks rc- leased his report setting out responsibilities of the GTSB and its, m spelling cut how icm- hership would be made up. Mr Tonks cn- visioned a board with limited powers - to run GT Transit (formerly GO Transit), pro- mote economic development and tourism, and help settle disputes between communi- tics. For the most part. the Province followed Mr. Tonks's recommendations. The GTSB ffi ocially came into being on Jan. i of this year and held its first meeting on Jan. 22 when Mr. Tonks was picked to head the board. From the start, local politicians have ar- gued the GTSB is an another level of gov- ernment and will unnecessarily duplicate p resnsibilities now handled by municipal- ities. Current Region boss Andersen specu- lates that "over time. 1 have no doubt whatsoever the responsibilities of the GTSB will expand:' It didn't take much time for the fire to be stoked. At only the second GTSB meeting, Toronto Councillor Howard Moscoe proposed the board take over operation of all land ambulance ser- vices in the GTA. That troubles Mr. Anderson. "For (the board) to survive, it shouldn't take on any more responsibility than it has now, so it can gain the confidence of the public and politicians. The public has no idea what it's there for. What's on its plate now, what's WORDS FROM THE WISE Politics, Points of View and Parodies DURHAM REGION SCHOOL BOARDS Monday, April 12, 7:30 p.m. — Durham Catholic District School Board, Catholic Edu- cation Centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa Monday, April 19, 7 p.m. — Durham District School Board, Education Centre, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby So. you want to have a millennium baby...00 If you're hoping to welcome 20with a New Year's Day baby, this is the week to get busy. legislated. is enough. It's better to leave things alone. To start going off in different directions, it would have problems all the time. it's a brand new structure, the birth of a new baby. It takes a while to train it. We have to work co-operatively and not (allow) everybody going off (in their own direction)" He predicts it will take "five to 10 years for the politicians and public to re- alize its specific purpose and how it works " Each municipality and Region in the GTA has at least one representative on the GTSB and each member has a vote- but votes are weighted. While Toronto ha!; 1 1 representatives on the 41 -member board. the City has 50 per cent of the voxes. Mr. Witty feels the GTSB's 41 members make it "fix) unwieldy. There are far toxo man) ego % and too many who will do any- thing to protect their own turf. That's win- a politician's job. Thcv'il protect es) their turf to the tdetrintent of the com- as' tram goxxl" if Possibly with that in mind, mu - 't nicipal politicians haven't exactly old embrxed the GTSB For instance. hoard members c:an't even agree ext I d when toidhold meetings. refusing k) Har- set ase a specific Clay each month to any get together. On the ether hand. nx)st municipal courwils in Durham meet Council. on the same day - local councils on Monday, the Regan on Wednesday. With any new government. con- cem of the unknown and criticism go with the territory, When Durham was formal 25 years ago. Borne didn't want policing at the regional level. Mr. Witty re- calls. -It's just in the last four or five years (Durham council i started to work co-oper- auvely without a protection wall going up all the time:' Mr Andcrxn says. 'With (the) Who Does What (panel's rccommcn- dations on service reslwnsihility shifts from one government tier to another). the wall goes buck up. It takes a long time to have confidence in people you deal with. The trust and respect has to be earned' Mr. Leach expressed similar cwncem at the first meeting of the board that parochialism will rear it% ugly head. ""lite GTSB is a forum for discission, a forum for debate and ultimately co-operation among the leaders of dor Greater Toronto Area. The issues at hand and the ones that will develop can only he solved if parochialism is checked at the door and a willingness to work together is embraced:' If the GTSB doesn't work out, the Mu- nicipal Affairs Minister who replaces Mr. Leach - who's announced he's not running in the next provincial election - has a built- in backup. That back-up was provided by Mr. Leach when he said at the inaugural board meeting, " In two years, we'll take a look at what is working well and take a look at what is not. We'll take a look at who is on the GTSB and what it does." He added then that the legislation estab- lishing the GTSB includes "ways of mak- ing adjustments that need to be made" And, the Tones have proven they're more than willing to make adjustments to things they think aren't working well. Based on the average gestation period, ba- bies conceived this week will he due on Jan. 1. 2000. But timing is everything — ovulation oc- curs 14 days before the onset w"a woman's next menstrual cycle, and the life span of the egg is only 24 hours or less after it's released from the ovaries. To optimize chances of conception, sperm must be present in the body around the time the egg is released. Sperm can survive a few days. But if you're not pregnant by this Friday. you're not necessarily out of the race. Not all babies arrive exactly 265 days from conception, and 50 per cent of women deliver before the due date. Any babies conceived during the next few weeks have a fair chance of arriving Jan. I. 2000, and any baby horn during the year can be considered a millennium miracle. PMQE56 . ATP POM N NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION. Ap611 7, 10MP 71me to open the Treasure chest Give a little, take a little As is our tradition. Recv- cler's Corner and the New. Advertiser bring you the Treasure Chest on a monthly basis. This spare allows resi- dents to give away items they no longer use and list articles they require. To use the Treasure Chest. call 420-5625 during regular business hours. Requests may be submitted by the last Wednesday of each month. Perhaps this month you can donate an supplies. the- atrical costumes, toys and games to the Oshawa -based Durham Family Court Clinic (DFCCi. This is a community- based non-profit child and family service dedicated sup- porting the well-being of the children, youth and families who have. or may have, in- volvement in the legal sys- tem. TEEMS NEEDED 1) Art supplies tier DFCC's therapeutic an program and props for their therapeutic drama program for youth groups 12-I8. toys and games for ages three and up — 905-436-6754. 2) Cribs, strollers, high chain, blankets and clothes for newborn babies - Durham Pregnancy Centre — 905- 720-3252 or 839-9561. 3) Unwanted computers — will collect older computers fox recycling711- 0933. 4) Any household items or furnishings for an Oshawa family in need — (905) 4.10- 3391 or 420-5625. S ) Any household furnish- ings — specifically, double Larraine ,ii, Roulston t Rccirlerst'orwr bed with boxboard and mat- tress, scatter rugs, old picture frames, wall mirrors. kitchen table set. blinds. curtains and rods, patio stones, coat rack, floor lamp. 3 doors — for a single mom who met with personal disaster — 201- 8730. 6) Older National Geograph- ic magazines. 1950 or prior — 686-9175. 7) Beanbag chair — 839- 9964 8) Small wood off -cuts suit- able for fretwork — 683- 4912. 9) Toys. games. puzzles. etc. ages six to 12 — KINARK. a non-profit child and famih service organization — 1 - KKK -454-6275. 10) Good quality clothing and accessories and toys, and volunteers — new Big Sis- ters store — 428-8111. 11) Old articles, white ele- phant items, all types of clothing for St. Martin's New to You sales — 839-4257. 12 t Dresser and other house- hold furniture, metal roofing and siding. drywall, filing cabinets. panelling, and vol- unteer — second Chance Rildlife Sanctuary — 919- 4310. ITEMS TO GIVEAWAY 1) Small ;hest freezer, needs repair — 639-1736. Pickering Players proudly presents T7'�ierliouuSSa age9e TkBy John Patrick Directed by Stephanie Langstaff And if / laugh at any mortal thirV- 'Tis that I may not weep.- -Byron Showing April 16, 17, 23, 24, 30 and Illay Tat at the Dunbarton-Fairport United Church - 8:00 pm 44: � - --- Tickets: Adult S12 Studerrts/seniors $10 Call our box office at (416) 410.0211 for further information and tickets MetllMrro�i Lemming CGie ax 180 yll►w gSt. VAm* �e N �Medleiemal Is pleased to announce the openSching of a new wing to house its Upper ool (ages 6-12 years). We invite you to our OPEN HOUSES FI Saay turdmornings April 10, 17, 24 10:00 - noon Pw were il>in win about our F mg fmlllnes (096S 11/2.12 years) .' col 420-31 Z2 ONTAR10ruMMntR GENERATION The people who used to work at the old Ontario Hydro - the Power Workers' Union - now work with Ontario Power Generation and Ontario Hydro Services. What's the competition going to do for you? Competition is coming to the Ontario electrical market. New companies will be competing to supply you power. Ontario Hydro Services SOON A LOT OF COMPANIES WILL COMPETE TO BE YOUR ELECTRICITY COMPANY That means Ontario Power Generation will have to be completely reliable and responsive to our customers. If we aren't, the competition will be. Ontario Hvdro Servict_w will have to become even more focused on customer service. We'll have to find more efficient ways of working. That's why the government introduced competition in the first place. Makes sense to us. Ontario Power Generation and Ontario Hydro Services ane going to earn your business. That's a heck of a promise. We can make it, because we're the Power Workers, the people who've kept Ontario's lights on for more than 90 years. Now there's competition coming. That means that we — and the people who manage the new companies — will work together as never before. More co-operation. Union members who look actively for ways to make the companies better... and managers who are open to suggestions and insights from the workers. And all of us working to earn your trust. Because we know the best way to keep our jobs is to earn them. POWER WORKERS' UN10N Oil■rIN"U-Rw•to■ Visit our website to find out more about how the Power Workers aro going to help our new companies compete. We're at www.pwu.ca. There's Infonaation there about Crow competition Is going to change the electrical market In Ontario, and about how the Power Workers wiz help make Ontario Power Generation and Ontario Hydro Services the best companies of their kind In North America. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US AT: 1-800-958-8798 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, April 7, 1998 PAGE 81 P Sports&LEisURE NEWS A D V L RT i S L Il APRI L 7. 1 9 9 9 Sport SHORTS i Lightninggirls consolation champs at Toronto event APRIL 7, 1999 Durham West novices top Pickering dojos lead 683.9699 1 Canada to Americas Cup boys' teams at tourney PICKERING - Pickering athletes Who says girls' hock- Lightning demonstrated and Wakefield each had helped the Classical Martial Arts Cana- ey teams can't be com- remarkable composure one assist. da team to the Americas Cup champi- petitive with boys' and teamwork to prevail In the opening contest, onship in Mansenillo. Mexico recently. squads'? by a 2-i wore. Jennifer the Lightning pounded Team Canada members from Clas- Certainly not the the Wakefield scored both the Duffield Boys Club 3- sical Martial Arts Canada Pickering Durham West Lightning goals for Durham West. 1, a sign of things to Dojo include Sensei Chet Dixon, McLean's Wholesale Kirsten Roach recorded come. Spooner. Melanie Krumm-Dixon, Fritz Titus, Mark teville, Mary McMullen, Eric Me - novice 'A' girls' rep hock- two assists. Cas%y Britton Stephanie Nakamura and Mullen Mullen and Katie McMullen.raditional cy team which showed and Chlor: Masse each Wakefield did the scur- The three-day t competi-I grit and determination to added single helpers. ing, Tostik. Small and tion featured well-trained Canadian, win the grand consolation Goaltender Lisa Mender- Roach drew assists. American and Mexican teams. final at the Toronto leith was magnificent, Durham was narrowly Canada won the Americas Cup with I Olympics Norm Best holding Mississauga to a defeated 2-1 in game two 138 medals. The U.S. finished second Memorial Tournament single goal despite some by the Warren Park Ea - with 131 medals and Mexico was third recently. excellent wonng chances. gles. Roach scored the with just over 100 medals. The Lightning girls Jamie Tostik, firm Small only goal, assisted by Pickering 'S Sense Chet Dixon de- were a force to be reek- and Lindsay Hill Played W. I..5cld and Hil! fended his gold in the advanced laido oned with and often over- extremely well and had The goahcr.ting ,,I (sword), and with the help of long-time whelmed their male several gtxxl offensive Plcnderleith was Comple- training partner Senset Patrice Williams, counterparts in the boys' plays. mented by outstanding took the gold in the two-man weapons tournament, finishing an In game three, the defence by Schaney Masters division. Dixon also won a impressive third out of Lightning extinguished Marescaux. Samantha bronze medal for traditional kata.eight III teams. dtc Leaside Him-- . -2 to Pegler, Masse and Naka- Mclanie Krumm-Dixon took silver in In the consolation final make it to the consolation mura. On offence. Sm;dl. Ni Dan traditional kala, a silver in open against the Mississauga finals. Wakefield fired a Hill and Spix,ner were hand kata, a bronze in team kata. and a Hornets of the Greater pair of goals, Natalie extremely dangerous bronze in weapons, Blade Belt division. Toronto Hockey League Spooner notched a single around the opposition Fntz Tituscaptured gold n �n AA' division, the 'A' marker. Roach, Britton net. hand kala. Black Belt division. ter, worked together with Melnike to shut down the Uxbridge offense. and Mary flee. Mark DeOctors Pickering M&M juniors of Mullen, directors of the Pickering dojo, M77777,777 :�-� - teamed up for gold s m medalboth the two-man weapons and the self-defence Ontario ring leaders divisions. DeCluetteville also won a bronze in team kata and a bronze in open kala, Black Belt division- PICKERiNG - The enng went undefeated, beat - Youth category member Eric Mc- Pickenng M&M Mcats Jo- Ing Upper Ottawa Valley 7- \ Mullen won gold in kurnite, gold in futan nior 'N ringdtc tram cap- 3. Ajax 9-1. Mount Forest and ser in weapons, and a sit- no katailv tired the 1999 provincial 10.2. Nepcan 4- 1. Glouces- ver in kata, kids division. j crown after beating Ajax in ter I I -3 and Hamilton k-2. Katie McMullen captured gold in fu- the utic game 3-2 in trvatimc. Cassy Clayton was Nu - tan no kata, silver in kumite and bronze Mchsw Meikk, Melanie perb in goal for Pickering. ANDREW IWI,NOWSKi/ News Advertiser photo Cornered Pickering's Ashle'v Nason (white sweater) has a Manners placer cor- ralled in the corner durinK this junior 'B2'division match in the Central Region Ringette Championships in Oshawa this past Easter weekend. in kala and weapons,man are Stephanie Flat- Oar team�� arc OUTSTANDING PRICES The Atrrrericas CUP will take ire man scored for Pickering. ng. Sarah Barnes, Lyndsay Civ - again in relearn in January 2000. i Courtney Puddister picked e1lo, Tara Edward%, Latus Claw" Martial Arts Canada and up an assist. Hill, Mcagcn McKcnty and the xwnnAw n Aust Kai t the i urna- in mond robin -play. Pok- Deniz Sp rtToxd. N D WARRANTI E S rviR compete in Australia at tufo Tourna- ment 2000. This event will axing the este competitors from all over the world to- gather in the spirt at martial arts and friendship. Kids go to the hoops in spring loops Durham College is tastrng spring basketball leagues for players from Grade 4 to OAC. Action runs from Apnl 8 to June 21 at the Durham College Athletic Centre _ - OPTOMETRISTS • Dispensing of Contact Lenses and Glasses • Complete Family Eye Care • Low Vision Services EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY 13 ii r" S. ,,,,, �, 4 -- Z, 427-4144 , "" at the corner of Smcoe Street and Cahn Road in north Oshawa. 1 r Emission Testing t Teams play once a week. either Mondays or Thursdaysdepending on 1 I By Appointtnrnt the division. Games start between 683.9699 1 6:15 p.m. and 8:15 pm. There are sep- , arate leagues for and boys. TIvy de=cd ms ,,il �y c1. 01 Lok & FbY I girls c reg- Costo plus for an playoffs. That near season plus playacts. Thal trovers a,4 my lint accuuat- ^_ �!# 1 certified referees, trashing, a keeper Ajax CC West team jersey and awards. Cal Shawn at 721-3040. 1 I �� i= „ li7fdf ft16p cMM� T1 Tykes set to ground Jets oiler apeee AGI taNR «•r 3 era �°° «i^�°-uP b 5 am d Sieixo Oreitl ■glen ad, nw ON raw a" r1lReeie 141b"C wn. 111 PICKERING - The Pickering Pan- zl �r' auarea4acr'asowna 1 7:30 pm 1 tiers Lute Star tyke select Panthers ti sp0" � X777 BA S.sv49.. wy AW 9..00 pm Ajax CC West hockey team triumphed over the 1I Fast of Westney at Fplley 188,99 t Uxbndge Bruins in the playoff semi-final series and now go on to face thei!cU 1 ty Service Guaranteed Keep It Going. Unionville Jets in the championship - - - - - - - round. ( S vallkxl NM On! In the decisive game two, the Pan - them combined outstanding offense and MER LT SU MCKEY slid defence to shut out the Bruins 4-0. Jimmy laniero and Daniel Fyfe each HOU LEAGUE E HO Prime -time games -Non-Contact fired a pair of goals. Kyle Sawyer earned Post Season Awards •Brans early May Season Ending Tournament two assists Jay Henry added a single AwA Levels A,B,C,D,Rec,& 45+ marker. Dillon Bess and Ryan Sawyer were superb on defence. Goakender LADIES SUMMER HOCKEY LEAGUE Lee Melnike was brilliant turning aside Prime -time games -Non-Contact courde s good scoring opportunities. 1 g Games Guar. -Post Season Awards In game tate, Henry and Mark Starts May 3rd Frawley each notched a single goal to lilt GIIRIS SUMMER RINGETTE &HOCKEY LEAGUES Pickering to a 2-0 victory. Tyler Kot- Recreational fun league/equal ice -time sopoulos, Brendan Weltering and Alex Awards to all players/teams balanced Marra had one assist each. The defen- Other Leagues: 21&Under •17&Under -Youth Leagues sive pair of Ryan Hoefs and Matt Fos- -Mixed (Co-ed) League & MORE!!! ter, worked together with Melnike to shut down the Uxbridge offense. Register an location of 1401 PItIft NkwW Ave or aM 725-6951 for further irdonnalion! M77777,777 :�-� - :i .' .��.', a �.:13 -d:- Minor Novice gall Caglda April 12th 6..00 pm Ajax CC West Major Novice Lamy Gerteakis April 12th 6..00 pm Don Beer #I Minor Atom Jim Gatens April 19th 7:30 pm Ajax CC West Maljor Atom Paul Burnett April 12th 6:30 pm Don Bever N2 Minor Peewee Denis II[asse April 12th 7:30 pm Ajax CC West Mo jor Pleeuvee BW Carrolll April 19th 9..00 pm Ajax CC West Minor Bantam Steve Horner April 12th 7:30 pm Don Beer • 1 Major Bantam Carl Pike April 12th 8.-00 pm Don Beer t2 Midget Dan Mclesac April 12th 9:00 pm Ajax CC West fico E•rA P155/90R'�,i 44.99 P185/75R14 34.99 P195/75R A 34.99 P205/75R14 34.9 P205/75RIS 64.99 P215/75RI5 64.99 P235/75R15 64.9 P195/70R,A SC99 P5/70R Ia 54.99 P195/701t14 54,99 P205/70R14 34.99 P205/70R15 64.99 P215/70R15 6499 P175/65RI4 51.99 12J5/65RIS 64.99 rdrdn No- hop Rad xo.ad Wm my cam .arary d.ieY d 5.an i] NP0411999 Slverguard® ST all -season tires 10O 0O0 r w �NTy "-ase snow and mudrabd ores -de excellent fraction *64000.... 99W� 13' [� 11ALLR� 499 ALL 14' 5 MESEla 99 ALL 1S C& SAVE 30w40x MiNowfiemw Stafne, 40% (shown) Michelin Weatherwise premium olfseason fires. 120,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty'. 24-hour Roadside Tire Assistance included with every Michelin Weotherwise fire: details in store. 058000 fiance Copynght 1999 Sears Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of Sears"" FT91- SI fol" an ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES O �Q71 `E for more information call 1-888758-2999 PlaWMVM ONTARIO'S DRIVEwww.drivedean.com w CLEANI XM271 Sim ^F nodi 155R12 89.99 49.99 P155/80R13 113.99 6799 P195/75RIA 158.99 94.99 175/70813 132.99 7a99 185/708 14 152.99 9999 1`205/7011115 181.99 ltla99 195/65R15 17799 188,99 195/60814 156.99 95.99 0dw 0 w nl. iedidr tl ch rr noel Mod Wonaty SAVE 30w40x MiNowfiemw Stafne, 40% (shown) Michelin Weatherwise premium olfseason fires. 120,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty'. 24-hour Roadside Tire Assistance included with every Michelin Weotherwise fire: details in store. 058000 fiance Copynght 1999 Sears Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of Sears"" FT91- SI fol" an ACCREDITED TEST AND REPAIR CENTRES O �Q71 `E for more information call 1-888758-2999 PlaWMVM ONTARIO'S DRIVEwww.drivedean.com w CLEANI XM271 r THE WORLD'S LARGEST 2 DAYS ONLY 711 1,000'S OF DOLLARS IN CREAT PRIZES, LIVEN AWAY EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR COLEMAN 1 MANTLE ADJUSTABLE LANTERN #286A700T Reg. 79." $4000 kii-QW-i COLEMAN 2 BURNER GAS STOVE 21,000 BTU's #4274"T Reg. 119.99 $5000 W11- COLEMAN tcn COLEMAN FOCUS 3 PROPANE HEATER #5443701C $� Reg. 44.99 SAVE 1250 NOW; WHEN YOU PURCHASE any size of+ any size of MLWOL Coppeft e l I RECEIVE YOUR COUPON AT THE YARD SALE APRIL 10 & 11 TO SAVE $2.50 AT THE REGISTER LIMIT 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER CLIP THIS OUT TO RECEIVE IAN I ADDITIONAL DOLLAR $001 I OFF 1 I ANY SIZE 1 I MUSKOL I PRODUCT APRIL 10 & 11, 1959 ONLY `-------a—, —/\J COLEMAN ULTRAUGHT STOVE #440725C $ 00 Reg. 89.99 COLEMAN NYLON SLEEPING BAG #80008090 Reg .39.99 $2000 COLEMAN NYLON/COTTON SLEEPING BAG #81416550 Reg. 59." $300 COLEMAN NYLON/PLAID SLEEPING BAG #814uw Reg. $3000 64.99 COLEMAN 3 IN 1, BBQ FIREPLACE SMOKER #CC340 Reg. 199." $5000 COLEMAN PROPANE 2 MANTLE LANTERN #515207007 $2500 Reg. 69.99 ftpumaw COLEMAN 1 MANTLE LANTERN #226A7= ftg. - Z00 COLEMAN PROPANE 1 MANTLE LANTERN A � #5151C700T. 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THIS 15 TME ONE U NN�rprrlaw �© �l�e� U YeNre �A' �iqie coNrnan �oa,ra.. n2 n.r � vt ®Orwa ®NR,ro Crile c..myrr i..ikn aarrmwa nate of ny rx�-o.e 905-655-8176 Holiday World #' open 7 days a week boat & camper sales centre,. NO TAX ON ALL REG. PRICED RODS & REELS ALL RODS &REEL COMBOS REG. UP TO $729.99 PEAK 1 MICRO BUTANE LANTERN #3TT2700T Reg. 59.99 $30°0 WORLD FAMOUS FULL SIZE MUMMY BAG #5W" Reg. 79.99 $29" PEAK 1 STAINLESS STEEL PLATE #»63 Reg. 7.99 $3" ZESCO/QUANTUM XR SPINNING REEL COMBO 62500 ". 49.99 PLANO 758 DELUXE TACKLE BOX 8.99.99 X2999 EAGLE FISH RNDER suPaa Pao I.D. REG. 179.99 $ 00 100 wUWED � •/..r.�. 432-2111 WE'LL BE AT THE YARD SALE GET A SLICE AND A POP $300 INIC � I 5ow GAS j COUPON WILL BE GIVEN TO EACH BARKLAY'S CUSTOMER WITH A MINIMUM $20 PURCHASE SAT. & SUN., APRIL 10 & 11. UMR 1 COUPON PER CUSTOMER ----------i �4 RENTALPS VISA — — n 436-6040 lcyclespiusf SALES & SERVICE NO GST (25%-",, 101001F)F NO PST OFF SELECTED ALL WINTER r i aSUMMER -- --- FRONTIER 21 SPD. ATB SALE $319 SAVE s30 GT SUPSTREAM 21 COM SPD. FORT WWM WrrH GRIP SW"WS AM SAVE $60001 W AIRSTREAM 21 SPD. COMFORT SAVE $7500 " W zA9= S' MW MOUPi M " CM040MA1E " uwWMDAU FRAME %6M40 40 XT TM AIR 18.5 MW SUPER V 100W NEG. SX4" NEG, S"" $1,800 51,700 ' NN'.G. $2"" 51,600 REG. S3,0M $2,200 BLACKBURN $ ig"o POLAR BEAT $ EG"s"" 9900 X423 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA 436-6040 �5 We'll Be At Barklay's Yard Sale ADULT SNOWOBOARDS FROM $149 IMT °'►x°..19"-$69" SNOWBOARD S GLOM ....................19" SNOWBOARD MCKM ......$4900-$9900 SNOWBOARD PNM.........$4900-$99°° SW GOWLES ................ 619" JUNIOR/SINGLE sa BAGS .......................$1495 ALL summet VVW SHIM ...........619" DAME 6699 KNAPSAM ............... 9"A1OAW..6 I SfiOES ......5 99-$2 � - 8AG5.................... 432-6935 575 THORNTON RD. N. AT ROSSLAND OSHAWA van & Tievmlk world, The Best Selection And Service Of Truck. Van... And Sport Utility .E--,- Accessories. M • 7Yalkr NMehs • ft"W baro I • Na umn •ftwfi rb • Naaf Nath.... OSHAWA 1670 SIMCOE ST. N. (905)579 NORTH OF TAUNTON ROAD Deluxe truck Caps by A.R.E. fM� M NEW ADVERrOM WEDNESDAY EDITION, AprN 7. 1110 v. ....k.Entertain ent V E W S Stand A D V E R T I S E R A I' R I L 7. 1 9 9 9 up and be AJAX — Comedian Jim beginning at 9:30 p.m. Currey gut his start at Yuk It's for everyone itching to Yuk's Amateur Night and so try out their material in a Could you. for -minute routine. People Yuk Yuk's Fast will host who want to participate its Amateur Night for should call the club at 619- wannabe stand-up comedi- 9857 io he added to the list of ans starting Wednesday, perfiormers. April 21. Funny men and The winner each week women will take the stage at gets a $1(1() cash prize. A the club Wednesday night. $5(x1 grand prize is awarded On stage The Pickering Players present The Curious Sa%u a at the Dunharton- Fairport United Church with the debut perjirrmemce ori Friday. April 16 at h' p.m. Acting a scene fenm the eomedv are. from left. Patrick McMahon (Jucdee Samuel). Sue Teller (bllvbelle). Chris Gm (Han- nibal) and Rolly Rickard (Senator Titus). For information or to order tickets, call (4 /6) 410-0211. Much ado about MAG00 PICKERING — A new follk club will present ionic .of Diitharn Region's finest a::mmic musicians here. The Plummer Avenue R)Ik Club. a non-smoking coffee )wise in the kxmgc of the Fellow ship in Christ Church. pre- sets MAGOO as its feature musical act ori Saturday. April 10. NIAGOn, ak.a Btnrcx McGregor of Udora, is a m:umtay at folk festivals and clubs across Can—, and the U.S.. hav- ing opened fox the likes of Joe Cocker. The Band, Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger. Fellouship in Christ Church is at 1755 Plummy Ave.. Unit 4. Pickering. Down open at 7:30 p.m. and the show starts at & Tickets are S8 and available at CD Plus Warehouse in Pickering (x by Galling 905-995-9966 to reserve. 51 HERONGATE' = MS Mum BARN THEATRE Ad.. Pwkwi" It's a Hit! All fun and games "OUT ON A LIMB" (905) 472-3085 www.de.amma. comt erongate comical in Ajax during each 13 -week period, will provide their top two or The Amateur Night is a three amateur comedians for lead -up to Yuk Yul,'s Find the a nationwide hunt fix the Funniest New (comedian hest. Yuk Yuk's East is at 235 Contest in the fall All clubs Bayly St.. A1ax. Opept ouoe -1 Sears Ravel invites you to enjoy an afternoon exploring Britain & Europe's culture, ambience and countryside. April 9,1999 poorPritt� 2:00 to 4:00pm 'Ifrrb1*14 Sears Travel, Pickering Town Centre .IIZIzrloze &itabi and Z" i4jore itritlt N4SK24T M apert from Insight kill be on hand b anneeraU •h•ur questions and b teB roe n6out WWWingmotorcoach 04" f" 1999! Allm Find out hint, You cm Book Now. Travel. Pay Later!' SES .. Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-7600 "_ SOW1 Yr.11 kr defthill, 4 Let us entertain you! THINK GREEN', Think Weall & Cullen For Quality Lawn Fertilizer A complete line of premiurn auaii;y tertinze: packages to put a tittle colour in your lawn... green that is! 2xtQ e/arid �o� Earn Double Air on Weall & Cullen Brand, Fertilizer Packaaes r 0 on "Iwo 40 LO WMIUM LAWN 011,11ER PACKAGE Specwh Pko A ��,�,. Two great fertilizers for of Gdfgrm i lawn Food Gdfgreen Plus weed & Food 9k9 size #222737 CIL 4 litre Reg. $26.99 Only... 9AMr;FM tNt I �, ROM LAWN FERTILIZER PACKAGE "� 1iS7 � Gam+ rl � �f1Mls�bFied f r'w'►ti ECOVAL T 3 Step Lawncare Program NM Ndwal • Chemical Free • Non Burning • Safe for Humans & pets SPFAM summ R FALL >~ sr O uc ■ ens., 99 %g sae ag size Vffif>TSY 410 TAUNTON RD., WESTM (905) 686-08" .. AOSSIAN� RO w81TOY i t V WIMSi 1243 DUNDAS ST, EAST g 66 (905) 6-4151 R 1 SALE ENDS TUES. APRIL 20/99 NEWS Ad1EnTN L WEDNESDAY EDITION. April 7,19119 -PAGE eS AR CAJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Pimm Your Ad Call. LAS SIFIED 683-0707 11 Camera1 I tarNra I I GsreatMITI]CW"M 1 GeRaM 1 rwlEety laNp 1 raerrrel IfNp 1 wM frfrA6.+e1 cera "faw"pwr 1 Gr a IILIpIAp, ale ortitied IT Professional GET THE SKILLS YOU NEED FOR CERTIFICATION. CHOOSE FROM ONE OF THE FOLLOWING THREE DIPLOMA PROGRAMS: rfol7utl� T111c11111" Teeliddo [ A+ I btwat AbMty w (MCF, CNA,A+I NotWWM t 0ta"t Sntaa I I I [ USE CNA I TORONTO 00 e 420-1344 TAKE THE TESTS FOR: MkrosoR � JINZlt�e \rrn.ielar A.Widir ca mar or -Wi. me m dioea „wo car ab DIAMOND Leading ONDINSTITUTE IT Certification College TAKE YOUR FIRST STEP TO BECOMING AN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER PROGRAMMER/ANALYST Become a Microsoft CM/tied Solution Developer in 10 months. Les— programming and Analytical Skills . Specialize in developing programs in r Access. Visual Basic and Visual C... COMPUTER SERVICElNETWORK ENGINEER Prepare for A., Novell CNA 8 CNE and Microsoh AICSE certification." 10 months. On any given day there are COMPUTER SERVICE TECHNICIAN about 25,000 IT jobs available Prepare for and Network Admini11-1,1 in Canada. Are you prepared Mcneell or Microsoni r mtirano,. ,., for IT opportunities? Our June graduates have 100% placement in related jobs. Novell IN. am M' ——r.1;, RONtF:TRI Training Prr g►am T F. I� T I ♦ l: . SF/%IIA � ]\\{.• \.W qN/M.tM • 11II illi %%%G . USMgW slll/III/' NN \iii%%%i/IIII/ Assiedatradve Prelesal wals- J:J YOU KNOW that :he inlernational Association of Administrative 'ofessionals is preser" a Workshop Dr Secretaries Day. April 21, 1999, on PRIDE IN PROFESSIONALISM' at the -0iday bit. Boor Street East, In Oshawa? Good leachi r3 Heeded. You more to 1-Cn. At Sylvan, that's just what you got io do. Right now we have full-time and after-school emPoymerd opporturi t s in Whitey and Plckermg for certified teachers of all grades. OGDortundes include: • A FLO-Taw Dlrem of Education r Part -Tette Teachars (vexed teacherswelconleJ Experienced Hairstylist ►MT -Tim Mase cleaner Needed Saturday only for friendly waffled. for the Oumam Re - Unisex Salon. Occasional part-time even- got Muss be bo idabk Own Ing work. Must be flexible, sDortalbn pretare. Nmt rRurary N511inp ro naw Call Laura or Mary 9()5-x39-6246 r+natmerrpm666-Orz7 between 9 am -.S pm WE WMT TOUI Erpeffloced tNemarketers reouned Hour - Please fax resume to (905) 430-4266 Attention: Moira Dow (>\ - PR F. 141 S F. "We're CAM—PR, LAW way cawaala Aires" THE AJAX I PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER requires adult carriers to deliver papers and flyers door to door, every Tuesday Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, before 6:00 pm. Must have a car. for information call 905-683-5117 UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers three times a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Forsythe Dr. Galloway Dr. North St. Turner Dr. LEAKSUALE Regional Rd. 1, Regional Rd. 13 CANNlNGT0N Alison Crt. Beaaver Ridge Dr. Neron Dr ly salary airs bonuses Mary Cash inamrres " you re the one for us. Call Debbie 19o5H311-00'% PICKERING Village reduces for fine orcin ep �eraar,ced rune Wraakd an WWII asset. Floorr. Sous CIKt first coot bar dish waslNr, prep� for trierwew please X19051421-6999 PRESSROOM HELPER le. ifuned for. "''ft'woh m 9sha- w3 09 per hour motor otor Igeriae and Who in,$ training a 0p fir e. sums 10 905 436 0813 PURE PRODUCT Ions a Iootrng for Erma Dax:n No experleme Necessary train Mail, aCComlloon " yded wages itooa weer y Fix mine mlnmglwn cal t- 800-6276934 GUARDIAN DRUG STORE "! ufamrimmMtulUplrf e sores assoAso cMle for em- 1 m- s pm and se bur EP�perw� an " sal bur +e wN tri, Plear W not following aA apply it 97 a lEast )SIqDpal nb t0 The %rpn,o Star •i. quires success oriented �ndiridual to develop a sales crew of you1M 1MN"O"F ts 'Must noun a ,n��aDin 1n- htUe (Van) b transport sales Crew 'Be avaluble to work evenings and weasel 'Must rove the abbey to motivate and Iran {OOUths to se" o commtrcate with parents of yo^ Decide web would like to see Star subscriptions door to door We oft beth baning aro exawnr Commission For INlerei,w p1,aw Call 416.16¢4551 (M a mat) a Virile to: rm TTaala sac. IM Flea. I TOA�p sI. Tamale. Ont. MSE IEll Due to our phenomenal growth in the area Canada's number one home furnishing re- tailer is now hiring Sales Associates for: Fur- niture, Appliances/ Electronic Sales. Home furnishing sales experience not absolutely necessary. You must be enthusiastic, petson- able, presentable and willing to learn. This is a rare opportunity for career oriented indi- viduals to join the renowned industry leader and earn above average incomes ($35,000 - $100,000) in a friendly, stable and profitable work environment. Our benefits include medical insurance, dental insurance, pre- scription drugplan, generous employee dis- counts and profit sharing, along with career growth opportunities to those who aspire to management positions. Please send your resume or apply in person to: 1500 Victoria St. E., Whitby, Ontario L1N 9M3 (905) 430-9050, Fax (905) 430-0378 KIDS/ADULTS EARN EXTRA MONEY HOW? JUST BY DELIVERING NEWS ADVERTISER PAPER ROUTE(s). CAN YOU SPARE 1 OR MORE HOURS A DAY, ONLY 3 DAYS A WEEK. IN THE AFTERNOON? IF YOU CAN, THEN YOU CAN TURN SPARE TIME INTO PROFITABLE TIME. SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME WITH A JOB THAT WILL HELP YOU 1) BUY THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS. 2) GET HEALTHY EXERCISE. �Ntvt�n�c. 3) MEET LOTS OF NEW PEOPLE. rvulyEKvlLt CALL TODAY, 683-5117 AND FIND OUT Farina. •aM�e HOW YOU CAN EARN EXTRA CASH ^rnrcally irrr - r1 56.00 per hr. rk,rwv.t c all 19031 tUl-21w A D V E R T I S E R 'E�EaAAIE'EAS Vi. -411, vom - korbck aid At. taarp was specww. Mfrs monkiSal soma n Ap,V P<ker+tD arae swain 54pu CJe•a•a'a� vYrr Mrl Ilq-r71A.0 Olusm reyurlW FUII TIME RECEPTIONIST krsrrCs wan of naw mr«mvm 3 vers a- mep,imhrw M Can ys car erenngs .pllm •^^ Saay ppNr wxwrtebm Cal 190514269230 r4r. Tax NEws AI711ERrl"m n 10DIlAEEIEA ediu,«: •or xxiag m, cm toarner inursoaysIr- pat and "1—, 5— fo door a..fu was mxfP.am aiw bin ,Vial a -6 IM 600 PM . ora ffacma" will els, rw,drsreooes vas ,Leary Par Is r MEAMao E06N3-SEtI Ear roam° Is (M) 723. IN PNprorioN w-tvric roar liner of The 1i rc M. ret wnwrfe x, wore (9 0516 66 2 74 2 Oaks aro tmpro" Commurucations F, SMI&Vs am0 ro emeMNcfO as,w.sar ours roc tloei positions lfldude evenNngs Meadowlands Dr. "d0 ii01 M""M01' a"" EM rind "I T W P. .v:!h your Boss and Peers' and and aka afwla r .,«e r etre Erin word Trp ae A Business Etiquette for the Business Interestedcwmgdslesareasked totax their CALL DEBBIE = "�°°'°�e. x R°°'°` """°" In 19o5M -4734 a Zr soft 14tg2RK7, Professional'. Speakers for the say reslNnes to Kinstf Asti at 905.404.Opti. 905-852-9741 "all W -Us w EXPERIENCED HELP include Colleen Clarke and Rhonda srALLER.Muf a "pen lleewrM ,a 0aaera •-cad 'o ,r"tau amino laarlACa ,A r:nnlSs. Diane Hamra, Mayor 01 fAAN ! Str S500 of LIGNT eOUSTAtAe.op uLeafskRe we Y4a haw 9oed u afflap. —.6 3 Ganrlgtan, TNN give the tarlcftet3rl address. SYLVAN ;,°:;�iis I�,w cam4n M .ef, '":." "a*. � A a "r ars w we". Continue your career growth and yy us rrlr as a«m s. a , r +Mar aatFlow boons Via eke paw am, w )^' Y`^"" 1"-' Y'a gee uawfped erMoN saw llbprdl Oana.a ser din dim arbw xem warArae for an irlforina0ve and 1 �.w� day. LEARNING vH fr2400 oiaidre A or an aLY nr r r . `a c L 905 t2e Ifawr Maker °r `^'w'o'7"`J y • irw SO. RM 635. Ma- win a,M am. Oa, 1371, =rim For more information Contact either W CENTRE- uaateA ON Lx 296 emrowownt rawm, oe n WRr At our OR woo Mesa fax reanw Joanne Evans at 905 721-6152, or ' Aat 0 9- R„u -ono,, f« r, �„'it r I 1 Success i s l e d r n e d" e,r� ace ,awes, 3 b 4 humec losJtT Eiaoti ( ) +m -2'3o PIN. .err Dar4 rewNq suit Anne F 905 839 9960. 79sF 5 L4IMnwp sytaaa krc �"„a M a uoaan SW PtRwwtNT PMT -TIME. amik I Is 9.9pm re<: re Ines b xa Ere ♦ w S, pas' vn.,ance attou Ninepin D, Ile Nw ere.tre nr7 nun all 631 SNS. « px 11 c_1 rMwaMlrlp 1 rMmarHrp A AU I R. DINER INSTALLER `°" `wr k.,c An , CAREER SCHO wk 01 /IOR .krw w.m..s Le Cron Wr,r' Warr 01rfE56� gptlrl(� Adoft a xs n 26 wt Fbrway A needed., ^gay a� .�k w .ale for Business Program 12 IMM in fa IIjN asrmMylPLrepars.lant" m�xF ESIFRIEMCfO sales Nov ie rramre 0— PoWW 7 5, .01 /« r.. al es ffNlelers elrMe. Must have A u1e rK dlpr" w Cooler, pwre to, +,arc sort n vet Prwirix g aka m- w.eMrm►wewy Lbw, Mewtpe a OoN1MT5e'fGLTS of Short order 9ichering Pwaae CAN (4Tq lfprw wap. etsraMrs Pro- own tools Lam vat-tMwnwl naw Ca11905-127-9712fOriIMIMeW iA1.Mr1laMfexlM Cooks 2e6-5zz3el.eamrori covers a"Ilakppaa.r A safxi 905-1168-2671 I OYMENT DPPORTU%i c,N431-boil allsot Obocw s rratlm4W Fwwam- 49054j/746 r sw,- W,E THE NAIL STATION area Taaning Coma Career nary afp av "able n aminal nails. W carom so&- tarol waxing Air alanine and taltolkn6 Ie drWMet StuOent Fxfafcse rag. 19osH36m7 1 Garro ASsts7m F t I arson W glad to deaelshps invota 6epatmad n Wheby air b wort we row customers on warsVON be cciraOhIMr Seaaia a Till tine PONUM eradabe krn Papply to Oshawa TM Week. PO so. wf. era '"Is s. taro" W 11H 715. Fie 1337 ATTENTION FOU TIME inn Adie Lod Firm las 49 Im. Aadae opowigs wits anbk Uliedlks ava lane 51085 Train TMfIL to Moo awas�Oy Apr. 9M Gras for StadaNs and often, CalTis. - TMs. hln 10 are - 6 pm. (905) aTTOM Ml Get b kW. ail Help flow c«-Wiily door to boaacaaynvassers require ini- MND snip forotillW tai" provide. Neat W A�mphere. aince G1 Stan F435A•i61a r AUTO BODY Prep Position. full "me steady, Muse Rare acme took. 56.00 aid up ppeerr At. Appy in person a Beg mw Rd SIMM. Apx ItX boa 427 3100 n H V 4 c SERVICE of- Lear, **sop Please drop orf CLASS PARTIll CO.OMIkATOR. resume to NEED I PEOKE immei laaEy 2 was AeaperOnCil I« Comma Mr" mKhh radun am lovain off e od. 1660 Kingston Rd. r« a« w ooa uze araaga ofd ESA operaaaf Contract. tune koaaledgt required MASSEI^S Unit a1, -ak4 cash Dad dairy cin fife ew eaaahk Good wage io sin isarnapue- RESTAURANT 720-3146 at for Ceram pad Cad 19031 623.6213 usliess n ood ilia p 4 dN Regwres Full & NOEIE WONNNS NEEOFO.RIIBIII S= Ilknwnfanwrl IMM 11 Prue swid T Part-ume Kitchen Stat imr ally k�s sunt b W 6B3-Oe,1 rb a 24 tin. 10F OWOUR CLASSIFIED Apply to per; !!!! t'� �m 3 yam° ifflarroor ESTHETICIAN 77115 ltd. 1x0ax iNOM NOME. Pan. Saay apov" on eve., CUSTOMER NEEDED verpool ace RtsWnu ro 19051 ,3o- SERVICE m, experietae r S- 116• U p0 -s OW f� So 6066 a phowe 1905) 43D-1651 owl extension for 416.6314925 a tog orso News Advertiser av rd- 1 No$" guests Thai sad upon Pic Atuturifesn n Catabdrs. TV COakeer. rw.tfbn tom atom coo check 11ie1r a0 upon Ce rn cul. MLP M. and mea 58761rtOredl pulpitabon as News Ad- Phone Robyn work "ACCIPd adm vportia will riot b6 re- (915)X1460 l�1 9u -93O Da�-600 1 ONDe-0 1 oMw Hao or ereube for more tial) 9t Feta Rewmr k. * 0 E L U.S. and Vi rerrect shall be no insertion (905) 7(,3.9345 MOTEiM ENnfauay q a' '-rw•, rwni of any advertlsianwm. for n vom - korbck aid At. taarp was specww. Mfrs monkiSal soma n Ap,V P<ker+tD arae swain 54pu CJe•a•a'a� vYrr Mrl Ilq-r71A.0 Olusm reyurlW FUII TIME RECEPTIONIST ones ads is limit k the naw mr«mvm 3 vers a- 99 Compntbw Si1iry 19051509-5070 Ep 107 W W De tamiWr wM InmplRersldata entry id Mord a aamount occu- paw for the space aur p°1g11pt Oen andforauolf. ��' h1. and faemoh NAA TBIIMCIAN wake & Stud ia. 5 IF&N1IN fie 0336 OSnawa TINS Week 165 FxrertNx St Oshawa ll H 7L5 the error. All PFn. cDPy r01 even" an ,set Ale Fissional Labourers Cal a m 10 "•a CY11t- ntwaol op DENTAL AUMM FR far gal of mannemmat tet■ b Sadscape kr. Q ins, f Aa,IMi 65e• Dmce 72B kdnw 9. ww N1ws Advertiser. Rase Sand resume to PO Bin 444. wit sial WW or, W,er RIF WtwW. On LIN 5S4 (9 0516 66 2 74 2 NECUM for truck A trials, pan -ti pones avas" UNA" tired ro awl in revarria powass to prinice «lb ra r19" & roildwark ctaden 4 youth wen spKya herr from 490-5.00. ry up"NE ICED Consiniclfah NEED CASH? WHY TRAVEL 966.61901" labours for "rrlm stuopo Part-time flambe work W April 16N. 1 contractor. Hawk 5 TtowW Ned �„ TO TORONTO`! ,N„ g„D„ ,r1Ysm ae«tma prekrspe cu workbooks. sped Eno RPNs. Temporary 6 call -m good communAII01V skN mit have paprmry, rough W`' (905)427-%15 your custoters. Local law iie'0 reQtslres and Ie skills. Drywa kapimp sheet Erose« on «°Camp^ 63g,.43pp. MYit ryV6 Call Suns, LEGAL SECRETARY d plarfprNaed adds an as- $a will" to oak 00 a ExPFdtlENCEO FAm tA• NOR= warNad. D2 house W4274M with loan. Fax m w a b (905)436- air ren. Heart Immo aid 9,314 own tra spauna required. NEIN BOLE CDwbE need • 3-5 years mia. Real Estate Law Fa resume b 19051 2fi3- 10M adlara9t 00" Word `9'i witsd a95 1 4601 a W (905) 725.9674 a oidODM. aW*bMa s Ows pAAAeIE IMmawELY, Osllwa IailCt now a Ap- 5owkmam sown an mariat Researm people. Eam up 110 DD per a No selene xr volved, phos walk expen- Mia woad be an aaset. CLF Now. 1905) 571-3533. Wt TEI DER/SERVER Im 10- Ca Dub Pan time Expert once prnaaae Wald suit Aware social rndvidWl Call 4281815 for apparnmeil CAFETERIA WORKERS and short order Coats rIMad on- WAIely in Oum,m Repan Pan eine caws INmt r e.- awlfced Fax resume to 579-0667 or Ga 905.574 Irr►1"1 qNW Alas. ret- neopMMro sun camammJanniti r • Excellent communication and Tura eRT ORE COOFULK far uhuamara 7263144 NO TIME SNORT ORDER COOK F.XnMtNCEO Teernark lert elverl°„p ecessay. will Orgainka anal shilt9 PI apply, 1a portion web neaad. Pilaw cat (9D5H27fran - mmm to 64 Harwood Ave. 600. S. Alm (905)-127-1993. WAMMTEM Har SaW PART TIME Send resume a1Jd references IPLOMAi POOLS softenmrlstac mouwte TECHNICIAN STORE STAFF °1Qft*Xtd cda'nsts, sly- \ceded (we will train) to: Ws. and e9hd Wn we offer Pocketing, weekday. Hak denworW aftLko12 ey, 4 - ^and weekend work. sb Garwood siaa el Cor tCal (95) 430- oppon ni- S7 S/Nr File 03M Gmmtad wmma pppp tins Cal (905) 430-3156 a���� horn if April ro Saponiba yFh nyw 6. Osbawa This weell Apply In pelwa t0 LICENSED MIRSTTLIST to NS wwme b Iupqttp� INS)427-0"P.U. Box 481 635 Pleierlq 60, CO.rya ge ari�� pwki jeeaM:a.9el Olshawa, Ontario TEL 9N tfa! etyl � PMT TIME WAITRESSES/ LIH 7LS sia0d n Kal (905) 57 2512 WAITERS wanted for nVft BY wsuwm Cas 42687M I GROW WITH US Due to a growing demand for Culligan Bottled water, our sales team will be expanded in the Durham Region. If you are confident. self motivated, can work independently and have your own vehicle, we would like to hear from vou. This position offers potential for a well above average income on a commission basis. Fax your resume in confidence (905)1141.0262 nates mepresentauve Toronto East A1SM iraraponatr.w . r".,- ve, vaomne; propraaw provodea a wahJ have fav an er:.unp gal is m1e11Wlowail VannpMalOR. Bright eaerpenc, tocased +cN Marim wuh a pont semladay, hayae ,, degreddpiaou will cifloy a "and .yawm dw ra:ludn salary. unhmotcd coLeewission, beach" ad a .—piny vehicle Plrau respad with a cove: Ieaer add resume, gaoans file W*)-STB4)67 t. Jeae Tklet axv-- s.r. A ma keefwt vL9N TYa..p.rru.. ere Swabia, ON L71K t4ees, no ewre., ON L'rC 1 KI I LSO -9W2 2 New Home Sales People for New Home Sales In Pickering and Scarborough. Experience an asset, but not required. Please Call or Fax Rilsiume to- Tony Hubbard (905) 509.6111 or Fax (905) 509 6112 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISERToronto Derham Carstarowl'r'°" Ourphone lirfaeare open Mon to Fel. W e:OO Collision Ceuuv rcgwres licensed DENTAL Assn. AND RECEP. 2 yrs recent exp. DedcaEed body repairer and .. NARP part refinisher. nOnect yarn' Take resume to: exp a Now Pat MN a y Nine Fa 'asu- ro 416446 660 Drake SL or 940 fax 1905)7214e99 DENTAL AUMM FR far WCNEN CAINET Iwla in maarMy Vire 3rd. Send Iefalw� Experience and so" mo"' Dmce 72B kdnw 9. ww e Aa1dy, to read aawinps. M. LIN 3V6 Sand resume to PO Bin 444. wit sial WW or, W,er RIF WtwW. On LIN 5S4 evam experience. PermarksN NECUM for truck A trials, pan -ti pones avas" neap Must be Sol, year alp in revarria powass to prinice «lb ra r19" & roildwark ctaden 4 youth wen spKya able mm tit� iiene b walk eta �monm�M�dr �pr�b lime cat Ani 434.82715 aid •eekr,ds. Fax nas. �- "NOW W April 16N. 1 19991886.3112 ACCEPTING AppKaueonfor aT0fari.,A wa RPNs. Temporary 6 call -m good communAII01V skN positions Phut send re- and new amt Ca. ExC w WK 4 box 668. Pon Petry. wages fm rWd cehppML CAN 1.91. IAS or fax 1905)965.3721 63g,.43pp. AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISERToronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Ourphone lirfaeare open Mon to Fel. W e:OO ;13Y Comxaexdd Ave., Ajax 1822 whites Rd., PlckeriMe (Sara Lee — Amberks l'taaa) - Mehl. -W go w-SBN IMP . ` c' `News Uur-IlL. le 0 MWP4 00 tI111g Sslwiq iwd NlNrdoll pI► Qlwi MlNli' Nl1 fMwij/ 24 -Hour Fa1C (905) 579-4218 CIIIsdMd OnU118. tr0ilswt0, YOU sdv*rtiW &W appilws on Mie YMi?IIM4t, _111 110 PRL sat. 9:36 am to 3e00 pqL Your word ad t , 6 All• POM /it LIEN ADVEItf1EE1t, WEDNESDAY EDITION. AWN 7r SMB BIlBd lwi s11Nlm mo Alt a c11ab Aft a cFwb DrN Bad River 1 , a 1 Raba blip md lin M* � CRAFT VENDORS WANTED pealed 52500. Wn (905)729-1393 AtMlAOIE IMMfOMTFLY, m WMby ACT building, s W from $12 reDMs. a IoM from am mmWy y w lo. w is N*p""a` 0^N+E N56563N1 � the "FOR YO HOME SHOW" MWrndf i>oNe 1111Try 10 W mNR1 our Chem. SAS. & Sun May 11th & 9th BUYING OR SELLiNG? M. KM wbMM1I iron o- Nwinnot 1kMBPMINIM be., 9 am: 4 � "MARIGOLD LMCOLN MERCWV" i progressive Bulk Carrier, hop,. NrEen aRlooerkc ma- xessfromr W. ap4na at Your oro MDD >ftaDDllgb7 "ONTARIO has immediate openings for &Z UCMNaf CBIalMleal Orlv6xs 51.200 sacnNce i1N (416)255-0265 Whitby Iroquois Sports Centre DirVE CLEAN EMISSIONS TESTtlfiq- NLe10i ch the m edm nm lnlakr tea custom made We re%lre 3 years minimum drip a n9 xperlecrte, an A-1 LiMiTCD SPACE AVAILABLE!! Nd lepr6 S * LkdlNArrrSMIM Eisner and a clean abstract Harmac s Willing to tram y,"d0wp„w, In.=is f� r'� CALL LISA FOR DETAILS Calik* N J111y pay all -66D.06127-7777 r4 91 Oshawa (905)-579-4400 1 .a rGv 1 err �T«_� • Exor -IO&IMBm rate of noun Ajax (909)-683-0707IN • Excellent be ft CANPET BROKER 1Ntk en rte s package Mr thick plush I stain e • Employee Incentive plan astani carpet Fa 3 rooms. I er 1 I MtMAo ,61; • Company uniforms only 576900 Price indwes � ax sw 1 TtB,NrB 11 Nero 30 1 la a .. -d gid INE 10, sale aI 1 T.fMr/M0Mt i1 EICl/lMq' W rnsMaatq" In Your no" Tim 905-6e3�51t7 �' ALL•IM L. RAI basement Mterested drivers should contact I Iiter�n in you, ham for sm, fro I rood Naw C0" COLEMAN FOLDING limper Warmer" , Pce gam. Nun- WRAGE dos rpum broken wnrbk too, hard top, Ilam Tralew bf Flecvwood. 11 dry. cableDarkrrq. no pets. one lull year Oaaa. 1.800- ' . uc os p.b. P w.* m0den on ospay In show• non smoker $650 One per. Ted or Paul at 1-800-828 6615 217-0,04 eltl"s � Aleed°Nivepi $19"pe"95 ow$ a`"II"' lope �' ebtBe fD01A �" r � a wool son (905) sit -5353 (osh-a 416.336-OOT3 r� 6°n. $ .000 1905) eiF F,ran:ap aq,N HdiOay X"( M1-535�3 (Oshson) CARPETS - las a wrpu. 7+2$FD Vara mama 9 RV petro b- AradableAynl ft rMry 1st. By 100% nvbn. new stem ro- AdkM 1!!5 OOOpE caravan SE. 7 x140 m n7 R" IBM& St IMMEDIATE POSITION lease ca'Dte °" rias I wa 1 pas wed pbvy1. 3 12 km rend of AVAILABLE WMEDIATELY arpm 3 moms. 5319 Pro u"qe Shia saaq• Brookln (new 6 ufrdl 905• One bedroom private. Nun - In Ajax available for Maes) amet premium pad. ANT10uEs7AaplMetyl ad- air,corse m• power mrrrps. 655-0175. 1.800-589.1551 dry. narking. wrt701e to one dd m asaett 09.000k.. Iia open n latton. tan ONm ntt- roes valwbk. "sway porton, .non snbkers/ xM ACRES I I ". Gorden NII. Rip Law am) apotp to Ga veshai Carfunialibn aroa FNM. raYRNs. S springs. small pada, torics. 200 acres owe' to Acre he it . 50 Acte white a rod pine a 50 yew oro Na- regian spruce 196511. open aa !romaw. a620R non- alen 6690 9 road Slowaraq 5% Rine. 5 r into O aayyes mp after Spm am (9051997-5353 eh. tree eminates (11 rams) the' Purchasing outright . es 90 515 79-1 79 7 a rxN�Z t EG5.7,'� ^^�'"�'•" pm. references. close to Nomm 6866231/ take memros Osha a $650 m- go 1 uernrRa or 1 Conlig Emit F 1 Corning EMM Nae. In hmn ro vyue con- . Rem CM/rib SALE: Lon d car- 1592 HONDA vas Sabra 17501 "'to" 1905) 715-0295 ppeetns 170% "rot Stan ro- lease carpet 3 rooms f339 somol COIWCD n of ark am• couanhtes a saEpe an- IMM Geo Metro 4-eoa wnm. AM/FM rano, low mlNape. pealed 52500. Wn (905)729-1393 AtMlAOIE IMMfOMTFLY, m WMby ACT building, s WNITBT. 'LEAN and spa d'ous 3 bedroom main IW a Vol)a MWrndf i>oNe 1111Try 10 W mNR1 p17u.000 Can"72268-16 8 All on. Nape sel7clian Dous carpeted MwIY pamPal- Go�sbt fieldw000Central and �"Dors Drxemnun nO non Fm etFlenaes. argot sp n to M^ courts ROW aNs. Brooklet. 64SMMs.OD. 9.M1�:pop. a 72-j- der 600Pm 1651e7�-MarMM sI10001,N r 0Z INmay local kea. narsmg. use repairs Seung Duatam and surroundingroma Sam 90f Omand 1905)655_SD49. to. PIYMOUTN iUN• 1977 24' FIIREFORM flying prdroom oil 2oppets. I edraom a r May ISI, saw mmltey likes Wikw satade an"FM1D I -M-515.5515 (906165S-5501 0 E. s.. bsgy�ai prgpe. Volvo Nina od onve. new I 5790. 3 boom. n90 Cyi for workup personls). tm- CAMET AND VINYL - Capet CASM OR DEALS. We BW. Pay mint condit A N�nar a r�n fig, y, smoker. rq dogs GX 06R• 3011 ,nett moms TC s0" "his Sell S mine' top door ice, top ,,ems Rome aud07 $4.950 "Thri ed. (905) 45 01N No motor $5000 o b o GII AVAILABLE MAY ST A— 2 BEOROM s.m r Ma nom 5329 u"0.. will ds- couw your been ro0e M ,pA,. rola. ar aak0. 10015. CO's. 126/ PONTAC SUNBiRO. (9015NBJ-4709 large 2 bedroom walk -out basement apartment. priate WHITBY TWO BEDROOM, bke ay 1sl Whitby :n sahstacnm Amato CoA Mike to yax rt moves. Dames Oaa. aa- morels IumaAn. $5.295. 12 lmnh unimred Am warramy. 1980 BERFTTA BOAtE coy Gadmer, Grew. C,MM�ty. SMmfream. Mirro- entrance. laundry, parking. one o one bedroom avarlabH April Ibt BowmamrlM. 3 badroorrr. esnmlye. 905411 X010 19051133-1785 905- It -2274 905)666-0004 I an $3 95. 12 matin 12.0oo Am aan. Tempest pp.erod by Johnscri. EvmrOpe NS. no rrytopmaRs Ma 0 Sdistm-68? ,b;,l r GV N161783/u5 COMPUTER FACTORY ,w -m wDrbnp ordal cnr i ea 01991 11 NISSAN IFrshnp pop,. Bowrdrn. Paaoon ,ngp„W 686-,C767 afro 7,1 in a (905)665-754. :•u, men�c Txn S+ loot) US TV Mor km wxxrraaRayy. DEALER New i Used. Fibrous BACHELOR ONE WM. apt non-smoker. no PMS. .33 MIU loaded Drmw. WANTI'l WorMI rot fOR [AST rSgM PICA- Days 19051 985274 a thoW (705)277-3290 tip All on. Nape sel7clian mo 1wth bedroom anUabk S6W mommy an Humes. A"d&bk ^em7la nMerrrf. soRwm as LP CALL 90S-ISSL36 8525 ABSOLUTELY MET •,p,9 ouUdahis Lor Low Pricer May Ist Ron Smoking. no May 1st. Call mew Free SCanrier defnery w, ane. a 3C - 9051 623-1349 PRESTteE CY-1995 VOLVO. �pe�, 7 rials a week. HoMe, pet. 728-7861 (905N32-2647 an"FM1D I -M-515.5515 NUVING AMTIOUE and ca- 850 &kiTtar mteria 5 wad marine A RV Centro. EEON lipnn rNITNT THREE NfDIl00W COMPUTER $►ELMS -I mm,, MI. AYria SAem kcbat cements M,rOnnp estates gest ConrpEete .. g a ". we0p1. lOteel. Eq>M. b111 condom $19.500 obo.M IOatea m 112 F1.Y 11rook SI I. 31R kms. ream ___ ___ _._ nk ,. papej, LnrerDpa la.. eat,, r.......0 ........, - Iryd,o "pit des dine 9a�e'S wxrw 5,:;, Penn"m Lapoo $744. rwmy .arm. ,awl p,b/ o av�rur,o. r- $5tidmhoe+1 W 8543717._. .. dW.pNkrr1p $AM. An a large A)'ax Company. NMmT In14r m stem 1 t 1900 HOMY ACCORD lx no-w1RsA water has urge Enng raxn Mast be mechanical! minded, s sproeert 4o�nw WANTED NOT WHEELS i Model t 0100 auaeESC, or CHRYSLER I7 III a BOW BROOaIIM. + edrppm t7M Das a slaagr err 19xape Illy S"88 we Iprt doing up, t12ILER$Match bo. mlwy. pr,ananb. Dprdr rairdpw,. R,DER 1r75np reOrMf C1.ysPN nhusne I uedroan )695 edit! 90S6s5.41M with the following experiences y a0a S aaaa wpm gas mode .,,, ad omit Mao- po.er ticks nrmlad rxdbrm S.rel. bucketrw ps' rk 0 a >D� 3 :.E-3661 mares toys. call 263.2661 hl.,= both sides. Am*M Fat Henry nn tear be0rwn' $725 PWs inneci 4 WHY rent w4mn fou cit than Welding, Forklift Machine �-M uv cn$M ee 9 I b ° � fops)- appwMs AIFo , NS, pari w ° ^ kHn ro as roan EVERYTHING FOR vr111R erm 874 9QrYmomm nClrrMw Mex Yo u 1nlra>�� Call OM Hay. Operation, Brake Press •+:.Mf The Des, nlM ,rad peeral. h4h 10ehe n al anon GR 655-55M IcfA Sales Rep RNW. Able to work well as •"' F" Stows• wavwrs• LEAF TICKETS 'qm Ood 4000 RRtS 8* MAHOGANY 11• Rw-a-OM SM-" Really (1991) LM ....,ors• Apanmenr ores ince d fees" warrarm, m for IC tip mala anal trsr COORTR:E- 2 bet,00m 1905) 669.3500 a (905) 666 a team player. AMI" an ayry Dirsum WANTED. 100.0010 kms AMunp fnpg Cyn 110 ,,,,, 985-0059 pan a afnarnw Oal4rnerll 351, errs. Barash Mn• aro WILL PAY 12t.o0pN aI 905xQ-9337 IwniR4w NaNabnyh rILSONroIwE area, a0a For appointment with resume m 21 wee, male, 576 ass FACE VALUE. • dernrrae. ha both pIMWpwm1dwekary, Please Call ' ti' WMA Open 151 OFT bso5w PLEASE CALL 1 CCe7,tir �=-,. 4 eb g croak a �, eNe 'r � m00 "iaaNP'°Iy: (905) g3i-6060 0, s+ pnFrpnnwmF .a. BRUCE 95+ H012% E Fac 750 ver laMdry Rm-F - a ho fnda. wee n.r. Maw F, 'o^R-DBHAWA WHITBY WE FINANCE .baro, ,Igo 0ua a nalwt, pros pnmrrea Ie(Aal S750 alas No 100". 9r mauve FARM ?41 Her IOU 361 TNIS WEER- EVERYONE $12.900 11 ckm $;Ira 6 welaire 46a"s caw. �I p W. Man ria um Fax low X579 -MBO First bin¢ buy- m `s 9zoi KMG ST E GswPWA. And w ri, M3-2571�� 11069 or �taaa mldtr n 4.pMnl Nem naris. a bay tv. loam era ape n bvw. lar" kv- P E R S O \ E L abet 411 ,nes Fran EXT. � ors. krupt. M" 1 Hwa •a��'�'rkqO mapFor WANTED used shoes arm bad Credit, no FARM AS, New roma 754 q�rd �0 GI r1S- �+-5J1SI aver 6 p m Isnl boo,. •Maws. Res AddOa Credit. YOU Aka Mn ,,, IE4a Pea 1ye0 Sg06 1 'fOwowNkacr 1 •powMrdrM pumas aardtns and COW- is1orM_ r•z,0e1 kit 4kuArw ' Own Wft You LARGE 2 NOROON ori N [10, SAYS f"r COAT eeauend Uro- wne er Was Lau Pala I corlMen la" tea Fra CONN brow all 4noM w boas. an"" boas. arrq drive. Lots Of a,qn w pound bunnern awnme^e YETI' CANNOT m,2 Appaead AT 90500 son red an R Ream h 1 wl` d Whrroy To Fmolkng 10 u eNce a Mott I70S1 ?W bM (W5) M301 C MICE. DOWEL Of Trade min be :jpSJ, a11�6pm IVDI pen. agaaW W+r , IFwr MokaRxs. twM las, AFFORD TO I the rota/an,= 0tNaddaMapPrdamraanylGOPSOWS 00" (Well MVACIMI Nra nroneNm • AM a 1 rEgUlfEd. ONE FORAGE KMG or: bas. • -- aid S5B3 Okw w omit 1905) BUY A HOUSE? QYli1r im,^ 9700maR+ ABSOLUTELY MET •,p,9 /No DW"V) Ir „-0- - ,oro maf. YA OAY OU ,-..e • ti m. 6506_ lrc_11-7 wo�w.rnr SPECIAL w, ane. a 3C - 9051 623-1349 016-5108 ,Na u.., D-Owne.»> a- rr $se6/wlonm anlnar toot ', rugs ttad Wal cap(1051 Ask'wMrg WOo C".4 Ts WANTED n •eft tin 6 ran ,+vr.pucea roaF- FINANCE I 1 Ao.r.,.w. la.no- �k� (905) 571-6275 1 AMcrra 1 ArlctlaR. oatAl" obo Gar9a617lY t •: � tie :ourncc Ras bar DEPARTMENT cAI-1.cu.ed wry her^ Faw,r. ,bas nrapup. m sen t-800.840.6275 1675 4i al IN aAWa aero saw a D. Cdrepe '^ StirOern Calan kr 4 Am 4w a OeIo.E La a al- a w syn a SHERIDAN CHEY rw4 2 st3WCOrs I. n- .. mm. a4400a Sipa aM mow 56610 + n., Nark Sta 1 P . = Ow re0y b lis groat tbN do ra aM in TI1re BOj-7t�-B49B s. •r; 'b"' " M^' > 1: w' Frmoi G6 FIM (4/6)315 91r7p •�aBa>Ema ia0pr 6"4 "w CA I b a 4 NO 6 Hwa CW ad Ano rr paw , Na n A yar ABSOLUTELY MET •,p,9 RMasa:.+ Ni k.'aYnsortm rr ��^c��u.. w: LAWS I b40raw aoaweW. crdraN loamy. Wearer YA OAY OU ,-..e • ti m. 6506_ lrc_11-7 wo�w.rnr 6�9D50M0 1fI� =0 r@4w Ap11 JO GII 90546 110 m MS ata CMI 5;6-6'14 a^r1,mr a- rr $se6/wlonm anlnar CIOp!"W as �C010wa 4r BED a 6.0 OrBeaedc 00500 WhIN 7tron hirer aft -ft "SM oral' 100.000 K. "a14e0 80"05 tier. Nd". Cat127 Balder FVO Ast, Per an Rine. MB �, Sales TL4eri. oro EwtwOamW SOW. cAI-1.cu.ed wry her^ Faw,r. .:red. 1 or paining. locker laMlry 1a0Nmt MS)7769M4 1675 4i al IN r/A.7 "' dqrWIN. 601 hB�tr y N Thurs. SN. at 6 m,, lin No A.YaBIe Ron GE 576- 2 BEOROM s.m r Ma N YOU MFEO a caY1 Y -w 4WO-0 :,n You Iles $EM SM 90614gAit0024m.�"yr wd b r0itw tra+rew 1 Yf0" road, , sna.a PFwam afTCH1N C D'OMa. "E", I COME %Nave PICNEMMC LMM/OOL MD WDe 2 b dm"m aWtnwm and. ,a Ua.,�J,a. n0 orf nen .alp a wngm boom 6 blot cpumsrtgkrB 1118 A ICY. SA.E "'All PMS. Roc Uvlt : ,a:.e ,hand nqq Would • OUI OUT An MALS 1011 �ARGf 3 basset WrbNNw •, • ,nn ,n RIMA hadimod I� ora banrmm kitchen 4 ap- ,6 r ePRMG. -pod. 9tC. OWrler alfld "wrs ur" bscmy MIm x4062873. 4wc4A4rw card; $,IW soRiNN 1905M6S-NSD W� Frocks" MNBa kit- r I Iabmn sed 6Rr N GMC Sas, },3.995. 25 Aa+a uMdm it Main :ani 1�umf1 ia,wlerY c„rarq, Wamomn nbWda N AJAX delaLlr7B 1 Na- MIORLER. dab Clearly wog prR0. web, - 14N� 7y,4 312.06. 95 GMC SAMA AWO. masa. $13.M 0 CAov l► Rw ma boom ace CMMN •�„era as paeww GII .:5166}7467 omn boat. 5 W pyRrA t far RaR. Jit 1{r 9B anted nc nsow R1kad ....wawa. .•r.,,,,,c.-w rnauoas bones Iarp ries blod $12.903_ 94 - t� wdr+ry pa r Frx '+11151 $79 -moi ±9 :.mors d wr : 1 ora PWMK TwRaen wed Au3- ,n r..w 10 40l w vim Gamow wmwRcs WHITBY u w. 11 pap a r"vma �a I amara as 2 uptake $10.MS M cokwor wR ',uaww Ia" 1-bexopm. AL*n�a can k.. 1 pod war Nr- -narn a w w f2300 dr 56265. N Can3em me 1r•,mrc !Ions. as ab..ft=ca"NS'rN' n1p. 0,,,,wo espy Tro ..4190512641211 FOUND mng 5rred roe, soon "a S7 M3 N .+9w for w. own r.wance. u ww son Rw Sam AUCTION bWAw yfnw Www Mede ret 4.1"1 trwiry ad 1yM1O M.IM p MMA a+s y dos. erwe FNrt roil- iB, =11 kK. "A" 0"W" Wy er AV* LANGFDRD caro sand Ca- rrFMwed ear, WMam" Ae IS{ M$. 5¢ _ �i,p prom. ,,,r>•w,g nm �ON�psl y ar3 "irNSNoo- Ha 94x5 r ncmdRw CONSIGNMENTS >Q dun Oarkr. was N6 Fear Ake TM OW" 427- 915 91 RMa SMke M - all uleluyw f10Wnwem WAwe 905-tT67461 AND ESTATES Jr'ry&_w r Caw, soma n ,I take SM no tam 2605 „M POM Me" 310 M PW SS 995. 92 Bmsr I 4 W 9t BMLN hA An1RN N9W Okor 905618E 9167 MODERN .p,pwpm yy, AWLAKE May ISR ASMa ,n ern t tMdoew kMgNdr ikn4.a Phis I -bedroom . 1 nr6 L�tM 473-27N x (9051 07 oy �ane blxy weep M Wow wed• 0a m ase Cer6 min, apar,menl pww-p. RFTMINfFICE . T10it ereamiPl olwkw Ca 4xo413n • 4a1r er 4r Am C.", IN ffyy a. "i7Dbmp AA !Mown b mons tMCf ra IrFt ;g0 paymMr PWAOLiRAMMATHN 00500 WhIN 7tron hirer ■ a MMI-. no, Ci'J7} rl;Y„jaen: ,:, and or. arrow 'W. Is anMwf051T2F2i6T Fd n eR[MwM b ueoo DO 1 rerbrera 19 in- �, Sales TL4eri. :1 OCk5 PE RDvA;IDN SALE cAI-1.cu.ed wry her^ Faw,r. SIM baa $+Mw. 2 aEa100M as nes oem- .vn,a MO*M 2 905120- 4M. %rMedY *M 726rM, Thurs. SN. at 6 Rh wYK and frotm Inver. +err War DO' Hr* 1mNam *e W"nY/' y 2 row cera r9o316,9a01t alp N YOU MFEO a caY1 Y -w 4WO-0 :,n You Iles $EM N cy" Ad 401 P I,rRby Mara" MauOk DBliy wd b r0itw tra+rew 1 Yf0" p.m. ArdgLw hxt'r- d ww ,m wd orRs M taro Drina edN, Mea as w pas+wt> can ya p, ,ord SI00 f300 a WT iSr WR Swokws PM mrw0 SO Ws Mxd PICNEMMC LMM/OOL MD WDe 2 b dm"m aWtnwm dq�q Hp MS0.1RY 19051-276 �.1{yry lure. NppI1NfICRO oro Am b roan 1001 d a a mom an.wee b M =y'%7�'yy ora banrmm kitchen 4 ap- '^^' �r yell a (Mon CUM= USE HawMap- 9tC. OWrler alfld twoap/y M10, RN+1sw1�a d pnl,erallM wNOmnC AMEa1CY CDLwf R SPAMkI u ya ales NMs" MI1 CY 41 M LNU Aped la - an ol& InlVrbaws it Main 510 Clean Z t 3 ,maoan. ODefalor Mr4 005 N10 wl Ga ' ,n, nit 4dWSM"Nft OMr 01F labii' Rim 9'e) 937.9TIi lot in ! paOeMIR Rw ma boom ace CMMN pMt MMM Ga low I 0 No � � �t�,401 11N�i f lE/ NAf10 4311491 i0a � Ry d. Sham res. p m o. Hill y. 406 a (05r77o- T22� AUCTIONS AttCTN1Ms RHT TO OM APPLIANCES 1IN62, t10NNa C011YEatgkf fw 1VA ur 1 19 2nd owes NBB nwitINi, a oonia %WA WANTED •cuf, ud Ext a mouuufMNG COTU"S Stw"on Lake reinter L.dtayl 33 HaN SL neer anC r•Icar,0n1or1f0. N OAMA O CE SAID 000 milds Ops Y OSNAIM t Lar" to pArbiq. t bom- BASEMENT AMT �r,p wm SrMas /or wvses Wt9 nMMyRAR. ms- 9� 1'nM'q A"a40M , wrray 'Ad"' ", Med ,, 26]-IM9 a -No-196 CWus slanrrq Malay. rl tof .X* 4 CIA, oa,OMOn 1 ryl. a Fpa alike,! awe of Alfred �ypY. Pnvam Fm y ted- pnvaM balm. +7N -n creel. pMYlp SM /made ALL n- SU -%51 3M 24 .erkeme n A/Y 26 Banc ono Ne Ire vola indoors. ac ru" err 5507 ice ih4 +,OYrd" Fiero CORA C . has Woke room an 1 hmrAhlO bad 1960 b RsafMr all II«. (905) _r+Qr ae•RS fr MBs UA $70Wma YNm• room ssso�nalM Wbrklr,O C74s1p4mft $EIEOIIAN Darr eloodsne 43,5.OBM s35N ore" 623 -sirs r1r, Aeaa wRo flM6F4M- aRly. CAB (""A""- eei�i�^� ' 1 W.of j�-5751 INIFANTS • g, YEARS OLD shodsSM9 8 a 8 am rusuis IM P'7N'iAC SUIVJRE 1073 ^are At OSNMA SOUTH 3 old- Tzsa50T In cinryq. sale. tun horns UM and so ahoy oon Rme to goo APmuniau�SaraaOel whit only 4200 km 4 a. 1-1 witrai d pose b CLEAMWO. fully IwnMNO •tanrotwrlan. Lao as orm 176 M decked "Otwxma Ls 46277o4ded 512 500 ono AJAX te„ PKNEMINCIMOta a0 - .1n 1% apprq 5950 W, aha co" ae ca10MpRBd 2- C,Sprapn amt,P,awrnl patsy N4wr I mien al MIaUSIVE few 3 lwaaaM make loot AUCTION Liwropd loY rate S F rRmcrot ar Ra Am 3. ,nY 9057x1-600 a JOMne nwsrMYN1Mg pwim aaoae ,Om Roo, corw 5 IMS MYMM YAY 19. M51 RNNaaypOM rata 20GL3 rep aR ' 705-7t631N « A". 4-Dmtrb06 appeaRpt a secs u,cN, Sall -M&A HMR) IEPWnet. PboN. hr inti. CONSIGNMENTS Reobi0p s- 9 . aNaeDle hill" Citi tTAW LEii MEL hot aALLs MaAW a Pmm • • I pea )x00 rec. A -N WN may snet 9/05-83/1056 CARRIM HALL TOWN- Chd*M w*son and I Bbco t WANTED DIBBiAN HOEDIVICAfESWIW an E3t95 Alraee bare. nom Wlklo, Indoor u- 19 TyIOS1t74A03 HOUSES 112 Cohan St. E Plots $275 r*my Estates, bania Ewer M1t2 i.Se45. rS, eru sad ring .ave w6. n• AM Berge 2 beWuom bmt- OWwa 3 bedrooms WWW- 1905!663 -MO �, rota fraaor7aaacMem awaEa ft" pr Ew- I mwlt 7am amtt, All W40". $PALMUS br,Va.dsM 1 70k J,ewJlay 19 For MIt household aril 1 WaW� Rwr/e AraaBfbm sno"`Icwr. rorwnr- row I90s s596w. ' 7b pp11lItt oro Fog ad m axoan aw,tmta. n.Ra a6 a3/ -zit 11 f1-"' IiWidation. r. grasscrtea $295. 144 MALES LIMTEO Ara11AM May I. SON IM NEI er n lutlwn. "CM SOUTH OSNAM. 2.1 Mo- Storage avallabk for Rft,UAI T part-nme, to Pecan" orb I 6WR: Jr "•d"q mr 905 Q7-202 Iloa dos b all amen*". room towMbuse 4 Niger c- INS SO.FT. ingalae Pn- fro COnsulpGon and medical ma n i!=VE.- L C nd1N SnoOtaAI1 MMt way ai,66in ONWA u75 MllWO Why eke GAN orwD htYae tB makers b v .pen Oi1EaAwarxat 11ms AJM, EMM 1M�1af I. Nita aha. Ba.walrrM harm. 1 bWM 1195 1 yr mm. - *26-M auction services. getwrced n ECWbherL t2 Yet Ooh OrrDf CA gD5d5530M 061 FULL BLOOD lwrpaan (905N36 -2x53 pxa" Stress Testing Please ropy (NraO gukyaed ad Pam) �xk� ha. 1905) 5x3-x3WBANKRUPT JMa 126. s1251mo Dbs LIN. WA wei a ea z- Woke z NW Oita fatMyropn Call 80.r1n1E &0015 b Pae /324 PO Bo. 461 CFAs nary sine moat. Wer IIAbNri AMl1YCE$ 5 a1w67opm No DAs- Cnent as M. m M ngoo 'M ! �r gp5�32-2124 DOW" OCT LiH ns AW. meas a srmcke. FMM SaRaPAna New SW -C gMra. CA Ac**" faR• SON .0�am e Ad. CPR conte d Nm- ainnod' Mkhw-Ad tmo-ha PMMW )Ari horse ner, Sala RID. Sear GFp- wM-M cbeMs. prord- 12- in (50$623.0075 • 1 DRaO'e 5nlaheD. moos 905126• R1a0s. MR ase. nor 11200 bbaWNg 70' .150 Neon a- R060I Att. a. Op„ a , KWAGIMD NOW fa m,- /xM dNY N50 $MltJeaAWp aF NM OeE000r rAp, srrll VMD (� Aea iNAded GA 7x6403 Air -(Eno e0r1a10 "ism. OSNM' OnsOa OMaeMtm Lit Ow so aao gam. r4oP 4ys. me Wnna Locke tate mom (abranrl mak Ohara. hrMd" 110E df-0UT tae Oaw br 2 Tr _y0U1G rye MGW4 b aro SM La" nbetr $275lnAdnw. (05N34.1929 AML NSM BINIWAN . 4Mr GOa wok retwenm. eoad 6AoeptotA er lm* >� bwmng aG MM whets Experience rear- A Wrap rd mpo n ft nae sables. S19 ivii, 1 usf*s 1sasD,pa. ypy suy Ergimw,.rpMa Dwr pekraW d Meat kdsn f150'up Dryers $1505 alp. IllI*. ' NMON 4a• pooa_au d NE Dentes SaSO ins A tsars. OWL Moor Orono 1.5 apo S it 2.5 atoms rows Imepya pNdrOrooM. 6aW-SOW YOI1- pyst tmiers /W, fxN. AWeWMIM traRON. rc 01W�IrIIW► x wsvias p2Qe6 aa0a a 401, acres S79.000 WSW FMAe tbMn AwwaW m nbn no- OSOwaW. Awn ONaals. Fake ft .900. (MS17M-341. From R.E. an a�qY- equile OMW IaeNaslD• Ea9s fMscbm reYr alt shORO h Mg P" fD0 ,ENT n a bier G�6 RoyM• laPaM 906504 187 99 666i827"� a. ataer 6DW pYrNVs F+Tadelp areWabM odd ITN iowag4tw 5000 LMm 2 o 3 dd, Mwl9. as d tyro Mews. sW- 1 -51576 -et i OIC. LTD a /y� _erraAy 4x6 1110 Clorst EI Ca4na ASI wN111ka aimmsw ere- Urge.2 fI10M10Bd. Easy para Nwrwxe wrEa b BRaT0/ BwSA{M. 7bnk- SiMas So S ry06)120•a0t3 mor rp.. 4 kale sSwMeD1rRNemnr k1BaAwr1a1141a SsaR. 946• m SCIIoWs, ,Ere a AAY hAr,otlsa WW , rest 50,610 Pira loL 351 caaBE'M LAW Wily .pmr0 • • IWO w PNM/0M fINMIN,E...Mpr a100to Book 1-IOS-3M• MarrbOn f06-1152 FM ,tool. CMI MprtsAabus oW!Y 7026, Os6raoAW. Iwdwm Roos. ec 6n Nww hard to IwoeWl orsOraara de 250 AW.ar- x21z. 721 711 re l tsar appopr- taRt' iiia 6NrwW eMl OA,e,oFt xs sus nor TLC a 3 mwdren wad 3 b 0006 601111. Syr 010 smy..Vm am Taf Spece- AAA AIrTP Cas. Aker, 516 kAtpM a IwlnaoW, Alt Wm' sWbiaapue IaY Mwt AtaMbO• Yaw 01,805. nares. drtlawlee red eWr rtt...rorAd, owl. raMNAYra. TOM CNDM x dr. 5,415801. pops. AIMIVII AM a bed p. W1sM q a. IMM 4Yib Dba1 uIt gnu f209NM•Sy�yy MNy rtderN,ar a must a1Mr hbbY. brwglrlrtp101. sgi. p4nlreal, r. 5150 s f6. WN Yrs 1992 pay p b $10810. 1 1R oM 2 bob@WAW 1010 BEDNIN baaneR kmwm dbm. AArp S15BA00 OPEN Droa S3B 990. SNA00 NAM - 6 30pm (905)6224 031-5205 b„yy Ubts, 0U3X 250 52.350. 1206 RT100 CMR m h FDot Any soRa a W -W in pbn Pbkerrnp W.THEN ALL!times, a aW(F pa aSltbe II.7n.. 1265 ,IMO Rat• �' Yaar GA a doL Darty bahr0 Ta p i- IIIiMWOrbN0/. perbfl0. rlae HOUSE API 2011 A 5 a d a. CAN •(519)IM-MM row: 0aaow 1 f11NMkRpr f1M er .... NO 'A= 4 *ft SM.. ON 0 00V a mole. 2 hcxn. 7 M ttM MWbIMs. 2 Mr Ir1W10 Mtw1MY. bw6NMs ADW M. f906)M0-0y56. R�_�_he,ajD,tlkpe,aay 4 wast .1 --" sbIMO Serva x CAC. N6 INH. Inrt60 aP. 5750 pw WNIMI itns0n 1m0- '�'•• _ Miedyoke raAp� 9D57o65231 is-Ls0r6. MAy tt 50N.t at. ri, 1Mvy M (06) 606 RNN,YWMUtEM Pan err kidsU 8 monUs 8 p SIGN MART FMEr000. r• tw Our Caa,sAmrt111 jgO f7a0. TMMMoas N06) 516- CASH FOR CA,St we bty Sri 9M•0*4MI a 1116 M WII10j 1 bed . An upr Chia are aril- raa, ptNralYa Wra arta ImrtwaM EsRrMirlra WALK baa rMkcNs vtlkar WWI n31 w�ML M1ysis AM - SNB a mom. rode sI OYaaty (AW). ECE tun Iry ssaWorWO. cM 5 NOW pOp. DkriW6 IbaW. 126 gMNTTE arbmric. r n tRRw9 carrWBr. CY Ra• E. rt Kim 3 buMm Rum, 4 � � 1aIR mw Stir da9ra a lot a wommu sped Ilaron AmasMearM. Doo DsWooW rd CrMlolll fMM as bft Vora, Me 8p2,a7�.y2415 or Don 10 AT9 Wduds WIM6, MIMM, NNa tars n oro PNAa- rFWpa iMMlr a. rr CP Sppotn a lefnfm wRkra. Re- hoe OeaFwy. -57517246. OaiBw. roe, w peAHi• BIR rarMr. he red wra WRAO b tan. Age r �r phorlB, DMW1Q IIy/ 5aW0 1N sae pr6 wed Mm• 4 .Cal ANDREA M....DMN brW q ace AMmw WTOSALES ,aB a� Rq Y1010t Mowat Boom as mss sad b uk coker 6143, 3e. SMI$ d lis Drs 5 app0aet0. pi 905. as ,rad,,. 1- 1ArARY as M s sboR y- CIO SODS -8467 E NI -_"�" Y Rtdupo. �' (uD) SIM.5. %low by Oaycae Pro- how fes hrratwe n s�-Wi 1.064"13 Was by r ECE moBRr Nq F,IDCE, 9010 cob1H. Iran maON..-.ReRlrwr...... Rw1 1N7 F0,0 1>M0. 5 spa. MWD/ - i�l� On Od N Es ALSO BEEN n ASL. (Anwi- free. lenges. $Z00.N, a6 Q4 is no $Waa" 10 W* Great mkft nmw f1176 SMI 1. Jin Pick erg .41n �T-WOp.fi �E (bill FvSB._)-- TofaN. zm >06 an Son Lang ). n a smoke- 0231 tf'...._TraOMmal woo. - pr Wm, d 5$p1,2C7�5 s N. ALSO CAP Origrre owes. Ran 1, ThicksoNRE Ia sob• 401 faun. . a tafpl 7NNr ret kni ng hPe t I Nmr yyoquu wq . 115 Aber Pon NOW IS. BoMms 0 1267 SIO, W. x17.-0 km. Sitio x 1, Z i 9 Bed. Apt$. Tlkcksm s. 3-ydrooam• alApalls. MOr1, lox Children aaaYly Ome. iaoori WCIMN SET Stag. Lti,r/ on'� p„pb Rd.) Pon Perry, Pick-up. Z.. V6. alAwsk, bat offer Wal Mae 905 666 FIBf11rbN11ed • Now pyy- oM0. alvvara etc Ae' I •Remi Wks S50. CON 1a- 905.2650774. reMJ.NdNiat twirl errors. re Ww. cap. ,506 bWiIY faros, hrsDMos. alk B10Ewd. WgtYm hrMYOi C urV*-N. Derape. tick, seNanaa E. P45 CA me, ors wain a! Jet ri Evil bin ftN. 1 pram aMN 540. alae0a0rtgmn Sap raa. COD tlrorla. APPNoIpNe. AN IN. M6CtIMiMd. (MSMM-NII 0N5179F79BB al 905-426-3019 or pros Coat 115. abxa 4 sash rax. awa from chip. to br AitW. Cal (Sw4 Irlaea". i M, H ail S50. GA 837-,110. oma F,IDaf /� OenhPer, uussis re-mokod tppp BONE tSpYM Runs ki h� SUPL i MMI1t• + Ba,oBN err Nm n txlm w WAiNEA as dryor, pawn rqatIBpMo �I 'wat AEptR Maw wed a1, n Dan Ape. Sr CaMpor BII,TBt TOr,IIDDiE A1t0111VFIIICN sakkq 0pd SM Singer toes* me- is t,M� piMw as sal a -SM tants 6 M. 905- paMm fB00.N r N. 905 � BIBM $KIMNX �stldaR LaOp- Pt- Lorry 3" Llh d p- Sop ttBM Yrra word paymre 10 share VOW CMR palabN 575. TO QO- COn d0eratle Rasfmw as 576d''Na 915.0026 sip Nita amenitis. 5656' roes b eR paw. Iwr, keam SM. Ralltal Dlioa MIR •fel Bata - t Pw taNlAy aro Md.. Call Dfads fNM MawbeR, arp,N � a b Woos. eft wd1 otyers r IoM Pius, row troy OMYO NA,ONS - a• and Ream me=W 4263095 and nose peso Ohm. Moro. rot. n M PNa my aF Afr<r braid ,Mme *"a $4N end Now caawm. 130 rt . 1Ni wed BxbN BN A SM Spew Spon woo n py,tg M y,�� 11aB 116296ND7 most 3 Yew old Read roe 1 up. mw 3P wO dock now beet a bras. Has bean bared AJAR YSEM fff for tint. pe. sop NONEY e37-00.'kl MM of Ow Mold mod dR"mo X652-54118. laN stzN. CO. Cullgone 5 tSpud PWK ns aoom,F�1IALIAIfi'110M11TY use first dana!a 'wrbeiC H s t win. Pla g, 1-3M, park n d aebE aMa mr,'g„tsappotrp 01WCCRAIAJ011 Oat. Es- 1120 AIRNUf drrWgroom r nDb1L Grey bunco. IIP er pem:rRa caregiver motMr sal. 0 pa. IT. earN aro- � .s GR moo, 1N7 JAGUAR IS E.Ow CMB Icor more ihlormadn Tie tff Permoral TEL Be1 Cala, a ad Great 101 oa*upt aec�a Daelraald ON 3 In positions aval- s• sideboaN. 5 daaHa. SaMti Ssrript. Pat 151 para" OM. 150kms Fd• vN5N53383 v0 _ fWTM ALAE. ToenMufe t0 as as E uspl d Isplibu ylw sac m napPr nmampHg $1 Igo. Cal 611's. -nim eta st owwmom) 516- 7apawic. UOM Nftw ta7 000-070-1 QSa !�y{�_�� OMP piaEop. nes shoe , bedroom aaibMw. i11wInRRa. Bas• Er kaormaion 9055767505. aruonmem. Large fencep 126 CIMVETTE, f200; 1961 7448wa r1 wwwopbam• r•ae, 0Wb SM1 rad 57500 brakes. e.cellent unner dw a yuet. w Mfr HARRY Shirmae. t-86286• %*M bafq kau". yam. trans. Wer"14s. Tuan- MM,CWWUWhKMn. Dara 19051406-0017 Nlplh 59000 Afla 6 Dm ,-705357. Cadilwm. N^admo ktWRire �, (W) 604 meat R ion, Drprd- OdtaablN One" $275: Bal (4 61156-0115 415 avalaw rmrdWely. aA a (9051619.- pada $110: 5 ID. footow "NYS f" Raalge. In• Is" voUSWAGD J/na /cos 0- 905619-0177 1 OBTANNGAIOMISIIOT 1225: s hp. swwaowpr tin. I>hr ri•dANt, to vara aa. Pww 6 LykTpr. WINDJAMMER 111 o . sin new peer aefa. stereo. err conaabm0. NARWUOWUYLY, 3 bed. S f2+ NOP. EZ ftorle Loving 4y tore poll ear, Sol Coe 775-11 ,mad. 5250: Ranh rise. D akes.fepaf+Nematory a weer mmacaak. 115.000kms APARTMENTS - AJAX room home cad ro hand. AAO - 2 warm o0ngo. 86 avawaae LoverD !time ret ymOM. 520. ElrNtna tike Cala 1686-V196 FOW FEU, SessA rte 1 r DMT $M. 0aW nlavtr 5100. tom t ,orf Yea k s raMaieO asknp $13.900 w sl OWN Snared 4p- F 00 N01 R R fnnoeer Flt ad. CHR NDM uo.n OOeJI ftSD. (9051 aas1. wNM la ca- a ( 19p51665 -0e76 ilio female peelers S35pr 71e p. L M 5105.0- SpppppNp TIMI TOtl er pry Gat. stay time ITC 697-3013 : pOMeb ora eeea Im FORD map. 4 a. 33 & 77 Falby crt. mth Aramole May 1v 9D5 U� �� r ��- w6DTNAIWTNWMDI. Mar Lester B Prim an keroMn kerN black. err con. eecMkm r. 1 ww 2 & 3 Bedroom a art- Sttbd Any a". Wentey I /C. oak amn"pon soft. 0; cam, rwy worm, gal wW been aro To runt *_ r MCAEAIRB RaeWrWnFnth $Dace. Very CNan as aro DEFDAE SpNM My Pad Nath a 401 Tel 426 pull hush. twk. 4 tae 550 9600 yreil "ce*M rbnotbon. ,N7 C" ca" Van. gtha ments. Includes Area Single Tin-sm01urD yes Rq. Cr Sri- COMI,M'1' M. pOB7 chars. 2 um Ch6in. now. WEOSM OND{, sin 7. 52000 Or t-705326028, work vehicle runs Y Paessa teniae sabrD Davy Am, Tope mat w tae SIIve. alone lag !Alda e1paN Imero: Isro, f13N G6 sin 666.0510 °or fridge, stove, broadloom, sIrwMr mom mae rot two) To 7 Ra carry ,-pop• 1 A LOVING NONE DAYCARE- W5-Was-9a6s. pmol ba Rp. pwlars lora 1261 JEEP CIIE,OIME • 1 Ur 261.4397 (wig) Nue Wer 3 bedroom rorte. Mary Ilrelse as quality Ura- LEATIMR Mars 4c 10 11 paiN1 sN lana wMh trap 4 ■NEV dra SM Cali -- air, heat, hydro, water and very Clean, fireplace, 7 ban music 2M - Syr; pr Ras airror boa *Y 7x03107 IND ASTIO Van. B pass 1-�_ pharl�. S600ntaNMy 1!39- �-- MOMfDADE1 - 2Dna. Nailer Duret from C*NW Md 5,200. asMrD Ma eke one arlClll SB16 Ma ' RM a^B !011001 Npnsmpnp, tar e- kppapt pry xwerea. 4 J m- Spin WHITBY 711 gotyla Rd E ugly, FN1or1v br DM. wa trap $19.N. pp00: E im Cherm" Lomma FMo -�- t- ap^YCrile " Pa- �ap1 porch INanuCha wa rgapMeN ring Vn. Wo Own coca lin OearOom Cando . tunExim DN GPN. Mit ad. Valley fame NaORr Nt from $6 N map, M, I aMmad faf 31 4 Oar ttdO n. LoMM bate. Mky elections Call 5 sMeQmpBP 7RGetnaie ineNFr p 6m Rao My 4 appManp. �I�E��of 105. HNewyy 2 Close b PidW,e10 Go �� MEWL Go' famNy tan 7r N ter( pro tw,0a WNI mrmuna wry rod S1/.50D awka Ras, 1x1- shxa 7 pMroon hpRt Ir aOlroom. Mwnos, =a Llntml rs- CeB1905)-WI-9600 Pani MM OnE- baa. Pad 51300 a10np Conation Grldiod 130000 or visit us at: Dnr 695 a. N6rAvom. $750 CM N5.101 -26M. 2 tin S65N 000 Tr 19MS &, 4296 sines spin fers0acc Close to PTC and $%.ON GA 19DS)7044Ct7 • baso (Vol OSa www.bigfoot.com/-highriser GO 90W83am inclusive New • w • NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, April 7, 1990 -PAM 87 Ai 1 " ONWWNNWPOW YRpewalMlY;' aw yoor iW No Im lMiivalArd ORtMU borrowers; . N d sse r M on in ; a¢; 1 mArixn� Giant RENOVATIONS .+ - '- S FOR SAI 1960 Ocmmwn„ IM 7�a0e a �. ,j.. $8pp INC. lion 96 sI6 t�lllgt ".' 300 IaRMNEy O ' be ( for ,.ppi EOOAked, t Net.. Mirror g Major RentevdiasblajoR I. Comm mom thin 011e sullpat Deal Renew® Prr Remodelhn for the ,,re washnp Systema 1. 9 Free E sd HRat. Comm. Ind, insartio 1 In the ,,it aez9 First time a (905\ _5211 event of an error. •eyed // NETWORREF4111 can you I Fax 905 686.9072 1.nuee yme ping vein wlan wmnsm manes a gMe t7M. 1 b.p on to me aeemn a stints mwhq A mors" a IqM CaM 1905)433 3721 ul id Free 877-M(9 99. PROGLES PDIAI CHIPS A'mted no a dlslnbrorshps AIR Pro E ovie System s weep tact Praha* Do- 9 I.lnlllkly. ayrness of e.- Paint6ss ani rem—ad Mr, soma to M se a IIrrnenCe. ou Yoa own boss. Wa�ea'd1� =1==-C-: bgge u1e ab sw RID" NOW Pal ed Fieaele hours Soured min Sruss•_rrlin •,s bwest C4t4 �n.epmeM S16.B00 For into b.t;rr.•ratpwwteb Xwo hnrdtuw ell 1.8003364296 far ,�� l"t —11,725-0005 0r NO FOR SALE lwensed for an -a ,Hl n. s �:� = 427 -OM ae.. 'ZS persons /I itwirlyea aa- r'en li. a FRI:F; 1'stirrlae ryis. epugnlern end kaunatl �prowmems 404 8217 4e4-"69 1 wraonab How. Cunning Em Hous. Ci anklg ,COPE TMS PAINTING •1 OLDER IA Names & DECOR Private Ho Nome Phone iambs. 1-900-451 463a en Interior 8 Exterior 236910rmn must x le European Workman- onr ship Fast, clean. DURIMM'sDam oanN6 SERVICE' Call 905 683 1119 .reale a pnvale nwnbu.. reliable service. rowse other pemml ads 428-0081 ee. Meet a rave Friend or M to MCEACINE FUNERAL 111 28 Road,VRNgq) 905- We kr Me —CIA. HEAVENLY nyCHIC An. wets Find the owl. wwnn •18•'74 Painting 399/min ens 1- e0-4513783. InenorEaenor / runhN DAran, VIN• 9' lxxders. raerror HEAVENLY PSYCHIC - 92 99/ inn 18. 24 hours 1900- '513783 DAILY HORD- 1900677-77M$500 900677-7 2500 :P== baalcjdta,d. PortfolioPreywuswork. 4 hags Relonak. Clean- Yand OWMA RFLAXING MAS- Mike Seeaywrncw plrr eN AGE Shatsu Serra 40 10 teeSw�l-ta3a a w 905, 404-%25 11"3$ RANGER LANDSCAPING 01.90. MW swm` Lawn Cutting $15 a up 4` We'll run end Wee • : I rr.wrew Spring d Fall Clean up MOUNTAIN Trimming I Garden work - Ww ° °�"Iming "Excellent Rates and arrv.l.re. arylrme Excellent service • - P: GUARANTEED! and month57 -0755 Fruit RESl06-1808DENTIAL 6 COMMERCIAL YOU COULD � A PAIR OF s7 Diss (416)806-1808 (90519-2125 1-988491.6600 I ,.unr1„y s , I warwq a 4c� . the. ail, r F TICKETS MOVERS Crew Property Services Move D p :r s an, we ' once the. dl� Free esti. Seasonal Lawn Care P•ograms males. :sewn discount. From :2995• AT SKYDOME FOR APRII. 23 shon notice moves Ap- " plultes moved. ayo '�• - storage space avauDN. Service Inclta0es Sor rg a opeIrrY Cieanup, - . Comparable rates. cap Seasonal Ferek2ati0rvYsrsed Control Program. - We" awn `r y ` ``� By simply placing your ad under Auto For Sale wf..wy P 1 Amo LARRY E Call (905)432-3823 MOVER wuwrww Il( 4h.) 43 :..wrens n�n 2 �M .Ar' n TIMORII�MOYAL a MAMTENANCt between now and April 16e SOaIsp E C weal DAVE ng 4r.. wultisiami- 831-7055 ` QSHAWA •WHITBY • CLAAIIY(TON AJAX/PICKERING I�� SS.ryi�. P"THIS WEEK MWs anvERTISER RARIT WANTS WOItIC . , MCA STORAGE GE Gong MagicOccasions cy �rnmy s n Mag �, :.. ' ��� �00 1 1 mprowweesea s sTtlrllACE And A� ornie �9 E1�Qlaan. ; ,.. M NDYses A{;a"^xrts. Dmces. Appances a ano Specialise Senior F —had s Mrd -Month Discounts brlI L%. ..tensed, inured Ffntkrir athrooms,additions Fs;aotn Pananeeu wry and second slots. sw.1W. Homewpairs Call 436-7775. ELIPL- LOEYSas Aa work 9t++rsMed. k WAXING WWW LMvar MOVING ft- C.,.ulraerw, 426-2145 urge or small Liu- A.w.w • ;eneral Caru er Arr.ph - • ••;Meds kM10Rrg baw6o?— MAN; a MANCOMSTRL1CT1pN • :Neral Wan -up fire a.." AOWb ons. P�A —Wood rlwtae C-huur ul r"k +nw 1GICnens, Dans, renw"d Can F—Lie, a taasemarw. ticks, • Fast tArwea 831-4838 entrance doors. at. laeween Sereiee owners "Car" . TW AN.40 srairwq rima:. pe.tsen ON doin IS allmrwkxn r �. IderenewExPletwoud 905-427-4234 ICron mows GET FASTER B %w toed. homes. REFI.'NLIS WITH ORres. art. it. FREE E-FIUIVG SEAWAY WASTE j ,� - 1,,pAdiwadato- y—�Mpd•+yPuk 14Y -A40 CubrC Yard 1 4N S� l.meral Aarcrryanr i Judy Kuksu CCA Garbage Sin I 105.420-21AI Rentals for Spring 14r Al., b .neo 905.6x3-1 Chan -LSD397 .akr. Cl.wnHaltusg aervsces v. f ,vae'.r rayl rkr -4 .V.. u'. star tr L -SAV E HOME Ary Ab feu! IMPROVEMENTS Varrmm+'' 2 e baseboards, ledges. k FREE PORT PERRY THIS WEEK t~' UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 85.9741 • SELL IN TDE C MEDS. m DO T011 HAYS AN AlAHT=ff MR 1>01'lY Q 90 AM ADM om arsc AL AD PRM RAM ��� 2d. R D • lkxrrsYA gasle� w A ■ ■w�ew.. 1-1 • �rlutg QrKas. aced more for I z> • F:as• I.w prwx of $0 00 _ • I'nn'h Five B S➢eTf'1ayyr rFl�aby on T-90"• R.,t,fing ? s. VON; ani ' ! • M.orxlary N4xk 40 Ra 4K7K12M Sensor Dutnwts We r Dealh Nolice Lislings Rwvls.e Sava 427-0106 U tN.wq_. W � Fv�u On Cont oa dill i'RialYil nt $71, Computer d �� 4041-6591 }bu are notforgotten , be.- one :1 Help Nor willsort be Personalized.Fa Iew1.q+ or As long as life and memory lout A t C we Bees Basics arrpon ! that Rte We Evill remember thee. a00FTNG, 'Swf ft Nor a emcee � rtatieaRs Amid Aksmils stem Selection + t &a* to you by the fioBmvq Wed homes: ACMow, AI't1ssUDllg, itis & Low, Niftoo & $005, MCEiCflfllC. Shiogliog, all types of spats, new aaa Dice (905) 426-7106 � Aldero6hslodasoe, lMer* *9catle ketr+i•Home, Nofdrctutaidt, Osm+n flmayPSetvicr,%WW.E.T°an .-,�i a"�i� `pnia �- A.. - � . Dr;at6 Notices �ddtd ca tekphooe s«.ioe pmmptl�rfoUaaieg Rcdpjaf inbtmtiou from flmel�i twmc -7 �- Io $esus, fully I. • ErtMaaewaA sred. Free emeori es. ; 19" Peewee Panthers stop Avalanche for Toronto tourney title PICKERING — The Picker- ing Panthers Be[ Air Travel minor peewee 'A' rep hockey team captured the consolation championship at the Toronto Avalanche March Meltdown tournament recently. Pickering rallied from a 2-0 deficit against the Toronto Avalanche to tic the game and win in a sudden -death shoot out 3-2. Brad Cowan scored the win- ning goal, his second of the game. Patrick Mundy had the other marker. Chris Butler. Cameron Clayton, Ryan Clay- ton and Kevin Cryan assisted. Goaliender David DeMarinis was named the Panthers' most valuable player of the game. In round-robin play, Picker- ing skated to a 2-2 tie against Downsview. Mundy scored both goals. Brendan Badcock. Cryan and Cam Clayton earned assists. Mike Olsen was steady in net to preserve the tie. Against West Hill, the Pan- thers posted a 3-1 victory. Jonathan Moore, Marc DiRosa and Mundy scored. Ryan Clay- ton. Mundy. DiRosa, Cowan and tIA Troy Giasson assisted. Pickering dropped a 4-2 deci- sion to Claringlon for its only loss of the tournament. DiRosa and Patrick O'Sulli- van fired one goal each. Cryan set up two goals, Mundy and Cowan contributed single as- sists. The Panthers looked impres- sive in a 7-2 win over Hum- bcrview. Mundy and Cryan notched two goals each, Mike Krasnows- ki, DiRosa and Chris Pasternack fired singles. Mundv and Giasson each registered three assists, Kai Sar- tisohn, Jason Collins, Paster- nack, DiRosa and Ryan Clayton earned one apiece. Goalie leads peewee Raiders to two wins The Ajax -Pickering Raiders minor peewee 'AAA' rep hockey team earned a second -place fin- ish in league play with two wins and a tie in the final three games of the regular season. The Raiders bounced Bamc 4-1. Brent Small. Danny Lefort. Stephen Kos, Budai and Kyle Cunningham scored for Ajax - Pickering. Cunningham, Jason Winder. Michael Rocca, Small and Budai drew assists. Goalie Paul Benson had a strong game In net. The Ajax -Pickering peewees trounced the Central Ontario Wolves 6-1. Budai scored twice. Lefort, Bradley Snetsinger, Cun- ningham and Shawn Coultice netted one apiece. Assisting were Lefort with four. Budai with two, Snetsinger. Small, goalie Benson and Cunningham. Al Benson had another great game in net. The Raiders also played to a I-1 tie with the York-Simcoe Ex- press. Ryan Annesley scored the lone Ajax -Pickering goal, assist- ed by Lefort. Goalic Bryan Eu- stace was outstanding in net. l Sandy Beach Tennis Club sign-ups set for April 19 PICKERING — Tennis and on Sunday, May 2 at the sign-ups for the Sandy Sandy Beach Tennis Club at Beach Tennis Club will be Kinsmen Park on Sandy held later this month. Beach Road in Pickering. The club's registration from 2 to 4 p.m. day is on Monday. April 19 For more information, at the Pickering Recreation call Kimberly Sledz at 839 - Complex from 7 to 9 p.m. 5786. IMPORTANT AUCTION NOTICE Acting under instructions received, we will sell in detail Isis from: ESTATES'PRIVATE COLLECTIONS -CONSIGNMENTS' COMMERCIAL INVENTORIES At LIQUIDATIONS' RARE SPORTS MEMORABILIA & COLLECTIBLES FURNITURE -APPRAISED ES TATE JEWELLERY•WATC•HFS FRAMED ART COLLECTION *SCULPTURES*ACCENT ITEMS' COLLECTIBLES*GALLERY MIRRORS'TIFFANY LAMPS' STEREO SYSTEMS'HOMETHEATRE-VCR *PHONES' RARE MATCHBOX 'CORGI'DINKY*COLLECTION PUBLIC AUCTION Fri. Apr. 99 at 7:pm (iinview 6:pm) Triaium Trails la"tart Hall 53 Saowridge Court. Oshawa (OR Si— North as Raglan) Parnal listing. imponam Group of Seven An Collection with Limited Edit ons & Publishers Proofs. Outintity of Museum framed artworks of Rontance. Marshall. Lumbus. Thomson, etc Hand nude Sculptures. Bronze vauary. Rte ptxcelao. Satsuma Vases & Jas, Selection of fine quality accents items. Rare spurts i ernoeabiha hand signed, custom framed. Oak & Mahogany furniture. Dining set. occasional tables. coriwles. Desks. China Cahnet, testing tables. non furnsttm. vitnfes, fun stand, washstand, etc. Ch ­ shed teddies. (disci ) Dinky & Matchbox die cast nmage ars & tracks. t'ullectm plates• homed "naastu vamp collmnon. mm can sets. world Depression glass. parlor lamc ps. ast iron toys. Italian wood photo frames. 925 Sterling silver wall plaques, porcelain dolls, bakers txk. (hteval NI -ors. Swrovski Crystal. Royal Dua figtrtm, wildlife. porcelain. Crystal terns, bowls. vases Hummel. Bordet Finn Arts Sculptures. Watetlord r-tal. Royal Douhon. Framed Cammn s Ils. (rare). cordless phone Ia it Radios, it", HTS, VCR. [Armond whenar ung, precious & sem fret-ous slope nags (apprated) Estate jewehy, designer watches. neckbces, (a•atls, caning, gold etc. Mary ntwe nems too aunasoas to list. Plan to aocnd. Over 500 nems to be sow. Items Cash. Visa, Mc. Arms. and debt, as per posted & announced, Add,nons & Delatom No buyers p-- lafssrmanon earl (416) 2%- 17h 1 %- 17h. or PROFFSSIONALAU(TIONEERS 1411118 -PRO -SALE eve 25 °' Calvin Klein" men's underwear & socks and women inner fashions WOMEN'S CALVIN KLEIN COTTON CLASSICS AND ATHLETIC COLLECTIONS INNER FASHIONS Sears reg. $10-33. Each 750-2475 /fursave on Calvin "n soc" ALL MEN'S CALVIN KLEIN SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR Choose from assorted colours, styles and fabrics. Sears reg. $9-36. Each or pair 675-527 Phu& Lm your Sears Cara) and yet double Sears Club pains on all Calvin Oin women's imaia fashions and mens Galvin ffi n sacks and ur b ww Until Sunday, April 25, 1999, Sears Club members ran use their Sears Card and yet double Sears Club points. On approved credit, with your Sears Card. Excludes items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores and Catalogue purchases. Ask for details. NP0410799 SEAM copyrigm 1999. Sears Canada Inc. w Come see the softer side of SearsTM) -f