HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_10_18PICKERING NEWS ADVERTI PICKERING'S COiMMUN ITY NEWSPAPER SINCE PRESSRUN 52,500 36 PAGES Pipe dream' Pickering seeks York funding to fight pipeline BY MARIANNF. TAk4CS Stuff Wraer PICKERING —Town council- lors want guarantees taxpaN ers won't soon face the burden of more lawyers' and consultants' hills to fight another mega -project Picker- ing doesn't want. So, they plan to ask York Region to commit to paying for Pickering's representation before environmen- tal assessment (EA) hearings which may be- held on York's plans to build a water pipeline to Lake Ontario that would run through Pickering. "I'm surprised (the funding commitment) is not here," Ward I Councillor Maurice Brenner said in reference to a staff report on the pipeline project considered Mon- day by the Town's executive com- mittee. -It was something raised from the very beginning" Coun. Brenner first suggested Pickering should ask for "interven- er' funding to fight the pipeline Blacisdacle MONTESSORI School *16awlta.-12y s. HOME IMPROVEMENTS 8Y � � Fe►saMn Tao Qn ttAM .. W OUR s110tw100r a>» «.lt..0"d (saw of eN 1N e# ttaweeA� - SUNDAY OCTOBER 18, 1998 1 9 6 5 OPTIONAI. 4 \VI I K DEHVERY MAURICE BRE NER 'I'm surprised (the funding commitment) is not here.' proposal, but agreed to requesting money for "representation" instead after Ma -,or Wayne Arthurs sug- See PICKERING page 2 Inside the News Advertiser WHERE TO FIND IT Editorial Page ...........6 Nave Dropping ..........8 Sports .23 Classified .............31 GIVE US A CALL General ..........683-5110 Distril"on ......683-5117 Death N•tices .....683-3005 Arcti•fn Line ......683-7545 sinew* YNR ...........1-800-662-8423 Email . newsroom@durham.net Web site ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 JASON LIEBRF.GTS✓ News Advertiser phntn This is just a test a i vnr✓Rvvht DEDlnnlrnl Durham welfare demand declines More than 500 people stopped collecting social assis- )ancc in Durham Region in Scp- )cnihcr as the province enjoyed t. largest monthly dip in the ��Clfare rolls in two years. \Imost 20,000 Ontarians quit rc�:civ ing social assistance last ninth, reducing the number of ,.%cltarc recipients to below 7O().(NN). In Durham Region, 24,621 people left the social assistance rolls in September, down from the August total of approximate- ly 25,200. Since September of 1997, al- most 4,200 people have dropped off the welfare rolls in Durham. Community and Social Ser- vices Minister Janet Eckcr notes more than 323,(xx) people, in- cluding 133•0)0 children, have stopped collecting welfare since the Progressive Conservatives were elected in June of 1995. "We're especially pleased so many families and their children Pickering resident and emergency room nurse Heather Van arc no longer trapped in the wel- Daalen (right) works with fellow nurse Sue Gates in a mock fare system;" says the Durham emereencv as part of an education forum Wednesday. Emergency West MPP.Pickering had a caseload of nurses from Oshav+a General Hospital staged the demonstration 1,035 recipients, according to at the Oshawa Centre. ctatisti -s CARL ANDOGNINI Hosts nuclear meeting r ow ee GRA Wristwatch with this ad (a $160 value) n e-�,�.�#r.�w actMalfon� «+r• soma terms ana conation appgR see foe. t« dsUc,R. -• � , , Public can grill Pickering nuclear plant officials PICKERING — Citizens can hear from, talk to and question top officials from the Pickering nuclear station and Ontario Hydro at a Hydro -sponsored community meeting Wednesday, Oct. 21. The meeting, at Pine Ridge Secondary School on Liverpool Road north of Finch Avenue in Pickering, will begin at 6:30 p.m. with refreshments and informal discussions. That will be followed around 7 p.m. by Ontario Hydro presenta- tions and a question -and -answer period. There will also be booths with information on issues such as wa- terfront regeneration, tritium, fire safety, nuclear waste manage- ment and emergency prepared- ness. Those in attendance will in- clude Pickering station head Bob Stricken and Hydro nuclear divi- sion chief Carl Andognini. P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18,1998 Collenette doesn t envision airport for 15 to 20,years Ai*rportwon't ta e off fyears.e Mi*ni*ster R )' MARi.-t N.1'I-: T. -t KA ('J Sra%J li rirry Pickering and Ajax residents needn't wum, there won't likely be an airport hunt herr before 2014 or later, according to federal Transport 'Minister David Col- lencttc. "I don't think people should set upset today:" says Mr. Collencttc in reference to the anxiety caused locally by his July 23 designation of the federal lands in north Pick- ering. Uxbridge and Markham as an airport site. "Right now there is no need for an airport in Pickering. I don't sec an airport being built there for 15 to 20 %cars " The minister maintains "no de- cision has been made to build an airport" and that no matter what the Greater Toronto Airports Au- thorin_ (G -IAA) or Durham Rceion want, the final decision will he up to Ottawa. " «'e have no intention of allow - ing the GT.1A to build an airport on our land until such time as we helie\c the nerd exist.." The GTAA's and local eo%crn- ment's rn,lc, according, to the min- ister. rs limited to putting together whatc\cr funding is needed to build an airport, and persuading Ottawa it's necessarv. Mr. Col- lenette note the ultimate passen- ger capacity at Pearson airport is 50 million per year, almost double the current passenger traffic load there. He says his staff have told him that means Pearson will be enough to handle the GTA's needs until at least 2013. "That's assuming the traffic projections hold up:' Mr. Collenette. who's also Min- ister Responsible for the Greater Toronto Area, says it is possible there'll never he an airport at Pick- ering, but residents shouldn't he surprised if one is eventually built. "I can't believe people have lived for 25 \cars thinking* the fed- eral government hung on to this land simply because it wants to be a landlord for farmland." The airport designation was made in July, according to Mr. Collenette, because of develop- ment pressures around the site. The designation places strict limits on what can be built in the arca. "It was becoming more and more difficult to actually not per- mit development in the arca that would perhaps have an effect on runways and aerial mo\cments." If and when another airport is needed, says the minister. Pickcr- ing is the likely site and it's been "prudent planning" for Ottawa to DAVID COLENE7 !'F 'It It Mild make ensu to build it in the eastern catchment area., keep the property. "It would make sense to build it in the eastern catchment area:' he explains. noting Pearson and Hamilton are already there to ser%c the wet. Any facility that is built will likely he only a small commuter airport, with general a\iation and cargo facilities. notes the minister, Pickering pipes up over York pipe PIC A1.RING frorn rake 1 gested it was not ncccs-sary to imply opposition to the project in Pickering's request. "Pan of the process is to seek a reasonable resolution:' Mayor Arthurs noted. The pipeline through Picker- % ing is being considered as the long-term solution for water needs in York Region. As cur- rently planned. the line would come to the Pickering border in the area of Eighth Concession Road, travel down along Town - line Road to Whitevale Road, head further south through the Whitevale and Cherrywood areas to Whites Road and Finch Av- WAYNE ARTHURS enue, continue down along Whitespart to just below Hwy. 401, of the process where it would follow the CNR is to seek a reasonable tracks down to Lake Ontario near resolution.' the foot of Rosebank Road, where a pumping station would * Potential effects on the East need to be built. Past reports on Duffins area, the provincial the project from staff have raised Seaton lands and the federal air - concerns on issues such as: port lands. * The impact on the Rosebank, In September 1997, Pickering Woodlands, Amberlea and Council opposed the pipeline Rouge Park neighborhoods of plan and resolved that no further Pickering. work should he done on the pro- * Potential effects on Pickering's ject until long-term planning ob- rural area, including the hamlets jectives and infrastructure re - of Cherrywood, Whitevale and quirements of abutting GTA mu - Green River. nicipalities were also examined, * The possible impact on Picker- as well as related infrastructure ing's waterfront and valley sys- issues like sewage disposal. tems, the Petticoat Creek Conser- However, York has drawn up tvation Area and Rouge Park. - _ _terms of reference for the neces- line san em iromnental assessment, and paid for an independent con- sultant to work w ith Pickering to ensure the Tow n's interests are considered during the prepara- tion of those terms of reference. That consultant. Derck Doy le of UMA Engineering Ltd., told council Monday York had agreed to have the EA address c\cry concern raised so far by Pickcr- ing. lurk has also committed to drawing up a 'community bene- fits agreement' with Pickering detailing the compensation York will grant in exchange for the Town's support of the pipeline. In addition to asking for fund- ing for representation at an EA hearing, council approved a reso- lution Monday advising York that Pickering is pleased with that Re- gion's responsiveness to its con- cerns and wants to continue its role in the EA process; endorsing Pickering staff comments on draft terms of reference for the EA; and requesting notification of how those comments will be addressed. Mr. Doyle reassured council- lors the resolution "in no way en- dorses the project or pre-empts any future position council wish- es to take." The final terms of ref- erence for the EA are to be sub- mitted to the provincial Environ- ment Ministry by Oct. 27, with a decision on approval expected by February.1999. - - - - - - . - and is not likely to require all the land that has been set aside, which was originally intended for an in- tcrnational airport. So, he sug- *ests, much of the agricultural lands in the area could he pre- served. Mr. Collencttc also points out the plane likely to he in use 15 to 10 ),cars from now will probably he quieter and less disruptive to the ,:onirnunit\ surrounding a future .iirport. If todav's technologv had been .I%aitable ?5 %cars a_*o, he says, the Icderal go%ernment would proha- bIv ha%c bought only hall the land it did in north Pickering,. And 20 cars from now, he adds, high- speed trains or other changes in tcchnolo"N might eliminate the need for another airport in Picker- ine. nc%cr know... For now, thow,h. the minister state there's "no question" the air- port designation will go ahead. The purpose of the public meet- ings and consultation process, he say s. is fur Ottawa to find out what the community and area govern- mcnts ha%e to say about a possible airport, so the federal go%crmnent can be guided by their % ie" s in the future. When asked how Ottawa would 1300 Kingston Road at Liverpool 839-8124 deal with the situation which ap- pears to he the case now, where Durham Region favours an airport while Pickering opposes one, Mi. Collencttc replies, "You don't get everybody's consent all the time for everything in life:' Airport foes urged to get VOCAL PICKERiNG — A group op- posed to an airport on� lands in north Pickering. Markham and Uxbridge plans to he a strong pres- cnce at a meeting of Pickcrin_, Council on Monday. Anyone interested in the issue is invited to attend the meeting, says Sherry Provis. "W'e're aiming for at least 1,(X)) people to be (at the meeting)," she says. his. Provis says opponents of the airport will meet at the cast cor- ner of the Pickering Town Centre at 7 p.m. before the meeting set for 7:30 p.m. Pickcrin'o Council will consider what position it will take on the airport plan. To contact FOCAL call Stcsrn Frederick at 649-5721. Mon. -Fri. Saturday Sunday 7:30 tm:11:00 p.m. 7:30 &m.-6:00 p.m. 9:30 am. -5:00 p.m. • Class A Licensed Technicians • 20 Well Equipped Service Bays To Serve You to No Appointment Required • Nationwide Warranties • Local Shuttle Service* • Open 7 Days A Week GET READY FOR FALL Here's What We'll Dd: •Oil, lube d, filter (uptosuresac www,,A • Rotate tires • Check/top up fluid levels • Check brake system • Check exhaust system 29 • Check cooling system • Check air filter/wiper bladesllinhte '2.00 Enviro charge applies Let us fix your car SMtoday & you can pay us down the road! , No Money Down! • No Payments For 90 Days! • No Interest For 90 Days ���your to a0 installed parts and Auto luding tires) over $150 only Canadian Tire Card with approved credit. 90 DAYS FREEDOM RIDE Repair your car now •flake no payment, pay no intwest for 90 days, available on your Canadian rre Card. Ask at Customer Service for complete I - • Replace front brake pads with gtmkty YotomaslIer brake pads with a Lifetime Guarantee, includes semknilitallic pads where applicable. • Inspect caliper mounting 8 sliders • Inspect brake hardware Top up brake fluid • Inspect rotors for wear andfor damage • Inspect hydraulic system for leaks 89 !9!9* *Most Cars I C I T NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 PAGE 3 A/P Durham to pay $8 -million tab for downloading But Province still failing to provide itemized bills, Region claims Durham Region is expected once again to penny more than what was in the last set of send a cheque to the Province for down- numbers we got. If they want more than that, loaded services without having received an they'll have to come to us big time" itemized bill. Mr. Clapp warned councillors if the bill The Region's finance committee is rec- isn't paid, the Region would be charged in- ommending Durham Council pay the terest. Last month, the committee voted Province $8 million covering July and Au- against paying a bill until the provincial gov- gust for land ambulance, social housing and ernment provided details on how the Durham's portion of GO Transit. amounts were reached. Regional Council, But, the committee on Wednesday also however, overturned that decision. instructed finance commissioner Jim Clapp "Invoices are coming in on a monthly to write a cheque only covering the amount basis and interest charges are there;' Mr. Durham allocated in the 1998 budget for Clapp said. downloaded services, based on preliminary But, those invoices still don't include de - figures from the Province. tailed figures. "Nothing has changed. Regional Chairman Roger Anderson ad- There's no back-up there' vised him, -Pay the hill, but don't pay a He noted Durham still hasn't received the State of the Environment in Durham Region is discussed Thursday The State of the Environmcnt will be the topic of a panel discussion Thursday, Oct. 22. The Durham Environmental Network (DEN) and the Town of Ajax are sponsoring the meeting in the Admiral Room of the Ajax Community Centre on Centennial Road at 7 p.m. The impact of the community's growth on the environment will he discussed by panelists from DEN. the Ajax planning and development department, Hamilton -Went- worth Region environment department, the %%In" j&W va..r 8­� MBERLEA S DENTAL CENTRE WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 am - 4 p.m. ' VAIs JW • ANSEWEA SHOPPMIG CENTIM ON WNRES FID. PICKERING (BETWEEN RNCH i HW 401 • FREE 2nd Opm 6a Conadtadon • CherNcbm sperlitaftlon • (Mercury Free IMihe FM gWb ad Cerny gwabaW j � tt� tt� t. � tt� tt• � 1 � 1 10 IIlieNunlll OL CN Anti C 11111M 1 NO APPOINTYEENT NEEDED, 1 WAA."."n!r''n APPnoVED .. . Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and York Region Health Services. State of the Environment reporting is de- signed to help people understand changes in the community, make them aware of envi- ronmental, social and economic trends and conditions, and identify how activities alter the environment. DEN released its own Durham Region SOE poster map last year, establishing an in- formation bas; that can be used to measure the health of the community. Call 404-2246 for more information. $4.3 million provincial cabinet ministers promised during the summer to help make downloading revenue neutral for the Region. But, Mr. Anderson said, "(Premier Mike) Harris and (Finance Minister Ernie) Eves J cr; C L C 1 knew about it. I spoke to Eves three days (after the promise was made in mid-August) and I said 'Thank you for the money' and he said 'No problem. It was understood under the circumstances'." RAMNOR✓ HEATING do AIR CONDITIONING LF1VNi?X_-_ Air Conditioning 8 Heating FURNACE Sq Fa � ,F 5500 off furnace 5200 off air & air conditioner- conditioner if purchased } or furnace together or - if purchased furnace & separately fireplace "All T PIREPLACE S o v w Dave Lennox Serving Durham Since 1965 a.,ff Whitby-Oshawa-Bowmanville (905) 434-5541 PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 RAMNOR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 2020 Wentworth St. Unit 9 Whitby 111111MUM oft flu V; •� IsAserm mm1 OFFER ow" ft% IS, t"s O �! caf w masir,Itic 1 1 cAlimlll■iiIEccirmlionmyona wa OI,W 7 DAYS A 11111111111111111110 1 1 196 WES?IIEY RD. (South of 401, 4W (905) 427-67961 AIP PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1996 No hope for `violent, dangerous ' pair Kidnappers get 4 years R1' STI:'PH1:.�' SHAti Stull ti'riter- A jeweler who %vas kid- napped, stuffed into the trunk of his car and beaten with a crowbar during a botched rohbern saes a tiur- year prison sentence given his captors Friday is "a juke. '.These two people are of twisted minds. I cannot call these people human heings. I'm very disappointed with these ridiculous sentences:' the 46 -year-old father said as he left Oshawa court. "This is an extremely light sentence. How can you protect a citizen from this type of crime if you don't have decent punishment."' Peter l.} man. 20. of Ajax. and Christopher Vella. I S. of Oshawa. pleaded guilty to kidnapping. robbery and two counts of assault with a weapon in the savage attack. They followed the victim from his Gold Man bxxoth at the Courtice Flea !Market to his North fork home June 21 and, wearing masks. con- fronted him in the under- ground parking lot as he lett to pick up his son for a Fa- ther's Da% dinner. He was punched in the nose, spraNed in the eyes with dug repellent, thrown into the hack .4 his car. bound with duct tape and blindfolded. "The accused told (the victim) they wanted his money. He offered his wal- let, which contained approx- imately 5200 and the% took it but also said what they want- ed was his gold:' said prose- cutor Lisa Cameron. The jeweler struggled with the thugs and kicked at the steering wheel. prompt- ing them to stop the car and force him into the trunk. He remained there in stifling hu- miditN as his captors drove around tow abxut six hours. twice stopping for gas. Al one point they stopped, let him out hrietl% and gave him a cigarette. "The amused made threats that if (the victim) did not cu -operate he would never see his son again" About I I p.m. Jhe victim was driven to the flea market where the bandits broke in and led the jeweler to his txxoth. demanding the com- bination to the safe. "I explained to them ... the combination cannot he opened after hours. Thee didn't accept it. They said they wanted all my gold and repeated they would kill me:" he told Judge Donald Halikowski. Knowing a silent alarm had been triggered, the terri- fied merchant made it appear he was struggling to open the safe. Enraged at his stalling. Mr. Vella repeatedly struck him in the head with the tire iron. The victim managed to wrestle away the crowbar, sending both bandits fleeing. " 1 strongly believe he in- tended to kill me ... because he couldn't get what he wanted. If I hadn't grabbed the crowbar 1 would have been dead:' said the victim. When police arrived a few moments later they bund him bruised around his eve and temple and blood flowing from cuts on his head. "These people were ah- soiutely crazy, out of mind. If I didn't do this, it I didn't do that. the% mention killing. killing, killing. I helieved they were going to:' he said. For six hours it was tor- ture. 1 cannot believe human beings can he of that kind of cruel, dangerous mind. It was a cowardly attack. The most terrifying part was not knowing what the} were going to do to me" Despite the pair's youth- fulness, both Mr. Lyman and Mr. Vella have .run the gamut" of the Criminal Code with their previous com ic- tions. Ms. Cameron said in calling for a five- to seven- year sentence. IM�ol�no�i t�sut�ii� ,ef Alex - is Kwitny at OPEN HOUSE �x v-• Oct. S1,6-8p.m. at our new location y 250 Bayly St. W. (Mackenzie Plaza) We invite you to join us in celebrating our 12' year serving the Ajax/Pickering/Whitby areas. For more information about our- program please call 428-3122 AN RALTFR P.4SSARF11.4/N'ews Advertiser phoNo Peter LYman prepares to enter court to he sentenced for kldnap- pinr and beating a Jeweler. Hu w Hanan D&910 vemnn des 0,,e�Wnwff Canada rens Cft hu* wvs Canada Looking for work? Collecting Employment Insurance? learn how to market yourself to employers using the TARGETED WAGE SUBSIDY PROGRAM from Human Resources Development Canada HRDC may provide your next employer with a wage subsidy of up to 60% to learn more, come to a TWS INFORMATION SESSION When: Mondays, 1:30 pm Where: Oshawa Human Resources Ctr. 78 Richmond St. West, Oshawa ' Cmaaa J CANADA'S LARGEST r'. 1111, NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 PAGE 5 A/P Public board fears `crisis' in special education Durham public school board awaits provincial funding to hire helpers for special -needs students 13Y S(ISAN O N1:111E bents at the same time it's "run students because of a lack of gov- Stafl'"'rit`"r out" of funds to hire educational ernment funding. The Durham District School assistants to work with the chil- But, Ms. Freedman is worried Board is facing a "crisis" if the dren. the hoard could he heading for provincial government doesn't "We have not cut special edu- "another crisis" if the government provide more funding for special- cation this year;' Ms. Freedman fails to come through with more education programs and support said. "For us, we've grown in the funding so additional educational staff• a hoard official says. number of new classes and the assistants can he hired. Bev Freedman, superintendent number of educational assistants Daniele Gauvin, spokesman for of programs, told elementary we have:' the Ministry of Education and school administrators at a work- She doesn't fear a repeat here Training, said Friday the money shop highlighting the Provinces of "horror stories throughout the will start "flowing" to boards changes to special education Fri_ province" about school boards across the province "wry soon". day, that the hoard is becoming a cutting hack on educational assis- The Province is directing an "magnet" for special -needs stu- tants who work with special -needs additional $40 million toward spc- Teen charged in Pickeringhit-and-run PIC'KERINC — A young of- fender has hccn charged in an ac- cident that left two �I_ondon-arca residents with serious injuries. A 17 -Near -old Toronto woman is charged with leaving the scene of' an accident afler two pedestri- ans were struck while walking along the 4th Concession east of Altana Road Sept. 27 at 3:30 a.m.. Durham Regional Police report. The pedestrians were struck from behind by a Honda Civic travelling westbound on the road. The driver left her vehicle and spoke to the victims briefly before leaving the scene. The pedestrians. a 20 -year-old woman and 24 -,.ear -old man, were treated at hospital for their in- luric.. General Arts & Science can get you going in the W direction. Are you unsure which direction you would Wee your career to take, or m which program you want to enroll GewrW Arts 6 Science will give you a wide range of options and skills. This program is designed to respond to UWividual leaming objec- tives by providing cartver exploraefdot, smells Alfflek"WW and f ex*k proStanr w ft in a hbend ars environment You can complete this pro- gram as a one-year ceMicate or a two-year diploma. Call today, fall semester starts October 26th! am for aur IFar mon. itforetatiort FM coarses cd Kstron OW d 1111. 41W 721.3111, wd 2456. Horne of the Durham University Centro tial education prograrns to ensure school hoards that require more money to help students with high needs get it. Ms. Gauvi,t says. She notes provincial auditors visited hoards this past summer to assess funding estimates for those programs. Ian Skinner. the public hoard's special education officer. said. "Wc can't keep up with the de- mand." %Ir Skinner said even though the hoard hired roughly 65 educa- tional assistants this year, more are needed because there has been a "general increase" in special - needs students at schools across the region, bringing the total to ap- proximately 6.500. "We're a magnet hoard hccause you do yourjob well:' T1s. Freed- man told the hoards elementary principals and vice -principals. "We have a reputation for special education... 905-428-5470 BEV' FK1-.I:D;L1,1N Wt have a reputation jrlr Aporia/ eduratinrr.' If you are considering purchasing or selling mutual funds, or simply want your portfolio analyzed, please complete this form. Through state-of- the-art computer technology, we can send you a FREE, unbiased analysis of any of the 1,900+ Canadian mutual funds that are available today. You can also book an appointment and we can do the analysis in our office. It takes just a few minutes. 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Ajax Durham Centre 90 Kingston Road East, Unit 4, Ajax Ontario, L1Z 1G1 905-428-5470 P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 N Editorial &O.PINIONS N E W A D V E R T I S E R 0 C -1 l 8 19 9 8 EDITORIAL Durham's homeless need not be hopeless We must act noxv to find creative solutions to troubling problem The numhcr of people rcl\ing on of 2I.S per cent, prefers to treat street homcics. shelter. is stcadily increasing. ivoplc like criminal.. wein Durham but Durham Region has the opportumty need to he more intelligent. �lakun, it II - to take a lead rule in finding a solution to Ictal for people to live on the street does this trend. not make the problem go away. It's Cass\ A pro\rrtetal Task F�orcc on Home- enough to turn a blind c\c to this issue. Icssncss has released staggering new% but it. social and financial implications that Durharn has the fifth highest home- won't magicall} disappear. less rate in Ontario with 4. per cent of- People find themselves out on the residents without shelter. street,, for a number of reasons. Some Durham's lar,_cst cit,.. Oshawa. acts have been vers productive in society but as a ma,Llnet fur the homeless for its sur- have fallen on hard times. Others lack roundrn_, area, party txcausc it's the the means and skills to find emplov- higgcst urban centre for the region and it merit. We must give people the opp(rrtu- has the maturity of .Iicltcrs. But that nity to get hack on their Deet. doesn't mean by am stretch that all the Those agencies which deal with the homeless arc from O%hawa. People from homeless issue on a da\ -to -day basis Ata\ and Pickering who find Ilenischc% need to identify thx cau..es betiorc a so- homeles. arc Irkcls to venture to tom- lution can he found. Both shoe- and hawa for temlx)rary shelter. And thcv lung -terra solutions need to tx: ad- mav stay there in hopes of finding per- dressed. The first step is providing peo- manent housing. 'llic plc a stable living environment so they Prov ince has respcnded by gi\- can update their skill. and seek employ- ing Durham annual funding of 's 120.4 X) merit. over the next two \cars to help prevent The rep(xt has served as a wake-up local resident, from ending up on the call fi►r Durham and other regional mu - street.. It's not a 1x)( of gold, but it has at mcipahtic%. We have the oplx)rtumty to Icast inspired local agencies to partner find crcati\e solutions to this problem with municipalities to scnou.ly address and prove to the Province and other mu - the issue nicipalitie% we are a proactive and for - While Tioronto. with a homeless rate ward -thinking region. We must act now. LE'1_T L-R� 7'0 7-1--1E L-DI•T-OR Fundina, urban sprawl doesn't educate kids To the editor: Re the .tunes in the Oct. 4 ticws Adverti.cr headlined 'Mil- lions for schools hoards in Durham': 'Durham grants boost school construction': and -Sad day for Wi kllands ( school s in I'ickcr- ing'. Clinging to notion that true love -exists Gloria Papastarrov is happi(v living in her own inorie screenplav x•ith oc- casional rewrites in Pickering, the most exotic of locales. Der I stand alone as the ons person who found the romance in the movie Titanic a huge h orc.1 Romantically un- exciting. unrealistic and just plain ho- hum:' Am I risking a deluge of hate mail by daring to utter this unthinkable and unpopular opinion? The history of the huiiding and ulti- mate sinking of the Titanic was monu- mental. It was man overcoming the el- ements. Advancing one more step up the ladder of technology. Taunting fate and the gods alike, while flaunting his latest creation and adorning it in opu- lent brilliance. The arrogant vanity of man. Was it not destined to end any other way but tragically'? Have we not leamt that you can't tempt fate and the gods without retribution? Should not the love story in the movie he of equal brilliance? Mirror- ing the grandeur and ultimate tragedy of the ship? Should it not have been pulsating with passion and lust. ex- pressed in breathy sentences? The main characters should have been in- teresting and complex. rounded out with humour and delicious idiosyn- crasies. They should have genuinely Gloria Papastavros Opini,un _Shaper agonized over their romantic dilemma bcl"ore succumbing to their passion. If you want to talk romantic movies that set the screen on fire, give me Lau- rence Olivier and Merle Oberon in the hauntingly beautiful Wuthering Heights. And who could ever forget Rhett and Scarlet with their equal yet bantering relationship fraught with human foibles? Instead we have the heroine Rose. While breathtakingly beautiful, she is whiny and petulant. Her idea of being led into a dull and intellectually con- fining marriage is ludicrous. Many women in those days secured their po- sition and well being by 'marrying well'. To combat the stifling boredom Rose fears in the movie, these women became advocates of progressive thinkers, patrons of the arts, and intel- lectuals in their own right. All this they were able t:) accomplish precisely be- cause of their husbands' wealth. Itlarry ing for love was more an in- vention of the 2(kh centur\. A. fur Jack. his prcit}-bo)o and less - than -manly look. didn't make my heart flutter. How any woman (at least in my age group) could respond with anything other than a stilling yawn is he.yond me. Heavens. the boy doesn't even kook old enough to shave! I have a personal theory as to why the Titanic romance was so hungrily embraced by the public. I feel people really want to believe in the romantic ideal of true love. Yet these days ro- mantic idealism is dashed on the rocks of reality. When the beautiful princess is not loved by her royal prince. When the most powerful man in the free world risks his position and his mar- riage for a mere dalliance. When these high-profile marriages aren't even able to prolong the pretense of romantic love in public. What chance do we, or- dinary mortals, have of finding and keeping alive the flames of passion, es- pecially amidst the mundane grind of daily life, dirty socks and Crying kids? We, therefore, embrace with total abandon the unlikely screen love story. Populated as the movies are with beau- tif'ul people in beautiful surroundings. We cling to the thought that some- where, somehow true love exists, if, only in the movies. It is a sad day firr education in Ontario. Despite the .pin doctors' talcs claiming reform of education, the fact is that 11.(XN) fewer leach- ers Irving to teach 10.(XX) more stu- dents equals a lower quality, cheaper education. But these spin doctors argue that Queen's Park is providing millions for new schools. Nccv buildings do not pro- vide better teaching.�%Lin\ of the old schools arc the hest as your rc- port on Woodland show.. The Province build, new schools, trunk sewers, super high- ways and water it not to im- prove teaching but to subsidize urban sprawl. In fact, quality edu- cation has to suffer so sprawl sub- sidization can continue. The cost of urban sprawl was reported by the Gulden Commission at SIO billion to $16 billion in capital expendi- tures. The only winners are a few speculators and developers. The losers are parents and citizens of the future who see their economy and quality of life go down the drain. Our governnent is living in the 70s. It is line to he conservative but what happened to progressive? Should we not be 161lowing poli- j cies suited to the 21st century'1 Let's balance the budget, pay down the debt, fund teachers to provide quality education and stop wasting our natural resources subsidizing urban sprawl. We don't need and can't afford new schools to replace existing under-utilized schools or billions for highways and other in- frastructure. Intensification and redevelop- ment will provide more employ- ment, make us more competitive, save our natural resources and On- tario's countryside. We might even find enough money to educate our children. Lorne Almack, Pickering PICKERING NEWUS ADVER•TIglI A Metroland Communit\ Nec\spaper Tim Whittaker i Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -m -Chi( f ;neve Houston Alanai,ulj kdaul• Bruce Danford Direc for of fdr•ertisin'I Duncan Fletcher Ri 1(111. l cicerrtsilig .t /unq, ,,er Eddie kolodziejcak ( lasso/wd . ItAvr1nn{t .t/unu,Ler John %%illems Real 1.N/we . iutonrolm', :•lc/verlisir;L� ;llcrnu•!'rr Abe Fakhourie /)isfrchu(unr .11cnur.�(-r- Lillian [look Office .tlarwger Barb Harrison C0nJpw11I .tlunc{yw l�ex�s (905) 683- 5 110 b:� (905) 1,x3-51 I0 Classifieds (905) 0XII-0'o- Di.tribution ((h)5) 6X3 -51I, General Fax (905) 08-1-7303 nc%%sro om a durhani.net Nkeb address w w w.durhan1nc %%,. nct 130 Commercial Ave.. A,ia\. Ont. 1. IS 2115 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade. Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. fo EC:NA MMLO-3 I" - NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY Ma, le power centuries old• BY JAC'QU11: MCINNI;S Stuff Writer Sexual harassment on the job, domestic assault, date rape, in- cest. The details of these crimes against women are very different but all have one common denom- inator: abuse of power by those who have it against those who don't. By their nature, these crimes don't take place on a level play- ing field. "Ours is still a male -privilege society:" says Keith Marlowe, co- ordinator of Family Services for Durham Region who oversees New Choices, a program for men involved in spousal abuse. "There are so many places where male privilege emerges:' he suggests. "This cultural piece is very complex." And it gees hack a long time. The dominance of men over women is a centuries-old prob- lem. In fact the commonly used term "rule of thumb" comes from a 1767 English law that permitted a husband to "chastise his wife with a whip or rattan no wider than his thumb." `I think it's a belief system that they have the right to hit their women. It's difficult to be a strong woman and it's difficult to be a sensitized man in this society' -- Keith Marlowe In the first quarter of this cen- tury women were considered part of their husband's chattel, says Laurel Hansen, director of the Rape Crisis Centre. And, even today, it is not legally possible for a man in Ireland to rape his wife regardless of consent, she points out. In Canada, one in five men liv- ing with a woman admits to as- saulting her. That cultural inheritance is not easy to shake, says Mr. Marlowe. For many men, especially those over 30, learned behaviours have become ingrained. "Men in their 30s and up have had many more years immersed in male privilege culture. "There are no generalities but, those less than 30, at least, have been getting some of those other messages on equality." In fact, in the New Choices program, although some men do learn new behaviours and "are making significant changes in their lives," he's quick to add, "for far too many more others, they're unwilling to give up that male privilege:" Shirley Burnett, director of the Durham Region Sexual Assault Violence against women has deep roots Keith Marlowe says ►re still live in a 'nulls•-privilege'soctet y. He *s the co-ordinator of Famil. .Serviees.fnr Durham Region echo over- sees a program for men involved in spousal abuse. Care Centre agrees. "I think it's a belief system that they have the right to hit their women. Its difficult to he a strong woman and it's difficult to be a sensitized man in this soci- ety... Maly privilege is not just about men's attitudes either. It's about women's own belief' sys- tems as well. "It's how we socialize our I t- tle girls:" says Ms. Burnett. "We don't allow them to fight " Aruna Papp, now a Nk'hitbv- based therapist for sexually abused children, spent many years championing the cause of battered women in the South Asian communities of Greater Toronto and in Durham. She knows all too well the role women's conditioning can play in the cycle of violence. `It's scary for them. They think by calling us in, they'll have to report their partner.' -- Aruna Papp Born in India, she emigrated to Canada in 1972 with her first husband. Since that time she has man- aged to find a way out of her own abusive marriage and has gone on to help countless other women immigrants. Her struggle, and the stories of others, is detailed in her book, 'The Seven of Us Survived.' Again and again, the stories re- flect the women's own beliefs that they were powerless to stop the abuse. "You talk about self-esteem. There's no such word in the South Asian language:" reflects Ms. Papp. "You are a woman therefore you are nothing." For many of these women, im- migration to Canada means giv- ing up family ties and submitting to total dependence on their hus- bands. `We still hear `why didn't she leave?' There's still a common misconception.' -- Judy Morine With deeply ingrained beliefs of male privilege, language barri- ers and often, a fear of authority, the women are isolated and un- able, or unwilling because of fear, to access community ser- vices. This is especially true in com- munities like Durham Region, which unlike Toronto, offers no outreach services geared to South Asian women in their language or with knowledge of their cultural differences. But, w! -,ether the victims are South Asian or are born right here in Durham Region, statistics show the majority will choose not to seek help. Only nine per cent of women surveyed in an extensive 1994 Stats Canada report accessed so- cial services following criminal abuse. "We're only seeing the tip of the iceberg:" acknowledges Judy Weatherspoon, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner with the Domes- PART 11 tic Assault Response Team (run by the Sexual Assault Care Cen- tre out of Oshawa General Hospi- tal). "It's scary for them. They think by calling us in, they'll have to report their partner (which is not the case)." For oth- ers it's the fear of retribution from the partner who often ac- companies his spouse to the hos- pital. And there are so many more reasons why mann women choose not to get help or just leave the relationship all together, points out Judy Morine, also with the Sexual Assault Care Centre. "We still hear, 'Why didn't she leave?' There's still that common misconception. There's so many reasons. "There's financial (for one), it takes courage. In one group, five women came up with 38 reasons in five minutes:" she says poignantly. While Durham Region does have some strong service pro- grams in place for women who experience violence, funding is always tentative for shelters and waiting lists are not uncommon. Is a lack of options one reason women stay in abusive situa- tions? Part Three of the series, Cir- cle of Violence, looks at Durham's resources and the process of healing the wounds. :DITION, October 18, 1998 PAGE 7 AM Karen's Story Karen, whose real name cannot be used because of a publication ban, recently watched her stepfather plead guilty to sexually abusing her as a young teen — 27 years after the fact. This is her story. There are times when victims are afraid to cry out for help. Then there are times when those cries go unanswered. That was the case for Karen, an incest victim who only re- cently saw retribution through the justice system; nearly three decades after the abuse began. Karen did tell her mother and police about the sexual advances of her stepfather. For years, Karen says, neither the police nor her own mother or family would act when she spoke out on the abuse which would haunt her throughout her life. "She didn't believe me." Karen recalls of her mother. "He managed to convince her I was lying. "From then on my whole life started changing. I began missing school; not listening to my mom or him. I ended up in a girls' training school." Ironically, the school, meant as a reform measure for Karen became "a sort of safe haven" It was the vis- its home to Oshawa. she says, which felt more like prison. "It was quite traumatic having to come home to the situation.- she recalls. "I was scared.- The abuse, she says. did continue and escalated. Yet. no one would listen. "A lot of family members said, 'Oh, he couldn't have done this: stay away from her, she's trouble.' Finally, Karen managed to break free and left Durham Region to start a new life as a young wife and moth- er. Yet, she says, she simply could not get on with living. "It's destroyed a lot. In a sense it destroyed my mar- riage. I never had the ability to trust. to give love like I was supposed to. If anyone ever tried to get close to me. I pushed them away." Like many women who are at- tempting to deal with the trauma of abuse. Karen turned to medication to control the pain. Nerve pills and tranquilizers — in higher and higher doses as her body built up immuni- ties to them — got her through the day. There may never have been clo- sure for Karen if her stepfather had not forced the issue when, 24 years after he began the abuse, Karen says, he was compelled to start again, this time mailing sexually ex- pficit materials to her. With the help of her therapist. Karen filed charges stemming back to the original incidents and saw the case through two years of bureau- cracy before the pre-trial, where her stepfather finally admitted what he had denied for all those years. Karen's mother admitted she re- membered her husband going to her daughter's room on the night of one of the incidents. Still, says Karen, her mother was "stunned" when she heard her husband admit to abusing her daughter. "1 never, ever, thought I'd hear a guilty plea. It took two years and a lot of times I felt like giving up. I always felt like I was the one in the wrong. I had a lot of doubts but, I'm glad I pulled through it" Karen wanted o tell her story be- cause she says she feels a need to let other victims know it's never too late to seek justice. But, she admits you have to be strong to get through the process. "Seek counselling. No matter how small you think it (the abuse) was, seek counselling because it will affect you in some part of your life" A/P PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 C raime ropping N EVV ADV E RTI FR OCT1998 Weddint( On Jul\ 11. Eileen and Jack Hodgkinson \\ed in it cerentom at the Rink lainik farin Stephanie Sihcrry. the daughter of the hrtdc. \\;1> the 11411d tit 1101101,11 and Sheri ( o(►k %\as matron of honour. Bridesmaids \\ere ,f,ngie More. Ria %A inkelaar, Marie .le\\ell and Mar -s Heaslip. \\ hllc Ceilidh Rink and Nleghan Hodgkinson uric tlo\\eri-nds. lie,t hien \%crc the _roori , wil ,lack Hodgkinson ,In find Koh Hodgkinson. \\hlle Harold Rink. Phil Burns, Scott Bolton and Jonathan Sihcrr\ \\ crc ushers. " Fhanks c\ cr\ onc. What a k1a\ Birthdays Happ\ seventh hirthda\ wishes to Eric Palmer on Oct. 1 1. arc al\\a\s rtoln_ to he our tedd\ h e a r . �— - - -- Hope all o u r w fishes o m c 7i to t r u e L o \ c - ,,101* from Mom. Dad. Thomas .rnd Mitchie ­ Thomas Palmer wrncd nine on Scp -''1 \\ ith happ\ birthda\ w tshcs from his fantil\. "Hope all \our w lshcs conic true Lo\e frons Mom, Dad. Eric and Mitchic' Birthda\ s Thanksgl\ Ina was super special '— a. : G hecausc TaNfor and lira\ la ('hap - man turned five oil Url. 10. "(ilrls. vou'\e \�i\en us so much lo\c to he thankful fOr. Lo\e Mum. Dad. Dace\, \ann\, Pupa, Sabre and Fluff-, Birthday t _ -..� -There will he lots of, cele - hratingwith faint\ and friends this weekend as Shannon turns seven on Oct. Ih. Luke 6Wt. and hest wishes to our sweet- - pea from Mom, Dad, Gray- 4 don, Grandpa and Maggie. Birthdati A hig gu) turned three AM ! on Oct. 1.3. Lots and lots of' happy birthday wishes for Cory Bennett From Mom, Dad, Kyle, Scooter. family and friends. "We love your smiles, Cory. and you" toe 1794 Liverpool Road 831-5431 THIN WEEK s CAKE WIKKF.R-S ARE L.04Pickering 1. Kelsey Cann — - 2. Sydney Chisholm 3• Lindsay Spry - _ \\inner, m.rc Kn dirok to (la.krn RoW)in, to w(enc tlictr FREE iA, ,Plcax pro\tdc tdcnnfictUnrt; K C I % e PRIZE VAUD UMU SAT., (XT. 24. 1998 25th Anniversan- It \\as 25 \ears ago. on Oct. 5. that Donna and Bob H u m m e 1 1 \\;tll.r.i do\\ n thr j aiar and into, wedded bliss V\)shrnv the } happ} couple all ,+,� • the hest and hopes for slam more are Lee arid Cutjo ` .` (,on.=rat. and hest 3 \\fishes to Josi and Derek eK Le\den.on Ihclr first wcd- ' : (line annt\crsar on Oct. 4. I.o\e front \our hi nil\. Birthda\ Birthda\- - --- BirthdaN,__ Birthday "Our lit- __ Birthda\ "Birth- tle princess" - da\ _rert- K C I % e "Our cutic inIs and Gann turned j Theodora hest wishes turned I I on tour on (k't --- _+ go out to I Happy my +_rand- I Ort, 10. hlrthda\ H o p i n g (1.1Ughtcr '-=> wishes. with Jennifer lots of lo\c. Campbell. , f r o in and lots of vv ho t lr M o m m \ . hratcs her Ir 1) a d d \ 1 Ith hlrth- \ann\ and all t;f Ftirlsc\'s aunts and da\ on Oct. uncles Ix Lois of f Birthda\ like alwa\s. From your Grandma --- - Doroth\ Rimmington !n Hunt.\ II1c.­ ..Our not- Birthda\ SO -little girl" - N1 e g a n "Our cutic ilkinson j Theodora turned I I on i turned su\ un Oct. 15. I Ort, 10. H o p i n g Rapp} birth- Mc ,an had a d;n wishes great da,, and lots of and assin�• p' 37' love. hues and on lots of love \Acre Mom, Dad, -..� kisses front Mitchell, Connor and Dais,.. Mommy, Daddy and Christopher. - Sydney Chisholm rel- ebrated her , fifth hirthday on Oct. 17. "Hey Bean. no more sleeps till 40L�{' your birthday. We love you Bean." Best wishes from Mommy, Daddy, Mackenzie, Whisper, Grandma, Bubba, Grandpa and all those spe- j ial auris and rmrfrc ut1 ulud�' "Our hcauti- ful princess is snowing up" Lindsay I' Robyn Sprylurn!" Do. five on �)rI. 12. Best wishes for a �rcat day. with A whole lot 0i'love, from Mommy, Daddy, Allison and Colin. "Lind- iay-lou, we love you." "Uur special swee" tie Caroline Farmer turned lour on Oct. 12. Happy birthday with love tont Mom, Dad. Danielle, Jef- fer% and all tier tanul� :ukl Irlcnds. i Birthday H:rpp\ hirthdI \\ishes to "a 'pecial littlr ,_Irl" who turned l"c on t )ct. 1 I . Lo\e lo Natalie Bushe Boni Mom, Dad, Fric and Griffin Birthday H a p p \ hirthda\ to "our hale man Andrew— who turned three on Oct. 14. Lots of" hues and kisses from Uncle Shawn and Auntie Drinda ..My won- derful husband Shawn Gomes celebrated his 27th birthday on Sept. 28..':� And our first wedding an- niversary was on Oct. 4. Time sure goes by fast when you're having fun. Love always and forever, Drinda" j • - .. tot , .�,r.t r � i f a a .. 'e►w` I �e-;.•esroye•r.s . Nt�,a7rir l'V•t'•-•.r- +-.' re ..r NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18,1998 PAGE 9 AM Literacy helpers are looking for new students Do you know some- one who is unable to read this newspaper'? If so, they might be interested in a group of people concerned about literacy who took up the challenge of helping those who can't read at all or not well enough to comprehend informa- tion on their medication or fill out an application form. The group is made up of 14 volunteers, most of whom have re- cently completed train- ing provided by the Durham Literacy Coun- cil. They are now ready to accept students and will commit up to two hours a week to help someone learn to read. Statistics show 40 per cent struggle with reading BRIAN QUIN 'We thought we should be doing something about it.' Brian Quin of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church in Ajax is the driving force behind the group. He points to statistics which indicate 40 per cent of Canadians have trouble deciphering the written word well enough to carry out their daily responsibili- tics without difficulty. More than 20 per cent cannot read simple writ- ten information, such as road signs. "We thought we should be doing some- thing about it;" Mr. Quin says. The volunteers are prepared to work with anyone aged 16 years and older and will meet them at the church in Ajax or at an agreed- upon location. There's no charge. Confidentiality is as- sured. Let's Talk Pickering Nuclear! For more information call teer Freda Grahams at 686- Durham Literacy Council at Mr. Quin at 428-2266, volun- 0564 or Nicole Broersma at 434-5441. \inures Acudade now offers �Irolna lherupy Afassut;e and 1:'ar Candling l y Wend}' Burgess for your a.tal salon experience Wendy specializes in Aroma Therapy: Facials and f .ot Massages Book before Oct it'. and receive 10% off a Full Body Hour Sfussage OTHER SERNICF_S OFFERED AT NATt'RE'S ACCOLADE ... • gift ccrtlficatr' • ! rckAgc Rate} (for 2 or marc crvices) • %hccichairAccrs11ih1e • taimplimcntaryCappuccino I it Esprl for a4 of our guests. as- Is . Ax5l cede Tc Onol 054-111n — 201 Main Street North, Uxbridge, Ontario An invitation to the residents of Pickering, Ajax and area. Please join your neighbours. senior Ontario` Hydro staff. Carl Andognini and me at our 2nd Annual Public Meeting to talk about Pickering Nuclear. We arc looking forward to discussing our environmental initiatives and updating you on our progress in retuming Pickering "B" to world class performance. in preparation for the restart of Pickering -A". We also want to listen to you and answer your questions in person. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with refreshments and displays about waterfront regeneration, tritium, fire safety. nuclear waste management. and emer- gency preparedness: there will be a few special robots on hand too. Come on out! We look forward to meeting you Date & Time: Wednesday, October 21, 1998. 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (Ontario Hydro presentation, 7:00 p.m.) Location: Pine Ridge Secondary School, 2155 Liverpool Road (north of Finch Avenue), Pickering ,..r. Sincerely, Bob BOB STRICKERT SITE VICE PRESIDENT, PIC K ERING NUCLEAR :4 G. CARL ANDOGNINI EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT. AND CHIEF NUCLEAR OFFICER WE CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE A FRESH START Professional and Personalized Service Free Confidential Consultation Several convenient locations. Including OSHAWA 145 Sl CCC Street N (905) 728-9404 'Downtown) SCARBOROUGH '919 Lawrence Ave E (416) 750.9620 'near OVP and 401) 255 Morningside Ave (416) 283-8140 'Morningside Mall) SEEAR69 Correction Notice For our 56 page Sears Days Pre -Print (Sale Dates: Oct. 12 - 25.1998) Page 46 - Item x92342colour dot dominoes. Bor:us cards are not included. Both sets comes With cases. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused Sears customers. SEARS HomeCerltral O/0 .%,ve % All Sears Best' custom window coverings. Our best offer of the season! Choose from Sears Best verticals. nonzontals. micro ponos and cellular snacies with easy - care 3/8 or 3/4 pleats. Made of polyester `abs c Umltec fetlme guarantee details In store. Sale prices er.r 3 rc;, '998 A _ y :- ® Use your sears card and Don'tpay 'til October 197%%7 a cusio� verticals, , n * n bbl, birds aced cede stades On approved credit, with your sears Card. Mnirium 5200 purdlase. A $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Offer ends Sunday, October 25, 1998. Ask for details. Cal now, toy kee, for a welikadon in4l0Ine esti W P or vied yore Sears PAW stone. ` m =8004=MY=H0ME Just Cal 11-800.469-45631 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Produets and Services *W1 the Cane M You Trieste. . - .. - LI,_ - . - . . . .. - - - - - GIY:G AIP PAGE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18,1908 H It h &FiTNESS NEWS ADVERTISER OCT. Feeling under pi-essure? Whitecoat Hypertension 11 may not be so benign "Dr. Gifford -Jones, I've been told by my doctor that I suffer from White - coat Hypertension. He keeps telling me not to worry about it. But I wonder if it will cause trouble later in life. I'd appreciate your opinion" Se,eral years ago I wrote about this problem: how many patients with high blood pressure were heing treated with drugs they, didn't need. This is still true. But there is new evidence that Whitecoat Hypertension may not al- ways be such a benign problem. We've known for years that every- one's blood pressure varies during the course of 24 hours. For instance, un- less vou're dreaming about Dracula, blood pressure falls while sleeping. And during an active day blood pres- sure increases, but within normal lim- its. Researchers at Cornell University were the first to point out some people show very labile blood pressure read- ings, blood pressure scores that could be easily increased by stress. In partic- ular the} discovered the doctor's white coat could induce an elevated re- sponse. The researchers studied people with normal, borderline and elevated blood pressures. Subjects had their blood pressure recorded by a male doctor on two separate occasions. In the interim, the blood pressure was taken by an au- tomatic recorder wrorn on the patient's arm. In addition, a pressure reading was taken by a female medical techni- cian. Readings taken by humans were compared to those taken by the recorder. The result'' The highest blood pres- sures were those taken by a physician. Researchers then discovered that some people were hypertensive only when blood pressure was recorded by a physician! These patients had normal blood pressures when away from the doctor's office. And the stress of their work did not cause the pressure to increase. These people were labelled as having "Whitecoat Hypertension" Alzheimer support group meets in Ajax AJAX -- A local support group ded- icated to helping individuals and fami- lies cope with the effects of Alzheimer Disease is hosting a meeting next week for area residents. Alzheimer Durham holds its Ajax support group meeting Wendesday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. at 487 Westney Rd. S. in units 19 and 20 (at Clements Road West) in Ajax. All caregivers are welcome. Call 576-2567 for information. f __%V 1,4.I The Doctor 'rig Game 9' Gif JlYf .Jones itf. D. Patients with Whitecoat Hyperten- sion were most often females. They weighed less and had been diagnosed as having hypertension for a shorter period of time. This research was good news for some patients currently on medication for hypertension. For instance, about 25 per cent of those diagnosed with borderline hypertension had normal blood pressure when the reading was taken by the machine. This research should not come as a major shock. We've known that even professionals under stress can't control their blood pressure. For instance, the blood pressure of astronauts shoots sky high as they're about to he blasted otf into space. Even seasoned television performers can't keep their pressure down during the final seconds of countdown. But is Whitecoat Hypertension the forerunner of' high blood pressure later on in life" A new study by an Italian re- search team believes this can be the scenario for some patients. Dr. Paolo Verdecchia is a cardiolo- gist at the Silvestrini Hospital in Peru- gia, Italy. His group studied patients with ele- vated blood pressure. Some of these patients were followed for as long as eight years. Dr. Verdecchia reported to the American Society of Hypertension that 63 per cent of those diagnosed with Whitecoat Hypertension showed no change over the years. But 37 per cent of those with White - coat Hypertension did develop true hy- pertension. Dr. Thomas Pickering, head of the Hypertension Centre at New York Hos- pital, agrees Whitecoat Hypertension can spontaneously change into bona - fide hypertension. But he believes it is quite rare compared to the number of patients who do not develop true hy- pertension. Su what should you do if your doc- tor diagnoses hypertension'' If the pressure is 200/100 you need prompt treatment. But if it's borderline such as 145/y5 you may have Whitecoat Hy- pertension. What you need then are mor blood pressure readings before you start blood pressure medication. See what an automatic recorder does when you're away from the tension of a physician's office. If this shows the blood pressure is still elevated see if there are any lifestyle situations that can twe correct- ed. Shed pounds if you're overweight. Remember that cigarettes can elevate pressure 10 points lasting 10 minutes. And that caffeine in two to three cups of coffee or tea rains pressure 10 to 14 points. I wouldn't give up a cocktail before dinner which has no effect on blood pressure. But I'd respect research stud- ies that show increases in blood pres- sure in those who consume three or more alcoholic drinks a day. Go easy on salt. I'd also start an ex- ercise program for 30 minutes three times a week which can lower blood pressure. Accept medication only after these measures fail. IF • TIME • QUALriy • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVABABLE TO SEfiCVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE ff PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #2) DR JOSEPH A. NIISKIN, DENTIST ,*or 1 8 1 9 9 8 affordable Dentures... One Good Reason To smile' REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' Complete, Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER - -�� W lham Steil, DD, RA.C.(A) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE. AJAX 683-4294 After hours 428-8801 Over 20 million visits by Canadians last year to Chiropractors Maybe it's time to let it work for you! You and your fancily are iurited to our GRAND Thurs., Oct. 22- 7-9 p.m. .. FREE`M Dr. Francine DallaireEESE Kim Patterson Chiropractor Reg..kiessage Therapist Chiropractic Centre • for Optimum Health 1_550 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING 420_7231 y ail" Farm & Hwy. 2 (Red Lobster Plaza) P Read u online! We're at tip ww.durhamnews.net Nutritional secrets for cardio -vascular � concerns and the I Fountain of Youth • Feel Young • Look Young • Be Young! Did you Know? QHeart disease is No 1 killer of men acid women Q50% of people over 40 in Canada will get Alzheimer's in later years if they do NOT take precautions in their diet now. QConfused about all the advice out there on eating for health? Come and learn simple but effective secrets to staying young and thy! Find out more at the Seeds of Life Seminars. Call to reserve your seat FREE with this ad. Tues. Oct. 20th 7:00 PM Pickering Library, Glenanna Rd. ,416 693-8923 or 905 42$-6064 i_. _A t + t" ` -stir i .. ;1. Every week more and more of the Public School Boards in Ontario reach neq-0tiated settlements with their secondary teachers in good faith has led to the Bargaining of quality education. maintenance In those Boards, secondary teachers have timetables which peminlum • specialists to teach the subject they've been educated and trained to teach adequate time for each individual student extra help, remediation and enrichment opportunities , • a full range of extracurricularactivities This means that over 289,000 high school students have access to a better education than your son or daughter is getting from the Durham District School Board. The Durham Board admits that it has received millions more -dollars than last year; in addition, it has millions in reserves. Whose future are they planning for? Phone the trustees. Phone the superintendents. Tell them to deal fairly with your children and their teachers. Tell them that your kids deserve the same chance as other kids in Ontario, Sponsored by District 13 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation MP PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1996 CARL FF.RENC7/ News Advertiser photo He's got it covered Tavlor Perenowski of Pickering's William Dunbar Public School crosses the finish line vt ith a lerscl that's a little too big for him. But it didn't slow him down durint,: tl:e rc•cent Carlson Run held in Port Pern. *� ".07W 0& -IW -1 —1 Cauda resaolwces nlxMwm Canova same old grind? perk up your business with the Targeted Wage -Subsidy from P Human Resources Development Canada Reduce your wage costs by up to 60% Gain dedicated employees Help qualified workers re-enter the workforce Call 905 725 2001 dr ask for Employer Services for more information Canada , Toastmasters I CIBC meeting is toast Improv contest is running instead Members of the Ajax -Pickering Toastmasters Club may get a laugh out of the cancellation of their regular weekiv meeting on Wednesday. Oct. 21. That's because club members are instead invited to attend the Toastmas- ters division contest, which includes a humourous speech contest and table topics (improv) contest. The contest will be held Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 6:45 p.m. at the information centre of the Darlington Nuclear Gen- erating Station. The group will meet again on Wednesday, Oct. 28 at its regular loca- tion at the Fortune Financial office at the corner of Bayly Street and Finley Avenue, Ajax. It aims to improve communication and leadership skills among its members. For more information call Mary - Anne Pietrusiak at 686-1443. jZ46 e5 P Seminar: Help ensure your child's future by saving for their education. Find out how the "Canada Education Savings Grant" can help your RESP by 20%! FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS Thursday, October 22, 1998 Tuesday, October 27, 1998 6:30-8:00 PM Ajar Community Centre - HMS Roam Lease a Furnace and Air Conditioner SAVE UP TO inion energy t N10% ENERGY COMPAN164 VIM Out Whtby Newly Reraated 9 m=m NFATIM6 i AMI WNWMMni Aw Pickennalfttbv 906-1484= .....airs...u,q wnx��n:: vl�l)NnF(��N�..AI}ll\.AWa\rRNAl. wllh ll\k iMA\l1%A%&"A*(I WATPb RAMI %I)SMKU wkmvk(wo 10 n Sll.JFwikl T r T NFA T : SFiYk tt t 4 � W }\ AV) Rlv MiL}}� S}j1,17 ,11F 11•lke3�]� tY A Tkw11 (f Fx.kli�l}q AVD OFIMCAiD �t7k3SItNAIS DbP_h in Q Scholar's Choice new location Is now open in Heritage Market Squire, 145 Kingston Road on block east of Harwood Road, north of the 401 and we're celebrating! We offer a broad range of unique educational supplies. So carte on in, join the fun and take advantage of our opening specials and product demonstrations. There's something for everyone! Even grown-up Idris have fun at Scholar's Choice. At Scholar's Choice haft fun is the key to success in leaming. Helpful Personal Services As Canada's leading supplier of educational materials, Scholar's Choice is committed to providing expert assistance and service to parents and teachers to educate and enrich the lives of young children. We understand the tiraMerges facing education today and we search the world to find unigtre, high quality Products that will make a difference in our children's edumbon: a Edeeadual Toys ev Chea Deewsom or TeaoMr PAnwees a 3drola:aeres Club v laeeelii n o Crab. 3brvbnb 145 KkWtm RRd.00m t� � good Rd, �►sCWS � the 401 f9o5H26-9224 /I Open Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Illi �I ,aauday 10 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. 1 x 1710 O N U - $ CDNSUKRS DR Y m 1 .....airs...u,q wnx��n:: vl�l)NnF(��N�..AI}ll\.AWa\rRNAl. wllh ll\k iMA\l1%A%&"A*(I WATPb RAMI %I)SMKU wkmvk(wo 10 n Sll.JFwikl T r T NFA T : SFiYk tt t 4 � W }\ AV) Rlv MiL}}� S}j1,17 ,11F 11•lke3�]� tY A Tkw11 (f Fx.kli�l}q AVD OFIMCAiD �t7k3SItNAIS DbP_h in Q Scholar's Choice new location Is now open in Heritage Market Squire, 145 Kingston Road on block east of Harwood Road, north of the 401 and we're celebrating! We offer a broad range of unique educational supplies. So carte on in, join the fun and take advantage of our opening specials and product demonstrations. There's something for everyone! Even grown-up Idris have fun at Scholar's Choice. At Scholar's Choice haft fun is the key to success in leaming. Helpful Personal Services As Canada's leading supplier of educational materials, Scholar's Choice is committed to providing expert assistance and service to parents and teachers to educate and enrich the lives of young children. We understand the tiraMerges facing education today and we search the world to find unigtre, high quality Products that will make a difference in our children's edumbon: a Edeeadual Toys ev Chea Deewsom or TeaoMr PAnwees a 3drola:aeres Club v laeeelii n o Crab. 3brvbnb 145 KkWtm RRd.00m t� � good Rd, �►sCWS � the 401 f9o5H26-9224 /I Open Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Illi �I ,aauday 10 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. 1 Women of Distinction nominees wanted Top Durham females to be honoured Do you know of a woman in Durham Region who stands out in a crowd? The Durham Region YWCA is looking for candidates for the Woman of Distinction Award. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age (except for those in the Young Woman of Distinction Award category) and have resided in Durham Region for at least one year. A nominee can be someone who does outstanding work in the community, in the academic world, or in the workplace. She is someone who enhances the lives of, and has demonstrated a commitment to, the development of women and girls. Who are Women of Distinction? They are women acknowledged for their achievements in such areas as: • interpreting the lives of women and children through lit- erature or art, which has broad- ened the cultural life of the com- munity; • acting as a catalyst and in- spiration, through personal pres- ence or style, for her contempo- raries in their chosen careers; • Being active in the commu- nity on issues that will directly improve the lives of individuals; • A commitment to encourag- ing women to achieve through education and support: • breaking new ground lead- ing to greater autonomy for women in non-traditional roles; • providing a significant con- tribution to athletics, fitness, and recreation through participation, leadership or administration in the community; • advocating for the rights of women and children; • inspiring others at school through her academic standing, church or community involve- ments, athletic achievements and/or club participation. All nominations must be re- ceived by Oct. 30 at 5 p.m. For more information call (905) 404- 9290. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1996 PAGE 13 AR WHERE: Pickering Council Chambers 1 The Esplanade, Pickering WHEN: Monday, October 19,1998 7:30pm WHY: If you care about your future, please attend! VO.C.A.L. --+o ni 'G V1eft .� p . y s r. �� • .:�,, , , � Mme, , � : ' - 00 �-:,'� . • � � �� ;w `_�'��' ` �� gam,^- x ,. Y i5a�, r � �O tirM U1Mt QM es M v ISI ',I Yll�'�I nt e e _ i9-- ne rf hi o n d 3ZIT t d 1 %M PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERnSER SUNDAY EDITION, October IS, 1998 (If support staff walked off the job, that would mean shutting down the school system' CUPE slamsProvi*nce , p ri ed"estri"kes in 999 BY SUSAN OWEILL Staff Writer The government's order -funding of support ;ervices in schools across Dntario is a "recipe for ;trikes:' says the head of be Canadian Union of Public Employees. CUPE president Sid Ryan says the Province has cut millions of dollars from support services in schools" and maintains un- less funding is restored to those services, there will be strikes in schools all across Ontario in the coming months. Mr. Ryan, who kicked off a $500,000 campaign Thursday calling on the government to reinNcst roughl} 51 billion in the MARY BROWN Policy review follows concerns expressed by parents. education system, says CUPE's 45,000 school board workers, which in- clude educational assis- tants, custodial and mainte- nance workers, clerical and technical staff, could be in a legal strike position "very early in the new year, if not sooner." And, he notes "if the support staff all walked off the job, that would mean the shutting down of the school system" However, the Whitby resident says the objective of CUPE's campaign is to "avert strikes by bringing the crisis to the public's at- tention. "The objective here is to put pressure on the Harris government ... to say we SID RY,4N 'Very early in the new year, if not sooner.' know school boards have been starved of money and we want this government to put more money into edu- cation funding:' Mr. Ryan says. The union, which is about to bargain more than 90 collective agreements with school boards across Ontario, maintains the provincial government's new funding formula does not provide enough money for many services. "The funding cuts hurt everyone in the school sys- tem:" he says, adding in some areas of the province children are being asked to clean schools because cus- todians are being laid off. As for Durham, Mr. Ryan says because the boards here have received "extra funding," he's "hop- ing" negotiations will go smoothly and that the con - Board reviews ban on busing kids to distant day care The Durham District School Board has set up a committee to review its trans- portation policy following parents' concerns about re- cent changes to the board's busing regulations. Mar}Brown, communi- cations manager for the board. reports trustees are re- viewing the policy in light of a number of concerns ex- pressed h} parents whose children are no longer eligi- hie for busing. "I hope the policy will be changed:' says Oshawa resi- dent Catherine McConaghy, who's upset her children can no longer take a bus to their babysitter's home after school- Under the new policy, which was adopted by the board in June, busing is no longer provided to transport children to a da-, care that's more than 1.6 kilometres from their school if the youngsters live within walk- ing distance of the school. ' I'bev're dictating where we can get child care:' says Mrs. McConaghy. "We've had the same day-care provider for the past seven years. I can go to work and not worry. I can't put a price on that" The committee is expected to present a report to the board on its transporta- tion policy when the review is complete. l^'lar MIT ,.A r `Ran{ (NAW OF + • J e=' �' 1 a ,r t1 r¢ . r ; ?., jf�r I raj k .q .c is 1► t -• Y r r 11Ith slysteiits featiri•iit Microsoft Ire Hoitte Essentials! 732 Me SDRAM 32 W SORAM/ 17• 712 GH Fla: Dove A2X /S.2 Ge Canon ColorrJet 732x (amt) taRGN Dore O 4 NO AGP Vides Gnaptacs Cad O Zwom Sfk ra iia U Caave Fasmr9 32 Int PCI sand O 7i. 120 Wim aspifisd pleas O Moana Widows m w/ CD celwow O Rtiasadl name C 2 LISB ad n R pan 3,ir Moniwr • • DCanm Colour Jet 1 u he SDRAM 32 AM SDRAM/ 17• E s 1 Ga MW Drava March 21 -April 20 221tt.a itvtow Dwft NEW! -. hen AG► Win GmMaa Cad ss ser laret ani. • 2 0 Ga Mal -116 had dor• •r - . • tis Ma EDORAM ��� C Conan Emaaai 11 be rt'i mead GZ401am 129111aftnapW dpaam Cwsw.rw.I fr.�C'D for a FULL vefimd Some restrictions apply, please ask Pawn" twow �^ °a $55 per month n 2 USS err t It purr • Nationwide prescmc P, 1 r Monitor SCORPIO Integrated October 24 -November 22 L21116 • cache! blends :reeds a hand but ahold to 6:;0 "W sown sr Ate SORAA// 17- C7ddGaMod Dow 32X/64Ge g712itt._)CD MDrwa 0 r 1m AMwahYui ,70clap NEW! u zoom $er ro warm C 6mrws p=a n an uCi rand C lin 120 wan ampaatl 7mhrm 0114001"a" , " vo Co n ffsrnnll sore (9 9 2 USa ad 1 at pars g? I r Moniuv CAk@�- Integrated L2 • • cache! The EPC Dina$aRKfat,"tNllan ■ Gatee T1e IPC Direct Adlvantate - Canadian built Notebook Frenzy I _ March 21 -April 20 quality hews r.w.ra rroa•rrm..rdr as or+� rrarmiom Srs ani: aya if you an na conplaefy satisfied wick tie Personal ust boo IPC Dirac simply :ossa it wtbis 30 days • Toll Fra nationwide tech Support • 2 0 Ga Mal -116 had dor• •r - . • tis Ma EDORAM ��� yaw /anise • 3 Year warranty with • 2Dx (wos) hwk . CDRMOdors for a FULL vefimd Some restrictions apply, please ask I st year on-site smiteY �^ °a $55 per month yid representative for deans • Nationwide prescmc -'r`w" IPC DDA tracts negotiated here will serve as the standard for others across the province. He reports the union is holding an "emergency bargaining conference" Monday and says workers are "not going to give up any concessions" during contract talks. Under Bill 160, all col- lective agreements between school boards and their em- ployee groups were de- clared null and void Aug. 31. A- V E DA - THE ART AND SOEncE or vJ"E ILDWEA AND It.N* ESSENCES.- IM AGE STUDIO S•�lPl`=A 123 Athol Street, Whitby, On., ( 905) 666-2311 amomm- For The Week Of Oct 18 - 24 ARILS LIBRA March 21 -April 20 September 23 -October 23 it there's an area of your Ilk that's Spend some arae with soineanie you've gotten complicated recently. It's time to been reglectmg. It doesn't have to be put your organizational skills to work. a big dol. Just make some time for But don't let it take too much time Mm/ber. Stand up for yourself this away from really important matters. Be week at wort Don't take the blame willing to help a family member who when R hasn't been your fault. needs you at the end of the week. SCORPIO TAURUS October 24 -November 22 April 21 -May 21 Paeb in and help, One of your closest Be careful not to put too much stocit in blends :reeds a hand but ahold to somreore else's grudge. weigh the facts branch the subject Keep your eyes and before you Jump to arty catdusiorm. can open for sigma and volunteer your Don't necessarily take slde"ust know services. Start piataung an out!" for the facts in case you're rolled on to you and your coam Ito . Take a vote help out Special faintly Um will be to see what others would Like to do. tanportant this weekend. SAGITTARIUS GEM= November 23 -December 21 May 22 -Jame 21 Watch your money this .eek. Besides It's a good week to enjoy some lime buying the necessltim and some ertras. with friends. Have fun doing some of Ingest a little money for the future. the things you've been putting off for Thunk about talwg some classes to awhile. Take advantage of a bargain help advance your career. You will that will come your way this week. learn some raltable information However, don't tet your heart rule your while impressing kiportant people. head when it comes to finances. CAPRICORN CANCER December 22 -January 20 June 22 -July 22 Save the we ltend for your neaected Look to the unotpected this week. roar ace. You ve been so busy with First, an any at work could come M the work you let your partner take a back farm of a most unexpected source. And seat Gane that this weekerA Make help on the hameharit could come ham plans to get away for a couple days. Or a relative or head you haven't wen in if that doesn't work out ser aside time awhile. Take advantage a( the help— for a romaatle dbrrer. you deserve M AQUARMS LEO JAMMy -F'ebkroary 18 July Z3 Aa9tad 23 Ever"m siona somediag and Tbfs Is the week at a gobert they wom a am beep your cod opparutDRy. so don't be ahald to jump and show dm slat you're mok d at the chmm. Caen If the tlrmtag nems Yaw oeolinoWnbaaa will pap off m a ba all You don'tsaat to reset a a beg any. Corry Yate lne4headed taloned chance lata: TUs weeI , ' set attaade home wah yon. Ybull mod &ride time to hell a blend with a how a for the prdkhma that crop up an bopawamer t ptmi m the hamdtmt 244k?teabes 22 liebnary 1949kttroh 20 Choone your words wisely. It wig be There's a lot rW ft an a big prwjed at Impatent to your career to think about work Take a lilt seep std show then what You'Je FW9 to any I I , yen my you ana do the wart OrtttEhe a nam IL If you re no careful. someom am to get It done, thin hwm to what the to you may got the wrong InVasmm. tam members hoe tan say. At homy, To belp claw your mind aad soil to wort to calabash some nes ratslmes for a lmg wallt alone. to gel the work done. llbr Parpasm Only QUALITY OF LIFE HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ln-Horne or Specialized Residence • Assistance with Activities of Daily Living, Provision of Health Care, Errands, Companionship Diane Gale, H.C.A., H.S.W. (905) 427-9988 1 'Customized Lifastvie AasistansE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 1998 PAGE 15 P Rouge Valley Food Market FRESH ICKEN LEG BACKS ATTACHED \69`t`-'71 KURZ -'*- w §519. IRB BE, PM $ 99 2 $6.59 /kg Le. i FLORIDA NEW CROP WHITE GRAPEFRUIT F O OQ R / DEL MOM \ CANNED VEGGIES 4 "59EAS DEPARTMENTMEAT • • • , • • • - • THE DELI CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" "AA" & "AAA" BEEF FRESH KURZ TOP SIRL IN BONE IN HAM 99 STEAKS CHICKEN KOLBOSSA $6.59/kg 6.59/k BREAST $6.59/k LB. ROASTS g g L.B. L.B.$2 SAN DANIELLE CANADA GRADE ~A" CANADA GRADE ~A" "AA~ & ~AAA~ BEEF MORTADELLA99 REGULAR BONELESS $8.80/kg GROUND RUMP L.B. BEEF x218 ROASTS $ 69 $5.93/kg PROVOLONE L.B. CHEESE $ 99 HOMEMADE •HOT OR MILD CANADA GRADE "A" "AA" & "AAA" BEEF- - --ftaw $11.00/kg ITALIAN EYE OFto L.B. 99 SAUSAGE ROUND KURD $1ROAST2 69COOKED $4 38/kg $5 93/kg CHICKEN 99 I.B. L.B. $11.00/kg 1 CANADA GRADE MADE FROM CANADA FRESH - BONELESS FRESH - ONTARIO A. AA & AAA GRADE A. AA & AAA CHICKEN PORK LB. STEW LEAN KURZ 191 BEEF GROUND BEEF BREASTS BACK RIBS REGULAR 99 69 992 $ 99 99 BOLOGINA $4.3Mg $11.00/kg $11.Mft LBLs4 LB. I.B. LB. PRODUCE DEPARTMENT GROCERY DEPARTMENT PRODUCT OF U.S.A. • X -TRA FANCY PRODUCT OFONTARIO DEL MONTE 1 LITRE SIZE RED 1JUNSIO4 PUDDING AYLMER69 .. DELICIOUS L. SIZE CUPS �,,,, UP4 APPLES 79ft4 CABBAGE $1EIL FA PRODUCT OF ONTARIO DEL MONTE -COLD- ASSORTED VARIETIES ARNEO. 1 LITRE BOTTLE LARGE - _ X -TRA COUNTRY$1 39 X -TRA SIM SWEET HARVEST VIRGIN 3 C'ptILPLO�Iw EtPINEAPPLE Ell BREAD EA OLIVE OIL 6M Kingston Rd. -j � SHEPPARD RD. S. Hours: Mon -Wed Sam -Spm; Thurs-Fri Sam-10pm ■ O Sat Sam -Spm; Sun gam-6pm a Prices in effect from opening Sun. Oct. 18th til closing Sat. Oct. 24th 2812403 2 KINGSTON RD. *We reserve the right to limit quantities* FIRST TIME EVER FAMILY S PIECE SE1 T 7` �1 i L` wjv(l smm � Mir Mr. • t ; 4' ."w 'w 1 a. I r r' "'If I "'.- I " f. � ELECTRONIC.11� �a JA CLOCK A iA j"��►'moi %�"::+ i.: � ii i. it : : i i i � � � daft r;'. -i �; ;1 . ; �"►+Ir;':j cam; "j ` - � . � _ _--."'^= � ?'� ,� .► 1 , .moi _FT TOP i • r + kle �' =-at" 6 PCE.. BEDROO.41 FIT M' .� r j ` PAY NO INTEREST TIL THE YEAR tA OR AND _ OAC ON SELECTED FURNITURE. SOME ITEMS NOT FXACTLV AS SHOWN LIMITED QUANTITIEt. A laq. p1ma. f7illppl!�Ml 21, U DRYE SHER _:'H• r-14 R CoAMM SHELF .4malt, Aim FAMOUS BRAND VCR MAZY MOVWC --ROLLERS L •T ,moi. MISSISSAUGA NORTH YORK BOROUGH! WHITBY m IF is" WAS PIED E. 1480 DUND AS ST. E 12SS FINCH AVE. W57 DJN)AStAS'&'-lCRKN�, DiXIE&DiNDAS I - KRDAIS; 3 � SO,, 1 :1 . , 111771 - 6E[KDAYS - '� i-` ' : 1_1,V ' ' I NEEKDAIS .0 SAT 9 � S,�N 1 ' 6 (905) 430-0000 (905) 803.0000 (416) 630-1777 FURNITURE APPLIANCES & ELECTRONICS 1WHOIS BETTER", N000BODY! C PAGE 18 NEWS ADVERTISERAMBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 1998 I n Welcome to BouClair, The Fabric and Decor Superstore. We've just opened our 59th BouClair, in Ajax, a 12,500 sq ft centre to service all of your do-it-yourself fashion apparel and window covering needs. For 27 years we have provided Canadians with the best value money can buy with a Fashion Fabrics Challis, Cotton flannel plaids, Printed polyester failes, Printed Koshibos, Solid polyester, Suitings, Corduroy solid & printed, Polar fleece solid & printed, Panne solid & printed 500/o off* Basic Fabricsf . PECIAL 4 DAYS ONLY! — Saturday, October 17 through Tuesday, October 20, 1998. FLU Lining, Broadcloth, Nylon Net, Interfacing, Tulle, Felt, Terry Patterns! atterns by: Butterick, Vogue, Burda, Jalie, See & Sew, Simplicity, New Look, McCalls Oceans of Notions! 500/o off" all Notions! except Henckel scissors SPECIAL 4 DAYS ONLY! - Saturday, October 17 through Tuesday, October 20, 1998. FZippers, Velcro, Thread, Buttons, Scissors, Bias Trims, Elastics, Pins and Needles, Snaps and Hooks, Knee Patches, Heat & Bond, Shoulder pads, Appliques, Ribbon, Lace, Trim by the metre, Lace collars THE FABRIC & DECOR SUPERSTORE! ' *10 280 KINGSTON RD. E. (HWY 2 EAST OF H 56 BARRIE VIEW DR., BARRIE • 5935 MAVIS RD., MISSISSAUGA • 57 NORTHVIEW BLVD., VAUGHAN • HWY. #8, STONEY CRE team of qualified BouClair Assoc�lal need. Please join us today, Saturday =i be free gift bags, free sewing videos, l Aware? You soon will be! We WA WP NEWS ADVERTISERIUXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY EDMON, OCTOBER 18, 1998 PAGE 19 C o can ail �r every question dh service every ugh Tuesdays x our Grand Opening! There will )ons and muc uch more." Are you BouClair 'S F Stock Blinds: Aluminum HOrizontah,.,WOOd Imitation, Pleated Shades, P.V.C. Verticals, Fabric Verticals, Roller. Shades"5 �. custom Shade-O-Matic Sot -R Hunter Dou9W Frontier.�e�rri�or� Y Blinds.= a P.V.C. Fabric Verticals, Aluminum Roller Shades, Luminette, Duette, V.C. Verticals, Aluminum Horizontals, Horizontals, Wood Blinds, Sun Screens Vignette, Silhouette 7M.0 Horizontals V.C. Verticals, Fabric Pleated Shades, Cellular Shades, Verticals; P -!gated Shades,, Roller Shades, Shutters ... Roller Shades,_ Wood Blinds :, 500/o off all 11"" PoVeCo HW-4hon' Zontals. . SPECIAL 4 DAYS ONLY! — Saturday, October 17 through Tuesday, October 20, 1998. !� ; Dra ,pery Har Iware 500/o off* Everything! SPECIAL 4 DAYS ONLY! — Saturday, October 17 through Tuesday, October 20, 1998. Sprilligs SpecW Buys Conso knagkw Curtain Rods, Cafe Rods, Wood Poles & Accessories, Tassels, Pipings, Fringes, Wrought Iron Rods, Sconces, Traverse Rods, Drapery Hooks, Decorative Rings, Trims, Pleater tapes, Pelon, Decorative clips, Rings, Magnetic Decorative Rods, Sconces Holdbacks, Finials Velcro tracks Rods, Finials drapery Fabrics Cottons, Poly -cottons, Jacquards, Polyester prints, Tapestry, Chenille, Chintz Solids, Lace, Cafe curtains, Lining, Plastics, Vinyls 500/o off all Sheers Solids, Prints, Krinkle, Batiste, Fancy Decorative Cottons'. SPECIAL 4 DAYS ONLY! — Saturday, October 17 through Tuesday, October 20, 1998. ARWOOD* AJAX*. 905 426-5508 EK • 737 GOLF UNK RD. #3, ANCASTER **Grand Opening Sale, BouClair Ajax only. While Quantities last. *regular prices only I 0 . ,. :..�..-.-•— - . _.�,,""".N..re`..""•""' '�.^..-.-�---"•-- - - _ - 3333 - , . �... ,.. «... , .. _- - - ! AM PAGE 20 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 Five-year terms proposed to manage conservation area future Ajax joins push for Lynde Shores expansion plan A framework for a com- mittee to guide the expan- sion of the Lynde Shores Conservation Area got Whitbv council's seal of approval Monday. The proposal by Ajax Mayor Steve Parish would see a committee of eight people and one chairman created for a five-vear –term. responsible for pro- viding input on land acqui- sition and expanded man- agement plans for the en- larged conservation area as well as to assist in finding funding partnerships. Councillor Shirley Scott supported the make-up of the committee saying "it would bring everyone to- gether and they could work STI_ -1'1: PARISH Proposal would see Committee of eight established. together for the betterment of the marsh for saving it.- 2�i� Ctft (9-mrni Qestaurartt FINEST INDIAN CUISINE Dine In -Take Out -Catering —-----------------—- ' FREE DINNER + ' Buy 1 Dinner Entree At Regular Price & Receive ' ' A 2nd Entree of Equal or Lesser Value FREE. 1 (ttax. Value 610.00, Excludes Seafood Dishes 1 + and Alcoholic Beverages) 1 One Coupon Per Table With This Coupon Only. Expires Oct..31/98 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Mondn-tiaturdac 11.30-10W p.m. Sundae 12:30-9:30 p.m Lic. By L.L.B.O. 611 Kingston Rd. VV., Ajax . ®, Of the eight committee members one each will be appointed by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Region of Durham. Town of Whitby and the Town of Ajax. Four members from community environmental groups will be also ap- pointed by the Province, with one from Whitby's Save the Lynde Marsh and Ajax's Citizens for Car- ruthers. The committee members will recruit and appoint a chairman. The creation of the group is the result of a se- ries of community steering committee meetings held by Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty to implement the recommendations of the Waterfront Regenera- tion Trust. In March 1999, a report authored by the trust and commissioned by the Province, recommended expanding the conservation area — almost doubling it — by obtaining lands north throughout the Lynde Creek watershed, cast and west into Ajax. In its spring budget, the provincial government an- nounced a commitment of $20 million to purchase land for preservation of the Nia3oara Escarpment. Rouge Valley and Lynde Marsh area. The proposed frame - Join Paolk linen, art international premier retailer offwmg quality, brand-name linens, domestics, and accessories, for our new store m Durham Centre Sales Associates full- & part -film Interoct with our customers, protide excellent custaner wvKe and product knowledge, while anhopahN customers needs Bring your 1-2 years experience in a professional selling emnronment, commimnent to the success of our store, energy, enthusiasm and talent to toll with us about how we can work together. We offer a sales incentive, associate dis- count, flexible scheduling and the opportu- nity for career advancement Please apply in person at our now Durham Centre store, 30-60 Kingston Rood East, Ajax, Ontario. � cwc unen C Did you know: The 'view. Adveniser is a member of the Ontario Press Council, 80 Gould St., ioronto, Ont. M5B 2M7. an independent organization that addresses reader complaints about member newspapers. work is being distributed to is expected on Oct. 22, the the various interested par- next meeting of the steer - ties and the final resolution ing committee. paged Z" uc a ?M4Jd Se GRAND OPENING of our Professionallv Decorated Sales Centre *Now Sel l ino, 1 & ? Bedroom Bungalows •.attached Garages • Loft Options in Some Models *Central Air Conditioning E J FLTURE PHASES TO INCLUDE APARTMENT! AND RETIREMENT CARE RESIDENCE L Y N D E CREEK V I L L A tJ 6 ` A I f w■■ ■ -a- s v —4 Sale Centre Hours: Mon. - Ihurs 1I am to � pm Friday by apptnntment r..na. Sat. to Sun. 1 pm to 5 pm Exclusive Agent w nny Carol Robson Real Estate Ltd. 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THE w laaE EwwTiiEHr • •°"i i•,""� "°°" Ybe Troth About Health And 'lutrit )tarn N h%orthaAre i PbltUfbesComltiSSO TAI#lfTt0109EMPLOYEES e Clem i n�iuR Riaher Than Aging. t-eo0-e15-5s9s (905) /W3 -46M23 `905) 404.8267 (905) 579-4400 (W5) 723-2322 Union (905j f�1.5959 • www.heaithandweaith oma cam WWW, 11C.On.CB www.woddsites.net/paimbeach www.durhamnews.net wwwAurttarnmall.c:om/crown - , www.TFMU.com e Explorers Wan ted1 l •- wwwe onlinexplorere c om A Brave New World...NOW in Durham Region brought to you b Taalwood Intern g y y et Marketing 905-576-0682 . Y +yes NEWS ADVERTISER/UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 1998 PAGE 21 C * y k a Kar{ rn" Ar _ Purchase • • r�.=.,� -_.,. , 0000, .,� *20A69 ,�;' v '' _ 1•:cars irs>apt ie2e1 . =your all-new 1999 Grand Am conies completely .::;.$MARTLEASE ' { * . rsd*slgn*d with: 2.4L Twin Cam engine, automat- .. _ w sic transmission with Enhanced Traction System, r Fd*Track stance, Next Generation dual frown 2S9 a 4 perwrowb/36 /s2,600dow��sywewt/ r ags,T rear spoilor, Fair -conditioning R �, s62oj>►^h►w 1999 Pontiac Grant 0owrr Payment Lease Payment $0 $336/meat. $2,600 ' $259/0..•. $4,000 $216/000_. Am Sedan Total Due On Signing" $1,202.95 $4,202.10 $5,762.65 ,,AMfrm stereo cassette. MT FOR DFHV ZZ } 11.11 d,.e w, signing includes down payment. freight. Ist payment plus taxes. GST, PST, gas tax and air tax. No security deposit required. PON�/�� Only from your Ontario Pontiac Dealers BIHC s You should know this: 'Based on a 36 month lease for the 1999 Grand Am Sedan 1 S equipped as described. A down payment of $2,600 required. No security GMC deposit required. Total obligation is $11,924. Annual kilometre limit: 20,000 km. $0.12 per excess kilometre. Other lease options available. 'tFreght, as indicated, licence, insurance, air conditioning excise tax and taxes are not included. Dealer trade may be necessary. Dealer may sellilease for less. See Dealer for details. m, E •tOffer applies to 1999 new or demonstrator models equipped as described and applies to qualified retail customers in Ontario (excluding Thunder Bay and �. Kenora) only. Limited time otter may not be combined or used with other offers. See your Dealer for conditions and details. www.gmcanada.com is a trademark of 44%%.0 w General Motors Corporation. ��e����.�a:•err+lsx�.r.�a�y�r�tiis�a3aa�AL��r'�ii�\x11111.6,ia��l�i'E`iTiilt'11'b�1tFB11'!'Ir!'If'�►\Y�!,1.-���rrrr•,•r�-c�•:•: : ><-: �•� ::�.6:.:•. r.::�-s•� :: •_•:.�::.•.::::: APP PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 BILLBOARD 1 11A \AL2F_ OCT 18, 1998 SUNDAY, OCT. 18 CHURCH: The Greenwood United Church holds its 136 anniversary ser- vice with morning service at I1 a.m. and an evening service of music at 7:30 p.m. featuring the Brandon fami- lv. Church is on 6th Concession just off Hwv. 7 in Greenwood. 683-6217. SAN'N'ETTES: A Savvette Reunion is being held from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Bay Ridges `Branch 606, 1555 Bayly St.. Picker- ing. Admission is $2. 683-3316, 686- 2910. 725-2045. %IONDAI', OCT. 19 HEARING LOSS: The Pickering - Ajax -Whitby Branch of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association holds a support and social meeting at 7 p.m. at the Ajax Kinsmen Heritage Centre, 120 Roberson Dr., Ajax. Guest speak- er is Beverly Biderman. author of Wired for Sound: A Journev Into Hearing On Cochlear Implants. 839- 6854 (Marilyn. voice), 839-0122 (Sandy, TTY). GARDENING: The Ajax Garden Club meets at 8 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, Hunt Street. The guest speaker is flower designer Carol Hill. Annual fall fair. 686-1912 (Gwen). TUESDAY, OCT. 20 PARENTS: A support group for par- ents of kids involved in drug or alco- hol abuse, running away, dropping out of school, crimes or parental abuse meets locally every Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. Call 1-800-488-5666 for loca- tion. SENIORS: The Ajax Senior Citizens' Friendship Club Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew's Seniors Centre, 46 Ex- eter Rd.. Ajax. Dennis Campbell dis- cusses The Millennium. Details to he confirmed. 619-0315 (Betty Batho). CHRISTIANS WOMEN: Today is the deadline to reserve your place at the Ajax -Pickering Christian Women's Club meeting on Oct. 22 from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. in Gallantry's Banquet Room, lower level of the Pickering Town Centre. The topic is Cake Deco- rating with Randy. $5 per person, first - timers are half price. Free babysitting provided for pre-school age children. 665-8183 (Laura). BUSINESS: The Durham Contact Business Exchange meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. every Tuesday at the Victori- an Garden Banquet Hall, corner of Hwy. 2 and Randall Dr., Ajax. It's a non-profit group for business profes- sionals. 428-6272 (Anne Perala) for reservations. HEALTH SEMINAR: A Seeds of Life seminar is being held at 7 p.m. at the Pickering Library, One The Es- planade. Topics include nutritional tips for cardiovascular health, Alzheimer's disease and aging. Admission is free. Call to register. Phone 428-6064 for more information. AGING: Seeds of Life Seminar on nutritional secrets will be held at 7 p.m. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. Topics include "cardiovascular, Alzheimer's and aging concerns. Free admission. 428-6064, 416-693-8923. a11; ome jmprove�ne�t W(,, eti�., no mum* LAasr. lmaVv peon M ml1dInq ` ii iJ:a!" IFicee 1Bseia.a�' i ib ii �o-1 9W • FULL PLUMBING SERVICE c:-.:- • _• HYDRO -JETTING - • UNDERGROUND PIPE -LOCATION • W -PIPE CAMERA INSPECTION • PUMP INSTALLATIONS i REPAIR CERnwED UCMOw MVERTIOM TESTERS a WSTY.LERS OSHAWA b AREA 905;725-2292 PT. PERRY/UXBRIDGE t 905) 985-0084 AJAXIPICKERING :905) 619-1748 ` UTCHM See Our kitchens 0 W www.binns.net Largest AuthorizecrL+y%,4 Consumers Gas Dealer in Durham �" Sen► ng' am _ ! Re ion for over 65 e� (905) 725-3581 'Y2 44 Laenons ) SERVE Y01 :I=1:I011/•1119[• rutyul, Affordable Custom -Desi Order by Nov 15th Hot Tub Outlet From $2,990.00 1-800-552-5854 INDO"11181 DOOR$ SUNROOMS Come Visit our Showroom WHITBY MALL 8 THICKSON 8 DUNDAS ` 905 720-1818 -1:/,lei =11111 0I0I01 Garage Doors S Openers • Residential • Commercial • Sales • Service • Installations ACM Windows & Doors 205 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Drycon Building Services 905-619-1703 s your business lmmkW In HOME IMPROVEMEIMExclusive Ad bastions and 01ratery Liss m STILL AVAILABLE! But burry - only 5 more weeks leftl l Cavil inside Sallee 57%44W or 6M7 Odalooil tlmattall.ft Par! Uxbridge : AHIS EEK he'1`t'l�?UlI�/.+� NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 PAGE 23 P :iPort &LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISER OCT. IS, I998 Pickering tennis teens among nation's PICKERING — Three Pickering tennis players fin- ished among the best at the recent Canadian National Tennis Championships. Adil Shamasdin, Jennifer Cremieux and Anna Leksins- ka, all members of the Pick- ering Recreation Complex Tennis Team under the guid- ance of coach Dave Ochotta, posted strong singles results. Shamasdin finished seventh in the under -16 bracket, while Cremieux and Leksinska ended up in the top 15 in the under -14 age group. Cremieux and Shamasdin also made it to the quarter -ft= nils with their respective partners in the doubles events. Shamasdin was in great form as he made the singles quarter -finals of the main draw in the under -16 national competition in Red Deer, Al- berta. First, he handled Lukasz Noswa of B.C. 6-4,6- 2. then blasted seventh seed Patrick Blouin of Quebec 6-2, 6-1. Against Ottawa's Thomas Gryzb, it took a tie-breaker for Shamasdin to win 6-3,7-6. Fi- nally, he put up a good fight against number -one seed Peter Richman of Ontario before losing 3-6, 3-6. Shamasdin continued with a solid victory in the feed -in event by defeating his dou- bles partner Sean Finder of Ontario 6-2, 6-3. Shamasdin went to the semi-finals where he lost to fourth seed Sanjin Sadovich of B.C. 3-6, 3-6. In the under -14 nationals played in Aurora, Cremieux FoU Game resus� to News Advertiser sports editor Al Rivett at 683-7363 ADIL SHAMASDIN Seventh at nationals started out slowly, dropping the first set to Eva Kalincin- sky of Manitoba. But, she roared back to take the match 4-6, 6-I, 6-0. In the next round, she played a strong match to defeat Ontarian Na- ANNA LEKSINSKA Top 15 at nationals talie Laszkowski 7-5, 6-1. Cremieux was knocked out of the main draw by fifth seed Elisabeth Syrova of Quebec 0-6,2-6. In the feed -in event, Cremieux defeated doubles The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on Wednesday, .f+ : 7:00 pm, October 21, 1998 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. There will be elections held on fourteen (14) Executive and Board of Director positions: President, Secretary,' V.P. Boys House League, V. P. Girls House League, Facilities, Registrar, Referee In Chef, Sponsorship, Equipment, Boys Representative, Mini Soccer, Girls Representative, Public Relations, Pronaotion& Here is your chance to get involve and make a diHerenoe to the future of your soccer club! Everyone is encourage to come out. Please plan to attend_ pc Spartans' Minor BrAmiksoda* best partner Carolina Huignard, 6- ter -finals, Leksinska injured only three games completed, 1, 5-7, 6-0. She continued on her hamstring muscle and retiring to Fort Erie's into the first quarter -finals had to leave the contest with Danielle Grenier. where she finally lost to 10th seeded Jaclyn Soltysik of ______________ Tr— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ---1_1 B.C. 0-6, 5-7. III II II Meanwhile, Leksinska 11 had a rough start in the 140 -in I kilometre -per -hour winds on the first day, bowing out to BMTHDAT PARTIES II Pascale Sevigny of Quebec 3- II (ages T and up) II 6, 1-6. Leksinska regained 11 her composure with a 64, 6- II • ROCK CLIMBING II 2 win over Kaitlyn Bang of 11 SCHOOL II New Brunswick in the first II II round of the feed -in event. II DUMIAMIS OR From there, she defeated Na- uoctt.rnstaarc csx�rses II II II talie Martin of Quebec 6-0,4- II CmH Iro: Details 6, 7-5, then went on to beat II (905) 436-9878 I� Ontario's Katarzyna Palider 5-7, 7-5.6-4. In the first quar- II _ _ LOCATED nv TEE P1C1G0=G RSR AUtJMT II LL_ ��_ _ _ _ �TRADE CYD C-0 Cn IC` Cn W REP MANAGERS MANAGER APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOUD%MING 1999 ASMBA REP TEAMS NOW BEING ACCEPTED BOYS' REP TEAMS: - Minor A Major Roobe Ball; Minor dt Major Mosquito; Minor & Major Peewee; Minor dt Major Balaam; Midget; Juveft Juni" Gff"' REP 'TEAMS: Mosquito Girls' (ages 10-12) - Bantam Girls' { ages 13-15) Junior Girls' { ages 16-21) ALL MANAGERS -MUST HAVE COACHES LEVEL ONE UNareslsd parties who are contrnitled b ti» devskopnterlt of all selected Phase ber 27.1M &�yar�d ooedrrq — ONLY an or � r a send b: Ap BASEBALL P.O.BOX 31,AJAX,ONT. L183C? ATT: REP CONVENOR Select Managers Applications Also Being Accepted From MINOR MOSQUITO TO 11r M ET Until Jan. 15 —1999 Our Best Offers of the Season! i� Save $120 Installed WeatherBeater Vinyl Replacement Windows _ eve 4. 10% Installed 34 -year Shingles, plus Free Save 550-100 Installed Kenmore' Gas Furnaces Save 10% Installed Roof Vents Saye 5M Steel Entry sate prices end Sunday' Y November 1, 19% Installed Gas Door Systems Fireplace Inserts or Vinyl Patio Doors we yufll' $m Cmd aW Don't pay until October '99 au bddbd ielft airflows, aft pEio dowl ,iiuuao 1 and psileplooe It On approved Credit. * Mt yotr sears cad. Min nm $200 purdrese. $35 deferral and al WpbW* taws ad drarpes am payable at time of wdrase. Offer ends Sunday. October 25,1998. Ask for details. Cal =% Id free, for a free b 4Wm III*=& or vid yar Sears Ibi done 1=800=4;MY=H0E` RS HouieCeiitral*m - cal 24 bows a day, 7 days a week PmdKb acid Services from the Compaq You TnistTm Sde Moes aW beans after t>trii Smit October 25,1998, to ba otllerttlise shoed CowVt 1998. Sears Canada Inc. 10327 P PAGE 24 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, October 1a, 1998 Novice Raiders Ajax -Pickering `AAA'atoms handily defeated in league action Emiss repeating as x ress runs over atomRai"ders p g tourney champs The Ajax -Pickering Raiders IBEW Local 353 major novice 'AAA' rep hockey team fell short of defending its championship at the Markham Waxers Thanksgiving Tournament last weekend. A repeat of last year's title was not to be as the Raiders were upended in the semi-finals by a strong North York Canadians squad 6-2. Alexander Cyr and Louie 1`1artone scored the Ajax -Pickering goals. assisted by Shaun Adams, Daniel Pineau, James Janis and Cyr. Goalie Jere- my Eckford was named the game's most valuable play- er for his efforts. The Raiders lost 5-1 to the North York Canadians in the opening game of the tourne}. Brendan Hann scored the lone goal for the IBEVA' Raiders, assisted by Cyr and Derck Gregorack. Eckford played a good ams in net despite the loss. The Ajax -Pickering team came alive in the sec- ond game, shooting down Men's hoops loop needs Shooters the Windsor Jr. Spitfires 9- 0. Mike McCusker led the way with four goals, Hann potted a hat trick, Grego - rack and Cameron Holding netted one apiece. Holding earned three assists. Mar- cus Carroll, Pineau and Gregorack each had two helpers, Hann, Martone. Adams and Johnny Pater- son added one apiece. De- fencemen Michael Carey and Garrett Trainor were a force on the blue line. Eck - ford earned the shutout. The IBEW Raiders earned a berth in the semi- finals by blowing past the Mississauga Reps 6-0. Car- roll. Cyr, Gregorack. Hann, Holding and Paterson scored single markers. Adams, Cyr, Hann. Hold- ing. Martonc, Paterson and Pincau contributed one as- sist apiece. Eckford notched his second shutout of the tourney. The /BEV`' novices are coached by Jim Gatens, as- sisted by Randy Johnston and Chris Cyr. The trainer is Ed McCusker and the manager is Blanche Carey. AJAX — The Durham Shooters men's basketball league will host an open house on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at Pickering High School at 8:30 p.m. for anvone interested in joining this year. The established men's hoops loop is for those aged 18 years and older. Call Ed at 427-1216. +/HERO Halloween 7` Costumes at �� Great Prices!'J1,6 Hunting ClothesJ�.1, Sale Now On! Public Forum New Insulin Treatment for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Better FModbility and Convenience ✓ Betler Blood Glucose ConM ✓ Less Hypoglycemia Wednesday, October 21,1996 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the MK Commoft Sponsored by On Cansdien Dibelse Assodabon Opportunity to find out about: 1 Free New ImAin Samples, Free krAAn Pen & Free Glucometer Elite Door Prizes, Snacks, kMornudon Tablas ,Exciting Speakers "•Space Is L lmhed - Come Early*" . Sponsored by a Pte, Mal and gayer The Ajax -Pickering Raiders atom 'AAA' rep hockey team was run over by the York-Simcoe Express 7-2 in Eastern Ontario league action Wednesday. Ajax -Pickering trailed the Express by one goal in the second period before the floodgates opened and York- Simcoe scored five unan- swered goals. The Raiders notched one more meaning- less marker of their own with 35 seconds remaining in the game. The game also produced the first fighting majors and misconducts since body checking has been allowed &TO h It THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 Protec 3000 construction package l5 upgrade worth $499 ~ � Cover lift system worth $299 no h Powersmart Cover upgrade w'rt�h ��no � Upgrade Vinyl step worth $79 ftEAWAY HOURS Du,z-c. q_ �. POOLS - BILLIARDS - HOT TUBS 25 HERITAGE RD- 1 NORTH of HWY. 7 AT McCOWAN. MARKHAM a NOTICE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THE DURHAM REGION LOCAL TRAINING BOARD Tuesday, October 20, 1998 7:00 p.m. Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby GUEST SPEAKER: THEME: Dr. David Livingstone "Lifelong Learning" at the atom level. A total of 46 minutes in penalties were assessed in the contest. Joey Assenza and Ryan Carey scored for the Raiders, with assists to Carey, Adam Bell, Kyle We - tering and Derek Gray. WHO ARE YOU 5KIING WITH THI5 YEA R.9 a s Northstar *ski some of the finest is going to resorts in Ontario Banff as well as Quebec' and you can •social events* .oin us. •adult day & Call weekend trips' for 'ad u It details. mid-weekprogram• 'ski demos • OPEN HOUSE A INFORMATION NIGHT Tue3. Oct. 20, 95. Pickering Recreation Complex Main Lobby. Valley Farm Rd. 5., Pickering, 7-9 Pm FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN JOIN NORTHSTAR: (www.spanit.com/~northstar) or call John Martin 430.8878 OR 1.800.267.6204 VOf NORTH5TA . SKI CLUB LET'S MAKE WINTER FUN AGAIN!!! NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 PAGE 25 P Ahelping hand for the /rail and elderly Hospice Durham volunteers just keep on giving BY .SHAWN SIMPSON SPec•iul to the News Advertiser Surrounded by loved ones, her only child and two Hospice Durham volun- iccrs, Agnes Owen lies propped up in a hospital bed in her own living' room rcntiniscing about old times. The 74 -year-old, diagnosed with lung* cancer in 1996 and now confined her bed, is strategically positioned, so ,hc can sec her antique furniture, fami- !.. treasures scattered throughout the oni. the television, and the beautiful -isterly view from her 12th floor Os- .iwa apartment. "They're so good to me;" says Ncssic;' the name she prefers to he idled, of the two Hospice Durham vol- mtccrs who routinely drop by. "Debbie sought me. what do you call them — rearn puffs — Boston cream dough- 'uts. 'Chat was heaven. I don't think I .,ant to lire them, Tommy;' she says to pier son sitting nearby. Nessic is one of dozens of clients the :iot-liar-prolit volunteer organization ,k:rvcs. By providing in-home support to ndividuals and families dealing with ife-threatening illness, Hospice Durham's goal is to help patients live he remainder of their lives as fully as aossible. The I(X)-plus volunteers might, depending on the client's needs, end to light housework, run errands, or .imply sit by them, hand -*m -hand, lend - .ng support and comfort. "Nessic is my second client, or should I say friend;" says Anne Clark. full-time employee at Glazier Medical Centre and Hospice volunteer for the past year. "She's more of a friend." Recently all eyes were on Hospice Durham as 12 of its volunteers were ho- noured by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario for their selfless commitment ind tireless latxur of love in guiding ; ople through times of crisis. And all -*yes will again be on Hospice Durham luring Hospice Awareness Week, Oct. 2 to 18. Nessic turns back to Ms. Clark and i)ebbie Hickey, former nurse and five - ,,car Hospice volunteer veteran. "If' 1 fall asleep they just hold my hand:' Nessic says affectionately. "We We wish to &&w y*w allention todo Ibl n e 9 M OV W"Wit "% Bat shale Pow"- F,4w.. Page 8 - Mitre Saw, 57-5667-0. This mitre saw vA not snake compound and bevel exits as stated in the Ayer. �8WW*MVWaW - - , - - , , c - I Dyke aury Ito W CaMd you. crtole dMI play cards. Rummy; sometimes I beat her (Debbie), sometimes she beats me and sometimes, I fall asleep on her." The obvious love shared be- tween Ncssic and the two Hospice volunteers isn't by accident; in fact, it's very much by design. Hospice Durham prides itself on matching clients with volunteers who share similar interests and personalities. Both Ms. Hickey and Ms. Clark seem quite cornf niahlc en- gaging in good-natured hanter with Ncssic, whether discussing the stock market — one of Ncssic's favourite topics — art. politics, cottage lilt, or simply talking about Rummy strategies. "I helieve that is what makes the magic happen:' says Kathryn Roberts, volunteer co-ordinator for Hospice Durharn and the per- son responsible for matching clients with the volunteers. "Ac try to weave a common thread be- tween the two individuals:' As first contact with the client, Ms. Roberts' primary responsibil- ity is to determine which volun- teer would hest mesh with that person by chatting and observing their surroundings. Family keep- sakes and decor are often a telltale sign of their likes, dislikes and taste. And, it's a knack that Ms. Roberts is adept at; she often knows shortly after arriving at the person's home which volunteer will be the lucky candidate recom- mended to visit the new client. "We were strangers to the Owen family but they allowed us to share in it very personal and pri- vate way Nessie's journey.- says Ms. Roberts. •' Chat's a real privi- Icgc." Although Hospice Durham is an independent organization, it often works alongside other groups to full -ill every aspect of a client's needs. In the case of Nessie, Hospice Durham works closely with Durham Access to Care, the '-Captain of the ship;' co-ordinating the services, and the Durham Region Community Care Association, which provides transportation, friendly visits and home maintenance. "It was a team approach that allowed Nessie to stay in her home:" she says. "Yes, it was a real team effort" Anyone who would like to learn more about Hospice Durham and its services, make a donation or volunteer their time can reach them at (905) 435-5242. RON Plh_TRUNIRO/ Ne c A& eraser photo Ontario Lieutenant -Governor Hilary Weston (right) was in Durham lust month to recot;ni:.e volunteer efforts of these at Hos- pice Durham. Here, hospice s•nlunteer Judv O'Donnell ure•epts her award and eon if ratcticttions front the hecctenant governor. Keeping tuned up on technology at Canadian Classic Auto Cars and trucks are not simple machines. Today they're _ high tech. Computers operate ��-t,'._ �� • �? virtually all of the systems u> the =< Qn day of the backyard mechanic is over. If you drive a late model car, you have no choice but to take it to a well trained technician who keeps up on the latest changes in technology. (�Kt1stE Don't be fooled by the AU(!k +' X name Canadian Classic Auto. stnst Y r While owner Rick Patterson has ar�" v y� # passion for the muscle cars of the 60s and 70s, he's more than qual- ified to fix your vehicle, regard- Canadian Classic Auto is (located at 896 Brock Rd. S. less of its age or country of origin. Unit 2 in Pickering. From domestics to imports, his shop located at 8% Brock Rd. training Programs to keep his prevent expensive repairs is reg - S. Unit 2 in Pickering, has the lat- knowledge up-to-date. ular maintenance with the same est equipment to troubleshoot "The biggest change in mechanic," says Rick. "That way your problem and the competi- vehicles in the last 10 years has I get to know your vehicle and tive rates to make it affordable. been the use of computers," he your driving habits." Previously at 2 Guys explains. "You simply can't fix a Look for Canadian Classic Automotive on Bayly St. Rick vehicle if you don't have the lat- Auto to be an emission testing and partner Gina Parlee invite all est information" centre in the near future. New of his previous customers to visit Aside from his expertise, regulations regarding emission the new location. Rick knows people must trust the levels come into effect next year "I do everything here," Person who works on their car. and to keep your car on the road says Rick. "Brakes, tune-ups, That's why he explains you'll have to keep it in top shape alignments, engines, transmis- everything that will be done and to pass the test. sions and more." never does anything unneces- For more information With more than 20 years sary. about Canadian Classic Auto call experience he's always attending "Of course the best way to (905) 837-0705. front Broke Reline $69.95 We supply 8 install front brake pods, inspection b of broke hydraulic system, steering n age, shocks a struts, broke light system, 6 top up master cylinder broke fluid, rood test (ydid on most cors a 60 trucks) 831-0705 "6 Brock ?A UM2 THREE BEARS Auto BODY VW OF AMX'S LARC&" AFRO BODY i COLUSON SHOW _ !h! aM/IMII Ae ' 1• :$ we P" the GST S PST 1 r off eo *6 t@ Bohr B Paitnt Wwk r for the td- n " of October! n I Or well pay your deduel'ble up to SM! (with this ed) t n OWW moat be FVSWWd pnor to wak cent' started I Some rests coons apply Ask for details. Free fEstinaies: UNIT #208,282 MONARCH AVE., AJAX (905) 619-2327 J C PAIGE 26 NEWS ADVERTISERNXBRIDGETRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 1998 "e,"� Gist" S'T'RIP LOIN STEAKS 11.00 kg :•c c -AP ��EW EA 2�V V 11 WLE VA(' PA(' 1034 ksAML8 Lg• , 99 WRATQM.'` aV.E'x .' JP 3ANC COD FISH AKg _Bll COTTAGE ilius 1, STEAKSe •,11 1: MALA; • SHOULDER ARM • BLADE VEAlL PURE PORK SAUSAGE 500 a TRAY PAC FRENCH FRIESI( 9 9 LIPTON S ELL'S (IMMEN tido°� 10997)(P�eMk A3 49ti0 GPO mL JAR EA 2.18 SSMfFM E BACON AWF SOO 9r VAC PAC 3 PKG. LIA[T p>rr� • PKG. f" x SUCW"ka&W Ls•I LIM k9Cj �. V V� . F.A • agMOWN C SOUPS OEw M091/Ri Q NOY�li M-clo"orm MOWN � LEGEND • GHT EIDESSERTS q PAF h A • t- CREAMED ism iw NOO/SM rz,-. E&79 . HOT tnry +o, CHOCOLATE PKG. OF 10 ENVELOPES � •14 L vvlw- 19>MT �� 91� 4loci CASE OF 12 z lM niE TINS « T �p�//�� 4� tsO«sr DEa w166Qwn IK -OrArf/� �a MNAt/M�1w ._ E EA �� Op%E MWE ItALL - G— RC 5— LVW "E51 W Rp 6� • �� A Z12 U«FOOWME AVt �� - �� l� 7T3 �� 04M -qpw CAALAW AWE d r d a t W a� • d ��� - al D— S. W %- wpm C«ERRY sT s ow GEMMM EJ. tO+O E FOOD TERM/NAL" r1WWRICES • , - DIRECTFECT FROM SUNDAY. OCTOBER 18 IIIA �1TIIRMY OCTORFR 71 1998 • OuvO • FUDGEE-0 10() g MG. F:A• ==7 v TSE A.NVT•tiIA DI h FBF it�AWEtF RRv T3C7TTT:Tt 2 COOKIES RONDS +, -AFP 0 1(_; PKG F A 0 -CED00 NOODLE TOMATO #17EGE14BLE •CREAM OF MLTSMOOM 10 n. oz TIN . F.A • C SOUPS 9 • 7'C'R7'I.B'('OFFEE ('RISP •SMARTDS Y 1. 'rUR � LEGEND • GHT EIDESSERTS q PAF h A • t- CREAMED ism SHOO gONEY POTATO CHWS E&79 . HOT CHOCOLATE PKG. OF 10 ENVELOPES � •14 L BEER 4loci CASE OF 12 z lM niE TINS • DENTAL CARE 90,120 mL'11 MS DEa w166Qwn IK isoft ov EA jS3HmAVE CREAM al 7w lAg- Tw 200 FA. NOYRi NWr z NO�/Ri •� ' �� M�� Q M09U�lf AMM/ z IIM/Y X01 9>O/fl-� OBNF NORt« � 111NY 1 �_ F WE �'Z= SYCOE �. RRsON MW) �f �- � RROCK RD i _ «« patWr �� 0 6 NEWS ADVERTISERAJXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER IS, IM PAGE 27 C NO CENTRE CHOPS REMOVED :.$o< 0- WHOLE OR HALF TENDERLOIN END OR RIB END -qVD LOIN OF 3.28 kg RK lqrloljrl OF 'NTAP' , PR DUCT OF CANADA r-"ItIm BUTT FIEVIOUSLY rPOZEN PULL 1,zTR1P ARK SIDE 4 39 kg LB 3,73 kg is HOULDER STEAKS S io" `09Uc' OA�M 'q��A )A�A-_ 'H' A 5"A'j' Z" ,LCMCKENWNGS3.69�9 �'F co, i FAD I CTWF-jP �Ki L FETA CHEESE KAUMATA 0 M -IS R�, RF f) 1 K , 11 12119 - iES F_ 6 59 kg 13 2,'� . -,T FA 9 13 "'-7 ,-c)rjt 4 ffte _4!7ear.¢as­ -RED -WHITE GRAPEFRUI] SIZE 56s SELECT YOUR OWN (.25 EA-) IKIWI -FRUIT L491 J3 77 7.1O15T1b.1, t 1 VOR TO ""'i"' MUSHROOMS 3.99 MUSHROOMS 1,99 • VNil HAS PASTA REALE..t *I.B. RAG I-, LIMITj *MARIATEA BISCUITS 900 R()X 1 r� EA.199 RE A, FA; HUMAN TFA-S 8Q JIIAD�VJ'N�GER BISCUITS ,89 _/%. BISCuir. 4 PKI-, EA '5, , PKG 3f 99" Is F 0 R 1 .49 .MUSH`FRfSROOMS MIMI' 1)RY DOG FOOD S kg ILM; 419t SIMPLICIIII Ctl� PIN( PET CAT 1.11-rER F0013 ; 3.4 -'. FA 04 SPRINGTIME PLUS FABRIC SOFTENER 1:ifJ�F.5 1, Ju(; a An MUSCAT GRAPIES FILL YOUR OW -N BAG '�2.18kg w CHESTNUTS 19 9.10 PUMP S ALL SIZES sEI.E(-F'r'()L_R0N%'N4' F.,% • BUTTE�R"NUT• BUTTERCUP PEPPER -_ PIE PUMPKIN SODA SH "'saq, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO , CANADA 91 1 mi PROM ONTARIO GREET SEEDLESS SEI.E(-r VA- P PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 The 'refirst., .v These ,graduating students from Durham College's Purser Training Program arc' the first since the course is -as introduced cit the ft' Its ba-a-a-a-ck! Smelly water returns to Durham Region That mustN odour and taste that af- fected our water supply in August is back. "We've seen another bit of lake turnover;" said Ron Motum, technical F4pport supervisor for Durham Re- gion. Sporadic bouts of earthy or musty - tasting and smelling water are being reported along Lake Ontario from Newcastle to Pickering, he said. Tpronto, particularly Scarborough, has also noticed problems, he added. The lake temperature, which had fallen to 7 or 8 degrees Celsius, has now risen to 14 to 16 degrees, Mr. Motum said. This has led to decompo- sition of algae, which is causing the odour and taste problems. rt In August, hotter than usual water temperatures led to a build-up of algae in the lake and scores of complaints about foul -tasting and -smelling water. Mr. Motum said the problem was ex- p Scted to occur again and it has. The water is safe to drink but it's suggested water be refrigerated to help get rid of the odour. 14ALTF_R PASSARELLA/ News Advertiser photo college. Durham College is operating the progrant in conjunction with Roval Cciribbean Travel. Decorate a cake with Christian Women PICKERING --This coming Tues- dav is the deadline to reserve your place at the Ajax -Pickering Christian `k'onicn's Club meeting on Thursday, Ort. 22. The group meets from 9:30 to 1 1:15 a.m. in Gallantrti's Banquet Room, lower level of the Pickering Town Cen- tre. The topic is Cake Decorating with Randy. Cost is $5 per person, and half- price for first -timers. Free babysitting is provided for pre- school age children. Call 665-8183 (L.aura). PICKERING KINSMEN Santa Claus Parade NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES Corporate and Community Entries Welcome PARADE DATE: SAT. NOV. 14, 1998 Theme: A Christmas ToF" ENTRYFORNSAT Guest Services, L r L Level. Pickering Town Centre Remember,,Recreation Complex,Pickering Loeb. Glendale y• SERVING THE COMMUNITY'S GREATEST NEED &l Ail The Pickering Library is hosting a Seeds of Life s e m i n a r Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. at One The Es- planade. Top- ics include nu- tritional tips for cardiovas- cular health, Alzheimer's disease and aging. Admission is free. Call 428-6064to register for the seminar. P PAGE 29 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, October 18, 1998 Community groups need people just like you an you he P others in Pi'ockering BLOCK PARENTS PRO- GRAM: Being a Block Parent is easy and rewarding. Display the Block Parent sign only when it is convenient to answer your door. Your only responsibility is to link the person in need of assistance with the proper authorities. For more information about the pro - grain please call in Mike Carter in Ajax at 427-0821 or Sandra Arm- strong in Pickering at 831-0878. CHILDREN'S All) SOCIETY OF DURHAM REGION: Vol- untccrs needed to act as special friends to children and parents, to supervise family access visits, to help with special events and to su- pervise our children's playroom. For more information please call Susan Kucharski (905) 433-1553, cxt. 2311 (mornings only). CHRISTIAN HORIZONS: Re- quires caring and dedicated peo- ple to assist and support develop- mentally challenged young and older adults within group homes and in the community. Individuals seeking a very rewarding and ful- filling experience along with meeting some great new friends please call Dave Carleton at (905 649-5715 Monday -Friday be- tween 1-4 p.m. Calling all call centre bosses College course targets managers, supervisors Durham College is offering a new call centre management program this fall at its Skills Training Centre in Whitby. The program, beginning in No- vember, is designed for current call centre managers and supervisors as well as those who want to move into management positions. The Call Centre Management Certificate Program consists of eight course components. Topics covered as part of the pro- gram include such things as call cen- tre technology, establishing call cen- tre performance measures, call cen- tre monitoring and reporting, coach- ing and counselling, human rela- tions, human resources selection, communications and management for results. Participants can earn a college certificate by completing all eight courses or can take part in only the courses which are relevant to their jobs. The first course — call centre technology — runs Nov. 16, 17 and 18. Cost is $750. For more information or to regis- ter call 721-3340 or 1-800-816- 3615. COPE MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM: Is seeking volun- teers to assist people with emo- tional/psychiatric problems either on a one-on-onc basis or in group programs. Training is provided. Please call Christine or Sheri at (905) 686-3248. CROHN'S AND COLITIS FOUNDATION OF CANADA: hhe Oshawa chapter is looking for volunteers to help with an up- coming special event, the Hecl 'n' Whecl-a-Than. Different volun- teer opportunities are available. Please call Sylvia at (416) 920- 5035 or I -8(X)-387-1479 ext. 18. DURHAM ASSOCIATION FOR FAMILY RESPITE SER- VICES: Enthusiastic volunteers interested in sharing a few hours per month with a child, teen or adult with a handicap are needed. Join them in leisure activities or provide respite in your own home. Contact Valerie Ford at (905 ) 427- 3541 for more information. DURHAM SUPERVISED AC- CESS PROGRAM: A YMCA program where children of di- vorced or separated parents visit with their non-custodial parent in a safe and supervised setting. Re- ferrals are from the court or other professionals assisting the family. Volunteers age 18 or over are needed to supervise the visits. This is group supervision, there- fore volunteers are with other vol- unteers and other visiting fami- lies. The volunteer takes observa- tional notes while the visit is in progress. The notes may he or- dered for court purposes. Volun- teers should have some experi- ence working with children. Training is provided. The Picker- ing location operates every Satur- day and the Oshawa location every Sunday (hath during day time). Oshawa also has visits Tuesday evenings. Call (905) 839-3845, ext. 305 for informa- tion. HEART AND STROKE FOUN- DATION OF ONTARIO: Local chapter requires volunteers to help raise funds for heart disease and stroke research and health promotion activities. Volunteer opportunities are arranged to fit your lifestyle and availability. Call (905) 686-1521 for more de- tails. HEARTH PLACE CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE: Is looking for reception ,uiuntcers, group facilitators. Caregiver Group fa- cilitators. committee members and Peer Support volunteers who have been in remission from their cancer for at least one year. If you would like to join a dedicated team of volunteers whose mission is to care for each other as we live with cancer, please call 579-4833 for an interview. HOST PROGRAM: Volunteers arc hcing sought for Citizenship and Immigration Canada's Host Program — a friendship program to help new immigrants settle and integrate into the community quickly. For details contact Mah- mood at (905) 686-2661. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF DURHAM REGION: Volunteers help the )ouch of the community develop an awareness of how a business operates from the ground up. Training and support is pro- vided. Call Donna at (905) 64.1- 7058. KIDS ON THF: BLOCK: Volun- teers learn to operated lite -sized puppets and perform small plays in elementary schools in Durham to provide support and encourage- ment to students with disabilities. Call Suzanne at (905) -126-0925 or Katherine at (905) 665-56SO) KINARK CHILD AND FAMI- LY SERVICES: Share your par- enting skills and experiences with other parents needing support. Training and supervision will he provided to assist you in making the difference for a family. Or spend some leisure time with a special needs child, develop hob- bies and interest the two of you can share. Call Wendv Swinden at (905) 433-0386 ext. 308. MEALS -ON -"'HEELS: Co%- munity Caren registering volun- teers who can deliver Meals on Whcels over the lunch hour to se- niors and disabled adults. Plcase call Traci at 686-3331 for more information. ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES: Volunteers are required to assist with special events and bingo. All volunteers receive ex- cellent training, flexible hours and a great opportunity to help physically -disabled adults. For more information contact Denise Harding at (905) 434-5280 STENN'ART GROUP HOMES: Volunteer needed to hefnend an 18 -scar -old female with special needs. Candidate should have: a car. Please call ) 905) 6N6-11 11 and ask for Sandra. Durham Windows and Doors brings showroom to vour door DURHAM r� ar,.�Dovvs & DoORS 579-22212 ,1\ "ORLE SHnWRfY1n a& Wayne Hutchison brings to the replacement window and door business a new and long overdue feature. It's a Mobile Showroom which just may be the only one in Canada. "The day is gone when you carried some brochures and a sam- ple window to a customer's home," explains Wayne. "So 1 obtained a retired North York Mobile Library truck and installed interior walls along with all of my window samples." When you call Durham Windows and Doors for a free esti- mate, Wayne will show up at your door with his Mobile Showroom which you'll enter by way of a sliding patio door. Inside, displayed on the walls, are the Tech Weld 2000 series of vinyl windows which you're free to operate and you'll you'll find his display of Top 00 - Quality Vinyl Windows. discover the many special features including how they can be cleaned without going outside. "After being in this business for 18 years, I can honestly say these are the forest windows on the market," says Wayne. "They're triple sealed to reduce air leakage and come with heavy duty hard- ware." If you desire, you can choose the Low E Glass which fil- ters out the ultraviolet rays keep- ing your home cooler in the sum- mer and eliminate fading of your curtains, drapes and furniture. All of the windows come with a lifetime warranty and a 10 - year guarantee on the installation. Wayne would also like his customers to know that he does all of the estimates personally, elimi- nating the cost of a salesperson. Durham Windows and Doors also does all of its own installations, which ensures that every customer gets a high quality job done at the best possible price. Durham Windows and Doors is located at 6% King St. W. in Oshawa. For more information call (905)579-2222 ort -888-576-8575. DCRH M WItiDOWS & DOORS CASEMENT 1$88-571-8575 .DC-181HUNGE Ccrr:.we ;r,e,_. :- TILT-AC'iON V��++YyI WmOo,rs S Door$ P,CTURE WINDOWS BAY 6 BOW WINDOWS %SJRANCE CLAIMS • vA7!0 DOORS STORM DOORS • %EW CONSTRUCTION NINDOWS WAYNEM BI SHOWROOM HUTCHINSON . SALES. SERVICE t INSTALLATION , "'1 3 IwM ST9-2222 GUNTHER "'`-CONTRACTING LTW. • Competitive Rates • 'Experienced Tradesman" • Additions • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Decks • Vinyl Replacement Windows kr Call Gunther CALL FDR FREE AUDIO CASUM "MAKE YOUR DREAM BATHROOM COST FREE" Left, Wayne >-__ _ _-. Hutchison will bring his Mobile .� Showroom to your home. At right, inside9 ':. — I_ y, "� A� ' you'll find his display of Top 00 - Quality Vinyl Windows. discover the many special features including how they can be cleaned without going outside. "After being in this business for 18 years, I can honestly say these are the forest windows on the market," says Wayne. "They're triple sealed to reduce air leakage and come with heavy duty hard- ware." If you desire, you can choose the Low E Glass which fil- ters out the ultraviolet rays keep- ing your home cooler in the sum- mer and eliminate fading of your curtains, drapes and furniture. All of the windows come with a lifetime warranty and a 10 - year guarantee on the installation. Wayne would also like his customers to know that he does all of the estimates personally, elimi- nating the cost of a salesperson. Durham Windows and Doors also does all of its own installations, which ensures that every customer gets a high quality job done at the best possible price. Durham Windows and Doors is located at 6% King St. W. in Oshawa. For more information call (905)579-2222 ort -888-576-8575. DCRH M WItiDOWS & DOORS CASEMENT 1$88-571-8575 .DC-181HUNGE Ccrr:.we ;r,e,_. :- TILT-AC'iON V��++YyI WmOo,rs S Door$ P,CTURE WINDOWS BAY 6 BOW WINDOWS %SJRANCE CLAIMS • vA7!0 DOORS STORM DOORS • %EW CONSTRUCTION NINDOWS WAYNEM BI SHOWROOM HUTCHINSON . SALES. SERVICE t INSTALLATION , "'1 3 IwM ST9-2222 GUNTHER "'`-CONTRACTING LTW. • Competitive Rates • 'Experienced Tradesman" • Additions • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Decks • Vinyl Replacement Windows kr Call Gunther CALL FDR FREE AUDIO CASUM "MAKE YOUR DREAM BATHROOM COST FREE" '3C PAGE 30 NEWS AOVERTISEF;lUXBRII>iGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY EbIT10N, OCT�ibEb 18,1998 l+ by V1,,r, -•�C,. rr. t 41 Z, 1U a W. 6' 1 r u ,ca+, .3 J Cord IrCn with benMit Cust+_ m • T`.r,s'er. c Cal `-I et aot Appt)r In person to ' 5172d-5454 It 's Autc�tk'4:i'West. QshaTHE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE CLASS AJAX PICKERING NEws ADVERTISER 5'h L� IFIE lax LSCA driFr hCensril t• Irte sr+" -alt tied .v1•r 2 AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE 130 Colllmdol Ave, Ajax 1822 Whites Rd„ Fdteriog (Sit lee • Aloka Mme 24 Toronto St. Nortk, Uxbridge Hours: Mon. -Fri.: 9:00 am -5:•00 pm Hours: Tues.4rir:10.00 am -8:00 pm Hours: Mon.4d.: 8:30 am -5:00 pm Closed Saturday Sun» Noon t8 5.00 pmr Closed Mon. 24 -Hour Fax: (905) 852-4355 1! Our phone lines are open Mon. to Fri. til 8:00 pm. Sat. 9:30 to 3:00 pm l Iia' Cell �yr•t5. %.v/11111Yel1,11119luveseat. rocker Q table Asking s' '"1 -06Cit SNP Afticl To Place Your Ad Call: w "" Uxbridge: 852-9 741 uSL Port Perry: 985-251 ,. rue tt. rlt�que C< It tvJ v.31J+e r - Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 24 -Hour Fax: (905) 5794218 Classified Online. Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internet at: hftpl/www.durhamnews.net E-mail: compose 0 durham.net 11 Careers I I Careers I I Careers I I Careers 11 Careers 10 General Help 10 General Help 1 General Help 1 General Help NOW ENROLLING • Principles of Canadian Law • Legal Terminology • Civil Litigation • Family Law • Real Estate • Corporate and Commercial • Wills and Estates • WORD 97 • COREL 8 • Transcription • Interpersonal Skills • Computerized Office Procedures TORONTO • • • - PICKERING CAMPUS 420-1344 �' • Security � e� • Customer Service lb 2� • Retail Sales Call the HOTLINE 725-4786 Pickering Residents 1-800-263-0993 Funded b% the Ontario Government Massage Therapy • Animal Care Aide Esthetician • Medical Office Administrator Pharmacy Technician • Law Clerk Accounting/Business Administration Chiropractic Office Assistant Human Service Worker '`'4., Next Start Oyu Nov. 16,1998 �07BCJ 2(10 John St. NW.. end %ka fvlllllow0 rtall,O111aN;1 `,Ili "Coon 576-9175 FwaW o..i.,+,�: iwn �. rlai.x+rA•.•A�Wih h, al ,n} wu. nN1.a dl..uiry... ~industir is lookl[14 for a Customs Professional This p,,,ition rcquims •oniclmc with a I, ushtms Quaiifving Cerliticate. Current, working knowledge (if NAFTA regulations, harmonized S% -stern Classification, Customs Reiund;' Amend processes is essential. Organizational, Interpersotnal, • •tmmunicatums, and co rnputer skill, are lso required. This potsitum is lot-ated in �yhItbv. If Interested, F� lease send -esume as sown as po,sibh, to File # 233, Oshawa This Wtt•k, tit+= Farewell St , Oshawa, LI f 1 -1.; THE TRIBUNE requireti Ne%vspaper Carriers to deliver pa}}-)ers thvice weekly in the fo lowing areas: • Second Avencic• • Third Aven tit, North • Fyarn Place J 1�'il/is Place Call Debbie 1-905-852-9741 1 :weer -•aming "I. =areer Training -1._ --areer Training 11Training Mac or PC gZA& Web Site Design A.&%-,.� .. cAW Digital Media Design rr4""lP-"rR- 4-1960 DTP Electronic Graphics Pickering Scarborough 905 427-3010 North York 724-1053 4990300 NET: www.dbcc.on.ca INFO: QV staff .dbcc.on.ca Flr+rs=lsl xu0602 t may a �v�Ifuubl� to �IIpIb1� rat•addrsls It you h... rac.-d EI ,n th• pact 3 years and a'. Pr0s0ntly un.m Ployed you may Quality for training assistance , 1 t C. 1 General Help 1 General Help Eff General Help CHRISTIAN HORIZONS an E+angdice "•vIslian ur;an i- zahvn ser,mg oevtiopmenul- Iy d,sabied nldrvrduais ,s seeking pp part time and suort revel workers for programs wdtun the Durham area Re- quirementS DSW or equival- ent first aid CPR abdrty to worM from a person centered elannmg perspecllve. able to "Irk withhin self managing .vcn reams abk to produce -^ard"ier references consist- -• Wim the loo quauhrahons aro the values of Christian nonzorts and vabd drivers li- certse SUDmIt resumes to oordinator of Services and Supports 700 Burnham St Cobourg Ontano K9A4X4 We wish to thank everyone for their interest however. only those resumes deemed ap- propriate for the position Holl Dt considered Previous ap- Positions Ii • Commercial lines Producer, and • C.S.R. R.I.B.O. license; Tel globe/Tabs experien preferred. Contact Pat at Worden Insurance 1905)579-1317 great career opportunity' For- tune 500 company seeks 3 ambdious people Start part time. no experience neces- sary Whte Box 145 Alai Ont LIS 3C2. or Fax 905-683- 2426 THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center Become a nail technician career training available inartificial nails. ear candling pedicures wax- ing Student Financing avail- able Nails $20 (905)723- 8083 FRENCH speaking pre-school assistant required Pickering area 6-7 hrs iday S6 /hr to start Tel 509-51X!5 ext 107 T\\ e--- gore Be11 mcpb jri K�cu` \ Recruiting Open House Instore Focus Inc. in partnership with Bell Mobility Are you looking for sales oriented people that enjoy selling and are prepared to achieve results in the demandri competitive retail market of mobile/cellular communications. There are assignments in a variety of national retailer locations during the Christmas retail selling period. Mid November until December 31st (see list of some locations below) Come to our Open House (West) The Marriot Hotel, 901 Dixon Rd. (at Carlingview) on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, between 2pm 3 Spm. (East) The Travelodge Hotel, 55 Halicrown PI. (Victoria ParW401) on Wednesday, Oct. 21st, between fpm b Spm. M you feel qualified for this exciting opportunity and can not make it to our Open House fax or e-mail your resume with a covering letter to: Instom Focus Inc. Fax: (416) 626-2645 Attn: BM -9825 mobility@instorefocus.com Call: (416) 626-2902 (x2153) for our program information line Greater Toronto Area 'Ottawa 'London 'Niagara -Hamilton Region 'Windsor -Sarnia Region 'Kitchener -Waterloo Region *Peterborough Region 'Northern Ontario 'Trenton to Cornwall 'Montreal to Quebec City 100 IMMEDIATE POSITIONS $7.12 TO $8.00 PER HOUR JOIN THE OUANTUM TEAM AND WIN!! Work 4 weeks (160 hours) and qualify for a draw to win a Compact Disc Stereo System! We need: • Quality Control Inspectors • Stamping Machine Operators • Strong Warehouse Workers on up to too lbs) • assemblers •Pecker/Packers • Material Handlers • Solderers • Forklift Operators IS9 00-Sio 00 per hour) Bring your steel -toed safety boots. be prepared to work today. Bring void cheque or savings account Information for direct deposit. No students please! Interviews held In Pickering on Thursday. October 22, 1998 at Pickering Recreation Center (1867 valleyfarm Rd.) Call (416) 292-2282 for app't. ttt>• 1 � 1 atr, URGENTLY NEEDED Interpreters fluent in English and any one of the following languages to work in the Durham Region. Arabic, Farsi, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Tamil, Portuguese, Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Somali, and Polish. Free training provided to the right candidates. Limited seats available. Send your resume by: Fax: 416-396-4502 Entail: multi.ling@shaw.wave.ca E G FLOOR DRIYERmediately clean abstract ence, year round steady Home every night. to SWak ServieesToy Ave. Unit #3, ing Ont. Ll W 3P1 FFden orne Community Services -profit community mental ealth agency is seeking RELIEF WORKERS residential and crisis program, er hr. Must be available even - weekends. Three years com- cation/experience and access to d worthy vehicle required. ease Submit resumes to: ndas Street East, Unit #202 itby, Ontario, LIN 2H7 ants in the past six months need not apply. TELEMARKETERS REQUIRED To call Existing Database. ' Top wages paid ' Training provided Contact Peter at (905)-686-2445 (ex. 224) NEWS ADVERTISERIUXBRIDiGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 19`918 PAGE 31 C 1 General HNP 1 Gerwral HNP 1 General Help 1 General Help 1 General Help Mature individual for { Custodian duties. Shift work & Weekends until the end of r#WL IbN the season. earkCOMM tUre Please fax resumes to: Mill Run Golf & Country Club I-905-852-9271 or, Mail to: Mill Run Golf & Country Club 269 Durham Rd. #8 Uxbridge, atilt., L9P IRi COMPLETE CARE URGENTLY requires suitable applicants for the following positions: • House cleaners- residential only • Personal Support Workers for health care and child care assignments. :111 positions are part-time. Interested ,ipplicants must possess a valid drivers I1, enw and a reliable vehicle. Please fax resume to Wendy at (905)420-9517 or phone at (905)420-0095 COMPUTER CABLE INSTALLATION PERSON required by local company. Related experience an asset. Willing to train the right individual. Please fax resume to: 905-683-6078 Only those candldares se Noted for Interviews will be contacted join Pocific limen, an international premier retailer offering quality, brondnome linens, domestics, and accessories, for our new store in Durham Centre Sales Associates full- 8 part-time Interact with our customers, provide excellent customer service and product knowledge while onticipoting customers needs Bring your 1.2 years' experience in a professional selling environment, co mmitiment to the success of our store, energy, enlhusiaw and talent to talk with us about how we can work together 'We offer a soles incentive, associate dis- count, flexible scheduling and the oppor!u- nity for career advancement Please apply in person at our new Durham Centre store, 30.60 Kingston Road East, Ajax, Ontario. pAciFic unen CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. MANAGER required andidate should have: Plastics Injection Moulding experience ISO 9000 experience University degree Supervisory experience Computer skills Please mail, fax, or email resume in confidence to: Micro Precision Plastics Ltd. 71 Mearns Court, Unit 10 Elowmanville, ON L1C 4N4 Ms. Chris Lane, Human Resources Fax: (905) 697-1759 Email: micprteplonetrover.com © JET MOULDING COMPOUNDS (1996) LTD Production Supervisor Durham Region Manufacturer looking for an experienced Production Supervisor (5+ years) in unionized manufacturing environment. Must be computer literate. Strong leadership skills, mechanical skills, ISO/OS9000. Knowledge of Plastics. Reply in writing to: Attn: HR Jet Moulding Compounds (1996) Ltd. 405 Fairall Street, Ajax, ON L1 S 1 R8 Fax #: 905-683-7405 ' State Salary expectations. No Agents/Phone Calls LOCAL RECRUITING PROJECTS MECHANICAL DESIGNER Our client, a inulti-tacctcd, d}namic. leader in its field. r;yuires the sern'Ices of a superior designer. Strong Knowledge i)t the metal fabrication business. advanced CAD skills, and the ahility to interact with everyone from the shop floor to ilio boardroom are keys. Knowledge of takeoffs, estimating, .Incl costing issues arc definite assets, as is exposure to ;ir,hllectural applications. PRODUCTION PLANNER/SCHEDULER Our Scarhnrou_'h client i, carchm2 Iltr a detail ,,ti, nted Production Planner/Scheduler. A hands-on, results ,,rented attitude coupled with glass industry experience will hiehlight the candidate we seek. Familiarity with word processing. spreadsheets and scheduling software will complete the picture. iNQUIRF iN CONFIDENCE TO: Iri 1601 River Road East, Suite 12 Kitchener, Ontario N2A 3Y4 Phone (519) 894--3030 Fax: (519) 894-5196 MACHINIST/TOOL & DIE MAKER ASSISTANT A Markham company require-, mechanically inclined Candidate with 2 nears minimum experience to operate various machines including mills, drills, grinders and saws in a metal shop environment. 'Must be able to read blueprints and be familiar with measuring tools. PLEASE FAX ALL RESU.%IES TO (905) 852-2039 BETWEEN 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. (REE: MACHINIST) LAIDLA W Is accepting applications for part time SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Uxbridge area Training provided to suitable applicants Apply in person: 6775 BALDWIN ST. N•, (#12 HWY.) BROOKLIN BUSINESS and JOB OPPORTUNITIES Financing & Training Available, if Qualified 22yrs. in business in over 23 countries Send your tesurne: WORLDWIDE CANADIAN MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC. P -O. Box 639, Pickering L1V 3T3 Fax: 905-831-2832 SUPERINTENDENT COUPLES required for various locations. (Greater Toronto area). Exp. an asset but not essential. Salary, 2 bedroom apt. plus benefits. Call Janet 905-666-4829 $8.08 MINIMUM m u• oius r:entwe Moaday- -nunsday 4 9p m No cold -aping Can Monday-Fnday to book appointment. Previous :all centre experience pre- terred POW Pizn order cen- tre 720-3344 CARDINAL 4e have the Job for Yoe • FaU & Pat Base • Uve4a & Llys- oat • L"g & Short term Nunes for CMdmea Co"Wioas for tie Elderly aw Cad a fora. all"Wtmmemlt 666-2=8 w 1.900-219.605! or fax Res li 666.968! 25 Regency Cress at Whitby, Oat. L1K 7K& APPOINTMENT Beakers warded In Ajax, no selling e- volved. full and part time available Full training pro- vided. Hourty wages plus bo- nuses Positive. enthusiastic and responsible individuals only. Ideal for homemakers For Interview call Phyllis at 905-428-2010. loam-2pn & Spm -Bpm 1 General" BARBERMAIRSTYLIST wanl- ed for $450 weekty plus com- mission Call bus 905-668- 7800, home 905-668-2483 BEAUTY SALON requires li- censed assistant manager for Ajax salon Salary or com- missron/bonus/profit sharing Also pan time stylist for Oshawa and Ajax Can Cynthta (905) 426-6180 MAIDS WANTED. Experience n.cessary Must have own vehicle FulUpan time posi- tions 686-9160 CAKE DECORATOR expen- enred only Apply with re - ,I me at Bakers Table 227 910or St E . Oshawa CARPET CLEANERS needed Fill and pan lime Must nave ,,wn car Cali (9051 579-7814 CHRISTMAS HF.I.P $10.85 TO START i Iii hmc.'part ttm�', r.nning provided Call Mon. and Tues. from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 723-4920. CHRISTMAS HELP n. xday Full time or part time raifable S' 4 85 to start -aimnq is prO•nded Call "105) 723-4920 exf 211 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News • _ .. - luests that advertisers :neck their ad upon Cuolicanen as News Ad- vertlser will not be re- sponsible for more than ane Incorrect lnserti0n and there shall be no it- 3bdlty for non -Insertion ;f any advertisement .,ability for errors in ads srmded to the amount paid for the space oCCu- pying the error All copy s subject to the aporo- val of management of News Advertiser CRAFT ASSEMBLERS r ' ), , eP.'aoe P..-ong eran %Iwo, Ourer Must stare Cran •xpenence Please can 3051686-9031 DENTAL ASSRTANT Full •ma ! r a :);S" P,Ck Peng Of. • ce send resr:mes to Box #234 Do YOU'lave a good fele- : none •,," o Eam extra mon- y, part -lime morrungs and DW evemngs Hourty rate IUs bonuses Fun Oshawa ot- Ce (905)723-6900 Imme- ,4ft EARN $717. per week' As- ,ernpi y ^c'160S of home as me as 2.3 nours per ilay Amazing retarded message -dais feuds Call 416-812- 5798-88 16-812- 5798x88 ENJOY TALKING ;n me pn;;ne' ,Intel "•1hcatlonS ,..Is tall and r,a:t Gine tele- rirketmg positrons Nc pres- sure Sales involved Houny wage apo bonuses Cam Cutely (9051426-8452 EXPERIENCED combination dna Snowplow operators re- quired Tor Brock RJ Patrol Call (613)966-2022 or to re- sume to (613)966-9335 EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLISTS wanted for L Attitudes in the Oshawa Centre Salary commission Call Robert 19053723-5937 EMNIENCED Hairstylist re- gwred full and part time for IN Hie Care Centre in the Wlktby Mall khmmum 2 yrs exp Cail Nick 723-0211 or Even trigs 666-2125 EXPEIUEMCED HAIRSTYLIST acid Nil Technician full or pan time. w th some ckerltele for busy satin to Pickering SaUry plus comrnission Call 427-4110 Ask for Lnda EXPERIENCED HEAL ESTATE SECRE11MY wanted for part- time everdngS and weekends in Apx office. Fax resume to 905-s63-3300. we Psi you (tlrecey 10 assemble our Road iitertts�Eatiy WodL NO necessary. For F E dl ils send SAS Fwa StarSE% 1W41111i1ppo, PA Suia113 Picktrft Ont, LIV 693 (416)724-M GROl11NNG Sates hirum pan 1 (19," Hltllp JEF Office Help 1 citRce Help HANDS-ON GENERAL Con- tractor seeking General La- borer (S101hr) with experi- ence Also. residential con struction workers ($15-S18/ hr), own transportation, and willingness to travel a must Fax resume during business hours to 905-852-9464 HOUSEKEE PERS/Cuslod has with floor maintenance ex- penence wanted. $8 per hour to start Please fax resumes to 905-721-3200 No phone calls please IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Na- tional advertising company expanding Openings in cus- tomer service. reception b manager trainees No experi- ence xpertence necessary Full training Wo'nded Call Sarah 416-335- 8246 (Scarborough F, T ontyi IMMEDIATE OPENINGS, for sense^ ^rkhft ,peralws avadabne for days dttemoons and evenings. $9 00 per hr ontact Christine 1.888-509- '222 Stan Plus LINE COOKS and Kitchen -elc Expe—­.ed full and :art time Flenble shins Ap- :.ly in person 3-5 p m at :PPLESEES GRILL ANO BAR JJ gIrM,3ian AU t 11ia1 \-171OA.11 1'O',T • ,Ja. n.,n nahr•nn: paper requires canner, fur n S- . • r dc•hvrn to eholds b.•tween - ham M,m -Sit k- a must (.-a 11 1-8oa268-7742 NATIONAL POST Canada , nt:w national newspa- per require, adult carriers for news - aper deliver' to li.tuseholds btwn. 2-6 a.m Mon -Sat Vehicle a must 416-383-2500 NIGHT SHIFT r, —. Harter; n P,ckenntg area ua X751-767-0958 ask or Moe r 19051-426-'.119 PART TIME RECEPTIONIST F;r ;unrrt, •: •_ a arra •, , Saturday 3 5 Must rave tx eeltent tyolnq end computer S xl''!S with a pleasant 1Ne- phnne manner Drop resume at 47 Brock St W 'Jxbadge ;r tax to 9051 8525696 PART TIME SEMI -RETIRED pe -S,:^ !t,r -­,)vanonr, MOfk Pre atter 6 P m 852 5482 FULL A PART-TIME M PLOt'MEV r,• e S 5,1 Mr Light warenouse aures Packaging sorting books need safety shoes Apply ., person A i Marketing. 115A Chip. bei Dr Alai MITT-TIME'FULL-TIME rele- marketers :"•ani, M,ssinq CNIOren Orym:Atlon au W premus fon ots Hourty wage and bonuses Appry in person at 633 K,ng Street East. f2C2 Oshawa _r cail Sam at 436--;039 PERSON --;wrtC for Sears. Picker,ny -;urn Centre. Gm anid watch Repair Counter Part-time Call 416-756-3255. ask for Sam TELEAMRKETERS needed. tub timapart time noudy Pius bonus. expenence preferred 01905-438.0058 REUEF SUPERNITENDENT 3 daysiwk including weekends Must be local Wth handyman Skills Repty to Guafdan Property Management. 206- 339 Westney Rd S. Ajax LIS 7J6, RETAIL VACUUM store needs tum and pan time service per- son fro rtwnterwnce and re- patr wont No expenNiCe nec- essary. but would be a plus Must be trustwortty Uel have own transportation. Cam (90.5) 720-9991. ROYAL CANADNN Lew & 322 Ajax, Ord. Now Weep" applications for the Food Catering contract at the Alax Legion. Interested parties ease sero in resumes to C.L. 111 Hurd St.. Ajax, Ont Ll S 1 P3 Attn: M. Fitzpatrick Closng Oct 24M. SANDWKN MAKER AND KITCHEN Indp. Experienced. Nidmgrit to 7 a.m. Call bei - ween 7 a.m. - 12 noon. (905) 839-6423 3111101N PLOW BROKERS, wanted 8-9• plows. ate Modei trucks. East Scarb'routes . call 9.5 at 905-428-7793. SNOW REMOW1l D aver time, experience preferred. wanted. Good driving record, must be avaihtde daytime. references. experienced only evenings & weekends Please Call 1-888-502-7336 or 852- call 905-420-5922. 1114 GROWING art gallery re- quires immediate part-time sales help Framing expen- ence an asset Please call 905.686-4278 SOCIAL WORK lull time on - tion, min Dsw. In long term care facility flowmanville Call Mr Ellenbogen (416) 636- 0994 Fax resume (416) 636- 4295 Night Receptionist Required For busy dealership. Must have good telephone manner and possess Microsoft and Word Perfect skills. Hours 4pm-9:30pm Mon.-Thurs., 8:30am-6pm some Saturdays. Only faxed resumes will be accepted. 416-282-5222 ATTN. BOB JAMES DAVIDSON CHRYSLER DODGE SERVICE /DATA ENTRY PERSON FULL TME POSITION A Small pringressive cltmpan% is ,o•c•king an individual for a full time p((sition at an Ajax location. Applic- ant will need M be bilingual in Eng - h -h and French, both written and verbal. Applicant should be familiar with Excel, Word and should be c(imputer friendly. Chosen applic- ant would field both English and Fr. nch customer service call, input tai file and some light typing. Friendly office atmosphere, can be ;ik -xible hours. Please fax resume to (905)426-3895 Attn: Julie Farr. Position will need to be filled by November 1st., 1998 RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY • Immediate poition a%allable. • ( x)d communications skills - .0011 and written - in English and French a must. :(ase mail or fax resume to: MENTOR MEDICAL SYSTEMS CANADA 1333 Boundary Rd., Lnit 10 ? Oshawa, Ontario L1J 6Z7 Fax: 905-725-73,10 Attn.: General 'Manager Skill General Help THE NEWS ADVERTISER 'S looking fCr prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas AJAX Mcr;en A,? Horne Ave Hester Ave Kernp Ave Dennis Ave. Kearney Dr Roberson Dr. Reed Dr. Wright Dr. Burningham Cres. Lincoln St. PICKERING 925 Bayly St. 905 Bayty St. Duncannon Dr. Baylawn Dr. Thicket Cres. White Pine Cres. Valleyridge Cres. SCARBOROUGH Chapais Cr. Elkwood Dr. Clappison Blvd. Charlottetown Blvd. Matierley Crs. Oxhorn Rd. East Ave. Closson Dr. Centennial Rd. Blue Anchor Trail Evenwood Ave. Rougehighlands Dr. Kirkdene Dr. Cedarv`ie`w Dr.`**s., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 683-5117 $10.85 to start. Work around schedule and make good money for Christmas Plus gain valuable experience. Call (905) 723-4920 Ext 111 ZELLERS Instilled Home Im- provements. requires an in store canvasur at Ajax loca- tion. Please Call Ms. Walker �416) 335 -MM. ext 246 or ax resume to We 02323 416- 335.8327 General Help STtDENTS ca,^ S20 -W r =r paid nio ty Start ImmeOatehy please yam (4160-30-7208 MUST .EAVE MESSAGE SUBCONTRACTORS pww,ny - i,Jewi• :•twS. J:.Gur eri d Mwp ^+erd operators Must be M4- a0le Own martspprGnation Ap- RiV Mon -FI gamm 12 W,1 RASM urns'2ptta ,ytawa SUPERINTENDENT COOKE neeaed '^r ':2r :ompiex primardy senior resioenis ^andypersonand good imer- Dersorul skills required. 2 bedroom apl Pius sawry tax .swnes to 905-354-J03 TELE -RECRUITERS or 'valor chanty Evenings Irom flume Retiree preferred Sawrs mx- Business 905-686-0717 TROPICAL plant rnainienance person tull time 3 days a week Good second income Loolung for indwdual who 1s bondable, mature and rdr able Will tram Drivers -Ir atter Gant 905-509-0680 WAREHOUSE HELP Stock Picker light material handling Warehouse Clerk data entry, light material handling. Apply inrson 1158 cfi6� 0111111111 AT 1maME - assem- ping our��'r,—y—,-y, Start im- mediately. nor free Irdo. pack- age call 24 his. toll -tree 1- 888-771-7409. WORKMIG PARENTS suy at home wO the hamiq to home based business. high income potential and benefits. Traiik- ing provided. Call 416-26- 4493 ofte 1 e Ho 50OKKEEPENADABINSTRA- TIYE assistant required part- time by Chartered Ac=nlaot to assist in preparation it working paper tiles and tax returns Fax resume to (905) 509-8545 C PAGE 32 NEWS ADVERTISERIUXBFe1DGETRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 1998 11182 sews lvtwAyenb 1 Selo IwKVAgeds Skied Help Skilled HNP 1 Articclesale for 1 Artsaw icles for . 1 Arts i Crafts e 1 Aft i Crafts �1 Arts i Craft Advertising Coordinator PT/FT The News Advertiser requires an organized, self starting, adaptable individual to be part of its team. The right person will provide effective liason between departments and play a central role in readying publications for print. A working knowledge of the publishing industry is an asset. If you fit the bill and are looking for an exciting work environment and professional opportunity, send your resume with salary expectations to: Advertising Manager NtW"""'­':'S' A D V E R T I S E R 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, (lintarih LIS 2H5 EXPERIENCED SALES PERSON REQUIRED IALI TC y'):1 LOIN TME BAC BO" FAi9i' AAC fCAJ Will _ ;40 BAD LIt .1 COMPENSAO Ali :GENEtO" BElEt' :4"iAF' PLEASE APPLY N PERSOK NO ►1101E CALL ase DUNOAS STOW.. EAST, WMTIY �CL 1 office Help SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST of Office work and crmp:ners Please can 905-686-0018 or tax resume to 905-686-0049 1 Sal" Heb I Agents MATURE PERSON , '- ade werw>Par. rime nem bile hours to Service greehng Card racks In Toronto Gia AI- lowawce 905-985-1514 Sknwd am HGV ALLIANCE COLLISION eaires ,'LenseC Body r.pmr person Must be fully expen- ented in collision repairs Person Interested must take (Mal pride in produc,orve05-4 top quality work 920- 3501 CABIMET MAKERS required for night shot Fun expen- enced cabinet makers need -'alxy apply Please tax resume to 1905. 983-9714 CARPET INSTALLER needed Immediately experience an asset Call Mani at 683-3064 FRAMER, must be able to work on Their own. own trans- portation. pad according to experience Call Barry (9051 434-5330 SURVEYORS require �ersonexperienced instrument 905-725 955 tax resume to or 411h YEAR l ANRICE Experienced, for auto i light truck shop. Eferleflts. Clean. Mail resumes to: CLASSIC AUTO 1549 lificBria SI -E. Wbithr, ON. LIN 91E3 OPERATORS Clean, modem mfg. plant latcated in Pickering, hrly. rate + piece work bonus. Call Carmen "s) 4:•-sm SKILLED OR semi skilled drywallers and steel framers required Must have good aloddng habrts, own transpor- tam and tools. Paid produc- ban Fax resume to (905)723-- 4402 RAW"101" vRro'siYta_tloowoor. ADAMS SERVICES requires AZ DRIVERS • 2 yrs. exp. • Local hwy. • Local city • Lots of weekend work Call Randy 720-2204 Film Stripper/Plate Maker Culp csrcrienced. step and repeat kniluledge an asset. Ellis Packaging, Pickering Ont. Fax resume (905)831-7571 or Telephone (416)798-7715 SERVICE ADVISOR/TOWER OPERATOR wanted for busy Pickering Ford Dealership • Service experience a must • Ford experience would be an asset • Excellent benefit package Please fax resume att'n: Joanne Murray (905) 831-7549 THE ADMINISTRATIVE EDGE INC. WELCOMES DRIVERS Who have a minimum of 1 year experience with a clean abstract. police clearance, an AZ licence and are interested in: • 3 to 5 year contracts • Competitive Compensation • above Average Benefit Package • Ocoortunttles In Ontario, Ouebec and the U.S. Please mail or fax your resume to: The Administrative Edge Inc. 74 Simcoe St. S.. Suite 301 Oshawa, Ont. L1 H 4G6 Fax: (905) 436-6291 1 Hospnsl Medical Dent* Contact: Frank Stewart 436-5818 CHIROPRACTIC REHAB - ice A,, • .'^ "". -.1 ... medal" P i ,F T Demon- • Daycare Available IM Daycare A..L bM strafed effectiveness in pa - ...,m care a mus? Pse rev - to 0236 ha- Day Care rus Week t4 P , Box 1481481 urOsru- ..,i Onlann LTH 7L5 DENTAL ASSISTANT ,, last Available for _,,��PLA n fait P aced. crWaerging dental of- fice in Apx min 2 years ex - penitence ABEL an asset. must '•-� have good people skllK b be Able To handle a busy patient ¢ V a ,ad whole maintaining a ` sense of humour Fax resume to Or M Shields 905-427- 5792 DENTAL HYGIENIST 'or orthn- wnhc office ortho d Comput- er experience prelerred Drop resume 8 references to Or Edward Pong 1050 Simcoe SIN Ste 112 Oshawa LIG 4W5 KOn NEAT FIREWOOD, ex - 502.5000, POSITION AVAILABLE work-• 1 � WrMetl 1 IF F"I � mg wltn a team pro icbrg In- split. Honest measurement. vmftd lemave many uitervenion for a NANNY/Basysitter needed on ABSOLUTELY TIE BEST -tap a,ild wrath developmental dis- weekends. references needed, GEORGE 0. Merger Trucking abilities Person must be de- cnmuul reference check Call Inc looking for contract work pendabie caring energetic 6864958 ext 60 Work rates by hour, day and willing to work days. evenings and occasional Sat- M MY/HOOSEKEEPER -Lave• weekly or skids Fully wmure0 6 licensed (416) 2&1-2396 urdays Preferencecull be out or live -m. 2 school aged s experience pprlepara- LAWN given to those with prior ex- m Applied Behavior_Pay- Mrtouseworr8 meal smallulmsl Analysis or edcralan in�Psy- Analysis bon Drivers license an as- set References, Pickering. Free Estimate Call Andrew 905-57714. 09- chotogy Necessary resourc- Seip d mr,o, Pay top dollar gy cion shedding 5350 es will be made available to (905)723-0.764 e e FNM the successful camdate• Via. Tre te Time commitment 6-10 his Ave!" per week at $10Aqur Please FREE TO good home 2 can. re197 to The Wilson ALL KIDI !need a play X5105. fr illy Facey Cit.S. Karen Oshawa. Om L1G 3R6. friend. I am 3, dean, smol tree IovNg Horne Hot lurches - - MASSAGE THERAPIST Required for Rehab and Sports Medicine Physiotherapy Clinic 1905)509-7181 Fax (905) 509-7182 • 1 Deycere Wereed CAREGIVER required for 8 month old. variable hours Lookout Pant area CPR and references required 420- 0179 UVE4N Care giver needed for children ages 4 6 8. referenc- es 8 experience required Cal 905-507-9899 NANNY wanted part-time ex- perienced, references and car required Call between 3-8p.m 831-2260 lots of activities. $901week. South Ajax. 683-3695. 416- KOn NEAT FIREWOOD, ex - 502.5000, cell1M very best quality hard- PICKERING Neck / Be"' woad. gwra teed extra Lame fully seasoned, cut Loving daycare: 18 months to split. Honest measurement. 12 years. Daly outings free dekri y, 905.753-2246. (fenced backyard and park). ABSOLUTELY TIE BEST -tap Crafts, story lone. music, no- quality seasoned hardwood. thla s meals 6 snacks. First Serving p"fe - Ajax, Whi. Aid. C.P.R. certified. Non- by and Osaawa. Call smoking, receipts 905.428- DURHAM FIREWOD0 12" 427-5278 RELIABLE DAYCARE available in my smoke-free home. No pets. CPR trained. lots o1 TLC and outdoor play Dixie/Gle- rana area (905) 837-5111 WARM Irieaely caring home welcomes youngsters at any age, games. toys, hot meals. smoke 6 pef free. 10 yrs ex- perience Call Valerie 905- 427-1723 FIREWOOD all hardwood. Logs and slabs. also cul and split AU seasoned. FIREWOOD FOR SALE Cut, Split dr: delivered. $60/face cord. Call Jerry (905)619-1363 ON Firewood ROKA LUMBER. es! 19E! - $64 4'x8'xl6' - $69 Oascount on tun bush cord Free Delivery Oshawa area Buy Local a Save Big Savings Days 705-277-3381 ton tree from Oshawa, even- mas 905-434-6665 En BargainBargain� Carrier 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD set large glass top cotlee table pedestal dining room table. glass top 4 chars package once $495 ca11683-3326 FREE for pickup 55 cement pano slaDS 24-x2r. t8 •2'Q4' 8 9 - 24-x30- Call R39-5494 F7ell WCin for Sale 11 PC. _ . . -. .. wOiA dming room set Brand low Stil packaged COST $11 000 Sacrifice S4500 14, 16 255-0285 /2' ROUND .,dove ground pod and a,. a ulpmem great nape $600 Call Kirk or Hope 432-1963 or 242.5806 1 BICYCLES both all terrain. 24' rues wonan-s 6 -speed rile rrun s 12 speed- red Let ;1 for 870 /Dau 668-4093 '119), 245.750116 TIRES WITH alu mrnum sags to C' che:, 4 . 4 !rom 19% and up S&aG o b o 19051 MS -0074 4-/154HN114 INCH M6S lues .V1 rims % ht ~Duca ^rvac_ Lola of tread lett 5400 (905) 623.9460 or (905) 985-0074 sip LEATHER JACKETS up to 1/ 2 price leather purses from $999 luggage from $1999. leather wallets from $699 Everything Must Go, Family Leather. 5 Points Man Osha- wa 905-728-99M ANTIOUE PNE harvest tabic. 6antique pressback chars $1400 antique maple country couch. S650 Calf 728-7941 APPLE WOOD - cel and ready for fireplace' 1 Bush Cord - $120 Delivered locally 1- 905.965-8504 snp APT. r•URNTURE - kitchen. bedroom, Irwngroom. Lamps, pictures. reasonable prices. Also 4 wheel medical Scooter. Moving. 666-2677 BED, KACK wrought iron ca- nopy, queen orthopedic mat- tressltrame Never opened. 51.200. Sacrifice $490. (416A55.0285 BUNGS Cut the middleman. Insurer has custom made window coverings. Vertical, Venetian, Shutters. Free esti- mates. (416)227-7777 or (905) 0072 or 1-888-3690555. - wm 14 N.I. GARDEN Tractor, Newer deck, snow- blower. --per, weights, chins. $2.200. Cal (905)- 649.3073 or (416) 868.0413. BRECKWELL P24 Deluxe pel- let stove and pipes. will heal Ip to 2,500 sq. ft.. 1 year old $2,200. Master craft 6000 BTU window air conditioner $125., Gendron Call (705) 432- 2708snc CARPET BROKER, 100%. Nylon thick, plush, stain re- sistant carpet. For 3 rooms. only $369.00. Price incudes 30 Sq yds carpet. deluxe pad and insLalLation in your Home. Free quntatron . in your home. No interest, no payment for one full year. Daniel. 1.800- 217-0104 CARPETS SALE . "- - , pets 100'. nylon stain re - ease. carpet 3 rooms 5339 3) sq yd) Includes carpet, premium pad and instalU- hon Free estimates. carpet repars Serving Durham and surrounding area Sam 905- 686.1772 CARPET SALE. Call and Save rip To 50% riff large selection ^t color and design customer satisfaction guaranteed For Tree estimate call Mike 1905) 431-4040, 14161 822-8226 COMPUTER FACTORY. Amo:i,,; s,:- of spe..wl 1 year no payments, free san- rwr ...nmx ioaded, internet. primer software and more $16 wk (03c) 1.800-515- 5545 Free Wevery CONTENTS SALE. Gabbard dining !able 6 cnairs wamut. =Iceuent condition. $1200. ' ota. 2 side chars. 5350 Lawn mower, etc call 905- 509-8339 is YOUR SKIN ag,'g taster than jou aro' ce•;dutionary ani -aping system Clinical results after 4 weeks include 421% reduction in wnnkles 6 1541. increase in skin flMm- mess 8 elasticity 100•. Un- conditional Guarantee Do your products measure up? You could win free skin rare for a Year, For KOO call 905- 728-8220 ext 2 FULL-SIZE WASHER i DRY- ER for sale excellent working condition, dean and well maintained $375 for the set Ful size frost tri hedge and stave, showroom Condition t $400 stove SM cal FUR COAT. mew brown. weh matching hat superb condi- tion current apprasal 55900 asking $3900 negotiable Call 905-086-3038 FUTONS, MATTRESSES, Bean Bagqs Sofas Bedroom Suites. Batty Furniture We Stock Brand Names kke Sam- mons. Palliser. Tngold 6 Hammer, The Best Duakty, at the LowestPrice in Durham Futons are always In stock Ready la take tack to School. LUIGI'S Furniture. 488 King St W DOM (905)-436.0860. GOALIE EOU94KNT Cooper GP 3000 parts, GM 9 Stocker, GM 31 Srog, Helmet with throat protector, laughn 900 chest protector. Vic 535 yams. Skein. (905)-576-2614. HAIR SALON furniture and equipment lot safe call Anna (905)134-2992. NALLOWEEN COSTUMES for sale or root. Ask Mme. 905- 852-3756. MANRS' APPLIANCES. Washers, $99Itp, ace new. Dryers $9Wup extra capacity/ regular sial. Wille Sbve SSW up. whole stove, seS lyr., like new. Fridges $/7 up. Deluge host-Iroe tridges. Almond Side -by -Side. rCPJWa- ter valued $1500. like new 5699. Ful -size stackable waisher/dryer,Whir4 yrs. Apt -size washer $275.1pool, Come aS visit our showroom, we have a LAW selection. Fi- nancing available. Up to 1yyr warranty. 426 Simcoe St. S. (905)728-4043. iiF table. lke new, rose- wood, square, $150. 4 carpets, ru ni ner, oil, 2 rectangular 6x4 emerald, dustry rose $200. Call (A) 697-9052 SHEDMAN - Duality wooden sheds 8' X 8' barn kit. only $299 plus tax. Many other siz- es and styles available. Also garages and decks. 761 Mc- Kay Rd. Unit 3, Pkicerrng. For more into calf 905.619.2093. To Advertise Your Fall Bazaar call our Classified Advertising Department. Oshawa/Whift/Clarington call: 576-9335 Ajax/Pickering call: 683-0707 Uxbridge call: 852-9741 1 Articles for Sale KING BED c •nu:k -hoped, ,"'cutup. set. and frame_ still plastic cost $1.500 Sell V,25 (416) 255.0285 MUST SELL - No reasonable ^rte• refused Character cake Ins. BBD. Airconditioner ". apenes. weight bench Set. - yalDoulton dishes and pore, Call 720-0543 NAPOLEON Deluxe wood hroplare Insert glass door, twin blowers !wits 2.500 sq n works exceflem. POO Cal 852-6962 PIANOSAGRANDFATNER CLOCKS E.tended Back to School Spedals Huge selec- tion of new, and used paras New digital pianos from $895 and up Rem to own 10011. of all renal payments apply Also a Huge selection of grandfather clocks from $995 and up Call TELEP PIANO 433-1491 PIONEER C,DM-401 Laser O'sc ,nmbu prayer with 5 CD carousel $195 OBO User Discs. 33 hot titles, reduced price 905-571-0408 PLASTIC SKIDS heavy duh good aril n,abW S20 each obo 721-0986 POOL TABLE. 4x8 oke new, brand ro!H '.it 1' sate ac- cessories included. worth over $3.000. sell for $1400 Call N 905-655.8489 POOL Tables 8 and 9- sate billiard tables for Sale Call 905-420-6113 4.1151680 U INCH MES ores wah rims to lit Henna _VIC Lots of tread lett 5300 '905) 623-9166 or (905) 985-0074 SM RENT TO OWN APPLIANCES. new end rrcnrcllio ie l full warranty Paddy s Market. 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798- $502 SACRIFICE SALE New sofa b ,^,flair burgundy navy stripe excellent Condition $700. 19• Panasonic colour TV $200. Urge very unique wicker rocker natural Colour $100. Lades dresser, walnut. 9 drawers. 5100, Set of Ency. dottedus (51.000 new). sac- rifice S75in perfect condition. great for School children 905- 723-9697 after 6 p in (snp) SOLID MAPLE diningroom suite. coronal style, buffet r1Wch. oval table. double pea este. 2 leafs. 6 chairs $1700: 1998 Hyundai Accent bra. new $40.434-7970 $SS PANASONIC CO PLAYER wiM detachable face 8 rem- ote. Asking $225. BIG BOX wen two gum 12' Storm Subs. ((This Baby Pounds!) Pd. over $900. asking $450 Also a pair of 6' Boss Speakers math tweets/crossovers $150. All car stereo equip. hardly used. Dont miss vies incred- ible deal. (905)-427-1822. PNEJOAK FINRNTIME...Ei- tertakninot units, Nome 01- tice. Dinev Room, Kitchen. Bedroom and Custom Designs. our Craftsmenhghfhaw been handbuidingest quality :80aak fWni- lure for the home Sana 1974 Drop in and see our Stale d Nx Alt vtoodvorkihq tachy and let us show you how rine furniture Is Made our motlo...'There is No Substitute for OWN- ty'...Traditlonal woodwu-k- IN 115 North Pon Mid (S. off Reach Rd.) Port Perry 905- 985-8774. USED I== $195 and up, used ranges $125 and up, used dryers $125 and up, used washers $235 and up. new and used coin operated washers and dryers at low prices. New brand name tridges $480 and up. new aft top ranges with cock and glass door $479 'Io wide selection of other new and used appliances Call Lau to- day. Stephenson's Applianc- es 154 Brtace St. Oshawa(905) 576-7448 1 AnwSaale les for : 1 Lost 8 Found 1 wiinN a G- __ 6121 CARPETS nos ')' carpet FOUND IN THE LAKESIDE 1007*nylon. new slain re- Public School area. Ajax lease carpets on hand. I will Small un -neutered black and carpet 3 rooms. $349 Price white male kitten May be 4 - rrtcludes carpet, premium pad. 6 months old While paws with expert installation, fast deliv- a black nose and a black cry free estimates (30 yards)patch under chin Call 427- Norman 686-2314 5255 MOVING SALE - Livingroom i Putal5upphas/ ser diningroom set. framed 1 Bowdr Llt penis. Miscellaneous message Ca11438-3270 Islip) BALEC 'N^OC S^A`PN(,S GARAGE door repairs. broken $3 25 . GST Call 985-3740 springs cables. rollers. open- YORKIE-P00 puppies, ador- ers installed 416-336-0073 able. tiny 6 weeks old. first video car audio. tools. Cos, movies. games, gold. dia- monds furniture. appliances 1905)413-1785 905 571-2274 (905)666-0004 (prefer all items in working ower) UNWANTED. scrap metals remove:' BBO s. air cons, stoves. can. farm machinery. or anythng metal (905) 571- 6714 DO you have valuable an- tiques or estate Contents? Let us assist you in aclreving end h iglrost possible prices Call to -day Henry or Gayle Kahn Antique Consultants- with nearly 30 years experience USED EMBOSSING MACHINE For plastic I U card. Please cAU Sav at 5794407 WANTED- Used Sony Station and game Red FOR CDes Get $4 to $6 for most discs, OSH. N (NSWW9969 OSH. S (9165)4364156 AJAX (9165)427-7613 a 1 Art CRAMRS TED a me Gill and Craft 10 - called in trim Courlice p4a Mahe(. 4km. east of ostwra. Let us show and sell your crafts directly to the public. You do not have 10 be there. Cal 905.436-1024. FOLK MT CLASSES aval- able. AO levels, morning, at- lemoon and everwlg classes available. Beginners our ciallity claim moling, It vember 2nd. Lawn a uyt no can relieve stress and give enormous Bill1 Caw (905) 576-3947 for korma- bdn. 1 CaelPslar All 3 YEAR COMM PRESAINO minitower, 15' monitor, 100 MHZ, 48 MG, 1.06 GBHD, CD ROM, 30 surround sound, speaker phone, software. $1,000 o.b.o. Call 852-6508 after 6 p.m. :1Lost a F- Found FOUND - ROSARY, EATON'S parking lot in Oshawa Centre on October 9th Please call to identify. 723-2045. KITTENS WITH FIRST BOOSTER evadable tar adop- hnn as -ell as adult cats (fixed and vacanated) Many dogs also In need ol respon- sible loving homes Pets Sao - plies. donations arld taster homes for doQS also needed Please CAN do? Animal Adoption. A (905) 438-U11 PNIECREST FARMS has warm stalls with aun,matic water, bright 7Ox150 areru, locked neared tick room, nevily seeded paddocks Spe- ala rates to first 6 borders Also DOG BOARDING avail- able from qualified vet teClNa- cian/breeder Call (905)434- 7929 11 AWonuoble4 nor sw CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the spot financing Down p� mens from $750 O.A.0 Cas Trucks, vim 1981 to 1994 Alandy Allo Sates Ltd 792 Slmcoe Street South. Oshawa Phone 905-720.3382 1962 IMPALA 2 door. MTP 283 engine South Carolina car, in 1977 all original Ask- ing $7500 1.705.328-2212. snp 1964 EAGLE stationvvagon. 4 W0,runs good, great for parts. 5250 plop. 41 Riverside Or S Oslava or 434-2475. 12116 CHEV Nova (Toyota Corolla), exte8em condition. 4 door, hatchback. regularly luimamed and of sprayed. $900. (416)2254856.snp 19167 TOYOTA SUPRA, Tarya Rod. AM/fM Cass. 6 Cyl. 5 Spit PW/PD, AC, 185.000 km, Navy Call (exilkiftnorOnly. $/soo. 1!64 PONTNIC UK aic Sun - root, cruise. higle�x-,-Iekr11wyrunning condition1750. Cil 906 706 1480. 19111111 NISSAN Pulex MXSE. 1.81, 16 valve, twin cm pptIss.� plb, have exhaust & eNce- . cbnOM $2900. Cal 905- 436-1851. "0NISSAN 240 SX, Black qr�y cm 5hail.. . AC. CO, flew mow Ones. 190 kms.. $4,000 certified. 905 579-1621 1869 PONTIAC 990KV LLE SE - Goold condition, ieeds it* work, as is. $2300 o.b.o. 852-4352. ISM SYNDAMM. good con- di8on. runs well, dean iteri- or, new brakes, $1500. Call (905)438-9322. WWW. CARCHOICE.COM needles. vet checked $400 1 wiinN a G- __ 6121 LHASA APSO puts BexrMul. ANTIQUES'Absoluteiyl Ad 8 weeks ret checked first vice- always valuable usually shots. dewormed R home Ira' Purchasing outright. es- raised Only two left Call Julie fates w/some antique cont- 721-8D09 ems. (no limit to value con- sidered). collections of any LHASA APSO pups for sale Sort.quantities or single an- $35r Mahe 6 terrines aval- tpue items So" ,merest In able, various colours Ready Moorcron puffery lel try to re- to go (705)786-3124. leave spond to an queries Robert message Bowen Antiques- Brooklin i-81 CK MALE purebred Toy Ontario 19051655-8049 rax Poodle 1' his c10. vet (905)655.5501 Checked hrSI needles No pa. CASH OR DEALS. We Buy. pens. norm raised, non after. Seip d mr,o, Pay top dollar gy cion shedding 5350 tot top Mems Home audio! (905)723-0.764 video car audio. tools. Cos, movies. games, gold. dia- monds furniture. appliances 1905)413-1785 905 571-2274 (905)666-0004 (prefer all items in working ower) UNWANTED. scrap metals remove:' BBO s. air cons, stoves. can. farm machinery. or anythng metal (905) 571- 6714 DO you have valuable an- tiques or estate Contents? Let us assist you in aclreving end h iglrost possible prices Call to -day Henry or Gayle Kahn Antique Consultants- with nearly 30 years experience USED EMBOSSING MACHINE For plastic I U card. Please cAU Sav at 5794407 WANTED- Used Sony Station and game Red FOR CDes Get $4 to $6 for most discs, OSH. N (NSWW9969 OSH. S (9165)4364156 AJAX (9165)427-7613 a 1 Art CRAMRS TED a me Gill and Craft 10 - called in trim Courlice p4a Mahe(. 4km. east of ostwra. Let us show and sell your crafts directly to the public. You do not have 10 be there. Cal 905.436-1024. FOLK MT CLASSES aval- able. AO levels, morning, at- lemoon and everwlg classes available. Beginners our ciallity claim moling, It vember 2nd. Lawn a uyt no can relieve stress and give enormous Bill1 Caw (905) 576-3947 for korma- bdn. 1 CaelPslar All 3 YEAR COMM PRESAINO minitower, 15' monitor, 100 MHZ, 48 MG, 1.06 GBHD, CD ROM, 30 surround sound, speaker phone, software. $1,000 o.b.o. Call 852-6508 after 6 p.m. :1Lost a F- Found FOUND - ROSARY, EATON'S parking lot in Oshawa Centre on October 9th Please call to identify. 723-2045. KITTENS WITH FIRST BOOSTER evadable tar adop- hnn as -ell as adult cats (fixed and vacanated) Many dogs also In need ol respon- sible loving homes Pets Sao - plies. donations arld taster homes for doQS also needed Please CAN do? Animal Adoption. A (905) 438-U11 PNIECREST FARMS has warm stalls with aun,matic water, bright 7Ox150 areru, locked neared tick room, nevily seeded paddocks Spe- ala rates to first 6 borders Also DOG BOARDING avail- able from qualified vet teClNa- cian/breeder Call (905)434- 7929 11 AWonuoble4 nor sw CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the spot financing Down p� mens from $750 O.A.0 Cas Trucks, vim 1981 to 1994 Alandy Allo Sates Ltd 792 Slmcoe Street South. Oshawa Phone 905-720.3382 1962 IMPALA 2 door. MTP 283 engine South Carolina car, in 1977 all original Ask- ing $7500 1.705.328-2212. snp 1964 EAGLE stationvvagon. 4 W0,runs good, great for parts. 5250 plop. 41 Riverside Or S Oslava or 434-2475. 12116 CHEV Nova (Toyota Corolla), exte8em condition. 4 door, hatchback. regularly luimamed and of sprayed. $900. (416)2254856.snp 19167 TOYOTA SUPRA, Tarya Rod. AM/fM Cass. 6 Cyl. 5 Spit PW/PD, AC, 185.000 km, Navy Call (exilkiftnorOnly. $/soo. 1!64 PONTNIC UK aic Sun - root, cruise. higle�x-,-Iekr11wyrunning condition1750. Cil 906 706 1480. 19111111 NISSAN Pulex MXSE. 1.81, 16 valve, twin cm pptIss.� plb, have exhaust & eNce- . cbnOM $2900. Cal 905- 436-1851. "0NISSAN 240 SX, Black qr�y cm 5hail.. . AC. CO, flew mow Ones. 190 kms.. $4,000 certified. 905 579-1621 1869 PONTIAC 990KV LLE SE - Goold condition, ieeds it* work, as is. $2300 o.b.o. 852-4352. ISM SYNDAMM. good con- di8on. runs well, dean iteri- or, new brakes, $1500. Call (905)438-9322. WWW. CARCHOICE.COM 1111 for sag 1991 CUTLASS Ciera exc. loaded 3 3 fare. V-6 dby uaed. 192.0001ims. or ,'gloom $5200 WIT 3051665-8858 a9, Ford Tempo. certified. onddioner, new tires. "000 kms. $3200 668• E155 1991 MERCURY TOPAZ L PS PB air. 140kms.. ,ran $3.500 certified. all 5 725-0058 leave mes- �aqv fn3 CAVALIER RS Excellent dNon $4500 certified Call ,-5)720-2346 1993 MAZDA 526 LX - fully ,led /nth sunroof Looks runs like new. $9900 cer- I Call 432-0975 before 7 ,993 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER ^nr kms Auto. air ca5- passenger Great .',1111on Asking $10 000. ell Brent or Leslie d y)51839-6458 atter 1 pm. 1993 PONTIAC Sunbird, red. ylmder 5 speed standard. door grey interior, very :an rust -free vehicle. "5 000km. $5300 certified ,if 905-728-0705 or 905- 2-7127 1994 ASTRO CS Van. -OOOkmS AC tool racks. ,,ntstg boards. 4 3L. 8 seats. ,rgun(ly very clean, excel - it conation $12.500 Call o)5)433-1791 1994 MAZDA B-4000 EXT -A- g 4 r 4 4, litre 5 speed. u lb load plus Excent con- $14900 on- $14900 cerfified o D o. •)5) 623-9460 or (905) 985- 74 snp 194 mercury grand marquis v-8 4 door. dark blue with !,,rk blue interior Loaded. :rs p oo P D 1, p. trunk. p - trolls D suits. cruise. light adiage tin. Le. digital dash. roes I'" phone. 167.000 $9.900 o D o. (905) 686- 1:99 1994 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM 1 -;i tato a.•exi:ellent ton- iin,m certified, 56950 1986 ' ,rd Mustang. 4 cyl auto. 000 ongmy kms . mild ;ondrtion $2.300. 905-655- W45 1994 PONTIAC Grand Pnx SE. bar /5 siLTR. blue netaurc lu5.000kmsre CxCtl- ent condition, certified, must ell 59250 o b o Call 509- i370 19% Tempo 4 -door. V6 au- 'rmafic atrCond AIWFM :assette all StNrce record. 110 000 KM $6500 or Crest nn Cyt Dave 305-433-7633 19% SUNFIRE blue. 4 dr. i8 30C k:n A C A8S. low )lice Call TO Auto Centre 106.5216 1991 SATURN 2 door, dark cue exirr ;r :ar interior, au- -OnlatiC exc, am, tm Cassette. 'inted windows. only M OOOkm asking $17.500 X10 Can 905-721-9386 WE FINANCE EVERYONE No turn downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt- bad credit; no credit! If you work-, you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 WILL 1994 Lincoln Car white ,..irh ,.a N. leather interior Sunroof, total luxury car. Alf options, great shape Certified $16.000. Call Kirk Or Hope at 432-1863 or - 242 -5806 (snp) E.IW?jar wq-4 •�I ,nailed. red with grey interior, balance of factory warranty $18 500 434-2775. NEWS ADVERTISERIUXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18,1998 PAGE 33 C c: 1 1 qy Sa08 1 4 Wheat Drive' 1 1 -� a l l iia a 1 ouws a Rent Rent OSHAWA AUTO CENTER - SERVICE REPAIRS LICENSE 1993 CHEM APV Van, white exterior, grey Interior. 38 fully MECHANIC $15.95 Lube, Oil loaded, ABS brakes. very and Filter With this ad. Also clean car, plastic body. 133K. Car cleanup. Reasonable $9300 certified Call 905 -728 - rain. Easy nnansing A War- 0705 or 905-432-7127 randy available. 42 Recondi- ny Well managed quiet budd- tioned Certified ars available. 1 Trailers 1996 Saturn. 4 dr, auto. $10.900 1994 Grand Am. 4 ng Controlled entrance $624 dr. auto. $5.995 1994 SUN- 1980 COACHMAN 30 tool BIRD. 2 dr. auto. $5995 1993 trader Very good conation. Grand Am. $5.995 1992 Geo needs tires Fndge and stove. Storm. 2 to choose, furnace. air conditioning, rear $4900.1992 Astro $7.900 bedroom $6500 Call 985. 1992 Lebaron GTC 5 speed, 0074 or 705-277-3250 snp $5.500. 1992 Transport APV. diuon. new track slider and $8.900. 1991 Bonneville Yew S5.995, 1991 Sonoma 5 speed $4500 o b o 905-985-0074. $6.900. 1991 Z24 5 speed. 1998 KAWASAKI ZX6R Nmla. $5.400. 1991 lumina Euro 4 new front tire, mint condition dr, 55.900. 1991 Grand Am. 2 lull matchmg leather suit and dr, auto, $4.400 1991 Lunt- nal APV. $6.995 1990 Cavalier he warranty $10.000 or wagon, auto. $3.600 1990 Th,•Me.h,rd Cr •• eG Mn will consider trade for a car/ truck Call Travis 439-1077 1990 Lumina 4 dr, auto. ane, 0 pill $3.600 1990 Taurus 4 dr 1988 HONDA Interceptor auto. $3.700 1990 Sprint 4 dr. 1000 asking $2 000 excellent auto. $3.250. 1990 Z24 5 condition Can Todd 905 -720 - speed. $3.500_ 1990 Sunbird 3107 4 dr. 53.400. 1990 Cavalier 2 ny Well managed quiet budd- dr. auto. $3.200. 1989 Jeep Snownabks , YJ. $6.900 1989 Beretta GT. ng Controlled entrance $624 5-spd. $3.500 1989 Caravan Ar S4.700, 1989 Cavalier 2 dr. HA 1985 PHAZER n rpou auto. $3.200. 1988 Sentra. hon. $ n b $14 Call 9 auto. $2.400. 1988 Grand 9on. or 705-27 Prix, 2 dr. auto. $3900 1988 3250 snp Mustang LX.auto $2,900. 1992 v -MAX 4-750 mint con - 1984 Corvette $8.900. Cus- diuon. new track slider and tom 5-10 $7.900. 1973 Mus - ski skins Recent tune-up tang $3.200 Mon-Thurs. $4500 o b o 905-985-0074. tam -bpm, Fri. lam-7pm. Sat sno gam - Spm Buy, Sell. Trade! y plus utilities 3rd noon walk- 160 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa new appliances err. laundry. (905)404-2255. • Marine WAKE UP DURHAM!! CERTI- 1977 CAR HAS HONESTLY CHOPPED PRICES THE f 7 tt 130hp Ewmpde. 1996 CARS ARE BEAUTIFUL. al injected Trader custom cover. ski lar. stereoone J AJAX ".';- r NORTH OSHAWA CHICK ILS OUTI EG. 95 GMC . owner bought new low hours t apartment merini New Pa. 1 oeaXm Erra arise bycp- Satan burgundy gem, air, fill,Askmq $12 995 905-723-9700 bright separate entrance great ny Well managed quiet budd- crurse. '0.950. 90 Celebrity (slip, location. clean. 4 applunnes. ng Controlled entrance $624 wagon. 31 v-6. air. spotless Ar parking S900/monthly m- ud able. lurking No dogs saver. now $3.995 93 Aero- Farm FEM ISrve Call Brad at 1905)- Nov/Dec 1st 905-579-5584 star sport. silver/red. clean. EqxVmen, 426-2983 and two (4 prem Insulated only $6.600. 89 awn nt, au- FULLY -�• +^ ••a:it• -' Sales Rep. Remax Ability Real Estate Ltd. LWERPOOL/KINGSTON RD Wri t. 113.000 kms. BACHELOR APT $512'montri AJAX, bright newly painted 1- bngm bacretor apartment $2.295. 92 Sable, good ed y plus utilities 3rd noon walk- berlmom basement apart- new appliances err. laundry. loaded. 133.000 kms, mint up no elevator, "quints Call mens, private entrance. walk- privacy Non-smoker Avail $6695.94 Grand Am. loaded Mark 852.3107 Leave mes- out to small Patio, 4 appkam Nov 1st S575/mo Please call v-6 coupe. lovely and red, sage es. $7=mann plus able (416)393-3116 or (416)875-- $7,995. 92 Grand Am. loaded MONEY PROBLEMS, ie1 out parking No smoking or pets 8319 v-6 whew, 111000 kms per- P 1 �yDuty ���-OW MODERN 2 BEDROOM ;:ean er tett S7 700. 91 Topauto. iir AJAX. COUNTRY serbng. 1 utter duplex includes abet cream puff. saver blue. asking AVAILABLE For Rentt,,rn,; nevroom Inti calk outs appliances neat hydro and 53.995. 93 Grand Voyaguer winter mnntns 2 9C con- Overlooks pond. professional parking Smoke -tree no pets Le. loaded. dark green, wow veyors and 1 4 yard Kowa- person preferred. non smoker Available Dec st $565 per $9950. 93 Transport SE.Sall,oder with operator Call no pets reftremes first 3 momm 19051576 7697 loaded, ptstine wrote 38M v- 6. only $9.950 91 Buck Re- 613 332-4811 last 905.428-7401 2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE IM - gal. Loaded 122.00 kms 3.800 Apartments AJAX. WeslneyMwy 2 t- MEDIATELY 2 ,:ahom 35,. V-6. $6.995 firm. 95 Cavalier 1 1 Fbr WA bedroom basement apart- MAiaga Rd Os.'Lawa and 946 firms. ms. from 58.985 sale :nem separate entrance. air Masson St. Oshawa, avail. pnced 95 Neon air auto 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT able udibn inducted $450/ able December 1st From Qorgeous only $7.99590 a:aii ;,.t t5•^ 4,,r s•-•..� month Cal 428-7878 $700 per mo an ndusive No Tracker 2 tops. auto, air only only. freshly painted 5575 ASHBURN - Yewly rex pets Please call anytime (905)-576-6724 85.000 kms like new. $6 995 utilities inducted no dogs or S_ tab. : bedroom es - ee 95 Metros. 4 cyl autos from cats close m Oshawa Center tale lot. wge patio private SPACIOUS well-maimuned 2 $5.995 firm 93 Presidia MX3 SuiUbie for person only entrance, fireplace. ran bedroom opts Avail at 900 5 speed. v-6. loaded. black 433-1179 smoker. no piers $875 indu- and 888 Glen St Some with DarMY $9.500 lM Buck Gen- luxury 1 BEDROOM ,: �. •-,' • 1..x:,- sive how lst (905)655-5466 walk-in closets pawn provid- fury, loaded, v-6 144000 kms only $4400 92 hix,r Roos^�� , •:,n lir..,, .ti . F `• AVAILABLE Nov t. Clean,pin ed Close to Scfhods. shop- GO Saloon Llai Sunbird LE auto. air. spotless basement $6 5 •+ s•a,.,nus 2 -bedroom Daae• ties dude. included Call 728 4993 teak, now $4 400 91 Lmcoln Available Nmembe• 'Sir .a ment apartment, hardwood Contowntal, mint mint. bad- 1905"5-'w`. .. tors $8=month ecluswe OSHAWA Cri r v/ta morty area. ed. 129 DOO kms. only %) pets. nowsmoke• pre- 1 beri n 'r rouse roan floor 58.850 92 Park Avenue. IW -1 1 0 •red Call Sutton Gr;:uc Her- and casement. plus large ed. 127.000 kms leather 92 0 • ge Denise Morgan 905- yard. stove. Udge parking in - Cliffs Delta 68, loaded and -.;1 9500 cUiOco. asking 5850 Illus M perfect only 58 800 For these and other Ret woes see - ' • •' . n AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. , Oro Available Nov 1St I905µ36-6085 come to Csrtrar Acta Csntre. carWes a r • ••o�'^, Apt b„i.ainq spa sus arpetee. newly pant- OSHAWA. 2 bedroom apart - 155 Ki St. at Midtown Mall. Call (905) 579-2186. • • ._ nwm balcony, close a bus. irrent year )snawa Centre. Open Sundays. ... 'opping. all uUMfes included 'flan now ul triplex. electric •sttast required. no pets. 1 heat. no pets, tst'tast re - AWonobles - -'•droom $690. 2 bedroom qut $775 inclusive. avail- 1 WantW S'9C 3 bedroom $850 Call ode Nov 1st 905-434-6255 • 430-0134 MCKERING - LIVERPOOL A A A AUTO- Cars. trucks. boats We pay S80- $10.000 Cash on the spot Arty cona- tion. any year CLI us any- time. 24 hours. 7 days. 30 min. service 905-686-5003 or . 1 905.706-5230 STS to $75M for scrap cars 6 trucks or any condition vehi- cles 24hr Free Towing. All Durham Recycling ars d trucks warned. TOP CASH GUARANTEED (905)706-5740 or 937-9226, CASH FOR CARSI We buy used vehfdes. Vehicles must be in rurnivg corlditwn. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 BaYN SL East. Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES. Tops all for good scrap cars, trucks, vans, speedy service, (905)655.4609 If no answer call (416)-286.6156 w wvrww wwry nir.xre.nt rrrvraer $100-$10.000 ash on the spot. For ars, trucks -any condition. Guaranteedparts sold and repairs. (905)1586- 1771 days or (416)664-1121 tf- 1 Ttueb 1 r Sag /9M GMC S-15. 2.5L, 4 cyl., 5spd, amrtm Cass.. mag rims, comes with original S-15 nms and snow fires, tool box, new dutch. Asking $1200. dddddddddd, $1400 as is. Can Crap 905-985-0294 1998 GMCSIS, With cap.261.244 kit., certified. $4.900 or best offer (905) 436-0111 days. (905) 728-7115 eve. 2 3 BEDROOM. Triplex building. quiet court. Close 10 Oshawa Centre. laundry. parking available. Available NoV.lst. Call Tony 905-623- 5116. John 905-432-1888. Mark 905-579-%91. AVAILABLE November 1sl Large 2 bedroom apartment n new block m new triplex S8omnantft all inclusive. twV and last mull required. No Pets w smoking Call or leave message 905-721.8156 apply cation to be idled in A PEACEFUL 1 -bedroom 5440! or room to share 5250. near Peterborough Golf Course 5 appliances. all ed- dies. large yard Available fmmediatehy 721-0945 CENTRAL Oshawa, large 2 6 3 bedroom apartments avail- able December 1st In well- maintained buidng dose to Road 3 bedroom close to GO Beautdu condbon. avau- able end of November. no pets. $1050 uhldies mcluded 416-494-3765 or 905-770- 71 MCKERING Town Centre. 1 - bedroom basement apart- ment. laundry. separate en- trance. no Smoking or pets. prefer single teinake AM dlDlu- sive $545 Call (905) 686- 6105 PICKERING. New 1 bedroom basement . quiet now. no smoking i pets. Suits single person. $675 Inducton utili- ties. Wmdry 6 parking all 2 BEDROOM 2 level spacious LI amenities Please all 905-509-8339 apartment, modem. dean. (905)723-0977. gteyi,h reraval- parking yard. Gundry. Good area. Close to stropping centre CENTRAL WHITBY, one bed- ed, spacious 2 bedroom and 401. No dogs• IsUust, room aW rt di soluble for basement, with separate en - $755 inclusive. SteverrsoN male j .eolith plus 12 trance. no pets or smokers. Laval area. Not 19+ 655-8765 utilities, firstAaSt required. Avail now, Call 905.683- IBEDIIOOM Apartment Ux- Available Nov. 1st., smokers 5283. 2 bridge. no pets. $625 first 6 last month5 rem. call (416) 225-4343. 2 -BEDROOM basement apartment, South Ajax, Sepa- rate entrance., steps to lake and bus.. Parking 8 laundrY No smokmg7ppeeIS, Avauabk immediateN. 5750/month. Call 683-6639. 3 BEDROOM Condo. all utili- fies included (except cable 6 phone), available Dec.lst, se - parking. $1200/monnth. underground 631-7995• or pager. 416-372- 3076. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS 1 - bedroom, newer colonial decor. European kitchen with w/o to deck. parlurg, dose 10 all amenities. $625 includes heat. hydro Available Nov.lst 905-571-4964. AJAX 1 BEDROOM and 3 bedroom In house. $950 and $700 per mo. plus utilities. NO petsis lyk(905)4 vai092d. int welpume. No pets. Please Call (905)430-7570. NORTN OSHAWA. dean. bNM, large 3 bedroom, with hardwood floors. Lr. dish- washer, parking and storage facilities. Suit p(olessiorLal. $900, plus hydro. (905)420- 0157. HARMONY TAUNTON, 1 bed- room Main floor. separate en trance, utilities, able includ- ed, immaculate. S6501mo. available immediately. 905- 725-5988. WHITBY, LARGE multi-level 2. 3 -bedroom apts. (family builang) immediately. new windows, freshly -painted. hardwoods refinished. Near schools, shopping. transit. Dundas/Cochrane. Call 905- 619-2981. (Sam -Spm) OSHAWA CENTRAL location - 2 bedroom available. 4 bed. room available. leave mes sage. at 576-2925 RENOVATED, spotless one bedroom. basement ap in- ment 'arm east Oshawa. non- smoker, sepuate entrance. Parwr g. gas fireplace, shared Guidry. oli ities Wifided. $600/morl Available imme- diately. 905-436.3749 even- ings. AJAX, 2 -bedroom apartment in building. 67 Larch St. S.. $825 inclusive. November 1st. 1 -bedroom, 5725 indu sive Dec. 1st. Near bus, Shopping. schools. No pets (905)683-0145. STUNNNIG Spacious. beauti- fully renovated 1 bedroom apt, central air• ceramics, up- grades. 5700./mo. avail Dec. 1, Wesiney, Heights (416) 752-4659 WHITBY. downtown 4 corn- ers. bright 1 -bedroom apart- ment above store firstflasl required. No pets. $430/month plus hydro Available imme- dat* Please all 430-8236 410 410 500 SICK OF RENTING x.OSHAWA Bright. spacious 2 8 3 b,r apts. Utilities incl Clrse to schools. ShOp- ping and 401 Transit • qht past your door For acct call. (905) 721-8741 UXBRIDGE ' SUNDERLAND. port •orm rerda ^asement apt own entry par ally furnished, walk mit. 'eautifut view. stove. laundry S60000 per month au Alex 116.697-3410 WHY •ent when you an own roux own home for less than nu Ihmk?" Call Dave Hay- odk Sales Rep Re/Max ,ummd Realty (1991) Ltd 305) 668-3800 or (9051 666- x211 Houses For Writ liVI-110 SAYS YOU CAN OIl' .-AFFORD TO RCY A HOUSE? , OWN'rom S7ryrr+ontn Mucr Dowrpay-wiP" (905) 571-6275 1-800-940-6275 'Mark Stapley 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT WWY •mi;vatM stove ••,%i` and parking for Car Set.ure buildln no pets. available Nov ,u. $650 • hydro Reker- ences Call 905-852-5736 2 • 1 BEDROOM 2 bamrooms. nortriwes' :sha.,,a Good Io - abort Great douse gunge Large yard Close t0 an amenities Applances in home $1100 • utiliMS Avail- able Nov 1st Can Anthony 723-1362 ism) 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW quiet street r •re -ear* ;( bridge 3 ailptarceS. large yard. $1,200 net per month References letter of em"- ment and credit check - guired CLI 905-852.519 Wednesday and Thursday. Oct 21 8 22 $ MONTHS Free, Only $200 down' 2 3 6 4 -bedroom hOmeS available. totally reno- vated plus 4 new appliances. tram S750/month all inclusive Minimum required income S25.000/year Paul Fngan Sal es Rep Coldwell Banker RMR R E 19051728-9414 AJAX, 3 bedroom home wpm view coli rent. next to school. drnng room, large backyard. Dec.lst. SW • uuititS first/ last. references Cal 905-619• 6674 C01111T10E -newer detached 3 bedrooms. 2 112 baths. family/ bre, double garage, main door laundry. immediately. $1295. with option to buy 905.579- 7013 or 905-940.3060. FURNISHED ONE bedroom spin level apartment. rear go station and osh alwa centre. November Ist possession. $650 inclusive. Is and Last mdMh in advance. (905) 433- 5550 NEM OSHAWA Centre. 4- bedroom semi, on quiet street, 4 appkanCes, available Dec. t St. 5950 plus utilities. phorie (905)8394659. OSNAWA, 3 bedroom main Door. 6 appliances. parking a/ C. gas heat. non-smoker, no Pets. $900 . 60% ublities 1st/ last. 905.728-6711 OSHAWA CENTRE area, fm - maculate 4 bedroom semi. 2 full baths. appliances, fenced yard. near schools, shopping. available immediately $935 plus utilities. References re - glared (905') 434-9753 Reel Rant rte design/house/index mm S.W.OSHAWA orick bunga- low. 3 . 1 bedroom Walk -out basement 2 baths Garage 54X125 fenced lot Hardwood 'loors tireplace Easily con- /erted to in-law 5134.900 :all x905)721-1298 WHITBY. Finished too to bd- •; i c~C PAGE 34 NEWS ADVERTISERIUXBRIDGETRIBUNE SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 1998 CORRECTION NOTICE The Excell Communications ad that ran in our edition Sunday, October 11, incorrectly stated that the StarTec phone was only $99. The correct price should have been $149.00. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. XCELL geii Mobil" . 1 Business. ortunes 0 m and expand your . 1 cormiry Events 1 Personate 1 us oris Opportunrtxrs OPERATE YOUR ,: r„� PIZZA Store'Rtrtaurant For COMMUNITY CARE HARVEST EVANLY RAYS... Instant am A,,ranngly mamte„ar�,ce anr, snow re- Serie _::d'eJ a' '55c Kin non RdPickering Can 90 - Ba, -3,4, ono ! ran sale Satur S*� s accurate psycn.a 9%°9 Rated tt moval tranchrse $1400 gross 831-6123 �,_ Wooer 31. 1996 10 am Spouse problems lucky 0 weekly income guaranteed Exclusive territory Can the HOUSEWIVES names b or .!e phone numbers 1-900- Ixtiridge Seniors Centre. 75 manetta Street Home bAim romance 18• S299/min 24 Gardener (%5)763.9343 SS Government . i11n9 crafts. penny draw hours Call 1-900-451-4055 Ajax -683-0707 Funds$S ..g tales and more Lunch FREE SOFTWARE! • Leant OPERATE your own lawn Gra15 and loans sans at 11 30 a m $4 per how tc watch TV stations mamtena and snow re- moval irartclnse S1200 rots information to start arson wOrkh"de over the imemet on g r coin er, 1-900.561 weekly income guaranteed and expand your • 1 p ��y -, 70 pd 3307 S299/mm t8. Exclus, terntory Cal! the business or farm Plata Spedaksts. Sefmx Serv-U (619)15 5 8434 Gardener 905-763-9343 1-800-505-8866 try the Be"!Interior vacuuming, dusting, European Workplan- PARTNERS Wanted to ex- kitchens baths, blinds. t1 CNEATIMG ONTARIO HEAVENLY PSYCHIC - $29% pane Dusiness Strom graphic a presentation Fast, Clean, HOUSEWIVES names b or .!e phone numbers 1-900- mm '8• 24 hours 1 -900 - 451-3783 DAILY HORO- sk lls Reply to Rle /235 vo SELL R NOW CALL 111-3638 ext M. S369mkn must be 16 T-ton SCOPE 1-900.677-7770 $500 24 hours Aax News Advertiser Po box 481 Oshawa ON LIH Ajax -683-0707 HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An- OSNAWA RELAXING MAS- 715Uxbridge 852-9741 swers `in: ire oracle wrtrnn SAGE S^also Servsce 4G king S2 %`run -18••24 firs 1- St Wr9051 404-9625 1130 am 900-451-3781 9 m CORRECTION NOTICE For our 48 page Sears Days Final Week Pre-0rint (Sale dates: Oct. 19 - Oct 25, 1999) Page 43 - 5 Star Big News Kenmore Water Softener. Description reads as follows: • Sears Best - This should read: Installation Kit Included • Optional salt free feature - This should read: Easy Set Electronic Controls. Also featured on pg. 43 - Kenmore Console Humidifier. Prices currently read: Sears reg. 239.99, each 159.99. Prices should have read: Sears reg. 279.99. each 199.99. Save $80.00 remains the same For our 12 page Big Sears Days Weekend Flyer (Sale dates: Oct. 17 6 18, 1998) Page 2 - Save 35'. Women's Selected Cotton Flannel Night Shirts. Pyjamas and Night Gowns. Prices currently read: Sears reg. 24.99, each 16.24. Prices should have read: Sears reg. 24.99- 29.99, each 16.24-19.49. Page 4 - Save 33% on Tradition Acrylic Knit Tops, Carryland Handbags, All Boxed Bras. Ad should have read: Save 351'o on Tradition Acrylic Knit Tops. Carryland Handbags, All Boxed Bras (excluding Wonderbra Premiere and Wonderbra Plus and currently advertised items. Page 9 - Kenmore 7.6L Humidifier - stock number is Incorrect. Should read 29570. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this Please read your classified ad on the rst day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one inser- tion in the event of an error. 0 1 1 Improvenents: 1 1 Improvements 1 ecorPweng a �rov” a storage Moving a smug. CANDO RENOVATIONS INC. Expert Renovations For The Physically Challenged & Disabled (905) 686-5211 Fax 905 6136-8072 Customized Basements lour Basement Specialists • Bathrooms • Shower Stalls • Plumbing • Lighting • Wiring • Alcoves All For Basements Free Estimates (905) 571-2056 PHOENIX RENOVATIONS b WATERPROMA • Basement Apt Insn • KrtchervElathroom Installations 41 • Walk -outs 6-686-9310 Fully licensed a insured DIAL A MUSDAND 7We r., ace ave. • Kltcben • Bdhs • Wlimlem • Dom • Wells • FMp= • A0111Nss • St cmd SbrMs NO JOB TOO as OR SMALL WE 00 IT ALL (416)724-0101 BUDGET MMUM naaov>e1�rn's Basement Apes., Rec-roans, pMxrlbtrg, Alicttions, electrical, dnywall, & Cement work 2Call Mario (905} 619.4663. cel.(416) 5604M DOORS ERE Us GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service ti Repairs ROS -83T-0949 KI.VG HONE 1.VPR0t'F..VE.VTS Basement apartments. baNvciams 6 lutcf*nS Painting niout. Roofs. Elecincal and pkimbng. 22 years experience. No W front fees. Call Mike (9051653-0190 S&D MER1ORS 22 years Roofkvg sdrng, soffit. fascia, eavestrough. Taro- u+ground sprinkler systems. ►WrkaraasWp a•aweueed. -Put your home in aur hands-. 11191115) 414`3310 1 -me -217-549 FREE ESTIMATES 807 ROOFING D Shingles ti Flats O Bonded & Insured 0 Free Estimates All dark GUARANTEED [ShinA&C gling, OFING, And Alumium all types of ew and old, anship Guar - 0% Discount ors. fully In- ree estimates. Andrew at 42&8704 All Pro Painting and Wallpapering Wrn.•.r.lmr. l�cK-ral rc,wn. T..p W hey w.rk ri M—. u * r,rwa. _IMS .41 I,r Scm— r I.t FRFF. Estimate 404-11669 C'%Vs RallCoverini PalnUnq 8 Wallpapering Small repairs, drywall, wood finishes. professional, reliable, reasonable. Clean. Colin 839-7256 IAN BANKS & SONS Painting 8 Wall papering 40 years experlerim Free Esdnm* s 416.265.0944 FAANTE ll: specietizerS n. iwtsrtior rd.J exterior Frinlitathing- _ ("a "6•ass Fest reliable service, roil! bent Member of - WO GI/41AGN= rear awe MOVING SYSTEMS X r ",our', rates SEN" a Mo- MONTH DISCOUNTS. Hes oentu Commercial Comparable Rates PARI a LOAD: 5129 a M Free Estrrrules 005-723-7479 1. MM {-M-7750 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We vent move anytMng, anywhere anvill— Comme=m or residential Padwng nonage am boxes available Serra a mld month discounts. Fra estimates 571-0755 14MB-491-6600 MOVERS Move big or small, we price them all' Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also St orage space avaigble. rales. Callor JM U-4437 : 1 Floang. CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experence restrelching. our speciality. Free estimates. D i N Duncan, 917.1799 or 917-1100 � - Nouse ARE YON; Having pn)btems finding time to clean your home' For Prolessntnal Hcxne Cleaning, call Helen's Hooke Services today. 427-4385 Y Pte' i i1MAiE Restore old turn. Soler, yee're tried tae res; Houses, Apartments, TMS PAINTING offices, Appliances a A DECOR Plata Spedaksts. Sefmx New re's !hove #40 & Exterior a Mia -Month Discounts. Licensed, insured. Free try the Be"!Interior vacuuming, dusting, European Workplan- Estimates. Prldessi" kitchens baths, blinds. ship sinviee. baseboards, ledges, Fast, Clean, Call 4WI795, doors, and more for I reliable service. low ricel of $65.00 5.00 420-0081 Ftla wallim mr a cell 41f-706.9284 � Yovitg i sttNaa. � 1 GardMag � i'..a.,.u, a.•. as Lave Maintenance for • Estates • Condos Commercial • Industrial Resldenoal Landscaping Ponds. Rock Gardens. Pruning. Inteftlung Stores. Retarnxg Wags. Et Conolete Snowdow no Stxvces 1 PonotteM • 1 Deaat. • 1 Daaaw N1ITNEItfED an accident on Har- wood Ave. Just South of Bailey on Wednes- day October 7th around 9 p.m., pkase comb" Danny 905-626-5946 SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it across Durham Region. Call Classifieds Ajax 683-0707 or Uxbridge 852-9741 840 840 LANGLEY, UTILITIES CONTRACTING FORESTRY DIVISION • TREE RE11O1'AL • GENERAL PRUNING • Po'W RUSE CLEARING • 17111.1' INSURED CERTIFIED ARBORIST 905-623-8625 -SNOW BROKERS Late model equipment -PLOW DRIVERS Abstracts, *WALK SHOVEL CREW/DRIVERS Must be reliable, excellent wages harwtxyd ave. alax to yonge st. and the CTA Only serious applicants need apply Please call for interview from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Kiln or Mick (905) 426-5551 LL 974: �OrAL i CAn AVSD - 831-7035 Page Sotrvilxl5 Perth Sotltian RADlig! WANTS WORK Doing Magic For CM Idlen's Patties And M Own MgcwL file 6Have 60.4 2 '�' Children's t9nlerta' m grit for any occasion. clowns, * diaracter look-alikes, loot bags, balloon•o-gtams, face painting, magic, music. * Sw 11111itim Awtrd fl Wset - City PwW IMIW 71-5331 CLOWN / MAGICIAN A" • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 There is still time to, place a memorial this Fall. YEAR END INVENTORY SALE AT tTP TO 40% DISCOUNT (rchile quantities last) Pickering 1411a/;e tihou'roont 32 Old Kingston Rif. ( 90.3) .127-1366 9 1 (800).161-0282 To place your personalized In Memoriam, call Ajax 683-0707 or Uxbridge 852-9741 and let one of our professional advisors help you. r �. Snow Removal Tilt DAWN OF EDEN Dt F.-ndahlr .nosv shoveling tt affordable pnces Free .ailing' its. / %.-It row. Fa.t Frre F..hmat, Fu llv urured 19051 725-9184 . • Adult Entertainment 4161 sit 1 a grNlleNtat's test friend E(CEPIIONU 1ADEES SWING DUIHAN REGION ELEGANCE & CL4SS RULMILma 06CRETIM GUMANTFM NOW AURM6 Don't Forget The News Advertiser Clinsifffed DepL phone opera- tors are avail- able for your Convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 Restore old turn. Gots Movers to its original Bargain rates, homes, beauty. oihces, apt., etc. Hand stripped, Para moving. Free estimates. Packing available. Ian- - i'..a.,.u, a.•. as Lave Maintenance for • Estates • Condos Commercial • Industrial Resldenoal Landscaping Ponds. Rock Gardens. Pruning. Inteftlung Stores. Retarnxg Wags. Et Conolete Snowdow no Stxvces 1 PonotteM • 1 Deaat. • 1 Daaaw N1ITNEItfED an accident on Har- wood Ave. Just South of Bailey on Wednes- day October 7th around 9 p.m., pkase comb" Danny 905-626-5946 SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it across Durham Region. Call Classifieds Ajax 683-0707 or Uxbridge 852-9741 840 840 LANGLEY, UTILITIES CONTRACTING FORESTRY DIVISION • TREE RE11O1'AL • GENERAL PRUNING • Po'W RUSE CLEARING • 17111.1' INSURED CERTIFIED ARBORIST 905-623-8625 -SNOW BROKERS Late model equipment -PLOW DRIVERS Abstracts, *WALK SHOVEL CREW/DRIVERS Must be reliable, excellent wages harwtxyd ave. alax to yonge st. and the CTA Only serious applicants need apply Please call for interview from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Kiln or Mick (905) 426-5551 LL 974: �OrAL i CAn AVSD - 831-7035 Page Sotrvilxl5 Perth Sotltian RADlig! WANTS WORK Doing Magic For CM Idlen's Patties And M Own MgcwL file 6Have 60.4 2 '�' Children's t9nlerta' m grit for any occasion. clowns, * diaracter look-alikes, loot bags, balloon•o-gtams, face painting, magic, music. * Sw 11111itim Awtrd fl Wset - City PwW IMIW 71-5331 CLOWN / MAGICIAN A" • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 There is still time to, place a memorial this Fall. YEAR END INVENTORY SALE AT tTP TO 40% DISCOUNT (rchile quantities last) Pickering 1411a/;e tihou'roont 32 Old Kingston Rif. ( 90.3) .127-1366 9 1 (800).161-0282 To place your personalized In Memoriam, call Ajax 683-0707 or Uxbridge 852-9741 and let one of our professional advisors help you. r �. Snow Removal Tilt DAWN OF EDEN Dt F.-ndahlr .nosv shoveling tt affordable pnces Free .ailing' its. / %.-It row. Fa.t Frre F..hmat, Fu llv urured 19051 725-9184 . • Adult Entertainment 4161 sit 1 a grNlleNtat's test friend E(CEPIIONU 1ADEES SWING DUIHAN REGION ELEGANCE & CL4SS RULMILma 06CRETIM GUMANTFM NOW AURM6 Don't Forget The News Advertiser Clinsifffed DepL phone opera- tors are avail- able for your Convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 NFWC AnvFriTICFR/IIYiiRIMCTQIPIINC citun" CIIITI/1W nr­Tnnen 4n .nno n�nr n� n SMARTLEASE /36 MmOIS/ f 3.'ekk"u down �� NO SECURITY DEPOSIT PURCHASE $244 �1 FOR JUST Surround yourself with a surprising touch of luxury. 3100 SFl V6 engine • 4 -speed automatic transmission 0 4 -wheel ABS • 6 -speaker sound system • remote keyless entry • 6 -passenger seating • air conditioning • air filtration system • tilt steering • Next Generation dual front air bags. And when you get all this for only $24,118, we think it'll win the most important cudo - a spot in your driveway. For a limited time, when you buy or lease any Buick and subscribe to OnStar $ -6o subscription charge applies) you get the OnStar Satellite System Star® ( including installation at no charge (approximate retail value $1,800). by BLACK EQUIPMENT 1999 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM 1999 INTREPID BASE 1999 TAURUS LY 1999 C.- N1RY CE Traction control STANDARD NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE Brake type - 4 -wheel ABS STANDARD OPTION OPTION NOT AVAILABLE Automatic headlamps STANDARD NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE AUTO OFF ONLY &passenger seating STANDARD OPTION OPTION NOT AVAILABLE Remote keyless entry STANDARD OPTION OPTION NOT AVAILABLE Theft -deterrent system STANDARD OPTION OPTION OPTION Illuminated entry STANDARD OPTION OPTION NOT AVAILABLE Air filtration system I STANDARD NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE I NOT AVAILABLE Only at your Ontario Buick Dealers You should know this: 'Based on a 36 month lease for Century 1 SA. A down payment or trade of $3,280 required. No security deposit required. Total obligation is $13,648. Annual kilometre limit 20,000 km, $0.12 per excess kilometre. Other lease options available. 'tFreight as indicated. Licence, insurance, air condition - V, ing excise tax and taxes not included. Dealer may sell or lease for less. *#Offers apply to 1999 new or demonstrator models equipped as described, and applies '1 o to qualified customers in Ontario only (excluding Thunder Bay and Kenora). Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. Dealer trade may NQ%W%%Ay be necessary. See your dealer(s) for conditions and details. www.gmcanada.com is a trademark of General Motors Corporation. -- •- - - - -- - - - - -.-- --- ---- -- ---- ------- - -- -- ----- �M � i -"A#V PAGE 36 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, OCTOBER 18, 1996 ?rg- a i i °bk r x. E '«F _ sgjri€••"': - .,on 0 1V s heeQ.- 4_ y. eac l This is where we live. We see things others miss.: Our senses are sharper. our commitment knows no limit. For 106 years, - we've been covering Taranto. so,, i