HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2003_03_23RETIRED AND WORKING Lured back from a life of leisure Feature, 11 MARKING A MILESTONE Ze ra has 80 reasons to smile Name Dropping, 8 SERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 News Advertiser PRESSRUN 45,600 ✦ 20 PAGES ✦ SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2003 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND SAVE TODAY AT Carroll Home Improvements 905-686-2445 Roofing Windows Doors STOPSTOP DON’T THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY www.blaisdale.com12 mths - grade 8 5 Campuses in Durham Call Head Office 905-509-5005 Best Private School Blaisdale MONTESSORI School As voted by Ajax/Pickering Readers’ Choice Awards OPEN HOUSE Rotherglen Campus 403 Kingston Rd. W. Thurs. Apr. 3 at 7pm 16 months - 6 years A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo Daffodil days are here again DDUURRHHAAMM –––– Beta Sigma Phi sorority volunteers are at it again in Ajax and Pickering this spring on behalf of the Canadi- an Cancer Society. The sorority is selling daffodils to raise money for cancer research and support services. Local Sigma Phi members Debbie Cuciurean (centre) and Bobbi Ackerman kicked off the campaign at Blooming Fields Florists in Ajax, with the help of local Rotary Club official Terry McCarl (left). Rotary clubs are also helping to sell bouquets. Pickering reactors back online ‘in next few days’ BByy KKeeiitthh GGiilllliiggaann Staff Writer PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG ——Pulling the wrong fuse and a weakened weld caused three nuclear reactors to come off-line last week. Ontario Power Generation se- nior vice-president Pat McNeil told the Community Advisory Council Tuesday a control tech- nician removed the wrong fuse last week, which led to Unit 8 being taken off-line. Hours later, in the early hours of Wednesday, March 12, an op- erator found a water leak on the non-nuclear side of the plant, and that meant Units 5 and 6 had to be taken off-line, he added. Unit 7 is in the middle of a planned outage, Mr. McNeil said. When the wrong fuse was re- moved, it affected the boilers, causing the shutdown systems to start operating and powering the unit down. He added it was a “non-rou- tine shutdown,” but there “was- n’t a risk” to the public. “The shutdown systems worked and worked well. Howev- er, we’d rather not test these,” he added. “We’re doing an investigation into the root cause. It’s still under investigation.” One of the items being looked at is redesigning the fuse box. An operator doing his rounds Wednesday found demineralized water leaking from a joint on a condenser pipe. “It was cracked to the point he could see water weeping. We think it’s a mechanical stress,” he stated. “When he reported it, the challenge came to what to do. The decision was made to take the units off-line. To repair ✦See Power page 2 P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE Duffins Creek Headwaters Management Plan for Toronto and Region Conservation Properties Planning area includes: Goodwood, Secord, Clubine,Walker Woods, Glen Major and Claremont Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA) and the Duffins Creek Headwaters Advisory Committee are preparing a Management Plan for TRCA properties.These conservation lands contain 1950 hectares (4818 acres) of significant forest and greenspace.The Public Meeting will be held on: The purpose of the Public Meeting is to present the Final Draft Management Plan to the community for input and comment.The meeting will consist of an open house format with display boards, and a presentation, which is scheduled for 7:30 p.m.The information in the Management plan includes property management zones, management recommendations, concept plans and trail plans. For further information please contact Mike Bender at (416) 661-6600 ext. 5287 or email: mbender@trca.on.ca Tuesday,April 1, 2003 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Goodwood Community Center 268 Highway 47, Goodwood 1885 Glenanna Rd., Suite #103 Ajax/Pickering 905-420-9930 Enroll Now For All Classes • Grade 1 to O.A.C. • Low Student/Teacher ratio • Individualized Program • Complete Assessment • Grade 1 to O.A.C. • Low Student/Teacher ratio • Individualized Program • Complete Assessment MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE PICKERING “Knowledge with Understanding” “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” E.H. - PLUS - • Full Montessori Curriculum • Before & After School Daycare Hours • Optional Hot Lunch • Field Trips • Computer • Music • Phys. Ed PICKERING 905-509-1722 401 KINGSTON RD. (ROUGEMOUNT & HWY. 2) Call for a Visit “Take the time to visit & understand!” PRIVATE SCHOOL AGES 1 1/2 - 14 YEARS Better Grades Happier Kids 905-420-3141 1105 Finch Ave. @ Dixie Pickering www.oxfordlearning.com J ust a phone call away! It can start happening today! With Oxford's personalized programs and low teacher-student ratio, your child will see results almost immediately. - Preschool - O.A.C. - Improved Confidence - Higher Self-Esteem Your child’s education’s is a partnership consisting of your child, teachers, and parents. Many parents have a hectic work schedule and a busy social life, including the organization of their children’s extra-curricular activities. To get the most out of your time with your child, and to keep involved in your child’s education to the fullest, here are some ideas. It is important to keep in constant contact with your child’s school. The administration is always interested in talking with interested and involved parents. Parents with flexible work schedules can volunteer to help out in the classroom. You can always become involved with the school Parent Teacher Association. Regardless of the amount of time you commit, any effort to establish a link with your child’s school will be of great benefit. One of the most important things you do each year, is establish a friendly and cooperative relationship with your child’s teachers. They nurture and develop your child’s learning. They have a genuine interest in seeing your child progress over the year. Imput and feedback from the parents is important to teachers. The parent- teacher interview is an appropriate time for cooperation to take place. Following the interview, try to keep in regular contact with the teacher. You might want to send him/her an occasional note, demonstrating that you have a genuine interest in your child’s development. Always listen to what your child tells you. Ask your child specific questions related to school work. Do not stop at “How was your day?” Ask what he/she learned in math, to describe any science experiments that he/she conducted, or to read journal entries at the dinner table. Help your child when he/she is having difficulty doing some homework assignment. Seek professional help if you notice a persistent problem in some subject area. Show your child how to organize his/her time with a planning agenda. Above all else, show confidence and pride in your child! There is nothing like praise and encouragement from you, the parent, to help your child develop self- esteem! Editorial supplied by Grade Expectations Staying Involved in your Child’s Education Power back on this week the valve, we had to take the units off-stream.” That meant units 5 and 6 had to be powered down. Staff personnel “walked the line and saw two or three other welds that didn’t look as well as they could,” Mr. Mc- Neil said. “Our concern was the crack would get bigger and bigger and we would have to take them off-line.” The crack was found be- tween 4 and 5 a.m. and by the middle to late afternoon, both units had come off-line. “We expect Units 5 and 6 to be back in service in the next few days,” he said, adding Unit 8 would be a few weeks due to other maintenance work required. In order not to affect the price of electricity, “OPG made a decision not to make it public,” Mr. McNeil noted. OPG contacted the Inde- pendent Electricity Market Operator (IMO) and was told there was enough power in supply so the units could be taken off-line. The two reac- tors produce 1,000 megawatts of power. “We decided not to release public information,” but that “got us into the situation the general public wasn’t getting factual information,” Mr. Mc- Neil said. “We’re in the process of rethinking our communication policy. “This wasn’t a safety event in the nuclear sense.” Mr. McNeil noted Pickering and Ajax officials were noti- fied, as were MPPs in the sur- rounding area. “It’s a credibility issue,” said CAC member Liz Oliver. “You can’t really keep secrets. The media will get hold of it and then you’re not in control of it.” Al Goodall added, “When we first started this process, the biggest concern people had was OPG was there but wasn’t telling us what was happening. “You’ve gone to great lengths to bring those walls down.” ✦ Power from page 1 Board believes talks going well, teachers say sides further apart BByy MMiikkee RRuuttaa Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM ——Public school board and elementary teacher representatives had very different perspectives of Thursday’s contract negotiating ses- sion. Roughly 2,400 teachers, the Durham District School Board’s largest employee group, have been working-to-rule in local schools for two months and in a position to strike since December. Sally McIlveen, the board’s employ- ee relations superintendent, de- scribed it as a “very productive” meet- ing. She said the board had made “slight improvements” to the mone- tary package it had offered teachers, and also responded to other, non- monetary issues. “The board team spent the day tak- ing a close look at the items that are still outstanding and making a re- sponse to them,” Ms. McIlveen said. When the board and Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) side next meet, on April 7, and teachers respond to the offer, she said “we may be much, much closer to a resolution.” ETFO representative Rachel Gencey, the Durham unit president, didn’t see it that way. In fact, she be- lieves the two sides are further apart. “That’s very interesting,” she replied when told of Ms. McIlveen’s comments. “I’m not sure what meet- ing she went to. We didn’t find it to be a very productive day, to be quite honest.” The board’s money offer was split up into two pieces, said Ms. Gencey, and works out to be poorer than the last one. “If you do your math and sharpen your pencil... it actually comes out to be a lower percentage than the previ- ous offer,” she said. “The bottom line is it’s less money.” As for the non-monetary issues, Ms. Gencey complained that the board addressed items that both sides had dropped from the table weeks ago, which she termed, “not very productive”. She said the two sides were face to face for only 10 min- utes or so when you consider the board spent most of the day putting together an offer. “Our belief is that if you’re going to make an offer you should do your homework... instead of coming to a meeting and spending six-and-a-half hours putting together an offer,” she said. “I just think that’s a total waste of time.” The union might have thought it was “a slow morning”, said Ms. McIl- veen, admitting the board spent a lot of time putting together its package. “It takes a long time when you ac- tually sit down to discuss language in issues,” she said. Ms. McIlveen said the board has guaranteed it will give teachers the salary increase in the second year of a contract that the Province is expect- ed to outline in its March 31 education grant announcement for the coming school year. Previously, the board was offering 3.1 per cent hike in the first year with a wage opener for the sec- ond. However Ms. Gencey wasn’t im- pressed. “We’re not comfortable with anything along those lines,” she said. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 3 A/P Brock North Dental OPEN EVENINGS & SATURDAY CONTACT US AT 905-427-7773 • DIGITAL X-RAY • INTRA ORAL CAMERA • TV IN OPERATORIES • KIDS PLAY STATION 2 • DIRECT BILLING TO INSURANCE NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS 2200 Brock Road in the Brock North Plaza Dr. Fernandes, Jill, Robbin,Mary, Michele, Michelle, Donna, Vanda, Dr. Pacione, Angie, Angela, Brenda, Dr. Sbaraglia ( Anaesthesiologist) Not Shown - Dr. Dagher (Endodontist), Anna, Julianne Coming Soon-Orthodontist Yo u’re invited to a great meal Buy One Entrée, Get One Free! (of equal or lesser value) One coupon per person, per visit. Not valid with any other coupon or offers. Certificate has no cash value. No change returned. Taxes and gratuity not included. No substitutions. Beverage not included. Expires April 24, 2003. Excludes take out, Coupon Valid Sunday - Thursday 5pm-10pm Pickering (accross from the P.T.C) N 401 Kingston Rd.Brock Rd.Liverpool Rd.Gle n a n n a R d . X PTC A DRAMATIZED REAL LIFE PRESENTATION YOU’LL NEVER FORGET! PLAYED BEFORE CAPACITY CROWDS•CAST OF FIFTY•SOUNDS AND LIGHTING EFFECTS SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2003-6:00PM MONDAY & TUESDAY, MARCH 24 & 25-7:00PM The Gathering Place 1920 Bayly Street, Pickering, On Sponsored By Pickering Pentecostal Church Free Admission-nursery & Children’s Ministry Provided For More Information Call: 905-428-6888 COME AND BRING A FRIEND! FREE ADMISSION 905-427-0822 • New Patients Welcome • Saturday and evening appointments availabe • English and Chinese spoken Family Dentistry Dr. Michael Foo and Associates 95 Bayly St. W. Ste. #328 Baywood Plaza W. of Harwood and Bayly EMERGENCY PATI ENTS ACCEPTED HOME BUYERS: Get automatic access to listing info. on ALL area homes for sale. www.ViewHotListings.com Re/Max Quality One Ltd., Realtor Tw o sides still can’t agree on issues Labour council hosts forum Tuesday DD UU RR HH AA MM –––– The Durham Region Labour Council is sponsoring a public forum on social services in Oshawa. The event is at the at CAW Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Av e., Tuesday, March 25, at 7:30 p.m. Speakers will include Larry O’Connor, chairman of Durham Re- g ion’s Social Service Com- mittee; OPSEU president Leah Casselman; CUPE Ontario president Sid Ryan; and OPSEU Local 361 President Charlie Bryans. The event will be chaired by Tom Ed- wards, former mayor of Whit- by. DDUURRHHAAMM ——An upcoming work- shop is designed for new caregivers of people with dementia. The Alzheimer Society Durham branch hosts the caregiver educa- tion workshop Wednesday, April 23 from 6 to 8:30 p.m., in the Oshawa Centre’s office tower, Suite 207, 419 King St. W. Participants gain detailed infor- mation on Alzheimer’s disease, its effects on the brain, an overview of diagnostic methods, explanation of the stages of Alzheimer’s and cur- rent treatments. Caregivers also learn practical tools to use to help deal with de- mentia, including communication losses and coping strategies. Registration is required and there is a $5 materials fee. Everyone receives a resource package with information for care- givers. For more information or to regis- ter, call 905-576-2567 or 1-888-301- 1106. A/P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com 195 WESTNEY RD. (South of 401), AJAX (905) 427-6796 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED RADIATOR FLUSH & FILL SPECIAL $39.95 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! OIL CHANGE SPECIAL CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. from Ask for your VIP oil change card OFFER EXPIRES MAY 15, 2003 How long has it been? $21 from COUPON EXPIRES May 15, 2003 OIL & FILTER CHANGE Includes 21 PT. Inspection 10W30 PENNZOIL $2 extra for 5W30 OIL FR E E FLA S H L I G H T wit h b a t t e r i e s wit h e v e r y Oil C h a n g e Value $ 4 . 9 9 .99* Oil change recommended every 3 months or 5,000 km. • FREE 2nd Opinion Consultation • Chemiclave Sterilization • Mercury Free White Fillings EMERGENCY PAGER 905-831-6666 An exciting 8 week seminar Coming to Pickering Soon! The Toronto School of Business April 8 - May 27 Here’s what you will learn … • Who wrote the Bible – where did it come from? • How to read carefully (e.g. Adam and Eve didn’t eat an apple) • Who are the Jews? Why are they so important in the Bible? • How to learn more in less time with effective study tools. • Why are there 4 gospel accounts? • Tips for letting the Bible interpret itself. Reasons why you should attend … • No obligation. No one will attempt to “convert” or “save you”. • FREE. You will never be asked for money, to purchase materials or make a donation. • Make your Bible study more productive with less time. • Take advantage of a legitimate opportunity to break free from the T.V. • Everyone attending receives extensive free materials including a 3-ring binder of class notes. Tuesday April 08 Tuesday April 15 Tuesday April 22 Tuesday April 29 Tuesday May 06 Tuesday May 13 Tuesday May 20 Tuesday May 27 Introduction Background of the Bible The Bible Interprets Itself Overview of the Bible The Torah Summary & Questions Review of last week Review of last week Review of last week Review of last week Review of last week Review of last week Review of last week Why the Bible is Difficult to Read Why Two Testaments? The Role of Prophecy Tips on Reading the Bible Overview of the Bible O.T. History Bible Terminology Part1 Overview of the Bible O.T. Prophets Bible Terminology Part 2 Using Cross References Critics of the Bible The Purpose of God Revealed Overview of the Bible The Gospel Records Versions of the Bible Mystery? Bible Terminology Part 3 Overview of the Bible N.T. Letters The Jews and the Law of Moses Life & Death in the Bible Overview of the Bible Revelation Good versus Evil Bible Terminology Part 4 ConclusionSummary & Questions Summary & Questions Summary & Questions Summary & Questions Summary & Questions Summary & Questions Register Now! For more information call (905) 427-3756 Please confirm our registration for the “Reading the Bible Effectively” Seminar Name Address City Province Postal Code Telephone ( ) - Sponsored by The Christadelphians (Brethren in Christ) NW corner of Kingston Rd. and Valley Farm Rd. The Toronto School of BusinessFREE!F R E E ! Learn to Read the Bible Effectively Learn to Read the Bible Effectively 7:30-7:45 pm 7:45-8:05 pm 8:05-8:25 pm 8:25-8:45 pm 8:45-9:00 pm Kingston Rd.Valley Farm Rd.N E S W NW corner of Kingston Rd. & Valley Farm Rd. By Phone: 905 427 - 3756 By Fax: 416 431-5569 Attention: Course Administrator” By email: info@biblebasics.ca By Mail: Registrar - Bible Seminar Box 90525 Eglinton & Markham P.O. Toronto, ON M1J 3N7 1450 Kingston Rd., Pickering 319 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 905.665.2010 HOURS: Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm Saturday 10am to 5pm Sunday 11am to 5pm rrs TM BUY NOW FOR NEXT YEAR & SAVE $$$ No Refunds • Instock Credit Only • Sale Items SALE STARTS SAT. 1 0 a m MAR C H 2 2 SALE STARTS SAT. 1 0 a m MAR C H 2 2 ALL SNOWBOARDS $ 299 $ 299 $ 299 OR LESS ALL SKI BOOTS OR LESS $ 149 $ 149 $ 149 ALL JUNIOR SKI / SNOW SUITS $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 ALL SKI & SNOWBOARD JACKETS $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 ALL BAGS 1 /2 1 /2 1/2 PRICE PRICE PRICE 1 /2 OFF 1 /2 OFF 1/2 OFF ALL SKIS ALL SNOWBOARDS BOOTS $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 ALL GOGGLES $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 ALL GLOVES 50% OFF 50% OFF 50% OFF A.J. Groen/News Advertiser photo For the sake of change DDUURRHHAAMM ––––Christie May (left) development manager of the Herizon House women’s shelter being established in Ajax to serve west Durham, accepted a $2,000 donation re- cently from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. The money was raised by teachers who held a coin drive in schools. With Ms. May is teacher Lena Glaes-Coutts. Our kids are our future and we want to help make it bright! For further information on Community Newspapers in Education call: Joanne Burghardt 905-579-4400 Help available for caregivers Take a bite out of this tasty event DDUURRHHAAMM —— There is still time to get a spot at the Alzheimer So- ciety of Durham Re- gion’s 12th an- nual fund-rais- ing chocolate lovers’ lunch. The event, Sunday, May 4 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., offers a full-course lunch, door prizes, silent and live auc- tions, and plen- ty of chocolate. Tickets are $50 until April 7 and $60 after. The event is in the Guild Hall at the Hol- iday Inn, in Os- hawa. For more in- formation, call Alzheimer So- ciety of Durham Re- gion at 905-576- 2567. Committee OKs request for Rick Johnson’s property BByy LLeesslleeyy BBoovviiee Staff Writer PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG ——The City’s committee of adjustment has granted Rick Johnson a building permit for his north Pickering property, despite an Uxbridge council resolution to table the issue for further review. The Pickering regional councillor plans to build a house and several barns on a 100-acre lot near Uxbridge-Pickering Town Line Road and Sideline 8. But, to get the permit, he first had to apply for the minor variance because the proper- ty is located on a non-publicly main- tained roadway. It’s the same process many of his neighbours have followed to build on their properties, said Coun. John- son. “I just want the same rights as anyone else,” he added. Committee chairman Kevin Ashe said Coun. Johnson’s application isn’t an unusual request, but point- ed out the five-member panel of local residents subjected it to un- usual scrutiny. “We were very sensitive to that,” he said, of the property’s con- tentious history. “The application had a lot of scrutiny to it, much more than if Mr. Johnson wasn’t a councillor. We went that extra mile to be fair.” The panel approved the building permit, which provides for access along Town Line Road but with sev- eral conditions. Before any con- struction or improvement takes place on Town Line, Coun. Johnson must submit plans to the City. Any roadwork must comply with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and provide access for emer- gency vehicles and abutting Toronto Region Conservation lands. Within two years the regional councillor and Pickering must formalize an agreement that among other issues, will state Coun. Johnson is responsi- ble for clearing snow and maintain- ing the unopened portion of Town Line. But, Uxbridge council takes issue with the way the application was treated. Although it was tabled back in November 2000, Councillor Bever- ly Northeast pointed out that pro- posal outlined access from Sideline 8. “As far as we’re concerned this is a brand new application,” she said. Uxbridge originally launched a lawsuit in 2001 after learning Coun. Johnson had cleared Sideline 8 and Town Line Road to reach his land- locked property. However, an agree- ment was reached between the two municipalities and Coun. Johnson, requiring him to restore the road and replant trees to specific stan- dards. Coun. Northeast said Uxbridge Township will look at Wednesday night’s decision to determine if it al- ters that agreement. “I would hope we could come to an appropriate agreement,” she said. “I think enough time and money has spent on this. It’s time to move on.” Brian Buckles, who lives about a mile away from the area on Uxbridge’s 7th Concession, said Sideline 8 would make a more logi- cal access since it is already publicly maintained just south of the John- son lot. While Mr. Ashe said the commit- tee couldn’t determine if the Trans- Canada Trail exists along Town Line Road, Mr. Buckles, a member of Uxbridge’s Trans-Canada Trail Committee, argues it does. “I don’t know what they’ll expect us to do now when we hit the Uxbridge-Pickering Town Line,” he said. Still, Mr. Ashe contends his panel felt the issue had been “studied to death” and all of its concerns had been addressed by the conditions. Uxbridge council was just one of a number of groups that responded to the application and just as many proponents were in support of the plan, including Toronto Region Conservation, he said. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 5 P New unsold SINGER HEAVY DUTY FREE ARM ZIG ZAG SEWING MACHINES for sale to the public for a limited period. These machines are in factory sealed cartons and sew on all fabrics: denim, canvas, upholstery, nylon, stretch, vinyl, silk, EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER! No attachments needed for buttonholes (any size), monograms, hems, sews on buttons, overcasts, darns, appliques and more. 20 stitch functions. Just set dials and see the magic happen without old-fashioned cams or programmers. These machines are suitable for home, professional or school room sewing. 25 YR. LTD. WARRANTY. Your price with ad $299. We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DEBIT CARDS AND PHONE ORDERS. POWER OF CHOICE ---------------------- POWER OF SINGER 11 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 905-433-1140 ®REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF THE SINGER COMPANY LIMITED ® APPROVED DEALER. POWER OF SALE OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 29 MON.-FRI. 9-5:30 SAT. 9-4 I was a real junk food enthusiast This was the old me, Colette Ouimet, before I shed 55 lbs. I was a junk food enthusiast. Pop, chips and chocolate. I loved to bake for my husband and my kids (and of course myself). I could drink up to 24 cola drinks in a week! I was always having second helpings of the food I cooked. I remember that I was never satisfied until the huge bag of potato chips was empty. I ate when I was bored. I ate when I was nervous. I ate for no reason at all! I know that there are lots of people out there who are trapped in similar behaviour cycles. It is time to face the truth I would say to anyone who can recognize any part of themselves in my story...don’t embark on another diet. Once the diet ends...your old behaviour is just waiting to re-surface. The weight will typically pile back on plus a few more pounds. If you only do one thing for yourself this year, let it be, to join Positive Changes Hypnosis. You will enjoy the program, you will love the atmosphere and the caring people there. Best wishes to you, Colette.AFTER Colette from Oshawa BEFORE Colette from Oshawa Oshawa Woman Sheds 55lbs. Serving Satisfied Customers Since 1961 with Centres Worldwide Call now for your FREE Consultation Positive Changes Hypnosis 725 Westney Road, S. (at Finley) Suite 7, Ajax 905-686-7717 Oshawa Woman Sheds 55lbs. Rudy Fedorowich C.Ht Director-Certified Hypnotist Positive Changes Hypnosis Ajax/Pickering Find Out What Your Home is Worth On-Line visit www.OnLineHomeMarketAnalysis.com Re/Max Quality One Ltd., Realtor Delivering for the Future What do you call someone who runs their own business, braves summer heat and the winter chill, is on the job in the rain, snow and sleet, is always cheerful and courteous and who brings the product right to your door every time without fail while also trying to conquer the intricacies of math, science and auditioning for the first-chair saxophone in the school band? A News Advertiser Carrier Tommorow’s entrepreneurs, doctors, teachers and craftsmen are today’s newspaper carriers. learn skills that will last a lifetime, and earning a little money on the side couldn’t hurt either. For more information on how to become a News Advertiser Carrier call 905-683-5117 Become a carrier Today AJAX Farmers Ave. Thorp Cres. Delaney Dr. MacDermott Dr. Weekes Dr. Booth Cres. Old Harwood Ave. Ta wn Cres. Perfitt Cres. Fletcher Ave. Epps Cres. Hibbard Dr. Bowles Dr. Rotherglen Rd. N. Ventris Dr. Maggs St. Todd Rd. Hibbins Ave. Church St. Christena Cres. Chapman Dr. Carr Dr. Hemans Crt. Mill St. Georgina Dr. Lincoln St. HileyDr. Brooks Rd. Hulley Cres. Hirons St. Woolf Cres. Howling Cres. Greenhalf Dr. Majoram Dr. Salt Dr. Durham St. Elgin St. Burcher Rd. Ambassador St. Billingsgate Cres. Thorncroft Cres. Tulloch Dr. Emperor St. Hurley Rd. Knapton Cres. Mary St. Ontario St. Edward St. Windsor Ave. PICKERING Appleview Rd. Spartan Crt. Clearside Crt. 1467 Whites Rd. ValleyFarm Rd. Foleyet Cres. Wollaston Crt. Craighurst Crt. Collingbrook Crt. Hollyhedge Dr. Meadowridge Cloudberry Crt. Major Oaks Rosefield Rd. 1331 Glenanna Rd.. Vo yager Ave. Bonita Ave. Glandale Dr. Helm St. 1350 Glenanna Rd. Rosebank South Rougemount N. Toyn evale Lytton Crt. Foxwood Tr. Sanok Dr. Copley St. Sequin Marksbury Rd. Old Forest Rd. Westshore Blvd. Altona Rd. Twynn Rivers. Autumn Cres. Garland Cres. Summer Park Cres. Strouds Lane. Pineview Lane. Royal Rd. Guild Rd. Geta Rd. Liverpool Rd. S. Pickering PKWY Wharf St. Denmar Rd. Broadview St. Monica Cook Pl. Commerce St. Fordon Ave. 1370 Fieldlight Blvd. We are currently prospecting for Carriers in the following areas: *Streets listed not necessarily available Conditions built into Pickering councillor’s building permit RRIICCKK JJOOHHNNSSOONN ‘I just want the same rights as anyone else.’ A/P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Canada’s role is to keep the peace Our strengths are nation-building, humanitarian aid, not combat The views across this nation on the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq are deeply divided, but the decision not to send Canadian troops to war by Prime Minister Jean Chre- tien was not a difficult one. Not when you consider the current state of our military and the clear signals the Canadian people have sent to politicians over the past few decades. Military spending has, to say the least, not been a priority by Liberal or Tory governments since the 1960s. Instead, the feds have devoted resources to health care, social services, and, in recent years with surpluses to deal with, to cutting taxes. When it comes to the priorities of this nation, unlike our big brothers to the south, military spending is well down the list. An increase of $800 million per year was announced just last month by Finance Minister John Manley for the military but that won't have an effect until several years from now. Our traditions include tremendous contributions and vic- tories at Vimy Ridge in 1917 and D-Day in 1944 and we can all be very proud of the excellent service of our veterans. They deserve our thanks. But the Canada of those years is no more, nor should it be, nor can it be. We can't afford the massive spending and the decimation our universal social programs would face if we made military resources our top priority. But Canadians can, and do have a huge international con- tribution to make. We can provide humanitarian aid, we can take in refugees who need shelter from the actions of ruth- less dictators around the world (including Saddam Hus- sein), we can offer a prime example of how people from all over the world can live together in peace and harmony. Through the United Nations, we can provide peacekeep- ing forces to help maintain stability in some of the most un- pleasant places on earth. In Afghanistan and, perhaps soon enough, in Iraq, we can offer highly trained professionals willing to participate in the tricky prospect of nation-build- ing and regime change. Ultimately, while we share a border with the United States and are joined together in so many ways with our American neighbours, we are under no obligation to follow the U.S. into every foreign policy initiative it deems important. We will continue as each other's largest trading partners and, with the U.S. and UN support, we will continue to battle acts of terrorism. But do we really have the resources for combat? What are your thoughts on the war in Iraq? Share your views at forumsdurhamregion.com Political will seems lacking on education front TToo tthhee eeddiittoorr:: For a brief, sparkling moment it ap- peared sanity got a foothold in the edu- cation system when two of our Catholic trustees declined to attend a conference at a fancy resort. No cue here for the teachers' unions to moderate their demands. Only esca- lating job actions fomented by what would appear to be a hooligan element. This we can judge from the disgusting treatment of Education Minister Eliza- beth Witmer in Toronto, the handling of report cards and a slew of other ob- structionist items designed to annoy school boards and politicians. To heck with parents and students. These people continue to escalate their demands without any demon- strated interest in offering correspond- ing improvements in their product. It has long stopped occurring to them that they are here to serve the students, their parents and, indeed, every taxpay- er who is contributing to their financial well-being. For decades they have warred with every government of every political stripe in power, while indoctrinating the students in the classrooms through a campaign of disinformation, regardless of the impact on parents' pocketbooks and personally held views. In the mean- time they have built some of the most powerful and richest unions in the coun- try, based upon their well-above-aver- age incomes, the more to exert pressure at will and whim. This is long past the point where he who pays the piper calls the shots. The longer this goes on, the greater the courage and clear-headed thinking required to reverse this trend. Options such as designation as a "vital service", or a wide-open system allowing other forms of education to compete, seem the most logical choices. Sadly, at this stage neither the incumbents at Queen's Park, nor the challengers, ap- pear willing to confront the issue. WWeerrnneerr GGrraaffffmmaannnn,, AAjjaaxx News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper TTiimm WWhhiittttaakkeerr Publisher JJooaannnnee BBuurrgghhaarrddtt Editor-in-Chief SStteevvee HHoouussttoonn Managing Editor DDuunnccaann FFlleettcchheerr Director of Advertising EEddddiiee KKoollooddzziieejjccaakk Classified Advertising AAbbee FFaakkhhoouurriiee Distribution Manager LLiilllliiaann HHooookk Office Manager BBaarrbb HHaarrrriissoonn Composing Manager NNeewwss//SSaalleess 905-683-5110 CCllaassssiiffiieeddss 905-683-0707 DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn 905-683-5117 NNeewwss FFaaxx 905-683-0386 GGeenneerraall FFaaxx 905-683-7363 DDeeaatthh NNoottiicceess 905-683-3005 SSiinncceerreellyy YYoouurrss 1-800-662-8423 EE--mmaaiill shouston@ durhamregion.com WWeebb aaddddrreessss durhamregion.com MMaaiilliinngg AAddddrreessss 13 0 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the On- tario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. Editorial and Adver- tising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduc- tion is prohibited. LLeetttteerrss PPoolliiccyy All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifi- cation. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in let- ters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the vol- ume of letters, not all will be printed. Tories budget move eliminates debate The government that doesn't welcome debate and criti- cism is a weak one; a party ig- noring political opposition shows signs of little confidence and fear on the part of its leaders. The decision by Premier Ernie Eves to delay reconvening the legis- lature until a speech from the throne on April 30 wasn't politically wise. The change is not based on a whim, rather it's a campaign strat- egy and opens the party up to much more criticism than it would have received if it kept to its sched- ule. And if anything, I feel sorry for Mr. Eves's MPPs, who were un- doubtedly caught off-guard by the change in plans. But Mr. Eves claims the break is about "understanding and hearing what the people of Ontario have to say." If that's the case, then why doesn't he reconvene the legisla- ture, and continue debate with the individuals chosen democratically to represent the people of Ontario? That's what they're paid for, after all. There hasn't been a legislative meeting -- the basis of our political system that allows debate -- since before Christmas. It will be more than four months between sittings by the time MPPs finally meet in the legislature again. By then, no doubt, criticism of the March 27 televised budget Finance Minister Janet Ecker will deliver away from the legislature will have cooled off. No, the move doesn't guarantee a spring election. But it does get the ball rolling for a campaign where muzzled Liberal and NDP MPPs temporarily sit on the sidelines and watch. I'm sure an election, which doesn't have to be called until June 2004, will be held in either spring or fall, because these are the seasons in which the population spends less money on hydro, due to less ex- treme temperatures outside. Perhaps the fact a budget has never been delivered outside the legislature suggests there is a rea- son it is delivered there. Just be- cause people seem to accept every- thing else fed to them via satellite should not mean an important event such as a budget should be announced like a CNN-style "break- ing news" press conference. Of the 200 or so Ontarians allowed to at- tend the budget reading, how many will ask tough questions or chal- lenge the integrity of the govern- ment's decisions? A confident government should welcome queries about its policies. A government of the people should not ignore the questions of its op- position. But although debated budget readings and March legisla- tive sessions are tradition in On- tario, so is letting the political party in power have its way. Confident governments don’t hide EEddiittoorriiaallss &&OOppiinniioonnss SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2003 ✦ News Advertiser ✦ TONY DOYLE, NEWS EDITOR, 905-683-5110 EXT. 254 Editorial Letters to the Editor JJeerreemmyy LLee PPaaggee ss tt aa ff ff ww rr ii tt ee rr www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 7 A/P Advertising Feature 905-426-6242 Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN Mon. - Fri. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Sun. 12 - 6 P.M. Call Sandy Trantos for next month’s Travel & Leisure Section 905-683-5110 Ext. 242 48 Hour Advance Reservation Preferred 1-800-387-5450 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: www.classiquetransit.com 905-427-6800 Durham's Only Licensed Carrier to and fromPearson Int'l Airport Since 1987 Door To Door Shared Ride Service • Reservation lines open daily 8 am - 6 pm • Charter Service Available • Private Cars Available • Corporate Accounts • Airport Flat Rate • Maximum 8 Person Capacity AIRLINE VAN SERVICE Call T o d a y & Be On Y o u r W a y ! Arrive T o g e t h e r 24 Ho u r Servic e Taking The Hassle Out Of Your Trip To Pearson International Classique Airline Van Services offers a fast, economical way to get to and from Pearson Airport, with twelve shared-ride vans, or if you are in a hurry, private luxury sedans catering to the elderly or corporate clients. Our Charter division can take groups of up to eight wherever you want to go --- Casino, Concerts, Sporting Events or a Night out on the Town. So, if you can’t take those In-laws for one more hour, let us take them to the airport for you. Serving Durham Region and the GTA since 1987. Call today and be on your way... (905) 427-6800 Super 8 Motel in Ajax, the latest addition to Pacrim family was officially inaugurated at a grand ceremony on the 17th of February, 2003. This 64 room Motel features well appointed rooms, indoor pool & spa, Guest laundry facility and is conveniently located just south of Highway 401 on Westney Road in Ajax. The dignitaries at the ceremony included Mayor Steve Parish, regional councillors of the town of Ajax and various government and local business representatives. The hosts, Mr. Steve Archibald and Mr. Garry Marshall represented Venstar corporation while Mr. Mark Staniloff and Mr. Glenn Squires represented the Super 8 Inc. Canada and Pacrim Hospitality Inc., respectively. The Motel is set to bring about a positive change to the town’s business and travel/tourism sector. Super 8 Motel Grand Opening! Featuring 64 Guestrooms 210 Westney Rd. S., Ajax 905-428-6884 For reservations call 1-800-800-80001-800-800-8000 www.super8.comwww.super8.com ® • Indoor Pool and Hot Tub • Remote Control Cable TV • Meeting Room - Guest Laundry • Complimentary Continental Breakfast • Elevator - Copy and Fax Service • Children 12 and Under Free • Suites Available Life’s great at Super 8 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 8 A/P NNaammee DDrrooppppiinngg SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2003 ✦ News Advertiser ✦ KEITH GILLIGAN, STAFF REPORTER, 905-683-5110 EXT. 251 Name Dropping is a complimentary service of the News Advertiser. Please note a new policy regarding Name Dropping events. We are now accepting submissions for these events only: eennggaaggeemmeennttss, wweeddddiinnggss, wweeddddiinngg aannnniivveerrssaarriieess and the following bbiirrtthhddaayyss: 1st, 13th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 65th, 70th, 75th, 80th, and every birthday beyond 80. We ask that you limit your submissions to 5500 wwoorrddss oorr lleessss and oonnee pphhoottooggrraapphh oonnllyy per announcement. No poems. Items can take several weeks to appear and there’s no guarantee they will run on or near the event date. Send your ttyyppeedd Name Drop- ping notices, including the eevveenntt ddaattee, and photos to Name Dropping, c/o The News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, L1S 2H5. For picture return, enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope. Name Dropping items can be sent by E- mail to kgilligan@durhamregion.com. Pictures should be sent in jpeg format. PPlleeaassee iinncclluuddee aa tteelleepphhoonnee nnuummbbeerr. Winners may go directly to Baskin Robbins to receive their FREE cake. (Please provide identification) PRIZE VALID UNTIL SAT., MARCH 29, 2003 & 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 905-831-5431 THIS WEEK’S CAKE WINNERS ARE: 1. Jacob Ponte 2. Katie O’Brien 3. Emily MorganBASKIN ROB BI NSSECOND BIRTHDAY Happy birthday to Ka- terina Fortomaris, who was two Feb. 16. “You’re the light of our lives Kate- rina. When you entered our lives two years ago, you brought us so much happiness and joy. We’re very proud of your ability to be the strong little girl that you are. With all the love in the world, from Mommy Evelyn, Daddy Trifon, Yeya Dita, Yeya Soula, Papou Aleko and Aunt Miranda.” 80TH BIRTHDAY “A special lady turned 80. Love and best wishes to the Valentine’s baby, Zera Allidina, who turned 80 Feb. 14. Happy birth- day from her children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren. We love you very much.” 16TH BIRTHDAY Shawn Martins turned 16 March 2. “Wishing him a sweet 16 were Mom, An- thony, sister Liz, brother Austin, nephew Jacob, his friends and family. Shawn celebrated on the road with his G1. Good luck Shawn. We love you son.” ENGAGEMENT “Congratulations to Nancy Patey and Louis House on their engage- ment. Best wishes from your daughters Erica, Trica and Melisa, sons Christopher and Steve, brother Len, friends Corinne, Iggy, Maggie, Ashley, Amanda, Jeanie and Paul.” 80TH BIRTHDAY Feb. 17 was a milestone day for Donna Elvira Cur- tis, as she celebrated her 80th birthday. “Donna is a ‘gem’ of a lady whose daily faith, courage and dedica- tion to family and God en- courages all who meet her. Mom, you are our hero. Love from Dodie, Gail, David, Troy and all of her other fans.” ENGAGEMENT Lorraine and Bob Far- quharson of Baltimore are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Michelle Lee to Brian Edward, son of Nancy and Garry Roach of Ajax. The wedding is in June 2004. 13TH BIRTHDAY On Feb. 23, John James McTaggart Cox became a teenager, turning 13. “We’re proud of our son, as he received his black belt in tae kwon do before his 13th birthday. Keep on kicking. Love from your mother and father.” THIRD BIRTHDAY “Brooke turned three Feb. 29. A leap-year baby, so let’s not forget her birthday, despite the day missing on the calendar. Brooke, we wish you a happy third birthday. All our love from Mommy, Daddy, family and friends.” FIRST BIRTHDAY “A year ago, this pre- cious gift from heaven above, was welcomed into our family with love. Happy first birthday to our ‘little man’, John Alexander McBride. Hugs, kisses and all our love from Mommy and Daddy.” SEVENTH BIRTHDAY Ashbel Din turned seven March 9. There was lots of love and blessings from Mom, Dad, Abishai, Dada, Dado, Nana, Nano and Mamoo. FOURTH BIRTHDAY “Special birthday wishes to our sweet Amal, who turned four Feb. 23. You always bring smiles to our faces. With lots of hugs and kisses from Omar, Ali, Dadi, Nani, Mom, Dad and the family.” WEDDING “Congratulations to To nya Slot and Leon Vi- vian, who were married Nov. 30, 2002. We wish them all the best. From Mom and Dad Slot, and family.” EIGHTH BIRTHDAY “Our beautiful little gymnast, Katie O’Brien, turned a big eight Feb. 23. Wishing you a happy birth- day with lots of love, hugs and kisses were Mommy, Daddy, Kristie, Bailey, Snowball and Fuzzy.” FIRST BIRTHDAY “On Feb. 22, we wished a happy first birthday to our special little girl, Samantha Nicole Mantziaris. Love, hugs and kisses from Mama, Daddy, Fritz and all her family and friends.” 22ND BIRTHDAY “It’s a celebration, the big 22. Happy birthday to Blair Metrakos. Love you lots from Heather. Blair’s big day was Feb. 11.” SIXTH BIRTHDAY Birthday wishes went out to Emily Morgan, six Feb. 21. Love and kisses from Mom, Dad, brother Shane, Gramma and Aun- tie Rachael. BIRTHDAY “On Feb. 26 a special birthday wish went to Bri- anne from Mommy and Dad and her two big brothers.” 37TH BIRTHDAY “To Rachel DeLio, 37 on Feb. 17. To a wonderful wife, aunt, mother, sister and daughter. Have a happy birthday.” ENGAGEMENT “Christine, Stephen, Ed and Kathy are thrilled to announce the engage- ment of their children, Lisa Marie Gibson and Derek John Stackhouse. The wedding is scheduled for early 2004. We would like to wish them a life- time full of love and hap- piness, and we’re hon- oured to have them as part of our families. Love and best wishes to both of you.” NINTH BIRTHDAY “Our precious grand- daughter Sarah Jean Denise turned nine Feb. 3. My how time flies. We love you Sarah. Happy birthday and love from Nana and Papa Tre- harne.” SECOND BIRTHDAY It’s been two years of love and two years of joy, as Jacob Ponte celebrat- ed his second birthday Feb. 26. There were hugs, kisses and birthday wishes from Mama, Dada, Grandma and Grandpa Springer, Grandma and Grandpa Ponte, and all his aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. FIRST BIRTHDAY Happy first birthday Dec. 23 to “our little ‘Puck- agee Boy’ Joseph Santos. To see you smile, take your first steps and hear you say ‘Mamma’ makes us want to keep these mo- ments alive forever. We love you, from Mommy, Daddy, sister MaryAngela, godparents Theo and An- dréa, Nonno, Nonna, Vou, Av o, your aunts, uncles and cousins.” 40TH BIRTHDAY “Lordy, lordy, look who’s 40! It’s Julie Hughes and she celebrated Feb. 23. Friends and family wish her a happy birth- day.” www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 9 A/P Jan Lost: 63 lbs., 70” “The Herbal Magic® staff & owners were always supportive, friendly and knowledgeable. I am sure I would have given up without them! The biggest change for me is that Herbal Magic® has given me back ‘myself’ and taught me how to not get ‘lost’ again.” 905-420-0003 Pickering, 1163 Kingston Rd. 905-426-9261 Ajax, 250 Bayly St. www.herbalmagicsystems.com NOW OVER 225 CENTRES ACROSS CANADA AND THE US TM Systems International Weight Management and Nutritional Centres TM Before SHED THE WINTER WARDROBE, LET THE REAL YOU SHINE THROUGH! A Complete Weight Loss Program •Safe, easy & effective •Full service program Guaranteed weight loss program •One on one consultation •Lose up to 7 lbs. per week After JUST LIKE MAGIC! 50%off50%off Limited Time Offer Not valid with any other offer As a flight attendant, Averill Smith often experienced lack of energy as she battled time changes and also suffered from dry skin. But since learning the benef its of TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice from a fellow flight attendant, Averill feels more vital and healthy. “I could feel a difference within just the f irst day,” Averill reports. “I noticed a massive increase in my energy level - not nervous energy, but a true energy boost.” Av erill has also had health concerns in the past, however she states “since I’ve been drinking the Juice, my situation has improved drastically!” Av erill has since introduced the juice to many friends. “There’s no way I could keep this to myself,” she says enthusiastically. Created by two food scientists and distributed by Morinda Inc. since 1996, TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice uses the Morinda citrifolia plant. The plant’s benef icial properties have been recognized in French Polynesia for thousands of years. In this century, scientific research substantiates the many benef its of this amazing plant, reports Gavin Ashley, an Independent Tahitian Noni International Distributor. A completely natural product, TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice supports the immune system, strengthening your natural ability to fight disease and infection. As a superior antioxidant, it helps the circulatory system, tissues and cells by helping your body rid itself of harmful free radicals. It supports proper digestion, allowing you to absorb more nutrients at the cellular level. TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice also boosts the metabolic system, increasing your energy level. It helps give your hair a healthy shine and lets your skin glow. Additional benef its may include extended mental clarity, increased attention span and greater physical performance. To f ind out more about TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice, contact Gavin Ashley at 905-626-3061, visit www.juiceit.biz or e-mail gavin@juiceit.biz. Tahitian Noni International Independent Distributor TAHITIAN NONI(r) is a trademark of Morinda Inc. TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice is marketed under the name TAHITIAN NONI(r) BRAND Noni Nectar in Canada Enjoy improved health with TAHITIAN NONI(r) Juice • Custom Foot Orthotics • Full Veteran’s Coverage • Sports Medicine • Diabetic Feet, Corns & Calluses • Children’s Foot 831-FEET(3338) Hub Mall Kingston Rd.Glenanna Rd.D R I N K F O R Y O U R H E A L T HD R I N K F O R Y O U R H E A L T H TT OO RR EGISTEREGISTER OROR FFOROR MM OREORE II NFORMATIONNFORMATION CC ALLALL TTODAYODAY 905.626.3061905.626.3061 OROR VISITVISIT USUS ATAT AS SEEN ONAS SEEN ON Tahitian Noni International Independent Distributor. TAHITIAN NONI® is a trademark of Morinda, Inc.TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is marketed under the name TAHITIAN NONI® BRAND Noni Nectar In Canada. TAHITIAN NONI®JUICE BENEFITS MANY SYSTEMS OF THE BODY: IMMUNE SYSTEM DIGESTIVE SYSTEM CIRCULATORY SYSTEM METABOLIC SYSTEM TISSUES & CELLS SKIN & HAIR Discover what TAHITIAN NONI®Juice can do for YOUR HEALTH! www.info.juiceit.bizwww.info.juiceit.biz Dental Care for Adults, Kids and Great Big Babies. VIJAY BADHWAR, DMD We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you’ve found a good dental home. 905-683-1391 •A Full Range of Dental Treatments - Bring the whole family. •Saturday & Evening Appointments - To serve you better. •Flexible Payment Options - Helping you get the treatment you want. •A Relaxing Atmosphere - Virtual vision glasses, stereo headphones to help ensure you have a pleasant visit. TO ADVERTISE CALL MARILYN BROPHY 683-5110 A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Allergies? NO NEEDLES. Printed Results, Accurate Eczema, weight gain, diabetes, food cravings, constipation, Irritable bowel & diarrhea, ADHD, arthritis, depression, PMS, lack of energy? 1550 Kingston Rd. (BN Natural Foods) Call today for an Appointment (905) 837-6627 Test for 220 Foods Environment & more! (for ages 4 & up) Karen Steward R.N.C.P., C.N.P. (Formely Tazar) 905-619-1405 CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION Ta ke time to discover yourself 206 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax (Suite 206) www.greenwoodholistic.com Spring Classes in Yoga & Tai Chi Starting March/April Yoga Ltd. YOGA, MEDITATION, TAI CHI, WORKSHOPS YOGA, MEDITATION, TAI CHI, WORKSHOPS YOGA, MEDITATION, TAI CHI, WORKSHOPS YOGA, MEDITATION, TAI CHI, WORKSHOPSYoga/Stress Workshop April 13 Call to Register CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR FEET? SALMAN ALAM B.SC., D.C.H. REGISTERED CHIROPODIST TREATMENTS OFFERED FOR: nails • callus • corns • warts • flat feet • arch and heel pain • foot pain • sports injuries ALSO PROVIDE: Diabetic foot care and education Prescribed custom orthotics Services covered by most extended health care policies No referrals are necessary Harwood Rehab 601 Harwood Avenue S. Suite 101, 905-426-6090 (in front of Ajax-Pickering Hospital) Email: alamdch@yahoo.com Are you searching for some purpose in your life and cannot quite come to the answer? I could say that you will likely find the answer in Yoga, but that is only a partial truth. What you will find in Yoga is the ability to ask yourself the right questions, thus leading you to more questions, leading you further to a possible answer to your original question. Sound confusing? It can be. The mindfulness that yoga cultivates is a long process of getting to know yourself and then getting to know others by learning about yourself. Your yogic path will begin with postures and mediation to start connecting with yourself. In Yoga, the postures and mediation go hand in hand. Take the Wa r rior posture for example. Starting this off from a runners lunge; repositioning hands from the floor to your thigh; collecting your balance and elevating your arms towards the sky with your fingers pointing upwards. Try this yourself now. How do you feel? This is a basic posture that cultivates inner strength, both physical and mental. Warrior pose is only one of the many postures that are practiced in Yoga. While in this posture you are encouraged by your instructor to turn your attention inside yourself and feel the posture: whether you like this position or not and theories of why: the meditative side of Yoga. there that mind, body and spirit thing again-nothing that elusive or mind boggling! Simple thoughts with progressive postures. This is the beginning of getting to know yourself and connecting with your inner self. All questions can be answered. Turn inward and just listen to your inner voice whispering the answers. Everything you need to know is within: the only place where you will find who you are and your purpose. Of course there is more to Yoga than this. But this is a start and you don’t have to go further if you don’t want to or if you are satisfied with our current level. But the opportunity is there if you want it. No one will be forcing you. Your choices are your own to make. Indeed, if you wish to go further in your yogic path, you will have to do your own homework. At Greenwood Yoga Ltd, we are here to start you off but your development is up to you because it is unique and very personal. Dare to explore the inner-self journey through yoga! For further information call Nicole at Greenwood Yoga Ltd. (905)619-1405 Who Are You And What Is Your Life’s Purpose? By Nicole Dickson TO ADVERTISE CALL MARILYN BROPHY AT 683-5110 MMOONNDDAAYY,, MMAARRCCHH 2244 SSEENNIIOORRSS’’ AACCTTIIVVIITTIIEESS::The Ajax Se- niors’ Friendship Club plays bridge and cribbage every Monday at 1 p.m. at the St. Andrew’s Community Cen- tre, 46 Exeter Dr. Ajax. In addition, bridge is also played Wednesdays at 1:15 p.m. Call Agnes at 905-686-1573. TTUUEESSDDAAYY,, MMAARRCCHH 2255 SSEENNIIOORRSS’’ EEXXEERRCCIISSEE:: Come and exer- cise with the Ajax Seniors’ Friendship Club at 1:30 p.m. every Tuesday in the St. Andrew’s Community Centre, 46 Exeter Dr., Ajax. Call Agnes at 905-686-1573. SSEENNIIOORRSS DDIISSCCUUSSSSIIOONN::The Ajax Se- niors’ Friendship Club holds a Tues- day morning discussion group at 9:30 a.m. at the St. Andrew’s Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Daniel McSweeney of Client Centered Con- sulting and Edna Klazek of the United Way are the speakers. Call Louise at 905-683-7799. AAUUTTIISSMM::The Autism Society, Durham chapter, holds a support meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Dunbarton-Fairport Unit- ed Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pick- ering. Call Lynne at 905-619-8926. PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG PPOOWWEERRHHOOUUSSEE TTOOAASSTT -- MMAASSTTEERRSS::Work on communication, time-management, and self-confi- dence skills every Tuesday with the club. Meetings are in the auditorium of the Pickering Public Library’s cen- tral branch, One The Esplanade, from 7 to 9 p.m. Guests are welcome to attend. Call Hazel at 416-560-3768 or Colleen at 905-831-5965 for more in- formation. WWEEDDNNEESSDDAAYY,, MMAARRCCHH 2266 GGRRIIEEFF SSUUPPPPOORRTT::Hospice Durham is holding a grief support group for Ajax and Pickering residents who have suffered a loss. Meeting to begin at 7 p.m. in Pickering Village and will last for nine weeks lead by trained bereavement volunteers. Call Julie Chatterton, coordinator of be- reavement services for Hospice Durham at 905-242-1580 for more in- formation. WWHHIISSTT AANNDD BBRRIIDDGGEE::The Ajax Se- niors’ Friendship Club plays every We dnesday at 1:15 p.m. — the club is looking for additional whist players — at St. Andrew’s Community Cen- tre, 46 Exeter Dr., Ajax. For whist, call Eleanor at 905-427-8785, or for bridge, call Jack Syme at 905-683- 9696. MMEEDDIITTAATTIIOONN::Learn how to meditate We dnesday nights at 7 p.m. at the Duffin’s Creek Co-Op, 1555 Finch Ave., Unit 76 in Pickering. Everyone is welcome to the free class. Call 905- 420-7252. Billboard MARCH 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 11 A/P BByy KKeeiitthh GGiilllliiggaann Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM ––––It used to be you'd work to 65 and then put your feet up on the coffee table. Like just about everything else, 'retire- ment' has changed. Jim Adams, a former deputy chief with the Durham Regional Police Service, re- tired in 2001 but was recently sworn-in as a part-time investigator with the Special In- vestigations Unit, the provincial body that investigates incidents involving police. Mr. Adams spent 28 years with the Durham force. Bev Freedman, a superintendent with the Durham District School Board recent- ly retired, but she isn't leaving the working world. She's taken a contract position with the Ministry of Education, as well as an- other with the provincial supervisory offi- cers' organization. The board's com- munications man- ager Mary Brown jokes about all the people who have 'retired'. "It's funny, com- ing to work at the board, there are all the people whose re- tirement parties I went to and they're all back at the board," she says. "I find all kinds of people who re- tired and their faces are still here." Ms. Brown is one of those people, having retired but now back at the same position, filling in for a maternity leave. In fact, she's replacing the woman who replaced her. Ms. Brown works three days a week and is scheduled to be on the job until the end of April. Assuming the position was a case of both the school board needing someone and Ms. Brown being aware of the opening. "They were aware I was willing to come back over the winter months," she notes. "I have a garden and I enjoy golfing, so I pre- fer to be outside when the weather's nice. So, it's worked out very nicely." She'd been retired for about 18 months before coming back. "My husband had been retired eight years and I just had a lot of other things I wanted to do," she states, adding coming back wasn't as difficult as she anticipated. "Very, very little had changed. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be," she says, noting that after two or three days, "in some ways, it felt like I never left." She'd been at the board for 16 years, hav- ing been its first communications manag- er. One of the advantages of her current position is working the part-time sched- ule. "It was probably more difficult to find something that allowed me to find my own schedule. To find something in a part-time range," Ms. Brown says. "I was- n't looking for anything. It worked out well for me and for the board." Stepping into her old job makes com- ing back easier, she notes. It would have been difficult taking a new job for a six- month period, as there would be "so many people I have to get to know." She adds, "Whether I would have started something in another field, I'm not sure I would." Getting back into the swing of working again was surprisingly easy, Ms. Brown says. "I wouldn't say I was rusty. It felt like I'd been away for a couple of weeks and someone had hung different pictures on the wall, but I didn't feel a huge gap." It was also easy to retire, she points out. "I thought I might find it difficult. I found it was like I was going on vacation and not coming back," Ms. Brown says. While admitting her game needs work, Ms. Brown praises golf, saying "It's a good thing to do outside and you're walking for four hours every day." When retiring "I've heard it's important to have something. I filled in the first few months. My con- cern was the winter be- cause I'm not a skier any more or a curler. I didn't find it difficult at all. "Yes, you need a hobby, something to go out. There were some things I wanted more time for, but I didn't have." Would she stay beyond April? "If something happened that the person isn't back until May, there's no difficulty. If it was a full year, I'm not sure." Brian McTavish would also want "some- thing really worth going back for." After 32 years with Ontario Hydro and its successor, Ontario Power Generation, Mr. McTavish retired June 1, 2001. For the next 13 months, his time was his own. Then an opportunity came along, so he took it. He's now the president and chief executive officer of the Candu Owners Group. "We're a non-profit corporation, with vol- untary funding by our members," he says. Membership is made up of owners of Candu nuclear reactors from around the world, including Canada, China, Romania, Pakistan, India, Argentina and South Korea. It's a chance for Candu owners to share information and exchange ideas to "improve the safety and reliability of the plants". Mr. McTavish retired because "I'd reached the point I'd done what I set out to do in my career." He retired as site vice-president of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. Mr. McTavish was 54 when he "left the build- ing", noting "We have an excellent pension plan, so I took it." Retirement also gave him the chance to do things around the house he hadn't been able to get at. A chemical engineer by training, he started with the old Ontario Hydro in 1970. "I had some time off. You always retire, you have some sense of loss for the people you're working with. It was quite exciting," he notes. "I certainly in- tended to take the summer off. I hadn't done that in over 30 years. My wife and I had some trips planned to- gether. "I had some great time off and relaxed. I caught up on a few things around the house. I had a lot of odd jobs I'd been putting off." He came out of retire- ment as "an opportunity came along, a position opened as a contractor." Mr. McTavish works in downtown Toronto and still resides in Pickering. As for commuting, "I can't say I'm thrilled with it." He describes his two-year contract posi- tion as being "basically self-employed" and it "fits with my background." It wasn't his first chance to rejoin the working world. "I had some opportunities very early on, in the nuclear industry." But, he turned them down because "I wouldn't have had the opportunity to enjoy my retirement time." As for taking another position once this contract expires, he says anything's possi- ble. "I'll try to do this job as well as I can. If the opportunity for something comes along, I'll do it. As long as my health is good." Too young to retire More and more people calling it a career, only to start again Mary Brown is back on the job for the Durham District School Board. The communications manager was retired for about 18 months be- fore returning to her former position. CELIA KLEMENZ/ News Advertiser photos Af ter 32 years with Ontario Hydro and Ontario Power Generation, including a number of years at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station (above), Brian McTavish called it a career. However, after 13 months of travelling, taking time for himself and doing jobs around the house, he is now president and chief executive officer of the Candu Owners Group. The non-profit group shares in- formation about the reactors around the world. ‘It was probably more difficult to find something that allowed me to find my own schedule. To find something in a part-time range. I wasn't looking for anything. It worked out well for me and for the board.’ MARY BROWN P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com SSppoorrttss SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2003 ✦ News Advertiser ✦ AL RIVETT, SPORTS EDITOR 905-683-5110 EXT. 250 The fine print Scores and more... See page 13 Pickering Ball Hockey LeaguePBHL BALL HOCKEY Call to Register 905-839-9638 www.ballhockeygta.com SPECIALSALE Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Advertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS Walmart, 270 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax Walmart, 1899 Brock Rd. N., Pick. 135 Kingston Rd., Ajax 222 Bayly St. W., Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. * Delivered to selected households only Aliya Sunday’s carrier of the week is Aliya. She enjoys Reading and gymnastics. She will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Aliya for being our Carrier of the Week. * Fairport Guardian Drug Pickering * Glenanna Guardian Drug Pickering * Little Caesars Ajax * Westney Guardian Drug Ajax Sun. March 23, 2003 News Advertiser If you have a special Seniors Community Group or Club you wish to list in this years directory, please call 905-683-5110 ext.230 Watch for it! 2003 50’s Plus Directory & Activity Guide coming this spring Annandale youth rinks compete in curling regionals this weekend BByy JJiimm EEaassssoonn Special to the News Advertiser AAJJAAXX —— Tw o out of three wasn’t bad for the Annandale youth rinks com- peting at the OCA bantam boys’ and girls’ zone playdowns last weekend. Tw o Annandale Curling Club teams — one in each of the boys’ and girls’ events — won their way to the region- als in Minden March 22 and 23. Kaitlyn Leslie and her teammates Kayla Bianchi, Tracy O’Leary and Lau- ren Hong won the zone ‘A’ side in a four-team double knockout. Meanwhile, in the boys’ draw, Tim March advances along with Matt Pyne, Patrick Janssen and Ian McKnight. The March rink won the ‘B’ side of the five- team draw Sunday morning in a game hosted at Annandale. Lesley Pyne and her team of Heather Bell, Leahanne Legrow and Stacey Hogan finished in second place in both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ finals. ••• Tw o Annandale rinks competed, but neither was able to advance beyond the JVC Mixed Regional playdowns at Weston Golf last weekend. Warren Leslie skipped the team of Brenda O’Hara, Dave Hutchison and Lynette Gray, while skip Jason March led the team of Kim Bourque, Blair Me- trakos and Tracee Nemeth. A win at regionals would have meant a trip to the Ontario champi- onship at the Whitby Curling Club April 9 to 13. ••• Annandale hosted the annual St. Pat’s Mixed Bonspiel Saturday. The full draw of teams competed in three six- end games. Ten out-of-club teams par- ticipated. Three-game winners were the home team of Paul Boyland, Susan Boy- land, Larry Valianes and Janice Connor. They received first pick at the prize table. Other three-game winners were Heather Deeprose of Avonlea, and Carl Vickers and Leonard Franssen of An- nandale. Leslie, March teams on the move Club to host big competition in Pickering next month DDUURRHHAAMM ——A group of first-year competitors from the Durham Syn- chro Swimming Club (DSSC) came out on top at the recent Waterloo meet. The Durham squad — with swim- mers who are new to the sport — performed an outstanding routine to capture the gold medal out of 16 teams. Team members are Tracy Kolodzinski, Elizabeth Lovell, Kayla Malcolmson, Allie Mear, Samantha Putos and Tara Roberts. Sarah Rowe, a Grade 12 student at Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby, coaches the team. ••• DSSC’s tier 6 national team beat out tough competition from across Ontario to capture the silver medal at the recent provincial trials at the University of Guelph. On the team are three local girls, Jordan Anderson and Kirsten Fem- son of Pickering and Julia Maclean of Ajax. Other members are Sophie Baetz-Dougan, Danielle Henry, Bri- anna MacLellan and Katie LePage. The Durham team’s tier 6 duet, Baetz-Dougan and LePage, earned silver. Maclean placed a strong fifth in the solo competition. DSSC’s tier 7 national team won the bronze. Team members are Lau- ren LePage, Lianne Doerr, Katie Cor- nish, Lisa Doerr, Lindsay Maclean, Cassie Kolodzinski and Alison Rogin. Holley Lundmark coaches the team. The tier 7 national duet team of Cornish and LePage won bronze. Maclean placed a strong fifth in the solo competition. ••• The tier 7 and tier 6 teams took top honours at the recent Provincial tryout meet in Ottawa. As well, the duet team of LePage and Baetz- Dougan came out on top, swimming to Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’. ••• The club has a busy schedule ahead. The teams head to Montreal this month and compete in Victoria in May. On April 26, the DSSC hosts Syn- chro Ontario’s regional swim meet at the Pickering Recreation Complex pool. For more information, call the club at 905-720-7747 or visit www.durham- synchro.com. Durham girls in synchro in the pool A Durham Synchro Swimming Club team captured top spot in Wa t erloo recently. Pictured are Tracy Kolodzinski, Elizabeth Lovell, Kayla Malcolmson, Allie Mear, Samantha Putos, Tara Roberts and coach Sarah Rowe. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 13 P Insurance Claims “BEST AVAILABLE RATES” “PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE” Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL 905-666-4986 From 5.35% for 5 years. 1st & 2nd Mortgages to 100% Condos Rental Properties CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS BOOKED THIS MONTH! HUGE RENOVATION SHOWROOM KITCHEN & BATHROOM MODELS 1-888-BAT H -REN O 416-285-6798 FREE in Home Estimates FOR KITCHEN & BAT H RO OM RENOVATI ONS THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP Inc. 695 Finley Ave., Unit 1 & 2, Tel. 905-683-1112 Proud to serve you SAVE $10 - $15 OFF Power steering flush regular price. Check for details. Advertising Feature P I C K E R I N G F O C U S O N B U S I N E S S SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON (905) 579-2222 1-888-576-8575 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors Picture Windows Bay & Bow Windows Patio Doors • Casement Windows MOBILE SHOWROOM SecurPlus To advertise in this feature please call INSIDE SALES at 905-683-0707 ext. 2303, 2334, 2271 and 2304 Most people at one time or another have encountered a power steering system problem. Whether a failing power steering pump, hoses, gearbox, rack and pinion, noise, leaks, or hard steering, all could be related to the quality or condition of the power steering fluid. P/S fluid is almost clear in colour. It turns darker and darker when used, because of the high temperature (almost boiling) generated by high pressure (up to 1800 psi). High temperature causes the fluid to start breaking down, causing electro- chemical degradation. The more the fluid breaks down, the more it will be contami- nated. Sludge and varnish are the main byproducts. Sludge and varnish starts to cause clogging of valves, which in turn causes higher and higher pressures, then more contamination, and more and more PROBLEMS. Now, at THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP, we have an Option for you. Using a state of the art “Power Steering Flush Machine”, we will provide you with the lat- est service procedure that safely removes varnish and sludge deposits, and cleans all internal power steering components (pump, rack and Pinion, hoses, valves, switches and P/S cooler lines). Then the system is filled with fresh fluid and conditioners that revi- talize the seals and O-rings of the system. Call today, don’t delay. Avoid a costly repair to your power steering system. A Power Steering System Flush is Good Preventative Maintenance Thrifty Mechanic Shop 695 Finlay Avenue (905) 683-1112 We promise you the following: 1.Only qualified people will work on your car. 2.We’ll never do anything that is not required and APPROVED by you. 3.Every time we repair your vehicle, we will test it out to make certain it is ok. 4. We’ll follow up a few days later to make sure you’re satisfied. 5.You’ll always know how much the repair will cost before we do any work. It will be very clear what was done. WE HAVE NO SECRETS. 6.If you want to know anything about the work that was done or how it was priced, please feel free to ask. I will gladly explain. 7.That every repair or service we do on your vehicle, or part we sell, will meet your satisfaction. 8.That every job is warranted, and that we will live up to the terms of that warranty. Michel Saikali Owner/Manager EXPIRES MAY 11/3 Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? BE INFORMED! Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details PICKERING HOCKEY ASSOCIATION AT OM STANDINGS FINAL standings, as of March 16/03. TEAM G W L T F A PTS 7/Eleven 15 11 2 2 67 44 24 Pickering Oldtimers 15 11 4 0 89 53 22 Ont. Power Generation 15 9 4 2 58 46 20 Legion 606 15 8 5 2 74 64 18 Boyer Pontiac 15 7 5 3 64 50 17 The Score Network 15 7 5 3 61 60 17 Pickering Honda 15 6 7 2 61 69 14 Papps 15 5 6 4 48 53 14 Master Mechanic 15 4 8 3 53 57 11 Pickering Slo-Sports 15 4 11 0 63 75 8 3R Collision 15 3 10 2 36 71 8 Monarch Kitchens 15 3 11 1 40 72 7 SCORES FROM MARCH 16 Papps 5 vs. Pickering Slo-Sports Oldtimers 4; 3R Collision 1 vs. Pickering Oldtimers 4; Ontario Power Generation 3 vs. Master Mechanic 2; Legion 606 6 vs. Monarch Kitchens 2; Boyer Pontiac 5 vs. 7/Eleven 1; The Score Network 3 vs. Pickering Honda 2. PICKERING MEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Week 7 of round-robin playoff. As of March 17/03. GAME ONE Warwick Publishing 61 vs.Verifeye 50.Warwick Publishing: Ian Campbell 14, Rueben DeFrance 13, James Williamson 11, Dave Bayliss 11.Verifeye:Karl Hutchinson 19, Mike Jo- vanov 12, Damon Alyea 9, Charlie Denchfield 6. GAME TWO Gallantry’s Eatery 49 vs. Accent Building Sciences 21.Gal- lantry’s Eatery:Ray Fox 17, Frank Tuitt 13, Don Leahy 9. Accent Building Sciences:Barry Wood 6, Chris Sheldon 6. GAME THREE The Base 45 vs. Ell-Rod Holdings 29.The Base:Conrad Davis 19, George Iordanov 18, Peter Dundas 4.Ell-Rod Holdings:John Esposito 14, Steve Hewitt 4, Steve Leahy 4. GAME FOUR Wst Hill Men’s Slo-Pitch 56 vs. Brown, Pineo, Van Kempen 40.West Hill MSP:Owen Officer 24, Paul Vorvis 10, Craig Yakimishyn 7, Garry Young 6.Brown, Pineo Van Kempen: Mike Horn 12, Irwin Stanley 8, Fred Dever 8, Bill Boston 6. GAME FIVE Lakar Carpentry 41 vs. Envoy Business Services 39.Lakar Carpentry:Ivor Walker 13, Colin Exeter 11, Don MacDonald 11, Sylvan Trepanier 4.Envoy:David Voth 15, Luke Lukko- nen 6, Roger Young 6, Kari Elovarri 6. DURHAM ATTACK VOLLEYBALL Girls’ house league standings PEEWEE DIVISION TEAM PTS Dr. Copeland 50 Dr. Somotiuk 38 Corporate Contracting 37 Dr. McAllister 37 Dr. Grewal 37 Canuck Sports Stuff 35 Optical 20/20 30 Whitby Family Footcare 21 PLAYOFF SCHEDULE All games at 9 a.m. March 23 McLean Centre: Dr. Copeland vs. Whitby Family Footcare; Dr. McAllister vs. Dr. Grewal. Westney Heights: Dr. Semotiuk vs. Optical 20/20; Corpo- rate Contracting vs. Canuck Sports Stuff. Scoreboard MARCH 23, 2003 AAJJAAXX ——Feeling the ef- fects of the March break, the Bank of Montreal and East Side Mario’s engaged in a low-key affair in Ajax Ladies’ Basketball League action Wednesday. In the end, Mario’s pre- vailed by a narrow 29-28 margin. Initially, neither side could find its shooting range and many minutes passed before there was a point recorded. Mario’s, however, began to find its scoring touch to complete the first half. The bankers came out strongly in the second to close the gap. With less than a minute re- maining, East Side kept possession and the bankers had to foul to stop the clock. The bankers had one last shot to take the game but missed. Erinn Lynch got seven points for East Side; Pam Roper and Colleen Weter- ing netted eight apiece for the bankers. In the second game of the night, Donlands Jew- ellers hung on for a 30-28 victory over Select Food Products. Barbara Armstrong scored 10 points for Don- lands and Kevina Morri- son replied with 12 for Se- lect. East Side, Donlands win in women’s hoops CLASS A, D, AND Z Endorsement training at Durham College Whitby. Job opportuni- ties for graduates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905-721-3340. CALL CENTRE Workshop Training at Durham College, Whitby. Get in at the ground floor in this explosive customer ser- vice industry. With our two-day workshop training program, and your full commitment and per- sonal goals, the opportunities exist for advancement in the ever-growing "Call Centre" busi- ness. This two-day workshop will run: March 22 & 29th, April. 26th & May 3rd, June 14th & 21st. For info. 905-721-3340 or 1-800-816-3615 COMPUTER COURSES - Have you been unemployed in the last 5 years? You may be eligible for funding. MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER, MICROSOFT OFFICE, ORACLE DATABASE, CCNA, A+, MCSA. Changing career path? Train at top rated Durham College in 100% instructor led courses. Full/Part time available. These certifications are highly sought after skills in today's IT environ- ment. Call Colin McCarthy 905- 721-3336. www.durhamc.on.ca General Help510 $$ GOVERNMENT FUNDS $$ Grants and loans information to start and expand your busi- ness or farm. 1-800-505-8866 MAID SERVICE Requires reli- able cleaners for residential, daytime only, part-time posi- tions to start immediately. Ex- perience preferred. Own transportation required. Seri- ous inquiries only (905)686– 9160. ACTION VAN & TRUCK WORLD requires reliable In- stallation & Sales staff-f/t. Must have valid driver's li- cense. Pay based on experi- ence. Apply directly: 1051 Brock Rd.S., Pickering, or fax: 905-426-5771 ACTORS/MODELS/EXTRAS Summer filming has begun. Toronto production is explod- ing. Scouting new people, (no experience needed) with dif- ferent looks, shapes and sizes (newborn to senior). For Com- mercials, TV Shows, Movies, Catalogs. MTB will be holding Auditions in your area on Sun. Mar. 30th by appointment only. Audition fee of $34.50 is refundable if you do not quali- fy. To schedule an audition, phone 519-249-0700 between 9-5. Model and Talent Bureau member of the COC AJAX COMPANY looking for window washer (at least 5 years experience with lad- ders, residential, and com- mercial) must have valid Drivers License! Call (905)428–1844 fax (905)428- 8496. AJAX WALMART - General labourer req'd for Temp con- tract, F/T, overnight shift, physical work, Sunday to Thursday starting March 29th. Call 905-426–6160 ext 190. ALL KINDS OF WORK! Lots of money to be made. Positions start immediately. Car an as- set. Call Julie 905-571-4738 OVERWEIGHT lose 10, 20, 30lbs or more with NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS Dr. recom- mended, 100% Guaranteed. herbal-nutrition.net/pgmdistributors.com to find out more. A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com E-Mail Address: classifieds@durhamregion.com Call: Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://www.durhamregion.comCLASSIFIEDSFIND IT FAST IN THE AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Place Your Ad In Pickering Or Ajax Call: 905-683-0707 Ajax News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon.-Fri 8:00-5 p.m. Closed Saturday REAL ESTATE CAREER TRAINING AND LICENSING Offered by North America's premier full service real estate organization with locations throughout Durham Region, The City of Kawartha Lakes and Northumberland. For complete career information call: Mary Noakes Director of Career Development Coldwell Banker R.M.R. Real Estate Toll Free 1-877-663-1054 500 Career Training 500 Career Training 505 Careers 505 Careers Would you like an exciting career as a POLICE OFFICER Take the Police Foundations Training course with the only specialized College in Ontario exclusively dedicated to Police studies. Get the most effective and shortest possible training with the best instructors. 1-866-5-POLICE Celebrating our 20th successful year. Website: www.policefoundations-cbc.com Proud members of the Ont. Association of Chiefs of Police 95 Bayly St. W., Unit #1, Ajax, Ontario Police Foundations Department Of Diamond Institute Of Business NOW IN AJAX Corrections, Customs, Court Officers A Place to Build Your Career! Household Financial Corporation has Full-time Sales Opportunities Come to Our OPEN HOUSE To INTERVIEW IMMEDIATELY and Learn More About the Opportunities on Saturday April 5, 2003 from 10:00am to 2:00pm Household Financial Corporation 1450 Kingston Road, Pickering Phone: 905-420-5226 We have immediate openings for Account Executives in our local branches. As part of our Sales Team, you will market our financial and insurance products to new and existing customers. Successful candidates will have excellent communication and interpersonal skills; independence and self-motivation; strong competitive sales drive and a commitment to excel. Sales Management opportunities are also available based on successful performance and completion of our management training. Sales experience preferred, but not necessary. Salary plus incentives, complete benefit package, matched saving programs, and leading edge sales training. If you plan to attend, we encourage you to forward your resume prior to the Open House or if you are unable to attend forward your resume to: Doug Kemp, Branch Sales Manager 1450 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario L1V 1C1 Fax: 905-420-4479, E-mail: hfchr@sprint.ca 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! - Ages 2+ - Wanted for TV, Movies & Video Jobs! No fees!! Men/women 16-65 yrs. Needed for same ! No extras. Parents Call (416) 221-3829 • Legal Administrative Assistant • Law Clerk • Medical Office Assistant • Esthetics and Salon Operations • Personal Support Worker (PSW) LEGAL ADMINISTRATION HEALTH CARE • Network Administrator (MCSA) 505 Careers For More Information Please call 905-665-6752 or email: albionhills@on.aibn.com We Provide: • Late Model Equipment • Satellite Dispatch • Excellent Maintenance Program • 24 Hour Dispatch • Competitive Pay Package • Benefit Package • Weekly Pay-Direct Deposit • No NYC • No Slip Seating • Home Every Weekend We Require: • Valid AZ License • Clean Driving Abstract • Professional Attitude We are a Whitby, Ontario Based Carrier specializing in expedited service to and from the U.S. Albion Hills Industries Ltd. AZ HIGHWAY DRIVERS 509 Drivers 509 Drivers TRANSPORT Has Immediate Openings for the Following: Long Haul US, Short Haul US US (Dedicated) Ontario-Quebec Trains Local Please Contact Ray Bright at: (905) 725-5544 ext. 227 510 General Help 510 General Help www.rosedalegroup.com AZ Drivers • 10 Local & 4 Highway positions We require AZ Drivers with a minimum of two years’ experience along with general and CVOR licence abstracts (no older than 30 days). Applicants for both positions must provide a clean criminal record search. Applicants for our HIGHWAY positions must also provide a clean finger print criminal record search as well as have U.S./Canada experience. We offer excellent wages as well as a comprehensive benefits package. Please contact us to talk about your options! Recruiting Department Rosedale Transport Limited 6845 Invader Crescent Mississauga, ON L5T 2B7 Tel: (905) 670-0057 Toll-free: 1-877-588-0057 Fax: (905) 670-0065 e-mail: recruiting@rosedale.ca We thank all applicants; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. With eight offices across North America and our head office in Mississauga, we are committed to delivering superior service for all of our clients’ transportation, distribution, and warehousing needs. Our people make it happen 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help Choose Your Hours! Choose Your Income ! Freelance ad Sales Rep s required for upscale magazines and special interest publications in Durham and GTA. You must be seasoned sales professional; • choose the products you sell • flexible hours • competitive commissions • professional growth opportunities Please forward resumes to: Director of Advertising 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax. L1S 2H5 fax: 905-619-9068 dfletcher@durhamregion.com Metroland Torstar Media Publications OWASCO RV LTD. 2000 Champlain Ave. Whitby Requires an experiences SALES PERSON for our state of the art facility. Please fax resume to: David Cook (905)668-9734 or email to david.cook@owasco.com 500 Career Training Place your ad at 683-0707 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers ATTENTION:WORK from home, earn $1,000-$6,000/mo. full/part time. 1-888-539-9707. www.getset4.com AUDITIONS - INT'L SCOUTS coming to Oshawa to audition models, actors & singers, one day only, Tuesday March 25. Call 1-866-961-2768 AZ DRIVERS Running full truckloads and LTL to and from Carolinas and the New England states. Paid pickups + drops, mileage or percent- age. Call Executive Transpor- tation at (905)697-1403. AZ OWNER OPERATORS, paid percentage or mileage to run Carolinas and the New England states. Call Executive Transportation at (905)697- 1403 CERTIFIED IN-CLASS/IN-CAR driving instructor needed for an expanding driving school. May supply vehicle to the successful candidate. Fax re- sume to: 905-697-1617 COOK'S ASSISTANT req'd. Experienced with food prep and light cooking duties. Ajax/Pick- ering area. Call 905-428-9777. COURIER DRIVERS with cars can earn up to $650+/weekly With vans can earn up to $1000+/weekly servicing Dur- ham and GTA. (905)427-8093. CRUISE THE WORLD and get paid for it! $1,200 - $4,000 US/ month, free room/board. (613) 744-6209, (613) 741-5801 DOG GROOMER NEEDED Full Time for very busy shop in Ajax. 905-428–8160. DRIVER required to deliver sanitation supplies in Toronto & surrounding areas. Submit resume to: Jim Carruthers c/o UNDERWOOD'S, 410 FINLEY AVE. AJAX, ONT. Fax (905) 619-9829. Email - supplies@underwoods.ca AZ DRIVER,3 years experi- ence, minimum age 25, clean abstract. US & Quebec. Health pkg avail. Call 905- 987-5451 or 1-800-834-7049. DYNAMIC DRIVING - Looking to hire AZ Driver immediately for local-Highway-shunt. 3-5 yrs. experience only. Up to date: CVOR, Abstract, Crimi- nal search a must. $16.50 hrly. Please call Karen 905- 665-9916. EAST SCARBOROUGH Let- tershop requires reliable indi- vidual for multi-functioned po- sition of machine operator, warehouse & deliveries. Must be able to lift 60lbs. Valid driver's license required. Fax resume to Brian 416-321-5728 or e-mail: gtadm@rogers.com ESTIMATOR REQ'D for paving & interlocking company. Must have previous exp. and own vehicle. Commission based. Call Frank 905-619–9176 FACTORY WORKERS required for Pickering plant. No exp. needed. Contact MPS 416- 483-0611. FRESH AIR,exercise and more. Call for a carrier route in your area today. 905-683– 5117. COOK/WAIT STAFF/SERVER experience preferred for fish & chip restaurant. Apply within: Blue Ocean, 2200 Brock Rd.N., Pickering (2 blocks North of Hwy#2) HAIR Fitness Inc. Come join a winning team of great hair- stylists. We offer: above com- petitive wages, incentive pro- grams, advanced training, paid vacation & much more! If you are an experienced hair- stylist and looking for a friendly bright atmosphere give us a call (905)683-0290, 1-800-618-9684 Positions available in Ajax, Whitby & Oshawa. I NEED SOMEONE to learn my business. Must have leader- ship ability and strong desire for above average income. Team spirit an asset. Contact Steve (905)404-0772 INTERLOCK INSTALLERS LANDSCAPERS, Experienced, for contract work for young expanding company in Dur- ham Region. Call Paul any- time 905-925-2246 LANDSCAPE FOREPERSON, 5 years interlock & bobcat experience required. Must have valid drivers license & transportation. Fax resume to: 905-432-0008 LAWN MAINTENANCE com- pany seeks experienced full time workers and drivers, will train. Call 665–6615 or fax 905-665-0041 LICENSED ASSISTANT MAN- AGER for Ajax salon. Guar- anteed salary/commission, profit sharing, great working environment, upgrading, hiring bonus from $100-$350. Store discounts. Also PT stylist po- sition for Oshawa. Call Cheryl (905)723-7323 LIVE-IN SUPERINTENDENT required immediately for 18- unit apartment complex, 76 Liberty St South, Bowmanville. Suitable for middle-aged or retired couple able to perform physical work and minor re- pairs. Fax resume 905-623- 2257. Previous applicants need not apply. MANAGER NEEDED for large independent Drug Store in Co- bourg. Experience required in mass merchandising, compu- terized P.O.S. systems and Human Resources. Compre- hensive benefits package available. Salary commensu- rate with qualifications and experience. Send resume by fax to 905-372-9126. MODELS needed for Toronto and international assign- ments. For info: Call 416-535- 1571 or email: modelcall@mail2world.com MOM'S DREAM!Home- based local nanny placement coordinator required part-time, flexible hours. Motivated. HR and Sales experience. $$$ per placement. Fax resume to 416-351-9583 ON CALL ECE needed for an established daycare. Send resumes to: The Children's Place, 320 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa ON L1H 5J1 or fax 905-434-8708 PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST, evenings/weekends. Well- spoken, friendly/multi-task. Responsibilities include an- swering phones, assisting cli- ents/veterinarians, janitorial work. Resume in person to Rosebank Animal Hospital, 1414 Rosebank Rd. Pickering. No phone calls please. PICKERING BASED portable toilet company requires serv- ice route driver/labourer for units in GTA, York and Dur- ham and for septic tank pumping. Starting rate $11.00 per hour part time and full time required. Please call (905) 831-8189. PT/FT MAINTENANCE person required for busy Property Management Company in Whitby. Basic Electrical, Me- chanical & Plumbing. Fax re- sume to 905-668-9630 RETAIL INVESTIGATORS req'd immediately for Durham Region. F/T & P/T. $11. to $14/ per-hour. Exp. an asset. Fax resume to: 416-751-9973. RETIRED? BORED?WANT TO stay active and enjoy meeting people? Are you handy, quality minded and have carpentry skills? Interested in working 1-3 flexible days of your choosing per week installing door prod- ucts? Do you have a van or pick- up truck and own tools? If your answers are yes... we are willing to provide training and good wages for the right person! Call 905-433–2323, resumes being accepted. SECURITY GUARD wanted immediately. Must have reli- able transportation. Fax re- sume to: 905-432-1495. TAXI TAXI is accepting appli- cations for Accessible Taxi drivers for night shift. Must be willing to work with Special Needs Customers. Oshawa Taxi permit required. Apply in person 164 Bloor St. E. WALTZING WEASEL Courtice NOW HIRING: Experienced bar and wait staff. Must be able to work nights and wee- kends. Smart Serve Certified. Also Host/Bus Persons re- quired. Please submit resume in person Mon. and Tues. March 24 & 25, 11-5 p.m. pre- ferred. No phone calls please. 1437 King St. East Courtice. WANTED TELEMARKETERS, students welcomed. Full and part time available. No experience necessary. Hourly plus bonus. Call (905) 579–6222 WORK AT HOME People needed to do education awareness surveys for early childhood development. Must have a strong command of the English language. No selling or appointment setting. Free training provided. Apply in person to: 286 King St. W., Lower Level, Oshawa, ON Tues. Mar. 25 at 10am or 3pm Thur. Mar. 27 at 10am or 3pm Salon & Spa Help514 BEAUTY SALON for sale or lease. -Turnkey transaction. 1500sq.ft. Best offer. Available April 1st. 905-432-8026 F/T HAIRSTYLIST required with experience for busy, friendly salon in mall location. Guaranteed wages +commis- sion. Start immediately. John 905-725-2080 (days) or 905- 728-3720 (after 9p.m.) SALON CO-ORDINATOR - Valentino's Grande Salon seeks a charismatic individu- al to join our team, if you are a "people person" possess cashiering, retail, and sched- uling experience. *Excellent communication skills, com- puter literacy, a professional voice, a professional ap- pearance, and have an inter- est in the beauty industry. * Are able to work approx. 32 hours, some evenings, and weekends. Bring your resume to 210 Brock Street (Down- town Whitby) Skilled & Technical Help515 EXPERIENCED BRICKLAYERS required. Sub division work. Unionville area. Top rate of Pay. Call 905-985–4208 JOBS TODAY!Automotive, Industrial Engineers, Metal stampings, Technologists/ Technician-metals, QAD, Pro- gressive Tool & Die, CAD: UG, F-Ideas, CATIA, Computer Technology jobs also. Email for FREE 25+ job list. 416-913- 3990X117. rclarke@ INTBIZSearch.com GAS FITTER REQUIRED.Fast growing fireplace store re- quires G2 gas fitter. Installa- tion/service of LP and NG fireplaces, in new home and retro fit market. Company service vehicle supplied. Fireplace training is available. Location Oshawa. Salary and start date negotiable. Apply in person with resume to Fire- side Corner, 25 Ritson Rd. N. (S.E. corner Bond and Ritson). (905) 571–7244 HVAC INSTALLER required minimum G2 Gas License, experienced for service and installation. Durham area. Call (905)260-0172 or fax resume (905)448-7941. LICENSED AUTO TECHNICIAN required for busy, well estab- lished Oshawa shop. Diag- nostic skills a must. Applic- ants must have complete set of tools. Drive clean inspector/ repair & a/c certification an asset. No weekends! Resumes can be dropped off at 250 Wentworth St. East, Oshawa. All enquiries are confidential. PLUMBERS or 3rd-5th year apprenticeship needed imme- diately full-time. Clean ab- stract required. Heating & drains an asset. Call 905-725- 7549 Office Help525 FULL & PART-TIME Recep- tionist/Assistant required for busy physiotherapy office. Must be flexible, energetic, excellent multi-tasking abili- ties and be able to work both shifts. Computer skills an as- set. Send resume: Whitby Ci- vic Physiotherapy, 555 Ross- land Rd. E., Whitby, L1N 2M8 No phone calls please. PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR/ COORDINATOR - Oshawa area firm requires a self moti- vated team oriented person experienced with general con- tractors, who is exceptionally well organized, has excellent communication skills both written and oral, advanced computer abilities and can read architectural drawings. Send cover letter stating sal- ary expectations with resume. Reply to File #882, Oshawa This Week, P. O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario. LlH 7L5 Sales Help & Agents530 CANADIAN GREETING CARD company seeks commis- sioned sales person to serv- ice existing customers and develop new accounts in the Pickering / Durham region. Flexible hours, own car. Fax resume to (905) 625-5995. INSIDE SALES REP full time, for progressive metal dis- tributor. Eastern GTA/Durham Region. Sales experience re- quired. Renumeration pack- age based on qualifications. Please reply to File # 900, c/o Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 MEDIA CO. REQUIRES ener- getic salespeople to sell Re- creation Facility advertising in Ajax and area. Salary plus Comm. 905-415-0024 or sambrook@rogers.com SALES TEAM REQUIRED. Contact Bedwell Freight Sys- tems for appt. 905-686-0002. SALES/ACCOUNT MANAGER self-motivated sales person/ account manager for Ajax based Crane & Equipment rental company. Crane ex- perience an asset. Must be computer literate. email: resumes@dwightcrane.com WE CURRENTLY have an opening for a Sales Associate. This is a permanent part time position with flexible hours. The ideal candidate would be sales and customer oriented with the desire to earn bonus income. You are organized, professional, have a strong customer service orientation and are proficient in MS Of- fice. Excellent verbal and writ- ten communication skills will be key to your success. Prev- ious insurance experience and license would be an as- set. Please forward your re- sume to: Steve Manuel, 58 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa, Ontario. LlG 2V5 or via fax at (905) 725-3403. Retail Sales Help532 CANADA'S LARGEST mat- tress manufacturer looking for full time and part time sales associates for retail show- room in Durham. Thorough sales training provided. Please fax resume to (905) 624-3054. RETAIL SALES PERSONS re- quired for busy sporting goods specialty shop. Part time evenings and weekends. We are looking for friendly, outgo- ing people with some retail sales experience. Please fax or email your resume to: Source For Sports, Fax: 905- 683-2505. E-mail to: source@look.ca Hospital/Medical/ Dental535 CERTIFIED Dental Assistant required for Pickering office. (Go train accessible). Mon. Tues. Thurs. 7:30 a.m - 3 p.m Fax resume to: 905-839-9381. ATTENTION: Registration officers required. $17.50/hour avg. We train you Call Tim 905-435-0280 Experienced Plumbers 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th year Sheet Metal Mechanics and Apprentices Experienced Labourers for Condominium Building in Uxbridge. Position available immediately. Fax Resume 905-862-0747 Phone: 905-862-0745 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non-insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. All copy is subject to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. WAITRESSES & WAITERS with 2 yrs. exp. F/T including weekends Bring resume in person to:Joe's Cafe & Billiards 2200 Brock Rd. Pickering (Brock North Plaza at Dellbrook) After 11:00 a.m. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 15 A/P LOOKING FOR A JOB IN A RESTAURANT? **Job Connect is for ages 16-24, out of school & work, not collecting E. I. Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Road, Pickering (Valley Farm Road & Kingston Road) 905•427•7670 Attention Youth! Cost = $20.00 **Free to those who register for Job Connect!** Tuesday, March 25, 2003 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. Call to register - limited seating available! United Way Your YMCA charitable is 11930 7060 RR0001 GET SMART SERVE CERTIFIED Does your youth need a job? ATTEND OUR PARENT INFORMATION EVENING! Find out important information on how YMCA Durham Employment Services can help your youth find a job - whether they are in or out of schoo l • A ccess free services & resources ! • H andouts and Job Search tips available ! T hursday, March 27, 2003 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm • Free Coffee, Tea & Snacks Bring a Friend ! Y MCA Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Road, Suite 16, Pickering ( Hwy. 2 & Valley Farm ) (905) 427-7670 Please call ahead to register Attention Par e n ts! Your YMCA charitable is 11930 7060 RR0001 “People Work ing to Get You Working” COME JOIN A WINNING TEAM OF GREAT HAIRSTYLISTS Hair Fitness Inc. offers above competitive wages, incentive programs, advanced training, paid vacation and much more! If you are an experienced hairstylist and looking for a friendly bright atmosphere give us a call (905) 683-0290, 1-800-618-9684 416-571-836 7 Positions available in Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville & Whitby 514 Salon & Spa Help 514 Salon & Spa Help LEGAL SECRETARY/ INTAKE RECEPTIONIST Durham Community Legal Clinic, fund- ed by Legal Aid Ontario, has a full-time permanent position available. Reception duties include providing infor- mation to clients on the phone and in person, completing intake procedures for phone and walk-in clients, transcribing and composing correspondence and le- gal documents. Qualifications:Excellent communica- tion and organizational skills, ability to deal effectively with the public, excellent typing skills, advanced knowledge and experience in MS Word, ability to adapt and use clinic statistics program. Salary and benefits in accordance with Legal Aid Ontario guidelines. Submit resumes by April 4th, 2003 to: DURHAM COMMUNITY LEGAL CLINIC UNIT #3512, Oshawa Centre, 419 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario. LlJ 2K5. Fax (905) 728-6362 Only applicants selected for interview will be contacted. 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help Oshawa This Week is Seeking a Sales Representative To work on a contract basis selling advertising in a Big Print Phone Book. Requirements: • Inside & Outside Sales Experience • Excellent Communication Skills • Professional and Positive Demeanor • Ambitious Interested applicants should forward resume to E. Kolo Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 Fax (905)579-4218 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents logo Freightliner Mid-Ontario Inc.is one of Canada's largest heavy Duty Truck Dealerships. We are a dynamic, fast paced company looking for candidates with a strong work ethic and geared towards customer satisfaction who are willing to be a part of our team for our Pickering location. We are looking for: Licensed Truck Technicians Experienced Parts Counter Sales Representatives Our goal is to meet the needs of our customers and employees. We offer a competitive compensation as well as benefits and pension package. If you are interested in an opportunity to join our team, please submit your resume in confidence to, indicating the position applying for: Human Resources Manager Freightliner Mid-Ontario Inc. 7035 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 2A8 We are an equal opportunity employer and thank all applicants but only those selected will be contacted. No phone calls please 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help Battlefield Equipment Rentals "G" CLASS DRIVER Currently requires a "G" Class Driv- er for our Ajax location. This posi- tions required you to travel the GTA area delivering equipment and meeting our customer;'s deadlines. You possess a clean drivers ab- stract, excellent written and oral skills, and the ability to drive stan- dard transmission vehicles. We offer competitive wages, excel- lent benefits, a profit sharing/pen- sion plan program and an oppor- tunity for advancement. Fax your resume to: Human Resources Battlefield Equipment Rentals 400 Clements Road West., Ajax, Ontario. L1S 6W8 Fax (905) 427-1078 Email address: BattlefieldHR@Toromont.com No phone calls please We thank everyone who applies; only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. DRP/Dylog Communications Now Hiring for the following: • Telemarketing - 5 positions, $9-$17/hour • Direct Sales - 5 positions, $2200 monthly guaranteed C.A. • Promotions - 5 positions, $2200 monthly guaranteed C.A. • Customer Service - 2 positions, $12/hour • General Help Office/Warehouse Duties, 5 positions, $9-$12/hour • B to B Communication Sales Representatives - 2 positions - $60,000 + Annually (experience required) Call Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 9am-6pm (905)434–6149 or (905)424-0490 GARDEN CENTRE/LANDSCAPE COMPANY We have immediate openings for the following positions: Garden Centre Assistant Manager- must have relat- ed experience Garden Centre Retail Clerks- experience an asset Grounds Maintenance Foreperson-Must have valid drivers license and experience as crew foreperson Landscape Labourers- experience an asset If you fit any of these positions fax a detailed resume to:905-697-1548, Only those granted an interview will be contacted. HANDYMAN (M/F) Suits retired or semi-retired person. Lawn and garden main- tenance for residential property. Markham location. Call: Call: (905)294-2356 Logo - Gallantry's Our good food and low prices keep us busy! We need more help!!! COOKS REQUIRED Must Be Experienced $12.00 per hr. Apply within Pickering Town Centre (905) 839–2507 Logo Grounds Maintenance Specialists We are a progressive company in business for 50 years, and serving the greater Toronto area. We specialize in commercial and residential Grounds Maintenance. We require FOREPERSONS. We offer:• Competitive Toronto Rates • Full Benefit Package • Retirement Savings Plan • Production Profit Sharing • Full time Employment We require:• Prior Experience • Valid Drivers License Please call, fax, or e-mail Jamie phone 1-800-461-3355 Toronto & GTA phone 905-655-3331 fax 905-655-8092 e-mail ogs@sympatico.ca TERRITORY MANAGER REQUIRED For established hardware and building supply lines. Successful, conscientious applicants must have excellent sales skills and the ability to manage time. The ter- ritory includes Eastern Toronto, Pe- terborough, Lindsay and Newmar- ket. Please fax your resume to the attention of: Laun Shoemaker, Bond Industries (905) 854-0615 or email: bond@istar.ca THE NEWS ADVERTISER Is looking for carriers to deliver papers and flyers door to door Wed. Fri. & Sat. by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. call 905-683–5117 The company that does things right. ® 510 General Help 510 General Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help CERTIFIED LEVEL 2 PDA Full- Time position in Oshawa. Great opportunity for a self motivated, individual with good people skills & a posi- tive, pleasant attitude. Excel- lent hours. Please reply to fax number (905) 434-8520 Attn. Mary FRIENDLY DENTAL Hygienist required for busy Ajax office, 2 Saturdays/month and possi- bly one evening/week. Call Lucy (905)427–1443 or fax resume to (905)427-9651 DENTAL ASSISTANT, Dental Receptionist and Hygienist required in Dental practice in Northumberland. No evenings or weekends. Reply in con- fidence to: Box #138, c/o Northumberland News, Unit #212, 884 Division St., Co- bourg, Ontario, K9A 5V6. DENTAL HYGENTIST required part time for maternity leave. Experience necessary. Please call Nicole at (905) 666–1555 or fax resume to (905) 666- 1905. DENTAL, ESTABLISHED,car- ing Ajax office required recep- tionist F/T maternity leave. Must be organized with excel- lent language and computer skills. (905) 683-3811 P/T DENTAL ASSISTANT/RE- CEPTIONIST. Every 2nd Tues- day 1-8pm, every Friday 12- 4:30pm w/possibly more hours time-to-time. Must be Harp Certified, computer exp. preferred. Fax resume to: 905- 728-6736 PART-TIME HYGIENIST, po- sition required 1 Saturday per month, please deliver resume in person to Whitby Dental Centre, Attention Dr. Ho, 3- 1101 Brock St. S., Whitby. PODIATRY ASSISTANT to work in a very busy health facility in Whitby. Medical knowledge is helpful but not necessary. 30 - 34 hours per week. Resume required. Call (905) 725-3849. VERSA CARE CENTRE Ux- bridge Immediate openings for part time RN & RPN. Please fax resume to: 905-852-0117 Attn: Elizabeth Batt 905-852- 5191. Veterinary Help536 VETERINARY ASSISTANT re- quired in Pickering, weekdays 2:30 - 7:30 pm., Saturdays. Experience required. Please fax cover letter and resume to: 905-420-5799. Houses For Sale100 OPEN HOUSE on child friend- ly court SAT - SUN 1-4 p.m. 109 Foxhunt Trail Courtice/ Oshawa. This deceptively large 5 level side split JEF- FERY-BUILT home is located on a huge fenced 60' pie shaped lot. 3200 sq.ft., open concept living space featur- ing; main floor laundry, fire- place, 2 walkouts with deck, 4 bath's, 3+1 bedrooms, 2 car garage, 2 fridges, 2 stoves, dishwasher, gas heat, central vac., huge basement apart- ment (large full-sized wind- ows, walkout, 2 storage rooms, cold room). $279,900 (905) 434-7238 (Townline S. to Kingsway Gate - Empire Cres.-Foxhunt Trail) RAVINE DREAM high on a ridge overlooking city. Spec- tacular sunsets, 2 walkouts, spa room with sunken hot tub suspended on illuminated glass blocks and gas fire- place. Very private 4 bed- rooms++, Big kitchen. Close to schools, shopping, nature in Suburbia. $248,900. Private Sale. Oshawa. $500 Finders Fee (905)433–7083 www.area46.com/house A MUST SEE!Immaculate 6- year old 3-bedroom brick home, prime-Ajax Durham Center location. Beautifully finished basement. CAC gas- fireplace, recently painted, 3- appliances, 168sq.ft.patio, OPEN HOUSE Mar. 22-23& Mar. 27-30, 11a.m-6p.m. 11 Booth Cres. Asking $239,000. 905-686-3138 RARE PRIVACY, UNIQUE home on 2 acres of forest & meadow in peaceful Green- wood (Taunton/Westney) 5 minutes to 407. $575,000. Call (905)683–6266 www3.sympatico.ca/ruthy.race DURHAM AREA, Bunga- low, 3-bdrm with 2-bdrm basement apt w/separate en- trance. Also 3-bdrm link $168,885. Call Mincom First, Frank Hawes 905-261-6767. Fast closings available. NORTH OSHAWA,346 Pom- pano Crt. $171,000. 3-bdrm, 2 storey, park behind, separate basement apartment/office, private mature court, uniquely decorated. SHOWS 10! Leave message 905-432-2554. WHITBY - 2 bedroom bunga- low. Clean, gas heating, no smoking, no pets. $950/mth plus utilities. First/last re- quired, references. Available April 1. 905-668–3736 NEWCASTLE - 3 bedroom bungalow, beautiful lot, new garage, finished basement. Open-House March 23rd, 1-4 p.m. 492 Sunset Blvd. $190,000. 0% COMMISSION.The expo- sure you need to sell private- ly. On line website ad and free biweekly newspaper www.privateexchange.com 905-426-5699 Out-of-Town Properties120 MONTAGUE,PEI summer re- treat or year round 2 storey home, 2 baths, large country kitchen, many renovations, large treed lot w/private back yard. Five minute walk to town marina. 15 minute drive to sandy beach at Pamure Is. 10min drive to 2 renowned 18 hole golf courses at Bredenell. $89,000 Phone (902)838-4532 weekdays after 6pm, anytime weekend. Pictures upon re- quest. snc Lots & Acreages135 P.E.I. TWO 10 ACRE lots on quiet paved country road. 7 acres clear, 3 wooded with brook running through wooded area. 10 min. to Panmule Is- land Beach, 15 min. form (2) 18 hole renowned golf cours- es at Burdenell. $49,000 each. Phone (902) 838-4532 week- days after 6 p.m., anytime on weekends. snc Indust./ Comm. Space145 CENTRAL WHITBY, HEATED storage units in clean indus- trial building, various sizes, dock level, 10'x10' $100/ month. Also ideal for house- hold storage. Movers avail- able. Call Karen (905)576– 1685. INDUSTRIAL UNITS- Ware- house Storage close to Osha- wa Centre, 1 1/2 bay with roll up door, accessiable for trucks, plus side door, $850 inclusive; one bay unit $650; storage, 24 hour access. Short lease considered. 905- 576-2982 or 905-626-6619. Office & Business space150 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, Veltri Complex, Bowmanville. 68 King Street East. Office/Re- tail Rental Space. Parking & Wheelchair Accessible. 3 spaces available: 390-sq.ft to 760-sq.ft. & 2495-sq.ft. For more information call: 905- 623-4172 MAIN FLOOR PROFESSION- AL office, 1305sq.ft. Dundas/ Garden, $1958/month in- cludes taxes & utilities. Ran- dolph Lengauer, Sutton Group Status (905)436–0990. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Ajax, prestigious location; from single office to 1,000- sq.ft. Call John Collins or Colin Blakelock 905-428-7677 SMALL, BRIGHT, Profession- al Office: Furnished, High Speed Internet & Voice Mail. $400 per month. Call 905-428- 0956 Stores For Sale Rent/Wanted155 STORE FOR LEASE downtown Whitby on Brock St close to 4 corners. Inquiries call 905- 430–8327 Available May 1st Business Opportunities160 HOLLANDIA BAKERIES Limit- ed is now looking for a quali- fied Independent Sales Dis- tributor for the Durham Re- gion. For more information please fax inquiries 519-264- 9697. JUMP WHAT AN opportunity! Magnetsigns is one of the fastest growing franchise net- works in Canada. We are looking for someone to own & operate a Magnetsigns Fran- chise in your area. Call 1-800- 219-8977 ext. 3 or visit www.magnetsigns.com MAKE $1,000'S/WK part time restocking prepaid XXX Adult Web Cards in our retail loca- tions. Protected territories for distributors to earn ongoing residual income. Investment from $12,995.00. No selling. Limited opportunity. 1-888- 240-5968. Apts. & Flats For Rent170 1 AVAILABLE ONE BEDROOM Penthouse Apt, Oshawa N. Corner unit, balcony, applances, utilities, laundry, quiet building. $768. /mo. available April or May 1st. 905-436-9785. 1-BEDROOM BSMT quiet home, SE Oshawa; suits sin- gle non-smoker; parking, util- ities, basic cable, appliances included; no pets; April 1st. $655/mo; references. first/ last. 905-433–1197 after 1pm. 1-BEDROOM NEWLY reno- vated $625. 1-bedroom very spacious $650. Cozy 2-bed- room $650. All utilities includ- ed. All in Oshawa. First/last a must! (905)623–6599. 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apt. Brock Rd./Hwy#2 Pickering available immediately. No smok- ing. $825 +gas first/last, refer- ences. Parking, washer/dryer, fridge/stove. Call John 905-426- 1417 2 BEDROOM clean lower lev- el apt. Simcoe/Olive location. First/last required. NO pets. Available April 1st. $675/mo+ utilities. Call 289-314-1668. PICKERING, 2-BEDROOM base- ment in exclusive enclave. 10ft. ceilings, gas fireplace, dishwash- er, cable, satellite, laundry, sepa- rate entrance, gorgeous and huge! $1100 inclusive. May 1st.. (905)619–9176 OSHAWA CENTRAL 1-bdrm $575+ Clean, quiet, bright. No dogs, First/last, references required. Avail. March/April. Call 1-416-899-3813. TWO 2-BEDROOM APTS., quiet Brooklin neighborhood, separate entrance, laundry, parking, basic satellite includ- ed. $875 ea. plus 1/3 utilities. No pets/smoking. Avail. Mar. 30 +June 1. 905-683-3729 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY- N.Oshawa, close to all ameni- ties; 1 bedroom $700, and 1 bedroom & computer room $800, all inclusive w/laundry/ parking. No pets. Working professional preferred. 416- 414-6716. AJAX - HARWOOD/401,legal one bedroom large basement apt. $650+. UPPER-level 3- bedrooms, $1000/mo/first/last/ references, both available im- mediately. 905-509–2335 after 4 p.m. AJAX 2-BEDROOM BASE- MENT apartment, separate entrance, one parking, ap- pliances, basic cable, sepa- rate laundry, suits non-smok- ing professional couple/sin- gle. No pets, available imme- diately $865/month. First/last/ references. 905-426-5857. AJAX HWY#2/WESTNEY, Large professionally finished 1-bedroom basement. Air, one-parking, separate en- trance, 4-piece-bath. No pets, non smoking. $750 in- clusive, available April 1st/ May 1st. 905-427-6405 AJAX LEGAL 2-bedroom basement, sep entrance, laundry, parking, quiet neigh- bourhood, no pets/Smoking, first/last. May 1. $775 inclu- sive. (905)686–8104 or (905)767-2642. AJAX, 2-bdrm basement, separate entrance, 1-car parking, first/last, references. Available immediately. 905- 428–1861 AJAX, NEW 2-BDRM base- ment, separate entrance, ap- pliances, laundry. $825 inclu- sive. First/last, credit check required. No smoking/pets. Available immediately. Call 905-426–8302 AJAX, UPGRADED 2-bed- room, 2 baths, parking, 5 ap- pliances, $1350 inclusive. Remax (905)477–0011, Leslie Benczik.com AJAX, WESTNEY/DELANEY, One bdrm split level apt, $675 + 30% utilities. ALSO avail. rooms $450 each. Avail. im- mediately. First/last. 905- 619–8799 AVAILABLE May 1ST. 2 bed- room apt. downtown Oshawa. Large fenced yard, sep. en- trance, landlord pays utilities $875/month. First/last. 905- 725-2108. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Spacious 2-bedroom apart- ment, hardwood/parquet floor- ing, near 401, Hospital, schools, GO, Town transit. 76 Liberty St. Bowmanville. start- ing at $890/month inclusive, 905-623-4172 BASEMENT APARTMENT, open concept, appliances, parking. No smoking/pets. Near Pickering TC, 401. Avail- able immediately. $670/month inclusive. Call Helen 905-427- 5347 BEAUTIFUL 3-BEDROOM mainfloor bungalow. Liver- pool/Bayly, hardwood floors, 4-appliances, central-air, newly decorated, well main- tained, steps to mall/Go, am- ple parking, half utilities, no smoking/dogs. $1175/month 416-518-8730. CLEAN 1-BEDROOM $770/ month, utilities included. Sim- coe and Mill area, small quiet apartment building. Call for appointment (905)579-9890. EXCELLENT AREA near Osha- wa hospital. Large clean well kept main floor, 2 plus bed- rooms, includes laundry facil- ities, parking, fridge, stove. From $850 per month. Avail- able April lst. Call Pat (905) 263–2228 HARWOOD/KINGSTON one- bedroom basement, spacious 3-bedroom main floor with deck/gazebo, $900/$1400 per/ month inclusive gas, water, hydro, fridge, stove A/C and shared laundry. Near GO/401 and amenities Call (416)566– 3454 HARWOOD/KINGSTON RD. Rooms for rent in quiet exec- utive home. Washer, dryer, cable incl. Available imme- diately. 416-595-9526, 416- 826-0340. KING/WILSON available June 1 3-bedroom upper level of bungalow, recently renovated. C/Air, laundry, cable, utilities included, no smoking/pets $1200/mo first/last. 905-404– 8335 LARGE 1 bedroom, 2nd-floor apartment. Quiet N/E Oshawa A/C, parking, $675/all inclu- sive. References/first/last re- quired. Available April 1. After 6, 905-728-2840. CLEAN, 2-BDRM in very quiet, smoke-free triplex in Oshawa. $750 plus hydro. First/last, references. Suitable for single person. April 1st. (905)623–2143, 6-10pm. LARGE RAISED BASEMENT 1-bedroom apartment with eat-in kitchen, $800/month, first/last required, April 1, non- smoking house. Call Kris or Lee (905)728–7693 LIVERPOOL/BAYLY,1-bed- room 2-level apartment. No pets, non-smoker. Separate entrance. Available April 1st. First/last, references required. Call (905)831–8259 or 647- 287-8259. NEW, furn, private entrance, 1 bdrm. In clean/quiet north Oshawa adult home. Carpet in bdrm/lvgrm, kitchen w/sep. eat in, 4pc bthrm, study nook, ample closets, on bus route/ parking. 905-728–2395 lv message. NEWLY RENOVATED, large 1- bedroom, bsmt. apt., Otter Creek-Whitby. 1-parking, sep. ent., shared laundry, ap- pliances, cable incl. no pets/ smoking, $800./mo. Avail. Apr.1. 6:30-10:00pm 905-430– 8659 NORTH OSHAWA 1-bedroom, mainfloor, sep entrance, suit single, available immediately, $190/week, 3 weeks in ad- vance. No pets/smoking. 905- 433-0050 ONE BEDROOM APT.avail- able May 1st. Downtown Pickering, close to 401. Ap- pliances, laundry fac., $825/ month, first/last. Call 905-686- 4229 ONE BEDROOM APT.No parking, Walk to Go and O.P.G. $600/mo. Available April 1st. Suit single working person. 905- 837–8849 OSHAWA - Awesome one- bedroom 2-level apt. with walkout, parking/laundry, c/ air, fireplace, sep-entrance, private, no smoking/pets. $700/inclusive. Available May 1st. 905-725–4382 OSHAWA - ONE BEDROOM clean, bright, main floor of small house. Private drive, yard and basement. May lst. $700 plus hydro. (905) 576– 3830 OSHAWA - OXFORD OFF MILL One, Two & Three bedrooms in quiet building. Balcony, living room, dining room, monthly rent $715., $865, $930. inclusive. No dogs please. April lst. Call 905-721-2232. OSHAWA - Spacious one bedroom available April 1st. Not suitable for pets. Require 1st/last months rent/credit ap- plication. $800/mo. Betty Crook, RE/MAX Ability 905- 434-7777. OSHAWA APTS.- Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom, newer build- ings. Includes utilities, park- ing. Laundry on-site. No dogs. Building #1 905-432-8914, Building #2, #3, #4 905-571- 0425 or for all 1-888-558- 2622/ 416-473-9173. OSHAWA APTS.professional new ownership/management, newly renovated 2+3 bed- rooms from $800, new ap- pliances. Building upgrades to include: security cameras, new windows and more! On transit route, near schools/ amenities. 905-404-4002 OSHAWA main floor 3-bdrm A/C, hot-tub, parking, large deck, 4 appliances+dish- washer, 2 washrooms, first/ last. $1100+hydro & gas. May 3. 905-243–4287 OSHAWA ONE-BEDROOM Available April 1st, 350 Mala- ga Rd. $670/month all inclu- sive. No pets. Please call any time 905-576-6724 or 289- 314-1999 OSHAWA,large 3 bedroom upper 2 floors of house, new carpet, hardwood, paint & electrical. Available April 1, $985 inclusive, first/last. Call Pete at 905-439-2187. PICKERING BASEMENT apt. Laundry/cable. 1 minute from 401, plaza within walking dis- tance, newly renovated, full kitchen, ceramics, non-smoker preferred. $725. Suits one per- son. 905-626-5882 Mike. PICKERING 2-Bedroom base- ment. 4 appliances, 2-car park- ing, close to schools, shopping, GO. $850+1/2 utilities. Available May 1st. Richard - Days 416- 865-7864 Evenings/Weekends 905-686-9662. PICKERING - Brock/Finch. ONE bedroom basement apt.,. walkout, sep. entrance, ap- pliances, laundry fac., garage, parking, $800/inclusive. First/ last. Available immediately. 905-831-0951 PICKERING quiet self-con- tained basement apt. Close to major transportation/shopping centre, quiet neighborhood. Separate entrance, utilities in- cluded. Non-smokers. $750/ month. Avail. May 1st. (905)839-6176. PICKERING 1 BEDROOM basement apt., separate en- trance. Close to all amenities. 1 parking. $750 all inclusive. Available immediately. No pets. Call Amir 416-835-3344 PICKERING 401/WHITES, LARGE newly-renovated one bedroom walkout basement apt. Parking, private entrance, private laundry, $725/inclu- sive. A must see. 905-831- 2564. PICKERING GORGEOUS Brock/Major Oaks, spacious one bedroom basement apart- ment, 2 parking, C/A, 4/5 ap- pliances, $800/month non- smoker/pets, mid April, 905- 428-2015. PICKERING, Large 2-bedroom basement apartment, quiet neighbourhood. Separate en- trance. $850 inclusive. First/ last. No pets, non-smokers please. Available IMME- DIATELY. Hasan 416-600- 8157 (cnc) PICKERING,Valley Farm/ Finch area. 2-bdrm base- ment, separate entrance, parking, $875 inclusive. First & last. No smoking/pets. Avail. immediately. Call 905- 619–1077 or 905-619-1509 PICKERING4-bedrooms, 2- baths, 5-appliances, garage, $1395+, May 1; ALSO BASE- MENT APARTMENT, legal 1 - bedroom open concept, sep- erate entrance, share laundry. $745 inclusive, April. Close to all amenities. 1st/last refer- ences. (905)831–8823 REGENCY PLACE - 15 Regen- cy Cres., Whitby. 50+ Adult Lifestyle Apt. Complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to downtown. Dai- ly activities incl. All utilities included. Call 905-430-7397. www.realstar.ca SIMCOE NORTH on Russett 2-bdrm. good location, bright well maintained quiet 12-plex. Nice neighbourhood; Close to shopping, bus. $860. heating Cable/parking/included, newly decorated, laundry facilities. No dogs. 905-576–2982. after 9am. Also storage units avail- able 24/hr. access. SIMCOE & BLOOR,2-bed- room apartment, $800 month- ly. 1-bedroom apartment $600 monthly. All inclusive. Call Abe (416)293–6297 SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa, lux- ury 2 bedroom, air, 5 ap- pliances, $1,360. per mo. Available from May 15 lst. Call (905) 571–3760 SIMCOE/MILL OSHAWA Quiet building near shopping, trans- portation. Utilities included. 1-bdrm, immediately, April 1st, $729/mo., 905-436-7686 until 7:30pm. TESTA HEIGHTS -2 TESTA RD. UXBRIDGE One & two bedroom apts. available. Con- veniently located in Uxbridge in adult occupied building. Weekly tenant activities. Call 905-852-2534 www.realstar.ca VICTORIAN MANSION, large, sunny upper 1 bedroom apart- ment in Olde Whitby. Near downtown, amenities and Go station. Available May lst. For more information (905) 697- 8476 or 905-665–9393. WALKOUT 1-BDRM base- ment apartment, prefer work- ing professional. $850/mo. utilities included, private laundry. Available April 1, May 15 or 31. First/last. (905)831–4068, (416)882- 1248. OSHAWA 1-BEDROOM available April 1st. $610/ month. all inclusive. Whitby, bright 2-bedroom basement apt $849/month hydro includ- ed. Available April 15th. (905)666–8639. WHITBY - Brock/Rossland, 2 bedrooms, 4pc. bath, laundry, no smoking/pets. $795/inclu- sive. Available immediately. Call 905-665-5284. WHITBY DOWNTOWN, 1- bedroom basement apart- ment, separate entrance, f/p, clean, parking, own laundry, $675 plus. No pets/smoking. Available immediately. Call (416)910–6316 WHITBY bright new 1 bed- room basement apt. Separate entrance, 48"x30" windows, A/ C, ADT security, fridge/stove, microwave, 3pc. bath +laun- dry. No smoking/pets. $750 all inclusive, available imme- diately. 905-424-3450 WHITBY newly finished one- bedroom apt. 3 appliances c/air, cable, laundry, parking, walk-in closet, steps to GO. $650/month inclusive, first/ last. Available immediately. 905-665-0792 WHITBY PLACE, 900 DUN- DAS ST. E.,One and two bed- room units available, park like setting, close to down- town, low rise bldg, laundry facilities, balcony, parking. 905-430–5420. www.reals- tar.ca WHITBY, 1-bdrm basement, separate entrance, laundry, parking. Suitable for single fe- male. No smoking. Avail. April 1st. $650 inclusive. First, last. 905-723–5551 or 416- 995-3466 Apts. & Flats Wanted175 Condominiums For Rent180 COLLINGWOOD, Cranberry, 3 bedroom, 3 baths, fireplace, fully equipped, ski season $6500. 905-294-6776. GARDEN/HWY 2,3 bedroom condo, 1,300 sq. ft. quiet building, $l,100 per mo. inclu- sive. Call (905) 666-4723. Leave message LARGE ONE BEDROOM, den, solarium, s/e exposure, one 4pc ensuite, one-3pc, lots of amenities, available May 1st. $1300 inclusive. Pickering. 416-434-5829. SOUTH PICKERING,large 3- bdrm condo, spectacular lakeview, near shopping/GO, $985 inclusive, first/last. 905- 839–4659 TWO - 2 BEDROOM condos, 2 baths, Westney/Hwy 2. Avail- able May lst and June lst. $1,300 per mo. plus utilities. Telephone(416) 462-7365. Houses For Rent185 A-ABA-DABA-DO, OWN YOUR OWN HOME! 6 months free! From $550/month OAC, up to $6,000 cash back to you, $30,000+ family income. Short of down payment? For spectacular results Great Rates. Call Ken Collis, Asso- ciate Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate (905)728- 9414, or 1-877-663-1054, kencollis@sympatico.ca A ABSOLUTELY ASTOUND- ING 6 months free, then own a house from $600/month o.a.c. Up to $5,000 cash back to you! Require $30,000+family income and good credit. Short of down payment? Call Bill Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re/ Max Spirit (905) 728-1600, 1- 888-732-1600. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE East Oshawa, $1200/month plus utili- ties, first/last. Available immedi- ately. Call Dave 905-259-6760. AAA-Grandview North/Atha- basca Oshawa. Excellent neighbourhood, extra-clean duplex, upper unit 2 bedrooms $1350/inclusive; lower unit 3 bedrooms $1250/inclusive. Appliances included, laundry available. No pets/no smok- ing. Full use of yard. Plenty parking. 905-424-1125. BEAUTIFUL BRAND NEW 3 bed- room home. Whites/401. Available immediately. Gas fire- place, laundry, parking, garage, backyard, newly painted. 2 min. walk to Go, near amenities. $1200/mo.+ 2/3 utilities. Call Inez 905-420-5789 BRAND NEW WHITBY - 3 bedroom 21/2 baths, air con- ditioned/garage. $1495 + utili- ties. First & deposit. No pets. April 1st. 905-432-5281, 416- 568-9376. COURTICE, 2 BEDROOM bright clean upper level, new carpets, nice yard, no smok- ing/pets. $1,100 inclusive. (905) 665–1905 FOR RENT South Pickering, main floor, detached bunga- low, close to lake, air, 3 bed- rooms, 6 appliances parking for 2 cars, share garden and laundry, April lst. $l,250 monthly plus utilities Call (905) 420–1688 OSHAWA, 2 1/2 Bdrm. Park & 401, near school, 2 entranc- es, $1,200 plus utilities, 4 ap- pliances. Available April lst, First/last, references/credit check. (905)666-1519 PICKERING,3 bedroom town- house, rec-room, appliances, renovated-kitchen, new broadloom, underground- parking, close to 401, avail- able immediately. $1200/mo. Mel Knight, Coldwell Banker Case Realty 905-831–2273 PICKERING ALTONA Rd., nearly new 4 bedroom de- tached home, quiet St., ap- pliances, air, available May,1 $1650 plus. Condolyn Man- agement 905-428–9766 TAUNTON/SOMERVILLE 3 +1 bedroom home available April 1. Close to school +shopping. No pets. References. Call 905- 430-2905 WHITBY, SPACIOUS 3-bed- room, 3 baths, 2 f/p, 5 ap- pliances, security system, immaculate executive style. Close to GO/401, schools, shopping. Available imme- diately. $1400+utilities. 905- 427–5128. WHITBY,3-bdrm mainfloor bungalow, $1200 + 60% utili- ties includes 2-car parking, laundry. PICKERING, 2-bdrm basement, 1-car parking, laundry. $850 inclusive. Both available April 1st. Call James 905-686-7265 WHITBY, 4 bedrooms, Man- ning/Anderson area, available May 1st. Appliances included. No pets. First/last required $1375/month +utilities. Call 905-986-4358 Townhouses For Rent190 AJAX,Westney/Monarch, up- per level, 3-bedrooms, park- ing space, 5- appliances, util- ities included. Close to all amenities. $1200 month, first/ last/references, no pets, 905- 686–7086. CARRIAGE HILL - 122 COL- BORNE ST. E., OSHAWA - 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Close to school and downtown shopping. (905) 434-3972. www.realstar.ca NORTH OSHAWA - Rossland Harmony. Renovated 4 bed- rooms, air, garage, finished basement, including water, $1200. Hydro and gas extra. (905) 472–8947 NORTH OSHAWA - very clean 3 bedroom, walkout base- ment. 4 appliances, exterior maintenance, pool, and ga- rage included. $1175+utilities. Available May 1st. Leave message 416-358-8492. TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 TAUNTON RD. E., OSHAWA 3 bedrooms w/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood floor- ing Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground Close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.realstar.ca WHITBY - "The way you want to live" - Cozy 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, fin. basement with walkout to patio and fenced backyard, 5 appliances, c/air, just steps to every amenity possible. Transportation, shopping, schools, parks, restaurants, $1350+utilities. 905-430-1814 or 905-668- 3788. Rooms For Rent & Wanted192 AA CLOSE TO downtown Oshawa room for rent. Quiet male preferred. $400/month inclusive. Available April 1st. Call (905)721–0443 HARWOOD/ROSSLAND, for those who want something better, fully furnished bed/sit- ting room, TV, cable, air, kitchen, laundry, all inclusive. Just bring your toothbrush! No smoking/pets. (905)686–3437 YOUNG PROFESSIONAL, spacious beautiful room in upscale large house looking for occupant. Ajax/Pickering. Non-smoking preferred. Facilities/parking. $475/ month. First/last, references. (416)995–6138 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Furnished room in Pickering, cable, light kitchen facilities, near Pickering Generating Station, PTC/GO. $180 bi- weekly. (905)420–4318. ROOM IN BLACKSTOCK Farmhouse lovely, country brick home, quiet, non-smok- ing, 15 min. to Port Perry/ Bowmanville, $500/mo. in- cludes fridge/stove, washer/ dryer +parking. Furnished or unfurnished. Available imme- diately. 905-723-7171 or 905- 767-5350 WHITBY Basement - 2 rooms & upper level 1 room avail. immediately. Suit female. Each $425/month inclusive. Call 905-665–6946 LOOKING FOR 2 mature gen- tlemen preferred to share completely furnished 4 bed- room top-floor of bungalow across from Oshawa Centre. TV, cable, parking, laundry fac. available. Big backyard, $490/each/first/last. 905-723- 5325. ROOM FOR RENT 401 and Holt Rd & 401, Lots of parking & storage. $400/month. 905- 442-4054 SINGLE BEDROOM (fur- nished) for rent, shared kitch- en and bath. Cable, internet, no telephone. No smoking/ pets. First/last $400/month. Wilson/Olive Oshawa 905- 579–1896 WHITBY,GARDEN/MANNING large bedsitting room with 4pc. bath & fridge, $650 inclu- sive, avail. April 1st. 905- 665–8462. Shared Accommodation194 A LARGE ROOM in beautiful, clean, non-smoking home. Share with gay owner. Near King/Stevenson, walk to O.C., parking. $450/month. (905)723–0880 NON-SMOKING professional, to share 4-bedroom home. Heated pool. Full use of all facilities. Rent negotiable. Liberty/Hwy.2. Bowmanville. Available now. (416) 888– 3451 Sick o f RENTING? 1st Time Buyer? Professional Renter? Honest Answers....! Professional Advice...! To “Own” Your Next Home! 1-800-840-6275 Office 905-432-7200 Ability R. E. Direct Line 905-571-6275 Mark Stapley Sales Rep. PICKERING CONDOMINIUM WANTED TO PURCHASE 2 bedroom + solarium. South exposure preferred. Possession August/September. (416) 281–6123 OSHAWA VERY SPACIOUS 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. Close to schools, shopping centre, Go Station. Utilities included. Senior Discounts Call(905)728-4993 PICKERING VILLAGE Luxury executive 2 bedroom, walkout to garden. Laundry, alarm, cable, parking, no pets/ no smoking, $1050/inclusive. (416) 712–2008 A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com RN - Part-time Evening Supervisor 5 shifts/2 weeks RPNs Part-time and full-time Send resume to: Margaret Misetic, DOC Community Nursing Home 1955 Valley Farm Road Pickering, Ontario L1V 3R6 Fax: 905-420-3060 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 110 Apartments/Condos For Sale 110 Apartments/Condos For Sale BUSINESSES WANTED We are interested in growing our business into new areas by acquisitions or partner- ships. If you have a Durham Region / Northumberland County area business that would benefit from more promotion, we may be interested in talking with you. Our interest is primarily, but not restricted to, businesses in the areas of publishing, distribution, printing, customer fulfillment, consumer and trade shows, and advertising agencies. Please write to: File #825, c/o Oshawa This Week PO Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 Email:morebusinesswanted@hotmail.com describing the nature of your business with addresses / phone numbers to contact you. We will only contact businesses of interest. 160 Business Opportunities 160 Business Opportunities MANORS OF BRANDYWINE 45 GENERATION BLVD. APT 122__________________________________ Hwy. 401 & Meadowvale Blvd. 1, 2 & 3 bedroom suites available. Freshly painted with new carpets, blinds, and ceiling fans. Air conditioned, close to schools, shopping and Toronto Zoo. Call to view:(416) 284-2873 Email: brandywine@goldlist.com 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent RENT-WORRY FREE 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apts. Well maintained, modern Appliances. All Util. included. On site super, maintenance & security. Rental Office: Mon. - Fri. after 10:30 am Sat. & Sun. 1 pm- 5 pm 905-579-1626 VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT www.gscrentals.com e-mail: valiant@speedline.ca Lakefront Solitude Pickering, Private Beachfront retreat amongst towering tall trees. 2 bedroom + den, open concept glass design, suits professional/couple. Avail. April 15th/03 $1495.00 + utilities Joe Pitino, Re/max First Realty Ltd. • 905-831-3300 180 Condominiums For Rent 180 Condominiums For Rent 100 Houses For Sale 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 180 Condominiums For Rent 185 Houses For Rent GREAT LOCATION, OSHAWA clean house on quiet street with male. Furnished bed- room, livingroom & shower in basement, share kitchen, parking. Non-smokers only. April 1st. $500 inclusive. 905- 720–1533 or 905-767-5839. BRAND NEW BACHELOR apt in Whitby house w/separate entrance. Includes h/w floor- ing, laundry, deep tub in bath- room, available immediately. $575+ phone. (416)209-4857. WHITBY, THICKSON/ROSS- LAND share home with owner Non-smoking, mature female preferred or mother with well- behaved child. $475/month plus utilities(negotiable), Call (905)579–8118. Rentals Outside Canada205 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, 2-3 bedroom furnished manufac- tured homes. 85º pool, 105º hot tub, minutes to beaches and major attractions, NHL Hockey ($8/seat), Horse/dog Tracks, Blue Jay/Yankee Baseball. Children welcome. From March 29/on. (905)683–5503. Campers, Trailers,Sites215 40' GOLDEN FALCON Cottag- er, park model, 1988, includes shed, new deck, new perma- nent awning, a/c, 2 tip-outs, 2 large separate bedrooms, full bathroom, professionally landscaped. Bellhaven Trailer Park, Bobcaygeon, in the heart of the Kawarthas. (905)430– 7308 after 4pm. HUNTER'S DELIGHT - 9ft. slide in TRUCK CAMPER, 2 beds, stove with oven, fridge, furnace, washroom and hot water, can be seen at Castle- ton Hills Trailer Park, Lot 4 or call 1-866-241-2224 or 905- 344-7838. Poultry and Livestock305 WANTED: FEMALE Muscovy duck. Call (905)655–7845 snp Bargain Centre309 SOFA BED,twin size $340; fold-away bed 39"wX5" thick mattress $175; freezer, 7cubic ft. $210; plant stands, wrought iron $50 each. 905-509–2588 Articles For Sale310 LEATHER JACKETS, 1/2 price, purses from $9.99, lug- gage from $29.99, wallets from $9.99. Everything must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa 905-728–9830 (416)439-1177 Scarborough CARPETS - lots of carpets. I will carpet 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpets for $319.00. Residential or Berber carpets for $389.00. Includes carpet, premi- um pad, expert installation. Free, no pressure estimate. Norman (905) 686-2314. DANBY FREEZER 5 CU. FT. SCRATCH AND DENT $199. New danby bar fridges, $139 and up. Also variety of new appliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Reconditioned fridges $195 / up, reconditioned ranges $125/ up, reconditioned dry- ers $125 / up, reconditioned washers $199 / up, new and reconditioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New brand name fridges $480 and up, new 30" ranges with clock and window $430. Reconditioned 24" rang- es and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576– 7448. 7 PCE. DARK OAK dining room suite, pedestal table, two exten- sion leaves, seats 12. $l,000. Telephone (905) 665–4776 A KING pillowtop mattress set, New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $650. 416-746-0995 A-1 CARPETS & HARDWOOD SALE - 20 oz. Commercial car- pet, installed with pad $285 (30 yds.). Berber carpet installed with pad from $375 (30 yds.). Special Buy - 40 oz. Nylon car- pet, neutral colours $10.50 yd./$1.16 sq. ft. Hardwood floor- ing 3/4" thick from $4.95 sq. ft. Other great deals available. Free shop at home service. Durham to Northumberland area. SAILLIAN CARPETS 905-242-3691 or 905- 373-2260. PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS PS1 chip $60; PS2 chip $95- $200; XBOX chip $200. All work guaranteed. Inquire about our new/used games. Call East of Whitby (905)924- 2097 or West of Whitby (905)420-8829 PIANO/CLOCK SALE Roland dig- ital pianos, Samick pianos. All Howard Miller clocks. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental pay- ments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES. Fridg- es $100/up, stoves $150/up, washers & dryers $350/pr. Washers $175/up, dryers $150/up. Stackable washer/ dryer $499/up. Portable dish- washer $175/up. Dehumidifi- ers $100. Chest freezers $175/ up Large selection of ap- pliances. Visit our showroom. Parts/sales/service. 426 Sim- coe St.S. Mon-Fri 8-6pm, Sat 9-5pm, Sun 11-4pm. (905)728-4043. ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Amazing Electronics, 601 Dundas St. W. Whitby. Call (905)665–7732. BED, QUEEN PILLOWTOP, orthopedic Mattress set, Nev- er Used, still packaged, cost $1025, sell $450. 416-741- 7557 BEDROOM SET, 8pce cherry- wood. Bed, chest, dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000, Sacri- fice $2800. 416-748-3993 CARPETS SALE & HARD- WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: carpet, pad and in- stallation. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serving Dur- ham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam 905-686-1772. CARPETS, LAMINATE AND VINYL SALE. 3 rooms, 30sq. yds. for $319 Commercial carpet including premier un- derpad and installation. Lami- nate $1.69sq. ft. Click System. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guar- anteed. Free Estimate. Mike 905-431-4040. COMPUTER Pentium II-400, 64Mb Ram, 6.4Gb Harddrive, CD, floppy, video/sound cards, 56k modem, kbd/spk/mouse, 15" SVGA monitor $300. Can deliver+set-up. 905-439-4789 COMPUTERS: Bits and Bytes Computer Services, March Special PII/350 Tower com- plete system only $255.00, PIII/500. Desktop complete system $375.00, P200 Tower complete system $185.00. Complete systems starting at $150.00. All systems internet ready, w/15" Monitor, kb and mouse. Limited quantities. Warranty, Lay-away Plan, Other accessories. Call (905) 576-9216 or www.speed- line.ca/bitsandbytes CONTENT SALE:2 Chester- field sets $150 each; couch/ loveseat, chair $400; bar set w/swivel chairs $1000; elec- tronic organ w/bench $600; diningroom set w/6 chairs, buffet/hutch $2,000; much more items 905-987–3199 DININGROOM 13 PCE cherry, 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $3000. (416)746-0995. ESTATE SALE - furniture and garage contents including 11 pc. dining room set, all items negotiable. Contact Trevor (416) 236–3506 leave mes- sage. EVERYTHING MUST GO! Fur- niture sale, couch, love seat, coffee tables, washer, dryer, gas stove & more. Call (905)983–6215, leave mes- sage. FOR SALE Dining room table and six chairs, plus side or sofa table, $4000 new, will sell for $1,500. Also early Cana- diana Oak Armoire, mirrored doors and bottom draw- er1,200. Pure wool pursian rug $3,000 plus new, now $800. Excellent condition.905- 434-1679 FRIDGE, 32" almond. Also small apt.-size microwave, asking $125 both. (905)426– 1556 GOLF CLUBS - Taylor made, Super steel burner irons 3 to wedge plus sand and ap- proach wedges, 2 yrs. new. $650. 905-435-0747. KING PILLOWTOP mattress, brand new, retail $3000, ask- ing $900 obo. Used washer & dryer $250 obo. (905)839– 7961 KING SIZE BEDSPREAD, bed skirt and two pillow shams. Moss green, suitable for tradi- tional bedroom. 905-697-9462 (snp) LIVINGROOM FURNITURE, matching 2 loveseats & chair, beige in colour, rarely used. Excellent condition. Asking $1250. 905-427-8326 MAPLE LEAF Hockey playoff tickets, at Air Canada Centre. Excellent seats. 905-753– 2246. MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIR, 3 wheels, Amigo, approx. 5 years old, good condition. $750. Stationwagon car lift available. 905-434–8025 MOVING SALE March 22/23. TV stand, 35" Panasonic $790. Home Theater System (Am- plifier, Front speaker, rear speaker, stand, centre chan- nel. $1600 (orig.)$3,100. Component (turntable, ampli- fier, CD-player $1,100. ($2,500) Available to sell indi- vidually. 3 way speaker (JBL) $2,000/pair (orig. $4,000), (B& W) $800/pair.(orig. $2,000). Sofa set $450. Call 666-3256 for more info. PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL tri-light table lamps, silk beige shades with brass/marble stand & base. Various collectors plates - please call (905)725- 3170. (snp) PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs, & pre-pur- chase consultation on all makes & models of acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427-7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com Visa, MC, Amex. POOL TABLES 8' & 9' slate Billiard tables, Foosball/Jetto- ni table and table hockey for sale. Call 905-420-6113 RENT TO OWN new and re- conditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Pad- dy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. RESTAURANT ESPRESSO Machine & coffee grinder $1500. Call Manon or Bernard 905-668-8839 TWO CAPPUCCINO/ESPRES- SO vending machines for sale! Saeco P7 Plus! Just like new!. Call (905) 831-5514 SHAKER ARMOIRE CIRCA 1890 $3000. Rigid table saw $700, side-by-side Frigid-Air $300. Single bed $150, Sofa $250. Konica copier loaded $1000. Call (905)619–3446. SOFA +LOVESEAT 3yrs, $475; pine armoire $350; oak cof- fee+ends $275; 3yr. 7pc. bed- room $950; 6pc. child's bed- room $350; fridge $225; stove $200; propane dryer $300; apt. sized washer $175; 4yr. Frigi- daire Gallery water+ice $800; old hope chest $200. 905-260- 2200 TECH COMPUTERS March Special: 1.7 Celeron basic systems starting at $1,080 gst & pst included. 2 year war- ranty. For other deals please visit our website on the inter- net members.rogers.com/ techcomputers or call 905- 706–5679 STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers, 24 ft. & 22 ft.. Call 905-430-7693. WASHING MACHINE $165, dryer $140, MTD 3Hp snow- blower $195, all items in great shape. Call (905)666–1974. Articles Wanted315 WEDDING GOWNS taken on consignment. ALSO new, pre- viously enjoyed gowns, some designer gowns for sale. All sizes. Call Sheila after 5pm & wknds 905-697-1676. WANTED ANYTHING Ninten- do, N64, super, NES, I buy it all. Also estates, antiques. If it's resaleable, give me a call. (9050 427–6260 WILL PAY CASH for your un- wanted video games & sys- tems. Looking for all titles and systems. Pick up available. For more info call Oliver 905- 432-2855 or email: gamexchangers@hotmail.com or go to www.gamexchangers.com Firewood330 KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD,ex- cellent very best quality hard- wood, guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn) cut & split Honest measurement, free delivery, 905-753-2246. Pet, Supplies Boarding370 PUPPIES, Shepherd X, Col- lie X, Lab X, Chocolate Labs, Border & Lassie Collies, Lha- sa, Jack Russell, Shitzu, Fox, Boston Terriers, Doberman, Am Eskimos, Chows. 905- 831-2145. BROOKLIN KENNEL offers family dog obedience classes, starting Tues., March 25th, Beginner and Advanced lev- els. Small fun classes. (905) 655-4721. JACK RUSSELL puppies for sale. Ready to go. First shots, $400. Call Paul (905)260–3095 LABRADOR RETRIEVER pups, adorable bundles of love. Ten- derly home-raised. Parents hips certified. CKC registered, shots. 905-985-8021. OSHAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc. Classes starting March 31st. Basic and Novice. To Register call Bev. (905) 435-0868 BLACK LAB PUPPIES,pure bred parents, 4 pets only (no papers). $250 each. Call Ei- leen 905-623–9971 Bowman- ville Cars For Sale400 $8,299 OBO 1997 HYUNDAI TIBURON FX. Standard. Deep purple. Well maintained and in great shape for 139,000km. Call Brian 905-683-5403 1985 CHEV C20, 6.2L Diesel 3/4 ton, solid body, 141,000kms, $2600. ALSO, 2- 1984 Olds Delta 88's, $900/ pair. Call 905-579-1548 1986 MERCURY Grand Mar- quis, good condition, blue, hwy & city driven, as is, best offer, loved by owner. 905- 728–8547 1987 NISSAN MAXIMA, 3 li- tre. engine, V6, 160,00kms. all options, $2350 certified., $1900 as is or best offer. call 905-725–1007. 1990 TOPAZ,auto, air, cas- sette, 127K, driven daily, $1500 as is. Call mornings 905-259–5589. snp 1991 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 4-cylinder, automatic, 4-door, excellent condition, great run- ning vehicle, very economi- cal, reliable, low insurance rates, clean, air conditioning works, certified/emissions. 6- month warranty included. $2995. 905-718-5032 1991 BUICK REGAL new brakes, new gastank, lines battery, tires in past year. 159kms. Asking 2900. Call af- ter 5pm 905-987-4463 1991 PLYMOUTH SUN- DANCE,affordable transpor- tation, runs well, good body, includes quality CD stereo system. $l,200 or best offer. Telephone (905) 576–7433 1990 TOYOTA TERCEL 5-spd, 2-door, 178000-km. Needs windshield and rear shocks, as is $1500. or certified $2000. 905-837-6746 1992 PONTIAC LEMANS, 4 dr. auto, very good condition, new brakes, exhaust, excellent gas mileage, certified+ e-test- ed, 180K's, asking $2450. 905-404–8695 1994 CHRYSLER INTREPID 4-door, auto, rally rims, all options, very good condition throughout. $3950, must sell 905-441-2121. 1994 GRAND AM $2500 as is. 1993 Saturn $1200 as is. Both run well. 905-697-7931 after 6pm. 1995 GRAND PRIX,excellent shape, certified & e-tested $7,200 ALSO available 2000 Saturn Coupe, 79,000K, $10,900 Certified & e-tested. 905-728-8666 1995 HONDA CIVIC CX 2-dr hatch dark blue excellent me- chanically and body 215,000k am/fm/cassette $4400 905- 649–6777. 1995 OLDSMOBILE 88 LSS sports sedan, leather, bucket seats, console, p/w, p/l, air and more. Mint condition, only 98,000k, certified, e-tested. Original owner, asking $11,500. 905-623–7142 snp. 1997 CHEV CAVALIER - only 76,000 kms., air, CD player, like new condition, blue, ask- ing $8,300. Call 905-373-4871. 1997 CHRYSLER CONCORD Loaded, Excellent Condition. $6800 MUST SELL! 905- 668–5944. 1997 SATURN,4 dr, EXCELLENT condition. 105,000 km. a/c, p/d, "Pro Remote Starter", certified. $8,000. Call 905-436-9374. 1998 TRACKER CONVERTIBLE, fun in summer, 4x4 for winter. Original owner, well maintained, automatic, only 73,000kms. $8900 (905)426-9304 snp 1999 BEETLE, black, 90,000 kms, fully loaded, non smoker, will sell certified and E-tested. $13,500. Please call Jennifer or Kevin 905-655–8689. 2000 FORD FOCUS SE WAG- ON, 35,000 km, $11,750. obo. Call 905-728–8247 2000 WINDSTAR SEL $7,999. Good condition. High mileage, all highway. Call 905-420- 3088 2001 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, auto, $236/month 0 down. Take over lease 27 months, 24,000 km. (905)665–9754 or (905)442-4652 2001 SONATA GL,37,000 original kms, automatic, 150Hp, 4cyl., air, cruise, tilt, p.windows, p.locks, heated mirrors, am/fm CD player, remote start, pearl white. Bal- ance of warranty to 100,000kms. Very clean, cer- tified, e-tested. Asking $17,500. Financing available. Chuck 905-242–9337 Cars Wanted405 $$$ TOP DOLLARS paid for scrap cars 7 days/week Call (905)683–7301 or (905)424- 9002 after 6pm. CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MUR- AD AUTO SALES. JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 Trucks For Sale410 1991 CHEV SILVERADO, Ext. Cab. loaded, mint condition, no rust, 305, 220,000kms. $8000 cert, e-tested. $7700 as is. 2nd owner. 1-705-277- 1389. 2001 GMC SONOMA SLS, Vortec V6, pewter colour, 69,000kms, mostly highway, fibreglass tonneau, box liner, etc. $19,999. Call (905)404– 8242 (snp) Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirve420 1993 CARAVAN 3.3 -Excel- lent condition certified, and e- tested $2900 Mazda MPV 1990 Good running condition. $1700 as is. 905-428-8954, 905-428-0541. 1998 DODGE GRAND Cara- van SE, 3.3, V6, loaded, se- curity, quad seats, alloy, can- dy apple red, 119,000km, ex- cellent condition, $11,500. Call 905-837-2019 2002 MONTANA VAN, low mileage, under warranty, as- sume 4 year lease. No money down, $408 monthly. Call (905)436–8784 WANTED: WORK VAN 95 or newer. Please call 905-260- 0172 Announcements255 Lost and Found265 FOUND - small tropical bird in south Ajax area. Owner may identify by calling 905- 683-2320 ext. 3276. Personals268 Nannies/ Live-In/Out270 FAMILY CAREGIVER DOMES- TIC SERVICE Nannies from Overseas. Highly trained & experienced. No Agency Fees. Chosen to suit your needs. 905-885-8459. NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER, live- out, Finch/Whites area. Mon.- Fri. 7:15am-6pm. 3 boys (14, 11, 9 years). Driver's license a must. Call after 6:30pm 905- 839-1627 Daycare Available273 AFFORDABLE LOVING DAY- CARE non-smoking, reliable/ experienced, mother of 2. Steps to Glengrove P.S. on St. Anthony Daniels bus/route. Large fenced backyard. Play- room/crafts/outings. Snacks/ lunch. Valley Farm Rd. / King- ston Rd. Near PTC. Referenc- es. Call Debbie (905) 839– 7237 BRENDA SHEDDEN E.C.E. loving mother of 4 with over 20 years of experience in- childcare has openings for infants and up. Amberlea Area east side of Whites/north of Sheppard, references avail- able. Call 905-831-6806 or bsheddc596@rogers.com for more details. HARWOOD/HWY #2 AREA. I offer lots of fun and activities for your wee one. All ages ex- cepted. Flexible hours, great rates! Daily Reports! Tax Re- ceipts! Call Mary at (905)426- 8204. AFFORDABLE CHILD CARE, Hwy#2/White's Rd., Very safe spacious and loving environ- ment, fun and educational ac- tivities,outings, meals/snacks provided. School bus stop at door.(905) 839–9705. PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Loving daycare; 18 months to 12 years. Daily outings (fenced backyard and park). Crafts, story time, music, nu- tritious meals & snacks. First Aid, C.P.R. certified. Non- smoking, receipts. 905-428- 1244. Daycare Wanted274 CAREGIVER REQUIRED for 2 autistic boys in Ajax. Must have good English, car an as- set. References required. Call 905-427–5348 Tired of Being Single? Speed Dating is Coming to Le Skratch Oshawa March 27th 25-Four Minute Dates Call 1-416-469-9166 www.singleinthecity.ca NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 NEED A CAR? 1-800-BUY-FORD Formula Ford * Previous Bad Credit * Discharged Bankruptcy * New in Country Ask for Mike Williams • Pickering – 905-839-666 6 • Oshawa – 905-427-282 8 • Toronto – 416-289-367 3 • Fax – 905-839-600 8 WE CAN HELP - FAST APPROVALS • Bad Credit • No Credit • Even Bankrupt Credit • But need a car? Phone Mel today 905-576-1800 All applications accepted. Downpayment or trade may be required. • APR from 9.9% • eg. Car $10,000 • APR 19% • Payment $322.78/mo. • 48 months • C.O.B. $4698.09 Rates vary depend on credit history. SALES LIMITED WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 RESTART CREDIT CALL MIKEY BANKRUPT NEW IMMIGRANT REFUGEE NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT • DISCHARGED • UNDISCHARGED DRIVE TODAYA NEW 2003 OR USED 90 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE 1-800-296-7107 (905)683-5358 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 17 A/P DON’T MISS THE EXCITEMENT!!! **** 1 MONTH SPRING PROMOTION **** NOTE: 9:15 am, 3:30 pm & 10:15 pm, Mon. to Thurs. Regular Program ONLY HERE AT THE DELTA BINGO PICKERING!!! 975 Dillingham Rd. • 905-831-1215 STARTING FRIDAY, MARCH 28TH !!! $2000.00 MUST GO FINAL JACKPOT!!! IN YOUR PACKAGE TOONIE POT PLAYED ON ALL GAMES IN YOUR BOOK!! 7:00 pm Monday to Sunday REGULAR GAMES – $100 & $125 & 12:30 pm Friday to Sunday + 2 – $1000 MUST GO JACKPOT + FINAL $2000 MUST GO JACKPOT ONLY $22 PKG. 12:30 pm Monday to Thursday REGULAR GAMES – $150 & $150 + 1 – $1000 MUST GO JACKPOT + FINAL $2000 MUST GO JACKPOT ONLY $22 PKG. 9:15 am, 3:30 pm & 10:15 pm REGULAR GAMES $50 & $100 Friday, Saturday & Sunday + 2 – $1000 MUST GO JACKPOT + FINAL $2000 MUST GO JACKPOT ONLY $15 PKG. 297 Bingo 297 Bingo 297 Bingo 297 Bingo ✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀ 5TH ANNUAL Garden & Landscape Show Children's Arena Oshawa April 11th, 12th, 13th Vendor space available. Call Sharon Dickson 905-579-4400 ext. 2285 to reserve your booth. Sponsored by Oshawa Whitby This Week ❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿ 316 Vendors Wanted 316 Vendors Wanted ONLY 8 VENDORS NEEDED The Oshawa This Week Home Show March 28 - March 30. New format. Call 905-579-4400 Wendy ext. 2215 or Devon ext. 2236 WANTED - HOME SHOW VENDORS for the Whitby This Week Home Show April 17th-20th, selling out fast!! Limited space. 905-579-4400 Devon ext. 2236 or Wendy ext. 2215 K9 CONNECTIONS DOG OBEDIENCE All Classes Starting Immediately 905-438-1711 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding Northumberland Sales & Liquidation Restaurant Equipment Auction March 26, 10:30 450 Campbell St. Cobourg, Ont 905-373-0554 40qrt mixer, Curve glass display case, Deepfryers, Cold tables, Ice Cream Machine, Capaccino Machine, Carbroiler, 1-2 dr coolers, freezers, u/c hobart dishwasher, glass washer, 3-well sink, ice machine, convection oven, meat slicer, draft fridge, Convor toaster, Scales, Steam tables, Plates, Glasses, Silverware, Cookware, Pots Smallwares, 50’s and 60’s memorable Location: 450 Campbell St. Take 401 to Hwy 45, go south on Hwy 45 to second set of lights turn left on Elgin, follow Elgin East to stop sign, turn right on Darcy follow over train tracks, turn left just after tracks. Terms & Condition: Cash or Certified Funds 325 Auctions 325 Auctions ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our "Auction Package" consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This Week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune/Times Journal • Canadian Statesman/Clarington One call does it all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 192 Rooms For Rent & Wanted 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 400 Cars For Sale 400 Cars For Sale 400 Cars For Sale Don’t Forget Our Classified Deadlines: Mon. 2:30 p.m. for Tues. paper. Tues. 2:30 p.m. Wed. paper Thurs. 2:30 p.m. for Fri. paper Fri. 2:30 p.m. for Sun. paper 255 Announcements Please read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. $$$MONEY FOR ANY PUR- POSE$$$ -Specialized in hard to place mortgages, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as low as 4%. When your bank says no, call us! Debt console, mortgage or tax arrears okay. Ontario Wide 1-888-591-6057. MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any pur- pose. All applications accept- ed. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905) 668– 6805. APPROVAL GUARANTEED!!! All type loans within 24 hrs. Car loan specialists. Call (416)888-9936 CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 5.35% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refi- nancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast profession- al service call 905-666-4986. CONSOLIDATE All your bills into one easy payment. Up to 100% first mortgage with no money down oac. All types of mortgage financing 1st, 2nd & 3rds. Residential and com- mercial mortgages. Call Ro- bert Brown at Accurate Mort- gage Services. Local 905-436- 9292 or toll free 1-877-509- LOAN. Online application www.accuratemortgages.com MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & har- rassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & pro- tection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 House Cleaning556 HOUSE CLEANING - the way YOU want it done - all for $70. I am reliable, trustworthy & honest. References available. Call (905) 432-7073. HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE by mature dependable, ex- perienced person with flexible hours. Reasonable rates. Call 905-434-9767. QUALITY Cleaning at every- day prices. Customized, resi- dential, and commerical cleaning. Bonded & insured employees. Weekly, bi-weeky or monthly. Spring Clean Spe- cial "20% off first time clean". Call Jemm Residential Clean- ing for a free quote. 905-377- 0008 or toll-free 1-877-424- 8429. Home Improvements700 Painting and Decorating710 Moving and Storage715 Party Services753 SOFTTUB RENTALS New in Durham. RENT NOW for Par- ties, Family Fun, Therapy or Romance. Tubs of Fun Rentals 905-439-TUBS (8827) Dating Services900 FRIENDS AND LOVERS DAT- ING SERVICE! NOW WITH CHATLINE!Durham's Own! Sometimes love is just not enough. Listen to the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. 905-683-1110 Adult Entertainment905 PASSION PARADISE and in to the warmth with a passionate companion” “Come out of the cold 100% Discreet In/Out Going Serv ice Call Nikki 905-426-5087 Day Specials Avail. Hiring 19+ Satisfaction Guaranteed 2's Company 3's Party It's our party come join if you want to . . . special spring rates in/out call service Call Felicia 905-621-0967 Discretion at your comfort THE HONEST MOVER Professional Service Licensed - Insured Local - Long Distance Small - Large Moves Rubbish Removal (905) 665-0448 (905) 666-4868 A& A BEST RATES IN TOWN starting at $30/hour 26ft. Truck 2 men, 26ft truck For free estimates Call 416-396-3766 ACTIVE MOVING SYSTEMS Houses, Apartments, Offices, Appliances & Piano Specialists. Packing & Storage, boxes available. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates. Professional service. Call (905)436-7795. MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything, anywhere, anytime. Commercial or residential. Packaging, storage and boxes available. Senior & mid month discounts. Free estimates. 905-571-0755 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service. 905-428-0081 ROMEO PAINTING Specializing in interior and exterior painting. For clean fast and reliable service Call (905) 686-9128 HOMEPRIDE IMPROVEMENTS Quality Painting Decorating & Renovations For Free Estimate Call Don (905) 626-2111 Fully Insured allainl@sprint.ca All Pro Painting and Wallpapering Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative Finishes & General Repairs 20% off for Seniors (905)404-9669 WB RENOVATIONS • Interior & Exterior • Custom Additions • Specialties • Full Finish Bsmts Bathrooms Kitchens • Custom Painting • Fully Licensed Free Estimates 905-430-2461 Wayne (905) 767-3086 (cell) T.E.P.'S CUSTOM CARPENTRY & CONTRACTING Additions, basements, decks, cabinets, tiling, drywall, taping, pain- ting, shelving units, bars, kitchens & baths, counter tops. Also Custom Pine furniture.Garden chairs,planter boxes, wishing wells and more made to order Display on Web Site Terry for estimate: 905-432-9115 www.tep.webpr.ca G.C.B. CONSTRUCTION General Home Renovations & Improvements All work guaranteed Craig 905-686-1913 Bathroom renovations, new kitchen counters and kitchens, finished basements, rec. rooms and decks, 20 yrs. Exp. call Mario (905) 619-4663 Cell (416) 275-0034 BUDGET HOME IMPROVEMENTS Barrier Free Renovations. DOORS “R” US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 Kitchen & Bath Basement Renovations. Ceramics Tiles. No payments for 12 months (416) 882-3263 DRYWALL MUDDING TAPING FRAMING Call Jim (905) 426-2971 All work guaranteed General Carpentry & Repairs SPRING SPECIAL! Book your Deck or Fence Now & GET 10% OFF! Finished basements, kitchens, baths, drywall, ceramic tile, doors & trim, custom woodwork, decks, Reasonable Rates All Work Guaranteed (905)668-4750 Pauly theElectrician • Best Quality Work • Friendly Service • Home or Office • Rewiring Specialists • Any Job JUST A GUY MAKING A LIVING PAULY 416-402-5967 MASTER LIC. #E15857 REAL HANDYMAN For people with limited cash flow. Small job Specialist Plumbing, electrical, Garbage Removal, installations Call Joseph 905-428-7528 cell - (905)626-6247 PERFECT MAID SERVICE $ 30.00 OFF FIRST CALL (905) 686-5424 No messing around • Excellent staff • Bonded • Friendly people • Supervised • Excellent prices KLASSIC CLEANING Weekly , Biweekly, or Monthly Service Reliable, thorough Mary (905)428-1648 Helen (905)427-6622 A/P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 www.durhamregion.com FREE To register call: Durham Region Health Department (905) 723-8521 ext. 2125 or 1-800-841-2729 ext. 2125 GROCERY STORETOUR Sobeys 260 Kingston Rd.W., Ajax Monday March 31, 2003 - 7:00-9:00 pm Registration Deadline: March 28th 249 Coming Events 249 Coming Events (905) 433-9011 “SPECIAL” SPRING WOODWORKING COURSE TO REGISTER CALL BUILD A DEACON’S BENCH “CLASSIC RAISED PANEL STYLIN G” T HIS COURSE WILL COVE R: • MILLING AND DRESSING ROUGH LUMBER • RAISED PANEL ROUTER TABLE WORK • TABLESAW TECHNIQUES • BISCUIT JOINERY AND MORE COURSE STARTS: WED. APR. 2 - 10 WEEKS VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.thecarpenterssquare.com 278 Registration 278 Registration ✞COME & WORSHIP ✞ Is a regular Friday feature in the News Advertiser. (Copy deadline is Wednesday noon for the Friday paper.) To advertise all your Church Events, News and Upcoming Special Services. Call Janice Samoyloff at 905-683–0707. Or fax your information to 905-579-4218 or Email to: jsam@durhamregion.com 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship Progressive Elder Care Providing care for seniors • palliative & disabled • home support services • companions. Services avail. 24hrs/day, 7 days/week Great service at affordable rates Phone: (905) 427-5007 286 Seniors Services 286 Seniors Services MORTGAGES "Good Credit, Good Job" But can't save a down payment? Then you may qualify for 100% No Down payment 1st Mortgage. Refinance, 2nd's to 90% Real Estate referrals for those who qualify. Call Or Apply Online at www.accuratemortgages.com AMSAccurateMortgageServices 905-436-9292 Local Whitby toll free 1-877-509-LOAN 165 Mortgages Loans 165 Mortgages Loans CANDO RENOVATIONS INC. METRO LICENCE B2195 Quality Renovations Since 1975 Serving Durham & GTA Also Making Homes Accessible 905-686-5211 A & C ROOFING and WINDOWS • Shingles of all types, flats of any size •Soffit • Fascia • Eavestrough • Spring Special - 15% off all vinyl products • Int. free financing for up to 12 months • Double warranty guaranteed, fully transferable (905)509-8980 or (905)428-8704 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements RDC WINDOWS, DOORS & ROOFING (905) 686-9494 SPRING SPECIAL 15% off all vinyl products 6 mo. No Interest, No Payment o.a.c. ROOFING • WINDOWS EAVESTROUGH 1033 Toy Ave., Unit 8, Pickering 905-427-8613 Free Estimates Fully Insured **The Difference is Prof essionalism** 6 months No Interest, No Payment (OAC) A&A ROOFING SHINGLE ROOFING - FLAT ROOFING REPAIRS • WINDOWS • DOORS Free Estimates Call Glen 905-426-1512 AJ’S WAJ’S W AATERPROOFINGTERPROOFING Metro Lic. # B12069416-410-5116 Drain and Water Line Repair Foundation Cracks Underpinning Basements Concrete Work Demolition & Excavation • Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical • Painting • Drywall • Bath Reno. Insured, Bonded, 1 Year Warranty 905-686-7236 Worry F r e e Home Repairs Yellow & Green General Contractor Serving Durham Region 20 Years Experience • Renovations • Additions • Landscaping & Stone work • Kitchens & Baths • Hardwood Flooring & Ceramics • Finished Basements Detailed Itemized Quote 2 Year Guarantee Insured (416)410-4536 1-866-410-4536 Book Now! 24 hrs Answering service Phone: (905) 430-5850 Workmanship Guaranteed - Design - Build - Maintain 735 Gardening& Landscaping 735 Gardening& Landscaping RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 668-4932 753 Party Services 753 Party Services CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 Death Notice Listings For Audio on current deaths, call 905-683-3005 From Clarington, Port Perry or Uxbridge, please call 1-905-683-3005. Visit us on the internet: www.durhamregion.com Brought to you by the following funeral homes: Accettone, Armstrong, Courtice Funeral Chapel Limited, Low & Low, The Simple Alternative, McEachnie, McIntosh-Anderson, Morris, Newcastle Funeral Home, Northcutt-Elliott, Oshawa Funeral Service, Wagg, W.C. Town, Memorial Chapel. 1. Simply dial the above number on a touch tone phone only. 2. Listen for the name you are looking for. The listings are recorded by surname first. 3. When you hear the name you want, press 1 to hear details of the funeral arrangements. 4. If you miss any information, press 1 to replay the details. 5. If you want to go back to the main directory of names, press 2 and repeat from Step 2. Step 256 Deaths 256 Deaths Service & Business Directory Phone (905) 683-0707 Fax (905) 579-4218 556 House Cleaning 700 Home Improvements 715 Moving and Storage Please read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 23, 2003 PAGE 19 A/P Brice’s N Hwy. #9 (Davis Drive) Mt. Albert Rd. Queensville Sideroad Woodbine Ave.20287 WOODBINE AVENUE, QUEENSVILLE 478-4175 478-4311 478-4929 or 1-800-387-7778 Hand Crafted Furniture & Appliances HANDCRAFTED FURNITURE *Brice’s pays the amount equal to the GST. See store for details. 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AJAX (North of 401) 905-683-5358 CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP “THINKING LIKE A CUSTOMER” 401 SERVICE HOURS: MON. - THURS. 7-MIDNIGHT FRI. 7-6, SATURDAY 8-4 OSHAWA ILLAGE CHRYSLER HWY. #401 VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER TORONTO HWY. #2 HARWOODAll previous ad specials expired. + Downpayment may vary with credit severity. Approval conditions may vary according to credit severity. Finance payments based on 48*/60**/72***/84• MO. WITH $2,500 DOWN OR EQUIVALENT & TRADE AT 7.9% INT. Fin. eg:. $10,000 @ 7.9% = $141.60 mo. for 60 mo. COB $1,496 total obligation $11,496. OAC. Plus lic., taxes & admin. • Short term lease vehicles. 0% financing or $3,000/$500 Dealer Discount available on selected new vehicles. Finance eg. $10,000 @ 0% = $166.66 mo. for 60 mo. COB $0. OAC. All prices plus licence, taxes and admin. Pickering/Ajax News Advertiser readers voted best domestic dealership. OAC. +On selected new cars. †On selected new 2002 vehicles. No Payments, No Interest for 12 months. Then 7.98% up to 48 mo. term OAC. ± BNS with 10% down @ 7.9% OAC. FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STAR RIGHT HERE FIVE STARLAKERIDGEWESTNEYBROCK RD.FIVE STAR CHRYSLER UP TO $1,000 KINGSTON RD. ILLAGE CHRYSLER 1-800-296-7107 905-683-5358 Some downpayment may be required. Interest rate varies from 0% - 24.95% Bad No Credit Good Credit Collections Repossession Bankruptcy YO U’RE APPROVED! Pearl white with leather and a sunroof. Priced to SELL FAST. Payments arranged. 1996 VOLVO Priced Right HerePriced Right Here 5.9L V8, auto, travel conv., anti-spin, heavy duty service, trailer tow, rear slide windows, keyless, moulded running boards, fiberglass, tonneau cover, 59,000 km. 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