HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_03_12a,PICKERING NEWS AD ET LIBRA P I C K E R I N G' S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE ] 9 6 5 PRESSRUN 43,400 36 PAGES SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2000 _ OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $51$1 NEWSSTAND �.- •= • The debate over modified foods Page 7 Durham University proposal talk of the cabinet College president excited about prospects BY TIM KELLY Stag' Editor If Gary Polonsky has his way, 2001 will be a Durham University odyssey. The effusive Durham College president is positively bubbling after getting exciting signals this week from everyone from the Pre- mier to powerful Durham -based cabinet ministers that a brand new high-tech university is imminent for Durham_ An announcement this year about a small-scale degree -granti- ng institution is likely, said Mr. Polonsky Friday. "My experience in 36 years in the post -secondary education busi- ness is that when people like the Premier and the Minister of Edu- cation talk publicly about a pro- Nam ,� RAPWFENW I/F 1111? \'%Ift CALL us Toor►rt wren NOT tm u =0090=w jest, it's coming;' he said. On Tuesday, Premier Mike Harris referred in a Cornwall press conference to an application from Durham for a university, saying the proposal was "a priority" and "under consideration" On Thursday, Minister of Edu- cation Janet Ecker, who is MPP for Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge, picked Mr. Polonsky out of a crowd at a local public meeting and spoke about the "excellent" Durham University proposal. And in a Friday interview. At- torney -General Jim Flaherty, Whitby -Ajax MPP, said, "a Durham university proposal is being reviewed carefully;' and "if the decision is taken to eo ahead Inside the News Advertiser Summer Games a banner event Page 25 See DURHAM page S All smiles at the sl ee over r 1 wIERE TO M R Xelmmft ............6 Name DrevimG .........12 Sets ................25 Clauftill .............26 GIVEN A CALL 6e�eral .......... 683-5110 oiskibmdea ......683-5117 Chnsified ........683-0707 DeaIM Maim .....683-3005 Saxe W j Yemrs ...........1-800-662-8423 Email .newsroom@durham.net Web site ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Grade I Roland Michener Public School stu- hosted by teacher Jorjake Golinsky. The stu- dents (from left) Alyssa Jackson, Shannon Os- dents are learning about the importance of get - good and Chantal North kept their plush toys ting plenty of rest as part of their health stud - nearby during the eighth annual 'skepover' ies. . Five charged in Pickering drug sting PICKERING — Five young people face various charges includ- ing drug trafficking after a Picker- ing police surveillance sting. Members of the recendy-formed Durham Regional Police Corm u- icity Response Enforcement Unit conducted the operation after re- ceiving several complaints about al- leged drug activity going on near a convenience store in a plaza at Kingston and Whites roads. Officers swooped down and ar- rested five people among a gather- ing of youths after observing an al- leged drug transaction Thursday, said Sergeant Jim Grimley. A small quantity of marijuana, a "sawed -dawn baseball bet" and two altered driver's licences were seized Michael Defilippis, 18, of laght- foot Place, is charged with traffick- ing rafiieking a controlled substance, posses- sion of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking and pos- session of a dangerous weapon. Susan Femandas, 18, of Rose - bank Road, is charged with traffick- ing and possession. Jan Warner, 18, of Rosebank Road, is charged with uttering a forged document and breach of pro- bation. 71wo 17 -year-old Pickering boys, who cannot be named under the provisions of the Young Offenders Act, were also arrested. One faces charges of trafficking, possession of crime proceeds and breach of pro- bation, the other uttering a forged "document and possession. P "Y Christian women spring into a new look PICKERING — Want a day, March 23 from 9:30 a.m. to sent 'A New Look for Spring'. first-time visitors. new look for spring'? 11:15 a.m. at Gallantry's Ban- There'll be special music and A free nursery service is The Ajax -Pickering Christian quet Room in the Pickering a guest speaker. available by reservation. Women's Club is hosting its Town Centre. Cost to attend is $5 at the To make a reservation call next monthly coffee hour Thurs- Caryl Baker Visage will pre- door for most and $2.50 for Janet at 427-3072. 12 noon Opening Ceremonies On your mark... Get set...Go! Come join in Vie festivities as we celebrate the opening of the Sprxglest Games 2000... Lot the Games to.ant 12-3pnL Meet the Athlete: O'Anctery ;. # Centra Court TheK V CE tt+e KfOOFFlCE' ar Grand it 10 a.m.-3pm. The K 4K)FFICE- at Grand a Toy 12 -3 p.m. Meet the Athlete: Rebecca Chandmm mole Vault Cents Court at Mastermind 13 Lzj at Compucentrs Fax it: 683-7363 the K 4K)FFKE- at Grand a Toy 12 - 3 p.m. Meet the Athlele: Robin O'Abreo -Men's Field Hodwy r Centre Court 1 - 3 o.m. at Masternwid 1 - 3 P.M. Ezihm,60 at Compuosntrs 3 - 6 p.m. Karnoke CCIatest Qualifying Round Food Court 10 am. - 3 p.m. The KWOFFICE- at Grand a Toy 12 - 3 p.m. Meet the Att>fete: stirton -Rhythmic Gymriastics Centre court at Mi stwmind 1 - 3 p.m. E jbarv* at Cornpucer" 10 am. - 3 p.m. the KrAXWICE' at Grand a Toy 12 - 3 p.m. Meet the Addele: Rob Snook s alyn Spm CAV** court at Masismrind Er�,ga . at Compucerea Coles Book Fair • • Near Centre Court Monday thru Saturday Cbeek out OW KISS 92FM 111AMER 12 - 4 pAL, KISS 14 92FM Live Radio Remote with Rob at Cants Court 1 - 3 p.m. Karaoke Contest Grande Finale at cents Court tar rues taoo it � TomGe CWNfiC"" Toy 1 - 4 p.m. • �� Karaoke Contest Qualifying Round Food Court Spm C►t- Orintari0 i- D/ e� 4 Summer at Mastermind Games Day L'z7er Drop by Centra Court at Cornpucar" and find 3 - 6 p m. Ogg how !Meet the AVila/es: you can -Catherine got k o+rsd. Garceau i ICs a great i Jessica way to show chase �y YOWXWW >rorixed onf Is for aUNetiss 'C'nhs Court 10 a.m.-3pm. The K 4K)FFICE- at Grand a Toy 12 -3 p.m. Meet the Athlete: Rebecca Chandmm mole Vault Cents Court at Mastermind 13 Lzj at Compucentrs Fax it: 683-7363 the K 4K)FFKE- at Grand a Toy 12 - 3 p.m. Meet the Athlele: Robin O'Abreo -Men's Field Hodwy r Centre Court 1 - 3 o.m. at Masternwid 1 - 3 P.M. Ezihm,60 at Compuosntrs 3 - 6 p.m. Karnoke CCIatest Qualifying Round Food Court 10 am. - 3 p.m. The KWOFFICE- at Grand a Toy 12 - 3 p.m. Meet the Att>fete: stirton -Rhythmic Gymriastics Centre court at Mi stwmind 1 - 3 p.m. E jbarv* at Cornpucer" 10 am. - 3 p.m. the KrAXWICE' at Grand a Toy 12 - 3 p.m. Meet the Addele: Rob Snook s alyn Spm CAV** court at Masismrind Er�,ga . at Compucerea Coles Book Fair • • Near Centre Court Monday thru Saturday Cbeek out OW KISS 92FM 111AMER 12 - 4 pAL, KISS 14 92FM Live Radio Remote with Rob at Cants Court 1 - 3 p.m. Karaoke Contest Grande Finale at cents Court tar rues taoo it � TomGe CWNfiC"" Hwy. 407 `imperative for Durham's economic health' Durham Region chairman pleads for business to join lobby for extension With the federal government poised to make a final decision on the easterly extension of Hwy. 407, Durham Chairman Roger Anderson urged local businesses this past week to ex- press their "sense of urgency about the eastern extension of the 4OT' to Ottawa. In a March 6 letter to organi- zations representing local busi- ness, Mr. Anderson pleads, "It is imperative for the economic health of municipalities in the Regional Municipality of Durham that the 407 be extend- ed to Brock Road in Pickering now, and in future to Hwy. 115/35" The federal government, through the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), is conducting a screening level environmental assessment on the extension of the highway. The deadline for public input on the department's review was March 10 and Mr. Anderson ex- pects the government to make a final decision on the extension ROGER ANDERSON 'We need your support to make this happen.' within the week. "We need your support to make this happen:' Mr. Ander- son said in the letter sent to the Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade, the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce and the Clarington Board of Trade. Mr. Anderson encouraged those associations to ask their members to write to the DFO. In an interview Friday, Mr. Anderson said transportation infrastructure is "the future of Durham". He contends the Hwy. 407 extension is essential to handle growth in Durham and to move people and goods between here and Toronto. And, he maintains if there's no action, Durham "wili be left behind again". Asked whether he shares the concerns of environmentalists who are calling for a full EA of the extension, Mr. Anderson said, 'The EA process is being followed" He noted the Region's "record when it comes to the environment is exceptional". Mr. Anderson said if the government does call for a full EA it could be years before the highway is extended here. "I'm tired of Durham being the last and the hardest (region) to get anything done in," he said. Durham College earns award for high school help Durham College's youth in- ternship apprenticeship program has won the prestigious Program Excellence Award from the As- sociation of Canadian Colleges. This is the first time the col- lege has won an ACCC Excel- lence Award. "I felt elated and proud when I heard the news;' said Sandy MacDonald, a college professor who serves as the YIAP co-ordi- nator. 'This is the first program of its kind in Canada:' YIAP was launched in 1996 as a three-year pilot project. It was created in partrsership with the Ontario and federal govem- rncnLs, four local school boards and area industries. The program allows high school students to gain apprenticeship training and workplace experience while they complete their secondary school diplomas. At graduation, 92.5 per cent of students were offered full-time jobs as registered ap- prentices. The Ontario government chose YIAP as the n xiel for its own youth apprenticeship pro- gram - The award will be presented at an ACCC conference in Whitehorse in May. There will also be a local ceremony. ACCC, which represents more than 175 post -secondary institutions across Canada, also presents awards in leadership, staff excellence, teaching and student leadership. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, Muds 12, 2000 PAGE 3 P Nuclear boiler clean on hold PICKERING — The boiler chemi- cal clean of one of the Pickering nuclear station reactors has been put on hold. The decision to delay the work was made due to pipe vibrations experienced during testing at temperatures and pres- sures required for this type of cleaning procedure, Ontario Power Generation has announced in a press release. The chemical clean of Unit 8 on the functioning 'B' side of the power plant was to be part of a 94 -day planned main - XDENTAERLE1110 0AL CENTRE WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 am - 4 p.m. E.t/E.9i�EA�.�S.SEE�V.DV1iiJP� • • • •• • 14/Y� E.A/EAGENCi'PAGES AMBERLEA SHOPPM CENTRE ON WHfrES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH A HW 401 • FREE 2nd Opinion Consultation • Nitrous Oxide Gas • Collect From traurances (grape *A Cna.g Urob.at tenance outage. Modifications to elimi- nate the vibrations will be completed before the chemical cleaning is under- taken during the next planned outage in 2001. OPG notes the Unit 8 boilers will operate safely and reliably until the next outage. All major maintenance work on Unit 8 has been completed and work is now under way to restart the reactor. A return to full operation is scheduled for later this month. ' How long 'has it been? ' 'L ' 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE' ' NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. , WARRANTY APPROVED OIL CHANGE SPECIAL _,.�{s C",L ale FIL n"_ coos . . w P wmzm •1 extra to 5VM O t Inclades 21 PT. InwA Psatson ' RADIATOR $ 39-95 i IFLUSa}I i FILL SPECIAL from at�n OEM III CIAIOT CSE COP" WN Alff OTHS 7RR OPfN 7 DAYS A wfiKd 195 MIESTNEY RO. (Swth of 401). AJAX 905 4ZT-67961 11111 = M *DURHAM'S AfiT AUTOMOTtYE DBITAANO FOR OAIER A e Pay Up To 30000Deductible I s I&Pfetime Warranty • IWO Brock Road South � �rerr� er a (No►dftweW mer at B•rb) AUTO GLASS i CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY `l 531-4290 tAR ALARMS • RIMRiEi� f 1!! • ial'I�IIMO • � • C�11B1 • f"OLISN • GRTM 4. WE'LL PAY; 1988gig :''1f�0U UP TO 50 2* ft bOX,IN On CMTMIC m wR yOUt aw byBRAKEPADSANDSMOGGamwfir..r616"atc70rrillaww.r.a earCertified�..r�t.1rw�inewww"an Certified "O jg� 70 an . 9M r c umwmw ta. �.rdowl •+aer1.cre.Drieea wi ''`''oy'0'"' 60'' 3735 PICKERING PARKWAY AT 6ROCK ROAD GET READ FOR,' ZW, Do" MaseieilirM ,s:.,�� walker W aM enriae �,rt, • Lebok ail aW Riser (up to SL d Caved GTS eM • Geek eAwia, brat*, wdim dedrial, swap a• ft" I rdi awl oars • Re e 4 tis " •' ti 686-2309 �i I 1 , , � � ,.F' .%,x" � � / � Vii, .,F`3r•.., 411 ,ALE - a PIL Rom , 1 • .. 1 / • I • • 1 1 1. 1 l / c, ,r • 1 :. 11 •7• 1 t . (ZT' • • t ' - � � _►-- _-.: .�� � RANGE •-' RANGE NMIMR• ! IL ` • 1 1V 140 � . L32. 111 32, I JK PIP f r 'r� �. - {�"♦ , � t 1 � ,• �� - >'�. lz �'�7`� / _ /: T� , •fir yl �� �h 17� 1k l;' • _ y OpoBO�� �' �os�' �'1 ti �t• 0 0 MISSISSAUGA NORTH YORK SCARBOROUGH WHITBY BARRIE F6-01 1: 1 MOM," 1480 DUNDAS ST. E 1255 FINCH AVE. WEST 1119 KENNEDY RD. 1540 DUNDAS ST. E. 42 CAPLAN AVE, (905) 803.0000 (416) 630-1777 (416) 750-8888 (905) 430.0000 (705) 722.7132 FURNITURE APPLIANCES 8 ELECTRONICS Durham councillors urged to help fund fight against homelessness Durham council's health and social services committee will ask Region politicians to increase funding to fight homelessness here. A recommendation passed by the committee Thursday re- quests Durham council pro- vide $65,000 to top up the $177,000 the Region has re- ceived from Queen's Park in the 1999-2000 Provincial Homelessness Initiatives Fund (PHIF) allocation. "A combination of $177,000 PHIF funding and $65,000 Regional funding will (help Durham in) moving per- sons from the streets to shel- ters, from shelters to perma- nent housing and preventing homelessness for those at risk of becoming homeless," Paul Cloutier, head of the Region's income support division, states in report. Mr. Cloutier says the 1999- 2000 homelessness initiative "builds upon strengths and successes of the 1998-99 pro- posal and adjusts and expands the range of activities to pro- vide the most effective use of limited dollars". The PHIF spending plan, prepared by the Durham Advi- sory Committee on Homeless- ness (DACH), "strikes a bal- ance between direct funding to persons in potential housing crisis, and providing support services to those who require ongoing assistance in dealing with housing obstacles," Mr. Cloutier reports. The health and social ser- vices committee is recom- mending the $177,000 in PHIF funding be allocated in the fol- lowing manner: - $50,000 to the Durham Rent Bank; $36.000 for staffing the Community Support Centre; $35,000 to hire a community service co-ordinator; $30,000 to the North Durham Initiative; $15,000 to Colborne Com- munity Services; - $11,000- to Housing Help Durham; - $5,000 to the Women's Shel- ter in Ajax -Pickering. The committee is recom- mending the additional $65,000 in Region funding from the 2000 income support budget be directed toward the operating costs of the Commu- nity Support Centre, which opened in February on Simcoe Street South in Oshawa. The centre offers facilities for homeless people to show- er, do their laundry and access counsellors. The facility also serves as an address where homeless people can receive mail and provides the support of a tele- phone message centre via voice mail. Brock Councillor and health and social services committee chairman Larry O'Connor said Friday the re- sponse to the centre in the short while it's been open has been overwhelming. "The community demand has exceeded what they thought was going to be there," he says. Coun. O'Connor said the $65,000 from the Region for 2000 will ensure the centre's operating expenses can be met. . Mr. Cloutier says the rec- ommendation will be consid- ered by the Region's finance and administration committee March 15 and then by Durham council March 22. "We're going for a prebud- get approval," he says. "We want to start flowing the money as quickly as we can." Durham University talk creates quite a stir DURHAM fawn page I we'll do everything in our power to make it happen as quickly as possible" Mrs. Ecker, who is a mem- ber of the Premier's manage- ment board and who is on the Planning and Priorities cabinet committee, said her four Durham MPP colleagues are all on side on the university plan. "I believe it is time for a Durham University," said Mrs. Ecker. "My colleagues Jim Flaher- ty, Chris Hodgson (Victoria- Haliburton, Chair of Manage- ment Board) Jerry Ouellette (Oshawa) and John O'Toole (Durham) are all pushing hard for this proposal." Minister of Training, Col- leges and Universities spokesman Dave Ross wouldn't commit to a deadline on a Durham University announce- ment but admitted the proposal is under close consideration by Minister Dianne Cunningham. "Any proposal is confiden- tial but the government is look- ing at an applied degree -granti- ng institution," said Mr. Ross. Durham's university propos- al would have an initial 500 stu- dents moving to 1,000 under - grads within three years. No new buildings would be re- quired and the cost to run the program on the basis of $6,000 in government grant money per student per year would range from $3 million to $6 million annually. Mr. Polonsky has sAid the university would work with the college and that both institu- tions — located at the Durham Oshawa campus — would have a single administration and would share services. Courses of study at the uni- ®•a..�tttt�leRrR..»w��ttr • a�w iwr•r�. taut. a ttrrr ... Tax Return Preparation IM Uniped illod soft 123PI _ /tiMwe tl♦Fp7.O/M T.1►g `� tui versity would include cutting- edge programs in information technology, nursing science, computer graphics and engi- neering among others. Mr. Polonsky, who admits he's dreamt of a university for Durham since he became col- lege president in 1988, has put together a high-profile commit- tee of community leaders to make the dream become a real- ity. Awash in optimism over the encouraging political signs, the president did say more work is needed. "Our team is going to keep working just as hard as we have been right up until the day an announcement is made. "But we could have some- thing modest in place by the fall of 2001, something a little less modest by 2002 and something not modest at all by 2003. MWISION 61 � ...k 6 v� 74 95 ��veh We'll perform a tune-up verification, ep plugs anayzemission evels, adjs3; timittg/idle speed (d adwstable), perform 1 maintenance inspection. �f sP�nrs TunrE uP� guaUty service Guaranteed 3S5 BA NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, Uwch 1Z, 2000 PAGE 5 P - SEE�A ARS CORRECTION FOR OUR 28 PAGE SPRING IS EVERYWHERE PRE-PRINT (SALE DATES: MARCH 6-12,2000) (C032F500) PAGE 21 - BIG NEWS KENMORE SELF -CLEAN RANGE FLUORESCENT WORK LIGHT IS NOT AVAILABLE. FOR OUR 10 PAGE RED HOT SALE PRE-PRINT (SALE DATES: MARCH 11 & 12, 2000) (W032W100) PAGE 6 - WHOLE HOME FLATWARE SETS SHOULD READ ALL WHOLE HOME 24 PC. FLATWARE SETS SEARS REG. $41.99 - $79.99 SALE $29.99 - $55.99 PAGE S - CURRENTLY READS 8X25 PORRO PRISM BINOCULARS SHOULD READ 4X30 BINOCULARS. 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". . rY a.f-6. -'a A/P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Ymch 12, 2000 Editorial &OPINION NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 12. 2 0 0 0 EDITORIAL Durham University's time has come Region needs school to call its own L.et's DU it now. "I believe it is time for a Durham A simple slogan but it means so University. Were pushing hard on this much to Durham Region residents. kind of proposal;' said Mrs. Ecker. The DU stands for Durham Universi- Added Mr. Flaherty, "'Tile proposal is a ty. Yes, the prospect of a full-fledged recognition Durham Region is fast - university for our region nov, appears growing, has a fine community college imminent. and is under very careful consideration Premier Mike Harris's reference to for a university:' close scrutiny being given to a Durham The university would be a tremen- University proposal earlier this week dous boost in Durham in multiple ways. certainly made Durham College presi- It would draw high -paying, high -tech - dent Gary Polonsky a happy man. nology Jobs to the region, would offer "It was one of the best days of my students who cannot afford the $10.000 - life;' said Mr. Polonsky, who has been per -year cost of lodging, food and trans - championing a university for Durham portation moving away from home for since he became college president back university costs, an option right here in 1988. close to home. It' .x ' the D-. ho LETTERS TO THE EDITOR s n just Cr w is talk- ing up a university proposal. Durham's A university would bolster the localespeet economy adding up to $10 billion in disabled handicapped space, with no visible permit shown. five MPPs are all on -side and three of them are powerful members of the cab- revenue per year to Durham. It wouldpeople's help higher rights Until five years ago, I was like a sustain and create a quality lex of people; I was interested in inet: Janet Ecker (Minister of Educa- of life. It would add status to Durham To the editor: handicapped parking but did noth- tion. Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge MPP); Jim Flaherty, (Attorney -General, Whit- and help create a better provincial, na- tional and international reputation. I am responding to Barb Wilkins' letter of Jan. 20. She won- ing about it. Then fate took a sud- den twist and I found myself in by -Ajax MPP); and Chris Hodgson, (Chair of Management Board, Victoria- Some 35 years ago, the idea of a col- lege in Durham was just a dream, the dere if I had ever approached poo- pie who had parked illegally in constant pain with every step I took. Over these I have Haliburion MPP). fields of north Oshawa barren. Over parking spaces designated for past years discovered many disabled people Mrs. Ecker fully backs a new cut- time, the college was built, grew. took handicapped people. 1 sure have! are afraid to speak up, to stand up ting -cadge university which would pre- on university partnerships with Trent I have been met with indifier- for their rights. Well I am not pare young people for the jobs of today. and York, and developed a university ence, arrogance, intolerance and afraid, nor is Many Martel. He has The: university would offer degrees in centre. Now, it's time to take the next plain rudeness. One woman told done more for the disabled people relatively new fields like computer sci- step in our evolution. Bring on the uni- me, "This is the only parking spot I in this area than anyone I know. He ence and information technology but versity. We're ready. could find and I'm not moving is constantly phoning and prodding would also have a heavy emphasis on until my husband comes back" our elected officials to pay us more the ewer -growing health care field. For E-A sa comments on um opinion to As for illegal parking, one re- than lip service. instance, a Bachelor of Nursing Science shouston0durham.net. Include your cent day when I went to the drug I do believe the majority of peo- degree would be offered. hied name and commimity of residence. store, a silver truck was parked in a ple in Ajax and Pickering are re- spectable, honest, hard-working in- Practisepractise,practise dividuals who obey the laws of the land• But, there is a percentage of , people who couldn't give a hoot Three words of advice for aspiring musicians about anyone other than them - selves. I've heard it said "Inose who can, Still, you need to put in the time and ef- Is Ajax any better than Picker - ing when it comes to meeting the do. Those who c6n',t, critique'. I fall into the latter category, unfor- John fort to reach a minimum performance needs of disabled people? Human ornately or otherwise, so I feel I'm Duarte level before inviting the rest of the world to listen. It takes a lot of courage nature leads me to believe no. Still, maybe Ajax does wear a halo and qualified to play the critic. I am currently acting as one of the .Staff Editor to get up on stage. A good parallel for young (inexpe- Pickering, Scarborough and the rest of the GTA wear the horns. judges at a local music competition. rienced or aspiring) musicians is young There is one other point. About My function as such is to rate musical (inexperienced or aspiring) drivers. We 15 years ago, the Ministry of .performers in four areas: originality, all know what a car looks like. We have Transportation stopped issuing li- stage presence, musicality and poten- you should. watched other people drive and it looks cence plates with the disabled tial. Yes, I've seen some pretty good • You can't become a musician sim- pretty simple. Some have read books logos on them. Since then, permits bands. ply by watching MuchMusic. or taken some basic instruction on how have been issued to disabled peo- After three weeks, I've learned this: • Judges should bring earplugs. to drive. But until you slip into the dei- ple who are not necessarily drivers. • Screaming is not a synonym for But I am not going to use this space ver's seat and set the car in motion, you These permits are three inches by singing. I know this because I looked it to put people down for their efforts. In really don't begin to learn how to drive. six inches, which Ms. Wilkins re- up..'The Concise Oxford Dictionary' 'uttering fact, I encourage those efforts. I think The same can be said for music. ferred to as "small slips to put in defines singing as words in tuneful succession especially in accor- people should pursue their interests as long as they remember practice makes Most of us can recognize a guitar, a set of drums, a keyboard on sight. We've otir windshields". You definitely could miss seeing them. I'm dance with a set tune" Scream, mean- perfect. But, some things require more watched other people do it and it looks not fussy about these permits either but while, is described as to `utter piercing practice than others. That also holds pretty simple. But you don't learn how we are stuck with them until some - cry expressing terror, pain, vexation or true for some people who require far to play music until you take some thing else comes along. pretense of these" more practice than others. lessons and learn the basics. Is it too much to ask that two or • Less is quite often more. Raising To all aspiring musicians out there, Then again, you need a licence to four parking spaces be set aside for audio levels will not cover up your mu- I really encourage your efforts and de- drive... disabled people in large parking sical inadequacies. If anything, it will termination. You can play in the base- lots? It seems it is. intensify them. anent or garage for a long time, but you f4/ail comments on d9s opinion to • Just because you can afford to buy can only really get better when you shuustonBdurAam.neti Include yours po`t,eill a musical instrument, it doesn't mean start playing in front of a live audience. lull nine and community of resldsnce. _ _ Pickering NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate/Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing Manager News (905)683-5110 &Ice (905)683-5110 Classifieds (905)683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 shoushora( durham.net Web address www.durhamnews.net 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metrolard Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Coun- cil. The publisher re- serves the right to classify or refuge any advertise- ment. Credit for adver- tisement limited io space price error occupies. �..........r..--- — - - .., _ & .y NEMS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, Mod 12,1000 P14GE 7 A/P Altered states BY LESLEY McMASTER Staff Writer It's all about choice. When it comes to the controver- sial topic of genetically -enhanced foods, that seems to be the only thing critics and proponents of the ,new technology can agree upon. Agricultural groups, who argue biotechnology is a tool allowing them to increase yields and provide better quality crops, want farmers to have the choice of whether or not to use it. But organizations like Green- peace, the Council of Canadians and other advocacy groups are pushing for such measures as mandatory la- belling and putting the decision in the hands of the individual con- sumer. Biotechnology came into popu- lar use in the 1970's after the devel- opment of genetic engineering tech- niques allowed genetic material in living cells to be modified. It in- volves the transfer of genes into a living organism to change its char- acteristics. Newer techniques of biotechnol- ogy have created tomatoes which ripen on the vine allowing them to maintain their flavour and texture for several weeks with reduced spoilage. This in turn allows time for transport, retail display and longer storage at the consumer's home. Advances also include potato plants are resistant to the Colorado Potato Beetle, a genetically -en- hanced potato which absorbs less oil when cooked, animals with leaner meat, and cereals with more nutri- ents. For the Ontario Corn Producers Association, biotechnology has be- come a way of controlling a med- dlesome pest - the corn borer. Bt corn, a variety infused with Bacillus thuringiensis, uses the gene natural- ly found in soil to fight the borer without resorting to chemical pesti- cides, points out president Anna Bragg. The corn bona can reduce yields by as much as 10 per cent, she says. "If we can have a better product and cut down on chemical use, the consumer is getting a better pack- age," says Ms. Bragg, who operates a farm on Bowmanville's Third Concession. "It's not just about farmer safety, it's about consumer safety as well." Biotechnology is a 'tool,' "ano& er ding grows have in their comer to try and improve the bottom lice," Future food shock.? Disagreement ranges over genetics and biology of food adds Dale Mountjoy, a local feed salesman and corn, soyabean and wheat producer in north Oshawa. "It's a huge political arena. Cana- dian farmers have to sell their corn in the open Chicago market," he ex- plains. '"he market is dictated by American and European govern- ments which subsidize their produc- ers.. As a result, commodity prices are at 25 -year lows, he says. "Any- thing we can do to produce more for less will do better for us;' he points out. Mr. Mountjoy says he's conduct- ed his own studies comparing Bt va- rieties to their parent and in four out of the five cases, "the bottom line" was increased even when factoring in pre -seed technology costs. Still, his customers are buying both GE and non -GE seed at the same rate. Growers, which are well - versed in science, "are lining them- selves tip unless the debate goes the wrong way" Mr. Mountjoy says. Sante are concerned once they go the GE route if there will actually be a market for their product, he adds. The debate is over food safety. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture stats point out approximakly 40 per cant of the Province's corn crop is Bt corn. Another 25 per cent of all soy- beans and four per cent of all pota- toes grown in Ontario are genetical- ly enhanced. "It's like the old argument, do you drive a Dodge or Ford truck. Everyone talks about it," adds Neil Moore, an OMAFRA crop special- ist. Minister of Agriculture Ernie Hardeman spoke to the issue when he stopped in Blackstock last fall. Addressing a Farn er's Night dinner, he said his ministry supported m - search for such advances but only if coupled with a strong regulatory food system. Food safety, however, is in the hands of Health Canada, which draws up the safety regulations and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. which inspects and en- forces those laws. CFIA spokesman Gad Wood says his agency focuses its assessments on the characteris- tics of the final product rather than the method of production. That means GE foods and moo - GE foods ane subject to the same re- quiremimts and are tested in the same way. More thaw 40 products are currently derived from bmilech- noktgy, stone of which currently re - *tire labelling, says Mr_ Wood But there is a push for vohrtary labelling by certain concerned citi- Sones inlerostirg fads 10 Damodar when common waiyftiu0 Itis prand Dam of bioladrwbgy F rs, com • Farmers chose to grow 9eneticaq rrto ill e crepe in reoad rwiliers in 1999, oft approW- ftu nerds of doilats per farm. rrtalely 40 per Dent of Dan, 25 per Dent of soy- . • Should .,wK§Mmy food bbeig be instated bears, four per cant of pofabes and 60 per we of for GE bods. Chet would mean labels for about 95 cenola grown as GE varielfes. 8t oom usage was par cent of all bads Australian researchers argue up 15 per Dent alone from 1998_ Itis could raise food pioes horn ire b 15 per cent. • Ontario farm pesticide image is down 30 per out since Its mid 1900L St Dan may be an op- ON THE OTHER HAND- , porkN* ID chop the present annual NoM Amen- • A rtationd telephone pal conducted be - can term N by =500 rniion for insedkide& tween Dec. 22, 1999 and Jan. 16, 2000 and in - Roundup Ready Com and wAnerm, which Don- volving 902 Canadan % bund Owwf x is of tails am germ from garden pelurfts and one from those fenilim wUh GE foods worried about its safe. ceulil wr, could cut luerbicide eoq:iendki ee by ty. Ninety-tw per Dent said I" bel Canada zen groups and within the interna- tional trade community itself. Sonic European countries have banned a small list of hybrid crops and a re- cent Biosafety Protocol developed in January in Montreal is still seek- ing some agreement on the labelling issue among importers. One of those voices speaking out against GE foods is Penny Reid, an organic farmer from Scugog's Eighth Concession. Biotechnology is "run -away technology" as far as she is concerned. 'They're changing DNA by putting viruses and bacteria into plants:' she says. "We don't know the outcome because they haven't studied it long enough. Put the brakes on and let's get sonic of these studies done." Mus. Reid says she has little con- fidence in the govenunent to regu- late the new technology and believes its scientists are being influenced by powerful chemical companies with a vested interest in biotechnology. It "all boils down to dollars,.' she says. Independent research conducted in the United Kingdom shows pota- toes iajaxed with GNA lectin, when fed to animals, caused gradual organ damage and immune system dam- age, she says. The studies said it wasn't the genetic material itself split on genetic food should be able to refuse to import GE bods I they fern Dorncerne about Its haft or envitonmertlal saw • Recent scierNfic researoN has shown frag- ments of DNA from GE bods can be defected in Its brains of animals fed these food ngreift DNA and RNA fragments cart cause adverse im- mune system reacfione hickx intr aufobnn une cb- • The BrIN Medical &"ocialion has called for a ban on foods and boM the Fierml and German ger nimerts have which led to the damage but toxic or infectious byproducts of the genetic manipulation process. She also points out famed jour- nalist and genetic engineer David Suzuki has spoken out against GE foods and manufacturers like Mc - Cain's have announced they'll stop using Bt potatoes next year is proof biotechnology is losing its credibili- ty. ,,We've been guinea pigs for a while;' she says, adding at least mandatory labels would allow con- sumers to make an informed choice between GE and non -GE foods. As for farmers, Mrs. Reid says she recognizes their plight and sug- gesN they go organic where they are assured a premium price for their commodities because organic foods are in such high demand. She ad- mits, however, those prices may also go down over time as more and more producers enter that sector of the industry. Both the CFIA and the Ontario Corn Producers Association say al- though GE foods are exposed to "extremely rigid testing;' it's impos- sible to conduct keg -term testing because the technology simply has- n't been around long enough. Biotechnology has about 10 years of testing under its belt as opposed to the 20 or 30 years of long-term ef- fects concerned groups are seaafi- ing for. ..Food is something tangible, a subject which touches the econom- ic, social, moral and geopolitical parts of our lives;' says Mr. Wood. "It's an intense issue and the Cana- dian public should know how its food supply is produced. The CFIA thinks genetically -modified foods are safe or they wouldn't have ap- proved them" In fact, several varieties have been rejected, Mr. Wood points out. For example, the CFIA nixed the practice of injecting the genes of a Brazil nut into soybeans. The plan was to increase the soybean's grow- ing time but the nut's allergen was carried through in the mix, making it extremely dangerous for people with nut allergies to consume that type of soybean, he says. Nothing is 100 per cent fool- proof. In the long tun you just hope the benefits outweigh peoples' con- cerns," adds Ms. Bragg. "As a !nom of twins and a registered nurse, I don't want to have anything out there that is unsafe. I know I feel comfortable using this." fisted them as 191obal threats' atter a top UK sm- ert`st warned about their pownial hazards. NOTES: • rdormabont for points one to three supplied by AGCare (AgrbiNural Groups Concerned About Resources and the Environment), 16 farm groups representing 45,000 field and horbc uhural crop producers in Ontario. • information for point four suppled by the Council of Cantadiarm, a national non-partisan citi- :ern group, at www .canadtans org. • kid rmafion for points five and six supplied by Soy kto Onkie. an Internet guide to soy products, at www.soyinfaow*%azfgettazAr1 nl. �, :;,. •, ... .. .. :�. -r-•--�--- ,,,. - -. sem•. _ . . • ;z,•:, . � �' tip+ e a.,,ti �` - - ...,, r.� AM PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER, StAIDAY EDITION, UWCh 12, 2000 What to do, what to do... Answers to-_ your questions ion march'break in Ajax � and Pi*ckeri*n9­­""; You may already have the week mapped out on an wall agenda. Or, you may go where the days take you. For those somewhere in be- tween, there are plenty of activ- ities lined up in your communi- ty to keep the kids busy during the annual March holiday. IN PICKERING The City's Youth Get Out Program is offering plenty of activities for teenagers during the March break. Teens are invited to play vol- leyball Monday. March 13 from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School. On Tuesday, March 14 teens can take part in open gyms from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Eastshore Community Centre and 7 to 10 p.m. at Pine Ridge Secondary School. Teen Art runs from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Eastshore centre. An open gym is also being held at the Eastshore centre Wednesday. March 15 and Thursday, March 16 from 1 to 3 p.m. The East Shore centre will be hopping March 16 with Girls Ruiz from 7 to 10 p.m. and a break dance from 7:30 to 10 p.m. On Friday. March 17 teens can participate in an open gym from 7 to 10 p.m. at St. Mary school and a coffee house from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Eastshore centre. All events are open to youth ages 13 to 19. All activities are free, with the exception of the coffee house, which costs $2. For more information about the Youth Get Out Program call 420-4621. _ ODO The Pickering Recreation Complex is another place to be during the March break. . The City is offering March Break Camps at the recreation complex for children ages three to 12. And, there's still space available in the full-day arts and sports camps for youngsters six to 12. The day camps will run from 9 am. to 3:30 p.m. at a cost for the week of $98. Ex- tended camp hours, from 7 am. to 6:15 pm., are available at an additional Cost of $14 for the week. Registration fees include transportation._ Half-day ' Mini- Pidaca camps for children ages throe to five are already fully booked. - Other activities %eing ` of- fered throughout the week in- clude public swimming pd skating sessions. Public skating is offered from I to 3 p.m. Monday, March 13 through Friday, March 17. Skating is free for children under six, $3 for those seven and up and $7 for a fami- ly. There's public swimming Monday to Friday from 6 to 7:30 a.m., from I to 4 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. Open swim- ming sessions will also be held Saturday, March 18 and Sun- day, March 19 from I to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Cost is $6 for a family, $3 for adults and $2 for youth. The recreation complex is at 1867 Valley Farm Rd. For information about March Break camp times and costs call 420-4621. IN AJAX A new detective agency set- ting up shop in Ajax during the school March break is hiring youth sleuths. Library Detectives Inc. will offer a full week of activities at the Ajax Public Library to keep youngsters busy. A free preschool Storytime for children three years and up operates on a drop-in basis. Thirty -minute sessions starting at 10:30 a.m. run Monday, March 13 at the Village branch, and Tuesday. March 14 and Wednesday. March 15 at the McLean Community Centre li- brary. Parental supervision is required. Codes and Ciphers for chil- dren eight years and older is of- fered Monday, March 13 at the main branch and Thursday, March 16 at the McLean library for 90 minutes starting at 10:30 a.m. The one-hour Look -a -Likes program for children eight and up runs at the Village branch Wednesday, March 15 at 1:30 p.m. when participants will cre- ate a 3-D picture from everyday items. Children seven` up -'can hone their investigative skills at Library Detectives _Inc. Wednesday, Manch 15 at the McLean branch and Thursday, March 16 at the main library. Both one-hour sessions begin at 10-30 am. All the programs are free and run on a drop-in basis, with space limited to room capacity. A library treasure hunt is being held throughout the week at all three library branches for school -aged chiklr+en. Each par- ticipant solving the mystery will have their name entered in a draw for a detective kit. The main library branch is at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings Crescent, next to the Town hall; the Village branch is on Church Street north of Hwy. 2; and the McLean branch is in the community centre on the southeast corner of Westney Road and Magill Drive. For more information on the library programs call Cindy Kimber at 428-3564. El El ❑ The Youth Centre has plenty of activities planned to keep teenagers busy during the school March break. It's offering free drop-in pro- grams and workshops for Ajax and Pickering youths aged 13 to 19 Friday, March 10 to Fri- day, March 17. Drop-in programs from 1 to 4 p.m. allow participants to surf the Internet, play ping pong, pool or Nintendo -64, or simply hang out and relax. .On Tuesday, March 14, a free taco dinner and movie night tuns from 5 to 8 p.m. Soft drinks, popcorn and snacks will also be provided. The Youth Centre is also of- fering free workshops. Prior registration is necessary. An employment workshop is being held March 14 from 1 to 4 p.m. for youths 15 to 19 years who want to plan ahead for a summer job. Facilitated by the YMCA Durham Employment Services, the session will teach Participants how to write a re- sume, make cold calls, hunt for work and handle job interviews. Young can scale the heights during a rock -climbing clinic at ttv- Higher Ground facility at the Ajax Community Centre, on Centennial Road Wednesday, March 15 from I to 4 p.m. Par- ticipants will learn to rock climb safely while challenging themselves. Enrolment in the rock- climbing workshop is limited, SO participants should register early. Those under 18 must have a signed parental waiver form, available at The Youth Centre. The Youth Centre is at 360 Bayly St, W. (between Westney Road and Finley Avenue) in Ajax. Call 428-1212 for more in- formation or to register. NTARIO POWER GENERATION Ontario Power Generation Pickering Nuclear is hosting a variety of chikiren's programs during the Manch Break. Aboriginal Awareness and Pioneer Days will be held Tues= day, M 4 hom 10:30 am. to nope i`W- edrrtxday, March 15 can. t*6p 4)art in a spirit storm �, 9''Mar+ch 14 and is a b15.s and Prey game on 15. Prograw wW be held at the Ontario Power.: , Generation Pickering Nuchae Information Centre, 1675 Montgomery Park Rd., Pickering. For more information or to register call 839-1151 ext. 6675. 0. �. �i e(7 BARTENDERS SPECIAL Thursday r Workshops this month aid single parents in Pickering, Ajax PICKERING — A se- support. ries of local workshops or- The workshops are ganized by the local chap- being presented by the ter of the One Parent Fami- Family Services Associa- lies Association of Canada tion of Metro Toronto at is under way here. 1099 Kingston Road, Suite On March 14, from 7 to 222, in Pickering. Each 9 p.m. workshop partici- workshop costs $25. pants can learn more about The One Parent Fami- their children's reactions to lies Association of Canada parental separation and is a registered charity, of - learn how to help their chil- fering support to single dren cope. parents across Canada. On March 30 from 7-9 To register for the work - p.m., the workshop will shops, call Kelly weekdays provide separating parents from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at with information on the 905-831-7098 or call toll - new guidelines for child free at 1-877-773-7714. We Want To See That Special Him Or Her Susan J. is affiliated with Canadian & American film production companies now auditioning all ages for upcoming Nand film work. Auditions and latervietirs W appointment only. .Q For more details, all: n CM& saNla/ to see N yow child has fast srclsl e4J... -CARMELA • Microsoft Ad in bus shelters across Ontario (416) 536-5883 • Tv Commercials for Unica Pasta, UIPJMww.sesani.com Kellogg's Latin America, ride, Pmentai accompaniment is mandatory. Industry Canaria. Five Roses 20% off maid services) 16 savingumoney.com Coupons for just about anything for your home. Print them out. Then save on services in your neighbourhood. r- 1 � 1999 PRICES 1 . LfE/YAl Wim.. l IL Buy i LEM/YO� 1 Centra, Air 1 afld Recelm 7EREEE a" sterling l G" 1111.8.0. $0000 Must present dk ed (Only 100 available) _ NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 9 A/P We care a lot about the Pickering "A" Nuclear Station. We work there every day. And Power Workers and our families live nearby. So - we've always worked very hard to make sure the plants are safe and we've made sure our members have all the facts. And as Ontario Power Generation is preparing to re -start Pickering "A", we want our neighbours to have the facts, too. That's why we prepared the Power Workers' Pkkeriag "A" Check isL weelile s rm'd tae a.str..r.d, rat a OW of no roww Welters' Plelrlsritw "A. tWaelr>M. Fill out the coupon and mail it to us at, 244 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario, M4P 1 K2 or fax it to us at 14161322-2448. We'll send you a Copy of the com- plete checklist — and the answers. r - IL 1AZ__ We want our neighbours to have answers to their questions, too. We listened to the questions our neighbours were asking. Questions about health and safety. About the environment. About engineering and the economy. We put all the questions on our Checklist. Now, we want to share the answers with our neighbours. That way we'll all have the facts. And that's the best way to approach important decisions. We live in Pickering, too. - leaesi sow .e a cep,► of am pews Wlerkww Pieksrittt "A" ChecUM wNh Me ataw•es to OMr �edieas arort Pkilisrift "A". Name: Address: Province Telephone Postal code e-mail If y ow'd pr tw to view as eMeell" .e..se, Vila flet Web fib at wltrML�Me.q _ n.r+. .+. . - _ _- . -.z .. +�w,w+..���. .. ., .::'w:rS'�.�•�s�. ... -Z- 999 ... .. 1+.• E1�x�w.itCYldr� A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 LIBERTY TAx SERVICE • FEFE EL GMOIVIC FIMG CIOUs Tzocns • 15% SENioRS DISCOUNT • Convenient Hours • Open Year Round • Monev Back Guaruntee • Personal, Corporat Walk this way... Organizers with the Multiple Sclerosis So- ciety were at Pickering High School this week taking registrations in preparation for the annual Super Cities Walk for MS. The high-proftle event helps raise both CARL FERF.NCZ/ News Advertiser photo money and awareness for Multiple Sclero- sis. Marching into the registration session are (from left) Ellie Morris, Kimberley Roberston, Cathy Van Horne and Chris Macready. Forum aims to smash barriers to disabled Province, feds must do more for children: Advocates Breaking down the barriers which impede dis- abled people is the focus of a community forum being held in Ajax Wednesday, March 29. The Durham Region Ontarians with Disabili- ties Act Committee is hosting a forum from 7 to 9 p.m. in the HMS Ajax Room at the Ajax Com- munity Ccntre, 75 Centennial Rd. "A strong and effective Ontarians with Dis- abilities Act will ensure that people with disabil- ities and special needs have the same opportuni- ties that most people take for granted — opportu- nities for education, employment, transportation and housing," states a news release. "Show your support for a law that strips away barriers that impede many in our community from achieving their personal best." 7ihe Ajax Community Centre is wheelchair - accessible. Sign language interpreters, real time captioning and personal care attendants will be available. For more information call Kathryn Bremner, co-chairman of the Durham ODA committee, at 668-8765. Another Be a rly Eel ieVabe! M1 tnw BUa+Awnr•, Central Air Conditioning''' Completely Installed 1 Poo We Service All Makes And Models. � GST == EASY PAYMENTS O.A.C. ;Con� °f ` d WALKER HEATING year award 5 Year Compressor Warranty Call Pete In The M.T. 520 Westney Rd., South Head Department -- Unit 15A, Ajax L15 6W5 427-2577 I SUNDAY, MARCH 12 Distress Centre Durham ST. PATRICK'S DAY: The Ajax Public Library, main branch, Kings needs life-savers Cres. and Harwood Ave. invites kids three and older to a St. Patrick's Day Distress Centre Durham's period of one year. party. Traditions, stories, crafts. 24-hour telephone helpline is All volunteers have to Parental supervision required. Free. looking for volunteers like complete a telephone screen- Space limited by room capacity. 683 - the one who saved a caller's ing interview and a face -to- 4(X)O. life a while back. face registration meeting. MONDAY, MARCH 13 The thatnelstress erson`ntre whorcaled thrrts ow hlinten intensive trainingnteers �n MARCH BREAK CAMP: Bayfair g out of desperation expressed active listening, crisis inter - Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., "a sincere thank you for sav- vention and suicide preven- Pickering, hosts a day camp for stu- ing my life" to an individual tion techniques. dents in Grades 5 to 8 from 9 a.m. to manning the helpline Call 723-4461 for an ap- 3 p.m. March 13 to 17. Crafts, bible phones. "Words can't say plication. stories, sports and games. Cost is $10 enough" a day and $40 for the week for parish - That's the type of reward Side needs ioners and half price for people who distress centre volunteers re -aren't church members. That covers ceive for helping callers items old to you lunch and day trips.Phone 839-4621 from across Durham find PICKERING — St. for information. their own solutions to their Martin's Anglican Church is READING: The Young Readers problems, stressors and per- seeking donations for its Book Club and Reading Circle for sonal conflicts. New to You sale being held children five years and older meets The next training sessions Friday, March 31. I every Monday from 7 to 8 p.m. on the for people who'd like to be- Event organizers are ap- s main floor of Sarah McDonald' come volunteer helpline pealing to the community for place, 1467 Whites Rd. (corner 's workers take place Sundays, donations of good used Hwy. 2 and Whitof es Rd.), Pickering. April 30 and May 7. clothing, toys and books for I 837-2626 (Al) Email the All aspiring volunteers the sale from 7 to 9 p.m. at maor magroup must be at least 18 years old the church, 1201 St. Martin's at bookworm reads C�hotmail.com. and willing to commit 16 to Drive, Pickering. Items are TUESDAY, MARCH 14 20 hours per month (includ- also neck for a white ele- j SINGLE PARENTS: The local ing one overnight shift) at the phant table. For more infor- central Oshawa location for a mation call 839-4257. chapter of the One Parent Families Treat your W MOWS sweet tooth D D a Dom INSTALLATIONSALES - SERVICE - QC Com tete selection of -Vinyl Windows 6 Doors - help those , : . , , Picture Windows 9 y a BWindows - Baow in need �ores11111M r2o� Patio Doors . Storm Doors NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 11 P nity Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Es - BILLBOARD ther Lucas of the St. Paul's on -the - MARCH l2, 2©00 Hill Anglican Church Community Food Bank will speak. Those attend- ing are asked to bring a non -perish - Association of Canada is running a workshop where parents can learn more about their children's reactions to parental separation and how to help their children cope. It runs from 7 to 9 p.m. To register call 831-7098 PARENT SUPPORT: The local chapter of the Association of Parent Support Groups holds its weekly meeting at 7:15 p.m. for parents of kids involved in drugs, alcohol, run- ning away, dropping out of school, crimes and parent abuse. Call 416- 223-7444 or 1-800-498-5666 for lo- cation. WOMEN'S CENTRE: The Ajax - Pickering Women's Centre holds a free workshop from 7 to 9 p.m. in the community room of the Durham Re- gional Police Station, corner of Brock Rd. and Hwy. 2, Pickering. Topic is stress management. Prior registration necessary. Phone 426-1064 (Sally) for information. SENIORS: The Ajax Senior Citi- zens' Friendship Club's Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Andrews Commu- US ON m able food item for the food bank. 619-0315 (Betty). BREAST-FEEDING: The Ajax La Leche League meets at 7:30 p.m. and all pregnant women, nursing moth- ers, babies are welcome. Information and support on breast-feeding. 683- 7547 (Yvette) for information, loca- tion. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Dorothy Shier will be speaking to the Picker- ing Township Historical Society about how tens of thousands of poor children were sent from Britain to Canada to work on farms over 60 years ago. All are invited to the East Shore Community Centre (Liverpool Road, south of Bayly) at 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 PARENT SUPPORT: The Ajax - Pickering chapter of the One Parent Families Association holds its weekly meeting for custodial and non-custo- dial parents at 8 p.m. at the Annan- dale Golf and Curling Club, at the corner of Church and Bayly Sts., Ajax. Phone 837-9670 for informa- tion. " Ar suSIN 100 Harvest Antiques is the place to go if you're looking for unique items Are you looking for something mos) 579-22� nor The Alzheimer111-9188-576-8575 Society of Wr Durham Region oot showroom will hold its 9th Gf.NTRq�Condos annual Choco- late Lover's FUNING Rental ' Luncheon Sun- Properties CZ f`, day, May 7- AVAILABLE The sweet AVAILABLE'PRIVATE FUNDS tooth's' sweet about what to look for whm pw- treat will be of- ' 'consolidation specialty fered up Sunday, For FASTPROFESSIONALSERVICE May 7 at noon at ' •5) 666-498 Cullen Gardens in Whitby. ;JR 45 ;J P, I1-" r i I A $35 ticket Not wid• Union Fvrwrrof rias Fhoprlar•• entitles you to a -111wi/btdai; 0�•eh 0iri/lranaRn lemon herb •�rAodw •ttMrallal•uN1mme •am= chicken lunch, a .fyum .tib opd- rink fashion show, a kpim re Moral - No Payum ls, No W@M for 3 Monks chance to win prizes and, of The re course, choco- - 1 mkows0wN7i5 [97 _ upon arrival at Harvest'Andques. weeo iai� teesi S76-9199 The main mdm odnerwise spedfir , and aU prize is for a fthway 7, just west of Brack - weekend get - SANDRA away that in- "An1lk;luesandit5sinn0oi tbouthow toselecttla cludes dinner FINISHING TOUCH and theatre tick- stock arrives an daily basis. -at Hsrwest Mtiquesanti here to ets to see The I & FURNITURE RESTORATION Lion King. Hfrrt t + features an eh, of bens=r The society veneer repair hopes to raise colour matching $5,000 to help odd pies es such as. and end tables. 'Aney also`carry saa►e 8a'Se�!s l>ght fibctnst+es the t> support care -(905) 426-5992 givers, friends and family of IE SEAS AUTO BOD people with RW W A,gLAMM - Alzheimer's dis- „ AUFO NWj ma y _V0 ease or related - dementia. The society also uses r!! a �2Oo �u�pIni'l w i n•1 OrWcX,,:,,%. funds raised for i q n research into 1� .this disease. - -!r - - - - - For more in- IJNIT , 28'2 MONARCH AVE., AJAX1 a� Aur (916) 619-2327 formadon can AM deilaill& call 576-2567. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 11 P nity Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Es - BILLBOARD ther Lucas of the St. Paul's on -the - MARCH l2, 2©00 Hill Anglican Church Community Food Bank will speak. Those attend- ing are asked to bring a non -perish - Association of Canada is running a workshop where parents can learn more about their children's reactions to parental separation and how to help their children cope. It runs from 7 to 9 p.m. To register call 831-7098 PARENT SUPPORT: The local chapter of the Association of Parent Support Groups holds its weekly meeting at 7:15 p.m. for parents of kids involved in drugs, alcohol, run- ning away, dropping out of school, crimes and parent abuse. Call 416- 223-7444 or 1-800-498-5666 for lo- cation. WOMEN'S CENTRE: The Ajax - Pickering Women's Centre holds a free workshop from 7 to 9 p.m. in the community room of the Durham Re- gional Police Station, corner of Brock Rd. and Hwy. 2, Pickering. Topic is stress management. Prior registration necessary. Phone 426-1064 (Sally) for information. SENIORS: The Ajax Senior Citi- zens' Friendship Club's Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Andrews Commu- US ON m able food item for the food bank. 619-0315 (Betty). BREAST-FEEDING: The Ajax La Leche League meets at 7:30 p.m. and all pregnant women, nursing moth- ers, babies are welcome. Information and support on breast-feeding. 683- 7547 (Yvette) for information, loca- tion. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Dorothy Shier will be speaking to the Picker- ing Township Historical Society about how tens of thousands of poor children were sent from Britain to Canada to work on farms over 60 years ago. All are invited to the East Shore Community Centre (Liverpool Road, south of Bayly) at 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 PARENT SUPPORT: The Ajax - Pickering chapter of the One Parent Families Association holds its weekly meeting for custodial and non-custo- dial parents at 8 p.m. at the Annan- dale Golf and Curling Club, at the corner of Church and Bayly Sts., Ajax. Phone 837-9670 for informa- tion. " Ar suSIN 100 Harvest Antiques is the place to go if you're looking for unique items Are you looking for something .. / i unique to compliment the decor • J oot showroom in your home? Perhaps you like idea the of owning an antiquefor • • experiencedth the piece of furniture, but are unsure �t - antiquer and for the novice. about what to look for whm pw- dnang an item. That's where Harvest Antiques doesn't have it Hw at Antiques comes in, m stock, they wiII dv their best to ®Fgronlrer 20 years, Brenda and fad it for you. Vee Hues have been buying w: AII pieces are island re -finished and sidling amtignres of all sores _ upon arrival at Harvest'Andques. May casry,a fail line of fnaltitnnere mdm odnerwise spedfir , and aU and aeca esaries in thtar 4000 Would be a perked addition to work is completed Di Buse by their square boot snap located oa. my �, „; � 3a>vwledg�aWe trairied.prohs- fthway 7, just west of Brack - You'll also find a tlerrific ii- . • JEWS why there's 1w '. Road inBnpalg fantf. �M of glees and Chinawwe 'ileedr to w ry+ou're umure 'DY `perfect "An1lk;luesandit5sinn0oi tbouthow toselecttla wan t and calk #irrini- Baa* to beep the i ft in shun ni* piece of hbitiory becaase'therstaff tune, and one look at dwk ape- stock arrives an daily basis. -at Hsrwest Mtiquesanti here to anus vinorYmem.wiD pei7we,1>n Between &ends. David and ,. 'iiwke it easy for .�dr staff of -pkkm,- Harvest O[ t�OntgaCt Y'`'�^•�� �r.O�rOsLpe�rS��lIIfatltla[I�, tha� • Qi t i Hfrrt t + features an eh, of bens=r '. %Jland puochasmg new.items froox_1t y. Satulyday, Snatnday card of sources. And, if tlhees Y hem 10 a m - 5pan... nwlr► saites. 0 n sudtes as in particular that you to � sJince well as a variety of tables � ttszznr�arate >i�s -amg for, but haven't had s odd pies es such as. and end tables. 'Aney also`carry saa►e 8a'Se�!s l>ght fibctnst+es the t> �.aonudn hlri k in fniding, be sure and lthat special item luck shout their -Whin Book." 11 : ' ' for could be mrvang at H"W" AN ,< iQUES `OB W A04"S, Glass, Ci t, Sliver 0 Frrsidse SjiecialWng in Dining Room Bedroom Suttee Iron Beds �� a "lCow d' lysis ow 4,000 sq. ft Sbowrooilt r r Open llit"aM-Sas-Mon 10 urn to S po 1905) 627-9670 ,;&W&M, S min. nortb of Pickering i m, o10 Intim 1!J OR KITCHEN a BATHROOM RENOVATIONS HUGE RENOVATION CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED SHOWROOM WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS KITCHEN & BATHROOM BOOKED THIS MONTH! MODELS :W,91M:e:0=111110me _�. .-Y,Br-,a.lv' �..ac-.i _. �.....:-�.� _ _... M' .w ... •`a.-... _r _ .-]..:.-.^^.-'�"rr'i. y - AM PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, Mod t 12, 2000 Waime a"ropp in 9• NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 12, 2 0 0 0 Birthdav I Birthday Birthday 40th Birthday Birthday I "Oh no! "Watch out, March 4 My first birth- i because Ian was special � day was Dav turned 10 ' for Megan March 10. 1, years old on Schofield as �4 Julia Chris- tine Million, Feb. 29...or should we be she turned 13. Wishing their couldn't wait p : saying 'Cordy,., `Muffin' all , n1 to havemy lF the boss the best were first cake with lordy, is 40'?" Love Mom, Dad, Mommy, Daddy and siblings from MaryAnn, Denise, Matthew, siblings Lana, Tyler, 1 indsev and Lisa" Frank and all of Ian'smany Amy, Matthew, Tim and Vanessa, March 7 was a friends. Meow the cat and Casey the dog. w, special day for big guy Pasqualino as he Birthdav turned two. Kristi Mac- Birthday Birthday Persistent Adorahle Fadyen turns 18 Shawn Mar- Tom turned - A special princess is four. Sneaky and silly on March 17. tins celebrated 33 on March 6. Nicole Braviannis was the Quiet - Not "May your new ' his 13th birthday -Happy birth - birthday girl on March 10. I Unbeatable century be filled N,;? on March 2. S day wishes go d Lots of love and best wishes I Ambitious with hope, joy "Our sonis now out to my has- from Mommy, Daddy. Lovable and love. Happy a teenager How band, my love, - brother Michael, Fritz, Inquisitive birthday and quick he grew- my best friend. x< Mookie. Shakespeare and Bambi. -Turn I Not negotiable love from Mom, Happy birthday May this be yet W around and Original Dad, JUL Lauren, Nana and Papa Shawn. Lovewa •sou al, Mom, ' y } another you're two, turn around and Happy birthday from Broderick, Aunt Lily, Uncle Dad, sister Liz and brother Austin:' year filled with you're four!" Mama and Papa. Randy, Rachel, Joshua, Sarah, wonderful firsts! All my love, Aunt Barb, Aunt Ann, Uncle Ed, Cath y Vanessa, Kyle, Aunt Frances, Birthday Birthday Uncle Bert, Aunt Cathy, Uncle Terry, Jeff and Aunt Ruth. We are "It's the big Birthday "Stop the passes! Ten years very proud of you and all that you one! What a have just flown by. Everyone in gym; } have accomplished" great year it's Happy sev- Czestochowski's family is been. Our spe- ` enth birthday Fes" astounded and amaced she's turning the corncx on double dig- , /" { Birthday y tial little man Luc t "�' ww wishes go out& its. Mom and Dad are quoted, 'It seems like only that r� I " Heaven = urns one on March 15. Dustin Vet r n ere on March yesterday must be missingWishing him . a our Beauty Doody was only an angel. Happ ° lots of love are believe how nine: Kara will celebrate her first birthday to w Mama, Dada, Grumpa, Nanie and fast ou've ; 10th birthday at a pottery party with friends, followW by family blow-out big a our little angel `- ' Uncle Joey. Hugs and kisses. We grown! Hugs, on the day of March 12. Have a great Riann Eliza- `" love you so much!- kisses and lots � day Angel Baby. We hope all your wishes and dreams beth Shaw on of love from come we. Lo%e always from Mom, Dad and the critters" March 15. r . - - Birthday Mummy, Daddy and sister Carly" Shared love. hugs and kisses from Birthday Mommy, Daddy, Nana and Papa Walker, Grandma and Grandpa March 12 is Birthday "Our little baby is double digits. Shaw, Great -Nana y kyr, a big day for Emily Powdl "Sharon, Matthew Liapis turned 10 on March Great -Grandpa Shaw, family and as 8. Wishing him a happy birthday with rfriends. she turns' seven. Wishing your dog love were Mom, Dad and brother the birthdayrrl Cham and I p and Jakob. We hope you enjoyed your spe- Birthdays all the est � all your Friends. tial day" with love, are and family would Birthday Mom, Dad, Melissa, nth, Wally, Rosie and like to wish you a happy Watch out Pickering. Kimberley -::Annabellie.birthday on March 10. From your Manley turns 15 on March 15. Lots best friend Joia■■e. Gotcha!" °Dad,love Birthday Sharalyn, Sra■itceNan, B �y Pbp, Sharrie, Bob athe rest of and `-: Mauch 11 was her family and friends. r a magical day for Gordo ■ Dwd Shams Crawfwd paned $uthday as be prrned sat 17 on March 4. "Happy birthday Buddy. Turning Mig bataday wishes So out to Ha�*t, who paned 60 on and celebrated the occasion at _ _ day bog the aU the . Y eight is g great for Christopher Rs- March 8, and Jerry Harbert, who home with his best, with love, guaeo on March 15. Have a great turned 57 on March 11. Man family and = � are Men, Dad, day! Lots of love from Mono, Dad, happy returns to you both, with love friends. Wnw .. ar Victoria and David" from JacatiePad and Miciael, him a happybidhday with love were T.J. And, `ruff, - , Dud, Mom and Braltlry. ruff- from Lady. ao 1794 Uverpool Road Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? to: Pickering 831-54131 ° ...Send THIS WFEI('S CAKE W, ►� ARE: 3 1. Dusdo � Let us know. We'll publish your = DM Namepping, x � special occasion in an easy -to -read . '�lo Gilligan, _ W,�R tom„ 130 mmeKeit Comn,<enctcti Arae., �Y K t �a �t �� 4 . ��� � �� � C and easy-to-chp format... ^. 4jax, ont. VALE) stria. SAT,MAIL a 2000 LIS 2Z15� CELIA BRONKHORST/ News Advertiser photo Sarah's on a roll Sarah Rolling was the centre of attention tit a hirthdav part -v held for her cit the Jean Timms Potton Strohm cut the Pirkerint Re•e rvatinn COniplex. She turned severe on ,tfa h tl S,1R/� r R_;, e NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 13 A/P .w Riding stables can't horse around: Brenner Regulations for Pickering equestrian facilities sought PICKERING — Improving safety at horse riding facilities is the aim of a working group de- veloping a new bylaw to license equestrian centres here. Ward 1 Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner reports repre- sentatives from the Pickering Riding Centre, Hermitage Farms and SLO Acres are working with City officials in an effort to in- crease the safety of riders and horses at facilities here. Coun. Brenner says he asked the Province to regulate riding establishments across Ontario last year following an accident that took the life of a young girl in Aurora. But, the Province has not taken any action and Coun. Brenner believes it's now up to municipalities to regulate the rid- ing facilities in their area. "in Ontario alone, needless tragedies could have been avoid- ed through mandatory require- ments for approved head wear and appropriate footwear as well as an acceptable level of training and/or experience for those claiming to be instructors;' Coun. Brenner says. "This is a very serious prob- lem. Without any regulations anybody can say 'I'm teaching';" he notes. MAURICE BRENNER 'A serious problem.' r1 1999 Central Air Conditioners NO i h W For Detailsi A�ax/Pickcrin 90-428-0333 Whitby/Oshawa 905-436-3212 Authorized Dealer 0 Lnion March Break 2000 Tour Program Tuesday March 14 Wednesday March 15 Is the U of T the right choice for you? . Find out at the Open House! ACADEMICS: Get the detailed information you need. TOURS: Let a student tour guide show you our campus and residences. ADMISSION: Inquire about admission and financial aid. LUNCH: Free lunch... PRIZES: Enter to win great door prizes. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO AT SCARBOROUGH Register On-line at: www.scar.utoronto.ca 1265 Military Trail (HWY 401 Morningside exit) (416) 287-7563 =,4, ! 31)111:)JIIr .Si .1:1 cIV,: ;"! "Ii'RQYLZ 'T: i': 1"11.11It Z10 -it, AAP PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Mardi 12, 2000 i 6=6"k", .Health mei ht Loss Tips For You y s By Anna Midolo CNP. RNCP. *Eat as close to nature as you can. Fresh and organic fruits and vegetables will always be best. Avoid all processed foods and foods that are high in saturated fats and refined sugars ie. "junk foods". Eat a diet that is rich in whole foods like fresh fruit, leafy green vegetables, whole grains like brown rice, rye and legumes with approximately 20% of your daily food intake coming from lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey and fresh fish. (Protein amounts may vary depending on individual needs). your diet with high quality Lecithin, Flax seed oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil and Linseed Oil to make sure that you are getting your Essential Fatty Acids and all the benefits that they bring to your health. *Determine any nutritional deficiencies, ( a R e gistered Nutritional Consultant *Drink at least 8 glasses of good quality pure filtered water daily. can help you with this) * that may be contributing Carbohydrates should come from higher fibre sources like fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains such as rye, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, whole wheat, multi grain and brown rice. Substitute your white bread with multi grain or rye bread and avoid sugary cereals, cakes, cookies and other starchy foods. *Fat choices should be from Essential Fatty Acid Sources. Essential Fatty Acids are "good fats" that have been proven to assist the body in weight loss and also lower cholesterol levels. Choose cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and eat plenty of fresh seeds and nuts (still in the shell) along with plenty of cold water fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, and Anchovies. You can also supplement when you're having new dentures made, go to the "Specialist" Because the Denturist you see, all he does is make dentures. Your Denturist is a Denture Specialist to make complete and partial Dentures. He is the only professional legislated "specifically" to make Dentures. For service and ..one on one" contact with the person who is actually making your denture, see your local Denturist for a consultation. Do your dentures spend more time in a glass than in your mouth? A prominent biblical figure whose patience was legendary, who withstood pestilence and calamity, was heard to say one Day that the only thing that got to him was "sore gums". SORE SPOTS The main reason for sore spots is ill-fitting dentures - it is a combination of shrinking gums and denture wear. See the person who makes your dentures. NEW DENTURES You can expect some adjustments the first month after getting your dentures. It takes time to settle into place. At the first sign of discomfort, do not be alarmed. If it last.-. more than 3 or four days, contact your Denturist. UPPER DENTURES The upper denture is the "good guy". The one that gets all the smiles. The denture that causes the least discomfort. The big plus of the upper denture is its suction. The air caught between the palate of the denture and the roof of the mouth makes an ideal suction cup. LOWER DENTURES Lower dentures have become the "culprit" from much oral abuse. Lower dentures are much maligned. So much so, people tend to divorce them from your partner, the upper dentt..re. The lower denture has become somewhat of a misfit, and seeks refuge in the most unlikely places. Bottom drawers, bottom of the bed, amongst lipsticks and combs in ladies' handbags, lunch pails, back pockets, and if they have a caring owner, submerged for eternity in a denture bath. ALL. IS NOT LOST You can have a "soft liner" put in your lower denture. This is a "permanent" liner and will stay soft as long as your denture lasts. OTHER REASONS . Medication can give you a "dry mouth". This can cause sore spots. Bone chips can appear many years after the initial insertion. As we get older, our body goes through change, tissue becomes more sensitive to pressure, which leads to sore spots. Poor oral hygiene can be the reason for denture discomfort. Dentures must be brushed thoroughly after every meal. TO EASE DISCOMFORT Rinse your mouth with baking soda or salt. Leave the offending dentures out as much as possible. You should brush your gums, palate and tongue with a soft bristle toothbrush after every meal and before going to sleep. A sore mouth, if untreated, could lead to complications. If the problem recurs regularly, contact your, local Denturist. SERVICE WITH A SMI .1F Seeing a Denturist can save you money. Denturist fees are affordable because there are no cost mark ups or outside delays. Make an appointment, full or partial dentures, new of replacement, refit or repairs, whatever your denture requirements, see a Denturist. A referral is not necessary. You can call William Steil D.D. F.C.A.D. (A) or Charles Wm. Steil D.U. For a free consultation phone (905) 6834294. \ Fs ANNA UIDOLO XNP RNCP Improve ` Your Nutritional t>atinr'an rartcinm,n Well-being! B.A. RAC -11 New Clients • - Call For A FREE Consultation 0 ' Healthy Directions at the . Chiropractic Wellness Centre 1420 Bayly St., Unit 5 Pickering (905) &394723 a VRfiti.til Y1 No GAT 6 P.ST. EvS. & Y Sar. apps AIR it e .is &Willing To Smile About! u A Partitd Destam ff".— —as l■1low" &$W4WN iM i RcWn • Fere CoanitatWats i've ahvrys wa mwit, MX* D.D. ierCentre D. ,0-2652 G 0 • Free consultation a No i derral necessary 0 Braces for adults and children Evening and Saturday appointmeats available Dr. Christopher Tom Orthodontist Pickering Town Centre, Lower Level to your weight gain or difficulty in losing weight. Remember that Weight Loss is a very individualize thing and cannot be generalized with the "Latest Die Craze". Education and a commitment to a healthier way o eating and living is the only way to go for long term weight loss results. To discover your own unique nutritional needs please call or visit Anna Midolo Registered Nutritional Consultant at the Pineridge Natural Health Centre. We are located at 1670 Kingston Road, Unit #5 at Brock Rd. in Pickering, Ontario. Phone #(905) 683-7735. Chiropractic can make all the difference in your world! Our natural holistic, "hands on" approach has provided relief for many people just like you. Many health problems have their source in spinal misalignments. Call for a spinal screening. DR. MARYANN FRANKO P I K E R IDG E .IITL'N.l NI.LTN BeoeaL Rd_1. Hwry 2 d J. KILIN, a �., • a:��n - aL �a>e J on" a-0 arl• ■amu mas ass •um `� sagiiiiia�ia•�iiiia:iiiii NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Marek 12, 2000 PAGE 15 AIP JIM - i 1 L (:JA --Lose awe* ht and ee t better in 2000— we* ht Arbour is a Registered Nutritionist at The Wellness Connection in Ajax. She is also someone who has experienced change in her life when it comes to losing weight by changing her eating habits. "I know how it feels physically and emotionally to have a weight problem and digestive disorders," she explains. "This experience helps me to work with my clients so they can achieve their goals." you may be having trouble with including digestion, elimination and respirator as well as problems associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Once this is done the next step is to determine a detoxification program. Evelyn has designed a 4 step program for her clients that is easy to follow and has resulted in long term results. The "You may feel bloated all the time, first step is a 1 hour consultation. She have bad breath or feel tired all the finds out what you've been eating and time;' says Evelyn. "Detoxification is how you've been feeling. It's a time to the body's natural process of elimination learn about good and bad eating habits or neutralizing of toxins via the liver, the as well as the differences between good kidneys, the urine, feces, exhalation and and bad digestion. perspiration" Next you take home a questionnaire. This step of the program also includes This helps you to see which systems you eating plan based on your needs .t;I&X16, 1955 VALLEY FARM ROAD, PICKERING, ONT. ll V 1 X6 whether it's for detoxification, Ajax. For more information call weight loss or both. (905) 683-8532. Evelyn provides you with easy and affordable recipes and an individualized eating plan which will include herbal supplements for detoxification The Wellness Connection is located at 2-360 Bayly St. W. in TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE to PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. y2) Highway to Health" W Lose weight r Increase your energy level r Detoxify your body r Sleep better Improve your quality of life Call Evelyn Arbour at the Wellness Connection 360 Bayly St Unit 02, Ajax (905) 683-8532 DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST Eye Believe In Miracles It's official. Thousands of people have eliminated their need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses with LaserVision correction. But, rest assured. these "miracles" are not random. Selecting the right Laser Eye Surgeon is a critical step. .W o M O W t 8 W Dr. John MacLeod is Durham Region's Chief Laser Surgeon for the works -renowned Herzig -Eye Institute. After thousands of LASIK procedures, Dr. MacLeod offers the experience you can bust.` Experience The Freedomt<;� { EXPERIENCE You Can Trusd Life without glasses or contacts? Call MacLeod Eye Clinic, to find out if you qualify for Laservsion correction and to register for our HERZIG free seminar. EYE INSTIUTE John N. MacLeod, MD, FRCSC 117 King St. East www macs oodA".com Oshawa, ON, Canada L1H 18 e-mail: macleodlQidirect.Com ear: (W 721-1211 toll free 1 -877 -721 -EYES A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Mtlrrch 12, 2000 t *` 2 Er oily" n .Eat sleeP, work? Vere is a place where then Many people are aware of thirsting for "something more" than the eat/sleep/work cycle that dominates our lives. When malls and movie theatres are increasingly insufficient for our deeper needs, where can we go? And what is it exactly that we are looking for? We may be looking for health in its true, original sense. The word "health" was originally connected to the concepts of "whole" and "holy": i.e. there was a bond between being healthy, realizing wholeness, and experiencing life as deeply meaningful and profound. Health in its original meaning required much .more than absence of pain or disease - it was about inner and outer harmony: wholeness. Somehow as adults, we lose that sense of wholeness. At these times, the world seems overheated with pressure and anxiety, yet also dry like the desert and lonely. We trudge on, sensing the need for connection, for renewal, for relief. The teachers and practitioners at Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre are committed to renewing the wise Nutritional Consultant helps Clients Reach Personal Goals for Nutritional Health & Well-being As a tu-Inthomal consukaw, Deborah MacKinnon knows that many people want to make changes m their diet. but aren't sure how a nutritional consultant can help with this change. -1 hope this answers some of those questions," she says. What does a Nutritional Conwkaat Do' A Nutritional Consultant works with a client who wants to make nutritional changes to improve health and welt -being. To do this effectively: 1. The diem completes and returns lifestyle and nutritional geestiomaacs. 2. The Nutritional Consultant assess" this information, and thea meets with the client to get to know more about the client's health. lifestyle, and health goats. During this meeting. recommendatwas for the first steps toward' eating arc discvssod. 3. After completrng an is -depth assessment of the information provided by dee client, the Nutritional Consultant meets with the client to discuss a personalized plan for healthier eating. This includes natntional and lifestyle changes that will help the client reach hhsAier own personal toals_ 4. Follow-up consultations help the diem succeed in implem entueg the new Why is no"ifion important' We must eat to stay alive. That is a fact The choices we make about what we eat are very important. what we eta has an effect on our physical health, both immediately and on a long-term basis. If we consider that the food we eat also has an influence on our memal. emotional. and even spiritual well-being, we can understand why it is so important to step back and assess what type of nouruAmem we are providing for ourselves. We all know our gardens wouWo't flourish on a steady diet of sugar and coffee. so why do we feed ourselves so often with these and other ami -nutrients, How do I knew Y a Nutritional GawMonl an Yelp W. Many people arc already aware of beats problems associated with food, but aren't sate what alternatives arc available to them. Allergia, asthma, skin problems. headaches. ear infections, weight shifts and fatigue are just a few common symptoms in bah adults and chilthi m. Often these an be associaW with diet - a diet including refined and processed foods: a diet lacking in fibre. water and basic nutrients: a diet low on fresh fruits and vegetables: a diet high in protein and fats. In our fast -paced lives, we choose foods that arc fast, filling. and familiar. but not necessarily the best for us! The good news is [Yat a PltalritiaaaI Cru nki nl can Yelp yon sort out nedilfatieas to year diet that A help yea fed better. (MANGE TAKES TDEE Any kind of change takes awareness. concentration. and time. To succeed, ptatkom is important - take small, manageable steps, and take pride in each accomplishment! When making nutritional changes, there are twee ways to go: Add Substilufe. Fimimle, For example: Addling might include drinking more water daily, or eating one [gore vegetable at dimer. Subalkete healthier options, such as soy milk instead of cow milk, wbole grain breads for white varieties, or use maple syrup instead of sugar for sweetness. Ebahmite foods that you know are nes healthy (e.g. fast food), or foods that you determine to be directly causing problems (e.g. if chocolate gives you headaches!) Dietary changes take time. Set your goals, and thea ease into them on a schedule that is seasonable to you! Deborah MacKLuon is a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner. She can be reacthe I at "Healthy Directions" at the Chiropractic WdYsess Ceatre,1420 Bayly St., Unit S., Pickering ("S) 8394723. e is something and valuable vision of health in its original sense. Greenwood is a peaceful oasis, right in our midst, providing dedicated and professional support for mending the body, awakening the mind, and balancing the spirit. We greet you with the resources and guidance for renewal at whatever level you feel is necessary. The signals that we need to eliminate stress and increase satisfaction in our lives are there for us to hear if only we will listen. Sometimes it is a choice between taking the first step or saying, "I'm too busy". Being too busy is often the very best indicator of a real need to take that first step out of Eat/Work/Sleep and into something deeper, more meaningful. It's a phone call and a 10 -minute drive that can help you break the cycle of Eat/Sleep/Work and make room for wholeness in its true sense. New introductory courses starting in March and April for Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation at Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre, (905) 619-1405. 1 � Affordoble DentureS... One Good Reason To Smile_ REPAIRS (I err) ' Relines ' Complete. Partial Dentures NW PCRMANENT, William Steil, lam, F.C.A.0A) SOFT DENTURE L NER Charles WM. Steil, DM*984 Old Kngston Rd. W. PICKERIN VILLAGE AJAX 683-429-1 After hours 428-8801 7 Dr. Kevin fiber and Associates OPTOMETRISTS • Dispensing of Contact Lenses and Glasses • Canlpkb Funky Eye Caro • Low Ylsion Services • Laser &wgwy CoMmapawt 1S llaraao0 S Prh...n "Q1&"2) 42 / -41 44 more. !Greenwood glollstic fflealth Calt'+e Centre 619-1408 Break the cycle and make room for wholeness courses in Yoga, Tai Chi & Meditation CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION A peaceful country retreat Highway 7 and Westney (10 min. from downtown Pickering) NUTRITION ADDITION Upcoming Seminars Bowel Disorders Sun. Apr. 16 - 1:00 - 2:30 Fibromyalgia Thurs. Apr. 27 - 7:30 - 9:00 Weight Loss Thurs. May 25 - 7:30 - 9:00 COST: $15 per session or $25 for two sessions. Please call to reserve your seat. Mary -Jo McCarthy .Registered Nutnbon Coruuutane For an appointment call 420-1443 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDrWN, March 1Z 2OW PAGE 17 NP ING, 1410 H'. I 40 :ko on I I [:,m 111191111: 8 I r ! Fill -_ - - :)W To WIN Business Ad Find Search through the Bath n' Bedwm Brock Aulo 'pring Thing feature A Plus Vacuu1n CI kmr*v wam ext 4 pages), write down &xuhade Wo& M MCIaco page number on which Ead SMO Mario's U**Mm WOW or VANkift Spa Fax or deliver the Decorative Solullom Callousel Woes 3usiness Ad Find" and to CoMem Hair & Beauty Pickeft car** adjacent ballot :he News Advertiser. ED Sun Fit Clanical Marlial Afts s that easy! Draw will Cer*e SoulhwW Equedilart C*. eld Friday, March 17/00. NckerN NCYN 1`161ft Auciley Road SaMe yI :)W To WIN Business Ad Find Search through the Bath n' Bedwm Brock Aulo 'pring Thing feature A Plus Vacuu1n CI kmr*v wam ext 4 pages), write down &xuhade Wo& M MCIaco page number on which Ead SMO Mario's U**Mm WOW you find each ad. =Commer0arMait VANkift Spa Fax or deliver the Decorative Solullom Callousel Woes 3usiness Ad Find" and to CoMem Hair & Beauty Pickeft car** adjacent ballot :he News Advertiser. ED Sun Fit Clanical Marlial Afts s that easy! Draw will Cer*e SoulhwW Equedilart C*. eld Friday, March 17/00. NckerN NCYN 1`161ft Auciley Road SaMe P, : 11111110_�� r-------- AD FIND BALLOT Fax or deliver this ballot and the Business Ad p. Find to: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, Ontario FAX (905) 619-9068 NrIme Address Phone -AJAXIPICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER -nit-COMIMUNHI N&WSPAPURSINCIA%5 -------------------- AIP PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, MKch 12, 2000 u � ON SPECIAL THIS MONTH Beaujolais Brise -De -Mer MOM WINS Make Your Own Wine! 1794 LIVERPOOL RD. PICKERING (across from Liquor Store) 831=3244 r It's a"IllarW Thine The Tradition Kids Eat FreeR March 13th -19th ax sMOM W" •� n+e v or one newt enoree. dne M wft And ... yw hart a charm to win s MW kite! fxvm Kiss! EnCer our ma �+�" q ars ' for vo�r a�iie a ne. W$ tw ova "�'' oe to rere's dew �o � �o rgNo�r. wueeN xOM. tate M W oetses at Transit Square 100 Westney Rd., S - AJAX 619-2229 v; 1 WESTERN BOOTS I.adirs' & Mcn's From $9999 'WESTERN BELTS From $29" 29" Store Hours: Mon -Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING 831- FREE 2C MINUTE TANNING SESSION Pon = = OF roup LEf . AMTELMOMMM 'Try Our Ubnate 'Esthetician Hex Stand Up Booth Pneent uft ed fora,. free 20 mMNA. tanning session Fk* time customers only. PICXJ3 G HEAD OFRCE SCARBOROUGH LOCATION COUFFICE LOCATION 1735 PKrKEiNfGUnk tIA SCA MKowan RCL 2127 Unit 3 COURTICE (905) 831-7794 (416) 439-4533 (905) 438-9877 FIND ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS FROM THE ADS IN THE SPRING THING SECTION! How many days left in the sale at Maaco? What are they thinking about at Decorative solutions? Who can eat for free at East Side Mario's? What road is the Pickering location of Tanning World on? How much is the first price in the Pickering Sewing Centre ad. When should you register at Southwind? Lube,Oil & filter is only this much at Consumer Car Mart. A Plus Vacuum features a year warranty. Bath n Bedtime have this many specials offered in their ad. What anniversary is the Wallpaper Centre celebrating? How much is the lining in the Sunshade Blinds ad? CUSTOM -DRAPERY SALE Save on the latest styles & desifinsl ion• Romans •swags & Jabots • Sheers x • n .co„atia ,hods • Bedspreads • Upholstery • Shutters • Blinds & Shades` Motorised Products 'NW Nftrwf FAWN OWOV• FREE SHAOPP AT HOME -'FOUNDS A DRAPERY 428-093% 88 Old Kingston Road, Merl- ed I" (Pickering Village) Ajax Thurs & Fil row sat lo -s Pickering Horse Centre Finest Outdoor tHorse Show Facilities 4 .0 -` Horse Camp Programs Beginners to Advanced (July & August) • 30 Acres - 3 Outdoor Rings • Hunter & Jumper Courses • Indoor Riding Area with Onlooking Lounge • Qualified Instructors Call for more information 649-1342 Yogi Imagine! OVER Irsnm ITOME I E'('OR HOME DECOR PRODUCTS "am Region for 0--- Fieldcrest Towels Hand Towels • 99 :an You Imagines Bath Towels $6o99 Face Cloths Bath Sheets $12.99 fame Brands- ieldcrest &more! 6-99( ►ll lst(i C HOME DECOR GENUINE FACTORY OUTLET 458 Fairall St., Ajax -(at Westney -across from GO Stn.) 905.683-2222 Open ?Days a Week. '- Mon., Tues.,10-6 Wed.: 10-6, Thurs.:10-8, Fri. 10-6, Sat.: 10-5, Sun. Noon -5 H" m a N " : �� ora NrarNSNNNa < fAtRAlI SE tlArlT - ... wa. ♦,;13=QCiiwt3:«Y :"f ! ..i. d.r e•. PICKERING SEWING CENTRE Pickering Town Centre (905) 831-5696 "FREE LESSONS with All MACHINE PURCHASES" *_WAkMOME `him - NOW drive shaft • Built-in buttonhole system -14 true built-in stitches -17 year warranty • Sews heavy denim - Automatic tens; ^f. 344LE Due to a special purchase Cobourg Sewin 1 Centre is offering this outstanding quality Janome sewing machine on SALE! Expires March 19, 2000. MSL $sas .,tANOME 314 thread• Differential feed - Easy threading• ✓� ' Rolled hem, narrow hem• -� 17 year warranty, Easy ccess controls• , f' 1340 1 With this easy to operate serger, you'll be able to make any garment in halt the time IASL leaving more time for creativity. sm Expires March 19, 2000. ------ - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tra i 1 rre Treat your ; Sewng Xbo me to a 4 sap tine i,p► We repair a/ ; . makes a models $20.00 off '=! WWI Itis coupon Tune up Coupon Egires March 19, M. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 'I MEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Manch 12.9000 RAGE 19 NP Y- .BROCK AUTO.— • Expert repairs to all makes and models • LEASE to own Used Cars GREAT RATES MARCH SPECIAL FREEOil filter with 95 oil change 14 (most vehicles) � DROP IN AND SEE US! Brock Rd. N. at Taunton Rd., PICKERING (905) 427-6110 1 15U'"REKA POWERLINE 10 Year Warranty • Cleans up to 8000 sq ft • Anniversary pricing includes elec. powerhead, hose and all accessories . 550 ,,,,,l ® Consumer Car Marr Wel�cOmes or oflw N to D our family of Class A I—SMWfame with ,7-_1%1 12 yours experliwf!A re -Spring Senice Package LUBE, OIL, FILTER & FREE TIRE ROTATION >�to=boom .Mdo• hmpeco w O - � 1 f ..._ L . ..:Imp. BUMPER TO BMW ER SENY10E FOR DOMESTICS i MWMM • 0 ars expire March 17 �- • Offers apply to most cars ark! Wd truths ONTARIO,S Hours: Mon 46d. & Fri 8.6 Thum. 8A Sat. 8.5 �N UP iiwai 20 NEWS ADVERTISER01?I �: acs. • , n u SUNDAY EON. March 122000 l CROSSWORD `""'°'" Clues ACROSS 1- Hawaiian dish 4. Linear unit S. Native Americans from Arizona 12. Airborne, abbr. 13. Call to prayer 14. Again 15. Bookish 17. Challenge 18. Compile 19. Pressed 20. Concedes 22. Soviet city 23. Edition 24. Dirigible 27. Pesetas 28. Selects 29. Caspian, for one 30. Tree 31. Textiles 32. Despot 33. Boils over 35. Himalayan wild goats 36. Constrictors 37. Aura 38. Greek portico 40. Psychoneurotic 44. River in Turkey 45. Follower 46. Cavity 47. Sports equipment 48. Affirmatives 1. Chum 2. Religion 3. Predicament 4. Show 5. Moslem women's garments 6. Humorist 7. Amount not specified 8. Priests 9. Live .Take a chance 10. A pool of standing water 11. Frightened 16. Ruler of winds 19. Extinct wild ox 20. Barks 21. Thee fiber 22. Cereal grains 24. Hotels 25. Adapt 26. Pinnas 28. Corpulence 31. Satisfaction 32. Mineral 34. Bring honor to 35. Weight units 37. First Chinese dynasty 38. _ Adams, U.S. Politician 39. Denotes three 41. No (Scottish) 42. Annoy 43. Cardiograph 0 0 ONES MEMO MEN MONO MEMO MENOMINEE Ems No so NONE MEMO MOME MEMIEHOME OEM d M MEMINIMEM ME MEMO 0 M:, am so I IMME NEEM MEMO MEN LEMON MEMO Eniol 49. Encourage t00088£O t 33 '££pp �I ZV �N 'tf> ul'6£ u+DS "8£ MN 'L£ �1'S£ iseol y£ alel'Z£ •4V ' t£ Avsagp '8Z 2x3 "9Z J800 'SZ s�S '6Z neo ZZ aum ' tZ seodoA'OZ wun "6 t 211103 '9 t Pa+V "t l 0""'01, 0=04 2 16 e W '6 $*JP0d '8 AW 'L P+wC♦ '9 sjoI -S spexd 'f W*q *uw* eW ul "£ !q0 Z Ind ' l uAWP SNOLLmos; 563'6* A 8f 3i!N 'Lf MS "9► I!ul "S7• ��V 'Ir► �W '00 .OiS "8£ s*gV ' l£ L++13 '0£ "S "6Z strip SZ aAd 'LZ �wS W anal £Z ISO ZZ A'OZ Pin '6 t PxOH 8 t px0 "L t Amiew i 'S t mouv Y t Lmv "£ t ug1f Z t R!d '9 "dl 10d ' t 1 1 T I idW .4vr0 P.�iwrriwr0 49 BOOI'WOAV/IrS 3 DAYS LEFT Sale Ends March 15/00 ViI EOUESTRIAN CENTRE . REGISTER NOW! SUMMER CAMP MARCH BREAK CAMP RIDING LESSONS CUSTOMIZED BOARDING English & Western Lessons eginner to Advanced Show Training Qualified Instructors Newly Renovated Barn Heated Viewing Lounges Indoor Washrooms 2 Indoor & 1 Large Outdoor Arena Call for more information and come for a tour - Visitors always welcome! MINUTES FROM THE 401 2677 AUIDLEY ROAD, AJAX (905) 683-2862 0 k!6ASI SEEN ON TV! ASK ABOUT N"" PM _ 11" mim ►�koYy FOR 1OAC ir.reao.r,.slrs�F kl* WV955 Alliance Rd. Pickering aw si w maw ( 905) 3 8 1-4144 ff�Ir01MIA�E f110 - Hwy. a16+OI�lE�;fIIWE 40, N IL virs.,ift anlimurm vehicles ey eel We AdMerwl f>odywork, nal repeir and *Wing of ofd paint 9AL AdAwW swine fompershorrs may be necessary. Not valid wilh arty other offer. MAACOAub Pakft i Bodywork .0 ' Ns are irrdeperrdsrrt Irarrcl lees of MAACO 9yslens Canada Inc Now tows and services may vary NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION. Ugrpb 12.2Q00 PAGE 21 #V INIEVRJ®Rp - PICKE3RWG ., PLAYING WHICH TWO AE Y AM? FIELDS :® 4 .. '2 ' Driving Range , • :�' NOW OPEN =�- WEATHER PERM nn%MM , FeaCOMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL 4 s 6 = e 6 g""s�,s ®_ • Bentgrass deck ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS _ +Practice putting greens CONCRETE CURBS & SIDEWALKS _�= 'e A Large 1 1610" St., Pyr ;d N AT? TR A T R. TIVTRR T nrrrTXTd- c•r�i►TV Bucket of Fully Licensed hamw LAW Em" ®- EMres March 9/00 YOU ALiAY\ U K )K flF1'TQ NrT}1 MATT di U.�q)EAT"' PRATT & LAMBERT QUALITY PAINTS • 100's OF WALLPAPER BOOKS 'sightly Wwr for deeper colours. DECORATIVE SOLUTIONS PAINT 'IN' PAPER Pickering Home 8 Leisure Centre, 1755 Pickering Parkway OPEN MON-WED 10-6 THUR FRI 10-8 (90�� 686_6883 SAT 10-5 SUN 12 d r --- -- ;i ■ OFF Balis :�. Expires April 30, 2000 1 -' \� (905) 420-9090 A- HWYro1 ma s m e+►rl.Y ST Inquire dead summer camps r. SPRING SPECIAL', '15% OFF' Higlighhts t lVzUAGE includes Wash Cut & t 1 Style I 1 , Ask for Justin I , i 582 Kingston Rd.. , ' Pick.426-6800 t LARGE SELECTION OF HAIR & BEAUTY PRODUCTS "Im"maea Dy.- CARIBBEAN y:CARIBBEAN 14AIR BEAUTY SUPPLY 240 B Harwood S., Ajax (905) 619-2627 -�-•------ - - .� _ _ _ _yes'" T _ _..__:_� _ . •w�IINEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March ,•.� Rouge Pmkfare in limbo Pickering councillors delay neighbourhood study one month CELA BRONKHORST/ News Advertiser photo Tunnel of love Brydon Smith climbs through the tunnel with the help of his mother, Donna, at the Pickering Recre- ation Complex. 'Our Special Place' runs at the com- dllex every Sundav afternoon for special needs chil- dren. _ F CE .Carrier ofPECIARGAINS The Week IN TODAY'S News Advertiser Sun., March 12, 2000 News Advertiser Durham Parent Ao ick. Frtirpat Guardian Dmp Pick Gktama Guardian 'Drugs Fide ,uuecwm NU ' li'ncom New Choice Lois Thompww Arte lwrtis A* .FW ft ' P1___ Satre Pick "11dio Shade A00kL ' Sdroirs Choice AOMrIC L ' Slap i Sane A001CL . 7M Eky "wirlaft AjaorlPick. Pick ' weNay Goardnn Aju s Ddntmd to selected Wticholib oely Remember, all inserts, including diose on glossyy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper dhrough your blue box Recycling program. dor information on delivering call advertising flyers, rUNCAN RHCHER at sew 683-5110. •+ Kurt Sunday's carrier of the week is Kurt. He enjoys playing hockey, and Nintendo. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald's. C.onratulatiotrs Kurt for being our carrier of the week. palmart,Aiax 135 Kingston Rd.,Aju 222 Bayly St. W.,Ajax 726 Kingston Rd., Pick. 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. PICKERING — The Rouge Park Neighbour- hood Study won't go be- fore Pickering council for consideration until next month. City politicians voted .%londay to defer the report to a special council meet- ing planned for April 10. The City's plans for the neighbourhood, which in- cludes the Rouge-Duffin's Wildlife Corridor, generat- ed a heated debate at Pick- ering council's executive committee meeting last week when more than 100 area residents urged politi- cians to ensure all provin- cially -owned land, which equals about half of the 1,000 -acre study area, re- mains in public ownership to block development there. The neighbourhood, which was added to Picker- ing's urban area in the 1997 Official Plan, is bounded by the Pickering -Toronto border on the west, open space land just east of Rosebank Road on the east, the Ontario Hydro Gatineau Line corridor on the south, and the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks (above Finch Avenue) to the north. The neighbourhood study includes a Rouge Park Neighbourhood Envi- ronmental Master Servic- ing Plan, which identifies developable lands in the area; and the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Develop- ment Guidelines, which ex- amines issues such as street patterns and the form of fu- ture development. .....�;.� r,:a+.....-.... � :. a, � - ., - .. - �..- - ..- ..r a.. • • a . �. -•,s - . r a r a r .a.a.a. a.a s-• .. • a a • a, a..r a.• a � o� • a... i:►.a.�►.a.• w_►.n..,.�,..•a:sr.�. u.r, . a -s <e . sa._.... a..• r:a.r•. .t...c • r • a �'a ,a,rHa..,.e.s; i:.C. 91 4 • MON.■ W cc W M A :1=N: [•l','■III 1I --1'I. Wlf�l��l[�`i ti..,1 Brun Silver Addam Jorz Danny Korokolis Dave Kilmister ujSales Service Service Assistant Representor ve Technician Technician Parts Moricaer M :4 ziC1 [• 'MP Steve Cole Leanne Howgote Andrew Vhelstro Barb Howgate Service Shop Administration 4th Year Office Foreman Acorentice Manaaer ti..,1 Brun Silver Addam Jorz Danny Korokolis Dave Kilmister ujSales Service Service Assistant Representor ve Technician Technician Parts Moricaer M :4 ziC1 [• 'MP Paul Bisset Greg Fitzgerald Service Service Technician Technician r ja �. . Jerry Short Louro Kilmister Puss Sowdon arts Administration Vehicle SD2GCi15t - Detailer - _ ✓� C a5 c' �C'cen K ,m'S'tr e^ a G a55 fed cm.s0 Gyne P'ckc,z ed 'F+',1Pamsan / Shuttle Genercl Se'. '.0 cCCeGrICn sale's Sales Scies .. 1 5U� Drl`. C• .�^. r•,an.'='�` KC'1D re CC/'}C rl'.0 KCDrC�en} \ ttecfesenta, ... Mark Gosror New & Used enlcie Detailer Ak m :,m McElroy Jon Arsenault -c:en Ncrdrng Sales Saes Sales recresentc'.e ;eoresentatibe <eC -sentc-.a � iiP 'dye � & j y , • r�" � �, :i13' C �! -� ` -= Andy McBride Patnaa Kcnm ,; tc•:e —�� C� ne ry Plckerc '.m Broad ;. lam Brassor t Paul Grobert Eric Sollu r Sales 5Tn Year Sales Sales Ser. ice RCDresentc e Aoorentice Reoresentative Representative Consultant i� Service Seri ice Consultant I Consular- '�1)r' 1. James Harvie w, Denny Busse Service Service Technician Technician Paul Bisset Greg Fitzgerald Service Service Technician Technician r ja �. . Jerry Short Louro Kilmister Puss Sowdon arts Administration Vehicle SD2GCi15t - Detailer - _ ✓� C a5 c' �C'cen K ,m'S'tr e^ a G a55 fed cm.s0 Gyne P'ckc,z ed 'F+',1Pamsan / Shuttle Genercl Se'. '.0 cCCeGrICn sale's Sales Scies .. 1 5U� Drl`. C• .�^. r•,an.'='�` KC'1D re CC/'}C rl'.0 KCDrC�en} \ ttecfesenta, ... Mark Gosror New & Used enlcie Detailer Ak m :,m McElroy Jon Arsenault -c:en Ncrdrng Sales Saes Sales recresentc'.e ;eoresentatibe <eC -sentc-.a � iiP 'dye � & j y , • r�" � �, :i13' C �! -� ` -= Andy McBride Patnaa Kcnm ,; tc•:e —�� C� ne ry Plckerc '.m Broad ;. lam Brassor t Paul Grobert Eric Sollu r Sales 5Tn Year Sales Sales Ser. ice RCDresentc e Aoorentice Reoresentative Representative Consultant i� Service Seri ice Consultant I Consular- '�1)r' 1. Ia u "RIM P! UKey— ,, �� �� . � � �I I Key— , J , `- Ser.'.ce es �JnSz. ar' ReDrr C .e Ia u "RIM P! UKey— ,, �� �� . � � �I I Key— , J , `- P PWxE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 It h &FiTi Ess NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 12 2000 What you should know about ginkgo biloba Have you recently forgotten your best friend's name'? Lost the car keys? Or can't even remember when your mother-in-law is arriv- ing'? If that's the case, could the herb, ginkgo biloba, improve your memory? The ginkgo tree has been de- scribed as a living fossil because it resembles its fossilized relatives. It was discovered in northern China. but now has been transported to many parts of the world. European physicians, particular- ly those in France and Germany. have advocated the use of ginkgo biloba for many years. Now it's be- coming one of the best selling herbal medicines in North America. Dr. Zoltan Rona is a well-known Toronto physician and proponent of The Doctor Game W. Gifford -Jones M.D. alternate medicine. He says ginkgo biloba is a brain tonic. It works by relaxing blood vessels which in turn increase blood flow to the brain and peripheral areas of the body. And that ginkgo increases the rate at which information is trans- mitted by the nerve cell. Over the years ginkgo has been used as a complimentary treatment for many conditions. For instance, people suffering from depression, asthma, angina, hypertension, ring- ing in the ears, many neurological problems and disease of the ex- tremities. It is believed to affect both arteries and veins. Gingko also acts as an antioxi- dant which decreases the number of free radicals in the body. Free radi- cals are the end -products of metab- olism. By getting rid of this meta- bolic waste it appears to fight aging, the formation of cataracts and the risk of some cancers. But does it really work? Or is ginkgo being peddled to the public like old-time snake oil? A report in the 'Journal of the American Medical Association' claims it can benefit those with mild to moderate degrees of mental Durham marks National Nutrition Month Taking charge of your eating habits is the perfect way to celebrate Nartcmal Nutrition Month in March. So says the Durham Region Health Department, which is host- ing a 'Healthy Eating ... make it hap- pen' campaign in partnership with Loblaws, Oshawa Complete with displays, infor- mation about good nutrition and op- portunities to sample foods that are lower in fats, the campaign will pro- vide shoppers a chance to discuss healthy eating with public health nurses as they purchase their gro- "By being present and accessible in the grocery store, we can encour- age people to make more informed choices about what they are buying and eating;' says public health nurse Nancy McGee. "Research shows that consumers make 80 per cent of their food purchasing decisions at the grocery store.*' Shoppers are invited to visit the Healthy Eating booth at the Oshawa Loblaws, 481 Gibb St., Fridays, March 10 and Manch 17 from 2 to 7 p.m. Health department staff will help reinforce healthy eating messages with more in-depth information ses- sions in April and May. In 1999, North Americans spent over $12 trillion dollars on health care. Everythmg from Band-Aids to brain surgery. In 2000, that figure is expected to exceed $2 trillion.* Advertising in Health Connections can help your health related business get a share of this revenue. Call Inside Sales at 5794400 to plan your campaign. '-one Hokk Cir Fm•tmr AAamsbown CANAo`" "THE KNEE SPECIAUSTS" *Specializing in assessment, education and active rehabilitation of knee problems 0 Coverage by 6dended Neallb Plans, MVA Mstlntnoe + Knee bracing ♦ Orthotics The Gain 416 -281 -KNEE s bre oN M, 5Es02 (416-281-5633) Public health nurse Chris Arnott reports the group sessions will "ex- plore typical eating habits and use Canada's Food Guide as a basis for promoting healthy eating" Group sessions will be held at the Bowmanvile Loblaws, 2375 Hwy. 2, Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. and at the Os- hawa Loblaws, 481 Gibb St., Thurs- days, May 4, 11. 18 and 25 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For more information or to regis- ter for a group session call the Durham Health Connection Line at 723-8521 or 1-800-841-2729. Space is limited. loss. Some families believe ginkgo has stabilized mental loss or even improved the mental ability of loved ones. And several of my pa- tients who are taking ginkgo biloba believe it's made them mentally more alert. The problem is mental acuity is hard to measure., particularly in those who have already shown signs of senility. At the moment no one, to my knowledge, has proven by scientific studies ginkgo biloba boosts brain power. So am I against the use of alter- nate medicine? Not at all. I person- ally take vitamin C and E in mega - doses. And I advise patients of the possible benefits of these vitamins. Moreover, many herbal medicines have been safely used for hundreds of years. What concerns me is millions of North Americans are self -medicat- ing with a variety of herbal medi- cines. And it's been aptly said that "He who treats himself has a fool for a patient" It's easy to burn your fingers with the use: of either herbal or conventional drugs. Consumers tend to believe herbal drugs arc natural drugs and therefore perfectly safe. But the label 'natural' is no guarantee of safety. Herbs that act like drugs have side-effects like drugs. This is particularly true when herbal preparations are being used along with conventional drugs. Dr. Enc Shapira of the American Academy of Dentistry says ginkgo biloba has anti -clotting effects. This can cause the gums to bleed partic- ularly if patients are also taking a daily Aspirin. It's also dangerous to reach for ginkgo biloba if you're already tak- ing a blood -thinner. This combina- tion could result in dangerous hem- orrhage. Fortunately, the majority of ad- verse reactions are not life- threat- ening. A British survey of 400 peo- pie showed eight per cent of those using herbal products suffered non- serious side-effects. The most com- mon reactions were allergic skin rashes, respiratory problems, diar- rhea, inflammation of the large bowel, anemia and liver and kidney damage. My advice is not to have a fool for a patient. Tell your doctor if you're using any form of alternate medicine. Sharing information with him or her may prevent a potential- ly life-threatening complication. Some patient% withhold this in- formation from their doctor for fear of being given a lecture. I realize this can happen. But fortunately more and more physicians are real- izing complimentary medicine is here to stay and in some instances can be helpful to patients. Ginkgo or other herbal remedies should not be taken during preg- nancy. But remember to take folic acid starting several months before a pregnancy. This decreases the risk of a child being born with a defec- tive spinal column. . Kine Street Cat Hospital is` the' - uurrf ect place to take your'cat h owners in Durum rw *Wft dw lndudes )itieAion have di+covened the purr- A�1 Care Aida Wien fleet place to take their fere coat - pa *w& it's the icing Stmim Cat FedBf100 Md Anpht Fines, Hospital in Odin tea. R0 It Oldot KWM PONSM M Cluisthu McRae and her 0111 Or. ChrkdM NAM N1ihl w asst true oat lout+eis and their Mob br P and flaw owners seatse t4 t#� stlmoathetime titteytt:ingtsxi: e. yew cart oubkiws in realfy cold b"ow timae they kave. we•thm Fm is abirs s a 0mv. wanted to attrase a place VM so 10 svad it keep your cae.iri, cats kh mnafixtbk ane! during the day and eWedaRy at t jt!'u,mt aiwap the came who nigiut when the U6paviuii* >mllore space with doh and dttnps bdow beezirg.imew ate' she 0whiins.i6111im below leaving; V their don't �. The clean is open 8 art: bo'y WGA Street Cat "0 p.an. Most. to. FtrL and 8 atxtt. to 22 t - be of xrWw of. bnEa�- afR!!s .a hdi army of secvtees bat! soon on Sphtedajc . augur"is tilt fiche to Watch for iitl-voliThe King Street Cat "ing . Such as fldow heart tvcxat. y aatd fie► y i- :ha-has the Joey Fund in vientory "Ttik is of similar to, canlift, the dicier first utas kst cat "atrian . as" as pnela .. ;ultrorrta ba# , htaug din- �+tvho died in 199b 04 *oq of 16. des m cats," "YSs tecta: "rte haficiay TI►e fund is to aid neglected and "�lrth many people travelling � n# to feed the daft too abused cats and to find #henn a xwAh Nuts tEnuadu "'Oy or other #reams, says new hone. wvoer With their eats 'Also should take putiacus Cllwisfiivve cad Tfie hospital is loratsd at dtie betcxe leavutg." � fe•ttl< itr eat it plata at 8a0 "'•`6 St. W tet cat should taste ' tri 1t at keep,� 3itioe IUM "Rd. For tuna' inborrrtaw- 4df xlaadt<." en a dtcwalli'le pita **Mabc>Art . 1 (69f` `,aV4^Yie�i:Sfl ,Durham's Only KIN(; STREET Veterinary Clinic a cM.r+. e. ExauWv* For � OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 57 • OW MaWay - Frkby /. m - 7 am. • sal • a.m. - Noo636n NEW KITTIES 850 King W (At Thornton) WELCOME OshaWa Please Call For Appt. Public health nurse Chris Arnott reports the group sessions will "ex- plore typical eating habits and use Canada's Food Guide as a basis for promoting healthy eating" Group sessions will be held at the Bowmanvile Loblaws, 2375 Hwy. 2, Thursdays, April 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. and at the Os- hawa Loblaws, 481 Gibb St., Thurs- days, May 4, 11. 18 and 25 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For more information or to regis- ter for a group session call the Durham Health Connection Line at 723-8521 or 1-800-841-2729. Space is limited. loss. Some families believe ginkgo has stabilized mental loss or even improved the mental ability of loved ones. And several of my pa- tients who are taking ginkgo biloba believe it's made them mentally more alert. The problem is mental acuity is hard to measure., particularly in those who have already shown signs of senility. At the moment no one, to my knowledge, has proven by scientific studies ginkgo biloba boosts brain power. So am I against the use of alter- nate medicine? Not at all. I person- ally take vitamin C and E in mega - doses. And I advise patients of the possible benefits of these vitamins. Moreover, many herbal medicines have been safely used for hundreds of years. What concerns me is millions of North Americans are self -medicat- ing with a variety of herbal medi- cines. And it's been aptly said that "He who treats himself has a fool for a patient" It's easy to burn your fingers with the use: of either herbal or conventional drugs. Consumers tend to believe herbal drugs arc natural drugs and therefore perfectly safe. But the label 'natural' is no guarantee of safety. Herbs that act like drugs have side-effects like drugs. This is particularly true when herbal preparations are being used along with conventional drugs. Dr. Enc Shapira of the American Academy of Dentistry says ginkgo biloba has anti -clotting effects. This can cause the gums to bleed partic- ularly if patients are also taking a daily Aspirin. It's also dangerous to reach for ginkgo biloba if you're already tak- ing a blood -thinner. This combina- tion could result in dangerous hem- orrhage. Fortunately, the majority of ad- verse reactions are not life- threat- ening. A British survey of 400 peo- pie showed eight per cent of those using herbal products suffered non- serious side-effects. The most com- mon reactions were allergic skin rashes, respiratory problems, diar- rhea, inflammation of the large bowel, anemia and liver and kidney damage. My advice is not to have a fool for a patient. Tell your doctor if you're using any form of alternate medicine. Sharing information with him or her may prevent a potential- ly life-threatening complication. Some patient% withhold this in- formation from their doctor for fear of being given a lecture. I realize this can happen. But fortunately more and more physicians are real- izing complimentary medicine is here to stay and in some instances can be helpful to patients. Ginkgo or other herbal remedies should not be taken during preg- nancy. But remember to take folic acid starting several months before a pregnancy. This decreases the risk of a child being born with a defec- tive spinal column. . Kine Street Cat Hospital is` the' - uurrf ect place to take your'cat h owners in Durum rw *Wft dw lndudes )itieAion have di+covened the purr- A�1 Care Aida Wien fleet place to take their fere coat - pa *w& it's the icing Stmim Cat FedBf100 Md Anpht Fines, Hospital in Odin tea. R0 It Oldot KWM PONSM M Cluisthu McRae and her 0111 Or. ChrkdM NAM N1ihl w asst true oat lout+eis and their Mob br P and flaw owners seatse t4 t#� stlmoathetime titteytt:ingtsxi: e. yew cart oubkiws in realfy cold b"ow timae they kave. we•thm Fm is abirs s a 0mv. wanted to attrase a place VM so 10 svad it keep your cae.iri, cats kh mnafixtbk ane! during the day and eWedaRy at t jt!'u,mt aiwap the came who nigiut when the U6paviuii* >mllore space with doh and dttnps bdow beezirg.imew ate' she 0whiins.i6111im below leaving; V their don't �. The clean is open 8 art: bo'y WGA Street Cat "0 p.an. Most. to. FtrL and 8 atxtt. to 22 t - be of xrWw of. bnEa�- afR!!s .a hdi army of secvtees bat! soon on Sphtedajc . augur"is tilt fiche to Watch for iitl-voliThe King Street Cat "ing . Such as fldow heart tvcxat. y aatd fie► y i- :ha-has the Joey Fund in vientory "Ttik is of similar to, canlift, the dicier first utas kst cat "atrian . as" as pnela .. ;ultrorrta ba# , htaug din- �+tvho died in 199b 04 *oq of 16. des m cats," "YSs tecta: "rte haficiay TI►e fund is to aid neglected and "�lrth many people travelling � n# to feed the daft too abused cats and to find #henn a xwAh Nuts tEnuadu "'Oy or other #reams, says new hone. wvoer With their eats 'Also should take putiacus Cllwisfiivve cad Tfie hospital is loratsd at dtie betcxe leavutg." � fe•ttl< itr eat it plata at 8a0 "'•`6 St. W tet cat should taste ' tri 1t at keep,� 3itioe IUM "Rd. For tuna' inborrrtaw- 4df xlaadt<." en a dtcwalli'le pita **Mabc>Art . 1 (69f` `,aV4^Yie�i:Sfl t ., :t, r;lti /1A4J? 14L.'T-14/,13FV/IIIA'.-447IV NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 25 P Sports &LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 12, 2 0 0 0 Sport SHORTS MARCH 12. 2000 Super Ts super In past 10 games PICKERING —The Pickering Pan- thers Super 7 tyke hockey team is on a 10 -game winning streak and captured the title at the recent Scarborough City Cougars Invitational Select Tourna- ment. The Panthers began the tourney by blanking Humber Valley 3-0. Picker- ing then defeated the Agincourt Cana- dians 8-2 and Port Credit 7-2 and fin- ished the event by bombing Erindale 10-0. Goalies Daniel Tomei and Anthony Perri have been outstanding. The Super 7's strong defence consists of Jordan Bean, David Mott, Jeffrey Montpetd, Charles Dorey, Cory Charn- ley and Brian Smith. The powerful offence is made up of Carter Finlayson, Alex Clements, Spencer Bentley, Louis Del Re, Charlie Graber, Jake Kelly, Christopher Ra- guseo, Trevor Sweetland and Blake Fraser. Head coach Todd Finlayson and his assistant coaches and trainers have worked hard to help the team come to life. Raiders atoms play Richmond Hill in playoffs The Ajax -Pickering Raiders I.B.E.WJ Investors Group minor atom 'AAA' rep hockey team is ready for playoff action to begin after enjoying an outstanding regular -season campaign. The Raiders finished an impres- sive regular season with a tie in their last game to post a dominating record of 30-1-1. The Ajax -Pickering atoms begin Playoffs this week against rival Rich- mond Hill Stars, which defeated the Raiders 2-0 in the final of the Ottawa Bell Tournament at the Corel Centre in January. The Raiders are two-time OMHA champions and wig host the final tournamen&-by virtue of the title last season. The team's defence of Michael Carey, Jaynes Jarvis, Malt Kavanagh and Steven Shanks has dorms a tremendous job adap*V to the new challenges d body on Inch as well as sooring linin the point an nunwous oc- casions. The Raiders' scoring from its rear- guards has canplemenled a strong group of scoring forwards who've aver- aged almost seven gods per Wow this season. Derek Gregoracic, Johnny Pa- terson and Daniel Pineau have all spent time at both offence and de- fence, helping out wherever the coach- ing staff has assigned thein to playThroughout the . Raiders have mounted schedule, consert the dominant offence, despite line-up chargee due to injury. Steven Koufis has missed eight weeks with a broken arm. He'll return to the team in time for the playofs. Other team members are Marcus` Carroll, Brendan Hann, David John- son, Nicholas Mail wA, Mike McCusker and Drew Stark. On page 33 A banner event for Durham Region full Steam ahead for Ontario Summer Games Aug. 10 to 13 A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo The Bezubwk family of Pickering, from left, Alison, Mary De- laney, Cat and Ian, who have signed on as volunteers for the 2000 Ontario Sumner Games, display one of the banners being used in a fund-raising program. BY BR/AN MINA/R Scarff Writer The Ontario Summer Games I I I be a banner event for Durham Region. Literally. The executive committee for the Games unveiled a fund-raising banner program at a press confer- ,-nce Wednesday at the Iroquois Park Sports Centre in Whitby, as it gears up for the games, which will be held in all eight Durham mu- nicipalities Aug. 10-13. ' I'he key theme that comes out over and over again is that this is a celebration - a celebration of sports excellence and a celebra- tion of community;' says Skip Crosby, general manager of the Games. "We're looking at the banner program to get that sense �t celebration out to the commu- 7.1n.. The six-foot banners will be ­ )ld for $300 (there are discount - ;d rates for multiple banners) and ,rn)minently displayed with spon- ,or names throughout Durham Region from June until the end of the Games. Sponsors may choose the location, depending on avail- -The banner program is an op- Exmunity for every person, family, business and business person to be a part of this great community event;' says Richard Sheepwash, chair of the Games marketing committee. (Two banners can be purchased for $550, three for $800, four for $1,000 and five for $1,125. They can be purchased through the Games office by calling 905-619- 2529, extension 7264.) It is hoped the banner program will raise close to $300,000 to go toward the expected cost of about $1 -million to run the Games. Government grants will cover $500,000 while registration fees Local wrestlers have big Impact at co . Team W pact grapplers wres- tled their foes to the ant at the re- cent Faflingbi ook Wres<fing hm- tational in Brampton. The wrestling club — which features mambas from Ajax and Pickering — captured team tides in all four divisions: novice, kid, bantam and cadet. Club members also posted impressive individual wins. In the novice category, Dustin Dixon, wrestling in the 32 -kilo - grain weight class, and Daniel Falk, in the 43 -kilo division, pinned down gold medals. Alex Buque earned silver in the 49 -kilo weight class. Connor Watterson wrestled to bronze in the 24.5 -kilo division. Sean Glover placed fourth in the 27.3 -kilo class. Other members of Team Impact wrestling in the novice division were Brock Hicks, Derek Fak David Falls and Nadtaaniel Robin- son. In the kid division, Kyle Pele s, in the M -kilo weight c1m, Randy Pfrimmer, at 34 kilos, Conrad Salmon, at 39 krilm and lV ent Bm hner, at 32 kilos, ill emarpd from a strong field with gold medals. Neil Twynam, wrestling in the 62 -kilo weight category, and Justin Howe, cornpeting in the 41.9 -kilo class, earned silver medals. Breatdon Barnett, Wade Bu and Chris Percy placed fourth in their respective weight classes Brad Cox also competed in this division. In the bantam bracket, Kevin Buzzell, who wrestled at 43 kilos, Kevin Madsen, in the 77.8 -kilo class, Kyle Twynam, at 71 kilos, and L.ogm Hemkm, at 571dlos, all pinned down gold medals. Garrett France wrestled to a silver medal in the 81.5 -kilo weight class. Philip Glover placed fourth w the 43.84alo division. Braedon Picton, Dwayne Clarke and Darryl Pfrim- aw also competed_ for Tram Im- pact- In the cadet division, Jake Udoux, in the 52 -kilo weight class, Oliver Salmon, at 65 kilos, and Chris Clarke, at 70 kilos, won gold medals. Cal Graves, at 65 kilos, and Cole McFarlane, at 70 kilos, earned silver medals. Meanwhile, at a recent tourna- ment in Guelph, Team Impact wrestlers also won their fair share of gold medals. As a squad, Team Impact finished second overall to and other fund-raising ventures should keep the books in theme black. Organization of the Games, meantime, is progressing well for the most part, Crosby says. "We're right on target, we're really happy," says Crosby. "We do still have one minor flaw - we haven't quite located 3,300 beds just yet" Among the solutions being looked at to accommodate all those athletes is a loan of cots from National Defence. Crosby says the committee is looking to set up an "athlete village" by using eight schools in Whitby. Crosby says there have been upgrades to such facilities as Civic Fields in Oshawa, site of the open- ing ceremonies and track and field events, and the softball diamonds in Sunderland and Beaverton, but most venues are already well-pre- pared to receive the Games. - " fbe existing facilities was one of the selling points from the orig- inal bid;' he says. Volunteers will play a crucial role if the Games are to run smoothly, says Bob Hull, the vol- unteer chair of the Games com- mittee. He says some 1,200 will be needed to take care of housing, food, transportation and hundreds of smaller tasks. "They'll be meeting a lot of new people and having some fun;' says Hull, estimating about 200 volunteers currently onboard. "I have no doubt that not just Os- hawa but all the townships have a corps of people you can count on. ' Twenty-one sports will be held throughout the region during the Games. Athletes will qualify in the various sports leading up to the event, with some sports not fi- nalizing competitors until a week before the Games. m etitions the RAW chub Fran Brampton. The cadet wrestlers from Team Im- pact won theif division. In the novice category, Dustin Dixon and Daniel Falk earned gold medals, Brock Hicks mined a sil-r ver, while Derek Falk and Nathaniel Robinson claimed bronze. In the kid division, Conrad Salmon, Terrance Shaw, Randy Phimmer and Paul Rabjohn struck gold. Nathan Staneland emerged with a silver and Breandon Barnett earned bronze. In the bantam division, Kevin Buzzell and Andrew Hodson were silver medallists and Btat4on Pic - ton claimed bronze. In the cadet category, Travis Boughner and Chris Clarke earned bronze medals. WP PAGE 26 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 ?am OORawnnl' TIN ' • 1 iv6" %"TeH FRWEN 01 m 13MHOMUM" X65 mL TIN EA .59 sF • R%ft& *Now c w,Wlrlr %% • SHOULDER ARM • BY—ADE 3.73 kg 6 9 LB. 1 , USE ER6%,c 82.99 SPRING LAMB SHOULDER 61*. 3 - 4 LB. AVG. 3.28 kg . .,, LB.lo49 �oU� FROMN -129 • IAMB SHOULDER CHOPS • IAMB SHANKS s.iccltaa SWEET PICKLED CORNED BEEF BRISKET VAC PAC 5.49 kg n _ t�iwwoo 1 iiOliE.l).•r a°c_car1111 hE..v 1. ('US'•I'OM SLICED LB H" LOAF i 3.73../1.69 ,,.., wobto" cM euar • n m RND • NO (:zmw LOIN OF P ��AUSAGE R40l.I.ED >N ooRrrnl P RK lcuffrom BA I -W 1w LaI �j R��jasNo� K4.39 iw it IMOIX I.EAF SPINACH 3/ fR 300 R PKC.(.39 EA.) SUNSWEET PRSU1vES 2,45 "THE FOOD TERM/NAL" • 7aty_ =.7.:n PRESPA CHICKEN POULTRY SEASONING • DRUMSTICKS 'f=9 LEG QUARTERS 10 kg o - � U ZET.S • DRUMSTICKS QP 3A 6 5.99 LEG 22o991 LB. QJ .OKItIM 0. "COMT of fAwlffi7iiig0 cmgyfiwo LD�BOPE+NSATFO CMENoHRA B2.99 LB2.9A2.99 657LB AK 3.99 690t LB FOODSR• DRESSED RANDOM WEIGHT PlINK SAILMON9 2-4 LB. AVG. (1CF ANS' z[ '"Ar-""' U PAG • NQRQEB I O.f CRY t �M/N�IEKG R 1NT1(,'p D 2.49 � � 4s4 �. 2.49 G SODA ,79 PASTA SAJAII UCE 1,4,9 • MILD • MEDIUM • OLD CREDDAR • MOZZARELLA • MARI ,CHEESE LARGE 907 g BAR M./5 AOMf I PA E� ="- 6.49 r '? , F.A. wRY$TRpN('CHEESE 4 fgENCFrS STRINGERS 1 A MUSTARD e. ° vi c . soo .+ jwN asa.&un rvecrwi- wx-YL& nmu vrzi • SMOKED & COOKED HAM Eo BONELJM 3 - 4 LB, AVG. VAC PAC a 5.93 kg A 91 La 16 25" '13" 9A 59". �5.F �he ?2« TURDAY. MARCH. IL 2000. 2" I I Z DW V41AM11 yl Af ER -=00 SAs JA"M BLEACH SLJUG • FUMM stirs eOAAAMIRY Dg =Mff 0 IrU I rlIKK 0 23"5 1 iv6" am -an : NICROF# 01 m 13MHOMUM" lqpwuu MON.H OF E<m.m7oft sF • R%ft& *Now c w,Wlrlr %% sre Spw I -W 1w LaI �j R��jasNo� K4.39 iw it IMOIX I.EAF SPINACH 3/ fR 300 R PKC.(.39 EA.) SUNSWEET PRSU1vES 2,45 "THE FOOD TERM/NAL" • 7aty_ =.7.:n PRESPA CHICKEN POULTRY SEASONING • DRUMSTICKS 'f=9 LEG QUARTERS 10 kg o - � U ZET.S • DRUMSTICKS QP 3A 6 5.99 LEG 22o991 LB. QJ .OKItIM 0. "COMT of fAwlffi7iiig0 cmgyfiwo LD�BOPE+NSATFO CMENoHRA B2.99 LB2.9A2.99 657LB AK 3.99 690t LB FOODSR• DRESSED RANDOM WEIGHT PlINK SAILMON9 2-4 LB. AVG. (1CF ANS' z[ '"Ar-""' U PAG • NQRQEB I O.f CRY t �M/N�IEKG R 1NT1(,'p D 2.49 � � 4s4 �. 2.49 G SODA ,79 PASTA SAJAII UCE 1,4,9 • MILD • MEDIUM • OLD CREDDAR • MOZZARELLA • MARI ,CHEESE LARGE 907 g BAR M./5 AOMf I PA E� ="- 6.49 r '? , F.A. wRY$TRpN('CHEESE 4 fgENCFrS STRINGERS 1 A MUSTARD e. ° vi c . soo .+ jwN asa.&un rvecrwi- wx-YL& nmu vrzi • SMOKED & COOKED HAM Eo BONELJM 3 - 4 LB, AVG. VAC PAC a 5.93 kg A 91 La 16 25" '13" 9A 59". �5.F �he ?2« TURDAY. MARCH. IL 2000. 2" I I Z DW V41AM11 yl Af ER -=00 SAs JA"M BLEACH SLJUG • FUMM stirs eOAAAMIRY Dg =Mff 0 IrU I rlIKK 0 23"5 1 iv6" : NICROF# 01 m 13MHOMUM" lqpwuu sF ," LFAL MB .wsr �,� &%P" 4449 Is a R;A. • 0000 439 PRODUCT 7F i, 5 A JU WA] 6 %Lc PANTRY S+*LF PINEAPPLE SAO ml TIN LA • 21, r^ • r .. -.18 14"Vytr-. ?"I'*{-)r'J !►j'TI-%,r A 11,!7,4• _ .YAR NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 27 AIP " EDARVALE r�+O,fil ' BLADE LSEPADISH 250 mL JAR 1.49 4.39 IcK .HE�jEF ROASTS FROM ONTARIO PACKERS •CUT FROM CANADA W/'AA' GRADES 9EFF -� • SHOULDER, • BLADE ST -y ly S 4.39 kg LB. 1099] JUNIBO RED GLOBE GR"Es 2.18 kg LARGE ORIGINAL BUNCHES ' VARIETY • LARGE SIZE w w PRrwvr-T n .-- -1 --- ,. _ ---- 1E kq LS LONG GRAN WHITE RICE LARGE 8 kg BAG LIMIT z KELLOGG'S CANADA • CORN POPS • FROO'T LOOPS 375 - 552255BOX����S EA•6 . BET7Y CROCKER WINDSOR CRYSTAL It . KA.�IBUMi TUNA 139 - 5-Y5- M HELPER 198 240 q BOX EA • Pt SAVER •69 PURITAN CTIFF 80YARDRE STEWS • PASTA 4144215 K TIN 425 C TTN 79 F:4-1 2.29 TABLE SALT 79 : 5 or TINS 1 k9 BOX • • TIECK N RICH SAUCE willLm • TONM PASTE na.,n+ • TDNATO SAUCE m LTL • • ADES► sooJL MS EA. EPA l s p. a JIM .� SSO CREMA I. MAW} 1.69 G I -B- TRAY — V • V V OROMPW • • • ALL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY, MARC 4 I � itlt-'� 0,%to" I 659 k9 L9 "0VV NAVEL ORANGES GE S r'k18t 4 I.R. BAG )9 - E-+ fhn LIS kq LS •V -- Ir�LAL L BDX A2 SWEE-r • (:KEEN . ovn . • YOUR OWN s.28 tag RAL 1.52 kW I.B. E - 2000. WE BOSC I'�EtS YOUR OWN BAG JjFITA, MIX OTT MATCH �J LB. PRODUCT Of • S A . 4f XItO GREEN ONIONS ';F.EC• YOUR OWN 19 FA BUNCI -McINI`OBH• EMPIRE ►PPEES LARGE FAM LY SIZE BAG EA. � PRODUCT Of TRAIAND GINLAACX GER z RI WI IF -�a®►,�.� .� ,fir OWN (-W EA.) NGES 7118 LARGE I kg BASKET EA. UMIT 3h,11 0900 FABRIC sokER 137 $��N��N��!►S ' lamBox xar w. 99 9 PURE c voL� 99 14 UU AIcAI,A UnWW�►•I, $oY29� TOMATOES 9y 16 �U �,��;�( E,. APPi.EB CASE �� 15' �G� 16 � IQJ 4 rioLL PACI( OF W E S MUSHROOMS �X PCS�'pGREEN L AG HUP 4 p 4 PF±OOlD1CT-OFLppI,1.E4 � 13" w�►s> .� L ter, /� VL l.aDtlVri`i LAFaF WF 22 LB. CASE LARGE I kg BASKET EA. UMIT 3h,11 0900 *1P PAt#E 26 NEWS PANERTttBER SUI"Y EDI T10N, March 12,2M 4 'f 1 it tai li ; ;I t, •i r, E 10241 V :,, N f: Ai i o N , 4A, . _ n i w A-03 7b place Your Ad Call, THE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE L_+ AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A, ii= PkItering News Advertiser. 6 S SIFTEDSIFTED83-0707 Uxbridge: Port Perry. 985-2511 Web Site: www.durhamnews.net tv^' FininCiat Assratanoe n" be avadade 101nOM vino QtMWy NEIN FOR Graduate in as little as MARCH 2Ooo 6-12 months in: WEBSITE • network Ad riristrator (MCP/C"A+) Network a Irlbrnet System speoi w DESIGNER (MCSE/CNA) (6 Month Diploma) • Compeer Business Appkcatorns (MODS) INTERNET • Aoeoin" 6 C*TWuW Applications PROGRAMMER •Law Clerk (10 Month Diploma) . SmN firmness Mrnper IJMITED SEATS! ' Legal Administral- Assistant • Ofte Assistant Cetconnected to Wdnft "Ws in Demnd Get Connected Today ALLCOURSES 420-1344 START I MARCH 20th TORONTO e. . Pickering TORONTO EXECUTIVE CONSULTANTS All of these assignments are located just East of or in the GTA. These positions represent firms In the automotive irk". mayor automotive assembly, foods and/or pharmaceutical industries, electrical and electro mechanical equipment suppliers as well as the construction products and welded products and welled fabncatlon industries. Generad/Operations Martager Fabrication 580.000 Production Managers Auto Parts or Structural Alurninum $65-75,000 Ergineerirg Managers Auto Parts or Food&Tharm $65-85,000 Project Engineers Auto Parts or Electrical Mfg. $52-55,000 Maintenance Supervisors Automotive/Foods/Fabrication $60-72.000 Process/fooling Engineer Stampings $50-60,000 Estimators Fabrication $45-50,000 Please email or fax your resume in confidence to: TORONTO EXECUTIVE CONSULTANTS 20 Bay Street, Suite 1205, Toronto, ON M5J 2N8 Tel: (416) 366-6120 Fax: (416) 366-6117 infoetorontoexecutive.com www.torontoexecutive.com See our web site for numerous other positions. A We're • • • Experiencecl hwestment Advisors to,%Nurk,Osluvva. BC Dominion Securities, Canada's leading full-service investment dealer, is currently accepting applications for the tion of Investment Advisor in the Oshawa branch. If you ate currently an Invesunent Advisor, a professional, such as an accounam or lawyer, or in the banking or mutual fund industry and are looking for new challenges and the opportunity to take control of your personal financial success, we are interested in hearing fiom you. We offer you an outstanding Investment Advisor Draining program, and the Support and badd of a dedicated team of Head Office profes ioaals. To team more, please mail your resume in strictest confidence to Ian Glover,V-P- Branch Manager, RBC Dominion Securities 111 Simcoc Street N, PO Box 705. Oshawa, Ontario, L1 H- 7M9 RBC Dominion Saurities is an equal oppoRunity employer R®C -_ DOiMOrON RBC Dorwinwo Setwiilm is a Alemba Roel Bank Awmand Gawp: AfawbeR C.wiseAm Investor Analwhow !-ewe/. awwabaitmwe IVES 10ms Flexible dates. Prime trite Scarbortou wn 'l on" a ffeei No AZ 111111111111111118 weead IN row MIMI1M ow east ttteltm0l cwt aro w Udell Trwtk vaAad pltttNNna aar Son M No 1 12 isms ails. Im 30 tall b Vpa US erf I , . calve as 796 aunt. c, 1-10re me work for a g.elmt it imr sub ted glut Acts Ow tblttl Ins yon let into at NO Seeley Ow rmprn I. Is T*ohone (416) 616 5-67 Ammte IN: FM [;coital 4 lhofornasa. Program Manager AMK Metal Products is a growing Tier 1, QS -9000 certified supplier to the automotive industry manufacturing small to medium size metal stampings and assemblies. The ideal candidate will have a Mechanical Engineering Degree or Tool & Die license and 5 years automotive program manage- ment experience. Computer literacy is a must. The position entails the coordination of all APQP activities in order to launch new products from design to production. Invol- ves quotations, new tooling follow-up and QS -9000 documentation. Requires travel to customers and suppliers. Reports to the Engineering Manager. Please forward resume to: Human Resources Manager 248 Simpson Avenue South Bowmanville, ON L1C 2J3 [Computek BEST PRICES IN TOWN *I1X04;QAW DAY WEEKEND N EVENING CLASSES DIPLOMA IN: Nelteof Engineering Acquemin a Sysisms AnWysis S**= Engtnifer awe: skew won not ase. Km $2,9100 rr0>R K SMU $3,410 ixtln rhe. sm $05 A.- ae)y am $645 CERTIFICATION IN: E -Commerce, Web Design, MCSE, A+, MCSD, MCDBA.CCNA, CNE. UNIX PART TINE CL.ASM sTARTIN k Web Design i E-CAotnene rce Sun. April 2nd Programming FunndemenWs Sat April 1st A+- Sul. March tVh NT Enterprise sell was March 19th CCNA, CCNP Stan. sura, 26th MCSE- Mon., Wad (awniny6) March 27th FULL T11111111111111 CLAO i XTARTH10: wtab Design S E-Canosra April 3rd ITS April 3rd CCNARZOW April 17th TCPAP 11 r - 13th 9:30Mn 6d 4lplllt ' tralttllS/ 8t uteNNllt ~ Job Ptitotarrmit Assist WWW • Iridlvkkiiai atlaritbn • Ur1M1iplal - t Nlwance PipiMt+ts trFakoeia • Unft Nod lab Uma • Funrirg available ler those who quafiiy • ft koWle at trslrr' • Ovw 80% suchzsss raw AwUk Ae9isl6 a aWAppvtted as a ftakwN SdxW under the PA09 bbcaliertaf SdxW Act AW $Nle have animmediate openw.g for an enthusiastic experi- enced individual 6D join our proactive chsiomer service team. The successful candidate will possess excellent verbal and o mmuniotion skills, a pttoliess—mhat telephone mariner and the ability to multi -task in a fast -paced environment. You must have a minimum of one=order order desk experience, preferably in a distr utOn or rnanufacturt[Ig enYQOfYnEnt, and be comput- er hieraie. Preference will be given in bilingual candidsies. Please forward your resume before Mardh 20, 2000 bo: ; NINI,iir, 88801 Mooraw M Rye mel , �4 MIe thank all applicants, however, only those individuals ladled for an interview will be contacted. No phone esus please. ALLII111TE- Looking for a ca- reer in Insurance Sales? Are W=W= arreraly in an Ins ram with no uDDor- tWaty for career advance- ment? At Ahm. we're potential. it o Un- �mee We �teem G1laraaeed salary pus com- missions• Employee benefits std tlne gtO min your grin al,�. =end resumes to: Tom Rose C/0 AlIsMe. 22 Stevenson Rd. South. Oshaim L1J 51.9. Fax: 725-3295 or Ca: 725-2268 THE R"Mto diose who are prepared or gunge. Those who are focused and to those who are technically skilled. Net. a Com. using MCSULotus Notes. Database administration using Oracle. Computer Maimenance - A+. X.I. meds web deign and Aaotad. software design and programming. Financial as- satance may be available to eligible slude�. Durham Business Compeer Cotege (905)427-3010. NAIRSTYLISTS i TECHNI- CIANS required at E rice Image studio Day spa1tiiareaa Concept. Readers choke sa- lon at the YW wiener offer- ing Wit. Fax resume 309 or ad- dress to: 123 Atha St.. Whitby 11N 3Z1. MICRON" CERTw4ED SYS- TEMS ENGINEER - MCSE - Top training leading to slaps in demand m today'sconveti- live business .a,a. Fewrncgl assistance (E -I.. OSAP) to these eligible. Do DGE_ Gad 905- -784 vee 25. TRE NMl STATION career Training Caner. Career traw- avaublet in IN . psa- cums. wamnq. Air and U000" tedrnigees. $tuba Financing -006". (905),3¢2217. RlE"ONIEflnaos. Needed in Catalogues. TV Commer- wI. Magma. a cl eiM wort it aotepeeed twang ala registr lim nes covered. Cal 416-595-1010 or 1-400- M 0 a E.L-u.5-. Reno THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and fl"fs to the AJAX Reed Dr. Wr Cres Redmond lk Ritchie Ave_ Knapton Ave_ Admiral Surchr Rd. Exeter Rd_ Fo l Rdd.. Rideout St - FOR FURTHER od:on"T10N 805.683.5117 Tom 11� ;We are ane of Canada's brgeu amuAboys retulm a Due toair continuing simcns we are looking for YMAREl i A ASSOM IIIMA who have lite drW and ambition to join our enter growing Imn. For the rigtlt cartlidates we offer a con"lifin salary and benefit PKkage and tremendous room for ftldlre growtlt. e. :,Please send fair in carrRdellce tat 416-7N-2077 or 41$-78&1156 Only those uider coftsiduatim WE be cantped. TORONTO, EAST END RECRun7NG PROJECTS Manufacturing Engineer Our client a large, highly respected, World -Class manufacturer of ler One auto parts, seeks a Manufacturing Engineer to add to its team. This position will get involved in process troubleshooting and fine-tuning. Will develop continuous improvement projects, source tooling and capital equipment and perform ROI analysis. An engineering degree is required along with at 1 east three to five years of experience in a high volume -manufacturing environment. This company actively promotes within. A comprehensive benefits plan and a salary to $55,000 are offered. Production Manager Canadian industry segment leader (specialized auto parts) is expanding to seven days/24 hours to meet demands of new programmes. The Production Manager will add the value of decisive, energetic leadership to an organization stressed by success. You will share your Production/Manufacturing Management achievements as a calming influence to a team of Production Supervisors and Process Engineers. Solid people management talents will be tested by labour intensive operations. A history of corporate grown can fuel career ambitions toward Plant Management. General Accountant Our client, a multi -divisional distributor of consumer Products, is seeking a proven accounting professional. You diploma/degree coupled with a professional desi�nabon or senior status in such a program is highlighted by a minimum of three years accounting experience. Sound knowledge of GAAP including financial statements and AP/AR issues is complimented by solid communication skills and general computer literary. INQUIRE IN CONFIDENCE TO: KITCHM EXECUTIVE CONMILTANTS 1601 RhW Road East, Seita 12 I(itchemr, Ontario 112A 3Y4 Phone (519) 8944030 Fal: (519) 894-5196 Weh: EAM: ke~detl.11et CO•STEEL®LASCO • A Division of Co-Stcel Inc. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CO-STEt:I LASCO is a Nighty aulomalad and admobgiccally IftwiSive steel making COnP" Wm a 1<stlt)orh d leadrg in its khdtxstrial group. The txxrpany sells and disMttifts 1,000,000 tons per year of structural steel products exclusively from recycled steel with sales base across North America. This Dosilion is located in our dice in ScNeborough, Ontario. The AdrtrnatratltFs ss i I t , t will be an rMegr player of our sags team providrg support b all boats d to dapartfttertt fiaap� ortslbiNliss mclu fa: inside sags back-up, producfon schigdulgtg atrnarR and kli ar" corN i, The sxrcoesdlll r 111-1 g will haw arooalartt conNrwnicallon sills, Fiend would be a definite assts. Baulk computer bwwWp should I ch, I, Microsoft W0nighl; d seas aifdirated and work kW*w dw* in a bst pend Pie SUbnrt ym mum in oatI I , - by Match oro, 2000 tlase selecMdL tnientiw um los =rftcbd NOW 11 Caen c� NEED A JOB? Are you16-24 0 Call the YMCA Hodinelill f .964 -JOBS Local calls (905) 427-7670 > YWCA I)artim Elapbylnw Savim 1100 Bayly St, Saila 16B (Be" the Piche* 00 Swim) - - e •- ' V r J-i�J a _-a 6omw1 Illy =12.0610 sTARr Fel"gamonts Ona 1.to Mulki (1e.) &0& OL No alp. msec.. tam cd Mtn 10 ash. - e pea ca` "ergo CaOeEe IgenE# ae car an nI., , hi or W on for ill 6iweMl I m old 3 PA. cma glans wo vents or res are hostel 10 hernia the�OMhMa a d Tofellb ala glen. 6N � WNW RESPONSE & • INTERVENTION SERVICES . Pinkerton, the world's largest security provide is presently recruiting personnel for our SPECIAL RESPONSE b INTERVENTION TEAM. This group specializes in corporate labour unrest situations, crisis intervention and special events. Candidates must be willing to,work extended kours as part of a wel6tramed tactical team. be in good physical condition and highly disciplined. Security experience with a reputable firm, the military or police is a definite asset. F%Ore apply in person 0:30 8.0.4:30 P.m.) or send Year Cv to: Pinkerten's of Ganda Li ukd 155 Ooncon Mill Rod, Unit %7 Oen Mills, Ontario MIs 702 Fax: 1416) 445-5545 E -nail: sous _sigaonpcoa.pinbrteas. xwn ag • Education • Careers >>r r Don't Miss Out! Durham College Continuous Learning will be offering the Constable Application Prepa"shain workshop for the lost time this semester. Marcie 25th 8:30 am - 6:30 pm Cost: $125.00 - Course Code: PREP 1950 for information toll 721-3052 or 1-888-627-1191 to register toll 721-3000 or 1-800-461-3260 144M Universi y Centre at Durham JNSIDE SALES ASSOCIATE (3 - month contra V McCraw -Hill Ryerson, a leading Canadian publisher, is look- ing for an erxrgetic tam player to join our School Division. This is an entry-level, month contract position based on a 28 - hour workweek. The Sales Associate will be responsible for providing sales support to representatives based in Ontario by maintaining an up-to-date database of customers and generating leads through direct mail, telephone and electronic means. The successful candidate will have excellent communication skills both ver- bal and written and be well organized with the ability to multi -task. Excellent working knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel and Access) is also required. ified candidata can forward their resume via fax to: FM (OW 43046020 By Mases Ilii 2000. V* thank all applicants, however, only those individuals called for an interview will be contacted. No phase calls please. OPEN HOUSE SItIiNIN� (some nN-C rJC,nra nw of*) f'r'vm $7.00 - $10aWAb011r 100 TEMPS IEEEDED MM EM 1A V ELY • Left and abaft feriiis alsiVanents • Stilt Werk • Asl/em* and General I.abmr • Seide!!r APPl7: Pr+son TwWay, Malltcb 14th 8:31 am - 2:0 r 231-111+9! Kimo n Rend raftivIlle on Pbae ("S) 83744 Fax: (!IS) 8374W7 11110 -4*U* P IItSON,NEL OF FLo1RAL IW MCPN 114 26 wk. Florh try l3 Business Program * 12 wk. intensive 3-phase program * 3 wk. Professional course Af Parl-time/full time courses available. 'A beautiful career to be in' Financial assistance may be available • es Siimmee S. Oshawa (9") 436.7746 • 7 Proms Ave. Unit 2:, stmsbor h (416) 335y0M SENIOR CORPORATE TRAVEL CONSULTANT Required for Oshawa/Whitby area. Must Have: • Minimum 5 years experience • Sabre proficiency • Excellent customer service Competitive Salary and benefits with superior work environment Please fax resume in confidence to (905) 668-9580 T.D.S. Personnel Service requires 40 AZ DRIVERS -1 Local Durham contract I Running Southern Ontario Minimum 2 years AZ exp. Apply in person or call 112 Athol St. Suite 203 Whitby Phone: (905) 430-8605 Toll Free: 1-877-833-3308 AZ sRrrets wankel for grow q opmpny. You wig as a enter have the Idfowing qualifications: Adan drivers abstract, minimum 2 years V%feeavy load esperierrce with . beds and or 7r trams. Driving experience in adverse weather a must. Minimum of irony education preferred. benefds peached shady tWl- time employment. and laid modelegwpment. Call !705)357-3938 Mon -Fri for into. CLASS AZ ORWERS with US It xperience urgeray needed. inps approx 500-700 miles. home ve every 2nd day. Com - and Must h 1 de ann stract Phone: (705M940 In: (705) 887.4217. CLEANERAnXITY industrial. commercial, residential (Per- son Friday some packaging/ S:V. Friday) have vehicle. 58.00. employee benefits, cleaturg experience. Fe6- time.Cao (9,"5)619-,67,. CONSTRUCTION snE labour- er Whitby site. 30-40 hours/ week. Able to work hard 59.00 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more Man one incorrect insertion and there shag be no li- ability for non -insertion of any advertisement. Liabddy for errors in ads s limited to the amount paid for the spas agar eying the error. All copy is subtect to the aggro- val of management of News Advertiser. EARN 1200. $300. 550, or more per week assem0utg products in the cc~ of your own hoard Send a seg- addresse0 son4w .nw.kipe to: QPM 6.2400 Derides S: W, Sana 541. R41 636. eas- ussiaw. One. tax 2M - 1 Caaesr Traitig 1 Caner Traieivg 1 Caner Trairwrg The Computer Tour Computer Consultants On -Site • Seminars • Classroom Adults, Seniors 8k Children Upcoming Certificate Courses W in Tues. Mar. 21, l0am-2pm (detailed manual included) ✓ creating, opening saving, printing ✓ files, folders ✓ fonts, colours, just' ing ✓ spell, grammar & thesaurus be indents, margins ✓cut, copy, paste ✓ pictures ✓ bullets, symbols be number, line spacing... & more _ r Wed. Mar. 22, 5 m-9pm (detailed manual included) ✓ keepin& track of figures ✓ budgeting ✓ formulas ✓ formatting ✓ auto -formatting ✓ using workbook sheets ✓==g ✓ shortcuts ✓ linkin ✓ sorting lists & more! Sat. Mar. 25, 10am-2pm (detailed manual included) ✓ planning of creating the graphics ✓ themes & styles ✓ web host providers ✓ uploading your web site lir more! Dwrka r litre: 905-767-1586 or Toronto line: 905-889-6220 (Otte Courses ) offoarlwl Nip 6oaNr OaNttllal Gomm "P t1YHOz.F.SALE is now accepting apphcabow; for FOOD COURT SUPERVISOR activities Milled to INeparati 1 and wiling of food Tlie supervisor emirs quality sltttvioe and is respomiI It for the managing and training of employees. Strolls ortIlmindooal and math skins Soon Supervisory & comrauoieattioo skills lservice orienicid Abiliq to work in a tam environment well wbool eiiploraa or ex)ulglm exp. Previous food 6whdting expaiieeace - Food Sderanituim Certificate a must Comptna literacy Ixtefemd. urvaiwry & margin managemaht leme forward resumes to: - COS7CO WHOLESALE 150KinpWn Rdst Ea Ajax, OnL L1Z 1E5 Att: Cheryl Miller .TELEPHONE SALESPERSON • Mkhitaah Nap et $1.61 a Mar pm wmwmw • Powl9gl aarakps d $15.00 par hair -SON ttlrbal ooarxsartiiation skills ernr10g1 • MW 10 SrppgrRrtt YM' • IINeh or alifnoal erOwiNhee Tq*" )7regidrd • A* location • We kit hg hews: Nle dar to Thws ft 6 p w- 9 p.m. and Sabaniays 10 anL- 2 pm 416-269-8333, POSITION AVAILABLE COOK/DIETARY AIDE is experience in food handling and Prion ' souse enjoy working with waioxs nrwoe fez tYa..e t.: . (90665-9561 'The C 1000 l Rethintaitt Hone Aneatiaw: Admi■iatrster r - .: .. -'---- ...... .»-. ... _. ...�...-.... .,.. �.- �. . Y'/!•'in'^+.•�'C...i...,`a.. 4-•C„-Ir!D�v�yy�;'!1}g. _ W AM PAIGE 30 NEVIS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Mocft 12, 2000 1 ti.n.rM Iwo 1 Qamral Mdp G.nhwd HMp 1 Owtrgl Help Oau.nl H* 1 olio. Help ON" HMn YWCA of OSHAWA hrl Th" P, Mal Cook far ralttol . prolrwm- Able to prepare varied, nutritious meals, maintain high standard of cleanliness and organization of food service areas. Catering experience for YWCA meetings and events. Post secondary or equivalent educa- tion in Food Service and/or equivalent exp. Flexible hours - 7 days including some weekends and holidays. Resume and corer letter by March 18, 20M to: ATTN: Housing Director, 33 McGrigor St., Oshara, Ont. UH 1X8 G WE NEED HELP! TOO MANY CLIENTS, NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO MAKE GOOD MONEY AND FIND GOOD WORK, CALL US AT (416) 231-4145 COLBORNE COMMUNITY SERVICES A non profit mental health agency is seeking a Secretary/Bookkeeper (32 hours/4 days per week) Candidates must be able to handle a full set of books and be thorough- ly proficient with AccPac Plus (pre- ferably Windows version). Duties include AP/AR, payroll, bookkeep- ing, secretarial duties including work processing, reception, related clerical tasks. Please submit resume to HIRING COMMITTEE 114 Dundas Street East, Unit 202 Whitby, Ontario LIN 2H7 or fax to: (905) 666-2976 POSITION r 28 year-old corporation seeks ght, articulate and career -min led (duals. Must possess good self - e and enjoy working with people on the phone and in person. 300 base plus major bonuses, )rehensive tra ring program. FAX RESUME TO (905) 839-9471 and call for interview (905) 839-7747 v.. -.nudes._ v GA#E6L4C(E*XZC=W (Formerly Ftoi -T From Pan, alias) Now hiring A Manager to nm ur Olee Crown Sike Depot in Pickering From 1st - April SW 4th Salary and Solms Must haw own car a leading Dlrbam Region automotive pans wholesaler is looking for the following a their eir dynamic sables tur ln: Fxperimoed Onbide Aabmotive Pants sales Representative EVedenced Inside Counter Person Call Rkk for appamba ent 831 (905)-4211 or fax resume to (905)831-4214 lary Saand benefits based on expenerioe. 3111111111131 JOB SMVICE Mbdin S *Z WUad ft mks III = IsmRCH Ml:IESDAY MA14 4 P.M. TO 7 P.M. 136 Cigiala del Are., (JeMa Halrrtll �riajj 18NMe, 000, Mod be a sktleat 15.24 yds. OILER N t . or Gr to KIDS! KIDS! K1DSi - Ages 2+ - Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees!! Men/Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No extras. Patr1eilts Call (416) 221-3829 IJP TO $1,600 PER MONTH Local company now expanding in the area requires neat and aggressive i als. Positions range from appointment to setup and display to man, trainees. No experience required. Sta Wednesday. Call (905) 579-5412 $9.25 PER HOUR Plus Bonus & Benefits FULL TIME Greenwood Mushroom Farm (905)655-3959 PETS ON TV Dogs, Cats. Birds and Exotic Animals needed for TV commercials, series, films, catalogues and brochures. Send picture with name and phone number with info on pet to: P.O. Box 58541, 197 Sheppard Ave. E., Tor., M2N 3A8. is looking for Kids to deliver papers and flyers door to door four times a week by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. call 905-683-5117 SERVICE req,srea erlubk ckanrn, hoe Part -ave posrtw,s b stars mlowduerly. F�.�.po�ao�nryp -ad fiI requixed AF... -Fri ander: 10119110— gob 611-353 00 YOU LIKE COUNTRY DECOR'" Do you sur to - extra wany7 web. we want 10 hearteen yyoour A FEW OF OUR FAVOURITE THINGS HOME PARTY COIWANY is expandnq ran yesr am and ere aro toeing for tnergeac. sen Mhhwt etdiwdewk br Saks C•adnksoes W ons a wp0 country theara0 be ep Of rwrdoa I No we are caw tiff youare 9110 a bee. PAW ore =HISS d be rq the bit coadnsor In your area to this ca I For more sub phhlw• can 9W 342-3215 To assemble our products Frot srormauon sena SASE to: Kraft. 08-77n Keek St. Dept 7. Concord. ON UK 1Y7 NOT ties VEnooi (W- tlme) weekdays. April - Oc- tober Mwst hm re, an or Inde and be able b kit 50 ft. we tact. kion-s.asr 721 -me, (snip) sarfaeu,nonAL ournim of travel Cana s largest ItH ,IAek spechou" m Travel add Tpoeapnmws Tr7r�p Nerd daft 725 Apni pi rltane tat 905- 391 Looking for a job? Must be 16-24 yrs., out of worktnot collecting EI. Out of sdtoounot returning. Pft,llll6lR aailame am. Call JM Ceased 579-8482:623-6814; pct and snydwe dNirrfls Cal (116) I51-3510 MCOMALIrS - Fog time overrieM maintenance team shifts at McDonald's Ux- aToa aeMorrylas2ooyr. Beo- irble. Appy at from counter or tax into. 0 905- 852-0616. THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas PICKERING Chamwood Crt. Frenam St. Ashfield Crt. Dencourt Dr. Blueridge Cres. Dellbrook Ave. Oakbum St. Westcreek Dr. Waterford Gate Clearside Crt. Abbott Cres. Maple Hill Crt. Conacher Cres. Southcott Rd. Caterbury Cres. Pepperwood Gate. Glouester Sq. Pinecreek Crt. Bowler Dr. Morateagle Ln - 1975 Roseffeld Rd. Feeldlight Blvd. Poppy Lane 1360 Glenanna 1331 Glenanna 1415 Firekftp 1350 Gienanna Rd. 1958 Rosefleld Rd. Walnut Lane Otontabee Dr. Amberlea Rd. Sheppard Ave. Autumn Cres, Fa - Fawrtdale Ad. Riverview Cres. FOR FURTHER NFORYATION 905-683-5117 Hupaco wood Pr00vtK tmet- d petkt mareladmer w thins Wow eaperKnud saw and soil era tlpwa-, to resom to Pay W501l- 6 Mud" PMT MM Prop Asea - taw. sanepa��na aim aa spah a"= urs saa!<llaAlEtPtt3+. I or 42I too l ,d„a,p,t 11 am. - 5 P.M. nr1i. «ewonmmal, .w sampalee i rode er m CME O�ri.a" Dena CoagrM n Alax is to landscape p«i•atd on ass finks- Fax m caw 10 Labourers. Foreperson. Fug use season- PERNAM T pit Allo PfF. 19a5M31 6520 at . TnXk Dmw sum D a A wrrm pWk ned a00A, b Tbieiatw R6 N Mass.515 Lcmm acts b wort 6ohws. d agasatat Hovey ale . + per wale wa0es as per hs+ MinceFax rawest to 905- Menkes. = dad ash for Mr. Stephelo: 9o5.72t-07M y is Apes -e—cu trf 6 266ei. apinegii for app mW have prey (fes MND t7 opoo a velli omni M ods r.hwed ernpaaene1 oats whoiluk ON" how pytewa. Mbus enowh- eet and a der *WS aMaaa. your haws and tum a out •doe it the:. orfs. saes and Inaeeeesfed nlh6"a wwaryy is resws (905►427-7610 or 10 :Doone iaooao. No boom nik Twww'ap serride. Fal e aril nae swOpoA PC- eche. Cag 116-2e41Ki W76 1 a 5C- pavirX w. Ada: Basch MW SON LOWaa6T MBUVAK. lose - FE tl110m6 lesthrlta�w tent IN*, ow bre 66 Cookint 1126 RM MAINE by do- t wwrir erakp hspnilaol 6 an �EABN o Pa=dk�,we hob Mlll•loehl ural. ilo- GIh Darhlm~ eh" tassels abbess ares. WASH scan Neon cods. Heade Ogycnh 9W15B6 1207. Car an rill. From i7.50 b >b d pr Yt we ori be itawor For move Warseliisit d ww tl�m ltd Pill EtOM1MCa MM6TTIOT viawfap at M 01bw Cieit MilL IWW M ad peal awe tot Awlautwa U TM ndn RMhd th. lilr Gra Cadre w tae spd Oeh m Every Tea Whllby Md. Nbissi n 2T23 Ca6Eck or Id Thum 9130 as - 2 p.a meq; r bso,6el,2125 E>QI�Ca her fettled M CaM heetried Gd dm s�Al�rppwyt� warded bhaedelW Ghillie einilaoe phdlehw - 516170e. �r hsnnea. Appy w P - Tbieiatw R6 N Mass.515 •oa ISM Owdal St. E Cal ow Blain uBMRA66 Visa0051UF/Ml Daus hat pltAba awllw o6roM■ Ibeoa- tr M.hileeh Cawnwl.r add tact lift Iblpi Ctlalh6o- p Cao 1106N37-1611 or hu w• pMl 6 RW TIE 3001 - AM Ldw Uddein 01 PHoew 195 waua•y Rd. s. Mt (aa pies/ raw. FILL IrMT rMT avarbace PON. cim ae.�116.3'11-3 . swilio nsch NMUTTtttT hhedhhd NO taouteaoa Flt' or PR. for w�earoa�G.Ir Mp/m ei�s�pmll macaw i... scut "=e GI 725-M nk lar iduL SERVICE chN" for pelt time positions to Start Ilm*dM*. pre- ferred, micees- porUhm requirei11g11kNsd. Selietli N ® CNN treses Aad Assig Nr pl.igo miew put awe a can, dI'a UFW sa MM OWAiq filet Ralmle haws 2 - 3 deet per seat. Fmm is warn b 00% 631-0130 Mo: Ran, TIOW. Peegttleat PIT Alliin. Asddallt Customer service oriented Assistant with previous financial/ insurance experience required. Must have excellen! communica- tion skills, attention to detail, ability to work independently, strong computer skills in- cluding WP, database, spreadsheet. Min. 60 WPM. Fax resume 416-298406 • ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT • EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT • RECEPTIONISTS/SWITCHBOARD • DATA ENTRY/OFFICE CLERKS Needed for Temporary Assisignmerus TEL: (905) 771-8272 FAX: (905) 709-3664 For more information visit our website at www.ofi"icetearn.corn - TO ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION IN THIS SEC- TION PLEASE CALL _683-0707 Wax) .052-9741 (Ulbrldge) Required b Consultingg Engineering Firm. Duties include Word Processing Clerical, Reception. Strong communication and computer skills essential (MS Word/Office). Must be personable and well organized. Comprehensive benefits w/summer hrs all year - 37-1/2 hr/wk - Fri. afternoons off, good location at Hwy 404 & 7 overlooking golf course. Respond by Fax (905)4741-1910 or Email rgccfa@idirect.ca (hisbohn, Flaring & Associates 317 Renfrew Dr., Ste. 301, Markham Busy office located near Morningside & Sheppard reegqUlr@S mature, experienced: RECEPTIOMSi a / CLERICAL ASi1SiTAMT (ties to include switchboard, han- ng incoming projects, payables, lsting, etc. Must possess excel - it verbal & written skills and have perience in basic accounting prin- Aes and processing with fast, ac - rate typingAeyboarding skills. Iowledae of WordPerfect 9.0 an x resume with salary exPectaborts to: 905-728-0337 by kUrch 171h. Only those candidates selected for an in- terview wiN be contacted. OfRCtL oN WANTM To work in a fast paced environ wilt. AIP, AIR, PayroN, customer service, general office dutjes. A strong accounting background required. Experience in Simply Aicwu it tirtp 6.0, Microsoft Word, Access, Excel required. Reply to; Mrs. Lyon Pro OMioe Ssrvke $30 9rtocic Rd.S Pidmili L1W 1Z0 'Fix: 4l CoN 905439-2594 Stile Sdwy Egwcb*Wm Pdr Qes of Dwhon'd ZANAlr to sienna w to mainta;n a full set of books using a 2 wobe an Ifjim are argwafadi k f & bald rtlw .kft M Walk I I ---- I -* Phm far yew resaimes Bi !(15-511.6f9S Ett6liMr6ed 6 areal bt6fras.. sow rho-* -, R.I.B.O. Ikensed Broker(s) 10 join our wim as Pose twines CSR / Pnidum. Fax it* / relai a to: -4115 W* alektaa tthI ltwt Phil- 6.ne by Chahlud Adcdrglla RW • b Mkt is pepson M and at r a r tohhdae 516170e. SELL R NOM CALL AJAX 6834M 1,1E OliBli741 1 "aa NdplAsou i 1 fhltea haelprA6aw ONLY NEED APPLY requires 2 Sales Professionals for our anding state of the art dealership. • Very lucrative commission plan • Huge new and used vehicle inventory • Incredible floor traffic • Training to the right applicants For a confidential interview contact: Dan Stevens, Sales Manager (905) 668-5100 Or fax resumes to: (905) 668-2753 ONTARIO HYUNDAI 1505 Dundas St. E., Whitby DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER Has an opening for NEW/ USED SALESPERSON We offer: • Great Floor traffic • Aggres,4ive remuneration package • Monthly & Annual bonus • Good benefit plan • Demo supplied Become Part of our Winning Team!!! For private and confidential interview call and ask for Dwayne or Ted VILLAGE CHRYSLER AJAX 19 Harwcxxt Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario. LIS 269 (905) 683-5358 Ash for Dwayne or Ted Inside Sales Representatives - Pickering Electro-Mcters is a market leader in the sales and distribution of electrical test and mcasurcment equipment throu=bout North America. WC are now accepting applications for two highly motivated individuals with a related degree in electrical =&or electronics coupled with a minimum of two years sales experience within the T&M industry. The successful candidates must have above avenge presentational, communicational and organizational skills. He/she twat be a team player, computer literate and self motivated. Electro- Meters offers a competitive compensation and benefits package - To apply. please forward all resumes to: Vice President of Sales, ©ectro-Meters, PO Box 308, Pickerin& Ontario Ll V 2R6, Entail: robert®el essiive & motivated u to create and implement a sales plan to tourrnment sales at a foal =icy. E)oedkrtt dal. mission based. Pkv details about this excitf oppor�t��iry. 905)6401-5439. ext. 29 6" In*Mplaa SMVlCW Real Estate &*W r. in s It 4, 9091 ISI miiiSSi011S, no tees. back ups. leads, rewrals. 506.60x4111 rlowim" "saw ow pd�gpewaMt k Md1�r am aid C" tmd.clpe iilsorrw� `wtwrr sMi.o us $Ond he saw P�faauhwo bnr'on. uoolN� i oow.� rh heels slick bath .rials and gel and hM a dad wtdw of m0h. sm a cuwiddmoi No be W b�wdet IttaMm Md UziY i saeow" fast woo.cbmwm 1M0 Ottfhrb UIr FIX am azillk�sla Itch AP/=iiE (tad or Sed 10WIN IN IMa ID 1 1: ANN pplirso d R"d . �a Good pry. Ajar 6I Aorta. se! 210 1 0 PA Salk N1VOW CLASS A MCIMrC re6ritd ler a attt.mere shop a.d naw laud a Man. Cis San OF POW32- ad bm monw EIIPnnelc 1 ad Mit Gs RW1 kaW 1 a� C41in 'low ft but am call me BOHM or fat rare. to (am M 3371. Na lowhkysin M tiM i part tical posiab M Sabo w o ailasn" me - do" wood" NNW my. wilisd w sill cotwr. tial ad dein" arvin ad It (WRC*ua me' tu Fess ..0 �6tw!r�r.•-.o.r�«.s;-- .. iri.,Rtw,.��+^►�:.+t . ! �1„Td.-'i:.. ..�.-•i..�fi,,. i... ... .. ,,�. �,..i� F:`:',�-.¢I�l;;+`G..J,..low.....,� .. a.... 19. A o� ♦ ,�y '- - .Sac �K`.�': IM S W HWAP s Un sift "WAW -6 1 SNt Hww-- CO•STEELOLASCO •A Division of Co -Steel Inc. INSIDE/OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE CO -STEEL LASCO is a highly automated and technologically intensive steelmaking company with a tradition of leading in its industry group. The company sells and distributes 1,000,000 tons per year of structural steel products exclusively from recycled steel with a sales base across North America. This position is located in our corporate office in Scarborough, Ontario. You will be a key player of the Sales team contributing to success of the Division through service excellence, distribution efficiency and personal motivation. All candidates must have completed two years college or university. Key assets include the ability to communicate, direct and focus on strategic long-term plans, as well as work through the day -today challenges of a fast paced sales environment. The ability to interact with people in a positive and constructive manner, while maintaining and developing corporate values, sales, service and goals constitutes a principal characteristics of the successful candidate. Fluency in French would be a definite asset. Please submit your resume in confidence by March 20, 2000. Human Resources Co -Steel Lasco Hopkins Street South Whitby, Ontario LIN 5T1 Fax: (905) 668-1493 E -Mail: Sdesrochersfdlasco.costeel.com Co -Steel Lasso appreciates the interest expressed by all applicants Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 135 135 .135 iM 1 - MACHINE OPERATOR for C.N.C. Mill I - C.N.C. LATHE OPERATOR Some experience needed, employer Is willing to train. Please Fax Resume to: 905-839-6023 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN International Company requires a graduate from a 3 year Technology Programme (Food & Drug, Packaging, Chemical or Engineering) or comparable for the above position. The successful candidate will be responsible for the performance. recording and development of testing protocol for dispensing product capability. You must be well organized, able to work independently and possess excellent written, oral and computer skills. Metrology experience would be an asset. We offer a competitive salary plus an excellent benefit package. Please submit a written r+estune to: Human Resource Manager PRECISION VALVE (CANADA) LIMITED 85 Fuller Road, Ajax, Ontario LIS 2E1 Fax: 905427-1427 Email: pycanada@myna.com For Paper CorweMg Plartt in PickerkV Individuitla Moat PoiMINIM • • J.HH..B-Chleaah 3 Sailety empNrisrice • Mlectkarljcal a AAatwnalical proRden y • Able to work W is a overlitim We Offer complifta salary 6 Conlparty paid bafafits. Interested gVileerits fax b: Tim White Tatp linicksafties td. Ltd-L No pheirm cats please TECHNICIANS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY For busy Chrysler dealership. Must have Chrysler experience. Fax resume to: (905)683-5738 135 KITCHEN CABINET Manufac- turer in Durham Region Im- mediate openings for cabinet maker and saw operator Wages commensurate with experience: benefit package available Send resume to PO Box 444. 209 Dundas St. E . Whitby. Om. LIN 5S4 LICENSED ELECTRICIAN for control wiling and PLC work Full lime position Telephone (905)706-3894 UCENSED MECHANIC or 3rd or 4th year apprentice. with Own tools for very busy 7 -bay pqaaragqet m A�'ax 683-7301 or rel,(9p5) 706-2018 atter 6 Pitt WANTED - small engine me- Chamc Apppply, in person 855 Wes Rd. S. Lind 1, Ajax or call 9621. 1 HoaP'1k! Dental BUSY DENTAL OFFICE requires denial assistant/den- tal receptionist for approx 25 to 30 hrs per week Evenings and Saturdays Must be flexible. Please Cali 905-721- 2100 COMMUNITY SUPPORT WORKER Brain injury knowi- edge 3 exrnence lax resumes to 705-741-4098 DENTAL ASSISTANT •equired for part hme position Please call Michelle for job informa- tion and interview Durham a2 0� Centre. (905) 427- DENTAL ASSISTANT Certi- fied Outgoing d energehr• for new $carbofoa qqh office 2 start Fere wig sume tlowdl6s.26't A32 of it unable. call 416- 975.2666 LICENCED MASSAGE THERA- PIST RMT needed imme ^, a'ety Pickenny se Pleatax eSume, to (905) 427.9147 PART TIME HYGIENISTre- loved for dental once .njax A Experience �1eps�rsenfirai Ned - �m Call (905)427-0851m 99 Skilled Help Miwel Construction requires a • HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC • FLOAT TRUCK DRIVER with class "A" licence. Call (905)887-5270 LICENSED MILLWRIGHT Required by Paper converting Plant Must have Trade Ticket, and know general machinirrg, welding. and basic electrical. PLC and Drive knowledge a plus. Wit be wiNing to work shifts. Competitive wage and benefits package offered. Submit resume to: Maintenance Supervisor TERLYN INDUSTRIES LIMITED 782 Wd(ay Road, Pickering. Ont 11.11W 2Y4 FAX: (905) 686-3994 Only Mose selected for infenivew will be contacted INSTALLATION CO-ORDINATOR OF SYSTEMS FURNITURE Duties include daily scheduling of installations, manpower, truck assignments, job costings and quotes. Computer literate, strong communication skills Call mss- Lyon 905409-2594 or tax 9054394724 Pickering area DIRECT DRIVER PERSONNEL requki ess AZ Drivers & DZ Drivers ti a aeesen.s Staft fo/ a pmwisf Raw* wen 111 Call 1-877420-1270 SOW HNP LANOUMM Clean, modem mfg plant kfceled in Pidrer % ". rate + piece work (tons. LftV a snap" required Call Brenda I"slaso-111111sa HVAC COMPANY requires qualified Installer/Service Technician and Helper Please call (905)686-0018 =' J -*=- MEDICAL iia Drrtal MEDICAL SECRETARY Re- Qt*W immediately, Full-time for Busy Ajax Cardiologist. Excellent Communication. Dicta Typing. OHIP Billing 8 PC Skills Required. Fax re- sume to: (416) 284-0141 PHARMACIST required, full- time Propharm experience an asset. Zellers Pharmacy. Oshawa Centre, Wayne (905)721-8204. 1 Ib.p� �MWetl ,, ,r, • , ... .. . - •� u, rr_y 1 1 '' f"I r ;:jlrn,q r u': 1 n ,:�± e, sdla NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 31 Am 1 trtsa 1 Ibtp�ItlkiNtel Sao DerM 1 Anick4 a .1DOW" We currently have openings for part-time and casual positions in our shift and school programs. • Pediatric,and/or Community experience preferred • IV, CVL, CADD pump experience an asset • Must have current CNO registration Fax, E -Mail or deliver resume to: NURSING PROGRAM DURHAM FAMILY RESPITE SERVICES 865 Westney Road South Ajax, Ontario, US 3M4 Fax (905) 427-9615 E-Mail:dafrs@durham.net Only those applicants selected for interviews will be contacted a -o positions available in the Ajax office for healthcare pro- titiionals. One position will be full time and the other part ne. We are a dynamic team with an excellent working envi- �nment. Our business is to care for those with respiratory re - ted healthcare needs in the home. Appropriate professionals ould include: Respiratory Therapists/Reostered Respira- ry Care Practitioners, Nurses and Physiotherapists. )rward your resume to: Air Branch Manager Fax: (905) 428-8016 or E-mail emma.galessiere0tairliquide.co V11 Phone Culls Peau nt41Ji tutu •'A: pprrnate practice in Poenng PI+rsro owned and Oreo ex- Derem regared Cir 905 - PA R'r - T I 05 - PAR -r -TI SIF. R N. Po %r rl()N available In long- term care facility. Send resume by fax 19051576-0078 Or mad to Director of Care, Thornton View 186 Thornton Rd. S. Oshawa, L1J 5Y2 PART-nMF MEDICAL .,, .. O 1 B=9an caner SACXSTREET BOYS for sale Revd 50C MarLhi 15 skydome. $100 each. ,,,n call 905-683-8531. it not tro" leave message ExPECTING7 Huge sale. baby d (15monfhs - sue 5) ppy� nb-sue 2) 3 pc wwmke ttia Dooh crib so. Crib iwrenes. Unbolt twin bed set. Perego wol er, bathrwq. fold 'n go Dlay pin. mus" walker. ^igh Mar, sloe. Pits 2 PC ash K osh 6x, girls sloes Sire ' 1. gin doe swing. stroeer. idle, barba, etc (905)837- -485 1 Anx:les for sw COMPUTER SPECIALS •et ,Icer,vsiem S23A inter 30WHZ wpertast system $699 Loaded P3-500 with I rNEC manor $1333. PeM- um laptop $599. we love dioov upgrades and dif ic3A repairs (9051655-3661 DEACON'S BENCH 1 •/4- sol- id Done -ustom made specal Price $295 wrwepiarKrtres ast lPINE LOFT TREASURES 918 Srmcoe St N. Oshawa 905-579-9311 SONY DSS SATELLITE Sys- tem ^ew in b,.x over 400 tnarwrels. $999 Call (4161 u­k,•eceol are s1 raced . husy A)ax aMrx 30 hours/ WASHER A GAS ORDER 460-7055 Salary Hotp,,,-,t hewvy dut/ almond 637--0944 END OF LME CLEIIIOUT. tve�ithug mus; Mattress' ',oma Please tax resume or" srraoe. 1350 2c es Irom $59. mamtss set 5)428-1376 before March Articin 1 rom $159 Barye. double sea SHEOR M - Quality wooden sheds 8 x 8' bam kit. only ra SaN ''our $219. Oute1 set from 'Championship Sired' sires acrd styles available Also garages and decks 761 $269 Factory Mattress I-6BB- REHAB 0►PONTUINnES SNP air COIIIPrtSser rt^ 6 20-2282. 1650 Boy St. p'tys,otheraixst Bowman gallon 'ant excellent 00ndl- PKkenng, Ontlini (905) 637- Ale Occapabonal Therraw, bon. $475 oDo GII 434-0392 OM Oshaw Private Oruro RehA (Sn0) HANKS APPLIANCES Party Cklnh Graewtes welcome to LEATHER JACKETS ip b 1/ 5.ies.Serwce �'c,es $1491 apply Phare (416) 512-1319 2 pace iearher purses from aw dery ,416) 512-6672 39". luggage trom $1999. 11 2499 Apt --sue wwsner OaYe+1k eafrer Utilities Irom $6 99 era 55Mset GE 1A4sfutr/dry- • 1 End of Season Cltaranrce er. 2yrs only 5499 FroetZ- 111•o Sok' Fanrky lealher. 5 Pow Ns indges W" selechgn 5199, BROCKIDELLBROOK area. Mall Oshawa 905-728-M up Apt -yn Irdges $1491 up our dome or yours for 7 yr. old LOOK DIGITAL TV from Diahwrashells Drag -at. large Apt) arle .ng Vaety, Firm PS i 8mm old pt/m-f), nor- 519nnionth includinq equip- MOM and 30 Channels Plus sektm m S991b0 Washers $14%lp Dryers $149/up 426 sawker Call Andra 426- pla yon own spetiiry cion- S mcoe St S (905)728.4043 7933 nit paduge' Drroopp ride to NARpw000 FLOOIIIMG LIVE -m NAMIY Mordiy- bay' Call 905-465 72611 Whit- 3-1'4' . 3,4' T&G Sled v1 Friday. 7 30am 4 30pm 3 DY 905.683.1603(Pkfikenrrg), 1 77 683 1603 loll list. bwo unfinished 52 5Wsq tt . bays. 5. 2. Bmonths Non- Prefirrslrtd $4/sqn Pyre smoker. references rewired ANTN3UE • WALWT drug no0rrr0 dt. 5' ft 70sq.ft FJ Start June. 2000 Cal room sol Hut*. b1kt. tam Ca6nuq 40t/liiltar toot Call (905)619 1261 6 chars, newly upholstered. Dao (9051649 1506 PICKEMNO. full fife rimy. absohikey beauutd Must OM THEATRE SYSTEMS live u VorA, experienced. for See' Asking $5•200 (905)404- NC HI END Dolby Digital -AP baby 9nt. houstt� oc- 1485 Receivers 500 -wan urcluding everrrgs Mumm CO Double Cassese nhuumpouurr lad tun regkred M/LMMCES: ret r 2 n0a� 5 -speakers. 3-Modets your Vaserw at (416) 452-8391 door frost tree. deluxe stove. choice. 250-Pickipes must mardtirrg heavy duty washer go. Liquidationrice - P $870. �r dryer $675 - +r0 seW r11 10n1ef Ke"rs for best s oshmal LVIRi OfChristiart home dial• used 2 yeaaft rs 52500.. Pidcerirrp Skreo (905) 579-G693. care. wo teach alpfnbet. (905MS-5945. HOUSE CONTENTS - kids ynumbers and values. 2-5 tears preschool. rst AKY FRdIHwy G&W PLW. 61111 Mal- �a Rich 53500 or best bedroom set. master bed - ocin. TV, �rlesk Firf 2. near Pidiet. Go. (905) 837- ofla.905-434.8300. set computer r oudr 6 Irwdwq loweseat. coffee a 9600. BAcu7mm BK end tam vacmm tam.di um � child Ricky ckyWrim, Manah Cam. �. is 905-723 Cant. Grm Tana. Nom. Ma- - ants to 10 yrs. CPR. Crearre leafs• RW-- G.at JAZ BRIBE 268 . 3 braid new p�lIia�y outdoor achwties. Bio or WE (9Ds►� disks. 6850 090. Call Bonnie Chir dYDefirrq,. Call Elaine 5M 905.435-1146 905.683.0352. CARPETS SALE i SARD PLIM TECIIMICYIN pbk PHWEIIDG Back/ Rgft WROM FLOOMMO: carpet 3 toor, and loving daycare: 18 moons to Monts hom Sm. (30 sq. yd-) pu chow arsuKilron on all 12 yews, Daily outings Includes: carpet. premkim makes 6 models. Also recon- lienced backyard and auk)- � � 1on. Free dbared paras for sale. Call rifts, story time, music nu- �e�' 1a1Det �i� Ser•1n0 Dtirflim and wr- Bat u 906 427-7631. tritious meals 8 snuffs. First roundNq alga. Credit CardsAccepwd PIAMOTI6RA Aid, C.P.R. cent".NW- Cie Sim 905 686 _ CLOCKS. smoking rtra'lik 905-4'1& 1241. 1 pianos and keyboards, PICKEID6 BEACWROLLO CARPET ARO von SAIF• all Samidk Acoustic Pianos. all Howud Miller docks. Operrings for krtants to pre- Camd three rooms. 30 square Urge selediors of used pia - school. offering crafts, corn• Yards.. from $339 installed. I nos. Rem to own, IOD% d all puler, tin and TLC. Call An- will descorml your best quote ppaayy appy Call dna at 428-O268 up to 101.. New odors and TELEP PIMIOj905) 433-1491 designs.Customer satisfaction RELIABLE experienced Day- guaranteed. Car Mike for your POOL TABLE 4'x8' coin oper- care for 6 months to sdroo free estimale. 905-431-4040 ated: bar -room quality. 1' loge. Sandy BeadtlKrosrto skate, comes wit cues, rack area Close to Sir. John a. COIN OPERATED Arcade b bags. etc. $1.200 000. Cal MacDonald, parks and Y Cen- games for sale. Ictal for rec 905-743-0104 tre. Will provide receipts Hot rooms or cottage or a great business opportunity for the POOL TABLES. 8' and 9' slate meals and activities. Call Ju. lie 834-7391 right operator. Super Checks biliard tables for sale. Call Table Hockey Arcade Game 905420-6113. YOUR 3-4 YEAR-OLDS can $1400 firm. Golden Tee Gott RENT TO OA1N new and re- join my playgroup. 1 or 2 Arcade game $2000 firm Conditioned appiiances, and bone mornings/week. 8 30-12 30 Professionally serviced and in Full warranty Pad - new Pad - ndy'sew while you shop, workout or excellent condition. Please Market. Market. 905-263-8369 or enjoy your sparetime Lunch call between 6.11)p.m. 905- 1-800- provided. Brock/Finch area 720-4506 snp Spaces limited 905-686-8400 SATELLITE 001 dish special. LAB PUPPIES, mother CKC complete system only $150 registered chocolate lab Pup - after rebates, or lease for pies all black. born Jan 20 $12 49 monthly Programming (no papers) 2 maks. 5 fe- from $8 95 monthly 14 years males Please leave message experience (905)655-3661 Casey 905-743-0995 SHEOR M - Quality wooden sheds 8 x 8' bam kit. only Adorable Puppies $359 plus tax Marry other 'Championship Sired' sires acrd styles available Also garages and decks 761 English Bull Doll Shelties, -rugs. McKay Rd Unit 3. Rcken nn9q. mm. Dashunds, Min. For more info call 905-619- Pincer BerrlteS mountain, 2093 Golden Retrievers, Efidwn Fri Min cd- PINE/OAK FURNITURE..- Din - ng Rooms, Bedrooms, Home Office, Occasional Furniture plus Custom creations from your own designs and imagi- nation are our specialty Let us tum your dreams into real- ny We have been handcraft - ng the highest quality SOLID pine d oak furniture available anywhere for 25 YEARS' Tra- ditional Woodworking. 115 North Port Road Pori Perry 305) 985-8774 hnpI/ www traditionalwoodwiork- „gonca BED, queen brand new ortho- pedv; mattress. box spring. ^tadnootboard w/frame Still n wrap/box Cost $1175. sell 6525 416-726-9885 KING bed. dlowdop, extra- 'nNtk ;'rho Jttc mattress. box sonng d rame Unused. stiff nlice 51800, sell S67 r4161 726-9885cost RECONOmONED FRIDGES 5195 ,c econdaio rd ang- es up. rI S125; uepcondtioned ',oned washers 5799 / up. new rind reconditioned Cion oper- ated washers and dryers at r,w paces New brand name `xlges 5480 and up. new 37 -anges wit mock and wrnrdow 5430 Rewrditeoned 24' rang- es and 24' frost It" fridges "aw available bKde selection other new ad remrrdi- xre0 appbantts Call us to - lay. Stephenson s App anc- es. Saks. Surae Parts 154 3ruce St Oshawa (9051576- 7446 1 AACMs wanlea ANTIQUE SIftsolutaiy - v'.e always .arable usually free' P4rc:,4ung outngni, e3- Wn w/some armque cont- ents. Ino rout to value cow sietree). CDII«trpK of airy sort, quantrtres or single an - ow ikmt Spkaal dares; in Moorcrdt puffery 11 by to re - spot to all quilnes. Rallen Bowen Antiques- Brodkin onum r905455-8049 or (9051242-0890 Dinnerware Sets & Pieces Philtre f.,rrmules. House Calls Purchase for cash David Sanderson 14161693-48" Ant:ni:+t old rJins :Cys suverware P=6 n. cfrwu. stamp and IDoskCird r0at/bI . jewellery. an"M furniture. more es- faties Car 1905430-3385 WANTED 'Leaf Tickets' Will pay face value. Call Bruce 579-4400 ext. 2207 WANTED - Diesel engine OT466 or 400 Cummins. poor Condition, would kke to Ileac running Call 905-434-0392 (aria) • M, Ara a CRAFt AID ANTOW VIEW DORS warned. Spaces from $40 00imcini t Let us see your products for you. Yoi don't read to be here Open 7 days a week. Antique Barn and Country Craft Store. 1618 Dundas St. East. WMby. (905) 404-0508. CRAFTEIS WANTED at The Gift d Craft Showitilm- low- ed in the Coilimm Flea Mar- kel - km east of Oshawa (approx. 6000 people anend- ing each weekerd). Let us Show 8 ser your kaaffs dxed- y to ft public. You do not have to be there. There is W 6 month cortffad. Rend stens a Minionth. Cal 9I)S 436- 1024. se, 1 uzer Standard Poodles Oshawa(9o5)723-5077 OLDER CATS need love too' Many young to older adult cats (spayed or neutered, fully vaccinated) looking for homes Kittens with first booster sometimes available Marry medium to larger breeds of dogs available !or adoption Pet supplies (espe- cially rat food and Inver) and donations always welcomed Please call Durham ♦Ar. -31 Adoption at 905 -438 -Mi 1 039- for sob WANTED c,.ckskin ✓. r:l', F'11" ' 2 years Can 434- 0392 snp 11 Auton'°b'ks for Sale 95 HONDA CIVIC LX 4 -door 4 -CP out -,mark arc Certified 6 emissions tested 37.000 Kms $11.200 Phone 905-986-4490 16 STRATUS 4 -dr 2 5L cer, 112 000k AM,FM :ass $9500 `A55-985 0738 leave message 1945 CUTLASS SUPREME real Deauty' ..9 were^, la: green. sunrooftimed leaffef bucket seats leather steering wheel Center [me nms. low profile tires, bra Great shape' Rear spoiler 6 Cyl Asking $4500 ltrinfap- prased at $7300) Must sell Has 53000 in nmynres strong reluble motor never seen snow. newsusPensron poness (905)431-w 43 or 05)653-3929 sno 1149 CNM CAVALIER sta- lioono wagon 4 door Nr;Qy n M 905133-2021 51250 060 1952 GEO METRO - door auto am.•- I;sette. 116.0001km S3 500 cerci ed ROM good excellent mileage (905)987-0505 1983 C EV CORSICA t door V6 auto with a r ^ewe• bin. n 5390rfth 0 �ed - ask <etssions tested Days (416) 27-8159 Evenings 1905) 668- �%9 1143 PONTIAC Sarbrd. :.eon Tyke ar •f!er Call 105)579-9934 Malay -Fn - lay 1994 OLDS ACNIEVA. 4 dr .E aulr new ,,rakes "a 6 Jack,. line-up. :99 sins +nasion flood Untried S4.5oo 080.905-9W!4% 1914 BUICK PARK AVENUE Many new Darts -ecenny .er filled and emssion tested Needs yore moor work Best kir Towlone 579-4777 WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad Credit, n0 credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIOM CKV 905-706-8498 vwNte, loaded, power seat. Clea!, will cxniry/eassion test. No GST, 70.000 miles, Nice Clean far, new tires $111M. (905)66B-9600. BB TOYOTA TERCEL:' 5 speed. AM/FM cass.. low kms., take over lase for S242Jmo, 0 down. 0 interest OAC Please call (905) 697- 2901 ask for John. OR= Sam CLASS AMO CARS FROM SM. Govern- TiIAOITIONAL TEACHMCS by ment seized 6 surplus. Sold renowned Elder - Noodin Chic Gatug Kwe. Saturday April jofaly. Can toll - free tar list- ISM. limited spas fQ00 1-888-346-0700 ext Contact Caariraska Leather 905.983-9540 1 Arfaaobiks • 1 CASA FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles Vehicles must WANTED - Buckskin Lily. 1-2 be in running condition Call 427-2415 or come to 479 yr old 434-0392 (anal Gayly St. East. Ajax at MUR- BEAUTIFUL mixed breed 1e- AD AUTO SALES male dog free to good frame A A A AUTO- Cars trucks. No time for her Please Call 426-9822 boats We Das up con Cash on mAny cone spot Adi- v 2 FREE KITTENS - 2 year old tion, any year. Can us an sisters looking for a loving time, 24 hours. 7 days. 30 home Respond ASAP 705- 01110. service 905-686.5003 or 225 876.0(snp) 905-706-3880 Alt PAGE 32 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Parch 12, 2000 1 • 11Apwwmofw 11ftwbuftlorhiprowNMeM6 TwMad Itwe Rip RMI felt so after Appliances. All Utll. Included. formance k kit, low ms . and A UINEATMU OEA$500. down. ownyoLI From 2-1EOROOM tnngAbw in own 1NAN1®- 1996 a 1999 Cao- tury Limited a LeSalfre Limit- le»her interior. tow kms. RENT -WORRY FREE floor. 1500 sg1t., $1150/ home startitq at 569900 up 10. wwitSunderhMMxX shed Good eC, mem condition, absolutely no dealers. FOR SALE 1996 Le- 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apt*. monthly plus. WHITBY. N.E. 3 -bedroom. 2 -storey, at - ries for less than rent. OAC. starter home. Askmp s7s.aoo 24 his free rwo mtlwale CAN 905.655-8124. Sabre Limited. 80,000 km. Sabre Refurbished & NIeW quiet cr ' fenced350/yard. quiet Cres. 51350/madhly 905-728.1069ext 277. Cold - well Banker RMR Real Estate. 3 BEDROOM MM- central condition. $18.500. sego- liable 506) 457--6244 5 lor 32(M)328 -0101r model plus cash. dhb. l9os►66B 69eo AureW Rasanu. Oshawa. Open concept, wood trim throughout Hollywood c p.m. Appliances. All Utll. Included. formance k kit, low ms . and COUNTRY OMOW, main flgd Trucks In-house Supt. b Maint. phare (9013)) 665-7939 floor. 1500 sg1t., $1150/ 1 INS* On site Security. 1x. 583 2000 km M warmers. monthly plus. WHITBY. N.E. 3 -bedroom. 2 -storey, at - 1t46 CHEVY 1/2 TON V6 Rental Office: Mon - Fri. 12 noon - . d quiet cr ' fenced350/yard. quiet Cres. 51350/madhly sstandard. $1000 tand needs bodyu t spent mono ny Sat & Sun 1 Phn' S lor 32(M)328 -0101r model plus cash. dhb. l9os►66B 69eo new rts. 51500 as is Call bINdtlerd aped. S_ 494-3765 OSHAWA, 3 bedroom main 9o5siai 73ss VALIANT PROPERTY MAAGEMET NN CENTRAL Oshawa. Urge 2 bedroom apartments available floor. 6 appliances. pxwrq. a/ ker. no tiess. ISV cpets�$9000 - 60heat.0% stab IM CHEN diesel. hall ton. ready to work Good cordiion. SIP- Ist n weii-maircmW 905- 728-8711, (416;177-3sai ""' 905--579-16me 19!! NISSAN FRONTIER. xE- Il v6. 4x4. extended cab 5 speed manual trans. 22.000 km.. AMAFM CD with 5 speak- ers.sunroof. loaded with ex- tras. $23.000. certified 905- 725-6362 05725-6362 van@/ 4 Wheel Drive PRIVATE NO GST 19% Jim- my SLE 4 -door. 4 -WD, lake new. low mileage. 71,000km. loaded plus remote start $19 500 rt 905-263-249a APARTMENTS - AJAX 33 & 77 Falby Crt. 2 & 3 Bedroom apts. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: http:/ /windlammer.webl..P.com a Hampton or 905.611-6109Hor Oshawa Ive mag. Oshawa 1 ouseReit 1 srno.nhoblm • B 1 Houses for Rem 1991 SKIDOO FMX, with per- r • w formance k kit, low ms . and Ms• Pool loot VA• ilauna, Bat ti(t 1665 529°° Tete OWN Your Next Home!! phare (9013)) 665-7939 ;arpe 2 bedroom basement. 194 FORMULA Plus Sluddd. 571-6275 or 1 -840.6275 1x. 583 2000 km M warmers. (NS) cowx al d is Mark Stapley . d muwm tont. 99 Johnston, v roliprx sbpe. R- for crow $2.500 term r wig trade Sdo Mr. RWMes MINDY Real Esb* LM. lor 32(M)328 -0101r model plus cash. . 1 1 ortiehars or 1 1 °'r""'ne' o� Reit IMA PICKERNIG.Brodt/40/. 5 years new, large 4 bedroom. 3 Welts, family room, eat -in kittdte0. qqaa55 fireplace. 119 . now Call 905-686-3120 alter 5:3DW TOWNUNEMWY 2. Courtin 3 -bedroom raised bungalow in tamely nenghbourtood Spot- less. 5 appliances incllaun- dry. parking. garage. walk to shoppirglransn No dogst smoking. references I 1 or May 1 $795 plus 'uh. ties. Mark 905-7068500. 1 Townhovaet For Rent OSHAWA LARGE 3 BED- ROOM townhouse Private entrance. two car parking food neighbourhood Close to schools. shopP•rgyGo Bus $975.uhlifes Avail Imme- dkvdy (905) 5714M WHITBY - 3 Bedroom. 4 W plances gas hart Avail April 1st $95g0/mond pleb hoc No penquired. Call (905),576.342913 9 re - 1 Rooms for Rer4 style kitchen, deck, new gas furnace. a great starter home. Asking $108,000. 436-2996 PICMMG •Altona/Hwy. 2 175osq h luxury townhome 2yrs new. 3 -bedrooms. 2-1/2 • ens t baths- jacuzzi. tam millw(gasopp1 aMrifea fireplace. Eat -in kitchen, ce ramics. part, finished hint. RARE NnUTWWOppoor- $194.900 Open House, Sat./ tunity National corp. seeking Sun spm -spm. (905)509-7041 ambitious people to service ca rau.s�awc unrc _ .-rm as. Products are nationally MORTGAGES AND LOANS 1ST, 2NDS AND 3RDS Mead restructure on your financing? Consult an experiawed broker invsead of shoPPing your simarim everywhere resulting in a negative impact. Private funds available with eWity. ASK FOR SYLVIA JULES (905) 6664986 OR (905) 430-8429 ev . & wknd h on quiet ciesClose to dous profit markups. Work schools. $175.900. Open from home parVf ll time Earn House Sunday March 12. $39.960 per annum. Mm. m- 12Dm 4pm Inquires al vest $14.801). Free info pads. (905)401-2778. 1-81!8-335-7533. 3 HOUSES Hardwood(ceram- ics, paved driveways. new krtchera d broadloom. reno- vated Vendor can arrange mongape No $ down?? Why Rent? Own for the same moo- ey/momh. Mike 905.718-5513 McuuGNUN SQUARE Con- do tar Sale Spacious 2 level. 2-bedtoom. 1-1/2 bathrooms. Livmgroom. ainutgroom, den. Walkout to growl WM bal- cony overlooking landscaped courtyard. Ensude laundry plumbing Indoor pool, reading room. workshop. ret room. Laundry facilites on same now Tekphotne (905)432- 221 for $103.700 No Agents I N.W. OSHAWA. nice 4 -bed room brick home Attached ggaarraaD�e 1-1/2 baths. gas heat. Chose ' to schools. stopping. Asking $173.000. Cal (9O5)n3-%% .r.,, - on a quiet street 1200sq.ft. uww, BACHELOR APT , v,ckenng PICKERING Liverpool ae Ms• Pool loot VA• ilauna, on a large 65114 Ila. .2 bedrooms. hardwood Moors. • village $ICC mc=.. First ;arpe 2 bedroom basement. � � NVEIua new roof. $168.000 (905)576- 14 FT. HARBOUR CRAFT ala- last required No pdVvrm* n�Q� Available kmmedoefy fel kitchen and Odhi00rn. own laundry and entla . no pens. t� rNA(T ur l 9674 muwm tont. 99 Johnston, (905)428 1171 1875 utileies included (416) WU hq. it hon-. ONLY S1A.M - 2 storey 3 swivel sots, baler. all m ex- bINdtlerd aped. S_ 494-3765 Slvarc ��/ltitctvr�u bedroom home. parklike lot. Ment shMce. asking 51.600 CAN 579.1791 alter 4p m snag CENTRAL Oshawa. Urge 2 bedroom apartments available RETIRED! - Oaiet. M&A build Lw ofvard/larybepatio. n.nwk�� or pees wlm IAhpr workshop. beautiful SIP- Ist n weii-maircmW req In Oshawa. -nature Mn- 5eepro7TC deck off dm and laundrynxim. 1S FT. PETEf18011WCN Bo- 15 F nose to al amen- nts a. winral location. 3 bed- A, L bk wrwwra dhely. large kitchen. M. kvmgtdi- new seats and floor tea ON (905)723- room aparbapps available 5490/mandh and up ^Irxproom. FAG fwrnam. rovf^^p radio. awowabc 0977 9 am 4p m March 1st Ellet. beat taldt fbor Tel (�rJ) 509-7727 post to Knob AN Farm and but tr. kr. no motor ing LARGE 1 -YR -OLD 3 bedroom (M SI � o. A@" 7mg other aaMrvtWS Call Lane or $1.801) Cal 576-0462 any- apt New apptances Iaudry. John Him" Century 21 Ex - %engQAll ria- $lI SOUTH AJAX one bedroom ALSO 2 bedroom dean aro comfortable. on bet • 11 An'r°'•"M $950 nnklsne Mike 905-718- route $650mo nckrdmg uM- 5513 des FvstAm reeakred 905- OSHAWA ^•droo n clear LARGE dean 4tOM 3 b"oben 6862993 (lisem-' Uhl la. ablebasement apt Private !sundry YwWrr �IfaaUCO I,nrrS[4n a-«41M14s wag w ywc home Very quiet working No pelt f835/nduseve Suit temale pre!e'!er :� tamty Avadeblt May Ottrnlow Non smnk.nry' ist 837-2901 Mfirs0ast t.IVERrooueAnr, can- momh Apt '.s ., ple!ely renovated larg lbricM 5103. message '-bedroom besemem apart- -emea-m kelchen. sepanaM entrance. parking no pals. no 0 REM smokers first/last Available Aaril 1516. S80WnrM d 305Al37-00 VR41Y 2-BEDIIow. Gose so as amemi les. BIO Oundis St.. $760 per month it-- esbed ache. Cal office (905) 6S-7513 2 BE89" apartment. ssagp- aeale ens - ace. no pea. IMT wing arca. Bck Rd. rod N.. clow to schkkAs and sill play. $a50 al inckrsiv. ,AgdaWe Illhhnldhtfhlr. 427. 3858 2 • tNSNOOM ,�1a ce, big abaasemertr k lMrf. qwimw'rt r cdndifici aanpdM pt It�lpnpwaoge. dose Available •est. iD50 �rstlpst. rtlerahe- in. 9054B657B3. ZJPIgood ll� bETn valowitamW 12-pkx. lice rM�npBAOo to s. F ove no. abie. laundry Sam. no905.5 dogs Avail. May 1. Cal WNRBY GArAM UNDER AJAX. 2-0dnw and 3 bdrm apartmems in bud" 67 Church St S_ Near bus. s'pppwq schools 3 bdrm Aprdl 2 full JMe 1 No pet (905) 683-0145 SPACIOUS well-rmatRarhed 2 bedroom apts Avail AI 900 And 868 Glen St Some with walu-m down. Pont proved. so Close 10 stlh0" . tahapprg own. GO Stamm lNkktres included Cal 728.4993 ROUGE VALLEY AREA. -.tar kxrwsted room n quiet. AM home. starabk to Inky em- ptoyed non-smoker Shat faparaM kitchen. bathr'ooem. Rdtnwaoes, first and last. (905I5oo-2459 oe,, 906.721-1144 or Tor 905 6865155 PIC[ER1NG west shore area 2.000• so it tarslred best - mere. 3 bedroom. 1.3 pc new Ajax nome fitdose 10 as new ranaw. a- amemon No s Mhdwdes runic entrance i kadndm kdchen ad Irving room. Fur- floors, law treed lot. coshed and WdurnwslMd Cap 120'42'. PRNATE-SALE- Jam or Jam 683-3233. DEVELOPER WELCOME. WALK TO PI KERING GO 5185.000 CAN for wewwg. Bedsittingopnwate bath slurs 91)6-839-6989 ki,cten i suits quiet Condos non-srmuoku. its WNW. a -ow SW FT IN_ Can $37-05%. leave MEM 03MMA CENTILE M ua0e AMX CONDO by de Lake. 2 9 right spacious bachelor apartment. sat WmmAO or s!uoent No Pas $480 an mdusrw Avon Apel 1st 90557642M ONE i TWO M OM acts to, April 6 May 1st Conven- mrrty Located in lIxhn in Ind p 2v t0view CA 905- Farndy Bldg Large 2 3 BIR units. $710 $825.00 Utilities mncft ed. Easy well schools. shopping. I appt call (905) 721-8741 WRmjY - Hwy 2 and Gardw bedroom 2-bathmim. Ito- Sl Large basewam roan to Ms• Pool loot VA• ilauna, quiet non smoker Shared ac- ass lo mkihen and bitlroom irkAre- aOft" ox 5121.000 Cote to transit Available 01 Ca1915.g2478 ne"Hy S400lmoAh fast Nowa and test Cal 905-� 10 Lend 1 $Nae° ACOMM AdOW MONEY PROBLEMS. Get out patgnp, tirepace. walla. W debt quick without pang AJAX. 3 -bedroom colo to bankrupt or Odra pinuthw ONE BEDROOM add keel TWO BEDROOM. Netson share seM M bedroom i Everyone accepted regardless basement apt in Suet leve- Street. Oshawa Stove. rehg. bathroaa. Iaudry faculties d creat raanp Can for free craw. uLhties and parfkd� Ib pp�ets Firsllat requred dentia nesaintio obi at Hu- -2-�S twV.l„wnv ani. CN,,Z information 905-5763505. may A tin rice nus Avula01e May I Swu ny de- Student loans ncl ded. roues Eat m kitC en, kMhhg AAAX,Pidkerng Beads Rd. room laundry. storage. pn- 14 Mer Call 1877• Mouse. P., aria: OW- ..".. .,r..M. w, ,we e..d. �+^-"'14 1b/ het. mrrn nelin hath Gard. m uparncy $700 all inclusiveeI1MTaY -Large Ilk" base- hprgom, kitchen. additioegl - - - - 905 576 7386 snp mem a0f All amemba plus bath $Mmth nclus ll. Pro- _ bedroom basement area. 1- hot tub. $700 innuwva. Axil- SOOTN 1SNAWA close ® DAT fl$)($ apart able -now. P it Laundry reent. private eArana. $476facilities waNd b GM - 3 bedroom PAMDAT indwda u bines And laundry. WW rear when you an own house to share wide proles Avad" May 1st. Non- yam own honk for less ow $alai$. AN twft n mckrduto W TOO smokeis CAN 432-7308 After yow feirel CAN Oriefyy- lauhdny, rJair. orM ar � �1 $S Government Funds$$ Grants and loans information to start and expand your business or farm. 1-800-505-8866 WORN FROM ANYWHERE! It you are really serious about earn" $10.000 a month or more and want b reduce your taxes up to 95%, Cal this pre recorded message 416-410- 2488 a 1 Events 'EXHI91TOR3 WANTED* Durham's Largest Homeshow Metro East Trade Centre. March 31 -April 2110 1st Class Exhibitors. CAN 905-655-8278 or 1-000-161-3355. AVAILABLE TICKETS - Back- street Boys, Ricky Marlin. March Carey. Bruce Spring- steen. rum Turner. CSMY. Oa- sts. Broltn ly Spears. WWF. Leah. Len King 1.886546 3849 www i inx keen CENTRAL COLLECMTE S 50dn Anniversary a Reunion on June 2. 3 6 4n n this; Mll m num Year. All 'Car nes, an cadhaly mvaw M renew bid f and memories. For info nN Jim Miller 905- 7204696 1 Personals BORED LADIES - ONTARIO. Names 8 Home Phone Numbers. 1.900-451.3636 ext 680. S369/ru own be 18 T-AaM. MR I ARE YOU SINGLE? The Now - Meeting Pbm www.Oream baa com DON'T WATCH another sun- set along Cal Mrsty niter Yr troductionM. Ommham's traci- bomal maidwoMw 1416) 777- 6302- OURN M SNKUS CLUB. Mew approach to funding USt- Ing relationships Personal growth semnars, dances, pub mphis New fun wag to asst mew 5756w1616 � � w No OURNAWS OWN DATMIC SERVICEI Call 905683-1110 Create a private daelbox or browse other personal ads free Wet a new Friend a Love low Mt. HEAVENLY PSYCOC An- swers Find the oracle will 52.991mm. '18.•24 his. 1- 900-451-3783. 0$NAIBA RELAXING M11s- sage Shiatsu Service, 40 Kme St. W (905) 404-9625 11:30 am - 8:30 pm SAM. Spiritual medium. specWizes in raming loved ones, removed ektpat to- tallIwd �brbii em etc 416)785-3499. 1 YNpseeNMab bpm. Saks Rep. RelWx panMrq pftsNto :aMhMhg- we bold Toter pemmm Sum w ReAM 1 (1991) Lb. $400/month. NrsfllMtheltu, .� bed (BUS) 668-3600 a (905) 666 ences. Female mnleoMM. � 1)myft lam? room And one Wil. AFdMgiH01t MAy 1st. CAM 579- MO � o]B1DC7<E 1. akiEt. dktydMro family add 6322 (Sop) ((alas) s10 -Cita; BasementAph., ppkAncin Hem. yP and wank 1 rya OMowi CAIL NOW PAC-M01118,AdftM �, ( parking. 7 2�. taaMres NIMNsppww : 1 W1�A ) 7208s xmww NtNY3- border, 2 bedroom main floor hoarse, $800 Per 1110. plus Mmon. Ren smoking. Asad" April 1st. 6664614. Ask for Pan PN3M INO - 1 BIR basement ANN. Pnvale entrance. laundry. aorN couple Available - APRIL 1. No Dels/smotirg $650/morph . 1/4 o tibia. 9115839.7682. NEW MANAGEMENT One and two bedroom apartmpMs PICS available in quiet modem inclucled.�g baLund�ry Sheppard, new 2 bedroom basementUtilities facilities and parluq Renovations wad". Cal43D•5420. seg entrance, one park". Share laundry. Now large SW* "table. $900/am inclusive. April 1st in Pinker- 839-1784: Pager 416404- I% Includes AN UWMN. 5862 patgnp, tirepace. walla. P* 619. 663. ac.. patio Ara . more. INKNEI .Whites i Snep- smoking. no pets Qeed. One bedroom studio Separate entrance.11101 DomafiC 120 0056. bINdtlerd aped. S_ . rate entrance, all inclusive, APT 5512/moMll• parting. simple person only. y p11N ulilitla. 3,d Boor muA1k- No pets. no smoking. Avail �p fq ekvelor, erglrria Cam WAt 852-3107. leave mea imnMd. S525/mo. 905837- SIP- eCpion. 7 Days per week. $ECOM 14.10N on" space Roofing a ceRIM11 Bhglk for rine. Apprar. 480 sats 905-767-1240 Renovations North Oshams location. Park- MONET ACCM* P. Fr 20 �• EV. availableed. C Kaft i90s WHI233 to be AssistANt$. Rgrand AfpfOved f20,000 Ala CA MBfio lnd.wk P* 619. 663. tAeae RRIIF If FUND�FROM Cal Now TON W(416P78•MM IMM 90CENTRE: Enclosed. 1 bay or bay i In. 0(-atmpfoW.. Free 1-888.657-1062, Too Free Fax 1-888-703-1,M, An- (XWAW1Zn With overhaul doomft* door.a1w1 hydro induced. zed f 2 (. ceilings, pArking, � e ix no financial ex- Int EXta Sincle 1973 era. washroolow ar-Com- eCpion. 7 Days per week. Drywall repairs pressor videded). Space for Swcco ceilings gt caul �11�, minor r6paI1S sklestparkid- WIN MORWAM - Good. had and Low Cost. exc. work avail. soon 905-5762M or 905-626.6619. aaply. Financing for any par- Mean, reliable a 111xlest. Coft M Etat" ate- ed. Call Ctm "idly MMM 1 for PAM Services Corp (905) VA- 6805 5)72 - Jed (965)?227f7 Jed IIEAYTFM SETT". Lake Seymour 2. 3 ii 4 bedroom MiN �sorarMaa COMM. fumy-egtupped. Pool. bshihh0, store. Adixadabk $6 govemmENT, _ Fuzzed($$ irately -Ates. Campddtfob. 2 Gran and loans int mma6M hours NAE of Toronto. 1408- to SOO and expand your busi- 813.2212 www.wooelaades- mess or farm. 1-800.505.8866. takeoom DOORS •R■ 1/S GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales ServiceRe a secs osa4sa It JIMN-POm be FINISHED BASEMENTS bathrooms, add'16ons and Second stories. Home repairs. All work guaranteed. Walter Leaver 428-2145 IONTRACTIN6 Ba,9ernent apartments, rec rooms, training, drywal, tapihhg• g retail repairs, (905)837-0702 cell (416)616- 3689 KING HOME. IMPROVEMENTS Elmet. apes Decks, Fencing Bathrooms b kitchens. Electrical and plumbing. 22 years exp. No up tronit fees. Call Mike (905)663-0190 SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY i DISPOSAL ► Garbage Bln Rentals All your seasonal needs 905-683-'1397 TMS PAINTING b DECOR Interior 8 Exterior European Workrnan- Ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 428-0081 815 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anynimg. (:bnlnlenC'hiorA31 Packaging. stomps and baa avatabk Savor i mid ma4n discovers. Fite estimates 571-0755 14888-491.5600 A STaA6E Houses, Apartments, lnfioxs, Aapliartces a Piano Speaaksts. Stsuor a Mid -Month Discounts. licensed. insured. Free Estimates. heleaiead wrike. Can 486.77!5. 810 PANIT11Mo a PLAS Shim caings, fdpNNfNditI,Bllprli. first o edea 8611 walseiMls Slehorn cmhrgl. General MF- Top quamy work at 11-abile prices 20% ba for seakm . Call for a FREE Estimsae N4tielbM! SODIRA PALING s Good Prices s d�IT RENOVATIONS (905) 4264865 Free Estimates Since 1967 BOLAND BROS. DRYWALL SERVICES Residential, Commercial, Industrial Framing Taping Insulating Texture Spraying Boarding Painting iiiU JOHN 1-603-649-8321 EXPERTS FOR LOW COST HOME REPAIRS & REMODEUNG Plnlnbing a Carpentry a Ek:trical IN, Paintinngg & moth Mere 11-1Mrftd, eluded, 1 rase Irarralso 905-686-7236OM-1 Want to be in LARGEST HOME SHOW? 7�z Limited Space * * Now Available Please call Devon or Wendy 905-579-4400 or 416-798-7259 For more into. :1 Roofing :1 Roofing A & C ROOFING Aad VViadewM IA& All types of roofing. Spring sak save up to 32% by Int -sprints booking Workmanship Guaranteed. [)mount to Seniors, fully insured. Free estimates. A member of the Better Business Bureau 100% Canadian Cal! Andrew at (qeS) 429-8704 DOUG CCK El Pkintibirg A Mechanical Co. Ltd Gerstell Comelacbng . CarnrMwnpd A Residelrltaal Licensed eS insured, repairs, alterations d renovations new bathrooms, pump repairs FREE ESTIIMATES 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE 24 HOUR SERVICE 810 835 « now WAMi • Rubbish Remand Social Services Seniors NU&M "b Diecowmts Truck a Drier $35111bur Cog Ray OMke (85) 571-75M Plasm (905) 436-1}17 Having probleans finding Nine to dean your hoane7 For Professional Hone Cleaning, call Hekn•s Home Se ekes today. 427-4385 Fully insured and balled CLEANING mw m'wwvrS, (loon, hW+nine, Nem.wable clew Eleni 41764/666 Malay 4281681 IIBwe hDeeNiyyBweii Allotdabie prices Reliable trained stall Bonded a instred all for "snub Is looking for reliable ople to insert and deliver papers and Ccrs floor to door every Wednesday Friday and Saturday in the Rckenn9 area. Deliveries must be completed by 6:00pm. Must twin a vehicle. For mare information Call 905.683-5117 .<,�.� � : �'+.:.�F-,_ ... ._ � -:r. .ua'�".1'<��spY '�i�'.i;ii�sw.,,:.�+.,: , � - ....:.,,�+!•C{i+�u0T.9a.'i�+�liail:,�l'y*�� - 1 Roofing iq'�L Windows 905-767-1240 Renovations John Mcl ellain "A Man of His fiord" 1 PksrhbMg : 1 • Pltlwd. DOUG CCK El Pkintibirg A Mechanical Co. Ltd Gerstell Comelacbng . CarnrMwnpd A Residelrltaal Licensed eS insured, repairs, alterations d renovations new bathrooms, pump repairs FREE ESTIIMATES 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE 24 HOUR SERVICE 810 835 « now WAMi • Rubbish Remand Social Services Seniors NU&M "b Diecowmts Truck a Drier $35111bur Cog Ray OMke (85) 571-75M Plasm (905) 436-1}17 Having probleans finding Nine to dean your hoane7 For Professional Hone Cleaning, call Hekn•s Home Se ekes today. 427-4385 Fully insured and balled CLEANING mw m'wwvrS, (loon, hW+nine, Nem.wable clew Eleni 41764/666 Malay 4281681 IIBwe hDeeNiyyBweii Allotdabie prices Reliable trained stall Bonded a instred all for "snub Is looking for reliable ople to insert and deliver papers and Ccrs floor to door every Wednesday Friday and Saturday in the Rckenn9 area. Deliveries must be completed by 6:00pm. Must twin a vehicle. For mare information Call 905.683-5117 .<,�.� � : �'+.:.�F-,_ ... ._ � -:r. .ua'�".1'<��spY '�i�'.i;ii�sw.,,:.�+.,: , � - ....:.,,�+!•C{i+�u0T.9a.'i�+�liail:,�l'y*�� - 1 Game on Local politicians, business leaders, Ronald McDonald and a furry mas- cot helped kick off the recent May- ors' Challenge Sledge Hockey Tour- nament at Whitby's Iroquois Park WITH US! Professional Driving Instruction Road test special Specializing in G1 & G2 road test. I lesson + road test 1r» 2 lessom + read test $105 (905)426-7824 Escort sendoe Serving Durham REgion Guarankred a 9 a m. Davy 775.2322 HirinIS+ RMUNDS WrM FREE E47MG Prepared y while General Accolnitartt Judy Kukiiis CGA Also - accounting snvices Sports Centre. Local teams from Ajax and Pickering, along with other Durham centres, competed at the event which raised funds for the Vari- ety Village Outreach Program. NEVVS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITM, Ma cl 12,2000 PAGE 33 P Pickering speedskater tears up the track at provincials Clarington club member competes BY BRAD KELLY Staff Editor PICKERING — A local speed - skater continues to burn up the racing oval with the Clarington Speedskat- ing Club. Taylor Burns, of Pickering, repre- sented the club at the Provincial Championships that were held this past weekend in Kingston. The Ontario championships at- tracted 217 skaters from around the province. While it was his first trip for each skater to the top competition in On- tario, the results would suggest that it won't be long before he takes the next step to the Nationals. Burns, 12, produced the highest overall finish of Clarington club members at the provincials. He fin- ished fifth overall out of more than 30 skaters in the midget boys' divi- sion. "I sort of expected to finish fif- teenth, not fifth;" said the Grade 7 student at Vaughan Willard Public School in Pickering. His best result came in the 777m, where he finished in sixth place. He also competed in the 333m, 500m and 666m races. Burns was one of three members of the Clarington Speedskating Club to compete at the provincial cham i - in Kingston CEL/A BRONKHORST/ News Advertiser phogx onships. p Taylor Burns of Pickering produced a fifth - place overall finish at the provincial meet. laid iW • laed� i. • SavkM • sf.11ss Durha>tn's Garden & 4ftndiC1ping Show April Int 6 2nd Co-sponsored by Communities In Bloom Booth info. call Sharon - ext. 2285 Heather - ext. 2318 905-579-4400 or 416-798-7259 T= MAKISUM FENOW STurP AMMOVAL BOBCAT SERVIC4tE oAvE 831-7055 ;-:-;2 IIQ a_;2 DYulsrr ou.a LIBERTY TAX SERVICE Om 2501watwns acmes Canada. TRANSIT SQUARE -AJAX GO STATION $10.00 off TAX PREPARATION POR NEW CI UUM 90:5-426-9536 c,�own dd / nuc om-•N a Live 8d mds a, All OCCaSI00S O Aq im can Jeff (905) 839-7057 by 1'rWa t im Andy aenteeMteaed by gaati- drert, Robbie, Midteel, ,Aeon, Ryan, MA Cas- sandra, Brittany and MW end one great granddf. ad, Ant Sadly massed by lis banners and gills in England• Raft at ft Funeral ne of HoLOW t- LOW, uMAM (23 Main Street S.) an Satw* March 11, 2WO from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. then to St. Pauls Mqk" Church (Toronto Street South) for l naial service on Sunday, March 121h d 700 pm. Re- marribranoes may be made to the Oa lira Lung As- SDd8 M Presented By OSHAWA • WHfTBY • CLARIISGTON - PORT PMY THIS WEEK . � - Wltselchair • Noon Till 8pm V Career Displays • Job Opportunities Wednesday June 14, 2000 ' Jubilee Pavilion Lakeview Park, Oshawa (905) 683-0707 (TOR) 416-798-7259 Ixbe Tribune (9051852-974, RAMir WAR= MGM Doig Magc Far Crldrert.3 Paries kW N 0=2i= Have Mfr Own MUgtam. ]]w8iq COM Reek 6664"SLAselmes Vior Amaro vasroo em ea�eac seams 683-3005 or 404-6591 o..w..��........r ,� M..pa.. 7•• by 1Mu. ar�Y \nem..+ Aa.w•.... . WNPq .s! a.... . .Y- run.— AM.aMr- Y�wr.Yaa. . � aA f w..00 o11011— r..09 MMLW.C. rM.me..... * Clildraa's erMerteiarrtarM fa secesiat * orrtas alrels Cloixft ' Ill r look-ibes loot bps, Ince pttiiairtg, msgiG music PAMAT7� At 9t. WdwMs Hoepilal. Wodesilegi waft A 2000. Balotred 7lattlfb.�■/r; FwUtl,"A',�r�r TototMo an leasbeatd of tate we Lamm Dear fdhsr of Rob- * I 1 * >k bie and his wile Anrn-M eft Mtlhe and his wile Debbie�iard------d Delft and Don and his wile c,�own dd / nuc om-•N a Live 8d mds a, All OCCaSI00S O Aq im can Jeff (905) 839-7057 by 1'rWa t im Andy aenteeMteaed by gaati- drert, Robbie, Midteel, ,Aeon, Ryan, MA Cas- sandra, Brittany and MW end one great granddf. ad, Ant Sadly massed by lis banners and gills in England• Raft at ft Funeral ne of HoLOW t- LOW, uMAM (23 Main Street S.) an Satw* March 11, 2WO from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. then to St. Pauls Mqk" Church (Toronto Street South) for l naial service on Sunday, March 121h d 700 pm. Re- marribranoes may be made to the Oa lira Lung As- SDd8 M Presented By OSHAWA • WHfTBY • CLARIISGTON - PORT PMY THIS WEEK . � - Wltselchair • Noon Till 8pm V Career Displays • Job Opportunities Wednesday June 14, 2000 ' Jubilee Pavilion Lakeview Park, Oshawa (905) 683-0707 (TOR) 416-798-7259 Ixbe Tribune (9051852-974, ,z P ii" 34 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, ftrch 12, 2000 Youn� swimmersSprint II meet medals PICKERING Pickering Swim Club mem- bers boasted one of their strongest showings of the season at the club's Sprint II In- vitational Swim Meet at the Pick- ering Recreation Complex recently. The competi- tion attracted about 350 swim- mers from nine clu'66s in the cen- tral region. Leading the Pickering club's younger swim- mers with an amazing eight first -place finish- es was Alex Grif- fith, 10. Griffith took top honours in the 50m freestyle, back- stroke, butterfly, and breaststroke. 100m free, fly. back and individ- ual medley in the boys' I0 -and - under division. Nicholas Barbaro won the I OO n breaststroke, was fourth in the 50m bltast, and sixth in the 50m fly and I00m I.M. Michael Storto earned five sec- ond -place finishes in the 50m free, 50m fly, IOOm free. I 00 fly and IOOm back, was third in the 50m back and eighth in the 100m I.M. Jeffcrey Cerncle placed third in the loom breast, fourth in the 100m I.M., fifth in the IOOm back and 100m free and sixth in the 50m breaststroke. Jain Ferguson aced fourth in the 50m free and 100m breast, sixth in the 100m free and eighth in the 50m back and On breast. 41111"ickering's boys' - 10 -and - under .4-x-50 metre free relay team of Griffith, Steno, Cernele ark Barbaro fin- jshW first. 11w 4- x-50 medley relay team of Griffith, Storto, Barbaro and Ferguson also won gold. Also swimming well in dA, group was Cameron Powell in his first ever meet. Pickering's 10- a1! -under girls' division swim- mers also posted strong ' results. Cailie Douse had four first -place finishes in the 50m fly, 100m fly, 100m breast and 100m I.M. Douse also finished third in the 50m free and 50m breast and eighth in the 50m back. Maia Kirk also posted four first -place finishes in the 50m and 100m free and 50m and 100m back. She also placed sec- ond in the 50m breast and fourth in the 50m fly. Katherine Ball finished fifth in the 100m free. Christina Walsh was sixth in the 50m back and seventh in the 100m back. Patri- cia Manos was sixth in the 100m breast and Alexandra Farag was seventh in the 100m I.M. and eighth in the 100m breast. The 4 -x -50m free relay and medley relay teams of Douse, Kirk, Ball and Walsh finished first in both events. Also perform- ing well in the 10 - and -under girls' age group were Amanda Baniuk, Melanie Clarke, Brianne Porter and Samantha Gordon, who swam in her first competitive meet. In the eight - and -under age group, first-time swimmer Alysha Lynden, 7, had sixth-place finish- es in the 25m breast and 25m fly and a seventh in the 25m back. In the eight - and -under boys, Scott Johnston won the 50m breast and 50m fly, placed second in the 50m free and back, fourth in the 25m back and 100m I.M., fifth in the 25m fly, and sixth in the 25m free. 11 WE CAN HELP YDII ACHIEVE A FRESH START Professional and Personalized Swvke Fro" Confidential ConsuNatlon .- Several convenient locations, including: OSHAwA 146 Simcoe Street N. (905) 726 9404 (Downtown) SCARBOROUGH 1919 Lawrence Ave. E. (416)750.9620 (near DVP and 40 1) 255 Morningside Ave. (416) 2632140 (Momirgside Mall) Rock Climbing BIRTHDAY 46 PARTIES=, -"A PARTY AU Inclusive Parties (\ • Pizza • Cake • Invitations • Munchies • Tons of Rock Climbing • Huge Inflatable lumping Castle • Tug of War • Rope Games CANADIAN EXTREME SPORTS Brock & 401, Pickering, Metro East Trade Centre Be* Early (905) 767-3698 FM it: 683-7363 ADVERTISING FEATURE WEIGHT GAIN: A CANADIAN EPIDEMIC Aff In fact, exce55 weight i5 a Serious health problem throughout North America: .31% of Canadians between 20-64 years are considered overweight. Since 1960, overweight and obesity have increased across all ages, genders and racial/ethnic groups. Prevalence in the obese category alone has increased * about 10%. Physical INactivity or a sedentary lifestyle contributes a great deal to this trend of creeping weight gain. And the medical costs of obesity and physical INactivity can be estimated from the Strengths of their associations with varjou5 0 • 665ea5e5: coronary heart chance of longevity and managing a healthy weight. disease, Type 2 diabetes independence. Ke -enforce m n this ositive roach to No WX&I", and hypertension a o g p app them. This in turn is ag50ciated with V.bnillio" i heal sts ADULT LIFESTYLE healthcare coinn Canada! We would like to be part of the solution! ParticipACT10N'5 core message in reducing excess weight is actually threefold: be physically active, make healthy food choices and talk to your doctor for advice. Taken together, the average Caradian increa5e5 their `Lake a uolf Bungalows SEE 6 SPECTACULAR BUNGALOW DES] UP TO 1800 SQ. FV 6 new bungalow designs (up to 1,800 sq. ft.) priced from $109,900 to $174,900. HAVETHE uFESTYLEYOUWANT NOW! Golf Course 6t Chub membership, pools, sauna, billiards, tennis, lawn bowling, over a mile of lakeshore trails PLUS scores of dribs and interest groups. This year round resort lifestyle is absolutely unique! . No condominium or conventional home can offer you all this for so little. Taita 401 Entbamoil w the 88 NdM ROAD EW. (but 043S) Nat tuff at BtcTINE" ROAQ, dtaa fo1111"ar dta WLPlolr CRM tit. - . . sttu,es corm a SO -14 K sWWW and "a -d r mTl -Ww 11aaatoSPart ell r t6v CREEK AWI 1 800 9WRAOT THE MADISON suINWLLow:catlw" cw t`1 bw tMtndovtt, t NO 994 6668) I +oo «. two 900 JIM Itil —w1t, sq , J l i tot how a[ now time wilhas arior noioa O tkk Rattool i A Associates kw. Mrlawt Cemoodiasa o..il'lWA4:R':r' W+.. , t:y..n:. .r ,1 re• "'`+ °.:.¢. .ryS�' a Durham special hockey teams compete at international tourney I)ragons onrire i*n Denver The Durham Dragons Spe- cial Hockey organization com- peted in a tournament in Den- ver, Co., with impressive re- sults. The Dragons, an organiza- tion open to all individuals who are unable or ineligible to par- ticipate in an existing hockey program due to disability, sent two teams to the Special Hock- ey International Tournament 2()00. The players are from all over Durham Region. The light team featured Douglas Knight, Jordan Clarke, Keith Varley, Jeff Ploeger, Joe Doherty, Ryan Emms, Irving Purnwasie, Brennan Duffy, Ron Walmsley, Joel Taillon, Christopher Henshaw, Michael Moen and Kevin King and is coached by Phil Knight, Joe Taillon, Lary Bailey and Terry Slack. The dark squad featured Matt Segriff, Jason Bond, Wally King, Adam Karstulovich, David Swindall, Darcy Dionne, Ian Cullen, Matt Bird, Fred Warren, Gord Ire- land, Kevin Knapp and Jimmy McKenzie, along with coaches Larry Tracey, Joe Lesperance and Bailey. The Dark Dragons opened with an 1 1-3 win over St. Louis Gateway, with Ireland and Knapp scoring three goals each, King and Bird two each with Warren adding a single. Durham Light opened with a 5-1 setback against Grandravine, with Ploeger scoring the marker. The Light team then faced St. Louis Gateway, falling by a 12-6 margin. Emms and Doher- ty scored two each, with sin- gles going to Purnwasie and Knight. The Dark team then played a combined Connecticut -Albany team, scoring an 8-6 win in a game featuring plenty of sportsmanship as Dragons' players helped some of the smaller opposing players count a goal. Knapp scored twice, with singles going to Ireland, Bond, Warren, Bird, McKenzie and Segriff. The Dark squad then took out North York 1 1-8, with King scoring three times, Segriff, Bird and Ireland two each with other goals going to Warren and Knapp. The Light team also faced Connecticut -Albany, falling 7- 3. Taillon scored twice for Durham, Emms once. Cooksville took out the Dark team 5-2, with Segriff and King scoring for Durham. The Light team ended its tourney with a 7-2 loss to Al- bany. Taillon and Doherty scored for the Light team. The tournament wrapped up with a banquet attended by Jeff Odgers of the Colorado Avalanche and the Dragons Light team was awarded the Heart Trophy for sportsman- ship, dedication and persever- ance. NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 12. 2 0 0 0 VICKERING MN'S EOASKETSALL LEAGUE `bung 11, Paul Vorms 10. band Voth 8 Week five o1 wlren-flame round-robin playoffs. Mud Hen's: Stew McQuade 7. played March GM wiWamson 6. GAME ONE lakendga Preavoi 57 vs. Melanie Pringles 50. TOP SCORERS Lakendge Preco3on AI Sakata 11. Sob Paw 11, Ivor WaMar 14, Pat Roach 10. tdName Pri Blas: Karl Hutchtrtson 16. Rock Jones 13. Tom Recaks 10. GAME TWO E -W Suwon Services 49 vs Mud Hen's 32. TOP SCORERS Ertioy Suntan; Sarvrces Tom Parry 14, Roger Van Kempen Insurance 51 vs. En -Rod Hold'ngs 45 TOP SCORERS Van Kempen Insurance Bob NkitkNord 20. Oava Bayliss 10. Sam Terry 9. Reuben Df France 6. Recycle! Ajax Rinlgotte Association AMA OPEN TRYOUTS $5.00 tryout fee at the door Petite A/AA Tuesday March 21 at 8:00 PM at Plidodng Vdlage Ararm Wednssday Martell 22 at 7:00 PM at ACC Pad 4 Sunday March 26 at 8:30 PM at ACC Pad 1 Wednesday March 22 at 8:00 PM at ACC Pad 4 Thursday March 23 at 7:00 PM at ACC Pad 4 Sundry March 289:30 am at ACC Pad 1 Junior A/AA Wednesday March 22 at 9:00 PM at ACC Pad 4 Thursday March 23 8:00 PM at ACC Pad 4 Sundry March 26 at 10:30 an at ACC Pad 1 Tuesday Manch 21 at 9:00 PM at Pklcaing WeArene dnesday March 22 at 10:00 PM at ACC Pad 4 Sunday March 26 at 11:30 am at ACC Pad 1 Ajax Ringette Assoc. �-k f �= 1,4 ... -. -/�' � •t, . N... ' � ��}kh .1�i 3d �l..F.rlA�' ., Ell -Rod Holdings Don MacDateld 16. Jots Es- pono 12. Frank Gallo 9 GAME FOUR J. Mitchell Prnt" 54 �s GaUntry's Eatery 47 TOP SCORERS J. Mitchell Printing -ke 'Luukkenen 15. Brent Sullivan 13. Charlie Oe—l—fielo 9 Bill Boston 7 Gallantry's Eate,� Nike Pte. • 9 Ron Fara,, 10. Bal Elkot, 6 B, .c� B, a ' - NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 PAGE 3&-.P ���Op1'•�����IZoiO° .���GS�'��Cs1Sa��s•1 S4 o4ti 1D s tQK t ivir a ti,eo pa C� ca o dJ ,�e�°�5�t�'�� Qm55P.It op OVA 9 00 00 7- c �° C W, °�v�. . t1 0 ate S to Ce�vo RNtVA� ���'� ✓i Z � � r'� lo- °� �1 CA ~ CA • 5 o ,_ sq*• R PAGE 36 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 12, 2000 1h7ei, FLANNINr3 I LOT OF TIME TO SPEND OUTDOORS 9 ll' OR S ACC-ORDIN � a W, ,f- r. w ti „�� ►�w �mr�n ennMnr Chevy Blazer 2 -Door features: Vortec 4300190 HP V6 Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel Disc Brakes with ABS • Next Generation Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags • PASSLocr Theft -Deterrent System • Off -Road Suspension Package • Locking Differential • Power Door Locks/Windows/Mirrors • Tilt-WheeFm Steering • Cruise Control • Air Conditioning • AM/FM Stereo with CD Player set �--- info a 4ror 51x4 B� U H Wuh Vne �In Vortec 4300190 HP V6 Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive • 4 -Wheel Disc Brakes with ABS • Premium Ride Suspension Package • Locking Differential • Power Door Locks/Windows/Mirrors • Cruise Control • Air Conditioning • AM/FM Stereo with CD Player • Remote Keyless Entry • And More PER MONTH/36 TAX IS% oR OR UP TO 48 MONTHS. WDEUVQY N1SPKiIOPIPa aw CK*"ftT/GST.$ r.. �. W 1837 SECURITY DEPOSIT 1 *325 TOOL AMOUW NUE ON ORNW 'M.y" loan•, PPSA d Ad n F:es Ewa Oft 0 iwrq,-r� Mir is $-- bbm Inq - $1A" dw an Ieirr ry: WCENCE.INSURANCE AND TAXES EXTRA.) PER MONT" MONTHS. UP TO 48 MONTHS. oowN PAYMt31T DF *4.908 REQUIRED 1AMICH IW_ 3 l FREIGHT OF *785 AND AIR TAX OF *10(k $400 SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED. (UCENCF, NISURANCE AND TAXES EXTRA.) 61111:22:11"am Miami . . VERA Z 11111 • Ilmns GREAT AUTO INSURANCE RATES FOR GOOD DRIVERS FROM MOTORS mm"AtANCE CORPORATION — T1* NSUItANCE PEOPLE FROM NRAL MU ORS. VW robe ai r • a.o6MOM 01MM orad me MK for a law, m ab4solim ado' -, - - 4pa1oA For a limited time at your local Chevrolet • Ohm---Rdle dealem 16�M ■. t. ro....wc cane visR u: at you. low ower. on our webaMe at ... M.e..r, q. or eaR us >< liwalfi a■lE. Ar wan INvs aruaW tdlorrretn Mew or 20,000 No, $0.12 p«.>roen Idtematre. PST, GST Yterroe and iKur�nca e>we. AN Messes hwe ae antwN cost of barowiTg of 3.4X pa annum for &Qv 2 -Door WZ41i aer 4 -Door R7Z OPOoo to et Meese end is *19208$21,024 (Bdm 2 Door RTI/BYter 4 Door R . appYcalrle taxes. Olrsr Nese OPUM awiiNble. RrneYrp on approved GMAC aedit any. Exrnpfe: *12000 at 1.9X APR. tUe monlMy palm a 18.52 for 48 months. cost d borrowiq is $392.9& Tot et 7TZ!�� Down psynwM aedMr trade mW be regrrirsd. MorMIMy and coat of wMl vary depsrWMp on amowM borrowed and down The Seewtl ruE abMOalon ' $1039296r I borrow�rq ewrwMy payrtwd arW the GLIAc purdrw Inarra rale are not aaiubte with and aro not alcrrNbd an the •Casn�e-price as shown. The drNrano/ bslwssn the price for 81e Purdu x FMnrres ofNr and the 'Cash Purrirne• olNr is dsertied under provilciY dN eloswe laws ro be a east 0 borrowirq, wtrether or not the same npnsents acbW irMenat and N required to be exprsned as an anmW peresnbpe rab o14.85X/4.52X (8lsaer 2 -Door RTIJBNxer 4 -Door R7Z). OINn appy as irdH abd to am or damorutntor 2000 nrodNt of 8fanr 2 Door R771NIwr 4 Door R72 egrbosd as described. OMlsrs app r to gnMpsd rsfaN cwdarrrs b tM Oabrio ChsvrolM Oldpno08/ Desk► W�Ax, dW a. aMy q NorlrwlMn Oalvb). DssNr ordr or trade my be necessary. UmIW time alfir which my not ps w8h otlrr o1Nn. DW= an frit to sM WMdM prion. SM your ds@W br or dsWN. Your BM DssNr N not Maenad a an 6wra w Wdw. ant N not i6ias an a0snf or bngr or in ary War cap@* on Wall of Mobs Irsw am CorporstjwL Motors bpurarps Corponlon otter awiwo to rnidsnls of C MKW 0*. NMNOUN.-.v'r1[f �• JlL':.Xt4 • •.'P'iihrti7 ,