HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_09_10- N ._. RT11 R SE ws. D T f- V D D T XT [' C f- n. X A Al IT XT T T V XT U TAT C D A' D D D C T XT r V I n K C A/P PAGE 2 - NEWS ADYERnSER SUNDAY EDITION, September 10, 2000 NEWs �oveHosEa sot+enr EMrwN.sw,ozapo rRce a a C ornmun*ty,-as artners in fightingcrimep �� Public safety forum sees give and take between Durham police; City residents BY SUSAN O'NEILL 19 Division this year, Inspector ' , is' starting to get bolder.. we've Staff Writer . John Morrison said the biggest is- had people coming into our back - The Durham Regional Police ' sues locally are traffic,;.street level- yards drinking... ft's starting to Service needs to find some new x drugs, youth issues and the over get an edge to it:' -solutions to some old problems. all 911 response to crime. Sgt. Townley conceded, "A lot And, that's going to take the -"We recognize the problems." of the problems (police deal with) £ he told the crow community's'help, Chief Kevin d of residents, could' be "addressed right . at .� McAlpine told local -residents politicians and police re*. enta- homer.. the `vast majority' of the ,Thursday during a forum focused tives, adding "the reality ' is we individual's` we're dealing with, on community policing and youth have a population of 165,400 . peo- the parents would rather see them crime p1e, (in Ajax and Pickering) and mut on the street... it - becomes Hosted `by the: "police service, we -have 9'i police constables: #. mare flf a pafentirrg i�ue the forum ` was designed to pro- . e w And, those -constables an- Ajax 'councillors Joe Dickson vide residents with an opportuni- " swered.34,000 calls last year, he L and Danielle Holmes, members of ty to express their concerns about' said: the Ajax Pickering police liaison community safety- issues, nclud- w. "They.bust their buts to do the . `committee, agreed working to - i youth crime, and for police to best they can for you:', wards a safer community starts at highlight local itutiatives. -, Sergeant Bruce Townley, who home, while Pickeringcouncil- u live in a pretty cafe corn- ommunity - "Yoheads the- CResponse lors David Pickles and Dave Ryan - mUri Afid we're doing every- " - Branch at 19 Division, said, the 'noted the community.needs to thing we can to make it safer and group has had considerable suc- work towards finding- more. me: we need your help... we need help KEVIN1KcALPINE DOUG DICKERSON cess. in dealing with youth issues, sources and activities for youth to from, the community each L and `I'm ve y proud of the 'Much of what we've such as vandalism and drinking in take part in. every day," Chief McAlpine told a - work done (here) over, heard this evening really local parks. Meanwhile, Pickering -Conn crowd of approximately.'30 peo-. the'last l0yeorS.' does disappoinrme.' He reports ,police- laid 658 cillor Doug Dickerson: told" the pie :during the meeting at Pine charges in Ajax and Pickeringbe- chief, "much of what we heard Ridge Secondary School in Pick- when lice ,w c for help,- And, he said while the region's tween Jan. 1 and Ang. 31 of this this evening really does disap- ering, "we v`eemg ig- population has grown - by ' about year. And, 96 per cent of those in- point me". But, some, iresidents in atten- ^Dred " 145,000 people since 1989, the volved youths between the ages Coun. Dickerson said neither dance said they don't feel safe in Chief McAlpine responded police service has only added of 14 to 24. the chief nor the police services their neighbourhoods due to prob- saying, "we have a priority sys about 100 officers in that 11 -year "I think you all deserve a pat board are doing their jobs when it lems witk teens drinki a�d.van- -tem for respondin to calls .for , span. on the back... generally I think comes to managing the depart- dalizing .local pa -'s.. ' F service- youths in: the park, from _ "I' m very proud of the work "you're doing an excellent. job," went and he contends the -- Pickering' "board Pickering ' resident' Paul where we sit; is often behind do- the Durham Regional Police have Pickering- "resident- Tom !Quigley should scrap an idea" to lease ad- Urquhart-told dUrquharttold police residents in mestics and armies id progress" done in Ajax and Pickering over told the officers, adding, "The ' ditional space for a" community his 'neighbourhood have orga- He notedxpolice resp ond"to an the last ,10 years," he said, noting people that are the problem aren't police station, in south Oshawa nized a community watch in an - average`' of 150,000 calls each We need more people to sit `on here tonight... somehow, we, have and spend that money on new of attempt to reduce problems in year across the region, ranging committees with us,.. we certain- to - give you the resources'to' deaf ficers instead. nearby parks. from "murders and traffic fatali- ly need more staff... it is reality." with the small minority." Chief McAlpine responded the And,. he said in som%e' cases ties down to barking dogs". - In outlining the priorities for He rioted- "that small minority stationis-needed: bacdf0t :n = 'r r • reVleW,at nus ela aNews:" Region councillors respond to requests ron Pickering groups The Region is support- of the environmental as- of, containment, as well as ing ,a. call from several sessment (EA} be expand-. ,review o€ the need to ± go Pickerin based communi- ed. start Pickering Nuclear ty associations for.an Inde- The groups :want _.the Generating .Station -A and pendent panel .review on panel review to incorporate alternatives to restarting" t :. the propose€f -restart of thea „ review of severe nuclear the plant for electricity To deliver `_The News Pickering. A nuclear sta- accidents involving 'a, loss production: Advertiser 1n your gelghborhood. , tion. Council endorsed the _ RONALD 0 � -ON NE -� CTOR� request' Wednesday in re- , Mock t , tosrerea� Rea qac ���,a6a8! • Earn extra cash sponse to a fetter from.. • =Win -prizem Irene Dock of Durham Nu - 3, LOUrn Res Ifty C Awareness. p That organization, to- me parr of -your co, mmanity gether with Pickering Ajax _ Citizens Together (PACT) for the,- Environment, the - -TN- hillawhas -streets are LiverpoolWest Communi- ty Association and the- avallable IMMEDIATELY; Pickering East Shore Com- i>Ur Fly Cera b been de ad to crave oei W (oral fur s: muiiity Association, are OW FV* Cefc is a *0 to not** te�yr surd fri aper�e eerier +►1kiftna Sq • '1� ROseft�l!# fid. •Liven �Rtk 3. recommending the scope C Car► b#Wo* or Yai My P e yob t� ` .` •Alder Crt. ► ltlrl5 Rosefteld Rai, • K1 tistlb d. • Strouds,Ln. Lodge Rd. • Annland St~ M`� ■ i r w - +�r ■ +r -waft �i a r�r ■ w �I �r ♦w • FoxwWd Trail. • t�Ooy Ln: • COIn1118!"GB St. •POR AVER A DE • ♦ • FJaVe" CrC. • FieldNght Blvd: • 1400 The �spinnade Rd._ • i iZi; a Jona^- inira•W-prov . 'ifWi-7116 i'lf9IOM9fIa Aft s h :. �. ..._ _,.. La X79.95 00 W j1- q _Y: . " _ €81tt8t��rl�dSotttr b Mnsrat ft*) q wn ff - AUTO . GLASS & CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY . ; - CaH tin b nL J�.• view is not ney the 1VIs. Josephs points out there, - NEWS'ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, September 10, 2000 PAGE 5 A/P are_ nts s Ar� �a rP [� P i e iv unfa r is un �i TROUBLE fr om page I person,, says Ms. Freedman. a parent in favour and one ents' concerns over witch- v `''` "In that case I asked the opposed to their use in - PP craft in Harry- Potter books �3' - books, Ms. Josephs has if this was not done, the school - to look at another schools. He describes him- to trustees -last spring, " did BYMIKE RUTA , many way." child of a parent who object- choice;' she said. self as a "right-wing Christ- not return phone calls. Staff Writer Marion Beckett says ed to a book would have. to . She also notesdthe ian" and says he doesn't But Oshawa Wiccari One parent should not more than one parent should sit in the hall when it was Province's Education Quali- have a problem With the Lindy Tucker, who has, four have veto pavers over the be involved in, such a deei- read or discussed. ty and Accountability Office, books. children in Durham public use of a book in school. Sion. "I'm not prepared to have which administers tests of "It's a fantasy book; it's a schools, found -it, offensive That was the consensus at "I don't think that's fair," kids sit in the hall," she said, , Ontariostudents, changed a children's' story book," said that the books are being_ tar - Roland Michener. ::Public ' she said "U. they want to describing the directive as unit on birthdays after objec- Mr. Ross. "I don't - believe geted because of witchcraft. School in Ajax Friday, when make an " issue ` of it there "workable:' - tions from Christian Scien- it's ` evil. I don't believe Wiceans perform witchcraft, parents were interviewed as should` be" -some kind of a Since this directive was tists and Seventh-Day Ad- there's anything wrong with which could involve "putting they=picked up thea` children meeig.' r; put in place it has been a vii- ventists. it. But�I do appreciate every positive thoughts into good , at ltrnchtune While they had IreneJo_wphsa who has teal non -issue rn schools, On Friday, in an a-rnait to parents right to monitor harvests, and she notes the not been familiar with a Nip cl ldren . the school,- says Ms. Freedman school principals, Ms. what their children read.' modern concept of witc�i- board dit±e6tivethat states the was unaware of the directive She also points out that Freedman stated that Harty He notes. classic televi- craft has nothing to do with objecti `of one parent are but agreed writ-lt, the directive is not limited to Potter books "should not be Sion shows like `Bewitched' evil. enough- a prevent -a book If they cath =get another Harry Potter books. When a used with the entire class for and `I Dream of Jeannie' " " A greater concern is ceh- from�b�ig used in an indi- . book that= serves ° the same -patent objected to the use of - a novel study or for whole- deal with magic and witch- sorship, and when religions vidual mom,, when it purpose fog ev+�one, that's `To Kill a Mockingbird', the . class reading unless you craft as well. viewpoints are used as. rea- was explained to them, most OK," she said. ; - story of a white- lawyer de- have _ .written . permission The issue is not on the sons for restricting the use of agreed it was unfair. Ms. Josephs a parent fending a black client ac- from all � parents in that next board agenda and won't books, says Ms. Tucker, The directive w s enacted -says -who ofijects tri =use of a cused of rape in the U.S. class." be unless a majority of "I'd like to see the board tact ye a''.objections to book can't talo&- .-their-. child south, . the ' book was not Mr. Ross says he hasn't trustees wish to discuss it, adopt a hands-off, live -and- .after the H arxy Potter books. out school;. d points out used. The issue that con- received a 'call about; Harry says Mr. Ross. let -live attitude,' she said, "One gent?' I don't the other eJtrldren affected by cerned the parent was of a Potter- books this year and Oshawa Trustee Jane adding, "we have freedom to agree with that,'-' said Susan Reinhfv1dc_ glee -rs reneR7 ". the "directive can read the kat- home. A Christian. white person saving a black - only took two last year, from Weist, who first relayed par- choose what we read.' Y view is not ney the 1VIs. Josephs points out there, same for everyone. I could ' `is no religious insttuetion. at seeif yoit`had a number of the public school and that she parents objecting to a book's , has to teach her children at use in a school.' home - She says her daughter is a As for Harry Potter, while ` keen reader of the Harry Pot- she is not familiar with the. ter stories. And references to books, Ms. Josephs has witchcraft and sorcery are heard from -her children the not 'a concern to Ms. Rein- , books deal with ih+itehcraft holds. and that's enough;ta make it "I .don't have a= problem ; inappropriate for her. with that book, at a11," ".she 'I dgn't: think it's some-, o.,;A ��11A�s `i�.�nitfur iiiet an_ ` thine trtat ehnnlii }w %'sr'nito}tt, P PAGE 6'NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Septemberl0, 2000 tof al NEWS' ADVERTISER SEPT'. 1.0, 2000 EDITORIAL 'There s somethingparents - = { � dislike about Harry 7 Magical Marry. Potter's" a fantastic force, in war against children's illiteracy News that some school parents in ity to conjure up magic. Durham Region have complained Just think of the long list of chit- -y ; about the use of witchcraft and sor- dren's books which would face ban- cery in the `Harry Potter' series of ishment under these terms: . The books shouldn't. come as a big sur- `Wizard of Oz' with its evil and good prise. witches; or `The Lord of the Rings' _ However, the school board re- or `The Hobbit' which talk of myste- . = - sponse, which prevents, the teaching rious places and magical events.a• 1. ; of any book in class if just one parent Come to think of it, many stories, for tout of a possible 20 to 30 students in children ,and adults take us to other a class) objects to its use seems worlds and times: it's called fantasy extreme to say the least. as opposed to, say, reality. The Potter books have been the What about ;innocuous TV shows singlebest thing to happen in recent like that 1960s classic `Bewitched' or LETTERSTO TFIE EDITOR times in the war against children's i1- the modern version `Sabrina, the literacy. 'Teenage WitchT Are they evil? Are Youngsters who were glued to they written with bad intentions? site as the run celebrates its 20th H television, video games or the Inter- It should be clear we're talking 1 Conor Te�'�j 'S anniversary. net suddenly have their noses stuck in about harmless fun, childish amuse- Canada can boast many things, well-written books. ment, but which has the added bonus memory With from being -the best country in the Tots as young as six or seven and of teaching our children to love read- world in -which to live, to being many teens too, _are, gobbling up the ing. fantastic run home to the tallest freestanding adventures of ":Harry Potter and his Harry, an orphan,. is an example, of structure and the inventions of in- Hogwarts Academy. They can't wait a good-natured, warm-hearted boy, sulin and Pablum baby cereal. for the next.book. just -trying to make his way in the To the editor: Thereare also numerous 'athletes, What could be better than to use world: In early, .August our. attention singers, authors and comedians. the -four -volume .Harry Potter set as a That's a pretty good example for was drawn to an articie-on the front Now we officially have a, hero. teaching tool for children in our our children. page of the News Advertiser head- A few months ago, Terry Fox schools? lining the fact the city of Pickering was the person whom _Canadians -After all, these are books - they E4&0 your oomn ents.on twe opinion was in danger of not holding a had -chosen as the most influential WANT to read: to s .bouston&dur1wmnews net Sub- Terry Fox Run. Thanks to - Sandra Canadian. Terry never thought of But a small number of parents are - , missions **kh include a first and hst Armstrong and ,several volunteers, himself as a hero, offended because the novels embrace name, as well as the city of r+estdence, wlH the Pickering Recreation Complex To marry of us, he will- forever Harry's role as a wizard and his abil- --be considered for publicadon. will Once again bethe gathering be held in high esteem. And he will always be remembered for his run. Terry braved the elements alone, An ste ..back in ---time running 3,339 miles across the awkward ll one da the country. Hopefully y Terry Fox story will be required Allowing censorship with one single vote not the. right decisionreading in our schools. What better way to honour a Banning books and other art is seen as a negative thing? uniquely unselfish, courageous and forms over their content is a cen.-.. The public board, by not advocat- inspirational young man than, to tunes -old issue which always_ ing` or promoting one religion or celebrate this anniversary by par- X prompts passionate reactions, Mike . value system, seeks to please every- ticipating in some way. or, as rest- In the 1950s,rock and roll records Ruta one. But allowing a single parent to dents had done when Terry made were broken and burned by adults in ban_a book, however misguided his his waythrough Fiekertng;'line the protest, against them being played on Staff W iter or her objections may seem to be, streets to cheer the participants. radio stations. They believed the can't be a good thing. Terry's dream for his `Marathon "devil's music" was an unwelcome The anti -censorship argument of Hope' was to raise money for and dangerous influence on their says we can turn off the television if cancer research. All he asked was children. find his way into -classrooms. the show -offends us, not attend the that "Every Canadian donate $1." Durham had -its own taste of the The board, in.an e-mail to schools art exhibition if the paintings are dis With that in mind, let's. see how censorship issue_ late last week -.Some from programs superintendent Bev tasteful to us, etc. Kids, however, - much we can raise this year. parents, and Durham District School Freedman,' is trying "to be sensitive can't walk out of the. classroom if Joy Walton, Board=trustees, ' are i eomfortable to our -parents who are concerned their parents object to a certain book Pickering the hero of the mega=selling Harry about the amount of witchcraft{ being studied. Ms: Freedman: says Potter books is a wizard who attends magic in the novels:' she doesn't want kids sitting in the the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft Ms. Freedman told me ,any book hall because a book being read in This Week accepts letters to the ed - and Wizardry. can be from anindividual class is considered inappropriate by itor. All letters should be typed ed or Board -'officials say they did not class if even one -parent objects to its mom or dad. neatly hand-written,150.words. enact a new policy over the use of the use. I asked her for an example, and Fair enough, but surely one, vote Each .letter must be signed with a books. Harry Potter is not banned in . she said in one case `To Kill a Mock- shouldn't be enough. If -Harry Potter first and last name or two initials local public schools. But written per- ingbird' was lifted from'a class after or any other book generates contro- and a last name. Please include a mission from every parent in a class a parent objected to a white man sav- versy, poll the parents in ,the whole phone number for verification. The ofpupils must be obtained for the ing a black man (unjustly accused of class or school. As in elections, the editor reforserves the right to. edit th books to be studied or read by stu- rape). Hereis a story of a white man majority carries the -Clay: -It's not per- pcopy ions style, pressed aleettte s ares dents anti teanhers. One objectid is who believes justice is colour blind; feet. But it's the best we can dothose of the writer and-notneces-, enough -ro prevent the books" from -- in. the 'southern U.S. in the first sarily those of This Week. We re - being used,. whicb makes W pretty half of the century, no less - and risks E4W your continents on this opinion gret that due to the .volume of let - hard, if not impossible, for Harry to a lot in defending a black man. This to nWmru1a@ ters, not all will be printed. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDMN, September 10, 2000 PAGE 7 AIP Nws BRIEFS INAJAX AND playPICKERM earn a d SEPT. 10, 2000 Ajax school community makes the most of its school yard , WeiConstable- charged f BY MIKE RUTH } M g cruiser j after ser c es i Staff Triter j4 A Durham Regional Police con- Some south Ajax students. could- ; ���� �� � � �, ,�£� ������ � � �`` � �.� � .��:� j ,�� {4s stable has been charged with failing � n t wait for the first day of. school �� �� ,� ,�� , ��,-�.� to stop for a red light after his cruis- Tuesday, so they were, atschool. last two -car weekend. er was totalled m a o -car crash E .. fi Wednesday in Oshawa. They weren't in classes at South- '- _ � � =} ���'� � � � ,}�'$„� � }4 wood Park Public School, but im- y`� The 24 -year-old rookie officer and the elderly driver and passen- provements to the schoolyard are ` : �, �.,. '�� .mss � � �, 2' '� ger in the second vehicle were transforming the area into such a ' transported to hospital with minor in- wP , sho iecethe pupils x , � � � �µ • �� �._�� �' g ���� - P P.ls couldn't wait juries after the mid-day collision. to have a look. There's not much to Police spokesman Sergeant see yet, but by the time the projectq is finished, it will be a place any kid _ �� Jim Grimley -said Constable �� q Matthew Jewell was responding to a _ po 9 can be proud of. downtown "Fight call" at about 1:45 Rather than merely fix a « p.m. when the accident happened. drainage problem that made the pri_ Sgt., Grimley said the cruiser t mary play areaa mud bowl at times, was northbound on Simcoe Street the school community aimed high. 4 , with its emergency equipment acid- x ' The result is an ambitious, environ, _voted when it collided withya 1993 mental site plan design which will i4 Oldsmobile =heading east on John I Street, passing through the inter - create play areas, quiet spaces and 3 . unproved recreation opportunities* a * section.. "It's the children who are kind of z The driver of the car, Roy the driving force behind this" said Hume, 73, and passenger Ida John- qtr}, -� 4 son, 77, both from Oshawa, suffered Sue Sheridan, chairman of the ale E bumps and bruises and were treat - school's Playground Power Com 4 ed at Lakeridge Health Oshawa and mittee. "We are presenting it to the released, Sgt. Grimley said. children that this isour la Y play-' 4 Const. Jewell, who works out of ground: _ x 17 Division at police headquarters, f. A larger storm sewer pipe and suffered minor injuries to his arm. the removal of 1,300 cubic metres The cruiser, a 1996 Caprice, of soil has already fixed the sustained $1.2,000 damage, and drainage problem. The Kinder was written off, while the Olds sus- garten area has a fresh layer of as- tained $6,000 in damage. phalt which has been painted to Under the Highway Traffic Act, i show a Lobe, a compass and an al-, CELLA BRONKHORST/ emergency vehicles includingpo- �,x ._ rge . phabet trail which lads can't resist " ' News Advertiser photos lice, fire and ambulance must stop following. At the front of the s at a red light and proceed through .� Y n. school, a celebration tree was plant- - �' Students at Southwood Park the intersection only after civilian ,• r ed to become the focal point for-- z Public School in Ajax to traffic has yielded. If convicted; the i school celebrations _ a special J P officer laces a $105 fine and the loss Place. photo) make the most -of their of three demeritpoints. Ms. Sheridan says there was brightly coloured play area dec- some resistance to the plan because _ orated with an alphabet path, a Coffee break benefits, past history indicated not much was numbers path and a North ! going to change at the older school, America map mural. Children, Alzheimer Society but added that's changed, too.parents and staff at the school +;' `she Take a coffee break Sept. 21 "Everybody is so excitedhave embraced the im rovement said. "It's justgaining so much mo , .... P and help the Alzheimer Society of and continue to work on Durham Region mentum. 3u project egi Local businesses have been ap- xs t it, At left, Sue Sheridan goes Proceeds from more than 100 proached and are keen to contribute 4. over the site plan for the coffee breaks throughout the region that:, day will go to the fight against funds. Parents, teachers, the Town school's outdoor areas. of Ajax and other, partners have Alzheimer Disease; funding local pitched in. So have the students. habit of thinking small. worked together to come up with Ms. Sheridan says the first step programs and services ,for those + who, through fund-raisers, have "Eve time we et together it something that would be aestheti- was to: consult the students on what with the disease and for (heir le in . "Every g g g. ;, `givers. More than 3,800 people in raised an amazing $11,000 towards gets bigger and bigger," said Ms. cally pleasing, she said. they warted. Their reply was a bit Durham-haveAlzheimer Disease or the project—Combined with about Sheridan. "The fortunate thing is a Students were willing to give up of a surprise: in addition to a track; a related dementia disorder. That $67,000- in Durham District School " lot of companies in Ajax are willing some of the playground while sod is trees and open space were priorities. number is expected to triple by Board 'funds, the community has to put money towards it." being laid, recognizing the wait will Suggestions for more improve 2025. begun to fulfil its dream. On tap is Principal Heather- Stuart notes • pay big dividends. ments continue to pour in and all To find out where the nearest more greenery, a redesigned play- the project began when the commu Other improvements include a are considered. coffee break location is or -to discov- ing field, a. skills wall embedded in nity decided to tackle the drainage safer, relocated crosswalk, and new "We're game for everything," er how to host your own, call the so - j a berm and much more. And while problem, which made for an ugly walkways at the front of the school she said clety-at 576-2567 or toll-free 1-888- the total, $1.5 -million _plan may, play area. and from Burrells Road l7 now . Ms. Sheridan says the commu 301-11067 seem overly ambitious, the South- "Instead of just putting a Band- wheelchair -accessible and . no nity is looking at a three-year time wood Park community isn't in the _ Aid on it, the quick solution, we longer a winter hazard. frame to finish the project. Monate neer bottles for .diabetes cure otorists',caught in:.snare Local. beer stores and the Canadian Diabetes Association are MOTORISTS from page 1 surance: property. haust systems or excessive exhaust joining forces for the 9th annual 'A Provincial police, also laid 541 MTO inspection officer's, emission, Case for A Cure' campaign on Sept. clocked at 220 km/h. Another 34 charges for various offences in- meanwhile, detained 33 per cent of Sgt. Woolley promised similar 23• drivers were gunned down by laser eluding unsafe lane -changing, fol- commercial, vehicles for "mechan- Hwy. 401 safety blitzes in the not- raring your empties to,a beer store that day and tum them over to Tadar, at speeds greater than 150 lowing too closely, . careless driical ;defects" while laying 112 so -.distant future. km/h, said OPP. wing and having open liquor, in a charges for driving and safety vio- "'There's definitely going to be Diabetes Association volunteers. ty Seat -belt violations were issued _ vehicle. cations. a lot more of these coming," he bttleThey'll be collecting donatedidores. to 272 individuals, while 55 were . Eleven criminal charges were The anti -smog squad laid 24 said. "You'll be seeing more co -or- bottles erre cans outside the stores. nabbed for driving under sus n- laid for drinking and driving and charges relating to vehicles found dinated• efforts, especially in the Since the campaign started; g pe g g g P� Y more than $1.2 million has been sion and 74 for driving without in- possession. of drugs and stolen to have tampered or defective ex- GTA" raised for diabetes research. AMPAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER,' SUNDAY EDITION, September 10, 2000 Biblembased Hearth Place offers support to -those in needl • • Anew series of support and infor- . Caregiver support group is de- He'll .speak at Whitby Free leaming series mational programs for people with signed to help caregivers improve to communi- Methodist Church, 1916 Rossland' Rd. E., Whitby, starting at 7 p.m. � cancer and their families begins this their ability cope and month at Hearth Place Cancer Sup- rate. The program runs Sept. 13, 20 The other sessions are held at port Centre. and 27 at 1 p.m. - Hearth Place, 86 Colborne St. W., Os.,! Aj a,X Skills for Healing. is an eight-week Dr. J. Chiarotto, oncologist, and hawa. otte'red course designed to enhance quality of clinical nurse specialist Pamela West For information on programs, con life by providing an awareness of: the will hold an information session -on tact Hearth Place at www.hearth Ajax residents Tim and to help participants achieve a relationship among body, mind .and non -Hodgkins lymphoma on Sept. 20 place.org or 579-4833. Sharon Young are sharing the closer relationship with God,. spirit. from 7 to 9 p.m. principles of success from the Bible in free, eight- a stronger marriage and fam- ily life, financial freedom The course, which includes medi- A support group for people with tation and use of self-help techniques, lymphoma will run the second Thurs- play & Learn a week teaching program. : and business success. Dr. Siddiki is founder of starts Sept. 11 from 1:30 to 2;30 p.m. day of each month starting Oct. 12. Young Hearts is a support group of On Nov. 28, Harry Van Bommel, school To introduce the series of sessions, based -on Dr. Nasir the Wisdom Ministries, has people ages 18 to 35 and runs the sec- author of `Caring for Loved Ones at Siddiki's .teaching videos, addressed audiences of up to and and fourth Tuesday of the month Home,' will speak at a wellness car- Morning the Youngs are hosting an in- 10,000 people, and has been beginning Sept. 12. ing lecture". Program�. for 2 - 5 yrs. troduction to the Wisdom Home video teaching, at the ' featured on television as a . motivational. teacher. He has ` ADVERTISING FEATURE ECE/IVIOi1teSSOri Staff MacLean Community Cen- taught these principles in " ' Central A ax tre in Ajax on Sept. 21 at 8 .corporate . boardrooms and � .: A1 Al ax Home .% p.m. currently teaches in Tulsa, � '' T 1 � �� To Reg s r Ca The videos are based on the- principles of success Okla. The Youngs will- share . how their family life has Week Winners x 6s -s 1 73 from the book of Proverbs. changed since they began ap- Areas to be covered include plying biblical principles and Ajax Home Week Draw debt -free living, marriage, what they have learned' from winners include , from healing and miracles and Dr. Siddiki's videos. back row L to R Rahimar limited Un leadership for the 21st centu- ry, For more information, contactTirnn or Sharon Young Burhan (Pizza Pizza), Susan Panchan (A -Maze- Internet Access `. The sessions are intended at 683-9744.. } Zing Parties & Play ' Centre), Jennifer } 1 C95,8 - :.�EWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD Branzanti mairy Queen). s., From Just month SEPT.. 10, 2000 Front row -Joshua Cole (Pizza Pizza winner). CMI Toll Free 1488403-� Operators Standing By Jeffrey Azzolin (A -Maze- 9 AX - 9 P.M." MONDAY, SEPT,'11 boardroom of. the Durham winner), Rachel DIVORCE CARE: Find. Region' Children's Aid S06 - . Alexander (Coloring `Kit Alexander i met answers. to the questions you ety, 555 Rossland Rd. W. Dane Gentles have while going through a (southwest corner of Ross- winner) and " Pizza District Sales separation or divorce at Di- -- land and Stevenson - Rd.), (Pizza vorce Care at Christian Life Oshawa- Support for all par- aged• Center.: Free, sessions start ties in the `adoption trian- - .tonight and continue every gle'. 433-1551,. ext. 2334, . Monday night at 7:30 p.m., _ 2261 `or 2293. and include a facilitated dis- : PARENT SUPPORT: The �� Saturday. September 16&, 200(3 8:30 p.m. unti112:30 a.m. cussion period. The _ group Association Of Parent Sup- starring meets at 1030 Ravenscroft port Groups -In -Ontario, Inc. - George Oliiver Rd. (at Rossland Road), " holds a parent support group ' (former lead singer for Mandalay Ajax. 686-1411, meeting _every - Tuesday In and his eight piece band PARKINSON FOUNDA- the Ajax/Pickering area at Gangbuster TION: The Durham Region 7:15 p.m: The group is for Wit. rt. Chapter suPPa group's parents. of kids involved.in Grant Smith general meeting is at 7:30 p.m. at St Mark's United drugs, alcohol, running away, dropping out of ff _ (formerly of Power) at the Church, corner of Colborne Centre Street; Whitby. school, crimes and parent abuse. Call (416) 223-7444 Annandale Cttrli Club tg and lay sets and Enter b south door. Super- y Pe walk plans finalized and or 1=800-488-566.6 for in- formation and meetutg lova- _ �� ta h. Church Ajax, Ontario n (905) 683-3210 next year's program planned. Building is wheel- tion. YOGA: The Sahaja Yoga5 µ '. }a Doors O a# 7:OOp.m Tickets �25�00 Master chair accessible. `619-1469 Meditation group meets Available at Ticket licensed (416) g70 -SM by L.L.B.o (Jean). every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. 4 r s or at the door BLOCK PARENTS: The at the main branch of the Ajax -Pickering Block Par- Ajax Public Library, :corner Ave. Kings :. 36th ANNUAL entLProgram holds a -meeting for all members at 7;15 -p.m. of Harwood and Cres., next to the Town hall. .....-Y'. i _� flSir MARIIAM at the Durham Regional Po- elcome. Free and everyone welcome.- 416-759-4912. 1997 & 1999 ANTIQUE lice station, northeast coker lice of Hwy. 2 -and Brock Rd., HORTICULTURE: The ` �' S� =' y i SEED FOR HOVE Pickering. 420--1882 (Colin Pickering Horticultural So-� ONE OF ONTARIO'S OLDEST SHOWS Knauf), 839=5164 (Graeme fiery meets" at 8 p.m. in the ; �� & SPAS"'. t . SEPTEMBER 15,16,17, 2080 Walker). O'Brien Meeting Rooms of4{ the Pickering Recreation � r reg &expertise is unparaUekd Y LOCAT'IQN TUESDAY, SEPT.. 12 Valle Farm Rd: Complex, y ire the pool and spa industry. BREAST-FEEDING: The south of Hwy. 2. The topic MOUNT JOY COMMUNITY CENTRE I Ajax La Leche League is begonias and the guest y motes Thursday September 14, 2000 ' 6140 SIXTEENTH AVENUE, MARKHAM . meets the second Tuesday of speaker is Eleanor Elston Begonia: %: 30 ' 9:00 PM $ring a Friend taws * &SIX rre ►vi: � ca stern A each month at 7:30 p.m. from the Canadian FRIDAY 15TH S:oo PM -.9c30 PM There's information and and Gesneriad Societies: •Gallant 's Eatery Place: SATURDAY 16TH 14:00 AM - 6:b0 PM support on breast-feeding for. pregnant women and Everyone welcome. 839- 4604 ,{Sylvia), 831-4485 (Pickering Town Centre _Lower Level) ; SUNDAY 17TH 11:00 AM -5:00 PM nursing mothers. Babies (Tncia): REIMESHMENTSS DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $3.50 welcome. 683-7547 SENIORS The Tuesday Group "WinterPool Olvers & Winterizitl Accessories Now in -Stock Preterm are free (Yvette) for information,; lo- cation. Morning Discussion ,meets at 9:30 a.m. at the St. r �������, HOURLY DOORPRIZES._•ADOPTION: The"Durham Andrew's Seniors Centre,sroxsoRMBY DIPLONlYr` ►7���� MARKHAM LIONS CLUB Adoption Disclosure Sup- port Group meets the second each "month 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. The Oshawa Barbershoppers will Everyone wel-.� - Please call ahead to _ 635 I!�INGSTON reserve seating tchxYo eurnevrA ae�lppraismsavice3 For more Information contact c 294-1510 Tuesday of from 7 to 9.30 p.m in the perform. come. 69W 19-0315 (Betty) CHIRRING - - a - ON � VOW; °THEWS ADVEFt nSER SUNDAY"E nXIN, Septa rAW' f0, 2000PAGE S AIP CIRRUS LX 4DR SEDANS 2440 NEON 4D1 _µ Inc. auto, r ps, - pb, ac, pw, pi, AM/FM/Cass, plus much Inc., auto, ps, Ob, AWFWCass. more. Bal of factory warranty. 41 ������ sau.s O TN ARIO'; � MEN p DwAYME T= .M D" MAlHiY NA 1 NdKi ANNE EItlAN KIRM TOM PAM ICY MIEJJAIfiON PICICA� WRAJARUM MCKLYMY ARf IOW LANQHAlY1fR HAROM CORRMN NtAW eUMM PMAM ORAIMM CIAOSEW ENYANT 2 � "Y' WY 112 O VILLAGE OUTH PL A�JANN C LJUiE • HWY.NG1 CHRYSLER We -are a CHRYSLER • DODGE DODGE TRUCKS TORONTO OSHAWA ... Five star G LUCE A CUSTOMER SERVICE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY p 19 HARWOOD- AVE. (North ot4oi) 9054834358 O AND EVERY NIGHT 0.8% financing on all 2000 Caravans, 36 mos. Ex: $20;0©o financed over 36 moi =$562.43 mo. COO,is.$247.48 OAC:'Pfus frt, fic, taxes, oac. Add Security deposit and first nuo 20,090 kms per annum., 120 km. on. overage. Leese rate of 1.8%.$3,645 DOWN .PAYMENT OR TRADE IN. ToW lease obifgafion 5,313,.;Wy-back $1,%,024 + taxes.'pWs rte.; taxes & admin: 25th Anniversary Birthday Aug. 30 "On July 31, was a very our sweet little special day angel Caidyn for Linda t Grace Herbert and Jack turned one. You Campbell have brought as they cele- so much joy in rg brated their > our lives. Wei 25th an- love you very niversary. much. Love Also, Linda celebrated her birthday from Mommy, Daddy and sister on Aug. 22. Congratulations and best -Chelsea." wishes from your family and friends. - Birthday. irthday Can you believe N a n n a' s it? Karrie Hope special girl is turned =16 on Aug.. turningtwo. 30. Family and Mackenzie friends helped Erin Green- Karrie ` celebrate halgh cele her `sweet 16'.- brates her Wishing our `Kane birthday on - Bear' lots of love Sept: 12.and happiness alter: Happy birth- Dad, Mom, Kyle and Bailey. day wishes, love; kisses and hugs come from Mommy, Daddy, t Nanna and. Grampy, Nanny and Birthday G�Py, Mammy 'and "the rest. of your crazy family! We love you:' "Our Birth- day .boy, Tyler James; turned Blrthda eight on Sept. Birthday Birthday i i r Kyle turns : nine on Happy "eighth birthday Sept. 10 and there are 'Zack on Sept. 4, from happy birthday wishes Mom, Dad, Daniel, from Dad, Mum and Grandpa and `your - Kristen. "Darling Kyle, angel'. "We hope you had - we love you." a fun -filled day:' Birthdays It's ' been - a busy time in the Hawkins' house.°Valerie celebrated her ninth birthday on July 17 with two parties! "It's hard to believe our baby is growing up so fast! We hope you had a wonderful birthday. Lots of love, hugs and kisses from Mommy, Daddy, Laura, Gramma, Grampa, Uncle Paul, Uncle Alan, Aunt Lori and Dote- fus ' And the birthdays just kept coming. Daughters Laura and Valerie en= joyed helping their, j Daddy, Mike y 4. Happy. birth- • Hawkins, celebrate .:� � Birthday .his 42nd birthday on day "to - "Another . the P.M. , lots of love : y July 23. "We love year has:: °° oud . Dadd !" Hugs passed and a from Mommy, On Sept. 11, Y y terrific girl is Daddy, brother our big and an kisses. from one year older: Sean and his mighty machine Laura, Valerie and Carol. Laura and Valerie hope B Robert- Nanas and Poppas." Mitchell Heine- t Gramma Norma Chosen enjoyed her 63rd birthday oa son celebrated man ` will be Aug_ 6. Happy birthday and lots of love from'_9yalt birthday :Cart►1 Mile L Valerie Paul, Alan and L num- berOA I on Aug. 12 while vacationing in Prince Ed- ward Island, with her family. Con- gratulations and . much love Bryn, from Mom, Dad, brother Dylan and all your family and friends.' Birthda A big guy turns five on Sept. 11. Cory Latino is "our special guy" and , wishing him a happy birthday, with love me Mommy, Daddy, Nonno and Nonna Latino, Nonno and Nonna DeRocchis and all his aunts, un- cles and cousins. two. Lots of love e� . a - from Mom, Dad, Joel, Qmi,1 Grandma and Birthdays Grampa.,, ; Christine Ford turns the big, five on Sept. 10 and is no longer Birthday the baby in the Bouwmeister clan ` 'since ' the birth of Danielle, the "Seven at daughter of Michele and Marrtin. - last! After And, lordy, lordy, Christine's ` counting the Auntie Andrea reaches' a mile-, months, weeks stone age on Sept. 24. Wishing and days, Sept. everybody the best is the rest of ao 1794 Liverpool Roa4- i Pickering 831-543 - THIS WEEK'S CAKE,V9Il%NM ARE. i; sarah Moffat Z. Cory Latino 3.7"M James winners may go directly to Baskin Robbins to receive their FREE cake, (Please provide identification) FRLZE VALID UNCn. SAT., SM. 10, 2090 .I A00/40, a AMNW VW to �iasaay, Sepea�cat t, -daily► 8:30 a.m. to a0 Patz. Did you know perennials con safety be planted untU late October. LcAq:�Revanq�for Spring 2001 now, and. • SAVE on ALL herbs & perennials • SAVE on 'indoor potted containers • SAVE on, select lige stockplants; SAMPLE gourniet product ...And why not attend a FREE SEMINAR on... Bringing Herbs Indoors - Sean, Sept 10 at Zpm e x e rb ectd It S tS ' Ricfi%rs Greenhouses, 47$lo=ingten Rd. )' dust e8st of Goodwood, oa. call W 6406677for more No. _ I me I { -C' � r anal T mi nga, t flab/e in the No/lQ wing �rreas -mom and service M010112enan" stiles Associates & Do Mont managers` • Cashier • Stone Standards • Shoes Pharmacy Food Customer Service (Day & Night) • eoys' &Men's Wear Automotive.; Stationery • Greeter flee®� - • Receiving Manager •Women`s Wear Household Cleaning •Hardware/Paints . • Photo Lab • Layaway'. - • Cu tomer.Service • Stockers_tovern ght) •Girls & infant's Wear Housewares , Fabrics/Crafts •Tire/Lube • Electronics • Directs Managers - tie Technicians Domestics • Sporting Goods • Cosmetics Loss prevention • Invoice • Claims Jewellery ' . ` .Garden Centre $ Pets • Retail Security *UPC • Accounting Toys Optical Furniture "Oefthcare Position • licensed Opticians Pharmacist Manager Pharmacy Staff AM ASSOCICItes CeiVe the we C111190 offer the f OftwEng ad oral follow ng excellent benefitsAM=M=_ bel L'sftr d1 y _ e -SSr S • Excellent Working Conditions •Advancemen opportunities • Group Health Coverage • Competitive Wages *,Group* life Insurance • Flexible Scheduling (when possible) + Longterm Disability .Insurance Holiday Pay Pay - • Paid Vacations • Stock Purchase Plane • Sick Leave • 10% Discount on Purchases • Dental Insurance Profit Sharing (Requires 20 hrs. per week average) • Optical. Coverage Applications will be`accetted and interviews wilt be held by Wal-Mart beginning on Sept. 6th, 2000. at the Metro East Tra a Centre,1899 Brock Road, Pickering. Applications accepted Wed., Sept 6 to Fri., Sept. 8 and from Mon., Sept 11 to Fri.- Sept 15 from 8am - 8p: Our people Nuke the Difference A/P'PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTlSigh 811N0i4Y E0M , September 10, 2000 r art 4 ; { NOW HAS LASER HAIR • EMOV ADVERTISING FEATURE the''bad mowaiY�E. 5N..INERTIFIEDThegood,, and the u l DR?OFYOEAeI .. a SI'fLI AE• What cholesterol is,all about (NC)-A recent report in tein -(HDL) is considered believed to help clean fat and the Canadian. Medical , The Facts on Cholesterol:'- - "good-.cholesterol LDL-cholesterol from the arter- Association journal states that *Cholesterol is pro- *Low-density lipopro- -: ies Canadians need to significant- coked in the liver and is found 'tein (LDL) is considered Wad" There are effective ways ly lower their cholesterol levels in all cellsin the body. It helps cholesterol to Iower your cholesterol lev- t in order, to prevent serious car- make cell membranes, some ,•ExceA LDL-cholesterol els, including eating a healthy y disc events, such as angina and hormones and Vitamin D can clog up the arteries. If this diet, regular exercise and some heart attacks, and to reduce *Certain foods, such as -happens in the arteries that medications. For more informa- deaths from heart disease. A those containing saturated fat, supply blood to the heart, the tion . about cholesterol, and hi blood level of LDL-cho- not aril rovide a#iditional heart gets less oxygen than it what you can do to lower your AM=d lesterol isone of the leading '.'.amounts of cholesterol, but needs, and the risk sof having risk of heart disease, ca111-877- � t risk factors for 'heart disease. also stimulate the liver to pro- angina' (chest pain) or a heart 4-LOW-LDL (1.877-456-9535) to But net ail cholesterol is . bad duce excess cholesterol - attack increases request your copy of 'Making FIRST SA� Y�t�t1 su►1D115� 9 AND iq 2-t Pltl ' for you. Are you confused -There is more :than one *Lowering high levels of the. Connection'. � Broker. ro sd,00ls parks s "Ong celd"r t• This 3 a oorY atmosphere, , shades about the differences between. type of cholesterol-tarrying LDL-cholesterol may Prevent1-4on� enm�lce" n and mud ano "good" and'"bad- cholesterol? unit in thebodyheart attacks 68b-3330i+yaridour. Read on. 014 -densitylipoprio- +HILL-cholesterol 'a 201Mt X",Affl A 7c k vnSUNMY, 2.--LP_J,Y1.. `10, hpilB Ordf15 tranSpofiph M : � x WOaIi�VtOi F", home ksatures r Bedrooms, main Hoar x Is cls eti Fa8tbal CQSJR ES 10YO&Y, .rod k��u 'k INTRO TO WOOQWORKINGi eot-in wlih X ' : STARTS: TUES. SEPT.1ITH 8 WKS R� rout to Priced ;Sept 11, t�pm, Mllters Creek,`= ENTEFA1NMEt+IT UNIT �� Ave. SoA of Hwy � $159 900. :]f , • STARTS: WED. SEPT. 20TH -,'12 WKS Mtonow o Doll Sept 12, FURNITUREICABINET MAKING z { ,�bndsraon, I Meal park, k STARTS: KION. SEPT 18 15 WKS (Urdt .4;4 N Of #2 X23, tom, Park woon�voRMO CA> . fk w000d , N of 401 • I; OCT., NOV. & JAN' SAT CAMPS AVAILABLE t AD are dcome. k 7he C. rP ( a Call Mike Feeley D". Yewsw w , at9o5-M-1234 '" With ro rammeS in both readin and math, 905-683.6003 g� g -we've hepp� more than a million stddeo�s build. Or Leslie Smith � . ,N�►.durrwnmaN:corr>dlrecar rrtersquare t""' at 905-839- 6 the a skills and confidence -they need tQ start the or see our website: year off right �LI.ACE ARTS3 WYWV.8J8Xr81�er5.Ct}i71 i �� �.: CRAFT'S G 'first Pickering Place *-FALL REGISTRATION'� 1550 Kingston Rd.,STAMM•, SAT, SEPT. 16, 10:00-2:00 p1Cering - MON. SEPT. IS 6:3©-8:00, GLASS Pickering Village. (905)839.%37 Community Centre, �A�ax CLAWES(txuner of lrnton Sr Sherwood) SYLVAN (Adult) Registration in the following couraesc Teddy Bears, Evenings &Afternoons Pen &Ink, Knittin LEARNING Beginners,& Ongoing Quitting, gg Porcelain Dolls, Photography, Calhgraphy, Country CENTRE' PorCrafts,, crocheting, Folk Art, Supplies, Included success is learned • we- Custom Work Classes start week of Oct. 2 For further Information Please call Diana (05) 5 7� ■ 427-8692 or Sharon 427-9465 , - t. rove -Her Grades i Discover...A. unique'styte of musical performance. Eastside Harmony $:. . . }.4 Confidence AWAitZI) ;WINNING tK WomiO s C olr'txs 8 t7 (V� vidu ' learcin " - � ur inch allied g program ;`; think, zs o, ffercg Free Singing Lessons _ 'll help your child barn to _ �' motivation duringtheir. annual MembershipDrive and rediscover motiva n at school. Come and see what `we're -ail about! starting Thursday, SneptoMber114 from 7:30 p m.=10; 0 P-m. yet. West Rouge Comrauaity-Centre -Made this year the best - Send' them to Mord. 2-701Rotlrge Hill-'D�rive, Scarbor6ugh New Nembers Wanted'. Love Voices Welcome kj Join us-for singing and fun! �LERRNING-CENTRESO , = For information, call Anne:, Whitby-,668 - _ ng 430-3141 / y- 66$ 6804 ; 905-831-2329 or 905-683-1097 - finch Ave. 105-=GarcW st. www.oxfordlearnm .cam ':'t.i.��Ei"" 1"-;'_'4 �T='�.��:'�"��:�'."ft-��'€34: *'= •'�'�^t•+4'is�a4"$:ss.=�.:593,r3a9,.�"'+!'-'if�k-�+6][ie.Z.3'a�.i•ci,z?ta.:%JE-lf:.:�:>'�"ti'+1�.�'i-i"i 1�E'i =f :'f.vai'w.'a"a s"2'ea-.x'wt.<.Y'3ii•/a%z3�rlS•s'fzf+�'•a".a-3'9k'.auli.TmL^.s3'L-�:+srYe^ii"�.i a•. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, SWernber 10, 200,0 PAGE 13 A/P Volunteer response team members sought in Durham ,A dedicated group ofvolunteers with new members_willing to volun- year. training. An "additional" 50 command post:' Mr. Charlton. "It's . of an 11 -year-old boy- in Brock is looking to expand its ranks. tear their, time, hours or more are spent annually a good mix and match" Township a couple of years ,ago," The Ontario Volunteer Eriier- "We also have a canine unit working with the police on a variety Although there can be lulls when says Mr. Charlton. gency Response Team, (OVERT) which has been called up north to of missing person incidents. not much is happening, when. it OVERT is open to anyone over will welcome potential new volun- ' do cadaver searches," " says Nigel "We also have computer soft- does, the results can be magnificent. the age of 20, with no criminal teers at an information session on Charlton, head" recruiting officer. ware and. take a laptop with us, to a "We were involved in saving the life. record and who is physically fit. Wednesday, Sept. 13 at Durham ,College, 2000 Sinicoe. St. North, Room L118 startin at7 p.nf. g There are five dogs in the unit, some for general searches while- thtre otthers specialize in the grim task C Vflla'ge arts n crafts s� nm� s next Week p The unique organization began __� - of locating those whose fates, ended in 1991 and has been called out by in death. Registration beginsonSaturday, tography, teddy, bears, porcelain munity Centre, on the northeast cor-, area police to help in searches for With the use of technologies, like Sept. 16 for upcoming classes of- doll -making; country crafts, scrap- ner of Linton Avenue and Sherwood missing people, during 'that time, the Global Positioning_ System, a feted by the Village Arts and Crafts booking, and calligraphy. - Road. The cost for each eight-week With more than 80 members; some. hand-held device linking up with Guild. Sign-ups are being held on Sept. course is "$50. _ of whore are paramedics, fire fight- satellites to tell searchers the exact- Among- the courses being. of- 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Fbr more information, call ers and police officers, a wealth "of location of -someone, the volunteers fered are,quilting, pen and ink draw- Monday," Sept. 18 fom 6:34 to 8:30 . Sharon at 427-9465 or Diana .at knowledge and skills are shared spend an average of 50 hours per ing, knitting, crochet, folk art, pho- p.m. at the Pickering Village Com- 427-8692. AM PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER S6NDAY EDITION, September 1,0, 2000 1 atn: Take a Good Look at Yourn Med t akin .� to YOU v r f energy and sap your ability to deal . . By Dr. John Vervaeke TO SERVE YOU strengthens your abilities to deal Greenwood When was the last time you, had a = with stressful situations and teach- - bio Vate good look at your mind? If you take OF ALL .�_ es you how to calm the mind and c ealth _ a moment and shift your attention Harwood Ave. S., Max, Ontario of Hwy.#2)-, unhealthy patterns of behaviour. relax the body. This increase in Centre 619-140$ from away from whatever you're so you simply , suffer ' through -i# energy -combined with the .ability www,greenwoodholisti+s.com` thinking about and pay attention to Fiflr 11v Stressed. to reduce both the causes and Family.;Pressures? Looking for AnswersP how your mind is actually behav- 8:•00 P' M: ori Thursday September _ effects of stress means that regular - MEDITATION, McLean _Community Centre, ing, you ll probably notice several 95 Magl7/ Q►ive mediation has significant health IN RODUCTORY COURSE in&o0uction to "Wisdom Home" things. Typically, your mind is very benefits. Teachings on L " Life to the Fullest..► 8g . Financial Freedom Marriage and Family. bite Bds ss ,'' _ CM TIM tw, Sharon' 44 397 IV 9P i�iU It - n•.rr.ar'�a�ai.ssarin. noisy. There is a lot of chatter: and day you'regoing to do something So mediation teaches you Thurs., Sept 14 at ?s0 p.m* babble in your mind. You'll also about the problem. how to take a good look at your i notice that your mind leaps around Meditation is - specifically mind so that "you can free it from CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION a lot. It is very rarely paying confin- designed to deal with the problems monkey mind and machine mind. _ A peaceful country retreat uous attention to the : present- of monkey mind and machine This will help free you from unnec- Highway 7 and istney aow=7 Picker6opj ahead to a .Instead,, it is leaping. the mind. it helps to, develop concen- p p es mental suffering while also nary g do g future or into the past, or drifting p ftu�g tration and . mindfulness. _ liberating your insight, creativity, _ off into fantasy, or racing into some Mindfulness .is the ability to keep and energy to deal, with the worrisome,possibility, In the medi- the mind in the present momenta It demands of life. It's time t6consid- „ Na% %C can, make - tation tradition, this. is called mon- is the only way to really_ deal with er',taking a meditatiori course. Dr. 81 the : d ffemnce key mind because of the way your -about like monkey mind. Mediation also helps to developthe insight andand john Vervaeke is an experienced teacher who has show ��. Orldf mind leaps and chatters a monkey creativity that- liberate you from ' gifted _ the benefits of:meditation to many your _rj( - Our, natural holistic, "hands on"approach has Othertimes you may notice the mechanical patterns , of behav- students provided relief for many people just, like you. that your mind gets locked into, a iour that come from your machine Contact Greenwood Holistic iVlany health problems have their source in spinal certain pattern which it just keeps mind. By doing both of these Health ` Carey Centre to join an. misalignments. Call for.a spinal screening. repeating over and over again like things, it frees up a lot of, energy Introduction to Meditation.course• some machine with 'a mind- of its that is normally tied up in all these Call (905) 619-1405: own. You lay, awake at night know- , unhelpful habits of mind.. It ing _J that the , thoughts :running through your head are not helping, ID JOSEPH _A. yet, there seems. no way to stop.: "AIME MISK71�fi, DENTIST You mind from its one track preoc- Ctlpation. Or, you find yourself. sinking into a_ depressed mood or • QUALI Y G I}EN'TAI. z., h�s7 , rcY�}aTcv}�;�,.�.,yrsy' F - r ff •:^Y '` ` `' flR, AN FRANICO P I N E R I D G E NATURAL HEALTH •"°`'` >'.'` H 2 trapped in a spiral of anxiety with - f b free Thi AIIE IMPORTANT °��= -•-�`,� out any way o re g - s machine mind can:drain you of to YOU v r f energy and sap your ability to deal WE Am AVAn ABLE s with problems. TO SERVE YOU Telling yourself to stop such WE WELCOME ` ' patterns is largely ineffective. Your NIEW PATIENTS - WE IV PEOIPLE monkey mind keeps you distracted AGES `� i o . • - and unfocused from the -task at OF ALL .�_ hand while your . machine mind 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE kcy;.,, f,.',,�A•.� . locks you into inappropriate and -3 Harwood Ave. S., Max, Ontario of Hwy.#2)-, unhealthy patterns of behaviour. (South _« You can't really see whafto do, and = ' so you simply , suffer ' through -i# while promising yourself that one Fiflr 11v Stressed. • Family.;Pressures? Looking for AnswersP 8:•00 P' M: ori Thursday September _ 2Ist,. 2000.. McLean _Community Centre, Free consultation 95 Magl7/ Q►ive ' No riterral nemn * Braces for:�duitAn in&o0uction to "Wisdom Home" aid children ':, Evening and Saturday Teachings on L " Life to the Fullest..► - appointments available Dr. Ch1 ZS�OlI t er Tom Orthodontist _; Pickering lbwn Centre, Lower Level 1 xa_N. . Financial Freedom Marriage and Family. bite Bds ss ,'' _ CM TIM tw, Sharon' 44 397 IV 9P i�iU It - n•.rr.ar'�a�ai.ssarin. i Ti Ronald J. Le,t.,�s�,Ask' Are _ d Klein,You'' O ei e j_ B.Sc., D.P.M. The' 4 e Podiairiat- = _ Foot,,, •. � - D � ��• Specialistp�� 1c�tri S Or Ti d If you are a. runner who. is Dear Reader Every who do have specific gait A Prone to blackened toe nails or so often I come across' problems or who have pressure at the front of the foot, a some information that I ,feet that are not average 00 R single lace cross-over may help. know willbe of interest shaped, here are a few . begin with the ' end of one lace to most11 everyone,' • lace alternatives to the ® ® much shorter than the other. Place whether they currently- standard that may help ® it in the upper most inside. eyelet have: foot problems or keep you tied to be fit. .and run it to the lowest most diag- not, yet no one would Did you ever won ®, ® onally opposite eyelet. Then begin - even think to ask. For der why your new shoes lacing from inside to side -through example when you buy a seem to have extra, eye- the remaining eyelets. This pattern new pair of shoes, how lets? Even manufacturers pulls the toe box of the show up, do you lace them? -Do have designed their * relieving pressure on the toes. you take into account shoes to allow, for ustom your foot shape, arch lacing. The wider placed For a custom fit; an indepen- height, flexibility, tenden- eyelets allow for laces to dent method of using two different . cy for heel slippage or . be pulled in- snore tightly blackened toe nails? and are therefore used laces may be employed This may Probablynot, because for narrower feet,. while work -well for people with a wider forefoot, for those whose foot is our mothers taught us the narrower placed eye- CE #1 two different widths. (Picture G): how to lace a shoe in one lets allow for more girth _ CE #2, If you have a question you particular, way (the con- and are more suitable for 1 would like answered or a topic ventibnal crisscross to the wider -feet: (Picture AA you would like addressed, mail it top of the show tech- B) F G into the News Advertiser cfo ASK pique) and we have not The fo}lowing pat- D E THE PODIATRIST varied from it. And for tern of lacing is ideal for the most of us this willthose with a bony promi- shoe. (Picture Q tern of lacing is used for continue to work well. pence' on the top of their To prevent heel those with high arched -.DENTAL Beginning at the bottom foot as it minimizes prey- slippage a conventional rigid feet or again for i► D E of the shoe and pull the sure. You begin in the pattern of lacing is done those ,with . a boney laces one -set of eyelets at conventional manner - until the last eyelet. By ` bump on the top of their a time to tighten. This until you approach the .looping the end of each foot. In this method the . will distribute stress `problem area., The lacing;. ' lace and using the io6p lace never crosses over evenly across. the eyelets again - continues in _the as an eyelet, �a more the tongue, but passes and therefore across the `conventional way: until secure fist around ; the under each eyelet. This D'• Joanna Madej • Complete care for all ages atop of the,foot and allow you approach the pmb- :heel can be :`ol tainted.: ; method eases pressure Fly and Cosmetic Ikatistry - On site dental laboratory for a more comfortable leen area, The lacing con°' `(Picture D) - across the top of the foot. 145 Kingston Rd. East, Unit 17 + Flexible -hours fit. "times in the convention- A squw; �x pad (Picture E) (opposite Costco), Ajax 619-3112 However, for those al way until the top of the f -bur. dm°Dentin •.Custom Foot Offl otic ORTHODONTIST • FuN ys%mi1's 1450 Kingston Road, Unit 4 cow •Sports ibdkM Pickering Square Plazaa Wbdic Feet, coma(at. Valley Farm Road) Children's Foot Evioitui& satiu�day A iutrii rots AvailableDR. JEROME, H, GIBLON 831-fEET(3338} Electro surWY rr bw*r+. Cosmetic / Bleaching - .Presentative Care' Gaps / Crowns & Bridges i & Staff "tem Intra drat camera Imaging ARE PLEASED TO WELCOME THEIR Ultra sonic sealing Free fotLsuitations PATIENTS 'RACK FROM THEIR. SUMMER VACATIONS UrA.brasion % 140 Freezing I No DrOng OFFICE HOURS ARE EMU -Actions (wisdomreetl►) , - Roof Canal Uvatment 12:30pm Nitrous Oxide _ate Cas) - . . . . . FOCLMMG ON EARLY ,TREATIWENT FOR vim, Mastercard, Interact YOUNG CHILDREN Ali Insurance Plans Accepted Gende Care for Big Babies - m.AS.WELL AS OLDER CHILDREN & ADULTS _ Comprehensive Care for (NO CHARGE for the Initial Consultation) for aa~ajntment please, call Releasing the Past Embracing,'t Sometimes we call. if "euro- tional baggage", sometimes L ` Rgry Sheehan "suppressed emotions", and o CertifiedHypnosis Instructor sometimes simply "stuff". Regardless what we call it, hold- *Master Practitioner of NLP ing onto negative emotions from Reiki Master the past does not help us in any-, these negative emotions from the - way. Sheehan and Positive Strategies, Even worse, all that negativ- visit Positive Strategies on the 'tty seems to build up and tends Web at wwwpositivestratiegies com. to release itself when -it is least New► Lam. appropriate. It -often hurts people using Time Line VV q-_ - `ALS. -CLL1W LC, - LCGbCL 4L V'-Lj impacts our careers, reduces our - 111C1 AFy--- 111%,LLL%1G. Easy to release negative - confidence, and damages devel-. emotions. oping 'relationships. Releasing Immediate results. these negative emotions from the - Lasting, results Classita�tl past is critical to 'embracin a � Freedom from A. productive P Pr ll anyone tell New► Lam. There are many_ approaches about any suppressed - to releasing these negative emo- experiencesI tions, some more successful than • No need -to re -expedience - others. We can choose to spend any negative, emotions decades in therapy and release Sept1 only part of the emotions, -we can, A one day session will be Id 5e, Rexrve year sad 1bda choose to associate Lonly, with held in Pickering on September . people who are experiencing 30th to allow people to experi- n ii s7�o w.ej. P • 9.Andbologists are licensed to prescribe hearing ..--aids in Ontario. • Audiologists tin certify an individual's ' elg>< 'ty for the Disability Tag Credit. Fflr `over 20 years, we' veke pt current eves advance 1W equipment and techniques to help you hearpet er: 04r, 6.staff, Auditolggists offer Audiology High -Tech with Expert Care. t %t audiology Fact: QoAcousfic emission. e in 'Durham' to bring you Video New ` re spy ;Tachnomgy dW y� - see the technology diagnose hearing in ode of yanc . `. s newborns and babies for Durham, lyvon most major Canadian hospitals are not �. patients most Welcome to -our new :Jin Umi that our Audi6kii4ii6mastered all be Taylor, Hospital for Sick Children who inikl" of Ting kVWfflwft And, adds joins forces with Stella Maschas Wong, l elntpr, KS,, Reg. CASM _ :also* :an Audiologist from .Sick Kids "due cervices were founded on the age-old Hospital. Mac* that the patientalwayscomes first We are focused on you by bringing you stye- Fact The first audiology Practice of -the -art instrument technology, a nearly in Durham to bring you real -ear probe endless selection of -hearing aids -to fit all micioo measurem�tts. This advanced budgets. We also offer a 30 day trial period in your own environment, and we listen to what system allows precise fine- tuning of Y� have to may„ hearing aids. at -is, 'PsychotherapyWh • I)o you feel angry group,'. where group of their group., Enabling Heather bell alone and/or depressed? Cam members meet on a their life to change -for � Do You want changes to weekly: basis. Each indi- the better. 'Victual happen _ in .your life but Psychotherapist ` gains inner See Heather's Ad on your, don't have a 'clue strength and self confi- this page for more infor- ltow or where to start? ' _. P' s y c'h. o t h e r a p y manifest the life they deuce from the support oration. For an appoint - Do you have Relationship enables people to explore truly desire. of the group therapist, went call Heather PfdWe s? "Are struggling their goals,- dreams and In addition to one to thegroup members, and Campbell' `at (905) 509- through a separation, passions in their lives. In one therapy, my clients from the educational and 5000. divorce or. loss of a loved ' it turn,. they learn to, take have the opportunity to therapeutic component one? the ' action necessary to join a Self Empowerment k Psychotherapy is : a childhood and adult _ confidential process, that. traumas;'. grief; physical enables the imdividual-a way in which they can discuss issues that :the y ` and sexual abuse; addc- _ tions; eating disorders; panic attacks and depres- . e=Fac ts are struggling through, sion.. with the support of a car- ing; and objective thera- . Psychotherapy allows people to view A n" d H the Difference... pist. - heir problems in their v�r Psychoihera ro- _ ., PYP . vides support and feed- 'lives as an opportunity #rom which.�io iearri and. - �� back for an individual " -grow. Within a-- few University train who is' -struggling with : months, my clients learn: and h6ld: a issues in , , their work to welcome .their pro- Master's Degree place, in their home envi- - lems Obtaining newer A1Tdiology• ' ronment, or .wid-dn .their skills to move through personal Rife: One can '' them which enables •Audl<ol is like' resolve issues'4U& as them to become stronger,{4. Doc�tQrs have $: relationship - dfficulties; divorce and separation; ind dent, confident individuals. � College to ensure andUppier consumer rotection P • 9.Andbologists are licensed to prescribe hearing ..--aids in Ontario. • Audiologists tin certify an individual's ' elg>< 'ty for the Disability Tag Credit. Fflr `over 20 years, we' veke pt current eves advance 1W equipment and techniques to help you hearpet er: 04r, 6.staff, Auditolggists offer Audiology High -Tech with Expert Care. t %t audiology Fact: QoAcousfic emission. e in 'Durham' to bring you Video New ` re spy ;Tachnomgy dW y� - see the technology diagnose hearing in ode of yanc . `. s newborns and babies for Durham, lyvon most major Canadian hospitals are not �. patients most Welcome to -our new :Jin Umi that our Audi6kii4ii6mastered all be Taylor, Hospital for Sick Children who inikl" of Ting kVWfflwft And, adds joins forces with Stella Maschas Wong, l elntpr, KS,, Reg. CASM _ :also* :an Audiologist from .Sick Kids "due cervices were founded on the age-old Hospital. Mac* that the patientalwayscomes first We are focused on you by bringing you stye- Fact The first audiology Practice of -the -art instrument technology, a nearly in Durham to bring you real -ear probe endless selection of -hearing aids -to fit all micioo measurem�tts. This advanced budgets. We also offer a 30 day trial period in your own environment, and we listen to what system allows precise fine- tuning of Y� have to may„ hearing aids. AOM -14 ADVERTISER WWW EM100014 iG 2000} B ett r Heo%lth ADVERTISINGsTsFEATURE CEO: burni. bloated and feelln tired.....Ind1 estxon heat Evelyn Arbour is a and bad eating habits as ' feces, exhalation and per- recipes and an individual- pasta and white sugar. Take with dan Carter" Registered " :Nutritionist well as the differences spiration•" gid- eating plan which The last part of. -the television show. Call to who. has experienced between good .and bad This step of the pro- will include herbal sup- program <is your, mainte- find out the next time change. -n her life when it' digestion. gram. also includes your . plement , for detoxifica- nance , stage when Evelyn she'll be appearing, comes to losing weight by - Next you.take home a ` eating plan based on your tion. reexamines your eating The Wellness changing her eating questionnaire. This _ helps needs whether it's , . for She will also instruct habits.and howyou feello Connection is located at 2- -habits. you to see which systems. detoxification, weight loss, you, on healthy food sub- determine if you need to 360 Bayly St. W. in Ajax. "I know how it feels you . may behaving trou- or both.stitutions in particular modify your eating plan. 'For more information call -plWsically<and .emotional- ble .with including.. diges-` Evelyn provides you replacing the 4W's: white Evelyn is a frequent (905) 683-8532. ly to have a weight prob- tion, elimination and res- with easy and, affordable rice; white, flour; white guest speaker :on the "First .lem and digestive disor- piratory as well as prob- 2- ders," she explains. "This leets associated -with vita - experience helps me to min and mineral- deficien- work with my clients so cies. they can achieve their Once this is done the goals." next step is to determine Evelyn has designed a whether you need a detox- 4 step program for -her, ification program. clients -that is, easy to fol- ,'You may feel bloated I► `'= �► ` ' '- low. and has resulted in, all the , time, have bad long term results, breath or -feel tired all'the The first step is= a 1 '' time," says Evelyn. -x hour consultation. She -"'Detoxification `is tle_ - finds out . what you've body's natural .process of x been eating ' and how elimination or neutraliz- fes• " ypu've been feeling. It's a ing of toxins via the liver. time to learn about -good the kidneys, the `urine,, Evelyn Arbou affhe 1 t- t•-dutttamnevms net THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, SEPTEMBER 10, 2000=PAGE 19 Visit Us On the n erne . CAS W IFFI M PNCE 32 for 1 /Privift Hol BUSM" TOW"hOum for' 1 ow wuwe 1 RentR > G Funds$$ i91t..1 04n t Grerds=; (WS Iefermatlon:`t to bust " W" IR k"OW > 0 w)mi to Stott a D 1pSnd' y�r {wine bd;; . cress brlarm. l � asta n divorce tali dev- INCREDIBLE NOME BASED. asfatinp consequences: Free BUSINESS - Telecom/UtiHGes. tg" applications for townhouses room - Immed., $940 + feeorded 'no' 1.1{'88- fIB7 95x6 I.D. #1 sagnari can 1-t366 ss6 Os7s., 3 -bedrooms, Oct & Nov $862-+ rl.�Esruetlra LOotIaIG EsnlETlcutn OPEN NDtISE: IIIINDCRAFT- - to rent room. Full. or part-time. - mily oriented community F ED LOG home, by builder, on Own equipment with or without clientele for verryy bussyy sa10n." Tt,Ay one acre treed Ioo_tt. 401 to 115 to 35 North.. Go Satin. lou Must be a CertHied Electrolo a applications &tam 1(YS m pp p Unit 48.Or ((we to 410 Sandyhook Rd. g1st�.� 2 & Rougemou" Sat! Sun 10am-s5ppm. Sept 9 9 `5 22• rawforth St. : (Uriits 85) Mon: Thurs. & 10. Asking $229,000.ForPERFECT-PART TIME HOME more info,call evenings message at (905) 666-2608 BUSINESS - 2 hours a day (705)277-1150, earns you financial freedom. OWN YOUR OWN waterfront - 24 hour, message _(416) 738- PICKERING - large room, 3 bedroom plus swimming 9563• - Flouees 00 A 't bl immediate! • : AnrtowttAerleritB • :1 Announc8nieltie • : . , _ Manjula A�fisra, M.P.; `FR.C.S.(C.j. Ophthalmologist is pleased to announce the opening of her medical practice, . spedaallrizzmg in Cataract, Anterior Segment and Refractive Surgery. including "No shot, no stitch" cataract surgery. Dr. Misra, a graduate of McGill Medical School, completed her residency training in Boston, Massachusetts and her fellowship training in Houston, Texas. -New patients welcomed on referral from their optometrist or physician. Telt 905-434-2669 491 Simcoe St. S. 1 $4 vii a e Y pool, fam!ly room, 10 min. START YOUR OWN business or. Oct 1st:. Furnished, Sud- from Port Perry. Openlfouse, 'from home. High income -with 905-434-3807 QSZIaWaj fJN L1H 4j9 able for working male, share 44 NOnquon Dt Seagrave. no risk to your current poli a7C • kitchen. laundry, Pool, bbq, Saturdays & Sundays t 4' tion, fit sharing, compan cable No pets. (905) 639- pm. or by apporritmem (905)yy car, bonus' & incentives. full • • : 1, RtxMin9 • 1 & 8427 9WI001. .1 v .11 klytrovertieytts training. No pressuring cus- 1 RaoRng 1 Shared PiCKERING, J. Boddy home tourers to buy. Serious in- spacious detached 2 -storey, 3 quires only. Call for your at AJAX share large newer _bedroom, family room, 3 Polntment booking; (905)426 - i� WIIEiDOW. A Et C ROOFING/WINDOW8 LTD, baths, finished basement, rec 6494. peal Directly�nd SaveAll . home.. Parking, laundry,, own room, wet bar, central air/vac, • Ful types of roofing and windows =% ,,cable, storage. Own Vinyl Replacement rata! Windows .Full warranties aranteed! baUt, Close "to all amenities. fireplace, separate dining and at Irving room, interlock drive, GOVernment Side Slider -Double Hung. •Seniors Discount Estates Phone S"213 walk, Porch patio. $274 900 Funds$$ r •Bot" Fully insured and bonded - • n house Sept 9/10 Noon Shared nIE WHITBY- home off Finch, to Huntsmdl Grants arta loans All types of AlumMum Work Shared accommodations. Free estimates •_ �. ' Mature non-smoker preferred; ordo 92Rodt 1. Mountrastte Cres.' or information" 1,0 start li:ree lEa#i1118t6S {9OS! 426-6342 BBB - IAO°do CANADIAN Student weloomed. Parking. appotrdmeUt (905)831-7694: olid expand your CAiI AIId>t'a"el► at (905) 4 704 i 4500/month inalusive, Avail SINGLE FAMILY NOME, Sun business or farm. ' immediately. No pets. First/..set Re' hts School area; 1-SM505'1�66 test required. -Cat! (905)�- Heights f , 2000 ws; side spid. = 4+1- 1828. , bedrooms; 3 -bathrooms: dou- C O N i�T C 3' i Q 111f FURNISHED N. OSHAWA ble garage Tec roam. FAG, a_/ . 1 Pers,o�ls RETIRED CRAFTSMEN &OTHER CtEE LAN Roofin 'Windo�E CUMNO ha dssh ptshangre• ry,tocble siffil bble. mortgage.` 199,000 AWESOME ATTENDANTS et EXPERTS FOR LOWCOST • & TRIMMII�i utilities included. Prefer pro- 905-606-M. Renovations fessional female or student Millennium, exptrrlence the REPAIRS WREMODELR+IG' :985-767-12M) 24 s, exp. s .. oul-MTo•m royal treatment.Full body re a•� Non-smoker, clean & consid S laxation massage. Specials 7 PiWI�IIii a C 0 "e4u1W11 JOh� MC�1� A Man !?LH is Wiu�d _ Fully 1115UICd 4 erste: 5400/mo. FirsUlasUre d per week. 77A Celina, ! Free estimates erences. (905)579-3036. aqs e & "MAR1T= 41EIWEIr P.E.i: Oshawa 905438-9115" P"Iqmuch � � home for youl UP to $6 �0 t �00NtMATE W u ftl re- SPOTLESS 5 bedroom home, jar Bpi 1 yaw NWIi • Service ' ,cash back to you, tvlth nts Main St Montague, P. E. is - $35,000 Plus family income. piny please. ,Shared bath !arid 2 4 pc booms, tame Cal[ your date now 605-686-7236 , Short of down paYmentT For kitchen; Laundry facif(ties country kitchen, targe main ( & Gals _: TREE MAINTENANCE i�NANCE R I1rEMOVAL spectacular results call ree Ken a Ishie . in-house. $200( n r laundry rm, family r!n • T Collis, associate i roke� cold- matth +shared . wink Rcxnn � nam, town sewers �. ' t� 64��294Q '. STUMP F�M4:AL war ext. 8703 P1ose reed y'ottr Classif•!ed ad _ BOBCAT Sir well Banker RMq Raaf Estate avaHable Sept. 1fith. Please G _-bealdnul backyard. {905)728-9414 or 1-877-6&3- can 9U5 571 6277 for addi- Waiklnp distance to beautiful ?054 tlotiai (fiver. , Reduced to2.89/mitt. tom. sit rrlust be 18yrs. on the first day ©f pul�licafion DAvE=.:83 ..7055 TIM - emaiLkacollis®idhectcom 569 0 owner's anxiaa9 to 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in • MD olince & self!! .1-902-838-4532 after 5 Sery-U p.m. (slip) -� as we Coi'in©t be responsible. Ajax (Harwood "& Bk*). fi19-645-8434 : Part�rStlrvicee : "'services Professional month pias utilities awed. PICKERING 1016 Brock Rd, � Ye e" for more than one insertion in p tum removals, Nov., let, No smoking,, no UnM M. 3 large, furnished id DURHAM'S OVYN DATNN+ pets first &fast required: rices for reet wAvAiiii area_&, EERVICEI Can 905-683-1110. the eYer♦# Of ah elf or. RABBIT WANTS WORK. P grinding. (91 )986 4884• Y private facHHies. Ayailatde $B,BOe; Sim DOWN; $180 Create a private mailbox or $Cant $ 4 BACKSPttT • Immediate . Great, location! mo wooded troller lot browse other personal ads Doing Magic for Children's Parties : BEDROOM Lids of frorNback._Can mii urg. Hydro/water/ free. Meet a new Friend: or' - ' (4N6) 399-I3i4 semi, 2 full bathrooms. fenced sewers, -r hills, next to And Ail OCCaslons Have My Own Magician. yaid, near all amenities, • 905 420 6777 coumyr ftlr� send beach, Love for ilia. M.1 InlprOveRIBrds i Roofing C#M lie 66""X " Oshawa Centre.` $991Y +utitt- CLEAN & BRIGHT Retail or grest sWimming/fishing. Call HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An Dike located in OsBa 41rr431�1565 ewers. Find the oracle within.. ties, f6, 1-st. o House 500 4,500 sq:n. Cats ofKill$2.99/min "18+'24 his, f- • ape Sept 16, 1-6pm• Phone 905- �• _ to 263-2425 free parking reasonable rates. 900.451-3783. BUDGET HOME LES T ER T A UNBEATABLE DEALT From CCan (446)5f5 -78x2. I DONT KNOW which ;s more. OVEB�NTS EXTER'O B B SER $500, down, own -your own to -writs this ad Bathroom r�enoYa pin - $f0 COMMERCIAL• UNIT, Park & BUSINESS LOANS - $tOK to difficult, hawag. EiepeitsitiRemoval, home:starting at ,900 car- _ Btoor, great location. ,1748 sq. $50K approvals 4S hrs. Gov- or respond to I Single, athac- tions, , new kitchen g . a Trimmittg, Pruiairig Iles .for kiss than'rent. OAC. ft $5.00 net Available imine- ernmeM secured loans to flue, physically 1d malo who counters and kitcti rrIiUIOhIS DOor6 g' & g RtytrtvVal 24 hrs free recorded msaage diate{y. Colt 905)) 579077 $250K ' t-871643-0130 or enjoys batimg gardaMng Arlo ens; " fmi$hed- bas DEdcS do PBthoS �r tttmp 905-728-1069 ext 277. Cold (atter 5 pm (9 511-3281) (905)420.3960. traysimg, seers attraetive, Tec. rgotns * /f pully insurecL well Banker RMR Beat Estate. weB It lidY early to m� 4gs Gunrooms Children's entertaiA►nani for any oncosis►. Aurelia Rasanu. 1CD#wn MONEY PODIUMS, Get out . for a lasting pemlarlecd rela- and decks. laltte estimates Lor of debt quick without ,= ,ip. Reply permanent Bait 4rela Fina m" Arallable Clowns; character IW0-all(eS, k?of bags, , DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, bankrupt or being garnisheed. Go Markham Economist & yam' 416.282-&W BBB face m music, C;�1 house for rent 2nd floor, 2 BALSAM LAKE Deluxe 4 lied- Everytme accepted regardless Sun 9 Heritape to Rd. Markham, Can (M(ado 90&471-533t 0& , { �' 4 Bedrooms + den, kitchen, pri- room winterized cottage. of cram rating, Gait for free Ont_L3P IM3 �Va7�71' r Dishwasher, quiet bay, 1 acre. information. -_905 576.3505. (905} 6#9.4663 vate drive. $70D+ first/last. B arailohis and more. 905- Student loans Wiffied. OSNAWA RELAXIl16 Mas :1 • . References. Oct tst 623-7496. - sage Shatsu Stuvice, 40 Kang Ceti (416) (905)294-9236, 416.676-1766 NEED CASH? Loans for debt St. W. (905) 404 9615 '11: • 0 27 • 1 FENELON FALLS 3 bedroom consolidation, vehicle pur- , _ 8.30pm• Also avaiNbie FARM NO= $•bedroom, 1 -Private cottage, fishing boat, chase.; home rflnovatiml etc. root"Massage CLOWN/ .MM(CI AN Ah bathroom L*Aridge and canoe;; paddlebost. Relax, en- Apply by one. Same day NEED A PLUMBER? Yilhdby Towline area. $1100 joy the fail colours. For -more approval. t Canada 1 r a i�. F lus utilities. Can Fred Sam - Mo tall 904-623-7496. slip inc., 145 Rd. E. I3, 1'86 cafe Call LEESiJll6 an1!)Ci51D . [N,pmAfar (905) 4 . SOIR9fll19 $ 9CiI� Prom t, tFri P -POST HOLE p I�i � �i`(4ts1283 6541 courteous &R0W .horne:_ COMA Avallable October DIGGING fair service. p��t1st 3 bedlam, maht fear p� CLEARWATER, 2 -3 -bedroom 1-900-677-9357 Call -Je •houl5 toff : V"O, wjusivw :share fully furnished, air truth- ACCESS MONEY Ito credo m- BI{, Services Cai1579-2666 laundry. Call (9@5) 4348023. tinned, manufactured homes. vestigation. Private Financial I m.5) 839.745Z tt osHAWA 3 -bedroom semi - Clubhouse, heater pool, hot Assistance. 11e4aired to be $2,99imin: Ava>I:lable Mewwo[lC&Alterabons OSNAo amenities: A/C, ,gas tub close to beaches and approved: R.R:S.P., -L.LRA, Must be 1$ yrs. ', gpg 955 A service w fug r� _ 905-42&2075 mar attractions. Children L.I.F„ or a Pension Fund frau PGupbing needs furnace, fri�e &stove, Dn- welcome. $275/weekly. Pho- an, ex -employer ,of 10K Call Sefv-B 619.6$5.11434 _mom111111111111111110 nate 'doubte-t�r drive -way. tos shown your home Now Toll Free 1-888-657. 8 $975hnonthly + utilities. Ref. (gp51683-M . 1062, Ton Free Fax 1-888-703- : PakNInO& • A erences. 436-98t0 after 1492. Malyzed by our coil- a Houses, Apartrrsnts, PRO 6p.m. Nov.lst DISNEY, UNIVERSAL Studios, sultams and referred for rapid Offices, Appliances & w Orlando Florida, 2 t 4 futanclal execution. DECD IY100NTAIN Piarto Specialists. Senior _ bedroom homes with private DURHIiM ENNR E t. Now ap- Nt?ZU�tt1 heated pools. Canadian own- Mortyegee, Cpr`. to 6mting-lasting feta G401�ge -An � 8 willN6SYSIEMS & Licensed, Discounts., Free er Less thane luxury hotel • fionshtps. Personal growth - removal VVa anywhere, frig, tmate hnsUred. Free tit # AJAXtPICKERING 2 -bedroom =rem 1 800 246 1996 httpl/ sembiars, dances,' Pub nights. PaiDt g and anyvrhue, qtly me. -Estimates. PrOtes>d i & Advancedr apt wanted w/acres to back- , ,�home.if reetcom/-cratne ADRTGA6E8 - Good, bad and New fun way to meet : singles. Call -1"On t heap Cmnmerclal or residenhal. Bsryks Yuimet c ouplepw/1 todr, oor PORT -CHARLOTTE (Gulf ugly. Financin for any Pur- 905-242-7157 or oror. www.dur- 1-88"79-0077 sago ceil�gs, to at lr'9 Call 436.7795. Students - couple dog.pose. All applications accept- repairs, TOP quality work bow available. Senior & 905 837-9378 Rent not to exceed $600/ Coast/Sarasotta) Fully fur- ed: Cali Cemmun'rty Mortgage hamsmgies.com .- (905)-7g( 20 m to prices mid matth discotuds. Floe . month inclusive. Wiling to de nished.2 bedroom home, near Services Corp. '(905) 668- estimates'. yardwork, etc. Good Refer- ag amnremties, Inrbaque, ca- 20%oftforSEsti . �Ices.905-428-2772 " ble, private yard. Available'' Call for a FREE Estimate �1-0755 Dec to. March. $995 US/mo. R4NDYMAN AT 1401491 -$600 • • MATURE COUPLE looking for includes utilises, No pets.. YOUR SERVICE dO4!9i _ houses;tting job, 11111 & wkder. (905) 431-2235: Y to Lid General blipme repair, No pets, n -Households Oft" on smokers. CCH �y MOW I AR 905 4 -5995 or 905-571- pdvib rtomee hardwood'noorutg> Cly IM1YYia'i _eAnis Paddng Avad, tJ803: 1 $$$$$$ L f woodworking; paint ng, PAllli�li!!G 81 ble Fuse Eiltbrttdes T� 2 EDRoofrt n,uy detached LOANS $$$$$$ Relia�ie. �-ats•42s•oxt9 • • decks, fence au,. w LAW Ae S ►alga immaculate home.' on 4% ill#t'reS# No up front ees" cera���. A@ordaf>le 693342 rUpscalel► quiet street South Ajax: Pos 1°fib LIVERPO"WY 2 3 -Bed session flexible. Loads ..with $�, .� and up Call James DECORAmore.TING 2, tBOv4rS & iiudt R� Send" room, 5 appliances, .2 -baths, extras askin $1,97,000. file- Locked Pension, RRSP, LIF, Severance Interior/Exterior 111 lire ' Serving Durham arage, - parting, - walkout gg (9115)839-4941 on ement. Close to GO/shop- ousels; CaH Fred at (905) packages, LIRA F�,Es�altes riolsdelougt • p I 'Discretion 706-3378 toview. ng. Oct i. ;1390+ utilities. Been !sold off or downsized' Irst/last required, no smok- �►LL BIUCK 6 bedroom wnh l . Fid Consultattions HANDYMAN $3%9558 Call Tod0t Guarani iilg/pets. 905-839 2194 bedroom apartment,' double Call a Rea! Hart!f yrtY�t for {98J�$ 1717 9 �,2Yt. D paved drive, central air, im- By Appoilaftent only MICA )s back AAAI - 3 BEDROOM CONDO. mediate Possession. Open rr allyourhousehold 11J ' ZrY232 townhouse In excellent- Osha- No Creditl� for all your House Sun - 10 a.rn. - 2 p.m. Peu>ple with Niiided t�sft Now _ , Tt3+ we location. Walk to shopping,.. 717 !Tecumseh Ave., Oshawa. Located in � ( x-7090 flow, No job too small, TMS PAINTING Sewm schools and transit. Includes $163,900. (905)665-6x77 Toll Free 1 -87/409 -LOAN -iterations! fridge, stove, washer, dryer, PlUmbl�' _ 8r �ECOR ' condo fees atilt water. $1,095 SOWMANVN.LE - .LARGE 4 gartrage ref aq) • S49:pER HOUR ,1 roan or per mo. plus,2d IsUlast re- bedroom home on pie -shaped gen" r Painting Interior & Exterior $cs xoi rR-21111M quired. Ave! le immediate- lot. 4 bedrooms, 3 batMooms. I 0 epairs CASH European Workman- No!oral gas mtteage / ail _llltmeLtt YOU & M ` lyCall Y Boleti at Sutton Ceramic tiles, hardwood 9� shi ; �v`It1°g °� l/npn�ep�oe�� 9422 ap (905) 436-0990 flooring, gas fireplace, double Flan rete appliances, smelly-rl��' re , C/A Asking $239,900. ON • (M)626.M7 Fast C�n, defiverim or simple m0V' Upscale Agency Rennie ga ga EVERY DAY I Y _ , reliable service. OU,TCnlr.s o<tl OPEN HOUSE - SundaySept. Open daily 12 pm WMN � loth 2-4.m., 109, Meadow- _ 42I�-0081 •r�tgGSf LARGE CLEAN -:-WO fur view Bivd (905)6971782 YOiJ (:l i$� Rehab ROW room kitchen, whirl- CENTRAL ' FUNDING GROUP, 1 beh, 60, city burs, park- first & second mortgages to We hold oar, hast 4_* lie `til pan Y II?RdtiY Lany Hoot discretion mg, cable, telephone Inc. Fe 95%. From:7.45°A for 5 years: NO CREDIT 0I�Ci- Pnger 720.11438 259 -SM male preferred. , Oshawa Best available rates. Private (905)404-0580,.; leave • mad 10# ,avaHalsie:-Reftnen0klg _ Sage., debt For iadt professional service - ;ivo�-1�N�Or AlP PAGE 20 NEWSADVEMSER, SUNDAY EOMON,-Septernber 10,'ow bl-ii,iC sc Q0 Oar A ,a well, with new- ova er -p an. A Gift for Yore and Your Baby,, Number of tests and frequency 'will be increased in Durham BY MIKE RUTA ships, and in north Picker- y systems, Mr. Gibson said a 'the- loop. And, _ in addition 4 Staff Writer ing:' It also owns four out- discussion paper on a smallto the monthly,, coliform A new, more stringent- door education facilities 'waterworks regulations re- tests of treated water, the well -water testing ` plan visited by students during leased one month ago con- board will look for col- - should be in place at the the "school;year. tained important parts of iform: in untreated water Sys Durham District School Currently, the Durham the plan dealing, witlr larger four times a year. _ 4yfi' Board by the end of the Region Health Department systems. , Additional upgrades 4 month. collects monthly samples He said his staff worked will see annual testing -of £x "Every well - we have of treated water for ' the on a policyAhroughout- the treated water for -PCBs and s , x will (undergo} sampling of board at these facilities to summer in order to be 44 different kigds of pesti- Som<P,a,«u ' tl# raw water as it comes test for coliform and E. coli proactive. cides, and quarterly tests may vary ave y. - availabtlity. out of the well and the bacteria. Mr. Gibson said "It's "quite clear in the, for inorganic chemicals treated 'water as it comes_ ' the: board''s existing well waterworks regulations like arsenic and organic out of the fountain," Gary• monitoring policy, already that rural schools like .ours chemicals such as; benzene., - { Gibson, the board's occu- exceeds current require would be covered"," said "The frequency is some- pational health and safety menta.. Mr. Gibson. what based -ori how rapid a officer, told trustees Tues- The new well -water ,The policy will see ' the fluctuation I can actually day night at standing com- management plan is in re- board collect water saw get in ray- well said Mr. mittee. sponse to the Province's ples and forward them. to Gibson. The `board has eight Water, Protection- Regula= an'aceredited"testing lab, at He notes while microbi; Place your birth' notice in schools served by well tion, which -came into ef- a;cost, of some $50,000 in . ological contamination can water, located in Uxbridge, fect on Aug. 26. While it the first year, `. with the occur quickly, such is not PORT PERRY THIS, WEEK Brock and Scugog . town- -only applies to larger water Health, Department -kept.,in the -case with pesticides, for exampllsoe. and -ask how you can receive a Durham �vell-water systems will be.upgraded training planned is a forma, package for ch ori, FREE Baby's" Here Gift Pae: nator operators, generally Worth mote than $25.; . AbShcutely-FRNI The -Region :will - spend Blackstock, Greenbank, a process. controller and custodians,_ who each about $200,000 to upgrade Cannington, Port Perry, communication equipment Vorning check. for residual -2511 i LL i municipal well systems in Sunderland, Uxbridge and as part of`the regional pro- chlorine, which is an indi- 5)985 rural communities across Orono will be equipped ject. cation the disinfection sys- Durham.with a backup chemical, The upgrades will_" be tem may not be working. OP - DRUG MART The_ well -water sites ` metering pump, an online funded';from savings within T eaching staff at field cen- 208 Queen St, Port Perry serving the . Durham. Re- residual chlorine analyser, the 2000 water supply bud- fres will also receive train- _ g` on communities of ;data collection equipment, get. xng , • Baby S Hers sit Paz and Baby's On'ft Way Gift Pac are Registered Trademarks of Advantex Marketing International Inc. HEM ADVER7MR SUNDAY EDITION, SePumber 10, 2WO PAGE 23 AIP P PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, September 10 Histon*ca society be gins new lecture s easonues a .#_ Pickering residents invited i �} e touch and hear out to see, � A .out -our collective past Y PICKERING — The the 1877 `Illustrated His- Pickering Township His torical Atlas of the County . toriga Society is kicking of Ontario'. off its 2000=2001 lecture The four -by -five foot .• M series Tuesday with Her- model was created by artist r itage Night. Peter Buerschanp r of Her- r- s ' s - The program, which itage Pickering: x gets under way at 7:30 Pickering Central Li - p.m. at the East .Shore brary's History Room will Community , Centre, provide displays of pho- _in- cludes presentations by tographs and documents as members from four of the well as a demonstration of City's heritage groups. their historical and ge- i The Pickering Township nealogical database. Historical Society, will And, Katrina Pyke of , highlight its current activi- the Pickering Museum Vil- s ties and display pho- lage, will be the- evening's tographs from the soon -to- main speaker. be -released millennial The East Shore Com- 'cELL4 BRONMORST/ News Advertiser photo :. book `Time Present and munity Centre is located Time Past; A Pictorial His- on Liverpool Road south of tory' of the Township of Bayly Street. Hands-on experience Pickering'. Admission is free and Heritage Pickering will everyone is welcome to at - unveil a, model of the vil- tend. - e of-Whitevale, which is : For more information What's the return to school without a little game ,of Secord and Whitney Ellenor did during recess at ragsed,,upona drawing of . contact Tom Mohr at 839- patty -cakes between friends? That's exactly what Maple Midge Public School in Pickering on Wednes- the hamlet as it appeared in 1221. - classmates (from left) Blythe Higginson, Kaitlin day. YMCA 7.. ti ,I seeks4 : I Conwieft s*Wft: _ peace y leaders+ r NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, September 10, 2000 PAGE 25 P , ortS &LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISER SEPT.. 10 2000 SCOREBOARD o� SEPT. 10, 2000 C BOYS• umeRawor Divam Aug 17 - Mason Windows 3 (Tana Ferrera, Ryon Sawyer. Gregory Snell, MVP Ctvaiimn Reid) vs. Moreter Gable 1(lyler . Schmitt, MVP Kyle Md sang Kenko Kids 49arrIes Msd(night, Brent Watson, MVP James. Ma Knight) vs. Bob Johnston Chev-Olds 1 (Scott Johnston, MVP Brandon Legautt); Steve's Castings 3 (Ryan Saves 2, Jeffrey Pardrm MVPs Jonathan Uruthiran, Matthew Henchey and Jeffrey Pardinas) vs. Tia dogix7ratsporiation 0. Aug. 24 - Mesar Windows 4 (Brendon WeWing, Ryan Sawyer, Aaron S Vx^ Tone Ferreira, MVPs Patrick Graham, Anthony Gugliotte Daniel Morris) vs. Stove's Castrgs 2 (Ryan ServWe, Matthew He'd" MVPs Ryan ServlUe, Matthew Hendrey); Trersbgbk Transports ion t(Ryan Stedman -Smith. MVP Sean Md.atrghlo n) vs. Monster Cable o(MVPs Ryon ft—my, Shmi Rudderharnn); clean sales 2 Molise! Withal, Frank Gaunt, MVPs Casey Hucduk, Michael Vft* vs.- Kerrai Kids 0 (MVP Christopher Button). 011FILWUNDER-NINE DIVISION Aug S - Micah Inc. 6 (Melissa Polidis 4, Niodette Evans 4, MVP N -le MOW*—) vs. Carpet Towne 2 (may Fma, MVP KirsW Kuids);Oiitxi0Eagtes 1 (Shona Dwdit MVP Katie 1bwer) vs. Boyer Ponim Panthers 2 (Carlin Murphy, Marla Will, MVPs Caroline Mtrphy, Marra Will); Dr. Christopher Trim 3 (Kelly Wast; Katy Sullivan. Sarah Driiru *% MVPs Kelly , Stravvan, Cynthia Parades) vs: Ve* 1 (Tierra Werner); A=t - rate B'1(Flanks Exeter) vs. KAS Morka ft 1 (Jonna Sink Wsyr*ls World 2000 2 (Kin berley Ceg*M 2) vs. Video ,Amnbo B (fleL9q! SpureN 3, Dwyn.Koazan, Magnan Dmwn, Bft m Robirnson, MVPs Meow Doman, Melanie Sattderaon, Brlarr' no Roblrwo ;,Grarft Press 6 (Kelly Craig, Erica Savoie. Gas, tans Giarriddo 2. Kelsey Coughlin, Lyrsey Nekamtxa) vs. . Sparlders i (Masa Sn*n, MVP EWge Pell nr* _, Aug. 15 - Waynels Wold 2000 0 (MVP Mafeloin Baimbra) vs. Vs* 6(Roxanne SaqusmCalhonneftntM%TierraWarn- er, Murielle Sdrvartzrnanj; Aaaxate NI 6 (Vanessa Girard 3. Lyrndsay Taylor 2, Rarnica Ens" vs. Carpet Townie 0; KAS Maliks" 3 (Kelsey Rendon. Lauren Glles, Kiera Belley) vs. Granite Press 6 (Kelly Craig, Karim Toornsafn, Kelsey Congfr"in 2. 2, MVP Maaghan r Ea- gles 1 (Setrrerdha Donor, MVP Megan IOutiepies) vs. or Christopher Torn 2 (Kelly West, Kelly Sunw►, MVPs Kolly WOK Robyn Garvey); MkWa Inc. 5 (Ellubft canes, Metisea , CELLA BRONKHORST/News Advertiser photo Plor� Shannon Sawa 2, Mogan Mdeod) vs. Spatters 3 (Kaitlyn Bridge Campbell. I — Donaldson 4), .lumbo Video 4 fVdiela Dyla Sc Schroeder (,r�;ela,oKD DanielsvBoyer Pontiac ver.Barer fthen, Pen Own 1 (Stephanie MCNkiwn. MVPs Name Guest, Lenna Wa_ . Pickeringman scores withLeafs terson;. Whitney EllB ) vs. Acotnale IN 4 (assay Five people from Durham Region, Maple.Leafs' season ticket holder book- Taylor, Rerntca Exalter 3); ueray 2 (Roxann SeWeve, MVP including one -from Pickering, are let for the upcoming National Hockey Rau m Se*mka) vs. Grande Press 2(KarinToornselu Kelsey _conA); Mikala Inc. 1(icelbe Downing) vs. Odueke Eagles 5 among time 45 winners of the Toronto League season. tsarnanthaDoner4;Alison SaftDrCtdstapherTbm3(Kelly Maple Leafs' stories marketing cath- The five were chosen among hun- west a, MVPs cotA ney atlas k, Mari® Reny) vs. carpet Towne 2 (Shoby Forza, Astray Spears, MVP Ferman t.avio- ��^ " diads who sent their favourite Leaf oto - loft>; KAS Marketing 3 ver Boyer Pontiac Panffines o. Murray. McDowell of Pickering, ries in for the campaign. They will re - SM IN DER40 DWISIQN Aug 14 - Ryswin Gra" 11 (Sean P"dis 6, Andrew Me Mike Wilbur and Emilio Ti+otta of Whit- naive a framed copy of tickets bearing tovski, Michael Lueh 3 Brien Fbnoo r, MVPs sea, P *Adis, by, Earl Wolff of Oshawa, and Jay Sum-- their photos and two tickets to a speci- (josh4, arra fu*ep Lust,) vs. Florio armram 1 (Joao F�rr);C�rpetTdNrnes (K4vin �ielmr, Sperro� Pargkglon: Loans of Newcastle will have their sto- fled this season, where the will ��e Y Aiphoy .Sotoedeh 2, shown stark, Galen , MVPs ries and photos featured in .the Toronto - be recognized during the game. StaphenrAi and Golan gas" vs. Flyers 2 (Kevin Mont- ; M 2 Jami fid,ard Doher- Durham volleyball club ready, to Attack mother. season Vy ver. Ontario. fftw Generation 3 ftfs Mildiett, Andrew Nauth 2; MVPs erankan Ufte and Daniel Bakdasaro ; Gold - or Assoc 2 (Met Keensn, Manche ogaga, MVPs CM .The Durham Attack is boldin 6 to 8 m. et girls (born 19$5 or g try- P Midget tern tarn and Jacques Murphy) ver. Masterworks screen Pf outs for the upcorning girls' volleyball later) will have tryouts Sept. 11, fiioin 6 my 1(Niatlrerr Mont); Lyrat 0 v& Td -'tech 6 (Mohmned 8erAnl,' Taylor Robson Z Robert Pacts, Edea srnm, Ronelko Let- season. to 8 p.m. and Sept. 18 from 8 to 10 p.m. mom• Workouts will be held at Lincoln Juvenile girls (born 1983 or later) will Aug. n,e Lyra 1 (Andrew Moecrm; vs. Metall "ones 2 (Mohertned Hama. Latched Doheny); CarpetTowrne 0 (MVPs Alexander Public School in Pickering have Sept.1 and 14, from 8 to g 1� Pt^ Spencer Pilon and Kern Haadlooay> vs TrFTrach o ctrl Village on Church St. N and the cost is 10 p.m, If you're interested in playing taalo Power Gg wdon 16 (Logan Sch nk 3. Ryan Kershsw, Winer Prato, " Mitchell 3. Andrew N.,M 3, J. $ IU. Tryouts far bantam 'girls; (born junior (born 1981 or later) call Janet Boileau 5, MVPs Tank EI-7yeb and Ryan Sharp) vs. Flork Aki- 1987 or later) are Sept. 14 and 18, from Cairns at 725-3092. minum o; cinder Associates 1 ( ounc no ogega) vs. Ryswtn GMphbk 2 (Seen Pavldbt, Anthony Mamfkte, MVPS SOW i'avlids.and Mice iNIQE Alkire".UNDENTUCM QROMSR-10 olY15ION ' -V1�-�ILE YOU DREAM AX IV July .18 - .Antornotive Sunroof2 vs. AsYbo Video- 4 {Katie Mueller, Ashley Perri 2, Kristen Heng). July 26 - Jumbo Video 3 (KMie Mueller. Blair Asht@y Pam) vs: Shely Shaft 2 (Shannon Kennedy 2); D & E Ware homing 0 vs. Vantage Estes 0. .AM% 2 -;Shelly Shales I(Rebecca Prentice 5, Shavnon Kennedy 5, Undsay ChapWX MVP Rebsoca Prentice) vs. Fly, ere 0; Jumbo Video 4 (Meghan Taylor -Warren, Ashley AwTi 3) vs. Pickering Krstte 1 &wKh ey Scott); Proo" 2 (Natalie Car rd, Tim Shaw, MVP Natalie carat and Erin McGtare) vs Van tags Estates 0. M: T. c Www russellhockey com o� 0101mers Low Levet Adult Mpckey League Individual of group registration. A Social relaxed, recreational atmosphere. Perform at Olympic team's sendoff Focal champs offer synchronized inspiration, y Seven members of the team final to be held in Syd- Durham Synchronized'- ney. Swimming Club both offered Canada has won a medal and received inspiration last in synchronized swimming week. each year since its 1144 in - Jordan Anderson, Sophie elusion at the Olympics and Baetz-Dougan, Rebecca is a medal favourite again this Halts, Katie LePage, Julia year. MacLean, Rachel Scott and The local Durham club,is Rebecca Scott performed in prepared for an increase in front of a sold -out crowd of interest in the sport, a trend 1,000 during `An Evening of that -usually occurs_ in Dreams', a sendoff for Cana- Olympic years. da's Olympic synchro team. This fall, Durham Syn;' Durham's provincial chro will offer a SynchroKids champion 1 i -and -under team program, an eight-week fun performed its award-winning introduction to the sport, as routine at the Etobicoke well as recreational and coin-, Olympium last Wednesday, petitive programs. For more exactly _ one month prior to information, contact Terry: the synchronized swimming Cay at.438.0593. "SPEAK WITH CONFIDENCE' This 11 -week course will teach the skills` you need, to interact with others in a more positive way. Transform self-consciousness into self-confidence! .. You will learn to organize your thoughts and deliver your message more effectively in a friendly. classroom environment. Classes will begin the week, of Sept. 20th in Oshawa, Pickering and Scarborough areas. For more information, please call: Tracey Evans at 1-800-418-8925 or visit us atwww.thelumen com PAGE 26 -THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, SEPTEMBER lo, 2000 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net TPlace,Your ,Ad-_CeH• T1ik UxBR)tnGE TRrsvirtE •- 683-8707 AJAX PICKERING NEws ADvERTiSER Aiiii Pkkenng NewsAdvertiser. Uxbridge:..852-9 741 CIAASSIFI ED Port Perry. 9 8 5 511 Who ElseWM Bene�� �� y0� L New C�eer? CERTIFIED TEA .HER Join the Oxford Learning Centre's team of ...professionals and.make a real difference. • Full and part time positions avallable • Training & professional development • CO. Leaders in supplemental education! Resumes to: 1105 Finch Ave., Pickering L1V 11.17 or Fax 420,8171 4 WE GN Train NOW for a career with opportunity.! *Accounting& Payroll Administrator • Business Administration • OfficeAssistant • Web Developer (&Commerce) • Web Designer (E -Commerce) • Community & Social Service Worker e. Our most. ,. MA. Prime>tll�e Scarboro r 4 •.Personal Support Worker • Esthetics • :Legal Administrative Assistant Law Clerk Medical Office Assistant • Dental Chairside Assistant i'iiavel & Tourism • Police Foundation TOR01VTO H,e4)ing )ISLBuild a Behr Life Dshawa Campus Pickering campus • , Oshawa Centre 1450 Kingston Rd. 419 King St:.W. Pickering - (905) 723.1163 (905) 420-1344 If' want the freedomof self-employment but you: have little or no experience in running a business * don't have a lot of money to invest are trying to decide if self-employment (or your business idea) makes sense to you * need to develop a business plan or financial statement * want to find out mane abput small business basics... Call "S-42-2749 Modelh' g? OPEN MOUSE MOXIM,:SWelinbeir 11th 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Casual, fun and free! Talk to models and agents to get the information you need. Larlow models 1oI dundas street west whitby 905 430-5715- 107 30-5715 107 107 We Serve up Style? The Bay, Pickering Town Centre, is seeking energetic individuals to join the team at our exciting Bay Cale. Ideal candidates will have relevant experience in the restaurant b usiness and an excellent track record in customer - service standards. Daytime, evening and weekend shifts available. Now Hiring for: Food Prep Cashier Customer Service Interested candidates. should forward thlir resume attention Brenda Shea at: The Ba} 1350 Pickering Parkway, Pickering, ON L1V 4E3. Fax: (905) 837-0179. No Phone Calls Please!: &ARAM 9 ���k BEST PRICES IN TOWN p • DAY, WEEKEND & EVENING CLASSES '--Testing Centre Open 7 days a week Testing Site Code ON 96 RU TIME CLASSES STARTNIB: Oracle (Developer 2000) M, W, Thu Sep 18 MCSE (NT & 2000) Sep 18 Programming Fundamentals E -Commence & Web Design Sep 18 Tue, Thu, Sun, Sep 19 ' Office 2000 Every Monday Sun Certified -Java Programmer Computerized Accounting Every Monday for Beginners Computerized Business Admin Every Monday Tue, Tbu, Sat Sep 19 Graphics Packages Every Monday Afternoon Sun Certified Java Programmer PART TIS CLASSES STARTING: Sun Sep 17 E -Commerce Tue,Thu,. Sat Sep 12 Visual Basic Sat Sep 23 MCSE (NT & 2000) M, W & Thu Sept 18 Intro to Web Design & Animation A+ Certification Sat Sep 16 Sun Sep 17 Network+ Sun Sep 17 (Pari time week day classes are hvm SOL Admin Sat Sep 10 .6.30 pm to 9:30 pm and CCNA Sat Sep 9 weekend classes are tr.'on►-9 am to 2 pm) BSCN (Formerly ACRC) Sun Sep 24 1 Limlbd Seats. Unix Administration Sun Sep 17 Enroll now to book your seatl Get quality training at excellent prices! Job PlacenrentAssistance • Individual attention . • Unemployment insurance recipients welcome + Unitmited lab time• Funding available for those who qualify •Hands-on training. Over 90% success rate Registered and Approved as a Vocadonal Mi .. T6871NG i 'School under the Pnvate Vocational Schoo/Acf PICKERING CAMPUS 1550 Kingston Rd. (I Block W. of Brock Rd.) Tel: 1,905) 83 1 .8888 Let us' sbow you the $MONEY$ and ways to w nl 01 �A N�IANPOWER® ��f _ i"�JOe PAIR $#4 1305 Pickering Parkway, Suite 201(uver*& ¢ort September 12r 13, 14 at 9am or 1 pm Register today -work tomorrow! Bring a fried mmpmv is curnmdy nor long mDw amRegion. forkeml m" & AM termpes#tfOU 0 Light/Heavy Assemblers, 0 Warehouse Workers - Heavy Lifting 0 General Labourers 0 Bindery Workers D Machine Operators 0 Certified Forklift Workers All positions require shift work, weekends, overtime & safety shoes. 0,ffering ctwupetitive wages $7.50-$8.501br++ To register, bring SIN card, photo H) and work-related references. If unAle to atter, please cls 905-831-7683 or 905-686-7732 to register. 0 MNANG AL ANALYST Excellentopportunity for a bright, aggressive financial%accounting professional to join the financial team of a multi-million dollar company. We are seeking a highly responsible person to perform financial analysis, customer profitability reviews, special _projects and monthly closing of general ledger. Seeking an individual who is pursuing advanced education and has 3+ years of relevant work experience. We are- part of a $7 billion international customer products manufacturing company. We offer competitive pay and a full benefits package.. For consideration, please send your i'6surn6 and salary expectations to: Goody Products Human Resources Department A Division of.NewellRubberfnaid 915 Sandy Beach Road L Pickering ON. L1W 1Z5 top 1100`TEMPORARV POSITION -AVAi"BLE IMMEDIATELY $$$$$ SIGN-UP BONUS $$$$$ (Some restrictions apply) We are the premier Human Resource Capital Management. Company in the Durham Region. We will offer youassignmentswithin all the leading companies in the area, for both long and short term positions, many of which will develop into permanent opportunities:. Safety shoes are essential - own transport would be advantageous. WE NEED WE OFFER • General Laborers •Top bates •, Packaging Operators • Benefit Plan • Assembly Workers • Paid Stat Holidays • Forklift Operators - Cert. • Skills Upgrading ]Vfig and Tig Welders •Temp. positions that develop DZ Drivers into Permanent Opportunities You deserve the best, why bother with the nest. Apply in or fax resumg to 419 Kang St W., Suite 601 OR Spherion on Premise_ Oshawa Executive Tower @ Novartis Pharmaceutical Oshawa Centrer. 111 Consumers Dr., Whitby (905) 579-6050 (905)430-4266 heri0n ► . . ;. Vfslt Us Ort the Internet: tivww.durhamnet+vs.net - TIiB_AJ/UC PfCKERtNG -NEWS A6VERTISER, SEPTEMBER 10,:2000 -PAGE 27 ,_ .; _T f 1 (;a[eers 11 c�resrs ,, 1�! �—Goers , General He1P �ierd 1ieIP. 1 C,�erteral Fleap � -(;erwr"u HNp� 1 tienerai Help 1 General iklp �_ • Want to change your career3 Durham College Continuous Learning now -offers -Legal Adtration/lLaw Cierk - full diploma program. Courses offered this same§ter. - Canadian Law LAW 1357 Mon 6-9:30 Sept 1&Dec I1 $195.94 Cpntracts I '.LAW 1252 Wed 6=9 .Sept 20 -Dec 20 $195.94- Praperty I LAW 1254 Sat"9-12 Sent 23 -Dec 16 $195.94 To register calf; .721-3000 or 1-800-461-3260 " - Foreir>forrnation call 721-3052 or T -888-627-1191 $$EARN E)CrRA MONEY$$ Man and Women with cars, trucks or vans needed -to deliver Tel-. ephone Bc>'oks in Pickering, Whit- by, ©shawa, �Ajaz, Bowmanvilie and surrounding area. Clerical 8r Material Handlers are also need- ea. Payments era -.made by .contract vi+ith no ..deductions. Contrac#or must be 18 years of age or older - and -have automobile insurance._ ca« rOoav ,41 �-438-8189 . - OR' i=800*306-1071. Monday through 1=rtday 9:OOam to 4:30pm Pose De Not Call The Telepkoee Comply. I�nan:Resourtaas " .��hieve-your success b� = " hel�;ng others achieve theirs! If you are a HR Generalist ... ` We have a great .career opportunity for vans _ ,` � Do you enjoy guiding and helping othersi' Do you have a team -oriented attitudet The Home Depot's strong dedication to providing the highese calibre customer service has created an exciting new opportunity vrithin our re4ail. rtwiagement structure! .University Centre at Durham ` TEACHERS WANTED The Sylvan Learning Centre in Pickering is looking for highly motivated and committed part-time (6 - 9 hrs. /week) instructors for rhe ���� ��$� .�� , /��„ �/ ra ■ all._ subject areas. There is an .immediate for high 11 1 � �'�i+}l l �"A:e�l�fle lfl 11U/11�11 opening a school math (Grades OAC}instructor. Opportunities available. for $iter school �� )� $;3Q alll to li�. pm `programmes (evenings and Saturdays}: UNSKIL�.ED SK14LED Applicants must have teaching certificate or relevant teaching experience. ASSeI1G1U)LerS � FOr)�� OpeT'dtOrs -Please fax resume to: P>lfJi:CY��S � W �.ina Castonguay Lebow ens (tsP to 75�s) F Shpper/x�eivers (905)._404-o77s Material Hatldlers � Machine � SYLVAN LEARNING CENTRE Earna $Sa(10 referral bonuslAsk us bowl Strait -teed safetyboots riaq�rt�d �ing rand .�' disact depvstt Join tits on 1tie�., Sept f,2, 2000 at S�R�� ��� - F%keri>ng Recr-cation Centre, ; :NOW HIRING �tl1..Z, 1�? `�7 p8r111 . Z _ F/T Days; Evenings, Nights ._ _ , Houxiiy Crew Sr: Shift Supervisors) r♦, a . Apply in person . . , 3�i; McKenz>re Ave. _' `, _ , comer.M�Kenzie & 13ayly, Ajax This newly created "tn:Store" posidor► reports drecdy m the Store Manager:. The Assodate Developmerrti Supervisor's ultimate gpal is to assist Soore:Managernent with implerramting and monitoring store activities to improve -customer service dtrough stafiir�, training, performance marragerrtent and associate relations. Major' - • Adrranistering aspects of the •hiring process- _ •Assisting indriving the store's recnlitment strategy •Coaching .Management to Provide quality reviews • Assessing training needs and helping rr>anagernent rrreettraining standards • Ensuring proper administration of benefits • Partnering with irrarmgerner►t to maintain a�ppsitive wait environment • Maimaining strict confidentiality • Reinforcing the Ctpen Door Polity 5<rccessiul nr must possess at least 2 yrs: experience as a HR Generalist, supervise; t�cher or trair>er and be able w wnric a flmable sdredule, irrcludmg daytime, evenir►$ and weeker►ds; retar7 a an � We of Far con�titive hourly cenpensatiar, career thing; and excdlerrc benefit including Heahit & Dead, Grp RRSP, and Cmplcyee Swck Purchase Plans. . Please- send or fax rewme to: Horr>te ► A►m►•t Recirviiber 4Z6 ENeuner+e Road Scarbor+ougfi, ONT MIR 4E7 s � , fix: 416-412-4958 - - - ��• 1 Cseneral Help 1 Gertaral help 1 General Hai (;eperal tk� 1 General Flelp _ - i,: Dake the tall 11 ,; Minacs Woiidwide is the largest customer contact centre outsourced service provider in /�� � � � ;:. Canada, emP�P9 aPProximately 2000: People across North America. Within one of the /r ��J • � • s • • s 4 fa , fastest-growing industrias#oday, were recognized. as the leading provider of Customer - � Relationship AAanagement Solutions, Our clients:.some of the vrorid's largest corporations, i :, : depAhd on us for world-class services and, in turn, ourworld-class employees deliver. �� �1rG Training. a�� Development Specialists - Your role will be to meet the delivery/design needs of internal. and external customers: This - � � will entail performing training -needs analyses, gap analyses; design and developmetSt Canada's fashion leader is logking for enthusiastic,. style -savvy. individuals of training programs, classroom delivery, and program/participant evaluation:- One role to act as SEASONAL CONSULTANTS this holiday, season. If you • .requires web -basad .training, experience. You mast. have irrtermediata -knowledge of a4 � �' "Microsoft office: Some travel maybe required. IRef:001791 _ . - enjoy hutldtng customer relattonshtps in a fast -paced environment, we �-�� a a ,,�, �.x.' want to meet with you._ - � Customer Service R�preseflta�iYes n ' _ - a e We- are looking for personable, customer -oriented individuals with ,'excefle �Q�al�fa� I�eCi'i[1,��iZ�' �j�Lp commanicat"rori skills to handle both Inbound and Oatbound calls in oar world-class call l' 'centre. You'll enjoy ateain atmosphere and a professional environment in a bright, spacious - � - - and modern facility.. You are aiiept in handling telephone conversations with ' rofassionalism and enthusiasm, -and are a seN-motivated team player who enjoys a fast- . App�l(�ti01t15 �Vlll be accepted at all. OntanO �y StOres with ,. P the e71:CephOil Of QUt' DttA1vR and Windsor locations, On , ,paced environmerrt. Language skills required are Er►glish or French: IRef.00-201) Ft'iday, September 15� &Saturday, September 1 G� -, , tla.uiis+ bwlt►ranats are l�sa to torw.rd nom, qa�g tl�. a.efsreace tawarer br fax f✓o (985)429-�t191.1-ti0�831-1878 or �r Finast to: Mr�niaaca.eeea. For ams between` 1QAO a.m� and 4:OU p.m. irdormatioa, orfs apphi f•rfine, visitoar websitsat tors address below. _ � .- As part of ourxeatn, you can enjoy flexible hours, competitive pay; tap- -. (®I �.a � S) wo tZ LDV1lI D E - Vrsitns at www.arinecs Com notch'training and an attractive shopping discount. ' ' �� - ` aovnrvemxa custonnER ctlmm�urwcnnonis We ar4an aqua! opporWnity �nl�: :Show us your styles :All candidates are asked to .bring.. to .the. job fair � something that _illustrates: their_ -own personal- flair for fashion or home furnishings: You can utilize photos,. magazine clippings; or whatever else- - you carr think of that will demonstrate your fashion know-how.. _ �► Ver " Can't come in person? Obtain an applicatitsn from the Human ; i7/�r� Resources department ar a store nearest you. 11 fusers 11, Careers' ' = ' ... i�TOW HIRING- THE fUTUt� belargs to ttuzse YALENTIMB'8 has openings FCILL TiME'&13.53/HR. who are - prepared. eCom- now for, experienced fair aryl- Local branch of natiarial manufacturing metre Het Admin/MCSE, A+; Isis and iedmipans, & record co. has � in seveial different eCommerce ApplRation f)e- gam. �� and exQeriehce a °P�Ss - vdopet, Software Developer, tour of our salon apd find orrt e departments fiAS lNfice/MOUS, Wetr you fm these un ue • Must be.ab12 tU start immediatel Design, Graphic Design (PCl oppo�. 210 Brack 9 �� � No nerressary � �star'rce ma be anvallabk m or lax resume to 666.7aa7: i � •Comp ate comppanany training 8�ugsfn�s Caom C�ol�p BRA N�rt��te � ; •Must have H.S. diplma (905)427 verrd� ist. lady 4 >n B:sard- '.��C•i%(!f!� , ` Call (9051 T?A-1S0T,1Q a.a1. - 6 g.m. ants class.' Cast Career _ Mau. -Tues. Cjniy � Sd00% flair and l4als 1`�1 576-355$ ' _ -�, PAGE 28 -THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, SEPTEMBER 10, 2000 General Help �1 General Heb / Getleral Hoyt 1 Gert" Help1 General Help1 Germs H T. Certification offered: Jobs available: • A+ from Computing • Network Administrator 1lechnology Industry (LAN) Association (CompTiA) + Network Technician • CNA -Certified Novell • help Desk Troubleshooter Administrator (Level 1 & 2) • MCP -Microsoft Certified . Thcal Support Professional Specialist (Level 1 & 2) CAN now lion' class /nlir>trrna>tfon. Seals ane 11mitedl oakwa compos TORONTO Pickering Campo Oshawa Centre 1450 Kingaten Rd 419 King St_ W. • • s Pickering (905)72S-1163. s B"a- Life {0ffi).420-1344 LOVE TO DRIVE ? WANT A GREAT CAR ? WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? At YOUNG DRIVERS® of Canada, we offer the best driver training in the country. If you love to drive, en- joy people, want flexible hours & the opportunity for advancement, then Driver Training could be' right for you. The minimum requirements are 5 years driving experience, a clean driving record, and to be articulate. Candidates must be available to take a full time 5. week YD Instructor Training Course starting Oct.16, 2000.in Hamilton. All graduates are hired, and .earn between $25,000 to $35,000 (first year) depending on your hours. Please drop Into fill out a application at Ajax - Baywood Centre life. Your I It come Al MXMIAL HANDLER 2 Full -Time Positions Working in the finished goods warehouse,, you will be responsible for shipping/receiving, picking, loading -and unloading trucks, order processing and data entry. The hours are 2:00 p.m. -40:30 pm., Monday to Friday. We offer an excellent salary/vener package. PARTS HANDLER 1 Year Contract Working in the National Parts Centre, you will be responsible for shipping and receiving parts, picking rand packing orders,' inventory control, and working in the finished goods warehouse as required. The hours of work are 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m:, Monday to Friday. This is a 1-yearcontract that may be extended. All positions require 2-3 years of parts/warehouse experience In a computerized environment and forklift experience. It's time to take control. With TOSHIBA. Please forward your resume to: Human Resources Dept.,TOSHIBA OF CANADA LIMITED, 191 McNabb Street, Markham, ON L3R 8H2. Fax: (905) 470-3521. E -mall: resumes@toshiba.ca . www.toehlbe.ce TOSHIBA Please read lro r FBoard.uf BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED classi0ed ad Qrl the hapter of the M& Society is first day of pubiica teer board members for tion as we canna Directors. A wide variety of be responsslde fOr positions are .available n this challenging more � and rewarding environment. The ; posi- Inseliott in the tions that are available are Treasurer, Ch- e of an error ent Services Director, Social Action Direc- tor, Education Director, Secretary, Fun- .t -..:...:.,.. f%l....+i rj1 ainlaMar Criifnr nnri MpI-N-OiM11M4 � Oe...O MI!]- q„tf-Ans IMi7�.41f requires a full time CASliNERIAPP&M NW , C0-{rnar/Ife/a1 to begin immediately in'Aheir Service Department Must be familiar with Reynolds and Reynolds computer system. Excellent benefits. Please fax resume to: Fax: 416-2$1-1M or pb iw 416-282-6776 Visit Us On the Internet: wwwAtti harrinews_net it taertertl Help 1 Gerterasf Help JWGen" General Hel The PorMbles is the canadian manufacturer of the Maxibit ` Mae of portable tradeshow displays. The compatifs, mandate is to provide unique solutions to our clients' exhibit needs. in support of thismandate, we require an aggressive, customer—driven professional as an: C.161ONSULTANT You have a distinguished sales career and are looking for an opportunity to use your creativity to assist new and existing clients. With a bachelor's degree to your credit ad some marketing experience you are ready to make an impact in the exhibit industry. With double-digit growth, our company is looking to expand our Toronto office. Working out of this office you will be responsible for the growth of our existing market through your network of contacts and throughmore traditional methods. - As the ideal candidate, you have a proven ability to find and meet the decision maker in it corporate setting. Presentation and demonstration experience is an asset. vorldeg With tight show deadlines in a fast paced environment, computer literacy and organizational skills are required The Portables offers an excellent base+results driven . compensation and benefits pirckage. For immediate consideration, mail or fax your resume and cover letter to: 284 Coasumers Rand, Toronto, ON M2J 1P8 FAX: (416) 4941-7462 Attention: David Woods, VP -Sales To find out store about The Portables, please visit us at btip:///www-*epor"ks.coui hre"t frolM the Fastest If you are 18 to -45 years of age,'and,want Growing Sega -ent _of to see if you qualify, Please con tclihic-ab the Travel Industry _ Turn your passion for cruising into extra ;, 416-759-5554 income. yew first ltimt pawl Complement your Present lifesiyk bywww.P tom working fkxi6le hours. 95 Bay11y St W., Suite 405 ; , ellensh eiraining is av dam Y We ve got grist thit>gs in store for you! compr19 X Mott. -Fri. Between 10-4:30 s Attention: To learn more about joining Canada's N16.{; YOUNG DRIVERS® OF CANADA 1 Cruise Travel , attend our, YOUNG DRIVERS ® is an enterprise of Ford Motor r NOW HIRING PART TIME y STOREFRONT PERSONNEL i�"afi n �� Science IS the foundation, Pharma Medica Is the source - Company 1S09001 Registered RSVP 13: at T. m. Website: www.youngdrsvers_com Shifts available Mon.. Fri.Y• P� If you are "looking to work a AIP-Pcring ---•^� couple of hours per day in. early 71 morning, early at%rnoon or early evening, we have very fheid- 335 6a*St. W.- E ole shifts for yowl. Ajax T Apply in ]Person or fax resume to: (4161 8x5-8667 THAT PO1750 Bayly St. W. Pickering OWN1&t OF' (M)42&( )428.2216 GONRDENTIAI TO BOX REPLIES We have • available If there are firms or individuals to whom lbs you do not wish your reply sent, simply in the 1Xuham Regionfll a place your application in an envelope, Pays $7.50/hr to start. addressed to the box number in the • advertisement and attach a list of such Apply in person names. Place your application and list in f%IilAlt/B TO11iipS hW. UNDECIDED S?UDI NTS S an envelope and address to: Box Replies. Are you in limbo right now? If the advertiser is one of the names on 1 R , your list your application will be ' so �lieneral LaboNrsa fi`tliil- FIT Worlcln Ajax Must be able to work all shits call f3pringer sloe- ml "I a A .RAPIDLY 6110WIn6 com- any is in need of quality oms baud typists &data processors. earn up to $50/ hour Must own computer. Ad- vancement oppolWm6es. 800- 990-9835 or 944-351-5514 or vbft www:#mkwclub.com Attention Youtlil Job conned Program (18.24 fps-) Durhanl- foyers are In N ng to ire i 07, S oa , iax } pltday-T�itiila Here is your chance to make $$$ & have fun 0 the same time. CALL NtiVll .. FIT Must be 18+ ;PLEASE NOTE;aresumes that are faxed dlrecthf to Oshawa This Week; will not be forwarded to the iiia number. + c«Mra THE Ain zowt staff needed. le Must bbuta mostly CALL wz IifitV for Broker, 3 yrs. - experience, c abstract, AJAX 683-0707 canaaa and ups earl 905 UXBRIDGE 5T-f0�'” -1:0 per' Calf Christina 57t-0102 (905) Originals must be sent directly as instructions in the some ee days nights and weekends. Contact r k at 905-839-1047. 852-9741 indicated by the ad. Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net THE hJAX PICKERING NEWS,ADVERTISER, SEPTEMBER 10, 2000 -PAGE 29 1 General Help, 1 General Heb .. 1 General Help 1 General Heb - f Seles Help/A" 1 S" H WApenta General Help 1 Cxelteral Help 1 Generel Heb )DUNG DRIVERS® OF Canada HAIR. STInUMM iS'Seeking a FALL TIME Are your tired of.changIng salons? Are you' Customer Service stuck at a dead end jobb with no chance for advancement? Searching for a Salon to -settle Representativesin to? No time to=be dropping off -resumes? Candidates must: Call tollfree 1:4100-E18-9684 or • be friendly and outgoing 416-431-9084 or fax resume.(416)439-2295. • accurate keyboarding skills ,(40wpm) Visible Changes Beauty Agency • excellent command of the English Language' HERE WE GR AGAI t • excellent communication skills Canadian Tire "Pickering • have a smile in your voice . requires +have a professional telephone manner ➢1 Class A General Technician •ideal for a former grad 1�­ 2 Part time Service Cashiers Please drop in. to fill out an application at 95 Bayly St. W.,3116. 405, Ajax, 1 Part (Full tme,Writer/Cashier YOUNG DRIVERS® OF Canada Apply` with resume to: YOUNGDRIVERSe 1735 Pickering Parkway is an enterprise of Fong Motor Company. IS09001 Registered. Website: www.youngdrivers.com ON CALL SUPPLY ST I CONTRACT WORKERS. Print Shop / Jr. Computer Support. Needed to work with children within P P PP a.child care centre in Durham Region. -Whitby location Experience an asset. -.3 - 6 month assignment with Please fax resume to potential for permanent work (905) 427-1855 must be available for 8 hour rotating by Non Friday September -15th 2000 Shifts (day, afternoon, midnight) = - At Messier. -Dowd occasional lifting (20 lbs) 2 year post secondary diploma required. flexible, team t once Help- _ t WIN Hell, ' development, ma landing gear systE - motivated, oriented., Fax resumes to.John (905) 83,1 8134. Full Time Receptionistsolutions ' Canada's leading retailer of billiard to meet performance ands rPm E edress f0Yf8d Comfnunities Seeking Ing experienced Individual with roducts� games and game roo furniture s a number of exciting career opporta- . _stea- dy employment, benefits. EXPERIENCED - PAINTER switchboard proficiency for Pickering head offiice Successful candidate will h2ve ex- nities available at"it's Pickermg Town Centre location We are currentl� seek- Repo to the cellent communication and computer skills ingappli�cations for: y responsible far en (MS' Office) along with a team player FULL.TIME , PART TIME AND Staff, contract and attitude -multi-tasking is essential ! SEASONAL SALES ASSOCIATES Qualified individuals may fax resumes to We are 'in search of mature, energetic, You -will have a -n - ividua s may fa „people persons" with retail sales ex- medium-sized icor perience, exceptional customer service inde ndentl ' alit ski7Ls and a passion for fun y We are also ac tin a lications for: with an external BI -LINGUAL RECEPTIONIST also - E ELLmin understanding of, MECHANICS & skills, in partitulai (English & Fren4lh) DELIVERYANSTALLATION PEOPLE `Pial Immediate - Full time position You must be mechanically inclined, cap Duties include filing -and some secretarial. - able of heavy have a drivers h- H== Accepting resumes via mail at: cense and be lifting, hours. MEN'T'OR CANADA Please forward a resume in person or by E-mail' iElli n 1333 Boundary Rd., Unit 10 fax to: Oshawa, Ont. L1j 6Z7 . (905) 420-%58 COUNTEelcou TORS or fax: (90 5) !Z:J 340 , needed immediately for pre - SH L MECHANIC PIS scall (M)6iPaid 2W or Must be able to do (905)728-7854. 1 sem• HWAfi . t s I*",,gent¢. Setups & Layouts New Fabrication Shop DELIVERY JUNIOR ELECTRIC DESIGNER, Fully air conditioned DRIVERS Kanalco. Ltd. 345 ;Lake Rd. Must have own p w Required to create electrical designs, , vehicle; P/T F/r; HIRING documented -using AutoCAD, for a medium Bowmanville, On. L1 C 4P8, Whitby to Pickering IMMM* w's>�+* sized manufacturing company. Duties will Contact Max At: � pfd dairy plus alli tiL also include PLCprogramming,usin A-13, weeknlght & weekend & fax: 905-623-1683 or work available. Modicom, Siemens, or G.E. hardware. Can 11 am -41 to o • $1,500 monthly guarantee Phone:=905-623.2303 p "h' Full time The successful candidate will have Two 428-548II DRIVERS WANTED full-time. DRIVERS NEE ED _ Route work, parcel delivery. Contract part ie work. Van required. Metro & GTA. Call 416-284- & Weekends 4720 and leave msg. for Shuttle Service ` EXPERIENCED Maintenance to Pearson Airport. Person and ,lack of all Trades wanted with own hand. tools. rPm E edress f0Yf8d Class D License preferred. Pickering alae, full time 11 831 X8454 gam - . _stea- dy employment, benefits. EXPERIENCED - PAINTER ,"Own transportation required. Call 905-686-8529 wanted, carpentry skills art asset. Must have own tmns- FULL-TIME POSITION SALES" portation. Neat appearance. & SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR. W. — 1..W.n Mr's,. a hL " (P)'619-2692 - years -of related industrial experience, and a - - - - Positions available in set-up &- worker wdh` a goa p college =diploma . in Electrical Engineering - background ;and display, service and installation Technology. COURIERS knowled9e: The • Rapid advancement WANTED mate should hays This -position is located in Ajax, Ontario, and tomer service exp • No Hence necessa we P° i start from your e occasional business travel may be required, area. To a the �mel� generw prOVldB tfalning , y ministration,, co-orc Please reply in confidence, to the � ! wee�.7 ter sales service, Call Mike Stern EngineeriVehicle ng Manager,.via facsimiile at' required and Administrating Monday between 9:00am and 9(15 27-2361 Call PAUL terested applicants or sendresume to 2:00pm-only RBgU/leS (9.05) 62.7-7733 & k to SecUrwtr Tuesday is too late! (905) 426-1322 LICENSED TOYOTA MECHANIC wArrR _ a .Ing ord.'L1w 3a4, . _ a week, 6:30 a.m. - 2 pm. `'420-4319. Must have (iealershijr experience, Experience necessary. DAD DY O'S GRILL 981 Brock Rd. Contact Pat Barnes: S., Pickering. Call (905)420 2547 before 5p.m. Fax: 905-839-74515 DZ DRiVER.lust be 2s or Phone:905-420-5788 over. Abstract required. Weekdays and some SAW-. days. =Knowledge of GTA and HOW%3W © Iloepaallledkel southern Ontarian asset. 1 _ Dermal Ceti Dennis 416-71 7-M. _Dow ,DELIVERY . PLACEMENT AGENCY DRIVERS requires RN's full-time; part-time and Cash Pall Daily!, Y =' casual, $221kour. Good benefits. Pickering Area. Call or send resume (416)498-1854 Eves, &Weekends Small Vehicle R fired Please Cal f General Help 1 Gerteral Help (905) 686-6103 AZ 3, required imine & UPHOLSTERY diately, 3 yrs. driving expert- Cleaner full-time and/or part-, EARN $200.,'$300., $500:, ' or � s ence preferred, clean abWact, time. Experience not required-_ more per week; assembling tanker experience an asset for Vehicle preferred. Calf Sam prod, In the Comfort of fuel delivery broker, home (905)725-7519 - your own twine. Send a self �+�� �i*�f daily. Excellent rates. Fax re- addressed stamped envelope �7�iL �7r L surae ` to (905)576-4778 or WOOD FURNITURE MAMU to. O:P.H. 6-2400, Dundas St Appointltnei $ett@rS rail (905)576 438 and_ leave 1ACTURER has full trine em *��. w, Suds 541., Ret 636, Mrs 4 Required -Immediately iQvaitlta:+D message Ploymem available in as tin Irking _ room (sanding spray su sauga; Wd. L5K 2R8. I Fu11-Tune, fart -time &Evenings CNC & GENERAL MACHINIST AZMZ ,lee FAIR, Flt' & P7r staining, lacquering) and its DiPERIENcEemal • ce NO Selling work. Local freight $41 K- mIU room (tine saw). Day and and landscaping. p rsonnel • Competitive wage & Benefit t55K/Yr. Flat deck &tanker. evening shifts evadable. Fax Hourly wage plus Bonus for well established North Call Carrie on' or interview Lor ri ht candidate sSOK t64K/Yr. OTR Highway: resume to: college woodwork Mari / g Pickering based Landscapingri- dA Fauc resume #o: (�rJ) 576-6244 �6K S72KfYc CAN tq reserve (905) 725-2912 or apply in Company: Must have expert (905126- :322905.426.3716. person at 145 Clarence Bie encs. Call Monday -Friday Na phone calls please serdhal Dr. Oshawa. 905-619-6761 or fax resume to 9015-619-D788. PAGE 3Q -THE AJAX PICKER NG NEWS ADVERTISE& �PTEA(i�El 1Q, � . ,, ... >.�.--��t ,".,� �, _ _141L- __ .Dori fi -- ». , - . - BVI met Visit e n e wvrar 4_ _ Of� a, , 9, 1 r Y- " .. :: DsyeiKbAvif>I a... 1 i omp pier de, ! CoR�tlter Dt� Co�aJputer bbl : Gatler� F10 ► .-I 11 Sale M R '`re` 8 :' ' " to trial balance NIE 10P =, in my 6ED SET 8 piece cher MOVING SALE, bedroom .s , quires permanent full & part for b TAjax manufacturing dU&trial electrician with home. full time. Picked rywood four poster/sleigh, " beds fridge, nine room s time experienced servers, P Compufer and reception knOwled a of controls & Stroud's lane. Please, ca chest, tridresser, -mirror, curtains, exercise equipment, line cooks, &.' dishwashers. planexpt. an ability to 'work PLC S. Fax resume 905-723- (905)831-9452 , mghfstands, all dovetail, new etc. N, exebk. Everything a 1 ' Apply in person to 774 tfver- under pressure essential. $A- .1251. Phone 905-723-4373 DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my still packaged. Cost $993 must Go. (905)426-2788 or pool Road South; Pickering. ary $30,00(1.+. Fax resume of sacrifice $3,500 416 74&3993 0653 ter 5p.m., only tb (905)428- SUB CONip9iCTOR for -fur- hare from Mon. - Frit: 2 min. _ (�)�' PART .TIME COOK approx race eleanings/helper. Cur-. from Ajax Hospital. Referent- KMS, KIN= pillowtop or dou-. PENTIUM 100 computer. CertifiCatiO>n O el'e(t: • Web t�uthoririg Applications : ;mately t5 hours per week, e474• rent gas fitter II license, valid - es available. (905) 426 t403. ble ortho�dic mattress set 32Mb ram 2Gb HDD, 56k • NSD -Certified Web .InternetCommunic Iaons Veen foam and 2:30pm. BOOKKEEPER NEEDED for 1- "drivers license, own reliable, new in p"tic. Cost $1,500 modem, CD -Rom; 3,5' floppy, No weekends. Call 905 839 2 ,days per week in Oshawa.- vehicle, own tools. Pay-nego available in loving envE sacrifice (King $ 625) (Double sound/video cards, speakers, I)eSlgrieT fT0311 Af380Ciation operating Sjrl3tf TaS 2864s gam Spm daily Flexible tours during the day:. 7bable 25 5559 h experience. 905 ronment; first- aid/cpr, indoor/ I55�) Can deliver 416 741 keyboard, mouse,. colour 14 Of Web 'Professionals (i�WP� ; PART-TIME MATURE Sales Experience with during outdoor activities, outings, monitor, $400. Apt Sized Jobs available 'person needed for busy Jew- would be: helpful. Resumes- ItoapAai crafts, snack/lunch provided. CARPET - I have several fridge, while- $150. pool table, Tminingr iIIClllde6: " e i.ry Store. Must have retail File # ;690_ Oshawa This 1 Wpiltotel Flexible hours, all -ages wet- thousand yards of new Stain 4x8, 1' state, tight pockets, • Website Designs r = sales experience with Jewel- Week, PO.'Box 481, Oshawa, come: Westray/401. Refer master and t009° rrylon to accessories. Mint condition • WebsiteDesigIler � lery salesanasset. .Be willing Ont. L1H7L5,- FULL-TIME DENTAL Recep- ences.(905)686=4195: pet. I will carpet yourimng $t200.CaIIAt905-%4789 . Internet Assiiata#Lti $34 • HTML, JavaScri t to work days, evenings, and CLOSING SPECIALIST -We t!on!5vAssisfafrt regwred- ler EXPERIENCED, LOVING room and halt for 9. Pace PIANO TECHNICIAN available- p <r Web9lte ii0ntentDeVelQpeT. weekends: Please fax resume have a unique position fora . busy Ala office. Evenings and includes carpet, .pad and in- for tonin • Web Server' fi+ ()7 3D legal secreta /law clerk with. 5atumdays are required• Com mother walls to care for your stailatbn (30 square yards). g: repairs & preys'" our at a real estate ppater experience required. children, fullipart time. Her • Steve (905) 743-0689. makes &omodelsoni eon Afft. PJU PW,.M-,- -,- Wiftress/Wafter law, serv, Byte/Dentrix knowledge an wood/lex Near lord-.MQar .. �/ /Ioiv. w /fdbni:ii1dw..1 I . _ , for: olgibb and 1 for Mon -Fri °��ry team. asset Please fax resume: PS•, liexible hours, referent- CARPETS SALE 1, HARD- pianos. Reconditioned Heimz . days with experience for Pub/ 'We value expertise, computer 416 74 es ,Donna 1519 2344 NI80D FLOORING- carpet 3 man, Yamaha, Mason & 08h(lwer Gatriprt8 TU1i01, : � � . as Restaurant m South Ape. Lail' skills, aixi'the' desire to con- ( ) 96254 Attn: Miriam rooms from $339."(30 sq.- yd.) RiSch, & other grand or (905)428 8780 tribute to change innovation, DENTAL ASSISTANT- HARP PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Includes; carpet, premium upright anos for sale, start UShaWa:Centre 1450 t1�.;: , , aKtl . im rovement' Compeff- certified, required for Ajax Loving daycare; 18 months to pad and_ .Installation. Free 2�at $995. t t ready for fall 4 9 Xiri Pietittg PEREIIANENi_.1u11 >!$d Dart D" and benefits. derma o{f;ce, 3 days a week; 12 years. Daily :.outings estimates, carpet repairs. ons nowt Check out the s�ary H ldai9alL:T3Ee I time 6190' p posftions avail- ' se C Ila Diawnya , or Lyn. no evenings or weekends. genced backyard' and ark . Snu-ervin Durham. and sur- web at www.barbhall:corri or ( ) 723-1163 � ) -1e eable Ior vening h�s. fxperente an 111" Smith 428-0g10or82342429&5 Submit resume in person to 3 tritiou's story & 'snacksmu pFirst roundingg 'area. Credit Cards call Barb at 905-4?7-7831. Harwood Ave. S., or fax 905- Accepted . Call Sam . 905-6815-- Vrsa, MC, Annex. - asset Must be, bondable: Fax 686 4347. Previous applicants Aid, : C.P.R. certified. Non 1772_ pryr (Pe Avalhble • DaygareArall" 1 Oinei it ref , resume #a; -((051723-1809 or 1 need not apply. 244. .receipts. 905 428 PIANOS 'abs toschool GRANDFATHER can,(905)4041564 (business . I /A a 1244. CARPET AND YNIXL SALE CLOCKS. Back to school sale TIC 8ALF.3 'H boursoFily) DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Part- Carpet three rooms, 30 square now on all Roland dlpftal,pia ENTHU IA Your Good Health, L'ERAMIC "TILE Store requires time or full,ffine. Whi by .Iota- ;INFANT CARE Position how yards, from 5339 installed. 1 nos and Samick acoustic pia- �ya Cadre, .Know , of SEAM , Pickm%%3 n. Cenrt :experfended retail_ sales, . tion. Send resumes to DEN- available for 1 year old to Fati/ - will. discount your best quote nos. Large selections of used. ` rrutritior:Diap to tre.. reGulres p�aart-tirme.,heV,for �W1rf#by%Pickering locations.; TAL STAFF,; 10 Rodda BMD. Mar 2001. South ,Ajax, ECE. uP; #0 10%: New colors and pianos: Not sure H your kids INFANTS 12 YEARS OLD - sumo p Gift and Waiclt :Repan Conn- full time. fax resumes to Unit #s9 5carb4rugh, ole, fJ1E first aid infant CPR, smoke/ designs.Cu tomer satisfaction will stick with lessons, try our In curl some t4.fAariager lila.5pm., ter. Call Aill-Ali-3255, aslr 905-420-W7; or at Pickering. pet free. Call Laurie 905-426- $ t1(}, safe, fun home Mon -'Al. 2Z6 guaranteed. `call Mika for your rent to own. 1 �% of all rental r�rmfrorlrnertt• IIUN(PTONEB LANDSCAPE for -Sam or Million or fax re- Tile Centre, 615 Kingston Rd., 4954 free estimate, 905-431-4040 payments aappppliyy Call TELEP Services has ,an immediate surae to 416-756-3256. Pickering. ; DRYDEN MEDICAL CENTRE, PIANO . (9051 433-1491. Licensed by M.C.S.S. - Whftby. Medical Rec tfonist COLEMAN BEMERAT4R, (aa opening for a -CREW LEADER PICKERINO . MANUFACTUR- ep 1 firewood www.telepp no:cum Reasonable. rates In, our grounds maintenance required immediately Evening Model 1850 plus, use .once 3 division. _ Applications must IN= COMPANY is now hiring 1 RECLI]VE hours 1- m. ` Please fax re $600 , Black &Decker clot ' -4tENT TO OWN new and re : - ReCeipTs, fleldb. hours, Call two full tkre warehouse Desi Fiii12NTFURE' some to (905)571-6212 Atter FREE FIREWOOD Broken ttic mower, series 2,000. conditioned ' appKane9s, and have relate(. work experience tials to start Srnmedialehr fax Has. fti1T time sales till. Colleen, wooded skids, 4 Pallets: 8mft 51,000. 905 576 743 evert new T.7s, full ?ad-: iwr {o Loi . HOES r�iei tE 50d 121A and possess a valid Ontario resumes to: f W 420 time oiler. Free delivery by frills only Mon: Thur. dy's Market 9Bfi ) or, Drlvers,�l,Rense with a clear- tions . open tori EXPERIENCED Dental - Re- tractor trailer bad, 6 loads lett. 1-800-198-5502: .. drivers atMtrect. DZ bcence LOOKING FOR FAMiM' to would 11e an asset.This is a offer )otter care for A private• ° lNiutby and Pick- ceptionist required foil time (only) , only). 905-434-0392• , COMPUTER FACTORY I : Getterd Help erring locations. 'Ex- immediatey. ABEL computer (enol BLOWOUT g 1 r. no SATELLITE MON 018N August year round full time position agennccyy. willing to train. Must Call experience essential. Family payme Fits, then S14/wk OAC)• . Special, 60 channels $14.x. that offos variety and oppor be.able to provide a mimmurn, P eR�P oriented office. Fax resume KOIY HEAT FIREWOOD, ex 500 Mliz loaded, printer, ' Snie Installation 15 y ex-' IIW ,WAI,i=� - LANDSCAPE' LABOURERS' family fO growth. pay is biased. -4f 1 r commitment. (705) f9 . 767-0779 to:.(905) 668-4014 node. vary � qty hard monitor, Internet, software. and perience f905)655 366ta warded. Cao (705} 217 2902 on applkard s : expeneru e: We 4 Oran interview wood. Aaranteed extra to `g more. Free' saannet delivery_ S ECIM, SHOP � . re Lat� . (lII188$IfPEtf8 needed, full are a b hiring general la- FIAL TIME Dental Reception time tuify seasoned, (ready o and;6li.1800515-5545:' rnwvCTIOM 1INE worker triStrUOtit)n tourers. Moat be available to ■- -- :let tor- PadfatriC derdal oittce.: bum) cut. & split Honest hellos, call usnow .ba- , 11 "tune, i>� time'. With 1Pme,ex- work= immediately and enj�ooyy needed in iratiufac- 3ld0ed Mush be wi0ki to work even- measurement, free delivery, COMPUTER Specials. Pend 'fore your builder finishes in L TitiOlirBt rlence >rt. krferbckmg re -the outdoors; i ail (90523- turing cow Shift work Ings &Saturdays. ! xper�nce 905 753�t246. um in#emet _starter system crier. No monthly -Jos. Dont Wages ��% walls, .Call 416 878 1940 Front to arrange' an ap- only Fax resume to (9051 - mandatory. Logic Tech ex 5299 Pentium laptop $599, - move in wiDiout ftt. {905) Ti23- oil @XpeNei7CB 1758 or 9054186-7450, poinbrent 42 1148 CKC REQUIRED. tori Oshawa perience an asset. Please fax I d loaded 533MHZ with, ' t7` 0333 tog tree 1 888 845 8849. Apt$ -930-01$ or - (.arae. JERIELLERY store I AM LOOKi W lar- mature 8 TRUtIt- INC.- AZ rate withy ,Salary : experience. Pllease menso resume to 905 831 93� '. um2iaaodma Fit a iove�o rs TEAL( tI1NN1= set, table, , a locift for part time sales people to expand my. tinanclel Or(ver ndeded fmmedtaiely, reply to file #549 -.Oshawa HY=IENIST- NEEDED for Sat CHESTERFIELD & CHJUR, Cad (905;855 ,9861: chairs, buffet .& butdai asking 906419-1707 `y lieip`, whys. Fax resume services business in this' 1em PIy I This Week, P.O. Box_ 481, urdays 9am-3pm In busy flowered; 2 -oval endtabtes, $700. Furan $100.,Cail and Ie'atie ms ,. to (905) 683 0474 Ex�rience. 70 rod., sleep $ '' area: Please cell Peter Hones Oshawa, Ontario. LIH7L5 . ` Pickering office- Please tax coffee table ail w/glass bse[t CUSTOM MOULDING � Over (905)725-3805, leave mea LUBE TECHINCIAII full. and 905.436$499: ors.: Please contact : 8fi! resume to 19A5)4209712, or 2 brass tableiamps. Soft :300 pattams Colonial casing, sage : HOIi�WINKKEkB NEK9fED1 (905)420-7407 8110-219.6225 , CUSTOMER SERVICE REP -Phar (�5)421>-9211,, Glen- basement, *. $300/all 905- base board. Chau tdB, :Crown, To assemble ,our preductal pad time �!�' wage 1F Y00 ARE S" motivated RESENTAilYE8 - ACR Canada PiNE/OAi( EURNITURn tbO bonus � needed. and have a minimum al 2 has Full Time and Part Time OfttCe` 427-19M - cove and more. Clear pine; 1Aissior Furnfture is on the Free, information. Send SASE Vaild ddvers license. Apply at r !off ' floor....Come and see the to: --Kraft #8 7771 Keele St, Perunuil, rs ce s e. Rd.. S, Years AZ driving experfence - I � R openings lei the Oshawa area. POA, One Foil &one Part ELECTRIC- fiUITAR, Vtard case �I avaUaWe C* foc . ijsi that has fumed Ure Fur Dept.7, Carcard, ON L4K 1Y7 m 401 Alex wdh flatbed and or B' train Evenin S 5-7 til Candidates must have gradu- time position availebte illi shell chorus Pedal, , 5275. _ ppan 7R�ysty'a week gam- - � World upside down..En- hopper trallers as welt as . 9 ,ted from a vaxtionafRechni 9�p practice in Oshawa. Ex- Drums 5pc.,, ,cymbals; hiafte k deiMerleaL' to tertatnmept units, Home of Services, `a LANDSCAPE MANOAANt, . RESTAURANT Northam Ontario ani(-incle- j,rJ%hUUr .Cal high scltooi Dat ineiutled 'cellent hours. Please reply to extra skins 5495: Call after Durham Region. Lal( (613) fico Dining Room, Kitchen, n Immediate { staff E1g>erltlnce ntBM_ weather. driving. Plus. electronic and mechanical ::File /592, P.O. Box 481, Bpm 686-139D. 623 6414.. r opening Idr' a CREW LEADER j� 1t in !ave; a grade 12 educacon, �,� C tied . training or 2 years of cooeoe Oshawa; On. L1H 7L5. �` be HIZACHI Portable Washer, OAK DINETTE SET, table, fo fond r get dimtionalr Woodwork- I gt mengrr u via w>urt'm feet .ro Van• m a related: field will also ro. y� w n :: Jell roedei e4 1= {ISh; t11USf considered, Candidates-, Must RMACIST (Full or part- great sire illi apt or collage, la leaf: pedestal 4:.cfak5. Ing a the leading rrariufactur have related w 125 stun Ro�I1 1.l and eKOeKant remuner Call be iO ,rs of aVe eF o1dm . in ge rim fittmC for rtab o pe$ $7 _ Wh a 1a�lf er of Custom built SOLID p$ seas a , , Ontario !ng (&WonlEast of frock): anon plus benefits. Cab 02e of - vri0m va0d e�ss, 'G drivers fl . �, environment in Medical (8�)l20 5206. PINE LO T S' 918 WOOD Entertainment Centres Licence with a dear flce between 730km add .)Ext. � cense arI use a personal ve- Cerdre. Excellent hours, bene 579-93 St. N., Oshawa 905 and Home Office in file Dor- dtiikrs Abstract til licence , Niter '8 RESZTAURANT re- 5;30prn To• sett�up an appoint- ; " hiele. Security clearance is NOTPOINT-RAMOE. good 579-931 ] ham Region::..Bring your would be an assn This Is a quires par anent fug & pad tits and remuneration: Con- ideas/ ns and tet us tum inert far.am arte(ykNr. also required: This position condition, 10 old, White DBM R 1A oe year round_fulf time position Ume expeme,ce , servers, THE SECOND .COP; •Steep1 le focuses on ATM First Line :tact Roxanne Or Elaine at DDM ppIIge them lido reality.. -.Drop lei yea • INSERTERS AND DRIVERS Medical Pharmacies (905) .and black, 150. Telephone cherrywootl double pedestal. and see out State of ilio AR B>at .dfas variety and oppor Nrie cooks, & disbwashersr . Hill Shopping Cemre, requi9es Maintenance services as well 420 7335 or fax (905)420 -� table, Chippendale chairs, woodworking facility and. -M tumty for, ytowW. , ftbased Apply b person to 774 Liver needed in the pre ration of fdrolty energetic peop►lee cr as mirror maintenance and re- 7342 or email: rtang0medl- buffet - hutch, server, all dove on' app exile e. , We pool Road South, Pickering: newspapers and f ::686- rain as coffee experts to p an other equipment.. as KENMORE washer & dryer, fall still in boxes. Cost - i s show you how fine furniture sub - are also h�ifinqq general le 23M : serve oar -customers. Please needed. Only sucCessluf % ���tes.com � �Q. � 839.1350 st ute fo... Quality' 'is No Sub- tourers. Must be available to PARi` .TIME COOK appwx tax -resume {446)773 ]367 plicants wfil be corrtacted -for, $14,000 Sacrifice .$5,1)00 - stthde for Quality ... Treditioiai work immediately and a .ay ' rmately ]5 hours par week. INTERESTIN= tONtG TERM an irdervlew• Fax resume wRh 1 DIM 30 •bed $90, R (416) 746-0995 Woodwork' 1155 North Pod n} between foam and 2:3Upin Part time opportunity to .be leg mg the'outdeers., Calf (905)623 . t#HIMPE CONSTRtlC' " cover letter to Rob. Madill at- ,. 9*Mne I0after-1111M. ftea1111M. 145. SCUBA D11I LESSONS Road (S. oil Reach Rd.) Port 1940; now m SiMife. err ap N4 rmakends: Cab 905.8a91 . "Pad : of a .srtleli team em- 'fore parson -required and fax # (416 744-5971. 9� 831-9458 after bpm. 2864, �m Spm-da8p" by a {may who lives 2) .on L BABYSITTER required fn tri tali Course's Starting NOWT Petr) 905-M-8774... vdrrw. ppmpart• .: disabiidy: Lou will p ( trome. (Major Oaks/Delbrook� SOLtO ltllK DE$K 42x3 Y . SCUBA and SnorkeP1811 gwp tradtttonalwoodworking.oRcw : Wra tourers required, Drivers li RM FRAMERS for 3 girls ages 3 & 8. Car and 5; Dark txown 4 dr. drescer _ mord SALE. Call 668 I, xM LOOKIIN for mature PART-TIME MATURE Saks vide personal support and ascow a must Contact Scott at xp!rrienca in $3 SHEOMAN = Quality.; wooden - pe4ple fo expand my flnanCiei person needed for � Ja'!' sfstance at home, work_ and -868 9690. mbing. Foil_ references required. Call -905- 535; Bar sue freezer'fiardiy 8566. Toll free -7-333 sheds 8' X 8' bi m led, only Ce busbess in this altyry Store. Must_bave retail around town. Qualificatbns. : (905)428- 683-1876 used, $200; Lowrey ogan'and dive) Dive Source Scuba. X99, plus fax. Many other s sates experience -with jewel- life-experlence, mature, crea--WAITRESSIWAl1ER with 2=3 bonen (needs forme) 5350. www.divesource.com. sizes art` styles available. area. Please call Peter Hones . -lerY. sales an ascet - Be five, .energetic, , outgoing per- . years experierice. fvening 8865' BUSY PROFESSIONAL couple (905)839 0680.. Also gareges and decks. 761 na11Qr : VaGd ; drivel s- li and Wiekend work f3[inS re OZ DA11►ER8 ,wanted: Con feg4ir85 the services of a 083 -SATELLITE, unloop and - McKay R . Unit 3, Pickering. =days, days, evenings, an 5e Same .routine household WASeachHER, 'drye 5/ program your own DSS cards g IF 0111 ARE sell motivated weekends. Please lax resume conse, reliable .Vehicles and .sums in rson,to: Jae s Cate stuchon experience, clean ab- Part-time homemaker se do WASHER, dryer &stove. $1 in seconds with the Wild Thi For more info. call 905-619- ' and have -'a minimum ,of 2 to jWM-5220, go4d driving record esseniiaL 8 Billiards, 2200 Brock Rd stract preferred. 8 chores; laundry; meal PreD.:- 2 or the new Wild Thing X. 2093. years: AZ :°driving axperence . PARI i1ME WaftresslWafter Please said resurrna with de ; Pickering After 11:00 a.m., (905)738 5600. and .before/oiler school child WASHER, working condition RCA. used (logics, Tashiba, VERTICAL AND L'$694299;' TEiUIL. h/d flatbed and or 'B' trerrl tailed cover -letter, to: 1801 Care for our -7 and 10 year old $100. Futon, $150- Call 831- Son & Uruden. $350.' �c Walters as well as for nM is arid 1 for Moi -Fri Now St., Pickering,. Ontario, WAITiMWAITEe required. , ELECTRICAL. APPRENTICE toy 2�4 filing eabinpis $89 52 ; Notnam "9atarto and inrle experianas ill Pub/ APDN in Amadeus +mm year!, required immedafs- daughters- Hours can bei (9061626-6D92• desks $119; special on chairs meiiE' weatfrer drilling.":Pius Restaurant b; South Ajax t�U � Ll" . . Seafood &- Nouse, 11#0. tq foe growing: industrial ekc- flexible based on your avoid WINEMAKINQ EQUIPMENT now & used S2$&up. A� 4ne have a grade ;12 educatrom, 0428-B ' MONO STONE work- SimcceSl.�i.,AWmwa friwl contractor. Must be reli ability and needs -. 'AD, 905 BACK TO SCHOOL futon sale. Z required, vehicle a must, able, lxniest, and Bard work 420 0868 Carboys S12,r Electric fester Futons from `E169.,.compkta used heavy duty Copan $599 then"we want -to talc "to you. PERMANENT `full and :Part . $100. Ntre bottles SI . etc. - mattress ,set from $159. in with reduce aril enlevan sea, We -offer lam modal equp Rays based. `on experfertce, WE � L re irp, wdh, dean drMktg fiord. DEPENDABLE a aYfenced .�'�-7897 stock, ready for delivery or size. ALSO 2 van seats, meat and excelMad remuner- time clean► positions avail leave message (418) rice, people to expand our Flo Some ofd :of town work for = , AN ee ickup and save extra 10%. one universal $50; Dire GM able to reliable applicants. Ail 6442. Ctal Services business ui this Rom" to, file # 590. -Osla- "gm_ oi p bke new $250;. beautiful glass attar plus benefits. Call the of evening shills. Experience an area: Rose call Grace 905 via Tile Week, P.O Box 48], with 1 6 .oidia old 1 WSW IFactory Mattress 1-898-220- shelving on wheals, new flce between , 7:3Qam and Wit. Must be -0ondabk. fax JOM -EOUCATIONAL TOYS, 436.8499 Ostiawa,Ort. L1H 7L6. for mid'Oclober. Non-smoker, 2282. 1650 Bayly St., Picker $850, asking Sm obo- Store 5:8� T4set up an appoint- resume to 91 723-4809: o Jr ,as this busy fell season! references required. Call San- . CARPETS - lots of carpet Ing, Oaara-(905) 837-0288 _maw rack, $150; Beautiful rant for an interview. . ' tail {905)4(1,-1564 (business gupplement your family : An- YM'RE DNE of the nation's E1t�ERiENCED RE&RE person dra or Stephen 427-M 100% nylon; new stain re hours oily)., " ,; Comma rapresa Ift 300, jue , largest financial products required for busy fransm2s- lcesa carpets on hand„ i will FURNITURE: sofa, blames) room table $9W, h board bSm fe rR of Town Cen ftY, :aftordabk lays, games, desire a aniret. • taertsed-_or third t a .rarpa 3 rooms, 5349.,. Price_ fir, erdtables,.and lamps) room table $999 Sharp h/d p pa erg chl 990 for all; Keyboard �fP50, cash register $299; 668 00, and f!yars 686 �u�es time help for P��, crafts through home Y . VY" to tiitft year be: Please � � house keep�, Akin- dudes car*; premium pad, 1700• ' Peavey rs,�"3200; 23IM"p"mrs Gilt_ =Watch Repair Court- , presentations, - fumt raisers, Gary Bittner -me D(905) :! 905 432 _ axped Installation, fast de1M, spaake BIIEIt TO SCHOOL -New 4 cu.. Friday. Call tom) 926- Laptop 18M 365X 5700 5 catalogue sales. Marianne 1 fridge$ ter. ' Call 416-756-32W,, tisk 831-78t7 ., INBTAL! ER and service tech- 1939. Must have references. cry. free estimates ( yards). bdrm. set black 'Ia ft= Danby lar 19s, 1NI1RTE871NO, 'kms TERN 4W Ser . or MKon or' fax -ie• .• t100 14587 ext 9496. nicfan required immediately Prefer to be over 38. (905) Norman 686 2314. Coil Chris • (905)665 0810 or, scratch and decd Danby Pad time- opportun!ti+' suhe ill 4167556 3258. litBOURER, Part time I Sea WELDER/FrM 3 moFith for heating and :a/c rwm n : 426-1939 16' ABOVE Around pool 4' home (905)697 9496. apartment size chest lreazers part- of�a , small tea elm contract in Ajax $18.00 with rSt79 and up. Full manuf fur 1o�d Iadv :PRNtMO 'MAWXAC UR- conal. $13.99 to start. Heavy premium. for Pipe ticket .Ail MtUI have gas I idler N. 90 ) ON.CAII E:C.E and Assistant deep, exeelleM shape, in KARAOKEE COMPLETE, DJ ars warranty. Reconditioned rrftfi a disab0dy: Vou VAR mo- � QPM u rev hiring lilting shover work ,shills and toots supplied. Mechanical 1$. positions available inure dudes all, hardware. idler, equipment _complete, t�ioneer fridges $193 / recondi vim personal support and- as weekends required. Calf 905- um , ladder , etc. Asking , re- sistadoe: at home work. and two f� time wwratehouse - post- 683 2550 ext 28: a must Call 905 683 LIU108CAPE .. C4N8TROC tlateiy. Hglr quality child care John 725 -CM after 5 digital recorder, speakers and cooed rarer dryers uD �.28. TRIM sfaff-required for busy Centre. Part --tine t4 full-time more. Parasafi $4110. Call conditioned dryers 51251 up, around town. Qualifications: tions to start hol to : 15) 420- fax LANDSCAPE .: ' LABOURERS fall season. Owr vehicle pre hours can be expected: Mao _P m• (sip) Chris 728-5356 or 579-7102- reconditioned washers $199 Affe experience,. mature, crea needetl imriredhatety for" , ferted. Need people with �d or : ►esume by, Sept 18th A MOVING WEI washer, gas coin new acrid reconditioned rgetic,` oldggooi4ng . per- LOOKING FOR FAMILIES t4, Markham based . compa I� 7.._ work 1hics. Coil (905)5(19- to Fist Steps _Child Care, 1990 der, ris bedroom furniture. KIMBALL CON80LE PfItNO min operated .washers and Valid driver's .:,ll- offer foster ;rare for a private Fax resorde : to (985} 64 1186 or fax (9ti)509 6327. WhKas Rd,: Pickering, Ont. : (9x)683-1089. with bench. Beautiful wain'trt dryers at 'low Prices. New " 1110 a vehicles and a� filling to train:. Must _ 6349. ' ... don't DU L1V 6P5. $1,850.00. Pine harvest table. �� m� S460 and , CORK good 'trig :record essential. be m provide a rrdrNmum y UCENBED MECHAIUC mit; BEDROOM: SUITE - dresser with 2self-storing leaves, 4. up new 30' with dock please end resume with . de .of i 'yon commitment. (705 LMOSCAPE" LABOORERS have Ei I � experience • with- own Dayeme with mirror, standup dresser, bow bow -back chairs, comer cabs- and Window 30. Recondi. tailed ower W 1801 328.0945 ,warded. Cale (705) 277-2902 e* p ' s: Drive clean accredited a e AvO I able night tables, includes almost net. Excellent condition,: boned 24' ranges and 24' frost New St., Dir, Q ;Qnta@o " must flectrkal/Conputer di - new queen size mattress & $800.00.9'725-2890. free' fridges now available. LR/3L9 PRODIICTIfIIT LNIE worker }igCApERB nestled, ,full for 5-1�:peQple agnostic' a must. hat rate LOVING Christian home day . bees rin . Askbp 5850 o.b.o. FUiONBJHTrONBIFUTOMS:- Wide selection of other new needed id Picker'ng-manufec time `pad time, with some ex_ wage daperiding en axPeri- care. will teach - alptebet, t73. and reconditioned appliances. HITERLOCKMB STONE work- , turfing company. Shift work penence iA interlockinngg, re Ii INTI r tBiy for once. Fax resume to- numbers and values. 6 ( Luigi Does back to school - Call us today, Stephonson's required, _vehicle a must, onM. fax resume to -(905) bathing walls. Call "416.878- months = 6 Years, school ALL NEW 100% genuine SIYk Dozens of different fu - 2371 all arE� � (905)436.0638.- R pr tons always, in stock, ready Appliances, Sates, Service, on ri rice, 4 1548 1756 or 905-686-7450. - First Aid/CP . Valley Farm leather sofa; )overeat chair , to -take back to school. Alt tu- Parts. 154 Bruce St Oshawa. a��message (4'"' SIUf1il0EX TRUCK( LNC. AZ LOCAL JEWEIIf?RY store P� LICENSED . MRLWRIOHT Rd�i�w 2, near Pkkenng Ga still _packaged: Cost $8,500. tons are priced to clear. The (905)576-7448: . 844 Wig' needed immediately. IndustH (905) 837-9600. Se833,500.416-746-0995 Driver needed - Immediately. .looking for part time -sales - at experience preferred. Serol best quality at the krWesf price Articles - JOCUS EDUCATIONAL TOYS, Excellent pay package. 11S Help, weekdays. Fax resume' MUSt be 18+ resume, copy:of. T -of -W or - AFFORDABLE-befordafter . APPLIANCE CENTRE -Wash- in Durham. Futons from $]89. .HE Wood -Join us this" busy fall sensor! ExpetTQriee 70' him sleep . to (9 663 fM474. ' - ; wallet call to Fik # 590, school care. Ste 40 Gies or, dryer' `fiudge,'sMve,"dish Mattresses from $89 ; Palliser Supplemerd your,, family in- ers. Please Perfect..: Bit( - { CMII Oshawa This Week P.(. Box grave P. S. On -St Anthony washer, all fully guaranteed.:. leather furniture at unbeatagl . ANTIQUEStAba0luMFy! Ad rix reprasenfing 300+ qual (905)420-7447 8 kIll4k5 , LUQ "?ECPorm ' irr0: and 9")I � 7 481, Oshawa Orrt L1H 7L5: Daniels On . Large. ° Come make a dam! 33 Station prices. Simmons beauty vice- always"valuable;- :usually time, Koury. wager°plea , ` , - - ily; affordable toys, - games.. (eine d backyard, room, St:, AJax;(905)426 268?. PPcket- coil Tia do not ills free! Purchasingoutright es as: Experience needed.. ORDER DESK/Sales, Assistant finished: recr -room. . turb mattress is still of sale. tates w/same antique cont- puzzies, crafts -through flume APPLIANCES: refrigerator 2 - presentations, .fund raisers, _ � ;Valid drivers fkan9e. A�! at ' 4T " HNOUSTR L, long- needed In -growing electronic Shacks included. rience( ggee Our, " ware house is over- - ants, (no limit to value con, �sales: Madarine ]_ Peenzol, 196 Y Ko• S. term temp,:must have 6 coinponent dktribdor based mother of 2-Call1� 905- door frost free, deluce stpve, ,stocked!) All tedr4om;suites, sidared). collections of cry! 1 a-4587 ext. 9496:_ VGR ?� ' . . °f' moi Drs wotkktg axpari- & in i kariri . 1 - 2 rs ex- 839-7237 matching heavy duty wash�C coffee and end tables, sofa,; sort gquu�antities or s Part time /Sea- $1 ttJ%hOUf MANOARIM RESTAURANT steal iced boots. Fick perience. 1735 Street &dryer75/a8 vriil separat9 lovaseats, etc: are Drilled. to �uMoorcrMt Special 6 Experfancq erfrip through Oshawa areas. #15. Fax 905 420 i� - YOU WQlON6 for quaklY Nso Kenmore' washer used 2 fir. Chad, 4, us out hist Lui tore fo .start-t�vy tequtres hcet sletf. Car an assit, from $7:50 to chikicare? very experienced years 50. Pickering (905) gt••S prices can't be beat LUi- to :Robert M �rork, shits and far required not recessarll Ahle to work Ir $9•00 per br. We will be: inlet PLUMBER , APPRENTICE 2nd childcare provider with, res- . 428 GK'S FURNITURE, 488K�g St , Booed tsRtuired. Call 905- --daytrra• le" pew° viewing at Iroquois Spoils or 3rd mar. Fax resume to sortable. rates, ; nutritious Bowen Antiques- Brooklin, 26 English a (T1USf ` 172 photo 1D tr4m 2prn 5 500 Vwtoria SL _W., 905-427-0963. BED QUEEN BLACK iron ca- W;,Oslawa (WN 4364)866 (905)24. 905)655-8049 or �ppmm meals, outdoor play, crafts Call 2W in Ki Road, Pricker- vin , and Tburs. bet and education. Close to 6a northopedic mattress/box MOVING SALEI Everything (905)242 I'LL LArlUIIIERS in (Kirig!�st of Brock).0 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. station. (905),421-M2., stilly, .packa0atl Cost. $1.200 -must gel bedroom sufte. Liv ` A+ � -.for "ween Sacrrfice $525. Can deibver ingroom- sone, diningroom Markham: - based company. - 416.74117557 tag Fax resume to (905) 641 - is e, etc. Call Anna or Rick - 905-665-2389 natr if fears "sane eadrals= ' Denials. AW.� " t3a uw�r p 12,490- 080: rate ! tock Ret m palm 18ft5ilt'' OC 4 090378 C 1985) rar► IML Non sntow "m m Urim 1-16= FloStnnrnik i ii Ltd eff Nw� genion e, ' T . 1988 :60 # outboard." frf opeodth `rar`eataktb iw tv's! i4 soft o ti o. S903if d88 &t06 81SKMNA .1=11 Mog El 8- 2*t,rr.n �ae Si eAVRt ell 905 P f�UPIE 721-2232.. 1188,"DOBBE "L AM fA 03ff E -area, 9* Mwf"°"ir. = 8 305, 22 aafc preen 2 4L 4 _ WM a io r,i�eaoq 7HU1 9-S .. .. y f F warren 4.. eCuttve 2 bedroom Di level WhY.x ty. Ibno, crui9e, arrt4m t Derkm . serrate rtmkttd'tflyoer_ aparb at Pte; Prckeriop. Ce8 ager 7 p.m Cas. 54-000 km, 313,000. lau. J50 Avallabk 905 6198082 Dw IX- AI i Q tfi{NY SFIW RIS( cerrlrtea. 1s ss4 6768. ,now.SA'�1 DAY �-5 �• mow• veaoMr WELLS wu�Nspt 4345. _ Im yr: Rick 728-5374. FOR fM M CLASSSM iiM'10 RUE 19 '