HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2002_01_09WHERE TO FIND IT Editorial Page/A6 Sports/B1 Entertainment/B4 Classified/B5 GIVE US A CALL General/905-683-5110 Distribution/905-683-5117 General FAX/905-683-7363 Death Notices/905-683-3005 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 durhamregion.com shouston@durhamregion.com PICKERING’S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 NEWS ADVERTISER New model Ford Gray matters has real Focus in movie shoot WHEELS/PULLOUT ENTERTAINMENT/B4 PRESSRUN 45,600 32 PAGES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2002 OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/ $1 NEWSSTAND ®Rogers Communications Inc. Used under License.™ AT&T Corp. Used under License Offer Exclusive to these official Durham Rogers AT&T locations only 105 Bayly St. W. (at Harwood Ave.) (905) 686-8061 Pickering Town Centre (2nd floor, beside Sears) (905) 420-0744 Beside National Sports (Whites Rd. & Highway 2) (905) 831-9557 all the perks no bill Bonus: FREE 30 extra Minutes With Pay As You Go and this ad NOKIA 5125 •Includes 60 minutes of air time •2-way text messaging $14999 pay as you go ™Pay As You Go is a Trademark of ™ Rogers AT&T Wireless. 376 Kingston Rd., Pickering (NE corner of Rougemount & Hwy. #2) 509-9888For Reservations, Take-Out WEEKDAY LUNCHEON SPECIALS from $4.75 LLBO FINE CHINESE CUISINE & DINING LOUNGE ANNANDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Memberships 683-3210 GIVE THE GIFT SANTA FORGOT Per YearPlus G.S.T. $275.00$275.00 From Students show good cents Durham public schools raise more than $36,000 for Sept. 11 relief BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer DURHAM —The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States will never be forgotten. Now the concern and generosi- ty shown by local schools to their neighbours to the south is a part of history as well. On Monday night, Durham District School Board officials heard elementary students and staff from 35 schools raised $12,098.06 in a penny drive co-ordinated by Whitby educa- tional assistant Kimberly Palmer. That works out to more than 1.2 million pennies, and it took a team of 30 volunteers three days to roll them up for transfer to the bank. “We stuffed the vault; (bank staff) could not get in their vault,” Ms. Palmer told trustees and staff at the standing com- mittee meeting. Gandatsetiagon Public School in Pickering raised a whopping $1,116, while the smaller Kathleen Rowe Memo- rial Public School in Whitby garnered about $760. The money was donated to the United Way’s Sept. 11 fund. Ms. Palmer noted schools representing every mu- nicipality in the board took part and 100 per cent of the money went to victims’families, some of whom are Canadian. A total of 69 Durham public schools have raised money in a variety of ways following the attacks, for a total of $36,124.53. G.L. Roberts Col- legiate and Vocational Institute Durham group cooks up food knowledge DURHAM —If we are what we eat, a new program to help Durham residents learn safe ways to store, handle and select nutritious food is on its way to ensure health and pre- vent disease. “Community food adviser (CFA) program (volunteers) will complement the work of public health professionals, as well as dietitians and teachers in the community, by increas- ing the public’s access to reli- able information,” said Jazin Bond, public health nursing and nutrition manager with the Durham Region Health De- partment. “We encourage any- one to apply who has knowl- edge and experience in buying, preparing and storing food and who is interested in helping others learn.” In partnership with 18 com- munity groups — including the Ajax-Pickering Social Devel- opment Council, Whitby Men- tal Health Centre, Oshawa Se- nior Citizens’ Centres and the Durham Child Nutrition Pro- ject — the program’s success hinges on attracting 30 people willing to devote their time free of charge. “Any age, any gender can apply,” said Lisa Hicks, co-or- dinator of Durham’s CFA pro- So this is winter? Durham businesses have mixed reaction to season’s late arrival BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer DURHAM —Winter is offi- cially here on the calendar, but lately you would have to travel south to find any clear evidence. Buffalo, New York over Christmas was hit with near- record snowfalls, burying the city. By Jan. 3, a storm had dumped half a foot of snow on North Carolina, and it’s even been snowing in Mississippi. But in Durham Region — ba- sically nothing by comparison. It’s a drastic change from last year, when by this time the re- gion had been hit with lots of snow, prompting best-ever con- ditions at local ski resorts and booming sales for those who sell winter sporting equipment. “Last year was a bumper crop, something I’ve never seen before, and I’ve been here 40 years,” said Gabor Marton, owner of Dagmar Ski Resort in Ken Mackie’s plows stand idle without any real snow cover in the region. A mild fall and early winter have cut into busi- ness for some companies that operate in the chilly season. PICKERING ––City offi- cials and a local developer in a land use dispute are awaiting an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) decision regarding an application to build homes next to the company’s golf course in rural Pickering. Cherry Downs Co Venture Ltd. has applied to build the 125 homes next to the company’s golf course property. A decision from presiding OMB member Greg Daly is still pending, staff at the OMB confirmed. In June, Pickering councillors voted 6-1 to turn down the de- velopment application, prompt- ing Cherry Downs to take the matter before OMB hearings, which began in November. The Cherry Downs proposal, which calls for communal sewage servicing, was first brought before the municipality in 1993, involving the construc- tion of about 300 homes near the golf course. That application was altered and a revised 225- home plan was submitted to the Town in August, 1995 and de- feated in January, 1996. The company’s latest appli- cation called for the construction of the 125 homes on 7th Con- cession Road. The application was for the houses to be built on approximately 65 acres of land zoned as agricultural reserve. City staff had recommended 80 homes on the site, but coun- cillors agreed with residents who said no homes should be built there. KIMBERLY PALMER ‘I was really, really proud of all the schools.’ A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo AT A GLANCE Volunteers with knack for knocking sought by Heart and Stroke group DURHAM —A local organi- zation is seeking volunteers with a lot of heart. As part of Heart Month, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Durham West chapter, is recruiting volunteers to knock on doors in their own neighbour- hoods throughout February to raise funds and awareness of the organization’s work. Volunteers are needed in Ajax, Pickering, Green River, Whitevale, Claremont, Brougham and Greenwood for the door-to- door campaign. Heart disease and stroke, Canada’s leading cause of death, account for more than $19 billion a year in medical costs, lost production and lost wages. In Ontario, it claims more than 579 lives each week. For more information, call the Durham office at 905-686- 1521. Learn to turn stress to your advantage AJAX —An expert on stress is leading a free two-day seminar showing participants how to turn an obstacle into an opportunity. Dr. Richard Earle is an inter- nationally respected and pub- lished authority on stress. He worked with Hans Selye at the University of Montreal and the pair co-founded the Canadian In- stitute of Stress in 1979. Dr. Earle has worked at con- trolling the impact of stress on the health and performance of individuals, work teams and in rapidly changing corporations. The goal of the seminar is to share, learn and practise Biblical principles and methods for trans- forming stress into a positive ex- perience. The sessions are being held on Saturdays, Jan. 12 and 19, starting at 9:30 a.m., at the Pickering Village Community Centre, at the corner of Sher- wood Road and Linton Avenue, Ajax. It’s sponsored by the Durham Christian Fellowship. For more information, call Dennis or Agnes at 905-831- 8596 or 905-839-5458. See SEASONAL page A2 See FAMILIES page A5 Lisa Hicks, co-ordinator of the Durham Region community food adviser program, hopes to inform people about safe good handling practices Cherry Downs, City play waiting game See DURHAM page A2 RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo Grinning and bearing it DURHAM –– Three-year-old Lucia Gerlach’s bright smile says it all as she hits the slopes at Dagmar Ski Resort for her first lesson in skiing. Lucia, bundled up in her warmest winter wear, spent a part of the day with her father, Harold, and sister, Gabrielle, learning how to negotiate the snow-covered hills. gram. “It’s a matter of being able to learn about food and understand nutri- tion, the safe handling of food and its storage. And it’s about the love of food.” To become an adviser, volunteers must complete 70 hours of training, which is free of charge. They will also be expected to have strong communi- cation and leadership skills and to complete an additional 20 hours of community practice following their training. “The goal for the program is to demonstrate and present the general principles of the Canada Food Guide to Healthy Eating,” added Ms. Hicks. Healthy eating on a budget, proper handwashing and how to read labels are some of the areas the program will address. Information sessions will be held throughout the region at the following locations and times: • Monday, Jan. 14 — Ajax-Picker- ing YMCA Child and Family Devel- opment Centre, 230 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 7 to 9 p.m. • Tuesday, Jan. 15 — Lakeview Manor, 133 Main St., Beaverton, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and Scugog Memorial Li- brary, 231 Water St., Port Perry, 7 to 9 p.m. • Wednesday, Jan. 16 — Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Ave., Bow- manville, 7 to 9 p.m. and Upstairs at Loblaws Bowmanville, 2375 Hwy. 2, Bowmanville, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. • Thursday, Jan. 17 — Upstairs at Loblaws, Oshawa Market, 481 Gibb St., Oshawa, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and Durham Family YMCA, 99 Mary St. N., Oshawa, 7 to 9 p.m. For more information or to register for an information session, contact Ms. Hicks at 905-723-8521 or 1-800- 841-2729, ext. 2242. A/P PAGE A2 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 Seasonal businesses find good news and bad news Uxbridge. He joked he has “plans to move the resort down to Buffalo”. A clear sign of the difference a year makes is that Dagmar opened for busi- ness on Dec. 23 this season, one month later than in 2000. But things are looking up. On recent days he said business has been very good, as evidenced by a parking lot full of cars at the Lakeridge Road facility. Ten of Dagmar’s 14 ski runs are open thanks to snow-making machines. Mr. Marton said he has made snow- making equipment a high priority in the last five years or so and it’s paying off this year. However, you’ll have to wait a bit to ski on the resort’s 35 kilometres of cross-country trails. Mr. Marton said there are only five or six centimetres on the ground right now, powdery snow that doesn’t make for good gliding. At Mackie Contracting Ltd. in Whit- by, the year-round property mainte- nance company has a lot of machinery ready to go but no snow. “We’re down 50 to 60 per cent in volume of work and dollars,” said owner Ken Mackie, comparing last month to December 2000. The other side of the coin is that ex- penses are down as well, he said, refer- ring to the cost of buying gasoline, pay- ing wages and purchasing salt. Mackie’s winter customers, which include General Motors and the AMC Theatre complex in Whitby, are on con- tract, meaning they pay for a season of snow removal no matter how much falls. So while in one respect Mr. Mackie said “we’re being paid for doing less work,” the company makes money as well on extras like salting or loader work where snow is removed from or piled elsewhere on a site. “It usually works out in the long run; people get what they pay for,” he said. The lack of snow hasn’t had a big impact on business at Alcatraz Skates, said Jeff McDonald, assistant manager at the Stevenson Road South location in Oshawa. “Honestly, it’s really not that much of a difference (from last year),” he said. “We’re still selling lots of snow- boards and outerwear. I guess people know it’s coming.” Mr. McDonald said the growing popularity of the sport is probably the reason why the late winter hasn’t hurt sales. “Christmas was great,” he said. “I think we did better this year at Christ- mas than last year.” In 2000, the late fall and early win- ter produced not only a lot of snow but colder-than-normal temperatures. But November 2001 was a warm one, and even the first half of December was balmy compared to most years. For golfers, and those who host them on the links, that meant a dream season. “It was phenomenal for us,” said Stuart Brindle, director of golf at Deer Creek Golf and Country Estates in Ajax. The golf club was open until Dec. 14, when the only substantial snow the region has seen so far fell, but quickly melted away. Mr. Brindle said staying open until mid-December isn’t that unusual. Deer Creek closed near the end of November in 2000, but on Dec. 17 in 1999, he said. In fact, over the last seven years the club has remained open into the last month of the year five times. SEASONAL from page A1 Read all about it online at durhamregion.com Durham program is for the love of food DURHAM from page A1 PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED rrs TM FINANCING AVAILABLE WE MAKE ANY SIZE MATTRESS SET UP AVAILABLE DISPOSAL OF OLD SET AVAILABLE FREE 6 MO. LAY-AWAY HOURS AJAX Mon.-Wed. 10-6 Thurs.-Fri. 10-9 Saturdays 10-6 Sundays 11-4 OSHAWA Mon.-Wed. 10-6 Thurs.-Fri. 10-9 Saturdays 10-6 Sundays 11-4 PETERBOROUGH Tues.-Thurs. 10-6 Fri. 10-9 Saturdays 10-6 Closed Sun. & Mon. 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Starting January 6th, there will be two new Sunday morning westbound bus trips departing Oshawa GO station serving Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, and then running express to Toronto's Union Station. And starting January 7th, there will be new express bus service on weekdays between York University and Scarborough Town Centre, with options to GO's Oshawa Hwy 2 bus service. Discounted fares are available with a GO Transit Student ID. For details check our website or just give us a call. Is losing weight your New Year’s Resolution? We have the Answer! Lose all your weight /lb.$1ONLY “Excludes products. Based on full program. KERRY W. LOST: 33 lbs. 46” “The staff was so encouraging. It seems too good to be true. Thanks Herbal Magic!” • Full service programs.• Guaranteed weight loss. • Lose up to 7 lbs./wk. • No prepackaged foods. • Safe, easy & effective! We Guarantee you can lose all the weight you need! Call us now! Now Over 165 Centres Across Canada *Excludes products. Based on full programs. Offer expires Jan. 16, 2002. Not valid with any other offer. www.herbalmagicsystems.com Expires Jan. 16, 2002 Not valid with other coupons AJAX & PICKERING LOCATION 426-9261 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax 420-0003 1163 Kingston Rd. Pickering TM Systems International Weight Management and Nutritional Centres TM NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 PAGE A3 A/P Please recycle this newspaper! Durham police wrap up RIDE program BY STEPHEN SHAW Staff Writer DURHAM —There was good news and bad news as provincial and regional police wrapped up their hol- iday season Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) campaigns. First the bad news: Durham Re- gional Police pulled 37-per cent more impaired drivers off the road during this past RIDE campaign. Now the good news: in spite of the sharp increase in charges, there were no fatal collisions on regional roads involving alcohol for the eighth year in a row. Police here concluded the cam- paign after stopping 30,497 vehicles since early December. Of those, 483 people were given roadside breath tests and 70 motorists failed, resulting in subsequent charges for drinking and driving of- fences. In comparison, police checked slightly more vehicles and laid fewer charges in the same five-week period a year ago. Of the 33,385 motorists stopped at police checkpoints last year, 51 were charged, police said. (The 2000/01 program lasted for seven weeks and resulted in 74 charges.) The number of 12-hour licence suspensions issued to drivers in the “warning” blood-alcohol range dropped to 107 from 129 last year, police said. Police across the province have re- ported an increase in drinking and driving charges during this past holi- day season compared to previous years but have been at a loss to ex- plain the troubling trend. The OPP, which patrols the Durham stretch of Hwy. 401 among other local highways, stopped 606,600 vehicles during its five-week campaign and charged 552 with alco- hol-related offences. A year earlier, OPP pulled over 475,535 vehicles at checkpoints across the province and charged 460 people. Another 1,222 drivers were issued 12-hour licence suspensions up from 890 the year before, OPP said. Although collisions involving in- juries dropped 14 per cent during the RIDE campaign, “alcohol-related collisions” still claimed 12 lives on provincial highways during the five- week RIDE program, according to OPP. In Durham, regional police also laid numerous other criminal charges during the campaign and charged 34 ‘graduated licensed’ drivers for vio- lating restrictions such as not to con- sume any alcohol. Both Durham police and OPP say they will continue the RIDE cam- paign throughout the year at various times. Learn more about autism DURHAM —Parents and educa- tors are invited to attend a series of Geneva Centre for Autism workshops early this year at the Durham District School Board’s Education Centre in Whitby. The workshops are sponsored by William Dunbar Public School in Pickering, a legacy from last year’s fund-raising efforts, including the Walk for Autism that saw several Durham schools take part and raise roughly $8,000 for the Geneva Centre in Toronto. On Jan. 19 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., Ellen Yack is the guest presenter at a workshop titled, ‘Sensory Process- ing and Individuals with Autism Spec- trum Disorder’. Ms. Yack is the con- sulting occupational therapist to the Geneva Centre, a clinical, training and support centre for kids with autism and their families. Participants will learn the meaning of Sensory Integration, hyper-and hypo-sensitivities to sensory informa- tion from the environment and within our own bodies, and how to interpret behaviours as responses to sensory input. The workshop costs $10. For more information and to register, call Bon- nie at 905-420-0676 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The second workshop, ‘Communi- cation Strategies for Individuals with Autism/PDD,’ takes place Feb. 27 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. The presenter is speech language pathologist and edu- cation consultant Jean Loeffelhardt. DURHAM —The Canadian Institute for the Blind is still offering resi- dents more than 1,000 chances to win cash prizes. The CNIB Cash Calen- dar is a calendar and lottery ticket all in one and those interested can pick up one or more of the few that re- main until the end of Janu- ary. The calendars can be picked up at 1 Mary St. N., Oshawa, or by phoning 905-436-7732 to have it mailed. Still time for CNIB lottery Nelson Electric Industrial Commercial Residential Lisenced Owner Operated all types of electrical work You’ve tried the Rest Now try the Best Free Estimates 289-314-1553 Ajax OFFOFF THE WALLPAPER CENTRE PAINT & BORDER $4 Off Our Low Low Discount Prices MON.-FRI. 9:30-9:00 SAT. 9:30-5:30 SUN. 12:00-4:00 1652 Bayly St. W. (Just West of Brock Rd.) PICKERING 831-7747 Benjamin Moore Paints ALL In-Stock Borders Hundreds of patterns to choose from!! /Spool/Gallon DURHAM'S FINEST AUTOMOTIVE DETAILING FOR OVER A DECADE • CAR ALARMS • REMOTE STARTERS $199 • SCOTCHGUARD • WAX • COMPOUND • POLISH • CUTOM UPHOLSTERYLEATHER • BOAT TOPS • TONNEAUS • SPOILERSSHIFT KNOBS $65 • WOOD DASH KITS •BROKEN WINDSHIELD? $300.00 Deductible AUTO GLASS & CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY We Pay Up To 1010 Brock Road South (Northwest corner at Bayly)831-4290 SPEEDY GLASS NETWORK Winter Specials Annual Rust Protection ....from $75.00 Paint Protection ....from $150.00 Remote Starters & Alarms Register early: 905-831-8596 or 905-839-5458 and ask for Dennis or Agnes. Dr. Richard Earle, PhD President of the Canadian Institute of Stress Has answers and Invites you to a FREE Stress Management Seminar (Sponsored by Durham Christian Fellowship) At the Village Community Center Sherwood & Linton (One block NW of Church and Kingston Rd) Pickering Village January 12th and continuing on January 19th 2002 Time 9:30 AM each Saturday Are you ... Annoyed by traffic? •Experiencing pressure at work? •Feeling insecure with finances? •Distressed by recent global events? •Worried for your family’s futures? You Can ... Turn Stress into productivity •Stop useless worrying •Feel secure about the future •Gain personal peace •Extend your life and others. Just how powerful is hypnosis? Well maybe not quite as powerful as we’re showing here. But the real facts are just as impressive. Read what these folks have to say. Then you be the judge... Never Underestimate The Power Of HYPNOSIS! Success Times Two! “I lost 23 pounds and kicked my smok- ing habit. I quit smok- ing after the first ses- sion. Done! It was easy. The weight loss was easy too. No stress. No fuss. I still have treats. Not because I feel bad. Just for a treat! Someone recently said,“You have terrific legs.”I didn’t get that before. My husband’s lost weight too. I read in the newspaper about folks who had success with hypnosis. I was a wreck at the time. I had every diet book on my shelf. Nothing worked. I was taking aspirin every day. I was drinking too much. All this stopped. PMS symptoms vanished. I said to myself, this is what life’s sup- posed to be! I was unsure about hypnosis. I didn’t want a hypnotist to take control of me. During the sessions I got control back. What I got from hypnosis was worth ten times what I paid! I met a lot of other folks who were los- ing weight like me. I have recommended hypnosis to several of my friends. I recom- mend it to anyone.” Theresa Carter, Medical Receptionist Food Cravings Extinguished! “In six short months I lost 37 pounds. Hypnosis made my weight loss effortless. I was the “big guy” my entire life. I was moody and miserable. I’d open Oreo’s and eat half the bag. I tried diets. I couldn’t stick with it. I was skeptical of hypnosis. I kept thinking of old movies. I was impressed from the moment I walked in. After my first session, I noticed that I wasn’t hungry. Hypnosis extinguished my food cravings. I lost 5 lbs. the first week. 16 lbs. the first month. I went from squeez- ing into a size 42 to a trim 38. My doctor encouraged me to continue with my hyp- nosis program. It’s been fun to watch the success of other folks. It looks like they’re melting under their clothes! I think my weight loss is permanent. My new eating habits are easy. I think anyone who has a weight problem needs to look at hypnosis serious- ly. I’m confident hypnosis can work for anyone. Bob Trader, Trainer Quitting Smoking “Easy as Pie!” “I was smoking over 2 packs a day for 23 years. I tried every- thing to quit. I couldn’t handle the mental crav- ings. So I’d start back to smoking. Quitting smoking was a piece of cake after I got hypnotized. I don’t want ciga- rettes. It doesn’t bother me to be around smokers. Thanks to hypnosis my children won’t be brought up around smokers. Quitting smoking with hypnosis was easy as pie. I recommend hypnosis to any- one who wants to quit smoking without withdrawal. With hypnosis you sit back, relax, and let it happen.” Chuck Davis, Maintenance Superintendent Call now for your FREE Evaluation 725 Westney Road, S. (at Finley) Suite 7, Ajax 905-686-7717 Positive Changes Hypnosis HYPNOSIS CENTRES “Where results happen” Positive Changes Serving Satisfied Customers Since 1961 with Centers Worldwide • Insomnia • Stress/Anxiety • Sports Enhancement • Phobia Relief • Smoking Cessation • Freedom from Alcohol & more.... 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FINAL CLEARANCE 100% WOOLEN OR SILK & WOOL RUGS A LARGE QUALITY ASSORTMENT OF UNCOMMON 100% WOOLEN OR WOOL SILK RUGS, ALL AUTHENTICALLY HAND MADE, ALL HIGHLY DECORATIVE PATTERNS AND DESIGNS IN DESIRABLE COLOURS. ALL SIZES FROM LARGE TO SMALL SQUARE & ROUND. SALE SUPPLEMENTED WITH AUTOMOBILES: Incl. Late Model SUV’s. Call For Details 416-368-6100 Estate & Close Out-Jewellery; Diamonds & Precious Gemstones set in White and Yellow Gold Rings, Necklaces, Tennis and Bangle Bracelets, Pendants, also incl. Platinum. LADIES SOLITAIRE 3.44 CT. RING, VVS QUALITY& COLOUR, ROLEX & FINE SWISS WATCHES TERMS: M/C, VISA, DIRECT DEBIT, CASH All goods released only upon immediate payment Proper ID. required upon registration. Ten percent buyers premium in effect. Sales subject to additions and deletions therefore some items may not be present on auction day and certain reserves may apply as announced by the auctioneer. Attention Dealer: proper tax exemption certificate required on site to be tax exempt. Auction Conducted by Show Master Productions Auctioneers & Liquidators LTD. 416-368-6100. The OSHAWA Estate of the Departed Mr. Ronald Harvey Thompson & Retiring Mrs. Francis Pearl Thompson Included With Other Estates, Corporate Closeouts & Commercial Cargo of: QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS, CANADIAN & EUROPEAN ART, FURNITURE, AUTO’S, 100% WOOLEN RUGS, BIG SCREEN T.V’S AND OTHER HOME ELECTRONICS, ANTIQUES, LIGHTINGS, GRANDFATHER CLOCKS, COLLECTABLES, AND MUCH MORE, OVER 450 LOTS. Located at: OSHAWA & DISTRICT SHRINE CLUB 1626 SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA Ont. (Hwy. #401 to Simcoe St. North on Simcoe to North end of Oshawa, 1 km North of Taunton Rd. on the Left Side. (See the signs) For Directions Call 905-436-1762 Sunday, January 13, 2002, AT 1:30 PM PREVIEW 1 HOUR BEFORE AUCTION Estate Auction School Community Councils, teachers to review proposed change BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer DURHAM —Teachers’ groups and school commu- nity councils (SCC) will soon be reviewing a letter that is to go home to public school parents who ask school staff to administer prescriptive oral medication to their children. The letter sets out the Durham District School Board’s position that parents or guardians are responsible for medicating their chil- dren, but that school staff will try and help if certain terms and conditions are met. The letter must be signed by both parents and states the board and its staff and volunteers “will not be held responsible for any ill- ness or injury to your child relating to or resulting from the administration of the medication”. “The primary change in this whole process is the let- ter,” Norm Powers, the board’s operations superin- tendent, said at Monday’s standing committee meeting. He told trustees the actual board policy and procedure have “barely been changed”. Oshawa Trustee Susan Shetler in August requested a review of the board’s poli- cies and regulations on med- icating students. An ad hoc committee was formed and while it found the board’s protocol needed no changes, adding the letter as part of the regulation was seen as necessary to emphasize the duties of the parent/guardian. Trustees gave the go- ahead for SCCs, teachers’ federations and other groups to review the revised regula- tion. However, Ajax Wards 3 and 4 Trustee Melinda Crawford requested a change to the board’s proce- dure be considered in the consultation process. At pre- sent, a school’s principal is responsible for ensuring a record of all medication being administered is kept, including a staff signature each time a student receives medication at school. Trustee Crawford recom- mended two staff signatures be required. “Two is always better than one, because if that one person makes an error they can be held legally responsi- ble,” she said. However Brock- Uxbridge Trustee Nancy Lo- raine feared that requirement might make it hard at times to administer medication. “I’m hesitant to make it any more difficult,” she said. “That could make it more cumbersome for the delivery of prescription medication.” Trustee Loraine noted the letter states the form parents must fill out is to include a doctor’s signature. Some doctors take months to pro- vide a signature, she said. “We wanted to make it difficult,” replied Pickering Trustee Paul Crawford, a member of the ad hoc com- mittee. “This is basically a parent’s and a physician’s re- sponsibility.” Mr. Powers clarified the physician’s signature has al- ways been required. Trustee Melinda Craw- ford’s suggestion will be re- viewed in the consultation process. P PAGE A4 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo On the road again DURHAM –– Cyclist Chris Wiles doesn’t let the chill slow him down while training for triathlon competitions. Mr. Wiles, a Pickering resi- dent was completing a 50-kilometre ride on Columbus Road west of Hwy. 12 in Whitby. Please Recycle Me... New prescription for student meds Car seat safety checks offered Sunday DURHAM –– Parents of young children are invited to attend a free car safety seat check in Whit- by on Jan. 13. Trained vol- unteers will be on hand to help parents or care- givers who want to know if their child’s car seat is safe or learn more about seat-belt safety during the event, held by Durham Re- gion’s Car Safety Seat Committee and local police. According to Statistics Cana- da, motor vehi- cle collisions are the No. 1 cause of death of children ages one to nine and about 70 kids under five die in crashes each year in Canada. Another 4,000 are injured. The commit- tee was created to increase awareness of proper car seat installation and use. Police will not charge own- ers or operators of vehicles with improperly in- stalled car seats at the event. The check will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Town’s opera- tions centre at 333 McKinney Dr. For more in- formation call the Durham Re- gion Health De- partment Infor- mation Line at 1-800-841- 2729. MELINDA CRAWFORD Wants policy change to include extra signature. NORM POWERS ‘Primary change... is the letter’. Please Recycle! Rodney’s Oster Bar Jan. 17 SPECIALSALE Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser or flyers call Circulation at 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Advertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS Wednesday, January 9, 2002 News Advertiser Alex Wednesday’s Carrier of the Week is Alex. Alex enjoys homework and tennis. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Alex, for being our Carrier of the Week. Walmart, 270 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax Walmart, 1899 Brock Rd. N., Pick. 135 Kingston Rd., Ajax 222 Bayly St. W., Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. * Delivered to selected households only * Business Depot Ajax/Pick. * Danier Leather Ajax/Pick. * Durham Business Times Ajax/Pick. * FM Windows Ajax * Future Shop Ajax/Pick. * Handyman Connection Ajax/Pick. Real Estate Ajax/Pick. * Sears Ajax/Pick. * T.V. Showcase Ajax/Pick. * Wheels Ajax/Pick. Your Home For Chevrolet Oldsmobile Cadillac Ltd. 1800 Kingston Road, Pickering Tel: (905) 683-9333 Fax: (905) 683-9378 Email: sheridanchev@gmcanada.com SSI OF PICKERING PARTS & SERVICE 1-800-327-5618 A DIFFERENT KIND OF CAR COMPANY A DIFFERENT KIND OF CAR To Advertise In This Feature Call Jim Goom 905-683-5110 Ext. 241 365 Bayly Street West Ajax, Ontario L1S 6M3 Tel: (905) 428-8888 Fax: (905) 428-8904 SERVICE HOURS MON. - THURS. 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. FRI. 7:30a.m. - 6 p.m. SAT. 9 a.m. - 3p.m. VicVic 905-420-5788 Fax: 905-839-7455 1-800-263-4431 www.pickeringtoyota.com 557 Kingston Rd., Pickering MON., TUES., THURS., FRI. 7:30 - 6:00 WED. 7:30 - 8:00; SAT. 8:00 - 3:00 SERVICE HOURS MON., WED., THURS., FRI. 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. TUES. 7:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. SAT. 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. (905) 831-5400 575 KINGSTON RD. COME & VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION Volvo Car Corporation Volvo of Durham 984 Kingston Road Pickering, ON L1V 1B3 Telephone: 905-421-9515 Fax: 905-421-9520 Volvo of Durham Joe Parker Service Manager VOLVO • HONDA • TOYOTA • SATURN • SAAB • ISUZU • CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC • ACURA BELTS AND HOSES Belts are used to drive a number of engine components: water pumps, power steering pumps, air conditioning, and alternators. Newer car models have only one “serpentine” belt that drives all these accessories. This type of belt is smooth on one side and ribbed on the other. You should carefully examine the ribbed side for cracks or dry spots in the rubber. Serpentine belts are usually self-adjusting and quite sturdy. Another kind of belt used is the adjustable V-type. Hoses are checked visually, looking for cracks and checking tightness. You must pay special attention to the ends where hose clamps are located. Replace all hoses showing signs of cracked or dried rubber. Celebrating A New Beginning in 2002 On behalf of the Ajax Pickering Transit Authority Board, Staff and Customers we would like to express appreciation to the sponsors of our New Year’s Eve Safe Road’s Program. With the generous support of our sponsors, APTA was able to provide our free New Year’s Eve Shuttle Service. Ontario Power Generation Coughlan Homes in Oshawa raised a whopping $5,320.39. Ms. Palmer presented the board with a plaque that listed all the schools “that came together to help our neighbours and allies”. At the centre of the plaque is the now-familiar Canadian and Ameri- can flags side by side, with the words, ‘We Stand United.’ The plaque will be hung at the board’s Education Centre in Whitby. “I was really, really proud of all the schools,” said Ms. Palmer. She came up with the idea for the drive soon after the attack, when she saw a television report that showed a less-fortunate child at an American school donating a penny for the victims’ families. Ms. Palmer, an EA at Kathleen Rowe and Dr. Robert Thornton Public School, also in Whitby, asked education director Grant Yeo for permission to hold the penny drive, and then e-mailed each elementary principal in the system. “All they had to do was collect the coins from the students and the commu- nity,” she said. Ms. Palmer said U-Haul donated a truck and paid for the gasoline so volun- teers could collect the coins from schools. After the coins were rolled, Discount donated a truck so the coins could be transferred to the Canadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce’s Thickson and Glenhill roads branch in Whitby. Ms. Palmer said Universal ATM Ser- vices normally would charge $600 to transfer the huge amount of coins from the bank, but waived the fee. Lynn Martin, campaign associate for the United Way of Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington, thanked Ms. Palmer and her team “for their resourcefulness and for doing an excellent job”. Ms. Martin said she gets daily re- ports from the United Way in the U.S. and said the impact of the attacks on survivors’families will last a long time. “The effect of an event of this mag- nitude, it goes on for years,” she said. Board chairman and Whitby Trustee Elizabeth Roy said the volunteers and school kids did a “phenomenal” job, noting the catastrophe in the U.S. “brought everyone together”. Ajax Wards 3 and 4 Trustee Melinda Crawford praised the “generous heart” of businesses that waived regular fees. She motioned that board schools “stop for one moment of silence” this Sept. 11 “so that we may never forget the lives lost”. Trustees unanimously endorsed the idea. NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 PAGE A5 A/P PICKERING —Ajax and Picker- ing residents living with diabetes will find support in Pickering next week. The Canadian Diabetes Association — Durham Branch support group next meets Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Petticoat Creek Library and Communi- ty Centre, 470 Kingston Rd. Guest speaker is Dr. Mary Ann Franko. Call Barbara at 905-426-5522. Diabetes support group meets Families to benefit from penny fund-raising effort ELIZABETH ROY Durham students did a ‘phenomenal’job. FAMILIES from page A1 Get 0% factory financing PLUS a $500 Holiday Bonus on the purchase of MOST new in-stock 2001and 2002 Grand Marquis, Cougar, Mustang, Explorer, Expedition, Excursion, Ranger and Lincoln. Get $500 on leasing too. †‡ HolidayWrap-Up DRIVES CANADA We at Ford want to help keep Canadians moving through the holidays with our $500 HOLIDAY BONUS PURCHASE OR LEASE ‡ 0%† FORD DEALERS.YOUR ONTARIO CANADA’S #1 CHOICE!. !Based on Ford branded vehicle registrations from January through September 2001. WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY:‡Receive $500 factory to consumer cashback in connection with the cash purchase,purchase financing or lease of new in-stock 2001 and in-stock 2002 Ford and Lincoln vehicle.$500 factory to consumer cashback offer excludes 2001 Econoline/F-150 Harley-Davidson Limited Edition and 2002 Thunderbird/Escape/F-Series Super Duty/Econoline/F-150 Harley-Davidson Limited Edition.Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price before cashback deducted. †0% purchase financing on any new in-stock 2001 Escape/F-Series Super Duty and new in-stock 2002 Ford and Lincoln vehicle excluding 2001 Econoline and 2002 Thunderbird/Escape/Super Duty/Econoline/F-150 SVT Lightning and Harley-Davidson Limited Edition for a maximum of 36 months to retail customers, on approved credit. 0% purchase financing on any new in-stock 2002 Taurus/Windstar and new in-stock 2001 Ford and Lincoln vehicle excluding 2001 Econoline/Mustang SVT Cobra/F-150 SVT Lightning and Harley-Davidson Limited Edition and 2002 Thunderbird/Escape/Super Duty/Econoline/F-150 SVT Lightning and Harley-Davidson Limited Edition for a maximum of 48 months to retail customers, on approved credit. E.g., $20,000 financed at 0% annual percentage for 36/48 months, monthly payment is $555.56/$416.67, cost of borrowing is $0 and total to be repaid is $20,000. Down payment or equivalent trade may be required on purchase financing offers based on approved credit. *Lease a new 2002 Focus LX/Taurus LX/Windstar LX/F-150 XLS 4x2 Regular Cab/Explorer Sport 4x4 for $184/$299/$239/$299/$359 per month based on an annual lease rate of 3.9%/1.9%/0.5%/3.9%/1.9% and a 24 (Windstar), 36 (Focus/Taurus/F-150), 48 (Explorer) month lease from Ford Credit to qualified retail lessees, on approved credit. Total lease obligation is $8,923/$15,163/$10,235/$14,763/$22,231. Some conditions and a mileage restriction of 40,000 km over 24 months apply (Windstar), 60,000 kmover 36 months apply (Focus/Taurus/F-150), 80,000 km over 48 months apply (Explorer).A charge of 8 cents per km over mileage restriction applies, plus applicable taxes.$2,299/$4,399/$4,499/$3,999/$4,999 down payment or equivalent trade required.First month’s payment and $225/$350/$275/$350/$425 security deposit required.Lease offers excludes freight ($740/$915/$965/$1,000/$845).**Cash purchase a new 2002 Focus LX/Taurus LX/Windstar LX/Explorer Sport 4x4 for $14,950/$23,550/$23,995/$31,469.Purchase a new 2002 F-150 XLS 4x2 Regular Cab for $25,089.Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price.Purchase and cash purchase offers exclude freight ($740/$915/$965/$845/$1,000).All offers exclude licence, insurance,administration fees and all applicable taxes.Financing not available with any other offers.Cash purchase and purchase financing offers cannot be combined.If a finance offer is selected,negotiated purchase price may exceed the cash purchase price,and may result in a higher effective interest rate. Dealer may lease or sell for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. Some conditions may apply to the Graduate Recognition program. See Dealer for details. Ontario FDA, P.O. Box 2000, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5E4 Plus $500 Holiday Bonus 2002 Ford Focus 2002 Ford Focus LX 2002 Ford Taurus 2002 Ford Taurus LX 2002 Ford Windstar 2002 Ford Windstar LX 2002 Ford F-150 2002 Ford F150 XLS 4x2 Reg. Cab 2002 Ford Explorer 2002 Ford Explorer Sport 4x4 $184 * per month/36 month lease with $2,299 down payment and $225 security deposit and $740 freight. Or cash purchase for $14,950** $299* per month/36 month lease with $4,399 down payment and $350 security deposit and $915 freight. Or cash purchase for $23,550** $239* per month/24 month lease with $4,499 down payment and $275 security deposit and $965 freight. Or cash purchase for $23,995** $299* per month/36 month lease with $3,999 down payment and $350 security deposit and $1,000 freight. Or purchase for $25,089** $359* per month/48 month lease with $4,999 down payment and $425 security deposit and $845 freight. Or cash purchase for $31,469** Purchase Financing up to 48 months PLUS NOWEXTENDED...BUT ONLY UNTILJANUARY 16THwww.ford.ca/offers ONLY UNTIL JANUARY 16TH COME IN TODAY! Robbie Burns Night Sat., Jan. 26 ® Travel Services VAL MARSHALL VAL MARSHALL TRAVEL CHOICE AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL SERVICES is pleased to announce the merger of their office with ADL TRAVEL PLUS (formerly located in the Baywood Plaza Bayly Street, Ajax) LOUISE WILSON of ADL will now be working out of the offices of Val Marshall Travel Choice American Express located at 539 Westney Road South, Ajax (across from the Discovery Bay Plaza) Call us today for all your travel needs! 905-428-1328/905-619-2012 Fax: 905-428-8670 e-mail: leisure@valmarshalltravel.com THEDURHAMC ATHOL I C DISTRICT SCHOOLBOARDTHE DURHAM CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2002 Registration will be held the week of January 14-18, 2002. For specific dates and times, contact the school offices listed below. CRITERIA: 1. Children to be registered for Junior Kindergarten must be 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2002. 2. Children to be registered for Senior Kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2002. 3. Proof of age is to be presented in the form of a Baptismal Certificate and one of the following: Birth Certificate, Birth Registration or Passport. 4. To register your child, one or both parents/guardians must be Catholic and a registered Separate School supporter. PLEASE NOTE: • The format of the Kindergarten Program (every day for a half day or full day on alternate days) will be a local school decision. • Parents are requested to bring available health records on immunization, allergies, etc. • Please contact your local school prior to January 11, 2002 to obtain particular details and/or make arrangements for registration. OSHAWA/PORT PERRY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS - P. Pulla, Superintendent of Education Canadian Martyrs C.S.....................................................................................................................(905) 576-0333 Father Francis Mahoney C.S...........................................................................................................(905) 728-5062 Father Joseph Venini C.S................................................................................................................(905) 723-2421 Good Shepherd C.S........................................................................................................................(905) 985-0153 Holy Cross C.S................................................................................................................................(905) 725-5732 Immaculate Conception C.S............................................................................................................(905) 985-0128 John XXIII C.S.................................................................................................................................(905) 723-1991 Monsignor Philip Coffey C.S............................................................................................................(905) 723-4241 Sir Albert Love C.S..........................................................................................................................(905) 728-3971 St. Christopher C.S..........................................................................................................................(905) 725-7672 St. Gregory C.S...............................................................................................................................(905) 725-2924 St. Hedwig C.S................................................................................................................................(905) 728-5521 St. John Bosco C.S..........................................................................................................................(905) 743-6223 St. Joseph C.S.................................................................................................................................(905) 725-6751 St. Michael C.S................................................................................................................................(905) 728-5333 St. Thomas Aquinas C.S..................................................................................................................(905) 723-1921 WHITBY/BROOKLIN/BROCK CATHOLIC SCHOOLS - G. Blake, Superintendent of Education Holy Family C.S................................................................................................................................(705) 426-2961 St. Bernard C.S................................................................................................................................(905) 668-3772 St. John the Evangelist C.S..............................................................................................................(905) 668-4011 St. Leo C.S.......................................................................................................................................(905) 655-3852 St. Luke the Evangelist C.S..............................................................................................................(905) 665-5143 St. Marguerite d’Youville C.S............................................................................................................(905) 666-9301 St. Mark the Evangelist C.S.............................................................................................................(905) 721-2460 St. Matthew the Evangelist C.S........................................................................................................(905) 430-8597 St. Paul C.S......................................................................................................................................(905) 728-7011 St. Theresa C.S................................................................................................................................(905) 668-8261 AJAX/PICKERING/UXBRIDGE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS - C. Hurst, Superintendent of Education Holy Redeemer C.S........................................................................................................................(905) 839-5409 Mother Teresa C.S..........................................................................................................................(905) 426-7064 Our Lady of the Bay C.S.................................................................................................................(905) 839-2532 St. Anthony Daniel C.S...................................................................................................................(905) 427-9610 St. Bernadette C.S..........................................................................................................................(905) 683-0571 St. Catherine of Siena C.S..............................................................................................................(905) 427-6105 St. Elizabeth Seton C.S..................................................................................................................(905) 839-0005 St. Francis de Sales C.S.................................................................................................................(905) 683-3320 St. Isaac Jogues C.S......................................................................................................................(905) 839-1844 St. James C.S.................................................................................................................................(905) 427-3327 St. Joseph C.S., Uxbridge...............................................................................................................(905) 852-6242 St. Jude C.S....................................................................................................................................(905) 428-9304 St. Marguerite Bourgeoys C.S........................................................................................................(905) 831-3651 St. Monica C.S................................................................................................................................(905) 509-6691 St. Patrick C.S.................................................................................................................................(905) 427-2866 St. Wilfrid C.S..................................................................................................................................(905) 427-6225 G.A. Andrews Director of Education M.A. Martin Chair of the Board Proud members of NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher twhittaker@durhamregion.com Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-Chief jburghardt@durhamregion.com Steve Houston Managing Editor shouston@durhamregion.com Duncan Fletcher Director of Advertising Retail/Distribution dfletcher@durhamregion.com John Willems Director of Advertising Real Estate/Automotive jwillems@durhamregion.com Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager ekolo@durhamregion.com Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager afakhourie@durhamregion.com Lillian Hook Office Manager lhook@durhamregion.com Barb Harrison Composing Manager bharrison@durhamregion.com *** News 905-683-5110 Sales 905-683-5110 Classifieds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 General Fax 905-683-7363 Death Notices 905-683-3005 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 E-mail shouston@ durhamregion.com Web address durhamregion.com 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 Hours GENERAL OFFICE MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5p.m. DISTRIBUTION MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. *** The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. LETTERS POLICY All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and con- tent. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of let- ters, not all will be printed. Many will miss Premier Mike Harris, but some heavy-hitting lawyers will be crying all over their briefs. The retiring Progressive Conser- vative premier has been involved in more lawsuits than any predecessor and this has meant a lot of fat fees for the legal profession. Mr. Harris also has lost more than any premier before him. His record is like that of the hapless TV lawyer who appeared in court weekly and was ripped to shreds by the all-knowing, relentless Perry Mason. Mr. Harris has lost a couple more cases even in his dying days as premier. In one, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled he had no right to strip Ontario’s 100,000 farm workers of their right to join unions. The premier had repealed a law the former New Democrat govern- ment brought in in 1994, which, for the first time, granted agricultural workers the right to bargain collec- tively. Previous governments had refused it on the grounds the sea- sonal, unreliable nature of farming made it difficult to set working con- ditions and family farms are fragile. The NDP still did not give workers the right to strike, but said disputes must be settled by arbitration. Mr. Harris in opposition promised to repeal the law if he was elected in 1995 and its supporters warned he would never get the courts to uphold him, but he scrapped it as soon as he got in. The most senior court has now found, by an 8-1 decision, Mr. Har- ris violated the provision in the Constitution that allows all Canadi- ans freedom of association. It point- ed out also many of today’s farms are huge, company-run businesses and not family operations. The premier’s last word is he is extremely disappointed and look- ing at what he can do next. He does not bow to the law easily. The same week, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled 3-0 Mr. Har- ris could not substantially reduce the operation of Montfort Hospital in Ottawa, which an earlier Liberal government designated as essential to help French-language services survive. The court found this was a breach of the spirit of the Constitu- tion, which lays down as a funda- mental principle that the rights of the French-speaking minority in Ontario must be protected. Mr. Har- ris responded the decision is com- plex and the Province is reviewing its options. Among other rulings, the Supreme Court found Mr. Harris violated the Charter by refusing to give same-sex couples the same rights as couples of opposite sexes living together. The premier eventu- ally complied grudgingly in legisla- tion he petulantly called An Act To Amend Certain Statutes Because Of The Supreme Court Of Canada Decision In M v H, to make sure residents knew it was not his idea. Ontario’s Court of Appeal pre- vented Mr. Harris from appointing retired judges to arbitrate collective bargaining disputes in place of arbi- trators chosen from a list nominated by unions and management. Unions thought the ex-judges would feel they owed their jobs to Mr. Harris, who is distinctly pro- business, and the court agreed the premier was trying to seize control of the bargaining process. Courts told Mr. Harris he could not fire appointed members of three different public boards before their terms expired merely because they are not Tories. They also would not grant him an injunction to stop a two-day-old teachers’ strike on the claim it had caused irreparable damage, because governments normally wait about three weeks. To cite just one other example, Mr. Harris proposed merging mu- nicipalities and they objected. He then angrily appointed watchdogs he said would stop them from wast- ing tax dollars and a court ruled he had no authority to do so. Courts have chided him for avoiding meaningful consultation and being breathtakingly arbitrary. Why does Mr. Harris get into trouble with courts? He may re- ceive poor legal advice at times, but more likely he has ignored advice closer to the views of the courts. He also has done a lot, rushing through more far-reaching legisla- tion than any premier before him. He has often not taken enough time to think out policies before an- nouncing them, so ministers have not been fully informed on laws they were discussing. But the biggest problem has been the premier and those who have input in his policies are zealots who are totally sure they are right and believe no one can call them to account, including the courts. Lawyers will miss Harris-ment cases Outgoing premier kept legal profession busy with frequent lawsuits ‘What’s good for General Motors is good for Canada.’ With apologies to former U.S. General Motors president Charles Wilson, who made the famous statement about the United States and GM in the 1940s, (he added vice versa to the quotation), the notion of GM and Canada is not too far off the mark. The profitability of the auto giant is always of prime concern in Durham Region of course, as General Motors employs tens of thousands of workers not only in its car and truck plants, but also with its many supplier operations. If General Motors is hurting, so too are the many service in- dustries throughout Durham and beyond that rely on the pa- tronage of GM workers, GM retirees and the many family members they support. That’s why GM’s terrific sales figures in December are cause for great optimism for 2002. GM delivered an amaz- ing 42,415 cars and trucks last month, an 11.8-per cent jump over December 2001 and the best ever December for GM Canada. No doubt the offer of zero-per cent financing on vehicles helped spur sales, but the bottom line is Cana- dians flocked to buy GM in spite of tremendous competi- tion. Such good news must be welcomed by GM Canada’s dynamic new president, Michael Grimaldi, who took the helm last week from Maureen Kempston Darkes. Ms. Darkes, who comes from a legal background, did a solid job in her seven years as chief of Canadian operations. Howev- er, Mr. Grimaldi, a marketing and financial wiz, has ambi- tious plans to expand GM’s marketing share. This past year, in spite of a great December, saw GM Canada’s total share of the Canadian market fall below 30 per cent for the first time in recent memory. GM dropped to 29.4 per cent and that’s a number with which Mr. Grimaldi surely can’t be satisfied. He intends to battle back with redesigned Chevrolet Cavalier and Pontiac Sunfire models. The compact car mar- ket is the largest vehicle segment in Canada and the area where GM can make up the most ground. “We have a lot of strengths. We’ve got to do a better job on the car side of the market,” said Mr. Grimaldi, adding GM’s trucks division gained three points in market share in 2001 while cars lost four. Recent economic indicators suggest the recession may be over so the time could be ripe for GM to roar back and continue the momentum it gained from its superb Decem- ber. Here’s hoping Mr. Grimaldi has the Midas touch. You know a situation has gone from bad to worse when municipal governments start talking up the notion of levying sales or income taxes in a bid to keep revenues rolling in. That very idea — giving municipalities such new taxation powers — has been floated by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and has found some support in various quar- ters. Here at home, Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs and Ajax Mayor Steve Parish aren’t sold on the idea of imposing new sales or income taxes, but agree changes are required to help municipalities meet ever-growing demands for services. The issue, though, isn’t about municipal governments seeking new ways to reach into our pockets. It’s more about upper levels of government not putting back in what they’re taking out of towns and cities across the country. Here in Ontario, municipalities have been forced to con- tend with a government whose promised ‘revenue-neutral’ downloading initiatives have proven to be anything but. Fed- erally, more money from gasoline taxes, as an example, could flow directly to municipal governments to help with roads construction and maintenance. Municipal governments, though they set and collect prop- erty taxes, are loath to expand their responsibilities to include income or sales tax revenues. As Mayor Arthurs noted last week, the City simply is in- terested in taking on a job being done so well by the provin- cial and federal governments. What is required is recognition by the Province and the fed that municipal governments are falling quickly behind in maintaining local infrastructure, in investing for the future, in responding quickly and effectively to local needs because they simply have more responsibilities but fewer tax dollars to do so. Additional taxation powers at the municipal level aren’t the answer for local governments. The answer lies in forcing a more equitable share from those upper levels of govern- ment. Editorial &OPINIONS NEWS ADVERTISER JANUARY 9, 2002 Editorial e-mail responses to shouston@durhamregion.com Letters to the editor e-mail responses to shouston@durhamregion.com Garbage proposal a cat-astrophe in waiting To the editor: Re: ‘Would doubling the stops pay off?’, letter to the editor, Jan. 6. Before neighbours could possi- bly put their garbage together at one curb and reduce the number of stops for collection trucks, munici- palities would have to control the big problem of roaming neighbour- hood cats. At the moment, my neighbour- hood has three cats that roam 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I have on many occasions had to go out and clean up the contents of my trash bag, which the cats had torn apart during the night. I purchased a spray to prevent this, however, it doesn’t work — these animals are hungry and to them garbage is a real feast. My point is there is no way I will go out to clean up trash belonging to a neighbour; it is unpleasant enough cleaning up my own trash. Bottom line, in my opinion the buddy system would not be feasi- ble because of the reason I stated. There are probably other draw- backs as well — such as what hap- pens if you are not friendly with your neighbour or perhaps they are slobs about packing their trash, etc. I’d also like to make a point re- garding recycling. The blue box pickup has been in effect for many, many years and yet there are hun- dreds of people who choose the lazy way and put everything in the trash. People should be obliged to recycle — it’s in their best interest to do so. D.R.A. Brown, Pickering Community has impressive heart To the editor: It really was great to see over the past few weeks in the News Adver- tiser papers that residents of Durham Region have been so gen- erous and thoughtful this Christmas season. There have been so many stories about various organizations that work so hard to make sure the less fortunate of our communities have a merry Christmas. At the Durham Children’s Aid Society, we experienced this gen- erosity first-hand and we would like to thank everyone who sup- ported this year’s ‘Community car- ing at Christmas’ campaign. This year we surpassed the number of families and children who were supported last year. With the help of many generous donors and vol- unteers, we provided Christmas hampers to 382 families, with 824 children. Donors provided everything to make Christmas special, from toys and books to clothes and food. Some businesses and schools spon- sored entire families, while many individuals donated money and items to contribute to Christmas hampers. We rely on community mem- bers to help care for children year- round, but it is especially gratifying to see our offices transformed into what looks like Santa’s warehouse at Christmas-time. For the couple of weeks before Christmas our staff have to navigate around boxes and bags as all the gifts are wrapped and sorted. Many families with whom we work would not be able to provide Christmas dinner or gifts for their children if it wasn’t for your help. Thank you to the residents of Durham for your caring at Christ- mas and to the News Advertiser for helping us spread the word. We look forward to working with everyone again next year. James L. Dubray, Executive director, Durham Region Children’s Aid Society A/P PAGE A6 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 Does he have the Midas touch? New GM president arrives to record numbers, but there’s room to grow A taxing time Municipalities require bigger share from upper tiers of government Eric Dowd At Queen’s Park shouston@durhamregion.com The way we were McKay House c. 1877 Donald and Margaret McKay built their two-storey home in 1854 from local fieldstone and Kingston limestone. Named Charnacy after the village in Scotland where Donald was born, the house, as il- lustrated above in the 1877 County of Ontario Atlas, still stands at the northeast corner of Pickering Beach and Kingston roads, though its fate is still un- certain. Photos supplied by the Heritage Ajax Advisory Committee on behalf of the Ajax Community Archives. For more information about either, please call Brenda Kriz at 905-619-2529 ext. 343. Customer CARE CENTRE Help us Measure and Enhance our Service Delivery Please take a moment to complete our Customer Care Feedback Form on our website cityofpickering.com We Value Your Input! ATTEND PUBLIC MEETINGS AT CITY HALL DATE MEETING TIME Jan. 9 Race Relations & Equity Committee 7:00 pm Jan. 10 Waterfront Committee 7:00 pm Jan. 14 Planning Committee 7:30 pm Jan. 14 Committee of the Whole 7:30 pm Jan. 17 Statutory Public Information Meeting 7:00 pm Jan. 21 City Council Meeting 7:30 pm Jan. 28 Finance Committee 1:30 pm Jan. 28 Operations Committee 1:30 pm All meetings are open to the public. For meeting details call 905-420-2222 or visit the website. Enjoy Our Sauna & Whirlpool Be a member for a day. Bring this ad with you and enjoy use of the membership facilities during your next visit to the Pickering Recreation Complex. Only for users 18 years of age & older.PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING ON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION OPA 01-004/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/01 CITY INITIATED: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NOTION ROAD LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN STUDY The City of Pickering has completed a land use and urban design study for the Notion Road Area (see location map below). The Planning Committee of Council will be considering a Staff Report on the related implementation matters at its meeting of January 14, 2002, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chambers of the Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario. The Staff Report will include the recommended amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and to Zoning By-law 3036, which implement the results of the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study, and the complementary Notion Road Development Guidelines. Copies of the report will be available from the Office of the City Clerk on and after January 10th, 2002. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and address the Planning Committee when the item is presented for discussion. It is anticipated that City Council will consider the recommendations of the Planning Committee at its meeting of January 21, 2002. For further information, please contact Steve Gaunt, Planner II, at 905-420-4660, extension 2033. 2001 CIVIC AWARDS PRESENTATION The Pickering Central Library will be offering computer basics and internet basics programs for adults throughout the winter and spring. We also offer these same programs for older adults. These 2 hour hands-on workshops will help the novice feel more comfortable using a computer and searching the internet. Registration for these programs is required. Registration in person will begin on January 18th and telephone registration will begin on January 21st. For more information, please call 905-831-6265, ext. 6243 or 905-686-0250. Come out and enjoyCome out and enjoy learning thelearning the techniques oftechniques of Latin Line Dancing,Latin Line Dancing, Cha, Cha, Cha …Cha, Cha, Cha … Petticoat Creek Community Centre 470 Kingston Road (West of Rosebank Road on Highway #2) For registration details call 905-420-4621 TUESDAYS 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Starting January 22nd 15 Weeks for $17.00 This program is for 55 years plus. New Year, New You! At Pickering Rec Complex Learn how to: Lose weight and keep it off naturally, supercharge your body for energy and vitality, how to live longer and healthier, and how to reduce stress. Topics include: Digestion, Colon, Immunity, Circulation, Antidotes to Aging, Hormones, Weight Management, Candida and Stress. Course is offered at the Recreation Complex at a cost of $135.00 + gst Morning and evening classes available January 31/02 10:00 am - 11:30 am (8 weeks) January 31/02 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 pm (8 weeks) HOLISTIC NUTRITION Do you want to: PILATES Take control of your health and learn how to live more vibrantly? Reverse the aging and disease processes in this life- transforming workshop. WEIGHT TRAINING FOR WOMEN A beginner weight training program for women only. A no-stress approach to stronger, leaner muscles and better posture. An emphasis on movement quality, posture and breathing makes Pilates mat work a safe, challenging and revitalizing workout. Perfect core conditioning. • Become skilled in effective weight training techniques. • Understand training theory and how it applies to your routine. • Discover tips that save time and maximize results. Various January start dates available. Classes are 1 hour in length, once a week for 6 weeks at a cost of $50 + GST For complete details call 905-831-1711For complete details call 905-831-1711 Various January start dates available. Classes are 45 minutes in length, once a week for 10 weeks at a cost of $80 + GST 24 Hour Access 905-420-4660 cityofpickering.com905-420-2222 Father Time is on your heels... Run over to the Rec Complex for fitness details 905-683-6582 Pre-Teen Workout @ Pickering Rec Complex 905-683-6582 The City of Pickering will once again be presenting Civic Awards to members of the community who have exemp- lified outstanding service and to celebrate the activities and achievements of those deserved individuals and local groups. EVERYONE WELCOME TO ATTEND 905-420-2222 905-683-2760 MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2002 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CIVIC COMPLEX POOL RENTALS Both the Complex & Dunbarton Pools are available for private rental. It’s an exciting way to celebrate a birthday party, activity nights, scuba courses or just an excuse to get together with friends. Continue the party in one of our meeting rooms located just off the pool. For more information call us at the Rec. Complex 905-831-1711 or 905-683-6582 NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 PAGE A7 P A/P PAGE A8 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 Ajax Film Circuit movie looks at love AJAX — A film about two seniors who forsake convention and follow their hearts is offered as the next instalment of the Ajax Film Circuit. ‘Innocence’ was directed by Australian Paul Cox and exam- ines the nature of love. It’s being shown at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 16 at the Ajax Cineplex Odeon theatres, on Hwy. 2 at Pickering Beach Road. Advance tickets are available for $6.50 at all three branches of the Ajax Public Library or for $7 at the theatre box office on the day of the show. The film circuit is a fund-raising event of the Friends of the Ajax Public Library and is held in co-operation with the Toronto International Film Festi- val Group. For more informa- tion, call Ian Leckie at 905-427- 1522 or Cindy Kimber at 905- 683-6632. TM Trade-mark of CIBC.*APR (Annual Percentage Rate) based on a new $120,000 mortgage with 25-year amortization.CIBC mortgage prime rate (prime) may vary; example assumes prime of 4.0% per annum, the rate on November 28/01.The interest rate of the Better Than Prime Mortgage is variable and fluctuates as prime changes, and the term is a 5-year closed, for residential mortgages. Mortgages are provided by CIBC Mortgages Inc. to qualified borrowers. Some conditions apply.Visit your CIBC branch for details. It’s calling your name CIBC Better Than Prime MortgageTM.For the first 9 months you’ll get 1.01% below prime (3.62% APR for a 5-year term*) and then 0.25% below prime for the balance of the 5-year term. Which means you’ll be able to save money and pay off your mortgage faster.Smart Simple Solutions.TM CIBC. It’s time. TM Visit your branch or call 1-800-465-CIBC (2422) RENOVATIONS COMPUTERS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES ROOFING LAWYER Full Service Law Firm Specializing i n : Residential Real Estate, Family Law M a t t e r s & Criminal Law Matters 467 WESTNEY RD. S., UNIT 21 AJAX ON L1S 6V8 TEL: (905) 427-0225 FAX: (905) 427-5374 ACCOUNTANT FRANK R e a l E s t a t e Connect Realty LOIS WEAVER Sales Representative 1970 Brock Road Pickering, Ontario L1V 1Y3 Direct Line 905-683-6444 Bus: 905-427-6522 (24 hr . p a g e r ) E-mail: lweaver@royallepa g e . c a INDEPENDENTLY OWNED A N D O P E R A T E D , B R O K E R (416) 618-3436 André Boose ROOFING MASTER RE-ROOFING SHINGLES TORCH MEMBRANE SLATE & TILE REPAIR & SERVICE CALL ABOUT SPECIALS Computer Hardware & Software Sales, Services & Installation Tel: (905) 837-1330 Fax: (905) 837-1394 www.pc-tek.ca 1648 Bayly Street (West of Brock & Bayly) Pickering, Ontario, L1W 1L9 E-mail: pctek1@idirect.com 1-866-PCTEK 88 Tl Lim Lum, CGA Certified General Accountant ACCPAC Simply Accounting Certified Consultant Financial Statements - Cor porate Tax Returns - Personal Tax R e t u r n s Tax Planning - Bookkeeping 1526 Garland Crescent Pickering, Ontario L1V 7B3 Tel: 4 1 6 - 9 9 3 - 1 6 2 2 Fax: 9 0 5 - 8 3 1 - 1 1 7 8 lim.lum@home.com TO ADVERTISE CALL JIM GOOM (905) 683-5110 EXT. 241 M cASH CONSTRUCTION M cASH Don’t Move, Improv e Complete Home Improvements 416-402-7879 Mike Edwards TRAVEL YOGA EQUIPMENT RENTAL DRIVERS EDUCATION CARS & TRUCKS GARAGE DOORS AJAX: 9 0 5 - 4 2 7 - 5 5 5 6 Fax: 9 0 5 - 4 2 7 - 1 0 7 8 Toronto West: 9 0 5 - 4 5 7 - 7 9 7 7 Toronto East: 9 0 5 - 8 8 7 - 0 7 0 7 Toronto Downtown: 4 1 6 - 4 0 6 - 5 7 7 8 Out of Town: 3 1 0 - 2 0 0 0 After Hours Emergencies: 4 1 6 - 5 6 6 - 0 7 5 0 RENTALS • SALES • SERVICE 400 Clements Road West Ajax, Ontario L1S 6W8Get the equipment you need, when y o u n e e d i t , where you need it ... For rent or purc h a s e . A huge selection of tools and equipme n t f or thehome renovator and small contracto r . DRIVERS EDUCATION 1050 Brock Road Bus: (905) 831-6464 Unit 10 Res: (416) 438-5819 Pickering, Ont. L1W 3X4 Pager: (416) 547-7489 PETER ’S ACADEMY OF DEFENSIVE DRIVING CERTIFIED SANDALS SPECILIST The Worlds #1 All Inclusive AJAX TRAVEL 905-683-4800Tl ® Stocks Bonds GICs Mutual Funds RRSPs INVESTMENTS June B. Timmons Investment Representative 60 Randall Drive, Unit #9 Ajax, ON L1S 6L3 Bus. 905-426-6501 Fax 905-426-1335 www.edwardjones.com MEMBER CIPF “Your Garage Door Specialist” GARAGE DOORS OPENERS GARAGE DOORS 905-686-6195 785 Westney Rd. South #23 Ajax, Ontario L1S 7G1 DOOR SYSTEMS We at Boyer’s are committed to buil d i n g a l i f e t i m e r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h y o u . Your total satisfaction measures ou r s u c c e s s . PONTIAC • BUICK GMC TRUCKS CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APSLEY PICKERING (905) 831-2693 Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick GMC (198 8 ) L d t . With Profes s i o n a l Renov a t i o n s Whether you are buying your f i r s t home, transferring from another financial institution or refinancing an existing mortgage, I can help you find your bes t mortgage solution! Donna C. Henderson Manager Residential Mortgages Durham Region Tel: (905) 426-4410 Fax: (905) 427-7968 Pager: 1-800-560-1593-(24 ho u r s ) FINEST INDIAN CUISINE Manohar Singh TREAT YOURSELF TO FINE INDIAN CUISINE LUNCH BUFFET $6.99 EVERY DAY 611 KINGSTON RD. W. AJAX (905) 686-5553 MONDAY CLOSED TUES-THURS 11:30-9:30 FRI-SAT 11:30 10:30 SUNDAY 12 NOON -9:00 INSURANCE AUTO • HOME • LIFE See your State Farm agent: Like a good neighbour,State farm is there.™ statefarm.com™ State Farm Insurance Companies Canadian Head Offices: Scarborough, Ontario HARRIETTA MAYERS 54 RAVENSCROFT RD. Phone:(905) 683-8258 Fax: (905) 683-6921 Email: harrietta.mayers.jtxo@stat e f a r m . c o m Pickering unbeaten in six following wins over Wexford Raiders, North York Rangers BY AL RIVETT Sports Editor PICKERING —It’s six games without a loss and counting for the Pickering Boyer Pontiac Panthers who suddenly found their scoring touch in a major way on the weekend in posting two significant wins. The Panthers began the weekend — their third and fourth games of the week — by flum- moxing the first-place Wexford Raiders 7-3 in OHA Ontario Provincial Junior ‘A’ Hockey League action at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex Friday. They followed this sterling effort with a solid one against North York in Toronto Sunday after- noon, holding off the Rangers 4-3. The Panthers play host to the Oshawa Legion- aires tonight (Wednesday) at the Pickering Recreation Complex at 7:30 p.m. in a game rescheduled from last month. The two weekend victories, combined with points earned through ties with Vaughan and North York early last week, helped the Panthers (15-17-4-2 for 36 points) vault into fourth place in the nine-team South Conference standings. Factoring in three games played at the New- market Junior Showcase Tournament late last month, the Panthers have failed to earn a point only once (a 2-1 tournament loss to the Aurora Tigers) in their last 10 games. A 3-2 overtime loss to Markham Dec. 16 resulted in a single point coming Pickering’s way. Following that loss to Markham, Pickering has won four and tied two in its last six games. The Panthers were full value for their week- end wins, with the team getting scoring produc- tion from the bulk of its forwards. The win over North York proved to be a breakout game for the forward unit of Dave Tonkin, Scott Oldfield and Scott Mitchell. Tonkin netted a hat trick to lead the way, while Oldfield and Mitchell accounted for two assists apiece. The Panthers’ top scoring troika of Garett Winder, Mike Hanna and Dan Schofield com- bined for 11 points to pace the Panthers to their win over the Raiders. Team captain Winder notched a hat trick and added an assist, with Hanna adding a goal and three assists and Schofield three assists. His charges’ ability to share the scoring bur- den was the prime reason for the successful weekend, noted Panthers’ head coach Bill Pur- cell. “We’re getting some scoring from the other kids. The Winder-Schofield-Hanna line is scor- ing, but we’re getting scoring from other players, which really helps,” he said. “When a kid like Tonkin can step in and score a hat trick for us, that certainly helps.” Scoring aside, the Panthers have also been the recipients of some outstanding goaltending cour- tesy of Kevin Kliman, who made 23 saves against North York and 29 against Wexford. Following the Newmarket tournament, Pur- cell vowed to start the goaltender with the hot hand and, so far, Kliman has continued to excel. “I decided after the tournament that if a goal- tender wins, you keep going with him until he loses. So far, Kliman has been going great,” noted Purcell. The weekend was especially perfect for the Panthers as they dispatched the Raiders in con- vincing fashion, scoring five unanswered sec- ond-period goals to hand Wexford only its sixth loss of the season. “I think there was some overconfidence on Wexford’s part,” said Purcell. “We got off to an excellent start and we played an excellent hock- ey game. You have to play an excellent game to beat Wexford.” The Panthers play two games this weekend, hosting the neighbouring Ajax Axemen Friday night at the complex at 7:30 p.m. The Panthers have a return date with Wexford in Toronto Sun- day at 7 p.m. PANTHERS’ POSTSCRIPT: Ryan Taylor scored the Panthers other goal against North York... Newcomer Dan NcNeill scored on his first shift with the Panthers against Wexford. Also scoring were Brent Chandler and Mike Alexiou... McNeill (wrist),Colin Jennings (knee) and defenceman Sean Bradley (foot) left Friday’s game with injuries. McNeill returned for Sunday’s game in North York, but Bradley and Jennings remained out of the lineup... For- ward Jay Grant has been released by the Pan- thers...The Panthers have nine games remaining in the regular-season schedule...Two Panthers will take part in the OPJAHL 2001-2001 All-Star Game tonight (Wednesday) in Hamilton at 7:30 p.m. Forward Garett Winder and defenceman Kyle Aitken will represent Pickering on the South-East Conference all-star squad. Unfortu- nately, the all-star game falls on the same date the Panthers play the Oshawa Legionaires. NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 PAGE B1 P Sports &LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISER JANUARY 9, 2002 Recycle!E-mail sports results:arivett@durhamregion.comPanthers starting to pounce GARETT WINDER Team captain leads the way against Wexford with hat trick, assist. SNOWBOARDS SALES & TUNING Bikes & Boards 889 Westney Rd. S., Ajax • 905-619-8875 Bring this ad and receive $5.00 OFF next tuning Bring this ad and receive $5.00 OFF next tuning Junior and Senior Kindergarten Pre-Registration for September 2002 Telephone pre-registration for Durham District School Board Junior and Senior Kindergarten programs for September will begin Tuesday, January 15, 2002, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Children eligible for Junior Kindergarten programs must be four (4) years of age by December 31, 2002. Children eligible for Senior Kindergarten programs must be five (5) years of age by December 31, 2002. If the number of children pre-registered for Junior or Senior Kindergarten exceeds the accepted class limit, some students may be bused to another school. AJAX SCHOOLS::::: Alexander Graham Bell P.S. .....905-683-7368 Applecroft P.S. ..........................905-428-2775 Cadarackque P.S. ......................905-428-2347 Claremont P.S...........................905-649-2000 Dr. Roberta Bondar P.S. ...........905-686-1081 Duffin’s Bay P.S. .......................905-683-6023 Lakeside P.S. ............................905-686-3014 Lester B. Pearson P.S................905-427-4658 Lincoln Alexander P.S. .............905-619-0357 Lincoln Avenue P.S...................905-683-4941 Lord Durham P.S. .....................905-683-6240 Lord Elgin P.S...........................905-683-3581 Parkside P.S. ............................905-683-0921 Roland Michener P.S. ...............905-686-5437 Southwood Park P.S. ................905-683-5230 Valley View P.S.........................905-683-6208 Westney Heights P.S. ................905-427-7819 ................................................. PICKERING SCHOOLS: Altona Forest P.S......................905-839-9900 Bayview Heights P.S. ................905-839-1146 E.B. Phin P.S. ...........................905-509-2277 Fairport Beach P.S....................905-839-1451 Frenchman’s Bay P.S. ..............905-839-1131 Gandatsetiagon P.S. ..................905-831-1868 Glengrove P.S. ..........................905-839-1771 Highbush P.S. ...........................905-839-5289 Maple Ridge P.S. .......................905-420-4103 Rosebank Road P.S. ..................905-509-2274 Sir John A. Macdonald P.S. ......905-839-1159 Valley Farm P.S. .......................905-428-6337 Vaughan Willard P.S.................905-839-1931 Westcreek P.S. ..........................905-509-5437 William Dunbar P.S. .................905-420-5745 Grade One French ImmersionGrade One French ImmersionGrade One French ImmersionGrade One French ImmersionGrade One French Immersion Pre-Registration for September 2002Pre-Registration for September 2002Pre-Registration for September 2002Pre-Registration for September 2002Pre-Registration for September 2002 The Durham District School Board offers at no additional charge to parents a French Immersion program for non-Francophone students, beginning in grade one. Information meetings will be held as follows in schools which offer the program: AJAX SCHOOLS: Cadarackque P.S. ......................905-428-2347 Southwood Park P.S. ................905-683-5230 PICKERING SCHOOLS: Frenchman’s Bay P.S. ..............905-839-1131 Sir John A. Macdonald P.S. ......905-839-1159 All French Immersion program information meetings will be held Wednesday, January 30, 2002 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Pre-Registration forPre-Registration forPre-Registration forPre-Registration forPre-Registration for Junior and Senior KindergartenJunior and Senior KindergartenJunior and Senior KindergartenJunior and Senior KindergartenJunior and Senior Kindergarten and Grade One French Immersionand Grade One French Immersionand Grade One French Immersionand Grade One French Immersionand Grade One French Immersion DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Scarborough Scarborough Pickering Markham Ajax Kennedy & Sheppard Markham & Milner 1550 Bayly WOMEN ONLY! WOMEN ONLY! (416) (416) (905) (905) (905) 298-8700 609-1492 420-6528 201-8356 428-2500 Fit for Life and Women in Motion Health & Racquet Clubs FIT FOR LIFE & Women in Motion Fitness ClubsF L4Don’t wait to Lose the weight! Are you ready to look great & feel fantastic this year? Choose Choose • Personalized Fitness Programs • Fast Burning Cardiovascular Center • Extensive Free Weights • Squash/Racquetball • Supervised Childcare • Aerobic Studios, Cycling Initiation Fees Fitness Fees Card Fees $0 3 Months Free OR T he first 1 0 0 m e m bers will receive both $0 Initiation and 3 Months Free! SOCCER REGISTRATION 2002 The Ajax United Soccer Club will be holding Registrations for the 2002 Soccer Season Registration Dates: Saturday, January 12, 19 ~ February 2 REGISTRATION FORMS ALSO AVAILABLE AT: Ajax Community Centre - Upper Level 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Registration is open to girls & boys ages 4 and up. Proof of age and health card number is required. Tryouts are presently being held for Girls/Boys Rep Teams. Please contact the appropriate coach or call the Club at (905) 683-0351 for details: Registration Fee: $110 per player ~ $315 per family of 3 or more EACH REGISTERED PLAYER WILL RECEIVE: Full Soccer Uniform (Jersey/shorts/socks), Soccer Ball, Team Picture, End of Season Banquet Nelson Hobbies in the Ajax Plaza - (905) 683-0351 The Soccer Connection, 71 Station St., Ajax - (905) 427-8829 Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm BOYS U10 Dean Thomson (905) 686-0739 BOYS U11 Ian Evans (905) 683-3751 GIRLS U13 Richard Hirst (905) 404-0509 GIRLS U13 Sam Bell (905) 427-4195 GIRLS U14 Al Lees (905) 427-0239 BOYS U14 Matt Dinunno (905) 420-7194 GIRLS U15 Ian Alderton (905) 420-8806 GIRLS U16 Alan Pryce (905) 619-8004 GIRLS U17 Lorne Nicholson (905) 428-3183 GIRLS U18/19 Henry Nelson (905) 683-0351 After March 1st: $120 per player ~ $345 per family of 3 or more PICKERING TOYOTA ATHLETE OF THE WEEK577 Kingston Rd. Pickering 420-9000 WE AREHERE WEST - 401 - EAST HWY. 2 HARWOODWESTNEYBROCKLIVERPOOLWHITESN Pickering Boyer Pontiac Panthers’ team captain Garett Winder continues his torrid scoring pace, which has in large part helped the Panthers to their current six-game unbeaten streak in junior ‘A’ hockey. The veteran forward notched a hat trick and added an assist in the Panthers big 7-3 win over the first- place Wexford Raiders Friday night. Winder currently leads the team in scoring with 55 points (31 goals, 24 assists) in 38 games so far this season. He’s also in the top 10 in the league’s South Conference scoring race. A/P PAGE B2 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 Please recycle this newspaper One is the loneliest number for Raiders’ minor novices Ajax-Pickering reps lose overtime heartbreaker in tourney semifinals DURHAM —The Ajax- Pickering Raiders minor novice ‘AAA’rep hockey team dropped its semifinal contest by the narrowest of margins at the annual Oakville Rangers International Minor Hockey Tournament over the Christ- mas break. Despite falling behind the eventual champs Richmond Hill (19-1 in Eastern Ontario league play) early, the Raiders clawed back with a second-pe- riod goal from Christian Kirk, and one in the third from Tyler Malone to knot the score and send the game into overtime. Assisting were Eric Rizzo with two and Ben Gravel with one. Nikesh Jaggan provided a strong effort during regulation time. The overtime format saw both teams icing four skaters and a goalie, and after each subsequent shift of two min- utes, a skater was taken off the ice. The semifinal contest came down to a 1-on-1 show- down (plus goalies), with a goal by Jake Schiavi ending the game. In the opening contest, the Stoney Creek Icebreakers dumped the Raiders 4-1. Jor- dan Minos scored the lone goal, assisted by Adam Val- adao. In Game 2, the Raiders were trailing the Hamilton Reps 3-2 after two periods be- fore replying with four unan- swered goals for a 6-3 victory. Leading the way offensively were Michael Walker with three, and Valadao, Kirk and Minos rounding out the scor- ing. Assists went to Jordan Kotsopoulos and Gravel, each with three, Walker and Joe Doherty. Game 3 pitted the Raiders against the Oakville Rangers. Clinging to a 6-5 second-peri- od lead, Raiders’ goalie Dylan Higgins shut the opposition down, while two third-period markers by Walker and Kot- sopoulos’s second of the game helped the Raiders skate away with a 9-5 victory to advance to the semifinals. Also having two-goal games were Kirk and Malone, while Michael Wilkins added the other. Assists went to Kot- sopoulos with three, Gravel, Doherty and Jake Bannister all with two, Wilkins and Walker. Most valuable player Alex Fortin enjoyed a strong game at both ends of the ice. The tournament also fea- tured an entertaining 3-on-3 competition in which the Raiders came away after suc- cessive OT victories to ad- vance to the final. Despite the outstanding efforts of goalie Grant Tamane, the Raiders lost 2-0 to Stoney Creek. Bob Kirk coaches the team, assisted by Wayne Rizzo, Al- bert Walker and Dan Min- nings. The manager is Steve Minos. Just the FAX: 905-683-7363 NP0120302 Copyright 2002. Sears Canada Inc. SALE PRICES END SUN., JAN. 13, OR WHERE SEARS IS CLOSED, SAT., JAN. 12, 2002, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Inventory sale Plus everyday good values All Silverguard ® tires on sale FEATURING: 40% OFF SILVERGUARD ESPRIT®II ALL-SEASON TIRES Sale, from 49.79 each. P155/80R13.#71000 series SILVERGUARD ESPRIT II ALL-SEASON TIRES Size Sale, each P175/70R13 61.19 P185/75R14 67.19 P195/75R14 71.39 P185/70R14 71.39 P195/70R14 74.39 P205/75R14 74.99 P205/75R15 77.39 P205/70R15 82.19 P225/60R16 95.99 P235/75R15XL 91.79 Other sizes also on sale 115,000 KM TREAD WEAROUT WARRANTY* *Complete details at Sears All Winter tires on sale! ARCTIC ALPIN TIRES Sale, from 61.19 each. P155/80R13. Other sizes, sale 68.39-143.09 each. #16000 series ROADHANDLER®ICE & SNOW TIRES Sale, from 40.49 each. P145/80R12. Other sizes, sale 47.69-116.99 each. #10000 series $10 off DIEHARD GOLD®AND INTERNATIONAL BATTERIES Sears reg. 89.99-109.99 with trade-in**. Each 79.99-99.99 with trade-in**. #50000 series. **There is a $5 deposit when you buy a new battery at Sears, refundable with the return of your old battery for recycling Pickering Town Centre Direct Line 420-0271 save 40% •MEN’S SELECTED CASUAL FALL OUTERWEAR Includes leather jackets •MEN’S SELECTED SUITS & SPORTCOATS save 30% MEN’S FALL & WINTER DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR & DESIGNER DENIM By Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren, Nautica, Chaps, Kenneth Cole, Tommy Bahama, Claiborne, Timberland, 4 You, CK Jeans, Tommy Jeans, Polo Jeans & more save 40% •ALL WOMEN’S FALL & WINTER OUTERWEAR Excludes licensed departments •WOMEN’S SELECTED FLANNEL SLEEPWEAR & ROBES save upto 50% WOMEN’S SELECTED FALL & HOLIDAY FASHIONS By Tommy Hilfiger, Jones New York, Liz Claiborne, Alia, Alia Sport, Tan Jay, Alfred Dunner & more. Includes petite & Plus sizes All savings are off our regular prices, unless otherwise specified. Brands and selection will vary by store. Excludes Outline, just-reduced, special buys, Bay Value & licensed departments. on now! 70%ffup to clearance! shop & save with more great offers! 2499 WOMEN'S MANTLES™& TOGO™SWEATERS ORIGINAL PRICES $39 - $50 FROM19 99 WOMEN’S MANTLES™ BLOUSES ORIGINAL PRICE $29.99 FROM 2999 WOMEN’S BRAND NAME SHOES ORIGINAL PRICES $49 - $125 save 70% ALL WOMEN’S REQUEST FASHIONS, HOLLYWOOD & REQUEST JEANS Off our original prices women, men & kids fashions FROM 2999 ALL KIDS’ WINTER BOOTS ORIGINAL PRICES $40 - $75 FROM4999 OUTERWEAR FOR BOYS' & GIRLS' 2-6X FROM14 99 KIDS’ BOTTOMS SIZE 7-16 FROM 799 BOYS’ & GIRLS’ SELECTED TOPS SIZE 7-16 4999 MEN’S SELECTED MANTLES™ CASUAL PANTS ORIGINAL PRICES $65 - $70 19 99 MEN’S SELECTED CASUAL SHIRTS ORIGINAL PRICE FROM $45 4999 MEN’S & WOMEN'S ATHLETIC SHOES BY: NIKE , REEBOK, ADIDAS , BROOKS &MORE ORIGINAL PRICES $69.99 - $110 2999 MEN’S SELECTED SWEATERS ORIGINAL PRICE FROM $45 While quantities last. Sorry, no substitutions. Selection will vary by store. TURN EVERYDAYSHOPPING INTO REWARDS. Earn points at all Hudson’s Bay Company(HBC) family of stores-The Bay,Zellers,Home Outfitters,Déco Découverte or hbc.com COLLECT POINTS FASTER WITH YOUR BAY, HBC OR ZELLERS CREDIT CARD. EARN 25 BONUS POINTS WITH ALMOST EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND shopping is good NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 PAGE B3 A/P Pickering teen earns dancing role in film production of ‘Chicago’ BY AL RIVETT Staff Editor PICKERING —A Pickering teen never believed she had a serious shot at landing a dream role among several of Hollywood’s leading actors in a film project set to roll in Toronto this month. The casting call for the film musi- cal ‘Chicago’, starring Richard Gere, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zell- weger and soul singer Mya, sought dancers in their 20s. As a 16-year-old dancer, Brittany Gray thought she was a little too young to be vying for a coveted spot in the production. Using her talent and perhaps a little luck to her best advantage, the dancer put her best foot forward to beat out literally hundreds of other aspirants to land a part in the film. “I’ve been dancing since I was three years old. It’s everybody’s dream to be able to do what you love to do. I’m a step closer to being a great entertainer and it’s wonderful to be chosen for the role,” said Gray, a dancer at the Denise Lester Dance Academy in Pickering. Gray admitted, however, when the auditions began last November, she didn’t hold out much hope. “At the first audition they were calling for people 20 years and older. My mother didn’t want me to go be- cause it was for older dancers and she didn’t think it would work out. I just wanted to go for the experience. I left there very much in awe of it. I didn’t know what would happen or if I would get the part,” she said. A week later, she received a call- back, which meant another two hours of performing in front of the movie’s casting people in a Toronto rehearsal hall. Two weeks later, she was in- formed she would be in the movie. Since then, she has attended sever- al rehearsals in downtown Toronto during November and December in advance of the film shoots in Toronto from Jan. 16 to 18. The film, a black comedy based on a successful musical theatre produc- tion, tells the story of Roxie Hart, a chorus girl who murders her unfaith- ful husband, then manages not only to avoid prison with the help of razzle- dazzle lawyer Billy Flynn, played by Gere in the movie, but uses the trial to propel herself to showbiz stardom along with another murderous chorus girl, Velma Kelly. In the film, Gray is among the dance troupe that performs a number called ‘Cell Block Tango’. “It takes place in a jail cell and it’s basically Catherine Zeta Jones and Renee Zellweger talking about how much they dislike their husbands. We’re (the dancers) with them as in- mates,” said Gray. During her time in rehearsal, Gray had the opportunity to meet all the cast members, including the stars. She noted they were genuine people and not typical Hollywood stars. “It’s funny that they appear so dif- ferent when they’re on stage, but off stage, they’re average people just doing their jobs. They were very down to earth. They didn’t seem into them- selves; they were just doing their jobs,” she explained. It’s been a whirlwind year of activ- ity for Gray. In addition to landing the role in ‘Chicago’, she finished her first season as a working dancer, perform- ing in ‘Graveyard Shift’ at Paramount Canada’s Wonderland this summer. “It was a wonderful experience for me,” she said. “It was amazing to make people smile and to interact with the audiences. It was a good feeling.” She also served as a backup dancer in two music videos by teen pop sen- sation Aaron Carter (younger brother of Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys) this summer. One video was ‘Not Too Young But Not Too Old’and the other was ‘Leave It Up to Me’. Both were filmed in Toronto. Although Gray isn’t sure when ‘Chicago’ would make its big-screen debut, all signs point to a December 2002 release. A/P PAGE B4 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 Entertainment NEWS ADVERTISER JANUARY 9, 2002 A little Gray in black comedy Pickering dancer Brittany Gray rubbed shoulders with A-list Hollywood stars Richard Gere, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellweger in her work on the film ‘Chicago’ currently shooting in Toronto. Euchre Sundays 8:00 PM Start NP0120102 Copyright 2002. Sears Canada Inc. Use your Sears Card and don’t pay for one full year*on all major appliances SALE PRICES END SUN., JAN. 13, OR WHERE SEARS IS CLOSED, SAT., JAN. 12, 2002, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED Warehouse Sale Plus everyday good values now 49999 KENMORE 30" EASY-CLEAN RANGE Electronic timer. Frameless glass oven door. #59053. Sears reg. 749.99. Also available in Black-on-White. Self-clean extra. Sale ends Thursday, January 24, 2002 now 89999 KENMORE®20.5-CU. FT. FRIDGE WITH TOP FREEZER 2 full ‘spillproof’ glass shelves. 2 crispers; 1 with humidity control. #65152. Sears reg. 1149.99. Available in White and Bisque. Sale ends Sun., Feb. 10, or where closed, Sat., Feb. 9, 2002 now 87998 FOR TEAM KENMORE SUPER-CAPACITY LAUNDRY TEAM 3-cu. ft. washer. 6 cycle options. #22422. Sears reg. 649.99. 449.99 6-cu. ft. dryer. 6 drying options. #62602. Sears reg. 529.99. 429.99 now 49999 KENMORE ULTRA WASH DISHWASHER 5 wash levels. #15622. Sears reg. 649.99. Also available in Bisque and Black Sears stores close to you, close to home Major Appliances are available at the following Greater Toronto locations: North Bolton Dealer Store (905) 857-4390 Markham Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvements Store Don Mills & Steeles (905) 881-6600 Markville Shopping Centre (905) 946-1866 Newmarket Furniture & Appliances Store Yonge St. & Davis Dr. (905) 830-0049 Promenade Shopping Centre (905) 731-3388 Richmond Hill Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 and Yonge St. (905) 762-0870 Upper Canada Mall Newmarket (905) 898-2300 Woodbridge Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 & Weston Rd. (905) 850-6406 East Oshawa Shopping Centre (905) 576-1711 Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-8000 Scarborough Furniture & Appliances Store Kennedy Rd. & 401 (416) 332-8577 Scarborough Town Centre (416) 296-0171 Central Fairview Mall (416) 502-3737 Gerrard Square (416) 461-9092 Sherway Gardens (416) 620-6011 Woodbine Shopping Centre (416) 798-3800 Yorkdale Shopping Centre (416) 789-1105 Allen Rd. Furniture & Appliances Store Allen Rd. & Sheppard Ave. (416) 398-9947 West Ancaster Furniture & Appliances Store Golf Links Rd. & Legend Crt. (905) 304-1440 Bramalea City Centre (905) 458-1141 Brampton Furniture & Appliances Store 535 Steeles Ave. E. (905) 455-1255 Burlington Furniture & Appliances Store Plains Rd. East & QEW (905) 631-9655 Erin Mills Town Centre (905) 607-2300 Georgetown Dealer Store (905) 877-5172 Hamilton Centre Mall (905) 545-4741 Limeridge Mall Hamilton (905) 389-4441 Mapleview Centre Burlington (905) 632-4111 Milton Dealer Store (905) 878-4104 Mississauga Dealer Store (905) 848-8882 Mississauga Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 5 & 403 (905) 820-6801 Oakville Place (905) 842-9410 Square One Shopping Centre (905) 270-8111 *Don’t pay until January 2003, on approved credit, only with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $45 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Excludes items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores, Catalogue and website purchases. Offer ends Sunday, January 27, or where Sears is closed, Saturday, January 26, 2002. Ask for details. Major appliances online at www.sears.ca Major appliances from Sears are Canada’s Best Sellers Based on independent national surveys current at time of advertising preparation Career Training500 MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEERS, MICROSOFT OFFICE COMPUTER CERTIFICATE, CCNA, A+, SNIP COMPUTER SECURITY PROGRAM. Changing career path? Train at top rated Durham College in 100% instructor led courses. Full/Part time available. Funding through EI/OSAP, WSIB to quali- fied. These Microsoft Certificates are highly sought after skills in today's IT environment. Top gradu- ate success rate. Call Colin McCarthy 905-721-3336. www.durhamc.on.ca Careers505 FREE UPGRADING COURSES from Durham College. Flexible schedule. Starting Weekly. Opportunity to obtain free col- lege education at Durham College, rated number one in GTA. Call 905-721-3131. A GROWING TELECOM com- pany in the east end of GTA is looking for a financial analyst. This individual must have au- dit and consolidation experience. An in depth knowledge of Excel and financial modeling required. This role will be responsible for monthly consolidation of all divi- sions, monthly financial report- ing, acting as a liaison with the divisions, and budget and fore- cast modeling and maintenance. Pay range is $65K plus. If inter- ested, please, fax resume to 905- 713-2990 by January 31, 2002 along with an indication of your salary expectations. SKILLED Trades Programs can help you gain the education and experience you need to secure a great job in a wide range of trades. Plan early, investigate programs and requirements. Call Durham College 905-721-3300 for information. General Help510 MAID SERVICE Requires reliable cleaners for residential, daytime only, part-time positions to start immediately. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Own transporta- tion required. Serious inquiries only (905) 686–9160. $$WHO WANTS MONEY$$ad co- mpany has 15 immediate openings. Training provided for those lacking. Full time permanent available. Call Miss Evans (905) 576-4425. ABA AIDE needed for 4 yr. old Autistic child. No experience nec- essary, but background with Developmental Delays preferred. $10/hr. to start, more if you have ABA experience. 10-20 hrs. week, possibly including one to one help in J/K class. Must be motivated, energetic and cre- ative. Please call (905) 697-8704 and leave a DETAILED MES- SAGE. 30 PEOPLE WANTED to lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days. Natural / Guaranteed / Doctor Recommended. www.uwillbeslim.com ABSOLUTELY Free Info Online Work From Home. $25-75/hr. PT/FT. Call (888) 235-1529 www.crystal1concept.com ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Work from home on-line, $1500-$3500 PT/FT, log onto www.ezeglobalincome.com or toll free 1-888-563-3617 ADULT VIDEO store in Pick- ering requires Part-time help, nights & weekends. Previous retail experience required. Fax resume to (905)426-6434 BUSY Holistic Weight Loss Centre in Ajax requires bright, enthusiastic, team players for reception position. Full train- ing provided for the right indi- viduals. Please contact Carrie at 905-619-2639 ext. 302 EXP. NOT NECESSARY Train- ing provided. Start ASAP. Call Jodi 905-435-0646 AUTO DISMANTLER needed immediately, experience a must and some tools neces- sary. Fax application/resume to 905-434-7997. or In person at Doms Auto Parts Courtice, No phone calls please. BAKERY MANAGER Re- quired, full-time position. Must have 3-5 years of experience in a large volume bakery. Ex- perience with a scratch bakery is an asset. Please bring resume to South Ajax IGA, 955 Westney Rd.S. Ajax or contact Wayne or Cory (Owners) at 905-683-1425 BROKE?? NEED QUICK $$?? Looking for F/T? Call Brianna 905-435-8131 REAL ESTATE BUYERS' AGENT WANTED!! To work for a high energy, highly motivat- ed and hard-working Broker/ Owner. Must have a Real Es- tate license and 1-2 years ex- perience. If you're up to the challenge please fax your re- sume & credentials to Mary Roy @ Re/Max Results Real- ty Inc. 905-649-6405. CARPENTERS WANTED - To install replacement windows, doors and siding. Must be ex- perienced and fully equipped. High weekly pay. Year round employment. Call John now: 1-888-738-0738. Visit us at: www.fmwindows.com CAUGHT YOU LOOKING? Look no further! We are a new company seeking 8 reliable and motivated people to join our team. Paid training in a great work environment. Call Richard 905-435-3478 CHRISTMAS DEBTS piling up? Need a job? Call Jane 905-435-8131 CLARICA is seeking full time individuals with an interest or expertise in the areas of Mar- keting or Business manage- ment. Fax a confidential re- sume to Chris Moore at (905)668-2141 or email chris.moore@clarica.com AZ DRIVERS NEEDED Clean abstract and U. S. experience. Excellent benefit package. 2 day trips from Ajax. (705) 887–4940 CAR WASH PERSON required for Chrysler dealership in Port Perry. Call Don Jr. 905-985- 7354 COME ON PEOPLE!This is ri- diculous! Week after week I run ads for Sales reps for our no hidden factors. We Do pro- vide all the leads and offer and attractive pay structure. Starting income at 45k to 60k comm. + bonuses (verifiable) and paid training. Sounds good so far, doesn't it? That is why I can't understand why in the world you wouldn't inves- tigate this opportunity. No ex- perience necessary we will train you. Call for an appoint- ment 905-655–9053 COORDINATOR - Ajax based Company, Mon. - Fri. 7am- 5pm. Must have knowledge of GTA and computers. Send resumes by fax 905-686-8546 or email to: dcr@idirect.com or drop off 131 Dowty Rd., Ajax. COUNTER HELP afternoon shift 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. for Country Style Donuts, 355 Bayly St. West, Ajax. Call (905) 427-6382 before noon. COURIER DRIVERS required earn $600-$1200 weekly. Own car or van required. Knowl- edge of Toronto an asset. Call today (905)686–3506 DEMONSTRATORS NEEDED $400/week, guaranteed salary plus paid training. Own trans- portation a must. For interview call (905)579-7814. DOMINO'S PIZZA. Business is booming!! Looking for ex- perienced Managers that are willing to start from the bottom and work their way to the top. Vehicle is a must. Submit re- sume at: 1051 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. DRIVERS REQUIRED Must have valid drivers lic & ins. clean driving record. mon-sat. no heavy lifting. use own veh- cle to pick up envelopes. Call 905-435-5219 ECE, ASSISTANT TEACHERS and cook needed for new Pickering childcare centre. Fax resumes to 905-831-9347 ELEPHANT BLUES?Tired of working for peanuts? Less than $500 per week? 10 open- ings in customer service available. Ask for Meghan (905) 576-4425 EXPERIENCED INCOME tax preparer required with knowl- edge of CANTAX PROGRAM. Excellent remuneration. For more info. call 905-728-5540. FENCE INSTALLER required for full time position Call 905- 427-6490. FRESH AIR,exercise and more. Call for a carrier route in your area today. 905-683–5117. FRIENDLY PEOPLE to do tel- ephone work for busy office, no selling. Monday to Friday 5 - 9 pm Saturday 10 - 1 pm, $8 hour base salary can earn up to $15. Call Dana, after 1 p.m. (905) 655-9053. Must have transportation GROOMING ASSISTANT needed for Pickering pet sa- lon. Any experience preferred. Love of cats and dogs a must. Plea call 905-420-5922. HANDY PERSONS required full time. Previous experience with landscaping and con- struction preferred. Drivers li- cense necessary. Call 905- 433-5078 or 905-261-8980. HOMEWORKERS NEEDED! To assemble our products- Mailing/Processing Our Cir- culars - Copy/Mailing PC Disk Program. No experience needed. Free information. Send SASE to: QSE 117-1057 Steele Ave. W. Reference 07, Toronto, ON M2R 3X1 IMMEDIATE OPENING for a full-time field analyst position with RealNet Canada (www.real- net.ca). Applicant must have a car. Fax resume to (416)596- 0266 or email cilio@realnet.ca INSIDE SALESPERSONS (full and part-time) are required by Classic Cellular-authorized Rogers AT&T wireless dealer in Ajax. Candidate must have solid retail experience, excel- lent communication skills with customer service experi- ence. Please fax resume and expected salary to 905-686- 8021 LAZY PEOPLE WANTED!! No heavy lifting involved. People skills an asset. Full-time only. 18 years +. $500 weekly. Call Amanda for interview 1-888- 265-5539. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL,long- term temp, Staff Plus will be interviewing 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10th at the Iroquois Sports Complex, 500 Victoria St. Whitby. LITTLE PEOPLE'S Play School looking for creative & energe- tic toddler room E.C.E position to begin February 4th. Send resume to Little People's Play School 33 Falby Crt. Ajax, On- tario. LlS 3R3. For more info (905) 428–9909 LUBE TECHNICIAN PLUS ASSISTANT MANAGER -full + part time, hourly wage plus bonus. Experience needed. Valid drivers license. Apply at Pennzoil, 195 Westney Rd. S. of 401 Ajax. (905) 427-6796 MANAGER NEEDED for large independent Drug Store. Ex- perience required in mass merchandising, computerized P.O.S. systems and Human Resources. Comprehensive benefits package available. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Send resume by fax to 905- 372-9126 by January 11, 2002 MARKETING PROJECT MAN- AGER- Fast growing Picker- ing-based marketing consult- ing and business develop- ment agency seeking Project Manager to lead and execute client projects. Excellent oral/ written communications a must. Minimum 3 years relat- ed experience in marketing/ product management (includ- ing analysis), project man- agement, report writing and presentation development also key. Please send re- sume/cover letter to Gary Breininger at gbreininger@in- fobasemarketing.com or by fax at 905-831-6611. MATURE RELIABLE SALES person, Lynda's Love, Lace and Lingerie. 35 hours - 4 day work week. 1261 Bayly St., Pickering, 905-831-5702. MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILD- REN has self-employed mu- sic teaching opportunities re- quiring grade 8 piano, grade 2 theory. Special training from MYC. Email www.myc.com or phone Marlene (905)428-8573 NEW HOME AREA Super- visor. A licensed real estate professional with new home experience is required to fill the position of New Homes Area Supervisor for the Dur- ham area. Base salary plus commission. Please submit your name by fax to 905-509- 6112. NEW YEAR NEW CAREER! Marketing company has openings from entry level to management. Call Melissa for details. at (905) 576-5523 PART TIME CONTRACT ses- sion leader. Speaking with young adults in Durham Re- gion about Exploring Entrepre- neurship as a career option. Two evenings/week for an 11 month contract. Must have excellent public speaking and group facilitation skills, en- trepreneurial experience, and access to a reliable vehicle. Interested applicants should forward resume to: Katherine Luchuk, Marketing Coordina- tor, Business Bound, 421 Wa- ter Street, Suite 10, Peterbor- ough, Ontario. K9H 3L9. Fax (705) 749-3003. Email: info@bizbound.ca Deadline for application is January 14th, 2002. PART TIME HOUSECLEANING for Pickering/Markham area. Must have car. Call Brenda 905-839-8349 PART-TIME POSITION emis- sion testing, no experience necessary, will train & cert. right person. Must have valid drivers license, be reliable work independently, be able to handle multiple responsibili- ties & love dealing with the public. Equal opportunity em- ployer. Fax resume to: 905- 579-9161 or drop off to 83 Rit- son Rd.S., Oshawa PLUMBER, APPRENTICE OR HELPER needed immediately for temporary work. May lead to apprenticeship. Non- smoker. Send resume with REFERENCES to fax: 905-576- 7491. Tel.: 905-576-7055 PROPERTY ADMINISTRATOR required immediately. Applic- ant must have good typing with excellent English lan- guage skills, excellent phone skills and be computer liter- ate. Work experience should highlight multi-tasking, people management and time man- agement. Familiarity with banking system would be an asset. Forward resumes to Remco Financial at 416-701- 1333, attention Ray. RMT WANTED Holistic Centre in Ajax needs an Experienced, Friendly RMT. Someone that can bring some customers with them is preferred but not mandatory. You'd service our existing client base of 4 mas- sages daily and build on that success through word of mouth & internal promotions. Would work on percentage basis. Please contact Paul @ 905-509-2708. DELIVERY DRIVER - Must have drivers license with clean driving record for deliv- eries in cargo van throughout GTA. Entry level. Willing to advance & grow with compa- ny. $9/hr to start. Strong per- sonal and organizational skills. Please drop off re- sume to: Hazmasters, 1915 Clements Rd. #2, Pickering, or fax to: (905)427-9901. Shipper/Receiver/ Shop Hand. Forklift experience a must. Duties to start include shipping and receiving assisting Service Staff when required. computer and welding experience an asset. Please reply with resume and ref- erences to Machinex Recycling Technologies, 963 Brock Rd., South #10, Pickering, ON. L1W 3A4 or fax (905) 420-0319. START NOW!!Temporary help needed for the new year. F/T hours. Call today, start tomor- row. Ask for Adam 905-435- 0637 REGISTRATION OFFICERS REQUIRED $21.00 per hour • Piece work guaranteed by contract • Full training provided • Manager positions available Call David 905-435-0518 INSURANCE Brokerage help required,temporary assignments full/ part-time. Must be experienced and mobile, RIBO license an asset. Fax resume to IBR @ 416-441-0591 FRENCH SPEAKING individual required for teaching French, lunch and play- ground supervision. Will train, $10./hr. & up. Pickering /Ajax area. Call 905-509- 5005 ext. 107 CUSTOMER SERVICE / ORDER TAKERS required $21.00 per hour Temporary seasonal help also needed. Full training provided. Piecework guaranteed by contract. Call Brian 905-435-1052 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non-insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. All copy is subject to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. APPOINTMENT SETTERS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Days & Evenings Full & Part-time Earn up to $16/hr. No Selling Call for interview (905)426-1322 COMMERCIAL REPS REQUIRED SIX FIGURE INCOME Energy sales, must be able to work without supervision • Management positions available. • Full training provided • North American expansion Call John (905) 435-1052 52 PEOPLE WANTED To lose 10- 30 lbs in the next 30 days Earn potential income www.nowbewealthy.com www.nowbewell.com (905)426-2113 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002-PAGE B5 A/P “TECS” - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling E-Mail address: classifieds@durhamregion.com Web Site: www.durhamregion.com Ajax News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon.-Fri 8:00-5 p.m. Closed Saturday Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 24-Hour Fax: (905) 579-4218 Classified Online: Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://www.durhamregion.com Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser CLASSIFIEDS To Place Your Ad In Ajax or Pickering Call: 905-683-0707 Our phone lines are open Mon. to Fri. until 8 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Novell EDUCATION ACADEMIC PARTNER ® DIAMOND INSTITUTE Care to Donate Some of Your Time? The Denise House needs volunteers for its Board of Directors. The Denise House is a residential shelter and sup- port service for abused women and their children. Our mandate is to provide safe accommodation supportive counselling, advocacy, resources and referrals to women whose lives have been affected by violence. In the Region of Durham we also reach out into the community through public awareness and educa- tion. We are seeking individuals who are in- terested in contributing their sills and experience to the Board of Directors. We would ask that you respond in writ- ing highlighting your qualifications for this role as well as how your expertise may benefit The Denise House. Our goal is to have a Board of Directors that is representative of the community in- cluding those who have used our serv- ices. Please submit your qualifications on or before January 25, 2002. While we thank all who are interested, only those to be interviewed will be contacted. Successful candidates will be required to undergo a Criminal Reference Check. BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE DENISE HOUSE OSHAWA CENTRE POSTAL OUTLET P.O. BOX 30560 OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1J 8L8 Durham Preschool Speech and Language Services is an exciting new initiative that provides integrated community-based services to preschool children in the Region of Durham.The program requires: Speech Language Pathologists Casual and contract positions Experience with a broad range of interventions including assessment, individual and group treatment, consulta- tion, mediator training, parent/caregiver education, early intervention, and public awareness as well as excellent case management, communication, and organizational skills are required. Previous speech-language pathology experience with preschool children in a community- based program preferred. Masters degree or equivalent and registration with CASLPO is required. Send resume to: Human Resources Grandview Children's Centre 600 Townline Road South Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K6 Fax: (905) 728-2961 Phone: (905) 728-1673 Email: lynda.schuler@grtc.ca PICKERING CAMPUS www.tsb.ca(905)(905) 420-1344420-1344 20 diploma programs including… INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS • Network Administrator (MCP) • Business Administration • Network & Internet Systems (MCSE) • PSW • Web Site Designer (AWP) • Small Business Management • Web Developer • Accounting & Computers • Information Technology Technician • Payroll Administration ADMINISTRATION PLUS PROGRAMS IN… • Executive Office Assistant • Travel & Tourism • Medical Office Assistant • Esthetics & Salon Operations • Legal Administration DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE Announces openings for the position of POLICE CONSTABLE This position offers the successful candidate the opportunity of a long and rewarding career in law enforcement with an opportunity for advancement while receiving police training and performing a variety of functions within the organization. Applicants must meet minimum requirements as outlined in the Police Services Act and provide proof of a valid Standard First Aid and C.P.R. Certificate. Preference will be given to candidates who have demonstrated continuous learning beyond high school, working within the community, and demonstrated proof of basic computer skills. The selection process will reflect the dedication of the Durham Regional Police Service to the principles of Equal Opportunity. Only applicants who have been awarded an Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (O.A.C.P.) Certificate of Results will be accepted. Any inquires regarding the certification process should be directed to APPLICANT TESTING SERVICES, INC. at 1-800-429- 7728 or (519) 659-8686, or by visiting www.applicanttesting.com. The Durham Regional Police Service requires an O.A.C.P. certificate of test results attached to your resume. Please mail or fax your resume and O.A.C.P. certification to: Durham Regional Police Service Attention: Sgt. Randy Henning 77 Centre Street North Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4B7 Fax: (905) 721-4218 DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE WILL NOT BE ACKNOWLEDGED CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE @ seeking E.C.E.TEACHERS and ASSISTANT TEACHERS for Part-Time positions in the Pickering area. Current criminal reference check required. Please send resume to Att: Barbara Snell Fax (905) 420-3133 THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ PICKERING Hillcrest Rd. Marinet Cres. Westshore Blvd Sanok Dr. 765 Oklahoma Eyer Dr. Hillview Dr. Bayfield St. Chartwell Crt Foxwood Trail Gardenview Sq. Amberwood Cres Amberlea Rd. Napanee Rd. Otonabee Dr. Craighurst Crt. Collingsbrook Falconcrest Dr Meadowridge Dunbarton Rd. Rambleberry Aberfoyle Crt. Springview Dr. Laurier Cres. Flavelle Crt. Weburn Sq. Beckworth Sq. Saugeen Dr. Autumn Cres. White Cedar Dr. Silver Maple Dr. Strouds Lane Rawlings Dr. Glenanna Rd. Rowntree Cres. Deerbrook Dr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR FOR ROUTES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA PLEASE CALL 905-683-5117 510 General Help 510 General Help The News Advertiser Is looking for reliable people to insert and deliver papers and flyers door to door every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in the Pickering area. Deliveries must be completed by 6:00 pm. Must have a vehicle. For more information call 905-683–5117 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. CRAZY PEOPLE NEEDED Local Oshawa company needs out- going, positive TELEMARKETERS To join our winning team. • No selling • No exp. necessary • On bus route • Guranteed hourly wage • Payday every Friday For an interview today call Michelle at Durham Aircare (905) 720-1507 CUSTOMER SERVICE Experienced person for customer service and order desk bilingual and automotive related background preferred. Full-time, benefits. Fax resume to (905)668–3620. NEED A JOB??? Are you over 24 years old? Get started with a FREE RÉSUMÉ Bring this coupon in to our office for a free résumé. Call Sandy today for an appointment (905) 420-4010 Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre (C.A.R.E.) 1400 Bayly Street, Unit 12, Pickering Kids' Stuff with Previous Experience™ WE ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO: •know what it means to give outstanding customer service •have an interest in children’s items •want to bring fun and enthusiasm to our team •truly believe the customer always comes first. WE OFFER: •a competitive compensation package that includes a potential bonus program •a great group of people to work with •an outstanding employee discount policy •all the training you’ll need to be successful with us Once Upon A Child®, a children’s store that buys and sells new and used children’s items, has openings in part-time sales for our Ajax location. The position requires flexibility to work days, evenings and weekends. For those interested, please apply in person: Once Upon A Child®, 75 Bayly St. W., Ajax, Ont. (at Harwood, beside T.D. Bank) 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help Looking for a Career in Law Enforcement? Start on the right path, gain experience in Security or Private Investigations with INTELLIGARDE INTERNATIONAL Fax resume to:416-469-4255 Please quote #0017 THE NEWS ADVERTISER Is looking for carriers to deliver papers and flyers door to door Wed. Fri. & Sat. by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. call 905-683–5117 TNT LOGISTICS is looking for PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Swing shift, Ajax location. Fax resumes to:905-686-4344 UXBRIDGE TIMES JOURNAL & TRIBUNE REQUIRES RURAL ROUTE DRIVERS to deliver newspapers Wednesday & Friday in the following areas: * Uxbridge * Goodwood Reliable Vehicle Required Call Debbie (905)852-9141 COME FIND A JOB!!! WE CAN HELP YOU!!! • Fast & Free Services • Job Postings, Surf the Net, Resume Help, Phones, Fax Machines etc. • Drop Ins are welcome (905) 427-7670 OR 1-(866) 964-JOBS YMCA Durham Employment Services 1550 Kingston Road, Pickering (Hwy. 2 & Valley Farm) 505 Careers 510 General Help 510 General Help SUBWAY has opening for As- sistant Manager Trainee. Ap- ply in store: 6 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m - 4 p.m. TAXI DRIVERS Wanted full and part time. 30 day current abstract, MTO. Oshawa Taxi License required. City Wide Taxi. Phone for appt. (905) 571–1331. TIRED OF SCHOOL?Start a career!! 16 openings avail- able. F/T. Call Pamela 905- 435-3478 WANTED - Experienced Cook for neighbourhood pub. Apply with resume to: 221 Nonquon Rd., Oshawa (905)728–8665 WAREHOUSE POSITIONS Looking for hard working, conscientious people for a fast paced distribution center located in Markham. Must be able to lift 80 lbs. Experience in a warehouse environment is an asset. Please fax re- sume to Attn: Operations Manager- Fax: 905-946-8435 YOU CAN BE AN ENTREPRE- NEUR.We'll show you how. Start with Primerica Financial Services, a subsidiary of Citigroup, and build a new ca- reer in financial services. In- struction provided. For more information call Susan Wenghofer 1-866-787-3918 or (905)436-8499. Skilled & Technical Help515 CLASS A LICENSED Mechan- ic required for busy auto re- pair shop in Whitby. 44 hours per week and no weekends. Benefits included. Call Rob or Al (905)430–0298 or fax re- sume to (905)430-9983. Office Help525 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE Legal Secretary - Minimum 5 years experience in Real Es- tate for Whitby law firm. Fax resume to (905) 668-7037. INSURANCE BROKER AJAX, seeks experienced, energetic, confident RIBO licenced indi- vidual, for personal lines of- fice. Must be an independent worker and have an insurance degree or currently enrolled in courses. Computer and Inter- net skills a must. Fax resume with required salary to: 905- 427-3098 PART-TIME EVENINGS - Tel- ephone person needed in Ajax office to book meetings for Fi- nancial Consultant. No Sell- ing. Fax resume to John 905- 426-6779 Sales Help & Agents530 EARN $50K PLUS as a high energy Sales Manager. A busy weight loss centre in Durham needs an ambitious, self-motivated person to sell weight loss plus manage and train sales people. the right candidate will have a chance to become a partner in the business. the suitable can- didate must have: excellent communication skills, sales experience, management ex- perience & have some knowl- edge of the weight loss/health industry. Please fax resume & cover letter explaining why you are the perfect candidate to: E Welsh 905-509-3343 JOB OPPORTUNITY Full + part-time hours avail. Stud- ents +seniors welcome. Day + evening hours. Help support your community. Telemarket- ing experience helpful but will train. Management positions also available. 905-435-5219 SALES REPRESENTATIVE - Fast growing Pickering-based marketing consulting and business development agen- cy seeking Sales Representa- tive to promote and sell client products & services. Excellent oral/written communications a must. Transportation sales experience also an asset. Base plus commission com- pensation package. Please send resume/cover letter to Gary Breininger at gbreining- er@infobasemarketing.com or by fax at 905-831-6611. READERS WORLD BOOKS - Has a full time position avail- able for a sales representative in the Pickering/Oshawa and surrounding area to display books in schools and busi- ness. Expected earnings 35K - 50K lst year. Must have reli- able vehicle (van preferred). Call Mark at 1-866-318-4465. SALES REPRESENTATIVE, Durham. Ideal candidate has excellent presentation +com- munications skills; motivated, self-starter, high energy +ac- tivity levels. Responsibilities: reaching annual goals, gener- ating cold calls, managing database. Base-salary +com- mission potential $50,000+/yr. Email resume, Word format susan@referlinx.com or fax: 905-426-3526, Attn: Susan Hospital/Medical/ Dental535 2 HYGIENISTS required for Pickering Dental office Satur- days starting February 2002. Please fax resume: 905-420- 9212 or call 905-420-9211 2 PERSONAL SUPPORT Workers needed. Fluency in English a must, punctuality + dependability required, no al- lergies to smoke or cats. Ref- erences required. Call 905- 686-8505 BUSY Cobourg Progressive Dentral Practice committed to dental excellence, is seeking an ambitious, energetic, de- tail-oriented dental assistant to join our team. F/T availabil- ity due to maternity leave, willing to train. Serious ap- plicants only. Fax resume to: 905-372-9439. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST re- quired full-time for Periodontal office in Pickering. Required for maternity leave (6mos- 1yr). 1-2 years experience re- quired. No evenings or wee- kends. For interview please call Robin 905-831-4867 or fax resume to: 905-831-8757 DENTAL ADMINISTRATOR 401/McCowan Progressive practice requires forward thinking individual with excel- lent communication/interper- sonal skills. Computer & fi- nancial skills benefit. Some evenings/weekends required. Fax 416-296-1914 or call 416- 296–0400 DENTAL TREATMENT Co-Or- dinator/Collection Secretary position available in a fast paced challenging dental of- fice. Minimum 4 yrs. dental assisting/reception exp. Must have good people skills and be able to handle a busy pa- tient load while maintaining a sense of humour. Fax resume to:905- 427-5792. DENTAL HYGIENIST RE- QUIRED, Tuesday 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. for maternity leave starting Feb. in busy and fun family practice. Call Pickering Vil- lage Dental Office. (905) 428– 1215 ENDODONTIC OFFICE in Pickering looking for dental assistants (HARP certified) for full and part-time positions for 1 year maternity leaves. Please drop-off resume: 944 Merritton Rd., Suite#200 Pickering, ATTN: Laurie Ann FULL-TIME/PART-TIME Pharmacy Technician re- quired for our location in Pickering. We offer excellent hours, wages and benefits. Zadall and long-term care ex- perience an asset. Fax re- sume (905)420-7342 or email: operations@medicalpharma- cies.com HEALTH OFFICE seeking ex- perienced Administrative As- sistant. This position is Part- Time with the possibility of becoming Full-Time. Applic- ants must have a minimum of two years office experience, exceptional organization, computer and customer serv- ice skills. Preference will be given to applicants with a medical office background. Please apply by mail to: 1885 Glenanna Rd., Suite 104, Pickering, ON, L1V 6R6; or by fax to: (905) 831-4503 (after 5 p.m.) by Friday, January 11, 2002. P/T DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ assistant required for Picker- ing Office. Evenings & Satur- days a must. Experience pre- ferred. Fax resume to 905- 683-8494 Attention: Rhonda PDA POSITION: Mon.-Fri. No evenings, for dental practice in Oshawa. Experience with Abel system an asset. Please fax resume to Mary 905-434- 8520 PICKERING:Chiropractic of- fice requires one reception staff, part-time only. Contact Francis 905-428-9370 X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST for busy office in Oshawa. Part- time hours. Please call OMI for details 905-731-4000. Domestic Help Wanted550 LOOKING FOR SUPPORTIVE room mate to a young man with a disability. Main respon- sibilities include care and guidance, evenings and wee- kends. Monthly stipend paid, non smoker, Oshawa area. Call Eleanor (905) 438-0290 Employment Wanted570 COMPUTER GRADUATE in- terested in doing data entry and general computer typing, part time. Please call 905- 438–0575 Houses For Sale100 OPEN HOUSE - Sun. Jan. 13th, 1-4 pm. Tribute Com- munity Brooklin, 50 Zachary Place. Beautiful end-unit townhouse, 1600 sq.ft. 3 bed- rooms, 2 1/2 baths, large pre- mium-lot. $193,900. 905-655– 8477 LOVELY VELTRI 4bdrm, en- suite + 1.5 . 1700+sf . C/a, c/ v, gas, fireplace, dishwasher, satellite dish, interlocking, fenced, custom window treat- ments. $189,900 firm. Bow- manville. (905) 571–1507 $199,000 NORTH WHITBY loca- tion.5 year old home w/3bed- rooms/3bathrooms,many upgrades including hardwood floors on main floor/central vac/a.c/ security sys- tem,gas heating/HRV professional- ly finished recroom & huge 2teared deck. Back splash kitchen tiles,all window coverings and utility shed in back.Desirable location, close to school on cul de sac. Door to garage.905-430–0077 Indust./ Comm. Space145 COMMERICAL SPACE, 10,000 sq ft. w/lots of parking. Ritson/ 401 area, Oshawa. Available March. 2002, all or part of lease. Contact Lewis 905-576- 6412. FORMER PARTS department of Ajax jeep available approx- imately 3000sq.ft. perfect for many uses $1500/month. Call (905)706-6783. PROPERTY FOR SALE on corner, 114 Winchester Rd. BrooklIn. Includes 5 lots with house & shop. 287-ft frontage on Winchester Rd, 244-ft on Duke St. Approx 1.597 acres. Zoning C2S & residential. 905- 655–4235 between 3:30-5:30- pm Mon-Sat. Office & Business space150 HEALTH CLINIC has private space, including waiting room and washroom facilities in professional building, down- town Whitby. Suitable for RMT. 905-430-0093. MODERN OFFICE space in the mcpherson court com- plex, Pickering, brock rd. s. $450 per mo. (incl.) (416) 282–1974 SECOND FLOOR UNIT,ap- prox. 560 sq.ft. Simcoe St. N. Oshawa location. Available Immediately. Parking avail- able. Call Kathy or Bob (905) 576-5123. UNIQUE 2nd +3rd floor space total 1900sq.ft. approx. Cur- rently used as hair salon + residence. Asking $1400/ month +taxes/utilities. Sue Duchesnay 905-666-1333 Royal LePage Frank RE Business Opportunities160 $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds$$ Grants and loans information to start and expand your busi- ness or farm. 1-800-505-8866. Apts. & Flats For Rent170 2 BDRM APARTMENT for rent for mature persons, next to the Oshawa Centre. No pets. Starting from $850-$940 per month. For a viewing, please call Melanie at 1-800-267- 3626 WHITBY GARDENS - 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom apartments available in clean, quiet building. Utili- ties included. Laundry facili- ties and parking available. Call (905)430-5420. AJAX -67 Church St., large 2 bdrm $985 w/out parking; 3 bdrm $1160 w/out parking. Parking $35. First & last. Available February 1st. (905)426-1161. AJAX, BEAUTIFUL 3-BDRM main floor. Near all amenities. $1,100+ utilities. Laundry facilities, large backyard, large storage shed. Avail im- mediately. No smoking/pets. 1st/last. 2 Parking. (905)420- 1037, leave message. AJAX - spacious, legal 2 bed- room basement apt., sep. en- trance, laundry, parking, quiet crescent. No smoking, no pets, first/last/references. Avail. March 1st. $800 inclu- sive. 905-686-8104. AJAX, NICE 1-BEDROOM walkout basement apartment in south Ajax. $650 including utilities and laundry. Available Feb./March 1st. Call (905)404–4409. ALEXANDER PARK,1 bed- room newer apt. "Old charm building." Totally renovated, new kitchens, baths, hard- wood floors. In-house laundry, intercom. Park view. Near Hospital. Available Imme- diately. (905)579-9439. ALTONA/HWY. 2 - New 2 bedroom basement apt. Pro- fessionally finished. Available immediately. $870. month in- clusive. 905-509-4006. BASEMENT APT. FOR RENT, 2 bedrooms, 2 appliances, $850/month. Available now. Ajax, south near lake. Sepa- rate entrance. Share utilities. Call 905-683–5763 CENTRAL OSHAWA - clean 1 bdrm. Heat, hydro, applianc- es, parking included. $560/ month. Avail. Feb. 1st. First & last required. (905)668–0565 CENTRAL OSHAWA, 2-bed- room $850 Feb. 1st & March 1st; 3-bedroom $950, Febru- ary 1st. 1-bedroom $750. In well-maintained building, close to all amenities. Please call (905)723-0977 9a.m- 6p.m. COURTICE - 2 bedroom apart- ment, main floor of raised bungalow. New carpet & paint throughout. Parking, garage, laundry, hydro, gas & water included. $1000/month/first/ last/references required. No smoking, no pets. 705-277- 1966 or 905-259-7349. COURTICE - 2 bedroom apt., lower half of raised bungalow. New carpet & paint through- out. Hydro, gas, water includ- ed. $800/month/first/last/refer- ences required. No smoking, no pets. Available now. 705- 277-1966 or 905-259-7349. COURTICE extra large 2-bed- room apartment, one car parking. Must be quiet, non- smoking, no pets. Preferably Christian. $900/month. Call 905-576-7665 leave message. COZY CLEAN and quiet north end Oshawa, one bedroom, no smoke no pets, all inclusive with cable $550/month. Suit working single. Feb 1st. 905- 725–0911 HAPPY NEW YEAR!Central Oshawa, quiet dead end street, close to all amenities. 3 bedrooms $900 plus; 1 bed- room $500 plus; Available Feb. 1st. Call 905-576-1686 HUGE BASEMENT APT.,sep. entrance, Pickering, Available Feb. 1st. Couple preferred. Cable, laundry, parking in- cluded. No smoking/pets. Credit & police check. First/ last, $850/mo. 905-426-2686. LAKEVIEW PARK,lower bachelor apt., large bedroom, livingroom, kitchenette, pri- vate entrance, appliances, laundry & utilities included. First/last, $650./mo. Feb. 1. (705) 324–9052. Leave mes- sage. LARGE 2-BDRM lower level of raised bungalow. Wilson/ Beatrice. Separate entrance. No pets. Suitable for single or couple. $800/monthly. First, last. Avail. February 1st. (905)576–5909 LOVELY OSHAWA LARGE ONE BEDROOM, $700, all in- clusive, avail Feb.1 Call 905- 434–5149. NORTH AJAX bachelor base- ment, separate entrance, suit one person. Laundry, parking, cable inclusive, no smoking/ pets, $500/mo. Feb,1, lst/last/ maintenance. 905-427-5062 NORTH OSHAWA LARGE one bedroom basement apartment in quiet duplex. Full kitchen and bath. First and last, no dogs, references, $ 660 inclusive. Leave message 905-571–4471 ONE & TWO BEDROOM apts. for rent. One bedroom Feb. 1st; Two bedroom April 1st. . Conveniently located in Ux- bridge in adult occupied building. Appt. to view call 905-852-2534. ONE BDRM BASEMENT, sep- arate entrance. Cable, utilities & parking incl. No pets. Pick- ering area. Avail. immediate- ly. $800 monthly. First & last required. (905)831–4589 ONE BEDROOM CONDO for rent in Pickering. All ap- pliances. 1 1/2 baths, cable, parking spot, air, available anytime, $1150/month inclu- sive. Call 905-427–0005 or 905-686-2206. ONE BEDROOM basement apt. Ritson/Wolfe area. Bus route, parking, first/last. $510. including utilities. Available immediately. Call 905-263- 8661 after 6 p.m. OSHAWA - CLEAN 3 bed- room main floor bungalow. Close to lake, transit. Quiet neighbourhood, fridge, stove, share laundry. $l,000 per mo. plus hydro. Non smokers (416) 963–8650 OSHAWA - 2 BEDROOM apt. available Feb. lst., washer/ dryer each floor. Very quiet, exclusive, adult preferred building. No pets. 905-579- 9016 OSHAWA - large spacious, bright one bedroom basement new stove, fridge, share laun- dry, close to transit, lake, $700 per mo. plus hydro. Non smokers.(416) 963–8650 NEWLY RENOVATED: Osha- wa, 2-bdrm basement, 4pc bath, separate entrance & laundry, parking, close to amenties. $825 + hydro. Avail. immediately. First/last, no pets. Call (905)426–1616 OSHAWA 1-bedroom apt in home. Mature quiet profes- sional person preferred. Pri- vate entrance, all inclusive, non-smoker, no pets. Avail- able Jan 15/02. First & Last. 905-728-7041 OSHAWA APTS.- Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom, newer build- ings. Includes utilities, park- ing. Laundry on-site. No dogs. Building #1 905-432-8914, Building #2, #3, #4 905-571- 0425 or for all 1-888-558-2622 OSHAWA NORTH,1-bedroom well-managed building, video surveillance, new appliances, $675 utilities, cable and park- ing included. No dogs. Feb. 1st. Phone (905)579-5584. OSHAWA, spacious, quiet, 2 bedroom apts. in small clean building, freshly painted, parking, laundry. $725 plus hydro. Avail. immediately/ February 1st. Call (905)434– 9844. OSHAWA, VALLEY DR. 2 bedroom smoke free apt., re- decorated, fridge, stove, utilities, parking included. fenced yard, $900./mo. first & last, no pets, 905-213-2701, 905-576–4496. PICKERING - basement apt 2 bedrooms newly renovated, large high ceilings, walkout, sep. entrance $1000/mo. in- clusive. First/last/references. Available now. Near all amenities, non-smoker/no pets preferred. 905-831-5455. PICKERING - Brock/Hwy#2, Bright & large new 2 bdrm. Separate entrance, 4 appliances, avail. immediately. $950 inclu- sive. First & last. Leave msg 416-403-1429 SMI.BKR. PICKERING, ROSEBANK, south of Hwy #2. bright, beau- tiful 2-bdrm basement. High ceilings, ceramics, Pergo flooring, carpet, c/a, laundry, cable, parking. $875 inclusive. February 1. (905)509–4331 PICKERING 3 bedroom, apart- ment, great area, close to Pickering mall, school and go, new gas furnace and air, parking, no smoking, $l,200 inclusive. lst/last, Avail. Feb. lst. (905)831–6284 PICKERING-Quality 1 bedroom apartment, avail. Feb. 1st. $750/month inclusive, first/last, references. Non-smokers. 416- 574-0233 REGENCY MANOR WHITBY. Large 2 bed. in quiet mature building, seniors services avail. $960/month incl. utilities. On- site laundry. Call 905-668-7758. PICKERING,2-bedroom basement apartment, new carpet, new appliances, sepa- rate entrance, parking. $950/ inclusive, available imme- diately. Close to all amenities, Brock/Finch area. Call (905) 619–9063 PORT PERRY - deluxe spa- cious 2 bedroom apt. in quiet well-kept building. Walkout patio door, $790/mo. plus heat + utilities. Available Feb. 1st. No pets. Grant 905-985-2898. OSHAWA - Quiet building near shopping, transportation. Utilities included. Simcoe/Mill 1 + 2 Bedrooms immediately, Feb. 1st, & Mar. 1. $719+ $819/mo. 905-436-7686 until 7:30 pm AJAX, SUNNY ONE BED- ROOM, walkout to fenced garden, large ceramic kitchen, quiet home, 2 min. to Ajax Hospital, Town and bus serv- ice. Air, suit single, abstainer preferred. No smoking/pets. Utilities included. $700/month. Available February/March. 905-435-9163. TOP OF HOUSE, 2 bedroom apt. avail. immed. with sky- light, freshly painted and bathroom upgraded. No pets, adults preferred. Call to view 905-666-4145 No calls after 9pm. (Dundas/Cochrane area) UXBRIDGE RURAL,bright, main level, 2 bedroom apart- ment, laundry, separate en- trance, non-smoking, no pets. $975. inclusive, 1st & last. Available immediately. 905- 852-6093 WHITBY- one bedroom $700. Available Feb. 1st.. Office hours 9-5pm Monday-Friday & 6pm-8pm Monday - Thurs- day (905)665–7543. WHITBY - JUNIOR bachelor, 3rd floor, available Feb. lst. Well maintained low-rise clean quiet mature building. Appliances, utilities included. Security cameras, laundry fac., balcony, No pets. 905- 666-2450. WHITBY - DUNDAS/ BROCK, Luxury 1-bdrm. Car- pet, elevator, a/c, very quiet bldg. Newly painted, storage, all inclusive. $900/month. Avail. February 1st. First & last required. (905)668-0182 or 416-460-5410. WHITBY,Dundas & Coch- rane, large clean multi-level 2-bedroom units, some with hardwood. Available Feb. lst. Near school, shopping, tran- sit. Call Joanne 905-666-4145 before 9pm WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you think?!! Call Dave Hay- lock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666- 3211. Condominiums For Rent180 Busy used car lot in great Ajax/whitby location for rent Call (905)767-6230 PICKERING LARGE 3-bed- room en suite laundry, dish- washer, c/air, balcony, park- ing, close to all amenities, first/last, references. February 1st. $1300 + utilities. Call (905)421–0227 or 416-822- 3036 Houses For Rent185 * A RENT ALTERNATIVE ! ! ! If you are currently paying between $900-$1400 a month, I can help you own. Michele Detering Re/Max Rouge River 905-668-1800 BOWMANVILLE 2 STOREY,3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house, lakefront property on Lake Ontario. Includes fridge, stove, dishwasher, fireplace, $1500/ month, available immediately. Call 905-623-5261 AJAX - 1yr. old Model home, 3bdrms., 5 appliances, 3 bathrooms, ensuite w/Roman tub, fireplace, 9ft ceilings. Avail. March 1st. $1,550 monthly. First, last, referenc- es. (905)683–1151 AJAX - 3 BEDROOM,3 baths, finished rec room, above ground pool, $1350/mo. first/ last. Available immediately. Call Dave 905-427–3694 AJAX, SEMI, main floor, 3- bedrooms, all inclusive, first/ last, credit check. No pets. $1300 monthly. Available im- mediately. (905)683–5641 or (416)315-9432. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY House for rent: 467 Bloor Street East, Oshawa. $700/ month plus utilities. 2 bed- room, natural gas heating. Call anytime 905-434-0473 or 8:00am-4:30pm Mon-Fri 905- 623-4172 CHARMING renovated 2 bed- room semi detached home. Downtown Bowmanville Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. $875/month + utilities. Avail- able Feb. 1st. Call 905-983– 9528 LIVERPOOL RD/HWY. 2 - Three bedroom bungalow, in good condition, walkout large lot. Available immediately, Call (416) 751–5352 anytime. OSHAWA- WILSON &Bloor, 4-bedroom, central air condi- tioning. No pets, first/last months rent. $1100 per month plus utilities. Available imme- diately. (905)436-2693 PICKERING 3 bedroom town- house, 4 appliances, 2 wash- rooms, eat in kitchen, finished basement, garage, driveway, private yard, $l,200 per mo. plus Lewin(416) 291–9088 PICKERING 3 bedroom house, 4 appliances, 2 washrooms, eat-in kitchen, walkout to deck from livingroom, garage, dri- veway, no smoking/pets. $1050/month +util. Feb. 1st. 905-683-9629 TIRED OF PAYING RENT.... Here is your opportunity to own your own home. $6500 down moves you into this lovely 2-storey home filled with character & charm. 3+1 bedroom, finished basement, 2-4pc. baths, hardwood floors, and much more. $130,500. Call Dianne Woodcock-Elliott, Century 21 Affiliate Realty Inc. (416)281–4900 or (416)434- 1597. WHITBY - 3 bedroom main floor well kept bungalow in town. Parking, utilities includ- ed, no pets, non-smoker. Available immediately. $1200 including utilities. Near 401. 905-668–5405 WHITBY - SPACIOUS 3 AND 1 Bedroom apt. for rent. Avail- able immediately. 3 bedroom $1195; 1 bedroom $695. On bus route. No smoking/no pets. 905-686–8385 WHITBY CENTRE 3 bdrm, well kept bungalow. Close to eve- rything. Huge yard. Laundry. $1250. Also, large 2 bdrm basement fully renovated 2002, $850. Both +utilities, no pets, immediate. 905-432- 7165 Sick of RENTING? 1st Time Buyer? Professional Renter? Honest Answers....! Professional Advice...! To “Own” Your Next Home! 1-800-840-6275 905-571-6275Ability R. E.Direct Mark Stapley Sales Rep. OSHAWA 2 & 3 B/R apts. 280 Wentworth St. W. $765 & $876. Utilities incl. Close to schools, shop- ping, 401. Public Transit right past your door. For appt. call (905) 721-8741 OSHAWA 2 BDRMS with air, clean, quiet bldg. Rent $800/month! Park, Bloor- 401 area. Please call 905-432-2935 2,000 SQ. FT. RETAIL/ INDUSTRIAL Space for rent, office front, 12 ft. x 14 ft. drive-in overhead door, 25 ft. ceiling height, close to 401 (2 exits), Wentworth St. E., area. Call (905) 433-4161 No Auto Body or Auto Repair. PART TIME RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY required for Physiotherapy Clinic in Ajax, afternoons/evenings Word Processing skills required, as well as experience in booking appts., billing, and day to day dealings with clients. Fax resume 905-428-9460 A/P PAGE B6-THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com Canadian Tire Pickering requires experienced ➢Weekend Tire Installer/Lube Tech. ➢ Drive Clean Inspector/Lube Tech. Apply with resume to: 1735 Pickering Parkway 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help ELECTRONIC PARTS ASSEMBLER must be experienced with soldering/desoldering work station. Please call (905)668-6429 or fax resume to (905)668–3620 LICENSED TECHNICIANS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY For busy Chrysler dealership. Drive clean and drive clean repair technician a definite asset. Fax resume to: (905) 683-5738 Attn: Doreen AR/AP & CREDIT COLLECTIONS person required immediately by distribution company in Ajax. Busy seasonal business. Minimum 2 years experience. Detail orientated, able to work well under pressure, willing to work additional hours in season. Computer skills required. Competitive salary and excellent benefit package. Please send resume to: File #766 P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, ON L1H 6P3 525 Office Help 525 Office Help ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The Markham Economist & Sun/Stouffville Tribune newspapers require an Advertising Sales Representative to work out of our office located in Markham. Previous direct client sales experience a prerequisite, preferably with a magazine, newspaper or the print media industry. The successful candidate will have a determination to succeed in a competitive market. You are well organized, an independent worker, have a strong service ethic and the ability to create and deliver convincing marketing presentations to prospective advertisers and to meet deadlines under pressure. As an Advertising Sales Representative you will not only be representing the Markham Economist & Sun/Stouffville Tribune newspapers, but also Metroland Printing & Publishing Ltd., a leading company in community newspapers. If you are interested in pursuing this career opportunity, please send your resume, in confidence, to: Stephen Mathieu Advertising Manager The Markham Economist & Sun Stouffville Tribune Newspapers 9 Heritage Road Markham, Ontario L3P 1M3 We thank in advance all applicants for their interest in this position. Only those candidates being considered for interviews will be contacted. Stouffville Tribune 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents SALES POSITIONS We have experienced tremendous growth within our company and as a result have openings for aggressive career oriented individuals with a desire to earn professional type in- comes. Age is no barrier to success. If you have experience in selling Windows or roofing it is an asset. All new candidates will be teamed with proven professionals and will immediately start to earn profes- sional type incomes. For a confidential appointments call CLYDE PANGBURN Bil-Den Home Improvements Whitby (905) 666-0018 1-800-263-2720 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents 33 & 77 Falby Crt., Ajax Two & three bedroom apartments $941 - $1019 per month Call (905) 686-0845 www.ajaxapartments.com 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent RENT-WORRY FREE 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apts. Refurbished & New Appliances. All Util. included. In-house Supt. & Maint. On site Security. Rental Office:Mon - Fri. 12 noon - 8pm Sat & Sun 1pm- 5pm 905-579-1626 VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our "Auction Package" consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This Week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune/Times Journal • Canadian Statesman/Clarington One call does it all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 325 Auctions 325 Auctions 325 Auctions 325 Auctions ESTATE AUCTION SALE GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE JANUARY 11TH, FRIDAY, 6 P.M. Selling the household effects of Elsie A. Ball, Leskard and numerous collections from a pri- vate home: Bedroom suites, Victorian highball bed, old dressers and chests, dinette sets, old chairs, old peg table and cupboard, trunks, linens, quilts, picture,s prings, glassware, chi- na, shelley, health aids, wheel chairs, walker, invacare 4 wheel motorized chair (XPR Arrow MKK11 with charger), fridges, stoves, micro- waves, queen box and mattress, small ap- pliances, coke and pepsi collection, jewellery, collector plates, dolls, toys, old leather harness vice, bag cart Ryobi cordless drill, chains saws etc. Check the web for updates. Preview Friday after 2 p.m. Auction starts at 6 p.m. Terms: Cash, App. Cheques, visa, m/c, interac. AUCTIONEERS Frank and Steve Stapleton (905) 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.stapletonauctions.com "estate specialists since 1971" AUCTION SALE Pethick and Stephenson Auction Barn, Haydon Sat. Jan. 12, 2002 @5:30 pm. Open @4. From 401 ext 431 at Bowmanville, north 8 mi. on Hwy. 57 to con. Rd 8. Turn east at the fire hall to Haydon.An exceptional selection of furniture from an Oshawa home; barrister's bookcase, dining table with benches, jam cupboard, wooden day bed, pine furn. 10kt. gold & costume jewellery, dishes, china glass- ware etc.Terms; cash, interac, Visa, M/C, Amex. Auctioneer: Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705- 277-9829. Barn hours; Mon.-Wed.-Thurs. noon-6pm. Call Don for all your auction needs. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, January 11th @ 5:00 pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The Estate of the late Elmer & Jean Workman plus others, 9pc. oak dining room suite, 4 matching press back chairs, antique dressers, washstands, cedar chest, modern curio cabinet, chesterfield & matching chair, modern bedroom suites, Treadle sewing ma- chine, Galaxy 2 door refrigerator, Moffat 30 in. elec- tric stove, automatic washer & dryer (all appliances in good condition), walnut china cabinet, antique wooden bed, walnut what not stand, coffee & end tables, 12 place setting dishes, hand made quilts, 16ft. flatbed trailer, dual axle with brakes & ball & pin to hitch, 12 ft. flatbed trailer, 3 pth 4-1/2 ft. Hajedorn snow blower, 3 pth 4-1/2 ft. utility blade, 300 Amp Hobart portable welder, Gilson 12 Hp riding lawn mower, qty. china, glass, household & collectable items. Don & Greg Corneil Auctioneers RR#1 Little Britain, (705) 786-2183 EXCELLENT SALE, SATURDAY, JAN 12 AT 10:00AM AT WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, HWY#2 COLBORNE for Mrs. Beaudry of Trenton - giving up house keeping. Every- thing just under 2 years old including 2 dr white fridge & matching stove, full size stacking washer & dryer, microwave & stand, super solid maple dinette with table, 4 chairs & at- tractive buffet hutch, Kirby vacuum cleaner, excellent remote controlled colour TV, 3 what-not stands, bed sofa like new & never slept on, recliner chair, small drop leaf table with 2 chairs, artificial fireplace, sofa & chair set, coffee & end ta- bles, antique treadle sewing machine, other small tables, lamps, pictures, dehumidifier, dressers, chests, beds, house hold articles, dishes, glassware, small kitchen appliances, set of dishes, some collectibles, plus numerous other articles. Everything in excellent condition! GARY WARNER - AUCTIONEER 905-355-2106 Visit us online at www.warnersauction.com EXCELLENT THURSDAY AUCTION for the estates of Mrs. Fernanda, from Whitshire Ave. Toronto, and the estate of D. Ferguson from Brighton to be sold at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy#2 Colborne on Thursday, Jan. 10 starting at 5:00PM Selection of excellent modern home furnishings, antiques, collectibles, etc. No reserves. Good white fridge, 30" stove, apartment size washer & dryer, plus regular size wash- er, dryer, TV, microwave, 2 excellent modern bedroom suites, 2 dinettes, 2 entertainment stands, 3 pc wall unit, 2 good sofa sets, coffee & end tables, antique parlour table, antique oak sideboard with low back bevelled mirror, antique plant stand, all need refinishing, old side board - rough for parts or refinish- ing., 2 antique tables with turned legs, treadmill, exercise bike, wood stove, selection small household articles, old dishes, pots & pans, collectibles, etc. Lawn mowers, garden & lawn tools, 2 nice old oil on canvas paintings with guild type frame, plus countless other items. Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, MC & Interac. GARY WARNER - AUCTIONEER 905-355-2106 Online at www.warnersauction.com Office 905-852-9538 Toll Free 800-654-4647 Cellular 416-518-6401 Fax 905-852-1067 Gary Hill Auctions (Div. of 1361082 Ontario Limited) Uxbridge SAT., JAN. 12th @ 10:00 a.m. Antiques, Furniture, Collectibles & Household items from Markham, Sharon & Stouffville Estates @ Vanhaven Arena, 722 Davis Dr., Uxbridge. Durham 23 (Lakeridge Rd.) N. to Davis Dr. & W 2 km. or Hwy. 404 N to Davis Dr. (Newmarket) & E 24 km. To include: D/r stes. - 2-10 pc. (1930’s & walnut) & 9 pc.-1970’s; rd. oak tables, pine table & 6 chairs, pine sideboards, china cabinets w/gl. front & sides, Victorian walnut bookcase, oak Hoosier (ex.), flour bin cpbd. w/gl. drs., art deco cpbd., oak hall stand, Kohler walnut tea wagon, wicker & Chinese style coffee tables, marble veneer end tables/sideboard, lift-up recliner chair (new); stenciled arm, wing back & leather chairs; rockers, wicker furn., walnut d/f secretary, db. & single ped. desks, office desks, chairs & filing cabinets; sofa bed, early Cdna. pine crib. 1850’s pine cradle, marble top 4 pc. carved oak bdrm. ste., high boy, walnut dresser, chests & hdbd., pine blanket boxes, Vict. sink, primitive pine pail bench, heavily carved planters, linens, quilts, cranberry 14” hanging lamp w/base, bridge lamps, sewing machines incl. Singer treadle, Findlay Oval cookstove, Hotpoint fridge & stove, side by side fridge, bar fridge, Kenmore washer & dryer; China, Glass, Silver & Jewels: Dinnerware - Sovereign Canada “Acacia Blossom” (12 pl. setting, 76 pcs.). Adams ironstone (for 12+ serving) & Czech china (for 12); Limoge hp Louis XV pcs., child’s flow blue tea set, Royal Doulton “Sandra” HN2275 & “Janine” HN2461; qty. pinwheel crystal incl. covered comport’ silver pl. punch bowl & 10 cups, chafing dishes; gemstones - amethyst, citrine, emerald, ruby, sapphire & topaz; costume jewelry; Collectibles: Carousel horse & pole (repro), oil lamps incl. finger, tins, crocks, old bears, billiard cues, elect. dart machines, clocks incl. school, mantle, qty. anniversary, parts & keys; qty. wrist watches; maps - rd., railroad & geological; CN Rail timetable, CPR RR lock, 1st day issue comic books, qty. postcards, qty. sports cards, cast mech. bank, records (big band era), gramophone, metronome, radios, stereos, child’s wagon; Art - Ltd. Editions - R. Baird, James Berry “Mail Run”, Paul Peel & decorator prints, Confederation Life pics, old religious framed prints, frames; Coins - silver dollars, halves, dimes, nickels, pennies, Nlfd. & foreign; Vehicle: 1987 Pontiac Bonneville, 4 dr., AC, 192 k (as is); Outdoor, Tools & Misc.: Patio furn. incl. umbrella, wrought iron chairs, table & park bench; BBQ (new), construction slate, alum. step ladder, wheelbarrow, wood planes, work bench w/grinder, garden & hand tools, ind. shelving, exercise eqpmt., qty. all occasion cards (new from store), cast iron wood burning stove, lady’s golf clubs; Two auctioneers selling at same time Preview: 8 a.m. Sale Day Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C, Interac or approved cheque Note: New website name - garyhill.theauctionadvertiser.com AUCTION SALE JAN. 19TH 2002 Auction starts at 10 a.m. Viewing from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. To be held on site at SCUGOG FIX IT INC. 1223 KING ST. MANCHESTER, ONT. Auction by McCristal Auctions, AUCTIONEER PHILIP MCCRISTAL For information call McCristal Auctions at (905) 725–5751 ITEMS TO BE AUCTIONED ARE: ALL FIXTURES:2 ECHO SHELVES, ONE TE- CUMSEH SHELF ONE HONDA ENGINE STAND, ONE BRIGGS AND STRATTON ENGINE STAND, ONE TECUMSEH ENGINE STAND, OPTI SHELF ENGINES: 3 HONDA GX, 160 5.5 HP, 3 TECUM- SEH, 2-ENDURO 5.0 HP, 1-12.5 FORMULA XLC, 2 BRIGGS AND STRATTON, 1-6 HP, 1-16 HP VAN- GUARD TWIN, 1 KOHLER COMMAND 6 CLOTHING FIXTURES:ONE CIRCLE RACK, 3 TBAR RACKS, ONE WATERFALL RACK, TWO WIRED GRID WITH HOOKS, COAT HOOKS, PEG- BOARD, COAT HANGERS OFFICE EQUIPMENT:ONE SALES DESK, 4 OFFICE CHAIRS, 3 PARTS AND SERVICE COUNTER TOPS, TWO FILING CABINETS, TWO WASTE CON- TAINERS, ONE LIGHTED SIGNED, ONE COFFEE TABLE, TWO COMPUTERS, ONE AIR CONDITION- ER, SHOWROOM EQUIPMENT:HELMET STAND, WIRE BASKET, 3 SPARK PLUG RACKS, MELAMINE SHELVES, CLOTHING BARS AND RACKS, 3 TECUMSEH MOTORS, 2 BRIGGS MOTOR, ONE KOHLAR MOTOR, 3 HONDA MOTORS, AS- SORTMENT OF RYOBI PRODUCTS, LAWN MOWER BLADES, SNOWMOBILES PARTS, SNOWMOBILE SLIDERS, CARBIDES AND BELTS, MITSUBISHI GENERATOR 1200, ASSORT. OF OILS AND FLUIDS, ASSORTED CHAIN SAW TRIMMER ACCESS. AND HELMETS. SHOP EQUIPMENT:SHOP MANUALS, MI- CROFICHE AND READER ASSORT. SPARK PLUGS, AIR HOIST, FLAT BED, SEVERAL METAL SHOP SHELVING MISC. SMALL ENGINE PARTS, PARTS FOR BRIGGS, KOHLER, HONDA, TECUMSEH EN- GINE. MTD, POULAN PRO, WEEDEATER, AYP, TORO, LAWNBOY ECHO, MURRAY, HOMELITE. OREGON, WALBORO, ZAMA, BELTS, BLADES, BAT- TERIES, TUGES, RIMTAPES, ROLLERCHAIN, STARTER ROPE, HOWE-NUTS AND BOLTS, MORE. 50 CC MINI BIKE (NEW), SOME SNOW AND BIKE CLOTHING. ***NOTE SOME ITEMS MAY BE DELETED AT ANY TIMES. TERMS VISA, MC, AMEX, CHEQUE, INTERAC CASH, 10% BUYERS PREMIUM IN PLACE Outstanding Estate & Gallery AUCTION SALE Saturday January 12 at 10 a.m. Large sale held for the antique and household cont- ents of Port Hope estate and the art contents of a small gallery. Held at the Ballantrae Community Centre, 1 km. east of Hwy. 48 on Aurora Rd. An ex- cellent opportunity to purchase top notch pieces, most items are ready to move right into your home. Plant to attend - Full details on the web. www.clarksonauctions.com CLARKSON AUCTIONS 905-640-6411 PUBLIC AUCTION Thurs. Jan. 10th, Start 6:30 p.m. View: from noon Kahn Auctions, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering, 3 mi. N. of Hwy. 401 exit 399 Featuring: walnut china cabinet with ball and claw feet, oak washstand, walnut highboy, 1970's dining- room set, oak corner china cabinet, oak table with 6 pressback chairs, fireplace mantle, oak library desk, walnut curio cabinet, oak case sewing machine, iron table and 4 chairs, num. oak occ. tables, walnut console table, demi-lune tables, num. dressers, modern table with 6 chairs, 6 Chippendale style din- ing chairs, 2 platform rockers, 6 pressback chairs, table with 4 bar stools, cedar chests GLASS AND CHINA: Royal Doultons to include: Old Balloon Seller, Shore Leave, Lady Charmain, Bal- loon Man, Artful Dodger, Beswick cats, numerous dinkys, corgies, Lesneys, Structo truck and Britain soldiers, coin sets, Northern Electric telephone, Cornflower, Group of 7 prints, Limoge dinner set, Bushnell telescope, cups and saucers, Depression glass, mirrors, large carpet, oil lamps, old radios, large radio manual, prints, McCoy Cookie jar, an- tique lights etc. Randy Potter Auctioneer (905) 683-0041 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY! SATURDAY, JANUARY 12TH, 10 A.M. Estate Auction at Orval McLean Auction Center - Lind- say. Selling contents of Marjorie Fountaine, Lindsay, Norman Pearce Estate, Beaverton and others.Furni- ture and Antiques:Quality modern furniture, (like new), some antiques, peppler quality, dining suite, 9 pc. dinner, Gibbard mahogany 4 pc. bedroom suite, walnut dining table and 6 chairs, buffet, china cabinet, new oak table and chairs, new chesterfield suite, new bed chesterfield, rocker, wicker table, rattan chairs, 10' oak wall unit, 2 recliner wing chairs, pattern area rugs. Appliances, Glass and China - Quantity of glass, chi- na, crystal, Aynsley Desbourg dinnerware, Limoges, Nippon, Bavaria, etc. Tools - hand and power tools. Collectibles - Hundreds of interesting items. Vehicles - 95 Windstar van, loaded, 94 Cadillac Seville, Don't miss this one. Orval & Barry McLean Auctioneers. Call 705 - 324-2783 or 1-800-461-6499 or www.mclean.theauctionadvertiser.com TESS Tidd Estate Sales Service EXCEPTIONAL ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, January 12th at 10 a.m. TIDD'S AUCTION HOUSE Hwy #2 east of Cobourg Directions- Exit 401 at Hwy#45 Cobourg. Go south to 5th set of lights (King St./Hwy#2). Turn left. Follow for approx. 6 kms. Watch for signs. Selling the contents from the estate of the late Mr. Henry Salisbury of Cobourg. Featured in this sale an excellent selection of antique furniture, glass and china. ANTIQUE FURNITURE - Jacobean style dining table w/ matching chairs and server, tea wagon, lrg. oak hall seat, oak sideboard, Rosewood ar- moire and vanity (gorgeous pces.), twin sleigh beds, Victorian chairs, Sheraton style twin beds, fireside bench, beaded pine wardrobe, early walnut 3-drawer chest, walnut buffet (exc. pce.), newer pine dining suite, dressers, chest of drawers, etc. GLASS AND CHINA - Royal Doulton figurines and dinner service, crown Staffordshire, Belleek, Royal Worcester, Paragon Figurines, Old Moorcroft, Staf- fordshire dogs and figurines, etc. MISC.- Guns, Parker Hale 222, 32 Winchester (model 1894, Savage comb. 410/22, Cooey 22, (F. A. C. required), Metal gun cabinet, Sterling silver, jewellery, prints, watercolours, oil paintings, wheel chairs, motorized cart w/ battery charg- er, etc. For FULL LISTING AND PHOTO GALLERY go to www.theauctionfever.com. This is a very large sale with so many quality items to choose from. Viewing - Fri. Jan. 11th, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to time of sale. Terms - Cash, Visa, M.C., Interac, Cheque w/ proper I. D. Lunch available. Auctioneer Patri- cia Tidd. TIDD ESTATE SALES SERVICE (905) 372-2994/1-877-863-2477. Specializing in Antique and Estate Auction Sales. ESTATES & ANTIQUES WANTED MCCRISTAL AUCTIONS (905) 725-5751 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 16TH, 4:45PM Auction Sale of Furniture, Antiques and Collectibles and Tools for an Oakville home, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 1km west of Utica. TO INCLUDE:Chesterfield and chair, kitchen suite, bedroom suite, book shelves, entertainment unit, queen bed, Oxford tenor saxophone, Sony video cam- era. Nikon 35mm camera with various zoom lens, candy floss machine, large quantity of collectables and glassware, complete garage of tools, air tools, large stacking tool chests, car ramps, testers, steel work bench, cordless 14.4 skill saw and drill, vise, Pro Dev- ilbiss upright 5 HP 60 gallon air compressor, parts washer, acetylene torches, shop vac, upright press, large quantity of automotive tools and parts, plus many other interesting items. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 510 General Help 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent WHITES/BAYLY main floor 3- bedroom for rent, central air, access to laundry room, just painted & renovated. Available Feb 1st. $1200 plus utilities. (416)444-4145 after 1pm. Townhouses For Rent190 PRINGLE CREEK CO-OP 95 Crawforth St., Whitby, is ac- cepting applications for next orientation. 3, bdrm. town- houses. $849 & $870 plus. Applications avail at Com- munity Center-unit 85 (10am- 4pm.-Mon.-Thurs.) & unit 25 (10am-7pm.) Other pick-up points posted on Community Center door. SORRY, NO SUBSIDY AVAILABLE. A-A-A-A-1 - 3 TOWNHOUSES, one 3 - bedroom recently ren- ovated, top to bottom, with ga- rage, at $l,295 per mo. plus, 3 bedroom, brand new through- out at $1,150 per mo. plus. Both near the Oshawa Centre. Includes condo fees, water and 4 appliances, one bed- room in Myrtle, $750 per mo. inclusive. Call Garry Bolen, Sutton Group Status at 905-436- 0990 (MUST ASK for Jan Van Driel for info and scheduling). FOR RENT IN COURTICE, large 3 bedroom luxury town- house, with garage, 3 yr. old, like new. Must see to appreci- ate. 5 appliances, central air, non smoker, no pets, lst/last. Available immediately or Feb. lst. $l,250 per mo. plus utili- ties. Call (905) 432-3960. MARY/TAUNTON,Oshawa, 3 bedroom townhouse, new oak cupboards, 5 appliances, fin- ished basement, air con., suit mature responsible family, with excellent credit and ref- erences. Available imme- diately. Call after 5 pm. 905- 721–2914 Rooms For Rent & Wanted192 ADELAIDE & TOWNLINE, one brdm basement apt., share kitchen, own bathroom, sepa- rate entrance, $500/month inclusive, first/last. Avail im- mediately. 905-436-6435, 905-213-7708. AJAX - SUPERIOR accom- modation, fully furnished bed sitting room on second floor w/bright windows in new home. TV supplied, digital ca- ble, c/a, separate full kitchen/ laundry. No smoking/pets. (905)686–3437 AJAX Large room, shared facilities, $380 per month. Non smoker, no pets, close to Go and 401. Available imme- diately. Call (905) 619-2896 after 5 pm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Furnished room in Pickering, cable, kitchen facilities, near Pickering Generating Station, PTC/GO. $180 bi-weekly. (905)420–4318. PICKERING, Whites Rd. Fur- nished room, suits working person. Use of kitchen + laun- dry. Available immediately. Telephone +cable available. $110/week, first/last required. Call 905-420-1846 ROOM FOR RENT in nicely finished basement, family home in Ajax. $100/week. Share facilities. Clean & bright. Call (905)428–9261 ROOM FOR RENT in family home, Ajax, semi-private bath, cable, use of laundry & kitchen, parking available. Non-smoker. $500 monthly first/last required. Call Tracy 905-428-6422 ROOM FOR RENT in large modern country home, many extras, satellite TV, hot tub, snowmobile and ski trials off property, 905-352–3535. SOUTH PICKERING (off Rou- gemount) clean, quiet, large room(s) with 4-pc bath in new home. Ample parking, access to yard, no-smoking/pets. Available immediately. $550/ month, first/last/references. 905-509-7963 Shared Accommodation194 HOUSE TO SHARE fully equipped, near Pickering Town Centre, GO Station, 401 access, lots of room, $375/ month, cable, c/a, available now, female preferred. Avail. now- 416-871-8687 AJAX-convenient to 401 - 3 bedroom executive non- smoking furnished home to share with one. Separate 4pc. private bath, own livingroom. Laundry, a/c, fireplace. Bus at door. Suit professional. Quiet street. $775/mo/negotiable. Immediate. Parking. 905- 686–9963 PICKERING - large house to share, Sheppard and Whites area, parking, laundry, serious replys only call Jeff 905-831- 8739 leave message PICKERING - nice room in quiet home. Full use of house and garage, close to shopping, 401, bus. Working profession- al, non-smoker preferred. $500. and share utilities. First/ last. 905-432–9766 evenings; 905-260-0705 days. Campers, Trailers,Sites215 FREE STORAGE - Immacu- late 1986 18 ft. Bonair, sleeps 6. New 12 ft. awning, large fridge, stove with oven, full stand-up shower, separate toilet facilities, vanity etc. Lots of cupboards, storage space. Non-smoking trailer, single axle, electric brakes, perfect for towing. Asking $5,000. To view call 905-985-3183. WHITBY,trailer for rent, 1010 Dundas St.E. Whitby includes hydro, water, Available imme- diately. $650/month first/last required. Call Aileen 905-666- 9321 Snowmobiles233 1989 ARCTIC CAT JAG,440, black, with double trailer $1500 for pair. Call 905-655– 5032 after 6 pm. 1997 ULTRA SP POLARIS snowmobile with reverse. Ex- cellent condition, $4300 obo. Call after 8 p.m. 905-985-9962. Hobbies & Crafts237 FOLK ART classes available, all levels, beginners our speciality, one stroke beginners seminars also available. Shift workers accommodated. Call (905) 576- 3947 for information. Tutoring Service279 Poultry and Livestock305 3 YEAR OLD DUN MARE Blaze, 3 White socks, Dorsal Stripe, Broke to ride, $1400 or best offer. 1-705-277-1389. Articles For Sale310 NEW DANBY bar fridges, $139 and up. Also variety of new appli- ances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Recon- ditioned fridges $195 / up, reconditioned ranges $125/ up, reconditioned dryers $125 / up, reconditioned washers $199 / up, new and reconditioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New brand name fridges $480 and up, new 30" ranges with clock and window $430. Reconditioned 24" ranges and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576–7448. CARPETS - lots of carpets. I will carpet 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpets for $319.00. Residential on Berb- er carpets for $389.00. In- cludes carpet, premium pad, expert installation. Free, no pressure estimate. Norman (905) 686-2314. 30" STOVE, excellent condi- tion, $75. Call 905-839-7409 4 PC. BEDROOM SUITE, pale green with white, $1800. Call 905-725–9251 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES. Matching fridge/stove, good condition $249; Washers reg/ extra-cap $149/up. Dryers ex- tra/reg $125/up. Selection apt.-size washers/dryers. Se- lection fridges $150/up. Side- by-sides $299. White/almond stoves, full/apt-size $150/up. Portable dishwashers $225/ up. Visit our showroom. Parts/sales/service. 426 Sim- coe St.S. Mon-Fri 8-6pm, Sat 9-5pm, Sun 11-4pm. (905)728-4043. ANTIQUES: PAINTED Hoosier cupboard & pine corner cup- board & prints. Call (905)697– 8468 APPLIANCES:refrigerator 2- door frost free, deluxe stove, matching heavy duty washer/ dryer $675/all- will sell sepa- rate. Also washer used 2 years $250 +Dryer and 8 mo old dishwasher $275. (905) 767-6598 BEDROOM SET, 8pce cherry- wood. Bed, chest, tri-dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000, Sacri- fice $3500. 416-748-3993 BRAND NEW 12' 6" FENWICK fishing rod $150, Kodiak boots size mens 5.5 $50, 905-837- 9213. CARPETS SALE & HARD- WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $339. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: carpet, premium pad and installation. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and sur- rounding area. Credit Cards Accepted Call Sam 905-686- 1772. CARPETS! CARPETS!CAR- PETS! 3 rooms carpeted with pad and installation $299 (32 yds.). SPECIAL BUY - 24oz. Berber, 10 colours, $7.50/yd. 32oz Berber, 12 colours, $8.50/yd. 45oz Nylon Saxony, 30 colours, $13.50/yd. NO HIDDEN COSTS. Free shopt at Home Service. Guaranteed Best Prices. SAILLIAN CAR- PETS, 905-373-2260. CERAMIC BISQUE,Large var- iety, ready to paint, annual clearance sale up to 40% off. Garden, Christmas, animals & more. Cash or Visa only. 905- 473-2024 COMPUTERPentium 200. 32Mb Ram, 2GB HDD, 56K modem, CD Rom, keyboard/ speakers/mouse, 15" SVGA monitor, Internet ready $350. Can deliver +set-up. Double solid oak glider-rocker, rare $700. 905-439-4789. DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- rywood. 92" double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con- struction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5000. (416)746-0995. DIRECT TV H & HU Card pro- gramming from $10. Also Di- rect TV systems & installation available. Pickering area. (905) 421–9952, or leave voice message 416-680-0877 DIRECT TV SATELLITES $349, RCA system with "H" $649, "Hu" cards $225, "H" cards $435, "T6" Hu loader $179, Boot loader boards $50, install kits $27.50, private full Hu 3m $30, Amazing Electonics NOW! 601 Dundas St. W., Al- ways call ahead. 905-665- 7732 or 905-424-9112. DIRECT TV SATELLITE com- plete RCA $325 -w/1-month programming $350 or $400 w/ 3 month programming guar- antee. Card programming: HU $20/1-month, $10 no guaran- tee, H Cards $25/1-month. Pickering. 905-831-6919; 416- 409-6855 ESTATE SALE:Jan 12 +13 11am-3pm. Full house/ap- pliances, 3 bedrooms/1 dinin- room/1livingroom, full set Royal Worchester Evesham dinnerware. Too much to list! 401 East to Newtonville Rd., 3.7km East on Hwy#2 to sign. By viewing only. HARDWOOD FLOORS FOR BETTER HEALTH. Prefinished and unfinished from $l.99 sq.ft. Showroom: Kendalwood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby 905-433-9218 Oshawa Hardwood Floors Ltd. LAPTOP LIQUIDATION SALE All laptops $30 off! 233's starting from $629.99! Jason 905-259-5827 and Ian 905- 725-3451. www.laptopguys.8m.com. LIVING ROOM COUCH and matching CHAIR, like new, neutral colour, $120. Single living room chair, $35. 905- 373-6082. MANCO DUNE BUGGY, Te- cumseh motor, excellent con- dition, hardly used, $900. or trade for 50cc motor bike. Call 905-725–2383 after 6:00 pm. MOVING SALE - Home Cont- ents: sofabed, diningroom set, full bedroom suite with war- drobes, coffee tables, wall hangings, light fixtures, deco- ration and plants etc. Come and make an offer, as all items will be cleared. Satur- day. Jan. 19th, 10 a.m to 3 p.m. 2 Dunkin Ave. Courtice (Nash Rd. to George Reyn- olds to Dunkin) ANTIQUE FRENCH door, with beveled glass windows, and with antique brass handle. 23" x 80". Excellent condition. $150. 905-697-9462 OAK DININGROOM,early American Spain, 4 high pressback chairs, 2 captains, oval table, clawed feet, roped skirt, extra leaf, buffet-3 bowed drawers, hutch-double glass, paid $3000, asking $1800. 905-404–2450 ONE TANNING BED FOR SALE, good condition, $800. 905-430-0518 or 905-852- 5155. PIANO SALE/BOXING DAY SALE on all Roland digital, Samick acoustic pianos and used pianos. All Howard Mill- er clocks.. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with less- ons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433- 1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs, & pre-pur- chase consultation on all makes & models of acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Holi- day special - pay no tax on all upright pianos. Gift Certifi- cates available. Call Barb at 905-427-7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com Visa, MC, Amex. PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS PS1 $35., PS2 Ver 1 & 2 $75, Ver 3 $95, Ver 4 $125. All work guaranteed. Install while you wait. Beatrice/Wilson area (905)721-2365 POOL TABLE for sale - 4'x 8' with cover, 2 sets pool balls. $800. Call Debbie (905) 987- 1116. RENT TO OWN new and re- conditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Pad- dy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. TABLE WITH 4 chairs. Black wood, solid, 42"x42" table. 4 leather high back chairs. Set DeBoers purchased. (905)697–9462 (snp) WANTED:Clean Used Appliances and Furniture; also box/utility trailer. Will pick up and pay cash. Please call 905-263-2657 OAK/PINE FURNITURE...NO PST/NO GST ON SELECTED FLOOR MODELS..EG: Solid Oak Bedroom Suite. Queen Bed, Dresser, Mirror, Armoire & Nite Table. ONLY $3,995 and NO TAX. We have one of the largest selections of Solid Wood Bedroom and Entertain- ment Units available any- where, and if you don't see what you are looking for, we will build to your specifica- tions. Let Traditional Wood- working be your own personal FURNITURE MAKER. We have been building quality solid wood furniture her for 27 years. We pride ourselves on being able to take your ideas/ plans and turn them into reali- ty. Drop in and see our State of the Art Woodworking facility and let us show you how quality fine furniture is made. Remember.."There is no Sub- stitute for Quality"..Traditional Woodworking, 115 North Port Road (South off Reach Road), Port Perry. 905-985-8774. www.traditionalwood working.on.ca TIRES FOR SALE 4 Goodyear Trailbusters, used only 2 weeks. Size 235/75/R15 (off Jimmy) Asking $500-obo. Also 4x4 Rims. Please call Mike 905-571-6902 or cell 905-213-5553 WOODBURNING COOK Stove, green/ivory porcelain w/accessories, good condition $950 o.b.o; '97 MACH 1 Ski- doo $4,300. "79 RX7 small block Chev conversion, call for details. Call Paul daytime (905)571-3369 or evenings (905)579-7449. Articles Wanted315 CASH PAID for plastic car models. Built or still in the box. 905-435-0747. WANTED - motorized tread- mill, good quality & in good condition. Call 905-986-4515 Firewood330 KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD,ex- cellent very best quality hard- wood, guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn) cut & split Honest measurement, free delivery, 905-753-2246. FREE FIREWOOD - Broken woodskids and pallets. Deliv- ery available Oshawa Whitby/ Ajax Pickering area. 905-434- 0392. (snp) Pet, Supplies Boarding370 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc. Classes starting Jan. 21 No- vice and Utility. To Register call Bev. (905)435-0868 Cars For Sale400 NO BULL!! JUST BARGAINS!! 1995 Dodge Neon $3,275!! 1996 Cavalier Z24 $5,995!!!! 1993 Cavalier, 119k $28,75!! 1993 Taurus Wagon, $3,875! PELESHOK AUTO SALES (905) 428-8871. 1978 dodge diplomat 2 door, white, B.C. car, painted/oiled, solid 318 V8 with hitch, new CB, cert. last year. $600 as is. or best offer. 905-686–8793. 1991 SUNBIRD, auto, V6, well equipped, 260,000 km, in good condition, $895. obo. as is. Call 905-438–1388 1991, DODGE CARAVAN,V6, auto, high km, $2,300, 1991 Dodge Shadow, 4 dr., auto, 173,000km, $2,995. Both ve- hicles E-tested and certified, call anytime 905-718–9347 Dealer, 1992 BONNEVILLE SSEl Su- percharged. Burg., gray leath- er, HUD, loaded, orig. paint, new tires, brakes, like new, spotless, never smoked, $9,000 or best offer. 905-987– 5039 1992 BUICK CENTURY station wagon. 6-cylinder, auto/over- drive, air, cruise, tilt, power locks, excellent condition, no rust, very clean interior, reli- able car, runs great. $3500. Certified/emissions 905-922- 3165 1997 BLACK BONNEVILLE SSEI fully loaded, super- charged engine, heads up display, CD with bos speak- ers, sunroof, hands free cell phone included. All the bells and whistles. Quick Sale, 122,000km $16,000 obo. Call (905) 668-1396. 1998 SATURN,SC1, 2 dr. coupe, automatic, air, cd., spoil- er, gold finish, 64,000 kil., certi- fiied. $9,800. County Auto (905) 725-6827 or (905) 439-5917. 2001 SUNFIRE SE,5 spd, silver grey, am/fm, CD, air, keyless entry, spoiler 44km, asking $12,900. Call 905-655-9265. 2002 BUICK RENDEZVOUS, pewter grey. Take over lease pay- ments at $382.50 plus taxes. Asking $1500. which includes lease transfer fee and security deposit. 3 yrs. 6 mo. with 68,000 km. remaining. 905-436-6218. Cars Wanted405 CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MUR- AD AUTO SALES. WANTED - 1992 Bonneville SSE, automatic, for parts. Call 905-434-0392. WANTED - Dead or Alive . Cars, Trucks, Machinery.. Call 905-655-4609 WANTED - inexpensive cars or trucks. Running or not, but not too rusty. Free removal. Call 905-434-0392 (snp) Trucks For Sale410 1978 CHEV P/UP 134,000 original km. Excellent shape. Make an offer. (905)576-0193. 1988 NISSAN KING CAB Pickup. 275,000 km nearly new tires and clutch, needs engine work, $1,000. 905-721- 1536 TRUCK CAP FOR SALE - fits long box S10 - S15 $100 OBO. Call Justin at 905-885-2028. Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirve420 1999 DODGE GRAND CARA- VAN, 7 passenger, 5 door, V6, 51,000km, am/fm cas- sette. $15,900 certified, e- tested. Call (416)898-8467 or (905)434–2775. Announcements255 Personals268 ENERGY WORKER available (Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Ear-coning Therapist) Mau- reen McBride's Healing/Ener- gy Clearing media document- ed, including Toronto Sun. Four years success treating leukemia, cancers; chronic pain management; dissolving child-adulthood traumas/is- sues. 905-683-1360 days, eves, weekends HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An- swers. Find the oracle within. $2.99/min. *18+*24 hrs. 1- 900-451-3783. Nannies/ Live-In/Out270 NANNY, LIVE OUT - mail re- sume: to: Debbie, 2187 Du- berry Dr. Pickering, Ont. L1X 2A9 Mother's Helpers271 PART TIME DAYS, domestic help required for self em- ployed mother of 3 young children, must be good with kids. Cleaning , preparing meals and some childcare. References required. Ajax, close to Lord Durham Public School. For more info (905) 427–6454 Daycare Available273 AFFORDABLE LOVING DAY- CARE non-smoking, reliable/ experienced, mother of 2. Steps to Glengrove P.S. on St. Anthony Daniels bus/route. Large fenced backyard. Play- room/crafts/outings. Snacks/ lunch. Valley Farm Rd. / King- ston Rd. Near PTC. References. Call Debbie (905) 839–7237 HWY 2/HARWOOD area, reli- able, responsible daycare, my home, nutritious meals, crafts, story time, fenced back yard, First aid, CPR certifi- cate. From 6 months, receipts, (905)619-8752 MATURE LOVING & reliable caregiver would like to pro- vide care for your child/child- ren. Brock/Hwy#2-Pickering Parkway. Full/part-time, flexi- ble hours, night shifts avail- able. references available. Call 619-2922. MATURE LOVING Reliable caregiver would like to pro- vide for your child/children. Babies welcome. Smoke & pet free home. 23 yrs exp. South Ajax. Receipts, refer- ences. (905)683–9319 MOTHERLY LOVE DAYCARE Hwy 2 & Liverpool. Stay at home Mom, nutritious home- cooked meals & snacks, non- smoking/no pets, receipts & references provided. Call Maria 905-837–5538 PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Loving daycare; 18 months to 12 years. Daily outings (fenced backyard and park). Crafts, story time, music, nu- tritious meals & snacks. First Aid, C.P.R. certified. Non- smoking, receipts. 905-428- 1244. ROSEBANK & SHEPPARD Daycare available in my home. Large fully fenced yard, nutritious meals provided, ex- perienced, references avail- able, close to many schools. Tracy 905-839-6009 WHITES RD/STROUDS Moth- er of 2 has full-time openings for 6 months & older. Lunch & snacks provided. Finished basement, receipts avail. 10yrs experience. Part-time welcomed. 905-420–0940. Daycare Wanted274 CAREGIVER/HOUSEKEEPER for after school care, two boys 7&9. Must have car & be able to commit to 15-20-hours/ week. West Pickering loca- tion. Please call Shannon 905- 509–7825 Mortgages Loans165 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any pur- pose. All applications accept- ed. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905) 668– 6805. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 5.75% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refi- nancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast profession- al service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686-2557. MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & har- rassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & pro- tection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 Home Improvements700 Garbage Removal Hauling702 Painting and Decorating710 Moving and Storage715 Dating Services900 FRIENDS AND LOVERS DAT- ING SERVICE!Durham's Own! Find your mate, or just share a moment. Listen to all the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. (905)-683-1110. Adult Entertainment905 LOUNGE ON BLOOR Oshawa a relaxing massage plus hot tub, friendly faces. New man- agement & new faces. 2 for 1 available. 905-404-8353 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything, anywhere, anytime. Commercial or residential. Packaging, storage and boxes available. Senior & mid month discounts. Free estimates. 571-0755 1-888-491-6600 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 428-0081 ROMEO PAINTING Specializing in interior and exterior painting. For clean fast and reliable service Call (905) 686-9128 "GUARANTEED PAINTING & STUCCO CEILINGS" Residential - Commercial Interior - Exterior Refinish - Repair - Repaint Stucco Ceilings "PAY AS YOU ARE SATISFIED" Call Scott for Free Estimate @ (416) 414-5911 (32 years experience) Senior's Discount All Pro Painting and Wallpapering Stucco ceilings, General repairs, Top quality work at reasonable prices 20% off for Seniors Call for a FREE Estimate 404-9669 GARBAGE REMOVAL For PeopleWith Limited Cash Flow Garage is for cars Basement for relaxation Call Joseph (905) 428-7528 or cell (905) 626-6247 Kitchen, Bath & Basement Renovations & Repairs Quality workmanship Flat Rate R.S. CONTRACT INSTALLATION (416)230–9383 Rob/Kevin LAURIE'S HOUSECLEANING SERVICES 18 years in business Works alone Excellent Rates & References Ajax/Pickering area only (905) 426-3711 F & M Home Renovations To home owners: Any carpentry needed rough or finished small or big job, we'll do it for you! You supply the materials, we'll supply the labour at hourly rate. Call (905)420–7394 DANPOL RENOVATIONS Complete Renovations & Home Improvements *Kitchen *Washroom *Custom Basement *Hardwood Floor *Office *Deck "I finish what you started" •Licensed Carpenter Dan 905-686-7421 STOP ‘N’ CASH APPROVAL BY PHONE EVERY DAY IS PAYDAY WHEN YOU NEED CASH! 310-CASHCall: We hold your personal cheque ‘til payday NO CREDIT CHECK Locations throughout Ontario HAPPY ENTHUSIASTIC FUN mom providing before/ after school full or part- time, attending William Dunbar P.S. daycare. We offer: a large carpeted toy room with Barbies, dress- up, cars, action figures, crafts, music, games, etc. 7yrs experience. Fenced yard. Smoke and pet free. Receipts provided. Come & enjoy all the fun with our 9year old daughter and 4year old son. Glennana/ Rawlings area, Dixie/Hwy 2. Call Clara (905)837–9485 l.m. NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 BAD CREDIT? NO CREDIT? EVEN BANKRUPT CREDIT? But need a car? Phone Mel today 576-1800 All applications accepted. Bring in this ad & get $100 toward your purchase Down payment or deposit may be required SALES LIMITED LEASE TO OWN New/Used Vehicles 8.5% no turndowns 100% success rate in 4 years 905-571-5363 905-260-0050 (after hrs.) WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 NEED A CAR? Rebuild Your Credit with Newstart Leasing! AS LOW AS $199 DOWN 1-866-570-0045 NEED A HOME PHONE? NO CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! No deposit Required Activated Immediately Freedom Phone Lines 1-866-687-0863 HINDI GUJARATI & MATH Tutor available 905-683-1389 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002-PAGE B7 A/P CALL (905) 683-0707 Some products may vary due to availability. FREE! A Gift for You and Your Baby Expecting? As a parent-to-be simply bring this coupon to your local SEARS retail store and enroll in the Waiting Game Club (it’s Free) and receive your Baby’s On The Way Gift Pac®filled with $20.00 worth of great brand name products (it’s also FREE). (Some conditions apply. Full contest details available from your Sears representative.) ® Baby’s Here Gift Pac and Baby’s On The Way GIft Pac are Registered Trademarks of Advantex Marketing International Inc. Ajax/Pickering The Community Newspaper since 1965 Expect more from Sears Bab y ’ s H e r e Plac e a b i r t h anno u n c e m e n t i n t h e New s A d v e r t i s e r a n d a s k how y o u c a n r e c e i v e a certifi c a t e f o r a F R E E Bab y ’ s H e r e G i f t P a c ® worth over $25 00 245 Births 245 Births 245 Births 2 Spacious Teaching Studios Visa, Amex, Debit, Mastercard Extended Hours: Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 9:00 Friday and Saturday 10:00 to 5:00 Classes, seminars in: Full Retail Outlet Acrylics, Oils Delta, Unfinished Furniture DecoArt, Jo Sonya Giftware Wood, Brushes Guest Teachers Packets, Books 235 Bayly Street W., Unit 12, Ajax, Ontario L1S 3K3 Phone: 905-683-6109 Fax: 905-426-4673 Email: judymcdonald@idirect.com Web Site: http://www.creative-pastimes.com OVER 3200 SQ. FT., ONE LEVEL LOCATION “OPEN HOUSE REGISTRATION” JANUARY 7 - 12 278 Registration 278 Registration 278 Registration RDC WINDOWS, DOORS & ROOFING Since 1969 Quality Products - Workmanship Guarantees Transferable Warranties “WE’RE WORTH LOOKING INTO” (905) 686-9494 or visit www.rdcworld.com • Porch Enclosures • Garage Doors Any purchase over $1,500, get a “Free storm door installed” 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements ❤ BROCK SPA ❤ Private rooms with showers Friendly Attendants. Rear Entrance. 1600 Alliance Rd. Unit 12 Pickering 905-831–0526 905 Adult Entertainment 905 Adult Entertainment Death Notice Listings For Audio on current deaths, call 905-683-3005 From Clarington, Port Perry or Uxbridge, please call 1-905-683-3005. Visit us on the internet: www.durhamregion.com Brought to you by the following funeral homes: Accettone, Armstrong, Low & Low, The Simple Alternative, McEachnie, McIntosh-Anderson, Morris, Newcastle Funeral Home, Northcutt-Elliott, Oshawa Funeral Service, Wagg, W.C. Town, Memorial Chapel. 1. Simply dial the above number on a touch tone phone only. 2. Listen for the name you are looking for. The listings are recorded by surname first. 3. When you hear the name you want, press 1 to hear details of the funeral arrangements. 4. If you miss any information, press 1 to replay the details. 5. If you want to go back to the main directory of names, press 2 and repeat from Step 2. Step In loving memory of my dear husband David Gordon, who passed away January 10th, 1996 He has gone across the river To the shores of evergreen And we long to see his dear face But the river flows between. Someday, sometime we shall see The face we loved so well Some day we'll clasp his hand And never say farewell From your loving wife Elvina 258 In Memoriam258In Memoriam 256 Deaths 256 Deaths 185 Houses For Rent 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 273 Daycare Available SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 Classified INDEX 100 Houses For Sale 102 Open Houses 103 Private Sales 105 Townhouses For Sale 110 Apartments/Condos For Sale 115 Farms For Sale, Rent & Wanted 120 Out of Town Properties 125 Property Outside Canada 130 Housing Wanted 135 Lots & Acreages 140 Investment/Business Properties 145 Industrial/Commercial Space 150 Office & Business Space 155 Stores For Sale, Rent/Wanted 159 Investment Opportunities 160 Business Opportunities 161 Franchises 162 Insurance 163 Professional Directory 164 Tax & Financial 165 Mortgages, Loans 166 Accountants 167 Office/Industrial Equipment 168 Business Services/Personals 169 Computer/Internet 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 172 Furnished Apartments 174 Short Term Rentals 175 Apartments & Flats Wanted 180 Condominiums For Rent 185 Houses For Rent 190 Townhouses For Rent 191 Housing Wanted 192 Rooms For Rent & Wanted 193 Room & Bd. Avail. & Wanted 194 Shared Accommodation 195 Retirement Living 196 Halls & Lodges 200 Vacation Properties 205 Rentals Outside Canada 210 Mobile Homes & Parks 211 Motor Homes 215 Campers, Trailers, Sites 225 Camping Equipment 230 Sports Equipment 231 Aviation 232 Boats & Supplies 233 Snowmobiles 234 Pools & Supplies 235 Resorts, Camps 236 Travel 237 Hobbies & Crafts 239 Women’s column 245 Births 246 Adoptions 248 Birthdays 249 Coming Events 250 Engagements 251 Forthcoming Marriages 252 Marriages 253 Anniversaries 254 Graduations 255 Announcements 256 Deaths 257 Obituaries 258 In Memoriam 259 Cards of Thanks 260 Tenders 261 Legal Notices 262 Public Notices 263 Car Pools/Transportation 265 Lost and Found 267 Companions 268 Personals 269 Support Groups 270 Nannies/live-in/out 271 Mother’s Helpers 272 Nursery Schools 273 Daycare Available 274 Daycare Wanted 275 Babysitting 276 Private Tuition/Schools 277 Music & Dancing Instruction 278 Registration 282 Places of Worship 284 Esthetics/Beauty Services 285 Health & Homecare 286 Senior Services 288 Fitness Services 290 Catering 292 Wedding Planner 293 Astrology 294 Psychics 295 Liaison Services 296 Amusements Clubs 298 Funeral Directors 299 Cemetery Plots 300 Market Basket 301 Flowers and Delivery 302 Farm Service 303 Horse Supplies and Boarding 305 Poultry and Livestock 306 Furniture 307 Clothing 310 Articles for Sale 311 Bicycles 315 Articles Wanted 320 Garage/Yard Sales 325 Auctions 326 Warehouse Sales 330 Firewood 335 Christmas Trees 336 Woodstoves, Fireplace 340 Antiques and Art 345 Baby Needs 348 Restaurant Equipment 350 Industrial Equipment 352 Farm Equipment 353 Appliances 355 Computer and Video 360 TV, Sound Systems 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 375 Photography 380 Swap and Trade 385 Tickets for Sale 400 Cars For Sale 405 Cars Wanted 410 Trucks For Sale 415 Trucks Wanted 420 Vans/4-Wheel Drive 425 Sports Cars 430 Antique Cars 435 Motorcycles 440 Auto Parts/Supplies & Repairs 445 Auto Leasing & Rentals 446 Auto Financing 447 Driving Schools 450 Auto Care 455 Garage & Storage Space 460 Insurance Services 470 Heavy Duty Equipment 500 Career Training 501 Career Counseling & Resumes 505 Careers 507 Employment Agencies 509 Drivers 510 General Help 511 Retail Opportunities 512 Summer Employment 514 Salon & Spa Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help 520 Computer & IT 525 Office Help 529 Inside Sales 530 Sales Help & Agents 532 Retail Sales Help 535 Hospital/Medical/Dental 536 Veterinary Help 537 Holistic Health 540 Hotel/Restaurant 541 Part-Time Help 545 Teaching Opportunities 550 Domestic Help Wanted 555 Domestic Help Available 565 Volunteers 570 Employment Wanted 700 Home Improvements 701 Demoltion, Blasting 702 Garbage Removal/Hauling 705 Handyman 706 Chimney Cleaning, Repair 707 Electrical Services 708 Masonry & Concrete 709 Carpentry 710 Painting and Decorating 715 Moving and Storage 718 Carpet Cleaning 720 Drapes, Upholstery 725 Dressmaking, Tailoring 730 Flooring, Carpeting 735 Gardening Supply, Landscaping 738 Lawnmower Sales, Repairs 740 Snow Removal 746 Courses 750 Appliance Repairs 752 Lessons 900 Dating Services 905 Adult Entertainment 910 Massages CHRISTIANSEN, Hans - Passed away quietly on January 5, 2002 in his 76th year. Beloved husband of Lisa Christiansen. He will be sadly missed by his children Eric and his wife Carol, Robert and his wife Terry, and two grandsons Neil and Paul. Friends may visit THE SIMPLE ALTERNATIVE FUNERAL CENTRES, 1057 Brock Road, Pickering (just south of 401 east side) (905) 686-5589, on Thursday January 10, 2002 for 2pm Chapel service. Reception to follow. In lieu of flowers donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Alzheimer's Society would be appreciated. DEISINGER, Mary Patricia (nee Walsh)- Dedicated volunteer, Ajax and Pickering Health Care Centre Women's Auxillary- Peacefully surrounded by her family at the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre, on Mon- day, January 7, 2002. Mary cherished wife of Henry of 39 years. Beloved mother of Carrie (Robert Forsyth), Kathryn (Robert Dennis) and Lesley (Shane Duffy). Loving Nana of Caitlin, Kelsey and Douglas. Dear sister of Ju- lie (David Evans). Dear auntie of Michael. The family will receive friends at the MCEACH- NIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905-428–8488 from 7 to 9 pm Tuesday and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Wednesday. Funeral Mass to be held at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church,796 Eyer Drive, Pickering (Whites Rd. S. and Oklahoma Dr.) on Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 11 am. Cremation. Donations may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Association of the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre. DURHAM —Help is available for those wanting to become ex-smokers. The Canadian Cancer Society has the booklet, ‘For Smokers Who Want to Quit’, available at both branches in Durham Re- gion. It also has a booklet, ‘For Smokers Who Don’t Want to Quit’. Jan. 20 to 26 is National Non-Smoking Week in Canada. There’s also the soci- ety’s smokers’ helpline at 1-877-513-5333, which provides information to A/P PAGE B8 NEWS ADVERTISER,WEDNESDAY EDITION, January 9, 2002 R you doing all you can? Make 2002 a year to rethink recycling habits Waste management is only one of the environmental problems fac- ing our society today. It becomes an even bigger problem this year when the Keele Valley Landfill site clos- es. This will result in trucks having to carry our garbage, as well as our resources that we do not recycle or compost, all the way to Michigan. How much more exhaust pollution will this cause? Will the United States ever close its borders to the Greater Toronto Area? This year my columns in Janu- ary will be ‘All Rs’ to emphasize the importance of reducing the amount of garbage being transport- ed hundred of miles away. REDUCE —Buy only things that are necessary and avoid dispos- able purchases. Do not purchase over-packaged items. REUSE —Before trashing any- thing useful, set it in a box to be taken or picked up by a charity. Reuse shopping bags and lug-a- mug when you go to meetings. Take unwanted computers to Sears to be part of its ‘computers for schools program.’ RECYCLE —Maximize the blue box. Place all household paper into a separate box or hamper. Keep glass separate from the blue box that holds No. 1 plastic and cans. By separating at the curb you will make the recycling collector’s job more efficient. You can obtain blue boxes for $4 each at Miller Waste on Squires Beach Road. There are places you can take items such as plastic film, tires, drywall and scrap metal. An upcoming column will give information on all of these. RECHARGE —Recycle your Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries through the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) program. Call 1-800-8-BATTERY for outlets that carry the box with the photo of TV personality and RBRC spokesperson Richard Karn. RESPONSIBILITY —Take all household hazardous waste to Os- hawa’s transfer station at 1640 Rit- son Rd. N. Hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed holidays. Call 905-433- 2050. REQUEST —Call your munic- ipality to request hazardous waste depots be located locally. When Brock West closed we lost a conve- nient location and it has not been replaced. REFUSE —Avoid purchasing articles that do not contain recycled content. Look for the recycling logos. REPAIR —Are you throwing away something that can be re- paired? REPLAY —Take used sporting equipment to re-sellers. During Waste Reduction Week, The Beer Store collected used hockey equip- ment for underprivileged children. RENT —Borrow or rent items you use infrequently. REFURBISH —Reupholster furniture that is still in good shape but needs new fabric. RETHINK —Make 2002 the year and this the decade to rethink. There are lots more ‘Rs’ to come. Your ideas are important. Please call or e-mail suggestions to be in- cluded into ‘All Rs’month — make it a new year’s resolution. Larraine Roulston Recycler’s Corner roulstonlp@sympatico.ca Group helps when marriage ends AJAX —A peer support group for those dealing with separation and di- vorce starts meeting this week in Ajax. ‘Rebuilding’ runs every Tuesday for 10 weeks, starting Jan. 8, from 7 to 9 p.m. Topics include grieving your losses and developing new traditions, parent- ing through divorce, communication with your ex-spouse, and regaining your sense of self. It’s presented by Durham Region Community Care and COPE Mental Health Program. Call Jennifer at 905-686-3248 for more information. Canadian Cancer Society can help smokers butt out people wanting to quit, for those thinking about quitting, and those who have stopped and need support. The west Durham office is at 467 Westney Rd. S., Unit 9, Ajax and the number is 905- 686-1516. The east Durham office is at 172 King St. E., Unit 302, Oshawa and the number is 905-725-1166. Euchre Sundays 8:00 PM Start WE OFFER THE HIGHEST QUALITY FINE GOLD DIAMONDS & GEMSTONES SALE ENDS JANUARY 16, 2002 JANUARY SALE ALL Diamond Rings ALL Diamond Tennis Bracelets ALL Gold Chains ALL Diamond Earrings ALL Silver ALL Diamond Pendants ALL Gold Bracelets ALL Gold Earrings ALL Diamond Anniversary Bands JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARYJANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARY SALE JANUARYMONDAY-FRIDAY 10-9, SATURDAY 12-4 - SIX MONTH OAC - VISA, MASTER CARD, AMEX Ask about Donlands Jewellers Card 705 Kingston Rd. (Hwy 2 & Whites Rd.) Pickering - Next to Liquor Store 905-420-2552 ALL IN-STOCK MERCHANDISE 50% OFF ALL Engagement Rings 50% OFF NP0120202 Copyright 2002. Sears Canada Inc. Set 777 76 -1377 76 SIMMONS BEAUTYREST*** ‘TRAVERS’ INDEPENDENT COIL SLEEP SET Choice of luxury pillow-top or extra-firm pillow-top styles. Twin-King sizes. Price varies by style and size. ***™SIMMONS I.P. INC. Used under licence by Simmons Canada Inc. It’s like there’s NO GST ADDED* Plus, use your Sears Card and earn Double Sears Club Points†on all furniture**and sleep sets Special Purchases! While quantities last 799 99 ‘CAPRICORN’ SOFA BED WITH DOUBLE-SIZE SIMMONS BEAUTYSLEEP MATTRESS 1299 99 ‘MILO’ RECLINING SOFA Matching love seat and chair also available Sears stores close to you, close to home Furniture and sleep sets are available at the following Greater Toronto locations: Central Gerrard Square (416) 461-9092 Allen Rd. Furniture & Appliances Store Allen Rd. & Sheppard Ave. (416) 398-9947 North Markham Furniture, Appliances & Home Improvements Store Don Mills & Steeles (905) 881-6600 Markville Shopping Centre (905) 946-1866 Promenade Shopping Centre (905) 731-3388 Newmarket Furniture & Appliances Store Yonge St. & Davis Dr. (905) 830-0049 Richmond Hill Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 & Yonge St. (905) 762-0870 Woodbine Shopping Centre (416) 798-3800 Woodbridge Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 7 & Weston Rd. (905) 850-6406 East Scarborough Furniture & Appliances Store Kennedy Rd. & 401 (416) 332-8577 Whitby Furniture Store Thickson Rd. & 401 (905) 579-4048 or 1-800-336-8073 West Brampton Furniture & Appliances Store 535 Steeles Ave. E. (905) 455-1255 Mississauga Furniture & Appliances Store Hwy. 5 & 403 (905) 820-6801 Sleep sets are also available at the following Department Stores: Bramalea City Centre (905) 458-1141 Erin Mills Town Centre (905) 607-2300 Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-8000 Scarborough Town Centre (416) 296-0171 Sherway Gardens (416) 620-6011 Square One Shopping Centre (905) 270-8111 Yorkdale Mall (416) 789-1105 Sleep sets from Sears are Canada’s Best Sellers Based on independent national surveys current at time of advertising preparation *Sears will deduct from the item price an amount so that your total purchase, including taxes, will be no more than the item price plus PST where applicable. Offer does not apply to purchase of non-taxable merchandise and purchases made under tax-exempt status. Exclude catalogue and website purchases. Cannot be combined with any other finance offer. †Use your Sears Card and earn Double Sears Club Points on all furniture and sleep sets. Excludes taxes. For orders from our website and current Catalogues, quote Bonus offer #94 16 22349. On approved credit. Both offers: Exclude deferral fees, maintenance agreement, delivery and installation charges, items in our Liquidation/Outlet stores. End Sunday, January 13, or where Sears is closed, Saturday, January 12, 2002. Ask for details. **D/601 Furniture Shop; excludes baby furniture. Furniture selection varies by store. Please contact your local Sears store for details.