HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2001_04_22A Dunbarton High School Spartans tackler tries to prevent Scarborough W.A. Porter Secondary School’s Jason Jeanes from scoring a try during the first half of an exhibition under-16 rugby game at the Pickering school Thursday after- noon. Jeanes scored on this play. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING’S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 44,400 28 PAGES SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2001 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $6/ $1 NEWSSTAND WHERE TO FIND IT Editorial Page/6 Name Dropping/19 Sports/20 Classified/22 GIVE US A CALL General/905-683-5110 Distribution/905-683-5117 General FAX/905-683-7363 Death Notices/905-683-3005 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 Email:steve.houston @durhamnews.net SHOWROOM OPEN! 239 Station St. HWY. 401 Westney Rd.Harwood Ave.See us from the 401 in Ajax! Call 905-686-2445 Blaisdale MONTESSORI School www.blaisdale.com16 mths - grade 8 You’ll be impressed! Call Head Office 509-5005 OPEN HOUSE May 3-7pm Sharp 56 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village (W. of Church) 16 mths. - 6 yrs OPEN HOUSE NEW WESTNEY CAMPUS, AJAX Every Sat. 2pm 16 mths. - 6 yrs. RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo Waist not, want not A matter of choice? Ecker vague on school access BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer DURHAM —Education offi- cials here predict “chaos” if the provincial government does in- deed allow enrolment in any “available school” as part of new regulations. The Ontario government’s speech from the throne Thursday opened the door to more choice for parents in enrolling their children in an “available school” within the system. Rumours of such an announcement circulat- ed more than a week before the speech, prompting the response from local education stakehold- ers. Currently, school boards cre- ate boundaries that determine where students will attend, though exceptions are made for some pupils who attend facilities not located in their neighbour- Couple discovers dead dogs on creek bank Pickering man offers $500 reward to have culprit caught, charged BY SUSAN O’NEILL Staff Writer PICKERING —A Pickering man who discovered two dead Rottweiler puppies near Duffins Creek in the northern area of the city Thursday is offering a finan- cial reward for any information that leads to a conviction in the case. John Tuttle was out hiking with his wife and dog in Clark’s Hollow near Whites and Taunton roads Thursday morning when he came across a bag containing a dead dog. Another puppy was found lying near the bag not far from the edge of Duffins Creek. He suspects someone was try- ing to throw the dogs into the creek from a bridge approximate- ly 20 feet overhead. “People just have to be made aware they can’t get away with this,” he said in an interview Thursday. “Something’s got to be done... somebody must know some- thing.” Mr. Tuttle said he’s prepared to “offer $500 out of my own pocket if I can just find out the person that did this. I just can’t let it go... it’s not right.” Betty Van Seters, an inspector with the Humane Society of Durham Region, reports one of her agents went out with Mr. Tut- tle on Thursday evening to re- trieve the dogs. She said the puppies, which she estimates were between eight to 12 weeks old, are Rottweiler crosses, possibly a Rottweiler/shepherd mix. “They’re just little guys,” she said. “It’s pretty disgusting.” Ms. Van Seters reports the dogs may have been left near the creek up to a week ago and possi- bly over the Easter weekend. JOHN TUTTLE ‘It’s pretty disgusting.’ See DETAILS page 5 See REWARD page 2 AtAGlance Pickering man swarmed by teens PICKERING –– A Pickering man was swarmed by a gang of about 20 youths wearing hoods and bandannas and robbed of his jacket, shoes and wallet Thursday. Durham Regional Police said the 18-year-old victim was walking in the Valley Farm Road-Finch Av- enue area just before 10 p.m. when he was jumped by the group of teenagers, one of whom threat- ened him with a knife. The man was knocked down, kicked in the face and robbed of his possessions, police said.The group was last seen headed north while the victim made his way home and called police. He suf- fered facial bruising. Anyone with information is urged to call police at 905-683-9100. She also believes the puppies were dead prior to being left near the hik- ing trail, which she said is a “pretty secluded area... you would have to go out of your way to get to it.” Ms. Van Seters reported she’s “hoping somebody will come for- ward” with information and the case can proceed. She also said if someone has an unwanted pet they can call the Hu- mane Society or their local animal control. “If someone called and said they had two puppies we would take them,” she said, noting the Rottweil- er pups “would have been adopted very quickly, which is an added shame.” Anyone with information on this- incident is asked to call the regional Humane Society office at 905-433- 2022. P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo Making her point Katie Cronin-Wood, communications director at the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre, shows area residents Bob Lothian and son Cameron the planned hospital expansion at the Ajax facility. Hospital officials hosted an open house Wednesday to promote their expansion campaign and to raise awareness of the hospital’s needs. Just the fax: 905-683-7363 Reward offered by Pickering man REWARD from page 1 BY SUSAN O’NEILL Staff Writer DURHAM —A piecemeal approach to hospital funding isn’t going to address the needs of Durham’s health-care system, hospital officials are warning as Regional councillors prepare to vote on whether they’ll help to fund expansion projects here. “We have always from the be- ginning of this process said (none of the proposed expansion projects are) a stand alone,” said Gale Mossman, past-chairman of the Rouge Valley Health Sys- tem (RVHS) board of directors and a member of the Durham Hospitals Expansion Group. That group, which recently sent a letter to Regional council- lors making one last pitch for funding, is encouraging Durham council to make a strong com- mitment to local hospitals when the issue is debated by council- lors next month. The matter was to be addressed at a special bud- get meeting April 25 but it has been postponed because the Province granted municipalities a one-month extension in setting their tax rates. “In our minds... it is all inter- connected,” Ms. Mossman said of the expansion plans for the RVHS, which includes the Ajax and Pickering Health Centre,and Lakeridge Health Corporation. Those plans include the Durham Regional Cancer Centre at the Lakeridge Health Oshawa site and hospital officials are maintaining that project “cannot proceed independent of other ex- pansion plans”. Brian Lemon, chief executive officer of Lakeridge Health, ex- plained while the cancer centre would house out-patient treat- ment facilities for radiation ther- apy, any lab work, X-rays and surgeries would be accommodat- ed in the main hospital building at the Oshawa site. “That’s why the Health Ser- vices Restructuring Commission ordered the hospital be redevel- oped (and a cancer centre be added on),” Mr. Lemon said, not- ing while any funding from the Region would help, “we have to get enough to make the whole project go.” Hospital officials maintain in their April 17 letter to the Region that the Oshawa facility doesn’t have the capacity to handle the overflow that would result if the cancer centre goes ahead without other improvements to the hospi- tal. Mr. Lemon also reported the hospital is planning to construct six floors of beds above the can- cer centre which would greatly impact the hospital’s capacity. He noted if Durham comes through with the necessary fund- ing, construction on the cancer centre, among other projects, will likely get under way this year. But, if Durham doesn’t contribute to area hospitals, Mr. Lemon said officials will have “to go back to the drawing board”. Cancer Care Ontario, based in Toronto, has also sent a letter to the Region outlining concerns with the possibility that the can- cer centre could be viewed as a separate project. “The Durham Regional Can- cer Centre is designed to be fully integrated into the daily opera- tions of the hospital and will greatly impact patient and ser- vice volumes and require signifi- cant technological investment,” wrote Kenneth Shumak, presi- dent and chief executive officer of the provincial organization. “As the centre is not a stand- alone facility, it is essential that the expansion of capacity and services planned elsewhere at the site be expedited.” Councillors turned down a re- quest from the hospitals for $100 million last fall, but did agree to examine the possibility of mak- ing a contribution towards the capital expansions. Durham Chairman Roger An- derson has proposed a special levy for hospitals that would raise $70 million over the next 12 years while Ajax Mayor Steve Parish and Clarington Mayor John Mutton have suggested Durham should lobby the Province for more funding and continue to push for changes to the Development Charges Act. It’s all or nothing: Durham hospitals Officials say cancer centre reliant on other expansions BRIAN LEMON Officials may have to ‘go back to the drawing board.’ WE CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE A FRESH START Professional and Personalized Service Free Confidential Consultation CLARKE HENNING INC. Trustees in Bankruptcy Several convenient locations, including: OSHAWA 146 Simcoe Street N.(905) 728-9404 (Downtown) SCARBOROUGH 1919 Lawrence Ave. E. (416) 750-9620 (near DVP and 401) 255 Morningside Ave.(416) 283-8140 (Morningside Mall) 905-831-6666 C&R PAVING INC. 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Recycle This Paper BY SUSAN O’NEILL Staff Writer DURHAM —The Region is ex- ploring the possibility of building a new headquarters to house its entire staff at one site rather than continuing to spend millions of dollars each year on rented properties across Durham. The works committee on Wednes- day unanimously supported a motion introduced by Whitby Mayor Marcel Brunelle to direct staff to look at the feasibility of building a new home on the 19-acre site on Rossland Road in Whitby where the current headquarters is located. “I think there is an enormous amount of savings to be realized by moving into one building,” Mayor Brunelle said in an interview. Mayor Brunelle first asked staff in January to pre- pare a report outlining the amount Durham spends on leas- es each year. And, ac- cording to that report, which was presented to the commit- tee Wednes- day, the Re- gion spends $5.3 million a year to lease space in 25 lo- cations. Mayor Brunelle reports that figure drops to about $4 million a year when the costs for the satellite health and Emergency Medical Services (ambulance) build- ings are excluded. He noted those facilities would need to remain in operation across the re- gion even if a new headquarters was built. That means Durham is spending about $4 million on rent for a total of 178,000 square feet of space, he says, noting when the 25,000 square feet at the current headquarters is taken into account, the new building would need to be about 200,000 square feet in size. Mayor Brunelle reports it would cost about $200-a-square-foot to build a new facility, which would equal roughly $40 million. And, he explains that cost could be debentured for roughly $4 million a year for a period of 20 to 25 years. “For very little more money, if any- thing more at all, we could really have something. We could own something instead of paying rent,” he said. “It’s time, after 26 years, for the Region to start owning something. “We’ve got the land to do it. We should move forward.” He added if the Region’s depart- ments were located on one site there would be numerous cost savings in terms of the support services that are currently needed to operate each site, such as secretarial support and the need for couriers. He also said if the Region ceases to exist as a result of governance reforms, the services Durham currently provides would still be needed, so the building could still be utilized. “If nothing else it’ll make a darn good office building. “It’s a good deal for taxpayers... a safe bet for them,” he said. “As time goes by it’ll make more money avail- able for public works.” Mayor Brunelle added the new fa- cility “should be something of stature that has a presence and a sense of awe. We should do it right... we should do it grandly, without a lot of doubt about the need.” He also maintained his pitch for a new headquarters in Whitby is not a veiled attempt to try and win the con- solidated courthouse the Province is discussing for Durham. “I’m very sincere and interested in seeing the Regional headquarters go ahead,” he said, adding if it is discov- ered that it would be more cost-effi- cient to build the two facilities togeth- er, “it is something that will come of its own volition.” NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 3 P Please recycle me! Whitby mayor says plan would save on leasing costs Durham considers new $40-million home MARCEL BRUNELLE ‘It’s a good deal for taxpayers... a safe bet for them.’ Academy for Mathematics & Science OUR T U T O R I N G W O R K S ! 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Single Mattress Single Mattress5FREE CHOICES COUPON • Bed Frame • Pillow Cases • Mattress Pad • Bed Rails • Sheet Straps • Comforter • Layaway • Pillow • Set-up • Disposal of Old Set • Pillow Protector • Percale Set of Sheets • Local Delivery ONLY WITH ANY MATCHING MATTRESS SET PURCHASED Any OR NO PST & GST “L” FRAME “A” FRAME IRON FUTON BUNK WATERFALL DAYBED BOOKCASE BUNK CREW QUARTERS Mismatc h e d S e t s Single $ 1 9 9 Double $ 2 7 9 $259 IRON FUTON $499 $329 $709 10 YEAR WAR.REGULAR FIRM Set $269 DOUBLE $179 Set $319 QUEEN $229 Set $409 POSTURE CARE Single Mattress $149 Sin g l e Ma t t r e s s e s fro m $ 5 9 . 0 0 $179 $149 ROLLAWAY COT CAMBRIDGE $349 MATES BED CAPTAIN ECONOMY MILAN BUNK $399$119$319$219 $279 A/P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 5 A/P hood. Education Minister Janet Ecker in an interview wouldn’t define an “available school”, but agreed “there are physical reali- ties in any school system” which might limit choice. She said the question of choice is linked to school performance and making that information available to par- ents. “We want to broaden how we assess, how we judge the effec- tiveness of a school and make sure the information is relevant and available to parents,” said Ms. Ecker, in an interview Friday morning. “The point here is not to say, ‘here’s the top school and here’s the bottom school,’” she said. “The point here is to have the in- formation for every school, to continually improve.” Ms. Ecker said in the govern- ment’s last mandate the focus was on the reform of education fund- ing, governance and curriculum reform. The next phase will be to start measuring results, finding problems and acting on them, she suggested. The throne speech indicated details on school access and other education initiatives will come in an April 26 announcement. But, Ms. Ecker said while some details will be fleshed out then, “this is something that can’t be done overnight. “We’ll be having significant discussions with our education partners,” she said. Grant Andrews, education di- rector at the Durham Catholic District School board, asked how boards would plan for new facili- ties and transportation if parents have access to any school, partic- ularly if school officials have no idea how many students will at- tend a given school, and from where they will be coming. “If there were no controls, you would have chaos,” he said. “But I would think boards would con- tinue to operate with the controls they have in place.” Mr. Andrews noted the major consideration at present when a parent requests a cross-boundary transfer is the availability of space at the chosen school. The two school principals involved and the area superintendent must support the move, and the parent is responsible for transporting the student. “In growth-excess boards, you’re somewhat limited by how many allowances you can make for cross-boundary transfer be- cause (schools) are already over- crowded,” said Mr. Andrews. Whitby Trustee Doug Ross said unlimited school access would create “one nightmare after another. “I think it’s a bad idea all the way around,” he said. “You’re creating a competition among the students and parents for what’s perceived to be the best school.” Mr. Ross said such a system would fly in the face of the provincial education funding for- mula, which has as its corner- stone equality for all students no matter where they live. He envisions parents taking their kids out of older, inner-city schools in favour of more modern facilities. Ms. Ecker, however, said dire predictions seem to go hand-in- hand with education reform, as evidenced by media reports when school choice was discussed be- fore the throne speech. “One of the unfortunate reali- ties that occurs is when people talk about reform to the education system there will always be peo- ple who will say the sky will fall,” she said. BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer DURHAM —Several gallery members at Tuesday’s public school board meeting asked trustees about the possibility of re- viewing or being notified about classroom resource material before it is used in local schools. One of the people taking part in question period was Terry Ruddell, Durham Chapter leader of the Canada Family Action Coalition, which, according to its Web site, aims “to mobilize, train and acti- vate Canadians in defending and promoting Judeo-Christian princi- ples in Canadian society”. Mr. Ruddell told the Durham District School Board the Educa- tion Act states teachers have a duty “to inculcate by precept and exam- ple respect for religion and the prin- ciples of Judeo-Christian morality. “Will the board allow parents to receive a list of books, tapes, videos etc. that will be used in the class- room by their child’s teacher in order to know ahead of time what their child will be viewing or listen- ing to so that the child’s parents can decide whether the resources are contrary to their Judeo-Christian or religious beliefs?” he asked. Programs superintendent Bev Freedman replied that assembling all resources, in all grades and sub- jects would be a big job. “We do not have a list,” she said. Noting a previous speaker at Tuesday’s meeting was told he could get a list of sex education re- sources, Mr. Ruddell said he real- izes the task may be time-consum- ing, but at the start of the year he would like “a short list of books and tapes that may be used”. Board chairman and Whitby Trustee Elizabeth Roy suggested Mr. Ruddell should speak with teachers regarding their classroom resources. Oshawa resident Jann Fleury, a member of the Ministry of Educa- tion’s education policy advisory committee, asked if there was a list of authorized sex education re- sources available to the public, and if teachers could stray from that list. Ms. Freedman answered the grades 1 to 8 health curriculum is written to include recommended videos and resource material for teachers, and that Mr. Flurry could see that list if he wished. “Teachers may make judg- ments,” she said. “Notification does go out to parents; parents can come in to school and discuss what’s used in classrooms.” In an interview,Mr. Ruddell said he has no children in the Durham public school system, but said the Durham CFAC chapter liases with 200 to 250 Durham churches, in- cluding a “core group” of about 50. “Many of the parents that call me are from the public school sys- tem,” he said. Details on school access to come ‘We’ll be having significant discussions with our education partners’: Ecker The issue of choosing an ‘available school’ for parents isn’t being defined by Educa- tion Minister Janet Ecker (inset), but she promises details later this month. DETAILS from page 1 Throne speech covers lots of ground Extracurricular activities, new post-secondary institution, teacher rewards discussed BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer DURHAM —The next steps in the Province’s education re- form agenda include after-school activities for all students, encour- aging school boards to “reward high performing teachers and principals”, and addressing the shortage of skilled trades work- ers. But details were in short sup- ply during Thursday’s speech from the throne, where the Tory government sketched out its plans on several fronts, dubbed, ‘21 Steps Into the 21st Century’. Education Minister Janet Ecker in an interview said an April 26 announcement to flesh out some of the details of the throne speech will “maybe” touch on extracurricular activi- ties. The government has the option of proclaiming a portion of The Education Accountability Act that would mandate activities. And, since there has been no res- olution on the issue of extracur- riculars, the Province may still order principals to assign activi- ties to teachers. “I can understand people com- ing to that conclusion,” said Ms. Ecker. “We said we weren’t pro- claiming it, but it has always re- mained there as an option. Cer- tainly it hasn’t been the govern- ment’s preferred option.” She denied media reports the government has rejected their ad- visory panel’s recommendations on the issue, which call for com- promise to solve the impasse. “It hasn’t been put on a shelf and the media reports that say it has been put on a shelf are wrong,” said Ms. Ecker. She said the panel’s report contains “some good recommen- dations” and the government has only rejected increasing class sizes, while pledging to meet with education stakeholders on the others. As for rewarding principals and teachers, Ms. Ecker was sim- ilarly vague. “The objective here is that those principals and teachers who are achieving excellence deserve to receive some recognition for that,” she said, adding monetary rewards are only one of many op- tions. She complimented local teach- ers and principals by adding, “the list will probably be very long in Durham Region.” The throne speech also noted the Province “intends to establish an innovative new post-secondary institution that would link educa- tion and skills training to meet the needs of the marketplace.” But Ms. Ecker was non-com- mittal on whether that means Durham University will become a reality. Durham College officials have been working towards a uni- versity for a number of years to, in the words of president Gary Polonsky, “give young people ac- cess to a full line of college and university programs other regions take for granted?” “The Durham MPPs are con- tinuing to push for Durham Col- lege, to implement the plan they want to put in place,” said Ms. Ecker. “I don’t know if we’ll be successful.” Mr. Polonsky welcomed the announcement of a new institu- tion and said he’s looking for- ward to more details. “If you’re wondering if I’m hopeful if they’re considering the Durham proposal, the answer is ‘yes’,” he said. Join a discussion on this issue at durhamregion.com GARY POLONSKY ‘If you’re wondering if I’m hopeful... the answer is yes.’ Christian group leader seeks list of classroom materials A/P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate/Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing Manager News (905) 683-5110 Sales (905) 683-5110 Classif ieds (905) 683-0707 Distribution (905) 683-5117 General Fax (905) 683-7363 E-Mail steve.houston@ durhamnews.net Web address www.durhamnews.net 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. Editorial and Adver- tising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduc- tion is prohibited. Editorial &OPINIONS news advertiser April 22, 2001 Time to implement tough sentences for gun-toting criminals To the editor: My big issue with the federal gun registry is that it serves as little more than a smokescreen to the government’s lack of action dealing with the serious gun-tot- ing criminals on whom the reg- istry has little or no impact. I’m getting tired of reading about these shoot-ups in clubs, schools, parking lots and play- grounds. These types of crimes are be- ginning to become more and more prevalent in this area. Let’s give the police the right to subject people to metal detec- tion when they enter schools or clubs or when they routinely pull people over and they have rea- sonable suspicions these people are carrying weapons. We have this type of system in place at all airports. Then when they find someone carrying a gun, they should receive an automatic three-year sentence with no pa- role. Handguns in pockets should simply not be tolerated. By convicting a couple of these people in this manner, all the rest will learn to give up their concealed weapons. Once again I’m sure there is some flaw in my simplistic ap- proach, however, I just can’t think of what it is. Mike Newman, Pickering There are always plenty of good rea- sons for spending a tonne of taxpayers’ money. Take for instance, the plan pushed at Regional committee Wednes- day by Whitby Mayor Marcel Brunelle. Instead of having the Region lease 25 offices around Durham, at a cost of about $5 million per year, the Region would build itself a $40-million castle on Rossland Road by the current head- quarters in Whitby, with financing com- ing from debentures over a 20- or 25- year period. Wait until they hear about this one at Queen’s Park. Won’t Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, who just happens to rep- resent the riding, and Minister of Health Tony Clement, be impressed! Regional councillors are poised to turn down a request to raise a portion of the money required to build desperately needed hospital facilities, yet they can find $40 million for a new government building. In the wake of the public outcry over regional councillors granting them- selves a pay raise, we would have thought the Region might now tighten its purse strings. That eight-per cent raise, coupled with tax increases in the six- to 10-per cent range for residents for the coming year, should end this pipe dream. If we really have been wasting money on rent over the years then this issue should have been dealt with long ago when tax hikes weren’t in the cards. It seems clear this move is tied to Whitby’s desire to score the forthcom- ing regional courthouse. Durham has a growing list of roads needs, a police force that demands huge increases year-in and year-out and other areas that require attention before new capital projects. While a one-stop headquarters is the sensible idea for the long haul, it just isn’t in the cards right now. Who knows what the future role of regional government will be 10 to 20 years from now when taxpayers will still be handing out money for this fa- cility? Will other Durham municipali- ties be so understanding if this grand edifice, paid for by regional tax dollars, is eventually turned into office space? Perhaps councillors should be work- ing with Chairman Roger Anderson’s plan for funding hospital capital pro- jects instead. If we turn our backs completely on a regional contribution to the hospital ex- pansion plan, nothing will be done. We’ll be forced to find our health care outside Durham Region. Let’s look beyond the walls of the Regional council chambers and see the issues that really affect our local citi- zens. E-mail your comments on this opinion to steve.houston@durhamnews.net. Sub- missions that include a first and last name, or first and middle initials and last name, as well as the city of residence, will be considered for publication. The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please in- clude a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in let- ters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Ad- vertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. EDITORIAL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Regional councillors get priorities mixed up Focus should be on finding workable health plan, not building expensive castle Durham Region shouldn’t be giv- ing hospitals here $100 million, $70 million, $100 or 70 cents. Durham should be doing what it has all along, providing its core services and leav- ing health-care funding to the Province and the feds. Not for a minute is anyone sug- gesting the hospitals don’t need to expand or that the money is neces- sary. Sleeping on a bed in a hall for a few days will cure any disillusions about the need. But, a proposal by Durham Re- gion Chairman Roger Anderson to impose a special levy on property tax bills for 12 years should, in my hum- ble opinion, be rejected soundly. Once a tax is levied, it’s never re- moved. Beside, who in 12 years will even remember the levy was im- posed and that it should then be re- moved. The hospitals say they need $100 million and Mr. Anderson’s plan raises $70 million. Where and how will that shortfall be made up? Prob- ably by the hospitals going to munic- ipal councils looking for the cash. The hospitals have to raise about $93 million towards the $409 million needed. The Province is paying $216 million. How willing will people be to voluntarily donate to the hospital if the Region is forcing them to con- tribute? And, if a homeowner is paying more in taxes for health care, how willing will he or she be to fork over more dough for roads or police or so- cial assistance or ambulances? Those are Regional responsibilities and Durham is having a hard enough time coming up with the cash to pay for them. What isn’t needed now is the provincial government abrogating its responsibilities. The Mike Harris government was more than happy to take billions of dollars in health-care dough from the feds, claiming health was a provincial responsibility. Fine. One of the right-wing mantras is step up to the plate and assume one’s responsibilities. That’s not happen- ing here. This seems to be a case of do as I say and not as I do. The Tories have played a great game of transferring responsibility to the Region. “All governments have to work together,” is the slogan. Ajax Mayor Steve Parish is putting forward the most logical pro- posal — allowing municipalities to impose development charges on new houses. The idea is that growth should pay for itself. After all, hospi- tals wouldn’t need to expand if there wasn’t all the growth in Durham. E-mail your comments on this opin- ion to kgilligan@durhamnews.net. Hospital proposal must be defeated Time for Province to step up and assume its responsibility Keith Gilligan Staff Writer DURHAM ––The Ghanadian International So- ciety and Scholarship Fund is now accepting scholarship applications. The society supports stu- dents who show a strong commitment to the commu- nity, are currently enrolled in high school or college/university and also recognizes academic achievements. Each year they award several $3,000 scholarships. To apply, students must be Canadian citizens, or a permanent resident of Cana- da; enrolled in a full-time degree (graduate or under- graduate), diploma or cer- tificate program at a Canadi- an college or university for the 2001/2002 academic year; involved in the com- munity; and demonstrate high academic achievement. The deadline for submis- sions is Friday, June 29. The Ghanadian Interna- tional Society and Scholar- ship Fun was founded in 1994 to help the poor and needy, while also fostering understanding and accep- tance between the people of Ghana and Canada. Anyone interested in ap- plying should call 905-672- 6131 or send an e-mail to ghanadian.int@3web.net for an application. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 7 A/P Ghanadian society seeks top local students for scholarships Food Court Area (905) 837-0564 Mon.-Sat., Mall Hours Sun., 12-5 (Feb. 4 to April 30) Income Tax Returns 2000 CASH REFUNDS WITHIN 24 HOURS EFILED REFUNDS IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS (Most EFiled Returns) FREE EFILE WITH TAX PREPARATION ALL RETURNS PREPARED Personal, Business, Corporations & Trusts BOOKKEEPING SERVICES AVAILABLE Best Accounting Firm PICKERING TOWN CENTRE E-FILEE-FILE READY CASH AJAX/PICKERING 683-4477 OSHAWA/WHITBY 571-2377 BROOKLIN 655-5560 H U R R Y ! HURRY! AIR CONDITIONING & FURNACE SALE FOR 1 YEAR OAC 0 DOWN! O INTEREST! ECONOMY U N I T S ALSO REDU C E D FREE!!! • OUTDOOR COVER • H/C THERMOSTAT • 5 YR. PARTS & LABOUR WHEN YOU BUY BEFORE APRIL 30/01 sponsored by: Register early by phoning: 905-831-8596 or 905-839-5458 and ask for Dennis or Agnes FRE E Motorcycles! You are invited to attend this informative workshop. Wed., April 25, 2001 McLean Centre 8:00 p.m. • Become an educated consumer. • What motorcycle fits your needs? The Speaker is Jerry Ordanis, owner of a local motorcycle dealership, & purchaser of pre-owned motorcycles for resale. Jerry’s experience has given him the skills needed to assess a bike’s condition, needs & a bike’s accident history. This workshop will prepare a purchaser when making their decision. We’re easy to find! One block west of Thickson Rd. on Glenhill Rd. in Whitby.Glenhill Rd.Thickson Rd.Pickering Ajax Hwy 401 Oshawa Dundas St. Hwy 2 NURSE 1530 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-3304 SALESALE CCOOMMPPOOUUNNDD8THANNUAL SPECIAL VIEWING SUNDAY SPECIAL VIEWING SUNDAY You’re invited to browse, select your vehicle and then see us on Monday. NO SALESPEOPLE. JUST OUR FRIENDLY GREETER. 12 noon til 4 pm FINAL SHOPPING DAY MONDAY 9AM – 8PM NOEXTENSIONSWILLBEMADE. ATTENTION SHOPPERS LOOK FOR T H E BLUE & WHITE TENT! A/P PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 9 A/P NP0430201 Copyright 2001. Sears Canada Inc. SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2001 *Don’t pay until April 2002 on installed windows, entry & patio doors, shingle roofing and central air conditioning. On approved credit, only with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Offer ends Sunday, April 29, 2001. Ask for details. 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FROM THE COMPANY YOU TRUST TM . CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO-OBLIGATION IN-HOME CUSTOM ESTIMATE OR VISIT YOUR SEARS RETAIL STORE. ASK FOR OPERATOR #30. JUST CALL 1-800-4-MY-HOME ®(1-800-469-4663) Sears will arrange installation by qualified contractors save 20%† Installed WeatherBeater ®Vinyl Replacement Windows Choose from casement, double-hung, awning and horizontal tilt styles. †Minimum 2-window purchase save 10% Installed Entry & Patio Doors Our sales associates can assist you in selecting a fabulous steel entry or patio door system that’s perfect for your home. save $250-400 Installed Kenmore® Central Air Conditioning 10-yr. parts warranty**on compressor. 5-yr. parts and labour warranty**on all other components. **Details in store Save 10%on Total Roofing Job Our Best Offer of the Season using installed 25-year shingles. Choose from a wide selection of colours and styles. All backed by Sears Pledge of Satisfaction. Fully transferable warranty; details in store. Did you know? Sears has been serving Canadians for more than 40 years and our contractors provide the highest calibre of work. You can rely on us because all Sears-approved roofing contractors are backed by our famous warranty. We will gladly provide you with a free, in-home, no-obligation written estimate. FINAL WEEK! DURING SEARS DAYS Use your Sears Card and don’t pay ’til April 2002 *on these Best Offers of the Season A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser The St. Mary Players team, made up of (from left) Lindsay Sweeney, Ash- ley MacArthur, Caroline Fernandez, Lisa Clement and Holly Bunting, won an award of excellence at the Sears Drama Festival, despite just three weeks of preparation. Under the direction of teacher Sarah Marcinkiewicz, the team performed an ensemble piece ‘Tell Me Another Story, Sing Me a Song’by Jean Lennox Toddie. Excellence on short notice St. Mary girls win top honours at drama festival BY DAWN DE SOUZA Special to the News Advertiser PICKERING —After just three weeks of rehearsing, five students at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School won an award of excellence at the Sears Drama Festival. The girls, Holly Bunting, Lisa Clement, Caroline Fernandez, Ashley MacArthur and Lindsay Sweeney, performed the Jean Lennox Toddie play, ‘Tell Me Another Story, Sing Me a Song’. The production tells the story of a mother and daughter going through the trials and tribulations of their relationship over a 40-year time span. Under the direction of Sarah Marcinkiewicz, a drama teacher at St. Mary, the girls added a twist to the original play. Instead of just the two actresses scripted, the play show- cased the five girls, each playing a different age of the two characters. The girls were surprised when they won the award after having such little time to rehearse. “We didn’t think we were going to win anything,” admitted Clement, who played both the mother and daughter at different ages. But that doesn’t mean the girls weren’t prepared, as they rehearsed every day after school for three weeks. “We had gotten it all worked out, we knew there wasn’t anything miss- ing,” said Fernandez, a Grade 11 stu- dent. The girls performed the play April 5, the first day of the two-day festival. The festival, which has not been running in Durham Region the past few years because of the ongoing im- passe over extracurricular activities, was held at Dunbarton High School in Pickering. “We weren’t sure if the festival was even happening this year,” said Marcinkiewicz. It was “a last-minute attempt” she said, adding she entered the festival over the phone before even casting the play. The award of excellence is quite a feat considering limited number of rehearsals and this being the first time they had entered, said Marcinkiewicz. An award of excellence is the highest honour at the Sears Drama Festival. Fax it Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser General 905-683-7363 Durham student can’t get a break Bathroom requests result in ban from class BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer PORT PERRY —A Port Perry High School student this week told public school board trustees it’s “ridiculous” he has been kicked out of a math class for requesting too many trips to the washroom. Grade 11 student Jackie Chan attended Tuesday’s Durham District School Board meeting and during question period asked if there is a gener- al policy on washroom breaks or if individual teachers make their own. Mr. Chan claims he has twice this semester asked the teacher to go to the washroom, and said he is not permitted to return without a doctor’s note. He has already missed two classes, he noted. “I’m kicked out of the class until I get a medical note and meet with the principal, my par- ents and the math teacher,” Mr. Chan said in an interview. Principal Mark Jefferies said most classes have a limit on washroom breaks, though he could not say if there’s a specif- ic number in the class in ques- tion. “The teacher has said he can come back to the class when he is prepared to live with the guidelines everybody else is living with,” he said. Asked if Mr. Chan had to have a doctor’s note to return to class, Mr. Jefferies said, “A medical note would be one such thing required to indicate a stu- dent is eligible for exceptional treatment.” He said staff have met with the student and “we’re working towards resolving the situa- tion.” WITH THIS COUPON * 5W30 - $2.00 Extra 1995 * OIL, LUBE & FILTER PLUS UP TO 5 LITERS MOST VEHICLES * Evening appointments may be arranged THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP 695 Finley Avenue, Ajax 905 683-1112 * Evening appointments may be arranged THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP 695 Finley Avenue, Ajax 905 683-1112 Plus • Check ALL Fluid Levels • Thorough Visual Inspection • Check Tires OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30/01 1. To play the game you must have an original AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER BINGO game card. Facsimiles or photocopies are not permitted. Game cards which are mutilated, tampered with, illegible have been deteriorated, or contain printing or other errors are void. 2. By paying the optional $6.00 delivery charge you will be given a bingo card along with your “Clip it Out” coupon sheet from your Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser carrier during the collection period of March 28, 2001 to April 9, 2001. 3. Seven numbers will be printed in the Wednesday and in the Sunday editions of the Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser between April 11, 2001 and May 6, 2001, and will also be posted in the reception area of the Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser. NUMBERS WILL NOT BE GIVEN OVER THE PHONE. 4. Contestants must circle the numbers on their game card which match the numbers published in each issue of the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser. Contestants that circle the numbers on their game card to a full card will win the prize. In the case of more than one winner, the prize will be split accordingly. 5. Contestants must bring their bingo card to the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser at 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario by 7:00 pm on Wednesday May 16, 2001 to have their card verified as a winning card. 6. Once a game card has been verified an eligible contestant must correctly answer a time limited skill testing question before being declared a winner: 12 x 3 + 2 - 5 = _______ 7. The odds of winning any prize depends upon the number of cards being played that collection period. 8. No purchase is necessary to play. Free bingo cards are available upon request in person at the Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave, Ajax until Monday April 9, 2001. (one bingo card per household, identification will be required) 9. You must be 18 years of age or older to play. 10. WINNERS must allow their names and photographs to be used for promotional purposes without recompense. 11. Decisions of the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser contest officials are final in all cases. 12. Employees of the Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser & their immediate families are not eligible. Official Contest Rules For Ajax/pickering News Advertiser Bingo HERE ARE YOUR NEXT 7 NUMBERS 7 new Bingo numbers will be published in every Wednesday and Sunday News Advertiser untill May 6, 2001. N-32 N-43 G-47 B-11 O-73 I-29 B-1 ADVERTISING FEATURE Let’s Ask The PodiatristRonald J. Klein, B.Sc., D.P.M. Podiatrist- Foot Specialist Diagnosed With Gout - Now Show Me The Money Dear Readers:Gout is a type of arthritis that can affect any joint in the body, but most commonly affects the big toe joint (70% of the cases). The joint becomes inflamed due to the deposition of uric acid crystals that lodge themselves in the big toe. It is more common in men than women and usually has a familial tendency. Pseudo gout is an inflam- mation that mimics gout and involves crystals of calcium pyrophosphate dilydrate. Unlike gout, it rarely affects the foot. Gout was once thought to be a disease of the wealthy. (Now that you are diagnosed with gout, can the money be far behind?) This is because a diet of red meat and alcoholic drinks were thought to predispose the patient to higher levels of uric acid. We now know that a body’s ability to to metabolize uric acid is what causes gout. As higher levels of uric acid accu- mulate in the blood stream, they become deposited as crystals in the joint spaces. Gout is primar- ily an inherited disorder in which you are unable to break down or you have excessive for- mation of the urates. Gout is easily diagnosed by a simple blood test that mea- sures higher levels of uric acid. It should not be confused with osteoarthritis, which has a much slower inset, more chronic pain, and a worsening of the condi- tion with exertion. Gout on the other hand, has an acute and chronic stage. In the acute stage the patent develops pain and a throbbing that often begins at night. It can even awaken the patient. Within a few hours the joint becomes red, swollen and very tender, as well as the skin becomes shiny. Without treat- ment the attack may settle down in a few days to a week, and the joint returns to normal. Chronic inflammation and the formation of uric acid crystals form palpa- ble lumps known as tophi. They usually follow several un- treated acute attacks, and lead to permanent joint changes. In extreme cases, the tophi cause changes in the skin leading to ulcerations. Fortunately, gout with proper treatment should not progress to this stage. Once gout has been con- firmed, medication can be pre- scribed that will control the blood levels of uric acid and allow for its excretion. This will allow the patent to be relatively pain-free. So you think you have gout. It is best to see your M.D. and not your bank manager! IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION YOU WOULD LIKE ANSWERED OR A TOPIC YOU WANT ADDRESSED, SEND IT TO: ASK THE PODIATRIST C/O THE NEWS ADVERTIS- ER. SOUTH AJAX CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. Kelly Schoonderwoerd, Chiropractor Paula Rutherford, C.A.T (c), R.M.T •Sports injuries •Rotator cuff problems •Numbness & Tingling •Headaches Chiropractic and Massage Therapy care for 683-8338 570 Westney Road South, Ajax (next to Video 99) Ronald J Klein D.P.M. 831-FEET (3338) 1885 Glenanna Rd. Suite 210 Pickering •Custom Foot Orthotics •Full Veteran’s Coverage •Sports Medicine •Diabetic Feet, Corns & Calluses •Children’s Foot Problems PTCHubb Mall Kingston Rd.GlenannaPut Your In Our HandsFEET Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Voted Best Dr. Joanna Madej Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 145 Kingston Rd. East, Unit 17 (opposite Costco), Ajax • Complete care for all ages • On site dental laboratory • Flexible hours 619-3112 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22 PAGE 11 A/P 30 MINUTE FITNESS - for women C urves for Women uses a revolutionary new exercise program called Quickfit. The Quickfit system combines cardio and strength training in a circuit that is completed in 30 minutes. Members will alternate upper body strength training exercises with aerobic recovery stations followed by lower body exercises. Your target heart rate, crucial for weight loss, is maintained while you perform strength training. This is possible because the Quickfit system is based on hydraulic resistance. Hydraulics use a cylinder where a piston will move fluid and the movement is more controlled - and there are no weight stacks to manage or change. The safe, accommodating resistance keeps you moving smoothly and safely around the circuit. It’s the hydraulic resistance that makes the Quickfit system safe for older women and women with health concerns such as arthritis. There are no classes or schedules to be concerned about. Members can come to the club at a time which fits their schedules. They simply start the circuit and the music will cue them when it’s time to change stations and when to check their heart rate. And the music makes it fun! The Quickfit system enables even the busiest women to get a complete workout. This is the only system that combines cardio and strength training in 30 minutes. With conventional equipment, members would need to work out 90 minutes to achieve comparable results. This is a real benefit for women who believe they don’t have enough time to exercise. Pickering 421-9550 1050 Brock Rd. S. (Unit #11), Pickering Let Curves help you get into shape I have lost 54 lbs, 38 inches & gone from size 24 to 12! “I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes over three years ago. My liver and kidneys were damaged and I was a cardiac arrest waiting to happen. It’s been over a year now since I joined Curves. I no longer take insulin injections or any other diabetic medications. I’m grateful for the new outlook that comes with losing weight and firming up.” www.curvesforwomen.com Ajax 426-4136 282 Monarch Ave. N. (Unit #15), Ajax *Offer based on the first visit enrollment and minimum 12-month P.A.C. program. FAST • FUN • FITNESS 60%*FOR NEW MEMBERS SERVICE FEE OFF Hours have been extended - Please enquire Open Saturdays starting May - please enquire ADVERTISING FEATURE Lose weight, feel better with Herbal Magic With summer approaching, it’s a great time to lose weight and embark on a healthy new lifestyle. The professionals at Herbal Magic can establish a program that allows you to lose at least two pounds a week. The “natural approach” to weight loss uses herbs to help your metabolism, as you learn about healthy eating habits, explains Pickering franchise director Hanif Kalangat. “We sit down with you to establish your goal weight - whether that means losing 10 pounds or more than 100 pounds - and determine your goal date” in a complimentary one-on-one consultation, says Hanif. “Most people say they feel better and have more energy after just a few weeks on the program.” Once you’ve achieved your goal weight, Herbal Magic designs a six-week stabilization program, fol- lowed by a one-year maintenance program to help you maintain your weight loss. Herbal Magic carries a full line of herbs, minerals, vitamins and health and beauty products for a healthy lifestyle. “People are looking for alternatives to prescription medi- cines and their side effects,” says Tara-Brie Nichols, a registered holis- tic nutritionist. “We provide infor- mation on all products.” “We are proud to be part of the fastest-growing herbal-based weight loss programs,” says Hanif. Herbal Magic is a Canadian company with over 140 locations across Canada and is expanding to the U.S. Herbal Magic is open Mondays through Fridays 9am to 7pm, and Saturdays 10am to 2pm. Drop in for a consulta- tion at 1163 Kingston Rd., west of Liverpool Road (in the Licks plaza) or call (905)420-0003. Visit www.herbalmagicsystems.com. The Art and Science of Healing with Energy Our health depends on more than the state of our bodies; our thoughts and emotions affect us. Healing also encompasses more than medical attention to dis-ease. Energy healing is a holistic approach to health that acknowl- edges the mind-body connection. We all have the power to heal each other and ourselves with energy. This ability can be nur- tured and expanded. Understanding how energy can be harnessed as a tool for healing leads to increased skill and ease. Healing energy is both an art and a science and allows intellectual and creative exploration. If you have ever been interested in exploring your capacity to heal, consider the Introduction to The Art and Science of Healing with Energy workshop offered at the Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre. On April 28, May 5, and May 12 from 12:30pm to 3:00pm we will investigate the science of energy healing, find and work with energy though individual and group exercises and practice heal- ing techniques for self and others. We will learn how to access univer- sal energy and use it in intentional ways, identify energy blocks with our hands and with a pendulum, and increase our confidence in our capacity to heal. To register, please call the Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre at 905-619-1405. From left, Michelle Tobin, Health Councillor and Tara-Brie Nichols, Manager and Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Do You Have A Hearing Loss? The Canadian Hearing Society can help! We are pleased to announce that the Hearing Care Counselling Program is now offered in the Durham Region. We will come to your home or residence, for no charge, to provide information and counselling to you, your family and other caregivers on issues related to coping with hearing loss such as: ❖ Understanding your hearing loss ❖ Use, care and maintenance of hearing aids and other listening systems ❖ Managing difficult listening situations ❖ Selecting specialized communication equipment i.e. telephones, alarm clocks, television accessories ❖ referrals to other community services Founded in 1940, The Canadian Hearing Society is a non-profit agency with a long history of providing services to deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people and their families. For more information contact: Voice: 905-404-9199 TTY: 905-404-0468 Email: office@durham.chs.ca Website: www.chs.ca DENTURE CLINIC REPAIRS (1 hr.) * Relines * Complete, Partial Dentures William Steil, DD, F.C.A.C.(A) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE, AJAX Functional Dentures...One Good Reason To Smile! PICKERING VILLAGE After hours 428-8801 683-4294 Call today for free consultation NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER Charles Wm. Steil, D.D. NO GST NO PSTNO GST NO PST IF • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #2) 686-4343 WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST HWY. 401 HWY. 2 WESTNEY RD.HARWOOD AVE.You’ll love the results! *Expires April 29, 2001 Join now for The Natural Way to Lose Weight every inch of the way It’s easier than you may think! Call today for your FREE CONSULTATION every inch of the way It’s easier than you may think! Call today for your FREE CONSULTATION Excludes product based on full program 905-426-9261 250 Bayly St., W., Ajax 905-420-0003 1163 Kingston Rd.,Pickering $1/lb* $1/lb A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 ADVERTISING FEATURE Yoga: At Which Level Should I Begin? Yoga practice is a development, which happens from the outside in. It is a progression, but it is not like school where you get promoted to the next grade by your teacher if you’ve done all your work. In yoga there are no assignments , no marks, and you decide when you are ready to move on. We do have a few suggestions to help you. Our courses have progressed from the initial open format to a well struc- tured learning experience that will guide you to a progressively deeper understanding of yourself and life challenges. Beginner, Intermediate, and Open classes provide the basic structure, while Meditation, Chakra classes, Power Yoga, Tai Chi, Buddhism & Taoism lectures and our Lunchbox Lecture series add depth to your learning. Beginner Classes - Highly rec- ommended that you attend a 10 week introductory session. Fitness and flexibility are not the main fac- tors to consider here. No matter what your fitness level is, you will need to learn the basics of proper alignment, foundation postures, and perhaps most importantly, the yogic breath. Power Yoga - for the physically fit, wanting to achieve heat in their bodies. This course will teach you breath control, will firm and sup- ple your body; it will strengthen and stretch you. The heat that builds in your body besides burn- ing fat, has the advantage of ‘burn- ing’ away toxins and infections. The immune system super charges; colds, flues, etc. become a thing of the past. Courses in Beginner Yoga and Power Yoga are currently available. Please call for more information. Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre, 905-619-1405. 5 Steps to Health & Weight Management 1. Foods can provide either a healing or detrimental out-come; Therefore, a Food Sensitivity test for a broad range of foods is the first step. This will expose the individuals food sensitivities so they can be removed from the diet. 2. Afollow-up to the food sen- sitivity test is a nutrition packed 7- day food plan that eliminates the food sensitivities of the individual and provides numerous alternative food choices. Recipes and food preparation are discussed as well as nutritional advice. 3. A detoxification and cleans- ing program is necessary to re- establish digestive integrity and metabolic energy. At this stage the body is prepared for the detoxifica- tion. Weight loss begins naturally at this stage. 4. A Nutritional Consultation further addresses symptoms of the individual. Deficiencies and/or toxicities of the body are revealed and root causes are targeted to bal- ance the body. Natural supple- ments may be needed to assist the body back to health. 5. Aholistic weight loss plan is implemented to specifically target weight loss effectively for life. The role & portions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are recommended in a simplified format (This is done with consideration to the client’s lifestyle). Don’t take your health for granted. The body “energetically” operates daily on millions of com- plex internal procedures - it needs ongoing support - don’t wait until it's in trouble! Karen Tazar pro- vides food sensitivity testing and Nutritional protocols in Durham (905) 837-6627. Karen Tazar R.N.C.P. C.N.P. In yoga there are no assignments , no marks, and you decide when you are ready to move on. Registered Nutritionist “Highway to Health” Call Evelyn Arbour at the Wellness Connection 360 Bayly St. Unit #2, Ajax (905) 431-1928 Lose weight Increase your energy level Detoxify your body Sleep better Improve your quality of life Friendly & Professional Staff SENIORS DISCOUNT CALL NOW Evening & Saturday Appointments Available NEW PATIENTS & EMERGENCY CALLS WELCOME - AMPLE FREE PARKING HARWOOD AVE.DURHAM CENTRE HWY. #2 HWY. 401 WE ARE HEREDURHAM CENTRE DENTAL 135 HARWOOD AVE. N. (AT HWY 2) DURHAM CENTRE (BESIDE LOBLAWS) COMPUTERIZED COSMETIC IMAGING SYSTEM Website: www.comsearch-can.com/DURHAM.htm E-mail durhamdent@aol.com 427-4280427-4280 VIRTUAL REALITY GLASSES 3D OR WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE WHILE YOU ARE HAVING DENTISTRY NEW: urham Centre Dental State of the Art Technology * AIR ABRASION (No Freezing - No Drilling) FOR INDICATED CAVITIES * INTRA ORAL CAMERA (Before & After Pictures) * ELECTROSURGERY AND COSMETIC GUM SURGERY * ULTRA SONIC SCALING, COSMETIC VENEERING, * TEETH WHITENING Orthodontics (Braces, Retainers) Crowns and Bridges/Dentures Root Canal Treatment Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas) Wisdom Molar Extraction White Fillings ONLY Special Care for Children Tender Care for Big Babies All Insurance Plans Accepted, Sent Directly Visa, Mastercard, Interact are Welcome Allergies? Printed Results, NO NEEDLES, Accurate Karen Tazar R.N.C.P., C.N.P. Eczema, weight gain, diabetes, food cravings, constipation, Irritable bowel & diarrhea, ADHD, arthritis, depression, PMS, lack of energy? Have a 220 Food Sensitivity test today! (for ages 4 & up) 1550 Kingston Rd. (BN Natural Foods) Appointments (905) 837-6627 ON-GOING YOGA CLASSES MEDITATION CLASSES TAI CHI REFLEXOLOGY REIKI MASSAGE 619-1405 PSYCHOTHERAPY CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION A peaceful country retreat Highway 7 and Westney (10 min. from downtown Pickering) www.greenwoodholistic.com Explore the art and science of energy healing WORKSHOP April 28, May 5 & 12 Course in BEGINNER YOGA starts May 8 Course in POWER YOGA starts April 28 CALL TO REGISTER AROMATHERAPY SHIATSUNEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 13 A/P Safely “Spring into Action” This Gardening Season Toronto - The gardening season is upon us and as we head out into our yards to begin spring cleanup, landscaping, and gardening activi- ties, let’s insure that it’s as painless as pos- sible. Coinciding with the start of spring, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, along with its over 9,000 mem- bers, is promoting gar- den safety for National Physiotherapy Month, April 22nd to May 21st, 2001. Thirty minutes of yard work, planti- ng, or raking gives great general health benefits such as pre- serving flexibility and building strength and endurance. But most of us tend to overdo it our first few times in the garden. Aches, pains, sprains, and sometimes breaks often result from improper posi- tioning of the body. Overuse of specific muscle groups, poor gardening techniques, and pushing ourselves to work harder and longer than we should. In order to minimize wear and tear on your body, the physiotherapists of Canada suggest these precautions: • Begin with a warm up. Start with some easy raking, or go for a five minute walk to warm up your mus- cles. Follow this with stretching all of the major muscle groups to help prevent injury. Give your back, neck, hands, and fingers some extra time when stretching. Ask your physiotherapist to show you some stretches that would be beneficial when you garden. • Be aware of your posture and body mechanics. Move your feet instead of your waist when sweeping, mulching, or potting. If you can’t avoid twisting, tighten your stom- ach muscles to protect your back. Use your legs rather than your back when lifting or unloading heavy bags or pots. Bend your knees, keep your back straight, and hold the object close to your body to prevent unnecessary strain on your back. • Use ergonomical- ly correct tools. Buy tools with long handles to help with weeding. Build or buy a potting bench that is high enough to prevent unnecessary bending for you. Sit on the ground to trowel without bending over. When kneeling use kneepads to avoid putting too much pressure on your knees. Wear gardening gloves to protect your hands from blisters, cuts, and dryness. • Pace yourself. We all tend to do too much in too short a period of time when gardening. Take breaks throughout your work and do some gentle stretching to keep your self limber. Vary your activity to make sure you allow different muscles to be used and don’t over work on particular muscle. Repetitive use of one spe- cific muscle or muscle group can cause pain or injury. • Be smart in the sun. Wear a hat and use sunscreen to protect your- self from sunburn or heat- stroke. Drink lots of water and try to work in the shade as much as possible to prevent dehydration. Since 1984, physio- therapist from across the country have designated time each year, in 2001 from April 22nd to May 21st, as National Physiotherapy Month. This gives them the oppor- tunity to show the public and their communities the role physiotherapy plays in health promotion and injury prevention. For more information on National Physiotherapy Month activities, please contact: Your provincial physiotherapy associa- tion’s office or Margaret Parent, Director of Communications at (416) 932-1888 ex. 23 •Neck and Back Pain •Work-Related Injuries •Joint and Muscle Pain •Sports Injury •Arthritis •Fibromyalgia •Multiple Sclerosis •Reg. Massage Therapist •Motor Vehicle Accidents •Custom Orthotics •Acupuncture Kathy Chamberlain and Cathy Kammerer are Registered Physiotherapists and owners. Your physiotherapy clinic is the best resource in your community for education and prevention as well as physical health. Pain Weakness Stiffness "We offer a friendly pleasant atmosphere in which to discuss your needs" "Our services are covered by most Extended Health Benefits, and Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance" Let your physiotherapist assist you in being proactive in your health care. 905•509•7181 ROUGEMOUNT PHYSIOTHERAPY 376 Kingston Rd. E, Suite 11, Pickering A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 ADVERTISING FEATURE We Are Specialists Treating Know Your Rights Orthopedic Injuries- Sports Injuries- Musculoskeletal Injuries- Back and neck disorders, joint and muscle pain. Car Accident Injuries- Repetitive Stress Injuries- Headaches, Migraines and Jaw Problems- Pre and Postnal Musculoskeletal Disorders- Arthritis, Fibromyalgia- Stroke, M.S- Parkinson’s-Post Surgical Rehabilitation- Work Injuries- Inqurie about Cranio Sacral Therapy & Registered Massage Therpists. Under the new Insurance Rate Stability Act, after a car accident, you are entitled to six weeks of treatment at the clinic of your choice. No referral and no insurance approval required. Who We Are Our proactive community Physiotherapy Clinic provides you with a COMPLETE RANGE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES for the fast and full rehabilitation plus Cranio Sacral therapy. Individualized Exercise Programs and Good Health Education. Close To Your Home The Medical Centre at Whites Rd., and Sheppard Ave. - Pickering Hours - Days and Evenings Monday - Friday Covered by Extended Health Care Plan, WSIB Schools and DVA Plans I Need A Physiotherapist!I Need A Physiotherapist! Whites Road Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Since 1988 The Medical Centre(lower level) (905) 420-0647 720 Sheppard Avenue Suite 8 Pickering , Ontario L1V 1 G5 "Spr i n g i n t o A ction"Safely this Gardening Season Prompt Professional Service In Pleasant SurroundingsPrompt Professional Service In Pleasant Surroundings For more information, call toll-free: 1-866-223-2438 A Dime a Day... We All Benefit From Durham Hospital Expansion Patients Benefit Most Urgently needed hospital expansion will mean we can continue to meet our number one priority – providing you with the quality care you need, when you need it, close to home. Expanded, updated hospitals will mean access to state-of-the-art equipment and will put us in a better position to keep and attract the top quality doctors, nurses and health professionals we need. It also means a payback in terms of jobs and a stronger economy too! But it doesn’t stop there. Expansion will benefit patients most, for example: • Bigger and better equipped emergency departments • Life saving radiation treatment for Durham cancer patients • Increased availability of specialised services such as Alzheimer’s or after stroke care for seniors • Helping to ensure the region’s children can be treated for anything from broken arms to major childhood illnesses • A 50% increase in our ability to meet the needs of high risk babies and their families • Building larger, updated and modernised space will enable us to equip our hospitals with the latest technological equipment (e.g. MRIs, CT scanners, nuclear medicine) • Increased clinic facilities (e.g. day surgery, asthma care) available when and where you need them – making the best use of scarce hospital dollars. www.excellentcare.com www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca Benefiting from Excellent Staff, Nurses & Doctors Benefiting Durham Region’s Economy Durham Hospital Expansion - because it’s the right thing to do! NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 15 A/P Tax & Financial164 Mortgages Loans165 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905) 668–6805. BUSINESS LOANS-$10K to $50K approvals 48 hrs. Govern-ment secured loans to $250K. 1-877- 643-0130 or (905)420-3960.cnp CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 95%. From 6.5% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast professional service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686-2557. Home Improvements700 Garbage Removal Hauling702 Painting and Decorating710 Moving and Storage715 Gardening & Landscaping735 TREE SERVICE Expert in removal, trimming, pruning & stump removal Free Estimates Call Daryl (905) 619-8798 Cross Movers Exp. in moving Households • Offices • Apts. Packing Avail. Free Estimates 416-423-0239 905-683-5342 1-877-432-1841 THE HONEST MOVER $65 PER HOUR - 2 men No local gas mileage / travelling time Big or small we do them all- RUBBISH REMOVAL Licensed Company No GST/PST! COVERAGE GUARANTEED Local or Long distance (905) 665-0448 Pager 720-8438 CLASSIC MOVERS •Affordable •Efficient •Reliable Local or Long Distance Residential or Commercial Large or Small We'll accommodate All! Mid-month & Seniors Discount Bonded & Insured Call Today! (905)428-1717 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything, anywhere, anytime. Commercial or residential. Packaging, storage and boxes available. Senior & mid month discounts. Free estimates. 571-0755 1-888-491-6600 ACTIVE MOVING SYSTEMS Houses, Apartments, Offices, Appliances & Piano Specialists. Packing, Storage boxes available. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates. Professional service. Call (905)436-7795. TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 428-0081 HOMEPRIDE IMPROVEMENTS Quality Painting Decorating & Renovations For Free Estimate Call Don (905) 626-2111 Fully Insured All Pro Painting and Wallpapering Stucco ceilings, General repairs, Top quality work at reasonable prices 20% off for Seniors Call for a FREE Estimate 404-9669 "GUARANTEED PAINTING & STUCCO CEILINGS" Residential - Commercial Interior - Exterior Refinish - Repair - Repaint Stucco Ceilings "PAY AS YOU ARE SATISFIED" Call Scott for Free Estimate @ (416) 414-5911 (32 years experience) Senior's Discount QUALITY PAINTING & DECORATING Interior/Exterior Free Estimates 837–9558 BESTWAY SERVICES Garage, Basement, Yard Cleanup and all odd jobs 10% discount for seniors (416) 577-4698 DOORS "R" US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 WORKSCAPE RESIDENTIAL SERVICES For Free Estimates call Bus. (905)619–0801 cell (416)823-5991 Year round service REAL HANDYMAN For people with limited cash flow. Small job Specialist Plumbing, electrical, garbage removal, installations Call Joseph 905-428-7528 cell - (905)626-6247 HANDYMAN AT YOUR SERVICE General home repair, hardwood flooring, ceramic tiles, woodworking, painting, decks, fence repair, much more. 15 years experience Call James (905) 839–4041 G.C.B. CONSTRUCTION Specializing in total home repairs & renovations, inside & out. All work fully guaranteed. 686–1913 BUDGET HOME IMPROVEMENTS Bathroom renovations, new kitchen counters and kitchens, finished basments, rec. rooms and decks. 20 yrs. Exp. Call Mario (905)- 619-4663 Cell (416) 275-0034 FINISHED BASEMENTS bathrooms, additions & second stories. General improvements All work guaranteed Walter Leaver 428–2145 DURHAM BASEMENTS Apartments, rec. rooms, second kitchens & bathrooms entertainment units, (905)427–6237 Call the specialists Tax Returns Bottom Line Financial Computerized NetFile (416) 820-4317 RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 668-4932 295 Liaison Services 295 Liaison Services 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements DIRECT WINDOW Deal Directly and Save Vinyl Replacement Thermal Windows * Side Slider - Double Hung * Bay * Bow All types of Aluminum Work Free Estimates (905) 426–6342 John McLellan “A Man of His Word” Roofing Windows Renovations905-767-1240 KING HOME IMPROVEMENTS Basement Apartments & Additions. Bathrooms & Kitchens, Electrical, Plumbing & Decks 22 years exp. Mike (905)683-0190 ROOFING BY 905-427-8613 1-866-688-5923 Free Estimates Fully Insured RANGER LANDSCAPING Lawn Cutting $15 & up Spring & Fall Clean up Trimming / Garden work "Excellent Rates and Excellent Service" GUARANTEED! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL (905)619-2125 (416)806-1808 735 Gardening& Landscaping 735 Gardening& Landscaping TREE MAINTENANCE & REMOVAL STUMP REMOVAL DAVE 831-7055ALSO TIMBER TREE SERVICE Experts in Removal, Trimming, Pruning & Stump Removal. Fully insured. Free estimates. Call Shawn. 905-619-1704 700 Home Improvements Business Directory continued on page 26 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements CANDO RENOVATIONS INC. Fax (905) 686-8072 (905) 686-5211 Minor to Major Renovations including Remodelling for the disabled. Res. Comm. Ind. Free Estimates A & C ROOFING/WINDOWS LTD. • All types of roofing and windows • Full warranties guaranteed • Seniors Discount • Fully insured and bonded • Free estimates • Financing available BBB - 100% CANADIAN Call Andrew at (905)428-8704 or (905 )509-8980 Handyman Services Plumbing • Electrical • Painting • Carpentry Landscape Maintenance Residential & Office Cleaning Call Joe for FREE estimate: (416) 409-1383 “Serving Durham Region” RETIRED CRAFTSMEN & OTHER EXPERTS FOR LOW COST HOME REPAIRS & REMODELING • Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical • Painting & Much More Insured, Bonded, 1 Year warranty 905-686-7236 710 Painting and Decorating 715 Moving and Storage A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 Please recycle your News Advertiser! SUNDAY, APRIL 22 MS WALK:The Super Cities Walk for Multiple Sclerosis is at Pickering High School (180 Church St. N., in Pickering Village). The event begins with break- fast at 8:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 9:30 a.m. It closes up with entertain- ment, a barbecue lunch, and prizes. For more information call 1-888-U-ACT-4- MS for more information LAWN BOWLING:The South Picker- ing Lawn Bowling Club is holding its membership registration at the East Shore Community Centre. The centre is located at 910 Liverpool Rd. and regis- tration begins at 1 p.m. For more infor- mation call 905-420-0004. TUESDAY, APRIL 24 FRIENDSHIP CLUB:The Tuesday Morning Discussion Club will host speaker Shane Travis. For more infor- mation, call Moira at 905-426-2048. PARENT SUPPORT:A parents’ sup- port group meets locally every Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. for parents of kids involved in drugs, alcohol, running away, drop- ping out of school, crimes and parental abuse. Call 416-223-7444 or 1-800-488- 5666 for location, information. SEPARATED ANONYMOUS:Sepa- rated Anonymous is holding seminars for separated and divorced men and women. Meetings are held every Tues- day. Call 416-283-3305 to register and for further information. THE CANADIAN CLUB: The Cana- dian Club of Durham meets at the Holi- day Inn in Oshawa. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by guest speaker E. David D. Tavender. He will discuss ‘Tough Love or Principled Negotiation –– Canada in the Balance’. The public may attend, but an RSVP is required. Call 905-728-1718 or 905-668-2484. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:The next meeting of Amnesty International (group 90 Ajax-Pickering) will be held at 7 p.m. at the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St., N., Pickering Village just north of the high school. Speaker Lina Anani from Lebanon will discuss ‘Freedom from Violence.’There is ample parking and everyone is wel- come. NEWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD APRIL 22, 2001 Epilepsy Durham going to the dogs DURHAM — How dogs can assist an epilepsy sufferer during a seizure is one of the topics to be discussed at an upcoming meeting. Epilepsy Durham Region holds its annual information and social night on Tuesday, May 1 at 7 p.m. Dog guides from the Lions Founda- tion of Canada will be on hand. Another presentation will be made by Hospital for Sick Children officials on the impact of epilepsy on behaviour and school. Admission is free and re- freshments will be served. It’s being held at the Whitby Senior Centre, 801 Brock St. S., in Whitby. Call 905-666-9926 for more infor- mation. You’re Invited to Our Construction Party! Join us for a “preview” of our gracious independent retirement lifestyle at The Court at Pringle Creek Now is the best time to view our quality construction and, while selection is at its best, reserve your own studio, one- or two-bedroom suite today! Sunday, April 22, 2001 • 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3975 Anderson Street Whitby, ON L1N 5R5 (905) 665-4837 Overflow parking at 400 Taunton Rd. E. (North West of Anderson) with shuttle to Pringle Creek Refreshments & Door Prizes Serving seniors since 1971.© 2001 Holiday Retirement Corp.Opens Spring 2001 BY JACQUIE MCINNES Staff Writer DURHAM —As a child he was sexual- ly assaulted by his brother. As an adult, he lived with the resulting mental anguish that paralysed his life. The turning point for Sam, (not his real name) came when he entered a group for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse run through the Sexual Assault Care Centre of Durham Region. Lo- cated in downtown Whitby, the centre offers a refuge for both women and men from across Durham who are dealing with the after-effects of abuse. Through the men’s program, Sam said he was able to work through feelings relat- ed to the incidents of his youth. “It gives a safe place to know you can come in there and whatever’s said there, stays in there,” he related.Taking the first steps to get help was one of the most terri- fying things he has ever done, he said, not- ing when you’ve been abused, learning how to trust is a big step. “Learning how to trust someone and speaking about the circumstances are step- ping stones to confronting the abuser,” he said. “For most people that’s the major goal — to confront the abuser and get on with your life.” The group is free to victims, he added, noting, to get similar help through a thera- pist would cost thousands of dollars, which many people can’t afford. For Sam, the group has meant a new start at life. Now married with a toddler at home, he said the work he did at the men’s group has helped him to get past his feelings of vic- timization and enjoy life again. “Most of the guys that go in there get as much as I did; probably about 80 per cent of them. The program helped me to be a better father. Once you’ve gone through it, the enjoyment in your life is tenfold,” he said. The next session of the men’s group be- gins on April 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. Sessions run between eight and 10 weeks. For more information on the services of- fered, contact the Sexual Assault Care Cen- tre at 905-668-3050. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 17 A/P A new lease on life Male sex assault victims find support here at home Cultural group hosts tea party PICKERING —The Pickering Carib-Canadian Cultural Associa- tion is hosting a Seniors’ Day Tea Party and the pub- lic’s invited. The tea party is Sunday, May 6 between 1 and 3:30 p.m. at the Pickering Recre- ation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Road. Admission is free. Anyone inter- ested in attending is asked to call Alma at 905-428- 6746, Willard at 905-428-8244, Susan at 905-420- 5196 or Pat at 905-427-7344 to reserve a spot. ‘The program helped me to be a better father.’ -- SEX ASSAULT VICTIM Clarification DURHAM — A story published April 18 about the Rouge Valley Health System re- ceiving a one- time cheque for $5.2 million in operating funds from the Province needs clarifica- tion. The govern- ment has spent $8.4 billion on hospitals in 2000/2001, which represents the highest level of spending on hos- pitals in the Province’s histo- ry. With more than a dozen program choices and camp sites in the Greater Toronto Area,there’s a camp that is right for your child. 416 -928 -9622 or 1 -800 -223-8024 Call now to register. ALLALL 140 Bond St. W., Oshawa Visit Our On-line showroom@: www.ontariomotorsales.gmcanada.com Durham’s Choice for Used Cars!Park Rd.Simcoe St.Bond St. King St. Hwy. 401 725-6501 ROADSROADS LEADLEAD TOTO ONTARIOONTARIO MOTORMOTOR SALESSALES SHOP AROUNDSHOP AROUND THEN COME ANDTHEN COME AND SEE US!SEE US! 20002000 CAVALIERCAVALIER Auto, Air, Cd, Low Kms $12,999$12,999$12,999 from 20002000 ALERO GLALERO GL 4 Door, 6 Cyl., Auto, Air, Cd, Some With Keyless Entry $16,488$16,488$16,488 from Plus we have over 120 used, vehicles in-stock to choose from. SEE US TODAY! 4040 CAVALIERSCAVALIERSCAVALIERS TO CHOOSETO CHOOSETO CHOOSE FROMFROM 1515 TO CHOOSETO CHOOSETO CHOOSE FROMFROM The Area’s ONLY Full Line LA-Z-Boy Dealer 900 Champlain Avenue 1-800-642-4561 (905) 723-5211 special bonus coupon! Save an extra $50 off any purchase* *Redeem this coupon on any purchase of $1000 or more. NO cash value. Not to be combined with any other offers. Enter to Win A La-Z-Boy® recliner!* up to a $500 Value! POSTAL PHONE CITY PROV. NAME ADDRESS *See store for details *See store for details Look for our Flyer in Today’s Paper* FM Industries Windows & Doors 1-888-738-0738 * Distributed in selected areas P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 Volunteers with write stuff sought to promote Rouge Valley PICKERING —If you are a writer or gardener, the Rouge Val- ley Conservation Centre is look- ing for you. The centre is looking for peo- ple interested in writing promo- tional articles or tending to the centre’s gardens. Those interested in writing for the centre require strong writing skills, an interest in nature and good teamwork skills. Volunteer hours are flexible and most of the work can be done independently but some teamwork will be re- quired. People interested in volunteer- ing to plan, plant and tend the centre’s gardens are also needed. All tools required will be provid- ed and about six volunteers are needed. The Rouge Valley Conserva- tion Centre in located at 1749 Meadowvale Road in Scarbor- ough. People interested in volunteer- ing to write for the centre can contact Lois Oliver at 416-431- 6591 or fax her some samples at 416-431-0677. Those wanting to garden for the conservation centre can call Bill Lewis at 416-438-0586 to volunteer. F O C U S O N B U S I N E S S P I C K E R I N G We have been offering easy to understand computer solutions for 7 years. Les Shaw and Stephen Hewlett hope that you will drop in soon! • Computer Sales & Service • Network Installation/Administraton • Training • Website Development • All Media Transfer - video, CD ROM • On site Pickup and Delivery Available 195 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa • Tel: 905-571-2552 Fax: 905-571-4693 Email: tomstore@home.com http://www.thecomputermechanics.com CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS BOOKED THIS MONTH! HUGE RENOVATION SHOWROOM KITCHEN & BATHROOM MODELS 1-888-BATH-RENO 416-285-6798 FREE in Home Estimates FOR KITCHEN & BATHROOM RENOVATIONS SANDRA DEE’S FINISHING TOUCH & FURNITURE RESTORATION Call (905) 426-5992 • refinishing • repairs • veneer • colour matching Call (416) 754-9444 today for a free consultation. 2235 Kennedy Rd. www.laserskincareclinics.com LASER SKIN RESURFACING for eyelids, wrinkles, acne scars, liver spots, facial lines, crowsfeet. Fast. Permanent. Affordable. Now. WANT TO LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER? SILKY. SMOOTH. LOVELY. Free 1 hour of skin care or makeup class for 1st 100 callers! PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL USING IPL LASER Fast. Affordable. Now. WANT TO FEEL 10 YEARS YOUNGER? Call (416) 754-9444 today for a free consultation. 2235 Kennedy Rd. • www.laserskincareclinics.com Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON (905) 579-2222 1-888-576-8575 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors Picture Windows Bay & Bow Windows Patio Doors • Storm Doors MOBILE SHOWROOM “BEST AVAILABLE RATES” “PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE” Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL (905) 666-4986 From 6.75% for 5 years. 1st & 2nd Mortgages to 95% Condos Rental Properties Borrow up to Borrow up to Bor r o w u p to $500$500$5 0 0 until payday!until payday!unt i l p a yday! Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem! Payday advances, disabilities & pensions $$$$$ Ca$hier Inc. $$$$$ 619-2298 62 Harwood Ave., Unit #2, Ajax (upstairs, shared entrance with Wimpy’s Diner) $$ $$ Mechanically Inclined AUTOMOTIVE INC. Repairs & Maintenance Specialists in: -Acura -Honda -Volkswagen 221 Westney Rd. S. Unit E Ajax, Ontario Tel: (905) 683-1242 FREE Tire Rotation & Brake Inspection with Oil Change If you have read any of the financial papers over the past few months, there has been one gener- al consensus, and that is interest rates must drop to keep the economy moving (or keep it from moving towards a recession, depending which way you look at it). The Bank of Canada has taken steps by low- ering Prime 1 1/4% (even though the U.S. has dropped considerably more) it is at least a move in the proper direction. The logic behind this is that if interest rates are lower, people will spend more, which will keep the economy moving forward. The problem is, that these rate reductions are not being passed on to the consumer. (Which was the point of the whole exercise) Mortgage rates have dropped 1/4%, loan rates appear not to have moved, and credit card rates have not and will not move downward (as of the time of this writing). How in God’s name this will stim- ulate the economy is beyond me. The only sector that is benefitting from the Bank of Canada rate drops are the Financial Institutions. I guess they want to see if they can hit 3 BILLION NET. (How that will stimulate the economy is beyond me) At the same time the MERGER talk is back (as if it ever left). If you think we are getting shafted now just wait until the mergers go through. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. It is time to revolt. If enough people start to make waves, (call or write your MP) maybe, just maybe, they will put a stop to these financial atrocities. CONSOLIDATE, CONSOLIDATE, CONSOLIDATE Most people do not realize how a credit report works. If you apply for any type of credit, even something like a cell phone, it is logged on your cred- it bureau file. This may not seem of any importance, however, if you have anymore than two or three inquiries over a six month period, you are classed as a credit seeker and in most instances your request is automatically declined. The credit scoring is done by way of plus or minus, if you handle your existing credit without any late payments, and stay well within your limit you get an increase in points. If you miss a payment you lose points. Every inquiry deducts 10 points off your total score. One major misconception is that because you caught up on your arrears on an account, everything is OK. WRONG. It is held against you for a long time. The stupidity of the system is that your mortgage payment history does not even show on your credit report. So you may pay your $200,000 mortgage like clockwork, but God forbid you get a payment or two behind on a credit card, because then you are a poor credit risk. What a stu- pid system. Remember, the days of your local manager being able to say yes or no to your request are long gone. Now it’s the computer that says yes or no. If needed, get a good consolidation now. It can save thousands in payments over a year. WHY CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP? Fast Professional service, with your requirements being our primary goal. First mortgages are always 3/4% below posted market rates, and second mortgages are available to 100% of value. Private mortgages are available at competitive rates and terms, and consolidation loans and mortgages have always been a specialty. Till next time Glenn A. Campbell TIME TO REVOLT Sandra Dee’s Finishing Touch can help put life back into your old furniture. If quality craftsmanship and value for you dollar count, Sandra Dee’s Refinishing is the place to go. Perhaps you have a special piece of furniture that has taken its fair share of abuse over the years and you would like to restore it to its previous beauty. Sandra can take almost any piece of furniture, solid wood or veneer, and refinish to the point that it looks better than it did originally! “One thing about real wood furniture is that its traditional look never goes out of style,” Sandra says. “A lot of people purchase the cheaper made (particle board) furni- ture and end up throwing them away.” As Sandra explains, wooden furniture is a great investment that really is worth its cost. “When you purchase quality wooden furniture it is something that you can keep forever,” she says. “You can pass it down from genera- tion to generation, whether its a bed or a table, and refinish it or repair it as it needs it. The value of hard- wood lasts for years and years.” After being raised by a family of woodworkers, Sandra decided to take the proper schooling and apprenticeship programs that would enable her to one day fulfill her desire to open her own shop. In 1997 that dream became a reality with the opening of her loca- tion at 1019 Toy Avenue, Unit 3 off Bayly St. just east of Brock Rd. Here she offers a variety of services including veneer repairs, cabinet re- finishing and colour design. Basically, Sandra gives a profession- al look to an already built piece of furniture. New or antique, Sandra can revitalize and protect your fur- niture with a new finish. Something else you will find at Sandra’s shop is a commitment to providing the highest quality ser- vice to her customers at the best price possible. Her no-nonsense honest approach towards customer service has earned her a solid repu- tation with all her customers, both the general public and with compa- nies who contract work out to her. For more information, or to inquire about having a piece of fur- niture finished or re-finished, con- tact Sandra Dee at (905) 426-5992. At Sandra Dee’s Finishing Touch Where Everything Old Is New Again Sandra Dee restores an antique chair in her Pickering shop at 1019 Toy Avenue in Pickering. ADVERTISING FEATURE N ame D ropping NEWS ADVERTISER APRIL 22, 2001 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 19 A/P Birthday “There were special birth- day wishes for Julie on April 10. Also our congratulations to you and Allan on the birth of our ‘miracle’ granddaughter Jade Patricia. Love from us all, the Knell family,Kathy and the ‘four- legged’ clan.” 21st Birthday “Congratu- lations on your 21st birthday on April 11 Lisa. We hope you had a good one. With lots of love from Mom, Dad, Jeramy, the cats and all your friends.” Birthday Happy second birthday to ‘our little Maple Leaf’Graeme. He turned two on March 30 and there were lots of hugs, kisses and love from Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Papa, Grand- ma and Grandpa Scott, all his aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and friends. “Love you lots, pumpkin.” Birthday A cutie turned five on April 2. Wishing Maggie Fry- Matt a happy birthday, with lots of love, hugs and kisses, were Mom, Dad, Nana, Poppa and Emma the dog. Birthday “March 30 is always a special day for the Roberts family. Keith turned 15 this year. You are my sunshine! My only sunshine! Love Mum and Bears the snake.” Birthday “Our little princess”Carri- na Lo Bello turned eight on April 8. Love and best wishes from Mommy, Daddy, Grans, Dedo, her many aunts, uncles and cousins, and, of course, Thor, Oliver and Rocky. Birthday Elizabeth Martins turned 18 on April 11. “Our teenager is now ap- proaching adulthood.” Wishing her the best birthday ever are Mom, Dad and brothers Shawn and Austin. “We love you Liz.” Birthday Scotty Ritchie turned two on April 11. “We would like to wish a super happy birthday to our special little guy. Our love forever! Mommy, Daddy, Sarah and Buddy.” Birthdays “Wish- ing our beautiful little an- gels, Robyn who turned six on March 20, and Hayley who turned four on April 11, a happy birthday. You’re both very special and we love you lots. Love, hugs and kisses from Mommy, Daddy and Jethro.” Birthdays “We would like to wish Sean a happy second birthday on April 5. Best wishes from Mom, Dad, Rob, Brenda, Samantha, Meghan and the rest of the family. We’d also like to wish Meghan a happy fourth birthday on April 9. Warm wishes from Mom, Dad, Samantha, Sean, Mark, Julie and the whole family.” Birthday “Happy birthday wishes to our precious daughter Kaprice Brackenbury,who turned five on April 4. With lots of hugs, kisses and love from Mommy, Daddy and brother Quentin.” Birthdays “Spring is a time for cool cats at the Upshaws. Happy birthday to Callie, who turned five on April 6, and to Bri- anne, who will be three on May 3. Love and kisses from Mommy, Daddy, Luci, Spooky and Pumpkin.” Birthday Happy birthday to ‘our lit- tle Batman’Joey Pagniello, who turned four on Feb. 18. “We love you so much Joey. Hugs and kisses, love today, tomorrow and always from Mommy, Daddy, Laura, Nicholas, baby Mark and Tasha.” Birthday Zackery Evan Papacon- stantinou celebrated birthday number-one on April 12. Wishing ‘our little boy’ a happy first birthday with lots of love, hugs and kisses were Mom, Dad, sister Stephanie, and brothers Con, Greg and Chris. “You are our little sugar baby Zack E. We all love you very much.” Birthday Amanda Wilkins turned nine on March 27. “Hope you had a great day. Love from Mom, Dad, Christopher, Nana and Papa Arsenault, and Nana Wilkins.” Birthday Happy first birthday to ‘our precious little angel’ Melanie on April 6. Love, hugs and kisses from Mommy, Pappa, Kirsten, Omi, Nonna, Nonno, aunts, uncles and cousins, and a bark from Scout. Birthday “A cutie with a big smile turned three on March 31. Wishing Cas- sandra Leigh Johan- nessen a happy birthday with lots of love were Mom Shirley, Dad Derek, pets, family and friends.” Birthday “Mommy’s baby girl turned one on March 12. Haylie Long- bottom has learned a lot in her first year. Blowing her kisses are Mommy, Daddy,fami- ly and friends.” And, wishing Haylie a happy birthday and all the best were Auntie Nette Nette, Holly and Ivy. Birthdays “Happy fifth birth- day to Ash- ley Jack- son on Feb. 5 and happy 10th birthday to Katie Jackson on March 29. Love and kisses to our princesses. Love from Mom, Dad and Simba.” Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Let us know. We’ll publish your special occasion in an easy-to-read and easy-to-clip format... ...Send to: Name Dropping, c/o Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5Winners may go directly to Baskin Robbins to receive their FREE cake. (Please provide identification) PRIZE VALID UNTIL SAT., APRIL 28, 2001BASKIN ROB BI NS& 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 905-831-5431 THIS WEEK’S CAKE WINNERS ARE: 1. Maggie Fry-Matt 2. Joey Pagniello 3. Carrina LoBello PICKERING —Durham seniors are invited to serve and volley at a tennis event hosted by the Ontario Se- nior Games Association in Pickering this summer. The mixed doubles event is slated for the Sandy Beach Tennis Club Fri- day, June 1, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The club’s courts are on Sandy Beach Road, near the Pickering nu- clear plant. If it rains, the tour- nament will be held indoors at the Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Registration is $7 per player and includes a light lunch. The last day for tennis regis- tration is May 15, so get your tennis partners now and register as soon as possible by contacting your seniors’ club for a registration form or, for further information, call Loida Wood- ford at 905-831-1724. DURHAM —The Durham West Lightning peewee ‘C’ girls’ hockey team finished its year on a high note after earn- ing the championship at the Brampton Canadettes Tourna- ment last weekend. The tournament attracted 16 teams, including some from the Ottawa area and the U.S. Durham West took control of the final against Smith Falls from the beginning en route to a convincing 5-1 victory. The Lightning received hard work and determination from every member on the team to pull off the win. The leadership of captain Danielle Bentley also played a role in the tournament outcome. Bentley scored two goals in the final, while Jennifer Scott, Jamie Carroll and Carly Mar- shall had one apiece. Strong defensive play and outstanding goaltending from Kelly Batten paved the way for the crown. In the semifinal, the pee- wees defeated St. Clair Shores 5-1. Bentley scored twice and Stephanie Bowes, Katherine Pidhirny and Deanna Boyce added one goal apiece. The Lightning’s first game was against host Brampton, with the contest ending 1-1. Bentley scored the lone Durham West goal. Batten pro- vided strong goaltending. Next, the Lightning faced Cincinnati in Game 2, winning 11-0. Bentley scored five goals to lead the way. Other scorers were Scott, Carroll and Alana Fettes, all with two goals apiece. In the third game, Durham West blanked Parry Sound 5-0. No scoring details were sub- mitted. Other team members are Katie Bushuk, Kelly Woods, Robin Sandford, Jillian Pol- son, Michelle Cree and Chris- tine Taylor. The team is coached by Steven Scott, Barry Fettes, Randy Marshall and Margo Whalon, and managed by Deb- bie Boyce. Please recycle this newspaper P PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 Sports &LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISER april 22, 2001 ANDREW IWANOWSKI/ News Advertiser photo Sand storm Jack Wrobel stirs up some sand while playing a shot out of the bunker at the Carruthers Creek Golf Centre in Ajax on Wednesday afternoon. Lightning peewees strike down Brampton tournament foes Durham West rolls to four wins and a tie to earn crown FAX Game results to News Advertiser newsroom 905-683-7363 Grab your partner and register for tennis event Recycle! Ladies Only or Co-ed Beginner or Intermediate only (905)427-3716 Also Private Lessons, Junior Classes & Summer Camps GOLF CLASSES Ken Fulton Golf Centre Hwy#2, Ajax $15900 *C.P.G.A. Professionals Pickering Ball Hockey LeaguePBHL BALL HOCKEY Call to Register 905-839-9638 www.ballhockeygta.comCall 1-800-905-0270 Also registering for Adult Schools for Men & Women Russell Hockey Enterprises www.russellhockey.com Oldtimers Low Level Adult Summer Hockey League Individual or group registration. A social relaxed, recreational atmosphere. Limited Space! 905-686-1121 At Durham Secondary Academy, successful learning is a priority. Our formula for success is: Individual attention with outstanding teachers in an informal, friendly environment. We offer all core secondary school courses in unique 10- week semesters. We specialize in Math, Science and the Arts with experienced teachers who provide hands-on learning. We accept part-time and full- time students who can combine attendance at DSA with regular high school attendance. The Durham Secondary Academy is in partnership with the Sylvan Learning Centre in Pickering Enrollment is limited. For more information call 905-420-9433 New Semester begins early April Durham Secondary Academy An Alternative Private Education High School 1550 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario 905-420-9433 F O R A L I M I T E D T I M E O NLY AT YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE DEALER. We’d like you to know more:Come visit us at your local dealer, on our website at www.gmcanada.com or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. *Based on a 1.9%/2.9%/5.4%/1.9% annual lease rate, 48-month term for Cavalier VL R7Z/Malibu R7Z/Impala R7Z/Venture Value Van R7Z.$0.12/km charge over 80,000 km for 48 months.Option to purchase at lease end is $5,097/$8,476/$10,384/$9,983 (Cavalier VL R7Z/Malibu R7Z/Impala R7Z/Venture Value Van R7Z) plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ‡Financing on approved GMAC credit only. Example: $10,000 at 1.9% APR, the monthly payment is $285.99/$216.52/$174.84 for 36/48/60 months. Cost of borrowing is $295.64/$392.96/$490.40. Total obligation is $10,295.64/$10,392.96/$10,490.40. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade.The SMARTLEASE monthly payment and the GMAC purchase finance rate are not available with and are not calculated on the “Cash Purchase” price as shown.The difference between the price for the SMARTLEASE/GMAC Purchase Finance offer and the “Cash Purchase” offer is deemed under provincial disclosure laws to be a cost of borrowing, whether or not the same represents actual interest and is required to be expressed as an annual percentage rate of 5.73%/3.94%/4.46% (Malibu R7Z/Impala R7Z/Venture Value Van R7Z). *‡Offers apply as indicated to new or demonstrator 2001 models of Cavalier VL R7Z/Malibu R7Z/Impala R7Z/Venture Value Van R7Z equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet Oldsmobile Dealer Marketing Association area only (excluding Northwestern Ontario). Dealer order or trade may be necessary. Limited time offer that may not be combined with other offers. Lease and purchase offers do not include freight ($730/$795/$895/$940 for Cavalier VL R7Z/Malibu R7Z/Impala R7Z/Venture Value Van R7Z), licence, insurance or taxes. Dealers are free to set individual prices. ¥Based on a 48 month SMARTLEASE of $244/$297 per month with $1,250/$2,970 down payment for Cavalier VLX R7Y/Malibu LS R7Z.Car or light truck. **Testing conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). See your Dealer for conditions or details.∆Best in class. Based on Transport Canada Fuel Economy Ratings. 2001 CHEVROLET CAVALIER VL 5-Year/100,000 km Powertrain Warranty • Anti- Lock Braking System • AM/FM Stereo • 2.2 Litre 115-HP Engine • 5-Speed Getrag Transmission w/Overdrive • Theft-Deterrent System • Full-Folding Rear Seatback Purchase financing up to 60 months‡ OR, FOR $39¥MORE PER MONTH WITH $1,250 DOWN, GET A CAVALIER VLX WITH THESE ADDITIONAL FEATURES: • 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/TRACTION ASSIST • AIR CONDITIONING • CD STEREO • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • POWER DOOR LOCKS OR 48 MONTH SMARTLEASE $205* WITH $0 DOWN PURCHASE PRICE $14 ,198 EXCLUDES FREIGHT 2001 VENTURE VALUE VAN2001 CHEVROLET IMPALA Canada’s Best Fuel Economy∆ • 3.4 Litre V6 185-HP Engine • 4-Speed Automatic Transmis- sion • 4-Wheel ABS • Air Conditioning • Standard Integral Child Seat • Tilt-Wheel & Power Door Locks • CD Stereo Purchase financing up to 60 months‡ 3.4 Litre V6 SFI 180-HP Engine • 4-Speed Automatic Transmission • Air Conditioning • Power Door Locks/Windows/Mirrors/Trunk Release • CD Stereo • 6-Passenger Seating Purchase financing up to 48 months‡ 3.1 Litre V6 170-HP Engine • 4-Speed Automatic Transmission • Air Conditioning • 60/40 Split- Folding Rear Seats • 4-Wheel ABS • CD Stereo • Power Door Locks • And More Purchase financing up to 36 months‡ 48 MONTH SMARTLEASE $258* PER MONTH/$2,970 DOWN PAYMENT PLUS FREIGHT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT OR CASH PURCHASE $20,998 EXCLUDES FREIGHT 48 MONTH SMARTLEASE $298* PER MONTH/$3,710 DOWN PAYMENT PLUS FREIGHT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT OR CASH PURCHASE $23,998 EXCLUDES FREIGHT 48 MONTH SMARTLEASE $238* PER MONTH/$4,220 DOWN PAYMENT PLUS FREIGHT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT OR CASH PURCHASE $22,998 EXCLUDES FREIGHT 5-STAR FRONTAL SAFETY RATING Chevrolet Impala has earned a 5-Star government front crash test rating for both driver and front passenger**. ✩✩✩✩✩ 5-STAR SAFETY RATING Chevy Venture is the first vehicle ever to earn 5 stars (the top safety rating) for driver side-impact testing**. ✩✩✩✩✩ ‡ 2001 CHEVROLET MALIBU MALIBU V6 POWER OR, FOR $39 ¥MORE PER MONTH, GET A MALIBU LS PREMIUM EDITION WITH THESE ADDITIONAL FEATURES: • REMOTE KEYLESS • CRUISE CONTROL W/STEERING WHEEL CONTROLS • LEATHER SEATS • SUNROOF • CD STEREO • 6-WAY POWER DRIVER’S SEAT • POWER WINDOWS NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 21 A/P Career Training500 A TOP RATED COURSE,Micro- soft Office Computer Certificate program at "Number One rated" Durham College, Whitby Camp- us. If you are returning to work, or changing career paths, invest in your future. Learn the Micro- soft Office skills in our instruc- tor-led, twelve week, full time program. Funding through EI, OSAP & WSIB to qualified. Mic- rosoft Office skills are the most sought after skill in today's work- place. Call Colin McCarthy 905- 721-3336 for information, an appointment and personal tour. Careers505 ALLSTATE-Looking for a career in Insurance Sales? Are you currently in an Insurance Sales position with no opportunity for career advance- ment? At Allstate, we're growing in Durham. We offer; Unlimited income potential, Guaranteed salary plus commissions, Employee bene- fits and the opportunity to run your own agency. Please send resumes to: Tom Rose C/0 Allstate, 22 Steve- nson Rd. South, Oshawa L1J 5L9. Fax: 725-3295 or Call: 725–2268 PRIMERICA CAREER DAY- Are you tired of the dead-end J-O-B? Att- racted to the flexibility and freedom of being your own boss? Attend CAREER DAY and find out how you can begin a business without high start-up fees. We offer full-time opportunities for people who want to build a business they can own. To re-serve a seat, contact: Ms. Drue Baboolall, 416-331-8183 MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEM ENGINEER - Network Tech-nician. Top MCSE training at top rated Durham College, Whitby Campus. Full time, top instructor led pro- gram with EI funding to qualified. Excellent student/instructor ratio. Top computer labs. Top graduate success rate. Call Colin McCarthy 905-721-3336 for information, appointment or personal tour. PRIMERICA CAREER DAY- Are you tired of the dead-end J-O-B? Att- racted to the flexibility and freedom of being your own boss? Attend CAREER DAY and find out how you can begin a business without high start-up fees. April 28th, 9:30am, 744 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. We off- er full-time opportunities for people who want to build a business they can own. To reserve a seat, contact: Bill Cooke (905)436–8499. General Help510 $ ENTREPRENEUR -direct mar- ket telecommunications services including Bell, Express vu. Fantastic opportunity with nyse company. Home based business, lucrative commissions, bonuses, and residuals. http://ZibGib.com/ mikeg (905) 728-3922 ABSOLUTELY FREE INFO! Learn How to Earn Online In- come.wwwkddsathomebiz.com ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Work from home on-line, $1500-$3500 PT/FT, log onto www.ecglobalincome.com or toll free 1-888-563-3617 ASSISTANT MANAGER for Ajax salon. Great opportunity for the right person. Guaranteed salary/co- mmission, profit sharing, benefits, hiring bonus and store discounts. Also stylist position for busy Whitby salon. Call Cheryl (905) 723-7323 ATTRACTIVE - Willing to work with the opposite sex? Promotio- ns company looking for 10, 18+ ambitious people immediately. Call Candice (905) 686-9586 AUTOGLASS INSTALLERS. Busy glass shop in Pickering requires experienced installers call 905- 831–4290. AZ CONTRACT DRIVERS requir- ed to run Mid West USA. Also require local AZ Driver. Home weekends. Call 905-697-1800. CARPET CLEANERS needed. No car required. Call 905-579-7815 for interview. COMMUNITY LIFECARE INC. now hiring part-time cook, location Pick- ering. Fax resume to Food Service Supervisor (905)420-6030. CLEAN UP PERSON required for dealership in Port Perry. Call Don Jr. 905-985-7354. COLLEGE PRO PAINTING - Will train - $4,000 - $6,000, work out- side. Alexis (905) 924–5289 COMMUTERS DELIGHT - pickering one bedroom base-ment, ac, hydro, water, parking for one, walk to go, 401, PTC, no pets, non smoker, $700. Telephone (905) 831–3663 COURIER DRIVERS with cars can earn up to $650+/weekly With vans can earn up to $1000+/weekly ser- vicing Durham and GTA. (905)427- 8093. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST requir- ed immediately for busy dental practice. Evenings from 3:00- 8:00 and Saturdays 9:00-5:00. Dental assisting skills preferred. Phone Michelle 905-427-4280 or fax 905-427-9697 DOG TRAINING Part time. One year experience. Teach group/pr- ivate obedience in the Ajax area. $10 - $25/hour 1-800-845-1137 EARN $200., $300., $500., or more per week, assembling products in the comfort of your own home. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St. W., Suite 541, Ref 636, Mississauga, Ont. L5K 2R8. EARN EXTRA CASH NOW!Domi- no's Pizza hiring Part-Time/Full- Time delivery drivers. Paid cash nightly. Apply at 10 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax 683-9993 1215 Bayly, Pickering 831-0030. Must have own car. Also hiring Part-time Pizza Makers & Customer Service Reps. ECE required for one year Assis- tant Supervisor maternity leave 5 hrs/day ; Simply Accounting knowledge an asset. Fax resumes to: Waterview Child Care Centre 905-721-0596. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!It's time to start earning what you're worth. If you are willing to work and eager to learn, we'll train you. $1400 to start. Call Mark (905)426-1103.cnp EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT PRO- DUCE MANAGER . Required full time position. Part time Produce help also required. Apply in per- son with resume to: SOUTH AJAX IGA 955 Westney Rd. S. Ajax. Contact: Wayne or Cory (Owners) EXPERIENCED cooks and sous chefs needed for Golf Club in Oshawa. Fax resumes only to 905-723-7194. EXPERIENCED mature bartender /waitress for busy neighborhood pub. Able to work without super- vision. Apply with resume to 221 Nonquon rd. (905) 728-8665 ASSEMBLY WORKERS start- ing at $8.00/hr. Customer Service/Sign maker at $9.50/ hr. Computer literate with some typesetting experience an asset. Please drop off re- sume to 264 Fairall St. Ajax, or fax (905) 426-3291. FRESH AIR,exercise and more. Call for a carrier route in your area today. 905-683–5117. GENERAL HELP WANTED for small Pickering plant. $8 per hour to start. Apply at 1734 Orangebrook Court, Unit #9 or fax resume to 905-831-3023 GROWING HOME IMPROVEMENT Company is seeking individuals that can work independently on concrete and home improvements with own transportation. Fax resume to 905- 434-7028 or call 905-434-6481. FITNESS EQUIPMENT Company requires: Sales Person Warehouse person & Employees to assist our technicians in assembling and installing fitness equipment. Heavy lifting involved. Mechanical skills essential. Driver's license an asset. Reply to: File #680, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED in Ajax, full time or part time, some experience preferred. Wage plus commission. Start as soon as possible. Call Nick 905- 683–5237 HAIRSTYLIST w/EXPERIENCE required part-time or full-time for busy salon. Also need part-time Receptionist. Call 905-430-8787 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!To assemble our products. Free information. Send SASE to: Kraft, #8-7777 Keele St., Dept. 7, Concord, ON L4K 1Y7 INDUSTRIAL SEWER reliable, experienced, needed for small manufacturing firm. $12.00 per hour plus bonus. Call (905)619–3248. INTERNATIONAL POOL & SPA CENTRES is looking for Exp-eri- enced Pool Service Technicians for full time work. Please call Percy @ 905-434-7727 J. D. K. Contracting looking for full time employee with 5 years experince in commercial & resi- dential renovations. Must have vehicle & tools. Call Jim 416- 688-9700. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE laborer needed immediately. Valid license, clean abstract, experience preferable, long hours and hard work, own reli- able transportation to our shop. 705-277-2902. LANDSCAPE WORKERS required for a large well-estab- lished landscaping firm. Work is physical, applicants must be will- ing to work long hours. DZ or AZ license an asset. Wages based on experience and willingness to work. Fax resume to Wiggans Landscaping (905)432-1393 or call (905)261-0781. LOOKING FOR full-time Warehouse Help/Occasional Driver. Class G license required with 5 ton truck experience. Apply in person with resume to: Bee & Jay Carton Co., 1290 Hopkins St., Whitby. LOOKING TO HIRE reliable and car- ing attendant to help in daily tasks around my home. Must have own vehicle. Call 905-509-5697(home) or 416-603-2008 ext.2275(work) PAID TRAINING - promotional advertising company experienc- ing growth in marketplace no exp necessary, will train. Call Tammy (905) 686-2442. MATURE COUNTER Help needed for dry-cleaning depot. Must be flexible. Days, evenings and weekends. Phone Sandy at (905) 683–9000 or apply in person at 613 Kingston Rd. Ajax. (Church St.& Kingston Rd.) Counter Help Part-time late eves Bring Resume in person from 6-9pm JUST DESSERTS 1163 Kingston Rd, Pickering “TECS” - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling “TECS” - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling PAGE 22-THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, APRIL 22, 2001 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser CLASSIFIEDS To Place Your Ad In Ajax or Pickering Call: 905-683-0707 E-Mail address: classifieds@durhamnews.net Web Site: www.durhamnews.net 20 diploma programs including… INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS • Network Administrator (MCP) • Business Administration • Network & Internet Systems (MCSE) • PSW • Web Site Designer (AWP) • Small Business Management • Web Developer • Accounting & Computers • Information Technology Technician • Payroll Administration ADMINISTRATION PLUS PROGRAMS IN… • Executive Office Assistant • Dental Assistant • Medical Office Assistant • Travel & Tourism • Legal Administration • Esthetics & Salon Operations PICKERING CAMPUS www.tsb.ca(905)(905) 420-1344420-1344 Meet Experts and ask about today’s hot career choices...It’s free! Career Info Fair Your career path starts here This initiative is funded by Human Resources Development Canada 2 full arenas of displays! Internet Lab!Info: www.careerfair.org or (905) 440-4528 Thursday, April 26, 2001 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Ajax Community Centre 75 Centennial Road, Ajax, Ontario, L1S 4S4 A fast growing distributor located in Ajax has the following opportunities available: BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (A) Qualifications: • Must be fluent in French & English • Energetic, highly motivated & attentive to details • Some computer skills preferred BILINGUAL RECEPTIONIST (B) Qualifications: • Energetic & fluent in French & English Please submit resume indicating which postion you are applying for: (A) or (B) Phoenix AMD Int. Attention: Jacques Dupuis 13 - 400 Monarch Ave. Ajax, Ont. L1S 3W6 No phone calls please. We thank everyone for their application however only candidates considered for an appointment will be contacted. Junior Customer Service Representative Post secondary Technical education Should be well spoken, organized and computer literate This is an entry level position that processes incoming orders and provides customers pricing and technical support.This position includes full company paid health and medical benefits,pension contribution and excellent vacation policy. Join one of Ontario’s fastest growing companies with a vision on the future Visit our Web Site: www.flemingdoor.com Mail, Fax or E-mail your resume today Human Resources Department Fleming Steel Doors and Frames 20 Barr Road, Ajax, Ontario L1S 3X9 Fax: (905) 427-1527 • hrdept@flemingdoor.com Due to exceptional growth, Fleming Door, Canada’s largest manufacturer of Steel Doors and Frames, has an immediate career opportunity for the following position.OSHAWA CENTRE Here is your chance to join our dynamic retail team! We are looking for qualified candidates to fill the following positions: (Full/Part-Time) • Store Manager • Asst. Store Manager • Supervisors • Sales Associates The successful candidates should possess the following qualifications: • Minimum of 2 years experience with a proven track record in sales/store management. • Excellent communication and visual skills. • Sales driven and high achievers. We offer a competitive salary, benefits & incentive package in an exciting, progressive environment. Please send your resume in confidence to: Email: marya@esprit.ca Fax: Beth/Erin (905)279-4485/ (416)622-0306/(204)775-1731 Durham Community Legal Clinic is seeking a COMMUNITY LEGAL WORKER To work in various areas of poverty law. QUALIFICATIONS: Law Clerk diploma or equivalency, strong communication skills, computer skills are an asset. DEADLINE: Tuesday, May 15th, 2001 Interested candidates are asked to submit resumes to: (905) 728-6362 We thank all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Get the Career You Deserve! Want to have the latest information on the hot and up-coming careers of the next few years? Hoping to make a career decision or change soon? If so you can't afford to miss the most spectacular Career Fair in Durham Region's history! Meet industry representatives from every sector imaginable, all wanting to tell you why they need people today! Network with reps from police, fire services, health care, skilled trades, technology, animation, modeling and acting and many more. Many of these sectors will have people retiring en masse within the next 10 years and want to share information now. You'll have a chance to hear dynamic presenters and speak with them at our two theatres. Key exhibitors include The Michener Institute, Ontario's only school for much in-demand radiologists, and Durham College's new program MEND, where fully certified technicians (Grade 12 diploma is a prerequisite) could be expected to earn over $80,000 a year. Learn about opportunities with Skilled Trades, from engineers to welders to plumbers, with highly interactive displays. Make the one contact that will change your life. Be at Career Info Fair,Thursday April 26, 2001, at the Ajax Community Centre. For more info., contact Sue Gillett at 905-440-4528, or visit www.careerfair.org 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help DIRECT DRIVER PERSONNEL Requires 2 SHIPPER & RECEIVER for expanding Pickering Operation $10-$12/hr * ALSO GENERAL LABOURERS * REQUIRED CALL DDP 1-905-420-5005 AJAX/PICKERING AREA *Required Immediately * 20 GENERAL LABOURERS & ASSEMBLERS per shift Days, Afternoon, Midnights Vehicle required Call Alan 1-877-571-1603 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Whitby Oshawa Honda requires ex- perienced technician for flat rate shop. Start at $21. per hour. Good benefits, ongoing manufacturer train- ing and strong management sup- port. Honda experience and or Drive clean certification preferred. Apply with resume and references to:1110 Dundas St. East Whitby or fax to: (905) 666-4571 HORTICULTURIST ❀✿✾✽❀✿✾✽❀✿✾✽❀✿ required for Garden Centre. Approx. 6-8 wk. employment. Good/previous exp. in the horticulture field necessary. Flexible hours. Apply in person with resume to: Constantine's 1900 Dixie Rd. Pickering 505 Careers 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help YOUR QUALITY STAFFING SOLUTION PAINTERS NEEDED,minimum 5 ye- ars experience. Must have own tra- nsportation. Long ours & weekends. References needed. Piece work for good team. Dan (705)953–9265 PROFESSIONAL 11 National Chariti- es need to fill 10 openings in Custo- mer Service and Account Activation. If you are energetic, looking for full- time and 18+ Call Pauline (905)686- 9586. Base rate plus commission. RECEPTIONIST NEEDED. Hrs. 9-5 Mon-Fri. $300/wkly. 18+ Must have fun, bubbly per- sonality. Long term with ad- vancement opportunities. No experience necessary. Please call (905) 686-9586 ext. 320 ROOFING COMPANY looking for shinglers. Starting at $15-$20/ hour, minimum 5 years experi- ence. Please call 416-992-5917. SEARS Authorized Indoor Clean Air Services requires outgoing Telem- arketers, experience an asset. No selling required, flexible hours. Ex- cellent income potential. call 905- 428-2022 or fax resume to 905- 428-2452 SECRETARIES & SALES REPS The Seal Team is growing fast. We need outgoing individuals to grow with us. No experience necessary. $10. to start. (905) 619-0119. SPRING FEVER!Things are warming up! Lotsa work, not enough people. Call Zack for int- erview. 905-686–9586. Students welcome. STRONG VOICES NEEDED.Tele- phone sales, no experience nece- ssary. 10:00am-4:00pm and/or ideal for students 4:45-8:00pm Dundas/Thickson area. Salary plus commission. 905-579–6222 STUDENTS SECURE YOUR summer job now! Be a College- Pro Painter. Training provided, full time days, earn 5-7 thou- sand, work outside, no over bearing adults. Phone (519)520- 0600, or e-mail resume to: pamela_draper@yahoo.com TELEMARKETER required, part- time, Tuesdays & Thurs-days 1- 4. Contract basis. $10/hour +bonus. Ajax 905-427-4151 TELEMARKETERS needed. No experience necessary. Full train- ing provided. Call (905) 579- 7816 for interview. THE FACIAL PLACE...Durham's Grand Spa now hiring: Part-time Receptionist, Part-time Registered Massage Therapist, Part-time experienced full ser- vice Esthetician. Applicants must possess a professional manner, excellent customer service skills, flexible schedule, and be well groomed. Reception applicants must possess excellent comput- er skills. (905)668–8128. THE THIRSTY MONK,Ajax now hiring EXPERIENCED LINE COOKS. Apply within. 85 Kingston Rd. E. TELEMARKETING - Appointment Setters required immediately for part-time evenings. No Selling, Hourly wage plus Bonus. Call for interview (905) 426-1322 SALON & SPA looking for Hair stylist and Registered Massage Therapist with a professional attitude towards his/her crafts. For interview please call or leave msg 905-728–0435. WANTED experienced shirt presser for dry cleaners in Whitby. Part time hours or will train for the job. Call 905-666- 0741. WE WILL PUT you in business, in one of the largest industries in the world. you can work your own hours, at your own pace and be your own boss. Unlimited opportunity. Wide open growth potential. Call Grace 905- 579–2869. WORK AT HOME Health Industry $1000 P/T - $5000 F/T per month. Training available. Call for free information BOOKLET. 416-631-7156. Salon & Spa Help514 HAIRSTYLIST SPACE for rent in beautifully appointed Downtown Oshawa Salon. Complete esthet- ics provided. For appointment call Mrs. Weiss 905-436-6333 at John Weiss Hair Design. Skilled & Technical Help515 FIBERGLASS LAMINATOR posi- tions available to persons with experience. Competitive wages and full benefits. Fax resume to (416)751-9382 or apply 303 Nantucket Blvd. Scarborough. FLAT ROOFERS REQUIRED imme- diately. Minimum five years experi- ence excellent wage, paid benefits. Will also consider complete sub- con-tract crew. Call Ron day or evenings 1-(800)-261-8323 LICENSED MECHANIC required for Chrysler dealership in Port Perry. Call Don Jr. (905)985–7354. LICENSED ELECTRICIANS required. Good wages, must have good code knowledge and be able to work without supervision. Please fax re-sume to (905)725–1994. MECHANIC,truck trailer for dispos- al company. $23.50 per hour plus benefits for qualified person. Fax resume to: 416-423-7113 Attn: Tony ROOFER NEEDED- Minimum 10 yrs. experience in flat roof and shin- gles, excellent hourly rate. Must have drivers li-cense. Call (905) 427-3630, or (416) 410-9888. SEARS Authorized Indoor Clean Air Services under new manage- ment requires licensed Gas Fitters and Refrigeration Mechanics, Duct Cleaning Technicians. Excellent income potential. Pls. call 905-428-2109 or fax resume to; 905-428-2452. SKILLED labourers needed forklift experience for machinery moving. good mechanical aptitude for assis- tance in machinery setup. a D-Z lic- ense would be an asset. some trav- elling required. if interested please fax resumes to 416-285-0026 Computer & IT520 INTERACTIVE ONLINE MEDIA. Int- ernet development company is hir- ing in Kingston Ont. Visit www. inonmedia.com for more details. Office Help525 LEGAL SECRETARY/RECEPTION- IST 3-5 days/week for 1 year mater- nity leave commencing July 30/01. Litigation & Family experience required. Send resume by April 30/01 to Greer, Seiler & Zochodne, P.O. Box 917, Oshawa, L1H 7N1, Attention: Linda PART TIME SECRETARY/OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR required for small busy Ajax office. 25 hr. per week. Must be well organized and self motivated, computer skills an asset. Fax resume with salary expectations to (905)426-4201 REAL ESTATE LAW OFFICE.We are a growing industry leader in provid- ing services for residential real estate closings. We have openings for both client service representa- tives and a closing clerk. If you gen- uinely enjoy dealing with the public and have some background in real estate or real estate law contact us about one our exciting and innova- tive positions in our Port Perry or Whitby offices. The closing clerk position will appeal to applicants with experience in handling docu- ment preparation and problem solving, purchases, mortgages and sales. We offer flexible working hours, competitive salary and ben- efits. email res-ume to: reachus@hometitleservice.com or fax 905-985-3758. Sales Help & Agents530 3 EXPERIENCED sales people required for very busy company. Must have knowledge of roofing and windows. Salary plus com- mission. Company vehicle nego- tiable (905) 428-8704 or fax (905) 509-2600 ENTHUSIASTIC SALES HELP Full-time Monday-Sunday, want- ed at Your Good Health, Oshawa Centre. Vitamin knowledge Drop off resume to Manager 10am-5pm., Mon-Fri. SALES PERSON required with experience in residential roofing. Must be neat appearance, and have own vehicle. Call (905)427- 8613. Hospital/Medical/ Dental535 PHARMACY ASSISTANT required, full time position in Pickering. Experience an asset. Call Ken 416-286-6522. EXPERIENCED DENTAL recep- tionist/assistant required part- time for Courtice dental office. Fax resume to: (905)436-9672 or drop off at 2727 Courtice Rd., Unit 3B, Courtice, Ont. L1E 3A2 FULL TIME HYGIENE position in busy Courtice office, for materni- ty leave Mon. to Fri. and one Sat per month, serious applicants only. Fax (905) 433-7670. PDA/CDA REQUIRED for 1 year ma- ternity leave. Starting in June. Mar- kham/Lawrence & Pickering locati- ons. Monday-Thursday 8am-5:30 pm, 1 Friday per month 8am-12:30 pm. Please call (905)831–7566. X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST & MED- ICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST. Experienced. Apply to: Sherry Dixon, c/o Glazier Medical Centre, 11 Gibb St. Oshawa, L1H 2J9 Fax: 905-721-8715 RN NEEDED - REGULARLY sched- uled part-time (days, evenings) for very busy family practice office. Fax resume to (905)420-0863 RN/RPN -Part-time position in family practice clinic. Experience with injections required. Venipuncture skills preferred. Rossland Medical Centre, 701 Rossland Rd.E., Whitby. RPN POSITIONS available, full- time and part-time nights in new retirement residence. Fax resume to 905-725-7988 Holistic Health537 RMT required for expanding clin- ic in Whitby. New graduates or experienced therapists welcome. Please fax your re-sume to 905- 666-7457 no later that April 30th. Houses For Sale100 OSHAWA,3 bedroom with base- ment apt., buy a home with $1,000. Moves you in cheaper than rent. Good credit. For sale by owner. Call now 416-652-5431. WHITBY - 4 BDRM, master bedroom w/ensuite, main floor laundry, eat-in kitchen, circu- lar staircase, sunken family room w/fireplace & w/o to ce- dar deck, fenced yard. Many upgrades including new roof/ windows. Close to schools & amenities. Hardwood & ce- ramic flooring. Asking $219,900. To view please call (905)430-6333. GORGEOUS BRICK Williams- burg Whitby classic!! 1 yr new, 4 bdrm ravine lot. Many upgrades. Granite Counters, Deck, fence, hrdwd floors, bright walkout bsmt. A pleas- ure to view, 319K. Private sale. open house April 28 & 29, 2-5pm. 97 Gartshore Drive (905)665–1300 PICKERING, 3-BEDROOM, 3 bathroom, oak kitchen, hard- wood floors, cathedral ceil- ings, finished basement, ap- pliances, new bathroom, new- er roof. $164,000. Near schools, parks, Go Transit. (905)420–1927. NORTHEAST OSHAWA 2- bedroom brick bungalow, di- ningroom, large lot backing onto park. Quiet neighbour- hood, near all amenities. Hardwood floors, paved drive, new roof, $143,900. (905)720–2307 OSHAWA - Stone Cottage Crescent. Executive 3,150 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home plus fin- ished walkout basement apartment to large pie shaped fenced lot. $329,900. Even- ings/weekends (905)434-8441 Private Sales103 PICKERING BEACH AREA - Bungalow on huge 50'x200' lot with detached 1000 ft. fully serviced workshop and office. Two bedrooms plus small of- fice. Huge, newly built 320 ft. master bedroom addition. $198,900. 905-683-5801. SOUTH AJAX Lovely 1900 sq.ft. home on large pie-shaped lot, just steps to the lake! Zero down payment. Free recorded message. 1-800-515-1697 ID#3005 Re/Max Quality One Ltd. 3 Ways to Buy a Home for Less $$ Free Report reveals how to find the home that perfectly meets your needs and desires for the lowest possible price. Free recorded message 1-800-515-1698 ID#1014 Re/Max Quality One Ltd. FREE SIGN UP APRIL 24 & 25 INCLUSIVE CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR FREE KIT CALL 905-655-8898 1-866-888-5288 Pauline Naulls Hourly rate + commission + bonus. A Canadian business publisher requires independent representatives with business-to-business telemarketing experience to work from home. The ideal candidate will have a professional telephone manner and be self- motivated. Please call Peter Hall at 905-566-1308. GENERAL LABOURER Clean, modern mfg plant located in Pickering, hrly. rate + piece work bonus. Call Debbie (905)420–8784 $SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS $ Excellent earning potential for experienced industrial sewing machine operators. Full-time day shift. Call Debbie (905) 420–8784 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, APRIL 22, 2001-PAGE 23 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help DIRECT DRIVER PERSONNEL requires DZ Drivers for Recycling For Durham & Markham $13/hr. Steady work CALL DDP 1-905-420-5005 HOST A STUDENT Red Leaf Student Programs is seeking caring families in the Ajax/Pickering area to host INTERNATIONAL student during July or Aug. Students attend classes and organized activities Monday thru Friday. Families are renumerated for room and board. If you would like to share some Canadian hospitality and be part of this rewarding cross cultural program Please contact ARLENE HEASMAN 905-428–6829 red leaf STUDENT PROGRAMS INC. RELIEF SUPERINTENDENT REQUIRED Woodfarm Manor 1525 Nichol Ave., Whitby For three evenings (6 p.m. - 6 a.m.) per week, alternate weekends, 15 days va- cation coverage and other duties that may arise for Superintendent at the 70 unit high-rise family building. Candidates must reside on site in a 2- bedroom apartment and possess high standards, flexibility, excellent main- tenance, repair and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of building mechanical sys- tems a necessity. Remuneration in- cludes the rent-free, 2 bedroom apart- ment. Apply in writing by 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 25th, 2001 to: Administrative Assistant, Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation , 28A Albert St., Oshawa, On. L1H 8S5 or fax to (905) 436-5361 or e-mail: drnphc@idirect.com FOSTER CARE NEEDED Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, Customary Care Program seeks families who are interested in caring for Native children in your home or one that is provided by NCFST. Parent(s) must demonstrate a willingness to work with our diverse community. All applicants must be qualified and have field related experience. While we encourage all applicants, we welcome all those who have a fundamental respect for aboriginal children and their culture. Contact Customary Care Worker (416) 969-8510 www.native.child.org Setting Tomorrow’s Standards Today! In all things, the only constant is change. Market and profession leaders seek change and thrive because of it. CHANGE IS OPPORTUNITY The pet industry in Canada continues to undergo dramatic growth. Seize the opportunity and become part of the future. Canadian Petcetera is opening another store in: Ajax, Ontario We will be accepting applications and conducting interviews at: Petcetera Store 40 Kingston Road East Ajax, Ontario Monday, April 23, 2001 through Friday, April 27, 2001 Starting at 9 a.m. each morning. (Open House Forum) We are seeking to fill Positions in the following departments: CASHIERS CUSTOMERS SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES MERCHANDISERS RECEIVER SMALL ANIMAL/AQUATIC SPECIALISTS DOG GROOMERS / BATHERS Canadian Petcetera, is where specialty pet goods and services are coupled with innovative and progressive retail and business philosophies. This will create exciting destinations where pet owners and pets alike can go find all that their hearts desire and all that their minds have yet to imagine. We offer a competitive Compensation and Benefits program Petcetera is an equal opportunity employer. Scarborough Pallet Manufacturer Has Immediate Openings for: SAWYERS, ASSEMBLERS, FORKLIFT OPERATORS with Leadhand Experience, Benefit Plan after 6 months Apply in person: 30 Melford Dr., Scarborough SMILING AT WORK? YOU BET!! You’ll not only smile yourself, you’ll encourage others to smile and have fun, as a PART TIME ASSOCIATE, when you join CPI CORP operating the Sears Portrait Studio located at: Pickering Town Centre 1355 Kingston Road Pickering This is a unique opportunity for outgo- ing, creative individuals to handle a vari- ety of duties including photography, sales and administration. We offer fully paid, comprehensive training, excellent advancement poten- tial and commitment to internal promo- tion. Customer service/retail experience helpful; however, a smile is a prerequi- site. To learn more, APPLY IN PERSON TO THE SEARS PORTRAIT STUDIO AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS ONLY Monday April 23, 2001 10:00pm - 12:00pm / 2:00pm - 5:00pm Portrait Studio www.cpicorp.com/careers The GARDEN BASKET FOOD MARKETS Quality & Freshness Since 1929 Mature responsible person required for PRODUCE MANAGER POSITION Seeking a pleasant, energetic individual with a minimum of 5 years experience as Produce Manager in a high volume Store. Excellent Pay and Benefits. ••••••••••• ALSO FULL-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR GROCERY, PRODUCE, SALAD BAR AND RECEIVING DEPARTMENTS. Excellent Pay and Benefits Immediate Employment Apply in person at THE GARDEN BASKET 9275 Hwy. #48 (at 16th Ave.) MARKHAM Resumes Accepted. Fax: (905)471-0922 We appreciate all responses, but regret that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. • Corporate and Leisure Retail Travel • Ticketing • Computer Reservation Systems • Sales Skills • Car Rental Management • Cruises • Internet PICKERING CAMPUS 1450 Kingston Rd. (905) (905) 420-1344420-1344 www.tsb.cawww.tsb.ca SALES POSITIONS Interested in joining a retail shop that cares about its staff, customers and the community? We have permanent full and part time positions for mature individuals with Sales and Cosmetic Experience. MANAGEMENT POSITION Management experience required. Submit your resume in person to Pickering Town Centre HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Experienced with licence. Markham area. Call Fred ext 116 or Angelo ext 115 at (905)294-7480 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help Local area printing company has an opportunity in our prepress depart- ment for a PREPRESS TECHNICIAN Must be fully qualified in Quark XPress, Illustrator and Photoshop. Experience with imposition soft- ware, drum and copy dot scanning is a definite asset. Only qualified applicants need apply. FAX RESUME ATTENTION WAYNE AT (905) 436-0813 Ajax Stamping Plant Requires PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS for progressive dies. Experience preferred. Fax resumes to the attention of Shawn @ 905-619-1671 WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED MAINTENANCE MECHANIC required for production plant in Ajax. Hands-on knowledge of pumps, motors, conveyors, blowers, hydraulics pneumatics, steam, PLCs, etc. preferred. Excellent salary and benefits for the right individual. Please apply in person at 233 Fuller Road, Ajax, ON L1S 2E1 or by fax (905)427-4986 510 General Help 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 100 Houses For Sale Townhouses For Sale105 2-BEDROOM condominium townhouse, finished basement with bathroom, includes dish- washer, fridge, stove, washer, dryer, convenient N. Oshawa location, asking $88,000. Call (905)579–8835. Out-of-Town Properties120 2-BEDROOM HOUSE and large detached garage for sale in the Village of Buckhorn. Great for retiree. Call 705-652-3367 or 1- 800-850-6029, ask for David Nichols. Indust./ Comm. Space145 600FT INDUSTRIAL SPACE including 50% office area. $700/monthly including heat, hydro & taxes. Brock & Bayly area, Pickering. Available imme- diately. Call (905)619–6603. FOR RENT in the Kendall area storage barn and apartment, excellent for boat/snowmobile storage. Call 905-623-4172 Office & Business space150 2,200 SQUARE FEET of office space available immediately in Bobcaygeon, $800 per month plus utilities. Call Anne Houston (705)749-3383 824 SQ. FT.,2nd floor office with kitchen and bathroom, security system, King St. W. Oshawa. $618/mo. + utilities. Randolph Lengauer, Sutton Group 905- 436-0990. DENTAL ASSISTANT - Part time position approx. 15 hrs. Some reception duties. HARP certified. Send resume to: Dr. A. Ballard, Oral Surgeon, 209 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa. L1G 4T1 PORT PERRY,commercial office space, up to 1800 sq.ft. for lease, suitable for professional services business or neighborhood clinic. Will subdivide. High-speed inter- net access, plenty of parking, also smaller office units available in separate area. June 1st. 905- 985-0712 ex222. PRIME, BRIGHT VISIBLE Pickering location, accessible, parking, choose 120 to 1600 square feet, $400. minimum, utilities included. Richard Briscoe, Century 21 Briscoe Estates Ltd. (905) 428-2121 UXBRIDGE small professional office space available on Toronto Street. $1000 inclusive Available immediately. Call 905-683-5117 ask for Abe Fakhourie. Business Opportunities160 $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds$$ Grants and loans information to start and expand your business or farm. 1-800-505-8866. CHIP TRUCK.Immaculate condi- tion, 2 fryers, hot/cold water, fridge, rebuilt engine, 3 sinks, call (905) 720–3293 Apts. & Flats For Rent170 WHITBY GARDENS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -One and two bedroom apartments available in quiet modern, mature building. Utilities included. Laundry facili- ties and parking available. No pets. Call (905)430-5420. AJAX bright 2 bedroom basement available May 1st laundry, parking, appliances, close to everything, air conditioned, $850 incl. Call Ron after 6pm 905-426-5266. AJAX WESTNEY HEIGHTS Spac- ious 1 bedroom basement apart- ment Available May 1st. $650/ month First and Last required. No pets. Call 905-686–8385. AJAX, 1-BEDROOM condo, view of lake, 5 appliances, very clean, parking and pool included. $925 plus. Call (416) 574–5070 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY large very clean, bright 1-bdrm apt. Inclu- des cable, parking, utilities. Near all amenities. $750/month. (905)404– 8479 or leave message on machine AVAILABLE MAY 1ST,1-bed- room, private, laundry, parking, suitable for 1 person, first/last, no smokers/pets, references, close to amenities, Oshawa, $650 inclu- sive. Call (905)579–9483. CENTRAL OSHAWA, Two large 2- bedrooms $850, July 1st in well- maintained building, close to all amenities. Please call (905)723- 0977 9a.m.- 6p.m. COURTICE - 2 bedroom base- ment apt. includes 2-car parking, 4 appliances, $760/inclusive. Available June 1st. Call Cindy 905-725-2246 lv. mess. HIGHWAY 2/Port Union, 1-bedroom basement apt., separate entrance, C/A, shared laundry, no pets, non- smoker. $750 inclusive. Available immediately (905)420–4888. COURTICE - 2 bedroom apt. in detached raised bungalow. A/c, c/vac, washer, dryer, heat, hydro, water included. Sep. entrance. No smoking/pets. First/last/ref- erences, security deposit. Available May 1st/June 1st $790/mo. John 905-424-0956 COZY 1-BEDROOM basement apartment, private entrance, storage room, laundry, central air, cable, parking for 1 car, utili- ties included, bus stop at door, first/last required. $725/month. (905)831–3925 Available May 1st. No pets/no smoking. HUGE EXECUTIVE BASEMENT in pickering village. One bedroom plus office, kitchen w/island, enlarg-ed windows, french doors, laundry, May 1, no smok- ers/pets. $1050. 905-683–0794 LARGE ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, all inclusive. Laundry facil- ities. Available immediately, $650 per month, first and last required. Call (905)-725-5153 LIVERPOOL/BAYLY,Bachelor basement apartment, newly ren- ovated. Parking, laundry. Mature person, references. No pets. $575 inclusive. (905)436–2951 OSHAWA, Bloor & Park, spa- cious 2 bedroom apt. in small clean building, freshly painted, parking, laundry. $725+ hydro. Avail. May 1st. Call (905)434–9844. TOWNLINE/BLOOR One bed- room basement flat on bus ro- ute. Non-smoker, no pets. Suits single person. Parking. Avail. May 1st. $425/month inclusive. First, last & refer- ences. (905)720-0861. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment, $650 per month. All inclusive, non smoking female No pets available immediately call after 4:30 p.m.(416)-281-3329 ONE BEDROOM basement apartment, gas fireplace, util- ties, cable included. Close to shopping, East Oshawa, ideal for working retired person. $725/month. lst/last, May 1st. 905-436–0487 OSHAWA - Spotless spacious 2 bedroom semi-basement apt. in new very quiet adult 5-plex. Freshly painted. Suit semi-retired professional working people, couple or single (discount for seniors). No pets, no smokers. $650/month. Hydro extra. Includes heat, water, 1-parking. First and last. References. Available May 1st or June 1st. Ravine Rd. 905-728-3634. OSHAWA - Ritson/Athol, nicely decorated large bright 1-bdrm. Clean, quiet, first & last, refer- ences. Parking, no pets. Avail. May 1. $795/month all inclusive. Call Brian 416-351-9512. OSHAWA 2 APARTMENTS, avail. May 1st. 1-bedroom mainfloor w/basement, $550/month. 2- bedroom upper $800/month. Both inclusive. Parking available, centrally located. Call 905-987- 3481 PICKERING - Liverpool/Hwy 2 Brand new 2 bdrm basement apt. Separate entrance, parking. Avail. June 1st. $875/month inclusive. No smoking/pets. First & last. (905)831–0140. PICKERING - one plus bedroom basement apartment, fireplace, ac, cv, laundry, parking, all inclu- sive $775 per mo. lst/last. Credit reference. After 6 p.m. (905) 839–6941 PRESTIGIOUS Rougevalley - South of 401 (Pickering). Spacious 1-bedroom apt. C/V, c/a, separate entrance, fridge, stove, laundry, No smoking/pets. $775 plus 25% utilities month inclusive. First/last, references. Available June 1. 905-509-5090 OSHAWA Quiet building near shopping, transportation. Utilit- ies included. Simcoe/Mill 2 bed- room avail May 1st $795; 1 bed- room avail April 1st & June 1st, $699. (905)436-7686 until 7:30pm. SPACIOUS 2-bedroom, in quiet adult duplex. Suitable for profes- sional couple. References, first /last, parking, A/C, close to GM/401. $850 mo., inclusive, Avail. June 1, 905-579–8212. SPACIOUS well-maintained 2 bedroom apts. Avail. at 900 and 888 Glen St. Some with walk-in closets, paint provided. Close to schools, shopping centre, GO Station. Utilities included. Call (905)728-4993. WHITBY,large 1 bedroom base- ment , kitchen, bath, lots of clos- et space. Utilities, parking, cable, laundry included. $600/mo., available June 1, (905)579–4850 WHITBY 1-bedroom available June 1st. $680/month all in- clusive except cable. Office hours 9-5pm Monday-Friday & 6pm-8pm Monday-Thurs- day (905)665–7543. WHITBY DOWNTOWN clean and quiet 1 bedroom apart- ment on 3rd floor of historical building. Fully renovated, close to all amenities. Suit single working person, non- smoker, no pets. Available immediately. $595 +utilities. Call 905-668-3011 WHITBY,Dundas & Coch- rane, Avail. Immediately, two large 3-bedroom multi-level, family apartments. Hardwood, newly refinished. Near school, shopping, transit. Call Joanne 905-666-4145 leave message WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you think?!! Call Dave Haylock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666-3211. Condominiums For Rent180 PICKERING, near GO Station, 3 bedroom condo, air conditioned, neat & clean, available May 1st. Call 416-414-9125 or 416-707- 6195. Houses For Rent185 A-ABA-DABA-DO, I have a home for you! 6 months free! From $550/ month OAC, up to $6,000 cash back to you, $29,500+ family income. Short of down payment? For spec- tacular results Great Rates. Call Ken Collis, Associate Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate (905)728-9414 or 1-877-663-1054 email:kcollis@trebnet.com 3-BEDROOM House for rent in newer subdivision in Whit-by. Fenced yard, paved 4-car driveway, garage, no ap-pliances. Central air. May 1st. $1250/monthly +utilities. No pets. (416)532–0893 Sick of RENTING? 1st Time Buyer? Professional Renter? Honest Answers....! Professional Advice...! To “Own” Your Next Home! Mark Stapley Sales Rep. 1-800- 840-6275 OFFICE(905)619-0663Ability Real Estate Ltd. Direct Free Call OSHAWA 2 & 3 B/R apts. 280 Wentworth St. W. $765 & $876. Utilities incl. Close to schools, shopping, 401. Public Transit right past your door. For appt. call (905) 721-8741 LARGE ONE BEDROOM 850 sq. ft. Westney Rd. and Hwy 7. Very private, with large patio and two glass walkouts, good appliances, fireplace, oak kitchen all window coverings, May lst. Prefer single, non smoker. $800 plus utilities. Call 905-649-5134 $$ Government Funds$$ Grants and loans information to start and expand your business or farm. 1-800-505-8866 PAGE 24-THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, APRIL 22, 2001 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net Paxar Canada Inc., a leading manufacturer and distributor of bar code identification systems for retail and industrial applications, has the following opportunities available. SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE This is a nine-month contract position, working four days per week. Reporting to the Director of Finance, you will be responsible for the activities of three Accounts Receivable Representatives. As well, you will provide senior management with relevant accounts and timely information. You have 5 to 7 years supervisory experience in an A/R environment. #SAR 1 ACCOUNTANT This is a six-month contract position. You have gained 3 to 5 years general accounting experience. A comprehensive understanding of inventory is essential. This position reports to the Director of Finance. #GA 2 Please fax/send your resume, quoting the appropriate file number to: Human Resources, Paxar Canada Inc., 895 Brock Road, Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3X1, (905) 839-6130. While we thank all applicants for their interest, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No agencies please. 525 Office Help 525 Office Help 525 Office Help CGA OR CMA Oshawa Chartered Accountant's office requires a third or fourth year level CGA or CMA. Public accounting experience essential. Reply to: File # 673 Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L5 FORMULA FORD requires full-time GENERAL OFFICE CLERK Dealership accounting experience preferred. Reynolds computer experience an asset. FAX resumes Att: Joanne (905) 421-9521 (No Phone Calls) ORDER DESK/CLERICAL POSITION Position available immediately. Food Manufacturing Company requires a self starter with good organizational skills to work 2 days/wk (Mondays & Tuesdays). Workshare position therefore will be required to fill in for vacations/illness etc. Require a responsible pleasant person who can work independently. Candidates should have previous order desk/clerical experience (i.e. shipping papers, custom paper, booking appointments etc.) Well developed computer skills (Office 97, Accpac Windows) and strong communi- cation skills with a keen eye for detail. Experience an asset. Mail/Fax Resume to: ORDER DESK/CLERICAL 953 Dillingham Road, PICKERING, ONT. L1W 1Z7 Fax: (905) 839-7217 FABCO PLASTICS,a progressive plastics company has a unique and dynamic opportunity for a: TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE As an important member of our team, you will perform all du- ties essential to promoting and realizing effective sales within an assigned territory. You will search out new opportunities as well as manage existing business in your territory to its full po- tential. This is a great opportunity for an aggressive technically inclined, reliable and motivated professional. You are an ambi- tious recent graduate with the drive to succeed. You will re- quire a reliable vehicle as well as a valid driver’s license. You have strong customer service, organizational, interpersonal, time management and computer skills. Visit our web site at www.fabcoplastics.com and fax your resume to 905-832-2111 or e-mail ctadres@fabcoplastics.com 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents $$$ REGISTERED NURSES $$$ HOSPITAL STAFFING Benefits! Above Market Pay Rates! Bonuses! Work as little or as much as you like! Up to full time hours! Why work for one hospital when you can work for them all at Bayshore HealthCare?! At Bayshore you can schedule your work around your life! • ICU/CCU • EMERG • Med/Surg Enjoy working with a dynamic team of professionals who believe that exceptional care delivery and employee satisfaction is our number one priority! If you cannot attend please call or fax your resume to: www.bayshore.ca Durham Branch Old Kingston Road, Ajax 905-426-7575 Fax: 426-7447 Toronto Branch 481 University Ave., Toronto 416-927-7850 Fax: 416-927-9511 ACTIVATION ASSISTANT Required for a 104 bed Accredited Long Term Care Facility. A community College diploma or University degree in Activation, Recreation or Gerontology required. Experience working in a long term care setting preferred. Assists in the planning, organization and implementation of meaningful programs, Assists with the main- tenance of appropriate department records in- cluding assessments, evaluations of planned programs and documentation. Computer skills an asset. Ability to establish and maintain effec- tive relationships with residents, families, vol- unteers and staff of other departments. We thank all applicants for their interest however, only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. Details to be forwarded by Friday, April 27th, 2001 to: ThorntonView 186 Thornton Road South, Oshawa, ON L1J 5Y2 FAX: 905-576-0078 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental A New Calling for Ontario Nurses With the advent of advanced telephone-based information technology, Clinidata is creating new career opportunities for Registered Nurses. If you are a member of the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) with a recognized nursing diploma and at least 3 years of clinical or community nursing experience, we need you now to answer calls for telephone triage, information and referral services in the Toronto area. Consider a career in telehealth nursing: Clinidata is the largest provider of telehealth services in Canada. We are a private company managed and operated by professional nurses, now operating the new telehealth call centre serving the 416 and 905 area codes. Clinidata is committed to enhancing the delivery of traditional nursing services to the public with advanced communications and internationally recognized clinical reference guidelines. Our Toronto telehealth centre provides 6 million people with immediate access to the one-on-one professional assistance they need, anytime they need it, for: • Symptom advice • Health information • Resource and care referral Clinidata offers a supportive and empowering work environment with significant opportunities to advance in a new, dynamic career path. Full-time and part-time RN positions are available now providing: • $28 basic hourly rate plus shift differential and education premiums • competitive benefits, including liability insurance, generous paid leave • paid professional development and ongoing education • highly accessible Etobicoke location (just off 427) This call is for you! … for a first-hand look at Canada’s newest telehealth centre. Meet our managers, talk to our nurses, even bring your resumé to arrange an on-the-spot personal interview: Clinidata Open House Saturday, April 28 & Sunday, April 29 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm 10 Four Seasons Place, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario M9B 6H7 No obligation – just come to learn! Come to our Open House Ready to apply right now? Send your resumé and CNO registration number to: Bev Rezebergs Fax: (416) 622-2605 Email: jobs@clinidata.com Clinidata is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Visit our website at www.clinidata.com telehealth 4.7 Acres of Paradise Custom built 4 + 2 bdrm. home 5 min. north of Oshawa. (Close to 407). Magnificent views from every room: ravines, trees, nature. A rare find at $449,000. Call 905-449-5539 100 Houses For Sale 100 Houses For Sale 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 4 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent close to G.M, school and amenities $1000/month plus utilities first/last required. for more information 905- 725-5128. Available May 12. AN UNBEATABLE DEAL!From $500. down, own your own home starting at $69,900 carries for less than rent. OAC. 24 hrs free record- ed message 905-728-1069 ext 277. Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate. Aurelia Rasanu. BEST DEAL IN WHITBY, 1500 sq.ft., quiet court, hardwood floors, garage, deck, shed, large lot, A/C, appliances, $1250, available June 1st. 905-668- 2375 BOWMANVILLE -3 bedroom large newly-renovated, main- floor of house. 2-car garage, appliances, laundry, no smoking. May 1st. $950 +utilities. References +credit check neces- sary. After 7pm 905-721–8620 BROOKLIN VILLAGE,pretty street, 2 appliances, shed, large yard, 2-storey 2 Bedroom older home. Ideal 2 adults. Non-smok- ing/pets/references. First/last. $750+utilities. Available July 1st. 905-655–3961 LARGE CIVIC SEMI 3-bedrooms, dining room, deck, country kitchen, 1 &1/2 bath. Fenced. Very clean. $995+ utilities. First/last. No pets. Available June 1, 723-7324. LIVERPOOL/FINCH area, 2- storey home, 4-bedrooms, base- ment semi-finished, appliances, jacuzzi, garage, C/A, C/Vac, many other features, no pets, no smok- ing. July 1. $1450+ utilities. (905)831–6136 PICKERING - near GO, open-con- cept beauty, 3 bedrooms, upper- level backsplit, detached bunga- low, hardwood, parking, 5 appli- ances, a/c, non- smoking/pets/references/first/la st. $1200+utilities. Available Immediately. 905-837-8237 lv. message. PICKERING South Liverpool rd. Three bedroom townhouse, $1150 plus gas and hydro. First and last available immediately. (905) 839–9446 SOUTH AJAX 3 bdrm. backsplit, close to lake, shopping, school, church & hospital. 2 dining rooms, 2 sheds, car port, fin- ished basement, 5 appliances, fenced yard, $1,300 plus utilities. First/last & references. No pets. Avail. June 1st. Call Jim(905)683–1300. TOWNHOUSE, Courtice, 5 appli- ances, 3-bedrooms, 3-baths, garage, close to public & sepa- rate school. Avail. May 1st. $1250+ utilities, first/last req'd. 905-404-9132. WHITBY-House for rent, 2-bed- rooms plus 1. Livingroom, din- ingroom, kitchen, 2-bathrooms, large yard. Close to all amenities. $950/month+utilities, avail. May 1st. Call after 5pm 905- 723–0881. Townhouses For Rent190 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, attached garage, 4 appliances, gas heating, furnished base- ment-access patio, access to parkland, shared pool/play- ground, $950+utilities. East Oshawa. Available July 1st. 905- 721-8096. 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, North end Oshawa, close to all amenities, starting at $l,050 plus hydro (905) 571-0435. AJAX - Brand new townhouse. Underground garage. 3 bed- rooms, 2 1/2 baths. Available May 1st from $1500/mo. Call 905-686-0681. LUXURY NEW TOWN home in Whitby, 2 master bedrooms, & 3 bathrooms, finished base-ment with gas fireplace, 6 new appli- ances, air, no pets, refer-ences and credit check, $l,500 per mo. Phone (905) 430–0404 Housing Wanted191 RENT OR RENT to own. Wanted large, clean detatched, five or four bedroom home in the Pickering area. To provide care to children with special needs. Excellent references. Please call (905) 831-7058. Rooms For Rent & Wanted192 AJAX, FURNISHED, well kept building, suitable for employed or retired person. $350/month phone 905-426–3642 after 6pm OSHAWA - Furnished room in central location, male or female welcome. $360 month inclusive, available immediately. No pets. Phone (905)579–0804. Shared Accommodation194 LOOKING to share brand new 3bdrm townhouse in Courtice Full use of house all inclusive, including and laundry cable. No smoking $490/month, first/ last. 905-438-3738 TWO BEDROOMS with shared bathroom and basement with private bathroom. All included with cleaning service. Non- smoker. Available may 1st. $450-$650. Pickering, Liver- pool & Finch. (905) 831-7778 SOUTH AJAX - one room, share house, bus stop, park- ing. Suitable for working male. No smoking. $400/ month. (905)428–1205 WHITBY -2 working females seeking roommate (preferably same) to share 3 bedroom bungalow. Fully furnished, nice bright +clean. Full use of house. $400/month inclusive. 416-828-8195 Vacation Properties200 $6,900; $1000 DOWN; $100 monthly, fully serviced wood- ed trailer lot near Cobourg. Sand beach. Hydro/water/ sewers, rolling hills, next to county forest, great swim- ming/fishing. Call 416-431- 1555 A QUIET FAMILY camping and cottage resort on Rice Lake, docking, heated pool, seasonal RV site available. (905)342–2078. FENELON FALLS,Sturgeon Lake, private lakefront 3-bed- room modern cottage, all con- veniences, cable. No pets. $600/weekly. Call (905)623– 7637 COTTAGE FOR SALE - LAKE SIMCOE, Sunsets, sandy beach, 3bdrm, basement, well, winterized, waterfront, large lot. 1 1/2 hrs for GTA $199,900 Lois Sinclair Pru- dential Select. 1-877-735– 7783. www.loissinclair.com THREE BEDROOM lakefront cottage, Paudash Lake, full kitchen and bath, walkout deck, barbecue, satellite tv/ vcr. Available weeks/wee- kends in May, June, August, September. $700 - $900 per week. (905) 706-4292, (613) 339–1334 Rentals Outside Canada205 ATTENTION SNOWBIRDS:A perfect family vacation home in Clearwater Florida. 3 bed- room townhouse, pool, jacuz- zi, tennis court, pond, BBQ, private yard, close to beach and golfing. Available now. For info. & photos (905) 579- 3788. CLEARWATER FLORIDA, 2-3- bedrooms furnished manu- factured homes. Heated pool, hot tub near beaches & major attractions. Children welcome. Photos. $275/week (less than motel) Call (905)683–5503 Campers, Trailers,Sites215 1973 CORSAIR TRAILER - 22ft, newly decorated, 3pc bathroom, stove, fridge, mi- crowave, air-shed, large 8x18' screened deck, sleeps 4. Lo- cated at Cedardale Family Park, Brighton. $3,500 (905)723-1391. 1984 BONAIR BA1300 complete- ly self-contained, sleeps 4, c/w toilet, 3-way fridge, forced-air furnace, stove, stereo/tape play- er, 12V TV, carefree awning, and new tires. Asking $4,200 OBO. 905-668-4939 Snowmobiles233 1994 ARCTIC CAT 580 ZR, new clutch, H/T warmers, 144 studs, Fox shocks. Great condition. Fast. $3000 obo. or trade for vehicle of equal value. 905-623- 9316 or 705-328-0402 Pools & Supplies234 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL. 20 ft. Kayak Pools with decks and fence, limited quantity. $4995. installed, 25 year warranty. Larger 24 ft. pool $500 more. Call(416)798- 7509, 1-800-668-7564. Hobbies & Crafts237 CRAFTERS WANTED at "The Gift & Craft Showplace" located in the Courtice Flea Market, 4 km. east of Oshawa (approx. 6000 people attending each weekend). Let us show & sell your crafts directly to the public. You do not have to be there. Rent starts at $24/month. Call 905-436-1024. Articles For Sale310 LEATHER JACKETS, up to 1/ 2 price, leather purses from $9.99, luggage from $29.99, leather wallets from $9.99. Entire Stock Clearance Sale! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall Oshawa. 905-728–9830 or (416)439-1177 Scarborough CARPETS - lots of carpet, 100% nylon, new stain re-lease carpets on hand, I will carpet 3 rooms, $349. Price includes carpet, pre- mium pad, expert installation, fast delivery, free estimates (30 yards). Norman 686-2314. ATTENTION:THIS IS A PUBLIC NOTICE - Year End Liquidation Sale. All JVC home theatre sys- tems 2 channel stereo 5.1 sur- round system must go from only $100. per unit in packages. Single unit $150; Receiver must include sufficient speakers. Super digifine high end JVC tuners, amplifiers, CD players, cassette decks, turntables, signal processors, VCRs, DVD players, televisions. 90 day layaway. Oshawa Stereo 579–0893 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES AT HANK'S APPLIANCES. Dryers $149/up. Washers $175/up, apt- size washers/dryers. Fridges $99/up. Stoves, apt.-size/ 30", reg/self-cleaning, gas $149/up. Large selection gas dryers. Amana refrigerator, bottom freezer, must see. Side-by-sides, special, only $349. Dehumidifiers $99. Built- in/portable dish-washers. Too much to list. Parts, sales, ser- vice, barbecue parts. 426 Simcoe St. S. (905)728-4043. HU-CARDS UNLOOPING, Programming, DTV Systems, H- Card bootloaders, programming, and full emulation available. We buy BS H-cards. Call (905)427–1416. ALL LEATHER SOFAS.Black, brand new, asking $2600 for both. Please call 905-404-9775 ANTIQUE PEDESTAL sink, dainty size with brass faucets. (905)721–1703 (snp) APPLIANCES:refrigerator 2- door frost free, deluxe stove, matching heavy duty washer/ dryer $675/all-will separate. Also Kenmore washer used 2 years $250 +Dryer. Also Fridge, stove, washer dryer, dishwasher 8months old, reasonable. 905- 767-6598. MOVING MUST SELL! APT PIANO w/bench $1,500; 2 micr- owaves $100 & $70; clothing rack $60; fireplace tools $50; Bike/ski rack $15; 8 ruffled chair pads $5each. (905)430–0973 BC RICH electric guitar with case, Rock style, $300. Call Taylor 905-438-8552. BEDROOM SET, 8pce cherry- wood. Bed, chest, tri-dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000, Sacrifice $3500. 416-748-3993 BUTCHER EQUIPMENT - Hen- kovac Model 2000 Vaccuum Packer, Hydraulic Stuffer, Holly- matic GMG 150 mixer/grinder, Berkel bacon slicer, prices nego- tiable; PIANO - Newcombe, upright, beautiful, Ornate, excel- lent condition, asking $1,500; BAR FRIDGE- Danby, almost new $125. Call (705)277-2528. CALIFORNIA SHUTTERS - 34 SETS of bifolding louvered pine window shutters, 21"x43" each. (905)721–1703 (snp) CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $339. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: car- pet, premium pad and installa- tion. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted Call Sam 905-686- 1772. CARPETS! CARPETS!CARPETS! 3 ROOMS COMPLETELY CAR- PETED $299. (30 yrds.) NO HID- DEN COSTS!!! Commercial car- pet at $4.95 yd. Berber carpet at $7.50 yd. 40 oz. Saxony carpet at $11.50 yd. Free shop at home services. Guaranteed best prices. SAILLIAN CARPETS, 905-373- 2260. CARPET, VINYL & LAMINATE SALE-Carpet three rooms, com- pletely installed w/premium pad, 30sq.yds, from $339. Free/fast service. Guaranteed installation, residential/commercial. Finan- cing available. Customer satis- faction guaranteed. For free esti- mate Call Mike 905-431-4040 CHIP TRUCK just built, never used and misc. farm tools and equipment. Tractor plow, discs, harrow, etc. B/O. Call evenings 905-655-4602. COLONIAL STYLE chester- field, 2 chairs, 2 ottomans, hunter green, corded velvet, excellent condition $1800 o.b.o. Call (905)686–0736 af- ter 6pm. COME SEE- Ontario's best se- lection of quality rebuilt major appliances, ALL ONTARIO APPLIANCE CLINIC LTD., 111 Dundas St. W., (w. of Brock) Whitby. (905)668–9444. PENTIUM 166 COMPUTER 32 Mb ram, 2 Gb HDD, 56k mo- dem, CD ROM, 3-1/2 floppy, colour monitor, kbd/spkrs/ mouse, $350. Can deliver/set- up. Brand new 27" RCA stereo TV, $350. Craftsman weed- wacker +leafblower, new $100/each. 905-439-4789 COMPUTER SPECIALS,17" Dell monitor $149, 15" $99, Ink jet printers from $49 W/Sys- tem, Dell Pentium laptop $499, complete Pentium inter- net starter system $299. Low- est prices on P3 & P4 sys- tems. 16 years experience. We love doing upgrades and difficult repairs. (905)655– 3661. CUSTOM CRAFT SOFA cam- eo rose pattern, large pillows, $1000. Older washer & dryer. $300/both. Leave message 905-720-3237. DINING ROOM SUITE - Solid oak contemporary styling. (905)427-7404 DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- rywood. 92" double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con- struction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5000. (416)746-0995. DININGROOM SUITE,9 pc. Strathroy, walnut, seats 10, hutch has indirect lighting, was 10K now 5K or best offer. Like new. (416) 282–5950 DININGROOM SUITE, bev- elled glass table w/hutch, 6 chairs wood/leather seats. Immaculate. Asking $1,350. Sectional sofa w/queen size pull-out bed & leg rests $800. Excellent shape. (905)509– 1447. DIRECT TV EMULATION sys- tems, the only way to protect your H card. Don't speculate - emulate! We also sell com- plete systems, H or HU. Call Mack 905-837-2292 HU CARDS UNLOOPED $130. New programming put on $75. Complete direct TV systems $399. All channels open (in- stallation available Durham) Call (905)259-0320. DIRECT TV, Boot strap $110. H & HU programming avail- able. Complete systems available. Call (905)767-8571, Whitby. DSS SYSTEMS - SPECIALS on HU test cards and pro- gramming. Boot loaders. Emulators. Dish Network programmers. Dish Network and DTV Systems available. HU loaders avail. Website caribdss.com email: car- ibdss@yahoo.com or Call (905)426-9578. ECHO GAS HEDGE TRIM- MER, only used for 1 hour $600. Call 905-431-0117. ELECTRONICS Clearance: 27" TV, stand, choice of DVD/VCR. $11.25/wk. 1-800-267-466 www.crazy.catsdirect.com ESTATE SALE - include mah. 8pc. dining suite (1920's), mah. hutch/cabinet, chairs (1800's), clock, Royal Doul- ton/Dresden figurines, crystal, liv/den furniture, Wurlitzer or- gan w/synthesizer. 416-720- 6370. HARDWOOD FLOORING FOR BETTER HEALTH. Unfinished from $1.99/sq.ft.; prefinished from $2.99/sq.ft. Also, refin- ishing old floors & sanding needs. Showroom: Kendal- wood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby 905-433-9218 OSHAWA HARDWOOD FLOORS LTD. LOOKING FOR Entrepreneurs wanting to leave the rat race forever. Free time and big money! Call Bruce at 905- 683-1410 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, APRIL 22, 2001-PAGE 25 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental RETIRED PERSON to operate Lottery Ticket Outlet in Pickering. No cash investment required. Call or fax resume to Mr. Stone: Tel: 416-480-7746 Fax: 416-480-7574 160 Business Opportunities 160 Business Opportunities RENT-WORRY FREE 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apts. Refurbished & New Appliances. All Util. included. In-house Supt. & Maint. On site Security. Rental Office:Mon - Fri. 12 noon - 8pm Sat & Sun 1pm- 5pm 905-579-1626 VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 185 Houses For Rent 310 Articles for Sale MOVING SALE - HOUSE- HOLD CONTENTS6pc bleached wood office set $888; 6pc classique bedroom set $2,100; plus much more. Call to view (905)666–7758 MOVING SALE,livingroom set, diningroom set, wall unit, sofa & single chair, coffee table, 2 TVs, In great condi- tion, best offer. Call (905)686– 4767 after 4pm. MOVING SALE-Like new: French Provincial living room set, dining room set, bedroom set, 2 sofas, coffee & end ta- bles, fridge, stove, ceramic tiles, much more! (905)723– 0495 to view MOVING SALE - must sell 9pc walnut d/r set 1950's $1200, computer/reception desk $100, dinette, 4chairs, swivel/whisk casters, table $150 All items O.B.O (905)- 263-2925 NAVY DOUBLE Peg Prego Stroller, mint condition, asking $350. (905)427–2272 OAK STORAGE TABLE, brand new, still in box $50. Call 905- 431-0117 ONE MAKITA plate tamper. Call anytime. (905)723–2868. PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs, & pre-pur- chase consultation on all makes & models of acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale, start- ing at $695. March Break Special on now. Check out the web at www.barbhall.com or call Barb at 905-427-7631. Visa, MC, Amex. PIANOS/CLOCKS.Spring Sale on for the month of April - on all Roland digital pianos and Samick acoustic pianos and all Howard Miller clocks.. Large selection of used pia- nos (Yamaha, Kawai etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433-1491. www. TelepPiano.com WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS PS1 - $35., PS2 from $75. All work guaranteed. Install while you wait. Also avail. one PS2 mod-ed with 10 games $650. Beatrice/Wilson area (905) 721-2365 RENT TO OWN new and re- conditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Pad- dy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SATELLITE and security sys- tem specials from $99. 16 years experience. We design and install systems to meet your needs. (905)655–3661 SKLAR-PEPPLER COUCH and chair set $300, beige couch $50, and antique table and 2 end table sets $75. Call 905- 426-5641. SOLID OAK 8 PCE. bedroom suite, An art shop original!! 4 post cannonball bed, includes queen size mattress/comfort- er, $3,900 or best offer. Tele- phone (905) 697-3688. OAK/PINE FURNITURE...Our Mission Furniture is on the floor...Come and see the Style that has turned the Furniture World upside down..We are also now carrying a full line of HANDCRAFTED MENNONITE FURNITURE in addition to our own lines...Traditional Wood- working is the leading manu- facturer of SOLID WOOD FURNITURE in the Durham Region...Bring your ideas/ plans and let us turn them into reality..Drop in and see our State of the Art Woodworking facility and let us show you how fine furniture is made..Remember..."There is no Substitute for Quali- ty"...Traditional Woodwork- ing...115 North Port Road (South off Reach Road), Port Perry...905-985-8774....www. traditionalwoodworking.on.ca SHEDMAN - Quality wooden sheds 8' X 8' barn kit, only $299. plus tax. Many other sizes and styles available. Also garages. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 1, Pickering. For more info. call 905-619-2093. DIGITAL SATELLITE SYSTEMS $450 all channels open. HU card programming $60 pri- vately coded. 2 month war- ranty. Boot loaders to make your H card work again $120. 7 days per week, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. (905) 655-7730 Brooklin. Toronto (416) 737- 9900. House calls for seniors available. $20. extra. TRADITIONAL DARK oak 9 pc. dining set, excellent con- dition $2000. Large 5pc. poster bedroom set $1200. (905)721–1762 WINDOWS - 2 sets, fit open- ing approx. 146" x 64". 1 year old. each set consisits of 2 fixed 43"x64" and 2 swingouts 30"x64". $500 each set. Call (905)342–3067 SCRATCH AND DENT - Variety of new appliances, 5 cu. ft freezers, $199. Full manufacturers war- ranty. Reconditioned fridges $195 / up, reconditioned ranges $125/ up, reconditioned dryers $125 / up, reconditioned wash- ers $199 / up, new and recondi- tioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New brand name fridges $480 and up, new 30" ranges with clock and window $430. Reconditioned 24" ranges and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576–7448. Articles Wanted315 ANTIQUES?Absolutely!Advice- always valuable, usually free! Purchasing outright, estates w/some antique contents, (no limit to value considered), collec- tions of any sort, quantities or single antique items. Special interest in Moorcroft pottery. I'll try to respond to all queries. Robert Bowen Antiques- Brooklin, Ontario. (905)655- 8049 or (905)242-0890. WANTED CAMERAS:old metal body (Canon, Zeiss, Voigtlander, Leica, Leitz, Nikon) Most range finders & wooden cameras. Microscopes, telescopes, binoc- ulars. Also looking for a "Punkin Head" Teddy Bear. Call (905)432–1678 WILL BUY and pickup most unwanted items. Will also do dump runs. Telephone (905) 668–6695 Appliances353 APT.size washer and dryer for sale $200. Call 905-433-1649. Computer and Video355 P.C. TEK COMPUTERS-We have better prices on home computer systems, laptops and on-the-site services & repairs. We do repair monitors & printers. We do trade-ins. Please Call (905)837- 1330 Pet, Supplies Boarding370 2 YR. OLD Percheron/Quarter gelding, quiet but very showy. Had minor groundwork done $1500; Lovely Bay Yearling Quarter horse $1000; 17 yr. old Quarter horse mare, 14.3, rides English or Western, trailers well. $1500; Call Sav/ Penny 905-983-6324. 3 PIT BULL male puppies, 2 black 1 white. 12 weeks old free to good home. Very gen- tle, good with children, house broken, very healthy been de- wormed, mother on site. Call 905-721-9689 AMERICAN ESKIMO (UKC Registered) excellent with children, good little guard dogs. $375 females $350 males. Call Casey (905)743-0995 Oshawa (or leave mes-sage) CHOCOLATE LABS,9 weeks old, pure bred, all papers & shots. Won't last! Call (905)579–0031 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS Only 3 remaining, health guarantee. $375. Call 705-878–0234 GOLDEN RETRIEVERS,pure- bred. Born March 5th. 6 males, 2 females. Vet checked, 1st shots, de- wormed. $400. 905-721-0712 JACK RUSSELL puppies for sale, 1 female, 1 male, first shots, dewormed. Call (905)723–0082. Cars For Sale400 1983 CUTLASS SUPREME - white, 2 dr., V6, p.w., p.b., sunroof, $1500 obo. Call (905)436-8829. 1986 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY Wagon, 6 cylinder, automatic, loaded, excellent condition, runs great, very reliable, complete new brakes and brakelines, new tires, new exhaust. Certified/emi- ssions. $1975. 905-922-3165. 1988 GMC PU 4 X 4 loaded, 221,000 km $6,995., 1988 Chev p.u. 4 x 4 , 245,000 km $5,500., 1987 Chev Conversion van , 228,000 kil., $6,495. 1989 Pontiac Bonneville, 202,000 km. $3,995. 1994 Pontiac Sunbird 145,000 kil., $4,495, 1994 Saturn SLI, 184,000 kil., $4,395., 1993 Saturn SL2., 188,000 kil., $4,795, 1995 Neon 165,000 kil., $6,495. All cars certified and e- tested. Dealer Call Doug Days (905) 985-0074 Eve. (705) 277- 3250. 1989 FORD MUSTANG LX - 4 cyl, auto 195k, $850 o.b.o. (905)432–7079. 1989 HONDA CRX,blue, 256,000kms, very clean, well maintained, all service records available $2500 o.b.o. (905)619–3579. 1990 CORSICA LTZ, 3.1, V6, blue ext, grey interior. Excel- lent car! Lady driven. $2500 as is. 905-985-2034. 1990 CHEV BERETTA GT 6- cyl, auto, sunroof, rear spoil- er, factory mags, P.W., P.D.L., Cruise, Tilt wheel, 180,000 kms. Certified and e-tested. Asking $3495. 905-571-5138 1992 BONNEVILLE SSEI, white with leather interior, tinted windows, sunroof, all the "bells & whistles" $8500. Call Taylor 905-438-8552 1992 JETTA, 4 door, green, a/c, cruise, new paint, 222,000kms, e-test, certified, mint condition. $4900 o.b.o. Call (905)683–2137. 1992 LINCOLN CONTINEN- TAL.Loaded. Moon roof, no rust. Top condition, main- tenance records. 195,000 mostly highway kms. Certified and drive clean. $7,900 o.b.o. Serious inquiries only. (905)686–8569 1994 ARCTIC CAT 580 ZR, new clutch, H/T warmers, 144 studs, Fox shocks. Great con- dition. Fast. $3000 obo. or trade for vehicle of equal val- ue. 905-623-9316 or 705-328- 0402 1995 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, Cartier, fully loaded, certified and emission tested, leather interior, 146K, asking $16,500 obo. 905-434-0392. 86 HONDA PRELUDE 230k 5-speed, sunroof $2500. 905- 430-4955 snp 1998 GRAND AM SE, 78,000km. Loaded keyless entry, teal green, non-smoker, lady dri- ven, excellent condition, $12,900 o.b.o. certified (905)436–6039. BLOOR/WILSON:apartment in 6-plex, 1 car parking, $780/mo incl, available immediately. Call 905-576-3496 2000 HONDA CIVIC DX 1 owner, auto, p.s., brakes, tilt, 3 dr., black. Fabulous opportunity. Must qualify to assume balance of Honda lease. $269/month plus taxes. Call (416)722-4611 or (905)633-7409. 2000 PONTIAC SUN FIRE,p.s. p.b., air, keyless entry, cd and cassette, take over lease at $285 per month, Call Gabe at (905) 433-1590 snc BEST CAR DEAL in the region! Mercury Topaz, V6 Engine, power, windows, doors, mirrors, a/c, AM-FM/Cassette radio, only 180K, clean, certified and emis- sion tested. Must see. Best offer over $2995. 905-259-7243 FIND YOUR NEXT used vehicle at: durhamwheels.com Cars Wanted405 CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MUR- AD AUTO SALES. WANTED - Dead of Alive . Cars, Trucks, Machinery.. Call 655-4609 (SNP) WANTED - GM '98-'99 Montana or Ventura Van. Low kms, will consider take over lease or buy out. Wheelchair equipped would be an asset. Call 905-434-0392 WANTED - inexpensive cars or trucks. Running or not, but not too rusty. Free removal. Call 905-434-0392 (snp) Trucks For Sale410 1991 RODEO, 4 wheel drive, 198,000 km, black, aluminum rims, auto trans, very clean, ask- ing $4500 obo. certified and emission tested, Call 905- 434–0392 (snp) 1998 FORD F-150 XL pickup truck, automatic/OD, air, am/fm cassette, white. Excellent condi- tion asking $16,000. Call (905)683–6270. 1998 GMC SIERRA 1/2ton, 118,000 km, with 27,000 left on extended warranty. 4.3L auto, am/fm cass, air, $15,000 certi- fied. Call 905-706–1260 1989 FORD E150 Cargo van, 187,000kms. asking $2,200 as is. Also 1987 Prelude. Call 905-434-7330.snp. 1992 4X4 BLAZER LT,leather, CD player, fully loaded, 142,000 km. Certified & emis- sion tested. $8995. Call Chris 905-261-7527 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE - 1988 GMC Safari Van, V6, tilt steering, cruise, electric windows, raised roof, rear Joyride wheel chair lift, 98,000 km. Asking $5500.. 905-404-8908 after 5 or lv. message. Auto Parts & Repairs440 WEIAND ALUMINUM INTAKE - & Edelbrock Carb for Chevy 350. Also, brand new Jeep YJ 3" body lift, $100. Dana 300 transfer case $250. Call 905- 922-8931 Heavy Duty Equipment470 BALSAM LAKE / FENELON FALLS 1, 2, 3 Bedroom housekeeping cottages in July & August, quiet family resort, sandy beach, boat rentals, fishing, 1-877-887-2550 Car Pools Transportation263 LOOKING FOR TRUCK going to VANCOUVER to take Queen size bed. Sentimental value. Call 905-623-9107 Lost and Found265 FOUND - approximately 1 year old male part golden lab, gold color, approx. 55 - 60 lbs., very friendly, Taunton Brock area. (905) 683-2243. FOUND- SILKY TERRIER, April 18th, on Clements Rd., behind Ajax community cen- tre. Golden tan/silvery grey, older dog. (905)428–1080 or (416)297-9063. (cnp) Personals268 DURHAM SINGLES:Join the regions fastest growing sin- gles organization, Personal Growth Seminars, Dinner Theatres, Wine Tasting. Quali- ty people first rate at- mosphere. 905-438-1720 www.durhamsingles.com DURHAM'S OWN DATING SERVICE!905-683-1110. Create a private mailbox ad or browse other ads free. Meet a new Friend or Love for life. www.asylumcafe.com HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An- swers. Find the oracle within. $2.99/min. *18+*24 hrs. 1- 900-451-3783. LOSE OR GAIN WEIGHT with Natural Herbal Products. 30 day money back guarantee. 1-888-989-2183. SISTERS LOOKING for Brother born in North Bay around 1940. Father's last name Whalley. If you have any in- formation, reply to: File#678, c/o-Oshawa This Week, PO Box#481, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa L1H 7L1 Daycare Available273 AFFORDABLE LOVING DAY- CARE non-smoking, reliable/ experienced, mother of 2. Steps to Glengrove P.S. on St. Anthony Daniels bus/route. Large fenced backyard. Play- room/crafts/outings. Snacks/ lunch. Glenanna/Hwy. 2. Ref- erences. Call Debbie (905) 839–7237 CHURCH/HWY #2 - Caring Home Daycare. 2-6 yrs. Close to schools & parks. Fenced yard, daily activities, hot meals & snacks. First Aid/ CPR, non-smoker, (905)619– 2999. DAYCARE IN MY HOME,Hwy #2 & Whites Rd. E.C.E. mother of one would like to care for your children 3-6 yrs of age. Hot meals, fun activities. Fenced yard. Irene 905-837- 1878 PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Loving daycare; 18 months to 12 years. Daily outings (fenced backyard and park). Crafts, story time, music, nu- tritious meals & snacks. First Aid, C.P.R. certified. Non- smoking, receipts. 905-428- 1244. QUALITY CHILDCARE Avail- able, private home. ECE and assistant. CPR/First Aid. Nu- tritious meals, all ages wel- come. Smoke free, pet free, reasonable rates. Register now. Barbara, Pickering 905- 831–9302 ROSEBANK & SHEPPARD Daycare available in my home. Large fully fenced yard, nutritious meals provided, ex- perienced, references avail- able, close to many schools. Tracy 905-839-6009 Daycare Wanted274 DAYCARE needed pickering, Vaughn Willard School area (Dixie/Glenanna) hours 7:30 am-5:45 pm. To/From mor- ning JK program requires smoke free, safe, loving envi- ronment. Please call. 905- 420-1010. DO YOU LOVE KIDS?Reliable care giver needed, our home, start May. Part time, full time, energetic toddler and infant. permanent weekdays, non smoking Pickering Village (905) 427-4074. NANNY / HOUSEKEEPER needed for 3 school-aged children. Live-out, Pickering. Full-time, car required. Call 905-839–8188 after 7pm NIGHT NANNY WANTED. Port Union/Lawrence, must have experience with infants and references. 416-724-0012 Health & Homecare285 LOSE WEIGHT NOW!Ask me how! Shop online or email us www.herbalmenow.com A & A AUTO Cars, trucks, boats. We pay up to $10,000. Cash on the spot. Any condition, any year. Call us anytime, 24 hours, 7 days, 30 min. service. 905-686-0605 or 905-706-3880 ↔↔↔↔↔↔↔↔ NEED A CAR? ↔↔↔↔↔↔↔↔ *Previous Bad Credit *Discharged Bankruptcy *New in Country WE CAN HELP - FAST APPROVALS ↔↔↔↔↔↔↔↔ Ask for Mike Williams • 905-839-6666 Pickering • 905-427-2828 Oshawa • 416-289-3673 Toronto • 905-839-6008 Fax 1-800-BUY-FORD ↔↔↔↔↔↔↔↔ Need a Car? And Your Credit Repaired? No Credit, Bad Credit or even Bankrupt Phone Mel today @ BROCK AUTO (905) 619-8763 Down Payment or Trade May Be Required Lease a New Vehicle at 8-1/2% Regardless of credit history You work, you drive (905) 404-1012 (905) 426-0252 (No turndowns!) WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 NEED A CAR? $499 Down Only 9.9% Problem Credit Okay! 905-426-9571 Nelson Financial Group Ltd. WANTED Leaf Tickets Will pay up to face value. Call Bruce 905-579-4400 Ext. 2207 We pay up to $8 per disc! Get CASH for CDs… Bayly, w. of Harwood (905) 427-7613 PAGE 26-THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, APRIL 22, 2001 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net SPECIAL SALE Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser or flyers call Circulation at 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 WAL-MART, Ajax/Pick. 135 Kingston Rd., Ajax 222 Bayly St. W., Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Advertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS * Delivered to selected households only Sunday, April 22, 2001 *Columbia House Ajax/Pick *Dr. Green Ajax *Fairport Guardian Drugs Pick *F.M. Windows Ajax *Forever Young Ajax/Pick *Glenanna Guardian Pick *Hope Community Pick *Little Caesars Ajax *Mincom-Lois Thompson & Wayne Harris Ajax *Pharma Plus Ajax/Pick *Sears Ajax/Pick *The Bay Pick Michael Sunday’s carrier of the week is Michael. Michael enjoys playing hockey & football. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Michael for being our Carrier of the Week. TRAVEL IS BOOMING! Now you can become part of the exciting and growing travel industry when you own and operate your own HOME BASED TRAVEL BUSINESS. Explore this Turn Key Business Opportunity with no inventory, no receivables, interesting tax deductions and great travel benefits! TRAVELSOURCE NETWORK, CANADA’S LEADING home based travel agency support group since 1992, will be conducting a free introductory seminar on THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, at 7:30 p.m. HOLIDAY INN OSHAWA 1101 Bloor Street East R.S.V.P. toll-free 1-877-471-8761 to register and receive a $50.00 TSN Travel Coupon. Not Multi-Level Marketing. Ontario Licence No: 2122091 236 Travel 236 Travel 236 Travel 256 Deaths 256 Deaths PRAYER TO ST. JUDE Thanks to St. Jude for favours granted. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us. St. Jude Worker of Miracles, pray for us. SAY this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days, your prayer will be answered. This has never known to fail. Publication must be made. Thank you. J. B. 268 Personals 268 Personals Children’s entertainment for any occasion. Clowns, character look-alikes, loot bags, face painting, magic, music. 905-471-5331 KIDS UNLIMITED 296 Amusement Clubs 296 Amusement Clubs CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 400 Cars For Sale 400 Cars For Sale 420 Vans/4-Wheel Drive 274 Daycare Wanted LANDSCAPE maintenance la- bourers required. Call between 9 am to 4 pm. (416) 410-8283 Adult Entertainment905 EXCLUSIVELY YOURS Discover Durham’s Most Reputable Upscale Agency Without the attitude – You Deserve It!!! Quality time is our motto. Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. daily 725-2322 Selectively Hiring 18+ A BUSTY RED HOT RED HEAD 4 U! Brook is back! (416)200–6928 H. Heinrich Landscaping Inc. Lawn Maintenance for •Estates • Condos • Commericial • Industrial Residential Landscaping, Ponds, Rock Gardens, Pruning, Interlocking Stones, Retaining Walls, Etc. Complete Snowplowing Services Authorized Unilock Contractor (905) 839-5349 It pays to shop around!!! THE DAWN OF EDEN gives a professional aura to your home. We cut & trim lawns at easily affordable rates. 725-9184 Free Estimates - Fully Insured SARGEANT CEDAR CEDARS FOR HEDGING Maples, Sod Excellent Prices 1 year guaranteed (905) 924-5512 Formerly (416)825-8774 CUSTOM LAWN CUTTING best rates guaranteed work also yard work & landscaping (905)428–7049 Pickering Village & surrounding area. 735 Gardening& Landscaping 735 Gardening& Landscaping 905 Adult Entertainment Service Directory continued from page 16 TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 RALPH, Madelyn - Madelyn Ralph died on Thursday April 19th, 2001. Her husband Bar- rie, children Kate and Matt Manson, Chris, Tim and Arlene, sister Marilyn Ogg, sister in law Lesley Nevins and many others were with her as she died. Thanks to St. Joseph's Staff for their care. A Memorial Service will be held at 1 p.m. on Monday, April 23rd at St. John's Anglican Church, Whitby. In lieu of flowers, gifts may be given to the Canadian Cancer Society or the charity of your choice. Arrangements entrusted to the WARD FUNERAL HOME "Weston Chapel,"416-241- 4618 • Village Chrysler - Durham’s Largest Volume Dealer - Presents • Wise customers read the fine print: These are limited time offers which may not be combined with any other offer except Grad Rebate, “Great Opportunities” program and applied to retail deliveries for personal use only on all new in-stock 2001 vehicles. Leases/financing subject to approval by Daimler Chrysler Financial Services. Lease excludes freight, licence, registration, insurance and taxes. These are closed end leases with no buy-back requirements. Financing excludes licence, insurance,registration and tax. Offer subject to change without notice. See us for complete details and conditions. *Price excludes licence, insurance, taxes, freight and registration, and includes factory to retailer incentives. Vehicle shown is the Dodge Caravan. Winner of the AJAC is the Dodge Grand Caravan. † 0% purchase financing for a 60 month term on all 2001 Neon models. Example: $20,000/$25,000 @ 0% A.P.R. / 60 month term; monthly payment is $333.33/$416.66. Cost of borrowing is $0. Total obligation is $20,000/$25,000. This is a sample calculation only. **Dodge Caravan SE 28C + AAA + AJK + AJP + JPB. Total lease obligation; $18,797. Lease finance interest rate is 4.3%. Kilometers are limited to 81,600. Charge of 0.15/Km. for excess kilometers. **Chrysler Sebring LX 28J + ATD + WNB. Total lease obligation $19,947. Lease finance interest rate is 7.3%. Kilometers are limited to 81,600. Charge of 0.15/km for excess kilometers. ***Based on a 48 month lease for a 2001 Chrysler Neon 22D. Total lease obligation is $14,669. Lease finance interest rate is 2.8%. Whichever comes first. Some conditions apply. See usfor details. Complementary tank of fuel with every purchase or lease of a new 2000/2001 vehicle. • Daimler Chrysler March month end. Reward Yourself Event AJAC “Best New Minivan” WOW! * * †† 2001 Neon /mth mo. lease 0%† $218 OR CHOOSE $2566 DOWN! financing up to 48mos. 48 month Lease OR CHOOSE THE LIMITED EDITION NEON GTS including: Plus taxes ONLY $16 MONTH ADDITIONAL • Cast Aluminum Wheels • 4-Disc CD Radio • Rear Spoiler • GTS Badging $21,988$258 28H Package • Automatic • Air Conditioning • 2.7L V6 w/active intake • Power Stearing: Multi Stage dual Front Air Bags • Power Windows • Power Locks • AM/FM Compact Disc w/changer Controls. 22D Package includes 2.0L engine • Automatic • 4-wheel fully independent suspension • Air conditioning • AM/FM stereo cassette • Full length centre console • Tilt steering • Child seat tether anchor • Next generation dual air bags • Complimentary tank for fuel. 2001 Chrysler Sebring LX a month for 48 months. Plus $3,727 downpayment, or equivalent trade and $775 freight, $300 security deposit. Lease for or purchase for 2001 Dodge Caravan 28C • All new 3.3L V6 engine 180hp • 4-Speed automatic transmission • Multi-Stage dual front air bags, Dual sliding doors • Air conditioning • AM/FM Radio cassette • Sunscreen glass • Power windows and locks • Heated exterior mirrors • Tilt steering • Cruise control • 7 Passenger seating • Cargo net • Front & rear floor mats • Roof rack • Windshield wiper de-icer • Child seat anchor system • Complimentary tank of fuel /mth $23,488* $248** a month for 48 months. Plus $4,592 downpayment, or equivalent trade and $940 freight, $350 security deposit. Lease for or purchase for 5 YR/100,000km. Powertrain Warranty & Roadside Assistance5 YR/100,000km. Powertrain Warranty & Roadside AssistanceALL NEW ALL NEW ALL NEW ALL NEW NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001 PAGE 27 A/P 19 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) 905-683-5358 • CHRYSLER • DODGE • DODGE TRUCKS SERVICE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT We are a Five Star Dealership HWY. #401 VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER TORONTO OSHAWA HWY. #2 COSTCO HARWOODILLAGE CHRYSLER • AJAXILLAGE CHRYSLER • AJAXILLAGE CHRYSLER • AJAX or $348/0 DOWN Please supply C O ME SEE WHACOME SEE WHAT MAKES US THE PRICE & SELECTION LEADER!T MAKES US THE PRICE & SELECTION LEADER! Voted #1 Car Dealer in Scarborough “Reader’s Choice” Choice” Voted #1 Car Dealer in Scarborough “Reader’s Choice” Choice” 4695 Kingston Rd. Visit us at our website www.davidsonchrysler.com THE PRICE & SELECTION LEADER Our commitment is to Deliver the best Preowned Vehicle shopping and Ownership EXPERIENCE POSSIBLE • 3 DAY/500 KM EXCHANGE • 110 POINT INSPECTION • QUALITY RECONDITIONING • ALL VEHICLES COME WITH A LIMITED 6 MONTH POWER TRAIN WARRANTY FROM DAVIDSON CHRYSLER** 1998 Dodge Stratus Ideal family vehicle. A must drive. Finished in green, 4-door, tilt wheel, speed control, auto, air, cassette. Stock #5350A $11,988 1998 Eagle Talon ESI A hard find! A must see. Finished in red. Fully appointed. Fully equipped. Low low kms. Hurry for this one. Stk# 5394A Spoil your family in style and comfort, fully equipped including qaud captain stairs. rear air conditioning. All of Chrysler’s luxury appoint- ments. Stk# 68781A 1999 Chrysler Intrepid Fresh, new style, fully equipped, including A/C, power windows, power locks, tilt, cruise. AM/FM cassette. Hurry! Stk#5206A $15,988 $17,988 1998 Jeep Cherokee Sport The original and the best. Local lease return. Finished in red. 2 door, 5 speed transmission. A must drive. Stk# 5397A $16,888 1998 Dodge Neon EX Value priced and ready to go! Fully serviced. Lease return. 2 dr., blue, 5 speed. Stk#5329A 1993 Pontiac Grand AM GT Looking for an affordable sporty 2 door? 3.1 V6, auto, air, tilt, cruise, power win- dows, power locks, alloy wheels, white, low km’s. Hurry! Stk# 4307A $7,988 $10,888 1994 Dodge Ram 1500 Pick-up Looking for an inexpensive work truck? STOP! Finished in medium red, auto transmission, 6-cylinder, local trade, long box. Stk# 68617A$8,988 $9,988 2000 Chev Sierra Ext. Cab Diesel 4x4 Fully equipped diesel 4x4, black, top line, low km’s. SLE package, exterior cab, fully appointed, tonneau cover. Stk# 67072A $35,988 The original. Both hard top and soft top. Sport wheels, bush guard and step rails. Silver and black two tone. Only 18 km. Stk# 5384A 2000 Jeep TJ Sport $24,888 $18,888Only Hurry Only Only 2001 Chrysler Neon LE Fresh new style, a must drive. Equipped with air conditioning, 4-door, tilt wheel, dual air bags, floor mats, AM/FM/cassette stereo. Former rental. 5 to choose from.$14,988 2000 Ford Focus SE Wagon: Fresh New Style Hard-to-find SE package. Fully equipped, including air conditioning, power windows, power locks, tilt wheel, speed control, AM/FM CD player, luggage rack. Blue. Priced to compete at: Stk# 5382A $16,488 1999 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS An impressive vehicle to drive, fully equipped including V6 engine, power windows, power locks, tilt wheel, cruise control, AM/FM cassette. Silver. Excellent value! Stk#68739A $16,988 1998 Chrysler Intrepid Fresh new style, great performance with comfort, fully equipped. Finished in slate. Stock #5351A 1993 Mercury Grand Marquis LS $6,988 1998 Chrysler Cirrus LXI $15,988 Rated as one of the best used cars to buy. Spoil yourself. Leather inte- rior, power moon roof, alloy sport wheels on 28th original km’s. Stk#5196B 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan Family value package, fully equipped including power windows, power locks, tilt wheel, speed control AM/FM cass. 7 passenger, low kms’. Hurry! Stk# 5357A $17,488 2000 Chrysler Sebring Convertable It has been a long winter! Spoil yourself! Fully equipped including power windows, power locks, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cassette, alloy sport wheels, white, white top. Only Stk# 5387A $26,888 1999 Chrysler Concorde Surround Yourself in Luxury! Fully appointed including P/win- dows, P/locks, tilt cruise, AM/FM cassette, finished in wildberry. Hurry, stop looking Stk# 5339A $17,888 2000 Grand Caravan Sport SE The ultimate in luxury, 3.8L, V6, Quad captain chairs, full power equip- ment, alloy sport wheels, low kms, balance of full warranty. Stk#68759A $22,488 $26,888 Looking for affordable transportation. A must drive. Auto, local trade, finished in black, well maintained Stk#CC5 priced to compete at 1997 Honda Civic 2 dr. Hatchback CX $10,988 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan LE $14,888 Ideal inexpensive family mini van. Equipped with air conditioning. V6 engine. 7 passenger, seating family value package. Well serviced. Stk# 68620B 1996 Dodge Caravan (416) 281-2277 1-800-465-8142MORNINGSIDE AVE.M I L I T A R Y T R A I L 401 2A K I NGSTON R D . K IN G S T O N R O A D LAWRENCE AVE E. Highland Creek ELLESMERE RD. ALL VEHICLES HAVE MONTHLY PAYMENTS DISPLAYED! E-MAIL: davidsn@idirect.com *Sale prices are plus GST., PST, Admin, & all applicable taxes. **6 months/6,000 km (whichever comes first, $600 maximum per claim to a maximum of three claims) The best Dodge builds. Fully appointed. Finished in green. V8. A very well maintained trade. 3rd row seat. Green. Hurry. Stk# 5401A 1998 Dodge Durango SLT 1-800-465-8142 (416)287-7777 Priced to sell at Truly a full sized auto with luxury and class, fully appointed including V8 power, finished in gray. Stk# 2226B A/P PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, April 22, 2001