HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_09_23V% PICKERING EDITION �T �� t.rrr� ■ � •.t. "w-1 � ttlw 1 A DV Optional 4 week home delivery charge $51$1 newsstand • R T I I R Wednesday, September 23, 1998 Pressrun 44,000 24 pages P9 Public board wteachers forced back EDUCATORS At. sessn orAasill Statt writer They're back at it again. Contract talks resumed Tuesday between the Durham District School Board and its striking high school teachers after the two parties agreed during Monday's board mcel- ing to return to the table. Meanwhile, trustees are calling on teachers to return to the classroom while continuing negotiations and are asking the Province to step in and legis- late an end to the strike. "Tice board wants students and teachers back in the class- room:' board chairman Ruth Ann Schedlich told the crowd of teachers who packed the board room Mondav after DECRY REQUEST TO RETURN TO CLASS _AND BARGAIN AT SAME TIME RUTH ANN SCHEDLICH 'Across Ontano public sec- ondary teachers are teaching students and negotiating at the same time iresolve the dispute) which they LlCatholic teachers want to return / Page 8 1 have a legal obligation to take rcspomsihility for." :1Parents can't use Schools to teach The Durham hoard is the / Page 9 tint public school board to ask the government to intervene. :1 Fall high school sports in trouble / Page 9 Last week seven Catholic school boards in central protesting outside the educt- headquarters, told the News Ontario, including the Durham non centre. "Across Ontario. Advertiser that's not an option, Catholic District School Board, public secondary teachers are "It's not a genuine propos- asked the Province to introduce teaching students and negotiat- al;' he said. Board officials are back -to -work legislation. ing at the same time. We think asking teachers "to return to Education and Training the local secondary federation work under their conditions:' 1i Minister Dave Johnson has ,hould consider this option.'- As for the board's decision III_ repeatedly said legislation is a However. Ontario Ser- a1 ask the government to step Lest resort. undary School Teachers Fedcr. in. OSSTF Durham district PAT JERMEY Approximately 1,300 public ation (OSSTF) president Earl president Pat Jermey said, "It's 'It's very unfortunate that high school teachers in Manners, who received a very unfortunate that thev'rc meY re choosing to ask some- Durham have been on a legal standing ovation from teachers choosing to ask someone from one outside Durham' to resolve strike since Aug. 21. Mrs. when he entered the board outside Durham Rcgeon (h) the dispute. _ See PUBLIC/ Page 8 My Bonnie lines Bob Jackson provides a bit of a massage to help his wife plex. Grew 150 participants and raised 513.600 for can - Bonnie warm up for Sunday's Terry Fox Run in Pickering. cer research, surpassing last year's total of $12.860. The event, which began at the Pickering Recreation Com- More photos on Page 10. P"to by Cella Bro xi horst up for the motion r�Sg. /Mie by ROA PhltfeAAr1 Pickering -Ajax -Whitby Animal Control thefter supervisor Sylvie Lynch with a Cat left in a garbage can at the facility. Nuclear plant tour de farce? RADIOACTIVITY FOUND ON STATION VISITORS NY Marianne rakars PICKERI\t: — Ontario Hydrtt offi- cials are ronnung to naturally -occurring rtckm gas as the surae of a small amount of radioactrm contaminators found on about 30 adkdt% and chikfrcn following a tow of the Pk kcnng nuclear station Sat- urday. TLe twatan ensu n hitt cleaned ON and Ills niurulg . f the —1.Na .h..wc<I M, —f— Yui) Irl.. "My �•.+11rTrr1 K Pn4k derl'I put marc inw this titan there is, says station spokesman Pat O'Br.cn. "In terms of a hcadth issue for chase patp!e mv0Ivcd. there tswt one" The C'm1iU ".ski l w u discovered Saturday afkmoxxe daring an tvcn lumw beta at the nuclear plata. The event was attended by about 1.0(x1 people and offerod tours of the facibty "We had spew a lex of lime and efToxt an cleaning the route anrnplelely:' says Mr. O'Brien. 'To have this happen was a Aiyport may take flight in Pickering AIRPORTS AUTHORITY IN A HURRY TO SEE REGIONAL FACILITY BUILT IN NEXT DECADE 1111111111:8113- Lou Turpcn, in reference u1 both the Pkkenng site. He says he !topes the Pearstxt auport, which will continue to Sett writer Picke- ing airport site and the Toronto Pickering facility will be developed by provide facilities for international and PICKERING —11ic Greater Tomxt- Island airport which the GTAA is also 2007 at the latest, in time for the Sum- lung—distance flights, and the Toronto to Airports Authont. will move "imme- looking to take over. mdx Olympics in 2008 if Torotuto is chor Island airport, which will be a 'com- diatcly" to complete an em iro amental Mr Turpen says the GTAA needs to sen a% the site. But he adds 2005 or 2006 mute& airport serving mostly central asses%meni and begin construction of a do something quickly" to get a regional would be better. Toronto. Pickering would he a " suong regio al airpom in Pickering it Ottawa airport in Pickering because of the Actxmfing to Mr. Turpen, the Picker- regional aitpom", serving area businesses agrees to (case it the land uncertain future of the Buttonville Air- Ing site will be one leg of what the and providing passenger travel to loca- "Tbe authonts's d i,wn t, in the next port in Markham. GTAA plans include GTAA envisions as a 'three-legged tions wch as Ottawa or Montreal. 10 years to get those a­ots up :ond . oper- the replacement of the Buthonvilk- and stool' to support air transportation needs See AIIRpORT/ Page 3 acing:' %ays GTAA president and (TO Oshawa airports with a new one at the in the GTAA. The other legs are Ilk Abandoned animals fill shelter of Ch* 0" Staff Writer Looking at the sleek black cat, his hig eyes staring at up while he purrs contentedly, it's hard to believe anyone would abandon him. But someone did. On July 2H workers at the Picker- ing. Ajax. Whitby (PAW) Animal Con- trol Centre arrived at work, lifted the lid of a garbage can behind the build- ing and discovered the feline. Oscar. as staff named him. is just one of several animals abandoned at the Thickson Road shelter in Whitby every year and is now up for adoption. "Basically what's happening is we're having a lot of animals aban- doned at the animal control centre:' says Sylvie Lynch, supervisor of ani- mal control. "They just want to get rid of their animal and they want to get rid of it now" It's not uncommon. she says, for start to show up at work and find a dog tied to the back fence or a box full of kittens. Ms. Lynch estimates between 12 and 24 cats are abandoned at the centre each year. in addition to the same number of dogs. These figures don't include dogs and cats that are brought in by owners, abandoned at other locations in Ajax, Pickering or Whitby or stray animals picked up by animal control office&,. The centre housed 3,000 animals last year. The abandoned animal situation has gotten so bad, Ms. Lynch says the cen- tre is considering putting up gates at the entrance to the centre, so people can't drive behind the building to leave their animals. The spring is the busiest time for staff at the shelter when whole litters of kittens are abandoned, but the fall, when children return to school, is also busy. wondering where to get _ { the new "Pay As You Go" 4 L ' BESIDE NATIONAL SPORTS NRdtes Rd ✓!t #2 831-9557 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Lev« -sera Wing 420-0744 LOEB PLAZA -AM 105 Be SL W. 8110111061 The reason, Ms. Lynch explains, is the puppies families received in the spring are now growing and need obe- dience training, in addition to the fact that with children retuming to school there's no one home with the animal during the day. But instead of trying to find a home for their unwanted pets, many people just leave the dog at the shelter after staff have gone home. Following this Labour day week- end, staff returned to work to find an abandoned dog and a box of kittens. -It just shows a lot of people are not responsible pet owners and shouldn't have pets at all;' Ms. Lynch says. Animals abandoned at the shelter are kept for seven days and at that time staff evaluate whether or not the ani- mal is suitable for adoption. Suitabili- ty depends on a number of criteria See OWNERS/ Page 4 Li Related story / Page 5 scrs dtsapponn ting surpriw fix all of us' Ilio -urce of contarninalion could be found along the tour route during Hyddroi s investigation of the iticident. Hydro has ctxklude-d the contamination n carne frtxu nam raify-otxtrriuB X"M gm alEractcd to a talcum-Itkc FX`der whv--h wx 1-1-k the rVhher rkwos warn with ,Ri1T'wh.,h v1a1N Na utas• dl.,waat I.r'awN on Aoraxe the kAW Mr O'Brien explains the powder attracts radon gas, which often blew% in off Lake Ohtani) and is toutxd in ccmeut %u%16 xt,,s hkL the tranithng where the va- tuw% trvcd tin tut wits. It's believed the powder remained tin thctr lanlfs, where it pkkcd up the radon and was camel into the plan tw the tour which folkwvod He says the: contamination coukdo't have bex-n on the gkms when they were put on because they were new. The radioactivity was d a -iod on %tine of the vmtors' hands, shat% and pocket, during monstoring which took place w% they eft the plant after the tour. They were inmstruclad to wash their batt&-. expLvns Mr. O'Brien. and their chat% were vacuumW oil'. --That was that. Everything was ck:ared" Mr. O'Bncn points out radiation at only -'extremely low levels" was detected on the visitors. ",hem's absolutely no health con- cerns here. The type of radon that was found is the stork type of radon you would have in your house if you live in a brick house" According to Mr. O'Brien, those dxxl- tartlinated and/or their parent% were not overly upset when the situation was dis- covered. "1 understand most took it in stride. Some were children of employees who work at Pickering. Others we've spoken to and dey'rc understanding of it" Mr. O'Brien says Hydro will be ..more vigilant" at future open house-. WHAT' S INSIDE Editbl P*V ..............6 EmilIrtnmaw .............12 fPOift ...................18 cialls N ................20 HOW TO REACH US 6mral .............683-5110 Death RuBCas ........683-3005 'Aaa/on Lim .........683-7545 Sinereiy rota ..1-800-662-8423 Email ... newsroom®durham. net homN .......durhamnews.net Web sib www.durhamnews.rlet Vol. 33, No. 39 C*STEL OST. NO MONTHLY BILL. #VO CREDIT..CHECK. iffuloo COIVMCT. I ' - si ......r ." �.s.w.r ... ...w.w..w.a+.r.,Assxr�aia1'WI N. � ..., ►yidlJe ..+1 �� ..,� r PAGE 2-T11F: 1F %%S AVVERTLSYR. \\'EVNESUAY, SEM -EMBER 23.1999 This is where we live. We see things others miss. Our senses are sharper. Our commitment knows no limit. For 106 years, we've been covering Toronto. So, if you're looking for the stories that matter most, then look to The Star. Every day. It's where you live. •,,t This is where we live. We see things others miss. Our senses are sharper. Our commitment knows no limit. For 106 years, we've been covering Toronto. So, if you're looking for the stories that matter most, then look to The Star. Every day. It's where you live. 1' Joe"Clark wants second chance Al hi, erg Quebec's threat of separation. So wnw compensation of all hepatitis OSHAWA -- Federal C victims and the serious 'Tory leadership candidate Joe questions raised abut the role Clark made a brief stop in the of Mr. C'hrelien's office in sti- city Tuesday morning, fling protesters at last year's Mr. Clark spoke to about Asian -Pacific summit in B.C. 50 people over breakfast, the A Miry government with first stop of the day in his himself as leader would tack - campaign to become leader of le the issues and "no chose the federal Progressive Con- the easy way:' he said. scrvative piny. "We are prepared oto fare He slammed the Liberals the issues in the eye. they for ducking issues and out- don't. Canadians want _eov- lined just why he is the best emments that are prepared to hope to lead the Tories back to take tough decisions. -That is power in Ottawa. He's run- the choice Canadians are rang against Michael Fortier, looking for." David Orchard. Brian Rallis- lie said with his leader - ter and Hugh Segal. ship. the Tory party could help Tories across the country heal the country. will vote Oct. 24 for a new "73e Parliament reflects leader, although only people the divisions of Canada today who are members of the party so hMly that it cannot heal by Sept. 29 can cast a ballot. that division:' Mr. Clark said. '[his is not a government adding Canada was built by that governs:' Mr. Clark said. the arts Of will of its citizens. -Instead of taking an initia- "Conlideration was an act live, they dark:- of will. Building the railroads Mr. Clark. 59, is attempt- was an act of will. Bringing in ing to become Tory leader Medicare was an act of will:' again after losing a party lead- he said. "The country has er%hip battle with Brian Mul- always depended on an act of roney hack in 1983. First will- but is "losing the sense elected federal Tory leader in of common goals" 1976. Mr. Clark was prime Canadians of different rrunister for nine months in backgrounds and from differ - 1979 -80 before losing to ent regions have similar goals Pierre Trudeau's Liberals in but that is being lost because 1980. After his defeat to Mr. people arc too busy talking O Mulroney. Mr. Clark held var- their differetwes. he said. ions cabinet posts in Tory If eb wn Tory Mader. he'd govo:m tints from 1981-93. he travelling throughout the He retired from politics five country. talking to people years ago,_ gathering their idms and no He said Prime Minister worrying abut getting elect Jean Chretien has ducked cd to Parliament until the nee dealing with the falling Cana- general elt."ion, he said. than doollar the constitution He'd also work at rcleai Airport input deadline the support of people who have turned to the Reform party, he added. "The clear reality of the Ht rose of Commons ... is there is no choice on the floor of that House to the government of Canada:' he said. milling ParliaaxW is no longer con- trolling government sperxling o working to heal the country as it was intended to do. 1 JI A 1 f ,r I ( sorrier of Itvek ' All FLYERS - BLINDS 6 DRAPERY Harvest Festival of SAVINGS Custom 0 Hunter Douglas DRAPERY /0 WINDOW 0 uP ro OFF FASMNS��OFF SPECIAL %OFF CLEARANCE 75 Virtylbilt White 17 -x$3- S Nwrl« Douglas horn 39.63 g SHUTTERS R". -,w 50 PLEATED SHADES nag. •3o2 75 Vinylbin White 26""x61" S Hunter Douglas cream 39xss- $75 SHUTTERS Reg. -319 79 PLEATED SHADES Reg. 300 Hunlor Douglas Linen 32''x76 S 50 Hunl rr Douglas eg. vw 74 PLEATED SHADES ReWiry 16"x63" V 1/2" VENETIANS Rg. •166 S4(�jQ Hunan Dtxglas Yesahaxe Ill -x36^ S 25 While mow 37••x59 S 75 /" VENETIANS Reg. •110 25Q WINDOW SHADES seg. •133 33 Hunter" EoN�gE�TIIANS Reg iio las White 38x60- 548 WINDOW SHADES raWhile Scallaped y. 'I SS irso$3875 ENETIANSS " Rogg.23s 55075 LINEN SHEERS Rag sso 5145 Hunter Dougal Whi4 71-x39 S -1i;Tsting Only 1" VENETIANS Rag.•2oos 51 M� ,ORE IN STOCKH -- = noun W ndmv De mating ee„he 19051 428-0937 c(oy •r y �(� ,/ d# Old Km,Qdnn Rd. N���� �/�• �O �:� Alai (Pickmn,QVoltage) BLINDS ADRAPERY SHOWROOM HOURS - Mori. -Wed 141,,Thu, k F,, ut-e• 4t. 10A r Everyone shops the News Advertiser for the best bargains. S ize Doe&llatterl. Oct. 31 "Amwe" f wm Ali. Al' '-N.. -\. M1 'e{•. .:'jLLiitVLiitx:i�-1J�'"S�e ... t the AA erty bjt T9�s> wr^ t ero�oeaie Ct1oT a, says Mr. Turpen, with twee nrttway, a uxlway and a -mail terminal building. ':• Otter facilities might include a fermi- >!L ��y�r y nal hb r express ee service' M> Ptatr,M. . .W ,� g Mr Turpen points% out the GTAA is a moi -for-profit agency designed to wtY serve the the GIA'% air trrnspcM nems. Almy money we would make in a .. Pickering would be reinvested in Pick- fit Jx ;r Bring and used to support aviation in that sector" y` , He also noes there would he exwn- `' k -;''�`4yg�tlefr�a�rrinlrrer,'ro- sive consultations with the community. site and residents living around the • er rhe b05fore beger rhe fIQ� site and arta Eusinedev before the �� Pickering airport n was do is unt. ..What you need to ok1 is unckrsunoi � the n� of the community �` d Cullen we carry only top -size bulbs for top-quality garden perfo But before anything can be built. says Mr. Taupen, due federal gt-- nlent must take the next step by leasing xperience wonderful gardening success with Spring Flowering Bulb the Pickering site to the GTAA. The federal tan&% consist of abut from Weall & Cullen. Remember... Fall, it's the BEST time to planta 7.350 hectares 118.600 acres) of prop- erty rt in>Fx972 lir an international ted airport in 1972 by Ottawa. Icx:ateoi Ve mostly in Pickering north of Hwy. 7 but with portions to Uxbridge and M1astllt Markham. Ttxwgh the federal govern- mens has been holding the land for , Barge while globe °n 4 tt. Steins make more than 25 years, Ottawa only offs- airport jjprllolS t0 the SPriu9 cially designated the arca as an addlbon site on July 23. While the federal declaration would $ 98 protect the site fer airport use by pro - Whiting development that would con- flict with such use, it does not nc=ssm- ily mean the airport will be built. As well, there is a consultation pi - which must be completed before the required lotting changes can be imple- mented. Pickering Council recently rejected i a proposal by Town staff to support the airport designation and instead asked federal officials for an extension of the 1 8 period allowed to respond to it, to pro- �_�I0wS vide mote time for public cmuiltation. The Town and the public now have 010flplr4 until Oct. 31 to submit written corn- designation_ oat & &flet bloominy in a1111UatS mens on the Neighbourhood �g1°tnfa _ a� safety meeting for west bay residents PICKERING - A 'Take Back Our Neighbourhood' meeting is being held Thursday, Sept. 24 for residents of the west side of Frenchman's Bay below gayly Street and east of Whites Road. The meeting is for citizens concerned about issues such as horse and vehicle break-ins, drugs, alcohol, vandalism and loitering in the neighbourhood. ht's being held at 7:30 p.m. at the Durham Region- al Police station at the corner of Brock and Kingston Roads. Enter at the rear to get to the community room in the base- ment. For more information call 683-91 W. Pride of Cullen Gardens Eta large, 14 an bulbs for bigger blo°ms' Darwin Hybrid Tulips available h 4 colours make an impressive dispo in Spring. $A a• Iml � T,07FAGE GARDE Tulip Collections Four of our Imurite varieties of tulips, 25 top -SW bulbs per Padre." An0ique - Soft pink double peaty tulip. 'Apricot lieM' - Salmon rose, eaity, single blooming tulip. -Pink Impression' - Soft pink Darwin tulip, excellent cut flowel. 'Shirley' - Ivory while petals with edges brushed in purple. Another I good ort flower. $I#" Ren 317 99 silt WHITBY ` 410 TAUNTON RD., WEST (905) 686-0844 photo by Carl Ferencz Pickering resident Ferguson rides the York Durham Heritage Railway during the train's regular Saturday run from Uxbridge to Stouffville. He's been elected to the railway's board of directors. Owners of unwanted pets want animal shelter `to do the dirty work for them' OtM11ERS/ From Page 1 iacludmg age, temperament and health. Thosc not put up for adoption arc cuthanized. -We don't euthanize because we've reached our capacity — it's a neces- sary function that has to be done." In many cases people know their dog rs vicious or sick and should he put down but "a lot of people want us to do the dirt% decd 6,r thcrn " The shelter ,i. whose owners can meet the same adoption criteria as abandoned animals. If the animal doesn't qualify. Ms. Lvnch says staff at the shelter can refer owners to orga- nirations and groups who place ani- mals or offer foster homes. Cants in and talk to us and we -ll try to help you." she says, adding abandoning the animal is traumatic and may disturb it so much. it can't be adopted. To inquire about adopting an ani- mal call PAW Aminal Contr',,l ('entre d 427-8'+7It n ! tiatrJ ,:r Stix!) 1'I1:; ksor Rd N He's been workin' on the railroad to remind us of yesterday PICKERING — A long-time Picketing resi- dent has been named tel the York -Durham Heritage Railway's board of direc- tors. Gord Ferguson. a cap. tain with the Pickering Fire Department, first became interested in rail- ways when he saw old train stations and lines being demolished. Mr. Ferguson enjoys painting with water- colours, and enjoyed cap- turing the old stations on paper as a way of preserv- ing history. When he became involved with the volunteer railway in 1997. he discovered a new way of preserving local rail- way history. "The Heritage Railway really offers people in the York and Durham regions a chance to touch local history with a ride that takes you back in time;' explains Mr. Ferguson. whose main goal is to encourage membership while building and main- laining ridership. Born and raised in Pickering. Mr. Ferguson continues to reside here with his wife Irene and sons Shawn and Mike In 1992. he was com- missioned by a private group to capture the Algo- nquin Park Railway Sta- tion for Algonquin Park's 1001h birthday ccicbra- tions. He has donated sev- eral of his works for the railway's fund-raising efforts. Now into its second year of operation. the York -Durham Heritage Railway operates two trains on Saturdays and Sundays along a 20-kilo- mctre track between Uxbridge and Siouffville. The association is run by ISO member volunteers and friends of the railway. whose work includes track maintenance. car restora- lion and fund -raisins Y P 530000 We Based on toarrance Prices, AN Work Fully Guaranteed. No r INSURANCE Evening i SatwndapApPo� Available, Call Till 11 pm tia M Lent "Apply ,� : 837-7819 Dr. Kevin Tyber and Ateoclak- O_P_T_OM_ETR ISTS • Dispensing of Contact Lenses and Glasses • Complete Family Eye Care • Low Vision Services EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY 15 Harwood S. ae w H�iax, &H"2) 427-4144 Atm• ■ 1%f Alf . ' PUMPKI PICK YOUR OWN • Sweet corn Mill available • Bring friends 6 family b pick your own Pumpkins. Indian corn, stalks d popcorn • Enjoy the fall colours • Corn on the cob • We have Piv-picked products also • Hayrides on Saturday - 1:00. 3:00.5-00 pm (includes picking your own popcom) • Children 2 ♦ under are free • Schoof 6 Dusiness booking available 0"vJ �?OQC{Q�I;rJ'� rJ9'�yJ"�'7G1'7 FAFAMY eJ, V .r'a1013 i7�r3'I J7 ��'XSGS rdU. JGe1 J�:1 4^)Mrt(%1 aiOJ�. ��a3w1 Rcc\ cle the tit`ws Advertiser A S cl it m fa IN at in ar V st ar IIR ­nauran 1VCIw(rx or toxicology Centres, recently issued their final report on the emissions. They were commissioned by Hydro ai undertake the review after it was revealed in the spring of 1997 the utility had discharged about 1,8(N) tonnes of potentially -toxic metals such as copper and rine into the Great lakes from its facilities over the pre- vious 25 years. About 65 per cent of that total came fnrn the Pickering nuclear station. The metals were released through erosion from cmirmling condenser tubes which help cal steam used to drive the station's turbines. The con- denser tubes on the 'B' sick of the Pickering sution have already been replaced with new titanium tubes, while the 'A' side has been shut down indefinitely and therefixe is not cur- rently releasing significant amounts of copper or other melds. Aside from the disclosure policy. Mr. Victor and Mr. Ritter conclude Hydro has done a good joh of imple- menting other rccommendations ans- ing out of a consultant's report on the emissions. The reviewers state they are "dis- appointed" with the lack of progress by Hydro on •a public disOosurc poli- cy. Thcy note it's particularly puetling because Hydro has already completed a draft public disclosure policy and the utility made a commitment to the provincial Environment and Energy Minister to have a policy in place by January 1998. According to the reviewers. Hydro has suggested the development of a new Ontario Hydro Cale of Business Conduct and the establishment of an Environmental Advisory Group of cit- izen representatives from across the province have eliminated the need for a public disclosures policy. -Both these initiatives were care- fully examined by the review team and found wanting in regard to public disclosure;' state Dr. Victor and Dr. Ritter. They also note "the only aspect of the release of information that is spelled out in the (conduct) code con- cems 'sensitive information' and the obligation of all Ontario Hydro employees to keep it confidential. There is nothing similar in the code regarding Hydro employees' Obliga- tion to disclose information to the public, nor in the training material used to explain the code to Hydro employees.' According to the reviewers, "Me absence of an explicit policy on public disclosure would leave Ontario Hydro employees with no clear guidance on their responsibilities and obligations for public disclosure and leave the public with no policy statement on disclosure against which Hydro can be held accountable.' They "strongly" recommend Hydro complete its public disclosure policy and publish it as noon as possible. Of Hydro's progress on other rec. ommendations arising out of the emis- sions report, the reviewers state the utility has fully implemented those that could have been implemented in the year since the report was released, and that "very gaol progress" has been made on those that require more time. 10 POSTURE CARE x$139 SET '249 ��WptJg� 169 SET 2 4viEFJ1 249 SET'' CREW QUARTER DUNK BED COMFORT SLEEP X169 DOUBLE SETs289 I 339 -wvu 259 SET 4" ��� NK BED 5159 3L" Mattress PRACTIC SIE $269 IAMIMS SET $439 DOUG 319 SET S WEEN 349 SET S VANESSA PAY BED C. 25 3O ORTHOPRACTIC SUPREME SIE �s24 �o s28 SET $409 SET , 449 DOUG Z 3 9 SET ASET OU �' 3 319 oSET 51 _ 5.'!__� CAPTAIN REGULAR x299 A -FRAME FUTON "Ax ums. . .onr,reM 179 III T*W OVER oouME WjW $429 4#.. 1 WATER FAIL. DAY BED /�$9c -►'Nyss it ;�.Ti ea %.0 Ailsa ISS nin4M ty,. /M 101 IOWA" CAPTAIN ',NpiRR r ECbnow i °DAY 00 $239 f �--,A.& AfA -- 79 Taunton Road W. (005) 433-1052 L -FRAME FUTON HACLUD" 5 A 4 C1 9 1 ti VALE i - THE NEWS ADVEJ"ER Wt21NESnAY, SLI.TEMSER ix. lute OPINION EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE v,,w, The dream lives on Terry Fox may hav+ failed to make it across Canada in his Marathon of Hope in 1980 and he may have lost his battle with cancer when he died from the disease in 1981, but the legacy of this magnificent young man grows with the years. After 17 years of Tern Fox runs throughout Durham Region, thousands of local people helped to raise more than SI 10,000 for cancer research this past Sunday. And there's more to come. %Ian,. schoolchildren, who consider qtr. Fox a true hero and icon. will be out running to raise more even more cash in the everlasting battle against cancer. When Mr. Fox set out in the summer of 1980 to run across Canada, despite having to hobble on an amputated leg. few truly understood the lasting impact his project would have. As he gained sup- port during his run through Ontario. Canadians took his mission into their hearts and opened their wallets to help. When the cancer. which had been in remission. returned as he reached Thunder Bay we were all heartbroken. And we all cried. when. less than a year later. he died from the disease. But we did not give up — and that is exactly as Mr. Fox wished it to be. Every September, Canadians from coast-to-coast reserve a Sunday to think of Mr. Fox and to run in his memory. The annual Terry Fox run has raised many millions of dollars around the world. But this year was truly special. Maybe it's because the young children who were touched by Air. Fox, are now adults determined not to forget him. May he there is simply more awareness about the need fir research money to here beat cancer. Whatever the reason, the numbers were up almost across the board in the seven local Terry Fox run.. Consider the following: %%'hitby led the way with over 3241.010 raised. a whopping increase over the S1'_,tlOO which came in last year. Oshawa was up to ncari $20.()00 from about S19,(x)o last year.- Port ear:Port Perry raised $20,000 this year. up from 519,4(x) last year, Uxbridge jumped to S16,6(N) from S15.350 last year. Clarington saw its totals climb from about $7.000 last year to $9.000 this year: Pickering was up to $ 13,600 from $122,860 last year and Ajax held steady at about S14,1x)0. In nearly every case. the Terry Fox Run was big- ger and better this year than it's ever been. No doubt, organizers will look to raise even more money next year. The bottom line truly is magnificent in Durham Region and shows the depth of commitment people here have to continue to honor Terry Fox and to aim, as he did. to eventually beat cancer. To respond this editorial call nfosotarre Intosource at 683-77 040 and dial 5112 We love letters The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. WE AsKCED THE QUESTION IS: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CALLS FOR THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT TO LEGISLATE THE TEACHERS BACK TO WORK'? Glen Powell C l a u d i a Kelly Campbell says, "Yes. Mariano says, says, "1 think so. They're huning "Yes. I we their The kids are the kids by keep- point but I think being delayed in ing them out of they need to their education:' school:' teach the kids:' N.— ry'..fii. hkc A.s ciatiiwis lir Community (.wing cannot 1311 ... erK 414 A 0 yews V E R T I S E R .1)*[M• J LETTERS OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE. Ni-.ws Demand government change course...for Lisa To the editor: by a C'urkscrtrative political aper- emment has chosen the least I read with horror the article alive. at thhe Bradgate Arms, humane option for Lisa, but the they are some unreasonable required to write report cards. left-wing conspiracy. It is true that the provincial owned by a nursing Iwme opera- lore that will benefit its good �j:Lisa withtor. Yuur readers win know that friends in the nursing Mone fi Synlnrtte. Hurir. t`ecause.:+ :. I..rn.er .t:J1 r+.•r., n. the Health Services tte"o—lur.ag C'..mn,,.xKx. industry considerably. of the Ontario A.sm cun,m for Community Lming. 1 know how recently recommerik-d that over $1 billion more be irwo N.— ry'..fii. hkc A.s ciatiiwis lir Community (.wing cannot hard the whole developmental pumped ins'itunonal hods. and the gov• retake campaign contributions. This government took $?6.5 mil - disabilities movement has ernmenr resp wkkd by immcdi- lint from thew budgets two yon worked fir over four decades to ately agreeing and making the ago. so that they arc now not able get people out orf %tcnIc, friend- funding available for this pur- to properly serve people like less institutions and back into pose. What your reader-% will not Liv. And Lisa is Just the tip of their own communities. Now. know is that cried a for-profit the iceberg. Tfcerc are thousands this Co n%ervativc government company receives a license for like her across this province. And wants ho put them right back nerving home heel%, that license they will all he forced into insti- there according to the Health Minister, Elizabeth Witmer. Her can be sold for a very large arnount of money. Even if they tututn-s, tucks.%, we. as a caring community, crmmeras and Janet Ea ker's lack do not sell it, then will make con- %land up and demand that the government 4action are un:onsctunable. but stderable profits on their new change course. they may alio serve the purposes acquisition. because of gturan- 1 grew up in Pickering. and 1 of the government in ways that teed government funding. But remember it as a community that ordinary citizens do not know. first, they have fu fill the beds care-.. 1 hope that is still true. To Several years ago. Mr Hams. and that i% where people like help Lisa and her mother, the who has accepted political con- Lisa Brady cone in. good citizens of Durham Region tribution% in his own riding from Instead of doing the humane can call their MPPs. Janet for-profit nursing (seine compa- thing, and putting millims of Ecker's office (905) 420-9829, times. appointed the head of their dollars into developing more Minister of Health Elizabeth lobby organization. the Ontario individualized support for pro- Witmer at 416-327-43(11). and Nursing Homes Association. It) pie like Lisa who have genetic the Premier at 416-325-1941. It the Health SLrvices Restructuring Commission. It conditions. the Health Minister is saying that Lisa has le) he would take one morning, and it would make a difTerence in should be noted that many of Mr. screed in an institution. thereby Lisa's life. It would he tragic if Harris' cabinet ministers have depriving her of her family and Lisa died because of beth gov- alsu accepted campaign coritn- her community, and sentencing emment's and her community's buttons from fir -profit, multi- her a) languish in a segregated neglect. national nursing tome corpora- environment, where she will be tions and that the Common "carte" for on a 1: 18 or 1:20 Dr. P SPS. Sense Revolution was assembled staff-to-resiknt ratio. The gov- Scarboroush Teachers had no choice: Ex -educator A Metroland Community Newspaper published lour times weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2115 /Wbills o TIM wM UMer BRIAN QUIN OPINION SHAPER Brian Quin has just completed his training as a literacy tutor and is looking forward to working with a student. Doing something about literacy. Literacy problems affect all of us I will always rcmcmher an offi- cial meeting of the Durharn Board of Education which 1 attended sev- eral years ago. The trustees had just seen a presentation by some high school students featuring music and written work which celebrated the school's racial harmony programme - a programme which had received national recognition for its quality. Things had gone very well: the trustees were in a good mood. and the students were pleased and po%i- tive. Suddenly, unexpectedly, one of them asked for permission to address the board. He was tall and athletic looking - and he spoke with emotion. He talked about something he had carefully hidden for years: that he had difficulty reading. He thanked the board for making a pro- gramme of remediation possible for someone like him. a high school student. He went on to say his marks were improving dramatically and for the tint time in his life he could dream of achieving a univer- sity education. The effect was dra- matic. There were more than a few moist eyes among the trustees and audience when he finished. Today he is marred. a father, a manager. and well along the road toward his goal of training to become a mmis- ter. He dreams of helping other young people experiencing the problems he uvcd to have. The statistics am alarming Over 40 per cent of CanVdians have trou- ble deciphering rhe written word well enough to care out their daily responsibilities without difficulty. Over 20 per cent cannot read %impic written information (nnuJ signs for example). fill out applications, read food labels or understand medical prescription directions. A% would be expected, many arc among the unemployed. Corrections Canada estimates that as many as 65 per cent of prison inmates lack literacy skills. Problems with literacy affect People of all ages and tooth sexes. Durham Region has its proportional share of such difficulties. What can be done'! Quite a hit in fact. The Literacy Network of Durham Region provides a coordi nating service for agencies which focus on the problem. One of these is the Literacy Council of Durham Region, an "organization of volun- teer% who tutor adults in reading and writing". Volunteers attend a three- day workshop where they learn how to teach other adults using methods which have been well tested over the years. They also receive ongoing support from the Council in the form of newsletters. meetings and personal coaching and advice. Trained tutors are matched one-on- one with students. Teaching occurs in a mutually convenient, neutral place and involves a contribution by To the editor- about 200 exams, each requir- A lot 1 did enjoy my work, howev- the tutor of one -and -a -half teaching hours per week during the day or of ire is being directed ing at least half an hour. against the teachers' unions as A lot of time, too, will be if er, mostly because of the inter- action between staff and stu- evening, at the convenience of stu- dent and teacher. Preparation time they are some unreasonable required to write report cards. left-wing conspiracy. It is true that the provincial dents. It is true that teachers have accounts for another hour per week As a retired teacher I can government has suggested a testify that teachers of all peo- cap size of 22 secondary stu- a two-month holiday. This was not demanded by approximately. A one year time commitment is requested of poten- pie are probably the most reluc- dents to a class. This is based them but decided by the people and the tial tutors. The Literacy Council is tant to strike. That they are now on some average. No teacher to striking shows that they are whom I've spoken has seen this government. Most teachers spend at least of the time also a main contact point for people who willing to risk great unpopular- realized. part preparing for next year. They would like to learn to read better. New students interviewed, ity because they must. In the past, too, many teach- A high school teacher teach- en have coached teams, have do not simply repeat last year's lessons. are assessed and teamed with a tutor. ing seven periods will have a formed clubs, have given extra- Teachers' salaries are envied The Council advertises for volun- teer tutors'to be trained in the fall student allocation of about 200. curricular help, have counseled That by sornewho would not care to and in the�pring. A group of means he has 200 names students in personal difficulty. he must memorize and to which Most of my lunch spend five years in training or to venture into about 15 people from St. Andrew's periods he must affix a personality. He were spent helping students. today's class- rooms. Teenagers pose a chal- Presbyterian Church in Ajax has just taken up the challenge and is must contrive lessons that are I also remember evenings, informative and interesting to weekends and holidays even lenge. Or how would many of being trained. What about you or these varied personalities and devoted to marking. you like to work the 60 -hour week your organization:' then he must mark many It took me sometime after- which is sometimes necessary? The News Advertiser Selected 13 Opinion assignments which denote their wards to watch T.V. or to read a Shapers for 1998 to bring a wide variety of progress. book for sheer pleasure without At exam time he must mark a sense of Mary L Brooks, experience and opinions to our editorial page for guilt. Ajax your reading enjoyment. TIM WHITTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland JOANNE BURGHARDT Editor -in -Chief Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor BRUCE GANFORO Director of Advertising GENERAL 683-5110 CLASSIFIED 683-0707 newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax 8 Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community DUNCAN FLETCHER Advertising Manager ADMIN/CL DISTRIBUTION 663 5117 FAX 683 7363 Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc , and theASSIFIED EODIE KOLOD2IEJCZAN Classified Advertising Manager COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News JOHN WILLEMS Real Estate/Automohve Advertising ABH N VALL MS Distribution Manager newsroom®durham.net E-MAIL Advertiser is a member of the Ontario Press Council, 80 Gould St.. Toronto, Ont M58 2M7, www.durhamnews.net BARBARA HARRISON Production Manager WEB SITE an independent organization that addresses reader complaints about member newspapers. JANICE O'NEIL Assistant Production Manager am -in CHERYL HAINES Assistant Production Manager l The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertise- LILLIAN HOOK Administration Managero:; _ ,; ,, ment limited to space price error occupies. Shut out Frustrated parents can't use schools for teachin ft SlfsaA O'Neill Staff Writer Durham parents frustrated with the teachers' strike will not be allowed access to pub- lic high schools to instruct stu- dents themselves, reports a board official. A group of parents plan- ning to enter Pickering's Pine Ridge Secondary School today to teach students was told the board cannot allow volunteers to run classes in its facilities during the teachers' strike. "We discussed it (Monday night) and we just can't do it.' says Durham District School Board chairman Ruth Ann Schedlich. "The only thing we can do is provide learning materials." Mrs. Schedlich says the board simply doesn't have enough staff to monitor class- es. It would be "a nightmare for administrators. We'd like to be able to, but the risk is just too high:' Karen Wright, organi/er of Durham Parents for Stahlc Education. said Monday par ent volunteers are planning to Barbecue fires up waste station =7 The Ui,k East Community Assra:iation and Pickering -Ajax CitUlm, Togcthc7 (PACT) for the Environment are holding a Family Day and Barbi- cue Saturday. Sept. 26 from I I a.m. to 3 p.m. at Beahlawn Park, on Bcechlawn Drive Eau of Bmck Road and nurth of Pickering Parkway. It will he a day for area rc%kScnu to get wged- for fun and w rally support for the BECA/PACT fight against the proposal J & F Write Systems rccyclmglransfer facility on Notion Road on the Ajax - Pickering bowler. All arc welcome W attend. There will be children's activi- ties, including games. prizes, a jumping castle, face painting and tanooing. For more information call Dave Steele at 1332-0117. Seniors' club recruits PICKERING New members are invited to join the South Picker- ing Seniors' Club. Activities for club members include cards, table tennis, club 55+ tenths, bin- go, io-go, badminton, carpet bowling, horseshoes, chess, billiards, movies, trips, a choral group, a little theatre group, sing -a- long, hobbies, wood apprecia- tion and others. The club is at 910 Liverpool Rd. S. and is open Mondays to Fri- days from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 1 P.M. For more information call 420.5099 or 420- 6588. GRANT YEO We're talking about the safe- ty and care of our students. That's our prime concern.' begin classes for students in the region this week. A mes- sage on the group's phone line Tuesday said classes would be held for all Durham students at Pine Ridge Secondary School today. However. Pine Ridge prin- cipal Sally Mcllveen says she advised the group Tuesdary that "School. arc cl„sed fnr instru,tn,r,' R"ar.l Norm Powers, who also met with Ms. Wright, says the sit- uation presents a number of safety concerns. And, he notes because the parent group has received cov- erage in the Toronto media. "we could end up with other individuals from beyond Durham" showing up at local schools for instruction. Board director Grant Yeo told trustees Monday the situ- ation presents "a liability issue. We're talking about the safety and care of students. That's our prime concern" He added the board's prac- tice has "always been to do criminal checks" on volun- teers. Ms. Wright. who organized the group Friday in response to a growing sense of frustra. tion among parents who want their children to be in school, told the News Advertiser Monday that parents are look- ing at other locations for classes, including recreation centres and arca churches. Ourharn Pan nt. for Stable Iii—ii, n rsachcd :u THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, SEMMIDER 23.19" - PAGE 7 Fall high school sports in trouble EditorStaff All high school sports which traditionally run during the fall are in jeopardy due to labour unrest within the education sys- tem, says the president of Lake Ontario Secondary SchoolsAth- letics. Dave Roberts; says football, girls' haskethall, cross-country running and buys' soccer are among the sports normally in full swing at this time of year. But with a strike by 1,300 Durham public high school teachers, a lockout of more than 4(N) Durham Catholic high school teachers and the work -to - rule in of "ct of public high school teachers in Clarington, high school athletics is at a standstill. LOSSA is the govern- ing holy for high school athlet- ics for more than 30.0(9) stu- dents throughout Durham Region. "I'm now sure how it's going W go:' says Mr. Roberts. as the region's 301) coaches will have leo wait for contracts to he signed before determining the future of sport`. Once new deals are ultimate I•, in place, coaches and ,,,n,cn High school sports are jeopar- dized by the current teachers' dispute. ers will have to examine the realities of operating high school athletics. says Roberts. "Under the new learning environment, based on the logis- tics presented. is it possible to run high scNxil athletics?" is the yucstwn LOSS,1 a,ach,, will ha�c o 1,tcrmrnr rr. room en masse. says Mr. Roherts. -We'll have an executive meeting and then a general sorting. ask for feedback and discussion and ask how people perceive the future:' he says. LOSSA voted last June to delay organizing the 1998-99 athletic year — book gymnasi- ums. fields, arenas and officials — until the labour situation was resolved. Should LOSSA ulti- ntately decide to resume offer- ing athletics, a new schedule could be organi/al within a few weeks. says Roherts. Fall sports arc "not only in jeopardy because of the calen- dar date, but hecaw%e of the new realty of the education system:' says Mr. Roberts. The Ontario government wants high xhrxol teachers to he in the classroom for seven out of eight periods, which raises sev- er, cortcems atxout the viability of offering athletics. says Mr. Roberts, pointing to busing. facility and teacher availability. ..It's something they have uo iiy decide when d're negotiat- ing." sacs S1r. Roberts. 'Are rbc, µilhn�• u, ,:,entice spots r,. ..,.....v. ME 1 - THE NEWS A00111MISE]t WEDNESDAY. SVrrEMSER B. MIS `Angry' Catholic teachers `want back into schools' Hundreds of Catholic high school Teachers' Associaliom i01-aT.1t, says teachers protested outside tle board educators picketed outside the Durham headquarters %l ondao. night as the Catholic Distno School Hoard mooing board's lockout entered week three. "to denuonstrue ..the% want to coo back Tom White. Durham disino presi- into the school, . dent of the Ontario iinglnh Catholic Approvunately 4(N1 high school photo by Ron Pietroniro Teachers like those at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catho'ic High School remain locked out by the separate board. From left are Mike Rumleski. Christine Clayton, Lorraine Dickerson and Robert Boychuk. Public board, teachers remain at odds PUBLIC, Fioni Page I Schedliich said Monday the two panics have met at the hargain- ,.Y %.Mc 26 times since talks began in April. Negodataons helacrn board o Icrals and the teachers' fcdcra- tion broke off Sunday night following five days of bargain- ing last week. M r s Schcdlich said the board's negotiating team was pre- pared to go all eight to teach a deal. -We are sin- cere in working to get our chil- dren in school:' she said as leachers shout- ed cries of "shame. shame, shame" from the gallery. " 1 have great faith in our bargaining team. The Picker- ing trustee reported the board's last offer proposed that educators teach sixof eight classes for one year and continue negoti- ating terms for the second year of the collective agreement. However, Ms. lermey said the offer, which also proposed a .wage freeze, was "seriously flawed in terms of creating a quality educa- tional environ- ment in Durham," adding it did not measure up to other agree- ments settled across the province. To date, agreements have been reached in II of OSSTF's 31 dis- tricts in Ontario, reported Mr. Manners, who noted only four of those are two-year deals. 121116 KINGSTON RD., PICKERINC hat t mpwo (m) 831-2383 Built Your Community The United Way... Touch the lives of one in every three people in your community by supporting your United Way. Over 45,000 of your friends, neighbours, loved once and colleagues benefit from community programs made possible by your United Way of Ajax - Pickering donation. Invest today to ensure the future of groups like Big Brothers, CNIB, YWCA, Denise House, Big Sisters, Credit Counseling Services, John Howard Society, Community Care, Victorian Onder of Nurses, and many more in your community. R, n `qtr *,% , teachers have been locked out since Sept. 9 when the board closed schools after teachers staged a partial strike on the first day of class. The- two panics have not mel since Sept. I I when teachers rejected a board offer proposing educators be assigned to leach 13 out of 16 classes over two years, which amounts to one extra class in one of the four semesters. Tbte offer of settlement, which ended List Friday. also proposed teachers main- tain the same salar, level and benefits, in the first year with a salary increase of uric Fier cent in the second year. There are no plans at this time for the two parties to return to lie table but hovd director Grant Andrews says the "board has certainly expressed a willing- ness to meet at any time:' Board chairman Jim McCafferty, along with the chairmen from six other Catholic school boards. has requested the Province intcr%ene and legislate teachers back to work. -lie board has not received a response from the government. Meanwhile, Mr. White reports teach- crs are "willing uo look al whatever aspects there may to to r: -open the school:' and OECTA is willing to dis- cass the poxsthility of educatcw% going back to the classroom and working udder the cunditio ns of the past collective agreement while negotiations continue. "Oto teachers are getting fairly angry and arc obviously frustriwd with being cut:' h1r. White says. *1`hcy'rc very con- cerned with the way the board is treating them right now:.. -J!I 7!!=-l. V! x - �O.rlltL�PIOiML.N . GoWns ofpwnt FREE RMOTION INCLUDING WHOLE LINE* V!SEE STORE FOR FURTHER DETAILS SOIAMONS *pw '7vaa ew"� sA4emltota OPEN: MON-WED 10-6 THUR-FRI 10-9 SAT 10-5 SUN 12-4 Pickering Home & Leisure Centre, 1755 Pidrering Porkwoy 16 04' M• E ' I•U ■ 111111■ \ _ r - ■ • ■ ■ Restaurants That CaFrif, r t Name r Address e Town Postal Code Phone (H) (Wl I enclose a total gtt of S or United Way may charge 5 Card ff (circle) MC VISA_,_Expry Signature t Fax to 905f8M-M or mail to 407-95 Bayty Street West, Ajax, Ontario LIS 71(8. Cheques payable to United Way of Ajax -Pickering. Charitable Reg. No 1192 78109 RR0001. ' For gilts over $,500, please sign Isere if your name can be listed n United Way literature. i Unless specified, your donation is allocated through Citizen Review Process. wunteers, assisted by professional staff, monitor agencies and evaluate con muniity needs to ensure your money is well spent. Or, to specifically direct your donation, circle one of 5 United Way service areas: Helping People in Crisis, Reaching Children, Meeting Health Care Needs Assisting Seniors/Disabled, Supporting Families✓Community Or name a specific, registered Canadian Char Complete Address- ............................................ ddress.............................. Hw or Andar FA~ uccumd by LLaa - Falafel - Vrgctarian - Hummos De ighL% - Beef - Taboulrh lhawarma - shish - t etmbo Platters Kabob - Assortment - variety of of Baklava Appetizers UYF F%[TR '1'.U%V1F\"1' BI: V DAN(TJR FYFRY %All RDAY i nolo �'�Jo'Y 4S Sed NM Y M 0 $1.00 OFF 'ANY ENTREEI WITH THIS COUPON Pickering Town Centre (905) 839-5811 t a To advertise on this feature please contact Gail Reeves at 683-5110 MAN AH%M'u kFki\,. NEWS A D V E R T TS E R Riding THE NEWS ADVEIRT ER WEDNESDAY. SEr7 meant 23, im - PACE 9 ERic out n Down AT QUEEN'S economic crisis By Allan Wtitiell Special to the news advertiser 'Stock markets tumble'; 'Dollar reaches record low'; 'Russia on the brink'. The recent headlines are almost enough to make some people consider selling everything and climbing up the nearest hilltop to wait for the Second Coming. But you're not quite ready to go to that extreme. You just want to know that the money you've so diligently invested for your retirement will be there when the time comes. Will it? "If you've got 30 years (before retirement) you don't really have to worry about these dips along the road:' says Blake Butler. Royal Bank Community Manager for Ajax -Picker- ing. "Over a 30 -year period, (the recent suck market drop) is sort of a Wed bump. When retirement time comes you'll hardly even remember it.'* Dave Sinclair, a division manager with the Investors Group in Pickering, has an interesting analogy. "It's like a fellow walking up a hill with a yo-yo, with the market being the yo-yo, He is making progress going up the hill, but a lot of people focus on the yo-yo and forget about his progress." Brad Dennis and his wife lane could he considered a typical Ajax family. They have fiver kids, a dog and a minivan. And like any other family, they get a little ncrvo u% when they -we their investments tumble, but they're also thinking about the long term. Al 40year%of age now, liar. I)Lnnis would like to retire at 60. "Thal gives him 20 yeah of ups and downs before he warts cashing in his investments. He considers himself a moderate - aggressive investor, with a majority of his portfolio in riskier shares and equi- ties, balanced with more secure txoW- imgs such as bonds and money mar. kets. "Yes. I'm ecincerneJ. But that's balanced with the fact we have lis rec- ognize that we're in it for tlx: long haul. 1 recognize that and keep reminding myself of it:' says Mr. D n - rim. That's not to say he will just sit back and watch his investments lett wiped Out without reacting, but he Aggressive Profile 190% Equities European Growth 5% — Growth 5% Conservative Profile Global Fund 10% doesn't want to over react. "A lot of times a berd mentality takes over:' says Mr. Sinclair of the Investors Group. "Peopk read things in the paper or we things on the new % that they don't WAtte wwersuml and they tend to panic" And that's exactly what you don't want to do. At doesn't make sense to panic. - says %Ir Iknnis. He ankh stmicthing any financial adviser would tell you: "Your loss is only a loss on paper until you actually liquidate." He had investments during 'Bl ck Monday' (Oct. 19, 1997) when the value of stock markets around the world dropped by record -citing amounts. and again during Other leas drastic 'corrcctiolu, )aril recessions •ince. Fie .i—PIV rade to reality, the ret:etr tk%V in tine markets is simply a correction that had been predicted lir the past several rtminlhs. "The funny thin] i., six numlhs ago people were complaining the market was tomo high:' says Mr Sinclair. "It's a healthy pan of the market. We need to sec these coffee - The Royal Bank's Blake Butler advises clients that this viewed as a positive thing. "It's a great opportunity recent downward spin of the stock markets should be right now if you've got some cash and some courage" tions to take it breather, to slow down:' According to the Royal Bank's Mr. Butler, this recent downward spin of the stock markets should actually be viewed as a positive thing. "It's a great opportunity right now if you've got some cash and some courage. In essence what we've got today are stocks that arc on sale at 25. 30.40 per cent off. (Sucks in) good -quality companies around the world are at a substantial discount" Mr. Dennis is aware of the opportu- nity, but at this time is unable to capi- talize on it for a specific number of reasons that many can relate to. "i have four kids." instead he continues to make his regular monthly contrihu- tions. it all comes down to how the stock market works. Your investment today is for the value of a company, through the goods it produces, in the future. in the current situation, where there is reduced spending worldwide — par- ticularly in Russia and the previously booming Asian markets — the profits for companies that rely on exports will be down. As a result, the perceived value of those companies, and the shares in them, is reduced. While the stock market values may continue to drop, no one can say for sure when the market will bottom out. As Mr. Sinclair puts it, -If i had a crystal ball I'd be a very rich person" Eventually they will go back up. When they do, anyone lucky and shrewd enough to buy at the krw price will have a portfolio full of valuable stocks. Mr Butler points to other recession periods such as 'Black Monday'. when the New York Stock Exchange dropped in value by 22.6 per cent. with London and Tokyo each drop- ping 15 per cent. The Toronto Stock Exchange dropped a record 11.13 per cent that MuntUy std „#mom sews per cent name the next day IV- trtvred than thesetlr:im.at t� St. L— wawa W-1 t". warn Wws.k ttvprc__. with images of twead lines and cvic- tron nouces rounding out news mp.wt.. But is rbc rntmth.. and years alio 'Black M—day' the markri, climbed again. Diversification is the key huzz word in investment circles. What that means is that rather than putting all of your money in one area — say. the stock market — spread it around in a few dit3crent types of investments — some stocks, some savings txinds and cash. The amount you put into each depends on how much of a risk -taker YOU arc. 'Risk and return go hard in hand:' says Mr Butler. "if you want a high return invest in riskier equities. But know that when the correction comes. those high-risk funds get hammered harder than the low-risk funds." You can try and time the highs and lows of the market — and a lot of peo- ple do — to get rich quick. But more likcl% you'll end up going broke quicker. Imesting on a regular basis is one of the best ways to avoid getting caught buying when prices are high and missing out on those times when they're low. Many people wait until the Feb. 28 deadline for RRSP contri- butions to make an investment. That can mean a lot of people making investment in a short Period of time. When demand goes up. so do the prices. Mr. Butler's advice is simple. '-Hang in there. Don't try and time the market. it's time in the market that counts" And if you want to be extra cautious, keep a map to the nearest mountain handy. Be kind to Mother Earth if you value your future With David Suzuki as a keynote speaker, this year's Recycling Coun- cil of Ontario's (RCO) 19th Annual Conference and Trade Show entitled 'Valuing Our Future — a Responsi- ble Evolution' promises to be a great inspiration to all who attend. The Oct. 6-8 conference, at the Toronto Congress Centre, will exam- ine issues surrounding funding of curbside pick-up; restructuring in the waste industry; the diversion promise of large-scale composting and high-rise recycling; recycling programmes in public spaces; and stewardship in the new millennium. More than 60 exhibitors are scheduled to display their latest in recycling technology. As well, pack- aged tours of local recycling indus- tries and companies with a strong waste minimization commitment will demonstrate their 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiatives and inno- LARRAINE ROULSTON RECYELER' S REPORT vations. Environment Minister Norm Ster- ling has made it clear that he would like to see Ontario meet its year 2000 waste reduction target of 50 per cent. In the spring of 1998, the RCO sub- mitted its Recycling Roles and Responsibilities report to him indi- cating options for moving Ontario forward in this regard. To what extent will RCO's advice help shape the province's waste -reduction agen- da? Mr. Sterling will discuss his ministry's plans on regulations. financing and industry stewardship. The RCO suggests delegates dial 'Share -A -Ride' (1-800-56 SHARE), a programme of The Green Work- place, to get to the conference and reduce car emissions. For companies unable to attend, most workshops and sessions as well as the plenary and lunches will be taped. Individual cassettes will be available for $10 or can be ordered with an additional mailing charge. For registration details call 416-960- 1025. sea The RCO's other big event, -Waste Reduction Week' (WRW), will take place Nov. 2 to 8. It's that time of year when the RCO reminds you to do your part to conserve the earth's resources. This year, WRW focuses on the 3Hs of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). HALT — before you purchase a potentially -hazardous product, ask yourself if you really need it. Limit the use of any hazardous products and only buy the amount needed to do the job. Look for non -hazardous alternatives. HEED — all warnings and label instructions on the use of any haz- ardous product. HANDLE — all potential hazardous products with care. Find out the best method of recycling or disposing o HHW. This year Ajax hopes to retrieve the title as the community that sends the (east residential garbage to land- fill in Our 'Mayors' Challenge'. Also there will be great prizes for resi- dents who use their Blue Boxes most efficiently. Larraine Roulston's column exploring environmental issues regularly appears on Wednesday. PARK Harris no sure bet Powerful voices in the news media have pronounced Premier Mike Harris already has next year's election safely wrapped up to the point where it seems hardly worth holding. The editor-in-chief of The Globe and Mail, which supports Harris and ! his Progressive Conservatives edito- rially, has concluded especially. after poring over a recent poll, that they "will surely be rewarded again." i Columnists in the Toronto Star, j which supports the Liberals, have conceded that the Times "appear to be on the road to re-election" and even "will be retuned:' The Toronto Sun has assured that Harris's opponents have no chance, and some other media have said that the Harris forces will get back, probably with a huge major- ty. The papers give diverse reasons, including a poll by Angus Reid which puts the Tones and Liberals at 41 per cent each and New Democrats at 13 per cent. But other Pollsters in recent months have continued to find the Liberals leading by between 3 and 12 per cent, as they have for marc than a year, and Rcid is noted for coming up with findings different from th (-v c of its rivals. One newspaper suggested that a government going into an election level with its leading opponent is bound to win, but don't tell that to former Liberal 90 Premier David Peter - Son. whit) started in 19far ahead in the polls but lost, ox Tory Frank Miller, who called a vote in 1985 because the polls I(r)ked good and was dcpnvcd of his majority and a few months later of hos government. The Liberals. although not in govemment, hell a big lead in the polls in 1995. but low to Hants, su Mew. -w Inf duttEed even &)ring a ling taxes and drat ticticw arW pvtns %chords :t Mine rng(WOLIa CUMCUlttm 1 andl.- n istinadi ecd tests. Th I1 ey ptnnt a,:euratcly to r.nccr l kadcr Dalth Dalton Mc(:uinty aving dont little to achtcvc his lofty nd j' stature in Polls athe NDP tieing so weak it cannot be even co nsd- cred in the race for government. But there are dangers to Harris. first in an expected economic slow- down. He has promised to -balance ithe budget in our first mandate" and moist recently by 2'0(X0 -o1, but his deficit this year is still a substantial $4.2 hdllioru. If revenues fall so that Harris drops behind schedule to meet this deadline, he will he seen as failing W keep a basic promise. Harris boast that he always keeps promis- es, unlike other politicians, so his reputation will be in question. People might start looking at other promises he broke. such as not to close- hospitals or merge munici- palities or to allow more casinos without a referendum. Harris also w ill he pressed to i explain why he did not stop :riding ito debt as a priority to help the econ- omy, as other government have done, but sought popularity by cut- ting taxes. Harris brags of high employ- ment, but a huge number of people have jobs ata minimum wage which he keeps low and therefore lack cause to admire him. Nor have the poor gencrally, who benefit little from tax cuts, or people in public housing, which he lets deteriorate while trying to get rid of it, or visible minorities after j he scrapped a law giving them rights to jobs: lined up to support him. He will not allow cameras to catch drivers racing through red j lights and killing because he has an odd ideology about protecting pn- vaicy. He appoints campaign strate- gists who grow rich selling their knowledge of him and his ministers. He stays out of the legislature to avoid embarrassing questions. Some media point out Harris has advantages in that he has spent more tax money than predecessors pro- moting his party and changed the f law so parties can spend up to $10.4 million in the election, which only the Tories can raise. But any con- cerned with fairness can nope that this will be rejected as overkill. These may be slight straws for opponents to cling to, but media t rushing to early judgment have picked the wrong horse before, including Miller to win in 1985, Peterson in 1990 and anyone but Harris in 1995, so they could do it again. M[:B IR -'IrHIK NEWS AIW FKTIWK WF:1NVF:.IDAV. SF.FrEMBEIt 23.19M Stmill carrying a torch f or :Terry photos by Ron Pietroniro Students at Glengrove Public School in Pickering took part in the annual Terry Fox Run last Friday, completing a total of 3.000 laps. Pupils in Grades 1 through 8 partic- ipated. raising close to $600 for cancer research. At right. teacher Walter Jewer gives students high fives on the track photo by cells droslkhorsf 'arN S;Gne, lett mom Nendy Stone. Heather -uchanan and Cindy lungwas were among 260 lrticlpants In the annual t�rry Fox Run at Rotary ark in Ajax Sunday. • pp roxlmately S14.000 was 'eked In Ajax this year. about the same as last year. WPIMMA"106i" now PNMIDC .ttsnrest onam bl for 34U1170/Ewa)(��, 10W30 1L lrseexe 4L 035.234 MltiAOHx Pt / 7 47. � ♦ � EaCh - v �oisli 7 EVERY DAY _ E1RRY DAY Pt 7 4 4 7 // tor 2311 l P R14 7 r�J' R�r >175/oil M97 7 y►' .e.. i80R13 18 79-1415 715 97 Serwice 4'I 3 Pt / 7 C t /R1F4 477 P105/ 15 227 p185/7tM14. 99.97,k, rllpetw tlrM AE tsaaeeax Radial ltiaa • Passenger an -season steel betted radol rites • wbnewvap srdewal styling "variable In 75 and 80 series ,depending on size) unnme aril M1rFaw Raxiext titre' •�-nh agg,eS"e M&S design • Ad,,r,c,d anter tread compound • 9 speed rated AT VYAL-MART WE SELL FOR LESS eery day. 270 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX (East of Harwood on Kingston Rd.) RAMNOR✓ LE/Y/VOX ►> Aire. tles" per` FURNACE 844 4FJF $500 off furnace 41M- 1200 off air & air conditioner j conditioner if purchased or furnace together or furnace & if purchased fireplace Y.F separately L , 've pin DaEPLAO- S Lennox Serving Durham Since 1965 �rdAarrsd owYr Whitby-Oshawa•Bowmanville (905) 434-5541 PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 RAMNOR HEATING 8 AIR CONDITIONING ColorYour World' Decorate with Style %Off---� Ot R REGLLAR 2!; LOW PRICE DESICNER'S TOUCH SATIN' LATEX PAINT 72 • Premium quality Facellent hide .r ..:.x. • 1'x in living rooms and bedrooms •n..a 2 V* EXTERIOR PAINT �/6 Painter's Choice A Off'Exterior latex Flat WZ STO(W CLEARA\('E (�(1tTERIOR STAIh77awd Shir eie OilStaff■wLL at WALLPAPERe., rstice416 0'.1.er 600 colors to BOOK ORDERS choose front, %ti hen v'ou buv 2 single rollsApools or more •. ,n .hc It....► Pr" C St aft cxdudcs fabric and accosones) 105 Bavlv Street West. Pickering Town Centre 705 Kingston Road, va, .4 FfwrsL k Lnrrp.x)l Rd.. Pickrrvre (Huy Ila Alpin Rd I Pkkeritgr 683-2047 839-2252 420-2548 Facts About the Secondary Strike Situation Against the Durham District School Board Secondary school teachers for the Durham District School Board last year averaged 1 140 minutes (six of eight classroom periods every two days) or nineteen hours per `seek instructing students. The Ministry of Education and Training requires *hot this be increased to on overage of 1250 minutes or twenty hours and filly minutes per week. This could require that the maiority of leochers teach seven of eight classroom periods every two days. The Ministry has relaxed its definition of instructional time to allow activities such as additional classroom supervision and mentoring, so wfxy const the Board reach an agreement with its secondary team; The Board has', unable to rleadF ogneemenl with its teachers because its financial resources ore inadequate to meet teachers' de/nands. The $13.7 Million Myth The Minister of Education and Training stated in March that the Durham DWrid School Board would receive more than $13.7 million in additional grants. This was the Minister's prounl irary esthnato. The i eaNy Is ON* tris amotttwt was ave sloled by about $9.5 wM n. Detailed revenue and expenditure information has been shared repeatedly with the local secondary teachers' federation since lost April. Cost of Teacher Union Demands The Board received funding for staffing secondary schools for this school year based on teachers instructing an average of 22 students per class for seven of eight classroom periods every two days. It would require another $7 million annuaNy to hire the 118 teachers needed to return to the schedule of six of eight classroom periods every two days as demanded by The teochers' federation and a further $1.6 million annufally to meet current wage and benefit demands. The Board is no longer allowed to raise money through local taxes or knowingly incur debt. The Ministry has said no more money will be forthcoming from the province to assist the Board in settling its contract. The $8.6 million annually would have to come from a reduction in salaries (secondary teachers earn an average of $65,000 per year including benefits), classroom programs (such as special education), classroom computers or from other staff groups. Across Ontario, public secondary teachers are teaching students and negotiating at the some time. We think the local secondary federation leadership should consider this option. IT WOULD GET STUDENTS AND TEACHERS BACK INTO THE CLASSROOM. PICKERIN(: — Crime Stop- pers and Durham Regional Police are seeking the public's assistance in solving a robbery in Pickering. On July 13 at around 12:25 a.m. a man entered the Mac's milk store at 993 Bayly St. brandishing a handgun as he approached the clerk and ordered him to open the safe. The suspect then ran behind the counter and pointed the gun at the clerk's head and again demanded he open the safe. As the clerk opened the till the culprit helped himself to a quanti- ty of money. A number of lottery tickets and bingo game cards were also taken as the robber fled the store. He was last seen running in an easterly direction toward West THE NEWS ADVvirrisFRWEDNFSDAY.SEPTEMBER 23.JIM -PAt:F: I i Minor injuries ii The driver of this Suburban suffered only minor injuries in a single -vehicle crash in the westbound lanes of Hwy. 401 just Shore Boulevard. The suspect is described as black, approximately 19 years of age, and 5'T' tall with short hair and a slim build. He was wearing blue jeans. a dark-coloured T-shirt and a light-coloured scarf or ban- danna that partially covered his face. Crime Stoppers will pay a cash reward for any information that will lead to an arrest in this inci- dent. Callers never have to give their name or testify in court. Crime Stoppers does not use call display because police are inter- cstcd in what you know. not who you are. To contact Crime Stop- pers. call 436-9477 or 1_800_ TIPS. -900- TIPS. photos by Andrew fwanoti mW west of Westney Road in Ajax Monday. police report substantial damage was caused to a barrier. Home electronics $20 28WTHSTBYO 5.. COLOUR TV SED front surround Sorxtd. Darts -glass, high con,"O picture hibe 01,93n. Sears reg. 499 _W 479-99 a sr0 SEAR4S11m0 2" CALM TV s-tniaso input corm and no" Vfif/ds roc ........ awpo ocd.es. TWO& shlhm n45za. Som M 949.99 � W R_X WTA $200 FROC,YMWaWT SW Choice sa/eMile system. Me lmookouNson A ma" pmorwrOWq plClrayl much De pnMred , W1r1 ow sin. GM 1-800.361.6665 or nblrpursersnerhMsbm for dab& Save $50 JVC° STEREO COLOUR N • View 2 channels at once with 2 -tuner P.I.P. • TV Guide Plus+" on-screen program listings • Plug-in menu for easy programming om4w Sears reg. 849.99. 79,66 3-yw parts and tabour warranty; ask for detwis save W SEARS 4 -HEAD VCR With Pro-cision 19 micro heads for sharper images and stable colour r3ozoa. Sears reg. 229.99. 199.99 save $20 SHARP®X-BASS y��. AWN MINI-SYSTEM M WO AWN syrtthl�W Zed tuner and remoteWrlhal. #mw Sears reg. save s20 PIONEER0 10OW 3-D)SC MINI -SYSTEM 3 -CO changer, dual full -logic cassette deck. rzas... Sears reg. 3099.349.99 Hxcnilows sy (OPIONEER= HITACHI ,��� SHARP. JVC 09406 Copyright 1998. Sears Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of SearsTM PAGE 12 - THE NEWS AINEKTISER WEDNESDAY, SEPfE%IBER 23. 190 ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLIFE IN AJAX AND PICKERING Art imitates life... of our yesteryears PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE SPIRIT WALK TAKES US BACK, WAY BACK By Bill Simpson 5: - ,• , I,, d Ive riser PICKFRING — 1,.... oking back at the plays 1 have reviewed over the past few' years, most have been by American and British play- wrights. Canadian plays have been much less common and local plays quite rare. It is a special treat to be able to report on an outstanding piece of the- atre: that is specific to the Pick- ering arca. A Spirit Walk was presented last weekend at the Pickering Aluseum Village at Green- 'A,xid. on the cast branch of Duffins Creek. The location is noteworthy since Bn script was written specifically to be Per- formed there. This production is an ambi- tious and risky onc. It requires a cast of 40, a few acre, of land, one creek that is not in flood. several pioneer buildings. and a large collection of antique props and costumes. It also depends on the weather behav- ing during performances. For- tunately, the weather was tine. the Museum Village provided a perfect setting, and a huge amount of preparation resulted in a very successful event. The people responsible for A Spirit Walk do not seem to think of it as a play. and it cer- tainly i% not a conventional play. The approach is fascinat- ing and perhaps unique. A guide leads a small group of people on a walk through the Museum Village property. Since all the people they meet are dressed in 19th -century clothes and are talking about Bingo benefits Pickering Rotary Music Festival A Mini -Monster Bingo Will he held next month in .support of the Pickering Rotary Mu,tc Festival. The fund-raising bingo m slated for Ajax Bingo Coun- try. 610 Monarch Ayc., Ajax, My. nday. Chi. 12 at 1:10 an) Door, upon at 12:30 am A prize hoard of S5.5(l) w Ill be available. The Mint -Monter Bingo will also feature special events of a musical nature through the course of the evening. The Pickcnne Rotary Music Festital has been a i community event for the past 11 )cars, uttering an opportunity fur Durham Region's young musicians to show their talents and it, compete fir pnzcs and scholarships. Sctcral area musicians have gone on to win provincial competitions. events of 160 years. ago, this walk becomes a journey back in time. The idea of bine travel has been used in so many movies that it has become common- place. However. the special power or living theatre with real people. together with the compelling authenticity of the location. gives a remarkable sense of reality and immediacy to the Spirit Walk. A Spirit Walk is about some early settlers in Pickering Township and the Rebellion of 1X37 By the way. Pickering Township included the present towns of Pickering and Ajax. The script is based on historical records of the township, but it's expressed in the personal sto- ries of people of that pond, notably Peter and Hannah Matthew%. The truth of these stones was emphasized by the presence of Richard M:uthews, a direct descendent of Peter Sfaittnw%. Thr rewarctrcrs and writers responsible for this amazing adventure in history are Mary Delaney. Barbara Pleva. Katri- na Pykc. Anecla Stevn and the staff of the Pickcrmg Library's local history room whose names were not recorded in the programme. The artistic dircc- tur is Larry O'Leary, wim tcd by Hcllmuth Brikisak They. together with many tither, who took pan in the Spirit walk. can be very proud of their achieve- ment. 1 wish I could tell you that A Spirit R'alk will run tie thtr next month l'ntoniunatcly, tht extraordinary demands of this production limited its run at one weekend One can only hope there will be another Spir- it Walk next year. 11 there I%, 1 suggest you hook your tickets early. Talented pianist teaches The Art of Accompanying A gifted pianist will share her musical knowledge with music teachers and student% and interested guests at a weekend workshop on The Art of Accotn- panyng in Ajax. Charlene Biggs will he the special guest of the Pickering branch of the Ontario Regis- tered Music Teachers• AssoZia- lion at the workshop at St. Tim- othv's Preshvterian Church Surnlay. Sept. 27 from 2 to 4 Club Carib .bash PICKER- ING — The Pickering Carib Canadian Cultur- al Association celebrates its I Mth anniversary with a dinner and dance. The celebra- tion will he held Saturday. Get. 17 at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex. 1867 Valley Farm Rd., with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 and formal dress is request- ed. Music will he provided by Fletcher'] Love. Dover prizes will be, awarded. Fur more information call Alma at 428- 6746. Susan at 420-$196. Nor- ma at 430-3057 or Willie at 428- K244. p.m. R„yal Con, natory �'t \lusts. Ms. Biggs hold.] a Mastcr% of Shc'% currenthv working on her Musts (performance) from ekotorale in performance at the Cxolismith's College. University Eastman Setxxil of Music in of London, England She was a Rochester. New York. piano, lecturer at the Colcclicster Cost is $10 for ORMT'A Institute of Music. She taught mcmhen. $5 lir students and piano, chamber music, vocal 515 for other guests. accompanying and music St. Timothy's Presbyterian appreciation at the London City Church is at 97 Burchcr Rd.. Literan Institute. She returned Ajax. to Canada in 1992. teaching For more information call piano and accompaniment at the Judv Hume at 683-9493. photo by Andrew twanowski Pickering Museum Village volunteer Julie Oakes Volunteers portrayed the spirits of various charac- of Whitby portrayed 'Mrs Matthews in the Spirit ters from the Rebellion of 1837 for the event, Walk held on the weekend at the museum village. which our theatre critic hopes will be repeated. Women's chorus pitches for singers of all pitches Eastsi,k ilarm"lly 14outcn , Ch o- ru% has begun a search fir singers icor the upcoming %Cason. The chwrws began a seven -week rncmher%hip dnvc Sept 17. It's look Ing for high voices, how voices and anything in between. No experience is necessary, a% new member, can be taught all they need to kn..w. l.•t,t,idc Harmony Chorus is a romperitive singing group which meet% at tx- We,t R,xigc Commtmtiv Centre, 270 Rouge Hills Dr . Scarhwr- ough, on Thursday nights at 7:31) p.m. For more infirnution call Anne Gau%rcau a1 tit 1 -2329. HERONGATE BAR•V THEATRE 2885 Afton Rd. Pickering WW PLAYING HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES” .;.An .ingenious Comedy Janet Millar insists she gets more than she gives. coI FA T VIR AF Gy OUTLETS TJRST EVE ;V� 111 TRAM -IN SALE SE BER 17.27 - �� TRADE IN ~' your OLD DISHES Ofor ♦s NEW'. DINNER ou BRING I • CORNING •W,a0 . WILL GIVE YOU A DOLLAR�I,, Ery, .` IraIM D,aNrrlK up,la !J - a Iia ria utas o� a.,..a Sept. 27th <+ un o. uca� .rocs a.cMuO GREAT SAVINGS ON ALL YOUR FAVOURITE BRANDS! N11..0 1-111 nVl.hrplu..I i.. R I-^ 1,. 1. n^p P•Ik. Inn n 191151 771-3;76 14161 633-5636 14Q5 14'_11-9:31) i � 3 RICHMOND HILL DOWNSVIEW PICKERING t...1., . a.o L 10 00' 6 00 � • � .. s„� t7 00 5 a Janet Millar is a "Big Sister" and more. She volunteers for Junior Achievement, And over the past four years, we've formed a wonderful friendship that's spearheads a clothes drive for two women', shelters, helps with Varieth Village's important to both of us." Sunshine Games for children with disabilities and spends time LN-ing a "Big Janet works to, Roval Bank in Pickering. She's just one of many Roval Bank Sistor" to "Little Sister- Tanya - her favourite of all. "I do whalt•%vr I can to help," staff across Canada who take time out to help in their communities. And we'd just she says, "and I always get back more than I give." like to take this opportunity to thank Janet and Tanya have a weekly date together. "I do my best to do 'kid' things them for doing what they do. ROYAL [TANK with her - things like biking, picnicking and rollerskating - things I enjoy tow.FINANCIAL GROUP ' Rantaeled trad.- mark ,N R. pial Bank ,.1 C anada • IRIagJnr A vrw SW d C—ffkg ty e -..110i — THE NEW'x ADVERTISER WEDNE.IDAY. SEFrEMBER 23, IM - ►AC;E 13 ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLIFE IN AJAX AND PICKERING Harem Scare back home BUT, THEY'D RATHER BE IN JAPAN WHERE BAND ENJOYS TREMENDOUS POPULARITY By Jahn Bllarte Staff Editor Over the past 10 years, nicker Harem Scarem have sold close to half a million records worldwide, Yet. here at home, the Mand may as well be Canada's hest -kept secret. "it would he great to he better known in our own country:' says Harem Scarem guitarist Pete Les- perance. -But we have been real- ly fortunate in the success we have enjoyed outside of Canada. And that's the really awl thing" Cowl, indeed. Almost from the beginning. Harem Scarcm gath- ered a fiollowing in Europe and in the Orient, in particular in Japan where the hand sold approximate- ly 100. k (XX) rccords last year Due to 111M susses. Harem So:. has been making yearly jounteys to Japan lir the last three years. Lesperance reminisced while taking a break from rehearsing and preparing lir a shnv at Cbpperfields in L)`hawa t-Ihursday. tide day het re the Fund leaves tie Japan. "Being a rock hand is a jour- ney. not a destination type of thing:' Lesperance says. "And we've enjoyed the last 10 year,. - Harem Scarem burst on the Canadian music sctinw in 19MM after cotmpeting in the 'Honn- gro wn' contest held by rtwk su- tidm (11117. That carte sh,rtly after huxdmatcs Ham Hess and fY.nn-n Smith met up with tx%- perance and hLkc Giotnct (who has since been replaced by Bum I)onaghy 1. 'Ilic gaup placed second. but more important was the fact they captured the attention of Warner Music Canada which promptly signed Harent Scarcm tot a world- wide recording contract. The hand's self -haled debut album was filled with ponder pop f and rock melodies and uwk Harem Scarcm on an cxterimve cross -Canada tour. %[yawning two radio hits — 'Honestly' and Sktwiy Slippng Away' 'Flv- rtext release. 'Mooed Swings, shtywcd a rnorc aggres- stve and musically confident Harem Scarcm. But while Cana- dians never emNwcd thts record as they had thn first one. 27 cotun- /gab b AJ. Gran Carrot head While Jimmy Buffett's fans are known as Parrot- Wallace goes W the stage name The Musical Magical heads, Keith Wallace followers might soon be Cowboy and carrots are among his props. He was referred to as Carrot heads after his performance at appearing as part of the Irick -off for the United Way of the Baywood Centre in Ajax Saturday. But, for now, Ajax4lickering's 1999 fund-raising campaign. Women's chorus needs new voices Durttarn Shores Chortis invites women to join them for Tuesday night musk workshops. The chorus is looking for more voices to learn 0- ,j•, ary 1999. Call Sharon Hasted. (905) 434-2630, or Lena Mottle (905) 668-7547. tries around the globe were singing the prates of Harem Scarem. 'Voice of Real n; the third album. m:rkc,J a agni icant point in the- Mand'. hisary. While main- taining a legion of fans at home. Harem Sc;rcm's potpulanty was growing, by leaps and hounds in the Philippmes. Singapore. 'vlalaysia. Indoncva and Japan. Casting c Dtufam Shoestrint ; io,nn- crs are taking audition, for two, upconnng producuom. Auditions will run on Wedric,- day. (let. 7.7: ilh p.m. lir 'Escape Frmn Happiness; at the Arts Reso,irce Centre behind (Nowa City Hall. k;.scape Fnwn HaMncs� is a u tr",N y h7 C'an:wL's Gt:sWro: V W'alkcr which is a svmpathcnic 1---k or .t faintly in chats :n the city , turinuml tmadcs thcr horns. Otrccnr Carolyn Nilson is Hcss says. "It's really amaimg to ,cc how diflercnt cultures embrace different kinds of music no matter wh t is considerer) hip." Icsperance says -Voice of Reason' was "a little d rker and a little heavier- than prevuous Harem Searem albums Combine that with the "changing musical climate" and the hand was ycstcr- day's news... in Canada " In Asian countries. people seem to he just as open to new mucic styles, but they also hold on to their favourite hands:' the gui- tarist says. -But they also allow You to grow' as musicians and as a hind:' Harem Scarcm has been a (avounte in Japan ever smce. And Japan has been a favounte of Harem Scarcm. Every year, the hand takes a trip over to the Orient and lours to appreciative audiences. Lesper- ance says the tours allow group members to return home and con- centrate of songwnting o r "other things that we would nor be able to do otherw isc " One of those things is Harem ,:arem's fifth album. lxsperance iys 'Big Bang Theory' is "our -est alhum ever" Asked it this record would win +arem Scarem new tans in Cana - :.r. Lcsperjncc simply vys he rid his handmates are happy with C sudxess the group has enjoyed ..:er the fxtst decade --and leaves it that. They may Fre relatively unknown at home. But they are hg in Japan. And. that's OK with Haremre Scam Local fan, of the hand can catch them Thursday. Sept. 2S, at C'oppertields ( Wo King St. W in O%h;iwa) -rickets cost sx in ad%ance and 510 it th door on he the night of tsho%. all for comedy, musical looking lox four wotriten aged -'tl 1, , roan reluctant to itstcn to to, I5. one woman ago: 50 Ito Ni, the vo,iccs he hears. His life • two men in their carly twentil-s, change, after he goc-s public with and three rrnm ages 45 to Nl his paean orntal abilities. The play will run fan 22, iz 'Tempting Fruth* rc-yuires a and 27. ?x. 29 and t0 cast of 15 adult pnricipal. soloist A cast is ala) wanted for aril chorus smgcrs of all ages. and 1)SP's premier production one pec-adhlesccnt boy Auohnon- Acnvpting t-w1h. 'Aud%mms I,r cts stu,uld M--parc one umg Ow musical Is) OSP', own Tom -Ile play will run \hied, 5, h. Southwell will h on Ricsdav, and 10. 11. 12. 11, 11),00 l k -t 11. 7 ill p or at the Arts To lxrrt w a .e-npt. or for mit we Rcsoounr C entrc. mh,nru i,m. :all Caroli n Uds. vt [lie musical centrc, fir iml a w itN15t 725-9256 HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found a good dental home! • A Fell Range of Dental Treatments • Satertt:ty aoif Ev Appviuotmrtnts • Flem-Ne Payment Options • A Rely, Stress -Free Atmosphere • DR. VIJAY BADHWAR a DENTISTRY ® New Patients and EI1lneeraexcies Welettl►me Conwni -day lornmed in the Ajax Pk= of 172 Harwood Ave. S. four-part hamtcxty, receive profes- sional Hundreds of Styles From Seniors to Tots %gonad vocal coaching, attend �� annual corn ti- � � ;, tion.+ and partici- Thinks Fashion? pate in community _ iPubble Bottom Sport Shoe 9 GalloWa perfcxmances. ,� �, s VPub./Sizes 5 1/2 9, 10 Their first - %ho w. Mardi Gras ` • �/� 1 / Brown, on Broadway in 4, V fietxuuy, had an - $4,9 Dublin Leather Oxford audience of over ; Brown 400. The chorus is LC:� Sizes 6 9, 10 currently planning .. _/�to�� sora,• a Cabaret and 1(r IVP/f� •i0W' i-' f'i/i<i �i _� 1}ance for Fctxu- rt ' lWV (f [.�t47t7t1�' Fmnrly Shim Shopping . i � msr leather s V Boot11=1r iizo 6-9, 10 MAX Harwood 60 427,60" 19 NEWMARKET PLAZA Davis Dr. 2 lights east of Hwy. 1 I r OS) 830-1406 r„d% 0 00 an, o 00 p, Salk doy o 00 an o oro pn. Sunday t 100 tom 5 00 p^ HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found a good dental home! • A Fell Range of Dental Treatments • Satertt:ty aoif Ev Appviuotmrtnts • Flem-Ne Payment Options • A Rely, Stress -Free Atmosphere • DR. VIJAY BADHWAR a DENTISTRY ® New Patients and EI1lneeraexcies Welettl►me Conwni -day lornmed in the Ajax Pk= of 172 Harwood Ave. S. four-part hamtcxty, receive profes- sional Hundreds of Styles From Seniors to Tots %gonad vocal coaching, attend �� annual corn ti- � � ;, tion.+ and partici- Thinks Fashion? pate in community _ iPubble Bottom Sport Shoe 9 GalloWa perfcxmances. ,� �, s VPub./Sizes 5 1/2 9, 10 Their first - %ho w. Mardi Gras ` • �/� 1 / Brown, on Broadway in 4, V fietxuuy, had an - $4,9 Dublin Leather Oxford audience of over ; Brown 400. The chorus is LC:� Sizes 6 9, 10 currently planning .. _/�to�� sora,• a Cabaret and 1(r IVP/f� •i0W' i-' f'i/i<i �i _� 1}ance for Fctxu- rt ' lWV (f [.�t47t7t1�' Fmnrly Shim Shopping . i � msr leather s V Boot11=1r iizo 6-9, 10 MAX Harwood 60 427,60" 19 NEWMARKET PLAZA Davis Dr. 2 lights east of Hwy. 1 I r OS) 830-1406 r„d% 0 00 an, o 00 p, Salk doy o 00 an o oro pn. Sunday t 100 tom 5 00 p^ Let m e get back N to te chin 9 .;� r .� ,,�;,.:: ;rte ��� .,. '` � .� . - �r� ���'�•iM *+,�.. : :. . 00 your MWI _.n ren Your Catholic district school board has locked us out. We know'you share our frustration. We just want to get back to providing your children with the quality education they deserve. Call your Catholic School board trustee to unlock the classrooms and put children first. Jim McCafferty, Chair Fred Jones Fran Pereira Joe Cory Judy Morris Mary Anne Martin 839-8454 Kathy Lefort 725-3910 Janice Oldman 831-1237 723-8048 666-1888 Durham Secondary 665-0341 unit 985-7640 683-9169 , -PC i 1Ca. Catholic Teachers THF. NFw% ADYFH7'IS m wFDNFSOAY, s&;rrKM6F:R m. tato{ Wild himngs .Fears forchildren,pets, grow as coyotes take up residence in Durham " mel' McMaster Staff Writer You don't have to travel to remote wilderness areas to he in the company of coyotes. In fact, there are several areas across Durham frequented by the night howlers. "Things are really coming into town;' says Marilyn Newhall. a resi- dent of Rihhlcsdale Drive in Whitby. Mrs. Newhall recently encountered threecoyotes coming out of the wtxxds near Pringle Creek while she was walking her dog, Sandy. She says tier hushand Paul scared them off by making loud sounds but she has now altered her well -travelled route away tram the arca because she is fright- ened the animals might attack her dog. Since then. a neighbour has also found a coyote den in the same ravine and a fox was spotted scurrying through the Whitby co-op in which she lives. While one's first impulse may toe to place a call to the local animal con- trol centre, local residents will find little satisfaction from that route because centres here say their hands are basically tied when it comes to wild animals like coyotes. -'We generally tell residents we can't resfxond to a coyote unless it is injured or ill:' says Sylvic Lynch, supervisor of Pickering- Ajax-Wh ithy (PAW) Animal Control Services. "in that caw. Police will assist us in shtx>hng it or putting it down" Must local animal control centres simply dlm't have the resottrces or the manpower to trap and remove each reported covote, she says. Those type of calls, which are becoming more and more frequent, are usually direct- ed to the Mtni.try of Natural Resources (MN Rt. site says. While coyotes arc hold and curious animals, ministry officials say they pose little threat to humans. Tim Boyd, an MNR enforcement supervi- ,or, contends that though his office 'ias recorded many sightings across i turham, he's never heard of a coyote tually attacking a person. 'They're hold — there's no gtaes- :aXa'of that:' he says. "We've had rcPwl% of them entering harm during the day " Mr Boyd says urban development has pushed the covoic out of its natur- al habitat and the animals arc now on the lock -out for an available foxxl "xrrce, using ravines As their travel otos. Moving animals out of the city into t ural areas isn't a % olution, it's just 'relocating another problem:' he ,.tys. Transporting coyotes away from their den and f«xl source can actually starve the animals to death, he adds. fits office will rccornmend kcal trap- pers to farmers whose livestock are being hit by the animals, but he believes humans and coyotes can co- exist. In areas like Durham, the idea of man and the howling beast living side by side in harmony is, for some, out of the question. In fact, Clarington has the highest rate of livestock kills to the province as listed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Rx)d and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). says Barbecue cooks up funds for museum PICKERING — A barbecue to benefit the Pickering Museum Vil- lage Foundation will be held Satur- day, Sept. 26 at the SuperCentre on Liverpool Road. Foundation members and friends will be on hand flipping burgers and beating hot dogs to raise money for the Museum Village's Puterbaugh Schoolhouse project. The first 100 people to buy an item from the barbecue will receive a two-for-one pass for the Museum Village's Fall Family Festival to be held Sunday. Oct. 4. In our fall Fashion Preview II insert included in this newspaper. Please note: Page 14 (Shoe Stitch -in) - Men's Distinction shoes: square toe oxford (style 86008). $120 and plain toe boot (KA07). 5130 will not be available until September 30,1998; Page 34 - liaggar woven cotton sportshirt, $55 will not be available until September 28, 1998. We aiaeanM iii"Re to dor alwd awaotora and regret airy IattaoNaaea of 09001 t this afar law tarot. EATON'S Doug Johnstone, a predator informa- tion officer with the Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency and the Ontario Cattlemen Association. Livestock claims in Claringtnn have increased from $93.(xx) in 1995 to $10.1,000 in 1997 because of the proliferation of coyotes. The problem stems from the very nature of Durham, which is not only a fast developing region, but also one with both rural and urban areas, Mr. Johnstone explains. In rural/urban municipalities, where there arc bylaws governing the discharge of firearms, there is not enough hunting activity to keep coyote numbers down like in strictly rural settings, he says. As a result, the coyote population has catapulted, growing beyond its natural available food source, he explains. In turn. the animals have turned to sheep. calves, and domestic NN for food and memllers in the business of controlling predators fear bigger kills on the horizon. "Quote frankly, it' I had real small children and lived in (an active coyote arca) I'd have some concern for them," Mr. Johnstone says. "(An attack on a child) hasn't occurred yet but 1 would he concerned as a parent because they become so domesticated in a lot of areas" Mr. Johnstone says there are reports of attacks on cats and dogs in the Niagara -on -the -Lake arca and coyotes approaching farmers while they plough their fields. He believes the two can co -exist but in areas where coyotes have a natural food source available. But that is not the case here. "It's almost impossible to know how many coyotes are actually in (Durham).' he says. "The 'INR office, with downsi/ing, doesn't seem to have the time to monitor the num- hers so they use OMAFRA statislics.' It's not unusual for a farm to be frequented by 15 or 16 coyotes at one time. says Mr. Johnstone. who refers troubled farmers to local trappers for help with their predator problems. Coyotes. which used to feed on pestering ground hogs, have become a real problem to the sheep and cattle industry, he says. While there are few ground hogs to be found in Claringtnn anymore because of the howlers, coy- otes have developed a taste for live- stock, even training their young to kill sheep and cattle. he points out. "It's an ongoing battle for fainters who put up electric fencing:" he explains. "But the coyotes become hooked on (livestock) and find ways to get around it. They've put some sheep producers out of business" Mr. Johnstone, who has witnessed some farmers lose as much as 25 per cent of their production to predators. believes trapping may be one of the only ways to bring the population under control again. Trappers -pro- vide a very valuable service to live- stock producers" despite how animal activists may feel about the profes- sion. he says. "A lot of people think if we just keep to the natural wav of life, things will just take care of themselves:" he says. "But what they fail to realize is by living and cu -existing with nature we still have an effect on it. Every time we clear a piece of land and develop it, we are impacting nature." t FAGF. 15 photo by A.J. 6roeo Don Davison figures this hole he found in Whitby's Pringle Creek Park is either a fox den or a lair for coyotes which have been turning up more often in Durham. days only Plus, user our Sears Card and DONYTPAY FOR ONE FULL YEAR on all major appliances ftn't pay until September 1999, on approved credit, with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral tee and all applicable tares and charges are payable at time of purchase. Excludes liquidation items to Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases. Offer ends Sunday. September ?7. 1999. Ask for details. 09400 COpyright 1998. Soars Canada Inc. MICE 14 - THE NEWS AUVI It'MM WEDNESDAY, :l:Pl'F:MeF:R Zl, 19" Bargains galore to clothe children AJAX - Ilk: Durham Region Parents of %fulu- pk Births Associ- ation has a new location for its semi-annual sale. It's being held Saturday. Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to I p.m. at the Annan- dale Golf and Cutting Club, at .tie .:. w4•c4 .,f I"' ly and Church Streets in Ajax Among Items offered arc gently - used clothing from newborn sizes to size 14. toys• baby equip- ment. maternity clothing and crafts. Terms arc cash only Children arc welcome. but due to space limita- tions, no strollers or wagons can be accommodated. The assmia- tion is a non-prof- it group offering support, informa- tion, education and assistance to its members and the community ablaut raising twins, triplets. quadruplets or quintuplets. Ser- vices provided include monthly newsletters. guest speakers on vari- ous child-rearing topics, member- ship in the nation- al organization, and bereavement information. Cal 1686-0707. Islamic School classes start Friday The Islamic School of Durham Region is again holding classes. Classes are on Fridays, starting Sept. 25, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in Rooms 100. 101 and 103 of Pickering High School, Church Street north of Hwy. 2 in Ajax. There are class- es in Islamiat. Koran reading and Urdu language. Call lkram Makki at 831- 2351. M. Iftekhar Ali at 683-0752 or Shaheen Butt at 416-281-0231. A. 4;, 'a�++WYYer� 4;z d'YF t a b� "T11 ri - 1 s 't'iw -Y.- <t••5: +t; 'r"'w"rryrrf/#' photin IV AJ. Girven Bean bags and tin hats The Baywood Centre and LOEB store in Ajax hosted a United Way of Ajax -Pick- ering fund-raising event Saturday to kick off the United Way's annual campaign. Hundreds of area residents showed up to find out what the United Way and its member agencies are all about and to have a good time in the process. At left, Michelle Spagnuolo plays bean bag toss. Above, Danielle Domingues dons her Tin Man hat for a performance by the Young Singers of Ajax. AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... MCERELY YOURS TO RESPOND TO AN AD, CALL 1-900-451-3793. $2.49 PER MINUTE. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. 52.49 per men. "I rem r'r,w+rr.rwprmr.r rrw Krrnw.•orr.r.rr.rs',r,rwww. n� n�o:l�won•. � YSr 9�oa aaq� rw. n rwlwrss �wws.N rarw. ran rObw44i IIrw4..n. 4 that-'��"""�"'j' � �• rr roy fOirMtlaalr Call 1-900-451-3793 I4r•rrl •,rr�ir wtirw.- M aw•rrr w r+r.a� .trW tie rb •r4I 4n.•[Srvy•rw 414- mw.rr r rb. r<... I,rr w wrow..m.I sr. tK b. tree. w11414. Nmr Nb caw. r. ' �OK�rOr --•--�-m• �+ �'-+ w r r w rr. •� ao� • bc,.r.+r. v.•,Ir rrw �'• $2.49 per wdn. Bargains galore to clothe children AJAX - Ilk: Durham Region Parents of %fulu- pk Births Associ- ation has a new location for its semi-annual sale. It's being held Saturday. Sept. 26 from 9 a.m. to I p.m. at the Annan- dale Golf and Cutting Club, at .tie .:. w4•c4 .,f I"' ly and Church Streets in Ajax Among Items offered arc gently - used clothing from newborn sizes to size 14. toys• baby equip- ment. maternity clothing and crafts. Terms arc cash only Children arc welcome. but due to space limita- tions, no strollers or wagons can be accommodated. The assmia- tion is a non-prof- it group offering support, informa- tion, education and assistance to its members and the community ablaut raising twins, triplets. quadruplets or quintuplets. Ser- vices provided include monthly newsletters. guest speakers on vari- ous child-rearing topics, member- ship in the nation- al organization, and bereavement information. Cal 1686-0707. Islamic School classes start Friday The Islamic School of Durham Region is again holding classes. Classes are on Fridays, starting Sept. 25, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in Rooms 100. 101 and 103 of Pickering High School, Church Street north of Hwy. 2 in Ajax. There are class- es in Islamiat. Koran reading and Urdu language. Call lkram Makki at 831- 2351. M. Iftekhar Ali at 683-0752 or Shaheen Butt at 416-281-0231. A. 4;, 'a�++WYYer� 4;z d'YF t a b� "T11 ri - 1 s 't'iw -Y.- <t••5: +t; 'r"'w"rryrrf/#' photin IV AJ. Girven Bean bags and tin hats The Baywood Centre and LOEB store in Ajax hosted a United Way of Ajax -Pick- ering fund-raising event Saturday to kick off the United Way's annual campaign. Hundreds of area residents showed up to find out what the United Way and its member agencies are all about and to have a good time in the process. At left, Michelle Spagnuolo plays bean bag toss. Above, Danielle Domingues dons her Tin Man hat for a performance by the Young Singers of Ajax. AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... MCERELY YOURS TO RESPOND TO AN AD, CALL 1-900-451-3793. $2.49 PER MINUTE. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1-800-662-8423. ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT. � � i 52.49 per men. "I rem r'r,w+rr.rwprmr.r rrw Krrnw.•orr.r.rr.rs',r,rwww. n� n�o:l�won•. � YSr 9�oa aaq� rw. n rwlwrss �wws.N rarw. ran rObw44i IIrw4..n. floated home that-'��"""�"'j' � �• rr roy fOirMtlaalr Call 1-900-451-3793 I4r•rrl •,rr�ir wtirw.- M aw•rrr w r+r.a� .trW tie rb •r4I 4n.•[Srvy•rw 414- mw.rr r rb. r<... I,rr w wrow..m.I sr. tK b. tree. w11414. Nmr Nb caw. r. ' �OK�rOr --•--�-m• �+ �'-+ w r r w rr. •� ao� • bc,.r.+r. v.•,Ir rrw �'• $2.49 per wdn. wW.a� Y-*+ .w,r••. . r":r^ r,arr . w.wr4.rs .rI aI•.n w w na,r .r.4 s.r.s r .rRb• r,r n b a b .wwr U was so exciting. I couldn't we ,� .....n.-. lOOarG.a.lo•a r= ar 41144 fD1110aw rq rs n rwwr.r bb.,•yr Bal n,w If�) ori faire/. kmkmr is Irrr.tlwarw .... .-,....r.... �wmw.r..r _ �"�r• r' n.�, r.....r.w,,.., NNwb•woou4rrOM[. O.Y w. w srwq..•tars • qeK nem• r,m,[. �.irirvt Mit lrrrsOla�S. and that quickly ]61 , $req • nlr,4. An n b 4rIOlY w w .-. .«..ver ....r .r wwr M w.•4r4 b,w w ro, a s•rq Marr n,.lw bnr wmr4w IM K r m. ST. 500 KaM I Was falling rl nq for soront .rr. e•Iq w ray aer w mw 5w nB.rn•r.r�w,rw.urplfOETYIi o. _ +..rcawow•-r-.. -_nr o:..+r.r�..w �'�`... -r [e n n m. s f ,>5 b e wq• b4.a r Here 1 am, director of "r r GMrr �rlrbM.rr talr4+rr irbrM rm.u- w rr r Ica,• w a G4rw. w,..w A w. w" ."�-.+.nN �rry� r...•r►w r• w. Y r r m m[i. n r^rwa b rlrb. » b r. w • __•R rr�.., +rti.4 � n � +r.b ver r. .+err .. [r. �y. L..r cave ..�wr cane I,ra3 •.-•.wrw•4�s.... •+•Oise w rr✓�' f •.rw.rwr wry w.M M •r4, rr ar !w41 iuJaS L GEWIME FOUND Grew vl,w r cacao• rr rlr mr 4n Sr•p r,•v „•rw„4r ��Nw.w u»rs YYa'4 'ver. "'i .o> �`.�►.:: transportation r bw ua.n+r. b b 33 Bot ,y.,ap $wry w roe, ,rcw• w1+,.I,W ]0 w n Trw.rw wiry „�.s w.r +.•••+. •.w Kerr b w,ar r 4•wq mw b Y wraar b •r br4rr BW Inn ! COfn n -- giddy ! FI rl, r; br ...... . . .• •.. +r ra w a / 15 year-old �.• M thew r.......�� w.rl w ..,r.. �'- 1... rr mrww. am b rw.r Mir wlrba.-. ,.yb r r w +. r..r�" r� rwr'YIr 1 after a stolen kiss FwK.'nrw.• fw Ia nnowfsr� fir ,ver I and lmnl every wrRw .•.u.v--. •.. b.�.r .-,. w . ...•,..,•w ✓ u , nr. � wrwrwror..c�.�.4-..,.,. ,...rfr rr.a r r w.- .: �............., sw.s minute of Of r-. r rw..r ymr„q`4. w.. w � ...... er r r I,w..r.,. -r, ver r "' O! 4 WI Irlfrr011M+ '-'•w •-•r4 rYr•rr -r w M W ..err r •.err • wr•r• br-• w rwb w a•r / +wMalela"•""•-" •alit, .• - ti = O� fCa ' 14r M I.rbw- .a...• r.s ..y. .i �. '.`r•w.w ..r r aK. for,0- no- w. r r�+..�. .••r. sas ,so.0 r...wr ^ro --rro4',.c w M ., brswrr-..rr•r r.+, • . b.. sr lrbs uar..cros carr w.s �-ro.,m wwwe Isw w •-rr.r+ w 4-.. +^•a •..•w.b soave .,.w rrb, .+•..•+r w r� Yo. • � � • °'..' r.«s w�.v •.....r w.... r r.� M '..r'r R•N w YYr • ]q rTrr� !wwn N• r •r -+ .w• .+..� w s....r lcoaf4c Move Mfr [�wr,s�'-r-..r r..r�.rn•,'w�r, uwa•lf afarn rN rr +•..y.w rr•srr - `r �..wr �r-` rr..,• r. rbw.w. .rw�.. ver.. -"�.wr -" +-.+.. .r- :...waver ,. caecal. • r a.r y�.0 w, verve �..--.w." .wk..µ ��.M.�4 rrr'w.^•rw..'•w rw�.�. ��ON�YfIwYT' 4.r.. r w a•oa aa.•r b ..r.nwa w ave+ .I.r far agar rrmr w r, +a�sra.s frrrwrr uncal, „w.,,� "• `•,. s s.w w w...,. b NI•aM urs sswW�: bl +ra,rw.ar ra..r.. waw .nl.aw r. m ver ,., rr• mI. few w b.r n a v.M w w.r.••rr. tearer. YIIEI,K�,••'.• ver,.. ,� w r r n r. r.o r fw .r4 rriw'�n. frwR .+a'7 p-•'9 bA��rr�a •Ir., rYrar. r....Wa14b ,r+.rt fwr4'wwry r'e{w-. •.:.erre r. r. carr f�[•b[w .w. caws .ver ...I. rRr Ica r s s.,•R•:.�-� e.n,r.,.a wan r rsr�.wRr"'r yr.�....w o.r ^ w r •IRr,w r Irw.m sws r rwy. 4Wy lrOly r w r4w4w . mw s. o ..[[ •iti r rr eves w •IO ti rr w ]04.4 w ,,.w. •"rel+n Irma [ws rwl..y wf Srly w �,w+,rr � rr9 +w .w,wa r.rr. ww.T mri4rw � w � rM. jpr asw r. w.rw.w.rwraua urs.Y.a �. a, ffr,oM•�s _ ver ..rr w.w -... yr,.y __ 4r..w .w carr"wn.wn4nnw Are•,- fa aotl. �N...r,arr nr4w nw rw.w•.. r�,.rrw•ara `"~rr fwEaGrl' Call1-90 o-...`. n..w..��..f... .cw.4. -•"r""R4"„s°°vm^ "' °.,wr,,,F 52.49 per min.permin. .,.4,.w• w Mar.'c� 4.I.arw..r.+.r.-rr•Iaw4w.rrrw ra' r.•r»rver w rwb•rrr.mrvria4 N Ib.`..� ..w�",r ..� .+... r.. awnfrofl -w ..wwlf .: . :..• w ...r.r w vebn.-w .... +,[41 n` rs :... w un rAn revel, _ Nnwr.r .w res bre w +r..• a[r., .r.+.+.w�rr. s -r .a.Irw w.... r. s•rbs rr .r,sbr.wN Yr r r rw brww [:rrN rr foo ,rr nettle. sr ver rr,Rs:+.. +.. r4rr •-Orb w Ibww arty r r.,[Ir ar w.rb rrr �..-M�sw+„f,4y[c w� m-, mr4n ewi Yf.rr l,r sato nrr �+we..,.....r ,.. rni� An .r�.•�•�r •r�sos,o..s n�.r nr.�".w w .�w �,••[[. rrrb.r sr ,Kb Orr. ..r,rr.rrww lr •"••'r.r EfOfO srw�wr 4wnwfs4 n.•..r....�ww[sc�ar�rss+,n, .r ri unrfir f0•rtr'3 w.rwrr ery eve ,w, •rr MO ,w r.nr.r...+.aw,.a.ow ra �rr,,rars .rr�.r.r r'.w,.r..•.vr �.nw.w r _ +".+[ r.er Swrr�,4 a[ r n4 rrbw r r.rr s"�w >�e. •n.n faarJ r00n40 w•wr, err .+a,w:..a. •,ar weir, r K• rwlry r. weer rwwn w.4r•rr. bry.4wrWaarla ^"^O Y.r,.w++a w.b�[.ww Rw�ro res .�.,rwrw~i+.'rn luwwlom r'r fYYr r0 f1K0E.._ frb r•mRlw :ow n..«q career r•r ,•P r r r •.r w ...ni•w Sr rl.r,. r/r. re r w fwI ver • Daws v p„ w •wf' www :•r••b• r• N 0.4rrOln4w ver for �a rlBi• IO IrYT ,lA lEr 1 err w !O4 V e,r W s b 4,wr4rY w n•4rr4 cavern w ]aaK V141• f+w •r w vt- � F,� .•N .arrrwr.. scarp �w. w rrwYf �r�rr ,tl.am�� '.+`w � �bi[[r n r.• Ica. w.w•.e� w+r .rw _ rw .Ir.r r rbw mr _aoE b . r^'a Ire •Ie 41roMn rw'.r.N 4n b airs•[ +Ir Ilrw..4R4 N W. [� N 4r. Mr nor r[w w ,fOL caw-�"Ii eIe wa Y0. IlffO w41w• W i. r b+r ...nws 4'v anw b r \ a.br EY rO IM Va. a ewer .rr•w nrrY r•nrb Nr cab en's w.4,Iy Yat r r re err nliaYy w new• Scars. rrw err e.414r wa+,a rn llalaMTOr1 fur ver rfoWarr,G err b n- M Meir hart. BOIL :Dam ..Yr� r b N M .4.. ••rov wr.r s-ws4 .r. «• brw w.Iw sol »sea •fs�i'� •urru YY rs[fof rr wy...I. s r .o a .w arwy rw lis, rrww� burr rN .r n r• ala sr- -e. � N � -' w.•ws,I E.rrow _ ° ..w `�' ne cave r»..brays 4wrrwlnm lrpb•r•n•a0 rr nsa .+.s•I..wrb wbN.Iw•r•bOr __ Srrs•re rnr for S.rwf. r+[r r.bs. wnlrrefer N•Irw "a w.Yue.rw .rq b..vY NfOr MOrrIC)rFM aArY rA 4rb•rw+rr rl.r4rfW ialOo�r r wNW w]]aCr BAC.YINCE wwM rO:aM a^Ow.4rrl w,Sal, titter waab 4•.Ir •[4.• M eas iter• _N . r .Int.. IYrIf . EY M,OI• +rr r 101[r1ElF1 r r r w,rlYr nr,. Sr I m M. arca r..q. real iI0 o"Poo r[rrr:110E re,r sw r 4.n u w rr orw Or brlr..r.•rwwar,a w.w. rlr. rw 4•..r.4 r,r• ,nn rr n r „ r r mr. ST rr .rr.. 44w 4rY 4n w 'r°r"yr rbrver w.Iw.... s•rw•. as s Sr[sN www. Yw ever[ .Ica Sel•rr.rr4r.rrw.�fw 'r r a1. S,0' rwr.4w rlWn cab. mica. ��uw. farYn arE uw -,r4 �lwr ••msa err vrw Nr s•rs. w Nr.r rrrN..r aa+.r rbllr rrrrw Irn, .�vww�Is w�•°b. rill.w rwrrrb•wNr.w 54rgver rmr br•Ir SrrpNwr.r�m..r,�q.r rr waan w+rR err.wwr rn[sow wryI,rnr •torr ww.••b I•I44rry eos, wbw •r,.r qr 4wr,rba. gl,ora ora. w,al.,.I erre w:aa,a ver .vers ,.a,Iw.I• otter ryI r r r.wq [rvrr Irwr. er rrwr E 1ftlnWTrr'P10 m sr r rO. ae eve ib.w uta "T WIN for. rw 41ar4..v nI[[. r. Ywarrq i,r ,rf YOOOIIrWWIQn terve obi r..wrll w •ra • r4wby • rr4. w. YIr rr rr r4rb w nr.l n[•n4 K roll rw, .aiwsI.4.I w vw 4-44 Orl•rs a1Ws r rr• le nn N. b •Iwrrp YW w' 'fRi ver Sbrryaoi.4wr rwn4Rr.w. v •r.,.,r wwrw++•a-bnrv.NRv caw calve. rr �m-r�`ve l+ryw.r v ...•4rwwrslw 4n rlrwsr. nwrlo.rrrralrfwrwrrwrw 4r Irwr w aosaa rErbLE nIWAp1IM1 ver br p N ti w nrR,b4 laswa r. r. r /•. err nr4 to n Y ra.y `rte r`r'°,r '�� r,r. n b s. w , rn r b' 4'•+^Y "rnM'wn br4r,r. frsw aa..11ir w ,n. ,f}Sa aarlE Mw G,0,4 n caw nn0 in nem 4,r1019r wr9rM r•W4 mwrY yr.y,yr4 w t al11 abw • <Irrlrl w.•mIr e0Y nm ODE Mf CYL wrrilRW4YrYIr.I,r.r ,caw•. a, r n b •rrrly ar Ilrw O4rw•w r+r .rlrrerl uol,rr. p4.a brwyllrrw EEI Ii[CIIIIFrb+ lLLwlG fOrr•Y Flew ben rete tri rrrrl rl[r.wRr arrow rr r.f.•bl iYs4r•c w..i[w caw. 1 w.arw w,.,tl .w,• 4rI•r S•aw pew ay rrrlr,rwrY, r.r•W.rw. •b •Iar.w caw. caw brrrw,or40.+rWw+www mw o'wM , r�bM,wlrr ver Yr4V lwrrrwNlyr vel.bwl• ��OYsmo W sfaLaW trIIYWs gym. rrrnR. m.sr.Imr..n bq mr. Y.. 1001prCawlaOY I'r•or. 4wY•bur. sT titer O.0•R I•YvrY rive verve r44Y w,wr sive w�iaseim /��y �/S/��� q��� CON 1-900441-r1I w�,ss4 Mn]OMm. 3,i'. IaSY.r�4Ya lw rll�. Nlal•OIwIf O4r,0 Yr41 ar l•ab nabwr,[6 rKr•Swrlw eOR aan lire COWFCr wRm.ST rnrw r:In won 4yRlw rfGYrfFis r11f1GAf F4�w,� r0•rI44 n•r K. r,'.1nw rrrrrrs�r twat bar arw•YK• iJ $•�per ri+M4/4w+YAW ,ty +rM.rw bllWr Ra rww •rr 'n0 n�w.rwwerlY ri rllrwr440,1OUR.w'I•YrlYainR Mtn tern. wcYsofrnw afCE afu rflKn 1rm ST WS•psYOOWrr /I r.sr .�a www44 +r•nws u: a'�r"f'4 rra.IfwS r4a�.n.r4 bar rtl s,� w0. 4sr..•rll..o s.r•.rM4 r,..rwW a,n. rt !'r a*MIR FS BrGIlFI1fYIff nrm.brr•br4yr••rbwn.Inilrab 4Ir. ra4n wIsi -►e r +bo w r•f r. w n.w4 ear aa,ol rfnnrrw -fir EY wa afa r.aA •.rr ver. r+v•mr.wnwrbl. ,ver, rrwa rllrnra G•Y.rw .4...a r . r. for ,>r Irnlyr s.r.o w cape Nr. a r x Ir,.Ib... rro.Mbr caw BOR 10]r NEC" all OfGsa. nRrlO ..O reeler. rw a,nrr berg b• s r m swwl w rr.fs4 4Rr raw, ver. f`+..r .vers IF .Aver w b•wr•1 ay r r. r r rYrlb• rfawar anslr•eol ao•,f ETIEb al0lrtl W EA fr0.•r,. tl n tl r r au.rrrn mr. uvea �.nplOr. cave rrra a4nwwb ssar a- f=.a carter S•r•, n4J1 nrr r r. ave• m•r /WeYR,frs llrw Y f1E aarfl •erre r.rr.y•rww.rrinr K r m. Sr. b m. irlr `ro b w r•r•, b wrm.rOrw..rwM r.Ri rr.o•n.rn rep. w•qw s.vy br wwyrv. IIRrIrR. m[1Orr O4a.r r,rrrr.r 5.OrIw-rel bO,YlwbYrwllwr. r. ver' aRwPrfaaw a[[4reW ,ollp r.r rrsbMw Nrnr rmr.btlwr• b sb. r • err. 4rr.... brI• ••+ry w .ar r 4awrrrrBOR ,ace li•4n •w Prwwr lr• ver r carr w ave ear aro fLL COr f4 Y0Y rr•rYr4w nr4 sr,ra,r 0•wT ry err, IlalylYli •rlrlsGn cwt BOR arri fIMULPES'AIE1 Y011�� .,rryr.,riprWirti\r,rd•wIr14 Y4Rw..rYQ. w4rsMbw,I,4ww ver M. bt..r rl®f lin wrmrww Sr mr,. rbr Rrr have+abnp or., sir. r •yr •I•Ir.r neve a w. •saw aY. rw w4rM. irrl,Ri w. �l Ia4arraw. �w•w r4�"1 EYr• rarR IIw f.,w tll,frl r fr torr• Ibr r wry so•a ar w n.rr +ib 4y.b•rllrlwarwr W4orIRry ra ry ORIaIY caw .carverrr-r mato lorlgbr .ow r 4aY fW n :r,•.4rrrwbra•-Every f0l,WN Onr4wIrl•S.4ry♦ui,.a am a• err •ver N4rl•.f.. rbir[Rrrr.rr. BOx taaw rrmr.. rove. mw..w rrr.Mrn b bw - rb vy. r4r ry r. r.y11 I•[,4wY rrr.ru•LMwI4•fr�pa4wWr w.rr.r....r4s•rw Y•r•ya /faBIIEI-POW II[4 rY rrrwrr Rrw BOt ]Y>f wawa r wrrwaor.b wwr.A RwY ir•fr.bob•1caw- e�M t3fw � "I 1400451-3%99 efOr1E'I®lil eaYrw. caw. rw rr ..n Y.w nw w awl lirsraOruf rwy • r m. s: r •R.r [err rw err. EArr P' aro4r.rr arwaw wet a. p.Yw r. sr. rr 4l,.earon w O•AC11MSW frfr $2.49 per min. ver F'r. 4lRr••mrrb]I r•b 94r br Move Own aver+.fn nw9 •wl4m EnW4 nbwa b`�ws.�ww. r444mw Mica. wlwwls lR WYWII AFA OOVIE awYsr. ssSb+I Oawarrwrs aaw4 bw,r•. ry.g4 maw,.ar,ws r r Iory I14•cwr.e0f rna a. -r n.wc rr. day w Mba w S,bIY bnlN rrw• rnrrrr..[vewsl aIr14'Iwro[nl sbrr err r•Y n N olriR• 14Yw • carr r ni[LLr•a tri r•ry 4 r.,r Ilverr II.,.4r m. bfrwr•r /IwOINKfan Wr ll(] n4•,Y4in,pn. II,r.Otlwpy roww.irw wown.•r.g4-Ww. rr M,.Dr tl. 4,r•rr4rcra4rw BW 4rrO,4bnrbaOYwrNwbnwr4w.4/I L1wI rwrwirwwrl.r nbrfR waaKr we0r,0a nra06'T.wrWrffrf Kr wnwr CrLlfOOr wrm Sr rw ave wa,.Ow„Iw wowM rYrrYwwr wrV3 rm verrAl0lrx eriE[rr u[ uYosrpf011 irm.r rrpr4[rlyrelaq ver rr •sqs [a4lr ,4x4 rrM4a4b,wao W."., EIpR r^vs.nb4r.wr.i rrrywmvSYry rr4r r•nprr,er13'„',nw1.O wove or 4 rw.rbYn.r ST ,Kw revere- wr.f•rwq err ,f ri.�rlrr rl••o4[Ir rflYfeTnf3rTe1'Y 41r,rrr all err nrr binwbbp rotor IrwwWq BOR afa,S I,al.arwM u4w beep a...ryrrriS•r. a3ntl rlw..rraayrq 40414 rR+gbnYr. wa+,w bfCf,wa rarr4a.ror4mranr••ww4wy root mer. 4iOi�rw�Or^. rOwrrcw•barr lily GOIOR COEIEf p4-rn. 4•w MR441•r...r.rr Iw•Pw rw IIwIBOR aear rlo 3•r rw rlW4. Ken.rver b,r 4nr•pm rbMWy,pwga44 bq rr lr /l®Cr Rib Yw YI bf n rmrrw sr Itl nr, rl,IoaR, carr. I+••y Call 1-900.451-3793 afWMIEf��OrE Y•Ir:r e0r tom • Yra. • 444rq oar ll,[I44.Nm .N rw nb.m l[4rr w,lfa. 4wrrirm�.wrw w,ara�r-y'ar. rm•y w ubi:Iwa.wr r.y . nr.rwy sw,.nnf ar r..a,l n 44. s.y. rr. oI• E,swmMan rlfn as a TME uE FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1-800-662-8423. ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT. � � i 52.49 per men. ,sw mr.mrwrr•.r Rwwwar� rem r'r,w+rr.rwprmr.r rrw Krrnw.•orr.r.rr.rs',r,rwww. n� n�o:l�won•. � YSr 9�oa aaq� rw. n rwlwrss �wws.N rarw. ran rObw44i IIrw4..n. rrwy b rr.c w Il.pq rI aver s.rlo Irn a+r0. Sr. �rN ave •n4 Fwq+uI,W9. r+rr eves. rrrrq fiber rl/IEl rr roy fOirMtlaalr .rybgrlo 5•r.y•r,.b ria. rmb .Irww bar. caw wr.,,4wr b m.r.Iya Irrr. n+l[aKri rr r+r4r.r[Box,4or rb •r4I 4n.•[Srvy•rw 414- mw.rr r rb. r<... I,rr w wrow..m.I sr. tK b. tree. w11414. Nmr Nb caw. r. rrrra4mw sr •bw.L4n l,.waro.r.lw. KlrrMrRr BGr arA sEAA10 rfwtl wrrmwmrbmr r','.am r.wbq.onl...b a.r.w ram,- B0r nla, w.wr4.rs .rI aI•.n w w na,r .r.4 s.r.s r .rRb• r,r n b a b .wwr r.4 mr, w m[, r.rM s•r.ro • o w 11.,r IfOr WafIIBWIG[ O4br Om4+4I. r Der.• w O.Irn cave PI• ar 41144 fD1110aw rq rs n rwwr.r bb.,•yr Bal n,w �w4rrrMr.bw rlbn rnrR•NrYrrl.anlw BOR r,r cw w r m. rIY• r.,4 r,rr .,o ryq. r w Ica. BIiEfEnE01 CAIi, YOw. rrup-nma" r r m s [rs[, w. wa w.4 r NNwb•woou4rrOM[. O.Y w. w srwq..•tars • qeK nem• r,m,[. mow ]61 , $req • nlr,4. An n b 4rIOlY w w �vyr m. NRwr. rua ra Irrr mn [over Mow nwn4nlr4rw O:14bI ueyRy wyq.. N ywv Onn4l Cmri yr, wwr M w.•4r4 b,w w ro, a s•rq Marr n,.lw bnr wmr4w IM K r m. ST. 500 KaM FFYOIN SSE .rr. e•Iq w ray aer w mw 5w nB.rn•r.r�w,rw.urplfOETYIi o. R.r w :m. s..4ry «+ver w r 4•r 144 .4n rr a+aw: wino mr.Wr w r,r w Bw Ia•aa [e n n m. s f ,>5 b e wq• b4.a r Gill •• WET "r r GMrr �rlrbM.rr talr4+rr irbrM rm.u- w rr r Ica,• w a G4rw. 100WOrM YSTWIE � g414wry n4wc 0• r r 5.O„q • a4lnwb^ I rl,Owb b 41re,ly w rrlh Ito. BDa r r m 5 „'. t 55 0 4rPrs mw - b>I I,r w caw Scars • br4 b. •rwrrF BOx 11:31 r r m m[i. n r^rwa b rlrb. » b r. w • rr rR w w veers ,rrl•[r MY, ever r .•qq r ywy r r w °rnrw w. •wrr4b.• b.Iwrm r I,ra3 .,arae an9 can W rw4r Erg• N a,•wrl mrr,r ba w rlo4a.Iarra r'rar. M d •rrR•Iw. wry w.M M •r4, rr ar !w41 iuJaS L GEWIME FOUND Grew vl,w r cacao• rr rlr mr 4n Sr•p calf111rr V rem mr,.n bre rr n,r•rsOPi by Y,a N arca 4«mry ryin.4,. Yv„ w Io y COYYI OYE a•m 4rq• raver M4• '-.rY. bwrn• Ica OOfrr0 Er11rralar Cyr br4p rr. S',r w4g4 r ,arlr try r -BDR>aaa Fwup io m r bw ua.n+r. b b 33 Bot ,y.,ap $wry w roe, ,rcw• w1+,.I,W ]0 w n ' rwy ry n•IRy Srrq . IlMrs w by a N 4r,. rsa rr+[ 4-rg4 S•rry w w4r4w Kerr b w,ar r 4•wq mw b Y wraar b •r br4rr BW Inn FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1-800-662-8423. ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT. � � i WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 23 VOLLEYBALL Moms and tots vol- leyball is held Wednesdays from 9 to 11:15 a.m. at the East Shore Community Centre, Liverpool Rd. south of Bayly St., Pickering. Babysitting available. $10 at start of year, $1 every week. Register, 420-0652 (Tammy). SINGLE PARENTS: The Ajax -Pick- ering chapter of the One Parent Families Association holds its weekly meeting for custodial and non-custodial parents at 8 p.m. at Annandale Golf and Curling Club. corner of Church and Bayly Sts., Ajax. New members welcome. 831-1201. SINGERS: The County Town Singers hold auditions for new members at 7:30 p.m. at the Whit- by Seniors Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. N.. Whitby. Openings in all sections. 666-2822. CANCER: The Wellness in Caring lecture series for health care pro- fessionals and volunteers features Dr. Michelle Chaban of Mount Sinai Hospital's oncology depart- ment discussing Compassion Fatigue, at 7:30 p.m. at Whitby Free Methodist Church, 1916 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Free. Register. 579-4833. HEARING LOSS: The Canadian Hard of Hearing Association. Pick- ering/Ajax/Whitby branch, holds its monthly support/social meet- ing for people with hearing loss and their families and friends at 7 p m. at the Kinsmen Heritage Cen- tre, 120 Roberson Dr., Ajax (north on Church St. to Horne). New members welcome. 839-6854 (Marilyn, voice) or 839-0122 (Sandy, TTY). Money grows for trees, Tropical Treat planners hope The 1%, Ker- me-hawd Cana- dian Orgartva- ti,,n fH Tn,pwal ,Fdu.an(,n and Rainf(ires( C(m- s c r% a t i o of (0)TERC) is h(,Iding a fund- raising " Tropical Treat' dinner Saturday, Sept 26 In The Ain um W the T(Hrm- lo!-(K). 361A Old Finch Ave- ScarhAxwlgh. nccrc' l l tx food with a tr(Yp- feal theme, a dance, d(K)r prucs, free cam - part tasting and silent and live auctions. Art by r e of of w n c d wildlife artists Ruhcrt Bateman and Chris Bacon. a week- end getaway package to Nia- gara -un -the - Lake. a kaNak- ing trip and am - mal jewellery will be among the items auc- tioned. Celebrities on hand will i In c I u d c COTERC presi- dent Peter Sil- verman of City TV's Silverman Helps. Toronto zoo general manager Cal While will be master of cere- monies, and Randy Potter of Kahn Auctions will be auction- eer. Doors open at 6 p.m., dinner is at 7:30. Tickets are $37.50 per per - min and include hors d'oeuvres and dinner. They're avail- able by phone at 683-2116, fax at 683-5897 or e- mail at coterc Cd i nte r- hop.net. COTERC is a registered Cana- dian charity whose mission is to promote rainforest con- s e r v a ti o n through educa- tion and research. BILLBOARD WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax -Pick- ering Toastmasters group meets Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m at the Fortune Financial office at the corner of Bayly St. and Fin- ley Ave., Ajax. Improve communi- cation and leadership skills. 686- 1443 (Mary Ann Pietrusiak), 683- 4439 (John Johnstone). ARTHRITIS: A public forum on arthritis. When Age Is Not A Good Enough Excuse, is held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. Speakers include rheumatol- ogist Or. Heather McDonald and occupational therapist Ilene Cohen. Hosted by the parish nurse team of the church. 683-4721. CANCER: Yoga for Bodies Under Stress, for cancer patients or their caregivers, is held from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, 86 Colborne St. W.. Oshawa. Take a blanket and small pillow. Limited space. regis- tration required 579-4833. THURSDAY. SEPT. 24 FRENCHMAN'S BAY: A Take Back Our Neighbourhood meeting is held for residents of the west side of Frenchman's Bay below Bayly St. and east of Whites Rd., at 7 30 p.m. in the community room at the Durham Regional Police sta- tion at the corner of Brock Rd. and Hwy. 2 (enter at the rear base- ment). The meeting is for citizens concerned about issues such as home and vehicle break-ins, drugs, alcohol, vandalism and loi- tering in the neighbourhood. 683- 9100. BREAST CANCER: A Breast Can- cer Peer Support Group for women living with breast cancer meets from 7:30 to 9:30 p m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Cen- tre, 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Drop-in group, no registration required. 579-4833. FRIDAY, SEPT. 25 ADDICTIONS: The Serenity Group holds a 12 -Step Recovery Meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Picker- ing. The weekly support group deals with addictions of all types, including co-dependency. A child care programme is available as required. All welcome. 428-9431 (Jim). ITALIAN DINNER: St. Paul's Unit- ed Church, 65 Kings Cres.. Ajax. holds an Italian Dinner from 5 to 6:30 p.m. $7 for adults, S3 for children, no charge for those aged under three. Money raised will go towards general operating account. 683-4740 (church office) or 683-2821 (Ann). SALE: A New to You sale of good used clothing for the family and other Items is held from 7 to 9 P.M at St. Martin's Anglican Church. 1201 St Martins Dr. (one block crest of Liverpool off Bayly). Fall fashions, white elephant table. ANTIQUE DiscovedeS • Furniture Refinishing • Frve In-Ilonie F:stintate. ViAt Our - - 111 rou New f I'd K: � h Barn:: Pickering Village k 683-821-3 AIA PICKERING VILLAGE DENTURE CLINIC P1Ic=,�r comic and Cclrbrate the Ilarvi st William Steil, DD, F.C.A.C.(A) M OLD KINGSTON RD W PICKERING VILLAGE. AJAX DR. JOHN GENO t L I IENTISTRl 8: /►Id killg.ton R40a41 I►irkeriiiig %illage 683-2544 VtiLtA Dance Supplies • GILDAMARR DANSI[IN • CRISAKO t� • LEO'S I • BLOCH \ �� MONDON 7 • CAPEZtO • ANGELO LUZIO *Carbon Cards, gifts 6 novelties 60 Randall Dr. 427-0443 THE NEWS ADVFRTISERWEDNESDAY, %F.P'rF.M6Flt2-i,19"-PA(:B 17 toys, books, rock bottom. Dona tions for the sale also needed. on behalf of the H -n family, we would Ike I,) thank the kdlowing 839-9281. people for all their summ with the Andrew Hrown reception held on SATURDAY, SEPT 26 DANCE: )fine L(✓I)( II was a wonderful ot-ning and the family wk appreciates The Ajax -Pickering the (werwhelmmg mmmumty spin( Rangers' Supporters host a dance VICTOR AND THE KERRY IN. ST, Rim E%DENALLs Pam ti TE11:11tRs at Royal Canadian Legion, Branch PH.K11%DFI.1 ANI)F4TER1 Krm ING RIDGE M M 322. 111 Hunt St., Ajax, at 8 p.m. HARswin BIC Fs (:OINKR KEME (: A.Ul (:O. Music provided by DJ and 511:Do.el.l,s KENrn 11.1.E riotoa KIN; SEN'.E1 P41 LICE (ANON) Durham Flute Band Peas and Pies Ho%Fi (;1x1.1( A.\AIME GOLF dinner, draws and door prizes. E.ANTNDE Nexlo%AJAX RArrs BAx 1.D 611111 $15 per person. (416) 2818956, JoE ii RERr DINE STAR (905) 427-5910. DEER (:REEK GULF Acuwmy HF.IA%IF. PRINGLES M YARD SALE: Ballycliffe Lodge KERRYs PizzA No FRn.tsSEArO. Fizz 4Ih-r (;OLF COI N.%E w N hosts a yard sale at 70 Station St., (As4 VERVE .NO.tIA1 cxolcE ~ w Ajax, from 10 a.m - 2 p.m. 50 per BITtERnY Kisses PKI(FRI.G PIAYI.G FIELDS N cent of proceeds to TerryFox N"sF' s BOR N1FRN H Foundation. 50 per cent to Thera- AJAX (/Crum, HELI. (:A"I,I CHICK 'V JOV w r• peutic Gardens. Donations would NLEACN.IE Fl.F.R4L H/IMF.N NIKE Pt/1.F F.R F,LF.(-rll.Il:S (MAxKHAM) N N be appreciated. Please drop off at d AN( R(H)FI.G Seowr 11A•K INIFT.1 lo.4i ~ the above location. (905) 683 r (NIH R.11RU R(HMIVG BELIANIN w 7321. N NIX'. OF AJAX TOR. OF PICKERI.I, N h HEALTHY EATING, INVESTING: CA (;I off41. Foofin 1A)FR% (64111) ALRF'Rr% DIsm.LFRiEs AirA1H%S Eli1 T INDIAN RE%T N N The AIaxTickenng chapter of the N DBI LIEPROIHCF. LI/RIARNL►JAX) Congress of Black Women holds H 1"'N's"" TIN ItORT11.N w an open house and membership w (.IK., 0114 MIHAON BREWERIES w h drive in the community room at N P1Rfl GIA\T 61 LK BAR, PART -ME FITC HE SHOP ~ •• the Durham Regional Police sta- N "FIrE LAMES PRMINESS I:LI R 'aF AI. 4.D 1:1 LLE. ►/ tion (orated at Hwy. 2 and Brock N THF R14.CH1 F4NIn FNN No KUANG M Road in Pickering from 2 to 5 p.m. Nr. FRA%(:Is IIF. SALES TF.unERS LC I GIH ARZ M Guest speakers will address 94 N PIR i BA.D HI)R Lf 0.E1h EX 111DEON DAIRY QI FF.. I PI(KERI%r,) ^ healthy eating and investment N V�ERmx [HE LCn%TA FAmn NDR4 NORRIN). N strategies. 428-9191 or 427 N 1.ERIE/-A Bfn,NH) N 5546. .. 1, 41IATrs (:\Tin RoN FI.FMI.G ~ r~4 DENTAL HYGIENISTS: The SICILI4.O Krrms N N Durham Dental Hygienists Com- SNF. AR ArtR4(-no. NAIL% Ui LLE) GILRF.rN (:1.4D4 DE D is 4.BxrrraY („Amw M H ponent Society holds a workshop 1 %cHo. (:I u.AX 1.e. BIACK 1.1) DECKER SE IGR%M (1.4DA N R~i from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at H "I"F11rmins Le. hoNNI MFRS (;NOLCE •' M ,• the Oshawa Public Library... BA(.1Rtll DN'.km)% PRI.TIN, M McLaughlin Building. ODHA .. g N spy (.I1LH)Ri N � Cal thank Nrru to the Denis O'(onnor students d friends for Director for Durham Catherine N.;,,..rm(nlcouneuu% N Grater -Nakamura will discuss The M help throughoutthet+enm;; ►( r qac Dental Hygiene Process for Care..~. Ca l thank you to Martha hampbrll. Kim Krill,. Alison w landenetLden. Registration at 9 a m. Bring your N Kim (;allager. Ron Fleming and Leta. H CDHA-ODHA membership card. N Tim little, and Sunyu"I %Aeations f„r their M ,i, 905-987-1617 (Helen Bertrand). '4 !Yzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:zzzzzzzzzzzt' ranc)n of the grand (lx)r zxzxxxx "` ,. am �ittiqurs, ���� ll.ollrctiblrs anJ Klarc t�� eeGf;Pviate tie �� Gift with every $50 00 pur.ha.e, 1 lame madr i( Aw, And oder, Rall,-- fi rhe knl. ( 11- 7 uc..1,c L. %-J.r -The I. urns i IN()kr KmL-Rd A6 Pwit-nY Ph(mc: (1105) -126-288S -. ,Come Celebrate the Fall With Us.'.'. I 1 O Welcomes You to -�o Harvest Events E ° tember 24!b, 25r & 26-h 1998 O�1 0 o Tbursday, Friday & Saturday O OS or FroiouaSaks, O ° SNewak Sales Upeu Houses, Balloons, ° i4 Cookiies aur( C ,'Food & Music ° r�tb theo OfILII. nsixesses' the Vge ° Hwy. Kixgstox Road/ LLwy. 2 O Cbumtb Street M AjaxO .'00000'0000. Village Grape Vine Come make wine with us! 109 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village (905) 426-7233 "StJlDtx f, Haircutting jor .1l r/x tX bole y. J- Family" 26c2EumbSt. LLa 68&1166 FOR YOU TWO MATERNITY Sale Jeans ................ $19.95 Tops ................. $29.95 Jumpers........... $29.95 Leggings........... $19.95 Blouses ............. $19.95 Breast Pumps.... $29.95 OR YO G TW0 426-2093 Hwy. 02 E. of Brock Piekerix9 Villy Coortyard `Dr. Yeo Ne ,q. tDag Dental Surgeon • -y Our twst wishes for the fall. -3 (Nd Kingston Road Pickering Village 683-3700 Blaisdale Montessori Had OW" - 415 Toynevak Rd, Picla irg (South of Kmpton Rd. off Raugemount) (905) 509-5005 AM Trained Teachers 16 months to 12 years Sell your home for 30/o on MLSO Visit our Website: www.selea-Man.com or call: Select -Plan Real Estate Inc. (905)686-2141 r---------------------------� I Copper Kettle 1 Chocolate & Candy Co. Old fashioned handmade chocolates. I brittles and toffeesliiiimiii� AmLe 1 I 1 I ( • • Excellent selection of Chocolate. I 1 Kawartha Ice Cream Available 1 1 1 Hours: Mon. -Sat. 10-5 1 1 13 Church St. S., Pickering Village 683-8215 1 with this coupon 1 BUY 1 Medium Cone Get 1 Medium Cone FREE 1 offer ex fres 09/30/98 1 4 I Ili I i TACE la - THE NEWS ADV EKTIMM W EDNMAV. SEPTEMBER 23. 119941 aw..au aa-aai-va�s t#pAy lllulified hstrtltors Small Groups • Great Raw • Low Prices • Classes for apes 3 to aa. 65 Saturday Noon or Sunday a.m. •iilf�i Markham Rd., S. of Steeles ,•,�,-,� (416)412-0404 SPORTS RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING BEERS & WINES C1*Q BACK TO SCHOOL SALE 2 BATCHES Of WINE 5145.44 e■S@6ded wiwe 'MM MAs37-181s r laser cham pmonth sailin for N rthAm rican• PICKERING'S BERNARD LUTTMER EARNS BERTH TO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS IN AUSTRALIA IN JANUARY By Al Rivett Sp( PICKERING — A Pickering sailor made a big splash In the water at major international meets this summer. Bernard Luttmer, 19• capped the summer rac- ing season aboard his laser lune -man vessel i sailboat with a first -place finish at the North American Championships in Victoria. B.C. in July where he teat rival John Torgessun. the top-ranked laser sailor on the continent. "It was do or die in the last race. tis it was pretty exciting.' say:. Luttmer. "Jt was my test result ever. It was great Q) push myself against the higgest fleet I've ever faced.** Overall- 116 boats from six nations compet- ed in the North American meet. The result earned Luttmer a berth on the Canadian team which will compete at the World Laser Sailing Championships in Melbourne. Austraha in January. Earlier in the summer. the member of the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club captured the 2; - and -under Provincial Championship in laser sailing in Toronto where he won three of the six races. Luttmer also sailed against an interna- tional field at the Pacific Coast Championships in Santa Cruz. California where he finished filth in les. -than -ideal conditions with big waves and strong winds. If there was tine disappointment for Luttmer this summer. it was at the Canadian Sailing Championship in Gimli. Manitoba in late July. He finished eighth overall and was the fifth Canadian at the competition. In the six races which made up the championships. Luttmer', hest finish was a fourth -place effort. Before the sailing season's out. Luttmer plan, ho participate in the World College Games Trial in Kingston with the Queen', Universitv Sailing team Oct. 10 to 12. Luttmer attends Queen', University where he's studying engi- neering. During the Christmas break. Luttmer will travel to Australia where he'll compete in Sail Sydney in preparation for the World champr it , Bernard Luttmer, 19, of Pickering, a member of the Frenchman's Bay :— Yacht Club, posted a successful summer of sailing with a victory at ' the North American Championships in Victoria B.C. in July. He'll now continue to train towards competing at the world championships in I Melbourne. Australia in January. Pickering mites' bats booming in final tourney PICKERING — The Pickering Sub•.Nax mite select softball team finished as run- ner-up by the slimmest of margins at the recent Aurora tournament, the final event tit the season for the Pickering squad. Despite winning all three of its games at the tourna- ment. Pickering finished sec- ond to Stoutfvillc which claimed the title as the tie- breaker rule went in its favour. The Pickering mites came up with a strong oftensive performance against host Aurora in the first game to post a 17-2 victory. Pickering was ahead 11-0 after two innings and didn't look back. Pitcher Michelle Diedun struck out the side in the first inning and continued to mow down opposition bat- ters before giving way in the fourth inning to Victoria Galaski who retired Aurora batters in order. Offensively. the highlight was a monster three -run home run by Sam Lepoutre. Playing Newmarket in the second game. again the Pick- ering hats responded in a big way as the local mites pound- ed the opposition 15-4. After a couple of shaky innings at the plate against a solid Newmarket hurler. Robyn Sandford gave team- mates some inspiration and Pickering scored seven runs in the fourth inning to take the lead for good. The Pickering mites bombed Bloordale 11, I in game three in which the mer- cy rule was applied. Highlights of the tourna- ment were three home runs by Lepoutrc. Kaulyn Krachling and Diedun. Great defensive efforts were turned in by Samantha Puddister and Krachling and stellar pitching by Diedun and Galaski allowed only seven runs in three games. Other members of the Pickering mite selects were Heather Bowes, Madeline Curran. Amber Cushnie, Brooklyn Herbert. Judy Gau- vin, Brianne Jamieson and Schancy Marescaux. The team is coached by Dave Krachling, assisted by Murray Herbert and Jim Marescaux. onships in Melbourne. He'll compete at the venue in Sydney which will host the sailing events for the 2t)OO Summer Olympic Games. Last year proved to he a breakthrough season of sailing for Luttmer. In 1997, he captured the Canadian youth sailing tide in laser, then earned a silver medal at the Youth World Sailing Cham - pionships in Japan. He was also named the Canadian Elite Youth Sailor of the Year and the Ontario Sailor of the Year. Luttmer notes that all his current training efforts are in preparation to eventually represent Canada in laser sailing at the 2(XX) Olympic Games. "That's the goal:' Outstanding Buy! Silverguard" ST tires are backed by a 100,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty' t .. These fires are mud and snow -rated 'or outstanding all -season fraction. n Flowthrough grooves help resist hydro -planing. 064000 ser», ALL Ir 4499 1� TIRES 1 t& ALL 14- 99 TIRES5 4 64 < ALL Is 99 r TIRES _ I.a SAVE oto Inlwst'riflBs d t1r 45% Oil �" 111111889MV&O tir" Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall This premium tire provides excellent wet -weather handling. Trend design optimizes mileage while Promoting even tread wear and low noise. 058000 ser», oro lowest prim �e 15 Do 81M 11 Mf , $a d shot... 64trade-sn'TEa.. with A Sears exclusive! 244votr Roadside Assistance, ask for details. Sears reg. 79.99 villi finder -in". 7150600. h. a a $5 d" wh.n you by a new bawy o S.—, rdunda ,6 ...he room of yaw old bpe.ry for rwyr:Rng 120, TM "o T we � Lw 5/80113 44.99 -5/75R14 $4.99 `4, BOR: 3 . S/75R 4 54.99 I . Si 7SR 11 $4.99 �- i 5/759 15 --5/75RI5 64.99 '5/70813• :i/7SR l5 64.99 W4 '5/751115x1. 64.99 .-A/70RI4' I'-5/70RI3 44.99 P -'15/70R 15 • -i/70814 $1.99 P2 J5/651 15 .'1/70R 14 54.99 ' 15/60R 14 .. S/70114 $4.99 c5/60R�5• 5/70815 64.99 no•d.. N. covg. > 1/701115 1 64.99 . J"5/65R It 54.99 ry� '$b.a0.- na•a ocuanandlar Spy. p'_5/6SR15 LL64.99 wwd.. r+o cb.g• tad Maz.-a wya � pionships in Japan. He was also named the Canadian Elite Youth Sailor of the Year and the Ontario Sailor of the Year. Luttmer notes that all his current training efforts are in preparation to eventually represent Canada in laser sailing at the 2(XX) Olympic Games. "That's the goal:' Outstanding Buy! Silverguard" ST tires are backed by a 100,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty' t .. These fires are mud and snow -rated 'or outstanding all -season fraction. n Flowthrough grooves help resist hydro -planing. 064000 ser», ALL Ir 4499 1� TIRES 1 t& ALL 14- 99 TIRES5 4 64 < ALL Is 99 r TIRES _ I.a SAVE oto Inlwst'riflBs d t1r 45% Oil �" 111111889MV&O tir" Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall This premium tire provides excellent wet -weather handling. Trend design optimizes mileage while Promoting even tread wear and low noise. 058000 ser», oro lowest prim �e 15 Do 81M 11 Mf , $a d shot... 64trade-sn'TEa.. with A Sears exclusive! 244votr Roadside Assistance, ask for details. Sears reg. 79.99 villi finder -in". 7150600. h. a a $5 d" wh.n you by a new bawy o S.—, rdunda ,6 ...he room of yaw old bpe.ry for rwyr:Rng 120, TM "o T we � 09420 Copyright 1998. Sears Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of SearsTm EVERY DINNER AT THE lNoLAWS' COULD USE A r' I LITTLE FOOTBALLM 4 J eW M 1* ".,4 ". N. r WAM e.n. n1 IJMSOIMN Ie.w hsd ilairr rl A. ri 9 11 `4, BOR: 3 104 99 55.0 �,?5/75114 1 IS1199 as." �- i 5/759 15 leo 99 99.99 '5/70813• 13299 71.99 83/70814 15299 0299 .-A/70RI4' 16799 9099 P -'15/70R 15 18199 91.99 P2 J5/651 15 18199 91.99 ' 15/60R 14 156 99 2499 c5/60R�5• 16699 no•d.. N. covg. i,:,,c a:ad _09.99 way o„n . ry� '$b.a0.- na•a ocuanandlar Spy. 09420 Copyright 1998. Sears Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of SearsTm EVERY DINNER AT THE lNoLAWS' COULD USE A r' I LITTLE FOOTBALLM 4 J eW M 1* ".,4 ". N. r WAM e.n. n1 IJMSOIMN Ie.w hsd ilairr rl A. ri 9 11 P '�� Jo - -111 ­1114.1tare novice Meagan Walker, Brooke Jamieson and I1rls' team won the Pickering Softball Ashley Geist. In back row are assistant association championship this season. coach Rick Geist, Nicole Larochelle, Team members are, front row, from Alana Hubley, Nicole Adams. Stephanie eft, Casey Legault, Joanne Kennedy. Kelly, Lauren Goldsmith, Jessica Mac- ,'ourtney Jackson. Katy Boissoneau. Farlane and head coach Glen Wilson. Discovery Place novices Pickering softball champs PICKERINC — The Discovery "Tues Child Care n -vice girls' soft - dl team captured its second Picker - Softball Association C'hampi- Day title in a row at Duremoore 'ark recently. After finishing first in its division J ,weeping through the playoffs, Discovery Place Child Care uad capped a successful season by timing the championship with a •-6 victory over Re/Max. Solid pitching by Stephanie KOIN J strong defensive play kept the me scoreless in the first inning Discovery Place Child Cart: took 3-2 lead in the second inning. ird baseman Lauren Goldsmith fight Iwo hoc drive, and Brooke rnicsun gut Discovery Place Child re out of the inning behind by two Is after a force out at second hale. `.l.anwhdc. Discovery Place Child re got a run from Nicole .:rtuhcllc who was brought home Nicole Adam,. Adarn, later stole M for the team', second run of "InniAt''Alana Huhter tripled. n Jessica MacFarlane singled to irc Huhley with the go-ahead run. 41ter ,hutting down the Rc/Max halls in the third inning. Discovery P cc Child Care added to its run I -d. Katy Bomsoncau drove in two runs and Kelly tripled ti, bring in two more. Courtney Jackson singled later in the Inning which staked Dis- covery Place Child Care to a big 10- 2 advantage. Re/Ntax scored two runs in the fourth inning, despite solid pitching by Buis,oncau. Joanne Kennedy was sharp as the relief catcher and Meaghan Walker Caught a line drive for an out. In the fifth, the Discovery Place Child Cart: squad conuntecd its tor- rid offensive pace, widening the gap ❑k 13-6. MacFarlane Nati driven home on a line drive by Casey Legault. Buissoneau hashed a two - RBI double in the inning. Catcher Ashley Gcist kept Re/Mac base run- ners on their tor, In their half of the inning. Playcr of :he game for Discovery Place Child Care was Goldsmith at third base. Jackson earned must improved player of the season award and Botssoncau was named most valuable player during the seauvn The'Discolvery""ace Cfilld CsIIlt' team is coached by Glen Wilson. assisted by Rick Geist and Deborah Mac Farlanc. rhe team acknowledges sptsnsor Herb Goldsmith for his contribu. tions to the squad this season. Walk for those who ' have difficulty walking themselves of 1998 SUPEBWALK FOR PARKIISTA SONS Sunday, September 27 Re3istration and Breakfast 9 a.m. -10:30 aan. * Minimum registration $25 in pledges per person to receive a SUPERWALK T-shirt, breakfast and lunch * To save time by pre -registering for the Toronto SuperWalk, call 416-932-0315 Walk, Stroll, S1dp or Roll 10:30 sem. start *2 km or7kmroute its Wheelchair access For inifornadou about rarkineollms, it it our web ate at: www pattoNwon. m For regWradw and pledge fornmil, call 1.800.487$!64 THE NEWS ADVERTISFit WEDNESDAY. SEIFEM•ER 23, 119• • FAGE 19 Pirate rookies' bats boomtiff New'market tournament final PICKERING — The contest, but dropped an 18- solid defensive contest. Pickering Pirates Hoult 6 decision. Kyle Sineelen In the second game, the Hellewell rookie hall select was die most valuable play- Pirates rule a solid delen- 'B' squad finished as run- er for Pickering in the final. sive and offensive effort to a ner-up at the recent New- The Pirates opened the 15-8 victory over Agin - market tournament. tourney against Barrie and court. In the final. the Pirates posted a lopsided 19.4 vic- Pickering continued to faced Kitchener which tory. Barrie took an early hit the hall well in the third quickly put runs on the lead, but Pickering's hats game against Guelph. The hoard early in the contest. hoorned In the latter stages Pirates scored early and The Pickering rookies tried of the contest to pull away. often en route to a 16-2 win. valiantly to get hack in the The Pirates also played a Team members arc Tvlcr Pirate rookies make it to Ontario PIC'KERING — The Kct!n Haggarty had three Pickering Pirate, rookie hits, including two dou- hall select 'A' team fin- hles. one run scored and fished its season after being two RBI. Rvan Lamanna eliminated in the third and Sean Molony each had round of the recent two hits, two rum scored Ontario Baseball Associa- and two RBI. Chris Rose tion championships in and Eric Wilton each con - Ajax. trihuted two hits, one run -rhe Pirates opened the scored and one RBI. Stan event with an I I -A victory Pon and Rvan Turner each over Hamilton West had two hits and one run Mountain. 'Travis Hendry scored. Robert Carman led the way offensively and Chris Smith each had with three hits, including a a hit and an RBI to round home run, two runs scored out the attack. and three runs hawed in The Pirates dropped a Badminton tourney i courts racqueteers AJAX — Badminton llicrc will be singles player, are ,i aught for a tour- round-robin play for youth n:urwrit in Aiax this Satter- and adults. clay. Sept. 26. Prves will he awarded to Honied by the Ccntral pool winners and to the Ontario Development Pro- overall winner. gram. the kxlm!nttm tour- For mine information ney i, sl until hs A_:ax High call Wayne King at 427- Scho of from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m 1776. Ajax novices blank Pickering AJ oeX — file :%jax :Iasi 1 Ix:ii.nl joy Knights nuniir ree vicc 'AA' :assisted by Mich:icl Ham rep hockey team got regular- Team mcmhcm an: Flu: ,caste play under way by Mognarde. Garrett Hudson. blanking the Pukenng Pan- Jordan Amos. Cody Beaun. (her,' rx)%iccs East week Nhchacl Bentley. Michael Thr Knights deri atcd the Brogan. Justin Gerkc,. Ales Panthers 3-() hrhind shtuout Grcgcrsorl. Nfichael Hart. gtultendmg provided by the Kyle Hay. Branick -re Jones. tandem of Flu Mignards and Bennett Lowthcr. Dcrek G+ttt:u Hudson. Smart. Tyla Swart, Brett SW - Thr Alax novaco.-s Wok a 2- hvan. Brandon Whrall and 11 first -period Icad to goals by Cask %utak. The team i, Brett Sullivan. front a pass by coachcel by Len Smjine. ;, ,,%I -Tyler Stu srt, and Kyle Hay ed by f>an Sroadah we anti .'Ned on a feet! from %l!chacl Bent- Brterw. TAC go ultc coach is ley. The Knights got one John Sullivan and the nrxwg- m ore insurance marker in the a tai Lisch Mign:irdi. 9-2 decision it) ho,t Ajax in their second game. Pon Icd the hitting attack with two hits and two runs scored. Molony and Smith each had two hits and an RBI. Adam Hurley. Matthew Redding. Rose. Turner and Wilton had one hit apiece. In their thirst game, the Pirates spotted Niagara Fall, an early lead, clawed back to make it close, only to sec the opposition break Bader, Andrew Brown. Dar- nell Brown. Peter Colic - chic). Bobby Gertsakis, Kevin Gonsalves. Matt Halket. Jeff Hannon. Ryan McMackin. Marc McMulkin. Kyle Smeelen and Shem'Ihornas. '['he team is coached by Grcg Halloo. Greg MrNtulkin and Larry Han- non. third round the game open in the late inning in a 14-4 loss. Pun continued his strung per- formance at the plate with three hits and a run scored. Rose had two hits and an RBI and Turner had two hili and a run scored. Lamanna and Redding each had a hit and a run cored. Wilton belted a long double and an RBI. Carman had a hit and Molony and Smith each recorded an RBI. Ontario Hydro Nuclear is looking for people to participate in an Environmental Advisory Group We're looking for volunteers to help us form ar Ervironmen_al Advisory Group co ersu-e that pt.blic environmental concerns and reeds are addressed Candidates mist be Ontario •es.dents throughout the areas rtspacted by cue nuclear generao-set Utes (Darlington. P'ckering. Bruce) bringing the following perspectives: • Regional Mulicipallciet • General puohc First Nat orsi Aboriginal • Envirorrnencal Interests • rducar-or • Regional Industry • Mediu. /Health Interests • Ontario Hydro Nuclear roichmu Staff To find out how you can parncipare and obtain an "plication to loon Ontario Hydro's Fnvirontnenra Advisory Group cal !-416-592-4914 or see the Ontar'o Hydro Nuclea• web site at http:/Jwww hydro on calohn i...t,.a To - s....►�w...e ..vi-......., w...•.n o...... t i sit •i.+i�w.•ri.r., Ontario o ar<sk. II�:/InJ �'� ' Your local Boards of`'r°y� Canada _ Business i!!![Qi Trade and Chambers ; 1*1 Industry Industrie __ I C 8 v B r Canada Canada •4tw+/� of Commerce f A Business Forum (Designed to ;ive Answers to Y2000 Conce you .. •Where to start •Develop & execute a plan •Manage the transition *Where to find help • High Profile Speakers an Computers - Hardware & Software issues • Financial, Banking, Legal, Tax & Insurance implicationscmr == _ _ • • Know who your critical suppliers are • Understand ALL your business risks (not only computers) You Can Participate! Show the business people attending these for how you can &-/P-! Get a TABLE TOP DISPLAY at both forums and an ad in the Nov. issues of Business Leader: 1/4 page b table, ONLY $499 1/2 page b table, ONLY $749 Full page b table, ONLY S 1 241 10% OFF for chamber or f board members 0 Call (905) 683-5110 to book your advertising and your table top display area. 130 Commercial Avenue, Ajax 1 4 PAGE 21 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, SFr F:MRER 23, HMR 1 1 Careen I I Careers 1 1 Careers15TITIll Careen I I Careers 1 1 Careers EM Careers 1 General Help on FAST RECOGNIZED TRAINING THAT WORKS! IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST Administer use sokivore .n a staid -done a nei o ked em irom,em • MS DOS • Ma,dwore &^..- Su . W-95 Nerve i,,ng + •: ti'. a 0 • E.plorer 4 • N-4141 1 j INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER Lem est concepti required to design and develop wftwom i • v—, B.- • Wer 91 • Memcry `.;� • C C.+ • Mc DOS M,,.•,ga.,ent COMPUTER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST Advanced levels of the popubr computer sokvmm opplicohons • Wm 95 • Powe pant • Access E,p.A10• • %%b•d • worIlk— n Perfect • cra d PICKERING CAMPUS • OF 1420-1344 TORONTO 6eoosfsocatr y WANT A CAREER AS 1, C At I. CENTR9: PROFENNSIONAL? Customer Service Representative the, Graid. are in great demand. Luso mnnih 17 colwpames called us jor our Customer Service GrodN.' Tbc program consists of ten weeks of hands-on training in Durham ,+ t'• College's "state of the art" Call Centre plus a 40 guaranteed four-w'eck �r work placement'' with one of our Call Centre training partner companies. text courses begin October 5 and Januar'/99. Call 721-3321 for more information. Don't miss out - Call NOAV Business 6. Industry Development Services Durham Collette Skills Training Centre 1610 Champlain ASenue, Whitby LIN 6A7 YYMCA PROJECT OFr4oEA7ER TORONr. CO-ORDINATOR The Famil))� & C.ommumt% Action Program, a Health Canada Lm devgT-wJ hde , enhance r well -bring of Durham Region children (7-6 year,, invites applicant, for Project Ciwrdmdtor. FLAP is a mulh-year federally funded program In agreement with the Province of Ontano, and administered in Durham Region by the YMCA The Pruitct Coordunatar is a member of the Prolect Management Group. Responsibilities: Coordinating and administenng region -wide program planning and implementation activities, involving volunteer committees, appropriate agencies and parent consumers. Identifying and responding to policy and procedure needs Initiating marketing and public relations activities. Recruiting, hiring, supervising staff. Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of the services and enice needs of Durham Region. Ability to conceptualise, analyze and problem solve. An understanding of Human Servicepr ams and a graduate degree in a related field, or a combination of relevant undergraduate education and experience. Current Ontano driver's license and use of vehicle. IP eau send rover fetter and resume by October 6, 1998 to: FCAP Hiring Committee 1400 Gayly St., Office Mall One Unit 16B, Pickering ON Ll W 3R2 FRUSTRATED WITH 1 OUR JOB SEARCH? IT 9S FREE • a e ResumWorkshops Into net Job Access • Interview Workshops • On that Job Training Call The Hotline 725-4786 Pickering Residents 1-800-263-0993 110 MANAGER CORPORATE QUALI'T'Y SYSTEM A Tier 1 autom,oh%e part, manufacturer with five loca- tions registered to L1ti-41HK7 and 114) "A has an open- ing for a certified Lead Assessor to manage the quality stem. Responsibilities will include continuous improvement of the system, audits, training to insure adherence to the standard and audit and reporting to the President. Please send resume and a detailed cover letter to: SHIRLEY WOODARD AT JET COMPOSITES INC. FAR: (905) 427-9403 1 Ger1.rM help 11mrGerlarY HMF CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES it there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application In an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your Inst your application will be destroyed PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. 1 General Help 1 General Help 1 Gene al Help 1 GenNral Hdp a new, world at work. i WE NEED YOU!! • Assembly/Production Line Work • Industrial Painters & Industrial Cleaners Able to mix paint substances & prepare area for painting • Certified Forklift Operator (Wire Guidence) • Pickers/Packers • Shippers/Receivers with computer knowledge WORK BOOTS REQUIRED Pay between $7.25-$10 50/Hr. • Payroll - A/R 6-7 month contract. ADP, Access. Excel & Accpac exp. a must. • LAN Operator Able to install Windows '95. Nedded ASAP for 3 months. \ Please FAX resumes (905)1331-4922 ISxlg term and plrnli" f111.,,nt. Den %isik/Fnghntoxl area. Wind,— '95 aril Dau Entry F.xp. Required. Call Terrie for An appointment 831-0008 1 1 � Tuc+etuc 4clrlcrtatacr Y!1 ; 1 IFr.TIter 90 a.m. to N p -m. stun I auluons Ltd. a, t auawta'. kaI u.4Z rctAil 'I—lmisrt it aa.tc—i yand ph—ire ire --a . litshiun. 0— C-11inaous ga-urrth 1. cr"Ung a -a Iclaaa j,J, r,TIWrl aanttL•s at noir 1'Iclacrinq Twrn 1'a rtrc lcwatl•rat. M.kNAGER l,.0 mutt hev, .., r1— s..ars „t rs3. ,. In -nail i, ".nattvmc.f or a mmtlar i -.nation. strong Irativirshrp latscs, o-1 c-ommunication sk dLl uard a cotuuattmcaat r„ rrat�tasrllnat c�4stoarer xrs-k-e. �aT►IA:ti �'.tk��till7 T.�.�Tti ..^.,esa' hQl•luna un,l port -tom: p,rlr i, ons Iryuuc wrraac rT.pv n.-tn-r m ARIcs w i .,art.—ir-crvic., ase .cell :w a p,nssiun Lor liwhlon. It yon want a yuccessNI career In faahuan, jinn our ,lvmimic ream. We ,AYr a compe.litire s L-srv, framing l•r Ban. arxi aytcracrrn>:, rar,I,lrnx-c dkscr Ntml. (`orna•nx-ct xtrh un. �dAltl.a�-Ells Store. Piekerluic Towne e'eales, l3)lti Kiay Nt4r 111011h41, PtekeriaR, OM"W io LIV loaf. 11'3Ym ur. utaai,lc to attend, sunplr Fera sour rrurmc to sha.raa at (905) 1429-ts". Addition Ek .. SI L r 3 t a . 11 C— IIIeaWa.aCe t%'.hM Ibsrhon<_ / : •Personal lines Producer, and • C.S.R. R I B 0 license; Tele glulx•; TAbs-perle•nce preferred. Contact Pat At Worden Insurance 19051579-1317 tw Mil STATIM Ca«, Tramry Center Become a owl lecn C'N'l. `a`*` '11"W19avataiie n amfrcw nuns. oar rarlary. pwWlla�auegs..a., WA FNalt 320 (905)723- 8093 1 —Nab TART TIME RECEPTIONIST TINE RECEPTIONIST requueo we are laxtng for Wm persona" to tan w Wm who nave aof l pro- pie SIMS lave of IaSper- gom Image W sane d (No ince woof i a bead l fro uanlde) Phase apply n pilar Viemlm s 210 Brock 51 Whitby 66:3805 MM Genual tlalp 1 pie1are ttMD 20 Assemblers needed Pickering Area APPLY TODAY, WORK TOMORROW $7. hr. 40 hr. wks. I - 2 months. OPEN HOUSE Apply in person Thurs. Sept. 24, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m 1099 Kingston Rd. #230 Pickering 14905) 637.6060 1a --rIm• PRODUCE MANAGER • Full Time • Minimum 5 Yrs. Exp. • Benefits • Bonus Pkg. Apply in person with resume to: Don's if ir-ft 3555 Thic kson Rd. N. Whitby (anada's new national new, r•, wars in independent Home/ dr�lvery Distributor in the Pickeri Oshawa region. The key responsll „t the contracted position to r lnun and develop an Adult Carrier h, deliver the newspaper it, house pn,Ir to h am daily. late model i J Must Please fax resume to: 1416) 383-2321 INBOUND CALL CENTRE RESPRESENTATIVES 32 Positions (2 month contracts) Our talent, a leading wireless communications comt)arty In Scarborough. is looking for dynamic. Ghent -focused individuals to perform on -Ilse PCs activations IF You HAVE: ✓n'".10US Client service business experience ✓t -C .Ilent Verbal Communication Skills ✓•• ng working knowledge to Windows 95 in a business setting ✓A.allabk for any shrtt in a 7/24 operation ✓::.1.' centre experience highly preferred Forward your reseme, quahog Position no. CL905.98 to: (905) 737.4382 Staffing Services SKILLED PRODUCTION SHIFT WORKERS Perm Po,itions A%ailahle %c nth a large Ajax company. Must be mechanically minded, %11th the following experienced Welding, Forklift Machine Operation, Brake Press Able to work well is a team player. for apptlintment with resume Please Call (905)837-6060 1n =AM. P E Il S O N N E L Help us, help you Earn extra money for Christmas 30 Assemblers needed $7 hr. 40 hr. wks. 2 months We can putt y� work TODOPEN HOUSE Tues. Se - 15 & Thum Sept. 17 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 1099 Kingston Rd. #230 Pickering ("0 11111374660 FECKMVPAarII�QBS CaENSRAIL LABOURM FORIIO.IIHP1' OPERATORS Apply today, Work Tomorrow Scarborough. Durham, Richmond Hill, Markham WE OFFER: • Long Term Assignments • Employee Benefits • Competitive Salary • Referral Bonuses • 4c/. Vacation Pay Safety Bools and References Reqd Call for app't wwwas 831-3400 f requires POSTAL CLERKS Experience preferred Fart -time Nights & Weekends Apply with resume in person to Sandi mfo-KANCINECIANIC requued for kr11 INCE snug Fa. resumes to (905) 725 8113 MAtitiF Y'S RESTAURANT Realmn� r.penrnad WAIT AND KITCHEN STAFF Apply m pe—,7'3 l averptn,l Rd. S. Pickering Mit TECHNICIAN sono. -1 IH, I.I Pers, Iipulu era X11 INTO sola, 436-93W _ Alas PARTTIME POSITIONS Available up it, 27 hours per wrek Days evenings and weekend.. Positions for (Customer Service Associates.) Overnight positions available 4.311p.m. - 5. IX) a.m. up to 5 nights per week. Apply in person at Customer Service Desk with resume lrnly caitahF. CanAiAAfw will 1 root -W . , POST DmrnNlateN sero LPART TINE RIVERS MM o 'AuW 4 cyl.".1 s Um EVM" err Wlekmds CASH DARY " Can m-4 p m only 90426 5484 a AM DAIM 01 We tare a rr <<r„ws stroenti. vno caul, 90$ iba o9i"eie ATTENTNM STUDENTS ia. arL wwa VNlres aVWt ur„eK'na Iowa- . ppaappeerr:0-ry M M holds . Detrain tam 6.. Non SaY:d.d; A m p CA t. . now— nerSp,Ner T Gu—'n.' a, Caren an . ntwsp,per Debar 2 064.00 a m Ibn sal Y hK* , mw,u�.eoo-2se-nor a - rt wwn a -W* I,om 3temp,nary —.7.-7.rt�Mcr a m l a m Mary De ,ON N in 50 6s ane work n eat � eatel,.0 won., r-, AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER �.svnNs q jam))aa771 0519For ori aeo.rers Os+u•. bNprlaN ter op- m A-0 OWN Devi4 ToWorm s... r2 WND,. Omm Lill Storer 905576 -tern. atm :1.IA\ .-- NEWS ADVERTISER683� 0'O' PICK KIN(; NEWS ADVERTISER OFFICE 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax N,..• na.e •s.. M stir- &U -- P.E., S.E. here.. - 3p- O[ITLET Torianipe L1no (416' 790-7259 1822 VVlsNes Rd- Pldseris11e Plate HOURS: Som - Spm Mon.- Fri. closed SaturdayN•w 24 boo/] CLASSIFIED DEE EINE Sera/Leo - Amberba vra,•. yw. •+.«rn.. ywr wewa r a»+►•�+ •- rA. w rww.t «: HOURS: 1 Oom-��Ew Tres.- Fri., woos -S Sen. CIOaN INTERNET: MeP //www.l.rUrw•wa.rt FAX: 579-4218 (24 howl FAX: (905) 579-4218 EMAII: xwNgww4iawlrw.rwl (905) 1 1 Careen I I Careers 1 1 Careers15TITIll Careen I I Careers 1 1 Careers EM Careers 1 General Help on FAST RECOGNIZED TRAINING THAT WORKS! IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST Administer use sokivore .n a staid -done a nei o ked em irom,em • MS DOS • Ma,dwore &^..- Su . W-95 Nerve i,,ng + •: ti'. a 0 • E.plorer 4 • N-4141 1 j INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER Lem est concepti required to design and develop wftwom i • v—, B.- • Wer 91 • Memcry `.;� • C C.+ • Mc DOS M,,.•,ga.,ent COMPUTER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST Advanced levels of the popubr computer sokvmm opplicohons • Wm 95 • Powe pant • Access E,p.A10• • %%b•d • worIlk— n Perfect • cra d PICKERING CAMPUS • OF 1420-1344 TORONTO 6eoosfsocatr y WANT A CAREER AS 1, C At I. CENTR9: PROFENNSIONAL? Customer Service Representative the, Graid. are in great demand. Luso mnnih 17 colwpames called us jor our Customer Service GrodN.' Tbc program consists of ten weeks of hands-on training in Durham ,+ t'• College's "state of the art" Call Centre plus a 40 guaranteed four-w'eck �r work placement'' with one of our Call Centre training partner companies. text courses begin October 5 and Januar'/99. Call 721-3321 for more information. Don't miss out - Call NOAV Business 6. Industry Development Services Durham Collette Skills Training Centre 1610 Champlain ASenue, Whitby LIN 6A7 YYMCA PROJECT OFr4oEA7ER TORONr. CO-ORDINATOR The Famil))� & C.ommumt% Action Program, a Health Canada Lm devgT-wJ hde , enhance r well -bring of Durham Region children (7-6 year,, invites applicant, for Project Ciwrdmdtor. FLAP is a mulh-year federally funded program In agreement with the Province of Ontano, and administered in Durham Region by the YMCA The Pruitct Coordunatar is a member of the Prolect Management Group. Responsibilities: Coordinating and administenng region -wide program planning and implementation activities, involving volunteer committees, appropriate agencies and parent consumers. Identifying and responding to policy and procedure needs Initiating marketing and public relations activities. Recruiting, hiring, supervising staff. Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of the services and enice needs of Durham Region. Ability to conceptualise, analyze and problem solve. An understanding of Human Servicepr ams and a graduate degree in a related field, or a combination of relevant undergraduate education and experience. Current Ontano driver's license and use of vehicle. IP eau send rover fetter and resume by October 6, 1998 to: FCAP Hiring Committee 1400 Gayly St., Office Mall One Unit 16B, Pickering ON Ll W 3R2 FRUSTRATED WITH 1 OUR JOB SEARCH? IT 9S FREE • a e ResumWorkshops Into net Job Access • Interview Workshops • On that Job Training Call The Hotline 725-4786 Pickering Residents 1-800-263-0993 110 MANAGER CORPORATE QUALI'T'Y SYSTEM A Tier 1 autom,oh%e part, manufacturer with five loca- tions registered to L1ti-41HK7 and 114) "A has an open- ing for a certified Lead Assessor to manage the quality stem. Responsibilities will include continuous improvement of the system, audits, training to insure adherence to the standard and audit and reporting to the President. Please send resume and a detailed cover letter to: SHIRLEY WOODARD AT JET COMPOSITES INC. FAR: (905) 427-9403 1 Ger1.rM help 11mrGerlarY HMF CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES it there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application In an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your Inst your application will be destroyed PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. 1 General Help 1 General Help 1 Gene al Help 1 GenNral Hdp a new, world at work. i WE NEED YOU!! • Assembly/Production Line Work • Industrial Painters & Industrial Cleaners Able to mix paint substances & prepare area for painting • Certified Forklift Operator (Wire Guidence) • Pickers/Packers • Shippers/Receivers with computer knowledge WORK BOOTS REQUIRED Pay between $7.25-$10 50/Hr. • Payroll - A/R 6-7 month contract. ADP, Access. Excel & Accpac exp. a must. • LAN Operator Able to install Windows '95. Nedded ASAP for 3 months. \ Please FAX resumes (905)1331-4922 ISxlg term and plrnli" f111.,,nt. Den %isik/Fnghntoxl area. Wind,— '95 aril Dau Entry F.xp. Required. Call Terrie for An appointment 831-0008 1 1 � Tuc+etuc 4clrlcrtatacr Y!1 ; 1 IFr.TIter 90 a.m. to N p -m. stun I auluons Ltd. a, t auawta'. kaI u.4Z rctAil 'I—lmisrt it aa.tc—i yand ph—ire ire --a . litshiun. 0— C-11inaous ga-urrth 1. cr"Ung a -a Iclaaa j,J, r,TIWrl aanttL•s at noir 1'Iclacrinq Twrn 1'a rtrc lcwatl•rat. M.kNAGER l,.0 mutt hev, .., r1— s..ars „t rs3. ,. In -nail i, ".nattvmc.f or a mmtlar i -.nation. strong Irativirshrp latscs, o-1 c-ommunication sk dLl uard a cotuuattmcaat r„ rrat�tasrllnat c�4stoarer xrs-k-e. �aT►IA:ti �'.tk��till7 T.�.�Tti ..^.,esa' hQl•luna un,l port -tom: p,rlr i, ons Iryuuc wrraac rT.pv n.-tn-r m ARIcs w i .,art.—ir-crvic., ase .cell :w a p,nssiun Lor liwhlon. It yon want a yuccessNI career In faahuan, jinn our ,lvmimic ream. We ,AYr a compe.litire s L-srv, framing l•r Ban. arxi aytcracrrn>:, rar,I,lrnx-c dkscr Ntml. (`orna•nx-ct xtrh un. �dAltl.a�-Ells Store. Piekerluic Towne e'eales, l3)lti Kiay Nt4r 111011h41, PtekeriaR, OM"W io LIV loaf. 11'3Ym ur. utaai,lc to attend, sunplr Fera sour rrurmc to sha.raa at (905) 1429-ts". Addition Ek .. SI L r 3 t a . 11 C— IIIeaWa.aCe t%'.hM Ibsrhon<_ / : •Personal lines Producer, and • C.S.R. R I B 0 license; Tele glulx•; TAbs-perle•nce preferred. Contact Pat At Worden Insurance 19051579-1317 tw Mil STATIM Ca«, Tramry Center Become a owl lecn C'N'l. `a`*` '11"W19avataiie n amfrcw nuns. oar rarlary. pwWlla�auegs..a., WA FNalt 320 (905)723- 8093 1 —Nab TART TIME RECEPTIONIST TINE RECEPTIONIST requueo we are laxtng for Wm persona" to tan w Wm who nave aof l pro- pie SIMS lave of IaSper- gom Image W sane d (No ince woof i a bead l fro uanlde) Phase apply n pilar Viemlm s 210 Brock 51 Whitby 66:3805 MM Genual tlalp 1 pie1are ttMD 20 Assemblers needed Pickering Area APPLY TODAY, WORK TOMORROW $7. hr. 40 hr. wks. I - 2 months. OPEN HOUSE Apply in person Thurs. Sept. 24, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m 1099 Kingston Rd. #230 Pickering 14905) 637.6060 1a --rIm• PRODUCE MANAGER • Full Time • Minimum 5 Yrs. Exp. • Benefits • Bonus Pkg. Apply in person with resume to: Don's if ir-ft 3555 Thic kson Rd. N. Whitby (anada's new national new, r•, wars in independent Home/ dr�lvery Distributor in the Pickeri Oshawa region. The key responsll „t the contracted position to r lnun and develop an Adult Carrier h, deliver the newspaper it, house pn,Ir to h am daily. late model i J Must Please fax resume to: 1416) 383-2321 INBOUND CALL CENTRE RESPRESENTATIVES 32 Positions (2 month contracts) Our talent, a leading wireless communications comt)arty In Scarborough. is looking for dynamic. Ghent -focused individuals to perform on -Ilse PCs activations IF You HAVE: ✓n'".10US Client service business experience ✓t -C .Ilent Verbal Communication Skills ✓•• ng working knowledge to Windows 95 in a business setting ✓A.allabk for any shrtt in a 7/24 operation ✓::.1.' centre experience highly preferred Forward your reseme, quahog Position no. CL905.98 to: (905) 737.4382 Staffing Services SKILLED PRODUCTION SHIFT WORKERS Perm Po,itions A%ailahle %c nth a large Ajax company. Must be mechanically minded, %11th the following experienced Welding, Forklift Machine Operation, Brake Press Able to work well is a team player. for apptlintment with resume Please Call (905)837-6060 1n =AM. P E Il S O N N E L Help us, help you Earn extra money for Christmas 30 Assemblers needed $7 hr. 40 hr. wks. 2 months We can putt y� work TODOPEN HOUSE Tues. Se - 15 & Thum Sept. 17 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 1099 Kingston Rd. #230 Pickering ("0 11111374660 FECKMVPAarII�QBS CaENSRAIL LABOURM FORIIO.IIHP1' OPERATORS Apply today, Work Tomorrow Scarborough. Durham, Richmond Hill, Markham WE OFFER: • Long Term Assignments • Employee Benefits • Competitive Salary • Referral Bonuses • 4c/. Vacation Pay Safety Bools and References Reqd Call for app't wwwas 831-3400 f requires POSTAL CLERKS Experience preferred Fart -time Nights & Weekends Apply with resume in person to Sandi mfo-KANCINECIANIC requued for kr11 INCE snug Fa. resumes to (905) 725 8113 MAtitiF Y'S RESTAURANT Realmn� r.penrnad WAIT AND KITCHEN STAFF Apply m pe—,7'3 l averptn,l Rd. S. Pickering Mit TECHNICIAN sono. -1 IH, I.I Pers, Iipulu era X11 INTO sola, 436-93W _ Alas PARTTIME POSITIONS Available up it, 27 hours per wrek Days evenings and weekend.. Positions for (Customer Service Associates.) Overnight positions available 4.311p.m. - 5. IX) a.m. up to 5 nights per week. Apply in person at Customer Service Desk with resume lrnly caitahF. CanAiAAfw will 1 root -W . , POST DmrnNlateN sero LPART TINE RIVERS MM o 'AuW 4 cyl.".1 s Um EVM" err Wlekmds CASH DARY " Can m-4 p m only 90426 5484 a AM DAIM 01 We tare a rr <<r„ws stroenti. vno caul, 90$ iba o9i"eie ATTENTNM STUDENTS ia. arL wwa VNlres aVWt ur„eK'na Iowa- . ppaappeerr:0-ry M M holds . Detrain tam 6.. Non SaY:d.d; A m p CA t. . now— nerSp,Ner T Gu—'n.' a, Caren an . ntwsp,per Debar 2 064.00 a m Ibn sal Y hK* , mw,u�.eoo-2se-nor a - rt wwn a -W* I,om 3temp,nary —.7.-7.rt�Mcr a m l a m Mary De ,ON N in 50 6s ane work n eat � eatel,.0 won., r-, y.. gy merit ane g•r' a �.svnNs q jam))aa771 0519For ori aeo.rers Os+u•. bNprlaN ter op- mai N RPS 1601 Trrcom OWN Devi4 ToWorm s... r2 WND,. Omm Lill Storer 905576 -tern. atm .vS 511. alomn to Friday BEAUTY SKON rewqu�res h- MY AS 100 00 Grm No msec aystwn upr err mamcersavp Mq neo Pay n i,aa :work S+,.Ir, Cp,rr. �uas,pu9orwYpro61 Srru•r1 [Uu W gyln Mo wmmDlwo Also W 1—1 3lycnt to Pay n yon go gym Daft yyMty Mo,I•NY AesoNMY, Oman and AID cera Cy"eu Itl.mwro nor F—rona w (905142"190 1`4 Vol, go PoM'm'iw Crly 0ymaow wo CLASSIFIED F Wrd; m,aa• N N” am 5iiIn 10.1581.0 All CUSTOMER "*"•y '9051 ci76271 SERVICE TtLENANFTERS r..W Ar 6_'_ ^ wurN ar" . . - NewsDaws !n"�•m,s pr4Nned lad, Cera 9054740!11 Check the, upon aAN0 0 puDllcaum as Newt AO• oT-m EFT$tm verttser roll not be rt j,; t 7C ,�,� nv,: tacuur a sponseaN for more than l rW aw sow Sow On ct insertbe one riel •Nr «owe Sp.q and y to shy! Df rt k s no of tor n w Iffy n. Ian leer„- nr come Don t FALL SPRING or any a0venef.nNnt. i advertise I* sneN N ^"^ SUIeWA W WML for effort M ads NOW" to, nW tp*Mft q I -god to the amount pereerer lilt wClyf4 Vesal pard for the sOa it occur on,"" a to turn take Dying The error All Copy Rat ar Ryao,Iup a wmrtM ppw 's su71 lanag11ment tOf .STRENE uNE55 Ofmml Eryq Nitres Advertlain6 ale d e. bat $oolom idle m C= sak d err an COM WMtFO , N„ „um'N •e•p•� sonpaas .2 041 CZ. ` •� 'r ,.owerI.N. TAk $arninlw haft COURWR ORIIRVS WKITtO Taa. Stn~_ hralaoant ant coca . m u eVwlr M. ymt % a rr OW V, smaa ran. saw, .yl m Leave maNAP. new I.A.1,rlpw•ece an,a" .i oomi WK+Nrhhrdo- prune a Na9aa 71 rg DOatWIW MO'S 1'IIA • '•,•p aro hnbnal Tumvq Or0y A a 993 1me a.,. 667 YY93 7051 c.. � � ft. 0showa 434- Gann udn i quint o 1755 PKxem,q Pixray n h "Oft A I.... C4nln i . - t 300 DWrN st E Whd aro* Ream ft401 Myr 430 0030 1215 BayN. rmnO 8310030 Also W. wwaayy Call TODAY 916-126 71129 LAST CHANCE'- 2 i AB ler S39 Eapra —Now sul 17M DR10M0 INSTRUnuCTOR. .m PRODUCTION - .inner I• -.alar Ipra,y n t. 4 '✓"seo wan awn car 519- W d Von wWk nvo.a M.W nate own ..-1 tralspombo. P%M u. (WOY TKXMC .,I we (905)427-3324 una,eo Unaed Pol,eamprls SEAFOOD paofisS_ ys ,wi erne yon Ione Nle- pa"hoM no a- eaaparf m Ala. Dal n dkw opeanps for a pen- : mYtling mol n�6fary ND lira- 4IIt4d INR wean sun ar . 'sale involved "= SNh w Tnmq N6-3522 a0• and eai"� CA •'a Ia10111 ORM COORS 9G5µ26 -N52 for xNenner apWmment rkeoee n.OM a oars Ia Sissy O91 w local" E. EXCELLENT EXTRA CASH. Demme rt weed appy m «Gaol A 2U h—m ails person 10 E)M S ReSt Woot tr". your sin Cil 5u 4W ally Steed WW ovw a aAprRekenng 905-427- Experrmed Sol supu,n. Walled for IV," ler Singh amN re1- Untla hones n 110wmaurr11t yew fond u area Resporoft lor all n- eaeellBrltl Werk Vpetls d 0"nocaon for 2530 IgnrS Must hoW pi Fu resume to 905623.2226 ftrig10nition. •yye EXPEM OMO low lruraer nombrWom to operalm repwed la *Aeby/ Cat! 6564 N Oso " aro Nusl rave dei ilea. -M. a.•OP4:e0 aD51rxI RCQN to File 1222. Oaawa WNW TNS We*. STUBOM wined lot wN- 865 Farewd 51 DWilim. Ora Imp aclM wort lip maw. LIH7L5 Uri Pldlerxp I(1olNn. Cal FACTORY OaaM store re- IOr app1127-3324 enu ,dire apend sal& rr4. Fall bale ro POSOM top TAXI n hrstwe). wedwals a wae.gs Famume5, am Emir A Nxxv. 1905i 693 1541 YF1 Wanted Ft1LL A PART J10�, to TIME Iaprea .cnrro. eEasy FREE d.taes witTran .S.E. to W 831-M 113 Mi4tEDstin, tomapPkhKLLIVW3 caanty Everirps Iron Irdme Retiree peened Savors For ==no -ON CEERK LAll01Nea3 pose- IgM Avaable mmedweFy Apply m personMalloy. Spa INE TNOTO 113111111. Ellin. - 21 to FMay. Sept 25, linin. Pescara. I0 1099 Nv,Oslo,l Rd S -Mx, Outpolrp Sy& SM roe neap fired for Ooa sum 230. Pickering ID door sealrrQ vdecle- NS. PKJI"42 NAUTYLKT { F3TNF MrwM-5j GIN, wanted at A.ans Wh11Dy, Uxbridge, Port Perry. Downtown li Ratty Nr Wapmr. 9n0q51-7284161 0pD0 opponunlry, busy. Dusy Mi M� 905-728-23442 M&al We overwtelmed wnm clew be &a.ale sofa n fins. we P19M conal Heather a Irangg proviihn. endlenl 668-5000. or Drop resaril a comm li. and torius 122 &o* SI N W9rey a -weekly. fa HANMTYUSTS WANTE01f more rrlwnnllanl CA Mon. aay-lnursday. Sam -rpm. Immedutely E.pe quuned for busy snge-nu Gleei- yOLIEfR Required lot port1y Faeng (905 utb"aOshawa Armue� ,20 ew 6 30-9pm Call aDS1a0L SEWMD ma- eveang for more info 905- Chine operalon required Fw 7214061 afternoon shin Experienced Fa res resume Ip (9051 tpenem WANTED Eea Co* 1 511 to Iom a "Um Nam at WI JUNIOR CIERD - data pro LI�t ryW u Orlr"i 5 your" cessulp ly to re,11 r HU Man teume to Pmrme. Wdh ref"u¢es Cn man PO Box 15 PO Boa 151 JON" bdwem 5 aM 8 p m ben to F,I 436-87]6 IS 223 Alar. LIS 2F3 OrNy LUNCH DUTY supervisor re- WMXaG PARENR slay al home won ftfamy 1" hOme cared nor Roland Whiner S5 n AW I13 1235 dot bed business h Imnme ,yCale -5437 dunrp tnl p01mIW and '^'w'"s Traln- WOVION Call 416284 houn d e 116 4 W MDn -Fn Wl OMe• NO ONkI Help THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23• IM - PAGE 21 t11661MIP ItYM1O � �! SIk• lalllk/ Plus ADAMS SERVICES '""'° """'"�' NMki ` GARAGES !ii Ij/la--a.••�wRW'E+,W'R� u1111g Yd1a fx•ct'cy Work ADAMS dryer 5600. loses OuMn rr AL1'; ---_ n ser AaO-ft ROCONable •nvrwwrMew. YOU hare,m requires cuum, 2DO Black emenM, tie-Wg elesraince to 64.84 room rrM ek, wrN•k+ FIM CYISt we our proc•s/wd rer:11Cti. Prllpined Oily dspoaRs. make An ultW 9 s`iowarc�3 51p5 25. 4:30.7F & lrp1. 26. 9:.i1)-5 oe n • urm�gceanr,in:; "Cede custom•, coMo�M'o^6 and mamtatryd AZ DRIVERS is101 YlrN'S tieiV1no Emporium 127 21IS a Come l0 1» K act on aped r•c•,vab1•e. • 2 rs. eXEE CARPET H -y. 2 and DENJe, weAt Eu IY.irr Xl'l sr Enr Aia, y 1 2 i 3 Bed. opts. ^Pwbyou a EXCEL and +ORD would be In 1 1�• 611MfR• in re- (iota's, EiCkerirpt A AAX A SALES Relurblshed d, New Organ. you an a team • Local h tlymii IhK;k plash. sum re- orgenized, 1esaNs-ormM�ed wrtb ach t a well sistxn carpel for 7 rrxrmtt. C�ltl-"'�"'- A AJAx AUTO trR[eKFRS Appliances. All Utll. included. estaDhshed•re a approach to your • Leeal City u'irr $36900 vrNJ rndudes--IrMrntrl 1 lreented tt deU am Ceakr IOrg ler- ass 3G 50 rds carpel dourre Dao $100 $19000 ser - Inc ¢wing «panizalbn flrrn3rtbur • Lots of weekend work ay enlywm n roM nom` soul Enr urs I,vgt 'am In-house Supt. 6 Mains. Free kbtalipn m r Mme WEB DESIGN condnuom' ism �5 palls6On site Security. A IMOS: PA/ARE Call Randy 720-2204 Nu .merest. rb mem lO. sad and r r are lull year DAINEI, ,.8p0. SERVICE a�.aa •177 or Ia 1615041 �11 n Rental �Ce: Mon - Fn. 9wn -spm usNgyourpaaKalA � WW 217-0104 Home and web page Creation H Payable enwronow,m� m CAR►FTt sAtE Eon a car link and server storage. yper 1 Trwb an Accounts P Sat a SunEalgFl Processed Cheque runs, you nave PRE -PRESS MAC' OPERATOR Pns. 1oG•, nywn sum Co- Cal] Jolla Dwrte 1« � ;' VALIANT P antl handled sendor aeeaxts recu«AagA,pts ('owl nlerClal Printer wnh m hour re ress ase. carDe1 7 rooms $339 RTy EXCEL 11t01Jirk6. Knowledge o1 P P 130 sit M) Includes 1977 5MC Timmy rrp:,ened arW WORD Would be aCi asset. You area admin ecotone a Icam player, With Dremmm pad and ,rrs y at �9'�� I'- D�rw uG 79 15Gu. sXi MANAGEMENT team player frau brags k well Organm2ed, re9UN9 a 111n11"Um of i years pre -press experience, tion Free Imin,u es Carpel rndlUr Ilk dale. out needs oriertleo approach to your work This ,s a Mu%t have a roves Maim Serv�g DurNn aM An91w 1 1 u,mpktbn 83_ 9-1� 7 X57 90.5 �•..�79- 7 626 Term assignment p tP119 P profiarncy in surmunmrg arra Sam 905. 1 IPC Sale 1914 570 Pir'K uP qox Igo eel In as e5taashed. row," OUarkXPrc'si, Photoshop. Illustrator and 5861771 organ¢alron. fr1.13?bur Pagemaker 19904 ',vrn• a• ;E Jnr lot z•'leura B PICC ln7r'g pox Cp le 5 SALE. ran is Sato ANTIOUE29Aetoluhryr A; ,. ]Cres auto V [ dl 5 ed new ores 1i WIND PAYROLL AORRRISTMToM. -Mug have extensive knowledge n( up lel SG*. On targe machos ANT always solulel u•. au, Ii As ori acakm r reduced D'a"or ,.tam Ilan a trot /AMMER You haw 2 plus Years experience working wth InrPPing, fill" Imil lu'n and film output ° "'I°' and devlyi. Cus,twner dee' Purcltaiug umngnr was asbno $9800, re 6W 4611 em 1500 OBO Cal 905 To Payfink7Paytlex, ADP or any otter N rah Imagesel er experience tanitaction guaranteed For uses +']some am,pue cnnr lq 57999oDo Cyt Dixxle 666- `'""� APARTMENTS bY AJAX Crop 'zed bank fire estimate Call ekke 19051 ens. fid erml fo rauc con 4093 (sno) �� D_ comlortaDle deal payroll system. you are - M11u,I have Thorough knowledge of all 4?14040. 01161 8228225 vCere 1. conations of any -- -_ 1 v tw cX t e11NNoyeeS I'r son quamle or single an- t%1 MAZOA 6.646/ Exr A. 1 Orn payroll arta 500 Dios at cts of the printing industry including COMPUTEq FACTMY. from nems Special mkrest ,n CAB 4 2 & 3 Bedroom apart - EXCEL w LOTu$ E sPreadSEl9@E Sk'llg on final film assembly Amannu '•cora sFAUai I MOOFCM 1 DpllerY nl try ro tr Frio 'nap Drus ExVikrn con. 198 'ScS ,Jn •i[ M,,,;°� benefts arM r xpof ass ci teconOlnalions µ'r nFRer: Car rr DaYnkms. Tree scan- spond b all queries Fuel Imo" $14900 omdk2 obs 3W 5 c,I 4 •un0ard, masts. Includes and P ocessrng ofrat associated deduct a c„nlpelllis'e salary. comprehrns,ve henrfil p�ime ismmatwxe atndiamore' Omand Am i Brookhn 19051 623-94M or 09051 %5- MSO as Is 9135.985.37410 requests are esserand You naves 1905)655-8019 tad 0014 snD 1917 FORD AEROSTAp VAN. (ridge, stove, broadloom Ione managemern skate and work best m a high Package and a team atmosphere dedicated $116 wk Ioacl I B00-515- 1905)655-5501 pressure deadbne dnven envrror,menl $17- In pruv'Idin$ our customer with a superior ' i5 Free debvery CASH OR DEALS. We Buy 1994 POWLA 7 ' ,tenor rvicenrm 22YhaJr. 4donr ,5 I;Orlpitial. ,ew traamatbw air, heat, hydro water and lescl of quality and service. Di1NG ser � Deanna wrx Seo a r•rOre' Par top Saur 1G5 ,gpkmt e.aikm condi. view ores. mad needs iron peer soba perry and Ion :op nems Home audiva 0on- unnik0. must SBA $9757 SSW AS a 0 b 0 Cal' 705-324 one parkin. Our chem requires aICOIjECTpsS: VlraSe send resume: ,r,arbgyry peters. $18K rove video. car audio. loon COs. 000 CA 509.6370 0930 $aro Call 68�i-08'}j Feglaues a dens pmlesvonal alb has MARACLE PRESS LIMITED ''u $3950 Beautiful 6 mOvkt. games. oold. du- �--- ? plus Years aCcourtirg and a minimum 1 year :�°:e erred cher bedrppin mobs furniture, 1991 iAUm1S OL +dodo ams +apps y^. 59 ASTRO CARGO Van Re- crMn 1156 Kin am owed Queen apylances in, qua al sups, nn, suis mginr sv�ng 52500 91 -t exPerkambe. You wII establish and mw'dor R til. F;.. OCO. (905)33-1765 905.571.2274 1+3G , doves Sri. Saran .arW NoWly con- E)C 1'157 US cl t: credit risk b /hhyw'a. Ont. LIH 7NJ ?"'S0 905760-0299 Fra (9051666 - DWI ,prefer an e1edp"vc toned rkw ores, mm s,'svwgil rtlrs cum/wall.trevt/fluor/ orae y «count and release customer �1 wry nems m working of P, ver urrirk0 (6.500 19051 $/SOC CLI QQ rs xt compllar'ee tome r-ortpany policy and :11th: Ron 'Taylor Its -9200 ew. a days 131- 19051-7289218 7657/hlghrlwrhernl procedures. vpu ideally have ratan credo Pool ped iron, wane DO rOu na+e kawae mi NU9 day or mgrs experNrcbe, possess strong collwnlloahon Fax 1905172t_17Gy, 1 „err brass accents Dques a estate Contents' Ln Dresnrlibn aMln'es and are � Phone f91N f72�t.5t S��s.:uY,uak veneer memo us deers, n lm SAru- plj wAGpK %rev rJ Saturn. an e.- �ANo NEW cuElr corrtortade deal K vat dellen rte rnml ^Cyd MD • SFT i wnh senor level '. 1 Uwrs soles, duNa. us assist possible ng Ima r t27 knomclers. i / - ..•o•r $90 . nrsny u ca�lna^apelltenl. Pogram nonnof a S'-5 Cy1665 9071 to -Gy Hen Or phos Call X19%IM3�tryt5 �C C•2 :; � �- mast a nmml �^.µ F amines FC1 ',e CGA am ry Gayle Kann 9:550 W 59001momm F 15 rmM 561) ^ 'A'n+pue CornWtams won S!!f r t first and usl rWodes near don I7rolwXerir aDpnles on MS WORK R EQ t -'IRE � '; r'0 raster D ,care Anrlapk mlp,ly 30 1�Nes e,Joll "l EXCEL ale reptrced TMs rs a 1 e ani^ you are"' P°,-lnkalery Ptuprk BIDS -9858161 Denerrce v5 Jeautpo Ayer nK Pru Ado. Oct Is, assrgmmenl tots strong p0terrlrallOto fg aro HELPERS douse +rare n (.vel lots I.Nao dude a ".� ' m Amnio case Io- Na' Plus room for rem,F��=)'A 9 hr•atm' rad ,err p'.,. era "dude WE FINANCE aceommoeanon, lopa11e1t. 515-tYTbury„i ,....� n.a r.mIll42• v rcdl,ebpn n +elopes a tt �� tt r' EVERYONE ' :r tD [range, 1,6900 oDo bacr126-7181iundlbuning <,twin aa+avyw�c diploma. 154% ft m skinfirm- 4:4 2775 FRD TOS1s0 Vwt9• Ske•t, Suq• 1500m any.Gas nra't' ps LPRfriesa e=hcrry 100.. un- .No turn downs WANTED 1%s OR NEWERNorth York, P ar mos rea,.0pseaartima GWrarpee DO FMD()S51 tip(: FIT ICMIOCII ANOINCHA HOUSE.thtprio littera tir'kr1 or ^'Mvsriacks gnnerices YYwour prorluds mestere 009 MACHINE st time buy- z,_um,EE2N6L7 'KwrtPnce, with a:^asae upon request Carry Ya could tom frzt skin ore l . r laarc l ), PEs. bankru t; ''ar, 5:208Jrpsreicpme Irina mrrcf,V en-- teTM: (416) 2264570 valid drivers +`55420-1/W p a yNr' Far Kto al 9os P pA�,anwk a'71-0275---7z6.8220w z aa^dt bad credit: no l�-- ,;s-�Od ' on 'I-bz75F•c pt6) 226-sa96 a rnsr a moa w0A1A" OF cOlouR won �_ : nat Credit! If you Yr a F1.o.. 0-6275 •awd: rtOM York Maccoura tr D°^rnCr lonng home e1tYDs.tom I'Ieasr call FIILI L2F wASINR iw dryer t79 -Jan' VlOfk I MOORIFp arpc room. Hark tits IeY awn nalr+5 aired•] a h.e name. for eye trio o bra YOU drive. WAN IFO 9/b IVO FMD ,me •^.4•• 5f00/wen, P v ,e.lrstererf are cunenny (90SIbfi3--Q380 - 'Dk Irolirs rwunr aM a� cabnRn oras g �' :r,swderalbn aM rtwrrn •,,.. ."p1Ed sere !S m0mn nwnankd $375 for nine set f ,,.,our+ Lots Of pre- F,00 .r>+rl i�xg7: ,,• -MIAk `,vc:". It Ano 1 - - - �-�•' SNFEr MrrAl 111Yh' rOvrp Belae FW Sirz wtMe pennrpr! r Owned • - Mot IwrkrrM .�735R bedroom apartrtknr. for NO- .' r., awn sdb01 also aval. aM stove. showroom odit Vehicles t0 t+1,1 +enrl0er 19 $5f0'mDndr pus ' -''' 'X' Cap l9ai x 19051 126 tan CC BURNING � alx:s. w Appremrci gat uiOoe 100 store 250 oat '•' I Aub L•••m9 Moro Ca 655-5539 :.,ted Urvon or ria, union, �� 1360017 w,+,eiwr.q c�:• _. -.0' Sal Ch00Se }fpm. R --�_ acc' • ' nine pos,limtt polder NANXf. Duma : +• 1 t.ecur. i pncct SPECIAL eARCA1N aFNrAls CE �.�s APPLIANCES. Saks For •,fo Jam 7%953.9199 m w•'......- awl- �616n- n6�ask 6or clan r �,^-. ;"•,'<r F„ray, Dar Islroi FINANCE iJ •�mr ^.:,n".. •v •�,.:: •'°r 1."•, ,D ;lp'2S S20oruWp� +me P.;,,aeraay •stn -K dose g a ar,kmtr.S Cap ala. resumt 416. C'lrr 'u" COrE KITTENS 5 :rvrs f, IS Nn xratW : 1 Lab DEPARTMENT .�,9379; /2 � 1905 r-723-0977 940' werh9 "° " ''•" k axle i3w J SHERIDAN CHEV 'RUS3 OFfKNFP ro"ie=i154tJ767 Y1 °Id M eke even . J: hon -----�ble__ 14Yup washer $299 DaN�n :ARL, BROWN r r. 90S-II16-8,100 11 rcOai1e9 COMTKE Dacnapr spar RI Cf iroNl$1rrPl9r 'uPiry IOaxM ,a• Dvs Carr 50?� 104 Bw lar y'pea,h• ice i�id5waeyr 05697 w•' +' rM "p pen nq Dy � '.m rn. ern surae. "`--- .:- would wkluoe computer deo $yenyt•dn $500 1 rr .. s+•w'nae 7PASSFNGrR o•, _ e, ... "n ' ban, _^d0• 1 General NN klwry Dv a 0997 MAI J 'S0 .uua. Oct +n 1 r l . nv r wrk,.n .r.: DenVK on- 'IFRI,O, root truss uvoutS F Fir•woou 'ter Sova .one sep�CNarg K2�ylian� 30 D CLI �.piip ,•• "op Cwmpn �aN .•oder 1�^'^0unbQts m- •i- Tlirt% NEWS ,'ria IM t•ne Fax 905683- d ams esnmy9g a Clew SJSo Oeluve Croat- oarwC o,r • ^' ru trance +•1'JI CMp cptgWsr wbrkda a^ .•r fridges S /r dd HSO R. 1905)t7-0310 a leave mw ft950 tad, 65i t25J H5� , D o 965 985-0071 UudM mmmet 'Com ADVE1tT7SER r0Ot1G'S w2 Ayfp s IemT x ere Ger' ecmglopy 040 HFA, r RE Wood t. naming avalaek up ro t I9 Attu111 •ry o ANA oOr (( Ibnylon 6 •aresrra, fat2 is lookingfr;r n adored Pteau ,ray Y; .,. wa.'amY 126 Snrcoe Sr 9' 000 Ylmy '• n , .,rq,•n.•, , ✓Corn mxwyepe, ! w d resume la W t?•J r.w'C. •+Calked •.�., v�0 r9g51778�i017 �� r''��iDF� NJr�dt. :rt„ JC ar .-..,,M n dal- (sjp� Marine t�5 'nOrm"y. tsc,asl 905- n,. �. •, ,•,u a.. Prospects t0 Asst s e.pr wna an Ostulwa This week PD Bo• nine IoW ttasorod cul a ynrq „r ^d ver r S. AO a Des ��`IXN C^.•.r . i a a het d6FV6/ nt'et S+iA,Y CouNannriraw Ise nvraa rvw�..,. � r 715 spin Irorwv rrwiurernwm wnSNER i OIIrFR=rneAeM 623 9107 rm ma'xort m>rnv Mier ��8-- � -- � __ 6„-iiol �t0as or 'Nuctd nonerspapers and nm #VSIWg Fate rtTa1M "ee deYwry. 905 413 t216 cMnr,.+ W,u yr„rr 3 rw- CNEI fEA MOTp12 figs ^„i'7RAGf ''" seen FMST pffFRING. :Yat rate From dust ncom• � '�-�---__ D ze0 •ane tel rs IO IIta 0." b (9%1655- I "O••"•' ANIOLIrTEIr ilrt Rsr I �9osra3s009e �l slat it F rot..., etc, W,ar Sart J';', inch 2grr'ao-ssgWrtmem ,+erre vasmM narnwnr,� �--- • I i'•5`pp"w, AM ,• ;w,;,l• ..tura J�.1- sin Rd Nam spat Broorum 091M"'a Centre ;term aM A- Caun�aldrens 6arkr GO 1LYI101YNIg areas Sega IC I'n ry AID 1 .I r 1 ,ermg PrAn•r A1C Artai LASE NEW n. 20- 'CM BMJ •' er J8 ppkY 9C5.5Sf so 7ae1. 3 Ot sox,ruT ;w our n 7711Ars "x'� a'a'.% I , lr,rg 1.•m ;e•. xp;s lir aMDo- 504, mkt ar: Sr7O A&" PJRFBRIJ vr.X, 'JJ' 59995 92 ityIte R9mtn D•a9ig Oae Mrir,rg _•---_- AJAX ^tor: w•••+r ewbaxy Po- DINIEIAM c1aEW000 f „ ,a. '.e 579-9975 Dve:�-: ars kaon t15K 579% N 11 Arwwwn.ra -twin -ep• a store '•, wrrgap,e CarrF iPF a F NCf C ,Iespr••^xr :anal AppmDatT m•a Nw a 127 5276 Itnpl Dra19e La12S. / wssem,gel F •avnn0m, lew", Ix.4rtgn. rg19n 3". Addl y lar rate, .,0 v 10 I p1aN n Attt•arpn. Ge.m� -�' MARSHALL u�yyfq GLAND 6(v�ip5300 •adl 775-811- i79% 9t rawus -sum M Br GROOM %.vk"ro ro pen. Ciel 6 'ill month .An � •Yard u,- aONA lUM•FR C.11%, Addky Cr. Compary , tome b 905 loopy Action- a sOc a I ,P . • 1 t / ttxnksz vee 559% 91 C w ,500 Pea -e, t k.7 Mm uM 9rs nal 90 Fm ' up Pas O K IO/ 2K7 SerwcrT E, P'J J 8 •16' 0 9 f'9% ,941 GMC MUbr . �. w'twael Awii oat Ca 905197 +626 BlwiaD�fr�llD.rl,T Dr. Daneroe tom $69 C'..: -u... roll Duan t 6 err •• P23S 7S'atf i19IRW NUSR7 J.grpret deep W.0 ""'I Y •xxea S7?0656 H11R11r3kY ill. SAILS ►oilnDNs avruae TPaa tom •i`a0 Ixleai• n- coo irM O" wry, OTllawa 32M 0 0 AFk, too„ rte -edea awed 7 a... xR ... lett- y,W �"r+ Dario 569% K Pamrg ArruDk no,. awe. f Ep10pN 'esuimN Dr O.I.D. aro aur Lay i Sore 19101 0.ma .int ;41•„1: .KI pr 6tp 51195 %$a- nems ':r.:a•.1 fSdG �--- Oshawa t9rr ..c,. maim �rlgOld Lane '^ Ju,^am aep,pn la ;pie. •1 , b {w 1119 Osrown - b'w,91b4 Ci Satan 9Gf tWu SWI 1dr 2IIl 52915 ,9GSaa 91T- Mut TfQWlII Lane meroai It1eplFxte qui man Tri wen Po Box 161 3atln'F •.M 705.277 3361 MfICE MOVING trronns Ito-lin M Ytl•Ckt amnia huN- LkIRG( MIGHT rw DaarmfM +Quire tort: ,:era 1-caa Kingston RQ Lup7tiraaeon panapt A- OTlr.a---_pNr,°. L,=_tis '^� �:s .1046660S�a. 'r'mwg awr^•+n vpr.N tNAfA s tw wi7 D Mk 150t $17001?•.ea OISOOM rte" „i;,ic 31 9oS, 5619'J%!etma m Frsnlock st Dnwam oe npWwea Fal EXPEpNNCfO IW wrw 6•n. 1356 ton a ,enlawT awy. and ertctta ft GREAT O►►OIIruMn miry m r. ;Ap 90 m scno,;r. •nom t TWIgg Cres. nasMab 190513" 7641 rr rnOlp9twa la 0qY ap 1 ~"' , ' 3»t sat ., ,, s •worn Reay QOTiA lOVF err WAT ..apt den t pntlaw FraM9g oNra b go 011051766 3'21 yet �S. iMrASTIC ►INCF1 r, men •-'da Mp11 �rp""a"t. � AwT:A �:ar rT n six M1DtWd Df. �� Sd+rk ntirk� t SaurNYt CONN JRWN P'AtFU O/IR611r. eery glop messa6t F11ENrDAY Al CERT1rjN Fit a.r40 •,0tp4et. Oir Dularpt •e�•� i[CIWi1' / GROwTN a: ADw alPater'c• ,•,.^ 'om Fn -- Nip Ample 1: ;..r .. dine nm vrY dUn fro doral Epps Cies fax ktume b 905120 a ~M a'' $ a nv aW tiro w JMon ash a a Wer 905 13 .Mm n , lovely ar bedroom d01t 4 aen- DICKERING W't�rwl w"'rr ;,M;,:••rl A_ 0� n w.: J1a i2oo iia, pe 09051571 73 sten,': 4 CgaXi„r: r pa 1'r%V•/. .n $717 f3-''vm+Y s.mig iuv romro ton OMuw ry q}79a AN16•rMa .^ • ' w+•cai Stet Sq Gatir/ ewyym ----�� Ito• •, .: t tludr•, rrw Pncrdra G> t 1 • r �"'o °w^ Lt"pFr ' ad ICKErts Evek,all ter Q[('l.7ATle11.\I. al'•Apii 5 p•nary i'nudla. PMNOS.'GIUIOPAIINp , kntalr 1 _ ,wd•7 k-6 5 y TrNN[E IESNOpM 1w AveAv! mem M an •�iewq Ht. Al. r/l 5110 mm r90SM3f Mit CI �'�.•� :era p..n-Jaxki SDt sill dor ro akeTs atlwM 9 9111�mcorn �a,m.yrfull,�j `% • - 'srl•M r•OiMaA.Wi turrokkkkkkar Au. ,upe's.p+rAtr .. i, ilia Old St. sonMorli ale n fa -rode- \%O K\tErY WNAOImt t:30 dry. $lDo. +raid wwa paws•. Uwe tow 9w N►NweWMI Wy • •----40We, IS@,M �. Ia N7IQ9 ro pin. L.J00 So Or .1.4nrlwr•ee 3 �:trOWS Lat16 1"1 p�Mpwb D•DM•b. ap Qaeg �M 7w bow wt ar cies So maw coN diode hom Sess aro `y f I A'.Mw•w'M 'n, f6 9es 904 k�arnx.s. •,;r IN USIIAwd ..ler uooY caber ,v ,998 Uan by wt 11 ', 5:00 Cyt 19051 q•rw _ _ 7151 •w,r'r,Ds 661 9595 b own 100% a Y +ental }' 'rennanl St exceawnt Gdmmumrybn •11 rk d %Son 1 -are 631 M67 DynrMnt apply Alto a New D'. OnwNIA VME NT •u,., 'J'a 0004 km vk U915 A'A nc_ mrwe,: +I. r bell 3 •Fo110011 .sE rl ,wE :O7pa0oak (.CBS. Yale Fw tlw nMwra ride s'F'•'i•wRenwewe Ike tliEa WJsnF wryer ,Ore L-Umn 1 prr,alxner � . , 4wr titx spomsn A I :anroNa +craves 1729 ,Umr •. wdW wr perM -1 srcwM Fa.AaraNraww,. arra Barrer Ap t Inn j,7Sp obas nom $99'3 rW +P Caa .'. '�m^P �n1 OOp Y :JDrt MrYg sNp - 404 JaNeytarmRd. Salary Deus pia rnrr,per,y Nr,1Mrr PNesrrli6nf1+39 rElEer4sM0=3,a9tA,pS61'�•. ^_J7p- a auY iSNS 90 Go ns0'1°rw'rOn 90y ll W.727*7 Amt.'q �depm! GLS. Desalts ams wearrorrs wont ••Ne9•'wu'ea,ad..rrau EIWSNEp 6 dryer, $150 wra� t•OOL MqF rainbnel �'�'�'�- 9pnm ; la Ip60pp Yms. ''� _ No DMs %Sr17y7136 anwr ley IOg! Cres, Nwq Nle /OponeltAY b Wer Lar-wdNe d r '..rat �ovesew and Corn It 2 n , 9 :ural plw„y 99it IMMA .toot. MTP PrzIM1 � Mn3' am eF Op00E1 A233 YIIYIE INbe gun Thicket Cres oaul.s dr. oAl9lebnll M IkrwOWMwNtlrallk. 14 a $150 ar a • O• win iibway Ayw , m n'p�.0. 'tom Ca a) St.9lS�1 :% I.11" pk. MFOUTFLr: : ate„ s ] , Erp4OurE Pepperwtxld Gale compity 9tclrAmw \+kry ewe Msls. eorw4 Mr 6100 Dawwiaua- awe Cufbe Dwa troop rprauqw1 bop •^ dams «,e.;a =d ., 9vl,pbr 2gmi •nDlbopk COO,o- - f50 rrMaer n Ca rim w -0u7 a y 6s5 "W,a S7sao i ip5.37• in 941 siM O•. Prw„ N u.•'.'..,. sI oda irpN .". '-r'p ale ee6 SCARBOROUGH prwkr t re.1•..e w+ -W*M tl$100 QFsvo sm Asx a• 9.04 emery 6 s o Per mo a maw, Fp �.r s.. .v6.RBe ars r lags'ne er, a w•1 i OMers mp/aee Ewarratriel ins -- „n I�� OOou a pee ;' ,t Nle, - I Plialt all apYAwti, kik�ryui• aI' i�a'd :.lerndsnp Ave. ^no fon.Me a nap rw n Nw orourrrWrw In Hwy Artwa AFNOVRrNM SALE wannlea Raw kms (1100 91 uqe ReVNt _ir 516{724 1'D wont w, 00�1 •, n .r,�. *Mt naw ,6m a awvka a Dorf kOl•pn+m haY 10.01/. N•r • 1 �--- • fkM• M D•n• ..,iv Nall Grove 9Li DreeatT-FKillnt ^/•r 'e M Ike, �'y.. 'tor iw aunt m Ove, N DUs, lir; Hplll pro OwWy mild be Tran 7t 916. ONE EDIgOM A►aNTM[NT I!i� $: so -Khww (9051 RlU9Aing Cres brpiy `M N ml•recta waw �. Il CUpC 0007 IRE [tip •-anent Cp104- any 7 Tmrtu era S10W iw• , 97 ow M Ilgy LS. Iwy vee .c.. Jr 1-3239 :i:arS3 YOM iauiiw n aY .... �- r.,rk> ""'rvi 07 F polo �., as AIIM 130 Ds 905 705.321.22121sro1 dna p�1 177000 eon .,.v w J.s.+ ,r.v,x. IIOIIM O91MwA. .r 1 V Dray BIVp pprdMakpt ro YM MlnAper RrlewCt (905, 613 916E a 09051 965 :032040 S9p CA/MCt Clift ft.665 W l Aw te•M ^A' dr'r rat s 4. DI'knip dna r ea6 FL 19DS177a_Np7 Irwlerr, JwatilWt 0071 Tib ���� a to !t., WIP bald. ,27000 InnT .rr t nat•swbY a110f Glen Cr fk+a "' "kF T LAMpAralG NW Rali TO OWN 'v, LANCES "q7 bF11•a. On gree leaver Now $/.SOD y20.3M7 or 415-822 - 604 09agroom -241 Dams. n•w araC Cert " ,,.rya two ►Dot anger MCA Otos % Neon K NOprN OSMAWA .• _,'! .) W m WtUtrr I'k•re /•• wrNrwr l0 26a?6 aS . warrar r. P+d fy S MMeet tt Cemptl La 90S-S7i- Nrk tow 5/.3o0 904 'A Ave. ','e." .,. qNn f... flAppltf�,i4. 2 Br•sl'ep rat wmD'i (70th 6R 1_Ml-ply a 1-0400.7%a _ Go MMro. aW. MOm wet 6wrw Apar.,-..,_. ,,wrq,. oabom n Oka. k°'A'1°°'°I a1DNrlpM 'gal I- •,ugB Hlgnpnp$ Dr. t CLASS A M.. ^w •water•. �kMO els` ie t.eal:itY comiae�On tW VOLVO IM to taw i, M 500 lw irk. . pim111 n 12ir• +Cawood -+CeFLiI Place br Dusr amp •r;w L. FWl TON S IROW VMw $7000) PMktt - Dans '.ir MRn Yw .0 T Olt Oak M. J+,. ..I p0as. oDw D+wlg IwsM10 OW SM :km SI SOmw .0 yea POO. 1 • 'Kdene Ave. arkm. .i ANgnwylpl Ada ton ,tont ... Atsuunt N- Tina oom"M opponwNN lOr ' Ou`ni.",n'suwdtbw.11 a DWn D+^s Air :aka ro wts w6p YmT fiS% dour.• s9 a MF wyM mWa LaWkwy �"li Cip•Ilt Iww prowp- Mil Oct IS. (a6Pkam) y fuel Aliade An axe Must 7 a awn r raw w 2727 unrkagk a PoweIk1 aG4tks No awn a Lgft ro fCQDas endo tial Ave. a incite and emllestl{IrC CarMe pa IAC 3O. Car ate WW sx pypp - Prww m a •u,dwan t •knnp 00 Car 905-t9! 2 uv am O%o90 to 000 kala. yp„1 90s 5'6.2%2 Pe4 amrp. GO $tial uyk. ftt00 Ma upper 116-76! -" Unger Rd. tau AJ Ne117s dao ".paw, •" 1W i rad SA7 3My 726pN ltrol � 1nr7S0ta1 Dlare pew w. Wer -�_ tat SE. 50 Do•6t Car' ei rcrJlraO Cal 726.6413 9"7 a' 60o-ssa9022 Ot99 Ask kw Bobsun# sm %5164- 1MS CAWaNp MEM Z O an OWnL 6pM i- t -+• r1E Park Cres. iE.<y O.yr.• t eM Du^7 ens, DeN awn T� Mn J �v, v uN eW6n rr 136000 Sp r`NmO,� Dasemmt apt O$NAW/ CREEP ....-y Nr Icor, uhep a Pankrs iLi�.�_ prey ;2/ ye6 ubI $trtNrfu rs ee s t ...: alto mDait keron.ftAaeuc..aDn.. C', nu la 'c"s :dole ,,,,`c&i�`pAtM�o D� w-' s «- sego 3 aNArw 7 ,.vpoM.: wr FOR FURTHER I,nd„ur ray ptw. iT,PT, prWit Af rOpOA•Lf LOVENG 2r MEd. diads J • °, ''Niiiihla spy 159000 M" mp non. Nei sl. west 11 Mraown bw p�rH et/1pD•a S n O' OeK Mus den L200 AD himeneS q unV.a tedrp Verrrau 416 t-606 ....w,,.,, a and sen Can akwr q fi43 %'r: '^' 1t�- ar�ja $>,100 i N. Ow.a Gn E.61. �m„�,�,f750,� rAvaaapw �Y �u� noose srmcol, ST 1401 dna INFORMATION 2631120 to 613116 :ere - +h 6554253 5774 es any styles N u,Ow Alia 705.3t11- $Af., Opte ^a- Br Wpr i 0 F19O5 Slow. hrid" indu0ld Aua/ CALL 683-5117 -- -- Anne E nil rad m ikr a 9 $606rro urian ----- gaapes in'a seas rat Mc. 2211 snO -. T'SE&L _,-- °ch. Plp°^n6 9p5' Oct 1 CAIpET MAIfpS re,uaa 2 Hex coped+ P$. I:le- t1 FpOT a N' WAIL pO1ND K•ly Rp U,M 3 9NJST $Ell r for ,ger m" Fun IMn- V Ib11 Yincon �`a' OOa wrtD gn Ikelery 'OM,11 Ido s pa 905-04 FOr 1111 MOpA Pllfl.906 rory R•' ❑ked Mes n 711E••DDIoosNo a .+,.6 TAI711TON :CREENO dna awls EverYm,n--'-�---- 966 Mer ce�arn ,� �Y 'a' ` PI toted +orris makers eked srlActs Lx6t odor dry a 410 tprlatbn w 11 Farts: � ;, Dehken eL:e .. rrkerra, .. Per 4M per tis ►ANASOIIK CD ruYEN ry ""'gl' �c,,f,4 Vioo 123p0 19051578.1»7 eirY apps' Pleree pe ritplM tlrtu0 Card E.cdlenl DMf/d $1600 Do o 90Sr u e O Ca 13DO78o Soiled And I- 567 9 n- 9pyk inrarke. It1Nr w m drtxnapie r 6 •rm Lt[n RrAa W. to 90519p-9711 Mtees flu Qmapad oily 623-9110 or 19051 9N�71 1 •e 4sx ii OiwwA AUTO CENTER "1YOLt pulnei patblq lawn- 1�17255`988700�ma181 C`a11 Priers ,n aJ MOcerhon. T., au Road N (90510479-1137 71b � V 5115 BIG Suits is a DODGE CARAVAN. es SWfAVICE REPAMS LICENSE 9•v LENmi, i•eeK. $M a rnu•yw 51tOCOdmP. 1st N PERFECT 715 -Yule TINES WITH ala (l Tow Mag 7 Soto Sups. n ncrncm Door 'ons ink NECIMANC Lr aOUR RATE •a^etF awn auto RCKEROG e D� pan Umel h'mr FRAILER R•RNN tun t.. MrirMMw00D Ala -tat- mnu 11+D/' po M "' Po rMeos tome ' A in Mq ,1 1mD• Duds gys Bruck Wpr asst RedUoa 905 509O3e1 1Ootrp w ep. Y M•ienced Pahrnl maawr Irian t99B req let ,:new 4 , 4 Owl $900 Mu $450 Ar plow )161 2%-07t5 $dnee. Ale• CMfS`rcr aeY as 903E 985.9106. arx :kw aw oaroom x1'i entnbsusuc peppy FRAMEed o n'd full rh arawwe lute erne EOutaed. W SnOG oDa A air a 6' bar spellers 19051 1204-82 79 narw t4.0 R• .Mi. � 0au..lav dpi All AmM,hi 11�A110'TOIISON. x0- Ne'wpry alMMeg Pe,• IuOk, wYn own Orwpptaypn. CM, TIC. ItMrleO.1 lulCmd (so) %5-0074 int lryels•CrpsSpwrt S15C rya Eaqle NIMMawe 1 WM- 19051 ?!'717 Luw Sep e,lrA/ae wurary M- ram ' : celns ' i ntw0 rr•a dead Ca 1 06 S19.mr Ca 905212.1131 aCNakes aRprue,w. iMM- 1-1651IRS4 INfy M6S ores AN pr sure, eeMp IerwY 1961 TOYOTA 5„nRA TarpA WAtI CIrlmMleprt wiWM 7. As'mo ^tows RthrenCes 'OC C'"'^. 'cried Vasil; ,nwr ` 7986560 2Nbur reef- in. Blom own AN apes CAN Ju4 won ems ,o rat Hata Gvic 040404 D017 1Nus Ri aMrtd- Root amlm :.rs, 6 cyl 5 1991 „RANO 4M J J, 6EOROON .near O C 6508 SW 15m 1905)27- 'ro c slow BID os rat h a a2E733=� L:As w treed :en $k7G '9051 Wk des (9pfE-127.1621 F�TDw pu a. '95000 M e. uok Ju .vl 6r 345-9180 OpI $53170 Ca 126- I6.4I5 49904 SI94 CAI ^ Cr rK4uvw Nowinber l 41 623'9160 Or 1%51 985-0071 d' $61% 1991 'r x41 ' Czi h Flsnil. PICRERING •Jar, Centrt t I Obis• ECE/lt ►•art exDerierlCe MNE70AN FIJRwITI1Rf.. En. 1176 :sr0. Cavykm ^ lercnCet S61Lmonduy CtCr Jam peserxnt 1 TOwNgww Ftlllr LICfIKEO Eketnwn L1t of ILMI vara Nan- s"p Ierlanmenl units Nome of Satin Vin �'Wiw �-2481 Apar"1e^: u waned. tau -kine b run tem Alon meas LranLsagL A lgUaATIM sae Brats ha Citing Room. K,U,,l 10SC CA'VALIER4.0 IN Aor C� loaded�'f i AJAM---�- Daraft entrance DMJW iECRELIRY. pin ice Huck Must in runOsen stdrles fuwpart nine Ecul New Bed igen wr - drari. ronS0parmle entrance, ter` - 3 DAYS perSluOk roll we Merenus (9051697 FaliWv dei won n r &drddm and Custom 0konuft i vicw,f)C,MI.,d $3595 $992 01992724. f 1. D**M Duenkrn aDatmerq. ro pets. AM refry kmAkvanaDk 3-KCCR0Os0MMwaTowixt u m per week DLI. Cwirl Or ADO) a wnoka ONY• Posmw LMuN and a�e to 59 ` tear. Ca Inure. Con $1200 Uiupns. ar Cnnsmeri naw 9 Gn 905- 992 non SmoWg. aviruae Oct ' Pre- naoc N ban Ill 13% GEO STORM wrO. 349% ISI. $6%; mo ,905; 426- terra 5535 `A:j.slw CAU a uow ircwded. S95ampmn 11AYN't work •nm minora AVEIDKeIE saCnDa $190- lung Ain* ItaIODlYldyg sic ttglky I 111612811-9691 tanks. nd pen Oleate Sulk 1W, Aga. ON LtS slyer' NOTE Child ntamess Da bJnle cost bulery Sob pot 6 of Ian- 196! ASIIIO VAN GMC title 992 Cavell 2 Or. Sspd 7643 AvauDre Oct 1St Cap .. +tan Good ledges Wh rep- tore. leo Yrs exptrknu $'EpO sol S65p lure Ito tbe 5310' 1992 leBao. 55995 AW LMItL. 1 PNOIERNG. Clean 1 Oedrpoln 2BI 0264 f 711Ffrllll � Osler- works company dr. kindly aa" to 10tyrs CP ereCrea Outm Anrk a 1974 Drop m aM SKHour mom mus,"sal 54900 0Du $4995 1992 G19991 sluirw SEoo ADAnment oeotpnt days. a 90568- uxemenr wort-wronmenl arts to 10 Oattm-I apt 5650. mo m 6270 after m Experienced person tom F'4a9/ DUY Duftt o" acts Am 11� CarCost f1100D saainu Spit a int M woa0wonunq Ca 721-8/14 or leaflike mea $59% 1991 Covell 721. IJpn. 4 sPDDalras. cenmK: dudes a ADpluncet 1 pt SOUi AAJAX Har-w'pO0 forward resume to 905.725- Cnurclv0aik ft100 Cin dnrwr 116255- DHMOOm. cable uhhbes dr. ind flu ^n.rrr,pplllm Accoweeng 1991 90.5-683-0352 y LAU Eta,ne 0285 UG,My Ar. lel us Snow you 9191 i51% 1991 SUNBIRD uartx S650nuttl tepa'AM -- park ro ikil Op.1, Westney 3 bedroom baso- now Luw luaptwe is 1US DODGE GRAND CARA. auto Wal 1991 Kyus. owry unDes 905-'gl '9-0D9 mem m ton mMpyk2 pini. u it 97, %. Micro- Spe CMNIEY SWEEPS. made our mono Tlwe n DAl Swop LS $2995 1991 Cal 905.683-8768IV GAInrl licnae t sere rs mnRMWCINA Fr." l lm- _ affil )News ori 5150 Cavalier 2131, 52995 1990 -- valley farm: plunces Ko IPet win i Ae, Wad 97. ptlCe duQ2S ttdKpCun tummum 10 $ptCW Clam pIO' F9CERaN. Wu pets Arable resumes b (9051 132- e y years +Kan dM F ly QuAl for 11eY Glp^ ty aximp We lot Ouak- &Cana GTZ Swd. 53995 fix• COINI7RT umnp. t F„rJt 1 bedroom DAfertknl row 905! 19 7919 xperkrKe rcst0ertlal And presdroo ere Fully putt Early SCIMryg WA" US W N0 ly TredrtilEal WDoOrwk. 5751 Ca11 Rla .9051 i16- 1990 Cavaber AS, 5 bedroom. double walk out aOantil 1. Scye entrance. EPTIOrti /ITMSi re- ggNMDl 41100 ug aldi4npar f ACC CtNldMOam A EduWbn nerrow on Ml fi rem M loss puaamao Irig 115 Nam Port Road IS 53695 1990 Corslp. S36o% owrbas fail praessidul I,t�o,�w' ro wi Vq� Oa 1si. 1111$aUTFIY GpERTA�pyypl d to la Dine p seed, n e pe,ata a1 asset Cam wul to Uwe Debke FREE ESTIWTES 19051686- df Ful l Rd) Pon Perry 905- t1N FORD AEROSTM• 7 I9% Sperm auto 52995 19% person peters. roe SnllOker ''"e' �R x-6365 °w'I You, ho'l'e &Soo down CarlyuppEvplOperly dnwrg rata, paessrona 426-14%, AFi 7711. 985-6774 DArselger. $4525 1989 R 9% 1990721. 5spd r. pets. references. firs, 6 2 Uy 10 6 months it" from gement ptia. pry es, 200earam fell ned 8lndll �-- Clkr Spnot low k,l $2.500 53695 1990 Taurus Gl.-11EO110ar• adult budding S775 mo a uVk&" fkm. 01 COrwrltCDm 1ADml- Padn6e Up to S21AiO1 Felt LME -0 CAKrdWR 3 kids extra Tber. Scookr. t ---�_ 191111 Cnryslei LeBaron. 2 $39% 1989 Grand Voyageur �1 905.12&-7107 Electric lclley. 6 tirlots Available Oct Aur w Rasalu bMo- I-Coune 8.000 oac Gena Fax mesume b (905)685-1106 infant evpenerlCe Pleasant. s blears• CARPETS - lots a I. door coupe. all Cendal 101d 53.200 S5.9% 1989 Beretta Gr AYANAE 0CT I n Oshawa 15m No pen (9051579%t6 well Balder RMR day Cold. Rel Estale �i151B13 IesunN to ndn-smWr. pool rekr•r.e.. A. �Pt. asttffw uNkr '00% nylon. new stat td 19051626119051 •'20-0168. 988 Mustaang S2 1989 6%�i988 LDx �ockrm biemem Ap, '1'2" . ey 201 or ,1 kk (9161'837.2932 Low mea a QWM tapeta i9p51in-3BOW Sam ItlSt Carptls on $AM. I rN fxeara Pnx 2 2r $3,950 1988 ulitnt5 ingimed 6 ca0k 009 �AwA IEGak.666-r2% 1 Saks MIMMaNa 1 5aM �-• Expel 3 rooms. $319 Pna 1164 FMD Prpoe. MArN eel- NssAn Senna. auto S2i% Car pirMno, amwus rook. mN- Rp- IkygMla LOWNID No WI low as OLRIIIS Cut tba maOkme,. ndlldes Dirk. tcOrromiCal ar Pam• 1981 Convene 59900 t95 lure rgmlwip person pmekrrzp Family Bulldinpf, fps- 1651OM UM for tow NtanUtoOaer a Window r Ips rrsbm made expert t� '',po .1 depuv- 0 01ig'u red paN �' M'is1An0 539% 1991 Saroi,EA No smdu taus 2 a 3 BR{ rL��E.9L,}liJ� S I(M est $3200 rgkpets 1905)32 saint I � Fur- my Mme 19N•'11O117NA'1' 2 +)Elate rArnMgS Vernal, owned askup abo ar• Ext fat. 56995 t9B2 510 0905 UDIs mCi. Fresh Dllrtlam Region' g AMx FlexiDk Mors Rater- VelEeban. Slppters FreesQ- elY. Irze eskmNes 130 Yadsl htkd 728-23%ewrwgs Custom. 57995 11.04.7eEVf. Y paint- Aw11Nk 1..., eMa. $M MA. 428-7998 " 11161'227-7777 Or Nomura SW2314 Sustom. , Fri. 9alo-7 RtMRA1lE rat October 1 aM 11tl' rat Club. events for MOW room m Boeing. ,- established Chrysler dealership 90516600 1 1.886969 1%11 611E sale. IbaOed, aA, p, sal 111 a Os tram BBOs t0 ole wlcnm fwhha, nor P Ja0n191 N t Proa rNi- TRE LLARE roe Sale vee auto Dw,pl. only 148Kms. ilia '511• •N. $all. Trawl Nov 1 Two bedroom apo D Pkyenrp kne'ak "Unnes a apse. anadI 2 daycxoepn my tour. Ave.lrty w1ldw10e 51600 1965 beads IAAwma. TN SMeN Sl. S, Ot►wa Small quut building SmyI Santa. starting from PTL, GO 136O+ma'gM.S $170 v� ar �e1D� Mme. fenced Yud, phpe ORAPEi ' IDluas 31 bog. 59000 00 0 Please care auto. pupwps sunroof air. nN161••2t5i. daps OK laundry on Drzms 5670 Call to view w wtny 420-1318 a•L� vim•• pldyropm. Iynclws/SnAckt Al' rae�, malcMlg snprwer (90506 0497500 only 154Kms. 52.200 1987 � es Bloor.'Wnson ap CLI ( rj) 721-8741 prOraeO. ay Actwrtles, re• +Gain rrmtL deSlgn Like Mercury sable auto. loaded. 728-0285 Aller 3 p n ROUGE VALLEY Arp. large TD xovi lousy arty ape wN- 11ei1906127-1821 TREES FM SALE Blue pl•ps. air amtm Cass. 166 • • Iumrslk0 roan in dean. gura come. issued. y/Rrtchle Alli --- SDrat Won, lindens. IUP$! 12.500 1985 Toyota AWAANLE R JXATELV.. In Win rem when You on Own a0up Mme, swti0k br em- �� 9EOOIND - Duwl Cover. 0116 � IOCOSI $15 ' 11$0 CraraA. DS pp. iu10 DIN, WN1DY Apt DuilO,nq. spa Your own Ibme fpr lets than pinyed ndn-tmOYer. Share No high pressured sales. Small sin 421-3802 59051 6658553 leave mss 166 Kms. 51.100 19051-0432 pele0. new IpuNn), bed son IOouDlel. I I crops. Car y pairt- You 1nmk"' GU Dan may. separate kitchen. bamrooms. PICDEAIIIO Mate ! MIM: pmOW-Shl a Sheets, blue - 2821 ed. tom OycOrry. Close to bus. lock Sales Rep Rival 1SLIAS1 f110'week Reter sales staff equals greater income Laing days It fronds to bey 'raw' 905427-1822 USED a utn,Det urJu, Bully (1991) Ltd ale's �'509-2459 �l Summit coupled 12 dors Dan.y opart) Fowl 2005. and up, Spot Buick Regal Grant SALES LIMREO Brsutastt l opted with strong advertising kneed backyard and part) used stows s100 and uD. Spon. IbadeO euaknt con- I eS690 ro outsell 3905' 6Be'3boo or 19051 666' 1 Grails. story I9rk. muse. nu use0 warners SI50 dryers d1Mn Low mileage Asking • • bedroom 5650.2 bedroom, support. All applications mous meals A snacks firs, LwpOcs fro r boa er $115 and uD New Drxa Mme 1499Wtnpa eveunps 723- ,79D J bedroom fBSD Cal Ab. CPR umtkd Non- ,ridges. 16 c I 5605 70-0134 3 afDRopr Ipwmgux. new in confidence. tmai Carter Bernd clew Jul 798 Rew carpe $1100 rl OR 0400+ rq, raapts 905.118- Julyr" no, 3I stoves $419 1641 PMTMC faRAMO Pnx. WI15011/011eF Carpe 2 Ded- CaU RAitiel•R 124 $SSO pDo 905138-8839 pun wwte wm1 --- loom main floor apanmeN, grouts I bedroom, saFcon- and up New 5 CI hearers Grp 189 It 2 EOROOM M1SEl1ENT to e. nova, wLkout to bat- taraw akad mmeaMlely timed wpapwt, 54500 as d apt VO 515.5. Ile+5 cl bar IrapeS. Tellphak 190515764994 Private entrance l parkin non-smoker rap pen Piclrer- Nun• UpTtaw Auftb • OpItnl AuaArw 5225 Slepheitsals ADDwnus. CDM. wndry 2 car p. no 905.839-Of09 All nmepAa. POO . 1;3 Hill F•bSe t0 al AmenDlwJ ounces 151 Brrxa; SI. OsN 5111 E1 STORM Gil. rat I rn VI Call 905428.6089 Gus ulrnres wartaDF aIDO iMTN AJAX 1 bedroom in NLP PONTIAC BUICK LTD. war 576-7448 s wad 107 ow let onto+ townhouse $4samu moor for appantment AvakDle lm- er n, j90511369448 Da Owner Allim,nl CUndglp. Lvt dvapwe line k2utth7 PORT PERRY, ONT y Care 'Y" 1!64 Cbev wind- limned Atpg 55900 Tek ' nle0uldY caI 9056,90, 77 ow van Chrysler mlm rxl ", 19051 4 01 1174 REQUIRES saner ked,. 120 GM nvn ton 1 l "to ssiusry 33 6 Available seat. new, $% 1 anhgN CYI "to Ds OD Al 1 IwK M811R`^ulue�Nwr- 1 NEW AND USED dein. S65/eacn seri Dep- guise. 1471X)Olms excaknl a Rom tesvony acral tow. mr.iuon oinked. iwmg EHICLE SALESPERSON $195 $5400 PKYen.g Rost Ctwek 1 Autp•w1Xle• SOCK OF GalorvaC Dower 165 Doors 19051831-1551 RiN. ■NG i i 11 experience preferred but will I a intens 1Se doll door t913 SATURN. 4 :Ile apo A i A AUTO- Lars lrpckt OWN YOUR HOME -F der training qualified applicant 2.60. s9s seas f0 tool 20 DOC knm i m ar mN polls wes700✓rY6onth p arm Saw SM Air COW. pay ry l odd AAuv tom��:Tll a $30.000 ywaxcellent Remuneration plan el also 6sner Peru 3 rn I on blue. receuem coneik0n Gun Per Ines 1 Ai$6500 080 905 6791071 pan. aM Yeas Call s any- ' Not muco dopeymonV? Call AAarkrlfaX o 1a01e. 1% 905.576- 5911 CMCOpO lulry 4drd, r"d bankruptsresume (905)985-0680 bmf. 24 hours 7 dust 3o H•Ip ar CMAtt'n: Charlie Andrews 0132 -- 1111114mini cn anion lady " ,Ace laE5003 a CFYoos• OFtw Carebate up QD ui „30o Q8DAAAOE door repAxi Draken down. cenihte AAppprpa 905.70652905.70652=_ R D4counMortp gap. NO phone cAIIS please ersD P Icaalks low$. a 400280 films '02 "I'll 1664 M NEWER GMC kai b (=�) 671.8275 ore114M)04MG4275 9101 De used As wort buck Oe,W Mark SMpIory II7� s +eleoma to t'25-- eew neP T'lirr'u ADllly r91M Eats• ltd. r 0 PAGE 22 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2J,17VN seew"New W- ftr s • A•eYals NINE 1MiZ!1IM1`-- 1130"11MIM' HOLIDAY INN OSHAWA 1011 SIMCO! tTTlllRT NIORTN GA/LLIND '�1 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. 1011 Bloor Street, Oshawa Utilities & parking included Sunday Noon Sept. 27th Stove & Refrigerator View 11.00 A.M.- Sale Starts At 12 Noon Parquay floors throughout. Truck 1y74e ul �tLard mechsndlse Encl.el g b■,"roof at{t�IL_sll Close to SChO01S and shopping. Cynsumerb_1LstritiS a will be sold at this sale, Partial list. From 5875.00. Aiwa. Kenwood. Sunv. Sari Panasonic. Samsung. Orion. Call 905-721-0980 3lerri Electronics. Cordless Phones, TV's, Fax. VCRs, T'VNCR . _,� - .. �. C um bo. "Disk Radius & Home Stereos, Walkmans. CD No,wy Walkmans. C'anu•orders. Houseware, Giftwat-e. Porcelain Dolls. ' 1 Arxanrdmai pL.q Tools. Vases. Toys. Nikko WC Cars, 14K Jewellery, Emerald. AVARANLEpw N >nn - Sapphire N Ruby Diamond Rings. 0.50CT to ICT Diamond clus- wa w1 bus `1'1 Pall Dur. MONEY PRONLEMS. u.. ,'., tors. Diamond Clusters. Gold Earrings. Bracelets, Gold Chains. .5140bedroom S Jen for ul sell QuIc" hsatutl or Dr,nq garn,sntM hall "tables. Prdes[als. Halogen thole 6 Hall d Ceiling lamps• non-smok�n,qp Oroksnwul le- mac f45G,momh ,nand. Everyone accepted eoardless Wild Life Figurines. Grizly at Polar Bears, Wolves, Eagles, Stallion laundry. "amen lacnnws of croon rannp CII for Iter 905-5763505 horse. Doves. Vacuums, Luggages, Tramontina A Lagostina S"Vent 905-72825thinformation Student bans included Cookware, Kitchenware. Knives. 4 Slice Toasters & Ovens. Drop NORTH EAST )54aw. clean. Fryers. Pasta Machines. Coffee Machines. Meridian Call Ids Cedar Iumo9e0 r I. n quiet OBTAINING A LOAN I5 NOT Chests, Accent Furniture, Ceramic Heaters. Health Walkers. house snare 111V-150 wlm one$340 mpmsy (905, 72t. GUARANTEED SOME Cyclone Trainer Bikes. Porcelain Dolls. Tools Drill Press. 0122 OWANifs CHARGE ff101ITCOMPANIES CHARGE UP L%r,fitmeders.Lots of Yana Tools. Cheval Mirrors. Too many to list NORTH WFST OSNAVI 00 NOT ll IS TERMS CASH VISA WC ONLY, Lerpr DeOmwn 1.A C ' r+ SUGGESTED THAI YOU ac t+l mc 0, Air supply n "• nour,xlucmres Glace Non S'nokrnu wo,�nn; IMVFSTGAH THOROUGH- • • • ppool1eSSgnal seeks same 540Nmd Drstd.1 905196- LY BEFORE SIGNING ANY tynNsneC r.•.'et healed SAle m titer, to STC OP •., 7(W alter 615pm CONTRACTS WEST INDIAN .n11Fl sued= GA/LLIND '�1 able^^rmalr,. Rosebarw tbrrq.ge4 ; 1 and iv -,"o, "e,•urn,stKd Maurrrce or mmurnrsfled pr,vA, Dam- ARE YOU BACM ., ro. parking ale laundry om "done, b,Stust S411 IV" iv .read re •"tar Can 671 -?4P' °"r �n'n.' ,.-.All Tnlh um Credit Repair 416410 1 OH,eea R 0864 Loan. mort(ppes Also available ul 11 Free Rent -•.nix. - MORTGAGES Cmwd quo ane . _,� - .. �. '� ' •.an,:,,g 1Cr any our I.WRrlal Ease 0".; 1806 - i' MCC° nom arsM' s5pp n Commercial Hosue 4un I Slop Cal, 434 2447 ed Cal Canmmrary Mmngape ;9051666-M or 6554132 , 1 Bua.Wn 1 ban.rit Brown. Audrey Park- advertisement. ACRYI,C NAILS SLITI-1" 6ANC9001 HARRY'S BAY .1110 xi u" . ` " ;• .' n:t, bis u,- . il�1 ion ",,age for sale iere 9k6 a : Ixnnvm moa. ,Aurides, am Supdas la am - em cpIIa9K al DeaWitul Pa. Ile raft a brush cpnpm or nee Bwn. DaNecues, a son Dams B Stem". Desk a wi ns. a much much more chin. 41% drill and ad bit. AP +rduad , ressaabk hal nman°Y nMq ttoo"kp MPeded tw new business Pad $3500 Fnmrlda as" $1500 Cal Lori 721 - vac Remail 9192 CLIARWATER .. •... TOME-MSfOEWSNMSS s^nl lung' 'u", :1 ,i'vonc rwmc -'1, , k P n'r �• ac t+l mc 0, Air supply n "• nour,xlucmres b erentrii $250 sdlum 4,66rn354nu787 24t Call 905.431-7164 hours CLEARWATER. 3 bWr-. OSIMWA IIMR SALON . tynNsneC r.•.'et healed SAle m titer, to STC OP •., pa, nn' •.., Mrwles to Quick v<rY prui,:a;•.. Deahr; NHL ave Stal pane Owner tin Call 432-3629 Jan 241999. NFL WMAR •"' else Jay A 1 m Ener Q Phot V. r.wr - wara•ra • Cl.r1.4e.w. THIS WEEK Northumberland N 11✓ws ��News Advertiser AUCTION GOERS!! Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines_ All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. For Auction 603MiiM7545 Listings Call Clarington Residents 404—=01 5 MI A swap Moving a sapnip AJAX Moving Systems F,1. Sem,ces ^v^ves, a0pkame aid c anc 5Deoairsts F a' 'ate or hourly. We now have nealvd Stcrage ,outs. 'Alp no moving suppkes Park and bad spaGat. ,,a ^ "g at $125 and up. Serving East to west Coast r xe to pan,. 725-0005 or -ave clWhill = of 427-0005 ,ww ars IF Me ]IN Iff ]Is Iff W : 1 1 rmpra""Wde 1 •nrog a Hoax Cleaning M House CssaningCnwMO11f• a 111 Pro 1'amrin>( Cho w,q Aoua Err elm GA/LLIND '�1 GF 3fpl,IdE PNCE Oft $6. wit Clea, .ember 15. 1998. MAID SERVICES up to 3000 •Amaaowt +� ADrwsroe of Gamnd Maintenance Ser.:_._ sstrggn. -'wpm' o i eawq. krldkn loons ..• .., < ": ... ••`.,� rEXICUMNAL Personalized, professional service. � "1niOoiwtw LWESEnquire about our SALE! �g�p,f4_,I�t. 111 RH vl RN dr 1N To all NEW clients, with all bookings of Carl Bar • nB Fea •2N4 11hGANCt e Cris+ weekly and bi-weekly services Sw.rN PletMlq. Ape. UmewM4 arNAm ane RFf1ARNTY A DNTtM)% (A ARANTFF.D Limited time only ... so BOOK NOW! (Fully Bonded & Insured) n s 683-7515 I°"""'"' 4o4-8761 U NOW HIRING Brown. Audrey Park- -I frac Phmtns and'Aallpapengt 1m(%.AKI-SSM 11 h"•s'M0w"• 30 Days atter Ser � I at�awaat `BABY'S HERE GIFT PAC„ Far Soft .ember 15. 1998. NO TUbtE INNAcuutEL• aur Ajax Moving Sys- •Amaaowt +� terns will sell the fol • TO TAILIL s:r X cw,r IOINmg accounts Wh, n;t Fax ,,s lis lll rs 000 1 ,, I- -or I which are delinquent your ado y - and --am erica 001 a to cover Isle cost of You Can use your m. 1cm 905-576-a,7 rent and expenses: tax machine t0 EIufarlM ACJN 'a Dius 3 Iwdruum trio bwgAlow Keith MacDonald. Mike Pearle'PtOny Send u5 your Mn WON D'9 .1 imn,pgm do.ok eaacrosd gage Sim- Brown. Audrey Park- advertisement. aced a siaria noel rwse to ratz Any of the Please allow lint" G0MM, Mainna r•j1.- '" above tenants may for us to confirm cede ripgraded one kdtarn aNIN . n rn..woom '"'pay amount owing in your ad copy and MM dswmiacin. pnuOY fm- cash, and redeem price r t0 p $/a e o all Low°Dome` their merchandise at fta� rWlbid Cement' 21 EX.1 any time Drill to 0M of our RAMwz alarm �� sale. 30 days after Educanon Degree Sou Two Sept 15. 1998 Apps CUstcxnef service Sts Movlfp $Y9ter"S repreSefltitlYES 1N111 MAUTWOL bnWMW .10 aA a bxtvrd FAG. cnan, CaN you. u oumpnoul 114" s.n. 1 laawraa ' Plem ielatember "Co •c $,93."0 OPEN ."Co. to Isar wwr -��''VV�� "OUSE San soot 27 ,4 a. SIC ciNlopn CitDow- eHOtOG AAM' CLODS company name, wNRaeNbineirsom 905 PY prunvnw, t..r P•. address, phone Mile, nWn c.--_ W-11, ►.w A~ NPN in v,rA number and BUWWULT o.wratw. MNY r nww M ane ovm m .rum Stvdw IS s.s.ron "pit. 1416141}OMp contact name. F.S.Wma tau at Erases 3 •Nemo,; 3 ••Nwmwn bpd mom. DO 14BB•�-FOTO "Ono sroKeTt .OQW4 47243"a Fax 364140. 25 •rINplw Ax Drg,nrlw Victims Ldp- lea Can YAraaI1 6N-s1a. a CCAR Jit a �w tom Advertiser WW A MLT. 2 tml* nor, + stale -t4pMr 905-579-4218 °n'" IINCIIALAII MOVING Call Turn, Naber NAl104At ' Ty,ww+•-•'r" MOVING SYSTEMS li STGNAGE For A FR". mw.,..bk I— .. , 1111r, -err. HOLSrc k;`- .,... F:.aiwlatr >n slow a No Wica. Appi�w-,cis b • . FRET: FsDmre NMI" OISCWNIS am speWlists, Senior "6-2 125 4f}f 9669s Nhdmm Discounts-MDiscounts" ""p"A0N �'-• K;ertSeO, rmurM Free Phis a LOW $129 a up ( ITMMN3 h•1•asmm DCENNED .4.v11cun sw, 85- ,3-7479 nnko pups" 4.1w sees an 915723-747! W,.,.q ear houses end LA9•ti Call 436-7795. ,stir cMrmw Free M- nwil" Wld rl wan taw Wall C•owrints anew i905M2e-Daae Paining b Wanpaverm, MOUNIAIN�1 Smul Illmrs. MOVING SYSTEMS E�"e"ce II rim Roo"" we i, wm•,...n rvnung 1 Crop lovers dryMwR, rood tpaslMs, W+wne1, 1pmc /� _4,lam rants. thanes. 1 prpeaoMt dw' . Cdmwor w made"1 n dYaa. 4PL. W_ 1 Dao Cohn 839-72% n"Wa d10a1'l9 1, r" raaaDm. 1 Iaa4ie i nA., nm malate drowse F,. 11 43�a-oa» 1 W Ala4sYw. 5771-01.0 . 1lrbny. au ,sora of 755 AL- Few"dL,mnr. TMS PAINTING T Ales 49T 6Aoo a 1aa �h.PMr 3 DECOR '+r•Pr+. E.Ay w I aiI 6 E4enoi IWINY-O-TIE• y •., "�.A E�MOpean Workman• MOVERS FBI B0147La'1B4 :f11D Mae t--. s^aa we f11NVOasI s'' aprice liI .. r,4d na. Fit. CkaR, priors main. ors discount. ft Fal. lean. v..wmq 6 flmn I101tra mownA¢ IaM...tl. 420-0061 pwrrces moved. also .i,n ....... ul..t.. storage Sp•n avaiu0k. ,. ,i • wr.wA-1.. comparam rates CAN (WS •4U7 �r . is I.r..1r .1rr 'GUARANTEED' True d nitwit 1 2s3 S1% crlu44E• PAINTING a rawbot . g. PLASTiFdNG 't -ase— paurorlq 1 Cwa.uwa ,,u 91au,y wyix .Ism SELL IT NOW warws.e e,•4 rams 3.112 R&M Aucwm I '. tmMy A, hold. r-,n"*K%gmu,4 CALL PROFESSIONAL IOM 2 arm mama. 2 rte" ,a. ,nen yar swMTad. ° 1.60 d prrwA was •Y room, Gram` am AUCTION $ 1WBae 1 1MBhs .kmlrs.mVDwmV• 'MnaN.:w6r" 6SM707 Pre-t,nt,tied Illmri,dmd •e.i lave down cad pas orrrwy Nike'-kpkn hardwood parnwe GreN aiwldaq CONSIGNMENTS t411►4W5t111Cc 1) ,90411.U�9N n J" Vol"01.1% se," "'S AND ESTATES FREE! A GIFT FOR YOU installations fwr las WANTED ANDYOURBABY Call Mike BaIBNi 426 wanb H INIC. .owcommission. Call Mike 2 Deal x •19awm Alp payrTlant Halt Place a b nth announcer en1 ,n our paper bol D' onO " C0" day and receive a FREE atter 5p. m. floe OtMm epirraa SMMa ' 1 .aiieic I-,wi1.4P. TREE REMOVAL a MAINTENANCE "4w"p rW,rkovaal a Landscapirq CALL DAVE 831-7055 Deny 5rnces parry Sr.lces RAmarr WANTS woRK And Aa NCGMSNdu iha.e My ;,wit Adagi�:art. Can Ernst I11066.4932 APPEAR.Ati(E'PLUS sF NO YOUR CAR IU 111/ 1.I IANI Rs Iles cicanmF and Detailing syuem will ivakc your kw s Interior Volkxs and dwwrdem clean Fnun upholster) aixf ,yppyinB nght down to the radho knoEYs .an «nal all taNr a wd .Pct nj; ■ Free Pickup and delivery • Exterwr N'axinIt and Paint Sealant G', 1 Fryer Ili., MArrinx 706-7074 APlease read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we cannot be responsi- ble for more than one insertion in the event of an error. •rwm room we •ne an ,wara mm . •.a.wl IwlM'da1wr act cvrsdIa%DBnoe. Sales eve ry Tues. ,orr Sat ate m „rE1QU, furry- d AaAK ►^•"'��waaout �Yofree coupon is redeemable at Sears, - Oshawa Centre or `BABY'S HERE GIFT PAC„ OIWJlk pick bundabw 3 . 1 pedroom wAlk-om DA&V mtln 2 hams Garage 54x125 t� k» "'(01100° 0oprs. taepxe 6-sIy wit. l f oa%wse.an "offs rM- dry darn pd Wmlcas.d lure .apphan etc Chanter arta �(SIW2 .1� 1139.900 dresser. signed and num0ere0 prints. an- king sideboiamps.arO. sler, Chan. lamps. sorry Slee- chair. - !- SROTM Ana 3 bedroom 1wmpAlar. wtIN IWIy hrsSMd puntets. nodfng hreyxt 3 a bathroom and 6e, Huge Mary am 4 /plyFor 401 K- `�p.9m�-MX e,0°` w operator I.i9B+�a W d b"aidupy landscaped cupboard. antique Center sand back KZM to 401 =^ wall n gra27 pod f169900 and Cha), tables,97Ford MYLES KONG ��� Cal (905)427-1849 1972 foto LTD conNen- �ur� 1 L in” mom 2e, p,-%." AUCTIONS 6125 000 (905 .686-2760 .�:.... son of Gary and Christine Lovingly remembered by Buse) BIN. end unit t0 7 St36. if d. end . J __ brother aunts Creuern Swi Sept 27 a Od 33 EMO Sit 3 r Spm 27% Sa 2-9aw 4-mN Oshnn, iIr ■ � all IwaN. EN"wW 141141.1stabilkthed in r i owmwn eiswkeYl retreat 1960 Ca 1Naw. 40e, ensvne ver 725-5751 c - w ilosaSaIWrM&dflw tapy 723-0501 � �1 h kforWa pFpaoas•ae pyfoIPM yoaer- tlO6M23-6529 "W"ESTATE P US e MIEMTE LOC NONE.CONSIGNMENT se ulrWv aYe3 b'd—, �2 AUCTION •RIs 4 pens 2 piece rw.a BOM W.Oft LrNslwd ease- r4rYIMES k aWG (v,ew ua W 2 garage ver wars 2 mnWes away As',nG 1244.900 r7D5r8764998 J SAT SEPT. n AT a P.M on MICTIO111 NW'r'Ba 33 NtALL ST.. OSItA19A Chtslerhel0 swte kRcn- en aid 30 :n stove. wan Convedtoral Oven, (sed Cleaning. used 3 d AaAK ►^•"'��waaout �Yofree coupon is redeemable at Sears, - Oshawa Centre or .;*_AA ; - OIWJlk pick bundabw 3 . 1 pedroom wAlk-om DA&V mtln 2 hams Garage 54x125 t� k» "'(01100° 0oprs. taepxe 6-sIy wit. monms) 28 in Color tv. 6 °Ce "'""g room 5i- fe chest of drawers, Pickering Town Centre .f ® a i1 �(SIW2 .1� 1139.900 dresser. signed and num0ere0 prints. an- king sideboiamps.arO. sler, Chan. lamps. sorry Slee- chair. welcome. List not COM - !- SROTM Ana 3 bedroom 1wmpAlar. wtIN IWIy hrsSMd puntets. nodfng hreyxt 3 a bathroom and 6e, Huge ec Set. lawnmower, en- terla nment unit. pin Inquire at: I.i9B+�a W d b"aidupy landscaped cupboard. antique Center sand back KZM to 401 =^ wall n gra27 pod f169900 and Cha), tables,97Ford Q� Ta;,y,dvaae ��� Cal (905)427-1849 1972 foto LTD conNen- �ur� AUCTIOIE61 T� el CHEATNN MUM IMOsEWIws ,arcs S per. fi4NNT ill~ binding for vale phone numbers 1.900 sae Cerin;"Please located 451.3638 en 235. f364'mn $185.000 rah muss be 18 T -one 1905433-2504 A D V E R T I S E N 130 commercial Ave., Ajax a i 1822 Whites Rd., Pickering 683-0707 role. fully loaded, new yTribu brakes, good wr10HtOn- Y1V wont fad a neer 3 our' dashes, china, silver, roan nome1 20 PaiNaan Or DeOMng, this is a large Costs" - $155.000 3 bel- sale. NI Consignments room 2 Storey 4 a 8 2 a welcome. List not COM - bah, uloc, oar wakW al)plete. sales every Tues. pros 1400 sq n SePatae a- Thurs Sat. 6 O.m. rndroom man floor family Terms Cash or IMerad morn swo aur Wrdiard & OSMM'L MNN sand back KZM to 401 1039 Fd appy 905404-0741 llQ gN. ser" Q� Ta;,y,dvaae OlyYrkyYa�Lwyy�1BR1aM61 M1tahN9 William Rfwp WECVAM MIST SEE 3EE 3 7725-milbedrooms, AUCTIOIE61 T� 2 batt r1eW OSHAWA RELASNK MAS twdwppd ROOFS, new carpels. 6125 000 (905 .686-2760 nose 10 al anraebes. son of Gary and Christine Lovingly remembered by Buse) BIN. end unit t0 7 St36. if d. end St w1905) 404 9625 11 30 am el CHEATNN MUM IMOsEWIws ,arcs S per. fi4NNT ill~ binding for vale phone numbers 1.900 sae Cerin;"Please located 451.3638 en 235. f364'mn $185.000 rah muss be 18 T -one 1905433-2504 A D V E R T I S E N 130 commercial Ave., Ajax a i 1822 Whites Rd., Pickering 683-0707 IT b yN HEAVENLY PSYCMK M, yTribu savers Find e4, dark ran J - 4F� 11CS 8l 2 Wfht 2 pakng 5 apprurc- %Ow l • 1 Dolt • 1 OesRr •> Al , IT b yN HEAVENLY PSYCMK M, savers Find e4, dark ran PH39m i 2 RED S.6"Lan $299,mm -18.•24 his 1- 2 Wfht 2 pakng 5 apprurc- 900-451 3183 • 1 Dolt • 1 OesRr IS9aiwny Imnwcu_ 1890 valley Farm HEAVENLY rs rclK . $2990, M=00900 rrm CAN 14161609- mu; 16. 24 hours 1.900 1039 4L'-3783 DAILY HOBO- HORLOCK, MUNMM Spaouus 3 tied. SCOPE 1-900477 MO $500 M1tahN9 William lvum a dining room 5I . 24 nours Dose lu Tam Centre 8401 la ore' $ ."u"Late OSHAWA RELASNK MAS passed away September 18, 1996 Relived Indata 6125 000 (905 .686-2760 SAGE ShatSu Servke 40 " son of Gary and Christine Lovingly remembered by St w1905) 404 9625 11 30 am brother aunts N.1•$ar7 Law .qpm M tit. lygrandparents,AScih o O Worm couun$ ofd hmlY A special thanit-y�o�u,�to,,rDr — fr`aR-V�¢1�--- PERSt01Ml Trwlwr 1s yews Service gaiter for her odribrled Care and Support Service 1WN YOIM Orn lullr sera Sad trader La $5900 $1 GOO e,perance Centel! Phyrcal Was $IRM) SNplaRlbBF 21St, 1988. A men10hal tree ,.in1te9 riont Great Educanon Degree Sou I�Wg to take place n October 1998 east d Ro- Rallrirmng, aspnnpp open. Row cbDourg (416H31-1555 avalable Call enan 905 683 1509 Lary Park Wog the Lakefront Ajax 1 ir?Pa� rtlFstt - (hmrKpa nnivl - • -• .-..W •g5w0 •1/aw.Wa�.r-.�. .__ - � .. .•.....r,e1,N'1: %nMLi•'. r , 1 ' 1aiWllPYetY:r . THE NEWS AUVEICPISER" WEUNrmmy. SEPTEmara23, mg-IRAGE 23 Is Loeb. It's as easy as a peanut The choicest meats, incredible selection of butter sandwich. Or as poultry and fish. The favourites. And all at special as a family dinner. freshest variety of fruits prices you'll love. And, it always says "I love and vegetables. Fresh Because when it's made you" - because when ift baked goodness from with love you give your made with Loeb it's the our bakeries and an very best. And for that, veer best it can be. all you need is Loeb. LOEB LOEB AJAR MARKET LOEB BAYWOOD LOEB GLENDALE MARKET PLACE 105 Bayly St, W. PLACE 475 Westney Rd. N Ajax 1900 Dixie Rd Ajax Pickering k I MGA 24 • THE MEWS ADVFITMM WF:UNMAY.1F,r'173M6t•:R 21 JIM I Novice Raidersnet t e Eariv The Ajax -Pickering Raiders IBEW Local 353 major novice 'AAA' rep hockey team went unde- feated en route to the championship at its own Early Bird Tournament this past weekend. The defending all -Ontario cham- pion novice Raiders captured the tournament title with :t 5-2 victory over Hamilton in the championship contest. Mike McCusker tired it hat trick to lead the way. for Ajax -Pick- ering. Brendan Hann and Marcus Carroll netted single goals. Cameron Holding and Carroll each earned two assists, McCusker and Nicholas Mainelli earned one apiece. Jeremy Eckl'ord played a strong game in net. McC'uskcr was named most valuahle player in the final The semi-final match against ih Mississauga Rebels proved to he tough struggle, with the Raider winning 3-2 in double overtime With his team trailing 2-I late in th, third period. Raiders' Carrol notched the equalizer with onli three seconds remaining in regula tion time. Hann earned an assist or the play. A five-minute. sudden death overtime failed to settle thi issue. The game was eventuallx Atom Dolphins suck it up after QB hurt Aj3x-P11-kcr­9 Eluipinns Foot- ball Club teams posted one victory in three games against the Scartxrr- ough Thunder in Central Ontario Minor Football League action in Scarborough Sunday. In the first contest. the Dolphins' tykes lost 24-6 to the Thunder. Ajax -Pickering held Srarhorough scoreless until the second half when the Thunder's special teams did much of the offensive damage. Luke Moyer was the Dolphins' offcnsixc star of the game, while Jahmoy Tyrell was the defensive star. The Dolphins atoms started strong 1gainst the Thunder, but lost starting quarterhack Eric Glavic to a broken collarbone which will keep him out of action for four to five weeks. But. the Dolphins regrouped under the leadership of quarterback Rvan Sopik to earn a 13-8 victor- Sopik was named the offensive star while the entire defcnsive unit was cited for a stand- out performance. In the game between the Ajax - Pickering and Scarborough pee- wees, the Thunder roared ui a 28-6 win. The game was close until the third quarter when Scarborough gained the lead and never looked back. Brandon Pottle earned star - of -the -game honours on offence while the defcnsive star was Ran- dall Ryan. Youth hoops loop has sign-ups Sign-ups will be held Saturday and Monday for a youth basketball league for Ajax and Pickering kids. The Durham West Boys' Basketball League will hold registration at Lin- coln Alexander Public School on Sat- urday, Sept. 26 from I I a.m. to 2 p.m. and again on Monday. Sept. 28 from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The league'!. open to boys and girls in the bantam division (born 1985-86); minor bantam division (born 1987- 88): and junior category (born 1982 to 84). Cost is $85 per player. The league starts Oct 3 and runs each Saturday morning until January. Lincoln Alexander school is at 95 Church St. N. in Ajax. For more information call 831- 6753. decided when each t Bird t ournev title c o am was Markham Islanders. Carroll notched the second game. McCusker scored reduced to two skaters on the ice. a hat trick. McCusker added two two goals, Carroll, Hann and Shaun McCusker fired the winner, assisted goals and Hann netted a single. Adams potted singles. Mainelli by Carroll. Luigi Marione scored in McCusker earned two assists, Hold- earned two assists, McCusker, regulation time for the Raiders, ing, Martone, Carroll, Mainelli, Jarvis, Marione, Carroll. Trainer and assisted by Johnny Paterson and Michael Carey and Garrett Trainer Adams had single helpers. Alexan- Daniel Pincau. Eckford. the game's had one aptecc. James Jarvis was der Cyr played a great game in net. MVP, again shone in net for Ajax- named the MVP of the contest. Eck- Hann earned MVP honours. Pickering. ford was outstanding in net. In exhibition play, the novice The IBIiN• Raider, started the The Ajax - Pickering novices Raiders own it mark of 2-1-0. Ajax - event with a 6-0 victor user the downed the Whthx Wildcats 5.3 in Pi. -1,• t..r........ i o... l,., l ........ . .-. it 1( ;1 L+TT of- - I --- L L___ erals 7-0, lost to the Peterborough Petes 6-4• then defeated the Gener- als again 5-0. Derek Gregorack has supported the team from the sidelines as he's out of the line-up with a broken arm. The team is coached by Jim Gatens, assisted by Randy Johnston and Chris Cyr. The trainer is Ed McCusker and the manager is BUMPER TO BUMPER ARRANT 'C .......... .......... COVERS PARTS ALL & WORN OUT OR BROKEN COMPONENTS LABOUR BELIEVE IT! REMEMBER, EVERYBODY DRIVES A USED CAR. WHY BUY NEW? Up to 4 yrs.. 80k available on some cars, most cars 1 yr., 20k included. Warranty available on request. �LN1 Ikl l.�l kL� X110 9j 1 I R\ �(_ 1 .1((I. 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