HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2006_06_21Ajax Nissan Parts/Service Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 8:00pm Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 2:00pm 375 Bayly Street West, Ajax (Between Westney & Harwood) 1-800-565-6365 905-686-0555 The Pickering 52 PA GES ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 FANTASTIC FACES Meet the students making an impression Inside the News Advertiser REPORT CARDS Municipal politicians’ marks are in Page A8 DurhamDurham Daily News Every weekday at noon "$&4        7PMVNFPGUIF DPDPNNVOJUJFTrTDIPPMTr     T U V E F O U T '6563&''''' %VSIBN3FHJPOTUVEFOUTXIPBSFNBLJOHBOJNQSFTTJPO 1IPUPSFQSJOUTBUv>ViÃ`ÕÀ…>“Ài}ˆœ˜°Vœ“ PGUIF Room to Grow with Province’s plan Mixed reaction in Pickering to passing of Places to Grow Act By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — Downtown Pickering is going to be a hub for jobs and people moving forward. It is one of the designated growth areas in the Province’s Places to Grow Act, which was passed last week, and as such must meet a target of 200 people and/or jobs per hectare. The plan designates areas for growth, density targets for identified growth areas and employment targets in an effort to curb urban sprawl. The final plan was released Friday. Mayor Dave Ryan had a two- pronged reaction to the plan. “For downtown Pickering I’m feel- ing very confident in the direction we’re going and how it meets the in- tent of Places to Grow,” he said, add- ing the latest development projects have been mainly townhouses. “In addition to development currently underway, we have applications for apartment and condominium-style medium height buildings in the downtown area.” He does have some concerns. “As much as we appreciate that growth has to be responsible and controlled, I’m not confident people want large portions of Pickering to look like downtown Toronto,” Mayor Ryan said. “Yonge and St. Clair is not the urban experience that people are moving to Pickering to enjoy.” Neil Carroll, Pickering’s director of planning and development, said they are pleased the Province is mov- ing forward with the plan and that Pickering has been designated an urban growth area. He did have con- cerns with the employment ratio for Jack McGinnis recalls recycling seemed like ‘a practical thing to do’ By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — It wasn’t Jack McGin- nis’ environmental ambitions that led to the creation of the group that would start Canada’s first curbside recycling program, it was his desire to not have a boss. The Claremont resident has worn many hats over the years –- journalist, rock band manager, businessman -- but it was his decision to found the Is Five Foundation that has had the biggest im- pact. “The point of the group was to find a way to work with people instead of them working for me or me working for them,” he said. While he always believed in conserva- tion, Mr. McGinnis said he never really felt like a true environmentalist. “It was a bit of an accident that we went into recycling,” he said. “It seemed like a good thing to do, a practical thing to do.” The Is Five Foundation was started as a non-profit community group in 1974. Mr. McGinnis’ goal was to work with people as a true collective. “What came out of it was far beyond what I could have done myself,” he said. Pickering resident Gail Lawlor has known Mr. McGinnis since 1983, when she began working for him, her first job out of university. While he may have worked with a collective to achieve much of what he has, Ms. Lawlor said he is a man with vision. “He’s one of the few people I know who is a blue sky thinker and who sees what can be,” she said. “He’s always thinking into the future. He’s a firm be- liever in people and that people will do the right thing if given the tools.” One of the tools Mr. McGinnis and the Is Five Foundation gave people is curbside recycling pickup. They started the first program in Toronto’s east end Fa ther of the blue box turns to sustainability ✦ See Anderson, Page A2 ✦ See McGinnis, Page A4 [ Briefly ] Catholic board talking a whole new language DURHAM — The Durham Catholic District School Board is offering foreign language classes for youngsters. Children from junior kinder- garten to Grade 8 can learn any of the following languages: Spanish, Polish, Greek, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, Mandarin, Cantonese or Persian. Running from July 4 to 28, Mondays to Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to noon, the classes are at Archbish- op Denis O’Connor Catholic High School, 80 Mandrake St., Ajax. To r egister, call Anna at 905- 686-5721. [ What’s on ] Bereavement group helps with healing DURHAM — Explore the grief and bereavement process in a group setting. Facilitated by Richard New- land, the group runs for six weeks and is specifically de- signed for those who have lost a loved one more than two months ago. The group meets at Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital, 580 Harwood Ave. S., in the men- tal health outpatient department, third floor, west wing. There are two sessions each Tuesday, beginning Aug. 22 from 3 to 4:30 p.m., and 7:30 to 9 p.m. All future Tuesday sessions are from 3 to 4 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. To pics include accepting a death has occurred, coming to emotional terms with such a death, creating a new identity for one’s self, incorporating the loss, dealing with anniversaries, and any specific issues the group may have. Registration is required. Contact the mental health department at 905-683-2320, ext. 3263, fax 905-683-8527, or e-mail jknott@rougevalley.ca. [ Index ] Editorial Page, A6 Sports, B1 Entertainment, B5 Classified, B7 [ Call us] General: 905 683 5110 Distribution: 905 683 5117 General Fax: 905 683 7363 Newsroom Fax: 905 683 0386 Pressrun 48,900 durhamregion.com THE CENTRE OF AT TENTION A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo PICKERING — The Etobicoke Wolf Pack visited the Pickering Spirit in girls under-13 soccer action at Kinsmen Park on Tuesday night. Pickering’s Michelle Tait, centre, attempted a header during first-half action. ‘ Major development’ in murder mystery Man’s body found last December in Pickering By Jeff Mitchell Staff Writer DURHAM — Police are poised to announce a breakthrough in a murder mystery that’s lingered since a man’s badly beaten body was found last De- cember in rural Pickering. Homicide detectives are meeting the press Wednesday morning to announce what one source called a “major devel- opment” in the murder of Shawn Douse. The 35-year-old father of two from Kes- wick was found dead in a field north of Concession 7 just east of the York-Dur- ham Line Dec. 8. Durham homicide cops have worked quietly on the case since then, conduct- ing repeated searches of the remote area in which the body was found as well as at a house in Keswick. The house, which has been searched at least twice by Durham police, was owned by one of the victims of the shocking massacre of outlaw biker gang members in April. Tuesday police weren’t disclosing the nature of the development. They sched- uled a media event for 11 a.m. today. So far detectives have publicly specu- lated the murder occurred elsewhere and that the body was dumped where it was found, and that it took more than one person to do so. They’ve also re- leased a photo of a blue ball cap bearing the Callaway Golf logo which was found near the body. And in April homicide Detective Ser- geant Rolf Kluem said the Keswick home of Jamie Flanz is of interest in the in- vestigation. Mr. Flanz was one of eight members or associates of the Bandidos biker gang found dead in southwestern Ontario. Police here made no connec- tion between Mr. Douse’s murder and that massacre. Durham Region of one job for every three resi- dents, since it is one for two in the rest of the GTA. Regional Chairman Roger Anderson shared that concern. “Why they’re treating Durham differently than the rest of the GTA is be- yond me,” he said. The population and employment targets in the regional Official Plan dif- fer from those in Places to Grow. The Official Plan projects 90,000 more resi- dents than the Province’s projection of 960,000 by 2031 and a job ratio of one to two. In the draft population and employment section of the Official Plan review, the Region notes it would have to change those numbers to conform to the provincial plan. “We’ve spent two and a half years on an Official Plan that is really a big waste of time because we have to conform to their plan,” Mr. Anderson said. “It’s just a bad plan that didn’t take into consideration the advantages of living and working in the same area,” While Mr. Anderson said there are merits to having higher-density developments, he also said, “people don’t move to Durham because they wanted to live in an apartment.” Mr. Carroll said an example of a development in Pickering that would meet the intensification target are the townhouse-type homes across from the Pickering Civic Complex. He said the 200-hectare guide was a high target and he wondered if there would be funding from the Province for infrastructure to help support that kind of growth. Bonnie Littley of the Rouge Duffins Greens- pace Coalition welcomed the plan. “It’s ambitious and long overdue, but I don’t think it will happen in my lifetime to see if it actually curbs sprawl,” she said. She believes the key to good intensifica- tion design projects is public consultation, but higher density is inevitable. “If you want transit and you want all these services and you don’t want your taxes to go up, this is what you have to do,” Ms. Littley said. Mr. Carroll said the next step would be to sit down with the Province and the Region to identify the boundaries and size of Pickering’s growth area. AJAX LOCATION ONLY ACADEMY OF DEFENSIVE DRIVING www.petersacademy.com TORONTOTORONTO 416-750-0472416-750-0472 777 Warden Ave. Suite 211 (South of Eglinton) MORNINGSIDEMORNINGSIDE 416-282-0160416-282-0160 8130 Sheppard Av e. E. Suite 205 (In the Homelife Building) PICKERINGPICKERING 905-831-6464905-831-6464 1050 Brock Rd. Unit #10 (South of 401) MARKHAM 905-294-1001905-294-1001 5762 Hwy 7 Unit #203A (Upstairs of No Frills) Group Discounts Are Av ailable (for 3 or more) An Installment Payment Plan For Yo ur Convenience Mini Package Available • 25 hours in classroom instruction • 15 private in-car lessons on automatic • FREE pick-up at home • Courses start every week • Defensive driving instruction Learn Life Saving Skills Skid Control Evasive Maneuvers Braking Techniques • FREE progress report Card •EARLIER ROAD TEST $$2752750000 Plus GST 4 Day Course July 4th - 7th July 24th - 27th August 8th - 11th August 21st - 24th August 28th - 31st WHITBYWHITBY 905-665-3150905-665-3150 965 Dundas St. W. Unit #201 (West Lynde Plaza) CALL NOW, LIMITED SPACE HOURS: 7DAYS A WEEK, 10 AM -10 PM PETER'S SummerSummer Special Special ONLYONLY MTO Beginner Driver Education Course Provider PA GE A2 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006P Take a page out of our book. 5IJTZFBSTNPOFZDPNFTXJUIOP TUSJOHTBUUBDIFEBT0UUBXBBOEUIF QSPWJODFTDPOUJOVFUPOFHPUJBUFB GPSNBMGVOEJOHBHSFFNFOU "MUIPVHI .T.D.BOVT XBT QMFBTFE UP TFF UIF -JCFSBMT GPM MPXJOH UISPVHI PO UIFJS FMFDUJPO QSPNJTF  TIF JT JOUFSFTUFE UP TFF XIBU UIF CSFBLEPXO PG UIF QSP HSBNJTHPJOHUPMPPLMJLF i*UTKVTUHPJOHUPCFWFSZJNQPS UBOUIPXUIFZTFUJUVQ*UIJOLUIF QBSFOUTOFFEUPIBWFDIPJDF uTIF TBJEi*ESBUIFSTFFJUHJWFOUPQBS FOUTBTBTVQQMFNFOUSBUIFSUIBO EBZDBSFTUIFNTFMWFTu "OHFMB #FMM  HFOFSBM NBOBHFS PG:.$"$IJME4FSWJDFT%VSIBN 3FHJPO XBTBMTPQMFBTFEXJUIUIF NPOFZQMFEHFE i*UTBXPOEFSGVMTUBSUBOEJUJT OPXBEESFTTJOHUIFBSFBPGDIJME DBSFUIBU IBT CFFO OFHMFDUFE GPS ZFBST uTIFTBJE i(FUUJOHTPNFUIJOHJTHSFBU5IF QMBOGPSJU BTJUSPMMTPVU XJMMCF IFMQGVMu JGI@E>@J@EK?<8@Ie^# l[^\k \in\cc 5IF1JDLFSJOH -''&iÌÀœ>˜`Ê ÕÀ…>“Ê,i}ˆœ˜Êi`ˆ>ÊÀœÕ«&=I@;8P#=<9IL8IP),#)'',&Fgk GIFK<:KFI -FFTMPPLJOH GPSLJMMFST GX^\*' :LCKLI8CIFFKJ)FSJUBHF%BZDFMFCSBUFT EJWFSTJUZPG1JDLFSJOH GX^\* 8KF8J 1JDLFSJOH GPS"KBYX GX^\(* &J\\;Xp#GX^\+ Order any page from our newspa- pers by calling: Ajax-Pickering: 905-683-5110 Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington: 905-579-4400 Port Perry: 905-985-7383 Uxbridge: 905-852-9141 This Week Uxbridge Times- Journal NEWS ADVERTISER Canadian Statesman BROOKLIN the Citizen Metroland Durham Region Media Group Your community... onlineRoger Anderson ✦ Anderson from page A1 DURHAM — St. John Ambulance is offering a standard first aid-heartsaver course. For $95, the 16-hour course teaches how to as- sist a victim suffering from shock, or a head and spinal injury. Course dates in Ajax are July 8 and 9. If there are eight or more people to train, St. John Ambulance will bring the course to you. For more information, call 905-434-7800. Ta ke a first-aid course and become a life saver Anderson doesn’t like Durham’s ‘treatment’ in provincial plan 401 KING S T ON R D BROCK RD.WESTNEY RD.Sheridan CHEVROLET CADILLAC LTD. 1800 KINGSTON RD PICKERING 905-683-9333 www.sheridanchev@gmcanada.com CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET OPTIMUM Sheridanthetheall n e w all new • Manufacturer’s Warranty • 30 day/2500 km. no hassle exchange privilege • 150 + point inspection • 24 hour roadside assistance 2005 Reader’s Choice Platinum Winner #1 • New • Used • Service • Body Shop30 years serving the community CORVETTE CORVETTE CORVETTE CORVETTEPrices are plus lic., taxes and admin. Freight for; Cobalt $1045; Equniox $1100; Malibu $1200; Impala $1200; Uplander $1250. *OAC. Voted Reader’s Choice Platinum Winner by Pickering/Ajax News Advertiser readers. *May not be exactly as shown. †Loyalty bonus towards purchase or lease of new car. GMAC 48 mo. lease on approved credit, 20,000 km. annual allowance, .15 km. on overage .Freight, license, appl. taxes & admin. fee not included. CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLACAN EVENT SO BIG, IT’S MONUMENTAL. 2002Intrigue $$14,99914,999 P6342P6344 2006Grand Prix $$20,90020,900 P6341 $$25,90025,900 2005Uplander P6299 $$17,90017,900 STANDARD FEATURES YOU GET IN AN UPLANDER 1SA AND NOT IN A DODGE CARAVAN 28T: • 4-wheel disc brakes with ABS • OnStar™ includes one year of safe and sound: a GM exclusive† • Power windows and locks • Remote keyless entry • CD player with MP3 playback • 17” wheels • More than 200HP • Oil life monitor • Versatile 50/50 spit, fold fl at rear seat $18,998 CASH PURCHA S E P R I C E 2006 Chevrolet Uplander OVER 60 PRE-OWNED VEHICLES INSTOCK & ONLINE www.sheridangroup.ca SPECIAL FINANCE PROGRAMS. If you work you drive!* I have lease & purchase plans to suit your needs. Call Steve Hornshaw at 905-706-0188 are you driving a Sunfi re, Cavalier, Sunbird, Alero, Grand Am or Malibu? ANY YEAR!! $1,000Loyalty Bonus No trade in required. Tr ansferable within household † 2005Equinox GST ROLL BACK of 1% on purchase/fi nance on any new instock 2006 vehicle $10,000cash giveawaycash giveaway +0% FINANCING on select models + 2006 Malibu $18,495 from * 2006 Cobalt $13,960 from * Sedan or Coupe 2006 Equinox $24,998 from * 2006 Impala $23,685 from * * 5 YEARSUP TO BROKEN WINDSHIELD? www.premiereautosalon.com Serving Durham Since 1985 1010 Brock Road South (Northwest corner at Bayly) 905-831-4290 AUTO GLASS & CUSTOM UPHOLSTERYAUTO GLASS & CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY ■ Custom Upholstery ■ Boat Tops ■ Mooring Covers ■ Automotive & Marine Interiors ■ Convertible Tops $300.00 Deductible We Pay Up To based on insurance coverage DRIVING EDUCATION CENTRE A Complete Defensive Driving Course 4 DAY COURSE $320TAX INCL. 905-426-9611 68 HARWOOD AVE. S. AJAX ONLY THURS. JULY 4 - FRI. JULY 7 Register on-line today at www.mapleleafdrivers.ca Bring in your registration form and $20GET OFF* CLEARANCESale 30% off everythingmust go on now ‘till June 30th Pickering Town Centre, lower level near Sears. PA GE A3 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006 A/P Watch for us Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for all your local news. NEWS ADVERTISER Just one more way to get your news thanks to the AJAX AND PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER newsdurhamregion.com A.J. Groen / News Advertiser photos Torch bearers PICKERING — The Durham Regional Police took part in the annual Ontario Law En- forcement Torch Run in support of the Special Olympics. The run made a brief stop- over at Pickering City Hall where, above left, Special Olympians Stephanie and brother Mark Barrett of Pickering held the torch. Along the route, Special Olympians Blair DesJardins, left, and Andrew Boyd, handled the torch duties. For more on this story in 1975 and would drive through the streets of east Toronto in a pickup truck collecting glass bottles and cans from cardboard boxes, later adding newspa- pers and cardboard. “We seemed like a bunch of hippies,” he said. The group worked on public educa- tion and Mr. McGinnis coined the slo- gan “we recycle” so people would feel a sense of ownership of the program. “If there’s any poem I’ve ever written that I was proud of, that was one,” he said with a smile. The foundation started as a small group with seven members sharing ideas and just trying to contribute some- thing to society. But through an ambi- tious government grant application blitz it turned into “Canada’s largest environ- mental organization overnight,” Mr. Mc- Ginnis said. Several other organizations and programs grew out of the founda- tion, including blue box recycling, the Recycling Council of Ontario and Mr. McGinnis’ own RDC Group and Dur- ham Sustain Ability, in which Ms. Lawlor is also involved. Now as Mr. McGinnis sits around with people discussing sustainability and en- ergy conservation, Ms. Lawlor said she can see him trying to think of his next great plan. “Every time we have a meeting his mind is just going... We’re still waiting for him to figure out the simple way to get people conserving the way he got them recycling,” she said. While it might seem amazing that what started as a small group of indi- viduals picking up people’s cans and bottles in east Toronto has turned into a program used by more than 70 million people each week in North America, Mr. McGinnis admits with a sheepish grin that he did imagine it would become what it has. He describes the sense of “if you build it, they will come” from the book ‘Field of Dreams’ -- not the movie -- he said it was like that. “There was something when I was first working on this that felt that way,” he said. “I remember having a picture of how things could be -- should be.” Mr. McGinnis said the group knew that for curbside recycling to take off it would need to come into the mainstream, and so they began working with Laidlaw, which had contracts for municipal waste collection, including in Kitchener, which became the first municipality to have a curbside collection program. “I feel incredible pride, but for the small role (I played). I feel so clearly (it’s a success) because people are basically good,” he said. “One hundred million people use that system everyday world- wide. That only works because people take the time to show their concern.” In his own life he thinks about con- servation as much as he can, including making a conscious effort when it comes to packaging. Mr. McGinnis gives an ex- ample of how, as part of the new Sustain- able Pickering initiative he is involved in, they were going to give out energy effi- ciency lightbulbs to the Whitevale Resi- dents’ Association, but they went with the second best bulbs because it had less packaging. He thought it would go against the point of giving out the bulbs, if they came with too much packaging. Wa sting has always felt unnatural to him. “It’s about our obligation to what we have around us,” he said. “We are so lucky with what we have around us, it is silly to be wasteful with it or not respect it.” Pickering’s People is an occasion- al feature looking at individuals in Pickering with unique experiences to share. To suggest a profile, e-mail dmilley@durhamregion.com. PA GE A4 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006P SUDOKU Now online and updated daily at 48 1 7 8 6 7 3 576 1 86 9 5 6 7 687 3 91 4 19 24 durhamregion.com FOLLOW ALL OUR BLOGGERS: Visit durhamregion.typepad.com McGinnis looks for his next big idea ✦ McGinnis from page A1 Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Jack McGinnis is president of the RDC Group in Brougham and is working with Pickering on sustainability initiatives. He also helped launch curbside blue box collec- tion in Durham Region. Duffin Heights Neighbourhood is an approved development area in the City of Pickering. This area is centrally located on both sides of Brock Road between Rossland Road and Taunton Road, bounded to the north by the C.P. Rail, to the east by the municipal boundary with the Town of Ajax, to the south by the hydro transmission tower line, and to the west by the West Duffin Creek, as shown below. The development area is mainly comprised of tablelands on both sides of Brock Road and between watercourse valleys. This development area is located north of the existing residential area. The City of Pickering Official Plan identifies this area as Duffin Heights Neighbourhood 15. The Region Municipality of Durham is initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study for the provision of regional water supply and sanitary sewerage services in support of land development within the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. NEWSLETTER Duffin Heights Neighbourhood – Water Supply and Sanitary Sewerage Servicing in the City of Pickering Class Environmental Assessment NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT Durham Region Works Department 605 Rossland Road East, WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 Telephone (905) 668-7711 OR 1-800-372-1102 www.region.durham.on.ca NEWSLETTER June 16, 2006 WORKS DEPARTMENT The Class EA Study is commencing at this time and is proceeding as a Schedule ‘B’ undertaking in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment-MEA, June 2000. A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be scheduled in the Fall of this year to present to the public with background information and to answer questions regarding the project. Notification of the PIC will be conducted through advertisement in the local newspaper, mail to local residents, landowners and interested parties, and posting on the Region’s Internet website. Public input and comment are invited, for incorporation into the planning and design of this project. All comments will become part of the public record with the exception of personal information. Please contact the following individual for further information or to be included on the list of contacts for the project: Regional Municipality of Durham: Mr. Donald Yu, P.Eng., Project Manager 605 Rossland Road East, 5th floor, Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Tel: (905) 668-7711 ext. 3567 or 1-800-372-1102 Fax: (905) 668-2051 E-mail:donald.yu@region.durham.on.ca Schools of Design & Communication Arts REGIS T E R N O W SPACE I S L I M I T E D NE W W O R K S H O P S IN A N I M A T I O N GA M E S A N D SO U N D D E S I G N Check out the online brochure and register at http://dca.durhamc.on.ca/summershorts or call the Summer Shorts Coordinator at 905.721.3111 ext 2434 for more information. 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In fact, the free gift card applies when this phone and the free second Motorola V190 phone are both activated on a 24-month family plan. SKU: 10074775 Summer AJAX 65 Kingston Rd. 905-686-6420 SCARBOROUGH 4191 Kingston Rd. 416-281-4888www.dolphinpools.net established 1970 HWY #2 401HARWOODDURHAM CENTRE WE ARE HERE! DOLPHIN POOLS & SPAS INC. is h e r e . . . is here... Above G r o u n d Above Ground Pool S u m m e r Pool Summer Sale!Sale! IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION NOW AVAILABLE! Carriers of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY ’S News Adv ertise r ADV ERT ISING FLYERS * Delivered to selected households only Ajax 10 Cinemas 248 Kingston Rd. East Ajax and Pickering locations Adam & Andrew We dnesday’s carriers of the week are Adam & Andrew. They enjoy hockey & baseball. They will receive a dinner, pizza and movie voucher compliments of McDonald’s, Boston Pizza and Cineplex Odeon. Congratulations Adam & Andrew for being our Carriers of the Week. Wednesday, June 21, 2006 News Advertiser * Black’s Photography Ajax/Pick. * Bonuspak Ajax/Pick. * Bouclair Ajax * Faces of the Future Ajax/Pick. * FM Windows Pick. * Furniture Direct Ajax/Pick. * Giant Tiger Ajax * JYSK Ajax/Pick. * News Advertiser Flyer Ajax/Pick. * Ontario Hyundai Ajax/Pick. * Party Packagers Ajax/Pick. * Real Estate Ajax/Pick. * Rogers Ajax/Pick. * Stepping Stone Dining & Lounge Ajax * The Bay Ajax/Pick. * W heels Ajax/Pick. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between June 21 - June 25, 2006 NOW OPEN IN THE FIRST PRO PICKERING SHOPPING CENTRE 1899 BROCK ROAD, PICKERING 905-426-3309 All offers valid 6/21/06 – 6/27/06 at participating RadioShack stores in Canada. All offers cannot be combined with other offers. While supplies last. Sales prices as savings are as compared to RadioShack’s regular prices. Dealers may set their own prices. No rainchecks on clearance items. Not liable for pictorial or typographical inaccuracies. All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PHILIPS PORTABLE DVD PLAYER WITH 7" LCD SCREEN $198 00 CLEARANCE •Watch movies in 16:9 widescreen format •7" TFT colour LCD display •2.5 hours playback time with rechargeable battery life #164-9009 SONY AUTO NAVIGATION DEVICE – NAVU $59999 •3.5" Touchscreen Display for easy access •Two-way speaker system for voice guidance on the road #204-9017SAVE $10199 CASIO 6 MEGAPIXEL SLIM DIGITAL CAMERA $24800 CLEARANCE #164-9007 JVC EARCLIPS HEADPHONES WITH BUILT-IN 256 MB MP3 PLAYER $4800 CLEARANCE •Listen to your favourite tunes without the hassle of any wires. #424-9031 SAVE $8199 IGO AUTO/AIRPOWER 6500 SERIES ADAPTER FOR NOTEBOOKS $79 99 #243-1409 SAVE $20 SAVE $10199 SAMSUNG 512 MB MULTIMEDIA PLAYER $148 00 CLEARANCE #424-9047 SAVE $10199 SAVE $50 TAKING MAPS ON SUMMER ROAD TRIPS IS SO TWENTIETH CENTURY. */463"/$&'*/"/$*"- '*345%63)". 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To enter visit our website: BestRetailWorkers.ca B estRetailWorkers.ca PA GE A5 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006 P 50th reunion planned for the old stomping grounds, June 23 to 25 By Crystal Crimi Staff Writer AJAX — Te rry Gadd still remembers the first time he walked through the doors of Ajax High School in 1957. One of many students who have passed through the school over its 50 years, Mr. Gadd is anxiously awaiting Ajax High’s reunion celebration from June 23 to 25. “The best thing about this is getting to see people again,” said Mr. Gadd, a member of the reunion committee, which has been planning activities for about three years now. To celebrate memories and students, a reunion committee is offering a variety of events to bring graduates back together again, including a barbecue, opening ceremonies and de- cade rooms at the school. A pub night, dance and light buffet, and a brunch will also be held at various locations. Graduates of all ages are welcome. Flipping through an old year- book with handwritten text and black-and-white photographs, Mr. Gadd explained it was a dif- ferent time when he attended between 1957 and 1962. “The school was small and everyone seemed to be involved in everything,” said Mr. Gadd. Along with about 25 other stu- dents, or approximately 10 per cent of the school’s population, Mr. Gadd was a member of its United Nations Club, which in- cluded a trip to provincial parlia- ment buildings. “In the 1950s, early 1960s, we rarely got to go to places like To ronto,” said Mr. Gadd. “It was kind of a chance for us to get into Toronto.” He added most students were involved in everything to do with the school because it was their whole life, and Ajax only had about 5,000 people then. “When I first came to Ajax, it had wooden sidewalks,” recalled Mr. Gadd. “In the area surrounding Ajax High School, it was all swamp. We’d have to take the bus to Os- hawa to go see a movie.” School dances were held every two weeks and teenagers hit ‘The Plaza’ or ‘The Coffee Cup’ for french fries and pop afterwards. “Very few kids got into drink- ing,” he said. “Ajax was dry for the longest time.” Education was also different. Once a whole class was held back to learn to transfer rooms in single file, he said. He also recalled a gym teacher known as ‘Big Al’, who had the muscles of a football player and who swore he’d whip Mr. Gadd into a foot- ball player if it was the last thing he did. He failed despite the best attempts of both. For more information or to register for reunion events, call 905-683-1610, or visit www.aja- xhs.com. These are g olden days for Ajax High graduates Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo As one of Ajax High School’s first graduates, Terry Gadd is looking for- ward to this weekend’s celebrations to mark the school’s 50th anniver- sary. Andrew Norman/ News Advertiser photo Cooling off period DURHAM — Anthony Davey makes his way along the 10-kilometre route on Saturday during the 13th annual Run the Lake fundraiser in support of Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital. Organized by the Pickering and Ajax Rotary clubs, more than 200 participants walked and ran five- or 10-km. routes for the event and proceeds are going to purchase ice-making machines used to help with patient recovery. Pickering councillor has July court date Brenner makes brief appearance PICKERING — A Pickering councillor will be back in court next month facing charges of fraud and breach of trust by a public officer. Pickering Ward 1 Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner made an appearance at the On- tario Court of Justice in Oshawa Monday morning. The matter was put over until July 18. In May, police charged him with various fraud-related of- fences after City officials filed a report with Durham Regional Police fol- lowing an internal review. Po- lice allege false doc- uments were sub- mitted to justify re- imburse- ment claims for clerical services totalling $5,400 over a period in 1999 and 2000. According to police, at the time of the alleged offences, a City policy allowed councillors to pay an outside agency for clerical services and be repaid by submitting invoices and re- ceipts. Coun. Brenner maintains the charges are groundless. The 55-year-old is charged with two counts each of fraud under $5,000 and utter forged document, and breach of trust by a public officer. Maurice Brenner PA GE A6 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006A/P I t’s funny the things that become important to us as we grow older, the things we feel it necessary to hold on to. When my grandmother died, some years ago, the only thing I really wanted, from a houseful of objects, was a cracked, butter-yellow ceramic ewer. An ordinary item made priceless to me because it was the vessel she’d always served us hot chocolate out of. I have the collars of every dog I have owned and loved. I can’t bring myself to throw them out or give them away. I have my grandfather’s World War One uniform. And lately, I have noticed that I am collecting more and more of my father’s par- aphernalia. This is, no doubt, a func- tion of two separate phe- nomena; a) he is getting older and naturally divesting himself of what he consid- ers junk and b) he is getting older and I am hanging onto every piece of him that I can get. My Dad hasn’t smoked in decades, but I have his old Zippo. I have a drawer full of his old pocket and hunting knives. With the recent departure of the cottage I have inher- ited a garage full of my Dad’s tools and hardware. I have his trophy Muskel- lunge mounted in my par- lour. I think I know why I do this. Why I keep all of these things. They are, all of them, talismans and touchstones that seem to keep him with me, both emotionally and physically. Superstitious, silly? Maybe, but this is powerful magic and I’m not about to mess with it. You don’t throw your Dad’s stuff out while he’s still around. I’m naturally curious as to what stuff of mine my own children will glom onto. What pieces of me will seem to radiate most strongly with my ‘Dad-ness’? My key- board? My glasses? Maybe my canoe paddle? Who am I kidding? It’ll probably be the Whoopee cushion and the Fart Ma- chine. It’s odd that this process doesn’t seem to apply to my Mother’s possessions. Maybe it’s strictly a gender issue, but I tend to keep my mother’s flame deep inside me. With my Dad I like a more tangible reminder. And so I happily store away his things. I have no desire, for in- stance, to hang onto my Mom’s apron or sewing kit or even the wooden spoon she used to whack us with (although it seems to me that item should have a hallowed place somewhere). I suspect that my Mom’s memory will be preserved much in the same way that my Grandmother’s is. There will be one special article, one key that will most easily open the doors of memory. Maybe that wooden spoon will resurface after all. But with dads and their sons, it is different. Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that most of us spend a lifetime trying to be like our fathers. And with every little ac- quisition, every tool, knife, lighter and trophy fish, we feel that we are that much closer to being the man we always wanted to be. Durham resident Neil Crone, actor-comic-writer, saves some of his best lines for his column. Follow Neil’s BLOG drinfo.ca/croneblog.html EDITORIAL Becoming men we always wanted to be occurs one family artifact at a timeIN THE COMMUNITY CLICK AND SAY Do you have a photo to share with our readers? If you have an amusing, interesting, historic or scenic photo to share with the community we’d like to see it. Send your photo, along with a written description of the circumstances surrounding the photo (max. 80 words) identifying the people in the photo and when it was taken to: The News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, ON, L1S 2H5. Or, e-mail photos to tdoyle@durhamregion.com. Neil Crone enter laughing EDITORIALS & OPINIONS infodurhamregion.com [ Proud Members Of ]-- ONTARIO PRESS COUNCIL NEWS ADVERTISER Metroland Durham Region Media Group Tim Whittaker Publisher twhittaker@durhamregion.com Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-Chief jburghardt@durhamregion.com Tony Doyle Managing Editor tdoyle@durhamregion.com Duncan Fletcher Director of Advertising dfletcher@durhamregion.com Andrea McFater Retail Advertising Manager amcfater@durhamregion.com Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising ekolo@durhamregion.com Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager afakhourie@durhamregion.com Lillian Hook Office Manager lhook@durhamregion.com Cheryl Haines Composing Manager chaines@durhamregion.com Janice O’Neil Composing Manager joneil@durhamregion.com [ Contact us ]-- News/Sales 905-683-5110 Classifieds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 News Fax 905-683-0386 General Fax 905-683-7363 E-mail tdoyle@durhamregion.com Web address durhamregion.com Mailing Address 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 [ Hours ]-- General office: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Distribution: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Tr ade, Ontario Community Newspa- per Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., and the Cana- dian Circulations Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, To r onto, M5B 1J3, an independent organization that addresses reader complaints about member news- papers.The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any ad- ver tisement. Credit for advertise- ment limited to space price error occupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized repro- duction is prohibited. [ Letters Policy ]-- We w elcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer complaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e- mail: tdoyle@ durhamregion.com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been cho- sen for publication. Province and school boards need to talk There’s more money in the coffers of the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board. The $600 million funding announcement, last week, came with the message from Education Minister Sandra Pupatello that the funds will “support continued improvement for the province’s two million students.” The Liberal government wants to ensure primary class sizes keep shrinking, reading, writing and math achievement keeps improving, and more high school students graduate, the ministry announced. The Catholic board’s director of education said they anticipated the announcement and pointed out a key issue is the collective agreements the board has reached with staff in recent months. Pa- tricia Manson said the funds will increase its budget and allow the Catholic board to honour the agreements. However, although he wasn’t overly critical, Michael Barrett, DDSB chairman, pointed out some funding was simply shuffled from one area to another. While some areas will get less funding than before, the shuffling will offset some of the funding gains the minister is touting. The Province’s promise of two per cent more for transportation “is laughable” Trustee Barrett said. And the increase in funding to the board is happening too slowly overall, he added. The goals set out by the Province are good ones. Higher student achievement, including seeing 75 per cent of 12-year-olds achiev- ing the provincial standard in reading, writing and math by 2008, is a step in the right direction. Setting out to create an environment where by 2010 85 per cent of high school students are graduating, is equally ambitious and a good goal. However, there are still many questions to be answered. Too many. Foremost, the local school boards need to know the answer to the dilemma of building schools. A policy is needed from the Province, concrete answers, to what boards should do about many schools. The future of several facilities is hanging in the balance in the mean- time. Trustee Barrett added it will be four years this fall that school boards have been without the needed building formula. It is up to the boards, however, to get in touch with the Province and get a meeting to discuss how the funding envelopes have been shifted and tell the ministry how programs like transportation will be adversely affected now. The boards’ hands are tied under the current setup, but they need to sit down with the provincial decision makers and spell out exactly what their issues are and offer solutions. This Week’s Question: Do you think Fraser Institute and Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) test results are a valid assessment of our schools? Yes No Cast your vote online at infodurhamregion.com Last Week’s Question: Do you think more nuclear reactors in Durham Region are a good thing? To tal votes: 455 Yes : 81.5 % No: 18.5 % LETTERS TO THE EDITOR New nukes not the way to go for variety of reasons To the editor: Re: ‘Nukes a reliable energy source’, editorial, June 14. Nuclear energy is the most expensive, unreliable and dangerous source of energy, as well as being environ- mentally unfriendly. We are still paying down the debt from the previous venture. The Pickering station con- stantly needs repairs and often one or more reactors are shut down due to prob- lems. There can be accidents with catastrophic conse- quences. The storage of nuclear waste is also a serious prob- lem that has not been solved yet. Until that problem alone has been solved, there should be no more nuclear reactors built. There are much better al- ternatives available that are widely used in other coun- tries, such as wind power, solar power, high efficiency coal powered plants. We should investigate those methods and also stress conservation of en- ergy before considering new nuclear power plants. Renate Roy Ajax Are non-householders also composting, reader asks To the editor: I do not have a problem with recycling, it is a good move, (this household has been recycling and com- posting for years). But I wonder how much of the burden is being put on the householders alone. So far I have heard nothing about how condos, apart- ments, food chains or res- taurants are handling this. What onus is being put on these areas to pull their weight? I also think $1.50 per extra bag is steep. For anyone moving hous- es this can be an enormous extra expense. Kathleen Slater Ajax Waste from energy simply means more pollution for us all To the editor: Energy from garbage, that’s what the Region of Durham has decided on. Do you know that means incineration? After recycling and com- posting they will burn all the plastic, Styrofoam and toxic junk that’s left polluting our air and still have a very toxic ash to send to landfill. Do your children suf- fer from asthma? Mine do. Why? I say build a sorting fac- tory and take out everything usable, then have a cleaner landfill close to home, re- ducing transportation pollu- tion. Spare your children’s lungs. Please speak up. Call Durham Region’s di- rector of waste management, at 905-668-7711, ext. 3464. Or e-mail mirka. januszkiewicz@region.dur- ham.on.ca. Sherry Brown Ajax submitted photo A little help from her friends The weather may not have been the best, but the atmosphere was great as golfers came to Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility this month for a fundraiser in support of Ajax boy Noah Shulist, who suf- fers with Tuberous Sclerosis. From left, Rick Campanelli - reporter Entertainment Tonight Canada and host of the event, Karen Shulist, Noah’s mom, Frank Campanelli, the golf pro at Deer Creek, and co- median-actor and honourary chairman Dave Foley all helped raise awareness. To see more photos from residents across Durham and to submit your own, visit citizenseye.com, the Metroland Durham Region Media Group’s citizen submission website. The page is dedicated to the submissions and photos of readers from around Durham. /4& 905.420.2222 cityofpickering.com 24 Hour Access 905.420.4660 City of Pickering Holiday Operating Hours CIVIC COMPLEX/CITY HALL 905.420.2222 Mon. July 3 . . Closed RECREATION COMPLEX & POOL 905.683.6582 Sat. July 1 . . . Closed Mon. July 3 . . Open 6:00 am - 11:00 pm Open for public adult swim, lanes and all lessons DUNBARTON POOL 905.831.1260 Sat. July 1 & 2 Closed Mon. July 3 . . Open 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm public swim Open for all lessons PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE 905.683.8401 Sat. July 1 . . . Closed Mon. July 3 . . Open PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARIES 905.831.6265 Sat. July 1 . . . Closed DURHAM REGION TRANSIT AUTHORITY 905.683.4111 Sat. July 1 . . . Stat Holiday Service (Sunday Service) Canada Day @ Kinsmen Park "Free DRT Shuttle Bus" from GO Station and OPG from 12 noon to 11 pm Sun. July 2. . . Regular Sunday Service. Specialized Services holiday schedule, operating from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Mon. July 3. . . Regular Weekday Service EMERGENCY SERVICES City of Pickering Emergency Telephone Number 905.683.4319 Canada Day Saturday, July 1 Kinsmen Park 12 noon - 11 pm Free Activities & Fireworks 905.420.4620 Free For All Fridays in June @ Pickering Rec Complex Squash, Health Club & More! 905.683.6582 ATTEND PUBLIC MEETINGS AT CITY HALL All meetings are open to the public. For meeting details call 905.420.2222 or visit our website DATE MEETING TIME June 26 Executive/Council Meeting 7:30 pm June 28 Committee of Adjustment 7:00 pm June 28 Accessibility Advisory Committee 7:00 pm July 19 Committee of Adjustment 7:00 pm July 24 Executive/Council Meeting 7:30 pm Barrels of Fun Workshop A Rain Barrel Downspout Disconnection Program …because a barrel of water equals a ‘barrel of fun’! Do you want to help conserve water? If so, join us to learn more about the use of rain barrels in the city. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase your very own rain barrel at a subsidized cost of just $30!! Learn how to disconnect your downspout, as well as how to locate, connect and winterize your new Rain Barrel. So what are you waiting for? Call us to register. Your plants will love it and so will you! When: June 26, 2006 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Ontario Power Generation Information Centre 1675 Montgomery Park Road For more information or to register please call: 905.420.4660 ext. 2212 or email: stewardship@city.pickering.on.ca A City of Opportunity The City of Pickering is Toronto’s eastern neighbour and home to a growing community that blends business opportunities, cultural diversity and historical rural settings with a picturesque Lake Ontario waterfront. We are committed to efficiency in the delivery of services to our 94,200 residents, and offer a progressive culture that values innovation, enthusiasm and community responsibility. The City of Pickering is seeking energetic, enthusiastic individuals to join our Aquatics team. Aquatics Instructor $18.22/hr. Successful candidates must hold the following: a current (within 2 years) Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, Lifesaving Society Instructor, current (within 2 years) Bronze Cross or National Lifeguard Service certification. Previous experience working with children would be an asset. Lifeguard $13.66/hr. Successful candidates must hold a current National Lifeguard Service Certification (within 2 years). Previous experience as a Lifeguard would be an asset. Success in these positions will require strong communication and customer service skills; in addition, qualified applicants must also have the following to be considered for either position: • Enrolled in secondary school education or any acceptable combination of education, training and related experience. • Current certification in Standard First Aid (current within 2 years) and Basic Rescuer CPR-C (current within 1 year) • Applicants must be medically and physically fit to perform the duties of the position • Must be prepared to undergo a Criminal Reference Check as a condition of employment. If you are interested in working in a fun and exciting environment, please submit a detailed resume outlining your current certifications on or before July 7, 2006. By Email: hr@city.pickering.on.ca Drop off or mail to: Directly online: cityofpickering.com Human Resources Division City of Pickering By Fax: 905.420.4638 One The Esplanade, L1V 6K7 In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the information gathered is collected pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O.1990, c.M.45, and will be used to select a candidate. We thank all those individuals who apply; however, only those applicants granted an interview will be acknowledged. An Equal Opportunity Employer PUBLIC NOTICE A by-law to name those parts of Lots 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 117 and 118, Registrar’s Compiled Plan No. 1051, designated as Parts 16 to 20, 40R-23842, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-23817, Parts 1 and 2, 40R-22516, Part 6, Plan 40R-21832, Part 9, Plan 40R-21831 and Block 29, Plan 40M-2299 as “Goldenridge Road” will be consid- ered by the Executive Committee on June 26, 2006 and if ap- proved at that time, by Council at that same meeting. This notice is being given in accordance with the Municipal Act. The by-law naming these portions as Goldenridge Road will take effect upon the completion of construction. Any person who wishes to comment on the proposed by-law should contact the undersigned on or before noon on June 23, 2006. Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 905.420.4611 cityofpickering.com When you call our number, we need to find yours. Seconds count when responding to an emergency and we need to find your address quickly. Make sure your home or business street number is easily visible from the road. For more information contact Pickering Fire Services at Phone: 905.420.4628 or email: fire@city.pickering.on.ca or visit our website at cityofpickering.com FRENCHMAN’S BAY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE No.1 6:00 – 8:00pm, June 27, 2006 Pickering Public Library Auditorium One The Esplanade The City of Pickering’s Waterfront Coordinating Committee is committed to seeing the waterfront become a place that achieves a wide range of objectives including public use and recreation, environmental sustainability, enhanced tourism op- portunities and commercial links. Pickering’s Council has en- dorsed the development of a five-year implementation plan for Pickering’s waterfront and Frenchman’s Bay. One of the priority projects identified was the development of a Stormwater Man- agement Master Plan for Frenchman’s Bay and its contributing watersheds. This is to address long-standing concerns regard- ing the ongoing decline in the quality of the Frenchman’s Bay ecosystem by seeking means to control the quantity and quality of storm runoff entering the local creeks and the Bay itself. The study area is shown on the map below. The Plan is being developed by the City in cooperation with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority as a Class Environ- mental Assessment. The first Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held on June 27, 2006 at the Pickering Public Library in the Auditorium. We invite you to attend the PIC to review dis- plays, hear a brief presentation and provide information and/or comments on the development of the stormwater management plan. For further information, please contact either: Mr. Robert Bishop, P.Eng. Mr. Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Manager, Water Resources Division Head Marshall Macklin Monaghan Municipal Property & Engineering 80 Commerce Valley Dr. E. City of Pickering Thornhill, ON, L3T 7N4 One The Esplanade Tel: 905.882.7210 Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7 Fax: 905.882.0055 Tel: 905.420.4660 ext. 2049 email: bishopr@mmm.ca Fax: 905.420.4650 email:rholborn@city.pickering.on.ca This Notice issued June 13, 2006 Pickering Museum Village Annual General Meeting Wednesday, June 21 7:00 pm Pickering Museum Village Foundation’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 21 at 7:00 pm in the Redman House Program Centre of Pickering Museum Village. Guest speaker Brian Winter, the Whitby Archivist, will talk on “What’s on Tap? Hotels and Temperance”. All are welcome. Please contact Mary Cook at 905.839.1734 for more information. , Durham Tamil Association The Heat, - Pickering Heat PA GE 7 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ June 21, 2006 P PA GE A8 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006P David Ryan Mayor Last year: B- W ith his first term as mayor coming to an end, Mayor Ryan is leaving his mark, and part of that in- cludes two new events: The Mayor’s Gala, which raised more than $100,000 last year, and he also held the first New Year ’s Day levee. While he’s had some bumps in his first term, Mayor Ryan has begun to work more co-operatively with other levels of govern- ment and has proven him- self to be an effective leader for Pickering. He has been quiet at re- gional council. At tendance: Council 22/22, Executive committee 15/16, Region 29/36 Expenses: Local $14,098 Region $1,009.22 Productive year has paid off in Pickering Council has been vocal on Seaton and delivering economic activity What a difference 12 months can make in political life. That’s ever so true in Pickering where, when the News Advertiser last published its municipal Report Card a year ago, the City was finishing a period marked by lawsuits and controversy. But, the last year has delivered a more busi- ness-like approach, more developments and more optimism for the city for the weeks and months ahead. Certainly, many things do remain the same, such as outstanding issues with a potential airport. And, the Seaton lands continue to dominate talk, even if a shovel has still not hit the ground in the country’s longest-discussed community. Seaton will continue to be the biggest issue for the city as it moves into the years ahead. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs last month finally released its final plan for the lands, bringing construction for the community of up to 70,000 people nearer than ever before. In the past year, the City has continu- ally argued that the Province has to deliv- er dollars and resources as construction begins on the community. That message will need to be reiterated and reinforced as the provincial election looms a year from now and a new government with new priorities, be it Liberal or Conserva- tive, takes office. The business environment continues to flourish in the city, with the announce- ment of 500 new jobs at Minacs, just one of the big announcements in the last year. In addition, Profit magazine recently de- livered an endorsement of the corporate climate in naming the city the eighth best in Canada for business growth. The last year finally brought a resolu- tion to the nuclear alerting sirens issue, and it delivered the much-needed expan- sion of Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering hospital. On the flip side, Pickering faces im- mense budget pressures moving for- ward as assessment growth continues to stagnate, and council will have to face tough decisions to bring in tax increases that are fair and measured for residents. Council members would be showing great leadership to that end if they could finally reduce the excessive expenses charged to residents each year. They continue to outpace all other municipalities in Durham. And, Pickering should finally put its fight to have some develop- ment occur in the Duffins Rouge Ag- ricultural Preserve to bed. The issue has taken up too much of its time, and it seems quite clear that the Province has no intention of changing course regarding its plans for the area. On top of everything else, many local environmentalists are not with the City on the issue. Individually, Dave Ryan continues to show more confidence in the mayor’s chair as his first term nears completion. The ranking in Profit magazine is no doubt due in large part to the mayor’s focus on strengthening, improving and attracting new business during his man- date. His leadership style continues to be that of a clear and consistent voice. Pickering continues to be ably served by its regional councillors. Maurice Brenner remains a steady influence, even if he’s not as vocal as in the past. It will be interesting to see if the recent fraud charges laid against him by police be- come a distraction in carrying out his duties. Bill McLean has advocated strongly at the regional level on the city’s behalf with regards to the Seaton lands. He also remains strong on constituency work. Ward 3’s Rick Johnson has finally cut back on his massive expense claims. While the 20-per cent reduction over the previ- ous year is a good start, the $16,000- plus figure he’s at now still has a way to go. He continues to be an active participant and promoter of many community events. Locally, Kevin Ashe at times is a sobering voice on discussions of im- portance, often of- fering a perspective that may have been missed. It would be good to see him more vocal at times.Doug Dick- erson remains a full-of-life representative usually found at just about any city event. But his expenses are excessively high for a local council- lor, especially given he has passionately questioned the expenses of others in the past. As for David Pickles, the councillor continues to be a strong advocate for multiculturalism and diversity in the community. It’s been a solid year politically in Pickering and things should begin to heat up as another election approaches. For its work, Pickering council has earned a B grade over the last year. Kevin Ashe Ward 1 City Councillor Last year: B Coun. Ashe’s strongest quality at meetings is get- ting his colleagues to stay on point and bringing dis- cussion to a close when it has run its course. On the other hand, Coun. Ashe needs to improve on his championing of issues. While his name has ap- peared on several motions, he never seems to have the passion his colleagues do -- except maybe when it comes to fiscal responsi- bility. He is never afraid to voice an opinion, even if he knows it will be un- popular. Att endance: Council 19/22, Executive committee 14/16 Expenses: $9,793 David Pickles War d 3 City Councillor Last year: B+ Coun. Pickles is a dedicat- ed and enthusiastic council- lor. He tries to make himself aware of not only issues in his ward, but also through- out the city. Coun. Pickles is a member of several com- mittees, including the ac- cessibility advisory commit- tee, for which he advocates and tries to raise awareness, such as during budget delib- erations when he pushed to have more money to address capital accessibility projects. His softer, quieter approach to issues and debates can leave him overshadowed at times. Attendance: Council 22/22, Executive committee 16/16 Expenses: $11,704 Maurice Brenner Ward 1 regional councillor Last year: A- Again Coun. Brenner was behind or a part of several important initiatives, such as Sustainable Pickering and Communities Against Vio- lence Everywhere. While he continues to be part of new initiatives and involved in is- sues in the community, some of the passion we’ve seen from him in the past seems to be gone. He is quieter at council meetings and brings forward less motions, although he is still a responsive and hard- working councillor. Coun. Brenner needs to improve his attendance at Durham health and social services committee meetings. At t endance: Council 22/22, Executive committee 15/16, Region 30/36 Expenses: Local $15,566 Region $1,071.10 Rick Johnson Ward 3 regional councillor Last year: B- For years we have advo- cated for Coun. Johnson to lower his expenses and this year he must be commended for cutting them by about 20 per cent. He is an experienced councillor with a wealth of knowledge, but that leads to him tuning out sometimes at routine meetings. His passion for his community and his de- sire to represent it well are evi- dent through his actions and what he says at council. Coun. Johnson needs to improve his attendance at regional coun- cil and committee meetings. When it comes to waste man- agement he has a wealth of experience and insight and of- fers much to the debate. At t endance: Council 19/22, Executive committee 14/16, Region 30/43 Expenses: Local $16,595 Region $2,802.43 Report on council The Pickering News Advertiser’s Bill McLean Ward 2 regional councillor Last year: B Coun. McLean does a good job of advocating for what he thinks his residents want at the council table and of stay- ing on topic. That being said, he is not a standout. He is an effective and responsive councillor who is there for his constituents, but seemed to have less pet projects this year. His desire to see Pickering branch out on its own when it comes to ani- mal services came to fruition in January. We’ll be watching to see how he handles the Bay Ridges Plaza redevelop- ment issue. A strong advo- cate at the Region for the ongoing issues surrounding the Seaton lands. At t endance: Council 22/22, Executive commit- tee 14/16, Region 51/53 Expenses: Local $8,377 Region $4,345.36 Doug Dickerson Ward 2 City Councillor Last year: B- Coun. Dickerson is an involved councillor who knows his community. He worked on the creation of Communities Against Violence Ever ywhere and Sustainable Pickering this year and brought forward several motions. He also seems to have learned how to work more co-op- eratively with others. He does still tend to go off on tangents during discussion in council chambers. We understand his passion, but he could try to stay on topic more. His expenses are very high for a local councillor. At t endance: Council 22/22, Executive committee 15/16 Expenses: $16,841 Municipal Report Card A- to A+ Excellent, best among peers B- to B+ Solid performance C- to C+ Fair, only average in most categories D- t o D+ Weak, not up to the task, not accessible F Awful, shouldn’t be there For council grades from around Durham, log onto durhamregion.com • Council attendance is for June 2005 to M a y 3 1 , 2 0 0 6 a n d e x - pe ns es are for 2005. Regional attendance is for co u n c i l m e e t i n g s a n d meetings of the planning, finance, works a n d h e a l t h c o m m i t t e e s . • The Report Card on school board truste e s a n d D u r h a m Chairman Roger Anderson appea rs in Friday’s News Advertiser. Your way.Safer. CN congratulates the winner of a 2005 CN Safe Handling Award. NORTH AMERICA’S RAILROAD The CN Safe Handling Awards help build safer communities. Nothing is more important than the safety of those who live, work and play in the communities where we operate. That’s why CN established the Safe Handling Awards to recognize and reward CN customers who excel when it comes to the safe handling of products. Join us in saluting this local company and its employees who do such an outstanding job looking out for your safety. www.cn.ca Chemtura Corporation w e’ll give you a reason to smile... ...at the Deegan Denture Clinics Full & Partial Dentures Same Day Relines & Repair Soft Liners Implant Dentures BPS® Dentures Complimentary Consultations Michael C. Deegan D.D. 134 Harwood Ave. S. 905-683-6074 Valid until June 28Specials 795 Westney Rd. S. Unit #1 Ajax, ON 905-428-7665 OPTIMIZEROPTIMIZER SALESALE $$45459999 reg. price $5499 NAVIGATOR $399.00 reg. $449.00 PLUS $100 mail-in rebate HAYWARDHAYWARD PUMPS 1HP1 HP SALESALE $$340340 reg. price$379 3/4 HP3/4 HP SALESALE $$340340 reg. price$359 Water feels SILKY & SOFT Bay Ridges Plaza Redevelopment Information Centre Open: Tuesdays and Thursdays 5pm - 7pm Tel: 416-821-0971 www.bayridgesplazainfocentre.ca info@bayridgesplazainfocentre.ca You’ve graduated and now looking for more education. COLLEGE For more information, call 905.721.3033 or visit www.durhamcollege.ca • Addictions Counselling • Emergency Management • Human Resources Management • Paramedic - Advanced Care • Penology and Youth • Public and Private Investigations • Sport Business Management Our Graduate Certificate programs offer you an added edge to take your education to the next level. THE HERBAL PATHWAY/HEALTH FOOD STORE 1822 Whites Rd. N. Pickering, 905-839-7234 • Helps regrow liver cells • Detoxifi ed liver $1499 REG $19.99 • Highest biological value of any protein available • Free of cholesterol & lactose • Mixes well & tastes great 340 gr. 3 Year Anniversary Come Celebrate on Sat. June 24 15% OFF ALL REGULAR PRICES! $1699 Expires June 30/06 PA GE A9 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006 A/P A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo She has a good line AJAX — The Head Injury Association of Durham Region held its second-last social gathering of the season at the Ajax Community Centre recently. Stefi Thompson lined up a shot during a game of pool with Kayli Riann, a community support co-ordinator with the association. PICKERING — Slap on the Bryl- creem and take a cruise down memory lane. On Friday, July 7 from 2 to 9 p.m., PartSource Pickering hosts the Cana- dian Motorsport Hall of Fame road show. The hall of fame was created to pre- serve the history of Stock Car Rac- ing, honour the drivers who made the sport exhilarating, and celebrate mo- torsports of all forms across Canada. Those attending the free event can see the Molson Indy Pace car, a 1992 Viper seen at all Molson events from ’92 to ’94, the Castrol Pit Stop Chal- lenge, along with various memorabilia including pennants and trophies, and Greg Moore’s driving suit and helmet. PartSource is at 1095 Kingston Rd., Pickering. For information, call 905-420-1332. Hall of Fame makes pit stop in Pickering 4 Page Flyer in * delivered to select homes LOOK FOR Today’s Paper! SUPER SUMMER SALE! WE’VE GOT YOUR SIZE Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL • SEARS WING SIZZLIN' SANDALS BREEZY & BEAUTIFUL COMFORT & STYLE EXPERIENCE THE DAVIDSON DIFFERENCE Simple & Easy Simple & Easy YESYES It’s thatIt’s that SIMPLE,SIMPLE,YESYES It’s thatIt’s that EASYEASY THAT’S THE DAVIDSON DIFFERENCE! 0 % FINANCE OAC 6 % GST *0% OAC IS UP TO 36 MTH TERM EXCEPT TOWN & COUNTRY, RAM, DURANGO & GR CARAVAN. 0% IS FOR 60 MONTHS. **EXCLUDING SPRINTER, RAM DIESEL, CHARGER SRT8 & DAYTONA, CALIBER. ***1% OF GST WILL BE GIVEN AS A REBATE. Ellesmere Rd.Mili t a r y T r a i l Lawrence Ave E.Morningside Ave.Beechgrove Dr.Highl a n d C r e e k 401 416-281-2277416-281-2277 1-800-465-81421-800-465-8142 Kingston Rd. Kingston Rd.White’s Rd.Liverpool Rd.Pickering Town Centre4695 Kingston Road, Scarborough 416.281.2277416.281.2277 www.davidsonchrysler.com * ONLY 9 minutes from the Pickering Town Centre * ONLY 13 minutes from Ajax JEE P 0 % FINANCE OAC 6 % GST *** CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE CHOOSE VEHICLE WE WILL SHOW INVOICE $$25002500 FACTORY INCENTIVE $$40004000 FACTORY INCENTIVE $$40004000 FACTORY INCENTIVE $$15001500 FACTORY INCENTIVE $$17501750 FACTORY INCENTIVE $$40004000 FACTORY INCENTIVE $$25002500 FACTORY INCENTIVE $$65006500 FACTORY INCENTIVE EASYEASY EASYEASY EASYEASY EASYEASY EASYEASY EASYEASY EASYEASY EASYEASY SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE SIMPLESIMPLE YOUR FAIR PRICE 2006 DURANGO 2006 JEEP COMANDER 2006 TOWN & COUNTRY MAGNUM R.T. 2006 300C 2006 GR CARAVAN 2006 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 2006 CARAVAN TAKE YOUR PRICE, LESS FACTORY DELIVERY ALLOWANCE AND BE DRIVING THE NEXT DAY CHOOSE A VEHICLE FROM INVENTORTY THAT YOU WISH TO PURCHASE. WE WILL SHOW YOU THE INVOICE AND YOU DECIDE ON A FAIR MARKUP It’s SIMPLE:YesYes It’s EASY:YesYes PA GE A10 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006A/P Aj ax student’s extra effort earns national recognition Garima Talwar wins entrance gift AJAX — An Ajax High School student has earned some extra help paying for her post-secondary education. Garima Talwar is one of the local winners of the 2006 Canada Millenni- um Scholarship Foundation entrance awards, worth $4,000 toward her post- secondary education. The award recog- nizes students for their leadership skills, community involvement, academic achievement and interest in innovation. “The Canada Millennium Scholar- ship Foundation’s entrance awards are more than just money in the bank,” said Andrew Woodall, director of the Millen- nium Excellence Award Program. “The Foundation offers support, guid- ance and a community for these remark- able individuals who have the potential to assume leadership positions in all walks of life.” Garima has been awarded at the local level for her good citizenship, fresh ideas and academic merit. Her accomplish- ments include using dance to commu- nicate her message of tolerance, equity and peace; being co-organizer of Ajax High School’s White Bandana Cam- paign, an annual anti-violence event; going to Ottawa with her Indian dance teacher to teach elementary students about her culture’s dance form; and or- ganizing events for her school’s South Asian Heritage Month. Local and regional awards are dis- tributed in each province and territory based on their share of the Canadian population. National awards are allo- cated to the most exceptional applicants across the country. The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation is a private, independent organization created by an act of Parlia- ment in 1998. It distributes $340 million in bursaries and scholarships each year. DURHAM — An annual customer appreciation day will provide a boost to The Autism Society Ontario - Dur- ham Chapter. On Saturday, June 24, Once Upon a Child is hosting an all-day event in part to support the local chapter. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. a barbecue will be cooking with all proceeds going to the society. In addition, there will be a pet- ting zoo and a chance to have a photo taken with the ‘real’ Cinderella from 10 to 2 p.m. Once Upon a Child is at 1645 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Durham wants to hear from Dads DURHAM — The Durham Region health department wants to know what new fathers need. Launched on Father’s Day, June 18, the department is distributing a survey, available at local community centres, to fathers with children up to age six. The campaign is designed to learn what programs and services would best support new dads. “More often, we’re seeing fathers actively involved in raising, caring for and interacting with their chil- dren,” said Kathleen Piehl, a pub- lic health nurse. “To help support fathers in their role, we’re asking for their input about the types of programs and information that’s im- portant to them.” Surveys can be completed on- line (www.region.durham.on.ca) or mailed to the Durham Region health department, P.O. Box 730, Whitby, ON, L1N 0B2. For more information, call 905- 666-6241 or 1-800-841-2729. Cinderella stops by to help Autism Society Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Penned into Ajax AJAX — James Bouchard is president of East Penn Canada, which recently marked its move to a new head office on Harwood Avenue in in Ajax with a grand opening celebration. The company operates 14 distribution locations in major markets across Canada and employs 160 people, selling lead acid batteries to the automotive, indus- trial motive power and stationary backup supply markets. Double-digit growth forced the need for expansion and the hiring of more people. PA GE B1 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006 A/P SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com THIS WEEKEND The Ajax-Pickering Dolphins peewee football team hosts the York Raiders at Kinsmen Park in Pickering on Sunday at 4 p.m. Sports briefs JUNE 21, 2006 [ Dragon boat ] The Pink Sensations need new paddlers PICKERING — The Pink Sensations are a dragon boat racing team com- prised of breast cancer survivors. Paddling out of Frenchman’s Bay in Pickering, the squad needs new mem- bers who have survived breast cancer and are looking for some good summer fun. Any breast cancer survivor in Dur- ham is welcome to join. For more information, call Cheryl at 905-576-5955 or e-mail info@pinksensations.com. [ Basketball ] Joseph scores 21 in loss to Serbia PICKERING — A Pickering guard led the way for the Canadian junior men’s basketball team in a losing cause to Serbia during an exhibition series at the Global Games in Dallas, Texas on Monday. Devoe Joseph, who starred for the Pickering High School Trojans senior bas- ketball team last season, paced Canada with 21 points and three rebounds in the 98-69 loss. Canada opened the first quarter scoring a quarter-high 25 points on the strength of their aggressive shooting. Canada, however, had trouble holding the physical Serbians off the boards, allowing them to score 33 first-quarter points and take the early lead. Serbia’s aggressiveness continued into the second quarter, and they out- scored Canada 25-19 to take a 58-44 lead into the locker room at halftime. Canada held their own in rebounding, grabbing 22 compared to Serbia’s 21, but Serbia moved the ball better, tallying 17 assists to Canada’s eight. Canada’s offence began to click in the third quarter and their defence clamped down, holding Serbia to just 15 points in the period. Their great ball movement, however, did not translate into points, as they scored only 13 in the quarter. Canada’s scoring woes continued into the final frame as the team amassed 12 points, giving Serbia a 29-point margin of victory. “We could have boxed out better tonight,” stated leading scorer Joseph in a press release. “We were trying to jump with those guys and they were taller and stronger than us. They are an older team, but I believe we are on the right path to qualify for the World Championship.” Joseph is joined on the national junior team by fellow Pickering guard Juevol Myles, who played his high school ball at West Hill Collegiate in Scarborough. Canada’s next game is tomorrow against the U.S. After the Global Games in Dallas wrap up June 24, the team will trav- el to San Antonio for the Under 18 FIBA America World Championship Qualification Tournament from June 28 to July 2. [ Hockey ] Annesley named a top prospect PICKERING — The accolades just keep coming for Pickering Panthers’ captain and Ajax resident Ryan Annesley. The fourth-year Panther, who’s headed to Niagara University on a NCAA Division 1 hockey scholarship in Septem- ber, added another award to an already impressive haul for his outstand- ing 2005-06 Ontario Provincial Junior ‘A’ Hockey League season. At the On- tario Hockey Association’s annual meeting in Collingwood last Saturday, Annes- ley was named one of the top junior prospects in Ontario. The OHA annually names a player for each position for this award. Others recognized were goaltender Jeremy Dupont of Aurora, defenceman Simon Gyspers of Stouffville, and forwards David McIntyre of Newmarket, Chris Auger of Wellington, and Cameron Wat- son of Cambridge junior ‘B’. The award is one of four major accolades earned by Annesley. He was also named South Conference Defence- man of the Year, an OPJHL all-star, and was selected to the Canadian Junior ‘A’ Hockey League’s Prospects Game in Yo rkton, Saskatchewan. 11 Harwood Ave S Ajax Tel: 905-686-5554 FREE SALAD OF YOUR CHOICE WHEN YOU BRING IN THIS AD OFFER VALID FOR DINE-IN ONLY Dalliday bids Dunbarton adieu After 31 years, longtime Pickering educator set to retire By Al Rivett Sports Editor PICKERING — Bill Dalliday admits it hasn’t completely sunk in yet -- that a 31-year teaching and coaching ca- reer spent at Ajax and Pickering sec- ondary schools is drawing to a close. On June 30, Dalliday, 54, is set to walk out of Dunbarton High School for the last time after 19 years of at- tending to all things Spartans, includ- ing coaching countless boys’ rugby and hockey teams. Before relocating to the Pickering school in 1987, he also served as a physical education teacher and coach at Pickering High School in Ajax for 12 years. It’s w ith mixed emotions that Dalli- day’s retiring from a job and a school that’s been an overwhelming pres- ence in his day-to-day life. It probably won’t be until the fall -- the day after Labour Day to be exact -- that it might finally be crystalized in his mind that a long and enjoyable working-life chapter is in the books. “I know that it’s going to happen, but I think it won’t hit me this sum- mer. The first day after Labour Day I’ll be on a golf course and I’ll be think- ing, ‘should I be here or should I be at school?’ On Sept. 4 when I’m teeing off it’s going to hit me -- did I do the right thing or not?” The past week, notes Dalliday, has been filled with tributes from col- leagues, parents and students. The tributes have stretched all the way over from England where friends and acquaintances gained through nu- merous Dunbarton rugby tours also sent along best wishes for his retire- ment. “There are a lot of people who’ve been really nice, especially my staff, parents and kids. Some of the people over in England (on the Dunbarton rugby tour this past spring) did a little thing for me. I’m very appreciative of the sentiments that have come from all these people.” The phys. ed. head at Dunbarton since 1990, Dalliday says it was a fluke that he started what would be a long and distinguished teaching and coaching career in Durham Region. Newly graduated from the University of Toronto’s teachers’ college in 1975 after having graduated from the Uni- versity of Waterloo the previous year, he had just taken a job offer to teach at Centennial Road Elementary School in Scarborough. A brief visit to Pickering High School, however, after seeing a newspaper ad changed his mind about staying and teaching in his native Scarborough. “I could tell that (Pickering High) principal Jim Robb was a man I want- ed to work for. I was impressed by him,” recalls Dalliday. “He took me to meet (Pickering High phys. ed head) Te d Gauder and we talked for a while and things went pretty good. I wanted to take the job, and I’ve never regret- ted my decision, ever. I consider my- self fortunate to luck into that.” Ironically, Dalliday was hired to teach as well as to coach volleyball and basketball at Pickering High. But, soon after, he switched to rugby and football. And, when Robb took over as prin- cipal at Dunbarton in 1987, Dalliday followed him there, where he con- tinued to teach and coach rugby and football, with boys’ hockey added to his plate in the late-’80s. Ruminating over the collection of moments that have made up a 31-year career, Dalliday was hard-pressed to remember one, laughing aloud about one incident that emerged on one par- ticular rugby tour. Alas, he wouldn’t elaborate. He later allowed that having his son, Brent, attend Dunbarton with a number of friends from elementary school was a definite highlight. “He had a slew of kids he grew up with and played hockey with. About 15 of them attended Grade 9 with him and all the parents were excited for all the kids being at the same school together,” he says. “The kids, not just my son, did well. They won an OFSAA (provincial) championship in rugby and they won two OFSAA medals in hockey. The kids are all still famous friends. Being part of my son’s school life and the collection of kids he grew up with was as big as highlight as anything. It was a special time.” Another crowning achievement was continuing the longstanding U.K. rugby tour for Dunbarton rugby teams, including a traditional exchange with the English school Broxbourne, which started in 1979. Not only did it provide Dunbarton players a chance of a life- time to experience rugby in the cradle of the sport, but also to be billeted with a British family and to see the historical sites there. “I’ve had kids come up to me at the end of the tour, almost always senior kids, and tell me that its the best high school experience they’ve ever had and that’s pretty rewarding.” On a personal note, the U.K. rugby tours also afforded him the chance to make and renew lifelong friendships over the years. “O ccasionally, I’ve had some visi- tors (coaches) bring their families and come to the area in the summer. My wife and I plan to go over there and see them,” says Dalliday. Sitting in a small office off one of the gymnasiums at Dunbarton, Dalliday says he’s unsure about his immedi- ate plans as he leans back in his chair and parks his feet on a nearby locker. He hasn’t ruled out returning to the school to do some volunteer coach- ing. “I do intend to do some different things but, for a while, I’m going to be tied to the school in one way or another. I’ll see. I haven’t made any commitments toward anything. “But, I won’t be doing paperwork anymore,” he adds with a laugh. Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Af ter 31 years of teaching and coaching, Dunbarton High School physical education head Bill Dalliday is retiring. He spent 12 years at Pickering High School in Ajax before coming to Dunbarton in 1987. His last day is June 30. Reflections on a 31-year teaching career... Some parting shots by Bill Dal- liday, who’s retiring following a 31-year teaching and coaching career, 19 of which were spent at Dunbarton High School: • On today’s student athlete: “The top-end athlete is still the top- end athlete but, in Grade 9 phys-ed, the standards used are quite different than in the ’70s.” • The athlete of yesteryear: “In the ’70s, you could count on virtually every athlete playing school sports. (Former NHL goaltender) Glenn Healy played three sports a year at Pickering High School, and he’s just one example. He wouldn’t be doing that today. He’d be goaltending all year long.” • Education now versus when he started: “For 15 years, between 1975 and 1990, nothing changed (in the curriculum). The curriculum has been redone six times since 1990 with different focuses, evaluation methods and objectives. They’re trying to rein- vent the wheel and it’s resulted in a lot of work for all of us, not necessarily in what you’re teaching, but the way you’re going to teach it.” • What he’ll miss: “I won’t be waking up, getting out of bed, and saying ‘let’s get to it’. Whether I was planning for a team or for classes, I’m working on a list by quarter to eight. Your day is busy, but it’s something I enjoyed.” • His thoughts on the Ontario government-teachers standoff of the late ‘90s, which he de- scribes as the darkest days in his professional life: “The whole teaching environment was so de- pressed -- the kids were depressed, the staff was depressed, it was a re- ally hard couple of years. I sat down with (then-education minister) Janet Ecker at a meeting over extracurricu- lars and I came away from that meet- ing feeling that maybe school sports were done; I wasn’t sure if they would ever come back.” Devoe Joseph Ryan Annesley Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Up and over AJAX — Alex Hillhouse from St. Patrick Catholic School clears the bar at 1.57 metres to capture the midget boys’ high jump title at the Durham Catholic District School Board’s track and field finals at the Oshawa Civic fields recently. PA GE B2 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006A/P Scoreboard JUNE 21, 2006 PICKERING MENS SLOW PITCH LEAGUE League standings as of June 11 Papps Restaurant A DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Gophers 5 0 0 110 37 10 Dazed & Confused 5 0 0 116 48 10 Yankees 2 2 1 71 79 5 Tigers 2 2 0 52 47 4 Shamrocks 1 3 2 76 86 4 Watermaker 2 3 0 35 66 4 Molson Canadians 1 3 1 52 94 3 Knights Corner Royals 0 5 0 29 84 0 Results: Molson Canadians 15 vs. Shamrocks 15; Molson Cana- dians 14 vs. Tigers 12; Yankees 15 vs. Tigers 13; Gophers 23 vs. Yankees 20; Dazed & Confused 27 vs. Watermaker 11; Watermaker 7 vs. Knights Corner Royals 0. Shoeless Joes Ajax B DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS P. City Rollers 5 0 0 101 40 10 The Old Stone Cottage 2 2 1 68 74 5 Shoeless Joes Sox 2 2 1 55 63 5 Rockwell Rowdies 2 2 0 39 49 4 Papp’s 1 3 0 39 52 2 Winston Shagwell Chiefs 0 3 2 54 78 2 Results: Rockwell Rowdies 13 vs. Papps 8; Shoeless Joes Sox 17 vs. Winston Shagwell Chiefs 17; P. City Rollers 30 vs. The Old Stone Cottage 10. C DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Shockers 4 1 0 41 37 8 Danforth Roofing Supply 4 2 0 60 46 8 Durham Bulls 3 1 1 60 47 7 Gladiaters 3 3 0 57 52 6 Taps 21 3 3 0 56 51 6 The ‘Burbs 2 2 1 61 61 5 Shagwells Longhorns 2 1 0 24 28 4 Storm 2 3 0 48 45 4 Pickering Rounders 2 3 0 3 55 4 Deloitte & Touche Rebels 1 4 0 44 56 2 Scarborough Lexus Rangers 1 4 0 43 59 2 Results: Durham Bulls 17 vs. Scarborough Lexus Rangers 10; The Burbs 14 vs. Shockers 6; Pickering Rounders 13 vs. Taps 21 7; Storm 10 vs. Taps 21 4; Danforth Roofing Supply 12 vs. Shagwells Long Horns 5; Danforth Roofing Supply 11 vs. Gladiaters 7; Gladi- aters 12 vs. Deloitte & Touche Rebels 9. Cruise Ship Centers D DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Cruisers 5 0 0 105 28 10 The J’s 5 0 0 54 41 10 Wingshack Titans 3 2 1 81 68 7 Eastern Eavestroughers 2 2 1 66 58 5 Steiners 2 3 0 64 62 4 Underdogs 2 3 0 54 53 4 Krueger Décor 2 3 0 41 52 4 Sad Sacs 2 3 0 53 64 4 ISOFT 2 3 0 61 78 4 Canadian Clubbers 0 6 0 40 115 0 Results: Cruisers 23 vs. Krueger Decor 8; Eastern Eavestroughing 15 vs. Krueger Decor 0; Eastern Eavestroughing 15 vs. Steiners 13; Steiners 16 vs. ISOFT 14; The Underdogs 14 vs. Canadian Clubbers 4; The Js 9 vs. Wingshack Titans 5; Wingshack Titans 15 vs. Sad Sacs 6. E DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Marauders 4 0 0 77 20 8 Bank Of Montreal 2 2 0 54 47 4 Water Doctor Warriors 2 3 0 49 70 4 Robbins Moving 1 4 0 36 79 2 Results: Bank Of Montreal 23 vs. Water Doctor Warriors 9; Water Doctor Warriors 10 vs. Robbins Moving Services 7; Marauders 24 vs. Robbins Moving Services 4. Ross Wilson Memorial F DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Butt’s Pumps 5 1 0 65 34 10 Shagwells 3 1 1 57 39 7 R.C.L. 606 3 2 0 42 46 6 Re/Max 3 3 0 77 50 6 Papp’s Big M 2 2 1 49 41 5 17 Catchers 2 2 0 30 38 4 Country Style 2 3 0 49 51 4 SAS Masters 2 3 0 32 49 4 Jesters 0 5 0 23 76 0 Results: Re/Max 20 vs. Country Style 5; 17 Catchers 8 vs. Country Style 7; Shagwells 16 vs. R.C.L. 606 5; Butts Pumps 15 vs. Papps Big M 11; SAS Masters 12 vs. Jesters 7. AJAX SENIOR MEN’S SLO-PITCH LEAGUE Standings/score as of June 5 TEAM W L T RF RA PTS Sharks 3 1 0 52 40 6 Mills & Hadwin 3 2 0 82 46 6 Antiques 3 2 0 62 37 6 Gators 3 2 0 65 56 6 Eastmen 2 2 0 41 45 4 Pizza Pino 2 2 0 44 56 4 SLugs 2 3 0 41 6 4 Sweat Sox 1 3 0 31 45 2 Relics 1 3 0 19 45 2 GAME RESULTS Sharks 10 vs. Eastmen 9; Mills & Hadwin 20 vs. Relics 4; Gators 11 vs. Mills & Hadwin 9; Slugs 8 vs. Sweat Sox 7; Antiques 7 vs. Pizza Pino 0. PICKERING — The Pickering Swim Club was in seventh heaven after par- ticipating in the annual Star Swim- ming - Kick-Off Long Course A-B-C Swim Meet at the Flickinger Aquatic Centre in Buffalo recently. A total of 479 athletes from Ontario (seven teams) and New York state (18 teams) represented 25 swim teams. The Pickering club sent 24 athletes to the high-profile event, with many of the swimmers competing in a U.S. meet for the first time. The Pickering Club placed seventh overall (2,262 points) in the team point standings among the teams at the long course (50-metre pool) event. Pickering was the top-placed team in Durham Region, ahead of the Whitby Dolphins’ club (2,119 points). Pickering swimmers took 724.16 seconds off in all their events. There were 122 best times and 10 Pickering club records broken at the meet. Meaghan Douse, 13, took the most seconds off (106.11) of all Pickering club swimmers in her events. Highest individual point earners for the Pickering club were Caroline Gomba, 10, for the females, with 172 total points (second overall among 257 female athletes), and Michael Foster, 12, for the males, with 172 points (third overall among 158 male athletes). Each Pickering club swimmer competed in between five and 10 individual events. Listed are the events the swimmers took the most time off of according to the time going into the event: • Rebecca Acheson, 15, female open 200-metre breaststroke (3:15.19), (-11.62 seconds) *swam eight events; • Kayla Bannister, 14, female open 400m individual medley (5:42.33), (-20.02) *swam eight events; • Jose Baylon, 14, male open 200m backstroke (2:29.69), (-2.61) *swam nine events; • Jeff Cernele, 16, male open 400m freestyle (4:37.62), (-6.24) *swam eight events; • Ainsley Corkum, 13, female open 400m IM (5:39.87), (-17.75) *swam eight events; • Meaghan Douse, 13, female open 100m butterfly (3:19.98), (-35.00) *swam eight events; • Allie Farag, 16, female open 200m fly (9:26.84), (-3.67) *swam seven events; • Allison Foster, 14, female open 800m free (9:26.84), (-11.46) *swam nine events; • Michael Foster, 12, male 11-12 200m breast (3:10.40), (-50.16) *swam 10 events; • Carleen Ginter, 11, female 11-12 100m fly (1:20.94), (-2.70) *swam nine events; • Kayla Ginter, 12, female 11-12 200m IM (3:04.84), (-11.03) *swam 10 events; • Adam Gomba, 15, male open 400m IM (4:53.47), (-6.26) *swam nine events; • Caroline Gomba, 10, female 10-and- under 400m free (5:21.90), (-11.54) *swam 10 events; • Danielle Gomba, 13, female open 400 IM (5:24.07), (-20.79) *swam eight events; • Erin Gordon, 18, female open 50m free (29.43), (0.47) *swam five events; • Alex Griffith, 17, male open 400m free (4:34.57), (-0.28) *swam eight events • Rayah Gugliotta, 12, female 11-12 200m IM (3:01.35) (-37.59) *swam five events; • Robert Master, 13, male open 100m back (1:21.94), (-13.10) *swam nine events; • Alison Russell, 12, female 11-12 100m breast (1:44.15), (-15.95) *swam nine events; • Mark Storto, 14, male open 200m IM (2:59.32), (-28.13) *swam nine events; • Michael Storto, 16, male open 400m IM (5:19.51), (-3.76) *swam eight events; • Meghan Toswell, 12, female 11-12 100m breast (1:33.61), (-14.70) *swam 10 events; • Katie Webster, 12, female 11-12 200m f ly (3:05.11), (-25.09) *swam six events; • Michelle Wilkes, 16, female open 400m free (5:11.41), (-2.25) *swam eight events. FOLLOW ALL OUR BLOGGERS:Visit durhamregion.typepad.comKeith Primeau Philadelphia Flyers Wayne Primeau Boston Bruins Paul Ranger Ta mpa Bay Lightning Stan Butler Brampton Battalion Scott McCrory OHL Scoring Champion 14 Year Professional Playing Career Derrick Smith 10 Years NHL with Philadelphia, Minnesota and Dallas Marc Laniel 1988 World Junior Championship Team 15 year Professional Playing Career Corey Bricknell 1992 – 1995 Niagara Falls OHL Coach – Durham Fury – OHA Jr. A Nick Ricca Former player, Jr A Cornwall Royals Asst Coach, Durham Fury – OHA Jr. A Sommer West Beatrice Aeros NWHL Champions 2006 NWHL Offensive Player of the Year Heather Logan Calgary X-treme Womens Nationals Bronze Medalists 4 Years Hockey School Instructor Campus Ice Centre University of Ontario Institute of Technology 2150 Simcoe St. N Oshawa, ON Register at our website www.durhamhockeyinstitute.com or email us at: keithprimeau@durhamhockeyinstitute.com Includes Lunch daily and Camp Jersey 15 hours on-ice instruction 15 hours off-ice activities CALL 905-571-3879 ALSO AVAILABLE AT THESE RETAIL LOCATIONS: Call now,1-866-832-7837 or visit rogers.com 1Rogers Yahoo! 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DURHAM — Boys from the Dur- ham Whiz Kids Gymnastics Acad- emy competed at the 2006 Sunshine Classic held in North Bay recently and came home with an outstanding show of medals. In the seven- and eight-year-old category, Oshawa’s Troy Davidson placed first overall with gold med- als on the pommel horse and paral- lel bars. Mitchell Nye of Pickering finished second with silver medals on the parallel bars and high bar. Whitby’s Nathan Hutton was third with gold medals on rings and high bar. Cameron Shaw of Pickering was fourth with the gold medal for vault and Callan Sinclair, also from Pickering, finished sixth, with a fourth place on the floor exercise. Jimmy Leach of Ajax represented the Whiz Kids in the nine-year-old category. Leach won the overall gold with gold medals on rings, vault, par- allel bars and the high bar. Cameron Namek of Pickering was first in the 10-and-11 category, win- ning gold on floor, pommel horse, rings and vault. In the 12-year-old bracket, Jackson McNee of Ajax was fifth, winning a silver medal on the parallel bars. Competing in the 10-and-11 ad- vanced category were Marc Ham- mond of Whitby and Alex Thomp- son of Ajax. Hammond was second overall, winning four silver medals and three bronze. Thompson was fourth overall with two silvers and a bronze. In the 12-year-old advanced cat- egory were Marc LePage of Whitby and Ryan Del Genio of Ajax. LePage was the overall gold medallist with four gold, two silver and a bronze. Meanwhile, Del Genio came third w ith gold medals on the pommel horse and high bar. Special event trophies were pre- sented to Troy Davidson, Nathan Hutton, Cameron Namek and LeP- age. The academy began as a boys-only club in September 1995. Attracting boys from all over Durham Region, the club has had many athletes com- pete at the interclub, provincial and national levels of gymnastics. In 2005, Durham Whiz Kids amalgam- ated with the Ajax Acro’s and is now at 889 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. For more information about the boys’ recreation and competitive programs, call 905-427-0036. Durham Whiz Kids gymnasts dominate podium Top players in Pickering for beach volleyball tournament PICKERING — Many of the top men’s beach volleyball players in the country will converge on Pickering this weekend. Solstice Beach volleyball courts hosts a professional men’s tournament on Saturday. The event is billed as one of the best in the country next to the national championships. Some of the players who’ll be on court: • John Child - Olympic bronze medal- list in Atlanta in 1996 and a three-time Olympian; • Jody Holden - Indoor and beach national team, 1999 Pan Am Games champion and two-time Olympian; • Matt Zbyszewski - Currently play- ing professional volleyball in Greece, All-American at Indiana’s Purdue Uni- versity; • Jason Trepanier - Currently playing professional volleyball, all-Canadian at Dalhousie University; • Mark Reilly - Former professional volleyball player in Japan and Bulgaria. All-Canadian at Mount Royal College; • Mike Slean - Former national team beach player. All-Canadian at the Uni- versity of Toronto; • Steve Delaney - Former national team beach player. Only Canadian playing on the AVP American Beach Tour; • Christian Redmann - Won four major national beach events last season. Play- ing internationally in summer of 2006; • Josh Binstock - represented Cana- da in Cyprus at the FISU Games June 2006. All-Canadian at the University of Toronto. It’s being held on the outdoor courts in the hydro corridor to the east of the Pickering Recreation Complex, on Val- ley Farm Road. Games start at 9 a.m. on Saturday. All spectators are welcome. Bring your own lawn chair. The action continues all day, with the finals slated for approximately 6 p.m. The schedule will be posted tomor- row (Thursday) at www.solsticesport. net. FOLLOW ALL OUR BLOGGERS:Visit durhamregion.typepad.comWhat’s going on in your community? Just click here1220 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa (905) 432-2098 MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 9-6, THURSDAY-FRIDAY 9-8, SATURDAY 10-5 www.brystonflooring.com Laminate Flooring Demo Laminate Flooring Demo Saturday June 24th 1-3pmSaturday June 24th 1-3pm • Ceramics • Laminate • Carpet • Ceramics • Laminate • Carpet • Hardwoods • Cork • Vinyl• Hardwoods • Cork • Vinyl Proud Supporters of...Proud Supporters of... 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If you have comments or opinions and wish to bring them to the attention of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, you may submit them by July 24, 2006 to: Director under the Nursing Homes Act Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Long-Term Care Homes Branch c/o 5700 Yonge Street, 4th Floor North York, Ontario M2M 4K5 Phone: 416-327-7345 Fax: 416-326-3142 Please include the name of the nursing home and quote Project #058-07 on all written submissions. The Director will consider all submissions before making a final decision. NOTICE LARVAL MOSQUITO MONITORING AND PESTICIDE USE 407 ETR Concession Company Limited will conduct larval mosquito monitoring from June 12 to September 30,2006,and,as may be required,a larviciding program from June 21 to September 30, 2006. 407 ETR is undertaking these measures to meet any requirements of local Medical Officers of Health to control larval mosquitoes to prevent their development into potential carriers of the West Nile Virus.Applicators, licensed by the Ministry of Environment, or trained technicians will apply the larvicide in storm-water detention ponds and catch basins on Highway 407 ETR throughout the municipalities of Halton, Peel, York and Durham only where it is determined prudent to do so. The pellet formulation of the larvicide Vectobac 200G (Bti), Pest Control Products Act No.18158, will be placed into storm-water detention ponds and the briquette formulation of the larvicide Altosid (Methoprene), Pest Control Products Act No. 27694, will be placed into catch basins on Highway 407 ETR throughout the municipalities of Halton, Peel, York and Durham, only where it is determined prudent to do so. For further information: Contact: John Trakalo, Supervisor – Roadway Services 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Office: 905-264-5380 – please call collect Fax: 905-264-5379 Email: jtrakalo@407etr.com OR Michelle Mathies, Supervisor – Structures and Drainage 407 ETR Concession Company Limited Office: 905-264-5380 – please call collect Fax: 905-264-5379 Email: mmathies@407etr.com 407 ETR Concession Company Limited &ALL  ...Ajax & Pickering News Advertiser Magic Moments... to have and to hold Do you want to share your wedding story with future brides? Sally Smith and Jim Young shared their love and happiness with family and friends at their beautiful wedding on September 14, 2005 at St Andrew’s Church. Th e wedding cere- mony was followed by a reception celebrated at the We st Banquet Hall in Ajax. Th ank you to our Wedding Party, Family and Fr iends for sharing in our special day, fi lled with a lifetime of wonderful memories. We ’ll publish your favourite wedding photo and up to 150 word description in our Wedding Show feature, Sunday, September 10, 2006. Black & white photo & 150 words max $50 Full colour photo & 150 words max $75 Engagement Announcements For those just setting your date, we’ll publish your engagement announcement picture and up to 50 words in our September 10th feature also. Black & white photo & 50 words max $40 Full colour photo & 50 words max $60 Call 905.683.5110 ext. 230 or email lmccaig@durhamregion.com for more details. Drop in the mail to Wedding Picture Promotion, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, ON L1S 2H5 “SUMMER IS COMING!” BUTLER’S MAID SERVICE SAVE $2000 • Affordabe Prices • Supervised Cleans • Reliable friendly Staff • Bi-weekly & weekly still available (905) 686-9160 Find us in the Ye llow Pages “TELL YOUR FRIENDS THE BUTLER DID IT” Must present Coupon Upon Cleaning offer expires June 30, 2006 F BU T N SUN TAN STUDIOS ® Free TanFree TanClip to redeem your For new clients only, some restrictions apply. •Ajax 905-686-8187 •Pickering 905-839-8013 •Pickering 905-421-0111 Special needsSpecial needs Summer Camp and Regular Day Programs Registering now!!!!!! Camp starts July 3rd – September lst Day Program begins in September Limited Spaces available Registration at the Harwood Place Mall AjaxRegistration at the Harwood Place Mall Ajax Or call now (905) 428-6402Or call now (905) 428-6402 For special needsFor special needs individualsindividuals Grand Opening celebrations TANGO BUFFETat Thai • Vietamese • Chinese Cuisine EAT for FREE Sunday June 25 and Monday June 26, 12noon - 6pm 75 Bayly St. Unit 18, Ajax 905-686-4848 WA ITRESS WANTED. CALL FOR DETAILS. HWY 401 BAYLY ST HARWOOD AVE.WESTNEY RD.PA GE B4 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006A/P Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Deanna Rose from the Oshawa Gemini Club performs her floor routine at the recent Rainbow Classic gymnastics meet hosted by the Pickering Athletics Centre. About 450 gymnastics took part in the annual showcase. PICKERING — The host Pickering Athletic Centre had plenty to celebrate after a strong overall performance at the 12th annual Rainbow Classic gym- nastics meet at the club recently. The meet attracted more than 500 top provincial- and national-level gymnasts from across Ontario and from Quebec. Among the 20 clubs was one from Montreal, Les Reflexes. Of the 50 gymnasts competing for the Pickering Athletic Centre, many posted top-three finishes, with nu- merous overall category winners dur- ing the three-day competition. Katie Towers landed in top spot in the Level 5 age 9 group ‘B’ divi- sion. She placed first on vault, balance beam and floor exercise and was sec- ond on uneven bars. Savannah Freckleton captured first overall in the Level 3 age 9 bracket. She finished first on vault, fourth on bars, and second on beam and floor. Sarah Dewar secured first all-round in the Level 3 age 10/11 group ‘B’. She was fourth on vault, fifth on bars, fourth on beam and third on floor. Nicolette Sabino placed first overall in Level 4 age 10/11 group ‘B’. She fin- ished first on vault, ninth on bars, first on beam and fourth on floor. Samantha Smedley headed up the Level 6 age 9 division. She was fifth on vault, first on bars, second on beam and first on floor. Other Pickering Athletic Centre re- sults: Level 2 age 7 (no scores are kept, rather there are a range of performances for gym- nasts under age nine) • Stephanie Armstrong, silver score overall -- gold score bars, silver scores vault, beam and floor; • Grace Woolgar, silver score overall -- silver score vault, beam, gold scores bars, floor; • Katie Ewaskiw, silver score overall -- silver scores vault, beam, gold scores bars, floor; • Cassidy Collin, silver score overall -- bronze score vault, silver scores bars, beam, floor; Level 2 age 8 • Shemoya Hilton, gold score overall -- gold scores on vault, bars, silver scores beam; • Jesse Taylor, silver score overall -- gold scores vault, bars, silver scores beam, floor; • Stephanie Stiles, silver score overall -- silver scores vault, beam, floor, gold score bars; Level 2 age 9 • Sarah Harris-Lowe, third overall -- second on vault, bars, beam, fifth on floor; • Jennifer Hamlyn, seventh overall -- third on vault, seventh on bars, sixth on beam, floor; Level 2 age 10-13 • Sonya Morais, third overall -- third on vault, bars and beam, first on floor; Level 3 age 7 • Christina Zara, silver score overall -- gold scores on bars and floor, silver scores on vault, beam; • Victoria Dobson, silver score overall -- silver score vault, beam and floor, gold score on bars; Level 3 age 8 • Alex Cecchetto, silver score overall -- silver scores vault, beam, floor, gold score bars; • Sarah Dodds, silver score overall -- silver scores vault, bars, beam, floor; • Victoria Sparks, silver score overall -- silver scores vault, bars, beam, floor; • Kailey Steinhausen, silver score overall -- bronze score vault, silver scores bars, beam, floor; • Alexandra Sagat silver score vault, bronze score bars, silver scores beam, floor; Level 3 age 10/11 group ‘B’ • Lindsay Gordon, third overall -- seventh on vault, sixth on bars, third on beam, fourth on floor; • Ashley Camissa, fifth overall -- fourth on vault, second on bars, 11th on beam, seventh on floor; Level 3 age 10/11 group ‘C’ • Presley Tiernan, third overall -- fifth vault, second bars, third beam, second floor; • Ashley Hart, fourth overall -- first on vault, fifth on bars, seventh on beam, fourth on floor; Level 3 12-14+ • Cassandra Schilling, second overall -- first on vault, second on bars, eighth on beam, fourth on floor; Level 4 age 7 • Sabrina Nasner, gold score overall -- silver score vault, gold scores bars, beam and floor; • Mohogany Brown, silver score overall - - silver scores vault, bars, beam, gold score floor; • Anna Taverna, silver score overall -- silver scores vault, bars, beam, floor; Level 4 age 9 • Samantha D’Souza, 12th overall -- ninth on vault, eighth on bars, fifth on beam, 12th on floor; Level 4 age 10/11 group ‘B’ • Taylor McFarlane, second overall -- third on vault, sixth on bars, fourth on beam, third on floor; • Rebecca Palen, seventh overall -- seventh on vault, bars, eighth on beam, third on floor; Level 4 age 10/11 group ‘A’ • Emma Boire, second overall -- fifth on vault, fourth on bars, second on beam, third on floor; • Alexandria Aiken-Savage, fourth overall -- second on vault, sixth on bars, seventh on beam, second on floor; • Brooke Hing, fifth overall -- sixth on vault, third on bars, eighth on beam, first on floor; Level 4 age 13 • Jessica Hughes, sixth overall -- third on vault, first on bars, eighth on beam, fourth on floor; Level 4 age 14+ • Angela St. Denis, fourth overall - first on vault, fourth on bars, eighth on beam, third on floor; • Tnesha Rozas, sixth overall -- fifth on vault, sixth on bars, beam and floor; Level 5 age 8 • Kaitlyn Trach, second overall -- third on vault, first on bars, third on beam, floor; Level 5 age 9 group ‘B’ • Rebecca Brown, third overall -- fourth on vault, bars, second on beam, floor; Level 5 age 9 group ‘A’ • Adrianna Sanidas, seventh overall -- third on vault, second on beam, first on floor; Level 5 age 10/11 • Heather Putos, fourth overall -- third on vault, fourth on bars and beam, fifth on floor; Level 5 age 12/13 • Hayly Olynyk, second overall -- fourth on vault, second on bars, first on beam, third on floor; Level 7 age 10/11 • Alexandra Large, fifth overall -- third on vault, fifth on bars, 10th on beam, first on floor; • Sydney Marcoux, sixth overall -- seventh on vault, eighth on bars, fifth on beam and floor; Level 7 age 12/13 • Alexandra Clayton, third overall -- third on vault, fifth on bars and beam, first on floor; • Lindsay Qualtrough, fifth overall -- second on vault, seventh on bars, third on beam, eighth on floor; • Emily Towers, eighth overall -- first on vault, 10th on bars, ninth on beam, second on floor; • Jaime Stipetic, ninth overall -- seventh on vault and floor, ninth on bars, 10th beam; Level 8 age 12/13 • Shannon Riches, fourth overall -- fourth on vault and beam, fifth on bars, second on floor; Level 8 age 9-11 • Maya Swami, fourth overall -- third on vault, bars, second on floor; National Open • Tara Swami, second overall -- first on vault, second on bars, beam, floor. Pickering gymnasts find pot of gold at Rainbow meet 1 2 3 This property was financed by SOLD 4 5 merry maids® 6 7 astern avestroughing Ltd.EE SINCE 1980 Residential Commercial Industrial Seamless Eavestroughing Aluminum Soffi ts & Fascia and Siding “Year Round Service“ 905-686-4175 835 Westney Rd S U#8 EAVESTROUGHING & SIDING 1 www.boyerpontiac.com PICKERING 715 Kingston Rd., Pickering (401 & Whites Rd. Exit) JORDAN HUTCHINSON New & Used Sales Manager 905-831-2693 Ext. 344 We at Boyer’s are committed to building a lifetime relationship with you. Your total satisfaction measures our success. Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick GMC (1988) Ltd. Call me or bring in this page and recieve $100 discount on a new or used vehicle AUTOMOTIVE DEALERAUTOMOTIVE DEALER 2 For Mortgage Tips call me anytime! 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To advertise in this special feature from $70, call Michael Briggs at 905-683-5110 ext. 238 stagi ng homeprostaging@gmail.com 416-458-5305416-458-5305 √ pro home staging √ de-cluttering √ organizing √ cleaning “STAGE TODAY TO SELL TOMORROW!”“STAGE TODAY TO SELL TOMORROW!” HOME STAGING8 8 staging DISTRESS FREE!!!!! DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY!!! Let Perfect Maid take care of all your housekeeping needs. We do not cut corners $10.00 off this week FULLY BONDED Call 905-686-5424 We also do home renovations and landscaping A GATHERING OF FRIENDS SATURDAY, JUNE 24TH at The Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation Health and Resource Centre 22600 Island Rd., Port Perry featuring:The Grace Trio with Special guests:● The Strip ● Anai ● Kevin Kelly Door Open at 7:00pm Tickets $20.00 per person Admission includes late night buffet ★Door Prizes ★Silent Auction ★Raffle ★50/50's Drive home service sponsored by Emmerson Insurance Brokers Tickets available at Brock's Dept. Store, Emmerson Insurance, and Henshall's - Tickets also available at the door All proceeds to the Houthuys Family ASTLEY, Winifred E. (nee Griffin) - At Brantford General Hospital, on Thursday June 15, 2006, of Par is and formerly of Audley, in her 88th year. Beloved husband to the late Geoffrey (1999), loved mother to the late Jeanette, Joy Little (Don Spoon- er) of Paris, Jo Gunn (the late Bob) of Noble- ton, and Thomas (Robin Mac Gregor) of BC; cher- ished grandma to Randy, Scott, and Brad; and great grandmother to Jessica, Daniel and Cole. Predeceased by her parents, a brother Bob Griffin and a sister Eveln Graham. Cremation has taken place. Friends may call at the WM. KIPP FUNERAL HOME, 184 Grand River St. N, Paris (519-442-3061), on Saturday from 1 - 3 p.m. for memorial visitation. Eulogies will be offered at 2:30 p.m. Donations to the CNIB or the SPCA would be appreciated. Online condolences or donations may be arranged through www.wmkippfuneralhome.com DECORATION SERVICE Salem Cemetery Greenwood Sunday June 25th 2:30 p.m. All Welcome #1 ELITE MOVING 10-28 ft truck available. Short notice. Reliable. Ex- perienced. Punctual. Disas- sembling/Reassembling. 416-560-2723 905-841-4723 www.elitemoving.net SUPREME HOUSECLEANING BY LAURIE I work alone. 21 yrs. in business. I do everything AND I also bring my own cleaners.Weekly, Bi-Weekly & some Sat.'s (905) 426-3711 FLOORING *Carpet *Cork *Laminate *Bamboo *Floating floors Vic:416-491-4667 or 416-707-2581 • Lawn Cutting • Spring Clean Up • Sodding/Landscaping • Seniors Discount • Gardening 416-410-9942 HEALTHY CEDAR TREES!Vari- ous sizes. Great for hedges. Call 905-428-1278, or drop by 91 Keeble Crescent, Ajax. PAYING TOO MUCH FOR AUTO INSURANCE? Are you a high risk driver? Do you have tickets or convictions? or just looking for a better rate? Call 647-436-1322. REMOVE YOUR CRIMINAL record FAST. We do Pardons and US Waivers. Don't be embar- rassed. Call 1-800-298-5520 governmentpardons.ca ACCOUNTANT/ BOOKKEEPER •Full set of books •Payroll •GST/PST remittance Can work from home or office Reasonable rates 905-683-5411 Rescue Me Computer Service Spyware, virus removal, computer repair, on-site networking and wireless setup. Free Pick Up. Contact Dan 905-428-0521 rescue-me@sympatico.ca Place your ad at 905-683-0707 SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 more Classifieds....... PA GE B5 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006 A/P Pickering Village all jazzed up for music fest By Mike Ruta Staff Editor DURHAM — Great music and food for the soul are being served up this Saturday at the Pickering Village Jazz Festival. The only traffic on Old Kingston Road will be walkers, as much of the street is closed off for the fourth incar- nation of the BIA-sponsored, all-ages event. It runs from 3 p.m. to midnight in the village, at Church Street and Kingston Road in Ajax. In addition to music, the event fea- tures food and lots of fun. Best of all, there is no charge to attend and listen to the jazz. “We try to basically promote the local bands,” says co-organizer Shirley Huck. The lineup of eight bands features Swing Rosie, the Ragweed Jazz Band, the Donna Barber Quintet, the Michele Lawrence Trio, the Big Wind Band, the Jessie Roy Trio, Hot Air and George Ol- liver. The music ranges from the classic jazz performed by Ragweed Jazz, to Hot Air, which Huck says plays “a little bit of everything,” mixing jazz favourites with pop, rock and Latin numbers. The action takes place on two stag- es. Away from the stages, a Food Fest is an addition to the event this year and Huck says the tastes range from sausages and hotdogs to East Indian dishes. Ms. Huck encourages those attend- ing to bring their own seating, although some is provided. “We do suggest people bring chairs, because when it gets busy they fill up,” she says. The performance schedule is as fol- lows: Stage 1 (at Windsor Drive), 3:30 to 5 p.m. -- Michele Lawrence Trio; 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. -- Ragweed Jazz Band; 8 to 9:30 p.m. -- Swing Rosie; 10 to midnight -- Hot Air; Stage 2 (at Linton Av enue) 3 to 4:30 p.m. -- Donna Barber Quintet; 5 to 7 p.m. -- Jessie Roy Trio; 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. -- George Olliver; 10 to midnight -- Big Wind. ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT durhamregion.com file photo Jessie Roy is on stage at the Pickering Village Jazz Festival this Saturday. BONUSPAKBONUSPAKBONUSPAKPAK NO INTERE S T NO PAYMENTS NO INTERESTNO PAYMENTSfor 6 month s O.A.C.Bank Financing Available 100% Canadian Owned & Operated 905-608-8800 Quote promotion # BP-0606 Fantastic Limited Time Offer! We are looking for homes in your neighbourhood where we may feature our products, to demonstrate to others why CLASSIC INTERLOCKINGALUMINUM ROOFING SYSTEMS are fast replacing other roofing. You’ll save money while adding value to your home! Call today for more information NEVER RE- R O O F AGAIN! NEVER RE-ROOF AGAIN! CALL US TO VIEW INSTALLATIONS IN Y O U R NEIGHBOURHOOD •WEATHER RESISTANT•ROT RESISTANT•FIRE RESISTANT•CURL RESISTANT •RUST RESISTANT•CRACK RESISTANT•MOSS RESISTANT•RODENT RESISTANT •TERMITE RESISTANT•WIND RESISTANT INTERLOCKING ALUMINUM ROOF SHAKES Lifetime Warranty 40 Years Transferable & Non-Prorated (Not available in Guelph & Cambridge) Delivered With Your Paper on June 21st 2006! LOOK FOR SPECIAL OFFERS FROM THESE ADVERTISERS IN YOUR JUNE BONUSPAK CHECK INSIDE your BONUSPAK For a chance to WIN! One of 5,000 BuzzCell Calling Cards! a CANADA & USA GPSPOMZ QFSNJOVUF %*"- #FGPSFZPVSOFYUMPOHEJTUBODFDBMM $BMMBOZXIFSFJO  4/#!,,/6%23%!32%34/&7/2,$ 3IMPLYDIAL    !2%!#/$% 0(/.%.5-"%2 4/#!,,./24(!-%2)#!#!2)""%!.3IMPLYDIAL    !2%!#/$% 0(/.%.5-"%2 $ONOTPAUSEBETWEENNUMBERS 50--'3&&$6450.&34&37*$&888$0. OPEN HERE For your chance to WIN a FREE BuzzTravel phone card !! W IN!WIN! 100% Canadian Owned & Operated Pamela’s Blind CleaningPamela’s Blind Cleaning &Window Coverings& Window Coverings THE OTHER SIDE LAWNCARE MATTRESS & Suite Shop Voic e Network AFFORDABLE DRUGMART Durham Flooring Ltd. DURHAM MAID DURHAM MAID SERVICESSERVICES TA NAIE'S FASH IONS TRAVEL LAST MINUTE Voice Spectrum Telecom A.T. MARTIALA.T. MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING ARTS TRAINING PETER'S ACADEMYPETER'S ACADEMY OF DRIVINGOF DRIVINGCall your Local BONUSPAK REPRESENTATIVE at 905-683-5110 PARA LEGAL DIPLOMA DIAMOND INSTITUTE of Business and Computer Technology (905) 427-1922 diamondinstitute.ca Study in a small class environment in AJAX Student assistance/funding may be available for qualifi ed students LEARN • Legal Research • Small Claims • Investigations • Highway Traffi c Act • Civil Procedures • Insurance Claims • Dispute Resolution and much more! We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephone calls please. We are an equal opportunity employer. No recruiters or agencies please NOVOPHARM CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Novopharm Limited is the Canadian subsidiary of TEVA, one of the world’s largest generic pharmaceutical companies. Dynamic and fast-growing, Novopharm is focused on its vision to be “Canada’s Leader in Affordable Healthcare Solutions,” through our global advantage, product leadership and customer commitment. As part of TEVA’s growing global organization, which is among the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world and includes approximately 25,000 employees worldwide, Novopharm offers unique and exciting employment opportunities to qualified candidates. With three locations in the Toronto area, including our headquarters in Scarborough and two manufacturing “Centres of Excellence” in Stouffville and Markham, Novopharm has challenging positions for exceptional individuals who want to be part of our winning team. Due to growth at our Stouffville location, we have a number of challenging positions currently available, including: Process Operators Material Handlers Maintenance Technicians (Licensed Electrician or Mechanic) More information is available at our website www.novopharm.com on these and other exciting Career Opportunities with Novopharm. We encourage candidates to visit the site and apply online. Tr ansportation options available EAST PENN Canada We're Growing Again! Established in 1979 and currently experiencing double-digit growth, EAST PENN Canada sells lead acid batteries to the automotive, industrial motive power and stationary back up power supply markets. Through our Head Office located in Ajax, Ontario, we operate 14 distribution locations across Canada. Presently we are seeking to fill the following positions: ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT This position will be responsible for daily reconciliation of our various bank accounts, posting of daily cash transactions, monitoring daily cash positions, general accounting functions and administering the company's bi-weekly payroll. As the successful candidate you have advanced skills in excel as well as 3-5 years of general accounting and payroll experience. WAREHOUSE ASSISTANT Must have two years experience in picking, packing, shipping, and general warehouse duties as well as experience operating a forklift. You must be able to handle heavy lifting. We offer a competitive remuneration package including full benefits and profit share. If you are interested in a long-term career, please submit your resume to: EAST PENN Canada 165 Harwood Ave. N. Ajax, Ontario L1Z 1L9 Fax: (905) 619-4248 Email: hr@eastpenn-powerbattery.com Att: Lisa Primeau, H.R. Manager We thank all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephone calls. Looking for a more Challenging, rewarding career? One that makes use of your talents…. Rewards your efforts? Bennett's Home Furnishings of Pickering is growing and we are looking for the right people to grow along with us. Moving into the world of Furniture sales may be just the right niche for you. You are assertive, dedicated, and have strong interpersonal skills. You want those skills to be used in a creative and strong company devoted to their customers and their employees. You are able to work retail hours and have strong business and retail background. Compensation ranges from $35,000 to $60,000 per year plus health and dental plan. Send or drop resume to Bennett's Home Furnishings, 1755 Pickering Parkway, Unit SB1, Pickering, L1V 1B5, 905-428-8083. No phone calls please. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted JR. LEGAL SECRETARY or LAW CLERK Prominent Durham Region Law Firm requires: •1-3 yrs. exp. in Real Estate & Corporate •Dynamic, positive attitude •Excellent computer/communication skills Email resume with references to: adresponse_@hotmail.com PA RT TIME COOK Minimum 30 hrs. Bi-Weekly Applicants must have a Cook's Certificate and experience in institutional large quantity cooking. Experience in a Long Term Care Facility preferred. Fax resumes to 905-579-1733 Transport Training TM Centres of Canada Inc. DRIVER SAFETY AND TRADE SKILL DEVELOPMENT 1-866-966-0626 FORKLIFTSAFETY TRAINING 1818 Hopkins St. S 905-668-4211 JEFFERY HOMES,Durham Re- gion Homebuilder, requires a Décor Specialist/sales consultant. Applicants need 3 + Years of ex- perience and MS Office Proficien- cy. Drop off resume to 1200 Air- port Blvd. Suite 201,Oshawa. Love to decorate? Now is the best time Turn your decorating skills into dollars Fabulous products, great support & training Low start-up Debbie 905-999-0300 AZ DRIVER or Owner/Operator required for flatbed (with side kit) to run U.S. (home on weekends). Min. 3 yrs. driving experience, clean abstract, fast card required. Drivers: 47 cents per mile. Fax resume to 905-556-9949 or call 905-242-6756. Hiring AZ/DZ drivers for paving company Top $ Call 647-889-1717 SUNDAY SUN newspaper driv- ers required. Adult carriers re- quired for Sunday delivery in Courtice, Bowmanville, Port Hope and Cobourg. Must have reliable vehicles and deliver 150 newspa- pers before 8 a.m. Sundays. Con- tact Keith Rowe ICS News (905)718-9417 or email: keith_icsnews@hotmail.com A CRAZY WORLD! Simple work, great pay, f-t openings in custom- er service. Call Melanie ASAP (905)837-9555 AJAX WEB DESIGN has a junior web technician computer geek position available. Some web de- sign skills required. Quick learn- er,good work ethic essential. Light travel with own vehicle. Fax your resume to: 905-426-7449. APPLIANCE Delivery Person. FULL TIME positions available to deliver major appliances into cus- tomer homes and remove old ap- pliances. Heavy lifting required. Benefits after 90 days, $10.50 per hour to start. Call (905) 263-8369 or fax resume to (905) 263-1076, ask for Jamie or Bill. ASAP - 10 OPENINGS to fill, from office/sales/warehouse. Call Jenn 905-420-1040. ATTENTION STUDENT!Sum- mer work. $14.75 base-appt. FT/PT schedules. Customer sale/svc. No exp. needed-will train. Conditions apply. Call 905- 426-7726. BARTENDERS required for Jukebox Live Restolounge, 1211 Kingston Rd, Pickering 905-422- 0091. Pickering's new casual, sheik nightspot. Apply within 12:00-4:00pm. CLEANER WANTED P/T, 4 days a week, usually during the night. Whitby area. Vehicle required. 905-718-6563. DO YOU HAVE 10 hours per week that you would like to make productive? Work from home earning $3000+ per month. www.miniofficeoutlets.com/stacey DRIVERS WANTED Earn CASH DAILY! Full and part time shifts. We will train you. Call the office at 905-440-2011 or Roy at 905- 439-1111. Blue Line Taxi is now hiring in Oshawa & Ajax. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER INSTALLER required, with expe- rience.. Please fax resume in confidence to 905-725-0886 or call 905-260-0172. EXPERIENCED Assistant Cook and experienced wait staff need- ed part-time for very busy res- taurant in Pickering. Required for lunch-time rush only. Monday- Fr iday, 10a.m-1:30p.m. Call Rich- ard 905-683-5800. FREE Telephone Service FREEDOM PHONE LINES Regardless of Credit No Deposit Required LOWEST PRICE Call now & receive 1 month FREE 1-866-884-7464 FULL TIME ECE needed for Ajax childcare centre starting on July 4. Fax resume to Jennifer at 905- 428-9909 FULL TIME GRILL COOK re- quired for a fast paced Oshawa cafeteria. Full-time, grill experi- ence. Weekday shifts: 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. and Saturday day shift. Phone (905) 440-7645. Fax (905)440-7660. Email: cheryl_cowley@aramark.ca FULL-TIME BAKER– For Fast growing Wholesale Business. Ex- perience required. Send resume to Lisa: ritzfinefoods@rogers.com Or to Ritz Fine Foods, 600 Grandview St. South, Oshawa, On L1H 8P4. No telephone in- quiries please. FULL/PART time Dog groomer needed ASAP in Whitby. Call 705-734-5722. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - valid drivers license and abstract. Fa x resume 905-619-3366. We are currently in search for a WORK ORDER EXPEDITOR for a large innovative kitchen and design company in the Durham Region. Direct Hire. One year maternity leave contract. QUALIFICATIONS: ●Experience in Auto CAD ●Proficient technical skills ●Architectural background an asset ●Excellent oral/written communication skills ●Ability to work in a fast paced environment a must Please contact Darla at (905)683-1603 ext 32 or darla@professionalpersonnel.com AZ DRIVER WANTED We r equire: •Flat deck experience. •Tandem to multi-axle. •Most runs local. •Possibly some short U.S. •CVOR and driver abstract. •Criminal search. •Aknowledge of load security for concrete pipe, precast structures and related products would be beneficial. •The ability to operate a HIAB crane would be an asset. •Apositive attitude. •Safety minded people with the ability to complete accurate records for logs and other related information. If interested, please fax resume to 905-430-6835 or call 905-665-5100 BUS DRIVERS needed for September in •Scugog & Uxbridge (Large vehicle) •Ajax & Pickering (Vans only) Apply & Train NOW! Please call 1-800-263-7987 LAIDLAW EDUCATION SERVICES Bethesda House, an agency providing shelter, support and advocacy to abused women and their children has an opening for an Outreach Crisis Support Worker, full-time 1. To provide time-limited, solution-focused, 1:1 and group counseling, practical support, advocacy and referral to abused women in crisis 2. To promote awareness of the issues of violence against women through public education and prevention initiatives Required:Post secondary education in social services or related field, counseling experience, working knowledge of domestic violence and woman abuse, knowledge of other community agencies and resources, ability to work flexible hours including some evenings and week-ends, Valid Ontario Drivers License and reliable vehicle. Agency also requires relief shelter staff. Apply in writing by June 30/06 to:Executive Director, Bethesda House, Box 82, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3K8 (Only candidates being offered interviews will be contacted.) • Qualified Stylists • Guaranteed hourly wage plus 25% profit sharing • Benefits package • Full and part-time positions • Busy locations • No clientele required HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED Visit our website: www.firstchoice.com AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL HAIRCARE. GUARANTEED® Positions now available in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax & Bowmanville Oshawa • Juliet (905) 434-4994 $8.25/hr Bowmanville • Barb (905) 623-6444 $8.25/hr Ajax • Jenn (905) 427-6776 $9.25/hr Whitby • Alana (905) 655-7202 $8.25/hr We’ve got just the thing to get you started … A Guide to Apprenticeship Learn the steps involved in beginning your career as an Apprentice. YMCA Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Road, Suite 16 (Valley Farm Rd. & Highway 2) Interested in a Skilled Trade Apprenticeship but don’t know where to start or how to find an employer? Thursday June 22nd, 2006 2:00pm-3:30 pm For registration and further information, please call (905) 427-7670 LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE CAREER OPPORTUNITY? A large North American Financial Services company is looking for unique individuals with leadership ability. We are one of the fastest growing companies in the fastest growing industry in the world. Training provided. No experience necessary. Opportunity for advancement and excellent income potential for those with integrity and good work ethic. Call for an appointment. FRANK DEBRAH (905) 767-6299 LOOKING FOR WORK? START HERE! Free 90-minute workshop Over 20 programs are here to help you get back to work…fast! Call The Employment Advantage and register TODAY! 905-426-8337 www.theemploymentadvantage.com Project funded by SMILE! WE ARE HIRING! Photographers required for September servicing Durham Region. We train and provide all equipment. Transportation & Police Check required. Fax resume & references 905-721-9892. Also Co-op placements available. Phone: 905-576-5924 For Social Service related Job Opportunities, please go to our Website at: www.enterphase.com/postings.php Helping Women Get to Work! Attend our free workshop series: • Building self-esteem • Introduction to employment • Career Planning • Job search techniques 905-433-9539 1-866-375-9539 We open doors to employment services. Spaces limited. Call now! Funded by GREENWOOD MUSHROOM FARM,full time labourers, no ex- perience necessary, transportation a must. Fax resume to (905) 649- 2973 or call (905) 649-5552. HELPER LABOURER with valid driver's license. Clean driving record & criminal check required. Able to use hand tools. Durham area. Starting $10/hr. Please e-mail your resume to: candorenovations@sympatico.ca JOIN THE WINNING TEAM:We have a position that has come available here at Roto-Static. We are a very well established and highly reputable carpet and upholstery cleaning company. To be a successful applicant you must be bondable, have a good driving record and be neat in appearance. Experience is an asset but not required. Please forward a resume or call to pick up an application at 1621 McEwen Drive Unit #39, Whitby (905) 434- 6569 or email: rotostatic01@bellnet.ca LABOUR READY Dependable Temporary Labour in Oshawa has many positions open. Includ- ing:construction labour, landscap- ing,factory, light industrial & can- vassers. Please call or apply at branch Mon Fri 5:30am-3:00pm. 433 Simcoe St. South. Phone: 905-432-9700 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL - Apply in person to 1614 Dundas St. E., Suite 203. Whitby (Dundas / Thickson) on Monday to Thurs- day from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER? Join a rapidly expanding marketing company. Do you have leadership abilities and willing to work hard? No degree necessary. We will train. Call Richard Rainford 1-888-258-0816 LOOKING FOR experienced. grounds maintenance helpers. Drivers abstract required, able to work the odd weekend. Contact Te rry at (905)438-1170 MAGICUTS has the following po- sitions available: Licensed Asst. Manager for Ajax and Oshawa plus PT Stylist for Whitby and Pickering. We offer: Competitive salary, opportunity for advance- ment, profit sharing, free upgrad- ing classes, monthly prizes, benefits, hiring bonus. Join a win- ning team. Call Sabrina (905) 723-7323 ORDER TAKERS NEEDED $25/hr. avg. Full Time We Train You!! 905.435.0518 PART TIME help wanted for Dun- das Coin Laundry. Please call (905)432-7627 or cell (647) 223- 1193 TRAVEL INSURANCE CSR,In- bound Sales, Computer Profi- cient, Competitive Salary, Insu- rance/Travel Agency Experience Preferred, Ajax. Email Resume: irene@travelprotect.ca; Fax: 905-619-2373 Pickering-Based Driveway Sealing Company requires labourer for hard work outdoors. Starts at 9:00/hrly. Tr ansportation is an asset. Call Bob: 416-274-4889 REGISTRATION OFFICERS $25/hr.avg. Full-time, students welcome. Full training provided. Call 905.435.1052 TELEMARKETING,Part time evenings, mature individuals with experience preferred. $10/hr. Call 905-686-2445, ext. 306 after 4pm. TOP WAGES PAID.Installers needed for steel and storm doors, porch enclosures. Must be expe- rienced and have own vehicle.. Call Bill 905-686-2445, ext. 228 NEW SALON & SPA Opening in Ajax/Pickering. Seeking experience Hair Stylists, Managers & Estheticians Business/Franchise opportunities available, minimum investment Call 905-686-4128 NEW DEALERSHIP IN PICKERING NOW HIRING: ●Sales People ●Receptionist ●Driver's ●Mechanics / Apprentices ●Detailers For interview call Roman (905) 839-7200 or fax resume to (905) 839-7205 NEXCAR * 4 Dealerships and Growing TRAVEL CONSULTANT posi- tions available. Oshawa Travel requires motivated travel sales consultants eager to learn and capture new travel business. Submit your resume in confi- dence john@oshawatravel.ca Fax:905-579-9090 Attention: John Mallia URGENT! URGENT! URGENT!- CLEANERS NEEDED Looking for individuals part time and full time with cleaning experience for great new opportunities with cleaning service for residential cli- ents. $10 and up per hr. and gas allowances offered. Own vehicle preferred. Serious inquires only. Call 905-686-5424 now. AXXESS IS SEEKING STYLIST with some clientele. Also A great opportunity to become manager. Meet with owner in person. Com- mission plus salary & Bonuses possible. We also welcome new stylists. (905)668-5000, fax 905- 723-6688, email: axxess.re- sumes@bellnet.ca EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLISTS wanted for hi-end concept salon in Oshawa Centre. Salary plus commission. Contact L'Attitudes 905-723-5937 ask for Lynda or fax 1-905-947-8143. MANICURIST/ PEDICURIST / ESTHETICIAN Needed Immedi- ately, experience is a must, Call Lucinda Salon & Spa (905)571- 2582 Evenings after 7pm (905)721-9107 MANICURIST/PEDICURIST needed immediately. Also Nail Technician needed immediately. Call Sylvia (days) 905-434-6760 or (evenings) 905-434-5405 NEWLY RENOVATED family hairstyling centre in the Bowman- ville Mall is looking for Experi- enced Hairstylists for immediate full-time positions. Please call Pat days 905-718-2248; Eve. 905- 723-0472. OSHAWA CENTRE HAIRSTY- LISTS requires Experienced Hair- stylists for full-time positions. Please call Mary or Lina 905-728- 4623. PROFESSIONAL EXPERI- ENCED full/part time esthetician required for a very busy spa to start immediately. Part time re- ceptionist required. Call 905-623- 9836. THE GATE HOUSE SALON & Spa Inc.has a room available for rent. Ideal for a Massage Therapist, Aesthetician etc. Ask for Deborah (905)434-6147 To Place an Ad in Ajax or Pickering Call 905-683-0707 or Tor. line 1-416-798-7259 Email: classifi eds@durhamregion.com Classifi eds On-Line Web Site: www.durhamregion.com ClassifiedsClassifiedsNews AdvertiserNews Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00-5 Closed Saturday A/P PAGE B6 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 21, 2006 www.durhamregion.com QUALITY INSPECTOR for afternoon shift 2:15 pm to 12:45 am -Mon- Thurs. Noranco a growing aerospace parts manufacturer located in Pickering, Ontario, is looking for the following skill set. ✓Perform inspection of precision mechanical parts and assemblies; ✓Generate FAI reports to AS9102A ✓Conversant with ISO 9001 and AS 9100 Quality Standards; ✓Knowledge of aerospace special processes and preventive/ corrective action. ✓Job shop and aerospace industry experience an asset. Noranco offers its employees an excellent wage and benefits package. QUALIFIED applicants please apply FAX to HR @ 905-831-0104 or EMAIL hr@noranco.com BBi Enterprises Group Ltd.an industry- leading supplier of automotive thermal and acoustical insulation parts is currently seeking an experienced hands on QUALITY TECHNICIAN to join our team in Ajax. The Quality Technician is responsible for the isolation and disposition to non-conforming raw material and finished product, as well as ensuring the necessary inspections are performed to make certain finished products conform to the required specifications. The ideal candidate will possess automotive experience with the ability to adhere to TS 16949 guidelines. Preference will be given to the candidates with a demonstrated knowledge of current quality systems. Please fax your resume with cover letter and salary expectations to: (905) 427-8420 We thank all applicants but only those being considered for an interview will be contacted. Canadian Tire Pickering requires Full time Back Parts Person. Canadian Tire experience preferred. Apply with resume to Canadian Tire Pickering 1735 Pickering Parkway NELSON FINANCIAL GROUP LTD. "HERE WE GROW AGAIN!" •Customer Service Reps •Inside Sales •Part time Webmaster •Marketing Manager Fax resume to: 905-839-7002 www.nelsongroup.ca 100%commission Internet listing sales Community based Attractive commission Very flexible Potential for annual renewals hrsales@ylm.ca Experienced salespeople only ONTARIO FAMILY GROUP HOME - FGIworld Full-time available in Residential treatment programs. Overnight sleep shifts; Mon - Fri and overnight weekend shifts Fri - Sun Please fax resumes to: Barb 905-435-0610 APPRENTICE OR LICENSED mechanic required for small all auto repair shop. Flexible, full time hours. Self motivated and room to grow. Excellent working conditions, Drop off resume at 1333 Boundary Rd. Unit 1, Oshawa., 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. CYLINDRICAL & SURFACE GRINDER needed. 7 years ex- perience necessary. Drop re- sume off in person to 963 Brock Road S. or fax to: 905-420-0641. Attention: Keith Simpkin. ELECTRICIANS & 5th YEAR APPRENTICE required. Must be willing to travel out-of-town (travel expenses paid) Minimum 2 years, residential/commercial, along with data/telephone/audio visual expe- rience required. Fax resume to: 905-649-3546. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAP- ERS needed must be able to do retaining walls, concrete walks, and other various landscaping long hours, $17 - $20 per hr. Must have own transportation to shop in Whitby. Please fax re- sume to (905)620-1339. EXPERIENCED STONE MA- SONS and Assistants needed for busy landscaping company. Must have transportation to shop in Whitby. Long hours. Please send resume to P.O. Box 203, Sta- tion Brooklin, Whitby L1M1B5 or call (905) 620-1338. EXPERIENCED WORKING Car- penter Foreman and experienced Carpenters required for local con- struction company. Local area only. Fax or email resume to 905- 668-8284, lardale@bellnet.ca FULL TIME position available. Qualified Construction & Mainte- nance Electrician with commer- cial experience required. Com- mercial/Industrial. Please apply at: J.W. Contracting, 630 Euclid St. Whitby, L1N 5C2 or call (905)666-1400. GARAGE DOOR INSTALLERS WANTED with experience. Must have own tools and truck. Full- time position. Fax resume: 905- 686-9725 or call, 905-686-6195. LANDSCAPE/CONSTRUCTION Looking for mature individual w/driver’s license for landscaping, garden maintenance and con- struction work. Full-time/Part –time Contact Doug at (905) 649- 6905 MIG WELDER & STEEL PLATE fitter required for business in Scarborough. Must have min. 5 yrs. experience & own transporta- tion. Fax resume attn. David to: 416-291-4917. RAGLAN INDUSTRIES INC.is currently looking for both alumi- num welder fitters as well as a truck & trailer technician to install electrical and nematic systems on new equipment. Compensation is dependent on skilled level and abilities. Apply at Raglan Indus- tries Inc. 5151 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4 or by fax 905-655-5997 TOP WAGES PAID.ROOFING CONTRACTORS. Must be inde- pendent with all necessary equip- ment, including own truck. Call Bill 905-686-2445, ext. 228 WELDING COMPANY looking for welders and steel erectors for miscellaneous and structural work (outside work). Drivers li- cence required. Fax resume to 905-420-5704 BILINGUAL- FRENCH/ENGLISH speaking individual required for order desk in Pickering. No expe- rience necessary. Fax resume to: 905-831-1864. GROUP ASSISTANT Fr iendly, pleasant phone etiquette. Computer ex- perience & organization a must. Group insurance experience preferred, but willing to train the proper person. Flexible weekday hours available Fax resume & salary expectations to 905-683-0092 RIBO LICENSED CSR 20-32 hours per week. Power Broker exp.preferred. Fax resume to 905-683-0092. SALES & MARKETING ASSIST- ANT - Pickering (Maternity con- tract - Full-time potential). Pos- sess excellent written and verbal skills with attention to detail. Mi- crosoft office a must (proficient Excel). Some heavy lifting (40 lbs). Thrive in a fast paced envi- ronment. E-mail resumes with salary expectations by July 3rd - lhunter@childrensgroup.com. No calls or faxes - only those select- ed for interview will be contacted. PA RT TIME SWITCHBOARD op- erator/secretary needed for busy real estate office with locations in Oshawa, Brooklin and Bowman- ville. Evening and weekend hours. Excellent typing required. Please fax resume to (905) 436- 1745. BLISS BRIDAL BOUTIQUE Whitby is seeking a professional energetic salesperson, full/part- time. Experience an asset. Come join our team for a great career in bridal. Fax resume: 905-982- 0692 or email: blissbridalboutique@bellnet.ca A SUCCESSFUL Dental office open 7 days a week requires an Experienced Full time Level 2 Dental Assistant and a Full Time Experienced Dental Receptionist. Candidates must be willing to work flexible hours. Call 905-721- 8444. CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSIST- ANT Level II required for office in Pickering, Monday-Thursday, 28 hours weekly. Please fax resume to 905-509-1974. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST want- ed P/T leading to F/T permanent. Days, some evenings and Satur- day shifts. Experience and/or cer- tificate an asset. Email resume: newdent@rogers.com PA RT-TIME DENTAL ASSIST- ANT required, friendly, family centered office. Please reply to file #260, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 POSITION AVAILABLE for CDA Level II for group practice in Oshawa. No evenings or week- ends. Experience preferred. Please fax resume to Mary 905- 434-8520 REGISTERED MASSAGE Therapist needed for maternity leave in busy Bowmanville Clinic. Fax resume to: 905-983-5951 or 905-697-0355. RN REQUIRED for Permanent Part Time Position for PAR. ACLS preferred, BCLS required. Please forward resume for inter- view to: 2 Albert St. North, Lind- say, Ontario, K9V 4J1. Attention: Sandy. RPNS/RNS needed for LTC Whit- by, Oshawa. Busy agency, flexible scheduling, good rates. Send resume: careers@syner- gyemployment.ca. or fax: 416- 286-1709. Days/Evenings/Nights available. Wesbite: www.syner- gyemployment.ca WANTED - part time ULTRA SOUND TECH. Please send re- sumes to: Attn. Shelley, fax 416- 781-1910. VETERINARY ASSISTANT (part time) wanted for local pet hospi- tal. Previous experience or ani- mal care certificate required, weekends & evenings. Please fax resume to 905-434-2619 EL RANCHO HIRING FOR All positions Drop resume at 3500 Brock St. N. Whitby (north of Rossland). *NO MONEY DOWN* New Home Ownership Program enables those with good credit to buy a home with "0% Down Payment" Free computerized list With pictures of available homes you can buy with no money down Free recorded Message. 1-800-417-7295 ID #8025 Visit: www. DurhamZeroDown .com ReMax Ability Real Estate Limited**\ 905-434-7777 Matt Cooper* 3-BDRM BUNGALOW,320 Pop- lar St., Oshawa. Inground pool, new gas furnace & c/a, wood burning f/p, fin. bsmt. $235,000. Call for appt (905)432-1828 or OPEN HOUSE Saturday June 24th 1-4p.m. 7 INTREPID DRIVE - Whitby OPEN HOUSE, Sundays, 1 - 4 (P.M) Quality built Tormina 5 bed- room home in desirable Whitby neighbourhood. For more info see www.privateexchange.com Located near Anderson and Rossland intersection. For private viewing or directions please call 905 668 0484.$330,000. Flexible closing available. BUNGALOW on mature corner lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hardwood & ceramic, finished basement with apartment poten- tial, large garage, concrete drive- way.Appointment only 905-725- 1347 $229,000 CANTON,4812 Dodd's Road, country bungalow, 3 & 1 bed- rooms, open concept, 2 car gar- age, 1.7 acres, finished base- ment, walkouts, hot tub, pool, workshop. 905-753-8482. DISTRESS SALE Bank Foreclosures & Estate Sales Free computerized list with pictures of Foreclosure properties from $170,000. No Investors please Fr ee recorded message 1-800-417-7295 ID#4042 Visit: www. Durham DistressSale.com Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. ** (905)434-7777 Matt Cooper* WARNING!!! ‘BUYER TRAPS’ DON’T LET BUYING A HOME COST MORE THAN IT SHOULD. FREE CONSUMER REPORT AT...Plus FIND OUT WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH Free On-Line Evaluation www.DurhamPropertyInfo.Com ** Dan Plowman, sales person, remax rouge river. Realty Ltd., Brokerage COMMUNITY MORTGAGE SERVICES CORP. GOOD, BAD & UGLY CREDIT 1st & 2nd Mortgages & Debt Consolidation 100% Financing Call Anytime 905-668-6805 1-877-668-6588 WE REALLY CARE WHERE YOU LIVE. Realstar offers a full breadth of apartments, penthouses and town houses, plus application approval within 24 hours. No appointment required - Drop in TODAY! OSHAWA Carriage Hill - Townhouses 905-434-3972 122 Colborne Street (Simcoe St., N. Colborne St. E.) Taunton Terrace - Townhouses 905-436-3346 100 Taunton Road, East (Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St. ) UXBRIDGE Testa Heights 905-852-2534 Testa Heights (Reach St. & Testa Rd.) WHITBY 534 Mary Street Apartments 905-666-2450 534 Mary Street East (Mary St., & Hickory St. ) Regency Place Apartments 905-430-7397 15 Regency Crescent (Mary St. & Hickory St.) OPEN HOUSE DAILY from 8AM - 8PM Whitby Place 905-430-5420 900 Dundas Street, East (Dundas St. & Garden St.) Come See the Difference 1 Month Free Rent or up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments Oshawa New State of the Art Balconies New Roof ✲New Corridor Carpeting Full Security System ✲ 24/7 on Site Staff Free Utilities ✲Free Parking SENIOR DISCOUNTS GM RETIREE & EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT Call for more information 905-728-4993 e & oe WWW.FIDELITYPM.COM What More Can We Do? ... Let Us Know 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. Rental Office Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com WELCOME TO HIGHLAND TOWERS We're better than ever ! Spacious, newly renovated 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms with stunning views. Conveniently located in a friendly, family community just steps to shopping, GO and 401. Park like setting. Affordably Priced from $870. Utilities included. (905)668-7844 **MOVE IN BONUS **Limited Time Only WASHER & DRYER IN SUITE! 3 Bedroom Rental Suites with individually controlled heat in condo quality building. Across from Pickering Town Centre. 1865 Glenanna Road (905) 999-8700 www.caprent.com FIXER UPPER "Bargains" These homes need work Free computerized list with pictures of properties from $170,000. No Investors Please Free recorded message 1-800-417-7295 ID#7048 Visit: www DurhamFixer Uppers.com Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. ** (905) 434-7777 Matt Cooper* FIXER UPPERS "Bargains" These homes need work.Mostly cosmetic Free computerized List of properties. No investors please. Free recorded message. 1-888-599-0098 and use ID#1048. 24hr/day ------------------------------------- WHY RENT??? First time buyers only. Free list of homes available with no money down! from $900/mth. Free message 1-888-599-0098 ID#8899 Dan Plowman Salesperson, Remax Rouge River Realty Ltd. Brokerage HOME EVALUATION Find out what your home is worth On-Line Visit: www. DurhamOnLine Home Evaluation.com Remax Ability Real Estate Limited ** (905) 434-7777Matt Cooper* HOME SELLERS Find Out What Homes Down The Street Sold For! Free computerized list with pictures of area home sales & current listings Free recorded message 1-800-417-7295 ID#7041 Visit: www. DurhamArea HomeSales.com Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. ** (905) 434-7777Matt Cooper* INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE Legal Duplex, minutes from downtown Whitby. Fully renovated, hardwood, ceramics throughout, 65x166' lot, fully fenced backyard, parking for 4 cars 117 Cedar St. $264,900 Jeremy (905)261-1334, Ian (905)666-4367 OPEN HOUSE Sunday June 25th, 1-4 pm. 241 Cornish Dr. Courtice. $309,900. 1 1/2 yrs. 2400 sq. ft, 4-bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, fenced yard with 3-level deck & hottub. 905-438-4012. RENT TO OWN,Credit problems ok. 4 bed, 2 1/2 bath home in Ajax. Large fenced in back yard. Beautiful neighborhood. Good condition. 2400/month. 416-390- 3060. WONT LAST! Oshawa brick bungalow, 50x105 landscaped lot. 3-bedrooms 2-baths & sauna, new mechanics, c/air, move-in condition. Priced $193,900 to sell. OPEN HOUSE Sunday 767 Beaupre, 905-441-4888. AN AWESOME WATERFRONT cottage property. 1st time offered, cottages available from 58k to 85k. Own part of this 12 acre property with 480ft. of beautiful waterfront including beach, docks, fishing and unlimited boat- ing. Located on Rice Lake, 60min. from Oshawa, 20 min. south of Peterborough. (705)931- 4349, email: tjdpm@rogers.com 107 ACRES, North Fenlin Falls. Trees plus very old log home. Private deal. $159,000. (705)745-4123 BUILDING LOT WANTED 1-10 acre lot wanted in North West Innisfil township, Eastern Essa To wnship or Southern Springwa- ter Township. Please call 705- 717-1612 or 705-718-2195 FOR SALE OR LEASE 2250sq.ft. M1A prestige industri- al. 2100 Forbes St., Unit 3, Whit- by.Call (905)436-9613 INDUSTRIAL BAY,near Oshawa Centre, roll-up doors, heating, air compressor, utilities included., parking, auto repair, machining, parking. Month-to-month consid- ered. Outside metal storage con- tainer avail. (905)576-2982, (905)626-6619. SOUTH OSHAWA,Industrial unit for rent. Approx 800sq.ft. with overhead garage door. Call (905)579-1840 or (905)434-5494 $10K U.S.interim funds for MILLION SELLER. $100K U.S. minimum potential return. Serious callers only. 416-763-7964. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS for sale, owner retiring, part time flexible hours, earn up to $10,000. per month. Will train, $99,000. including inventory & equipment. 905-767-0779 PROMOTE your business oppor- tunity to over 4 million adult read- ers in South Central Ontario. Book your advertisement in over 80 Metroland community newspa- pers. 416-493-1300 ext. 288 REAL IMCOME PRODUCER! Yo u get paid instantly. High- demand software. Create an income quickly and easily. www.br.dollars.biz or call 877-202-9540 SUPERINTENDENT required full- time for Oshawa/Bowmanville apartment complex. Suitable for retired/semi-retired couple. No pets. Fax resume (905)623-2257. Only those chosen for an inter- view will be contacted. $$$100 % FINANCING oac. 5 yr. at 5.30% or variable at 4.95 % oac, cash take-outs, refinanc- es, self-employed, commercial, even poor credit. call Kevin, Mon. to Sat. at: 1-800-328-7887 ext. 366. $$MONEY$$Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 100%. No income, bad credit OK! ONTARIOWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION 1-888-307-7799 From 5.1% for 5 years. lst. & 2nd Mortgages to 100% (OAC) Best Available Rates Private Mortgage Funds Arrears P.O.S Refinancing Debt Consolidation a Specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Call 905-666-4986 NO CREDIT REFUSED.$500.00 loan. Payable weekly. 1-877-776- 1660 PAYDAY LOANS.No credit check, quick, confidential. Call now. 1-866-809-1201 WE DO THE WORK! You earn 10% ++. Secured by real Estate. For more info call (905)987-7799 (2) OSHAWA bachelor $600, July 1 and 1 bed. $700. August 1, re- cently renovated, sep. kitchen, own washer/dryer, sep. entrance. Rents inclusive. Call (416)892- 8864 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, very clean quiet family bldg., parking, newly renovated, available July 1st Sim- coe/Rossland area. $750 First/last. No dogs. 905-721- 2673 or 416-897-2610. 1 BEDROOM APT in downtown Oshawa. Clean, bright, secure, $650-inclusive. first and last month's rent required. No park- ing. Avail. July 1. (905)435-1091 1 BEDROOM basement apt. Kitchen, bathroom, sep. entrance, in Brooklin. Available July 1st. $600/incl. utilities, cable/laundry available. 905-425-0064. 1 BEDROOM basement walkout apt. bright, clean, maple floors, gas fireplace. Appl. incl., no laun- dry. Central Park Blvd & Adelaide area. No pets/smoking, Avail. July 1, $725 incl. first/last 905- 409-0949 NEAR OSHAWA CENTRE,clean 2 bedroom, in a quiet 5 unit build- ing, $750 plus hydro. Phone (905) 438-8006 1-BDRM BASEMENT APT., Whitby, 401/Brock. Avail. immedi- ately. Spacious, clean, private en- trance, fridge & stove, parking, A/C, laundry, cable. No pets/smoking. $675/month+ 30% utilities. (416)402-4437. 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apart- ment, Church/Rossland, Available July 1st. Parking, 4 ap- pliances, cable. no pets, no smoking. $750/inclusive, first/last, references. Call (905)428-8152 2 BDRM. APT. -Bloor St., Oshawa, in 9-plex, $780/mo. all inclusive. Available July 1. Also, North Oshawa 2 bdrm. apt, $785/mo. all inclusive. Available July 1.No pets. For more info. call: 905-723-1647 or 905-720- 9935. 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apart- ment, Pickering, Hwy #2/Altona. AC, cable, parking, laundry, sep- arate entrance, no pets/smoking. $975 all inclusive. Available Im- mediately. (905)509-0158 2 BEDROOM totally renovated apt in duplex. Laundry, parking, yard, near Harmony Rd. & Hwy 401, Oshawa. Non-smoker, no pets, professional preferred. Avail immediately. $750+hydro. (905)432-3250 2-BDRM MAIN/FLOOR bunga- low, N-Oshawa, Beatrice/Som- merville, quiet neighbourhood fireplace, a/c, 2-parking, 4-appli- ances, suits very quiet work- ing/retired, mature/person/couple, lst/last, references, no dogs, $955 inclusive. (905)571-4471. Leave message. 2-BEDROOM APT FOR RENT, excellent location. Very clean building. Available July 1st. $850/MO. INCLUSIVE, first/last. NO pets please. Adelaide/Nipigon Rd. Oshawa. Call (905)728-9584 2-BEDROOM BASEMENT APT avail July 1st, in small, quiet 5-plex near O.C. heat, Hydro, Water included. No smoking/pets. Suitable for adult lifestyle $715/mo first/last (905)728-9257 2-BEDROOM NORTH OSHAWA, very nice unit, newer well-main- tained, clean, quiet, adult-lifestyle building with intercom. Suits re- tired/mature working adult. $900 incl. No pets. (905)720-2352, leave message. A 2-BEDROOM basement apt., on mature, quiet street in Oshawa. Laundry, parking for 2, private fenced-in backyard, pri- vate entrance, clean ++, Available immediately, $725 all inclusive. Dave (905)436-7524 or Sam 905-571-0554. 2-BEDROOM,bright, clean apart- ment, in well maintained 3 storey low-rise in Oshawa, beautiful Par- quet floors, plenty of closet space. On-site laundry and parking, great location with imme- diate access to GO/Bus- es/amenities. $825 plus hydro. Call (647)688-4597 385 GIBB ST,Oshawa, 2-bdrm apts. Available immediately/July 1st. Utilities included. No pets. Call 905-723-5434. AAA WHITBY,Rossland & Brock. 1 bdrm bsmt apt. like new, bright/spacious, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer & dry- er, AC, parking, close to amenities. $790/mo+ utilities. No smoking/pets. References. Call Bo Gustafson, Sutton Group (416)783-5000. ADELAIDE/RITSON 2 bedroom huge basement apartment in quiet house. Newly renovated, ceramic, hardwood and new car- pet, parking, coin laundry $800.00-inclusive. first/last re- quired. call 905-426-5844 for appt. AJAX (WESTNEY/HWY. 2) spa- cious, legal 1 bedroom basement with own laundry. $850 includes: utilities, parking&cable. No pets/smoking. Suitable for couple. References. Daytime: 416-585- 6702, Evening: (905)427-8484 AJAX CHURCH/HWY 2/Picker- ing Village - Large 1 & 2-bdrms in clean, quiet building. Available June/July 1st, $900 & $950+ /mo inclusive Call 905-426-1161 AJAX, 2-bdrm basement, big and clean, 4 appliances, parking, available immediately, first/last, pets/smoking?? $750 plus Call Brad (416)568-1437 AJAX, BRAND NEW 1 bedroom. All inclusive. Cable, A/C. Utilities. No smoking/pets. Parking. First/last. $800. References. 905-683-8264. AJAX, CENTRAL, 3 bedroom bungalow. Main level. Stove, Fridge. Shared laundry. CAC. 2 parking. $1175+$175 utilities. Available July 1. Ajax Realty Ltd. 905-683-1811. AJAX, HARWOOD/BAYLY, 2 bedroom basement apartment. Ve ry clean. Near all amenities. Private entrance. Available im- mediately. $850/month plus utilities. No pets/smoking. Call 905-420-1281. AJAX, ONE BDRM bsmt, newly decorated, separate entrance, parking, f/p, air, avail. July 1st. $775/mo inclusive. First/security. Small pet only. (905)686-4755. AJAX, PICKERING BEECH/ BAYLY, spacious 2-bdrm base- ment apt. Parking, laundry, utilities, separate entrance, no smoking/pets, first/last, referenc- es, $850/month. Immediate. De- serie (905)683-7556 AJAX, PICKERING VILLAGE brand new 2-bedroom basement apt. Separate entrance, parking, kitchen, diningroom, livingroom, bathroom, laundry facilities, cable. No smokers. July 1st. $980/month, first/last. (905)428- 7157, (647)296-7157 AJAX, SUNNY, ONE bedroom walk-out to garden. Large kitch- en, a/c. Clean, quiet. Single pro- fessional. $785/month inclusive. No pets/smoking. Available im- mediately. 905-434-3461, leave message or 905-435-4142. AJAX- OXFORD TOWERS.Spa- cious apartments, quiet bldg, near shopping, GO. Pool. 2-bed- room apt., $989, available July 1st. 905-683-8421 or 905-683- 8571. AJAX. Beautiful one bedroom basement available July 1st. Ma- ple kitchen, recently renovated Suits single professional, non- smoking, no pets. $775 inclusive. Separate entrance and parking 905-426-6795. BACHELOR APARTMENT, sep- arate side entrance, eat-in kitch- en, large common room, 3-pc washroom, all inclusive, $600. Pets and smokers welcome. (905)720-4889 or (905)442-1106 BACHELOR APPT.White Rd/Hwy #2 area. Private en- trance, cable incl. Parking, Clean quiet male preferred avail July 1, No smoke/pets/laundry, $550/mo first/last. Call after 6:30pm 905- 420-7071 BAYLY/LIVERPOOL AREA Available July 1st. 2 bdrm base- ment apt. Walk to GO. Separate entrance. Shared laundry/park- ing. $750/month plus utilities. Please call 1-905-791-5653. BEAUTIFUL, BRIGHT walkout Apartment in Courtice available for rent June 15th. $750 all inclu- sive including separate entrance, private washer and dryer, cable and utilities. Non smoking and most suitable for single occupan- cy. First and last required, for more information or viewing please call 905-436-9128. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms, Please call Mon-Fri 9 a.m - 5 p.m Evenings by appt. only 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOWMANVILLE,newly renovat- ed 2-bdrm, quiet bldg., in exclu- sive neighbourhood, parking, separate laundry room, large deck. Near 2 schools. $950/mo+ hydro. Available July 1st. First/last. (905)424-4201 BRIGHT 2-BDRM APT., North Oshawa. Separate entrance, laundry, parking, c/a. Avail. im- mediately. No smoking/pets. $995/mo inclusive. 905-433-1632 BRIGHT,clean basement bache- lor, large windows, separate en- trance, 3pc bath, laundry, utilities, parking included. No pets/smok- ing. Near College/University, Rossland/Wilson. Available July 1st. $650/month. (905)725-0106 BROOKLIN/WHITBY-1 bdrm., bsmnt. apt. Private entrance, full kitchen, washer/dryer, parking, 10min. to 401/407. Utilities incl. No smoking/pets. $825/mo. Available immediately. 905-655- 6846. CENTRAL NORTH OSHAWA very clean quiet large one bed- room main floor, own yard, large kitchen, includes fridge, stove, parking, all util. $760. (905)723- 0393 CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Evening by appt. only 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. COME HOME TO OXFORD Oshawa Park/401 Completely renovated 1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms from $725 hydro incl. New Management Well maintained, clean, quiet incredible security. Bus / GO 835 & 885 Oxford St. 905-622-0835 905-622-0885 COURTICE ONE BEDROOM plus office plus garage, spacious main floor of house, newly deco- rated ceramic and broadloom throughout, share yard, 4 appli- ances, quiet non smoker only. $l,000 inclusive. July lst. (905) 576-3830 COURTICE RD/Sandringham, 1400sq.ft. basement 2-bedrooms, fireplace, private entrance, laun- dry, parking for one, air, $1000 all inclusive. No smoking/pets. Ref- erences required, August 15th. Call (905)434-7547 DOWNTOWN WHITBY - very clean 2 bedroom, available July lst. $900 all included. Parking in- cluded, Near schools, Call (416) 520-6392 (905)669-4009. EXTRA-LARGE new 1-bedroom apt. Huge bedroom, custom- kitchen, large 4pc.bath, private ground-floor entrance. Large win- dows. Abundance closet space, a/c, parking, backs onto green- belt. Seconds from bus/minutes form 401/Harmony-all amenities. Including utilities. Only $810/mo. Aug. 1st. 905-725-2108. HARMONY/ROSSLAND,clean bright one bedroom, basement apt., on bike path, sperate en- trance, eat in kitchen, laundry, parking, $750 inc. non smoker, July lst. (905) 723-3796. LOVE YOUR APARTMENT! Modern clean & classy 1-bed- room+loft, 2nd-floor in house. Crown-mouldings throughout. $925/inclusive. Parking, air, laun- dry. Near amenities. No smok- ing/pets. Oshawa. Jeff 905-442- 3665. NEWCASTLE APARTMENTS for rent, July 1st spacious two bedroom main floor of house including large backyard. $950 +2/3 utility costs. Newly renovat- ed 2 bedroom basement apart- ment. $650 +1/3 utility costs. Please call Greg at 905-243-2908 to have a look. NORTH Oshawa - 2 bedroom, Aug. and Sept. lst. 3 bedroom July lst. Clean, family building. Heat, hydro and two appliances included. Pay cable, parking and laundry facilities. (905) 723-2094 NORTH OSHAWA,1-bedroom & 2-bedrooms for rent. Includes utilities, fridge, stove, parking. Move in Bonus - 1 month free rent!! Call 905-579-9777. ONE BED APT., 4pc. bath, hard- wood floors, vinyl and ceramic tile, kitchenette, fridge, flattop, call 905-922-7015. OSHAWA 1 bedroom basement, good neighborhood, large, clean. A/C, laundry, parking. Separate entrance. Near Oshawa Center. First/last, no pets/smoking, $770 UTILITIES INCLUDED. Call (905)831-9458 OSHAWA Park/Adelaide (230 Nipigon St) 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Well maintained and newly renovated apts. Near all amenities. From $765/mo+ hydro. (905)723-0977 OSHAWA 1 bedroom, large bright, main level unit. Quiet loca- tion, parking, appliances includ- ed. Newly renovated, available July 1st. $700/mo. first/last. 905- 922-4411 or (905)434-1290 leave message. OSHAWA 1-BEDROOM nice quiet area, no smoking/pets. All inclusive $650/month. Available June /July. Call 905-260-2618. OSHAWA CENTRAL,newly decorated 3-bedroom, 2-level, eat-in kitchen with large terrace. Free parking, all utilities, $950/month. Available immedi- ately. Call 416-659-1748. OSHAWA HOSPITAL area, Mary north of Adelaide, 2-bedroom main floor, laundry, parking, $850/mo inclusive. First/last. Call 905-668-8869 Mon-Fri 9-5pm, or 905-579-2350 OSHAWA,1 + 2 BDRMS. Avail July 1st. 2 locations: 350 Malaga and 946 Mason. $725 & $795/month. All inclusive. No pets. Call (905)576-6724 or 905- 242-4478 OSHAWA,Best Deals! Newly Renovated 1, 2 & 3 bdrm in sen- ior lifestyle bldg. Large units, new kitchens, carpeting, windows, se- curity. Near hospital, bus stop. Avail. June/July. Call 905-728- 4966 or 1-866-601-3083 www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA,close to 401. 1 bed- room basement apt., $695 monthly first/last, all inclusive. Private entrance, parking. No smoking/pets. Available immedi- ately. Call (905)720-2717 or leave message. OSHAWA,Lansdowne Drive, Large 3-bdrm apt., main floor of bungalow. Heat, a/c, utilities incl. Laundry, parking on site. Avail August 1st $1050/month. Call (905)440-4956 OSHAWA,Newly renovated 1 & 2 bdrms in senior lifestyle bldgs. Large units. New kitchens & ap- pliances, carpeting, windows, se- curity. Near schools/bus stop & amenities. Available June/July. 1-866-601-3083 or 905-432- 6912. www.apartmentsinonta- rio.com OSHAWA, THORNTON/Ade- laide, Ground-level, bright 1-bed- room walkout apt in house. Excel- lent neighbourhood, extra clean, appliances, laundry, $850/inclu- sive. August 1st. Private patio, tool-shed. 2-car parking, own driveway. No smoking/pets. (905)706-2200. OSHAWA, UNDER NEW Man- agement. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms in adult lifestyle bldg. Large units, new windows, security. Near bus,shopping. Avail. June/July. Call 905-723-1009 or 1-866-601- 3083 www.apartmentsinonta- rio.com OSHAWA,Wilson/Olive area, bright 2-bedroom apartment in 6-plex. Laundry, parking, kitch- en. $860/month inclusive. First/last/references. No big dogs. Immediate. Working couple preferred. 905-429-0539 (905)576-3840 leave message, OSHAWA- 2 BEDROOM $825 Renovated parking, laundry one bedroom $725, 3 bedroom $950. (905)922-6709, 905-429-2036 Whitby-1 bedroom $775, 2 bed- room $850 inclusive, laundry, parking, balcony. 905-430-7868. OSHAWA- OLIVE/HARMONY Amazing 1-bdrm bsmt. Large, newly renovated, sep. entrance. $800/mo inclusive (includes cable, internet, shared laundry). Near public transit & 401. No pets. Avail July 29. 905-240-6037 leave message. PARK/ADELAIDE junior 1 bed- room basement apartment in quiet house. Suits 1 person, bus stops at door, separate entrance, coin laundry, parking $640.00 utilities included. first/last required call 905 426 5844 for appt. PICKERING - 2 bed. bsmt. apt. Sep. laundry/entrance. 1500 sq. ft. A/c, parking, 4pc. bath, all in- clusive. Avail. immed. $1000/mo. First and last. Melissa (905)831- 3023. PICKERING - Brock & Delbrook, 2-bedroom basement apt. Sep. entrance, parking, laundry, $800/mo. all inclusive. First/last, no smoking/pets. Available July 1st. Call 905-428-9823. PICKERING BROCK/MAJOR OAKS,1 bedroom basement, separate entrance, 1 park- ing, laundry, 4 appliances, All inclusive. No smoking/pets. Available July. 905-683-2735 evenings/weekends, 416-858- 3287 days. PICKERING CENTRAL,2-bed- room, main/basement apt., two livingrooms, 2 entrances, 2 full baths, laundries. Like 2 units. $1,200 first/last, available July 1st. (905)831-6284 PICKERING VILLAGE bsmt apt, spacious living quarters. One bdrm with walk-in closet, private entrance, parking, walk to GO. Utilities included. $750/mo. No pets/smoking. 905-427-5838 PICKERING, 2-BEDROOM base- ment apartment, separate en- trance, newly renovated, available July 1st. $750/mo plus 25% utilities. Own laundry and parking, (416)566-2542. PICKERING,Whites Rd/Finch, spacious, clean, 1-bdrm base- ment, living, kitchen, bath, carpet- ed, separate entrance, no-smok- ing/pets. $695/inclusive, available July 1st. First/last, refer- ences. (905)250-0239 PICKERING, WHITES/FINCH, walkout 2 bedroom, spacious, gas fireplace, separate entrance., quiet area, avail immediately. no pets/smoking. Please call after 5 or weekends (416)602-8736. PICKERING-one bedroom newly renovated ground floor, $700/incl. util. Also 2nd floor -1 1/2 bedroom $750, Both-1 parking. Available immediately. References req'd. no pets/smoking. (905)427-6282; (905)424-2604 PORT PERRY,Walk to Lake Scugog. Enjoy a peaceful, beautiful town. Extra large 3 bdr. approx, 1200sq.ft in a well kept, quiet 3 story apt. Balcony, parking, storage, Security Video. No dogs. Call 905-985-3406, 905-430-7816 PORT WHITBY 1722/1724 Duffe- rin St. Newly renovated spacious, 2-bedrooms. Available July/Aug. $835/mo. Laundry, parking, walk to GO, 401/Brock St. Near sports arena, shopping. 1-800-693-2778 QUIET, SOUTH-WEST Whitby neighbourhood, legal 1-bedroom basement, separate entrance, c/air, utilities, cable/pay TV, own laundry included. Close to GO. Suit working person. No smok- ing/pets. $700, Aug.1st (905)430- 8817. Regency Manor 2-BEDROOM extra-large in quiet bldg, freshly painted, in beautiful Whitby neighbourhood. Ideal for adults & seniors. clean building. insuite storage, onsite laundry. Incredible value! 905-668-7758 viewit.ca (vit #17633) RITSON/ADELAIDE 3 bedroom bright main floor apartment in quiet house. New hardwood floors, paint, bus stops at door, coin laundry, parking $1100.00 plus hydro. call 905-426-5844 for appt. SOUTH EAST AJAX,2-bdrm bsmt, sep. entrance, laundry avail., parking, backyard, close to all amenities/school. No pets/smoking. Avail. Aug. 1st. First/last. $750/mo inclusive. (416)625-6367 SPECIAL DEAL - Oshawa, Blooor/Park, large 2 bed. apt. with balcony. Free parking, coin laundry, inclusive $775/mo. July 1st. No dogs. Call 905-924-6075. SPRING IS HERE! 13th MONTH FREE! Oshawa. Great Location. Bachelor, 1, 2 & 3 bdrm apts. Large units. New carpeting, win- dows, security. Near schools, amenities. Call us TODAY! 1- 866-601-3083 or (905)438-1971 www.apartmentsinontario.com SUBLET OR TAKE-OVER lease 2 bed. apt, close to Oshawa Cen- ter and schools, laundry on-site, security, storage, parking, $835+ electricity. Phone cell 416-676- 7585. WEST PICKERING, Elegant 2 bedroom basement apartment in upscale home and neighbour- hood. All inclusive, including cable/laundry. No smoking/pets. $925. Available July 15. Call 905-509-4779. WHITBY APARTMENT, legal, private, large, bright 1 bedroom lower level, walk-out. Near Dun- das/Thickson Rd. Parking, pri- vate entrance, cable, private fur- nace, fridge, stove, wash/dryer in- cluded. Hydro, gas included. No pets/smoking. Ideal for retired couple, quiet area. Available Au- gust 1st. first/last, references re- quired. Call (905)666-1997 WHITBY Brock/Dundas. Near Go Tr ain, Price-Chopper & No-Frills. 2 spacious bedroom apt. available now. 1-Parking. $825/month. Audry 905-665- 5621, Banani (416)269-4976. WHITBY DOWNTOWN,Bachelor apt., brick walls, high ceiling, hardwood floor, open-concept. $750 includes air, all utilities, laundry facilities. First/last. refer- ences. July 1st. Call (905)430- 8327 WHITBY EXTRA-LARGE 2 bed. apt. 1100-sq.ft. in basement of new bungalow, sep. entrance. All appliances, a/c, laundry, close to bus/all amenities, immediate. No pets. $850+util. (416)845-4050 WHITBY NORTH WEST - upper duplex 2 bedroom. Carpet, pri- vate drive, driveway, carport, no pets. $950/mo. inclusive. Avail. August 1st. 905-668-8967 or 905- 668-8667. WHITBY, AVAILABLE immedi- ately, large, 1-bedroom basement apt., separate entrance and drive- way very clean, laundry, non- smoker, suits single person. $700/month inclusive. Call 905- 706-5520. AJAX, ONE BEDROOM pent- house-$1225/month. Newly renovated. Available immediate- ly-includes everything. Quiet. Luxurious building. Sauna. In- ground pool. Squash. Tennis. Huge balcony;great view. Under- ground parking. David Beaton (905)683-5000. ONE BEDROOM APT.with solarium. Located at 1625 Pickering Parkway. Available August 1. $1000/mo., first/last. 1 year lease. Call 905-683-1389. $0 DOWN- AN UNBEATABLE DEAL! own your own home. Carries for less than rent. OAC. Minimum income required per household is $40,000. Please call Aurelia Cosma, Remax Spirit Inc. 1-888-732-1600 or (905)728- 1600, 24 hr. pager. -AA AWESOME OPPORTU- NITY!NO MONEY DOWN. Own your own home from $650/month. $40,000+ family income, Rea- sonable Credit - up to $20,000 cash back. Call Ken Collis, Coldwell Banker 2M Realty Brkr, Serving the public for 32 years. (905)576-5200 or 1-866-576- 5200, kencollis@sympatico.ca 3 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT Duplex,main floors, beautiful Grandview/Cherrydown Oshawa. Magnificent view of city. Spectacular sunsets. 4 appliances, gas fireplace, fenced yard, new shed, double driveway, avail. July 15th. First/last, $1050+ utilities. (about $130). No pets/no- smoking, references. (905)404- 9489 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW with garage northeast Oshawa. Newly renovated, immaculate, big back- yard, suitable for family. $1500+utilities. Will consider short term renting. (905)720-2307 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Oshawa, available immediately $1000/mo + utilities. Fenced yard, single garage. For further information call (905)263-8129 3-BEDROOM HOME, Westney/Hwy 2, parking for 2 cars, air, 2 baths, near Go bus & schools. Available August 1st. $1400+ utilities. Call Essam (905)231-0160, 416-526-3050 A ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL 4- bdrm house, 2 kitchens, 2 bath- rooms, jacuzzi, gas f/p, close to shopping, schools & church. Ade- laide/Wilson. Avail. July 1st. No pets. $1300/mo inclusive. (905)431-1616 40 MINUTES NORTH of Oshawa, 2200sq.ft. Main floor laundry, in town on water front park. 1+ Acres, built 2002, close to schools, shopping, Main St., parks, playgrounds, walking trails, boat ramp, docks, lift locks and hospital, 3-bedrooms, 2 bath, town sewers and water. $1350 (239)287-1546 E-mail an- drew@envirocore.net A ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month. Up to $15,000 cash back to you! Require $35,000 + up family income and reasonable credit. No down pay- ment required. Why Rent! Call Bill Roka, 25 years as top sales rep with world's leading realtor. Re- max Spirit (905) 728-1600, 1-888- 732-1600 AJAX 3-BEDROOM, main floor, beautiful new bathroom, hard- wood, $1050/month+ 60% utilities. 2-bedroom new legal basement $795/month+ 40% utilities. No smoking/subletting. Pets ok. References/credit print- out mandatory. (604)609-9948 AJAX RAVEN CROFT/ WESTNEY 3 bedroom house and 1 bedroom basement, close to schools, bus, shopping. Call 416-710-8679 for more informa- tion AJAX, 3 BEDROOM townhouse, yard and parking. Near park, school and shopping. One month free. $825 plus utilities. (905) 683-6203 AJAX,Harwood/Hwy 2.Brand new 4-bdrm. Det.Carpet, hardwood, ceramic flooring up- graded cupboards, f/p, Amenities. Available. $2200/mo+ utilities. (905)783-4529. BOWMANVILLE BEAUTY! 5 years young, up and coming neighbourhood, conveniently lo- cated at Waverly Rd./Longworth Ave.Exceptionally clean, 3 bed- room home. Master bedroom with walk-in closet. Main floor powder room and 2 additional bathrooms upstairs. Ceramic tiles on main floor also featuring carpet. Kitchen contains new appliances and pantry. Wash- er/dryer in freshly painted base- ment with office . Nice size den over garage with gas fireplace. Forced air/heat. Access to gar- age from house. Large lot, 4 car parking. Comfortable size back- yard, neatly landscaped with wooden shed. Friendly neigh- bourhood, family-oriented and quiet. Minutes from all amenities. A must see! $1600/month. Available July/August. Please call 905-809-3365 or e-mail to : alexanderthefirst1@lycos.com. LAKE SCUGOG waterfront, 1 bedroom north of Port Perry, swim, fish, dock. Suitable for couple/single. $900/month. First & last. Avail. now or rent for sea- son (rates apply). (705)786-3904 NORTH OSHAWA -Steven- son/Annapolis - 3 bedroom, main floor only. Excellent neighbour- hood, extra clean, includes laun- dry/appliances, sep entrance, no pets/smoking, Available July 1st. $1195/inclusive. (905)424-1125 OSHAWA - 3 BEDROOM bunga- low, Park Rd/Phillip Murray, close to schools, GM a $975/mo.+ utilities and appliances. Available July 1. Contact Rosa (905)723- 8044. OSHAWA DETACHED 4 bdrs., 3 1 baths with finished basement and large yard in central location - walk to shopping/schools/public transport. Quiet court. $1,100 - $1,200. Call 416.410.6182 OSHAWA Harmony/Bloor Large 3-bdrm home, ravine walkout basement, 3 bathrooms, garage. Avail. July 1. Will consider short/long term renting, pets ok, no smoking. $1300+utilities. 905- 721-1737 OSHAWA SIMCOE/BLOOR Newly Renovated 3-bdrm w/Den, Near 401. Complete house w/pri- vate backyard, 2-car driveway, and 4-new appliances. No smok- ing/pets. $1100+util. Ref/Credit check, 1st/last. Avail. July 1st 905-426-4080 PICKERING - BROCK/DELL- BROOK,excellent 4 bedroom, fully renovated, two full baths, 1 powder room, central air, double car garage, $1350 plus utilities. plus 2 bedroom basement apart- ment, separate entrance, 1 car parking, $850 plus utilities. Nice neighborhood, no pets/smoking, July lst. (416)648-7451. PICKERING - Liverpool/Bayly. Updated 3-bedroom main-floor bungalow, own laundry, large liv- ingroom/diningroom, 2-parking. No smoking/pets. Available now. $1250/inclusive/first/last. 905- 831-8867. PICKERING,Liverpool/Bayly, Bachelor/1 bedroom basement apartment, $700 inclusive. Fully renovated, large, laundry, Near amenities/beach. Available imme- diately. After 4pm (905)509-2335, Cell 416-998-3758 ROUGEMOUNT/HWY 2,large 3- bedroom walkout basement apt., nice neighbourhood, near amenities, 1 parking. $1050/month. first/last. Avail Au- gust 17/Sept 1st. No smok- ing/pets. (905)509-9849 STOP RENTING, BUY NOW! We have several 3 - 5 bedroom homes with 2 baths and finished basements available with rent-to- own terms. Best Neighbour- hoods. Start building your future today. Homes starting from $1295/month and low money down. We can help YOU! Tel: 905-443-3111, 416-855-6685 www.perfecthabitat.com WHITBY,Anderson/Dundas. 3+1 bdrms, whole house, 3 baths, c/a, double garage, finished bsmt., fenced-in yard. $1500/mo+ utilities. Avail. August 1st. Call (905)665-3222 3 & 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUS- ES, North Oshawa. 4 appliances, attached garage. From $1250/month + utilities. Available immediately. Call Bob (905)706- 6731 AJAX-HARWOOD/ROSSLAND: TH 3 bedrooms, Fin Bsmt, Fenced Yard, Garage, Air, 2 Full Baths, Appliances, Beautiful Hardwood Floors, Close to Schools and Parks. Available Aug 1st $1300 + Call Condolyn Management 905-428-9766 BRADLEY ESTATES 10 Bassett Blvd. Whitby. (Brock & Manning) Upgraded 3 bedroom Townhouse Available August 1st $1225/mo. + utilities (lst Month - $150 off) *5 appliances *Central air *Private garage - No Pets. Call to view: 905-217-9974 or 416-937-8070 BRADLEY ESTATES 10 Bassett Blvd. Whitby. (Brock & Manning) Upgraded 3 bedroom Townhouse Available August 1st $1225/mo. + utilities *5 appliances *Central air *Private garage - No Pets. Call to view: 905-217-9974 or 416-937- 8070 BRAND NEW 3 bedroom town- house, Shoalpoint/Bayly Ajax. Master with 2pc ensuite, 5 appli- ances, single garage, available immediately. $1450/mo. No smoking, adults preferred. (416)884-7379 anytime or 416- 284-7379. HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units Avail. immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. NORTH OSHAWA - 3 bedroom townhouse, large kitchen, walkout private yard, modern windows, gas heat, rec-room, includes fridge, stove, parking, $895 +util. (905)723-0393 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 21, 2006, PAGE B7 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE •Infants and older, welcome •Small group settings •Programming to support child •Care close to home •Licensed under Day Nurseries Act Call 905-509-1207 to find out more OSHAWA, SEMI-TOWNHOUSE. 2-bdrm+. Harmony/Olive. 4-plex semi-townhouse, spacious/clean, 3-floors, fin. basement, 1-park- ing, shopping/schools/bus route, no smoking/pets. $860 plus utilities. Avail. July. First/last/ref- erences. (905)686-5591 or leave msg. PICKERING 3 bedroom town- house, backs onto ravine, near GO & Shopping, 4 appliances, avail. Aug. 1. $1150 plus, 905- 686-3201 A SEPARATE ROOM for rent, Pickering, $350 inclusive, quiet home, available immediately, near shopping & amenities. Fe- male preferred. Call (905)426- 1974, leave message if not home. AJAX.2 rooms for rent, use of driveway, share kitchen and bath. Single working person preferred. No smoking/pets. $450/$400 month. Near Bus/Go Station. (905)683-8749 BROCK RD/FINCH,1 furnished room, clean quiet home. TV, DVD,internet, parking included. Share bathroom and kitchen. Must love animals, available im- mediatley. First/ last. No smoking. $400/mo. (905)426-8525 BROCK/HWY. #2 Furnished and unfunished rooms for rent. Must be working and a non-smoker. 905-427-7444. LARGE, BEAUTIFUL HOME, with large property. Looking for 2 roommates. References. Must be employed. 647-291-9005. PICKERING, Large 1-bdrm apartment, separate entrance, non-smoking, no pets, $750/mo all inclusive, Liverpool & Hwy 2 (905)839-9551 3 BEDROOM HOME LIVER- POOL/HWY. 2. In quiet neigh- bourhood. Close to all amenities. $600/month includes everything! Available now! Students wel- come! 905-492-1360. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, 6yrs. old, Whitby. Large master bedroom with en-suite, walk-in closet. $500/inclusive. Cable, in- ternet, avail. immediately, 1-park- ing (905)666-7856. A FURNISHED ROOM -Full use of house, laundry, parking, non-smoker. South Oshawa, $410/month includes utilities, first/last. Dave 905-391-7435 AT BLOOR & SIMCOE, Oshawa.Share furnished apt with 2 males. Near all amenities, cable/internet, patio-deck, parking included. Available immediately, lst/last, $500/mo inclusive, View- ing (905)433-4088. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, Clean, quiet house for mature person (male preferred). Ajax and Pickering houses. Rent from $465/inclusive, furnished, cable, internet, telephone, laundry, parking. Private residences in respectable neighbourhoods. 905-391-3809. SHARED ACCOMMODATION- $450/mo. Non-smoker preferred. Close to Go Transit, Oshawa Centre, 401. Parking, utilities and cable included. First/last. Available now. 905-718-6471. WHITBY -Garden/Dundas. 2 rooms available in townhouse, parking, laundry. Share all fa- cilities. Non-smokers, no pets. $475/mo.inclusive. First/last. 519-894-1843, 519-241-9586 or 1-877-893-2963. 4 Beautifully renovated cottages in Haliburton Highlands on 2 acres of paradise. All new furni- ture, mattresses, barbecue, patio set, large deck. Each cottage right on water. Great fishing on Halls Lake. Large dock, kayaks, canoes, paddleboat, fishing boats. From $900 week. Glengar- rian Resort. 888-489-3779 COTTAGE FOR RENT - Burleigh Falls, 1 hr. 15 from Oshawa, beautiful property good swimming and fishing. July/August rental. $900 per week. Call (905) 576- 6024 CURVE LAKE,2 lakeside cottag- es. $600/week or $450/weekend. Fully furnished, 2-bdrms, kitchen, electricity, hot/cold water, very private. Call Dorothy (705)657- 8045 or email: dorothy@curvelakefn.com FISHERMAN'S PARADISE RESORT, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom cottages as well as serviced camping sites. Boat/motor rental and docking. Fantastic fishing, beautiful sunsets. To Book Call 705-653-1537. Or visit our web- site at: www. fishermansparadiseresort.com SUMMER SPECIALS - Pidgeon Lake, near Peterboro, 2 people, $300 per week 4 people, $400 per week. Fishing, swimming, boat rentals, 1-705-292-9381 or www.ennismoreinn.com 2001 COLEMAN SUN VALLEY 2 Kings, 2 doubles, furnace, 3-way fridge, bike rack, add-a-room. Extremely clean. $8900. Call 905- 831-1776. 2004 FLAGSTAFF tent trailer, 8 ft. sleeps 5. Excellent condition. Fridge, furnace, heated mattress- es, screen room. Hardly used $6800 obo. 905-999-4126. 98 STARCRAFT GALAXY,12' Box, 2 King and 2 double beds, In/Out stove, 3 way fridge, ther- mostat controlled heater, privacy Add-a-Room, electric breaks, $5500. (905)697-0669 CAMPER/TRAILER,1996, 12' box, with side slide-out, opens to 22'. 3 way fridge, furnace, elec- tric break, 13" wheels, price, $5600. Call Bill (905)743-9743 RICE LAKE Large seasonal 10 new sites. Pool, beach, docking. Tr ailers on-site for sale, Park Model rentals weekly. Call (705)696-3423. Website: www.dreamlandresort.on.ca 92 RINKER 235 Cabin cruiser, V8, 5.7L, Bravo 2 out-drive, AFT cabin, fridge, water tank, standing pumpout washroom, sink, shore- power, great shape. $19,500 o.b.o.(Trailer available). (905)404-2861, 905-432-0580 CEDAR STRIP Penn Yan, 12 ft. rowboat, circa 1950, excellent in- terior $1500; MOHAWK alumi- num birchbark canoe, with black rubber $500; (905)655-8293 or 905-439-8295. HUGE SALE - canoes, kayaks, and camping equipment. June 17th - 18th. Canoes and kayaks from $399. Beside Kirby Burger, Hwy. 115/35..905-983-5928, 416- 473-0589. PORTS CRUISING GUIDES is expanding the dealer network for Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe cruising guide (new edi- tion May 2006); Lake Ontario & Thousand Islands; Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron. Interested dealers/retailers call 416-691-0488; email: orders@ports books.com. 2004 F-7 ARCTIC CAT with less than 700km, $9,000. Call 905- 725-9989 LOST DOG - 1 yr. old Shih Tzu, beige mix with red collar. Very friendly. Lost in the Manning & Anderson area, Whitby. Please call 905-666-4292. ARE YOU A GENT (SWM 58-65) who has a good sense of hu- mour, good morals, likes dancing, travelling & movies, if this sounds like you -Perhaps we should meet. Serious replies only. Reply File: #254, This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, L1H 7L5 SINCERE SINGLES Introduction Service specializing in long- term relationships since 1992. Toll free 1-866-719-9116 www.sinceresingles.ca Need Daycare? Wee Watch is a licensed agency which has full and part time spaces available in a home in your area. We offer:a small ratio of children per home, screened and trained Providers, unscheduled monthly inspections, educational materials, income tax receipts. For information call Ajax/ Pickering 905.686.2328 www.weewatch.com Book your directory ad Today! Sept. issue - 250,000 copies Deadline: Aug. 31, 2006 Max 25 words. Only $79. Email: advertising@live-it.ca LIVE IT! New health & wellness magazine. 250, 000 copies. Cost-effective directory ads, word ads. Call today to book for the next issue. 416-493-1300 ext. 288 PSYCHICS reader and advisor, help in all life's problems, satis- faction guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarot and Crystal Ball readings. Always private and confidential. House parties and Gift Certificates available. (905)665-3222. +CARPET CARPET CARPETS 3 rooms carpeted with Commer- cial carpet and premium pad from $289 (30 yds). 3 rooms carpeted with Berber carpet and premium pad from $389 (30 yds). 3 rooms carpeted with cut pile carpet and premium pad from $489 (30 yds). Fr ee in-home quotes. SAILLIAN CARPETS 1-800-578-0497, 905- 242-3691 ; 905-373-2260. 2000 2.9 DODGE engine, $700. 10,000lb. hoist, asking $5000. Call 905-725-9989 2005 9.9 HONDA 4st. outboard motor, used approx 6 times. $1,950. Call (905)619-2488 4 MUSTANG 4-bolt Pony rims, comes with 4 new Bridgestone Z Rated tires, $1000 obo. 705-878- 4504. A BEDROOM SET,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mir- ror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905-213-4669. A DINING ROOM,cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- tion. New, still in boxes. Cost $11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 647- 271-5483 A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 647-271- 5483. Can deliver A1 ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. DishNetworking, FREE TO AIR. Sales, Installations, Repairs, Modifications. Ariza-700, View Sat-2000 Platimum, all models in-stock. Dish Network Service and Sales. (905)999-0362 ABOVE GROUND POOL,18x52 round, includes accessories. You taking down. $500. (905)686-1156 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES. Stoves, $149/up, portable dishwashers $200/up, 18" dishwashers in stock, fridges $175/up. Washers $125/up. Dryers $149/up. Large selection of reconditioned & new scratch & dent appliances. Parts Specialist. 426 Simcoe St.S. (905)728-4043. PIANOS - AND - CLOCKS Check out our Home Show Spe- cials! (Call for details). Our best prices this week! Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons..try our unique rent-to-own system. 100% of all rental payments apply! Large selection of upright and electronic pianos and Howard Miller clocks. Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc. Call TELEP PIANO 905-433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! GIANT CANADA DAY OUTDOOR GARAGE SALE Monday July 3rd 8am-4pm at the Knob Hill Retail Centre 1630 Kingston Rd., just west of Brock To be a vendor call (905)686-5004 AIR CONDITIONERS - NEW DANBY window air conditioners, from 5,000 - 10,000 btu $135 and up. new Danby apt sized freezers $209. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Re-con- ditioned fridges $195/up, ranges $125/up, dryers $125/up, wash- ers $199/up, new and coin oper- ated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" ranges and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide se- lection of other new and recondi- tioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress set, cost $1000, sacri- fice $250. Call 905-213-4669. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS,Facto- ry Direct, 20'x30' $5500. 25'x40' $8700. 30'x40' $10,500. 32'x50' $14,000. 40'x60' $20,000. many others 1-800-504-7749 www.pio- neerbuildings.ca ASHLEY COLLECTION SOFA & Loveseat Set for sale with 2 Ash end tables & Ash round coffee ta- ble.Paid $6000 selling for $1800 OBO. In perfect condition. 905- 571-0226. BEAUTIFUL HANDCRAFTED Pine bedroom set. Queen-size sleigh bed with matching 9-draw- er dresser (64Wx 30Hx 18D) in excellent condition. $750/set. Could sell separately. 905-428- 2541. BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 647-271- 5483.Will deliver BOX TRAILER, 4ft x 6ft. all steel, Jensen trailer, heavy duty, spare tire and dolly wheel, as new $1000 obo. (905)721-0707 BUY/SELL stair lifts, porch lifts, scooters, hospital beds, ceiling lifts etc. Call SILVER CROSS AT (905) 668-8560 OR 1-800-659- 0668 BUY/SELL stair lifts, porch lifts, scooters, hospital beds, ceiling lifts etc. Call SILVER CROSS AT (905) 668-8560 OR 1-800-659- 0668 CARPETS.Laminate and vinyl sale. 3 rooms, 30sq yds. for $319. Commercial carpet includ- ing premier underpad and instal- lation. Laminate $1.69sq ft. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Estimate. Mike 905-431- 4040 CHIP TRUCK for sale, 2 fryers, needs some work, $3500 OBO. Call (905)924-4567 or (905)245- 0364 COMPUTER TROUBLE?We of- fer you On-Site Networking & Computer Repairs/Upgrades, Vi- rus Removal & Wireless Security. We also sell New/Used Systems & Laptops. For your computer Repairs/Sales call S D L 905- 428-7559, cell 416-892-6965 COMPUTERS!! $88.00 21" monitor, 1,000's of computers, laptops, printers, servers and monitors at deep discounted pric- es. Factory certified with warran- ty. View inventory a www.homeandleisure.ca or call PA UL'S HOME AND LEISURE 905-259-4515. DINING SET, GOOD condition, table/2 leaves, 6 chairs, buf- fet/hutch. Dark pine. $400 905- 421-9563. DOWN SIZING - 2 dining room China cabinets, solid oak, good condition, one 52" wide leaded glass doors, $250., one 73" wide upper glass doors $350. (905)619-0585. DOWN SIZING:like new sofa/love seat/ ottoman, beautiful decor ac- cessories, TVs, exercise bike, Ikea PAX cupboards/storage, dresser, king size mattress/box and much more. 905-655-7751 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR (brand new) $6,000; electric bed $200; console tv, works well $25; loveseat $75; microwave brand new $35; diningroom set, oak, 6- chairs, table/1-leaf, lighted, buffet & hutch $2500/ or-best-offers; 905-240-2211; 1-705-879-6656; ESTATE SALE:Ladies dresser, oval mirror, vanity top. Man's ar- moire, both solid medium-oak, $325/set. Overstuffed floral love- seat $125. 2 area rugs, 8x10, $95/each. All mint condition. (905)655-7495 GAS FIREPLACE $350; Dish- washer $250; washer $200 dryer $200 or $300 both; freezer $150; apt size washer dryer $350; stove $150; dbl bed $150; 3-pc dresser $225; sofa & chair 6 months $800; pedestal table 4 chairs $250; 5 rattan swivel bar stool $250. (905)260-1123 GOALIE PADS 21" black $50; Goalie chest protector $40; Prism goalie pads 26" (2-tone blue/white), matching blocker, catcher $500-obo; Pentium 1 Computer w/CD Rom & Cannon Colour printer and stand $150- obo. 905-666-5175 GUN SHOW Sun., June 25th. 7:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. SCUGOG RECREATION CENTRE 1655 Reach St. Port Perry (905) 679-8812 HARDWOOD & CARPET FLOORING:Carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30-sq. yd.) includes: car- pet, pad and installation. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serv- ing Durham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam (905)686-1772 HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safe- ty Covers - best quality, best pric- es, all colours, all sizes. Delivery included. PAUL'S HOME AND LEISURE 905-259-4514 or 866- 972-6837 www.homeandlei- sure.ca HOT TUB/SPA 2006 model, all options, cover, never used, still in wrapper, cost $8,900, sell $5,000. 647-271-5483 INVALID SCOOTER,4 wheels, Green, with charger $800. Call (905)728-7803 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR GT 275 48'' cut, double bagger, snow blower, chains, John Deere utility trailer $4500. Coleman GDS Generator 5000 model $500. Honda gas water pump $300. Leave message 905-982-1999. POOL TABLE, 1" slate. Solid wood. New in box, accessory package included. Cost $6750 sell for $2300. 905-213-4669. MOVING SALE, All superior grade bedroom suites, rockers, couches, chairs, Rattan, lawn set, and more. To view or for more info call Robin (905)914-0062 MOVING SALE,contemporary living, dining, kitchen furniture, al- mond fridge, stove, dishwasher, 6'X12' regulation slate snooker table, all in excellent condition, priced for quick sale. 905-571- 6854. MOVING SALE- teak diningroom suite with buffet & hutch, bunk beds, White upright piano, kid's dresser, computer desk & more! (905)725-2933 or (905)432-4061, leave message. PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS XBOX MOD CHIPS installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. We buy used/work- ing consoles. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 RENT TO OWN - New and re- conditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast delivery. No credit applica- tion refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798- 5502. SATELLITE TV,- NO MONTHLY BILLS: Pay Per View + Movies, Sports, Adult + More! World CUP Soccer! 6 models on display from $199 and up. U-Neek Electronics, 226 Bloor Street E. Oshawa. (web:) www. uneekelectronics.com: Visit our store today! (905) 435-0202. STANDING HAY for sale. Ash- burn.12-14 acres, $100 per acre. Please inquire at (905)649-8147 TARPS - Woven Poly Tarps, all sizes from 8' x 10' to 30' x 50'. Price $7 - $90. (tax incl). Call Bowmanville 905-623-5258. THREE WHEEL ELECTRONIC Kaddy golf cart, includes battery charger, good condition. Also, Viking chest freezer, 12 cubic ft. Call 905-720-2142. WOODBURNING AIR TIGHT Stove, Welder, Scaffolding, Elec- trice cement mixer. New front en- try door system. Miscellaneous. tools. 905-683-5131. WANTED:Cash for good working clean appliances, children's bed- room furniture, adult's bedroom furniture, livingroom and c=dining room furniture, wooden kitchen table & chairs. (905)260-1123 PALLET TRUCK YALE,4000lb electric pallet truck and charger. Call (905)571-0444 AAA PUPPIES - Bicchon, Bic- chon/Poo, Toy Poodle, toy Snauzer, all $595. Chih/Pons $495. Ready now! Call Bill 905- 355-5226. ADORABLE BLACK female lab puppies, CKC registered, micro chipped, shots, dewormed, home raised. Well socialized. 905-431- 9188, 705-374-5539 evenings, www.labworld.ca ADORABLE MINIATURE POO- DLE puppies, vet checked, home raised, ready to go to a loving home. (705)277-3013 CHAMPION BLOOD Line Redbone Coonhounds AKC & UKC Registered Born May 10, 2006 1 Male and 2 Females Price $1000.00 each. Please call Sid or Ensa at 1-705-385-8392 GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTER pups, brown and white ticked, first shots, registered, ask- ing $650. Only 3 left. Great family pets. 905-349-3558. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP- PIES,1 female, 2 males. CKC registered. Two year health guar- antee. Micro-chipped, dewormed, 1st shots. Champion blood lines. Call 905-404-9453 LHASA / MALTESE PUPPIES - Vet checked with first shots. 8 wks. old. Cute, non-shedding, ready to go! Asking $575/ea. Call 905-432-4112. NEWFOUNDLAND pups, black and landseers, heart checked, microchipped, CKC registered, first shots. Ready to go the end of July. (905)623-1779 PUPPIES FOR SALE Shih-Poo, (Shih-tzu/Poodle), non shedding. 25 years experience. $750. Ask for Bobbie-Jo (705) 932-5037. SHI-POO PUPS,ready to go. Non shedding, non-allergenic. $500 each. (905)725-2655. YOU COULD HAVE your dog under control and listening in 2 short weeks. TSURO DOG TRAINING. www.tsurodogtraining.com 905- 797-2855. 1972 Chevelle SS,41,000 origi- nal miles, serious inquiries only, call for price. Call 905-725-9989 1986 MONTE CARLO SS, ask- ing $12,000 - a must see! Call 905-725-9989 1989 CHEVY CAVALIER Z24, e-tested, auto, 2.8L, $750/obo. Jessie 905-433-8831; 905-922- 6503 1991 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM, white, good condition, ps, a/c, $800 obo..Phone 905-436-1587. 1992 BUICK REGAL Grand Sport, 215,000km, all leather, ful- ly loaded, asking $950/obo. 905- 725-9031. 1992 SUNBIRD, pw, pl, A/C, cas- sette, 140,000 kms., sold certified and E-tested, $2,500 OBO. 905- 753-8444 daytime, night 905-753- 2713. 1994 BUICK REGAL,excellent running condition, good body, asking $2,000 o.b.o. Call (905)725-9653 1997 FORD TAURUS wagon SE, 148K, $4,495., 1994 Pontiac Grand Am, 130K, $2,995., 1994 Buick Century 158K, $l,995., All vehicles above e-tested and cert. Also 1996 Ford Taurus $500. (905) 925-2205. Also Warranty Available Dealer. 1998 CADILLAC DEVILLE,for- est green, fully loaded, certified and e-tested. 2nd owner, well maintained. 140,000 kil., $7,500. Cell number (647)895-4647 1998 CHRYSLER CONCORD LXI fully loaded, air, leather interi- or, CD player, 170-km, safe- ty/emission tested. Excellent con- dition $3700. Must See! Call 905- 686-9321 or cell 416-807-6524 2001 CHRSYLER SEBRING LX, silver, 148,000-kms, air, cd, cruise, auto, p/w, p/l, 4-dr., certi- fied. Mint. $5,495. (905)718-2058 KAHN AUCTION CENTRE 2699 Brock Road. North, Pickering, ON (3 miles north of Hwy. 401 exit 399) 905-638-0041, www.kahnauctioncentre.com Thursday, June 22nd Preview 5 p.m. Starts 6:30 p.m. The word is out. For great deals, come to Kahn's. Check out our Oak Teacher's Desk, Oak Roll top Computer Desk, Chippendale China Cabinet, Bow Front China Cabinets, Bar Unit, Carved Chinese Coffee Table & Stools, a good selection of Dining Room Suites, a Harvest Table, wooden Hall Stands, stately Grandfather Clocks, a Wicker & Upholstery Couch & a Grey Whirlpool Bathtub. Also don't forget we have Bedroom Suites for every taste such as the Country Pine, Rope & Pillar, Leather & Stud and Mission Oak. As well we have 9 Sofa sets to offer including a Micro-fibre set & Theatre seating for your private home theatre. Top this off with beautiful Tapestries or maybe a lasting piece of art. We offer prints from Robert Bateman, Walter Campbell, the Group of Seven as well as many others.There is a print for every taste. Don't miss our upcoming Hardwood Flooring & Home Renovations Sale, Monday, June 26th at 6:30 pm & our Holiday Sale, Saturday July 1st 11:00 am -Auctioneers- Peter Raithby & Anthony Wagler "Want excitement? Go to an Auction!" ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, June 24th, 10:00 a.m. Selling the Machinery, Shop equipment, Tools, Antiques and Collectibles and Model T Ford, for the estate of Harvey Wilbur, 1486 Conc. Rd. 7, Enniskillen West (North from Taunton rd. Mitchell’s Corners on Enfield Rd. To Flashing Light and West on Conc. 7 to #1486) 3pth Sickle Mower; 3 pth Landscape Rake; Case 580D Ex- tend A-Hoe w/Loader; Concrete Breaker and 3 Buckets; Lincoln 300 Shield Arc Portable Welder (6 Cyl. Gas on Wheels); Miller 200 Spoolmatic Tig Welder (for Aluminum); Dip Pak 250 Mig Welder; Miller 225 Thunderbolt Electric Welder; Oxy-Acetylene Torches; Ford 4 cyl. w/Hydraulic Po w er Pump; 12 Ton Hydraulic Pipe Bender; 7 ft. Steel Bench w/6in. Vise; Bench Grinders; King Standing Drill Press; Johnson HD Power Hack Saw; DeVilbiss Twin Shop Compressor w/Honda Gas Motor; Steel Rack and Quantity of I Beam; Iron, Material and Scrap; Milwaukee Sawzall; Makita 12 in. Chop Saw; Power Tools; Air Tools; Quantity Mechanic Tools and Chests; Sockets and Kits; Anvils; Power Pacs; gas Motors; Air Pig; compressor Parts; Shelving; Benches; clamps; Wood Fired Water Boiler; Diesel Sala- mander; Truck Fuel Tank; 2 Pick up Tool Boxes; Buzz Saw; Quantity Firewood; 24 ft. Aluminum Ext. ladder; Push Mowers; chain Saws; JD140 Riding Mower (48in. Hydrostatic); 1989 Astro Van (as is); FMC Static balancer; Quantity of Old Toys (Tonka); Nail Kegs; Old Fuel cans; Lanterns; Oil Lamps; Blow Torches; Horse cutter; Walking Plows; (Cockshutt Kid No. 2); Old White No. 6 Threshing Machine; Old 2 Furrow Plow; Ornamental Bi Plane on Post; Old Tins; Cast and Electric Signs; License Plates; Nu- merous Antiques and Collectibles; 1927 Ford Model T 2 Door Coach (Partially restored and disassembled); and a wide variety of Other arti- cles. Owners Moving - Everything Sells Terms, Cash, Approved cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEERS Frank and Steve Stapleton, Newtonville (905) 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.stapletonauctions.com 'estate specialists since 1971' CLEARING AUCTION Saturday June 24th 9:30 AM THE BARN Located in Kendal. Take Newtonville Rd. (Durham Rd 18) North to Kendal or 115 Hwy. to Kirby & East on Durham Rd. 9 to Kendal & Watch for Signs. Auction features the contents from the Barn, selling a complete line of used articles from past to present, vehicles, trailers, 18x12 cedar shed, antiques, collectables, household effects, electronics, appliances, tools, partial list 38', 35' & 18' mid 70's house trailers, 64 International p/u, 91 GMC p/u, 78 Ford cube van, 88 Fiero parts car, com- mercial signs, safes, antique tables, chairs, couches, pump organ, desk, scales, coffee grinder, fireplace mantle, collectables, glass & china, pictures, books, kitchen sets, office equipment, jewelry, barnboard, misc. scrap, wedding dress, old doors, plus many more useful articles. NOTE:This is a large auction with many boxlot items. Bring your lawn- chairs & plan on spending the day, something for one & all. Te r ms Cash, Visa, M/C & Interac. (see: www.macgregor. theauctionadvertiser.com) MacGregor Auctions 905-987-2112 1-800-363-6799 (905-718-6602 Auction Day Only) ANTIQUES IN THE FIELD 4th Annual Antique Show and Sale Sunday, June 25, 2006 Show Time 9:00 am to 4 pm Admission $3.00/person, Children under 16 FREE, FREE parking 2061 Brown Line, R.R. #5 Peterborough, ON K9J 6X6 Phone (705)745-0679 Email: nfraser@sympatic.ca SPECIAL FEATURE 1. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Luis Araujo of Treasure of China Inc. Restoration and repair of China and porcelain 2. BILL LEGERE OF DR. CLOCK Restoration and repair of antique clock and time pieces. Owners or collectors of sick antique clocks, come talk to Doc about your clock. 3. FRASER'S FURNITURE RESTORATION Restoration of Antique Furniture Come talk to the experts about restoration of you heirlooms Refreshment on the grounds ESTATE AUCTION STAPLETON AUCTIONS, NEWTONVILLE FRIDAY, 5:00 P.M. JUNE 23 Selling the attractive contents from the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Ingram, Port Hope: Canadel Oak Sideboard; Oak 5 pc. Dining Set; 9 pc. Malcolm Dining Room Set; 3 pc. Plaid Sofa Set; Single Sofa Set; Wingback Chairs; Occa- sional Tables; Queen Bed; Dressers; Chests; Vanity Dressers; 3 pc. Mahogany Bedroom Suite w/Poster bed; China; glass; collectibles; Mirrors; G/E Profile Stainless Gas/Electric Range; Amana Stainless Sub Zero (to be built in) two door Fridge (new); G/E Fridge (New); G/E Profile Washer and Dryer; New WIndows (1-90” x64”); lawnmower; Pocket Bike-new; etc. Preview after 2 p.m. Te rms: Cash, Approved cheque, visa, M/C, interac AUCTIONEERS Frank and Steve Stapleton, Newtonville (905) 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.stapletonauctions.com 'estate specialists since 1971' ESTATE AUCTION Sunday June 25th, 9:30 AM MacGregor Auctions, Located in ORONO - Take 115 Hwy. to Main St. Orono Exit & Follow Signs to Mill Pond Rd. Auction features estate contents from an Ajax home, antiques, collectables, household effects, Ltd. Edition & decorative art, linens, jewelry, plus many quality & attractive articles from this local estate. NOTE - A special thank you to those who attended last weeks short auction. Call For All Your Auction Needs (Terms - Cash, Cheque, Visa, M/C & Interac) (See: www.macgregor.theauctionadvertiser.com) MacGregor Auctions 905-987-2112 1-800-363-6799 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, June 23 at 4:30pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd. 4 Wooden carousel horse, 2 door pine cupboard, blanket box, school bell, walnut dining room set, 12 piece Roxton maple chesterfield set, 4pc wicker set, oak sideboard, Dun- can Phyfe table, wicker desk, dresser with moustache pulls, walnut china cabinet, refinished cupboard bottom, oil lamps, old smoking pipes, coffee and end tables, blue mountain pottery, cedar chest, walnut book shelf, crocks, telephone table and chair, dressing mirror, 3 pc wall unit, kitchen table and 4 chairs, corner what not shelf, qty of new rolls of material, Ryobi gas weed eater, Honda HR 214 elec start self propelled lawn mower, Campbell Hausfield power washer, Craftsman 14Hp Riding mower, Danby bar fridge, apt. size freezer, Hawk 2 wheel elec scooter, two 325 gal poly tanks on skids, qty. of cedar rails, 91 Hyundai Excel car, 91 Pontiac Sunbird, Qty of china, glass, household & collectable items. Don & Greg Corneil Auctioneers 1241 Salem Rd., R.R. #1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 for more info. or pictures www.corneil.theauctionadvertiser.com MON. JUNE 26 - 4PM FURNITURE, TOOLS. VEHI- CLES, 4 WHEELER at MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER - 2194 Little Britain Rd., LINDSAY estate auction of tools, property of Fred Koch estate, furniture plus about 15 vehicles, selling for Alan Lawson, Fisher, Trustee in Bankruptcy 2004 Polaris Sportsman 500HO 4x4 4 wheeler with winch, Furniture 4 p.m. - Tools 5pm: Ma- chinist instruments & tools, Machinist tool box, kitchen cupboard doors, hand & power tools, Vehicles 7pm: 2000 Saturn L Wagon, 01 Chev Cavalier, 99 Hyundai Elantra wagon, 99 GMC Safari van, 99 Ford Tarrus wag- on, 99 Caravan, 98 Mazda 626, 97 Intrepid, 96 Safari, 94 To yota Tercell only 107,000klm, 92 Ford Crown Vic, 91 Nissan 240Z, 77 Airstream trailer, 88 Seadoo, 81 Honda 650 motorcycle, Partial early list Info 1-800-461-6499 MCLEAN AUCTIONS or view at www.mcleanauctions.com BRUCE KELLETT AUCTIONS Selling the Contents of Mr. Stan Grills of Prince Albert & Others At Malcolm Sale Barn 13200 Old Scugog Rd. 1/2 mile south of Blackstock Tu esday June 27, 2006 @ 5:30pm 14.5hp. Murray Riding Mower, 1994 Jimmy 4x4 Four Door V6 (as is), 1983 USA Post Office Jeep- right hand drive 4 cyl. (as is), diningroom table & 6 chairs, china cabinet, new electric guitar, antique chairs, Royal Doulton, Wade Tea Figurines, Gree Depression, Old Hamm Radio, Waterfall Motion Light, Murano Art Glass, Candlewick cornflower, old crocks, Hockey & baseball cards, steeple clock (1900's), 1940 Horse Clock Bruce Kellett 705-328-2185 www.theauctionfever.com WED. JUNE 28 - 10.30AM - ENGINE REBUILDING SHOP AUCTION at the property of STEVE'S ENGINE CENTER - 10 RUSSETT AVE, OSHAWA owner retiring, business closed, contents of shop including machinery, Van Norman head shop, Kwickway valve grinder, Alkota parts washer, metal lathe with drill press, angle valve cutter, Sioux valve seating tester, seat grinder, 2 hole rod oven, guide liner tooling, engine stands, engine hoist, air hydraulic 5ton press, floor jack, transmission jack, torches, pullers, tools, air compressor, inventory of engines, engine parts, gaskets, some car parts, heavy duty racking, under coating equip & product, Clark lift truck, office, appliances, etc, Partial list. Preview Tue 9-4, Wed 9am to sale. Hundreds of items. Info or flyer 1-800-461-6499 MCLEAN AUCTIONS or view at www.mcleanauctions.com WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th: 4:45 pm Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques and Collectables for an Orillia home, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd., 1 km west of Utica To Include:3pc pine bedroom suite, kitchen suite, ches- terfield and chair, lamps, linens, electric snowblower, gas lawn mower, trimmer, tools, plus large quantity of col- lectibles and glassware.Ter ms:Cash, Visa, M/C, and Interac, paid in full on day of sale. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 SAT. JUNE 24th - 10 a.m. STEAM & HIT-N-MISS ENGINES, Antiques, Col- lectibles & Tools, 1947 Ford/Merc F68 flatbed pick up from The Estate of the late Bruce Carr @ 14 Isabella St., Seagrave L0C 1G0. 905-852-9538 or 800-654-4647 Details & photos on website garyhill.theauctionadvertiser.com GARY HILL AUCTIONS 905-852-9538 / 1-800-654-4647 Cell 416-518-6401 SAT. JUNE 24,10am.MITCHELL'S AUCTION BUILDING 3K E. of Omemee on #7, 5k N. on Emily Pk Rd. or 115 to Cty.Rd.10 (Cavan/Millbrook exit) go north 18k. Qty. of farm machinery, JD 1010 and 480BcCase backhoe, 995 DB and 345 Nuffield tractor both w/loaders, 1922 Fordson, 1937 McDerring Farmal, 8 lawn tractors-17.5h to 4h in- cluding zero turn, woodworking equipment, lg. selection of antique/mod. furniture and household.2 auctioneers a big sale.ID req'd, Cash/Check only. MITCHELL AUCTIONS RR4 OMEMEE (705)799-6769 Auction Sale Sat. June 24 @ 4 pm Haydon Auction Barn 2498 Con Rd 8 Haydon. ON Coins & Currency & from a Hampton home Sofa & chair, Armoir, Bar Stools, Rocking Chair, Ent. Units, Good Glass, Dishes, Group of Seven, Books, Table Saw, Collectibles.Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 1999 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS 3.1L, pseats, pw, pl, a/c, new front brakes 113,000km. $5000 as is. Call Jeff 905-448-0307 after 6:00pm. 1999 GRAND PRIX,$4999; 1997 Sunfire GT $2,999. 1996 VW Jetta $2999; 1995 Toyota Camry $4990; 1995 Honda Accord $4999; Others from $1699; Certified & e-tested. Kelly and Sons since 1976. (905)683-7301 or 905-424-9002. www.kellyandsonsauto.com NEED A CAR? LET US GIVE YOU THE CHANCE YOU DESERVE! APPLY ONLINE WWW.VILLAGE CHRYSLER.CA OR CALL 905-683-5358 OR 906-767-0951 ASK FOR BRIDGET WE GET YOU DRIVING! BUDGET HOME IMPROVEMENTS BATHROOMS, KITCHENS, COUNTER TOPS (READY IN 4 DAYS). RECROOMS, PLUMBING, HOME OFFICES Mario (905)619-4663Cell 416-275-0034 2001 NISSAN MAXIMA SE, 160,000 kms, charcoal grey, with leather seats, fully loaded asking $11,700. Call 905-372-0273. 2002 2-DOOR CAVALIER,silver, 45,000kms, standard, no air, ex- cellent condition, $5500 as is. Call (905)576-5909 2004 HONDA ACCORD Coupe, silver, 2.4 ltr., 4 cyl., 5spd., leath- er interior, dual AC, anti-theft, sunroof, winter tires/rims, $55,000km. mint condition. $23,500. call (905)655-8935. LEASE TAKE-OVER 2003 Grand Am Extended Warranty till End of term. 14 months and 22,000km left. $299/month. through GMAC. Susanne 905- 435-9960 RARE: 1990 CADILLAC Seville, 4dr, Carriage top, 3-way black, 4.5L V8, auto, leather interior, all GM options, new tires, factory rims. $2,900. 1996 Chrysler In- trepid, 4dr, V6, 3.3L, auto, mint, fully loaded, bucket seats, con- sole, Alpine CD-stereo, looks/runs like new $3,200, e- tested, certified. (905)404-8541 $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all cash for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 or (416)286-6156. ! A - ALL SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407. $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all cash for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 or (416)286-6156 $ $ A & 1 AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week anytime. Pleas- es call 905-426-0357. $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehi- cles. We buy all scrap metal, cop- per, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 $ $ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) 905-424-3508. A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars & trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 (Pickering/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whitby). ABSOLUTELY THE BEST CASH deal for your old junker. Cars & trucks wanted, dead or alive. Free p-up. Call 24 hrs. John 905-263-4142 or 905-914-4142. CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES 1997 GMC JIMMY.4x4, auto, a/c, pw, pm, tinted windows, fresh BF Goodrich tires. Excellent body & mechanical shape, clean & no rust. Cert & E-test, with mainte- nance history. $7700 call Brian. 120,000 km. $8,500 (day)905- 391-6829 (eve)905-427-6829. 2000 GMC 1500 series asking $14,000 Call 905-725-9989 2003 FORD EXPEDITION,Eddie Bauer, only 62,000-km's, V8, 4x4, auto, loaded, leather, sunroof, heated/air cooled seats, 8-passenger, original paint, pri- vate sale. Certified/e-tested, $24,500. (905)665-3222 1990 DODGE ROAD TREK Versatile van. 318 engine, white, certified & e-tested. $10,500. Call Chris 905-666-1893. 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER, automatic, 4x4, black w/grey cloth interior, 220k, (highway), Michelin tires, very well maintained. certi- fied. $5700. (416)464-5294 1997 SAFARI,panel, $2699; 1994 Ford E150 $3690; 1990 Ford F150 ext. cab $3490; 1993 Jeep 4X4 $3990; 1988 GMC RV- TV-VCR-CD-CB RADIO, a/c ice- cold $3990. Certified & E-tested. 905-683-7301 or 905-424-9002. Kelllyandsonsauto.com 1998 FORD E-350 CUBE VAN, 7.3L turbo diesel,14' heated box, well-maintained, new rad, new starter, 312k, certified & e-tested $9,250. Call Tom (905)579-3760 or (905)431-9545. 1983 CAWA 440 LTD.,excellent condition, seat recently recov- ered. Asking $l,800 with two hel- mets and cover. Days 416 209- 0034, Eve. (905) 723-5000. 2004 KAWASAKI VULCAN Classic 800. Black, windscreen, 5,800 kms. $6900.. Call Craig at 905-665-2813. DURHAM'S own dating service since 1998. Must be 18+. Friends or lovers you choose. Just a phone call away. Free to browse. 905-683-1110. ADULT DVD WHOLESALE & RETAIL $10.00 or less Delivery & Pick-up After 6pm & Weekend 905-550-7791 Asian Girls Best Service Best Price Best Quality Girls 19+, Singapore, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and more 24hrs, Out Calls only 905-260-1238 416-833-3123 Durham's Classiest Ladies Little Darlings 905-426-0023 www.littledarlings. rare-escort.com 100% discretion assured always accepting new faces top $$$$ ERICA New to Durham Escape & relax with me Brunette Beauty 416-827-0070 ORIENTAL IN-CALL Central Ajax 905-619-9945 N. Oshawa 905-429-2420 S H A Y N A New to Whitby Sexy, curvaceous and all natural Discreet and Independent (416)880-6433 Sweet Sunny & Delicious Kristi 416-709-2463 Busty Beauty Out Only 9am-4pm PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.#3 (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com 1st Choice Home Renovations basements / bathrooms kitchens / ceramics hardwood / laminate painting / decks crown molding Call for free estimates 905-767-1707 COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS & HANDYMAN SERVICES No job too small! Call Greg 905-686-5077 Need a Handyman? •Fire/Water Damage •Drywall Taping/Painting •Fences & Decks •Kitchens Certified Technician Call Syntec No up front fees! (905)725-8485 905-409-9903 renovations4u.ca ✶F/B from $6500+ material ✶Decks/Fences & G/Sheds ✶Painting & Decorating ✶Electrical/Plumbing ✶Dry Walling/Taping ✶All Kitchens ✶Patios, Paths, Interlock & Steps ✶ Windows and Doors Call Abdul 905-444-9944 or 647-722-5354 TBG Aluminum Siding ~ Soffit Fa cia ~ Eavestrough Free estimates Call Bruce 905-410-6947 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WA LLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 CROSS MOVERS Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licenced/Insured (416)423-0239 (905)683-5342 A/P PAGE B8 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, June 21, 2006 www.durhamregion.com Please read your clas- sified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be respon- sible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. CD is collection of contemporary Christian music By Blake Wolfe Special to the News Advertiser DURHAM — Karen Fretz has led a very musical life. As a member of church wor- ship teams for more than 20 years, she has helped others in expressing their spirituality through song. And now, after many years of growing up around music, Fretz has finally committed both her songs and faith to compact disc for her first pro- fessional recording. “I had done a two-song demo in the past,” she said, “and I wasn’t sure if I was going to do more. People would say that we should do a CD, and we finally did.” Titled ‘Desperate Cry’, the collection of contemporary Christian music features Ms. Fretz’s vocal talent and song- writing ability alongside con- tributions from both friends and family -- two of the songs were co-written by her husband, Matthew, and her daughters, Natalie and Bry- anna, on drums and trumpet respectively, are also featured on the album. “They (the other musicians) are all friends we played with or go to church with,” Ms. Fretz said. Even the recording itself was a homegrown effort. ‘Desperate Cry’ was re- corded, produced and mixed by her husband (Ms. Fretz shared producing credits), at the family’s Walkdown Studio. The album was completed over nearly a year in the fami- ly’s spare time. “It worked great for us,” Fretz said. “If we had a couple of spare hours, we could work on it. It was less intimidating (than a pro studio). The technology that’s avail- able takes a lot of the stress out of recording.” Another advantage of own- ing a studio, Fretz said, is the lack of concern centred around time and money. “When you’re a musician, you can have the doors closed on you pretty fast,” she said, adding that the studio is look- ing to “take on other projects” from local musicians. “It can be frustrating for an artist.” For Fretz, the spiritual mes- sage in her songs is an im- portant aspect of the music. Through her music, she hopes to reach out to fellow Chris- tians who are looking for a more personal approach to their faith than formalized Sunday services. “I’m trying to share my re- ligious experiences,” she said. “Hopefully it’s a refreshing thing if people have gotten tired of church. I’m saying there’s a lot more to faith than meets the eye. Religion is really a personal thing.” Fretz’s work with church worship teams over the years has allowed her to hone not only her musical abilities, but also her performance skills as well. Currently, both Fretz and her husband are worship lead- ers at Victory Christian Centre in Port Perry, where they lead a band of congregation mem- bers in 30 minutes of music one Sunday a month, and coach the musicians who per- form at these services. “Churches give you the op- portunity to do a solo piece,” she said. “You also get feedback (from the congregation) and the opportunity to improve your performance.” In addition to bringing cop- ies of Desperate Cry to church services, Fretz is hoping to get the album into local Chris- tian stores to make it more widely available to the public. The CD has also been sent out to Christian radio stations in hopes of getting some airplay as well. In the meantime, anyone interested in purchasing a copy of the album can contact Fretz via the couple’s website at www.firstkissmusic.com. PA GE B9 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006 P EX model shown†MSRP $15,995* $325* $335* $343* $1,450 $595 $0 MONTHLY FINANCE PAYMENT DOWN PAYMENT • Front & side curtain airbags • Cruise control • Air conditioning • Power windows & door locks • Heated front wipers &power mirrors • Fog lamps 10.7 L/100 KM highway fuel consumption> 26 MPG Before you buy, we dare you to compare Kia to the competition. 2006 SPECTRA $184* $190* $197* $995 $495 $0 MONTHLY FINANCE PAYMENT DOWN PAYMENT 6.6 L/100 KM highway fuel consumption> 43 MPG Compare the 2006 Spectra 2006 Kia Spectra 4dr Sedan LX Convenience 2006 Honda Civic 4dr Sedan DX-G 2006 Toyota Corolla 4dr Sedan Sport MSRP Engine Torque Air conditioning Cruise control Po w er windows Heated power adjustable mirrors 15 "wheels Seating lumbar support 60:40 split-folding rear seats $18,880 1.8 L/4 cyl. 128 lb. ft. @ 4,300 RPM ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ $20,615 1.8 L/4 cyl. 122 lb. ft. @ 4,200 RPM ✓ ✗optional ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ Fea tures ✔$17,895 ✔2.0 L/4 cyl. ✔136 lb.ft.@ 4,500 RPM ✔✔✔✔ ✔ ✔✔ MSRP $27,895*EX model shown† 5-STAR CRASH TEST RATING†† To locate a Kia dealer near you, visit kia.ca. 5-YEAR/100,000 KM WORRY-FREE COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY▼ 5-YEAR/100,000 KM POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 5-YEAR/100,000 KM EXTRA CARE ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE TOTAL CARE OWNERSHIP COVERAGE *Based on an MSRP of $15,995/$27,895 on 2006 Spectra (ST5416)/2006 Sorento (SR55X6) with annual purchase financing interest rate of 0.9%/0.9%. Monthly payment is $172/$307 for 60 months, amortized over an 84-month period with $1,995/$2,950 down payment. Estimated remaining principal balance of $4,091/$7,289 plus applicable taxes due at end of 60-month period. MSRPs and purchase financing offers exclude delivery and destination of $1,250/$1,395. Licence, registration, insurance, delivery and destination, dealer administration fees and taxes are not included, unless otherwise stated. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Prices subject to change without notice. †Featured models are not exactly as illustrated. Images contain available accessories. ††NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) test results. Visit www.nhtsa.dot.gov/ncap for full details. >Fuel consumption for 2006 Spectra (ST5416)/2006 Sorento LX MT 4x2 (SR55X6) is 42.8 mpg (6.6 L/100 km)/26.4 mpg (10.7 L/100 km) Highway.These estimates are based on the Government of Canada’s approved criteria and testing methods. The actual fuel consumption of these vehicles may vary. Refer to the Government of Canada publication EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide.▼Kia’s “Worry-Free Comprehensive” warranty covers most vehicle components against defects under normal use and maintenance conditions. Price, availability and specifications are subject to changes without notice. Information in this advertisement is believed to be accurate at the time of print. All comparative data is sourced from AutoPlannerTM,licensed by Autodata Solutions. Civic is a trademark of Honda Canada Inc. Corolla is a trademark of Toyota Canada Inc. KIA is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation. $172 *PURCHASE FINANCING $1,995 DOWN PAYMENT PER MO./ 60 MOS. 0.9% FINANCE APR* OWN IT OWN IT 2006 SORENTO LX 4x2 $307 *PURCHASE FINANCING $2,950 DOWN PAYMENT PER MO./ 60 MOS. 0.9% FINANCE APR* Bessada Kia 1698 Bayly St., Pickering, ON (905) 421-9191 Swimming Pools Factory Outlet • 24’ round w/pump, motor, filter, vacuum - $1499. • 16x32’ inground pool kit - easy to install, instructions included, (installation available) $4100 1-877-417-6657 Clearance of 2005 P o o l s Durham musician blends faith and song on first recording submitted photo Ka ren Fretz is joined by family and friends on ‘Desperate Cry,’ a CD Fritz saved a lot of money recording, as the tracks were laid down at the family’s Walkdown Studio. Last chance to catch Fiesta Week in Oshawa DURHAM — Fiesta Week in Oshawa, a celebration of some of the many ethnic communi- ties that make up the city, con- tinues to June 24. Yo u can visit 15 pavilions using a Fiesta Passport, which costs $8 per adult, $4 per senior. They are available at the pa- vilions. Children 14 and under and accompanied by adults are admitted free. Pavilions also provide entertainment. A list of the pavilions and locations can be found at www. fiestaweek.ca. PA GE B10 ◆ NEWS ADVERTISER ◆ JUNE 21, 2006A/P Your number is up...Play SUDOKU online at durhamregion.com Versatile Chamber Chorus closes out season with show in Ajax AJAX — Yo ur ears are in for a little variety at the Durham Region Cham- ber Chorus’s year-end concert. The chorus is made up of singers aged 10 to 18 years and it performs a range of musical styles, including chamber music, jazz, spirituals and folk music. The choir started in Sept. 2005 and has performed a number of times in Durham this season, includ- ing at the City of Pickering’s Winterfest concert series and with the Pickering Community Concert Band. Its season-ending concert is this Sat- urday, June 24, at 3 p.m. at St. George’s Anglican Church at 77 Randall Dr. in Ajax (Church Street/Hwy. 2). Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students and seniors and can be pur- chased at the door. For more information about the concert or the Durham Region Cham- ber Chorus, call 416-858-6767. Or e-mail michelleamenta@rogers. com. Fiesta Week film fest at Oshawa DURHAM — Oshawa Public Librar- ies are getting into the Fiesta spirit next week. The main branch on Bagot Street will be showing free films at 7 p.m. until June 22. Admission is free and registration is not required. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL GRADES 1 - 6 MONDAY - FRIDAY 10:00 am - Noon REGISTER ON-LINE: www.faithway.org/vbs OR CALL: (905) 686-0951 FAITHWAY BAPTIST CHURCH At the corner of Taunton & Salem Roads ~ Ajax Transportation is provided in some areas www.icesports.com CANLAN ICE SPORTS SCARBOROUGH Call today for more information @ 416.412.0404 SUMMER CAMPS 2006SUMMER CAMPS 2006 It’s Not Just Hockey!It’s Not Just Hockey! THEMED MULTI SPORT CAMPTHEMED MULTI SPORT CAMP $119.00 + GST $119.00 + GST POWERSKATING AND HOCKEY SKILLS CAMPPOWERSKATING AND HOCKEY SKILLS CAMP $269.00 + GST$269.00 + GST SKATING, SHOOTING AND SCORING HOCKEY CAMPSKATING, SHOOTING AND SCORING HOCKEY CAMP July 3-7 and August 7-11 only. $269.00 + GSTJuly 3-7 and August 7-11 only. $269.00 + GST GOALIE CAMPSGOALIE CAMPS Week of July 10-14 and August 7-11. $289.00 + GSTWeek of July 10-14 and August 7-11. $289.00 + GST Bring this ad in when you register and receive 20% off for the fi rst week of Multi Sport Camp July 3 - July 7 Take a page out of our book. 5IJTZFBSTNPOFZDPNFTXJUIOP TUSJOHTBUUBDIFEBT0UUBXBBOEUIF QSPWJODFTDPOUJOVFUPOFHPUJBUFB GPSNBMGVOEJOHBHSFFNFOU "MUIPVHI .T .D.BOVT XBT QMFBTFE UP TFF UIF -JCFSBMT GPM MPXJOH UISPVHI PO UIFJS FMFDUJPO QSPNJTF  TIF JT JOUFSFTUFE UP TFF XIBU UIF CSFBLEPXO PG UIF QSP HSBNJTHPJOHUPMPPLMJLF i*UTKVTUHPJOHUPCFWFSZJNQPS UBOUIPXUIFZTFUJUVQ*UIJOLUIF QBSFOUTOFFEUPIBWFDIPJDF uTIF TBJEi*ESBUIFSTFFJUHJWFOUPQBS FOUTBTBTVQQMFNFOUSBUIFSUIBO EBZDBSFTUIFNTFMWFTu "OHFMB #FMM  HFOFSBM NBOBHFS PG:.$"$IJME4FSWJDFT%VSIBN 3FHJPO XBTBMTPQMFBTFEXJUIUIF NPOFZQMFEHFE i*UTBXPOEFSGVMTUBSUBOEJUJT OPXBEESFTTJOHUIFBSFBPGDIJME DBSF UIBU IBT CFFO OFHMFDUFE GPS ZFBST uTIFTBJE i(FUUJOHTPNFUIJOHJTHSFBU5IF QMBOGPSJU BTJUSPMMTPVU XJMMCF IFMQGVMu JGI@E>@J@EK?<8@Ie^# l[^\k \in\cc 5IF1JDLFSJOH -''&iÌÀœ>˜`Ê ÕÀ…>“Ê,i}ˆœ˜Êi`ˆ>ÊÀœÕ«&=I@;8P#=<9IL8IP),#)'',&Fgk GIFK<:KFI -FFTMPPLJOH GPSLJMMFST GX^\*' :LCKLI8CIFFKJ)FSJUBHF%BZDFMFCSBUFT EJWFSTJUZPG1JDLFSJOH GX^\* 8KF8J 1JDLFSJOH GPS"KBYX GX^\(* &J\\;Xp#GX^\+ Order any page from our newspa- pers by calling: Ajax-Pickering: 905-683-5110 Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington: 905-579-4400 Port Perry: 905-985-7383 Uxbridge: 905-852-9141 This Week Uxbridge Times- Journal NEWS ADVERTISER Canadian Statesman BROOKLIN the Citizen Metroland Durham Region Media Group