HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2000_08_27PRESSRUN 43,400 PICKERING'S COMMUNITY. NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 32 PAGES Nikki Tersigni :holdsa flower she ° selected for 00un, for 1 Pinglerat a summer camp she w s'attending r/ is week. Nikki and others were enjoying, the summer season at the Peace Lutheran Church's' ;N at on Bible Camp: SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 2000 ,cal customers express, s' BY MIKE RUTH month. Staff Writer "It's been a very difficult day Knob Hill Farms workers in for Mr. Stavro and his family and Durham. Region will soon -be un- the 800 employees of Knob Hill employed as the grocery chain is Farms," said Jamie Robinson, closing its 10 stores in Ontario, . Knob, Hill spokesman. -- including outlets in Pickering and • He said stiff competition from` - Oshawa. ` other grocers ultimately led to the Steve Stavro, president and closures. • CEO of Knob Hill Farms Ltd., an- "I think that it's fair to say over pounced Friday all the stores will the years the grocery industry has be closed by the end of, next become increasingly competitive OPTIC N - c Ep8C DDnn Y_ $5/ 81 NEWSSTAND SIORGROOM Durham public school enrolment ea e E io is YL BY MIKE MITA Staff Writer Enrolment in Durham's public school system will slow down this year if a projected growth rate of underone per cent is realized, says Christine Nancekivell, a planner with the Durham District. School Bow. _ She says the board's student population normally grows by roughly two per cent per year. But the student population is expected to rise by half that over the next five years, including 0.85 this year, and " Ms. ; Nancekivell says- the board is hoping to take advantage of the opportunity . to lower the number of school portables in use by building new facilities and ad- ditions to existing schools. "Hopefully a slower growth rate>willahllow us to catch up a lit- tle bit," she said. Board figuresshutitkmutidtary sc%ls will be 22 per -cent over their' Education Ministry-ratedea-_ pacity this fall when Kindergahen students - are included with full - tune pupils. The high schools are 16 per cent over capacity. Ms. Nancekivell notes . the board is hoping Eby 'time next ear to have its next system -Wide dation plan zapProved, ~setting the capitalforecast for the next five years. Bucking the system -wide trend of slower growth, she says Whitby, Ajax and, to a lesser extent, Pick - ion to C. and thegrocery business has been _ losing money," he said. Mr. Robinson said the compa- ny "has always met its obligations to its employees and. will continue to do so, explaining all workers will , receive compensation -"ex- ceeding the statutory require men#" based on their length of service. He could not say how many people are employed in - the ening are outpacing the rest of the region. The board's elementary popular tion, including Kindergarten pupils, is expected to rise by 0.4 per cent to 46,228 students this fall. In -Whitby, 244 more students are expected, by far the biggest jump in any municipality. . On the other hand, Scugog'schools should see 119 fewer pupils for the largest decrease. Minor decreases are an- ticipated in Brock and ' Pickering, while Ajax and Uxbridge are each expected to see about 27 new stu- dents: With 56 more elementary pupils expected in Oshawa,' the municipality ranks second in growth Three Whitby elementary schools are expected to open early next year, amain Michael Van - ,_and Sir Samuel Steele awls are slfo receive classes in January, while the =con- struction of Jack Miner Public Sclu:tol is -behind schedules should be wished by the spring. A maturing student- is tuis reflected in the high school growth projection of 1.3 pct Ajax and Pickering ane expected to lead the Way; with 1.7.E and 110 more . .*dents, :peenrely- Smaller increases are projected Whitby and Scugog, while the sec- ondary school population in Uxbridge, Brock and Oshawa is expected : to remain about the same. lose Ontario stores Durham Region stores. The manager of the Oshawa outlet, who would identify him- self only as Mike, did, not wish to comment. An employee at the Pickering store said workers were' being told the news and that the manager was unavailable for comment. Customers at the Pickering See GROCERYpage4'` vista- inttrodUcIng the new Vista 3.90 ad a' *" Made a BONUS lflE-��1187i lixwo wnstWCh k k! with the Paha" of avfsta 39ol Last call at the Lyons' home... and more... Page '23 Editorial Page ' .. =.6 flame propping ... ...23 ..24 Classifies 26 spa USA CAS.: General .683-5110 .683-0707 Distribution. .683-5117 Beath Notices. . .683-3005 Sincerely Yews .1-800-662-8423 • Vii, . steve.houston@ + durhamnews.net Web site ..durhamnews.net FAX .683-7363 •r 4 .. _-. t s • +-� • • • e • t „ e._..:_.._.:;.s,.-,a i- +l r t1F-�1 Y I P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 inont ati's gift leaves legacy ofhope Organ transplant programs will benefit from $250,000 donation Jack McGinnis recalls fond memories as he looks over of his late wife, Car- rie Newman (inset), taken dur- ing a trip to Bali. Ms. Newman was 36 when she passed away last year while waiting for a heart -double -lung transplant. Ms. Newman bequeathed a cot- tage property in Muskoka to the London Health Sciences Centre where she received treatment during her illness. The property' was sold for $250,000 and the - money will be used to support organ donation programs., _ BY SUSAN O'NEILL Staff Writer PICKERING - When Carrie Newman realized her name would likely be on the waiting list for a heart -double -lung trans- plant longer than she would sur- vive, she wanted to do all she could to ensure there would" be organs available for others in the future. • And, thanks to a generous be- quest: from the Pickering woman to the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), where she had been treated, her desire to help save the lives of others will be re- alized. "Carrie ended up gradually coming tothe realization that the transplant wasn't going ; to save her, that it wasn't going to happen in time," said her husband Jack McGinnis who represented Carrie during a recent cheque presenta- tion at the hospital. "But, by then she had become so committed to the cause that she spent those last months figuring out how she could help." So, the 36 -year-old environ- mental consultant, who passed away waiting for a transplant a year ago in June, decided to leave the hospitala cottage property in Muskoka that . had been in her family for years. Her husband re- ports the property was 'sold for $250,000 and the money will be used to support organ donation awareness programs. The Claremont resident was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, a disturbance of the heart's elec- trical system in 1992. Despite open heart surgery in 1994 and consultations ' with specialist across North America, her condi- tion steadily worsened. "Carrie had been ill for years," Human Resources hangs up on job leads' Job -listing service moving to organization's Web site BY CINDY UPSHALL one of the primary services number of job bank kiosks and Staff Writer where people access job infor- by networking with community Rural residents in search of mations' said Mr. Cole. "We're - groups which provide employ work could be disadvantaged by finding our traditional efforts to mens help.' deliver job information isnot as "It's'not going to compensate effective." for the phone-in service and we The telephone job listing was realize that. But we're not left originally scheduled to be dis- with other options,' said Mr. continued starting Sept. 1, but he Cole adding, "This is not some= says this date will likely be . de- thing we're going to do locally. layed until the end of the month, This is something that's happen- giving enough time to ;inform ing right across Ontario." users and community groups While that may be so, the re- about the change. ality for job -seekers is "Instead Coon. O'Connor maintains of offering better opportunities a decision to renove job; listings, from an automated phone line` says a rural politician. "It seems, to me, to be anoth- er way they're being unfair to the working person out there looking for employment," said Brock Township Councillor Larry O'Connor, chairman of the Durham Region health, and social services committee. "Any attempt to take that away has to removing the service ` could they're offering less opportuni- be seen as a negative:' hamper a rural resident's eth ty," said Coun. O'Connor. Merle Cole, manager of eta- ployment search because of . a For people who are forced to ployment services at the Human lack of transportation and/or ac- rely on transportation through Resources DevelopmentCanada cess to job bank locations. friends and relatives, : a phone Oshawa office, says the listings "One of the challenges we service is important because it will no longer be available have in -Brock Township and all allows job -.seekers to check list - through the telemessage service the rural municipalities in the re-. ings every=day; even when they because employers will no gion is transportation," he said. can't make it to a job bank loca- longer call in job openings di- rectly to the local offices. In stead, employers will call a cen- tre number that accepts job openings across the country and posts them on the "HRDC's Web site. "Th Internet ~ i$ becomir "Transportation is a problem so a phone service offers an excel- lent option?' To make up for the absence of the telephone service, HRDC will tryto make opportunities available by -putting terminals in ylc; 3 i eaS bran , tion, he says. "So often in the job market - the employt opportunity is now and then;'Goun. O'Connor said, explaining job seekers can miss the -chance for a job if they don't see it as soon as it's post - Mr. McGinnis said. It was a long road looking for a solution. "In 1998 it became clear the, only solution was a heart -double - lung transplant," he added, noting Carrie was referred to LHSC's Multi-organ Transplant Program in 1998 and was placed on the waiting, list in September of that. year. 'We spent a lot of time talking about all of this. She talkedto me quite a bit about how she'd like to see (her gift) used.' -- JACK MCGINNIS "Carrie always managed her life and she learned" a lot about trans- plants and about ; the odds," he said, noting his wife became committed to organ transplanta- tion and was convinced Canada's organ donation rate, the lowest of all industrialized countries, could be improved through education. "She just reached a point where it was pretty clear she was- n't going to survive and she just wanted to make sure she could do her best to help others. "We spent slot of time talking about all of this. She talked to me quite a bit about how she'd like to see (her gift) used Mr. McGinnis is also trying to co-ordinate awareness efforts about - organ ; ` donation with George Marcello, a transplant re- cipient' who- recently passed Notice to Past DHS Employees On Thursday, August 31st between 1145 and 13hours, a. representative from the Pay Equity Commission will be present, in the DHS boardroom, to answer any questions you may have regarding "Pay Equity Issues", 4t,DH Health Care Service Ll 1 "caring at it's best" Email it NEWS ADVERTISER steve.houston@durhamnews.net through Durham on a cross-coun- try trek to raise awareness about the need for abetter system. According to LHSC, more and more patients are being referred for transplant surgery and waiting Lists are increasing every year. There are currently about 4,000 people on the waiting list for transplants m Canada. "The more that is done to en- sure that people sign their organ donation cards and speak to their families, about -their intentions, the more lives will be saved," said Dr. William Wall, director of the Multi-organ Transplant Program at LHSC.' "Carrie's courage, spirit and selflessness are a shining exam- ple that will inspire many people to think more deeply about organ donation." The hospital reports plans are under way to use part of Carne's gift to produce •.and distribute 100,000 copies of a national' transplant calendar featuring sto- ries of transplant recipients. The restof the money and any addi- tional funds raised will go into an endowment fund that will be used to support organ donor awareness programs in the future. "When we , were in London, Dr. Wall gave us his assurance. there would literally be lives saved with this gift," Mr. McGin- nis said. , "It makes me feel good to know I'm helping: live out, what she wanted... we never wanted;. Carrie to become well-known,". he said, adding he hopes to high- light the need for organ donation by telling her story. "We were only married in /998 but we'd been together since 1991... We had a pretty amazing life together." WE CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE A FRESH START Professional and PersonaNmd Service Free Confidential Consultation CLARKE HENNING INC. Trustees in Bankruptcy Several convenient locations, including OSHAWA 146 Since, Street N. ) 72.9494 "BOROUGH " ;1919 Lawrence Ave. E, (near OVP end.) 2 e mornigside Are. (Merningside Mail) ietr unlimited Internet Access ROM Just 14 ■ 95 a month Cali Toll Free 1.-888-403-9888 Operators Standhig By 9 A.M. - 9 P.MJ7 DAYS A WEEK e-stella.net Canada s Fjvorite Intert;Ft Company to clip in and join fight against cancer Group of seven sets $50,000 goal and needs your help Katie Carpe and some friends are taking it all off for charity. - Ms. Carpe and six friends are having their hair shaved off to raise money for the west - Durham branch of the Canadian Cancer Saci- ety. - "I thought this would be a really good com- munity effort and it just started snowballing," said the Ajax resident. "I am trying to get as much community support as I can." Ms. Carpe calls the event `Head For A Cure', and the locks are slated to fall on Sept. 23 at 11 a.m.. in the lobby of the Ajax Community Cen- tre. Her goal is to raise $50,000 and Ms. Carpe has already ‘garnered roughly $3,000. But she and her buddies can't do it alone. They're looking for volunteers to go door to door with pledge sheets to help raise money, and are seekingpeople and businesses to make donations. Ms. Carpe's hairdresser;at Cutting Comers on Hearne Crescent has already volunteered her time to shave the participants. In addition, she is donating ' all of her tips from now until the event, to the Cancer Society. For those who havelong hair and don't want to lose it to the shaver, Ms. Carpe has invited them to volunteer to have a haircut, with their donated locks to beused for wigs for cancer pa- tients. The basic cut at the community centre is free, but participants will need to have their' hair styled elsewhere. Those wishing to volunteer or phone in' a pledge are asked to {call the west Durham branch of the Canadian Cancer Society at 686- RO.N PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser photo: Katie Carpe (seated) is prepared to put her hair what. mouth is in a bid: to raise money for the Durham branch` of the Cana-. dian Cancer Society. Donating hair -cutting services is y Saladin, owner of Cutting= Cgrners id Ajay Pledge forms can be picked up at the branch, located at 467 Westney Rd. S. in Ajax. Theyare also available at- all Ajax library branches and the main branch s f libraries in Whitby and 1516. Pickering. DRIVER EDUCATION CENTI A Complete Defen aloe Drlvin t course 11111. of Trans. -Approved Courite Provider Back to School Sfi9900 Special 14, 20!!11 • 25 Hra In C • 10 Hrs. In Car battalion • Save up to 41% on Insurance • GI and G2 Road Test Prep • Get line 4 months:earler A- A CALL TODAY AND REGISTER Ef4ax 426-9611 68:HARWOOD AVE. S. ,,,,, Fax it: 683-7363 CORRECTION NOTICE on page 5 of the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer in effect from Sunday, August 27, 2900 to Sof #ay, September 2, 2000; the AT&T Phone Card will not be available in the $5 denomination due to a supplier shortage. inconvenience this may cause. DRUG IMIART NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 3 P Home invasion victim bound, blindfolded An 18 -year-old man was bound and blindfolded by several men who broke into his parents' Ajax home through a basement window Friday morning. The victim told Durham` Regional Police he was asleep in the Dakin Drive residence when attacked at 3 a.m. The intruders ransacked the -home and took a television, stereo equipment and jew- elry before, fleeing in a vehicle. The teenager, an Aurora resident who was staying at the house, whilehis parents were away, managed to untie himself and phone police. The investigation is continuing. ACCESS LANDSCAPING ALL TYPES OF LANDSCAPE SERVICES AVAILABLE CALL 666-6666 FOR FREE ESTIMATE oar — ar. ate_ — — — ' How long ' has it been?' rusa...i.rgsrr •.es MBERLEA DENTAL CENTRE WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m -4 p.m. 83i-6666 ?4Hq AfoL590EA4t^riefe. 9 , - ON YN9188 AM PICKERING' BETWEEN FINCH SH Y491 • FREE bad Opinion Com • • Mercury Fra White FWings ad 0.019 91 .6.1 10 MINUTE 94. CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED WARRANTY APPROVED IL CHANCE SPECIAL 1 •1 1 RADIIATOR 11'LRSH &FILL ■ 95 SPECIAL, $3 oil30 rar>a►w • OFFER 11- CA11pTCONIIIIECOUPON EHMYOT BOFFSt. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 195 WESTNEY RD. (Southef 401), AJAX (� 427-6196 .- am ,,I M OOPS! MANUFACTURERS GOOFS Cosmeticallyblemiished sewing :machines Due to an error in colouring on front, Singer Machine Company has just released for sale to 'the public a limited number of new DELUXE HEAVY DUTY FREE AIM, SINGER, ZIGZAG SEWING MACHINES. No tension adjustment needed, and sews on all fabrics: denim, canvas, upholstery, nylon, stretch, vinyl, silk; EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER! No attachments needed for buttonholes (any size), monograms, hems. Sews on buttons, satin stitches, overcasts, dams, appliques, 31 stitch functions. Just set dials and see the magic happen without old-fashioned cams or programmers. These machines are suitablefor home, professional or school room sewing, 25 year warranty. Your price with ad =299. Previously priced at 1699. Free Lessons: Terms available. We take trade-ins. Lay -A -Way, MASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS. DEBIT CARDS, CASH. WE ACCEPT PHONE ORDERS, OFFER -EXPIRES SAT, SEPT. 2/00 LIMITED SUPPLY NO DEALERS PLEASE SINGEROS SIINCOAWAE905-433-1140 Your Family Company .MON. - FRI. 9 -5:30; SAT. 9.4 tIRECISIMATINEVANOFTIESINERCOONYLIWIED Service re ail makes. A/P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 Grocery shopprs:- shocked ked over . _ closure of Knob. Hill Farms CHRIS CORREIA `I've been shopping here for 15 years, WHAT'S HAPPENING outlet,meanwhile_, were shocked and saddenedat the news. Many have shopped at the outlet since they moved to the area. "Why?," asked Randa Taha, ; who has shopped there for 10 years: "That's a surprise; the, prices are so cheap." Nellie Vernoy has been a longtime customer and also expressed disappointment. "I'm going to miss : it very 'much,- she said. "I find the store is deteriorat- ing... I've been coming (to Knob Hill) for approxi- mately 38 years... I've fed my seven kids from here. We like to support the local stores; we have to keep the local stores here." "I'm disappointed," added Gerry Desbois. "I do the shopping for the Legion and this -where l get the bargains... we don't make as much with our business if things, cost more." Meanwhile, customer Chris Correia _said he'll miss the prices he finds at - knob Hill Farms. - "I don't dunk it's a go GERRY DEW'S idea,"he said. "I've been disappointed—this is shopping here for 15 years, where I get the bargains.' since I moved here." In -a letter issued to the grocer's "roughly 800 em- ployees,. Mr. Stavro re- called' how the company began 47 years ago as a fruit stand at the corner of Queen Street and Coxwell _ Avenue in Toronto. "Our achievements were made possible through your hard work and dedication," e<stated Mr. Stavro in the let- ter. "On behalf of our whole family, Sally (his wife) and I want to thank you for the contributions you -have made to the sue- cess of Knob Hill Farms. NELLIE VERNOY - _ But, times have changed. 'We have to keep the After careful consideration local stores here.' and a review of the strate- gic alternatives for Knob Hill Farms, I have decided, regretfully, this is the right time , to close the doors at our grocery outlets." The press release added Mr. Stavro will keep the Knob!' Hill real estate assets, and that ` he is "working with The Woodbridge Company :Limited to ex- plore opportunities for the . development of these prop- erties." Mr. Stavro is also chair- man of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Ltd., ; RANDA TAHA which controls the Toronto Maple "Leafs, the Toronto `Thai's a surprise; the Raptors and the Air Canada prices are so Amp: Centre. GOLDF ` .AGF The Claremont • Golden Age ;.Club on Brock Rd. in Claremont meets. , The third Thursday of every month at noon for a pot luck luncheon and meet- ing followed by a social. and euchre. The Ajax . Senior Citizens' :Friendship Club ,Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at- 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew's Senior Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. For information on speakers call (90S 686-1573. The ' ladies of Royal Canadian Legion Brandt 606 offers',' daily lunches from 12 Noon to 1 p.m: at the Legion Hall at 1555 Bayly St., Pickering. It's under. $4. All are wdcatne membership required. For Pickering Museum September 9-40 Historf+ in Action, 1 i�g Museum Villa. Enjoy the Bounty of the )Harvest (te) 6834401 HER—O—NGATE- 2885 Altana Rd., Pickering N.w flaying Hilarious English Comedy LOVE'S A LUXURY CLIP 'iv SAVE Save S5 Bili; 1t'fll.h!r'-t11,11r11 Siri. 11,11,lilid )171f't!?1 ,t p, DINNER& SHOW (91►5) from 472 5 COMCARE 140 HEALTH SERVICES Services de sante For all the things your feet do for Let us -treat them to some TLC! COMCARE HEALTH SERVICES PROVIDES IN HOME CARE. FOR YOUR TIRED FEET ,CALLTODAVTO ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR SERVICES YOURFEET WILL BE HAPPYYOU I I 433-1494 OR 1-800-275-2198 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 5 A/P 0) .\\ i 1 ) 6.,\<i )I)I1.l()NL J. 11: ALI‘E,\IPtr RI_ I) (1 T) PRICE O\ )1' (()`' r • ,\C C}I S ()R1I_S • LAMPS • � I IINI S Sale prices epi Sunday, August 27, 2000. Some 'tents may have been on sale during the past week. rius, 1t S1111 iJl or use your ridg -et double Sears Whitby Sears furniture store 1650 VICTORIA ST., UNIT #7, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE: (905)579-4048 1-800-336-8073 "ICs like there's NO 6ST ADDED' offer: Seats will eruct from the item price the same dollar anroatt the GST you will pay. GST egrtvetent rection does not apply to pt>rdasesinade un der tax-exempt stabs. Excludes deferralfees, delivery. maintenance agreement and it ation charges. Offer ends Sunday, September 10 2000: *"Donk Pay' offer: Don't pay mil kat 2001, on approved credit, with youf Sears Carrf„Minims m $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of pod se. Offs en cs Sunday, September 24, 2000. Ask for detals. ""Double Seers Club Pokes' offer. 0se your Sears Card and . ,double Sears CNtrpoints co al furniture and sleep sett On approved aedd: ExcJrxies deferd fees, delivery, mantenan a agreeme it and installation charges .Offer ends Sunday, Auc ust 27, 2000. Ask for detefs: Al °iters Apply to merchandise specified above in Sears Furniture, Sys Furniture &Appliances and Sears Furniture, Appliances & Home improvement Stores. Exclude Catalogue ptchases, '[X601 Furniture Shop; excludes baby and patio fumi9xe in our Sears Retail Mall stores ?o8480D0 Capyright2000.Sears 0amda Inc NWT401 VICTORIA STREET E. L'� AN 7 .*-1 1650 VICTORIA ST., UNIT #7, WHITBY, ONTARIO PHONE: (905)579-4048 1-800-336-8073 "ICs like there's NO 6ST ADDED' offer: Seats will eruct from the item price the same dollar anroatt the GST you will pay. GST egrtvetent rection does not apply to pt>rdasesinade un der tax-exempt stabs. Excludes deferralfees, delivery. maintenance agreement and it ation charges. Offer ends Sunday, September 10 2000: *"Donk Pay' offer: Don't pay mil kat 2001, on approved credit, with youf Sears Carrf„Minims m $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of pod se. Offs en cs Sunday, September 24, 2000. Ask for detals. ""Double Seers Club Pokes' offer. 0se your Sears Card and . ,double Sears CNtrpoints co al furniture and sleep sett On approved aedd: ExcJrxies deferd fees, delivery, mantenan a agreeme it and installation charges .Offer ends Sunday, Auc ust 27, 2000. Ask for detefs: Al °iters Apply to merchandise specified above in Sears Furniture, Sys Furniture &Appliances and Sears Furniture, Appliances & Home improvement Stores. Exclude Catalogue ptchases, '[X601 Furniture Shop; excludes baby and patio fumi9xe in our Sears Retail Mall stores ?o8480D0 Capyright2000.Sears 0amda Inc A/P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER STOAT EDITION, August 27,:2000 11 OPINIONS NEWS ADVERTISER AUG 2 7 , 2000 EDITORIAti A whole lot of hot dirty air being blown about Ontario's abysmal record on air pollution needs serious attention to beat this killer It's been easy to get caught up in water quality, with good reason this past summer. The fallout from Walkerton has given everybody pause to, think about the water they drink every day. Then, there's the garbage debate over what to do with our refuse when the Keele Valley landfill closes in less than two years. Factories can't simply belch their soot and grime into the air these days as they did a century ago. There are some controls, though not enough. Which brings us to the problem of air pollution. It can truly be called the silent killer. It's easy enough to enforce no -smok- ing restrictions in public places though.it hasn't come without a fight. And, the ef- fectiveness of the vaunted `Drive Clean' program introduced with much fanfare by the Province a few years ago, is open to question, though at least it is an at- tempt to reduce automobile emissions. Still, many promises have been made at the federal provincial levels aver the past decade with not enough to showy for it. Pneovicgs administrations vowed to reducepolladcm at the famous Rio envi- ronmental summt at the beginning of the 1990s. Many pledges have been made in the wakeof the NAFTA agree- ment to reduce smog and other forms of environmental =degradation. Still, On- tario rates third worstamong the 63 states, provinces and territories, better- ing only Texas-: and. Louisiana. Pretty The facts are frightening: Thousands • of people in Ontario die every year be- cause of the cumulative effects of air pollution. Many more become sick with asthma, induced by declining air quality. Concerns have been raised about the long-term health of our children, more of whom are becoming sick with obvi- ous environment -caused illnesses each year: Federal Environment Minister David: Anderson . and his Ontario counterpart, Daft, Newman, `quick to make hay over publicity stunts which claim to sup- port tough measures to battle polluters. The most: recent, the Anti -Smog Action Plan introduced by Mr. Newman, claims it will drop nr gen oxide emissions to 80 per cent of the current target, what- ever that means Even environmental ac- tivists were left wondering what Mr. Newnan will. do. The feds, .shamed by the U.S. emissions levels, which are three times tougher than Canada's, have promisedserious cuts. We'll see. Promises to reduce air pollution are made but rarely kept. Our long-term health depends upon a renewed commit- ment to cut air pollution and to make certain any new businesses are onstream with regard to environmental rules and regulations. If we're not vigilant today, we'll "ail 'pay the price down the road. E -Mail your comments on this opinkut to ateve.haustonedurhamr ws.nei: Sub- missions which include a first and last name, as well as the city of residence, will be considered for publication. Teaching's come a long way In return for her salary, Miss Lottie Jones agreed to the follow- ing terms of employment: 1. To be at home between the hours of 8 p.m. and /6 a.m., unless she is m attendance at a school To the editor: function. I have been reading your editor- 2. Not to leave town at any time ial page ever since I came to live in without the permission of the chair -- Ajax and , because .',have read so : man of the board of trustees. many conflicting stories regarding 3. Not to smoke cigarettes. teachers,I am sending you a qui- 4. Not 'to drink beer, wine or tion taken from one of the speeches whisky. given by RobertWekh,. former On- 5. Not to ride in a carriage or au- tario minister -of education, to give tomobile with any man except her these teachers an idea` of how far brother or father. they have come with our present 6. Not to dress in bright colours. boards of education. _ 7. Not to wear °dresses more "Below is'a contract dated 1923 than two inches above the ankle. between a young lady and: a board 8. To keep the school room of education in Ontario: clean; to sweep the classroom floor at least once daily; to scum classroom floor once a week with hot water and soap; to clean the blackboards at least once daily; to start the fire at 7 a.m. so that the room will be warm at 8 a.m. when the children arrive; to carry out the ashes at least once daily:' Now if this was not enough, this one teacher also had to teach a large number of grades and chil- dren of different ages. So when we hear our teachers complaining today, they should read this to real- ize justhow far they have come and know just how fortunate they and our children are. John William Il ylor, Ajax Time to show abusedwomen the money Discussion is well and good, but politicians have to act It's not opoliticians from our three levels of government are on the same page on an issue. So, when representatives from our municipal, provincial and federal gov- ernments gathered in Ajax earlier this month to address" the problem of do- mestic violence here, the suniranit was hailed as a positive first step. But, that's all it was. A first step. And, a small one at that. Organized by the Social Develop- ment Council (SDC) of Ajax -Picker- ing, the summit was intended to find solutions to the problems reflected by the recent murder of Gillian Hadley. The Pickering mother of three was shot and killed by her estranged bus' band Ralph Hadley before he turned the gun on himself at her Hillcrest Road home June 20. The murder -suicide ignited a call from the SDC regarding the need for a women's shelter in the local communi- ty, the need for changes to the legal system toprotect women from vio- 1 ape need,for:,aftardabl1, Susan O'Neill. Staff Writer housing in Durham. In fairness, these things take time. But, unless real action is taken, the summit will have been nothing more than an opportunity for our politicians to get together and chat. Simply talk- ing about the issues won't make a dent in addressing the challenges faced by the hundreds 6f women and children in Durham, who like Gillian Hadley, sit on waiting lists for subsidized housing. What's needed now is a financial commitment from those in power. A substantial monetary contribution that will help mike the goals of the SDC a a u ;' f ,Read, ac -:o knowledges there seems to be the go- litical will to bring about change. But, he confirms no money has been com- mitted to the project. "Everybody seemed to be on the same page certainly for the need for af- fordable housing, for a shelter and bet- ter services _ for women, and children, and largely on the same page regarding the restraining order isstt' ;' he said. That's all well and good. But, it's not enough to simply ac- knowledge the problem of, domestic violence in our community. Gillian Hadley's brutal death tragically high- lighted the problems that exist. Our politicians can talk until they're: blue in the face, but without the money to back up their pronouncements, their words ring empty. What's needed now is, action. To show true leadership our politicians need to put our money where their mouthsare. E -Alsip your comments on this opin The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter .must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please in- clude a phone numb% for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in let- ters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Ad- vertiser. We :regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be psinted,K, JI 5,1 9.0 N Jf-' , 8,il`,.klt.:,'t',! NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston. Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Olassified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate/Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distgibution Manager Lillian hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing Manager News (905) 683-5110 ,> $ales (905) 683-5110 Classifieds ( n7 ?, (905) 683-5117 General Fax (905) 683-7363 Steve. durha mews.net Web address www.durhaninewsmet 130 Commercial Ave Ajax, Ont, LIS 2H5 Publications. Mail .Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The NewsAdvertiser is one of the MVletroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Coun- cil. The publisher re- serves the right to classify or refuse any advertise- ment. Credit for adver- tisement limited to space price error occupies. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNL$AY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 7 A/P COST OF AMOUNT BORROWING FINANCED AT 9.5% FOR 48 MONTHS COST OF °RR°WI G YOU SAVE** AT,0.996 FOR 48 MONTHS As you can dearly see, you I -nay never make a better deal fest-selling Chevrolets and Coldsmabiles. atM►WWI' bed WINOS • aril 1-88®- e on approved 04AG c onlyforremaidngz000 orevrolet and okismobile vehicles. Down pay f trade andU s@ lty deposit: mybs wed. Monthly payment wittiest d borrsrweg will vary depending on ow. tborrowed and down pay- Ermrtrpls:VONNO at 0,9°44PR. the montlypaymeres to Ith Mthttith,Coe<a+6oeroxir�gis t@ Rw $10.184 ea. clave awes b news dema4trator modes and appik.p.rined retail custom. ince alio r h.det Deter Ma tereng Association warmly (re ng Northwestern Otdari Dealer Crede Deems ere tree do set indvidral s� littiMat ollerwi1>el not combined with other oder. Sas your Odder for t:ima . and -11596:Pwchase Financing does appy to: Cort tl 2500/3504 bowl tib ua v$ty:.:.r P PAGE BNEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDMON, August 27, 2000 Durham garden project wins accolades at CNE A display featuring a water effi- cient garden created by Durham Re- gion has been selected as the Best Feature Garden 2000 at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE). Glen Pleasance, co-ordinator of the Region's water efficient pro- grams, accepted the award Thursday on behalf ` of the local organizations and businesses that contributed to the project. "Durham Region's, CNE garden demonstrates efficient water use .;in gardening," Mr. Pleasance reports. "Winningthis award demonstrates the viability and beauty of this type of garden." • The Region's CNE garden,, which includes plants requiringonly rainfall to remain beautiful, presents a num- ber of different approaches to water efficient gardening through four theme areas, including a meadow gar- den, a Mediterranean garden,_a cot- tage garden and a shade garden. "Durham has -: been promoting water 'efficient gardening in a variety of ways over the past four years," notes Environmental Services Direc- tor Ken Thompson. "The popularity of this style of . gardening has been growing steadily and can be measured by the tens of thousands of informa- tion brochures which have been dis- tributed by the Region." Partners in the project, which was spearheaded by Scugog Councillor Jim McMillan, include. Mason Hogue Gardens, Dutchmaster, Brooklin Con- County. Town Singers. seek local talent The County Town Singers are holding:_ September au- ditions for -their fall choir sea- son. The choir features mem- bers from all over Durham Region and be- yond, united in their = love of singing. Auditions take _ place at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 6, 13 and 20 at the Whit- by : Seniors Ac- tivity Centre, 801 Brock St,. 5. in Whitby. All are' wel- come to attend the auditions. For more in- formation call 668- 74 crete Products Ltd. and .Ian Clark of Landscapeople.com. Residents can visit the Region's garden in the atrium located between the Coliseum and the National Trade Centre Buildings on the CNE grounds. The Region also has a water efficient garden at Durham headquar- ters, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Pickering libraries offer homework help PICKERING - To mark the ar- rival of the new school year, the Pickering Public Library is preparing to offer an Internet program designed_ to help students with their home- work. Geared toward pupils between the ages of eight and 11, the Internet Homework Helper program will teach children how to use the Net.ef fectively to meet their homework needs. The free program, which will cover anumber of topics, including Internet safety and how to evaluate a Web site, runs from 7 to 8 p.m. Tues- day, Sept. 19 and from 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Pickering Central Library, 1 The Esplanade. Space is limited and pre -registra- tion is required. For information or to register call the children's services, department at 831-6265 ext. 226 or drop by the children's desk at the library. Silent partner Matthew Tate's shadow stretches before him as he enjoys a game ' of Spud with other youngsters taking part in_ a summer sports CHRIS DICK/ News Advertiser photo camp puton by the; City of Pickering. The camp is being hosted at the, East Shore Com- munity Centre on Liverpool Road. mom 579 1-888-576-8575 i�. f:`vrtga FUND4P4C VNIZtelLfer BEST AVAILABL RATES PRIVATE FUNDS AVAILABLE Refinancing dealt cor,o!idation a specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL (905) 686-2557 Rental P op,ties Plumbing Mar Fox KITCHEN K BATHROOM .RENOVATIONS HUGE' RENOVATION CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED SHOWROOM WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS KITCHEN K BATHROOM MODELS BOOKED THIS MONTH! • -888-BATH-RENO 4 1 6- 2 8 5- 6 7 9 8 00000000000000c�oc�" ". Pick -A -Mix Concrete Limited 0 Concrete Weekdays and Saturdays 0 On Site Mixing, Special Mixes, Latex Modified Concrete, Stone Slinger ' Concrete Pumping ft 2890 Brock Rd. N, Pickering E! Teb (905)_ 683-6501' Fax: (905) 683-6381 0 e-mail: pickamix@elirpa.com 0 NEWS ADVERTISER -SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 9 A/P less,;, fot Brand New Model S UPE RSPECI= i OFFER 2000 Caravan CIRRUS - LX 4DR SEDAN 2000 4 R Inc. auto, ps, pb, ac, pw, pl, AM/FM/Cass, plus much Inc., auto, ps, pb, AM/FM/Cass. more. Bal of factory warranty. $ 4 d x$88*. Si 4, 888* �v CONICC.- ._'` 0,1 T,I SPO,,,T ISDN WILUA N MsNIAOY ARSNNM T LANSKA t NARDINO CONMGAN HIA1�Q ir3 LASE we area • CHRYSLER • DODGE • DODGE TRUCKS ivee i "TFIINI TNG LIKE A CUST`UM, _ _ - �_` , � SERVICE AND N ALL E1FER�DAY NIC�iHTTURDAY Dealership ; -19 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) 905-683-5358 0 a% financing on alt2000 Caravans, 36 mos. Ex: 620,000 financed over 36 /nos. =562.43 mo. CQB is $247:48 OAC. *Pius t t, lic, taxes, Add �r deposit and first mo. 20,000 ttms per annum.,arm-it:12o km. on °via ge. Leese tale of 1.8%. $3,045` DOWN PAYMENT OR TRADE IN. TOWleaMotfigation $26.313, buy-back $12.024 t taxes. *Plus lc., taxes & admin. j 4 )Ke HWY.. t2 COSTCO Nt 1 HWY I ■ VILLAGE TH CHRYI LPLYMOUER <•� 7bROlMfO = OSHAWA _ _ - �_` , � SERVICE AND N ALL E1FER�DAY NIC�iHTTURDAY Dealership ; -19 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) 905-683-5358 0 a% financing on alt2000 Caravans, 36 mos. Ex: 620,000 financed over 36 /nos. =562.43 mo. CQB is $247:48 OAC. *Pius t t, lic, taxes, Add �r deposit and first mo. 20,000 ttms per annum.,arm-it:12o km. on °via ge. Leese tale of 1.8%. $3,045` DOWN PAYMENT OR TRADE IN. TOWleaMotfigation $26.313, buy-back $12.024 t taxes. *Plus lc., taxes & admin. j 4 )Ke 06 CA LE 660 4'A' FAC WHOLE OTR. HAS' _ LAMB' *•'• Ai i. fid' EFFECTffi KNOB HILL'S CASH & CARRY AVAILABLE IN TQRONTi CENTRAL, MISSiSSAUGA, NORTH YORK, SCARBOROUGH, OSHAWA AND CAMBRIDGE E V TTT IE NM mom tJ V CET EXTRA BONUS VALUES WHEN YOUBUY !! LARGE UN!TS, CASE LOTS AND EVEN SKIDS! .CT „ R. GF •CMPSAHOY *OREO *PIRATES COOKIES _._ 350 - 400 g BAG sPRDIRMI PLUS CRACKERS 450 g BOX AVAILABLE IN TORONTO CENTRAL. MISSISSAU I . NORTH ' 0R SGL RBOROUGH. OSHAWA AND CA BRIDGE A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, fUNDAY EDITION; August 27, 2000 rtyers have to realize, during their Night moves turn deadly for young mother... sober moments; their compulsive ways •, eventually ay come to an end.Thelucky ones Visitors take advantage - of the situation • get away with a -good scare. Those not so lucky end up as outcasts from their fami- lies, friends and even society. The unfortu- nate ones end up losing a lot more. Such was the case of Ajax's Audrey Lyons, whose partying ways came to an end in the early hours of Nov 10, 1945 ... along with her life. by Jae. Duarte By all accounts, Audrey Lyons should have lived a long and loving life in the company of her sons (Billy, 3, and Jerry, 18 months) and husband Cpl. William 'Bud' Lyons. But while her husband was stationed in CFB Gander in,Newfoundland (he was due to be discharged before the end of Novem- ber), : the 23 -year-old mother was whiling her time away by entertaining (often young men) at her Ajax home,usually until the wee hours of the morning. Two of the 'teenagers who frequently partook of Audrey's hospitality were Don and Carl Linton (19 rand 17, respectively). They attended school in Ajax and were well-known in the community, especially to the police for their drinking and trouble- making, On the night prior to the tragedy;the the. brothers had reportedly been drinking at the local Legion and ended up at the Lyons' home. With them - that night was Lorne Harris, ` a 21 -year-old from , Orillia who was recently separated from his wife. The three were reportedly quite drunk by the time they left the Legion to look up Au- drey. 'Also at the Lyons' home that night were 16 -year-old Joyce Shearer and a compan,- ion, Gordon Loudfoot. They,t arrived at about. 12:45 a.n.' (after the Linton party), and left about 25 minutes later. Joyce said it was the first time she had been there, so it must be assumed Loudfoot knew first- hand of the party place. The party reportedly moved to a neigh- bour's (Nora Kyle) shortly after Joyce and Gordon left and returned to Audrey's place before 3 a.m. At around noon, Mrs. Kyle noticed Au- drey had not taken in her milk bottles, but initially thought nothing of it knowing what had transpired ` the evening before. However, she remembered the children who . should have been fed already that morning. She brought up her concerns to neigh- bours Lillian Milne and Alice Kelly and the three decided to investigate. Seeing all the blinds drawn, the three worked their -way around to the back of the house where they found the children in their bedroom. Jerry was lying in bed with only a shirt on. Billy was playing on the floor. When asked about their mom, _Billy cried . that she. was still sleeping, and asked `Auntie Nora' to get them as they were and hungry. Nora ran around to the front �and�opened the locked door by reaching in through a broken pane of glass. She proceeded di- rectly to the back bedroom where she wrapped the children up in blankets and handed them to Mrs. Milne. Followed by Mrs. Kelly, Nora then pro- ceeded to the front bedroom where she found Audrey on the floor, naked from the waist up with her pyjama top wound tight- ly around her neck. Mrs. Milne called Dr. Kenneth McLean, who was also a neighbour. After a cursory examination, he called Constable James Sutherland of the Whitby detachment of the QPP and Pickering police chief John Irvine. The investigation was later headed up by OPP Inspector Ed Gurnett. An autopsy performed by Prof. W.L. Robinson confirmed death was by strangu- lation and there were signs of a slight struggle. The pyjama top around Audrey's neck had been tightly corded, wrapped tight around her neck and held in place by a pair of safety pins. In its folds, police found a package of cigarette papers with the word `Harris' doodled on it. Audrey's watch was later found on the front lawn. It was bro- ken and stopped at 3:10. Mrs. Kyle was able to fill in some of the details about what transpired the night be- fore and the officers proceeded to pay a visit to the brothers Linton who lived about two blocks away. They said they had left A'bdrey's place at about 3 a.m. and gone straight home to bed, leaving Lorne Harris to find his way to his' boarding house (about five more blocks). Dr. McLean, returning from a maternity call, reported seeing Mr. Harris . in the neighbourhood at about 3:30 a.m. Mr. Harris's landlady confirmed he had arrived at about 4 a.m. in an extremely drunken state. Mr. Harris was still drink and had some dandy scratches and scrapes on his face when police met up with him. The officers decided to take Mr. Harris into custody, initially : charging him with va- grancy (although he was found at his place of residence), then changing it to 'murder and • remanding him, to trial at the 1946 Spring Assizes. The prosecutiontheory was that after saying goodnight to the. Lintons at about 3:05 a.m., Mr. 'Harris had returned to Au- drey's house demanding more than just an- other drink. After a struggle,thatresulted in the damage to Audrey's watch, he had strangled her and then left at about 3:30, staggering home to his room at about 4 a.m. The primary defence was that the con- firmed state of drunkenness of Mr. Harris would not have allowed him to perform the, tasks he supposedly did that night; t= some evidence had not been collected (such as crime -scene' fingerprints) and oth- ers ignored (Audrey's jewelry- and money from cashing her husband's cheque earlier that day were never found) and that other suspects were pot . treated with the same degree of suspicion as. Mr. Harris had been (the Linton supposedly were only briefly questioned, while Mr. Harris's questioning took t`vo days and produced 16 pages of notes). -, , Indeed, if Mr. Harris were as drunk as he was reported to be, could he have fash- ioned the tourniquet that killed Audrey? Could he, by himself, have secured it around her neck with safety pins while fending off her flailing arms? Would he not have followed through with his sexual in tentions despite the fact Audrey was dead -or nea€`_+ath (remember he was extreme- ly drink)? Would he have remembered to relock the front door as he escaped into the night? Despite the nagging 'questions, Mr. Harris was found=guilty andsentenced to hang Dec. 27, 1946. -However, his conviction was over- turned on appeal due: to the mishan- dling of evidence and suspects and the proposition that in his drunken state,' the most Mr. Harris could be guilty of was manslaughter. Mr. Harris's attorney also brought up the idea that the original 12 -man jury had not been properly charged. Lorne Harris was set free and no fur- ther investigations were carried out. Bungling seemed to be the major theme of this incident - a bungled sex session 7/" (perhaps), a doctor who contaminates the crime scene before the police are called• in, the Linton brothers are _ques- tioned briefly, then brought to the crime scene and reportedly left alone to guard the Lyons' house while the police are off questioning Mr. Harris, a chief investiga- tor who confirms with the coroner that the body had been moved prior to pho- tographing the crime scene but who does- n't place too much importance on it, mis- - handled evidence and a misinstructed, jury It's no wonder that in the end, nobody paid for Audrey Lyons' . untimely death. Somebody got awayimitivmurdo. e:xz BY JACQUIE McINNES Staff Writer Durham well owners are being invited to take part in an Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) study to test the province'swater quality. The OFA recently re- ceived additional funding for its three-year-old Base- NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 13 A/P Well owners invited to participate in testing program v ray n aro sronndwater line Water Well Testing Program from the federal government. Data from water sample tests taken by private well owners in spe- cific areas of the province has been compiled to chart changes in groundwater supply. The program will now be opened up to include well owners throughout Ontario, says the program's co-ordinator, Mary Jane Conboy. Private well own- ers who participate in the study will have an opportu- nity topurchase a variety of tests at a discounted rate, she says. "It's like an annual health checkup for your well. It's definitely a pre- ventative action," said Ms. Conboy. Well owners can chose which of five areas of test- ing would be most suitable for their water supply. The study looks at: mineral con- tent, gas and solvents, pesti- cides, whole hydro carbons and bacterial tests. SUNDAY, AUG. 27 HORTICULTURE: The Pickering Horticultural So- ciety holds . its Annual Flower and Garden Show from noon to 3 p.m. in the greenhouse of the Picker- ing Canadian Tire store, Brock Rd. and Hwy. - 401. 839-4604. SALE: The Agape Seventh Day Adventist - Church holds a sale 8 a.m. to'4 p.m. at 1741 Fairport Rd., Pick- ering. Clothing, furniture, arts and crafts. Phone 905- 665-9070 (Tony Camp - NEWS ADVERTISER BILLBOARD AUG. 27, 2000 bell), 416-298-0914 (Sheila Scott) for more in- formation. TUESDAY, AUG. 29 YOGA: The Sahaja Yoga Meditation group, meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the main branch of the Ajax Public Library, corner of Harwood Ave. and Kings Cres., next to the Town ball. Free and everyone welcome. 416-759-4912. PARENT SUPPORT: ` The Association Of Parent Sup- port Groups In Ontario, Inc. holds a parent support group meeting every Tues- day in the Ajax/Pickering area at 7:15 p.m. The group is for parents of kids in- volved in drugs, alcohol, running away, dropping out of school crimes and par- ent abuse. Call (416) 223- 7444 or 1-800-488-5666 for information and meet- ing location. ALZHEIMER SUP- PORT: Alzheimer Durham hosts a caregiver meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Alzheimer Durham office, Suite 205 in the executive tower at the Oshawa Cen- tre, 419 King St. E. The meeting will focus on the: special needs of Alzheimer patients under the age of 65. - Everyone welcome. 576-2567. Which tests an individ- ual well owner chooses will, be the their decision, says Ms. Conboy. However, the mineral test is "a good starting point" for most, she sug- gests. The mineral , test checks for nitrate levelsand other contaminants from rock or industry. The gas and solvent test is ideal for rural residents concerned about previous chemical spills in their area or leftover gasoline waste. The bacterial. testing (for contaminants such as E.coli and coliform) is recom- mended for all well owners. The results of the tests will be kept _ in permanent, confidential files and the data compiled from the tests will be used to track any trends or problems with Ontario's groundwater. During the first three years of the study, 287 wells were sampled and so far the tracking hasn't picked up on a serious problem, says Ms. Conboy, who urges all well owners to consider joining the program. The OFA is hoping to have 1,000 wells included in the study by the end of the year. Not every test will be re- quired every year, however, she notes. For certain types of contaminants, if the first test conies back clear, it may only be necessary to test every five years to en- sure the status quo hasn't changed. Anyone interested in participating in the study can call 1.800-668-3276. 1 CERTIFIED DRIVING INSTRUCTORS Hove to pass your M.T.O. - G 1 - G2 Exit Roadtests l !!?5 )1 i'vt\ Fri { ?'_ D:- Inc) It?`;!rU str)t-, NEW IMl1I1GRANT:S WELCOME Contact: Allison: (905) 686-0885 / 683-2731 Cerise: (41 6) 609-9454 S' ECTAL , co u oy ning ulte cottons, cquards +.Blin _ r• e i�ora Blinds • Selected F4 C 280 Kingston -Road -(905) 436•5508 NOW OPEN AT DUNDAS AND DIXIE AND AT LAWRENCE SQUARE www.bouc airt.cOni Sun:, August 27, 2000 News Advertiser Bay Ridges Rx -Central Pills Fairport Guardian Drugs Pick. Gienanna Guardian Drugs Pick. Llltle Caesars Ajax e Fnlla : Ajax/Pidc. * Petro Canada Pkk. 'Pharma Plus AJax/Pick. * Pharma Save * Sears Pick Ajax/Pick. Sears -Whole Home *Rick * Shop &Save Ajax/Pidc. The flay AjaddPidc. Waalmat Ajax/Pick. *WestneyGuardian Drugs Ajax *Zellers .Ajax/Pick. * Delivered to selected households only Remember, all inserts, includingt ose on glossy paper, can be recycled with the%st of your newspaperthrough your blue box RegFlingp ;. For i! on delivering yourabeltisiog flyer, tail 1)iJNCAN F 2TOlFR Ca0-10,,Asis wMi 683.511 . Omar • Sunday's Carrier of the Week is Omar. He enjoys basketball and playing the organ. He will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald's. Congratulations Omar for being our. Carrier of the Week. ` Walmart,Afax 135 Kingston Rd.,Ajax 222 Bayty St.W ,Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. 11 ', OU did not receive your News ,kdsrrti'cr or fliers call Circulation at 68.3-1 lil,w Ill. `tut. Ili A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 This move hits the slot Durham casino chip in, with longer hours BY LESLiYMcAMSTER StaffWriter PORT PERRY — The jackpot just: keeps getting . bigger at the Great Blue Heron Charity Casino. Beginning this week Durham's only casino will be open 24 -hours each week- and casino officials say they aren't g out the possibility of being open 24 limits, seven' days a week in the fu- ture:::', "It's a possibility we may one day. look at the viability of a full 24-hour op- eratnin;' said marketing director Perry Steiner. But for now, casino staff are still. gauging the results of the first weekend of continuous play at the Great Blue Heron, he said. Its doors swung open Thursday (Aug. 17) at 11 a.m. and won't close again until Monday at 4 a.m. " _ At the same time, officials have an- nounced hours of operation throughout the rest of the week has been extended another hour to run from 11 a.m. to 4 a.m. each Monday to Wednesday. After an extensive renovation,.t the Great Blue Heron reopened in May to unvei1450 slot machines to add to its ex- isting 40 casino gaming tables. At that time, it also opened the Waters Edge Restaurant and Lucky Stone Bar. The Great `Blue Heron Charity Casi- no is asi-nods located at 21777 Island Rd. in Port Perry. For more information, contact 985.4888: storytime once again ranches AJAX The Ajax Public Library's 'eProgram under way atall;bres on Sept. 11. The- free drop-in program includes stories, fingetglays, music and activities youngsters. The Main Branch ; offers storytime_ for two-year-old childten on Mondays • at 1030 am. and for preschoolers ages three and id up on Tuesdays and Wednes- days at 10:30 a.m. and on Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. The Village Branch storytimes are held Mondays at .10:15. a.m. for;_ preschoolers ages three and up, and at 11 a.m, Mondays for children aged two. A preschool storytime is also held at 1:30.1).bn Wednesdays. eLeati., Branch holds ool 'storyt :Mondays at 1:30 p.m., T[ea at l0'3Q a.m. and days at 10:30 a.m. Tales for Twos is held Wednes days'at° 10:30 a.m. followed by Books for Ba- bies at 11:15. a.m, Fall storytime cons to Nov. 16. Parental supervision is required. or . more information phone the Branch at 683-4000, the village h at 683-1140 or the McLean ranch at -428-8489, Wednesday The Ajax -Pickering chapter' of the One Parent Families Association in- vites you to its weekly meeting held at 8 p.m. every Wednesday. Meetings arefor:both cnstodialns non-custodial -parents whether y01 children are two or 42. For more: information. and meeting location, can 837-9670. JASON LIEBREGTS/ News Advertiser photo Club event raises record amount Mud Hen's:Taps and Grill in Pickering hosted its annual fund-raising golf tournament at Seaton Golf and Country Club in June and raised a record $8,066far worthy causes. The money will be donated to the Durham Region- al Polite Association foiits children's initia- vet, hild cn's_'initia- ves; as_ well as the Swell -gig Children's Four dation: Celebrating the success of - the golf tournament and accompanying fund-raising auction are (from left) Terry Ryan of the police association, Michelle Dicaire of the Starlight Children's Foundation, Sheri Alexiuk of Mud Hen's and Marlene Fleming, of Fleming Con- sulting. ave ablooming -good time in Pickering PICKERING -T You're in-'_ Society holds _its Annual Flower Canadian Tire store, Brock Rd. h a¢ colourful event right and Garden Show Sunday, Aug. and Hwy. 401. home today. 27 from noon to 3 p.m. in the Phone 839-4604 for more in- -i ckering Horticultural greenhouse of the Pickering- formation. Durham Business Times The voice of Business in Durham Region cur ONLY choice for complete coverage of the wham business community 25,000 copies distributed monthly Does apenchant for puzzles give certain people an advantage in the field of tax predation? It's possible. Working with numbers, managing money and preparing, taxes are much like solving a.good.. puzzle pleasant work that's both challenging and rewarding. If you enjoy solving puzzles and have adesire to help others, take the H8R Block Income Tax Course. It's designed for people who want to increase their tax knowledge and save money on taxes, who maybe looking :for a Seco career or seasonal iemployment 4#7completing the course, you may; even have the chance to interview for employment with H&R Block.* For.more information or to; regir, call 1-87%229-6112 or visit our website www.hrbiock.ca Completion of the course is neither an offer nor a guarantee of enploynient. 11,000 copies Bulk mailed, to every business ♦ in Durham Region. 4,000 copies - Individually addressed to owners; managers and key, people in the business community. (Including Boards of • Trade and Chambers of Commerce) 3,000 copies Displayed at over 400 key locations, (Le. town offices, banks, real estate offices, Mail Boxes Etc.) 7,0.00 copies -;Demographically targeted homes. (high income earners managers, owners, professionals & executives who live in Durham but may world out of the area) Our proven dstrbutionforinula produces results or our advertisers. Put it to work for you. Call us. )1. a, s�_ NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDMOti, August 20, 2000 PAGE 15 AIP NO I AM T E,R E ST" "36°„ ,..---,2:--,41,-,Y114,E317:S' 25" E:12:3 27'f 't I: ' 27"17 32" a ''.1 _ .„32" I -- crs. 4E0i _--, (---- - 4 cy4 - ..„, 7 ...._ 4-----------1 ., 4,--.7-• - l'' tr.:7 . . ..77 p. ':," .... _ . CD, WsriRs7 cl'60--p- C;r, ' .. 4..1.'46.'4' c4...-,-,1 -*,f-„,-,.:....,' [ - , 910 (Fir.t.„7`,,, 4.00,cf16,04, ,z------, 2 ,,,,..0.00 — ..,.....,....., . ._...___,..,*„.....2 . 0 CO , .,.... ,,,,, _..,..1y1711:4,0.-- (j9L-T'F11-4171----- _ t ( r 4 ' ' — — %C.,..•••,...., ;.. 4 OPEP. Ly ii0t lyj;J. - - _ WASHER & EXTRA-LAQ.GE CAPACITY DRYER 4IF vis -7 -as BARRIE SCARBOROUtiti 1J1il tSIUSSLL SONAR IIMMISTIL IONNIASZE USSMOIMARE 0SL&1I005 11111011001T SEM WNW MUMS MEM - 11111100/01114 ' iffe0RSINAM114 *MK &MOW VIENSWATRUIN won, sewout4 (905)431.0010(7I5)722.7132 (G) 15. -Mit 104NO - (41)63O.1777 WHITBY 1111r11 L--"111 • , - t F'_.1,1?1,11.E_ NC T ON A I t s T FOR DETAI, TAFSE OFFER, NOT AVAILAULE ON PREVIOUS PURCHASES A/P PAGE 16 - NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 27,2000 fun. The Civic Sedan Special EclitIon comes with a full range of features includIng: Dual Airbags • AM/FM Steven with 4 Speakers • Rack -and -Pinion Steering • stl" Wheels with Full Carers • Fuel Injection • 2.6 titre, 206 -hp, Engine • 4 -Wheel Double -Wishbone Suspension • Remote Fuel & Trunk Releases • 5 -Speed Manual Transmission • Child -Proof Rear Door Locks • Body Side Mouldings • 6o/4o Split Fold -Down Rear Seatback • & More. - CMC COUPE SPECIAL EDITION 517,340 A car buRt for the driver in you. /t has the power you need, Plus the space,' comfort and corwerdence you want. CFC -free Air Conditioning • Dual Airbags • AM/FM Stereo with 4 Spealoens !ie" WlneetsMr hML Covers •ABS Brakes • 2.6 Litre, 206 -hg Engine • Fold -Down 6o%4o Spit Rear Seafback • 5 -Speed Manual Transmission-. Dual Remote -Control Mirrors a Body Side Mouldings. Remote Fuel &Trunk Releases • 4 -Wheel Double -Wishbone Suspension • Fuel injection • & More— Your ore. ClifIC COUPE Si s2o,400 msR For pwe fret- and excitement ft has a d istvrctive took a powerful alae" and outstanding performance. , EC -Free Air Condoning • Duo, Airbags •AM/FMM Stereo with 6sponlsers & CD wager • Power Sunroof, Windows and Door Lodes • ABS Brakes • 2.6 tkre, szy-hp,VTECne • Fold -Down 6o/4o Split Rear Seatback • Opeed Manual Transmission • Fuel Injection • & Mone_ a n Yo r getaway sehicle is user f ev rand liar to drive: Enjoy superb handling and performance In all weatfrer-concitions 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission •'CFC -Free Air Conditioning • lower Windows, Door Locks & Munn • ABS Brakes • Dual Ai • Real Time"' • • Airbags 4 -Wheel Drive Keyless lCenwte Entry • AAi4/FM Stereo: with q Speakers & a, Player • 25" Styled Alloy Wheels • Body -Coloured Door Handles & Mirrors • 2.o litre, r s 5 246 -hp DOHC Engine • Fold -Down 5d/5o Split Rear Seat back • Removable Folding PicnicTable• 4 -Wheel Double Wishbone Suspension • Rear Washer/Wiper. • bolos Frront;Bucket Seats • Adjustable Steering Column •Remote Power Hatch Release • from%& Rear Stabilizer Bars • Body Side Mouldings • Fuel' Injection • Cruise Control • & More... ALL' PLU& Leather Interior & Wrapped Steering Meet • Cassette & CD Alayer, • Hard Tire Carer• Body-Colowed Side Mouldings, Bumpers and Rear Pre Corer • Chrome :6rille • Side Windows privacy Glass �j a Ftnance•.offers are available; on approved credit, only through Honda Canada Finance Inc ; while supplies last on deliveries taken by Augur 31 2000, 5:816 conventionai'fittancirtg is avail.on new 2000' Civic Sedans, Civic Coupes, CR -Vs and Accords for 24, 36, 4B or r 60 month terms. Financing example: $20,800 at 5.B% per annum equals 5384.80 per month 60 mont#is. C.O.B. is $3,0 88.00 kx a total obligation of $23,088.00: Downpayment maybe regpited. *M K.S.R.P. based on a new 2000 Civic Sedan SE, 5 -Speed/ Civic Coupe SE, 5 -Spee is Coupe Sr, 5-Specd/CR-V EX, Automatic/CR-V LE, Automatic (model EJ651YXV/EJ6171Y/EJ817YJ/RD185YE/RDI87YEN). 't Taxes, licence, insurance, administration, maintenancefeesand freight and F.D.E. ($850) are additional. Dealer may sell for less. See your neigitaaarbood OM. Honda Dealer kr details. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 17 A/P Knob Hill Farms Employees, Suppliers and Customers As many of you have heard, I have decided to close all of the Knob Hill Farms grocery outlets by September 30th this year. This is a very difficult personal and business decision. Since our first store opened 47 years agoas a small fruit stand -al the corner ;of Queen and Coxwell in the City of Toronto, Knob Hill Farms has beena large part of my life. It is the foundation of everything for my family. But times have changed. After careful consideration and a review of the strategic alternatives for Knob Hill Farms, I have decided, regretfully, this is the right time to close the doors at our grocery outlets. On behalf of our whole family, Sally and ,I, want to thank all of our employees, suppliers and the thousands of faithful _ customers for their support over these many years. And, finally, as I end this chapter of my life, I would also like to thank a wonderful country that made it possible for an immigrant kid from the east end of Toronto to realize his dreams. Sincerely, KNOB HILL :FARMS LIIVIITED 1900 EGLINTON AVE. E., SCARBOROUGH, ON 11I1L 2L9 AR MOE:18-NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION,:AUGUST 27, 2000 ADVERTISING FEATURE AIL S 1WINTEIt SESSIONS FALL SESSION t .Ffia August 29 to September 21, 2000 WINTER SESSION September 25 to March 24, 2001 Open Registration will be held at the Ajax Community Centre on the following dates: Date: 'Wednesday, August 30, 2000 7 tQ 9 p.iri. (Admirals Room) Date: Saturday, September 16, 2000 10 a.m. to noon Includes Skate Exchange and Auxiliary Sale (Upper Lobby) ; All Programs offered have DESA Certified Coaches FALL ADULT WOODWORKING COURSES INTRO TOIAIOODWORKING STARTS: SEPT 7TH F WKS BLANKET BOX COURSE STARTS: SEPT 19TH 10 WKS ENTERTAINMENT UNIT STARTS: SEPT 20TH 12 WKS FURNITURE/CABINET MAKING STARTS: SEPT 11TH 15 WKS KIDS WOODWORKING CAMPS SEPT, OCT & NOV. SAT CAMPS AVAILABLE 7he Carpenter's ,genre Do 111-YearseN Weoiw(orking Shop 905-683-6003 www.durhammail.com/thecarpenterssquare Kids programs 3 -6 yrs. Tap • Jazz • Ballet • Pointe • Broadway Theatre • • Exam & competition Play & Learn School Morning s for _�� Yt ECE/Montessori Staff Central Ajax To Register Call 668-5173 PreSchool - Children 3 5 years Canskate 5 years and older Power Skating / Adults Learning to Skate and also fi Sessions for the Test Stream Levels. For ire` orInath about da , times and pry please come to the open registration or phone` our, office at 905-683=1753 /90 -686-2775 or visit our website www.afsc.ajax.on.ca LEGEND MUSIC ENTERPRISES Where Service is #1 - ENROLL NOW FOR LESSONS QUALIFIED PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN: GUITAR • BASS • PIANO • DRUMS •ALTERNATIVE • ROCK • FOLK • COUNTRY • METAL Preparation for conservatory exams in classical guitar & piano. TAR All Levels - All Ages >IoR 837-2839 mento Platy In Bend' SW.legend-music.com -oni.111S.'KEYS • ourrAR • BASS • VOICE 1211 Kingston Road, Pickering (Between t verpooi s Walnut Lamina the south . . IRS. 0,1 230 Awards �1 14 Corn :tilvrls 2000 Join in a sport that Canada is recognized for throughout the world! Synchronized swimming' is an enjoyable way to increase your swirming skids. If you have Red Cross Blue/Aiest 7 or above, and would like more information, please`oontect Re;;t 1.— E t ko Lin, Stud., \\ ed.. 3111h: ?:il) - ,•pt. 0. 0. lii =/ 11/ 011 ( j).J11. kS:it 11. ill (1 ! ,1 . (i \ ,( 11()1_kR,1111,. ((1\111 Ili. 01.E N 1101 SI' '.1N 1`ELISION Terry (905) 72 Cay, ADVERTISING FEATURE NEWS -ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 19 PIP,,' With students dandng. on Broadway, at top theatres in Toronto, at Wonderla onto lines, dancing abroad mtled in Mexico, on the Blue Jays dance team, on 'YTV & cho ,..professionally & opt F studios of err own. • IWO Academyof Daiwin,g Ballot exams. • Recreational and s G mpedlions in Canada &Us. Annual • Air cofiditioned stadia with sprung -floor. - .. Quality Climes sib a f en v • Year end recital • Exam_work • Competitive grips • Cly 3 yrs. to advanced & suitable for recreation dancers or • rious students 1550 Bayly St., Unit 24 & 25 1134 Kin, on Rd., 3 Ways to Register - by phone - visit our booth at the Pickering Towp: Centre - Aug. 25,26, 27 - come and see us at our Bayly Studio Aug. 29 30 5-9 pm AIP PAGE 20 NEWS ADIfERTISER StNIDAY EDm0N, August 27; 2000 E a a a a a a s a El a a, a s a da w s .s , a Ca w a. w a a • I1( iiII 1‘I'S ItEs T • • • • • • • 1 ail,. I�ti�. il<tll�t • Point,. `,II, •. • • I i_lti- • • • t' • 1.\. I v® EA ••••••••••••••••• • •••• Qus \\ Mr III; 0\ I' \I -:I; : ••••••• You are invited to our OPEN HOUSE Monday, Aug. 28 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. GET THE FACTS! Our models work amend the world through our network of top agencies. BUT - did: you know we also offer professional training for girls who don't want to model? Students and patents rave about the' boost in confidence that has helped them with school, friends, and jobs. Whether you are serious orjust want to have some fun, call for a free and honest Barlow model Sarah has evaluation without obligation or : travelled to Greece,Italy, drop by our open house to talk with and lalwan since models and students - it's casual, Mode1 eft of 99 fun andfree. HARLOW models 101 dundas street west Whitby (905) 430-5715 • Rated #1 ill CO11000 - iigEMICy ofthe Year DIRECTORY LEARNING CAN BEFUN! Book your child today as spaces may be limited. U'BARTON RD I!2O-32I1 1 Q111 & Winter Programs For ,ages 6-16 For Info Call Toll Free 1-877 "SHO-TYME" (746-8963) CHIIDREN'S SERVICES DIVISION Applications for Preschool Program now being - . accepted! Hours: 7:00 a.m,„ 6:00 p.m. Ajax Child Care Centre 22 Centennial Rd., Ajax 18 mths. to 5 yrs. (905) 683-4001 Edna Thomson Child Care Centre 156 Church St., Bowmanville 18 mths. to 5 yrs. (905) 623-6717 Gibb St. Child Care Centre 123 Gibb St, Oshawa 21/2 to 5 yrs. (905) 404-8012 Lakewoods Child Care Centre 353 Chaleur St., Oshawa 21/2 to 5 yrs. (905) 725-1425 Pickering Child Care Centre 1262 -Random St, Pickering 21/2 to 5 yrs. (905) 839.5831 Whitby Child Care Centre 501 Dunlop St. East, Whitby. 18 mths. to 5 yrs. (905) 668-4751 *Potential Subsidies Available • Call 905) 721-6140: ` @cooaoCDaCDCD,®o CD 0 9 Max Com Baton Club * Recreational and Competitive Classes'; Ages 4and up Baton is a combination of dance, gymnastics and twirling skills' Dance Classes Available I'heats.,Sept. 7th 6:00 - 8400 p.m. ax4 Com Baton CI Ages4andur Recreational and ornpetltive Clas ce Classes also availa Regisitcation: 7 Durham A c a d c} 6 3 v At Durham Secondary Academy, successful learning is a priority. Our formula for success is: Individual attention with outstanding teachers in an. informal, friendly environment: We offer all core secondary School courses in unique 10 - week semesters. We specialize in Math, Science and the Arts with experienced teachers who provide hands-on learning. We accept part-time and full time students who can combine attendance at DSA with regular high school attendance. The Durham Secondary Academy is in partnership with the Sylvan Learning Centre in Pickering Enrollment is limited. or more information call - r 05 2 ' 33s 0 0 0 Ages 2'Is.to 12 yrs 0 0 Open frorn 7 AM to 6 PM 0 Nutritious lunches & snacks prepared by our cook 0 0 Dedicated and qualified staff • Fully licensed Junior and Senior) Kindergarten Programs available- All new NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 2'h to 4 yrs - Excellent way to prepare your child for Kindergarten AH. new S1001. AGE PROGRAM Ages 6 to 12 yrs - Transportation to local schools • Stimulating program Enrol volar'- limited space available!_ Come in and take a look 77 Randall, off 'soy z just wit of Church SL 905-683-0545 �ooC=P C=, ooCDoCO ij 0 0 0 SEPTEMBER NURSERY SCHOOL REGISTRATION NOW ON AT .. ►;: AJAX: Applecn rgit RS. -Cada uqe P.S. Lincoln Alexander PS Roland Michener RS. PICKERING Highbush P.S. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 27,2000 PAGE 21 A/P etter Health FEA�i.!RE Yoga is not just for celebrities Recent surveys reveal that more than 11 million North Americans are doing yoga. -Celebrities such as Sting and Madonna sing the praises of yoga. The big-time sports teams, such as the Miami Dolphins and the Chicago Bulls are doing yoga. And many of the rest of us non -celebrities.. are following suit - there are waiting lists for yoga classes at every facility. What explains this mass appeal? For, one thing, North Americans want results, and we want them NOW. And the physical results of yoga are almost immediate. Within a short time, peo- ple are ` sleeping, better, having less trouble with back pain, and are feel - Mg stretched out. and strong. 'Every Bodily system gets a tune- up in yoga- respi- ration, digestion, endocrine, . lym- phatic, and the nervous system. The most notice FRAN BRUNKE GREENWOOD HOLISTIC HEALTH CARE CENTRE 1e effects include better breathing, -better digestion, better sleep, and bets ter attitude. regular practice of yoga �{ promotes strength, flexibility, and car- diovascular health without the repeti- tive joint strain" of aerobics. So, from a purely physical, point view, yoga delivers.results, and this - Rxplains_whyso many of us are trying` yoga But : how to explain why : so many of us stay with it and practise regularly?' The truth is that yoga is not sim- ply a quick fix.; People who practice yoga over longer periods of time describe an array. ,of more subtle changes. They describe increased mental clarity and ability to focus. They experience more energy and sta- mina, sharpened senses and height- ened awareness, Ultimately, they feel a deep senseof inner well being, and greater satisfaction with life. Celebrity or not, isn't that what many of us aresearching for? Fall registration for yoga classes at the Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre is underway. There are classes for Beginner and Intermediate leuels. Oleasecall (905) 619-1405. E WANT SOMETHING O SMILE ABOUT? FREE Consultations - Complete & Partial Dentures Removable Dentures on Implants Same day relines & repairs Evening &Saturday appts.. PICKERING DENTURE CLINIC Andre Maragh D.D. . (905) 420-2652 1792 UVERPOOL RD., PICKERING (SUPERCENTRE PLAZA) • Mark invites you to a FREE Presentation Sept_ 1 3 - 7.30 p_rn_ Custom Foot Orthotics • Full Veteran's Coverage • Pens ue1+e Diabetic Feet, Corns & Calluses • Children's Foot 831-FEET(3338) Chiropractic can make all the difference in your world!- Our natural holistic, "hands on" approach has provided relief for many people just like you. Many health problems have their source in spinal misalignments. Call for a spinal screening. i► I>P Call now to improve your health naturally. % 683- t (35 DR. MA ANKO PINERIDGE-: 'NATURAL „HEWN Brock Rd. -8c Hwy 2 • PICKERING OPTOMETRISTS • Dispensing of Contact Lenses and Glasses • Complete Family Eye Care • Low Vision Services • Laser Surgery Co -Management 15 Harwood S. -1441311.> 644 a ,A47... AIC AL CARE Dr. Joanna Madej •• Complete care for all ages Family and Cosmetic Dentistry • Onsite dental laboratory 145 Kingston Rd. East, Unit 17 •flexible hours (opposite Costco), Ajax 619-3112 Rey=%`Break away from the norm? Are you bored with your exercise program? Don't Be, All Fit Offers: •txp personal training • bo • gat on the ball workout • ogpy holiing yea, tic mn uaidon se • cannliacs rehab Sprerensi n program Frew 8 yrs. to 100 yrs. Beginners to advanced 809 %Miley Rd. S. Ajax 619-4559 Fas 6194509 LvedteraihaAeasta to t FREE visit for "get,ontltebed" i a REFLEXOLOGY REIKI .a MASSAGE greenwood 'Holisticglealth Care Centre ` 619-1405 www.greenWoodhol lstic,.com .3 99 99 O H W CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION A peaceful country retreat Highway 7 and Westney (10 min: from downtown Hewing) ON-GOING YOGA CLASSES •s PSYCHOTHERAPY Dentures so natural,., you'll never know the differencel* •New Soft -touch* materials for sensitive gums •Precision partial dentures We accept all Insurance policies FREE CONSULTATION 'Oc July, 1992 Walter Wimmer, DD. Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (LOWErR LEVEL)(9°5'` 42O5O2O .m.1-8%661-5020 • TME • , QUALITY - • GENTLE DENTAL CARE - ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAIIABE lF TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME I� NEW PATLEl'VTS s WE 9 PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Hatvrood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario 1South of Hwy. #2) SUNDA Better Health ADVERTISING FEATURE -.Creating the Future YouWant F We have all heard about the importance of goal set ting, anal we understand why we should be taking consis- tent action towards achieving our goals. We know what we should do, and we even know how we should do it. So why are so many of us not expecting the lifestyles that we want, or achieving the goals that we set? I have been teaching people to set goals and manage change in their lives for many years now, and I have always been ,searching for a simple, solution to help people get the, results they want. And : -1 have finally found it.. It is a very 4 -simple solution, and it is exceptionally effective. The prob- lem with this simple anct effective solution for achieving goals and managing change, is that it is so simple, most peo- ple often discount it before making any effort because it is "too simple". I would like to sharethis simple solution with you in _ the hope that you will use it as a highly effective tool in changing your life. The solution is based on the belief that you are where you are by choice. In order to change where you are going in the future you must make a choice to facilitate that change. Unfortunately, our conscious choice, and all our actions, are strongly influenced by our unconscious minds. This means that we must look to our unconscious minds to create any meaningful and lasting change. You may want to create changes so you can make more money, lose weight, or start a new business. Regardless of what itis you want, your ability to achieve it rests in your unconscious mind. And that is.;where you must focus your efforts. If you can change the beliefs held in your unconscious mind, then that change will influence your conscious thoughts, and direct all your actions and behav- iours towards your desired outcomes. In order to create change in your unconscious mind you must begin by asking yourself the following question: "What is it that has prevented 'me from experiencing what ever it is I want tip until this point in my life?" Whatever it' thief must be - changed before you. will be able to achieve whatever it is you want in the future. If you- change` this belief,; you will change your future. As en .example, if we were to look at someone who was interested -in making more stoney, but they believed things like: "money can't buy happiness" and ,`money is the root of all evil' ; can you see how this person would have a difficult time creating large amounts of money? Every time they got themselves on the right track, something would kick in at the uncon§cious level that said "STOP THAT'. "You want to be happy, and you are not a bad person, so stay away from that evil money". -That unconscious pro- gramming would stop the positive actions that wasgener- ating the money, and force this person to startall over again Sound familiar?' Rory Sheehan •Certified Hypnosis Instructor *Master Practicioner of NLP • Reiki Master H°owever, once these limiting beliefs have been changed, and this person no longer sabotages their money making efforts, everything improves. Can you see how this single change can significantly increase their chances for cre- ating wealth in their life? There are many effective ways to change limiting beliefs. One easy and fun way is to imagine yourself as a child, before you held any of your limiting beliefs. See your- self at that time when anything was possible. Allow yourself to feel the experience deep inside that • says you can achieve anything you choose. Now come forward to- the pre- sent while holding onto that belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Notice how you feel. Also notice how you feel about your future. What a simple approach to changing your destiny, You may need to repeat this exer- cise several times before you feel com- fortable holding onto your new belief, butit is definitely worth the effort. Now notice how yAu:approach your goals in. a different way How you feel different about achieving your goals. And most importantly, notice how that self talk going.,on inside'ur head is far more encouraging` Practice this apprqachin all areas that you feel are limiting -your advance merit, and enjoy how your results change to reflect your new empowering beliefs. Rory Sheehan ` is a Certified. Instructor of Hypnosis, a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), a Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM and a Reiki Master. Rory is committed to helping people succeed in all aspects of their business and personal lives. For information on upcoming programs, and individual mentoring, Rory can bereached through- his office at (905) 626-0951, or his web- site: wwwpositivestrategies.com. I PICKERIN(T \ ILLAGE DENTURE CLINIC Functional Dentures...one Good Reason Tb Smile! REPAIRS (1 hr.) . Refines' Complete, Partial Dentures NEW William Steil, DD, F.C.A.C.(A) NFTDENTum-wallCharles Wm. Steil, Da, 84 Oki Eingston itcL W. _$ PICKERING VILLAG AJAX LEARN HYPNOSIS National Guide of Hypnotists The largest hypnosis organization in the world presents: Certified Hypnotherapy Training Program Presentedby: Rory Sheehan,'B.A., B.Ed., M.B.A. Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists -Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy What You Get • Small student teacher ratio. • Basic/Advanced Hypnotherapy Certification Manual. • Hypnosis Scripts/Hypnotic spiral. • Pendulum. • Video & Audio Tape. - •Hypnotherapy Cerlifiiqstton through the National euid of Hypnotists. • 1 Year Membership in the National &uiki of Hypnotists. Starts Sept. 5 Hypnosis for Weight ,Loss Starts Sept. 11 Releasing Negative Emotions -¢ To rve T of (905) 626-095 S t; 1M`L wpositive shategitcorn LASER HAIR REMOVAL F. CONSULTATION Book now for our 30% of introductory rate Women..Face, underarms, Legs, Bikini Men...Backs, Etc. L-ightsheer Laser the only F.D.A. approved laserfor permanent hair removal Treats all skin" types Other Procedures: Liposuction Tummy Tucks Collagen Injection - Botox - Facial Implants - Facial Peels 8t. Clinical Skin Care Laser Resurfacing Breast Augmentation And More.. For an appointment call 1-800-390-5611 PLASTIC SURGEON DR. M. KARA MD. FRCSC BOWMtILLE SCARBOROUGH 159 King Street East The � Suite 414 (905) 69 / -.-0��991 Rd. Ind. Session: S65./hr. Couple Session: S85./hr. Self Empowerment Groups S150./mo. Stress lVianagement 6 week prog. S300. mprsce your Relationship Groups 5150.Jiro. reenagers` S.:f Empowerment Groups Sa50',00_ EV - & Saturday A o inttnents Available Electro Surgery cosmetic / Bleaching Preventative Care Caps / Crowns & Bridges White Filling Only :- intra Oral Camera lmaging Ultra Sonic Sealing Free Consultations AirAbrasion / No Freezing / No Drilling Extractions (Wisdom Teeth) Root Canalireattent • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gras), Nen Patients & Emergent:, Calls Welcome -Ample Free Parking- NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 PAGE 23 A/P mg NEWS ADVERTISER AU 27, 2 0 0 0 Engagement Congrats go to Angie and Chuck, as the happy couple got engaged on July 5. They're planning a trip down the aisle in 2002. `Best wishes guys! Love from your friends Barry, Jenny and baby Brooke -Lynn." 10th birthday Joshua Broderick is a Superstar." Hockey, soccer, baseball, lacrosse yes: Fantastic son, grandson, brother, nephew and cousin - yes.'You're the best. Turning 10 means we've had 10. great years with our buddy. We love you _ Josh. Happy birthday on June 19, from mom, dad, Rachel, Sarah and Dodger, Nana and Papa, Vovo and Vovo, Aunt Debbie, Kristi, Jil- Tian, Lauren, - Simone, Aunt Barb, Aunt Frances and Uncle Bert, Uncle Ed and Aunt Ann, Vanessa and Kyle, Uncle Luis, Aunt Emanuela and Andrew. 15th birthday Toa wonderful son who turned 15 on Aug. 8. Happy birthday Paul, love mom and all the family. 15th birthday Happy 15th Birthday to Brendon on Aug. 27. From all- of your friends. First birthday "Our ;pre- cious Ainsley Stewart . cele. brated her first ',birthday on Aug. 15. We hope you have balls of fun forever. _ Love and laughs from Mommy, Daddy, Chrissy, all your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. We love you.' Seventh birthday "Our precious sweet- heart" Stacey turned seven on Aug. 16. Wish- ing "our Staciekins" a happy birthday were Mom, Dad, Emily and Bear. "We love you to the stars- and back." Wedding "We're off _ the market now!" On Aug. 3, Shirley and Michael Fournier wed and they're happy to an- nounce, "It's better : in the Bahamas!" 10th anniversary "On Aug 4, I was mar- ried to a lov- ing and un- derstanding husband for 10 fantastic years. Happy an- niversary my love. Yo to quero lnucho per siempre. Rita.. Fourth birthday Our pre- cious Emily Nicole (Scoo- by) turns four on Aug. 28 and goes to school in September. You are our special angel girl and we love you to bits. Love mommy and daddy. ,Second birthday Austin Sam cele- brated a happy sec- ond birthday on Aug. 16. Birthday wishes came f r o`' m mommy, sister Desiree, little brother Owen, Grandma and -Papa. 30th birthday "On Aug. 7, - 30 candles glowed- for a youthful young man many will know. Lover of caps, bowling his game. The old-timers baseball is where he does reign! Lots of love Robert, from the Manuel clan, Pop pas and Nana." 13th birthday "Yahoo... it's finally here! He's been waiting all year for this one, `cause he's now 'a teenager. Michael Renaud turned 13 on Aug. 5. OK girls, back off, he knows karate. Happy birthday son, love Dad, Mom, Justin, Joey and Jake." Fourth birthday Our little princess Amanda .: Stasiuk turned four years old on Aug. 21. With lots of love from mom, dad and big_ sister Jessica. 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 831-5431 'THIS WEEK'S CAKE WINNERS ARE, I. Dylan Bristol 2. Muirlson 3. Ainsley Stewart Winners troy go directly to Baskin Robbins to receive Their PRERcake_ (Noise a identification) mat 40th birthday. July 30 was a mile stone birthday for Ian. Happy 40th birthday wishes came from all his family and friends. Sixth -birthday Happy birth- day to Carling. Scott, who turned six on Aug. 19. Lots of big bear hugs and kisses. Love mom, dad, Cody, gramma and Mimi. 4th birthday Happy fourth birthday to "our pretty, pink Princess" Danielle on Aug. 4. Danielle celebrat- ed her birthday with her friends at a Cinderella -Ball. "Hope you had a wonderful day, our sweet girl. Love forever, Mom, Dad, Nicole and Michael." Second birthday "Our wonderful son" Dylan Bristol turned two on July 29. Wishing ; Dylan a happy birthday with lots of love were mommy and daddy. Wedding Best wishes to Jennifer Henderson and Michael Stringer, as the couple ex- changed vows on Aug. 19. Congratula- - tions and lots of love from the whole family. Second birthday "Aug. 10 was a big day for our little man. Wesley Reid Munison turned two. Birthday wishes and lots of love and kiss- es from, sister Rachel, Mommy and Daddy. We hope you like the train set." Fourth and second birthdays It was birthday time at the Cordeiro home again. Brandon turned four on May -2 and Celina turned two Aug. 21. Birthday wishes from great -grandma, grandparents, mom Kristin, dad Paul, - great uncles and aunts, and cousins; The family `celebrat- ed both birthdays in August at Disney's Magical Kingdom. Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Let us know. We'll publish your special occasion in an easy -to -read and easy-to-cl► orr ... ti l t a ,a, u u Vii, g L *a'i"es:6t, lt6s= 50th birthday Nifty and 50. Happy birthday Bonnie: Love from staff, friends and volunteers at the Ajax and Pick- ering Health Centre. Send to... Name Dropping, Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 2H5 or -e-mail illi anedur1 amnews.net +094o) P PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 Sport SHORTS AUG. 27. 2000 Icebreakers sought for women's hockey league Local women are invited to play in a Toronto women's hockey club over the winter months. The Icebreakers Women's Hock- ey Club is currently accepting appli- cations for its upcoming season. Be- ginners and experienced players are invited to join one of three divisions: Beginner, recreational or competi- tive. The hockey club, in the past, has had players from Ajax and Pickering, Mississauga and York Region com- pete in its divisions. For more information, call. Karen Arbour at (416) 631-4221. Women's ringette league looking for players Local women are invited to play ringette in Whitby this winter. The Whitby Women's Ringette Association currently has openings in its recreational league. Women 30 years of age and older are invited to participate in ' Friday night games at the Iroquois Sports Centre, . comer of Victoria and Henry streets - For ,more information, call- Car. olyn Chin at 686-1060. Pickering Soccer Club's indoor league Signups next month PICKERING — The Pickering Soccer Club will hold its registration for win- ter indoor play G h'.14, next month. Signups for indoor soccer dare upstairs at the Pickering d; Recreation Com- plex on Saturday, Sept. 16 from 9 a.m. to noon. Indoor soccer is open to all boys ,And girls > bgrn between 1985 and 1995. Cost is $50 per player. The Pickering . Recreation Com- plex is at 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Unbeatabie Red Sox roll to another crown Pickering peewees Eastern Ontario champs PICKERING —' The Pickering Red Sox minor peewee rep baseball team capped an outstanding season by winning its fourth consecutive Eastern . Ontario Baseball Associa- tion crown at the championships in Peterborough recently. The Sox entered the EOBA play- off after completing a perfect regu- lar -season campaign with an un- blemished 18-0 record. The Pickering Red Sox peewees made it look easy -in the final of the event, hammering the Whitby Chiefs 12-3. Game most valuable player Dwayne Proudloye anchored the victory with some , outstanding de- fence and a 3 -for -4 performance at the plate. Also solid on defence was second baseman Jamie Molony with eight putouts. Pitcher Peter Murphy sealed the victory with three score- less innings of relief.. The Red Sox accomplished the EOBA championship feat :without` the services of pitchers Thomas Fraser and David- Aquino.: Frasers - ,season was ended by a viral infec tion, while -Agii no is resting a' shoulder injury in preparation for the Ontario championships. The Sox earned a first-round bye as a result of their first -place finish in league play. In their first game of the tourney, the Sox beat thebometown Peterbor- ough Tigers 7-1_` Peterborough scored early and threatened to go up by two runs in the top of the fourth inning as the Tigers leadoff hitter drilled a line drive to the fence . in centre field. Without hesitation, Red Sox centre- FAX Game esults to News Advertiser newsroom 683-7363 Fx1t News Advertiser 683-7363 CaII 1-800-905-0270 www.russellhockey.com `fib r "s Oldtimers Low Level Adult Hockey`League individual or group registration. A social relaxed, recreational atmosphere. Limited Also registering for Adult Schools for Men & Women Russell Hockey Enterprises fielder Ryan Powell relayed to short- stop Anthony Lue, who threw to :sec- ond" base to get the runner trying to stretch the hit into a double. The outstanding defensive play helped ignite Pickering's offence in the bottom of the. fourth. Catcher --Brent Tamane drove in the first of four runs in the inning to lead the of- fence. In Game 2, the Sox were pitted against the only other undefeated teach in the double -knockout event the Whitby Chiefs. Unfortunately for the Chiefs, the Sox were too hot to handle as they mercied the Whit- by squad 12-2. --Whtttie Sox leading Whi* 2-1,;- Pitcher, Mark Phillips placed.' a per- fect bunt down the`--first-base line to CELIA BRONKHORSTI News Advertiser photo start the offensive explosion. Bran- Ajax -Pickering Dolphins wide receiver Kyle Exume don Crumniey added a double and comes down with the ball after a spectacular catch two singles, while Cory Schumacher while being followed closely by a member of the Eto- scored the last -run of the game. bicoke Eagles team. The contest, played at Kinsmen George Bozinovski pitched the final -inning in relief. Park recently, was -the -league opener for the Dolphins' Otherplayers who played big atom squad. roles in the Pickering peewee's suc cess at the tournament wereMathew Ferguson, Travis Hendry. Ryan Turner and Sean Molony. The coaches are Mike Leufkens, Gary Tamane, Jim- Crummey and Bill Fraser. Saturday, September 16th, 2000, Oshawa Civic Arena, Oshawa, O no aet 8:00 p.m. Benefitingw_s fWish Foundation IOU 1 $tiLAN sw4tow NT BtRIS WIRTZ MAN `ZEL & INGO STEUER •slams subtest change For tickets: Contaet eket Master at (416)870-8000 For more information contact the Oshawa Civic Arena at (905)728-5163 react Some conditions ami Call foryour no,c Toll-free, PICKERING SOCCER CLUB Recent soccer scores GIRLS' UNDER -NINE DIVISION Aug 1 - Carpet Towne 3 (Kali Easson, Shelby Forza, Ashley Speers) vs. KAS Marketing 3 (Julia Spataro, Lauren Giles, Alex Egan); Dr. Christopher Tont 1 (Robyn Garvey, MVP's Keri O'- Sullivan and Jenna Smith) vs. Mikala Ino, 6 (Kelly Downing; Melissa Pavolitls, 6(0910tte Evans 4,MVP Nicole )obkalajunas); Accurate III 5 (Vanessa Girard 2, Maitre Woitzik, Sarah Man- ning, Flemica Exeter) vs. Sparklers 1 (Laura Donaldson, MVP's Allison Greyand Julie Scott): -Boyer Pontiac Panthers1 (Laura Taglioni,. MVP's Lenna Watterson and Tori Mathieson) vs. Wayne's World 20001- (Kimberly 0aggiuta, MVP Brittany Hunt); Granite Press 4 (Megan Olson; Gaetano Gianfriddo.. Kelsey Coughlin, Lynsey Nakamura, MVP Shannon Murphy) .vs. ?dueke 'Eagles 0 (MVP Alison Smith); Jumbo Video 3 (Devyn Koozan, Kayla Schroeder 2) vs. Verify 0 (MVP's Tierra Warner and Dandle Austin) BOYS' UNDER -10 DIVISION July 31- Carpet. Towne 2 (Kevin Baker, Atish Chodha, MVP Cameron Powell) vs. Ontario Power Generation 5 (Christopher Prato 2. Andrew Nauth, Jesse Boileau 2, MVP's Logan Schenk and Pradeep Sukumar); Masterworks -Screen Printing 1 (Bran- don Zorn) vs. Tri -Tech 11 (Ryan Griffith 2,: Carey Arnott 3, Mo- hamad Be9uni, Matthew Farr 3, Callum Lock 2, MVP's Robert Pools. and Eddie Smith); Rysw8 Graphix tnc. 3 (Sean Pavtidis 3, MVP Jonathan Clayton) vs. Lynx 0; Marshall Homes 9 (Marc Coiboume, Mohamed,Jar'rta 2, Michael Marshall 3: Richard Do- herty, Christopher Riches, AndrewWilsoit-Fuselli) vs. Flyers 4 )Camerso l Sweeney 2. Kevin Montgomery 2). • BOYS' UNDER -12'B' DIVISION • July 20 - Massey's 4 (Chris Paul, Derek Cameron, Alexander Amato, Tyler 144195ake) vs. Re1Max -First-John Wilson 1 (Bradley Dumf.); Buiiay's Marauders 9 (Cody Pollard 3, Ju Rano Michaelides 2, Ryan Grant. Scoff McRae, Anthony Chris-- lou, Stephen8uftey) vs. Lynx 3 (Jeffrey Valadao, Jordan Liao zed: Steve, -Casting::% (FouadJohsham 2, Angelo Angelopou- los 2, Shane Boyd, Antonio Mote., Kyle Sedan, MVP Steven Franks); Pluoib-11 4 (Justin Shoesmith. Joshua Fisher, Michael Birkett, Kyle,Palanizas) vs. Flyers 3 (JasonDwyer 2, David Flo- rio). " 01R5S` UNDER -12 DIVISION 1 - July 24- Sutton Group 2 (Danoy Howard, Tony Allen, MVP's Jacquelyn Kentlis, Jessica Bevan and Megan Seely) vs. Picker- ing Slo-Sports 0; Lynx 3 (Alexa 9iubley 2, Chloe Bent, MVP's. Kelsey Rhodes and Cassandra Carso) vs. Sporting 19,90e9 0 (MVPs Victoria Brighton and Alexandra Frag); Roterk O'(MVP's Chelsea Wing and Erin Caldwell) vs. Boyer Pontiac Panthers 3 (Kate .51011in9, Marianne Stover, Christine Runza, MVP's An- drea Romeo, Kyrene Fabroa and Samantha Quints). Judy: 31`-- Sutton Group 5 (Megan Seely 2, Kayla ,Reardon, Chelsey Frostner, Tony Allen, MVP Chelsey Forstner)'vs. Beyer Poetic Panthers 0: Lynx 3 (49808 Muhl); Kelsey Rhodes, Cas -- mocha Carso, MVP's Lisa 13e_arrsto and Lauren Palmer) vs. Re- 1ork 1 (0CrsMrt Barley, MVP Laura Newton); Spkxtir Images 0 (MVP Brittany Scott) vs PCCCA 1 )). Smith,MVP A. Betiding). GIRLS' UNDER -16 DIVISION Aug.1 =Ontario Power9eneratlon 2 (Michelle Stephan, Whit- ney Shore, MVP Lindsay Watson) vs. Premier TrophY 1 (S8ra Lacey; MVP Lauren Walker); Pickering Ste -Sports 5 (Mary Kerr: 2, Jenna Gillespie 2, Ashley Nascemen0o, MVP Linda Pratt) vs. Heritage Electric 4: (Amy0ontarekak Shame( McDuff, Brianne. • SCOREBOARD NEWS ADVERTISER AUG. 27 MacDuff 2, MVP Terri Rennie);,Rougemount Physiotherapy 1 (Michelle Crabb, MVP Stephanie Cooper) vs. Eagles 5 (Krista Newton 2, Jocelyn Nespiak, Katie Macina 2, MVP Katie Mac- na): CENTRAL SOCCER LEAGUE BOYS UNDER-TEN'E' DIVISION. June 8 - Wexford United 1 (Ari Solkkanen) vs. Pickering' Power 4 (Krstafer ; Michael, Callum Lynch, Moire Oke, Dean Lawrence); June 12- Pickering Power 2 (Brydon Caesar. Moire Oke) vs. East 1(ork 3 (Michael Holder 2, Danis! Roccasavo); June 26 - Whitby 0 vs. Pickering Power 8 (Brydon Casser, An- thony Valerio3, nthonyValerio3, Moise Otte 2, bean Lawrence, Azim Rattanski); June 27 Wexford United l (Brandon Pirri) vs. Pickering Power 2 (Brydon Caesar, Wise 050); Jury 6 - Wexford United 1 vs. Pickering Power 1 (Anthony Valeria); July 9 - Whitby 0 vs. Pick- ering Power 6 (Kristofer Michael, Callum Lynch, Michael Evans,' Dean Lawrence, Azim Rattans!, Ryari Metclafe); July 13 - Pick- ering Power 6 (Mark Sterling, Callum 'Lynch 2, Andy Andreo9, Dean Lawrence, Atm Rattans') vs. Oshawa Kicks 0: July 17 - Pickerung Power 3 (Cameron Farrell, Callum Lynch, 'Anthony Valero) vs. Olympic Flame 0; July 19- Darlington 0 vs. Picker- ing Power 10 (Brandon Sellers, Catlurh Lynch 3, Anthony Vale - do 2, Moiabk Oke 4); July 20 - Pickering Pov38r 4(Brydon Cae- sar; Callum Lynch 2, Anthony Valeria) vs. Oshawa Kicks 0. PICKEIBN0 SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION JUNIOR ATOM GgiL2 FINAL STANDINGS As of July 30. TEAM . GP W 4. T PTS PC•T'GBL. Mulberry Bush 11 9 .0 2 20 .909 Florence Bette Realtor 11 6 2 3 15 .682 2.5 W. Pick: LadiesSlo-Pilch 11 5 <6 0 10 .455 5 Mang 000b Restaurant 12 3, 8 1 7 '.292. 7 Chick to Joy ', 11 1 8 2 4 .182 8 DIVISION RESULTS July 26: Mangiano's Restaurant 15 vs Chick N Joy 8 (MVP: Sip Bhatt); Mufoerry Bush 15 (MVP: Emilie Glanzmann) vs West Pick- Bring Ladies Slo Pitch 7 (MVP: The Team). July 24: Muberry Bush -10 (MVP: Hoke KneO, Amanda Joodsoy) vs Florence 5. Betts, Realtor 8 (NNP: The Team); West Pickering- Ladies S10 -Pitch 7 vs Mangier O's Restaurant 0 (default). MITE GIRLS' FINAL STANDINGS AS Of July 30 TEAM ' GP W L T FTS9OT 001 I050.com , 12 10 1. 1 21 .875 - Dr. Wanes Cohen 12 10 1 1 21 .875 - Knighfs of Columbus 12 5 1. 1 11 .458 5 Ontario Power Generation12 2 10 0 . 4 .167 8.5 Royal Lepage: MJ Wilson 12 1 10 , 1 3 .125 9 DIVISI0* RESULTS July 27s Dr. Warren Cohen 20 (MVP: Sarah Edwards) vs Royal Lep- age:llifidtael J. Wilson 10: ICnigO,lo of Colkxnbus 15 (MVP. Deny. Oubeau) vs Ontario Power Nuclear Generation 11 (MVP: Michelle - Spears). ' July 25:. Dr. 901189 Cohen 15 (MVP: Sara Lake) vs.Knights of •Co99a905s 9; 2D50.00m 18 (MVP: TaYlod Bonnie) vs Royal Lepage: MMx41ae1J. Wilson 8. • July 2th Royal Lapses: Madras(J. Wilson 7 (NNP: Claire Wilson) vs Ontario` Power .Nuclear Generation 8 (MNP: Cheyenne Fraser); ID50.com 15 (MVP: Melissa Cadman) vs Knights of Columbus 11 (MVP: .Lindsey Walton). NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 000 PAGE 25 P SQUIRT GIRLS' FINAL STANDINGS As of July 30. TEAM GP W L T PTS PCT GBL Century 21-P Fulton 11 9 2 " 0 18 .818 - Canada Cutlery 11 6 5 0 12 .545 3 Ontario Poorer Generation 11 4 6 1 9 .409 4.5 W. Pick. Ladies SIo-Pitch -12 4 7 1 9 .375 5 All State Wayne Redford 11 4 7 0 8 .364 5 DIVISION RESULTS July 26: A11 State: Wayne Redford' 12 (MVP: Lindsay, Nichol) vs Century 21: Percy Fulton 9 (MVP: Paige Fulton) West Pickering Ladies Slo-Pitch 14 (MVP: Danyefte Brighton) vs Canada Cutlery 11. July 24: All State: WayneRedford15 (MVP: Jennifer Valentina) vs West Pickering Ladies SIo-Pitch 14 (MVP: Judy Garvin). Century 21; Percy Fulton 16 (MVP: Carote•Anne Boisvert) L. On- tarp Power Nuclear Generation 11 Jnly 19: -Century, 21: Percy Fulton 17 (MVP: Morgan Vespa) vs West Pidtering Ladies Slo-Pitch 16 (MVP: Kaitlyn 0111ith)• Ontario Power Nuclear Generation 7 (MVP: Meagher Symington) vs Canada Cutlery 6 (MVP: Schon} Marescaux). 'NOVICE -GIRLS' FINAL STANDINGS _ As of July 30. TEAM GP W. L 'T PTS PCT SBL Century21-P. Fulton 13 11 2 0 22 .846 - Class `,'Electronics 12 7 3 2 16 .667 2.5 1D50.cxxn: 13 7 6 0 14 .538 4 SteveceggyyNo Frills 13 3 8 2 8 .308 7 Btukvess Depot 12 t 10 2 4 .154. 9 DIVISION RESULTS AIN 299, Century 21Percy-Fulton 14 (MVP: Mallory *fandryrvs Business :Depot 10 (MVP: Kerry Morrison); 1050.908 14 (MVP: Daniella 0*8onti) vs Steve 8 Peggys No Frills 13 (MVP: Danielle Brooks): . JWy26,£gtes 11"Electronics 14 (MVP: Alexandra vs Cin- fury 2 PA.. (MVP: Katie Danaher); Steve 8 Peggys No Frills 18 -Leanne Mutton) vs Business Depot 18 (VP: Jen - 458 Hartct). July 2Ik Business Depot 17 (MVP: Kristen WAlen)'ve Class A Eleclroni0a'17 (MVP: Meagher Woodrow); Century21Pereyfu8on 18 (MVP:tindtiay Marshall) vs ID50.00m 11 (MVP: AndreaDel rca). July 18:1050.com 16 (MVP: Lisa Wray) vs 84si9ess Dopar 13 (MVP: Chdlibnit Brunner); Class 'A" Electronics 15 (MVP, K6stin Dufour) vs Steve'. Peggys No Frills 12 (MVP: Hayley Johnson). BANTAABDGEAsMGoIRJLulSy M. AL STANDINGS TEAM GP W L T PTS PCT apt. Amberlea Psis... 11 9 2 0 18 .818 ' - Chelryssod Roofing 11 7 4 0 14 .636" 2 - Pappillastatirint 10 6 _4 0 12 .800 - Strata - 10 6 4 0 12 :600:.0.5 W. Pick..adios SID -Pitch" 10 .4 6 0 8 .400 4.5 Legend Multi; 10 4 6 0 6 .400 4.5 Minute Muffler 10 3 7 -0 6 .300 5.5 Bob lehns1oik-Otev 10 2 8 0 , 4 200''6.5 July 119: Cherrywood Roofing 16 vs West Pickering Ladies Ski - Pitch 13 (MVP: Darlene Lauer); Papps Restaurant 19 (MVP: Mar- sha flukey) vs Bob Johnston Cher -Olds 9 (MVP:ennifer Harri- son): Strata 3 (MVP: Ashley Gordon) vs Legend Music 2 (MVP: Stephanie :Keay); MNwte Muffler 7 vs Arribertea Atom... 0 (de - fault). July 17: Amberlea Pharmasave 7 vs Cherrywood Roofing 0 (de- fault). SENIOR BOYS'T BALL STANDINGS As of July 23.. TEAM GP W L T PTS PCT GBL Ontario Power Generation 8 7 0 1.15 .938 - Herongate Theatre 9 4 4 1 .9 .500 3.5 PBI Office interiors 9 4. 5 0- 8 .444 4 All State Wayne Redford 8. 3 4 7 7 .438 4 Chick 'N Joy 7 3 4 0 6 .428.4 Pick. Men's Slo-Pitch 7 - 0 4 : 3 3. - .214 5.5 DIVISION RESULTS July 19: PBI Office Interiors 24 (MVP: Sebastian Stoddart) vs All State: Wayne Redford 23 (MVP: Anand Sinha); Ontario Power Nu- clear Generation 22 (MVP: Guillaume Boulange) vs Herongate The- atre 19 (MVP: Nicholas Soos). July 17: All games postponed due to lightning: July 12: All State: Wayne Redford 25 vs Pickering Mens Slow Pitch 25 (MVP: Michau Perreir9: Conner McDonald) Herongate Theatre 17 (MVP: Kevin Ferry) vs PBI Office Interiors 18- (MVP: Cameron Metcalfe). ATOM BOYS' STANDINGS - As of July 30: TEAM GP W L T PT'S PCT GBL Trident Elevator Co. 12 10 1 1 21 ,875 - Thompson Kernagfkan 12 9 2 1 19 .792 1 Boire Filter Group 12 6 5 1 .13 .42. 4 KDS Graphics 12 5 , 6 1 11 .458 5 Reinsurance Mgmst. 12 2 9 1 5 .208 8 Pick. Men's Slo-Pitch 12 0 9 3 3 .125 9 DIVISION RESULTS July 27: Pickering Mens Slow Pitch 7 vs Boire Filler Group 7; Tri- dent Elevator Company 31ys KOS Graphics 0; Thompson Ker- naghan 10 vs Relnsruanoe M9699e1en1 9 July 25: Trident Elevator Company 8 vs Thompson Kemaghen 7: Baha Filler Group 11 vs K00 Graphics 9: Reinsurance Manage- ment 20 vs Pickering Mans Slow Pitch e. July 20: Bake Filter Group- 3 v Reinsurance Management 0 Thompson Kernaghct 7 vs K03 Graphics 4; P(o kering Maris Slow Pitch 11 vS Trident Elevator Company 11; M1TE BOYS' STAN0108GS As otJuly 16. TEAM - GP W L T PTS PCT GBL HFM Construction 9 8 1 .0 16 .889 - E19pbyment News 9 6 3 0 12 .667 2 OJ Muller Landscaping 10 6 4 0 12 .600 2.5 Pick, Men's Sto-Pitch- 10 6 4 0.12 .600 2.5 Spotless Auto Glass 10 5 5 9 10 .500 3.5 Knights of Columbus : 10 5 5 O 10 .500 3.5 Scotia McLeod 10 , 5 5 .0 10 .500 55 Gino, Famous Pizza 10 3 7 0 8 .300 5.5 Ontario Power Generation 10 0 10 0 0 000 8.5 DIVISION RESULTS July 12: Pickering Mons Slow Pitch 15 (MVP: Jordan Sdglfield) vs Gknos Famous Pizza 13 (MVP: Joe Frost); Knights of Colunbus 17 vs 051210. Power Nuclear Generation 9; 0 J Muller Landscapin923 (MVP: Robbie Heard) vs Spotless Auto Glass 3 (MVP: Blake Burges); Stw0a McLeod 15 (MVP: Drake Worstold) vs Employ- ment Nevis 13 (MVP: Michael Reciappo). Ate interactive conference with ro\ n approaches that are key to managing the demands of work and family Hans G&W% Conference Chair One of Canada's top journalists and hosts of the Fifth Estate, Hana has enjoyed a distinguished career at CBC Television for over 25 years. 1 Sh45 P.M.` SESSION 111 The Company of Women Friday, September 15, 2000 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Toronto Centre for the (formerly North York Centre for the Performing Arts) 5040 Yonge Street, Toronto (just north of Sheppard Ave.) Negotiating your worth at work and home This session will help you to develop the necessary skills to successfully complete the negotiation process, with your boss, your client, potential customer or family member Speaker: Sheila Heen 1:45 P.M. SESSION IV Briefcase in one Guilt in the other Balancing life obligations with a demanding -career." In this session you will learn how to apply those techniques that will help you manage THE GUILT! Speaker: Janet Lapp, Ph.D. The "Wonder Woman Syndrome" Working women tend to feel overwhelmed by the constant stress of their daily lives. This session will teach you how to, balance your life by practicing "the art of self -nurture". Speaker: Alice Domar, Ph.D. Price: $245. + GST (includes continental breakfast) Orderyour tickets by phone (905) 509-3628 (local to Toronto) On the Internet: www.thecornpanyofwomen.net Signature Sponsor: Mirror&Gilardian Against Alt Odds Reaching Olympic Heights Vision, focusand commitment are powerful -tools for realizing pic excellence and when a ed consistently can empower you to achieve your potential. Speaker: Silken Laumann 11:30 A.M. -1245 P.M. LUNCH/BOOK SIGNING I.i -0.' 11'_(`11') it; 2:30 P.M. MIX & MINGLE Mix & Mingle with 1,000 like-minded women, and remember -bring lots of business cards! 3:00 P.M. SESSION,V Architects of Change A dynamic panel of CEOs and Celebrity Guests speaking frankly about their personae experiences. on ° • t4 e _ 1 nce. _ _ �,. , ' .ya: PAGE 26 -THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, /MUST 27, 2000 Visit Us On the Internet: ywlrw.durtasnnews.net To Place Your Ad Call: THE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 683-0 _% U AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Ajax Pickering News Advertiser: L.A.S S IF"iUxbridge 8529741 Port Perry: 985-2511 Web Site: www.durhamnews.net E -Mail address: otwclassified@home.com "TECS" - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling "TECS" - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling Who Else win Benefit from your New Career? Call NOW to check class availability. Seating is limited! Tran NOW for a career 1, with opportunity! • Accounting Payroll Administrator •'BusinessA tration • Office Assistant • Web Developer (E -Commerce) • Web Designer (E -Commerce) Community & Social Service Worker'` • Personal Support Worker • Esthetics • Legal Administrative Assistant • Law Clerk • Medical Office Assistant • Dental Chairside Assistant Travel & cubism • Police Foundation TORONTO School of Business Helping ) LBuild a Better it Life Oshawa "Campus Pickering . °sham Centre 1450 Kingston 419 King St. W. Pickering (905)723-1163 420-1344 JOIN A LEADER MAKE A DIFFERENCE Viceroy Homes Limited has earned a solid reputation in global and domestic markets as a majorleader in home manufacturing. ` Known for its innovative products, sound financial status and the ability -to, deliver, Viceroycontinues to excel. Our ' success has been built on a rm foundation -, people. In' an ever-expanding marketplace, Viceroy's Corporate Offices in Port Hope have the following POSITIONS AVAILABLE • Architectural Draftspersons, Technicians, and Technologists A sound education ` in Architectural ` Drafting or associated degrees or diplomas in the architectural field is a prime requirement. Knowledge of AutoCAD 14 or similar CAD software drafting programs -is a must. Preference will be given - to those that _ have at least 3 years of drafting experience as well as some building site experience. Recent graduates of a recognized drafting course will be considered for our training program. Programmer (Visual Basic) Viceroy Homes Ltd. has an immediate opening for this entry level, - full time, permanent position, in its Port Hope Offices. We are looking for an energetic, team player with strong Visual Basic skills to expand on air existing program. Experience . with Access, Excel and encryption - programs is an asset. We will train to program cpgtn'atiors on an ERF system. - - If you- have a Diploma in "Computers and some related work experience; if you are meticulous, well ,organized and detail oriented; if you have , a strong customer serVice attitude; if you want to start your career with a winning, growing organization; Forward resume by fax, or mail to: Viceroy Homes Limited Human Resources 414 Croft Street East Port Hope,' Ontario L1A 4111 Fax (905)885-8362 Telephone calls will not be accepted. We thank all applicants who apply, but advise that oily those undgr active consideration will ke contacted. WAREHOUSE MANAGER Old Port International Marketing Inc, Old Port International Marketing Inc., a fast growing manufacturer and wholesale distributor of giftware and candles, has a need for a seasoned professional to oversee our warehouse operations. The ideal candidatewill have excellent communication and organizational skills. Five years experience as a supervisor in a warehouse and distribution environment is a must. Please submit resume stbting salary expectations and references by Friday, September lst to: OLD PORT INTERNATIONAL MARKETiNG INC. 1 Easy Street, Port Perry, Ont. L9L 192 Aft: Plant Manager Fax: (05) 985-0676 E -Mail manager@oldport.net While we appreciate all applications submitted, ,only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Modelling? OPEN HOUSE MONINW, MOW Mk 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Ccrsuq(, fun one/ free! Talk to models and agents to get the information you reed.. 101 dundas street west whitby `905} 430-5715 AJAX/PICKERING tided Immediately! 50 General Labourers Papkaging Assemblers/ W Apply to person:" alkali. to 3 p.m. 15 Harwood Ave. S. #202 Aim Please bring your vold cheque for direct payment. Adept Personnel ThAcmats RE tow Well' established . fere requires Tutors. for cine -on -one tutoring -Must be committed, highly ,motivated and dedi- cated to students. Immediate openings for Reading & Math. Fax resume tan 6684744 or Fri1t #'aate to T.D.S. Pe=site' Sentice Biros 40 AZ ;DRIVERS 00.0681 Durham contract" O Running Southern Ontario Minimum 2 years AZ. exp. In person or call 112 St. Suite'203 Whitby Phone: 0430-8605 Toll free:1-8 . -83-x#08 tut . teaulls,osy Pao- ?FACNER1 put time or fun _GRUA. Het start. date le-- time for small alternative pri- vemberIM. Only 4 to 6 strni: 'vote highm Pickers - etts rooi oppeerrf class. fag C(em)areer• . Grades 9 -- t�, all subiecfs. SdHal Nage X33. Coniputi INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BEST PRICES IN TOWN DAY,- WEEKEND & EVENING CUSSES' Testing Centre Open 7 days a week Testing Site Code ON 96 Rltl1 taSTARTpe MCSE(NT &2800)Sep 18 E -Commerce & Web Design Sep 18 Office 2000 Every Monday Computerized Accounting Every Monday Computerized Business Admin Every Monday Graphics Packages Every Monda A�rnoon E -Co pA TI Ctrs mmerce Tues,Tlui ;STAR Sat Sep 12 MCSE Upgrade' Windows 2000 MW Sept 11 MCSE Windows 2000 M, W Sep 11. Bettye*. Tue, Thu Sep12 A+ Sat Sep 9 - SOL Admin. Sat Sep 9 CCNA Sat Sep 9 BSCN (Formerly AMC) Sun Sep 18 Unix Administration Sat Sep 9 Programing Fundamentals ue1 ,Thu; Sun, Sep 12 Complete Web Programming Tue, Thu, Sun Sep 12 Visual Basic Tue, Thu Sep 12 Sun Certified Java Programmer Sun Sep 11 Web DesigQn & Animation M,W&ThSep 18 Sat Sept 9 (Part time weer day classes are from 6:311pen t0 wpm and weekend classes are from gam to 2 pm) LImltedSeats. Please book your classes now! Get quallty Mining at excellent prices! Job Placemen Assistance •Individual attention • Unemployment Meantime recipients welcome • Unlimited lab time • Funding available for those who quality • Hands-on training • Over 90% success rate- Registered ate Registered andApproved as a Vocational School under the Private Vocational School Act. moulling- PICKERING CAMPUS 1550 Kingston Rd, (1 Block 1/. of Brock Rd Te' Ise:) 831.8888 GRAPHIC ART srrCiALisn -A Pickering manufacturer of, medical devices seeks "a qualified candidate with- relat- ed -Work experience. Excellent working, knowledge m graphic art & related software app0a-- tions. Good thne manage- meidimutthasking & commu- Apppply to nicaton skins Sales are Msting e,d. & Manager. Please fax resume to: 4)420-3 970 e-mail: Only suitable candidates will be selected for an Interview. OPEN ROUSE: MICROSOFT CAREER info - ppWednesdaayy DURusHAM COLLEGE, sir 0 Champlain Acre., Whitby. set Microunified! -coin- 2000,`J soft cervi- lied systems Engineer; and program- tion�Highestt tr train- mgg tifiat Durham s Cer- ed _ Tel olca) : on Genn g. Furd'ng _Aiincl. 000 Et) to lifieda able Call John 905-721-3340 THE Flinn belongs to those who are prepared. eCom- merce Net Adml /MCSE. A+, esommena} Application De- veloper, Software_ MS _, Olfltle/M . Developer, D (il siStance nary be avagable to etigibie studems. Durham 6ueiness Computer Cotege (005)427-3010. Cower ■ric Darter, free MOOR age Hoilstics. Health, Fitness. Are these Careers for You. Cap (905) 430-0895. Lifestyles Instdute; August 26th 10am-12 & i-3pm. HEEDE• course D NOW. 3 d SePI. 29. t- X 07, cBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT • . • • PROGRAM Milli(' i our cit t.'atii ii i't'gilii If you want the freedom of self-employment: but you: * have little or no experience in running a business * don't have a lot of money to invest * are trying to decide if self-employment (or your business idea) makes sense to you * need to develop a business plan or financial statement * want to find out more about small business` basics... Cali° 428-2749 Due to growth, StonCor Group, the world leader in protection systems, has an exciting new opportunity: - FIELD ENGINEER Recent degree in Chemical/Civil Engineering Excellent interpersonal and communication' skills On-site construction or carpentry experience We offer a competitive salary, bonuses, full travetexpenses, benefits and unlimited growth. Aceeletale your career by forwarding your resume to: corrosion WHrrnY 95 Sunray Street, Whitby, ON L1N 9C9 :. emall:kwinkelhorst@stoncor.com our website at http://www.stoncor.com SPIN BOWLERS NEEDED * Monday f ix Fun League Starting Sept. 11 7 p.m - 9:30 pm. Please Everibigs &lam 005) Tina(a)Call 7_. A=2 DRIVERS wanted to rug USA/Casedt. Can abstract.. ' one raenoe. Home weekends. tit 1410.551- 9397 (g-5 vin) Fax resume to 613 -96Q -74Th,' Utai LOYED t;EOF PA1tE? ARematve attitudes red for busy Rapid is made! Cali Cindy (905) 571-2737 THE CITY OF PICKERING APPLICATION DEVELOPER The City of Pickering "is a thriving municipality' of 88,000 located immediately east of Toronto in the GTA. An ,excellent career opportunity exists- for an experienced pro- grammer to develop and maintain the City's MS Access and Ora- cle Systems. racleSystems. As. the successful applicant, you will have a post secondary de- gree/diploma in computer science or a related discipline, supple- mented by at least three years experience in an information Sys- tems environment, including two years in the use of Oracle. Ex- cellent analytical, customer service, project management and oral and written communication skills are essential. The ability to work irregularhours including evenings and weekends is also re- quired. Salary Range- $21.99 - $24.44 per hour. Qualified applicants may submit a detailed resume by September 08, 2000 to Employment Services Co -Ordinator, Fax (905) 420-4638, E -Mail humanesources@city.pickerleg.on.ca In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of information and Protection' of _Act the information gathered s collect , pursuant to the Mrlu ' 1. Act RSA 0990, cM. 45, and will be used to select a candidate. We thank all ose individuals who apply; however, only those applicants granted an interview will be acknoly- edged • An equal opportunity Employer • Us n the Internet: www.durhamnews.net THE AJAXPICKERING MEWS ADVERTISER, AUGUST 27, 2000 -PAGE 27 Sears Canada Inc. is an equal _ opportunity employer. We, tlian, all applicants for their interest, but, will o ,ly contact those tv o will be interviewed. PAGE 28 -THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, AUGUST 27, 2000 100 100 Careers 100 Casters NATIONAL ACCOUNTS MARKETING COORDINATOR McNairn Packaging, a leader in the specialty paper and packaging materials market for the Food Industries, is seeking a dynamic individual to ; join our marketing department. You will coordinate and support all activities associated with national and chain food service to, accounts in North America to meet the customers' needs. The successful candidate will have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration (Marketing, Graphic Arts/Printing or Business) and 5+ years related work experience with direct customer contact. Must have excellent communication, computer (Microsoft Office & ACT!), administrative, project management and- customer serviceskills. Needs to be self-directed and a team player. Please submit your resume in confidence to: tik Hi n Resources Manager,: McNairn Packaging, 125 Com Driven Whitby' ON LItN 1C4. Fair (905) 668,5035. - tnknnlOH 8 PLANT.CONTROLLER Rea international ham, is a multi - t, world lass parts supplier to the automotive industry. Continued growth has created the need to expand our Finance Department. We are seeking an =exceptional individual for the pos 000 of Plant Controller at our AUK Mete .Products Dildslon br Bowmanvr7le, Ontario. Reporting to the Corporate Controller, you wn't manage the plant's financial recording and reporting systems. Your responsibilities will include the preparation of monthly financial retails,- financlat analysis, financial budgets and forecasts as wet as day to day Inside' operations ofthe plant. /*Your prdile includes a university degree in Commerce or Business Administration along with a post -graduate accounting designation (CA, CMA or CGA). A minimum of 3 yeas somerience, preferably in the Automotive industry is required. You are proficient in Excel and/ or Access. Knowledge of JDE would be benefidal. File # 0848 We offer an excalanf sale), and bests package. Pass forward your msume, quoting He 0, to: Hume►. Resources, Rea h+tematfonal kic., 7405 Tranmene DA* Mississauga, ON, L5S 1!4 or Fax: (905) 476:9463 Required 50 "DOCK WORKERSFiT F. to start immediately (Days, Afternoons) Local Durham Please Cal Dave T.D.S. 1-877-833-3308 Local: 905-430-8605` fax 905-430-5657 SALES SUPPORT 1111 cowl Hap ATTENTION STUDENTS/ Homeworkers: Earn EXTRA income from home: Mail S.A.S.E fo free details: E - Lopes, 245 Wentworth SL W. Box 96052, Oshawa, Ont. L1,1 AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS Packaging Company fkxpac Products Inc., e19 leraNrelr SL Oshawa, is openings for line workers. fork 18t experience -walobl,. Fax rosume Sri: 433- 1865 or hand -in at above ad - doss. FORK LIFT OPERATORS, cep Ned. Must be available to work all shifts. 510.50/hr`to start. Also rent. - Genaal COORDINATOR Labourers for TO factory work,( hresume t work 7 or A dynamic Sales agency in the office call (905)725-9324. supply industry is seeking a highly caaIaET fts$ere>.Ens/ motivated and organized person to General Labourers. Full .time support our outside sales force and positions. Woodworking our customers. knowledge an asset. Whitby, 905-61226, or fax resume The successful candidate must be to:905-665-1617. detail oriented, be able to multi -task- cant-sceTT TrusnFORT re- -vand have a good working knowledge Lozp o F of Microsoft Word and Excel essigrred routes GTA detiver- les of food starts at This position could lead to an outside 513Aronr. Al"o r�rnueb Rales position in future.Nis pard ors 's and drops - and flat rate. miler Mads and Good salary and benefits package. LTL: -Also AZ,cicity needed for TA. Fax re- - S rid resume to: sura to: 905 tt31 0199 or Multi Mark Agents Ltd. pnone.tso5(83i �6ss. 200 Cochrane Dr., Unit #4. CARPE/ CLEANING: COMPA- NY (ESTABLISHED looking for Markham, ON,L3R 8E8 subcontractors, parttime, for Attn: Carole Wiistra residential carpet 8 , *phot- - ste cleaning. D tum; for Fax: 905-475-5176 blur am Regran. Must have email: caroleemuitimark.on.CB own' egwpment and vehicle. Ory serious enquires will be contacted. Please fax resume /MEI-Heip to; 905-686-106B. %Mrel CASHIER Daysevenin s, AIMS RESTAURANTS- weekends in Pickering & AAax Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax are Speciality MR Food Store: seeking enthusiastic, merge- - - Potential promotion to Cate tic individuals as shift mans- gory Manager. Drop off re eErnsMs and assistants. Applic sure to: Bulk -Ban, Durham should have some food Gender Ajax. No phone calls service background. Wage t>h. dependerd on nonce: Ap COURIER DRIVERS with cars ply within. 9�-23-4178. or vans to .a' the Dudam -BUSY wsrnsY SALON -.re- and GTA. Ennaienee an es- quires Hair Stylist Reception- set, but not necessary. Eam- 1sL Full or Part Time. Resume Trig potential $700 Weeldy rreeqquired. Apply to Francesca, plus. Third Dispatcher ppoR�� 1200 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby. ' tion available. (905)427-8093. 110 Generai Help 110 General Help: 110 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net 110 General HeIp 2 Durham locations to serve you better! Get "growing" now for a prf toys Fact, Bottl toe�atlors currerntc enl fat_..• a new world at work. Fax resume or call Ajax/Pickering 1885 Glenanna Road Suite 114 Pickering 683-2303 fax 831-4922 for an appointment Oshawa/Whitby 2 Simcoe Street South Suite 300 Oshawa 436-6202 fax 576-4698 The News Advertiser Is looking for retable people to insert and deliver papers and flyers door to door every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in the Pickering area. Deliveries must be completed by; 6:00 pm. Must have a vehicle. For more information cal 905-683-5117 TELEMARKETING Appointment Setters Required Immediately Full -Time, Part-time & Evenings • No Selling • Hourly wage plus Buts Call Carrie on Mo for interview. 26- 322 AZ Drivers Albion Hills Industries Ltd. We Provide: • Lae Model Ectflpmertt • Satellite Dispatch • Excellent Maintenance • 24ogram Hour Dispatch Pay lPacage. • Benefit eeklm+ tared MP'sit • No Slip o NYYCSeadn g Every Weekend Welke: • Valid AZ license • 2 Years U.S. Experience • Clean Driving Abstract • Professional Attitude We area Whitby, Ontario Carrier expedted,_�kvand from the U.S. Ask about our Signing Bonus For More information Please call (905) 665-6752 Pickway Transportation Experienced School Bus Drivers for 3 runs daily. Clean abstract, recent DDC, Fluent English preferred. (905) 420-4574. DAVIDSON DODGE/. M,p.10111 . 9G MIM(. 01111106 MEM, plN'Q-tin 6ut2S24122 DAVIDSON CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP is looking for an individual interested in working afternoons, evenings and,, Saturdays performing a variety of functions for the Serice Department including answering telephones, speaking with customers, invoicing filing. The successful applicant must have Reynolds & Reynolds (ERA System) experience. Please fax resume to: Patricia Clarke 416-281-1783 Established Sales Company in Scarborough has immediate openings fon Administrative/Office Help & Accounting Position Outgoing individuals with strong organizational, accounting & computer skills. Competitive Salary and full benefit package. Please fax resume to: 416-286-5963 Boston Pizza 1 Boston Pizza Whitby location rs, a Exppenrggienced Helps for for the following positions do work with a full restaurant menu in a fast -paced environment. Must be available beyond September SERVERS MINIMUM 2 YEARS EXPERIENCE also COOKS MUST BE MATURE AND ABLE TO WORK DAY & LATE NIGHT SHIFTS - Please km reosm'e to: 905-6664636 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to; Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your yist your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directl to Oshawa This Week, will not helerwarded to the file number. Origlnaa midst be sent directly as Indicated by theinstructions in the ad. 110 General Rein 110 Genet* limp CHILDD-Si YOUTH COUNSELLORS Full and Part Time Req'd within our treatment residences. Min. C.Y.C. diploma, experience, -thor- ough knowledge of crisis intervention, anger management, computer skills. Please forward resumes to: Enterphase Child & Family Services 209 Bond St E., Oshawa, ON. 1.1G 1B4 Fax: (905) 434-1775 Portrait Stuck, Hiring Immediately! Photography and Sales Apprentices Our photography company is approaching its busiest time of the year. We require flexible, responsible individuals to work varied schedules (days, evenings and weekends). Any previous experience with small. children or in retail sales would be an asset. Positions available for the Christmas season and could become permanent for the right candidates. Apply in person Day(s): Monday, Aug. 28, 2000 Hours: 10:00 am -12:00 pm s 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm At Location(s): Sears Portrait Studio Pickering Town Centre 1355 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario s 1/ 4r7 '! AUTOMOTIVE PERSONNEL Due to a recent expansion, Formula Ford has excellent opportunities_ for the following motivated individuals: • 2nd/3rd Yr. Apprentice Licensed Technicians • Full Time Cashier/Appointment Co-ordinator • Part Time Cashier/Appointment Co-ordinator (Evenings/Saturdays) • Full TimeAccountingClerk Candidates must be high energy, self starters with proven track records, who are looking for personal growth. Automotive experience required. Fax resume to: N5-831-7549 THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for a person to deliver to businesses in the Pickering area every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday by 3:00 pm. Must have a vehicle. Call Camille at 905-683-5117 NOW HIRING • Waitress/Waiter with min. 2 yrs. exp. • Short Order Cook • Kitchen Help • Flexible hrs. Please" apply in person with -resume: (905) 831-3469 TtHot%.ka NOW HIRING • PART TIME DONUT BAKER Must be able to work Sat. and Sun. day shifts. Also LITER STAFF • FUEL TIME CO Must be able to work -all A.M. and P.M. shifts Monday to Sunday. Apply to the Tim Horton 1 Harwood/Hwy 2 location, Ajax. ' (905) 683-6497 • .SUBWAY" JOIN A WINNING TEAM!! SUBWAY SANDWICHES AJAX has an opening for an ASSISTANT MANAGER Apply daily in-store 7:00 am 4:00 pm Westney at Bayly LOT PERSON required for "Local Ford Dealer" Salary position Contact Bernie 905-686-2300 Immediate positions available. in our wood moulding and plywood divisions. MACHINIST FORKLIFT OPERATOR LABOURERS Knowledge of wood an asset. Please'call. (905)640-4788 NOW HIRING FULL TIME $1135/HR Local branch of national manufacturing company has several openings • Must be able to start immediately • No experience necessary • Complete company training • Must be able to lift 38 lbs. Call (905) 720.1507 visit us �t aiienietsriifarw.durhsannervs het French / English Bilingual Customer Assistance Reps - 6 month temporary position / potential for perm. - must be available for 8 hour shifts Mon. -Fri. between 7:30 am and 11 pm. -1 year call centre experience proven technical ability - computer literate - strong customer service skills - ability to problem solve Resumes to Fran 905-831-8134 MANPOWER® FULL TIME POSmONS AVAILABLE • WELDER • PAINTER • SAW OPERATOR •ELEVATOR MECHANIC Applications/resumes can be faxed to:: (905) 686-0713 or delivered to: ATLANTIC LIFTS LTD. 453 Patron St., Ajax, Ontario LIS 1118. GET INTO SHAPE WITH MANPOWER We are currently recruiting for general labourers andheavy assemblers. Must be able to lift 50 lbs, on a continuous basis, be able to work shift work in the Durham Region. Please call Rachel at 905-831-7683 or 905-686-7732 between 9am anti 12 noon.. MANPOVVEIV PACKER We have an immediate need for individuals to remove products • from the conveyor or machine, inspect and hand pack finished peodocts according to the .manufacturing or- der. The qualified candidates will have a high school or equivalent with prior manu- facturing experienced. Must have excellent communication and manual dexterity skills. If you are interested . in this opportunity, please mai/fax your resume or complete an application: McNainu Packaging, Inc. 125 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario.: LIN 1C4 - Fax (905) 668-5038 PART TIME HELP WANTED. Warehouse duties for paper distribution 15.2.0 hours week. 2 afternoons, plus Saturdays ' Send resume to: 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Ave. LIS 2 Fax (905) 683-7363 Att. Tim Harris eit 1111111i PLAYCARE Schoolhouse Ptaycare Centres Of Durham We are in need of an Administrative Assistant to join our team at Head Office. The successful candidate will be .familiar in Word, Excel and. computerized mail systems, have excellent communication and organizational skills with the ability to multi -tali in a fast -paced environment. If you have these skills please fax a copy of your resume to {90516664988, by Sept P Sheridan CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC 9E0 LTD The following opportunities ' are currently available in our growing . General Motors. dealership: ♦ CUSTOMER SERVICE 00 -ORDINATOR • TOWER OPERATOR Part Time Contact Peter Whyte - Service Manager 883-3 • LOT PERSON - full Time • EVENING RECEPTIONIST- Part Time SALES PEOPLE Excellent comm:, benefits, co. demo. Contact Careyyam- Sales Manager 6114 Sl PO'R+TSD * Individual Required To Work With * NBA , MLB, NHL Teams Hotel & Restaurant Chains Golf & Country Clubs Call for interview (905) 571-1543 gar..tTertetart4elp, t;enerettj►. Train for a rewarding career in TRAVEL & TOURISM Training includes: • Travel Fundamentals • Tburs • Selling Cruises • Travel Components • Apollo • Travel Agency Operations • SABRE • Internet' Communications • Professional Skills • Tariffs & Ticketing • Job Search Call for class details! Seating is limited! othawa camp. TORONTO Pkkethia Oshawa Pentre 1450 Kingston Rd. 419 King St. K Pickering (905) 723-1163aar (905) 420.1344 School of Business Train for a rewarding' career as a LEGAL ADMIN ASSISTANT Work in: Corporate,. Real Emote, Litigation, -1 amily and Wills &: Estat Legal Secretary to Law Firms; Receptionist to.a law firm; Secretary in an in-house legal department, large cororafions, real estate companies, insurance offices and financial institution Land Regetry Offices; University Faculties of Law; Secretary in the legal department of a government office; Police Departments (personal secretary,or personnel clerk); Court Offices, Law Society of Upper Canada, Canadian Bar Association etc. Call now for class infonsaf on Seats are limited! 0 :fir, TORONTO Pickering >ira Kingston . 419KiingSt. W School of Business Pickering (905) 723-1193 Helping Bendaihrtieruai (905) 42¢1344 PART-TIME - WEEKENDS Flexible Schedule RLD Games Limited is looking for friendly, responsible, outgoing individuals to work at our outdoor Paintball Facility in Brooklin. No experience necessary but you must be 18 or older and:a non-smoker. First Aid and leadership skills an asset. $8. per hCall (905) to 65a5-89 provided. or fax resume to (905) 655-8607 THE NEW ADVERTISER \ Is looking for carders to deliver papers and flyers door to door Wed. Fri. & Sat. by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. call 905-683-5117 THE THIRSTY MONK due to expansion we are now hiring for the following positions: Servers, bartenders, doorstaff Apply in person. with resume.to: - - - 36 Athol Street, Oshawa S*OP�R�AFFITMNO �+ ITA UAi� .CUISINE Hiring: Part time Dishwasher, Bus Staff Experienced Fine Dining Servers Apply in person with resume to: 36 Athol Street; Oshawa THE AJAX PICKERI'NG NEWS ADVERTISER, AUGUST 27, 2000-PAGE:29 Help eSce HNp E ...H. ® OIRoe tied O Payrofl Assistant This part-time opportunity calfs for at least three yeas of experience to assist in the complete payroll process for approximately 600 Town employees, using the J.D. Edwards Payroll System. Your responsibilities will include entering bi-weekly time sheets, and calculating, statutory holiday pay and other manual payroll adjustments. Your familiarity with legislation related to payroll First 0061 provides you with the background needed to respond to inquiries, provide support to employees and analyse the impact of changes. You as required to seanmeilly, Is located have a community college diploma in Business/Accounting with courses in payroll salt et Toronto en the administration, plus proficiency in word-processing and spreadsheet software. picturesque shores.et Late ea we. The hourly salary range for this position is $14.12 to $18.73. Hours of work will vary but will average 18 hours veek, excluding vacation relief. Qualified applicants should send their resumes, by Septemher 8, 2000, to: HR Services, Town of Alex, 65 Harwood Avenue South, Air, Ontario, L1S 289. Fax (605) 6864352. Ajax is an equal opportunity employer corm it to diversity in its workforce. -EXCITING NEW oopppportunity for MASSEY'S RESTAURANT re- SS IF R/RECEIVER, full time Amore TherapistiReflexologist quires pemrenem fWl time expo needed for busy factory Must be T ' S or Registered Massage Ther- nerd Bne cools and servers. computer literate, sis mo-tivat- ADvpanisER apist, full and part-time op- Apply in parson to 774 Liverpool ed, seti-directed, organized and is lookin for portun.1 We supply a guar- R South, Pickering. accurate. Duties W be completed 9 pros- anteed salary and benefAs. NOW HIRING on a daily basis. Experience a pacts to You supply enthusiasm and definite es -set. Please forware deliver teamf sepnit. Give n a call at Chatts Bar & Grill resume to Rle #581, yn Oshawa • o Julie (905 7406147 EXPERIENCED Fares• s ', 5s a a L1HHf1iL565 . ;f fryers to thend EXPERIENCED COOK re • Waitresses quired. 5) (i wkhin. Lnpers /Walters Landing, 217 Brock St. S. • Line Cooks whiny FO uo.wt operator required, fngqmire Within e. nenced for lumber yard. 368 Bayly St. Ajax CRay (905}683-7676. OUTSIDE SALES REP - Auto - CLASSIFIED FULL TIME/PART TIME Adult motive Chemicals and Sup CUSTOMER Movie Rentals. Must have re- plies. We require an energetic tail ax� erience. fax resume self-starter to develop and to: (90ar) 426 6434 maintain an extensive line of SERVICE GENERAL LABOUR required- professional maintenance for fall/part-time posttlons, per.' You will call on car News Advertiser .redealerships, neat garages, quests that advertisers du,. also . every Thursday and Maintenance outlets. You check their News or Norma 9058310-29 5� have d strong experience inn h s publication m News Ad- area is impertar!t Renumere- vertfser will not be re- GENERAL LABDURER for tion is bice satiry oar anew sponsible for more than small construction company a arm bonus. one incorrect insertion Mite /hour. Call Scott' leave Area to be serviced 8,of Toronto. FixNoeth. and there shall be no li- 3ame number (905)831 - ability for non -insertion 3861 91 a25 5 Poen o -�, -GREENHOUSE HELP re PART-TIME OFFICE he )hirci, full-time, in Claremom. IP• Lfabirlty for'errors_in ads Experience an asset. Qwn . Sam -spm. Oshawa Transpor- is linlited to: the amount trtrnsportation necegsare. Cao . tetion company, 4100 A8 paid for the space occu- (410)211-0021 pph�one manner computer pying the error. All copy knowledge, w8t train. Must be is smblect to the ro NAfRDRESSER - H' h ane y, Send resume to: File trend sattlag salon Mi, Oshawa, vel of management of Hairstylist with or w thout Ont. Li H 7L5 News Advertiser. dieMel E>n eie salary and PERSON NEEDED to super —eonimissions. Frieney, fun to CULLEN for the foie.. IN5, hms Work in environment in the vise•studerds daring tine Po- Rouge Scarb: Call for appt. honr.eacti day at Lord Durham sfions: bcp!trleticed garden- .Rosario 416-281-2504. tmme- Pubtie School tOs Buroher ars, full time dishes tang- .Aisle position available! RA. Alex Plea a Are' off your servers wlth experience and information package at the line chef witfr knowbdge of HOMEWORKERS . 00EDEDi school's ea"m office. Pack- ;auces and cooking tech- To assemble our products: age must include a current piques. Apply in person to Free Information. Send SASE criminal rectlr"d check and a Cullen Gardens; 300 Taunton to: Kraft' Al' . , Conco77 Keele 01., negative TB test.. LPRd: W Whltby Fax (905) 668 Dept7rd, ON L4K 1Y7 : POLICE CAREERS are often: launched from InteBlgarde: lt's the -closest thing to being on the lob. Fax resume for Se- 1unty55. Officer to: 416-469- 42 RECEPTIONIST / ORDER EN - = N TRY Fun time, Pleasant phone manner/computer knowledge. (algal not' accessary = but I. - Gifts Ltd. offers in Pickering _ er Rend to 284 u an o onus' to �m extra re hires Full -ti ai St DISPATCHER - Pickering transportation company. See - Mal. in Home delivery and appt qtdres right ht ddwiduat, freight; g o work varied 'hours, computer . skills a must. Fax resume to: (905) 839-9954. JANITOR NEEDED!! 3 hrs/day, must have vand licence & own vehicle. tall MX 4132`33 DO YOU LIKE CANDLES? LANDSCAPE C0118TRUC- hep fax resumes to Party. 0/5 L d TNNI COMPANY Eppee [0 5( 42(- irlicome while a soy .beautdul enced landscape con crt_ rak candles and accessories.- You . tors. Own transpportation re- ee„,- E AND have the freedom to determine aired. Phone (905) 831- SENTATIVES wanted for large q i7 cariadfarr co. Vehicle regyired. your owh income arid hours: We 1860, Cell (416) 93 -91t9 Able to sfart now on a iceiv ca - offer exctr comppeennsation. LANDSCAPE LABOURERS reef, Gig Bucks and pergs. For more info. call lotteppenAeiit warrted. kelt 705 277-29Q2 Cali (9�) 579-7814 Cdnsuttards, Carol Link 905 ( ) 683-9123 or Surtn Shopatho- LItx118ED HAumeeuSTS SERVICE COORDINATOR Jacks0nof905-831-8368. wlth minimum 2 yrs. expert- senior management position; m f)OMHIQ'8 PIZZA now hiring ence required for fullSime, in part acting as assistant to part time and fun time part-time or Sundays only. Program Director. To -work makers and service repro- se .0 Oshawa Centre,: with emotions disturbed sentatives. Also looking for Hair -Stylists, Mary or Lina teenage bods in group sof., diers. Apply at 10 905-728-4623 homes and Sion 1 class - Harwood Ave. S., Am 683 BUSY SALON REQUIRES li- room. This is a g honr per 9993 or 1215 fiayly St Pick- sensed 'stylist : for Whit week half time position. Sal- erin8 831-003Q �• ary commensurate with ex - guaranteed' salary/commis- periencc* and qualifications. DROP ill ovemi M and live Siem, great working ...tin- Start: September 2000.. Re- in homemakers, home clean- pie,• hiring bonus. quirement• extensive group ars, drivers and handy persons. also Oshawa and A)ax. home background, references, Seniors For S@mors Oshawa (0723-7323 poiine ¢heck, medical 434-5115; Pickering 816-0712. LOCAL MOVING COMPANY, clearance by your doctor. As and 8200 $300., $500.. or. _needs experienced helpers Sets: previous supervisory more per week " assemhling and diners, luQ and part time, experience, driver's license, products' in the Comfort of. apply in parson between 8 physical fitness, strength your aim home: Send a Belt- a.m.- and 10 a:m• with resume training, related -educational 8 addressed stamped envelope 5 Hopkins St. Whltby haafi equal numb tette, men to: O:P.H. B-2400 DundasSt amt wanon. cover letter and W., Suite 541, Ref 038, MIs- LURE TECHNICIAN - fag and resume can be delivered in sissauga, Ont L5K 288. rt time, hourly wage plus parson or mailed to Warren ECE OR AS di..., needed -.Experience needed. Family Homes, 515 Hams for part-time pesltion 3:00 Valid drivers 1"ase. Apel. at Court, W�r 00L1fa 3C6 or tax 6:00 P.m. in a strong grorArig of 40 Westrcey. Rd. S. to:905 childcaretecdny: Also -:hiring supply staff at this once. Con- MAKEUP INSTRUCTOR re- test i 905.985-8783. qui. Please- forward re- EsgDgNg (�-fl. sume to File #582 Oshawa Professional, welt 'proome , This Week, P.O. @ox 481, foil service. The Fxel Place. Oshawa, Ontario Lfii 7L5 218 Brock St S. Whitby. Call MANDARIN RESTAURANT (9051-668-8128:- requires host staff. Experience EXPERIENCED zooms- not epe scary Able to rock in COURIER DRIERS required. CLEANERS, NEEDED imine- TIN tabourer for the Whitby/ saytme. Apply In person Own. Car, 7096 Commission=$600. cutely. Fug -time. For more OshawaiBowmanville area with photolD from 2 m- Spm Mint vans =5150. fun sae van = Miramar= pkolse call Mita Ed Must have own vehicle Tele- 1725 Kingston Road, Picker- S8g0 weeMy. C 905-686-3506. 905.8;11-3995 ; phone (905) 823=3 ..., mg IK+ngstonlEast of &Ocie): or. os'irrst •- cle,0 .awl ¢¢ TOWER OPERATOR/SERVICE CLERK Reynolds and Reynolds Experience preferred. Fax 905-404.1764 E-MAIL erancier@durhamdodge.com phone calls please) Ed envier, Genera Manager ��R �i7r�dgc A CO t. I A'J WEB PRESS OPERATOR and SHEETFED PRESS OPERATOR Required for a commercial printing book manufacturing plant. Complete' prepress with computer -to -plate, full size web, .40" sheetfed presses (2, 4, and colour) and coinplete bindery. Send resume to: Bruce Fenton, President and General Manager Manacle Press Limited 1156 King Street East, Box 606, Oshawa, Ont., L1H 7N4 Phone: (905) 723-3438' Fax: (905) 428-6024 $ SEWING OPERATORSMA$ Excellent earning potential for experienced industrial sewing machine operators. Full-time day shift Call Debbie (!0S) 420-07$4 b yes INSTALLERS . required. following areas Must be experienced. Call Rob trirti iii"t (416)450.1 4a. PICKERING Sandycherry Cres. Valleyridge .Cess. Chiron Cres, Ambedea Rd. Strouds Ln. Adel Cres, Miranda Crt. Oberon Crt. Highview Rd, Woodside Ln' Abetfoyfe Crt Greenvale Cres, Springview Dr. Chamwood Crt. Foxwood Trail Village St Arcadia Sq. Parkside Dr. Aspen Sq. Spruce Hill Rd Beechtawn Dr. Larksm re Crt. Marshcourt Dr. Fairfield Cres. Bainbridge Dr. Sheppard Ave. Ropugemount Dr. Rouge Hill Crt. Rosebask Rd. S. Steeple Hill Sundown Gra. Lighfoot Place Pineridge Dr. Toynevale Rd. _ VrOt* i't"t*i';CS' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 905-683-5117 SITE SURVEYOR Evenings 5-7pm $15/hour Car required colt lish a must Ext. 250 SOCIAL WORK in therapeutic residential agency operating three group homes and foster carefor emotionally disturbed teenage boys in Whitby, and a Section 19 classroom. Requirements: expe- hence plus B.S.W. or egadvalem; proven ability to develop individ- ual care plant and to facilitate group fol anger marragemetd, sex gtlender8, vh4inis of abuse, etc.; references; police check: medical clearance by your doctor. Assets: group home . ; driver's 1.nse good fitness, atte0gm:trainkig. + r staff w . art equal number of men and women. FulHime. Salary com- mensurate with experience and qualifications. Slant -September 2000. Cover letter and resume can be mailed to Warren Family Homes, 515 Harris Court, Whitb , IL N 3C6 orfaz to: 905.668.0600. TELEMARKETERS NEEDED • Hours of work 5-8 pm, $10 Per hour (set rate) Some experience preferred.: Call Peter 905-686-2445 (ext 250) THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas AJAX 132 Kingston Rd. Chadwick Dr. Dale Cres. Adams Dr. Palmer Dr. Woodward Cres. 109 Old Kingston Elizabeth St. Windsor Dr. Linton Ave. Farmers Ave. Thorp Cres. Marxiermott Dr. Weeks Dr. Carle Cres. Gandy Crt. Heatherwood Rd. Churchill Rd. Kings Cres.. Roosevelt Ave. Forest Rd. Exeter Rd. Blucher Rd. Pickering Beach Piemann'Cres. Clover Ridge Dr. Hills Rd. Clements Rd. E. TumbuR Rd. Eollo Drmperor. St R Hewitt Ares. Leach Dr. Cluett Dr. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 905-683-5117 WALKERS NEEDED for s work. Cable experience 7 essary. Immediate employ- ment. Can mployment.Can 905.426-0460. Wal3e Grill & Bar -Pickering is changing its concept. Looking. for Full time host/hostesses and experienced wait staff. Fax resume to 905-831-9232 WANTED - . ONE GOOD man. High end salon and spa ps. !ng•for a 'Charlie` for our Ali - et We have full and part-time positrons available. We supply gkerenteed salary pias bene- fits. Interest. r phcams caH (905)434-6147 or 868-7406.. WE ARE LOOKING for mature Imp. to expand our financial serwces business in area. Please call Ron Kea. (905)436-8499. YOUTH WORKER to work with.. emooina8 disturbed teenage boys in Whitby group homes' and Section 19 classrooms Positions available: full-time, part-time and. _relief (occa- slonat); days, 0Yenings, over- nights: weekdays and wee- - kends. Start. September 2000. Range: $10 $13/hour, over- night rate 08 -. $10.20/hour. Requirements: refereees�,, police check, medbait clearance by your doctor. As- sets: previous experience, driver's license, good phys'r cal fitness, strength training, related educational aaekaaa- tion. Our Staff' team :fres an equal number of men : and women. Cover letter and.f�c sume can be delivered in pM`� son or mailed to Warren Fam- ily Homes, 515 Harris COO,: h90 669 06 0.:306 nt fax to: PAGE 30 -THE AJAX PiCKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, AUGUST 27, 2000 rem 01,040,0 Mgr sales moot. Skin d AUTOMOTIVE SALES Looking for an exciting career? We require: USED CARS SALESPERSONS •Sales experience preferred. Contact Fred Melville Used Car Manager at (905) 404-0525 Tor. line: (905) 686-1642 Well established General Motors Dealership looking for experienced erienced SALES PERSON Excellent pay structure and benefits. Please fax x resume in confidence to: (905)683-8705 110 nand Help WELL ESTABLISHEDcompany : NYAC , dynamic individual enthusias- tic, LNLHT INDUSTRIAL, tong time residential sales posi- term temp, most have 8 tion, Must possess, mofes- months working experience & sion11 skids obtained through safety weal -tom boots. Pick- 8,0916618 and knowledge of erm0 grrough Oshawa eras. Car flail sales. Vhirtunity for an: asset. From 37.50 to x.00 advancemeot with � exceitent p� hr. We wad be inter viewing at Income pntential complete The Oshawa Civic Oshawa, my. (adage c �k Moulton Rd S., Oshawa, Toes. ((905 6a3 ( ) ardThurs.12:30P.14.-4:30RM. -9041 or fax resume (9 ) CMite 603-x377. BOWMANYIt1 E•. full-time ez seek - =Was! hootdtaeper AUTO:REPMR shop isapspeek- otfice. Kn `offf cons bice hmond a third r tbn of new -h0000, pprogeny Gable. Call(905)725-9542. ' management, indumul and commercial properties land CABINET MAIC required . in deeppmmeent, teasing, payroll the BoWmanvide urea. Fury and ofmce protmdures essen experlenrsd Cabinet Makers tjal. Computer skills special rroed" only spry. f enefit ung in AccPac Plus, ac- package uududed. Fax re- counts receivable and pay- sums to: 905.4281463. ffile, Job Cost and ben Le49- CUSS AUTO MECHANIC er requ• Send resume with required for Duey g�utriedee references to: 1038 Pinetree moopp , Whk6y Diagn000 Crt Oshawa, Ont. 1101P4. skids a must. ,44 hos per LAW OIRACE requires a Part- week. �. N3go. (905) -4W -Mg Cad time. full-time Bookkeeper/ (905}-438.0298 for Rob Receptionist. Computerise Nps or fax resume to Accounting/PC Law an asset. (9115)-430-9983 a email to: Please fax resume &, salary Opautoeinterlinknnet expedaHai to: (90433 0283: DIE -MIO( TOOL & Die ltd. LEBAL SECRETARY, Alai, ex- 298 60 our continued growth =ceda� Law. Cab we #aqui►e dymimic & 1600- 9K Gt6.4Gti . Gi6 vatted tndtwdfirr r. GNC op - LOCAL GENERAL Insurance eretor 8 26 b t " tdia ma1ce. mot shift tool &die maker. Company in Oshawa has a We offer 8xcelient wages & rare and immediate opening beneftte Wt. a Progressive for one officestaff. Eoaellerit g air conditioned environ- oppmhurity and worldPa9�.0- , men#. Fax resume to raiment, Surffet. (905)433-)613-1671 EXPERIEtltED : FRAMERS OFRCE HELP required forme- needed: surf ; mediately. dietary. Menage background Phi» ne905.435-�1 is an asset, Please fax re- sume td(905)683-5880. cenrairen Winn - 1 year SkNled Pleb 2378. . 130 WELDER Mig expert required, year. round, full time, benefits after' 3 months. Starting rate $12.50 Reply by Fax to (905) 683-3734 North Ajax / Pickering Area CNC Milling Machine Set -Up Person Witti 4-5 years eaperrence. Must be able to do own set-ups with minimtrna supervision Experience on latsuur4 machines a d finite asset. Wages vt"il1 reflect on experience. Please Fax Resume to: (905) 839-6023 exp... min. DurhamR ton 8.1. area New Homes. Y a HO/ Anent* must Call (905)743.0915 and MEINIAMAL DEQ re- fHospital Medial CARPENTRY alasal"aa.Ye"D.nal ( itallialeat , Crews anti txahtractors treaded 200o, NT4 rowed- requireit for ami famNlr: (rata- � 1Mretlad FDO. 'TIME experienced CDA CARPENTERS For subcontract work to reputable General Contractor in Durham. Must be certified fax resume to 76-2512 Oshawa 4�J0i27 FROM H0i,�IE PAR{TMS15Sia HR Hourly fate + Commission + bonus. A Camden business mires independent with business - to -business telemarketing experience tot cit from home. The kkal candidate all have a prolossiolial telephone. mama i g H 1308. Come join our team at our BRAND NEW STORE IN AJAX Positions available s► Service Writer Licensed General Tech. Lube / Tire Tech. Int 41n,asset) Fax resume: Attn. Reno Simpoll 905-426-4007 $20 - $25 / HR National. company with lots of work Elea trtrif arts, Plutlrbers�8 is. FT & PT, 5 positions open. Vehicle & tools required. Mr,. Woods, Mon- day or Tuesday (905)67 FRX.Ij6 sena ASSISTANT far raw tame• construction in tee,. Flees fart resume to: tics. Pl�e submk rearms in tome ChrisBira home day- El(PERIENCED DAYCARE TLC. �wcr naves nncawv. aw- 1he area. Pleas can (905)837-5134. person te: Ds Debra Shongtor, regait o,fa a upbeat fiorUa AM emonG, live -out.. tui car. Yom..rash afpha6e- nmisle snadrsAyeARE me �gerit i q Y fowl (416)925-5111 13 2 Dundas Si. W., V WWY borough ofrn:e. A pg.,' �ry ....... 13 Mi! ,-vim. ti rat. ran•smokinal near wow, uaranteed extra iang PARTS. & SEIIYICE Co Orli- reorkirhg envirpnment Plea58 Wk aner schod adore uanB>S 5 time (rely te DARA0E. INSTALLER n or Trffine8, tub-ffme pest- riLL 11S9LSTANL Oshawa *t(4113)293-5133 noon-Dours/moea ) ' ; Fir. stRPool 8 Wnsbrey Rd. N. ,,,,,,,r,..,),../14, -......0-d, . ifonest wanted wit own truck and lion. We are kwbng for an Centre tkatat office professronal conk with Aid. fir t0 401.105 7 delivery, toot fbB Um8 posdfon. mbar erg rquired HARP o tLOR THERAPY Support teat ehndren -1D, 7 8 6. Non- p��t�y 2' GQptc 9G5-753-2246. bels Celt rrNeiaar ,lir a�y0od Part t,-,,,,,,_ewe,*mrd services Inc.fSi or expe9-.1-. smoker. Lake Oriveway/Gar- (905) 837-9600.. of a T -ill (9(15)686-81 talatechnical'l acaM' a =bleat- • Ci 7T nen area. Please leave a AFFORDAII.E, loft daY t 210 taomhhrwity rehabakatton as at 41ii-4.-3110 care,: non-Wholdng. Around °id lgS� (fig 9rmrrd aid cora..[-......1- Bunk �tf cep , *MO • Relevant .duration message Withambnnbar ES.) 8t edge.: Tim, ideal cant.. thaffmneededfornP ruins lad -aim raga (2404 vase mafiJ G wi .. Rs. (iii a 2-1n yr aid b*Y Havy t7 1dVI bg.: should tn..Past ...Omer in wily October-Door/seri within a DURHAM gar rriUr golf#. 2 bu- service bh the tn- Oshavn. lead toan sheat t.--- _ v0ra of t{ t ha tJaileace 'e Due route Lao to of%r yortt child 3 drawers h ezba W. I 1leld. Dupes ..arca. Yard . fh,.,... tlme. 4. arfte ca P.M toy h.. With 3 drawers and top . *mew. `fir to: a and/or cord br- needed in �r ;mit Raferm9x�: Epmie� h gappe 418.490.9987 i9tentiom Maggie jury a 0*8 Yo9 Work al home, of 2 (905) -7237 To.with slide c Aaiun? 5500. Tete - parts ordschWing addles gra 3 semi ASEf9WIT/fe . ._p r.,..1-gmP.O. Boor p i (906)83 7121 shippkao $ raxivbg Fath •ht full time for law Dram Road hiamalea, orf tie., tot. the eh... for QUEBEC etc BLACK MEA leads tie* aea 85981 s a gaol 660506 active. rax roaanna0 900603 or186405.451=5960 more itet8a. about this ewxt board b blink queen - tended res. Is. a must hi- - 905 f-7094, or call .ha, Y tad our stat at NAi�TNIES •£�enccd aid, , stse 315ik . "'m6iadt sofa terested sboadd fax -4709. MEDICAL 88098 B CLERK ex- 9I?S� caring. � 8, `Arc for condect b t b .andiron, or send resume to: Machines porno/. essential. in Bow Gelnanna & Rawhegs 5500 ttb o eel ?ma ortisa R 963 BEMTIV; RECEPTIONIST Sher• ......?,........,,7 . 4 day"s/week• " Levo; IN CAREGIVER for 2 trustworthy live-in 666-6tt0.' Bparockg�� 5p - 'Office m Uxbridge requires CompOoPlea8 fax children, non smoker, %gal, Nann18s s lib Beftrr. after school, NM SERVICE' Technician, 61, 00rit. 11W'3A4, Fax 1905- , innovative inti 0230 Ajax�880-8610 ateEf $37y-94$5. aAAPtf. it K' draws1.v¢d9 eat trip 5 re.d81011/cthmm816110 Re 4 19 Putinne receptlatisiiohor uglily Reliable *00 801eouts. (8feati668 (coin- poor . team. If kta BMBICAL f�CRETARY need- " LriE-OUT NAIN111 required to Thoroughly $ iJifE�LAI1M1F2 for can- pYfdINKC SALE$ HELP ward- quire 3 5 Years pe MIS ADTHDRIrED 141- of st~paced - telt ad permanent lob Anis:. Set PldRrkq for 3 children mu. mom of 2 will -care for your pater) 3100, bookcase, se, (used 633rd . Your Goad Heakh, min. bas -Pilfer DOOR CLEAN •-AiR services msumeto mum 162-9558. bows, l:30-6:30 kbn, Tales. be mature. reliable and soba- Pe(1Y1rOM children with kindness, energy . for above desMtable) $75. Oshawa Centre. Fun -time and .,fr11.... NA/C, n,,G.,........,---."ier npadres 3 duct .leaning tech /burs, Friday. Experience to . Must 'have driver's' ii- Gini Curing and immouc 2-y. -Kinder- - (905)619-9889. part -ileus twsAions. txoopp ole heat-ppuummpp experierrca an -It - _Marking,' ba dependaWa, hard � m roceptlon, teiephorus, oto aa►d veh�e. Lea�re Heipe�rg garter drop p b�kr resume tpp Manager 10aml . s.. fmgkaYea - -bane's'. .salary Wo ing rat afraid a iced ed: We aresoeidnB•a ircee• AD leaby Au- message, N16)446.516L" Vntr 001. Cam isabeae 9b5- ZE KB ehes.ftsid, Spm Mon Fri. 905,579-8616,based en piax 9p5 5c7a9n lAu. have drivers n moti9ated and dynamrc krdvid u� off resume to - SInr791989 4204919. beige "%".=-velour 5250. ecese: Cab Meta at 9,428- ual e»oerienced with t ental cum- l W uyt.oIIT NANY/gUfEg(V- 416 812-9290 Biraher dindrg mom EXTREME .'ITIIEES -W are 0636,.-SenIce Wangs, 2108: • purer software a wMr soBd ER in Ajax for school , ) MDTDER OF 2 providing table - teat chairs. 32736. cch, mess o m9 up ."rw arxeo skies. cam: N. ...... PACED • Pickering 4� tight houstwodc, dayrxre• 15n1e & up. Star- (905)928-3616: aoes for 2 naw Sales Repre- LARGE custom' Architectural . sMIROense YEAR to d , monthly r ng, and cast and : dental 'al's seeldn9 an ear riga-in..- rivers atasns6 3 valitde 8AYWWE IUB E. Mon- me, p bot & cold SYSERIT .21 .0 it: seritafives to fit into aur wkly Millwork crop requires a . tensed required moiithybiNf[p, �� - tbirsiasiic, mote and.ex- . Mtge, enertn�eed'-n".''''.....10171.,....." dFergxt�' Sirorrd'se8 '. breadthaw vebn� � kr nn.� seam at our PiaC rn lo- C.N.C.OPERATOR. Bowman- i for ''usy i>a.• iuncffons. Oshavra. Peden. fun norm Adimnis atieriencec new tondo. 905 r�e%ths People with teathw 7....CaB (9oTir)430 92aB. Ma te candidates. confect tragi to din ata aap�ppyIy Referer�a 427- whim... #'837 9267 Ti s.4259. oredentlels are enceur- .,. area. Fu0 benefit pack-Norma.T day 8 staff. Sorrt$ a -. 6736: f nCe- TENDER L ING 686.4259. _ aged to apply - carter minded, abs included. Please fax re - l PWmb Thursday ( days. Ab11 and ASaisthhp ex- CARE. Ask for (905)683 NEAR I NIIINS BAY fitness fuck9roaand, surras to 3.5-420-14.3. • er, gasfit -for service. and rience an asset: Fax LOOKNNi FOR FUi l (tME 5218. P.$. Daycare provided )n a ArBcbe ";starter incentive dhben raw .... usuon m the 6TA. EXPEAI 00168L... sbtlt sdhe a for 1 ofd DAYCARE aeaita66 to oarirgt. 084188re, wid walk . 220 Torser Please fax -resume to (9 )42- required early for and 4 yr. old. 4 yr. ad we "at chgr�en to and from school. CARPETS lots carpet, 5040 Mania ofraeF e cal1.05- PROGRESSIVE FAMILY Dri- tend par.. 2, 3 day. *. home, trefore'b- atter offer smelts, music and coal Ili 8304931 anted dental office requires a WS. Ajax. Messages at - 4..,„,,..1...,,,,,..,.....71.,,&10,„ r & actiones in a fun setting. , •Ip09L' ryNm, Mt stain re- • H motivated; tl 911818 hesett tle. - o . . nno 916)85 e7 _,land, i _vera Medlar 86* AN ENBIBETIC • 18111 t # ti to on2( Asei9laiit. . (4164 3655146. J (904) 839 5579. non-smoiang. Re.erpis• care... 3 rooms, -3349. Price dental: assi.at PartArrB .Gore- to work ten a fast FrDti*'fiNE tAondaY-Paler � 831-4202 PICKEIi1N8 Baer# F Rifle. _ premium gait, DENTAL A'SMST*NT -RECEP ' Whites. S.. ms moa 60165- 1Y (g)6)ggr5-a4rg• we ys• kr my home, 10-20 DAYCARE AVAIL..1.. • . 106109- r oier6, 18 rr Dt f i a�a. fa. delDr- 1St 2Yre record_exp., 09 ST�, falgaSthip t P1981T� RR required for ' ofd. Ne• hours .1006 E1lnfor Bs cot month re, 0 yrs. txparb e• :ir.688r$.backyard ib,a parks Norman 686-2314. (30 yards). committed and ....mi. �p Fart o surger3r gra vena Retbrenoes - required. Call idea.Crafts mogks �' , story time, mule. • hu-• ,,NADH..., 8MI1 set: HARPrrea foyNecir 1Ninpart ':i 3 days Mir week, no puncNre required ra.•7 re- igp6 mitis, WestheY/Detarhei- Re- lobous meals & snacks First SYstem .xp. pFeler[esi: Part sume'to dr . A.:Ballard, .209 0 and reftr.ra�. All Aad, C.P.R, wrgtted. snacks. Si50.: 2 cDddr.ns Dace seew, time su ff Pup tm>e. ma . I. Leve9i 9e . ` Simso. St N".1:".. wa 115 smoking. res ts. 1 28- 0 •, FaxresaunilitirflSt�1. Many ( )434- 4•t`t.�,',� �;a-.:uE n�iz ��a:; "x:..("8719 • � . fY44. Visit Us Orr the Internet: wWW.durhemnews.net ski *-1111 # CO • STEEL- LASCO CNC LATHE OPERATORS CO -STEEL LASCO is a highly automated and technologically intensive .steelmaking company with a tradition of leadingin its industry group. The company : sells and distributes 1,000,000tons per year of structural steel products exclusively from recycled steel with a sales base across North America. CO -STEEL LASCO is accepting applications from licensed CNC :Lathe- Operators. Potential posi- tions available provide exposure to all areas of our Rolling Mill and Steelmaking Departments, working in a unionized shift environment. These positions offer enormous challenge and ex- ,cellent career prospects. Compensation and bene- fits are excellent and inclucleprotit sharing. Please submit your resume in confidence by • September 8th, 2000. HUMAN RESOURCES CO -STEEL LASCO Hopkins St. South *tby, Ontario 1UN 5T1 Fax (905)' 668-1493 Co -Steel Laseo appreciates the interestexpressed by all applicants. Only those selected or an interview will be. contacted.. Computer iJstI Train 101 :1 rewarding career 26 - :1 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR -Certification offered: • A+ from Computing Technology Industry - Association(CompTIA) • CNA -Certified Novell Administrator • MCP -Microsoft Certified Professional Jobs available: • Network Administrator (LAN) • Network Technician • Help Desk Troubleshooter {Level 1 & 2) • Technical Support Specialist (Level 1 & 2) Cali nyeZr sidregnatealliftne! Arkin. Oshawa Centre s TORONTO i zCa " Oshawa Campus 419lOingS,.W. Scho i Ot 115ii?c SSPickering (905) 72341 Hub (905) 420-1344 100 Wpm. Warded 165 D•pre Angel. Live-in atrocity- 11 , 1 2 - BAYCMM 2 M` er assistant for male senler mond*` and up. Non FRE0 D - Broken wanted.. Some .ltgId - hoite8• tt yard, n Gals 3 wooded anile, 4 pallets, limb - work. basemerit atrartmad 1arB Plena sixtr>es onkr Ipso ed tlme after. Free delilay try provided. (.11.05-4,28474. . ' school rare from Unwin tracer Darier tad, g loads tele DaycareAlexander /Lee," onM: 905 434 o3s2.. • . Ydlege. (905)427-6237. • • Delaney and Elizabeth thciathil(tom Arse/God 165 CisENESAL JILT tit t 1, modern mfg plant located M Playing, trly. rant. piece Work booms. Lifting & shiOng, roma 84). fecIled Call iDebbie (905)420.4784 • eagan Conor and possess good communi- L(GENEED MECHANIC re - cation: shins. If th. sounds 9uired for Chrysbr dealeml p lire you,. send mama to 905- in Por, �•• Can qon Jr. 4�figg--7800 or cab` 005-426- (�)..85- 7828,116 ter t(en: MECHANIC REQUIRED for -SALESPERSON Dynamic, busy 9enerat repair sheo. 6o sow+rou i.1 Be%mbterry• 7s mm7ssba Mub-asset Gbod public rr nsa energetic, enthusiastic, sell- required: Please submit n- ominated. Cal (905) 851-7555 • surra toe t i' 584, Oshawa or appry at 4370 Steeles Ave: W. This Weep. P.O. Box 481, Unk 26 Ask wONic to (ishavra Ontario, l'Hi 1oxr,4 Visit Us On the Internet www4urhemnews.net THE AJAX PICKERINGNEWS ADVERTISER, AUGUST 27, 2000 -PAGE 31 tweed Hospllaipdkd nlel ..: DlmrmtF ' 150 ►D i 1 1999 DODGE grand caravan, 31 v6 automatic air/condition- V1,2701-1407115 ir/condition- ing cruise tilt- p/w,pfl 37,800 $21,500.905- 4114-1775 It all about life. ifs about t . 1 ..i,,y lrinov. trcl and f0'fi('assloli t6 Otter coma, ;nit1 health h coma-"- it, ,doral supporting all, ,haft thLir /}roiess,,.,.•' goals. fi;ta ,t, its ,';ti :?b Ont n'iilona each Lasrt to Mar;,r:aa Jtnut;vlffe Hnspital a Markham Etc uf fvfe Hosnita1 �rui,�w.msh.oll,Ja REGISTERED NURSES Special Care Nursery/ Paediatrics and Breastfeeding Clinic (P/T) ,fin our health rare team in this opportunity to provide care in our Special Care Nursery/Paediatrics and Breastfeeding Clinic. Asan RN, you possess at least 2 years of recent NICU experience and recent HRP" certification. Preference will be given to those who possess Lactation Consultant certification, Of extensive breastfeeding experience with pre -term infants. Single Room Maternity Care (P/T; Temporary F/T & Ph1) Asan RN in the. Childbirth and Children's centre, you will be part of a health- care team that promotes thebirthing experience as a normal, healthy process and the -family as an integral part of that experience. This: role calls for a Perinatal Nurse with experience in labour and delivery, operative deliveries, current NRP and fetal, monitoring. Ideally, you have completed a breastfeeding course, LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST (em This opportunity will see you work in a progressive core lab setting, dealing with chemistry,, haematology, blood bank and gram stains. Yell are a CMITO member with general certification from CSMLS, and have core lab or haematology and/or blood bank experience, including phlebotomy. Your background includes the use of a Laboratory Information System, Meditech preferred. As a team player, you demonstrate -excellent communication and interpersonal skills -with a strong customer -service focus. We welcome applications from new graduates, ,REGISTERED RESPIRATORY CARE PRACTITIONER Asthma Clinic This part-time position will see' you provide comprehensive patient care and education to respiratory patients. Your responsibilities will include registration and follow-up of patients, maintaining workload and •recording relevant statistics. Along with completion of a recognized Respiratory Therapy Program, you are registered with the College of Respiratory Therapists and the CSt5T.. and have a current BCLS and at least 1 year of postgraduate hospital experience. A background in an asthma clinic and'asthma education certification are considered assets OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS Challenging opportunities exist for dynamic individuals to provide assess- ment, treatment and consultation services to our hospital clients/customers. Thu are a team player with excellent interpersonal skills, and ongoing contin- uing education and professional development. Registration with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario, with eligibility for membershipin the CAOTis essential. Occupational Health & Safety (P1T contract - 1 year) Experience in ergonomics is preferred, as you will be responsible for evaluating the hospital's ergglfomic needs and educating staff. Outpatient Rehab Services (caval) Utilize your skills to treat hand conditions in a plastics clinic or outpatient- -rehabilitation ,setting. Preferably, you wilt have experience in plastics, with upper -extremity rehabilitation and splinting PHYSIOTHERAPISTS Your key responsibilities in either of the following areas will include providing assessment, consultation and education to patients, family members and the interdisciplinary team. You are currently registered with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario,and eligible for membership with the CPA, and demonstrate excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Acute Medicine & ICU/CCU (P/i)'. In this role, you will work with patients presenting complex medical, ontological, neurological and respiratory conditions. Experience •in gerontology, medicine and oncology is preferred. Surgical and Medical Systems (Casual - weekends/weekdays) Working -independently, you will meet the priority needs of the Surgical and Medical Systems active patient case loads,including patients from In-patient Surgery ICU/CCU and lufedicine/Telemetry. Experience with neurology, cardio -respiratory and/or orthopaedic patients is an asset. If you are interested in growing with a leading health care facility, please direct your resume, indicating position and/or area of interest, no later than September8.2000.to: Human Resources, 381 Church Sheet Markham, Ontario, L3P7P3. Fate (905) 472-7055. E-mail: hwuaares�h.on.ca 1 AAkba fa% 220 Articles for Sale Sale 988. COLEMAN Ch ser FACTOR 220 Articles t6r Sale e pea){e Y JOHNSON 2009 Comfort exec- . herd trailer;. add-a-roont catw� 'f fir` `°+ipYot aad-tNtrtAerrr ` Lipphhiiss ppyy vs/screens, water' and else- payments, then S1 (OAC). workout bench wAeg ext York Mc hook-ups, propane burn- 466 Mhz loaded,� p -inter, Barbell/Duerbbe8 set t151bs. Mrs sleeps 5 6, $ 4400. Cab monitor, uaoo "sotiw8re:wd !deal #law , S700tfsr 05) 420-9589. more: ' Preis scanner. def a ry Decker elec- ariif$ehip,1-800-5053545: trio mower 5130. cab 905 - matching ' f'� 430-8434 door frost tree; t�ata2 .. COMPUTER Spectels, Pi:gth matching heavy duty washer um internal starter system LEATiWR LOVE SEAT, midnight & dryer $675/all-veil separate, $299 Pentium laptop $54 blue, .new codition. $1,20000. Also Kenmore washer esed 2 loaded 533MHZ with, _ 17' Double box sp0 & foam mat- cats Barb at 9Wr-427 7631. 5a :. Pic"" 150Oi ntaMdr $9.8, We I Od= tsess:$eti, Cao (i 554161: Viyrn, MC, Amex 4 0 arM cu. repairs tfuv a BEDU .. 1N0, m id C 1 corm TO O ppli ri olid t0 t troll;corrdt360. hold BACK TO SCHOOL - Duality ` := ot:rplgoes back to snt hdoas mer TV's: ep�, arM up to 8 t, Bancroft, $360. Wu- ' BACK Brash Clothing for men DAuf DNNETTE SET fable, style.'Dozens of d8fercd fastarms �, T:tfs.� full. Ped- . & Teen's Ce.1 Y to Men's, k leaf, pedestal, 4 chairs �in stock, resdY to talro dy s Markel 905-283-8369 or . terfront tot, Banabi in. diets, 1 acro w/ X1D1LG). Hundreds of _sty8sh° V..PINE While TREASUResSle91!, p ce t o school. O ben q 1-800-798-5502. Whtr.iitby 50. Call 905-72$- Items to choose from with Oeoos St. N. Oshawa 905- the Icwest price b "Durham, 58010.19 MINI "OISH August more 9051 9 w From 579-9311 1101010 from .$189, Mattresses Special, 00 chsarols 514.99.. 5199 Jear's to Tuxedo's GEED _ 3;, from $89. Fuhrer` f tum, Free Instaga9 1.5 Jars ex- .. cl .6.... O SCHOOL -New 4 cu, REPLAYS fnWhitby has ft a0! D , P., 00• re tore at unbeatable prices.' Pe... (905)655••38618, ff. danby Oar dont a_ 199, pmeke a. JeansBse $r$r2e c000 hb(op n ald Aboard)• The do notbe their- rsb misshouse is SEC01909 SHOP is 00 `pre- yparfmini( size_ freezers_ pains $8, dress rams 514, i um orlon 535 , rg-- over stoked t! 71! bedroomware fe- tore wiiiny N W builder Anrshes t mes, SO us au $179 � runand ty.. F Aeconddrnued suits -$6, sweaters. $8, suits 427-0416. spites coffee and' aad. tables, error o y if4a..Dar' fridges 5195 / recondl- 345, sp , wekets 18, pis, " mare b wl L ftl.. 90s et, up plus, al Names tyre Eddie DSS. SATELLITE, uiffoop " and',i.e....knresents; ati are ''cad to Ooned es 4 Bauer: Polo, :bap, Levi s, program� yyoour win DSS cards . Chrsck rss est lirsf't111. �t • •'$ :0333 �8 free 1-8�. - canditiod{yess 3t3� 1 - p, Nautica, Harry.- Rosn and m sacersss-with the Wild T ""rqi dvlrxscan't be beat. LUI I'S PHfEJOAK FORNITURE.our edttbsredwashers5199 / eaegee'amd too good to be 2' or the new Wild Ina" FURNITURE, 488 tong SL W„ Murton F e ori is a the up; new and wane itioned- true? Visit RUGGED' REPLAYS . $350.05)028-•6092• - O0hawa (905) 436 0860, floor,,:.Come and see the ' .in , operated washers and in Whitby and *for yoursefi. so ne10S13. 550901rn`s Web that has tamed the Fur- dryers at low pr 9899 9 MSince 199! we've been offer- ELECTRIC SCOOTER 51250; . Services, Stay competitive get on nfture World upside _ down,.En- h mile$ a only the bend 1 New & '51,000 6000 & 10,000- the wernEasy explenshOns d r- face;- D Dining u5dosomN Kitchen, liviliP.d wirr4dow 5430, 2 i Next; To New Clothing at up to BTU air cond16 095; 89620= out confusing jar nn. liyeb and Bedroom- Fum0ure Don't Das,. and Hosting ted. boned 2. rams ernt 75% BELOW RETAIL. Farm- room rude w„. shahs 9 1-800.341-1151, forget:.Tradittonal Woodwork- free fridge. now ...able. nce consignment shopping Chesterfield w/chair 9239; - WWWJAM3,COM ing is the leading lnanufactur- Wide 99000n of ...it new for men like -raver before, . Frape, stove, freeze- 29 er of custom britt SOLID and rec17.r.ed !Kpahan rat Take .Hwy. rt to Thlokson lid. trailer $8,000.905-436-9787; 002Y1N6 SALE - Antiitue DI- WOOD Emertaiomoet Centres Call us today, Stephe0009 0 =groom set, 8 pie es.,CCaaBB for and Hone Office to the Dur- Apphances, Sales, Service, m Whitby, Iw roads (3 Vis) LACK TO SCHOU futom sale. viewingy' 905 576 4284 oc after hash Region,.,:,erinro yourto Parts 154 Brvice st. Oshawa. the Burn's leo (Roe's futons from $189. complete Bpm 718-3454 or 429.1072. ideas/plans and let us turn (9)576-7448. 220 • Ankles for 1 Andes for Seta $ole PIANO 5E09N101AN available KING,. Tina Turner, for luning, repairs, & pre -put Nell Young rickets for sale. chase consultation on, . I Also:> . aqui ,Io Dmsy Ali --4L- deflt •dt-. =x%tei&-and otr ;9ckats. Ca!I pianos. Recondftloned Heintz- 905.626-5568. man, Yamaha, Mason & USED DFRCE equipment for Kisch, & other grand or sale. Nine 6x8 paneled work upright tomos for sale, start- statrona (desk top pias 2 Ing at . Get ready for #all drawers included), flood tins- , YEND095 wanted, for outdoor • lessons nowt Check co the clition. Cab Kim to set up gip- craft show at Coult Flea web at www.trarbhall.com -or p91 neat. (905)420-7335• Mooiret: September 16th 001 17th, Attendance over 6000 260 mos crotto 290 Bonding P _ YELLOW fab FOLK ART 'CLASSES staff ng pups, champion heredity. MC in September. All levels, We, registered, mucrochrpped, vet come. Beginners our special- checked, first shots; raised"tn ity. Release time hen int- loving " home, -1 male left, ant and relieve stress!!! Call 683now 6 ;350 . firm (905) 576-3947 for' informs tion, Wanted Plaza}. Gall 905 404<2063. mattress set from $159 in them into realfty.....Drop m A sJs99 stock, ready for delivery or STUNNING DINING. ROOM and see out State of the Art 230 NOTE: We have .a great sell.- pickup and save extra 10%. suite, solid , MahoganX Sft, woodworking facility - and let tan : in Jeans and Casual -: Factory Mattress 1-$88-220- long. table, 8 chairs, buffet 8 os shote you how fine furniture 0UEg7Apoototdyl Ad Pants all sizes, Shop Now For 2282, 1650 Bo St., Picker- . hutch with beveledglass. New N ma ,..,'There is No Sub- virxi ; edra ,svateabla, usualy Best Selection! ing, Ontario. (90. 5) 8374288 59,000 sell for $4,500, stitrde for D •••Traditional free, ing outright, es- (9p5)5�9 4819: woodwork! ,.,11 N., Port CALIFORNIA S11UTTpIS. GREY CARPET 12' X 25', - r� fates .w/anme unique .cont - Custom made in wood or v- MOVING SALE - Sectional Road 7S. off Reach `Rd.) Port ends (no limit to value .con - m I Neo Minds and drapery. coeoeoocial, ideal for brise- sofa w/2 reamer chairs & Y:90.i` 985 8774••. www, s ), collections of .any Show room at 98 Old n morr000 0, asking . 5175.:No- pullout bed, double bed, bar tradshona oatlo t.n.ca sort, quantities or le an - no., Ajar-, or cab sunshade vatek watersoltener and Iron- fridge, mise. items, etc. To tique bob. Special interestin 905-428-0937. izer$300obo. 655.4076 view -items, Sunday August 8HEDMAN 0ualiy wooden Maorcroft pottery. 101 try to re- P7Bscall 905.6146955, sheds 8' X 8' bum kit only spond to s5 eirerres. Robert CARPET - I - have several HANK'S APPLIANCES Brin4 $299: plus tax, • Many other Down A-!! ues Brnier,., thousand yarns of new Stain- this ad -receive 10%offl frost- MovmG SALE Teak. dining 00es and styles available. f9,5)2.24,3'—, ( 55-8049 or master and. 100% nylon car- free, large selection 3149/up. room set, table, buffet 8 fire sand decks: 761 pet, I will carpet you long U, stove $125�/�up�. 30' stove, chairs, $250. 48' glass Idtch- rean arM hall Fa 5349 Price whde/almond 599/ny wash` en table, $150. Twin bed MCKaY Rd 3, Prckerb0• BUYING ANTIQUE and col - includes carrppeett, pad and in- ors $149/op `Dryers $125/up• $0100, Ca8905-839.6385, For more info. nail 905-619- lectable convents including staSoSon (30 square yards). Maytag dishwasher 5249, 2093. complete estates. Best posse Steva(905) 7A30B89. sizewasher/dryer 5450. C 32MTIUM 200 computer. ble rices aid. Henry Kahn, op: washeNdryer 5494. Coma 32AtD ram, 286 � HDD 56k VENDORS WANTED FOR new 905:ggy$1�1, CARPETS- SALE It HARD- cad,' for best selection. 426 " modem, CD -Rom, 3.5' floppy, Rea Market, Fri/Sat /Sun, op - WOOD TIMING: carpet 3 Saoaoe StS,.(005)728-4043: sound/video cards, speakers; eration. Approx.17,000 sq. ft. WANTED - blade leather' 'chair rooms from 5339, (30 sq .) keyboard, -mouse, colour 14' of vendor space. Phase 1 al- or !overeat good :condition, Includes; csrpet, m HYDRO POLES $20; 2 gal- tnontor, $475. Apt -sized ready open, Phase 2 sched- reasonably priced. Please call pad and installation.- Free 000901 gates 8x10, 2 poles fridge, whit 5100 Air. txoedF uled to open early 432-3587 after 11 a.m. sup estimates, carpet rspaks. 8300- 6x6016'; storage trailer boners: 6,000 -BTU $100, Phase 3 scheduled for WANTiD Kids 4 wheek- 50 Serving Durham and sur- 50' 05600; fence boards, 8000 -BTU 5150 Call M 905- future. Self-contained produce -125 cc., go100slape, r ort° roundle area. Credit Cards 1xexl0' $2; Farmland and 439-4780 market area available.. Local- (905) 4340392 Atx Cal Sam 905-686- baro for rent. 7253090 or 613.ed 144.1.% Bowrnanv0le In 1772. 828.5608, PIANOS - & GRANDFATHER hlsbuflting agil • CLOCKS, Baca to school sale great ambiance for onto , WANTED - amen bar thr1�dggee CARPET AND VNIYL SALE KENMORE microwave, Ama naw on all RobrM dig0al pianos co0ectables, and curiames. condition, reasPnably Carpet throe roams, 30 square na soMmercial . microwave, and Samick acoustic panes. P—"ran"'ty " , Ford con priced, Cd1905-985.5478 -- yards; from $339 installed. I stainless, new condition, 15' Large selections of used pianos, arbors rNeded will discount your best quote runabout boat motor & trailer, Not sure ft your kids will stick (soma ruins For rates WANTED - .Yamaha Wave up to 10%. New colas and asst. wooden furniture, 4965 wfth lessons, try ruu rem to own. 8 more Info. ca I : 905=987- Runner, '90-52, good condi- designs.Customer satisfaction Mercury Comet wagon, V-8, 3 100% of all rental payments 4536 For vendors wishing tem, reasonaby priced. Call g Call Mike for Cour spend must sell, best offer apply, Cao TELEPPIANO: (905) suany space. please . 434.0302 (sup) free 905.431.4040 .(996)-705-070 . c>. 45149.I. rrr EkArt+ I Sbn 905-4343706. T. PAWsitive Pet. Obedience Trahling Fall class schedule starts September Poppy to Advanced (905)837-8853' 11Autoinoblies 1961 NBHID 4cy1, auto loaded. missions 8 certi- fied. 0.0.0. 1991 S10 extended cab 4 standard. Emissions 8 cahed. '$3500 O.BO. Both run very well clean, Call579-0804. 1991 TOPAZ - 5 2 dr., 188 kms„ as is. $1200 ob.o. Ardomobla� (905) 430.9035.' rra,tled 1998. FORD TAURUS GL' Se- CASH FOR CARS! We bey used people. Cost X50. Call 905fully:loaded, excel- vehk'les YeDiclag mast ba !n 4361024, lent sondltion, roar beautNuly. rumrmgrwndftion:Gd142711410 UboR 52575. Cao {fl05)683-5503 re Coma to479 ��vl r4St. fast, 000 • 1994 BUIq( LASABRE,-.Leath- Ajax nt MUFi-AD AUTO SALES. er seats automntle boded, excellent condition. Been. cer- 5fied and emissions fid. 59,350. Call 723-7228 1995 FORD TAURUS 8L, auto, air, PW, PDL, PM,: dual air !sags fully$12. pall, and 76: sion tested. 58 40Q. 905 576 1058. 05800800 Drab 1995 0005000 2 dr red, 001 yrs. old, 15,3 hat.'"... -p9- el windows, automatic,: dual stakes nominated, Top 5 Re- air bags, new tires, non- goo51 Haller, Hunter Pleasure smoker, excegem cond8on, ►corse. Asking $4000. obo. oertlfied &; emission tested. 905-965.5478 kava message. $6800.. Cao Steve or Diane WAN290 - Buckskin or Pinto (905)686-4075 f! , 1 - 2 yeas. Call 434- 109600*. BeroOa, 6 air, sae cruise, $6995; 1992 512 loaded, auto, Ind. power sunroof $5795; 1994 Chev. kor SNe Astro Van,; AWD, LT Model, 1979 CHEYELLE 327 motor, IoadeU "59500: 1895 Grand excellent running condition. ; Cherokee imte, black gr $4500 obo. Days 416-822 lm - 313,500; 1988 8037 After 6, p.m. 905-697 Cheoee, pw; pol, cruse .ps, 1054. $4700, 1992 Dodge Caravan, Boerdlrsa pw, pol, cruise, air remote 1984 DODGE 600 as is 5700. starter 96700; All cars cert. & Call 985-0294 emission tested. 12 month 1907 FIREBIRD, blue. CD 12;000 Limited Power Train Warren Dealer. Calf Doug pleyer Several new parts in days. g, 085-0074; Eve, 705- carding 4 new ties + 2 snows. 277 Runs great, reeds pairs!)orb. Cei'ti4ied, emissiontested. 1.6 TOYOTA CAMRY WAG - 1 51550,988CAVALI905-430-ER0718.224ca0 ON LE, fu0905-377y-1loaded242atte, 3rdr tup.mm- . bfe under seat, Mint! $16,000: , Must 5 see, dark red; grey cloth or leave message. seats; only: one previous own er, 2.8 L, V-6, aut0. ail p.s., 1997 DODGE INTREPID, 06, tilt, auLae, alerin wire. 75,000 !arm.. Flly Ieaded, aIr ole locks, tint after market Pw „,n Pm ptr .Platt casse0e, amps subs, perdor. mance eodaust system. numsilver finish, great shape, 53,000 or $2,500 without star- Clean air, tart. 515,200 obo. eo. 'Jeff - Pager 1416-884- Call 905-2424623 or 905-725- 4345 6952, 199$ OLDS "'"DELTA 881997 TOYOTA TERCEL, ex 180.090,...1 owner,- certified Various colours, cream, blue, 8 emisstons. Loaded. 53000. ce0erd condition, one owner black and red. 8 weeks old so 905-50$6754. _ 812,000.-25,000 km, green, 4 andready to go. Call (905) .11„;„. r- corrd Gad (905) 579 349-1140. 19119 CUTLASS SUPREME Y6 31 after 6 p.m. Monday loaded, 218,000 km, $2600 as. is . Can 905.579-s103 4 Frkuy: 1090 F005 ESCORT LX- au- 1900 F000 ES00RT 2)(2 ton**, navy blue, 4 door Mast sell, moving. 64,0001an, hat hbad , b good condition, 5 sp0ed 2 dour, Kestric ...- certified, emissions tested, roof, 5 disc CD changer, AM/ low m*eappe 130000kms. FM, 514,500, Cao after bpm 51500 obo 905.6-1062.. 905.72!)-4965. 1999 68506801 , TOPAZ, red, 1998 NEVI - 4 door, auto, air, 4 door, 5 standard: AS 10 cd dis0 changer, 50k; baF 50 OBO. Call 905-721- once of taetory warcarrty. .o; $8.1N -,Fal (gwy4aa-2771, WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit,. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEW 905-706-8498 79 CORVETTE, !-tops auto, re - 100!y certified, black, 19 match, 350 L82, 58,000. Cali 438-9203.. • 87 MERCURY Grand Marquis. 1 owner. 190K; runs omottttred$1157'2.1 pos) sea -oat: 94GRAND.PRIX 4 -door, teal, 165,000km, air, cruise, tilt, PW/PL/PM, AM/FM sass. Cert/ emissions, $7,000 906-665: 8759: 95 FORD WINOSTAR , van. 7 -pass, auto: red `w/prey interior. LX -Model. Fuly load- ed, air blows cold, -..excellent condition 156,000kms. Asking $8900 certifieWemissions. • !CZ, Jalal 416-697-5978, afbr cpm 905-427-3953. NEED A CAR? $699 Down Bad Credit OK Low as $99/mth CALL TODAY, DRIVE TODAY/ 905-509-2200 COLLECTOR'S 1975 MGM, Rated excellent condition. Ap- praisal done.' Willr6 to sell under aP'367. l 56500 �5-404-1�7. : ESTABLISH or. Re-establish your credit without. a Co-signer & Drive a. Great Car! If you have poor credit, no credit, -w a -. pst bankruptcy, WE CAN HELP! 11 Me Todayfor YoisApproval! Bruce (905) 668-5846 ext. 304, too free 1-877-666-3312 Gus Brown Pordlac;Buidr Ltd. FIND YOUR NEXT used veht- cleat durltanwilieels.com HOT HOT DEALS! Don't pay til spring 2001 - 0% interest - 20fi. rectae r Kayatc above- = 54995 includes finer 2 ladders, sand filter, 1 horsepower pummpp & motor etc: 4-800668-7564. 280 Lost & Fotnd FOUND-. `CANADIAN Citizen shiv&perayt Chburch h&m T476)2,4°5_0.1 4y6)2.405- Cer LOST - BOY'S 6165 style bike with training wheels WWee have a eery sad little boy who dear- ly misses his Batman' bike which _may have been left in the Main . playground " at the Pickering Place apt corn Shout you know of its about* please call (905)837- 2565 asap. Reward sup, 289 295 tK :� 300 PERSIAN 0011000, purebred WI large roundgqe�rr eyes, short noses & 1>nawinuml long fur, females in black, white tortoise -siren,, 8-wks-old., no papers, $250 each, 263-4149. EBeOrdYro PUREBRED POM008808MS , vat chedred, first shots, 7 t/2 weeks old, male & female, 3100. 728-9831 or 905-433- I 3/4 YEAR OLD Pomaankn,. hcolourouse, trained, gqolden.: ye0ew greet wBh kids, 3199. 1965)683 0389 -or (416)723- PURE BRED perskn kittens, LABPUPS- yellow, CKC tattoo, first shots,' champion bloods .first cert: hips and $650. Mktr Sed. 10. Cal 905 766 - STALLS AVAILABLE - Private stable, 1202 stalls, indoor and outdoor arenas, wash stall, individual teed pro- grams. $300/month, 905485- 5478 leave 0548554781eave message. 310 for Sale 1949 FARGO PICKUP TRUCK 350 Olds V8 aname turbo 350 transmission, Camaro differ - s9 hal. 01352,100 00 /8. 0011 905- 72$-9 19910006E DAKOTA, extend -a tab, shape certified watt dpi dean! ;TOE.' for offers. (9021432-507. 1961 FORD F-156 'Nile Edition' with cap: Fully loaded ne owner, very high odea e. 3 or466. best offer: Call Bob (905 1992 FORD BRORCO CUS- TOM 4x4, 188,000 km, bats - tic shape. Just past safety & emissions test, 5 Bike engine, am/fm/CD player. $11,500 obo. Call Tom 905-728-8052 (sup) 1992 F090 PICK UP, extend- ed cab, 4x4, 3A tort, fully loaded, excellent wndl&on, 220; $7500 obo. certified. & em tested. 434-0392 (sup) 320 woe 4 vow* oewe 1992 SAFARI VAN, 8 pas- ranger; Dir, Ds, pb,` 188,000 km, white with red interior, trailer ldteh, $6000 certified emissiontested. 434-0392 lam) 1989 SAFARI VAN fully loaded, 242800 kms: rebut tran, $4,500. OBO., 86 Astro 198,000kms., great body, re- built motor & ran, $4,500.1990 3/4 ton GMC, 350 auto, 232,000 kms, $5,995: Certified & 0mmisson Tested. 905- 668-5555. 2900 0008E CARAVAN snort black w/grey iirterbr, dual siding doors, takeover lease payments of $465.75/month, 2 o remaining on lease, no down. Call Janice (903)- 3749- 330 Wars STORAGE. TRAILERS for sale or rem and boldng to D can set thorn level w ground. Makes a great work- shop. 430-7693 (sup) s :e x A o• n<.A , :t' PAGE 32 -THE AJAX `PiCKER NG NEWS ADVERTISER,'AUG27;-29011.:: rilij Trailers111E1 Trailers iata1, 1 Visit Us On the Internet: www-durhari1news.net For Sale 1988 Prowler Regal 28'P 1990-8x22 Hard Florida Room Also Aluminum Shed with Fridge, BBQ, HOFT T.V. Tower with Rotor, Window Binds & Drapes, Moonrays, Many Extras Located on Pidgeon Lake Call 905-579-4309 mint condition, $BOf10 n. Legendter'" 400 for offer Brand new mkf-ef8an- for rent. ceCeyy Keep me INay fol Nom Alax m beautiful home. Uwe 0 ecl Laundry, parking, Mk. to safe: (98) 666-5614 buses rks schools, MVP- 23FT PROVILSI ' Camper 4794-4802 i6 4091042 or fra1er, sleeps 6, fully loaded, lodge, stove, oven, furnace, LARGE 2-BFDN008 apart - hot water heater, full wash- mxmt, heat. It, gas water room, electric brakes, in ex- alt &cable ir'duded. ifew ap- ceNeni condition. Asking p,,,l ,ta ry t $5800.(90706-9370. �q Lamm TRAILER RENTALS- LRIERPOOUBAVLY 2 _ bed - New Y2K Cleman's, sleeps room apt separate entrance; fridge, furnace, awning. Tow 4 -pc bath, C/A 18008 kitchen & with any car. Weekly rentals liwngroom, shared -laundry y4g9/week. 905-655-3564 bd., no smoking $750 all 505 447-1064. inclusive. Avail lamed. 905- 81-0487. 365 Marine C&C REDLINED 25' sailboat with trailer, 9.9hp outboard, sails, trimly extras, $9,000. Phone 905.3735259 400 Apartments 1-8ED8005 available "any- time. -Located 309 Cordova Rd., Oshawa. No pas. Please Cab 905-579-9016 cab 905.579-2387, atter 5pnr ONE '& 1880 BEDR00M 1i 'Bright1 bdrm., 2nd apartments, to most beautiful floor, huge bath _& bedroom. adult budding. Avail. imme- Laundry, private entrance. diatey. Stevenson & Ross- Parking for small car onpr: land, Oshawa; near schools' 9750/mo. inclusive. Available gag (906(57g 3700. immediately. Cab Brad (905) 426-2.3. ONE BEDROOM 1 1nT9ENT AJAX ONE BEDROOM walk- in Oshawa, once are imine- diately: Referentx aiM 'credit out basement, apt, 9vail Sept. . c95o4 "required. $650 includes 15, first/last, mo pets, non- utilities. Call Roger Houma, smoke, 575thiMonth. 905- nen. Alt r(90 434-7777 619.9231. AJAX Oglot iakefrod home ORE BEDROOM t .bachelor apartment, close to downtown basement apt, parking, sep $ Oshawa ho smoke- _9725. incl. Ncable. omi s oke- oi0. free, quer neighs; ca- T 5 bio $ u8�es .included avail- Avaitabie Sept. 1. Ceti (90) able September 151h. $575/ 428.0823. menti': Call 413-7663. AJAX -Spacious 2 bed. bunt. 08NAWA - 401/Harmony, 2 apt Sep. entr, Perkin, 3 bilk. karat, eat -in e'en, 6.1., 4 aapppp,I lsiRant_. $7 share laundry, separate en- mo.- including ut8Nies. Awn. trance, t70Wmp., heat, hydro: 'must 31st Scott (416)778- water, parking incl. Hrst/hst 55dg ter Don(9051831-1527. and referern;es reg�ired.. No, AJAX- AVESIEW 2-. dogs. Avaiiatde .Sept. 1st. bedroom basement apart (1728 2459 NEWLY RENOVATED one bedroom basem'em apart- ment Marwood and 2. Indoor parking, cable, 700 inclusive No smoking/pets. Available September 8th. Tei- ephone (905) 426-0267 - ONE + TWO Bedroom Apts, Oshawa. Aduh building. E`ootric heat, washer, dryer on each floor. Available Oct. 15. RENT -WORRY FREE 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apts. Refurbished & New Appliances. All Util. Included. In-house Supt. & Maint. On site Security. Rental Office: Man -Fri. 12 noon -$pm _ Sat & Sun fpm- Spm STOP PAYING 68610 - Free special report. Visit www.sharoni.cramtcom • 95yne'a,n R Esq UMW, OSHAWA 2 & 3 8/R apts. 280 Wentworth St. West. $740 & $850..UHlities Incl. Close t0 schools, shopping and 401. Pub- lic Transit right past your door Cron appt. call (9050 721-8741 420 forRent browse other Personal ads, Oslo - AMU - 3 BEDROOM' 0 Omen For Info or viewing, Meer . e new foal s VIIIr cab: (705){799-5408 or townhouse m excellent for Rat (90721-2g42,snp Love for life. era location. Wade to Body ps schools and transit Incl BLUE MOON RETRE1l1, 1-Onli may'muunollAf. Wesbay Rd. SS Unit fridge, stove, washer, dryer 800 6599448.. Booking now Lsr'd 10, ax loorras you condo fee`s and water. MA for Fal & Wider. Don't min per mo. plus 751(1901 re- out on beautiful fall odours or LOANS - StOK 10 a9afnl (905)- 4585. quired. Available September local 4Rist Studio Tours or $ provats 48 hrs. Gov- 851{0 3.1` 45 yr. old 15th: Call Garry Bohn at Sut- Whiter get -a -away in luxury eminent secured Loans to woman, bro.. -are. ton Group (905)436-0990 c Boats, nailing. tot- 5250K. 1-677-643-0130 or eyes: noo-drinker, seeks "6 nes 6aatet n, beach volley- (905)4243960. man with blue eyes, brown ball. badminton, horseshoes, PROBLEMS, Get .out haft lean physMue for friend - her dub; and sauna. MI naiad- 110%, goick e4hout °.;?. shk1; Possrblo romance. Must ed M one Prix. Purdy take.be 45 yrs. old or olds. Cat lust somas: from AlgonquinPt w "mon ai 43fk8140. Park Everyone accepted regardless of trmati rating. Call r f0ee Merida information. 905-57&350.5. vac,... Student loans included. 9168808ATER, 2 -3 -bedroom NEED CA981 Loans for debt DURHAM . Sm6LE8 CLUB: fully furnished, 'air condi- conso0 08on, vahide par- New approach to: hiding ha- llooed, manufactured homes, , home 1859vati00 etc.. Ing relationships. Persona - Clubhouse, heated pool, hot Appy by pl►one: Same day growth seminars dangas, Purr . tub close ' trod and approeraf. C IFinaltetal Canada nights Neer fun way to meet major attractions. Children 11.,`145Krn�stqtr Rd. E: /3, sinp8n Se-atdhro: fag"for in welcome. $275Anekly. Pito- (3./4 2&7303- terview 905-4341720 m ' los shown your home, 576 Fbralcipl www.durhemningf5s.com Services 680 MINGLE CREEK COOP WHITEY rs applications for townhouses eddrbom- Sept.1, - $940 .+ 3 -bedroom -Future Avail. $849 + in a family oriented community 210 SVIarnY AY, pick-up applications from 10-8pm at 95 Crawforth St Unit 18 _or leave message at (905) 666-2008 460 -0Nbs& s 91880159 0*se0aoe FprBak 800 SQ. FT. Prime Office PRIVATE SALE: Bright spa- ree m Apx. $90o pe month cloys• 3 bedroom waterfrord a8 ixx4ushre. Available rOd 1/ wi�er+84 90+998 ep Pp89n 00; 2 1/2y�r lease remain- Lake (Lindsey area). Private Mil (PrMessionals only): Road, boathouse and dock, W!R OWN ..Ne. .. Please contact (185884 lade deck,' spacious fol SER9N3 n Can 905-6831110. Rhodes (905)426-742t A.g 5129,900. No agents _ Crete a pdvate mailbox o " I 1 � 25 % 117 �"C S t uii c i31 • Return One of Canada's oldest anti most recognized "manafaeturs of business equipment is expanding its leasing division. Due to market growth and business lease -demand, fora limited time we are offering an investment alternative. with: • Fixed Rate of Return • 360 Day Term with Renewal Option • Early Withdrawal Option without Penalty Minimum Investment Required: $50,000 Call 416-236-6506 L personsis En !Away to tend 430 Rooms for Rea WHITBY - 1 bedroom avail• RO$ELAND/SIIYICOE AREA able ,in well maintained Medd- . Coot Room Neto decorated b7.64. ng4" Sevens Realty ltd, Cookmp facid- Broker.905-668-7777. ties.. 681g2 91780 an pre- terred. Near Durham Col WHITBY, Dundas & Coch- $250/month.up. (905)7 cane, Large 2&3 bedrooms 4845: multi levet, family bum _ AJAX HWY 2/MEY targe Available tmmedtatey. M room in fully famished Aome: wood close. to school. shop-, Full' access to all faciitties. ping & transit: Call Joanne Laundry, parking " backyard 905-666.4145. Qeavemessege) vlvall. immed. 905-426-8644. WH1r rem when you can trwn' AJAX, furnished room your own fiome fm less Lh clean home. Shared facieties. 'you think?tl Cad Dave Nay- Includes cable, parking, bar lock Sales Rep. Re/ttaut fridge, microwave. Suits SummitReatty (19910 tint. (905) working non-smoker 6400,, 668-360ft o (905) 686-3211. mo: F'irst/lasl: (905)427- NORTH MURIA, Oct. 1st. 2 6932: bedroom clPari, tam8y 0049888 . SimcaoBloor, 841 09. Meat. twdro and two ap Simcoe St. 5. Large room, phai c inc eded. Pay cable, basement. Aveda 1:e A 31- parlong, and tauruiry facnit"' Frrst/last. parking. Fully fur - (905) 723-2094: coshed. Near ail amenities. 410 thouseo Viewing 433-4088. For Rad 675 (905)683-5503' EsI118)E PrNaN ACQUIRE CASH 555$$ Take Wim advantage of yyour Invest- BOW08884ILLE OPEN HOUSE nerds. R RSP., LIRA, 11.F., SMISun 12:00-4:00. 13 South- o A Pmmial Fund from and ex - way: -3-Bdrm,Brick Bungalow, anpb7ler of 10, required to be close to hospital, . school; taproved.. Free Comsuftation. shopping, Oversized 06 CM, m' 9 Assistance.24 hardwood. mor ze fpiaindows/ his. Ce11 Tog Free 1-8t36-8oa doors. Wroul deck, pool 2 6085: lie 1.677-754-5251. new bathrooms w/whiripool. 811508ING 2 unfurnished Arius. b$169.9 . . 905-623- 580rooms se orate- bathroom 758 Insurance P 7 90016460& - Good, taut and p69on; /050680. Prea9n4M- CENTRAL FINN)NIG--6RaUP, illi• Finsenr�� Lfo.r any-pur- gle Merry woman: Avail. on 1rst & se nit mortgages to oon9 s accept metliate r 501/last. Calc ,lone _ 959:. From 7.45% for 5 years. servitces gyp. ( ) 905 8$6 45 Best available rates. Prhrals - funds available. Refinancing debt consolidation a specially ODoortunItte ROOMS For fast professional service • Bright clean call 905-666-4986/ (905)686- $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds55 • Fres* painted 287' Grants and !tans information • one with onsulte DREriiil OF. 1.�f 3- to star -arid expand ur busi- be'''. 1;t 3 ' nessw:faan, 1400-.7. FatllishedCordttmtstted ; cel deck 'fenced ,l�11 ` deet Available immediately $7000 role purchase on wotkel$. ypur own sheat No pets or smoking closing.lo fie,,, tor'*01 sen- ,meFat s, (905) 427-3680 n work. i t down, tl land,' nu : aQatpmenc nancl avaiNatile. .Mike. Approx. 700 sq: ft., in .Ostia- Bor5e 3-96 4. Ogo,,,,s 00 era, $79,9770. sa8 Barr co., Strred , ReMax Rouge Rivet Realty Osirav6 Limded..428-6533. 450 w�amnawuw� DURHAM REGWI( Distress CAFE ,Loos. iii Extreme FN- A NEWER NOME, Courtice saki, lank Fvreeiosures. Free mess ,Cent: rant food .A area, sham "all amenities. Non list' of foreclosure properties. Heo86lood. kiting $159,000.1 smoker "preferred, College Receive a free, computerized „ sok neral Sales pap , students weleome, close to -printout Fret recorded nom- (416) 223.1800 eel 242• Marsh bus route, cable parking, 1-88-887-9586, t.0. 309, Nos ly Reilly too 5300Jmo., available imine-. ! .' r t ao diately call 905 - 433-1502 NNS E NOME BASED maim. w/huge dining, separate OSHAWA APPS. Bachelor 1 A ABA DASA DO 8 months OED & BREAKFAST STYLE N8i1SE. HANDCRAFT -BUSINESS TetecortUUtibties. eritrarx e, afo�oliances, laundry, & 2 bevlreori. incudes al[ atilt free,` Orn your sem home accomodations in a/c profes- EB LOB halm, by Wilda. on co,Cb 1-88&656d3fi76. ppe�rrkiii9• )6-' inclusive. Pia- ices and parking- Lound on Cash back bonus to you. stomal Mime, available week- one acre heed lot 401 to 115 INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT ierred single no pets/n BuikBng #1 smoking.First/last/credit (Bala, or Building 3 $35,000 "plus- family income da.. Suits male non-smoker, to 35 North. Go 5min. left brokerage company _expand- ' ch.. (906) 426-8302. 9K,7-571-0425. Or fora 1- Shat of downpayment', for proffskilled-trades/unieersiy invest to 489 Sand.. Rd. ing into the area. N you'are 88 x558 sP rest. call Ken enc wo gin , sat 'Sun 1 August ust motivated and would Pike to 9063 -COUNTRY living in oily 2622. ears associate broker, returning home most wee- 26 8 27. Asking ,000. Fru wortparttime from hom, more info, cal evenings contract 1400111-1292 ext. (705)277-1150. 9334 or rnakeediaham.net ewe YOUR OWN waertroht START -DOLLAR "STORE .for 3 bedroom plus swimming safe in Oshawa rear Mr. pool, lain* room, 10 min. Burger., Good - opportunity to - nom Port Perry. Open House, make money for Christmas. 44 Nonquon Dr. Seagrave. Owner halm tine_. Imremo1y at Saturdays & Sundays 1 4 cost °+ $15,000. Rood lease. ppm. ,or by appointment (905) ( X18965)426-6786 or $$ Government un . Grafts and -bans -utlormation to start an ine s artdfannr 1-800.5054866 i -bedroom apartmem, exec'- OSHAWA Quiet budding near 'Coldweil Ranker HMR Real kends. $100Aveek. Oshawa- five hone in most�es� us st'oppinn0g t n. LIM-- Estate (905)728-9414 or 1- 905-723-6761 a ileo Isle, av 3. flies in iidei coe/Mi i 1' 8n-663-10 54 temwith pets seeks re - tenant here 1> years bdmo i ry Sept 1.,& emaill=c46009reethwie sponsible room mate for da- $, 50 I Hosoo e, 2 rda. "pot. . frau SB79. 2 bed. m A ABSOLUTELY ASTOUND- luxe townhouse M gnat pick- 5min. to Marwood. & 44001. Sed. tat. from 4789.3 bed 1156 6 months free, then own a eriig location. 905-831-064g. 686 0066, 90519 9122 room Sept tet. from $869. house from o,a.c. 1905)436-768681;17:3008. LARGE LIDO with beauhfui BACHE! OR APARTMENT, fn U to qK.uire cash . to view ef tate te shote with pro dudes a/c, heat, and hydro. Pi9IlENIN8 - West Shore you! Require $30,000+famiy Rear bus & Oshawa Hospital- area, 'nice clean 2 bedroom income and good credit Short „w sionah. Parking, laundry, Avail Sept. 1st, 2000. i475/ brtem5r11 apt clow m to 401 of down payment, Call Bill close to Go. Liverpool &' .1- month. a - mach. FirM/tast. Call access. bus, go train, mall. now, Sales Aar to�yt Re/ $600 inclusive. (905);31- (905)723-228 3.11-5Pm : $650+utilities. Lit, Prudential Max Sp 10 (90.728 i600, i 7. Ao . Achievers, 831-7677. 888-732.1 00. f Rf L. B KINGSTON RD P 890068IG -UMW 1 bedroom A UNBEATABLE- 60*LI From townhouse te share. Close to basement 9750hirodh. Atto- 6500. doom, own- your own 90, .shopping. Parking, laee- naihvyn Rivers` area. Malt hone starting at $69,900 car- dry. Non-smoker, no pets. Se�ember 1st Non smokers. ries for lets than rem. OAC. Would su9 quiet working per - Cable and utilities incl. 24 his free recorded Raaawa sonfstudem S500hnodh, first/ (905)509-0412 or 509'4226 905-728-1069 ext 277. Com- Im/nrier 0000. 839866?. well Banker RMR Real Estate. 081RMA 2 bedroom house to DICKERING, bright, clean, 2 Aurone Nasky. share non-smoker, laundry, bedroom basement apart- cabte, parking• AvaB - Irtune mend.: Separate entrance, COTTAGE STYLE BUMGA- di��ly S4snfh irelushre. parking, laundry, cable full LOW, so6th P kerfn chose bathroom, mea[ 60/MaN. to the lake,. 401 a� amen - 5649 couple. No pets. �, 0950 plus 656680. After SEPTI room In - 4 bedroom �910060R $512/month- isUlast and references re- September 15th, (416) 235- , townhouse shared aeeoinmo ulnad. Available Sept. 1st. 3249 y plus utNties, 3rd Boor walk- inclusiere. 831- dations, ta'6'dry, kitchen, TV, up, no elevator, enquiries Cab WXURY TOYIINy®USE 401/ e$T inclusive. BrocW401; Mark 852-3107. Leave nes- • h -en. Fully rumished and Piabatag near ail amenities. fie. 891608ING, Liverpool/Bailey, .equipped. ..filly room, tire- ?-bdm basement apt., sopa place, deck, garage, 6 ap. FirsUlast required. Cath 00 - CENTRAL OSHAwA h 1, rate -enhance, $800 tncluswe, PIS• Sat proles- 619-2560, Michael.. 3 bedroom apartments in no pets, 1M/last, available sionals. 91600 ++�es. Rist TO SNARE-. Oshawa. well-maintained building, Sept 1st, references. Can and last, 7eferences. Cal ruashed bedroom, ideal for `aoatlon close to all amenities, $605 b 420-3237. 0),'477• out-of-town pratessional mate uppp -PLEASE CALL (905)723- - 9a.m. - 6p.m. aeueel0UNT / HWY82 1 'OSHAWA, ,i�Keewatin, 3 or :Wilt. home. on $6,9011; $1* Waft 6100 bedroom basement apart- bdm1 raised k bungalow, fin- most winds. No smolong! 916691iCE, bright spacious moot, separate entrance. tehad basement ah, garb, pets Parking. 606. Sept. 1st mouthy, wooded trailer lot e 2+1 -bedroom mainftoor Gor- Parkm9, 4i1tkes inctud8Aeailithie16 No $1100/month + uttriti89, iol) 54 e50hnonth P.m.... near ' cebeem i 0Avated goons cozy,'modemly deco- trrmber iuktg. Cast mi.- mist. Ca1114434-8781 r m )7?0153$. - • ansaiel d #WEE J1i7Ep once e rated, 4Os. bath wit ght, 4 5091163 after bpm ® Millennium, erwp xperience e e appliances, quiet area, wa8t to Tovmhot For Rett 9 swimmhlglfishing•to, community centre. 2 car SPACIOUS weiii-rained 2 --- (416)431.1555 laxation mweek.l 7 Cali::, ; laundry, cable, deck bedroom opts. Avail. at 900 2401St bedroRO.Mom . 2 Luxury • per week. 115 0806, and 88 Gkfi St-Sort'e with :BW3(11NNUN#YE in Oshawa: 2 + 3 bedroom-Slartin0: from PARRY SOUND. Sun,. lake, 905-438=�91i5 ckyard/tennis court use. wait,. closets, Paint provid End unit 4 appl, 3+ bed., gas 61p1I00.- Includes paAdng, 4 fishing, boats, "sem. 3-bd ,$11REAY Y PSTCIBC Answers. tober41Wtst. (41month 69)439-0957 Mir. tent GQ Ss 1384. 6100. Miles, 32- 1no 4161 296-1iances 8 .i2fl E ill• $700/wk. $2,400/,8. (905) Fmd . the oracle within. (416)866.0616 included Cao ( -) - 13,84 u rem.can.' 477-4ti8b ��_ �n ;1$+'24 his.1-900- moot Sooth ' IMP tog, self-contained, pri- vate -entrance, no park- ing, 20min walk to GO & beach, 15min. walk t' 165041omat, bus at door - rush hour, $500/month utilicable fact: Suits sin- , working person. PH:AWING- John Body Horne, 921 Mounhastie Gres. Open House Aug 26127,2- 4pm. Spatial; - with, great room. Recr000 with via_bat Gas fireplace, double cenUral atrMac. $279,90 () 83+.7604. `MARITIME HEAVEIP P6 51 SPOTLESS 5 beano. home, Main SA ue A E. 16 - minty I4d. 2=4 pc. , rage kitchen, large neer 1.111.11 m4 family cin, livingrdom, town sewers & vMer, beautiful backyard. Wahl., distance. to beautiful �p gue Rho; .-'leaved _to 569,500 owner's anidous to seal -1-902838.4532 after 6 p m. OOP/ 630 errAngmo GLASS CLASSES Beginners & ongoing evenings & afternoons. Supplies. Custom walk (905)409407 Personals NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can 'your fax machine to send us yo advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad` copy and price prior to deadline. One of our custo:er service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your. company name, address, phone number and contact name. Ir itt Fax News Advertiser (905) 579-4218 MoneyLand $$$$$$ LOANS $$$$$$ 4% interest •rNo up front Pees" $10,000.00 and up,. Locked Pension, RRSP, LtF, Severance L60A Ben downsized Fe Consultations By A �y "No Credit Located In Whitby (9�Af$--7800 Toll Free 1 -077 -S$9 -LOAN s STOP 'NI CASH EVERY DAY 18 PAYDAY WHEN YOU NEED CASHl We bold your personal eh*que `t9payda N0 CREDIT -CHECKS! St if. C10-40AeklE31 CALL N 650 650 ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! our nikuction Package" consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This Week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser -.•-Port Perry: This Wyk • Northumberland News • wile -. • Caned Statesman One call does it ail!' Phone 576-5 Fat�8 SHORT NOTICE BAILIFF AUCTI NN, Modern Offks Cos : . Monday, August 288.11 a 10(ttia .lft�j Located et P & M Mak.58-81m VL 0.iawe OHIO** & Mlemirldfid 2nd Flout; fel088 signs Auction features complete entente of a modern office, furniture, computer & of0ce Terms w/1.0 $AT7� 806 -moi -2118 11118-383-8790 690 COME & WORSHIP Is a regular Friday - Feature for the Churches in the Ajax Pickering. area. To advertise your Church Services or Special Church events please call Janice at - (905)-683-0707, Ext. 2218 or Fax# 905-579-4218 (Deadline for Copy is Wednesday noon for Friday) Inasmuch= ` JONES Barry Edward (Ted) April 12th, 1963 - August 2900999 In loving memory of a dear sort and brother (Teddy) Those we love don't go away They walk beside us everyday Unseen, unheard but always near, Still loved, still missed, and very dear. Loving you alwa s . Visit tie Orittie'Internet wtw w lvirnnews.net SEARCHABLE• JLL COLOUR PHOTOS • EASY TO USE • ALL MAKES • • ALL MODELS • ALLYEARS ALL PRICE RANGES • ALL LOCAL FREE TO BROWSE THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER; AUGUST 27, 2000 -PAGE 33 #` CRAFTSMEN &OTHER` EXPERTS FOR LO N G OST HOME REPAIRS 8r'REMODEUNG • Plodling • CaPoltri • Electrical • Mating A Much We red, mad, r rear. ow* act 905-686-7236 A SIC ROOFIPIG/WINDOWS LTD. • Alftypes of roofing and windows • Full warranties guarantors • Senior; Discotmt Folly instead and bonded • Free estimates BBB 1005 CANADIAN Cs11 Andrew at (905) 425.8704 gi",„ , Roofing LLAN Windows. 905-767-12411 Renovations John McLellan "A Man of Hu word" 840 CtJTWRIG1 SEERVICE� Total tree maintenance & stump removal Parnikowned & operated Calls Peter 416-804-6414 mann WANTS WO*K Dong Magic For Children's Parties And Al Occasions. Have My Ovm Magidan. Call Eeale 6684932 * KIDS UNL(M(TED ,"* Children's entertainment for any occasion. lr Clowns, character look-alkes, loot bags, -* face painting, magic, music. W 905.4715331 ******,*'***** BUDGET ROME IMPROVEMENTS Bathroom renova- tions, new kitchen - counters and finished bas - merits, " roc, rooms and decks. 20Cyrs. Exp. alc Malmo (905)- 619-4683 Cell 16) ., 275.0034 DIMS ':i US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, Sales Service & Repairs 905437-0949 Glass For all your glass needs. Mirrors, ther- mal pane glass, screen and windows. 24. hr. services Cal Mike (905) 697-9925 GEURGWS Dade, Fences, Doors, Otos, Bathrooms,. Dr)niall, General Repdrs (905)837-0702 - Celt (416)835.3689 HANDYMAN Cab a Ectal Hren for a1 your h. needs. needs. People w th Meted cash flow. No 8 too small, . Plumbing, electrical, g2bage removal, painting, Prieral Mars. :0.5a428 -j% 1 .. 'AMIE HONEST . . MOVER $49 PER HOUR - 1 van= 565 -PER HOUR - 2 men No local m�agge lo tibie.. Flat rate appliances, small deliveries, or simple moves mound the house. Nom Hoff* 005) 645-0449 Pager 729.8438 IINNIALSKI MOSSO & STORAGE Houses,'Apariments, Offices, Appliances & Piano Specialists. Senior & Mid -Month Discounts. Licensed, insured, Free: Estimates, Professional Calle-795. TIMBER TREE SERVIE Experts in Removal, Trimming, Pruning & Stump Removal Fully insured. Free estimates Call Shawn 9o5-629.1704 LIST Now Accepting Intermediate & Advanced Students (905) 837-9378, G.C.B. CONSTRUCTION Speciabing in total borne, repairs & renovations,- inside enota(ions, inside & out. All work TMS PAINTING & DECOR interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean reliable service: 428-00131 Exclusively Yours VUpscaleV Escort'Ses'trics Sere Rngion ham Discretion Guaranteed Open9 a.m. Daily (905) 725-2322 Now Kirin: SEaT'WEEN YOUR ME Upscale,Agency Open daily 12 pm OUTCALIS only "? Reliability & 1ANRDYMAN ATGeneral home repair. YOUSERVICE bai+awood floor ceramic files, woodworking, woem s, much mole Lail James (905)839-4041 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We wal move anything, anywhere, anytime. COnnercial or residendiaf. 4axesensor sa mid tn. discounts.. Free estimates. 571-0755 1-888-491 6600 ELEGANT AND CLASSY Young black beauty to be your companion. Discretion guaranteed (416) 657-4431 Danitam area SELL IT NOW CALL . AJAX 683-0707 UXBRIDGE 852-9741 PAGE 34 -TME AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER, AUGUST 27 2000 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durthamnews.net a "r i1 'i All Vehicles Must Be Sold. No Reasonabie Offer Refused. We Need Your Trade -In. Top Dollar Paid VERSTOCKED Scott Evans of the Claremont Rebels men's fast al'l team winds upfar t) delivery during action at the recent Oshawa and Di strict Men's Fastball League Tournament The event was held in Claremont and was won by -the host Rebels. for start of training can Hockey reps to compete in Early Bird event The Ajax -Pickering Raiders major ,,,,bantam 'AAA' rep hockey team opens its 2000-2001season in earnest with the start of training camp next week. The camp opens the week of Aug.. 28 and coaches and players are eager to start. • As most of the team is back from last season, the bantam Raiders are an early -season favourite for the Ontario _ Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) crown this season. In addition, many of the players have aspirations of being drafted into -the Ontario Hockey _League during the June 2001 draft. 'r After last year's disappointment of falling one game short of qualifying for the OMHA championship weekend, players have worked hard over the summer on off -ice conditioning and fit- ness programs. Coaches expect players to come to camp in peak physical -con- dition. 4, Prior to the start of the. OMHA Eastern' Ontario `AAA' regular season, the Raiders will play in the annual Early Bird Tournament hosted at the Pickering Recreation Complex and Yvon Beer Arena on the weekend of Sept. 14 to 17. The Raiders' regular -season cam- paign begins on home ice against rival Markham Waxers at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Tuesday, Sept., 26 at 8:30 p.m. Team members are Michael Alexiou, Len Bell, Noel Coultice, Brad- Dormiedy, Daryl_ 'Fa -puncher, Brandon Franey, Chad Glode, Kyle Harding,; Brian - Horner, Michael Kostka Derek Lynden, ° Kyle Martiniuk, Brett LVIcConnachie, Reid McGregor, Sean O' Sullivan, -:Andrew Sawyer and Andrew Smith. The team ' is coached by Steve Horner, Dave McGregor, Norm Rogers and Chris Kostka. The manager is Bruce Jennings and the traineris Jamie NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, August 27,2000 PAGE 35 AIP l =nrax 2 Kingston Rd.' Pickering Home ign a. ' SEARS PICKERING 5 OUTLETthifY 401. NOW OPEN NEW PICKERING -11 .011 ON ALL ��gERC PRICED D S FINN QR LE AIP PAGE 36 NEWS ADVER11SER SUNDAY EDITION, August 27, 2000 1U70SAA000mR411N at dfontableAnj_