HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2002_02_01Arthurs, Parish provide updates to business leaders PICKERING —The may- ors’ annual address to the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade is Wednesday, Feb. 20 from noon to 2 p.m. at Regalis Restaurant in Pickering. Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs and Ajax Mayor Steve Parish will be speaking at the event. Tickets are $39 plus GST for members and $49 plus GST for non-members. Call the board at 905-686- 0883 for more information. A.J. GROEN/ News Advertiser photo This is what winter looks like AJAX ––Winter finally arrived Thursday morning with a blast of snow and freezing rain only three days after record-setting January temperatures were reached. As snowplows hit the roads, Elaine Franey and daughter Jessica bundled up in their warmest winter gear to clear the front of their house. ‘Let us help’: students PICKERING’S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 NEWS ADVERTISER These Slackers Skater figures in are keeping busy attaining gold ENTERTAINMENT/20 SPORTS/24 PRESSRUN 46,600 32 PAGES FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2002 OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/ $1 NEWSSTAND Mayors prepare annual address Safety in the spotlight at PHS following gun incidents BY MIKE RUTA Staff Writer AJAX —Pickering High School students say they want to be involved in efforts to help erase their school’s reputation as a violent place. Roughly 250 parents and stu- dents attended a meeting there Wednesday night, held, said princi- pal Al Monks, “to find community- based, long-term solutions to in- crease safety at our school”. The meeting followed two inci- dents involving guns at the school in the last two months, the latest a few weeks ago when a teen fired a gun- shot in the school’s foyer. One week later, the board installed three more security cameras in addition to one already in place at the school. The board also hired two security guards and a fourth vice-principal, who began work today (Friday). “It’s not that I don’t like my school, but I don’t like what’s hap- pening to it,” Jennifer Mason, an OAC student, told the assembly. Like several students who spoke up, she said students can’t be kept in the dark if they are to help find so- lutions. In an exchange with Mr. Monks, she asked why students weren’t given the same opportunityJENNIFER MASON ‘I don’t like what’s happening.’ See SCHOOL page 2 Crown attorney charged in hit-and-run BY STEPHEN SHAW Staff Writer DURHAM ––Durham Senior Crown Attorney John Scott has been charged with impaired driving causing bodily harm and failing to remain at the scene of an accident after a collision that left a 16-year- old Ajax boy bruised. Durham Regional Police arrest- ed Mr. Scott, 55, who has served as this region’s top prosecutor for more than 20 years, late Tuesday night. Police said the teenaged pedes- trian, who was shaken up but not seriously hurt, was walking with three friends on the north shoulder of Rossland Road, just east of Har- wood Avenue, when he was struck by a westbound vehicle. Witnesses told police the car continued without stopping, leav- ing behind a broken side-view mir- ror. According to police reports, the See CHARGES page 2 ALL FURNITURE, ACCESSORIES & MATTRESSES 20%60% TO OFF 1099 Kingston Road. Just North of Hwy. 401. Heading East...Take Whites Rd. (Exit 394). North of Kingston Road (Hwy 2.) and turn right. Heading West...Take Liverpool Rd. (Exit 397) North of Kingston Road (Hwy 2.) and turn left. (905) 420-8402 Open Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., Fri., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. PICKERING SHOWROOMSALE ENDS SUNDAY FEB 3RD Register Now March Break Camps 905-420-4621 Pickering Rec. Complex CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS 180 0 FINE RESTAURANT (416) 281-2180 www.180finedining.com BLACK DOG PUB (416) 286-4544 www.blackdogpub.com as parents to have a meeting where their concerns could be addressed. “Can we still do that?” she asked. “Yes,” he replied. “We need to know that we can play a role and we need to know what’s going on,” said Ms. Mason. In an interview, she said she walked through the school’s foyer five minutes after the shot, fired while she was leav- ing a classroom at the opposite end of the building. “If they had told me, ‘students, there’s an incident,’ that would have helped,” said Ms. Mason, adding she would have gladly returned to class. As it turned out, she walked out of the front entrance not knowing what had happened. She and fellow OAC student Teresa Reed recently formed a group at the school called Loud that holds biweekly drop-in meetings for students. Ms. Reed said they started the group after a teacher was robbed at gunpoint in De- cember and her own car was broken into at the school. “We wanted to raise awareness, a place where students could come and share what they were feeling,” said Ms. Reed. School administration at the meeting outlined the many programs in place at the school and others on the way, like ‘making the right choices’ and ‘path- ways to excellence’. And Durham Po- lice Sergeant Bruce Townley, who heads the force’s street crime unit, told parents the two incidents involving guns were “unique and isolated” happenings. Pick- ering High School is “a relatively safe school compared to other ones in Cana- da and our partners in the United States”, he said. But for most, that wasn’t good enough. “We want to be more than relatively safe,” said school community council chairman John Byard, provoking a round of applause. “It’s time to, I hate to use a cliché, but I think it’s time to take back our school,” he said. Like several speakers, he said the school’s overcrowding is a major factor in violent incidents. Ms. Mason agreed overcrowding is an issue at the school, but said “attitudes in general have changed amongst stu- dents, leading them towards violence and gang activity. “It’s like that everywhere. (But) this is us, in our school, and we want to make a difference in our school.” The school population of roughly 1,850 students is to drop by 250 to 300 students when J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate opens in September. School community seeks safety solutions SCHOOL from page 1 driver returned to the scene 10 minutes later, spoke to the vic- tim and his friends, and drove off. The teen’s father went to the scene and police were called. The 1993 Chevy Intrepid re- turned a second time shortly after, police said, and officers arrested a man who was identi- fied as the driver involved in the collision. The teen was taken to Ajax and Pickering Health Centre, treated for bruising and re- leased. The car’s windshield, hood and side-view mirror were dam- aged, police said. The man, who was taken to 19 Division in Pickering, “co- operated fully with the police,” said Sergeant Paul Malik, Durham police spokesman. He said given the close working relationship between local police and prosecutors, in- vestigating officers consulted with senior officials from the Ministry of the Attorney Gener- al. Sgt. Malik said police laid charges after also consulting with independent counsel, which has been retained to pros- ecute the case. In addition, an outside police agency will be called in to conduct interviews with witnesses at the request of the independent counsel to en- sure impartiality in the investi- gation, Sgt. Malik said. Mr. Scott, of Ajax, faces one count each of failing to stop at the scene of an accident causing bodily harm and impaired oper- ation of a motor vehicle causing bodily harm. He was released on a promise to appear in Os- hawa court on March 12. Brendan Crawley, spokesman for the Attorney- General’s office, would not comment on the case or Mr. Scott’s status as region Crown Attorney. “It is a matter before the courts and these kinds of inter- nal issues are human resources matters on which we don’t com- ment,” Mr. Crawley said. Mr. Scott could not be reached at the Whitby Crown’s office late yesterday. Charges laid in hit-and-run CHARGES from page 1 235 BAYLY ST. W. AJAX (905) 426-1581 SKIRTS 2 / $3.50 DRAPES 10% OFF excludes: silk, pleats, leather & suede Pickering Wind Generating Station putting our energy to good use www.opg.com Shortly after launching North America’s largest wind turbine last August, we asked the community and Ontario Power Generation employees to suggest a name for this high-profile facility. After considering nearly 600 suggestions, one name stood out in its simplicity and directness – the Pickering Wind Generating Station. Thank you to all those who entered. We put all your names in a hat and drew one lucky winner, Rula Zabana. The new name reflects our long-term relationship with the Pickering community. And it recognizes the region's significance as a major Ontario energy centre where important new projects are welcomed and supported. Thanks to everyone who contributed their suggestions. We’re proud to have this remarkable new facility located here in Pickering. It’s one more way we’re investing in the community and in innovative, renewable energy. A/P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 BY LESLEY BOVIE Staff Writer DURHAM —If you love winter sports, chances are, you weren’t relishing the recent unseasonably mild temperatures. With all the media atten- tion surrounding the record- breaking warm spell — over 10 C — local bait shops say they’re struggling to get the word out that there is still enough thick ice on Lake Scugog for ice fishing. “We’re hearing from peo- ple in Hamilton and St. Catharines who have heard on the radio or TV that all lakes are unsafe this year,” explained Joanne Sullivan, owner of Backbay Outfitters Fishing Tackle and Outer- wear, in Port Perry. While Lake Simcoe is certainly having its troubles, Lake Scugog is another mat- ter, she said. Some open water does exist at the north end of the lake, but there are spots as thick as 10 inches, she said. “It’s the first time the lake has iced this winter. Usually it ices up earlier in Novem- ber. The first ice is the best fishing ice,” Mrs. Sullivan pointed out. “If you go out on it, you’ll actually see the weeds below, it’s so clear.” Anglers don’t have to go very far to find a good spot. Fishing is fine at the Queen Street dock, said Mrs. Sulli- van. She recommends anglers walk, rather than drive out on the ice, and stick to “where the crowds are”, rather than wandering out to areas on their own. In the meantime, lack of snow cover has shut down Scugog’s snowmobile trails for most of January. Port Perry Snowmobile Club president Charlie Harper said his crews have only been out once to groom the trails. They were only open the weekend of Jan. 19 in a “limited fashion”, with all feeder trails closed to riders, he said. “We’ve had to spend a lot of hours and a lot of money clearing brush from the trails whether or not the trails were ready to go,” the president said. “There haven’t been any complaints from riders. Most people realize it is out of our control.” NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 3 A/P Fax it The News Advertiser General 905-683-7363 Check first, but the ice is nice for fishing in Durham You can afford a home security system. It’s FREE That’s right, for a limited time we will install our basic security alarm package in your home for free, with a 3 year alarm monitoring agreement at $24.95 /mo. Call today for more details. (905)426-0091 or (905)426-0092 FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@marshallhomes.ca Are you a “leafs” fan? new year new savings... www.unitedcomputer.ca NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 12:00 TO 4:00 PM Mon.-Fri. 10-7, Sat.10-5 ALL PRICES ARE 3% DISCOUNTED FOR CASH Gov’t P.O’s Accepted rrs TM **OUR SYSTEMS COME PROTECTED WITH NORTON ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE SPECIALS ARE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY AND WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. PRICES MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. TOP UP YOUR OLD SYSTEM Boost your computer PLUS MANY MORE UNADVERTISED SPECIALS! MOST REQUIRED COMPONENTS $ 14499 $ 20999 $ 8999 $999 $999 $ 9999 $ 11999 $4499 $8999 $6999 $13999 $6999 $5999 $3999 $ 1499 $15999 $3999 $2499 $ 499 Lowest prices on installation eg. 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Ages Infants - 12 years Full or half day programs Nursery School Licensed & Qualified Teachers 6:45am - 6:15pm Come In For a Visit 905-509-4021 rrs TM A/P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Waterfall Daybed $119 Vanessa Daybed “CANADA’S MATTRESS SUPERSTORE” ALL 20 0 1 MERCH A N D I S E REDUC E D UP TO 6 0 % O F F DO NOT P A Y UNTIL 2 0 0 3 (See sto r e f o r d e t a i l s ! ) Milan Twin/Double Wood Bunk Manhattan Solid Wood Futon $169 Paris Futon $469 Alexander Futon $439 A-Frame Futon $179 Iron Futon Sofa $259 Metal Spacesaver Bunk $249 Iron Futon Bunk $319 Heritage Bunk $279 Harvard Bunk $299 Ambassador Bed $319 Milan Wood Bed $359 Monaco Iron/Wood Bed $339 Captain Economy Bed Bedroom Suite ON SALE Electric Bed $1289 LIMITED QUANTITIES $319 Orthoelegance 25-YR. Warranty $349Single Mattress Set $529 DOUBLE 429 Set 639 QUEEN 519 Set 709 KING 639 Set 999 Hotel Type Mattress 25-YR. Warranty EXTRA FIRM SUPPORT $289Single Mattress Set $469 DOUBLE 359 Set 529 QUEEN 399 Set 589 KING 559 Set 879 Orthopedic 20-YR. Warranty FIRM SUPPORT $229Single Mattress Set $389 DOUBLE 289 Set 459 QUEEN 339 Set 519 KING 509 Set 819 Comfort Sleep 15-YR. Warranty REGULAR SUPPORT $189Single Mattress Set $339 DOUBLE 229 Set 469 QUEEN 289 Set 499 CHOICES FREE4Any •Bed Frame •Pillow Cases •Mattress Pad •Bed Rails •Sheet Straps •Comforter •Layaway •Pillow •Set-up •Disposal of Old Set •Pillow Protector •Percale Set of Sheets •Local Delivery NO GST & NO PST COUPON OR With Any Matching Mattress Set Purchased IF COLOUR DOESN’T MATTER THEN NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! FREE 6 MONTH LAYAWAY! NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 5 A/P Most evenings we can tune into a very convincing commercial sponsored by the provincial gov- ernment regaling us with both the benefits of receiving our ‘free’ flu shots and of the possible tragic consequences to the ungrateful louts who would decline such a benevolent offer. If these shots are free, then who is the benefactor of such a generous gift? Is it a present from the throne of the pharmaceutical empire to the people of this province or is our government pouring more of our hard-earned tax dollars into the overstuffed coffers of these giants? Should the latter be true, then, es- sentially we are paying for our own shots, and dearly at that. We pay dearly because, despite all the vaccines, antibiotics, the up- pers and downers and genetic engi- neering, people are still getting sick and at an astounding rate. Ask any overextended physician (I imagine that would be all of them) what they dispense most? I would ven- ture to say a few minutes of com- passionate time — a few minutes where someone is listening to one’s feelings — is the best prescription medicine, the one that heals. Ob- serve the popularity of chat lines, psychic lines and all form of lines and you can see what we all need most is to connect with someone. Loneliness is a big industry. So, as all our illustrious leaders appear to be giving us something, other than cutbacks, for nothing, the purses of the fashion, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries are growing fatter. We pay a heavy price to try to soothe our souls. In recent years many visionaries began to notice that often people, given the same diagnosis, fare dif- ferently. Some accept the verdict and usually their health either stayed the same or deteriorated. Those who took responsibility for their health by incorporating strate- gies for the healing of mind, body and soul into their daily lives, often cured their ailments. Those who joined support groups and had car- ing support systems lived longer. This is where our dollars need to go — into educating new parents in the healing of their own wounds in order to raise healthy children in a mutually nurturing environment rather than in poverty, fear and ig- norance of past generations. We won’t have to spend billions of dol- lars trying to fix something if it isn’t broken. We are a populace slowly bleeding to death from the wounds of isolation, loneliness and broken spirits. Nurturing environment the key to health care Educating parents in the healing of wounds costs less than the current billions being spent Marcey Collins Opinion Shaper shouston@durhamregion.com P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Let’s make 2002 a time for making world a better place To the editor: Last year was very stressful and de- pressing because of the terrorist attacks on the United States Sept. 11. This year, the world will be a little shaky. Our everyday problems seem to be taking over our brains and make us focus on the negative things. We need to concentrate on the positive things, like what we are going to do when we grow up, and not live our lives in shame and regret. This year, we must all pray for the world to be a better place to live in and to be free of all the bad things that can hap- pen. Although the world is not perfect, we should try to make it as perfect as we can. Ashley Vickery Age 13 PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher Director of Advertising Retail/Distribution John Willems Director of Advertising Real Estate/Automotive Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing Manager *** News 905-683-5110 Sales 905-683-5110 Classifieds 905-683-0707 Distribution 905-683-5117 General Fax 905-683-7363 Death Notices 905-683-3005 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 E-mail shouston@ durhamregion.com Web address durhamregion.com 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 1332791 *** The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Commu- nity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the On- tario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. Editorial and Adver- tising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduc- tion is prohibited. Editorial &OPINIONS PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER FEBRUARY 1, 2002 LETTERS POLICY All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Editorial e-mail responses to shouston@durhamregion.com Letters to the editor e-mail responses to shouston@durhamregion.com Embattled Pickering Ward 3 Regional Councillor Rick John- son’s re-election to a fifth term as chairman of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Association (CLOCA) can certainly be viewed as a triumph, considering the issues he’s faced in recent months. Coun. Johnson, you may recall, cleared trees last year on Uxbridge-Pickering Town Line and Sideline 8 to access his north Pickering property and drew harsh criticism from several quar- ters. He’s since been ordered by the City of Pickering to restore the property to its original state or the City says it will do it at his expense. In the meantime, he’s the subject of a lawsuit by the Township of Uxbridge, and has countersued both that Township and the City of Pickering, claiming the roads were open allowances that weren’t properly maintained by the authorities charged with doing so. The civil suits will wind their way through the system in the coming months and eventually be dealt with. In the meantime though, we have a councillor who has been accused of environmentally unfriendly actions, raising a question of credibility as he leads a quasi-government body that is pri- marily mandated to protect the area’s natural assets. Following his re-election as chairman, Mr. Johnson said he re- mains a committed conservationist and pointed to his record as chairman of CLOCA. He qualified his comments by noting his “track record speaks for itself. “I am a conservationist, not one of those extreme environ- mentalists who try to protect every fly or nurse every goldfish, but I can live and work with those people.” Indeed, Mr. Johnson’s claim of being a conservationist is re- inforced by his leadership as the CLOCA chairman; the associa- tion’s record tends to bear that out. Still, the spectre of a legal battle between Coun. Johnson and his critics only clouds his record and efforts, strong and tangible as they may be. If, as he claims, Coun. Johnson is committed to conservation practices, he should step aside, even temporarily, as chairman while these civil suits are adequately dealt with. He does bring a depth and breadth of knowledge to the table, and should contin- ue to do so, but in an advisory capacity. Citizens in the community are looking for solutions regarding the dispute over Mr. Johnson’s rural property. It would be diffi- cult for taxpayers to reconcile the issue of civil lawsuits with his leadership of an important authority charged with protecting our natural resources. Mixed message for Pickering citizens Until lawsuits settled, Johnson should step aside as chairman of CLOCA 715 Kingston Rd., Exit 401 at Whites Rd. 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Fully loaded, p/sunroof. 59,000 km. 1999 GRAND AM GT FRESH TRADES DAILY!! 3800 V6, auto, A/C, low kms. 1997 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GTP NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 7 A/P A/P PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 9 A/P We’re online at durhamregion.com Have a heart and give blood this month DURHAM –– It’s not just because of Valentine’s Day that those who care give gifts in February. The ‘gift of life’ can be donated at Canadian Blood Ser- vices clinics throughout the month at the following Durham Region locations. • On Feb. 7, a clinic will operated in St. Gregory’s Auditorium, 194 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, from 12:30-8 p.m. • Feb. 12 is the day the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, 130 Scu- gog St., Bowmanville, hosts a clinic from 3-8 p.m. • On Feb. 13, it’s the Scugog Com- munity Centre, 1655 Reach St., Port Perry from 1-8 p.m. • The ‘Big Day’, Feb. 14, is com- memorated with a blood donor clinic at the Uxbridge Seniors’ Centre, 75 Mari- etta St., Uxbridge, from 2-8 p.m. • On Tuesday, Feb. 19, a clinic will be running at St. Bernadette Church, 21 Bayly St. E., Ajax, from 12:30-8 p.m. • Feb. 20 is the day Pickering Power Plant Operations, 1675 Montgomery Park Rd., Information Centre, wel- comes donors from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. • On Feb. 23, a clinic opens in West- minster United Church, 1825 Manning Rd., Whitby, from noon-4 p.m. • Feb. 26 is when Donevan Colle- giate, 250 Harmony Rd. S., Oshawa, opens its doors to donors from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. • The following day, Feb. 27, it’s west to Pickering at the Holy Redeemer Parish, 769 Eyer Drive from 4-8 p.m. • Feb. 28, the last day of the shortest month, will also see a blood donor clin- ic in Pickering, this time at the Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. from 1-8 p.m. For more information, call 1-888-2- DONATE (1-888-236-6283). 7 PM FRIDAY MARCH 1ST, 2002 OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM 99 THORNTON ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA $4500 per ticket TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE CIVIC BOX OFFICE OR THROUGH TICKETMASTER (416) 870-8000 BROUGHT TO YOU BY ROTARY CLUB OF WHITBY SUNRISE ticketmaster.ca WIN FREE TI C K E T S Valentine’ s D a yTWOfor Just complete the following sentence and send to address below. My significant other deserves/NEEDS a night out because he/she... . AN EVENING WITH MICHELLE WRIGHT AND THE NYLONS FREE DRAW Name: Address: Home Phone #:( ) Day# ( ) Mail or Drop off in person to: Michelle Wright FREE Ticket Draw c/o This Week P.O. Box 481, 865 Farewell Street Oshawa, On. L1H 7L5 Contest Deadline Noon on Wed. Feb. 13, 2002 Winner will be contacted by phone. Our Doctors look forward to serving Whitby and Ajax Eyecare Needs for Years to Come! Thank You for your Trust! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturdays 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 12 p.m. - 9 p.m. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. By Appointment Dr. Christina Schropp Dr. Pamela Schmitz OPTOMETRISTS 965 Dundas St. W. (905) 666-4848 NEW OPTOMETRISTS Announcing NEW Office Hours February 1st, 2002 A/P PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Studies ordered on seven north Durham wells BY TIM FORAN Staff Writer DURHAM ––The Ontario gov- ernment is imposing tough conditions on 205 waterworks that use potentially suspect groundwater sources, including seven wells in Uxbridge, Clarington, Sunderland and Cannington. One of the Province’s conditions in- cludes an immediate requirement wells be equipped with 24-hour automated monitors, something Durham Region officials say their wells already have. “Our testing of these sources, they’ve always met the Ontario Drink- ing Water objectives for water quality,” added Ken Thomson, director of envi- ronmental services for Durham’s works department. Mr. Thomson said the Region is also in the midst of complying with another condition the Province has imposed, that being hydro-geological studies of the seven suspect wells to determine if they are under the direct influence of surface water. Mr. Thomson said a study on two wells in Sunderland concluded the wells were not under the direct influ- ence of surface water. He said the Re- gion hopes to get studies under way for the other five wells. Two of the wells are located in a gravel pit in the south- west corner of Cannington, two more in the Skinner Springs and Mackie Creek area of Bowmanville, and one on Brock Street in Uxbridge. If any of the wells are found to be under the direct influence of surface water, the Region might have to treat and filter them as they would lake water in the southern municipalities and in Beaverton. Another more likely solution, Mr. Thomson suggested, would be for the Region to abandon contaminated wells and instead dig a deep-drilled well. –– WITH FILES FROM TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE Series: New Beginnings /February 3 “Go Train To Destiny.” 9:00 a.m. Sundays Tel: 905-839-7271 Dunbarton Fairport Church Dunbarton Rd., West of Dixie Rd., Just north of Kingston Rd./Highway #2 Celebrate and Worship with Us You do not need Absolute Faith To Be Welcomed Absolutely! FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@ marshallhomes.ca If you want to see Forest View, go to Robinhood on January 26. Doorcrashers: just 2 hours to save! Doorcrashers are available while quantities last and exclude Bay Value, Outline, Market Square & just-reduced items. Selection will vary by store. Off our regular prices unless otherwise specified. SAVE 50% ALL WOMEN’S BAYCREST SPORT SOCKS SAVE 60% •BAKER’S SECRET BAKEWARE (excludes Bay Value) • WAMSUTTA “SOFT & EASY” SHEETS & CASES SAVE 40% •MEN’S HATS, GLOVES & SCARVES •MEN’S, WOMEN’S & KIDS’ SLIPPERS •ALFRED DUNNER FASHIONS Includes petites & Plus Size SAVE AN EXTRA 40% MEN’S POINT ZERO FASHIONS already reduced by 50% Off our last ticketed prices. SAVE AN EXTRA 40% WOMEN’S CLEARANCE-PRICED SLEEPWEAR & ROBES Off our last ticketed prices. DON’T MISS THESE DOORCRASHER SPECIALS! 2 HOURS ONLY! Sat., Feb. 2nd, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. IT’S TIME FOR CLEARANCE! While quantities last. Sorry, no substitutions. Selection will vary by store. THIS WEEKEND@THEBAYFriday, February 1st to Sunday, February 3rd for women SAVE 40% all boxed bras By WonderBra, Warner’s & Vogue Bra Excludes WonderBra Plus size. SAVE 30% all women’s Alia & Alia Sport fashions Includes petites & Plus Size SAVE 25% women’s regular-priced sleepwear, robes, daywear, fashion bras & panties for men SAVE 25% •men’s Jockey underwear & socks Sale ends Sunday February 17th •men’s Dockers®& Haggar twill pants Reg. $69.99 & $74.99 sale $52.49 & $56.24 jewellery SAVE 50% Charter Collection® 14 Kt. gold jewellery luggage BUY MORE, SAVE MORE: buy 3 or more pieces, save 55% buy 2 pieces, save 50% buy 1 piece, save 45% Excludes Bay Value, Outline and hard-side luggage housewares & china SAVE 50% • all cookware sets over $300 & matching open stock Excludes Henckels, Professional Kitchen, Market Square & Bay Value. • Royal Albert & Johnson Brothers 5-pce. place settings linens SAVE 60% Palatial towels SAVE 30% all bed-in-a-bag SAVE 30% TO 50% women’s selected scarves, hats, handbags, socks & more SAVE UP TO 60% end-of-line & clearance floor sample furniture including living room, dining room, bedroom and mattressesSAVE 40% men’s designer sportswear by Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, 4You, Kenneth Cole & more SAVE 50% • men’s selected fall & winter suits and sportcoats • men’s fall & winter designer denim by CK Jeans, Polo Jeans & more SAVE UP TO 75% men’s, women’s & kids’ shoe, boot, slipper & athletic shoe clearance SAVE AN EXTRA 50% Already-reduced bedding Off our last ticketed prices SAVE UP TO 50% kids’ selected fashions Off original price SAVE AN EXTRA 30% all previously reduced fashion jewellery, sterling silver, gold, fine jewellery & watches Off our last ticketed prices SAVE AN EXTRA 25% women’s clearance-priced sleepwear, daywear, robes, fashion bras & panties Offer not included in doorcrasher special Off our last ticketed prices furniture, appliances, electronics & mattresses: do not pay until 2003* no interest, no down payment, no monthly payments *See in-store for details SAVE 50% TO 55% all mattress sets, plus BONUS** delivery **Purchase a mattress set, have it delivered, and we will give you a discount equivalent to the cost of standard local delivery. SAVE UP TO $300 selected Maytag, GE, Frigidaire & Whirlpool appliances All savings are off our regular prices, unless otherwise specified. Brands and selection will vary by store. Excludes just-reduced, St. Regis Room, special buys, Bay Value, Outline, Market Square and licensed departments. SAVE THE GST On purchases throughout the store We will give you a discount equivalent to the GST off our regular, sale or clearance prices. Excludes doorcrashers, furniture, mattresses, electronics & major appliances. Some exceptions apply, see in-store for details. TURN EVERYDAYSHOPPING INTO REWARDS. Earn points at all Hudson’s Bay Company(HBC) family of stores-The Bay,Zellers,Home Outfitters,Déco Découverte or hbc.com COLLECT POINTS FASTER WITH YOUR BAY, HBC OR ZELLERS CREDIT CARD. EARN 25 BONUS POINTS WITH ALMOST EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND shopping is good T he expansion and redevelopment of Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering took another step with the opening of the Ontario Power Generation Nuclear Medicine Clinic at the hospital in December. Thanks to a $1 million donation by OPG, the hospital was able to install the latest equipment to provide lung, bone and cardiac scans. Patients no longer have to travel outside the community for these vital tests. The clinic also provides the most up-to-date screening and diagnostic procedures for cancer and aids physicians in determining the various stage of the disease. “As a company dedicated to generating a significant amount of our electricity production from safe, clean nuclear power here in Durham Region,” said OPG President and CEO Ron Osborne, “it seemed a particularly good fit for us to support this nuclear medicine facility.” HEALTH SYSTEM Excellent Care. Close to Home. A report to the community from Rouge Valley Health System. New MRI means better access to care A cardiac centre of excellence adds another key service Afull-scale celebration was held when it arrived, and today, Rouge Valley’s new MRI is up and running. For many years, there has been a shortage of MRI facilities in the East GTA. Typically, patients in communities that included Scarborough, Pickering and Ajax waited six months or more for MRI services. Now that the machine is up and running at Rouge Valley Centenary, patients in these communities have significantly better access to the latest in imaging technology. “This is something we’ve needed for a very long time,” says Al Whiting, Rouge Valley’s President. “Now waiting times are reduced significantly, and there’s no question that this means better care for our patients.” MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI scan can see right through bone to image tissues, organs, and fluids such as blood, and is particularly useful in detecting multiple sclerosis, tumours, brain and spine diseases, fluid in the skull, cancer and other diseases in the kidneys, ovaries, uterus and liver. MRI has no known harmful side effects and can help with early detection for better treatment. Toyota Canada President Yoshio Nakatani, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Tony Clement, Scarborough East MPP Steve Gilchrist and Rouge Valley President Al Whiting celebrate the arrival of Rouge Valley’s MRI. Toyota was one of the lead donors in the campaign to raise the $2.5 million needed to purchase the machine. Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Tony Clement gave Rouge Valley Centenary another reason to celebrate with the announcement of a stand-alone angioplasty service at the hospital. “This is something we’ve needed for a very long time,” says Phil Diamond, a former cardiac patient and long-time advocate of bringing additional cardiac services to Rouge Valley. “This is great news for all the patients in this community.” “This is a significant advance,” says Dr. Joe Ricci, the medical director of the cardiac care program at Rouge Valley. “There is no question that having this service here, close to where people live, will provide much better care for our community.” Already regarded as a cardiac centre of excellence, Rouge Valley’s heart-health services include rapid treatment of heart attacks, a state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization lab; stress testing, echocardiography and nuclear function studies; a permanent pacemaker and implantable defibrillator clinic, and a full service cardiac rehab centre. Angioplasty is a procedure that is performed in the cardiac cath laboratory to open blocked arteries and prevent a heart attack and permanent damage to the heart. It is performed while the patient is awake, and in some cases can eliminate the need for the more invasive bypass surgery. Traditionally, angioplasty is performed in cardiac surgical centres, but with recent advances in cardiac care, it is now routinely performed in non cardiac-surgical centres in many parts of the world. Rouge Valley Centenary is the first hospital in Ontario to be granted permission to perform angioplasty without cardiac surgical services. The new service is scheduled to be up and running in April 2002. Community Calendar Women’s Wednesdays at Rouge Valley Health System Women’s Health and Wellness Services presents a series of speakers in the “Discovering New Possibilities” series on Wednesday nights. Upcoming topics include: •February 6th – Menopause Part Two. Holistic and traditional treatments are explored with speaker Dr. Alvin Pettle. •February 13th – Attitudes Towards Aging. Uplifting ways to keep your mind, body and spirit in youthful condition with speaker Sybilla Mannsfeldt. •Feburary 20th – Incontinence. Treatment options with speaker Dr. William Easton. •February 27th – Looking After Yourself, What You Should Know. Learn about the diseases of aging and what tests you need with Registered Nurse Carmen James Henry, and Dentist Dr. Dana Coulson. There is an $8 fee for all session, which includes free parking. All sessions are held in the Bruce Johnson Conference Room, 3rd floor, Rouge Valley Centenary. No pre-registration is necessary. Call (416) 284-8131 ext. 4014 for more information. Updates in Cardiac Care – a Continuing Education Series for the Community Presented by Rouge Valley’s Cardiac Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation Services, these Thursday evening sessions explore various topics related to cardiac health. All sessions are held in the Kandhal and Singh Cardiac Education Theatre, 11th Floor, Rouge Valley Centenary, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. February 28 – Women and Heart Disease, with Anne Marie Shin, RN March 28 – What’s Hot in Cardiology, with Dr. A Mukherjee, Cardiologist April 25 – South Asian Heart Health – South Asians and Heart Disease, with Dr. N. Singh, Cardiologist Pre-registration is necessary, please call (416) 281-7113. There is no charge for these sessions and parking is free. Volunteers needed! Can you spare a few hours of your time each week to help those in your own community? Both Rouge Valley hospitals are seeking additional volunteers to work day shifts on weekdays (Monday to Friday). Positions are available in wide range of areas from staffing the gift shop to helping patients directly. If you’re interested in volunteering, please call: Rouge Valley Centenary (416) 281-7316 Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering: (905) 683-2320 x 5481 CARDIACCARDIAC Nuclear medicine added to roster of services A big thank you to a community that cares Nuclear Medicine Technician Brian Pavlich is kept busy at Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering providing scans for inpatients and outpatients. Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering 580 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario, L1S 2J4 (905) 683-2320 A community hospital with 132 beds. Services offered include emergency services, rehabilitation, medicine, surgery, cardiac care, paediatrics, intensive care, ambulatory care, maternal and newborn services, mental health and diagnostic imaging. Patient Inquiry and main line: (905) 683-2320 Extension numbers: Admitting x 1216 Auxiliary x 5481 Discharge Planning x 4207 Foundation Office x 1227 Mental Health x 3275 Public Relations x 5240 Rouge Valley Centenary 2867 Ellesmere Road Toronto, Ontario M1E 4B9 A full-service community hospital with 411 beds. Services offered emergency, child and adolescent health, cardiac care, medicine, cancer care, surgery, mental health, women’s health, continuing care and rehabilitation. Patient Inquiry (416) 281-7315 Admitting (416) 281-7277 Child and Adolescent Mental Health (416) 281-7301 Foundation Office (416) 281-7342 Human Resources (416) 281-7271 Mental Health Clinic (416) 281-7318 Public Relations/Communications (416) 281-7344 T he addition of angioplasty to the cardiac services at Rouge Valley didn’t happen by accident – it is due in large part to the efforts of various members of the community who worked long and hard to bring the services they needed to their own community. Whitby resident Phil Diamond was one of the leaders of the Cardiac Care Community Advisory Group that collected more than 20,000 signatures from residents in Scarborough, Ajax, Pickering, Whitby and beyond, all of whom supported bringing additional cardiac services to Rouge Valley. “Those cards were a vital part of our success, and I’d like to thank everyone who worked on the campaign, and everyone who took the time to sign those cards,” says Diamond. “I’d also like to thank our local MPPs, including Steve Gilchrist, Janet Ecker and Jim Flaherty,” says Diamond. “Their voices helped persuade the Ministry of Health that it was time deliver those services close to home.” www.excellentcare.com 20,000 signed cards. NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 11 A/P MON.-THURS. 9-9 FRIDAY 9-6 SATURDAY 9-5 683-5722 2059 BAYLY ST. E. PICKERING ROB BENNETT Sales Manager STAN WELLS JEFF CAVAN Bus. Manager RICK WILKINSON JIM FITZPATRICKPAUL GRANT A/P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 “Annandale Dodge” LIBERTY SPORT Olympic Edition, 4.7 Litre V8, 5 spd., auto., 28 F Package STK# N22.206 On Sale WE STILL HAVE GREAT DEALS ON USED VEHICLES $26,090*$38,308* CHEROKEE LARAEDO is happy to announce that we are now the only JEEP Dealership in Pickering. We now carry a complete line of Jeep Models and Products... As well as our valued Dodge Chrysler Lines Auto., 6 cyl., air, CD Player, Full size spare and more STK. #N22-197 On Sale NEW 2002 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LARAEDO NEW 2002 JEEP LIBERTY SPORT 4X4 4 INSTOCK $$15,99515,995 LOW KMS. 1998 DODGE RAM 1500 Tutone paint, V8, auto, air, cassette, chrome wheel package. Stk. #P357. 1995 DODGE RAM 4x4 Auto, air, AM/FM stereo, tutone paint. Stk. #332B. $$13,99513,995 Low, Low Km 1998 DODGE DAKOTA $$18,99518,995 Club Cab Sport, low kms., 6 cylinder, auto, air, tilt, tonneau cover, liner and more. Stk. #P356 WOW! Look at this! 1999 RAM 1500 4x4 Quad cab, V8, auto., air, tutone paint, CD player, power equipped. Stk.#P260 SUPER SHAPE PRICED TO SELLPRICED TO SELL 2001 CHRYSLER NEON’S Ex rental unit, auto, air, tilt, cruise control, AM/FM cassette. Low km’s. Bal of factory warranty! 12 to choose from 1998 CHRYSLER CIRRUS LXI What A Beauty! 6cyl., leather, trim, fully loaded Stk.#P338 $$16,99516,995 LOW KMS. 2000 CHRYSLER INTREPID Finished in champagne. Low, low km’s. All power equipment. Stk. #LU2114 $$17,99517,995 1998 CHRYSLER CONCORD LX Fully loaded, all power and low, low kms. Stk #P322 $$17,99517,995 LOW KMS. A must to see and drive! What A Beauty leather trim, alum., wheels, all power equipment, CD player, one owner.Stk. #107A 1999 CONCORDE LXI PRICED TO SELL!PRICED TO SELL! Fully Loaded Top of the line luxury, fully loaded, leather, CD player. Stk. #LU1588 1999 CHRYSLER LHS Nice clean car. Great on gas, auto., air, AM, FM cassette, tilt, cruise and more. Stk. #P412 1996 PLYMOUTH BREEZE $$7,9957,995 Great For The Whole Family 6cyl., tilt, cruise control, dual sliding doors, stereo and more. Stk. #513A 1998 DODGE CARAVAN $$13,99513,995 WOW! Look at this! $$24,99524,995 $$19,99519,995 Great on Gas! NEW & USED VEHICLE CENTRE Super Clean *SALE PRICE PLUS FRT., TAXES, ADMIN., LIC., REBATE ASSIGNED TO DEALER BY JACQUIE McINNES Staff Writer DURHAM —The trucks that wreck the roads should pay to fix them. That’s the premise behind a cam- paign by the Region and some area mu- nicipalities to increase a levy paid by ag- gregate producers. But the past-chairman of the Aggre- gate Producers’ Association of Ontario (APAO) says municipalities already benefit from hosting quarries and pits, even without the levy. The amount currently collected is “clearly not enough to have an impact on road maintenance,” said Jack Mc- Corkell, director of works for Durham Region. “They clearly impact our road system prematurely.” The levy, which has not been changed since 1990 when it was origi- nally created by the Province, is current- ly six cents per tonne. Four cents goes to the local municipality, one cent to the Province and another half-cent goes to a rehabilitation fund for abandoned quar- ries. Only half-a-cent goes to the Re- gion, said Mr. McCorkell. “Most of the heavy traffic ends up on the regional road system,” he said. The Region is sending a letter to the Ontario Good Roads Association asking for its support in lobbying the Province. As well, said Mr. McCorkell, Durham would like to see compensation from ag- gregate companies operating just out- side the regional boundaries but regular- ly using Durham roads. The Region’s actions follow on the heels of comments made earlier this month by Clarington Mayor John Mutton, who raised the issue at a Jan. 7 committee meeting. Since then, Uxbridge and Brock coun- cils have also stated they want more compensation from aggregate producers using their roads. However, Dennis Schmiegelow, past- chairman of APAO,said the real purpose of the levy was not for road maintenance at all. “The real purpose was to provide recompense for municipalities where it involved a lot of municipal planning” to host an aggregate site, he said. On top of the levy, aggregate compa- nies pay municipal taxes as well, Mr. Schmiegelow pointed out, adding road construction and maintenance is one purpose for those taxes. Brian Messerschmidt, provincial manager of aggregate and petroleum re- sources, said the Province is not looking at raising the levy at this time. Not all Ontario quarries are required to follow regulations governing the aggregate in- dustry, he said. Of 155 million metric tonnes produced in the province each year, about 10 million are not regulated, and not levied. NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 13 A/P Fax it The News Advertiser General 905-683-7363 Durham wants aggregate to pay more for roads 900 Champlain Ave., Oshawa 1-800-642-4561 (905) 723-5211 The Area’s ONLY Full Line LA-Z-BOY Dealer Located In The Rear Of CLOCK GALLERY CLOCK GALLERY INVENTORYINVENTORY BLOWOUT!BLOWOUT! LOT’S OFLOT’S OF 2001 INVENTORY2001 INVENTORY PRICED TO PRICED TO CLEAR!CLEAR! ITIT’’SS INVENTORYINVENTORY TIME & WE’DTIME & WE’D RATHERRATHER SELLSELL ITIT THANTHAN COUNTCOUNTCOUNT ITIT!! Would like to welcome Dr. Gloria Alban to our practice Dr. Gloria Alban will be available on Saturdays. Call to book an appointment 905-831-7566 1885 Glenanna Rd. Pickering Kingston Rd.Brock Rd.Glenanna Rd.Pickering Town Centre 401 Glenanna Dental Centre SPECIALSALE Carrier of The Week If you did not receive your News Advertiser or flyers call Circulation at 683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. IN TODAY’S News Advertiser ADVERTISING FLYERS BARGAINS Friday, Feb. 1, 2002 News Advertiser Chiara Friday’s Carrier of the Week is Chiara. Chiara enjoys reading and being with friends. She will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald’s. Congratulations Chiara, for being our Carrier of the Week. Walmart, 270 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax Walmart, 1899 Brock Rd. 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If you like our quotes, you’ll love our printing. 900 Champlain Ave., Oshawa The Area’s ONLY Full Line LA-Z-BOY Dealer INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUTINVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT INVENTORY BLOWOUT 1-800-642-4561 or (905) 723-5211 INVENTORY BLOWOUT! INVENTORY BLOWOUT! SALE ENDS SUN FEB 3/02 SALE ENDS SUN FEB 3/02 LAST C H A N C E Mariachi bands an integral part of country’s culture BY HABEEB SALLOUM Special to the News Advertiser The mariachis’ words cut deep into my soul as I sat enjoying a Mexican gourmet meal at the Hacienda San José del Refugio, where Herradura tequila, one of the purest tequilas in Mexico, is distilled. In the courtyard of the converted ha- cienda, some 40 kilometres west of Guadalajara, the birthplace of the mari- achis, I listened, spellbound, as these heart-stirring singers serenaded the women in our group. I had heard the mariachis numerous times during many trips to Mexico, but this time their music seemed to envelop me. Their penetrating, lively and light-hearted songs gave me a feeling of elation and, at the same time, sadness — an unforgettable gamut of human passions. No one can better capture the passions and image of Mexico than these colourful singers. Proudly they stood in matching garb overshadowed by huge, broad-rimmed and silver-embroidered sombreros. Their traditional silver-decorated cos- tumes with short jackets, tight-fitting wool pants, ruffled white shirts and shiny point- ed boots gave added colour to their tunes. It is said the mariachis and Mexico are synonymous. Even more Mexican than tequila, also born in Guadalajara, the two go hand in hand when there is folkloric en- tertainment. Mariachis often perform in city squares and plazas, at baptisms, weddings and a type of Catholic mass as well as in local hotels and eateries. Playing the best-known Mexican music in the world, they are part and parcel of almost every carnival, tradi- tional fiesta or festival in Mexico and have become a trademark of the country and its culture. Mariachi music, from its very start, was not only sung but also danced. In the coun- tryside where mariachi has been popular for years, skilful footwork accompanies the songs. The origin of the name, mariachi, is much disputed. Some historians speculate it’s a corruption of the French word mariage (marriage) and was invented when the French Maximilian was emperor. However, the French never came to Guadalajara and the mariachis were play- ing in the 16th century, long before the French era. Others theorize the name is derived from music played at festivals honouring the Virgin Mary and is made up of two words: “Maria” and the Indian Nahuatl diminutive, “chi”. However, the most logical theory is the word has native roots and is derived from a local Coca Indian word meaning a small wooden stage on which the performers dance and sing. No matter how the name was derived, mariachi, in our times, means exciting and enchanting Mexican enter- tainment. At first, traditional mariachi bands only played string instruments that were accom- panied by popular dances like the jarabe. These early mariachis principally played the popular music of the day — a mixture of folk from Spain, Mexico and Africa. By the 19th century, the mariachi had devel- oped and more musical instruments had been added. In modern times, the bands use ordinary guitars, round-backed guitars called vi- huela, deep-voiced guitars called guitarro, violins, at times harps, and, of course, al- ways the blaring trumpets. Mariachi music has become Mexico’s cultural voice, a mixture of cultural, spiri- tual and traditional elements in society. In the last few decades, it has been ex- ported to countries as far away as Europe and Japan. More than the famous tequila, it has made Mexico well-known in many parts of the globe. As I listened to them that afternoon ser- enading the women with emotion-filled voices, in the courtyard of the hacienda, while sipping on another Mexican inven- tion — a margarita — it was easy to see why their music has become so popular. A/P PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Travel &TOURISM NEWS ADVERTISER FEBRUARY 1, 2002 On mariachis, Mexico and margaritas Please recycle me!FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@marshallhomes.ca There’s still some forest left to view in Pickering. www.carlsonwagonlit.ca or call 1-800-CARLSON (227-5766) Peace of Mind *Offer valid for Gold Points card holders only, on new bookings made between January 5 and April 30, 2002. Prices include $100 per couple/stateroom discount based on Category 4A (Carnival Triumph 4B) $100* CAD off per couple is applicable to select sail dates on itineraries noted above. $50 off per couple applicable to any Carnival Cruise when booked in conjunction with Americanada Air Program from select gateways.All prices are per person, cruise only, in Canadian dollars. Not combinable with any other offer. Port taxes and gratuities are additional. Ships registry Panama and the Bahamas. Some restrictions may apply.Ask your Carlson Wagonlit Travel consultant for full details. Book a First Choice Cruise Vacation and SAVE $100 * PER COUPLE/STATEROOM Hand-picked First Choice Cruise Vacations leave nothing to chance.Hundreds of worry-free cruises to choose from.Enjoy your vacation! Call today for details: CARNIVAL PARADISE 7 Day Eastern Caribbean May 12 $685 CARNIVAL SPIRIT 7 Day Alaska Glacier Route August 28 $1115 CARNIVAL SPIRIT 7 Day Alaska Inside Passage September 18 $815 CARNIVAL TRIUMPH 7 Day Canada/New England September 21 $795 CARNIVAL PRIDE 7 Day Western Caribbean October 12 $765 CARNIVAL DESTINY 7 Day Southern Caribbean December 1 $445 CARNIVAL ELATION 7 Day Mexican Riviera December 8 $635 CARNIVAL TRIUMPH 7 Day Western Caribbean December 14 $795 OR BOOK ANY OTHER CARNIVAL CRUISE AND Earn Valuable Gold Points Rewards & SAVE $50* CAD Per Couple/Stateroom Plus earn valuable Gold Points on every purchase! 135 Harwood Ave. N., Ajax 683-8411 R# 1581994 1200 Airport Blvd. Oshawa Municipal Airport Oshawa 571-2231 R# 2433034 1305 Pickering Pkwy., The Pickering Corporate Centre, Pickering 831-1521 R# 02829556 3050 Garden Street, Whitby 666-8266 1 -800-274-3764 poste 3150 www.csdccs.edu.on.ca S e m aine d’inscriptio ndu4au8février2002 • de la maternelle à la 12e • 38 écoles élémentaires et 8 écoles secondaires • +11 900 élèves • éducation de qualité dans un milieu francophone et catholique • transport scolaire gratuit Demandes d’admission à l’école la plus près ou au Conseil CC EE NN TT RR EE --SS UU DDCCOONNSSEILSCOLAIREDEDIST R I C TCATHOLIQUECONSEIL SCOLAIRE DE DISTRICT CATHOLIQUE CENTRE-SUD Où il fait bon grandir ! Corpus-Christi * 362, avenue Hillside Oshawa (905) 728-0491 Notre-Dame-de- la-Jeunesse 71, av. Ritchie Ajax (905) 428-1460 Monseigneur-Jamot* 186, rue Romaine Peterborough (705) 742-7571 École secondaire Saint-Charles- Garnier 4101, rue Baldwin Sud Brooklin (905) 655-5635 ou 1 800 464-1236 Région de Durham et Peterborough Informez-vous auprès de votre école élémentaire sur les journées portes ouvertes. * services de garde sur place Programme de garde avant et après l’école LOCATED IN WAL-MART AJAX BRING LEISURE TRAVEL....TO YOUR DOOR WITH OUR SHOP AT HOME SERVICE TELEPHONE FAX EMAIL (905) 426-6242 (905) 426-6249 dcaudie@thomascook.ca NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 15 A/P A/P PAGE 16 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Just the fax: 905-683-7363 Driver training offered to snowmobilers Session this month covers basics in safety, handling DURHAM —Be prepared before hitting the trails this win- ter. The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) of- fers its last driver-training course for the season Sunday, Feb. 17 at the Long Sault Ridge Runners clubhouse, 320 Sandy Hook Rd. in Pontypool. Riders must be 12 years old or over on the day of the course to be eligible. Successful candidates will receive their snow vehicle operator’s licence under the Mo- torized Vehicles Act. With a licence, riders are per- mitted to snowmobile off their own property and on recognized snowmobile trails with a club’s permission or an OFSC permit, or on private property where written permission has been granted. A person 16 or older must ac- company riders wishing to cross a roadway. This person must have a valid operator’s licence or dri- ver’s licence and take the snow- mobile across for the younger rider. The act prohibits riders from driving on any roadway until they reach the age of 16. Snowmobile operators and any passenger must wear an approved snowmobile helmet at all times and carry proof of ownership, in- surance, snow vehicle operator’s licence and a trail permit for rid- ing on prescribed trails. If a rider drives without a snow vehicle operator’s licence, their snowmobile insurance may be in jeopardy. The cost of the course is $23 and includes the licence. Those interested should regis- ter by Feb. 15 by contacting mas- ter instructor Marion Lee at 905- 985-3598. FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@ marshallhomes.ca The leaves have fallen, the snow is fallin’, the rates are fallin’, it’s time to move to the forest. 401 West to Kingston Rd. •West on Kingston Rd to RYLANDER Blvd. right on RYLANDER Blvd. Plaza is on left.Port UnionVillages Of Abby Lane Plaza Office space for lease 2,400 square feet Villages of Abby Lane Mr. Schaefer (416) 221-9494 Rylander Blvd. & Kingston Rd.Rylander Blvd. & Kingston Rd. CUSTOM FRAMING FRESH & SILK FLORAL Roses, Flowers the symbol of love arranged with a special touch FOR YOUR VALENTINE DELIVERY SERVICE 416-282-4555 Also available Custom Framing, Teddy Bears, Card and other gifts February 14, open 9:30 am-8:00 pm CATERING & EVENT PLANNING 1800 BISTRO Best Dining Award Winner Toronto East boasts a bistro of distinction, where you can revel in the comfortable decor as you feast on our renowned selec- tion of glorious cuisine and outstanding wines. We also specialize in Private & Corporate Catering & Event Planning from 10 to 2,000 both onsite or offsite. Prix Fix Weekly Menus Every week we feature a “fixed price” menu creation of four courses at $49 per person Friday Night Dinner Dance (Every Friday) The only place around for dinner and dancing! Hosted by Vladimir Suañez (Personal performances include Carnegie Hall and Roy Thompson Hall) Dancing starts at 9:30 pm with prior dinner reservations For information and menu, please visit our web site www.180bistro.com or www.180catering.com 65 Rylander Boulevard, Scarborough (Just west of Port Union Rd.) Proprietor: Ken Rueter 1800 Bistro and Black Dog 416.281.2180 Sweet Spot Guyanese & West Indian Bakery We produce the finest! (416) 287-2196 •Cheese Straws •Cassava Pone •Coconut Buns •Black Cake •Black Pudding •Cheese Rolls •Beef, Chicken, Veggie patties Seeing Double? for (3 piece dinner) 416-283-FISH (3474) 65 Rylander Blvd. in the Abbey Lane Plaza Visa • Matercard • Amex • Dinners Club • Interact No... You’re not seeing things The Joey’s Only Seafood Restaurant in Abbey Lane Plaza really is offering two delicious helpings of Famous Fish & Chips for the price of one served with homemade coleslaw and all the fries you can eat. Limited Time Offer - Coupon expires Feb. 28, 2002 $7 99$7 99A VALUE Dine in or T a k e O u t Famous Fish & ChipsFamous Fish & Chips * Excluding taxes WE WILL MATCH ANY COMPETITORS PRICE MSB Sports provides the highest quality in brand name footwear and apparel at unbeatable prices. Pro Team Sports Jackets Available. February Specials 416-286-0015 NBA & NFL Apparel On Sale Throughout February FOOTWEAR AND APPAREL 20% OFFup to February 1 to 7, 2002 ALL FILA APPAREL 15% OFFup to February 8 to 14, 2002 15% OFFup to February 15 to 21, 2002 FOOTWEAR AND APPAREL 15% OFFup to February 22 to 28, 2002 ALL C H I L D R E N ’ S ALL RUSSELL ATHLETIC APPAREL WEEK 1 WEEK 3 WEEK 2 WEEK 4 401 West to Kingston Rd. West on Kingston Rd to RYLANDER Blvd. right on RYLANDER Blvd. Plaza is on left.Port UnionRylander Blvd. & Kingston Rd.Rylander Blvd. & Kingston Rd. The New Owner invites you to Indoor Playground 416-282-6531 Drop Off Program Give yourself a little break and feel safe leaving your children with us. We offer many programs to stimulate their interests. Daily Drop In Program Play with your children or relax and watch them while you have a coffee. Winter Hours Mon. to Fri. 9:30 to 6:00 pm, Sat. & sun. 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Other Programs After School Programs, Theme Parties, Birthday Parties Infants to 7 year olds Edward Jones invites you to attend a... Retirement Planning Seminar M. Nick Jaikarin Investment Representative 91 Rylander Blvd. Unit 1-8 Scarborough, Ontario M1B 5M9 Bus 416-286-8826 Fax 416-286-8324 www. edwardjones.com Given any thought to retirement goals? What role will taxes play? What are some time tested investing strategies? How do I protect my assets? Date Wed., Feb. 20/02 Time 7:00pm Address 91 Rylander Blvd. The seminar is free but seating is limited. Call or stop by today for reservations.Member CIPF Live well with Live well for Less Ph. 416-282-4223 Fax 416-282-4391 10% Discount Everyday for Seniors Sales and Rentals of wheelchairs walkers, canes, crutches, and nebulisers Selection of support garments, braces and surgical compression stockings FREE DELIVERY (Some restrictions apply) beside Abby Lane Medical Centre Open 7 Days a week Mon. to Thurs. 9am-9pm, Fri. 9am-8pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm • Arcylic Nails • Gel Nails • French Tip Nails • Overlay Nails • Curved Nails • Pedicure FootSpa • Manicure • Complete Waxing • Facial • Airbrush designs Free Airbrush Designs or Nail Polish 416-282-3600 Mon.-Fri. 10am-8pm, Sat. 10am-7pm, Sun. Closed Professional Nail Care For Ladies & Gents Gift Certificates Available Hip Hop, R & B Alternative, Rock Jazz, Blues Country Pop, Dance, Latin Providing you with all your music needs also D.J. Services available for all occasions Reggae Calypso Soca Come check out our CD’s clearance bin from $5.99 to $9.99 SPIN CITY MUSICSPIN CITYSPIN CITY CD’s • Records • Cassettes • Accessories • D.J. Services Tel: 416-282-4416 Web: spincitymusic.com SECOND TIME AROUND THRIFT STORE VILLAGE OF ABBEY LANE (PORT UNION & 401) (416) 283-1882 ALL WINTER CLOTHING50%OFF • COATS & JACKETS • SNOW PANTS • HATS & MITTS SALE ON FEBRUARY 1 AND 2 plus Your support of this store benefits children with chronic and serious illnesses and their families. NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 17 A/P HomeSweetHomeHomeSweetHome To advertise in this section call Chris or Andrea (905) 683-5110 A/P PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 You Are Invited To An OPEN HOUSE At The Parkway Retirement Home 1645 Pickering Parkway Sunday, February 3, 2002 1:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Join Us For Entertainment, Refreshments, Tours and Chances To Win Beautiful Door Prizes TO R.S.V.P. PLEASE CALL DONNA AT 905-426-6603 HARWOOD AVE.ENTER OFF OF PICKERING PARKWAY BAYLY ST. W. PICKERING PARKWAYWHITES RD.401 OLD KINGSTON RD.LIVERPOOL RD.BROCK RD.401 Bayly LiverpoolBrock Rd.WestneyHarwood975 Brock Rd., Unit 13 Pickering Tel: (905) 420-8183 Fax: (905) 420-6714 WINTER BLOWOUT SALE Vintage Oak Saloon 3 1/4” Vintage Oak Ranch 3 1/4” Bruce Natural Reflections Tavern $$229999 SALE $$3399 99 SALE $$229999 SQ.FT.SQ.FT.SQ.FT. Images Oak & Maple Innkeeper $$337979 SQ.FT. SUPER SALE SALE DRAPERY BLINDS SHUTTERS SHADES 88 Old Kingston Road88 Old Kingston Road (Pickering Village) Ajax 905-428-0937905-428-0937 BLINDS & DRAPERY “Your Window Decorating Centre" VINYLBILTVINYLBILT SHUTTERSSHUTTERS SHOWROOM HOURS: MON - WED 10 - 5, THURS - FRI 10 - 6, SAT 10 - 5 www.sunshade.cawww.sunshade.ca Better shutters by design. CAREFREE CLASSIC CHARM • Popular Plantation or California styles. • Won’t fade, warp, shrink, chip, peel or crack and will never need painting. • Smooth louvre action in both directions for maximum flexibility and light control. • Available in 21⁄2” and 31⁄2” louvre widths in white, ivory or almond colours. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION at home or office Factory Price Increase March 1st ORDER NOW & SAVE! Home Sweet HomeHome Sweet Home ADVERTISING FEATURE Enjoy the Timeless Beauty of Shellac (MS) — Shellac — a classic wood finish for furniture and interior wood- work — has been around for hundreds of years. Some of Europe’s finest muse- um pieces still retain their original shel- lac finish. Stradivarius used it to finish his prized violins. Steinway used it to finish his pianos. And, American crafts- men finished furniture and the interior woodwork and floors of most homes with shellac throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. In the mid-20th centu- ry, shellac fell from favour, as consumers turned to synthetic materials, like polyurethane, for their wood finishing projects. But, shellac is experiencing a Renaissance. In fact, if it were introduced today, it would be heralded as revo- lutionary — the “wonder finish” of the 21st century. Here are some of the reasons why: • Shellac makes wood look beautiful. Shellac gives wood a rich warmth and tone with a depth and clarity that enhances its natural beauty like no syn- thetic finish ever can. • Shellac has many other uses. Shellac is not only a great finish for wood furniture, doors, floors, trim and toys: it lit- erally has 1001 other uses. Use shellac as a sealer-fin- ish for art and craft projects like dried flower arrange- ments, pastel drawings and statuary. It’s also handy for repairing scratches in furniture, seal- ing pruned tree branches and more, much more. It’s probably the most versatile finish in the world! • Shellac is a great stain blocker/odour sealer. It forms a barrier that stains and odours cannot penetrate. Use shellac to seal in knots and sap from new wood, water stains on walls and ceilings, musty odors from smoke, fire, mildew and old furniture — even pet odours. No other finish has the seal- ing power of shellac. • Shellac dries quickly. Unlike syn- thetic varnishes, which can take hours to dry and days to cure, shellac is dry and ready to recoat or sand in 45 min- utes. That means that most wood-fin- ishing jobs can be completed in a day or less. • Shellac is non-toxic and environ- mentally friendly. Produced by the tiny Lac Bug, an insect native to India and Thailand, shellac is an all-natural, renewable resource. An environmentally friendly finish, shellac does not create the hazardous waste disposal problem associated with many synthetic fin- ishes. And, because it’s non-toxic when dry, it’s an ideal finish for cribs, high chairs, toys and other objects that require a child-safe fin- ish. A classic wood finish for furniture and interior wood- work, shellac has a multi- tude of uses First time in Eastern Canada! First time in Eastern Canada! Original Thomas Kinkade Painting On Display. Original Thomas Kinkade Painting On Display. 14 Gibbons St., Oshawa (905) 433-0928Exclusive Kinkade Canvas Gallery Join us at Kay’s Place for our Exclusive Original Showing celebrating the work of renowned Artist Thomas Kinkade. ☛ Light Refreshments ☛ Enter our draw for a Free Limited Edition Print Join us at Kay’s Place for our Exclusive Original Showing celebrating the work of renowned Artist Thomas Kinkade. ☛ Light Refreshments ☛ Enter our draw for a Free Limited Edition Print Friday February 1 through Sunday February 3rd. www.ypca.com/mobilevacuum “Your Vacuum Superstore” since 1985 AJAX 428-1659 29 HARWOOD AVE. S. PICKERING 509-3622 375 KINGSTON RD. .Hwy 2 Hwy 401 HarwoodWestneyHwy 2 401Rougemount WhitesRepairs, Parts, Bags, for Any Vacuum. FREE ESTIMATES YOU GET IT ALL!! Complete System only CENTRAL VACUUM S5697 $549$549 BONUS Garage kit reg. $69. Limited Time Offer PICOV FURNITURE C.C. LTD. 924 Kingston Rd., Pick. 831-6040 Recover your sofa $42900 fabric included Call store for details LEATHER WING CHAIR $44900 (Call store for details) • Beachcomber Hot Tubs • Softub Hot Tubs • Pool & Spa Chemicals DOLPHIN POOL & SPA 65 Kingston Rd. Unit 12, Ajax (905) 686-6420(905) 686-6420 www.dolphinpools.net DOLPHIN POOL & SPA Don’t Pay for 1 Full Year O.A.C. DON’T PAY TILLDON’T PAY TILL JAN. 3, 2003JAN. 3, 2003 ON ALL 2002 SPASON ALL 2002 SPAS FLOOR MODELS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 19 A/P The following new movie is being screened at cinemas in Ajax and Pickering this week- end: SLACKERS Starring Devon Sawa, Jason Schwartzman, James King, Laura Prepon, Michael Maronna, Jason Segel, Robert B. Martin Jr., Cameron Diaz Directed by Dewey Nicks Dave (Sawa), Sam (Segel) and Jeff (Maronna) are the most unconventional slack- ers at school. They manage to ace through their four years of college with a plethora of devious and complex schemes. They’re not lazy, exactly, but just too lazy to follow the necessary rules. Ethan (Schwartzman), the school’s biggest geek, eventually finds out what these suckers are up to and manages to blackmail Dave into helping him hook up with Angela, the most wanted girl on campus. Dave begins to fall in love with her himself and as a result, gets trapped in a moral dilem- ma: should he continue slacking his way through college or be with the hottest babe on campus? (Moviplex 9 Cinemas — Pickering). For a complete listing of what’s playing this weekend, contact your local cinema in Ajax or Pickering. P PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Entertainment NEWS ADVERTISER FEBRUARY 1, 2002 Irreverent Slackers hits cinemas ‘Slackers’, starring a hip young cast, is released this weekend.PleaseRecycleAJAX —Everyone is welcome to attend the upcoming PineRidge Arts Council meeting. The group will discuss the art dis- play and entertainment for its April 3 annual general meeting and its role in Pickering’s Artfest. The meeting is Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. in the Pickering Recreation Complex, Valley Farm Road south of Kingston Road, in Pickering. Admission is free. For more information, call Cathy Schnippering, PRAC president, at 905- 509-3855. Arts council meets to plan festivities FAMOUS PLAYERS A BEAUTIFUL MIND (PG) mature theme Fri, Tue 3:40, 6:50, 10:10 Sat, Sun 12:30, 3:40, 6:50, 10:10 Mon, Wed, Thu 6:50, 10:10 A WALK TO REMEMBER (PG) not recommended for young children Fri, Tue 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 Sat, Sun 1:15, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 Mon, Wed, Thu 7:15, 9:45 BLACK HAWK DOWN (AA) brutal violence, coarse language , not recommended for children Fri, Tue 3:30, 6:45, 10:00 Sat, Sun 12:20, 3:30, 6:45, 10:00 Mon, Wed, Thu 6:45, 10:00 KUNG POW: ENTER THE FIST (PG) Fri, Tue 5:10, 7:45, 9:50 Sat, Sun 1:00, 3:15, 5:10, 7:45, 9:50 Mon, Wed, Thu 7:45, 9:50 SNOW DOGS (F) Fri, Tue 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 Sat, Sun 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40 Mon, Wed, Thu 7:20, 9:40 THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO (AA) violence, not recommended for children Fri, Tue 4:15, 7:00, 10:15 Sat, Sun 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 10:15 Mon, Wed, Thu 7:00, 10:15 LORD OF THE RINGS (AA) frightening scenes, violence Fri, Tue 4:00, 8:00 Sat, Sun 12:10, 4:00, 8:00 Mon, Wed, Thu 8:00 THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES (AA) horror, not recommended for young children Fri, Tue 4:45, 7:30, 10:20 Sat, Sun 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:20 Mon, Wed, Thu 7:30, 10:20 A BEAUTIFUL MIND (PG) mature theme Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 6:50, 9:40 Sat, Sun 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 A WALK TO REMEMBER (PG) not recommended for young children Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:30, 10:10, Sat, Sun 1:30, 4:50, 7:30, 10:10 BLACK HAWK DOWN (AA) brutal violence, coarse language, not recommended for children Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 6:45, 10:00 Sat, Sun 12:20, 3:30, 6:45, 10:00 KUNG POW: ENTER THE FIST (PG) Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:40, 9:50 Sat, Sun 12:15, 2:30, 5:00, 7:40, 9:50 SLACKERS (AA) sexual content, crude content, coarse language Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:10, 9:30 Sat, Sun 1:40, 4:30, 7:10, 9:30 SNOW DOGS (F) Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:00, 9:20 Sat, Sun 1:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:20 THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO (AA) violence, not recommended for children Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 7:20, 10:15 Sat, Sun. 12:35, 3:40, 7:20, 10:15 THE LORD OF THE RINGS (AA) frightening scenes, violence Fri, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00 Sat, Sun 12:00, 4:00, 8:00 FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@marshallhomes.ca There’s never been a better time to move. 905-420-S H O W 4 1 6 - 4 4 4 - F I L M 1095 KIN G S T O N R D . , P I C K E R I N G SATURDA Y & S U N D A Y M A T I N E E S HARRY POTTER & PHILOSOPHER’S STONE Daniel Radcliff JIMMY NEUTRON Amimated 1:00, 3:00, 7:00 PG Frightening Scenes 1:30, 7:30 AAALI Will Smith 1:45, 7:45 Coarse Language, Violence OCEANS ELEVEN George Clooney Mature Theme 1:00, 3:10, 7:00, 9:10 PG VANILLA SKY Tom Cruise 1:00, 3:20, 7:00, 9:20 Coarse Language, Sexual Content Not Recommended for Children AA R PG PG MONSTERS INC. Computer Animated 1:10, 3:10, 7:10, 9:10 F F1:00, 3:10, 7:00, 9:10 KATE & LEOPOLD Hugh Jackman HOW HIGH Redman 9:00 Only ORANGE COUNTY Jack Black 1:10, 3:00, 7:10, 9:00 SLACKERS Devon Sawa AA1:05, 3:05, 7:05, 9:05 Coarse Language, Sexual Content, Crude Content LOCATED IN WAL-MART AJAX BRING LEISURE TRAVEL....TO YOUR DOOR WITH OUR SHOP AT HOME SERVICE TELEPHONE FAX EMAIL (905) 426-6242 (905) 426-6249 dcaudie@thomascook.ca 705 Kingston Rd., Pickering (at Whites) 905-420-1956 Call for reservations up to 200 people To all our regular and soon to be regular customers . Come help us celebrate 14 GREAT YEARS at our Pickering location. Try out these specials till April 1st. P.S. Does your adult sports team need a sponsor? If so call Tim. .25 ¢ Wings 11 am - 6 pm Every Day (LOUNGE ONLY) with the purchase of ANY BEVERAGE ~ NO TAKE OUT ~ NO DOGGIE BAGS ~ Good Until April 1st, 2002 (No Foolin’) TAX & GRATUITY EXTRA Traditional BURGER $2.99 ALL DAY - EVERY DAY with the purchase of ANY BEVERAGE Good Until April 1st, 2002 (No Foolin’) ADDITIONAL TOPPINGS EXTRA TAX & GRATUITY NOT INCLUDED.EAT IN ONLY NOT TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER SPECIALS P L A Y LPA A C E DRIVE THRU Pickering 1099 Kingston Rd. 905-831-2665 I have been writing about this trend towards less instead of more and making no apologies for the fact that we give more. WELL I THOUGHT I’D DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN WHEN I SAW THE NEW DQ MACHO MEAL. I’m not kidding! Most places have missed the mark on triple cheeseburgers. If you are going to serve someone a triple cheeseburger you have to have it all. Why? Because they’re hungry! Not just a triple cheeseburger with the regular fries and drink. It has to be huge. Some think that a truly substantial meal has to be sit down at a restaurant and of course pay restaurant prices or at the very least a full course take out meal. NOT! Let me tell you about our new MACHO MEAL. First may I make on thing abundantly clear. There are three FULL SIZE BURGERS on that fresh sesame seed bun. That’s right. I’m not going to advertise a triple burger and use smaller patties. They are the same patties we use on all our burgers. Over a half pound of meat on one burger! There are two slices of cheese in between. Now how about the fries. We have three sizes. Small, medium and large. You get the large or almost a half pound of spuds. It’s huge. As you know we fry only in pure vegetable oil. Now how about the drink. It’s the large 32 ounce size! Almost a quart of refreshment! Have you tried a DQ burger? The taste is incredible, now multiply it by three! And you can have all the mustard, ketchup, relish, pickles, mayo, onions, lettuce and tomato you want as it is with all our burgers. NO charge as usual. Yes I know. The price has got to be out of this world. Here it is. The whole Shebang for only 5.99. You may pay that much for a signature burger or double burger let alone a triple. Yes you can order it a la carte! And if you want a sundae for dessert it’s only 99 cents (regular 2.19) if you buy it with the meal. Too full? Redeem your sundae coin any day, any week, any month, any year. DQ - SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Check the coupon below THE NEW DQ MACHO MEAL at a great price! STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE with purchase of same. This coupon is not redeemable with any other coupon or special offer. Sales tax extra. Expires Feb. 15, 2002. NP0211502 Copyright 2002. Sears Canada Inc. Sears will arrange services by qualified contractors. Services only available in Metro Toronto Products and Services from the Company You Trust ®! Sears Assistance™ Call us for dependable, reliable help with: Sears HomeCentral™ is committed to assuring quality and integrity with all of the services we provide, all backed by our guarantee of satisfaction. Painting • INTERIOR & EXTERIOR WORK FROM PREPARATION TO TRIM WORK • RENOVATION, CONSTRUCTION & SPOT REPAIR • TEXTURED FINISHES Plumbing • EMERGENCY PLUMBING REPAIRS • RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION • PLUMBING HOOK UPS & INSTALLATION Decks & fencing • CUSTOM DESIGN AND INSTALLATION • DECKS, FENCES, GAZEBOS, HOT TUB ENCLOSURES • PLAYGROUNDS, OUTDOOR GYM AND PLAY SETS Electrical • ELECTRICAL REPAIRS • FIXTURE INSTALLATION AND HOOK UPS • RENOVATION AND SERVICE UPGRADES JUST CALL 1-800-4-MY-HOME ®(1-800-469-4663) 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. Products and Services from the Company You Trust. CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO-OBLIGATION IN-HOME CUSTOM ESTIMATE. ASK FOR OPERATOR #30. NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 21 A/P D o n ’t p ay f or 3 months also available on other purchase finance rates for terms up to 60 months. For the latest information, visit us at gmcanada.com, drop by your local Pontiac • Buick • GMC Dealer or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Available on approved GMAC purchase financing up to 60 months (or only up to 36 months when combined with 0% purchase financing offer). Offer applies only to vehicles delivered on or before April 1, 2002. Offer not available on 2002 GMC Savana SLT-Y91, 2002 Full size vans-cargo cutaway, 2002 Sierra Regular and Extended Cab 2500/3500 (non C6P), 2002 Sierra Crew Cab 2500/3500, and 2002 Sierra 3500 HD Chassis Cabs (Carryover Style), 2002 Yukon, 2002 Yukon Denali, 2002 Yukon XL, 2002 Yukon XL Denali. Offer does not apply to SMARTLEASE offers.∆Tests conducted by the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). ◊Offer only applies to lease of 2002 Sunfire/Grand AM. General Motors will pay first month’s lease payment (including PST and GST) plus security deposit and P.P.S.A. Freight of $795/$845 is included (Sunfire/Grand AM). Licence, insurance, administration fees and environmental taxes not included. Other lease options available. Drive Away Lease offer does not apply to purchase finance offers.✦Buick Century received the Best Buy Award 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. *Offers based on Sunfire Coupe SL R7A/Grand AM Sedan SE R7D/Century Special Edition R7A/Montana RWB R7A/Rendezvous CX FWD R7A/Sierra Extended Cab R7F. Annual cost of borrowing 2.9%/3.4%/2.4%/1.9%/5.9%/6.4% per annum (based on a 48/48/48/48/36/36 month term). Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.12 per excess kilometre. Option to purchase at lease end is $5,988/$9,374/$11,058/$11,586/$15,094/$17,307 plus applicable taxes. Other lease options available. ††*†Freight ($950/$995/$900/$1000 – Century Special Edition R7A/Montana RWB R7A/Rendezvous CX FWD R7A/Sierra Extended Cab R7F) not included. Freight ($795/$845 – Sunfire/Grand AM) is included for “Drive Away Without Paying” SMARTLEASE offers but is not included for Cash Purchase Price offers. License, insurance, PPSA, administration fees, environmental taxes and taxes not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. †The SMARTLEASE monthly payment and the GMAC purchase finance rate are not available with and are not calculated on the “Cash Purchase Price” shown. The difference between the price for the SMARTLEASE/GMAC Purchase Finance offer and the “Cash Purchase” offer is deemed under provincial disclosure laws to be a cost of borrowing, whether or not the same represents actual interest, and is required to be expressed as an annual percentage rate which is 9.69%/4.83%/5.17%/5.08%/4.53% (Sunfire Coupe SL R7A/Grand AM Sedan SE R7D/Century Special Edition R7A/Montana RWB R7A/Sierra Extended Cab R7F). ‡Purchase financing available on GMAC credit only. 0% financing available up to 36 months only. Example $10,000 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $277.78 for 36 months. Cost of borrowing is $0.Total obligation is $10,000.00. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. ††*†‡Offers apply as indicated to new or demonstrator 2002 models Sunfire Coupe SL R7A/Grand AM Sedan SE R7D/Century Special Edition R7A/Montana RWB R7A/Rendezvous CX FWD R7A/Sierra Extended Cab R7F equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Pontiac Buick GMC Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais and excluding Northwestern Ontario). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order or trade of 2002 models may be required. Limited time offer which may not be combined with other offers. Certain exceptions apply. See your local GM dealer(s) for conditions and details. Proud sponsor of the Canadian Alpine Ski Team. Cheer them on in Salt Lake City. PONTIAC SUNFIRE SL COUPE 5-YEAR/100,000 KM POWERTRAIN WARRANTY • 2.2 Litre 115-HP Engine • 5-Speed Getrag Manual Transmission • 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking System • PASSLock Theft Deterrent System • Tachometer • Electric Trunk Release • Rear Spoiler • Dual Front Airbags BUICK CENTURY SPECIAL EDITION 3.1 Litre 175-HP V6 Engine • 4-Speed Automatic Transmission with Enhanced Traction System • Dual-Zone Climate Control • 6-Passenger Seating • 15" Aluminum Wheels • Appearance Package • 6-Way Power Driver’s Seat • AM/FM Stereo CD/Cassette with Steering Wheel Controls •Power Locks/Windows •Split-Folding Rear Seat •Cruise Control •Remote Keyless Entry •4-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking System •Theft Deterrent System PONTIAC MONTANA REGULAR WHEELBASE 185-HP 3.4 Litre 3400 V6 Engine • 4-Speed Automatic Transmission • 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking System • Air Conditioning • Power Locks/Windows/Mirrors • Deep-Tinted Glass • AM/FM Stereo with CD • Dual Sliding Doors • Tilt-Wheel BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX 185-HP 3.4 Litre 3400 SFI V6 Engine • Air Conditioning • Power Locks/ Windows/Mirrors • Remote Keyless Entry • All-Weather Traction Control • AM/FM Stereo with CD • Centre Console Storage System • 5-Passenger Seating • Cruise Control • Roof Rack • Rear Cargo Net PONTIAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN 2.2 Litre DOHC ECOTEC Engine • 4-Speed Automatic Transmission with Enhanced Traction System • Air Conditioning • AM/FM RDS Stereo CD and 6-Speaker System • 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking System • 4-Wheel Independent Suspension • Power Door Locks • PASSLock Theft Deterrent System • Tilt-Wheel • And More FIVE STAR SAFETY RATING. Pontiac Montana has a 5-Star rating for the frontal occupants in the side-impact test.∆ ✩✩✩✩✩ ✦1998 1999 2000 2001 The most fuel efficient van in its class CASH PURCHASE PRICE $24,498† EXCLUDES FREIGHT 48 Month SMARTLEASE $278* per month/ $3,695 Down Payment Plus Freight and Security Deposit or PURCHASE PRICE $29,998†† EXCLUDES FREIGHT 36 Month SMARTLEASE $378*per month/ $4,830 Down Payment Plus Freight and Security Deposit CASH PURCHASE PRICE $24,948† EXCLUDES FREIGHT 48 Month SMARTLEASE $258*per month/ $4,255 Down Payment Plus Freight and Security Deposit orCASH PURCHASE PRICE $12,788† EXCLUDES FREIGHT DRIVE AWAY WITHOUT PAYING✧ $229* INCLUDES FREIGHT lease per mo/ 48 mo ✧Administration fees and certain taxes may apply. or $0 Down Payment $0 1st Lease Payment $0 Security Deposit CASH PURCHASE PRICE $19,688† EXCLUDES FREIGHT DRIVE AWAY WITHOUT PAYING✧ $308* INCLUDES FREIGHT lease per mo/ 48 mo ✧Administration fees and certain taxes may apply. or $0 Down Payment $0 1st Lease Payment $0 Security Deposit SIERRA EXTENDED CAB 270-HP 4.8 Litre Vortec 4800 V8 Engine • 4-Speed Automatic Transmission with Overdrive and Tow/Haul Mode • 4-Wheel Disc and 4-Wheel Anti-Lock Braking System • 40/20/40 Split Front Seat with Custom Cloth Trim • Air Conditioning • AM/FM Stereo with CD • Chrome Wheels/Grille/Bumpers • Locking Differential • Automatic Headlights • Full Instrumentation including Tachometer, Engine Hour Meter & Driver Message Centre • Deep-Tinted Glass CASH PURCHASE PRICE $27,998† EXCLUDES FREIGHT 36 Month SMARTLEASE $358*per month/ $3,935 Down Payment Plus Freight and Security Deposit or A/P PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 23 A/P Junior Achievement shows Grade 8 students good cents Spring initiative brings ‘Economics of Staying in School’ to youngsters across Durham BY JACQUIE McINNES Staff Writer DURHAM —This spring Durham students will learn staying in school makes good sense and cents too. During the week of April 22 to 26, Junior Achievement of Durham Region will have volunteers in every Grade 8 class in Durham’s 180 schools, said Donna Raetsen- Kemp, the regional organiza- tion’s president. “Volunteers will be going into the classroom” as part of the program ‘economics of staying in school’ (ESIS), she explained recently to Durham council. Employees of Durham Re- gion as well as local corpora- tions, small businesses and other organizations have vol- unteered their time for the pro- gram, Ms. Raetsen-Kemp said, noting many local service clubs, including many of the area Rotary Clubs and busi- nesses are sponsoring the pro- gram. All four Durham-area school boards are participating in the program, which will reach 10,000 students. “At its core is to encourage students that to stay in school is the best way to success,” said Brad Savage of Junior Achievement. “Volunteers go into the classroom as business profes- sionals, present the ESIS pro- gram in the context of their ca- reer, their experience and their educational background. In the end they’re as much a ca- reer motivator as anything. They’re role models.” Anyone interested in volun- teering with the in-school pro- gram can contact Terri Mil- burn at Junior Achievement at 905-432-2492, ext. 203. Council declared the week of April 22 ESIS week in Durham. Pile up the pancakes in Ajax Feb. 12 AJAX —Pancake lovers will want to stop by St. Paul’s United Church this month. The church is holding its Eighth Annual Pancake Supper on Tuesday, Feb. 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. The supper includes dinner, dessert, coffee, tea and cold drinks. Cost for adults is $7, $5 for seniors, $3 for children and free for anyone under three years old. St. Paul’s United Church is at 65 Kings Cres., Ajax. For more information, call the church office at 905- 638-4793. Ajax library marks Chinese New Year AJAX —The Ajax Pub- lic Library is celebrating the Chinese New Year by invit- ing the public to explore tra- ditions surrounding the holi- day with stories, crafts, and activities. The free, drop-in event is Sunday, Feb. 10, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., but space is limited. The main branch is at the corner of Harwood Av- enue and Kings Crescent. Call 905-683-4000. WE ACCEPT VISA, MASTERCARD, DEBIT CARDS 1 DAY ONLY 5 HOURS SAT. FEB. 2ND 10 AM - 3 PM KINGSTON RD. 401 BAYLY ST. ORANGEBROOKE CRT. XBROCK RD.N EW S EVERYONE WELCOME! BOOKS 4 THE WHOLE FAMILY… Gardening, Cookbooks, Craft How To, Children’s, Health, Juvenile & Much More! 1734 ORANGEBROOKE CRT. UNIT #10, REAR ENTRANCE PICKERING, ONT. WALL CALENDAR 2002 Was $16.99 NOW $5.99 HARDCOVER NOVELS JUVENILE BOOKSxSAVE UP TO 90%OFF SUGGESTED RETAIL BOOK SALEBOOK SALE CHICKEN SOUP 4 THE SOUL Was $21.95 OUR PRICE $12.99x Was $34.95 NOW $5.99x Was $6.95 NOW $2.99x FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@ marshallhomes.ca It’s hard to find a new home in Pickering. Believe me, I know! Opening January 26. COMPUTERS Computer Hardware & Software Sales, Service & Installation Phone: (905) 837-1330 Toll Free: 1 (866) 728-3588 Fax: (905) 837-1394 http://www.pc-tek.ca sales@pc-tek.ca We offer computer, notebook, monitor & printer repair & upgrade services. Data Backup & Recovery. Network Implementation & Management. On-site service & support. 5 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOUNO JUST SAY MONEY DOWN, NO PAYMENT & NO INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS! Some restrictions apply. See store for details. OAC 933MHz $815.00 1.0GHz $825.00 1.1GHz $945.00 1.2GHz $965.00 1.6GHz $925.00 1.7GHz $985.00 1.8GHz $1050.00 1.9GHz $1145.00 2.0GHz $1395.00 401 Bayly Street 1648 Bayly Street, Pickering, ON L1W 1L9 Brock Rd.Over 40 Programs and Games with Every System Purchase FREE ✔56K V-90 Modem ✔17” TTX Monitor ✔Windows Keyboard ✔Mouse/Mouse Pad ✔120 Watts Speakers ✔300 Watts ATX Tower ✔USB/COM/Parallel Ports ✔Over 40 Free Games & Programs ✔One Year Parts & Labour Warranty Affordable Solution $730.00 Don’t Pay for 6 Months OAC ✔Intel Celeron 900MHz ✔Amptron Integrated Motherboard ✔128MB SD-RAM ✔20GB ATA-100 Hard Drive ✔52X CD-ROM ✔3 1⁄2” Floppy Drive ✔32MB AGP Video ✔16 Bit Sound •Intel Pentium III Processor •Non-Integrated Motherboard with DDR/SDRAM Support •256 MB SDRAM •20GB ATA-100 Hard Drive •50X CD-ROM •ATI Expert 2000 Pro 32MB •56K V-90 Modem •On-board Sound •10/100 Network Card •3 1⁄2” Floppy Drive •300 Watts ATX 4 Bay Tower •USB, COM & Parallel Ports •Windows Keyboard/Mouse •120 Watts Speakers •2 Year Parts/3 Year Labour •Intel Pentium 4 Processor •Intel 845 Chipset Mainboard •256MB RAM •40GB ATA-100 Hard Drive •50X CD-ROM •ATI Expert 2000 Pro 32MB 2x/4x AGP Video Card •56K V-90 Modem •On-board Surround Sound •10/100 Network Card •3 1⁄2” Floppy Drive •USB, COM & Parallel Ports •Windows Keyboard/Mouse •120 Watts Speakers •Norton Antivirus 2001 •2 Year Parts/3 Year Labour Warranty •AMD Processor •Gigabyte Mainboard •256MB RAM •20GB ATA-100 Hard Drive •50X CD-ROM •ATI Expert 2000 Pro 32MB •56K V-90 Modem •10/100 Network Card •On-board Surround Sound •3 1⁄2” Floppy Drive •300 Watts ATX 4 Bay Tower •USB, COM & Parallel Ports •Windows Keyboard/Mouse •120 Watts Speakers •2 Extra System Fans •One Year Parts & Labour Warranty P111 SPECIALS P4 SPECIALS AMD SYSTEM NEW YEAR SPECIALS XP 1600+ $799.00 XP 1700+ $820.00 XP 1800+ $865.00 XP 1900+ $975.00 XP 2000+ $1075.00 Zellers has learned of a potential safety hazard with CHEROKEE® brand infant clothing made with "sherpa" fabric. The items are: • Sherpa Overall • Sherpa Cargo Pant • Sherpa Jumper • Sherpa Top • Sherpa Kangaroo Pocket Cardigan If one of these items is exposed to an open flame, it may catch on fire relatively quickly. These items were sold in both cream and pink, in sizes 3 months to 12 months, at Zellers stores across Canada beginning in the Fall of 2001. Although there have been no reported incidents and no injuries, customers who have one or more of the affected items should stop using them immediately and return them to any Zellers store for a full refund. For more information please contact: Zellers Customer Service 1-888-226-2225 Important Infant Safety Hazard Notice Celebrating 14 years of cutting kids’ hair at 2 great locations “Toronto’s #1 Children’s Hair Salon” City Parent Magazine Poll $1.00 OFF a Kids Hair Cut Expires Feb. 28th ® Open 7 days a week - Thursdays until 8:00 p.m. A Unique Children’s Hair Salon & Toy Store &Toronto (Beaches) 1926 Queen St. E. 416-691-9190 Pickering (Mandarin Plaza) 1725 Kingston Rd. 905-428-3484 Toys, Party Favours Ballroom Kids’ Chairs The latest in hair accessories Club Card Reservations TOLL FREE 1-800-263-0684 905-238-0042 5400 Dixie Road Mississauga, just 2 Blocks South of 401 & Dixie www.stagewest.com 3 storey indoor waterslide $275 95*Adventure Package Package includes: • Use of 3 story indoor waterslide, pool, jacuzzi & the fitness centre • Complimentary admission to other activity room with daily prizes awarded • Movie Room daily scheduled showings of chil- dren’s movies • Complimentary shuttle to Square One Shopping Centre. • Daily creative kids crafts sponsored in part by Lewiscraft • Kiddie Bingo • Haida Garden Cafe Kids Buffet - just $5.95 plus taxes per child 6 to 12 years, under 6 years $1 per year of age with adult meal. * per package, plus taxes based on quad occupancy, 2 adults and 2 children under 12 sharing... ask for details. 2 NIGHT SUITE ACCOMMODATION for Family of 4 including 4 tickets to the children’s play.... The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis Lunch Buffet & Show *Package valid March 8 to 17/2002 plus taxes •Additional night stay just $99 per night plus tax • Wizardry School- Special Rate for Hotel Package Guests - $31.95 per child per day plus taxes March Break Family Getaway AJAX —Ajax Acro’s Gymnastics Club athletes demonstrated some Ener- gy in posting strong results at a recent competition in St. Catharines. Acro’s gymnasts took part in the Gymnastics Energy Invitational meet Jan. 11 and 12, with several winning both overall and event medals. In the junior 1 category, Allison Stu- art earned the overall silver medal in a division that had 10 competitors. Stuart finished first on balance beam and floor exercise and second on vault and uneven bars. Teammate Laura Duffin finished with the all-round bronze, finishing third on bars and beam and fourth on vault and floor. She also received a special award for most daring bar routine. Haley Ferguson finished seventh overall, fin- ishing third on vault and bars, fifth on floor and seventh on beam. In the prenovice and novice 1 com- bined categories, Rebecca Scott finished eighth overall. She placed fourth on floor, sixth on vault, seventh on bars and eighth on beam. In the senior 2 bracket, Melissa Nash won the all-around gold medal, which included a first on floor with the highest score of 9.5. She also finished second on vault, bars and beam. Michelle Gleeson finished fifth overall with a second on vault, fourth on bars and floor and sixth on beam. In the cadette ‘A’category, Katherine Lawrence won the overall gold medal with first-place efforts on vault and beam and second on bars and floor. She posted the top score on beam with a 9.5. P PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Sports &LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISER FEBRUARY 1, 2002 Online at durhamregion.com Fax it The News Advertiser General 905-683-7363 ANDREW IWANOWSKI/ News Advertiser photo Go figure AJAX –– Lauren Leslie of the Ajax Figure Skating Club strikes a pose during recent action at the Ajax Community Centre. Leslie earned a gold in recent tests. For Home Club Competition results, see page 30 of today’s News Advertiser. Pickering Panthers win one, lose one PICKERING —The Pickering Panthers won one and lost one on the weekend, blowing a 3-1 lead in the lat- ter game against North York. Pickering (18-21-5-2 for 43 points) rebounded from Saturday’s loss with a 5-4 victory in a 50-shot effort Sunday against the Ajax Ax- emen in OHA Provincial Ju- nior ‘A’ Hockey League ac- tion. After Ajax scored the game’s first goal, Pickering took the lead for good with consecutive goals from Mike Hanna, Brent Chandler and Ryan Taylor. Ajax scored the fifth goal of the first period to pull within one, but Garett Winder made it 4-2 with the only goal of the second peri- od. Winder added another in the third period to ensure the Axemen’s two goals in that frame weren’t enough to earn the tie. Mike Alexiou had three assists in the game, Hanna and Kyle Aitken provided two helpers apiece, and Winder had one. The Panthers scored a power-play goal in each peri- od and Scott Gray stopped 23 shots. After losing the first game of the season against the Axemen, the Panthers finished the season series with five straight wins. Hanna, Aitken and Ken Hamilton paced the Panthers to a two-goal, first-period lead against the Rangers, with assists from Dan Schofield, Alex Pavlovski, Iain McPhee and Daryl Healey. But the Panthers couldn’t hang on as North York scored two unanswered goals each in the second and third periods, outshooting Pickering 36 to 23 in a 5-3 win. Kevin Kliman made 31 saves for the Panthers. The Panthers currently sit fourth in the South Confer- ence standings, one point better than North York and two better than Thorhill, which has one game in hand. Pickering wraps up its regular season schedule this weekend, beginning Friday, Feb. 1 when the club hosts Wexford at the Pickering Recreation Complex at 7:30 p.m. A day later the Panthers are in Thornhill for a 7:30 p.m. start. On Sunday, Couchiching is in Pickering for a 7:30 p.m. start. Gold, silver and bronze for Acro’s gymnasts Pickering Recreational Fastball Association • Fun League • Mens & Womens Div. • Ages 18 and up • No Tryouts Sun. Feb. 3, 10am to 2pm Tues. Feb. 12, 7pm - 9pm $130 per person includes umpire fees REGISTRATION Contact Michelle or Jason Murray at 905-831-4016 Pickering Rec. Complex Valley Farm Rd. (Upper Level) FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@marshallhomes.ca More house, same payment. Don’t you love those mortgage rates? FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@marshallhomes.ca Remember 1933? That’s the last time mortgage rates were this low! Web: ww.pickeringsoccer.com Email: pickeringsc@soccer.on.ca Attention All Soccer Players & Parents Open registration for the 2002 outdoor summer season soccer program will be taking place Saturday, February 2nd Pickering Recreation Centre, upper level from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please note that all registrations will be accepted on a “first come” basis. There are limited spaces available in some age groups. Phone: 905-831-9803 PICKERING SOCCER CLUB REGISTRATION Boys & Girls Welcome Ages 5 to 15 years old AJAX CENTRECOMNITYMU 3nd Exciting Season For information call (905) 924-1213 HOW TO REGISTER In Person at Ajax Community Centre Sat., Feb. 2/2002 - 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. By Phone: Call the info line and we’ll mail or fax you an application. By Mail: Pick up an application at Ajax C.C. anytime and mail to Ajax Summer Minor Hockey League Ages 5 to 15 years old May to August Season 14 Week S c h e d u l e Primetime Games (weeknight games only) Jerseys Awards Certified Officials Computerized Stats NO Fundraising Required Pick. & Ajax Residents Welcome By Internet: www.hmhl.bizland.com ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Children’s T-Ball (year of birth 1995-1997) Children’s Softball (year of birth 1983-1994) Sign up for sponsors, umpires and coaches Sunday FEB. 3rd 10:00am to 2:00pm Tuesday FEB. 12th 7:00pm to 9:00pm Pickering Recreation Complex Second Floor, Valley Farm Rd. south of Hwy 2 Both Birth certificate and Ontario Health card must be presented upon registration $95 first child $75 each additional sibling FEES PRIOR TO Feb 13 2002 PROGRAM REGISTRATION Visit us on the web at: www.pickeringsoftball.com INFORMATION 905-420-6050 UMPIRES, SPONSORS, & COACHES 905-837-0606 Registration and/or information for other adult Pickering Softball programs will be available a non-profit community softball association recognized by the City of Pickering, community services and facilities PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION GOLF MEMBERSHIP Need a 683-3210ANNANDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Full Golf MembershipMembership Incl. Tee Off TimesIncl. Tee Off Times $895 Plus G.S.T. Couples MembershipMembership $1595 Plus G.S.T.Plus G.S.T. LIVE FREE& SMART! ALL BRICK BUNGALOWS & 2 STOREYS $229,990* *Prices and information correct at press time. Artist’s concept. Map not to scale. E. & O.E. Limited time offer. WHITBY INTRODUCING THE WHITBY INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR (OR $8,000 IN UPGRADES)! UP TO $150,0000%** FREE CUL-DE-SAC AND 4 ACRE PARK SETTING RIGHT OFF GARRARD! SMART MORTGAGE SMART HOME SMART LOCATION • SMART HOME WIRING • SATELLITE TV SYSTEM • HI-TECH SECURITY SYSTEM FROM GRAND OPENING! HOURS:Mon.- Thurs.1 - 7 p.m. Sat.,Sun & Hol.11 a.m.- 6 p.m.Closed Fri. ** NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 25 A/P Career Training500 CLASS A, D, AND Z Endorse- ment training at Durham Col- lege Whitby. Job opportunities for graduates. Call now and reserve your seat. Completion could take less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905- 721-3340. CANADIAN FLORAL ACADE- MY now offers you a three- week training program in the floral industry. Complete training in business, market- ing and job skills. Enroll now! Call 905-436-7746, Careers505 CALL CENTRE Workshop Training at Durham College. Get in at the ground floor in this explosive customer serv- ice industry. With our two-day workshop training program, and your full commitment and personal goals, the opportuni- ties exist for advancement in the ever-growing "Call Centre" business. This two-day work- shop will run Feb. 9th & 16th; April 13th & 20th: and June 8th & 15th. For info. Esther 905-721-3340 or 1-800-816- 3615. DIPLOMA/CERTIFICATE Mi- crosoft Office/Accounting (day/evening) Digital Media/ Web Design (Mac & PC)Prog./ Autocad 2000/A+ Computer Maintenance. DURHAM BUSINESS COMPUTER COL- LEGE (905)427–3010. WANT A JOB, keep looking!Are you willing to be trained for a pro- fessional career with the largest financial services company in the world? Only highly motivated, ambitious self-starters wanting a six figure income need apply. Full training and support is provided. Call Peter Hones 905-626-1094 Drivers509 AZ DRIVERS for small local company. U.S. experience, Reefer experience preferred. Full time. Call Greg 905-509- 8262 or fax 905-509-8265 General Help510 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL ME !!!!!!!!!! If you are looking for tempo- rary F/T work. Possible long term openings available. Must be 18+. Call Lindy 905-435- 0646 $$BLING BLING$$-Need Money? We're hiring! Ad company is hiring in various areas. Will train. Call Tina for more info. (905) 576-4425. ARE YOU LOOKING For Work? New communications office needs people imme- diately for customer service. No sales or telemarketing. F/ T, training provided. 10-15 openings available. Call Alex 905-435-3478 A FINANCIAL DREAM come true. Work at home, Part Time/ Full Time, $500 - $5,000 month. www.Acareerisonline.com 1- 800-572-5360 ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Work from home on-line, $1500-$3500 PT/FT, log onto www.ezeglobalincome.com or toll free 1-888-563-3617 AUTO DISMANTLER needed immediately, experience a must and some tools neces- sary. Fax application/resume to 905-434-7997 or In person at Doms Auto Parts Courtice, No phone calls please. CERTIFIED FITNESS IN- STRUCTORS.The Lakeview Club General Motors of Cana- da is looking for Fitness In- structors to teach noon fitness classes. High low and Step. Call (905) 644-4680. CLARICA is seeking full time individuals with an interest or expertise in the areas of Mar- keting or Business manage- ment. Fax a confidential re- sume to Chris Moore at (905)668-2141 or email chris.moore@clarica.com CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER - 5 years experi- ence in construction manage- ment, estimating, contract preparation, contract negotia- tion, MSProject, Word, Excel. Fax resume to: Truestone Project Managers Limited (905) 666-3358 DOG TRAINER required to- teach group obedience in Ajax. 1 year professional ex- perience required. Call 1-888- 628-9314 DOMINO'S PIZZA. Business is booming!! Looking for ex- perienced Managers that are willing to start from the bottom and work their way to the top. Vehicle is a must. Submit re- sume at: 1051 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. TELEMARKETERS required, no selling, flexible hours. DUCT CLEANING TECHNI- CIANS required with valid drivers license, with clean abstract. Experience an asset. These positions offer excel- lent income potential Call 905- 428-2022 or fax resume to 905-428-2452 ECE REQUIRED immediately for infant program. Experience a necessity. Send resume: First Steps Child Care,1990 White's Rd., Pickering, Ont. LlV 6P5, by Feb. 4, 2002. ESTABLISHED BUSY Jewel- lery store seeks dependable, energetic, person willing to learn all facets of the busi- ness. Retail sales, knowledge of repairs & gemstones, ship- ping & receiving and light cleaning. Permanent part-time Must be available Saturdays. Potential for personal growth and full-time hours. Please drop off resume to Dana's Goldsmithing Inc. 186 Queen Street Port Perry. No phone calls please. FIND OUT IF YOU or your child has potential in movies, commercials, TV shows and music videos. A screen test will answer these questions. Babies and kids $10., teens and adults $20. If you're not accepted your money refund- ed. We will be in Bowmanville on Feb. 1st @6:30pm +Feb. 2nd @10:30am. Call to set-up your appointment. 416-598- 9511 FIRE YOUR BOSS!!Access to a computer? Work at home online $500 - $l,500 + Part Time, $5,000 + Full Time www.123catchit.com 1-877- 419-2807 FRESH AIR,exercise and more. Call for a carrier route in your area today. 905-683– 5117. FRIENDLY PEOPLE to do tel- ephone work for busy office, no selling. Monday to Friday 5 - 9 pm Saturday 10 - 1 pm, $8 hour base salary can earn up to $15. Call Dana, after 1 p.m. (905) 655-9053. Must have transportation GET IN THE GAME!West coast company looking for 10- 12 people for positions in Customer Service, Sales Management. 18+. F/T only. Vehicle an asset. Must like loud music and sports. Call Andrea (905)666-0902. GUARDIAN DRUGSTORE 97 King St. E., Oshawa (next to Oshawa Clinic) position open for cashier, shift 12 noon to 4 p.m., will train, no phone calls please. Please apply in per- son. HAIRSTYLISTS REQUIRED no colours, no perms, just great hair cuts, full/part time avail- able. Pickering/Toronto loca- tions. Call Chris 416-466-5599 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED! To assemble our products- Mailing/Processing Our Cir- culars - Copy/Mailing PC Disk Program. No experience needed. Free information. Send SASE to: QSE 117-1057 Steele Ave. W. Reference 07, Toronto, ON M2R 3X1 HONEST RELIABLE, FLEXIBLE & hardworking crew needed for full-time and part-time parking lot maintenance. Exp. w/line painting, tower wash- ing/sweeping an asset. Wage dep. on exp. Call Lesa 905- 725-6901. HARD WORKING RELIABLE House cleaners Needed 4-5 days a week. 5-6 hours per day. (Drivers license an as- set) Transportation provided in Ajax and Pickering. Call 428- 9765. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL,long- term temp, Staff Plus will be interviewing 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Feb 6th at the Iroquois Sports Complex, 500 Victoria St. Whitby. CUSTOMER SERVICE/ ORDER TAKERS required $21.00/hr average 24 positions available Full training provided Call Brian 905-435-1052 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non-insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. All copy is subject to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. Camping in style Trailer Sales in Brooklin is looking for responsible, team oriented individuals to fill the following positions: • Parts/ Store Manager • Service Technicians • Driver/Delivery & Setup Person. Please fax resume to (905) 655-8462 APPOINTMENT SETTERS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Days & Evenings Full & Part-time Earn up to $16/hr. No Selling Call for interview (905)426-1322 “TECS” - Training • Education • Careers • Schooling A/P PAGE 26-NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Hours: Mon.-Fri 8:00-5 p.m. Closed Saturday Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 24-Hour Fax: (905) 579-4218 Classified Online: Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at http://www.durhamregion.com Email: classifieds@durhamregion.com Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser CLASSIFIEDS To Place Your Ad In Ajax or Pickering Call: 905-683-0707 E-Mail address: classifieds@durhamregion.com Web Site: www.durhamregion.com Our phone lines are open Mon. to Fri. until 8 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Would you like an exciting career as a POLICE OFFICER Take the Police Foundations Training course with the only specialized College in Ontario exclusively dedicated to Police studies. Get the most effective and shortest possible training with the best instructors. 1-866-5-POLICE Celebrating our 20th successful year. Website: www.policefoundations-cbc.com Proud members of the Ont. Association of Chiefs of Police Police Foundations Department Of Diamond Institute Of Business NOW IN AJAX Corrections, Customs, Court Officers Accounting Professionals What would it mean to your business career if you could.... • Take the next step in your career development • Cut out your commute and work in Durham Region We are a leader in the provision of business advisory services, including financial reporting, tax and business development, to the small medium size enterprise market. We have an immediate opening for a senior team member to be responsible for providing professional accounting and tax services to our clients. If you are ready to take the next step in the development of your business career, have experience working in a public accounting office, a passion for exceeding client expectations, we would like to meet you. Preferred candidates will hold or be working towards a CA, CGA, or CMA designation, be a team player, be well organized, and have excellent communication skills. Computer skills are essential along with familiarity of software applications employed in the profession today. See www.hbbh.com for more details. Resumes may be mailed or emailed quoting file #L203 to: Hobb Bakker Bergin Hill, Chartered Accountants 222 King Street East, Suite 103 Bowmanville, ON L1C 1P6 resumes@hbbh.com STORE MANAGER & SALES POSITIONS Well established mens formal wear co. requires motivated individuals. Salary commensurate with experi- ence. Fax resume 416-256-3005 THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers & flyers to the following areas ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ AJAX Adams Dr. Woodward Cres. Ritchie Ave. Palmer Dr. Chadwick Dr. Warwick Ave. Davey St. Mullord Ave. Holliman Ln. Wiseman Dr. Shoal Point Rd. Ashbury Blvd. Elizabeth St. Old Kingston Rd. Cameron St. Sherwood Rd.W. Mortimer Cres. Darley St. Bowles Dr. Delaney Dr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR FOR ROUTES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA PLEASE CALL 905-683-5117 510 General Help 510 General Help THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ PICKERING Autumn Cres. White Cedar Dr. Silver Maple Dr. Westcreek Dr. 1840 Westcreek Meldron Dr. 1995 Pinegrove Sandhurst Cres Pinegrove Ave. Tranquil Crt. Rosebank Rd.N. Fiddlers Crt. Tomlinson Crt. Altona Rd. Rodd Ave Bella Vista Dr. Craighurst Crt Gardenview Sq. Foxwood Tr. Amberwood Crs. Otonbee Dr. Nipising Crt. Napanee Dr. Graceland Crt. Highview Rd. Aberfoyle Crt Woodside Ln. Mountcastle Cres Redbird Cres. Silverspruce Dr. Glennana Rd. Fairport Rd. Silverthorn Sq. Echo Point Crt. Healthside Cres. Longbow Dr. Rambleberry Falconcrest Dr. Meadowridge Dunbarton Rd. Kelvinway Ln. Major Oaks Rd. Duberry Dr. Beaton Way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR FOR ROUTES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA PLEASE CALL 905-683-5117 The News Advertiser Is looking for reliable people to insert and deliver papers and flyers door to door every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in the Pickering area. Deliveries must be completed by 6:00 pm. Must have a vehicle. For more information call 905-683–5117 AVON Sales Dealers. MLM earning potential available. Free Registration, Exp. Feb. 1st Call Today! Mary - 905-427-2292 CHRISTIAN HORIZONS Christian Horizons is an Evangelical Interde- nominational Organization providing support to people who have a Developmental Disability. We are currently interviewing for full-time, part-time and relief positions. Applicants must be adaptable and calm in stressful situations. A valid driver's license is a must. DSW or equivalent an asset. Weekend and evening shift-work involved. Please forward resume to : Janet Paul, Christian Horizons 155 Deerhide Crescent Fax (416)630-2579 or Email: jpaul@central-district.org We thank all applicants, but only those who qualify for an interview will be contacted. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. AZ DRIVERS Full Time Local Shunt Driver Days Afternoons Weekends Please call or fax to: SST Personnel Inc. Tel: 416-255-1419 Fax: 416-255-1829 Toll Free: 1-866-377-0177 GOLF COURSE JOB FAIR!!!!! Deer Creek, Glen Cedars and The Academy are holding a Job Fair on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 2002 at Deer Creek Golf Club Starting at 9 a.m. Westney Rd., Taunton Rd. E. ( l km.), Salem Rd. N. ( l km), Buggey Lane E. ( l km) If you are interested in Golf Operations or Food and Beverage we welcome you to attend. No fax or phone calls please. For Golf Course Maintenance positions please mail your resume to: DEER CREEK G. C. 27 Buggey Lane, Ajax, Ont. LlS 4S7 Attention Neil Acton NEWSPAPER CARRIERS needed in the Pickering area. Saturday &/or Sunday deliveries only. Call for more information (416) 724-9282 Looking for a Career in Law Enforcement? Start on the right path, gain experience in Security or Private Investigations with INTELLIGARDE INTERNATIONAL Fax resume to:416-469-4255 Please quote #0017 THE NEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers & flyers to the following areas ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Scarborough Lionhead Trail Roscoe Rd. Tidswell Blvd. Carlisle Blvd. Oak Knoll Cres. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR FOR ROUTES AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA PLEASE CALL 905-683-5117 THE NEWS ADVERTISER Is looking for carriers to deliver papers and flyers door to door Wed. Fri. & Sat. by 6:00 PM. in their neighborhoods. call 905-683–5117 UXBRIDGE TIMES JOURNAL & TRIBUNE REQUIRES RURAL ROUTE DRIVERS to deliver newspapers Wednesday & Friday in the following areas: * Uxbridge * Goodwood Reliable Vehicle Required Call Debbie (905)852-9141 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help 510 General Help LOOKING FOR PEOPLE with leadership skills who enjoy interaction with others. Finan- cially rewarding. Fun and in- teresting. Must have own trans- portation. Call 905-430-3815 LUBE TECHNICIAN PLUS ASSISTANT MANAGER -full + part time, hourly wage plus bonus. Experience needed. Valid drivers license. Apply at Pennzoil, 195 Westney Rd. S. of 401 Ajax. (905) 427-6796 A MATURE person required for residential house cleaning. Monday-Friday, Approx. 25hrs/wk. Experience pre- ferred. Valid drivers license required. To start imme- diately. Call 905-686-7555. NEED WORK?Looking for young hard workers for tem- porary help until Spring. Plen- ty of hours. Call Danielle (905)435-0730. OSHAWA BASED COMPANY looking for 3 organized honest people. Growing company opening second dealership. Permanent full time above average income. Full training provided. Call for details. Contact Tracy at 434–8179 ext. 224. OUTGOING YOUNG MAN with physical disabilities is looking for male support to pursue leisure interest. Mu- sic, German, computer. Car required. Flexible Hours. $12/ hr. Call (905)430–7713 PAINTERS, EXPERIENCED, own tools & vehicle required. piece work, paid weekly. Call (905)428-9037. PART-TIME COMMISSIONED salespeople required. Tele- comm & utilities. Call 1-888- 357-2292 M-F, 7:00-9:00 p.m. SERVICE PERSONS required by RV Dealer. Job involves service and repairs on Folding Camper Trailers, Travel Trail- ers and Fifth Wheel Trailers. Retired persons welcome to apply. We can train. Holiday World RV Centre (Barry or Brad Davis) 7725 Baldwin St. N., Brooklin L1M 1Y5 fax 905- 655-8184. Please apply in person, fax or mail. All appli- cations kept confidential. SIX FIGURE INCOME plus for hardworking people. Energy sales. Call John 1-800-293- 0067. SMALL MANUFACTURER Plant in Pickering, looking for part time leading to full time work. Will train. Please fax resume to: 905-831-1114. STUDENTS!!Part-time even- ings & Saturdays. Appoint- ment setters required. Call (905)426–1322 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. Job involves helping out in RV service shop, cleaning camp- er trailers and general yard trailer display duties etc. Students welcome to apply. Holiday World RV Centre (Barry or Brad Davis) 7725 Baldwin St. N., Brooklin L1M 1Y5 fax 905-655-8184. Please apply in person, fax or mail. All applications kept confi- dential. SUPPORT WORKERS to ass- ist young man with autism to live independently in the community. Please send re- sume to: File#776 c/o Oshawa ThisWeek, PO Box 481, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, L1H 7L5 TELEMARKETER-Experienced professional to book quality appointments. Part Time. Work from home. $20/hr. achievable for right individual (base+ bonus). Lily, (416)498- 1723 TELEMARKETER, AJAX Investment firm, Mon - Thurs 6-9 p.m., hourly+bonus. Fax 905- 426-6779 Attn Greg. WHAT ABOUT BOB?Bob has a job. Bob lost a job. Who wants Bob's job. Call Denise for details @(905) 576-5523 WORK AT HOME Health Industry $1000 P/T - $5000 F/T per month. Training available. Call for free information BOOKLET. 416-631- 7156. or www.workathomevc.com Salon & Spa Help514 WANTED: MASSAGE Therapist, quiet and comfortable room ideal for massage therapist. Loft level, above salon with an adjacent esthetics room and waiting area. John (905)404–9097 Skilled & Technical Help515 AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC/ counter help for busy Oshawa garage, minimum requirement 3rd year apprentice, with good customer skills, emissions an asset, benefits avail. call Glenn 905-433–0355. AZ DRIVER REQUIRED,LTL Drivers Wanted for US East- ern and southern states. Pays pick up, delivery and mileage. US Medical and disability. Ex- cellent equipment available. Serious drivers with good records only please. Bow- manville Location. Fax re- sume (905)697-1807 or call (905)697–1403 FRAMER with min. 2 years experience to start imme- diately. Call after 6p.m. (905)430–8383 LOCAL PRINT SHOP requires experienced press person, full time, part time to run Heidel- berg QM 2. Submit resumes by fax only to (905) 430-9240. SHEET METAL ROOFING la- bourer. Full-time position, some experience necessary. Call (905)435-8502 LICENSED MECHANIC to work Saturdays, 10 am-4pm to start. In growing used car dealership & garage. Ed Plant's Auto Service. 1430 King St. East Hwy #2 Courtice. 905-725–8542 Office Help525 CIVIL LITIGATION Secretary, Miskin Law office in Whitby, 1 year contract, experience essen- tial. Fax resume to (905)430- 0772. CLIENT COORDINATOR Full time - maternity leave, poten- tial permanent. Requires strong computer, data entry, and communication skills. Fax resume to 905-619-2549 LEGAL ASSISTANT Oshawa area Non smoking office. Family law experience a must. Experience with Word, WordPerfect, DivorceMate, dictaphone and PC law. Please fax resume with refer- ences and salary expectations to: (905) 433-7028 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST RE- QUIRED part time. Basic computer skills necessary, previous experience an asset. Mail or drop off resume to South Ajax Family Doctors, 969 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, On- tario. LIS 3K7 TEMPORARY TAX CLERK for tax season (full time for 10 weeks - March l, 2002 to April 30, 2002. Required by Ajax accounting firm. Emphasis on collating and checking. Good interpersonal and communi- cation skills. Able to organize and prioritize workloads. Fax resume to (905) 686-2276. Sales Help & Agents530 FULL TIME SALES Technician (Pickering). Opportunity for candidate with excellent oral/ written communications. Cap- able of organizing, reporting and managing a territory. Pre- sentation and PC skills re- quired, commercial ventila- tion experience an asset. Fax resume to 905-831-3759. STEFI LARA IN AJAX requires store manager with minimum 5 years experience. Please fax resume to (416)241-1156 attention: Alexandra Bradshaw. Hospital/Medical/ Dental535 DENTAL ADMINISTRATOR 401/McCowan. Progressive practice requires forward thinking individual with excel- lent communication/interper- sonal skills. Computer & fi- nancial skills benefit. Some evenings/weekends required. Fax 416-296-1914 or call 416- 296–0400 DENTAL ASSISTANT,full time, Whitby, some evenings required. Fax resume to 905- 668-0350 DENTAL HYGIENIST required immediately for sick leave, Tuesday 1:30-7:30, Thursday 8-5pm. Please call Dr. Nevill at 905-683-6920 or 905-430- 7733. DENTAL HYGIENIST great guy with great staff and patience needs 3 Saturdays per month in Pickering. 6% vacation pay, call Janice (905) 420–9211 or fax resume (905) 420-9212. PART TIME Dental Assistant, plus saturday dental hygienist, required for a fully computer- ized fast growing practice call (905) 665–2353 or fax resume to (905) 665-2359. DENTAL ASSISTANT required for family oriented office in Whitby. Send resumes to; File # 775, Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L5 IF YOU HAVE 10 arms and can handle 20 things at one time, all with a smile and a sense of humour, then our chiropractic office is looking for you. FRONT DESK/ASSIS- TANT, PART TIME, 4 DAYS PER WEEK, 25 HRS +. Previ- ous applicants need not apply. Please drop off resume by Feb. 8th at 8 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax. No phone calls please. Only successful applicants will be contacted. MOBILE FOOTCARE business for sale for qualified person. Within Durham area, with es- tablished customer base. Call 905-263–4575. PHARMACIST MANAGER needed for new Medical Pharmacy opening in Brook- lin. Also experienced PHARMACY TECHNICIANS needed. Fax resume to: 905- 666-8233. REG. PHYSIOTHERAPIST re- quired for clinic 15 minutes east of Oshawa. Full-time or part-time hours available, mornings or evenings. Poten- tial for partnership in future. Please fax resume to 905- 987-0563 VERSA-CARE CENTRE Ux- bridge invites applicants for permanent part-time RNs. Previous LTC experience an asset. Fax or mail resume to Elizabeth Batt, DOC, 130 Reach St. Uxbridge, ON L9P 1L3, 905-852-0117. VITALAIRE HEALTHCARE has an immediate opening for a Respiratory Therapist (R.R.C.P./R.R.T.) or a Regis- tered Nurse (R.N.) for our Ajax branch. Phone (905)428– 8800 or fax (905)428–8016. Domestic Help Available555 EXPERIENCED cleaning lady available, quality service at excellent rates. Call Julie at (416) 879-7033. (Cell) PART-TIME CAREGIVER available. Seeking accommo- dation in exchange for part- time care of children or elder- ly. flexible hours if required. driver, non-smoker, animal lover. references. Pat 905- 338-0550 Volunteers565 COASTGUARD AUXILIARY in Oshawa requires additional volunteer applicants must be at least 18 years, hold valid first aid & CPR. Additional training provided. E-mail resumes to comraoshawa@hotmail.com CA STUDENT LOOKING FOR work at a CA Firm. Prefer 12- 8 p.m. or evenings. 1-2 years exp. Passed UFE. 905-837- 9213. Houses For Sale100 PRIVATE SALE in God's Country - Haliburton. Spacious Viceroy style home on 2.4 acre wooded lot overlooking Lake Kashagawigamog, close to all amenities i.e. town, marina, ski hills, curling, golf, snowmobiling. Home has a large livingroom with floor to cathedral ceiling stone fire- place. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms, kitchen, diningroom, familyroom with stone fire- place and walkouts to decks, also 5 appliances and hot tub. Asking $189,500. Phone 705- 457-2124. COUNTRY IN THE CITY. House on 1 acre lot for sale. Must see. 1900sq.ft. brick bungalow, 2 car garage, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, main floor laundry, eat-in kitchen, dining room, family room w/fireplace, large unfin- ished basement, security system. Minutes from down- town Bowmanville. 2887 Con- cession Street East. Call 905- 697–0599 for more details and open house dates and times. $289,999. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW in desirable northwest Oshawa. Large pie-shaped lot on quiet street. Gas furnace, central air, main floor fireplace, new roof. Brand new 4pc bath in basement with Whirlpool corner tub, double driveway. Close to all amenities. Asking $210,000. (905)432–0056 OPEN HOUSE, Sat & Sun Feb. 2 & 3, 12p.m.-5p.m. Spacious 2-storey, 3+1 bdrms, 3 bath- rooms, finished basement, backing onto park, large eat-in kitchen, c/a, 4 appliances. $162,900. 73 Meadowview Blvd., Bowmanville. (905)697–7912. NORTH WEST OSHAWA - Three bedroom 1 1/2 storey, packs onto park, master bed- room on main floor, family room, gas fireplace, hardwood floors, oak staircase, 2 1/2 baths, cac, cvac, (905) 434– 1742. $269,000 NORTH AJAX - Detached 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, many upgrades, professional- ly finished basement, huge pie shaped lot, flexible clos- ing. Open House, February 9, 10. $239,000. (905) 428-1999 OPEN HOUSE,reduced 10k., 3 bedroom sep. dr., 511 Albert St., Oshawa, both Sat.&Sun. Feb. 2 & 3rd., at 1:30-4:00 pm. Central, semi, walk to go, all amenities. Call Norris or Dick. Sutton Exec. 905-571–7000 NORTH AJAX, 4bdrms., 3 new bathrooms, finished walk- out basement, woodburning stove, large bright kitchen, ceramics thru-out, above ground pool, optional hot tub. $204,900. Call 416-575-4633. CLEAN 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Quiet sought after Bowmanville neighbourhood. Bright eat-in kitchen. Lots of upgrades. Flexible closing. $164, 900. (905)-623-0346 OPEN HOUSE-Country Brick home on 4.55 acres, pond, creek +woods. 15 min. N. on 45 to Cty. Rd. 22, #557. Sat. Feb 2&912-5, Sun. Feb. 3&10 10-5. Call 905-372-6500 Lots & Acreages135 CLEARED BUILDING LOT, new well, on 40-acre woodlot, cedar and softwood. Not cut for 20-years. Surveyed, 2500- feet on road, 40-min. N.E. of Brighten $29,500. 613-395- 3137. COURTICE/BOWMANVILLE 1.25 Acre building lot. Beauti- ful treed 167x317 lot. 2095 Nash Rd. $116,900. (905)- 434–8345. Indust./ Comm. Space145 HEATED SHOP w/security system, near 401, 2-10' insu- lated overhead doors, with loft, 12'x52' indoor cold stor- age & 30'x60' fenced-in com- pound, available immediately. Please call 905-987-1445 Office & Business space150 OFFICE SPACE available in professional building located in Pickering village 400sq.ft. Call (905)683–8856 ext 28. Business Opportunities160 $$ GOVERNMENT - Funds$$ Grants and loans information to start and expand your busi- ness or farm. 1-800-505-8866. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SHOP Ajax location, 3 bay, fully equipped with hoists & full set of tools. Rent lease or buy. Plenty of parking, $2200/ month. 905-623-5226 PACKAGING/SHIPPING Cour- ier, mailbox retail franchise bus. Est. Pickering. A1 loca- tion. Great hours no nights or Sundays. Don Smith, Remax Professionals, 1-888-270-8170 GOLDEN BUSINESS opportunity, Chamber of Commerce Business Achievement Awards Nominee, SQUARE BOY PIZZA & SUBS, franchise in Cobourg, over 16 years in business. Great income, unbelievable price. Family is mov- ing. Call Peter 905-372-4909. HAIR SALON for sale, also hair styling equipment for sale. for inquiries call Elizabeth (905)404–2778 WORK FROM HOME/OFFICE $500-$1500 PT, $2000-$4000 F/T, Bilingual welcome. Training Provided. 416-812-6595, www. workathome-earnmoney.com Apts. & Flats For Rent170 1-BEDROOM basement apart- ment in executive home, separate entrance, fully selfcontained, c/vac, c/air, parking, near Go train and Pickering mall, $800/mo. inclusive. available Feb 11th. No pets/No smoking. (905)420–9187. 2 BDRM APARTMENT for rent for mature persons, next to the Oshawa Centre. No pets. Starting from $850-$940 per month. For a viewing, please call Melanie at 1- 800-267-3626 2-BEDROOM CONDO in Courtice, ground floor, avail. immediately. Clean & quiet. Cable, local tele- phone, 2-car parking, fireplace & storage. $1,300/month inclusive. First/last. 905-623-0079 or 416- 875-3221 ONE & TWO BDRM APTS. Whitby. Walk to GO. Clean, quiet, well maintained bldg. First/last/references. No pets please. 905-655-3107 WHITBY GARDENS - 900 Dundas St. E., One and two bedroom apartments available in clean, quiet building. Utilities included. Laundry facilities and parking available. Call (905)430-5420. AJAX -67 Church St., large 2 bdrm $1050; 3 bdrm $1150 with 1 1/2 bathrooms. Both include parking & hydro. First & last. Available February 1st. (905)426- 1161. AJAX, 2 BDRM of main floor of home. Westney/Delaney. Availab- le immediately. Close to schools, shopping, transit, Laundry, park- ing. Non-smoker, no pets. First/ last. Call Cindy 905-686-5297 BOWMANVILLE large 3 bedroom apt. in excellent condition. Utilities, storage, use of yard, parking for 2 cars all included. Laundry fac, available March 1st. $950/mo. Please call 905- 728–0999 BRIMORTON/ ORTON PARK, bachelor bsmt. apt. in West Indian home. Own private bath and kitchen. Parking, cable, Single non-smoker. TTC. Close to Centenary Hospital and 401. $600. inclusive. Available imme- diately. 416-431-9988. BROCK/MAJOR OAK 2-bedroom basement apt. walkout, separate entrance, $950/mo. utilities & cable included, separate laundry. Avail. immediately, no pets/no smoking, first/last, working cou- ple preferred 905-426–8485 CENTRAL OSHAWA, 2-bedroom $850 Feb. 1st & March 1st; 3- bedroom $950, February 1st. 1- bedroom $750. In well-main- tained building, close to all amenities. Please call (905)723- 0977 9a.m-6p.m. FRENCHMAN BAY - new one bedroom basement apt. Large livingroom, bath/shower, kitchen, , washer/dryer. Ca- ble. Utilities included. $900. No pets/no smoking. Imme- diately. Private entrance. 905- 837–8727 HWY #2. Church Street area, 3 bedroom apartment avail- able, call 416-444-7391. NEW SPACIOUS one bedroom executive apartment, full bathroom, Ajax, close to 401, Go, family area, no pets/ smoking. Parking. Imme- diately. Must see. (905) 428– 1615 OSHAWA - 2 BEDROOM apt. washer/dryer each floor. Very quiet, exclusive, adult pre- ferred building. No pets. 905- 579-9016 OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apt. Heat and hydro included. Laundry facilities in base- ment. Simcoe/Olive area in Oshawa. Available March 1st. $700/mo. first and last. Call 905-723-9781. OSHAWA 1-BEDROOM base- ment apartment, c/air, park- ing, laundry facilities, non- smoker, no pets. $750/month inclusive first/last required. Available March 1st. (905)728–8122 after 6pm, leave message., OSHAWA BY THE LAKE beau- tiful 2 bedroom apartment. Modern kitchen, new fridge, stove, washer, dryer. Parking, all inclusive, $850/month. No smokers, no pets. Call 905- 571-4603 OSHAWA King/Wilson Quiet building near shopping, trans- portation. Utilities and parking included. 3- bedroom Feb. lst. $975., Telephone (905)571- 4912 until 6:30 p.m. OSHAWA, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in triplex, clean and spacious $600/$800/ month, all inclusive. First/last. absolutely no pets. Call (905)720–3325 or after 6pm (905)242-3624. PICKERING - Dixie/Hwy. 2 new bright spacious one-bed- room basement apt. Separate entrance. Near shops/bus/ 401. Parking, cable, laundry. No smoking/pets. $800/mo. first/last. Available imme- diately. (416) 898–6312. PICKERING BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM basement apt., large livingroom w/bar, large bed- rooms, own laundry, separate entrance. Quiet neighbour- hood $950/month inclusive. Avail. immediately. Rose- bank/Finch. Call (905)831– 4083 or 416-385-9791. PICKERING - Brock/Hwy#2, Bright, large, spacious new 2 bdrm. Separate entrance, 4 appliances, avail. immediate- ly. $900 inclusive. First & last. Leave msg 416-403-1429 SMI.BKR. PICKERING -White's/Oklaho- ma, bright 1-bdrm basement apartment. Separate entry, parking, suit single profes- sional female. No smoking/ pets. References. Available Feb 23. $675 inclusive. (416)286–4562 PICKERING WALKOUT BASE- MENT 2-bedroom apartment with stove, parking, fridge, carpeted, with separate en- trance. All utilities +cable. Walk to GO bus. $750/month. Responsible person. No pets/ smoking. 905-428-1652 after 6pm SHORT TERM RENTAL,Whit- by, 3 bedroom apartment, available from Feb. lst. to May 31st. Laundry, parking, close to all amenities. $950 in- cludes utilities (905) 655– 4036 OSHAWA - Quiet building near shopping, transportation. Utilities included. Simcoe/Mill 1 + 2 Bedrooms immediately, Feb. 1st, & Mar. 1. $719+ $819/mo. 905-436-7686 until 7:30 pm SOUTH PICKERING,one bed- room basement apartment, separate entrance, parking, cable, share laundry, near lake, no pets, $650 per mo. immediate lst/last required. (705) 745–2499, (905) 839- 7911 SPACIOUS well-maintained 2 & 3 bedroom apts. Avail. at 900 and 888 Glen St. Some with walk-in closets, paint provided. Close to schools, shopping centre, GO Station. Utilities included. Call (905)728-4993. WEST PICKERING one bed- room basement apt for rent. New, bright, dry, separate ent., parking, laundry, ceramic tile. No smoking/pets, references, $735/mo incl. Marta 905-831– 3037 WHITBY LOCATION, 1-bed- room apt. Fridge, stove, park- ing, heat, water, coin laundry, basement storage. Available immediately. $660/month. plus hydro. Near GO and amenities. Call for appoint- ment 905-686-1533. WHITBY one bedroom base- ment apartment, parking, coin laundry, no pets, available March 1st, $650 plus hydro approx. $30. (905) 626-4752 (905) 666-2745. WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you think?!! Call Dave Hay- lock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666- 3211. MODERN CONDO, 189 Lake- driveway: 2 Bdrms, 2 Baths, fireplace, balcony, 5 applianc- es, ensuite laundry +modern decor. First/last, references. Avail. Feb. 28th. By appt. only. Bev McLean 905-686-3330 PICKERING LUXURY Tridell Casita bungalow, available immediately, gated security, ensuite, laundry, 2-bedrooms, 2-full baths, eat-in kitchen, underground parking. $1400/ month plus low utilities. Call Barrie 905-839–7496 TRIDEL MILLENNIUM - luxury one bedroom condo, beside PTC, gated security, under- ground parking, all amenities included. Available Feb. l5 or Mar. l, $l,300 inclusive. (905) 721–0315 Houses For Rent185 * A RENT ALTERNATIVE ! ! ! If you are currently paying between $900-$1400 a month, I can help you own. Michele Detering Re/Max Rouge River 905-668-1800 3 BEDROOM renovated farm- house, available April 1st. 5 min. north of Durham College. No pets. $995+. First/last/ref- erence/credit check. 905-655- 3501. AN UNBEATABLE DEAL!From $500. down, own your own home starting at $69,900 car- ries for less than rent. OAC. 24 hrs free recorded message 905-728-1069 ext 277. Cold- well Banker RMR Real Estate. Aurelia Rasanu. A-A-A-A- MANY HOUSES/ TOWNHOUSESfor rent in Pickering, Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville and surrounding areas. Rent from $1,100 to $5,000 per month plus utilities. 3-BEDROOM home in Myrtle, $1200 plus. Call Garry Bolen, Sutton Group Status at 905-436-0990 (MUST ASK for Jan Van Driel for info and scheduling). AJAX - Semi, main floor 3 bedroom, $1300 per month all inclusive. First and last. Credit check and references. No pets. Available now. 905-683- 5641 or 416-315-9432. BUNGALOW,attractive, 3 bedroom, 5 appliances, $1200/mo., 1-2 garages, $30 each mth., Available March. Greenbank area. No pets please. (905)763–1725. CENTRAL PARK N./KING - Beautiful and spotless 3 bed- room bungalow. Hardwood floors, full basement. Plenty of parking, on bus route, near schools and shopping. Avail- able anytime. $1200 plus util- ities. Call Steve 905-576-6999 or Mary 905-432-3586. CENTRAL AJAX - 3-bdrm im- maculate detached w/all features. Show room condi- tion. Close to amenities. Flexible availability. $1,450+ utilities. First & last. No smoking/pets. Call (416)910– 6983. OSHAWA, 2-BEDROOM main floor apartment, centrally lo- cated, available March 1st. $850 all inclusive. No smokers, no pets. First/last. Please call Aurelia at (905)728-1069 ext. 201. TWO BEDROOM bungalow for rent, central whitby location. Close to Go Station. Non smoking. $1000.00/mo. 905- 655-4070, evenngs. 2 BEDROOM BRIGHT walkout apartment, separate yard, steps to Wolfrun Golf & Lake Scugog, 45 minute commute to Oshawa. $790/inclusive, March 1st, (705) 324–8502 or 705-789-7432. Townhouses For Rent190 3 BEDROOM 2 1/2 bath town- home for rent. Long-term or short-term. All appliances. Ajax, immediate availability. $1500 month. Convenient to Wal Mart, Cosco etc. 905- 686–9534 GEORGIAN STYLE TOWN home in Whitby, 2 master bedrooms, & 3 bathrooms, finished basement with gas fireplace, 6 new appliances, air, no pets, references and credit check, $1,500 per mo. Available immediately. (905) 430–0404 Housing Wanted191 TEACHER with dog & cat, seeks house/cottage in coun- try or on greenbelt. Long or short term. Immediate occu- pancy possible. call 905-626– 2043. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Furnished room in Pickering, cable, kitchen facilities, near Pickering Generating Station, PTC/GO. $180 bi-weekly. (905)420–4318. BROOKLIN -Room in adult lifestyle building. Close to shopping, available now. $445/month. 905-424-9743. COLLEGE STUDENTS:Fur- nished rooms, shared facili- ties, non-smoking, all inclu- sive, 1 km from college, country setting, no bus, $350/ month, first/last, references. No pets. February 1st. (905)725–5624 LARGE BRIGHT ROOM with cable and private patio, shared kitchen, bath and laundry. Parking avialable. Quiet home, no pets or smoking, $125. per week. (905) 831–4054 LARGE furnished room +5pc private bath, N. Ajax. One working person only. Cable- Plus, parking. Share modern kitchen/laundry. First/last $550. Call Riley days 416- 458-9098, eve 905-683-3864 ROOM FOR RENT in large modern country home, many extras, satellite TV, hot tub, snowmobile and ski trails off property, $500/monthly, Co- bourg area. 905-352–3535. ROOM FOR RENT, near GO station & 401, no smoking, single working male preferred. $450/month. First & last. Ca- ble, utilities, parking & laun- dry incl. Avail. immediately. 905-665–5876 WHITBY - furnished rooms $475 and up. Cable, parking included. Also one bedroom plus den apt, cable, parking included. $900. Both available immediately First/last. 905- 728-8938. Shared Accommodation194 BEDROOM with shared bath- room for non-smoker pre- ferred. Available Feb. 1st. Pickering Liverpool/Finch. $400/monthly. Use of all facil- ities. On bus route, near amenities. Call 905-831–7778 leave msg NORTH WEST OSHAWA,C/A/ C, fireplace. Non-smoking, working professional wel- comes same. Unfurnished room. $400/month, first/last. references required. Call (905) 576-7002. PICKERING LIVERPOOL/401, 1 room for rent in 3-bedroom apartment. Single responsible employed female preferred. Phone, cable, laundry includ- ed, parking extra, near amenities. $500/month, Feb. 1st 905-831-8503, 416-723- 7448. ROOM FOR RENT:Working person or student preferred. All inclusive, non-smoker, clean, North Oshawa - N. Taunton & Simcoe, available immediately. Call (905)438– 1442 SHARED ACCOMMODA- TIONS: Whitby, Brock & Mary area. Beautiful older home, $375 monthly. First & last re- quired. Non-smoker, no pets. Call Dave (905)665–9510 Snowmobiles233 1992 POLARIS INDY Sport 440. New bearings, rear gas cell shock, fall tune up, 2002 trail pass, excellent condition. $2500. (905)725–7693. (snp) 1998 Ski-doo MX2 440,great condition, lady ridden. 3500 km. Asking $3600. Call 905- 852-9081. 1999 SKIDOO DELUXE 583 CC, 1200 km, excellent condi- tion, reverse, mirrors, covers, single trailer, helmet, gortex suit etc, trail sled with box $5,800 or best offer. (905) 576–7128 (eve), (905) 644- 2772 (days). 2001 Ski-doo MX2 800.Ex- cellent condition. 1500 km. Newly studded. Asking $7900. Call 905-852-9081. Horse Supplies & Boarding303 SMALL PRIVATE BARN, north of Brooklin , large indoor/out- door arena, full-size dressage ring, 24hr summer turn-out, 24hr hay. Excellent feed pro- gram, wash stall, heated lounge w/kitchen, washroom, fireplace. Outside coaches welcome. Owners on prem- ise. (905) 655-9994 Poultry and Livestock305 3 YEAR OLD DUN MARE Blaze, 3 White socks, Dorsal Stripe, Broke to ride, $1400 or best offer. 1-705-277-1389. Articles For Sale310 CARPETS - lots of carpets. I will carpet 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpets for $319.00. Residential on Berb- er carpets for $389.00. In- cludes carpet, premium pad, expert installation. Free, no pressure estimate. Norman (905) 686-2314. Sick of RENTING? 1st Time Buyer? Professional Renter? Honest Answers....! Professional Advice...! To “Own” Your Next Home! 1-800-840-6275 905-571-6275Ability R. E.Direct Mark Stapley Sales Rep. It is illegal under the Ontario Human Rights Code to refuse to rent to someone because of his/her race, creed (religion), colour, ancestry, ethnic origin, place of origin, handicap, marital status, family status (children), sex, age, citizen- ship, sexual orienta- tion or the receipt of public assistance, subject to the ex- ceptions provided in the Code. If you have any questions or would like some additional information, you can contact the Ontario Human Rights Commission at 1-800-387-9080 PDA PDA Expanded Duties Dental Assistant Friendly, responsible, H.A.R.P. certified Preventive Dental Assistant for fast paced Stouffville Orthodontic Practice. 3-4 days per week recent grads welcome. Fax resume 905-642-9692 or call 905-642-3642 Independent self-motivated salesperson? Want flexible hours? Own a reliable vehicle? Need more income? We need you, now! for Ajax-Pickering area Fax your resume (905)987-5472 AVON Wanted sales Representatives. Week of Feb. 28, Free start up kit, registration & gift. call Heidi 905-509-1163. LIFESTYLES GIFT SHOPPE IN PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Has an opening for Store Manager Retail management experience a must. Fax resume to: (416)640-7203 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002-PAGE 27 A/P LICENSED TECHNICIANS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY For busy Chrysler dealership. Drive clean and drive clean repair technician a definite asset. Fax resume to: (905) 683-5738 Attn: Doreen 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help 515 Skilled & Technical Help Our Business is Growing... Oshawa manufacturer of composite cans requires the following positions: • Quality/Production Supervisor • Industrial Maintenance Mechanic - with electrical ability • Paper Winder Operators • Capper Operators • Labeller/Recutter Operators All positions require experience in a high-speed, quality-focused, production environment. Current operations run M-F, shift work may be required. Fax or email resume stating position applying for. Fax (905)404-9176 canfaboshawa@sprint.ca ROUEN TOOL & MOLD LTD., AJAX has the following full time position available: JUNIOR: Mold Designer/Project Engineer • Salary negotiable • Design & Detail Injection Moulds • Co-ordinate schedules with customers/ shop floor • Knowledge of Cadkey, Autocad or other major CAD program • 3 yr. mechanical engineering or similar schooling E-Mail resumes to: engineering@rouen.ca or fax to: 905-427-0137 510 General Help 510 General Help 525 Office Help 530 Sales Help & Agents 570 Employment Wanted 160 Business Opportunities 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent 180 Condominiums For Rent 192 Rooms For Rent & Wanted DANBY 5 CU. FT.Chest Freezers, new scratch and dent $199, new danby bar fridges, $139 and up. Also variety of new appliances, scratch and dent. Full manu- facturers warranty. Recondi- tioned fridges $195 / up, re- conditioned ranges $125/ up, reconditioned dryers $125 / up, reconditioned washers $199 / up, new and recondi- tioned coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New brand name fridges $480 and up, new 30" ranges with clock and window $430. Recondi- tioned 24" ranges and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide selection of other new and reconditioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa. (905)576–7448. 5 PC. BUNK BEDROOM SET Bleached Oak finish, including 2 L-style bunks w/mattresses, desk, drawer, shelves & dresser w/mirror. $1000 or best offer. Call 905-666-0462 PIANO SALE- Great prices on all Roland digital, Samick acoustic pianos and used pia- nos. All Howard Miller clocks.. Large selection of used pianos (Yamaha, Kawai, Heintzmann etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with less- ons, try our rent to own. 100% of all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433- 1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES. Matching fridge/stove, good condition $249; Washers reg/extra-cap $149/up. Dryers extra/reg $125/up. Selection apt.-size washers/dryers. Selection fridges $150/up. Side-by-sides $299. White/almond stoves, full/ apt-size $150/up. Portable dish- washers $225/up. Visit our show- room. Parts/sales/service. 426 Simcoe St.S. Mon-Fri 8-6pm, Sat 9- 5pm, Sun 11-4pm. (905)728-4043. APPLIANCES:refrigerator 2-door frost free, deluxe stove, matching heavy duty washer/dryer $675/all- will sell separate. Also washer used 2 years $250 +Dryer and 8 mo old dishwasher $275. (905) 767-6598 ATTENTION COLLECTORS - English bone tea cups and saucers, well known brands and sought after colours. 905- 373-6082. BEDROOM SET, 8pce cherry- wood. Bed, chest, tri-dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000, Sacri- fice $3500. 416-748-3993 CARPETS - Laminate and vi- nyl sale. Carpet 3 rooms, 32 sq. yds. for $339. Commercial carpet including carpet, prem- ier underpad and professional installation. Laminate $2.39 sq. ft. Click System. Residen- tial, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Free Estimate. Mike 905-431-4040. CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 rooms from $339. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: car- pet, premium pad and installa- tion. Free estimates, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and sur- rounding area. Credit Cards Accepted Call Sam 905-686- 1772. CARPETS! CARPETS!CARPETS! 3 rooms carpeted with pad and installation $299 (32 yds.). SPE- CIAL BUY - 24oz. Berber, 10 colours, $7.50/yd. 32oz Berber, 12 colours, $8.50/yd. 45oz Nylon Saxony, 30 colours, $13.50/yd. NO HIDDEN COSTS. Free shopt at Home Service. Guaranteed Best Prices. SAILLIAN CARPETS, 905- 373-2260. CHILDS CAR BED $150; Solid pine baby crib, dresser with fold down changetable, asking $400. 905-837–1725 PENTIUM 200 -32Mb Ram, 2Gb HDD, 56K modem, CD Rom, key- board/speakers/mouse, 15" SVGA monitor, Internet ready $300. Can deliver +set-up. Brand new 27" RCA Stereo TV $350. 905-439- 4789 COUNTRY TRADITIONAL Dining room suite, solid oak, table, buffet & hutch, 6 chairs. $3500 or best offer. Call (905)435–0082 DESK 6'x3', credenza 6'x20" and hutch, swivel chair, all like new $1000. Front hall mirror, 2 area rugs, 8'x10' & 8'x14', make an offer. Call 905-839–9840 DIAMOND RINGS- Valen- tine's Day Special - Upgrade sweethearts ring? Solitaire & Solitaire in diamond jacket. Both appraised over $6,000 each. Best offer. (905)725– 3143 leave message. DINING-ROOM SUITE of solid oak. 9-piece, very good con- dition, circa 1940. Asking $2500. Call 905-985-3826 DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- rywood. 92" double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con- struction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5000. (416)746-0995. DIRECT TV $299, system with "H" $649, "Hu" loader $193, private full Hu 3M w/90 day gty $50, Amazing Electonics NOW! 601 Dundas St. W. 905-665-7732. DSS SPECIAL - systems $299., 90 day program guar- antee. H and HU program- ming, private 3m script, $50. 90 day guarantee. HU cards $225. Card swap $125., Whit- by (905) 721–9953 DTV RCA SATELLITE sys- tems, complete with dual LNB, programmed hu card, H & HU card programming, installa- tion available. Kirk Satellite Services, (905) 728-9670. DIRECT TV complete RCA system with programmed HU card $310; H/HU program- ming $25 with 30 day warran- ty. HU programmers $150; In- stall kits $20. Call Dave at 905-767-8571 FRIDGE STOVE $350; Washer dryer $300; portable dish- washer $150; chest-freezer $120; Queen bed +frame $150; single pine bed $150; sofa + chair $350; coffee +ends $100; kitchen set $250; microwave $40; sm.stereo $75; bread- maker $60; antique bumber pooltable $300. 905-263-2657 HARDWOOD FLOORS FOR BETTER HEALTH. Prefinished and unfinished from $l.99 sq.ft. Showroom: Kendalwood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby 905-433-9218 Oshawa Hardwood Floors Ltd. HEINZTMAN BABY GRAND piano. $2000 Or best offer. Call 905-665-9640 HOT DOG CART - Toronto Kitchen Equipment model, ex- cellent condition with many extras. Ready to work. Phone (905) 721-0601. KEMORE FRIDGE White side- by-side doors, ice & water dispenser. Whirlpool Ceran cooktop STOVE, selfcleaning oven, digital controls, white. Both 3-yrs-old. Like new $1800/pr. 905-655-8167 905- 429-0352 MEN'S BLACK LEATHER COAT, 3/4 length, top quality, size 2X, $250. 905-373-6082. ANTIQUE FRENCH door, with beveled glass windows, and with antique brass handle. 23" x 80". Excellent condition. $150. 905-697-9462 PIANO TECHNICIAN available for tuning, repairs, & pre-pur- chase consultation on all makes & models of acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos for sale. Holi- day special - pay no tax on all upright pianos. Gift Certifi- cates available. Call Barb at 905-427-7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com Visa, MC, Amex. PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS PS1 basic chip $35; Stealth chip $60; PS2 Version 1 & 2 $75; Version 3 $95; Version 4 $125; All work guaranteed. Install while you wait. Bea- trice/Wilson area (905)721- 2365 RENT TO OWN new and re- conditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Pad- dy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SCOOTER four wheel, for sale. $1500 or best offer. 905-623- 7866. TEAK DINING ROOM SET,4 chairs, table, corner hutch & buffet, twin milk & honey bed set with mattress, dual draw- ers, best offer, 905-430–8134. OAK/PINE FURNITURE....We have expanded our showroom and are filling it with exciting New Designs in Solid Wood Bedrooms, Dining Rooms and Entertainment Units. We have a large selection available, and if you don't see what you are looking for, we will build to your specifications.... Let Tra- ditional Woodworking be your own personal FURNITURE MAKER. We have been build- ing quality solid wood furni- ture in the Durham Region for 27 years. We pride ourselves on being able to take your ideas/plans and turn them into reality. Drop in and see our State of the Art Woodworking facility and let us show you how quality fine furniture is made... Remember..."There is no Substitute for Quality"..Tra- ditional Woodworking.... 115 North Port Road (South off Reach Road), Port Perry. 905- 985-8774. www. traditionalwoodworking.on.ca STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers, 24 ft. & 22 ft.. Call 905-430-7693. YAMAHA 350H ELECTRIC GUITAR wiht 15 watt, Squier amp, hard guitar case, stand and patch cord. Asking $375 OBO. 905-377-9983. Articles Wanted315 WANTED CAMERAS:Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Voigtlander, Zeiss, Robot, Grafex, Com- piss, Leitz, Leica. 16mm movie cameras, old metal toys, Fair prices paid (905)432–1678 Most metal body cameras & miniature cameras. WANTED: 3/4 BED in excel- lent condition to buy or trade for captain maple bunk beds in excellent condition. Call (905)725-1061 (snp) Vendors Wanted316 VENDORS WANTED - The Oshawa This Week Spring Home Show, April 5th-7th/02 at the Oshawa Civic Auditori- um. The Durham Spring Home Show, April 19th-21st/02 at Ir- oquois Sports Complex in Whitby. For info. please call Wendy at 905-579-4473 ext. 215. Firewood330 ABSOLUTELY THE BEST - top quality seasoned hardwood. Serving Pickering, Ajax, Whit-by and Oshawa. Call DURHAM FIRE- WOOD 905-427–5278 FREE FIREWOOD - Broken wood- skids and pallets. Delivery avail- able Oshawa Whitby/ Ajax Pickering area. 905-434-0392. (snp) LAKERIDGE FARM FIREWOOD,the best quality wood, seasoned cut/ split/ deliv- ered. Discount for pickup. Volume discount. Serving Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Courtice. Call anytime 905-922- 3417 TV, Sound Systems360 H/HU FIX $2 (30 days), $20 one yr warranty www.direct- tv.ca Pet, Supplies Boarding370 CANE CORSO Mastiff Pup- pies, 8 weeks old. Ready to go to approved homes. $1500.00 contact 905-404-3050. EXPERIENCED mature English rider required to part board T.B. gelding. Indoor arena. Myrtle. If interested call 905- 430–6267 GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, CKC registered and mi- crochipped, family raised. 905-377-1140. WANTED a Norwegian re- triever or Golden retriever (white in colour), call 905- 434–0392 Cars For Sale400 1986 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 97,000 kms, new brakes, starter motor, exhaust sys- tem, runs great, certified +E- tested, $1,800. 905-428-7980 eves 1988 BUICK REGAL,12,000 km. on rebuilt engine, 9,000 on complete brake-job front/ back, newer struts/mounts, exhaust, gas tank, Egr. valve, battery, E-tested/certified, no rust. $3000 obo. 905-579– 8552 1988 PONTIAC FIREBIRD Formula, metallic blue, certi- fied & e-tested. This car is awesome, clean and must be seen. $4995. (905)571–5138 1988 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 4dr, 4 cyl, auto, certified, E- test, $1800. Also 1991 Pontiac Tempest, 3.1L, auto, great condition, cert. + E-test, $2990. 905-922-3867. 1989 BERETTA GT, red, auto, loaded, new brakes, alterna- tor, battery, runs +looks great, 145,000kms, certified +E-test- ed, $3500. 905-428-7980 eve. 1990 DODGE SHADOW,4 dr, hatchback, silver coloured, auto. Emissions passed, safety certified. $1450. Phone 905-668–7412 1991 IMPULSE Hatchback, 181,000 kil., $2,200 or best offer. Telephone (905) 725– 5628, ask for Jeff or Arden. 1992 CARAVAN only 164,000k, V6, automatic, well maintained van, safety + Emission tested, new front brakes, $2,695. Oshawa Deal- er. Murray 905-718-1808, 83 Ritson Rd.S. 1990 G.M.C. TRACKER 4x4 convertible, red, white soft top, chrome rims, Alpine ster- eo, excellent condition, no rust, runs great, very clean in- terior $4850.00 Certified/ Emissions 905-922-8555 1993 BONNEVILLE SSEI $7900 fully loaded leather in- terior tinted windows & sun- roof Call 905-438-8552 snp 1993 OLDSMOBILE ACHIEVA, auto, loaded, body is mint, metallic purple/grey, super clean interior, car starter in- cluded, runs excellent, certi- fied & e-tested $5900 obo. 905-728–2057 1994 SUNBIRD,2 dr., auto, red, 135Km, certified, E-test, $4100. Call 905-434–5219 1995 FORD CONTOUR, blue, 2.5 L, V6, Duratec, 5 speed, loaded, traction control, sport package with aluminum wheels, $6,300 OBO. Must Sell! Call 905-435-3442. 1995 VW GOLF GL, power sunroof, alloy rims, AM/FM cassette, very clean, 148k mostly highway, new brakes well maintained. $8,900, cer- tified. 905-665-6007 ask for Dave 1996 FORD EXPLORER XL, excellent condition. Asking $14,900. Will certify Tele- phone (905) 723–6400 1997 SILVER CHRYSLER SEBRING LXI Coupe 67,000km warranty to 2005 fully loaded grey leather seats, much more, emission tested, lady driven. Asking $13,550. Call 905-852-2435 1997 TIBURON,2L, 5 spd, 145,000 km, Pioneer 4- speaker aerial CD, $11,900. Call 905-697–0265 1998 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 4 cyl., 5-speed, excellent con- dition, 76,000kms. Sport stripe package, anti-theft, cer- tified & e-tested. $7,995. (905)571–5138 1998 SUNFIRE,purple, 110,000 kil., hwy., 4 speed automatic, 2 dr., $9,500 firm. Must sell, leaving country. (905)404–2935, Rick or less message. 1999 CHRYSLER CONCORDE 42k miles, from US, cruise, p.s., p.b., p.w., p.dl., CD play- er, cloth interior, new front tires, new rear brakes, mint $15,900. (905)720–4744 2001 SUNFIRE,4dr, pewter, auto, 11,000kms. Looking for someone to take over lease, $272.49/month (3years, 4months remaining). You pay no transfer cost. Call (905)623–9208 2002 BUICK RENDEZVOUS, pewter grey. Take over lease pay- ments at $382.50 plus taxes. Asking $1500. which includes lease transfer fee and security deposit. 3 yrs. 6 mo. with 68,000 km. remaining. 905-436-6218. SWEET DEALS ON WHEELS, 1991 Shadow- $2,895., 1994 Shadow- $3,695., 1991 Caravan (van)- $1,995. All vehicles are automatic, certified and E-tested. Lets Deal call 905-718–9347 anytime Dealer. CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in run- ning condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES. WANTED - Dead or Alive . Cars, Trucks, Machinery.. Call 905-655- 4609 WANTED - inexpensive cars or trucks. Running or not, but not too rusty. Free removal. Call 905- 434-0392 (snp) Trucks For Sale410 1986 CHEVROLET SILVERADO pickup, 305, auto, fully loaded, 2- wheel drive, frame up restoration 2001, body all new, must be seen, cert. + E-tested $7995. 905-922- 3867. 1990 FORD F150 128,000 km, light use, V8 engine, raised back, cap, certified & e-tested. $3500. 905-852-5395 TRUCK CAP FOR SALE - fits long box S10 - S15 $100 OBO. Call Justin at 905-885-2028. Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirve420 1983 FORD 150 CARGO VAN, 300 cu. in. engine, 6 cyl. standard transmission. New carburetor with extra parts including motor with 30,000 miles, tires, rad and brakes. Total package as is $500. obo. Call Rick 905-985-3740. 1989 FORD AEROSTAR XLT 7- passenger, V6, auto, full load, am/fm stereo, 180,000km, facto- ry makes, new tires, mechanical- ly-A1, very clean throughout. Must sell $1,275. 905-404–8541. 1990 CHEVY CARGO VAN,auto, runs good, $1800 as is. Call Hope 905-404-8676 or 905-261-4397. 1994 EAGLE SUMMIT.2.4 L auto, 4dr, fully loaded. $3,900 o.b.o. Call (416)898-8467 or (905)434–2775. 1992 FORD ASTRO EXT.Loaded 220km, excellent condition. Was cert & e-tested August 2001. Asking $4500. Call 905-725- 4180. Also 1989 Caravan B.O. 1998 PONTIAC TRANSPORT, 4dr, 7-passenger, V6, air, p/w, p/l, p/m, tilt, cruise, very clean & well maintained. 67,000km. $15,900 o.b.o. Certified/emis- sion tested. 905-434–7986. TWO 1988 DODGE VANS,one ambulance, one school bus, good running condition, ex- tended, one-ton, V8 ; Also 1988 Ford Custom150 Econo- line, pw, pl, cruise, am/fm cassette, carpeted inside, Call 905-434-0392 Auto Parts & Repairs440 WANTED - 3.1 GM motor; also 4 Litre 1993 Ford Aero- star motor; parts for 1992 auto. Dodge Colt; Parts for 1993 auto. Ford Probe. 905- 434–0392 Driving Schools447 Coming Events249 **EXHIBITORS WANTED** Keeping 'Your Business' in Durham, Metro East Trade Centre, March 1-3, 2002. 1st Class Exhibitors. Call 905- 655-8278 or 1-800-461-3355 Tenders260 QUOTE FOR SUPPLY & in- stallation of gas furnace & water heater for Nestleton Community Centre. Contact Colin Kemp 905-986-4305 Personals268 ENERGY WORKER available (Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Ear-coning Therapist) Mau- reen McBride's Healing/Ener- gy Clearing media document- ed, including Toronto Sun. Four years success treating leukemia, cancers; chronic pain management; dissolving child-adulthood traumas/is- sues. 905-683-1360 days, eves, weekends S & B DRIVING SCHOOL (Graduate Certificate recognized by The Insurance Industry) Full Course $299. 10 In-car Lessons $205. Free pick-up and drop-off (416) 287-3060 BAD CREDIT? NO CREDIT? EVEN BANKRUPT CREDIT? But need a car? Phone Gerry today 576-1800 All applications accepted. Bring in this ad & get $100 toward your purchase Down payment or deposit may be required SALES LIMITED of Pickering Bad Credit? No Credit? Bankrupt Credit? Need a Car? Call today (905) 421-9191 No Application Refused. WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 NEED A CAR? Rebuild Your Credit with Newstart Leasing! AS LOW AS $199 DOWN 1-866-570-0045 Ontario Firewood Seasoned cut & split hardwood 4x8x12" $65 4x8x16" $75 Free delivery to Oshawa area. Call 1-888-466-3066 Visa Accepted NEED A HOME PHONE? NO CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! No deposit Required Activated Immediately Freedom Phone Lines 1-866-687-0863 DIRECTTV Discount Special H and HU programming with private fixes $20. Systems, emulation kits, loaders and cards all on sale. Call Les 905-430–9214 NOW OPEN COUNTRY HOME CUSTOM PINE FURNITURE 1121 Dundas St. E. (Rear of plaza) 905 665-1664 Tues. - Fri. 9:30 - 4 Sat. 9:30 - 3 Sun. 11 - 3 A/P PAGE 28-NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com MENNONITE MEATS The Healthy Wholesome Tastes of Drug-free Beef, Poultry, Pork, Sausage. Plus Homemade Jams, Chutneys & Preserves Open: Friday: 10 - 5 & Saturday: 9 - 4 1513 Hope Clarke (East Town Line) Rd.Newtonville Oshawa Newtonville Port Hope Hwy#2 Hwy#401 1513 Hope Clarke Rd.Newtonville Exit Call 1-888-257-9995 300 Market Basket 300 Market Basket AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, TOOLS & MODERN FURNITURE To be held at CLASSIQUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS Burnham St. N of the 401 at Cobourg On SUNDAY, FEB. 3, 2002 at 11 am Viewing day of the sale from 9 am 2 old flat to the wall cupboards, wash stand, 1800’s sofa, hutch, old chairs, wall unit, dressers, old oak dining table c/w 6 leafs, end tables, coffee table, ottoman, small corner cupboard, old Cobourg book, collection of 164 salt and peppers, large selection of tolls (yard & hand) drills, saws, freezer (good), step ladders, filing cabinets, fishing tackle, BBQ, old pine table, Coca Cola crate, cast grates, old tin military trunk, planters, collector coins, china, glass, oil lamps, collector plates, pictures, books, wooden bowl and much, much more still to be unpacked. Owner, Auctioneer not responsible for accident, injury or loss while attending auction. Sale conducted by CLASSIQUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS For more information or to consign please call 905-372-1225 ANTIQUES & ESTATES IS OUR SPECIALTY “THE ESTATE SETTLERS” 325 Auctions 325 Auctions ATTENTION AUCTIONEERS!! Our "Auction Package" consists of your ad running weekly in these publications: • Oshawa Whitby This Week • Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Port Perry This Week • Northumberland News • Uxbridge Tribune/Times Journal • Canadian Statesman/Clarington One call does it all!! Phone 576-9335 Fax 579-4218 AUCTION SALE FEBRUARY 2, 2002 AUCTION STARTS AT 10 A.M. VIEWING FROM 9 A.M. - 10 A.M. To be held on site at TOYMENDOUS TOYS 356 Dean Ave., Oshawa, Ontario. SITE PHONE - (905) 723-5686 Auction Hall For Dir. -(905) 725-5751 AUCTION BY MCCRISTAL AUCTIONS Lighted sign boards, 2 x 4 with letters, bar fridge, microwave, 2 office desks, 4 tier filing cabinet, office stationary, marking guns, christ- mas supplies, gondolas, display boxes, 150 line- ar feet burgundy display curtains, 10' high step 2 childrens bed, commercial racking 10' high with platforms, bedroom shelving units. Floor displayers, misc. racking, rotating advertise- ment racks, stationary greeting card display stand, 50 pcs. computer cart, rug, 9 first alert escape ladders, 67 GSC heavy duty plastic tubs, different colors, bedroom chest of draw- ers, 6 hedstrom slider commercial grade plastic, hedstrum swing set, poles, several pieces of PT wood used for children's play forts, plastic swings, assembled, wood forts, play house, 3 step 2 jungle gyms, step 2 picnic tables, toddler treehouse step two happy totes, indoor/outdoor Bossman lamps, wury sport 6 'n' one sport cen- tre, 2' lattice, plastic white, step two block table, 5 nook and frooze toddler bed, little tykes helper work bench, lady bug sand box, H20 snow board, Baker propane tow motor (fork- lift), H20 pools, 2 slide pools, fans, hall stands, frosty snowman, little type 2 special order stand, peg board, slat wall, fire extinguishers, remote control toys, WWF toys, barbie, xmen toys, crayola, games, batteries, star trek, tea sets, mecano suzy stretch dolls, banana paja- mas, slinky pets, baseball gloves, ceiling clowns, laser games, step two play center, step 2 wag- on, Winnie pooh sand box, fisher price step 2 video chair tiger see saw step 2, misc. toys, step 2 stove, girls big wheel, NHL toys, rubber balls Subject to deletions at anytime. ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ AUCTION NOTICE "Next Sale" Kahn Auction Centre 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering Thurs. Feb. 7th 7:00 p.m. Auctioneer: Victor Brewda 905-683-0041 (More details to follow) ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩ It's a Boy, again! Kelly and Eric Gordon are pleased to announce the arrival of their second son ❤ Owen Christopher ❤ Born on December 27, 2001 at 6:40 pm., weighing 8lbs., 14 oz., at Markham-Stouffvile Hospital. Owen is welcomed by his big brother Liam Jamieson, and proud grandparents Nora and Cyril Gordon and Pat and Mary Molloy. 245 Births 245 Births THEDURHAMC ATHOLI C DISTRICT SCHOOLBOARDThe Durham District School Board FRENCH IMMERSION PROGRAM PARENT/ GUARDIAN INFORMATION & REGISTRATION MEETING Parents/Guardians who are considering enrolling their child/children in French Immersion commencing September 2002 are invited to attend an Information Meeting to be held in February 2002. Parents/Guardians from Oshawa, Whitby, Port Perry and Brooklin are invited to attend a meeting to be held on: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 @ 7:00 p.m. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School 400 Pacific Avenue, Oshawa Principal: Patty Orecchio Telephone: (905) 723-1921 Parents/Guardians from Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge are invited to attend a meeting to be held on: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 @ 7:00 p.m. Holy Redeemer Catholic School 747 Liverpool Road South, Pickering Principal: Lorraine Del Monte Telephone: (905) 839-5409 Applications will be taken immediately following the information meeting. Preference will be given to parents/guardians who have children currently enrolled in the program. These parents must submit their application to the French Immersion Principal at least on day prior to the above Parent Information Immersion schools listed above. If you have any questions about the French Immersion Program, please contact the appropriate principal listed above. Mary Ann Martin, Grant A. Andrews Chair of the Board Director of Education 262 Public Notices 262 Public Notices 262 Public Notices 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 310 Articles for Sale 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 400 Cars For Sale 405 Cars Wanted 420 Vans/4-Wheel Drive Nannies/ Live-In/Out270 NANNY, Pickering, for infant & 3 year old. Childcare, light housework, some meals, re- quires drivers license, refer- ences. Call 905-839-6221 Daycare Available273 AVAILABLE MON.-FRI.in my home. Mother of one with EA diploma, First Aid, CPR,, criminal background check, references & more. Harwood/ Hwy #2. Call (905)619–9789. BABYSITTING,available in my home, all ages welcome, Pet free/smoke free Pickering home, (Denmar Rd. area), references available. Call 905- 686–9051 DAYCARE AVAILABLE Whites/ Finch area In My Home. 2 years of age and up. Busing to and from St. Marguerite School. For more information call Cheryl 905-420–0206 PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Loving daycare; 18 months to 12 years. Daily outings (fenced backyard and park). Crafts, story time, music, nu- tritious meals & snacks. First Aid, C.P.R. certified. Non- smoking, receipts. 905-428- 1244. Daycare Wanted274 BABYSITTER NEEDED - Keep the mess out of your home, come to ours. We need a car- ing, mature and reliable per- son to come into our home between 2 & 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. We have 3 children ages 5, 3, and 8 months. Our oldest son has special needs and requires a little extra at- tention. All of our children are very pleasant and well be- haved. Someone with experi- ence is preferred but more importantly someone who loves children. Mother is re-turn- ing to work on March 28, 2002 but we would like you to start a week or two early to familiarize yourself with our children and home. We will provide all snacks and activities, just bring a loving attitude and everyone will enjoy. We live in the Whites Rd. and Finch area of Pickering behind St. Mary's School. Call Maureen or Rick at 905-831-3703. CAREGIVER REQUIRED to look after 4 yr. girl, must be flexible, Ajax area, Call bet- ween 8 and 9 p.m. (905) 683– 1725 CAREGIVER/HOUSEKEEPER for after school care, two boys 7&9. Must have car & be able to commit to 15-20-hours/ week. West Pickering loca- tion. Please call Shannon 905- 509–7925 Psychics294 LOVE Psychics tell all. Love, job, money. 1-416-976-2288. $25/call. Adults only yogi.com Professional Directory163 SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS! We'll improve your bottom line. $3.50/day puts a top law firm of business consultants on your payroll -review legal documents, collection letters, business/accounting consul- tation, +much more. Service provided by extremely suc- cessful, NYSE listed compa- ny. Brad Hunt +Associates 905-430-3815 Mortgages Loans165 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any pur- pose. All applications accept- ed. Call Community Mortgage Services Corp. (905) 668– 6805. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 5.75% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refi- nancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast profession- al service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686-2557. MONEY PROBLEMS?STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & har- rassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & pro- tection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 Home Improvements700 Dating Services900 FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING SERVICE!Durham's Own! Find your mate, or just share a moment. Listen to all the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. (905)-683-1110. Adult Entertainment905 LOUNGE ON BLOOR Oshawa a relaxing massage plus hot tub, friendly faces. 2 for 1 available. 905-404-8353 Jewels will arrive with the intentions of taking your breath away and leaving you... Breathless www.exoticasjewels.com www.exoticasvip.com Exotica’s Jewels Open Noon OUTCALLS ONLY 100% Discretion 905-743-0848 Exclusively Yours Upscale Escort Service Serving Durham Region Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily (905) 725-2322 Now Hiring 18+ TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service. 428-0081 All Pro Painting and Wallpapering Stucco ceilings, General repairs, Top quality work at reasonable prices 20% off for Seniors Call for a FREE Estimate 404-9669 R & M DRYWALL The specialists of basements Taping and framing, residential and commercial. You've tried, you failed, will fix it. Free estimates (905) 623-1680 PLUMBER ON THE GO Top Quality Plumbing at Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential -Commercial No job too big or small Free estimates-over 20 years experience Call 905-837–9722 Kitchen, Bath & Basement Renovations & Repairs Quality workmanship Flat Rate R.S. CONTRACT INSTALLATION (416)230–9383 Rob/Kevin F & M Home Renovations To home owners: Any carpentry needed rough or finished small or big job, we'll do it for you! You supply the materials, we'll supply the labour at hourly rate. Call (905)420–7394 MARSHALL GROUP HOME IMP. Carpentry, Flooring, Doors, Ceramic, Decks and Siding Free Estimates Seniors Discounts (905) 428-3362 Ask for Paul Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002-PAGE 29 A/P ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN 35 Church St. North, Pickering Village Bible Study - 9:15 a.m. Sunday Family Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - Supervised Nursery Dr. Everett Briard - Interim Minister EVERYONE WELCOME St. Isaac Joques Catholic Church 1148 Finch Avenue, Pickering L1V 1J6 (905) 831-3353 SUNDAY LITURGY Saturday Vigil 4:30 p.m. Sunday Morning 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. COME &WORSHIP For further Worship Directory information call Janice Samoyloff (905) 683-0707 ext. 2218 or Fax (905) 579-4218 E-mail: jsam@Durham Region.com Monday 7:30PM Prayer Meeting Tuesday 7:30PM Bible Study Friday 7:30PM Youth Group Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Audley James Founders/Overseers/Sr. Pastors Sunday 10:00AM Sunday School (All ages) 11:00AM Worship Service 6:30PM Evening Praise & Worship WEEKLY ACTIVITIES: Revivaltime Tabernacle Durham A Family Oriented Community Church. The Church That Love is Building and Where Miracles are Happening 550 Kingston Rd., Pickering If we could be of any assistance to you, please call us at 905-837-7791 Intercultural Worship Centre Evangelical Missionary Church Canada East 545 Kingston Rd., Pickering Village, Ajax 905-619-9095 Dr. Olu David (Nigeria) Sundays: 10:30 am Deadline Wed. 10 am for Friday Publication 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship 282 Places of Worship Mortgages & Loans Consolidate Christmas Bills Refinancing, Purchases Debt Consolidations Free Consultations No upfront fees Call today A.M.S. Accurate Mortgage Services Inc. 905-436-9292 or toll free 1-877-509-LOAN 165 Mortgages, Loans 165 Mortgages, Loans MORTGAGE SPECIALIST Overwhelmed by holiday debts! Your bank said no? HOME OWNERS - Prime debt consolidations to 100% Poor credit, no income verification - funds available with home equity. Consult an experienced broker instead of shopping. ASK FOR: SYLVIA JULES (905) 686-2557, or evenings & weekends (905) 430-8429 HARDWOOD FLOORS For your Health • For Elegance For The Value of Your Home Our customers travel to Whitby from Sudbury, Ottawa & Toronto to buy hardwood! WHY? WHY? ✔ For the Best Selection ✔ For the Best Prices ✔ For the Best Quality Oshawa Hardwood Floors Kendalwood Plaza (beside Pet Valu) 1801 Dundas St.E., Whitby 905-433-9218 730 Flooring, Carpeting 730 Flooring, Carpeting RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 668-4932 753 Party Services 753 Party Services Durham’s Finest Females In / Out Calls 905-260-1808 SweetheartsSweethearts Hiring 19 plus 905 Adult Entertainment 905 Adult Entertainment ❤ BROCK SPA ❤ Private rooms with showers Friendly Attendants. Rear Entrance. 1600 Alliance Rd. Unit 12 Pickering 905-831–0526 Death Notice Listings For Audio on current deaths, call 905-683-3005 From Clarington, Port Perry or Uxbridge, please call 1-905-683-3005. Visit us on the internet: www.durhamregion.com Brought to you by the following funeral homes: Accettone, Armstrong, Courtice Funeral Chapel Limited, Low & Low, The Simple Alternative, McEachnie, McIntosh-Anderson, Morris, Newcastle Funeral Home, Northcutt-Elliott, Oshawa Funeral Service, Wagg, W.C. Town, Memorial Chapel. 1. Simply dial the above number on a touch tone phone only. 2. Listen for the name you are looking for. The listings are recorded by surname first. 3. When you hear the name you want, press 1 to hear details of the funeral arrangements. 4. If you miss any information, press 1 to replay the details. 5. If you want to go back to the main directory of names, press 2 and repeat from Step 2. Step 256 Deaths 256 Deaths 274 Daycare Wanted For more information on how to become a News Advertiser Carrier call 905-683-5117 We are currently looking for Carriers to deliver to the following areas:NEWS ADVERTISERTHIS COULD BE YOU NEWS ADVERT I S E R THIS COULD BE YOU What do you call someone who runs their own business, braves summer heat and the winter chill, is on the job in the rain, snow and sleet, is always cheerful and courteous and who brings the product right to your door every time without fail while also trying to conquer the intricacies of math, science and auditioning for the first-chair saxophone in the school band? A News Advertiser Carrier Tomorrow’s entrepreneurs, doctors, teachers and craftsmen are today’s newspaper carriers. Learn skills that will last a lifetime, and earning a little money on the side couldn’t hurt either. Become a carrier Today Delivering for the Future AJAX Adams Dr. Woodward Cres. Ritchie Ave. Palmer Dr. Chadwick Dr. Davey St. Mullord Ave. Holliman Ln. Wiseman Dr. Shoal Point Rd. Ashbury Blvd. Elizabeth St. Old Kingston Rd. Cameron St. Sherwood Rd. W. Mortimer Cres. Darley St. Bowles Dr. Delaney Dr. PICKERING Autumn Cres. White Cedar Dr. Silver Maple Dr. Westcreek Dr. 1840 Westcreek Dr. 1995 Pinegrove Ave. Sandhurst Cres. Meldron Dr. Pinegrove Ave. Tranquil Crt. Rosebank Rd. N. Fiddlers Crt. Tomlinson Crt. Altona Rd. Rodd Ave. Bella Vista Dr. Craighurst Crt. Gardenview Sq. Amberwood Cres. Foxwood Trail Amberlea Rd. Otonabee Dr. Nipising Crt. Napanee Dr. Graceland Crt. Highview Rd. Aberfoyle Crt. Woodside Ln. Mountcastle Cres. Redbird Cres. Silverspruce Dr. Glenanna Rd. Fairport Rd. Silverthorn Sq. Echo Point Crt. Heathside Cres. Longbow Dr. Rambleberry Ave. Falconcrest Dr. Meadowridge Cres. Dunbarton Rd. Kelvinway Ln. Major Oaks Rd. Duberry Dr. Beaton Way Scarborough Lionhead Trail Roscoe Rd. Tideswell Blvd. Carlisle Cres. Oak Knoll Cres. TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax NEWS ADVERTISER 905-579-4218 TYAS, Jean -Peacefully, on Wednesday, January 30, 2002. Beloved wife of Alfred Tyas and loving mother of Bill (Leonie), Diane (Roger Slauenwhite), Christine (Michael Gil- lespie), Stuart (Carol) and Richard. Dearest grandmother of Randall, Suzanne (Joe Pet- rik), Jonathan (Simone), Bill, Christine, David, Raymond, Andrew (Neha), John, Jeanette, Julie, and Philip. Dear sister of Florence Pugh and Mary Anderson. Special thanks to the many caregivers who showed their kindness in caring for Jean. The family will receive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Vil- lage). 905-428–8488 from 1-3 and 7-9 Friday. Funeral Service on Saturday, February 2, 2002 at 2:00 pm at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church (35 Church Street N., Pickering Vil- lage). Should family and friends so desire, do- nations to Canadian Cancer Society, or the Canadian Diabetes Association would be greatly appreciated. AJAX SKATING CLUB RESULTS AJAX -- The Ajax Skating Club held its recent Home Club Competition at the Ajax Community Centre. The following re- sults were turned in: DANCES Pre-preliminary mixed dance -- 1. Jordan Hockley, 2. Samantha Tyrell. Prelim mixed dance -- 1. Graham Hockley, 2. Nikki Yorgiadis. Preliminary men's solo dance -- 1. Marc-Andre Servant. Pre-preliminary men's solo dance -- 1. Sean Blakeley. Pre-preliminary ladies' solo dance -- 1. Alex Desroches, 2. Erin MacDonald, 3. Nadine Schlink, 4. (tie) Cerene McMillan, Leigha Petrone, 6. Evelyn Harford; 7. (tie) Katie Harriman, Christine MacDonald 9. Nadia Zarb. Junior bronze ladies' solo dance -- 1. Megan Dreyer, 2. Kaiela Ali, 3.Jennifer Kassner, 4.Kari Dreyer, 5.Allison Smith, 6. (tie) Emily Kassner, Cristin Neville, 8. Kaitlynn Purdie. Senior bronze ladies' solo dance -- 1. Danielle Vincent, 2. Elizabeth Tyrrell, 3. Danielle Booth. Junior ladies' solo dance -- 1. Anna Kwadrans, 2. Melissa Boone, 3. Cheryl Mensour, 4. Lindsey Stewart. Senior silver ladies' solo dance -- 1. Natalie Pazilli, 2. Krista Scholl, 3. Erin Doherty, 4. Cindy Paulus, 5. Lisa Gilroy. Gold ladies' solo dance -- 1.Katie Holland, 2.Ashlea Manns, 3. Anne Hagerty, 4. Aliki Yorgiadis. FREE SKATE Pre-preliminary ladies' -- 1. Nakaila Davis, 2. Ruth Kitchen, 3. Brittany May, 4. Jesse Reed, 5. Alex Desroches, 6. Kaitlynn Purdie, 7. Leigha Petrone, 8. Sarah Heydon, 9. Michelle Ba- boolall, 10. Danielle McKenzie. Pre-juvenile 'B' -- 1. Graham Hockley. Preliminary ladies' -- 1. Shannon Buckingham, 2. Danielle DaCosta, 3.Kari Dreyer, 4.Caitlin Carpe, 5.Shayna Slonim, 6. Nadine Schlink, 7. Joanne McKenzie, 8. Jeannine Palmer, 9. Jennifer Kassner, 10. Emily Wiseman, 11. Kaiela Ali, 12. Emma Donnelly, 13. Megan Dreyer. Junior bronze ladies' -- 1. Danielle Vincent, 2. Kylie Bracken, 3. Lisa Gilroy, 4. Alix Cumming, 5. Cristin Neville, 6. Emily Kassner, 7. Elizabeth Tyrrell, 8. Jennifer Rogers, 9. Allison Smith, 10. Krystyna Byers, 11. Krystyna Furiano. Senior bronze ladies' -- 1. Anna Kwadrans, 2. Lindsey Stew- art, 3. Danielle Booth. Jr. silver ladies' -- 1. Lyndsay Hawkins, 2. Natalie Pazilli, 3. Melissa Boone, 4. Cindy Paulus, 5. Kendall Tyler, 6. Cheryl Mensour. Senior silver ladies' -- 1. Lauren Leslie, 2. Krista Scholl. Gold ladies' -- 1. Katie Holland, 2. Ashlea Manns. Bronze artistic -- 1. Ashlea Manns. Silver artistic -- 1. Cindy Paulus. Gold artistic -- 1. Aliki Yorgiadis. ••• The following results were not eligible to move on: Elementary flight 1 -- 1. Evelyn Harford, 2. Samantha Jones, 3.Taylor Cumming, 4. Katie Harriman, 5. Lydia Phillips, 6.Tay- lor Brown, 7. Cerene McMillan. Elementary flight 2 -- 1.Serena Delguidice, 2.Christine Mac- Donald, 3. Sean Blakely, 4. Marc-Andre Servant, 5. Nadia Zarb, 6. Julianna Musclow, 7. Stephanie Walker. Elementary flight 3 -- 1. Erin MacDonald, 2. Jenny Reid, 3. Stephanie Dusek, 4.Jennifer Seidel, 5.Ashley May, 6.Jennifer MacDonald. Introductory flight 1 -- 1. Samantha Tyrrell, 2. Edbert Khong, 3. Hanna Donnelly, 4. Madison Horvath, 5. Amy Smith, 6. Kristina Walker. Introductory flight 2 -- Guiliana Cavallo, 2. Emily Smith, 3. Stephanie Gribben, 4.Shannon Hartshorn, 5.Kelsey Willett, 6. Marissa Mavgeri. Scoreboard February 1, 2002 Snow Day! DURHAM – The ski slopes at Dagmar Resort have been alive with skiers and snowboarders taking advantage of the seasonal weather. Above, Eva Andolsek and Stefan Nicota enjoy some sun after a few runs at Dagmar. At left, snowboarder Tim Gibson catches some air. At right, Gordon Flann watches son James learning to ski. Below, skiers make their way up the chair lift to the top of the hill. CARL FERENCZ/ News Advertiser photos A/P PAGE 30-NEWS ADVERTISER, FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 1-4 P.M. 360 ROSEBANK RD. S., PICKERING ENJOY QUIET WALKS BY THE ROUGE Lovely, solid 3+1 bdrms. in mature south Pickering area. Easy walking distance to TTC and Rouge Hill GO. Hardwood floors on main and upper floors. Renovated bathroom on upper floor and spacious, functional rooms. Fully finished basement with 3 pc. bath and separate entrance. Beautifully maintained and at a great price of $248,000. Come and C 4 URSelf or visit my site @ www.cecilskeete.com for more details and photos. Sutton Group- Heritage Realty Inc. (905)619-9500 CECIL SKEETE* DEBBIE MICHLITS* 905 428-7677 SUN., FEB. 3, 1-3 P.M. 210 LAKE DRIVEWAY W., AJAX Lovely 3 bedroom two storey with 4 bathrooms, main floor family room with fireplace, large yard. Call Debbie Michlits*, 905-428-7677 or email at dmichlits@trebnet.com Prudential Achievers Realty $239,900SHARON HUTCHINSON* 905 427-1400 SAT. FEB 2 & SUN., FEB. 3, 1-4 P.M. 1003 SHERMAN CRES. PICKERING Immaculate 3200 sq. ft. + totally finished walkout basement, billiard room, rec room, main floor family room, main floor den. Shows to perfection 16’ x 32’ inground pool. Backs to Park & huge kitchen with ceramics. Custom ensuite. This home is a must to see.Rouge River Realty Ltd. Please ask your agent to feature your open house here. Call 579-4404 FOREST VIEW 905-509-3350 sales@marshallhomes.ca Make a tree-line for our grand opening January 26. 2001 DODGE VIPER 19 HARWOOD AVE.(North of 401) 905-683-5358 • CHRYSLER • DODGE • JEEP “THINKING LIKE A CUSTOMER” 2001 DODGE VIPER SERVICE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT HWY. #401 VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER TORONTO OSHAWA HWY. #2 COSTCO HARWOODILLAGE CHRYSLER • AJAXILLAGE CHRYSLER • AJAX CREDIT PROBLEMS? May be able to help you get into a Car, Van or Truck Today! Some down payment may be required. 905-683-5358 TOM BRASSOR PAUL GROBERT NEW CAR SALES MGR. JON CARTER BUSINESS MANAGER TED WILLIAMSON JIM McELROY TED WILLIAMSON DWAYNE PICKARD HAZEN HARDING DON ARSENAULT • RIGHT HERE • RIGHT HERE • RIGHT HERE • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE!• RIGHT HERE • RIGHT HERE • RIGHT HERE • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE! • RIGHT HERE!VOTED BEST DOMESTIC DEALERSHIP 1998 VOYAGER 6 cyl., auto, air, AM/FM radio, 7 passenger, only 33,000 miles. Stk. #V6761. $15,888*WOW Automatic, AM/FM/CASS. 24 A pak. One owner, low kms. Stk. #V6939. 1998 BREEZE Sale $12,888*WOW Loaded. Mint condition. 1995 SEBRING Sale $8,888*WOW 1998 SEBRING LX Loaded a beautiful car, low km., in mint condition. Stk. #V6932A. Sale $14,688*WOW 1998 NEON Automatic, value/fin. grp., air conditioning. Stk. #T5145A. Sale $9,888*WOW 1996 GRAND CHEROKEE 4X4 WOW Loaded, all the toys, low kms. Stk. #P6749A Sale $14,888* 2000 HONDA CIVIC Loaded, one owner, low kms. Stk#. R4683B. Sale $16,888*WOW DERRICK MacMILLAN DENISE WILLIAMSON ONE WEEK ONLY!! Auto., 26E package, air, V6, power windows & locks, tilt, cruise, plus much more. Balance of factory warranty. Stk# P6902. 4-spd., auto., 2.7L V6, DOHC 24 valve MPI, 22C package, balance of factory warranty. Stk# P6897. 1997 HONDA CIVIC 4 CYL, 5 spd, P/S, P/B, P/Door locks, AM/FM Cass., P. sunroof, P/W, P/DL, Tilt, cruise, 1 Owner, clean, ready to go, STK # V6906A. Sale $10,999* 1999 DAKOTA C/C 5.2L, auto, air cond, spin axle, P/W, P/DL, tilt, cruise, AM/FM Cass, sport group & more. Stk# V6856. Sale $17,888* Loaded, only 28,000 kms. Stk.# V6968. 2001 RAM Q/C 4X4 Sale $26,888* 2000 DAKOTA CC 3.9L V6, auto, P/S, P/B, air cond., sport group, AM/FM Cass., Low KM, 1 Owner T5333A Sale $21,444* 2000 RAM 3500 DIESEL 5.9L Diesel, 6 speed manual, sport appearance, and spin axle, keyless entry, leather seats, security alarm, AM/FM Cass CD, SLT Decor P/W, P/Door, P/DL, air cond., & More 6,000km P6944 $35,888* JEFF STEACY JIM ANDERSON + Downpayment may vary with credit severity. Approval conditions may vary according to credit severity. *2001 Finance payments based on 84 months, 2000-72 months, 99/98/97 on 60 months, 95 on 48 months. 8 1/2% interest. **Based on $2,000 *** Based on $3,000 Fin. eg:. $10,000 @ 8.5%= $246.48 mo. for 48 mo. COB $1,831.04, total $11,831.04. O.A.C. All prices shown are plus lic., taxes & admin. 2001 feature cars are previously owned. *RDA applied to price, 0% applicable in lieu of $2,500 RDA. $10,000@0%=$208.33 mo. 48 mo. COB 0. 2001 RAM 2500 WAGON WOW $28,888* 5.2L, V8, auto., 12 pass., prom decor, p/w., p/dl., tilt, cruise, air cond., rear air/heat & more. Only 4,400 miles. Like new. Stk. #P6836. 3.8L, auto, 7 pass. w/quads, leather, dual zone air, ABS, AM/FM cass., tilt, cruise, p/w, p/dl., p/seat, rear air, keyless entry & more. Stk. #T5169A. 1996 TOWN & COUNTRY LXi $12,888*WOW KERRY PICKARD LEASE CO-ORDINATOR SALES REP. No Credit Application Refused … at Village Chrysler GUARANTEED APPROVAL! VOTED BEST DOMESTIC DEALERSHIP No Credit Application Refused … at Village Chrysler GUARANTEED APPROVAL! Service Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7 a.m. - Midnight Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. $15,888*WOW 2.4L auto, p/s., p/b., p/w., p/dl., tilt, cruise, AM/FM cass., alum. wheels, touring suspension, air cond. & more. Only 41,600 miles. 1998 SEBRING LX CONVERTIBLE 2001 SEBRING LXi Leather Int. grp., anti-lock brakes, 5 spd. trans., 3.0L V6 50HC 24V, power sunroof, AM/FM CD 4 Disc. Infinity speakers. 17” aluminum chrome wheels, 23K pak. Stk.#P6920 4 speed automatic, 3.5 high output V6, 24VMPI, power sunroof, 26J pkg. Balance of factory warranty. 2001 CONCORDE LX 2001 LHS 2001 GRAND CHEROKEE 4x4 Low Overhead Means Low Everyday Prices!$29,488$29,488 ** $19,999$19,999 $28,888$28,888 ** WOW WOW WOW WOW $25,888$25,888 ** NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002 PAGE 31 A/P 2001 PTCRUISER LTD 2001 INTREPID ES 2.4L, 4-speed auto, leather, air, pw, pl, tilt, cruise, heated seats, power sunroof, AM/FM cassette & CD player, lots more! 3.2L V6, 4-speed auto, air, autostick, pw, pl, tilt, cruise, 16” alloy rims, fog lamps, keyless, spoiler, loaded. 2001 CONCORDE LXI 2001 CHRYSLER 300M All sale prices have FDA applied freight, Admin, PDI, GST, and PST are extra. 0% cannot be combined with lease payments. Excess mileage at maturity @ .15/km. 1% below dealer invoice on all 2002 vehicles except Viper, Prowler. HWY 401 LAWRENCEKINGSTON RD.MORNINGSIDE AVE.MILITARY TRAIL BEECHGROVE(416) 281-2277 1-800-465-8142 G R A D R E BATE $1000 SEE DEALE R F O R D E T A I L S . CHRYSLER EMPLOYEE DESIGNATED BUYING CENTRE DAVIDSON CHRYSLER LEADING THE WAY INTO 2002 Davidson Chrylser is offering all friends and family of Chrysler Employees the opportunity to pay BUY INTO NEON E V E N T BUY INTO NEON E V E N T Below Dealer Invoice1% DAVIDSON CHRYLSER YOUR #1 VOLUME DEALERSHIP WE THE COMPETITION WITH LOW PRICES!CRUSH 2002 DODGE CARAVAN SE CANADIAN OLYMPIC LIMITED EDITION INCLUDES: 2002 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SPORT 2002 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 3.3L V6, 4-speed auto, air, pw, pl, tilt, cruise, dual sliding doors, 7 passenger seating. $258 • Unique Wheel Cover • Remote keyless Entry • AM/FM/CD Player with 6 Speakers Lease For for 48 mths. with $4334 down with $4422 down OR Lease For $36,588* Cash Purchase for $428 OR$23,769 Buy at only Choose 48 months0% 3.2L V6, 4-speed auto, leather, air, power sunroof, 4 pack CD player, keyless, 16” chrome alloy rims, pw, pl, power seats. Loaded! Loaded! OR$28,498 Buy at only Choose 60 months0% 3.5L V6, 4-speed auto, leather, air, tilt, cruise, pw, pl, keyless, 17” chrome rims, power sunroof, 4-disc CD player, traction control, anti-lock brakes, lots more! OR$34,895 Buy at only Choose 60 months0% OR$22,899 Buy at only Choose 60 months0% CANADIAN OLYMPIC LIMITED EDITION INCLUDES: • 16” Aluminum Wheels • Quad Seating • Rear Cargo Organizer • Centre Removable Console • Unique Body-colour Bodyside Moldings • AM/FM/CD Player with 6 speakers 3.3L V6, 4-speed auto, dual sliding doors, air, tilt, cruise, 7 passenger seating. CANADIAN OLYMPIC LIMITED EDITION INCLUDES: For an additional $58 a month lease a Grand Caravan Air, pw, pl, tilt, cruise, select trac 4X4, CD player, deep tint, keyless entry 2002 CONCORDE LXi financingover 60months $29,995 $395 Cash Purchase for 0%OR OR CHOOSE A MONTH FOR 48 MONTH. $2,995 DOWNPAYMENT CONCORDE LXi WITH LUXURY TOURING GROUP AND NO CHARGE POWER SUNROOF %ON MOST 2002 MODELS! NO MONEYDOWN MONEYON DELIVERY INTEREST FOR 5 FULL YEARSNO Where would you put your money? NEONLE CIVIC DX ALWAYS COPIED 2.0L ENGINE 132 HP 130 LB-FT TORQUE 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC MORE FRONT & REAR HIP ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE: 5 YEARS/100,000 KMS FULL TANK OF GAS - NO CHARGE OPTIONS: TACHOMETER FRONT DISC REAR DRUM BRAKES BLOCK HEATER INCLUDED FLOOR MATS INCLUDED REAR CUP HOLDER INCLUDED DRIVER’S ARM REST INCLUDED ALLOY WHEELS $645 EXTRA 6 SPEAKER INCLUDED POWER LOCKS AND TRUNK RELEASE KEYLESS ENTRY INCLUDED 2.0L ENGINE 132 HP 130 LB-FT TORQUE 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC MORE FRONT & REAR HIP ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE: 5 YEARS/100,000 KMS FULL TANK OF GAS - NO CHARGE OPTIONS: TACHOMETER FRONT DISC REAR DRUM BRAKES BLOCK HEATER INCLUDED FLOOR MATS INCLUDED REAR CUP HOLDER INCLUDED DRIVER’S ARM REST INCLUDED ALLOY WHEELS $645 EXTRA 6 SPEAKER INCLUDED POWER LOCKS AND TRUNK RELEASE KEYLESS ENTRY INCLUDED 1.7L ENGINE 115 HP 110 LB-FT TORQUE 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE - EXTRA 5 YEARS/100,000 FULL TANK OF GAS -EXTRA OPTIONS NOT AVAILABLE FRONT DISC REAR DRUM BRAKES $115.59 EXTRA $144.13 EXTRA $121.60 EXTRA $175.98 EXTRA $1,123.32 EXTRA AM/FM/CD TWEETER KIT $230.48 EXTRA POWER LOCKS KEYLESS ENTRY BUY IN 60 MONTHS 0% FINANCING $399✔ BUY IN 60 MONTHS 6.8% FINANCING $48695✔ 3.5L V6, leather seating, power drivers seat, air, auto temp. control, pl, pw, AM/FM/CD, tilt, 17” chrome wheels, fog lamps, ABS, traction control, security alarm. NO FREIGHT INCLUDED TAXES INCLUDED VS GOLD KEY LEASE • 4.7L 235 hp V8 • 5 speed Automatic Transmission • Body-colour Grille with chrome inlets • Leather wrapped Steering Wheel • 17” All season performance Tires • Steering Wheel Mounted Audio Controls NNOO FFRREEIIGGHHTT NNOO AAIIRR TTAAXX NNOO GGAASS TTAAXX OONN AALLLL CCOOMMPPAANNYY DDEEMMOOSS A/P PAGE 32 NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY EDITION, February 1, 2002