HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2003_08_31SAVE TODAY AT Carroll Home Improvements 905-686-2445 Roofing Windows Doors STOPSTOP DON’T THROW YOUR MONEY AWAY www.blaisdale.com12 mths - grade 8 5 Campuses in Durham Call Head Office 905-509-5005 Best Private School Blaisdale MONTESSORI School As voted by Ajax/Pickering Readers’ Choice Awards NEW INFANT SPACES AVAILABLE ON THE GRIDIRON Dolphins start season right Sports, 14 WE’RE BACK Students get supplies Community, 13 SERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 News Advertiser PRESSRUN 45,600 ✦ 24 PAGES ✦ SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2003 ✦ durhamregion.com ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND BByy LLeesslleeyy BBoovviiee aanndd MMiikkee RRuuttaa Staff Writers AAJJAAXX — A 20-year-old Scarbor- ough man has been arrested and two Scarborough teens are in hospital with gunshots to their legs, following an early morning shooting at an Ajax restaurant and banquet hall Friday. Durham Regional Police spokesman Paul Malik said po- lice haven’t ruled out a possible link between the shooting and looting, which took place a few hours earlier at Scarborough Town Centre. “It may be linked but we’re not sure at this point,” he said in an interview. Tw o men gunned down Durham Regional Police Identification Unit officers check for gun shells and other evidence in south Ajax early Friday. Tw o men suffered non life-threatening gun shot wounds and one man was arrested. Local politicians say its time to step up safety measures BByy LLeesslleeyy BBoovviiee Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM — A Pickering coun- cillor and the Clarington mayor are lobbying safety officials to impose a no-fly zone over the Pickering and Darlington nu- clear stations. Assuming such a regulation was already in place, Pickering Regional Councillor Mark Hol- land said he was shocked to learn last week a man detained by police for possible links to terrorist activity, allegedly flew over the Pickering nuclear sta- tion on training flights. The flight path allegation is contained in a four-page sum- mary in a police investigation. “It was total news to me that there wasn’t a no-fly zone,” he said. “It’s one of those things that seem inherently logical. Coun. Holland said residents living around the Pickering nu- clear station are fearful for their safety following news federal authorities have detained 19 men suspected of having terror- ism ties. Anwar-Ur-Rehman Mohammed, a 31-year-old Indi- an student, who allegedly flew over the Pickering nuclear sta- tion while trying to obtain his commercial pilot’s licence, was denied release Thursday. Manny Rosario, of the Durham Flight Centre, told re- porters the student passed an RCMP background check when he enrolled in flight training there shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorists attacks in the United States. No-fly zone wanted at nuclear plants Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser ✦See Politicians page 2 ✦See Scarborough page 3 But he said Mr. Mo- hammed never flew over the Pickering nuclear plant as part of his train- ing. “Our area for flight in- struction is over the light- ly-populated areas of Scu- gog Township north of Os- hawa,” Mr. Rosario said. Regardless, Coun. Hol- land says the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commis- sion (CNSC) needs to re- quest Transport Canada to restrict all air traffic around the Pickering, Darlington and Bruce nu- clear plants. “I think we have to say we’re not comfortable with this as a municipali- ty,” he added. “If flight paths were altered we could identify a plane fly- ing over the nuclear plant and have some warning. As it stands today, we wouldn’t know until some- thing hit the ground. Clarington Mayor John Mutton said he’s been qui- etly writing the Minister of National Defence since May in an effort to raise similar concerns, but without raising alarm among his constituents living around the Darling- ton station. May 31, an airplane from Canadian Forces Base Trenton circled over Bow- manville before dropping a parachutist into a local park as part of a demon- stration for a local school. The mayor’s office was aware of the drop, which was authorized by the de- fence ministry but Mayor Mutton said Durham Re- gional Police, which pro- vides ground security to the Darlington nuclear plant wasn’t informed. Mayor Mutton has also requested the status of a CF-18 jet fighter at CFB Trenton. After Sept. 11, 2001, then minister of de- fence Art Eggleton as- sured him the fighter would protect air space around the nuclear plants in the event of any threat. In addition to the no-fly zone, he also wants a non- navigational zone im- posed around the nuclear stations for boats. “It makes no sense that you can’t get anywhere on the property but you can f loat up to the door,” Mayor Mutton added. The CNSC, which over- sees safety for nuclear plants, said it has never requested Transport Canada impose no-fly zones for nuclear facilities because they aren’t prag- matic. It insists the best defence is tightened secu- rity at the airport. “But we wouldn’t ignore a request from someone for a no-fly zone,” said spokesman Kelly Kilrea. Anyone, not just the CNSC, can make the re- quest by appealing direct- ly to the federal minister of transport, she said. However, proximity to To r onto’s Pearson Inter- national Airport makes establishing a protected radius around the Picker- ing and Darlington sta- tions difficult, she added. “It would make civil avi- ation impossible. No one could fly over Toronto,” Ms. Kilrea said. While there isn’t a no-fly zone, there are Transport Canada regulations, which restrict planes from f lying less than 1,000 feet over populated areas, she pointed out. But when asked how Transport Canada monitors the ceil- ing, Bernard Pilon, a spokesman for the depart- ment said the 1,000-foot regulation is more of a “general aviation rule of thumb. “Pilots have to fly within certain areas and flight paths, and they know where it is they can fly and can’t fly.” As for a no-fly zone, he said, “We are ready to act quickly if requested, but we would have to study it.” However, establishing a radius around the Picker- ing and Darlington plants would be helpful for Durham police, said emer- gency measures officer Sergeant Jim Grimley. Planes and traffic heli- copters regularly fly over the nuclear stations be- cause of their proximity to major airports and Hwy. 401, he said. As well, small planes often use the lakeshore to g uide them. Darlington nuclear is also on the one of the flight paths into Os- hawa Municipal Airport, he added. —— TToorrssttaarr NNeewwss SSeerrvviiccee A/P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com putting our energy to good use www.opg.com Join United Way of Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge and Ontario Power Generation’s Pickering Nuclear station as we kick off the charity’s 2003 Fundraising Campaign. Date:Sunday September 7th; Registration begins at 7:30am Start time:Warm-up 8:45am; Walkers and Runners depart at 9:00am Location:Ontario Power Generation, Pickering Nuclear 1675 Montgomery Park Road, Pickering Pre-registration:Available in person at United Way of Ajax-Pickering- Uxbridge and all Running Room locations or on-line at ajaxpickering.unitedway.ca or runningroom.com INDIVIDUAL PRIZES: •PRIZES AWARDED for the most money raised in pledges •MEDALS AWARDED for the best overall time for male and female and for best time per age category •THE FIRST 300 PARTICIPANTS to raise $25 in pledges receive a free long sleeve t-shirt TEAM PRIZES: •TEAM THAT RAISES the most money in pledges receive a trophy •TEAM MEMBERS will each receive a certificate So come out and generate some power for this worthy cause and enjoy good food; cooldown with our massage therapists; and enjoy a chance to win terrific prizes. For more information on the Community Power Challenge please call the United Way of Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge at 905-686-0606 or visit their Web site at www.ajaxpickering.unitedway.ca COME OUT AND GENERATE SOME POWER FOR United Way’s 2003 Annual Campaign is off to a running start UNITED WAY United Way of Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge Durham Continuing Education Fall 2003 Courses Credit • Computer • ESL • General Interest • PSW Upgrading • Language • & Many More Courses Watch for our brochure in your local newspaper on August 24, 2003 or check our website at www.dce.ca 905-436-3211 or 1-800-408-9619 Come Grow With Us! DURHAM Politicians want heightened security for nuclear stations ✦ Politicians from page 1 DDUURRHHAAMM — Five people have been charged follow- ing an investigation into crack cocaine trafficking Wednesday. After obtaining a search warrant for a motel room on Consumers Drive, the Durham Regional Police drug enforcement unit dis- covered drug equipment, cash, packaged marijuana and a large quantity of crack cocaine. The street value of the crack cocaine is estimated at $11,600 and the marijuana $160. The accused are charged with possession of a con- trolled substance; pro- ceeds of crime; and two counts of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking. Charged are: Jermaine Mar tinborough, 21, of no fixed address; Andrew Colin, 20, of Weeks Drive, Ajax; Horace Huntley Spence, 18, of no fixed ad- dress; Cora Lee Prisque, 40, of Montrave Avenue, Oshawa; and a 17-year-old youth. Police charge five with trafficking cocaine TRAINER SPEAKS OUT See page 21 Please recycle www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 3 A/P M RAEGHIROUND M RAEGHIROUND M RAEGHIROUND OOF DY T AIDNVUISMOM RO SCOOF DY T AIDNVUISMOM RO S C OOF DY T AIDNVUISMOM RO S C Come and Meet Celebrate the official launch of this great program on Saturday, September 6th at 12:00 pm (right after the parade!) Visit our display for FREE healthy and tasty food samples information on healthy eating handouts, recipes, and more CFAs will be present during the following times: Thursday, Sept. 4th - 5:00-9:00 pm Friday, Sept. 5th - 5:00-9:00 pm Saturday, Sept. 6th - 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday, Sept. 7th - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm th t h e. - Spt 4 7 tt o n a heOr o Fair W E'REOPEN HWY. #2 HWY. #401 BAYLY ST. DREYER ST.WESTNEY RD.MONARCH ST.HARWOOD AVE. 955 Westney Rd. S., Ajax 905-683-1425 For the very best in quality, fresh food right here in Ajax! OPEN 24 Hrs. Labour Day! Monday Specials Banana’s 29¢ lb. 64¢ kg Del Monte Quality Product of Costa Rica Banana’s 29¢ Clover Leaf Tuna 67¢Flaked Light or Chunk Light in Water 170 kg Clover Leaf Tuna 67¢ Labour Day! Monday Scarborough looting may be linked to shooting The shooting broke out at around 12:50 a.m. at the Sawhil Restaurant and Banquet Facilities on Westney Rd. in Ajax. Upon arrival, police found two men with gunshots to their legs and “several hundred young people” streaming out of the restaurant, said Sgt. Malik. “We’re still trying to dis- cover what type of event was taking place at the time of the shooting,” he said. “I’ve heard several rumours that it may have been a pre-school party, dance party, or dance.” The victims, aged 17 and 18 were taken to Rouge Valley Health, Ajax and Pickering hospital with non-life threatening in- juries and later transferred to another facility. “I’m not at liberty to say where they were trans- ferred out of concern for their own safety. You never know should someone try to look for them,” Sgt. Malik said. Officers managed to quickly secure the scene, he said, and discovered one suspect had left the area. He was located a short distance from the scene. The 20-year-old Scar- borough man has been ar- rested with charges pend- ing. Police are on the hunt for a second suspect, an Ajax man, Sgt. Malik said. Several guns and a knife were discovered during an extensive search of the area later that morning, he added. A number of businesses arrived Friday morning to find police had cordoned off the east side of Westney Road, from the Sawhil Restaurant south to the overgrown vacant lot near Bayly Street. With a forensic identifi- cation unit van parked at the restaurant, officers with dogs combed the area, one checking out the west side of Bayly at the Super 8 Motel. But as officers scoured the east side of Westney Road, Haissan Elawar, who with his sister owns Diamond Shine Car Clearning and Detailing, was waiting to open up for the day from behind the police tape. “What are you going to do? You’ve got to stick it out,” said Mr. Elawar. “They’ve got a job to do. I’m sure they don’t like in- conveniencing us.” News of the shooting was “very unsettling” for the plus 20-year Ajax resi- dent, and something he would expect to hear about in Oshawa or Toron- to, but not here. Scott Taylor, a mechanic at Midas Auto Service, was also sitting on the g rass, unable to go to work. “It’s costing us money,” he said of the delay. Mr. Taylor noted that it is the third time business has been disrupted in a month. Other than the shooting investigation, there was a fire behind the shop and the blackout two weeks ago. Thursday night, at around 7:30 p.m., 150 teens caused a disturbance in the Scarborough Town Centre after attending a nearby youth event at the Albert Campbell Square. No injuries were report- ed. One teen was arrested, charged and released at the scene, Toronto Police Services said in a news re- lease. Paul Osbourne, co-ordi- nator of ‘Vibrations’, stressed there was no trouble at the event itself between noon and 8 p.m., describing it as “peaceful. “It was an all-day youth event trying to profile the talents of the youth in Scarborough as well as giving them information (on community service providers), he said. Anyone with informa- tion regarding the Ajax in- cident should call the Ajax Pickering community Po- lice Office criminal investi- gation bureau at 905-579- 1520 (1-888-579-1520) ext. 2524 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. A member of the Durham Regional Police Identification Unit records information on bag contain- ing evidence he collected at the scene of a shooting Friday. ✦ Scarborough from page 1 Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser photo Keeping an eye on the news News Advertiser ..Read by more people in your Metroland Durham Region Media Group P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Call now for a preview tour! 905-655-7718 5909 Anderson Street • Brooklin, ON L1M 2H1 www.courtatbrooklin.com open fall 2003 Peace of mind makes retirement enjoyable. At The Court at Brooklin retirement residence, nothing is more important than the comfort and safety of our residents. You can choose from spacious studio, one- or two-bedroom suites — all with extensive safety features and amenities to ensure your peace of mind. At The Court at Brooklin, we offer emergency pull-cords in every suite, and our resident managers are on-site 24- hours a day. A warm welcome into an active, close-knit resident family is waiting for you! ©2003 Holiday Retirement Corp. Providing Insurance and Financial Services Mutual Funds are not insurance products and are distributed through representatives of State Farm Investor Services (Canada) Co. State Farm Investor Services (Canada) Co. is a separate legal entity from State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, or any of its insurance affiliates. Life Insurance: State Farm Life Insurance Company - Scarborough, Ontario IT’SYOUR RETIREMENT. PLANFORIT WITH S OMEONE YOU KNOW. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE. TM P03676CN 05/03 Retirement’s no small step. But I can help you plan for it, with insurance and investing choices. Call us today to get started. LIKE AGOOD NEIGHBOUR STATE FARM IS THERE. TM Scott Andrews 345 Kingston Road Suite 106 Pickering, ON 905-509-1167 Paul Williams, CFP 1020 Brock Road South Suite 2000 Pickering, ON 905-839-6306 Kimberley Frost 641 Kingston Road Pickering, ON 905-420-3221 Vic O'Hearn 467 Westney Road South Unit 20 Ajax, ON 905-683-2251 In the swing of things DDUURRHHAAMM — Pickering’s Nigel Yard checks out a set of golf clubs at the Campkin's Camping Centre annual yard sale. He found just what he's looking for and at the right price. Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser photo PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG — Overeaters Anony- mous is a 12-step program whose members meet in Pickering on Thursdays. The meetings start at 7:30 p.m. and are held in the basement or li- brary of La Storta, located beside the Manresa Retreat Centre at the north end of Liverpool Road. The meetings are open to all Durham residents. For more information, call Edith during the day at 905-686-3834, or Mary in the evening at 905-428-8660. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 5 A/P Notice of Intention to Expand Storage Capacity Please be advised that Direct Line Environmental Services Inc. of 1070 Toy Ave., Pickering has made application to the Ministry of the Environment to increase the total amount of liquid industrial waste stored at its site at any time from 337,700 litres to a maximum of 931,150 litres. Direct Line is dedicated to fulfilling its environmental responsibilities in every way possible including being ISO registered for both 9001 and 14001 by this year-end. The increase storage (primarily for waste oil) is required to enable the Company to service the expected increase demand to be created by the new Ontario Waste Oil Division program. If you would like to view the application or obtain additional information, you may do so by calling Direct Line at 905-509-2460 or the Ministry of Environment’s Assessment and Approvals Branch at 1-800-461-6290 or its York-Durham District Office in Pickering at 905-427-5600. If you don’t receive “Service Worth Paying For” or have any questions or delivery concerns please call The News Advertiser at: 905-683-5117 CARRIERS COLLECT EVERY THREE WEEKS SERVICE WORTH PAYING FOR 100% is kept by the carrier as payment for their delivery. You RECEIVE Valuable coupons. You could WIN a $1,000.00 Shopping Spree! COLLECTIONS ARE FROM AUGUST 27 - AUGUST 31 YOUR CARRIER IS PAID THROUGH COLLECTIONS! BByy LLeesslleeyy BBoovviiee Staff Writer PPIICCKKEERRIINNGG — The next time you’re lost out to sea, you might feel better knowing these four men are on shore. Jim Snow, Derek Cartier, Brad Suckling, and Adrian Spiering recently took first place at the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Central and Arctic Region Search and Rescue Competition. They go on to compete at the 2003 International Search and Rescue Competition held Sept. 26 and 27 in St. John’s, Newfoundland. “It was a gruelling nine- hour competition,” Mr. Snow said, of the regional event held Aug. 9 in Kingston. His crew squared off against nine other teams from as far away as Nunavut and Sault Ste. Marie in a host of events, which tested such skills as search planning, chart work, towing, search patterns on water, line throws, and radio communi- cations. In St. John’s, they’ll com- pete against 11 other groups from all over Canada and the United States. All of the local squad’s members are volunteers with Pickering Auxiliary Rescue Association (PARA), a non- profit organization called into action by the Canadian Coast Guard for emergencies. Mr. Snow is a full-time para- medic, while Mr. Cartier is a sales associate at the Building Box. Mr. Suckling is a bylaw officer with the City of Picker- ing, and Mr. Spiering is a credit officer. But they all take turns working weekends and week- nights with PARA, which moors a 35-foot aluminum- hulled boat with twin diesel engines at Frenchman’s Bay Ya c ht Club in Pickering. The organization has 45 local vol- unteers. “I started doing (the com- petitions) this year, sort of as a lark or something fun to do,” said Mr. Snow, one of PARA’s nine coxswains, who head the search and rescue unit. “But as we kept going fur- ther, we found we were getting great results and the bar just kept getting higher,” he said. “And what you learn doing this, you take back with you,” to serve on Durham’s shores. Rescue workers put skills on the line Members of the Pickering Auxiliary Rescue won the Provincial Search and Rescue competition and are headed to the Nationals. Front with trophy is Jim Snow, Back, from left are team members,Gary Endicott (Commander). Adrian Spiering, Derek Cartier and Brad Suckling, and from the Durham Regional Police, Chief Kevin McAlpine and Inspector Bill Temple. Overeaters Anonymous meet every Thursday Keeping an eye on the news News Advertiser Metroland Durham Region Media Group Strike up the band UOIT ready to show the world what it has to offer It was a birthing years in the making, but this week, after much anticipation, the University of Ontario Institute of Te chnology will make president Gary Polonsky one proud papa. UOIT, sparkling new, is ready to show everyone it has what it takes to meet the education and research challenges of the 21st century. It's not too much of a stretch to say that UOIT/Durham College could well prove to be the post-sec- ondary education model for Canada, with college and universi- ty programs and services located conveniently on one campus. It's a tremendously exciting concept and we'll now see theory turned into reality. To be fair, you must walk before you run and UOIT has a long way to go before it will be up to full speed. A tremendous amount of construction is slated for the next few years as the UOIT/Durham College campus stretches north of Conlin Road into Windfields Farm lands. Mr. Polonsky has laid out a truly ambitious plan designed to put the Durham/UOIT post-secondary complex at the pinnacle of the education system in this country within a decade. This university is perfectly in sync with the growth we will ex- perience in Durham. It will offer an excellent choice to students who want the education they thirst for but would prefer to stay in their home communities. The cost of a university education continues to climb rapidly with fees growing upwards of 10 per cent a year. A full five-course load is nearly $5,000 for tuition only and the costs only rise for other required articles and fees such as books, athletics, transportation and parking. Eliminat- ing or reducing housing and food costs is a huge step to mak- ing world-class post-secondary education accessible to Durham residents. UOIT/Durham will also act as a research facility and will at- tract business and much-needed economic development. It's often been said Dr. Polonsky dreamed of one day seeing a university established in Durham Region. Through hard work, perseverance and a little help from his friends, the educator has seen that dream come true. It's astonishing when you go back even further, back into the 1960s when the fledgling Durham College was just a few buildings in the middle of wilderness in north Oshawa, its only neighbour was Camp Samac. The people of this region can be extremely proud that Durham has broken through and established Ontario's first new university in more than 30 years. But we're just getting started. You won't believe where we'll be a decade hence. Signs a discredit to veterans TToo tthhee eeddiittoorr:: As a former resident and still fre- quent visitor to the Town of Ajax, I feel a need to address something that has come to my attention. The ongoing con- struction of the new on/off ramp servic- ing Hwy. 401 has required a few signs documenting road closures related to the construction. I have noticed the name Achilles has been spelled incor- rectly on several of the temporary signs. It is my opinion, out of respect to the historical significance to the name Achilles, these signs should be updated to correct the spelling. The recent story about the naming of Trott Lane as a gesture of honour to the gentleman, Mr. Basil Trott, who served as a crewmember on the HMS Exeter during the Battle of the River Plate exemplifies the importance that history plays in regards to Ajax. I have attempted to have the situa- tion addressed by emailing both the Town of Ajax and the Region of Durham, the results of which may be seen on several of the signs. There is a painted or drawn letter, in my opinion an inadequate remedy. As these signs are of a temporary nature perhaps it is felt that there is no need to properly at- tend to them. AAnnddrreeww SS.. HHuubbbbaarrdd OOsshhaawwaa News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper TTiimm WWhhiittttaakkeerr Publisher JJooaannnnee BBuurrgghhaarrddtt Editor-in-Chief CChhrriiss BBoovviiee Managing Editor DDuunnccaann FFlleettcchheerr Director of Advertising EEddddiiee KKoollooddzziieejjccaakk Classified Advertising AAbbee FFaakkhhoouurriiee Distribution Manager LLiilllliiaann HHooookk Office Manager CChheerryyll HHaaiinneess JJaanniiccee OO’’NNeeiill Composing Managers NNeewwss//SSaalleess 905-683-5110 CCllaassssiiffiieeddss 905-683-0707 DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn 905-683-5117 NNeewwss FFaaxx 905-683-0386 GGeenneerraall FFaaxx 905-683-7363 DDeeaatthh NNoottiicceess 905-683-3005 SSiinncceerreellyy YYoouurrss 1-800-662-8423 EE--mmaaiill cbovie@ durhamregion.com WWeebb aaddddrreessss durhamregion.com MMaaiilliinngg AAddddrreessss 13 0 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the On- tario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. Editorial and Adver- tising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduc- tion is prohibited. LLeetttteerrss PPoolliiccyy All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 wo rds. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opin- ions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the vol- ume of letters, not all will be printed. A/P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, Aug 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Those daring young flyers still draw a crowd At this time of year, my thoughts turn west to the Canadian Nation Exhibition and the annual Labour Day week- end air show. As a child, an era when it took more time and dis- tance for pilots to turn around, I re- member 'air shows' right above Pickering Village. As far back as Sept. 7, 1909 when Canada's first air show took place over Scarborough Beach Park, spectators and pilots alike have been taking part. The single Curtis biplane that plied the skies over Scarborough 94 years ago thrilled the crowd less than a year before the first controlled flight in Canada had taken place in Baddeck, N.S. Controlled, powered flight had seemed impossible until Orville Wright took off in 1903. Everyone was hooked. But what does it take for a man or woman to strap him or herself into a craft that defies gravity? On a summer day 62 years ago, a 19- year-old wrote the answer. His name was John Gillespie Magee, Jr., a pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Born in Shanghai, China to American mis- sionary parents, he left the U.S. to join the Canadian air force in 1939. No one - with the possible excep- tion of French author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - has described the ecstasy of flight better. Here is John Magee's poem. I hope it brings even more to your experience the next time you see silver wings dancing in the sky. 'High Flight' Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth And danced the skies on laughter- silvered wings; Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there, I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or even eagle flew And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand and touched the face of God. 'High Flight' was written on the back of a letter Pilot Officer Magee sent to his parents in the late sum- mer of 1941. A few months later he was killed when he Spitfire collid- ed with another plane over Eng- land. With the greatest of ease they thrill us EEddiittoorriiaallss &&OOppiinniioonnss SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2003 ✦ News Advertiser ✦ JACQUIE MCINNES, NEWS EDITOR, 905-683-5110 EXT. 249 Editorial Letters to the Editor JJaannee MMccDDoonnaalldd oo pp ii nn ii oo nn ss hh aa pp ee rr BByy JJeennnniiffeerr SSttoonnee Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM — The Region of Durham and local hospitals are taking Ernie Eves up on his offer of compensation for the Aug. 14 blackout. In an announcement Wednesday, the Ontario premier said the Province would help municipalities and services like hospitals with blackout-related expenses such as emergency health arrangements, provision of extra policing, emer- gency control headquarters, and re- pairs to publicly-owned water and sewer facilities. "I'm glad he's announced that, be- cause it would have been extensively above what we had anticipated" in terms of costs to the Region, says Durham Chairman Roger Anderson. "I'm sure we'll submit our bill once we add it up. "We appreciate the offer." Though it's too early to say how much the blackout cost the Region, Mr. Anderson says he believes the most expensive portion will be polic- ing, since so many officers worked overtime to help ensure public safety while the lights were out. "We kept an awful lot of them after the day shift," he said. The Region is expected to have a cost estimate by early next week. Likewise, local health corpora- tions will take advantage of the fi- nancial help. However, it won't likely be a large bill that the Lakeridge Health Corporation submits to the Province, says chief executive officer Brian Lemon. Likewise, Rouge Val- ley Ajax and Pickering hospital will be submitting a bill, says chief execu- tive officer Hume Martin. "Certainly, we welcome the pre- mier's comments, and we will be sub- mitting a claim," he says, noting Health Ministry staff "have already been in touch" with the corporation regarding its claim. The size of that bill has yet to be determined, he says, though he suspects it will be similar to the $50,000 estimate from Lakeridge. "It depends on what we include," says Mr. Martin. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 7 A/P INSERT LOCAL TIRE BASEBAR *Complete warranty details at Sears Dunlop®and Michelin tire sale! NE092A103 ©2003. Sears Canada Inc. Dunlop Rover AT tires Size Sale, each P225/70R14 82.49 P215/75R15 86.24 P225/75R15 89.99 P235/75R15SL 93.74 P245/75R16 119.99 LT 235/75R15 119.99 LT 245/75R16 142.49 LT 31X10.50R15 134.99 LT 235/85R16 134.99 Other sizes also on sale 100,000 KM TREAD WEAROUT WARRANTY* DUNLOP ROVER AT SUV/LIGHT TRUCK TIRES Sale, from 8249 each. P205/75R15. #25000 series Sale prices end Saturday, September 13, 2003, while quantities last Michelin Weatherwise tires Size Sale, each P175/70R13 71.24 P185/75R14 78.74 P185/70R14 80.99 P195/70R14 84.74 P205/70R15 93.74 P175/65R14 78.74 P185/65R14 83.24 P215/70R15 98.24 P195/60R14 86.99 P195/60R15 91.49 Other sizes also on sale 110,000 KM TREAD WEAROUT WARRANTY* SAVE 25 % SAVE 25 % MICHELIN WEATHERWISE®ALL-SEASON PASSENGER TIRES Sale, from 5474 each. P155/80R13. #58000 series Sale prices end Saturday, September 6, 2003, while quantities last Pickering Town Centre Direct Line 420-0271 SPECIALSALE Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser/flyers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at (905) 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Advertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS Sun., Aug. 31 2003 News Advertiser Walmart, 270 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax Walmart, 1899 Brock Rd. N., Pick. 135 Kingston Rd., Ajax 222 Bayly St. W., Ajax 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. * Delivered to selected households only Kayla Sunday’s carrier of the week is Kayla. She enjoys sports & hanging out with her friends. She will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Kayla for being our Carriers of the Week. Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $ 6.00 between August 27-August 31/03 * Columbia House Ajax * Durham College Ajax/Pick. * Eagle Water Treatment/ Water Analysis Data Ajax * Jean Garraway-Mortgages Ajax * News Advertiser Flyer Pick. * Revlon Ajax/Pick. * Royalton Furniture Ajax/Pick. * The Bay Ajax/Pick. * University Tab Ajax/Pick. Durham will take premier up on his offer Keeping an eye on the news News Advertiser ..Read by more people in your Metroland Durham Region Media Group Registration To advertise in this section call Laurie Thompson at 906-683-5110 Ext. 230 Ballet & Tap exams this coming fall In studio September 4th and 5th, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, September 6th, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. COME AND DANCE WITH ONE OF DURHAM’S TOP DANCE ACADEMYS! 845 Westney Rd. S. Unit 1, Ajax Register by phone 905-683-1269 REGISTRATION NOW ON!! CLASSES COMMENCE THE WEEK OF MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH Jazz • Tap • Ballet • Pointe • Acrobatics • Hip Hop • Creative Dance • Adult Classes • Ballroom Dancing • Annual Recital • Examination Program • Summer Camp .INCSince 1987 (Just one minute south of the 401 off Brock Rd. before Bayly St.) 1755 Plummer St. Unit 8, Pickering, ON, L1W 3S11755 Plummer St. Unit 8, Pickering, ON, L1W 3S1 Gymnastic classes for kids 18 months to 15 years “Those who compare choose Cynthia’s Creative Dance Arts” Take a leap above the rest Director: Cynthia Helmer, R.A.D., C.D.M.A. 1735 BAYLY ST., PICKERING (S/E corner of Brock & Bayly) Unit #18 (905) 420-3001 GYM / ACRO PROGRAM We offer an Excellent program taught by a highly trained Gymnastic Coach who will teach students of all levels. CREATIVE DANCE FOR TINY TOTS For all those inspiring young dancers ages 3 and 4 we offer an excellent program taught by a registered R.A.D. instructor who specializes in teaching young children. An excellent way to start those first years of dance. BOYS ONLY HIP HOP / BREAK DANCING Classes taught by a male instructor. Inquire about our excellent Hip Hop Classes for boys and girls taught by a highly qualified instructor who worked with and choreographed numerous videos the Pop Stars. Call 905-42 0 - 3 0 0 1 o r V isit our stu d i o o n W ed. Sep. 3 a n d Thur. Sep. 4 from 6pm - 9 p m Accepting New Regis t r a t i o n JAZZ-TAP-BALLET-HIP HOP C.C.D.A. Offers classes for recreational or competitive students in all forms of dance trained by our highly qualified staff. Inquire about the classes we offer for all ages and levels in our Newly renovated and spacious facility with over 5500 square feet. ADULT HIP FIT Calling all adults- looking for a fun way to keep fit with a variety of hip hop moves while incorporating cardio, stretch and muscle building exercises. Inquire about this fun and exciting program that will guarantee to keep you energized and in shape. • Friendly Qualified Staff • Royal Academy of Dancing Ballet • RECREATIONAL and COMPETITIVE classes • Competitions in Canada & U.S.A. • Earlier Annual Show Date • Air Conditioned Studio with sprung floor • Ages 3 to Adults • Boys & Girls A/P PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Registration To advertise in this section call Laurie Thompson at 906-683-5110 Ext. 230 O’Donnell School of Traditional Irish Dancing Durham Region & Scarborough Beginners Welcome Help develop your child’s * confidence * co-ordination * social grace For Fitness & Fun * boys & girls * ages 3 years & up * adult ceili classes available School offers students direct contact with the professional dance world. Professional Instructor: Anne-Marie O’Donnell, A.D.C.R.G., T.C.R.G. Registered Member of: • An Coimisiun Le Rinci Gaelacha, Ireland • Irish Dance Teachers Association of Canada • Irish Dance Teachers Association of North America for further information call 416-267-9833 Also available for shows 43 Station Street, Ajax 905-426-8418 School of Dance M.B.A.T.D. BALLET • TAP • JAZZ • POINTE LYRICAL • HIP HOP • ACRO FAMOUS ADULT TAP/JAZZ 2002 DANCE NORTH AMERICA TAP DANCE CHAMPIONS! REGISTER AT STUDIO •Susan Messmer M.B.A.T.D. •Lindsay Messmer A.B.A.T.D. Ryerson Fine Arts Graduate •Merie Gonsalves A.B.A.T.D. BFA York Graduate Ages 3 years & up RETURNING STUDENTS Wed. Sept. 3rd, 5 - 8 PM NEW STUDENTS Thurs. Sept. 4th, 5 - 8 PM 905-426-8418 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 9 A/P A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Vi nyasa Yoga (Power Yoga) is the ultimate journey for those who want to tap into their physical and spiritual power. It is not your traditional yoga but a vigorous, energizing workout that creates a high body heat. Whether you are looking to lose weight, trying to increase your stamina or hoping to sharpen your mental edge, Power Yoga is the answer for you. With Power Yoga you are training the lungs to increase their volume and uptake of oxygen while training the heart to increase its eff iciency. Other physical benefits are increased muscle tone, strength, flexibility and balance. Yo ga should be a discipline that gives you the mental and physical strength to cope with the daily rigors of life and help you respond in positive ways. It is about learning mindfulness, paying attention, and working towards your individual goals. This practice is a dynamic combination of strength, sweat, and spirituality. Vi nyasa Yoga detoxifies, heals, and electrifies. This accessible, challenging and flowing form of yoga will lead you to a state of transformation; it will sculpt, tone, and hone the muscles of your body and your mind. Welcome to the world of bliss! Transform your body and uplift your soul. **For more information, see yoga mind & body ad below. Wa ke Up the Power Inside and Turn Your Life Around • Custom Foot Orthotics • Full Veteran’s Coverage • Sports Medicine • Diabetic Feet, Corns & Calluses • Children’s Foot 831-FEET(3338) Hub Mall Kingston Rd.Glenanna Rd.CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR FEET? SALMAN ALAM B.SC., D.CH. REGISTERED CHIROPODIST TREATMENTS OFFERED FOR: nails • callus • corns • warts • flat feet • arch and heel pain • foot pain • sports injuries ALSO PROVIDE: Diabetic foot care and education Prescribed custom orthotics Services covered by most extended health care policies No referrals are necessary Harwood Rehab 601 Harwood Avenue S. Suite 101, 905-426-6090 (in front of Ajax-Pickering Hospital) Email: alamdch@yahoo.com IF •TIME •QUALITY •GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #2) 686-4343 DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST HWY. 401 HWY. 2 WESTNEY RD.HARWOOD AVE.WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES Every year thousands of men face a dilemma. Their blood tests for prostate cancer (PSA) suggest a malignancy. Subsequent biopsies prove cancer is indeed present. But today the wisdom of Solomon is re- quired to know what to do about it. Particularly when the first question they and their wives ask is, “Will the treatment result in impotence?” Dr. Gary Onik is a radiologist and Director of the Centre for Surgical Advancement in Celebration, Fla. He recently reported that freezing the prostate gland (cryosurgery) can save men from impotence, uri- nary incontinence and injury to bowel. Cryosurgery kills the malignancy by freezing only part of the gland, but spares the nerves responsible for an erection. The procedure involves inserting two to five probes about the diame- ter of a piece of spaghetti directly into the gland. Argon gas then cools the probes which freezes the cancer tissue for several minutes. The ma- lignant area is then allowed to thaw, frozen again and allowed to thaw. Dr. Onik reports that, so far, no patients have developed urinary in- continence, diarrhea or bowel com- plications. Nor has there been a re- currence of the cancer after three years. One man may be eligible for the Guinness Book of Records, however. The patient claims he had normal sex five days following the proce- dure! Dr. Onik reports another benefit of cryosurgery. It doesn’t launch a missile-like attack on the prostate gland that completely destroys it. Often, such treatment causes impo- tence and other complications. Moreover, since it’s not an all-or- nothing assault, it’s still possible to use cryosurgery again at a later date if a suspicion of recurrence occurs. Patients treated with radical surgery don’t have the option of re- peated therapy. Nor do patients who are given the full dose of X-rays. Tissue can only stand so much radiation. Currently, men with prostate can- cer have two basic choices. Some de- cide on “watchful waiting”, hoping the repeat PSA test will show the malignancy is not progressing. This approach requires stoicism as it ap- pears to be totally contradictory to everything patients have been taught about cancer, that the soon- er a cancer is treated the better the chance of survival. But some cases of prostate cancer are akin to getting grey hair. Autopsy studies show that by age 70 about 50 per cent of males have areas of microscopic cancer in the prostate gland! Since the malignancy grows slowly patients usually die of something else long before it causes trouble. It’s for this reason that one of the world’s most famous urolo- gists used to stress that “getting older is invariably fatal, cancer of the prostate only sometimes.” Some patients, however, can- not sleep knowing cancer is pre- sent and want immediate treat- ment. Some elect to have surgery or radiation. One radia- tion technique, called brachytherapy, inserts radioac- tive needles into the gland to de- stroy cancerous tissue. So what prompted these let- ters? It wasn’t what you might suspect, impotence. Rather, it was urinary incontinence or that the quality of their lives had been totally destroyed by having to wear diapers. They complain if this problem had been thor- oughly discussed with them prior to the surgery, they would have refused the operation. My advice is to always get a second opinion and think care- fully about where and from whom you receive treatment. Remember the data published about urinary incontinence usu- ally applies to the top urologists. For surgeons with less experi- ence, there’s a greater chance of patients spending retirement years in diapers, not quite “the golden years” we all anticipate. Toronto physician Dr. Gif- ford-Jones has offered medical advice and opinions for decades in his syndicated column. His prowess may enter the Guinness Book of Records GGiiffffoorrdd JJoonneess TT hh ee dd oo cc tt oo rr ’’ss gg aa mm ee www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 11 A/P A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Selection will vary by store. Savings are off our regular prices, unless otherwise specified. Every day value-priced, just-reduced items, designer value items, power buys, special buys & licensed departments are excluded. more than you came for #1 Jockey Event on now save 25% all women’s, men’s & kids’ Jockey fashions2daysale Tuesday, September 2nd to Wednesday, September 3rd MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR HOME CLEARANCE SAVE AN EXTRA 10%end-of-line and discontinued floor sample mattress sets already-reduced by 60% Women’s SPECIAL BUY $999 & $1999 Nancy Ganz assorted shapewear save 25% • women’s ToGo™and Mantles™ fall fashions. Includes petites & Above Average. • women’s selected fashions by Alia, Alia Sport and Nygård Collection. Includes petites & Above Average. • women’s selected designer fashions.Includes petites. Men’s & Kids’ save $30 all cribs save 40% all men’s Arrow Kent dress shirts and Zylos ties save 40% • all men’s Natural Issue casual shirts and knit tops • kid’s fashions by ToGo™ and Rerun. save 30% • all men’s Nautica suits & sportcoats • men’s fashions by Nike, Reebok, ToGo™, Adidas and Wayne Gretzky. • young men’s and junior women’s fashions & denim by Tommy Jeans, CK Jeans, Polo Jeans, Hot Kiss, Buffalo Jeans, Soho and more. Jewellery, Shoes & Accessories save 50% 10 Kt. and 14 Kt. gold jewellery Excludes Principles and Charter Collection. save 50% luggage Excludes Eddie Bauer, Bay Value, Outline®and hard-side. save 30% Secret pantyhose and all women’s tights save 25%-30% women’s shoes Selected styles by Naturalizer, Rockport, Clarks, Hush Puppies and Aerosoles. save 25% • Cardinal and Bulova watches & Mantles™fashion jewellery • men’s dress, casual & athletic shoes and slippers by Florsheim FLS, Nunn Bush, Hush Puppies, Wolverine, Sperry and selected styles by Rockport, Ecco and Clarks. Home save up to $100 Beaumark®freezers save 60% ToGo™Essentials towels save 40%-50% pillows, duvets and mattress pads by Togo™, Wamsutta, Laura Ashley, Healthy Living, Royal Velvet and Ralph Lauren save 40% • crystal stemware Excludes Waterford. • all metal frames Excludes Market Square®. save 25% • blankets Includes Hbc blankets and throws. save 25% • ToGo™dinnerware Includes open stock and boxed sets. • curios & entertainment units • shower curtains, bath accessories and ToGo™ Essentials bathmats save 15% all Henckels & Good Grips gadgets. Excludes Bay Value. save the GST all flat -screen TV’s 14" to 36". Receive a discount equal to the GST. $499-$2499 women’s, men’s and kids’ shorts, capris & T-shirts $499-$3999 women’s, men’s and kids’ swimwear $1499-$4999 men’s designer knit tops & shorts save up to 60% on clearance storewide SAVE AN EXTRA 30%Off our last ticketed prices. clearance-priced women’s designer fashions by Liz Claiborne, Tommy Hilfiger, Jones New York and more and intimate apparel and accessories already-reduced by up to 40% [SeniorsDay 60+save 15%Tuesday only on merchandise throughout the store*]* Merchandise includes advertised offers, candy & stationery. Off our regular, sale & clearance prices. Seniors’ discount not applicable on “power buys”, “special buys”, furniture, mattresses, electronics, cosmetics, fragrances and major appliances. Excludes Godiva & licensed departments. Some exceptions may apply. See in-store for details. save 30% men’s Dockers casual pants and tops save 50% all cookware sets plus matching open stock from Lagostina, Cuisinart, KitchenAid, Anolon, Circulon & T-Fal. Excludes Bay Value. save 25% all women’s and men’s walking shoes by Etonic, Ryka, Reebok & Nike. SPECIAL BUY $799 Sealyrest Canada’s Choice pocket pillow-top mattress sets EARN UP TO 50% MORE POINTS* WHEN YOU USE YOUR HBC CREDIT CARD AND HBC REWARDS CARD TOGETHER *Some exceptions apply. See in-store for details. Men are for Mars, and women are too Everyone enjoy the chance to get close look at red planet BByy AAlleexxiiss SScciiuukk Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM — Romy Scott has never in her young life seen anything like it before. As the six-year-old steps away from the telescope her eyes light up and she begins to dance around. “It is so cool,” she yells to her mother Lynda who, on the van ride over, had told her all about the plan- et. After looking through the tele- scope herself, Mrs. Scott seconds her daughter’s opinion. “It is amazing it comes in so clear, it’s beautiful,” she said. The Scott family members were just a few of the hundreds down at Lakeview Park Wednesday night trying to catch a glimpse of Mars. For the first time in approximate- ly 60,000 years, Earth and Mars are at their closest point, 35 million miles apart. Astronomers have estimated the next time the two will be this close is in 2287. Mike Cook was one of the many members of the Durham Region As- tronomical Association to set up telescopes at the park for people to view the night sky. “It is just a hobby, it’s a passion, it is just wonderful to see nature at its grandest scale and it is just amazing to see it this way and that is what is keeping me involved,” said Mr. Cook. Ten members of the club brought their own telescopes down for use, some measuring 18 inches in diam- eter. “Half of me is personally enjoying this and the other half is enjoying sharing it with others. I really get a kick out of doing this,” said Mr. Cook. “With all the media hype we thought we would come down to Lakeview and share this with the public and make sure they get a good view of Mars because it is a once-in-a-life time event,” he said. The club has been down at the lake all week, some nights staying as late as 2 a.m. “This has been our busiest night so far. I think we are going to have 500 to a thousand people here tonight,” said Mr. Cook. “Many people are just amazed. They look and then ask questions.” For more information about Mars, visit the Durham Region As- tronomical Association’s Web site at www.drastronomy.com. Red Cross delivers the goods BByy AAlleexxiiss SScciiuukk Staff Writer DDUURRHHAAMM — For many students, back-to-school shopping is the best part of the year. Yet thousands of Durham children normally wouldn’t have the pleasure of sweeping the store aisles for their favourite binder or coloured pen because they don’t have enough money. However, the Canadian Red Cross is changing all of that with its back-to-school back- pack program. The program provides disadvantaged school- aged children across Durham with a backpack filled with school supplies. Local businesses, commu- nity leaders, service groups, the public and schools are partners in the venture, providing the nec- essary school supplies. “We feel that back-to- school is an important time for children and we want to help the communi- ty out,” said Eric Belbin, store manager at Office Depot in Whitby, which has donated 120 bags filled with school supplies. “Talking to schools and the Red Cross we realized that there are a lot of needy kids. They told us that they get all kinds of things at Christmas time and Thanksgiving like food, but education and back to school is a huge thing that people don’t think about.” Initiated in 2000 by the United Way, the program received 150 requests for backpacks in its first year. That number has in- creased to 4,500 this fall. “We work with the school board and they have iden- tified children that are in need,” said Heather Boyd, community services co-or- dinator for the Canadian Red Cross. “They know the children and a particular school that is having some problems.” All of the elementary and high schools within Durham have been con- tacted and asked to submit the number of children in need of supplies. Ms. Boyd said parents are doing their best to help their children, but have to prioritize when it comes to money. “There are a lot of fami- lies that are trying to care for their children, but it is hard to come up with a couple hundred dollars at the beginning of the school year for new shoes and school supplies. It is very expensive,” she said. “We look at this program as a way of giving them a little bit of break.” The program has gar- nered positive results and left many children in tears of joy, she added. “Part of what the Red Cross does is provide peo- ple with dignity,” said Ms. Boyd. “In most cases peo- ple won’t know who the kids are; they are not visi- bly noticeable. The pro- gram is so successful be- cause everyone is so happy.” The Red Cross has al- ready put together 141 bags with more on the way. “The goal is to fill 100 per cent of the requests for this year,” said Ms. Boyd. “Even a box of crayons here and a ruler there adds up.” Fo r more information about the program or to donate, call 905-723-2933 or fax 905-723-9023. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 13 A/P Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. •Great Door Prizes •Refreshments & hors d’oeuvers compliments of Bunnys Catering Find out how your business can be involved in the fall wedding event of the year. Pa r ticipate in the bridal and evening wear fashion show! Special Show Supplement Sunday September 14, 2003 Sunday September 21, 2003 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm Booth Space Available. Call today to reserve your spot. Sponsored bySponsored by Fall We d ding Show 2003 Fall We d ding Show 2003 Fashion Show 3:00 pm Fashion Show 3:00 pm For Exhibitor Information Call (905)683-5110Ext. 230 Tickets available at: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, Galbraith Jewellers, Tu x edo Royale, The Bay, Herbal Magic Pickering, Medoro’s Hair Design or at the show Tickets: 2 for $10 or $6 each Tickets: 2 for $10 or $6 each We Specialize in After Five& Mother Of The Bride We’re closer than you think! Less than 5 minutes •401 W. (from Whites Rd.) •Exit Kingston Rd. Right at 1st exit (Lawson Rd.) At Lights turn left to Felicia’s 374 Old Kingston Rd. West Highland Creek New Collection 416-281-9966 Call us for information New Store Durham kids get packing for school Jenn Merlin and Angela Lemieux from the Red Cross Youth Council check out two of the 4,497 backpacks for students in Durham Region. Office Depot store manager Eric Belbin lends a hand. Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser photo scored by tight end Shayne Pinnock on a 12-yard pass from Lim. Through- out the contest the Dolphins' defence dominated with bone-jarring tackles and excellent pass coverage. Special teams' players Tristan Ming and Phillip Roy were consistently down- field on kick-offs tackling their oppo- nents deep in their zone. Fullback Andrew Quintenton played a solid game, opening holes for Goodridge and Ming to run through. The offen- sive line was dominant, allowing Priestman and Lim the time to exe- cute the Dolphins' pass plays. The Dolphins host perennial rivals, the Burlington Stampeders, in the COMFL home opener on Monday, Sept. 1 at Kinsmen Park in Pickering. The tyke game is at 9:30 a.m., followed by the atoms at 11:30 a.m. and the peewees at 1:30 p.m. Ti-cats tamed in season opener DDUURRHHAAMM —— The Ajax-Picker- ing Dolphins Football Club got the season off to a roaring start by taming the Clarington Tiger-Cats in Bowmanville Sunday. The tykes silenced the 'Cats 27-0, while the atoms also rolled past Clarington 61-0. The peewees finished the opening day of Central On- tario Minor Football League (COMFL) action with a deci- sive 48-9 victory to make it a clean sweep for the Dolphins. In the tyke contest, the Dol- phins scored early and often en route to the victory, boost- ing their record to 2-0 after a 51-0 blowout over the York- Simcoe Young Bucs last week. Running back Richard Quin- tenton and fullback Cole Tudor opened the scoring in the second quarter with back- to-back touchdowns against Clarington. Denver Wright added a conversion. The Dolphins' tykes picked up the attack in the second half, with Tudor scoring his second major of the game in the fourth quarter. Running back Dillon Campbell added some insurance with another fourth-quarter touchdown. Quintenton, playing quarter- back, threw to tight end Ash- ton Rochester for a two-point convert. The defensive stars of the game were lineman Jordan Ali and his brother safety Kyle Ali. On offence, the stars were g uard Nathan Cheung and tight end Darell Gonzales. Meanwhile, in the atom con- test, the Dolphins posted their second consecutive win of the season with a strong effort against Clarington. Quarterback Tosh Miller Francis ran the offence effec- tively, scoring a touchdown. Kyle Goffe had three major scores and added three extra points; Myles Daly con- tributed two rushing touch- downs. Tight end Josh Smith scored his first touchdown of the season off a 30-yard pass from Miller Francis. Tight end David Hassell scored his first touchdown on a pass from Miller Francis. Tyler Grayer completed the scoring with a 15-yard touchdown pass from quarterback Jesse Kelly, in re- lief of Miller Francis. Offensive game stars includ- ed David Wilson and Lex Scot- land who had several recep- tions apiece. Giancarlo Amen- ta took over kicking duties in the second half. Defensive linemen Peter Iyamu, Florian Schlosser, Jamel Watson and Matt Blum all supplied stellar outings. Alan Forsythe had his second interception of the season and was in on several tackles. Jonathan Dube, Alyx McMil- lan and Alex Green also added interceptions. Pat Charron, Adrian Williamson, Kyle Whe- lan, Darnell Brown and Andre Shand all contributed top- notch performances. In the peewee contest, the Dolphins improved their record to 2-0, opening up a 24-0 first-quarter lead en route to the lopsided victory over Clarington. The Dolphins scored on their first possession when quarterback David Priestman hooked up with wide receiver Cecil Cher- rie on a 50-yard touchdown pass. Dolphins' defensive tack- le Kevin Campbell broke through the Tiger Cat offen- sive line and blocked a punt, recovered by cornerback David McIlravey for a touch- down and a quick 16-0 lead. On the Dolphins' next offensive possession, Priestman hooked up with wide receiver Travis Thomas for a 40-yard touch- down pass and the rout was on. Place-kicker Alexander Ko had another successful day as he converted 5-of-6 extra points. He also connected for 22-yard field goal in the second quarter. The onslaught continued in the third quarter as running back Jermayne Goodridge scored on a 15-yard run. Rook- ie quarterback Andrew Lim scored on a three-yard run late in the quarter. The final touchdown was A dolphin treat... SSppoorrttss SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2003 ✦ News Advertiser ✦ AL RIVETT, SPORTS EDITOR 905-683-5110 EXT. 250 A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com •over 35 and new over 50 division •Sept. 28 through April 2004 •45 games plus playoffs, one hour 15 minutes each! •2 games per week, Sunday & Wed nights •call Bob Bentley 905 683-5481 or •Wayne Cassidy 905 619-1270 •Visit www.pickeringoldtimers.com PICKERING OLDTIMERS HOCKEY accepting new players now!!! Who are you running for? Walk or Run, 5k or 1k on Sunday,October 5, 2003 creating a future without breast cancer www.cbcf.org 10am, Memorial Park Oshawa NEW SITE Thank You. To the citizens, businesses and institutions of Durham Region. Thank you for conserving. Thank you for helping your neighbors Thank you for your patience, cooperation and community spirit. Constituency Office: 1550 Kingston Rd. Suite 213 Pickering, ON L1V 1C3 Tel: (905) 420-0829 or 1-800-669-4788 Web Site: www.janeteckermpp.com E-mail: janet_ecker@ontla.ola.org Janet Ecker, MPP Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge Constituency Office: 170 Athol Street E. Oshawa ON L1H 1K1 Tel: (905) 723-2411 Web Site: www.oshawampp.com E-mail: jerry_ouellette@ontla.ola.org Jerry Ouellette, MPP Oshawa Constituency Office: 75 King Street E. Bowmanville ON L1C 1N4 Tel: (905) 697-1501 or 1-800-661-2433 Web Site: www.johnotoolempp.com E-mail: john_otoole@ontla.ola.org John O’Toole, MPP Durham Ron Pietroniro/News Advertiser Photo Above, Dophin quarterback (#5) Richard Quittenton gets sacked by Clarington’s #80 Delon Hubbard near the end of the fourth quarter al- though Ajax won the game 27-0. Please recycle this paper Local hockey schedule set for OHA tourney DDUURRHHAAMM —— The schedule has been set for local junior hockey teams competing at the OHA Ontario Provincial Junior 'A' Hockey League's annual start-of-the-season tournament in Mississauga Sept. 19 to 21. The 2003-04 College Week- end slate of games allows players exposure to Ontario Hockey League, and Canadi- an and U.S. university scouts who are in the stands rou- tinely during the weekend. Each team in the league plays once during the three- day event. The Ajax Axemen will suit up against the Western Con- ference's Burlington Cougars at the Erin Mills Twin Rinks pad 1 at 9:15 a.m. on Satur- day, Sept. 20. Meanwhile, the Pickering Boyer Pontiac Panthers are in action against the Eastern Conference's Bancroft Hawks also on Sept. 20 on rink 1. That game time is scheduled for 2:45 p.m. www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 15 P Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? BE INFORMED! Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS BOOKED THIS MONTH! HUGE RENOVATION SHOWROOM KITCHEN & BATHROOM MODELS 1-888-BAT H -REN O 416-285-6798 FREE in Home Estimates FOR KITCHEN & BATH R OOM RENOVAT I ONS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON (905) 579-2222 1-888-576-8575 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors Picture Windows Bay & Bow Windows Patio Doors • Casement Windows MOBILE SHOWROOM SecurPlus THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP Inc. 695 Finley Ave., Unit 1 & 2, Tel. 905-683-1112 Proud to serve you SAVE $10 Power steering flush regular price. Check for details. “BEST AVAILABLE RATES” “PRIVATE FUNDS AVAIL ABLE” Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty For FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL 905-666-4986 From 4.85% for 5 years. 1st & 2nd Mortgages to 100% Condos Rental Properties Advertising Feature PICKERING FOCUS ON BUSINES S To advertise in this feature please call INSIDE SALES at 905-683-0707 Junior A on the way Career Training500 CLASS A, D, AND Z Endorse- ment training at Durham Col- lege Whitby. Job opportunities for graduates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905- 721-3340. Careers505 LEARN MASSAGE Special: Reflexology Sept 20, 21; Seated Chair Massage Sept 27, 28. $400-ea. Approved by Training Colleges & Universi- ties. learnmassage.ca 905- 809-5926 General Help510 A MARKET RESEARCH CO.is looking for people to partici- pate in Market Research Studies. You are paid for your time and opinion. Please call 1-800-827-0676 ext 3050 A LEADING WINDOW manu- facturer is now hiring sales associates for our new Dur- ham region office. Looking for a self-driven individual to ex- cel in a people-oriented busi- ness. Previous sales experi- ence and vehicle are required. Must be enthusiastic, pre- sentable with excellent com- munication and organizational skills. This is an opportunity for individuals to earn sub- stantial income in a friendly, stable and profitable work environment. Please send your resume by fax to 416- 661-2515 or call our head of- fice at 1-877-479-3876 ATT. RECESSION-PROOF Business! Work from home on your computer $25-75/HR. PT/ FT Call 1-888-688-4621 www.2securefreedom.com Adult Route Operators for home delivery of The Toronto Star in Whitby, Ajax, or Pickering. Earn up to $1100 per month part-time. Call 1-800-804-9663 noon-8p.m. CREW MANAGERS & CANVASSERS Wanted for Canada's #1 publisher. Guaranteed salary, great bonuses (905)426-4246 A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com E-Mail Address: classifieds@durhamregion.com Call: Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://www.durhamregion.comCLASSIFIEDSFIND IT FAST IN THE AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To Place Your Ad In Pickering Or Ajax Call: 905-683-0707 Ajax News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon.-Fri 8:00-5 p.m. Closed Saturday 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers CHEMICAL PRODUCTION OPERATOR Rohm and Haas Canada Inc., a Canadian subsidiary of a worldwide leader in the manufacturing of specialty chemical products, has an opening for a Chemical Production Operator at our manufac- turing facility located on the east side of Toronto. As a Chemical Production Operator, your responsibilities will include driving a forklift, manually handling materials, operating and monitoring process equipment, as well as performing other general processing duties. This position could lead to other responsibilities, including the operation of process control systems. The facility is a seven-day operation. Candidates must be willing to work a 12-hour rotating shift in a team environment, have excellent organizing and communication skills, and possess good computer skills. Preference will be given to those candidates with a minimum of five years of relevant experience in the chemical industry, or a community college diploma in Chemical Technology (or equivalent). Rohm and Haas Canada Inc. is an equal opportunity employer that offers an excellent wage and benefits package. Please mail (no faxes or phone calls) your resume to:Ms. T. Newall, Human Resources. We thank all candidates who apply, however, only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted. INC. 2 MANSE ROAD • WEST HILL, ONTARIO M1E 3T9 School of Business Other Classes Starting Now: Accounting & Payroll Admin Business Administration Travel & Tourism Network Administrator Personal Support Worker Medical Office Assistant Exec. Office Assistant Legal Admin. Assistant Begin your new career in ESTHETICS and SALON OPERATIONS with a diploma from THE TORONTO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Manicures/Pedicures • Facials • Make-up • Aromatherapy • Client Consultation • Salon Operations/Computers • Skin Treatments • Hair Removal/Waxing • Body Treatments • Body Massage/Reflexology • Professional Skills/Job search Training includes: Call for class information. Seats are limited! Helping You Build a Better Life Financial assistance may be available to qualified candidates. Pickering Campus 1450 Kingston Rd. Pickering (905) 420-1344 Manufacturing company with 150 employees in Pickering-Ajax area has an opening for: HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGER Responsibilities include: • Administering and ensuring compliance with all legislated and company H&S regs. • W.S.I.B. claims management • Develop, maintain and communicate all corporate H&S programs/policies • Maintain ongoing contact with company branches, JH&SC, plant supervisors, and company management providing support and counsel in all H&S areas. Qualifications • W.S.I.B. knowledge in practical loss management • Working experience/knowledge of OHSA, Reg 851, WHMIS and all other pertinent legislation • Post-secondary education in Health and Safety or related discipline an asset Salary commiserate with experience Please reply to: P.O. Box 164 Pickering, Ontario L1V 2R4 Only candidates selected for interview will be contacted • Legal Administrative Assistant • Law Clerk • Medical Office Assistant • Esthetics and Salon Operations • Personal Support Worker (PSW) LEGAL ADMINISTRATION HEALTH CARE • Network Administrator (MCSA) Would you like an exciting career as a POLICE OFFICER Take the Police Foundations Training course with the only specialized College in Ontario exclusively dedicated to Police studies. Get the most effective and shortest possible training with the best instructors. 1-866-5-POLICE Celebrating our 20th successful year. Website: www.policefoundations-cbc.com Proud members of the Ont. Association of Chiefs of Police 375 Finley Ave., Ajax, Ontario Police Foundations Department Of Diamond Institute Of Business NOW IN AJAX Corrections, Customs, Court Officers A-Z/D-Z DRIVERS Albion Hills Industries Ltd. a Whitby, Ontario based carrier is hiring A/Z & D/ Z Highway Driver. Must have 1 yr mini- mum U.S. Border crossing experience and a clean abstract. We Offer: • Late Model Equipment • Satellite Dispatch • Competitive Pay Package • Benefit Package • Weekly Pay-Direct Deposit • No NYC • Home Every Weekend For More Information Please call Bryan -- 905-665-6752 e-mail: albionhills@on.aibn.com 509 Drivers 509 Drivers 510 General Help 510 General Help Busy Chrysler dealership requires PART - TIME SHUTTLE DRIVER Excellent for retired person Fax resumes to: (905) 683-5738 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. CORRUGATED PACKING PLANT - AJAX Requires people for HAND ASSEMBLY WORK Days or afternoon. Reply to: File #934 Oshawa/Whitby This Week P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario LlH 7L5 EXPERIENCED DOOR TO DOOR REPRESENTATIVES Needed, no sales $1, 000 plus per week Call Derek at (905) 424-2594 Multinational electronics provider expanding. 7 POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Sales, customer service, installation, telemarketing and promotions. Earnings $l,500 to $3,000 monthly depending on position. Call for interview Sat., 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tues., 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 1-888-876-6420 NorthSheds Rustic Pine Garden Sheds 8’x8’for $1,495., includes delivery, on site installation, solid pine walls, floor & roof, door, 2 windows with boxes, choice of stain & shingle colour. All sizes up to 12’x16’ Call Brad at 905-473-9759 www.northsheds.ca 510 General Help 510 General Help MANAGER TRAINEES CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS CAR ATTENDANTS Discount Car and Truck Rentals Requires reliable and enthusiastic F/T + P/T people for our Durham Region locations. You must have valid G drivers license . Customer service experience preferred. GREAT GROWTH POTENTIAL! Please drop off Resume to: 101 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ont. L1G 4S4 FAX: (905) 432-2253 E-mail: mwaldenl@discountcar.com PART TIME EVENINGS Telemarketing and Canvassing $10-$15/hr. Earn extra income. Call 905-686-9842 ext.305 After 4p.m. Call 905-686–2445 Ext. 305 PART TIME OPPORTUNITY. Market Research company requires immediately part time staff to conduct price checks and mystery shops in Pickering. Flexible scheduling. Retail experience an asset. Website: www.proforma1977.com. Please email resume to: employment@proforma1977.com or fax to: (800) 218-0011 Wal-Mart Canada Corp. 1899 Brock Rd., Pickering Seasonal Overnight Stocker positions available 11 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Open availabilities Sat. through Fri. Applicants and resumes accepted at the Layaway Desk. 510 General Help AZ FLOAT DRIVER required for Ajax based company. Must have excellent knowl- edge of GTA. Min. 2yrs ex- perience. 40+hours per week, benefits package and uni- forms supplied. $16-$18/hr. Fax resume to: 905-686-8546 BEAUTIFUL SALON and Spa seeking Registered Massage Therapist and Experienced Hair Stylist to either rent chair or be part of our team. 905- 728-0435. FULL-TIME GENERAL HELP for custom sheet metal com- pany. $11/hr to start. Drop off resume to: 6 Barr Rd., Ajax. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Be part of the Trillion $ Indus- try. The position involves In- ternet Marketing. FREE infor- mation package at: www.joiningsuccess.com or call 416-631-8963. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS- Board of Directors. The Sun- rise Youth Group for the De- velopmentally Handicapped is seeking interested individuals from the community to join its Board of Directors. To be eli- gible, candidates must be at least 18 years of age, have time to attend monthly (even- ing) Board meetings, be will- ing to lead/participate in fun- draising events, have demon- strated ability to work effec- tively with others, and share the Sunrise values. For further information, visitation our website: www.syg.ca Suc- cessful candidates must be available to attend the organi- zation's Annual General Meet- ing on September 11, 2003. Interested candidates are in- vited to submit a short bio de- scribing relevant experience and qualifications to the Nom- inating Committee by fax: (905)666-1577 or by email: peter@impactperformance.ca (in MS Word format). Dead- line is 4:00 pm Tuesday, Sep- tember 2, 2003. CASHIER SALES HELP wee- kend work, cash register ex- perience, until end of October. Fax (905)666–0915 or email jerrycran@hotmail.com CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER,Personal Training Centre in Brooklin is looking for a certified personal trainer. Must have up to date qualifi- cations and be willing to work mornings. Please email re- sume to actionptc@rog- ers.com or call 905-655–5226 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. required for printing company, no experience required, but computer literacy a must. Fax resume to (905) 831-3977 DO YOU WANT EXCITEMENT in your career? We are look- ing for 12 new energetic per- sonalities to take part in a new career! If you like loud music and meeting new people call now for interview! 18+, F/T. No experience necessary. Ask for Lisa @(905) 576-5523. DRYWALLERS AND FRAM- ERS needed for the Durham Region. Must have experience and own vehicle. Telephone (905) 438–0856 EXPERIENCED Breakfast P/T Cook and weekend Wait Staff. Apply in person Tuesday - Friday 527 Westney Rd South or call 905-428–0903 EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLIST needed for specialized child- ren's hair salon. If you are up- beat and would like to work in a friendly team environment please call 905-426-6047 to set up interview. EXPERIENCED waitress/wait- er, for busy adult entertain- ment club in Bowmanville, fax resume to (905) 623-0918. FACTORY WORKERS required for Pickering plant. 3 shifts available. No exp. needed. Contact MPS 416-483-0611. FRESH AIR,exercise and more. Suitable for students Call for a carrier route in your area today. 905-683–5117. FINANCIAL SERVICES Com- pany looking for highly moti- vated, career minded people. Do you have experience in Sales/Marketing. Been down- sized from Insurance Compa- nies, or worked in Financial Institutions? This would be an asset not a requirement, full training to successful candi- dates. Call Peter Hones 905- 626-1094. FUN* REWARDING CURVES® is accepting resumes for a Manager Trainee. Apply if you're ener- getic, self-motivated, organ- ized and love to work with people. Flexibility a must. Training and certification provided but experience in sales or fitness a plus. Fax, drop off or email resume, 905-509-5578: 300 Kingston Rd., Unit 18, Pickering, pickeringcurves@pathcom.com Perfect opportunity for someone returning to the work force. GAS BAR ATTENDANT re- quired immediatley for busy full-serve. Hrs 6am-2pm, part or full-time. Monday-Friday. Cash experience. Apply within and ask for Manager, Cango Gas Station, 49 Winchester Rd., Brooklin (west of Hwy #12) INSURANCE REPRESENTA- TIVES - Progressive In- surance Brokerage in Oshawa seeks experienced, enthu- siastic team players. Suc- cessful candidate must have experience in sales/servicing of Personal and/or Commer- cial Lines Insurance. Excellent computer skills, incl. signas- sure, Office an asset. must be a self-starter and have good communications and prob- lem-solving skills. Please for- ward your resume in con- fidence to: Roughley In- surance Brokers Ltd., Attn: Rose Anne Shaw, 1000 Sim- coe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario. L1G 4W4. No faxes please - We thank all interested ap- plicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. JUMBO BURGER seeking Experienced Only Cooks and Wait Staff. Call for appt. 905- 839–3277 KITCHEN COOK REQUIRED for private school in Ajax. Food preparation, serving, cleanup, shopping. Approx. 10 a.m. - 2 :15 p.m. Must be reli- able and motivated. Drop off/ mail resume to: 250 Bayly St. W., Unit 17, Ajax. L1S 3V4, (905) 428–3122 EXPERIENCED KITCHEN DE- SIGNER required part-time and full time for busy show room. Experience a must. Ap- ply to File #933 Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5. LABOURER, INTENSE Jack & sales ability helps. Must have license & vehicle. Call 9-2pm (905)426-0582 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Company is looking for skilled labour, Min. 3 yrs., also gen- eral labour, must have valid license. Durham area. Call 416-891-3365 Jim LICENSED MECHANIC for Chrysler dealership in Port Perry. Call Don Jr. 905-985- 7354. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL,$12 per hr. Must have experience with air tools such as: Air screw- drivers, air drills. Safety steel- toed boots and 6 months ex- perience, Pickering area. Please fax Christine, Staff Plus at (416) 495-0941 NEW RETAIL STORE opening in Ajax, now hiring full time posi- tions. Experience required. Fax resume to 416-545-1363 NICKELS RESTAURANT requires experience Cooks, Servers and Host/Hostess. Please fax resume to: (905)426-6869 or drop off in person to 95 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax. PART TIME DAY positions available for fast food restaurant in Ajax, experience preferred. Please fax or e-mail resume to 905-686-7906 quiznosjobs@hotmail.com PEOPLES TAXI - Taxi drivers & Dispatchers needed imme- diately for fast-growing com- pany. Male or female, part- time or full. 905-427–7770 PHOTOGRAPHERS Assistant. Part/Full time. Photography knowledge required. Available immediately. Resumes to fax: 905-623-5118. PRINT SHOP requires outgo- ing, multi task, Customer Service Representative. Please fax Resume to 905- 571-2126. BANQUET CHEF-semi retired preferred, for Saturdays, 15- 20 hrs. per week. Must be mature, organized, self suffi- cient and flexible. Call Cather- ine Wood 905-668-3136. TEACHERS OR TUTORS ex- perienced or qualified (or will train) needed for Whitby & Ajax. Elementary, Highschool or French. 416-503-0045 TELEPHONE SALES - no ex- perience necessary. Salary plus commission, plus bonus, full and part time available. Phone (905) 579–6222 THE TAP & TANKARD now Hiring Full-time Line and Prep Cooks. Experience required. Apply in person: 224 Brock St. S., Whitby, ask for Mike. TST EXPEDITED SERVICES- Straight Truck and Tractor Owner Operators required for New Business moving now! We offer: Guaranteed mileage rate, Paid permits, plates, in- surance and tolls, 100% Own- er Operator, No Up Front Sign On Costs, Fuel Cards Sup- plied, Over 20 years of reli- able service. Join an experi- enced winning environment. CALL US TODAY!!! 877-878- 9911 www.tst911.com A TransForce Company VANDERMEER NURSERY - Ajax. Has full-time positions available for Cashiers, Land- scape Labourers & Garden Centre/Greenhouse em- ployees. Successful candi- dates will be physically fit, self-motivated, friendly & customer service oriented. (905)427–2525. VAN BELLE FLOWERS re- quires a Professional Floral Designer (Part/Full-time). We require a team player to work in one of our locations in the Durham Region. Must be fa- miliar with all aspects of op- erating a retail store, and able to work in a high-paced envi- ronment. Should have retail experience and be familiar with designs from traditional to high style. Please drop off resumes to: Van Belle Flow- ers 1979 Hwy #2, Bowman- ville. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. WAITRESSES/WAITERS WANTED for busy sports bar. Drop resume off at 1474 Bayly St. Pickering upstairs, see Alison or Lisa. WANTED - CONSTRUCTION labourers, handy/service men/ women, various projects and locations. Call (905) 439- 0980. Warranty Claims Coordinator. We are looking for an individ- ual with experience in the pool industry and a customer service background. Must have the ability to resolve conflict diplomatically and maintain a balance between customer satisfaction while protecting company margins and image. Important “must have” skills include good organizational ability, excel- lent written and verbal com- munication and solid inter- personal skills. Reply to: l.bolton@triac.com WHITBY DOLPHINS SWIM CLUB,are seeking coaching staff with minimum level NCCP 1, and current bronze cross, salary negotiable. Fax resume to: (905) 436-1600 Deadline Sept. 10/03. THE WINCHESTER ARMS is seeking Full and Part-time Line Cooks for both Oshawa locations. Please send re- sume to: 1210 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. L1H 4M1, Attention Lisa Miller. No Phone Calls. Salon & Spa Help514 HAIR STYLISTS wanted for busy salon. ESTHETICIAN wanted to take over busy clientelle. Room available Octber 6th. Call 905-839-1700 ask for Angie. UPSCALE & TRENDY West Hill salon has 2 openings: Ex- perienced Hairstylist and Ex- perienced Receptionist, both full time positions. For appt. call Rosario 416-281-2504. XPRESSION The Salon is looking for an experienced re- ceptionist to work EVENINGS and WEEKENDS. Please drop off resume in person at 80 Thickson Rd. S. (A & P Plaza). Serious applicants only, not suitable for high school stud- ents, no phone calls please. Skilled & Technical Help515 EXPERIENCED PERSON needed in maintenance repair /building repair. Durham re- gion area, must be reliable. Own vehicle/tools an asset. Fax resume 905-623- 9408.(8am-8pm) Snow plow- ing expereince an asset. FIRST OR SECOND year auto mechanic or apprentice. Full- time, busy general repair shop in Ajax area. Domestic, imports, light trucks. Call (905)686–5512 ask for Andre SANDBLAST OPERATOR, re- quired for busy steel fabrica- tion shop. Previous sand- blasting experience required. Fax resume to (905) 831-1477. SHEET METAL roofing labour- er/installer, Hard worker, own transportation. Call 905-666– 8594 Office Help525 BOOKKEEPER REQUIRED P/ T, 20hrs/week with possibility of full-time. Whitby location. Sound working knowledge of Simply Accounting & Quick Books. Fax resume to: 905- 430-0970 stating salary ex- pectations. Position begins immediately. JUNIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT, Ajax, Mon-Fri 9-5pm. $250/wk net. email resume to: info@eiwilliams.com LOOKING FOR LICENSED real estate assistant, computer proficient, experience w/Top producer. Email resume attn: Johanna Rienstra Royal Le- Page, email: dbldutch@rog- ers.com PEARSON LANES HAIR Stu- dio requires Hairstylist & Hairstylist Apprentice. Also Manicurist required 3 days/ week. Call 905-430–2050 Sales Help & Agents530 AGGRESSIVE MAGAZINE SALES REP. required. Fax re- sume to: 905-837-8520. GREETING CARD COMPANY seeks P/T commissioned Sales Person to service exist- ing customers & develop new accts in Durham Region. Flexible hours, own car, im- mediate0. Fax resume: 905- 625-5995. LOCAL RESTAURANT equip- ment dealer seeking candi- dates for inside/outside sales positions. Potential candidates must have own reliable trans- portation and basic computer skills. Please fax resume to: 905-571-6571. REAL Estate Salesperson. Dynamic, innovative, fast growing Real Estate Company is looking for an aggressive, energetic sales representative to join our team (must have own car). All leads provided! Fax your resume to 905 737- 5703 (only qualified candi- dates will be contacted). RETAIL SALES STAFF for 2 flower shops, in Ajax & Pick- ering, to start immediately. Weekday shift 4-8pm, full days & wknds. Must be 18 or older and fluent in English. No floral experience necessary, will train. Fax resume to: 905- 839-3447. Grower Direct Fresh Cut Flowers. Hospital/Medical/ Dental535 2 DENTAL HYGIENISTS re- quired for maternity leave and Thursdays for orthodontic of- fice in Pickering. Experience preferred. Fax resume to 905- 837-2099. CDA REQUIRED IMMEDIATE- LY for busy Scarborough spe- cialty office. Experienced pre- ferred. (416)439–4766. DENTAL ASSISTANT required part-time for Pickering office. Experience preferred. Please fax resume to (905)509–4667 DENTAL ASSISTANT HARP certified, full time, permanent position, one evening and two Saturdays/month required. Pickering. Fax resume to Joan 905-831-7094. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST needed Experienced preferred. Some evenings and Satur- days. 905-571-2443. or Fax: 905-571-3172 PREVENTIVE DENTAL Assis- tant required for busy family and orthodontic office in Ux- bridge. Reply File# 930, Oshawa This Week, 865 Fare- well St. Oshawa Ont. L1H 7L5. LEVEL II DENTAL ASSISTANT with experience required for progressive family practice located in Scarborough. Full time. No weekends. (New Grads Welcome). Fax resume to: 416-261-8190 R.M.T. required for Chiro/ Massage Clinic in Courtice. Excellent Opportunity. In- cludes reception. Please fax resume to: (905)404-1526 RECEPTIONIST WANTED for a dental office 4 days a week. Experience required. An exu- berant outgoing person who loves people and wants to be part of a team. Oshawa loca- tion. Mail resume to: 14 Rit- son Rd. North Oshawa L1G 5P3 RN FOR MEDICAL office in Pickering. Tues. and Thurs. 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. Phone (905) 839–1134 or fax (905) 839- 5907 RPN - PART TIME for seniors residence. Please fax resume to : (905)509-0011. WE ARE GROWING AGAIN and looking for a part time Dental Receptionist to add to our team. If you are computer oriented and like being busy, call Lori-Anne at 905-665- 2353. X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST re- quired, Baywood X-ray & Ul- trasound, Ajax. Mornings only 8-12:30. Choice of 1, 2 or 3 mornings each week. Fre- quently additional hours avail. if required. Call 905-434-6889, 905-576-8249 Chris Ottesen or 905-428-0444 Kathy Rifkin. Hotel/Restaurant540 OSHAWA -Experienced Chef required for daily restaurant and banquet hall for golf course. Fax resume to: (905) 433-7996. Employment Wanted570 YOUR GRASS is always greener with Village Services. Residential & Commercial property maintenance. Grass cutting, tree & shrub pruning, planting gardens, sodding, or any other property main- tenance needs. For a free qu- ote, please call 905-985-2237 or 416-688-7400. Houses For Sale100 HAVE IT ALL!A beautiful 3 bedroom country setting home on 1.7 acres. Easy access to 401. 5483 County Road 10, Port Hope. Spacious, hard- wood floors, open concept, massive Cape Cod, garage 28x24 with loft. Inground pool with gazebo, jacuzzi tub. Ask- ing $299,000. Call 905-753- 2052. JEFFERY BUILT home, 563 Steerforth, Oshawa. 2220 sq.ft., 4 bdrm., 2-1/2 baths, family room/fireplace, fin- ished rec rooms, double ga- rage, landscaped. Private sale by original owners. $292,000. call 723–8426 for an appoint- ment. NORTH OSHAWA SEMI, $146,900 3-bedrooms, quiet court, pie-shaped lot, C/A. Needs work. Opportunity for Handyman or Investor. Call CAROL CHANTLER Sales rep- resentative for REMAX First for details (905)668–3800 177 HAZELWOOD DR/Whitby OPEN HOUSE 31, 1-5pm, $279,900. Phone 905-576- 8316 after 7-pm. View at www.privateexchange.com. No agents Townhouses For Sale105 COURTICE - end unit townhouse, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, air con, finished basement, very clean, $152,000. 905-404–8665 END TOWN FOR SALE.26 Creekwood, Whitby, corner lot, 3+1 bedrooms, 2.5 +1 bathroom, apprx. 1,650 sq. ft. finished basement, new floors through- out, new interlock walkway, a/c, gas fireplace, asking $205,000. To view please call Vince @ (905)706-4512. QUALITY INSPECTORS Required. Automotive experience preferred. Must have own transportation. Fax resume 905-665-9797 WIMPY'S DINER Pickering has immediate openings for experienced Cooks/Servers Resume to 1660 Kingston Rd. Unit #1 PART TIME Help required. Experience not nec- essary. Must be pleasant and work well with people. Apply in person DOLOMITI SHOES PICKERING TOWN CENTRE OFFICE CLEANING evenings/weekends Pickering to Bowmanville. Experienced couples/individuals preferred References required Must have vehicle. 905-666-9156 CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER TAKERS Up to $20.00 per hr. Training provided Managers also required Call Bri a n 905-435-0518 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non-insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. All copy is subject to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. AZ DRIVERS required for Scarborough location (Company drivers) 2 yrs exp. required Fax resume to: 416-292-9480 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 17 A/P Brake Press Operators– Must be capable of performing own set-up, first off approval and prefer experience running parts on Amada, Wysong and/or LVD 3, 4, 6 or 8 axis machines. NC Punch Operators –Previous experience with NC Punch, preferably Finn Power. Knowledge of computer programming with NC equipment is an asset. Ability to read blueprints and use of precision measuring equipment is a must. Welders –Should be qualified to weld aluminum, stainless and steel all positions. You must be able to read blueprints and weld in both Mig and Tig applications. Grind/Cleanup –Able to handle power grinding tools, remove weld excess and finish grind component parts. Hardware –Must be capable of performing own set-up, first off approval, prefer experience on Heager and Pem Equipment. Day shift, Afternoon shift and Weekend Day and Night shifts are available. If you have the above qualifications please apply in person, by fax or email resume to the address below, stating which position you are applying for: Sanmina Enclosure Systems, a market leader in the supply of electronic and environmentally controlled enclosures, requires individuals with “hands-on” experience and good working knowledge of all metal fabrication processes and techniques, coupled with strong communication skills and a desire to become a “team player”. Total Manufacturing Solutions Sanmina-SCI offers an attractive and complete compensation and benefits package,including a Deferred Profit Sharing Program, an Employee Stock Purchase Plan and ample opportunity for professional growth both within Canada and other international Sanmina-SCI Divisions. When you join Sanmina-SCI, you’ll find a workplace where people are empowered to perform. Explore the challenge — and experience the rewards. Send your resume in confidence, or apply in person to: Human Resources Department Sanmina Enclosure Systems Division 330 Progress Ave. Scarborough, Ontario M1S 3J1 Fax: (416) 335-0374 Email: Toronto.hr@sanmina-sci.com -SCI 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers 505 Careers COME JOIN A WINNING TEAM OF GREAT HAIRSTYLISTS Hair Fitness Inc. offers above competitive wages, incentive programs, advanced training, paid vacation and much more! If you are an experienced hairstylist and looking for a friendly bright atmosphere give us a call (905) 683-0290, 1-800-618-9684 416-571-836 7 Positions available in Ajax &Whitby 514 Salon & Spa Help 514 Salon & Spa Help Has immediate openings for: • Licensed Technicians Excellent working envi- ronment. Excellent pay plan plus dental and medical plan. Tremen- dous growth potential. Join one of Ontario's largest volume dealers. Call (905) 668-5100 or fax (905) 668-2753 Attention: John Orton 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help Estimator - Commercial Print Bindery Equipment Operator Folder / Stitcher / Cutter Maracle Press is an established yet dynamic full serv- ice commercial printer and book manufacturer utilizing web and sheetfed offset presses, digital print, in-house bindery finishing and state-of-the-art prepress systems including direct-to-plate. Due to business growth Maracle is seeking experienced and motivated candidates wishing to build a career within a progressive and team oriented environment. Send resume to: Bruce Fenton Maracle Press Limited 1156 King Street East, Box 606 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7N4 Fax: 905-428-6024 Busy Pickering Muffler Shop REQUIRES A MECHANIC Class A or Class E with own tools to start immediately. Must be experienced in exhaust, suspension and brakes. Call Lou at: Minute Muffler and Brake 905-420-1906 Tired of a Long Commute to Work? An Excellent Opportunity! LICENSED AUTOMOBILE TECHNICIAN WITH A/C EXP. TRANSMISSION TECHNICIAN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Chrysler experience a definite as- set. Two shifts available - 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. and 4 p.m. - midnight. You can earn up to $60,000 plus per yr. with benefits. Engine repairs, head gasket repairs, transmission re- pairs. Fax resume to: (905) 683-5738 Attn: Doreen 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help Apt./Condos For Sale110 BRIGHT AND SPACIOUS (1,200 sq. ft. ) 3 bedroom condo in prime Ajax location. (66 Falby Crt.) Very clean, near amenities $164,900. Ananta Ahmed Century 21 Leading Edge Realty Inc. (416) 298-6000 OSHAWA,2-bdrm condo, security, underground parking, a/c, quiet street, backs on conservation area, 4 appliances, freshly painted. $97,000 or rent-to-own. 905- 683–9732 Out-of-Town Properties120 MONTAGUE,PEI summer retreat or year round 2 storey home, 2 baths, large country kitchen, many renovations, large treed lot w/pri- vate back yard. Five minute walk to town marina. 15 minute drive to sandy beach at Pamure Is. 10min drive to 2 renowned 18 hole golf courses at Bredenell. $89,000 Phone (902)838-4532 weekdays after 6pm, anytime weekend. Pictures upon request. snc Property Outside Canada125 CARPETS, LAMINATEAND VINYL SALE. 3 rooms, 30sq. yds. for $319 Commercial carpet including premier underpad and installation. Laminate $1.69sq. ft. Click System. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Estimate. Mike 905-431-4040. Houses Wanted130 PRIVATE OLDER HOME,Durham area, handyman with cash for right property. Larger lot pre- ferred. Call (905)433-1962 Lots & Acreages135 P.E.I. TWO 10 ACRE lots on quiet paved country road. 7 acres clear, 3 wooded with brook running through wooded area. 10 min. to Panmule Island Beach, 15 min. form (2) 18 hole renowned golf courses at Burdenell. $49,000 each. Phone (902) 838-4532 weekdays after 6 p.m., anytime on weekends. snc Office & Business space150 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, Veltri Complex, Bowmanville. 68 King Street East. Office/Re- tail Rental Space. Parking & Wheelchair Accessible. 3 spaces available: 390-sq.ft to 790-sq.ft. & 2496-sq.ft. For more information call: 905- 623-4172 PICKERING VILLAGE,Free- standing with parking, zoned village commercial, suits al- most anything. Approx 1200sq.ft. Incredible oppor- tunity, first time offered! Con- tact Jack (416)277-4248 Business Opportunities160 BOARD SPORTS business for sale $25,000 or contents and fixtures $20,000. Call Denise 905-985-0074 days; 905-721- 9288 eve. ON SITE DIESEL REFUELING business, Scarborough terri- tory, DZ licence required, no experience necessary. Com- plete training package avail. $50,000 Peter 647-283-3835 Apts. & Flats For Rent170 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, in Whitby Apt. building, spa- cious, carpeted, newly paint- ed, with balcony, close to bus, shopping, all utilities included, first/last required, no pets, 1- bedroom $800 2-bedroom, $900. 3-bedroom $1,000 Call (905)767-2565. 1-BDRM BASEMENT,Picker- ing, Liverpool/Finch, 4 ap- pliances, cable, in great neighbourhood, parking, air, avail immediately $750/mo. No smoking/pets. 416-566- 8485 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT, separate entrance, high ceil- ings, close to shopping, 401, GM, bus stop. Parking, $585/ month (inclusive) first/last. Oct 1st. (416)264–7990 SOUTH AJAX, 2-BEDROOM basement apartment, freshly renovated, suit professional couple/single. No smoking, $900/month inclusive. Oct.1. First/last references. Call (905)686–6137 AJAX, WALKOUT BASEMENT apartment, 3pc bath, close to all amenities and 401, available imme- diately. Call (905)686–1476 2 BEDROOM basement apt. All inclusive, no smoking, no pets $950. Liverpool/Bayly. 2 km. to Go, 401, PTC. Available now. 905-831–5339 2 BEDROOM,located on golf course, avail. immediately, located north Pickering. 905- 649-2436. 2 LARGE BRIGHT 2 bedroom apartments in Courtice. Tile floor & dishwasher, parking for one car. No-pets. $900/ monthly+hydro. Call 905-438- 8883, 8-2 p.m. 2-BEDROOM in Whitby 3- plex, main floor, parking, laundry, all inclusive, avail- able Oct 1st. $975/month No pets/smoking. Call (905)983– 9082. AJAX (Westney/Delaney)- 1 bedroom main floor, fur- nished, all inclusive, parking. $525. per month first/last, avail. immediately. No smok- ing/pets. Female preferred. 416-737-9466. AJAX Large 2 bedroom avail. Sept./October in clean, quiet building. $1000/mth inclusive with parking and new ap- pliances. (905)426-1161 AJAX HARWOOD/HWY 2 Available Oct. 1st. Spacious one bedroom basement apart- ment. Cable, central air, utili- ties, 1-parking, side entrance. No smoking/pets, first/last, 905-683–7287. AJAX, WALKOUT,very bright 2-bdrm basement, laundry, fridge, stove. bus at door, near school, shopping. Non-smok- ing/pets. Parking, available immediately. First/last $800/ month inclusive. Peter Jones (905)619-9500 BEAUTIFUL 800sq ft,2-bed- room basement. Oshawa. Bright, large windows, newly renovated, new appliances, c/a, cable, parking, laundry. Nice neighbourhood. No pets/ smoking. $925 inclusive. First/last. 905-571–5457 PICKERING, BAYLY/WHITES Bright, spacious 2-bedroom basement, livingroom, kitchen w/dinette. bus at door, walk to schools/shopping. $850+40% utilities, no pets/smoking, avail. Oct. 1st. 905-420–4583 BROCK/HWY#2 Pickering basement apt., 3 rooms + kitchen, laundry and parking. Separate entrance. $850+, available Sept. 1st. Call 905- 619-8918 after 4pm PICKERING BROCK/MAJOR OAKS new professionally fin- ished large one-bedroom basement apt. All utilities. Available immediately. No pets/smoking. $775/month. Call 905-427-6508 BROOKDALE ARMS,large 2 bedroom apartment available Oct. lst. $875 monthly in- cludes heat, hydro, water, new fridge and stove, one parking space and balcony. On site super and laundry, lst/last re- quired. No dogs. (905) 728– 2969 or (905) 721-0831 CAMPBELLFORD - Trent Wa- terfront, brand new attached bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 950 sq. ft. unit, $1100/mo.+utilities, Nov. 1st occupancy. 850 sq. ft. units available at $124,900 GST incl. Murray MacLennan, Sales Rep., Royal LePage Proalliance Realty, 800-882- 5525; rm@rlepage.com CLEAN 1-BEDROOM $770/ month, utilities included. Sim- coe and Mill area, small quiet apartment building. Call for appointment (905)579-9890. AAA- OSHAWA HOSPITAL AREA, large clean main and 2nd floor, 2 bedroom, both in- clude laundry facilities, fridge, stove. $795 & $695 + utilities. parking. Call Pat, 905-263– 2228. AJAX - Furnished Bachelor apt, avail Sept.,.1, $600 all in- clusive, first & last, no smok- ing, no pets, 905-686–7320. HWY #2/HARWOOD, 2-bdrm bsmt, large, open concept, separate entrance, 1-parking, $950/month inclusive. Avail. immediately. No smoking/ pets. First & last. 905-619- 0618. LARGE 1-BEDROOM APT. 4pc bath, separate office. Close to 401 and amenities. Professional couple non- smoker/pets, parking. Self- contained yard w/deck $880/ month includes utilities/cable, Oct.1st. 905-697–8904. QUIET TENANTS WANTED for large legal 2-bdrm apt in North End, lower level raised bunga- low. No smoking/pets. $850/ month, First/last. Avail Oct 1st. (905)576–5909 NORTH OSHAWA,less than 2 kil from durham college, large one bedroom basement apartment, suitable for mature individual, $750 per mo. sep- arate entrance, no pets. avail- able Sept. 15th. (905) 242- 0593. LARGE TWO BEDROOM basement apartment for rent. Brand new. Brock/Hwy. 401, Pickering. Separate entrance. All inclusive, $875/month. Easy access to HWY./Walmart plaza. Avail. Oct. 1st. 905-686- 3420 after 6pm. LARGE 2 BEDROOM base- ment apt. at Westney/Sullivan. Seperate entrance, no pets/ smoking. Available Sept.1. $950/mth. 905-686–1458. LOOK NO FURTHER beautiful Courtice 2-bdrm. apartment, private country surroundings, mins. to town, laundry/storage in apt., $1100 all inclusive, call 905-435–2470. OSHAWA SIMCOE S., older apartment building. 1-bdrm apt $520, 2-bdrm $600 plus heat, hydro. First/last re- quired. Stephen (905)571- 3229 or 905-259-5796. OSHAWA 2-bedroom Park S. area. Clean quiet bldg. First, last, references required. No pets. Available Sept & Oct. (905)571-4576. OSHAWA 2-BEDROOM apart- ment, spacious, clean, avail- able September 1st. $925/ month includes all utilities, 1st 1/2 mo. free. Schools and bus nearby. No dogs. (905)427–8538 to view. OSHAWA 2-BEDROOM upper half of duplex. Parking for 1, $670 +hydro, first/last re- quired. Available immediately. No pets. Call (905)430–0249 OSHAWA, 1-BEDROOM Basement Apartment, utilities included $650/month. No pets/ smoking. First/last Available Sept.1st. Close to downtown, Laundry, 1-parking. 905-718- 8949 after 6pm. OSHAWA,2-BDRM. Lans- downe/Wilson. Newly reno- vated/carpet. Laundry, park- ing. No pets. $785+hydro. Credit check, first/last. 1-800- 527-2170 btwn 8:30am to 4:30pm OSHAWA,3-BDRM mainfloor of house, $1195/month; Also 3-bdrm brand new, never used, lower level apt. $1045; Also furnished 3-bdrm lower level apt. $1495. Avail im- mediately/.Oct 1 First/last, references. 905-436–9793 OSHAWA,4 bedroom very clean, main floor house, $950 includes utilities. No pets, near King & Ritson. call 905- 725–0067 or 905-922-4571. PARK/ELGIN - 2bedroom, up- stairs $750/mth+, downstairs $550/mth+ or hole house $1000/mth+. Available Imme- diately. RITSON/ADELAIDE. - 2bedroom $850/mth+, bachelor, $500/mth+. Oct.1. (416) 496–3986. madge_de- freitas@hotmail.com. PICKERING - 3-BDRM main floor, h/w floors, skylight, deck, 5 appliances, 2-park- ing, close to schools, Go/ shopping. $1200 + 1/2 utilities. Avail Sept. 1st. Call Michael - Days 905-427-4077 ext 24, Evenings/Weekends 905-442- 0020 PICKERING Altona and Shepherd. 1-bdrm basement apartment, private entrance, laundry, parking, immaculate. Quiet person, non-smoker, no pets. $775. (416)258-9804. PICKERING (Brock/Dellbrook) new specious 2-bedroom basement apt. Available im- mediately. No pets/smoking. $800/month + 1/3 utilities (ne- gotiable) Call 905-619-1037 PICKERING - LIVERPOOL RD. S.One bedroom basement, quiet executive home by the water. Shared entrance. Park- ing. Laundry, cable, no smoke/pets. $700 inclusive. (416) 937-4522 PICKERING 1-BEDROOM basement apartment. Brock/ Major Road. Private entrance cable & utilities include, $650. No pets/smoking. Available Sept 1st. Call 905-428–2895. PICKERING 1 bedroom base- ment apt, 4 appliances, A/C, sep entrance. Suit student or single person. $595/month 905-837-8090 or 905-839- 3069 PICKERING, WHITES RD/ Finch, 1-bedroom, living, eat- in kitchen, 4pc. bath, base- ment apartment, carpeted, separate entrance, non-smok- ing/pets. $740 includes utili- ties, avail. Sept 1st. 905-420- 6532. PICKERING,2-bdrm base- ment, separate entrance, parking, laundry, incl. Good for single, couple, no smoker, no pets. $750 per mo. Avail. Oct. 1st. (905)426–6365 PICKERING, BACHELOR basement, warm separate- entrance, non-smoker, Oct.1st. Incl. utilities, parking. Near shopping centre/transit, $700/mo. 1st/last. 905-420- 1945 after 7pm. weekdays; af- ter 10 a.m. weekends. PICKERING, Dixie/Finch. Brand new 2-bdrm bsmt, separate entrance, 1-parking, no smoking/pets. Avail. im- mediately, $825/month plus utilities, first/last. Call 905- 839–8527 btwn 7pm-10pm PICKERING - 1 large newly- renovated basement apt. $650 includes-cable/hydro/water. Share kitchen/entrance. Suit single. No-pets/smoking. 1- parking. Near Go, Sept. 1st. 90-837-7614 PICKERING, Large 2-bed- room basement apt, 1500Sq.ft. Separate entrance. $900/mth. inclusive. Avail. Oct 1st. No smoking/pets. First/Last. 647-229-2035. (leave message) or (905)686– 8783 PICKERING- MUST SEE!Spa- cious 1-bedroom apartment, absolutely no smoking or pets. Available Sept 1st. $950. Call (905)509–8887 PICKERINGclean 1-bedroom basement apt, fairly new, available Oct 1, $675 first/last sep entrance parking & cable included, no pets/smokers. Female preferred 905-686– 6654 REGENCY PLACE - 15 Regen- cy Cres., Whitby. 50+ Adult Lifestyle Apt. Complex. Clean quiet building, across from park. Close to downtown. Dai- ly activities incl. All utilities included. Call 905-430-7397. www.realstar.ca Open house - Sat. 9 - 3, Sun. 1 - 3. SIMCOE ST. N.,Oshawa, lux- ury 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, and luxury penthouse suite, air, 5 appliances, $1,360 plus parking, $l,470 plus parking, $1,925 plus parking. Call (905) 571–3760 SIMCOE/MILL OSHAWA, close to 401. Nice, quiet building near shopping, trans- portation. Utilities included. Sept 1-bdrm $729, & 2-bdrm $829, 905-436-7686 until 7:30pm. SOUTH AJAX, new side split, 1-bedroom, own entrance, laundry, deck, parking, bright spacious, very close to Lake, a must see. 905-427–7327 CENTRAL OSHAWA one bed- room for September $725 & three bedroom for October $950. Well maintained build- ing. Call Mon-Fri 9-5pm. 905- 723-0977 TESTA HEIGHTS -2 TESTA RD. UXBRIDGE One & two bedroom apts. available. Con- veniently located in Uxbridge in adult occupied building. Weekly tenant activities. Call 905-852-2534. www.reals- tar.ca Open House 12 - 4 Sat./ Sun. WENTWORTH/CEDAR,one bdrm bsmt, $395/month + 1/3 gas. Avail immediately. No pets. Call 905-720–4503 WHITBY UPPER DUPLEX, suitable for retired couple, spacious, clean, quiet, resi- dential, parking, backyard, laundry room, fridge/stove in- cluded. Adult lifestyle building No pets/smoking. Available Oct 1st. $900 all inclusive. 905-668–8967; 905-668-8667 WHITBY Large 1-bedroom basement apartment. 5 min. walk to GO. Parking, non- smoker. $750. first & last. Available Oct 1, 905-666- 4405. WHITBY - Rossland/Brock, 2 bedroom basement apart- ment, parking, pool, separate entrance, laundry, cable, hy- dro incl. Available immediate- ly. $950/first/last/references. 905-424–4111 WHITBY PLACE, 900 DUN- DAS ST. E.,One and two bed- room units available, park like setting, close to down- town, low rise bldg, laundry facilities, balcony, parking. 905-430–5420. www.reals- tar.ca WHITBY,1 BEDROOM, in well maintained building. 4 Sevens Realty Ltd. Broker. 905-668–7777. WHITBY,gorgeous 3-bdrm main floor unit, 2-parking, ac- cess to backyard, $1150 in- clusive, avail. immediately. Call Debbie 905-430-6229 AJAX, BY THE LAKE,one bedroom, bright basement apartment, walk in on ground level, (no stairs), fireplace, separate entrance, laundry and parking. Suitable for a professional, non smoking person. $795 includes cable. Call 686–8612 Furnished Apartments172 PICKERING large partially fur- nished bachelor, includes utilities, air, laundry, parking, 2 appliances. Suitable for single. Non smoker, no pets, available immediately. $725./ mo. 905-839–9985. Short Term Rentals174 PROFESSIONAL FAMILY seeking short term accom- modation in house/cottage/apt. for approx. 6 weeks starting Oct. 2nd. Parents with 2 small children and one well-ba- haved dog. (Due to closing date on new home). Refer- ences available. Prefer Port Perry Oshawa, Whitby, Ux- bridge area. Call 905-720– 1562. Condominiums For Rent180 2-BEDROOM CONDO adult lifestyle in Fenelon Falls. 6- appliances, no pets, referenc- es. $725 + Must see. (705) 887-2508 COLLINGWOOD, Cranberry, 3 bedroom, 3 baths, fireplace, fully equipped, ski season $6500. 905-294-6776. TWO BDRM CONDO in Cour- tice, ground floor, clean, quiet, no pets/smoking, f/p, storage, suit single or retired couple. Avail. Oct.1 $1100 monthly. 905-623–6205. WHITBY 1-BEDROOM suite in good building, appliances & parking. Suitable for individual or couple, no pets. $900 inclu- sive 905-430-8333 Houses For Rent185 A-ABA-DABA-DO, OWN YOUR OWN HOME! 6 months free! From $550/month OAC, up to $6,000 cash back to you, $30,000+ family income. Short of down payment? For spectacular results Great Rates. Call Ken Collis, Asso- ciate Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate (905)728- 9414, or 1-877-663-1054, kencollis@sympatico.ca 3-BEDROOM HOUSE,near shopping ,schools, 401, GM, bus stop. 1-1/2 baths. Laun- dry, parking, $985 plus utili- ties. First/last, Oct 1st. (416)264–7990 AJAX - 3 BEDROOM house, 2 storey w/basement, 2 car parking, appliances and laun- dry incl. $l,300 per month plus utilities. Credit check required. Available September Call(416) 833–5141 AJAX WESTNEY/HWY 2 large legal ground level walkout, appliances, parking, near GO. No pets/smoking. Avail Sept 1. $975. 416-709-8556 AN UNBEATABLE DEAL! 0 down, own your own home. Carries for less than rent. OAC. Minimum income re- quired per household is $30,000. Please call Aurelia Cosma at Remax Spirit Inc. 1- 888-732-1600 or (905) 728- 1600 24 hour pager. BROOKLIN,quaint immacu- late Board & Batten bungalow w/walk-out bsmt overlooking creek. Oak kitchen w/new ap- pliances, fin. recroom with fireplace, 3-bdrms, 2 bath- rooms. $1375/month + utili- ties. Call 905-433-8080 COURTICE 3-BEDROOM,ga- rage, covered deck +fenced yard, park +amenities. $1,250 +utilities, credit check/refer- ences, 1st/last. Avail. imme- diately. No Pets/Animals. suitable for short-term tenan- cy, 905-213-4689. NORTH OSHAWA newly ren- ovated 3 bedrooms, 2 wash- rooms, beautiful backyard, all appliances, parking, near all amenities, Avail Sept 1 $1300+utilities. 1-866-839- 7648 OSHAWA - 3 BEDROOM,4 appliances, very clean, fresh- ly painted, ample parking, ex- tremely large yard, available immediately. Located in resi- dential area. NO PETS/ NO SMOKERS (905) 259-7118. OSHAWA - 4 BEDROOM, separate diningroom/living- room, fenced yard. Close to 401/ schools, gas heat, a/c, no pets, $1,300 plus utilities. First/last. Available imme- diately. Credit-check (905) 433–2445. SOUTH PICKERING, bachelor/1-bedroom base- ment, separate entrance, brand new, great area, park- ing, $675/month inclusive, first/last, references, no pets. Available immediately. 905- 509–2335 after 4p.m. OSHAWA 3-BEDROOM, 2 storey, 2 baths, finished base- ment, fenced yard, centrally located, very clean. $1000 plus utilities. Sept.1 905-728– 8466. PICKERING - new 3 bdrm. 2.5 baths, garage, fireplace, c/air, dishwasher, laundry, great lo- cation, available now. $1200/ mo. + 2/3 util. 905-420-5789. PICKERING/BAY RIDGES, beautiful 3-bedroom main floor bungalow, newly deco- rated by professional contrac- tor, totally self-contained, $1150 plus utilities, avail im- mediately, no-smoking/pets. 905-420-7292 WHITBY - 3 BEDROOM bun- galow with big lot, $1400+util, well-maintained, move-in condition, close to shopping. Call Tom Joseph at 905-683- 2100. WHITBY - 3 bedroom house, non-smokers preferred, no pets, $1100+util, first/last, available Sept. 1st. 905-668– 5085 Townhouses For Rent190 2 BEDROOM in small com- plex, Wilson/Olive. Available Oct.1, $740/mth + utilities. No appliances. Call 905-432– 3787. AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 1, Oshawa, 2 bedroom , 506 Normandy Sq., Fridge, stove, overlooks park, $895 includes heat, hydro, 1-800-411-1511 9am-6pm. Mon.-Sat. CARRIAGE HILL - 122 COL- BORNE ST. E., OSHAWA - 2 & 3 bedrooms available. Close to downtown and shop- ping. 4 appliances, carpet and hardwood flooring, close to 401 and GO. Utitlles includ- ed. Call (905)434-3972. www.realstar.ca Open house- Mon 6 p.m. -8 p.m. OSHAWA, HARMONY/ADE- LAIDE, 3-bedroom with garage townhouse, gas heat, fridge/ stove, washer, dryer. $1200 plus utilities, available Sept 1st. Near schools. (905)723– 7171 PICKERING - Whites Rd/401, Gorgeous 3 bedroom, finished walkout basement, a/c, cable, water incl.. $1400+utilities. Available immediately. 416- 492-0715 or 416-892-6585. PICKERING VILLAGE,3-bed- room townhouse with garage, 5 appliances, close to schools & all amenities. $1250 plus hydro. First/last. Call (905)420–3301 TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 TAUNTON RD. E., OSHAWA 3 bedrooms w/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood floor- ing Outdoor pool, sauna, Children's playground Close to all amenities. Fenced back- yards. 905-436-3346. www.realstar.ca WHITBY,brand new 3 or 4 bdrm. Avail. mid/end October. Excellent location, close to schools/amenities. 5 ap- pliances, lease, first/last/ref- erences, credit check. $1400+ utilities. 905-424-8428 Rooms For Rent & Wanted192 AJAX ROOM for rent - Use of facilities. Working female pre- ferred. $425 monthly first/last required. Call 905-686-4126. AJAX HWY#2/WESTNEY Large room $425 first/last util- ities included, no smoking, Available immediately. Please call 905-426–5015 or 416-984-0003. AJAX walk to lake, large fur- nished room, livingroom, laundry, cable, air, pool. Share kitchen/bath, non- smoker. $450/mo. inclusive, first/last, avail. immed. 905-426–4800. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Furnished room in Pickering, cable, light kitchen facilities, near Pickering Generating Station, PTC/GO. $190 bi- weekly. (905)420–4318. BOWMANVILLE furnished room for non smoker, clean, quiet, parking, share bath- room, kitchen and livingroom, $95/weekly first/last week re- quired. 905-697–0760 FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED rooms available, Pickering. $350 monthly. Parking avail- able, on bus route, near all amenities. Available imme- diately. Call Kenny (416)454– 9304 LIVERPOOL/BAYLY large fur- nished room for rent, close to all amenities. $425 monthly. Call (905)420–3301 before 2pm. LIVERPOOL/FINCH Pickering Use of kitchen, laundry, share bathroom. Cable in room. Suitable for mature single non-smoker. $380/ month. Call (905)831-4983. OWN YOUR OWN HOUSE! No money down, OAC. Ask how! Wade Kovacic, Sales Rep. Remax Cornerstone, 905-623-6000 or 905-428-1206 SUITE SALE OSHAWA VERY SPACIOUS 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. Close to schools, shopping centre, Go Station. Utilities included. Senior Discounts Call(905)728-4993 A/P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com If your current prospects are somewhat flat, it’s time to move on. Move ahead. Take the next step up in your career. Companies today demand integrated solutions for their increasingly complex messaging needs. And Pitney Bowes can deliver. With our unique knowledge of mail, facsimile, copier, software, financing and messaging, we are singularly well positioned to respond. Consequently, our continued success and commitment to customer satisfaction have created these excellent opportunities… Outbound Telemarketing Representatives (Ajax Call Centre) As an over-achiever, you're energetic, highly professional and driven to succeed. You're also eager to become part of a dynamic team that will support you all the way. With a post secondary education complemented by a minimum of 2 - 3 years of successful experience in sales (preferably in the industry), sound business acumen and an insatiable appetite for closing the sale, you are ready for Pitney Bowes. BILINGUAL FRENCH/ENGLISH IS A DEFINITE ASSET. We have the challenges you need, and the rewards you deserve. As a valued member of our team, you will enjoy significant earning potential and sound opportunities for both advancement and career development. At Pitney Bowes, we're building our future in dramatic new ways. And you'll have every opportunity to do the same. To apply, please send your résumé with a cover letter to: PB.opportunities@pb.com While we wish to thank all applicants for their interest, only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. Pitney Bowes supports the principles and practices of Employment Equity. Move On Up 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents 530 Sales Help & Agents FREELANCE SALES Are you a self motivated, independent salesperson? Are you looking for an exciting and challenging position in a fast paced environment? Dynamic Publishing and Events Management is looking for a FREELANCE SALESPERSON for print and event sales in Durham Region. Sales experience is a must. Print sales an asset. Own transportation required. Excellent commission structure and bonuses. Send resume by fax to: Andrea McFater, Publications and Events Manager 905-426-6598 or drop off to: 138 Commercial Ave. Ajax Exciting complimentary Medical Centre located in Durham area is currently accepting resumes for the following positions: •RMT • CERTIFIED NATURAL HEALTH • PRACTITIONER We offer full administrative support and a flexible work week. Send resume to: File #927, c/o Oshawa This Week, PO Box 481, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental 535 Hospital/Medical/ Dental MEDICAL CLINIC OFFICE MANAGER Located at Canada's Premier Grocer (Harwood/Kingston Rd.). Must have previous experience and pleasant personality. Knowl- edge of area doctors essential. Attractive opportunity. Send resume to: human_resources@primacy.ca 33 & 77 F alby Crt., Ajax Rental Office Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (905) 686-0845 www.ajaxapartments.com 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent RENT-WORRY FREE 1, 2 & 3 Bed. Apts. Well maintained, modern Appliances. All Util. included. On site super, maintenance & security. Rental Office: Mon. - Fri. after 10:30 am Sat. & Sun. 1 pm- 5 pm 905-579-1626 VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT www.gscrentals.com e-mail: valiantproperty@rogers.com 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 185 Houses For Rent OSHAWA Taunton/Rossland. Furnished room with kitchen & private entrance, parking. Working gentleman preferred. No smoking/pets. $100/week. First & last. (905)434-7532 or (905)579-0596. PICKERING, 2-BACHELOR Rooms Available immediate- ly. Bright clean House. Upper Floor. Brock Rd/401. Very low rent, Utilities included. TV-Ca- ble/Internet Available. 416- 894-2778 BED & BREAKFAST STYLE Accommodations in profes- sional Oshawa home (for the work week), suits profes- sional male/university stud- ent, first/last references $110/ week. 905-723-6761. SEPT. 1ST-OSHAWA. Near Grandview/Bloor. Bright clean house, share bathroom, kitch- en,, parking/Laundry. Near shopping/bus. $500/mo/first/ last. 905-721–1696 10 a.m. - 2 pm. CLOSE TO COLLEGE,laundry, parking included. Full use of house, Ajax area. $475/month. lst/last, Available immediately (905)426–8568, Cell (416)569- 8564 SOUTH AJAX and Pickering. Rooms for rent. Beautiful house. Use of facilities. Call (416) 895–7772 Shared Accommodation194 AT THICKSON/ROSSLAND-1 Large Private Room, air, fe- male preferred, spotless bun- galow, kitchen, laundry, cable, internet, telephone, near bus, gazebo, must see. $500. 905- 571-1811. BEAUTIFUL RAVINE LOT. Courtice. Share house w/pro- fessional. $450/month inclu- sive. Free cable, laundry, parking. Sept. 1st. 905-579– 5202 (discount avail w/respect to light household chores). BETWEEN SCARBOROUGH Campus & the Zoo. Lower floor of two story house. 2 bedrooms. Share kitchen/front entrance. Pets/Smokers Wel- come. First/Last. $850 inclu- sive. 416-283-7761. COTTAGE TYPE LIVING main floor of house, use of back- yard, Pickering $500/util in- cluded. No smoking/pets. 416- 216-8572 after 6; 905-420- 6650 anytime. COURTICE - private room, share kitchen, bath etc. Air con, cable, parking, available immediately. Female pre- ferred, Near amenities. $500. 905-434–9774 DIXIE/HWY #2 non-smoker to share townhouse with owner, 2 private rooms. $800 + tele- phone. Avail Sept 15. 905- 420–6893 after 4pm FIVE BEDROOM FARM house Stouffville/Claremont area. 2 acres, pool, parking, laundry, storage, & satellite t.v, child- ren welcome. Available Sept 1st. $400 inclusive. 905-640– 6275. LARGE OSHAWA SEMI to share, no pets, full access of house, no smoking, 2 rooms, $550 inclusive, female pre- ferred. Call 905-433-4603 NORTH CENTRAL OSHAWA - full basement, livingroom, bedroom, 2pc. bath, laundry, shared kitchen and shower, sep. entrance, available im- mediately 905-434–5557 PICKERING:share 4 bedroom 2-storey house. Large living- room, diningroom, finished rec room, laundry, all ap- pliances, parking. No pets, no smoking, no lease, first/last. Mature male preferred. Avail- able now. $450. 416-804- 4867. ROSSLAND/SIMCOE - fur- nished bedroom, laundry, tv, busline Durham College/Uni- versity, non-smoker, suit fe- male student, quiet area, $375. first/last. Immediately. 905-723–3304 SOUTH AJAX,home to share, close to shopping/minutes to lake. Avail. Oct. 1st. $425/ month inclusive. Call days 416-332-6921 SOUTH AJAX,room avail in large home near Rotary Park, on bus route, suitable for sin- gle female. No pets. Share kitchen/laundry, separate fridge, also livingroom avail. $500/month. First/last/refer- ences. 905-683–1118 SOUTH WHITE'S RD.,Pick- ering, 2 bedrooms available immediately, share house, sauna, $500, prefer profes- sional. Call 416-994-0700. TEACHERS PREFERRED to share Ajax house w/other teachers. Room plus office, monthly maid service, wash- er/dryer, c/a, c/vac, cable, parking, large deck/yard, gas f/p, no smoking/pets. Avail- able October 1st. $570/month. (905)404–0720 THORNTON/HWY. 2, room for rent. Non-smoker, no pets, fe- male professional preferred. Parking, laundry, $450/inclu- sive. Near all amenities. 905- 728-3572 Rentals Outside Canada205 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, 2-3 bedroom furnished manufac- tured homes. 85º pool, 105º hot tub, minutes to beaches and major attractions,Children welcome. Photos shown in your home. $275 weekly (less than motel) (905)683–5503. Cottages For Rent209 FANTASTIC WATERFRONT fami- ly cottage. A-frame with Balcony, huge sundeck, over-looks lake! great views, swimming, fishing, boating! $800./wk./part week available. 905-426-8580 Campers, Trailers,Sites215 1989 FRANKLIN HOUSE TRAIL- ER, 37ft, 2 tip-outs, sleeps 8, in Goresky's Lakeside Recreation Park, Port Perry $20,900. Call 905-706-2726 or 905-665-8511 1991 HYLINE 30 ft. trailer, sleeps 6, tip out, 10 x 27 deck, awning, shed, many extras. On Rice Lake. $l4,500.(905) 579–1791 40FT. PARK MODEL trailer, 28ft. sunroom, spectacular view of Moira lake. 2 gas fire- places, dishwasher, washer/ dryer, air conditioner, private backyard, excellent condition, on leased lot at Crystal Beach Resort, Madoc. $39,500. Call (613)473-2098 CORSAIR 26 ft. 5th wheel trailer, in excellent condition, sleeps 6, with queen size bed, air con, furnace, fridge. Ready to go! Asking $8500. 905-426- 3579 or 905-430-6623 Boats & Supplies232 GREW 140SF,70hp, trailer & full cover, excellent condition. $4300-obo. Call 905-985-5252. Articles For Sale310 46”TV $1,000,8MM Camcorder Sony $300; TV magnifying glass to 100 inches Laptop 386 $100; selfcleaning stove $300. Tel: 905-723-7772. CARPETS - lots of carpets. I will carpet 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpets for $319.00. Residential or Berber carpets for $389.00. Includes carpet, premi- um pad, expert installation. Free, no pressure estimate. Norman (905) 686-2314. NEW DANBY WINDOW air conditioners, 5,100 btu's, to 12,000 btu's. $189 and up. New danby bar fridges, $139 and up. Also variety of new appliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Reconditioned fridges $195 / up, reconditioned ranges $125/ up, reconditioned dryers $125 / up, reconditioned wash- ers $199 / up, new and recondi- tioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New brand name fridges $480 and up, new 30" ranges with clock and window $430. Reconditioned 24" ranges and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576–7448. 2-yr-old AIR CONDITIONER. Kenmore 10,000btu horizontal A/C. remote control $300 obo. Call Steve Faith 905-725-4646 3 NEIL YOUNG TICKETS for sale - Sept. 4., ACC, $60/each. Good seats. Call 905-728- 5064. A KING pillowtop mattress set, New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $650. 416- 746-0995 A-1 CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS!! 3 rooms installed with pad from $289 (30 yds.). All Berber carpets on sale now! Free upgrade to 12 mm premium pad with every in- stallation, 20 oz. Berber carpet starting at 69¢ sq. ft., carpet only. Lots of selection for every budget. Three month equal payment plan available. Free in home quote. SAILLIAN CARPETS at 905-242-3691 or 905-373-2260. PIANOS/CLOCKS-Back to Schol Specials on all Roland digital pianos, Samick pianos. also sale on Howard Miller clocks. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with less- ons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433- 1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES. Fridg- es $100/up, stoves $150/up, washers & dryers $350/pr. Washers $175/up, dryers $150/up. Stackable washer/ dryer $499/up. Portable dish- washer $175/up. Dehumidifi- ers $100. Large selection of appliances. Visit our show- room. BEAT THE RUSH, keep cool get your Air conditioner now! Barbecue Parts. Parts/ sales/service. 426 Simcoe St.S. Mon-Fri 8-6pm, Sat 9- 5pm. (905)728-4043. ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Amazing Electronics, 601 Dundas St. W. Whitby. Call (905)665–7732. ANTIQUES pine flat-to-the- wall $1500; spiinning wheel $250; 1/4-cut oak umprella stand, smoker, several occa- sional tables, fern stand @ $150 905-728-2927 APPLIANCES Fridge frost free, stove 30", immaculate ap- pearance $475 pair. New model large capacity direct drive washer $250, dryer $200. Great condition 5yr old washer/dryer $275. 905-439– 6446 APPLIANCES refrigerator, stove, heavy duty Kenmore washer & dryer, apartment- size washer & dryer. Mint condition, will sell separately, can deliver. 905-839–0098 BED, QUEEN PILLOWTOP, orthopedic Mattress set, Nev- er Used, still packaged, cost $1025, sell $450. 416-741- 7557 BEDROOM SET, 8pce cherry- wood. Bed, chest, dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000, Sacri- fice $2800. 416-748-3993 BUNK BEDS excellent condi- tion $800 brand new. Asking $250 obo. Call Steve Faith 905-725-4646 CARPETS SALE & HARD- WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $329. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: carpet, pad and in- stallation. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serving Dur- ham and surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted. Call Sam 905-686-1772. PENTIUM 3 COMPUTER. 128MB Ram, 6GB hard drive, 56K modem, nic card, CD, floppy, USB ports, keyboard speakers/mouse, 15" moniter $350; can deliver and setup. 905-439–4789 ComputerDeals.Net (www) Pentium Internet starter $299. Brand new powerful custom built computers from $599. Off lease lap tops, big selection from $449. Monitor 17"@$149, 19"@$199. 18 years experi- ence, we love doing upgrades & difficult repairs. (905)655– 3661. COMPUTERS: BITS AND Bytes Computers Services. P-200 Tower complete system $185.00, P2-350 Tower com- plete system $255.00; P3-450 complete system $320; Complete systems includes: 15" monitor, keyboard and mouse. All internet ready. FREE 17'' Monitor Upgrade with any system, purchase while quantity last. Layaway Plan, Warranty (90 days) and Other Accessories. Call (905)576-9216 or www.speed- line.ca/bitsandbytes DINING ROOM SUITE, Bur- nished oak, 13 pcs, table, 4 sides, 2 arms, wall unit, hutch, $3500 905-509–7044 DINING ROOM SUITE,pecan hutch, server, table with 2 leaves, 4 side & 2 arm newly upholstered, $1,100. 905-509– 3817 after 6pm/weekdays. DININGROOM 13 PCE cherry, 8 chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $3000. (416)746-0995. DININGROOM SET - 11pc, solid oak, custom Italian made, cost $7,000, used 3 times, divorced, no room, asking $2900. Call for deatils 905-721–9447. DININGROOM SUITE- 9 pc. 1930's, original condition. table/self storing leaf, china cabinet, buffet & 6 chairs. Asking $3400. Call 905-576- 6208. EZ GO GOLF CARTS,gas powered, $1,995 each. Call 905-404–8175 GMC FULL SIZED cap $300., snow plow $500., chip truck with location $5,000. Tele- phone (705) 324–0233 GOAL GEAR McKenney 450 goal pads 28"-$350, McKenny Junior Goal pads 26"-$200, Aeromax junior gut pad -$70., McKenney goal pads 40"-$50, size 5-$40., call 905-436– 2631 HOME GYM SET Excellent condition. Combination free weight/Universal set. Bench press, Lat pulldown, seated row, preacher curls, tricep extensions, squats to name a few. Olympic bar 315 pds of weight, attachments $1700. brand new, asking $500. obo Call Steve Faith 905-725-4646 HOT TUB, brand new retails with taxes $4500, asking $3200. Call (905)404–0742 HOSPITAL BED (Invacare 5491) electric, mattress, 4- way control $950. Legacy walker $300. Commode $50. Call (905)666–0779 (10-8pm) HOT TUB 2003 all options, red wood cabinet, never used, still in wrapper. Cost $9995, sell $5000. (416)746-0995. EMIGRATING - gray bed set- tee, 3-seater, pulls out to comfortable queen-size bed, on casters, perfect, rarely used, bargain $175; kitchen weighing scales 1 to 10 lbs. hang on wall with tray $20; Bi- onair 3spd. room air filter w/ filters, perfect as new $30; coffee percolator Melitta rare- ly used as new $20; Litton Moffat Generation 2 mi- crowave, 1.5 kw, large food compartment 16x1x10 $60; food chopper 2spd, Black & Decker, extra-large 2cup ca- pacity $30; computer desk 50" front to rear, 37" width on casters, holds everything in- side or on top, collapsible for transport $125; APC power backup for computer, 210 watts, 16 min. to save your work, new, $75; Epson 1650 colour scanner 1600x3200 DPI, brand new $200; CD tow- er holds 75, new in box $20; Video camera tripod 176cm open, 67cm closed with car- rying case $50. Accepting best offers on all - 905-571- 1476. CUSTOM MADE Kitchen cup- boards and counter top. White ash color cupboards 2' high by 9' wide and beige counter top. Ideal for small kitchen, bathroom, or cottage. 905- 697-9462 (snp) MAPLE FINISH queen-size bedroom $900; oak pedestal 4-chairs, $650; wrought-iron bakers rack $350; double bedroom set $450; single bed $200; Sofa/loveseat 2-yrs, paid $2800 asking $1100; oak 3-pc coffee & ends $200; small freezer $150; Dryer 2- yrs $250; Craftmatic beds 2- single or king 2-yrs $1600 set or $900 each; Fridge/stove $350/pr. 905-260-1236. MAYTAG PLUS 21 cubic foot, top freezer refirdgerator. May- tag Plus electric creamic top range with convection oven,. Sacrafice pr. $1995 obo. 1- year.old. 905-259–3800. MUSIC ORGAN SPECIAL,late model Lowery Organ, with a multitude of instrumentation and rhythms. Originally priced at $15,000 special offer at $1850. For details/demo, phone (905)576–5062 NEED A COMPUTER?Don't have cash? The original IBM Pentium 4 PC for $1 a day! No $$$ down! Fast delivery! Free digital camera! Call Now! 1- 800-656-8369 www.dollaraday.com OAK CHINA CABINET,oak double bed, headboard, mat- tress, 1997 Singer electronic knitting machine, attach- ments, folding table, books. Call 905-666-0524. ONTARIO BEEF -grain fed, government inspected. Cut to your satisfaction. While beef supplies last on farm. Order by side, whole, or split side. (705) 432–3031 3PC. WALL UNIT,oak, glass doors on top, drawers on bot- tom, $500 obo.; 905-434-8515 PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs, & pre-pur- chase consultation on all makes & models of acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427-7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com Visa, MC, Amex. RENT TO OWN new and re- conditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Pad- dy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SONY 53" big screen tele- vision, only 3 years old and in new condition, hardly used. $2,000 firm. Call (905) 922- 9017 SPA & HOT TUB COVERS - best quality, best prices, all colours, all sizes, large varie- ty available. Delivery includ- ed. Central Ontario Hot Tubs, call Paul 905-259-4514. SPECIAL OCCASION Rentals Party tent, dunk tank, jumping castle, various video games, pinball machines, Crown & anchor, Blackjack tables, pool tables for all occasions. Big- gun Amusement & Promo- tions 905-429-1013 SPA FOR SALE - 4 person, in- cludes cover, 1.5 kw heater, well insulated, $2,000. Tele- phone (905)430–7190 SPECIAL OCCASION Rentals Party tent, dunk tank, jumping castle, various video games, pinball machines, Crown & anchor, Blackjack tables, slot machines & pool tables for all occasions. Biggun Amuse- ment & Promotions 905-429- 1013 VENDORS WANTED at the Courtice Flea Market. 5,000 - 6,000 people per weekend. Rents start $245 per mo. for indoor space. Located 2 min. North of 401 between Oshawa and Bowmanville. Call (905) 436-1024 TARPS Woven Poly Tarps, All sizes from 8'x10' to 30'x50'. Priced $7-$90 (tax incl.). Call Bowmanville 905-623-5258. Port Perry 905-985-7558 STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers, 24 ft. & 22 ft.. Call 905-430-7693. Articles Wanted315 WANTED - Exercise equip- ment. Looking for a "Total Gym" exercise unit in good condition. Call Ron 905-686- 8351. Vendors Wanted316 WANTED - VENDORS for the Whitby Home Show, Sept. 5, 6, 7. Limited Space Available. Call 905-579-4400 Devon ext. 2236 or Wendy ext. 2215 Pet, Supplies Boarding370 KITTENS, VET CHECKED with first booster as well as young to mature cats (spayed or neutered, fully vaccinated) looking for homes. Many dogs also available for adoption. Foster homes for dogs and ti- mid cats needed. Pets sup- plies (especially cat food and litter) and donations always welcomed. Please call Dur- ham Animal Adoption at (905) 438–8411 PUPPIES, German Shep- pards, Toy Poodles, Cocker Spaniels, Fox Terriers, Shitzu, Shi-Poos, Basset Hounds, Terripoos, Pugpoos, Jack Russells, "Sheppard-X, Lab- X, Collie-X, Springer Spaniel- X, $175." Kittens, Hima- layans & Persians. 905-831- 2145. Grooming Services avail. PUREBRED AMERICAN. Cocker Spaniel, 9wks. old, fe- male white w./blonde. first shot, dewormed, tail docked. $500. 905-721–2244 SEAL POINT HIMALAYAN kit- tens, $300 Firm. First shots, raised with kids. 905-434– 7184. SOFT COATED WHEATEN Terrier, female, one year, needs a loving home, lots of TLC, no small children please, no other pets preferred, seri- ous inquiries only. 905-429- 9133 Cars For Sale400 1986 CHEVETTE,2dr, low kms, immaculate, $750. 1994 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SPORT, loaded, $4300. cert. & e-tested. Call 905-434-3757. 1987 HONDA ACCORD, blue, 5 speed, easy to certify. New clutch, 217,000 kil., evenings. $900 or best offer. (905) 473- 6101 Zephyr. 1990 HONDA CIVIC,BX Spe- cial Edition. 1990 Chevy Lu- mina 3.1, e-tested. Call for details. (416) 269–2345. 1990 TOYOTA COROLLA, 5 speed, excellent condition, one owner, $2,000. Telephone (905) 571–1205 1991 OLDS CUTLASS Sierra, 4dr, 175,000km, new brakes, new rad, new tires, 6 cyl, auto, $2300. cert./ \emission tested. 1996 SUNFIRE, 2dr. 4 cyl, auto, pw, pl, p.sunroof, a/c, 154,000km, cert + e-tested. $4,995. Nick Oram Autobody, 905-985-1991 Dealer 1993 FORD ESCORT LXE, 4 dr. 5 spd. lots of options, great engine, 152.kms. E-tested as is $1800 Or best offer.. (905)668–2137. 1992 HONDA CIVIC VX - Green, 2dr. hatchback, 5- speed, 288,000 kms. As is. $900 obo. Call 905-665-9181. 1992 PONTIAC LEMANS good condition, no rust. new tires, gas lines. Ready to go. Certified/e- tested $2700. Call 905-579-0811 1993 CAVALIER,2 dr., 6 cyl., auto. 1989 Olds 88, 4dr., 6 cyl., loaded, both in good shape. Highway kms. Many new parts, $2000 each, cert/e- tested. (905)623–5156 1993 CHEVROLET CAVALIER, 4-cylinder, automatic, 2-door, excellent condition, runs very well, reliable, economical, clean, complete tune-up, oil change. $3295. Certified/ Emissions 905-718-5032 Warranty Available. dealer 1993 VOLKSWAGEN GETTA GL, 5 speed, black, 4 door, air, good condition, e-tested, asking $2,700. Telephone (9805) 665–6056 1994 CORSICA, 4dr, a/c, runs great, very good condition. $2,750 certified/e-tested. Also 1988 Grand Am, very good condition, Certified+E-tested, asking $1,750. Call 905-404– 8695 private. 1994 GRAND AM, $2999; 1993 BONNEVILLE SSC $3499; 1992 CARAVAN $2499; Others from $1695+up. cert. & e-tested. (Kelly & Sons since 1976) 905-683-7301 or 905- 424-9002 after 6. 1994 MAZDA MX6,2 dr., standard, excellent condition, power windows, mirrors, cd, certified and e-tested. $5,000 or best offer. Telephone (905)427–0236 1994 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 4dr, excellent condition, 188,00 km, emission tested & certified. $4295. 905-839– 9128 1996 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, 5spd, loaded, black, 2dr, 141km, was $5995, now $5495; 1997 CHRYSLER IN- TREPID, 6cyl, 3.3 loaded, white, 4dr, 185km, was $5995, now $5495; 1995 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM, V6, loaded, bur- gundy, 4dr, 162km,was $4495, now $4195; 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER, 165km, auto, air, tilt, cruise, am/fm cass, 7- passenger, was $4295, now $3995; 1995 DODGE CARA- VAN, V6, 3.3 auto, loaded, 129km, Sport package, was $5995, now $5495; 1999 CHRYSLER INTREPID, 4dr, loaded, 126km, green char- coal interior, was $8995, now $8495; 1997 NEON EXPRES- SO, 2dr, red, 5spd, 138km, $4995; 1994 GEO METRO, 2dr, white, 134km, $2295; All vehi- cles cert. & e-tested. Dia- monds Auto Sales Ltd, 221 WESTNEY RD. SOUTH, AJAX. 905-619-1900. 1998 ACCURA 1.6 EL, mint condition, loaded with extras, lady driven, $13,900 certified. Call 905-725–6393 1998 SUNFIRE,2 dr, 4cyl, 5spd, green, grey interior, 145,000 km, certified & e- tested, $5995. 1994 VOYAGER VAN, white, tan interior, V6 auto, air, 190K, very clean, $4750. cert. & e-tested, Nick Oram Autobody (dealer) 905- 985-1991. 1998 SUNFIRE,2-dr, auto, red, 94,000kms, am/fm cas- sette, certified/e-tested, $8,000 firm. Call 705-357-3552 snp 1999 GRAND AM SE 4-dr, cd player, new tires, new parts. Runs great and in great shape. 100,000km $8,000 o.b.o. Call 905-623-9021 snp 1999 GRAND AM, excellent condition, pw, pl, air, tilt, cruise, $10,800. 905-725–7692 WINGS WEST full body kit, for 1996 to 1999 Honda Civic, only on vehicle for 2 months. Immaculate condition, Asking $l,200. (905) 706–7668 2000 PONTIAC GRAND AM - 4 dr., air, am/fm/cd/cassette, p/w windows, aluminum wheels. White. Certified, E- tested. 50,000 km. $11,800 or OBO. 905-571–5241. 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE,4- dr, p/l air, cd player, security alarm, keyless entry, assume remainder of lease at $220/ month. Call Don 905-986-5030 AUTO FEST SPECIAL 1966 pickup BB Chev, auto, pw-r disc brakes, pwr-steering, body off 3yrs ago, much,much more. Must sell $10,000 OBO 905-623-6895 home 905-644- 4196 work -Tom RARE CAR - 1965 GT 40 kit. needs some work, will run, just rewired, new brakes, tire, torque thrust D rims, battery, plugs, shocks. 16,000 miles. White, blue race stripes. Moving, must sell $5000 obo. 905-718-3964 after 6pm. Cars Wanted405 CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES. JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all for good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 Trucks For Sale410 '96 DODGE RAM 1/2 ton 4x4 with 7-1/2 hp Arctic plow, fully loaded, in great shape $12,900. Cert. 905-668-0224, 6-9pm 1988 GMC S-15,low km, 5- spd, good shape, lots of new parts, new tires, $1500 firm. Call 905-436-2164. 1996 CHEVY BLAZER 4x4 LT, Silver w/leather interior, 4.3L, V6 Vortec engine, tinted wind- ows, 200lb. roof rack, alum. alloy rims, Michelin tires, new brakes, A/C, power all & driver seat, overhead console w/trip computer, keyless remote w/ alarm & auto start, tow pkg. E- test, certified, 135,000kms. Transferable remaining 6 month Lubrico warranty. $10,000. (905)440-4318 (snp) 1997 DODGE RAM 1500, 4x4 pickup, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, low mileage, $16,000, 905-342- 2704. 1998 CHEV Z71 4 X 4,3rd door, 87,000 kil., loaded, mint condition, (705) 878-4546 or (705) 328-6970. Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirve420 1961 CORVAIR GREEN BRIAR VAN, great for restor- ing $2500; Also 14 ft. fibre- glass boat and trailer $350; 905-623–2430, ask for Butch 1987 CHEV FULL Size Con- version van. 305 V8, captains chairs, fold down bed, many new parts, excellent condition. $4000 certified & e-tested. (905)725-1061 (snp) 1989 GMC CARGO VAN, emission tested, new trans- mission, 350 motor, good runner/some panel rust, $1,l50 or best offer. Mike (905) 433- 0857 1995 PONTIAC TRANSPORT, air, p.w., p.l., am/fm cassette, 145,000km, $4500 certified & e-tested. Call (905)728–5142 1996 PONTIAC TRANS- SPORT,air, p.w, p.dr., key- less entry, female driver, ex- cellent condition, very low kms, $9500. Call (905)438– 0144 93 GMC SAFARI 4.3L 206K E- Tested. Many new parts: Bat- tery, Alternator, Tires, Exhaust many more. $3900 as is. Call 905-404-0956. Motorcycles435 1983 SUZUKI GS 750, mint condition, certified, $2,300 OBO. 905-885-2028. 2000 NINJA 600R,modified pipes, alarm system, great running order $9500 obo. or willing to trade. 905-448-9516 or after 6 p.m. 905-243-6070. Garage & Storage Space455 GARAGE FOR RENT,Simcoe St. N. near new University. Excellent for mechanic, car sales, detailer, etc. $500/mo. Available immediately. 905- 442-5592. Announcements255 Lost and Found265 FOUND: SET OF KEYS at Sha- dybrook/Hedgerow. Call to describe (905)420–9718 LOST Neutered male cat grey/ brown tabby approx 18pounds missing since August 15th from Woodside Lane Reward offered! 905-831–2559. Nannies/ Live-In/Out270 LIVE-IN NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER wanted for 2 children in Pickering area. Call 905-509–3456 Nursery Schools272 FREE TO LOVING HOME,3yr old male Himalayan. Shots, declawed, neutered. Must go due to child w/allergies. Call 905- 723–0718.snp Daycare Available273 AFFORDABLE LOVING DAYCARE non-smoking, reliable/experi- enced, mother of 2. Steps to Glengrove P.S. on St. Anthony Daniels bus/route.Large fenced backyard. Playroom/crafts/out- ings. Snacks/lunch. Valley Farm Rd. / Kingston Rd. Near PTC. References. Call Debbie (905) 839–7237 ABC HOME DAYCARE in Pickering have spaces avail- able. Preschool program & lots of fun for the little ones. Meals/snacks provided. Visit www.abcdaycare.ca or call 905-839–9705 NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 Approved! Approved! Approved! New Car! New Credit! New Car! New Credit! New Car! New Credit! New Visa! New Visa! New Visa! 1167 Kingston Rd., Pickering CALL FOR DETAILS or Apply online: burnsycreditking@yahoo.ca DAVE THE CREDIT KING (416) 454-7490 (905) 839-6666 Interest rates vary from 0% to 29.9% • Bad Credit • No Credit • Even Bankrupt Credit • But need a car? Phone Mel today 905-576-1800 All applications accepted. Downpayment or trade may be required. • APR from 9.9% • eg. Car $10,000 • APR 19% • Payment $322.78/mo. • 48 months • C.O.B. $4698.09 Rates vary depend on credit history. SALES LIMITED RESTART CREDIT DRIVE TODAYA NEW 2003 OR USED 95 OR NEWER VEHICLE CALL 24 HR. CREDIT HOTLINE 1-800-296-7107 (905) 683-5358 CALL ROMAN OR JOHN BANKRUPTCY NEW IMMIGRANT REFUGEE NO CREDIT GOOD CREDIT WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 19 A/P ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ VENDORS WANTED for Health & Wellness Expo 2003 Nov. 1st & 2nd Civic Auditorium, Oshawa Call Susan 905-426-4676 ext. 226 email: sobrien@durhamregion.com Mark 905-426-4676 ext. 229 email: mfucella@durhamregion.com ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ 316 Vendors Wanted 316 Vendors Wanted CREDIT PROBLEMS... NO PROBLEM TO US!! • Slow credit • Poor Credit • Bankrupt (discharged) • New Immigrant/Refugee • 1st time buyer OVER 100 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MAKES AND MODELS The sooner you call us the quicker you’re driving CONTACT: JORDAN HUTCHINSON SPECIAL FINANCE DEPT. (416) 264-2311 ext. 325 400 Cars For Sale 400 Cars For Sale 249 Coming Events 249 Coming Events NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GLADYS GRETA THOMPSON (also known as EVELYN THOMPSON), deceased All claims against the Estate of Gladys Greta Thompson (also known as Evelyn Thompson), late of the City of Oshawa, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Wid- ow, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of June, 2003, must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives of the Estate on or before the 30th day of Sep- tember, 2003. Thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the Estate hav- ing regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Markham, this 22nd day of August, 2003. DONALD IRVING BEACH and JOHN LACHLAN CATTANACH, Executors by their solicitors, CATTANACH HINDSON SUTTON VanVELDHUIZEN 52 Main Street Markham, North Markham, Ontario L3P 1X5 261 Legal Notices 261 Legal Notices 192 Rooms For Rent & Wanted 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 410 Trucks For Sale BROCK RD/DELLBROOK area daycare available in our home 3+ years, fenced yard, snacks/meals, Near Valley- farm P.S. Ride provided if necessary. 905-426–7969 DAYCARE AVAILABLE in our home, all ages, fenced back- yard, meals provided, reason- able rates and references. White's Rd. and Hwy. 2. Call (905)839–6851 HARWOOD/BAYLY daycare in home, full/part time, all ages. Educational activities, crafts, nutritious meals/snacks. Large fenced yard. Near Park- wood P.S. 905-686-9461 HWY. 2/HARWOOD - reliable responsible daycare in my home. Nutritious meals, crafts, story time. Music, First/Aid, CPR cert. From 6 months. 905-619–8752 IN-MY-HOME DAYCARE,ex- perienced Mom. Crafts, story time, outings, much more. Meals/snacks. Near Lord El- gin P.S. Harwood/Hwy #2, 1-4 years preferred. 905-427– 4926 LICENSED CHILDCARE for infants to 12 yrs., full or part- time care in a safe home en- vironment. Caregivers are screened and regularly in- spected. Receipts. DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY- CARE 905-509-1207 or toll- free 1-877-236-2959. LIVE IN Care giver, speaks English, professional, com- passionate care for children elderly or disabled. Phone Helen (416) 708–8686 NOW OPEN COME TO SEE 2 Little Bears House Family Childcare. From 3 months-4 years. Altona/Hwy #2. Call Judit 905-509–5802 PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Loving daycare; 18 months to 12 years. Daily outings (fenced backyard and park). Crafts, story time, music, nu- tritious meals & snacks. First Aid, C.P.R. certified. Non- smoking, receipts. 905-428- 1244. SCHOOL-TIME DAYCARE. Limited spaces available in our highly recommended pro- gram. In Ajax across from Costco. Call Mrs. Macdonell at (905) 428–8847 Daycare Wanted274 BABYSITTER,student pre- ferred for weeknights & week ends. Altona/Finch area, Pick- ering. Call 905-509–3456 DAYCARE REQ'D 1/2 day morning & after school for 2 boys & 1 girl, grade 2 & SK, transportation req'd or within walking distance of Mother Theresa School, Ajax. Non- smoker, references 905-665– 0063 PART TIME NANNY required after school for two children, 3-4 hours/day, Monday-Fri- day. Valid driver's license re- quired. Optional houseclean- ing available. 905-509-8271 )eve) 905-737-2645 Mortgages Loans165 $$ MONEY $$100% 1st, 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7799. $$MORTGAGES$$ Best Rates available!! 1st./2nd mortgages, bankrupt, poor credit, self- employed, no income. HMC 1- 800-699-0792 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose. All applications accepted. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905) 668–6805. $$ 1ST & 2ND MTGES $$Debt Consolidations, Refinancing, Cred- it issues, Preapprovals, Cashbacks, Low rates, Residential/Comm- ercial. Call Dennis at (289)314- 1102 www.mortgagebid.ca APPROVAL GUARANTEED!!!All type loans within 24 hrs. Car loan specialists. Call (416)888- 9936 CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 4.85% for 5 years. Best avail- able rates. Private funds available. Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast professional ser- vice call 905-666-4986. CONSOLIDATE all bills into 1 easy pay't. 100% 1st mortgage with no money down oac. 1st, 2nd & 3rd mortgages. Residential and com- mercial. Call VAL LAWSON, Accurate Mortgage Services. 905- 436-9292 or 1-877-509-5626. Online application - www.accurate- mortgages.com MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgements, garnishments, mort- gage foreclosures & harrassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & protection for your assets. Call now: 905-576- 3505 Lessons280 House Cleaning556 HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE by mature dependable experienced person with flexible hours. Rea- sonable rates Call 905-434-9767. Home Improvements700 Garbage Removal Hauling702 Painting and Decorating710 Moving and Storage715 Gardening & Landscaping735 Lessons752 Party Services753 SOFTTUB RENTALS New in Durham. RENT NOW for Par- ties, Family Fun, Therapy or Romance. Tubs of Fun Rentals 905-439-TUBS (8827) Dating Services900 FRIENDS AND LOVERS DAT- ING SERVICE! NOW WITH CHATLINE!Durham's Own! Sometimes love is just not enough. Listen to the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. 905-683-1110 Adult Entertainment905 ❤IMPRESSIONS❤ Support a student by seeing one of our college girls. Several young, slender & barely legal models. 24 hrs.- 7 days. Hiring-Highest Pay!!!Call Tina or Dave 905-767-1931 www.. impressionsagency.com ✥ ALWAYS INTIMATE Delightful companions. Outcalls or Incalls. 1-888-488-4485 100% discreet Hiring 19+. PIANO LESSONS Accepting New Students Pickering/Ajax (416) 724–0211 www. danabroz@rogers.com CUT & TRIM LAWN MAINTENANCE Grass Cutting since 1989 905-420-5445 McGee Moving The Mover You Can Trust Commercial & Residential Large or small move Hourly or Flat rate Packing material available Seniors discount 905-666-9678 905-426-0202 FREE ESTIMATES THE HONEST MOVER Professional Service Licensed - Insured Local - Long Distance Small - Large Moves Rubbish Removal (905) 665-0448 (905) 666-4868 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service. 905-428-0081 All Pro Painting and Wallpapering Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative Finishes & General Repairs 20% off for Seniors (905)404-9669 KC ALUMINUM Siding, soffitt, fascia eaves trough, windows. Low Low prices quality work. Contact Kevin at (416) 827-5079 TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING 25 yrs. exp. Fully insured Free estimates 905-433-7140 G.C.B. CONSTRUCTION General Home Renovations & Improvements All work guaranteed Craig 905-686-1913 DRM WOODWORKS •Decks •Decks •Decks •Renovations • New Construction •Residential • Commercial Daniel (905)550–0481 DOORS “R” US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 Bathroom renovations, new kitchen counters and kitchens, finished basements, rec. rooms and decks, 20 yrs. Exp. call Mario (905) 619-4663 Cell (416) 275-0034 BUDGET HOME IMPROVEMENTS Barrier Free Renovations. The Custom Design Group •In-Law Suites & Basement Apt. •Designer Kitchens & Bathrooms •Wall Units, Mantels & Fireplaces •Custom Basements •Custom Moldings •Bars & Entertainment Centres •Ceramic & Hardwood Flooring (416) 276-3879 www.tcdg.ca REAL HANDYMAN Small job Specialist Garbage Removal Plumbing, electrical, Painting, Drywall etc For people with limited cash flow. Call Joseph 905-428-7528 cell - (905)626-6247 KLASSIC CLEANING Weekly , Biweekly, or Monthly Service Reliable, thorough Mary (905)428-1648 Helen (905)427-6622 HONEST, Reliable, Mature, Experienced Lady will do cleaning by the day every other Fri. avail. Reasonable Rates Excellent references (905) 439-9004 (905) 576–9865 pls leave message •Learn the coolest riffs • Variety of styles • Beginner & Intermediate Call Anytime 416-856-7923 www.guitarstarmusic.com Guitar Lessons 1st, 2nd, 3rd MORTGAGES Res/Comm up to 100% financing. Best rates possible. Credit prob- lems? Self-employed? No Problem! Avanti Financial (905)428–8119 PARENTS If you have a child that who will be attending JK or SK at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School, Pickering and if you require pick-up and childcare call 905-839-9705 www.abcdaycare.ca A/P PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com ✞COME & WORSHIP ✞ Is a regular Friday feature in the News Advertiser. (Copy deadline is Wednesday noon for the Friday paper.) To advertise all your Church Events, News and Upcoming Special Services. Call Janice Samoyloff at 905-683–0707. Or fax your information to 905-579-4218 or Email to: jsam@durhamregion.com 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship B A Y W O O D C E N T R E CORNER OF BAYLY ST. AND MONARCH AJAX (NO FRILLS PLAZA) Inivites You To Our 8th Annual SIDEWALK & YARD SALE Saturday September 6, 2003 8 am to 2 pm Rain Or Shine Lots of Entertainment, Clowns, Magicians Face Painters and more...FREE ADMISSION 320 Garage/Yard Sales 320 Garage/Yard Sales 310-CASH CALL PAYDAY LOANS Cash and A Smile When You Need It. 2 2 7 4 Where every day is Payday! 165 Mortgages Loans 165 Mortgages Loans 165 Mortgages Loans COMPUTER REPAIRS Typically 24 hour service Drop off 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. Complete repairs - home networking Viruses - operating systems Steve (905) 426-7561 www.theboyds.ca/swb.htm computer@theboyds.ca 169 Computer/Internet Service 169 Computer/Internet Service MERRY MAIDS $30 OFF your first cleaning Call for a free estimate 905-837-9601 556 House Cleaning 556 House Cleaning COUNTERTOP NEED REPLACING? • FREE ESTIMATES • INSTALLATIONS Scarborough Countertops (416) 299-7144 FACTORY PRICES 700 Home Improvements 700 Home Improvements RDC WINDOWS, DOORS & ROOFING (905) 686-9494 SPRING SPECIAL 15% off all vinyl products 6 mo. No Interest, No Payment o.a.c. C.D. Roofing & Windows Shingles, flats & repairs Free Estimates Licensed & Insured (416)265–7432, cell (416)875-7432 • Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrical • Painting • Drywall • Bath Reno. Insured, Bonded, 1 Year Warranty 905-686-7236 Worry F r e e Home Repairs MURPHY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES Hardwood flooring, trim work, decks, fences, ceramic tiles,custom woodwork- ing, garden sheds, drywall, much more. Quality workmanship. 17 years experience Call James (905) 839–4041 OCTOPUS BUILDING ENHANCEMENTS (905) 424-5122 Ceramic Tiling - Laminate Flooring Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations Interlocking Brick & Retaining Walls Fences & Decks/Shingle Roofing Windows & Eaves Cleaning $35 & up "Satisfaction Guaranteed" FREE ESTIMATES Call Splash WC at 416-707-1105 www.splashwc.com HOMEPRIDE IMPROVEMENTS Quality Painting Decorating & Renovations Free Estimate * Fully Insured Call Don (905)626-2111 the.allains@sympatico.ca 710 Painting and Decorating 710 Painting and Decorating TIMBER TREE SERVICE Experts in Removal, Trimming, Pruning & Stump Removal. Fully insured. Free estimates. Call Shawn. 905-619-1704 Interest Free Paym ents Avai lable 736 Tree Service 736 Tree Service EAST COAST TREE SERVICE Expert in removal, trimming, pruning, stump removal & Rubbish Removal Free Estimates Full Insured Call Daryl 905-619-8798 RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 668-4932 753 Party Services 753 Party Services CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 In memory of a loving Father Rob Maides March 25 1962 - August 31 2002 All the memories we have will last a lifetime Love always and forever your kids Jenny, Melissa, Rob Jr. & Katie and your grandsons Jimmy & Ethan A ngel Fl y i ng T o o Cl ose to the Gr ound If you had not have fallen, and I had not have found you, Angel flying too close to the ground. And I patched up your broken wing, and hung around a while Trying to keep your spirits up, and your fever down. I knew someday that you would fly away love’s the greatest healer to be found. So leave me if you need to, I’ll still remember, Angel flying too close to the ground. So fly on past the sweet sound, I’d rather see you up than see you down So leave me if you need to, I’ll still remember, Angel flying too close to the ground. Willie Nelson 258 In Memoriam 258 In Memoriam 273 Daycare Available 556 House Cleaning 700 Home Improvements TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE CLASSIFIED AD Start your ad with the item for sale, service you are offering, or job title of the person you seek to hire. •Be descriptive.The more information you provide to the reader, the better the responses will be to your ad. •Always include the price of an item for sale. • Avoid abbreviations. They make your ad hard- er to read and less effec- tive. • Use larger type, white space, or decorative characters, such as stars,to bring attention to your ad. • Run your ad for an ample length of time. Remember, as soon as you get results, you can cancel at any time during regular business hours. Call us today!We’ll be glad to help you. News Advertiser CLASSIFIEDS 683-0707 www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 21 A/P BOUNCING BACK WITH BABY • A low impact post natal program that includes your baby. • Enjoy the outdoors with stroller aerobics classes Lose weight • Get Fit • Meet Other Moms Mon. & Wed. 9:30-11:00 a.m. Call now to secure your spot LORI • 905-619-3778 Highland Dancing Lessons WALLACE SYMINGTON HIGHLAND DANCERS LORRAINE SYMINGTON Fellow B.A.T.D. Judges S.O.B.H.D. Exams, shows and competitions 4 YRS. AND UP CALL 905-686-3456 Ages 4 and up Recreational & Competitive Classes Dance Classes also available For more information call Denise at (905) 665-2272 Certified OBTA instructors REGISTRATION: Thurs., Sept. 4th, 6-8p.m. at Ajax C.C. AJAX COMETS BATON CLUB “The “The Solution Solution For Hiring For Hiring Opportunities” Opportunities” S p ecial Special Newspa p er Newspaper Publication Publication Friday Friday Sep t.12th Sept.12th Free Free Parking Parking Free Free Admission Admission Career & Career & Health Health Job Expo Job Expo Attention Attention E mployers Employers Use This Cost Effective Venue To Attract Local Candidates. To Book Your Booth Call This Week Classifieds: 905.576.9335 or 416.798.7259 or 905.683.0707 W ednes day Sep tember 17th Wednesday September 17th 1 :00 PM to 7:00 PM 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM Holiday I nn, B loor St. E ., Oshawa Holiday Inn, Bloor St. E., Oshawa Fall Registration Vandals strand Community Care service PICKERING — The meals of about 70 shut-in seniors were put in jeopardy after vandals took the boots to the Meals on Wheels van leaving it inca- pacitated, Friday. “I came to work this morning and found it all smashed in,” related Ajax Pickering Community Care ad- ministrator Heather Tim, Friday morning. The van’s windshield was destroyed and the vandals left large footprints across the hood of the ve- hicle. The office, which administrates Meals on Wheels and various other community outreach programs, re- cently moved to Bayly Street in Pickering, near the GO train station from its previous location on Hunt Street in Ajax. It uses the van to transport meals to a pick-up point for its Ajax volunteers who then de- liver food to residents in need of the assistance. As well, the van is used to take some Community Care clients grocery shopping in the two communities. “I can’t believe someone would do this,” said Ms. Tim. “We are either going to have to cancel the service or find more volunteers.” The van, was out of commission for the day but fortunately, Apple Auto Glass was able to provide a quick repair job to get the van back on the road for next week’s deliver- ies, said Ms. Tim later in the day. Community Care is always looking for volunteer drivers to assist with deliveries and errands and losing the van, even for a short time, just put additional strain on the system, she said. Anyone interested in volunteering with the organization can call 905- 837-0017, ext. 226. Meals without wheels DURHAM — A student of a Durham flight school detained by federal authorities for possi- ble terrorist ties seemed like a “normal guy,” says the flying in- structor who spent time in the air with him. Anwar Ur Rehman Mo- hammed was among the 19 peo- ple detained two weeks ago for possible connections to an al- Qaida sleeper cell. He remains in custody. Representatives at the Durham Flight Centre, which operates out of Oshawa Municipal Airport, say Mr. Mo- hammed has been a student there for the last two-and-a-half to three years. Flight instructor Brad Short says, after taking over from an- other instructor, Mr. Mo- hammed has been a student of his for the last year studying to be a commercial pilot. “I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. He was just a nor- mal guy,” said Mr. Short, adding “He was friendly, never secretive or anything. He brought his girl- friend around to fly with him one time, he was a normal per- son.” Mr. Short says Mr. Mo- hammed didn’t attend lessons regularly, which he explained is not uncommon for flight stu- dents, many of whom take their time logging the expensive flight time hours. Mr. Short says his student never asked questions or brought up the subject of the Pickering nuclear plant. Mr. Mohammed reportedly came to Canada from India more than three years ago to obtain his commercial pilot’s li- cence on a six-month student visa. Detained man seemed normal says flight instructor Ajax Pickering Community Care administrator Heather Tim inspects the damage caused by vandals to the Meals on Wheels van. Celia Klemenz/ News Advertiser Save 20-60 % on desi g n e r & b r a n d name f a s hi o n s. E v e r y d a y. No w this i s t h rilli n g! Wi n n e r s o n B r o c k R o a d i n P ickering i s n o w o p e n. C o m e i n a n d y o u’ll s a v e up to 6 0 % off d e p a r t m e n t a n d s p e ci al t y s t o r e prices o n d e si g n e r a n d b r a n d n a m e f a s hi o n s f o r women, m e n a n d c hi l d r e n p l u s w o n d e r f ul b u y s f o r y our hom e. Ev ery day. BROCK R O A D – P I C K E R I N G Styles may vary by store. Come celebrate the opening of Pickering’s brand new Winners. Don’t forget to check out our new Family Footwear department featuring the best brand names and designer styles for the whole family at up to 60% off department and specialty store prices. Shop one of the more than 30 Winners stores in the GTA. We’ve got great deals for back-to-school. For the store nearest you, call 1-877-WINN-877. 1899 Brock Road (just south of Kingston Road) Pickering, ON 905-683-9819 Mon. - Fri. 9:30a.m. - 9:00p.m. Sat. 9:30a.m. - 6:00p.m. Sun. 11:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. ©2003 Winners Now Open Winners on Brock Road in Pickering is now open A/P PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com Apego® Expanding Binder BUY 1, GET 1 FREE! Panasonic®Digital Batteries Choose from AA, AAA, D, C or 9V. Instant rebate is instore. Assorted Mr. Christie® Cookies, 350 g or Crispers®, 200 g Last Minute Back-to-school Deals! 147 Was 2.37 & 2.97 747 After $5 Rebate. Was 24.97 377 Was 4.97 & 5.97 497 Every day BROOKS & STARTER BACKPACK Great News! The following stores will be open on Labour Day, September 1st: Originally up to 12.97 1” School Binders 1.5”, Was 2.97 .......Now 1.77 2”, Was 3.97 .......Now 2.77 57¢ Was 1.57 $5 Boys’ Selected Character T-shirts Featuring The Hulk®, Bob The Builder®, Caillou®, Superheroes and more! Sizes 2-16. Prices are as marked. Hilroy® Report Covers9¢ Was 19¢ Originally up to 12.97 697 Was 9.97 Close-up® Toothpaste, 100 mL Limited quantities. Sorry, no rain checks. 2/$1Ea. Brooks®& Starter Backpacks Price before rebate...24.97 Price cut...................12.47 $5 mail-in rebate.......-5.00 After mail-in rebate.....7.47 Taxes are applicable on the purchase price prior to the mail-in rebate C-Plus®Fruit Drinks, 6 x 946 mL or Fruité® Juice Case, 8 x 200 mL Prices in effect from Sunday, August 31st to Friday, September 5th, 2003. MISSISSAUGA • Dixie Mall, 3100 Dixie Rd. • Westdale Plaza, 1131 Dundas St. W. • Square One, 100 City Centre Dr., #200 • Erin Mills Town Centre, 5100 Erin Mills Parkway • Sheridan Mall Shopping Centre, 2225 Erin Mills Parkway NORTH YORK • Lawrence Square, 700 Lawrence Ave. W. • York Gate Mall, 1 York Gate Blvd. • North York Sheridan Mall, 1700 Wilson Ave., Downsview SCARBOROUGH • Malvern Town Centre, 1 Tapscott Rd. • Bridlewood Mall, 2900 Warden Ave. • Cedarbrae Mall, 3469 Lawrence Ave., E. • Golden Mile, 1880 Eglinton Ave. E. • Markington Square, 3660 Kingston Rd. • Parkway Plaza, 87 Ellesmere Rd. ETOBICOKE • The Kipling Queensway Mall, 1255 The Queensway • Woodbine Centre, 500 Rexdale Blvd. TORONTO • Gerrard Square, 1000 Gerrard St. • High Park, 2290 Dundas St. W. • Cloverdale Mall, 250 The East Mall • Dufferin/Dupont, 1245 Dupont St. • Black Creek Plaza, 605 Rogers Rd. • Shoppers World Danforth, 3003 Danforth Ave. • East York Town Centre, 45 Overlea Blvd. • Centerpoint Mall, 6600 Yonge St., Willowdale RICHMOND HILL • Hillcrest Mall, 9350 Yonge St. PICKERING • Pickering Town Centre, 1355 Kingston Rd. NEWMARKET • Upper Canada Mall, 17600 Yonge St. N. SMITH FALLS • County Fair Shopping Centre, 275 Brockville St. COBOURG • Northumberland Mall, 1111 Elgin St. W. LINDSAY • Lindsay Square Shopping Centre, 401 Kent St. W. • Town & Country Centre, 55 Angeline St. N. KINGSTON • Cataraqui Town Centre, 945 Gardiners Rd. • Zellers at 132 Princess St. MIDLAND • Mountainview Mall, Hwy # 93 & Hugel Ave. COLLINGWOOD • Blue Mountain Mall, 55 Mountain Rd. ALLISTON • Alliston Mills Shopping Centre, 130 Yonge St. NIAGARA FALLS • Zellers at 6777 Morrison St. FORT ERIE • County Fair Mall, 200 Garrison Rd. GODERICH • Suncoast Mall, 397 Bayfield Rd. WALLACEBURG • County Fair Mall, 58 McNaughton Ave. CHATHAM • Thames Lea Plaza, Grand Ave. West & Keil Dr. Extension LEAMINGTON • County Fair Mall, 250 Erie St. S. WINDSOR • Tecumseh Mall, 7770 Tecumseh Rd. E. • Ambassador Plaza, 1550 Huron Church Rd. • Devonshire Mall, 3100 Howard Ave. HUNTSVILLE • Huntsville Place, 70 King William St. BRACEBRIDGE • Zellers at 505 Hwy. 118 W., Unit 16 ORILLIA • Orillia Square Mall, Hwy. #11 at Burnside Line www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 PAGE 23 A/P A/P PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, August 31, 2003 www.durhamregion.com