HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2003_06_29CHASING THE GOAL Lacrosse offers training ground Sports, 10 BIG DAYS AHEAD Newest college grads aim high Day Tripper, 9 SERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 News Advertiser PRESSRUN 45,600 ✦ 16 PAGES ✦ SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2003 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND SAVE TODAY AT Carroll Home Improvements 905-686-2445 Roofing Windows Doors STOPSTOP DON’T THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY www.blaisdale.com12 mths - grade 8 5 Campuses in Durham Call Head Office 905-509-5005 Best Private School Blaisdale MONTESSORI School As voted by Ajax/Pickering Readers’ Choice Awards LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE Pickering plans non-stop activity BByy LLeesslleeyy BBoovviiee Staff Writer PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG —— Hordes of Picker- ing residents are expected to f ile into Kinsmen Park Tuesday to help Canada celebrate its 13 6th birthday. “Because Canada Day is dur- ing the week this year, we will have a huge number of people. I’d say a minimum of 10,000,” predicted City recreation co-or- dinator Tina Scholl. The free fun begins at noon with the family stage providing entertainment for all ages. See the Pickering Concert Band, Combo #5, Kick up a Fuss Clog- Have a blast Canada Day ✦See Finish page 2 Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Karen and Jim Slade are all set for Canada Day. The Pickering couple goes all out each year for our nation’s birthday, decorating with red and white Canadian flags, hats, bows, shorts, shirts and much more. They are expecting 50 peo- ple for their annual party. Seniors get their break But parent questions where Province will find money for public education system BByy MMiikkee RRuuttaa Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM —— Seniors and private school parents received a break this week. New provincial laws mean se- niors who own or rent will re- ceive a tax credit for the educa- tion property taxes they pay, while the Province also in- creased the tax credit rate for private school tuition. In a press release, Premier Ernie Eves said the Ontario Home Property Tax Relief for Seniors Act will see seniors fi- nally get a deserved tax break, after years of “working hard, raising families and building the strong province we enjoy today.” The private school credit, in- troduced two years ago, is de- signed to give parents more choice of where they send their children to school. Parents can now claim 20 per cent of eligible tuition fees, up to $7,000 per child. By 2006 parents will be able to claim 50 per cent. Senior households are in line for an average savings of $475 per year when the credit takes full effect in 2004, but will also get a break for the second half of this year. While the Province claims public education funding will not suffer, Joe Petrie isn’t con- vinced. The Sunderland resi- dent is a member of the Sunder- land Public School community council. “I’m afraid that they’re going to be shifting money out of pub- lic education with this,” said Mr. Petrie. “It’s the same pool (of money); if they’re giving tax cuts ✦See Enough page 2 P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Join us to celebrate Canada’s Birthday with Live Entertainment by Singer and Guitarist Steve Paul Simms CALL 905-668-5509 For Picking Days and Picking Information NW Corner At Taunton & Coronation Roads HARWOOD HWY. 2 WHITBY HWY. 7 RD. 4 OR TAUNTON CORONATIONLAKERIDGE RD. 23HARWOODROSSLAND RASPBERRIES & BEANS Monday to Friday 8am-8pm Saturday Sunday and Holidays 8am-6pm Zdanowicz Farm & Greenhouses STRAWBERRIES & PEAS FARM MARKET & U PICK MID JULY: Brock North Dental OPEN EVENINGS & SATURDAY CONTACT US AT 905-427-7773 • DIGITAL X-RAY • INTRA ORAL CAMERA • TV IN OPERATORIES • KIDS PLAY STATION 2 • DIRECT BILLING TO INSURANCE NOW ACCEPTING N EW PATIENTS 2200 Brock Road in the Brock North Plaza Dr. Fernandes, Jill, Robbin,Mary, Michele, Michelle, Donna, Vanda, Dr. Pacione, Angie, Angela, Brenda, Dr. Sbaraglia ( Anaesthesiologist) Not Shown - Dr. Dagher (Endodontist), Anna, Julianne Coming Soon-Orthodontist SPECIALSALE Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Advertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS Sun., June 29 2003 News Advertiser Walmart, 270 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax Walmart, 1899 Brock Rd. N., Pick. 135 Kingston Rd., Ajax 222 Bayly St. W., Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. * Delivered to selected households only Walker Sunday’s carrier of the week is Walker. He enjoys road hockey & Pokemon Cards. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Walker for being our Carrier of the Week. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between June 25-June 29/03 * Fine Details Ajax * Royalton Furniture Auction Ajax/Pick. * Sears Ajax/Pick. * SunWin Chinese Restaurant Pick. * The Bay Ajax/Pick. gers, and Northern Fists, Southern Legs. Little ones will find ad- venture in the children’s area from noon to 4:30 p.m. Pony rides, inflat- able games, and a penny carnival await, along with performances from chil- dren’s singer Jim Parker, Alex Ross the Magician, a juggler, and Northern Fists, Southern Legs. The Pickering Softball Association hosts its an- nual tournament throughout the day. Chil- dren, three years and over, can experience the new game of Blastball, played with a Nerf ball, bat and honking bases. Pickering council takes on the Pickering Softball executive at 5 p.m. Pickering Museum Vil- lage entertains with pas- times of yesteryear. There will also be a charity bingo tent, woodcarving and model airplane dis- plays, and face painting and light ropes to help you get in the celebratory mood. Master of ceremonies Garth Riley takes to the evening family main stage welcoming performances from Shamia Persad Dance School, Durham Dance Centre Inc., Simon Maxwell, Karrie Lynn Dy- mond, O’Brien Dance Inc., Young Singers, The Cruisers, Denise Lester Dance Academy, Muhta- di, County Jamboree and From the Hip. A truly community event, Pickering’s Canada Day celebrations began in March with the formation of a committee of City staff and a wide variety of community groups, which sponsor the activities. The day culminates with fireworks and the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority provides round-trip lifts from the Pickering GO Station for a loonie. Seniors and chil- dren under 12 are free. Each year, a new py- rotechnical program is designed specially for Pickering and meticu- lously timed to music, said Ms. Scholl. “People say we’re like Ontario Place. I’ve often heard the comparison,” she said. “And that’s such a nice compliment.” City staff is currently grooming Kinsmen Park for the big day. Visitors can also drive to the free OPG parking lot on Montgomery Park Road and catch a shuttle to the park. For more information, call 905-420-4620. ✦ Finish from page 1 to everybody and then tax cuts to seniors and private schools, the bottom line is there are ‘X’ number of dollars in the province to be spent. The public sys- tem, I think, is going to suf- fer.” He admitted that com- menting on the tax relief for seniors is “a tough call. “I know seniors are on fixed pensions and the day-to-day living costs for them are going up.” He would prefer, howev- er, to see seniors given a break on the mill rate rather than on education taxes, since property as- sessments have risen due to market value assess- ment. Finance Minister Janet Ecker said Friday public education remains the gov- ernment’s “primary focus. “People may agree or disagree with more tax re- lief for seniors. The tax re- lief for seniors has no bear- ing on funding for schools. Funding for schools is dri- ven by the student-focused funding formula, not the level of property tax rev- enue.” While the government is helping private school par- ents, the government will spend a record $15.3 billion on Ontario public schools in the coming school year, said Ms. Ecker. There is enough money in the pot to do both, she said. The government be- lieves lowering taxes stim- ulates economic growth and creates jobs, in turn in- creasing tax revenue, said Ms. Ecker. She added the record over the past eight years has borne that out: the Province is collecting $16 billion more in revenue than when it came to power in 1995. Education is funded from a variety of sources, she said, including sales and business taxes. Enough money in the pot for both: Ecker ✦ Enough from page 1 Finish the day with a bang durhamregion.comJoin McTeague for birthday bash PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG –––– Spend Canada Day with a forkful of cake and Dan McTeague. The Pickering-Ajax- Uxbridge MP holds his an- nual Canada Day celebra- tion Tuesday, July 1 at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606, 1555 Bayly St. Enjoy complimentary food and refreshments, and some birthday cake from 1 to 3 p.m. For infor- mation, call 905-420-7573. 195 WESTNEY RD. (South of 401), AJAX (905) 427-6796 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED RADIATOR FLUSH & FILL SPECIAL $39.95 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! OIL CHANGE SPECIAL CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. from Ask for your VIP oil change card OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 15, 2003 How long has it been? $21 from COUPON EXPIRES August 15, 2003 OIL & FILTER CHANGE Includes 21 PT. Inspection 10W30 PENNZOIL $2 extra for 5W30 OIL FR E E FLA S H L I G H T wit h b a t t e r i e s wit h e v e r y Oil C h a n g e Value $ 4 . 9 9 .99* Oil change recommended every 3 months or 5,000 km. Suspect arrested at work after three-month investigation BByy SStteepphheenn SShhaaww Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM ––––An Oshawa truck driver was charged Thursday with murder- ing his wife, who was found blud- geoned to death in their home. Homicide detectives early yester- day arrested John Michael England at his workplace Mackie Moving Sys- tems, on Bloor Street West, more than three months after Laura Eng- land was killed. The 29-year-old former Oshawa resident, who is currently living in Ajax, is charged with second-degree murder. The arrest comes after a 14-week Durham Regional Police investiga- tion into Mrs. England’s brutal death, the region’s second homicide of 2003. The body of the 30-year-old victim was found March 6 in the couple’s Down Crescent home near Townline Road and Bloor Street in the city’s east end. Her mother made the grisly discov- ery after she had gone to the resi- dence to check on her daughter, who she hadn’t heard from in several days. An autopsy showed Mrs. England died of blunt force trauma to her head. Lead investigators, homicide detec- tives J.J. Allan and Dave Henderson, allege she was killed between Feb. 27 and March 6. They wouldn’t say if a weapon was used or recovered. Mr. England was on the road out- side Durham when his wife’s body was discovered. Last month, as the investigation in- tensified, police conducted a search of the north side of Hwy. 401, between Harmony and Park roads, looking for potential evidence linked to the slay- ing, and said an arrest loomed. A suspect had been under police surveillance for several weeks. After several hours of police ques- tioning, a handcuffed Mr. England made a brief appearance in Oshawa bail court late in the day sporting a shaved head and thin goatee, wearing a white T-shirt and blue shorts. “He realized that this day was com- ing. He’s been extremely co-opera- tive,” said Det. Henderson outside the court. Neighbours said the quiet couple had lived at the two-storey home for three years and that Mrs. England worked in promotions. Police said the couple had been having recent marital troubles and were in the process of separating at the time of Mrs. England’s death. “They had agreed to separate but they were still living under the same roof at the time,” said Det. Hender- son. After his wife’s death, Mr. England, now of Exeter Road, moved to Ajax and has been living in a common-law relationship with another woman. The victims’ parents, who live in Markham, had mixed emotions when given the news of the arrest, said Det. Henderson. “It’s provided them with some com- fort, but they’re also extremely upset. Upset at the prospect of the crime having been committed by their son- in-law,” said Det. Henderson. Justice of the Peace Carl Young re- manded Mr. England into custody and put the case over to Wednesday at the request of defence counsel Alex Sosna. Detention is automatic for persons charged with murder and Mr. Eng- land, who has no criminal record, must apply to the Superior Court of Justice to seek bail. A bail application may be made in the coming weeks, said Mr. Sosna. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 PAGE 3 A/P THEDURHAMC ATHOL I C DISTRICT SCHOOLBOARDSummer Spanish Classes!!! Ages 6-11 Month of July 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Monday - Friday at St. Mary’s Catholic School 1918 White’s Rd. Pickering Call - Maritza Sierra - 905-420-9777 to register now! CORRECTION NOTICE On page 1 of our June 20 – June 26 flyer, an error occured. The Rogers Motorola cell phone, Sku 10021987 requires in-store activation on a 24- month plan. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. • Chevrolet • Oldsmobile • Cadillac • Chevy Trucks We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current “Canadian Tire Flyer” PAGE 12 - EZ-E-Fill Pool, 81-3199-6. This pool is unavailable. Sorry, no rainchecks. PAGE 12 - 18’ Diameter Pool, 81-3193-8. This pool is unavailable. Sorry, no rainchecks. We Sincerely Regret Any Inconvenience We May Have Caused You. Cnote D327-03 - All Zones CORRECTION NOTICEAjax resident charged in wife’s murder LLAAUURRAA EENNGGLLAANNDD Found dead in March. Join the discussion at durhamregion.com Tim’s makes kids’ day DDUURRHHAAMM ––––That’s a lot of coffee. Tim Hortons customers helped raise $5.5 million by buying a cup of coffee on Camp Day, June 11. The amount, which well surpasses last year’s total of $4.8 million, was raised through coffee sales and ad- ditional fund-raising events and ac- tivities held at Tim Hortons stores across Canada and the United States. Thanks in large part to the funds raised on Camp Day, more than 9,000 children whose families could not otherwise afford it, will attend one of six Tim Hortons Children’s Foundation Camps this year - all ex- penses paid. Please recycle this paper DDUURRHHAAMM ——Following is a list of what’s open and closed Canada Day, Tuesday, July 1. Major grocery stores are closed, as are most retail businesses. Beer and liquor stores and banks and trust companies are closed, while most variety stores are open, many around the clock. In Ajax, the Ajax and McLean community centres, and the Picker- ing Village Arena are all closed. The outdoor pool next to Town Hall is open, as well as Paulynn Park. Canada Day celebrations are being held at Rotary Park Tuesday from noon to 4 p.m. In Pickering, the Pickering Recreation Complex, the pool at Dunbarton High School and Pickering Museum Village are closed. Canada Day activities are at Kinsmen Park from noon to fire- works. All public library branches in Ajax and Pickering are closed. Ajax Pickering Transit Authority will not operate. In Pickering there will be a shuttle service from the Pickering GO Station to Canada Day events at Kinsmen Park for $1 round trip. GO Transit is operating a re- duced schedule Tuesday. Call GO for scheduling information at 416- 869-3200. In both communities, garbage and blue box collection normally done Tuesday will be done Satur- day, July 5. Pickering City Hall and Ajax Town Hall are closed, as are the News Advertiser offices. Catch the fun and fish without a licence DDUURRHHAAMM — The 10th annual Ontario Family Fishing Weekend (OFFW) is coming soon to a body of water near you. Prepare to ‘Catch the Fun’ and fish licence-free from July 4-6. The OFFW was created to get peo- ple involved in the popular outdoor pastime. All OFFW anglers must re- member to abide by the conservation licence limits set out in the current Ontario Recreation Fishing Regula- tions. A summary is available from fishing licence issuers, the Ministry of Natur- al Resources, or online at www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/pub- menu.html#fish. For the third year in a row the OFFW is run in conjunction with Na- tional Fishing Week, July 5-13, which is a week-long celebration of angling and a way to bring families and friends together. “This is an opportunity for all On- tarians to participate in the great out- door recreational activities my family and I enjoy,” said Natural Resources Minister Jerry Ouellette. More than 70 events including clin- ics, seminars, fishing, interpretive studies, draws and contests are scheduled across Ontario to celebrate OFFW. OFFW events are held at provincial parks, marinas, conservation authori- ties, bait and tackle retailers and fish and game clubs. New anglers and veteran OFFW an- glers can call 1-800-667-1940 or visit the Web site at www.familyfishingweek- end.com to get all the information they will need about the weekend. A/P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com CORRECTION NOTICE On page 2 of our June 27 - July 3 flyer, Splinter Cell, Sku 10026936 was incorrectly advertised with the special offer of Gameshark, valued at $29.99. The special offer is actually Splinter Cell Sharkbyte, valued at $14.99 and it's only applicable to Splinter Cell for PlayStation(r)2. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Register now for Summer classes Register now for Summer classes “SINBAD: Legend of the Seven Seas” Movie Opening Information Come one come all to the opening day of Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, on Wednesday July 2nd 2003. On Saturday July 5th from Noon till 4:30, at “Cineplex Odeon Ajax 10”, there will be a Day of Fun for kids of all ages. We will have face painting, contests, games and prizes to give away. Bring the whole family! * For the following Trivia, the child must bring in the Trivia page filled out to our theatre location either on Wednesday July 2nd and/or Saturday July 5th. The Draw will be made Sunday July 6th. They will use this Trivia slip as a ballot for a Prize Pack. CINEPLEX ODEON AJAX 10 CINEMAS PRESENTS... SINBAD: LEGEND OF THE SEVEN SEAS 1. What is the word seaman use to attract attention? 2. Name the term given to the lines that hold up the masts and move the sails? 3. Name the hook that digs into the bottom to keep the ship from drifting? 4. What is the name given to the forward part of the ship? 5. What is the look out position located high on the mast called? Name: Address: City: Postal Code: Phone: TM & ® DreamWorks L.L.C. If you don’t receive “Service Worth Paying For” or have any questions or delivery concerns please call The News Advertiser at: 905-683-5117 CARRIERS COLLECT EVERY THREE WEEKS SERVICE WORTH PAYING FOR 100% is kept by the carrier as payment for their delivery. You RECEIVE Valuable coupons. You could WIN a $1,000.00 Shopping Spree! COLLECTIONS ARE FROM JUNE 25 - JUNE 29 YOUR CARRIER IS PAID THROUGH COLLECTIONS! *Redeemable at any one of our regular advertisers. COLLECTIONS BEGIN TODAY Pay your carrier the $6.00 optional delivery charge and receive a valuable Thank You Coupon. Fax, mail or drop off your ballot located on the top right corner of the Thank You Coupon before July 7, 2003 for your change to WIN BIG!! PAY YOU NEWS A DVERTISER CARRIER AND YOU COULD WIN! THREE CHANCES TO WIN Grand Prize-----$1,000 2nd Prize----------$100 3rd Prize------------$50 Shopping Spree Shopping Spree Shopping Spree Our kids are our future and we want to help make it bright! ✩ For further information on Community Newspapers in Education call: This Week / Canadian Statesman Chris Bovie, managing editor 905-579-4400 News Advertiser Tony Doyle, managing editor 905-683-5110 Uxbridge Times-Journal Dave Stell, news editor 905-852-9141 Port Perry This Week Bruce Froude, managing editor 905-985-1777 Metroland Durham Editor-in-Chief Joanne Burghardt 905-579-4400 You can get in a line next weekend Openings and closings PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG ——Here’s your chance to see a dif- ferent side of Judaism. Karl deSouza, a missionary from Jews for Jesus, shares information about the ministry Sunday, July 6 at 6 p.m. at The Gathering Place, 1920 Bayly St. Born in Pakistan, Mr. deSouza was raised in Montreal and is Jewish. He accepted Y’shua (Jesus) as his Messi- ah in 1992 and joined the Jews for Jesus staff in 2000. The Jews for Jesus Canada Singers will pro- vide special music. Admission is free to this in- formal service, which is open to all. A freewill offering will be taken for the ministry. For more information, call the church at 905- 428-6888. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 PAGE 5 P Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? BE INFORMED! Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS BOOKED THIS MONTH! HUGE RENOVATION SHOWROOM KITCHEN & BATHROOM MODELS 1-888-BAT H -REN O 416-285-6798 FREE in Home Estimates FOR KITCHEN & BAT H RO OM RENOVATI ONS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON (905) 579-2222 1-888-576-8575 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors Picture Windows Bay & Bow Windows Patio Doors • Casement Windows MOBILE SHOWROOM SecurPlus THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP Inc. 695 Finley Ave., Unit 1 & 2, Tel. 905-683-1112 Proud to serve you SAVE $10 - $15 OFF Power steering flush regular price. Check for details. “BEST AVAILABLE RATES” “PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE” Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL 905-666-4986 From 4.85% for 5 years. 1st & 2nd Mortgages to 100% Condos Rental Properties PICKERING FOCUS ON BUSINESS Advertising Feature CANADA DAY C ULLEN GARDEN S & MINIATURE VILLAGE Celebrate Canada Day with us on Tuesday, July 1st ◆ Summer Flower Festival begins ◆ See over 160 buildings, homes & cottages in the Miniature Village ◆ Wagon Rides, Mini-Putt Golf, Pedal Carts ◆ Cool splashpads & water slide for the kids ◆ “Dan The Music Man”, live on stage at 11:30am, 1:30pm & 3:30pm ◆ FREE Kidz Printz™ ID Kits (while supplies last) ◆ Pony Rides for Kiddies from 11am-4pm Spectacular Fireworks at Dusk!!! 300 Taunton Road West, Whitby (905) 686-1600 www.cullengardens.com Missionary discusses Jesus Consumer support the subject of upcoming meeting DDUURRHHAAMM ——The next meeting of the Head Injury Association of Durham Region is Wednesday, July 16. The speaker is Doug Irvine of Con- sumer Support Services. The meeting is at the association offices, 459 Bond St. E., between Rit- son and Wilson roads, Oshawa, start- ing at 7:30 p.m. For more information, including assistance with transportation, call 905-723-2732. P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Pick a seat, mayor, any seat, but pick just one TToo tthhee eeddiittoorr:: Re: 'Back to running Pickering,' edito- rial, June 20. In your recent grading of Mayor Wayne Arthurs you failed miserably to address the most important issue fac- ing the taxpayers of Pickering. You should have pointed out Mayor Arthurs should now decide if he wants to continue as mayor or attempt to be- come an MPP for the area. The pre- sent plan of Mayor Arthurs is to run for the mayoralty if the provincial elec- tion hasn't been called by the time the municipal elections are called, and then run for the Liberals when the provincial election is called. As it is Mayor Arthurs wants his cake and to eat it too, never mind the cost to the local taxpayer for another byelection should he be successful in his foremost desire to become an MPP. If the mayor had confidence in him- self he would decide now, not sit on the fence to feed from the public trough win or lose. I can tell from experience the amount of energy it takes to run a provincial election campaign, there is no time left for anything else. Once the provincial election is called Mayor Arthurs must resign his council seat. He owes this to all taxpayers. GGoorrddoonn MMiillllss,, PPiicckkeerriinngg Pickering News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper TTiimm WWhhiittttaakkeerr Publisher JJooaannnnee BBuurrgghhaarrddtt Editor-in-Chief DDuunnccaann FFlleettcchheerr Director of Advertising EEddddiiee KKoollooddzziieejjccaakk Classified Advertising AAbbee FFaakkhhoouurriiee Distribution Manager LLiilllliiaann HHooookk Office Manager BBaarrbb HHaarrrriissoonn Composing Manager NNeewwss//SSaalleess 905-683-5110 CCllaassssiiffiieeddss 905-683-0707 DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn 905-683-5117 NNeewwss FFaaxx 905-683-0386 GGeenneerraall FFaaxx 905-683-7363 DDeeaatthh NNoottiicceess 905-683-3005 SSiinncceerreellyy YYoouurrss 1-800-662-8423 EE--mmaaiill tdoyle@ durhamregion.com WWeebb aaddddrreessss durhamregion.com MMaaiilliinngg AAddddrreessss 13 0 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the On- tario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. Editorial and Adver- tising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduc- tion is prohibited. LLeetttteerrss PPoolliiccyy All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifi- cation. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in let- ters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the vol- ume of letters, not all will be printed. EEddiittoorriiaallss &&OOppiinniioonnss SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2003 ✦ News Advertiser ✦ TONY DOYLE, MANAGING EDITOR, 905-683-5110 EXT. 254 Editorial Letters to the Editor The Fraser Institute's ranking of schools rankles educators. The conservative think tank recently published a list of almost 3,000 Ontario elementary schools, giving each a score out of 10 based upon the Education Quality and Accountability Office Grade 3 and 6 test results. Some local schools finished very low on the list, and most are located in Oshawa, including Glen Street, Mary Street, Gertrude Colpus and Ritson Road public schools. Lord Durham Public School in Ajax was also near the bottom, tied for spot 2,790 with a 2.5 out of 10. Teachers, principals, superintendents and ed- ucation directors fear the average citizen will look upon the rankings as the final word on what kind of school it is, and many do. I've often had parents and co-workers ask me how a certain school they were con- sidering for their child did on the EQAO tests. I tell them not to lean too heavily on EQAO results in making a decision. After all, there are a lot of other factors involved. Peter Cowley is co-author of the Fraser Institute report and made it clear the rankings are about acade- mics only. They do not contain ex- planations of why schools did as well or as poorly as they did. The re- port in that context does have va- lidity. Marks are completely objec- tive and do reveal important infor- mation. They say something about how students, their teachers, the principal and the school board in general are doing. But it's what the report doesn't say that we should consider. I've interviewed princi- pals in south Oshawa and they are very cautious when speaking of some of the challenges their stu- dents face. It is among the poorest parts of Durham Region and many work extremely hard to make ends meet as they have no other choice. Getting involved in their child's edu- cation, important for success, is dif- ficult because they might not have the spare time other parents have or perhaps aren't confident enough to assist their kids with schoolwork. Mr. Cowley says people in disad- vantaged areas should not see that as a barrier to improvement. Other schools in their circumstances have done well and they can too, he said. Students are more than just their EQAO test scores. However, contin- ued efforts are necessary to try and help students meet their full poten- tial. They are capable; it's just much more of an uphill climb. The goal is not just to do well on the assess- ments, but also to succeed in life. Students more than EQAO scores MMiikkee RRuuttaa ss tt aa ff ff ww rr ii tt ee rr A chance to reflect on our identity Canada Day also about friendship with our southern neighbour Every year, usually in beautiful clear sunshine, right at the very midpoint of the calendar, Canadians party from coast-to-coast. Other than another statutory holiday, what exactly does Canada Day mean to us? Placed so close in time to the July 4 In- dependence Day festivities celebrated by our huge neighbour to the south, Canada Day provides us with a chance to compare and contrast the country we inhabit with the nation with which we are so closely identified and connected. Yes, it must be said, Americans are our closest friends. We va- cation and visit there so regularly, it's almost second nature to us to head to the States. And once we are there, the differences are far-outweighed by the similarities. We both value freedom and civil and human rights. We both, in nearly all cases, fight side-by-side for the causes we believe in. We share a common principal language and are linked in so many ways by media that cross borders unobstructed. We have not been at war in nearly 200 years, an amazing feat when considered against the track record of the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa or South America. For nearly two centuries, Prime Ministers and Presi- dents and the people they serve have realized our friendship is far more valuable and sensible than any enmity that may exist between us. Should we have a dispute, we act like adults and talk it out. At times there are suggestions Canada ought to just toss our lot in with the United States and become linked with the world's most powerful nation. But, such a decision, and it presumes the United States would want Canada warts and all, would not serve the nation we have become. For in Canada, we do cele- brate our differences. We do not try to bury our problems or let the majority tyrannize the minority. We are strong enough to de- criminalize our pot laws, or consider same-sex marriage, or up- hold the rights of French-speaking citizens to be treated equal- ly and fairly no matter where they live in Canada. Health care, called 'socialized medicine' in the United States, is critically im- portant to us, something we cannot give up. And when a war comes along which many of us do not agree with, we want the right to say so and not serve. Yes, we do have our differences, but our similarities and the friendship they engender mean so much more. So let us cele- brate this Tuesday and Friday as two of the greatest countries on Earth wish themselves happy birthday. CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR FEET? SALMAN ALAM B.SC., D.CH. REGISTERED CHIROPODIST TREATMENTS OFFERED FOR: nails • callus • corns • warts • flat feet • arch and heel pain • foot pain • sports injuries ALSO PROVIDE: Diabetic foot care and education Prescribed custom orthotics Services covered by most extended health care policies No referrals are necessary Harwood Rehab 601 Harwood Avenue S. Suite 101, 905-426-6090 (in front of Ajax-Pickering Hospital) Email: alamdch@yahoo.com Please Compare Our Prices To The Competition Lip or Chin $53 Underarms $80 Bikini Line $80 Men’s Back $347 Women’s Legs $347 (per treatment) (per treatment) (per treatment) (per treatment) (per treatment) from from from from from Canada’s only clinic with the latest Apogee 9300 Laser. Exclusive to LCI: comfort air-cooling pain free system. Summer Special $50 OFF a package with this ad Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires July 31/03 Canada’s Leader in Hair Removal Over 200,000 Treatments Performed FREE CONSULTATION & TEST PATCH 1•866•237•6667 905•831•1110 LCI-PICKERING 1550 Kingston Road, Suite 202 (Hwy 401 & Brock Rd.) 905•415•2737 LCI-MARKHAM 445 Apple Creek Blvd., Suite 122 (Hwy 404 & 7) LASER HAIR REMOVALLASER HAIR REMOVAL FOR WOMEN & MEN Prices vary on treatment package selected. Prices are guaranteed until Dec. 31, 2003 OPEN WEEKENDS AND EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. TO ADVERTISE IN THE HEALTH & BEAUTY FEATURE CONTACT MARILYN BROPHY AT 905-683-5110 What attracts biting insects to us? Our breath! Carbon dioxide (CO2), moisture, and heat that result from exhaling lets the female mosquito know that there is a blood meal in the area. She will navigate to you by following the plume of CO2. How does the Mosquito Magnet® work? Mimicking human breath, a warm, moist carbon dioxide plume is produced from propane gas to attract the blood seeking insects. As the biting insects approach the source, they are vacuumed into a net where they dehydrate and die. The Mosquito Magnet® also uses octenol, which when combined with carbon dioxide, enhances the catch rate for certain species of mosquitoes and no-see-ums. Which biting insects will the Mosquito Magnet® capture? Female blood seeking insects such as mosquitoes, no- see-ums (biting gnats), black flies, and sand flies. In some regions, the Mosquito Magnet® has captured the yellow biting fly. Will the Mosquito Magnet® capture bees, moths, butterflies, ladybugs or other beneficial insects? No. Blood seeking insects have receptors in their maxillary palps (mouth parts) that sense carbon dioxide. Non-blood seeking insects, without these receptors, are not attracted. Where should I place the Mosquito Magnet®? We recommend that you place the Mosquito Magnet® near where the mosquitoes rest (foliage) and breed (water), not near people. If placed properly the Mosquito Magnet® will draw the mosquitoes to it and away from you. Click here for more on Placement How soon will I see a difference in my yard? The Mosquito Magnet® will begin trapping female mosquitoes immediately if placed properly in your yard. You should begin to see a difference within a few weeks. Within 4-6 weeks the mosquito breeding cycle will be interrupted, drastically reducing the population in your yard. Is it possible to dramatically reduce the biting insect population in an area? Yes. 90% of the mosquitoes biting you live within 100 yards of where you are. The other 10% are brought in by the wind. (Most mosquitoes do not migrate.) They cannot detect your carbon dioxide beyond 100 yards. As the females are trapped, the generations are eliminated, thereby interrupting the breeding cycle in that area. This usually occurs after 4 to 6 weeks of continuous use. How many mosquitoes can I expect to capture? The quantity of mosquitoes caught varies greatly, depending on your region’s infestation level and how it is placed on your property. In tests in the Florida Everglades (high infestation) 1,500 were captured in one night. In more urban areas, catch results may be much less. A good yardstick is “Am I being bitten?”. What maintenance is necessary to keep the Mosquito Magnet® running effectively? The propane tank and octenol cartridge should be replaced every 21 days. (We recommend having a full tank on-hand to swap out. The mosquitoes will quickly repopulate if the Mosquito Magnet® is turned off.) The net should be emptied when it is half full. What other fuel can be used to run the Mosquito Magnet®? Any combination of propane and butane can be used, including pure butane. Natural gas cannot be used. Is the Mosquito Magnet cost-effective? Yes. Estimated propane costs are $10 - $12 per month. The new Mosquito Magnet Liberty consumes no more electricity than an electric clock. Fighting West Nile Virus Naturally 2002 Article provided by Barklays, The Outdoor Specialist www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 PAGE 7 A/P Councillors map out strategic plan BByy JJaaccqquuiiee MMccIInnnneess Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM ––––Durham’s future was in the hands of its politi- cians as elected officials hashed out a strategic plan for the region at a two-day re- treat earlier this month. “We now have a vision for Durham and a timetable for what we want to accomplish,” said Regional Chairman Roger Anderson. “We went through all the comments of citizens who attended the meetings held at each munic- ipality. We really couldn’t have done it without the pub- lic consultation.” All but three of Durham’s regional councillors attended the retreat, along with senior staff members and consul- tants who worked over the past winter on the plan. Scugog Mayor Doug Mof- fatt, who chaired the strate- gic plan committee and the various meetings, said politi- cians did not make a lot of changes to the draft plan pre- sented to them, which was strongly based on that public input. “There was an overview and we broke into small groups and discussed it but very few changes were sug- gested. The retreat was the most productive one we’ve had and the most co-opera- tive,” he added. “The strategic plan is pret- ty important for Durham Re- gion. If we’d done this exer- cise in the beginning, at the formation of the Region, we’d be a lot further along. Every- one at the retreat expressed support and my sense is that’s because we did such a good job listening to the pub- lic,” said Mayor Moffatt. The biggest concerns the committee heard from resi- dents centred around trans- portation issues of all types as well as environmental pro- tection issues. In total there are six key elements to the strategic plan that “hang to- gether” and most be consid- ered in concert. Those issues will need to be considered as part of Durham’s official plan, which is now under re- view, said Chairman Ander- son. The strategic plan must be approved by regional council. It is expected to be consid- ered at the final meeting be- fore summer break, July 9. The next step, says Mayor Moffatt, will be creating a blueprint to make the plan a reality. P PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com 905 686-1600 A Summer Day Camp filled with fun, outdoor activities, crafts, play and adventure. Held at our 5-age Special Events Centre, adjacent to beautiful Cullen Gardens & Miniature Village! Quality Day Camp facilities with Trained camp counsellors! ONL ONLY $140 Per Week E xtended hours available. NEW FOR 2003: GOLF DRIVING RANGE 300 Taunton Rd. W., Whitby. June 30th to August 29th - Monday to Friday 9am-4pm Hurry! Spaces Still A vailable. Dental Care for Adults, Kids and Great Big Babies. VIJAY BADHWAR, DMD We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you’ve found a good dental home. 905-683-1391 •A Full Range of Dental Treatments - Bring the whole family. •Saturday & Evening Appointments - To serve you better. •Flexible Payment Options - Helping you get the treatment you want. •A Relaxing Atmosphere - Virtual vision glasses, stereo headphones to help ensure you have a pleasant visit. A Company You Can T r u s tOver 243 CentresNorth AmericaWideFREE C O N S U L T A T I O N ! Do Not Be Fooled By Imitations www.herbalmagic.ca • Controls appetite • Increases energy, vitality • Helps burn more fat LOSE THE WEIGHT! LOSE THE INCHES!LOSE THE WEIGHT! LOSE THE INCHES!LOSE THE WEIGHT! LOSE THE INCHES!*Expires July 9/03LOOK GREAT THIS SUMMER! FREE CONSULTATIONS - CALL AND ASK ABOUT OUR SUMMER SPECIALS! 2020%% OFFOFF ** LOST 35” & 33 LBS. ALBIN LOST 41” & 34 LBS. CHRISTINE Full Prog r a m Full Prog r a m Full Prog r a m **60%60% OFFOFF SUMMERSUMMER KICK OFF!KICK OFF! 905-426-9261 Ajax, 250 Bayly St. 905-420-0003 Pickering, 1163 Kingston Rd. *Excludes products. Based on full program. *2 months supply WM 4000™ Please recycle Region looks to the future DDOOUUGG MMOOFFFFAATTTT ‘Everyone expressed support.’ Church fund-raiser all washed up PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG ——Get your wheels washed and have a hotdog while you wait. Revivaltime Tabernacle Worldwide Ministries Durham Agape Youth host a barbecue and car wash Satur- day, July 5 at 550 Kingston Rd. E. The fun begins at 9 a.m. Proceeds go toward the community recreation program. For more information, call 905-837- 7791. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 PAGE 9 A/P WHITBY • OSHAWA RULES QUALIFYING SITE PRIZES • Hole in One wins a Buick Golf Bag courtesy of Cliff Mills Motors. • 1st, 2nd & 3rd wins... Golf Passes, $25 Dinner Certificate courtesy of The Thirsty Monk , a 1 Hour Gift Certificate courtest of Metro Golf Dome & a $25 Pro Golf Gift Certificate. Total of 18 prizes worth over $5,000 including the Grand Prize of a $2,000 Golf Package • $5 for 3 shots from 150 yards • Closest 3 qualify for championship • No cash value • No trades/refunds on all prizes •Must be on green to be measured • Must be 18 years of age • Only one chance to qualify each night unless time allows 5th Annual CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES PROCEEDS DONATED TO THE DENISE HOUSE DURHAM REGION MEDIA GROUP WINCHESTER GOLF CLUB Winchester Rd., Oshawa (905)655-4757 GREEN FEES: Weekdays $26 (3pm-$18, 6pm-$13) Weekends $32 (2pm-$28, 4pm-$18) WINCHESTER GOLF CLUB • 2003 Tournament Dates Available • Fully stocked proshop • Summer long Junior League For Non Members! Hwy. #12, Brooklin 2 km North of Taunton Rd. (905) 655-4653 J ULY G OLF S PECIALS Mon • Wed • Thurs • Fri 7am – 10 am $ 14 S ENIORS Mondays 7 am – 3 pm $ 14 A LL O THER G REEN F EES $ 16 4 Seasons Country Club Claremont, Ont. Tel:(905) 649-2436 • 4 km north of Hwy 7, E. of Brock Rd. • Conc. 8 - #1900 Pickering CLIP & SAVE 4 Play For 3 Save Up To $45 For Tee Off Time Call 905-649-2436 (18 Hole Play During 2003 Season) Valid Weekdays All Day & Weekends After 1:30 p.m. PLAY ALL D AY 7 Days Per Week Winchester Rd. (just east of Thickson) (905) 655-1080 $ 20 $ 20 $ 20 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR JUNIOR SUMMER CAMPS 837 Riverside Drive, Ajax Tel: (905)427-1921 Fax: (905)427-1926 • Public & Tournaments • Licensed Clubhouse & Patio • Power Carts • Snack Bar • 2920yds Par 35 905-655-9187 • Semi Private • Driving Range • Putting Green • Chipping Area LICENSED BY L.L.B.O. NOW OPEN 18 Championship Holes, 7100 Yards, Par 72 watsonsglen@rogers.com 3130 7th Concession Rd., Pickering Lakeridge Rd. 1 Km North of Hwy #7 2075 Salem Rd. Ajax 427-3276 www.golfdeercreek.com ACADEMY The New 9 Hole Executive Course N OW O PEN SPRING RATE $12 • SUMMER RATE $15 GOLF COURSES The Lakeridge and Whispering Ridge Golf Courses provide all that any golfer could ask for at one location in Durham Region. Two very distinct golf courses offer two unique tests of golf. • Practice Range • Tournament Packages • Banquet Room (200 Capacity) • Wedding Receptions • Fully Equipped Proshop • Memberships (905) 428-6321 CALL TODAY FOR YOUR TEE-TIME. www.toronto.com/lakeridge 401 East - Ajax, Harwood Rd. N to Hwy#2, East to Lakeridge Rd. North, 2 Miles north of Hwy#7 at Brawley Rd. Grads celebrate big moment DDUURRHHAAMM –––– It was a festive day for Durham College graduates as they fil- tered into the Civic Auditorium draped in black gowns for Spring Convocation. Students from eight different pro- grams took to the stage throughout the day last Friday, to receive their hard-earned diplomas. People were greeted by tables upon tables of bouquets of red roses and picture frames for diplomas as they entered the centre. The Civic stands filled quickly with family and friends trying to get the best seats, armed with cameras and Kleenex at the ready. Below the stands, excited stu- dents talking of future plans and rem- iniscing about old times huddled in the hallways. The lights dimmed, the ceremony began and the sound of a single bagpiper filled the air. The crowd stood as the Oshawa Civic Band took over and began the procession. Parents waved furiously in attempts to get their child’s atten- tion while snapping pictures. Stu- dents held their composure while they gracefully took their seats. Guest speaker Dr. Peter Zakarow, a local dental surgeon and past chair- man of the Durham College board of governors, spoke of his own experi- ences both as a student and as a par- ent who watched his own children graduate. As the conferring of diplomas began the atmosphere in the building quickly changed. The subdued and refined group of graduates quickly changed to a loud and rowdy crowd who crossed the stage to whoops and screams from friends. As the names of graduates were called out family members stood out from the masses in a show of emotion. One student’s diploma in particular garnered much attention. Jenna and Justin Corby accepted their brother Trevor’s diploma posthumously. Trevor was killed last February in a car accident. He was to graduate from the School of Technology in computer systems technology. “It was a little upsetting,” said Jenna of the ceremony. “I was really nervous because there were a lot of people there. But I am glad I went.” She will be going into OAC at Paul Dwyer next fall and hopes to become a fashion buyer when she graduates. “It meant a lot to receive [Trevor’s] diploma because he worked so hard for it. I am glad that we could do it for him.” Professor of design and communi- cation Peter Hupka was thrilled to see his students graduate. “It is always a great day because it culminates with all their hard work and right now they can be as happy and successful as we feel for them and I am sure they are feeling just as suc- cessful for themselves.” AAlleexxiiss SScciiuukk DD uu rr hh aa mm DD aa yy TT rr ii pp pp ee rr A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com SSppoorrttss SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 2003 ✦ News Advertiser ✦ AL RIVETT, SPORTS EDITOR 905-683-5110 EXT. 250 Box lacrosse offers perfect training ground for hockey players with great expectations BByy BBrriiaann MMCCNNaaiirr Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM –––– It’s an annual rite of spring: no sooner are hockey sticks and pucks cleared from the streets and driveways, than they are replaced by lacrosse sticks and Indian rubber balls. But, while the tools are different, those wielding them are, for the most part, the same. Hockey in the winter, box lacrosse in the summer. It’s a recipe that offers no respite for garage doors, but one that seems to be working for those in pursuit of a hockey ca- reer. It worked, at least, for Gary Roberts, Adam Foote, Joe Nieuwendyk and broth- ers Keith and Wayne Primeau, all of who played lacrosse growing up in Whitby and all of whom have enjoyed lengthy careers in the National Hockey League, four arguably as superstars. That’s an incredible success ratio for a town no bigger than 30,000 when the fab five were growing up. So, one can’t help but wonder if lacrosse gave them the edge needed to live a dream that goes unrealized by so many others. Foote, for one, conceded as much fol- lowing his second Stanley Cup win with the Colorado Avalanche in 2001. “I don’t know if that helped, but in the back of my head I think it must have,” Foote said when asked if lacrosse helped further his hockey career. “It’s kind of the same game (as hockey). I don’t know if it toughens you up or helps your hand-eye co- ordination or keeps you in shape.” All three, it seems. If the Whitby players in the NHL have one thing in common, it’s that they’re as tough as nails. Given the choice between standing in the crease with Foote nearby or heading into a corner with Roberts, most right-minded people would find a new sport to play. But while Roberts agrees with Foote that lacrosse is a tremendous sport that develops a number of relevant hockey skills, he doesn’t believe it was responsible for pushing him over the top in hockey. Rather, he believes it may ultimately be responsible for shortening his NHL career. He, Nieuwendyk and Foote have all battled numerous injuries throughout their NHL careers. “I played a contact sport year-round for seven years and I think it eventually takes a toll on your body,” says Roberts, a 37- year-old winger approaching his final year of a contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Roberts says he was convinced by his hockey buddies to switch summer sports from soccer to lacrosse at the age of 12 and continued through to junior, where he won Minto Cups along with Nieuwendyk in 1984 and 1985. (Roberts missed the 1985 cham- pionship game after getting a hefty speed- ing ticket trying to return to Whitby from Ottawa, where he was training with the 67’s of the Ontario Hockey League). “We thought soccer was for softies,” says Roberts, who bought into the macho theo- ry at the time, but has long since changed his opinion. Roberts was cross-checked in the neck in a lacrosse game more than 20 years ago and taken, motionless, by stretcher to hos- pital. It was the beginning of serious neck problems for Roberts, who missed most of three straight NHL seasons - including the entire 1996-97 campaign - following a simi- lar incident in hockey. A fitness freak now, Roberts neverthe- less admits next season could be his last if, as expected, the NHL shuts down for any serious length of time. He believes he might have been able to play longer if not for the beating he took playing lacrosse. “Lacrosse was great to me and I think it’s an awesome game for kids to play,” says Roberts, who still sponsors a team in Whit- by. “Can I honestly sit here and tell you I’m an NHL player because of lacrosse? I would have to say ‘no’.” Yet, surely it’s more than a coincidence so many local lacrosse players have gone on to bigger and better things in hockey. Among those possibly on the verge of joining the NHL ranks are Oshawa’s Jason Wa rd and Whitby’s Jay Harrison. Both played minor lacrosse in Whitby and starred for the Warriors. Clayton McDonald, president of the Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association, cer- tainly believes his association is helping groom quality hockey players, as much for the confidence factor as skill development. “Absolutely,” McDonald says when asked if lacrosse plays a big role in the de- velopment of hockey players. “It allows kids to develop confidence, es- pecially when they get into contact hock- ey.” McDonald estimates 90 to 95 per cent of the 1,500 players registered with the WMLA play hockey in the winter. Doug Luey, past president of the WMLA and current general manager of the Clar- ington Green Gaels Junior B lacrosse team, says playing lacrosse in the summer offers kids a refreshing break from hockey, while developing their conditioning, reflex- es, speed and team play. “I think they’re ruining hockey because so many kids are playing 300 times a year,” Luey says in reference to those who play hockey year-round. “That’s why you have kids burning out by bantam. It’s nuts... I think it’s hurting both sports.” Fo rtunately, Whitby seems to have found as nice a balance as possible. Five NHLers can’t be wrong. Tw o sports, one goal AADDAAMM FFOOOOTTEE ‘Kind of the same game.’ GGAARRYY RROOBBEERRTTSS ‘‘Eventually takes a toll’ DDOOUUGG LLUUEEYY Developing team players JJAAYY HHAARRRRIISSOONN Ex-Warrior, Leaf hopeful Jason Liebregts/News Advertiser photo Mark Craig of the Whitby Warriors takes a breather during a recent Ontario Lacrosse Association game at the Iroquois Park Sports Centre. A number of former Warriors have gone on to hockey careers, including National Hockey Leaguers Joe Nieuwendyk and Gary Roberts, as well as Jason Wa rd and Jay Harrison of the American Hockey League. Career Training500 CLASS A, D, AND Z Endorsement training at Durham College Whitby. Job opportuni- ties for graduates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905-721-3340. Careers505 COMPUTER COURSES at Durham College. MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER, MICRO- SOFT OFFICE, CCNA, A+, MCSA. Changing career path? Train at top rated Durham College in 100% instructor led courses. Full/Part time available. Funding through EI/OSAP, WSIB to qualified. These certifications are highly sought after skills in today's IT environ- ment. Call Colin McCarthy 905- 721-3336. www.durhamc.on.ca Drivers509 AZ DRIVERS NEEDED Clean abstract and U. S. experience. Full or part time. 2 day trips from Ajax. (705) 887–4940 AZ HIGHWAY DRIVER mini- mum 3-years U.S. Clean ab- stract. Criminal search. Oshawa based company. Lots of work. Please fax resume 905-723-6267 DZ DRIVER required part-time for Durham Region. Call (905)683–1397 General Help510 15 CUSTOMER SERVICE Reps needed for bottled water indus- try. Ask about student scholar- ships. Make up to $500/wkly. Call Sam 905-436-1546 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL,long- term temp, Staff Plus will be interviewing 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 9th, McLean's Community Centre and Library, 95 Magill Dr., Ajax. ACCEPTING RESUMES for a Support Services Supervisor in a retirement facility. Look- ing for a good services gradu- ate from an approved two - year college program or equivalent, eligible for mem- bership with the Ontario or Canadian Society of Nutrition Management. Experience in housekeeping/laundry depart- ment is an asset. Please fax your resume to: (905) 579- 1255 by Friday, July 4th 2003. APPOINTMENT COORDINA- TORS needed, full and part time, $8.00 per hr., bilingual starting at $10.50 per hr. Call (905) 426–2796 ADULT CARRIERS required to to deliver papers. 3 days a week, Wed. Fri. and Sat. for more information call Lynn at 905-683–5117, ext. 222. CIRCLE ME! Sick of being overworked and underpaid. Our advertising firm has 25 entry level openings in all ar- eas. No experience neces- sary. Call Max for an interview today. 905-436-1691. ACCESS TO A COMPUTER?Put it to work. $l,500 + FT/$3,500 +PT, full training provided. www.focus4wealth.com ATT. RECESSION-PROOF BUSI- NESS! Work from home on your computer $25-$75/hr. PT/FT. Call 1-888-688-4621 www.2secure- freedom.com/?refid=o BROOKLIN KENNEL requires sum- mer help weekends required. Also need bookkeeper one day per month. Call Judy or Dianne (905) 655–4721 DANCERS required for exotic dance club. No experience or license req'd. Apply in person, 947 Dillingham Rd. Pickering, or for more information call Tracey (905) 420-2595. ELECTROLOGIST NEEDED part time evenings & Satur- days. Send resume to L. Thachuk, 3000 Garden St., Ste 204, Whitby, On L1R 2G6. No phone calls please. EXCELLENT PAY!Clipping newspaper ads part-time. Call 1-204-953–3708 24hrs. www.opportunity-depot.com FREE AT LAST!Promotional Co. seeking 10 fun, enthu- siastic new Reps for work in trade shows, malls & arena events. Students & long term professionals welcome. Trav- el options avail. Call Avi 905- 436-8866. FRESH AIR,exercise and more. Suitable for students Call for a carrier route in your area today. 905-683–5117. FULL time take charge main- tenance person. Must be able to work without supervision, knowledgeable in plumbing, electrical, drywall, pool main- tenance, etc. hotel experience preferred, but not necessary. Must be available days, evenings and weekends. Must have vehicle. Fax to (905) 436-9544. Great SUMMER INCOME! Now hiring telemarketers to set appointments only. No selling. Hourly plus bonus. On bus route. Call today, start to- morrow! (905)434–6149 ext 225. GUARDIAN DRUG STORE re- quires 2 PHARMACIST AS- SISTANTS. 1 position for evenings and Saturdays. Also CASHIER POSITIONS avail- able for evenings & weekends (this is not a summer position, will continue in the fall) Ex- perience an asset but will train. Please apply to: 97 King St. E. (next to the Oshawa Cli- nic) No phone Calls please. We thank all applicants but only those selected for an in- terview will be contacted. HELP WANTED - full time ex- perienced short order cook, apply Orono Country Cafe 5348 Main Street, Orono or call (905)983–9009 LANDSCAPERS REQUIRED for Durham area. Labourers and lawn maintenance per- sonnel, experience an asset. Call (905)831–5157. HOME SHOW/ SHOW ROOM ATTENDANT $15./hr for busy Sunroom Manufacturing Company. Suitable for mature, self- starter available to work weekends, have own car. call 905-686-9842 ext. 305 EARN EXTRA INCOME ✦ $15./hr. ✦ Ideal for retirees ✦ Sales experience an asset ✦ Must have own vehicle call 905-686-9842 ext. 305 After 4. pm ONLY CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non-insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. All copy is subject to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. Customer Service/ Order Takers Up to $20.00 per hr. Training provided Students welcome Managers required Call Al bert 905-435-0518 2003 High School Grads/University Students $14.75 per appt hour Scholarships available / conditions apply As seen on CNN & CNBC No experience necessary Training provided 905-430-7672 www.workforstudents.com www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 PAGE 11 A/P E-Mail Address: classifieds@durhamregion.com Call: Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://www.durhamregion.comCLASSIFIEDSFIND IT FAST IN THE AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Place Your Ad In Pickering Or Ajax Call: 905-683-0707 Ajax News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon.-Fri 8:00-5 p.m. Closed Saturday Would you like an exciting career as a POLICE OFFICER Take the Police Foundations Training course with the only specialized College in Ontario exclusively dedicated to Police studies. 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You must be willing to travel, be highly proficient in dealing with customers and possess excellent oral and written skills. Qualified applicants should forward their resume to: Buskro Ltd. Fax: (905) 839-6023 E-mail: resume@buskro.com We thank all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. School of Business Other Classes Starting Now: Accounting & Payroll Admin Business Administration Travel & Tourism Network Administrator Personal Support Worker Medical Office Assistant Exec. Office Assistant Legal Admin. Assistant Begin your new career in ESTHETICS and SALON OPERATIONS with a diploma from THE TORONTO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Manicures/Pedicures • Facials • Make-up • Aromatherapy • Client Consultation • Salon Operations/Computers • Skin Treatments • Hair Removal/Waxing • Body Treatments • Body Massage/Reflexology • Professional Skills/Job search Training includes: Call for class information. Seats are limited! Helping You Build a Better Life Financial assistance may be available to qualified candidates. Pickering Campus 1450 Kingston Rd. Pickering (905) 420-1344 If you feel that this might be the career for you Please apply on line www.foresters.biz/careers Quote # EL888 Toronto Office A career with a difference. Foresters ™ is a trademark of The Independent Order of Foresters Financial Representative We believe our organization is the Best Kept Secret in the financial services industry, and this is why: • Base salary + incentive compensation • Training - personal development • Marketing support • Laptops/technology and office support • Defined Benefit Pension Plan • Customer (membership) base • Employee benefits • Variety of financial products and added-value of Member Benefits • Involvement in large-scale community activities For more than 125 years Foresters ™ has been guided by a very powerful principle, the growth and prosperity of our members and their families is limited to the communities in which they live. We are committed to understanding their unique needs and to offer products which will assist them with their financial security a nd p eace of mind. SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYST 1-Year Contract McGraw-Hill Ryerson, one of Canada's premier publishers has an immediate opening for a Supply Chain Analyst to work in our Inventory Department. The incumbent, working with an Oracle based supply planning application, will be responsible for the day-to-day analysis, plan- ning and control of all products under their responsibility. The successful candidate will have a University degree or a College diploma in a related discipline such as Operations Management or Production Management along with 1 to 3 years experience in a manufacturing or distribution environment. Hands on experience using an automated supply chain management application such as Oracle, SAP, or BAAN and proficiency using Microsoft Office applications is required. Excellent analytical, problem solving, organization and communication skills are also necessary. Please send your resume before July 7, 2003 to career@mcgrawhill.ca or by fax to (905) 430-5020 Human Resources, McGraw Hill Ryerson Limited, 300 Water Street, Whitby, ON L1N 9B6 We thank all applicants, however, only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. • We will train the right people • Securitas Canada Limited is a marketed leader in the security and protection industry. We currently have exciting opportunities for motivated and professional... Security Officers • must be available to work all shifts • must have own vehicle • no experience needed • must be bondable with no criminal record • excellent verbal and written communication skills • full training & uniforms provided • competitive wages & benefits www.securitas.ca Interested applicant can apply in person at: 909 Simcoe St. N. Unit1C, Oshawa Ontario L1G 4W1 Resumes can be mailed to the attention of Roger Wiggins, Faxed to (905) 571-0617 or emailed to: roger.wiggins@securitas.ca 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help Careerblowing HOT and COLD? Plug in HERE! Call Barb 905-623-6444 Bowmanville Call Mandy 905-576-4477 Oshawa Call Krista 905-427-6776 Ajax You’re a Hairstylist with talent and you follow the trends, but your current job just isn’t cutting it. Put the life back in your career. Get the career jolt you’ve been looking for. Call today and join the First Choice Haircutters team. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. DRIVER REQ'D for East End Cartage Co. All shifts. min 5 years exp & clean abstract. AZ - $18.00/hr, DZ-$16.00/hr benefits, bonuses. Bring Lic., CVOR, Abstract and if avail - crim rec search to: Holiday Inn Express Toronto East 50 Estate Drive Scarborough On Saturday July 5th 9am to 2pm is currently holding open calls for men/women/kids for the next 2 weeks, for upcoming TV/film/ modeling projects, i.e. Molson Indy Fashion Show. Please call to arrange an appointment with an agent. www.maxagency.com 416-482-5392 ACTORS - MODELS StarQuest Search Busy summer filming has started. StarQuest is coming to your area to scouting for a wide variety of new faces. We need all ages (newborn - senior) various looks & all clothing sizes for Movies, TV, Print Ads. “No Experience Required”. Location: Oshawa Thursday July 3rd Holiday Inn 1011 Bloor St. East Please attend anytime from 5pm-8pm. Registration fee of $39 + GST (refunded if you are not selected.) 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 509 Drivers 510 General Help LEGAL ASSISTANT required for 2 to 3 days per week for a well established lawyer in Oshawa. Must have experi- ence working in a general practice firm. Must be com- fortable working independently as well as a team player. Please fax resumes to 905- 576-1355. LOCAL MOVING COMPANY, requires helpers and DZ & G drivers, full/part time. Experi- ence preferred but not neces- sary. Also required backyard Mechanic. Call (905)426-0867 NEED $$$? Telephone sales, no experience necessary, day and evening positions avail- able. Salary plus commission plus bonus. Telephone (905) 579–6222 OUTGOING PERSON - FULL TIME, who likes to deal with the public, has good organi- zational skills, with retail experi- ence, good telephone manner, and a team player. Please submit your resume to: YMP, 1698 Bayly Street, Unit 4, Pickering. PERMANENT PART-TIME de- livery/warehouse person. Fax resume to: 905-420-7520. PHONE CHAT LINE needs P/T operators to work from home. Must have great voice & be over 18 years. Call (416)445-9139 FLAT ROOFERS WANTED:15 Experienced, reliable roofers with E.P.D.M., B.U.R., Torch Skills. Expanding company located in Whitby. Work mostly in Durham Region, clean driving record and li- cense an asset, excellent wages and benefits. Call Kathy at 905-668-3244. SUPERINTENDENT required for adult lifestyle apt. building located in Oshawa. Experi- ence required. Fax to: 416- 297-9499 THE PALACE EAST now hiring full & part time wait staff, door staff, DJ's, shooter staff & short order cook. Apply in person at 947 Dillingham Rd., Pickering. TOW TRUCK DRIVERS re- quired for day or night shift. Minimum 3 years experience and clean abstract. Call 416- 677-2798 P/T YOUTH WORKERS re- quired for therapeutic group home for emotionally dis- turbed and confused adoles- cents in the Durham region. $11.00-$12.50/hour pending qualifications and overnight staff starting at $8.50/hour. Fax resume to 905-579-3093 Salon & Spa Help514 NEW SPA OPENING in Port Perry, looking for Esthetician and RMT. Please call 905- 259-3977. Skilled & Technical Help515 BENDER wanted for custom sheet metal company in Ajax. Must be able to read blue- prints. For interview call Wayne 905-426–7260 ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK company requires cabinet maker in the Durham Region area. Fully experienced. Please fax resume to 905- 433-1463 EXPERIENCED WELDER re- quired with fitting experience. Fax 905-655-7408. HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS required to repair rough terrain forklifts. Experience with die- sel engines & hydraulics an asset. Phone (416)291–1929 or fax resume (416)291-0009. LARGE ARCHITECTURAL MILL WORK company seeks "TRUCK DRIVER WITH (DZ) LICENCE" in Durham Region area. Please fax resume to (905)428-1463 LARGE ARCHITECTURAL MILL WORK company seeks "TABLE SAW OPERATOR" in Durham Region area. Please fax resume to (905)428-1463 PLUMBERS NEEDED for new residential work in Oshawa, Whitby & Bowmanville. Ex- perience necessary. Call Goodman Plumbing 905-436- 5105 Office Help525 GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER, in Ajax, seeks part time, 3 days a week, RIBO li- cense individual. Required fa- miliar with Power Broker, be energetic, an independent worker. Personal lines experi- ence a must. Fax resume: 905-427-3098. RECEPTIONIST/ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK full time for Ajax transport company., computer experience neces- sary and good telephone skills needed for busy switchboard. Fax (905) 683-9492 Sales Help & Agents530 EXPERIENCED CONCRETE Sales Person/Estimator want- ed for busy decorative con- crete business. Must have knowledge of concrete pricing for walkways, patios, and specialty finishes such as stamped/sprayed/exposed aggregates. Salary negotiable. Commission based. Ajax to Newcastle. Call Rick 905-259- 2349. LICENSED SALESPERSON for new and used cars at Chrysler dealership in Port Perry. Call Don Sr. (905) 985–7354 SALESPERSON required for busy technology based com- pany, knowledge of comput- ers and software required, honest, dependable, high en- ergy, vehicle required. Please send resume and references to: Box #145 C/O Northumber- land News, Unit #212, 884 Di- vision St., Cobourg, Ontario K9A 5V6. We thank all applic- ants for their interest, howev- er, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Hospital/Medical/ Dental535 ADMINISTRATOR/DOC for Long Term Care/Retirement Home. Full time position. Fax resume to 905-623-4497. At- tention Regional Manager. DENTAL HYGIENIST needed Monday and Tuesday, 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. for general dental prac- tice in Oshawa. Please fax re- sume to: 905-435-0863. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST/FILE CLERK. X-Ray & Ultrasound Clinic located in Ajax. Fulltime. Applicant must be a graduate of a Medical Office Assistant pro- gram. Comprehensive knowl- edge of X-Ray & Ultrasound exams an asset. Please fax resume to: (905)434–7972 OSHAWA CENTRE DENTAL office requires an experienced part time dental assistant. Call 905-571-2443 or fax 905- 571-3172 RN FOR MEDICAL office in Pickering. Tues. and Thurs. 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. Phone (905) 839–1134 or fax (905) 839- 5907 Hotel/Restaurant540 BARTENDER WANTED.Re- sume required. Apply at 104 King St. East Oshawa. Petrina's Taps & Billiards. CULLEN GARDENS requires mature help: Restaurant line cook, hostess, pantry, assis- tant manager and supervisor, Tea room/cafe' servers, build- ing maintenance. Fax resume (905) 668-0510 Employment Wanted570 HAVE YOUR Window/Eaves Cleaning done by profession- als. Call 416-791-3781 or 905- 435-9750 lv. message. YOUR GRASS is always greener with Village Services. Residential & Commercial property maintenance. Grass cutting, tree & shrub pruning, planting gardens, sodding, or any other property main- tenance needs. Call 905-985- 237 or 416-688-7400. Cottages For Sale112 CHANDOS LAKE,Apsley, Hwy 28, 3-bedroom cottage, 130' waterfront, private, south, weedless, $245,000. Open House, Friday to Tuesday. www.chandos-lake.com (416)481–2072. Houses For Sale100 OPEN HOUSE June 29, 2- 5pm, 68 Martin Rd. Bowman- ville. Beautiful home with custom basement built by "Andelwood Homes". Spec- tacular view of Bowmanville, Lake Ontario; Ravine-like lot w/interlocking stone, new dri- veway, 175' fenced yard; open concept w/cathedral ceilings; 3+1 bdrms, three 4-pc baths, ensuite, office, 2 gas fire- places, C/Air, roughed-in vac; walkout basement w/kitchen, livingroom, bdrm, bath. 905- 697-7893 CLOSE TO 401, shopping and schools. Landscaped yard with deck and gazebo. Birch hard- wood flooring thru out, solid maple cabinets and cathedral ceilings. View on the web: www.fsboc.com/property/ 501401.htm $279,000. Call Claude or Carrie, 905-885-9982. RAVINE DREAM Close to schools, shopping, nature. 4+ bdrms, HotTub, Spa Room, Artist's Studio. 2 walkouts, Huge deck. 905-433- 7083 www.area46.com/house AJAX DET'D,renovated, open concept, hdwd. flrs, full bsmt., nr shops, 401. $10,000 dn. PICKERING - 3 bedrooms, 1 1/ 2 baths, 4 appl's, att'd garage, w/o to fenced yard, nr. shops, 401 and rec centre. $166,900. Jan Whalen Broker Castle- Mate Alpha Realty Inc. 905- 428-0501 QUAINT, COUNTRY style bungalow in Whitby. Immacu- late. Large, private, mature lot. $245,000. 307 Frederick St. Call 905-668–2184 BUYERS find properties no agent will show you at: www.openhousenews.com Sellers pay 0% commission. 416-YES-SOLD Apt./Condos For Sale110 AJAX large 3-bedroom 2-bath condo, a/c, east view, large master w/upgraded 4-pc en- suite, in-unit storage & laun- dry. Bright kitchen w/window. 5-appliances, windowcover- ings, outdoor pool & tennis. $169,900. 289-314-5545 (Ajax) after 5pm. Out-of-Town Properties120 MONTAGUE,PEI summer re- treat or year round 2 storey home, 2 baths, large country kitchen, many renovations, large treed lot w/private back yard. Five minute walk to town marina. 15 minute drive to sandy beach at Pamure Is. 10min drive to 2 renowned 18 hole golf courses at Bredenell. $89,000 Phone (902)838-4532 weekdays after 6pm, anytime weekend. Pictures upon re- quest. snc Lots & Acreages135 $9,900 Fully serviced wood- ed trailer site, hydro, water, sewers, telephone. Near Co- bourg. Sandy Beach, great fishing, will finance. Call 905- 885–6664. P.E.I. TWO 10 ACRE lots on quiet paved country road. 7 acres clear, 3 wooded with brook running through wooded area. 10 min. to Panmule Is- land Beach, 15 min. form (2) 18 hole renowned golf cours- es at Burdenell. $49,000 each. Phone (902) 838-4532 week- days after 6 p.m., anytime on weekends. snc Office & Business space150 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, Veltri Complex, Bowmanville. 68 King Street East. Office/Re- tail Rental Space. Parking & Wheelchair Accessible. 3 spaces available: 390-sq.ft to 790-sq.ft. & 2496-sq.ft. For more information call: 905- 623-4172 Apts. & Flats For Rent170 1-BEDROOM APT. Downtown Whitby, parking, laundry facili- ties, $700/month +hydro. Avail- able July 1st. No pets. Suitable for professional. 905-665-5386. 2 BEDROOM APT.heat included. Available July 1st or immediate- ly. Appliances included. $650/month, required 2 refer- ences, first/last, (416)286–4369. 2 BEDROOM, above ground bright basement, Oshawa, 1 parking, avail. $750/month inclu- sive, no pets. Suitable for single person. Call 905-424-9115. 2-BEDROOM UPPER, parking, near GM & bus stop. $775/month all inclusive. 1st/last required & referenced. Available immediately. (905)434–0270 (905)430-9968 AJAX BACHELOR BASEMENT apt, Immediate occupancy, private entrance. 401/Westney area. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, central vac. $550 all in- clusive 905-831-9396 3 BEDROOM main floor of house. Garage, backyard, close to O.C. Available August 1st. $975+ 1/2 utilities. Call 905-723-5763. 3 BEDROOM, hardwood floors, main floor of house, NW side of OC. Creek runs behind backyard, 1-car park- ing, $1000/mo.+ 1/2 utilities, available immediately. Call after 5pm 905-706-5779 3-BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment, Whites/Finch area. Very spacious & clean. Avail- able immediately. Quiet non- smoker, no pets. Very nice neighbourhood. Neha (905)839–9729, (416)292- 5097 AA SPACIOUS executive- style 2 bedroom apt. close to downtown Oshawa, walk to all amenities. $850 plus. Open House June 28-29th, 2-4pm. Available July 1. 905-809- 1807 WHITBY - 2 BEDROOM $820 AND $860. Office hours 9- 5pm Monday-Friday & 6pm- 8pm Monday - Thursday (905)665–7543. AJAX (CHURCH/HWY-2)1- bedroom, office, basement upscale neighborhood. Ap- prox. 1200-sq.ft. Separate entrance, laundry, 2- parking, A/C. No smoking/pets. $1050 inclusive First/Last. 905-619- 0660/416-561-8656. AJAX - EXECUTIVE apartment, Deer Creek golf course. 1 bedroom, furnished, laundry, air, security, cable internet Non-smoking $l,600 plus util- ities. (905) 426-9119 www.electricityforum.com/ rental.htm AJAX ROSSLAND/HARWOOD new 1-bedroom, walkout basement, separate entrance, bright open concept, Pergo floors, own laundry, $775+util. July 1. 905-420-5789 AJAX HWY# 2/WESTNEY 2 Bedroom Walkout Basement Apartment, separate entrance, $900 month inclusive, first/ last, no animals/smoking, Available July 1. 416-712-1496 AJAX opposite Wal-Mart, le- gal 2-bedroom walkout base- ment, 4 appliances, all inclu- sive, no pets/smoking, $949/ mo. Available immediately, one parking, private entrance (905)686–5559 cell (416)895- 4388 AJAX, spacious 2 bedroom basement. Private entrance. Full kitchen, dining, living. 1 parking, 4 appliances, utilities including cable. Aug. 1, $1200. No pets/smoking. 905-426- 7341 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - Pickering. One-bedroom basement apartment, w/walk- out entrance, newly renovat- ed, plus a/c, great neighbor- hood. Non-smoker/pets Please Call 905-428–8025. AVAILABLE JULY 15,2 bed- room basement apt., Whites rd. Pickering, 1400 sq.ft. sep- erate entrance & laundry, 4 pc. bath, air, 1 parking, no smoking, $1,000, inclusive. per month first/last. Melissa, (416) 231-1160. BACHELOR BASEMENT apartment. Avail Aug 15th . $560/month Private kitchen and bath Shared laundry utili- ties and cable included. Con- tact 905-404-4659 for more details. BOWMANVILLE 1-bedroom basement, private entrance, single person preferred, laundry, parking first/last, no pets, $600/month inclusive. Avail. immediately, Call Jim after 6pm, 905-697–1544 or Cell 416-899-4402 or leave msg/ CENTRAL OSHAWA 1-bdrm apts. $750/month, 2-bdrm apts. $825/month. Avail. July/ Aug. Well-maintained build- ing, near all amenities. 905- 723-0977 9am-5pm EAST OSHAWA - 2 bedroom w/walkout, gas fireplace $1050 inclusive. Also, 4 bed- room w/walkout, $1350 inclu- sive. first & last. 905-259– 6760. A 1 BDRM basement apt., Whites Rd., separate entrance, $600 in- clusive, 1st/last. Avail. immediately. No pets, no smoking. 416-262-5122 905-421-9968 RMT WANTED UP TO 70/30 Pickering FAX (905)427-0312 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST We are offering a position in our well established Dental practice to the person who will take our front office to the next level. Your strengths must include excellent patient interaction, proficiency with practice software, and the ability to successfully maintian a productive schedule. Reply to file #916 Oshawa This Week 865 Farewell St. Oshawa L1H 7L5 Experienced GLASS CUTTER Required immediately Call 905-686-9842 ext.241 MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Required for manufacturing plant (905)686-9842 Ext. 241 JULY RUSH Kick start your sum- mer! Our growing mar- keting company is looking for 7 fun peo- ple who want to learn new skills, travel and advance. Make $500 week. FT only. Students welcome. Call Brandy Smithson at (905) 576-4425 A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com QUALITY INSPECTOR Medical Devices company located in Pickering requires a Quality Inspector for incoming materials and finished product inspection prior to shipment. Duties include record maintenance and report generation. Qualifications include: • Some prior inspection experience in mechanical or electrical manufacturng. • Ability to read/interpret/measure specifications and tolerances. • Good computer skills with Word/Excel • Handling of finished goods requires ability to lift up to 40 lb. Submit resume to: Director of Quality, OrthoMotion Inc. 901 Dillingham Rd., Pickering, Ontario, L1W 2Y5 Fax: 905-420-3970 No agencies or telephone calls accepted 510 General Help 510 General Help THE Port Perry This Week,a twice- weekly publication covering Port Perry and Scugog Township in Durham Region, is looking for a full-time reporter to cover a growing and demanding beat. The successful candidate is ambitious, willing to learn and eager to cultivate contacts in a diverse and expanding area. The reporter will cover council meetings, file assigned news and feature stories, and generate clean, concise copy to support this growing publication. An ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines is required. Some evening and weekend work is anticipated. The candidate will offer commitment, enthusiasm and a willingness to consistently provide top-notch community news. A college diploma or university degree in journalism and relevant experience is required. Experience with Microsoft Word, Quark Xpress and Adobe Photoshop programs is a definite asset. Please send resume and a covering letter to the attention of Bruce Froude, managing editor, by fax at 905-985-2511, or e-mail the information to bfroude@durhamregion.com. Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, July 9, 2003 at 5 p.m. COME JOIN A WINNING TEAM OF GREAT HAIRSTYLISTS Hair Fitness Inc. offers above competitive wages, incentive programs, advanced training, paid vacation and much more! If you are an experienced hairstylist and looking for a friendly bright atmosphere give us a call (905) 683-0290, 1-800-618-9684 416-571-836 7 Positions available in Bowmanville,Whitby & Ajax 514 Salon & Spa Help 514 Salon & Spa Help Req’d immediately for very busy roofing company. Office located in Stouffville F/T with benefits • IN-HOUSE SHEET METAL FABRICATOR (7:30a.m.-4:30p.m., Mon.-Fri.) • ON SITE ROOFING ESTIMATOR Please fax info to (905)640-1341 **ONLY HARD WORKING & MOTIVATED PEOPLE NEED APPLY** 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help If you are a customer focused, consultative sales professional looking to join a dynamic, progressive organization, we should meet. Don't Be Satisfied Metroland Durham Division Media Group has an immediate opening for a Sales Representative to join our Classified Advertising Sales Team. The successful candidate will provide our valued customers with creative, effective advertising and marketing solutions and will play a key role in the overall success of our organization. As the leading provider of news and information for our communities, we have established a tradition of excellence and trust that has become the foundation for our growth and continued success. We offer exceptional remuneration including salary, commission, and bonuses. Please forward a detailed resume Classified Advertising Manager Oshawa This Week PO Box 481, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 Fax: 905-579-4218 We thank you for your interest, but only those candidates receiving an interview will be contacted. 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents The Victorian Order of Nurses of Durham Region a non-for-profit, charitable, accredited visiting nursing organization, is looking for RNs & RPNs Full-time, Part-time and weekends only Interested candidates should submit their resumes in confidence to: Nurse Manager - VON Durham Region 223 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ontario L1N 4H6 Fax: (905) 665-4888 Email: englishj@von.ca Our Nurses Are Our Strength 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental Where Caring Comes First! RNs, RPNs, PSWs are needed to provide nursing care to hospitals, nursing and retirement homes in the Scarborough and Durham Region. We provide Excellent Pay Rates & Bonuses, Education Funding, In-house Seminars, Paid Orientation, FT/PT Contract with benefits, RRSP, Membership in a Group RRSP and Flexible Work Schedules. Call immediately to book an interview or forward your resume to: Firstaff Health Care Services Inc. Call (905) 305-9551 105 Main Street, Unit #1 Fax (905) 477-1956 Unionville, Ontario M3R 2G1 Email: rosanna.firstaff@rogers.com 33 & 77 F alby Crt., Ajax Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (905) 686-0845 www.a jaxapartments.com 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent RENT-WORRY FREE 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apts. Well maintained, modern Appliances. All Util. included. On site super, maintenance & security. Rental Office: Mon. - Fri. after 10:30 am Sat. & Sun. 1 pm- 5 pm 905-579-1626 VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT www.gscrentals.com e-mail: valiantproperty@rogers.com 510 General Help 510 General Help 100 Houses For Sale NANNY'S QUARTERS,fur- nished, self contained apt., private entrance, $700/month inclusive. Also furnished room, use of kitchen/bath- room, $450/month inclusive (internet access avail). 5 minute drive to Pickering GO. Laundry, parking incl. No smoking/pets. 905-839–8018 KINGSTON/LIVERPOOL - pri- vate entrance, new large 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms basemen apt. Insuite wash- room, livingroom, familyroom, diningroom, kitchen, CAC, pri- vate laundry, parking, no smoking/pets. $1150. 416- 335-8468 ask for Paul. LARGE 2 bedroom, newly renovated basement apart- ment at Philip Murray Ave., Oshawa with kitchen, 3 piece bathroom, large living room, $850 all inclusive, first and last required, available August 1st. 905-579-3967 or 905-429- 7144. LIVERPOOL/FINCH,1-bdrm basement, sep. entrance, 1- parking, 4pc bath, f/p, no smoking/pets. First/last, ref- erences. $850 month inclu- sive. Avail July 1st. 905-839– 2072 NORTH OSHAWA - spacious one bedroom lower apartment, newly renovated, separate en- trance, parking, shared yard, quiet residential area. July lst. $675 inclusive. (905) 576– 3830 NORTH OSHAWA,1 bedroom basement apt. Bright, spa- cious, separate entrance, no smoking/pets, $700 inclusive, first & last. 905-720-2210. NORTH OSHAWA-newly ren- ovated 2-bedroom apartment, air, fridge/stove, laundry on premises. Available August 1st. $850/month plus hydro & parking. Call (905)683–5013 ONE BEDROOM -Top floor of house. Clean, quiet, parking, washer/dryer. No pets. Avail- able August 1. $850 inclusive First/last. 905-884–6922. AJAX ONE bedroom very clean basement apartment, separate entrance, immediate, street parking, non-smoker/no pets, 4pc. washroom, bus+Go near apt. 905-427-0700, 416- 891-4364 OSHAWA,large 1 bedroom in century home, King/Harmony, coin laundry, parking, close to all amenities, first/last, $800 plus hydro. Also 2 bedroom townhouse $950/mth inclu- sive. 905-786–2413. OSHAWA - 2 bedroom base- ment apt. $800, hydro not in- cluded. Avail. immediately. 905-571-1598 or 905-983- 6298. OSHAWA 2-BEDROOM, clean spacious apartment, near OC, well-managed, quiet building, All inclusive, laundry facili- ties, available immediatley. Call 905-424-3828. oshawa 2 bedroom basment apartment, available July lst. Seperate entrnace, fenced backyard, laundry, 1 parking, lst/last, references. $775 all inclusive. (905)720–3275 OSHAWA APTS.professional new ownership/management, newly renovated 2+3 bed- rooms from $800, new ap- pliances. Building upgrades to include: security cameras, new windows and more! On transit route, near schools/ amenities. 905-404-4002 OSHAWA HOSPITAL AREA, on e bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, $600 per mo,. utilities includ- ed Available August. lst. Suite single, non smoker, Call (905)432–7308 OSHAWA,2-bedroom, lower level near Holiday Inn, rent $830 (NEGOTIABLE). Avail- able immediately, first/last, all utilities included, no dogs, 905-434–1386 or 905-404- 1367. OSHAWA, PARK/GIBB, clean 3-bdrm mainfloor, newly painted parking, huge back- yard, gas heat, avail. imme- diately. $925+utilities. First/ last. Call 905-720-2186. OSHAWA,Simcoe & Bloor. One bedroom apartment. Available immediately, top floor, lst/last, private entrance, $750/month inclusive. Viewing (905) 433–4088 Near all amenities OSHAWA large 2-bedroom w/new windows & storage, laundry facili- ties, parking for 2. $800/month plus hydro. Available August 1. No pets. 905-576–4229 PARK/GIBB, OSHAWA Base- ment room, own kitchen & bath, separate entrance. $300/biweekly, first/last re- quired. Air conditioning, park- ing, laundry facilities. Call Terri (905)721-8518. PICKERING,Major Oaks & Brock. 1 bedroom basement apt, separate entrance, utili- ties and parking included, $700/month. Available im- mediately, call 905-619–0317 PICKERING NEW SPACIOUS Bright one bedroom apt. 401/ Whites, westshore, utilities laun- dry & parking. No smoking/pets, first/last, available now, $850 inclusive, 905-420–1896. PICKERING Liverpool/Bayly - Lovely spacious 2 bedroom. 8 min. walk to Go. Own laundry. Private yard. Open house July 1 after 3 pm. $875 +. 905-420- 5309. PICKERING very large 2-bedroom basement, stone fireplace,. 4 appli- ances, 2-car parking, close to schools, shopping, GO. $900+1/2 utilities. Available immediately. Richard - Days 416-865-7864 Evenings/Wknds 905-686-9662. PICKERING,2-bedroom, Finch/ Liverpool, large clean bsmt apt available July 1st. $925. Sep entry, parking, laundry, utilities, A/C, no pets/smoking. 905-837-2988 PICKERING, Hwy#2/Fairport, 2 bedroom house, parking, no smoking/pets. $950+utilities. Call 905-839-7585 PICKERING,West Shore, spa- cious bright one bedroom base- ment, separate ent., parking, no smoking/pets, first /last, avail- able Aug.1, $775/per month inclusive. 905-831–3681. PICKERING,White's Rd/Bayly, 1- bdrm bsmt in quiet home. Separate entrance, parking, shared laundry, suit single professional, no smok- ing/pets. $750/month inclusive. First/last, references, avail July 5th. 905-831–9085 PICKERING- SPACIOUS 1 bed- room basement apt, shared laun- dry, parking, a/c, cable, sep entrance. Near 401 &amenities, No smoking/pets. First/last $850. July 1 (905)839-2172 PORT UNION/401,clean bright, 2 bedroom basement, adults preferred. Parking, cable, laun- dry, non smokers, no pets. $800 inclusive. (416)471-1984 REGENCY PLACE - 15 Regen- cy Cres., Whitby. 50+ Adult Lifestyle Apt. Complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to downtown. Dai- ly activities incl. All utilities included. Call 905-430-7397. www.realstar.ca Open house - Sat. 9 - 3, Sun. 1 - 3. SIMCOE North/Russett Ave. Oshawa, 2- bdrms. nicely decorated $870, good loca- tion, bright well maintained quiet 12-plex. Nice neigh- bourhood; Close to shopping, bus, utilities/heating/cable/ parking included, newly deco- rated, laundry facilities. No dogs. 905-576-2982 . SIMCOE/MILL OSHAWA Quiet building near shopping, trans- portation. Utilities included. 1-bdrm, immediately/July 1 $729/mo., 2-bdrm, July 1, $829, 3-bdrm, July 1st $929. 905-436-7686 until 7:30pm. TESTA HEIGHTS -2 TESTA RD. UXBRIDGE One & two bedroom apts. available. Con- veniently located in Uxbridge in adult occupied building. Weekly tenant activities. Call 905-852-2534. Open House Fri/Sat. 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. www.realstar.ca WHITBY -2 bedroom base- ment apt. Separate entrance, full kitchen/bath. Backyard, parking for 2. Non-smoker/ pets. July 1st. $925. 905-448– 0283; 1-877-249-6274. WHITBY - Large 1-bedroom apartment, 1 car parking $775 plus hydro. Available Now. (905) 655–4623, (905) 925- 3945, (416) 269-5449 WHITBY- Large 2 bedroom basement apartment. Private entrance. 5 appliances. $800+ utilities. 1st/last/ref. required. No pets. Available July 1st. Call (905)-666-3050 WHITBY one bedroom, base- ment, quiet triplex, extra large, ground level W/O, private deck, laundry, 2-parking no smoking, available Sept.1, $775 inclusive, 905-852–5264, cell 416-996-1536. WHITBY PLACE, 900 DUN- DAS ST. E.,One and two bed- room units available, park like setting, close to down- town, low rise bldg, laundry facilities, balcony, parking. 905-430–5420. www.reals- tar.ca WHITBY, BRAND NEW large 2 bedroom mainfloor duplex, walk to downtown. $1000/ month plus. Non-smoking, suit quiet couple. Message 416-498-1200 ext#26 WHITBY/OSHAWA North Oshawa, 1-bdrm main floor, sep. ent., $750 includes cable, parking, utilities. Avail. imme- diately; WHITBY, 1-bdrm basement in executive home, $850 includes cable, utilities, own laundry. Avail. Sept 1st 905-666-1189. AJAX - OXFORD TOWERS. Spacious apartments, quiet building, close to shopping, 401, GO. Pool, sauna. 1-bedroom, immediate, $849, 2-bedroom, August $965, 3-bedroom, July $1065. (905)683-8421 Condominiums For Rent180 COLLINGWOOD, Cranberry, 3 bedroom, 3 baths, fireplace, fully equipped, ski season $6500. 905-294-6776. Houses For Rent185 A-ABA-DABA-DO, OWN YOUR OWN HOME! 6 months free! From $550/month OAC, up to $6,000 cash back to you, $30,000+ family income. Short of down payment? For spectacular results Great Rates. Call Ken Collis, Asso- ciate Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate (905)728- 9414, or 1-877-663-1054, kencollis@sympatico.ca A ABSOLUTELY ASTOUND- ING 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000+family income and good credit. Short of down payment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re/ Max Spirit (905) 728-1600, 1- 888-732-1600. AJAX - Clean spacious 4 bed- rooms, available immediate- ly/July 1, 3 baths. $1300 +util- ities. Call Dennis Morgan 905- 831-9500 or 416-587-0060 3 BEDROOM SEMI, lake view, 1504 Ohara Crt., Oshawa, $1100+utilities, first/last, ref- erences. No pets, avail. Aug. 1. 905-436-7410 leave mes- sage AJAX,3-bdrm detached, fenced yard, close to all amenities, air/con., $1300+ utilities. No smokers/pets. Avail. July 1st. 905-683–0149 or 416-809-2735 AJAX, HARWOOD/401, July 1st, 3-bdrm main, hardwood, fenced yard, large deck, fully renovated, bright & beautiful, no smoking/pets, $1050+utili- ties, first/last, credit check, references. ALSO large bright 1-bdrm bsmt, $750+utilities. (416)762–7998. Open House 2-3pm Sat/Sun. (416-797- 7539). AN UNBEATABLE DEAL! 0 down, own your own home. Carries for less than rent. OAC. Minimum income re- quired per household is $30,000. Please call Aurelia Cosma at Remax Spirit Inc. 1- 888-732-1600 or (905) 728- 1600 24 hour pager. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW,2- bdrm, Townline Rd. S., Cour- tice, 4 appliances, avail. Au- gust 1st. $1,250+utilities. No pets. First/last, references. 905-576–8583 HOUSE FOR RENT - south Ajax. Close to lake, school, hospital, plaza, church. 3 bed- rooms, 2 livingrooms, 2 di- ningrooms, finished base- ment. Fridge, stove, dish- washer, washer, dryer, wind- ow a/c, 2 sheds, carport, fenced. $1350+util. Available Aug. 1st. No pets. First/last/ references. 905-683-1300 Jimmy. LIBERTY NORTH/CONC. RD. #6 BOWMANVILLE-2-storey brick home, approx. 2,300 sq. ft. 3.8 acres, 4-bedrooms/2- bathrooms/familyroom/dining- room/livingroom/kitchen/ laundryroom, 2-woodstoves, one-fireplace, coach-house/ garage, available immediate- ly. $1500/mo. Contact Pat 905- 472-7300 ext. 229 N. Oshawa, main floor bunga- low, 3-bedrooms, dining & liv- ing rm, parking, no smoking/ pets. $1000+ 1/2 utilties Availble NOW call 1-877-815- 0691, I.D. #2010. NORTHEAST OSHAWA - 2 bedroom, main floor bunga- low, quiet greenbelt court, ap- pliances, laundry, heat, hydro, water included. $1100/month. Also lower-level 2 bedroom with walkout, $975/mo. Utili- ties included. Credit check, references required. Call 905- 576-1910. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA -3 bedroom newly renovated, large bright kitchen, 2 storey + basement, 1 1/2 baths, $925/ month+utilities, first/last, Avail. Aug. 1st. (416) 391- 1220 Oshawa-3 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, full basement, w/o to fenced yard. Near school, shopping. $1100/mo + hydro or rent to own available. 905- 428-8887. OSHAWA, CHARMING 1 1./2 storey 2 bedroom house, on quiet street, hardwood floors, nice yard, laundry, parking, non smoker preferred. $l,080 per mo. plus utilities. Avail- able August lst. Call Evenings (519) 463–6265 OWN YOUR OWN HOUSE! No money down. Closing costs only OAC. Call Wade Kovacic, Sales Rep., Re/Max Corner- stone 905-623-6000 or 905- 428-1206 PICKERING - DELBROOK. Main floor, 3 bedrooms, 2 parking, fenced yard, no pets/ smoking, credit check/refer- ences. lst./last, $l,300 plus utilities. July. Call (416) 270- 7567 PICKERING 3-BEDROOM house, 4-appliances, 2-wash- rooms, eat-in kitchen, walkout to deck from livingroom, ga- rage, driveway, no smoking/ pets. $1150/month+util. July 1st. 905-683-9629 PICKERING,Liverpool/401, 3- bedroom + den, mainfloor bungalow. Backyard, parking, laundry, near GO/mall, on bus route. $1275/mo. plus. Avail. July 1. (416)878–5534. RITSON/EULALIE 3-bdrm de- tached, 2 1/2 storey brick, ex- tra room in attic, beautiful home, fenced yard. Must be seen. $1195/month + utilities. Aug. 1st. (416)887-1508 or(416)736-0969. SOUTH AJAX,- main floor 4 bedroom bungalow. Immacu- late, 4 appliances, new floor- ing, c/air, garage, $1200/mo. + 1/2 utilities. (416) 283–8030 Townhouses For Rent190 3-BDRM with in-law apt, North Pickering. 7 appliances, a/c, c/v. Avail immediately. $1500+utilities. Call Irene 416- 698-2888 CARRIAGE HILL - 122 COL- BORNE ST. E., OSHAWA - 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Close to downtown and shop- ping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utitlles includ- ed. Call (905)434-3972. www.realstar.ca GEORGIAN STYLE TOWN home in Whitby, 2 master bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, fin- ished basement w/gas fire- place, 6 new appliances, air, no pets, references +credit check, $1,500/mo. Available July 1st. 905-430-0404 TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 TAUNTON RD. E., OSHAWA 3 bedrooms w/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood floor- ing Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground Close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.realstar.ca Rooms For Rent & Wanted192 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Furnished room in Pickering, cable, light kitchen facilities, near Pickering Generating Station, PTC/GO. $180 bi- weekly. (905)420–4318. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Oshawa, furnished room, bright very clean house, share kitchen & bathroom, run of house, non-smoker, parking, laundry, near all amenities, $440/month. 905-404-8479 CHURCH/DELANEY,large 1- bdrm + own livingroom w/ hardwood floors and f/p. Large upscale house. Share laundry, kitchen. $600/month inclusive. Avail immediately 905-686–9571 FURNISHED BEDROOMS for rent in private home. Share all facilities, laundry. Brock/Hwy. 2, Pickering. $390+ utilities. (647) 888–9450 leave mes- sage. ROOM - ADELALAIDE/MARY Oshawa.Suit quiet working mature adult non-smoker, parking, Cable TV +kitchen privileges. $310-$350/month, first/last. 905-447-8063. Shared Accommodation194 A MUST SEE!!East Oshawa clean quiet house, share w/2- others, A/C, cable, phone, ab- stainer/no pets. Retro fur- nished. $475/month. Call 416- 997-3509 AT THICKSON/ROSSLAND- 2 LARGE Private Rooms, air, female preferred, spotless bungalow, kitchen, laundry, cable, internet, telephone, huge backyard, gazebo, must see. $550. & $525 905-571- 1811 BROOKLIN Looking for per- son to share fully-furnished home-like castle. Use of weight room, laundry, air, ja- cuzzi. Privacy. July 1/15. Male/Female. 905-655-5446 BROOKLIN/WHITBY.room, large house, privileges kitch- en etc. Prefer responsible professional, Working or semi-retired. August 1st $450 first/last. 905-655–9439 PICKERING SHARE Furnished House Whites/Sheppard, Pool, cable, no smoking, first/last, available immediately. Mike Lynch 905-420-7535 or page 905-831-9500. SOUTH OSHAWA court, 1- bedroom $495 all inclusive. Includes cable, internet, pool, close to all amenities. Work- ing person preferred, first/last a must. Call (905)571–1281. Vacation Properties200 GREAT FISHING and family holiday on Rice Lake. One hour from Oshawa. Modern cottages. Sandy beach, play- ground, children's programs. Available May thru September Family prices. (705)696-2601 Rentals Outside Canada205 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, 2-3 bedroom furnished manufac- tured homes. 85º pool, 105º hot tub, minutes to beaches and major attractions,Children welcome. Photos shown in your home. $275 weekly (less than motel) (905)683–5503. Cottages For Rent209 CEDAR LAKEFRONT COT- TAGES overlooking Lake Kasshabog (Peterborough area). Fishing, swimming, boating, hiking, sandy beach, clean water. Family owned and operated. From $745.00/ week. www.bluemountainlodge.ca (705)877-2159. COTTAGES, SEASONAL & overnight trailer sites, camp- ing. Kawartha's, 6 mins. E. of Peterborough on Indian River. Excellent swimming, fishing. Call toll free 1-866-399-1980. www.indianriverhideaway.com RED SETTER RESORT,clean, modern cottages, spacious camp ground, seasonal and overnight camping. Call (705)778-3096. WATERFRONT COTTAGE 2 bedrooms, on Bay of Quinte, Napanee, fully equipped, gas bbq, boat and motor available. No pets. Phone (613) 354– 5199. Campers, Trailers,Sites215 19T., 2001, AERO Cub travel trailer, light weight, fully load- ed, air, dual axle, fold down ends, 6yrs left extended war- ranty, $16,500. 905-430–8953. 1999 28FT 5TH WHEEL trailer, with large automatic slide-out and awning. Queen-size bed- room, 2 bunk beds, large bathroom, A/C, lots of space and other extras. Mint condi- tion in/out. Hitch included. Asking $18,500 o.b.o. 905- 263–4640 A-1 CONDITION, 1986 Prowl- er, 31 ft., (tip-out), waterfront lot, Crowe Lake. Deck, awn- ing, dock, large shed, sleeps 9, $14,900 call 905-668–6123, 705-877-8468. HOUSE TRAILER FOR SALE approx 25-yrs-old, approx 45- ft long. Handyman special, as is, where is. Asking $2500. View by appt. Call 905-434- 0473 MILLION DOLLAR View, swim, fish, boat, 60ft. clean waterfront, Crowe Lake, Mar- mora. 34x18ft trailer, own dock, septic, deck, hotwater, propane, firepit, BBQ, fridge, microwave, shed. Large lot, $1600 year park fees, 2003 paid, $7500 OBO. Weekdays, 905-420–1557 416-569-6463 Cell. Boats & Supplies232 14 FT. FIBREGLASS BOAT, bucket seats, oars, 25 hp. Evinrude, trailer, nice pack- age, $2500. Dave, 905-619– 9246, South Ajax. 14' RUNABOUT,50hp out- board, 4 new seats, complete with trailer, $1500. Great shape. Call 905-985-9699 18 FT. FIBERGLASS Humber- craft, 120 HP I/O on a Tandem Axel Trailer. Boat is equipped for Salmon Fishing. Call George for more details and to negotiate an offer at 905-720- 0306. QUICKSILVER inflatable boat, 10.5 ft. centre seat, hard floor, oars, blow-up pump, carry bag. 15 hp. rated. Great to tender large boat or for fun. Good shape. $500/obo. Mike 905-260-5553 READY FOR FISHING:12' Princecraft aluminum, 9.9 Mercury Motor & tank, fish finder, 2 swivel seats, trailer anchor flotation rope, 2 life jackets, fire extinguisher $1600. 705-340-8072. Resorts Camps235 TRAILER & COTTAGES for rent, by the week or by the month. Sandy beach, docking, boat rentals. North of Peter- borough 1/2 hour. (705)292– 9075, cadiganscamp.com Clothing307 Bargain Centre309 KITCHEN TABLE,4 chairs, $125., vacuum $75., dining room,$300., buffet, $500 firm. (905) 839–1014 Articles For Sale310 CARPETS - lots of carpets. I will carpet 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpets for $319.00. Residential or Berber carpets for $389.00. Includes carpet, premium pad, expert installation. Free, no pressure estimate. Norman (905) 686- 2314. NEW DANBY WINDOW air conditioners, 5,100 btu's, to 12,000 btu's. $189 and up. New danby bar fridges, $139 and up. Also variety of new appliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Reconditioned fridges $195 / up, reconditioned ranges $125/ up, reconditioned dry- ers $125 / up, reconditioned washers $199 / up, new and reconditioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New brand name fridges $480 and up, new 30" ranges with clock and window $430. Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576– 7448. 1961 GIBSON SG - Reissue, Heritage Cherry. $2,200. or best offer. Call Paul (905)697- 9346. 2 LOVESEATS like new, pur- chased in 2002 from Sears Whole Home, eggplant colour, $800 obo/for the pair. 905- 428–3909 2 SINGLE ULTRA-MATIC ad- justable beds w/built-in mas- sage $1000/both; Freezer $125; Vacuum Cleaner $250; Woodburning stove $1100; Woodsplitter $900; Snowblow- er $400; Chainsaw $75. 905- 263-4945 WASHER & DRYER, 2001 Maytag $500 for the pair. Ex- cellent working condition, like new 905-426–3659 2003 SNAPPER (Yard Cruis- er) Riding Mower, 18hp, 48" cut, zero turning radius, joy stick operated, used only 5hrs., full warranty, $6,200. Call Greg 905-649–6930 42 FT. STORAGE VAN Trailer - currently full of assorted wood leftover from house ren- ovation, selling with or without the wood. Call Rick 905-985- 3740 8 YR.old Kenmore washer & dryer $300; RCA 36" floor model home theatre $800; Pioneer lazer disc player $150; (705) 277–3657 A KING pillowtop mattress set, New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $650. 416- 746-0995 A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds.). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free upgrade to 12 mm premium pad with every in- stallation, 20 oz. Berber carpet starting at 69¢ sq. ft., carpet only. Lots of selection for every budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260. PIANOS/CLOCKS-"END OF SCHOOL SPECIALS" on all Roland digital pianos, Samick pianos. All Howard Miller clocks. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with less- ons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433- 1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES. Fridg- es $100/up, stoves $150/up, washers & dryers $350/pr. Washers $175/up, dryers $150/up. Stackable washer/ dryer $499/up. Portable dish- washer $175/up. Dehumidifi- ers $100. Large selection of appliances. Visit our show- room. BEAT THE RUSH, keep cool get your Air conditioner now! Barbecue Parts. Parts/ sales/service. 426 Simcoe St.S. Mon-Fri 8-6pm, Sat 9- 5pm. (905)728-4043. AIR COMPRESSOR,sand blaster, hydraulic pallet jack, assortment of tools and truck tires, electric and mechanical odds & ends etc. Call Rick 905-985-3740. AIR CONDITIONERS 5, 8, 10, 12-14,000 BTU's from $110. One portable a/c $550; Little Tykes playhouse $90; New foldup bed $120. 905-576- 0132 AIR CONDITIONERS 6,000- BTUs up to 19,000-BTUs. 6,000 $125; 8,000 $150; 10,000 $200. Sales & Repairs! 905-420-6355 APPLIANCES Fridge frost free, stove 30", immaculate ap- pearance $475 pair. New model large capacity direct drive washer $250, dryer $200. Great condition 5yr old wash- er/dryer $275. 905-439–6446 ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Amazing Electronics, 601 Dundas St. W. Whitby. Call (905)665–7732. APPLIANCES refrigerator, stove, heavy duty Kenmore washer & dryer, apartment- size washer & dryer. Mint condition, will sell separately, can deliver. 905-839–0098 BEAUTIFUL OVER-SIZE sofa, plus "chair-and-a-half" white with grey stripes, 2 years new, $975 o.b.o. Glider rocker, $60 o.b.o. (905)837–2121 BED, QUEEN PILLOWTOP, orthopedic Mattress set, Nev- er Used, still packaged, cost $1025, sell $450. 416-741- 7557 BEDROOM SET, 8pce cherry- wood. Bed, chest, dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000, Sacri- fice $2800. 416-748-3993 3-SEATER couch&chair, light rust, good-condition, suit rec- room $120/obo; walnut-cof- fee&end tables-glass inlays open-bottom-shelves $100; 42" round-kitchen-table, 4 chairs, padded-vinyl-seats, cane-backs, like-new $120/ obo; teak-diningtable, extra leaf, 4-chairs, mint, $300/obo; microwave-cabinet $25; small electrical-appliances 905- 839–0168 CARPETS SALE & HARD- WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: carpet, pad and in- stallation. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serving Dur- ham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam 905-686-1772. CARPETS, LAMINATE AND VINYL SALE. 3 rooms, 30sq. yds. for $319 Commercial carpet including premier un- derpad and installation. Lami- nate $1.69sq. ft. Click System. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guar- anteed. Free Estimate. Mike 905-431-4040. CEDAR TREES for sale, start- ing from $3.50 each. Planting available. Free delivery. Call Bob 905-372–0437. COMPUTERS,Home Theatre, Giftware-more! NO-INTEREST FINANCING! EVERYONE IS APPROVED! Rebuild your credit without paying high in- terest! www.canadiancredit- partners.ca COMPUTERS: BITS AND Bytes Computers Services. P-200 Tower complete system $185.00, P2-350 Tower com- plete system $255.00; P3-450 complete system $320; Complete systems includes: 15" monitor, keyboard and mouse. All internet ready. FREE 17'' Monitor Upgrade with any system, purchase while quantity last. Layaway Plan, Warranty (90 days) and Other Accessories. Call (905)576-9216 or www.speed- line.ca/bitsandbytes CUSTOM MADE round queen size bed, with curved velvet headboard, $1200 obo. 905- 426–6957 DECORATOR ITEMS - Barry- more sectional, Lexington sofa and chair, pine dining set, Woods upright freezer, pine entertainment centre, all one year old. 905-342-9494. DINING ROOM TABLE WITH 4 chairs. Unique glass/metal design $95. Phone 905-721- 0601 after 6pm weekdays or anytime on weekends. DININGROOM 13 PCE cherry, 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $3000. (416)746-0995. FOR SALE ONE AMISH SOLID Oak Entertainment Unit, 1 year old, Excellent condition, genuine reason for selling, cost $2300, for sale $1150, 905-434–1358. HOT TUB 2003 all options, red wood cabinet, never used, still in wrapper. Cost $9995, sell $5000. (416)746-0995. KITCHEN CUPBOARDS and counter top. Custom made white ash color cupboards 24inches high by 98 inches wide and beige counter top. Ideal for small kitchen, bathroom, or cottage. 905-697-9462 (snp) MODULAR sectional sofa, (Palliser) leather sofa, 1 1/2 yrs. old, mushroom colour, with queen sofabed and Lazy- boy recliner, excellent condi- tion, $4,000. 905-427–6646 LEATHER SOFA SETS, 3PC new in package, full size, choice of colours, limited quantity. First come/First serve. Half price $1875. 416-319-6302(Pickering) MOVING SALE - downsizing, antiques, perfect condition, 2 armoires, 2 hall-stands, roll- top, oak curio cabinet, pine china cabinet, also 2 leather wing chairs, entertainment unit, appliances, and other furniture. 905-665–0063 MOVING TO RETIREMENT HOME Contents Sale: Fridge/ stove, excellent condition, freezer, small washer & dryer, open house July 5 & 6, (905)683–5929. OAK DININGROOM TABLE w/ 8 chairs. $1,200. Call 905- 721-0813 OAK PEDESTAL TABLE w/leaf & 4 chairs $695. We also buy and sell antiques. Pine Loft Treasures, 918 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 905-579–9311 PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs, & pre-pur- chase consultation on all makes & models of acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427-7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com Visa, MC, Amex. POOL TABLE 4'X8', 1" slate, black, $1200. Plain paper fax $100. Treadmill, 'True' 450HRC, 3yrs old $3200. Call 905-665-0020 POOL TABLE 4x8, 1-yr-old, Black Crown. Asking $3000 including all accessories. In excellent condition. 905-623– 6574 QUICKIE Electric wheelchair (model P222) $5,000 & Ez-Ac- cess 12 foot folding portable ramp $800.00. Both only 6 yrs. old. Call 435-0781 or 905- 431-4025. RENT TO OWN new and re- conditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Pad- dy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SCANDINAVIAN TEAK WALL Unit, 8ft long x 6ft high x 22" deep w/glass display, cocktail cabinet & ent. centre. $600 905-433-3781, evenings. SPECIAL OCCASION Rentals Party tent, dunk tank, jumping castle & various video games, pinball machines and pool ta- bles for all occasions. Biggon Amusement & Promotions 905-429-1013 STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers, 24 ft. & 22 ft.. Call 905-430-7693. TICKETS FOR SALE - Santa- na, Aguillera/Timberlake, Wham Bam, 50¢ Dave Mat- thews, Pearl Jam, Bon Jovi, Radiohead, other concerts. Will Buy & Sell. Call 905- 626–5568. Vendors Wanted316 WANTED - VENDORS for the Whitby Home Show, Sept. 5, 6, 7. Limited Space Available. Call 905-579-4400 Devon ext. 2236 or Wendy ext. 2215 Pet, Supplies Boarding370 BICHON-FRISE,female, 1 year old, (no papers). $200, call 905-668–5689 Hybrid Himalayan-Siamese Cats for sale 8-weeks old Needles & Vet Checked. Both parents on sight. Litter Trained/rambunctious $150/ per Kitten Please Call 905- 438–9486. MALTE-POO PUPPIES (Mal- tese/shi-tzu), 6 weeks old, first shots, vet certified. Male & female. Asking $650. 905- 261-8474 PUPPIES, Doberman, Shit- zu, Pugs, Standard Poodles, Pekingese, Shelties, Cock-a- poos, Golden Retrievers, Walker Hounds. "Sheppard-X, Collie-X Husky-X $175." African Grey, Kittens, Himalayans. 905-831- 2145. Grooming Services avail. TSURO DOG TRAINING - real training for real dogs. 905-797- 2855, Oshawa 905-432-8318. www.tsurodogtraining.com Cars For Sale400 1932 CHEV. HOTROD. 1997 Camaro power train LT1. Su- per chip & 460 trans. c/w chip 373 Richmond Gears, 1997 Camaro front end, modified to A-frame, all new - paint, tires, brakes etc. c/w 1934 Ford Roadster converted trailer 4 wheel disc ABS trac/lock am/ fm cass, carbon fibre speak- ers & amp. 705-277-9694. 1982 BUICK PARK AVENUE, excellent condition, certified, $2000 obo. 905-655–3296 1990 CHRYSLER NEW YORK- ER 5th Avenue, blue, 4-door, loaded, 127,000km. Best offer. 1989 Caprice Classic 4-door, excellent condition, Best offer. 905-925-1897 snp 1991 BUICK REGAL - Good shape, $1000 or best offer. As is. 905-579–9749. 1991 CHEV CAVALIER 3.1L, fuel injected, p.brakes, p.steering, p.windows, certi- fied & e-tested. $1500 o.b.o. (905)571–2678 after 5pm. 1993 MUSTANG convertible, 78,000 original kms, never winter driven, white w/grey in- terior, a/c, am/fm cassette, power windows/locks, 2.3-li- tres engine (means in- surance/fuel savings), $6,800obo. 905-448–9793 1993 HONDA PRELUDE 146,000km black with spoiler self starter, alarm system AC auto CD changer certified and emission tested asking $8100 905-666–3476. 1993 SATURN Tinted wind- ows, standard 5-spd, excellent on gas, 300,000Ks (highway) asking $1,900 as is obo. 905- 438-8552 1994 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 2-door, 4-cylinder, automatic, non-smoker, very clean, ex- cellent condition, reliable and economical. Runs and drives great. $3495. Certified/Emis- sions 905-718-5032 dealer. 1994 CHEV CORSICA, 4dr auto, 6cyl, air, am/fm cas- sette, under 200K, asking $2,950 certified/e-tested. 905- 404–8695 1995 INTREPID, 3.5 litre V6, 157k, certified, $3500. Call 905-982-1021 1996 MONTE CARLO Z34, 2dr, red, with charcoal grey interior, 3.4L, fully loaded $4,500. Ask for Troy 905-435- 9960. 1996 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 4- cylinder, 5-speed, 2-door, black, Ice-Cold Air-condition- ing, CD player, excellent con- dition, very clean, 157,000- kms, brand new GM clutch. Car drives like new $5495 Certified/Emissions 905-718- 5032 dealer 1997 CHEVROLET CAVALIER Z22, 4-cylinder, 5-speed, air- conditioning, 183,000-km, safety'd, e-tested. $4995-obo. Call 705-324-1003 or 905-441- 1781. 1997 NEON,red, excellent condition certified, e-test, air blows cold 128,000kms $3800. (905)404–8791 1997 PONTIAC Grand Prix, SE, new brakes, tires, and struts, $6700. As is. Call 905- 259–6760. 1998 HYUNDAI ELANTRA, 4dr., auto, AC, tilt steering, p.s., p.b., e-tested & certified. Excellent condition $8000 obo. (905)576–5454 or (905)260- 2547. 1998 TAURUS,company car, SE comfort, 3.0L, 24vdohc, keypad entry, loaded, tan clear coat, excellent condi- tion, 109K, certified, e-tested. $8,700. Call 905-655–4882 1999 CHRYSLER INTREPID, Platinum, 98,000kms, good condition, fully loaded, sun- roof, new tires & brakes, $10,000. Call Jim 905-665- 5191 1999 MAZDA Protege,5-spd, fully loaded, one owner, dealer maintained. $6,999. 905-665- 4620 96 HYUNDAI,Accent $3499, 92 Corolla, $2999, 88 GMC one ton van $2999. Other cars from $1999 and up. Certified and E-Tested (Kelly & Sons since 1976) 905-683–7301, 905-424-9002 after 6pm. GUN SHOW SUN. JUNE 29th 8 a.m. -1 P.M. PICKERING RECREATION CENTRE Valley Farm Rd., West of Brock Rd., Just South of Hwy. 2 905-689-8181 ESSENZ DRESS DESIGNS Christenings! Weddings! Graduations! Parties! Custom designed dresses and more.... Full figured welcomed Phone: 905-837-8573 PICKERING 401/LIVERPOOL 2-bdrm, 2-bath, den, 4 appliances, ensuite laundry/storage, sliding glass doors from living rm & master bdrm to large enclosed balcony, parking. Steps to Rec Cntr., library, Pickering Town Ctr., Go, hwy. $1250/mth + some utilities, no pets/smoking, credit application required. Available immediately. (905)427–7452 SPRING FLING OSHAWA VERY SPACIOUS 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. Close to schools, shopping centre, Go Station. Utilities included. Senior Discounts Call(905)728-4993 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 PAGE 13 A/P CREDIT PROBLEMS... NO PROBLEM TO US!! • Slow credit • Poor Credit • Bankrupt (discharged) • New Immigrant/Refugee • 1st time buyer OVER 100 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MAKES AND MODELS The sooner you call us the quicker you’re driving CONTACT: JORDAN HUTCHINSON SPECIAL FINANCE DEPT. (416) 264-2311 ext. 325 400 Cars For Sale 400 Cars For Sale170Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 185 Houses For Rent 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 2000 MUSTANG LX convert- ible, blue w/white interior & rag top, 6cyl, auto, loaded w/ am/fm cd cassette, 70,000km, immaculate, lady driven, $18,500. Call 905-668-3511 AUTO CHUM MOTORS-2000 Honda Accord, 2 dr. EX, 126K, $14,995; 1999 Toyota Camry CE, 91K, $14,995; 1999 GMC Yukon SLE, 78K, $25,995; 1998 Toyota Camry CE, V6, $14,995; 905-720–3508 CLEAN CERTIFIED & e-tested vehicles under $4,000, under $3,000, under $2,000. Also as is specials. Call Gary 905- 431-2158 or 905-436-2239 for info. RACE CAR - Great opportuni- ty. Must sell!!! 1977 Mazda RX3, beautiful condition, ask- ing $4,500. Let's Talk!! Call (705) 786–3493 ask for Kurt (416) 930-1493. Cars Wanted405 CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MUR- AD AUTO SALES. JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 Trucks For Sale410 1994 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4, V6, new tires, new brakes, as is $3000 FIRM. 905-432–8942, 905-424- 8150(cell). 1965 INTERNATIONAL pick- up, V8, 4 spd, lots of extra parts, asking $1200. Call Rick 905-985-3740. 1996 CHEVY BLAZER 4x4 LT, Silver w/leather interior, 4.3L, V6 Vortec engine, tinted wind- ows, 200lb. roof rack, alum. alloy rims, Michelin tires, new brakes, A/C, power all & driver seat, overhead console w/trip computer, keyless remote w/ alarm & auto start, tow pkg. E- test, certified, 135,000kms. Transferable remaining 6 month Lubrico warranty. $13,500. (905)440-4318 (snp) 1997 DODGE RAM 1500, 4x4 pickup, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, low mileage, $16,000, 905-342- 2704. 1999 F-150,black flare-side. Sharp truck w/pw-pl-pb-a/c, cruise, tilt, cd, running- boards. 135km(hwy). Very well maintained. Getting company car--must sell. $16,500-O.B.O. private. Evenings 905-433-1038. 2001 GMC SONOMA SLS, Vortec V6, 4-spd auto, 3rd door, CD, 16" alloy wheels, pewter with matching fiber- glass tonneau cover, etc. $2000 in accessories, 79,000 highway kms, certified, e- tested. $16,900. Call (905)922- 9017 Oshawa (snp) Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirve420 1988 VAN CAMPER queen bed, drapes, AC, fully loaded. 270,000kms. Asking $3,800 as is. Call 905-438-8552 1989 DODGE EXPLORER camper van, ready to go! $9,900. Call (905)355–1511. 1990 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER, 8 passenger, excellent condi- tion in/out, loaded, air, 200K, asking $2,350 certified/e-test- ed. Call 905-404–8695 1993 GRAND CHEROKEE LOREDO, new tires, loaded, 235,000km, safety'd, e-tested $6995-obo. Call 705-324-1003 or 905-441-1781 1994 CHEVY LUMINA,8-seater V6, fully-loaded, 144,000kms, excellent condition, safetied & e- tested, $5295. Call 905-441- 1781 or 705-324-1003. 1994 TOYOTA 4-RUNNER, 180,000 km, certified, e-tested, $8,000. Excellent condition, 905-436–5314 1995 CHEVY BLAZER V6 vortec, new tires, leather, am/fm CD, fully-loaded, 144,000kms, excel- lent condition, safetied, e-tested. $8995. Call 905-441-1781 or 705-324-1003. 1996 PONTIAC TRANSPORT, dark green, 97,600kms certified, 7 passenger, p.windows, p.locks, remote start, tinted glass, am/fm stereo cassette, 3.4 V6, new brakes, very well maintained family van. Asking $8600 o.b.o. (905)579–1404, (905)718-6550 Motorcycles435 1981 HONDA 750 CUSTOM, hard bags, Vetter ferring, rebuilt engine, must see, $3500. obo. 905-721–0589 1982 HONDA 500 FTAscot, red. 1984 Honda 500 FTAscot, red, excellent condition. 16,000kms on each. $2500/both as is. Will sell separately. (905)430–6256. 1997 YAMAHA YZ80.Amazing bike, lightly used, low hours, new 2001 decal package, bike runs great, needs nothing, riding gear avail. for 12-14 yr. old. $2550, call Brad, 905-427-0045 or 905- 767-0123. 2000 YAMAHA V-Star CLASSIC 1100. Windshield, back-rest, saddle bags, engine guards, well maintained, $8700 OBO. call 905-579–5594 Announcements255 Personals268 Nannies/ Live-In/Out270 NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER re- quired for 3 kids, live-in, must be willing to do some cooking, cleaning//laundry. Exper. a must. $1,000 per/month. Christine 905-509-0796. Daycare Available273 FHDC, AGES 2-1/2/UP.West- ney/Sullivan servicing Rober- ta Bondar. Nurturing environ- ment, themes, routines, large playroom, backyard, crafts, science, cooking, dress-up, cognitive play. References, receipts. ECE Mom, 12yrs ex- perience daycare teacher/su- pervisor. (905)428–0323 PROVIDING EXCELLENT CARE.All ages, full or part time, homemade meals, large play area, fully fenced, happy environment, crafts, games etc. Receipts, references. (905) 686–8719 HWY#2/HARWOOD area day- care, my home, nutritious meals, crafts, story-time, fenced backyard, First aid, CPR certificate, 10yrs experi- ence. From 6 months, receipts (905)619-8752 LIVERPOOL/BAYLY Loving Home Daycare. Mature, ex- perienced mom, full time/part time, flexible hours, fenced backyard, lots of activities, hot lunch/snacks. 905-421-9179 LIVERPOOL/HWY.#2 ECE mother of 1 would like to take care of your child. 10 years experience. Hot meals, fun activities, fenced yard, re- ceipts. 905-837-0315/416-271- 9602 PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Loving daycare; 18 months to 12 years. Daily outings (fenced backyard and park). Crafts, story time, music, nu- tritious meals & snacks. First Aid, C.P.R. certified. Non-smok- ing, receipts. 905-428-1244. www.durhamdaycare.com ATTENTION PARENTS - Free online list of available home providers and nannies. Call 905- 665–2346, 1-800-381-5186. (Not an agency) Mortgages Loans165 $$ MONEY $$100% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888- 307-7799. $$$MONEY FOR ANY PUR- POSE$$$ -Specialized in hard to place mortgages, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as low as 4%. When your bank says no, call us! Debt console, mortgage or tax arrears okay. Ontario Wide 1-888-591-6057. MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any pur- pose. All applications accept- ed. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905) 668–6805. AVANTI MORTGAGES 905-839- 2929 or 1-866-839-4449 Call Shane for best rates. No fee O.A.C. also credit problems/first & second mortgages. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 4.85% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast professional service call 905- 666-4986. MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & har- rassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & protection for your assets. Call now: 905-576- 3505 Bus. Services/ Personals168 THE CONCIERGE AKA "THE ERRAND BOY", general specialist on help with your chores: pick- up & deliveries, groceries, drycleaning, lumber, nurseries etc. 905-242-3693 Lessons280 Home Improvements700 Garbage Removal Hauling702 Painting and Decorating710 Moving and Storage715 THE HONEST MOVER Professional Service Licensed - Insured Local - Long Distance Small - Large Moves Rubbish Removal (905) 665-0448 (905) 666-4868 McGee Moving The Mover You Can Trust Commercial & Residential Large or small move Hourly or Flat rate Packing material available Seniors discount 905-666-9678 905-426-0202 FREE ESTIMATES TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service. 905-428-0081 ROMEO PAINTING Specializing in interior and exterior painting. For clean fast and reliable service Call (905) 686-9128 PAINTING & PAPER- HANGING Reasonable rates Interior & exterior Serving Oshawa & surrounding areas for 30 years 725-9884 All Pro Painting and Wallpapering Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative Finishes & General Repairs 20% off for Seniors (905)404-9669WB RENOVATIONS • Interior & Exterior • Custom Additions • Specialties • Full Finish Basments Bathrooms Kitchens • Custom Painting • Fully Licensed Free Estimates 905-430-2461 Wayne (905) 767-3086 (cell) G.C.B. CONSTRUCTION General Home Renovations & Improvements All work guaranteed Craig 905-686-1913 DOORS “R” US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 Bathroom renovations, new kitchen counters and kitchens, finished basements, rec. rooms and decks, 20 yrs. Exp. call Mario (905) 619-4663 Cell (416) 275-0034 BUDGET HOME IMPROVEMENTS Barrier Free Renovations. REAL HANDYMAN Small job Specialist Garbage Removal Plumbing, electrical, Painting, Drywall etc For people with limited cash flow. Call Joseph 905-428-7528 cell - (905)626-6247 LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH TESOL Certified Instructor available to provide ESL tutoring / lessons. Call 905-427-2031 or email abailey199@aol.com SINGLES DANCE Saturday, June 28 Sunday, June 29 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. $10. person JUBILEE PAVILION 55 Lakeview Park Oshawa (905) 626-3575 NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 NEED A CAR? Formula Ford * Previous Bad Credit * Discharged Bankruptcy * New in Country Ask for Mike Williams • Pickering – 905-839-666 6 • Oshawa – 905-427-282 8 • Toronto – 416-289-367 3 • Fax – 905-839-600 8 WE CAN HELP - FAST APPROVALS • Bad Credit • No Credit • Even Bankrupt Credit • But need a car? Phone Mel today 905-576-1800 All applications accepted. Downpayment or trade may be required. • APR from 9.9% • eg. Car $10,000 • APR 19% • Payment $322.78/mo. • 48 months • C.O.B. $4698.09 Rates vary depend on credit history. SALES LIMITED RESTART CREDIT DRIVE TODAYA NEW 2003 OR USED 95 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE 1-800-296-7107 (905) 683-5358 CALL ROMAN OR JOHN BANKRUPTCY NEW IMMIGRANT REFUGEE NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com AUCTION SALE CANADA DAY TUESDAY JULY 1ST • 10:00AM (Preview from 9:00am day of sale) 1750 Midland Ave. Scarborough (S of Ellesmere N of Lawrence) MAJOR ESTATE AND COLLECTABLE “TRUE AUCTION” NO DEALER CONSIGNMENTS - NO MINIMUMS - NO RESERVES - NO BUYERS PREMIUMS OR FEES - DON’T MISS IT! PARTIAL LISTING - OVER 500 LOTS • ANTIQUES • COLLECTIBLES • MODERN • ROYAL DOULTON • ETC. FURNITURE:1920’S OAK CURVED GLASS CHINA CABINET WITH LIONS HEADS AND JACOBEAN COLUMNS (EXCELLENT); 9 PCE. MAHOGANY DINING SUITE WITH CURVED GLASS CHINA CABINET & 6 SHIELDBACK CHAIRS; MAHOGANY DUNCAN PHYFE DROP LEAF TABLE; PINE CORNER CUPBOARD; QUEEN ANNE BONNET TOP CHINA CABINET; OAK S-ROLL TOP DESK; ANTIQUE SPINNING WHEEL; 1920’S WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE; SLIPPER CHAIR; CORNER CHAIR; FOOT STOOL WITH NEEDLEPOINT; CHERRYWOOD GRANDFATHER CLOCK; OAK KNEEHOLE DESK; 10 PCE. PINE DINING SUITE; HAND PAINTED CHINESE COMMODES AND WRITING DESKS; OAK BOW FRONT CHINA CABINET WITH LEADED GLASS; ELABORATELY CARVED CHEVELLE MIRROR; VICTORIAN SIDE CHAIR; OLD WICKER SETTEE; CHAIRS; ROCKER; DECO VANITY; PINE FLATBACK; OAK PUMP ORGAN; PINE JAM OR LINEN CUPOARD; PR OF UPHOLSTERED GILT FRAME CHAIRS; DROP FRONT DESK; FRENCH MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLE WITH PAW FEET; 1920’S WALNUT CHINA CABINET AND SIDEBOARD; VICTORIAN MAHOGANY MIRRORED BACK SIDEBOARD; ROUND OAK TABLE C/W 4 HOOP BACK CHAIRS; OVAL DROP LEAF TABLE WITH SHAKER LEGS; WALNUT CORNER SHELF; COAT RACK; WROUGHT IRON WALL MIRROR WITH MARBLE TOP SHELF SCONCE; MAHOGANY TEA TABLE LARGE SELECTION OF ANTIQUE AND MODERN DINING AND BEDROOM SUITES; SEVERAL OCCASIONAL AND SIDE TABLES; WASHSTAND; ARMOIRE; CANADIANA AND AMERICANA CHESTS OF DRAWERS; PAIR OF UPHOLSTERED VICTORIAN INFLUENCE PARLOUR CHAIRS; QUANTITY OF VARIOUS SIZE PERSIAN AREA RUGS; TABLE LAMPS; HANGING CHANDELIERS; SEVERAL MANTEL CLOCKS; ETC. JOHNATHAN’S AUCTIONS LIMITED (416) 285-0022 325 Auctions 325 Auctions Donna and Dave Heasman of Pickering are delighted to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara to James Dark, son of Alverda and Ernie Dark of Newmanrket. The wedding will take place Summer 2005 250 Engagements 250 Engagements CONGRATULATE YOUR GRAD on July 20, 2003 with an ad in the special full colour GRADUATION 2003 FEATURE Only $59 for 2.25”x3” ad with colour picture Deadline: Wednesday, July 16 - NOON Call This Week Classified at 905-576-9335 or Ajax 905-683-0707 BOOK TODAY - SPACE IS LIMITED 254 Graduations 254 Graduations 254 Graduations INVITATION TO BID Trucking to Newspaper Carriers Bids for services listed below address to: The Distribution Manager This Week Newspaper 865 Farewell Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1H 7L5 P.O. Box 481 will be received until 5:00 p.m. Friday July 4/03 Contract commencing Wednesday July 9th, 2003. Work consists of counting, bundling and dropping off papers, flyers, catalogues and other products to specific locations in Port Perry. Delivery to be completed within 3 hours, after receiving product. Full size cargo van required to do the work. Bid information packages available at: 845 Farewell Ave. Oshawa. Lowest or any bids not necessarily accepted. 260 Tenders 260 Tenders NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of Leslie John Flynn, Sugar Boiler, Deceased All persons having claims as creditors against the estate of the above men- tioned, late of the City of Pickering in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died at the said City of Pickering on February 28, 2003, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before August 11, 2003. After that date the Public Guardian and Trustee will proceed to distribute the es- tate, having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have had notice. Anyone having knowledge of a Will lat- er than September 27, 1995 or next-of- kin of the above mentioned is also re- quested to contact the undersigned. DATED at Toronto on June 25, 2003. PUBLIC GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE ESTATE TRUSTEE 595 BAY STREET, SUITE 800 TORONTO, ONTARIO M5G 2M6 File #837187-014 261 Legal Notices 261 Legal Notices JOHANNA'S FACE THE WORLD PHYSIC LINE 1-900-451-4232 $2.99/per minute 18+ or 1-866-358-2514 Visa, Mastercard $2.99/per minute 18+ Visit our Web site www.johannasfacetheworld.ca 268 Personals 268 Personals INFANTS - 12 YEARS OLD - safe home envionment - programming - personal attention - receipts - full or part-time - caregivers screened, trained, receive on going support, regular inspections - Licenced by MCFCS DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE 905-509-1207 273 Daycare Available 273 Daycare Available GIANT CANADA DAY OUTDOOR GARAGE SALE Tues., July 1st 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 4181 Sheppard Ave. E. (at Midland) Over 100 Vendors 416-291-0684 320 Garage/Yard Sales 320 Garage/Yard Sales Where every day Is Payday! PAYDAY LOANS 310-CASH CALL 2 2 7 4 Cash and A Smile When You Need It. 165 Mortgages Loans 165 Mortgages Loans 165 Mortgages Loans 400 Cars For Sale 410 Trucks For Sale 700 Home Improvements 710 Painting and Decorating 715 Moving and Storage Place your ad at 905-683-0707 Gardening & Landscaping735 Party Services753 SOFTTUB RENTALS New in Durham. RENT NOW for Par- ties, Family Fun, Therapy or Romance. Tubs of Fun Rentals 905-439-TUBS (8827) Dating Services900 FRIENDS AND LOVERS DAT- ING SERVICE! NOW WITH CHATLINE!Durham's Own! Sometimes love is just not enough. Listen to the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. 905-683-1110 Adult Entertainment905 PASSION PARADISE Welcome to Paradise with a companion full of Passion Variety of Attractive Ladies for in/out going service Call Nikki 905-665-0035 ❤IMPRESSIONS❤ Support a student by seeing one of our college girls. Several young, slender & barely legal models. 24 hrs.- 7 days. Hiring-Highest Pay!!!Call Tina or Dave 905-767-1931 www.. impressionsagency.com LANDSCAPING CONTRACTOR Yellow & Green 1-866-410-4536 •Design and construction •Fences and decks •Interlock, stone walkways 2 YEAR GUARANTEE Durham Region 20 Years H. Heinrich Landscaping Inc. Lawn Maintenance for • Estates • Condos • Commercial • Industrial Residential Landscaping, Ponds, Rock Gardens, Pruning, Interlocking Stones, Retaining Walls, Etc. Authorized Unilock Contractor (905) 839-5349 CEDAR GUY HEDGES INSTALLED, TRIMMED & REMOVED, YARD WORK (416)876-0007 (905)924-5512 CUT & TRIM LAWN MAINTENANCE Grass Cutting since 1989 $15 & up 905-420-5445 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 PAGE 15 A/P RESIDENTIAL WINDOW CLEANING WE CLEAN Windows, Eavestroughs and much more! 416-823-2366 FREE ESTIMATES 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements A & C ROOFING and WINDOWS • Shingles of all types, flats of any size • Soffit • Fascia • Eavestrough • Skylights • Spring Special - 15% off all vinyl products • Int. free financing for up to 12 months • Double warranty guaranteed, fully transferable • W.S.I.B. • Fully Insured (905) 509-8980 or (905) 428-8704 RDC WINDOWS, DOORS & ROOFING (905) 686-9494 SPRING SPECIAL 15% off all vinyl products 6 mo. No Interest, No Payment o.a.c. ROOFING • WINDOWS EAVESTROUGH 1033 Toy Ave., Unit 8, Pickering 905-427-8613 Free Estimates Fully Insured **The Difference is Professionalism** 6 months No Interest, No Payment (OAC) A&A ROOFING SHINGLE ROOFING - FLAT ROOFING •REPAIRS •WINDOWS • DOORS F ree Estimates Since 1975 C all 905-426-1512 • Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical • Painting • Drywall • Bath Reno. Insured, Bonded, 1 Year Warranty 905-686-7236 Worry F r e e Home Repairs Home,Energy,Loss,Prevention Save money & reduce energy loss up to 25% by caulking & weatherstripping your windows & doors. 20 years experience Call Rob at H.E.L.P.Contracting (416) 230–9383 JBS CLEANING AVOID WEST NILE!!!!!! BY KEEPING YOUR EAVESTROUGHS CLEAN & CLEAR Windows and eavestroughs. We also do minor eavestrough repairs. If you are not happy with our work we will do it again FREE OF CHARGE. For free estimate call Dennis at (905) 837–1910 MURPHY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES Hardwood flooring, trim work, decks, fences, ceramic tiles,custom woodwork- ing, garden sheds, drywall, much more. Quality workmanship. 17 years experience Call James (905) 839–4041 STREETER CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS 22 years exp. in home improvements including and not limited to: Recrooms, Bathrooms, Sunrooms, Kitchens, Moulding, Tiling, Drywall/ Tap- ing, Doors & Windows, & Built ins,. (905) 431–9939 THE PLUMBERS Est. 1971 By GORD COLLINS 1-866-895-3889 10% Off Residential Services 24 HR/Plumbing & Drains Proud sponsors of the Brooklin Redmen 704 Plumbing 704 Plumbing TREE MAINTENANCE & REMOVAL STUMP REMOVAL DAVE 831-7055 ALSO 736 Tree Service 736 Tree Service TIMBER TREE SERVICE Experts in Removal, Trimming, Pruning & Stump Removal. Fully insured. Free estimates. Call Shawn. 905-619-1704 Interest Free Paym ents Ava i lable RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 668-4932 753 Party Services 753 Party Services CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 Death Notice Listings For Audio on current deaths, call 905-683-3005 From Clarington, Port Perry or Uxbridge, please call 1-905-683-3005. Visit us on the internet: www.durhamregion.com Brought to you by the following funeral homes: Accettone, Armstrong, Courtice Funeral Chapel Limited, Low & Low, The Simple Alternative, McEachnie, McIntosh-Anderson, Morris, Newcastle Funeral Home, Northcutt-Elliott, Oshawa Funeral Service, Wagg, W.C. Town, Memorial Chapel. 1. Simply dial the above number on a touch tone phone only. 2. Listen for the name you are looking for. The listings are recorded by surname first. 3. When you hear the name you want, press 1 to hear details of the funeral arrangements. 4. If you miss any information, press 1 to replay the details. 5. If you want to go back to the main directory of names, press 2 and repeat from Step 2. Step 256 Deaths 256 Deaths Don’t Forget Our Classified Deadlines: Mon. 2:30 p.m. for Tues. paper. Tues. 2:30 p.m. Wed. paper Thurs. 2:30 p.m. for Fri. paper Fri. 2:30 p.m. for Sun. paper 735 Gardening& Landscaping TO ADVER- TISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL AJAX 683-0707 DAVIE, Lachlan (Lachie)- After a prolonged illness, Lachie passed away peacefully at Ajax-Pickering Hospital. He will be missed very much by Amy, his loving wife of 57 years, his son Jack & his wife Muriel of Calg- ary, his daughter Amy & her husband Jim of Pickering, his grandchildren Lynn, Mandy, Gil- lian, Gary, Graeme, Jamie, Kyle & their fa- milies. His six great grandchildren will grow up knowing him through our memories. He was predeceased by two brothers and one sister and is survived by one brother in New Zeal- and. He will be remembered by his family and friends as a fun-loving family man. Family and friends will be received at THE SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE FUNERAL CENTRE, 1057 Brock Road, Pickering (south of 401) 905- 686–5589 for a Memorial service on Wednes- day July2, 2003 at 11:00 am in the chapel. Reception to follow. Donations may be made to the Lung Association and would be appre- ciated by the family. GILLEZEAU; Blanche Evelyn peacefully on Wednesday, June 25th, 2003. Wife of the late Victor Andre Gillezeau. Mother of Andre, Emile, Louis, Marie-Adele and Maurice. Moth- er in law of Lesa, Jeanette, Dianne, Peter and Joan. Grandmother of Louis Andre, Paul Maurice, Robert, Rene and Jeanne-Marie. Sister-in-law of Raphael (Rafie) gillezeau. Friends may call at the ACCETTONE FUNER- AL HOME,384 Finley Ave., Ajax (905) 428- 9090 on Sunday, June 29th from 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral Mass at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 30th at St. Isaac Jogues Ro- man Catholic Church, 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering. In lieu of flowers, donations to Durham Regional Cancer Centre would be ap- preciated by the family. DURHAM’S LEADING FIVE STAR DEALER 19 HARWOOD AVE. AJAX (North of 401) 905-683-5358 CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP “THINKING LIKE A CUSTOMER” 401 SERVICE HOURS: MON. - THURS. 7-MIDNIGHT FRI. 7-6, SATURDAY 8-4 OSHAWA ILLAGE CHRYSLER HWY. #401 VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER TORONTO HWY. #2 HARWOOD FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STARLAKERIDGEWESTNEYBROCK RD.FIVE STAR CHRYSLER UP TO $1,000 KINGSTON RD. ILLAGE CHRYSLER 1-800-296-7107 Some downpayment may be required. Interest rate varies from 0% - 24.95% Bad No Credit Slow Credit Collections Repossession Bankruptcy YO U’RE APPROVED! 5.9L V8, auto, air, sport package, anti-spin axle, rear slide window, aluminum rims. 116,000 km. Stk. #T6147A. $$79.9979.99 wk.*** 2001 DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 Sale All previous ad specials expired. + Downpayment may vary with credit severity. Approval conditions may vary according to credit severity. Finance payments based on 48*/60**/72***/84• mo. with $2,500 down or equivalent & trade at 7.9% int. Fin. eg:. $10,000 @ 7.9% = $141.60 mo. for 60 mo. COB $1,496 total obligation $11,496. OAC. Plus lic., taxes & admin. • Short term lease vehicles. 0% financing or $3,500 Dealer Discount available on selected new vehicles. Finance eg. $10,000 @ 0% = $166.66 mo. for 60 mo. COB $0. OAC. All prices plus licence, taxes and admin. OAC. +On selected new cars. †On selected new 2002 vehicles. † These are limited time offers which may not be combined with any other offer except Graduate. Rebate applies to retail deliveries on most new in- stock 2003 vehicles. Purchase/lease OAC Chrysler Financial Canada, 20,400km annual allowance, 15¢ km on overage. ** Cash purchase price & lease price exclude feight, lic., insurance, taxes, registration & admin. * 0% purchase financing up to 60 months on most vehicles. Example: $30,000 @ 0% APR/60 month term, monthly payment is $500. Cost of borrowing is $0. See us for details. 2002 GRAND CARAVAN $$68.6168.61 wk.•FromSale 3.3L V6, air, loaded and much much more. Call for details. Stk. #P7438.• 2002 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE $$89.9889.98 wk.•Sale Laredo package, onex green, loaded, 18,000 km. Stk. #P7464.• 1996 SEBRING JX CONVERTIBLE $$13,90013,900Mint 2.5L, alum. wheels, auto, keyless entry, air, tilt, cruise, p.w., pdl., p. top, p. seat, AM/FM cass. & more. 1 owner. Stk. #S6232A. 3.9L V6, 5 spd., p.s., p.b., floor mats, AM/FM cass., air, sport appearance grp. & more. 1 owner, only 32,100 km. Stk. #T6205A. $$63.1263.12 wk.*** 2000 DAKOTA Sale Sale 2002 SEBRING CONV. LX 2.7L V6, auto, p.w., pdl., p/top, air, ABS, security grp., cloth seats, tilt, cruise, alum. wheels, keyless entry & more. Stk. #P7490.• $$93.58 93.58 wk.•Sale 2000 GR. CHEROKEE LAREDO 4.0L V6, auto, p.w., p.b., p.w., pdl., tilt, cruise, air, cloth seats, selec-trac, AM/FM cass., keyless, alarm, alum. wheels & more. 1 owner, 75,000 km., Stk. #V7523. $$84.0084.00 wk.***Sale Leather, auto, loaded, 116,000 km. Stk. #P7068A.$$8,9958,995 1995 AVENGER Sale LIMITED TIME ONLY $21,963 *Or Cash Purchase for • 3.3L V6 4 spd. auto • Air • Cruise • 7 pass. seating • Sunscreen glass • Roof rack • Power windows, locks and mirrors • Multistage driver and front passenger airbags • And much more. 2003 DODGE CARAVAN $209 † Lease for a month for 48 months with $4,384 down payment or equivalent trade. Plus $1,025 freight. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 0 %Interest Rate for 60 months on Dodge Caravan. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF $$1010 0000 JEEP LOYALTY BONUS TILL JULY 5, 2003. TRANSFERABLE - SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. • 2.0 Litre engine • 132 horse power • CD player • Fog lamps • Tilt steering • Theft Deterrent system 2003 SX 2.0 $168 † Lease for a month for 60 months with $1,895 down payment or equivalent trade. Plus $850 freight. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT $12,988 ** Or Cash Purchase for 0% FIN. FOR 60 MO. V V The “VILLAGE MAN” Says YES YOU CANYES YOU CAN RIGHT HERE AT VILLAGE CHRYSLER Get a Great Deal 3.5L H.O. V6, auto stick, 4 disc with 11 Infinity speaker system, luxury grp., p. sunroof, leather seats, AM/FM cass., p.w., pdl., p. seats, p.m., tilt, cruise, performance/handling grp. & more. 18,000 km., Stk. #P7283•. 2002 CHRYSLER 300M $$110.00110.00 wk.• 2.0L, 132 hp, 4 cyl., auto, fog lamps, p.s., p.b., AM/FM/CD & more. Low km., bal. 7/115 Powertrain warr. Stk. #V7534. 2003 SX 2.0 $$46.0646.06 wk.•Sale 2001 CHEV SILVERADO 4X4 1500 $$116.23116.23 wk.***Sale Ext. cab, 8 cyl., auto, leather, tonneau, Z71 off road grp., AM/FM/CD cass., p. seat, air, loaded, plus much more. 66,000 km. Stk. #T6236A. 4.0L 6 cyl., auto, air, dual tops, 15” aluminum rims & much more. 13,665 km. Stk. #P7592•. 2002 JEEP TJ SPORT $$87.8787.87 wk.•Sale TED WILLIAMSON TED WILLIAMSON KERRY PICKARD JIM McELROY HAZEN HARDING PAUL GONSALVES JIM ANDERSON JON CARTER Business Mgr DERRICK MacMILLAN PAUL GROBERT CHARLENE NOWAK BRENT DAVEY MICHAEL DAVIDSON FRANK TAMBURRINI ROMAN CHRUNCIW Business Mgr ALBERT McCREADY EVERTON MITCHELL DON ARSENAULT Lease Renewal - Truck Specialist A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, June 29, 2003 www.durhamregion.com