HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_08_13P[GE PUBS. C L ,-])Vt.ER: T.ISER PIGKERING'S C.OM'Mll�tITYEWSPAPE SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 43,400 28 PAGES SUNDAY, AUGUST 13,20W, " OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $51$1 NEWSSTAND e -n -'ban.k )ban 1t ........... u Scoutsy R6Wry is only 1�c I erl star. the. WOW in.., - irhax this year pap "If . BY STEPHEN .. - Staff Writer. Durham robbery .s uad deter q .. f ..1 d-f 1 ayes are examining bank surveil- .19 lance video fallowing 'an armed mhbry in =Pickering --.only the second .heist in the region this 6111E 1 A y The �aidup at Canada -Trust, at .fi$3-5110 1794' Liverpool Rn., occurred just . CIS :... .683'0707 before closing time at. 8 p.m. ' .683-5 17 Wednesday. D orha Regions Police said a . No#Its . .6�3-30Q5 -quman -ea>+ g . p..idc garbage Y y _ { y. bag and brandishing a small hand- ._-$2-$ get entered the branch, walked _ E"R... St81tt'.itQ1181Q -# straight tri a teller'and demanded =.: bAMM He tltr€�atened lie hatl a-bomb in .t the bag and was liven a, bundle of FAX - bilis below . .sodih toward Hwy 401. The' wail of cash eon- _- tainean exploding. dye pac1r, d RF3N PIE77�DNIROfNews Advertiser photo _'The money vould have, been stained by the red dye when. it ex- ploded, so that should be a �t flag (if the money is passed fki a bt . u _4 _ siness), Detective Stan Punkuey 'i` �f t Dern` es flapsfit:rct�ss: qppwg;up uP , eluded a. police ' - one ort t t n ?v non ltu k y l icon payer d e s � c #tidy at the mimes. ' " ` h,, which -included .uniform Viler Leader dui�n _OWarto Stammer _dames �c- mane coverage o, f tie � ac4m girt r� see - float at the art�tetta s t in Ajax cxn Fri- pages 10 and 11 of today'sl�ews Advertiser. See RGiRMY pagea2 _ :. s e., V a } a r enng �CitytaI'11I1 -.. firm's;; may, �. a ''erry hsve offered ganizing the event and to those ,. lbiaratt►an� life on in ; Foundation xved an a volunteer), We have never had who_ -have offered their time to r Pickering titin �reai: wheimi tg_ resp+ se; to a res t such a respanse.r help - -The- City's au Terry Fox call -far help:- The event, a tradition here "it was a calling,'.. said Ms. Run, which was d, 4 of , " "Clearly Ficir ring residents since 1.98$, is, back on 'track Armstrong of her, decision to be t , being cancelled this mus were 'concern this would be. #hanks in large part to Pickering conte involved with the, annual 3 no +rine had stepped f_t vaar l to or=' canwMed," said Kim Smith of t resident Sandra Armstrong whd's r . gan the event, is set4t© go Sun- foundatlra have a list of pr agreed -to take on the task cif or= See PICKERIIVG page 2 tze P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August:13, 2000 Pickering played important role in development of 650 -km trail.- Crombie _. NEWS BRIEFS -. i l ra aro mor s rea es von &s AUG. 13, 2000 B SUSANO'from Gana ue to Nia ara-on-the- NE Y ILl _ CLOCA hires new Staff Writer Lake passing through 37 municipal- ` ICKE G -- City's wa- ities along the way: P RIN The C ty corporate director of -co orate K� ° �q terfront trail will eventually. be part "I Took forward ,to the next 10 �<ty "world's Ww of one of the great won- years,", he said. "People will see one " ders", says the founding chairman of the world's great wonders." " Services " x of the Waterfront Regeneration Heexplains .this .trail, which he The Central Lake Ontario ° Trust (WRT). describes " as urban -eco tourism, Conservation Authority (CLOCA) David Crombie was on hand "should always .be :a work-. in has a new director of corporate Tuesday afternoon to commemorate progress,.. It .s not a hike and, bike services. , T� the fifth anniversary of the begin- trail, that's part of it, but it's about ring of work on the Lake Ontario natural heritage cultural heritage,' ' Dar" White, who has held var- ious positions within the conser- " Waterfront Trail, by unveiling a sign According to Mr. Crombie the vation authority structure over the Y marking the start of the City's por- " WRT "never -had a plan" as to how Years, including general manager of the Nottawasaga and Oton- y tion of the trail at the mouth of the the entire trail would take shape. " abee authorities; is taking on the Rouge River: Rather, each municipality was" en-` position previously held by San- i The former Toronto may told a couraged to develop its own design. " lake "Every its Bra Hanson, who has moved on crowd . gathered at -the near municipality;has own to the Lake Simcoe Region Con- _ Bella Vista Drive that he first came history, that's shown; in the way servation Authority. to Pickering with the idea of Bevel-. they're developing their trails," he "Mr. White brings 23 years of oping a waterfront trail about 10 said. experience in conservation to the years ago. And, Mayor Arthurs reports authority," said CLOCA chairman "(Mayors Wayne (Arthurs) and Pickering's natural and cultural her- Rick Johnson. "We arevery' the councillors of the day grabbed itage will -be evident -in the:City's pleased to welcome him to our the opporturiity," he saki, noting the trail. staff." munieVe helped- theorganize- f"ir waterfrorif has and is being For his part, Mr. White says tion develop the principles the pro- driven Iat a community; level," he's, looking forward to the chat- jectwould, follow. Mayor AArthurs "said, noting the lenge. Pickering was very important. community established the basic "The CLOCA watershed is �In a:sense it was the first (munici- Principles for the project and deter- very unique including 15 water- I�ity) outside of Metro Toronto (to mined thetrad musthave a "high in, sh d , e Oak Ridges Moraine e s th JASON NeWs:Adven er Photo sign on)," Mr Crombie said. "It also tegrity' for the- environment' and and the Lake Iroquois Shoreline, had such -a gorgeous shoreline and that it had to `Yefleetand respect the ° , he said. forward to work- "Iwrn�he David -Crombie (left) chats with" arra--residents and dignitaries _ with almost no access... we have a history, both native and pean • a ing with the authority staff and who turned our this week. to "unveil a° sign making,the start of the special feeling in our hearts about Mayor Arthurs also says the members of the watershed com- Pickering because it was there early community, through the Waterfront City of �Piekering's Portion of the Lake Ontario waterfront trail „ . munities to ensure healthy water . .;pn. Task Force, determined the trail which runs for 650 kilometres from. Niagara-on=the-Luke to Mr,Crombie reports the trail will '.'should "incotporatb the arts and sheds "within CLOCA's junsdtc- . Gananoque. At right is Pickering, Mayor Wayne Arthurs, eventually stretch ,65-0. kilometres have a cultural coinponem, tion." _ =.bit Property tax 6 � ca._ roe ante t " heading your y . "- - Pickering bank hest mfln�yey has red dye on it. I�urha police The final 2000 property tax bills r comb tial, industrial - rr and m utti=res' a tial ,properties R©BBERYfrom page 1 it to stay. in E rias of financial in-°: , unit iR -Durham, Toronto and ", ,ly workig," "he said.. will soon be -issue n d by the City of stitutions, it's file stowesi rxvd` : other Juriseietions" ale the main . `But it`s too sots say(w_hether: K-9 had in behind"the decline. drop in bank"heists is ick Pickering. , ` ` Council approved a' -bylaw officers, the unit and the we've, fife ares }ears"I ve: reaspns the anitom- 1.„ Durham Det. Pinkney Tuesday authorizing the treasw-:. Y force's helicopter., been in the (robbery) unit,” said` Last year in there'were aly, or a new trend, er to issue the taxbills for those Its Durham's first bank: gist Det. Pinkney, _ - 30 bank heists, and in 26 of those , added. property property classes with a due dale since February, putting the region He added' the number of bank the robbery unit made arrests, The suspect }n . Wednesdays -described white, 35 Fdei Det. # , on pace for its lowest robbery rate " robberies has dropped dramatical-` Most bank heists . are commit- heist is as toAcconfing -repeat to a tree- ri�port � iiia decade. ly not only in Durham but across ted by hardcore offenders,. 40 years o€ age, five -feet eight- ` surer GiF"Paterson, t#ie bi will' Det. Pinkney of -the hpldup the Greater Toronto Area -this year. said Det. Pinkney, and many are inches tall, 150: pounds, thin, and ' ratan-aptsroxiYnatefy $17.1 million squad, -however, isn't complaining He believes "aggressive en- now being monitored by police, was wearing a grey, hooded sweat- in . ��rty taxes for the City, about the lack of business: forcement," co-operation among forces' parole" management units. shut, black nylon pants, white ,, Durham, Region" and the :-scWl 'it's definitely, been a ; quiet GTA holdup iquads and the recent `The ROPE (repeat offender running shoes and black mirrored boards: year, which is just how we'd like creation of parole management:, parole enforcement) units are real- sunglasses. Meanwhile, the final intsial- • Pickdlaroan too ' FOS Run ment'of r$sklontial properCy400S is clue by "Wednesday, Sept 27: -W stc - � - e a P Tact�cai ef�c�rrs $rater f P g -Right no... PICKERING m a e 1 ' °� -" g w what i need to do Prckeri �totlle lig " 19 start start delegating," - she said,. - -to " fund -raiser.: adding theimmediate plan is" to'" the end atandeff "f lost my Mother to cancer "generate public interest. Without and two months ago my _father participants there is, no run." A Iwo -hour police standdff, in passed -away of cancer." But; she's confident the event Pickering ..Thursday morning She added, "more recently our, ' willbe a success. ended peacefully: when a de - family dog died of cancer. it just -"So many people, have been a spondent man, threatening to seems to be touching everyone in" , touched by cancer... it definitely; } affirm himself, was -taken into cus- . every -,way. `hits home with me personally," m The Pickering mom, who'`s said., Y Durham Regional Police tae- _she been active.. in- the lfocal Block The foundation reports Picker - supporf officers were sent; to an Atwood Crescent residence at an Parent program over the "years, in g ,has been a tremendous sup- - 10:20 a.m. report a# a says her father, a marathon run- porter of the run and has' raised • �,. ,. v -with kni •manarmed°with a knife: - ner, had, followed the story of " more than $1'70,000 for° cancer A ,police negotiator tried: to' Terry Fox. research over. the! past l��years: coax the man to come out, and "My dad's death was so sud- " Last year alone, aptaiii3a�te=: rY : x �� '245 when he refused, tactical Officers -den," she said, adding "this is ly people participated, refs=:'� gained entry. what my dad would have wanted. ink about $18,000. ;_ sr .:.: The man, who was taken into RNs sort.of a tribute to him...;Ijust A nieeting is Ott hehd for " wx v_custody without- incident, was. felt that's- what I had to do." , those interested ` in lig transporfed : by, ambulance to the Ms. Armstrong reports "the at 7:30 p.m. on Thur�j g I_ = r Ajax and Picker" Health Con- ,F foundation has- been very,. :sup- at the Pickering Ree" riCoit y , : ;: since she decided to'take plex, 186% Valley Farvnlii Pia kering resident Sandra Armstrong has -,taken the lead to ensttr- :#fro, for assn sment;_1)urhaM pig-. : o fid, portion on what she describes as a-�"mom- For moire" information call' ,ing the "Pickering vers'iion o,� the Terry Fox Run is a go in the city- " No charges inlets' laid -in con- on- A `.;olt<t Csil 84# ih 's •� >'*° 1 a.r'a �•- i'.a".."!-.. z = -- ,i t .. s +► i, �•-,I. ti4-� :(�,C a a ..::ay.✓- �.a.� ,r , ., r.v� �-- h,!&i= ' t`.r r.ut .�-w . ;►-r-_a fira�r � r...:s� . �..,�I.ii:'.;+. !q # i -+�-.. , t R „ A'-�5 ♦ ..�a.r � a.s �r !.s f"'i" � iu�Y ! w -fi w- i. Y r #F i# R�-!# l! •. w mit ..„ 3c w .r i.'ts-wow t. ,.: v, w,e i.ikat 4 # ,r "iq')F�edt +Sl+e1e ilsR�R7sR rT .S �_ MSyi�.N!f +� k 1�i yE�R�1 t+R�3 w 4 b ���11` �!� �1Ry-11#w i.. 7c.� � w s lk F R �y7F?Mv� a,1Ff !' ! 1f'E_'f: t �,! �'�yt � #` t"�, UND R,TH ENfir v. AN m _ FARA ii g� XK c 321a SIZE SvFti EiE^- SIT By r a;, SLEEP BY h ' T Spring l�lc 0A 4�6 lima 400 W 'tee! -- t FiNI ' . � � r MAHOGANYSH ,y . A i � t _ v • E`0'! 0d,..s yi C s . iGet: ®R- hl g,..•«.�.s..t.->„a.:-„-.,v.�,—:.� ».:.a....s.a�._...x..�,.�,.i.w,..a....:ue:.....v+�m+� �......�.�..a.-.._.+.,-�...-..®..:-.,...y :. Z Y y _ e .1i s it �� 4 7 PIECE DININGOM'SET 0 ._-,� 05 POR MODELS..K-Irki-To'k. r yonAILER i i s P9 -E S.N1'A,C."R UCH ff iS ,'SAU44 hoNJ R�� IL a W. oe CAC ON SELECTED FURNITURE NOT ON ADVE411SED iILMS. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. THESE OFFERS NOT AVAIL -ABLE 0N PREVIOUS PURCHASES. �► ,._'� '°` NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 13, 2000 PAGE 5 A/P Lac xs.ttei-Irs vo, ab- __Jncon out gimes s o ratsys g s with inspectors could result in problems, say Ajax and Pickering managers B1�MIKE RUTA inspections near;�lhe entrance. That concern was also raised Texas Burger Drive -inn in Ajax, want to correct it overnight:' Sluff Writer "I think it's good idea,'.' said by 'Joanne Martins, co-owner of said "its not a bad idea" to past a Mr. S.arvinis said restaurants, Posting ad#eatery's cleanliness Jejfbelane-y, a owner of Bakery , Casa Verde Ristorante on- Old restaurant's rating in the window. no matter where they are located, rating for customers• to ; see is a Plus in Pickeng. _ Kingston Road in Ajax.., But -he -questioned if the system should be inspected, fin ed and good idea, sad most : restaurant H_ owever, he said experience "It all .depends on how much could run efficiently when put to closed down if necessary. But the owners. But several `rviewed has taught him that not every in-- experience the inspector has, she the test. Mr. Kokouras wondered system of ,posting. an establish by `i4 ews Advertiser this week spector is the same."Mr. Delaney said. how long the .posted rating -`would meat's cleanliness rating -in the Y wttfd�af the system would be said some inspectors take a quick A veteran inspector has abet- apply, and if there are enough in- window "will confuse people", he fatrwlteri ut into practice. look around, say,, `everything ter understanding ' of how a spectors available to check if a believes, since ,it could change fi*'' City of Toronto recently looks good' and are gone. A few restaurant works,, she said, while business .owner acted quickly on with each inspection. Mr. Sarvi arse - an' inspection' plan > in months later, a different inspector. a rookie may raise a "red flag their concerns. nis said Durham Region .irispec- wWcf e#tu ants, grocery stares may find a page full of problems. where it's' not warranted. Ms. Jimrhy Sarv,inis, owner of Gal-. tors are already doing a good job. an �y 'busiiness serving or just would worry about how ` Martins said she can understand a lantry's Eatery in the Pickering ,. "I 'f"ind they're good," he said. prepaiing;food will have�-to post the actual inspections would take patroLl wanting to know how a =Town'Centre, doesn't favour the They warn you, and if you fix the results of health department place," he said.'. business fared when it was in- posting system. the problem, f ne, if not, they're spected. "I think it's a terrible idea," he afteryou:' LocalPair faces�'u ���rg`S "When I go out I like to know said. "It's -not a fair judgment and Mr, Sarvinis estimated that his ., if,a place is up to par," she said. - ' the City" of .Toronto 'let (their restaurant is inspected every three Police" seized 123.5 grams of Street North. A bag of ,pot, a pager Jim Kokouras, co-owner of problems) get so bad, now they months: r maxij a = alkd arrested two Ajax and $900 cash was seized. res1&hjs after 'stopping a van in Robert Thatcher, 40, of Exeter. �.r Road, is charged with possession of Durham Regional police said "the a controlled substance for the pur- Dodge Caravan was pulled over at pose of trafficking and possession FOR about p,m; Thursday after an off of came proceeds. Lorraine Featly ^•+ in a report .of a .erstone, 35, of Blewitt Crescent, is 4nd# p senger smoking what also charged ,withpossession of a } V the dflicer believed,was a marijuana controlled substance and driving �; _ z •, �. . cigarette vA*-travelling on Bro&. motor vehicle- ,wi. open liquor. ,r.,- A140FA CTURERS GOOFS casffw ically blemished sewing machines a- — • Due. to. an error in colouring on front, Singer Machine Company has just released for sale to " the.public a limited number_ of•new DELUXE HEAVY-DUl Y�FREE ARM, SINGER, ZIG ZAG 16fW MACHINES. No tension adjustment neetpd, and sews on all fabrics: denim, • • canvas, upholstery, nylon, stretch, vinyl, s'Fik, EVEN SEWS ON LEATHERI, No attachments500, r s Thema: Sews ort buttons, satin stitches, • needed for buttonholes (any size), monog am , overcast; dams, appligt Vis, 31 stach functions. Just "set dials and see the. magic happen - without old-#ashioned rains or pinryr These machines are suitable for honk;Hockey+ • ; , profesional or school room n - es sewing 25 ar warranty. Xotir t � with .Previously In- s •� • • priced at 4699. Free . lessons. Terms available we, take ai"ade4ns. lay -A -Way, - MAS31=R�ARD; YISQ, AMEt�ICAN E7fPRESS. l3EBIT CAl1US, CASH. WE ACCEK::: � 'M � 'R #2 PHONE ORpERSx r 32 c hurch OFFER EXPIRES SAT AUG. 19 /00 E FOR SORTS 6 ) 32 clwrc`tt t�`' oN Htc-4"VnC Robes C1 lu11 SIMCOE ST, S.fttw. awn in *AM OSHAWA9Q-433-11411 Ph�` rru�-ars ,.weearxa+�r,r rtvlr-sur ,'hour Family Company - MON. - FRI 9 SAT' 9.- 4 4 n wc0FMW #Q 11ddnTier, ffma2k-ift0-L. KingSfOfA Rosi'%eaw>t LE Ajax _ _ August & 1f 10:00 pm = m Hurry befotte the, 4. fog' a :. Possession -Only Licence -goes up to $60: Walmatt°270 King 1 ston Road August -1410:00 arm - 6:00 pm siert August 18 x. 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm A team of trained individuals will provW a licence application -e Baron,, .ams woodbine Avenue form„ help you with it, and take your photo free of charge. Markham August 15 12:00 pm 6:00 pm_ Please. don"t. king your' 1SI Aug st.-17t 2:00 pm - 8:00 PIM 'v k - e.itifQrmation, assistance or forms: ��' WNFW.Cf.�a� A/R PAGE WNEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 13, 2000 Ed1tw, la- I & NEWS 'ADVERTISER AUG. 13, 2000 • EDITORIAL NEWS. ADVERTISER 0Nw's the. time 0 `pq.sue,_AMeNewspapmmunity ���–._ � . .. ' , Tim Whittaker Publisher re a amalgamation options: % .fft Joanne Bnrghardt • ` ' i '# Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston POlitiClans doing .electoraw, a .disservice 'Managing Editor investigate. aenues by failing to ill c v Bruce Danford Director of The more things , hange, the more found with `amalgamation, and also be- they stay -the same. lieves the town would lose its identity Yom:.; Advertising Fletcher Duncan FI r Retail Advertising That is certain the case when it with an of merger. But the fact IY Y type g ` . # Manager Eddie KokmWejcak comes to :dcahng.-_with the issue of mu- common ground could be found on tran- Classed Advertising nicipal restructuring in Ajax and Picker- sit and hydro shows there are areas ,_ _ Manager ing. where savings can be achieved. Further,doh ; . n WiWms TO their credit, the two sides have no matte, what a road sign says, local " call -arateJAutomotive – ising tlNanager found eornrnon graund.on a :number of residents will continue to Ajax andTO- just .; yrs Pak6ourie issues and word to eliminate du lira- Pickerin horne, they'll send theirAbe P - Y J " DistributionManager tion — the current ne nations fora sin- taxes to,a new location, Consider the t Lillian Hook gle transit service immediately comes to maple wh6 fist` Brooklin as their home O jSce Manager mind as does the merger of hydro ser address, when it is located in Whitby. - E Bart~ Harrison glees This : week `Pickering council en- Composing Manager $eit, audit's . very disappointing but,. dorsed a move by Oshawa -council to when it comes to substantial work on re- hire a consultant to investigate new gov- -- •w,- fornting bur miuuc�pal political b6rders, erttanee options jes a step -we urge all - amatmi ' r is virtuall the -amalg upbaard y ,municipal councils, in Durham to take ' _ - . (905),683-5 .0 _ bare. Three years ago.while on the cant- To date there has been little real investa- paign trail, suecessfut and not-Sts-iuy gation done about the options open' to IJE RSTO EDITOR OR (905) 0 candidates were vutualty Aunatumu's in Durham s muru+crpalnties. And' +despite ... r (905) 683-0707" redictin thus Innen term would be the the lack ofinformatron,;man politi p. g Y Po _ Distribution \ last for Durham's mut_ c.i alities as we have gone ahead and taken a head -in- n jj P D�eitor s Hes speaks in his article of the (905) 683-5117 ` knew them. s the -sand stand on am algamatton. eoil new drug Xenical, which helps General Fax They talked soberly of having 6 take Amalgamation is the most importantto remove fat, but what other (905) 683-7363 the ball on the issue, before the Province issue- to face Durham ima quarter centu- unfair t0- obese things does it remove .from bod- took,it if -from them and imposed its own ry. Our politicians do a disservice to the _ les that will make. people un- � Steve. ouston@ durhamnews.net set of rules. Yet here we are am, only---, electorate if the .do, not investigate all. U,thte,edttor: a$ Y YY health in other ways? If a r- Y Web address three months from -'another election and options andsha0ethose findings-witl3 the . Re: `Never medicine helps rid the son has a completely perfe& =www.durhamnews.net we're no further ahead. public before making any decisions.: body o6inwanted fat,' Aug. 6. actually better -than -average _- Ajax's decision Ito -hold a referendum If Durr 'politicians ,'can't even It amazes me you continue to -yearly physical with their doctor .130 Commercial Ave., on November's electionbaliotjwon'tbe, agree on the starting perir►t bf �e'jour- allow ]it. W. Gifford -Jones to other than being ,overweight, . Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 unfortunately, worth the paper the ques- ney, how can.they expect the electorate write a column for your paper. then should they still be penal- Publications Mail Sales tion is written on. New provincial to form- an all-' rtant_ and'educ educated •Ile is targeting one group of P - � . � g �$ 1� P ized? Why? Because rhes to Y • perhaps `wonderful Agreement Number lations state. at least 50 per cent of eligi- opinion on how they foresee the future people in a very pre}udiced, de- look at us is not a 1332791 c ble voters must turn out for the results to of local governance? grading and discriminatory man- sight. ` = he bung, meaning here's no . hoe iter and in complete violation of The outside is not the mpor- when you consider 3B -per -cwt. tihiout E -Mai! yore~ comments on oris ooh*n constitutional rights. Maybe- :tant part, that'is a vessel we are is SuNtantial for:munic pat election. to stove housfthiv SW some fat people should get to- ppt in to live on earth: The im- The News Advertiser is ' ;Ajax -'1 'Ma ve I?arish raised ►s wf►kh u a friar' / gether and start. a civil `lawsuit portant part ' is the personality- one of the ,Metroland . c;�ottcems about lack of evidence- to trams, Be w+eff-8610s easy 1 - - action against. liirn. Will. his mal- . and the inside, #hese are what Printing, Pubiisliing and .. suppi�rt the oetef hist-savnnrgs Tran be ionsidst+scir publiciadem. practice insurance cover this? make people who they are. Distributing group of _ We try to:; teach our children newspapers. The News •_ ' that everyone is equal- and. we Advertiser is a member ` Sk t0;h e ABC a Issue should- treat' them fairly and of the Ajax & Pickering kindly. We have children who are Board of Trade, Ontario PeTS4na1-attacks Only. PeinforCe eachers' Out -of -touch stance 3n school being teased because; they arenot `normal' -� whirr ex- - Cornmunity-Newspaper Assoc.,Canadiari Cc�m- - actly is the definition of normal? ; . munity NeC Another school year looms for Stu- . to voice my opinion based_ on personal Do you realize the number of Assoc., an Circu- Audit Board and dents in Durham Region and still the obs€rvation, conversations. with other children` .who grow up . without he Os the Ontario Press Coon- t ' debate rages between teachers, the parents and -teachers, news reports I friends because all it takes is one ' The publisher -re - provincial] overnment and parents of ' have read,, or actions -I have witnessed. Steve ` PoPular person teasing. •someone . s erves the rigtclassify school -aged children. These defenders of: the teaching who is different and they grow or refuse any advertise- , In the last three weeks, the News - Houston . ' Profession aren't being at all helpful by up feeling all alone: Many, turn ment. Credit for adver- Advertiser has carried letters from responding to these letter writers with to suicide as teenagers.. Children tisement limited tospace readers regarding this still -sensitive Managing Editor such vitriol. And wWi each new;mis- are not born knowing _what fat, pncc error occupies. r subject. sive I read, it simply reinforces the be- .. short, tall; ugly or Any • of those Certainly, these letter writers must lief I've had for some time now:'Too adjectives mean, adults have to have courage, of their convictions I have consistently, found the poli- * manly teachers, and their union leaders, teach them. to sit down and write a letter. The au- tion taken by so many teachers is sire- are terribly out of touch with the mood I always wondered what sort thorn have been eloquent; their argu- ply convenient, rather than irtstruetive.: and tolerance the paying public has"for. of parents tiuould instit this in ments logical and their opinions valid. I don't need t6 know how a car en­� ' the profession, children, now I know:people What has galled me though, is the gine works, but Ican tell ifit needs set-, Certainly, these teachers have as like Dr. Gifford -Jones, He does: - pedantic and arrogant `response from vice:" I've never sold- merchandise in much right as anybody to write letters : ` not deserve his title because doc- . ,certain educators to these ,correspon- ~try life,. but L can confidently question to, their -community, newspaper. But I -tors are supposed to help. Dr. dents. . theassertions oftlie salesperson trying wishthey would. stick to the issues in Gifford -Jones should not take , Apparently us lesser mortals aren't to sell me that car. I've never been to ; ,tbeir replies, rather than . stick it to - , pride that he his rnakinepeople qualified to speak' to the issue of work= medical school, but I know. when .ni T those who would disagree with their. think. � loads, the withdrawal of extracurricu- children require.medical attention. views., All he is doing is making peo-- EC>A lar activities or the conflict ;between Neither have I ever been a teacher pie angry at his horrible, dis- politicians and teachers unless have " iUn a classroom. But I'll bitterly defend E41WI your co ns on thus opm- criminatory attitude. "'walked a mile in their shoes," - my right to ask questions, J'll feel free kart � S ha » _ c Lori Blundoa -'ar.4-:» _ -f-'.� f -.='1 -.%'iii-. #,f`#'i: s • i._J l -"i•_ #1a N_N +t�-* #-a? f ;P ;_M_t �iM :Y orf i <1.1�sy''Fi'`ili''R?I•'`'a4 L.:.- 7s NEWS ADYERT1SER,'SUNDAY EDITION, August 13, 2000 PAGE 7 AIP- Durham UP to s " ....., ,. _,. on provincial .. �:. = .. t .-regulation, _ waeS „yf ��- fr Ontario action plan sets tough new treatment re+quirenents BY SUSAN o'NEILL However, .,Mr. Moturn , Staff Writer cautions staff will 'have to Many of -the -require- wade :through the regula-: a ments announced under . tions 'in more depth before the Province's Operation assessing any potential,im" G Clean Water initiative this plications : on staffing or r. week are already being, the ` financial resources met here, Durham, Region needed to address the new staff report. requirements. Although the :Region is l'icicering Councillor ,Y Awaiting more details from --and Durham works coin-- the governmentregarding mittee chairman ;. Rick „ its new drinking water reg- Johnson agreed'the Region " ulations, Ron • Motum, su-. - is in j`pretty good shape' . Pervisor. technical sup- regarding -the new'. ula- .of port for Durham's works tion but he,warns posients department, says, "A lot of could sec an increase in these things we're already . their water rates if the Re= doing" gion is requiredto hire an a _ Unveiled Tuesday-, the outside consultant to, test new regulations set out re- water samples here.. quirernetts for frequent The- Region currently testing ofi water samples at does its own testing, ihe; the 630, municipal water, noted, adding - "ICcould- plants across Ontaiio.�: cost us around $400,000 to- The government's ae- hire. independent consul= tion plan to improve water tants," which-fie estimates . quality also calls Io r, strin- . would translate into "a. gent treatment require- two-per-cent increase- tip. -` JASON LIEBRG7S/News Advertiser photo meats for • '-all drinking water rates:' , t - water, far -large water- He also Lays the Region . t works to.issue quarterly rlikely won't, qualify for ` 'e- er s l ioc b ports on -water quality to any of-the capital Efunding the publie .for the immedi= available to upgrade.water- " ate reporting'- o€ Ctrlsa€e treatment plants. Dave Speed provides the perfect restcng spot for chtl- . t a soak up some sunshine and catch 40 winks. Warmer, drinking water to the gDv- "We-don't expect. to get dren Dannna ons! Ryan whale the three were out spend- drier weather :in recent weeks has .brought out more. ernment and for accredited any money from, it, heing some leisure time at Petticoat Creek Conservation Durham= Region residents ---to the popular, summer laboratories to ;`complete _ said. "We think-it"s' just to Area in Rfckerizt�. The trio took a-break from. the pool recreation area. micro-biological and correct deficiencies and-we ;^ chemical testing. don't have those, in. our:' - "This .new- regulation system." establishes tougher drink- Meanwhile the govern- - ing water standards and merit is also beginning esting policies -that ,reflect the consultations on testing- w _ most current expertase and and reporting requirements `drinking -for procedures.small waterworks, such, procedures in water protection;' Envi- as groundwater welts andO , -OAP ronment Minister - Dan eotnmunal systems. ` g Newman reported. David Steele, chairman , Mr. Motum said fre- of Pickering_ Ajax Citizens = . quent water samples areal- `Together (PACT) for theO ' s ' NTERESTOA0 ready being taken at water Environment, who recently, supply Plants here, adding took a tour' of the newly- "in cases doing Ajax supply _ T�1LLYEAR 2001. �ELVi�E some. we're ; ,built .water more (testing) -than indi- plant said,' "I'm quite saris- _ : <, : " 10YEAR WARRANTY SINGLE DOUBLE QUEEN sated in -the..(new regula- fled we have .good quality. SUPIRON BED SET SET SET tions):' water here.„. $197 $253 $318 He also noted the- Re- "It}s a good-water treat- MATTRESS MATTRESS MATTRESS: _gion already reports "all of mint plant. It's well-built:'-: -.$109 $142 _ . $175 our; results” to the Ministry _ : The ' Pickering resident `" SCROLL QUILT of the Environment and ,tided he-believes Regional - "goo 15 YEAR --WARRANTY says information' on water staff, are doin a ob y - g g- 1 -the g ode � � n© � With $` Mattress `&19 complete ;/ e� M' NOW " AQ* -U `SINGLE " DOUBLE. QUEEN quality is frequently pro in- turning lake water- vided -to members of the into safe drinking water for. blit upon request. Durham residents. Pu p q 6Pti. PINE - BUSMON BEDS 3` P S# N B 1KS DSR O I SET : SET SET $27S $339 $399 MATTRESS MATTRESS MATTRESS ,y,.. 165 $205 $Z55 juxE, S. �1 TEA 71 PRINCESS COMFORTx Extend The Life of Your; 25 YEAR WARRANTY ' Drve Way., _ g� 9 3119:1+1tiW SINGLE DOUBLE QUEEN., SET SET $j;9S GUSfomef Sert►iCB QttBlBnteed. I>c�iite White From Fromm $447 $R3$ :MATfIE$ MATTRESMATTRESS S MATT y6. $349 _ $37$ r - r .. �; �j *'� � H t40 1 N d - f i i^ei►©)" l"i('r,r�.S° a �65p WT ReaisW solveints • Appsarwo.- S"Wack 1650 Gayly street, Pickering.,Ontano, , MI SWAY SEAT, t A�I'Il Lindtedtln►s ofio� A 25 - _. Ara PAr%F A NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDMON. Auvust 13, 2000 3CNAXDQ; Aught SNEWS MN PAim L A'D I E S' fi E S. P L S I-Z`E A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION; August 13, 2000 .200 ' . • ' NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDiTf ON, August 13, 2110Q' PAGE 1,4- A- • . _ 20040 OW&0CDP Small junior contingent on the greens at Summer Games Ontario Summer Games' notebook aw b of „a r tetoo �acrosse factory seems to be in fine.workmg order. ... W ony are there several can i- While the, athletes are showcasing BYL�SLUMd. ASTER The l3-year-old, his two brothers dates from the Whitby midget team look- their abilities at the Ontario Summer pig like future Warriors while they vie for Games, there is one volunteer who Staff Writer V and father are taking part in .the the box lacrosse gold at the Ontario Sum- knows a thing or:two about high I& ad�- There's nothing retired about flus men'sfours, she says. "Young m� Games, but local,peeweewhoves and tarrtptayeraare also ming proovm- , bunch of lawn bowlers. - -Close to 20 Steens from across the - people need to see you . can go to a national championship.' concur-, helping oversemen's - rently at the Iroquois Park Sports Centre.' � tournament, has competed province descended'on the greens at Ms. Nicholls says, adding in parts of tCs enough to rnalce Bob Hanna, against fhe worl�s best athletes n �r- t ie Port Perry and Uxbridge lawn bowling clubs Friday as part. of "the the United Kingdom, families and evec�children as young as four yeat5 who's officially on hand as the Ontario national com The 2 tiQ",� ` f edat.the .i 992 Para Barcelona, Spain. The , , Ontario-. Summer Carnes. Pairs, -, ' `ofd bov✓1. � 1he Carries, salivate- when'he dons his . lympic Games in an record, other hat - that of and general Heydon r�iderrt s� a Canadian triples and singles events -are scbed- _, ht this ear's Ontario 5uinrner y Il manager of �e whifby vVarrkiiio .iter A swlrirming ,fc> a 121h:place: .%Sir ks ifie . by Waachrriors " uled to take:place `ail weekend at the Games, the only municipality repro- tub-. Among the wMy players catch .loom breaststroke ewe north: Durham, organizations, and for; a club. like Port Perry, it inarkS the sen d from Ducfiam is Uxbridge. The next, closest club is from ms's a 1D" "' Rkic = ••• Pass'Nwho-was a imous ail-star The roaring oompetttictir on -lake choice after' eadn9-!may to an 8-0-1 Scugog was Marired Friday- by boaters. youngpeop first time in a longtime le = = C urg, where the junior pnogiam record during OSG griaifyutg., *ft snagged-the markangs'basir�y de- have picked up their bowls. =>& floitrshitg with between 25 to 30 Dusty Morisor>, a bantam-a straying"` the course, according site "I-gt ss it has, alwa been - siderodA Islam, 'Cobourg bowler Taiyn illillS, 14 she started bowl- 1�V .` 'says rector Larry Khma. Races were de&wyvd and -_ also m- end rowersto run their =88 using . g Perry ' t4 tie 'ye ago after beuig en- p rrrarl t� the ccOrs. : -....... grandparents m join, 7tstr atst 10 is Hrues :. with a ' nerved _ the ebb but it ust hasss't s '`It's drffeMd many peo- } 46 compe P tag .,, paw ft1001"17w Ontario -grass in h%w rtilerP�wtr; . it," site said Mlle i t In ilia paw* lo. - p7e^do w waiting out bye in die event 1~ri& Tfie-:23�d assigned flapt matei�Wml play h, cireMrs bean women's field hodrey at the Alax.Com- munity Cerrtre beam ' rued to inspit+e y ri bo ylers 1 been`hy means of Pest Peszy l� School's x doubles' Card. Ft est �f rt Hatt is `It S a of strategy. You &n't , used by the corn l�rs ;has "f kind of fire on a horse e�ona% sa�ecliorr, Corm about the- height of the athletic drr #. fut when ii re&fy I.al to y Qt t :art Petry have to great shape," laughsHood, osvliri 'Clsrlx Aaislirm Ni uis, a 15- ear-old Sire. ridcleir never a C�- the Wh�byli&ft - grass on the playing fseld were received comes to - ratxtte afar school, it ji l asn't worked. All of J� .� Y- cne teen, who met Taryh at another, ` renin€rndsbed'irec�arbrttre.rl�rtg'portion from the spoil's R 99 of the Games. Furthermore, tlie-course, duiing Thue s :women`s field Gamma or- the club's 75 to $5 iris are ts�d in the Ontario Lawa gowI a�, tournament earlier this yea, and is for each the 73 rade depends solely ar tl�e father 'tglp-aPed 9aruazer sand Tawetsrf, ser­ adults. Atot "I dcui't I what the attswelC;is g wttli-f t tx�[eun$ m her first Ontario Sum= -ft-or tizativn s 10, 11Q a ; m beast . Games after only two years of are designed so the frost leg goes vlt W d isclor Tom Flood. ir>� the wind, rnaldrsg r� ag dlfliasn Bort; toiowing the dbM of a Tom of of what e � is, Mr,-Aar ` says O1rI3A p Jctstt T hom , play. "Every g m. is different. Some as per• sew, which cut the.gas at 7 am. Mace. Yvonne Mace, Frlday morning, #re men's teems were says. "We'diike young marred Wu- to get involved, too. It's a chance - has men at those numbers, die province are fast and some are slaw" - the largest number of junior 'I find. it phalienging because the Jessica Where Taylor and _Geoff Reher of ft greeted to _ freshly�t inch-ar l ,heli _ples for a husband and wife to be out to- howlers in the country, she says. bowls arc .weighted and you: have: to ' and �Ferguson and long 9� +�► o restsnred- French- ~` dee gether on a ona1 basis. For me .-But nun can, take i aim them a `certain way, adds; Ms.' Y . 8 p- . �.' man's Say carninson h h oval ani Bay carried hopes dig and my, wife, it's like going c�ut,on a ration from -Ryan Baster, Ontario's Williams, who won a silver in the Durliarrs Region. Carnes for the members of the Orhawa date two or three times a week.' curierit�tatite�e 10 the national doubles' event at the Games two Stingers bantam gids' soiloai team. ff 9 '"' � Oshawa's Me�ggee The were erR„inaied from. There.are only 250 juniors regia- championships in Quebec, she says- years ago. SW may be ornrnpedng for fhe On- the Games blowing a ioirgh 2-t loss to t fano Suinrner Games basks It gold at Pidce*4s iGnsmen #'ark • Whein'they're.not la the ^ meds! oEr a cossFf oyer wliefi her father f=r * moaft9 In first OsfraMesr , ° ethe dged , .� } for tare Ste ort is or* of, several lord don by the same 2-1 score . The athletes are well fed at Summer Games pis for fhB Cartier East -*!WW,It was very but 2 ,-,tea �e torr BYJA1VEMcDaNAC1) ittg tiatbeetie file Oshhvt+a Civic Au- :still reeks. of , � Mi; wales.# vVas lord on are;_ are itau- n�rrt- Everyorte.lo equaF,• Wired • AridFas Lozesik, Jessica Newton efiotE - dit _. _ ` r arium Culex. Saturday-night;.: An an_ The athteWs didn t' eat / s6ai � re aw[ pafto.qtM�N t, Tori/B.ake��rw�i ��y� .0aae liaer� to h freers -�/�.1,4 a+�41!� tl�P�rV CAWOM . - l�ti r: If these was a competition, for they prepared die sit-doti�vn toast beef, m� of the. veggies and as we . ."� : r t-leeiher 1.- B4-lt's "Wong b be ashamed of io ktse shuclaisg cobs of com, Ted Watson's - diisner bion of irragiiois Pa€Ic;ports Centre.: drought so that" aveiit do St, Ym�cept's Witift the of',-­.Kitchen m). They are always: �-��t�m..Duarte two ebb panics by ofre twr.� Moward end. Breot of i fnoin �U Brian MaNdr, . ,team would be dte'overall.: _in of the Ontario Summa 10arnes. " - ' corn where rapists cobs .(Csh were served: so acxxHnimodating in picking It ug:> are playing for ilia Central � Kettyy Dim Legret3 rhe order was fm 4,M cobs and we had, have it delivered.by ? We also watt Some {lam} haat- T Mellq. fm' the l>inger bialys to tlse r►artois Aim1►. _ QNTAR10 SUMMER GAMES �saturaay};' sa�►s Paul Whit who deals exclusively with the at Sinn er 6a In ord 10 help serve the eoors, Icing's SUNDAY SCHEDULE his father's Bctwinaitvwe fermi: "Kiat _ 8i teS hai who". Court ,Catering hstt�d eXira ; pattple �s stn g pr ig at 7 gym. with who in iurri ciOnated thrar s ings td �,: CObS 0 COrn 8A11 Bove SPaRT VENUE IME 10 P 8. y ro - 'That s the IT ' is tfie ,lam ugbng .. _ Trim United: i'�h as $. -tom _ r�e roam+ Ile. "It just seemed that. nick (Ml Soper Cr+eE�c, ammanvile 9 am.- 2 p.m. - deedAayatt e+ led m anon" adds f& Ajax C&Y.wntmily Cert>tre 9 aim.- 3 p.m The 's howc ala fr a - was-` raver-.a Ion of tom. waver Foods i td, � dye cx>n- Du Liam psltawat gam-- 4:3D m. telt `sport wtway i beef; sN wlxtsestafflt� " tract #or: the sasy =. 9 aim.= 4:30 m. (IM) iiret High sclxtol. .: R And trtoretlydn 3,600 atis -'re- ' �g for. large corpo- Itinches. Part of Cara, 1 � � Centre 8 am,=1:3Q pm. tBen up to 22 yews age -gem up ic"Ite at h+ ctrt . wlfiCh tiros Canada's atrline :f=rekl ,y : Iroquois Park, may- 8 am.- , p.m tl ipdua m may:' `NVc®d liar i©iv>ng ' :fig caisctxis, Swiss Clial i»s- (� �(� 8otit Lame ! Pauls 12-0.m.-4 m. m the Ott fay row beef on saf�ay" ►'� �c 1 , sem- _ Field Lacrowr -on is�4! 'I•.+►M+aR� ;. f =niM, a�� HAY MYl1Nl M 11W1 ', /� Lam Bowle 2 r^ Megson, st oval . a#ateThtr ....� iMNMF, }ughtse t _ flCtt-bei mega cater > � °9 O a.m.- 4 u m: oto obvious 01C had vital:-may fad mels � ai>til� i>Ps &dn't t '< 4 s _ T am 1 pm. . Ruby � t0 : lit s , "V e 0 to, use s hit of load pro- tl foal f+�tr 3 R i .l ods fo€ag.t .' Glob : Y i� I►) says `Bevin Aryan, says w hisilk e Kith}s Biu# and Aayait Ai*x` �etiues for afi the," d p -tisk ��: 't. sat: "i# ` viraite - Ostiarva Sice� tub 9 Wim.- 2 pm. °r - t. .- 4 A.m ' Ilowa ivgte: `•l'ed Wa . ) and s we = .fi n six: to nim cal 3opcer l•1a r+errta Fields, Uxbridge- 1fl am.-12 p m. - - Sot�ai' (M) Sunderland - . 10 am.=1.3Q p m, sbn's" farm :e cam . ih the boxed mitt shitckiitg it, dt i v- fwd iE aid same" t the �.} a die school (with to tltexn whea+e dtey "ing dte,ex n of buy Sheer} where - A _ �„ � 9 am.- 4:311 p tri. . .. .. :. ermg it, s kind if s. - _ Tlteie was pletstyT no one were hue- -fty are billeted, hefcxe they gel on 9a T Icor '' m.- 4 Pat. The Anyaiis were pions gry:' thebnses ivg�� ase Esparta} v -" - 'iradc and`F*d Fiekie, Oshawa 9 am.-12 pan, (he Ives `when" h carne to among (kte of the I of file 'n Atlilete'v gm w set,4P at four fl F Dc anon High sdiooi, 9 9 am.-4 p.m. Of * was. ` - u- Iii " C ' i ' sr cols = Sot% b .Mary's Hit i School, pit ring' 9 am: 4 p.m 3�O0 , mnigtYr tea the first "f hey owe thti tit r mid Issue Ife�+ Street, %,eo Aitat:{i and Sinclair Vioiaybai Picketing'High-Schoot 9 am.- 4 Am. csf die . ,they _ 'up as much as they ova" dw says. -- as well-as at RS. McLain in Beam yollaybai Port Perry City Centre 8- a.m 4:30 p.m.` `Haff a fmi of bi er(►.' iQr the welczsii- `The girl . WW-Wasfixing Chir salad vvat and Port Pt'xry High School AIP'- PACE 1$NEWS AVIVERTISER, StMDAY 1110MOK'August 13,;2000 _ $ILLBOAYouth� Acan Step -your fiis awra at... AUG. --13,2000 a - , SUNDAY,AUG. 13 lead'to ajoh f 6r CONCERT IN THE PARK: Bethesda House's 4th;Concert in the ' "Park takes 'from 12 to 8 p.m. at - A• • • . Pekerin D S - place Rotary Park in Bowmanvilie (Queen J : and Temperance streets), Live enter- - tainment, door prizes, a' penny table eenagers ' fntroducing and fun for kids: All proceeds to the facility which - Dr, Alan Krei stem assists abused women.. Phone (905) _ -Action' on the part of (there's a nominal fee for 623-6045, ext. 61 for more informa- - youths could lead to better this): There's also the ' Providing Dentistry tion. employment chances. , chance to prepare a resume, The Youth Centre, in gain interviewing skills and under Anaesthesia TUESDAY, AUG. 15 partnership with the YMCA work together organizing a # New Pat�entS Welcome for Adults- and MUGA: The Ajax -Picketing Sahaja Yoga Meditation group `meets on Youth Employment Ser-cQmmun}ty project, , vices, offers the free pro- ' Everyone..- completing Children _ Tuesdays at 7:30 'p.m. at the main gram `Youth Action', "giv- the program will receive a branch -of, the Ajax Public Library, ing participants a chance to Youth Action certificate, corner of Harwood Ave. AtW -Kings Cres.,` next to .the Town hall. The gain skills -and experience. There's a session from It's for teens -13`to 19 years Aug. 21 to 25, from 1 to 5 daily. free, 1904 - St.�� event is .. free and everyone -is wel- , come to .attend. Phone 416-754- 4912. old living,in Ajax or Picker- p.m. While prior ing - registration is necessary. Participants will learn - .. The Youth Centre is at .. 4,.. . how ' for `develop teamwork 360 Bayly"St. W. (between WEDNESDAY, AUG* 16 and leadetship.skills, learn West Road and Finley _ SINGLE 'PAR>✓NT SUPILTE.The about,employment .skills, Avenue) in Ajax. Ajax -Pickering, chapter of . _the. 'One workplace, safety, comma-, Call 428-1212 for more - _ Parent Families Association _invites pity voluateenng and CPR information or to register.: you to our weekly meeting held at 81 P.M, every. Wednesday: Meetings are - for both custodial and non-custodial NC W>a1tISERMW ' >k AM CIN4 ; -VIE " parents: whether your children are RE two or 42: -W For more information and the meetinglocation, call. 905-837-9674. - ' Beat � Fall SUPER SAVINIGI 'flush °° Ftp, seal' - EUCHRE: The Ladies "Auxiliary of file Royal Vanadian Legion -,Ba- ASave & p �• iun" • pe I FALL 2000 Ridges -Branch 606, 1555 Bayly St -91 0 ° Pickering,_ holds an open euchre at 8 ` �' • t ; 5) p,m. Prizes and refreshments. Every- .one welcome: Phone 683-4650 for more . infor— mation" ;. . Ff Frid.. a :. _ - on ourn#fre aeon 'e.- �rcc ' Trout 11th th (0 11;pgs I r. T - . FABRiC 1469 Just the fax.RY - . 683 7363, PAYSIUBWANDD SE W1N CLUB MEM65 ong HOW INO , -TAXI has it been? _ � ry >� - F � ft purow of aH reglfat fab '2000. FOft,'Drapery & Upt rybj� 20% off - tub save even rnoW Club Members sage F� fabrlciamlt.Sero tulembers �' be equi of theas.T. and PS.' en al MVJ" priced fabric; +Y & upholstery purdwsm in to � S���f X96, for a'It#al dam_#.9596!,-fes' in effad S August 27, ,. 2t&l0 en"�trtse-en�i.-ryx� • "Exckft. 9" & lnds• 10 1111111"WrA OIL CHAIM CESM1- Y STOCK OF NO A DED, WAPA MTYACPPROVED^ "} �'VOUE & j �- L . "ANG Off-SK BUTTERICK BUY ONE-72 -.:` ''fit , -:. PATTERNS _ :.< , ! CifPrice, E =r► �n _ _ 1feamGET 2 ONE S lot r ' I MUSH & FILL • . # SPECIAL inter . j_ o� ExPrREs' is, ease Last CaA cher in e on selected i tocsc mem' unto August.2l 2Q00.: vrt a quantifies fast. . Adm W% ft6%" on _%&ctert-Spdr►g arxf_SuasM merchanfse VAIW n.off pnr� already by 5096r ntar prk',es FtrA dem n -e. `tort icxre red tom. AU safes lir•{ '1#VWE_JMI KEIT Itlilfl�lXDIIf�ROFiiA. 0~7 IMPS A . ;. `■13 sit no In 1h1 coupon'itlg hn this coup, 5-5 King- ston Rd. "YEW -VAXt9 u �o200 e. Ic kering # 839 - NEWS ADVERTISER, ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Augutt,13;2DW PAGE 13 A/P . Picketih t=nout, Jands- _ PICI{ERING -=Local residents are . the beauttfo : kills" states a news re- . ondi plants and photograph existing condi- invited to invited -to get involved and learn more lease>`*U until'no3wthis aggressive in- tions. The program takes place Thurs- about Pickering's wetlands this month vader has had no known natural ene- day, Aug. 17 from 6:30 to 830 p.m. -at i ':_ through two events being hosted by :the Mies. Its rapid grow has displaced Alex Robertson Park, off Sandy Beach Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilita- many of our native aquatic plants, re- Road south of Bayly Street. The tion Project, FBWRP). dueing the diversity and composition of FBWRP is also organizing a night hike The organization is looking for vol- species present" at Alex Robertson Park from 8 to 10 unteers to helpmonitor purple looses- The, FBWRP reports the program PrP P P � m. on Tuesday, Aug. 22. For more in - P• Y g trife and its predator, the galerucella . will provide participants with an oppor= formation or to °register for either pr`o- . beetle, -in the bay area:tunity to take part in an ongoing study of gram ca11420-4660-ext: 2155. - "It. may sound very dramatic, . but purple loosestrife by venturing into the purple loosestrife has truly invaded our field to collect data on>population densi-MkIUMUMNAMHow ... to alleviate . back,fain Saturdays (NO- If you are„suffering from an aching back Babv Back .I Fulli 99.dere.. are two simple things you can do to $7alleviate, the discomfort. Find ;your, most restful Rach 13 1-3469 position, Lie on the floor with your knees bent Win-� 25c all the fline at 907degree angle . and .your calves resting on the seat ',,of 'a .chair. Many people find this . position very comfortable because it reduces we CAN HELP You pressure on your back. ACHIEVE A FRESH START 3 'A, second; thing you can try is. to roll on a Pwfessrionatand ftwaWked Service ” Fr" ConGidendal Consult don tennis ball. This is a ` form of .acupressure treatment. To try this treatment,do the Trustees in Bankruptcy following: Lie on a firm surface .and position Several convenient locations, including: O"WA the tennis ball under,your' k' where you are )" () 728'04 experiencing dis-comfort , Roll onto the ball CA9R16 aWHAve. E. (416) 7504620 slowly, gently using your body weight until the' (near DVP and 401) 255 Morningside Ave. (415) 463.6140 (Meme Malo pain and dis- MARV KAV# r-nmfnrt A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ARVERTISIER SMDAY E0ftN, A1gast 13.2000 L �J E E th 4EED amt o. ion..D tures Over FiveYears ' � - - Old fyou have been wearing the same dental Here Js. a shortlist Of theWhen was the- lasttime you •saw your denturist?- " most harmful Pickering Denture Clinic offers free consultations. Please prosthesis for more' =than -five years without possible effects suffered by wearers of call Andre M r gh, (Denturist) at 905-420-2652, located at having it checked by your denturist, -you are prosthesis more than five years -old: the Loblaws Market 1792 Liverpool Rd., Pickering. running unnecessary risli s. bo many.,people softening of the tissues; believe, that dentures .are good for- 20 - painful, irritated tissues; (Durham Dental years. Nothing could be further from the - more laborious chewing and difficult truth! - digestion; • tr 'headaches, earaches; neck pain and joint/ The removable prosthesis is made of a hard, problems; rigid material. Your face, mouth and jaw, on - saggilig mouth, pointed Chin and the other hand, -changeover the years. Because prematurely old face; it cannot adapt to these changes and because - accelerated. resorption of the bone; " ` Evening-& Saturday Appointments Available artificial teeth wear down with time, a and this is only a artial " "rc P list. � prosthesis cannot do its job effectively for more r Electro surgery White Filling only fi Cosmetic /Bleaching Intra Oral Camera Imaging than about five years. This- reality can have Very few people maintain their prosthesis Preventative Care Ultrd Sonic Sealing devastating consequences that are , often properly. Some even, neglect to remove it for Caps / crowns & Bridges s Free Consultations invisible and imperceptible to the wearer of a the night. Don't take chances with your healthl .. . .,,,.. worn -nut denture:... See your denturist annually. _ : ���r AirAbtasion / No Freczingt A10 DtYI <: Extractions (Wisdom Teeth) Root CanalTreatment ri v Nitrous Oxide cru Gs)Dr. s Visa, Mastercard, -Interact k All Insurance Plans Accepted O P T O M E T R I S T S - Gentle Care for Big Babies o Comprehensive Care for Childten o Dispensing of C ntwt Lenses and Glasses , . • Fes► Eye Care Low Vision Services -Ample Free 11'arking- • Laser Surgery Cc-ManagsnerA 7KI_ L(5 s:4127-4280 427-4144 .. Durimm Dental Centre l►Mfr 8 t+Yn �i . �00°°�!8 rood Ave x , (atxwy 2j.•"am CenMe {Beside Iowa") ou 1 11 0)etter Heap _ a NEM MN EFMSER SUNDAY EDITION, August 13,20001PAGE15 AM -2--000:�, _ Pub ur gest Foot Fora _ ti d C><assi ASH PODI ATRIST:._As a -recreational Even athletes who follow the previous do's Homeopath .THE athlete, how can I keep my feet healthier, so and don'ts rmay experience injuries.; These Now Located that - I can continue my activities without should be treated as soon ' as possible with In South interruption due to injuries? R.-I.C.E. (and we're not talking about the longon >a mark and ", Aiaxi activity- sports The beneficial effects of s p Y grain variety). � ; � AND GENTLE the heart and lungs far outweigh the Rest: the injured area _ ALTERNATIVE possibility of injury. To further increase the Ice: the injured area immediately for 10-20 Now Accepting New Patients odds, in your favour for healthier'artivity and -L minutea every 2-4 hours. Compression: Secure Aonald J. Klein,Call • to minimize the chance of injury, the following the injured :area with a 'six inch elastic do's and'don%'s should be obeyed. bandage. Elevate:- the injured limb above the PodlaB.Sc., YSpecialist Unit 11, 570Westney Ra., Ajax r 831-33se DOS level of the heart. L..L ' _ LAh9ER,.HA1R MMO►VA 1) Do specific flexibility warming up and If pain persists sbeyond 48 hours, seek cooling down exercises. professional help.:However if common sense is � FREE, 2) Stretch surrounding muscles (those not used, and yvu know the limitations of your used primarily for your particular activity) body, healthy activity shonid.be enjoyed by all. Co ����A��O� - to prevent and muscle imbalances._ ' If you Have a question,.. you would like p J Y q . 3) Powder your feet and shoes: This will answered or a . topic � you- -would like Book now for ottr Other Procedures: absorb moisture, reduce friction and please send ': it to. ask the 4°� o„' introductory -Liposuction ,addressed, lessen -he chance- of fungal it. fections ° podiatrist c/o The News Advertiser. ate - Tummy Tucks (athlete's foot). .. - IWOmen.,..Face, = Collagen Injection 4) Wear. cotton or wool socks, not nylon or underarms, Legs, ,Botox . - Bikini polyester;:as natural fabrics breathe -snore readily. Thicker socks also help prevent - Chiropractic can make. p • Etc. _ Facial implants Men...Backs, Facial Peels & blister formation.�% i'h@/ei''i�Ce ;aightsheer laser Clinical n Care 5), Vaseline_and gauze can be used against / �n Your WOi'h% Laser Resu acin tier only F.D.A. _ - LResurfacing " -Breast areas of irritation that develop blisters, approved laser for the cause.of which may be ill-fitting shoes, Dur natural holistic, ' hands on approach has pe�nent hair Augmentation foot imbalances etc. provided relief for. many people just like you. r+entoval" And: More.. 6) Always wear :the right shoe for the right- Many health problems Have their, source in spinal . misahgnme><tts: Call for a spinal screening. 1Yeats all skin types activity, for example never jog in a tennis For an appointment call 1-800-380-5611 . shoe. _ � to . PLASTIC. SURGEOlI111OSHAWA CLMC DON'TS 1) Never "run through pain. Stop ,. andw improve„ DR. M. KARA'ArID. FRCSG _ evaluate the problem and seek medicallow- ]W%V11A&&1J i ' LE ; SCARBOROUGH help. - .. 129 Hing Street. East The Court, Suite .414 2) Don't attempt to do "too much too soon'. (905)6 97-0881 ` ' 2863 EReawre Rd. Build up your level or duration'of activity DR:11A `i IFRANKO . rIN�>ator;> gradually. �ij 3) Never mask the .symptoms of pain with QCkRd. RAL HBA LTH ;; s t SPICKERtN � Z ` Dentures pills or other medications, as -this will lead.,.. - so natut .. to more serious _problems. 4) Don't attempt a 100% workout, under the D AL � n e 1► �i l now you. � following conditions: a) extremes of tern erature or humidity P �A�E - the d '* _ b) after a full meal 1 n e ce. c) if you have a cold or fever d) after returning from an injury or lay off'' 5) Don't partake in your particular activity. Dr. Joanna Madef • Complete care for all ages on consecutive days' for example jogging on alternate days is optimum. Family said Cosmetic DaiEistry' • 0 site dental laboratory _ 145 Kingston Rd. East,.Unit IT • Flexible hours ; o site Costco), k•ax 619-3112 Fax: 619-0564 1F nR. Jos rx A r TIME MISKIl1T DENT>1ST f 1 m S QUALITY GENT LE DENTAL CARE, • for - - ARE IlVi1'ORTANT rrr~ • L ew Soft -touch* h materials 'N C J To YOU ,r,r� =r ` senSit gums Lr TO vE You �Prec�s�on artlal dentures P * Free consultation *Wo referral necessary. WE WELCI3ME NEW PATIENTS We accept p�) Insurance :policies * Braces for adults WE PEOPLE : rs L and children * Evening and Saturday > ; ;mss . fY:� OF ALL AGES r r ,CONSULTATION'00 July, 1992 appointments available Dr.- Christo her T©m 24 HOUR EMERGFI ltCY SERVICE, 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario c o #2) Wait' 'miner, DD. Denture Clinic Orthodontist , , ... � # .:: o PICKERS TOWN CENTRE (LOWER LEVEL) "ringTown Centre, Lower Level 0 �� Td Free 1i461 F <A0' PAGE 16 NEW ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, AUgttst 13, 2000 r 2000 4 HealthADVERTISING FEATUPE:CUD� "All Fit"is just what you've been looking for Do you seek lots of personal workoututside. Amy Remark attention, variety and motivation in BH$IN will be leading this s *Custom Foot Orthotics an exercise program? military style workout, rain -or • Full Veteran's Finally in Ajax, you can find what shine, out of doors for those who Covasge you've been looking foi would like to improve-- athletic. Medicine "All Fit" Vust that. -Owned Owned and performance -- a real challenge._ o • islMle Feet, Corns & d by uise'Walker,' with her . Program: available for juniors also. =d'knowled&ableGet on the -Ball' ._ • •• Cal staff you're , always number one.. :`NEW" - •• +ChOftn'BFoot - Louise believes exercise should be This is the workout for you! Tired 831-FEET(3338) fun, ,educational -and anything but of all that kyeking and screaming in V r boring, She, is a certified fitness a fitness 'class? This workout specialist and has worked in the involves rolling, ' balancing, Durham area for= 15 years. with stretching and fighting gravity on cardiac rehab patients, children and the "Swiss Balt' Wow!! the -general public. ,. Learn how to work-- your All Fit is a fitness facility that can stabilizing muscles and the deeper: accommodate anyone from 8 years to ; layers `of muscles- in a functional 100., The studio ` programs are way. Resistance and weightbearing designed to suit everybody. are crucial -to strengthening muscles ` t Group Personal Training and preventing bone loss. Ball workWHO U "NEWT- '" is safe' and balanced.' There is no Resistance training has been 'jarring of limbs, no tearing -in the- he-named one of the -best forms of • joints. Great for all ages. named-one Fj�1tCk'pAQj j�Eritsu cs...Oxct oedvie gy„ Ski! exercise- for men and women. You Other services available include: RE -PAIRS (I hr) ' Refine$ ' Complete, P 1 Dentures don't'need to hire,.a personal trainer Fitness testing Std DDJjt,�, at "All Fit". There is always . one Massage Therapy • Louise Walter, Owner' and Certified f=itness SOFT DEI�ff=-Lil�i "�f 4A) available to you at no extra cost. Full Holistic Nutrition Specialist, believes exercise Should be fuht: 1,---Cha&WnLStADA instruction is provided at every • . Yoga84 Old lin d. W Kingston educational and anything but boring. -She.. pleK 12N 9 � AX .. session in our fully equipped gym. Cardiae :::. , There, are atso junior. programs Rehabilitation and Prevention has worked in the- Durham area for 15 available.Aquatherapy . ; ,.- years with cardiac.rehab patients, childre>It Boot Camp workout Set a goal. DoWt wait. and the general public. -►tte< hoursa - - IIVEW" Call (905) 6194559: Summer,at !All Fit" means get the -Homeopath - A Safe and Gentle Alternative Today,' many people are looking for homeopathic treatment. A correct remedy natural ways to improve their health., will often` produce an amelioration of. RETIREMENTRESIDENCE. Homeopathy, which and gentle symptoms and'a. general increase in system of :medicine, is one, alternative vitality: - people are turning to. With. this growing How Safe is Homto ? For over twenty ears, we have - ' interest there. -are also commonly asked. Homeopathy is very safe. The remedies are )' Y - questions. This article will answer some very dilute in their preparation.. As,a result eSta611S'lled repUtatiQl2 as the " of those questions: they are less,likely than crude doses to :a What -is 110MR02igT produce an aggravation: finest retirement residence .Botneopathy is,a complete system of Can I Jud nindl? medicine- that treats the whole person by You can treat yourself, but you should not in the Durham Region. - boosting the. body's -=natural healing attempt to treat"serious conditions. If in capacity. It was developed over 200 years doubt seek the .advice of. "a trained ago by Samuel Hahnemann,: a German homeopath.` Conveniently located in doctor. .. - How Dpes it Work? Mark PhUhps is a Classical Homeopath Homeopathy works in a different way who practices evenings at. South Ajax a quiet neighborhood, than conventional medicine. Instead of Chiropractic. #11- 570Westney Rd; Ajax,orchard Villa is just minutes relying on "anti" drugs such as ' Ont LIS 6V5.(905) 683-0066. antidepressants ' or antibi©tics, from the Shopping Centre, the homeopathy, which means `similar to, the suffering", uses remedies that -match the NEW i - EXERCISE STUO Recreation Centre and many ` disease symptoms. When the remedy- emedy_Produces the same symptoms that the Produces person is experiencing the body. is _' F'` other amenities., A BETI'E.R WAS QF, LIFE provoked into throwing them off, This is Hahnemann's basic, principle ofHWY. "Likes Ready Tc Break awty from the norm? call Orchard Villa aa, homeopathic therapeutics, may be ' Am you with. *r exeretse 9ROCK LIVERPOOL x cured,by Likes . What Diseases can Homeopatdv prim' 831-264 1 KINGSTON RD. �� � ©OfirtAN rk f S: _ VALLEY. Homeopathy does "not treat. diseases. p�gl� • �- -- "- g s programs ., FARM RD. Different people may be given,the sante on #w be>It wcricvur askfor Debbie Casquenette }, r u disease label, but the illness does not . agapy dro b necessaril riianifest itself in, the same f -' fetter still p y we wou _ FINCH way. The symptoms may vary from nutritlori counseling „g A prevenfion program love to show yo our home. y - -person to person. Homeopathy treats the symptoms unique to that person. Asa -rem FMM 8 yrs. en 100 yrs. Beginners tom vnnced result each person will likely get a `_different remedy even though the disease W"w Rd. L Aim 619-4M f WHEN ONLY THE R 1 D E S T�� LL DO label is t+� he same. Who Can Ber eifit Froin Homeopathy? Fax b19 -Z509 `•=°�"► "°°°�"- -- - - - - - 1955 VALLEY FAITM ROAD, PICKERIiVG, 41�IT. t1 V 3RG Whether the symptoms- are acute or t��1 t1�YI Wf � Oil t�18 � - chronic, most: people can benefit from r; t_ _ . _ by 1311M A MI A4BER OF TE COMMUNITY LIFECARI FAMILY CARING SINCE:29S9 We'd. Eike .jre J to know more: Come visit us # y®ur kx l riea*, i website t www,9mc ansda.eom or, call us, at 14300AUWQMIW Financing on approved GMAC credit, only for remaining 2000 �evrolet; Oldsmobile vehicles. ©own paynient1trade andfor security deposit may be r ;y �iq payment and cost of borrowing V�eiit nary dependg a� amount borrowre and cbrrt payrrtent/trade. Exarrtple: $10,(>fi0 at 0.g%APR, the ►nonthly. f $ foci mft Cost of borrowing is $184,64. Total obligation is $tt} 84s fifer applies to f regi customersin the Ontario 3f► ng applies to new or demonstrator 2080 models and ® �r Chevrolet Oldsmobile Dealer Marketing-Ass6clalion-area only (Excluding Northwestern t aiario). Dealer trade maybe neces Dp$6is are, free to set individual Limited a -offer A may �i6 �r :�irC#h= r o#1 ._ -your t�eaier #or conti�iorts defa�s. *0 �i°!o P>~rrchase Financing does not spply to: s4, . l P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVIF&ISER, SUNDAY EDMON, Aught -13,3000 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, AugLat 13, 2000 PAGE 214W., PAGE 22 -'SHE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, Actgw*43,1000 Visit Us On the Internet: www.dwhamnews:net To Place Your Ad Call THE UI€BRIiDGE T="= AJax P><c11cEExuvc NEw� Ai1,vE1 =MER Ajtar.> Pickering News Advertiser: 6 8 3-070 7 rlxbridge:$,5—� 7 ssllpiI ' _ -Port Perry: 9 8 5-2 513. Web Si#e: WWW.durhamnews.net %.moElseOne" 'B&ne fr9M your w� LEA RNCEAITRES® CERTIFIED TEACHERS Join of our team f conn orals :.:. _. ..w . w. k enjoy making a real difference. cYNe • Full and part time positions available eerx a: ., x x y n r • irlemerdart/secondary[:speci l -ea. • Training & professional development t� k < "`. Tran NOW fora career._. _ ! < .g • arse nt ; , , y supple eduon , -Resumes to: '1105 Finch Ave ., �. xr< x 1= d ;. . rn V 1 4 1 Pic i g,11 J7 or Fax 2U-817 .. with o nl •Accoun a*llAdmunstrator Y CAD OPERATQRS Business Oration aUfficeAssistantAM • o Web Developer (lmmerce) :< �1" a e"li>rIi17 �Ilili� WORK C LOSE TO 1fow, Architectural Firm located' in Pickering ;. ` • Web Designer (E -Commerce),. ' `� • • Commatmt & Soaai �errice Worker y _ =' . _ Tf1ifUj Vlte, tlT k res'undentS� On(i t IOSE Se eCfed'f ?i Tt' list have triiirimum 5 ears Canadian y _ architectural experience in Commercial ' N •Personal Support Worker �, • InteMew will be contacted. No telephone cabs, ' please. ; & lndustrtal building types:, :: wtheticst • AdminisIt ti Assistant we are an equal oppmWnityem�ployer RoA Architect irtc ._ • Law Berk= fax. --905426-4651 . . Medical Office Assistant a Now + Dental :Chamide Assistant •'vrl, & Tourism • Police Foundation The twin Reyionaf police Service is currently seekingvvt-jvv. ri ti rha mc on. ca/pa rt -time a -highly motivated, confident individual for the following ®'s iunn ;�„.. Tin ng Qui! r • ■ Assistant A1T�n�n�li�L,�%(�Continuous , Learn' has only a few weekends left fora School of Business �Ifjf A%uran&' x/Syst=s Ana�is Gll'WP the M2 mototcycle�cense course. Sanctioned b" .the" 'T HemY li1WUaBetbwL�fie The successful 60 didate will be responsible for providing of rr this course offers eacceltent mo - Muustry , cycle driver training. Testing:for the M2 level of license OPP—f)s1�uKr Campus Pickering Cerus ' ' administrative support to members ¢f the Quality Assurance -creating is included in the course: -dot - , e Oshawa Centre 1450I�ingstotitt . - Unit by and;, maintaining databases, faaliiating For t0ore - 419 King St. W. Pickering effective communkadons ' with internaland external call 1-888827-1191 or 721-3052 (905).723-1163 (905) 420-1344 stakeholders and managing research and archived library materials. .. k w µ Qualifications will include Grade 12 plus two (2) years of further studies or equivalent as well as related experience; LkOy " ersky Crnve at t>urhsm three (3) to five (5) years in a busy office environment The pRO�J�1i SiJPiiknowledge successful, candidate will possess -an above average of Ulfindows ss and Office 2000 softwares with b montb 'COiiiti'ict Good experience in managing people in a enhanced, skills in the use of Access, word.>bccel.- and..a manufacturing environment: As a natural and proven working knowledge of PowerPoint and Outlook Candle# s i"d Qr team builder, you will have excellent com nunipaltion, wile.possess the ability: to create applications using. liTMl problem -'solving and organizational slallsYou�possess -Programming have a familiarity with Adobe Acrobat; and a strong ability to lead people to superior results. will be competent wt�ttt, Netscape applicattorts. Must possess In addition to preparing and processing the Horn Plastics Inc.weekly, strong ate, organizalxlnal, problem-SOhling Oral olid A is o'recognized payroll of up to 300 employees, /*�p i��1il`` written communication .Skills, With the ability t0 Copt' wittl you will also be res or0ble for maintainin leader in the Y P g files, • Through this entry level position, yaU vvi#11 be playing a rapid priorities project impletion deadlines.. employee coordinating and custom injection � administering benefits, WSIB and, other • key role as part of our paint fine team. Ori a rotating Interested candidates must submit r resume 140 LATER nm AUGusir is, 2000 to: moulding and .. claims, and handing confidential human assemblies information shift, you will be trained in different areas of our manufacturing prgcess. FIIJMAN RESOURCES, - Durham Regional Police Service, ' % Paula Anderson, Human Resources Unit, . resources related and requests. �y dwsipess in .� ' You,will also maintain'training records and Whitby. complete a variety of reports.To meet the demands of this role,you must have a Human FalntPlas Inc. 77 Centre St Iii.; Oshawa, ON t -1'G 467. E=mad: rewiting@police durFiam.on.c� Resources college diploma and one to four years. of payroll related experience. Computer,#iteracy end exceptronal communication and 650 F n1e Ave x, ON L1 S 6N 1 y V"e we appred*e aff a abo we retenre, we advise dtiat only under be-cor>tattsed. f+lo tune organizational skills are essential. Fax: (90s) 685-w30 caudates corwderetion wil cad, pease. m dre , emPM)�er. Please send your, resume, in confidence, to: Bruce Watson,#Aumatt Onlyrhose[ondidgteswho irfywillbemrrioded = No calls, _. Resources, Horn Plastics Inc., 4 .Gannon Court, Whitby, Ontario LINSYR. Fax: (905) 430-1605 Email: phone pleasel h orn titS.Corn: 1Ne thank.oll who apply, Ply, but only those wider ,CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL, consideration win be contacted. No phone calls please. QUALITY TECHNICIAN MILLWRIGHT Ajax automotive parts manufacttuing plant Ajax automotive parts- irtani faeturing; plant II©m N s�'tcs Ines - requires a Quality Technician to; requires a Certified Industrial Millwright Shop floor auditing and monitoring of quality data a Must be ceiti,fieCf + Gage Control _system a Experience with'PLCBUSINESS • Daily monitoring of customer electronic data • Able to "troubleshoot hydraulic pneumatic wDEVELOPMENT systems - presses _PROGRAM • Assisting with Pl*AP_Rreparation & APQP process;' Electrical expt'rience an asset 0TO Successful candidate- will_ be' a' motivated;indi- g experience an asset victual with post .secondary training in quality If syou ulttnt the freedom of self you: assurance or :equivalent - experience. Experience: fiend resume with. rover , letter outlining $ * `have:little or no a 'encem running a business with QS�Q a.defin>lite asset. Send resume With crave letter outlining expectations to: ET COl14POSITES ` * don`t have a lot ofxmo a to invest y S g J INC. * are trying todecide if (or your expectations to: Attn: Heiman. Resources ' business idea) makes sense to you JET C0106 TES INC. Fax (905) 427-8420 or. * need to develop a business plan or financial statement Attn: Humatn Resources Fax (908) 4Z?- 2Q j� aurin+ jetcamp.com '> "want to find out "more about srnaIl business basics... or E-mail-:hlaurin@jetcomp.coln au 905-428-2749,- AIAX NEWS ADVERTISER 7pF6t3t6Litre: 4151798.7259 "dI­- This-- thet poson WN kw" recxtaiting, find per5ortnel for ddtnonstrahng in -stoma a6erfltsiv programs. r Mvwa..fin ikude crt•orriinating the cam- per► of want atbcl s0,6 4 ft at r to+btsld ►AMMOW ment.Art ideal raMdida� � a ieawtpr ua� Fait Time Bort Pizza MA location is accepting � for 1D AZ Drivers for . to - Automotive Work for, the ollovong postttorts to W Tito Ne1Nis work` with a full restaurant menu Pickering area Rs�e�y; Wf%.. ew t OE�IUry res We bwe,*xroate openings for otr�oN, self wAkated irtdiv duals vkh exc decd comM urka-oWO APA You termor u wwwe�ar�ree t10RtQt�O�M-�Qfe_prQrIl0U0rKiMretaN (2f1-24 hotro e> and YY@ekends M you are d IF1; ext# apptxMutit A1'FENt1pM - 4. *to wog Posh• M may '• °1� piaa�e caN orr I restarldAutkey Alexartd�tel is looking for reliable to insert and in a fast -pawl environment. • ExceIIent egwpment_ o 'd6livet td I�y ©or to dw Must be atragable bei Sepemb�er • $14 _ $15 per hour e tiVednesday, Friday aipd. 11t Saturday m tt>e i'. arm SSRYE,f3$ =s77�o-ss7o or - O'DeliYerles must Wcompleted 6*% Rm• WNIMUM 2YEARS EXPE"NCE 1: Fat tot 05) 420-s�7o ive a vehicle. • For mote iM- otmaation ` call Q -683- 1MCI17 COOKS LOOKIII&FOR ORK? - Must BE MATU ANDAI" to IM ARE LOOKING .I (M YOUI W"eakSMFTS pnferg3tiase.QtiEd .� >~ y Services is WORK DAY & WE NIGMT t . ecu m#y see art end- - [ll�npower; is recto Viral labourers CM & ro� Pose kx resume to: to work in Dud= Region. Must be OWL �o work full time within our treaixr�►t 905-O6fi-4030 willing to work- for 40 between Yt V* residence _ ar :-Iatency a&esi $7.5Q -$i. ir, wor shifts, ifklYe-$at* CYC_ diptoma requued boots and have reliable transportation. ex ence and com ufier skills IM - -1 P P - . - Please call Vump b fid FM -41W -Mi 41 --Mi This pito7�S Or �73Z. i'iEws-M�►RirETiNG cAFa pos paj $13.45- pex I=. and in ,loin a winning team. lanced -sock -fOr.. dudes a cotnprehc ve bezrefit package. Subway Sams, StbuffviNe, has` . tvAiVAIiA not tt Pl1 1 -ease mail resiunes to k News ytaosdan an for Aft Assint MlIr1898t , as so! auA ttiw,bswa, t11ti. - , `piX d� S4rn-4pm tt:=1$ siti4 es $as tee €la3i 4��'f73 'F . x - r .. t= - �F.- 4" •y , :S .. �) I h ;=t ,t -t t,:. �A � RTISER__ NEWSPAPER REPORTER REQWRE© = The Northumberland News, a division of Metroland Printing, Publishing. and Dis- tr)buting, requires an energetic reporter to fill a permanent, part-time' position of 28 hours per week. The successful candidate will have post- secondary education in journalism and the ability to deliver fresh, crisp, readable copy while 'working to deadline. This a general assigrtrnerd beat. regLfldng some vening and weekend work: Experience in copy editing and "QuarkXpress woyld be an asset. The Northumberland News is r a com- munity newspaper publishing twice weekly, covering Cobourg, Port Hop and surrounding areas. resumes can be directed to: Judi Bobbitt, Mariaging-Editor Clarington This Week 62, King St West Bowmanville, ON LA C 3K9 email: judi.bobbittOdurhamtteews:net or fax: (905) 623-6161 Sklar umfture Corporation, a leader in North 1lmerican stationary upholstered residential tire has immediate openings for the following UPHOLSTERER MER9ASEWERS' Sklar offers, competitive wages with productivity txHltrses and an excellent Benefit Pottage. Please forward (cations or resumes to the attention of our an Resources Department. Fax: 90S�EiMI33 E Mail: ops hr@sWaN*Wercom Mail: Sklar t�eppler Furniture Corporation 617 Vitoria St. E. t1Whiy, ON IgOUTHF01IL C AGGREGATES INC. Higbway Maintenance Division Requires: T.iCMED TRUCK MECHANIC ` Full time Position _ Benefit Package Winter Maintenance experience an, asset Fax resume to:, 613-%6-9335 or Call 1-8W900-3675, ask for Doug Mill We've 'got great things in store fol' yon! Attention:. NOW HHMG.FVLL TIME STOREFRONT PERSONNEL Shifts available Mon. - Sun. Also if you are looking to work a couple of'hours per day in early morning-er-late mori ing/early' afternoon we"have very flexible" shifts for you , Apply in person or fax resume to: 1750 Bayly St. W. Pickering (905)428-0883, Fax (905) 428-2216 "'An employer you can cotmton" 7 IAM PMSONML Is Expanding "8�idlY and has linmediate Openings for • '5 SI'1urd 25 AZ DfIVWS For Local Durham Contrnct Call Wayne (905) 665 -TEAM' or :(416) 8054326 BODY SHOP APPRAISER/MANAGER ' Required for _Roy Nichols Motors, Prefer GM Experience with Mitchell Image System. Phone -Doreen Kemp (905) 436.2= �iForoea Cro 48 to 45 years Of ago Be a part of our blood level studies and we will: offer you`remmmartion up to $2,87S, upon completion. Pharma Medica Research Inc. requires healthy male non-smokers to participate in clinical-stuches._You will be required to stay at the clinic for two overnights on two to three occasions plus return visits to the clinic. if you can spare one day a week and your weekends are free, we invite you to be a part of a series of studies. Please- call: WAmft iridav 8 am - 9 put , Saturday &'Sunday" p ant - 3 Pmt If are 18 to 45 years of age and want Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.nlet = ®_ ofRar ttej► � t .. otl�e weip -VnwLL' l.rrfiArity a nftm --i" Exciting new beauty salon opening in Oshawa & Ape. If you are an eXpenenced hairstylist and are looking for a full-time or pert -time position, this is the opportunity for you.. No Clientele required. Great wages, commission, incentives and benefits. Call toll free 1-800-618-9684 or(416)431-9084 TELEMARKETING Appointment Setters Required Immediately Full -Time; Part-time & Evenings No Selling *Hourly wagelus Bonus Call ondav or interview (905)426-1322 r requires Full time EXPERIENCED COOK Please send resume to THE BRAEMAR . 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ont: L1C 2Z2 To work in a fast paced environment. AM, A(R, Payroll, customer service, generatoffice duties - A strong accounting background, required. Experience in Simply Accounting 6.9, Microsoft Word, -Access, Excel required. Reply to; Mrs. Lyon Pro Office Service 830 Prock Rd. S. Pickering, L1 W 1x8, Fax:(905W9-5724,1 ; Call 905-835-2594 State Salary Expectations 130 111773 7 7 1 130 requiredfor Sporting Goods Store. Experience an asset. -Fax resume to: 905-683-2505 or drop off at 32 Church St. S. Ajax 1 General metp 1 General Help . now aoxx ng resumes for Handypersons- required for w pU to see if you qualify, please contact the DEIN Y HELP wAN7'ED rwFtIrm ECE positions. Please local home improvement clinic at: DRIVERS Durham Aircare re- send tm 102 Thickson_ Rd. company. bust be bondable, Must have own, ; trines 7 motived iq- NoM,-VtTHby, Om. LIN "3Rt: neat in appearance, have urn qq vehicle; P/T F/r; diividuals to train for LEADING - CONSTRUCTION ptoolrl to vehicle. n a ; �16w�S��.7SS4 level Rental Equipment Arm.'' Has e Whitby to Pickering entry mgt. lla 7 traintn osrtions. posdion ova ble for a Rental Serwces, 2 3 Michael Blvd a Cash paid daily plus g P Counter Adviser. Knowledge Your free bine papt wee)tnlyht & weekend No exp., training of remit ronsttuox'on eggip- ARTIST/CRAFTS PEnGBK wOrkavailable. Provided. i it- ptetuirred: Piece send needs assistance days: flexi- 11irMrrw.1i11arlpillatdloCi.COfA1 Call N tlfn-4 pm Dtfl Advancement .6 - `12 resume to:. Core Rentals 7 td., bk hours, painting, - wded- 426-5480 mos. $800 bi-weekly 1667 Kingston Rd., P working. metro, shipping, in- :1 salary, ,Bonuses and Om. L1V 1C9 Fax (905)6 83 voicing, send resume to: J. profit sharing" " McCarten. Tttickson Point R 12 Whitby, Ontario. UN 3115 EaTtl s tfEr� ExoL- (90M r10-isoy SITE SIi1tVEV8R R EtsC yin IZ1y tri t f� Q GIST required Immediately. "W WANTED in, busy wood- Evenin S 5-% m - 1 Off HO ke Science is the *Xn7d,a6on, Pharma Medica is the solace. please drop ofl resume . in g p person no later than AugQSt wtxking sihopp. Some experF 23rd to: Wellness Connection. huued. Fax resume to $15/houl CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT 90S, 05 723-3945 - -1 ' . B Whhby Ctd . Of - 360 Bayy St., unit 2. Ajax. WAITRESSES - full TRAVEL 8 TOURfSM traadrtg. 905)509• Gar re wired q lice Seeking a. confident, mar - WANTED time. must 9e 19 or'over. Ex- Next.class begins Sept. 18t(h �emalonal 'resift" of Tiav EnQ�lisle a must -2445 keting-oriented; emhuslastic Individual. Please submit otic dance dub. For more In- formation call (905) 420-2595. el, specialising in ftavet and tourism uairHng Beginning ' In cal 905 il:xt. 2511 resumes personally on Mori-, da , August 1d, between 5:D0 . Piet; Tuesday, Thursday EXPERIENCED EARN HELP - September Evening Classes. Seeking individual with ax To register pfhoate (905) 25 for 6retL or .Rd. 03, Markh. ,, Ira i#4Ae:�s1F*#askstia►tslEss fig or F mornings 73{1900 AM -at iaind Chiropractic penance and leen interest In.: 3919 louses. Monday - Friday 7:30 S R JOBS Associates, 701 Rossland East, '2nd floor. Soudr- a -m: 3 p.m. Salary nommen mAsurS RESTAURANT re- Fax quires full time permanent STUDENTS Ages 12-17 Road east comer of Rossland and surate with experience. resume t0: (905) 655-3701. servers. %* in person to 774 arn Stt$250Mekn Garden. 430-6787 Liverpool Rd Soutlr ke -EXYER1ENCED RELIABLE OTO BUSY SALON RESUMES g• So" Chocolates- LEGAL SECRETARY, real es tate. Bowmafnri8e, experi- OPERATOR. Wanted for grow- _ceased stylist for. Whitby, iry print shop. 5 yrs. expert- guaranteed salarylcommis for rergisteredeharitles Cash paid dally emed. Call Yvotme (905) 426- 6000 or (905) 686-4616. Ode required. Senora ap- - -ion, great working environ okands only. (905) 6551-0138 mm, upgrading, hlrlrg bonus. C.aliToda Wolk Tomorrow '67-�1 EXPANDING .PRACTICE re- POREaIAN AMD UtaWR Po PT also Ottawa and A)ax. Call Cheryl (905)723-7323 must leave message quires FuH rm .Medical Sec- retary. Some experience with sttfMons Available. . We looking for experienced , " Unit TECINNCrAM • fun and time, hourly wade' plus me" office and computers an asset. In wr OnlySL grounds maintenance person- part mi. Candidates must have ' bonus. Experience needed. TE ENEE (Elf RS to Dr. N. 5,tefn, 95 Bayy St to W,Sulte200,Ajax DN.US7lf8. experience, Valid drivers Ii- Vold drivers license. Apply at . cense required. _DZ an asset. Pennzoil, 195 Westney RRitlf S. NEEDED • Hours of work 5-8 pm REAL ESTATE RECEPTIONIST/ Career portu availaw. of 401 Ajax. Call (905x)823 19 0 or fax re • s10 per 110Ur (set rate) SECRETARY; part time -posi- -m local Real Estate office.. some to (9(15)6971548. Starf aAOttit3llGE CORP roqukes immediately. broker to aewlce Some experience preferred .tion Requirements: Experienced In office commander, ex-mQCall their buyers m 1144�fma Peter q� perfumed n Ingla f form,. 60 I=RENCH speaking Pre=school m Assistant required: Stalling rea: a lucrative 905-686-244 m - minimum, willin to NP g work days. evenings and September approxomaiey 7 commission careert Reply hours per day. Pickering/Ajax Fax area: Call (905)509-5005 ext OFFICE FURNITURE Sales Rte, �p FORK LIFT OPERATORS weekends (occasionally). Please on-maH resume: . iealesiate� 108 or lehc ( 1959.. Position Full-time Position for Must be licensed, - and have connect•com �ne calls t Oakaridge Golf Club presently has openings for full, GROCERY CLERK expert- 'a seH-m6tivated sales person. shipping and receiving back- pease and art -time bel onced, fo"me must be wi8 Must have office furniture rix ground. Car an asset:' Apply AECEPTHNNST, excelled tel - in P� .- ing to work some evenings• related experience- Wage at the Oshawa Civic, Ices You must be available to work through the fall (Not suited for students) and weekends. �nho� based nth- experience.' "Ag .: days .or Thursdays from 1 �Q�e manner, multi tine Prosltop help. Basic coniputer,and cash experience an asset Must beexcellat at working with the �ppliwms rned apply. -4ressivety moving forward pm. • 5 p.m. 99 Thornton Rd. W""e got English, general b(hc Kevin (905)655-3105: or business seeking the same. S. Oshawa. Staff Plus. officedunes, in Scarborough. _ Pu (905)439-4319, Peterborough Location. Send Please lax resume to 416 Email or fax you resume to: Attention: JuliSmith juli@oakridgegolfoa_litre corn. reser : Dave's at Work Of- LIGHT INDUSTRUtt. long- '291-0045. HAIRDRESSER High 'energy, lice 14niture 700 Clonsilla term- temp, must, have 6 RECEPTIOINSTXUSTOMER Photic -Operator -assisting customers on the h"rre and entering reservations -into the booking trend setting salon _seeking ,: Ave. Peterborough, ON K9J months working, experience 8 Service Re required for 6 System. & P 1' Hairstylist with or without 5Y2 Fax 705 745-1476 safety steehtoed boots. Pick- er ( ) momtt-maternity leave. Posi- Com terand oce experience an asset but not essential. ; clientele. Excellent salary and etng through Oshawa areas. tion available immediately. ph commissions. frietMy, fun to, 08NAWWS A M transition- Car an asset: From. $7.50 to Submit resume 'to Jim Carr Email or fax your resume to: Attention: Jim Roy gom@oakridgegolfontine eom work in e)iVironment In the al Salon is looking for: Hair- 59;00 pe hL 1111e x * be. litter- iuthers do tkdenwood's 410 Rouge. Serb: Call for: apps- stylist and Apprentice. Utter- vlewkig at The Oshawa` Civhc Raley Ave-, Ajax, Ontario. Fax Send Fax to: (905)985-4157 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Rosario 416-281-2504. Imme- Ing fug -time oppo Catl Aoditotum, Thornton Rd. S., diate position avaifablef Miguel at 906 72Ct after Oshawa, Tues. and Shuns: 1 Jobs619.9829: erpaH: WALKERS 9leave. message. p:m., 5 p.m: Jotis®uwood.nom Attention Youth! ., - uuxERS EO for sun" soles .fob Connectwork. Cable TV experience PAINTERS, VANTER mind- THE BALD MONKEY -: 394 1 ' would be preferred. Immediate mum 5 years experience Simcoe St South. Oshawa Mob Ago Program: ft1-24 yrs.) merit Call 905-426- must have own transportation requires experienced floor f�Uff18ST 113( t SSaM&siikwm ertsaregDWOM*dk : � for Toronto area. Please tax men. Mutt be confident, pre - i IatSllywAinstaTtwark CarAactOieierMcysich, reswnto(905►430.656fr- senile and, rellabie: Apply In . anioo�ing� ArealAailYrianCeMaiager, :_. HELP WANTED -. t am the person during business ileus owner of a growing srnafi " PICA UP TRUCK i ffim and with resume; IcrsiAess, I, fired to RK nu shop helper required for, ` ilOUfly fdtC + Co + acerous les. Display- Eguipmao Rentall Company at WOaAAN'S FITNESS. rt SPA S A `Ca118dIan Wriess ARL NaLs urs ;800 iweekly tete- our pori• Mustbehiring experienced Nut dtlon ses'lMEW"place reps $710iAN., d r Irkdrub and- a ist, holistlo okaY), Putrsgnal t 'tlsea o QHE swam._, , persms SltNtr 05} 150.: tali stadfer Phase laic re trainers. E M.3S and Body tNf tAtGS wdB b11SK6RS• CASH PAD for your apbrbc. 11= (416) 4011111143"S sume complete with driver's Care Attertdaltt, fax resume to-Ifniffess telemarkeetfrtll, Attend a Market Research abstract to (90) 372-1327. to 905-426.6886. e1 g D ji rORt )IOi66. - group In Toronto 10 rnkt[des to 2- hours max Caen gufar- anteed. Umlmttgdto<hics. Males and females At,.�es GRA G m COTE requlred- Register Now. - CUSTOMER SERVICE (905)639-2126. FACTURER has fuK-time em- ployment available in its 1M- lsAing room' (Samft. spray slatmeg, lacquering) and lis mill roenn (Brie saw. planef, sander). Day and evening shifts avaHalde Fax resume to:. College woodwork (945) 725.2912 orappkr in persmt:at 445 Clarence Blesenthal Dr. Oshawa. BUSY E)(PMDMG courier company needs drivers - Cars. van, top cgmmissioa THEN S A VE gab- (soy) 427 8093 Please subm#t resum to: fs.iooking for, carriers to deliver papers and fty�rs door to t3oor Wed Fri. & Sat. by 6:60 PM.. = OI MARIUTAIIa based tit p mr has trucks; -with work available.- Also "re9dred cotnr-. ler drnrer: 07 own ode -. but we will01` Puce Ixaferred�5477-V%21 1�0�' $IinCE>lEe..c#t:v lV- Oshawa, Ont.:tC>r 44: PBX: �� 2' 53 _ in thein mei hborhoods. om riewtige rtes': Gab (9 Email = indaN4discountt�lr comg tall 905-683 -5117 for 6retL or .Rd. 03, Markh. ,, Ira i#4Ae:�s1F*#askstia►tslEss The idol (11111 le WN lavea prolessronal teisQhoae mauler slid be'.self-fiotivated."Please cal Peter Hal at 905.56 IX& DYNAMIC SAGS HELP wam- ed at Your Good Health, Oshawa Centre. Full -gime and part-titrce positions. Drop off resume to Manager -10am- spin Mon -Fd. JEWELLERY STORE "ft • for individuals for full-bine• and part4ime employment. Retail sales expenen c;q pre- ferred.:'Applicants must be available evenings- and wee- kends. Call Julie (905)420- 2552. $klbd Heb CAMM KWIIM required in Ourbam Region. Fully exped- enced Cabkoet makers . tked onlyHealtf Seneft In - Mase tax resume to: 905-W4714. t i-Fillf iPh iii +Iifi+girNr. Tice AJU-,PJCKEFNM*EW$y ATISERrA1 .l3 2-PAM.90 tvwswl Affilow ­11M 40 *trudq. yxm nester and low aybn ear- Home fur -iiiuS R alwr y :M1� S I86 • . t rAu s1-12th 10-4 rr�" trans sionk= t 1 9a (a2 3 99ailaole CAP r REQ IRFS A' IECHAI+ ; : 1 e Sq"N P1Ck rpin�g -Class !1"or Class E'with owta tbo�s. .03 • Adona Grtup ilospe Worker Must be "expetzert�ed in exhaust, � � , a wlRn-. ; s.re ! � � ear • tpDev*pwft W11ker •IaoasneMtenteoat �Yerlter , s- nsi � and brakes. VIRD teat :waa Tquo,Yc e W R • • tyQU moms #an i33•{3o s4 vdJ :- re is onS E {_. ' calf, seats Y' iaptain WOMMAP - " Iafe SlnDs Wozka Induar c red; miafii$ee SO4" nnew parts cot ton • Crises 1 • Mental Ii�lth Wot ;' t 'new:lues Runs vre 7 ' roe 11rat has turned the >;1200 a Da I)elottat stivlbeiiiori<er o`Native Outreach Worker' Wiluto MuBlei• r Brakeesti"., m 32�0� _ <'Jr-�iil.. £Same �t Cards .•down. E� 18 314 ton, 350 , • Drop-iII( tre • R tiasi;Worker a _' 3, 905xr& i"4 Ro nom►, Ifr . srd HDee� Ida '*-CN -T :. mom Porrdturo.:DonY f -1967 NOLOACNIC GL 4 1 a • I�naIIc7 �W 1 Vderatl8 SCtv�e Worker 1 ir7� t„.Tradldonal: INoodworki� :door. l►u1989 Dodge 100�;YOitt�ll WOrlter •Waffafe& Wakes' 8NIN6EER8 and skirl b s rHestrgpe�d rired immedial* ARI210E fAME8. e. S delor aturn kff S4RiD Errte� 'after CaA3018 auto OOOkms Y5 00 CM pad tet room or' Spider vM /1w i J su swifQl�_ psi Af D � , �j 7576636. r R . E lot- man: 1. - 4 players Mortal Dam KOM utT�m R8 tested. call 905•ti 8-565 - 5 (nq daYcan era k in Comtia i '8peridoh . Aw ' : speed ems E great _- . (4t _ X78 7277 m�-r _ Shop_Ihtp Vkbw .dames. fat► ideaslplar 1992 FtltH} P1CR -UP, OW* %� nou slug home ECS . y $1500 4 � $1000 Steve Os1} "Oa* l$ t,,t l fi$,. tlssptifl artoelknt r�erreiroeg,- four America 1 4 players. .amend ltnn them redo rt tali 4.x4. 314 .tmr. four 14�p ' - • rpootAiwy - 2. l ble -CM T 6081, % phi �? � oaded, e�, V850 coiwcwl s -Also ,x 8' J•N 29,thrortar t0 5 1990 BONNE MLLE good 220000 km, $6500 ob0 oer4 RM> .. $2500 mb.o. -Call:- tied a eul"Ou "le&ted. 14W Pbase ;cab, teary .mora pool - T yr ase+ • stale. M 72045M sop lll�aDsAlael6e, - . Substitute for 9ua9 .(�1 f =i v_ 1 •344 Pit nn9 back- WIN Al fOROAKE ma- COMPUM r TORY ty..,Traditional +Kaoawort<- c of rare in my home MOMMA 1 qtr: rlo irq .115 Willi Port Road (S. /§9t MUSTANG - 4 to ardor 4xA �QMC EAfl1�I r 1/24," 18mos*m, twwoed a" X101. 1hen� (i11C)• �t Ready Rd) Port Psrry. P p4. . . "Cruise. www: U a must: 90, ms. r Cap. :- e r • e ba` resume Afso f.isa' a[ E2q Ldi 9%426-2477. fflorft. bon�Ilwaze anb 905 985 8774..wlVw, j new6aoeNent tpr►d0ial• boys kw wa owner; r e 8391$135 PICKE1g11O hub /Rolls: ' more. free scanner, delivery 70,000km. Cerlifled/emksarn fly-900)) 44� , tsE, Osrr or inner dayaae: 18 . te: era retup• t 6oD15 51;45. Tt1FAMNtt, 2 power mai. zi,aoo. �sosissss+. rdewrrt ,. Pu1ea 2 ltd. Gail bench plus wetphts 1991 WORD A 1999 . iINIMr r erti(ied, Rte p errcad;: . t OAK . DINETTE : itble"oo: Ako EMs walkle prp tri eml _�te 1*111me working > mntio pedes 4 drams $500. Cdl Clam 0.1%. =fi 810' new I@.000 = h . .pm@ramE for >REI1S11R 905 0878 anyti A srnda " Rrd uHmiries last e " d iUd. C.P.R. wiliiel #lob- PRIE LS1Ff ES 9.18 ��; netldf Mast bei wAlin9 fo `12smakhr0 mrd 905428 11SL y N., :Ostlawta .905window air itcw " DE B.Q '-1loMra far weliand JM •GRM1•� " "s• 7,000 rim f0 000 61ir: clean felt 519 01)04 and weeaerds WOW* !D y RM EI AM ENO OF UNE CLEAROUT, $445, 1z, Re- 9054"42 Axe ice. Mattress- �, up 19� Cid #=i 4 t o00rer of 3, w11 lie 25/ .$AFAA r-;,�,w� for 111111 dllllnn 110- S+ v is .. moresa BeThe Great Blue Her is � ` _ �' �17�'ooarm. moxa d .oars .. `",'�'nT . for $apt ` 5 Arbon : trlrri $159. single, double so sp, mcorr mm" � t251 senwp� few poems Ot: owe in snack wi11r fronr11woriV , hom 19 from r11cuyoptndlgoned ; sArdras >fall. s3z0o t9D5)42819�. mon test11d Cad )i 683.9598 '> �;� 1 tlOned'ookl ;.new MO '1993a 00 �1�11s � • BAR SU-Q'ERN,S its • 5�1� +S •►. °a : 8ehrlo. and eYlrors a Iow orlow air tNt ten ae, 9 , brad -rwne iralpm . VU1110 kt., porror _.:�� ` "' h AF7ER an SPR 4for Your %vowegg oo11aiS- llew 30' filaar lsi[aNa; r - c t hR and,lu0rs : tram: "cergled Cal cid ably in ow hors' ' Aoned to $4 frost ,6 m • " . g 22m. da dem pMsca d wy 500- as prsttrrktred fm ,,e, .leidges aaMr .,vdgAh. A. W kir 12 dote �m YIRde s tlon OUgOI a!R- Sht>� ypa be Named in for. >a - rAEBTtiE► NENNRB aiot ' " r11rArtei11aro+ ' ' iN_orha aalar " LEBAORE ' tY.. slodarF kderesued in .�r,p learn 111E $tra11aaoar a Cal as weN Ex= C11r sem, waw tsb6-00 rt1 Ct-fTAK1! apscWl +weAit an, o< Pgat 1MI1 oltda: E " APpknc11t. mairnta ierr� $10506. oll11lxe pbiyidvats rolarerd nosrNldllO •eeeler rMilyr 90 18 Dalai• " Pub - 154 Telepl "(9A6)43 3413. Cal {905]7 rAt18.' - aregodotddaor. atdivi11es, , wl► ,wurDwDi1D - R.DORs ' aft reread badsrud. Nob• Lily (905�i7$-7446 1900 TOYOTA CODA DX; 1911 JEEP UAW fAwm* ng, CPK W,AK relar-,#l61HNM8. Ltrt -NF due a /- ' MOYOta Ate `_ Ar 11 ktt cM yc, cyl 1 111 ish d. 3 dikker (Z toK 1100011, 96;000-excellent condition. 'Trailer 4190. - rribrrR . men's dis-' wed nrairdairred bi * CerlDied. 148 009kin.. . stdra�. Orrva s irCura to f9900. 1992 tMdO• Shadmu, wo0rds. �iin9s., rr0Aeo11 Ad- autama0c a� d- $18.90g490M6554WO 3-lirdraem brrrpdaw. _ " like, Microwave- iom;m. vice- ost lesmd, 210,800111. .- ldeai for Ie woe drA . . imrt. warfare :lam toe inn! Pulow k as m11in�irlstt Sept t. Psfer 4li ¢OB 6187: NAL raw h tc fist BNp Mdsoms o�rlt- 8411 • e F.kctricai �A,�� an Ari _: uwst OotCaO elm; earn �r adurit �•`�"!' . p � t ��. �, oolsc110na of .ay 1909_ 3V hur Moments in; 11119 •iIANO 'i�CNNiGNIIt ,awiNQle C1w �1 Ii4 #trAtr J ityi t/!tl tlt#lp Q . mam"Ment add taw trriA for a 1►tPuh #ak : or single an whoa 11a1ed eMtdoeR, an baa with. p fag mNs 1rMerssleiF id ldart ca0u0t1r ap z al " f10se i�$pow +bleresf h594 tame or raar Aulebt in S `6 ai atr tic ltoonuaR pOgM� i'O try lo le- -ale in TNDODLAND ESSO indin��are lafant mom rock .Paw ` pifboit _ti�6rAd Neiet:- 10 al anerles ROW �Ad ftp dritlrr11n ata eoare• 011 4 D965. Valfift ." MOW 8 _ ate. 111 Ldp ' a tdeu. Druid or raaalo: or 1�3-131'the sucot�ful candidate mast have 2-3 years exper ence in a " "r-h0nx- of 1l""l far Bale, art E 1994 twit FAM MttE Orad. 10 ria• Eli esperiance, i An00�0,' iha� enytr0%Une tt4knd-able to workP.admiles, o isD at:. bei reedit tar fat. - Tae 'or are 9ne 3.9 out 2 with"littk Soused with meals DroviAed, now! Cllsdc-out Ore � steeps 7,.ta0y arsded fNEE RRENfAAO Broken[ rreb at aiwwbarhiti.on or Dada ded4 sfiie� blast 90DI toes and as well as the tio�1 reaAn11m i011'd'� eiood11d ales, 41>� litol- lett at 9061177 7 +t a� 1 ane traler .aelrn'a t P pmdmd Rd. Rhe-" . ad o�0r A*. -F* � w� � � M0 EMYflNE 6 miles elfin o f cif tnponents at fine$ of *wpectiort is required. in saaele rtes TnrsporlaNen _ ;" atiditlarl, this-position oAi w�aisu pMOde support for electrical 1a St wee a it Ar+haRy iii eatyaM .- ewN1 "bt �D9.. flit = F Daakl PIpM ;Cal Corm lsdt 1a school sek 81lt, ti8ll�QtlQt; ager Mille at den 906 426NOf3. ; .� --• eYr1e- t51e 0n al :Ro- i(OZY NEA$ FINOR O bad iXBdit, Candidate Aw-be able" tD joy dose atbentiM. tD quality and fes' iMare asy-. _ ,,ay , ..flee �rld Ra- detail wid wM in a � envi�[otrlment. Fluent in rite. wll .;1e1dr OAdt aweetlo 11 taps Paitr PbNR CRAFT rE tNFT lability, tO.tlse stedtanical and 'rooeb _` mow .Y2K a t!r8 is also aye�swares' bum►. ad ti �k fl1n .eatag� ' , 13-10 43d d G. °�' ar"o°".'wrlr'°". requutputenca t for tMs posnc��tt. first Ail(�R .manuemom, trp5 �NvMlr. pg0 �Oe9 Arens 1�s ! t_t9Jweekrem : free Pidoetalp 80. 905 753224ti (9D5143a t4lt ReaQl." Port Perry. 1M0 ChB. DOWA tri ' 905,1{7-1031. ahfled agpliasrns retest b' r g:*ate of a great secondary ts9si -X112 x9 dkr _� Quali Asarirance progralnror%ss Ve equivalent oDTp e�IsiVe AFFO> E IN MNE end rYraoe 1mpNiY Acid► +11>a 3i0RIleE. TNA for sal ty P+H1T reDRr stn a sir T re}ated work woe itt.ttds field, Abarlcgmtuld let fire elNgd dlyaie. Stagy M i• riWe is11r,„ - g t2pl, a fere Tp� rlaies ,s electrical field would be ca�sidered an asset " _ i a >s�c"taAitWbrrr t0�g'•t 1g nl rnOWN >aa $3oD. Cel ` howl pa sal. Can Atl[eer x,,1655 •Rd,. level : tore f We o6fec extaellent hcau rade of and full benett' efRup 720�t$D utttd .. .- car►dtciates' >n the above p y2 DESK. LIN and meld$- fiv oDdt �telr ad@i rte::: r� � are asked to fax their resaws in cotfidence tin " aids $1r6 GN FAR SALE 1413 AAAINJIOI E $ErT 1tiT. 14- �} fi` 1 "aaR at Ctra11oe Re11iR'- u on sits. A�in1 Hum Rues IIeQartmttt rife prayA a! Va" ofdrIff ieD''"d ° Ria take: 2r,11 heft 10 Vw"" new 2bk 2x3$45 a 6eD °n'lD.:�low 11111110111 Osdew ft-' maimot . s > �iAil3 tanicaY $sirf#1 but only M IMT NOAAE. Hey $mart x11 ing rot ift, Ur we 6 '34 FM � ell las asiicadtvie9v wdt be meted M E E molnar ppp�pp p� off-oft- f4AO.i +rte " pp 806983 erdudes am ` i s -d am awA , to rays for 9 x}104-. hoar dridmn 1$ yrs ct ape• .$1000: 5k5 5 ai1Ar9Pm $ALE KIRAK P�.�- 20 R. a UWX jk t110a Not meek: "t1a ac11vKies 69rilE ' OD1- Atatc _ away: werstieb a00w9ronnd +udabgdat Dao$ lot, body- tt1�d 111. 1tdc11on; etc= _�rVE, $NEED YOUR Fenced yard. ANI s11r: seid11 aP x r nein tN, Day ` >lea+ :. ags Rule cm m R 64 Y 1870 tM0 Mtdsees: adder " 11k is C01d i151b odo 9d5 O a a ti a Tile g and ` edmbgy' C � � � �a , asbd 11$14 lE• � 434 osAQ mp _ � � p400+1 � �_ . Willthjr. is $edeas for "a Modtbr 1 -- 112 lit topenk b ay }aeaAs. Agss /9 "9050AAA11 are aerate" 1"61 1 +It6�99Q�i. eve 906 648- ast3lt rssdaes`-mac bb , in. its repair dr�artiBent A+rfG ss aroalbs and tq-Gi11�n11 a + Krlr Rd lldl.3. � .. #1 131 Sly of Canadas-,au ilxed s 'Lateree0. Pana ci Ksrdars APPt1ANhEi: , fsr atop into cA N 0° ,or te,r in, Faltatl>4 and the onCy _s Ori (906 -6tt99 fisR nes. PDOr� �NMiu R dalr a P Station ` ISy t depot in• .Canada: Wt ell !am ~�` tilM� , TICIEIB � #�T baa Faest td Dnd �+ � Ms Coal 9 ail SlteK ofG�ada Ca>[a Prodsxlf� ml9ler- $Deis b rats for Ile"rr rata. A60 : ` ` iitlAn 1111raMiM �rldn� ° : Aft-;�419D3 eq daaeeA,ftarr g_ &aa�' yol(1p : ai er caMl,. "�'psmr 3 .. LoVv 8s'� on anw for a Cully` train$ � woolY4D1 flea Lar4 ► 1 4 modlpt to CAIl DNI$. from INS PSNWM- edt,' l� of .Sony,lnomtvra-.is a PS 9adbie errors. _ . Sei-uR Good rate of orad'a ec 618- 14 BCOOTMt $. 11dmts dregar .. 1b ' melot ; Sepuviear tltlEd ) _ $ sdL 28000 T", and 0E11_ all f traldrta pod a 11on 8116.4391 ' lease C&il ld$1QritE. yrptr �O f frfr k .2 6 M4i� 19if Aa4# tATHt " 4 MO**- O** kr. new ieddalbai trom11s rind nar►ne M - _or aro eaar as . rebalt 9s11 loxaee00 or mel M t AieMun Rd, Broom.- VO j- lYAosrab 11s 1 of- Lt Lf161C0. VO u'` 264 ata over $1500.arvaw 40 1 w. f i 9 ' : Eli 31)1, a deed films $N100 oAo. CNC fiORNlO ANLL 9PM111- 1IYt$ -engine i 111 t �TY� TtlRB ►eAulre� ...ggr �s WEf�!JL i<li t%iB „ X00 ( 110114% i grrPi 5 s �= itN @P$, ae 'f1[!f$Am ... t9 ►Trdsr alsaNk b0m • V are& � elCiude¢ ` oFwacma benefit ` E1 Uetl as ae� :,nR tau io (905) toots.>equ GaN Mr.HVv Aon Ari Phb metal St De�tat ` sob tragi wrM n nv fit: 6 rrn. s y Y- � wn�t 'etc, t malt. flffioe {0►#h hedod o0oim11s, ex- fDR e>M10 m° , LAIN '; 4V-24i5 or owmw ADAM rk: ria flat $2500.used DenW or 9*259- . be in edi8an c t nix PiCl EMG now l u'`rr x mr : regnir�s •"ed! isr ,gK +etc Ants. o"s �c p� 9 avice LMost . ': FT drflaw te11r A s A =MO tlfreMs,'. 1 1 i 0A1 lo, ilea wim *W". tlud bola =Nei is $i09� �? �!m. " > < - DBIVE 11 G1:1AN f1019/ see eoesetleM capon ` Caab on 911 Ant►-.aobt �ti►" f7 DRi'i+li£ CLIA 1',75$ '11�me s�. �i ori (NO) Dudtsm ta9liia arae 4etlawa i 19D4 a" N, Tahoe min: ss VG no snroldrrg no gds Zak- t 6+E 1735. 996aes 3eeD aai nkrerrceF r�larad AP�1 Pscr:` 419 Ks1g I SIV _Kering L, al �astid 791-0oaz; aaiaeirie idoe906s-' ►a11tenss for-}1� ; ( 48iY-I�Own and AM" Teadrrs , 26 -THE AJAXP1CKER NEWSAVVEFiTW2%At 13, 2f� Visit Us On the Internet www.durhamnews.net rr r "fat "APWtM&ft for, � .. Money tW to LOW. 1 AVOMM. • i Ancl�ona lmprovertmttt¢ i ImInvem n s "-A3799W CT W 4111116 momht ire then own a ♦ MeadMA" 1 � S Pil < . ��! tease tram s6amorm o.a c. �' 879 Til It F .c0404"C# "Aftsi : Q� '�,� FREE uu to $5,tloo cash back to Viny4 Wirxl s `�" !inquire se0 o0ortamiy ate sdunp the M> �nrat�et t� - pDt,ti� Fiur . 1; 2 & 3 Bad: Apts, � and goad > -Short Prater 181 n0 from Torwrtd -BOW of sOrrn paymtem? CA Bill- EVEHY assail �Y�L�i : F�-sti stet tftyar 'nevi, pad, Refttrbishetl `& NOW Roka sates alp. t ! He/ Joel Maserati ti Port r 9i Cadillac Hoetwood an-. All types"oi"lurrlil allf.ti it Max spinel ) Vie°t Oo. i-, WMN YOU NEED CASH tiedroanrt�uite��td alt ,t�stccabinet, statt�. IFrae Esti t81k��4� 2 Appiisinicec-Ail Util. induced. s66-M-tr off. 0 In-house S t, 8s Maint, A A,uIG - Netwir rerrovatta lm We hold your personal cheque til payday t tion, � t�cofi &endks,.corrrPllter mactdate 3 bAi&oom plus -din- NO CREDTf CHECKS! r� f ire f somal ny s eft set. flet sit@ Security irg room, trove to rad, next to .KiLl Large badiyard. rro 1 GA�3•�I Yost rile & chair& 2 Cherry dining room cabinets 3 3 Rental Ofi�: Mon = Fit 12 tion - :. amokert, reffirertees, 4,05 2 love seiit� greets ikd sofa 2 TN$, antique 71, surf pm- us. Kt W,,,'pius deposit- CALL 11tM kcasa, office cital`rs, tool box, chest of•drawers, tea' RET#iEE3 ill tIER ' ember itL Tel wagon hilti n, wefdmg torches router, tinder, oke VA Is' PRt?P'�RTY' 4W7M pr tat 231- w.od pine tools; dishes PW & Pans: Otos X F4R LOW COST HOME t tial Town other articles. Imo: Tir►M S.PM outdoor ,= REPAIRS & REMODEUNG M( AftiAQr�lllt�NT AJAX, BY 1*110�11Ee w -y a bedceieM She of . es b Modem Fumiture:8 Collects P room backspin /2 , veno- BRUT FI ISM and family •MARMW IMAVElr - P4.1. hIBS: -Putt tb AAt1 Tt tfth, Visa, M4 & InW- $Q►V -. ►' � 1 E� 6 vaW, vee room, t3t2 °b_atMs, NNW, Rice Lake. one hour SPOTLESS '$ bedroom -home. ac. Ross McLean Auctioneer •L 6 anti. - av ober ,1st, from. Oshawa. MMwism. onow ,. Main, st I1w ague'. P. E-._ Is- ti�mo. i , first/last, es. Sandy_ beach; playground: Iola 2-4 pc. bathrooms, large McLeBB AeeUBn 6�da6o» Ieternmces. {905) 410 2587. chooren•s program. Low fam- cDuntrry� kitchen, large main -32910f 2283& r r 1 t basement apart- i.tl Reil i quiet entree, dy pdees, July a August oto .favor laundry nn, family rm, 94�-8$D�T � AJAX -Avail s t, -2-bdrM . meat Pnw1t_ a Fab �r area. laundry facilities, walk fo � � � incWsNe evadable. SunnyMeads Cot- lirirpraom, town sewers a very-Spacbus. i67Sin Oshawa -4 mm. tirsUfas!lraf targes:(705)88&2801 , , v�te�. Raaufdrd Irpdrya►d•'PURLlty-ATI TIQ Also, a $ tem+ disbnce'to beas8tul W"TW y. Close to sAoppbrg, bus ro- trances te9�ed• N0 Vets, baxeradA SITS Inclnstve: No LAST muent River. Reduced k Nr+ SrtrelMiglpers. its 1w savors; for A e imme�ate1y , Ca6 it avaH sept. t� for moa smoke: tag omits -educed rates. edar 2 tx� sss:soct owner's to ACcesg Self steruge iotaate�l at Far the &37 8140. crudes # rely. 728 3939; Sutter Group Hero- room ; cxrttw, view sell+.! 1.902-838-4532 a ter 5 age : 905-M. modem modem tactotres� $$ Westa$y Rii,;S iD ija2f DgIiSU!OA1 .�10'W *011111 118rt NA, -sept. 1st. swimming, fishing, boatbtg p'm►:; tsep) - BY OWWA SHOPRINB will be hold ngarrt�a►uction on 201d3Ndmom. 06L Ist.2 Centm"i76lymakh, 6 rooms Friendly family: atmosphtrt wcaBat VVed., .rsCTCi4t�=9 9119. 5� i_$, ,-1V : - Itedtoent dear, family bldfd on first lour of�y�, Fridge S595Jweek. _Cao Now! 1plom and two ap o neve, bht par" tot, dose to 677-2159 The following Waits will be `up for anc[ion: ilt�� . L101& Sports APARTIOENTSif�tuded. MAW, Gin k rented wdh ii.1108; i1BoB , troller ll r lot 0rWnq, and laundry f ilities. In-law apartment for s95� ' i 'no"tny. wbactd trailer tot Unit I�)umber(s) 100 21? i, 3Q 21811, 2190, U� t9!!<rj 723 2f►94. mean Coboorg• +Ndro/waterl 3212, 3240 &-4 10. nue wdca w! mourn ► -n ties. intone - seivets stir o hills. ncxl . to _ - Devon ei 2236 eE �V ady ezf 22IS PiC11ERH18. bright, cies 2 r (9� 7 6 007. Please ,loaye , CLEAMMIt 243 ttedroom county forest, sand beach. tedr�m basement Vast s tie attteY beep _ tiny larmisled .air confit - 9w, mmkrgRiWriryt..call , eta • 11 . SPACE: ment Separate . entrance. WHITBY S BORM. main Roar Uored, mantdactureA homes. 416)431-1555 latutdry; cable, o,d of triplex. CJasti; to, , own, Ctabironse, heateQ pool, trot : 1 ROofgrg Fooling. rear GO/tiled Schools, So, attd park 11tN• tut► Close to be and Camper s wore t cow• -No.oets. ties incl. Avail­krrmedtate)y. attrxuons. children THANKS TO ST. ,RIDE the SACRED HEART M. 1st/tast and references re s975/motth. First last tai time• 6275/weeldy. P110 - &OF JESUS for favors AMBIVed. May the Saaett# uired.: Available Sept. Ist. cher spm(905)430 7257 1 shown Yotn► h lame . seasa s;tNEW FW AINCE �esxE Pmol; hea ft of ,omits be aged, ,glorified, loved and ora-: A Or C ROOFV4Q/�vn!M*ft 1xM fo[dhgr kutirsroe 831 y _ - dock! rec:, hkiL •Alit sOf`ro�and dews king,, sglwed Ja l $i WDrk types veitlloewe `for saki. a!s6- Psoric , Full warranties guarante� weN=mairttakred 2 !renal rtmtts. Phone" mnv Jtit�; bedift - opts. Avail at Son ggr • ��W� ' a� (iosf6ss 3425. vfebsne. d = pray fa' St. Me. helper of � Seniors miscount and 1188 hens St some wntr .611EKUIC 44To _too+ acres ve dctamlantlresort on ca for us. `$t fSl' SICTf, -Fully insured and bonded wadrin closets, perm provith deet 3 bedreo In* ttomd, 2 ,. - co r*66h .area T 615 ed."13os olo ts,schpoi, beffrs ice. IstAast - rs Cm oehawa 2 1/2 iter' play for 116 y tt68 °pralef rfirie tames 8 . i t •Free estiroatcs omen: GtI station. tthbties regnned� htcKides uf91 y� old 4 upstairs bedrooms, cite a EIBY y � WB be a Res red6allk Ryon6t Bth. Cab tB- BBI# -100% -CANADIAN btduded., Cab (�)O5)728 4994. tUchoo how -on Cres- 863-6368ferappt can. lust morttr of 7aurdoi/ est LBAta -Slott _m few ttopele0t your situation seerrrs Catii. A vert (9oS) ass -E7 1200 S(LFE to for Wase in Simcoe area. 1630 Wit. + SW approvals 48 hrs: Gov �t dB new bodin fbi. 20 SItAWA basement, 2 1/z rre0a.' tnma M=ill secured loans to n A bods area Autootive A.C. d< P.G' or trixak related business- pre- 2 &`-3 B/R, opts. 280 Hdghts School area. C/anr, S250K 18778430130.AUI*lilg. ;iBB' Pot MOM, dishwasher, jacuzzi tub in - (905)420-3060. terred:'_ Call Dave 705-277- Wentworth St West. �Vli f WLELI'� N " Ratstamd and BasstR, tar master ertsuite. d BEY PROBLEIte. Get mit I O E6ft- t - 3333. 3740 & $850 Utilities tiobrlrtg dnroagttoirt tlebt 9u witiwut ganrg . RCRt?VA(11DILS ntstted bedrotrn central ae rtg 2-BEORM basement incl. Close' td schools, bus at coo. Cable, Non sttis•OOO. Open House Sat. . ",767-7249 aapparttrrent irstodes utiUties. shopping and 401. Pub smoking, Prater_workmp per 12th a t9ih, 1 4 p•m. Ev ccepteped �s ' I I . u Firtrt/last deposit, no"'pets, , is . _ remelt right plat n a penrsnoner t906)�ti5- wed. Aug. levo, 14 p. ,�'-of, credit ,. Iohla McT.etfaH A1ti+en ` #s Word' . I:ivtrpool Rd. or area. tdA a vac. ur=door: For ap t. Gaff M. ; ' nrr tail far a private vtewuig iidomraripnnding 905-578-3505 9ti5 579 4603. ..�.�. ....�a....,...e Separate. `entrance. i�5/ T21-i�7�1 ' AJAX, tunusrned room _lei. ShxW loans included: � RiI�ING � • l month: Ca6{416)297 5055 dean home. Shared W es. CUSTOM tIUNGALOYFnewly APT, in ostia- VERY 010 one bedroom .Includes cable,' pariinp.' bar bunt. Beautiful f acne pkrs 1� R Wt Big sisters Ashley and Kathryn are i�i1i1GTCT Hot► we available September est: 2 basement apt.; no smoking/ frftlae, microwave. Suits -Whiss view. Offers 4.2 thrilled to arm' otMCe the arrival of - . IMPQOYEiiEtklTB NEEb A PLUMBER? Mu baths, 5 appliances and pets. panting. shared laundry, work+ngp nett=smoker S40o/ . sQ.tt: of living space, 2.200 toted. 5850 r month, a/o, utiNbes included, female ono. First/kst. (905)421- r.tL main Noor. 4 btMoom, 2 ACQUIRE CASH $ssis Take Bathroom renova- -call LEEKS' Nr Available Sept. list, 6932.= full_' baths., office, open grant! advantage of Faun Invest- L� i i* tions, new kitchen - utibtits t>dra. oat (905) first a last ro hen, laundry. 1! ogt► R.R.s.F!; ,.b, l-Ii.A., NICOLE LAUREN cauiiters and kitch Prompt, 7259911 579�ff157. LANCE .*)NLY renovated t t.F.; or A Peen Fantl font sgN.'ki lean ea'mtem• $ bqd and ex -employer of mk re Born at 8.16 tcm. l2ia Alay 23rd; 2UQ0 ens, ,finished bas-. courteous & BrHPTBY BSM' UNDER- room` separate entrance, 3 neon, f'rU bath, epeEt , qq �'rreed to be Free weighing 7 lbs. I1 ozs. meats, . .rec. rooms fair service. NEW MANAGEMENT . -tole 1MdM , .Lam base- ee bath, no s s roardWtden. storage. CertisuNation. ' tavete Furan- and decks. and bedroom apartments apt• AN am s vias 3 ext cetera =0 room. 3 car wodQitep• C4 574-` available in quiet modern, to ful 6750 kudusive. Avail- more, "suites working mak:OF, PrateSSWIRIly.- decorated. � � Fre,t Assistance. Fax Proud rent6 Ore Y0 yt'S.- Exp. A.mmiee to t alt matu€e mtAdirM. Utilities -int abut row . .laundry temaW. AvaikbW !mmediatt landscaped. Will -lei rear 1877+754 251 Juliet & Matt Ridin our lwrrww ciudedr Laundry taciNties and tares eaN>)`€►-0092 y. 427as6a.. attic. Askin 3aasBoo. Soso, J g CBI) Mario y p s . parking ave .. owl MyFH#gY +WIE. HEdRfIOM, t v � . ,Bow t of OshavVa. 6194m, ec )43tt tjaseme .term :• . w6e. Ce 9084 �. A_ gie frrr AJAI(; eACHE_40N baseft dp tat ► stove, ca ':, ,sooner. . OURim *" -,� :buy �i �: = pard . .'howe. to W ie • GodlF had and - Cob �E u�atexton brnmed.11a rtrt4ta(s t >w ,yds,. ter aE9 pw� Far ' . , w . single r'�iiauai>ia Y� l9r�t of Pieitg maned, enclosed liatbroorn 10ture issnr tie- -required.. 12 1. oke Net- of - B _ tlOse .a aN'mnen .new, "fro , l ared.: smolday/pets. 430 S CA CommrRy agape ; m, no smoking 9 rA28 6675 �' .Ft�ee _ liendces Corgi 000) 868-' f1 �t�17dt�4�f1�07 _ OSlArbrA itleaF message #= CtSTt�IICTtAifi ' H 363. a rot 1040. Bal legs. 1 uLda •�.of'T`ilton. pry ttiHlf ;rem `�yyaqpr can otim in fl boot, I tM1 `APT s512/month- " ynN1i etwt riKmne "for less than c/a s otic isf tciwn Snits ReP 3. Cern r y pf rep -airs Simi o ceilings, Gcri d keel t3letrlks to Dr Qdueke, rs . y puts utilities, 3rd floor walk- _ 11>int[?.. Cao Dave tidy f ipe +�7 nr -� t ,:--gaW - -_ l Dr. iAieber.& the Maternity staff of t & renovations, a 'r Mark:8523t07::teave nes SommN tie 9s!) ltd. __ .. 4 K $evEaltBe>r�i Ponwon A'. PiCkt7in Hospital. inside &011. 20% of forSr�taus SW , (9055) t�or (906) 668 facet rxis:• bedroom home van marry p � - $ M Work t.a_t hu a FREF, Estitrmee 3Lw3 - NsrrielMt', - raver flMSsoat st Bit"ous`and beam` sltXi+week mamNla ppppb� gp5 tesswham.lBIXb>816 ftlNy rartteed ful c"=1h basem•ein tlous� Ail` - t9t3 un -lteferr�ees, +m4k �-6452.�ve rte) :: -. � - -. apartment ma6able t in Y. ' - norm Ajax. MM: n� ��Tbt _ iia! �. . �vemtrw1 _ ► , - �ra"a"tnds 4� _> i _ Y�tArr QUA and a5 atigtWs intunaed C 6ed<oonrt4esswimm'VPdot pUtld8 r►. ~YOIfR SERVICE .for rein siwne tiorrse p y`p , t raafs and iQr is . BtG AL'S General. horne r9air, from 'Boweamilk, information to start, (t D� seas m,.-satardars & _ - . COI�I`FIt CfING - hardwood tloonag PAaVTM' t:ENrwu tMDEWRAtM HJBlylt. Law : t 4irt/t15 a ocattr true - i -4 by appoitl- and expafxt yyoour # "IM- •oUii8 2�a bE� iwm lett. ttatafe i tDrit busitim or farm. $EIIECA 81N60° are IntetiGrlExterior becks windows, ter is tike isle Oneida -Turning Stone" bailment Idwhens, woodvyorkrbg parnting to a8 arnenuie!L t o �.a: ;t nt 4 74., tea f -8 t>0405 flE6B' ,r g & dee ter; 11+ree E9 i!mat �t9EASE CALL {90 daeare Castno mom tfE .-NakTTEST Pro- ' Bingo Resort - T YYlHr7EO . tAItM M Mn A ducts. Big ss Ft/PT toc. Ava6 est 28.27 6 C� TJe cai� Yasnes OtHtNiMI RE81ON ` HIe¢ mfnutes of Oshawa to rent kat -1st Tmce Oiler. Toil ptlltllyr (90faT2-$fit%- or, (5)$3�-40dt ikxkr il5a i>eo.: tguraam re .: r rNce . ; ( , . # rr t 5ai5 - Otdober 1 (4%%20-842'7 free comps want ,� than 2209 s4.R per) fi fi0. .01 twoes for .sok bc�e va toe -alter betides Weekend T HAMDYM M Fri ` tteorded- me5sagk• 1- tNlvate beftom lobrootn.. Dift $t99 8drf Call a Rent )imtdyrnari for ' 198 887 95Mi. tot1O58 a8 utii s. taundr)r-imm. (9p5 M =2251 DOQRS RII U.S' at your tiarserlokl needs ir►terror �r fxtelrgr sttgiiUtam Real Estate Lima CaH Peder �7 58 f T�tdoFs ! Tenders E DOORS, Peopre wieR%rAed, cash European Wor t-„ - ed, gator J. ctann,. Sales trBARls' 40 yt tied mtale, faAf;Aa low No pb bo Surat, ship 2 bedroom Correa bt AJark at ' E (We Piumbkig electrical, OW w �BRttntB baso -are ey"arrt Hwy rt. own rte UWR -EiQ1 BK3 , F X BRE)Kf[si ;clean, title BDartrtent separ err bath `aw laundry. am non l dS for seas es mitt bel0vi►addPess%: owHauA titin! uATuts-' SPAMIGS, CA$Lcc- g"general repaW Fast, trance: air :. smoker, iSRe per motet., sENwCEt CIO m15 sa3-tw1u, 1�C GaitJ 4 bl�# •:t trot parr= rolker Leave mtessage_ .905.428- �'be moots nil AvaButtit sept .1st 4= ° - UX l'I browse aoBer pars x "8_711'B . of CaB, r-•••"r:•�^ ` frit. d new Ftiettd; M {605j826 6 n8 # s.,a.i,.,, $ >lt15�2 ditdeealtrutnr4 , gq *�"�y� , St. i4. Eiltlt 2i • Love LARGE . 2 sRt1 B' abs 9t?5R83770" co 247 grotuid basement apt. Newy n. U�tt>! g®l, i tTt., UPI Eft . FULL too N ASSAGECfand - rendvatwl, fenced yand, park A f�O `LUXURY; ^ *f#1 be receilfetunil S pm,, Fridz}y. opaiirig- Mt1 non "am 9 MOUNT, kr� tar one :souflt .ostwwa bedroom coW n countice, tts 4Br; iDQ _ _. Sh,mos. klerr foam nti9- tNDVtNO SYSTEMS iAr but t. A. 1700 phrs 1! � VCR,, .table; lElepharte, park "Vft will WO 3 ndditrs. Na pets- {4tGT 4R9- ItM tronuttry or Or9txsd onfaeCt dotD1 11CietQ $eptetnber t A CM"s p - a te sperms 7 days per' 3437 A AB!► t1tt8A un, 6"m ; Es€s)`�3 to Wcific tests ccumiittg iwrldting isg5i416 snt5. 8Ett1tICE ; sfar�t Ing treat ;Owe Your. two tome, b( a ues t1ElNr01LY PAYCIfIC An t)edcs, Parties, Ogors, ROO Luxlattr APARTINENT, ..siiR Casrt brxtirs to ; yrt+f. tots) els Wit. PfXn9 POP - { 9 - * boxers+ tbW: senior a ee. Al ktdustve- OW t- s35,000 plus family Income . ' tither to s.�,rr@ dr . IOCa• . 'ewes. P the tirade- wktitki " IGldierrs, t3a6rraotns; WhWows dr Doors mkt mach discounts.. try home. east of GWrenwN. OIrN» did Pfd '!'�`"' !Mart of dawn t? For • % s2.99/m '18+'24 ars. i- " (W 649-2436. ' tions in the Uxbridt :area. Ih liver to be 5137a3. 'T Decks & Patks estimates, spectautar re cad AonRe0airs LAW BRHIHT rorty Coss: assxiate broiler - 3`1�1s, after aetxtivBtg #lnat ;OSMAWA nEuucntaj.` Inas= orSunroiidss 571.1}T55 vafed f bed.• ap.. Sot tom.. •Banker RMR . ileal iL tr_c 3idaisu Service, 4D (9115)8,31.1102 1�inariCftiiJ Avaitt�fe . T"1" 1st, Fat-grr-idtchen:--Largs back Estate = (905)728-9414 or -,1- ft, 5 rr&tutes tion town.' a , , SL W 1905) 404-M 101 Cel( •yard, ceramic file Boors, 6rz sr>31tLw Coady H apprmr,1400 54 irrfolmatfon avail8ble at: am sgpm. Atsa av�I t r. 414.2f32rW t3BB- �. Orin a Ia, nft park- Com R 2.moors ra nerd. wkwld 4e 24 Toronto bi.r Mp 42 Ask fol bid41 fust rdassaga• (4161835-3b89 Ap ,ft rep a 7 IMM `OHOA 3 bed for a 1 lysiblogisf. CerO taw iisf orany b* ttbt ries s�8rily pcpW t d , �� " ' Reliable wn W. Hetet man smok rom4 (M",W-t With 9i-' Massage Therapist fie- t � SELL rt.NOW tifave for sx LowAS. raga, 2 tit baths. 5 appRanc Rexoipgist an Accountants 155 per hnwr to prnile. Quit mr-s ole- REN©VATIbN8 CALL as, No Vets. $1250/mo. -+ etc. Professieiais only F Ilt1TG, couote referred lease. 1st Far i Coming Everett- .. Cttn>iti8tven» U�I1iHAM 6Ri lea (9>72 Feer 6 ~ aoo fit New �► to bathro�tns, AJAR 6$3707 t> .tai (905) 9949 _ polsoeat - =ere teras, See)esr m etre " alit BEBR60iI -�rt rmeras . - UX RWE for_itm- tw�So a >e5o caravel FSB `8 bedroom Itaie, DAM seminars, dances, pelt i ensed-& •insured. AGd B SenicrsrXscotart' filet & :tekrertwr` its: ? �. lanced Yard, FM f LBOR Ott A � HIM �. New hm: way to meet Rntpied, fiaseaent, garage.. 50v:sq. fv- PAnrp > g. , sdt ;CaaN for in t K' f rc ro . cow sstols, Imo, $450. title 862-9741 halt Tom rueekdays between3 a.m.'a ! i Otid�y-A, 4 - Close tiE)tr 7pm 9orr43dIFto or 96 prices t9oSA�$+*B T 4:3Opm. 9115 725 73 1. hwy. 401. Go Transit Pets able anytime. Cay Siert 576 ��A�y gg,��, wrw,rlrha�sin�s.tom St. cortshkreQ. CaN • 420 B _ O- t "., $j64 SfE illBitE CI ASSIHEDS t1M PAGE 1 Miff � =t+�! 4F�i" /g .�. t ttEOck. r a• �• i si: i.• i t.: . s a i i i, s e �. s't i FURNITURE-&._ LIANCEM'r`LET STARE si*#Vff 'plice E �iWia 0. EM PARK I�IC�C �IiV i' c na ilv eert:,Mart at tha Pip-lrarinrr NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY.EDITION, August -l3, 2000 PAGE 27 W_ H 2 Kinston Rd. Pidtering Home ign Centre -I cc SEAM PICKERING HWY 401. _ m oenEr ry�W OPEN j -AfEW 1P, eXEMNG t LOCATION ALL MEAC 0 pA/CF FgNDIS E FIIHq< � OR k-0 PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 13,20W il- air, _Ily,�#ntoe. AU nr �g� ( Itf?ti �t96 pie: auto aur. 7 - tdC21 i$ark UUcic ntiSll$il i i fgserviced I -a I f, D88 �q �s� ai yw fisa� iun= ct�fw .. > sps nw�ase oaw Suroai,Rer>yiAda�PoA sroifun�d Atte8_+eMee>sPore�momraoR uafse ai ipry fx �a aae _a[rdA9errs 0 iuAN ie lett _Alwq reef 5 4peM! z kds s WL Fr ed $ ,�yfinGrt: b s ¢� toy 1M epi t t!ilINOEiI�NE�A�� , >�NII�iIA��W #s�i�. �m�a■�r- >�>�� alifl�M -� tram t0b(bW ttCD.i ` "S8v8 @1999a1IiS _; R's nat auiai�s here; a uippla tYelett a paw! �Ajippeai[� lUl �iWlf iA ; f s fYMY �Bk�IC l l p= fY� b 7�-i illi k [ AMb► �reeek"' 4' $0 13 (@: 1t� 5y 1�F i6 a Tei lal R ei fit dlrlc ilM Nrt"tllMlr iP FU 51 A S rr� _ 'HI AA f s : !r a t" rem iMl�wBe el4d�ooroonio�