HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2005_03_18Police only budget not reduced so far By Carly Foster Staff Writer DURHAM — Finance Com- missioner Jim Clapp called it the hardest year he’s ever had to meet the six-per cent tax increase set by council. And it’s still not known whether Durham Region taxpayers will be hit harder than that. The Region’s $825-million bud- get — $327 million of which comes right out of property taxpayer pockets — is a tight document that once again saw departments come back to the table with cuts. Each department did, except police. Their $112.7-million budget, which makes up 33 per cent of all regional expenditures, was pre- sented with a $7.2-million, or 6.8- per cent, increase from 2004 at budget meetings this week. Coun- cil had asked for a 6.5-per cent increase. “And that’s where, from a staff perspective, fairness comes into play,” Mr. Clapp said. The police budget has jumped from $42.9 million in 1990, to $71.9 Re g ion looking at six-per cent hike, maybe more as talks continue Ontario Realty reviewing City’s change to ag preserve By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — The Ontario Re- alty Corporation is looking into the City of Pickering’s decision to remove agricultural easements from some properties in the Duf- fins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. “A t this point we haven’t taken a position yet, we are reviewing it,” said ORC spokesman Jim Butticci. “We’re considering our legal op- tions and reviewing the decision of the City.” In 1999, the ORC began selling the properties in the agricultural preserve on behalf of the provin- cial government, which expropri- ated the land about 30 years ago. Once the land was sold the ease- ment was registered on the title of the property as a condition of clos- ing. The easements were signed by the City, the Region of Durham, the ORC and the owner; the City retained the sole right to remove the easements, which were to be in perpetuity. At a meeting of the regional plan- ning committee last week, Ajax Mayor Steve Parish tried to have the Region’s lawyers look into the deal and bring background docu- ments to committee and council, but the attempt failed when two councillors abstained from voting. Mayor Parish believes since the Region signed the easements too, it should protest the City’s actions. Pickering, which endorses de- velopment in the southern portion of the preserve based on its growth management study, reached the deal with developers who own land in the preserve to avoid a SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo PICKERING — Volunteer settler Brandon Gelbard uses a hatchet to cut down and move a tree that fell across the walking path at Pickering Museum Village. A settler’s trail has been set up for visitors to discover what life was like in the 1800’s. Easement decision under ORC scrutiny B R U C EBRUCE B I S S E L LBISSELL 201 Bayly St. W., Ajax, Ontario: (between Westney and Harwood) BB U I C KBUICK P O N T I A CPONTIAC LT D .LTD. 683-6561 www.bissellbuick.com The New Oshawa Built 2005 Buick Allure From Standard Features Include: • 3800 V6 engine • 4 speed overdrive automatic • Power windows, door locks, mirrors and seat • Remote keyless entry • Tilt steering • Cruise Control • OnStar and much more Allure’s refined 4-wheel independent suspension results in a smooth, controlled ride. Ingenuity abounds, all without sacrificing the comfortable and quiet ride that is a long-standing Buick tradition. The New Oshawa Built 2005 Buick Allure Cash price is plus freight, license, tax & admin. Race Relations Forum Wednesday, March 23 Pickering City Hall cityofpickering.com ® • S A L E S • S E R V I C E • L E A S I N G • R E N T A L S • B O D Y S H O P 5 0 3 K in g s to n R d ., P ic ke r in g w w w .p v w .c o m (9 0 5 ) 4 2 0 -9 7 0 0 “T r y T h e B e s t ” P I C K E R I N G V O L K S W A G E N I N C . SERVICE NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 9-4 Make a molehill out of a m ountain. Introducing the Touareg The Pickering 36 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 CASH CRUNCH Women’s shelters promised funds Page 3 ✦ See Pickering, Page 4 ✦ See Chairman, Page 4 ROLE MODEL Perdita Felicien tells kids to persevere Page 23 CAST A GOOD TALE Ajax author casting a good read Page 24 A/P PAGE 2 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com Advocates say $2M in government funding doesn’t bridge the gap By Jillian Follert Staff Writer DURHAM — This week’s an- nouncement of $2 million in gov- ernment funding to help women’s shelters make capital improve- ments was greeted with equal help- ings of praise and criticism from local advocates. Wendy Leeder, shelter services director at Y’s Wish in Oshawa, said the $304,000 earmarked for agen- cies in the central east region, falls short of addressing the real gap. “It’s capital funding, which means it will assist facilities that need to fix security systems or put in new windows... things like that,” she explained. “That’s a good thing and we appreciate it. But on the flip side, it’s not operating dollars, which is what we need most.” Ms. Leeder said the government would have done better to simply let agencies decide how to use the money, instead of designating it for capital projects only. In her address March 8, Commu- nity and Social Services Minister Sandra Pupatello said the funds will help 98 shelters make building repairs and install safety features like parking lot cameras, bullet-re- sistant doors and motion sensors. “These funds will allow people who help women and children fleeing violence to spend more time providing counselling and care, and less time trying to find the money to fix the fridge, the roof or the furnace,” she said. Ms. Leeder noted that staff at Y’s Wish will still spend a lot of time fundraising, as the challenge in- creases to scrounge up their share of annual operating costs. According to the Ministry, shel- ters are responsible for about 20 per cent of their operating costs, which include everything from hydro and water bills, to food and employee salaries. While the Mc- Guinty government introduced a three-per cent operating raise after being elected, cost-of-living in- creases absorbed most of that. “We have to fundraise between $100,000 and $140,000 every year to cover our share of operating costs... and that’s just to maintain the status quo,” Ms. Leeder said. “In Durham Region it’s getting more difficult for us to do that, with the new university, the cancer centre and all the other agencies.” Catherine Carney-White, execu- tive director of Herizon House in west Durham, said, “There are a couple of things we could access. Part of the building is renovated (and could use upgrades).” She said replacing heaters would cost about $40,000 and there are “safety items to the shelter” that could be added, such as installing flashing lights so that if the centre has a deaf client, the person would know a phone is ringing. The shelter is “a pretty new build- ing,” Ms. Carney-White noted. This year, Herizon House re- ceived a three-per cent increase in operating funds. “It’s the first in- crease shelters have had since 1995 or 1996. The world is a whole lot more expensive now than then.” The agency receives $900,000 a year to operate and being fully staffed and all 25 beds for women and children occupied. “It’s a pretty expensive operation. We rely on the community for do- nations for 20 per cent of our bud- get,” Ms. Carney-White stated. “I think all shelters are in pretty much the same way. Our core funding is pretty much the same as 10 years ago. I can’t imagine how much the inflation rate has gone up.” - with files by Keith Gilligan durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 3 A/P pickeringtowncentre.com Madison from Pickering with the Easter Bunny Saturday, March 12th ‘til Saturday, March 26th on the lower level near Sears Hop on Down for your photo with the Easter Bunny! EASTER BUNNY HOURS Monday to Friday 11:00am-7:30pm Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm Sunday 12noon-6:00pm Kids’ Easter A ctivity book with every visit! FREE! F O R A L L O F L IF E’S S T A G E SFORALLOFLIFE’S S T A G E S 5 7 0 W E S T N EY REY RD. S., IN GIANT TID. S., IN GIANT TIGER GER P L A Z A (9 0 5 )4 2 8-0188570 WESTNEY RD. S., IN GIANT TIGER PLAZA (905)428-0188 Capital costs only half the battle for local shelters DURHAM — Zero tolerance is the theme as Durham Regional Police continue to crack down on speeding and other traffic infrac- tions throughout the region. Phase 2 of Operation In The Zone begins March 21 and will focus on school and community safety zones. Officers will take an approach of zero tolerance toward aggressive and unsafe driving, and will also be watching to make sure students adhere to rules, using crosswalks and obeying intersec- tion signals as they walk to school. The first phase of the effort, con- ducted in early January, resulted in more than 1,330 charges. Durham police are working with OPP, bylaw officers and transpor- tation ministry officials as they conduct the blitz. ‘It’s a pretty expensive operation. We rely on the community for donations for 20 per cent of our budget.’ CATHERINE CARNEY-WHITE Zero tolerance in traffic crackdown P PAGE 4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com UNITED COMPUTERCOMPUTER SUPERSTORESSUPERSTORES Specials are for a limited time only and while supplies last. Prices may change without notice. Intel CE 2.4GHz 40 GB / 256 MB DDR333 52X CD-RW / 64MB Video Onboard Sound / 10/100 LAN Keyboard / Mouse $369.95 512MB DDR 400MHz $89 Intel CE-D 2.6GHz 40 GB / 256 MB Wireless G / 56K Modem CD-RW/DVD / Radeon 9000 15” Screen $969.95 Intel P4 2.4GHz 1MB 80 GB / 256 MB DDR 52X CD-RW / Radeon 7000 17” Monitor / XP Home 10/100 LAN $859.95 IncludesIncludes WindowsWindows XP HomeXP Home www.unitedcomputers.ca 1050 Brock Road, Pickering 905.831.9555 Offer Ends March 18, 2005 1 price 4 reasons to shop United Computer 3 service 2quality 4satisfaction Hope Bear from Pickering My kind of Pick up your Hope Bear at Guest Services (on the lower level) when you make a minimum donation of $5.00 to the Herizon House. No purchase necessary. While quantities last. pickeringtowncentre.com Pickering celebrating race relations with March 23 forum PICKERING — The City is commem- orating the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimi- nation with a special ceremony next week. The Pickering Advisory Com- mittee on Race Relations and Equity is hosting the 2005 Race Relations Forum on Wednesday March 23 at 7 p.m. to acknowledge the worldwide event. “We think that’s important. We also wanted to hold an event or do some- thing that got youth involved,” said Ward 3 City Councillor David Pickles, chairman of the committee. The forum features guest speaker Za- nana Akande, president of the Urban Alliance on Race Relations. A special highlight of the event is an opportu- nity for students to share winning en- tries from the writing contest ‘In Your Words’ held this year for the first time. “This is sort of our feature event of the year,” Coun. Pickles said. “I’m quite excited about it.” ‘In Your Words’ invited students from Grade 2 to 12 to submit an essay an- swering the statement, “It is impor- tant that I help stop discrimination because...”. Presented by the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity, partnered with the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board, the re- sponse to the contest was overwhelm- ing with 338 entries received, organiz- ers said. Coun. Pickles said they plan on building on the success of the contest and do a similar event next year. A first-, second- and third-place win- ner was chosen in three categories and each is expected to be on hand for the March 23 forum to read their entries. The forum takes place at the Picker- ing Civic Complex, at One The Espla- nade, in the council chambers. Pickering decided to convert easements to inhibiting orders legal battle. The developers initiated legal action against the City at the end of January to have the easements re- moved. The deal was voted on Feb. 28. As part of the agreement, the City converted the easements to inhibit- ing orders, which is an order on the land registry that prohibits the owner from doing anything with the land until there is a further order issued or a particular period of time has passed. (Following the agreement, Mayor Dave Ryan said the City still retains control over the land but now the landowners can take their fight to the Province, which has included the preserve in the Golden Horseshoe Greenbelt). In return the City received $2.5 mil- lion without conditions, as well as a forthcoming parcel of land for City use with an additional $1.7 million to develop related facilities. Also, should future development occur on the sub- ject lands, Pickering would receive a minimum of $60 million outside of the regular development charges. Discrimination essay winners speak March 23 ✦ Pickering, From Page 1 David Pickles By Jeff Mitchell Staff Writer DURHAM — Offers of rock-bot- tom premiums for hard-to-insure drivers ought to be viewed with cau- tion, Durham Regional Police said in a warning this week. Investigators say consumers here have been drawn into a scam that promises cheap insurance for drivers with bad records, then pro- vides phoney documentation once money has changed hands. “There are lots of victims out there,” said Sergeant Teresa Hutchinson. Ads have been placed in local newspapers offering cut- rate insurance for motorists who’ve had accidents or charges, as well as new drivers. The scam, which has consumers dial toll-free numbers to speak to representatives of phoney compa- nies with names like Cross National and Alliance Direct, requires people to provide information and send payments, Sgt. Hutchinson said. Consumers are being attracted by rates far lower than they’re able to get from insurance companies. The problem is, drivers aren’t actually getting coverage, although they’re sent pink insurance cards. “They’re selling nothing, Basi- cally, it’s a scam,” Sgt. Hutchinson said. “(Victims) are driving around and get into a crash and find out they have no insurance.” Durham police have received one complaint, but believe others may have been taken in by the scam. Anyone who thinks they may have been victimized should call police at 905-683-9100. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 5 A/P IT’S BETTER WHEN YOU PLAN IT YOURSELF. L.I.F.E. Estate Planner Duffin Meadows Cemetery Pre-Planning Info Package Funeral Info Package A phone call to arrange an appointment Y ES! I SEE THE BENEFIT OF PRE-PLANNING. PHONEPOSTAL CODE APT I do not wish to receive any additional information or notifications in the future. MAIL TO: 65 Overlea Blvd., Suite 500 To ronto, Ontario M4H 1P1 CITY NAME STREET ✃The Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life It’s about a community that takes up the fight! Thank you to the 9 Canadian Tire stores across the Durham Region who, for the fifth year in a row, have taken up this challenge as our event sponsor. Join us at this exciting overnight event in Oshawa June 3-4, or Uxbridge June 10-11. Visit www.cancer.ca or call 1 800 668-7830 for more information. F O R A L L O F LIFE’S S T A G E SFORALLOFLIFE’S S T A G E S 5 7 0 W E S T N EY REY RD. S., IN GIANT TID. S., IN GIANT TIGER GER P L A Z A (9 0 5 )4 2 8-0188570 WESTNEY RD. S., IN GIANT TIGER PLAZA (905)428-0188 >ÊÎ£ä‡ - .EEDHELPGETTINGITDONE Alleged cut-rate insurance scam under police investigation P PAGE 6 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER Metroland Durham Region Media Group Tim Whittaker, Publisher Joanne Burghardt, Editor-in-Chief To ny Doyle, Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher, Director of Advertising Andrea McFater Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak, Classified Advertising Abe Fakhourie, Distribution Manager Lillian Hook, Office Manager Cheryl Haines, Composing Manager Janice O’Neil, Composing Manager [ Contact us ]-- News/Sales 905-683-5110; Clas- sifieds 905-683-0707; Distribution 905-683-5117; News Fax 905-683- 0386; General Fax 905-683-7363; E-mail tdoyle@durhamregion.com; Mailing Address; 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Tr ade, Ontario Community News- paper Assoc., Canadian Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, Toronto, M5B 1J3, an independent organization that ad- dresses reader complaints about member newspapers.The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791. [ Letters Policy ]-- We w elcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer com- plaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e-mail: tdoyle@ durhamregion. com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been chosen for publication. Racial discrimination still not understood by some students W e’ve come a long way, but we’re not quite there yet. Racial discrimination still ex- ists in Pickering, Ontario and Canada. Despite the fact that people are still judged by the colour of their skin or that derogatory terms are still a part of many people’s vocabulary, there is a reason to be hopeful. Recently, more than 300 students from across Durham spoke their mind on what discrimination is, why it is wrong and how it can be stopped. They did this through poems, essays and short stories entered in a writing contest held by the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity in partner- ship with both Durham school boards. As one of the judges for the contest, I had the opportunity to read the ideas and thoughts of each of those students. Many of the entries were creative, intelligent and heartfelt. Several stories told of a young man or woman who stands up to a bully to defend a friend who is being discriminated against. It is heartening to think there are so many young people who want to help put an end to discrimination, but at the same time there were many entries that were unsettling. Based on some of the entries, it is clear there are students who don’t completely understand what racial discrimination is and even some who believe it no longer exists. While it is encouraging to think chil- dren are growing up with an acceptance of the differences around them, they must not grow up oblivious to reality. Although the overt acts of discrimi- nation that were prevalent 50 years ago in Canada have lessened a great deal, discrimination still exists today. It is important to not only teach chil- dren about the injustices of the past so they can see how far we’ve come, but also to teach them about the discrimi- nation that still goes on in the world around them. Not to teach them this might allow the injustices of the past to be repeated. The City of Pickering is doing its part to educate. It is holding a race relations forum March 23 to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 21, featur- ing the winners of the writing contest. To hear the students express their thoughts and ideas with their own voice will surely make anyone a little more optimistic about the future. Both the forum and the contest are necessary in today’s world to generate dialogue and understanding about an issue that needs to be eradicated. Danielle Milley’s column ap- pears every third Friday. E-mail dmilley@durhamregion.com. Essays an eye-opening experience Danielle Milley staff writer EDITORIALS & OPINIONS infodurhamregion.com EDITORIAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR Shelter funding falls short of its goal The Liberal government has made many promises and committed to a lot of monetary support in the province in the months ahead. A vast number of important services are provided by gov- ernment departments and independent agencies to help the people of the province, in need of funding. But, despite the $2 million promised to women’s shelters in Ontario for women facing hardship due to domestic violence, the Liberals have fallen well short. It won’t make as big a difference to women’s shelters, like our own Herizon House, serving Ajax and Picker- ing, as they’d like us to believe. Of the $2 million, $304,000 is earmarked for the central east region and, according to the people who run facilities in this region, the funds aren’t adequate once divvied up. Herizon House officials say the funding for the facility hasn’t changed significantly since the mid-1990s. The cost of living, however, has increased significantly during that time. The money the Liberals have promised ultimately enables their staff to: “...spend more time providing counselling and care, and less time trying to find the money to fix the fridge, the roof or the furnace,” Community and Social Services Min- ister Sandra Pupatello said. Instead, all indications from the facilities’ operators show it will only allow them to catch up a little, and not let them get ahead. Although appreciative of the funds, shelter officials at Durham’s Y’s Wish said the funding won’t give them the op- erating funds they truly need. Its staff will still have to spend a great deal of time fundraising to meet operating costs. The need for these facilities, like our own Herizon House, is, sadly, proven every day. Domestic violence, specifically violence against women, hasn’t stopped and unfortunately there’s no easy solution. That’s why support and funding for the women’s shelter is so crucial. The public has shown, through donations from community groups, residents and local businesses, that they understand the need and importance of Herizon House. The Liberals need to recognize that support and get on board to a much larger degree. The need is clear and the an- swer even clearer: the Province has to evaluate the needs of women’s shelters and fund them appropriately. Embrace change, or at least accept it To the editor: Re: ‘Rights are leading us down a wrong path’, letter, March 6. The letter writer states “Where does it stop? Let’s not let it begin” with regards to same-sex marriage. If laws and opinions never changed society wouldn’t evolve. Slaves would be traded and certain religious groups would be persecuted. There would be no developments in science or medicine as new, innovative theories would be ridiculed. Not too far in our own past, slaves were traded and religious groups were persecuted. It was a dark age in our history, but we have come a long way. Our opinions have changed and our society has become more accepting. We have overcome many differences and our world is a happier place for it. Society is based on change, a desire to create something bet- ter than what we have now. Our great-grandparents may not have dreamed of a world where black and white people went to the same schools or worked at the same jobs. Likewise, our great-grandchildren will criticize a society that isolated one so- cial group from another. We all need to either embrace change or accept it with a grain of salt. Pleasing all the people all the time is impossible, but sometimes pleasing ourselves affects others adversely. Tyler Rowe, Pickering million in 2000 to $105.5 million last year. Deputy Police Chief Rod Piukkala said the double digit increases over the past years have been caused by Durham playing catch up. “Policing has become very ex- pensive,” he said, adding that the region is also growing. “It’s not just in Durham Region.” This year’s budget includes 20 more officers, eight more civilians and a second street-crime unit. The police have been asked to cut $375,000 from their budget. The $73.1-million social services budget includes $25.7 million in services for seniors, $10.3 million for social assistance and almost $4 million for children’s services. The department had asked for a $3 per-person increase for the Region’s hostels, to bring the con- tribution to $39.15 per day. The ac- tual cost of each spot is $73, and hostels have not had their funding increased in years, Ajax Councillor Colleen Jordan said. “The alarms have gone off, and the warnings,” she said, adding that other regions have increased fund- ing to their hostels. But the committee members re- fused to add any more funds than what the Province says it should. “If we’re going to turn around and start absorbing what the Province is supposed to be picking up, we’re going to be in a lot of trouble,” Re- gional Chairman Roger Anderson said. He also put forward a motion to cut some of the 22 proposed new health department staff, including a second associate medical officer of health that would have cost $204,800. That position, along with seven others, was chopped. Since the Province will now cover 55 per cent of the health depart- ment’s costs, staff decided to en- hance services instead of reducing the cost to taxpayers. The move raised some eyebrows. The Region continued its man- date to improve Durham’s roads, allocating $40.7 million for projects, including widening Taunton Road ($16 million), Brock Road ($3.2 mil- lion) and $8 million on rehabilita- tion. But the budget is far from set. Several departments have to come back April 6 with cuts, and it’s not yet known how much it will cost to implement regional transit. Social services numbers are unknown. The budget also includes water, sewer and waste-management pay- ments. The final budget and tax in- crease will be approved April 13. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 7 P Classic Elegance New! Traditional Look! Rich and unique vine-patterned STAINMASTER® carpet that offers the latest look in carpet design. Perfect for a room with elegant decor. Choose from the latest designer colors. Casual Comfort Superior Performance! FibreLoc‚ nylon texture! The latest in STAINMASTER® fibre technology guaranteeing optimum wear, easy care, and stain resistance. Choose from 4 Canadian- made styles, 60 of the latest home fashion colors. Visit our WEBSITE at www.yourhomestyle.ca $3.99 Sale Priced From sq.ft. Urban Contemporary New Introductions! Great Value! Surround yourself in some of the newest contemporary carpet styles. Perfect for high traffic areas and complementing a modern decor look, these quality, easy care, long wearing carpets are available in a fresh new color palette. Your HomeStyle® is a Registered Trademark of Beaulieu Canada Inc. $2.88 Sale Priced From sq.ft. a Maid* for a year Contest a Maid* for a year Contest * full details in stores $1.50 Sale Priced From sq.ft. WinWin "Where Customers Send Their Friends!" Free Shop at Home Service Buy Now Pay Later Credit Offer available O.A.C. (Not available at all stores). Photos may not depict exact style or color of product. Installation available on all products for an additional cost. Sale ends May 31, 2005. www.carpettowne.com >ÊÎ£ä‡ - .EEDHELPGETTINGITDONE GIFTS AND COLLECTABLES T wo Moms and a Granny 905831-9341905 831-9341 621 LIVERPOOL RD. SOUTH (East Side) at the waterfront Beautiful colorful and spirited kitchen and decorative pieces, great for gifting, but you'll want to keep them McBlooms Red Hatters...Check Us Out PLUSH BEARS AND BUNNIES Soaps & Lotions Lots of Novelty Items Candles and Collectables for EASTER 527 Westney Rd. 905-428-8555 416-858-5223 AWARD WINNING WINGS $3/lb Pitcher of beer & 1lb wings $13 inc. taxes Eat in only. Mon.-Thurs. Every Saturday Texas Hold ‘Em POKER TOURNAMENT No entry fee. Pre-registration required. Scarborough 1560 Brimley #212 (Next to Bank of Montreal) 416-293-6500 $26900 PLUS GST • 25 hours in -class and 15 in- car lessons with automatic transmission • FREE pick-up from home and drop-off for in-car training • Defensive driving, skid con- trol and braking control techniques •Maximum insurance discounts • Early road test and easy pay- ment plan • Group discount for 3 or more AJAX 30 Hunt St. #203 (Next to Sam Convenience) 905-427-9960 4 DAY COURSE March 25, 26, 27 & 28 AMBITIOUS DRIVERS Train With Someone You Can Trust • MTO APPROVED DRIVER EDUCATION HWY 401 STATION ST. HUNT ST.HARWOOD AVE.HARWOOD AVE.AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE AMBITIOUS DRIVERS HWY 401 BRIMLEY RD.BRIMLEY RD.McCOWAN RD.McCOWAN RD.AMBITIOUS DRIVERS SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTRE EASTER SPECIAL www.ambitiousdrivers.com Call now! 7 days a week from 8 am to 10 pm TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Chairman calls for 22 proposed health staff positions to be cut ✦ Chairman, From Page 1 A/P PAGE 8 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com BEST VALUE FOR QUALITY FURNITURE IN DURHAM FOR OVER 18 YEARS We make it easy to purchase quality0%FINANCING O.A.C.* Hidden Compartments Dove Tailed Dust proofed drawers S olidSolid CherryCherry Bedroom Suite SpecialSpecial OfferOffer SpecialSpecial FeaturesFeatures 1 2 PricePrice// VERY LIMITED TIME Durhams’ Best Kept Secret • Always Something NEW! - Since 1986 - 1020 Brock Rd. Just 1 Block South of 401 in Pickering 905-831-9845/46 MON.-WED. 10-6, THURS.-FRI. 10-8, SAT. 10-5, SUN. 12-5 All sizes available Canadian made $199900 DOORDOOR CRASHER Solid MapleSolid Maple Table & ChairsTable & Chairs OnlyOnly 2” thick top choice of two-tone fi nish Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser photo Maple syrup on tap DURHAM – Amber Eisenhut, of Ajax, and Greig Murphy, of Pickering, took their dog Gizmo for a walk through the sugar bush Saturday afternoon at Siloam Orchards in Uxbridge. The orchard has a syrup festival each weekend with pancakes and maple syrup. There are free self-guided tours of the sugar bush and the sugar shack with a look at how maple syrup is produced. It is open Tuesday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pickering museum supporters recognized for ongoing work By Danielle Milley Staff Writer PICKERING — Four Pickering women have been honoured by the Ontario Heritage Foundation for re-creating history. Katrina Pyke, Mary Delaney, An- gela Steyn and Barbara Pleva were honoured for their ongoing efforts in the researching and writing of ‘A Spirit Walk.’ The piece is about the 1837 Upper Canada Rebellion. The four Pickering Museum Vil- lage volunteers were recognized through the Heritage Community Recognition Program for their work on ‘A Spirit Walk,’ the mu- seum’s annual production where tour guides lead groups on a walk through history. Ms. Pyke, who not only vol- unteers at the museum but also works there, thought of the idea 10 years ago. She was familiar with the style, which she said is preva- lent in eastern Canada, in other parts of the province and in On- tario provincial parks. “It’s a wonderful way for history to come alive,” she said. Ms. Steyn, who also plays both the role of volunteer and staff, thought it was a great idea. “I just thought Katrina’s idea was just so innovative and fabu- lous,” she said. “I wanted to help in any way I could.” Over the years, the women have continued to work to add detail and accuracy to the piece. “The research began and it just exploded from there,” Ms. Delaney said. “It grew with meticulous de- tails and research.” Contact with descendents of those involved with the rebellion has also been helpful. “Every year there has been edits to the script as new details come forward,” Ms. Pyke said. “It’s the families who have provided us with such wonderful insight of what the rebellion did to their family and the aftermath of the rebellion.” All of the women feel honoured to be receiving the award. “I was absolutely flattered,” Ms. Steyn said. “I felt it was charming that we were being honoured in such a way.” For Ms. Pleva it was an unex- pected accolade. “I was amazed and surprised,” she said. “I didn’t even know we were nominated.” They were selected by the City. Marisa Carpino, supervisor, cul- ture and recreation with the City, said the volunteers were recog- nized for their hard work and cre- ativity. “To have a museum like we have is one thing but to bring it to life through the work of our volunteers is a whole other thing,” she said. The recognition program allows communities to recognize individ- uals and small groups who have made significant contributions to built, cultural, natural and heri- tage garden preservation. Although they are pleased to be recognized for their work, the women are happy just to be able to share their love of history. “I really believe the past mat- ters,” Ms. Pleva said. “History for me is understanding the story of the people who walked the land before us.” Ms. Pyke wants others to be in- terested in those stories. “Since we are all historians we want to do more than just en- tertain the public,” she said. “We want them to leave inspired to learn more.” durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 9 P in your Pickering News Advertiser If you do not receive one please call 905-683-5117 A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo Accidental fire causes $60,000 damage PICKERING – Pickering Fire Services was called to a townhouse fire last week on Denmar Road. The fire caused $60,000 in damage and three fire crews re- sponded to the afternoon blaze. Chief Bill Douglas said no one was hurt in the fire that started in the bedroom area of the home. He said an investigation deter- mined the cause was accidental. Crews were on scene until after 6 p.m. Say bonjour to French opportunities French immersion night is April 7 DURHAM — Parents can learn all there is to know about French Immersion programs at an up- coming information session. The Durham District School Board invites all parents to attend the evening on Thursday, April 7 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. French Immersion is an alterna- tive program that provides more intensive French-language experi- ence for students than is offered in the core French program. It’s not essential that students come from a French-speaking household to participate or thrive in the pro- gram, officials say. A number of schools provide this education and for a complete list of schools and addresses visit the school board’s website at www.durham.edu.on.ca. Bus ser- vice is provided for students who live more than 1.6 kilometre away from the school they’ll attend. The information night will take place in Room 1011 at the DDSB Education Centre, at 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. For more information visit the board website or the Canadian Par- ents for French site at www.cpf.ca. Historic honours for four local volunteers Above, Angela Steyn and Mary Del- aney in character from one of their many Backwoods Players roles. Below, Katrina Pyke. DURHAM — Public school board trustees wel- comed a new superintendent into the fold Monday night. At the Durham District School Board standing com- mittee meeting, John Bow- yer was introduced as the new Ajax schools superin- tendent, also responsible for school councils. Mr. Bowyer is the former principal of Henry Street High School in Whitby. “We certainly look forward to your continued commitment to the Durham school board,” said board chairman and Oshawa Trust- ee Michael Barrett when he was introduced at a recent meeting. Mr. Bowyer replaces su- perintendent Martyn Beck- ett, the board’s new special education superintendent. The chain of events began after former superintendent Don McLean left the board to become a superinten- dent at the Toronto District School Board. A lesson in the history of Ajax AJAX — The Town of Ajax and the public school board are joining forces to bring some local flavour to history lessons. Wa rd 3 local Councillor Joanne Dies outlined the par tnership to trustees at a recent Durham District School Board standing com- mittee meeting. She says the idea was born after water- front plan open houses and a youth survey. “It became evident that the youth in our community felt disenfranchised in our community,” Councillor Dies said. She says youth reported that they didn’t understand the community’s history, as their parents did, and as a result the town and school board are going to work together so that students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 learn about the town’s his- tory. “We’re going to hire a summer student who is going to, with your help, look through the curriculum and identify some areas,” said Councillor Dies. Ajax Wards 3 and 4 Trustee Lisa Hill said the tim- ing is perfect. “This is such a timely issue, coinciding with Ajax’s 50th anniversary,” she said. A/P PAGE 10 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com Ê À>Vià Ê“«>˜ÌÃ Ê ÊÊ Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ", Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê*  , Ê" ÊÇÎ{ʈ˜}Ã̜˜Ê,`°] Ê Ê Ê­™äx®Ê{Óä‡ÈÓÓÈ Ê ÊÊ­-° °Ê-…i««>À`É6ˆV̜Àˆ>Ê*Ž°® ­{£È®Ê{™{‡Ó£ÓÇ Ê Ê­{£È®ÊÓÈLJ£n{n Ê Ê -+1, Ê /Ê /, - -+1, Ê /Ê /, - À°Ê°ÊÜ>`>> À°Ê œÕÌÀœÃ À°Ê>ÀŽÊÜ>`>> À°Ê/>˜˜ˆÃ À°Ê œÀ`iˆ>˜ÕÊ­i“>i® À°ÊՎʭi“>i® "ÕÀÊi˜iÀ>Ê*À>V̈ViÊ"vviÀÃÊ̅iÊ œœÜˆ˜}Ê-iÀۈViÃ\ • Dental Implants • Orthodontic Treatment (Braces) •Cosmetic Dentistry • Surgical Services (Wisdom Teeth) •Crowns & Bridges • Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal Therapy) •Treatment of Caries (White Fillings) • Periodontal Treatment (Gum Treatment) • Complete & Partial Dentures •TMJ Treatment • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) iÜÊ«>̈i˜ÌÃÊÜiVœ“i` i˜iÀ>Ê`i˜Ì>ÊV>ÀiÊvœÀÊ̅iÊ Ü…œiÊv>“ˆÞ ˜ÃÕÀ>˜ViÊ«>˜ÃÊ>VVi«Ìi`ÊvœÀÊ L>ÈVÊÃiÀۈViÃ]ÊÜiÊ܈ÊLˆÊ`ˆÀiVÌÊ ÌœÊޜÕÀʈ˜ÃÕÀ>˜ViÊVœ“«>˜Þ œ˜Ûi˜ˆi˜ÌʅœÕÀà Daily 8:00 am - 7:00 pm. Saturdays available. Same day appointments available. “iÀ}i˜VˆiÃÊÃii˜Êœ˜ÊŜÀÌÊ ˜œÌˆVi >ÃÞÊiÝÌi˜`i`Ê«>ޓi˜ÌÊ ÌiÀ“ÃÊvœÀʜÀ̅œ`œ˜ÌˆVÃt ", ", / ,/ , / ,/ , / ,/ , ", ", ", ", ÎÎÊ9i>ÀÃÊ Ý«iÀˆi˜Vi 6 /",Ê*,É- **, Ê" ÓxnÎÊ6ˆV̜Àˆ>Ê*>ÀŽÊÛi° Ê­"˜iÊ œVŽÊ >ÃÌʜvÊ7…ˆÌiÃÊ,`°Ê i…ˆ˜`Ê-܈ÃÃÊ …>iÌ® ÓÈxäÊ>ÜÀi˜ViÊÛi°Ê ° Ê­>ÜÀi˜ViɈ`>˜`Ê‡Ê *ÀˆViÊ …œ««iÀÊ*>â>® >ÜÀi˜ViʜvvˆViʓœÛi`Ê̜ 7ÊœV>̈œ˜ New superintendent, partnership at public board Education briefs MARCH 18, 2005 Seven Catholic school board employees top $100,000 DURHAM — Seven staff members from the Dur- ham Catholic District School Board (DCDSB) made more than $100,000 in 2004, ac- cording to a report released this week. Under the Province’s Public Salary Disclosure Act, the board is required to release the names, salaries and taxable benefits, of all employees paid more than $100,000 annually. Patricia Manson, Direc- tor of Education and Secre- tary/Treasurer of the Board Salary $146,488.90, ben- efits $976.14 Chris Hurst, Superinten- dent of Education Salary $129,154.16, ben- efits $861.66 Mary-Catherine Kelly, Superintendent of Education Salary $120,250.34, ben- efits $800.26 Michel Lepage, Superin- tendent of Education Salary $125,378.11, ben- efits $836.58 John Malloy, Superinten- dent of Education Salary $120,250, ben- efits $800.26 Paul Pulla, Superinten- dent of Education Salary $129,154.16, ben- efits $861.66 David Visser, Superin- tendent of Business Services Salary $129,154.16, ben- efits $861.66 According to the report, the combined salaries and benefits paid to the above employees, represents about 0.54 per cent of the boards’ 2004/2005 operating budget. AnnualAnnual CommunityCommunity GuideGuide Coming SoonComing Soon Watch for itWatch for it in thein the Ajax/PickeringAjax/Pickering News AdvertiserNews Advertiser Public board has funding suggestions for Province By Mike Ruta Staff Writer DURHAM — More money and a recognition of school boards’ unique needs. That’s what the Durham District School Board asks of the Province in an eight-page “position paper” sent to education minister Gerard Kennedy this month. It suggests funding model im- provements and increases in the areas of employee salaries and benefits, spe- cial education, pupil accommodation, transportation and the Learning Oppor- tunities Grant. Board chairman Michael Barrett in an interview says the paper is a response to the all-party, provincial task force that recently asked for budget submissions. Given that the ministry can’t implement everything right away, Trustee Barrett says the highest priorities for the Dur- ham board are in the areas of special education and pupil accommodation. Of the latter, the board states it is un- derfunded in the area of school renewal by at least $6 million and up to $28 million per year. And while recently an- nounced renewal dollars are welcome, the paper states “implicit in this alloca- tion is the assumption that financing will be secured at a borrowing rate of 5.25 per cent,” lower than the board can obtain. The board also asks the minis- ter to recognize the increasing costs for building new schools, as the grant for boards and the actual cost per square foot for a new elementary school repre- sents a 33-per cent funding gap. “It’s hard to determine if there’s going to be a shortfall with regard to new schools (fund- ing),” Trustee Barrett says. “I’m cautiously op- timistic there’s very few school boards that are in a growth position as we are.” Durham is unique in that growth is oc- curring north of Rossland Road, not south, he says. Trustee Barrett says he’s hopeful the ministry will provide funding for schools “beyond repair” such as Pickering High School in Ajax, where a completely new school is required, at a cost of around $22 to $25 million. As the ministry reviews the inten- sive support amount, special education funding process, the board “urges the ministry to consider the fact that any model must meet individual boards’ needs, recognizing that boards have varying profiles and incidences of stu- dents with high needs.” In addition to multi-year as opposed to year-to-year funding, he says the board shouldn’t have to continuously prove the need for funding for students once it has been justified. The board wants the ministry to return funding in the special education reserve claw back, which cost the board $1.5 million. The board calls on the Province to en- sure that the new transportation funding model is fair in that it enables all boards to offer the same level of service. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 11 A/P You want them to live a long and happy life. Don’t forget they want the same for you.Paid for by the Government of OntarioEvery year, thousands of Ontarians stop smoking. 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NEWS ADVERTISER Paper highlights Durham’s school funding shortfall Michael Barrett A/P PAGE 12 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com more than you came for SATURDAY ONLY SPECIALS!May not be combined with any other offer. 55%ff 14 Kt. Charter Collection® gold jewellery 40%ff women’s Olga fashion bras & coordinating panties sale $699 Ferrero Rocher 13 pack chocolates Reg. $9.99. sale $1999 men’s Lee Dungarees & women’s Lee One True Fit jeans Selected styles. Reg. $44.99. 50%ff Royal Doulton “Carmina” 16-pce. dinnerware sets 50%ff women’s ToGo™ spring sweaters Reg. $39-$49. Sale $18.99-$23.99. SUNDAY ONLY SPECIALS!May not be combined with any other offer. sale $699 Kinder Maxi Surprise Reg. $9.99. sale $2999 men’s Daniel Hechter casual shirts Reg. $55-$60. buy 1, get the 2nd at 50 %ff Market Square Hotel Porcelain dinnerware. 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When we say “PRICE CUT”, we mean the existing everyday price is being lowered temporarily. See in store for details. your purchases*all day at any of the Hbc Family of stores when you open an Hbc account *On approved credit only. Some exceptions apply. Ask a sales associate for details. 10%ff buy 1, get 1 FREE * • women’s Jockey bras • Nautica Stateroom towels • women’s regular-priced cold weather accessories •DaVinci crystal stemware & giftware •Healthy Living pillows *2nd item must be of equal or lesser value. buy 1, get the 2nd at 50%ff* •all Mantles™dinnerware, stemware, flatware and silverware •women’s pantyhose, tights & socks •Global Mind fashion jewellery & watches •women’s Catriona Le May Doan bras *2nd item must be of equal or lesser value. Pickering T o w n C e n t r e Gift Re g i s t r y G a l a Saturday, A p r i l 2 , 6:30 - 9:0 0See Store F o r D e t a i l s Trustee Trustee In In Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Trustee Trustee In In Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Advice on Proposals, Bankruptcy & Alternatives “Lets find solutions together!” Over 20 Years Experience James R. Yanch OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 905-721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. (By Appt. Only) 905-619-1473 Saturday & Evening Appt.’s Available FREE CONSULTATION PICOV FURNITURE C.C. LTD. 1080 Brock Rd. Unit 8. Pick. 905-831-6040 RECOVER YOUR SOFA BAYLY 401 HWY 2 BROCK RD.$49900 fabric included Ask about our In-Home Service >ÊÎ£ä‡ - .EEDHELPGETTINGITDONE Seed swap featured at Brooklin meeting DURHAM — Gardeners can jump- start spring with the March 23 meeting of the Brooklin Horticultural Society. Speaker Paul Sammit, an expert on container gardening, will talk about gardening without flowers. The meet- ing will also include a free garden seed swap exchange, with members bring- ing little packets of seeds to exchange with others. The group meets at 8 p.m. at Brook- lin United Church, Princess Street, Brooklin. Guests are welcome. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 13 A/P NAME DROPPING durhamregion.com 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 905-831-5431 THIS WEEK’S CAKE WINNERS ARE: 1. Lindsay Harris 2. Taylor Smith 3. Brady Bird Winners may go directly to Baskin Robbins to receive their FREE cake. (Please provide identification) PRIZE VALID UNTIL THURS., MAR. 24, 2005BASKINROBBINS “Happy 10th birthday to our darling Kristen on March 22. We love you so much. Best wishes from Mum, Dad and big brother Kyle.“ Megan turned two on March 12. “Our little ‘monkey’ is growing up so fast. Your beau- tiful smile lights up our world every day. Happy second birth- day with lots of love, kisses and hugs from Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Opa, Grandma and Grandpa!” “Special first birthday wishes on March 5 to our precious baby girl Justine. We love you from Mommy, Daddy, sister Julianna, Grand- ma, Grandpa, Granny, Papa and Uncle Mi- chael.” “Happy birthday to our son Jonah, who turned two on Feb. 11. You amaze us everyday and we love to watch you grow and learn new things. We love you so very much. All our love, Mommy, Daddy and Baylee girl.” “Dreams do come true. Now our dream is turn- ing two. Happy second birthday on Feb. 28 to our precious angel Mackenzie. Your beau- tiful smile lights up our lives everyday. Lots of Love from Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Grand- ma, Grandpa and the rest of your family and friends.” “Happy birthday to our beautiful little girl Madeline Nadine Pud- dester! On March 26, Madeline turns one. We are so very proud of you. You have brought us so much joy. Lots of love from Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Grand- pa, Nanny and Poppy.” “A pril 2 will be the first anniversary of Lindsay and Jason Doherty, who now reside in Ajax. Best wishes are being sent to you from Louise.” “Cutie petunie Mor- gan Ilyssa Allen turned three on March 4. Happy birthday little darling. We love you from Mommy, Daddy, memère, Gampa and Nana Clark, Baba and Gampa Heath.” “There were celebra- tions in the Scherer household on Jan. 23, when Jacob celebrated his fourth birthday. Happy birthday sweet- heart! Lots of love from Mummy and Daddy (Denise and Brad), little brother Chris- topher, Nannie and Grandad Gray (Moira and Doug), and Grand- ma and Punka Scherer (Sheila and Jim).” “Happy 13th birthday to Jennifer on March 10. Our beautiful girl is a teenager! Friends en- joyed skating, followed by a slumber party. All the best from your family in Northern Ire- land and here at home. Yo u’re the best Jenni- fer. Love always from Dad, Mom and favou- rite sister Julie.” There are happy third birthday wishes for Jessica Leyland on March 25. “We all love you, from baby Jayde, M ommy, Daddy, Grandma and Gram- my, both Grandpas, Great-Grandma and Papa.” “A mazing, terrific, in- credible Lindsay Harris turned 11 on March 8. Time sure flies. Hope you had a fabulous birthday Lindsay! Lots of hugs and kisses from Mom, Dad, Holly and Gus.” “Emily Powell was 12 on March 12. Happy birthday and lots of love from all your fam- ily.” “Megan is turning 10. Can you believe it? It seems like yesterday that she was a sweet little baby. Smart, funny and beautiful. Good things come in small packages. Happy birthday with love from Mommy, Andrew and Daddy.” “Robert, you are a ray of sunshine lighting our way everyday. It’s going to be great to be eight! Many hugs and kisses from Mom, Dad and Apache.” Happy second birthday wishes go to “special grand- son Noah Sutton, who celebrates his birthday on April 2. Hugs, kisses and lots of love from Nana.” “Paul and Bonnie Murphy, and Bob and Maryanne Stenton, are pleased and proud to announce the wedding of their children Lo- randa Murphy and Cal Stenton. Their special day will take place in April, 2005.” “Megan Jones turns one on March 27. Wish- ing our little sweety a happy birthday are Dedo, Baba, Daddy, Mommy and Uncle David.” “On March 22, Taylor Kaye Smith turns nine. She’s growing up so fast and Mommy and Daddy are so proud of the little lady she’s be- coming. Happy birth- day princess! Hugs, kisses and lots of love from Mommy, Daddy, Dawson and Sammy.” March is great month for “a perfect 10 year old. This up-and-com- ing hockey player also enjoys soccer, wres- tling and XBox. Birth- day wishes and love are going out to Brady David Bird from Mom, Dad, Nicole, Grandpa, Poppa, Grandmas, Tom his friend, and the rest of your family and friends.” March 19 is a golden day for Vic and Pam Rayfiled, as the couple celebrate 50 years of marriage. Wish- ing them many more years together are Karen, Rick, Andy and Kaitlyn. A/P PAGE 14 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com Memory project visiting eight towns DURHAM — Just in time for the 60th anniver- sary celebrations of Victory in Europe (VE) Day, May 8, Memory Project Road Shows featuring veterans will visit eight communities in Ontario. The provincial govern- ment is providing $200,000 for the Dominion Institute’s Memory Project Road Shows to help preserve the stories of veterans and en- sure the stories are shared with future generations. “No one has done more for this country than our respected veterans,” said John Gerretsen, Minister Responsible for Seniors. “It is fitting their stories reach as wide an audience as pos- sible, and that we remem- ber their sacrifices. The re- cords created as a result of the Memory Project Road Shows will breathe life into these histories, bringing them into classrooms, living rooms and libraries across the province, helping to en- sure these stories are not lost or forgotten.” Locations for the talks have not been finalized. Veterans will meet with archivists and military his- tory experts at public ven- ues, where they will tell their stories and show arti- facts such as medals, pho- tographs and letters. Audiences will be made up of students, family mem- bers, local historical society members, seniors’ clubs, Cadets and Legion mem- bers. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask ques- tions of the veterans. The interviews will be digitally recorded and made acces- sible through the Memory Project website: www. thememoryproject.com and through the Archives of Ontario. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 15 A/P -ULTICULTURAL$URHAM IN!SSOCIATIONWITHTHE!JAX0ICKERING .EWS!DVERTISERAND0ICKERING4OWN#ENTRE0RESENTS ÊՏ̈VՏÌÕÀ>Ê*iÀvœÀ“ˆ˜}ÊÀÌÃÊ œ˜ViÀÌ TO0ROMOTE0EACEAND#OMMUNITY(ARMONY *ˆVŽiÀˆ˜}Ê/œÜ˜Ê i˜ÌÀi]Ê i˜ÌÀiÊ œÕÀÌ -՘`>ÞÊ>ÀV…ÊÓä̅]ÊÓääxÊ£Ó\ääÊ«“ʇÊÓ\ääÊ«“ /…ˆÃÊVœ˜ViÀÌʈÃÊ«>ÀÌʜvÊ̅iʸ*i>ViÊ>˜`Ê œ““Õ˜ˆÌÞÊ>À“œ˜Þ¸Ê*ÀœiVÌ]Ê>Ê ÕÀ…>“Ê܈`iÊÀ>ViÊÀi>̈œ˜ÃÊ iÛi˜ÌÊVÕÀÀi˜ÌÞÊLiˆ˜}ÊÃÌ>}i`ÊLÞÊՏ̈VՏÌÕÀ>Ê ÕÀ…>“Ê iÜë>«iÀÊ̅ÀœÕ}…œÕÌÊ̅iÊ ÕÀ…>“Ê,i}ˆœ˜° #ORPORATE3PONSORS)NCLUDE #OLLABORATIVE0ARTNERS-ULTICULTURAL#OUNCIL/SHAWA$URHAM 0ICKERING#ARIB#ANADIAN#ULTURAL!SSOCIATION $URHAM#ATHOLIC$ISTRICT3CHOOL"OARD #ONGRESSOF"LACK7OMEN $URHAM#HAPTER +INARK#HILDAND&AMILY3ERVICES 9OUNG7OMENS#HRISTIAN!SSOCIATION ,AURA -C,INTON 0ERFORMING!RTISTS7ILL)NCLUDE ˆÃ>}…Ê />LÀˆâˆ ->˜ÌœÕÀ *>ÞiÀ 4HECONCERTALSOCOMMEMORATES-ARCHST THE5NITED.ATIONS )NTERNATIONAL$AYFORTHE%LIMINATIONOF2ACIAL$ISCRIMINATION $AVID $AM i“LiÀÃʜvÊ̅iÊ7ˆ`vˆÀiÊ >˜ViÀÃÊ ÜˆÌ…Ê>ÝÊ>ޜÀÊ-ÌiÛiÊ*>ÀˆÃ… Ê7ˆ`vˆÀiÊ >˜ViÊ /…i>ÌÀi ,4$ >ÀÀÕ̅iÀÃÊ ÀiiŽÊœvÊ ÕLÊ 7i`˜iÃ`>Þ]Ê«ÀˆÊÈÊÈ\ÎäÊ«°“° /œÊ ,i}ˆÃÌiÀÊ >Ê™äx‡{Î{‡Óä£ä ÜÜÜ°ÜiVœ“iÜ>}œ˜°V> 7%,#/-%7!'/. "2)$!,3(/7#!3% Showcase feature: Industry Experts with advice and information • Displays • Demos • Door Prizes • Fashion Shows • Gift Bags & more ÜÜÜ°LÀˆ`>Ã…œÜV>Ãi°V> Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Environmentally friendly PICKERING – Marvin Restua works on his environmentally friendly carnival ride for Design Daisyville, part of the Ontario Power Generation March break program. The kids were designing a habitat for Daisy, a hamster on the TVO Kids show. Ve te rans’ stories of war to be recorded for posterity COMPUTER FA CTORY OUTLET 1725 Kingston Rd, Unit 16-B,Pickering (Brock & Kingston, Mandarin Plaza) 905.619.3337 Business Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-8pm Sun 12pm-5pm WWW.CFDO.CA Dell Prices & availability are subject to change without any notice. Computer Factory Outlet is not responsible for typographical errors. Product images may not be exactly as shown. Trademarks and logos are properties of their respective owners With 4 AA Re-chargable Batteries 2000mAh Internal PCI to USB 2.0 Adapter Watch TV on PC and Capture Video from VCR and Backup on DVD Durham members’ fundraiser is March 31 at Holiday Inn DURHAM — The Durham La- dies’ Chapter of Ducks Unlimited is holding its third annual fund- raiser March 31 at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. Hosted by women and for women only, local firefighters will be the only male attendees, volun- teering their time to assist with the fundraiser that night. In the past two years, the event has raised more than $53,000 for wetland preservation in Durham Region and across Canada. Bonita O’Carroll, chairwoman of the Durham Ladies’ Chapter of Ducks Unlimited, said more than 80 per cent of original wet- lands have been lost to develop- ment in southern Ontario alone, and many others have been de- graded by pollution. Tickets for the fundraiser are $50 and include a fashion show by Au- drey Jane’s Casual Wear and Lin- gerie, live and silent auctions, and special raffles, all with one theme in mind — women — with such prizes as spa packages, trips and home items. For tickets or more information, call Bonita O’Carroll at 905-668-9715. A/P PAGE 16 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com Fuel efficiency takes on a whole new meaning with this limited time offer!£ FREE GAS FOR 1YEAR Winner of Car and Driver’s 10Best Award a record 19 times in 23 years, Accord also offers performance, luxury and low true-cost-of-ownership. Every Accord Sedan also includes: •a 6 airbag safety system with Side Curtain Airbags. In addition, this DX Sedan features: •2.4L 160HP DOHC i-VTEC™Engine •5-Speed Automatic •4-Wheel Independent Suspension •Power Windows & Door Locks •Keyless Remote Entry •Cruise Control •CFC-Free A/C with Micron Air Filtration •AM/FM/CD Stereo…and much more. Canada’s most fuel-efficient car in its class. ≠ Accord Sedan EX-L model CM5665JN shown Civic Sedan SE model ES1535PX shown 50 mpg (5.7 L/100km) Highway◊ SPECIAL PURCHASE FINANCING FROM 2.9%* Genuine Honda performance and quality from bumper to bumper. Legendary Honda value that features advanced engineering, unbeatable reliability, top ranked fuel efficiency and strong resale value. No wonder it’s Canada’s top selling car. The Civic Sedan DX is well-equipped with: •1.7L SOHC 16-Valve Engine •5-Speed Manual Transmission •4-Wheel Independent Suspension •Tachometer •Theft Deterrent ECU Immobilizer •Dual Stage, Dual Threshold Airbags (SRS) •Power Steering & Brakes •Exclusive Civic Flat Rear Floor…and much more. AND 60 MONTH LEASE PER MONTH O.A.C. 0 WITH 218 DOWN PAYMENT $ $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT $ ∆∆ ‡‡ Civic SE enhances the superb value of the DX with these desirable features: •Keyless Remote Entry •Centre Console Storage and Armrest…PLUS SE PACKAGE TRIM INCLUDES: •CD Player •Audio Anti-Theft •CFC-Free Air Conditioning •Micron Air Filtration •Power Door Locks 50 mpg (5.7 L/100km) Highway◊ AND 60 MONTH LEASE PER MONTH O.A.C. 0 WITH 198 DOWN PAYMENT $ $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT $ ∆ ‡‡MOREFOR JUST $20 /MO. CIVIC DX CIVIC SE SPECIAL PURCHASE FINANCING FROM 2.9%* £$1,350 Petro Canada gas card expires Dec.31/06.Applies to new 2005 Accord Coupe and Sedan (excluding Hybrid) purchased/leased between March 1 and May 2/05.Fuel cost amount is fixed and has been determined as follows:a) estimate of annual fuel consumption is based on an Accord Sedan with 2.4L engine and automatic transmission driving a distance of 20,000 km, with a mix of 55% city driving and 45% hwy. driving.A detailed calculation of annual litres used is available at www.vehicles.gc.ca b) fuel cost estimate is $0.814 per litre which is the Canadian national 4-week average cost of fuel up to the week of Feb.8/05.More information is available at the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute website,www.cppi.ca.Lease and finance offers are from Honda Canada Finance Inc., on approved credit. †Based on a 2005 Accord Sedan DX, model CM5615E (††Accord Sedan EX-L, model CM5665JN) (∆Civic Sedan DX, model ES1515PX) (∆∆Civic Sedan SE,model ES1535PX).Lease for 48 (∆/∆∆60) months at $268.00 (††$331.11) (∆$198.00) (∆∆$218.01) per month plus applicable taxes with 96,000km (∆/∆∆120,000km) allowance (12¢/km exceeding allowance).†/††$4,532.00 (∆/∆∆$0) down payment or equivalent trade acceptable to dealer ($0 down on approved credit from Honda Canada Finance Inc.).Initiation payment of $5,568.00 (††$5,640.58) (∆$279.70) (∆∆$302.00) includes down payment, first monthly payment,registration,security deposit of $0,freight and P.D.E.& taxes.PPSA is additional.Total freight and P.D.E.is $1,280.00 (∆/∆∆$1,195.00).Total lease payment is $20,053.40 (††$23,537.07) (∆$13,714.00) (∆∆$15,094.69).Option to purchase at lease end for $11,938.00 (††$14,147.00) (∆$6,642.00) (∆∆$7,266.00) and taxes.Accord leases calculated with finance rate of 3.9% (Civic 3.4%).Rate may change effective April 1st, 2005 and will affect down payment,security deposit,residual value and initiation figure.Dealer may lease for less.*2.9% purchase financing is available on select in-stock 2005 Civics and Accords.Finance example:$20,000 at 2.9% per annum equals $580.74 per month based on a 36-month term. C.O.B. is $906.64 for a total of $20,906.64. Dealer may sell for less.∆/∆∆/†/††/*/¥Offers valid through March 31st, 2005 at participating dealers only.Does not include Civic Hybrid or Accord Hybrid.See participating dealer for full details.◊As reported by 2005 EnerGuide published by NRCan.Visit www.vehicles.gc.ca for details.①Recent university or college graduates may be eligible for an allowance of up to $750 on certain models.①/πSee dealer for details.≠Based on 4-cylinder non-Hybrid models versus the intermediate class. Source: 2005 EnerGuide published by NRCan. 44 mpg (6.4 L/100km) Highway◊Accord Sedan EX-L includes all DX features, plus premium enhancements, including: •Leather-Trimmed Interior •Heated Front Seats •Power Moonroof •Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) •8-way Power Driver’s Seat •16" Alloy Wheels •Auto Dual Zone Climate Control •6-Disc CD Changer •Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel •Illuminated Power Door Lock & Mirror Switches •Outside Temperature Gauge and more. 48 MONTH LEASE WITH $4,532 DOWN PAYMENT 0268SECURITY DEPOSIT $$ PER MONTH O.A.C. AND †7 ACCORD DX 44 mpg (6.4 L/100km) Highway◊ 0331SECURITY DEPOSIT $$ PER MONTH O.A.C. AND ††‡ 48 MONTH LEASE WITH $4,532 DOWN PAYMENT ACCORD EX-L MOREFOR JUST $63 /MO. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! NO PURCHASE FINANCE PAYMENTS FOR 90 DAYS ON ALL HONDAS ¥ Now every 2005 Honda comes with 3-year roadside assistanceπ PROGRAM GRADUATE ①visit and locate your nearest dealer at: www.hondaontario.com NOW!It’s time to drive a Honda. >ÊÎ£ä‡ - .EEDHELPGETTINGITDONE DIANE COUTURE 78 Albert St. @ corner of Bruce (905) 725-2790 Advice on proposals, bankruptcy and alternatives. Helping the people of Oshawa since 1986. Book your appointment today... Ease your mind tomorrow. Tr ustee in Bankruptcy FREE CONSULTATIONS Evening & Weekend Appointments PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • UPPER LEVEL • SEARS WING • WE’VE GOT YOUR SIZE Sizes 4-15 Widths AA-EEE Comfort and Well Being with every step. MADE FOR WALKING ® Ladies’ chapter of Ducks Unlimited helping the wetlands durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 17 A/P $179 ,900 * Based on conventional financing 1 yr rate @ 4.8%. See sales rep for details. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. E. & O.E. Mon. - Wed. 1 p.m. - 7 p.m., • Thurs. by App’t., Fridays Closed, • Sat., Sun. & Hol. Noon - 5 p.m. UP TO 1,850 SQ. FT. www.rockportgroup.net • 905-420-3369 1, 2 AN D 2 BEDROOM+ DEN CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES from $796 It’s all here for you! Live at the Centre of the City! PICKERING Live at the Centre of the City! up to 1850 sq. ft. /mo p&i* Carries from GRAND OPENING BONUS* Firefighters find more than 70 cats in burning house Neighbours help transport animals in cardboard boxes By Jillian Follert Staff Writer DURHAM — A Bloor Street home that doubled as a makeshift ani- mal shelter caught fire Wednesday afternoon, trapping more than 70 cats inside. According to fire officials, the blaze started in the kitchen and quickly engulfed much of the ground floor just before 2 p.m. “There was one person home at the time. They got out and were taken to hospital and treated for smoke inhalation,” said Deputy Fire Chief Rick Newman, adding that a fire captain was also treated in hospital and released. At last count, 35 cats died and another 30 or so were saved, with a few still unaccounted for. Mr. New- man said fire crews dedicate re- sources to rescuing animals once all people are accounted for and a fire is brought under control. There is no limit to the num- ber of animals that firefighters will rescue, but in this case the stag- gering number required help from Oshawa Animal Services and the Humane Society. “It was an overwhelming thing to see,” said Debby Hunt, who brought a Humane Society van to transport cats to the clinic. “We were happy to find a few alive after the firefight- ers thought there were no more, but it was upsetting to see all the ones that didn’t make it.” Ms. Hunt stressed that all the cats appeared well cared for, and said the society hadn’t received any calls about the house. Neighbours said the couple who live in the small home at the corner of Bloor and Park have been taking in stray, injured cats for years. Many fellow animal lovers were moved to tears as they stopped cars along the side of the road or ran from nearby homes to offer help. “The kids ran to the store to get boxes to put the cats in, and we drove some of them down to the animal clinic,” neighbour Fran Brayley said. “It’s so sad because these are people that rescued cats. They had blind ones, deaf ones, cats missing eyes and ears... and they took care of them all.” The cause of the fire is still under investigation, with damage es- timated at between $50,000 and $80,000. kimo limo Limousine Services Specializing in long distances, casinos, graduations, weddings, private parties (late model stretches up to 10 passengers) Ask for Berger for more details 905-839-0457 Cell: 416-453-5696 • *We do corporate accounts* **VERY SPECIAL PRICES** (Check our local rates) A Licensed Agency Early Education and Child Care With Wee Watch Private Home Day Care “I would like to comment on the excellent care that my son received while he has been with his Wee Watch Provider. She does so much with the children and her work exceeds simply caring for children. She is an amazing person.” Norine - Scarborough, Ontario • Exclusive “Wee Learn” Program • Small number of children • Caring, screened Providers • Convenient neighbourhood location • Full time and part time care • Back up service • Tax receipts For more information please call: 905-686-2328 When Only The Best Will Do! www.weewatch.com NO MORTGAGE BROKER FEES* Have you thought about taking advantage of the equity in your home to consolidate your debt AND help you PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE QUICKER! 1280 600 160 160 165 0 2,365 www.mortgageintelligence.ca A GMAC Company The example above is for illustration purpose only. Individual circumstances vary, and payment savings may increase or decrease depending on a variety of factors. Legal, appraisal and insurance fees may apply. Interest Rates subject to change. E & OE. If you take $340 of the payment savings and add this to your mortgage payment, your mortgage will be paid off 7.8 yrs earlier! That’s 94 monthly payments sooner than scheduled.$1020 New Monthly Payments Savings Ray Gawri - Mortgage Intelligence 416-816-4444 • 905-725-0130 email: ray@clarityfinancial.ca M ORTGAGE (6% INTEREST RATE ) C AR L OAN V ISA F URNITURE S T ORE L INE OF C REDIT P ENALTY T O B REAK M ORTGAGE T OTAL B ALANCE & P AYMENTS CURRENT SITUATION 200,000 18,000 5,500 5,000 5,500 3000 237,000 BALANCE PAYMENT M ORTGAGE (4.7% INTEREST RATE ) C AR L OAN V ISA F URNITURE S T ORE L INE OF C REDIT T OTAL B ALANCE & P AYMENTS NEW MORTGAGE 237,000 Paid Off Paid Off Paid Off Paid Off 237,000 BALANCE 1345 0 0 0 0 1,345 PAYMENT A/P PAGE 18 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com PICKERING Pickering Home & Leisure Centre - 1755 Pickering Parkway (905) 427-3043 inter home BRAND NAME FURNITURE.NOT BRAND NAME PRICES. www.interhomefurniture.com PICKERING Pickering Home & Leisure Centre 1755 Pickering Pkwy. 905 683 0346 NOW IN MISSISSAUGA! Adored abroad. Embrace the successful Rowe stores in Canada. Rowe has finally arrived! Come to our special opening all this month and see what has bedazzled the ‘hip’ stars of Hollywood and forward- fashion folks across the five continents. GRAND OPENING PRICES. THE VALUES BEGIN! GRAND 0PENING! * Models may not be exactly as shown. Not all floor models may be available. $899$899 Sofa From Sofa From $1,499$1,499 it’s not about furniture, it’s about how you live. G R A N DGRAND O P E N I N G ! O P E N I N G ! BUY DIRECT from our manufacturers’ showrooms $1,499100% ALL LEATHER SOFA from $799SOFA from Choose from 14 colours HORIZON HOURS: Mon-Fri 10a-9p Sat. 10a-6p Sun. 11a-5p MasterCard VISA Amex Debit Cash Factory Direct prices do not apply to prior orders, sales or deliveries. Models may not be exactly as shown. Not valid with any other offer or promotion. All orders require 30% deposit. April 2, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church (Ritson and Rossland in Oshawa) Act fast! This one will sell out soon. IN OSHAWA Durham College Book Store Long and McQuaid Music Store Walters Music Centres Wilson and Lee Ltd. Music Store United Way Information Services Kiosk at the Oshawa Centre OTHER LOCATIONS Cathy’s Gold, Bowmanville Brooklin Village Shoppe, Brooklin Durham School of Music, Ajax The Wee Tartan Shop, Port Perry IN WHITBY Lafontaine Trading Post Marigold Ford-Lincoln Thomas House of Music West Lynde Guardian Drugs Whitby School of Music For tickets call 905-579-6711or available at: Michael Hope www.michaelhope.net The Oshawa-Durham Symphony conducted by Marco Parisotto PRESENTS PROGRAM: Overture: The Phantom Of The Opera Love Changes Everything (ASPECTS OF LOVE) All I Ask Of You (THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) Whistle Down The Wind (WHISTLE DOWN THE WIND) Starlight Express (STARLIGHT EXPRESS) Unexpected Song (SONG AND DANCE) Tell Me On A Sunday (SONG AND DANCE) Evita Medley (orchestra) You Must Love Me (EVITA) The Last Night Of The World (MISS SAIGON) Bring Him Home (LES MISÉRABLES) Macavity The Mystery Cat (CATS) “Piano” (Italian version of “Memory” as sung by Sarah Brightman) INTERMISSION This Is the Night (CLAY AIKEN) Beauty And The Beast (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) Somewhere Out There (AN AMERICAN TAIL) Too Darn Hot (KISS ME KATE) If This Is What We’re Fighting For (THE BEAUTIFUL GAME) The Prayer (THE QUEST FOR CAMELOT) The Phantom Of The Opera (THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) The Music Of The Night (THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) Tickets: Adults/seniors $28; Children under 12 and full time students $12. Parking free! “A rich selection of great songs performed with intelligence and passion… I really enjoyed the show!” - Michael Wall Director of Artistic Operations, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra “This program was a box office success beyond our wildest dreams. We were ecstatic with the results and our audience was ecstatic with the show!” - Lori Crawford Director Of Marketing And Sales, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra “…I don’t think I’ve heard a live performance so beautiful in my entire life.”- Britanny W. Audience Member Last Concert Of The Season! Discover ODSO! Hear what critics say about Michael Hope Andrew Lloyd Webber and Co. Hit tunes from Broadway with tenor Michael Hope Marco Parisotto Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Charity from the heart PICKERING — The Pickering Wal-Mart raised $7,000 through the sale of hearts in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation during February. Tammy Dean, centre, from the local chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, accepted the donation from Wal-Mart employees, from left, Sita Gill, Heather McIver, Pamela Persaud and Sherry Jaffer. Immigration settlement session upcoming DURHAM — Helping immi- grants settle into their new coun- try is the focus of a conference set for March 31 in Whitby. Deputy Minister of Citizen- ship and Immigration Fareed Amin is the guest speaker at the Immigration Settlement Adap- tation Program (ISAP) confer- ence, taking place at the Whitby Mental Health Centre audito- rium, 700 Gordon St. The conference runs from 9 a.m. to noon, with registration and refreshments from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. To register, contact the Community Development Council at 905-686-2661. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 19 A/P Take a page out of our book. 5IJTZFBSTNPOFZDPNFTXJUIOP TUSJOHTBUUBDIFEBT0UUBXBBOEUIF QSPWJODFTDPOUJOVFUPOFHPUJBUFB GPSNBMGVOEJOHBHSFFNFOU "MUIPVHI .T .D.BOVT XBT QMFBTFE UP TFF UIF -JCFSBMT GPM MPXJOH UISPVHI PO UIFJS FMFDUJPO QSPNJTF  TIF JT JOUFSFTUFE UP TFF XIBU UIF CSFBLEPXO PG UIF QSP HSBNJTHPJOHUPMPPLMJLF i*UTKVTUHPJOHUPCFWFSZJNQPS UBOUIPXUIFZTFUJUVQ*UIJOLUIF QBSFOUTOFFEUPIBWFDIPJDF uTIF TBJEi*ESBUIFSTFFJUHJWFOUPQBS FOUTBTBTVQQMFNFOUSBUIFSUIBO EBZDBSFTUIFNTFMWFTu "OHFMB #FMM  HFOFSBM NBOBHFS PG:.$"$IJME4FSWJDFT%VSIBN 3FHJPO XBTBMTPQMFBTFEXJUIUIF NPOFZQMFEHFE i*UTBXPOEFSGVMTUBSUBOEJUJT OPXBEESFTTJOHUIFBSFBPGDIJME DBSF UIBU IBT CFFO OFHMFDUFE GPS ZFBST uTIFTBJE i(FUUJOHTPNFUIJOHJTHSFBU5IF QMBOGPSJU BTJUSPMMTPVU XJMMCF IFMQGVMu JGI@E>@J@EK?<8@Ie^# l[^\k \in\cc 5IF1JDLFSJOH -''&iÌÀœ>˜`Ê ÕÀ…>“Ê,i}ˆœ˜Êi`ˆ>ÊÀœÕ«&=I@;8P#=<9IL8IP),#)'',&Fgk GIFK<:KFI -FFTMPPLJOH GPSLJMMFST GX^\*' :LCKLI8CIFFKJ)FSJUBHF%BZDFMFCSBUFT EJWFSTJUZPG1JDLFSJOH GX^\* 8KF8J 1JDLFSJOH GPS"KBYX GX^\(* &J\\;Xp#GX^\+ Order any page from our newspapers by calling: Aj ax-Pickering: 905-683-5110 Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington: 905-579-4400 Port Perry: 905-985-7383 Uxbridge: 905-852-9141 This Week Uxbridge Times- Journal NEWS ADVERTISER Canadian Statesman BROOKLIN the Citizen Metroland Durham Region Media Groupinfodurhamregion.com A/P PAGE 20 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com To Advertise in B Y A P P O I N T M E N T O N LY B Y A P P O I N T M E N T O N LY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Call Real Estate 905-683-5110 ext. 231 or Heather Hreljac 905-579-4400 ext. 2319 *Sales Representative **Associate Broker ***Broker/Owner ****Licensed Assistant View these listings on-line @www.durhamregion.com KIM SPEIR* 416 443-0300 SUN. MARCH 20TH 2-4 P.M. 123 SMALES DRIVE (ROSSLAND AND HARWOOD) Gorgeous 3 bedroom detached* Stunning oak hardwood floors* Cathedral ceilings*Gas fireplace* Main floor family room*French doors*Designer decor*Huge bath with soaker tub & sep. shower* Beautifully landscaped *Interlock walkway* $267,000. Kim Speir*, Royal LePage Signature Realty (416) 443-0300. Signature Realty Independently Owned & Operated BRIAN BEVINGTON* 905 683-5000 QUALITY ONE Realty Ltd. Broker WATERFRONT CONDO! HARWOOD/LAKE DRIVEWAY Stunning 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious corner unit with 3 walkouts to a very large terrace. 1 car parking underground, 24 hour security, fabulous recreation facilities. Included are all the appliances, all window coverings, all electric fixtures. This unit is a real gem and won’t last long. Come and see for yourself. Call today for your personal viewing. 1869 W O O D V IE W AVE ., PICK ERING RANDY SCARLETT* 1-800- 600-8963 Wo od vi e w & S h ep pa rd fo llo w t he s i g n s. Beautiful & very private lot with a triple car garage. Finished basement with walk-up entrance to garage. 4 bedrooms main floor laundry & family room. Separate living & dining rooms. Must see!! Call Randy @ Remax 1-800-600-8963.$384,900S AT. & S UN . MA RC H 19 & 2 0 1-3 :3 0 P.M. Ability Realty Ltd. PICKERING ELIZABETH AYLING* & KEITH KING* 905- 831-2273 Elegant, immaculate executive home in sought after Nottingham. 4 Bedrooms, hardwood floors, premium lot. New school to open in September 2005. Almost 2600 sq. ft., unspoiled basement. Please stop by and have a look. SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2005 1-4 PM$344,900Ca se Realty Ltd. 85 HOPKINSON, AJAX JOE PITINO* 905-831-3300 www.pitino.ca Walk to Rouge. Beautifully kept 2250 sq. ft. 4 bdrm., 3 bathroom open concept design, 9 ft. ceilings, main floor family rm. w/gas fireplace, modern eat-in kitchen w/upgraded kitchen cabinets and crown moulding, main floor laundry room, ceramic floor in foyer, hall way, kitchen and bathrooms, large custom deck, Cathedral ceilings, central air, fully fenced and more...$324,900...www.pitino.ca 905-831-3300. SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1-4 PM First Real Estate Ltd.$324,900 1463 SANDHURST CRES. AMAZING SPACES durhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news: Metroland Durham Region Media Group MEMORIAL CHAPEL BROOKLIN LTD. Per sonal Funerals - From Our Family to Yours Memorial Chapel Brooklin Ltd. Funeral Service to our Community since 1863 FUNERALS - THEY SHOULD BE PERSONAL In today’s fast pace, whirl wind world the last thing anyone of us thinks about is a funeral, until we are suddenly faced with the reality of someone we love, being taken away from us. Throughout our lives w e plan for everything, school, relationships, our first home, children, and even retirement but often families never discuss death. Planning a funeral is a task that no one looks forward to but it can m ake some choices clearer for your loved ones left behind if some discussion and even some formal pre- planning has already been completed. One of the first questions that funeral directors get asked is “how much is this going to cost?” Thi s cannot be answered without careful consideration as to the type of funeral the family wishes to have. Question s such as these, need thought: Will the funeral be truly traditional, visitation, with casket, traditional bur ial, or cremation with a memorial service later? Where will the funeral take place, in the chapel or the fam ily church? Music often can be very meaningful, do you want the old traditional funeral hymns, or does t he more modern pop, jazz or even rock’n roll suite you better? Or do you want a very quiet, family serv ice? When I began my career twenty-five years ago, funerals were often “staged” not planned. People at th e time of death, did what everyone else had always done. A quarter century later, we have evolved and funerals have become Personal in the true sense of the word. For a “Funeral” to be meaningful there requires a personal connection, This can be accomplished in several ways such as photographs, music, special momentos from their life, badges, hats or instead of the traditional suit and tie... why not blue jeans and a favorite plaid shirt. I encourage the families we serve to personalize their loved ones funeral in special ways that will be meaningful for them. If someone is able to write a eulogy, be s ure to include those happy family times even if something funny happened. Funerals can be a part of the grieving process, laughing and crying often are the start of the release of grief. Share the goodnes s, the love and the tears with those around you, celebrate the life of your love one. Having a “meaningful” funeral need not be overboard in terms of dollars. Meaningful can be accomplished by giving careful thought to the wishes of you and/or your loved ones. • We offer no cost pre-planning consultation • Private Chapel and Family areas • Customized funeral options, tailored to suite your family • Traditional and Non-Traditional servic es • Serving all faiths • Low cost-direct burial or cremation services available • Payment options avai lable • We have a 0% interest monthly payment plan available to suite your budget.. if required, for both AT-Need and Pre-planning funerals We are here to help our families thru one of the most difficult and misunderstood times in their liv es. Our funeral home is owned and operated by US. We strive to make our home as comfortable us your own home. Children are always welcome, after all we are all family. 79 Baldwin St., Brooklin Village, Whitby (905) 655-3662 Richard B. Barnes, Director EQAO changes student testing New chairman overseeing transition DURHAM — Education Minister Gerard Kennedy an- nounced this week that the Education Quality and Ac- countability Office (EQAO) will be reshaped to follow recom- mendations outlined in an in- tensive two-year review. The EQAO is an independent agency that conducts Ontario’s provincewide student testing program. Newly appointed EQAO chairman Charles Pas- cal will be overseeing the tran- sition. Mr. Pascal, who entered government in 1987, was ap- pointed deputy minister of Education in 1993. He played an integral role in establish- ing the Royal Commission on Learning, and is a part-time professor at the University of Toronto. “Charles Pascal’s impres- sive background in education, leadership and organizational development will be of tremen- dous value to the EQAO as he oversees this new orientation for the organization,” Mr. Ken- nedy said. The review of the EQAO’s stu- dent testing program involved extensive research, an external review by international experts, stakeholder consultations and a study of best practices in other jurisdictions. Changes will include cutting test times in half, more specific feedback on student perfor- mance, and reinforced links to the curriculum. “I am pleased to be able to contribute once again to the ongoing development of our critically important publicly funded education system,” Mr. Pascal said. Search begins for next student trustees School board’s nomination deadline is March 30 DURHAM — Durham’s pub- lic school board has begun the process of finding new student trustee representatives for the next school year. With recent changes to the board’s bylaw, the board is seeking three students in their final two years of high school. As well, the bylaw states the board will make every effort to ensure the new trustees are representative of the three cor- ners of the region, namely Os- hawa-Whitby, Ajax-Pickering and Brock-Scugog-Uxbridge. Student trustees serve a one- year term and participate in board and standing committee meetings. They are able to sit on board committees and lead the Student Senate, comprised of student leaders representing high schools across Durham. Interested students should speak to their school principal, who will be submitting a nomi- nation by March 30. The 2005/06 school year stu- dent trustees will be announced at the May 16 board meeting. They will take part in their first board meeting Aug. 29. durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 21 A/P *Sales Representative **Associate Broker ***Broker/Owner ****Licensed Assistant View these listings on-line @www.durhamregion.com 13 MULLORD AVE. SAT. MARCH 19, 2-4 P.M. FIRST Realty Ltd. GERRY KORENTOS* & JAY VANULAR* 905-831-3300 116 MCSWEENEY CRES. SUN., MARCH 20, 2-4 P.M. POPULAR “LAKESIDE” CO MMUNITY Nearly new - 10 months old - family home in “Lakeside” waterfront community. Features 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, family room with gas fireplace, large eat-in kitchen, gleaming oak hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings, luxury ensuite with whirlpool tub & separate shower, sunny south-facing balcony off master bedroom, professionally painted. Looks like a model home. Listed at $349,900. 20 HOLLOWAY DR. NORTH AJAX - NOTTINGHAM COMMUNITY 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home on quiet enclave in popular Nottingham subdivision. Just 4 years old...looks like brand new. Includes family room with gas fireplace, large eat-in kitchen with upgraded appliances, 4 piece ensuite in master bedroom, 2 storey high ceiling in living room, 2nd floor balcony, backyard patio and gardens. Attractively upgraded throughout. Priced to sell at just $299,900. BINHAIFA MEGHJI* 416-449-2020/ 416-275-6665 1587 ARCADIA SQUARE, PICKERING Dir.: off Amberlea. Immaculate 3 bdrm., wide lot semi in desirable neighbourhood. This is a bright and open home with a country kitchen, breakfast bar, fam. rm., fp., custom appliances and blinds, cent. air, walkout to patio, direct garage access and many other features. Come and see for yourself! SUN. MARCH 20, 2-4 P.M. Sadie Moranis Realty $273,900 EXECUTIVE (1996) Realty Inc. ALLEN ARNOLD*** ROSEMARIE MARSH* 416-285-8555 www.durhamrealtyconsultation.com 13 MULLORD AVE. Spotless! Approx. 1700 sq. ft. Includes family room, fireplace, drive thru garage, big lot, nice area. Best value in Ajax. 18 FEARN CRES. AJAX OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1-3 P.M. Outstanding home and area shows 10+. 50 foot lot, Garage, finished basement, fireplace, hardwood, new kitchen. Come see! $229,900165 ADMIRAL RD. AJAX $219,900PAUL ST. AUBIN* 905 831-3300 23 MELBORNE CRT. SAT. MARCH 19, 2-4 P.M. WOW! JUST MOVE IN • Great for first time buyers • 3 bedrooms • Finished basement • Safe court for kids • New windows • Hardwood floors •Over $30,000 in upgrades 9 FALLINGBROOK DR. SUN. MARCH 20, 2-4 P.M. YOU WILL LOVE THIS ONE • 4 bedrooms •Hardwood floors • Family room • New windows • California shutters • Freshly painted FIRST Realty Ltd. $229,900 $349,900JUST LISTED OPEN HOUSE, SUN, MARCH 20, 2-4 PM 888 VOYAGER AVE, PICK. * Premium ravine lot * 5 years new * Open concept * Hardwood floors & ceramic floors * Finished top to bottom * Shows well - Come & See $43 4, 9 0 0 LYNN McCULLOCH* 905 831-2273 CASE REALTY LTD. TRISH FRENCH* 905- 428-6533 ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. $34 2, 0 0 0 66 8 FA R R O W, A J A X South Ajax - Steps To Lake ... This Family sized Brick Home is nestled on a sunny West Lot with Spectacular Sunsets! 4 Bdrms., 3 Baths. Newer Roof Shingles, Furnace And Windows! Hardwood Floors And Broadloom. “Greenhouse” Eat-In Kitchen, Walkout to 2- Tier Sun Deck! Family Room Fireplace for cozy evenings by the fire! Hot New Listing! Call Trish, 905-428-6533. SUND AY M A R C H 20 , 2-4 P.M. 1 2 2 CL E M E NTS RD ., A J A X DAVE STOKES* 416-286-3993 905-668-1800 Come see this exceptional Ajax home with 3 bedrooms + a 2 bedroom bsmt. apt., 2 bathrooms, fireplace, pool, oversized fenced yard, 2 garden sheds, parking for 5 cars. Renovated from top to bottom, almost everything has been updated/ upgraded in past 4 years. Ask David for your list of the upgrades.$272,500SU N DAY M A RC H 2 0, 2-4 P.M. www.davidstokes.ca Rouge River Realty Ltd. BARRIE COX* 416 286-3993 www.barriecox.ca 155 2 D EL L BR O OK AVE . - Great Pickering location near Valley Farm & Finch - Many upgrades including hardwood & ceramic floors, crown moulding, etc. - Fabulous finished basement with recreation room & office area - Prof. landscaped incl. interlocking brick - Central air conditioned - Main floor family room with fireplace & walkout to huge deck - Asking price $282,900 SU N DAY MA RC H 20, 2-4 P.M. Rouge River Realty Ltd. M O V E R I G H T I N!PI CK ER IN G S O U T H L I VE RP O OL /B AY LY STEVE WARCOP* 416-816-4084 Immaculate 4 +1 bedroom with 2 bathrooms, 2 storey detached home. CAC, CVAC. Updated kitchen, bathrooms, windows & exterior doors. Finished basement. Walkout to covered concrete patio in large back yard. Ceramics, new carpeting ++++.$269,900A PPOI NTM E NTS FROM 5 PM FRI DAY TO 7 PM S UND AY TERREQUITY REALTY 2 7 D A N T O N , A J A X LISA MACNEIL* 905-619-9500 H U G E P R I VAT E L O T See this fabulous home in all its glory. So much updated in the home with a yard you’ll love. SATURDAY MARCH 19, 1-4 P.M. Group Heritage Realty Inc. 1 1 5 1 G L O U C E S T E R DEB CHAPMAN* 905-831-2273 YOUR VERY OWN SHANGRI-LA & JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER This 2 storey, 4 bdrm home boasts mn. flr. fam. rm. w/wood fireplace, w/out to private well treed yard & 18x36 kidney shaped “pool”, cabana with bar & electricity. Fully reno’d. kit. includes centre island & breakfast bar. Separate liv/din w/ hardwood flrs. Bsmt offers cozy rec rm. with fp., hobby rm. & 2-pc bath. Huge master w/4pc ens. & generous walk-in closet. The list goes on and on. It’s the one you’ve been waiting for! SAT. & SUN. MARCH 19 & 20 2-4 P.M. CASE REALTY LTD. SUN., MARCH 20, 2-4 P.M. 7 BLACKSMITH LANE, WHITBY Sought After Williamsburg Location. This beautifully decorated home features many upgrades. CAC, CVAC, garage door opener, B/I dishwasher, mn. flr. fam. rm. with gas fp., hrdwd. flrs. thruout main floor. 3 large bdrms., 4 baths, prof. finished basement with 3-pc. bath and bdrm. Fenced back yard with perennial garden and much more. Asking $284,900. For private viewing of this property, call Marta Michta, 905-619- 0663.Near Rossland/Country Lane. $28 4, 9 0 0 MARTA MICHTA* 905 619-0663 Ability Real Estate Ltd. 84 BARNES CRES., AJAX MARY ROY** 905 426-7515 www.maryroy.com STEP INSIDE TO APPRECIATE THE VALUE in this charming and spacious approx. 1,850 sq. ft. 4 bedroom beauty with beautiful hardwood floors, formal living and dining rooms, bright eat-in kitchen, large master bedroom with ensuite and much more in a great family oriented community close to schools, shopping and all amenities. WORD GETS AROUND FAST... Come see it before it’s gone! SUNDAY MARCH 20, 2-4 P.M. RResults Realty Inc. $264,898 SAT. MAR. 19, 2 - 4 P.M. 31 HARLEY DR., AJAX STEVE KOSTKA* 905 839-7449 Ro u ge R iver Rea lty Ltd. “LOCATION! LOCATION!” Steps to all amenities. Bright and spacious family home w/large kit., fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher, CAC. All window coverings, all ELF’s. New shingles 2004, new deck 2004, new wet bar in basement. Fully fenced, new carpet over parquet flring in liv. rm. Lovely starter, offers real value. Bdrm. in bsmt, walk-in closet w/3-pc. bath. Parking for 4 cars, home just been freshly painted!! Please check Steve’s website for a virtual tour at www.stevekostka.com Call Steve 905-839-7449 $23 3, 5 0 0 1779 FOL EYET CRE S., PI C KERI N G SHARON HUTCHISON* 416-286-3993 D I X I E AN D G LEN ANN A Just listed $249,900. Beautiful 150’ deep lot, garden delight, shows to perfection prof. fin. rec room, new hardwood, new broadloom, reno baths & kitchen, 5 appliances, freshly painted, spacious bedrooms, California shutters, Ceramics, long private drive, tandem garage, walk to schools, shops. A must to see, call Sharon Hutchison 416-286-3393. S AT. & S UN . MA R C H 19 & 2 0 2 -4 P.M . Rouge River Realty Ltd. Scarborough 200 C E N TRE ST. S., OSHAWA S AT., MA RC H 19 2 -4 P.M . SPIRIT INC., Broker S O L I D 1 93 0’s E R A CL A S S IC All the original trim with plaster construction & hdwd. flrs. Many recent updates incl.: furnace, C/A, wiring, plumbing, shingles, etc. Separate liv. & din. rms., 3 bdrms., eat in kit., fin. bsmt. w/ pot lights & extra 3 pc. bath. Attic is ready to finish! Fenced yard, dble. gar., parking for 4 cars. Steps to park! Call John today. WWW.WHEELERDEALS.CA JOHN WHEELER* 905-728-1600 jwheeler@ interhop.net $1 9 9 ,9 0 0 Anonymous snow shovelling makes living here a treat, she says AJAX — Good Neigh- bours have shovelled their way into the heart of Denise Steyn. Being a single woman in her 50s, Ms. Steyn is usu- ally on her own every time it snows and her Finley Av- enue driveway needs shov- elling. When a big snowfall hit recently, however, she returned home from work thinking she would have to get the shovel out. Instead, as she arrived, she was stunned to see her driveway had been cleared. Ms. Steyn has no idea who completed this random act of kindness, but notes she has really grown to enjoy the area after moving there two years ago. That and the overwhelming kindness displayed by others. If you have a story to tell about a Good Neighbour who has gone above and beyond to help some- one in a time of need, let us know by e-mailing dstell@durhamregion.com. Friends raising $12,000 to help Pickering boy gain independence By Joshua May Special to the News Advertiser PICKERING — All Jane and John Edmond want is a normal life for their son. By the age of four, the Pickering couple found out their young boy, Callum, now seven, was afflicted with a disease known as Autism Spectrum Disorder. It’s a developmental dis- ability that causes difficul- ties in verbal and non-ver- bal communication, social interactions and behaviour, as well as leisure and play activities. The Edmonds have found out they have a lot of sup- port in the community as a result. A number of peo- ple have, and are, working hard to help the Edmond’s purchase a specially bred and trained dog to alleviate the burden of this disorder for Callum. “We’ve been over- whelmed by everyone’s generosity and willingness to help in raising money for a trained autism dog (for Callum),” said Ms. Ed- mond. “We’ve already held a number of fundraisers to date. However, none of these (endeavours) would be possible had it not been for the unbelievable sup- port of our friends, family and concerned onlookers.” A Walk-A-Thon was held this week at the Pickering Child Care Centre, just one of the many groups hoping to raise money for the cause. With a projected goal of $3,000 to cover the remain- ing expenses for the dog, which costs $12,000, the organization joins a grow- ing list of charity ventures by the Edmond family, that include harbourfront boat cruises in Toronto, head shaving pledge drives in Whitby and a Beach Party at Carruther’s Creek Golf Course. “I don’t want people to be confused. This is not a pet (for Callum),” said Ms. Edmond. “This dog will provide safety, compan- ionship and much needed independence for our son. Currently, he cannot go outdoors without some- one holding onto him. He doesn’t recognize many simple safety hazards. This dog could very well change his life.” Enrolled at the Pickering Child Care Centre for two and a half years, Callum is a well-known child of the staff as well as the other children. “Callum is such a sweet and loving young boy,” said Millie Forbes, supervisor at the centre. “We consider him a part of our collective family here, much the same as we would any other child that comes to our centre. Any opportunity we have to better one of our children’s lives, we’ll do whatever we can to help that cause.” Should the event raise more than sufficient funds in purchasing the autism service dog for Callum, she said, the remaining bal- ance will be donated to the National Service Dogs Training Centre to assist similarly-afflicted children. Anyone wishing to make a donation can call 905- 839-5831. FINAL 2 DAYS SATURDAY MAR 19 9AM-6PM SUNDAY MAR 20 11AM-4PM $95.00 Acquisition*$95.00 Acquisition* T h e n J u s t M a k e P a y m e n t sThen Just Make Payments A l l Ve h i c l e s w i l l h a v e p a y m e n t s c l e a r l y m a r k e dAll Vehicles will have payments clearly marked P i c k a Ve h i c l e -P i c k a P a y m e n tPick a Vehicle - Pick a Payment A/P PAGE 22 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com Community rallying around child in need of special dog Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Jane Edmond walks with her son Callum during the Pickering Child Care Centre’s fundraising walk, raising money for a ser- vice dog for Callum, who has Autism Spectrum Disorder. That’s a load off for Ajax woman ‘Callum is such a sweet and loving young boy... We consider him a part of our collective family here,’ MILLIE FORBES FRIDAY, MARCH 18 ADDICTION SUPPORT: The Serenity Group 12-step recov- ery program meets at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group deals with addictions of all types, including co-depen- dency. A child-care program is available. All welcome. Call Jim evenings at 905-428-9431. SENIORS SHUFFLEBOARD: Join the Ajax Seniors Friend- ship Club every Friday at 9:30 a.m. Newcomers are welcome but should arrive early at the St. Andrews Community Center, 46 Exeter Drive Ajax. Call Barb at 905- 686-0190. SUNDAY, MARCH 20 TAMIL ASSOCIATION: The Durham Tamil Association holds its annual general meet- ing from 3 to 7 p.m. in the Captain’s Room at the Ajax Community Centre. All are welcome. The ACC is located at 75 Centennial Rd. For more information on the group visit www.durhamtamils.com. MONDAY, MARCH 21 SENIORS’ BRIDGE: Play Mondays with the Ajax Se- niors Friendship Club, begin- ning with a fun hand at 12:30 p.m. and running until approx- imately 3:30 p.m. All seniors are welcome. There is a $10 fee for new members. Games are at the St. Andrew’s Com- munity Centre, 46 Exeter Rd. in Ajax. Call Jean Baldey at 905-610-2626. HEALING WITH GREENERY: The Ajax Garden Club is hosting an Injury Prevention and First Aid in the Garden seminar at the Royal Cana- dian Legion, 111 Hunt St., Ajax, featuring guest speaker Mary- Jo Wheeldon at 7:30 p.m. For more information call Bever- ley Briggs at 905-686-2799 or visit www.gardenontario. org/site.php/ajax. TUESDAY, MARCH 22 PARENT SUPPORT: A parent support group meets locally every Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. for parents of kids involved in drugs, alcohol, running away, dropping out of school, crimes and parent abuse. For more information and for meeting location, visit www. apsgo.ca, or call 416-223-7444 or 1-800-488-5666. BUSINESS CLUB: The Durham Contact Business Exchange Club meets every Tuesday at 7 a.m. for a break- fast meeting at the Victoria Gardens Restaurant in Ajax, 570 Westney Rd. S. The non- profit club of small business owners. The restaurant is at 570 Westney Rd. S. (at Lake Driveway West). Call 905-428- 5733 or visit www.durham- contactbusiness.com. SENIORS CLUB: Lynn Philip Hodgson will be speaking to the Ajax Senior Citizens’ Friendship Club at their week- ly Tuesday Morning Discussion Group, at the St. Andrews Centre, 46 Exeter Rd. Ajax, on the topic of Camp X. Call Louise at 905-683-7799 or Shirley at 905-428-8711. AUTISM: The Autism Society, Durham chapter, holds a West CHAT support group meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Dunbarton- Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pickering. Call Leah at 1-866-495-4680. GIRLS INCORPORATED: Girls incorporated of Durham is holding a volunteer orienta- tion/information session for women (21 years of age or older) who are interested in learning about the personal benefits of mentoring. The session is from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Girls. Inc office located at 398 Bayly St. W., Unit 1 in Ajax. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 MEDITATION: Learn how to meditate at a Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class held each Wednesday at the Duffin’s Creek Co-op. The program is free and newcomers are always welcome. The class starts at 7 p.m. and the co-op is located at 1555 Finch Ave. Unit 76 in Pickering. For more information call Deo or Farida at 905-420-7252. ONE-PARENT SUPPORT: The One Parent Families Association, Ajax-Pickering chapter meets every Wednes- day at the KMW Health Care Services, 158 Harwood Ave. Unit 22 in Ajax, for both cus- todial and non-custodial par- ents, whether your children are two or 42. Meetings are at 8 p.m., except for the first Wednesday of each month when it’s 8:30 a.m. Call 905- 683-1082 or www.opfa.net. SENIORS WHIST: The Ajax Seniors’ Friendship Club in- vites seniors to play Wednes- days, from 1:15 to 3:30 p.m. at the St. Andrew’s Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd. in Ajax. There is a $10 membership fee for all new members. TOASTMASTERS CLUB: The Ajax-Pickerng Toastmasters Club invites anyone who is interested in improving and developing quick thinking skills, building self-confidence, personal growth, and improv- ing on prepared speeches. Doors are open at 7:15 p.m. and the meeting goes from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Meetings are held at the OPG, infor- mation center. For more information contact Renata at 905-426-9786, Dianne at 905-619-6716, or visit www. toastmasters.org. ORGANIC GROWERS: The Canadian Organic Growers, Durham chapter, will feature Linda Burnside from the Alternative Grounds restau- rant, presenting ‘Fair Trade and Organic Beverages’. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Durham Board of Educa- tion Administration Building located on 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, in room 2007. Refreshments are provided and everyone is welcome. Call Vincent Powers at 905- 263-9907, or Peggy Clark at 905-623-5278. RACE RELATIONS FORUM: The Pickering Advisory Com- mittee on Race Relations and Equity will be hosting the 2005 Race Relations Forum at 7 p.m. The event features the winners of a writing contest and feature guest speaker Zanana Akande, President of the Urban Alliance on Race Relations. It’s at the City of Pickering Complex, One Es- planade in Pickering in council chambers. ALZHEIMER: The Alzheimer Durham Ajax-Pickering eve- ning support group meets at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Care Respite office, 1420 Bayly St. W., Unit 6, Pickering. All caregivers welcome. 905- 576-2567. HEAD INJURY: The Head Injury Association of Durham Region holds its Connections Ajax-Pickering meeting from 1 to 3 p.m. in the games room of the Ajax Community Cen- tre, 75 Centennial Rd., Ajax. Games, cards, conversation. Call 905-723-2732. FRIDAY, MARCH 25 RELIEF ON THE WAY: The Serenity Group meets at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering, to discuss addic- tions of all types, including co- dependency. All are welcome to attend. Call James McGar- vey at 905-428-9431. LIFE DOESN’T ALWAYS WAIT UNTIL PAYDAY! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • PAYDAY LOANS • TITLE LOANS • NO CREDIT NECESSARY • BORROW UP TO 50% OF YOUR PAY Ajax 11 Hardwood Ave. S., 905-426-2331 Pickering First Pickering Place #14-1550 Kingston Rd. 905-831-0874 ~ GET APPROVED ~ FF e el i n g li m i t e d b e ca u s e o f : • NO CREDIT • BAD CREDIT • COLLECTIONS • BANKRUPTCY • DIVORCES • REFUSED BY BANK C a l l D e r r i ck 9 0 5 -4 2 6 -0 05 1 Looking for a second chance at rebuilding your credit? With a variety of New & Used Import and Domestic Vehicles, put the past behind you - Start driving towards your new future today!! ezautoapproval.com 1-888-283-7701 Michael Boyer Pontiac www.ezautoloan.net 1-800-269-1687 '24 hrs. live' ONTARIO MIXED HARDWOOD - seasoned, delivered. Evening calls 705-484-0512. QUALITY FIREWOOD at low pric- es. Fully seasoned, split hard- wood. Ready to burn. Delivery only (free within Durham region). Call days 905-718-7147, evenings 905- 725-5415 SATELLITES, FREE TO AIR.Is your DirecTV down? Everyone is switching to FTA; no cards, boards or atmegas. Specializing in the Free to Air systems. Get 1000's of channels, no monthly bills. 1St in Durham Region. Call 905-435- 0202. Email us at uneekelectron- ics@rogers.com 226 Bloor Street East, Oshawa. DROP BY OUR STORE FOR A FREE DEMO Busy pet grooming salon in Whitby requires part time EXPERIENCE GROOMER Could lead to full time. Telephone (905) 668-2721 JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES $500. 2 female, 1 male, 10 weeks old. Dewormed, all shots. Call Patricia or Brian, (905)620-0814 brianvision@msn.com PAPILLON PUPS 12 WEEKS- Males and Females. Call evenings or weekends 905-986-9955. PET GROOMING SALON FOR SALE. Busy plaza, very profitable, call Peter Yu Remax First Realty, (905) 831-3300. REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE puppies from working stock. Micro- chipped, shots, dewormed. Call Murphy 905-985-0563. SHIH TZU, PUREBRED white, beautiful 2 yr old, good nature. Available for stud. Call Carol (905)430-3689 WE'RE BACK WE PICK UP WHERE YOUR DOG LEFT OFF! Reserve a Spring - Cleaning from The Backyard Butler. Call The POOP N' SCOOP team for more information (905)982-1437 WOULD YOU ENJOY your DOG more if he were better trained? TSURO DOG TRAINING. www.tsurodogtraining.com 905-797-2855 1991 CHRYSLER DYNASTY LE V6, 3.3L, loaded, in excellent con- dition, extra clean, no rust, runs like new, 195 Hwykms. Sacrafice $1975. cert./emiss.. (905) 579- 0441. 1992 HONDA PRELUDE in good condition, will sell as is $2400. Call for details (905)668-1821 1993 Chev. Cavalier, 4cyl. auto, new paint, cert/e-passed, $2495; 1994 Plymouth Sundance, 4cyl. auto, hatchback, cert/e-passed $2495; 1994 Olds. 88, loaded, cert/e-passed $3495; (905)433- 8050 1995 MONTE CARLO, z34, $3,999., 1995 Mercury Cougar, $2,999., 1995 Windstar $2,999., 1994 Chrysler LHS $3,499.Others from $1,699. Certified and e-test- ed. (Kelly and Sons since 1976) (905) 683-7301 or (905) 424-9002. www.kellyandsonsauto.com 1996 PONTIAC GRAND AM, 190kms, 4 cyl., automatic, AC, p.locks, am/fm CD, asking $3000. Call (905)576-3264 1997 FORD ESCORT, automatic, air conditioning, red, 130,000 kms. $4,000.00 (905) 985-8167. 1997 FORD TAURUS LX, gold, certified, e-tested, 210,000km, loaded, sunroof, interior/exterior excellent condition, no rust. $3,950. (905)686-5244 1998 CHEVROLET Malibu, 135,000kms, $4,950; 1998 Pontiac Grand Am 150,000kms, V6, $4,950; 1998 Plymouth Neon 180,000kms, $3,250; All certi- fied/e-tested, 4-dr, auto, air. (905)665-3222 1999 TOYOTA CAMRY LE, origi- nal owner, loaded, keyless entry, power windows, sunroof, AM/FM CD, certified & e-tested, 135,000kms, $11,900. (905)428- 7867 BAD CREDIT? No History? Need a car? Tired of the run-around? Straight Talk! Call now! 905-686- 2300 or toll free 1-888-769-2502 BAD CREDIT NO CREDIT Try "Dan the Man" at Darryl's Auto Centre I.N.C. We will sell you a great car backed with a reputation second to none! 905-436-1499 NEED SPECIAL FINANCING? DRIVE TODAYANEW 2005 OR USED 96 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE (905) 767-0951 (905) 683-5358 CALL BRIDGET BAN KRUPTCY SLOW CREDIT NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT ALL CREDIT CHALLENGES NO APPLICATIONS REFUSED UsedCarsOntario.com - visit us on-line to view our large selection of vehicles. Buy or sell anything automotive. $ $75+ TOP DOLLARS - Ajax Auto Wreckers pays for vehicles. We buy all scrap metal, copper, aluminum, fridges, stoves, etc. 905-686-1771; 416-896-7066 $$$$ A1 JOHNNY JUNKER. Tops all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655- 4609 or (416)286-6156. A ABLE TO PAY Up to $5000 on cars & trucks Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days (905)686-1899. ABLE to pay cash for scrap vehi- cles, free pick-up. call Leo anytime (905)426-0357 ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans pay cash, free pick up, 905-424-3508. ALL SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in run- ning condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES 2003 GMC SONOMA, 5 spd, stan- dard, extended cab. 46,000kms, Bleu. $12,000. (613)332-4930 1990 GM SAFARI New alternator, $1500-obo. (905)420-2263 1992 MAZDA MPV,4X4, B.C. ve- hicle, 142K, v6, new exhaust, new brakes, $2500. (905)725-1007 1993 PLYMOUTH GRAND Voya- geur SE ext., 7 passenger, 155k, 3.3L, V6, auto, like new, all op- tions, leather, p.seats, rear heat, $2900 e-tested/certified. (905)404- 8541 1994 DODGE RAM 350 1 ton car- go van. Roof rack, ready to pull. Safety & e-tested. $4,600. Call 905-427-8613. 1998 CHEVROLET VENTURE, 7-passenger, 4-dr, V6, fully loaded $4,950; 2000 Ford Excursion XLT, V10, loaded, 4x4, $16,900. Both certified/e-tested. (905)665-3222 EXCLUSIVELY YOURS Discover Durham's Most Reputable Agency Without the attitude Quality time is our motto Discretion Guaranteed! Serious inquiries only Open 12pm daily (905)725-2322 Adorable, Sweet or Sassy Durham's finest ladies available In/Out calls Hiring 19+ 905-809-4598 DIAMOND CUT BEAUTY Sexy, Sensual Lady Available for Granting Wishes & Making Your Dreams into Reality. Open 10am - ? (416) 419-6556 Independent In/Out KALEIGH & FRIENDS Daily Specials Attractive Companions In/Out calls 100% discretion (905)409-9597 New to Durham GRAND OPENING Ajax Spa Best in Town BACK WALKING SHIATSU MASSAGE Enter Rear Door 905-231-0092 PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd.#3 (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com RELAX & ENJOY An Aroma/Reflex Massage By Male Attendant Call 905-427-7989 WOULD anyone who witness a car accident on Twin Rivers Drive - Pickering (exiting eastbound) on Friday March 11th, approx. 5:45pm. Please call (416)287- 7817.Thank-you. CLASSIFIEDS Classifieds Continued From Page 34 NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remem- ber to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. ☎☎☎☎☎ Fax NEWS ADVERTISER 905-579-4218 durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 23 A/P Billboard MARCH 18, 2005 Classifieds Continued From Page 34 A/P PAGE 4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, JANUARY 7, 2005 durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 24 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com ENTERTAINMENT durhamregion.com Love of steelhead fishing motivates Ajacian to pen book By Joshua May Special to the News Advertiser AJAX — Jim Butler is involved in some fishy business. A freelance writer and proprietor of Riverwood Tackle in Ajax, But- ler has been fascinated with fishing since childhood. Born into a long line of fishermen, the 40-year-old is carrying on the family’s sporting tradition, having written his first- ever book ‘Steelhead Float Fishing: Modern Techniques and Methods’. “It’s in my bloodline. My grand- father fished, my father fished, so naturally I too took to (fishing) as well. I’ve even been teaching my eight- and nine-year-old goddaugh- ters how to fish. I really just love to educate people on the sport in general,” he said. Having penned articles for sport- ing magazines and newspapers on fishing since moving to Ajax, the entrepreneur shares his knowledge of steelhead fish in the book. Focusing largely on the steelhead breed, a silvery North American rainbow trout, due to its abundance in the region and its year-round presence in local waters, the book examines the history of the fish, its strategies and behaviours, as well as other useful tidbits for fishermen hoping to snag a steelhead. “My book is unlike all others. I’ve interviewed local steelhead biolo- gists from all over the Great Lakes region to get a better understanding of the fish,” said Butler. “However, there is more than just techniques on how to catch the steelhead in this book, it also teaches on how we can all work together to better our local fisheries.” An Ajacian since the late 1980s, Butler soon discovered after mov- ing here that Durham is renowned as one of the world’s best fisheries. However, this fact is troubling for Butler as he says many locals, as well as out-of-towners, have over- harvested local waters, leading to a decline in overall fish stocks. “I release the fish I catch,” said Butler. “There’s been too much abuse of our (aquatic) resources lately. People are taking too many fish from our waters, especially the ones that plan to spawn. I’m push- ing the Ministry of Natural Resourc- es now to put a limit on how many fish one can take from our waters to prevent a future fishing crisis in Durham.” Butler’s crowning fishing achieve- ment — a photograph of a 24-pound steelhead he caught in Durham Re- gion — is on the book’s cover. For more information, visit www. riverwoodtackle.com. Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo Ajax author Jim Butler hopes to fish in some readers with his first book ‘Steelhead Float Fishing: Modern Techniques and Methods’. He says the tome will edu- cate other avid fishermen on the ways of the steelhead. Tackling a whale of a fish tale DURHAM — The workplace is the focus of the spring concert by the County Town Singers. The Whitby-based choir, which includes singers from across Dur- ham Region, will present Nice Work If You Can Get It April 28, 29 and 30. The program features musical tributes and spoofs about different professions and jobs. The full choir and several ensem- bles will perform. The concerts will be held at Dni- pro Hall, 649 Dnipro Blvd., at Bloor Street, Oshawa, at 8 p.m. Light re- freshments will be served. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for seniors and discounts for groups over 10. For ticket information, call John Van Hoof in Pickering at 905-509- 4111, Margaret Nelson in Whitby at 905-668-5469 or Janice Aucoin at 905-728-3386. Life is going in circles in The Ring Two The following movies open in theatres this weekend: The Ring Two Directed by: Hideo Nakata Starring: Naomi Watts, Daveigh Chase, David Dorfman, Simon Baker, Sissy Spacek. Rated PG-13 Six months after the horrifying events which terrorized Rachel and Aidan Keller in Seattle, the two have ventured to escape their haunting memories of the vengeful Samara by moving to the small, country town of Astoria, Oregon. However, Rachel’s resolve soon turns to nightmare as a suspicious local death is accompanied by a videotape at the crime scene. Life is becoming eerily familiar for Rachel and Aidan as they once again race to escape the terror and death of The Ring. Ice Princess Directed by: Tim Fywell Starring: Michelle Trachtenberg, Kim Cattrall, Trevor Blumas, Joan Cusack. Rated G Caught between her fantasy of becoming a championship figure skater and her strong-willed moth- er, who has her on the fast track to Harvard, high school bookworm Casey Carlyle can only dream of an athletic future. But when Casey gets the chance to train with elite skater Gen and her coach, a disgraced former skating champion who also happens to be Gen’s mother, she must dash her own mother’s hopes in order to pursue her dream. With the support of Gen’s teenage brother and a handsome Zamboni driver, Casey takes on the biggest challenge of her life as she finds herself competing among the best figure skaters to make it into the championship circuit and become a real Ice Princess. Also opening this weekend is ‘Melinda and Melinda’. FOR FULL MOVIE LISTINGS durhamregion.com Work the theme of County Town Singers’ concert durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 25 A/P A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo Meeting the champ PICKERING — Tw o-time world champion hurdler and two-time Olympian Perdita Felicien signs autographs for students at William Dunbar Public School in Pick- ering last week. The Pickering native visited the school to take part in the Character Education Program. Felicien talked to students about perseverance. She’s back in training in Illinois and has begun to compete indoors. Pickering brother- sister playing in big games this weekend By Al Rivett Sports Editor PICKERING — Two hockey- playing siblings from the city are hoping to skate into the rarefied air of vying for a U.S. collegiate hockey championship. And, they’ll get a chance to move a step closer this weekend. Nicole Ruta, 18, a freshman wing- er with the Dartmouth College Big Green women’s hockey team and her brother Paul Ruta, 20, a winger/ centre with the New England Col- lege Pilgrims, are on track to capture national titles in their respective di- visions. A student at the Hanover, New Hampshire-based Ivy League school, Nicole and her teammates will take on the Wisconsin Bad- gers in the NCAA regional game (final eight) at Dartmouth’s Thomp- son Arena, Saturday night. A vic- tory would move Dartmouth into the final four teams vying for the national Division 1 championship. The semifinal and final games are slated for next weekend. Meanwhile, Paul and his New England Col- lege squad, ranked 21st in the na- tion, arrived in the ‘Fro- zen Four’ of NCAA Divi- sion III men’s hockey after upending third-ranked Manhattan- ville College of New York State 4-2 in the quarter-finals last Saturday. To day, the Pilgrims play in Vermont against Middlebury College Pan- thers in one semifinal. The other semifinal features St. Thomas Col- lege of Minnesota and Trinity Col- lege of Connecticut, also played in Ve r mont. The Division III champi- onship game is on March 19. The Big Green come into the re- gional playdowns as the second rep- resentative from the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC), having been beaten by the Harvard Univer- sity Crimson in the conference final. Nicole is confident that something special will unfold on the ice this weekend in front of supportive fans at Dartmouth. “We’re really hoping this week- end that we can pull it off,” says Ni- cole, a St. Mary Catholic Secondary graduate, in a telephone interview between classes. “We have a lot of confidence in each other, so we’re not too stressed out. We have a great environment in our own rink. The fans are very supportive and that should help us get motivated and excited to keep going.” Nicole says it will be the first time her Big Green has played Wiscon- sin, noting that exhibition games couldn’t be arranged between the two teams this season. She ac- knowledges that Dartmouth faces an uphill climb for a national cham- pionship, as the road to the title will likely involve beating number-one University of Minnesota and num- ber-two Minnesota-Duluth. But, by the same token, the Big Green have more than held their own against top competition this season. “I feel that we can win. If it’s any team (that wins the championship), it should be us. We’ve played Min- nesota, the top-ranked team, and we beat them the first time and then they beat us in overtime. Even though they’re ranked first I think we can compete with them and probably beat them.” As for Paul, his team has been building momentum since a rough start to the season, with the team stumbling to a 2-6 record in its first eight games. “We’ve bounced back and we pulled it together and everything is looking good right now,” says Paul, a sophomore at the school this year. Not only did the team have to overcome a rough patch in the schedule, but so did Paul. A shoul- der injury put him on the shelf for three weeks. To add insult to in- jury, upon his return to the Pilgrims’ lineup, he was hit with the flu bug, which kept him out another week. “It was frustrating, but I wasn’t going to play sick — I didn’t want to hurt the team,” says Paul. “I would rather let another guy come in. I got back in the lineup in mid-February and I’ve been playing ever since.” In the Pilgrims only meeting with Middlebury this season, they dropped a 4-3 decision. The keys to tonight’s (Friday’s) game, says Paul, is sticking to a disciplined style of play and continued strong goalten- ding from another Pickering resi- dent and former Pickering Panthers netminder Scott Gray. “If we stay out of the penalty box, I think we’ll do fine. If we get strong goaltending from Scott and all four lines are firing, we should be all right.” Rutas shoot for U.S. collegiate hockey glory Nicole Ruta Panthers midgets to bat tle Markham in OMHA final Pickering ‘AE’ squad on a post-season roll PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers midget ‘AE’ 1 team has been an unstoppable juggernaut that appears to be on course for an Ontario Minor Hockey League title. The Panthers are set to tangle with the Markham Waxers in a best-of- five series, with the winner claiming bragging rights to the OMHA divi- sional championship title for 2005. The toughest playoff challenge for the Panthers to date has been the Owen Sound Attack. In a defensive struggle with stellar goaltending by both teams, Pickering required an overtime victory in Game 3 to take the series and move on to the final. In earlier playoff series, the Pan- thers eliminated Clarington and the Pickering ‘AE’ 2 squad. On the road to the finals, the Pan- thers have outshot (144-51) and outscored (44-19) their opposition. Te am members are Michael Ac- cetone, Brian Austin, Shane Boyd, Branden Cleary, Kyle Fredericks, Zack Milcowich, Robert Morra, Mike O’Sullivan, Phillip Pett, Da- mien Pavlidis, Matt Raymond, Ryan Richard, Derek Savoie, Dan Sulli- van, David Tomei, Adam Turi and Scott Waters. SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com INSIDE Local curlers, Irish or not, will converge on the Annandale Curling Club for the 40th annual St. Pat’s mixed ’spiel tomorrow. Page 26 PICKERING — The Pickering Pan- thers Si Vous Play Sports/Dr. Jay Petroff atom ‘AE’ hockey team carried off the consolation title from its own recent tournament. The Panthers won the Pickering Hockey Association Select/AE Tourna- ment title with a 6-3 win over Georgina. Te am captain Darren Binder scored into an empty net to give the Panthers a 5-3 cushion and scored once more on a breakaway. Other goal scorers were Matthew Woitzik with two and Keaton Eldridge with one. One goal scorer wasn’t reported. Matthew Yarde, Binder and Woitzik each recorded two assists, Connor Sullivan added one. Yarde was named the game’s most valuable player. Pickering started with a 4-2 win over Kitchener. Binder, Jason McNeil, Con- nor Bess and Yarde scored, assisted by Brandon Kirkup, Cameron Guenther, Matthew Coppa and Evans Knoll. Binder was the game MVP. Pickering and Cam- bridge played to a 1-1 draw in Game 2. Bess netted the equalizer in the second frame, assisted by Guenther. Woitzik was Pickering’s MVP. In Game 3, the Pan- thers won 1-0, with Eldridge scoring a late marker. Coppa drew an assist. Pick- ering goaltender Brandon Eno was game MVP. Other team members are Jamie Ro- maniuk, Cameron Hudson, Karl Hin- tze, Dylan Vieira and Peter Nicol. Seeking candidates for Board of Directors This year, we are proud to be celebrating one hundred years of quality service to Durham Region in child protection, foster care and adoption. The Durham Children’s Aid Society is the 4 th largest child welfare agency in the province of Ontario. In cooperation with our colleagues, we are committed to continually improving services to children at risk. Please join us in celebrating, and preparing for the next one hundred years. At our Annual General Meeting on September 22, 2005, there will be four expired terms on our 17 member Board of Directors. As a Board, we are seeking qualified men and women who:live in Durham Region; have an interest in children and quality children’s services; have the time to attend a minimum of two meetings per month; support the mission and objectives of the CAS; and have an interest in advocating for the needs of children. We are interested in receiving inquiries and applications from members of Durham’s visible minority community. The Board is also seeking individuals who are interested in participating in one of the following committees: Child Welfare Advocacy, Services, and Finance and Operations. Qualifications are as stated above. Committee members are appointed by the Board. For more information on our Vision, Mission, values and services, please visit our website, www.durhamcas.ca Please submit a letter outlining your interest in serving on the Board or a committee, and a history of your community involvement. Reply in confidence by April 15, 2005 to: Martine Fournier, Secretary and Chair of the Nominating Committee, Durham CAS, 555 Rossland Road, Oshawa, ON, L1J 3H3 BRITISH ISLES SHOPPE 235 Bayly St. W. Ajax 905-686-1414 across from McDonalds “Specializing in Gifts & Foods From Back Home” • Guinness Clothing • Pub Stuff • Football Gifts • Rugby Shirts • Gold & Silver Jewellery •Videos/Music • T-Shirts • Flags • Kilt Rentals & Sales •Glasgow Rangers • Glasgow Celtic • English premiership Open 6 Days/Week 10am-6pm - Closed Mondays B E S T S E L E C T I O N & P R I C E S BEST SELECTION & PRICES T H I S S I D E O F T H E A T L A N T I CTHIS SIDE OF THE ATLANTIC B E S T S E L E C T I O N & P R I C E S BEST SELECTION & PRICES T H I S S I D E O F T H E A T L A N T I CTHIS SIDE OF THE ATLANTIC OFF15%15%15% AA l l F r o z e n F o o d s a n d C a n d i e sAllFrozenFoodsandCandiesAll Frozen Foods and Candies one coupon per customer Sale ends March 26/05 • Steak Pie• Black Pudding • Potatoe Scones• Square Sausages •Walnut Whip •Tunnocks • Crisps • Rowntrees • • Cadbury • Curry’s • E a s t e r E g g sEasterEggsEaster Eggs and much much more FINE FOOD & FINE ALES Lion & Dragon Pub MONDAY dart team are most welcome (see Bruce) TUESDAY all you can eat Pasta Night $5.99 WEDNESDAY all you can eat Rib Night $9.99 SATURDAY open for Brunch from 11am SUNDAY open for Brunch from 11am & Jam Players are welcome from 2pm LION & DRAGON WINGS 1 lb. of wings only $5.99, 7 days a week Come and meet our extraordinary staff: Bar Manager Doreen (previously employed at Melanie Pringles) Bartender Karyn (our newest staff) Chef Rod (internationally trained & well respected) Proprietor Bruce RESERVE YOUR PARTY TODAY! 1163 kingston rd pickering (beside lick’s) 905-420-3624 OPEN 11:00 DAILY, we look forward to meeting you Carriers of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Ad vertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS Marcus & Sarah Friday’s carriers o f the week are Marcus & Sarah. They enjoy skiing & dancing. They will receive a dinner voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Marcus & Sara for being our Carrier of the Week. Fr iday March 18, 2005 News Advertiser * 2001 Audio Video Ajax/Pick. * Ajax Sobey’s Ajax * Bell Sympatico Ajax/Pick. * Bell World Ajax/Pick. * Best Buy Canada Ajax/Pick. * C anadian Tire Ajax/Pick. * Chef Yan Pick. * Dominion Ajax/Pick. * Fairview Furniture Ajax * Food Basics Ajax/Pick. * Formula Ford Scar. * Furniture Direct Pick. * Future Shop Ajax/Pick. * Grand & Toy Ajax/Pick. * Herbie’s Pick. * Home Depot Ajax/Pick. * IGA Ajax * Linen N’ Things Ajax/Pick. * Liquidation World Ajax * Loblaws - Pickering Pick. * M&M Meats Ajax/Pick. * New Homes & Interiors Ajax/Pick. * No Frills Ajax/Pick. * Office Depot Ajax * Paul Mac’s Pick. * Pharma Plus Ajax/Pick. * Pickering Sobey’s Pick. * Pier 1 Imports Ajax/Pick. * Pizzaville Ajax * Price Chopper Ajax/Pick. * Radio Shack Ajax/Pick. * R eal Canadian Super Store Ajax/Pick. * Sears Ajax/Pick. * Shopper’s Optical (Shorney’s) Ajax/Pick. * Shoppers Drug Mart Ajax/Pick. * Smart Source Ajax/Pick. * Solutions Ajax * The Shoe Company Ajax/Pick. * Toys ‘R’ Us Ajax/Pick. * Walmart Ajax/Pick. * Wheels Scar. * Your Independent Grocer Ajax/Pick. * Zellers Ajax/Pick. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between Mar. 16 - Mar. 20/04 * Delivered to selected households only Ajax and Pickering locations Ajax 10 Cinemas 248 Kingston Rd. East A/P PAGE 26 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com St. Pat’s bonspiel on ice for 40th edition at Annandale Annual event known for fun and prizes By Jim Easson Special to the News Advertiser AJAX — One of the best-loved events on the Annandale Curling Club calendar is the St. Patrick’s Mixed Bonspiel this weekend. Known for its fun and prizes, the 40th annual ’spiel is full with 30 teams entered, advised convener Terry Jones. Each team will play three six- end games this Saturday. There will be snacks, lunch, dinner and dancing surrounding the event. ••• Glenn Howard’s Coldwater and District Curling Club rink — which includes Richard Hart of Pickering — was invited to parachute into the OCT (Ontario Curling Tour) Champi- onship from the World Curling Tour, and the Ontario Kia Cup runners-up accepted. The Howard rink finished as 2005 Dominion of Canada General Insur- ance Ontario Curling Tour champi- ons, which included a $6,000 prize. The competition was in Kingston from March 3 to 6. Brent Laing and Craig Savill also curling with How- ard. ••• An Annandale club member will play in the Open Provincial Mixed Championships at the Dundas Valley Curling Club from April 13 to 17 after earning a berth at the regionals this weekend. Blair Metrakos, who’s competing in mixed for the Uxbridge Curling Club, won the ‘A’ side of the draw at regionals at the Oshawa Golf Club last weekend. Metrakos will be joined by the ‘B’ side winner at regionals, Gary Grant and his rink, also from Uxbridge, at the provincials. An Annandale rink skipped by War- ren Leslie finished second in both of the ‘A’ side and ‘B’ side finals and didn’t advance to the provincials. With Leslie were Brenda O’Hara, Dave Hutchison and Joan O’Leary. ••• The curling season is winding down, as there are no more OCA zone play- downs that teams can enter. Teams are still alive in regionals, though. Annandale has two bonspiels still to go: The Annual St. Pat’s Mixed this Saturday and the Men’s Last Chance Bonspiel on April 16 and 17. Pickering ‘AE’ atoms down Georgina for consolation crown The sports department can be reached at 905-683-5110 Ext. 250 NEWS ADVERTISER durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 27 A/P Pickering Home & Leisure Centre 401 & Brock Road, Pickering 905-619-4554 Hwy #401 Pickering Home & Leisure Centre Amish Furniture Brock RoadCanadian Tire N Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs./ Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 Why spend all weekend shopping for that certain piece of furniture. Come home to the Amish Furniture Outlet, choose your style, colour and size, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Solid Oak, Cherry, Maple and Hickory furniture for your entire home. No Interest/No Payments Up To 6 Months Come Home to Amish Furniture Values. Pop-A- Pop-A- BalloonBalloon Savings from NO GST to50% OFF Not to be com b i n e d w i t h other offers. 50% OFF Back row L to R: Deanna, Dave, Randy, Craig, Luke, Paula, Holly, Rosemarie. Front row L to R: Theresa, Kendra, Jennifer, Donna A Different Kind of Furniture Store 1 s t A n n i v e r s a r y 1 st Anniversa r y C e l e b r a t i o nCelebration Savings Eve n t E x t e n d e d U n t i l 5:00 pm Sun d a y M a r c h 2 0 t h Don’t wait f o r t h e n e x t s a l e - This only h a p p e n s o n c e a y e a r ! PICKERING — The St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Monarchs earned the top seed at the upcoming provincial high school hockey championships in Wind- sor. The Durham Region champions will play in pool ‘A’ with eighth-seeded St. Thomas More (Hamilton), ninth-seeded Orangeville, 16th-seeded Chatham-Kent and 17th-seeded Fort Frances. The 20-team tournament kicks off on Wednesday, March 30 with St. Mary playing Chatham-Kent and Orangeville. The Monarchs finish pool play with two games March 31 versus Fort Frances and St. Thomas More. St. Mary Monarchs earn top seed at provincial high school hockey playdownsTake a page out of our book. 5IJTZFBSTNPOFZDPNFTXJUIOP TUSJOHTBUUBDIFEBT0UUBXBBOEUIF QSPWJODFTDPOUJOVFUPOFHPUJBUFB GPSNBMGVOEJOHBHSFFNFOU "MUIPVHI .T .D.BOVT XBT QMFBTFE UP TFF UIF -JCFSBMT GPM MPXJOH UISPVHI PO UIFJS FMFDUJPO QSPNJTF  TIF JT JOUFSFTUFE UP TFF XIBU UIF CSFBLEPXO PG UIF QSP HSBNJTHPJOHUPMPPLMJLF i*UTKVTUHPJOHUPCFWFSZJNQPS UBOUIPXUIFZTFUJUVQ*UIJOLUIF QBSFOUTOFFEUPIBWFDIPJDF uTIF TBJEi*ESBUIFSTFFJUHJWFOUPQBS FOUTBTBTVQQMFNFOUSBUIFSUIBO EBZDBSFTUIFNTFMWFTu "OHFMB #FMM  HFOFSBM NBOBHFS PG:.$"$IJME4FSWJDFT%VSIBN 3FHJPO XBTBMTPQMFBTFEXJUIUIF NPOFZQMFEHFE i*UTBXPOEFSGVMTUBSUBOEJUJT OPXBEESFTTJOHUIFBSFBPGDIJME DBSF UIBU IBT CFFO OFHMFDUFE GPS ZFBST uTIFTBJE i(FUUJOHTPNFUIJOHJTHSFBU5IF QMBOGPSJU BTJUSPMMTPVU XJMMCF IFMQGVMu JGI@E>@J@EK?<8@Ie^# l[^\k \in\cc 5IF1JDLFSJOH -''&iÌÀœ>˜`Ê ÕÀ…>“Ê,i}ˆœ˜Êi`ˆ>ÊÀœÕ«&=I@;8P#=<9IL8IP),#)'',&Fgk GIFK<:KFI -FFTMPPLJOH GPSLJMMFST GX^\*' :LCKLI8CIFFKJ)FSJUBHF%BZDFMFCSBUFT EJWFSTJUZPG1JDLFSJOH GX^\* 8KF8J 1JDLFSJOH GPS"KBYX GX^\(* &J\\;Xp#GX^\+ Order any page from our newspapers by calling: Ajax-Pickering: 905-683-5110 Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington: 905-579-4400 Port Perry: 905-985-7383 Uxbridge: 905-852-9141 This Week Uxbridge Times- Journal NEWS ADVERTISER Canadian Statesman BROOKLIN the Citizen Metroland Durham Region Media Group C PAGE 28 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com 557 Kingston Rd., Pickering 905-420-9000 www.pickering.toyota.ca PICKERING SUPERSTORE T OYOTA TAKE YOUR PICK AT PICKERING HERE WE GROWHERE WE GROW AGAINAGAIN SOON TO BE DURHAM’S MEGA STORE RE D TA G DA Y S 401 THE BIG STORE RIGHT BESIDE THE P R E -CONSTRUCTI O N S A LEPRE-CONSTRUCTI O N S A LE RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW!RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW! WE ARE HERE HWY. 2 WHITESBROCKWESTNEYHARWOODSALEM401 1.9%1.9% CHECK OUT OUR IN-STORE SPECIAL EDITIONS Now’s The Opportunity For An Extra Special Deal On All In-stock Toyota’s Plus, Toyota’s Red Tag Day Incentives HURRY IN TODAY! WHILE THEY LAST! ALL NEW AVALON RIGHT HERE From Financing RED TAG DAYS Register now! Courses starting soon! For information, call B.I.D.S. Dept., Whitby 905-721-3347 Visit our website at www.bids-training.com Skilled Trades ASQ-Quality Auditing ........................Apr 19th /$247.28 ASQ-Essentials-Quality Mgmt ...........Apr 20th /$247.28 ASQ-Reliability .................................. Apr 21st /$247.28 Backflow & Cross Connection ............Apr 19th /$615.25 BES: Heating ......................................Apr 11th /$224.26 Boom Truck 0-8 TON .........................Apr 26th /$845.30 CFC/ODP Re-Certification ................... 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Apr 8th & 23rd /$270 Driver Training- “AZ” ...........................Apr 18th /$5,470 Driver Training-“D” ................................Apr 15th /$675 Driver Training “F” .................................Apr 15th /$350 Electrical Theory Basic .......................Apr 12th /$223.26 Engine Repair Level 1 .........................Apr 12th /$272.28 FF Firefighter Service Intro .....................Apr 11th /$250 FF Psychology for Firefighters ..................Apr 5th /$260 FF Safety/Communications ................Apr 18th /$386.66 Forklift Operator Training ...................Apr 23rd /$251.45 Gas Technician 2 ................................Apr 5th /$2,858.20 Gas Technician 3 .................................Apr 9th /$1286.20 Home Improvement/Hardwood Floors ......Apr 16th /$75 IMM Modules ....................................Apr 25th /$469.25 PEMA-Maintenance Management Skills Apr 19th /$200 PEMA-Planned Maintenance Manag.. ....Apr 18th /$300 PEMA-Predictive Maint.Technology .......Apr 16th /$300 PEMA-Computerized Maint.Mgmt System .Apr 20th /$300 Pre-Exam C & M Electrician ..............Apr 12th /$310.40 Pre-Exam Industrial Electrician ..........Apr 16th /$310.40 Pre-Exam Industrial Maint. Mechanic ..Apr 5th /$397.20 Programmable Controllers Level 1 .....Apr 25th /$294.28 Welding Basic .....................................Apr 25th /$474.32 Welding GMAW (MIG) ......................Apr 25th /$474.32 Welding GTAW (TIG) ........................Apr 25th /$510.32 Welding CWB Modules 1-5 ................Apr 26th /$474.32 _____________________________________________ Dog Grooming Assistant .........................Apr 4th /$1,800 Motorcycle Maintenance .........................Apr 11th /$375 Business Courses Canadian Mortgage Industry ................May 4th /$307.28 Computer Repair at Home ...................Apr 2nd /$240.75 OMDP–Communications Mar 19th or Apr 20th /$182.20 OMDP-Management for Results ........Apr 19th /$182.20 OMDP-Retail Management ................Apr 19th /$182.20 OMDP-Finance & Budgeting .............Apr 20th /$182.20 OMDP-Human Relations ....................Apr 20th /$182.20 OMDP-How to Start a Small Business Apr 21st /$182.20 OMDP-Managing Workgroup Prod .... Apr 21st /$182.20 Effective Proj.Planning&Control ........Apr 11th /$221.24 I.T. Service Management Foundation .......May 4th /$330 Introduction to PMBoK ......................Apr 11th /$221.24 Project Leadership Skills Dev. ............Apr 11th /$371.24 Project Economics&Politics ...............Apr 12th /$221.24 Project Performance&Responsibility ..Apr 12th /$221.24 Fraud Awareness & Prevention ...........Apr 13th /$306.24 Principles & Practices of Insurance ....Apr 12th /$306.24 RIBO-Insurance Broker Registration ..Apr 12th/$598.80 For information, call B.I.D.S. Dept, Whitby 905-721-3347 CUSTOMER SERVICE/OFFICE SUPPORT POSITION Small company requires a full time customer service rep for their showroom in Pickering. Duties to include, but not limited to answering telephone, taking orders, serving customers, stocking shelves. Must be computer literate, customer oriented, organized. Must be able to work occasional Saturdays. Resumes will be accepted at: 1084 Salk Rd. Pickering, Unit 8 (Brock Rd. S & 401) WEDNESDAY MARCH 23RD & THURSDAY MARCH 24TH ONLY FROM 10-3 PM No calls & No faxes Please! Only applicants of interest will be contacted. RESUMES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE ABOVE DATES IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! HHHHHHHHH AZ DRIVERS OPEN BOARD U.S. ƒ$0.42 per mile ƒPaid border crossing ƒPaid waiting time at borders & customers ƒDedicated newer model trucks ƒGroup Benefits ƒHome on weekends ƒ1 year of experience required Call us today - work tomorrow! Contact Sonya or Christine at: Tel.: 1(877)372-5527 / Fax: (905) 795-1391 scrisp@drakkar.ca Navigate through our job offers www.drakkar.ca FOOD MARKETS Quality & Freshness Since 1929 www.thegardenbasket.ca HELP WANTED FULL TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR MEAT WRAPPERS AND PRODUCE CLERKS Excellent Pay and Benefits Immediate Employment ••••••••• Apply in person at: THE GARDEN BASKET 9275 Markham Rd., (at 16th Ave.) or fax/email resume to 905-471-0922 anna@thegardenbasket.ca We appreciate all responses, but regret that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. NEEDS YOUR HELP! Are you available from 6-9pm Monday to Thursday and Saturday 9:30am-1:30pm? We have many positions available, inside and outside selling positions or inside/ outside customer service/marketing positions!! Convenient Scarborough Location! Morningisde/401 Area NO SALES EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! Great for Supplimental Income or a Great Part-Time Job! Students Welcome! Call Richard and mention this ad! 416.269.8333 LOOKING FOR A CAREER INSTEAD OF A JOB? The Kawartha Media Group, Lindsay This Week and The Brock Citizen is seeking a highly motivated, professional, results oriented individual who is looking for a challenging and rewarding career with a growing company as an ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We offer an above average income package including base salary, gas allowance, commission and benefits. Please submit resume to Kawartha Lakes This Week 96 Albert St. S. Lindsay, Ont. K9V 3H7 Att: Bryce McGregor NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! CLASS A, D, F AND Z Endorse- ment training at Durham College Whitby. Job opportunities for grad- uates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905-721-3340. ACCREDITED HOME Inspection Tr aining Course - recognized by National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI). Regis- tering now for DAY & EVENING classes (12 seats max). Flexible payment plan. Career opportu- nities's available. Call toll free: 1-866-697-0117. Sponsored by: Certified Adult Training Services. AZ DRIVERS required for busy Cobourg carrier. Verifiable experi- ence and U.S. required, some dedicated work available. Phone 905-373-0606 or Fax 905-372- 7048 AZ DRIVERS required for local and U.S. runs. Call: 905-852-3013 or fax: 905-852-9113 AZ TEAM DRIVERS run to Califor- nia, Texas. Minimum 3 yrs experi- ence required. Husband & wife team welcome. 40¢-48¢/mile. Call 1-905-257-9169 BLUE LINE DRIVERS WANTED. Opportunities to provide service with new specialized Accessible taxicabs and regular taxicabs in Oshawa and Clarington. Please call Roy Williams at 905-440-2011 or 905-439-1111. EXPERIENCED AZ driver needed for dedicated Ontario runs. Must posses absolutely clean abstract, CVOR and criminal record. Call Tammy or Wendell, 905-432-7277. $$$ PAID WEEKLY!!Company needs part-time/ full-time help pro- cessing unclaimed bank accounts. Call 1-866-883-0780, 24 hours. ***CRUISE SHIP JOBS*** Life's A Beach In Paradise! Free Benefits: Meals-Room, Flight, Uniform, World Travel. (613)741-8639 or (613)764-6209. www.cooljobsinparadise.com 3 FULL TIME labourer positions. Must be able to work 6 days/week. Valid drivers license required. Ajax/Pickering/Whitby area. Call 905-640-6330. CLEANERS NEEDED part time, Oshawa area, 15 - 20 hours per week. Monday - Friday 10 p.m. start. Vehicle a must. Call (905) 259-6353. COMMUNICATION company seeking installers and Riggers-will- ing to travel. Apply to File #161, Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, On. L1H 7L5 CUSTOMER SERVICE/ORDER Ta k ers. $20/hr avg. Bonuses Available! We Train You!Call ARON at 905-435-0518. ECE FOR PICKERING Day Care. Call 905-839-2501 or fax 905-831-9347. ECE with Montessori experience required asap for Whitby daycare. Fax resume to: (905)430-0818 or email to: sunshinecc@rogers.com EL RANCHO Restaurant is look- ing for waiter, experience a must. dishwashers needed, Drop re- sume 3500 Brock St. N. Whitby (north of Rossland) ESTATE LAW CLERK Small, con- genial Whitby law firm specializing in Wills & Estates, requires senior law clerk, with minimum five years experience including ability to work independently on all estate related matters through to completion and winding-up of an estate. Ideal can- didate will have successfully com- pleted Institute of Law Clerk's Cer- tificate Program and familiarity with preparation of estate account in court format would be an asset. Per manent full time position. Please fax resume to Jenkins and Newman (905) 666-4873. HELP WANTED - General Labour- ers needed for busy warehouse. Shipping and receiving experience an asset. Please e-mail resume to: ted@londonprofessionals.ca UPHOLSTERER NEEDED,imme- diately, 25-30 hours per week, call Judy at (905)666-5300. HOMEWORKERS needed!! To Assemble Products- Mailing/Pro- cessing Circulars- PC/Clerical Work Available. No Experience Needed! Free Information: www.homeworkersnetwork.com or send S.A.S.E.; QSEI, 111-336 Yonge St., Reference #7-107, Bar- rie,ON, L4N 4C8. (705)726-9070. IMPULSE FITNESS is looking for a Part Time cleaner. Apply with re- sume to: 2200 Brock Rd. North, Pickering. JOIN OUR SUPPORTIVE HOME BASE BUSINESS TEAM Get started immediately! FREE TRAINING PA CKAGE! www.123YourSuccess.com 905-574-3118 LAKERIDGE LINKS GOLF CLUB in Brooklin Now Hiring Seasonal: Turf Maintenance and Clubhouse staff. Students welcome. Fax re- sume to: 905-655-3704 or email: lakeridge_golf_club@on.aibn.com LE SKRATCH NOW HIRING: Bar- tenders and wait staff with experi- ence. Apply in person, 11am-6pm at 200 John St.W., Oshawa. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE Clintar, the lead- er in the landscape industry is seeking:Landscape Construction Foreman/laborers Landscape Maintenance Foreman/laborers. Must have a minimum 2-3 years experience, drivers license is a must. Please submit applications to:Gavin Watson (905) 723.2552 gwatson@clintar.com LEARN HOW to operate a mini office outlet from home, earning $3000+ month. www.missionsuccess.ca LINE OPERATOR required immediately for established Oshawa Manufacturer. $14/hour start- benefits after 6 months. Must be physically fit, able to lift 75lbs, perform simple math calculations and checks. , mature, reliable, available for rotating day/afternoon shift and able to work independently/as a team. Send resume to File #145 Oshawa This Week , PO Box 481, Oshawa, Ont L1H 7H5 LOOKING For A New Career? Get paid for helping others and begin building a business you could own one day! unique entre- preneurial opportunity with Primeri- ca, a subsidiary of Citigroup. John For mosa (905)436-8499 ext-108. MAGICCUTS,one of Canada's leading chains requires full and part time stylist, for busy Oshawa salon. We offer: Competitive sala- ry, opportunity for advancement, paid vacation, on going training classes, monthly prizes, benefits. Join a winning team. Call Sabrina (905) 723-7323. MAINTENANCE/HANDYPERSON required. Experience with plumb- ing, electrical, small carpentry repair. Knowledge of HVAC sys- tems and WHMIS an asset. Fax resume to: 905-579-1255 by March 18th, Attention: Admin- istrator, White Cliffe Terrace Re- tirement Residence, Courtice. Registration Officer Positions Required $20.00/her Avg. We Train You! Call Tom (905) 435-0280 WE'RE EXPANDING!Are you sacrificing time away from your family due to lack of flexibility in hours or earnings? Take control of your time and income potential. Call to request an interview with one of North America's fastest growing financial services companies. Full or part time. Tr aining provided. Call Barbie Ad- ams at 1-800-607-7503. PA RT-TIME CLEANER 10-15 hours per week, 3-5 years experi- ence required. Must have own ve- hicle. Please call (905)404-1357 /œÊ*>ViÊ>˜Ê`ʈ˜Ê>ÝʜÀÊ*ˆVŽiÀˆ˜}Ê >Ê™äx‡Èn·äÇäÇʜÀÊ/œÀ°Êˆ˜iÊ£‡{£È‡Ç™n‡ÇÓx™ #LASSIFIEDS.EWS!DVERTISER #OMMERCIAL!VE !JAX(OURS-ON &RI #LOSED3ATURDAY “>ˆ\ÊV>ÃÈwi`ÃJ`ÕÀ…>“Ài}ˆœ˜°Vœ“ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ >ÃÈwi`ÃÊ"˜‡ˆ˜iÊ7iLÊ-ˆÌi\ÊÜÜÜ°`ÕÀ…>“Ài}ˆœ˜°Vœ“ NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 18, 2005, PAGE 29 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 Place your ad at 905-683-0707 has immediate positions available for: • CCTV Inspection Operators • Flusher/Vactor (exp.) • Labourers Clean driver’s license a must. Competitive wages, benefits pkg and a challenging work environment. Fax resumes and driver abstract to: Fax: (780) 413 - 0777 Ontario Division Joe at 905-426-4624 or visit the Durham Centre 90 Kingston Road location hrdept@2001audiovideo.com Full Time Salespeople High Base Salary, High Commissions Bonuses, Extensive Benefits, Management Training, Employment Stability Retail (commission) sales experience preferred Hiring for the Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa locations. Fax your Resume to the attention of: CAMPING IN STYLE - BROOKLIN is looking for a full-time Parts & Service Representative for everyday parts ordering, service & warranty writing and general Customer Service. Applicant must have good communication & organizational skills. RV experience not necessary but an asset. Please forward resume to: CAMPING IN STYLE 7775 Baldwin Street North, Brooklin, ON L1M 1Y5 fax: (905) 655-8462 email: cis@allstream.net HELPFAST PERSONNEL, an industry leader in the supply of TEMPORARY-PERMANENT- TEMP TO PERM WORKERS invites you to join our team at a Recruitment Expo for AZ-DZ-Semi-Skilled and General Labour at Quality Inn located at 1700 Champlain Dr. (take Thickson cutoff) Monday, March 21 from 9am to 9pm AZ & DZ applicants must bring copies of their CVOR, Drivers Abstract and License. MODELS & ACTORS NEEDED Extremely busy principal tv/film/modeling agency is seeking men, women and kids, 4 yrs and up for tv commercials, music videos, print & catalogue work etc. IF accepted, agency will cover training and reg. fees. BBB Member. Projects featuring our talent: •Bell Canada Print - Buffalo Jeans Print •Axe Body Spray Comm. - Tragically Hip Video •Hugo Boss Fashion Show •To r onto 416-482-5392 •Whitby 905-665-3199 •www.maxagency.com Pickering Town Centre JOIN OUR TEAM SENIOR TRAVEL CONSULTANT Salary, Benefits and Incentive Call Sarah (905)420-3233 Photographic album and packaging distrib- utor/manufacturer since 1953 located in Markham Ontario is expanding and has 2 full time positions available. DIE PRESS OPERATOR Must be experience with Kluge and Heidleburg presses with preventative maintenance, reliable, self starter, able to work independently. SHIPPER RECEIVER/LEAD HAND Experience in effectively co-ordinating production through operations and distribution. An energetic multi tasks position in a team environment, time management motivation and written/verbal com- munication skills required. Knowledge of Kluge and Heidleburg presses an asset, some work is of a daily physical nature. Salary based on experience. Hours 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri. No shift work required. Please state position applying for in cover letter with resume and fax to Harwood Photographic(905) 940-4953 or email to sales@harwoodphoto.com before March 29, 2005. To acquaint yourself better with our company please visit us at www.harwoodphoto.com and We thank all applicants and advise only those considered will be contacted. The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada currently has an opening for a... Data Entry Clerk This part-time position also provides opportunity for full-time hours during peak times of the year. Working with both the Development and Accounting Departments, the ideal candidate will be flexible and possess demonstrated experience in data entry and general office skills including key- boarding; photocopying and e-mail. Experience in Accounts Payables will be considered an asset. Please apply in confidence by Monday, March 28th. The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada 95 Bayly Street West, Suite 404 Ajax, ON L1S 7K8 linda.marco@childrenswish.ca fax: 905-426-4111 Immediate Openings These are Year-Round Positions Only • Jr sous chefs • Experienced f/t, p/t banquet servers • Steakhouse servers with tableside prep experience. FAX ONLY 905-427-1574 Atten:Director of Food & Beverage PA RT TIME Ontario Certified Teachers required teaching adults during the day in Oshawa & Pickering. Enthusiasm, flexibility, comfortable teaching Math & English. Te aching Certificate a must. Ph. Rosana: 905-420-9930 PITA PAZZAZ (National Fast Food Franchise), now hiring per- manent F/T and P/T team mem- bers to join our fast paced envi- ronment. Whitby location. (Brock St./Taunton). E-mail re- sume: whitbypitapazzaz@hot- mail.com or fax 905-639-8387. Job Fair, March 20, 1pm-3pm, unit K4, in Plaza. NURSERY MANAGER - Horticultural training/diploma; Experience in budding/grafting; soil-analysis, plant-grading/sizing, irrigation-programming, market- pricing, bare-root planting, seeding-productions. Fax resume: 905-683-3734 att: Mike. NEW LIFE FOSTER CARE AGENCY INC. is presently hiring 1) Experienced Foster Parents 2) Inexperienced Foster Parents ● Time off ● 24hr support ●Emergency Relief ● Christmas Party ● Summer Vacation ● 2 tier education system ● 5yr achievement awards If interested please call (905)623-7966 PA RT-TIME DAYS.Mature indi- vidual to learn pressing and cus- tomer service for local area dry cleaners. Call (905)725-2600. SHIPPER/RECEIVER required in Durham Region. Must have a fork lift certificate. Fax resume to 905- 428-1463 STAYING HOME & LOVING IT! Earn F/T Income P/T $500 - $4000 + monthly NO RISK No Inventory Serious Only. 1-905-376-5545 or e-mail saferhomeproducts@hotmail.com SUPERINTENDENT required full- time for Oshawa apartment com- plex. Suitable for retired/semi- retired couple. No pets. Fax re- sume (905)623-2257. Only those chosen for an interview will be contacted. SWIMMING POOL SERVICE Per- son required, neat in appearance, mechanically inclined, some heavy lifting. Previous experience helpful but not required. Full-time til De- cember. Fax resume to 905-420- 7579 THOROUGHBRED HORSE farm looking for stable help. Turn in/out. Cleaning of stalls. Experienced, Serious inquiries only 905-723- 5179. WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET PAID TO SWITCH STORES? Discover an amazing, proven program where you are paid to save money on everyday products that you're already spending money on. For interview call 905-576-0568. YOUR GOOD HEALTH is hiring full time sales help. Vitamin knowl- edge required. Please drop off resume to Your Good Health, Oshawa Centre. AXXESS is now looking for full- time Stylist with clientele. Friendly & fun salon to work with. Please drop off resume to: 122 Brock St. N., Whitby or email to: axxess- two@bellnet.ca A CANADIAN TRUSS MANUFAC- TURER is looking for an experi- enced person to join their technical team. Candidates must be quali- fied in roof truss design and/or en- gineered wood products. Individu- als must have a minimum of three years experience in construction or related fields. Diploma in Architec- tural Technology is also required. Please fax resume to 905-885- 6745. CHOUINARD BROS.is looking for experienced shinglers and labour. Immediate start and excellent rates. call Doug 1-800-521-3229 LOCKSMITH REQUIRED.Dur- ham Region. Call (905)666-1421 or email lockshop@rogers.com OUTDOOR power equip- ment/small engine Mechanic re- quired. Apply in person or fax: T & C Small Engine 905-263-8469 Fax: 905-263-2778. WELDERS/ PLATE FITTERS Required by well established Plate Fabricator in Ajax. Min. 10 years exp. To p wages and benefits Fax resume to 905-428-6933. HIRING IMMEDIATELY Collection Agency located in Scarborough East (Kennedy/401) Experience and Bilingual an asset! If you are seeking a fast paced environment with tremendous advancement opportunity please call today. Amy Elson: 416-297-7077 x264 PICKERING FIRM has an immediate opening for a mature person. Duties include: Telephone answering, Invoicing, A/R. Applicants must have previous office experience, be computer literate and fluent in English. Send resume: Fax 905-831-3284 or e- mail: service@williamsfluidair.com SALES/MARKETING REP with experience required for an Ajax Publisher for conference and book publishing division. Proven track record and organizational skills a must. Email resume to: rwh@rogers.com DOORKNOB ADS,the fastest growing direct advertising product in Canada, is looking for outgoing, assertive, & friendly individuals to sell advertising space to local busi- ness' on new/innovative direct ad- vertising product. Need Car; Will Tr ain; Experience an asset. Com- mission based w/bonus. $48,000- 79,000 annually. Reply to: chris@doorknobads.com or 905- 447-2969. OUTSIDE SALES REP 2 days a week, 2 years exp., salary+com- mission plus expenses paid, know Durham region. Please fax resume to Christine at Staff Plus 416-495- 0941 DENTAL ASSISTANT,part-time leading to full-time. Experience preferred. Must be friendly, orga- nized and a team player. Whitby area. Laura 905-655-1500 MEDICAL SECRETARY NEEDED Ajax, full time. Please fax resume to: 905-427-0346 with wage ex- pectancy. NEW DENTAL RECEPTIONIST wanted for progressive family practice. Computerized, non-as- signment with strong emphasis on excellent patient care and service. Please apply at 104 Waverly Rd. Bowmanville. RMT needed for busy day spa. Ex- isting clientele in place of approx. 6-8 massages daily. Commission based or hourly. Call Eleanor 905- 619-2639 RMT,needed for busy practice, full or part time available. 905-987- 4618. EXPERIENCED SERVER RE- QUIRED,fine dining experience a definite asset. Please call (905) 428-9777 ECE for school age program, 2-6:30 Monday-Friday, full time during summer, Fax resume to 905-509-1092. 88 BEDELL CRES. WHITBY.All brick 2-storey, @2400 sq ft, 4 br, 2 1 bath. Ceramic tile, C/Air C/ Vac, finished basement. Call anytime 905-571-2139. $314,000. AJAX SOUTH-Income Property. Semi-detached brick bungalow, 3+1 bedroom with apt. Separate entrance, large backyard, 4-car parking, new roof, 6-appliances, priced to sell $215,000. Serious buyers, no agents please. 905- 686-6773. NORTH WHITBY, brand new 3 bedroom European model, de- tached house, premium lot. steps to new plaza, new ice arena high school and French catholic schools, $269,900. Chand @ (905) 424-8428. Sutton Group Ad- miral Realty. OPEN HOUSE Sunday 20th & 27th, 2-4 pm. 112 LUKE ST, Oshawa. Gorgeous French Country kitchen. Old English pub/gas fireplace. $179,900. 905 571-0386 OPEN HOUSE, SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1-5pm. 68 South Gar- den Court, Port Perry. Canterbury Common Adult Living Community with golf course. $339,000.00 (905)985-0122 PRIVATE HOME SALE,Won't last (905)683-2050 Save now $20,000 in Realtors fees! 4-bedroom exec- utive home in Ajax $365,000. See website for more details: www. homesellcanada.com/list/3588.cfm SOUTH AJAX,steps to lake, 3 bedroom link home. Beautifully renovated, finished basement, 2 full baths, hardwood floors, gas fireplace. Spotless. $229,000 905- 619-0345. A/P PAGE 30 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 18, 2005 www.durhamregion.com Need help getting it fixed? Call 310-CASH and get it done Up to $500 Move-In Allowance Condominium Sized Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments Oshawa - Starting At $700. ●Renovated Suites ●Free Utilities ●Free Parking ●Tenant Incentive Program ●Senior Discounts ●Upgraded Security System Drop by or Call for Appointment 905-728-4993 GM RETIREE & EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT 3 3 & 7 7 Fal b y C r t ., A j a x Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (9 0 5 )6 8 6 -0 8 4 5 w ww.a j ax a p a rtme nts .c om 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. B OWMA N V IL L E ’S B E ST L O C AT I O N I M M E D I AT E O C C U PA N C Y New 1&2 bedroom suites from $975./month 3 Months FREE utilities • 5 Appliances, gas heat, a/c •Juliet balconies •In-suite laundry • Lockers available • FREE access to onsite fitness centre • 25 Minutes from Toronto C A L L K E L LY TO V I E W 9 0 5 -6 9 7 -1 4 3 2 Exclusive Condo SuitesPickering Millenium - 1000 The Esplanade Bright condo in gated community. Ensuite laundry. Great open space view. Steps to Pickering Town Centre and Public Transportation. 1 Bedroom From $1,200 Emerald Point - 1655 Pickering Pkwy. 2 Bedroom + 2 Bath–Approx. 1,100 Sq. Ft. $1,150 + Hydro MANAGEMENT SERVICES 416-296-1012 www.delrentals.com WHITBY: ELEGANT, Immaculate brick home, quiet court. 4-bed- rooms, 4-baths, finished basement with kitchen/bath. Hardwood/ce- ramics, 6-appliances, 176' deep lot, huge deck, C/A, schools. Move-in condition, flexible closing. No Agents. Private $279,900. 416-716-5284, 905-728-9790. NORTH OSHAWA,brand new 4- bdrm townhome, 3 baths, garage, c/a, c/v, alarm, custom window coverings, many upgrades. $244,900. Flexible closing. Call 905-720-1533 or 905-767-5839 100 ACRES, $10,000.00 - North of Madoc, east of Cooper, south of Lingham Lake. 905-986-0731, af- ter 5 p.m. COMMERCIAL SPACE, Reach Road, Port Perry. 1,200 &1,300 sq.ft. units. Overhead doors, 16' ceilings. Available immediately. Days 905-985-8507, evenings 905-985-8786. RETAIL, OFFICE and commercial units for lease. 600 to 1600 sq. ft. second floor office space available in downtown Bowmanville. Excel- lent exposure fronting on King St with lots of windows. Building has elevator. Ideal for professional use. 3500 sq. ft. new industrial unit available with amazing exposure to Hwy 401. 18' + ceiling height with mezzanine storage above of- fice space. For more information on these and other availability, please call (905) 725-9991. AJAX -Partial unit for rent. 400sq.ft. Can include warehouse and dock. Fronting on Westney. Storage space negotiable. Parking available. Eileen (905)428-1080. BRIGHT, NEWLY RENOVATED 3 room office unit, Brock St. N., Whitby. Ample parking, $800 monthly includes utilities. Call (905)668-1319, (905)213-5353. LOOKING FOR OFFICE SPACE? professional office space for lease Whitby Town Square, 3000 Gar- den Street, Suite 210, 766 sq. ft. Reception area, kitchenette and 3 private offices. available immedi- ately contact: Chris Tyrovolas or Sue Duchesnay 905-666-1333 SPACE FOR RENT,approx 500sq.ft., mixed use, good location in Whitby, next to Tim Horton's, ample parking, available immedi- ately. (905)576-0823. 6 VENDING MACHINES on loca- tion. $12,000. Work 3 hours week, earn $175 +. (905)706-0401. A JOB OR A CAREER?Week to week Paycheck or Lifetime Re- sidual Income? $500/week or $5K/month. 1-877-599-4911 A PROVEN MONEY MAKER!! 6-figure potential from home. 1-800-537-1931. www.seriousadvantage.com FOR SALE OR LEASE restaurant, downtown location, on King St., Oshawa, next to finance building. Currently in operation, all equip- ment included. For more informa- tion (905) 434-5786. PA R TNER REQUIRED.Commer- cial cleaning company. East end. $5K per month plus profits. Invest- ment required. $12K. 1-888-740- 1113. SALES, ADVANCED Commis- sions. Work from home, F/T, P/T. No Competition! Established NYSE Company. Sheila, 416-244- 8201. $$$MORTGAGE FINANCING$$$ - $$$1ST AND 2ND MORTGAG- ES $$$ www.mortgagebid.ca or call Dennis @1-800-915-2353. Purchases, renewals or refinance. To c onsolidate your debts. Lowest rates possible for residential or commercial.Credit issues, self em- ployed, I will assess your needs. Prompt, professional service. $$Money$$100% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799. 100% FINANCING OAC.5 yr. at 4.55% Debt programs, Cash take- outs, Refinances, Self-employed, even poor credit. Call Kevin at 1-800-328-7887 ext. 366. MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgments, garnishments, mort- gage foreclosures & harassing creditor calls. GET: debt Consoli- dations, & protection for your as- sets. Call now: (905)576-3505 DEBTS out of control? Mtgs, con- solidations, auto loans, private funds available. We can help!!! Better Credit Solutions (416)878- 2323, (416)876-2106 1ST, 2ND, 3RD MORTGAGES Res./Comm up to 100% financing. Best rates possible. Credit problems? Self-employed? No problem! Av anti Financial (905)428-8119 mortgagefree123.com MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905)668-6805 MORTGAGES? Call b4 go to Bank Credit problem? Self-Employed? 905-424-4091 905-448-9920 Email: ferduse@aol.com WE GUARANTEE YOU A mortgage. Any credit, 1st & 2nd Lowest rates. Superior service. Call today 416-565-4665 (1) ATTRACTIVE renovated 2- bedroom apt Simcoe/Mill, Oshawa, $795/mo. inclusive. Laundry, bal- cony, parking, Available immedi- ately. 905-434-2858 1-800-486- 9826 . 1 & 2 BDRM.Oshawa. Hardwood floors, free parking, laundry facil- ities. No pets. $725/$775 inclu- sive. First/last, references. April 1st. Call 905-723-1647, 905-720- 9935. 1 AJAX bsmt apt, furnished/unfur- nished, clean/bright, separate en- trance, no cats/smokers, avail April 1st, $725 incl. 905-619-2679 1-BDRM APT.,Pickering Brock/#2, clean, great condition, separate entrance, 4 appliances, c/a, parking, $775 includes utilities and cable. (905)428-2015 1-BDRM walkout bsmt, Oshawa, Bloor/Grandview. On bus route, near shopping. New paint, carpet. Quiet neighbourhood. No smok- ing/pets. Single professional pre- ferred. $680/inclusive. First/last. April. 1st. (905)432-0937, (905)767-4140 1-BEDROOM apartment, Oshawa, beautiful knotted pine throughout, laundry, parking and utilities included. First/last. Avail- able immediately. $750/month. 416-383-3445 or 905-725-7644 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, in- cludes utilities, cable, parking. Pri- vate entrance. Near School. Nash Road, Courtice. $900.00 month, available April 1. 905-433-2910. 2 BEDROOM APT Simcoe/Olive, includes hydro, water, gas, 1 park- ing, $750/month. Available April 1. Call Ada 905-723-1000 2 BEDROOM APT.on quiet street, Wilson & Adelaide, Oshawa. Heat & water included, laundry facilities available. $950/mo., avail. April 1st. Ask for Doug 905-985-6442. 2-BEDROOM 1200-sq.ft. apt. in house, panoramic view, fireplace, walk-out to large yard, sep en- trance. No pets, first/last/referenc- es. $875/mo+1/2 hydro. Raglan. 905-431-0571 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT available in the Oshawa, Sim- coe/Olive area. $750. Utilities in- cluded. Available immediately. Call (416)729-3001. 401/HARWOOD,legal 1-bdrm basement apt., separate entrance, laundry, parking, heat, hydro, no smoking/pets, avail. April 1st. $700/month. first/last. Call (905)426-7870 Ajax (Pickering Village) 1 bedroom apt., first floor, air conditioning, parking, $700./ first & last, Available April.1. No pets/smoking 905-683-4294 AJAX - newly renovated base- ment, one bedroom. Laminated flooring 2 appliances, parking, no pets/smoking, available immedi- ately. $700 plus utilities. 416-986- 1712, leave message. AJAX -South end. New 1 bedroom basement. Fireplace, Laundry fa- cilities. Separate entrance. 2 car parking. No smoke, pets allowed! $875 inclusive. Call 416-450-5479. AJAX -Sunny 1 bedroom walk/out, A/C. Furnished/unfurnished. 2 min. walk to hospital and town. Suit sin- gle professional. No smoking. $700 inclusive. 905-686-1832 or 905-434-3461 leave message. AJAX CHURCH/HWY #2,two bedrooms. Available March/April in clean quiet bldg. $950 includes utilities, 905-426-1161 AJAX Harwood/401, April 1, large bright basement, one-bedroom, 700+utilities. No smoking/pets First/last, credit check, references, OPEN HOUSE 2:00-3:00 Saturday & Sunday 416-797-7539 AJAX legalized large 1-bedroom basement apartment. All inclusive. 1-parking. No smoking/pets. $800/month. First/last. Available April 1st. Call (905)683-2427 AJAX,Pickering Village 3-bdrm main floor. 4 appliances, 2-car parking, close to schools/shop- ping/transit. $1100/mo + 1/2 util- ities. Avail. now. Call Mike wkdays 905-427-4077 ext 24, even- ings/wknds 905-442-0020. AJAX, HARWOOD/BAYLY,legal 1-bedroom basement. Retro. Separate entrance, air, fridge, stove, laundry, parking. Available immediately. Walk to plaza. Refer- ences required. $700/mo inclusive. Call 416-587-3354. AJAX,spacious 2-bedroom base- ment, dining/living room $1000- utilities included, private entrance, full kitchen, 4 appliances, 1 park- ing, first/last required. Immediate- ly. (905)426-7341. ATTENTION:Brand New second floor apt, 1628 Brock St/Watson Whitby (south of 401), 3-bdrm, sep entrance, A/Cond, Immediately. 905-430-2425, 905-642-4429 AVAIL. APRIL 1ST.One bedroom apts for rent. Located 309 Cordo- va Rd., Oshawa. No pets. Please call (905)579-2387 after 5 p.m. AVAILABLE April 1st clean 2 bed- room apartment $850/utilities, great backyard and parking, April 15th 3 bedroom apartment $1050/utilities laundry/park- ing/backyard 905-721-8607 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY in Whitby, Apt. building, spacious, carpeted, newly painted, with bal- cony, close to bus, shopping, all utilities included, first/last required, no pets, 1 bedroom $800, 2 bed- room $900, 3 bedroom $1,025. Call (905)767-2565 AVAILABLE NOW!- Ajax - Large 2 bedroom, eat in kitchen, liv/din- ing, ground floor, separate en- trance. In a clean 12 plex newly renovated from $850. (905) 922- 0252 or (905) 686-0470. BEAUTIFUL walkout basement apt. Pickering Finch/Rose- bank..1350 sq. ft., gas fireplace, all inclusive $1000/month. Available May 1st. (905)839-2022. BLOOR ST. EAST Oshawa Con- veniently located near No Frills, 401, 2 bedrooms $745+hydro ($50/mo) avail. April 1st. First/last/1-parking. Immaculate, nice, well-maintained, bright/clean. Laundry, small building. Bus-stop at door. No pets. 905-668-1946. BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms. Please call Mon-Fri. 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOWMANVILLE-spacious one bedroom apt. Quiet location. Free parking. No smoking/pets. Adult lifestyle building. $765 util. includ- ed. Call 905-697-3491 BRAND NEW 1-bedroom, bright walkout basement, $850/month incl. cable, utilities, laundry, no cats, dogs, smokers. First/last. April 1. Susan (416)625-2363 CENTRAL WHITBY- clean and spacious 2 bedroom plus den. Main floor of triplex. No pets. $1050/inclusive. Available May 1st. First/last. (905)263-4125. ONE BEDROOM basement apt. Ve ry clean, near Oshawa Centre. No smoking/pets. Avail. April 1st. $750/mo. (905)723-7697 CHARMING 2 BEDROOM apart- ment north of Port Perry. Com- pletely private, beautiful lake view. Available immediately. First & last required. 905-655-3393. CLEAN 1-BDRM $720/month, newly decorated. Utilities included. Simcoe/Mill area, small quiet apt. building. Call for appt. (905)579- 9890. CLIPPER APARTMENTS AJAX - 2 & 3 Bed. Please call Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 905-683-6021 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. COURTICE- Large, bright 2 bdrm, apartment. Townline/Bloor area. Near amenities/schools/park. $900 appliances/utilities included. First/last. Available April 1st. 905- 404-8548, cell 905-431-5958. COURTICE-Quiet neighbourhood, upper-level of house, spacious 1- bed., backing onto green-space. Private laundry, 2pc.bath/jacuzzi, parking, appliances included. First/last $1050/incl. Days 905- 404-3967; Eve. 905-571-4822. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - huge 2 bedroom heat, hot water, parking included, $880 per mo. lst./last Available Apr. lst. Call (416)520- 6392 or (905)669-4009 FREE CRUISE Move in by April 1st & you may win a free vacation! Harwood & Bayly 2 bdrms $985 Renovated Units Call 310-7000 www.globetransglobe.com LARGE -Clean, main floor 2 bdrm. apt. Excellent area, near Oshawa hospital. Eat-in kitchen, includes appliances, parking, & laundry. $815/mo. + utilities. Call Pat 905-263-2228 LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE/APT.Fridge,stove. Wash- er & dryer hook-up. No smokers, no pets, available March 31. Port Perry. Days 905-985-8507, even- ings 905-985-8786. NEWCASTLE/ORONO,2,000 sq.. FT. basement, 2 bedrooms, bright, new laminate, ceramics, huge yard, Hwy 115 / Conc. 3. Immedi- ately. Responsible tenants wanted. No pets, $800 mo. (905) 435- 0035. NORTH OSHAWA clean 1 bed- room furnished, spacious base- ment apartment. no smoking/no pets, close to College/Uni, close to bus route. Separate entrance. Incl. washer/dryer, fridge/stove/utilities $700/mth First and Last re- quired.(905)576-5202 . ONE LARGE BDRM w/walk-out, clean, parking, air, cable, applianc- es, fireplace, 4pc bath. Thick- son/401 Whitby. Avail. Immed./Apr.1,. $795/mo inclusive, First/last, no smoking/pets. 905- 431-0202. OSHAWA - 2 bdrm. lower duplex, Gibb/Waverly. Bright, spotless, quiet, private entrance, appliances, blinds, electric heat, parking. $915/mo. inclusive. Available im- mediately. No smoking/pets. Laun- dry available. 905-728-7850. OSHAWA - Conant St. 1 bedroom. $650 inclusive. Parking, first /last/references required. Available April 1st. 905-436-6206. OSHAWA - Large 1 and 2 bed- room apartment, eat in kitchen, parking, laundry. In a clean low rise building from $650. (905) 922- 0252 or (905) 686-0470. OSHAWA - Ritson/Dean (near all amenities), 1 bedroom, large liv- ingroom, appliances, freshly deco- rated, available anytime, $675+hy- dro. (416)265-6226 OSHAWA - Taunton/Simcoe new- ly decorated 2 bedroom apart- ment, A/C, parking, laundry, new appliances, starting $875 + hydro, first/last/references 905-683-5013 OSHAWA 1-BEDROOM nice quiet area, no smoking/pets. All inclu- sive $625/month. Available April 1st. Call 905-404-8565 OSHAWA CENTRAL- luxurious, 2-bdrms. New bathroom/ kitchen/appliances. $750/monthly. Open for inspection, Friday, 4:00-6pm; Saturday & Sunday 3-5pm. 48 Simcoe St. N. (905)725-9473 OSHAWA Dean/Ritson. 2-bdrm, main floor. Clean, quiet, newly ren- ovated. 2 entrances, deck, laundry facilities, fridge/stove near all amenities. Avail. anytime. $895/mo-inclusive. (905)439-0108 OSHAWA NEW modern bright one bedroom basement apart- ment, avail. immediately. Parking, laundry, utilities, a/c. Hospital area, walk to Simcoe bus, BBQ in back- yard! No pets/smoking. First/last. $700. (905)723-4125. OSHAWA Park/Adelaide area. (230 Nipigon St) 1, 2 & 3-bed- rooms available. Well maintained building. Near all amenities. From only $750/mo. Call (905)723-0977. GARAGE DOORS • ELECTRIC OPERATORS Fast dependable service & repairs Sales & installation of quality doors and operators 905-852-1981 1-888-889-9788 www.uprightdoorservice.com We offer a 10 year pro-rated warranty on spring & cable repairs UP RIGHT DOOR SERVICE MURPHY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES Custom decks, fences and Garden Sheds, Hardwood/laminate floors, Trim work & Crown Moulding, Ceramic Tiles & Back splash, Pluming & Electrical, Pot Lights,Basement finishing, Drywall & plastering and General Home Repairs Quality workmanship, Reliable Service 20 years Experience Call James (905)839-4041 A FULL DECK Custom decks, fences, arbors and gazebos •union trained carpenter •established company •numerous references •fair prices •Interior renovations also performed (416)735-3955 (905)665-3874 RITCHIE'S WOODWORKING LTD. Home Renovations ●Bathrooms ●Additions ●Basement ●Custom Work Fully Insured Free Estimates Phone (905)428-3499 Fax (905)683-8893 MARSHALL GROUP HOME IMP. Carpentry, Ceramic Tile, Laminate Flooring, Plumbing, General Repairs. Free Estimates Seniors Discounts (905) 428-3362 Ask for Paul marshallgroup@rogers.com HOME RENOVATIONS Ceramic Tile specialist 25 years experience Kitchens, Bathrooms, Basements, Additions, Drywall, Paint, Carpentry, Electrical, Roofing, Masonry (905)655-6918 No Job is too small ✓Bathrooms ✓Basements ✓Kitchens ✓Painting ✓etc Let me help you get rid of your TO-DO Lists For an estimate call Ian at 416-606-0195 PLUMBER ON THE GO To p Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential/Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates - over 20 years experience (905)837-9722 THE RENOVATOR Quality Workmanship Reliable Service Reasonable Rates Specialized in all Interior Renovations ✦ Basement Finisher ✦ Carpentry ✦ Electrical ✦ Flooring ✦ Painting ✦ Plumbing Free Estimates 905-426-3657 or 416-553-4309 U.K. Plumbing Complete Renovation Service, Bathrooms, Basements, Tiling, Flooring, Drywall, Repairs. Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Call Phil (905)427-5462 ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 GUARANTEED PAI NTING "Pay as you're satisfied" Painting, plastering, Stucco ceiling repair/paint one room or whole house 37 years experience for free estimate call Scott c-647-896-2406 h-905-619-2406 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 P & H Painting Professional, Experienced, Reliable Interior/Exterior **Fully Insured** Call for free estimate (905) 686-7889 $45/hr 2 movers + truck 24' trucks available. www.triumphmoving.com 416-802-9849 905-883-4406 Triumph Moving ACTIVE MOVING SYSTEMS Houses, Apartments Offices, appliances & piano specialists. Pa cking & Storage Avail. Senior & Mid- month Discounts Excellent Service (905)436-7795 CLEAN MOMENT Experienced European cleaning. Residential. Pickering & Ajax area. For service call 647-295-0771 "Clean is our middle name" COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICES (905)250-9806 •Carpet/Floor Care •Move-Ins/Outs •Garage/Spring Clean-ups •Construction Clean-ups YOU NAME IT,WE CLEAN IT! "Now Hiring" ECOBRITE CLEANING CO. Now Serving Ajax/Pickering Daily ~ Weekly~ Monthly Cleaning Services Res. Office Apt/Condo Retail Store, Move-In/Out Value ~ Service ~ Quality 905-509-6421 HOUSE CLEANER with over 10 years experience Reasonable rates Call (416) 752-3550 ORGANIZING MATTERS! Professional Home Organizing closets, drawers, kid's rooms, basements, garages etc. Liz 905-428-8707 416-457-3140 PERFECT MAID SERVICE We fully GUARANTEE our work. All employees are full trained and supervised. We are fully bonded. If you are looking for excellent service, excellent rates and a clean house call The Perfect Maid Service Call now - Sat. available 905-686-5424 CARPETS LAMINATES HARDWOOD Super Deal on Laminate & Carpets Free 10mm pad w/inst. Repairs & Restretch Fully Licensed & Insured * Free Estimates * Sam (905) 706-3206 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 18, 2005, PAGE 31 A/Pwww.durhamregion.com 1011 SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa - Large 3 bedroom town home suites with full basements, available for rent. Private fenced yards with mature trees close to all amenities. $999.00 per month. One month free! Call (905)579-7649 for an appointment. CRAWFORD, Donald Frederick Suddenly, at home in Ajax, on Tuesday march 15, 2005, in his 78th year. Loving father of Barbara Misner and her husband Barry, Gloria Crawford and her partner Brian Stavert, and Ken Crawford. Devoted "Papa" of Amy Naumienko-Heaton and her husband Spencer, Shari Misner and Charley Misner. Beloved brother of Clarence, Glenn, Murray and wife Joyce, and sis- ter-in-law Thelma. Uncle to many nieces and neph- ews.Fondly remembered by Brian and Matt. Prede- ceased by his parents, Fred and Merle Crawford, his wife Minnie McLellan, his brother Bud, his granddaughter Cindy Misner and his sisters-in-law Dora and Lydia. The family will receive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old King- ston Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905-428-8488 form 1-2 p.m. Saturday, March 19, 2005. Funeral Service to follow in the Chapel at 2:00 p.m. Inter- ment - Salem Cemetery. Should family and friends so desire, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foun- dation would be greatly appreciated. JOLLYMORE, Vivian Peacefully in her sleep, at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto on Wednes- day March 16, 2005. Vivian Jollymore, beloved wife of Brent. Loving mother of Kyle and Kevin, and pup- py Bugsy. Cherished daughter of Hayat and late Maher Khouzam, and sister of Amir Khouzam. Dear daughter-in-law of Ethel Cameron and James Rooth. The family invites friends to gather to cele- brate her life at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Vil- lage) 905-428-8488 from 2-4 and 7-9pm on Friday. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, 82 Church Street South, Ajax (Pickering Village) on Saturday March 19, 2005 at 11:00 a.m Interment in Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens. Should family and friends so desire, donations to the Princess Marga- ret Hospital would be greatly appreciated . LEMIEUX, Isabella Fenicia Surrounded in the love and warmth of her family on March 16, 2005 at the Rouge Valley Health System, Ajax. Isabella, at the age of 73. She now joins her beloved husband Paul and her treasured daughter Sharylynne, Survived by her children, Michael, Mary-Lou, Paula (Pat), and Stephen (Julie). Loving and devoted grandmother of Damian, Ryan, Colleen, Garrett, Marc, Adam, the late Renee, Kimberley, and great granddaughter Myra. We have been truly blessed and fortunate to have had a Mom like you. God gave us the best when He gave us our parents. The family will re- ceive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Vil- lage) 905-428-8488 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Sat- urday. Funeral to be held in the chapel on Sunday, March 20, 2005 at 1:30 pm. The family wish to ex- press their heartfelt gratitude for the devotion shown from the fireman to the paramedics, from the nurses to the doctors at the Ajax Hospital. MARPLE, Agnes Passed away peacefully, on Sunday, March 13, 2005, in her 94th year. Loving wife of the late Norman Marple. Cherished mother of Marie, Helen, Norm, Linda, Robert and the late Melvin, Yvonne and Gary. Beloved grandmother of many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Agnes will also be greatly missed by her sisters May, Jean and the late Jesse and Ruth, and her late brothers Tom, Larry and Jim. A Family Service was held at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME 905-428- 8488. Should family and friends so desire, dona- tions to the charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated by the family. Agnes was a symbol and giver of love. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. MULLINS, Florence On Tuesday March 15, 2005 at Ajax Pickering Hospital. Florence beloved wife of the late Donald. Dear mother of Wayne and his fiancee Carol and Brent and his wife Denyse. Loved grandmother of Kaytlynn, Collyne and Madalynn. Survived by brother Donald Cleary. Friends and family may visit at THE SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE FUNERAL CENTRE, 1057 Brock Road, Pickering (south of 401) (905)686-5589 on Saturday March 19, 2005 from 10am-12 pm. Funeral Service to follow in our chapel at 12 pm. Cremation. In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated . HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY CLIFF "The Masterpiece" Besharat March 18th, 1989 The future of "WWE" Yo u've got a choke hold on our hearts as you turn 16 and we realize that the 3-count is inevitable as you have won your right to enter the World Championship match. Be strong, be honest but most of all, be true to yourself. We're proud of you and will love you always. Dad, Mom and Tamara Notice of Intention to expand facilities and increase processing and storage capacity Please be advised that Direct Line Environmental Services Inc of 1070 Toy Ave, Pickering has made application to the Ministry of the Environment to consolidate and amend its current certificate of approvals to provide for: 1) The incorporation of approximately 2.33 acres of adjacent land @ 1060 Toy avenue 2) The construction of a new 20,900 square foot processing facility and a 5,400 square foot office complex at the 1060 Toy Avenue location. (The site plan application has already been submitted and is currently being considered by The City of Pickering Planning and Development). 3) The incorporation of approximately 5.6 acres of adjacent land formerly owned by CN rail. This property will initially be used for storage of empty bins, totes and unused equipment. However, the property contains a rail spur and therefore in the future, the site may be used for both shipping and receiving by rail. 4) An increase in the total amount of liquid industrial waste stored at its site at any time from 931,150 litres to a maximum of 2,312,500 litres (only 1,212,500 litres will be needed at the out set). 5) A realignment and consolidation of various waste classes to better describe the processing and/or storage methods employed or to be employed for the safe handling and control of all waste received. Direct Line is ISO registered for both 9001 and 14001 and is dedicated to fulfilling its environmental responsibilities in every way possible. The company is very excited about its proposed expansion and because its continued growth will also create significant job opportunities and increased levies, Direct Line believes strongly that the project will also benefit the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham. The expanded facilities and increased storage capacity are needed to enable the company to better service all of the requirements of its rapidly expanding customer base and at the same time make provision for expected increased demand to be created by proposals such as Ontario's Waste Oil Diversion program and other environmental initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Environment. If you would like to view the application or obtain additional information, you may do so by calling Direct Line at 905-509-2460 or, the Ministry of Environment's Assessment and Approvals Branch at 1-800-461-6290 or the Ministry of Environment's York-Durham District Office in Pickering at 905-427-5600 Your comments are welcome. OSHAWA south. Small 1-bed- room basement, appliances, 3pc bath, laundry, large yard, parking, no smoking. April 1st. First/last/references $545/inclu- sive. (905)743-0376 905-925- 9110 OSHAWA,1-bdrm upper level plus loft, newly renovated. $790/mo inclusive, 1-parking, pri- vate entrance. First/last. Avail. immediately. (416)284-7502. OSHAWA,1-bedroom basement apt., quiet, clean, spacious, in- cludes parking, laundry, utilities. No smoking/pets, suitable for 1. Avail. April 1st, $675. (905)725- 7833 OSHAWA,356 Dwight Ave. 2- bedroom apartment in duplex. Stove, fridge, washer, dryer. $750/month plus hydro, first/last required. Available immediately. No pets. (905)721-1640 OSHAWA,Central Park/King area. Large 1-bedroom basement apart- ment, separate entrance, 1-park- ing, $675/month all inclusive. No smoking/pets. Suitable for quiet working tenant. (905)721-9103 OSHAWA,Olive/Wilson, 2 bed- room basement apartment, fully self contained, laundry facilities and parking. Available immediate- ly. 416-402-3435. OSHAWA,Taunton/Simcoe, love- ly basement apartment suitable for 1 mature adult. Fireplace, A/C, garage. Separate entrance. $685/mo.-inclusive. Available now. No smoking/pets. (905)579-9522. Park/Gibb, Oshawa Basement room, own kitchen & bath, laundry facilities. Separate ent., $300/biweekly. First/last required. Call Terri 905-721-8518 PICKERING -1 bdrm. bsmt. apt., Spacious, separate entrance, laun- dry, cable, parking. $800/mo. in- clusive, includes all utilities, avail. April 1. First/last, references, no smoking/pets. Call 416-518-9715 or 905-837-5453. PICKERING - 2 BEDROOM base- ment apt. Bright and spacious, No smoking/pets. Immediately. Bay- ly/Liverpool Pickering. Hydro, cable, parking, AC, (905)831-6120 PICKERING - Brand new, profes- sionally finished 2 bedroom base- ment apartment. Rouge Valley ar- ea. Bright, Separate entrance, A/C, laundry, cable +, large mod- ern kitchen/bath, 1 car parking. No Pets/Smoking. $1000/month inclu- sive. Available immediately. Call 416-725-9400. PICKERING - BROCK/HWY 2, spacious clean 1 bedroom bsmt. apt. New appliances, single non smoker $700/mth. (utilities/cable included). Available April 1st. Call Pauline 905-426-6208 PICKERING - Whites/Sheppard, 1-bedroom basement apartment. Bright interior, 4-pc washroom, walk to Grocery/Bus/Go. No pets/smoking. $625/month. Call 905-837-0337 PICKERING -New 2 bedroom basement apartment. Available anytime. Clean, Separate en- trance. Close to all amenities. Must be seen! Call 416-899-0394. PICKERING Bayly/Liverpool. 1 bedroom basement apt., all inclu- sive, parking, no smoking/pets. Separate entrance, $750. (905)839-4353 PICKERING Spacious 3-bedroom 1 1/2 baths, two car parking, laun- dry/dishwasher utilities included, next to GO access to yard, no pets/smoking, Available May 1st. $1350 (905) 420-4269 PICKERING VILLAGE - executive soundproof basement, 1200-sqr- feet,1-bdroom+den, ac/cable/park- ing, own laundry separate en- trance, $980 inclusive, no smoking 416-561-8656 Avail May 1 PICKERING, 1-BEDROOM PLUS den, spotlessly clean, dry base- ment apt., in adult family home. Separate entrance, all utilities in- cluding cable, laundry. No smok- ers. Single professional preferred. $799/month, available May 1st. (905)831-6289 PICKERING, 3 bedroom main lev- el of home, newly renovated, gleaming hardwood floors, ceramic in kitchen and bathroom, big pri- vate backyard and shed, private laundry and front entrance, 2 car parking. $1,135 plus % of utilities. Cory (416) 270-1916. PICKERING,Brock/Hwy #2 bright 1 bedroom basement apt., share laundry, parking, no smoking. Available immediately. First/last. Call (905)427-9643 PICKERING,large 2-bdrm, Separ- ate entrance. Large yard, a/c, c/v, parking, ceramics, laminate, appli- ances, laundry. $900/mo inclu- sive. No pets/smoking. (905)426- 2077 (leave msg). PICKERING,Large 2-bedroom basement apartment, newly reno- vated, no smoking/pets, sep. en- trance, parking, laundry. $900/month inclusive. Immediate- ly. 905-839-9670 or 905-421-9837. PICKERING-PARKDALE/ROSE- FIELD, subleters welcome, new, clean 2-bedroom basement apart- ment, separate entrance. Spa- cious, near transportation & shop- ping, available immediately. $900- inclusive. First/last, references. No smoking/pets. (905)837-9607. PICKERING- Whites/401, clean bright 1-bed. basement apt., sep- arate entrance, full kitchen, air, laundry, parking, cable+, utilities included. Non-smoking, first/last, April 1st. $800/mo. (905)837-0227 PORT PERRY (ISLAND), 1 bed- room apartment, $695.00. First/last, no pets/smoking. Park- ing, hydro. 905-982-1165. PORT PERRY - Quiet, well kept 3-bedroom apartment in low-rise, 1250sq.ft, walk to lake Scugog. Adult lifestyle building. No pets. 905-985-6938, 905-430-7816. PORT PERRY, 1 bedroom base- ment apartment, $800.00 First, last, lease, parking. No pets or smoking. Available May 1. Refer- ences. 905-985-8174. REGENCY PLACE 15 Regency Cres. Whitby 50+ lifestyle apt. complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to down- town. Daily activities incl. All utilities incl. Call (905)430-7397 www.realstar.ca SIMCOE ST. N.1 - one bedroom, 3 - two bedroom units, Oshawa, air, 5 appliances, Luxury apart- ments, 1 bed $1280. plus parking, 2 bedrooms $l,460. plus parking. Call 905-571-3760 TESTA HEIGHTS - 2 Testa Rd. Uxbridge, One & two bedroom apts. available . Conveniently lo- cated in Uxbridge in adult occu- pied building. Call (905)852-2534. www.realstar.ca UXBRIDGE NEW!To wn- house/Apartment rentals. 2 bed- rooms, 4 appliances, aircond., pat- io/garden, parking, storage. 905- 852-4777 WEST SHORE,2 bedroom base- ment open concept. $700 per month plus utilities. John Plump- ton, Sales Rep. Prudential Achiev- ers Reality.(905)428-7677. WESTNEY/KINGSTON Rd., 1-bedroom renovated basement, 1.5 bathrooms, laundry, parking, cable, separate entrance, $750. Near Transit, shopping, schools. No pets/smoking. (647)295-5251 WHITBY - Large 1 bdrm. bsmt. apt. Own entrance, gas f/p, park- ing, $720/mo inclusive. No smok- ing/pets. Avail. April/May 1st. First /last. 905-430-7340. WHITBY 3 bedroom A MUST SEE Newly renovated, large eat-in kitchen, private fenced yard, laun- dry, great central location, no smoking, Available immediate- ly/April 1st. $990. Call 905-809- 9774. WHITBY CLEAN quiet, spacious 1-bdrm main floor of house. Cen- trally located, "Olde Whitby" full basement, laundry, suits adult, working person(s), non-smok- ing/pets. Avail. immediately. $890+utilities. 905-668-3011 WHITBY one bedroom walkout basement apartment, in best loca- tion in Whitby, Brock/Taunton. cable, laundry. $750 inclusive. Available April lst. (905) 922-4477. WHITBY Place, 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom suites. Low rise building, park like setting, balcony or patio. Close to down- town. In-suite storage. All util. incl. (905)430-5420. www.realstar.ca WHITBY,1 bedroom basement apartment on GO route. Laundry, private entrance, all inclusive $640/month. Available May 1st. (905)655-7277. WHITBY,large 2-bedroom newly renovated basement apt., private entrance, 5 appliances, $820+ util- ities. First/last, references. Avail- able April 1st. Call (905)666-3050 WHITBY, large bright newer one bedroom basement, eat in kitchen, fireplace, laundry, parking, nice neighbourhood, $900/mo. inclu- sive. Call (416)838-1026, (905)665-4779. WHITBY-2-bedroom suites $840 - $860. all inclusive, close to all amenities. Office hours 9-5 Mon- day - Friday. (905)666-4589. AJAX - Beautiful condo, 2 bed., 2 baths at 2 Westney Rd. N. 2-PARKING SPOTS, locker, out- door pool/bbq/fitenss sauna, May 1st. $1250 (negotiable). No pets/smoking. 905-471-5911. 40 MINUTES NORTH of Oshawa, (Lindsay). 2200 Sq. Ft., main floor laundry, in town on Trent water park, 1.5 Acres, built in 2002, close to schools, shopping, Main St., parks, playgrounds, walking trails, boat ramp, municipal docks, lift locks and hospital, 3-bedrooms, 2 bath, town sewers and water. $1200/mth (239) 287-1546 E-mail andfitz@comcast.net A-ABA-DABA-DO NOBODY NEEDS TO RENT If you're paying $750+/mo you CAN OWN - LET ME SHOW YOU! No Down Payment!! Ken Collis, Assoc. Brkr, Coldwell Banker RMR R.E. (905)728-9414 or 1-877-663-1054 kencollis@sympatico.ca 3 BEDROOM ON LAKE.Long term, will go fast. $1,200.00 month. Available April 1. First & last. 905-442-2424. 3 BEDROOM,1.5 bath, semi detached home, South Oshawa on Cull-De-Sac Available March 15th. $1100/month, utilities ex- tra. First/last. Short or long term lease available. (905)725-8633. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE,newly painted. Basement, garage, laun- dry, appliances. Near all amen- ities. No smoking/pets. $1300+ utilities, first/last, available April 15th. (905)728-2519 4-BEDROOM HOUSE,1 mile from Durham College, large lot, $1800 monthly plus utilities. References required. Available April 1st. (705)454-8912, 905-706-8721. ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000 plus family income and good credit. Short of down pay- ment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re Max Spirit (905) 728- 1600, 1-888-732-1600 AJAX (South)-Near lake. 3 bed- rooms, 1 bath. Huge yard/garage. No smoking. Available negotiable. $1400/mo. Please call Debra at: 905-391-0069. AJAX -Spacious 5 bedroom home. South side of Westney by the lake. Backing onto Greenbelt. All appli- ances. Please call Zaly/Nagir: 416- 315-6113 or 905-827-6027. AJAX,close to IGA and Hospital. 4-bedrooms, family and living room separate, $1450 plus utilities. Available May 1. call (905)683- 5755. AJAX,main floor of semi, 3- bdrms, walk-out to deck, laundry, parking, Harwood/Bayly, no smok- ing/pets. $1150/mo+ 60% utilities. Avail. April 1st. (905)294-0760 BEAUTIFUL Whitby main floor. April 1st. 2-bdrms + office, open concept kitchen, dishwasher, a/c, jacuzzi, laundry, french doors to deck, huge yard, no smoking. $1200+ 1/2 utilities. (905)430- 9005 daytime. FINALLY A PLACE to call home! Whitby spotless and bright, 3- bdrm, 2-bath, gourmet kitchen, lux- urious living/dining, prof. land- scaped and fenced huge back- yard, heated swimming pool, full basement, 6 appliances, pictu- resque setting, new paint through- out, new carpet, new laminate flooring. Everything you could want and more! Stop looking, this is it, $1297+. Call Steve at (905)686- 4891 and come home. NORTH OSHAWA,Taunton/Rit- son, 2-storey, 4-bedroom house. New hardwood, carpet, eat-in kitchen, fireplace, deck. Walk to shopping and transportation. $1350 plus utilities. April 1st. (905)472-8947 WHITBY,3-bedroom semi de- tached, Dunlop/Annes St., large yard, utilities,appliances included, shared laundry, no smoking, May 1, $1300 per month.(905)430-2925 OSHAWA -Large, 3 bdrm., main floor of house with walkout to large deck and private fenced yard, parking. Close to amenities, on bus route. $1450/inclusive. Avail- able April 1. First/last/references. Call 905-706-4471. OSHAWA,Bright updated 3 bdrm semi. 5 appl. c/air. walkout to deck. Excludes bsmt. Avail. Apr 15 or May 1. $1100 includes wa- ter. Heat/Hydro extra. First/Last, references req'd. No pets. 905 571 5260/416 435 2962. OSHAWA,close to OC, 4 bed- room, fenced yard, partially fin- ished basement, no pets, $1200, first & last, plus utilities & $200 wa- ter deposit. Avail immediately (905)430-0249 OSHAWA,detached 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, 5 appliances, central air, gas fireplace, no pets/no smoking. lst/last. $1,400 per mo. plus utilities. Available April lst. (905) 723-3790. PICKERING Major Oaks/Brock 2-storey detached, 3-bdrm, 3- bathrms, A/C, 6 new appl, pool/deck. Near GO/schools/shop- ping. No smoking/pets. first/last/references. $1400+util- ities. April 1. 905-655-1319 416- 270-3452 RENT $1150/mo.or Rent-to-Own $1650/mo. + 2/3rd utilities for 3 bedroom new house in North Oshawa. 905-922-7356. SIMCOE/TAUNTON- newer home, 4-bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laun- dry, air con., 2-car parking, near College, buses, shopping. Avail. immediately. $1350+util/month, first/last, references. Certified cheque. Cindy (905)839-1615, 289-314-2893. TAUNTON/BROCK - BRAND new 3 bedroom house, 5 new applianc- es, 3 1/2 baths, garage, storage, whole house, finished basement, quiet Whitby neighbourhood. Apr. 3. $1,450 plus utilities. (416) 817- 5318 WHITBY, 3-bedroom main floor, $1300/month, includes utilities and cable. Basement apt., large 2-bed- room, $900/mo, all new, includes utilities and cable. No pets/smok- ing, references required. (905)683-6863 BLOOR/TOWNLINE -Newer 3 bedroom end-unit townhouse with fully fenced yard. Mainfloor laun- dry. Separate Garage. Fireplace. 1450sq.ft. Available May 1st. $1350/mo. + util. 905-619-2495. CARRIAGE HILL Colborne St. E., Oshawa- 2 & 3 bedrooms avail- able. Close to downtown and shopping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utilities included. Call (905)434-3972. www.realstar.ca EXECUTIVE Townhomes- Two - 2 bedrooms+den, brand new, new appliances, A/C Sheppard/Mor- ningside, $1,000+utilities. 2-car parking. References, avail. immed. (905)509-2335 after 4 p.m. HILLCREST HEIGHTS Commu- nity Living in Oshawa now has units . Avail. immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. OSHAWA south 3 bedroom town- houses, close to schools, shop- ping. $975/month plus utilities. First/last. Available April/May 1st. 905-579-9956 or Toll-free 1-866- 922-6422. PICKERING END UNIT- 3+1 bed- room, 5-level open-concept, newly renovated, laminate flooring & ce- ramics throughout.$1200/mo. 905- 427-6352 leave msg. http://www. terrabuilder.com/4Rent/4Rent.htm TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 Taun- ton Rd E., Oshawa. 3 bedrooms with/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring, Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.real- star.ca. PICKERING BROCK/HWY #2, rooms, cable, laundry, parking, next to transit, near GO/401, no pets/smoking. Available April 1st. $500/$600+ 1/4-utilities. (647)889- 2647. PICKERING VILLAGE.For rent two single furnished rooms. Shared bathroom. Parking. Work- ing persons. No smoking. No pets. Call Sandra: (905)683-5630. ROOM for rent, $550/month, first/last, Whites/Sheppard, Picker- ing. No smoking/pets. Call Chris (905)831-1932 ROOM FOR RENT, OSHAWA. Shared living room, bath, kitchen. Close to amenities & bus. Parking. Prefer working female. $550.00/month. 905-579-9119. WHITBY Thickson/Hwy 2. Room for rent. Share common areas, own bathroom, close to shopping and public transit. Available imme- diately. Call (905)743-9155 AJAX - clean and quiet, excellent for night shift or student. Kitchen, laundry, parking, $500/month. Call Dave (647)283-0272 AJAX or PICKERING clean fur- nished houses to share. Mature male preferred, parking, laundry, telephone, cable-TV, and all util- ities included. From $450 No lease, non-smoking houses, no pets, 905-683-0457; cell-905-409- 9495 April 1st. AJAX,one bedroom plus use of all facilities. No smoking/pets. $450/month, first/last. Call (905)428-1205 COURTICE AREA,professional male looking to share large clean century home with one other. Laundry, phone, internet, and all utilities included. No smoking/pets. lst/last $450 per mo. Call (905) 706-1782 or (905) 434-6561. PICKERING,Altona/Hwy 2, clean, large bedroom available in upscale neighbourhood. Includes cable, laundry, internet, parking, near all amenities, TTC and Pickering Tr ansit. $400/month. Female pre- ferred. (647)882-8237 2002 COLEMAN Bayside Folding Tr ailer, sleeps 8, fully loaded in- cluding A/C. Brand new condition with many extras. $13,000. Call (905)447-2925. BALSAM LAKE,Fenelon Falls. Tr ailers for sale on sites and HK cottages for rent. Toll free 1-877- 887-2550 or check out www.sandybeachtrailercourt.com The Ajax Skating Club will be holding it's annual general meeting on Saturday April 2nd at 5pm. in the Commodore's Room at the Ajax Community Centre. A/P PAGE 32 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 18, 2005 www.durhamregion.com Come and Worship with us at: Intercultural Worship Center 377 Mackenzie Ave. Unit #10 Ajax, ON. Tel: 905-619-9095 Fax: 905-571-5616 An E.M.C.C.E.D. member church. We a r e a l o c a l c o m m u n i ty chur c h b a se d o n p ri n c i p l e s o f: L o v e , Fai t h , & Powe r t h a t t eac h t h e Hol y S c ript u re s i n i t s e n t i r et y We are located behind the Burger King On Bayly between Harwood & Westney Our service times are: Sunday 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m. C OME W ORSHIP & & & Call Janice @ 905-683-0707 or Fax: 905-579-4218 or Email: jsam@durhamregion.com To Advertise Your Special Easter Services on Wednesday, March 23rd For Special Services See our Easter Service Come and Worship Page 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship See More Classifieds on Page 34 durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 33 A/P EASTER AT ST. TIMOTHY’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 97 Burcher Rd., Ajax (905) 683-6122 Thursday March 24 - 7 pm Maundy Thursday Communion Friday March 25 - 11 am Good Friday Service Sunday March 27 - 11 am Easter Worship Good Friday, March 25th Morning Service - 10:00 am Special Musical - Guest Mr. Hiram Joseph Easter Sunday, March 27th Morning Service 10:00 am Special Musical - Guest Mrs. Marlene O’Neill Palm Sunday & Easter Sunday Family Worship – 10:30 a.m. Supervised Nursery Maundy Thursday Communion Service – 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Breakfast – 8:30 a.m Worship Service – 10:00 a.m. Family Sunrise Service Easter Sunday – 7:30 a.m. 35 Church St. N., Pickering Village 905- 683-7311 ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EVERYONE WELCOME P a l m S und a y – 10:00 a.m. G ood F rid a y – 7:00 P.M. “T he M i r a cle o f Ea s t e r ” featuring the Choirs of Westney Heights Baptist Church Eas t e r Su n d ay Cel e b r a t i o n – 10:00 a.m. (including baptism & music) Westney Heights Baptist Church 1201 Ravenscroft Road (n. of Rossland), Ajax 905-686-7782 E a s t e r S e r v i c e s H o l y T r i n i t y A n g l i c a n C h u r c h 400 Monarch Avenue, Units 1 and 2, Ajax, Ontario 90 5 -6 8 3 -3 8 6 3 w ww.ho l y -t rin i t y -a j a x .ca e-m a i l : ht@ h ol y-tr i ni t y-a j a x.c a S u n d a y, M a r c h 2 0 t h P a s s i o n S u n d a y 8:30 Holy Eucharist 10:00 am: Passion with Liturgy of the Palms - Choral Eucharist T h u r s d a y, M a r c h 2 4 t h M a u n d y T h u r s d a y 7:30 pm: Holy Eucharist with Washing of Feet Ceremony / Garden Vigil F r i d a y, M a r c h 2 5 t h G o o d F r i d a y 9:00 am: Family Service - Statio ns of the Cross 11:00 am: Solemn Intercession and Meditation on the Cross S a t u r d a y, M a r c h 2 6 t h T h e G r e a t Vi g i l o f E a s t e r 7:30 pm: Service of Light & Choral Eucharist S u n d a y, M a r c h 2 7 t h E a s t e r D a y 9:00 am: Choral Eucharist 11:00 am: Choral Eucharist Peace Lutheran Church 928 Liverpool Rd., Pickering (at Bayly) (905) 839-3521 Palm/Passion Sunday – March 20 10:30 am – Procession with Palms Holy Communion and Installation of Pastor Mark Van House Guest Speaker – Bishop Michael Pryse Maundy Thursday – March 24 8:00 pm – Maundy Thursday Service Good Friday – March 25 10:30 am – Service and Procession of the Cross Easter Sunday – March 27 10:30 am – Easter Festival Service with Holy Communion EASTER TRIDUUM HOLY THURSDAY – MARCH 24th (No Morning Mass) Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30 pm GOOD FRIDAY – MARCH 25th Wa y of the Cross – Procession from St. Mary Catholic Secondary at 10:30 to St. Isaac Jogues Church Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross 7:30 pm HOLY SATURDAY – MARCH 26th (No masses until Vigil) Easter Vigil 8:00 pm EASTER SUNDAY – MARCH 27th RESURRECTION OF THE LORD MASSES: 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 am, *1:30 and 7:30 pm *Please note that the 1:30 pm Mass will be celebrated on Easter Sunday only. Please note Easter Monday, March 28th Mass – 8:30 am. There will be no evening Mass – Office closed all day St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering, Ontario L1V 1J6 905-831-3353 HOLY WEEK SERVICES at The Gathering Place 1920 Bayly Street, Pickering , ON (the meeting place for Pickering Pentecostal Church) PALM SUNDAY , MARCH 20 8 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM & 6 PM GODD FRIDAY, MARCH 25 10 AM Communion Service 7:00 PM Heaven’s Gates – Hell’s Flames Drama EASTER SAT URDAY, MARCH 26 7:00 PM Heaven’s Gates – Hell’s Flames Drama EASTER SUNDAY, MARCH 27 8 AM, 9 AM & 11 AM 6:00 PM Heaven’s Gates – Hell’s Flames Drama TUESDAY AFTER EASTER, MARCH 29 7:00 PM Heaven’s Gates – Hell’s Flames Drama Refuge City Pentecostal Church 545 Kingston Road. W., Ajax 905-427-6922 Pastor Lance Brown Come and join us for worship. Good Friday at 11:00 am March 25, 2005 “A Ministry with a Personal Touch” WORD OF TRUTH CHRISTIAN CENTRE 1527 Ba yly St. Pickering 905-839-0333 Senior Pastor Joseph Fisher We invite you to come and celebrate Jesus with us! Good Friday Service - 10 am Easter Sunday - 11 am Musical Drama Presentation - 7 pm Visit our Resource Centre at 15 43 Bayly St. or call: 905-839-4953 We provide: mentoring, computer training, tutoring, career development, anger & stress management assistance, teen parent support & fun activities. (For youths ages 13-19) March 20th Palm Sunday 10:30 a.m. A traditional parade with palms March 24th Maundy Thursday 7:00 p.m. Re-enactment of Jesus’ last supper and Trials March 25th Good Friday 10:30 a.m. Dramatic service centering on Jesus’ crucifixion March 27th Easter 7:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise service at Erskine Church (N.E. Corner Fairport & Finch) Service centering on the finding of the empty tomb 10:30 a.m. Service centers on the rest of the resurrection stories Actually, Palm Sunday is something completely different. Dunbarton-Fairport United Church 1066 Dunbarton Rd. Pickering, ON L1V 1G8 website: www.dunbartonfairport.on.ca/ dfunited/ Palm Sunday was the start of the most important week in the life of Jesus. Doesn’t it rate a place on your calendar? Join us. We ’ll provide the palms and memories that will last forever. No batteries required. AMBERLEA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Family Church 1820 Whites Road N. , Pickering Rev. Dr. Morley Mitchel l (905) 839-1383 www.amberleapresbyterianchurch.ca EASTER SERVICES Palm Sunday Service March 20th at 11:00 a.m. Maundy Thursday Service March 24th at 8:00 p.m. Good Friday Prayer Breakfast March 25th at 9:00 a.m. (tickets required) Easter Sunday Service March 27th at 11:00 a.m. Sunday of the Passion with Palm Liturgy March 20, 2005 - 9:00 am In Historic Church 10:30 am in St. George’s Centre with dramatized reading of the Passion Gospel Holy Wee k In Historic Church Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 7:30 pm St George’s Anglican Church Pickering Village Hwy. #2 & Randall Drive Ajax 905-683-7981 A REAL LIFE DRAMA PRESENTATION YOU WILL NEVER FORGET! FRIDAY & SATURD AY M ARC H 2 5 , & 2 6, 2 005 - 7 P.M. S UNDAY, MA R CH 27 - 6 P.M. TUE SDAY, MA RCH 29 - 7 P.M. T h e G a t h e r i n g P l a c e 1920 Bayly Street Pickering, Ontario P i c k e r i n g P e n t e c o s t a l C h u rc h F R E E A D M I S S I O N Nursery & Children’s Ministry Provided (905) 428-6888 Sponsored by S U N D AY, M A R C H 2 0 T H Aj a x C o m munity C ent re 75 Centennial Rd., Ajax HMS Ajax Room 1 - 3pm Spring & Summer Sale CONTENTS SALE Dining room, living room, single beds etc. Saturday March 19th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 11 Farley Crt., Ajax (off Dreyer & Harwood) STOREY'S Over $20 Million Dollars Originally Invested UNRESERVED AUCTION Wed. March 23rd at 1:00 p.m. Oshawa Harbour, Oshawa Ont. 2 - 1990 Macawber Dockmaster Ship Unloading Machines, Dust Collection Systems, 2 main yard Transformers and Switch Gears etc.Valid photo I.D. required for all presons attending. Inspection must be made with the auctioneers. Access will be denied without prior arrangements. www.storeyauctions.com 519-641-2844 SINCERE SINGLES introduction service. Specializing in long-term relationships. Toll Free 1-866-719- 9116. www.sinceresingles.ca. 1/2 price special, now on! SPEED DATING,Ages 48-58 March 24th, Ajax (Ladies portion sold out). Ages 25-35, March 29th, Whitby. Ages 35-45, April 5th, Whitby. Register (905)244-5683 or www.thesinglesnetwork244.com LIVE IN Nanny required for June. $9/hr. Must have baby experience with reference. Please telephone: 905-426-3401. LIVE-IN certified oversees nannies/care givers. Elder care, special needs, minimum wage ap- plies. No fee employers OEA. (416)699-6931. ***CURRENTLY*** Immediate openings for Infants & Toddlers Hours 6am - 6pm Westney & Delaney Next door to Westney Heights P.S. 905-427-6777 betterbeginnings@rogers.com IN-MY-HOME Day care, experi- enced Mom. Crafts, story time, outings, much more. Meals/snacks. Near Lord Elgin P.S.Harwood/Hwy #2. All ages welcome. (905)427-4926. Private Tutoring for students in grades 1-8 all subjects and for special needs students, including autistic children (905)831-5365 PSYCHICS reader and advisor, help in all life's problems, satisfac- tion guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarot and Crystal Ball read- ings, always private and confiden- tial, house parties available. (905)665-3222. LEATHER jackets 1/2 price, purs- es from $9.99, luggage from $19.99. wallets from $9.99. Every- thing must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa (905)728- 9830, Scarborough (416)439- 1177. 3 SOFAS,2 tapestry, one country plaid (taupe/green/cranberry) cus- tom made $495 each; occasional tables cherry finish; Williamsburg chandelier $400; Greco Neat-Seat highchair, blue plaid, good condi- tion $70. (905)420-2263 5500 DIESEL generator, electric start. List price $3980 asking $3500 OBO Jim(905)434-5233 8-pc BEDROOM,light oak, like new, dresser, mirror, armoire, head/foot rails, 2 nights; RATTAN DINETTE, glass top, 4 arm, 2 swivel. 905-721-7202 A DININGROOM, cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, dovetail construc- tion. New, still in boxes. Cost $11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 416- 746-0995. A King orthopedic pillowtop mat- tress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 416-746- 0995. Can deliver A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CAR- PETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free up- grade to 12 mm premium pad with every installation, 20 oz Berber carpet starting at 0.69 sq. ft., car- pet only. Lots of selection for eve- ry budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260, 1-800-578-0497. A1 ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Sales, Installation & Service Of All Makes. SALE! FTA $218, DishNet $257. Quick Installs. 7 Days A Week. (905)999-0362 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES Refrigera- tors, $99/up. Super-capacity wash- ers, dryers $125/up. Stoves, $149/up. Visit our showroom. Large selection! Parts, Service. 426 Simcoe St. S. (905)728-4043. ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress, cost $1000, sell $200. Call 905-213-4669. APPLIANCES - Refridgeator frost free, Deluxe stove $475/pair. Heavy duty washer/dryer, $275/pair or $675/all. Also super deluxe refridgeator/stove, large ca- pacity washer/dryer, used 2 years, will separate, all exceptional ap- pearance. (905)925-6446 BED,Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 416-741- 7557.Will deliver BEDROOM SET,cherrywood, bed, chest, dresser, mirror, 2 night stands. Dovetail construction, nev- er opened. Cost $8,000 Sacrifice $1,900. (416)748-3993 BEDROOM SUITE,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mirror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,900. Call 905- 213-4669. BLEACHED OAK dining room set, 6 chairs, hutch, buffet, mint condi- tion, $2,000. Universal gym $250. telephone (905) 665-5923. CARPETS - I have several thou- sand yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living- room & hall for $389.00. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve (905) 743-0689 www.suburbancarpets.com CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30 sq. yd.) includes: carpet, pad and installation. Free esti- mates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam (905)686-1772 CARPETS.Laminate and vinyl sale. 3 rooms, 30sq yds. for $319. Commercial carpet including pre- mier underpad and installation. Laminate $1.69sq ft. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Esti- mate. Mike 905-431-4040 CERAMIC TILE,large quantities for sale, well below retail, delivery and installation available (905)244- 5910. COMPUTERDEALS.NET Special- izing in anti-virus/spyware solu- tions. If your computer's way too slow, we know how to make it go! New & used laptops and desktops from $288. Family business, 20yrs same location. (905)655-3661. NEW DANBY APT sized freezers $209. New Danby bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Recondi- tioned fridges $195/up, ranges $125/up, dryers $125/up, washers $199/up, new and coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appli- ances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 COMPUTERS: BITS AND BYTES Computer Services. SPECIAL: While quantities last FREE CD/RW WITH P3/550 Complete system purchase from $279.00-$289.00; P3/933 (Complete, black) $379.00; P2/350 (Complete, desktop) $169.00; CD-RW upgrade only $30.00 w/system purchase. Other complete systems avail. Repairs at reasonable rates w/Free Pick-up and Delivery within Oshawa/Whit- by.Minimal Charge other areas. Interac, Visa & Mastercard accept- ed. Layaway Plans. Leasing now available OAC on New & Refur- bished Systems. 27 Warren Ave- nue,Oshawa (1 block east of Par k/Bond). Call (905)576-9216 www.bitsandbytestech.com DINING ROOM SUITE,cherry- wood, buffet, hutch, arm chairs & side chairs, pedestal table, dove- tail drawers, Cost $9550, sell for $2950. New, still in boxes. 905- 213-4669. ESTATE SALE - Quality home fur- nishings, TV's, Stereo's, comput- ers, kitchenware and more. Please call for personal appointment at: (905)426-8560. Hot Tub (Spa) Covers - Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-585- 0056 HOT TUB COVERS & Pool Safety Covers - best quality, best prices, all colours, all sizes, large variety available. Delivery included. Cen- tral Ontario Hot Tubs, call Paul 905-259-4514 or 866-97COVER MAYTAG REFRIGERATOR,Frigi- daire stove, less than 1-yr.old, paid $2300, asking $1300/pr. 1992 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 1340, new tires, $9500/obo. 905- 725-0996. MOVING - Highend appliances. Refrigerator/Freezer with icewater maker, Dishwasher/Electric range, Washer/Dryer, Over $6500 new. $3500 O.B.O. Please call (905)686-1754 or (905)449-4686. MOVING. MUST SELL.Glass dining room table and 6 chairs, walnut bedroom set, entertainment unit, beige couch, laz-y-boy chair, 4 poster double headboard, foot- board. Best offer. (905)579-6656 PIANO SALE-Huge Selection! March Break Special March 8th to March 19th deadline, on all upright & grand pianos, also digital pianos. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc). Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons? Try our rent-to-own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO 905-433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PIANO Technician available for tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase consultation on all makes and models of acoustic pianos. Re- conditioned Heintzman, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Rentals also available. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427- 7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com. Visa. PLAYSTATION2 MOD CHIPS XBOX MOD CHIPS installed from $125. Several chips available for each console. We buy used/work- ing consoles. For all the details: www.durhammods.com North End Oshawa. 905-626-0542 POOL table, 1" slate. Solid wood. New in box, $800 accessory pack- age included. Cost $6750 sell for $2300. 905-213-4669. QUEEN 8-pc $1350; Oak buffet hutch table 4 chairs 2-yr $1000; Blue sofa & loveseat $450; TV armoire over 6-ft high $200; Wash- er/Dryer $200; Two wicker tub chairs @ $100; Fridge $250; Stove $100. (905)260-1123 RENT TO OWN - New and recon- ditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furni- ture, Barbecues & More! Fast de- livery. No credit application re- fused. Paddy's Market, 905-263- 8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SATELLITE SERVICES:Direct TV DISHNET, Free To Air, C- band, HD-TV. 20 years servicing satellite. 905-428-1223, or drop by store for a demo. ULTRAMATIC GENIUS Model K- BED adjustable bed, twin, extra long. head and foot massage units, ortho-reversible mattress, wireless remote control, removable side rails, purchased Oct/04- $3400, asking $2,000. (905)666- 2775. WANTED:kitchen, diningroom and bedroom furniture in Oak, Ma- ple or Cherrywood finish. Also liv- ingroom, familyroom furniture, so- fa, loveseat, coffee and end tables etc. Will take larger screen TVs and newer appliances in good working order. 905-260-1123 AJAX LAKERIDGE FARM FIRE- WOOD - End of season special, best prices around, buy now for next year..905-424-1735. Classifieds Continued From Page 32 IT’S HERE ! F O R M U L A F O R D F O R M U L A F O R D , in Pickering i s p l e a s e d FORMULA F O R D to announce i t s l a r g e s t a n n u a l s a l e s e v e n t . FOR 3 DAYS O N L Y ! ! ! FOR 3 DAYS O N L Y ! ! ! $89.00 Acqu i s i t i o n * T h e n J u s t M a k e P a y m e n t s You may pay aYou may pay a $89.00 Acqu i s i t i o n * T h e n J u s t M a k e P a y m e n t s An ENORMOUS NUMBER OF VEH I C L E S A r e A v a i l a b l e , Millions of Dollars W o r t h o f V e h i c l e s T o B e C l e a r e d . Choose from F o r d , M a z d a , J a g u a r , V o l v o , P o n t i a c , C h e v r o l e t , Chrysler, Audi , T o y o t a , H o n d a , N i s s a n , O l d s m o b i l e a n d M o r e . New & Used Cars, V a n s & T r u c k s ! All you pay is t h e $ 8 9 . 0 0 A c q u i s i t i o n * t h e n j u s t m a k e p a y m e n t s . All Credit App l i c a t i o n s W i l l B e A c c e p t e d & P r o c e s s e d . Bring your trad e a n d o w n e r s h i p . B e p r e p a r e d t o t a k e d e l i very! W e’ll pay you T OP DOLLAR for your trad e ! *$89.00 Pl us Appli cable Taxes & F e e s . O.A.C. i.e. $89.00 Dow n , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 f i n a n ced @ $0% Ti mes 36 Months $ 2 7 7 . 7 8 = $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 T o t a l C o n t r a c t C . O . B . $ 0 . Lender approv a l a v a i l a b l e o n p r e m i s e s . Financing as L o w a s 0 % A P R o n m o s t N e w C a r s . Don’t Wait-Hu r r y f o r B e s t S e l e c t i o n ! NO PHONE C A L L S P L E A S E . Financing as L o w a s 0 % APR on mos t N e w C a r s . THURSDAY MARCH 17 9AM-9PM FRIDAY MARCH 18 9AM-6PM SATURDAY MARCH 19 9AM-6PM 11 67 Kingston R d . (Just East of W h i t e s ) , Pickering Kingston Rd. HWY. 401 N Whites Rd.LiverpoolFORMULA FORMULA F O R D FORMULA F O R D Inter est rates ma y va ry from 0% t o 24.9% and a larger do w n p a y m e n t m a y b e r equired depend i n g o n c r e d i t history O.A .C. If consume r s c hooses 0% in lieu of fa ctory reb ate the effect ive r ate of interest is 7 . 7 5 % O . A .C. IT’S HERE ! 905 427-2828 905 839-6666 905 427-2828 905 839-6666 COMING T O P I C K E R I N G ! COMING T O P I C K E R I N G ! $8900 VEHIC L EACQUIS I T I O N S A L E $8900 VEHIC L EACQUIS I T I O N S A L E FOR 3 D A Y S O N L Y ! ! ! FORMULA FORD On site a t FORMULA FORD for 3 da y s o n l y FORMU L A F O R D $89.00 V e h i c l e A c q u i s i t i o n S a l e An ENORMOUS NUMBER O F V E H I C L E S . . . New & Used c a r s a n d t r u c k s . . . e v e n U T I L I T Y V E H I C L E S a r e I N C L U D E D ! You may t a k e d e l i v e r y o f any veh i c l e s i m p l y b y p a y i n g t h e Pay the $ 8 9 . 0 0 V e h i c l e A c q u i s i t i o n * t h e n t a k e d e l i v e r y . All credit a p p l i c a t i o n s will be a c c e p t e d a n d p r o c e s s e d ! TOP DOLLA R for your tra d e ! DON’T M I S S T H I S O P P O R T U N I T Y ! It’s easy! W h e n y o u m a k e p a y m e n t s o n a n y o f t h e s e v e h i c l e s , your first p a y m e n t m a y n o t b e u n t i l S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 5 ! † FOR BEST S E L E C T I O N , C O M E E A R L Y ! $89.00 A c q u i s i t i o n * $89.00 A c q u i s i t i o n * Then J u s t M a k e P a y m e n t s Then J u s t M a k e P a y m e n ts All Vehic l e s w i l l h a v e p a y m e n t s clearly m a r k e d Pick a V e h i c l e - P i c k a P a y m e n t Pick a V e h i c l e - P i c k a P a y m e n t All Vehicl e s w i l l h a v e p a y m e n t s clearly m a r k e d 1167 King s t o n R d . (Just Ea s t o f W h i t e s ) , Pickeri n g Kingston R d . HWY. 401 N Whites Rd.LiverpoolFORMUL A THURS D A Y MARCH 1 7 9AM-9P M FRIDAY MARCH 1 8 9AM-6P M SATUR D A Y MARCH 1 9 9AM-6P M FORD CHEVY MITSUBISHI VOL V O CHR Y S L E R LEAS E R E T U R N S FORMU L A F O R D FORMU L A F O R D †Interestaccrued d u r i n g n o p a y m e nt period t o b e i n c l u d e d i n m o n t h l y p a y m e n t s . *$89.00 pl u s applicable taxes and fees. O.A.C. 905 427-282 8 905 839-666 6 905 427-282 8 905 839-666 6 Kingston Rd. HWY. 401 N Whites Rd. LiverpoolFORMULA FORMULA FORDFORMULA FORD 1167 Kingston Rd. (Just East of Whites) Pickering 905 427-2828 905 839-6666 IF YOU MISSED IT IN WEDNESDAY’S PAPER... YOU STILL HAVE 2 DAYS LEFT... HURRY IN! See More Classifieds on Page 23 A/P PAGE 34 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, March 18, 2005 www.durhamregion.com durhamregion.com THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 PAGE 35 A/P I want a semi for the price of a town!I want a semi for the price of a town! • Live near GO, woods & downtown • Elegant enclave near the Lake • Beautiful 3 & 4 bedroom plans • Spa-style ensuites • Gourmet kitchen/Great Rooms • Access from garage to backyard GRAND MODEL OPENING $220’sFrom the sidebysidesemis WE HEAR YOU!At our Grand Model Opening in Ajax our incredible sidebysidesemis are separated from the garage back, giving direct access to your backyard. THE ROYAL VIKING MODEL HOURS: Mon.-Thurs.: 1 pm - 8 pm, Sat., Sun. & Hol. 11 am - 6 pm, Fri. by appt.Prices & info. are subject to change without notice. Map not to scale. E. & O.E. $20,000 ADVANTAGE TM TM nationalhomes.com C PAGE 36 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, MARCH 18, 2005 durhamregion.com WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD • HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUEWE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD • HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUE UP TO $1,000ON-LINE CREDIT: www.villagechrysler.ca CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP “THINKING LIKE A CUSTOMER” 19 HARWOOD AVE. AJAX (North of 401) 401 CHRYSLER CHRYSLER FIVE STAR SERVICE ★★★★★ HWY. #401 VILLAGE CHRYSLER TORONTO HWY. #2 HARWOOD WESTNEY BROCK RD. KINGSTON RD. SALEM RD. BAYLY MANDRAKE COSTCO WHITBY LAKERIDGEBi wk y/84 m os. Bi wky/72 mos .Biw ky/72 mos .B iw ky/7 2 mos. T hese are limited time offers which may not be combined with any other offer. Prices and total oblig ations listed exclude freight, licence, insurance, applicable taxes, registration, retailer charges and $50 PPSA. offers are subject to change without notice. Financing and leasing are subject to appr oval by Chrysler Financial. See us for complete details. * Cash purchase prices cannot be combined with p urchase financing.†Leases are based on 48 month terms for the following vehicle/annual interest rate /total obligation: PT Cruiser (27D) TLO $13,872 @ 1/8% ALR. First m onth’s payment, freight and $50 PPSA are due at lease inception. Kilometres limited to 81,600, charge of $0.15/km for excess km. Eg.: $30,000 financed @ 0% for 60 months, monthly payment is $500, cost of borrowing is $0 and the total obligation is $30,000. If customer choose 0% financing, they forego additional incentives available to cash purchasers. The effective interest rate factoring in these incentives could be up to 8.6%. **Finance cash offer cannot be used in combination with cash purchases. Cash back will be d educted from the negotiated price of the vehicle after taxes. Taxes are payable on the full negotiat ed price. †Receive a contest entry number and contest web site address when you purchase the qualifying service. Please see us for more details. †On manager’s approval. 1-866-578-0000 SALES HOTLINE: $45.95†$45.95 1-866-834-0744 CASH BACK $4,500$4,500 0%0% P URCHASE FINANCING ** FOR 60 MONTHS OR CHOOSE MONTH 48 MONTH LEASE $0 DOWN $293$293 MONTH 48 MONTH LEASE $250$250 $2,000 DOWN OR CHOOSE 2004 JEEP TJ SPORT or SALES HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9 Fri. & Sat. 9-6 Expires March 26, 2005. VILLAGE CHRYSLER IN AJAXVILLAGE CHRYSLER IN AJAX 2004 SAVINGS...SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS UP TO $ 8000 CASH BACK 2004 SEBRING CONVERTIBLE CASH BACK PURCHASE FINANCING ** FOR 60 MONTHS OR CHOOSE STK#S7175 ONE WEEK ONLY 2004 SEBRING CONVERTIBLE 0%0% CASH BACK $5,000$5,000 P URCHASE FINANCING ** FOR 60 MONTHS BRAND NEW 2004 INTREPID SE OR CHOOSE PURCHASE FINANCING ** FOR 72 MONTHS0%0% CASH BACK $4,500$4,500 OR CHOOSE 2004 DODGE SX2 CASH BACK $8,000$8,000 2004 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE Stk. #C6517 TWO LEFT O N E ONE L E F T LEFT O N E ONE L E F T LEFT Brake Inspection 55 Peace-of-Mind I n s p e c t i o n Inspection Written Report on Findings 1-866-836-3568 MON.-THURS. 7-MIDNIGHT, FRI. 7-6, SAT. 8-4SERVICE O i l and Filter Change Oil Top-up of Washer Fluid Tire Rotation SPRING MAINTENANCE SERVICE PACKAGE H urry! H urry! • “Peace of Mind with DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. backed warranty” • “Roadside Assistance” • “Quality Reconditioning” • “Nationwide Service” SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Chrysler Employees & Affiliated Em ployees & Suppliers discounts. Call to see if you qualify. SLOW CREDIT? NO CREDIT? CALL BRIDGET 1-866-826-7681 IN SPIRATION COMES STANDARD Stk. #R6306 • 2.7 V6 • Automatic • Air conditioning • Loaded • Full size spare 0%0% CASH BACK $5,000$5,000 PURCHASE FINANCING ** FOR 60 MONTHS OR CHOOSE 2004 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT QC 4x2 ONE LEFT TWO LEFT THREE LEFT 0%0% CASH BACK $6,000$6,000 PURCHASE FINANCING ** FOR 60 MONTHS OR CHOOSE MONTH 48 MONTH LEASE $0 DOWN $367$367 MONTH 48 MONTH LEASE $325$325 $2,000 DOWN OR CHOOSE 2004 PT CRUISER GT or Stk. #PT7075 ONE LEFT Stk. #T6988 Stk. #J6953