HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_09_16PICKERING EDITION A D VAR T T S It's all in the wrist wnaJJ$.urmn 9h/— —FOR YOU TWO — 1 MATERNITY � ori 1 ! Du=�IV � I We or* the ONS M�. ort �. ttf Start(Iwo)nA,ty vllltp 1 PromPt ser `Z6_l081 — fkorrlrrnl Air eonditlortad Cars Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand R Wednesday, September 16, 1998 Pressrun 44,000 28 pages [)ism issed.1 COURT BID FOR CAMPAIGN EXPENSE AE'DIT OF PICKERING COUNCILLOR RICK JOIINSON FAILS BY Illarianrfe Talliecs Stan Writer PICKERING — Former council and mayoralty candi- date Richard Ward has lost mother round in his battle to obtain an investigation into the campaign finances of Ward 3 Regional Councillor Rick John- son. Air. Ward brought an appli- ratwit before the Ontario Court. -cneral division, in Whitby ! ucsday morning asking for the .ourt to order a compliance audit of Coun. Johnson's No%emfter, 1997 election cam- ;,agn. Pickering Council had • rluscd a similar request from 1r Ward at a special meeting .,% 'I In dismissing the application .,uhout prejudice Mr. Justice lin Jenkins stated Mr. Ward. ho was acting without a a"µ er. had not followed the proper procedures for his suf-,- mission or provided appropnatc documentation. 'You may have a remedy in our court system:' the judge told Mr. Ward, but added he would have to take a different route. RICK JOHNSON Wins another round fudge. "You're getting a huge discount " In a later interview Mr. Ward said he will he returning to the court with another application. "They give no credit to an individual representing him- self.- he noted. In July. Pickering Council rejected an application by Mr. Ward, who had run for Court. Johnson's Ward 3 Regional seat in last November's municipal elections, for a compliance audit of the councillor's cam- paign finances. At the time, Mr. Ward suggested Coun. John - ,on s election financial state- ment indicated he had receival campaign contributions from a single source — identified as Mr. Justice Jenkins also multiple sources — that totalled ordered Sir. Ward to pay court more than the $750 allowed costs to Coun. Johnson. The under election laws. costs were requested by the However, a report W Council councillor's lawyer, Michael from Town clerk Bruce Taylor Head, who told the judge he had stated Coun. Johnson's election warned Mr. Ward in a letter that financial statement "discloses his application was inappropri- multiple contributions from a ate. Mr. Head suggested "some- single source in at least 13 cas- thing nominal". Mr Ward was es, however, to no instance do ordered to pay $250. these multiple contributions -Ordinanly the cost would be about $ I .(XX).' said the strike Talks resume, STUDENTS STILL OUT AS TEACHERS PICKET Corey Tidd shows masterful skill at running his advantage of warm summer sunshine and a Region figures, the combina- remote control racing car while out having fun wide open road recently to practise some of his Pickets continued at sec - on his street in Pickering. Corey was taking tricks. hikes will mean a collective undary schools across the 'Impp; number of Town residents 7.3 -per cent increase in taxes than 100 percent. region Tuesday as the public Probation for Ajax man after Baby injured FATHER RECEIVES - CONDITIONAL, SENTENCE FOR SHAKING FIVE-NIONTH-OLD SON IySfupallaw$Am Amour a condunxulsentcncc. Itrntnar} signs of abuse:' Crown about the danger of shaking an 5dr Writer Mr Arnold, a former track star attorney Bryan Davies said. infant. "He made a terrible mis- A judge has sentenced a 20- otter cott.ttdered one of the top A second explanation Mr. take in a very brief moment he is year-old Ajax mart to one year three high school sprinters in Arnold gave to experts with the going to regret the rest of his lite" `impnsonment in the commum- Canada, was intually charged Could Abuse and Neglect Unit Court heard Mr. Arnold has no ty- for violently shaking his five- with aggravated assault but plead- (SCAN) — that the child fell off history of abusive behaviour, has- asmonth-old month-oldson, rendering the ed guilty ut the lesser offence of the couch — was determined expressed remoxsc anti has fully infant co matui+c for a week. criminal negligence cawing cud- inconsistent with his injuries, co-operated with a C'hil ten's Aid Med" reports filed with the ily harm. Court heard Mr Arnold which included two separate Society im,.ttgation. The child's court m dicate the child, rwtw two- injured the infant while haby-sit- areas of bruising to the brain. mother indwated in a victim years -old. isn't believed to have ting fox the child's mother at her The baby was eventually ding- impact statement she is prepared suffered permanent brain damage Pickering apartment Jan. 23, ptosed as wtTmng from Shaken to forgive Mr. Arnold. ' lltcy and appears to have made a full 1997. Baby Syndrome. want to get back together and recovery. "We are dealing with Mr. Amold initially said he left During a statement to police establish a family:' said Mr. Kim- ono of society's most precious his sin alone on a couch while following bus arrest Mr. Arrx,ld hall. As pert of his sentence Mr resources, that of a healthy child. washing dishes and, when he described how he briefly shook Arnold must perform 200 hours If the cant does not protect the returned the baby had stopped the baby hack and forth in a -vig- of community service and receive child from this kind of conduct breathing. The child was trans- orou, motion:' Mr. Davies said. counselling for anger manage - t wn who is'r' asked Oshawa ferred from Ajax -Pickering Hos- Defence lawyer Bob Kimball men( and life skills such as par - provincial court Judge Ron petal to the Hospital for Suck Chil- said Mr. Arnold was a young par- ening. He was also placed out two Richards before handing lames dren after doctors observed "pec- ent with "abso>futely no co epC years ptrobat ton board resumed negotiations with its striking high school teachers and Catholic educa- tors remained locked out. local n,emb , , f th. Ontario Secnndary School leachers' Federation (OSSTF) MCI with the Durham District School Board yesterday for the first time since talk, broke off between the two parties Sept. 6. Discussions were ongoing at our press time yesterday. A macs picket is planned outside the public board's Whitby headquarters on Taunton Road today - Meanwhile, there are still no plans for the Durham Catholic District School Board and its high school teachers to resume negotiations in an attempt to end the week-long lockout. "We continue to receive phone calls from parents expressing their displeasure that there are no talks sched- uled:' says Tony White, prest- See WARDiPage 2 goes on TONY WHITE 'Parents expressing their displeasure.' dent of Durham's secondary division of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA). -We echo their sen- timents and call upon the boafd to negotiate or arbitrate imme- diately " For updates on the ongoing strike action call the public board at 666-5500 or the sepa- rate board at 576-6707 ext. 2ho. Business reels under new tax assessments 'NEW FORMULA CITED AS CULPRIT FOR HUGE INCREASES ;�r�IeMe TibCi Region figures, the combina- hikes greater than 15 per cent, 'SW Writer tion of reassessment and tax and 20.4 per cent are having to ) PICKERING — While a hikes will mean a collective deal with increases of more 'Impp; number of Town residents 7.3 -per cent increase in taxes than 100 percent. Arte cojoying tax cuts as a result for Pickering commercial prop- Among those reeling from ;of t'lte province -wide reassess- ernes, the highest in the Region their tax bills is Barry Kauf- rtt CM coming into effect this after Scugog, where the man, owner of M7 Auto Recy- .,year, many local small busi- increase is 8.4 per cent. Total clers on Balsam Road just south jnesses people are in a state of commercial taxes in several of Hwy. 7, who's facing an shock at being hit with tax hikes other municipalities are actual- increase from $3,625 (including its high as 400 per cent. ly going down — by 4.8 per the now -eliminated business Pickering commercial estab- cent in Oshawa, 4.2 per cent in occupancy tax) a year to about 1ishments have been among the Ajax and 1.9 per cent in Whit- $13,500, on an assessment J deli hit in the Region by the by. that's been revised from saw tax system and tax nwreas- In Pickering, 61 per cent of $122,000 in 1984 to $365,000 :es due to provincial download- properties categorized as gener- now. There's no sewer service :ing. According to Durham al commercial are facing tax and no paved road to his auto wrecking yard site, and the WHAT'S INSIDE NDw TO REACH us nearest volunteer fire station is eight miles away. 1 have nothing here, Aja/Pap .............6 Seaeral ..........683-5110 absolutely nothing, and they're EateryMtl M , ..........10 Death NOUfxs .....683-3005 seeing fit to up me $10,000:' ..14 &&11100 Lin .......683-7545 says Mr. Kaufman. "Name me C,f&Wfiel . . . . . .........16 Sincerely Yoursl-800-662-8423 one person in a small business who can afford a $10,000 hit. 1 WebsNewww•durhamneWS-net Vol. 33, No. 38 _See OWNER/Page 7 ;i*VNvufnaunr W� the new OPay As Yds �n r, PICKERING TOWN CENTRE i ��;. `� � Unear LwtrN�4aars WYtn 1.07 LOU PLAZA -AJAX ib 105 SL w, erh>re061 .' BESIDE NATIONAL SPORTS Rd. q 1 /2 ? . ., '. I formula has hiked his tax bill by 400 per ce-it. 'I seeing fit to up (my taxes by) $10,000,' he says. to get-, ` ' air .era ' s+e.} r •- ,� , �".. a a '' ; z,'� x i'Fd l�;�k �'Ta. c; 1Zo C"�' � S cellular? F ;�L. ��� _ rAt;E 2 -THF: NEWS ADYFjMSEK Wn)NE.IDA%'. SENEMBER 16. 1 W Workshops for U" women cover several topics Interested in improving )our %clf- esteem'? Need information on the effects of separation and dlvorcc on children'? Those arc just a couple of the pro- grammes that will he offered by the Ajax -Pickering Women's Centre this fall. The series kicks off Sept. 15 with a legal workshop from 1 it, 3 p.m., fol- lowed by an eight-week separation and divorce support group beginning Sept. 17 at 7 p m.: a four-week verbal Belt -defence group beginning Sept. 22 from 7 to 9 p.m.. self-esteem on Oct. 13 at 7 p.m.: women re-entering the paid workforce on Oct. 27 from 9 a.m. W 3 P.m.: tinancial planning on Nov. 3 at 7 p.m.: a legal workshop on Nov 10 from 7 to 9 p.m.: and the effects of separation and divorce on children on Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Women interested in attending any of the programmes are asked to call the centre for locations- Because space is limited, you must register in advance. Meanwhile. the centre recently began offering a legal advice clinic for women with family law lawyers, in which women receive hall' -hour. pri- vate consultations. The free clinic runs every other Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. at 134 Commercial Ave.. Ajax. Appointments must he made in advance. Call 426-1064 for more informa- tion on the programmes or the clinic. Website educates and entertains special -needs students Students with special needs and their teacher% can access learning material. games and activities on a new govern- ment websltc The hlrnrstry of Education and Trairung has revised a wch%itc featuring game and exercises for chikiren with special needs and instructional resource% for teachers "-Rus technology can be accc%scd by school board.% w that all tc ahcm in OnLa , hxw an nr+rr+►hXWV In Ito" about hest practices in speedo! educa- tion:' Education hf mr%Icr Dave Jottrtson said in unveiling the Special NeLd% Oppa' mty Window (SNONVI weh%ttc last week. Located at snow.uto ronto.ca. the site includes information about on-line causes for educators. chat groups. cur- txvlum resources, a '-vutual" help cen- tre and info nnaucin o n "best pracuce in teacfung children with special needs. Special -need% students can also aces% a sista website for kids featuring educanoxt:d activities and games. The SNOW website and other technologies wen: developed over the past year. Ward challenge thrown Out WARD/From page 1 — exceed $750 as allowed in sec- tion 71(11 of the Act:' The campaign financial state- ment and audi- tor's report sub- mitted by Coun. Johnson for the election indicates a campaign income of $63,634; includ- ing $33,331 from a fund-raising golf tournament, $8,555 from another fund- raising event, $15,700 in con- tributions from individuals and businesses, $4,542 in donat- ed goods and ser- vices and $1,482 surplus left over from the 1994 election. It also shows $34,476 in fund-raising expenses, most of which, Mr. John- son has said, ccv- ered the cost of running the golf tournament. The campaign ended up with a surplus of $206. of 10 Soo Pnk flOwm all re ►at+9• A colouttui addrl',^0 9 Mme' sg9 .S14.99 Sok NO led Iris inMnS ' °. ns da• izxa'�19t msnhdq d�M �,� ■'- ,, :clan 'fA sale; ipve se of Sharon dtl>lor It,ttltnd-sumi1e th�9^ aI� Ileaaalit flWitpinnbei'S:N* $ 1199 I•=1 odilS we w as urv, tiea"1 All Olin b VIr Dv,r�MA S* ` 1 _V 12.5x12.5 t: ' ' ' AN AJAX LOCATION ONLY 15 WESTNEY RD. N. visitti 'k dalo �D nUjact �0 wa'ha` 1 Ue 1 5p6•r, 01 --_.- .I++jd"� 1' _ OUTSTANDING SAYINGS - gull Lumber 50*' off - 4' Ceder Channel 99` - Wlaee/ Barrows 251, off - Afetal sheds 50# off - vinyl Latdce 251 off - Garden tools 50% off - 36"Steel Enbsnce Doors from s75 Plus Many More Deals! Quantities are limited' Price applies to stock on hand only!!! - ; Needle loohn, 2wr.,a o � w9rd pl!g 6 ta115pikE5 d tte3mY'r+nih sin nlid "wet Exna Ir9e *11 �;1499 54.99 — DENER'S HOURS 0�� � F;'. g AP1 ; PM H1 SUN . & HOL. 9 AM -6 PM SALE ENDS IUES SEPTEMBER 29/98 U aTilll(/ Il/lam ll I e�o�o e obe Blue Spruce Blue Spruce Oro pada, raw ibwe'rR111^lo raDIdIdIpaD (tt�pIMSaftt7t t ttltn psa add ger 111 O d"est (o airy pet Yards S* 149 X9.99 ,$14r Ave0 - tgirge Perenni IS!,sx, dots Yew q! i0a ItldldtttQ � tptpt nae Rus i ptq� '�'"� fra. Catdb+� Slxwrs.� par., we aao sna/oe�F maQ MW Wr4mGrePW WOW s d+sDw � 3 f I I I we A710 I Fall Fertilizer 10-5.-2gg0 1 .. sw'U 4� $1999 20k; Sdas1 1 1 $12 99 taa woo a Feed S* 9 52199 heed 3 Feed Sala IVp CASHWAY (905) 427-9931 Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn "7j,D_1A Quick and Easy Faux Finishing and Decorative Techniques fo your Furniture from an Expert. NEWPO""'Steel Door .�,..:. Insert up to 50�io PRICE MATlI� Off 6x6 White 12.5x12.5 t: ' ' ' B -Grade Clear pine Ceramic Ceramic Hurry in ,, P.T. Fence french door Wall Tile Floor Tile '"''"'"""°^ for the best , It Board 30x80 bevelled 11C. was $4.65 $ 19 1 selection! ` "'•" "ftvAmIr 99ea.115999 glass — L I ` o V photo by Ron pledonlro Carving his niche in the world Wood sculptor Jan Oegema of Bowmanville brought the fruits of his labour to Esplanade Park in Pickering last weekend to display during Art Fest activities behind the civic complex. The event featured the talents of area arti- sans, as well as displays, demonstrations, children's crafts and more. Former land registrar admits to stealing ncc t.xnwr land registrar for Durham Rcgion pleaded guilty in an Oshawa court 1c,tervrA- to 1rsud. vd,witting i fie ztole r,mghly $10.000 to rev- cnue prior to being fired. Desmond Dias. 45, former- ly of Whitby, was dismissed from his fob at the Whitby land registry office in December 1996, at which time an investigation was launched by the Ontario Provincial Police anti -rackets squad. Mr. Dias, who . was employed by the Ministry i of Consumer and `Commercial + Relations, was charged in December 1997 r with fraud, theft, breach of trust and giving false financial state- ; mcnts. Detective • Sergeant Dave Ross said the investigation was launched after a suspi- cious co-worker cam to police. ! Mr. Dias pleaded guilty to • one count of s fraud over $5,000, however, " details of the offence won't be revealed until his sentencing on Nov. 10. L Mr. Dias was "t employed at the Whitby office from August 1995 to the date of his dismissal. Prior to that he was the land • registrar at the Fronten is Land Registry Office in Kingston, Ont.. Det. SgL Ross said the charges stemmed from revenue — pub- lic searches and land transaction fees — which went missing from both offices between October 1994 and Sep- tember 1996. I 10 POSTURE CARE so= ,$ 139 urro SET $249 ItwtlsLE 169 SET 299 QUEEN 249 SET 349 CREW QUARTER BUNK BED THE NEWS ADVERTISER 91(EDNMAY, SEPTEM/ER 16, 19$11- PAGE 3 � � 1 t s ,W e� >� '` � �RATT & LAI4tgERf , , $ i,,ss•�'��,� o., BUY/ Gain.sd FRW MOTION INCWDING' WHOLE UNE*$ OS81SMME FOR FUMWER DEZULS ON •� OPEN: MON-WED 10-8 THUR-FRI 10.9 LSAT 10-5SUN 12-4 Pickering Home & Leisure Centre, 1755 Pickering Parkway �l sera -ossa .��. 5 COMFORT SLEEP x$1 69 SET $289 DOUBLE 209 SET 339 QUEEN 259 SET 409 449 SET 899 'WINDSOR BUNK BED S159 1 PRACTIC SIE x,$269 �SET939 SET 519 QUEEN 349 SET 549 VANESSA DAY BED $179 7AQGAINS �I IN TODAY'S; News Advert Wed., Sept 16,1998 News Advertiser Dancer Leather AjaWPlck Scott • 00" Double Alex Wednesday's Carrier of 'Eaton's AJaxlpieIL the Week is Scott. Scott enjoys hockey, Nintendo ' Flo Bob Realty Pick & skiing. He will receive 'Formula Ford AjWIck a dinner for 4 voucher, • Home Depol Ajeu compliments of • Lansing Buildall Pick McDonald's. Congratulations Scott 'Pickering Automotive for being our Carrier of Supply pkk the Week Real Estate Ajs0ick ' Sears AjvAck ' Square Boy AjaxlPick ' The Brick AjarlPick lis Kmµ i R 121 Hai- t v ,. ...-'ered to stkcW hou,tholds cniv -lG Kmµt H.' ., ReTember, all inserts, including !~ore on glossy paper. car, be ec•,ded with the rest of }our ".aper through your blue ?CX Recycling program,. FCr rtforrnation on deli�enng advertising tlyen. ' C\C.A� ��u, ae FcCTCHER ���•�- ORTHOPRACTIC Spica $249 MATTWSS SET '409 DOUBLE 269 SET 479 QUEEN 319 SET 519 CAPTAIN REGULAR MAPLE r� 9 w2alle" 5 • is SUPREME S/E s 289 SET $479 pQUSLE 349 SET 549 QUEEN 379 SET 579 -r. 379 SET 599 A -FRAME FUTON IN FUTON -17 9 IXA OM RE MMSED 1 WATER FALL DAY BED 1�1 0 ,.6 1�11M w,w► tar + i „ta JUPITER DAY BED CAPTAIN ECONOMY 5239 L -FRAME FUTON 7si Tamp n Road W. IMM "3-1052 C Ll ' '2520 Chem" Rd. N. ftan Nowt of f+srapa Plana (7051202-6211 520 Weetrtey Road S. (005) 619-1315 PAGE 4 - THE NEWS AD%'EIrr1SEA WEDNESDAY. SErrEMOF.k 16. 19" School councils seek advisory role - - s� SCC CHAIRMAN SAYS MAJORITY DONT WANT DECISION-MAKING POWERS 7>-"�"� � By Small 01111111111111 int each school to prepare a response rium on Thornton Road. A public � Staff Writer'• ' to the EIC'$ discussuin paper. meeting is planned from 7 pi 8:30 - School community councils The document poses six questions p.m. should concentrate on providing an about the future role of SCCs. asking advisor' rule and looking out for the for input on what makes the groups best interestsparents. of students, lav tribute how they can hest con - Durham parents. tribute to students' education and Those were among the most fre- how they can best represent their MACS, CORTIAND, MACOUN quent comments arca residents made community. during it two-hour working session at "The bottom Ione is school coun- the Durham District Schoch Board oils are for the betterment of kids:' P" YOUR OWN headquarters Monday as more than said Dawna-Mac Nlills. chairman of q-6 .m. Fri, 501, & Sun.100 people gathered it) discuss the the SCC at Oshawa's Ritson Public role councils should play in their School. school community. "II SCCs are to be a success, ifs •'I still like the advisory role;- said important "to keep communication Margaret Reid. chairman of the SCC between teachers and parent volun- WHITBY S. t seen at a t o counu at Pine Ridge prow ides "valuable" input Taunton Rd n x 0 H 2 fit into that Hwy 401 9 0 401 exit 412 7kmNon Thickson Rd. at OshawaConant Public School. [cera going" Algoma "Mull of us come from different job Sally Mellveen. principal at Pick- �../ backgrounds and not everyone is in ering's Pine Ridge Secondary the education field:' she added. School. said increasing parental Apple Market Ms. Reid said'the majority of par- involvement and including communi- IIS25S_41 30 ents don't want to see a system devel- ty partners is also key. akery, Pies. Honey. Jams 6 so Muth More;/ o that laces d c. in mak M M 11 id d h 1 p p o cu. u- in9 pow- ers In the hands of SCC' s. S. t seen at a t o counu at Pine Ridge prow ides "valuable" input Hulls Moore, a member of the on school issues. fit into that parent council at Waverly Public School -There's more of a corporate F{ti, C�kv s {1 Ulu G �3 b�+5./L,�J fele 1,j11j in Oshawa, said she too would like to sec SCC., focus "on just interest at the secondary level" where it's easier to elicit the involvement of Atrallatrle, Call TiN 11 pen 11 Apply being there for the kids and not so companies and other community ALIT;'5 GLASS pocked with esaen" encs your body n crying much on the political end". The debate on the future of school partners, she noted. Ms. Ward said the high turnout at d perent -+ ` wrought loss anman ^Meson TMs Orf iwde. hal' 1111— •• t�• •""•� councils was sparked by the Educa- Monday's meeting "shows how suc- electronic muscle slimulaMon tion Improvement Commission's cesstul our SCCs already are'. selected le groups. Thirty (EiCI release of a discussion paper And, she said. the input the EiC pad E.M.S. machlrw is earlier this year. receives from Durham will be "well vigorous exercise. I— S." D.6-1 The government body is consult- worth listening to" ate•- ing with groups across the province The EIC' visits the region Tuesday. •'+t'�`s-+ •mss^ on the future role of SCCs and is Sept. 29 at the Oshawa Civic Audito- expected to make recommendations iitrau °w'►nnrt to the Province early next year. And with I than two weeksWe EIC v visits the region to Fight Dirty!hear K 1(K B41beforethe I from parents and community members the public board wanted to At me lowest" provide an opportunity for groups to I / / 11 _ -----_-______ _______ brainstorm and develop their own r responses to the discussion paper. 1 4 "We wanted to facilitate the s process, said hoard staff develop- THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY -;s ment officer Chris Ward_ who's uro. sale to the en ral blit Ilrnitin 'i moer of new special 1998 HEAVY DR. S. KHALFAN OPTOMETRIST Evening/Saturday Appointments I Available NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 12 Harwood ave s Ala, (90E1426-1434 t0 Kvysion Ru um 9A o ckenng (905) a31-6870 It %-j ru . ns,dcrui); a hathna,mt tnucm xrvavis Arc A prime I=Wt for botch job Artva% aid unprok vont contracttm Do yew an know the facts d what to expect to a rtrtuxkMutR pnslcct, Nast pcopk oat t A FREE REPORT has Rett been rrkascd in audui casscnc format. cnttticd -The S No.t Comnwn Myth. to hathroom Rerunatuirn Dsspclicde" - Huto make v"ar dream batbroow cost frn" It rcw il. the detail. in plain Lnl;L.h (not construction prion) aid provik is important stratcws and tips rc If you aa hour owner interested in addixg true market ruble to your btme by renotti rwg a batbroow, Net thi. FREE At DIu t-ti..EI`TL CAU NOW' to find out how you too can hcncfit front these hnk known tnduRn secrets For your free cassette (vakw $9.95) call (916) 91684TH. r The Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser welcomes your notices for billboard. FAX thein: 1 683-5110 EAW6 them: news- I room@ durham.net MAIL them: 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S i 2H5 ,MEARS CORRECTION NOTICE Fc • tis rage More Manager s Best Buy Flyer. (Sale dates Sept 17 -Sept 27. 19918) Page 23 - Umbrella Stroller - This is not a shop Ly phone item. Pegs 50 - 12 Price 'Rancho Bunk Beds' - mattresses not included. 12 Price -Hen" Hilts- Entortautment Armoire - TV and V.C.R not included Page 61 - Free Spirit Treadmills - art is reversed Soars arniloq,res for anv inconvenience trio --—I Vdi g e pu a u DUTY Zfg-Zag tree arm sewing machines which are industrial strength anc sew on all fabrics, denim, canvas. upholstery. nylon, stretch. vnyt. 1 s ik EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER No attachments needed for button I'+_,es (any size). monograms. hems. sews on buttons. satin overcasts. Cans, appliques. serge overedge stitch and more 22 stitch functions. J s' set dials and see magic happen without old tashialed cams or 1 programmers. These madxnes are suitable for home. professional or I 1 school room sewing. 25 year warranty. Your cheque, cash or VISA, MASTERCARD b AMERICAN EXPRESS. LAY -A -WAY YOUR PRICES 'ER299 F .MBEs , I WITH THIS AD 't IT " 1 ,SINGER tt SIMC ST. S. I OSHAWA I 433-1140 J WIN 1 OF THREE r Drop off Ballots by Sept. 21!98 I NAME: I I I PHONE: Mr CHANELLA UNISEx I HAIR DESIGN I I 2200 BROCK R0. N. i L__ PICKERING __J FREE HAIR COLOUR OR HIGHLIGHT FOR SEPT. 25TH Draw wlf be held on Sept. 21. Five runners-up will win a free colour consultation from... - ONLY RULE -• Those people who are not presently colour clients of CHANELLA'S SALON are eligible for the draw. C ANE ILA UNISEX HAIR DESIGN 2200 Brock Rd. N. Brock North Plaza Pickering 426-2005 How Irene Tilcox anchors community spirit in Pickering. B'NA1 SHALOM V'TIKVAH Reform Synagogue in Ajax -Pickering JOIN US AS WE GROW TOGETHER sr Religious & Hebrew school A Monthly services A Social events for adults 8 children :r Monthly newsletter A Adult Education courses SERVICES & ACTIVITIES OPEN TO ALL Celebrate the High Holidays with US For more information call 905-420-4429 or fax 905-420-2909 is Shrink your to waistline $30 fit into that u,M!. RANCE Evening i Atrallatrle, Call TiN 11 pen 11 Apply 837-7819 ALIT;'5 GLASS pocked with esaen" B'NA1 SHALOM V'TIKVAH Reform Synagogue in Ajax -Pickering JOIN US AS WE GROW TOGETHER sr Religious & Hebrew school A Monthly services A Social events for adults 8 children :r Monthly newsletter A Adult Education courses SERVICES & ACTIVITIES OPEN TO ALL Celebrate the High Holidays with US For more information call 905-420-4429 or fax 905-420-2909 is • 1 • .. J..... �.. Awes... �.•w . (905) 619-2639 • PICKERING • AJAX e WHITBY • OSHAWA RAMNOR✓ LENNOW HEATING i AIR CONDITIONING Air Conditioning 8 Heatirg FURNACE per` S'4LF 1500 off mace � f � .z : 8t air conditioner `"� 200 off air conditioner if purchased or furnace together or �— -' if purchased furnace & separately fireplace aJ�t %0 FIREPLACE 5 J w Dae Lennox Serving Durham Since 1965 tit ydayp� W hi iby-Oshawa-Bowmanvi l le (905) 434-5541 PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 RAMNOR HEATING b AIR CONDITIONING 2020 Wentworth St. Unit 9 Whitby She's been named Volunteer of the Week, awarded for her work with the %fore importantly it brings residents together and helps make the community United Way and, for the past four years, heavily involved in helping organize a stronger, more caring one. it gives me great personal satisfaction to give back Pickering's annual Frenchman's Bay Festival. Irene Tilcox is known in her it) the Pickering neighbourhood." community for getting things done. Irene works for Royal Bank in Pickering. She's just one of many Roval Bank "The Frenchman'~ Festival promotes the heritage and preservation of staff across Canada who take time out to help in their communities. And we'd Pickering's waterfront," explains Irene. "Besides attracting over 8,(XH) s'isitors just like to take this opportunity to thank 612 ROYAL BANK to the area, The Festival draws attention to environmental issues, recreational them for doing what they do. FINANCIAL GROUP opportunities, the culturo of our waterfront community and our local heritagv. %---i ,ie44,.ic­Ji tttatd I)Li on.rwy (! 1 Ile awrw k�ids Shrink your to waistline fit into that old pair of jeans A scientt6c breakthrough Abri you a -retrised- NaMral ntoge Holistic Weight L Progromi. This formula is pocked with esaen" encs your body n crying for The resull N permanent d perent -+ ` wrought loss anman ^Meson TMs gens. weekly 2 Its. weight kiss- Is combined with TTTT�i � electronic muscle slimulaMon to selected le groups. Thirty minutes on our prolesswicil 32 pad E.M.S. machlrw is equivalent to approx. 3 hrs of 1 vigorous exercise. • 1 • .. J..... �.. Awes... �.•w . (905) 619-2639 • PICKERING • AJAX e WHITBY • OSHAWA RAMNOR✓ LENNOW HEATING i AIR CONDITIONING Air Conditioning 8 Heatirg FURNACE per` S'4LF 1500 off mace � f � .z : 8t air conditioner `"� 200 off air conditioner if purchased or furnace together or �— -' if purchased furnace & separately fireplace aJ�t %0 FIREPLACE 5 J w Dae Lennox Serving Durham Since 1965 tit ydayp� W hi iby-Oshawa-Bowmanvi l le (905) 434-5541 PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 RAMNOR HEATING b AIR CONDITIONING 2020 Wentworth St. Unit 9 Whitby She's been named Volunteer of the Week, awarded for her work with the %fore importantly it brings residents together and helps make the community United Way and, for the past four years, heavily involved in helping organize a stronger, more caring one. it gives me great personal satisfaction to give back Pickering's annual Frenchman's Bay Festival. Irene Tilcox is known in her it) the Pickering neighbourhood." community for getting things done. Irene works for Royal Bank in Pickering. She's just one of many Roval Bank "The Frenchman'~ Festival promotes the heritage and preservation of staff across Canada who take time out to help in their communities. And we'd Pickering's waterfront," explains Irene. "Besides attracting over 8,(XH) s'isitors just like to take this opportunity to thank 612 ROYAL BANK to the area, The Festival draws attention to environmental issues, recreational them for doing what they do. FINANCIAL GROUP opportunities, the culturo of our waterfront community and our local heritagv. %---i ,ie44,.ic­Ji tttatd I)Li on.rwy (! 1 Ile awrw k�ids "IF YOU'RE 385XD LEU YHINKPAD r 32 Me 33 RAIN Year 2000 Read 3.2 GB b -24X S6K D M 43135 • BANQUET TABLES • 30" high; c' -voice of 60", 72" or 96" lengths i •Walnut or Light Oak Finish CANAp1, ® Y 10007 Canon 00 PACKAQO _p _ EP s F.pandinq Po -1 a.— SC- O2 HP5000 STYLUS CARTRIDGE HIGH YIELD BLACK INK BLACK INK a• CARTRIDGE •For the r CARTRIDGE For 400, series or 500 or i BJC-210 printer *For Desklet ® 500C printer 600 printers 19617 170 34089 BC -20 HIGH CAPACITY STYLUS BLACK INK HPDJ6W/ • CLR II REFILL 600C CARTRIDGE t° *For BJC-4000 COLOUR series primers • CARTRIDGE 3 27299 I 27428 28695 BC -05 HP850C STYLUS CCALRTTRIIDGE BLACK • COLOUR INK INK CARTRIDGE *For BJ series For 400, 600 •a°s printers CARTRIDGE or 800 printers THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEM•ER 16, 17118-1PAGE S r YALU ZIP DRIVE • For any PC parallel port • 3 drives in 1: hard -drive performance, back-up s stet WINDOWS 98 UPGRADE portable drive 31319 100 MB CARTRIDGE I /Ow 19.99 STACKING CHAIRS "'0AP W4 *Grey, Burg„ndy or Black —, } 42954/42955/42956 _ ZINE PUNT •EI•IM191T r ROUND ST1C PENS • Medium or fine point _ • BI k 61 acI ue or Red ink 15083/15084/15085/15086;1508? -15088 11520 1 1 REVERSIBLE FILE FOLDERS • 100 recycled; • 9 -1/2 -pt kraft 810 stock ENVELOPES • 1/2 -cut tabs 30787 31471 _..._._ 36900 _ ..� 37343 ' • 13579 .., .. �. _. ""MMENTooMOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED! �_ "' Gtl dXTEED . LO~W PRICES17. 0 0 • •^ r ' A Weyerhaeuser x , XEROGRAPHIC COPY PAPER BUSINESS DEPOT COPY PRINT COPY PAPER PREMIER IMAGE COPY PAPER *Suitable for your 9MCOPY PAPER *Good quality paper that you can *Very high-quality copier paper with basic copy •84 bright; 201b White bond depend on low dust content nes *For general *Ideal for use in today's high-speed *Meets Xerox strict quality standards *L~ -size copying needs copiers •99.99% jam -free •Letter size •84 bright; 201b White bond; letter -size •87 bright; 201b White bond MkifteTsToWX77 777rmz�,1416 36914 14336 14328 13499 I6I5�lINDAS A. EIdWYlW00DNIEi AJAX I '- PIP= _�A, MARKERS • Quick -drying, permanent • F ne or Ultra -Fine; Block PAGE h • Tmr Niews ADvERTtsm wF.DNmDAY, slerTzmaER is. im OPINION EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Hydro must keep promise Ontario Hydro just doesn't seem to get it. Officials of the provincial utility proved once again this past weekend they continue to have a problem with public disclosure. Or, as the line from an old movie goes, "What we have here is a failure to com- municate" Still. This time, they failed to communicate to Town of Pickering officials in an expeditious manner the fact that the problem -plagued nuclear plant here had yet another problem, that it had sprung yet another leak. Given that there is growing public awareness and interest in what's happening at the station, citizens in communities across Durham Region must be informed through the respective municipalities. A spill of radioactive heavy water inside the half of the nuclear plant that's still running triggered a con- trolled shutdown of the 'B' side's Unit 6 reactor at 7:16 p.m. Saturday. But. Town of Pickering general manager Tom Quinn reports. Hydro's first attempt to communicate the problem to him came in the form of a fax to his Town hall office just before midnight Saturday. "That doesn't help me a hell of a lot, because I'm not sitting at my desk at midnight." Instead. Hydro should have informed the Town general manager as soon as possible after the spill. After all, under Atomic Energy Control Board regu- lations, it was a 'reportable event'. That euphemistic phrase used by the utility and its regulatory agency to describe a 'big problem' alone gives one a feeling that Hydro would prefer to keep its difficulties secret. Mr. Quinn says he was told of the leak by Ward I Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner, who phoned him between 8 and 9 p.m. after hearing about it from what the councillor describes as an "inside source". The general manager then phoned the nuclear station and had to go through security and a number of Hydro staff before finally speaking to plant chief Bob Stricken. That's not the way it should be. As for Hydro. Pickering nuclear plant public affairs manager Pat O'Brien says official notifications of the spill started going out at 8:05 p.m. and were completed by 8:12. 'Courtesy' notifications to the Towns of Pickering and Ajax, which Hydro unbeliev- ably is not legally required to provide, didn't start going out until 9:30 p.m., after the situation was assessed and more details could be provided, he explains. Hydro has now agreed to "tighten up" its courtesy notification process, says Mr. O'Brien, and will now call the Pickering and Ajax general managers at the sante time Mr. Stricken is notified. "'That should reduce the time from approximately two to two -and - a -half hours to approximately one hour or less" The utility has made similar promises in the past. But, it's proven once again that it still has a problem with public disclosure. Pickering officials aren't the only ones rapping Hydro for its failure to communi- cate speedily. An independent review team chosen by the utility to monitor Hydro's action plan to deal with copper and metal emissions from its generating sta- tions throughout the province into the Great Lakes gives the utility good grades in all areas but one. In its final report, the review team says it is "disappointed at the lack of progress on the completion of Ontario Hydro's policy on public disclosure ... (and) believes that it should be completed with dispatch:' Indeed. Hydro will continue to have a credibility problem and public cynicism about the safety of the Pickering nuclear station will only increase until the utility is more forthcoming with information. Hydro must stop making promises and not following through. It must deliver on its vows. Now, that will be a 'reportable event'. To respond to this editorial call �nttosotmrice Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 WE ASKED THE QUESTION IS: SHOULD OFFICIALS OF THE TOWNS OF AJAX AND PICKERING EXPLORE MORE WAYS TO SHARE SERVICES? are one commu- nity to me any- way." News A 0 V E R T I S E R A Metroland Community Newspaper published four times weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. OS 2H5 PtIMIhiliw. Tills wM'-- - ar LETTERS OUR READERS VIEWS ON THE NEWS Region must Region look after its own waste To the editor: Re 'Challenge to a throw- away society' in the Aug. 18 Ncw's Advertiser: As a founding (non-execu- tive) member of Pickering - Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Envirtmnuni And a for. mer municipal employee who picked up garbage and helped to build the Brock West dump, I believe I'm qualified to tell the rest of the sexy. In terms of tonnage, there are 20 million reasons why vir- tually nobody wants another landfill in this area. PACT fought all dump proposals because they were of a political nature net a NIMBY one. 1 know of three polmcians who wanted dumps in Pickering: the reason being a lucrative one. The laic Durham Regional Chairman Gary Herrema attempted to foist the PI Whitevak site in that heritage community and the other two in Pickering and Ajax believing millions of dollars could bac made in a Metro Toronto part- nership. Had PACT not inter- vened our region may have faced financial ruin. PACT's executive members were burned out during those years: several, including myself, were ostracized because of our work! Never, ever again must dumps of Brock West's magni- tude be built in this area of Durham! Currently. the blue box sys- tem is in jeopardy. If land -fill- ing is cheaper, there goes the neighbourhood. Recycling techniques and packaging problems are still being ignored by the upper levels of governments. PACT believes the Region must look after its own waste stream but in a proper and envi- ronmental manner — not a political one. Transfer stations must not be placed adjacent to residen- tial neighbourhoods. Furthermore, each owner must be conscionable and profes- sional in its operations and the province must be strict and fair in its monitoring. If not, then we will continue to live in a miasma of waste matters. Frank Threlkeld, Picketing The News Advertiser accepts k4- ters to the editor All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifi- cation. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser Waste statim foes may face long battle To the editor: You wanna light" My letter had already been sent to Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthur%' office before the request was made by coun- cillors, in the News Adverti%er's Pickering edition of Aug. 18, to have Pickering resident% respond to the announcement of the fed% rc the official designation of the 'airport site'. I have always thought, and I haven't changed my mind over the past 26 -plus years, that it was an ill thought-out plan. In fact, it was never a plan at all. Then came the news of Pickering and Ajax citizens' determination to stop the expansion of a garbage transfer station. I wish them well. Just remember the airport expropri- ation fiasco and how long and hard they will need to work to have their voices heard. They don't want to have this hanging over their heads for a quarter of a century. Frances Day, Brougbam Stiff penalties won't prevent youth crime To the editor: The Ontario government's fixation on crime and punish- ment is pushing us back into the dark ages. The philosopher Nietzsche wrote, "Beware of all those in whom the desire to punish is strong:' The desire to punish is not only strong here, it appears to be paramount. A committee of affluent cit- izens has been formed to exam- ine the problem. The solutions WAIII L11 slit` they offer were foregone con- clusions — more severe pun- ishmcni for ever younger offenders. It would be better to examine the causes of crime. All that we own is nothing while so many of our young are languishing in jails. Severe punishment has never, in any age, prevented crime. Threat of punishment may deter some. Children are not inclined to ponder the con- sequences of their actions. Perhaps they should, as should ilw+ in a rx)%ason to earns down hard on them. H.M. Gawman, Pickering Don't ridicule police officers over crash To the editor: In response to Knud V1'all's letter in the Sept. 2 News Advertiser regarding Durham police and their need for driver'% education: In recent years we have all become accustomed to destruc- tive. ignorant comments regard- ing the police forces in Canada. Mr. Wall is gravely misin- formed in regard to the recent accident on Wesiney Road. For starters neither the truck nor the three police cruisers were stopped at any traffic light. While on a break -and -enter call travel- ling in the right lane, all three cruisers were cut off by a trans- port track which turned into their lame. My question to Mr. Wall is where were they meant to go? The driver of the first cniiser suffered a very serious arm injury. It will be several months before this officer will have the ability to serve and protect. If it is a question of speed that you would raise next, I believe that no one in Durham or else- where would want the police to take their time at 3 am. while their house is being broken into. So, in conclusion, Mr. Wall, the next time you feel the meed to voice your opinion make sure you have all the facts. Two offi- cers almost died in the line of duty on that August mitiming. That is the reality to their families and friends. The last thing anyone needs in such arrear tragedy is to hear that their driving is am tinder question by the public. S.A. Marigba, Aj- MARGARET GERROIR OPINION SHAPER Pickering resident Margaret Gerroir will join many others this Sunday, Sept. 20 in the Terry Foe Run as they continue the fight against cancer. Keep up the fight... for Terry "Nis presence affected the mosses of the nation as no other person had the abilm to do. One man hrought our country to tears — one mare became an arnn•.1. As the seasons slowly start to change, the crisp fall air gently breathes its way into my lungs. The fresh green leaves take on their autumn appearance. Vibrant colours of flaming red, pumpkin orange and mustard yellow shout out their exis- tence. My memory wanders to a special time when a unique man tried to con- quer an ugly disease. I recall flashing lights from sirens as this hero coura- geously "fox-trotted" through town after town, city after city. I was only a young girl. but 1 can see Terry Fox very clearly in my mind. His battle has been passed on from generation to generation. As I grew older his struggle became my own. Cancer is a cruel disease. It sneaks up on innocent victims frequentis giving very few warning signs. It preys on the person's weak immune system. It robs them of their dignity and pride. Cancer, the magician. takes a beautiful dream and makes it disappear. It not only destroys the person it has chosen to attack. It quite often tats away at the beans of those trying to fight back. This is what hap- pened to my Jerry. Jerry was an ordinary man with an ordinary jab living an ordinary life. His family was his greatest priority. He spent moll of his life raising his two daughters and living for the time when he and his wife could offer more to each other. Quite often, we, as parents, put our own lives on hold in order to give the best to our chil- dren. We neglect our spouses for the well-being of the family. Jerry did what we all do knowing that he would have time "later' There would be time to walk hand in hard with his wife, time to laugh and frolic, time to tall in love, again. Little did they know that the future would not be theirs. Jerry's cancer came unannounced and powerfully. He weakened incred- ibly fast. I watched his manly body slowly wither away. Despite numer- ous chemotherapy treatments, Jerry was not going to survive another year. He no longer wanted to. He died on his own terms leaving many sad- dened spirits alone. The finale for Jerry and me was a constant game of telephone tag resulting in not reaching each other, not saying good-bye. I miss Jerry. I miss the jokes we used to tell. I miss working with him. 1 miss shooting him with my water pistol. 1 miss just sitting beside him. The day before we buried Jerry, 1 had a dream. A silent messenger of peace entered my subconscious. An enormous white fearful polar bear approached me. Despite his grandeur, I was not frightened. As he walked toward me staring into my eyes with his own soft browns, tranquility filled my soul. Instead of seeing Jerry walking toward the "light:' the "light" came down upon me. The message was well received. The polar bear knows no fear in ancient Indian folklore. I could now rest easy know- ing Jerry had reached his destination. Once again, this year, my family and 1 will take up the torch that Terry Fox, Jerry and millions of others left behind. I now call upon all of you to help put an end to the trail of broken hearts. Who knows? One day it might be you who we fight for... The News Advertiser selected 13 Opinion Shapers for 1998 to befog a wide variety of experience and opinions to our editorial page for your reading enjoyment. TIM WHRTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland JOANNE BURGHARDT Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD Director of Advertising 12- V EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK Alvin Brown Ermaline Taylor Roger Lang says. "Definitely. says, "I think so. says, "Definitely, It's a natural, It would save if it saves money being such talose money." for both commu- neighbours. They nities" are one commu- nity to me any- way." News A 0 V E R T I S E R A Metroland Community Newspaper published four times weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. OS 2H5 PtIMIhiliw. Tills wM'-- - ar LETTERS OUR READERS VIEWS ON THE NEWS Region must Region look after its own waste To the editor: Re 'Challenge to a throw- away society' in the Aug. 18 Ncw's Advertiser: As a founding (non-execu- tive) member of Pickering - Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Envirtmnuni And a for. mer municipal employee who picked up garbage and helped to build the Brock West dump, I believe I'm qualified to tell the rest of the sexy. In terms of tonnage, there are 20 million reasons why vir- tually nobody wants another landfill in this area. PACT fought all dump proposals because they were of a political nature net a NIMBY one. 1 know of three polmcians who wanted dumps in Pickering: the reason being a lucrative one. The laic Durham Regional Chairman Gary Herrema attempted to foist the PI Whitevak site in that heritage community and the other two in Pickering and Ajax believing millions of dollars could bac made in a Metro Toronto part- nership. Had PACT not inter- vened our region may have faced financial ruin. PACT's executive members were burned out during those years: several, including myself, were ostracized because of our work! Never, ever again must dumps of Brock West's magni- tude be built in this area of Durham! Currently. the blue box sys- tem is in jeopardy. If land -fill- ing is cheaper, there goes the neighbourhood. Recycling techniques and packaging problems are still being ignored by the upper levels of governments. PACT believes the Region must look after its own waste stream but in a proper and envi- ronmental manner — not a political one. Transfer stations must not be placed adjacent to residen- tial neighbourhoods. Furthermore, each owner must be conscionable and profes- sional in its operations and the province must be strict and fair in its monitoring. If not, then we will continue to live in a miasma of waste matters. Frank Threlkeld, Picketing The News Advertiser accepts k4- ters to the editor All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifi- cation. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser Waste statim foes may face long battle To the editor: You wanna light" My letter had already been sent to Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthur%' office before the request was made by coun- cillors, in the News Adverti%er's Pickering edition of Aug. 18, to have Pickering resident% respond to the announcement of the fed% rc the official designation of the 'airport site'. I have always thought, and I haven't changed my mind over the past 26 -plus years, that it was an ill thought-out plan. In fact, it was never a plan at all. Then came the news of Pickering and Ajax citizens' determination to stop the expansion of a garbage transfer station. I wish them well. Just remember the airport expropri- ation fiasco and how long and hard they will need to work to have their voices heard. They don't want to have this hanging over their heads for a quarter of a century. Frances Day, Brougbam Stiff penalties won't prevent youth crime To the editor: The Ontario government's fixation on crime and punish- ment is pushing us back into the dark ages. The philosopher Nietzsche wrote, "Beware of all those in whom the desire to punish is strong:' The desire to punish is not only strong here, it appears to be paramount. A committee of affluent cit- izens has been formed to exam- ine the problem. The solutions WAIII L11 slit` they offer were foregone con- clusions — more severe pun- ishmcni for ever younger offenders. It would be better to examine the causes of crime. All that we own is nothing while so many of our young are languishing in jails. Severe punishment has never, in any age, prevented crime. Threat of punishment may deter some. Children are not inclined to ponder the con- sequences of their actions. Perhaps they should, as should ilw+ in a rx)%ason to earns down hard on them. H.M. Gawman, Pickering Don't ridicule police officers over crash To the editor: In response to Knud V1'all's letter in the Sept. 2 News Advertiser regarding Durham police and their need for driver'% education: In recent years we have all become accustomed to destruc- tive. ignorant comments regard- ing the police forces in Canada. Mr. Wall is gravely misin- formed in regard to the recent accident on Wesiney Road. For starters neither the truck nor the three police cruisers were stopped at any traffic light. While on a break -and -enter call travel- ling in the right lane, all three cruisers were cut off by a trans- port track which turned into their lame. My question to Mr. Wall is where were they meant to go? The driver of the first cniiser suffered a very serious arm injury. It will be several months before this officer will have the ability to serve and protect. If it is a question of speed that you would raise next, I believe that no one in Durham or else- where would want the police to take their time at 3 am. while their house is being broken into. So, in conclusion, Mr. Wall, the next time you feel the meed to voice your opinion make sure you have all the facts. Two offi- cers almost died in the line of duty on that August mitiming. That is the reality to their families and friends. The last thing anyone needs in such arrear tragedy is to hear that their driving is am tinder question by the public. S.A. Marigba, Aj- MARGARET GERROIR OPINION SHAPER Pickering resident Margaret Gerroir will join many others this Sunday, Sept. 20 in the Terry Foe Run as they continue the fight against cancer. Keep up the fight... for Terry "Nis presence affected the mosses of the nation as no other person had the abilm to do. One man hrought our country to tears — one mare became an arnn•.1. As the seasons slowly start to change, the crisp fall air gently breathes its way into my lungs. The fresh green leaves take on their autumn appearance. Vibrant colours of flaming red, pumpkin orange and mustard yellow shout out their exis- tence. My memory wanders to a special time when a unique man tried to con- quer an ugly disease. I recall flashing lights from sirens as this hero coura- geously "fox-trotted" through town after town, city after city. I was only a young girl. but 1 can see Terry Fox very clearly in my mind. His battle has been passed on from generation to generation. As I grew older his struggle became my own. Cancer is a cruel disease. It sneaks up on innocent victims frequentis giving very few warning signs. It preys on the person's weak immune system. It robs them of their dignity and pride. Cancer, the magician. takes a beautiful dream and makes it disappear. It not only destroys the person it has chosen to attack. It quite often tats away at the beans of those trying to fight back. This is what hap- pened to my Jerry. Jerry was an ordinary man with an ordinary jab living an ordinary life. His family was his greatest priority. He spent moll of his life raising his two daughters and living for the time when he and his wife could offer more to each other. Quite often, we, as parents, put our own lives on hold in order to give the best to our chil- dren. We neglect our spouses for the well-being of the family. Jerry did what we all do knowing that he would have time "later' There would be time to walk hand in hard with his wife, time to laugh and frolic, time to tall in love, again. Little did they know that the future would not be theirs. Jerry's cancer came unannounced and powerfully. He weakened incred- ibly fast. I watched his manly body slowly wither away. Despite numer- ous chemotherapy treatments, Jerry was not going to survive another year. He no longer wanted to. He died on his own terms leaving many sad- dened spirits alone. The finale for Jerry and me was a constant game of telephone tag resulting in not reaching each other, not saying good-bye. I miss Jerry. I miss the jokes we used to tell. I miss working with him. 1 miss shooting him with my water pistol. 1 miss just sitting beside him. The day before we buried Jerry, 1 had a dream. A silent messenger of peace entered my subconscious. An enormous white fearful polar bear approached me. Despite his grandeur, I was not frightened. As he walked toward me staring into my eyes with his own soft browns, tranquility filled my soul. Instead of seeing Jerry walking toward the "light:' the "light" came down upon me. The message was well received. The polar bear knows no fear in ancient Indian folklore. I could now rest easy know- ing Jerry had reached his destination. Once again, this year, my family and 1 will take up the torch that Terry Fox, Jerry and millions of others left behind. I now call upon all of you to help put an end to the trail of broken hearts. Who knows? One day it might be you who we fight for... The News Advertiser selected 13 Opinion Shapers for 1998 to befog a wide variety of experience and opinions to our editorial page for your reading enjoyment. TIM WHRTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland JOANNE BURGHARDT Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD Director of Advertising DUNCAN FLETCHER Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK Classified Advertising Manager JOHN WILLEMS Real Estate/Automotive Advertising ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL Assistant Production Manager CHERYL HAINES Assistant Production Manager LILLIAN HOOK Administration Manager GENERAL 683-5110 CLASSIFIED 683-0707 DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 ADMINICLASSIFIED FAX 683-7363 COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 nowsroomOdurham.net E-MAIL www.durhamnews.net WEB SITE Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax 8 Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ontario Press Council, 80 Gould St., Toronto, Ont. M5B 2M7, an independent organization that addresses reader complaints about member newspapers. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertise. ment limited to space price error occupies. THE NEWS ADVERTNER WEDNESDAY, SEr MRER IC 19M - PAGE 7 Taxming DOWD ERic -The new pro Lihtfh MltMtr Writer Assessment, reassessment, market alue. fMany cringe at toe words which have e noun [tern into financial turnx)il as `Iltcy will tic forced to pay heliier pmper- ' iy taxes than they've been used to. Some are confused atxut how and if it will -affect them. while still others see it as 'another cash grah from a greedy Prigres- 'sive Conservative government which has made countless changes since coming to power in June, 1995. But the provincial government actual- ly took over assessment in 1970, though municipalities were left hi crunch their own numbers until now, repims Ministry of Finance, Assessment Region #13 com- missioner Mery Bowen. "There has been such a great number of inequities thrughout the province:' be notes in an interview at his Oshawa office. "You could sit in a coffee shop in one town ark] look across the street at another town and find taxation at a much different level." Twenty-eight years later, the Tory government under Premier Mike Harris has finally taken hold of tete assessment reigns. "It was a very easy thing to put off - because it was so political:' Mr. Bowen concedes. "Someone finally had a) make a clecision" At the sane time it introduced current value assessment. the Torics also legislat- ed sweeping uxauon policy changes, including do wnitxding of social services -and taking over the collection and distn- Mution of education taxes. The combination of the two has left many confused, with hundreds of resi- 'dents and business downers across Durham Region facing huge tax increas- es, particularly in Whithy and Oshawa where the last assessments tole place in 1942 and 1960, respectively. Until now. t was up to a town or city emmil to request a study out assessment and then vote to request (Kee. "It was left up to the will of council and I suspect is was net piltically expedienf' for a coun- cillor to suppom rc-assessment[ if it meant rc%kknL% in his ward would face tax i crea e%— even though it's "better for a 'municipality to keep their assessment current bccautse it could ked to an err sion of the tax hose:' Mr &riven main- tains. But Whitby and Oshawa weren't alone. "floc was a quiltwork of arras in Ontarw that were re sscssal and thxsc that weren't:' explains Mr Bowen. "Ibis Renerttnwrit Heckled n, put an end a, Mat:' According to kgslation. residcnccs and Itusincsses are to be assessed tin the June. 1996 value of thew property. The -value placed ori farms is somewhat ,umque, as it is based on txrw much it would be worth if it was sold farmer to harmer. The value could be millions more if Mie value was based out bow much the perty tax system and what it means to you... Marion Thomas of Whitevale in north Pickering expects her property taxes will skyrocket by 40 per cent this year: "Residents of Whitevale have no municipal water, no sewers, no fire 'hydrants, no gas, no TV cable and no -bus service. Only recently did we Darryl Sherman, chairman of the Downtown Oshawa Board of Management, agrees changes are overdue, but has concerns about the assessment process. What to do about your assessment + It "% ou think your assessment is a fair estimate of what your property would have sold for on June 30, 1996, you dt)n't have to do anything. + II you want to appeal your new a—c—trient call your kcal assessment office at 432-8444, You can also visit the Ministry of Finance's website at www.guv.om.ca(FN fix more informa- tion. + I t % our property has been re-assessul anal },tu still disagree with its current vale. you can appeal your Amended Notice of Property Assessment with the Assessment Review &xwd at 121 Blase St. E., 13th fhxx, Tormut, Ontario, M4W 3M5 Call 41&314-WX) or I - 8(X1 -263-3237 for rrx)rc infixtnaoon An appeal will he hearts in ymw municipality. When you pay your I,r)S taxe-s, this L% where your nuincy wiQ go: land would be %earth it v,Id to a dcsel,r cr "aril could put the farmer teff his lard" Mr &rwen explains. "ihc idea is not ut dnve soKneome off their fare" Under Bill 106, the Fair Municipal Finance Act, this assessment will be used U) calculate taxes until the year 201X). The next assessment is to be bused tin the What people start getting our garbi►ge pocked up Darryl Sherman, chairman of Downtown Oshawa Board of Man- agement and owner of Wilson's Fur- niture: "1'm concerned atxui the whole + 1 '� per cent to edaatiun (which is set by tlx: provincial government collected by municipaliucs and funnelled back to the Province for pooling and redistnbu- ticm to school boards). + 40 per cent to regional government. aM,ut half of which will go toward new (downloaded) services. It includes a greater share of welfare and social lxxsing, as well as land ambulance, GO Transit, child care and so on. + 25 per cent to kcal government, In previus years, your tax dollars were divided differently: + 5�; per cent to ydxx local schxx>I board + per cent to kcal government + 21 per cent to regional govemmenL HOWTO C ALCULATF YOUR TAXES Assessment x tax raft (Jormorrfj nrill nw) = oar", Mune .K1. I'M value ,d i pn,pern, which will he used to calculate taxes for 2CX)I and 2002 After 2(X)4. assessment is ki be done annually. "That will take the wild thungs in the (real estate) market out of there:' explains Mr. Bovero, panting w highs and lows that would pet some papery owners at a are saying: ascssntcnt prx:ess. Some husinesses have big savings, some have small savings, some will have big increases fin taxed. I'm particularly concerned with small businesses, some of which will we a 100 -per cent increase. it's disadvantage and others at an advantage. But he warns property owners — 85 per cent of whom are residential owners in Durham — riot to immediately blame assessment when they get their tax hills. "Every year, taxes go up. The only thing we can do here is look a1 the value we've placed on their property. If we have the market value of their house cor- rect, we can't do anything atx)ut (how much they have to pay):' Mr. Bowen explains. "Many people feel that, if their taxes ave too high, they have to get their horses reassessed" The assessment office takes a number of factors into consideration when plac- ing a value on your home. It will deter- mine hone much you paid for your home and when, as all sales are listed with the Region's registry office. It will look at the number of similar Nimes which have been sold on your street and factor in such differences as lot size, square footage, whether you have a garage and what size it is. It also deter- mines if you have filed a building permit for such projects as swimming pools. additions. decks and finished basements — though Mr. Bowen realizes not all property ,owners will obtain building per- mits for all these projects — and a com- puter will add that to the value of your home. Admittedly, its much more diffi- cult to assess the value of Waal residential homes. where houses on neighbxmring properties can vary greatly in value. "[hose houses are all unique:' says Mr Bowcn. "-Beat's been our most diffi- cult assessment" One hoxre, for example. may sit on two acres, while another sits on six acres, a large portion n of which may be nothing more than swamp. Which is worth mem? "If they ol>jcxK to our value, they have the option to request a re-evaluation:' Mr. Bowen assures. "But they have to remember the dao swings both ways. We may determine the tome is actually worth more" At that point a property owner can turn to the Province's Assessment Review BdxwxL where they must pay $20 to file an appeal. Hearings arc held to each municipality and a chairman from the Ministry of the Attorney Crcrter-al's office has the final say in determining the value of a property after listening to argu- trtens from the pruperty owner aril the assessor. The deadline to file an appeal was Aug. 31, though Minister ttf Finance Erne Evct plans tai intrducc legislation that wswld exrcnoi the deadline to Oce 30. a move other parties must agree to. Already. Durham'% assessment office has received rixxe than 4W . pries wild Mr &)svd-n expects marc it the deadline is extended. Thxugh assessments were sent out mdxuhs. ago, Mr. Bowen suispects many peotpk will get a "wake-up call" when they get their tax bills. going to provide hardship for some. I'm concerned that the area has his- torically been (assessed) too high. In the '60h, it was the place to be. Now it's one of marry places to he ... The rc needs to he fairness in how it's applied; I believe the process is flawed:" i Auto wrecker, others owners rip new tax plan t.AUTO/From page 1 don't know what they're trying to do to people. This isn't the kind of business '.:where you're going to retire a million- l'aire. Hopefully, you can stay one step ahead of the bank and the bill collec- e tors. It's a tough grind:' eo Mr. Kaufman says he's been over - assessed because his property has been compared to similar ones on Taunton 1 Road, and is planning to appeal his It assessment. �. "How in God's name can somebody trcompare me to a road which is a main :,thoroughfare and is fully serviced?" He sees the assessment and tax 1 increases being dumped on business i people as a "cash grab" by govern- ment, which needs to be fought y against. J: "What we have to do here is what ,:,,Small i In my May 27 column I comment - "led negatively about the use of the n*plastic AD -BAG as a means to dis- c tribute unsolicited advertising. Last ':week, a report from the Region of Durham's Recycling Centre stated that it has been receiving a higher "than normal level of plastic bag cont- 'tamination in the Blue Box which is 'i directly related to the AD -BAG being distributed by Canadian Media Net- awork. When the first bag appeared at my door, I called AD -BAG and a spokesperson revealed [hat they had received similar calls regarding the wording on the bags that encouraged people to put them in their Blue Box. 1 was told that 1 could have my address removed from delivery. This strategy appeared to be short-lived. However, the last AD -BAG I received did state that it can be recycled where facilities exist. Nevertheless, the AD - they do in other parts of the world we have to have riots in the streets:' Anna Willson, owner of Whilevale Craftworks, is seeing her property tax- es go up to about $2,577 from $1,707 (including the business occupancy tax) on an assessment which has increased to $68,000 from $51,000. "I've been here since 1976, but it is a small business:' says Ms. Willson, who offers weaving and spinning lessons as well as selling weaving, spinning and knitting materials. "That's maybe my whole gross sales for a month." Ms. Willson simply doesn't find the increase reasonable for a business like hers. "1'm certainly one that wants to pay my fair share, but I want it to be a fair share:' Scott Magder and two other lawyers he shares offices with at Eve- lyn Avenue and Kingston Road are among those facing the biggest increases. The 2,11(]0 square -fax build- ing purchased for about $350000 in 1993, with no sewer hook-up and no garbage pick-up, has been reassessed at $609,000, and the taxes on it are going from $6,029 (including business occupancy tax) last year to $23.142 in 1998. "That's a big whack" reports Mr. Magder. "It's 52,000 that goes to taxes every month before anything gets paid.- The aid "The assessment is being appealed and the provincial assessment office has already indicated it may be too high, but Mr. Magder and the others believe there's a problem with the commercial tax rate being charged as well. since their tax increases are sig - nificantly exceeding assessment increase%. He suggests the tax burden is being placed on the commercial sec- tor to avoid increasing residential tax- es. Pickering is alone among the large Durham municipalities in having its commercial establishments hard hit by the recent tax changes, and the Town cannot change or phase in the rates on its own. The new tax ratios for busi- nesses — their level relative to resi- dential taxes — have been set by the Province. "Now the Province has said you have to use these ratios and they have to be right across the Region:' explains Paul Richards, manager of budgets, economic studies and risk management for the Regional finance department. "We don't know how they calculated those ratios, they won't tell us. plastic `Ad -Bags' causing Blue Box problems LARRAINE ROULSTON RECYCLER'S� REPORTU ..2 BAG still jeopardizes our Blue Box. Unfortunately, residents do not always read the small print and Peter Watson, Durham's regional manager of Waste Management, is concerned about [he message residents receive when newspapers and plastic are mixed together. "The only type of plastic accepted in the Region's Blue Box recycling programme is PETE, which can be identified by the recycling loop with a number A' inside, printed on the container:' Mr. Watson said. "Every day, thousands of AD -BAGS arrive at the Region's Recycling Centre mixed in with newspapers. Many are still unopened and contain flyers and brochures. These are considered a serious contaminant by the paper mills that purchase Blue Box newspa- pers for paper recycling:' At present the market for plastic film is low and Durham does not to plan to collect this type of plastic in the near future. However, shoppers who patronize Pickering's Dominion Sav-A-Centre at the Amberlea Plaza can deposit clean plastic bags in the supermarket's recycling bin kxated between the two main sets of doors. Durham Region arks that residents help keep the cost of our recycling programme to a minimum by keeping all plastic bags out of their Blue Box. In order to continue a successful recycling program, 1 would like to see our town leaders have the politi- cal will to pass a bylaw banning the distribution of the bags until a collec- tion method, either through the Blue Box or at special depots, is in place. Place all #1 plastic, tin, glass and aluminum pie plates loose in your Blue Box. Crush cans and flatten pop tins and plastic bottles to conserve space on the truck. Have another box or hamper to collect all paper and top with newspaper and magazines. To keep paper from blowing away, place your Blue Box on top of the paper box. Do not bag your newspapers with plastic bags. Bundle corrugated cardboard, boxboard and brown paper bags separately. TIP: When shopping, take your own doth bags to limit the number of plastic bags that enter your home. Laraine Roulsto n's column exploring environmental issues regularly appears on Wednesday. AT QUEEN'S PARK Hugh Segal, now and then A candidate from Ontario is running second in the race for fed- eral Progressive Conservative leader, but few here would recog- nize him. Hugh Segal has the same name but little other resemblance to the backroom strategist who has spent most of his political career in Ontario government and politics. Mr. Segal is generally consid- ered running not far behind former prime minister Joe Clark. Ontari- ans think they know him best because of his decade as a chief adviser to the former long -serving premier William Davis, longer than hes involvement at the federal level, but they are beginning to wonder. Among other dramatic conver- sions. Mr. Segal has come out in favour of proportional representa- tion. alloxcating seats to parties according to the number of vutes they attract. which appeals to fed- eral Tories who have little chance of winning many riding contests soon. Ontario New Democrats. who have similarly bleak prospects for the immediate future, also are pushing proportional representa- tion. The Ontario Tories stayed in j government through 13 consecu- live elections from 1943 to 19145 always with fewer than half, and several times with little more than one-third, of the votes cast, because those against them were divided almost evenly between Liberals and New Democrats. If the opposition parties had been allotted seats based on pro- portional representation. they would have had more combined than the Tories and probably turfed I them out sooner, but Mr. Segal was never heard calling for proportion- al representation while his party retrained in power. Mr. Segal now says he has a burnmc Jcstrc w :tic taxes end "tea fiscal and economic issues I view myself as to the right of the party. I believe in reducing taxes and pay- ing down debt and have zero soler- ance for deficits." But in titles, including principal secretary to Davis. Mr. Segal had influence in a government that increased taxes virtually every year except when it planned an election, and did not want tax hikes fresh in voters' minds. He helped Mr. Davis in such costly misadventures as buying pan of an oil company eventually 1 sold back to dee private sector for a loss of hundreds of millions of dol- lars and pouring millions into a resort sold back at huge loss and vast subsidies to businesses already doing well enough, now stopped by more frugal Tories under Premier Mike Harris. He also had a lot of tolerance for deficits then. His Tories never bal- &need a budget, unlike Tories before and even Liberals later, and instead several years ran up deficits 1 of $2 billion, an unprecedented sum in those days. Mr. Segal, it should be admitted, wrote an election pamphlet promis- ing to balance the budget in 1981, but the Tories unfortunately that year had a deficit of $I billion. I The new Mr. Segal is concerned that the federal Liberal government is secretive in decision-making and I says he would provide -fair-mind- ed and open government" so the public can see how decisions are made and its confidence in govern- ment will be restored. This is believed to have caused some of Premier Harris's ministers to gag on their coffees. Mr. Segal loomed large in a small, mostly unelected clique that made all the Davis government's key decisions in back rooms and handed them to its caucus to rubber-stamp, usually an hour before it was to introduce them in the legislature so there could be no pulling back. Bob Runciman, now solicitor general, and Norm Sterling in envi- ronment are among Tories who have publicly blamed Mr. Davis for this governing by clique. Mr. Segal also has come out as a strong advocate of capital punish- ment and the common theme to his actions is that he will jump on any right-wing bandwagon shown to be popular. When Mr. Harris's election chairman, Tom Long, once said that Davis's Tory party had no prin- ciples and was run by insiders reading polls, he meant particular- ly Mr. Segal, who is back at his old game. PAGE{ -THE NEWS ADVERTMEIL W'EUNF_1UAl'. SFTfEM6ER16.19" !� 1 N 0 � � �5 1a ,au ♦1 .. t i. �4 Lc a ' This is where we live. We see things others miss. Our senses are sharper. Our commitment knows no limit. For 1106 years, we've been covering Toronto. So, if you're looking for the stories that matter most, then loo'k to The Star. Every day. it's where you live.' photo by A.J. 6roen Cash for kids... Ajax -based children's charity Helping the Kids was given a financial boost recently with a donation from staff and patrons at Don Cherry's sports bars located around Durham Region. Celebrating a Durham police officers awarded for heroic actions By Cin* L oshaN SW, , Standing at the bottom of a %m oke - filled swinca c in a downtown Whithv building as a fire raged next door and with the possibility of people still upstain looming, two Durham police ollicen made a split decision. "Chris (Winn) and I looked at each other and stud 'let's go' and we did what ircdcd to he dome:' says Constable Bruce Kos:ick, describing what hap- -ncd on July 23. 1997, when fire con- t�cf oflk*", AN -As *0 - E"f�l�df9:".�'.'� ... -idents displaced by the fire to *Icrmin- if there were still people in bLighhouring buildings. they, broke ¢own a ground -1,,d door and chmbrd c stairs w the upper apartments. •rc. they found two sleeping men. ltnaware of the nearby fire, and ushered �cm out of the house. Const. Christian - lion joined the search and together the Otti,ers located five more people. The three officers were awarded for it heroic actions list Friday when y received spatial awards for show - thy, great initiative. courage and going �v, nd the call of duty at the Durham cgt+ "al Police Senices' annual �yvarods night. A total of fur officers rrc given the award. "1 felt urgency to govt these people flout and 1 know Chris did and Duey did. �ut I didn't feel any danger:' explains (µomt. Kosack, a 12 -year member of ptc Durham Regional Police. 11 But despite the fact the three officers Psked their lives. Const. Kovack mains humble about the actions and a lie ovcrwWmcd by the amount of ention the officers' actions have gar - red. "I realize not everyone 'would go [o that place. but I think there was more than me who would:' he says. Const. Winn was recognized for a second time Friday. along with Consta- ble Dean Bertrim. for their efforts in a domestic dispute where a woman was stabbed. The incident happened when consta- bles Berinin and Winn arrived at a Whitby home after receiving a call that a woman was screaming in her back- yard that she did not want to die. lire officers surprised a man covered in blood as he was walking to the front door and arrested and secured him. As Const. Winn took control of the man, Const. Bertrim went to the kitchen, where he found a woman bleeding from three neck wounds, numerous other slashes and puncture wounds. Court. Bertrim administered first aid and attempted to stop the bleeding from her wounds, one of which was just five millimetres from her jugular vein. All four officers received citations for their actions. Top officers awarded were (from left) Bruce Kovack, Darcy Christianson and Chriss Winn. $500 donation for the group were (from left) Jim Hussey, Dave Farr. Kathy Price and Tracey Pollard. The money was raised through raffles and a sum- mer party. THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNYtiDAY, SErrEM.ER 16, 1"N - One Of Canada's Top Fund � Managers Is Here To Analyse Todait"s Investors. Pickering Investment Advisor Stephen Frederick Is Pleased To Present Fund Manager Kim Shannon, MBA, CFA. Kim Shannon successfully manages Spectrum United's Canadian Investment Fund. With 14 years experience as an analyst and portfolio manager, Kim has a reputation as a disciplined, insightful stock picker. Her strategy involves seeking out inexpensive, high-value stocks. This stable, low-risk approach has resulted in consistent, proven performance. Hear her in person on September 30th! Join Kim Shannon on Wednesday, September 30, at 7:00 PM in the O'Brien Room at the Pickering Recreation Complex. To book your place at this high interest meeting, please call Janet at 839-5807 fho ad pad m part by: RaC DOMINION SPECTRUM UNITED , SECURITIES MUTUAL ruvtx Professional Wealth Management aye Copyright 1998. sears Canada Inz. Corrie see the many sides of SearsTM t. r photo by A.J. 6roen Cash for kids... Ajax -based children's charity Helping the Kids was given a financial boost recently with a donation from staff and patrons at Don Cherry's sports bars located around Durham Region. Celebrating a Durham police officers awarded for heroic actions By Cin* L oshaN SW, , Standing at the bottom of a %m oke - filled swinca c in a downtown Whithv building as a fire raged next door and with the possibility of people still upstain looming, two Durham police ollicen made a split decision. "Chris (Winn) and I looked at each other and stud 'let's go' and we did what ircdcd to he dome:' says Constable Bruce Kos:ick, describing what hap- -ncd on July 23. 1997, when fire con- t�cf oflk*", AN -As *0 - E"f�l�df9:".�'.'� ... -idents displaced by the fire to *Icrmin- if there were still people in bLighhouring buildings. they, broke ¢own a ground -1,,d door and chmbrd c stairs w the upper apartments. •rc. they found two sleeping men. ltnaware of the nearby fire, and ushered �cm out of the house. Const. Christian - lion joined the search and together the Otti,ers located five more people. The three officers were awarded for it heroic actions list Friday when y received spatial awards for show - thy, great initiative. courage and going �v, nd the call of duty at the Durham cgt+ "al Police Senices' annual �yvarods night. A total of fur officers rrc given the award. "1 felt urgency to govt these people flout and 1 know Chris did and Duey did. �ut I didn't feel any danger:' explains (µomt. Kosack, a 12 -year member of ptc Durham Regional Police. 11 But despite the fact the three officers Psked their lives. Const. Kovack mains humble about the actions and a lie ovcrwWmcd by the amount of ention the officers' actions have gar - red. "I realize not everyone 'would go [o that place. but I think there was more than me who would:' he says. Const. Winn was recognized for a second time Friday. along with Consta- ble Dean Bertrim. for their efforts in a domestic dispute where a woman was stabbed. The incident happened when consta- bles Berinin and Winn arrived at a Whitby home after receiving a call that a woman was screaming in her back- yard that she did not want to die. lire officers surprised a man covered in blood as he was walking to the front door and arrested and secured him. As Const. Winn took control of the man, Const. Bertrim went to the kitchen, where he found a woman bleeding from three neck wounds, numerous other slashes and puncture wounds. Court. Bertrim administered first aid and attempted to stop the bleeding from her wounds, one of which was just five millimetres from her jugular vein. All four officers received citations for their actions. Top officers awarded were (from left) Bruce Kovack, Darcy Christianson and Chriss Winn. $500 donation for the group were (from left) Jim Hussey, Dave Farr. Kathy Price and Tracey Pollard. The money was raised through raffles and a sum- mer party. THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNYtiDAY, SErrEM.ER 16, 1"N - One Of Canada's Top Fund � Managers Is Here To Analyse Todait"s Investors. Pickering Investment Advisor Stephen Frederick Is Pleased To Present Fund Manager Kim Shannon, MBA, CFA. Kim Shannon successfully manages Spectrum United's Canadian Investment Fund. With 14 years experience as an analyst and portfolio manager, Kim has a reputation as a disciplined, insightful stock picker. Her strategy involves seeking out inexpensive, high-value stocks. This stable, low-risk approach has resulted in consistent, proven performance. Hear her in person on September 30th! Join Kim Shannon on Wednesday, September 30, at 7:00 PM in the O'Brien Room at the Pickering Recreation Complex. To book your place at this high interest meeting, please call Janet at 839-5807 fho ad pad m part by: RaC DOMINION SPECTRUM UNITED , SECURITIES MUTUAL ruvtx Professional Wealth Management aye Copyright 1998. sears Canada Inz. Corrie see the many sides of SearsTM IMA. IU - THE \F:N'\ AU\'F:Irt'ItiE:R w't;UNE-mAI', %t.rrI:htl5k.k it. 14" ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLIFF IN AJAX AND PICKFRING L y Just like magic! photo by Andrew Iwar►owslri This 'magic' book Impressed audience volu- u the Pickering Town Centre Local kids turned teer Michael Hayes. 6. who took part In the per- out at the event to witness the wonders of mag- tormance by 'Magic Mike during a recent visit ic. Call for crafters i'Il KEW'*( — lhr Nuu iw u iialx slct_h ts;!• nnrin_ , (hgantitvs of the Dunharton-Fair- Pin Vrined Chur:h 24th Annual Christ- mas Ba/au and Crati Shim tlo anti shish 1,, kmg for crattspcoplc interest- ed to nuking hanJmadc items to partic- ipate lit client will he held Saturday. No% 's For more inforrnanon drop into the :hurch (Wice at IW Dunhar- ton Rd tin call ti39.7271 •wspa, e� Please :.u:s Pape 23 (nem Ar E,e in Vrkrtg washers start at 6499-. not as '­traW Maytag washer was shown in error, P.t le 27 - ,llem 7) Century Fold'n Go care con. penl.n not as shown Mie sincerely apologize to our valued customers and regret any inconvenience or contusion this may have caused. EATON'S ADVERTISING CORRECTION In our �;r. 17a5hior P,evlew insF , ,noudeo .r this newspaper. Please note Page 59 - Aacio watches. 52.000. - price is higher tear advertised. Copy should read -Rado watches. 52.5007. Page 55 - Luca B for Capco shoe. $90 - not as illustrated. Shoe is available in black or taupe only We sincerely apologize to our valued customers and regret any uncorwenience or confusion this may have caused. EATON'S ass vholaton" —w rpt ot.u�saswts■ twa.. 43�-dso3? tII-/ I2-0 Sit las Soft 124 You can be a County Town Singer L ookln,_• for a :m opportunit) it) he %ocal Do lou Ireyuenth sing in the shower without otlendtng tamil% memhers or pets" II so. the C'ouni lbwn Stngers would like to hear from cou. The local singing group is hold- ing auditions for new members U.cdnesdas. sept 16 at 7:30 p.nt. at the Whnhc Seniors Acticin Centre. 801 Brock St. N . Whnh). Openings are ;nallahle to all sec- tions. For more intormanon, call the group at 666 E� Discover... • ny A unique style of musical performance. Eastside Harmony Women's Chorus is offering Free Singing Lessons during their araival Membership Drive starting Thursday, September 17 at 7:30 p.?n. West Rouge Community Centre 270 Rouge Hill Drive. Scarhorough New Members minted - Low lidera Welcome Join us for singing and Jun.' For information. call Anne: 905-831-2329 or 905-683-1097 SPECIALS! -';-"r11" �"p11" ALLAN SURPRISE BAGS (36-) $22.99 SPICE GIRL LOLLIPOPS (24..) 56.49 SPICE GIRL GUM (200.) $12.49 FRUIT SLICE POPS (72•) $5.99 NEON COBRAS (72.) 56.39 WERTHER ROLLS (24.) $12.99 TOSUTO COLA BOTTLES (72.,) $6.99 BEENIE BABIES r+Er v r PAP NOW AVAILABLE and & Confectionery Dis 9T. SH Eb d+ •� _ :-rte-: r _ 4 1G/[CQL7 MPf"Tiff-U, «t • \ � 2 tri r BEER•BIERE AWW*Z0A4i-,d#WA 7" 6" j - 5"r M1 _ 4" 3" -2 e Actual size Pabst Blue Ribbon 950 o l cans available at Beer steres throughout Ontario Mongoose 950 mL taus available at Beer stores a LCBO throughout Ontario The Awesome 950mL can imow o-nly $2.80 Price effective until October 13,1998. Plus 10C can Deposit. Price subject to change without notice. Please don't drunk and drive Brewed by Lakeport Brewing Corporation, Hamilkm, Canada. Regular price $3.30 plus 100 deposit THEATRE REVIEW Herongate farce makes extra -marital affair a lot of fun By ern AMPSM Special to the News Advertiser Marital infidelity has a rich heritage as it topic of theatre, both tragedy and farce. The pouihilities in both directions are evident in the sto- ry of U.S. President Bill C hn- ton. For letter or worse. modern playwrights have concentrated more on the comic aspects of the subject than on the serious side. A good example of this is the farnous farce with which Heron - gate Barn Theatre has just opened their fall season and the Pickering community theatre season. It is 'How the Other Half Loves' by Alan Avckhoum. an inventive British playwright. Ayckhoum is as prolific on the other side of the Atlantic as Neil Simon is on this side. This is a witty play. per- formed on an unusual set that represent tau different living rooms at the time. The second scene, in which two din- ner panics take place simultane- ously, is a triumph of originality in comedic theatre writing. The six characters are three married couples, portrayed by a talented cast of Bonnie Morri- son. Shari Rubinson -Coulter, Elizabeth Holden, Daryl Marks. Ray Pomll, and Craig Tallman, Behind the scenes, the play depends on the combined tal- ents of director Ann E. Ward, lighting and sound operator � HERONGATE BARN THEATRE 2885 Altona Rd. Pickering NOW PLAYING HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES" ...An Ingenious Comedy 1 1 R 905-472-3085 anaw 7..•• ar... EATERY OPEN EVERY DAY 900 am George Delukas. and stage manager extraurdmaire Joanne Nonan. With a fine cast and crew, as well as a fast -paced plot, this play makes a story of an extra- marital affair a lot of lun. How the Other Half Loves runs Thursday through Sunday until Oct. 31. Herongate Barn Theatre is on Altona Road in Pickering. eight kilometres north of Hwv. 2. Call LAIS-472- 3085 for tickets and intorma- tion. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS UTILE AS YOU CAN AT NOME Breakfast Special (Daily) Luncheon Specials Daily $649 TWO CAN DINE FOR$ 449 (Every Day of The Week) EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT$J 049 (Emyll ng on our menu (after 5:00 p.m.) or few TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE 959°° PickeringTown Centre 839-2507 THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY. SEI1'EM5CR 16, Ifs • PAGE 11 r, v SAVE 45°' W �ww"t Mites of the year! mode for sears by MCHEW 120,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty' An all season prermlL� •,re ghat provides excellent wet -weather handling. The tread design is optimized for low noise and longer —leage with even wear. #58(M ee.,es Outstanding buy! S'ilvergaard® ST tiros are backed by a 100,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty, Bridgestone• are mud and snow rated for ouhtanding aifseason traction Come see the many sides of Sears'v HENRI GRFTHEL 8000E JACKET $295 • POLO SHIRT S115 1 PANTS Iu0 SELECTED STORES I PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNOSDAY• SF VW,MUVR 16,199M BILLBOARD WHAT'S HAPPENING 1N ,AJAX AND PICKERING WEDNESDAY, p.m. in the gymn at SEPT. 16 St. Isaac Jogues VOLLEYBALL: Catholic School, Morns and tots vol- 1166 Finch Ave., leyball is held Pickering. It's open Wednesdays from to girls aged fire to 9 to 11:15 am. at 15. The district the East Shore covers Glengrove, Community Cen- Mapleglen and St. tre. Liverpool Rd. Isaac Jogues. 420 - south of Bayly St., 2620. Pickering. Babysrt- CANCER SUP - ting available. $10 PORT: The Cana - at start of year, $1 than Cancer Soci- every week. Regis- ety's Living with ter, 420-0652. Breast Cancer PARENTS: The drop-in support Ajax -Pickering group meets at 7 chapter of the One p.m. at the Fortune Parent Families Financial offices, Association holds 335 Bayly St. W. at its weekly meeting Finley Ave., Ajax. It for custodial and offers support and non-custodial par- information to encs at 8 p.m. at breast cancer Annandale Golf patients, their fami- and Curing Gub, lies and friends. corner of Church 686.1516. and Bayly Sts., PARENTING: The Ajax. New mem- John Howard bers welcome. Society of Ajax - 831 -1201. Pickering holds a photo by Ron Pletroniro SINGERS: The six -part Active Par - County Town gram To-rJay pro - Going for a test drive? Sktgers hold ouch- gramme from tions for new merry Sept. 17 to Oct.22. bars at 7:30 p.m. at Each session is at the Whitby Seniors 136 Commercial Deanna Hensman, 4, took a break from all the fun at the Ajax Family Festival last Activity Centre, Ave., Ajax, from 7 weekend and sat for a few minutes at the Dupont booth set up during the festi- 801 Brock St. N., to 9 p.m. 427- val's trade show. The trade show provided local businesses with an opportunity Whitby. 666-2822. 8165. to showcase their products and services. CANCER: Yoga for Bodies Under Stress, for cancer a°`i �_ :: ., • ®� „ patients their caregivers., is bald 15 a. m 10 to r a.Hearth m. at Heaearth Place Cancer Sup- port Centre. 86 Oshawa. St. W.. Oshawa. Bring Wankel and srrtall plow. I"- ad - ed space. regetra tion regkued. 579- 4833 t i Reliahlc, superviscd clay- rare ata home in IjLtir neighbinlrh(xxl • Safe, comfortable environments • Reliable local back-up for Provider's • Stimulating daily programs holidays or illness • Trained, professional Providers • Complete insurance coverage • Monthly home inspections • Income tax receipts supplied and. we welcome full or part-time care for children from 6 weeks of age! Wft vetch_!.� Prtfslt filo■. tllsyCart A ucensea Agerey For Information Call: 686-4816 We're online at www.durhamnews.net is a session on : , ,t .�' 6 relaxation and • - NL EL ME — guided Imagery techniques for cancer paitients 1998 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER andtheir30 tn givers from 1:30 - -SPECIAL EDITION /.rand New) — 3 p.m 579-4833. ' • Power Windows p Air Conditioning • Drivers Side T O A S T M A S- • Automatic • Roof Rack 51iding Door TIERS: The Ajax- • Floor Mat• • 7 P"*enger • BRAND NEW Pickering Toast- • V6 • AM/FM masters group • Power Locks Cassette w . rrtaels from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every $ e Wedrtescfay at the Fortune Financial ., office at the caner of Bayty St- and s , qx communi- 1998 RAM ST 4x2 Finley Ave.. Ajax. cation and leader- stip skills 686- 1443, 683-a439. VP $ SEPT. 17 $AW TO 4s483 v. FIBROMYALGIA, ALLERGIES i ASTHMAL Arlene Woolcox. a former RegisterW rse (fa 12 Yearss)) wd wit coal $ 198 speak at the Pick- ering 1998 BREEZE The Esplanade. f��IC,Hi Pickering (40, a pm. For ee *Auto •Air conditioning so pm. mr-I admussion f� •Pbw�er steering •Plus •Np G.4.5 treserve (416) 693-8W3 or •Power Brakes much more 4905) 4286064. C A N C E R open BEREAVEMENT: TLC, an inlamnal open support group for care SAW - gims . to 1997 CINOSLER TOWN t COMM 19% CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNM 1993 CHRYSLER CONCORDE Cancer, is held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hearth Place Can - car Support Cen- tre, 86 Colborne SL W., Oshawa. 5794833. CANCER: Feeing Yaw Best During Cancer Therapy, Fully loaded, leather, etc. One Fully loaded, leather, etc. One Fully loaded, low kilometres, an informational owner. Only 34,000 miles. Stk. owner. Only 39,000 miles. Stk. balance of factory warranty. Stk. workshoip for P� ple about to begin #72618. #V5804. #T2021A1. Pb treatrnent and #*W ewegivers, is held at 7:30 p.m. at Hearth Place Can- MEET THE VILLk, ser Support Cen- tre, 86 Colborne i V7 81. W., Oshawa A s 1 s , 5 -4 carloer patient who ML has undergone &eabnents will be MIKE TED DWAYNE TED JIM DON HAZEN WKI on hand to share personal experi-` CHRYSL M eines. Call 579 4833. V GIRL GUIDES: Mapleglen Disinicx for Brownies, Gil Guides and Sparks hold regis- bation from 7 to 8 RIGHT • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME - r r i LJ ­ in • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME 0 .786 1996 VOYAGER Includes auto, p.s., p.b., AC, 7 passengers, balance of warranty. Stk. #V5784. N i HWy, W1 41 TORONTO .VLLAGE vLrwiouTH CINwSLF.R OSHAWA -tif,1 71 W. /� v..®_ • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME - r r i LJ ­ in • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME 0 .786 1996 VOYAGER Includes auto, p.s., p.b., AC, 7 passengers, balance of warranty. Stk. #V5784. N i HWy, W1 41 TORONTO .VLLAGE vLrwiouTH CINwSLF.R OSHAWA o parking on street near Petticoat Creek PICKERING — 'No parking' signs will he installed on a street near Pon - coat Creek Con- servation Arca, though that may shift an existing parking problem to another street. That warning comes from the Town's public works depart- ment, which rec- ommended an amendment to a bylaw that would prohibit parking along both sides of Rodd Avenue between the cast limit of the west intersection of Bella Vista Drive and the cast ter- minus of Rodd Avenue. The recom- mendation fol- lowed a neigh- bouncoixl petition received earlier this summer which identified on -street parking on Rodd Avenue as a major con- cern along with othertrafic-relat- ed issues. "It was sug- gested in the peti- tion that the haz- ards associated with speeding cars is com- pounded by the fact that Rodd Avenue is regu- larly lined with the vehicles of tet, those persons reportedly avoid- ing the entrance fee at the main gale at Petticoat Creek Conscrva- tion Arca:' a report from pub- lic works explains. ..Thc rural nature of the cross-section of the road thereby requires that park visitors, water- front trail users and local resi- dents mast walk in the middle of the road where they are swxepti- ble to the hazards of moving vehic- ular traffic;' the report adds. The restric- tions will he in effect between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturdays, Sun- days and hola- days. Those restrictions were requested by the majority of Rodd Avenue residents during a recent resident poll con- ducted by the Town. Ist West Shore Scouts registration PICKERING - Scouts Canada Ist West Shore is hosting registra- tions for boys and girls in all s e c t i o n s (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Ventur- ers, Rovers) Monday, Sept. 14. It takes place at Frenchman's Bay Public School on Okla- homa Drive just west of West Shore Boule- vard. Phone 839- 8337 for infor- mation. But the report also cautions that Implementation of the bylaw may shift the existing parking problem to Bella Vista Drive or other nearby streets in the south Rose - bank neighbour- hoxxl. "Such an occurrence may require monitor- ing and possibly the passing of further bylaw amendments to disperse or elimi- nate on -street parking:' the report notes. ..This initia- tive must receive regular enforce- ment to be elfec- 1 i vet" I III. %F.14S AIA Elrl'ISER WEDF0_%DAY, SF.YlF.MSKR If. 1"ll • PAGE 13 To your health! photo by Andrew Iwanowski The Whol!st ; ­,ilth Fair Claremont last weekend most of their health. Organizer Karen Marks In;it- brought 'og,ther ',Pa'}h organ ratir)n: rrorn ed various agencies to take part. The event aroum! Pq, ; D P "P le!d a' �laremr)nt United Church COO TLETS ST EV TRADE-IN SALE SE ER 17-27 / TRADE IN your OLD DISHES for NEW! NNER OU BRING I CORNING WILL GIVE YOU A DOLLAR rarotter ilIaenpsOrmaV0netn+heaelaoree onf �EoIose1O5` Sale Enft Sept.Lfa{ sets nr nyen s1osY erthaseU e �a GREAT SAVINGS ON ALL YOUR FAVOURITE BRANDS! Mi tech Il;�, .nrpparrl \.• a 1— Rc—M Peri... I nr1 is 19051771-3576 (416)63-3`-5636 (9051428-9530 RICHMOND HILL DOWNSVIEW PICKERING aao aw .. • ^ SM` ew x ,. ME 14 • TNF NCWs ADYFwinsam WEDNESDAY. SWMMBF M 16. 1"S ftw .��..— Shan Groutls • Great Rano6 Low Prices • Oases tot apes 3 to 65 Saturday flood or Sunday a.m Markham Rd.. S. of Steeles (416)412-0404 ISK1111W104kii . . BEERS WINES SPORTS i Z FOR lox off RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING `roc nosoleds`dwims s ALE 111 090 l6�il) --837-1818 Pickering woman to compete against galaxy's best PERSONAL- TRAINER TO PUT BR.ANN'N ANI) BEAUTY TO TEST AT FITNESS EVENT FINALS IN CALIFORNIA -By At Rirett Sports Edr,cr, PICKERING -- A Pickering woman �%ho sunned one battle of the fittest will compete against the elite in the U.S. next month. NIcki Irwin, 27, a personal train- er at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex, finished in the top 15 out of approximately 75 women at the Mus Galaxy Fitness Competition in Columbus. Ohio last month. As a result. she qualified to com- pete at the finals of the Miss Galaxy • Nova Fitness Competition InRedon- do Beach. California Oct. '_ti to Nuc. I. Irwin says she was surprised by her top -15 finish at the Miss Galaxy' competition recogniiing beauty and strength as it was her first time par- ticipating in the Ohio event. ••1 wasn't sure I was going to do well. There were a lot of girls and I wasn't exactly sure what (the NICKI IRWIN Going to California judges) were looking for. I was Ajax Warriors Soccer Club INDOOR SOCCER REGISTRATION Spaces are Hmited- Wed., Sept. 16 -- 6:30pm to 8:30pm Sat., Sept. 19 -- 10am to 2pm Ajax Warriors Soccer Clubhouse 25 Centennial Road Boys 8l.$ per player` Girls 90 •discount for Ages 5 -17 famtlly of 3 or more All izames are plaved in Ajax on Sundays. The season runs from November '98 through March '99. Contact Greg Evans, Indoor Manager, 666-4007 or Maria SaltareUi 686-5434 evCued and really glad I made the iop j5.. The Ohio competition consisted of an obstacle course where partici- pants raced against the cluck. Designed by U.S. air force person- nel, the course tested women's strength. speed, endurance and co- ordination. The women then donned .wimwcar to he scored on poise. beauty and physique. The obstacle ,:curse and swimwear competitions figured equally in determining the overall winner. While the competition will he fierce it the finals in California. Irwin sacs she's buoyed by her result at Ohio. -It gave me a lot of confidence and it has given me a feel for what I have to look forward to in Califor- ma. The competition is going to be way up there. I'm hoping to do bet- ter than in Ohio. 1'd like to come top five:' After the Ohio competition. Irwin took three weeks away from train ing. but is now hack to a daily regi- men of fitness and Cardiovascular workouts and training four to five times a week at her personal ohsta- Sr%% E UP I'0 1500 OFF MANti FIREPLACES TO CHOOSE FROM TO MEET ANY HOME DECOR - DIRECT VENT, INSERT. FREE-STANDING UNITS. COME IN NO" FOR THE REST SELECTION' 7ve, wn,..r Ire• .,.� ...sure ,W..r +.. � :r, -ww �t.IHrY.s s IrYd Cie course in north Pickering. She'll also get sonic help to detrav the costs of training and com- peting in California. She's received aid from sponsor. Royal Laser. K- I-ine Insulators. Clydc Industrial Equipmen(, Continental Fitness. 'fanning World. Above All Nails and Skin Care and Extreme Fitness. In Focus For Adult Min i Women tS WEEKS - INCLUDES INSTRUCTION & GAMES EARLY STARTS IN EARLY OCTOBER CALL NOW! SPOTS ARE LIMITED __7 Got a score to report? Call 683-5110 0 inion .,,,...IK.�.,,.,A"r • f3uv • . ng5o • t ^a.,, -o • V�sd Our Whitby Newly Bi0DLF11V00D Renovated Showroom energy • ,Sao Hopiuns St. Ala x'Pickenrg/W hdby/ Take Crwt/t )t7 Bowmarnnlle/Oshawa 90±47A0333 :� 'vlt t nvtnrE 905.AW3212 Division winners determined at THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNFtiDAY, SE-MMSE11 16, 19911 • PAGF. IS ickering softball's championship day PICKERING — "1'he Picker- ing Sof'Iba11 Association's dici- sion champions were crowned at the league's annual Champions Day at Dumnoore Park Saturday. fkspite some early showers that caused minor delays during the opening games of the day. all 12 division charnpions for the 1998 season were determined. The day included six games decided by one -run margins as the young men and ladies. aged six l0 19 sears of ice. pro�rdcd the spectaim, �tilh "ITIC 'ail standing plays heli .t Ii, pi and dcti•nsnCls Complete Champions Day results are as follows: Senior Girls' T -Ball Spurt Togs 16 vs. Flo Betts Real- ty 15 ATOM GIRLS Victory Fire 15 vs. Jestar Inter- national 14 MITE. GIRLS Pickering SoUrCC For Sports 17 vs. Bell Phone Centre I SQI'IR'1't:IRI S SIC�c Hard- C-ldwell Banker 15 Ns A,Csl Pickering Ladies' Yl 1'11;11 1 \(111('I. (;FRI ti I , . I'l I) r. oc I i vs. Re/Max: Joann Visaretis h BANTAM -MIDGET GIRLS Cherrywood Roofing 9 vs. Pre- mier Trophy K SENIOR BOYS' T -BALI. Scotia Bank 20 vs. B & J Auto Leasing 19 ATOM BOYS Sun Life 6 vs. HFM Construc- tion 5 MITE; BOYS Cin Sign I I cs M rk M Meats 10 SQUIRT BOYS Aecnrd Umh X I tLoniltrm and Sons Rootinu, 5 PEEWF,E BOYS Bob Johnston Chev-Olds I I vs. Winners 8 BANTAM -MIDGET BOYS Waterrnaker 19 vs. Citi Sign 5 The next event is the assn ia- lion's annual general meeting on Tuesday. September 29 at the Pickering Recreation C'ornplex. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. The current season will be reviewed and the new execu- tive will he named for the 1999 season. For further information, please contact the Pickering Softball Association via e-mail at PSA Softball(wholmail.com or telephone at (905) 420- 6050. COACHESCOMPETITIVE 4�GKER/Nc Clubaddre:s: PO R+ a5I Pickering. Onrano t 1 a I-IV 2R7 l� Club Head (ouch addnre �r s Pr) nos ut 0 J Pickering. Unrano CCER G"- LIV-'R7 Application forms for competitive coaches are now available from the Pickering Succer (Tub. Applications should he completed and mailed io the club or club's Head Coach mailing address by September 30th, I'J' S. Apph,an�m Innn.... h­hramcd Inmr The Cluh Head ('ouch or from the Rep or Tret Director For lurcher inturmatwn ielephonc 1'N rS ,S tl gSWorfax Ims,4t1 S'rr.S Cherrywood Roofing pitcher Kristin Dale pre- pares to unleash a pitch toward the Plate during the championship gamA in PICk2frrlg Sot -- ball Assoclai cr ... --r : 1 photo by Ron Pietroniry last Saturday All the divisional championship games were decided during Championship Day 3: ;nslnr)rry ",Ark '.hqr y:.'; ,' Roohn, 7�on IME:E 16 -THE NEWS AIA'EItTISF:R.'A'F:UNt-%DAY, %1-. SMBF.R 16, 1"Of 0. AJAX DICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER � &MAA%JW �a Y AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER 6834707 PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER k :lr kC amlurloNs 'C 130 Commercial Ave.. Ajax sbaw N.ee eP M tR tip. Mw.- Ilii., $0. 9:30= - 3N Tersift Lt1791.7=59 AloR OUTLET 1822 Wllites Rd, riclteting oma., W upt•w,gs "n HOURS: gam - 5 Mon.- Fri. Cru551 IED LINE Sara Lee - Amberlea Ploza i closed Saturday FAX: (905) 579-4219 (24 hour) N.w wNew yw.4vwhse y.w -4 W .1.. rPpew, mr the fwnuwel a: INTERNET: Mry://xtww.vI r tvvs HOURS: loam Spm Tiles. -Fri, noon -5 Sun. Closed Mon. FAX: (905) 579-4213 (24 how) kcnvarrvr 1' avL1 1 ( Csreen 1 1 Careen 1 I Careen I I EMAIL• toti Mposadwkna.wit Careen 1 General I(eeP 1 General ill - 1 General HNP ORIONS.w -WAgil1 Saw N, 0ag,rns GET FAST RECOGNIZED TRAINING THAT WORKS! IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR OF COMPUTEERA TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER leorn Ow concepti required to design and develop software • V,wm Bosr. • W- 95 Me^, • C'C.. • MS DOS M --gement • Imr•,et • access Cr COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST % AbAnioor user sahwore in o sand -alone or networked awirarwr,ctt / • MS DOS • riardware 8 ' >,ccr• , .. • W, 95 Nefwor k,n -V-- N1 4 0 • E.dorel 4 N -ell 4 11 - COMPUTER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST Advanced levels of the popular computer software appikanons • AV " 95 • oowe, Feint • Ac,ess • W,,d • We,o Perfect ore 4 • E+cei • Lcl, • -_. "lox PICKERING CAMPUS OF TORONTO Financial assistance � 420-1344 be available if you qualify "Ie offer: • I I and I'% T highway and city • I 1 Team. • I' r I Iighwa'v and city weekend. Benefits offered with certain Contracts lou provide: • \.Ihd A/ hccrtse • l ,irrent clean abstract ears experience • I( C medical • k an Criminal record search CAIA RANDY (405) 720-2:04 I-4IDLA 11' positions available in the Ajax, Pickering and t'xbridge area. Training provided til suitable applicants. Apps► in person: 6775 Baldwin St. N. i IfwY.) Brooklin C -all for more infi). 1-800-263-7987 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES It there dl I r..ls - "drridua z ' :rhprn you 00 not wish your reply sent. simply place /our application In an envelope addressed to the box number In the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list In an errvelope and address to Box Replies. If the advertiser Is one of the names on your list your application wlli be destroved PLEASE NOTE. resumes that are taxed direct hf to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals mug be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. GREAT CAREER OPPORTUN" IES -CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE /MANAGER TRAINEE CAR ATTENDANTS rental company. Must have experience en ft watomer service 6 valid 'G"o^•.ens license. Please apply with •esurne m: DISCOUNT CAR 8 TRUCK RENTALS 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Ontario LIN 218 PARTTIME r.p"nenced rr sent,n, a,s'stenl. for 4Prpny nursery xd,00l For ,..re imormaoon call (905) 9246 PARI TIME 1 ,iter for Pick 1le Fax it ,u I 9ps a 1 6146 PAR I TIME SECRETARIAL.' _1•:,„n•.l ,+)cnea Ira"• Spm Mon ti, E.P.. ad preferred Please reply 'Ale 0211. 865 Farewell St. "'dwd This Week. Oshawa. "biro. L1H TO will INSTALLER it. 1 ,rrarptrtlrey mu" M Ltalneraat 5419 W"d_ 9D5-671-1969 PAY AS 'POLI GO Gym NO -""Pr•'•.arm 'Cpwred Par 6 Jo y',n, No it commment AS you •7o gym Daily. Mommy Absolaely. u.el; no pnauthomaed nun Pa ffi you go : el Gtr Grm Open chill 'light M F weekends 9 5 p m 1035 Brock Rd n1ckenrq (905) 4276277 PEOPLE'S TAXI 14.1 drivers I' "ll mala '•'r shim, ,1W..ly Tor 451 pruw,rq Co.. pang No me,rerke netts sa ry Part time or full 905 4;. a^D PERM IOP NOTCH Outwore $ale'. I•r _J,, Industry Salary Ara el 'Mimssw neymra6le-possible "rungs uD to SIODK Cal PA Person reel 5"o,es ane, 92. 416- 49, 8200' E- Iii -paaornm L ray cum visit out Weosae a www pa Over, cur' IElEN1ARKETERS needed full •rn ;., • , ry1,, plus prerer•ed Oa058 n 905.438 0cr PICKERING Goll awe requrra '•t•• '.an Main or .'ao, 649 599' E. •rpce o lit"'d •-•►11E-GRAND OPFMNG EXTREME FITNESS AI. -. ,,fur•., ly. J,;:n aaeeII yaY nnr, great �s'upe Y.. Sumner may De over nm.erer Sprmg .1 "g"""'.0 the come, Dunt FALL back. SPRING anead to -1 SOMMEA NOW-- '. ytr W ,ah 1q 4 prsurw ntn.la antw4ms aretrunen 4.e fou .rood, a runn,r.sT -I-- tu,n and Def up a +unu t pro gam m, m cal conplre,emi f E.'AEME F,rwE55 IMP, in, 11. of the Desi equ,pped J.1 ;Aral Stork car ft art mete equrpmenl such As, wormer stet T, COB. 'Juan Cwnpn Ldr 1,1. 5tarmaster Irma Saar ire. 51r,w Paam7um ant •• Iusl 1,, name a .car facitrt} III LSuw aver mm `rmpa SIYk hie, ,Dorm avure Cr,al :x a Wisps IMrOl, Pers,xm 'runny Ow umm rs u.1"9 lb he, Pakrooir cenc,i . the rea Lense At ck Aa ab ttw 401 Hph- CLl TOO9x75 4 - �a l F 7 wet Lo, C!ar WICSae t.ppr.4 film SCHOOL BITS driven wanted BorE uxcia r r-'-ned R,,uFt•s ava1.04c m ( Ivluvv. A •irt.wnJrwl area cel Student Express 1 s.le. R,IWA9w'b ]'he !,Minn/Guardcul palm arc leaders in the Cununumly Newspaper industry. Doc et) our continued growth and success we have an outstanding opportunity for a CLASSIFIED SALES REPRESENTATIVE Your aggressne, cnlhuslasuc ai ni and sell-nu,uvated nature, coupled with the ability H) achieve results. will enahle you to excel in this po,Edon. You also enjoy talking u7 people and as such will utilize your astute negotiation skills u, generate sales and ensure complete customer satisfaction. previous sales exrteflence Is an asset. 1'ou like working in a learn environment and thrive on doing a %army of things at the same time. \'ALI offer a base salary, progressive commission structure & Incentive hemus u) the right candidate. To arrange an interview: FAX REST NIES'1'4) 416-495-6624 YI"1'N: Pot 1.A BROWN \r, plum, -lit, ph"I", 000000000000000 • •E ca,�",^C :a:-1;e:a:, "K,n 9 t• r • • 2 EXPERIENCED • SALES PEOPLE • • Up to 4G -o Commission • mall Fred Melville used car manager. 0 • 404-0)y5��2�5 • NN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "1-71 suwd IwP iK1.11 skit Help ref o 1 FOt II'\If \ 1 \IF( it \\Il :'..s env a,lmg I'.0 h,, r.. kc, ,-1, -., Iris Dill Mechanic %11-i N tulle ;•rnrnee,! a,;h (,r- r l hcasv hvdraullc u:J dorcr. UL i, cel an asst I r„'II-rel svagr and Nnrtits Fax resume to 1905)668-3-W. 111rnL-In/1n I I In[ at LUBE EXPRESS SERITCE IEli REQUIRED Oil changes Tire installations etc. 2 years exp. Valid drivers license req'd. Leave resume & application at Automotive Desk Wal-Mart Tire & Lube Express Attn: Graham 270 Kingston Rd. Ajax TRAILER NIEI'HANK'S «AN I'E:l) ATIFIEO Dol ASStS TAI4'eltn :"."t te renurteC ", for ple.x_': Tamils I Please submit re ....lo Fde 0215 Osnawa Reek. PO 481 Oshaw ,�, 11H 7l5 t u H , v I'n rt hmr PHAR%1 AC'V ASSISTANT wantx•sl nor .p hu,v I ph.-y In %V'h'tbv Fleable, profs•. 1, ItkH t ivvih I rf rrrd. •ik•ncx• M•av dna. gin. + v'nd n uma• :-M) Dundas V W, Wtuttn•. OnL,nu I 1\' HM1f; lYl.'Ywr A• TMIE-aL los:: air Evenings caw .durdays pa fxgr -,'Acv iekwKxe 683 613 FUZE TIME +.- prxwKSl 6 x _ ., Asystam r Sa,�l•..,••..me to 272' [ lid Unrt 36 Coca - v LIE lA7 POs, :,� AVAIURf w•Ir.- r.. ... o..:: v,- nle,rwd.x,'•r a ';nt'J+rarm 'dM'apmrr.ty d4 oro. n,a ,PDOAUMILI E. 7-1 n w u -A nerals Wof., but not -rosary e alftpro.v. Morersgnal hung I•e- mast er al Pim"ble canny and W.. s,nf,',m. cummrtnem y - pro. 6 :0 nous bre wrrk L S10 low nom HwMr CAN 905, 1 "0 1a u1 ae.rw•w lye 10 ba.".11.1 wd usewnr. rrquved 7,10f rlwoe BJ; :::a Int -OUT d•d,rarq camp Mpa mill IF gw1.a fur 2 ~ chiN l ,.1 ally xrol FaMct .. Child If .My Oauev . g'wlard arq home nKrs newly FW w m4 19051$011" NANNr NEEDED Iw Cora -.....-r--..•.......� CLEANING :1-KINI-303.9.1111 1-i�Yncetlhcn;,L1'�.::.uhfm..tl:Inics r•.anr Muu 91-UTY SkOR-In . Produce Manager fro Call the hotline ea ._•. • : manages w roslnows We are seeking an e,er eto lndivld- - for local Durham company prakaq P. w1w: Sao, sum- 9-5 as rWrwk At6l ?25-4786 Dew mn.s D•ar, ~ co. AVAIL ,Jai who must have knowleiVe In In- YaruWls Shells avallAMc W I- styna for ve^10 taken 3 ordenn The suc- THE lIErYS Pa+J hcFsctits, R.R.S P. AM d Au. Cao la1M. a 9•+e a:■. rY 9 9 Pickering Residents um INS14266710 cessful candidate Should have at ADVERTISER weckh direct lkpusn n.et.aMt arta ., I10�, ng for ,,klarN w commensurate with ex idle AFFotoAele 1-800-263-0993 iii OTHERS, RISTORANTE least 5 years produce experience In a Pet •pug Ulf— IN ••:L.P. oaw pay. (efts) ws-aria prospects to No Apprenuccs pkae. caw umawu Funded by the mrnwuner: sial environment. It you possess deriver d am GWA rov, cow. Pan um�, rosin '^ese qualifications, please apply In newspapers eVrd Apply in perv)n it): n Plwr.re. Rd Pa'•6"B Government of Ontario ��h rid S � Y -e•son with resume to flyers to the s Advantage Per ionnel " ' a 0-wo V AA we ar wmkrt 2.4p. 9-11pm (L)fffl TIN11- FOOD BASICS blbwNlg areas 16-1 NlcEAen Drive, Unit##; � �-•atsMrNrarras E n dtmk rants Ill. , , wit, r r,, IF 280 Harwood Ave. S. � a' a' �' � * 11 hili Ontario 1 Miler a two i» - t the morning AJAX i - s INE Ii STATION BUSY OSHAWA SALON -r 8 Ajax, Ontario Or fax fri18me to 915-433-06-8 AN HONOUR yap E C f car, 11 Cartaa a Training Linton Ave Prevous 1pi'll'ant, need nut appls who ww pio.0 egiPpKJ sr,,c •ort _• a.apupk n am CLX rWs CNKISTIM HORIZONS ret a, rarlmlil4 Dpea,Cires wax W"ss'M' Dire u19051 57N E.ar>;lcu:r „r -:star .•3an:- mg SI.GW ilrumcrxg aunt Sm to drthft CLASSIFIED! " CUSTOMER k :lr kC amlurloNs 01 NAxmwrz rekye aar - WlW MANAGER for 2.3 pro- WAms lnn the oh.mamillilliIIIIII carters 11 CarNtr7 SERVICE oma., W upt•w,gs "n N.yrS .. mmunpcarpn Cnmpan Cutits rov<:'. x+s Is -Wile Custwrwr Cheu their ad aeon ..a p,aphohvns am ac publication as News Aid- kcnvarrvr 1' avL1 vflex, will not be •e- .gym cmc 7oseton .3svw. one r,er. Carr Dr. aria :neve slur) De no M- • 'trial Ade to deMoplrnon- At, 1, py Ipr non mw,fiOn ewl ,. Iupkng la Ova.h of any atrnrttsement t-lumn91 CAI D A x fort0 'non cat ads citable Cleaners 43Lai rs amrtt i tilt amount .9 579 C34 All aw01. �1d for To space becu- ,rsumes roe mall. .. pylnq fret error All copy ,nal , s sublet+ to et api n EmW< cit cw m: of L•.E IE2 Nmvat Adlifirbser eJ'oMOnYt ►.ins Ptrp .}� ;k-,}* •. ite..4 Sr P.arenp aEAIMR , K pap :ra+wtacWn, body rxw• n'.,,sn <• _ .t.p<nmct he wr.d INFORMATION 90s An 7373 WAMTEO. Non-union drywAl- SOUTH AJAX - al apes, rel,. "Ie offer: • I I and I'% T highway and city • I 1 Team. • I' r I Iighwa'v and city weekend. Benefits offered with certain Contracts lou provide: • \.Ihd A/ hccrtse • l ,irrent clean abstract ears experience • I( C medical • k an Criminal record search CAIA RANDY (405) 720-2:04 I-4IDLA 11' positions available in the Ajax, Pickering and t'xbridge area. Training provided til suitable applicants. Apps► in person: 6775 Baldwin St. N. i IfwY.) Brooklin C -all for more infi). 1-800-263-7987 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES It there dl I r..ls - "drridua z ' :rhprn you 00 not wish your reply sent. simply place /our application In an envelope addressed to the box number In the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list In an errvelope and address to Box Replies. If the advertiser Is one of the names on your list your application wlli be destroved PLEASE NOTE. resumes that are taxed direct hf to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals mug be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. GREAT CAREER OPPORTUN" IES -CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE /MANAGER TRAINEE CAR ATTENDANTS rental company. Must have experience en ft watomer service 6 valid 'G"o^•.ens license. Please apply with •esurne m: DISCOUNT CAR 8 TRUCK RENTALS 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby. Ontario LIN 218 PARTTIME r.p"nenced rr sent,n, a,s'stenl. for 4Prpny nursery xd,00l For ,..re imormaoon call (905) 9246 PARI TIME 1 ,iter for Pick 1le Fax it ,u I 9ps a 1 6146 PAR I TIME SECRETARIAL.' _1•:,„n•.l ,+)cnea Ira"• Spm Mon ti, E.P.. ad preferred Please reply 'Ale 0211. 865 Farewell St. "'dwd This Week. Oshawa. "biro. L1H TO will INSTALLER it. 1 ,rrarptrtlrey mu" M Ltalneraat 5419 W"d_ 9D5-671-1969 PAY AS 'POLI GO Gym NO -""Pr•'•.arm 'Cpwred Par 6 Jo y',n, No it commment AS you •7o gym Daily. Mommy Absolaely. u.el; no pnauthomaed nun Pa ffi you go : el Gtr Grm Open chill 'light M F weekends 9 5 p m 1035 Brock Rd n1ckenrq (905) 4276277 PEOPLE'S TAXI 14.1 drivers I' "ll mala '•'r shim, ,1W..ly Tor 451 pruw,rq Co.. pang No me,rerke netts sa ry Part time or full 905 4;. a^D PERM IOP NOTCH Outwore $ale'. I•r _J,, Industry Salary Ara el 'Mimssw neymra6le-possible "rungs uD to SIODK Cal PA Person reel 5"o,es ane, 92. 416- 49, 8200' E- Iii -paaornm L ray cum visit out Weosae a www pa Over, cur' IElEN1ARKETERS needed full •rn ;., • , ry1,, plus prerer•ed Oa058 n 905.438 0cr PICKERING Goll awe requrra '•t•• '.an Main or .'ao, 649 599' E. •rpce o lit"'d •-•►11E-GRAND OPFMNG EXTREME FITNESS AI. -. ,,fur•., ly. J,;:n aaeeII yaY nnr, great �s'upe Y.. Sumner may De over nm.erer Sprmg .1 "g"""'.0 the come, Dunt FALL back. SPRING anead to -1 SOMMEA NOW-- '. ytr W ,ah 1q 4 prsurw ntn.la antw4ms aretrunen 4.e fou .rood, a runn,r.sT -I-- tu,n and Def up a +unu t pro gam m, m cal conplre,emi f E.'AEME F,rwE55 IMP, in, 11. of the Desi equ,pped J.1 ;Aral Stork car ft art mete equrpmenl such As, wormer stet T, COB. 'Juan Cwnpn Ldr 1,1. 5tarmaster Irma Saar ire. 51r,w Paam7um ant •• Iusl 1,, name a .car facitrt} III LSuw aver mm `rmpa SIYk hie, ,Dorm avure Cr,al :x a Wisps IMrOl, Pers,xm 'runny Ow umm rs u.1"9 lb he, Pakrooir cenc,i . the rea Lense At ck Aa ab ttw 401 Hph- CLl TOO9x75 4 - �a l F 7 wet Lo, C!ar WICSae t.ppr.4 film SCHOOL BITS driven wanted BorE uxcia r r-'-ned R,,uFt•s ava1.04c m ( Ivluvv. A •irt.wnJrwl area cel Student Express 1 s.le. R,IWA9w'b ]'he !,Minn/Guardcul palm arc leaders in the Cununumly Newspaper industry. Doc et) our continued growth and success we have an outstanding opportunity for a CLASSIFIED SALES REPRESENTATIVE Your aggressne, cnlhuslasuc ai ni and sell-nu,uvated nature, coupled with the ability H) achieve results. will enahle you to excel in this po,Edon. You also enjoy talking u7 people and as such will utilize your astute negotiation skills u, generate sales and ensure complete customer satisfaction. previous sales exrteflence Is an asset. 1'ou like working in a learn environment and thrive on doing a %army of things at the same time. \'ALI offer a base salary, progressive commission structure & Incentive hemus u) the right candidate. To arrange an interview: FAX REST NIES'1'4) 416-495-6624 YI"1'N: Pot 1.A BROWN \r, plum, -lit, ph"I", 000000000000000 • •E ca,�",^C :a:-1;e:a:, "K,n 9 t• r • • 2 EXPERIENCED • SALES PEOPLE • • Up to 4G -o Commission • mall Fred Melville used car manager. 0 • 404-0)y5��2�5 • NN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "1-71 suwd IwP iK1.11 skit Help ref o 1 FOt II'\If \ 1 \IF( it \\Il :'..s env a,lmg I'.0 h,, r.. kc, ,-1, -., Iris Dill Mechanic %11-i N tulle ;•rnrnee,! a,;h (,r- r l hcasv hvdraullc u:J dorcr. UL i, cel an asst I r„'II-rel svagr and Nnrtits Fax resume to 1905)668-3-W. 111rnL-In/1n I I In[ at LUBE EXPRESS SERITCE IEli REQUIRED Oil changes Tire installations etc. 2 years exp. Valid drivers license req'd. Leave resume & application at Automotive Desk Wal-Mart Tire & Lube Express Attn: Graham 270 Kingston Rd. Ajax TRAILER NIEI'HANK'S «AN I'E:l) ATIFIEO Dol ASStS TAI4'eltn :"."t te renurteC ", for ple.x_': Tamils I Please submit re ....lo Fde 0215 Osnawa Reek. PO 481 Oshaw ,�, 11H 7l5 t u H , v I'n rt hmr PHAR%1 AC'V ASSISTANT wantx•sl nor .p hu,v I ph.-y In %V'h'tbv Fleable, profs•. 1, ItkH t ivvih I rf rrrd. •ik•ncx• M•av dna. gin. + v'nd n uma• :-M) Dundas V W, Wtuttn•. OnL,nu I 1\' HM1f; lYl.'Ywr A• TMIE-aL los:: air Evenings caw .durdays pa fxgr -,'Acv iekwKxe 683 613 FUZE TIME +.- prxwKSl 6 x _ ., Asystam r Sa,�l•..,••..me to 272' [ lid Unrt 36 Coca - v LIE lA7 POs, :,� AVAIURf w•Ir.- r.. ... o..:: v,- nle,rwd.x,'•r a ';nt'J+rarm 'dM'apmrr.ty d4 oro. n,a ,PDOAUMILI E. 7-1 n w u -A nerals Wof., but not -rosary e alftpro.v. Morersgnal hung I•e- mast er al Pim"ble canny and W.. s,nf,',m. cummrtnem y - pro. 6 :0 nous bre wrrk L S10 low nom HwMr CAN 905, 1 "0 1a u1 ae.rw•w lye 10 ba.".11.1 wd usewnr. rrquved 7,10f rlwoe BJ; :::a Int -OUT d•d,rarq camp Mpa mill IF gw1.a fur 2 ~ chiN l ,.1 ally xrol FaMct .. Child If .My Oauev . g'wlard arq home nKrs newly FW w m4 19051$011" NANNr NEEDED Iw Cora -.....-r--..•.......� CLEANING :1-KINI-303.9.1111 1-i�Yncetlhcn;,L1'�.::.uhfm..tl:Inics r•.anr Muu 91-UTY SkOR-In . Produce Manager fro Call the hotline ea ._•. • : manages w roslnows We are seeking an e,er eto lndivld- - for local Durham company prakaq P. w1w: Sao, sum- 9-5 as rWrwk At6l ?25-4786 Dew mn.s D•ar, ~ co. AVAIL ,Jai who must have knowleiVe In In- YaruWls Shells avallAMc W I- styna for ve^10 taken 3 ordenn The suc- THE lIErYS Pa+J hcFsctits, R.R.S P. AM d Au. Cao la1M. a 9•+e a:■. rY 9 9 Pickering Residents um INS14266710 cessful candidate Should have at ADVERTISER weckh direct lkpusn n.et.aMt arta ., I10�, ng for ,,klarN w commensurate with ex idle AFFotoAele 1-800-263-0993 iii OTHERS, RISTORANTE least 5 years produce experience In a Pet •pug Ulf— IN ••:L.P. oaw pay. (efts) ws-aria prospects to No Apprenuccs pkae. caw umawu Funded by the mrnwuner: sial environment. It you possess deriver d am GWA rov, cow. Pan um�, rosin '^ese qualifications, please apply In newspapers eVrd Apply in perv)n it): n Plwr.re. Rd Pa'•6"B Government of Ontario ��h rid S � Y -e•son with resume to flyers to the s Advantage Per ionnel " ' a 0-wo V AA we ar wmkrt 2.4p. 9-11pm (L)fffl TIN11- FOOD BASICS blbwNlg areas 16-1 NlcEAen Drive, Unit##; � �-•atsMrNrarras E n dtmk rants Ill. , , wit, r r,, IF 280 Harwood Ave. S. � a' a' �' � * 11 hili Ontario 1 Miler a two i» - t the morning AJAX i - s INE Ii STATION BUSY OSHAWA SALON -r 8 Ajax, Ontario Or fax fri18me to 915-433-06-8 AN HONOUR yap E C f car, 11 Cartaa a Training Linton Ave Prevous 1pi'll'ant, need nut appls who ww pio.0 egiPpKJ sr,,c •ort _• a.apupk n am CLX rWs CNKISTIM HORIZONS ret a, rarlmlil4 Dpea,Cires wax W"ss'M' Dire u19051 57N E.ar>;lcu:r „r -:star .•3an:- mg SI.GW ilrumcrxg aunt Sm to drthft ..'Ided Apply „ryrn at 471; Westney Rd. •aum a, Nils k^:' (9051723- \. Ajax N O*M kw uMwgwaN rc 8083 saalrq Ont No bio PRO- 01 NAxmwrz rekye aar - WlW MANAGER for 2.3 pro- WAms lnn the oh.mamillilliIIIIII carters 11 CarNtr7 CCSTUML Character arta 4ulemenn strung-.. . . ,, �.. '-r. leadership coat" aro or ,��,� _,..4. nw gaktaala p$tun must b PMaM CM Cope 631 -OW -., S,.00MAA Call 905-655- committed to person umere rain the "IT" Field at EXPERIENCED sappon are sal mous wort War s ErttKam cam Birdsliver li OEMTAL PLASTER •�cnroraan owrwrabo, suns (..w ard.a[ Carr Dr. �alwas . Wstng're- • 'trial Ade to deMoplrnon- tv.• tit,, o 401, :- e w,. for b,4993 ret lead 10 sus- required for our Markham plant. a" levtleppinant CAI Kearney DI. Lamer r. Cn. Trowell lane In9pW Lane FRENCH ASSISTANT heeded days full or pan low avail- Grace 1 a 2 French f l 1 2 able Apply"'In Person sum m- hours a aayl dos an School some program Mon Fn 2 -bpm �4'EIaDER/FITTER A'. >.wo. hee Itwfk ' 2 �ra JvaiLl CamKane 3 riosllion, a%ailahlc lot our Markham 01 NAxmwrz rekye aar - RoMnerglen Rd. N.F.-C SW -5005 Nuhake LANDSCAPE compaN has 3 plan!. KnowIutilge of welding and re:ul- a rap n,r ,n my lit" r 'd An«AaDk rafts FishlOCk St. Hibbard Dr ea ank -5455 Pal7'086-5458 ing blueprints required. PMaM CM Cope 631 -OW Epps Cres. secretary7recepboh l Elan- reps area weekenOs Call Ron PAINTER EXPERIENCED Fletcher Ave. Birdsliver li Kaaren Imam 6 to0aknl n cocoon at 831.3300 Expen- Available with a busy truss my Boma Educational IS CARE GIVER Carr Dr. preterrW sip umpAh loutell m Ajax Co. Deane puvnme HngilD ole Industrial painter with cAlx:rience tv.• tit,, o 401, Henersley Dr. Beaumont Cr.p leading IG tUll I,ule Wales saw and strew machines We FULL TIE/MRT required for our Markham plant. H.rrnun,vw,"vial, TILL Ivrkcst s ,,J uinwk snrrui to Ina diva- : '- 1164 Addley Gres. Fax resume to: apmerRrry asabled Compub DURHAM COLLEGE, UXBRIDGE DOMOO'S PIZZA :. ming COMPUTER CABLE Charman Dr. l ar skin Ao Asst) Mmmum INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IITI Ace) x S'n'' INSTALLATION I'ENSON Lambard Cres. •4�� LUL 428-0097 a 2 Yrs managerial expe„ ('"a •, `- CM Mun have a 4vioma n opportunities with our ;:._ Dumas St a whitey n H,,.rrJ hl 6kal ,011. rev Gregory Rd. 833-801-1900 ae.elopma,la ser, or Business Informal Systeans full-time program ='=;3 1215 Bash Pmckermg Rrldled experwnce in asset. PICKERING RESPO MMtE NONE aipk eeu,vaMt Must ba able 1 e3: 0030 And ninny Assn. 1 recusal l� 1 GereerN Gee ID Yn experknce, pro" character any men � s k: ,car.. t...�Kaat, s I v W'Ilhn • d, train then right individual. Sheppard Ave. EIeV :aa IAarupers A A. Ipratmpl6 h ti 1400 the Esplanade e1MEA OPERATORS re- Gorernrtknt Registered Ins-. 4eae re10 '"A Com "o Tm,t,thmm'kn•rl IT program Please fax resume to: D DFFTEt PRESS PERSON. ants to 10 yrs CPP Crabve •Al .stun Pons set ., "u FIuf,,Au blrh-Lt,-.net a All. Wanted tot Prwently 905-683-6079 Haller Ave tied h operatch for US i PART TIME eaperHnct w, guY Ouaoor xUv,tus blues of CIHtStt+n NOr,aons hl F`'"P1x Ara, DshawaWmmY ua"" anaaun oDeramns 3 years ABDrra nm T57 Head, must h rtivDaarky CAI EIAre Srbrml resumes to AOmpnn- -'' -ret ng from bask vlinti ndrdwan6 Kftwaw Fur aeurerr of magarrrks l7nly tll.l„ ,anJlOalr ..,:,,Lail Douglas Ave. exlxxrx nu AZ Onuers alio 905683-0352 trata a Dania Seropusyox . sklib t,, nrtpur6nl; d prramni Must have van 2.4 days a It,I intm.•k•:,.:e,ll Ili•, W.1, ?Id Heathside Cres. recd red Comic, Score al be GpaDle a produang il" Ease DWnCt. 457 wafer St (NAP& rl(CICleliglb1v h,quahfed onto Fu resume in 416- Longbow Dr. Road Art 19051428-3447 dy won Cal 728-9342 or tax CHNUM Old Horwood Rd Petertlorougn Ont Ili 3182 58653883504 WOIM AT NOW - use.- mme 728.7010 Area RehAle dayOre n � We trunk at Applicants -tut• lh 'riup, r w'l1I help with rmplmtnrnt Irani EXPERIEMCEO SUPEPIN- HAIRSTYLIST nm owee Amberlea Rd. name AnordaDs N le rale6n. respond Dut Dory ttwse un- kthnds TENDENT couple rt0wred 1,1r for n,endir saonlieauh spa pinegrove Ave. Weng our products Sun rm- smoking FuiLtme 6 mmms dilates vino 0ual,ry for an ,n. - Top ranch .Sino:tun. ncellmt studemtlteader ran.• ECE ACSItiTANT 200 unit WIaOY n1-r,se renal m 0snawa Excellent talar. mindwely for hie ,mo pule SEWING FLACIIIIIE 8 up 905-/2�ffi76 lervew wa De Contacted - mdr, klual wOri.,t,wns required for Senior apt boid'nGG $aaY Plus tion. 4042573 ererkngf Westcreek Dc ape Gn 24 urs 1al hie 1 �I%T*m apAnment fa. rewmt to SandhUfst Cres. 888'7717409 MTROOVCIIIR Freldl Im- - pnnesswnal. sa:c bulla,nh, lnr parkmy resauant Reuhwl Nswm. gp5.66g.2470 MARD women driven re. Afternoon Shifts fits illus txptnenct tuned fur Oshawa and Ali SCARBOROUGH 1 �• Clean, rni'dem mfg '"arsra' bayare setwces for H.4114M LIST (905) 852-7848 ext. 22 FAST Gritil Car Rental P,ckarinq Neat appears u Climes Dr nm p es rs Fully n nClt3SJt)' PU111tun company seeks Counter A. PC!aCIE rat n slpR old plaid kkated In ti2011 WELCOME to begin A S A P WAty "hoes lull one 8 fietNe as C,I725-77et Bathgate DC VR PAYROLL - lmmepule 1'kkrnng tints. rate Childhood Education ymt ON BONUS: part time POST" avAuble Goldbe" Sq. o m Pickin io Jure Br* refa/ne lo: xARYEY'S SEIIINM Swiss .pure work bonus. mIt IO apDrerr,M DeOhie 1 GtrMrN HNp 1 General -0 ,mmed,iltly FU resume Wandaa Rd. I wo yrs ADP Payfdl ex- G1veYoNrselfA Rants lithe People's 4162886595 Chalet Hwy n6h rwood Centennial Rd. pe'lence ACCPAC protluen- Must be exp. 426-1496 Aim Oatirl0'S FErst PaS' Plav School Fequues someone a won a. ExW 6 0 w 7 0 suss Fax with the industrial LOW MFORDA I Plan To Set Yogi On Decoy! Tremendous &taint' ' S1eJ,caLlkmal/l.,frNa,J \hcwonv'Hchdays/S la A PurchaWdonuvr. d' A1orr' Leake n Pdmnt d S,aN"r. How Much Do You Want To Stake' IA I I. W -1 Eu '1,: 14, 1-3 3 IIIMw*me an*w pusa,m 2r- • Personal lines Producer, And • C.S.R. 33 Falby Cr Ajax attM: Supen'iwr. FRENCH ASSISTANT heeded days full or pan low avail- Grace 1 a 2 French f l 1 2 able Apply"'In Person sum m- hours a aayl dos an School some program Mon Fn 2 -bpm Feagan Dr, Friendship Ave. Flagstone Terc tesuthe 1. Inlenm Personnel 19051837-0627 Mar naERERG Rtal Esure Lewin machine. R Call Carmen Ore. mother m 2, CPR S f�HL ce a. w k es a snadd. Fuca' MkipMs 428-0000 SW -5005 Nuhake LANDSCAPE compaN has 3 Jaybell Grove on" requires a pan ome I ea ank -5455 Pal7'086-5458 ECE MCEDED nor school age pusn,pns ava,ubk. North FULL TNIIFJ►MT TIM( Llne I'rpcnnq MUST lyre own B1Ueking Cres. secretary7recepboh l Elan- reps area weekenOs Call Ron Lim Lowell NOTNN to care Ins y7m Full erne Crn:act Sre1 CoA. Bus persons dare ,ranspunauon ah (9p51W9- 'a Birdsliver li Kaaren Imam 6 to0aknl n cocoon at 831.3300 Expen- Available with a busy truss my Boma Educational IS 905 427-6263 Wusneny H DS pre Ders,,n J25 6024 lMs< n,esype MA+ or fax East Ave.enu preterrW sip umpAh loutell m Ajax Co. Deane puvnme HngilD ole ECE REQUIRED Dan itis resume to 426-8727 MACHINE SHOP operator for Pendermere Pkwy. Iles wouM include co 77 ' SkilW computer cera 420-28 1 L leading IG tUll I,ule Wales saw and strew machines We FULL TIE/MRT Tudor Glen Cres. hila crating mot buss layouts. MCUPANC two 7 RAN: negotiable Call 1905, 432- TOM War wet um Iluenl In Erphsh 1416 tressestlyaters Markham Fanfare Ave. aes,gns area est'mabng LOON daycare, 18 mwft K Positions area Fal resume to avAuOk Rexe apply in 905 887 5966 Ravine Park Cres. 30 APPRENTICE NECMM CAOD computer knowledge An 12 years Dally ovbngs P,cker, cera Pan lime Lead Ti a Lal ESTNETICAIN NEEDED to person Ins Kerry Inn. 967 oust Saw rail 839.5872 Wutrky Rd 5 kIAxOARtN Restulml Re- Rouge Highlands Dr. assn civil Technology IlerxM backyard Amp p,rkl In 10 tau bore ALVt 10 o "l C graduate preferred Please fans. story bore. musk. nu. Ala 428 � aver 4 pre, 8790 lures toe time O'sllwutkr 6 Decimal Place own Resumes 10 File 4217 865 Farewell. forward resume to File 0214 Im'ous mWs 8 marks First . File 77l5 Build Ahenaant Expertenu's '+er,0,nq aIW full 71ME/MRT TIME AND not necessar, PIaIo ID re- .}� ;k-,}* OstuwA TNs Wak. PO Bos Aid LPR unAkO Ron - LIH '0 leu'Pts 905.428. Jlenny c'n,Dany s loulunq SUPPLY OUALIFIED ECE s , qw neo ADDhr n person from hr a scared tram Luk kdnkc FOR FURTHER 1Moll 481 Ostuwa. Onuro LIN 71.5 1244 ywred Brunt; resu:ce o per. 200 pm Io boopm. a 1725 ne"' and dr'ver Experience son 10 MY SCHOOL. rsw K�ngsWn pp,d INFORMATION WAMTEO. Non-union drywAl- SOUTH AJAX - al apes, rel,. p,d,ennp c refenea Un Mike 905-426 comer Lakendge 8 it 7' IKmysr,rt East of Bru.k Rd) CALL 863-5117 ers and sleel stud uuuliers able anorable daycare plo- Ot 07 GENERAL landscape and NAIL PLUS STUDIO. reames DRIVERS 24 years experience Urge tided In my IIOme Lots or Toronto prolecl Work alul- TLC. outdoor play Reterere- maintenance lawers needed eslnel�tn,n 6 kill Kin with ar WANTED able well Into New Yeo. WI es CAI Shins 1 7-7418 RIB t, la•rur. Tele- HAIRSTYLIST mmedu,ii Please Mx Vour maul aremele to atadtpace I able o -a837 1 EMpYyeNM •labii• Tal, experience &• a µm m .or ream resume to 1905,2637653 m $50: wki, 1 Q� n•wred DISPATCHER H.nr.gh,i axeded Io, 't'"ip1on stndw ea'wprnerd suppbed TIM NORTON'S \vY�� vaoa,.,d,r'nr ..sur Contact Pat al CLI Lia 6r9-2209 ext It Experienced d1,p41 cher sur proBrcssne hu,r Ajax salon in HAIR STYLIST 8 Massa is now hiringsur �3q� CC =w _h Kxav,p to rw.. pwI TIC- X15 FDRX ENT on, Warden Insurance Durham centre Great a NEIDEp IMEOMTELY m YJY-J110 Ip l.rl..n V-PWV rw en lore a5D tui class A2 It. 19051579-1317 Iransporl Compares lxlusl lot willing to work a1111r` Me Inerapst Creme and prow 1, ,.r,-1 full I. me han rift Storrs. vN v.,a•r•rw aw• unyt) will travel aMwlHre In ,hills In a 24 hour. 7 dJy up.:rauon. I sum us it Natures Acculad, ,., .,. r, r ng A)7ax & li. kering. wrwry or wpw swv G FRIAMCNLL SERVICES A Guild remunrraoon, with company heneflls. I x,ellea pay and post. •r aDDrenLu tun ivlI fare EXPERIENCED WTD Damn u"^14 •r. eW Der• K-•(' Iran hl ex Voumteer n sit uck tl wt'xre Ilk e.penence n y good FLfASE AfSPGNL VU FAA 'p' Areal career opponun,,, For P y ., ninn.rrun And other an0 Irkndl lOena mIn prep Denson Exctnent sno0 9 CT hums Ian, and friendly. leasant wurkin n.e a,nerem call very fe hourly wv E,lpetkree n Pte personnel unk pip. runfiling area park+,. SOo mrnpub Deeks 3 P' P B ukonlnc proyrao)s wardu,p 6527733 Tinned Please u. resume to !'Ira.' dr7fxr n: unu• a"a'hon wren benam Pack BEFORE 7+m OR KIEP4 CymPebne tarts Boot to. amdtro1 people sun sun Condition. Contact john Saarinen at 1"5)61941057 (905)6667755 9e ApWr n person to Gam 4�47d 7.1D Seta -v y7ryg5.259-2142 Vie no e.penanu nous HAMSTYl15T anted, to m 7rron toy runs ANo Doily. 335 Bbd SI r- � . wit Box las 7ya.x ons Can -Truck (1993) Inc. Hair Fitness Salon oust salon really goon dp. OtNAWA um4 amu e. 1950 sly SI. W. sear Oshawa Ntarq jfaw me LADY WITH good nlerpenon. ll 3U or Fa. 90s-683 655 Bloom St. 1N. Oshawa, Ont. Donumry. ' scars aDerknce Denrn,..c ':.rest r",red for Pickering CLASS A ECINIIIC w Am to Ivy blt-tr.n uwm A stens tlepenaaple arK ex- FXPERIENCED it, land nk ,or Juik or drop off rr aa'I'r r•'•: raid and banquet 465 Bayly St. W. Stn rear appremke Must De Infarriq dmww ret 3y DerkmxM 'n a variety N Ckn- 1905W04-662:5. super m -led,, bloc sume 122 Brock Rd N Al tatihly Fa resume 10 X'ax e. a enced Roue avis `0h posmons, seeks walls ir•r. neck tr j lenang by (905)66& (9051623-2257 1 D ° t gay 7u6ulllt a to mem Cal and acus '25'Axa Dlease la resume to Sopnk 190513D5-9555 (905)430 -1222 Day Care 1. .Dols M uv $600 m Itt Nor Da slopurs „ oidr ''8 5513 latro ,:<s 19051 tglhirl. PIM,n . ,n,'youom 116/403331 r,f 245 a Blue Jr, baseWn- ]ngnnrsr raoertmem p . Z75 Ids Spa W A I•maks avau- MTF dxns7operers Giyth Plus iEIEP PIANO !331097 able various -• v ,s Ready ONlY SSO'nr wok anis N 33 5 .. NG'1 td ntdrvom eery S-ROl00M n:.l patdlr4 rw'rrs appearwaS large ,r,. DunyWw n,c n,"• •' u; is, yard a.aAAk Npv ,st First ra.. r_,.. ..--.. 1 •'•''^ tun '9051879 5048 rack 11 o we(cnre •• SITS nxk P'*7,os MWIT-WORM pass Available 'L $Sys monde Cab DeN 16 pMed,on rp 5'49600 WHlitr M fl—57207!07 ble0hore '9051 _�°�" Home liand nk and server creation Hyper 0M John Duarte at 579.4400 1, 2 Qt 3 Bed. Apts. Refurbished 3 New Appliances. All t.Utill.& included. In-house Supt. dr Maint. •t OEW,ce., THF. NEWS ADVEIrRSER W EDNF.SDAY. tiEIr16MSE1t 16.199111 - INA(:E 17 SOCK OF RENUN8T? WN YOUR HOME - From S7O01/month %Mnk n NN.•orrr 590,000 Year Not HOPmuch cr wr�ynlerlm Can Mark" eyed bankrupts Choose one: Cash rebate up to 55.000 Q$ ,"..ad Mortgage Rate. si a Security. (905) 5716275 or 1 -Ill -!140-6275 1 LWro.Ynr for $°fel. a Mon •Fri. ism • e Pm Mark Stapley Fides Rep Rema , AbMIy heal Esme Led Co11 BURNING Need Sat i Sun f pm- 4pm Tnrneth,n Put ml LD1 Can FINANCE bon a Cu'ur e.cdlerit VERYONEALIANT PROPERTtt 1°r "' a 1 R� « 1TWKWI F.rinto Jonn los% MANAGEMENTsnit turn downs IGS INTERNET AU yow m -t Gine buy -'79_ 1 626 FOR RENT U ilonle 'vin" NeMs fr,e set up, bankrupt;__1 Salaf«Fre 200 hours mAttly vEman Elomepape ompend CreolL no 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH NC10. reliable ma I— Rates WWW DURHAM I 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units lady ,s seeking senior 165 NET eaB-801 1531 Credit If you (7�IjNp AMMER Utilities 8 parking included GUN THE DURHAM DISTRICT -nplrons ale. shoppnip. work; you drive! / doctors a Vo,Nments.. SHOW : 1 1os1 d Lots of re- Stove fl ors Refrigerator SCHOOL BOARD to &anl,menpl, P APARTMENTS -AJAX Parquay floors throughout. QUOTATION can cora 190an I' 0732 SUN. SEPT 20 FOUND small cal. nr owned 33 IgE 77 I'albv F: rt. Close to schools Ind shopping. 630leave ,aessape O..",d (emelt ...do"r :cal vehicles t0 SEALED e ant. -noon 'd",ge, niton rens, ':ti'a m 2 & 3 Bed Too ' a drt From $875.00. QUOTATIONS wd1 be Firewood JUBILEE PAVILION Inn' Woudmew Twyn' Avers choose from. ap Call 905-721-0980 P Asla For ocarina- SPECIAL ments. Includes "'`�d ,n foe SOUTH ON urn Nall Id16 , ,3 4 FINANCE oBEDIooM +elopes provided by NEAT FIREWOOD, et 9Lm 1 very' Desf qn mh+ hard LOST - MAH'S oar wallet on fridge, st(11•e, broadloom, :- CoManm,umy untlerL omit sIMxE sT. ro DEPARTMENT A ott Isi F«Rem i D0 PMLocal que,anleed eAi:a Ipn9y ',litre Rd ' r,•�#',ry Rd n SHERIDAN CHEV air, heat, hydro, water and m9W,52a-9824 a Ti,,,�„ !� ji, seasaned, cut 6 LAKEVIEW PARK RD. Art, RE'NA C Can PICKERINC H'mest measurem nt. ;'1683-3514 or ,905)683 905-706.8498 _a, specified dHrwry. 905-M-2246 OSHAWA :;•9 one parking, AJAX •,:dr000d noose up- 7 '.n,•. .. ll" '„. dosing date. IUTFIY THE BEST tr7 51000 mduRre Sf "s nuJ sh+lppmq� EIOOOr D 905-689-8181 Pas76rmpikd7 7 -PASSENGER 'n'; 7.'I CaII 686-0845 , 'age 2 red,xm Dain manor au 'hope'+e Parkin rr seasoned nardwo'd ' 1 " '" apt 9800 olduRve Ban y g QUOTATION 9679 reg P,pkenng. Apx Wnf ' 1 t:J ZZ. ,nclu']ed 15Vlast Nom aid C.nawa Call NANKS APPLIANCES .fed Duan }+uJ conOirmn. or Itilt US at: +•,ale most Pi izi hhe s=e2 Cas 4201538 aP.-20M ":� COCKER SPANIEL v S y50 each 655-4253 -' a use Parlrmg laurmry t;cg .2pp0 "AM FIREWOOD it,, 1,17 I. m0,( 1 t souls www. Kt•cx'ihe.u'm.ser, .trw•t; fhNor/ I'' 57 Ond"A 5�-8 tree 5 7 p ,,,+ S200up. US L:,uue 90506rL,91 a ,. CARUSO AUTO SAFES Rn 765'; hly;hnx'thtm 1. • 1 R"rl Spites '11� YEAR TERM AT ,C11, dryers $175Np New scekM US ISNPI D ..ti •:"d Meclu c TNREE BEDROOM -1 lARIDI„S SCHOOLS d A LUMBER esi t%1 dent wale 5350 3 Vr a0 a •h .m• ., Is Good I BEDROOM - 2 BEDROOM AVAILABLE IM 1't " `•inch 71 Free Rent 17 G,.n,r«, pFCPERTIES 8','2' $60 4',B',t6' Maytag washer 5299 Ount,O lMAiO Ano puppies First wage - 1988 Pontiac tempest , S MEDIATELY - P•1 at: enhance. arm nw �C se n 'A 9 C s:uunl 'ue bush dishwasher $275. side b,- Stk'Is J.' •,soe,;fed Ready to nI'A clean $1950 1973 are w(Itse . ; k :Is. Mer;, of re wn n f 1.10 "' phos $1301 Inclusive OC hx'Rr•a,i E,, -' hawa 1800 CLOSING DATE. ee Delivery Save Big see vide cit and 500 $699 go 5 5, urease all 986 Su istr , Will .lona 22n, pr tuber M 1998 Oats 687- soft Commercial Hosue T October 17. !998 :,,;!,Y Local 6 Save Bip Req Side by- $500 7 SO04 gm amet blit r :v lSt $799:, Oshawa From ,,,m [,03 .9595 45psan S DNS 705277-3381 old Stove- wide Stl7Cle2 I, proems powered 7Bmdes. howlal ArZlab,e Or est $700 Dar mt, Ad ,ret" No tops Imp GII 434 2447 ICY rp 52995 as ,s 1987 Phoaouth Cap 905.472-7859 a AK5.41 _ 11 Irom Oshawa even fie, new $5 y Deluu Trost UMBRELLA fes ..'' 5 P'•hant 158k,ns $1350 1991 pets 7667! can arrynme AJAX. ',.shit' painted 2.1 OuOtation documents Bn"ar,'; ua': :e es ABOVE GROUND ' L -dram, '905, 576 atnr,,,m nous.. unlmes 4 Cpea9a4 A,11 be available for .�'..a11-ar,FS ^nit cringes 5 Yr nAt $450 Fr v ,once. Burgundy SJ450 anarg avana ale U to I r RariJs. II,; Lail Kral, '�:. 1390 Bonne"ll, +rr ',r11A ,rd ,Dpfiamx•. pal,mg. Yard. 1 to Rem gam p 6978819 Buck '.s No 1 BRIGHT llIR6E MOROOM YSo;monln .ran.-. -, Neer + Pick up from The 1 Ba wit nn., 426 S mcoe 515 54250 at en,rle5 Cents, I'n's s,- k •,1 Cable bsmf ,9';51728'd043 COCKED SPANIEL 005 for nett Honda Act»rd. Brown BngM. clam 7 beds o to kdGte.- I u Is.xl, rni ' -"ml's R cdl BANCR OF f BARRY'S BAY POfC7laSlrly --1 shots share wdh malas lema• - 191;5)839 t or pgr " - y J I' a ^ MARSHALL POWER GUARD Sal. -. r. s '32Kms 5957 as. s 1895 p - o aged. seMS single nom (416,5V 7 I :Jepad,Y,erht On Or ager I TI,edLC - J ' " LAII 'J,' 9D: CL. .r'!1 or 1- Clamenls Rd U I77 Pcke,- Irrled PCYerinq Ne ,l 1 . Trnek"Ipets $550+ma ndu 9•• "' , s 6 i Stainless steel97SA39 9609 +e Avail 001 1St F,rst'uR ATTENTION 6000 TENANTS o age- 'n 'awn, Pur 7. 19%. September 65 SSII a paw 839-1115 x6 oaks) P225/7YRt 5 688 577pOGS Ivgr Weed a ear al pn,l 685 _ + oke 9oe,s barbecu<s 6 17. 199$. wrongs arq wdkwg5 3803 WiS 721 9789 Ar'a-•"" $250 a0o Aber axon 72&5088 oi YOU Lne ,, r horse why 4N'j 1 GROUND 300 r . s 8 morn muco more AR TREES.'n bedPpg (sq) nut g+v rbe Dv:•'• A pare al FOR SALE. 1n88 1750 Ford SPACIOUS aramarmamed 7 w- Oshawa Co c k, Ad nrlwRd r reasuruble Ian 6•s, 'i u., rr.e dN BWe Sam ',.s' Stabs PJ ^ u"n i't-km c u-11 , m rape Avail air 900 t� r .ers, The lowest Or any ,vM tOPRIGNT MAHOGANY P,,aMoraiad New knChart'bam- F m. S3 JG Se 50 Call Bob $1500 A a ""liable from Od I Cats 905- I'll lm -ll? $1800 90598 8 i22 ,Ian St Same .an J,adlvum Florida : u 0 t at I 0 n n of 0'S 717 3885 - 655-4070 5090 oar :losers grin tYom eau =Ian, NANO UPm6NT. + good r -, >se to sc" prcond- F,rtted m bit Ian, , car 8 Vac. Renals f 'Cessanly accepted. WASHIA AND DRYER GE c, t ,. c FREE TO A ',•a7d Home LOWING FOP ;hat air to aisle Y.S ^ +Nene parting Near transportation r", ry dot 'pa"', ,n ' 1. n ase- )a,gnun11 t"rn"r +ears old. "h n'• :'..I h, A mid s:e CA Stat on Unh 1745.ut i •es F„UAM I, Mer C•Fa ArdA tP a k :,.ler x,; •.nit U. all ) Foy ,e ,norma- loves chridol d people M AcwiJ ' }JI aide 'n V. brY.d Cali 728.4993 vn pet Pull, D o•,.e , V + p . Dp '"Wi c (Est 571n733T eCevocdn deck,n ess Zed Suds saver gde5 herself d healthy Weds A c"kr( condition with ABS And 1 e • '. �,4YsA Dx felon ba5a. owners. pnefeneo , rsed,ate ZC ;,' Wil soiree, J S ".l Parr negrduble Call PUWI(M EIANOFATHER Ionrg hone Call 4266229 at bag Call 434 5780 a .. ;L"el aha sell tun- xcupmet 7p. 90' 416; gc„wes 6 Nelsons•, 5250 S!dr 0!;''"72X1 ..eM, 9051 640-2888 LI OL'l. P r S ' r, So feERIM MUSHY es MUST SELL 1983 Maeda .err xmral au '1% OT17 US Car 965434 7,84 - ;. art .yST .;crop 321 ArIk:M •md15 ut - ,e(: wr, J' mw Swrrr 3 ". p ,mss. ' i L ., ^un -smoker IIJW FMCHIROSESAM 4 bed LEARWATEP :7 - +" new lilts ea- r, a •. C 3.5•dmum 9477 �Cac cds IN 1 la Sok l"a,ols �romburns f895 md�u0 dal to ea lis, shin, i,,.xuq for "Ill" cruM,non • •i 905 511 I8851'Z ,wm.ne 3 lu s. '. _ r.: n"r'.,1 /r•.r. JrTdrt Rem to own 100; a an rainy Io.,wn nE�1101nr ran 'I.- 905 $2300 1905,576-4791 a.. „ bZY; .._m"•s fa- poi - • Mmul gym. ::V: GARAGE 'ons broten :mymems apply Also a Huge `r'"'"71 OSMWA AUTO CENTER n"i Nor e'a 'lm $t759 Dexn!s NHL star "In, ,b,es •r01krs ..[RMG LYrnM1s 401 Pits is Nov:tt Cyt ,race Jan 241h99 ,at F•a,,,,I Why not Fax us your ad, You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name 'rrlr'c'Irn Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 Classified IN J 100 crew; 105 :ar: x Trarvrg 110 General Hfell 115 Relal sus Opp'Murees 120 'JKii a Heb 130 Sales HelpA9eMs 135 ',killaid Hep 140 carlp+Ae< Data 150 -medal kamoil pedal 160 .avcye Island 165 Harare Areiabse 170 Ca � a 175 •H 190 - „iness To Business; 200 ,Aalset Ba" 205 • ,wood 210 Bargain Cana 220 Andes for Sale 225 A'hcse5 for PM 230 Ar - s kV'arted 235 ",sirsas?nes 210 Barrer Earlarge 250 Gaags'Yard Saks 260 Ars d':ralls 265 Arlp,Ms 210 -'mp+— V"ld ",s c.;:s:As,ea $19% New selection a gra„dlalher LHASA Ano Dues to safe SERVICE NEPSMS LICENSE doles Prom $995 and CAN $35. M.nn MECHANIC LABOUR M1 1. .Dols M uv $600 m Itt Nor Da slopurs „ oidr ''8 5513 latro ,:<s 19051 tglhirl. PIM,n . ,n,'youom 116/403331 r,f 245 a Blue Jr, baseWn- ]ngnnrsr raoertmem p . Z75 Ids Spa W A I•maks avau- MTF dxns7operers Giyth Plus iEIEP PIANO !331097 able various -• v ,s Ready ONlY SSO'nr wok anis N 33 5 .. NG'1 td ntdrvom eery S-ROl00M n:.l patdlr4 rw'rrs appearwaS large ,r,. DunyWw n,c n,"• •' u; is, yard a.aAAk Npv ,st First ra.. r_,.. ..--.. 1 •'•''^ tun '9051879 5048 rack 11 o we(cnre •• SITS nxk P'*7,os 1 aasa•Ywor 230 -:; 8 Ftsatl A Found Lmw I16A60073 l0 17051786 3,24 N,x Mw Gr tle•AtP Reaumbi. RFRT TO OMR a.>' as 'L $Sys monde Cab DeN 16 pMed,on rp 5'49600 WHlitr M fl—57207!07 ble0hore '9051 air. aurdry xo+nfe FOR TEASE. .n•7e 7 otaoom '905,583 5303 .' paff.ig. ubldret 'n ..,.,,Z,,,« 290 ps nln Ea fachi A Wr- -lit MCF SAVER PIIEMIFfl ,.w n„ re „, ,'.0 till mesype W 9 rMty aa,ukk M Recon4 _ le• double Darter, p.,'.. Dad'1, > W,Met STALLS 1VAIUtIF AIBA CIIMNFY SWEEPS nau0n Gr6er. pa+lman Pao O%' 0011nM6,lwoy ,; •Um $pr:.a chin"q IesrYrp: rWM n on, tai dtkv- ! I bre- m0, gwaol on ; rum smoker ISt,asr 16 u55 ,u, Cvuwa Fn- 915 831 0717 1 I P•k ;G;.• ,ruck - r •I v.. 2% ..,4001155'ya .inn wed[ r"sIr s ; 3r _ lea er prrvye . kit flew 1965, 4v: }155 905.26) 8369 Or I pOfeA Cefr,lye can a•a'la6k. 800 %98 Wr . ^ N^n D, a 'PANG caps. k 'or a> 55900 Ptd err Ned reshmales 170 W', down a":: 'c' !L' t,,,,,a al 91 a9. iur ,5.636 Y F« Sale ":a -ocm 'I'm m M +dw.inr / 3M 7ri00afS Sof ": .mitran I 994 AM L:r 5507 mA rely, assn • 1— 'Pat ERFNG Centre gar c L N„rR4r.9P SNI HAY 108 Y,imple tWNAn 1 I IAMMTING MACHINES .n.J sWl m $6995 1994 1rid�P;: 2 m mvua"d l I'd 'amIy •.^ ,^.mint cur, shop Wen maniac"' NM BEA.,'r„ ..". ., 'TENS Fnn :cite, 310 ^JeasbSale -goer n.26 C n� ^ n,• 1 SAVE SSFP N" program auto $6495 1994 2 ds.rove 12 a ,90815559994 $Irsx,Ewn dr -843 $5995 '993 GMr, w a e urbane nen ,n yours 116,32 eon .. - .,r S -.e•.trad Ar .. m -rn�rs rd po,a ,'mise S"5000 s '�KA Master 'exh- 318 •^aocsAWed vwhttn ,x Gum p t 7- t. r waled bmn1y auto r, uAh n eAcNlint codassum — $alai tan ,.oiled we ,pets Ertl, per mann plus wiitt,t ,q ap ''-' •'r nUgnvui J _11 Ca1.9r,5,69: 0397 320 :`heated ,n ,$ware 6 wmsut $99% Retail Vyrk $70001 Petted $750 6earr Limt saw with AWanppye 393 Grand Am G' 4 I— 11 """nous A"'Iao., rFw.1/ [,mal. pre Pl'ann I.emeasie xc air curt;+x f19793G )PEN [ur ' - STUDENTS -,,king 3M •,� e ` smAd Dusryss opponuah for „'sty Rand $300 905171- for Safe S'i`r, 1991 a1 2 u7 •1,ms< amrytyn a ten. fait Saraid r. $640C '992 $535 't'Uusw ;an D+'" -'r „nr. �Mo. Z n HryJSF Sat 8 $w+ rpl'9 6 133 pease "' Jam: Sblrxe x , • •'y r• • •," sit• -. e� 340 sJ, Paris 16 Dopers prKds 1535 etc Wal self pvs E^ 57500 pm W ', $;ORM awv fa 995 t6w 1 4 pm 57: C,—.,.m Cr 905, 172 7302 dung buy - __ 'YJuwa:Pmum'nemra,. awn �n'I : air a 9r)S 586835' 380 4A: - Pear SAva126-63681shot 3REONMR hy'h rara<n '1tf RP+ :; ilets-nM3' - Gnat '992 _wan r 2 it 5Spd ':,.ERING VILLAGE Italy 1 ',ns hours 355 MrA7Cydts vn11 Can F-W"he Ices EVE $1495 1992 L"8a•,n 55995 r .%.AwA I aeN pump earls. Oesl ON" f299spu,•. I',' Man '9',2 '. p+..,. -s 1 pea 9%-57115976 ,o,• ,4 FOXNMLOW Mea '.•<,rg . 1 FMSDr1 W 360-,ocwmabdn ~ w MYDAY AT CtRflCAll EF GEC S, ran ,,pit 'Z7 0986 srgl es m4 Shits avauae Also S4 39'5 !9T um nit [u :-XII, 12 ". RFW ARRIVALS 8: A 'nus see cal ^'' n r 7.1 bed 365 Varty w t . al 'ka'7rs auk n Zr tater ti r,mKAe. W< Day 9as0es and aCy 161 Me n,, ..I '�. , $5995 139' y :'J w Cm k+Y Rd Um' 7 P'cYerwq fa 5sod 55495 99 ;LNaw "v,ng 6 "I wy" �n '381 m ,Ar +." . '7,n, w. ESTATE CLOSING :II • a Pau, du On garage ._!,., .. ""s ^onsd '' -"f A' H ONTARIO 3A 'eCMOor,N whabas 14 L twlrE. ., % " VS can Equ10nwt and set delver $715 6554151 more solo an 9056191097 119v5 Swa,an,.e aura GY afar S16'.G 97 't YGN :Ivdea laundry .- urn Nu PICKERING ;adiat .n•T.t n Daun„A'1 "atdhh, t77 "to 'm In., sseauur„ Snck i513b3a 300 roaw Orty Eg141Mt nr e.uucm ca fJS G 88 ,:M Sco-rp LS 5.995 199' 4„F Avyi Nort 9x,55'6 CM STEREO SYSTEM,-, ,nrytl<r Ww Yorker id, 29x1 .: Cxt•5n<1,4 rn„"n ;"" a .•,0 Sema+ ncm< [aw •5. ped +Ps A Prel"rM , ,. , $769 mm use :. •e' are ApallmeeN For Res A LgmOAT1011 tele 6rarm ,m- G.W V",9, 1990 New 8", ;nor '""Mint vtn p.vu...... ;^ 'igen im •uc Wale TUN IoW 52.995 9t Bemena G1Z Y.af $3995 I.-, nu pets $5:5 mem lo,ma long incl d, HAMPTON Farm MMINLY "o"'Amp" Wrtad -sup, bed rim new Mal nmwe, Pit $450 AsA Uiit '9% C"I'l" PS t tED1100M . r.nenl n ., OIdSmOaN ROyZa ted A+arlaal. 3tt 'sl .905871 , ran m„gmatm lamo"om ran •960 t or haft PSYCHIC Am ..,t 41n 110 floods rdr PAW . ... ,n ",,s 1. 6' BOSS SOey"t wrth pw+ I.D ' '. ", �"O' '.,Ops I'm, boa Iran cos? 51700 twwkns Pg 5350 Ace $150 Pat my ceded. Dw $3695 19% Co U S36% Pure Neat Bro nam t sacnkil 5490 Karp III 990 Span awe 519% 990 Aaw,p. 5650 ORION 225 LACCA Amp Pd gmM Wow' $69% n $3995 t99p dJ Ssp1 mrmrmr sunt Gus ••:alt mamas. pea frame Dega1 our . not ItnDlaCt 'ar0e ntcnen inn m Snck Dom �,y •... men a«„ +ury. •Tree Ig1EsimimEpme rim 1 Dad,00m 'n w 'r rge f ' -..^froom Ante Dundps • a .. S r ' 8•'2a NS IlMmtd 900451 3783 'o'ih"9 � �ownI1011tta Fly tlAw cost 5650. Ari $450 t Orson Eldc Park Avenue super IoadM All.I Pd 9055/6876' $,N00 So CMrrywao0 53693 '990 4ustrd K apartm"•.. 001 on 10 acre 7 Uat, ea am An m � .-DIl I!, none I7 IIEAYENIY nYCNIC 5299' qS Swan For plat toren Arww drmirprpom tiontc Crossover I'd $150 black ort gory kytry 127 D00 $3695 1996 'Auras CL 3•TWOROOM ""Am, Ask 515 Beaufityi .w'dm Dam rim tWn saalM «oks"I'gasps laoali'e5 3950m+at+n 'n:ud- wonsnop 6 tAcYmnm, nt6U Award ' -'IQ xl-.O beds m"- ,a ••..u•t 430 oboists ForRe" 191,0 SCK Irpt cost "11000 zxnita Ymt arty 399% 92 00, N 579% 19M Berens GT $3,%. pan,....,: ",'I ,yw, .,, S44M Can 1t6�155 m 1 17 Sturm tp<yen 1989 Gvaorr ,ng wnnn ..Wt, ,mine Is, no ' ack 6 3 I, - lad' and n t°dhRr o,„ds ',. huge 000- iy. ' 5; uAtL, P '' 0 475 "OOmL WrNlt SCOPE 19006:'7'77 SSOC dennr f310C t9M slur .ac w,N q�5 'Gum magnets', PitRoyal l $ „yped 127000 l+hiwn`o $2695 1988 •:mmeaWeN 1FO duel m pen CAI, 839- own 5210000 per mann 290 n . 3G5 1•. •ora Nor rw 5529 g 24,ours 1N0 xm6BOrd THIS int Iwwy Ana prior, 59275 %I— wauae Rin ASY $457 All TINS /ON $wma 'ap 5:495 1984 Cor smdn ,r7 $900. -.:inn ADULT; 95 veon nl n bell Plus unlma am peones 'leer' noun / 7hras ur' sit ION mil"- ran bean m'995 145 ;.',siad A'c=-win Pry OSNAWI REUSING M4, newer, lacyck wan Sim INS 427 1822 N, Itm lovely &.it nt $9900 '9.7 Mustang : .e •,t a,.er bsekrt 7ipeed town . ,a LARGE 3 moomM yy SegtmDw 24 2366 "i `ohms aM 'IS eerx 450 �,."A OMMOOMM SAGE tri .,'g yen: iYmR m wow a�.,Ws VIIwTURt F n 53995 ' 99! `.•. ria Fn CaD AJAI - ,a wr liar pad a Fkinds F $8385 92 Sat G S am 56995 1911; nim ,r kea.uorn one Y •', "f s a .; wu ice concession road 6 P S26c 000 305' 786 9,06 • "'v �00"'y I�ar' Sr W ,. 4,.J -9N25 " 3G am am .Jr100nrktalN Fx RaN $13140 Two m : /S Ill I 1 lutrh teNras r.n 905 new S W NOW OPFN F 041'53 ► a •.. New an' FIBER GLASS S0 as n l f et Avrta"a ertbl ata Red p ru5-llhe me rel imp 9 ay, AH „lice 8 Pawl SPIN, .. •^•ps p- OPALOM, "" rho C . $66c, 95 [ nth 5 t N m. 0 30 , ' Ds wall Mo. r Ia' FfNOFRs $100 00 raw .."A" 'r." ..,r n,, .., ne't t[`^'-^" ' ' y'•y' rr.,yv rv. •.. SIS 4 PFRSONAI ,M7 'Wngr SOeC A MONTE CC RALIY RIMS Designs our Crantme ha naw t7Yte 70 000 kms now q,n r,. can 7pm Sat a 1 apw.a u S'tn tem 5Dm8us Sen ., rA'np. , pease , ,e, ;y ." .. SOYTr pyl _ bemupm ma"' I. P.r "A.a . $10000 1971 CNEV FENDER keen hardawldmg the NOMR $4995 93 $unma LE Auto .l B au - "m`Y , 4 oho Tne•' 160 S'msoe St S. •w G, Brady A.6 palm", g s Tning 'rxe 945: a'7-'701 aur rp 1654 D'rsa,esi hwn 1 g ;;;.,:e 1/S NylepgFFspets a0v5rC9uae 9r,Z• 305.6N3 p'r'e urN $KIR,1 $%500 ,ler arA 118000 YmU Ow9uM, pear. Oama.A 905 Apo -7;55 2987 19 'w tin Mme say nw , ,A,rtes 1val LARN nit De4— :e,sm tv „a 4yq �� DlaYc sea cW Mia h tw wait• $5915 nw-W _ 1971 Drop m ma nit our AJAX. ovown 9$818 -ag[ t CDR ask 00 :,edit dead d a rFWTONVILLI 5 beaoam n, use Plante tap 416.391 's Dr- .unxp' .on at 47$-08agsaft 8 .1.9n06�:41 "CILEa -y..T I DR NOtP SM n $uy d uy M ,roo0wiorY'mp M 9rdl Century oaOad `J 6 r • ...m Dn, wrY...% ,._, a.. ['Six 416 v4 )D°Mt -., I,gnt wit 7anr1 arDet OSha t+v[ , . kN MSO 4N a44dVI+all .lvfaq ata Irom 1966 50600 t-705• merry and let us skose you 0oed car 144 00 kms. grey �1 3267l111anp1 h,. ley I,arrtlure a gnu 54.195 90 S.akrck w9ny, AJILL . ",Som wit reit A, - woes f150'mo apenmalA 1 m.W" �+ 16., 1 Auct'onR 415 =etas =c'r ,xypMen ffpa+s °rape out mono 'rove a Auto 4 r 4 129.000 Ynts red - - wooing !, ,u, •b mob Am OWN"[" Sema No Suaaawe Ia a". nr o 'aye awn vexrdo, to .:"'1nM' 6I Church St S -bum.1 � � ,rrangc monad 1905 56:; 'Iv.. brkae Oct 4M 4cmn Raga 495 ��r FIX %a 3s • i ,t WP rill". a IV, Trasmow Woodwork. arm nady Y 55950 94 ASS. I � I ., 1. .Dols M uv $600 m Itt Nor Da slopurs „ oidr ''8 5513 latro ,:<s 19051 tglhirl. PIM,n yip's .n d•A P_mp ass A 715 Morn Pon Road IS tura ' ,aka 123000 ms - 53.500 sprouts Npp,rs U3-4141 5666.'7 ,.mt�2 Dain r W OSHAWA plus ay ,roe cru M. bad pmt gN Read! Ad Pat Palmy 9GS. melee an olyr 95 lu SALES LIMITED LdOW Nal atrr0as and 6An 9656774 Gam we. A' and Aced nVd I e a 5 .. NG'1 td ntdrvom eery S-ROl00M n:.l patdlr4 rw'rrs appearwaS large ,r,. DunyWw n,c n,"• •' u; is, yard a.aAAk Npv ,st First ra.. r_,.. ..--.. 1 •'•''^ sm6w appro. 60 Ms usa W►FT$ oft d 69995 Iran C4Aut k Cam,st, - CuMow we a" der Mreay Greet' "a CMn. 136 la L 1).;.. mlar', ", snawa Eaill Ew Oct • Audi. Ile IMS O,aN 156, rb'Ir ,• IaN tall Meer Som, 905-631 cemry xr 903,57996 9606 Snows n Ad.", ,pt ;525 riw, Mr Ran n- a OyIl�w.es�1n" kart ,pen oro hem rwl Wer; " MNlawn ran CaR I 'L $Sys monde Cab DeN 16 pMed,on rp 5'49600 WHlitr M fl—57207!07 ble0hore '9051 ""'"'" sVl Grp" 7 looms. $349 Price TIM Z M OPta standar, OSHAWA .MW cvs= arnnatad AIBA CIIMNFY SWEEPS nau0n Gr6er. pa+lman Pao O%' 0011nM6,lwoy ,; •Um $pr:.a chin"q IesrYrp: rWM n on, tai dtkv- ! I .VUI.Akf Irrtbunu 'n a:' :, -, • . '-i,. _• I&," Mo. F011T PIMY it . am T a caps. k 'or a> 55900 Ptd err Ned reshmales 170 W', down a":: 'c' !L' t,,,,,a al 91 a9. iur ,5.636 . sps r. .a'r:,., cw•, Dem- .C_ 2 6 J WN &pts, •dcfw mew al fu '..w 11 r, •."r' now'" lots • ''ws. I W garage 5000 or prix. ASIA g ta— s m, Ip mtalled i13 00 b Nori.un 6M-2311 9924 (Sunday, • by AW) I aro tin wit, bakorry close 4 6lil -.. Powe An unknet .Ickdw. hd Freshly pain• aaYsnoagyape soar Id Pnbke separate aid Mon 2 cornmerew USW Anna 'WE TNM SHIIAIE , yY Yea FREE FSTiNMtFS 9051666- 1972 AMC-.:P%IT 6 horn' rd-_: ::NV "-ad no Pets , -C dub. Evem3 For Acres schools pool S ' kubnita House 0'* soccal btmA orae Zan 011 „ o.^,err raldw,de ..i: e - P,e Cad def au'`' )'xm condem, '.k,5 ,'room $690. 2 boom S •D 3 bedroom 5650 Cal , 1 I:ff from SKS 1 ` stain from ••I COW ,o eve Rod class soul sk rrrls an .... AAN60 ,1.11 Tow St am v,l: 9660160 4 AOS1666J7503 : ,. -0t34 S•' . :are 70 ww 1 ,12- , t77 to l arce6s01t Ism W n ,,lira it". . r."a k,atc - 11 TREES FON SALE chits 1579 TgMOERNM 732. nws :. •:oath. fess Iran SO r Sp•., Nap,rAuto ys p[ „ w. d4 :,r - 7 BEDROOM BASErfrT , I (905) 721-8731 bedroom side tea 2 UM- �- "w"'w"g •uoms urge overt cwmt *0"0 " , ndms. k.M S GII for lumyr CA, aW Lu:ust S: $150 etc $900 OB- iw7^.na . n _..A-- $..' ."�._ 91CTOIIIAr Well septa r oRng Qom • . 1� :p Wm yrgt family 19051 655.8553 Iwo mm Cal190}5773/73 TOYOTA '14 -r R 6emkv nscmr m Wht s_.::, ... ;,r• ESFOHLttE •ec ..., wide ga nreDlxx BLNM ..I tM mdd .W tlga Ion CAVALIER TYPE It 2 G ma"axtu,"• .. «mercy n- py 666-9t82y Ipr appoeenlem 0nr Wr v .. a. .r 'pA: P arelr N P,cY, "n''°d au gat Manrq arm W «dnmpa �'yrups VtflIFJI TRUCJKLOAD SALE PfAff Ln .. o ; . '•• a Slue A,c a Otat scary tan hed u 7" A,wde Alia intim" Namsa•Or,A16oa 66519393 F« +q Iso. ..Zill E or 6rak yb yam„ COW Z p,uyppals ,W Srw'nq kl.A ," .. Ser. ,rr +•rlrrs. SMNrs Fm no- s a� m r r, I yid 159000 km mita ems. roe 16500 tall 905-'132 3696 "sus 1416)-227.7 7 7 7 a ruDMr tYhau" ,100 a N. rrrwge 111, Pan' Adm! Slag &7wnrRlydk MOCCFINCH ',o OtIM Rd. $ Jaa a Pal Pr RMITtF >ry Maroon 1q rY fWennus (90SH27-0009 'na $754 Sao Appointment pt S., - '•n. 3 only Cal (905, 965-8362 Ne 'MS) -660-0072 a 1-tM-369- Fite res. 85 tap st E. Borrllael. $1400 Milled 1 705 328- Awano•ar y.tr ,.:.::. ,.halo. 5700 f59S-'.: 'ickndes My am �. (9051965.4291 even- �,rp pyrlro py. -,11 'ur Ara,la0k troy :SSS wife ON= Sat Sep- 1112 814 1 DRONES ID"m6 37' tong_ 91312 17 4 ONLY ,9051 1986 POOIT14C SOW still n amt tar _ -. ,::r N0 gels. g tin„leer Avail 'Find 1905 - Od t pia” p'ald'1p 1a1a1xY T OSHAWA baiprow 3 . 1:' 7;;6 I fee. INmm7200665 1 ..rvioueer � rWyv-ow babe - 501 �'-.ar llallas Fx SEN 505 NrsEd To Beef 5.0 _--**A" tar SIM 514 7 m•rr1,Clil pgmfN 515 -,•sweet ftpw4 S20 . "JDs for So 525 datipnat Lard SN :.ers b Sri S35 -.rs'x So SEC NIP -d -Tar P,Wa6M 515 .xtlmn A.mprekB 550 ;,sbign For Sat 560 (kokl Hamm and parks FT :Ar pal Trow Slee F'S Morey m:ard 510 Morf"n mudir" AS •lor'If ir'sDaadaaU 5% 5_"APW O"'MureM 600 w ZK NWAS 610 .+gal'dooms 620 -,Oers 625 Mara A':s Ei 640 :.vg Everts 650 -coons «.1e maldatp shower � wagon. 4 CYlnmal ,dA mAW 1 6 A 40TD aces Corr -N!= - hams Wragg 'runs 3ricnui tltRW lAe nalknt camltgn looks 1 mr,s h` rs S& S C.pOL CENTRAL Oana ..x 1 4 WMTIY CLEAR rJid - ,:' 25 kmced lot Kentwood 660 54'90s _905V 7-1622 OSEO FRWGE $225 nnit up. runs prat lt6oc UG Lash w, :rr A, came 1 - ..•."s auaa- r'^, aw m Issy it 3 IIEGROON hreplAce EaRq, [a. ESTATE AUCTION 670 %>soralt sed s -::,<s SiO ran LIP 'Lr0 run w. «• ., -f Gaels �, - x 1.: „eramkB Wer x aaA.- vaned ro m -taw f1399CO SAT SEPT 19 MMIMC Duvet cove, user wesn,s f.5u dryers art t4hore- a 7t a,+Y year Ly us my Avrl Do 1st rSSiymo u'yd I-,.'npta stars. 67T 5,sneg Przol6M 'veto, ora skin 1douDltr. $125 No up New awn risme 9644 um 24 IIOINs 7 dayt jG vp dDst k al nklyts Gy [r Cau_905 r., .1296 AT 6 PM inn Sawa 905fi665002 a 19051%23.097' Moro SrtaOk la single Vag alt+•5 esmy axout 675 ;y'Daaae D�4ow-soams a slyets. blur iodates 16 c 1 1605 War 1067 FOND I EROSIO AF VAN, 905 -MO -5234 arorlung PerSMW-Under cd rmtl "Nigr 8 stove dose WHITBY - r"Of cock A- MYLES KING 6M 4rt O,YCee wts ,'.All 'new' SOPS -4271822 brand dame 30' sroves $449 7 Wss,N,r n r,t rruuerl CENTRAL OSN4wA. Bb 190514667011 to schools"'And yi aneeeles Ir •' - r,ecuarN home AUCTION HALL 690 N;1Yi0 5"vtcas aha up New S c s balers "on""" ,New "I"I' ,sswr. , $75 Y $7506 Ia soap cars 6 ADI wr ,ran S. -.. ,',a 2 m slit mahagenem oma 2•:. : n Win 'Igor Farmry 33 HALL ST , OSHAWA %,10CARPt BAPlush ,, $155, mw 5 or tut Inogez new pees. inch Meds worts Ir,cts u, s'., :onatgn yen,. Bed ry: . S-DD/r0 WMTE3 M74C• bxheiu, ,D, '28 37.'7 Dims- I - 3 Drs room preps 2 walnuts 410,; ani a:• 700 S,r^diy5 Nrlpn ,n,u Dwsn RAn re' $225 Slepnemons Act 5500 a d obo C41 705-324- ,fes "'t" °' a fowing Al, incl urst'last reautred OA 0- I -iii P -,:ale erlanx may IA?, pad 5225000 Ga 'c .....e - 10 1, '"I carpel foI 3 'arms. quotes 154 Brum St Osha- 0990 Sep Dudum Regquq ars 6 ed bus route No CM .HN u' panu,g use d DAck� 5,668-3806 .- er at a:,,, 720 use 536900 Price HaciNal wit 576-7116 trucks inlet TOP s & ecl R 1ular N5.1721 ca yyd SA95 rncwsve Avai- "I UTELY A GREAT DEAL e_'r; Stove, chester- 30 Sq yds rxpn Mluae Dad 1366 WRITE CHRYSLER GUARANTEED ,9051706-5740 109 wtektayz83G-430. AM mwdweh Lao E nt,ntm Icer I,.' «r .,,w 1 Coeagtt ..e.c style. Coffee and 7a rMerchants ran mtalatwn in your home 51 Adm;, rush reboot 3 ire engine !atb)6364161 own : 3 ;r a 7eul„wn :,«n For Sao e',C :ables. antique Hall 750 :a,�ofTnaas Fret 61IDimdn m vow hone WramM int auto Inmsm,ss", CASH fop CAMS! Ne buy COLOSSAL 1 ct•:boom apart Muse complete., r....." fed power Irl ,, WHY rent when :3c t. two occasional 755 3aoodes No ,mfrat, no fMYmv11 ION secl'nq power brakes Dower uStC vrN,:ks VeNcks must , 7iesi,q:ous area of You em own In i new aDpuna Stan- KA5IWOG LAKE -anq = -,tai :S 2 love seats, 3 760 N •lfvibutic nwh •me full year. Dyke$. f OW AUIMMS]Msoivte At teen IOcks err br tin steno a ' unnmq Ven"*', st Czrawe f95L month mr9udes your own home fa less than ,nq irons $59900 wanes, for and : n,J10om i t'�'tg 217-0104 ice always ratuaole usuyh 1 421-1115 a come to 479 ulddez, caD1e au recur- you Clow"' Call Dave Hay- less than rant Ldlk or M I.SLI' .-111 a WmTerited Otz Ofdr00m suite, J 7N E•Iga'gemanls apt. eacdlem cMdruOn nay rod Sues Pe W, monk - V CAN" SALE: Lots of air. tree' PurrJusinq h`tJ` 1. as Newet tires cenfied. 92 750 80V St East Ala at bits, rope, stove, hshwutyr ReP y down OAC LZI RICK ,nCWdinq venter wt,, _pm- G: OtOr00m suste. T60 Arvw"sanes laltz ,'some dnbave cony Call RoSAm 005) 66$,4AN MURAD AUTO SALES m d 1 Cy puape am Mr1 Summii Really 09911 Lid WATSON Cornwell Banker pletely tumisned lc,uarp „let^ Lie pine CdMOn- 800 'rt'praernerRS Pets. 1002 stripe3ho stain re- ems, Eno limit to vaim con. pAmnp :lose to all 4mem, 1905) 668-3800 a (9051 666. x905;723-9414 or Tot trKpd. stove adnwastes and Dail Sed. Chest o1 draw- M7 'Aympu^' ,say. Greet 3 auris $739 sidered). collectins of any, IM FORD Probe. Wada en. A AMIX AUTO WRfCNER3 nes Np sm'u"S. pas. AOun 3211 1905,4273804 mrcrOWAve wafer,) fieDlace ,:-" '30 sit Vol Indudez Greet sod single an. V _ Wm. 7'censed tcyckr aa: dryer' ouNkIng A,LAae OctIR u- aWmrnum Slonq ani two ers, dressers, libe(glass M2 Fmyies9n stems Sp a s ne, economical an WIISCMOlRE lar preaum Dad and imtalla- nave nems Special ,merest m pored onp,ny red paint lady 51003tG 000 usn on Ine dote at i34-4508 au fa O< i aed- SPSCW I 3 bedra+m New urge hocks pvenaYasinq lye GdnOz. 0011 clubs. an. SOi Ar non Fred esball carpet Moorcroh poen, It try to n- blamed asksnnpp $3200 dm w. spat For cars, Roods �my Bra,sr DepOe room men Moor apartment carpet Sttc' nwus,n or docking ,,r 3 buts good 1'0ue Centel !a01t. Hall "°aat9=''nyattng epart, Serving Ourlul arm spood to all queries RpOert pied 72623%evenngs condniun Guaranteed pans (ridge stove walkout to bas bedroom above q,ound 5600 sw'mmirp ant Douug Move slan0, dinette suite. Ndiwy .7d5 SlhCe wrrowmng any Sam 905• Scroll all ues Brodln spm Ano repairs 19051686- NORM OSNAWA Iripka CPM. lawmry, car parksnp all inclusive Also avauoe t n Wrmsnon. Aslrmg ft133G0 rock+n0 Cnd'. r. color I.4 ' rtalWmdn 886-1712 Ontario (905)655.8019. tai, 19N CNRYtIEII DYNASTY 1771 days a (4 616114-1121 dean. bright large 3 bed dose to all amed,t4es 1795 brhild, m share ,n leen For Awt ad 1905. ''3 OSCi � 'Nmrwy ihi.wate, tun Waded Ww minus ram, ,m hardwood hours. Plus ublbu available atbo- house. $350 Pickering 834 bookshelf microwave S'eeaps CABINET SALE. Call aw Save f9051655.5501 Yd. certsbed 519051 71551St ::ds., 877 SD7 55.200 or pest air. dsnwuher parWnq and erNt (9051036-9418 0609 stand. large quavery re Eetr9 LIP l0 502 011 rapt ussomin CAIN 011 DEAR. we Buy, once Telephone 1905) 831- 1 T^lDla Stora racnnces Suit profits- 3A%nD dishes. china. silverware IM cline aal Ilkarr AISOLUTELY 1 CHEAT OEAI! a Capt aid guaranteed Cd for 101 6 more' Pay lop dMur 6493 fed SPY vp November M 5900 1 limey 1,5E not Complete, Idles PkulDng 11" Mlmn Cal Mike for lot t gems Home aud,d plus hydro 905, 839-7939 a Fiat PAM own your mint 5500 ,]own y top 1983 Jeep Lneraee nit« em U N 6 morons tree from OW plaed every Toes. ours Sit[ 510n. 81 I ParagdDetxvMtg tree K .14 r)1 T'kAa. 19051 video. air audm. tools. CO's. p 141817204353 P 031-40q,1116162I.6226 Macrialle Shop scall games. gold. dM- 1M1 Burin Regal Grant am. great conan°n 52500 °t mum income S28.ODGG oanc Ey PROBLEMS, Gr: out menisat 6 p welCCmem Aft CO Terms ry2 moods 4uratae appl�n�es Desi one, 120-9995sro WWTBT. Large 3bedroan. of deo: 4u,ck elhout a AppalceRe{Mr �y�,." .yam°�. 1905N33-1765 90s-5712270 did ILOAoed ow met entAsw1ng 1 � unit UPin kkim f850.41yropo 1(µ WHO CANNOT Aura Raynu tp Ny. cmp Dankru0t ur being Oarmsneea Casn or !nizra,t 113 Delivery ,yds 19051666.0001 ,Prefer all - yN• . 11 Bader FEAR Rey Esute Everyunz accepted regardless Oshawa'S most 814 F SayCts plpatwd 576.8180 (ems m 'Nor $7900 Iran evenings723 4 What TNM AvAI Nov 1 1905! 509-1805 ' 8-9x14 est 20, m IOr isre t hn9 leap.der) t1921snp1 AFFORD TY) oftormauondat ng 15763505 nROdion. fpaCM6 oars. Asa la E uAOah. 666- James x905, 47:3800; 818 Mwdg 6 Srorage 1111 evawo DO you nave valuable an- 1506 CYM VAN. ,6 n unceY BUY A HOUSF" 1 StuaentWans nxlumd aulilM. Sem= 116 PostaSevixs uquts a elute donleMs7 Let bd Good common Sed off- FOR REIT: n a house 4 Roan Durham for offer .l Irom 5700'mmm 5 1 b Raw ,n ,,.M. 811 Cmnwa.Ml RMy UIMs COWY1E11 FACTORS. e' GII 691.2225. ask for room. . $,month to 1nclu. WM N at$. 511 Pap Tung p.rumq Spm. 1 us a59s1 you m achmnq Ine lM2 GEO STOIIN CSI. red fieorpe room. $950+morin All ,ndu- Na fetid, Dp+r,pAymam"' OBTANIIMG A LOAN R MOT rear ro Oal'Dleds. Nee Bran- Menest possbk Drees Call 5 speed. 107.DD0 191. ong,rul pgatp Grand Caravan sive Available Dd 1st Pre. (9051 571-6275 AMX+NCREAMC - I bed GUARANTEED. SOLE AlICT10NEER 725-5751 I" Ph- Regat56 SEEPC6 er. 266mmA Iwded mtema to -an s' Flenry or Gayle KNIII owmt walknt ochchon Im D I felled Mnhwest Oshawa 11 Qom Pn,ale bam'oom COWRIES CIAIICE UP• RO ynMln. zaiware LIO nae Mlpue Oejrs, is' wce 33L V6 auto ov"dnvt alion dost to all amenmez 1-�'�-6-75 5400 munmlr inclusive use 521 FMIWC6 816 rY aAcl s-800.515- hearty 30 ,Ars etperenm cemleo 5)Asking04 55.900 Tek- 64.000 km Am'hn cars 10 905.723-3420. or 416.279- of Ncnen. washer d dryer F DOFOn.•17 S RQ(VIeiWIg Pimm 905-%56761 phase 190.51 ao4-e67J Mark Sta ley n0 SUGGESTED THAT TQI @ Custom Furl 5545 Free . 054 LD Cnalper 515900 poo 0093 P Pan and cable included Se" Mi[fan Ripen; 0.16.2775 Students welcome Furnished INVESTIGATE THORWGW 323 COMIDIR OF NOME for sale WANTED i11LLY WIIMISNEO bas n urlurn,sned ooa-smiler LY 3 Chalalems Ma, emnetl sol. 2 rdtee and elm uDks. I- USED 19W CORSICA too.000 KM. 1 TfEMM9 men! apanmenl In acalem Plisse all (905)426.6926 31 V6, Tour ne,ghbourlmo0 oft 160E SICN•16 AMT dos muco more 19051 886- la EMBOSSING veh clean. grey bed- door Mo nem. m"deO room. eabrmk([hex *On all ' AVAIWLE NOW south Ala, 4K1 HEAVY CONTRACTS. 6�6-0736 fRAFTMM AORM7ABLE MACHINE For pix -'tae LU. Bo. trait, has appn4nms. cenlnal an con0- 19051683.9615 lights 6 s puled. 5350 080 Doned s fireplace able umumsned ruvm $325 mdu- Cy19055i1-5475 W D si'+e Prely woWnq lemak • 1 4d9katU. BFO. tl0uble sue. wide heat canis 1995 CAVALIER 4 dr. do- television Datnroom wren Shared kitchen Odlh Gundry krwara pia Ser.M b rSOO months nleds•tl SO, at IallataC. an. 101 K. 4dy tlri- Aro shower, shared laundry Gall. Ven, e[C111eni CIA 1 nes parking very dem and First last references required ARE YOU BACK un your tier, a bonly ei �7 er For Curtner Into purse call 9-44407 RtarN19 856% cam call ell maintained foaled at 42'-1659 Bu„ sl"wee "an Tnii- 19051476-3358 ahp 630 1993 IARCAM RENTALS from RDSsla10 and S,mc a $650 e e W r I'lca 4 dy auto all ndusve e.cepl Phone ROOM Fa n" m Dunt new m Lredrt RepAr 016410 IS y0N tRIN apennpp ruler 0 Nums 120.01)0 Mms. 4 dr air. Blue 1uDNmo includes NM 6 In Cyt 7219042 ship Wrury low (tome ,n Picker 0864 Loans mortgages also surance Picker ing Cash O K nun you are, RevduUKU4 on blue e4aRenl condition 6 mg ac all nrAuR,e. ava,i- a,a,ame $6500 OBO 905619-1074 (416? 937 HWY. 2AR0CK RD Picker able Oc•. rs f:i00'mmm Cao ani -aging sYfltm Llm,cat s1 ,suns g Basement to, rent All ' 1 90542E 9775 MORTGGES G,,J Dad and aver, weeks Wdude ArtaS 421'n reduction in wrinkles 8 • 1 1545, ,n[reax hem " TIME BUICK REGAL LTD. 7 ygpyp DDfiances -IudeO iv steeo. uql. Fnai,Iig :ur any put. dr. I owner. combed. Durgin' •• Wr a Widen. uD bathroom SNrad Dose Al appu,•ahuns accept 1 m slain 'less 6 elasticity 1002 Um dy malalbc. .Ill vnre wheels 5850 _m0 prate entrance ABA t have a ed gap Communry Morigege d wmtewaus Most options 191 YAMAHA WAVE RUN. '905,668-6805 conOn,aul CRAFTERS wanted at the G,n Guarantee Oa Pull p,00wls measure ,ap7 and Craft Showplace baled Avail pew Dreier mature opine ser WE 500 CCs usedverylink you $500 Joan 169000 n,wayy klms SAcd,l,ce `ogle 6%StYJ3 Lhace • 6 maims Irte Jr nit $NMfD ACCONUMATION yS8900905,623-2183 New condition, ,xlmpkle M avaaabie ,mme0'Ae1y Hun t Busuras 572 1 lSirom You could win Tree skin are to Ibe Counae flea Mak fora hurler $2900 Can 19053 redu mdpnin oalw,Dnr• smoker noose near Mary anJ Oaaturmiee NyW e2Rownime Court, �at�e 2606 rate F ,tar' For ago call 905- 1km east of Oshawa Let us 728.8220ed 2 134 OLDS Cutless Supreme of (9051839.1944 SW sDuiiess veIst bright large 2. Income requirentall enc Adelaide Streets 5500. month stow and sell your trans dr entrance725.5625 lot GREAT OPPORTUNITY - 5 Sports ,eU with aWm,nrum LASER SAdbwt ballet And from 5;7500 gross LyI „Plus, m FNNITURE Package DW reWp to ee public You d) not wheels aaulleni condition daily' best otter GII poi Wtcnen�+aown o=1 Ea. Ken Collis Coldel Banke, M,,I,i p!" 3 a", ,5 I b ball Cpnal,On. CDudl. !tare t0 be time Glc 905436- ramal. shipping nearby loaded 122 kms mostly 19051120 4214 Mlkm ........ "d ' it' rDvuNnOpd $1'25. 1%5,728 9414 NEW HOUSE t0 setae. at in. halt ole,",:,. 1 y" J'Sl„DUIJr r ,.hoer collet 6 end utiles. 1024 amps a room UMll who highway 'mleape $9500 905- WTSIOE S70MCE Ivr ooats. inclusive Nsrvember 2 EDIIOOM House. fenced "ltd para9e Dyk+a,d 200 aa8s SID)9or best on uwv7ry ,rp thai sw'veurak. etc own betnrwm �,' " GI1436.4028 242 5914 ars motor nemes trailers 1st Mark 509 8218 yard garage t""shed Dace- Bowmmm,k studerls ,wl 1,900 Call %5379-4821 LOCAL ARTIST- CLORM M- taws etc Wilde Sales 4700 Th men! o c ArDttanxs mdW- opine 190517184225 MOBILE CHIP TRUCK 15 fa Rd Nosh PROP Briukho NORTN OSNAWA Sul�l large ed ear oke aAuble PASTAVROS utfe'lnq drawing+ 1M5 SATURN WAGON - 9056558010 2 bedo,r, E':'., 'e'J' byco. Oct 1s f8% utnd,es Gn NORTH WEST OSNAWA. GMC ao",v,,,'„ lid, : mgr NERATON, Kubota AE watercoloarPa,ming cusses 200 P,um automatic an e.cel n, Well managed J,.�d buddL Cones, 416.6907079 ,n,cienc, fryers. ,immn0 MI 4pantyrHl lays beJmom C 4C ore 1800 VA. 12C VACFIZ. 15 startingloss Oct 6 for 5 MP 60 NAME conditions $101)00 0 a 0 1 1 F R nJ Contrwk0 detrains 3729 3 BEDROOM house $900 per puce Non Sm Wm Worbp '+°d cad water Health Ian a V 10 Wle phase 8 weeks 1.3 D in AmbedG L 12V. 10 AMP for Ill Gap 190512631045 rake calling Nu dogs moms plus w mrcs Omel speJuon approved Runs Daosc'ma y seeks same Pieschierun Church Picker- 'pe aly $400 905.$39. WHITBY 1 4 2 MOROOMS O,I,,MrMovember Ise 905- street fenced real real income sum' 1996 54859E 2 door, 5 yard dose to f40o.mo hrs41W 1905'516 at g 35',s,>pl up To register Wore 420- slops to oke avat 7002 an"6t Asking f'G SIiG GII Snem SD00 48500 kl967 Buck an �416idB9-Sus a, ,905, 5-95584 Able 5ptn oak Dclober 5835 510.000 9054703%7-�a13 u 1st% ,9051 1416:81'. - 644.5505 126 Fliclopiphir 825 CresvnA Ta" 630 FWaing. Carpd% �GHouuauning 837 vara MMllaace US own Mayer Rgrr 641 Pool YaWenance 143 !tome Security 115 Snow Removal 150 Catering 851 Disc Jockeys 312 Party Seroces 153 Banqua Fac" 315 Fwq Charters No Muvc 861 Pam Tuning 165 Private Tows Scrmoe FT Nanny Service; N5 Coving Srdmcs 393 Imuratce 391 Busrmss 991Ymes 62 ProleSsau, Drecgry, 893 clvnaedAu:malunis HI Desagroustramn 815 Weght,cu 196 Irhesurledy W Health B" /M Tap Frankiiia DrecNry 900 'n Memawns 910 )Mfr PACE 18. THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, ISEIFT'EInn 16.19a BYrb Mo. eel g a ameba � le.q a al..p 1tssYg a af7t•67 New crarrrq er r AND YOUR BABY Place a birth announcement in our paper and receive a FREE "BABY'S HERE GIFT PAC" lsgh''Y � 1 it 1 � t_. M Approx. $25 worth of brand name Droductb Your free coupon is redeemable at Sears, Oshawa Centre or Pickering Town Centre EARS Inquire at: NAL" A O v E A T I -E N 130 Commercial Ave.. Ajax - 1822 Whites Rd.. Pickering 683-0707 : 1 1 Impragll,snn Ncvng a Srae9e MOUNTAIN Torge & Bruce's MOVING SYSTEMS HAND) %IAN We«, -.o,- mrnilme SERVICES canmercLo naarevdvr■ PralKsgrt i goauty PadaPr9- mar Guarar"eea ylenmanvvp and mm oisdwvmems Free Reasonable Rates n yrs N rar,OvaDoru Deck. Fere. esl571-0755 «yyM, Cools,c� 1888 491-0600 Gears -M M odd fobs George (905) 6374M 8rua d33•t219 :1 Rooting \Sd RLXi lewd klewfam +n„wIInY. ati r.pr. of r. A, „ee arl c4. K'Assonsi G.A- antred 104 Dopowe tiny r ,tire, liar ew,maN. i all Awdrre M /•fl 4284"W 'GUARANTEED - PAINTING A PLASTEFUNG leo manly up from, aY ahem your Satisfied, c,.. fawners. Sow Dasa.e Ge 3teg ar rrkwaww,a.s� 1176111!-5I111c. 11 Ali Pro P...ur r and NAllpaporisi �trwr. waerrk 1v�rr .'- ..FREE ­ .FILET Esa■mo 401-96b9 CWS 14a11 Coverings Pamhng 6 Wall°ape...,p StniY repars. Orinvill wood tuasNa. pr0ltfydnal rea90r. reaoruble. cert. Colin 839--256 MAGGIE'S DECORATIVE PAINTING Serti.,r discount call for Free Estimate (905)831-7262 PAINTING WALLPAPERING, CROWN MOULDINGS STEVE SYME 434-5422 Celli 242 -SODS adl PAMWMM sph-wiaad u iwanior Mad r3trrror f ineiaa. Fire rs 2tes. Can (e•s) en••aa Fast relisb/r sena irr, Will brat ••y yrirr. TMS PARMNG i DECOR Interior d Eiderior European Workman- ship Fast, dean. reliable service. 420.0081 True Colson! MegnbrlEpabdiagp••arg Pap Retarar. Crsf Mike Stepko (105431-4638 Im aATNNAL om SYSTan k7 or small. M a rAUD OIN 6eC01Mif. mOIagW faa.la°a Fmes Eriwtalb SeF72344711 1.80.617750 Is NTSNNTN sell ing.0 Man NNglno•111E•E X Moving System up to 3000 so ft MOVERS s, mores. AWWM and part specrssd, vruvnw,a duwnp blah Move Dip or small. wehourly ria now law heated sloggs url Goo . kitchen. e00n waled .do. "on. price them al;' Free 95huting wpphN Pak and load special, asp doves s whenve, mates. seniors discount.$125 mrd up Serving Eat to Wast Comm are the rouse meds Short notice moves IIIprovince, Oswk,p c w, riere.' phances moved. also -s.ee_ r pall PA" • 419-70-M storage space available e `51eV�VaMJra�� NY1ag ryypinl, ape, Comparable rates Callber d 42%'11UBRw� 3Yltla rile b, rsMdwr ay (90,916e7Jp7Cr f 'VWJ OMsram 283.5436 i MCNAliltl MOYINO Ho�� HouseHousecICumming'HOua s.S a� uas p r`ts Offices. Appliances d Piano Specialists Senior 6 fo-Month Discounts Licensed, Insured Free Estimates Professional service Call 436.7795. ExperieI cross M Bargain rate 0". apPiano moPacktrq av423-02286-55 Ila! r II ISI ilii. .\'Illi � I of1> 1 126-;99 i Aduft ErAWnmomM T CHAT! 1-900-643-4600 i i s t wa.nmg L ext. 1352 www. f. rer 53.99/min. TREE REMOVAL i MAINTENANCE Stump removal i LandseaPing ' s'l NTu\1 H1aNF CALL DAVE 831-7055 ur r s0. Or' oJJ rewil [�ILEG Jr.ra-EMON.0 LADIE5 Party SaMonI,nrl, ,r,w, �1l A �'CE E CLtSS RABBIT WANTS WORK ABwmAOLsCL4SS "C^,C'•ta0i: =r _^ :'e <=a^.A< GL'ARA\TE.ED 1 '-"9 AM Ano All occasions Have My Own Magician GUARANTEED Call Ernie 666.493= NOW HIRING IL PROFESSIONAL TO ADVERTISE Pre-hnsnec hardwood YOUR AUCTION IN soPT� MENT MR Installations TM SECTIONtaa1T wnAm 426-1408 ASM OUR NSCL L Call Mike PLEASE CALL. ADRATES vIfDER after 5p.m. 683.0707 M m1rA, IffAADDM FOR ROUTINE ACCTG. SERVICES Bookkeeper, 30 yrs. experience Daily/Monthly Acctg. to Trial Bal. PST/GST Fillings. Pers Income. Tax. Very Reasonable. Donna 839-2130. KIOSIAMTS EARN EXTRA MOM NOW? JUST BY DELIVERING NtW� ADVBsi'YI PAPER ROUMs). CAN YOU SPARE 1 OR MORE HOURS A DAY, ONLY 3 DAYS A WEEK, IN THE AFTERNOON? IF YOU CAN, THEN YOU CAN TURN SPARE TIME INTO PROPITAM TIME SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME WITH A JOB THAT WILL HELP YOU 1) BUY THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS. 2) GET HEALTHY EXERCISE 3) MEET LOTS OF NEW PEOPLE. CALL TODAY, 653.5117 AND FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN EARN EXTRA CASH Nit" AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... INCERELY YOURS. TO RESPOND TO AN AD, cALL 2p ret en0 And the 4 W ng br a too. single. war• mw. 23 b 30- winner is... 14037 KELLY HARRISON E 1x35 TIMES of sox 2=0 SEEKING A SALANCE ... av••Ir aYee. M. romart. atycuonw .'w CanlNle-rose Law ower. pIWN Port Perry V., gong_ carne are Amo.. rwr ro yea Thanks to the participating businesses. 36 Y. as empoved mw 5a- 135 b. III ha. ar". camping. Ilil ria E BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA "i ate see" a go no lar Yen snrn Baskin Robbing 'Nation Ms -i 3491bng St W "�'^•^^'a Jr yrs Nevrg I. ea N1 has 170 Llb" St. S. Gnu Books. 250 reunion Rd. E. Thanks to all. Taco Time (Hy 6 gels Plaza) who entered... 170 Liberty St. S. WH • .lteaals eOK ' -731 :=o . (H" n HOV 2379 (H) IGA Prinnggliee CYreek Oshawa • �i•hltbV - ' Clarington CaRm 728 Anderson St. FRIENDS To STAR7 20 r old. 94- 190-200 a mw, woo ww" • Glass Act, % W --"Glass M. 1001 Sums St E. 44 This Week Ragged Replays. 19 saWOn Or. .porn. In11,ac .rw inoraure Se.h.q a GNC Books Burns St. Plaza News Wtnnar ?I.rH assAct 1 S PICKERNG Gass Act Glass tic 8866Bay1y A 0 V E N T 1 S E R please call :67 Watr,ey S. CO Plus, IM Brody Rd. Emp"-alMlenpsedROT 579-4400 e1et.2314 PORT PERRY eNPMIan •51? aaln am 153,0 'i / Pzza De11gr1. warn St AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... INCERELY YOURS. TO RESPOND TO AN AD, cALL 2p ret en0 1-900-451-3793. $2.49 PER MINUTE. YOU MUST BE is OR OLDER. 4 W ng br a too. single. war• mw. 23 b 30- 11.E.6.PE.C.T 14037 4 reCIM 30 Yr ad s+yr Mmar page E 1x35 TIMES I- for • mw ri m 30. --I- r fyr sox 2=0 SEEKING A SALANCE ... av••Ir aYee. M. romart. atycuonw .'w CanlNle-rose Law ower. pIWN 4- .0 !u r ad. 5 .35 o ,bowed farmer. erYoye IarmF w red 9ar•er1•19. 'lel V., gong_ carne are Amo.. rwr ro yea 40 36 Y. as empoved mw 5a- 135 b. III ha. ar". camping. Ilil ria E • "i ate see" a go no lar Yen snrn 411,- d 1,- a I" scat 127ce "�'^•^^'a Jr yrs Nevrg I. ea N1 has r. ale. «rrWa. Coaling arra mYelr n,AN Saeknrp • terms w has amirr and ars. L�+q - anrsc■ra. It mw. 39 w es. r4r -es, w nawwts. b hanownp al poseEly mar BOK ,1e30 TAKING A MM 91e0T, l.,.. arra. daeawone mar. dace= asp pay a.OP r mlore olaapn% boli ate .lteaals eOK ' -731 :=o . Ms. euda.q Na r.o tan 2130 ands0K PW You FIRS, single..." -small. 41 Y.. era smaeer. Ae.M bl. ..w dyne agog tamp and ane .cner r. Till I". Ira• aw.-V Call 1-900-451-3793 FRIENDS To STAR7 20 r old. 94- 190-200 a mw, woo ww" LOOKING FOR LOVE a r oldgay runs _w wm, dw,es hoe ,,04-4ni 5 T 125 aDa. der M. E^IWa knig e,g cow4n, muse. daniong. mpoa raw dn+q dA. moons. sell red mae seal a cw*4m Ice. hw%owr. raspy .porn. In11,ac .rw inoraure Se.h.q a . arra bier Dyes. Eocene ipr sel,u, x b 45. dna e.W I- Seveso . 4.00 -ft mor. ,a M1w,dmr us. p.a. rolaar. $2.49 per min. Msnw Zi a.Ikrr r a 1 rrrrwar,p drat n,.rOP Ina• war 60K 15.X10 rron-e•raha. stir nce. wb a,Ipya ..lea. dill amd 400«-li"ige mew 30 b 40. rmo • Priosi s. Rohan and aaln am 153,0 'i Y' W. S'5- lb 1um,v srwa tlmar 60K ane, dkr.,ea.ad. room animal arb behmlw Call 1-900-45 1-3793 as. 33121 :Mre*NO LONELY k smiMwarAalN3wad es r .ns - n Mar\ 6'T Y. 177 NEW WANW TDwn Ware syr,. me. ` a• r W a w"r naw. tvvmwo" OR wE[K[ CALL OE 12.49 r min. Pe b M a0 5 e' ..qe. n Maar coed e4r blonae Iry •ry ',are eves snpy. Ee. dada err 9'ey Ilan. down eves, LrNG -. Mond nen and as. hook" • •mow. iiiaro Eppy ars. sa Der• 5 •'.' ' el c leo s•e•.q na .ams.. h arra vp 10. .r,cowltsn 32 r ad, tr,ay.. wnee ,.mace .rw anpy� .rPArq. •�••^I^n+100 pray.g voce. er'ang. ar,d,p, nareMrp dna .erne SPy.,q • M M look * S -1. ftow- slprel dr.w. s••h1119 ..ny rrr,w 6071 BOX 12 No emokor w b.erde cox ,11M am.a rAglNeiuse tTRUeaMt'rG ALONG.., w.nd maty aawaw Som s orals ro 24. b Irs clehp halt SM 24eI I 4 W ng br a too. single. war• mw. 23 b 30- roman. q w so, gam, ser w,qe sane ornate «r eras a good Nn•a of hi_ 14037 4 reCIM 30 Yr ad s+yr Mmar page E 1x35 TIMES r Aal, p rArrrg, td ooME,e ralNbr- sox 2=0 SEEKING A SALANCE ... av••Ir aYee. M. romart. atycuonw .'w CanlNle-rose Law ower. pIWN 4- .0 !u r ad. 5 .35 o ,bowed farmer. erYoye IarmF w red 9ar•er1•19. 'lel dry g01117314 MEET Til[ CIIfTElIA7 PPUBCMR OF LOVE 36 Y. as empoved mw 5a- 135 b. III ha. ar". camping. Ilil ria E opoii� al q br "i ate see" a go no lar Yen snrn 'Loa Now- ""a's Mn Born 'lar aro "�'^•^^'a Jr yrs Nevrg I. ea N1 has r. ale. «rrWa. Coaling arra mYelr n,AN Saeknrp • terms w has amirr and ars. L�+q - anrsc■ra. It mw. 39 w es. r4r -es, w nawwts. b hanownp al poseEly mar BOK ,1e30 III MNG. looking Is. m employed nese gas marled mw ora 510- Ice a dMr l.,.. arra. daeawone mar. dace= asp pay a.OP r mlore olaapn% boli ate .lteaals eOK ' -731 :=o . n1«as..d"oft" allele ,3432 A GENUNE FOOM orsal r.IsMna,r Nora amok« praee LOCI lix al pr to-* 10 ohne nom• 0000 NATURED GUY Call 1-900-451-3793 LET6 WORK 11 OUT Chnatrn woman So ,We ,war: good awl 'goga Pad aortia dog Ww box 2as2t Chr4,am mar 34. n wqm , •aro r saynq .corner. woe U. eor,Amar Mq $2.49 min. per c v,1 Ilglwp. >ti r ad sng,s .nsi moFrr mvac da.r we sssk+rg ar rorrest. an- LETS CoN w cr ARE YOU aVOEPtiEND[NT7 Yekw Peppy ar.r oar^. netuns ow FEN"& FWAFO M Y ,,rice cease . mahsr tG a aeras dark cans mar so ro 55 SOX 156" 47 r s'9•. roar war to bran he. 28 n .,b .r 1. mw 5 4' •mac dark •err rl•••W 7 NG .nd .Tamm b ter 1w, matnp NAPPY ENOMG alae .nd eves. akar. ,M ou"'orw -ow,by KM ANO DMLLIOOR ll mi and haxM eyNG Look+q ,or • nrela. aa1r,0 enc do,wr eros kMs mDres a`,) c dn. ���y��m{ M eaW a bPnPr Waoe box , »e0 36 y, ad amw brown nen and elu• Ms. euda.q Na r.o tan 2130 ands0K Mary aaraaly. awning arra a.lgo.g. yow$g at Yr ow. rw "Wilidrsd rm•r. a* *W,pr,ar,w Lana cook rws Se•+ng . mos and rouser red .no WC COME ON. CALL! 40 Yr ale ver"'WI -0111 '0-90 arid snioys •adng. � ... uava,rg a�md anae Scali a WOO %me* 33.42. rmpioyad bIACA mw. 37210 roti-,Imoearr41 a onset p«sory rY alas rampin, ", ,,,aks and m RAl r rWeeandem IW onegi C BOK 12165 3p, se•"- w1oys Nsli a all I10l long gay no . bawl ell s A. nMsam ono "clear"THE CALL! to .05 sarw of nwlra envors muco. d. -g. len1014 Inve iii e,. good w. sec N lees OPEN wawa. w delt o oninps a,4 ad some w +rases ,ca Laptop r NN Iner,gni eana,. las ao ed o, 90x 33325 Y' W. S'5- lb 1um,v srwa tlmar •A be er-old BOK 2e909 art. s.wa . p.ppr aKy ns. b npy. Boot 30621 naps w a 7770 WANT To EXPL011[..... w rr dors nam LANG to Petty' seeking • mw It r 30. el a to and good bat ARE YOU M w(NT7 M neer Path STEP MIGHT LW 24 y sob ekes mar. 5'P 50 ba down all. 'w Co As. �• il erm9 an •any ^9 BOK 12341 Ans you 4►59 1.,*- -190-V good y ase. ar,d syNG. •draw uc -all dI~ 0 arM rH+mw «tcdln- � � wicN TO OFiER!onestano sane d hr,rl,a and p«eow" dawn, move. 30 Io with, sow e45.Per E; x n Sano natant -love ou lends a noon► b•nd,.1g. bow- B�OK13�BB Sngr 39 r ac aaY .dd b cnaoa,, 5'e' Mmon%C1 o lry mumi half �apal�dmis nKM • • • but ►fly love life 'nwnslbi, i,Vn s,•-s'T seei a 1 ,2 .fine A Md 36e. d I-- r,.aWm eaavrl. wort down M1 as. h.a. oras Enpy .w -10. cops owoRap. Pdabrad a,d dl•111eng, Who yeas go e thill, sifts, paKA.pd N deal rPI„rr1Pp sox HIQS �n n ban trait. naraL oNkp. MaCaaWt .. loaMO.q� arid, 11101 d wrrsue ama�NG ,o rwa ,w tarts cera ,raansl S.ek so ,otrad. 2aaDa lees ll Supmlprva main . sewr�rgVYsry ap�M. tt�ader BON 20735 .-ma. W man my w eta, amaE$T FRIEND Yea. am 140 •^° dominoes twyzc .as. rp„0 NEW INTDMM • aIos SOUGHT PON-. anradlve Chrell ray. non e1,oh I had m0 interest fit meeting FUM ON POT MW 10'mie Y.r1' damr,i,g coral con- Ince. s0K ,axe 4e Yr ad. s'. , • 0 e employed ems. .0 or- ft" a NEW TO THE AREA 23 Yr old oyer anndxre s.,pr mar rye W. awn da.,Aer Enpre maw. dew. Nle ase d^•g out. Is. matoaa. dry Ips pleople IN bars and No time to wo a ba YYdr, r wkap aYla alas I" w EIYr ba rYdw. rLL COOK FOR You MrAAea yNG as. a pDoO yaw a rwmor Look. w a frond and possibly 1. ,M Also, aI- .mays man:. dAnrng. In. Seekng Irand Ms and onlay n me ownry Seeks bas. •d. e.w.ns. CnrWon geltlenan 7•,M look elsewhere. That's why ab SOC 17821 single mw 5 r ,45,50 b bpd E monsEco( 33733 sEEKa10 SAYE PYIdoore Ind mans a mw 26 35. .len ravessi lM/ Potential DOx osm. ran •mgr .,ansate. n IM CPbPUrg fr,e,oep" BOX I placid a Ad IN the ,,,g g b ■w d.r,es sox 196aa » r od d row etpye war. musib, .7 as., br 30M7 30. aria r aawloyg4 osrkV ens IMrld _ PARTNERS M cARwa bars. leasing and rang a good uralll Seek. CAN WE TALK A60UT R HOPELESS IIOaeA1r11C7 personals. I met some really N cls MOW 0 dsas Mfr yr •oa7B• all,sara. S 1P. 140 b. agla YlYarp b nMrk 39 Y, ad ad.cMd rasa. mar. e'. 210 b. -9 the aPma .nd eO+10 """"1e BOK 29 Yr old. •tiredly Cm,w row wan 33 Y, old. rasa lemals 57. pan bran dein and "" ter 1 Priors IWw,g. ... Neal. decent guys. ad cul wMt Mads. 9erliq ndW. 1d•23. Ybaaaa Bal a amok« And cowl drsvar. a aeakrp a hand 10 uh b Man b Prow O611AWA ro gapar,0enb a yekltp a Cnroaan mw 27-42 cYng. eookrp dans. WOs. Mc lPs' but this 1 , WC1 V. okra earlier 15066 .0 Mae- on• •taeMd. 20.40. Ice ar•nngs. days ANSA Fe.". 5'B• der PyNG, oown haA, 150 eho •mosso C■rnprlg, muaC. coal •g as. maw n you ens susee, home ala lot ■ man. 30-40 err a wing amp raAbn- slip. Mat be em.ctw.. urq«wrwq, one guy... BIEAK M AROUO and w.slanda 801, 20W2 b. IIr100w amass. 70 ki 2a, td dbnldw. pry. c*Ml BON 33103 o l red tamed .r1 a 90M wok a rkrl,a SOx ,7x, What cam I say) M yr as = bi MYr• OV. 260 b, DUIWAY AREA COUPLE � �N•a = ,ris^dNtlo. 90K 36082 JOINTaIE FUII HOPING 2 ITEM F110Y u Very rg. Mt." eany 704 PdM. Ian Ice/ EEEIQ w KWGW Thanks to the two MlgOalw ens Dusan � mri"•�� fo miler b halt tun anoaaYrs we N you Ca'pl• n on dila sma odgrip ala bas, So 28, lics, Laos -cri denp.g. ons w gen ler SF g% Ns. ytMY, A $04*0r awn-o..A, IOVt osr. B00r 20350 yw. Y•nr Pr,cra nun- or ma.. DadSMpntaaMMed old And .0 travel Oaarp gpcd man w cam. MSO g a Won "ft mals, i b 45. personals my N 1� ON My Y Mier. 80ap10. Owmr, b@dWN9 4 0M 0 sport Isduaab Oa- a,paoaa. SOK ,a/e0 tporwra,p one am zee,e soeol ardoy and aw.sna wabonlP. YouId['s bac? ON BALANCE w LIFE 0MUiO know, hM b Vaal a Indy. n sawn » r Did. anavo. wars mW. 5'6-. 145 b, sI••ar SCE Lastyp, a aoaNs arlvary, newly. n oma and track." •erre and arawn.a, onyoya Playnp vola a no,-smow, have dnwer..M's as Ido. $MMP ma al my Wtl B�1 ,92°0 opal. MIM,ng f0 mWte, pad fora art numb vary tlaloo to., 1,•• m I,ul,orata, don Snell vasa NO A o ki en w rwn,br, not ,ro ur, trrncry see". land oa AND AOI trace b ler tun rd in goon ■dice. w aa" gong. n1soAa. opal mnad, "anal Blom. ras and OaedrlrF Nal No rat W�Mp 2'.aa . br19 cryo ray■o,• rM. n.ww as. mud. meq Has 9 tun. o a ■gw+d. s r old dam a her Bic' PrY. 5"'"19 Has Eryoys nlaaa d1.rKa1g, ron,rw and Bs. WOCMM I■dy to Nam wr1, a bud test good w alM r ofd healthy 57.122 ose, a�Mdg ■ abprlg, hasty near w low r,rade, log gtM 6K71 136M LOO$r M FOR UILTOOM _ _ a alb a m•,a .19 Who N hone. nsrp Ad MW. Ba( Call 1-900-al-3M.Iatlonnnip. BOK 30522 9s lkAtl' oar as. •tiara. $OK we for all as lei every • • . sf-, 225 D weft divorced, swpbya0 FEN"& FWAFO M CIRCLE THIS ADIt MPs. •pada ki and a ands On er face, r I,a,sat ■ nm-ar,dw. n mid if. r • I I • 423 ME V-49 per min. 36 r obi. friendly. good bdl•g /ar w la 53 r old, aos.a atr■pM, prdCaauOrrL ws�r1 Ile 11aAL SA. a- rt 33-W. laiab 33Tr2 trkrc. COPkn0. er9ulg and moa. B•••r19 ar,d ¢era eyes r bare w you. BMC ad eiMlt r,blt a twma. n aaaM d an 7••Y IeIM Pp1rr1•Y addiYWs. wIMYas b mad at Oder, gaww . rI,W. 46 der, aid, a•naar aw.r.a.. for INS7 nornarlrc ono anddrd mW. BV,.k f Zr11d FOatOMP gbt BIOK IMM um Emla hor,ad. 9•Pd kiPt17Ig nor war, srrw e,Isr• w r b Ida a Wq�le OPEN nterl ler drwaal arouasr b k*m an - n20915 GII 1�Y0G 451 790 a r OW s aaWi a oNgr art. s.wa . p.ppr aKy ns. b npy. Boot 30621 mw waw rupEwr dna reaft race ar•n OW daily to YgY. ECIC 34252 20 yr old. esaagwa. &Mmcl*v row w 32A9 32'9 �• w a" aaowrra wt ba cern its �NGBM 11477 LOOg11G POIIViOU o0opersonap AM BM IS= low Me. WOMrg kir a cans,g, hwrst mea w rtes halving lu,, for a My ma,dar dep n dye ap EnMs cngeau, . Ione - Pounrry musty Anil Quw nqy. SOMdg a i� P6MEcf N G�B1RV AWaebm. a g s Iarniva. 5.3-. wise brown - A GOOD HEART - move. 30 Io with, sow e45.Per E; x n Sano natant Peary. weaned g71•••r• cera •P•r,Org +unw awrrkge bp■9w. GOBI 14693 LOOK" PORVOU Mertrd aaracYva cskplg, in 3s'a, r wat- hr and •gra Envoys arlg. d■ -it us- a Nd as we hes b ala S --w .Is. tetsar. no dspr,arws. K ns. 5.4-. IesalAn OtdO. IoM ala. IEOIAAII OR DECAF7 HOOM T AND UP FMN I b r s!0. 6', waY 7lraiwK •b Ing anally crass. ,roofs ger elaan, Non cease awaegve, for= IlorlsM, snosg prKrman. B 34 ban trait. naraL oNkp. MaCaaWt 93 yr am. dbonra4 alasDr,drK. ,NtY 3f r da. s aYtpr r11se r/Nr a NQ a NrL Dd■aEM M181MM dnww"m Laos NCE SALE VAWW Law ddlAsal and snarler, nwarA syr rww look N9 for a 9Aranan. SO b g0. w alae oow&yrlerdan ro' wndw and Ian bksw. apoYlp Yea. am 140 0rwinp, Psok cwft CoaPksera art earl•. BO( 181BY M r FAIL 5T, 105 Q prab000'W Moat asp. Y•Y•atg and db. I An anal sndMw ens aavlr Model dairarar. Lady. b meal a muse, eawgiaa 0"0 cut c anvg, W". ooatiq ant0 cedar'• M alboc ra. Nara. ootlYrr0. daL OI•n art aaa Saal�Ip M Naar arm w ft an FUM ON POT MW MM 71 TOTALLVaaarAr, .r1 brondo her and gleam ayes, ""a ho1,M. non anAa•1g alraa,.w wale . •acid drkwer prose. Mos paarsd. lah MdN Iasy ad Ida BOI 1Tar11 wo a ba YYdr, r wkap aYla alas I" w EIYr ba rYdw. Cun°°• tl dWtCft woMng dA. Mdng and mea. Sedug boran 3Sa2 br IMosaMtR BOx 26SN mM rr sd• saM BOK 33684 NNIpM Is CAOUN ab SOC 17821 wwm b on loggbw wet Ira r r hr mw an igalgaK nrr. 43 053. roti- lET$ TET 36 r ow ater r tadkrg for erawlK M b 3rK MW r n lar arty aD'r and 1asT anldr. w r I,s, b be wfY,. BOOL 10766 Sage whes lenre. it. 8', hr tg..d cease SEEKS LIFE PARt1ER 30. aria r aawloyg4 osrkV ens IMrld _ alreaw•. SOK 29952 IIOPN0IO TEAR N r old. black Mur. aaserbm caring. ndsper,Osrf. E,IaYa irararg. dawwq, dsr,g II fin ass. as ,las as ellrl Ibrl 36 r ad. 5'4-, IIA divas rac•ler Of CM agraaans M rlyq brown Nin cera ldh light Ilasflgi Ey9gv M aatboeR worMiq OUR a11a f06w/ 9r01r16• pap I,ad gen.., y01E N cls MOW 0 dsas Mfr yr •oa7B• all,sara. S 1P. 140 b. agla YlYarp b nMrk FOI11 IMr sassing a may. 52 b 55. w a honed. I LaO" w • to ■rlgr .hos mw. w r blue eyes Lies osrnpr4 tar rsDY, dein •10 Wa erarps a Mame 12735 ad cul wMt Mads. 9erliq ndW. 1d•23. Ybaaaa Bal 7• r am 5-r. 60 tibia .M Oran mak ad pr •Yea. Nda astMublr, trN wprkFp and ala b aP•rd BOOL aN1CaIa. horde. Carp ad not tib haw BOx 30516 an0 n10a•. Lddr10 kir a, aydimau. ansae nW■ YOU CAN OOlbfr ON M okra earlier 15066 Maas• 1r•idY YYt10.�PYY'ItrD Wlya. van, tone „dl w. 13b18 9ei••• �p �• �a��OR�Iw�ao�a. � orYrS�irW BIEAK M AROUO FRIENDS FONT 42 r red roar. 5•91". mogrr d Iwo. 0400 DOMNTO EARTH Petrt eagerly seg!. mam. 34. err, ■ aommoYa'�0""'�BO7(2 l77 . •rI(9aalS tB•M1e'g • MtarYg ens brag M yr as = bi MYr• OV. 260 b, forgood�YmMtatlfriends am 33647 a 'a Ill" Old. 5TTti 6glMa4 /•Parer? wNr ha ern IwPea ad asrwa � two MlgOalw ens Dusan � aa,rng. gM'las. n4v c lar Rileas�dil agars ad mon. Sedlinq i tibia. s. 20D b. AI>preciYOn were. Wald Iraaa oIr b had ad laugh wf,. our W m �"n�' erne, maoionw. tun b ft and as rod!. EnLoys movi o. amalYy t3b,74 pow YRy OTT M 1 non aMdrra N obi era be IMlndr4 MOK 19148 na,-aM1Oasr. Aowd fd wM ape. wM has anMrr arwaar. BOX 17666 aaatMe. aMc*WAWI asarw hales! •sy poM,p a good ars. d MMna. :X :X bswsl. plabprapN er. give. wM• mw. 46 50, • Mpolp. N 1� ON My Y Mier. 80ap10. Owmr, b@dWN9 4 0M 0 sport Isduaab Oa- BROWN EYED oft BMC 26gbthaws Ifalase. ITm g,e Tobi man ty a). 4 Meld. ahp BOK log, Yard, grlan6- 0 111 +a waags wra Sedylq OVW ma1�M� of oppW W �, anow n",*, Thr 46 yxr old. 6'6'. �l AlradMrs. single. waw /AI,aM wM, donde SNORT a SWEET 16 and moo. 26873 wank Ad wet M dtA6oag art M 150 4 aaracler Mlala wtKdd M b fill" SZ49 has And crown •P•. 54, is. »sale. a mat 2S b 31 w r fin baks,p cera r Old rrrlae, err, long dad• I,as, aMdys mus., mare, dancing ad Ck" Y A $MEET La1Dy 41 Olyra9y d M. All w,Pos r b M wah Pw ebn. era as. liar Mfr a gond ane and not a god BION 19167 per min. Odyn b Marg,. w arWya maw. aPer,b r11.re71e4 oa. B01I 12660 r ofd healthy 57.122 ose, a�Mdg ■ abprlg, hasty near w low r,rade, log gtM 6K71 136M LOO$r M FOR UILTOOM _ _ a alb a m•,a .19 Who N hone. nsrp Ad MW. Ba( IEEDEDI A MAN WHO.- dies, BION t Out w uwar and art LM $NABS R ALLI we for all as lei every ilea cera• n his eyes. • ,a,1s0er on no . sf-, 225 D weft divorced, swpbya0 nllrMile Yrir ala. VWNa� BaY wok r aaak- CALL SOON K old, 5'e'. tamed Mot Grown MPs. •pada ki and a ands On er face, r I,a,sat ■ nm-ar,dw. n mid if. r YOUNG LOVE » pfd aamaf■. 5'r. elver d aro, 3E. ar9Oys most more aNrrF OrdYp, waif ra wMwf rt9 anobw arKfM w age, >Z o yskaagw. fila dame I:, BMC r ata hes art harm ayes E^Mya Caepkg. 40s. Fonar era suwbary Islands, lair r 105 b. En- Oato- mg. dubs. musty. maw ws�r1 Ile 11aAL SA. a- rt 33-W. laiab 33Tr2 trkrc. COPkn0. er9ulg and moa. B•••r19 ar,d ¢era eyes r bare w you. BMC ad eiMlt r,blt a twma. n aaaM d an 7••Y b d-, Miler 10gs/rr. FANTASY i 17N . rI,W. 46 der, aid, a•naar aw.r.a.. for INS7 nornarlrc ono anddrd mW. BV,.k f Zr11d FOatOMP gbt BIOK IMM IS r gal bi turbos mea, C. t60 b. MA - friendship. Pima, relationship BOXYg OPEN nterl ler drwaal arouasr b k*m an - n20915 20915 CLOSE FFNEXD .... AND HONEST waw Jamar. ail ROMANTIC nb YgY. ECIC 34252 20 yr old. esaagwa. &Mmcl*v row w 3t yrs young. welcease 26 yr off waw owah arfdb diad assays FABf ". 1 Fan LETFEE S 00 FOR COFFEE 63 r old Irtay, 5'4-. 130 b. non-6sal low Me. WOMrg kir a cans,g, hwrst mea w rtes halving lu,, for a My ma,dar dep n dye ap EnMs cngeau, . Ione - Pounrry musty Anil Quw nqy. SOMdg a seance. lar drn$ Prose and romanced so" 19-34 r Or #am" b 41 r Old v*ft net nm -•manta. •nIPYs camping and h•t'•g lun. eaakaq a nm-wrio" mar w Mr• p and Iaeeab,, more. LA.s ports. eo1Ng out king Mks on a bomh And nwr B01I move. 30 Io with, sow e45.Per E; x n Sano natant Peary. weaned g71•••r• cera •P•r,Org +unw awrrkge bp■9w. GOBI 14693 seen e. NL rMrg W a N wrlow mar a as&* • 00 •1' fun. " coo.on b Y rra'••td• OR■ya OM. BOK darwrg. Bal 32971 33M 13713 13713 To Pres your ad var, a Twe aa■nlaerll Oa 1-100,180.1491 The apwaps at M night to' da* at if for Comm Comm aN aealarw asp!easy Aaram crmpanwA Migd de /edea a& Wild as. Osdrlew0 P*V ale bawd an aphis . A&Awwra Terson Seraph• frit. M pDy ape orb pan � *M. Wou MW ) ab Mabee Ma Fol pdnr N CgoYNpMf INS ATS FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING * FIi:EE INTERNET AD TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1-800-662-Q ' 23. Pltmilr$JC, DAY OR MGNI'. 11• f / U THF: NEWSADVERTISF:R, WED-0:%DA1', sF.rrF: I8F.R 16, IY7a.pAGL' If v IN�� �•` .� YH-•� ":�ti`�Ar;•Gti.. �?�' ,++�' ;'/.k .L�"I::'$.1r�'.bk�, r'�r'�� ,�;. ;� �.. � .. '• Y66h, SHINE .. - ES' _ AY, Jw'•, r s • ..,,m' ,k '8v '' � fxYr r' h �•,f'y �� .-R}��„ ,f µ} � J i/ 4 } �.', � •y.,1t '``", 3f . p�,Aa, t y 'm+f. ,. '�v�I,JL y 1 ,.�t�'/�.{ r".*■ S 3, t ATURDAY . ,7.. A J � SPF " q i i - iSIO 411r,C( yXXyG SYN rr�xt' '< c , CORNER OF BROCK ROAD X �(' EIPTEMBER 19,3p dNy�r r ;AND � KINGSTON RD „ # 998 t " fl s 1wPICKERING 11 A.Me TO 4 F.M. ,�A DAY OF FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY "The Durham Regional Police at 19 Division presents Safe Community Day with this s theme "Together We Can". a, MUSIC ' The day will be filled with displays, demonstrations, entertainment and fun for all ages. Among the activities will be the police marine unit display, Durham Police Pipe Jr Drum BY THE Corp, the Kid's Safety Village, Investors Group Photo opportunity on a police motorcycle, the State Farm Bicycle Rodeo, face painting sponsored by McDonald's restaurant and Chid Find fingerprinting. CRUISERS ngerprinting. There will also be displays by the Ajax Race Relations Committee the s Pickering Recreation Department. You'll also enjoy a tour of an Ajax Pickering ambulance as well as the smoke house and "jaws of Life" demonstration by the Ajax is Pickering Fire Departments. See you there! "<.o .. �L —_ , • Dan McTeague Proudly Endorses "Safe Community Day" RtNM M ON. CHANGE CEN NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. WARRANTY APPROVED OIL CHANGE SPECIAL EST ° . DY DON'T MISS w Reyien" i Specialist Demonstration rs i Trucks *K9 ap a•ior1 y}", ' •k.' b' �" S . •Tactical Support unit ►siwt rllerr ; - .:..:;..•+►Self Defense Demonstration' . prim 5; -;,_*Polygraph Denionshation • - - - - - •Mobile Command Display �•07raffic t may *Exploig s Disposal unit Display -Antique Cruisers Display -Station Tours No h Unit Display s OOPP Laser Rader Danonstrations }. [C eNotor Vehlele Accident Awareness eDisplay ' much much mors! -1%0 -= Ma or &Council •ro�cL�c & �-ro�.�c�: - � � - • �e�-a• +� 91A-YTOw /LAg9+e,Au a/aCYA I Y of the Town of , • • • Professional Integrity Quality Workmanship Es°""�°°` S1 Ajax proudly MEMBRANES •MODERNEQUIPMENT•24HOURSERVICE SUMPPvMPS•DRAINAGESYSTEMS o.RN' DAYS A • DISCOUNTS TO ALL • LOCAL 8 LONG DISTANCE Jveu 20 Years or E vg Wert TroutMesnoot 95 MESTNEV RD. Sa,mo 40-, "A �. support • FLAT BED SERVICE • LOCK OUTS • WINCHING Overs You 7y+a gest Paces 10 Year Full Guarantee p0-1427-e7/N uaomw.E�uu '-Ng11JnFA t our • OUTSIDE STORAGE • SCRAP CARS �- REMOVED vV 686-6880 .. V i x Police - . 4 w FREE STiMATE k Services n. RISE•sH,NE ..- •; ` The New Science of Healing BLIND IND CCLEANERS � �O 40 U s 1' As a family owned and operated business, the practi- - OFF AJAXTIRE SALES y tioners at the Better Health & Nutrition Centre have 9 years i IOURRUNDCLEAwNc + WHEN YOU DROP THEM OFF Sit= 1973 each of education and practi- _ PICKLOP ADEUVERYAVA4AM cal training in the fields of e vERtt -VENETUWs • AND PLEATED SHADES ® DUF*MKWARSOR0UGH New we Used OFix Flats Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA), Doctors of Philosophy AIIDMARICHAN in Clinical Nutrition, ..-k 1885 CLEMENTS RD. UNIT 208 In Support of Chartered Herbalists, Master PICKERING (90S) 428-7729 Sema PAMVIUn Apply Durham Regional P�oLice's Herbalists and Touch For SAFE COMMUNITY DAYIl Health. The known Charles µ; -; ` 683-5675 well w : Potter, Master Herbalist and 369 Finley Ave. Touch for Health instructor, has also brought to our centre Dr. Josephine Cronin PhD, MH, CRA, Dr. Jenrtell Cook, - ; his 50 years of knowledge and PhD, CRA, Charles Potter MH and Dr. Helen Cook, PhD, AJAX " ; 'f),' •`"� experience and we are hon MH CRA of the Better Health 3 Nutrition Centre. + oured to have him with us. to believe that man's body is y Some may test str n but oth- g• JEEP EAGLE LTD. �. CRA has been researched capable of being analyzed ers may not. This does not SALES i SERVICE �, - s} '! and developed for over 45 from head to toe? If you do necessarily mean the 'product' ® GOLDEN years. It is a simple, safe, nat- not maintain your car regular- ly or use quality products on is not good, but may not the right for This is ural metnod of the analyzing product yowl ® r body. It is very precise and sci- it, how will it ever maintain why we suggest analysis not SK Y Regio pa] Di11Poli V entific in detecting �� g it's 'newness?" With CRA and only for detecting deficiencies pOiiCe Safe c �- 1:1P5 even when the problem is the proper nutrition the body but also to maul+` theproper Cotnmun/lti�es Day LUNCH BUFFET Buy 1 Get I FREE so tiny or when modem meth- then has it's own ability to cur- rest and maintain it's natural nutrition is being used. For further information 683-4100 oi.a.io.wsa.wiw„mn. P• ��o17 MorW.y �'Q ods of testing cannot detect. CRA can be used for seniors, � of health, beauty and please call or visit at the Better t�F�hy mry ERp 1?IJ//98 r_ adults, children, even animals. you'.hfulness. Health & Nutrition Centre 493 Ba E. y� ��j{� Man has created hi -tech Clients who come to us for anal si' brio in their I.xated at 226 Harw«xl Ave. S., Ajax. _SUNDAYS I l computers that are able to Y�' g - .. rkP'•.14 MmWy to F 1 DD�� Lb.y our EW. 1?n19a1 analyze every part and system pnyducts they are using. We We are also available for PICKERING TOWN CENTRE .1 of a car from bumper to stress the importance of CRA speaking engagements. P R 1815 Liverpool Road. bumper. Why is it so difficult to determine if the txxly actu- For information call 837-11023 ally uires these prixlucts. (905) 428.1278. OPEN i t t MGL 10 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, SCIMEMSCR K• 19% Pickering Pirates `N rookies place second at Hamilton tourney DICKERING — Buoyed by a Carman led the team with four hits. second -place finish at the recent Hurley. Rose, Smith and Hoyne had Hamilton Inch Park tournament, the three apiece. Hendry and Wilton Pickering Pirates rookie ball select each contributed two RBI. Molony's 'A' baseball team also earned a berth acrobatics at second base highlight - in the Ontario Baseball Association ed the defensive effort. championship tournament after In the second game against East series victories over East York and York. the Pirates continued their Ajax, winning ways with a 13-11 victory. At Hamilton, the Pirates Turner supplied the power with a advanced to the final of the lourna- home run, a double and two RBI. merit where they dropped a disap- Wilton, McFarlane. Matthew Red - pointing 20-19 contest to Missis- sauga. PKXEFw4G MS[BA I ASs�C4f ding, Smith, Molony. Haggarty. Lamanna. Hurley, Hoyne and Car- man each added two hits. Hendry chipped in with two RBI. Playing the Ajax Spartans 'B' squad in another two -game series. the Pirates continued to pile up vic- tories. In the first game at Pickering, the Pirates prevailed 20-8. Every player in the Pirates line-up had at least one hit. Leading the way was Turner with a home run, two singles and two RBI. Molony had three hits, and Redding belted a triple a single and added three RBL Rose had three hits and two RBI and Henry. Pon and Smith each had two hits and two RBI. In the second game with Ajax, Pickering won 24-4. Again, each player in the line-up contributed at least one hit. Most notably, Hendry, Molony and Turner each had three hits and three RBI. Rose, Redding, Hurley and Pon each had three hits and two RBI and Wilton recorded two hits and three RBI. Stan Pon led the way with four hits and three runs batted in. Kevin Haggarty, Adam Hurley, Mike McFarlane, Scan Molony and Eric Wilson each had three hits. Robert CONSUMER CAR MURT Carman. Travis Hendry, Mark Hoyne. Chris Rose, Chris Smith and • • • • • w , • k • • , • • Ryan Turner chipped in with two • im apiece. 1 The Pirates opened the tourna- ment losing 20-5 to Guelph. BUMPER TO BUMPER Smith led the attack with a home L run andthree RBI. McFarlane had two hits, Carman. Haggarty. Hoyne, ARRAN Hurley, Rose. Turner and Wilton had � one apiece. Carman contributed the defensive play of the game with a diving catch of a sinking line drive in left field and threw to second base. doubling off the base runner. In the second game. the Pirates bounced back to defeat Clarkson 13- COVERS 11. Turner's bat came to the fore with ALL four hits and five RBI. Hurley con- tributed four hits while Wilton, RTS McFarlane and Smith added threeA WORN OUT OR BROKEN apiece. X, & In other action, the Pirates played COMPONENTS a home -and -home series with East York, winning both contests. In the BELIEVE IT! first game. Pickering played its strongest defensive game of the seaLABOUR - son to shut down East York 10-2. Peewee `A' Panthers rule round-robin at first tourney PICKERING — The Pi:kcnng Panther, peewee 'A' hockey team won its division at the Markham Waxcrs Fall Classic but fell in the playoffs of its first tournament of the season. The Panthers captured the round- robin crown with a record of 2-0- I. However. in the quarter -finals against the host Markham Waxers, the Panthers dropped a 4-1 decision. Pickering's only goal was scored by Billy Keith, assisted by Daniel D'Ahmunte. Pickering defeated Wcathill 1-0 in the first game of the tourney, out - shooting the opponents 20-S' Chris Lovering scored the only goal of the Same. assisted by Chris Macleod. Pickering goalie Kyle Gillingham recorded the shutout. The Panthers' second game end- ed in a 2-2 tie with Bradford. Pickering goalie Nicholas Seelert played an outstanding contest, stop- ping 24 shots. Matt Yarmoluk scored Pickering's first goal assisted by Robert Bailey and Chris Macleod converted a set-up by Billy Keith. Pickering then defeated the Toronto Colts 8-3. Chris Lovering and Giancarlo Domingo notched two goals each. David Grieves, Richard Carey, Brandon Gillingham and Mike Watkins recorded single markers. Matt Gartner recorded two assists. Macleod, Bailey. Watkins. Carey, Sean MacAteer. Keith and Lovering each had single helpers. Kyle Gillingham played well between the pipes, stopping 19 shots. Other team members are Nolan Smith and Michael Tantsis. The team is coached by Pete Watkins, Steve Lovering and Norm Macleod, who were assisted during the tournament by Peter Seelert. Liz Keith is the team manager. Volleyball loop recruits women PICKERING -- The Ladies Fun Volleyball League hopes to net more players for recreational action this fall. Women play at Dunbarton High School each Tuesday night, begin- ning in late September or early October. Cost is $60 per player. All women are welcome. No experience is necessary. For more information call Mar- garet Nolet at 686-7560. SCOREBOARD FAX GAME MESULM TI (A.1-7.361 FICREREFG tAt7E7' RECREATIONAL FASTaALL 7TANDWA As d SW ++ i71AL TEAM 6 W L T PTs Mw.r cdwan +8 +4 4 0 26 bpn Sona+E n 7 0 22 fnrnFood FS, is a 9 + +7 Egty's 15 2 15 + 5 REMEMBER, EVERYBODY DRIVES A USED CAR. WHY BUY NEW? Up to 4 yrs., 80k available on some cars, most cars 1 yr., 20k included. Warranty available on request. 4 Air '86 110NDA ACCORD '93 G_N1 TR-ACKLR '94 GRAND PRIX SE '9_ FORD N11,51ANG GT '93 Cutlass Cierra 74K '8911erc. Gr. Marquis 112K '93 GrandVoyager 64K '92 Cher SS 454 Pick -Up '93 Taurus SHO 55K 15 Plymouth Voyager 30K '95 Saturn SCI 26K '81 Toyota 40 Pick -Up '90 LeSabre LTA_ 64b 196 VW Jetta Trek ii[; N WrtLX Wagon 52K '65 Ford Fairlaae 300 '91 Eagle V ista GT 77K '45 Suzuki Sidekick 42K '94 Explorer XLT 61K '93 Ford Probe 100K '48 Ford Super 8 33M '94 Mercury Topaz 88K '95 Mazda MPV LX 35K '94 Honda Civic 67K '% Sunfire 21) 34K '92 Isuzu Trooper 52K SALARIE nu%xr- TRADES ' `0' `'`♦" SALES IN -0 '` SHOPPING PEOPLE ;-° - ACCEPTED