HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_09_22.,p,► r�.;i�ta :,�,rrvq epi+. �.w..14eT1^r�` p!'Mik� Y1���A'e �.rw,,.,►�.� 'k��.y P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, S$Pftmbw 22, 2000- AL L NIE A co e .- -11 1 " -I.-I I. I A-ik--' I - -, - I� ��,•� __ " - +fit<- t� . �_ rs _ _ �Y - .�e1W�7 Ito 31 .z k h . Wowii - { Pidkering Town entre '420 7W0 = 1 r . .On- �. u, v - ~-, r_ - `see & for a is S 16 -to NMmbef 42, ireewis a aedr+sjbied toeaiiry and iii; air a�; �- ��.. S"m Tfmfw for tle As r �MULFWWW SIENNA _ TUNj3;A COROLLA s_ CAMAY RAWMMNEi SOL.ARA AYALt1N _ CWCA HE Bl,i �'#F '."- �F -we *'Ala Ob=is E >i E- .� Kl Y-w'4:ww4 amm &A4 AIW4 a7m�4 . _ s.s�scsaa�-�rs�a>�.s�:�sss*sss.z�av�%�zs+sss-+s=3�.+f.r�s�:s�a'.s�.ass.sas-s---:��saai 2000 PAGE 7 AJP NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, September 22, Pickering nuclearp lant scores well in latest report card.A*AMMGWWUfRMS AIP PAGE 9 NEWS ADVEATIBEN, FLAY. ED1(IOK 2000 Seniors' safety top. Priority.. Minister visits Pickering with news on several PICKEMG — With approxi- mately 58,000 seniors being affect- ed by elder abuse across Ontario, ; improving seniors' safety is one of the top priorities of the provincial government. That's the message Helen,Johns; =y° Minister of Citizenship and Culture, responsible for Seniors and Women, - conveyed to a group -6(:160 seniors ' gathered at the Fast Shore Commu- pity Centre for the Pickering -Ajax - Uxbridge Seniors' l Monday.-` "We're working on ways to keep seniors safe in thiss-province-and we just want them to' know about (those initiatives);" the minister said in an infervew,'tioting about 10 per -rent of Ontario's seniors are subject to elder abuse. "I can't believe. how prevalent it is," Ms. Johns told the - crowd, adding the government is currently holding consultations in an attempt to.find ways to address the financial exploitation of seniois; physical and emotl<abuseaiid neglect. glide ini#iatiue . is the neve Se- niors' .Assistance- Squad, she -re- p - noting b v m his corninitted $2 tnillk440, the task Province issues force- m Help timet scam artists Helen; Johns f kt), ..Ontario minister of citizen- MPP Janet Eckeraddress -members of the se - which prey on seniors. The wee is alp :v�roikigg to ship : t•ielture taatd Ajax -Pike * g-Uxbt?idge mors' comhiiwity ging a forum =1F onda . cisme seniors' safety in re#ir d nouns at. the end of Septemi er, ` Alzheimer's Rise a receive the A lieitiYei's...bet#er;' added. ct lain response'. best possible t homes, she said. will serve as a c # Meanwhile, Pickering -Ajax- 'Seniors deserve a "safe and se- service designed 16 improve. se- "More than 100,000 Chitariuus Uxbridge MP)a Janet Ecker, who ar- curenvironxnent wherever they = mors' services ` have hr's or sic other ganized the ' event, said the . safety live;*4 Visa Johns :said, adding the "It .will .be a strong service to kind -of related Via;': sW said. ::.(oxen may become alt annual actin- goveramet t .is i>,g $1.1=mil Pits all," Ms. Johns said, ding - `"The governrrient is ; , to " ty f'or seniors in art- effb ' to ensure -loci to-suppciart an .t ntar% R ` .pule want to ensure when their help those affectexi vtri#13E ilei h they're aware of the services avail- tial" Care 16fiat#iv which will in= -- friends or faruily, Members move. possible care and- int' families and able to them, dude a 1-8100 number that seniors or into a retirement Borne that they're caregivers with the _ bei' possible . "We get a° lot, of questions" from mcniliers o€#lie a�iiiiy cavi plione going to a good facility supp+ rt.- - seniors.in the c abstifivricy office on Ms. Johns also, the Chi- "It is trtily a dating disuse th. any complaints about re- rrted different issues," Ms. Ecker sat'd. tiremelit facilities.. taQo gov nt .is B�IEi _ aiui �Ve need to work handed #0111ake `"ilii consensus was Olnethlrlg like Th�'ha line, wl h wi`il beR an-=tnilliori to ensu ' with pe fiviag with {the livntres - bfj peoplerov tins would be helpful:' -on ` ,-arp a -plan iril fiA if page partners in Rail Cycle North, re sponded to -I cerns the Region whether Kirkland Lake really is a = ' could be limited in its diversion willing host. - worts if -it. signs- a -contract.' "T#ie forces ,against this, am--'.`"The4arkland Lake project -is: growing rapidly," said Timiskam " supportive of your efforts to di- ing-Cochrane MPP David Rani vert waste.firom landfill;', he said. say, who also urged councillors tv 4 "The contract 'hilows municipali- delay their decision until after the ties" to pursue new and emergent. Nov 13 election. _ technologies'- {for waste diver= "After that election. the Town:' sionj:" of Kirkland' Lake will in ' no way=:- _ He assured t6uncil there won't be considered to be a willing host be a penalty if, Durham continues for this garbage," he said, predict-= , to increase die -amount of waste it ing- #he, current council, which= diverts from landfill through new supports ;the plan, will be voted technology., ' out;of office. :. However, the contract would- But, Kirkland Lake Councillor - _, , n't allow for shipping to another . Linda Cunningham told -council- landfill. fors -the municipality acid_its resi- BRL41 WICHOLSONIZIC'K,T4HkS6N And, Durham staff will ask dears 4"are supportive of this'inn- `I've dyne our shave,' Decision to negotiate. ghat the Region also be allowed to dative and wish to coafirrri that use current diversion strategies as we are a,wi ki�st".. gam, m air a gains �= war citing anything w� when -negotiations get under . She noted the landfill plan is ng garbage wig never arrive at a the clay belt;'` he said, , ,way with, Rail Cycle North. an apporttrmity for the wicn the mines noting die nearest :farms are 25 "oar- coutisl has endorses ilii will see the creation of ut least i30 - Iwhatew-, stops, it, it is going '' -kilometres away. staff recomtriendati ore' to negoti- jobs, to diversify its economy and to be stopped: It is not going to Ike =added, assertions the ate (a ,long terra waste soh#ion) reduce unemployment. ' ; happen," he said, adding "this i&a ., groundwater could-. becomt cont- with -Rail CycI6 North ' Pickering- -"I genuinely believe-the`_msi- highly risky enterprise... the rock - aminated '11i the area are, "snot Councillor and works committee dents ®f Kirkland Lake recognize structure in this pit is very u.nsta- `based on .any f�ital ibibrma-. chairman Rick Johnson saicL fol - the substantial benefits of this ble." tion... all of the people I have lowing the decision..-Wha€ we p"pct to our area," she said., _ f3vwtxxer, Steve U ._a hy- spolcert #c► that have reviewed the have, not done to&y is enter into _iut:e'l wlao atogia# ._ I all tills is a viable any agreement" ed vv . oo t s Ottswn - _ sasn��i'-lrws ao�=�]i%aP.a� trin.7_ :i17�ss�-�.�s'a. ' Q�-' affiYt'�K��1i#�.�u ,��'�si4itsitr�s.-.�lnia �n �•FYsiifa.' #i e noted the 20 -year irrr etwia*a.- rfse.ev3nn� . nti3� .��a+- *A `.. . rontneat _- assessment ; into` the T `Iliere- is' tea chance of gio l� . 3yst as," ►hichi - one, df five pTovai in the nevr%year REGIONAL BRIEFS :SEPT. 22, 2000 Council defers decision on leasing new space for Durham police Regional politicians won't decide urd next month whether to approve a lease for additional office space for the Durham Regional Police Service. Councillors voted Wednesday to delay a decision on the office space at 1600 Champlain Ave. in Whitby until Oct. 4 after Oshawa Councillor Nester Pidwerbecki pointed out there could be more cost-effective options available. -`The police- have not gone far enough in searching for properties that can be used in an interim peri- od" he said, suggesting the former Oshawa Tunes building would be cheaper than spending $2.5 minion to lease 21:D0 square feet in the Champlain Centre for fire years- The Times buildings some- thing we could lease for fire years for a Iot fess moniW and we could end up the property, he said. " This property should be looked at - According to regional staff, which -recommended .,council . ap- prove tt* lease, ttre police need ad- ditional office -space to alleviate over- crowding at police headquarters. The Times building is located next dva _tDheadquariers. Tate, new space will accornmo date several administratim depart- 'mens, kxix*tg human resources, workers compensation and. health and -saW among others., - . T* jgpvsed leasing arrange- ments w provide'thte Durham Re- glonal Police Service with sufficient office spa's unfit their long-term plans for facilities are in place" stat- ed a staff report. `Nl acouid save $750,000 in five years and, you'd twVn the bong at the '-' Oshawa Mayor Nancy Dna- im©nd-9W of the Tunes bullding. `1l I e Beed space for (administm- hive } but we should do it in a cost-eive way.' 1 011 Will 1Mir- toWN next month The pertnrmance of the Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) will be deba�fi 8t the Region's Oct. 4 council meeting. Ehed in 1999 to` r'rate 'seivideb in the Greater Toronto Area, the GTSB is currently seeking feedback on its performance to date, under a review mandated by the Provincels GTSB Act.._ According. to a staff report, which'vm pulled from Wednesday's council agenda due to ,time con- str* ,= bounc+Aors should confirm their pmvious position and inform the board ff rat the Region does not sup- port its Mince. _ The report ,on Durham's re- - to the boardalsonotes that "s>xx,dd #*- GTSB continue to exist, the orgarftation needs to its eves on securing more -from ft federal and provincial gov- emmerft and shote undertake a formal evahiatlon at the conclusion Of each fwee�+ew term. Stalf,. , also report the GTSB's ownreport on the drat � phase ofthe mands#ed-review `5s aft inadequate or e NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, September 22, 2000 PAGE 9 A/P RIGHT HERE! RIGHT HERE! •RIGHT HERE! •RIGHT HERE! • �o � Eire N EW iK ARRIVING DAILT �oA, LANCING oc Im SUPERSPECI jitz mw" dims At I j W6. FM NEYYS ADVEN113ER. fRIDAV ESepbmber # EUOU PAGE 11 MP Bank donates thousands to Durham -charities More than $22,000 helps hospital, Children's Wish Foundation and more ucc UVAL u�cuur tai as svaa�l.-i«araan ; . mg Discussion Group The group me1iiesiay, Sept. 26 at 9:30 am. at -the -St 'a Se- niors Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Mi. and Mrs; haven will ark -on their book, The Old Oak Tree, a history of a ; local tree found at the Ajax waterfront. - Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. Phone :619-0315 (Betty) for more information. _ l , : tounraraar: Bank of . Montreal em- equipment purchases," she SUNDAY ployees donated more than" said. "We have a great deal of SEpr24,-2M $22,000 to local charitable support from the Bank of 9AM TO 7PM groups Monday, money ' Montreal." The free drinks and appetizers which will help finance the Edie Dowley and Helen Fea Alun - atu�-al as a� dreams of young people, buy Esposito, Pickering volun- staff also made, sure customers experi- medical equipment and teers with the Children's ' maintain an Oshawa land- Wish Foundation of Canada, Bob Caygeon's has something mark, accepted an $8,100 cheque to Fountain of Hope, the benefit the foundation's man- ' Bank of Montreal employee date to make dreams come fund, sees workers make ei- true for young people with ther specific contributions in high risk medical conditions. which they name a recipient, John Pool, president of or general fund donations the Camp ,Samar Founda- where an allocations com- tion, accepted a $1,000 mittee chooses who will ben- . cheque on behalf of the Boy efit. Dianne Chappell, the Scouts for upgrades and Bank of Montreal's sales maintenance of the north Os- manager for Durham East, hawa site. said most of the money hand- Janet Kershaw, volunteer ed over Monday came from president of the Canadian Di - employees who either work ; abetes Association of or live in local communities. Durham Region, received a "We hope our token of $700 cheque. support will benefit your en- `The money will proba- deavours," she said at a Ian- bly be divided into revenue cheon at the Oshawa Golf and advocacy research, any - RON PIETRONIROI News Advertiser photo Club.- where it's needed:' Ms. Ker - The Ajax & Pickering shaw said. _ . Health Centre was the largest Also accepting a cheque /'��/'] ] ('� , Bank digsdeepfor tL beneficiary, receiving from the Bank of Montreal li a / i a $12,000. Shirley Freek, exec- employee fund was Daisy utive director of the hospital Wilson, a volunteer with the P Several local charities have a little bit more money to at Camp. Samar in Oshawa, $500 for the Durham East foundation, thanked the Heart and Stroke Foundation draw from thanks to Bank of Montreal qfflcials this Heart and Stroke . Foundation and $700 for the ' Bank of Montreal for its cur- of Durham East, who said rent and past help. the $500 donation will likely week. More than $22, 000 was donated : through the Durham chapter of the Canadian Diabetes Associa- The money will support be spent on research land Fountain -of Hope, the bank's employee -driven fund. tio? Here (from deft) Shirley Freek of the AjaxFirer- the Dual fund for medical health promotion. The Ajax and Pickering Health Cel warsgiven ing Hospital Foundation, Ian'Hamilton of the Bank of $14000 for medical equiprrtent, pi has ,white rhe: Montreal, Edie Bowley and Helen Esposito; both Children's Wish Fourttlataoit trf arradat vas= rd'eit' the Children's.'Wah Fcrundation,-celebrate the .mone- �. t � � ► • $8,100. Other-donairrns included $r,VW for upgrades_; tary donations. Oak trey = 1S C ` % l 'l 01Z S THE FAL]. SPECTACULAR IS BACK the topic whey Aj _ 1 teaVI = PvNr ,& B0M%0XWSPWLU ax.guet _ Paints AJAX-e=3.oeu residents Mina and Hen le Raven are -tire gait . at 4.9lours o ,body work Ste' ucc UVAL u�cuur tai as svaa�l.-i«araan ; . mg Discussion Group The group me1iiesiay, Sept. 26 at 9:30 am. at -the -St 'a Se- niors Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Mi. and Mrs; haven will ark -on their book, The Old Oak Tree, a history of a ; local tree found at the Ajax waterfront. - Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. Phone :619-0315 (Betty) for more information. _ l , : tounraraar: t EMl9 sus SUNDAY ` SEpr24,-2M T 9AM TO 7PM The free drinks and appetizers B fYfld.l Fea Alun - atu�-al as a� unk" am offer. r COME IN FOR YOUR FREE EgrD ATE TODAYI We will provide up to 4 Bars of professional body work (mdndit sapplieo)_to repair rust, dents, chips and scratches and pahiE the eompiete exterior of your car iseladt nuftT d & prepstimL: (905) 831-4144 955 Alliance Rd., Pickering Bayly just west of Brock Z*'aa°�� it wuco _ s r Cottage country has come to Night; 30t Wings on Tuesday; 112 PA* 8upeZ construction, Waterproof shoe; - Piickering. Appetizers on Wednesday; DT Retro -v resigned for The city has a new restaurant, Music Thursday;- Fish Friday; 70s Soft durability . Bob Caygeod better known as Walt's, Rock Saturday Night and Kids Eat Free and high style. O'Toole's and even Ponderosa in the Sunday. 70s. The cottage on Liverpool Road cel- For reservations or more infor- ebrated a VIP, party welcoming mation call (905) 831-9258. Pickeri4s business sector: The free drinks and appetizers were enjoyed -by everyone as were the many prize ; giveaways. The friendly staff also made, sure customers experi- enced that northern exposure attitude. Bob Caygeon's has something happening every night of the week including 2 for 1 Fajitas on Monday .— --bMin �� start spit your feet' � I.7 C�Ti i Ti NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, September 22, 2000 PAGE 18 A/P A jax giveS,-,-t,o >RS Please l Recycle AJAX — The Town is going to do "We're hopeful you'll 'renew your money raised during the campaign. 2nd Anniversary-, its part to help the Ajax Pickering commitment at "at least $2.66" "One in three of your residents. are ee .e••• age 23 United Way meet its fund-raising goal The agency's annual fund-raising touched by the vital services provided this year. campaign begins in September and by the United Way of Ajax -Pickering;,, Ajax council agreed on Monday to runs to early December. Mr. Gibbins stated. off y FM maintain its annual contribution to the This .year the campaign goal is Deputy treasurer Rob Ford said at i agency at $2.66 per household, the $1-.35 million, a 10 -per cent increase $2.66 a household, the "Town's contri- same amount as last year. over last year, Mr. Gibbins said. bution is about $60,000. United Way 2000 Campaign chair- , He noted 22 agencies and more than A 10 -per cent increase would have *0 Yaw roan Allan Gibbins told councillors, lt)0 programs are funded through meant about ,$7,000 more, he added 'It llii�u''hat�k Shop "' EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT SERVICE ANIS SUPPORT, BUT ARE YOU TRULY RECEIVING FP Grand If you have any doubts, then maybe youre +tot.. Simmons Mattress Calle Celebrates O en AREYOUTOTALLY SATTSFIW THAT YOU ARE a �,t+ ` t+ti+L�% iie GETTING THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY? Are you sure that you're not paying mon than you need to? Gallery for. the best in sofas, loveseats, located at. -900 Champlain Ave. in Or are you owe worried that you're maybe not even getting what you paid for? recliners and Vlore, Whitby _. %r more information call IS YOUR MECHANIC DOING THE BEST HE CAN FOR Simmons Mattress. Gallery is . (9+j 725211. YOU OR JUST ENOUGH TO GET BY? Like your Doctor or your Dentist, do you know the one you're entrusting yob car's hye to? I WANT TO EARN YOUR BUsnW_8s Alun YOUR TRUST Given the opportunity, I wt71 give you, my best dFort aml aff my personal ens na y may, mid my P 140% SATISFACTION and warranty all our work for 90 days or 5000 km. 9 you choose one of our Preventative maintenance programs, we take the = a We of your car seriously so that your may be r - We vvili call you to set up an appointment for your regular seasonal mabntenanm Simmons Mattress Gallery Located inside the 'La -Z -Boy Furniture Gallery celebrates its Grand Opening today. This is your chance to see for yourself why Simmons is the leading bedding manufacturer in Canada. Owner Phil Sciuk invites you to .discover their gallery filled with' -Ifo" Simmons Comfort Collection. La -Z -Boy is the top name in fur- niture and Simmons -Is the top name in mattresses," he says. This is the perfect marriage under one_ roof." Simmons offers a complete family ; of mattresses, foundations an& uphol stery products all known for excephort al quality, comfort and craftsmanship.' Each collection- is ate:_ manufactured -with ,unique . �,eatup and -enlsnceVn to : off' ung passed beneSis`foragdmgt's.sls.;' One of th vniq a featu res is ft patented Contour=plex independent action, pocket toil. system miniaOing movement across the inatti+ess• You'll also -enjoy the nO-flip mat_ tress which keeps -its shape without I the need for periodic turniVg. "We have a generous -,ret -std inventory to choose -from in me i2 -. ferent series," says Phil. "We're sure'• we'll have the perfect "mattress "for You! ,. Of course while visiting the Simmons Gallery be 'sure -to bmf:: tlmugh the La=�i�oy mature= !t°iR1�7 �Kl. l7F.l'� H4N'T MISS tl <_ M A _WCC SHOP, si $95 Finley 11venue, Ajax 683-1112 w s: L IL -.A, HOURLY DU iV or FREE �iN j Of 5 !FURNITUREI YOU �i0 C0kJLU PREEN O S 3 ESC`` 1.E N D pT $ 5300,0616 Eie� t ire" n w It AIP-PA�t f$(dYY AD1%ERISER F1;ItS�1Yp�embei' l., MONDAY TO FR1D Y 9 - 4 SATURDAY 10, - 6 SUNDAY 12,7,5'' VANCOUb"ER BURNABY LANGLEY EDMONTON k-.ALGAR`a • vVINNIPEG • Vv r 1 '1 NES = KITCHENE • TORONTO BAR` iE OTTAWA A MONTREAL N r;b 9i, ,, �4W CWW 9 � v om10- $369 111 - 15,E # It69.-iffn► n,► Dowl."" M Sm VAN. 7-Swom x.t �r� r+�^t<s�+}'+��� ):�f�... .s :.r,�,� ,� � �+� � . ,�...,�{ Vie,.- ..ry,. T±�,y..._♦-.-e�T;}ice �t .;y.,� �`E'f ;°,��{ .�: �°'" 'P� _ s,.z �s-._s:s .: \... .:f -Y:. ......-.. ,. �.....).._-..�Y���.m......1.:,...s.-sa#_.. �_.��a.`._aF...... et:i�..v z...c a�-r�cbL��• ... Ei..aa.. aea'&i.h.3�,als. G.fs ik..Scis.t3 _s_as r. wti .t..i t3 e# tie�.ic �t.,ivaa-.3.�.it�. :. �333i�1�k:��4t �, 'rip iJ%i�l�..i li ", �+i NEWS ADVER t1SER, FRAY EDrrK)M, SOWNTAW 22, 2000 PAGE 17 A1P RD BLBYli� -: elilliV -hum P-- -in -Durham Orop(pro, SEM:22 . 000 , _ More dopf>,G30 people %�-reducticn brings the total ncu dw dicated the aumnberlof cases and receiving social,amista� here- fRiFiAll SES 22 the Province stopped relying-onof people who remain on welfare . people receiving social assistance ; last 'month, ug from 17,102 in SPUVT WALK:, 7be FWwring.-Muse- welfare, last month, reports the in Ontario to 480,789. August in Durham increased last month July. um Wage hosts Spirit Walk, a tour of Ministry -of Community and So- also marked the 31st consecutive after falling in June and July. But, that figure represents a 11 permed seenbS rich bring the ciao Services. In Durham,-howev= month of decline in the number. According to the report, pre- 19.7 -per -cent decrease from the. e� sum #* 4$3'1 . - r er, yrs told a different Meaaw# e, a Zi,43r1 n o m stay m: Regis's 's t di ; svelte inert A• - tea- cri$cim, �e _ s 1nstou; ire; vc 1 1: ,e. Atte tenon ti*11 .tp, bs _ t SATWUM, Sm A6VE14f161U "mit The Writer'& ckde of Wham # Ion Is of- . fering Getting the-wptild-iout: Ad Witt- i 11or Prit j and ,- go ir+�rsc�Ye whop -at #tte P16kei Centrad.' bra tyr from 1 a.m{.until 4 p_m Por in- formation call Omthea tris at 852- 9294. ALO1OL ADMTt : ;Is :your- 06aff t8oi of a1Cowi if 30, /AI -Anon hosts its vveeioly a;+atir- at 7:30 p.m.` ant St. Air's C 209 Pochrarm, #- l0-921- 5v or 728-1Ei20. Ahlc 1dr'AI-Anon BAZAAR & AUC: 'Ashh*:lnor SertiQrs' R�reaton lb's AttI-F�[l„ - -f ►ar Ain ira#r run% f 1' to .3 p.m..at: Off Kinney W. ` Ajax: GFT0i .i3 Duval.- serves, as acne- #Qneer. Phone 426 -VW (Ion) f u.ln- f€nrRlttf - . N r;b 9i, ,, �4W CWW 9 � v om10- $369 111 - 15,E # It69.-iffn► n,► Dowl."" M Sm VAN. 7-Swom x.t �r� r+�^t<s�+}'+��� ):�f�... .s :.r,�,� ,� � �+� � . ,�...,�{ Vie,.- ..ry,. T±�,y..._♦-.-e�T;}ice �t .;y.,� �`E'f ;°,��{ .�: �°'" 'P� _ s,.z �s-._s:s .: \... .:f -Y:. ......-.. ,. �.....).._-..�Y���.m......1.:,...s.-sa#_.. �_.��a.`._aF...... et:i�..v z...c a�-r�cbL��• ... Ei..aa.. aea'&i.h.3�,als. G.fs ik..Scis.t3 _s_as r. wti .t..i t3 e# tie�.ic �t.,ivaa-.3.�.it�. :. �333i�1�k:��4t �, 'rip iJ%i�l�..i li ", �+i P001 CO[ViPAINI" SHOE --s TORE j! SPORTING GOODS STORE' WA L L PA PER S TORE TO- Y STORE a? VA .ARE CENTRE M f r Iw< rX t RUM— a e S, ss s Wide iii a �J.`...: i. '•`` ._-;".z Bot You. ii:"A Ivia ys Get Your N -lo vyt s Worth! �g 00, '"'�-�"°'+� ��'"'••••.. .�'�- _ _ . _ • A 161 � � � ��� 8 ��'� `tel. � ��/� S � r y� C # �; \\ly-E�� _. �dy. •fit- - -iK V = .� :' - gy.i 8-� - Aar _ _ M f r Iw< rX t RUM— S, ss s X'�5a `� .sii d Ue u �. - - i `f: � < d g :f: �fji' 3•- - di - .'i; ff � � S 4 Q 4 __ f !# AV A s S$� .• Ae :F d _ S•• __• b •r „ wi wil s E ) 1 TIRE f i "k s iL x' -K v .A a'.361s". E ,4wwff . :fit€. A.&AAAAAAA- ...._ AAAFM,.. _ MONO=. - Female. smokes the target-in Durham health department project Women who want to quit can get help in a Durham=' Health -Department program. Women's Quit Smoking Group is geared to .women and' their 'efforts- to quit. Accordingto a recent Ontario Health Survey, there -are about 40,000 Women, over the age of 12, who smoke. Half said they are seriously considering quitting The next session will be held Tues- days, Oct. 24 to Dec. 5, from 7 to 8:30 p:m.at the, d tment;s- Whitby of fico, 'Whitby "-iVLai1, second floor, of ang.'Towm. Sessions are free. For more information about the group or quitting smoking, call 723= 8521 or 1-800;841-2729 ext. 2151. iu a e Fest t het: "y hey.�k A DdrhOOI ergar[rz i on is plannin r a day in Wit" to pa healthy eating. `Tomato Fesk Z000'. , hosted byve Grow Community Farms, is set far Sept. 30, featuring a sauce -making demonstration, face -painting, raffles and more.-Evetrts run from 9 am. to 5 - p.m: at -Pistiitty Farms, 2465 Brack Rd. N. in Pickering. For more information on the event" or WeGrow, a" local prganizaf on pro, Toting healoil g for fades, calf _428=3616"tr 6834252.. NEWS AMOMER, FRIDAY EDITION, September 22, 2000 PAGE 21 AM F t _ 41r rel PPA0V,I 2. r ^`Fis. € # a . v v 6 0 i i ,$. 4e i s i � os. ..::. F etC+E threCeflt8 at more. t91MM33 �E9,?479649Ai ' tiU}�[ per' _ -'�W owl An SAT +k477909f5Owr SIZE 7NI 9Ni1935�239i�1A9 . " ,i ku -' flat r T* fa i6 191410 3AT1t�0.1�9,tBt�4 "Olt mum SUlf21gk9�� CIIl 9AFSF1ll19A4k�6€ 73?410:10 kI V �The a r a Y2:1 9.139 25€19:19 k4z; �E1��!! bit 1 1f y. s11►F spa 4NCVOWM tie tuft, of - 1 , - odm Pod *6 A e tow 1N fllllr�. doe befit B YC , - .. nft= we PrH Imp up t _ 41r rel PPA0V,I 2. r ^`Fis. € # a . v v 6 0 i i ,$. 4e i s i � os. ..::. F ^nnn _ .P �... ..�. 11 TrIY1 ♦ • A"P'r� s� w{ r.r7 w .'1.fr�r• �++'Y a SUM AM/CRMIMCQ CQQIAV Cr%Mt%U CawMmiur Ml IMM DAr_c 74 em A%P PAGE 26 FLEWS ADVERTl.RER, W11MY EC> n , 3epteini er 22, 2000 ami comes... lrst .-th-e. shoppi ng. is good inliteracy, hi eproject,�_ �- . exc1 sie onus Resource kits being .t made available to Durham residents The Literacy Network of Durham Region is reaching out to the family to promote literacy and lifelong learning, Starting Oct. 10, a resource kit de- m veloped by the organization- will be available to the public. "It's full of useful information on x=. family literacy , and contains tip sheets directed towards different types of community groups," said executive director Wanda Pitchforth. "It's our hope this kit will ultimately result in the creation of new and in- " novative family literacy projects in the community." Established in 1994, the Literacy Network -sem programs' across the region and --operates mine and an education and employment refer- ral service. Over the past few months, said Ms: Pitchforth, they have been collecting research, orga- nizing focus groups and developing and testing family literacy strategy " materials. . The resource ldt is a -result of this , initiative and' will. include{ - a' CD , .. ROM that will allow individuals to - reproduce valuable information. The kit can be requested by call- ing (905) 725-4786 or by e -mailing , lindr@ican.net. N See Page v _ _ Exetusively at With -your, purchase of -.,'$42,:c r-more,-rea- Ive this _ iftd Flawless. Beauty_ ail � es your bonus: - lntetnO.-A SS ` Benefiance Creamy Lansing Foam; -30 rnL _ " 7 gongs - Benefiance Eye Tres#roent'- WV From Jtistt $ month • Benefiance Revitzing" E)re Crearn, 3' mL Cal Td Fred 888403 -UN • Bio -Performance Advanced Super Revitalizer, 7 mL , Qp a#ors Standing f8ll 9 A.. mini Advanced ROOC rrnance- Lipstick, 2.4 g -. i All neatly tucked away in a signature `Shiseido pouch] -Be sure:to visit our Shiseido, counter at the Bay. one bonus per customer, unfii�er,1 St, or while quantltiss'test. Purchases may not be co ed `vim s ty other sp+ ad 'efer. . BEAUTY ` 50 1� Q Pay • , acial 1s mL_. $69 Shiseido Benefianc+� F P Why shop at a stare that `o""�"`�"`� end. more choice with i • your Bay and Ze"ers doesn't give YOU AIR MILES . cards. reward miles ci 1-1 IV S Reward miles are awarded monft based on caswdw" purchases, awluding . Trademarks of M WOOD The nxaN formate of H�son s Bay Company -The Bag lkwne lARffttera, ZeBens and Zellers Select - International Trading B.Y. Used under license by Loyally Management Graig Canada Inc. and the nudsan's Bay.Canpany- will nay accgd Bay and Zblars m t cards in an retail lacatans for an purchases. 80Q, Inn��7�1i:'Q�7ipay_ - -°. r, i�11R1GIC1tl'IY�C ---_----��.-• MINIMUMS Lr�...��..�.,-�.,.".�i4ffi7Sie�i�a.��c.t NEWS ADVERTISER; FRIDAY EDITION, September 22, 2090 PAGE 27 P Just ,Desserts edged ' Sub Brian -Richardson shut out the gold with a 39-35 victory Matt Woods 8-5, but Hustler and Peg Perego Canada Ltd. way Sandwiches-38-36in the Rishi Ramraj 8-0 in boy's over the Pro's Choice Tennis - senior division, with the win under -18 singles,_ but Raam Shop. ner decided in the final game. Pandey dropped an 8-1 deci- - Alex Hustler (Baskin Rob- J• The teams were tied at 30 each sion to Crawford in under -16 bins' players listed first) Village Retirement Cen- after six matches, so each boys' singles. blanked Nick Lopes 8-0 in squad picked two players for a -In the .combined doubles under-l�l boys' singles, while is pleased to announce that the decisive doubles game. Mike events, Sarangi and Pandey - `Lauren µHong edged Victoria renovations to the Auditorium a.rf Sgangi and Amanda Pallikun- were beaten 7-5 by Felder and, 'Payne 8-7 in under -16 girls' nel " teamed up to beat Tim Speirs. However, , Brian ' singles: Andrea_ Hong was on complete and We are ready to Rent Crawford -and Neil Felder 8-6. -Richardson and Amanda Pal- the wrong end of an 8-2 deci- In games leading up to the - likunnel doubled Crawford sion against Heather Nottbeck The Auditorium felt finals (Just Dessert players and Ramraj 8-4, in under -.16 girls' singles. • Air- Conditionin TOP,cncbket PICKERlA1G •Kitchen • Stage- RiNGEWE _ clubs -fae� off ASSOC., ` X350 person capac: . • Conveniently lova 1955 Valley Farm this Weekend _ 4W The Ajax Cricket Club will host a team from London,: England in a two- day match this weekend;,_ = The. Canadian National Cricket Team will play the Marylebone Cricket__ Club (MCC) — an elite -club consisting of professional and 'gentlemen players — in a two-day game. on `Saturday, Sept. 23 and Sunday, Septa 24, begin- ning at 11:30 a.m. each day. According to a press release, hosting the international match is a "dream come true" for the club. The match co- incides with the club's 40th anniversary of providing cricket in Ajax: 1ANNANDALE COUNTRY (LUBI F _ A private club with 18,000 members MCC orts&..., URF, Is Ei • LE RATES AVAILABLE;! worldwide, -the uses the venera- enerable lord's Cricket 61eaundS 09-its"h ble «.:.. _ ,... M . i.. - «:, : -_ w :..�,.. mom. . ..r�11_ base. The Lord's site is also home -to the . $. rMGKr$,1M --— TEE TIMES 683-3210 NEWS ADVERTISER SEPT. 22 2000 I)idFr$$i.Off PresR�r ,, .. Sweet tenni s wins Desserts and Baskin Robbins PICKERING — The Just listed first), Sarangi slipped by The bronze medal went to In the combined doubles events, Vikram Viswanathan returned the Desserts players got their just - Felder 5-4 in under -14 singles, the Tormon Ltd. team for its Robbie McDowell and Hong favour by beating Josh Griffin and desserts in winning the Picker- while Stephanie Pallikunnel win over The Pickering Aces. squeezed by Trevor Babin and Jess Alex Hawkins by the same score. ing Junior Tennis League play- fell 7-3 to Tim Speirs in the In the junior division, Woods 8-7. Markus Sturm and Bran- The bronze medal went to the offs. other under -14 singles :match. Baskin Robbins scooped up don Szpak fell to Adam Sultana and Bank of Montreal for its victory over Just ,Desserts edged ' Sub Brian -Richardson shut out the gold with a 39-35 victory Matt Woods 8-5, but Hustler and Peg Perego Canada Ltd. way Sandwiches-38-36in the Rishi Ramraj 8-0 in boy's over the Pro's Choice Tennis - senior division, with the win under -18 singles,_ but Raam Shop. ner decided in the final game. Pandey dropped an 8-1 deci- - Alex Hustler (Baskin Rob- J• The teams were tied at 30 each sion to Crawford in under -16 bins' players listed first) Village Retirement Cen- after six matches, so each boys' singles. blanked Nick Lopes 8-0 in squad picked two players for a -In the .combined doubles under-l�l boys' singles, while is pleased to announce that the decisive doubles game. Mike events, Sarangi and Pandey - `Lauren µHong edged Victoria renovations to the Auditorium a.rf Sgangi and Amanda Pallikun- were beaten 7-5 by Felder and, 'Payne 8-7 in under -16 girls' nel " teamed up to beat Tim Speirs. However, , Brian ' singles: Andrea_ Hong was on complete and We are ready to Rent Crawford -and Neil Felder 8-6. -Richardson and Amanda Pal- the wrong end of an 8-2 deci- In games leading up to the - likunnel doubled Crawford sion against Heather Nottbeck The Auditorium felt finals (Just Dessert players and Ramraj 8-4, in under -.16 girls' singles. • Air- Conditionin TOP,cncbket PICKERlA1G •Kitchen • Stage- RiNGEWE _ clubs -fae� off ASSOC., ` X350 person capac: . • Conveniently lova 1955 Valley Farm this Weekend _ 4W The Ajax Cricket Club will host a team from London,: England in a two- day match this weekend;,_ = The. Canadian National Cricket Team will play the Marylebone Cricket__ Club (MCC) — an elite -club consisting of professional and 'gentlemen players — in a two-day game. on `Saturday, Sept. 23 and Sunday, Septa 24, begin- ning at 11:30 a.m. each day. According to a press release, hosting the international match is a "dream come true" for the club. The match co- incides with the club's 40th anniversary of providing cricket in Ajax: F _ A private club with 18,000 members MCC • LE RATES AVAILABLE;! worldwide, -the uses the venera- enerable lord's Cricket 61eaundS 09-its"h ble «.:.. _ ,... M . i.. - «:, : -_ w :..�,.. mom. . ..r�11_ base. The Lord's site is also home -to the . $. International Cricket Cbuncil the gov- ; t i • = erring body, of world cricket,.- and the ► j - T F>~( today - day {between 9:30 ain-.3�:ou Pm) Eurcrpeati.tyr cket ." d'f�a RaWirf"tom M tid The international exhibi" match is a �vaii-up for next year's big event, This t3et 311 - I " the 2001 International Cricket Council >� � zt� � " WE $ NGTIME , Trophy Competition to be -held in the .- xewsA�verdser mow GTA. It's the first. tib the Prestigious + event has been hosted by Canada. AjaxAOM A RTORIAL will host eight matches- over a three- +Nitro AWW Anal, g �leJa�de week- period , begi ning June 30, 2001 + _ , s of dr Week are - Which o These Costly and run ing until mid-July. -Winners + ao�inten y Andrew & Melanie. They enjoy — u/� p ( +}� c Make will qualify for the>'Year 200'3 World : sm, Piano and Drawing. if VLrSt�eS [-o Mistakes Cup in South Africa against the test na- • iy,� They will receive a dinner for 4 v When 10 s Your a nes:: tions. -There's no charge to attend the u match. S tators -ane Ir AWK voucher compliments of McDonald's. a AJAXIPICKERI�G. A new report has homesellers make 7 deadly mistakes that to bring fo chairs and refresh- 1 8 � c just been released which reveals 7 costly cost them literally thousands of dollars. menu will be available. eta�r went mistakes that most homeowners make -The good news is that each and every one ` The Ajax Canteket "Club is. an .t#te° when their dome, and a 9 Step of these mistakes is entirely preventable. northeast corner of Monarch Avenue OL System that can help you sell your dome In answer to this issue, industry insiders and -Clements Road„ just south of tl •"No4w fast and for the most amount of money. have prepared a. free special report Ajax Community Centres For more in- .. firlotdc This industry report shows clearly how entitled "The 9 Step System to Get Your, formation, call Bob White' 61#3.6843 or . , 111F�Alag the traditional ways of selling homes have - - Home Sold Fest and For Top Dollar". Jamie Gundy -at 42$-7=I , 435 n 222 ft* St W_,A . become increasingly less and less effective in today's market. The fact of - 1b hest e ` firief recorded message _ '�MirwlctWry ' tU►Beitiaetaa - Pid� .N� 13fb ftd.,Pidc " - - about how1go order your i copy of the matter is, fully tbree quarters of 9 this report call 1=$77 -72Z -01$l and _- MAtsYl thhr + home eilers don't get what they want for OOb esterID#I . -'You'�caa Bali aaytYme, PUl1 - their home and become disillusioned. and 24 hQurs a day, 7 days a week. . - +AMM worse = financiallydisadvantagedwhen •:6°fiMaedbsdxcatuoel� they put their home on the market. Call NOW to find out how you can get '"'�1dtl�"�10°°'�` •raeat� As .this re ort uncovers, most thetnostmoue for your home. P Y yo • — r•.® �ar> 6�tu a6 IIiCAN flliC7�7tx 511Q A& repon is courtesy of Bill PapiZro, Prudend&Acl Mmm Reahy. Aw mended io soBcit pmperder currently listed for sale. Copyright a ._� illi"+�tC,f€H'cfl.,l AAfDREW IWANOW,S )Vews Adveriiser phow ,- out V&O" ar c' , re-Prese 1mg cycle Racing in �7nWrio Champiorsship Time T'rial's f�-ietlo� Pickering, ,moeiw4 is little'help from A&f4t metre race,recently_ . The race was held north Klep€tcz as he prepared tom: t t n e: orf' P Hope. 07 -SA RY APOO± 83-1-7677 gx SAT & SUK, SEPT.. 23 & 24,1.4 P.M.- Mt l., SEPT 4-befok k � boil* onas on b park �AAllmXlw Rasa tae +edcmdd ravrtra inae4 £aestied [ 8 11:wrm .�9 wW wte tram cn. -M. IND ick. E"'-, as a phi. This wiA i k OWL tt's a dwmert Ca tiz Qk n 9t1 Wl-7677. 780 VIt83'F �: ^ lA�ne poter4ad-2bdimh,ew pt ate eriekbj*.a Wirer kxd $# 7677 nib to- brm ttxo hewer �m ,: sewer FLAB +►ewer vinyl ,� racer_ kaw -�3�- ;. -� T.1�k SiI1�. ���l'-�3 GL FRMff :fit IMOURM 1282 ROAD- LIVER 7� SUNDAY, SEPT24,:2 -4 P.M. 427 1 Serene set V awaft you.. bmaeul*e 4 bedroom wfth WW,private backyard. [tQ1fAL tam h>tedor better' than new. Call Vicki Coliccltia. Hoyai LOPOOCOM161 Connwt 4y _ Ate► 780 VIt83'F �: ^ lA�ne poter4ad-2bdimh,ew pt ate eriekbj*.a Wirer kxd $# 7677 nib to- brm ttxo hewer �m ,: sewer FLAB +►ewer vinyl ,� racer_ kaw -�3�- Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, SEPTEMBER 22, 20WPAGE 29 a To Place Your Ad Cal/: THE UXBRMCGE TRI UNIE A3AxCIERING NEWS AIiVERTL+r`ER Ajax Pickering News Advertiser: 683-0707 Uxbridge. 8 5 2--9 74 3 Web Site: www.durhamnews.net -Mau :; otwclassif!Od@hom.com s* Education Careers►• • tierreratHelp t General Help General Help t lienerN H* The News 'A Fuser osHAwA • wHrrsY • aARiNcToN • PORT PERRY G #s looking for reliable people to insert and ;� ADVER deliver papers and flyers -door to door THI&-WEEKI % 1�1' till v ti 1,7 every Wednesday, frrday and Boston Pizza lNhitby location isrsa Saturday in he Pickering area: accepting appircatrons for Deliveries must, be completed by 6:00 pm. -,: Must have a vehicle. FULL TIME &PART 'IME For more information employment for the following �� call 905 -W3 -sin 7sitj ns to work with a fuk restaurant menu in an gxtr�rt�ely Last3wsm samm immer�#1 SERVERS EXPERIENCED ONLY also C KITCHEN FELP - EXP. PREFERRED Nff *XL MAN A�ly;in Persw. 75 CONSUMERS "DRW, WHITBY BETWEEN 2-00,-.; 5:00 ONLY NEWSPAPER -CARRIERS to deliver papers Tireewy Friday in the f ers u g 8reas: &odr St. E.Jonathan g Sit., Centre Rd.. Fourth Ave. N., Barton Lane, Ow Gould Cres. & Third Ave. S. ��IGTON York, Cmiaron St. E. Lak lawR.N., FrareSL 'Lane Hwy. 47 & Okuham Rd. 21' SUra erNe Jane St., Ida St., Albert Sl:, A Waddell St., Alm Adult Cwdere needed for w np & MOO Caft Debbie. ': • PME 30 -TM AJAX PCXERING NEWS ADVERTISER, SEPTEMBER 22, 2000 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durbamnews.net Gerrard N* Gerhard Nip themrai Heb 011IN Help 1 OhNoe Help1 saws Help iAgenka / sin HdpiAgsift sales Holp/Agrmb ! Saks Help/Agents lDDC1L go - CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES salon availableIll . .. If there are firms. or individuals to whom orkI fl 1ehwerfenceknowledge nd �. ,SLEW LAW, you do not wish your reply sent, simply site commeneorate with �-k - rkrWA � - place your application m an envelope er°e, , Receptionist Position addressed to the box number in the 756.864S. 4©�Raaiii' advertisement and attach- a dist of such ems meLAL:E onnu V Mear�onic Test Equipment distributor =d names. Place your application and list in � e W an cta�t store. Gas Tach . ale -pm- t elperienced an envelope and address to: Box Replies. fared a good driving eW � wit$ Vn�l stilts. If the advertiser is one of"the names on ITirld Phos Must have working knowledge of Microsoft your list your application will be eaWK unuRm office. ce in a sales swport destroyed. tions awd" m a environment using A(.T wwM be an asset. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are laxed muwtachrrlrp Good conimuaicRtion skills and experience be tem orleitred. rax re, directly to Oshawa Thia Week, will not some to: P%)420.4564, with "a multi -line' phone systen a must. be forwarded to the file aamber. DBMRII.'LABDINRER with az 8:3f1 to 5:00 Monday to'Frlday. Ongirhals mitat the seHht directly as or oz awe needed for ex- E-mai} resume to >�se orce cin �� y indit' ed by the i ishvetions in a ad. c'oe„mpan y nding equipment . , uf8�r� :. or fn to 905-120-4889 .: resumes off at 131 Omxty s .N THE S A R Rd., AJax or fax to (905)SW FZRL 1s looking for carriers to deliver LEAGUE CONVENOR - papers and flyers door to door Nian s requ�i An established Men's Hockey League in x _ i t upscale �#w In A Wed. R. &Sat: by -6:00 PM: ova o. Guar- the Durham Legion has an opening fora . � S, P le :. in their neighborhoods. ' Dsalary °"'s League Coirvenor Reporting to an execu " ... ca11905�83-b117 west mea sit ti ve Committee, the ideal candidate will az7 3g" be responsible for . organization, and ' Q part-time � mautt�iiainit>g: thesmooth operations, of a I H* SkI11W Help Gases H+e� MWH* N� ��•a Halrstrikg,rsOshawa rrtert'S industrial 'hockey league. 1 11 for AdministmtIve skills in the area of record TM . NWg f f . HUNEWMEN$ I keeping, and collections is essential; as ADVFATI �a G.M. CLASS A TECHNICIAN To assemble our products. wail as strong leadership and communi- is looking for We are looking for a productive f all conscious CAU Mr. BeH Free information. send SASE cation skills. The candidate must be self. prospects to g p quality to: Km 08-7177 Ideal St. �. 7, concord. ON L4K Tvz motivated'; with the ability to accomplish deliver technician for a busy flat rate .dealer. "aI'0 ,, _ goals unsupervised; as well as be part of newspapers and Transmission and diesel experience JUNIORkkerirg. part time, must a team for the purpose of unifying a city- flyers g the know Exeei. will train. Good following areas an asset but willing to train. with numbers and Wide league. �'r:rrt r 'its V15 mamw. (418 This is a full time position and salary will � Call Graft Brock''. WHO1ESALE lsa5 commensurate with experience. interest- Roto Dr. 9amL - 5 m. Mon. - Fri. is now accepting applications for AsLa ER tREflumEe � ed candidates should send their resumes Hewitt Cres. P� As travinp Company. Immediate Pact -time Positions in our valliidd 8sahse and own trans- to: Fax 1.9115 -UO -5255 Gates Cres. 4178...- wed- "5-985- Tice CCUL Executive Committee Leach Dr. Cowan[W.BAIUZ" DEP Vahan Ic"lex Sallis Dr. • Bakers 7551 Jane street un�`� Beach PONTIAC-BUICK ►moo • Concord, On. ey • Sanitation Personnel wee: Mase cau (905}L131- Con 1Xd Holliman Ln. GMC TRUCKS . At our Ail i,Z "cation INlair SALON MONIES a- �a Q stagy sowNulN�L� consed .t for Ajax and 905-623-3396 Pt. Rd. Please forward resumes t0: ' , Oshawa. �aaranteee salary! Lewin Cres. " COSTCO`WHOLESALE commission, v�raa m1Mg0d�`� FULL TIME ADMIN. ASST. Crawford Dr. tfeapitm - . i bonus. PT also Whitby. Required for our Stouffville location. Grp Rd. KMe" Denial 150 Kingston Rd. East (y�)723-7323 Office experience, computer skills Ajax,Ont. LIZ 1E5 P Lake Driveway E:. DENTAL: HYGIENIST. Materm- j LOCM. RETAIL STORE re and good telephone mankRer are im- Cowlsng Cres. leave, ro start immeeiafwy gains part time Graff fordays portant. Starts immediate) Excel- Clark d Full-time positron available. �' Att: Roger Bernard and wends szoo per hr. rRg y R = Experienced (tn/f) 'nr�a'z�ax�Faz or Nevin Pottinger store dint. Requjred nt salary otfered Dreyer Dr.E. ;ng & raswne := istt��yy. Fax resume to Fax re write to: -905-640-36M Hen thefwoW Rd. �.YJ �,�,,�,�,,t (905} 42i1 -9S98. Burdw Sen /GWS/�C to: DENTAL TEAM seeking Certi- UXISR UGOG URE TEMMIAN - full, and Forest RdMINId. fled Dental Assistant to m- plax a part time Lath mem- me hourly ANtMAL CONTROL runs €xp Ca"�Qe �ad . sews flelpht s 1 sake ffslp/Agenls Kings Cres, Mayld e., ttobar `ecundH"ygWamnesaThe needs a person to on call to cover vaad thhrers same ,V °at Admiral Rd. ,- , successful candidate will for regular staff and to be available 1(Mpd 79R1d s• FAKT TIME $ALES OR CASHIER Exeter Rd: combine a positive attitude . i► us tte. available days, weekends, evenings. Tulkxxt Dr. and professional manar with Ori weekends vVlt@n n@eti@d. MMUIOE a San store. adaptability, warmth and car - on apply m person with resume, Billingsgate Cres. GENERAL Ing. Computer skills ace also Immediate opening or Store 1 SelesfM4MApMrla Please h! in person at manager w l# i rales expert Bats 14 Sedtihr a 1755 PhdcKkV Parkway Emperor Cres. LABOURER � 'thi11M tion this challenging e .1' 0 St. 1 Pony. ence. doth the management No hone calls lease. ErnperEN Rd. cam, modem to: Flit resume Oshawa Whitby team of this � retailer by w P P Odell Cit. DWE & RECLINE P submit resume in confidence pion welt resume FURNITURE located in Pickering, hrly. CLEANER full-time ELEGANCE iNA6E STtJO� *ng This Bite, Oshawa Taylor Rd. rate + work boats T WeNr. 865FarewellSt. daysdat Aft"-Fri�y In the Day $a has for Ex. Centre. " eenad Help Q91Wd Hietp . Randall Dr. Has full time _ > Osfgnre, L110i Ajax itis Mui tie a Dam pkry Hrs�S and SALES P08rT[t?NS & 9. bidn er and mothwted. PIS tall thatue deda�ed to' MATURE RESPONSIBLE iter INWOIATELY Macey Crt:a FU4 M DENTAL assistant for our & reghared wartld immediately, mini - (905)683 -7515. their rudt A to son to work �a market booth. E�r lanced warehouse help . Call Debbie mum 8 months ileacs . an asset. F/P time _ Drop Sdardays 9 = 5 and occasion- mall ems DZ lire for c� SMMs Dr. - by � ' r d Mo Friday 1233 Atha St. Whitby or, Fax at Sundays {806} fi66-2%52 deC"da, boom truck expen- �� Expenencx i90s�4ZA�$!� re4uire y Dom' resume 868-43W � TEI Lim Nae beneficial. in & some l'tJA-Part Time Fishkldc SL Call Please cell (905)434 6577. DRIVER outdoor work. Pickering area• Cummt s Crt. OUTDONM EXPERIENCED LANDSCAMG wanted to start hi "wau for- foil dine ste�y�� employment Need extra For an interview INSTALLER and Service }1j)jlj)(H,. Casa and Efemeata Classes L8Clilan r. Dental Receptionist required Immediate krcated in Ajax (9057)509- . Z'sPlis Cas i905)686- W. CoA after 6 p.m. G ' {)r, LOCAL DLSTRfhIDTDR NEEDS Technician- required for busy famay practice. fax Own transportationrequired. diatela for heating sial a/c resume m confidence to requffes Openings 7577, Thurs. to Sun. Dever Cres. dyrta * sales ciates to muss have teas lit • 5 lSr �.1 Wit d RETIRED, ACTIVE c+trtPte for sea romoti9rlal" Products. ter l {905)66ti 7295. wages ependittg MUYi116 SALE, CoMen�. �} ChttttR St; S. or .� . andWr;ill. Expense w/ �1VeCS r e�cpertgp�. intment. Canrhonba Port Perry low ilea, dhtles m sheet metal would be bench- PNYsftffi irr Private • 5 General $ID - I:20 per hour ) washer �" ne kro w ' 427-1"0 T ' Ave. glee or dipthmra• AWatY in cd. 905 886.0018 exparrdm? woe) of rehab dryer, 5 xBR, 32 larch %til 1AtY�i word. Excel or Grapelcs Ginics. Ne. {A1) 598-.4728: L 81�OUro1 S Call T.V.. Rockston furniture, bed dew" :may of Design an asset. Personable, LICENCED GENERAL Machin- Fax 418) 598 3963, a -m wi 1-�8-�2-, room bookcase gam_ pedestrian areas, minor re- Expo FOR FURTHER neat appearance. mast proist for busy custom machine for Pickering arra' 552 4052 a d r�'m to w0f; . �t runs ook MiFORMA710N � ' G0°esu es to building s. M required �, Rink;~ OEM, office $9 ^ $12 hold" I XOi1C DANCE CIUS Accept- '- E TART (�1 " frgr, �xmrre. $Mr. achievable 905-683-5117 (905) 427 -IDBS. ; tools and own transporatio i. seeking partma hyQ�pst for 1-$T7-$2ti-1278 th9 applications for with ltf, school teachers required W VET=1�IE[At Af!!lrCJ1TOR � � �ivd� l�g NALidy11tR1t- f lwkds mita, lobbkro shop experience an Monday, Wednesday and gat - 1 -877-420A270 a pl ati OJ. All teach sbr� stpols & sd bow). Lay, (416)498-1 TIN•: DUALITr a asset. Good wages. Fax to: u8r rs. Cd iNendy, [H0.')4r 20•- p ori citta for grades t - 5 In smite needed. Full-time, start im- Leaded. = O0*1S. MOM sales i 98;-571-2333. or m are full-drt* only. Mppryry In medfatepr. Please chi 905 T frtr mpar,& state .now, with ptoiRatts rr, DB i AND CDINIiBf Italia re Pew 947 Ditimgtiain Rd. or Doi m Whittry 83t -255i instaimon o automotive �Wo1' , P suss- rear experience. 15 to 25 � at: NUB STR ES � riquired for busy multi quked. Aleut have dell expel- cat (90 )& � (905) 665-4766 to mak. Must faire own hanspetta 182t McEwen Dr ii38 Whltby, equignefrt Alert Ihaae - hours per week plus seasonal � LIN 9A5 disciplinary wellness centre_ emcee Apply- m terson at SATELLITE Expro CarWM 1s pI � a torr and be willing to work lora average. Appacadon forms in Whitby. Cranio Sacral Ther- Buongkimo Italian Bakery EXPERIENCED SALES • tela all rfJUiStNr Hair Studio ' Seeking motivated PT' sales record. based lhrzas. to Bobcaygeah. tail be pidted up at the store MECHANIC CLASS 'A' li- spy experience an asset Cal Deni. 15 W Rd. N. at required for lexrelry stttre' { m WhaOy, requires modvded peoPke to Joui teann. H1rNg �. rhtsutre: 905 ( and resumes dropped oda cow, good wages and bene- Brock Therapeutics Complete HW #2, (mrwi�hite Rose) 42674&4. enthusiastic hair cutters for � , m and �' 428-3957mcadt416-0t411001viaommissionis,. fins. Straight time pay. Fax re WelkessCentre 665-7111 Ajax. *Skilled D '4 2ice andor a kends. .9e, cpprr°grams m 1lFRSA•CMIECENTREUXBRiDGE �7 t j725-3302 or qa DRY CLEANER, Progressive 686'2 place. We are the aaertratry hbvi� applicants for E. WIALANCM SIB RPNS claimer adding 3 new mere- to cable tv. Drop resume In time stay to CABINET bars to tam. Brand clew` I�IiDPERTY MAUI TERANCE arson to ism Hopkins St., LTC experlence an asset. requires an �Iloe admkastrador required in the Bowmanville TDR raw* for busy custom Westshore equip. O ' & Efaciency f 1� prly EMPLDYMENr. 4 fun timepo- or 1870 iCmgston Rd Fax er thea resume io: EI¢a6eth for office duties and ora. Fulty expedemed Cabl- machine shop. M16 welding a Mandatoryasltbns: clean for 1 sltioms availebie immediatNy Rtekering. Fax to �5 665 Bet thea, 130 Raeh St Ire fax eesuma rs r y p1�r must TiG welding an asset. Retirement village, er/spottsr ruustiec Resume to ! unfit: approx 'mid-November 0318.. ON t9P 113. 905.152• ` (905)576-7491 Beaefd package mclutled. Wages epode Fax re- in Port Perm+. File i i96, P.O: Bou 481 if1 M tth>Shn (Pass. snow-ptowiug m win, Oil"kir 9tlC>-tom 5191. :pIIRYLIIW se Please fax resama to: 905-' sumo to 55712=. t Requires RPN for Oshawa. ON. LIN M . ter) E lease ENNff l for Pickering kw rhe. 433-1463. person to HUB MUM night a 2 0Z linters: Compedt appal 903 85 - meds c mad have axperi- WANTED Experienced shin F�. Minimum 5 years 1621 -McEwen Dr" Whitby, P�-titter riga g�rrorowth TO TREMENDOUS Ice for 4378 or fart reams to 905- eta. C88 906 �33s16 � 16 rW=andfir able tpen�drng lm experience. Fax resume to Rom N HrMY BODY ori LIN 9As - postuon. Casual Oshawa/fMraty Pengidn 852-2606 SD�NTiBMM COUPLE - beakers $11-$14hr depenifi IWut man 905.509-2370 WELDERS - required for call --in for day & 'up n oshawa. A,vatL soon. snnail SHOP eve shifts aisti Sports Bar Is currently ac- Pr HELP WANTED on.ability for resider ial re- PART TIME Receptionist re- heavy equipment mwwFactur-, > cePirrg resumes for Servers, Pk toring apt bulli g: Salary + 1-bdrat. Cooks, Cashiers. Buspersons Bu Whit office rooves. Cita 579 4517. d �r busy teat estate oh IZBI]r[if1CS on Minimum 5 gars available. Busy Whitby Experience. Repairs, lave mss ws. fits ii�l Estate axperkrux soca with valid, CWB PI98S$ resumme to and Janitorial rua lira,13/hr seeks 6 part Lane bel- g, electrical, cleaning, p EXPERIENCED hop wages and'benefit ark - Part time positions available. 1-877-420-1270 ephone .reps to da rent a otra a duties. wE�RE SHE of --the maim+ s t y to PREP PERSON doe: Fax rasurre to: �mex 905 X85 -1N$1 Top dollar palet Must be surveys over the Cd largest fntime a products hhandka very hies swlkirboard a Flo ( `+) t'1 or phot* Judy Lffe hiendy, reaabie, gamble, out pphone. Hourly wage: $ ( j marketmo a irzations. d mwst. fax as rem to going and a teamiplayeG FRAMING CARPENTERS No sales. Nadi (565} 831 7070. Please Call WDODwaticEes wMiTED. 905-985.8GG0 Please drop off resumesteala at - needed. A0 levels of exp• Caa you desire a Dynamic Career, Doin We have immediate openings Canaan ice Sports Oshawa, Call with excellent income poten- LLCENW ` CSR NEEDED for for skated machine operators R (905} 5172 or 1 (905} %2O15ft7 OsfraiAra �nitrffV tial. tall Gary Burner (905} busy insurance- ttrokerage. (905} dib& -3331 and assemblers we offer a 1401 Ptdap Murray Ave.72t 8172 rBFit'ttiJikt1�. 831-7817 Power Broker experience pre FULL TNhE ollALlf cutter/ maid.rylow Weara�lowork okirhgr enBOIL EARN - more $200.,,$300-, 5500:, m ferred but to train FFILi TIN encs a must f ED'8 r fNNST k Currently EI(pOr10r @ an aSSt?t folder/stitcher LIVE4N NANNY NEEDED to more per .week, assembang wAIrERS experience a must Hirkig for the Following Post- WEEKEND SUPERVISOR er person. hours/t operator *' thusWstic sea starters. 905 - products m the comfort of Also Full time bus persons. tens: Mahrro rua time Saks Call () ���3 herded fttr group please fax resume and sal ga'ued for bindery and part gg5-8774. ask for Bob or Don. ram o 3 children. finch & YOM own tame. Send a sea For busy family restaurant. Clerk (Ajax tocation); Part- or fax home for endin0 agte ahs to 905.623-1838 t "sof r$Quuee -for hq WAtta Rd. Pick ' call addressed std env iia and confused adolescents. department locates !n Osfia CUSTOMER SERVICE REP- Jules at 905 4Z<i�1+�21 bet - d tom person to Toddy's @ tkm • Saks Clark (Ajax t aa= (416j485-7859 lea- wit Please fez resume . to: RtBtSHTAVVE Well stab ween 7 9 3iipti, except wee to: O.P.H. 6 2400 Dwrdas sl Sl & Park Rd., Os9awa 2 Part time Saks This mitt errga monitoring 1 W., Sub 541. Fiat 636. Mis �Cs Oshawa Cardia Luca- weekend acuvms while re- (9 i 436.0111& Nshed company is seeking kends. sissauga Ort L5K 288. FULL TMIFJPIiRT TIME help); �, tlriv SIPERNHTEHlIi CDDPLE portkw to- the House Super- dynamk individual work, fin ECIE AND ASS TANT needei!rARW hr a tilgth posed. gars era iDIOM Hrrwbrd ytwr re- � . q �"eWWI" b visor; Educitibm and expevt- ENTHUSIASTIC GoodSALE- NC•LP P �� � perwn oder dtthess.. A� tart -dime for 2 boyLau s s ((9, 14 for toddler- roam lel Scneede Mk �- Looking for surae by September 25th, � :Must handle within `Wath "SerAM k a.aid at Keir Geed tioaltkh, mechankm. drop df a sctroot, front a vary self -motivated Gourm �arhd 1 �t . necessary: .Mary _ $30- tisha Centre of Posaess:sapedor People sales SfAet 1�Ci . 20: 2000 to ReeA s Horhst s, ;2A& -_ Scarborough logtion: ToP and pllate skills. Good Sib Full time positions midi bene Food lamer. Cita 905 842 18. Harwood' Asia . SoethF il3>r,: Tree, aparunom plus salary. $33 D00 depe eorr eraWi /les nmhftae Drop re AL $S reit. Fact resume to: (416) 321- Fax 642-M- Mrs. Wiidemmh`s:' Paz resume to: {418}48 • ixtiaris: Fair to shit . 1�m�Wn. wages/benerts: Fax In rArh plus oatrhmrssbns. Call 1695. Ort LIS 2H8 . 7114. Connections 905-432-ggg5 Mon Fn, ddenc8 tit: 416 265 5544. $83 03� or fax ()105) 683- 77 Visit Us On the >?ttWW.- wvwAurbarnnewwW;, THE AJAX PICKEFOW NE S ADVERTMER, SEPTEMBER 22, 2000 *ACE 31 ria rr - a*r off""' s� FAr'&M PION�E. r� i8 � t C#'es�AM FIND Y NEXT USED VEHICLE AT: SOt. (Itk51, Sura. (11-5) Sir pnt - 'att5tana, Secretary narks, Arrtirtrieea 20 BurningheM CrOsY ftedil 1! Sat. Sept 23, 59,1® Beta Slut. Sep# 2rti Parfocrr TJr}efChairs, Oak Pedestx! 7 lie, (Ha�erglnf[ mcok► lotts Of new kcts, ,Anne Geddes, U � ' I s i tBeatuifitt designer 50 SIU,ti0ces, d�isctmtmtied Seam#is typItikos fezthe tft MWisPule Drop � r",.Dresser5,lW3Stt8tatld5 tolket ba.SID, hott8411b� item$ �j - -Ute, (.lithe, wa#eg1w �rysw arw loft fr mt�fsx ^�r��,n.,�y`,SUPERGARAGE SALEWII1G OL 0uE _0 Silt GARAGE SALEiFaikrsli�kra 21 Flowers Cni.-(off:Iierrvood SV3AT. SEPE 23t► Sat. &Suit fit2�&24,8attt 9A.K-2P.M truck thatlddb'rketroi1Mtw by back carder, crib, toys, 4W 1926 VALLEYFAWd RD. PICKERING call 90.543aL # g : � ckithir►g-shoes f ins -4-3 boy 4t 6)bas�iflifi -WSTNOM OF HV4Y 2) ,`_ household mems, crafts, tonsmcxe!F ot r alvngsWn Rd. Ajaok `90by.# . n ck t1 JA S83=$� 3 Su Member 24 2 iLY-M SA WAMM winch U at 'rive A�AIc - Saturday Sept -23rd 8 am -12ixn ad in -the CoWft0-_,,FA . weodio� chimney rdaf Ing. 4838 8 18 9 Dri#8 kat, 4,10n. '�` Awa AVWW*lei Pek stresns and saps " CDs, A7 VAYCARE at k, P professional PltlS t#1Euk®tt�@Ci St"lf �ff�E�l�iig e�lt� yyea�aarr La home. . �etck/tAaior Oaks. leave - message i945}sEe y pub8�: Yoe to not Las of vxp e lo 2 lem "LARGE" GROUP]iM4 hava.ta be mere Ttrere scharis. LunCall sMaria, STREET SALE GARAGE SALE6 contract. PANd at provided. Fail Marfa � . NEW 10@% genuine 524hltordtf. fbn 9f15-4.?6-102x_ f Nr!-9a7a r sora. w t dwr Sart. Sept 23, 7. Sat. September 23, 8 a.m. - 3 psti�(Dacki *. Cole 4,5ae Rain date - Sunda , temb daycare. Steps Raiitt date Sat•P.&, On St. An- - S�Sa �.4f6.7460995UtraDrive, cKc REt�TEREO maleLesrnte. Lard APP{:MUS: ret or ,2 e17n8 88 Spiers res, AjaxYorkshire Teener pappy Male tenkerr;'bas]kyard & playroom. door frost free, rle�kow, o mi - Ser 'of 2 -Cal & dryer heavy duty waster hgULTI FAAaILY YARD SALE `{ cru tidpped; vacelnate0. Vet '� �YVProwlerfi6 PI � Exp-emother'W 2 -Call & dryer 5675la ash separate. HUGESELEMONOFGREATffEMrS11 GIANT YARD SALE shed: & quarantew. t>a905 699 7231 Also Kenmore washer used Y, y years $250. Pickering (985} Saturday, September 23 U O HOMES ,, OM �+ Coq 106 3x05635 Florida Q FUAi i4iOM of a 7.112 426 5 45. 904,Bayview Ave., Whitby �+P �V flVlylEti7 I Nl tlt PUP; �t chocked A!!A M {�, �Ifardq 61 yr odd art 4on attending >E OMER BLACK Iraq w 8 a.m. - 5 ,m.. Rain -or Shine tad siro� ray mate 5400.. Bea .'!7f/ YIEi.L ■times Y ps.) p Sat. Sept 23rd 9 am - 4pn� mato. 6 ft eartrplete, 'st I'' cost St 2 Oo #e 436 f6as Also AIt1m(Itum-Shedwith F ' a 2 -ill yr ntd boyNetve Sacrt� e�s• ,can deliver TI'FANIII.Y E (R11rldafe Sept 24 h} ENGM aPSMR inlet `t ' IOU to year ehH(L _ x16 741 7557 - Dups, wish bloodlines, tr. 6W 1( h Rotor, taroetedbOy $gt.i 8-3y��i u,�r a. antic. BBt,0 FT, T. , with sliide tl lou SET f - titrar7 ted. cel Witvir Blir�d5 8t Drapes; Mt�onra s t;.g. nor Y . .tr ram se v II 1 tries STALL ArAuut E tie ` Maty Exbw Located on Mow L *e nw->� e>ir . -.Bim€ Rd & Cost ts,sao �fs,.t, j stable 12n2 stalls. Moor lyartt �46748391Xi s�ri+7a end a_ifvldwF wish Call Af um ejam R itIEtPB '1t dr r - Ahtl� ]SARR $A%E KMTI- a5 75 tiGA&W. messaye"�. •tel 885 V f [ 05-579-4309 Gearuaa 8t Rawrwgs ble ' nfarerss set Eefaae 8c after school, m cog -1100 ( sill 18 M► l or rr 837- 481 sic (I sen, --ftlo" -` _ - _ P+ naw seranq t ors f,AuMmobles ss carr 4 741- sweep- 1?'Yiidtw1` Ih' nofttttifted, Top 5 Re 9 PrcteFntee ! 7T 1�t - .,'+ctrtng to dt� 16 mores � � SALE,„e. Ra >trMt. E>e t 4 i>Wtr � ► `_ _ Sfr~F>I; mrd, $� ~ 12 � lfare Nt�er > � 72'faa�d srrort 1�, rt waneaf 12 mars. ! (00an i16,5oa can ,ran. and park • WOOD EL9BlUM ta" 3 Please can 78 l it4342776 :o► (446}898- story tloro music. nu- -frena _(W d.} ARAGE SALE reeve 8481 , free tiftiats meats stnaeicg. Fast Includes: cam, . premum _ _ SAT#A AIE, SEPTEMBER 23 ' CA3Ft CLARE iYeWs bi1y� kid 415 pad and Installation. free im DtiW SIRMS. 8� vehic{es. irehftdes must be in Aid. C ! R rroriified [Ven- 9 alm -1 MI estlnahro.. oaf repairs dads green, 2 4L4 »►ding, receipts. 1x5421 Serving Burnam Brut sur- 5 U9Mb� P�, r � n�-efficlerd or com to 47 rtBrk St, Ent 144 _ t tY come M x79 Bafrty ALES. .cods t.kes rriisekerafaibk, dt air , : a '- ills SUM tO tY• , cube, au tfh an/kti � �MURAD At1To -SALES. Sala 905689 a as rrserte! LAO srf #moats, R errs _ 54004 k1n frke.tt sen. 1772 +s+ yen ft tbi deg a 41640- hick �ttaaa row - _. 11AS- RAW NaIR - lot- ,mss ori _ ens EL 47M art �N a ,nom i and from`; 4 - fj ,_As A r -a _ �. OOt pt d wVA t� kap Nr- fareon, wo beipe loan bre- + wK dot_ flea �� Tricia It Seams • hrrfor� Loaded, - xis ten eros- man w6.4 x a, gado: atop Yt� up to 10%. herr colors and Lots of good ii b -• sane � melon detsim.Customer satisfaction train or - f ij (619--1 t 33 stanriard. � ws Saturday, September 23rd _ r 4th es 516,500. certinert and a test , ww g eakdae Cie istce ad. f9D5}98E-78Ct F4ka m sen. ,1Zalf ,d oiled vert best 'hard t Jdt1s 664 4345 (P�rl +Yetod ears 2 "coat!at -SALE ileac aasand s -, lA tdand' - 3p Nti ttrp8wf, ran! Tables tides -firs -gkro6 #B,�� In -cut 's tit ttorroSt - �rWe, M�J4 _ _ 3F -. . _ } 2 Ar lady mink aeedt fitteatbr E � . a Itebwen. - Sir P :tea chair, sive seat, 8110C SAFM WA - opt 25 cel va c de na�iz invi e!sod o first Gtr lorry Certified bud ` rinlr _ i 2:3© Pm _ bankt��}t, Eenmisson Tested. 905 _ n -} �� fla ttrr<(t �t from B.C. - 1Ete;. mrd s . $ :t&t14 x ARAGE SALE 1848 SFS G ice. PiCr4Elt $12rJ0 flora pass . Creft YQB�. 1f(tt Jfreatatp stand, Edo Mfrs tett, prkder work? -Ytw 281R and ffis etirer 5R $&1/i(f ZAC CRSS. - slon and shy without 'tar tlaum paWk�e 260,000 km, 4' x 4ft:, 7: Afiktthntm and it me is irdarns eolbkrare and �.t Wiil1'l'S) much trouble. 905-434.0392- 1 runs g oody 53500 see su p 5158. 905 42St 6i8tt: Free scauuu ►, denverY y Sgt: Se t, 23 = $ a m. 2 pm. (sryt} �rllle. t0�: Of ie or �F560 and emig Al e!r loAy akdaet i�00 515 iS54ti► t1E)ir. CiQwfl or sion test 905 a3a 939'1, t 11" 6&ui Vie, exe a and surf , s Ott, ld- iNti 11 tiUlt (aW} SK L sob leve cbMPt�tBt sly; = Win. ib earl milh 4 t+s, n, radia Tr+3 may be sat very art kderoet sgrte system err tiara, s.90.8o can Not TRACt9R, auto, am►n ter tion - . °reckner = SPECK tl. 9OW condition a. 5 }} - 76 648. 8 Near calor rte= , Hain eta - 9ah . 8t+ #Holli �LIINt (ice CanODS434.fK92g92 „p} e559 atter tloan ten. 2 doe; NO= tXi �9TRN16 t-dfE gramma araY 48 " oval wooden► aulo,natfc, ale 1Ni tnfifFU M1110", .red s , $. M* � years can ttl�c.to-edroul in for tunNp, ►epaMs: &pre tKu $ It 8 bear int 4-*,: i $0042W.., „rapt ,row s t fell t t wan makdaeted a d (,may �a of dnf®r�t fu chase constil iort sn of PIS =moi mer _ oe tdtaMs . my Peed 4� Cm o�� Midnift, $5.500 obo. tone Y lo stoats, ►e�y now & models ed acoustk - sfz dSly* AVON" nevi b used Abu tine - 111 c Y 473. tet 1 (528094. CRIUiTS6Wl 1Z ltch. untied _te taloa beau to sa W. All res pia os. Reconditioned Flekttz• ` Also atA' dents 76t ` used 1ravY` dilly CopAr 55e1 �'�� Is Cai 6868298 for direr- mileage. a� hada. includes, cuss awfr lace - tpdts ase p►ICed to der Tlro man, Yamaha. -Mason IE. Moray lhdt 3 with t and ffxfi r 1617` PLYMOWN Voyager, 7 .:Ats4Y f hale Saiu►day plate. $225. Oralbman Pror. bei kprafhlr at ins lower Ark a Risch, & ettw grand or-,orm info c -an 1 sAreet eft. AlSfi 2 ver se --} ES- passenger t1aft, one orate [ice 1 & ORyER Sert4s Y@ i t 3t4, hxd4 12 in Du►Aam Etdons from �. uprlRtt tui sale -alert 2093 site .univesiM ere x 1 t}f verydean, view tsar. tintedvAn s i! f6l8YfLER frdrapid ahtfortd; 9 yrs add. St amch, aroert drin Arch : SWIa 5 Ma# es rtoAa i89 Painter inn at ice. riady htr troxr #'156: d 4_ a nod .171008 fdt condition and loaded dears. great se a -tared. wit 619 X43 4#50 Ionian html(ura R utr ab�e lessons 1% rmt our � for sWa. on, t+e,r. etf�sfmrS arUfled r - dealer paihlod cart., $1150@ o.b.o. Call 1 _ t4 . prices. ,Mmuns boautyrset web. at tr+finv.barbben cons or . 4 �k In- lei g X99 obs Ors 4 dR. areal Ana ran a 60o- . A. - cath --a tett �1l}20 or pocket . The do fret cis- eroli Blob n 9b5 427-7631; - tae reek #15Q Bea ia7 tie -�54 1000 .knarlte asking. datWe i pric " b 8 sale: Vlea4 MC Afl>mt r 2"- 12 ft dark "@ft�.3 *Dur site house , he lira•- = 1930x-csf963-579-0954_ 4lf08 DOBCE brand caravan: 10D% - ffi -lots td carpet, .-savc-d dovetan in stockedit Ae be from sulles; Pouter tE near Orla IndBetdoo4 a+to �r 4�r�, rtined. ' _ 5 7iUe Loaded, Int ter. 38500 1609e -tyr�t r st'ak to bonts. Cast 514,000 _Saprlfice Cottee and aid .sadder. SWa, CLtIEf(S Back to rroar: tceMr x}+16# 1894_ acrd. risked et font kalAe- g 5"All. 905-404- ,W 05 x04 lease capefs on land. 1 wnf 55,00x: (415) 746 $85 co ffeeaa eiC_ are to crew on at tiWard k ow tion, Sit,000. 17'15" 3 'roome: $349. , nos acid saakiclk 4b 4*4 Ti imw � for tires, 7 N t:lea# i2tedk � �ttd- pia tatdewnh2laafs & s Arias cant 5e ben tit- 061 #area s4tecNotrs ser sale. ado Pett blhk lr 1f Ver Ca+ 4'tit • its Wiped s St. Rol area n your kfa. itip € and. BRt► At iA yl Ad- 1 sq; I free fel and IMA excaierd . wit smile wnh insars, try our vice ! arn/b11 �;% ( Y )-" ti sestbikc C tovfew. 9&�i Y� fes} - rent oven t08X o1 an rami " �f Lem, =fir a gur nark. r veryown 8tORft9E YRALLEf fors m 666X24• NVAE ; SHEL1fR16 Storage Cat 1EkEf{ . oma 8tseis Can 91 a 62ti atretic callonle vele fully cortiftatile, reed at looking th buy. We can Nt7 2-wwlr�BB time - ACK To 3ttt!D0� talon safe. wigs for gars0e or basement, MS) 455-t48t psi to -valoe considered), trams esttkSlat.8W Cr oursOK set them feelwit tirolarm mower ,bis hours.. futons tram 5469.. Centplete office & cafeteria inrnbm om -iRN O mak seg. etoneofto elf any sort tp 905434-M fes) L f>oV.BS /tlitlt Maher =a rWork drop: 430- 50Q o b o 1997 ferrb'wa0� , rttamess sd trofnRt59 uikodr wooden ctmis, .ktdt% or ilogk ague _terns SDs tteitird . laws lore a . trial sewing maai+ltes RENT "T4 �"N new amt a at�dCrewfia n seta love rdeesten litOoicrott o'er` tH 1eM Icti�l at s Llf £ TODAY ftuhrs..53.504 .t►.b.o. "Must 728± 19 Monday Fri. t llotrod erpliarces, and --' � iq �' rosp N 10 a8 rbturte�. KSM•�tartdeat4syt ' ttvtop camper. SsII (905j5714872 save axtralllG. • 11mt new T.1rs. full w�azdy. Pad+ testae & sen seal -dfr Robert 0owen AntiguanY ` 999QDIkm. i�1R%Y� TDDAYI t 8, 3 }tomer Matitas f-8te-220. t dy s Market. 905 3 trt rowrt: betffsom last �. tlkd, E= Sr las than 6 Bay�r St., Pkkering, emado: - 259=290x efts` 6rooft Dntarfo. (905}$55 raked. Of to � S�-22" .stare, fridge, 2 proparm tanks. NEWT am MEW flea Mar- 1 800 148 55�. .- § 8449 � 42 USD months onytute► desk.- (8 }837-0288- ket Now teem Fri: Sat Sim from.ltBS}725�Si81 f }2 - 58,t9tf f905)a3 i44 teras and brvery gtrod fete 8 pk. ken SUELLIM iiKR O� freQ let- tlotldnbn Inside and mit. Ri080 tri Mest'set egN for detais. FRENCN PROYgiCMt SItfA; expanded an addinaret stalletkm 60 + channels , YACiWNi CLEAI�t Rksr A ftAB tlF-tett for reap 1 EFTA tEN or Re-afal" 906 2191st : siva 6 Alt ire vena. 12'u-af. ft of arc*^ ,4 X498 f e� ► 1 mos. olo lo 125XMm. One oar � i� > wl8rotd a Co ohiner ado (505}6$85483. anti table - mow, 9 - lesttt► and a8 insnrror art - verare, ems, circ toys. an clot � '-- t Pc. 91Ut a tq roam sum 5022 thkgo: ",You won't be disep t [tee sae. SBOet t }?28- kxttour & ornidea6 b Po a lheat .Cart 8 you tact htrhif. 6 41 - poiotadt Lokaled frt a histark Pte,' ldfars 1IAr Best 9. & emiskba► {gve .pea sperm no srod8, or ate vrih 23 _ ht. tfAii('R[tPPLYt110ESBar4 t eat old, kr dorvrdwtgt l�Ossfon fktrniture is an the MCK to SCOW -Now, 4 eqL a est bakknttdcY, WE OAN tion 5 0, ts4 15i *4-ecakro txiholrl t t4ree, ' �. 401 to ftooK , - on {tw R. -Ranby - bar Mdgea 199: 8 lffrr olid t } HELPi Can Me tokley for Yaur 23 f1 ;fit agent tun-, toga sales tort St4Wup.-2,V Watetly id. - Exit K to fhyy. Soy that has tarred the Fur. scratch and decd danb}r �e Ind � 1tt7 MSE MTMM, V6, ApproWl Bruce (905) 668- nlgoordl8ak ft t MU - oak Oft roan so- stove $1 30' am , 2 - 60 East 10 51- tam nloma' Word u�tte coria .Err site eirost'freezers plete estates. - Best possible 85ppg lon, ttdly loaded, platkwm 5W of 304,. tat free 1-877- & more 1250 mom, NU. see, Inas, rler ,-mutt son. Can- wasters >ar salt 4o elver iheadcsaad Ffany Ka1pt. 905- (416)372 0623 314$hrPl3ryeFs51 :hart leis to Ore barna Ba1aaC � � 71.and op. F ll manufactur tinletk°extenatt> r. Cbaa $2SA00treit (705) 4-6367. els aondftloned 1 air & cert. 512,504.9x5-242- 6663312 Giro Brown Oirthtg Room, 1rKcfroa BWtirtt4 AND NOTOA, with 4995 1ror- $2 182 SL Bowman- and roam AmAa - bon7 tt @a� 1 �+p refhAt- 1NANi1� t>leeAt nether coir or I _ 50 hp Jot>nsoe oW boerd,l5 rk ANTNUE ORESM mirror -washgrldnyer 5459.- v�Venda 9()5 431-A996 = TradlElunar Wardtarort�. l $1 v rpt, -re- ktvessat c�tat res FWVM flErl ages( wrens hoar. 4rfUr. 2raiiar $4,5W.' CAerlr table, 8 Wrafrs;- wareiwh4w Sties:- i�te � r -tl - lea�q dryer St261 up, r good Piesae cad a3$- 1tie7ttski9dt4do� V6. ale sN vie at dtnlnatwhesis.part T MCA" �bedroom sum �r hast .4ffi OAIt t RU tlFtlt, f ands - tun. ver, power ale locks efePh (8x5} 259-0547 ea- 5480. SLS. S}i ${F >�, _ or d jenatom brdft - SKID reconditioned washers $199 / 3557 afar 11 a m lento) ��y" Op &' clod lefties 595 '15 slteTwes. t9e1-meters' iiiOOtt E st Cantinas ., new reconditioned Emissrarts mrd f f AfAYAKft too naw and, dse trades 595 Oen um t�MtAl IRi1Ut� 11 -hp Bratd.New i4 std flame (Mica is the our- colt operand meters and t�WNitn-P&Y%Aldw or oma. lftak.- 511,59D 496- Winter BtraiaS,e used. �lan6ee300clobertst r�rf _ a 1165 : OC. 36` .►t .9 SZB . i } 412 hart I3e0 r -off your cigars at klw prig rfew coda""" fttererreai. Wil nes. y, f _ Measlplans and hit us turn (nand trema fridges 5480 gad tame. Cad x086. �7�iI ial , 1 sB8 Wltd Ret a {70745 wow ` ` 8 tanft - 40`rritfe fa g Iia Corner. _tem lydn r y.....ttrop In uD, rlew r� aim Boat �P) 4997TOYOtI►TeNS on wftii 9133 Sob 3 11'5: Marti heti .cortdinrut, roto -rd. 2Gb HOD, 5f - and sae out stale of the Ant and rrindow 5930 tleceudf tYAI -Sea Doo}sbuat ivrio am miner $12,ow.APWWAO 5265. 7-3591 $1300 obi •' 3•H' - � . tY sold . _ erred 24' 100011 -rd 24' from '95--96.56008 a less kr, 26 -ow cart 4� Air �. 1fffjkjL an row cop tkt 905= 3'�' Nowwoo, Carps; s es show you how ikrahteelnare tree- 'ems > f avaiabie• Cog 579 Cal f tai BaaenMrd crosser 11EMt : f moors, 1aI Is rrtrAa 'itrert is ten S ;s n of other ria - t `- mad. _ Picking t ' wMt a", M_ too& .dresser, BlerdkMs - a firBin itpt-sem. suede for Trod onset -arid r ottdttioned= Bane low LACK 3.41 rdgM fables knegtdea artnQM; kat Yat feed $, 5 ikift . t# NO8r Pat pail its 's >� Yamalro or TF Y W Cab � A g- SIA �Cca;&1ass9lld RVT-14# Pkn# SerYtce, 318460. CeN {i -76i 475�t4odltwa lAtrtumtr httitrdeQ: A ( 73 unrlecwt200.CeiAt60471� PafH t54 O�wa Catndri,. C 905$37-8362 (44 aLcek 9x5)516-7448 p>ir 805 424IME - ask for Kkrr` 9349 (len. PS t9Ah '2'Z 2000 i4GE�32-'t'M� AJ14� PIGkERING NEWS /CD1i�R'tS�R, Visit Us On the lttet: www dufiatnrtews.net` portnieote for anrnrNe r' . Dawe or Dome or ow, Pd=How ate mw 11 Rein iPAN Rent � Accamtode • tee # for Seb / i fi� stir to Lend IMMEDIATE CLOSE to 401, PONT PERRY - Separate en- 3�BEOR0OM 1-1/2 storey,NORTHEAST OSHAWA, 3 SiSYW8S LOANS - $IOK-to DOW N UXB 1 buses acrd pg� Bedroom iaar $ basirient.btadcsplil. 3 BUSINESSES! tef� renovated. fbew win yds Dict, 3 tiedroorri banes S50K 48 hm. Gov- Attractive 1 bedroom Upstairs apartment _ ultli kmdren acid Iawidry - berm spaGous, a/c, cable, Need More Space? Ow3/e004 electrical plumbing. low, 190050L double garage ernmer secured loans_ to Ines. Mast like pets;' non Ceramics, paint, carpet, new central air, fully landscaped $250K. , 1-877-643-0130 or $750. monthly. References. 51,,E must 11 Dartos pm- share �+dn; w, no St4lrage Special i kitchen. Vendor can anionpe �at in-law potential. 831 (905)420.396D. Call 852-7391 after bpm or food. Fa1y environment. D fumftunt $1 for 1st flnancang No i down. Mike' Grandview St Norm. $205000. 705-357-3110 s (90 619=x! optimal. i/last, refs inc s. 1 (905)435 9664. 905-571-0203. MONEY PROBLEMS. Get out -day Month Rent . of -debt qukdo without �.f�in ane. First/last, 1 references. yo qQ NORTH AUX-Large- newts per, to: Box 152, Port Perry.. � BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom Cour- OWN YOUR OWN waterfront- bankrupt or DekrQ, tlamisheed. 2 BEDROOM basement apart ONE $DRM basement apt renovated room, separate en- Sentinel60 Staraye lice home. 2 bath, central air, 3-bedroom plus swimming Everyone accepted regardless Brand rievr. AppNances, .table, with waik-out Brack & Major trance, 3 pc bath, no smoking, 1 :7M targe mak.. and huge pre- pool, familymom 10 min. of credit rating. Call r free parking incinded. $750 par Oaks Rd area $600 month al da oped�s FlrsNlasf reVenom. - t 475 Harwood Aire. N., Ali shaped let.- Asking 5174,900 from Port Perry. House, intormation. 905 576 3505. month, Ist/last, Suuth A)ax inclusive. First & last: Pak- $500/mo Mature working ` Dpen• house weekends 12 44 Nonquon Dr. Seagrave. Student included. Available. Octtt.Nosmokingor inngp.Available immediately. male or female. Available Oct or Rem Bpm. Call 434.4599. Sunda s 1-4 by appoint- NEED CAW Loam for. debt pets �M) 428-6037, -(416) (905)427-CM. 1st 905-427-4988. • mMY_5-_-pmt. 315 9272 WESTNEY/401 AREA, one 1 CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, (� 1� consolidation, vehicle put- OSHAWA 1 OEOROOM King & ROOMS FOR RENT. Ajax & bedroom condo, avail Nov 1,yam first & second mortgages to TRIDEL CONDO for sale Val- chase, home renovation etc. 2 BEDROOM spacious base- Harmony ares "upper floor of Pickering. Clean, quiet rooms : ail appliances, laundry, Dark- CLEARWATER, 2-3-bedrooms 95%. From 7.45% for 5 years. ley farm Rd., 1-bedroom with App1Y- by phone. Same day mem apartment Separate it duplex, frit stole, balcony, in New Homes. Non-smokers irq. fireplace, fart 3 last rM Best available rates. Private solarium, almost 900sq.1t with 2PDrovaF CdiFtnanciai Canada incl E. I3 trance, parking, no pets, no ring"t Asking referred. (416�4q091042 or famished manufactured funds available. Refinancing separate dininproom, laundry inC., 145 Kington Rd , smoking. Available Oct. 1st. 5635.mo.fmclusim firstflast, {p416)79a-4802 leave a mes- erences $875 plus utt MN- horses. Heated pool, hot tub debt consolidation a specialty. room ensude off kitchen with 5 Ajax (905) 428-7505. $875. Can Susie 416-821-8364: avail: OcL1, 905-728-3481 or sage. 905.666-7538. min's to beaches, major at- For fat professional service ansa, walk to PTC. Asking nNaa f YrY 401/BROCK RD. -luxury 2 905-436-8065" shred • Drage & tractions, NHL Hockey, NFL cal 905-666-4986/ (905)686 $164,900. Call (9M)420�4 • bed. basement apt. Bright, OSHAWA SOUTH, 2 bed- Football (Superbowl Jan' z Vacation spacous, full kitchen, full room, upper floor of seft. 2001), BlueJay baseball. DURHAM REGION - Distress ACCESS NIDNEY-No Ciadit in- bathroom, gas firepalee, air/con, laundry *UW 2 car park- AJAX Westney/Hwy. 2 INDOOR STORAGE for boats, Children welcome. X75/ sale, � Foreclosures. Free vestigation. Preivvaht Financial t be table-tv. ajg incl She; rnaWre wo omen trailers & cars. Port Perry Weekly. Photos. (905)683- ReceivefoareGreeu foreclosure ¢ed rs. ronmly, wooded trailer tOra�lof nor app a�vedce` R Required L.I R;A., �• ' 5. �. � area 1905) 985-9388. Call at- 5503 skii9le Or couple prefgrred no smoker, 40/morffhry all m- printout. Free recorded mes- Cobourg. Hydro/water/sewers, L.I.F., or a Pension Fund from AJAX are-bedroom basement pets. 905 579-5982, 905-579- dusive. Call (90683-0092 business hours• P&M homes sa0pee 1-888-887-9586, i.D. rolling bills, next to county for an ex employer of 10K. Call apt. Par". fy Sep. en- 1869. Intluelrld 11 /1042. sughu m tsar Estee Um est, sand beach, great swim Now Toll Free 1-888-657- trance, full bath, ton-smoker. ave a LADY HAS homer'to share. - md, ming/fishing. Call 416-431-1555 1062, Toll Free Fax 1-888-703 Cable/combo incl. no pets. OSHAWA Ouiet.building near hone facer! 6h months tree! Preferably with clean, quiet SAM LAKE - _ 1492. Analyzed by our con- 1/3ubntiesAvall Doi 1905fines 2575 + i[i�Dircluded rtatiaatrmtlotnil- Fromy $6� �h back to you, Up to � �Oc be, 51st. ACall 90B0•SO.FL RENTAL Indus- Gard nYSt, PrestOUiigouus North (NORTH 1/2 b thss,, fiinni hed -summer, for the frmnt ty fnI�ia and referred for rapid 3 bedroom Nov: lct 99.. Tel $32 000+ family income. basement hardwood and ce- Wen located in a quiet part of financial a cation. AUX, WESiNEY/401 1 bred- ephone (905) 571-4912 wdil Short of dawn payment? for (905)668 8421, please leave trial Space, 22 ft. ceilings, area. 3 bedrooms. Laundry on ramics throughout solid Oak Coboconk on Water St 2 doors . Mortgages, room bsmt apt. with study. spectacular resuds Ken Col.Messapaved Int, office, %OV pourer, kitchen. Deck. Double drive staircase, new windows, con- to public water access, 2 blocks • Walk to amenities and Go 7'� D'm' lis, Associate Broker, Cold- ROOMS AVAILABLE, lovely smaller units available (easy way. Large trees. Walk to 'tral air, security system: frodowntown and bot moor- Train. Non-smoking. No pets PICfIE_RiNG large 1-bedroom well Banker RMR .Real Emote Century home on Hwy 7, in mss to .Hwy 12) Informa- schools. $179,900. Private. dear, pool, from porch, large inq. Stylist older 2-storey, 4 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and Suitable for single adult $650 legal basement apartment, {(905)728-9414 Or 1877 683 Pickering. S4b0 $500/month. tion: 905-985-3885, Pager 905-655-4682 after 6p.m. wt in kKCireri, $219,900. Open berms, separate dining, large liv- ugly. Fina for any pur- inclusive. (905)426-2941 close to Go, shopping, etc. J905 f 11 use of amenities, avail 721-47. House, Suh. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Ing & kitchen. New garage, very pose. All m accept- BNtCilEl OR APARTMENT in broadloo n & bathroom, emaff imco reacom able Immediately. Call Scott (905) 428-M large lot. $85,000. Possible ed. Call Mortgage family home. Private kitchen, very !lean. e700 vunfurnished,im- A ABSOLUTELY ASTOUND (416) 993-0130 owner financing. (705.454 9513 Services0ptp�6 5800 furnished. Available int- ING 6 months free, then_own a • bathroom, one Tar Parking, medierely: (9Ii5)421-9D4f • • • use of laundry. $550/mo. First/ house from $600/month o,A.C. • 1 B 1 Serviaw • t Sarvf�a 1 S�etvioes - s 1 Servbea g��y last/references. Available Oct. Up to $5,000 Cash back to 1t. or Nov. ist. Call 576-9780 PICKERING GOAM you! Require 530,000+fatuity leave message. income and good credit. Short Er tueat freaik of down payment? Cal mN BACHELOR BASEMENT apt• uaral, sealcs Roka, Sales Rep. today! Re( Private entrance, kitchenette, e luxurious Max Spirft (!05) 728-1600, 1- full bath. Includes laundry, gbgdrooM house, 888-732-160D: utilities, and Cable: Close to pool, cabig 11-BEDROOM SE#11. close to transportation-aunt shop lig. 195 Avaitatile Oct.1: first/ GM, clean, Gose to -schools? last Pk�nng 905-428-2770 76/rrwriYlh! trsMllasf, buses. Fenced yard, $900 + AadkM@ NOW dines. Call after 5pm (613) , BACHELOR a-in able; lair: 91111542"N11 392-3 45 MIME` TAS' R Revivalti me Tabernacle Durham laundry, single person, alar A UNIBEATABLE DEA LI from 1� ti `x' - smoker, near Go/shoppping PICKERING GOA' $506 down, Own your Own , � ► Worldwide Ministries mall. $600/month inclusive. tiara slarNrg at $69,9OG Car- First/last. Available Oct lit. �IWd.8*$575/m. ales for Less than rent. OAC. No pets..(905)839-A537 Pace fpdet bsntt. itpt. 24 fus free recorioi - e A Family Oriented suds born-smokw. 905 7281069 ext 277 BLOORITOMHRRNE basement well Banker RMR &eat Est*., ` bachelor, separate_ entrance, fit ail AareNa Rasinu. ppaatkktg ..laundry, 4pc. bath, . erne pmlang, cable, Comm unity Church. fridge/s{ove. Suit sire work l unit. Newpairn AJAX MANIR.00R SEMI Dc-- Ing person. Avaibble imree �. lobar 1st, ,-smt�ang n� The Church That Love is Building diatety. $50(0lrnonm inckrsive, AraRa�tuOat t pets, 3 beMOmns, hardwood 416 7911255)404 9924 Or JNit 9B3-42O-3i51 floors: large kitchen, fridge/.} ! and ereracles are Happening r 7pm stove, Whirlpool tub. $,150/ CENTRAL OSHAWA. targe 1, PICKERING VRLASE - L�al month inclusive. Call 905-.�. *& 2 bedroom apartment$ in well . bedroom basernerd $75N 427-016 <Q jtl 1$�� 5 0 111I! stQn R . >f *&el�'�1� - Maintained budAir�, obse to mono inclusive. Avail. Uctob- AVAILABLE NOVEMBER list. DE Mt f "">d all atnenhim. 5695 & up. Nov. or 1st Fust & IN;t. (905)427- North Oshawa, $800 j Iso PLEASE CALL (905}723- 0075 pais gas 8 hydro. Cute 0977 9 am. - 6p.m. roes, bungalow, P&& back- PICKERING, new targe,bright yard,. frWge, stare. No souk- _ COURi10E, available imine beautiful 1-bedroom walkout mg no �s References,, diately. 'bright Glean 2 hart basement apartment, prhrato GIlast. (905)965-2728. room tiasineart opt• LauuMn eatrante no smokers, no &Cable Suitable Nor iron pots. Firstflat. Available int W Cory 2 bdrne smoker. No pets. $700hm. mediatsiy. Call 839-2774 waterko t f>atrae, with- inclusive: (905) 4321562. — PICKERING, : Newly renovat Ars,,.,vail CONY, NEW 1-bedroom, no ed, spacious 2-bedroom_ able October 1t.r steps, mins. to OGH., non basement, with :separate en- plus utilties. Call 905-839-- smoking, single working per- franca, no pets w smokers, 5748 sen or retiree. preferred. No available immediately. Suits pets/pauidng, leendry 2 min. couple or 2 skt* persons. HOUSES FOR RENT in Pick- Cal act- . welt 5640 antkis lit. firt/lat Cal905-663--5283. ering, Whiny, Ajax, Oshawa, ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN Bowmairville SOUTH AJAX 2-bedroom' a Rent from $1,00 to k Church St N. DUPLEX •LARGE 2 bedroom basement apartment Sepa $2,000 month p� 01- with loft, bright and clean, rate antranceflaundry. Park- Caller Pickering Via W - 683-7311 seperate entrance, separate ing:• $750 plus 1/3 utlI tim tom" "" M Bolen, driveway. ilex ceramic floor- Avaol. Oct. Iglus Credit check is Gr SKus t a36_WD" Bite Study - 9:ts am. oup , . mgt! ASK !w iw trap Brat Ing, brashly pairw. 5800 per a'mast. Plem call 416-391 tefoarts>tMN )• �dt11g1 iFyWQtghip'lO ate. month fnctusns.- Ist/Ist, ,. 4x26 or 416 37a i1.: %R&-v;-sup6mb" ppi�t It. Absokrtely no pets.:Ileal OCTOBER AYARABiLTfY- 362 SPACIOUS well-Maintained 2 I31. Thous IBteciga hist (905) 2a2 A bedroom C. Avail. at NO Oshawa. With S, two bed EVERYONE WELCOME OSHAWA 2 BOOM available a 888 fi>letr St. Some Willi room sem! With pal. Close to amenities and .401. Nop� •. Oct. let. Private TataWry, two wa -lei closets, #M -provill$750/nronth Plus itti & parking spates $780/mo ler- ed: Close m schools . s t-mgaired. Cali 723 3AQues Cat C G Lure i elusive. FirstAast regaled. centre, OU Staffer. 905 623 6599. tndudett Cad 90 728-4893. 1148 h�lnel! Ague, _ «, HIGHWAY ?/Port Union, -new CMAWA Arta, sen Centre TOWN f1dwft L1V U6 1-bedroom wafted basement - Pastors 2 s opts. 2a lathed. 1 1/2 balhroorrre; FcundersJOverseersJSr. apt. separate . etitrarice, CTA,. available - Qg 416�444.7St j( 531-3353 gas fireplace utl[�S/camle In Werrltworth SL We `' dnded.•shred ,bark- $740 & 'S85o. utjitus PICKERING IRrHidE: Wafer SUNDAYLITURGY `Bev. Mune Miller will be our guest speakers on Octotier 1 st (11: 00AM). x. no pets, run atrmker Fe- MCI. Closer to schools, from home, 3 bedroom plot male proferrea. $750 inctu- �pi and 401. pub- rout,. ?D , no pets, no . SatNirclay Vigil p.m. Rev. Miller is a dynamic speaker and teacher of the world of God. She has �- (e0s)4�-4 #� lransft right est 8f1�tw'g $2zo o• Africa and the Caribbean. I BEDROOM avail your. afoor. t cad Avail" NOwetliber 0=10, Sidi Ij+IcnFn�ng. ministered extensively throughout North America, Management �-a28- 530, 10:0(1,11:50 a.m. / awe aiythne. a 350 (905) 721 741 You will be truly blessed by her powerful message. Murat Rd. Oshawa. 163a Sunday'Evenutg 7:30 p Tri ail 10*51 1. NO ADULT- + SUVA= Two pose can from 5ptm to pm. Bedroom Apts, Oshawa. G 1 SZKLY AC1I1nLT_Z3: 905.576.6724. Electric hoal,,rasher; dryer on LAIMIREW PARK Oshawa, e1 ..or. Dec, let. posses- 2 Bedroom Sunda 10-MAM Sunda School All es Monday 7:30PMMeeting Suri. Cad 90"79-9016 Bungalow Y Y t ) Y Y Cozy, ht lower lerrol nt Finished Tec room AJAX Louse. ice, kitchenette TWO' BEDROOM APT avail- - �, rpt `i.4>rI�`of 11:00AM Worship Service Wednesday 7:30PM Bible Study Ism", Perim. UNi ies fn- able so 15 kat Pickering $875 - Law lot eluded. let &Imt a references loci. ro, park- ViA to PTC & GO ' 'PEN requNed. $6501repnth. Avail. ;�. s no pets: $11* utilities 6:3QPM Evening Praise Worship Friday. 7:30PMYauth Service fktR4oa.1, 998 5o -2s25 p etnaer" retare ete5. 9os• 95 MaGiH Dr., tilt Ban Co nmunity Centre Able iVar 1 , LIVERPOOL/BAYLY edrm 6ffil 9833 (905) 420-1524 Stnift School -10:00 a.m. For further information about our Women's Convention or if we be trance. Bt. separate+brigs en- available November Who", and Worship Service "11:00 a.m. of m ass et to call as at 9t}5.837-7191 Nance. Big +bright. Cable. available November Ist. and parluM t es,.1W. No pets. -December it. $690 includes Rev Christie, Pastor � Y�� �`�'�" $750/Ino. Nov. it or scala everything but cable. IstAast. Ann 91%-831-3861 atler6m TEleptiorta {(9os) 665-754a �f- (W5) 626-3493'' (905) 434-2716 NEWLY RBNOYIOEO roe bed fxe hours 9 am - 5 p.m. or 7 1-8EBROOM, Westney roan basement 111Mapart, nebewalk- pxn. - 9 P.M. Non; - ffi. Heights-Ajax: Everything int out to dawrtdovra Whitby, Sail- WHiYBY, ONE BEDROOM access ­to ro backyard, appi C yard,pshare a able for one person, no pels, ee basement apartment on GO kitchen. room, family- Mitts 111 smoking laundry, parking sepa bur, private entrance rewtiY room, atc one access, rate eaibance,dInclusive.$675• renovated withoakcupboards, Non-Smoker preferred. Immo- VILLAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Telephone (905) 686-0110 lauird facilities, $620/mO. diataellyy tst/last. Salto. Near NORTHEAST OSHAWA - October 15. (905) 401 .(905)42&-6674, (905)426-667+1. 22SflerVVOt1d Rd-, W., ltjaX (Pickering Village) a� . 668-7634 Bright one bedroom baserrwad 4 apt Spotless, lovely decor. WINTRY, extra• targe 2-bed- Newly deomded Pastor DertrliS Penner Sunday woramp private path adjacent nc pail room cram tche .lr>har bond ftp Wo Coag fa M_ 905-831-8596 10.30 a.m. «� PEOPLE awl wailing Nail. includes room & kitchen, hardwood ties. Working .itenOeman piie- =�tp ,rile, iumdry. Suit flows, large let, lets of fired. Neu Derham college. 1 far quiet true female: iaq 9800/mpmh. Gau 416) SYSO+,_(gg5j72 , AM $s50/me. fhstlfast. Avrraae. 2$4-56x3 Fall Programs , Oct. iso t cueer deal Es; LARGE CLEAN Y, for: } tale services, 723 18 WHY rent when you cru town nlekea 'mora kNeh i; whkl- • 905 427-4500 Your awl ho" for test than ixiBr: GO, city bus park �. TWO BEDROOM for - you think?" Call Dave Hay telephone, �. weigh LiowNn' 905 61"163 November aimaarl mat- lock Sam. Finalepreferred. _ Oshawa ed bo at-rt�y adult SummitReally�183i it~Ltd, (gg5)4B4-DSao ,feave rites • WJpcfom korne 905.683-9744 occupied 52 Apm• f4 ($29N11511 1800 - j 66fr. _. sage.,_-•- , _ - NF PAGE 34 NOViS AdVERMEFi, 006DAY EDITION, September 22,2"0 o h -a -m. f 1 I -Out. e -ver s nt . . . . . . . _eath Man gets 18 months, `There is no justice' says victim's supporter BY STEPHEN SHAW 52, of Leaskdale. Ms. Dawson was journed at- that time, however, the admissibility of some evi- Staff Writer also seriously injured in the colli when the victims' family members dente, ,including' the blood Sam Family members of a Sunder- Sion. expressed shock at a sentence they ple," Mr. Davies said, without land woman billed by.a drunk dri- Just prior to the crash, Mr. perceived as'far.too lenient. elaborating. eanger and"disbe- MacKenzie had left an Uxbridge On Tuesday, prosecutors Bryan ver reacted with Judy Gerrard-Simmciuus, a lief the man convicted in her, bar where he had been drinking Davies` and Randy Evans filed an member of Mothers Against Drunk death was sentenced to 18 -months that afternoon. application with the court to with- Driving who attended the hearing in ail. A blood sample revealed Mr. draw from the prior joint submis- . in ,support of the -victims, was "Bull , there'stto justice; MaeKenzie i 237 nags of alto- Sion. however, Judge Glass refect- "stunned" by -the sentence. snapped one man moments after hol per 100 mis of blood in his Sys ed the unusual request and; sled `"This is deplorable We're gone Superior Court Justice Bruce Glass tem - almost triple the :legal limit . the deal would stand. backwards, - not - forwards, (in the unposed sentenced on 27 -year-old o€ 8,0 mgs court was told: � l The judge, who also imposed a 'campaign against drinking and dri- Udora resident John MacKenzie. Mr. MacKenzie.;gleaded guilty four-yeardriving prohibition on ving), said Ms. Gerrard -Sim- More than 40. relatives 'and m impaited-drivin ' causing death the defendant,: said he accepted the mons, whose husband and laugh-. friends of Nora Richards, many and impaired driving causing bod- 18 -month reformatory term after ter were also killed by act impaired wearing buttons and T-shirts bear- ily harm. Court heard he had one , weighing all the factors in the case driver 14 years ago. ing the victim's picture,: packed the s prior, conviction for impaired .dri- and the general principles of sen- The owner of the Uxbridge bar Whitby courtroom Tuesday. wing and another for driving with tenting: where Mr.'YMacKenzie had been -Some cried . following the sen- NORA RICHARDS _ more than 80 mgs. A trembling Gord` Dawson, the drinking-priort ": was o the colhs tencing, while most simply sighed Killed ;� head-on collision in passing sentence,. Judge . husband of the surviving crash vic- also charged under the Liquor Li - and shook their. heads in obvious with 2 year-old drunk driver. Glass said he considered Ms. tam, stood in 'court 'after the sen,- cence Act with supplying liquor to disgustMacKenzie'S plea of guilt as a sign:-. tenting and, told' Judge Glass: an intoxicated person and permit - .Terry Evangelista, sister of the -:Feb. 3, -1999 when the minivan in of remorse and suggested the ac- "Your.fionour seems to be Willing ting drunkenness. dead woman, :said she was "ab- which she was a front -seat passen tions of a third driver, whose vehi- us Nora's life.. is: only worth 18 Theodore, Karavos; . the owner solutely crushed" by the sentence.} ger was struck head-on by a car cle was rear -ended, -could possibly months.:. It doesn't add up' of J.P, Plank's Tap and Grill, the handed down.`"This is ;outra- driven by Mr.. MacKenzie. have contributed to the crash.' The?judge replied;`Thank you" Brock Street West bar which was geous: ,My sister is dead and =this Mr. MacKenzie was north- The judge also noted the jail and court was closed. In a subsequently_ shut. down,_ pleaded guy will be home in no time at all, bound on Regional Rd. 1 when he term was :proposed . at the start Of later Interview, Mr Davies said tice guilty earlier this fir ;ender �uii d of all Ms. Evangelista . said. Mr. rear-ended a third vehicle, crossed the sentencing, hearings, two- week sentencing arrangement was Kim -.Morrell was - MacKenzie will be eligible for pa- the centre line and collided with ago, as part of a' t S*rm n reached; after a review of the case. "charges following a trial: role, in six months. the southbound van driven by Ms, by the Crown and the defehoe. ` it gone to trial, "There Mrs Karavos was fined $75;00, Ms. Richards, 6, =was killed Richards's friend; Sharon Dawson; . "'The he0ring was .. r tly ad= would have been a serious issue tori but is aP . T •FACTORS' MATTRESS .. - the 165!3 GAYLY STREET, PI0KERIN6 A�ftk- r i as A .ate Miekk■ t ar lir Alk"111 t a ro"NX0WOUT t7ara tet�sw�th �' - . 1 _ All1 ►e V7 _ $ ��� E - =' O ENIROAMSET SETB Commei, Allegro Resort-Cozemel +moi$ 76SWET DourtumsSftft, N©vwr&r 4,18, 25 ................. ....... X8.3"MATTRESS- 3 nigtft - Wt, Dire &Beath Resort `} MATTRESS Qepar€ur.. Thursday, December 14 Com#, 29 do r, is Ah inciushre ., . Sa day, No W 4 11 "1:8;25 .. .. ..�. .- . = : .moi e:.�. e:::s i�::b::are..ie .:whWWAsmaftfowbdoiaszi SCROLL00 SET, SET, � nlcH�acs �uA� Ua�N�nls FV1ltB .CAnB, Bareela Barare Palace All1 ►e V7 _ $ ��� Departures S*ff tr November 4 ti 1&25 ..................... . . . .... ............................. ...... Commei, Allegro Resort-Cozemel 7 nig hb DourtumsSftft, N©vwr&r 4,18, 25 ................. ....... NB 11, Clada Result ftan 3 nigtft - Wt, Dire &Beath Resort `} Qepar€ur.. Thursday, December 14 Com#, -. OR. Srte` BamW Capella Beach" Resell r, is Ah inciushre ., . Sa day, No W 4 11 "1:8;25 .. .. ..�. .- . = : .moi e:.�. e:::s i�::b::are..ie .:whWWAsmaftfowbdoiaszi ....r, ' ;i;; fi U_wyrc"ii 135NatralAr X 111111tWt L141MI. _ fkkftPbry, 851 ShM, OtMart 11�ePldo11tl� `- ,- _ -15V, :Fof`a��°""�.a'.°'�o`�;i'��' •�- ..�.? r.+��a �'a.att%x5t�'°:���:���� yc;,£:-'�",.,�.f.,a;.a,�i�l��i�'Et��C�Js�fir�1C"�`v'!:SIC.:��lL"4±qC"!+.'�''�'S9s!�."���:�'�'S?!h"�dt:3:"�,'�.'�'t�3�'`�°.� '4 35 d loy -o s ord F 1,� 0-9* A R Vv P!R �FM� GIVE US A CHANCE TO SAVE YOU MORE MONEY i if i 'v i �V i 1 t i I t k 14- 0 ii R S: PARTS & SERVICF EXTENDt As 4;-� c— "do"