HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_02_02Pickering employees like what tha see', Union brass hopes hefty pay increase for councillors bodes well for members BY MARIANNE TAKACS raised the hopesof Town employees 520 full and part-time Pickering em- mood" toward its employees. He " rhey're asking us to make sure Staff Writer the might be in line for a signifi- plo ees, says he hopes the 29 per notes he was "inundated" with calls we do bring it up at negotiations; PICKERING — The hefty pay cant raise as well. cent salary increase over 19 months and comments from local members says Mr. Copeland. increase Town Council members re- CUPE Local 129 president Fras- going to councillors is an indication after councillors approved their pay cently approved for themselves has er Copeland, who represents about the Town will be in a "generous hikes Jan. IL See TOWN Page 5 PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER P I C K E R I N C' S COMM UN ITY NEWSPAPER SINCE ] 9 6 5 PRESSRUN 44,000 12 PAGES School issues warning Two Pickering ,pupils followed near public school TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1999 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY S5/ $I NEWSSTAND Back to the drawing board? Pisckeriong PICKERING — Two inci- dents where students were fol- lowed by cars near Maple Ridge Public School have prompted the school's principal to issue an alert to the community. In a memo sent to area schools last week. Kevin Hugh- es warns students, parents and teachers to be on the lookout for - - ..anything suspicious" following two incidents in which elemen- tary pupils were followed by ve- hicles. .ra►� ' "As an added precaution we sent this to the community to be ANDREW IWANOt4SKUNews Advertiser photo alert to anything suspicious;' Mr.Hughes says of the memo. W We wanted to alert our commu- effort nity and the Pickering area just , in case." Mr. Hughes reports an inter- Cecilia McCaughey helps two-year-old Robert Colasuonno put mediate student was followed in the finishing touches on his paperweight creation during a session the area near Maple Gate and at the Pickering Central Library. Kids were invited out with See SCHOOL Page S grandparents to make crafts and enjoy treats. Federal Liberals choose new regional executive The 1999 executive for the joint Provincial and Federal Pine Ridge - Halliburton District Liberal Assoeia- t wo has been elected. The association represents all four ridings in Durham Region, as wdl as three ridings to the east and north of Durham. Joe Dickson of Ajax is the presi- dent, while Terry McCarl of Os- hawa is the pact president. The ex- ecutive vice-president is Doug Mann of Pat Hope, the federal vice-president is Frances Lloyd of Oshawa, the provincial vice-presi- dent is Carol Betsey of Campbell - croft, the secretary is Craig McCul- lagh of Whitby and the treasurer is Lorna Davey of Oshawa. Directors include Al Furlong of Oshawa, Jim Carlyle of Oshawa, Donna Dickson of Ajax, Frank Kash of Oshawa and Dennis Miluck of Brighton. plan `premature' PICKERING — An applica- tion to build a subdivision on the north side of Toynevale Road cast of Rougemount Drive has been deemed "premature" and its de- veloper has been urged to address the concerns of area residents. Ward I Local Councillor Dave Ryan urged Broder Devco Ltd. to deal with privacy concerns and "the preservation as much as pos- sible of trees", which were among the issues brought up by concerned residents at an execu- tive committee meeting Monday. And while Coun. Ryan deemed concerns about traffic ..an ongoing issue", he recom- mended a one-month deferral of a recommendation to approve the See PICKERING Page 5 Inside the News Advertiser TO M IT Eial Pais ...........6 MarNM Rt>elab ......6 Ipwb .................8 ch one a ..............9 Ci11E W A CALL Belli 1 .......... 683-5110 111 1r1--11 ......683-5117 DeMII Soft= .....683-3005 And= Lin ......683-7545 81-0M� Ti .1-800-662-8423 E�glil .newsroom4�durham.net Web sft ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 DAVE RYAN Traffic concerns 'an ongoing issue.' +CM0AHMDM ► RtiIV1Lw�V M aFREE" ts« aeon Rnr tattasu 1 SM BAYLY S7 UNIT 17, Pickering (905) 420-3285 stwrwoow tax taxa -wt. !3 v� s111t.10-: PAL Come in and check out our demo sales. MALIff_O�A7 a .. ... �..war?se•a:a..;.,`x:+,;,i��S��,.p+'.: �e+v.:..:. ;�p••� - --- - ,; �. .. .. w y iii �i.�►�+aR ... � ;