HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_08_26PICKERING EDITION THE IM OF PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY STOREROOM CENTRAL IODICAL , . ON 11 WEEKDAY 7Ewil KMYS -SO- LUNCHEON SPECIALS ~� from 14.15 L sorarw oltniw tree a ra■.winc trim. thane& - C •tWtree. 011119411111-81120p p R T I Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand VWednesday, August 26, 1998 Pressrun 44,000 24 pages IrRDurham teachers need teaching■ PROVINCE RIPPED OVER LACK OF TRAINING SESSIONS FOR NEW COURSES IN MATH, LANGUAGE, SCIENCE By Sesaa O'IMtrill announced details of the new part of a train -the -trainer high priority this year. for September. "[his government Scan Writer documents in late June, he said approach to ensure teachers are At the separate board, the new is not concerned about the reality H'ith the new school year just the government would hold prepared to introduce the new curriculum documents were sent of the classroom and has focused ,mound the corner, the provincial training sessions this summer to curriculum this year. out to teachers in late July. And, its efforts on cost-cutting, to the government is coming under fire ensure teachers had the informa- Bev Freedman, superinten- Durham Catholic District School detriment of Ontario's students" once again from teachers' unions tion needed to introduce the new dent of programmes for the Board director Grant Andrews An OECTA survey of every criticizing the implementation of material in the 1998-99 school Durham District School Board has said when classes resume, Catholic elementary school in the new elementary curriculum. year. reports a training session sched- teachers will be trained and a the province found that prior to The Ontario English Catholic But, OECTN president Mar- tiled to he held at the board in "gap analysis-" will be completed the end of the 1997-98 school Teachers' Association (OECfA) shall Jarvis says, "The Harris mid-August was delayed until to determine how the new curric- year, roughly 31 per cent of all n calling on the Province to government has failed to live up next month. ula differs from the material elementary teachers received no ensure educators are prepared to to its stated commitment to sup- But she says she's "just as that's currently being used. government training on the new ` icwh tete new health, physical port quality education and the happy they're waiting until the Yet, Mr. Jarvis maintains, math curriculum introduced last j, education, core French and arts implementation of an effective fall:' explaining teachers have '"ihe in-service offered by this fall. BEV FREEDMAN curricula being introduced in new curriculum:' had "a lot on their slaw with the government has been completely And. 14 per cent of teaches 'Just as happy they're classrooms this fall. According to the ministry, new curriculumd, cumin G,r inadequate and there i, n,i e%'1- si- s;o,i thea rccci%cd two hours of wadinguntil the fall.' When Education and Training staff will travel to school boards math, language and tike Bence that this has Chan r f I,1r v.. c .. Ic.nning — -- — Minister Dave Johnson during the next few months as says the new currio;l,, :,. ,.., the new cumCulun .u,,, ;i, , .. Still safe, but improvements � needed at Durham Region nuclear plants: AECB By Man&rie Tabacs 5:", A,:17 The Pickering and Darling- ton nuclear stations received passing grades in annual assess- ments recently released by the Atomic Energy Control Berard. But. both stations had more incidents in 1997 of non-com- pliance with AECB regulations and operating lwcrce condi- tions, and of events reportable to the AECB. As well, the assessments revealed continu- ing problems with rani s.in- MS. maintenance backlogs and sloppy radiation protection pro- cedure%. At Pickering, the number of ton-comphanccs with regula- tions was up to 15 from 12 the previous year. Ten incidents involved failure to post radia- tion warning signs and five were related to physical secun- ry regulations. Eight incidents of non-com- pliance with regulations were identified at Darlington. com- pared to a total of four over the previous three years. Of the 1997 occurrences, three involved the transportation of radioactive matenals and four were related to physical securi- ty regulauons. The AECB noted in both reports the number of such non - compliances must he reduced. "AECB staff expects that a station should attain zero, or very close to zero, non-comph- ances with the regulations:' says the report on Darlington. In one of the non -compli- ances at Darlington a bin con- taining a piece of contaminated scrap metal was monitored and released with an unconditional The nombe,- of cases of non-compliance with Atomic Energy Con- tra Sage r quilin tom at ar toldasring Akschiiiw c nano ,."fon reached 15 in 1997, tip from 12 tete previous year actor to AECB officials transfer permit fax shipment to rash in unsafe operation-" Co-Swel LASCO in Whithy. One incident resulted in the The contaminated material was unscheduled shutdown of a discovered when it set off an reactor when a temporary field alarm at Lasso, which routinely operator mistakenly closed a monitors for radiation in the valve for coaling water in order scrap metal it receives. to take a sample. It posed no radiation hazard At Darlington, there were 23 eo the public in general," states See NUCLEAR,'Page 5 the AECB report on Darlington, sauga, where it placed fourth but eatiln haveScotlad See TDP/page 5 aa wurket Lassa Steel. and Pickering Edilofisl Pae ..... ;......6 parts of the L asco Steel facility. Eft+tWt&k WM ...........10 if it had not been detected" PICKERING — The Town There were 257 events at will consider rcpt tng wrought Pickering where the station did iron fences which separate homes not comply with its licence con- in a new subdivision from a busy ditions. up from less than 100 in road after residents expressed 1996. It was noted part of the concern about safety and com- increase was attributable to plained about noise and lack of increased vigilance by Hydro. privacy. According to the AECB none of "I can certainly appreciate the events caused any safety their coxncerts:' says Ward 3 local hazard to workers or the public. Councillor David Pickles, who But, ft report adds, As in helped arrange a meeting of resi- 1996. sonic events showed that dents. Town staff and the builder dee non -compliances resulted in earlier this month. And while the breakdown of one or more Coon. Pickles says residents must of the multiple layers of take up some of their complaints defence. As also stated in 1996, with developer Baltantry Homes, these, if not corrected. could he says the Town "is looking to photo ler Ron PMhttsahe I've got you covered Jun McCarthy (left) controls the ball as oppo- nett Javiam Loubon guards him during a warm- up session for the Hoops for Heart event held at Rotary Park in Ajax last weekend. The event was organized by the local chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and also illustrated the impor- tance of fitness among young people in the com- munity. fence fight continues we i another type of fence might be more appropriate Admittedly, the subdivision is not traditional, director of platy ning Ncil Carroll has told the Ncws Advertiser. In an ancrript to break away from a "wall of fences" that often line busy roads, the Town called for these homes to he positioned closer to the stmt than uveal with the back of the houses facing the road. Following the meeting, the Town appro whed Durham Region to see if there's any chance the lots on Brock Road can be extended. Residents have complained about the proximity orf the tines to the back of their horses, het the fences are curmnt- ly situated on their property lima, Count. Pickles reports. Resident Imtiaz Visram says the meeting among the concerned groups "was useless. They told us what we already know:' Still. "1 hope it will be a start," says Mr. Ysram.. "We'll see what happens after this:' Ballantry spokesman Lynn Varndervoort says the matter "is completely out of Ballantry's hands. Ballawry is at the mercy of the Town and the developer. We're just the builder. We're probably the victims here:' Firefighters were smokin' at North Americancompetition DAVID PICKLES Town 'is looking to see H another type of fence might be more appropriate.' and Emergency Services who tested their emergency al competition. They earned a w orld-place finish. AJAX — Ajax firefighters earned a second -place finish in aninternational competition designed to test their emer- gency skills. The Auto Ex Team travelled to Tonawanda, New York earlier this month, where members competed against 20 other teams from Canada and the United States. The defending world cham- pions, the Mississauga Fire Department, placed first. Dur- ing the presentations, however, the Ajax team was praised for using a never -before -seen tech- nique to free a crash victim trapped in a vehicle. "Mis exemplifies the Ajax Fire and Emergency Services' commitment to seek new and protective gear, controlled the innovate ways to provide ser- crash scene and freed the driver vice:' says District Chief Rick from the rig before the Hamil- Browning. ton Fire Department arrived, . While training began in Feb- District Chief Browning ruary, team members tested reports. their skills en route to New In New York, the Ajax team York, when a tractor trailer bettered its performance at a turned over in front of them on June competition in Missis- the Q.E.W. The Ajax and Mis- sauga, where it placed fourth sissauga teams stopped, donned See TDP/page 5 WHAT'S INSIDE NOME TO REACH us Edilofisl Pae ..... ;......6 f1oWN ..........683-5110 Eft+tWt&k WM ...........10 DUN Alatlftes .....683-3005 Spwb .................11 i11f1ic" Lble .......683-7545 aassUled ..............12 Sbllfwvlyrebs 1-600662-8423 Web site wwwAvirliamnews.mll Vol. 33, No. 35 rAGE 2 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1"ll 1 it Province claims downloading won't whack Durham DURHAM POLITICIANS GRILL. PROVINCIAL. MINIS -1 -FRS AT AMO CONFERENCE ROGER ANDERSON 'Should bring municipalities some comfort.' By Linda White Sta" W,ner Municipal politicians from across Ontano are united in "frustration" as they deal with the cents of provincial downloading, but they received "wel- come news from the government. your regional chaimtan believes. '1t was very goxd to hear (Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Al "--h) say his govemment will look at and work to make sure their numbers, if wrong. will be adjusted:' Durham Region chairman Roger Anderson told Trus Week Tuesday at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario's annual con- ference. "It should bring %erne mtmicipaGties some comfort:' Mr. Anderson said fol- lowing a Ministers' Forum at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. Mr. Anderson was-massured- to learn Durham Region is not alone in its struggle to take on the dowttloading of services previously funded by the provincial government. 'To find the kind of motley being asked of than is difficult and hard to cornprchenQ" he [toted. -Most mumici- palities have been reducing and conserv- ing for the past few years, knowing full well provincial subsidies were Ravine-, but weren't pne;pas w pick up a"Don- al expenses. Other cabinet miasias at the forum were D uftun West MPP and Minister of Communally and Stx:nal Services land Ecker. Miluster of 7fampo rtabon Tony Norm Sterling, xA'%linistd of Newerrtl Devekrpinent sod clinics Chris Hodg- som. At the forum. D urharn Region was singled out by erne politicians for hav- ing its knuckles rapped by Minmtler Eck - ter after approving a tax lukc, only to receive S4.3 million to offset infrastruc- tnre mus and the hefty txU tallied during the Guy Paul !Norm wrongful corrvictm inquiry. A poliuctan who asked if the annount of money a region or municipal- ity receives "to become revenue neutral" depends on the standing of its MPPs received thunderous applause dunng a fairly calm question -and -answer pcnod. Minister Leach recognized the past year has been a difficult one for munici- palitie& -Nobody said it was going to be ARS CORRECTION NOTICE Media 70641 (Sale dates Aug. 24 -Aug 30.199e) Page 34 & 35 - Save 30-35% on Men's Levi's 3 National Brand Denim Jeans. Ad should have read: Save 30- 35% on men's Levis d National Brand Denim Jeans excluding Guess and Calvin Klein. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers. *J_4` .1Rr At'.*-'# FALL CRAFT CLASSES a 1� Folk Art Classes Jackie - 839-7710-0 Country craft Classes f Susan - 831-2184 6f Limited spaces .Available 10 -40A1AMA7 Back To School BackPacks & gs ShouMer Bags Camouflage Pants fromX1500 Am Boots fr-1011 JANET ECKER Minister attended forum for municipal leaders. _ easy:' he acknowledged. though he pointed to "some pretty dire predictions- about redictions'about hefty tax hikes at last year's AMO conference that haven't materialized. "Municipalities have taken the chal- lenge and most are on the wa}to man- aging change:' praised Minster Leach. And while the government intro} duced numerous pieces of legislation to give municipal and regional govern- ments the power to make needed changes, it must still amend the Ontano Municipal Act to make tho a powers complete. When asked when that act will be passed, Minister Leach assured munici- pal politicians it wouldn't be approved until the Province is certain "we get it right. -and we are sure we have addressed the concerns of municipali- ties" The act could be ready as early as this fall, but the Province isn't ruling out waiting until the spring if that's how long it takes to deal with the 300 submission it received on the proposed act after it was released last spring. Meanwhile. Scugog %favor Doug Moffatt cnucved a rcrx ,n , •n the Greater DOUG MOFFATT 'Difficult to comprehend... why go ahead at all?' Toronto Services Board for ignoring agricultural concerns. "It's really diffi- cult to comprehend how anything perti- nent to agriculture should be left out of a report to govern the area for the next 40 years. Why go ahead at all?" he asked. Other issues raised by politicians included introducing a deposit and refund system on liquor bottles to reduce the cost of recycling programmes. But that move would likely pass on an extra expense to consumers because they would need to be crushed by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. reported Min- ister Sterling. "My concern is for the consumer:" he said. Meanwhile, others expressed con ern over social hosing reform. And while municipalities must begin paying for social housing. there's been to talk abort finure housing and who will pick up the costs. Mint%w Leach suggested municipal, provincial and federal governments -will have to punt their heads together- to come up with a way to fund future hous- ing. RAMNOR✓ & LEAfN" HMTWM i OM COND1T10NIN111111 Air C- Bill I M i N.*M RAMNQR✓ " mwc;fgt *0 aim �' �r4y14traee&#%km � Sade FREE 200 L NN XCash Immediate AIR CCLEA ER O10-20 obot • or Free Duet VALUE Cleaning 10 YEAR tape ALL PARTS Sl°it A LABOUR ve WARRANTY Lennox ro ,rra..,a. veo.w Serving Durham Since 1965 u nce on your Gee Nil o A.C. RAMNOR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Whitby -0shawa Bowmanville 2020 Wentworth St. Unit 9 Whitby (905) 434-5541 PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 Request for Public Opinion on the Proposed Nursing Home Annual Licence Renewal of Community Nursing Home, Pickering In accordance with the \nom,, Homs% Act, public opinion i, drying rcopoestcd prior to a final decision hcing rnAdc on the abo>,c. If you have comments or opinions and wish to bring them to the otcnrio n of ncc.Nlinwry of Health, vm may <ulxnit them in writing by pddresmnk them to: Director, Long -Term CArc Division thttario Nfinistn of Health 56 Wclleslcs- Sorest West. 15th Poor Toronto. Ont trio JCA 2137 (4 16) 327.7345, by Septembcr:A, 19" Plrase include the come of the nurmng hours urd yuurc Pr, -ic,t d 107-99 m .11 written m&bmzsKmt . The Dim -tor will cormcler all subrnissions hefirrr making a find dccimori. 1 REGULAR SUPPORT COMFORT SLEEP SNGLE $169 MATTRESS SET $289 DOUBLE 209 SET 339 QUEEN 259 SET 409 KING 649 SET 699 ORTHOPEDIC $199 MATTRESS SET $339 DOUBLE 249 SET 399 QUEEN 299 SET 469 KNG 489 SET 759 DURAPEDIC x'219 SET $379 DOABLE 269 SET 419 WEEN 309 SET 509 ORTHOPRACTIC z=$2419. SET $409 DOUBLE 239 SET 479 WEEN 319 SET 519 KING 529 SET 839 ORTHO ELEGANCE MWA $319 SET $499 DOUBLE 369 SET 589 WEEN 429 SET 689 WE*)MA?WACn= IT. VM UU iii WE L--FrancaFuwn $219 Yxlundee 6" Futon , 'ami rr..�.._•, �11t► �� " $299 A -Frame Fulton s 7 9 Iredudes 8" Futon PAYMENTS: INTEREST 0 OR FOR ONE YEAR (O -A -C.) lKi"FREEfle &Moo *7 • LOCAL DELIVERY fmoth•%% set ■geness■■■ Captain Deluxe `�.,.L..� Flints spie In - l ='199; =239 y�,yr Bookcase Bunk Bed $399 wtrl■ti�.a�Ntif waterfall Christina Day Bed _ Day Bed $99 $229 ! ,y f.' . - F k F �r TAl1NTON s � lAYLY ` N AIME �A �■ 3FSf «sr errswa aaw4eA t"iN � i N �' . ta.»iiva 1O• 11411. lad l * a,:r,r.oss W,eem• Taunton W. 2520 Chenwnq Rd. N. 520 W4i•trNyA•W}S k':] :" ,, r ~a (ccs) 43.4-1052: OS) 2s�lz Z 1 1905) dig -0t :. photo by Ron Pletroniro Hot dogs from the heart Tony Molica and his niece, Melissa, made sure the hot dogs were hot and cold drinks cold during a fund-raising barbecue last weekend to raise money for the family of slain Toronto Police Detective Bill Hancox. More than $250 from the event was forwarded to the trust fund in the family's name. English classes for new Canadians in Pickering and Ajax PICKERING - The Durham District School Board and Citizen- ship and Immigration Canada are offering English classes here for newcomers to Canada who are not yet citizens of the country. Full-time classes will be held at Durham Training Solutions, 1400 B ryly St.. Unit 6B. from 9 a.m. w' 2:45 P.M. Moeday to Fr"Ay beasa- nmS Aug. 31. Call Noreen Finnigan for an assessment at 686-2661. An intermediate/advanced part- time class will be held at the Picker- ing Library, One The Esplanade, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Monday to Thursday begin- ning Sept. 14. Call 436- x211 for informa- t ion register. meanhwile, can take advantage of other local classes being offered by the Durham District School Board and Citizen- ship and Immigration Canada. Classes are being held at St. Tim- othy's Presbyterian Church. 97 Butcher Rd., and at Pickering Vil- lage United Church. 300 Church St. N., from 12:45 to 3:15 p.m. Monday to Friday. Child care is available at both locations. For start dates and registration call 436-3211. Ajax Family Festival booths still available AJAX - Booths are still avail- able for teat at the upcoming Ajax Family Festival. The three-day trade show and family festival is held annually the weekend after Labour Day. It rums at the Ajax Community Centre Friday, Sept 1 I from 5 to 9 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 12 from 10 am. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 13 from ll am. to 4:30 pm. Booths can be used for the sale of crafts, as well as the promotion of your business, industry, product or service. Attendance at the festival ranges from about 15,000 to 17,000, orga- nizers report. Proceeds from the festival go back to the community, including the Ajax -Pickering Health Centre, the Ajax -Pickering Salvation Army Food Bank, the Ajax -Pickering Unit- ed Way, youth and seniors projects, and other charitable needs. For more information call John or Gary Murray at 683-7965. Please 4-M Recycle THE NEWS ADVERTISE& WEDNF_SDAV,AU(;U%F 26, 1"&PAGS3 Social Development Council has new boss The Social Development ment of pilot projects for Council of Ajax -Pickering youth. has a new executive direc- His goal is to "increas- tor who brings to the job a ingly facilitate and co-ordi- working knowledge of nate, through the council's ronununity issues he dedicated staff, the deliver)4 acquired while employed of services to meet the In seven government min- pressing unmet community l s trics. needs." G. Leroy Grant took Mr. Grant replaces Joan over the position on Aug. Skelton, who led the coun- 12. An Ajax resident of 15 cil for more than seven years, he has been a senior years. She is now the man - policy adviser with the ager of the Canadian Can - Ministry of Education and cer Society's East Durham Training and a manager of Unit in Oshawa, which a policy and programme serves Oshawa, Clarington unit at the Ministry of Citi- and Scugog. zenship, Culture and "It's a new opportunity," Recreation. says Ms. Skelton, who lost Mr. Grant has also a sister to cancer several worked as a community years ago. ..The organiza- planner with the Ministry tion means a lot to my fam- of Municipal Affairs and ily and I thought it would Housing, has co-ordinated be worthwhile to devote social policy research and some time and some of the developed public policies skills 1 acquired at the and programmes. He has Social Development Coun- also managed the develop- cil here." J9.01MIL IV, $30000: able ttis6 Based on rance Pr' Work Fully Guaranteed. SURANCE Evening a tahx i A s Available, Call Till 11 pm nta 'Sans May Apply y MS 837-7819 Cadet Cleaners the people's choice 50% off EVERYTHING Wotvambrlaun0eroa ;rims ."Iolnrg vesses 'epays8 alte•a'rrs suedes& Mamie or in c rilixo r we any over Vocal. Ends Sat- "u 29.1998. 145 Kingston Road at Hwy. #2 E. of Harwood, Ajax 426-4755 (Behind Applebees) Valid at this location only Even -one shops the Nevvs Advertiser Want a Magnificent New Bathroom for YOUR Home? 5 Reasons Why You Should Call Plumbing Mart: 1. You get to work with a creative bathroom Designer. Nationally acclaimed bathroom fenovation exlg-VWv4des you with ideas to have your perfect bathroom installed and which you'll admire for years. 2. Your VMicrt fully i naraaWd in wri[Ltt6. Your complete satisfaction assured! 3 year eorwp ehielllsim warroaty, 3. $4(essiotWism. Your home treated with respect 39 years experiesm, well over 11,000 clients to draw references from. 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Also available in Bridgestone Rocdhlandler GT Performonce'H' rased tires with an 80.000 km read wearout warranty' '055000 sw, s ' x.gs1'0.w'0od. - >i Ssors Salo prices for Bridgestone RoadMorsdler tins and Sunday, September 6. 1998 swss sW., sin r.y ..d P155,8OR13 6499 I 41.99 P195/75R14 9599 61.99 1205, 75R 14 100.99 6-L"P205/75R15 102.99 65.99 P 175/700 13 81 99 32."PIAS/70014 8999 57.101111 P205;7CR14 9999 6LM P205/70R 15 j 104.99 U." 6xbdu raaew Yaad rlurad wa*a+r o0w i- also w ww SAYE 35" QIP Esprt* is W&W by u KM lug WOW tlMm"M Cyt Made for Sears by Uniroyal -Goodrich, this fire is mud and snow rated for excellent traction on wet, dry and snow covered surfaces. #60000 series fele pleas aad faday. Mg. 80, I"s, 801M otborrh6 sivioill, WNS geaawles last W420 Copyright 1998. Se+us Canada OSIIAWA CEMTmPICKERING TOWN CENTRE DIRECT UNE DIRECT LINE 576-17116 420-0271 PAGE 1.711E 1`Egr5 AM?1111'[18Es UTIM S MY, MMST Jk Mg Hydro recruits nuclear environmental group members MEMBERS SOUGHT FROM INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY, GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AT LARGE TO HELP GUIDE ONTARIO HYDRO Ontario Hydro is inviting citizens The EAG will have about 15 encouraged to apply. There will also Members, to be selected for their EAG -specific activities. The group to serve on the new Environmental members, who will be invited to be representatives on the EAG from diversity and range of perspectives, will meet monthly at first and then Advisory Group it's establishing to apply through a series of newspaper the Atomic Energy Control Board, will be expected to communicate from six to 12 times a year as need - help improve the environmental per- advertisements. The goal is to estab- Environment Ministry and Ontario those perspectives and seek to under- ed. formance of its nuclear facilities lish a group with a wide range of Hydro. stand others' views in a constructive Anyone interested in joining the province -wide. experience. Its mandate will be to Applicants must have a sincere fashion, group may obtain an application by "This group will establish two- "develop informed. consensus -based interest in issues related to Hydro EAG members will not be paid, calling 416-592-4914. More infor- way information sharing between our recommendations regarding (Ontario nuclear division activities, as well as but thev will he reimbursed by Hydro mation can also be obtained from the stations and the community." Hvdro Hydro Nuclear) environmental pro- the time to study listen. discuss and for travel. lodging and meal ezpens- Ontario Hydro website — nuclear division vice-president grammes, operations and activities", work to reach agreement as a group. es when they are participating in http://www.hydro.on.calohn. Robert Ferguson said in a media according to Mr. Ferguson. release announcing its formation. People from the First Nations, "We want to work in partnership local government, university, high with the community to make sure we school, industry, and the environ - are responsivecommunity envi- ronmental concerns and needs" mental and medical communities. as well as the general public• are being 6 ow dh(i2tl ��� call... t REGISTRATION Hospice Durham seeks volunteers Caring volunteers are needed to lend a helping hand to people and families facing life-threatening illnesses. Hospice Durham is a free, communi- ty-based volunteer programme. Its vol- unteers provide in-home support and offer companionship, emotional support and assistance with non-medical tasks. Another volunteer training pro- gramme is set to begin in mid-Septem- ber. The 24-hour course will be held eight consecutive Wednesdays begm- ning Sept. 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. each evening. Topics include communication skills, emotional support and family dynamics, transfer techniques and phys- ical considerations, multiculturalism and burial rites. grief and bereavement. and the role of the volunteer. The course will be held at Hospice Durham offices at 850 Champlain Ave., Oshawa. For the first time. Ho Wcc Ill, elderly want to meet people like you Could you share your lunch hour with someone who is elderly, lonely, disabled or chronically ill? 'rust'. .11 it would take to keep someone happy, reports the Victorian Order of Nurs- ts, which is currently look- ing for volun- teers for its Friendly Visitor Program. For more information on how you can help out the VON. call 571- 3151 or 1-800- 263-7970. Durham is also offering two sessions by Hearth Mice. a cancer support centre, which are in addition to the 24-hour training course. On Sept. 23, Compassion Fatigue will be discussed by Dr. Michele Cha - ban. clinical supervisor of oncology at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital. On Oct. 21. Handling Multiple Losses in the Workplace will he presented by Yvette Perrealt of AIDS Bereavement. Both sessions will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Whitby Free Methodist Church. 1916 Rossland Rd. E. A $20 registration fee to cover course materials and expenses is requested for people intending to volunteer with Hos- pice Durham. Cost is $40 for others interested in taking the course. The registration deadline is Sept. 11. For more information or to register call 435-5242 or 1-888-790-9414. ON NOW If you did not receive your copy or require an additional one please contact the . Adult And Continuing Education Centre 240 Simcoe St. S. v, Oshawa 905-436-3211 1-800-408-9619 at how easy DURHAM INTERNET DIRECTORY , it is to find your local business men! EXIT REALTYDurham Business Mall th,rAr,n tla,,m rr t 1 ess.,Mt s.,M ere. List Your - „ (416) U2.3188 'r*.�...P•Nnarm es r..�r.w.r..rawr„ Business SI/IFYS•>��Lz:'J •»r^�r rwK ^esgr 6 K-firg (905) 5711-5300 +r «rw skae.wop,entcom Iq AVati.�.com-sllrm" I� small over 200,000 via" again! 18 Stropping areas with over 180 diMrb ur errr a..q• res hOW" mar he* worked .bice lost Asir us how you can gat a f "websftf www.durhammall.com tt. Y,SoS,T�, Here 905 579-2541 - Net wvrw w.- a..... h•. , ,�.,, .r �`•'�~�� KfTC NFJVi i �ATM>♦ !too) so¢ssss . • Krlt��Etixllt,r (dna 721-8892 ..•.� •nom r__,.ti.c. IrMr•S�rc. iM6 (9115) 427-5330 WWW.dUTh8rn.net rh. T -1h ,h•..r� %nd %em Platrt Uettu Co�i�a qn V QTAIGOO tI/fnAiis QiL ..� . M ........- 7110108 (905) 7Z"= (905) 6041267 -.oro-v r s -sero www on bs U wwrr worrtrs net int Visit Our Local Experts at w• wwexpertsonline.com OoReauty Salon (905) 509-3522 vwvw. Wnns. not www.dur -bvdesiar deli Cnowi MAINT6\Ail i �„ & G+L+q rill 5 `� F. E, h a...n. co,-.rr, _-_r News Advertiser (M) 57"W INS) 723- (905) 683-5110 www durharnnewsnet wwr dumertmell comaown .num-d.,+—n.,. For LOCAL Infonnation.v� Welcome to: 6 66 www.traininc.com www.macleod-eye.com X000 Ptta hits uw WEEK TW YOU OUM M WORLDSITES x ttwrw.�ocAarra For Wornution, Call TaaWood Internet Marketing at 576-0682 S&RaU x`2.00 O& u�t! r41119 -a 44d up • FULL NAIL CARE • FULL WAXING • SUN GLITZ • MANICURES • PERAfS - COLOURS & PEDICURES Mon., Turs.. Ned 9 aw.-6 p.w. Thurs. 9 ant. -9 p.w, frt 9aw.-7p.wr. Set 9anL-5p.nr. 376 Kingston Rd., Unit 12, Pickering rRorgmurntCerlrer MASSAGE THERAPY AND STRESS A large percentage of the North American population suffer from stress and stress related illness. ''wa`'`` Studies have shown that stress can cause migraines, hypertension, depression, fatigue, muscle tightness and soreness' To advertise Exercise is a great way to alleviate some of the built up stress. Another way to relieve stress is by having a relaxation massage by a registered massage therapist in this feature There are as many as 5 million touch receptors in our skin - 3000 in a single fingertip that send messages along the spinal cord to the brain. A simple touch - a hand on a shoulder - an arm around a call Gail at 683-5110 waist - can reduce the heart rate and lower blood pressure. Just imagine how beneficial an hour massage can be. low vs' � -SICIN C Rte' j MASSAOF-S .. 4 •SAUNA SPA SAE.OM Bit SPAS vivl�r M NA TIE S BBALPWI N .. r ,. `t 7�� 4 7 7- 4 F �l A;it r�s• � �� � s ..... ale+ h c waIzkopf' &ILDF ES..;r, L ' 7M Nuclear plants need safety improvements, IIIIfx.EAR/From page -I but iden incidents of non-compliance with licence conditions, up from 19 the previous year. Also reported were cases of workers leaving candy wrappers, cigarette butts and bottles in radiation areas where eating, smoking and drinking are not allowed, to protect against the inges- tion of radioactive material. Station management have since implement- ed a zero -tolerance policy under which anyone found eating, smoking or drinking in radiation areas will be disciplined and may even be fired. There were 75 reportable events at Darlington in 1997. and 350 at Pickering• which has eight reactors. while Darlington has four. Overall, the AECB concluded both stations were operated safely. New head of patient services at Ajax -Pickering hospital The Ajax and Pickering Health Centre, formerly Ajax -Pickering General Hospital, has added a new member to its management team. Sonia Peczeniuk has been appointed to the position of vice- president for patient services at APHC. With more than 20 years' experi- eacc in health care. Ms. Peczeniuk brings to the hospital ostensive knowledge in the area of patient care services. For the past nine years. she has served as executive director of nursing at St. Joseph's Health Care Centre in Sudbury. She has also held the positions of director of patient care services at Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville and assistant director of nursing at Peterborough Civic Hospital. "I know I have joined a team of dedicated physicians, management and staff who are very committed to improving health care services for theresidents of west Durham Region.- Ms. Peczeniuk says in a tined— release from the hospital announcing her appointment. I'm very excited ahout the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead:' Ms. Peczeniuk holds a hachelor of science degree as well as a mas- ter's in nursing. She has also obtained the status of certified health executive from the Canadian College of Health Service Exccu- tives. She is also a surveyor with the Canadian Council on Health Ser- vices Accreditation. Top firefighters took part in U.S. contest TOP/From page 1 vidcd trans- • AEK�7LRTE portation to and out of 20 teams from the compe- from Canada titions and cov- aad the U.S. ered entry fees This year's team was made up of Marty Smith (captain). Kyle Hoag, Ron Quinn, Scott McLean, Paul Fitzgerald, Ron Evans, coach Rob Browning, manager Rick Browning, and team assistants Dave Tshinkel, Dave McComb, Shane Kimbell and Lee Miller. The team would also like to acknowledge the Ajax works department for setting up train- ing scenarios. Ted Morrison organized cars MY simulated exercises, Tim Verdoch set up competition - quality scenarios with the team, and other staff crushed, moved and turned over vehicles for the re-enactments. While team members under - look training on their own time and paid for their , own accommodations and meals, the department pro - says federal agency lifted a number of areas at each needing improvement. At Pick- ering, those include: compliance with operating licences, radiation contamination awareness, mainte- nance backlogs, training, material state of equipment, and too many fire -related events. Areas needing improvement at Darlington include: backlogs in maintenance, training, response to fires, compliance with regulations and planning of outages. Spokespeople for both stations say Hydro accepts the AECB find- ings and recognizes the need for bet- ter performance. "There is a realization that we're working hard to make these improvements but we need to keep at it.- says Darlington public affairs manager Donna McFarlane. She notes corrective measures have already resulted in a -dramatic decrease" in eating and smoking vio- lations and that a detailed investiga- tion into the Lasco Steel incident has led to "a lot of changes". Pickering station public affairs officer Ross Fitchett explains some of the delay in expected improve- ments is due to Hydro's efforts to integrate previous improvement pro- grammes with new ones it has recently undertaken. "Some of the progress may not be as quick as we originally planned for;" he says. "The encouraging thing is they have concluded the plant is operating safely." Mr. Fitchett adds a better perfor- mance can be expected in 1998. "We've taken this report to heart, there's no doubt about it:' TENDER DURHAM ACCESS TO CARE Durham Access'lo (:are requests Bidders to submit Tenders for the provision of In -Home Laboratory Services associated with the collection and testing of specimens and other procedures, and the reporting and communication of test results. Tenders will be received for the above until 12:00 noon, local time, Wednesday, September 16, 1998 at Durham Access To Care, Reception, 605 Brock St. N., Whitby, 0ritario,LIN 4J3. Tender documents for Tender T98-01 can be obtained at floc above address on or after August 31, 1998 (:ontact i% 1). Barkwell. tx)5-430-3308. Extension 3542. .rl�'rtii Reliable, supervised day cue at a home in 1&= neighbourhood • Safe, comfoAable erworments • RehaNe local bso-up for Provider's • Stmdulatng daily programs holidays a iMtess • Tm#W professiortal Providers • Complete insurance coverage • Monthly (Joule nspechorts • Income tax receipts supplied AW. we welcome full or pafdime un► Mr ctildra n ham 6 weeks of ap 4- Riwlellomtlr/Csla T'1'� A �axrts :4genti For Information Call: 686-4816 'T1M NEWS AMEWMM WEDNEWAY. AUGUST Us 191a - FAGE S Eat for your art at fund-raising barbecue The PineRidge Arts Council is holding a fund-raising barbecue Saturday, Aug. 29 from I I a.m. to 4 p.m. at the SuperCentre on Liver- pool Road in Pickering. Pickering VIPs have volunteered to don chef's hats and aprons for the event to support the arts. j Everyone is welcome to take i their appetites and their families. S A V E O N T H E K 1 CHOICE IN C O M t U K I! THE LA=ZmBOY SENSATIONAL SEAMY SALE Right now, you can find sensationally low prices at your La -Z -Boy' furniture dealer. Comfort, style and quality. There's only one way to describe this kind of value... sensational. But hurry, the sale ends soon. x99900 . j .. 549999 $44999IMF �.•� �.o Z I FREE SCREE^, ROOMS FOR ALL 38 - 26 ROB R. BDRM. LOADED $19,995 -IM MANY MORE NEW AND USED TRAVEL TRAILERS, UUTGMMEN • AEK�7LRTE • M Ell I PLEASUREWAY VANS IN STOCK • Attention All Snowbirds: r +' iR ON DISPLAYAWM SOMME M.1 inTwar- Many New Fifthsy ., NOWin -Stock! don't DelayC CALL TODAY! 0 ® ❑ ®CLEARANCE a o o �v r !O • �a _ n n P, In ALL IN -STOCK 197 &'98'S MUST GO! °' Z �: a = 22 TB LITE '_%Me 515,995. - 26 e2 2 BCRM -LADED s15.9oo r - 22'M8 UTE - LOADED 515.996. 26' FK SLIDE - LOADED $19,995. - 9d FK PIMA ASC - 1,00,110M Sig.00S. a • .o a �.K a �w.u��. sr.wa. - a w rtl-U-ul - L(.)AUtU _ . 2 BDRM 14' SLIDE S23.850.0) _ - 19 aCB a "'51, 3=:; $/3.995. 2T5 RK -SL - LOADED 5TH 525.995. I R 21' RBIM�vK BEDS $15,995. • • • -� M 25' FBR�A S16,995_ - �- =K SL Dr, _3A: EDS16,995. = - 25' RBF1 TV iC BDRM. $16,995. 30' FK ISL -OPV - LOADED 516.995. r m - 23 5 l:60t�ae_H $17,995. • Z '� . • . . • - 26 FDB 2 BORV �CACED $19,995. 04 Z I FREE SCREE^, ROOMS FOR ALL 38 - 26 ROB R. BDRM. LOADED $19,995 -IM MANY MORE NEW AND USED TRAVEL TRAILERS, • FIFTH WHEELS AND FOLD -DOWNS AVAILABLE! M Ell I PLEASUREWAY VANS IN STOCK • Attention All Snowbirds: r r E SINGLE -DOUBLE -TRIPLE SLIDES iR ON DISPLAYAWM a M.1 inTwar- Many New Fifthsy NOWin -Stock! don't DelayC CALL TODAY! MGL i • TIIE NEW ADVLlTTIS= WEDNESDAY. AUGUST sa,19M A Metroland CotnntunNy Newspaper published Mur tirttea weeldy on WS Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday OPINION130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 A D V E R T I S E R HIMIM1er: Tim MNhltar READERS' POLL YOUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Teachers' strike about quality or quantity? News Advertiser readers clearly have their minds made up about the current public high school teachers' strike. Their comments in response to a readers' poll Sunday: "I think it's important this issue be talked about on a fair and ongoing basis. It's evident teachers feel very strongly about what they're doing. It seems to me that there wouldn't be so many of them standing strong if they felt differently" "1 think it's an absolute disgrace these teachers are going on strike. They have absolutel no concern for the students they claim to have concern for. Their only concern .teems to be the monev and the fact they have to Mork another hour or so per day in the class. Ther had three months of holiday and they didn't do anything about the strike until school time. Thev should have been negotiating all the w•av through and they can't blame the government for that." BERYL CAMERON OPINION SHAPER Ajax resident Beryl Cameron is a retired school principal, mother of seven, grandmother of 14, and gnat grandmother of a little boy. A swim- mer, artist and journalist, she can be reached at e-mail address: bcameron@csis.on.ca A man's best friend is... My husband was not a very verbal titan. He felt the fact he remained with me for years was proof enough that he loved me. To him, words were not important or necessary. One day we were going to an auction sale in the country as we usually did on a Saturday morning. Our black lab. Baxion, always felt that he should be in the truck when it left the yard at the cot- tage. On this cool day in early July, he lumped into the truck as soon as the door opened and made himself comfortable in the back seat of the king cab. This was his special place. Some friends happened to stop by just as we were about to leave. We stood talk- ing for a few minutes and decided not to take the truck but o m our friends' c ar -I'm in favour of the teacher going on strike at this LETTERS go a d leave the dog at home. time to support their cause against the government. My husband comes from a poor coxn- try m Scwth America. With six children in Their illegal strike last year was not supported by OUR READERS VIEWS ON THE NEWS his family, they were so poor they made people in general- but is now supported because - - tubs out of wooden barrels and sold them these people have a legitimate reason to be on strikeTime to teach The News Advertiser accepts let- at die market to make enough money for as the government has forced downloading upon the hers to the editor. All letters should she would lose the position. It their education. Owning a pet under these schools. We need a proper education system in place Tones lessons W typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be was very important fox Fay-Myn Tan to acquire that paaticttlar circumstances was impossible so this was his firm experience with owning a dog. which we alreadyhad." egret with a first and last name or work ex while experience oomplet- He loved Barton and he took the dog I initials and a last nine. Phase 'ng her degree. everywhere. But that day the dog was "With the secondary school strike by teachers on education include a phone number for veriti- I called Judi Longfield's sleeping in the back seat of the king cab in..Dwham...the Family ResponsibilitL Office will To edieor cation. The editor reserves the nghh t0 edit copy tote nYle, length off. Mike Kowalski. who is essional aril �' � �'�=�i' and we decided to leave him there �aLLtie he would bT{C :(Nd (dib the have to SlG Orw'Urdtn child Sq P f K support payments to In her July ? 1 cohaim Linda and content. Opinions expressed in rte• took down all the particu- neighbDum if we went away and left him those whose (payment agreements stipulate) 'chil- White questioned why teachers letters are those of the writer and Lars He later informed me that a tied tip outside. dren over the age of l N Years of age (must be) attend- 'vers challenging the Mike not necessarily those Of the News letter from Judi Longfield was It wasn't a particularly warm day, a bit ing (high) school.' The Ontario SecondarSc Hams government's education Advertiser. sent to Immigration Camada overcast bid humid as only an Ontario Teachers Federation atrikr .will directly hurt th-u- "Are thhool funding nuidel. asking. "Aey looking a grit hox!e in On mouth cau"'i­ •Y'mm. tu_"Cr• Not tout lona after. Mr. [4.w J.kt ,nktrmed me that Fay- summer Lan he. The black truck tvac in the shaft of a ung ,old m tplc uoc and the sands more children in the next few weeks. Does baausc they don't like the gift trustees also actn0wkd9e that Myn Tan's employment permit windnws on bade sides were opened OSSTF care.' Apparently not. Call Earl Manners and given'" The answer is that the tie B-1 which has given was approved. She received her about throe or four incites. demand his union stop hurting children. " "gift horse"• upon careful these verbal assurances seems to papers a few days after that. We came tack about 12:30 p.m. I inspection. looks a lot like a want so abolish the public's nght I am very impressed at how guess we were Ease about dace harm. els "The prep time issue isn't as simple as it appears. Trojan horse — appealing at first glance btu potentially thrralen- to elect school brtards altogether and that it will abolish Catholic the manor was handled. 1 would tiles to thank Mr. Kowalslu and soon as we got into the driveway I knew there was sornetting wrong. The dog High school teachers will be teaching an extra class, ing. school botards the moment it Judi Longfield for being so wasn't up in the back window of the truck which means not only less prep time. but also an Tuve. the government offered decides it can get away with it. responsive and helptW. to greet us. extra class to prepare for in the reduced prep time. In in fundis for all equity B IuPth'n It is time to remind ourselves of the Harris Tories' . sty IIIc beat exploited born the black fact. in one semester of this school car we will be Y both T he Pile and Catholic rye- tent. This is something Catholic record. In dee last election cam- ferric Chia, N7hitby truck i we texe openog'% the doors. These were signs of the dog's struggle to escape teaching four classes out of four periods. I would not boards and teachers lave been paign. Mr. Hams promised not the vehicle on the windows. My heart want my kids being taught by teacher who had been unived in calling for for many to touch education or health Verdict for pounded as I saw that he wasn't moving teaching all day with no break, except for lunch. This Yom- However, school boards in are. Obviously. that was a he- at all. isn't reduced prep time. it's NO prep tithe" both systems were forced to sac- nfice a t� deal of autonomy During the teacher walkout, he claimed his educational refo nns former mayor We tried everything w revive the dog. we imuriodiately corded him with the incl ding the right to their own were not about cutting oduca- hose and I began to massage his heart "I'm a student at Donevan Collegiate. 1 did support tax income, How free will school tonal funding. Lcakcd infoxma- willing him no start breathing. All to no the teachers in the past and 1 still do support them. boards be to manage education non soon proved, u, his Seat questioned avail. He was gone. Our friends left But. (going on strike) is just not fair to the students. the way kical public-schc..I and embarrassment- that that was a immediately, not knowing what to say to It's not fair to keep them out. We don't know whether Catholic -school supporters want them to if the amount of money lie. He strongly implied that aeachers try to negotiate higher Ut To e editor: Re 'Rymer Scugog mayor comfort us in our grief. We carried the dog to the aleck and my to get ready for school or to lay back...1 don't agree available and its budgcung arc class sizes. That ironic sugges- found ria guilty of dank dri- husband got a spade and started to dig a with what the government has been trying to do to tinder someone else's control'' um does not even make sense. ving' in the Aug. 16 News grave for Baxton as the tears slipped the teachers, but it's not fair to the students who the The tune who pays the piper calls It is time for taxpayers to tell Adventists: silently down his face. It seemed that teachers want to protect." the tune. School boards are elect- the Tories not to bother spending Somethingstinks with this activitywas noses. for this ed specifically to manage educa- our tax dollars on court costs in story! man of few words. We hu d Baxion "If teachers are forced to teach seven of eight periods tion. No one at Queen's Park is. School boards need to control the cause of reduced democracy. It is time for public school stip- The judge said he had strong suspicions Howard Hall was under a lilac bosh with his favourite things: an old blanket that he had had and more students, there will be few, if any. extracur- money so they can be democrat- porters 10 call on the govertunen impaired at the time of the asci- since be was a puppy and one of his toys. ocular activities. I have seen my schedule for next ica11Y responsive to those who to return education to the realm dent. My husband evert put his dish in the grave year. There will no be time for me to put (in) on the elect than, o f local democracy. It is time for Catholic to He also had concerns about with him. I had never seen him so display after-school theatt'ical productions that I have direct- Ironically. Catholic trustees have oiocided to accept the goy- call t heir own to Ptht Mr. Hat's request of the area- tag officer to "cut rrhe some much emotion. He pita his arms wound me as we sat ed in the past because every minute of my p1epara- o nment position because they what is really best for the kids slack". The officer also testified on the deck afterwards and he cried with tion time was necessary to successfully produce believe the new. of their taxing first and to redirect trustees in drat he detected alcohol on Mr. heart-rending sobs. Then he said "1 love them (in addition to lunch hours, after school, nights pars is Etrw mteod order die bow to deal with a deceitful, Hall's breah. There was a wit- you so troch". This was the very fust and weekends). So those productions will go — as Constitution and Bill 160 if die Power -and -money -grabbing provincial government. aces who Iertified that Mi: Hall's time he had over said these wads to me. will sports, clubs and dances. A school that focuses aew fitroding pis insufficient. They bate this confidence on the car weaved in and out of the lane, which led to a collision. In the cottage log book later that night when he couldn't slap, he wrote to tell solely on academics is a dreary place and we will no advice of a lawyer they oonsuk- BE Myeas jr, Then there is the strange Baxton that be was so sorry that he didn't doubt see the drop-out rate increase. ed. The problem with that is die Pficittri[ statement that die Crown did am even know bow to take care of a poor Y� WE ASKED lawyer also worked far the Eov- helping to Put ie goer MP thanked have any concrete evidence Mr. Hall had ban drinkirhg at the cl mtb artbnal who had depended on him sad who had done rotting wrtxhg. And, . the bill in question so one bas to time of the accident That's my husband wrote it was rte wonder God question theebjOC°"ity of the fast � nothim any children. Mica DIE QUESTION IS: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT advice received by the trtutoes action Hall admitted be list ' lust exprgiven essed the thought that fie - THE SUPREME COURT DECISION THAT QUEBEC who, it seems, simply gat a come from drinking wine with queasy follows a loss like this: if the dog CAN'T SEPARATE UNILATERALLY BIJT THAT CANADA lawyer to grade his own work If this is not a conflict of interest, it I would like to express my Vick�nors g Mayor Wayne Arb ngLiverpool House and could be taken 6om lin so quickly, and he loved Baxfon so much, that it fol - MUST NEGOTIATE WITH THE PROVINCE? is, at best, redundant apgreciation to the office of Judi 'the defence eves pteduiced an lowed drat the one aider being he loved As for concerns that school LaS�Id, MP for Whitby -Ajax. to to pave it might also be taken from bun just as sua� boards n u& be forced to be less MY niece. Fsy-Myn The, was Am I missing something ham denly. responsive 10 diose who elected on a studew visa and was offered or did Mr. Hall get better treat- When I read this revealing entry in the than and more subject to the a job on the premise that she inert than you or I would have? cottage log, I understood why, at last, he 4 cabinet at Qum's Park, trustees obtain en employment permit. Even U.S. President Bill had told me that he loved ane. have been given atsimirwes they An application was submitted to Clinton wouldn't get away with v will retain enough Isvttrde to do Immigration Canada and we this! The New; Advardser selected 13 Opinim - their job including, in the cyte neva heard bads from the deprtment for long Shapers for 1996 to bring a wide variety of Cadwhc nuustees. the presar- a time. Rat BWrdy, etperience and opinions to our ed rias page vadon of Catholicity in the Because of this, I was aGaid drat A,jox for your reading enjoyment Arnold Feake M a r t i n a M e r 1 i a says "I am happy Groome says, "I McAndrew says. TIM WHITTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metrotand The N that the decision think there are far "Speaking as a JOANNE BURGHARDT Editor -in -Chief GENERAL 683 5110 Printing, g, Puhelbldrhy and Distributing group o1 Pu. The t otos Advertiser is a member snakes both sides more important former Quebecer, STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor CLASSIFIED 683-0707 of the Aleft 8 Bickering Board of Trade, Ontario happy" issues in Canada. I don't think that BRUCE DANFORD Director of Advertising DISTRIBUTION 683-0117 Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian I would like this there should be issue OUNCAN FLETCHER Advertising Manager ADMDUCLAEi1FffD FAX 863 7363 EDOIE KOLOOZIE.I= Classified Advertise Community Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News settled and any negotiation let's get on with to separate. JOHN WILLEMtt Real Estate/Automotive Ne sf CMPOM6 FAX 579-9273 ng newsroem®durham.net EMAIL Advertiser Is a member of the Ontario Press Council. 80 Gould St, Toronto, Ont. M58 21017, other issues." Quebec should ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Manager www.durhamnews.net WEB SITE BARBARA HARRISON Production Manager an Independent organization that addresses be part of Canada as lore as JANICE O'NEIL Assistant Production Manager rims CHERYL WAIFS Assistant Production Manager readp complaint about member newspapers. The pubttlur murva the right to cloudy or advertisement Credit for advertise- Canada exists:' �`^ d,.. MA LILLIAN HOOK Administration Manager ;. �� spm price error ocwpies. "M NEWS AVVE1Rn6ER WEDNESDAY. At1GLW 2k 17!11- PAGE 7 ■ picture Youth entrepreneurs work to make dreams come true J(1111M MIM11 wnieu his K1`10meage or compurer nara- Anorea iayiors accounting skins gave her the toun- Donald Allm's hot dog stand is in a high -traffic area ware into a successful business. He hopes to translate dation and courage to open a jewellery boutique. The and that has paid off. He learned about dealing with that knowledge into future successes as well. hours are long, but worth it, she says. red tape in opening his business. Stan Writer Ah. to be one's own boss; do what you want, when you want, never answenng to anytxxly. Yeah, right. The dream and the real- ity arc rarely congruent. Though it may not be as ideal as we sometimes imag- ine, being your own hiss still has its rewards, say a number of young entre- prcrieurs who have spent the summer peddling their brand of goods in Durham Region. While their fnends were flipping hamburgers our hanging out, these young people chase to spend their time building their dream. "Flit hours are king. It's a lot of work:' admits 20-ycar-old Oshawa res- ident Andrea Taylor, who opened Rings 'N Things, a merims .Iver tewcllcry kiosk in the Whitby Mall in July. The mall is open seven days a week, on weekdays from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. The nature of a new business means Ms. Taylor canntx yet afford the luxury of an employee to let her escape the mall into sunshine for some of those Flours. But. for the recent college account- ing graduate, the business has meant bis of the one thing she was seeking: experience. "It's a great way to get experience in accounting;' she notes. "I've learned a lot." Ms Taylor began her business with the help of a joint federal and provin- cial government loan programme specifically geared to I8 -to 29 -yew - olds ready for a year-round business. The programme is administered by the Royal Bank and allows youth with an idea to apply for up to S7.5M to begin their venture. Within a few weeks of submitting her business plan. Ms. Tay- lor says she had approval and was on her way. The Youth Entrepreneur Programme is one of two loan programmes geared W young adults through the two levels of government. The other is specifical- ly for summer business ventures by stu- dents 15 to 29 who are returning to school. Under that programme. partici- pants can borrow up to $3,000 which must be paid back before the end of the calendar year. Both programmes are pan of a strat- egy governments, often together, are rising to cope with youth unemploy- ment. The I5 -to 24 age -group had an unemployment level of 18.8 per cent (for April to July, 1998) compared with the 25 to 44 rate of 6.6 per cent. That's a substantial increase from just 10 years ago when the average nate for What governments can do for you: For youth, looking to get started n their oven business, apprentncesfip or gain valuade work experience. there are a number of federal and provincial Wives runrrng during the strrrner and all year round. List summer a grail of youfu aged 1510 30 traced the ancient pWl- ways of native Cariaditins through the marshes of Lynde Shores. After learn - ng how natives used indigenous, plaint ep«Ma and M eeologierl . poeianu of the marsh. they translated erne wealth of material into a learrwg unit for school -aged children. w i rich nckx$- ed games and ancient crafts learned from a native eider. One of the partuciparks in the pro- grarnris. a univers" student who for three years had been unsuccessful in his application to teachers college, used his work on the prefect to suc- cessttilty, gait entrarice m an educa- tional programme at an Ontario urrrver- say. This year, the same Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) programme offered 10 new participants an opportunely to wheel through Durham teaching kids in-ine skating safety lessons while they gained valuable skips of their own which will translate into a power - packed resume and portfolio. 'The programme helps with the transition from school to work' explains HRDC Service Delivery Spe- ciaist Cattiy Twaites, who says one of tie keys to the programme's success under 25 was 9.4 per cent. But. it is an improvement from 1996 when the rate soared above 22 per cent. For 16 -year-old Donald Allin, it was the Bank of Dad who helped him begin his summer project; a hot dog stand featuring his family's own brand of sausages made on their Newcastle -area pig farm. Along with sausages, cus- tomers can also buy hot dogs, fries and POP - "I liked them and i thought they'd sell:' Donald says of the idea And he was right. In fact, he says, customer often come back and comment on them. With his parents' backing, Donald is its com m rrty partners. "The kids take the lead. They design the project. We have a co-ordinator for the pro. gramme but she does not take the lead role' It the participants compiste the pro. gramma a It" each receive an hon ouranum. It within a year a participant returns to school, begins a job, has a student loan or becomes set- art11010 , he will receive an add cine Oidia• a si.wo. T's s siert. n *s" yet a job they may need to buy a car or may need new suits.- notes Ms. Twrait- es. But. beyond the money, the real val- ue of the programme is the experi- ence. suggests 19 -yew -old Melissa Simpson. a participant In to skate Sailitify programme. 'I've always known I waded to work with kids. This reaf- firmed what I wanted to do. There's a lot of teamwork, learning to work logetner. We've done so martyr trigs. Its so different from being at a normal part-time job to berg here. There's such a big difference. This others a lex of variety: she relates. For more information on training programmes. try the Ontario Training Hotline at 1-800-387-5656 or the fed- eral ederal governments Youth ldormnatim Line at 1-800.935.5555. The Youth Resource Network website can be accessed at tnlp://www. youth. gc.ca. Yang adults between 18 and 29 interested in starting up a fir• -time vers lure of their own can pick up appica bon forms at any Royal Bar* branch. had no trouble secunng supplies and he tucked into the key to business success. Location, location, location. With prime highway real estate, a piece of asphalt tucked in between a doughnut shop and gas station on Hwy. 115, he's in the perfect position to cash in on cottage country traffic. "1'm mak- ing lots of money;' he says unabashed- ly. And that money will come in handy for snowboarding this winter. compact discs and university planning. But, the golden goose doesn't come without a price. Like Ms. Taylor, Don- ald is finding the hours can be gru- elling. The stand is open every day from I 1 a.m. until 7 p.m. While family members help to cover him off for occasional breaks. he worked eight days in a row recently. There was a lot more red tape to get through than he had anticipated. admits Donald. There were numcr us health department regulations for the but he operates. along with inspections to pass. "We had to have hot and cold run- ning water, we had to add w-rcened-in windows and we had to add washable flags. I had no idea it had to be like that." he reflects. Then came another surprise. Donald couldn't ell a product in competition with the stores near him which meant he couldn't sell pop with his food. As a compromise, he ells pop, without a profit, after buying it from that store. The high cost of renung a piece of prtfl.nx NM w>.s yin, u�nh...ica. \\..w ever. rcas ns Donald. with a husy high- way as your storetront. "it makes up fur it:' And it seems entreprencurshup runs in the Allm family. This summer [)on - aid's older hnxher. 17 -year-old Jamie. also started a business. But. this one required a ditTcrcnt kind of capital. Instead of money for inventory. Jamie's investment was his knowledge, acquired in nmputer courses both at school and on hu own time. Onginally, the business wa% a way to get computer pans for himself at wholesale costs, he says, but it bkximed as word spread about his tal- ents, and he now fonds himself making ..a couple of house calls a week" which he intends to continue once school begins. Although his strong academic background, including the CIBC award for outstanding achievement in busi- ness courses, prepared him well for his own venture. Jamie says, he has learned a few things since starting up. "Be quick. be courteous and don't over- price, he sums up. And from her new home -away - from -home at the mall. Ms. Taylor says she has learned many things too. The first advice she gives to would-be entrepreneurs is "don't rush into it. Do a lot of research and make sure your market's there before you get into it. "1 could take this business any- where;" she says somewhat wistfully. "I could be going to festivals on week- ends. I didn't think of that before 1 signed tip for this spot:' She recom- mends young business people make contact with those in positions to offer advice about the venture before leaping into it. "Look at locations, look at your options, talk to people. Take a business card. Don't just throw it away:' Ways you can recycle leftover food... Part of our waste is the food we discard, either because we bought too much and it is starting to spoil, we cooked too much to eat, or it was simply forgotten about in the back of the fridge. If we do not compost or vermicompost then it goes to land- fill. By shopping wisely and being resourceful with leftovers we can save money. Glad's useful 'Use -It - Up' Cookbook comes in handy dur- ing these summer months when we tend to have more leftovers than usu- al. 'Use -It -Up' suggests these ways to enjoy leftover miscellaneous veg- etables. • Marinate cold cooked vegetables in French dressing and add to a tossed salad. • Mix together chopped raw or cooked vegetables. Moisten with seasoned dairy sour cream. Chill and LARRAm ROULSTON RECYCLER'S--- REPORT serve as a salad. • Add chopped cooked vegetables to aspics or to lemon, orange, or lime -flavoured gelatins. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice or vine- gar, if desired. Cottage cheese or cubes of cheese may also be added. • Add to a tomato sauce to serve over an omelet. • Cooked Vegetable Casserole: Combine cooked vegetables with cream soup or tomato soup. Add cooked rice if desired. Bake at 350 F for 30 minutes. Ten minutes before serving, remove from oven and top with crumbs or crushed potato or corn chips. Bake 10 minutes. • Add cooked chopped vegetables to cream sauces when making chick- en, turkey or ham a la king, or to cream sauce to serve over meat loaf or croquettes. • Chilled Vegetable Platter: Cover platter with salad greens. Arrange chilled cooked vegetables, onion rings, and tomato slices on greens. Cover with choice of bottled dress- ing. • Add to omelets and scrambled eggs shortly before they have fin- ished cooking. • Use -it -Up Cream Soup: Puree up to one and a half cups leftover cooked vegetables or meat. Mix with condensed cream soup. Thin with milk or broth if desired. Heat thor- oughly. Season to taste. Serve hot. DDD COMING EVENTS: Oct. 6-7, Toronto. Executive Enterprises are sponsoring 'Effective Environmental Management and Compliance in Canada.' For details, call 1-800-831- 8333. Oct. 6-8, Toronto Congress Centre. Recycling Council of Ontario's 19th Annual Conference and Trade Show entitled. 'Valuing Our Future — a Responsible Evolu- tion' featuring David Suzuki as guest speaker. To register, call 416-460- 1025. Nov. 4-6, Ottawa. The Com- posting Council of Canada presents its 8th Annual Conference, Exhibits and General Meeting. 'Return to your roots ... Compost!' For further information, call 416-535-0240. Larraine Roulston's column exploring environmental issues regularly appears on Wednesday. ERIC �-� DOWD AT QUEEN'S PARK . Harris relishes battle with federal Liberals The federal Liberals are promis- ing to target Progressive Conserva- tive Premier Mike Harris in the com- ing Ontario election and it's the best news the Tones have had in a long time. A spokesman for the federal Lib- erals' Ontano caucus said it has had enough of Premier Hams blaming j his problems on the federal govern- ment. Premier Harris has charged par- ticularly the federal Liberals have cut transfer payments and made it difficult for Ontario to maintain ser- vices. The federal spokesman said Pre- mier Harris is twisting the truth and trying to win his election by blaming the federal Liberals and says their caucus will set up machinery to "make ,ure the real facts are out there." The Liberal MPs understandably are anxious to protect their home bases. although they have three years to an election, but neither side is likely to convince the public anyway. The Liberals have cut payments to provinces drastically, but will argue, as before, they have a respon- sibility to reduce spending. as Pre- mier Hams constantly preaches. and should mu be taxing to send him motley when he keeps cutting taxes, sometimes for those not in great need. But Premier Harris would be 0overjoyed to spend a large part of his election fighting the federal gov"n- mcd. He is eager to talk about his reductions m taxes but less keen to examine his cuts in services which made them possible. He wwW welcome a diversion in : which he could try to shove blame on Ottawa. and has already started trying to get the federal Liberals j ernbr. ted and vitt be detighted 0-Y 11 will meet him haltway. Premier Hams also would follow a tried and tfus.ed path. T c Ontario Times when in government. which i has been most of the past 50 years. often hav= initiated and benefitted from arguing with Liberals cote ur- really governing in Ottawa. They have particularly tried to link the Ontario I.iberafs to their friends in Ottawa' and blame them for any misdeeds. of which there am I always .cone. The relatively frugal and low-key Tory premier William Davis, who won four elections, focused on the arrogant, free -spending habits and promotion of French by then Liberal Prime !Minister Pierre Tradeau. Mr. Davis was on the honk of los- ing through scandals in 1975 when he was able to switch concern to Trudcau's act of flying himself in to aid the Ontario party in a helicopter paid for by taxpayers. He also dis- agreed on spending with his finance minister. who resigned, helping end the provincial Liberals' hopes of winning. One Liberal leader. Stuart Smith. sent news releases from 'the Leader j of the Opposition' trying to avoid being classed as a Liberal and some i of his candidates refused to put 'Lib- ! eral' on their lawn signs. He later said Mr. Trodeau had been "a burden " David Peterson complained in opposition before he became pre- mier that Trudeau was a "a millstone around my neck." The federal Liberals have helped Harris most, however, by picturing Ontario Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty as someone who needs their assistance against Harris who is noted for his aggression in elections. Mr. McGuinty is leading in polls, but it is recognized even by Liberals, he owes this not to his performainze, but to misgivings about Premier Harris. Ontanans put some priority on wanting a government that can stand up for the province and Tories have helped stay in power at Queen's Park over the years by claiming their Lib- eral opponents would be puppets of more dominant Liberals in Ottawa. Mr. Davis warned constantly if voters elected Liberals, they would make Ontario a branch plant of a federal Liberal government run by the most noted of the backroom manipulators, rainmaker Keith Dav- ey. The federal Liberals have now given Harris an opening toy Ontario needs a strong leader to fight immi- nent federal -provincial and unity battles, but even Mr. McGuinty's friends in his federal party do not have faith he can win an election by himself. PAGE i - THE NEWS ADVMTMM WlLINDWAT. AUGUST 2C 1117e Smoke and mirrors photo brMlke Tayior The driver of a truck carrying glass and mirrors was charged in the intersection at about 5:25 p.m. Neither the driver of the with a traffic light offence after a late -afternoon accident last truck nor the driver of the van were seriously injured in the col - Wednesday at Whites and Taunton roads in Pickering. Accord- lision. Taunton Road was closed for approximately 45 minutes ing to Durham Regional Police, the truck and a minivan collided to clean up debris. Euchre in Pickering P1CKE:RINA; cards on the table. Bid euchre is held Tuesday. Sept. 1 at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606. 1555 gayly St.. Pickering. at 7,:30 p.m. Call 839-2990 for information. ake a hike! _ '.�. MA 86d. Fmlgn Sm� I34 F„r rues ti I U / AA 52 Q 96 L�+ 1M�N 6. 10 IF. ,.,r s3996 wisn 4rl c.m� _ $2496 '1�. 96-" �4r �tiT� $ 42 a , - r,,il W-- 6 •�.�� -,;12296$4996� $rzes Child's 8 to vVornen'3 10, I Co Bk, Red, AJAX I u I q cre Mh WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING WEDNESDAY, AUG. 26 MANAGEMENT: The Canadian Insti- tute of Management, Durham branch, holds an information and registration night at Durham College, 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Room C320, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY, AUG. 27 SOCIAL JUSTICE: The Durham Region Coalition for Social Justice meets at 7 p.m. at the United Steel- workers of America Hall. 115 Albert St., Oshawa. Everyone welcome. Phone 571.0582 (Phil) for more infor- mation. FRIDAY, AUG. 28 ADDICTIONS: The Serenity Group holds its 12 -Step Recovery Meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd.. Pickering. The weekly support group deals with addictions of all types, including co- dependency. A child care programme is avail- able as required. All welcome. Phone 428-9431 (Jim) for more information on the Serenity Group. SATURDAY, AUG. 28 LITERACY: A Mini -Putt and Barbe- cue is being held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pickering Driving Range and Mini -Putt, Brock Rd. north of Third Consession, Pickering. Pro- ceeds to The Literacy Outreach Cen- tre. Cost is $5 per person. Hosted by Myrna Picotte. Phone 426-2100 (Janice or Jo- Anne) for more information. ONE PARENT FAMILIES: The One Parent Families Association of Cana- da holds a dance from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. (south of Hwy. 2 between Brock and Liverpool). All welcome. Summer dress code. Tickets $10, available at the door. Phone (416)-226-0062. SUNDAY, AUG. 30 HORTICULTURE: The Pickering Horticultural Society holds its annual flower and vegetable show from noon to 3 p.m. at the Pickering Town Cen- tre, corner of Liverpool Rd. and Hwy. 2. An auction will follow the show. 839-4604. 4 days only ALL WFA7HERBEATER ' DffRIOR PA ffiff A ND S TA IN Only 14W. ars, ateose ham Latex S" R4 Latex Seob-Gfaos, Aftift "prnfer 11br► fw wwd In paiedraft dwk a.►d Latex PrkW,, H4i-6bss 08 and Oil Primas penebaft atilt 0 -based stainsnd aLNtra-(2eo► aloha Sam A. 3199-15.99 Sears n. 2198-39.91 Owime ham twe groat brands - W aBrerBea w 10 and MteaitlrerBmW Fka paints and sutura for superior p,eee 9vn for yaw home; fence, steak and morel These exterior 191deheS hem Sears provide famous Weagw8eater bury hisill prdecUon and dut&W fy. In your ClWm of over 80 cobars orpaW and 30 semi-MWaront and 30 =W coiotas of MebaLhlp stain. And remember, sabsAwtion guaranteed or your money millwded at Sears FLL6. ALL PAN% OAf `ALE 7 I 09411 Cppyright 1988. Sluts Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of SearsTM I U / AA D -= Fmnily Shoe .SMppaiiy �4r �tiT� TOOT_ S r,,il ? s 1 $rzes Child's 8 to vVornen'3 10, I Co Bk, Red, AJAX ♦ r , Y 4!;, Gree Hawaw Aye A2 ` $3996MP NEWMARKET LAZA / Dw,s Dr 2 ghrs easr of Hv I: (905) 830-1405 Saiwdoy 900 a� 6 0o pn Swdq 1100— 500pn 4 days only ALL WFA7HERBEATER ' DffRIOR PA ffiff A ND S TA IN Only 14W. ars, ateose ham Latex S" R4 Latex Seob-Gfaos, Aftift "prnfer 11br► fw wwd In paiedraft dwk a.►d Latex PrkW,, H4i-6bss 08 and Oil Primas penebaft atilt 0 -based stainsnd aLNtra-(2eo► aloha Sam A. 3199-15.99 Sears n. 2198-39.91 Owime ham twe groat brands - W aBrerBea w 10 and MteaitlrerBmW Fka paints and sutura for superior p,eee 9vn for yaw home; fence, steak and morel These exterior 191deheS hem Sears provide famous Weagw8eater bury hisill prdecUon and dut&W fy. In your ClWm of over 80 cobars orpaW and 30 semi-MWaront and 30 =W coiotas of MebaLhlp stain. And remember, sabsAwtion guaranteed or your money millwded at Sears FLL6. ALL PAN% OAf `ALE 7 I 09411 Cppyright 1988. Sluts Canada Inc. Come see the many sides of SearsTM CNB calendar is also a lottery ticket It's a lottery ticket you can use atl year. The Durham District Centre of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind is selling 1999 CNIB Lottery Calendars. The calendars also serve as a lot- tery ticket with draws held daily. weekly and monthly, along with a bonus draw of $5.0M. There's S80,0M in cash prizes available and more than 1.200 chances to win during the year. Only 20.000 • calendars arc being printed so chances of win- ning are one in f 16. Winners will j also have their names re-entered in the draw w they can perhaps . cash in again. Calendars are S selling for S20. Call the Durham • CNIB at 436- 7732 for more • information or to buy a calendar. Speak up, with confidence It yuu rc apprehensive about speaking in public. an upcom- ing Quahmpher Leadership Course could he just what you need. Registratioxt is under way fir an effective speaking course that teach- es participants how to organize their thoughts and improve their confidence when speaking in pub- lic. The course. beginning the week of Scpt. 20. runs one night a week for 11 weeks. Classes last three hours each night. For more information, loca- tions and times call 721.1144. 721-1984 or I- SM418-8925. You're invited to join St. John Do you have a arrant certificate in Standard Fust Aid and would like to get involved in your community? If so, you. might be interest- ed in joining the St. John Ambu- lance Brigade of Ajax/Pickering, which is looking for independent, energetic volun- teers. Volunteers team patient care and leadership skills while cam - ins recognition and personal sat- isfaction. limey mat each Mon- day from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Ajax office in the Har- wood Place Mall. For more information call St. John Ambu- lance at 434-780C or 1-800-267- 1032. How Irene Ti1c..x anchors community spirit in Pickering. THE N! WS ADVERTISER K"F.DNESDAV. AUGUST m i"s . MGL 9 She's been named Volunteer of the Week, awarded for her work with the More importantly it brings residents together and helps make the community United Way and, for the past four years, heavily involved in helping organize a stronger, more caring one. It gives me great personal satisfaction to give back Pickering's annual Frenchman's Bay Festival. Irene Tilcox is known in her to the Pickering neighbourhood." community for getting things done. Irene works for Royal Bank in Pickering. She's just one of many Royal Bank "The Frenchman's Festival promotes the heritage and preservation of staff across Canada who take time out to help in their communities. And we'd Pickering's waterfront," explains Irene "Besides attracting over 8,(XX1 visitors just like to take this opportunity to thank ROYAL DANK to the area, The Festival draws attention to environmental issues, recreational them for doing what they do. FINANCIAL GROUP opportunities, the culture of our waterfront community and our local heritage. f6x­•J rade -k ,, R wA . 1 Irg Flyers ri ght to your doorstep ! Watch your News Advertiser L I, MITE 10- TIM NEWS ADVERTISER WLDMMAY. AIS US -r Dk 19" ENTERTAINMENTS NIGHTLIFE IN AJAX AND PICKERING photo by Ron Pietrontro Broadway Bound Members of the Pickering West H"I Musical Theatre troupe are all up in arms about their cabaret production of Broadway Bound. The show. featuring Jennifer Bernardo and Jim Leckey (foreground). debuts Sept. 18 and runs until Oct. 3. Call 839-9705 for show times and ticket information. Is Automotive art displayed this weekend OSHAWA — C:rs "fall shapes and sizes will he motoring into Oshawa this wcckend for Aut- otest 98. Held by the Motor City Car Club at General N1,:iors of Canada headquarters on Col. Sam Drive, the fifth annual \utolrst will fea- tun• more than 'l4) pre -1974 .,:ht.les. custom ..u.. an arts and ,rilll show and ,Ic and more than commercial %endors plus per- i rmrances by the Linculnaires, with music from the fifties and sixties. .Among the %chicles featured %% ill be two Zingers," brought in from the International tihow Car Associ- ation ssocration circuit in the United States. Zingers arc scaled-down ver- sions of real ,chi- cles and are pow- ered by full-!:iud engine%. An origi- nal Volkswagen Beetle and an I8 - wheel truck will be at Autofest. Admission is $5 person with children under 12 admitted free. Gates open at 10 a.m. and the event winds up at 5 p.m. following a parade of champions of more than 20 can chosen by inde- pendent judges. One vehicle own- er will win a new Chevy Special Performance 300 horse power engine as grand prize, courtesy of General Motors. A free preview and concert by the Lincolnaires will he held Aug. 28 in Memorial Park starting at 7 p.m. Dr. Kevin Tyber and Assodw, OPTOMETRISTS • Dispensing of Contact Lenses and Glasses • Complete Family Eye Care • Low Vision Services EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY IS Harwood S. �.,,. Ajax a 2, 427-4144 A Let us entertain you! Save 55°' ON SWS-O-PEDICO DESIREE® SLEEP SETS Pocket Coil available rn plush or firm comfort rwrn set s. -9,-3c Sears reg. 1899.98 84-0w Darrala. 0~ ani: "'s r. a Soso on Sala Pim we yw Sears Card and aon'r pay Tor one Tuft year* -wa, r Maw && cMdwwaaiorm p V wt py ailil Auparr, 199A m approtarw aWd Mae w p+sllrar 11sa etprdsls OffraWYrs b raarcaandYa b Saris ftw sdrre OIIYrawda Sndalt Auger Je,laW'DW1 Flmaus SMR aackidRh*mdpmw Amon rrwMnR ao OWS111iWMWsowsa/arlyYaMsa/Yri dadrisrYdals*ra11N4s NNW Fimlbagivit wrym BUYMORE SICK lid CIVFMORE scihroa sPEa4- Buy any sola, love seat or chair Save $60 Computer desk with hutch. at regular price and Save 10%, 179". Sears reg. 199.99. Buy a 2nd save 15%, 139.99 Buy a 3rd Save 20% Plus, all office chairs are on site. [tee ya &03 GW alb §W DOUBLE SEARS auB POmm ont&WA 11..71& On Sat., Aug. 29 6 Sun., Aug. 30, Sears Club Members can use their Sears Card and get doubkl Sears Club points on aft fumiture and sleep sets. On approved credit. Catalogue and Clearance Centre purchases are excluded ;iom this offer. Come see the many sides of Searsnw N 08" Copyright 1998. s—s Gorda ft. I r SPORTS RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING :Pickering bantams national champs PICKERING — The al champs. Pickering Red Sox Kins- "It was unbelievable;' rnen Club major bantam says Sox coach Frank rep baseball team won Robinson. "Everything ,rhe Canadian champi- went so well for us and onship over Quebec Sun- the kids played so well. day. The Red Sox, repre- They didn't need any motivational speeches. senting Ontario, were They just went there and perfect at the nationals knew what they had to hosted by North Bay do:' Aug. 19 to 23, posting an To get to the gold - unblemished 6-0 record medal game, the Red Sox to win the Canadian title. played Newfoundland in The team only made one the semi-final earlier on error throughout the tcur- Sunday. Pitcher Scott nament. Robinson spun a three - In the gold -medal hitter to pace Pickering to contest, the Red Sox got a 10-0 victory over the a sterling pitching effort eventual bronze medal - from Sean Grimes, who ists. Mike McLaughlin was picked up from Lon- hit two home runs for the don for the national tour- Sox. Jaymin Parmar, nament. Grimes struck Ryan McAllen and Jeff out 17 Quebec batters to Tobin contributed solo lead the way to a 9-2 vic- round trippers. tory. Colin Jennings and The Red Sox Ryan Morgan hit home advanced to the playoffs runs in the championship after winning their divi- game. sion with a 4-0 record. The victory at the Pickering started the national tournament rep- event with a 15-5 win resented the first-ever over Nova Scotia. The Canadian title for the Sox then downed New Pickering Red Sox orga- Brunswick 10-2 in a nization. It was also game which saw Jason believed to be the first Stergiadis hit a towering time an Eastern Ontano home run. The Kinsmen Baseball Association bantams followed with a learn has become nation- 7-0 shutout over Manito- The Saints go ba in their third game. Tobin and Barrie pick-up Dave Latour combined to shut out one of the pre- tournament favourites British Columbia 4-0 in the fourth and final divi- sional contest. Grimes was voted the best pitcher at the tourna- ment. Jennings won the team's best batter award with his four home runs. Robinson was named the team's most valuable player as he pitched 12 shutout innings. In a skills competition on Saturday night, Grimes was the hardest thrower in the event at 83 miles per hour. Tobin was the runner, rounding the bases at 13.66 seconds. To advance to the Canadian champi- onships. the Pickering Red Sox bantams won the prestigious Ontario Baseball Association's Ontario Bantam Elimina- tion Championship in Scarborough over the Civic Holiday long weekend, defeating the best teams in the province. Playing for Pickering at the nationals were Greg Fleming, Adam Katz. Aaron Schell, Ryan D'Souza, Jeff Murdoch, Jeff Tobin: Sean Grimes, Colin Jennings, Ryan Morgan, Scott Robinson, Mike McLaughlin, Ryan McAllen, Jaymin Par - mar, Jason Stergiadis and Dave Latour. The manager is Ed Tobin, who took his sec- ond team to the Canadian championships. The coaches are Matt John- ston and Frank Robinson. The hat boy is Joel Kai/. BREWING QUALITY BEERS a% WINES WINE IS LIFE THE REST IS DETAILS! 1211 rMilasm 1A NARChing in to roller hockey tourney The Ajax -Pickering In (wdcr i„ qualify for East End Saints SKF the NARCh event, the Bearings atom roller Saints excelled in two hockey team returned tournaments in Detroit from a major U.S. tourna- and Gatineau. Quebec. went with a wealth of The Saints finished experience, but no wins. first in their league this The Saints played in season against teams from the 1998 North American Oakville, Mississauga, Roller Hockey Champi- York, Brampton and onships (NARCh) at The Durham. The squad Cooler in Atlanta, Georgia recorded an impressive Aug. 15 to 22. record of 16-2. The clic event attract- In the playoffs, the ed 4,000 players and 300 Saints won all three of teams from across the their games, including a U.S. and Canada. 6-5 victory over the The Saints atoms, aged Durham Devils in the I I and 12 years, took on final. teams with players 13 Saints' Kvlc Tate was years old. Ajax -Pickering named the must valuable lost all three of its prelim- player of the playoffs. inary-round contests to Saints' team members the California Krytonics, are Jason Crete, Kyle the Virginia Inferno and Cunningham, John the North American Bull- Scrymgeour. Kyle Tate, dogs from Boston. Chris VanOnlangs, Terry However, two of the Watt, Stephen -Ross Saints' players — John Budai, Danny LeFort, Scrymgeour of Pickering Riley Siblock. Ryan and Danny LeFort of Ajax Annesley, Peter Aston, — were chosen to play in Paul Benson and James the Rival Cup, a showcase Ronald. game pitting the top The team is coached by squirts in Canada against Ron Watt, Steve Annesley the best from the U.S. and Ron Crete. The man - LeFort scored Canada's agers are Rob and Diane only goal in a 9-1 loss. Benson. We're on the intemet at www.durhamnews.net Got score? Ball 000 W-rolto TRLt+ZW "VEMMMWMNESDAY.AWtWJCI"94PAGUIA, WANT t0 GET IN THE BEST SHAPE EVER?; LADIES KICK B IN ■ G. (Based on 1 year membership with this ad) ■ Also men's and children's classes. ■ Family Rates ■ Come see us at the Pickering Town Centre ■ Wed. Aug. 26 to Sun. Aug. 19 Liverpool Karate & Kick Boxing Club .924 Kingston Rd. ■ (q05) 839-FITT(3488): Pickering (at Fairport) ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ I�' Be a good sport... ILO Recycle this newspaper Surprise Sale o Up �600 this 60%ilff 30% • Eaton Home 'Dot' • Canttrta solid Al Sits pentyhose dinnerware Pattern colour d inini rware t . • Selected women'; shoes. • Casual Connection spring . All kitchen co-ordFiates Stene Mad. Slcechers & su"ner blouses, selected capes den Pot holders, oven mitts and d n Co. pants& clam digger pants& tea towels • Selected wornertis spring ` • Prevtpusly reduced men's -. • Previously reduced & surnmer tasttions weer Includes apparel, Casual Cornet,Wn & -activewear designers' Work Connection axiees � ° n = a..^AT{i$ e. & iuggage • Selected regular-prb8+ '0O /VR■ a mens shoes •v • Pfaazgaff "Clove w mbt • Fiegtllar-priced Icing Kot .An ad ilOe■W T & match dinnerware mattress sets 30% Y i't�x it rt3duoed %4050/teff = Tw Kates, Selected previously Korot &Jantzen fashions i • Prty redtloed nidi*loeti harxlbags : w� children's wear % 0% ww addlUond daywear 5k O% • Selected Faoa 6ffa t Outlet merchandiser t PrevioL sy refixed women rr•viotlsy reduced s sleepwear, robes & lotnpA ear Jones Weer Spring Collection �" wrstreti 19.99 oen§ieshions. Selection varies by store. Selected brarxis w, n available in petite &plus sizes. Sweater Umvout from • Al previously reduced Denim Brands ' • �v ..Casual Correction - for women - DKNY jean lwda,of styles to choose from Manager, cK, Guess, Polo and Levies r Selection varies by stare 1' More pat deals in store, Just look for tie red lxz const Surprise Sale is one day only. Thursday, August 27 ,1998. Personal st cW" onlrsale offers good August 27th only, triose Moerwise Woafied Sav qs are on the orginal t &A%d vices unless otherwise noted. Sale offers canna be caMned. Not a1 odors vaYd in our She 4w store. Fxdudes Fadory Outlet, warehouee Stores and oearance Centras. Indudes Factory Outlet lo"orts VMhn " rectal stores. FACE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTLNER WEDNF_NDAY, AUGUST 20.19% AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER OifIGE 1310 coeaeb•rdw Ave -e Alex FFOURS: 9-e - Spon IN•W-- Frl- dos•d solordev FAX: (905) 579-4218 24 hear) II Crews ll Careen IM Careen ,AJAX PI KERING NEWS ADVERTISER .4 A - N __.&M-0 ___.4-- __ � - - 683-0707 NEWSPADVERTISER Pa. Mr ep - M My- Me- M., M. •.i•- - mF- �T f�a* RFwe j411 jj 77a-7349 1822 w11Eles ad., PwLormg cis ro um S41re/Leo• - Awi•rlw Plexe rw� r.-,_ we,,.,w•. r••, ..r4 r r...e►... .k...«.....: NotMS: 1 O•vee- TfYes: Fr9., wMw-S /w Stl-- Qbstal/ aNw- brsrRbei`seq`i FAt: 1905) 579-42181241k•w) , I I Careen 11 Craves I I Green 1 GmrM H* NUO GerlrW Help 1 Germs Yelp 1 General H* GET FAST RECOGNIZED TRAINING THAT WORKS! IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS STUDIES nq e'.i COMPUTER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS Learn practical business applications such as: • Wmrfews 95 • Power Pom, • Access • word • word Perfect • Ewlorer 4 • E.ce,l • lotos • Paradox + . BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 51ois yyoouu need to give you an edge in the real world. • P.00kkeZg • Excel • Human Resources • Law ' Economia • Lcius • M.,keimg ACCOUNTING & COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Provides you with the skills you need for an accounting position. • Foanc,ol Mo„oge, , • Aud ting • wore Perfect ,ermedurie Accounting •'Nord rE.- • $Imply Accounting • ACCPACC+ • L.,vs ENROLL NOW FOR SEPTEMBER PICKERING CAMPUS OF ONTO 420-1344 TOR©t lala of,, ugual ty �. Yo Can BL:E.A.9 YOUTH 16-24 YRS. • as Job JOBS AVAILABLE -Re In 1'lonths Not Years with . � Ontario Business College. • Retail Sales • �rtqq Student INrK AI. Iule Nat S20 (9051723- • Bos+ \tit%dm TM -Are • -virst no rannu it r\, Ac Urver kdMmeatrva A.csrWlt • Cr+nDaanetY C'ac lwva NAa TECIRNCWIS Program These are a small sample of • . a:,plaer Soawar & Systems Operaltr • Dental Aims" the jobs available through 149 Office Assigns • (', m uknxd &xIkIsceping JOB CONNECT I aw & Secure) AdsuLstrwm • An=W Calc Aide Call the hotline 725.4786 • . \, cs ld Marketing • W-J,Lint al Oiffioirron (abarYm Assistant r'!tJd & Yruth ASsasUrx • Prnaol Aacntani W'txirr Pickering residents ;ddatRx s Worker • Tr3sel G law (lot F rnaenal Plaeru% Aw Lula • Pav>atl Sullpiort Worker �� xledcal Office Adrmastraor • Tewsm & Hospitably Funded by the • !Medial Office Assistant • Ph rrrtac-y T Government of Ontario Sustnas Ad onsta m • H urrun Service Rixkcr k: Elecuol i" • w Bruhn TellcidCusixi er Smxx's Rctwacatatfve • -Secretary h • e • •I/m• twy , `+ WL MAIN! VV7­-.1-1M1- /asrrd %olowee. (all T -dip, t I technol"ll, facial & R//y9, OLJIi '1x) lend 9 �a . 0nd \ddlown lktaU. Oshawa body care,sarograthas,;�yarift" assiayr .576-9175 1 -1 - parry eagreence am- tay Pan eNSo a twit Bos &USMIM111 A FABRIC AND DECOR RETAIL CAREER OPEN HOUSE You we a hiody mobsreted, positive and en t ryefic indieidwl, willing to learn, with a pension for excefw e ' in customer service- M you wall to join a prswesaive Canadian eompa" Brat curt andy has our 50 ltietfons serosa Ontario and Quebec, we we now hiring for our rsaaNst locations in the Toronto ane. The following positions are availiable: • MANMERS • DEPARTMENT MANAGERS • FULL)PART--TIME SALES ASSOCIATES • WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATES Please maty your resume to BORROW kw- SM NoWs /toad, Maabmuga, Onhdq, L5R 3T7 Aarratim Ale. sayeda Jamal Fax It to (OW 5074261, or apply in p•ason M4Y, AUGUST 28TH OR SATURMY, AUGUST 29M, 111/ AT THE HOA"Y AINy,161 t MOOR STREET EAST, OSNAMGt FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. • c • - • - 11 ewers YOUTH 16-24 YRS. • THE "a SUTM Gael, JOBS AVAILABLE Trait Center Become a °a' I"rincia1 anter awnng available m anrfrc,m rias. . � ear rand.,o. I.ax- • Retail Sales • �rtqq Student INrK AI. Iule Nat S20 (9051723- • Receptionist Bos+ • Assembly NAa TECIRNCWIS Program These are a small sample of • Acrylic, frtergl4s. maicun the jobs available through peacure, rat art hands on Irarmng Nails to certificate JOB CONNECT tare`` sat° °' Narx"11ng Call the hotline 725.4786 • . Marl D,rwM 1 19851 576-3558 1 DM Mr Pickering residents aRMW* lot4ETMMl posaa par Some 14MO-263-M3 ADUMTSAnIM lunmr po. Funded by the • sdrn for smao esubl,sned Government of Ontario 0,Me Must be nand toning k: Elecuol i" • w quick. good will, Spelling and h • e • I+g to Nm-smoke1 win w - - Resume n person only to 487 technol"ll, facial & wesiney Rd S . Unl 16 AOS --ik.- TRANS CANADA TRUCK ASSISTMT teacher wanted tot Montessori dess,00m DRIVERTRAINING apes a it (alav) to star ,n •Cres -AZ 6 DZ' -Air Brakes Somme lam -I 30 Din Apr 4Drous Goods -PDA C pini Looking lotenmu •Border Crossing -Log Book sr4m, kindness patience -Mr Brake Adjustment ands an open mord Who own <)m on one Instruction Call 683.5005 Training available 24 hoursr7 days a week dr"days or -Ml dr" and cnllwrlm rtcdd Job Placement Assistance sr,-" sal US mislAw SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 I :arts Traxwng Mo o c e ff/ ng OPEN HOUSE SAT AUG 29 11:00-2:00 MON AUG 31 6:00-8:00 Casual, fun and free! Talk to models and agents to get the information you need hae•IOw model, 101 dundas street west whitby (905) 430-5715 General H* 1 General Help COMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN South Eastern OntanC Caruso nea'tars c,+ :pa. n•; is looking for an electronic technician with a 111 nimum of five years experience in the instal- idt n and maintenance of two-way radio pag- ',w and cellular equipment and systems Aprltcatlons/resumes will be accepted at Box 1203 Kingston This Week 577 Gardiner; Road Kingston, Ontario K7M 3Y4 ALL POSITIONS AVAILABLE!!!! re in excHmg rerau•a,T - ricelT that s :cnlnlg a location at Art Thampsun Ice Plex. 'e looking for experienced individuals that .-I In a team atmosphere. It you are a peo- mrson, bring your resume to The league Office inside the arena 1474 Bally St. Pickering 40 PEOPLE RE'QL_lRED in our Pickering location and Could last until late Oo4scr. Day & Afterntxm shifts Salct,, Neots a must. Min 3 truinlhs Working cxpencncc $7 IK) per hour Interested candidates please call Barbara (905 l831 -34(H) A --f t -ON +a„ 7eI NIxGS �arw Tram" ,.:eve. ,�,. -;» item G,rta to stW, � -IS taking I_ or, school ;E 51 723 I " w+d does 151 723 4970 r fJ pyng the error. M copy -'{.L Ci iC/L%2 iL%u£ �I A: an MMMS •egrn,W mem Pay aeyou 00 , c Gym ODm veal M F wooloac 9 �o-: u� •tea. +..i(2-1//ty�Cl2y Com' ]rM v ry wean• W 19US1 3734M - S•SfR£tCC1 VM Rt�OUNN A I Conant Place/Ormond Place Ira rum 4 IT'S HERE t $10 - -rle and $ts Dow n *40 Das Dr., Oshawa dr"days or -Ml dr" and cnllwrlm rtcdd To provide superintendent services sr,-" sal US mislAw DYrllam's first Advanced Es111etic ars tin Rob a 19051 372 d3� wxaaft061 School. Art& Technique Academy 37334C84 of Advanced Esthetics is aRMW* lot4ETMMl posaa par Some .7. now accepting NWTY $YOM , nw h. regisluaborlaforFall. Enrol today rn , NI,rt ',, wa :em a nu w4mw - CWoft, aslimited- Ni a space 12 avenwo- X44211,4t60 k: Elecuol i" • w CLASS A �. ins wee0te rm- manicure, `) naaniclae, p�dicwi, and ►es+=+ 'K 144•M •a pe -.• I spa tr9ahltenk nand inc � ow witil technol"ll, facial & cs 8937 arra body care,sarograthas,;�yarift" new .rwos parry eagreence am- tay Pan eNSo a twit Bos CLASSIFIED ow mEadt CUSTOMER "1Or•' SERVICE 427-7770. News Q ANCING ='Es t°"u, aaemu"oons ' ' BLE publKatim II Akws Ad- , wrtnl, ww rbt oe rt spons+0b mole ole gun -S KIN one insertion 19LSKtesSmi bore and !nae shalt be no h- •It.�.r-- 75" abinry for rwn-waer0on ent•s responsibility. or any aM,11.ment. 15 Sinacae SL Soutll, Ottawa -abdety to offs m ads �A e! 6 I,nuted to Die amount pad lot die space occu- 1 Clinical results included... 21 % reduction in the appearance of wrinkles in 4 weeks 54% increase in skin elasticity and firmness in 4 weeks F.nfuselle products are: oil free, soap free, dye free, hypoallergenic, non -comedogenic, dermatologist and opthamologist tested, contain no animal -de- rived ingredients and are not tested on animals. •' a best part of al: 100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee! UN) your skin care products match up? Feel the difference for yourself. Hands tin demo. special introductory offer. Valid to September Ist only! Bring a friend'. ADAMS SERVICES WANTS 50 AZ DRIVERS 14'e offer: • I T and IIT highway and city • I f Teams • P I Highway and city weekends Benefits offered with certain contracts You provide: • %ahJ AZ hceme • t urrent clean abstract can experience • It C medical • t 1. -an Cnmmal record search CALL RANDY (9051 720-2-104 T.T.R. -1 RANSPORT Has an immediate opening for MECHANIC'S HELPER Knowledge of class 8 trucks essential. Fax resumes to: 1905) 725-9411 Drve,s required for local d short -haul. top wages r1 benefits: year-round work. experience with household go electronics an asset. Apply in person to: COBURN'S TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 341 Marwood Drive, Oshawa. 905-725-35M or Fax to: 905-5714769 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ; ^ � temp. must nave 6 ..mrs wurlung e.perer,u 6 frI•q sled-IOtd Dona LID ro 5Od1 Pis ca r asset ^awa arta; Car an asset h- will be ,rxervwrxq a the ... or `Plop merit Cm- ttn n luesd A F . OmM- a, Rue -as•. August 25. ....,970am -2pm MODELS WANTED m Ca. ,n "x, , +++R TOrd,- •.,,"apoxNs own 520.000 in M and SCholarfmpr, m - N tnrros 1. m"'Idar.0nalileoo_ 2129 Eq 2co'40 rum, Amen- F,nancvf ., .I'ne'rt WrYM„g CnnrOlrrN .�'q Geer-Onrnled k,O. .aa in badnsl•0 ability bm- ,n a drsCAR 10 wri me gm- �...,.F Call Gary lrrrier 905- ..,+. x376 N0T W NG 5350.5450 ,....ir' F•.Ublrt^.d markd- umoan 4"0y expand needa 20 OU40M it isim , , , br army WON to Ren oM spa LSM For reernew all V. Or 19054 :•13144 MIRING The Sunday Sun Crew Manniagers Tc ,pw.rsHtt docs-to-ODar Sebe crew" Stye mewdutNy rrFb�iibls fs Excellent commission Cat Tony LoPnM 1 t ar", " Mort -F, 41&947-3591 or 1-80(1H 6 786 or fax resume 1-416-947-3191 "I tax your resume to 41694 7-3191 PART-TIME OPENINGS Asallable Immediately $15 per -hour. Car a necessdy. Great opportunity for a Homemaker ora Second Income Call Peter 915.686-2445 Ext. 224 "Al TOE NCEPnOMST •wk.rbi or L mhludes P,cke,nrg Town '„ este tall ...PRErAAND OPINWO EXTREME FITNESS Finally - 900°0 SO FT State d the ad Eaerose Facility rpht hent in Pekemlp Om 31 MILLION m exercise equipment Hammer shendlh. Icarus. flex. stmt. ppaaramount. clips., donlan Me cycle Starr master. 8 body trek, lust to name a tow Also aauble Otrnrprc style swimmirp pod. steam room, wnid pod, pt to Ir cnnr carta fant".opractknp6 passage Centm . slop W our .ig P Certlrt the PrcFei Lel Parkway m the borne 6 Lel d to at the 4 6 e+ock Rd today 19051-426."'lui '6v6 "�uxxms to, Special Ir" ad th You for 98 user Expires; Auq 31 sU199B CHASING Agent reawrtd lur rneral cunlracong 6 Slure tde company m W1Mby f-rieneed required (905)- 430 0690 nxwnuwrar holy realm are Itm Pnaenng Posdiw an0 8 cnelul disposdron a most ,j r drkalrnrqq e.pene" R - Rep R ,..ato vie not ,_ Box 481. 665 Farewell 't Oshawa, Ontario 71.5 REG. PNYSI.OTMERMST .,"led for me eek of sept ;epi ,8 lo, nol�da, ,e - :,.+.to" Phone 19051-697 ROOFER SMMGLEN 6 Shn J."s neov waned No a- "ence necessary W,II + 19051.434.3x16 leave :-W SDPEA IRnNDANr for colla huiiar,g • Wh4IN 90% ckaniw , are pro- Wsionas in conduct. love tr r.0seY seamlaNs d all V eooperxrw and friendly wMda bwp x9ru- s re We of a connotes" SONY 2 aftemer ae weak -ands -ends alt Esurse Exx- wm�to 430-CM5 Fax rt - FURL THEE ANC PMT TIME watretYc wdnr4 And k,fch en nelD Appp+v Orson ,o Ycter t?b8790 n n,r Wry WORK AT "M asaem- bung - p,vd,." ;'In is, ma4aer, rn, f,.. ,dn PRO - call 24rtns 10114m t - 6E}771 -740M 07 HOME! SSSSSSSSSSS Int, -r, t -i it making extra m, ,Tey? 1,`'„uld you like t„ work partor tail time from your ibmYe? y�r employ pet,ple .n yaw area W do .., ek fon, tsrwnr. 1 t'V IN— yaw .:� hurarvr Y0U . rare I-, F,w I r. at"'ax. •"na .r .11-1 ir-d ,r.,mprd rnvelope W: NORTH IMPERIAL rxo!NeonoNs «. tl Yanxe vin -r Sa.rM lw •nwbo, (arrUrso May IZ4 1 Osler eooltlu E t4 N,sE g1ETMr row,.l . Muv,•wa,m 'ryuano, p #A .n al way ave Ar► MR aid f on" Sita xnuwleegr 01 OA,Ge 97 Md .."y ,Pro rq o M. M Fair tsub ea l05 ya 6411 RECENIOMST UCKUM x:, epa t,prrynced p ,,.,d 'Mus• krx Mord �.wRy$ao.fa W (611 7 7762 "IE LACY Exma7 6 win ICow,y mp1 Laeada .I', Cu,. a^ spar ma In us nal An•xmluran caxla e workng ►P,�µ nrm.mo s serrxM'p a Boobeeperorking ^nwr t9.011" wlw}r w,dlydl Ib. wwns t2 (2 0.3Yvq Pant lora resume b BOt • 19051.131 ;u3 Row 19051 420.14W or to resume to (9051264-9947 FORT TKO. Cturan Oman Ircl,rSe egwred Pae lime 283765 a 4CAIM76C1-�. "Avvon Products now POT -TIN SugrudendW couple wqu ed Ia apartment for �1. Iristltlis. ;m Call today for A 2 nolishwA aarna wee- klfbrmati n. kends 1 ro holiday ip Experience an assal but not pm1i le d you . be error oil wwnm 905-655-SMed , lea free 2 bedroomm �mtmart 7ha poatmn a ideal lora sm a Fel"Z or a e (M -6664M pita 416-3G8-9Ci90 PO AS 9os 60 Gym 1b falisllilies OFM San norrousnp reerwnd pay asppppypbin available Mon Fn go Winu Noo MMWAMON 9Laa-3o0pm You show bieoriey W IIaIe1,hl+: be ourested in d Alin dwr0F DdlmveN', nd preaAhonatl every dig. SeAO R - units and Ormond Place - 44 writs pyng the error. M copy done r t4a4P 1 fibre H* S S601W t0 the appro. yal of management of mem Pay aeyou 00 , c Gym ODm veal M F wooloac 9 News Advertiser SUPERINTENDENT resume b 19051887.5966 REQUIRED CIZAN O roarti8 I Conant Place/Ormond Place AVAN. loco simL•oe St. S., nolo Ormond lir►; yewo • Dr., Oshawa aewba say To provide superintendent services (9elew 64}4Sa4 for two townhouse complexes locat- to,RW required mery Must For ado Paas delivense. nine ed in Oshawa (Conant Place - 43 ere mumu "On! Must 1 Clinical results included... 21 % reduction in the appearance of wrinkles in 4 weeks 54% increase in skin elasticity and firmness in 4 weeks F.nfuselle products are: oil free, soap free, dye free, hypoallergenic, non -comedogenic, dermatologist and opthamologist tested, contain no animal -de- rived ingredients and are not tested on animals. •' a best part of al: 100% Unconditional Money Back Guarantee! UN) your skin care products match up? Feel the difference for yourself. Hands tin demo. special introductory offer. Valid to September Ist only! Bring a friend'. ADAMS SERVICES WANTS 50 AZ DRIVERS 14'e offer: • I T and IIT highway and city • I f Teams • P I Highway and city weekends Benefits offered with certain contracts You provide: • %ahJ AZ hceme • t urrent clean abstract can experience • It C medical • t 1. -an Cnmmal record search CALL RANDY (9051 720-2-104 T.T.R. -1 RANSPORT Has an immediate opening for MECHANIC'S HELPER Knowledge of class 8 trucks essential. Fax resumes to: 1905) 725-9411 Drve,s required for local d short -haul. top wages r1 benefits: year-round work. experience with household go electronics an asset. Apply in person to: COBURN'S TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 341 Marwood Drive, Oshawa. 905-725-35M or Fax to: 905-5714769 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ; ^ � temp. must nave 6 ..mrs wurlung e.perer,u 6 frI•q sled-IOtd Dona LID ro 5Od1 Pis ca r asset ^awa arta; Car an asset h- will be ,rxervwrxq a the ... or `Plop merit Cm- ttn n luesd A F . OmM- a, Rue -as•. August 25. ....,970am -2pm MODELS WANTED m Ca. ,n "x, , +++R TOrd,- •.,,"apoxNs own 520.000 in M and SCholarfmpr, m - N tnrros 1. m"'Idar.0nalileoo_ 2129 Eq 2co'40 rum, Amen- F,nancvf ., .I'ne'rt WrYM„g CnnrOlrrN .�'q Geer-Onrnled k,O. .aa in badnsl•0 ability bm- ,n a drsCAR 10 wri me gm- �...,.F Call Gary lrrrier 905- ..,+. x376 N0T W NG 5350.5450 ,....ir' F•.Ublrt^.d markd- umoan 4"0y expand needa 20 OU40M it isim , , , br army WON to Ren oM spa LSM For reernew all V. Or 19054 :•13144 MIRING The Sunday Sun Crew Manniagers Tc ,pw.rsHtt docs-to-ODar Sebe crew" Stye mewdutNy rrFb�iibls fs Excellent commission Cat Tony LoPnM 1 t ar", " Mort -F, 41&947-3591 or 1-80(1H 6 786 or fax resume 1-416-947-3191 "I tax your resume to 41694 7-3191 PART-TIME OPENINGS Asallable Immediately $15 per -hour. Car a necessdy. Great opportunity for a Homemaker ora Second Income Call Peter 915.686-2445 Ext. 224 "Al TOE NCEPnOMST •wk.rbi or L mhludes P,cke,nrg Town '„ este tall ...PRErAAND OPINWO EXTREME FITNESS Finally - 900°0 SO FT State d the ad Eaerose Facility rpht hent in Pekemlp Om 31 MILLION m exercise equipment Hammer shendlh. Icarus. flex. stmt. ppaaramount. clips., donlan Me cycle Starr master. 8 body trek, lust to name a tow Also aauble Otrnrprc style swimmirp pod. steam room, wnid pod, pt to Ir cnnr carta fant".opractknp6 passage Centm . slop W our .ig P Certlrt the PrcFei Lel Parkway m the borne 6 Lel d to at the 4 6 e+ock Rd today 19051-426."'lui '6v6 "�uxxms to, Special Ir" ad th You for 98 user Expires; Auq 31 sU199B CHASING Agent reawrtd lur rneral cunlracong 6 Slure tde company m W1Mby f-rieneed required (905)- 430 0690 nxwnuwrar holy realm are Itm Pnaenng Posdiw an0 8 cnelul disposdron a most ,j r drkalrnrqq e.pene" R - Rep R ,..ato vie not ,_ Box 481. 665 Farewell 't Oshawa, Ontario 71.5 REG. PNYSI.OTMERMST .,"led for me eek of sept ;epi ,8 lo, nol�da, ,e - :,.+.to" Phone 19051-697 ROOFER SMMGLEN 6 Shn J."s neov waned No a- "ence necessary W,II + 19051.434.3x16 leave :-W SDPEA IRnNDANr for colla huiiar,g • Wh4IN 90% ckaniw , are pro- Wsionas in conduct. love tr r.0seY seamlaNs d all V eooperxrw and friendly wMda bwp x9ru- s re We of a connotes" SONY 2 aftemer ae weak -ands -ends alt Esurse Exx- wm�to 430-CM5 Fax rt - FURL THEE ANC PMT TIME watretYc wdnr4 And k,fch en nelD Appp+v Orson ,o Ycter t?b8790 n n,r Wry WORK AT "M asaem- bung - p,vd,." ;'In is, ma4aer, rn, f,.. ,dn PRO - call 24rtns 10114m t - 6E}771 -740M 07 HOME! SSSSSSSSSSS Int, -r, t -i it making extra m, ,Tey? 1,`'„uld you like t„ work partor tail time from your ibmYe? y�r employ pet,ple .n yaw area W do .., ek fon, tsrwnr. 1 t'V IN— yaw .:� hurarvr Y0U . rare I-, F,w I r. at"'ax. •"na .r .11-1 ir-d ,r.,mprd rnvelope W: NORTH IMPERIAL rxo!NeonoNs «. tl Yanxe vin -r Sa.rM lw •nwbo, (arrUrso May IZ4 1 Osler eooltlu E t4 N,sE g1ETMr row,.l . Muv,•wa,m 'ryuano, p #A .n al way ave Ar► MR aid f on" Sita xnuwleegr 01 OA,Ge 97 Md .."y ,Pro rq o M. M Fair tsub ea l05 ya 6411 RECENIOMST UCKUM x:, epa t,prrynced p ,,.,d 'Mus• krx Mord �.wRy$ao.fa W (611 7 7762 "IE LACY Exma7 6 win ICow,y mp1 Laeada .I', Cu,. a^ spar ma In us nal An•xmluran caxla e workng ►P,�µ nrm.mo s serrxM'p a Boobeeperorking ^nwr t9.011" wlw}r w,dlydl Ib. wwns t2 (2 0.3Yvq Pant lora resume b BOt • 19051.131 ;u3 Row 19051 420.14W or to resume to (9051264-9947 FORT TKO. Cturan Oman Ircl,rSe egwred Pae lime 283765 a 4CAIM76C1-�. "Avvon Products now POT -TIN SugrudendW couple wqu ed Ia apartment for �1. Iristltlis. ;m Call today for A 2 nolishwA aarna wee- klfbrmati n. kends 1 ro holiday ip Experience an assal but not pm1i le d you . be error oil wwnm 905-655-SMed , lea free 2 bedroomm �mtmart 7ha poatmn a ideal lora sm a Fel"Z or a e (M -6664M pita 416-3G8-9Ci90 PO AS 9os 60 Gym 1b falisllilies OFM San norrousnp reerwnd pay asppppypbin available Mon Fn go Winu Noo MMWAMON 9Laa-3o0pm You show bieoriey W IIaIe1,hl+: be ourested in d Alin dwr0F DdlmveN', nd preaAhonatl every dig. SeAO R - units and Ormond Place - 44 writs '0 eta° woo Erpbh U.b aIle o use mnsor- mg loafs Mandrin aro Fax HAIRSTYLIST/ Mull "Fuss regww, flew p'" -bine win e.pl,ence to mem Pay aeyou 00 , c Gym ODm veal M F wooloac 9 sone ler dap by i w out al Pae Mn. 17M andidates must reside on site resume b 19051887.5966 MANAGEMENT Josephs Harntyluq, O411rW n+aug,4 - a m - S p m 1005 Brod) M.. Passing. Ltv 4L9 (Conant Place) o a 3 -bedroom P,eN.+r....rl.dc hw ria. cadre Apply m prawn a pdwm •905)4273277 townhouse and cess high Stan- P g to,RW required mery Must For ado Paas delivense. nine AJxx Win ro apes m 13uAi. Caere ph era 7239251. ask for Joe Toa Givers aRMW* lot4ETMMl posaa par Some dards, flexibility, excellent main- haw octan I,gmt. amrrg G.a �,.xf wwaa> . Wry pWS MaaAl rape - ODawtti needed (TW ratoed Im1lNemme) rmme- loans and w io ngMs ab weekads. Some tenance, repair and interper50RaI P record all road experience 1mm mww.rpa 10 gmuw „rumrw.n rl ,wk.r n sgon n /pa, 6rotllere tppa- "* to W grawq cam- No required, m8 Ran slit- . skills. Remuneration inclu es rent- d AppIub m or resumes Far, sues pnianti it -um aim, mal.hN m lonity la dMrpmee ORIaRNc pecan la0 la a tilllone parry eagreence am- tay Pan eNSo a twit Bos appYcy� ace Fa rn xa free, 3 bedroom townhouse. Ideal pass,3 Auto or mal to Dam's Amo Pam Go Ltd, 11a•mmvHl. Cw,•a ,m exel advaxtman p & 427-7770. 6833294 AL Brno second -income opportunity. Unit 160/ Baselua Fill W. cow- crnrre cm1 �,t leellim. Provide .alNe IMR- to" heat and hydro are superintend- tloe LIE 2S5 No CA pease 19LSKtesSmi aNWAM cowno" 8 so r�Bt Pan lime pool- ent•s responsibility. mmwumK oil- EMENDoing Flair F'r•ut Sake IxxDm pioaass m a dkwc t30o85mg;; lion aralWM ae pap" aeDer5 lots Mb A I m Wntin b 4:30 m., Wed- PP Y S 4 P pre. Odno ow -a- trap Ia Rao- nen Salm. Flat br AWems.WWKKB HAIRSTYLISTS settle. 11, maeure sur8 baited inn Payer r Pow t'p•n Fra d+l-rgranpc fu Iss.i pw extMrand Mum' a own Mess low own Ilmmm all nesday, Sept. 2nd, I $ t0: Send rrAm Wi 0SN nn Wed�PO Ba wamed W LAlldes in to eM. part -trove MM mall& 905 -B7? -1717. small to*. $15. per b. fix s 49S-0Nt. IBI. OMMvm. LRH 715. Oshawa Hamner SaWy canmimon CA ftobai b BkON 1B rnwM (/li) suit Plus Administrative AssistarI4 ENJOY 1YNM4 on the (905)723-5947 mp b �B (�) ESW ��N Duties . Itinerary w Clem Durham 'p'.egion Non -Profit Housin Co ration, Corporation, pnaN1 cycled PwaHalam tall and pat -lime tell• CAW M PIZZA wo CHICKEN is hnnD wghum . 15p M. b kdervbw. w Maul. Dolens. psM � Work A PooMt Ad u�ppeaatim. W X27 E-4863 �N 28A Albert St., Oshawa, On. mMas kea9 DOS Ii01K n0 a- cenetce necessary A Ores- sum sales Involved Hourly tic had wodong expense oil Pita maker 6 Driven Drop amps an maul Her. root waaso , vaeanane should taw good Communication SONS, rrradt BAI nTTBt N kx Run= LRH BSS ++uuqqee and tmnes tau txldy resume a 1721 IwrlpStOn RO.. (Mandavt Pun 1427-5556 occnow °WI- br 1. 6. 6 0 ri obt. riprrbg 6. & 12 art Deas LW M Pray Wad sow wamMub arld a sway ,r�w,;Ie,.vb•.` � Or fax to (905) 434-5361 9051426-8452 for Inlenew appommml FlOUIIER 1110P NEk► Ietnd- ronlact Mary Ma Exis an asset Job to ° '-w,apn�tl `v` Mb "�. ly. eargelic person sewed 509.6645 S. sept. 1. Hit 8.4 30 Bing win Saar, Expactt PM,e 72S SR9 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES ESTMnCAN "FdTYUST wanted for e.panong Body 6 fa lou bme sales ono help Can ROW.n t Ialaulatit Broker Position la peradW produL7q fi= E";pe���t�abOnL 10 nOR� �ANAa R0 B M` IC P., a°° a` If there are firms or individuals to whom Sole expentoce pnofeis,onals Mon -Fr Between t0am-2 pm. 9".vim YOM Boan's TeItBM0H1 R le 0 kc all exp p it rze! cortin Pal r ---- Unit t2 Pickling On AO� EWerMreu Ort lend Must low own furls you do not wish your reply sent, simply only Call (9051.623-7653 Fresh Bowen Woo R Imurarrl (9051579` rMMrACrT, lull-6me pass- lads PNae bow a inn• to*, pleatio leave place your application in an envelopeIgliql1i a GEOM LABOUM91 re- 1317 tm or temporary maw" addressed to the box number in the Owned for Ga. ,n„ ,p, 3 Jour EDYCAI[OaAI Toys Naw I hoer east d Toronto on Lake Ontario REQUIRED advertisement and attach a list of such Looking to consults is to caeputerued pharAt- IMMEDIATELY names. Place your application and list in NEEDED!! MAatTYlJtri wmn0!f Immedtately E.pene„ce 1e. , 350. Qu" lar. gamesaft 1D% ander trarow remwM-ah;macy E.W- tem berelm and workx9 cone. 1•inusasd Body an envelope and address to: Box Replies awned to, Nosy salon, opponum? Peckenng 19051 s,5 sal blouph nonnl pa- a om wth b ge atlepenom1 Call Don 905-372- Person for busy It the advertiser is one of the names on ei°`e'r Its. Ialetrsan, ralibgues cdteCl body shop in your list your application will be CTm"Tlcs COACHES o- 80 D3614S6701114N. lofIr Wret destroyed. dI Needed Cettl,wd Please FMAUCY USOUN Ex- NO apprentices. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed Gaya cancel Aja. Acro'; (905) 427.0036 LABOIIM WOMB la penerxe must have own `e '---f�-0OD Phone, (ENSEN directly to Oshawa T his Week, will not EXHA"UD re ltawas required fa on -cel Building supply EpermIN i sorry heavy "V AUTO BODY be invorded to the filo number. pnixi is it witer„ew child Care Send 10 1200 $TyLOT NOUMD . mall fem* lea preferred involved Apply b patio, TOP ORM paid "aid M• ernarkdms. ,avarbnse pn (905) 669-3331 Originals must be sent diredy as i tesume a with a 2 rears Must be Mon -Fn 9am-5pm. Dan 6 Mned W ww train GB 96S h indicated by the instructions in t e ad. Pvhp Murray. Unit 1. Oslo. etptnmce molnar ed and wuing to learn call Son duedep Supplies, lid 439-M ya L,J Wit AM 3156 IMSonuMwaf51 Odic e THE NEWS ADVERTMER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1"6. PAGE 13 ad"Ilty'ILMnE71 tlrwllAMrrbArA OApewAreBrla �gnWWWj i Bsb w wtNy 1 Leifer I 6� 6R CEI Dufialm Region r I established outdoor spor ds retail store is looking for I and part time positions for I wear - clothing - camping vear departments. OUR rting goods retail experience as excellent customer ser' s is a must. We offer salary mission and the opportunity 9ncement. Send resume to: File iii c/o Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 5ALF-S POSfT10,'V • Has' Yiq Ikt'u ,.ur rt Ihr wn4 1„o.v L i .r Icw ' rs, rasing a tamely% • U�r'nq rnpry hwne decwanng h heli n7g Wimple, • ln' lou IorAmg Ut a cgctr !loft rs Chullcngmg ,L nwudmg, TJ w, Inr wav hare the perfect job fr r you! • Nr.uruw.sr`sl:,l ,barn ,:!lurnrtmr .K gall hr mllyurs located rn (1Murkr stnopPrng mark • N. nerJ you lu parr► IS ?5 Ms. P, wink during !.:+urn•, cvemng & wcekend prrl,ds • N. dill protide rim wnh ellen training. :..dmg a full tear of iqr ta'kwy I P an iqr !ram. aDPly In tarmsrq, with a rrsufpr Io Crile Dr!li>;ns Lm. Pickering "1'nwn ('entre, 1359 Ring,11on Road. I. nit 315. Pickering. Ontario I.IV' 188 Skilled Help AN. lixahun .aa ta St Ada RdM. a wfn 1 5 5 6 Hurn LICENSED Sheet Metal Me. awn', �-9V red edUshwl un wmmercw Phone 19051427 !995 Or IL aurae ,it. Sp he (905)430-0970 OK WELDERS Must oe er DMcare AvwkD4 AF FDRDABIF 1,r, Fv,C'•1 4 •rvicePts West rwnSOmy S Lose to Peron $GSOWGaA Lear y ( 1905)6742907 ALL AGES nu) IurlttNS. 'Yam 1-1 res 1,n d; Y,,O. coals 3 xucnia '9051637 - nwr Vaughan Wiese PSI mYcare O, O, ROHR Loom. 931 1961 MTfAMSr am wlge rood- INS V"VMew JETIA. dry on v4 Near all I.*, -I ba:emea me :n sh-PASMIg im 564 emir. IV , $69 U en eAAms b 6 In Wm1 6 S speed. I17.000'km, unOIM OSNAWR AYTO CENTHI aDarinwlrf roe Pit. separae rnOn"ww urlwrp car. nu- -Nin un lull 0010111 cord Fra Delivery Oshawa wme fall (sack chairs PO Pilot Asi 5600 Cha7M paYN no rust Runs great Stam Otto As a t96a umm RErAIRS lNbE1Me WCMM LAD" gm entramaMumry Inge 1,rg tnhm MUK am studs I1 years Apel ence Please till as Bur Lural A Sane BIg Si_211 held/Sed A Iw seat DustyY Toyout Celica. pans ow. 5 ONLY SN/N, with this M. ouhminw, bedruvm Prefer yvrYmp person Aral Laura 420.8!55 pays 105.217.1381 1011 free hom Oshawa. e'en prrw VNow Asunp 50100 I9DST839 392/ Spry n 0400 twM)m IPaA f65D Inn AI» Cal tltateP RetttNgW raFn Fess Nuntrlq Y7at' dwtel//Sept tsl FHSIAaSI [AMY MORYtNC. lunch wqs 905'44 F6a5 rAPlf aaEoor SMT_ rubber a nms7 yV1r„r , ,959 o 5 D 4l1i 6 r.ny wnleMe M Re1:wM- f6,g7mo �minsrre ALSO 3 •onium pal flgr .-I.* nine alien scflool ,k and sk t�"'�� Oueen ted IL maflress 3 Tar m1 33991uvt nkssage Yes6f CMIMI sa s M"Me. 19051639.2194 child Ore spares Jralable Nwnnous ��1_`61 'm Mura dresser Mnraed Head 1N7 CORVETTE 910001rm trio SUNBIPD 2 ar auto, ,6495 199n .ra'mr 2 tlr. 7eE01100M. lergt rlewef meals and 5nxks. games netts close tv •-���C f Pi MGM 7O•wih aaca wady fide masers A mItSI see' 19051.837-0328 $145 eaCNIMI [Vmr11w Ud 5w DBO Call ;28 9170 auto 'in n4. 1 m apanmrnt ne.1 'hhawa Cm - sumnwOUO park school Rel od W:nur: uey�.:m ;pate 5500 ev6n'ngs $3295 1989 Tempest $2795 7% e 1 Giane 1992 Sunb'a GT. ;n, rwo kn'aKni cobnal n4rrca All recerDlt prov,a- 2 orxen s�; r• nacx walnOMs IROVEOO SALE tumnure. lawn IMT TO,OTA TERCEL Nn.e a 992 56400 7997 Cerener. 2 dr. tom 2 barns. walkon to deck .. 2 rs, .s. Of ran 1905N27 0680 $IS exh 6 dye pass / uwrr a,i condnnmer. snow etre �.itai� titin. r,'S Kn1s 5540. 1992 Taurus Wagon 14600 7991 Gvaur avarla0lll Oct 1 f850'rnomn Call RESPONSIBLE NOME :n^g it, erblad learner do klJ � pplow, barbe:ue. canoe, and IqusehoM anrcks GII S16 5 redo. auto. 4 dr. ft695 a Z2a SSDd. 15495 7991 1905I623 454 : I. ren Sude $300 two IS of Dent OffN I;arc 10 Yrs t.Denence aawer toil dN51s nrn ooh- 190543S-0YZO mr rtgrt lila- Must sell 1905i 683-C HYUNDAI $Coop LS. $299'5 Gwenrmrm Re' iz!erc:7 nth mygn Must 1991 AI SCI' 20r $2995 Al OSHAWA A4 nh p,yIAed s a rleclgg skupp. $15 Make mt r 1 1 11 dors to t0 Yrs PR CnaMe dkr 19057509 Ot63 19% FyDe talar 151, $6950 Mrye t nrd•n,m• S58dmo gerw pelt My Outdoa adrnnes PMLIPS COMPACT DSC. r Iwt GVAIIER AS .i' sun- 1990 Bererta G17 SspO 53995 HeaUw- OeIaNY Ge EMmA Lerch:v. wirn Srote, Em NIECKWELL 1`14 'lolicor .':duirt -'xdi- 1990 Ca+aber R5. S SOU dry on v4 Near all 9056e3 -035Z dr�u,e I ler serve line bear crGrrDNIW Vult gpaame turtle Inn f23:I+t�C6 t46ri $3700 1990 Conrra $3750 nY, I. INS, AvrUde imrnedureh I. FUL'-'PUT Ilk* Brr,r:k Rd: ' .nil D'D"5 eeN til I^ : 50C •rg n red Year slip. Cesar s Palxe gam III., PUvs CO'Os cumeds IMS FIREBIRD 28. 2 tone 1990 Grand Pru J or 52995 19% Sgrm auto. $2695 7990 886.74427M a page (416) 501.1687 nl.cssum 3 �Gkarurk Co, iter old 12200 Masln,,aft Woo 1 t�o� yyour TV 51 1)00 Value Orer 'row •�rv'. r nn1 pond Bmnevdle SE .$295 19% - dl nnriN Mum I n ':'"her. ndn,qus mean/ BT BTU Window r, uon0agror Wi doer 5125 1'4 mise 5500 905 723-0467 Men,rr oWrl' erns work ftTCO OBO 905723-9719 Berem OT (7880 1990 ReµV AJAX ? oe0foom apanmmt •:� ,.�ark5I Vu0fp5. Ory aye may laVrurn pump sand for 24 h round P0INOS/GMNDf HERDOO 1M1 FORD Po.Oe Mard. 83995 1990 lumina. d a. 83995 1990 I2J 5540 $36% s. u' nr.. r ran S7501martn No pets/smoYarq n•ade1 5m1 roil rdereno above prOuM Pool 5150 Boys 7!Orr; Pack D: Scnr,oi Spe- •a,qe locl�•� sin- 0'^" ^••"^:.II. herperr_o. !990 Mustarq LX 53695 1990 19051.472-0924 -', awMble Debbie 416- :539 mates bed headboard am mallrcu $150 Call �d', sr of ew a1d used Her a,01y original :... pu.rit. W'J owned Laurus .,L 57995 1989 Be _ teda>ttl 57110 Da^ nave new 1705, 4322708 gums Drams Irom 5895 and up Ask'n9 53000 728-2395 retia Gr 87795 1989 Ca AJAX ':dc"/us 2 king mt ";•p HARWOOD7NORTH hery 2 mp Rem to own 100% of all remal ev6n'ngs $3295 1989 Tempest $2795 7% apt -.nlr. gating 7 pc 3 Vic a"'d PnisIN' 3dllJle m my FAN)GE A STOVE Nnm� �mdes a AISa a N uge Dake! DOIy 1560 FORD 'annus V6. an 1989 jowl. Comenrn6al $5795 1989 IROC Camaro T- Dar` 4 eDOI tst/tasr $755+ e AlPndapl4 ales Num gimp Full kine 6 months Fr�agt atilt nr •'.e g tlodIELEs10n,m n randlu�i up SMCC :9•.5 579 ISBN Also ". lops 5sal 55995 1988 Mus mo mclud:^ utilities Dan 83,1527 weeMays s rp 905.4Z8-2676 2 si0r k 65• Me 37 12' $tone 30 ELE 1985 •17� ryravan. f1500 o D O '905:47r>279t Wp 51800 1988 1455an Sen- Va euro. (2595 t9% Camino _ AJAX. o=groom basement, LAKESIOE/DUfFIM3 Bay '. 212 wide EredlMl wlAlron elle $S5Gnel 683-6285 At'6pm MINT TO OWN3API't IIFNi TO OWN APr:IANCC$. 1960 SUZUKI Seen 5sceed T-top9. $2995 1973 Mustang 53995 1991 Sormarm, EA CyI. NENLf PENOVATED. Drrvate .. nim W ,r:uanr I•Nutrmous meals 8 SOUTH Alar Hot lunches. hex .:r' rec'.nm•,� tied wanar:ry Pally s Manner ? h°''• ',•ign'.e1 owner " 56950 1982 , .0 Cu51nm. emrarce pamrp. CAC. dose to Goibuses Non-smoker .' ads putoaur qqaayy strut PACKARD BELL COMPUTED 4e6 0X73 $750' Ikwlm yg5-267.8369 or 1.800.798 Un nrn "Or r,emhrau opo Ptkne1905)697-9975 M&W NOW Open SeMaps' $625 �ndusure Sept 1st Can ed D1u0ram FLE Mnnres Px.Yard IUII Sn MM pfulkn 5502 .ens hot n mng Poor v.: -ren BUY SELL 8 TRADE' 160 683-1449 '„r named Call 686-19Z! - 5200 Tekp7ak 631-7920 SHEOWAN Jwlny wooden 1"1 BIu CK Park Ave. very Simsot St S.. Oshawa 1905NM-2255 AJAX, -'e0ro0m rylkoul IIYF IN/OUT Na 2 Inds shMh u 1 'kit o"ar '489 Alain $750D hdstmrre apartmry em Ve rum •A rrprr4nce Good Rel. SATELLITE OM. IC why. orlh 5299 phis 'a. Many other Sit - 7 Ca-' 43r; 6438 or 416756. .- 1195 o,..n, i' nli•e 4 t, - on Jnl 3 sDxrorrs. 5 No -ncn (905)-426.1427 o", system e,cept ppk. encerkm cath ' S4Ch Cee Am ShkS avanaore Also 8728. au+•. . - 5o Ii00 +:n $8900 pkarrces. pa li m pets. no •,re message 1905426-7182 gArapes am decks 761 Mc- '.aUl ur"I nosy shOD m npa. ca• .er::hr•n 4342715 smoking 9155 at door. rear PICX[RING Beach golm Cn o STEP 7 LOFT Dee, pla'7 study " Rd Urn 3 Pckcnrq For morermo cJN 905.6142093 IM PONTIAC GRANO FIX speCul D,.r.=g tne.or. - ?I �)DD'^0 Available Immo- r f 90mumh Call .'.'.; ravure ,ohms and s'�r^e 2 position desk. D ... r lop -urns NM smoklrp Creaurt adrw,res J•••y '-6 4 d•.r '4597.. sin • a • I '. _v6-13% Und, •roans V ''xed�badyar0 andpark! ran•n'rM to DawDed. 5350 Cy1428.0666 GR STEREO SYS1Er"' Pmdsnns C9 •manner On smoker loaded Power lam tlprt4 AVAILABLE SEPT. 1ST , "115. story nme. miWc u- Mar h e ( arougbam' FAi kfym Ar X11 Y1,r �1 Pr,crs' rem to In f450 Ask $211 per Walls. -I owlpaa. cd player cruse CemheO �q� I '•:r"•,r" a :` den S99IS : < "'ons meek S srrxks Fust CPR ttrtrlNd Non' 1 AMtln 2 6' Bou Speakers with $7.940 905655-4076Rq I yt Li�rrl♦/ teda>ttl 57110 Da^ nave new smoirng. ecerps 905478- m' 5:15150 I ORION 225 HCCA AmpIPo 1N1 PONTIAC SONSIRD SALES LIMITED carpel. new apWum;es park - I:'74 PRIVATE NOME DAYCARE GARAGE :r - 'pairs broker, ruwrs. T)De^ 5850. Ask 5450 f onm Elee- Irpmt Crossover Po $150 130K- 2'n • r a.n.'• PS P6 I e • :: Mondry, au Imlusive 'r29259am -Som I . r, ,'• •. ens rr:nur•r, Sys New doory ASF $75 Beaubfq Loud BOX a' ,In, ,ays 1 Opal S425C Call me ;AR LINk ,v AVAILABLE SepemDer! 'm 2 aays Per wsek Pn openers Oualrh Plus Dams 416.3360073 roan 2. 17 Storm speakers 'Giant magnets -I Pd 5850 (9051-4272987 ' -,n 'n'. srerpom apes outdo o dyqearr egwupp S Ay. 7 Call Ka m'905)226 397 Ask 545090SH27ALL�1BTINS INS FDII 1913 PON ;,aM-AM $E y rsmall a ^0 '-us 1 NMAT DIAMOND •.1,rarre $10001 . 2 ',• A• r; vWrPO int OK larrary'I On Ixerres. SOUTH Alar Hot lunches. ting Azom­i Ask PME/0AK FURNITURE En. Gss '+. ions ICAM AlBbor/W,lsm I area Can ;?.-0285 tr •.an sru•.K praka. m r,q-?'4 $3L{A 9G5 .n3 tenairn^rn' Hone ct. Nr Corn (905)6651862 wY gait `rips. ttan. toys Tort Baba amred Non M SPEED ''Vnwrae Cahimb` .ens hot n mng Poor v.: -ren 1914 FIREFLY 5 r oar halek tom; td ftZ'n. 'un inti n n Bedroom and Custom Da•v Nrw ', 95 55 nme t �;M nr•)deg. bis or smaki 3 flrsl ad holders Race orb e,cNknt corm- Oesigrn. our Crartsmen nave manna Vltu Dtred AW d P„aer:n ere! cad •e;t n, 427 23 mn 54e -'G Rhone 19DSW97 - nJIC rdyble ':Some tc 1901-579-0667 --. a. ,+m � er¢td YKd. IrnCb rSsnads bused near Cur WfSTNEYMARW000 solo rySUI PasamN Servlcrs .ro Lady of the Bay a {airport A.a, 'n7 ''O fay Ur � eatrr, •,: 'M edc- 8•ach scn!:nn. r_rcuprs 1;91 MOTOR YENICIE Apprcntiu raven 831 2246 Dxa rlehat•exr per:errced. ma s Io' rxlL rS 'Ableo*d: MMCKM atY[drt fort relyd67 mother of two two '.aUl ur"I nosy shOD m npa. :r• , nom' Nm I' . mu' 9G56%-5679 Apel r+a Appy a Fc s r�481 •a 7m Week. 0 Bur 481 ma:ldeiv tikes Many qs bamrM WESTrEYn .n -it,, - e. ?shawa ON L I H 715 amivn4s .rcnpts firth CPP Pone checked Bayvrrw pe....:.r _nndcare glr .�,,,r spay He:pnt PSrOermar (905) D ... r lop -urns NM smoklrp Creaurt adrw,res 1 Y•acr am J'6 3621 RAylrrrnceS and mato more C t3S 000am mrr Moen. compkk with sDeH,s eek, DAYCARE AVAILABLE r. my •r.5'6,o-viae) nATERM' '-FAV- � tlprt4 �1 mi M•qr., we )enn'sr N:.". „-P or r;wnmct Mar h e ( arougbam' FAi kfym Ar X11 Y1,r �1 Pr,crs' 1 Firwood 'Kedta fm ppiaM-Irmo posninv1rr, WMby Rrax :a. .0 905:472-9435, KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD. • b r9G5 470-6795 DAYCAIEE labk Broca 6 aNnrgay -.: " 'ra 9850026 sip Ceua'.a Foltz, 7 CillbrS r^erl qw•a, rtrol .. r 1 OAyrae '.n ' Ydal bn a lime fully rea5nrwa ca w•'r Inr Jnr '>,a /aU tic Ask la etrtr bei SZb wH Florwsf muswement :ARaG FI Sa7NSItLE na use 905 426 0208 line aeWefY 905 753 2246 sed wazr.rs $75'; son 514900 n-mt4a '9051831 '.•:. 'n2n,5.n- arms 10 In- trpm nrh 1125 r it ap New Mar1d ninny 1669 BgdMl Mr 2 S 4 y pds•AblEgr Skilled HMp Skdked Help 'm 2 aays Per wsek Pn r sma4 Ircc 'nus) pan al» wetmcom. SaiNaN : ow norr4 655 77'79 ,vqi Ana m cnigrm 831 0896 Y 4�J aid I•t f .�''nknf r•rla •01x5 own mile anenee tae ;905N39 2291 env Dm 'tion rd u:uIinrq� Mustm"�vrN �a•A�Yur Erp anar�; FGF nM7'ri w: ...wrens rW rararrrw '• ANS/M1SItlE emnusrauc ? .ndrm aro. ,, s . •''.� .rw r>r pan a 1 ;1 own uanspurtatfin rqn-sm.ry r efarmf EGF r.Np rPR assn Raw "Csi assnroal Pltasa cars 4� 1D612F XW ane' 7 •.iridial. agbr r«- per- AFFp110Y1F +mmV •LounG •..-•.•iqm ' S a Gawrl.w Rd Paen00 :ANmn. altar. a 94001 moa rro10 Ndryr of Ieq %237 Sk.%d help Office Furniture Installer Experienced In "SYSTEMS" Furniture Pro Mice Service For appolotrnent _al! Mrs. Lynn (905) 539-2594 BW Brock Hd, S Pickering Manufacturer has a rmeo,ate ope m9s for Sett motivated people who are' sero:-skiI W & drilled 6heet metal tab' cator3. expenerlc• with ajuffwRYn wWdng ;,p to 3716" an asset. Applications well be taken 2.4p.m.Qft Monday through Thursday PK WELDING AND FABRICATORS 747 Bloor Street, West. Oshawa. Ontario Incaled m SCOIOarOY�, (At II, IidJ awq ka.) �Y� W. a a ba ft mo ulladv n of high P� � qW= peDul td Pans. Due to lent cowlixtrly gVirlis, we we tunelrly Seeking three Williams! hemi neealberi Estimator tE01dd fa�: • World fila off estaEla ng • Ettahlliskag lis of ald/ri� • Qlolaaoa de6aMpEaeN • $t�l6lfaR fie LjOblS d appipar Vitt pews tfte ftEbuellg grd3maela • �ffAl�a�i,.aw�a,of 5 rws' laialey�o�rk agelfeact • Sapaeor aNrIRwDN1aIl N6 Set -Up Person b3p/ali�as,rwld ft� - mW • �r`7 Aliaki ew'wwNq S!1'�i 16 tafca s& olPtw will p tim the ialra'iaD wGillikam • 611' , , of S yea' Idew work e118elllllae • Ahiry M wak 51175 Production Scheduler . , 1101 I" kk& • (wtolNw/sgpiar btsors • '""""'q aw law" p1olialia WilMf • fn•ardkfng OW tea, , I , lg trot will ik lh laeaesfd q*w A pan in Notfi� � • fliaillam of 3 - 5 years' raided work ageriaata • wak" katals* of Wi *by& fir atl lie aw to WA dfetieely in a um enMrona K An'16 wdl�leakpi 4datpNsad and ratl�wliNM (OR'IaIIM� Skis' 6 esseaiaL iaoededgl d OS 1000 'Nall b• an e3ed. to o(klt a aoapetiive xaR aid look pill* IN of pmlliti &M know your Laura•, in to 64nte Aad n"" POMM of morass, u: ffal n knowory Dy ""M ut 311111) PUNWO A", CO WV 4111* Fax: f � A3"YLOI. D n aP 1 ars �IerIR Y BAtM Ir 1118 {BN1t, y IItNw1g 9dF law 1111tR/1W a. J IIr911N N815 41raRi Crr4Wwrd n Esr11-ca lw we at old worIRtYr sll jeT9/' h 9975 been 1��°ld'"OdmeP" ecagmrcal commu,er E. I 1 S'R 'O' om celkm con 83705; J,,,, /fM ELECTRICAL SCOOTER1 74 for Iha home Srrce 1905:51"565 3 '4rr •'ro 29 r4 M Ddnr' er Will See Our Drop ia . tied a ort in 1"4 P114 ONTIAC ;PANC Ar •roti ani' v'ur all us any- lime 24 n•;un :,•" ao„�• a,;r..,.. ,'. ,.. DmA- Ixdh aM let us slgr You � eatrr, •,: 'M edc- Dr' -C^ a'' 7 -11,, rnsena 30 OOCkms. Yo 1;91 mw fineturnrtur! n rlur'x`r fa`La ae rower iRAkEL MA'- h namS:nnkrr rMihed mane Our mato Tltert iS IoaaM Am try, LESnIt. cer "•' '.n+ :' ,•• r:r 576 ,� No 5u0ynuk Ipr O.A.' $red to a0G 19051 %a- rwn o'•llle ' r6 t 5002 CHIx1CN er,r h 7Dp r h raamaMl Wpopvrork `,Bal 7 a m J Il D m showSle ps goon will, smwer skein 6 Yrs ad a •:e'�i. ": nrvhm_ paid oak. c^urge 'Ade Dbm 1r5 *,m` Pon Road S FillerfY Pt, Por, P 9o5- 1994 Probe sspted wme. N good r I? pi Wm Seo or 5374 tm I1 p,dlp GaN 723- wnod mow Sakti wait kncm m lel fawn d efarrs wtwe 985-871J C t3S 000am mrr Moen. compkk with sDeH,s eek, 5374 ;rp nepne 7 . 6 :all i07NIM 144eB3X '-aD rip winter ores am nns 59500 �1 1-4 1679 env 6 or wen $550 W» :. Aaron Cee 786 :9051263.7 .rrvts stip ,•. ,,.Ore JIneck v: 5215 1M3 DODGE ram Caravan 5 � S m+ ••n . $ACR t0 3Cw70L Ow1ih 9850026 sip F ,D a! 9000r, Ams 7310 ' •� rr.,wtla.M a,q .u::] aurnnq r,u i�M ym' USED FwOGE 5223 aM up A' V. punnrnnse rMm w•'r Inr Jnr '>,a /aU Ieecs Dvn Sue 3 ro used srrnn S27, and up sass -Yokohaman_ use 905 426 0208 M- XXXLG, wwartas or sed wazr.rs $75'; son 514900 n-mt4a '9051831 '.•:. 'n2n,5.n- arms 10 In- trpm nrh 1125 r it ap New Mar1d ninny 1669 A i e AUTO :ars true¢ bu.•. Nr • man rnvmg .real' Frr,nr h,a0es 15 cf 5605 New "93 *08" LX sx- CIV :n .pot � �pr,d. AVArlABIE ;rtAFDMtfIT n m ,u.r00t R Re Nr+s ugbed aW% n wnrtor M ) an vrYr eq'anqvv 7s5pa- pm . ,mw 1URAD cram risme 7P stores fa+9 and up hw 5 c freezers;aa 4n^:e -,'.Deco bun'.. ' ' D 11, •roti ani' v'ur all us any- lime 24 n•;un :,•" ao„�• a,;r..,.. ,'. ,.. DmA- + rqY y 84Se San % 5255 rlrw 5 I c Dy) Mi Dr' -C^ a'' 7 -11,, rnsena 30 OOCkms. Yo Inr. snwce �4Ar � to bus n ort Jsarrs S+1 m ams 4 Jress vents St1 1225 Simon i pkrCeS 15/ Brrra 51 Co.Stl h namS:nnkrr rMihed YJS '965274 LrOpbng to ury.s :ralu0e': ' : m $b sweaerr fr, sun 576 ,� 700 o D � '9r)Srdl)-2550 fn 1. $7500' ' scop .r. a *rRtast •eplwea. m Dots xampm 5690 T xmonm $45 Spon A till k5 bus ' Os jus' N.nles Int o� WESTrGNO15E rnr 771 arq 1985 IIOIIDA CWK. Calve •r r :. ;wdnrm .M,- :Ie:' .:rr .own w 7 $790 3 5xrr>v SSSO :aI 0130 0)74 B+wn Cosy or, rqS I-. wnr+r 5 praCt Vis: 4 sister Caws- >E V'J7 .a Yc.r", cXR. -iu' i3urrum Rarr<n' err 5 �iP '.drpprl l era Gant. 6nIc11e5 Harry Rrr-rr m &ns D,uS Orr e.)r:nr: tela .mil nrn French 3:. ',95 tarn '905' B7' anted ASH Fn 'r: :;ApAn1F 5.77657¢ M�IIN an.r mem S%.'„ n'tn 6act4r; $Vail 'W Jaa1 I4 Dr'wnrcW MtcrowavelDwa 95'5 rim 6 apt iii,' ,nrn•. ti r. 'm.Yr t, Lome IV RpgVra Re .aU ;75!951 wartime 1955 wTREPw f SN muff M CASH FOR CS Ne Dur ' '' "um rnr Oa W Drays n Whdby 01+01 '. IVr, r +Vc n.'arid PlrO'w rrrwrlb.r kir arentnunc •r It^.n.)ri m.y $40G,- ;al 90y, 5519 855 56 '.arson Swrt 99I win y..t;mn AWtrr" I .'XX7mS 'n,nq �nMrtuq Cau e1'S CENTRAOss.ca- paw ernqu aOsa)k n S9303/ tnoG �66 ax ear' 11 East par sr '.•:. 'n2n,5.n- W-^, SALES auy.r, u'n• 1. .,ntJl d '•:rI E,pmwrrCe :mvey aro•;.,['.'e ;..nMIY' A; dovwnown Wen 'nMYw'ed 11 scr•••rm ,. +weH•4 mrm s+qparJ to Mn kkt •'�! 'wars ..Yr D4 us,rallr KIEPIrG Jwn.m _rnr Ana tinny renwled Asian A•ru� nratr atun'4kt tiro 4ot ro '.a• Parclruuq oargm rs INE FINANCE ^ Free Rcmorr abk Sset tK 5700 vlOwrn ;a'A'.c +envua Am 'usnt rsrmrrea 1905,236- 9orr +OUSE WAN'EC •1Kkiar Ra m vrrutDY :.rnr w.sorw amgw ::oo � - Anrwnert B,u '958 OSHAWA EVERYONE y 905 a� 3caa mn a+ 1nnit m value parr NC :'Jf7 Q,Y1!1S _ :rim �3 Iryws� ,o Bums , rV. R pan rt n M hrrT vara vena. cowclgm a am' �710BI7t COURTItE u•xraus I IW- � � a y[S •�rtai GRry a71 rts d�fow an AN ked Bun S $t Plical m Apr ',ear 401 Dusan w:Iws M -W 108 rows Fn sort alannlNa w srnyr at� First bme •rw7- 1 AJAX AUTO WRECIFRS •na snupprq wrOro Ana 0+s )CI F.aniy pant- TcwrYgvstt •^ 9 SA Ips ry 9Dsaa paw Awrr Sperl rr.r•n m urs, bankrupt; rAJ - tr.. ••' :,.rl ahr Fra fast non duo. rands for [,raE� - n0 �w:..y'w a war asrrmrm rralrry z In w r. t7ad UM3d no '��-f'::cc .�..��• �., ,nrn xr. use mn i:'n )nor BBQs !o rPw M evr'•rw w•r.w rrrrlU nil �1Sraq SMq 9,Nn Mr:q„rs 9r:radn +:redltl it you dt� GuawnwTlrb pans rn•'� u. A •- alert4W ♦+ , ♦^l A MAKIN 7 oer _ 9105,655 awl ran 1 a rep.,,s .ws,6ad 7AAr7roRr ADr a a ;:ark, You drive ram .rmmrt .m �� Dn;' (905) 721-8741 fns. mu e11701 rK maurm.n 9a5A5555Ct ,' 01011.5 ora ra+•� .;r�usrs ncl,dn; parr NCruS7vE Frn47aM ,a'rr. ren :vtmrn mad' Lots of pre- yubk s.p ty '9051 575 -`quw -owmps nmcr CASH 011 DEALS we Bur OWfled ..•� frwcb�i-�a �n dawn rwn ErRA av:r iaM Rshomers Sr'. A mar' F`., 'r.; auk' B( (at6 22, 7777 ,o• IVC :kms numc akaa 7eITIdeS to RerRl� ur"Ienrell 9057I37516. 9G5 And rOg11p 3 pearaper •rdto Or .IAO malt CO s. ,6s P.11 :Moder til rowrHr W 5 m 4G1 L pens son 5660007 ur Is4369 roes. ymat. gold da hoo" from '9va wA.'OA e1881 Prkuv iron Y.q StnA feDO Plw S'OIiG ,:au un arMr y SPECIAL -- r ,. aM FM .ass ALL mW .r'Jr 3 tri min nano nr : pk, D 9ypyN- OAAPFs 'nYnm 7r tong '9015 1+T Snn905- 1 r•a •4•,' ..•.rws a Bu.n•w e." , pe xmr «+ Call 574 ss's ave mus 6"'ori-267 'ur'a pp rale! na ^MRIYr'9 ygw.r '.905N68 00001 ��prap W FINANCE 'DDD Km, ;amtr.a $8915 t -.r, a .bet 10 .0 saga 753-041 a mat r90Ss 181 v wo r p adwl ' DEPARTMENT on S {95 Fewer lle7 01 2 v pxYmq _.a + .• ;,.H:rfal aev ;:ke rims q M APPI ❑ b Own, Avr1 WNITtT Oft O.Oraom 9050127 1522 so you hive -aimm an $HERIDAN CHEV Sept 1n 1150 ro Cas Mie pr,msm pap 1 b� RDONIrr DYwt cover taws a taaw oorWAs� tie +993 SERRA ..a.ve 1rT-parr 9051 -its -5373 ."..., . dun )dxON) w asys ra • AO" -V b 905 706 8198 401 .D - as Iwary "ten .w ow loperar d meets 11rr h01'An pavtW Drat CAA m.ns'.s .v.. -Ana nr•t. NORTH DfIIAIIIA ...;.•'rpt apmr+ralgwt Mrwdry nwape.. I BEDROOM =,:sw+awv ' A 'Irrkr 905.012; �tQ7 m-mr s4aay a G+vw Iwo, b CAI[ SAFARI m nms. : ow.w . I.r•r .,Daub Wt saNM1 trn,tra GGoo. s„r w.. ,. Itr. ra- ' 500 o D o xrta•d Can n, w"' "'A"A6.+: a -w7 7kw16 R.Mran�us ro �ndrrvw C71us rnr scall ATO 3 jw, 30 fY..rtrsf r,•nce'" wz ..:: :.u+.ly uo;nk y 17051756 3535 '^f W"n�� king 4 xL'o7s9 ai CAN .'am 'rep �c be f0s' PNwr 908-fNl{I{tam 014 retry m YM GK .0' Loma as EA S�WeH "`,Oc%kVr +n 945. ryas p.f CMPfT BROIFR '90sk, YIYTFO Vpy p7ew 61•'7. std 000 (105)- 12139 $ Car a00b GSaT 5 534 91111TBT kaw,lel ipacgvs 7 rY15r77J-•fBS v nKk 011 •.' n rF 6 :paw :Ja7PAA♦57290gMG7 C r E 0000 CARS LATELY' =en SSS 6tp 2 NEONOgr AVAI ABLE FOE :usenrm a4nrnmr �. :ry room a kr �'COME TO CwTNJII 5011 SETT 1ST ..,.�. . ;se7 eem n ltad•aod Astra Datw aro alkynwmir SMI g0 Pe,q mduer DUR GREATEST SAL! E9ER 1 'Aa'•'w"AI MilaOa ': -,'ten STA ttourt Rrnarl tW nu pm rq iepu•ale tatraep,. So vm d'Or. whir pea IS L% Tf 77 v E nrn 4P: ^,gr r85NrL taw .0 ,nawrw Mn xis atoku'q 4.0 Oa tv 5550 1eMldry mm" Van wm , YwdRrgn p yeti Ir111A .. "r.N tar 190SF57{6T21 e1d.Y:r :414M-35! 9 Oterer. Ail-9mWH Si: s• L �f I1 to ry Ce 18J.. r 6 marl. 1WAM 42; 6932 elgaron en yon rmrr E N4 WtiS1%<. -''� oNEI' ttn110 4 ANo 1990 PLT1ADurN YOYACER - ONE tE011lMr car WMT*'/. D.•Wm ava1� '"Most. m pay,NAm b . ry Ea 125.000 k•w OO T oovcgr' � '1. .. • r BEOR0011. pits a'va. w- foN rear Otaal 1500• MACHIM1k u•.• .a,rr. ;. ....a. ',ewal an•• path :vlrlta+M Dust CHI I F1 Fl "A1ij N9S 90 A- rwW,ws Amr1m Lass W' '..r Bu.S!a. r. 010 4 _rraa Rover ld 905- Dng ' r q.md ,n 000 .pati 14.000 kmf Ar'fpndewae mn era Luer eaaN'aa ef'6 r - CARPETS $Alf ..•7 d nr :arJ. R a OwssAIN 56965 tam $1400 OW At rs Farrel psramg Ai1Y to rkstled K aatlaayN rpt a 1rINTe} 9rr3u Vpan CagABT •Ia•n Malnet female . . ';O•- . ',.' sten rt- '•''Awe caU tiAvd LurrlrrlA. IOAOrU what. (905hpt-1955. •ora AwuOk M nla tu,.,�snn7 tnewrrw kwrW $3fS'rNana art prr 3v 4,w 5339 579-•6W' ' Nl V•6.:OtnN fll 950 5pt t,. :oar ^r;n-SmArnD Dare wA ...r4oJpl Y1tkNt WpeL luWwM akNpp ma0.a 1t16Wt-97x6 CARS'' 5320 AWLA3.3f07 ' .• �iwelaMs ca'9rI 1 Calpuw S' e00 TransDeA k A L Ikea and SLAI- 000 Los, Slaw At SPACIOUS wen Framme6"9 At 2 n9 IA 4ts AWtAelf IaYN•alesy. pea ads Aral a 900 b, '�,� Nr- nim. coy Lw. '•;.wt SArvwp Dw7rn pad +7•:0 r 6 4Yr new day 11N CARAVAN haw. Iib am 80e firm A Swr pan $,SSN RostlydlGr0euslAay. ppan ''''v:,um rt0. dry Dst. .. •rtesmlg arta Sim 905 3.950 RN.tN 95 Hreeyt Iola .r:.. '_• �. r..q, aD,a �qk .lm IGS INTERNET 4 ball 55225 93 :ayker muwu, :amu,: auardt. t w*. G`n. Paul I7rowd- fM*66-843t +1d 53{Mmarl rm who S:: id . ,.,; _c Teal 695 A 1 92at, aerw EatulKpH COI1OOpn. ed clew b stSO shop Willey 'em when CAN►Ei SAIF w11 aro Sly orno v t:dg '.-e �wA E urn OI.y $6 950 90 Sun►' $8500 cerlAlAe 142 000 tm. 01'4 deme. GO Slalpn. 171! I�,r .til tgrut for IK jaw 277 polerree (905ra0a- r. '.. •w^. 'Jt' argA serc'Nw Ma:Own Npmtppe w aro s,akck na0mp asp. nes ,rtlWw CAN /2e -a993 r Ana Ursgn tusmalN Nm :gs rrA (888'801-1531 129010 emi IYery nit. wow 78.7427 /r. •:.�nY„' Call DM IW- y)�E :, ys /emgpaD aro. lack S WS Rep Rafaar Dyu.a Lwun satYWagn ptaaMed For 559% 91 SdMrA t aoa. 5 IT NISSAN i :r GkE. $emmrt (7991) Ira sn..,t +. ,:heo a ben. avy- r A57YIM4 nit Mre ;9051 �/IY7 • ":^'' . Dena. a v a wry 102.000 IruaeO '. � r ...,: �,,,. is con . pC1r7nA r ptyopn aq 1905: 668.3800 a 1905' 606 013:2010 H161823-5226 �_iaL $69% 91 loGriM Aro SE � tuakes. alvxwwm At" r4y ^..c:�. z'.r0e, yore n- 3211 905,436-7 H'a'r CDIMUif unua 9 tyalr_ SALE- OwOOL. O 11N- Buick beauty,must SAN sae d7wrs. seas g rra,a Gudea ;vbcrl:Jackspn arq An rAralaOk Sept I $60Grmo 1 Hp1ft' LARGE fU1EMISNEO facilityroom an sp IUYAK POOL Rec:aiqutr $9500 95 mCA lea: ;:.ymrnn t7.r s<:u' aDrrc m ay. Iron fB.NS� a arr�e.ullemG0 w0- lyllm 723.97st Kill Fa RarY .rex .1:. :."C -:fir jnb.mann :par 2fi6rrwna Epadaa rgemen. I6 .24 J. C 55395 Pxkapt 3W 4 Clg0. CMn SL r,urr call 905155-3390 pnn}w, sghare an0 mare eYJWa IUNI 2 010.1 I Sam $899 ia91 mint CaAlgn PICRERING 'am Ia req r Safi row'"' IDxI I-eoo5ls IdN' pumIpp $ mplpr ac 1- fg 90low"5 91 Burt RdOAI Ld. OSHAWA 2 'uJtglK, amral RH/) 1Ati•� c;a:ll :ta „uury lorrlhatt 5545 Free dweh 8'0665.75601 loaded. 17_+000 ams. boli• a 1 Traim ria room usl ar and tri }Y )t l_'.A\\l YT 4C an tuSre. 55'01 mo ice n On ry 77995 SEE Dearoom .putments awe! A,aluae Sept tsl SSW, 5- SrsC is zuniry U1. SED v� � 1 �A US A7 CEIIMM AOfO CHI- IN3 FLAGSTAFF owl .0 :an �n aYy'� stain 5575 per .fit'-Fl)IiD �I�l) :;015 _oro' mo AM $79 Primers IRE, 155 KIIIC ST. W.. AT trailer 8 lural wI Sleeps 6. 728 LAN a3e 6889 Dr BUY .A HOI. SE.? PICIIERINC •l1VERI00l R0. Irom 549 RADawa 6 epgn0es IW - eM. tenuk approa 10 MDTOWN WALL, ON CALL mrcle leve. d aw+,iry Ask WN rr, a 9Oog rales Her terns d Years da, :eaysn S7!-2Nf. OPfM SOW 12 rnq 540pD Cyr 225.6218 � cm . r,; nfr S arpe casement tar Wil. mea- OSRAWA. 336 Sian 9. Idop - -7Pr. ar.:M,.c^,c.:<s-r•"- csnnl room f4Gil 6 1 srllae pans t Pamum MMX rum uoss Diene plus 471- ��� t� GMS - urDd bednoont. ,;m sl 5351,. First S tit 32 Meg ram 32 0p HD 4X Nm an ce11I WAKs Rd nil RE.l.7 r.r;,,. )wry 6 r llel don to (905) i'1-b_�5 Co. 5owq a tARUSO Auto MIT ES t%8 B�`,�_ Sl:.re kncnm Wm Clan speakers f7J9 SboWt lane 4*3103 amemNt. Awd Sep.!. 428- 1-800-8•W-b2'S n:rl gqedr,ntk man Model i compukrs 131 Pontiac tempest Dlxk. 1185 DORAL GtrIER '1 5 9656. a 4276622 ,xis 8:6-0257 prekrted ro Brock St S Whey (9051-43D. LOST. 3 ii Os Irom firm dean $1950 1%8 a,"O- Mark Sta lei' 5616 ror Dary Cwum. Gr9err Rw- hotel. Dnrpamy. 51550 1905 rnlaw�in,F �wr-wn`om� 1 BE011oor BA.SEIrNr 0141 - P - pICKERRIC. Fu furnished tr Hwyr 1 Tabby. / caYto. SW en)r Near PTCGOee- ORW6, PEARL Prolassgnal nwwe rats Nees vel s9Fna )Londa Actors. S'ow'n pIw muco man 510900 man preened m smOtirr� _ ;tie d pkYN aCk n alder en sat =2. xk 5 pc SaDMn sym mmeOMtery, cal I1625t t32Kms $950 as a 1973 190519872272 Must to seen xtt Ln*ues, laagry S ;.e xlruy now Shamir IutdN.. ods. 2 Gan 1 r1de. 6 1kph '373 Srrampn Mea Hone. 220 bio u cz Oso S535r'mo. A:ad wahnoom, Madry room tut d0u0k Dau pdak. ClLV DropaM powered. 78mrks. INS 1;1 Wukyt BOX 130 Yam (905)-831230.1 • Bus rases row Cooktlw 51500 r • PA4rISn186er fn995 a K 1%7 _ tip Jwnson ou100a0. bow PICNEMIC HncnANnna Rd. him CaN Rw (90513865179, Ph mouth i'pnl t • •aft 00154127-4007 �� Dao (Bill 721 7919 Relgm ISBKms. $1350 1991 ralYp m0ta. 4W pane Boom clean basement apt Dart will tic. 515.500. 623- SIIwY OSNAwR OeEOENCE Assoc Sunaid Bw9undy 5315' KncrNnetN. su Mde tar oro. 1 iaEREsa YEw Sakr r sYs- OL4 KO Mwday, 1990 B Burg n . BlackUSO 910715 q) na -smoker Very ppnnwte tem la lye 3 mo oW 5350 June 29 Basic am Novice 54250 MI whiles cendled LARSOI 20 h boy, 250 Cor Wan our to ravwN $595 rm- ]RO PERSON r Bean la Sunpw4ly 70' pas rape ran To Re sten teed Bev 19051 1895 Ckmmis R0. U-177, ry Shrl 6 ryl erprro. n- d1'LW %5877-0218 Ivp) glue anracure Ideal Osha• top aakr i Sill deal Dvm. 135.0868 Ptdenng Need a W. call Doard. seals 6. Alen cmrser we home wen responsible whoa. 4 yrs DW Very DDDd yem arve. par On On Nunn- ►ICIIERINC PARXWAYIB'ock. professor& A alutse Sep_ wrAkion f35D Phlne 428. STALLS AYMLAeIE a pnwlt %I 686-3803 5429 bam. norm Wlpby Indoor u• land II ith hYOrauhC t-Dem00m basement apart- Ill Pedals canUCl Cwrs dna Sad rep, wash stall, In. CEELSEA WTM 1401 Wall Al wolkrrq $2800 mW4. III kitdNn, IW ban 571-2365 or Man 263.8425 FLYROAAAS VEGAS vara- dwdual Ieednq Dropram Oolms SI E WII sfF 000 (905! 839-1357 Sepuae hying toom, anal- tOr man Wormygn uw pagvpe Apprm value (9651655.9991 -Steen -Evil- Ifi{ %Taurus able Sep 1st. $5751ma A7 in- BOwammuf sky ii4 $•+DDD. A ng 53000 D 0 o vqs kRn. fin 495 % Aocad Ear 1 1 m dusnve Reference reomrcd 2 BEDROOM HOUSE Thick- bedroom Home to Share WAR Call E1051134-2590 for more 92 kms. $16.995 4 MAZDA 905.6932%4 sortie. Hwy -alp,, DnuaN Drutessrwm rn leak. pl"m kdOr11170an R -a TANCA5 5 Speed. black. $12.945 fol, $BSD • ut,htes Ist Kq III $475m0. AN IId.- 4 CV. $69% 93 1 BED. BW APT :I.,; d FUTONS. IAUTNEUE7, 7iwrrNwe Cain" SUBARU -7 90Yms. $5995 buwnw Fridge sluve uum tat Ara4 Sept I Call Site Al 1mw4, O1ar Bran Bad Sora. Bedroom A Idly, matted Indoor tai 92 SENT G K E . loaded. dry d wrung Non-smoker PICC VILLAGE .New 1 19051985.8619 1905!697.2395 Sak,. BaDY Furrurure. we offers JuuW $6995 9i' SABLE GS load- cedlnom basement Agan- ABSOLUTELY ASTOUIONG MIGHT. yod Braid Hames we 9m Y PUPPP I9 Wnnby Aran Jct tsl $5'5 spadous roar N. ao. $5995 91 EAGLE pas- rroM AwrMOk Sep 1 Sep- 6 manors tree men own a 'cvvluating park) n eaecw mons. Passer Touaht $ ok5r)AQ7p Handling. or auto $4995 91 EAGLE 2000 rnu rnGusve KLlut 19Gw Kate enuanrx. parting, uhh- house from 5550 month 8111 Ore WnabY haft f45p/rnatl the Lor, the Bell Owkh a Agility,re Srnw, lasses lo, G I X. ar. $1995 91 CHEV 7259134 ties. $&so )nclUSn Suitable ROM Colowell Banken :905; rrKmOe roam d eYrAS Sri Ful ns areest Price n Dwtum llggres5sw (]asses for 1500 Pro VB W- W LF WHRIY 1 8 2 BEDROOMS Is single 718-414 vrdesgw FinVMtbraw- folons are always in stock BARON Commit V6. 54995 90 0 e non-smoker J26- ences � gqleoammtake back Pr001ah Op. Bowmanunie ' Bedruum ' au IUIGI'sl Fumdun. 48810 KI�r q4i 905un�i8.� YW Gall (4295 90 SUZUKI 1416i-7894 145 s+ �9C5!665 1� OSHArA• iaunforvSomervillA �• e ( I Spa H. t23kms (2995 89 area 3 • ! seato so Aral DOSE m in _ W Oshawa (905l- CENTURY V6. rr. Dw kms. ,043 syrOkeN� PPartial Wkitchhee'nl Sept tsf Cruse no sepals $ bright roan n IA'DL PARRS' Service Two'CES Sales �:Sel. fllawd 13995 II�V C 04 a . C.A. tabu. parting. pall F4fal elocc'es 43029lto x055 Dleue Clow 10 p�rOkAtraHl CAGAL d homme Pans. Semce Iwo bud- 11 snares Laundry Immedwtely _ $1000 down l5moieryr 5;175 576-5577 (starmil ip) sWincial have unveil bard new • $57S'm0 1 t 1905)-1131- DICKERING. t,"mcol Ra scratrJVtlent wavers, 53501 1570 CMtIN. Slra with MUST SELL t%3 Mazda 31'1 south oedroom house. UP new stralchident dryers/ black Strips Latle, par sus. RX7 tended new lines . Aa- man Iluu, with sunrcom. W,W, DSKWk Rossandr dyers 1175,up 20rdsm ppee7rnnlran. 488 gears. rider allent unn7,g wrtanon. PICKERING; palting Avalable Oct 1y. Thornton sunt yrgle femael Fol drying Maytag Yy Tlrinpsons w Centre lines 523M 190515762197 5850 mC"S"M (905)831- f650a ew mg 4 8f1200rs 4500 SMII 355 wOh Dan NEED HMANCMC7 3500- Altonar'Snepplard, 03231ean or cape nWe or Must be hea0s Nllrus Bal of even' SpOtIe55 one bed- non-smoker, rrty a hely, a stoves. pal-telalmwd sell naq ve IASP 512500 Call $1000 Down CERTIFIED VF room basement apt PEOEER(HG.:,:erpaoI Rd S owror oaupgd AvalaOk cleamnp, Avg 7Yr5 515NuD. HICLES 1%9 Tempo. 7- I i tNdroor deWGled Z sorry tri 2.8 p m) 11988 Own entrance laun- ,prwncet Deck. Sep Iy, f'2S'weeY 905.432- Iw all nM11AYnq L k4 auto Toyota le8irw. 72 name J 1 new S30Nup Chat and 1N2 CHEV Camillo V6. auto ovate Camrayauto iw y garage 8 drive- gape 51200 Plgro (9051 9082 upright lnenrs $200 up to fr stunt 0155 3 vers, 3100' As 1989 Wlm 3Z3 auto, t uto way Ref r5t 8 Wst. 7392659 WHITE$ R0d61. 1 DA0raan nandng awrMble UD ,o syr n pB0 19'5,831-1578 1992 Pwt lemns SE, auto f750.001nc basemem Fn wavanty 426 Slmcq SIS 19M &rens GT, auto. look Sept 15th WHITBY NBea V•nul century eplace. 12 LMUL 190517284043 IM FLORIDA Bmd Park 19M BMW 7351 AS IS SPE.3 1 otdruV :'s dargffa-ly der1. quiet home Share Avenue Idly loaded. excel- CIALS 1%7 Sunted IT TIN. 905 -6* -7504 Irom Inepawe u. ad Mige mod. kitdNn. snol, uunOh IAF HOCKEY ' OUIPMENT 22' len] wrdrtron 52100 a best o0 1987 Aeiosur J passap- PROFFSSIONALIWFNIgItp tin kmmen new al IUnraW fwd telnak preler,ed. non- Fonater Goal Pads 5125. offer 190514380785 w I%9 l.ncdn CaWwNnW I bedn,om walk our base- n+rdoas : w Carpe. 5.DOG Small Must We Ws Eqa Groper - ZM Gbves 89 Crov LOrHu 90 Cnev mem a g spray Sap fISC par Call a76263t Isnpl 1985 NISfAO 3N21( V6. Celina 91 Cnev Cavyru 1 panmenl all uhlnies sg tl workshop gau a purls lrmSLCq Arad 3 Olh Cherry Black Runs Z24, S-spd 87 Ja0 Chardee 01,1 wndHUwrng. SeparJle en- buuln. 2 wmin Xra tsn $700 u Cheryl naueLo- wAMER A DIWEII hcelkm Mint' 2 doors SWdua Air 4014 5 -spa e9 MOMJ Gnc trams. tawdry mn-wlDket f199yuh rule. House only bWpaknd Chary! (416)424- WAGNER Will deliver 6 hook. PS,PW pal. hatdl back T. DX 5-spd 89 Chev Trader nu xns, ,Variable Mid -9 $1395 Oplgn Ic buy AYa- FFM5 days (905)420-470 up Can se rale set GII Roof 243KM $20% As s Wt 5 -spa S Wu Lem bar f:00 ISLlast 905- 19051.8390g9B 080 N.13 Ulll!l F!!!Il 1h, Ara,Mbe MOUE 4.8-0$82 Ialte Sept t 72St171 AWrltgs (%6)'4271822 AUTO SALES. 2N Dow"s 31.W W. WANOY M665-6877. [. PAGE 14 - TNF. NEWS ADVF;RTWM WIsDNEMAY, Atilta "r 2a, 17Q6 IME Lou ser 1LM ® Lou to tithe aaEabl a amov E VA" A BWW = PC" ti,es(aee PeEM SWA- No I NNK mom M WOe hoof with asp, a 3 Fbath, shrtl YrMNn aro .IVMM M6& jecess 401. ka 30 N0ISMobr. 1112- UM616rn North Osna- wa, aa mdusite dean. 1n wily non-smoker. outdoor Isnsdead) hest 6 Int. MfaD Can 720.0547 wo..v tw&vmom to slave Brock St Manning Huge Bedroom Care 1.3.11 hY 3400 xi Reirem:es )-665-1443 after spm wMUYs A. weekends 1 NOROOM to, rem In sand, bwldmg Lady preferred 845 omr-Y Cal and rave arsnve 4263995 P'tto Sam a 1 aNaa a 77 Fru Ran 71 00-11 dtrwri 400 160n sq nOf- IMIReud East Omura ,800 h Commercial Husue h Shop CAN 431-2447 w 4132 7N q. A for rem in good Central roulivn Bond and Park Rd 5675 Phone 905- 720_7861 CMTMLLY LOCATFO PRESTIGIOUS vara aar of 1¢r -30 sq h $650.mvmn Some lurninho s dUOM Reception area i d pnYale of does, one butimm m find 723-1265 PREST1510U5 OFFICE S Srr; �+ PACE a DesQ tee Bet, tage Bueamg tie me downtown wmdby Core First #mu 44011180 Syt{MftK Full sernoa, masa. Appash a and para tis ossts. Fiat rete or hourly We crow Fyne heated Storage uno, We 54 MMV supplies Park and load special. rartmc M f1 and W Serving East ro Wer Coat/ RAAMT WAIJIM 1ILP M Odng Mayo For (ften's PMMs And N OxMgr,s. Hare My ()ail M6gkiM. 1F&Mo �(A Wandsprung/hear province to pronnce ov Oea6r %25'�P LL, June -- P"Mul y at crt>oFaF{ j, Garr of 427'000' c�l/ = oral Hospital on Friday August 21, 1998. line, be- • \ 1l I l 1- � loved wife of Peter Miskell, m her 66th year, Loving fO// IQEpias►rMinn: mother of Nell (wife Card Ing), and Lorraine (bus. ,.. band Paul Thornhill). Dear grandmother of Katie, and Lesley Mlskell, and Jordan. Kyrsten, and Bailhe House owed Fbuw Caarlra9 Thornhill. June vnll be sadly missed by marry friends and relatives Friends ma call at GIFFEN-MACK IM a TREE REMOVAL i MAINTENANCE Stump remora) i Landscaping CALL DAVE Poor app,n, ,Sc rd n suit 831-7055 A., tam preiess�aar orrice . y 0000rurMaa ' 1 0 B�usrtumtw Adrible October In Call Pam aAa sys - (9051 666166AchillErgs 6Ii8-qty do ! DISTRIBUTOR !i,a ' Entanwrai.s M. ",,11' AVAILABLE I 9s ., FOR OSHA1%A AND AREA 1 1 1 'w^r' cio-. yearIy lease ran4..12 7W are laivm The Spitz Sunflower Seed Co. is looking for store 1 Calhara door distributors for the Spitz line of products in F\(EPI109.0 L�DffS the Oshavia area. 'Aust hast a truck & $15.000 MLSAM LAKE 4reloii Fens sE R% IV; DI�RHAM REGIO\ 1 . 3 a a bed'.". rtLusr for Working inventory'. Experience in the rilc4vcFFclavas SeStalence,'Lasts idek int and convenience and gr(xen' store trade an asset but RF LL(NUTry A DMSV" T10N star includes long week er�k not necessary. GI,ARANTFEn Owed rand'' rnon.sandr 4041-8761 04adM0odd-hsrarp out 'wlhas (10`=2550 Please lend or Fax Resume to: Now HIJUNG aE"rr,F",'R'ttkr�" Riksk SI'1'IY SALES INC 4p b�a,mg =w.a:�rr 1Nodw 225 ��estvieW Court ) � , ' cwjws a our audry soang- Low n d 'a" Oshawa Kitchener, Ontario. \2\ 2N 6 Low Ott season Prices Sur ;01 ad c`r'ave' os"m F'ax: (519) 585-1214 low RIVEN wstrrgs pn- _;,•, rq 3 , an •_: wdmirai cuEgr I�°w" UCEPI'IP1.U.LWO Sun3^, barpecue nurse Fw sw :11 impwwttwr, '"C0r"'"a ;°m'npit p °°o0re�w+dwa.'n0a 7 atcKcow TMS PAINTING FR11xGDlR}L1)IREl10% 1500., 563.!236 amow- Div �'"� '"."m ' .'1 'i""'^Ku BUDGET NONE I /�M ANCF f- C�LA.l1 keels 1os496,a5 Pardo .:_ • take a DECOR RFUANUR A De(ETID91 rand access 539 000 IPtrROt/EMENTS I 9061697-sa4 3dc�.....4 � loten�-r 5 EdPncr ct European Workman- 4l AR.ANTEED WisuNTow. :,+groom 2 RQc•rooms, pkmOng 404-8761. =.EaP w.•En AREA � :s o'd, ms : .,�.-•ens mom Addi i". I "' 'al, �'p Par, x. xa ;--sed sea Fast. clean. NOW HIJUNG no sea s -,.a fo Pail renin �. OKWe ra*v reliable /service taw F. rib am N raw sous "'AnGen rd ,.rig'" Exp. �ifV-VVv� CLLU 344 Morar Call Mario n...a.a lull ArfN .00.16 now. (905f 619 4663. �- a-" +w orD[x ac we srrplF PONE' PPOSIE2n •�r cei.(416) 5644663 60` Prdwes t riter4ewe f750 d' ,::. ._ ...•n. ,r µ. NA110NA1 Rwr a,w lA Ca 90506 -nM G+rw' bang 4m Snado owrswe n•r eirrwas i -y- accepted niortless MOVING SYSTFMS a•. $_ Nal, na0t rainy Call to, Irae George NC! f 5 , ... • ,� CrOr iNdrmNBort 9065763505 IIA'. Fill %1 A. „ ., ryR ,x 3 ltooioor ,mos naw• Srrdr4 rorty<rir0ed SERVICES r O3prM1S '40 -.WwM uw i -pec, o.nr -! dwaW ...,,7e,,.i 145 Gwv "Nwe PwoOe! IM aid a4wrfOdl OaT SMS A his 41 LOAM n 1107 E•n;hys�+NaAr uaaldr r✓.barRats+ i "c Erir•rwrw wY4,4 r/�s iUhMUNTEEO Sgt! •�u,rylteed WalemarEnD to i-,, Cw 1M�fOD To," tsmpmN3 PMItu UP f40asaasOM FEll,a walk Ieet w Fm Estrrws ,O er.reQw.ww e1N NI67I}747! 7a aawaw /NDII7 FEES. OTNENS As Mnonsas pat#, Franc- ,-aMaSY773a 4 LARM NOWA M! 4 DO NOT n is m± •••war b4rcK east,, war,ie s t0 loom TMT YOU iP�'=�" �l 'Q nc wrw�,o.lNk -a.., sari , .,,..•."d MVESTI n T"NDUsis .r A- liked aur .m, 4ae +az taw u Gat+aral Ramon 4 ?m: antes b0uha,air as• .. swat or cunt rand KFOFA I" ANY G ecwma MOVWG STME3 ace ,�.,:•w'1C p1Q 61N 900 19031-571 (9051 837 -OM or mi m ­ = 7INOr( MNrV:y raK aced arT6 nr•a.�wrA11s / wlw- Yq.,cc airQ Cwemrar w raudrmai 11ILLE K"TV )433.1219 ►PI��-n mde, es��s srorM Santa ars i•i,r sq laww :An, awwaw s 'l. •d inwei rescaudf Paw air `L,p.r ArMa 1 ' 3136911 3 Ie! ARI rW Mp •,...,,.. mare 2aronr ttaw0 rrF but mor, Ii. , .'ie ria tar G.B. HOME ^""1e" auras .•.mow "I awe .awe e4araor +mos mon aaa ,�+ewPP: :M Te► IMPROVEMENTS S71-0755 3t, ,,,-,,,�, aye leaved mA am seg slts.r r Gam ns 411410- VarJari 1-e06191.6600 ace th,aiaa.w Lary kwwV arra wwprpoms =A Lo. malgid Be r .M .MkaA what, NO . ,.stare 5c-Datm & general ns '-war 66446 c oed rds aid 7rrry. cid dw.4 mor.. Dara a,Ira ser c mass •• 1� =seeks t1ARRT-0 so Yai4o is %now* mown ,u�r0 a 3 GARY MONERf sM PwawsP.r4 Oc all Jar rir0o,a, co, ,.., Mow t" -Jct. we sw Ara I.ar,y R.r,N WfwoAfS _•e r 427-1672 sr "` kksryV It Fscr Ahaey kac 1106 •taw ,rwkw4 ' Ka Ntam a: F • ee 459• 721•ttaa. Ice W e05416 4, �.,,' v : •.: plod gd. Yates. sours deacoMN, ewes 5».r••eAaw Eta mow be Load hares amHANDYMAN AVwe 11a- FARM r ,oes a. iwwwar a 5,501; CAN can a N' -a Photon mora0. alio alai •moi. favwwwr •+n"^.V^'n, •c 5Na ^•mor DM 54wa,ww4 sie�spM Nolld lass -)loo as Vy ,p.Se.. C .^0eds, �a(ia sPlCe awrr�lt MO Ao•,r•ai,. ro Ncearwa rr anis k 1:• 3wmt 2 IMNLL unstecMn oraW Pidoe .0 "ad cam COmDa abb rMRt GM ata kw,..urrwte ,MM ak wcra, I-pudi4. civ ...:,way tan. aarrg to low No lot too tmlL om)n7-44370, as rvrw•,F.Iatw Wdwd oos C w garraw u�4 stFof' anal: .n -110's la soon a pydga gL alacmcoS 1 443.5631 4* A.A. Nw tM Ice. ter" mom nrdr S ZI10 aaqIe 4m ablest mre w R 421 suw-F. Na. 8th) and wale, baa • IK rata. ry air appwera As FFMrMri caralraLl a 430 ie..ra F. Nava W rood fent., :.worAs a0a0odwes ata n cols- /a1en11apaaa. coo iRglAlStl MINIM; w P..,a .w4ad are .sods ,wawro ►hale 7 id (1 5e*4 606aiMnn A STORM j r w�+rwseAaO"acmr.iaaraaNa S2tl.900 '057" �, '9051634-160 7 w 1906W4 ..., 'A ask 1a Ras IN Jean or Nye'.4164=-2m rZ�aar�a-�r�' -" 4mM mtudedue n 1903x434 rn,rp.•,. •a1N,"a,wA i . e - a 's ap 1--6 waive 0sa : • swto SfaMnaksla Barras VV Ad Y I'Ll-cato POrINFUL iNCOAR 00- pOsT HOLE d tlid-Momh Discounts. 4463 ..A,�rwirnaw.s r`a se.r. ,h:'v rare -bled. 0 L,celsed. insured Free an w.4Awwsiw. •udeurp int Mir Sox LIT' . r'� A "c Estimates ►ralastiaN,l We G.aa"Fw Riva n Mmmum ,,, re- Fessce ,& Il"A 410 G "ei ._'u 3195E serious dW. NFVIte 4w 4ww.r."ir,6 CA ).ago-320'JM .4 hy.•c Cali 4W77f95. aM re u..y k Scrap mDw ace ,.ran Aid. New. 466 .-`a F. N.,I Claw l nnrwal sin _ =T.INNFav Ore • 1 ventsJa39sa ���'�i' sM wwrmaw ERnr-v sodas. AW rlcroNlA COUNTRY -ft n (Ms) Bl*46" A as ,� iii A SIS v.•,wrws PrwFrq rel t0 lake i-DNr;gm $ide Guiid .wieC Snow. Nu. E ala t Bargain •ales nomes, m - ppk F. sw• ,Pit living dimly sandy „mos, i,,,tea >Pacwi ;rices. W. at 125 L- I" Ilam tis Iter ,More tees avw,ewe i/OS' 753-7756 p,eq av eeoprOa R09 900 905.683 : 1�-IEft Mtdri. A Pae sn La's W � 5254 1 Po" Me , ANN SO 0 •*Taw+Pmpwaaa !23.0239 sis .won P.P•rkn f.E OSMAMe 3baM0ae al CNEAl1r0 OIITMe AC NAMDYMAM 2516-5573 s ;.men F. slid Mid bungalow aladrd sM tint tawaa Oro Para cental a„ uep1aet H0113Eorl" rimes 6 P'. SERVICES i $in :-owTwwsra aaowo04 nods. ,dLcut ,ata prion r.�-peri. i 90 Patios. decks. lin M."atwd eaaened. Rohan= en -mw 451-36M on :35. 13 Mesa, rerlovat*ns. SN ,Arrrp.. awwwod age230i $144.900 CIO 905 per x 18 T -ton painting interior, NNNn ass a�pwbr0 70111th Pkkennq IEAaEaLY PSYDK A0 exterior, plumbing j p „y „� swan Fwq Ire oracle wrmm .2.M.. Ore' S29Wmm 18•'21 errs 1. and much more. o iwWra tame. 45011 from will 900.451.3763 ('E:STY)M FN)ME ass Mraw A,K Huge maples on 50x200 err ( ) tail -2411 SEWING: 606 A'v"4'0a Bads -noon ro pert Others IEWOU FSMK - S2 9a' s4Fe .5471X• oQ rr6ril iN C- Ewds oust 16131336-0'.93 awn 16. 24 hours 1.900- aaN'•� s.4rus, AM Auddi TM 1� s CEy1MT 451-37rJ DAILY HOBO- ,lip.iwas,. H,M. llus we P.-" Ifs: SM 900. urge SCOPE ,-90Din-777o $5 00 Roo1Ny wvl A n ..Ww.r ars a,wran Pws.ra 2001Ci5M Begg air a. the In- 21 ears Yir lJ+r .r era rs C.,vr,ww sww Mtl amens- M not sure which is more hr I�y.•u, ,A win Me "kewsp n1M4•_ tiers speeecoMkD-desigiv dnraet .Arlo Pas ad a re-Rol A A C cam ili-aJIs. To e.wyq radisalr14eshtrn la your con- plying to 07 1 am a singleKWI%('• 710 a." vwwnce Manes east of while male -ft enjoys Goon. AErwrwM To Dubs 8owma,Wha aero 401 19051- try bey. along with phyrcalg. all types of CYa" 740 bribe .,taw 7869806 Mess vave4ng and baahapnew and uW, 7M Lords air Invade, d You ale a s rcere atwcb a d chap Ger- AAM2rM fiFAa1N6 we 156 G adunn suyk Iemale. 3045. tamlo'T, Ih«,ant Too busy? Too tued? or Jusl 77)0 vEla.figa.iour4wirb ae Sob sesame interests PI -M mowdont I,r Geanirps Cure 7th A - Re n mon letwp me abouturs, fully in- Thema a call 666-0727 ace wpawwn MOa1N OSIMMA. i0earo,3m rwsetl say wM a prom toPea ennnaantownhouse. 3 baths. central ao. 4587. mooIOarttaan exon -Andrew as Flora DDa on Art, "Woul ha leni yard. rimae, 9He ge Road.1426-a7N CLEANING an wFk,yiA"L.,Oarrng taw dishwasher. garage. him Masham. l3P HA3 POSITION so Nr.ar Cis 54nw sued ra room mduding OSNRMII WAADMa MAS- AVAILABLE „5 RrdNw,r widow coverups and pea SAGE Shiatsu Starke 40 Karp P,kRrisa TUES. -FRL w7 noD'"'arw` s Asking 1105.1100 UR St w(905) 404.9625 1130 am ommrsra MIN. OF 10 "its. ,w,1 Pk," (905)3(-1270 .9pm EXP. OF ,M PWrpaDaconrq CAR AN ASSET. m tA.owr seta snmm 2 ,CON= ON rcwm2 j P� r FOR MORE INFO „2 April-O.wrRenu 2 brfs Fenced y)ard lots d CALL 43b-6421 ria F"s.rwk Pr'D9`. trade17wonoof Reny Cplou 1Call 44 ChInp 1111111111111112 its PP�gkl saviraa N16) -a91.3226 . 1 AUcarM Stucco ceilings 447 convnarml Read! urs 7 IN PRICE 1 ,e Pwa Tarp tau LM No money LAD front. ,s Pnrna Rapews a swans pay when your satisfied •''F �" m saws. tlpliowlary AUCTION Fru Esrmae Sew Ds000t up to 3000 son an Fu r.e ( mum LOTS 2 with a 66- Call kM atnarty Vle"Vin ng. divuq. bath m cusam Funriw4 pp krence, de a Cresc Between CONSIGNMENTS (416)414-5911(coll) cleating. milted. It= an s'w'p r'rrtv'r ace's washed wwdow ledges. lowering ureas VMM come- AND ESTATES base boards a wherever a7S ursnirap rrPep Inteo area of 4narnrY lames m FW"- CaiWwp In Prm le creek MNa,by Yl)AN1FO clearing ; n e' aM moc.y a'""'1 ,�-e, Low commission, Painting in aa.crar.p payment (Next g CMI Rw 0 n{•7N4m v Morn Area 2 acre as. we Wallcoverings 6th.etgnesNNyy.�Ace, a,g a Dew and veer $75000 can day. Wrw4N. Marl6ae aM G•ow•y Lar'aapp MaNeI frarnk. Aoyat LePage Sales every Tues. Mouldings cwow y. 447 ions s�4ow�v Pari RE (9os1 ?Mil Thurs. at 6 P.M. Steve Syme M Antique furniture, 434-5422 a1 Paris- Owner aad.yF `�'- appliances etc. F&- W Prry Swrcaa Owner and opera- cell. 242-8885 L M as "-gMF.Pr+ OCKATSEOr N. Pigeon for MM F,Vaq Cnanwa Lake From Lots secluded! all MYLES KING Mi P,arv,Trrp pemnsuU. exposwe new all Ag Pris Paintinx LANRBCAPPOO m P•,uu i" ra8hrows Saw - Song No mosgalas' Ywr AUCTIONS 571 Nanny Saw- SongF"W road Ideal for entre- NMI SI. and Wallpapering DEMN m txi.p shioW a" 2 snag conages tree +`- wr..i+..ding. AND anvil &misrwaa OfhBWa, r.•pwn CONB1'RUCIMON P5) 666-1651 Es Wished In lop 4"Ny work •lnwhr k amu d°0r0t," . rihk, Pews. •Disk, ,w o.pp✓0rratm OM YOM Ow fully sera 1960 w ,tan li soon., •Frncing wwW to trader Add 65900. $I ODD 7Yb5751 Ir.0 b4, FRF' fwmae ,551 i,Y44rn4re own t,9 monthly Great •PlanunJ,+ ivy rlaaali. eew►y down p, f beam 723 -MOI 4 04-913 6 9 (4ua) Bf.3-Sf1fE sw To. F.Irwran D.aawy aurC1.2d, 1416 31-1555 3'a .. 'SCARBOROUGH CHAPEL', 4115 Lawrence Ave- nue E., West Hill gust west of Kingston Rd.), 416- 281-6800 on Thursday from 2-4 d 7.9 p.m. Funeral service wit be held in the Chapel on Friday at 11 a.m. Cremation to foNow. .w.• ..waw . carl.a,.. THIS WEEK News Advertiser NsrthNanbwrtand N 6swa ' AUCTION GOERS!: Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. For Auction Listings Call l 68EIEIa 3 7545 Clarington Residents 404-2616 FALL �, air• r REGISTRATION � � �iretlor. I ( Karen Amrain, DANA. \ Recrearinnal and �/�n� Civeyaerirroe Leve% Ages 3 in AAr.lr. �%�/ \� termed and bedicored �/ �M/ �a ivy s .r< /980 \ staff \(4 (I \II( ti • I \// • I \I • I ISI [-\*,( I'`(- Tcr, Syxacaouasr do e1 \II11 �(A Wandsprung/hear • I \111•(( \1 RRDAC./).tA elf 1` 11 � twon.. Anryd(We • \ 1l I l 1- � fO// IQEpias►rMinn: • (I l \11\ I ,.. /a srudin • SePoe-aa6er 8,9, /0 e Ili \(-I 6:00. 8 30 pen • &..premier l2 10:00 • too(- oopmGS17 I EIV7.Loans ,Sl? 41; O '� i. 0~ Sela d o - I fish our Ar3o(ll err 1 MI Oma. 7 plus mobs S r7QAA9161fffAM 7•twomarria FIWNMN pro ft Sher A141S/10IY8f18Fit Serving Durham for 18 yrs. Ice I 6AOfCfMl[! u e cr mel ( In url,arn ALM AV 845 Westney Road South 7 �St i)auce otudio" (905) 68:1-1269 � "ORK- Earn extra money at tax Ea" yW, clew iyK rote,wt swam N1ar, At i m e . SToo awllion to have ltllew W samisen P/adar,• l You can Profit i1xim rows wthude on RV Euconrnr - a li aNk6ad lair Prdpre , M" &"it, Canada -s langint W praparat oe, tines, affairs raw W. allied .". saaarair-aa o 11-ivg. cOrnPYTrrr,~ ,MtnrRrOn and class entries to Ft Four sehechala. NOR a/ock arritio" raw. than To.OW `n+a taw prop d errs rsed-t wile, Mad wf R ; 7r always look -9 /Or la.A0,rkap tar courts grodwtas to $)on nave twain' H&R BLOCK r .E F!w 14m-2291112' TO ! SUPPLIES PICKERING SUPPLIES SEPTEMBER 905-426-4442 SAL E 1691 PICKERING PARKWAY, PICKERING New jlrrr '. .Cal•', Ores R.xy Nor W ,'+r Mwy x. A B a-. Hpan JW 1anr+G :w: MOFt.t.i or, eia ray ' . a E'k;A i- n �wrilar q,,ng in fids Ad ter FurflNt $5 Gilt CBrOACeN on our AMr1adly COW. LOW PRICES when purchase exceeds S50! i RILL RANGE OF All DANCE L SUM SWIM LARGE SELECTION OF SMES, COLOURS 11 SIZES BEST PRICES N SCAFEM i PICKERitG • 15%T0 2L % DISCOUNTS NEV WING N YOUR OLD, USED SNOES FOR CASH! CASH FOR BEST PRICES USED SHOES OPEN EVERYDAY OFTHE WEEK IN TOWN STAMWTM Bl6HLAND DANCim *Fellow 1•A.". 4,LIaO•s.B.O• Xxon;inged 3 TBS. AND OP CALL &ats•sAc6 i NOWPEW }� Moppets .�,,. Children's Centre Pickering (between Fairport & Dixie) 986 UrFEharten Rd. Pickering, Ontario L1V 1(:8 Harm some Sad reasw la h -of Muppns Chddea's Ceaw P,cicirit Ales 16 ff-ft a 12 Years Consistently locreE ata Hwy 2 AW D,sr. Minutes had Kw) 401 Iteudmi aal sce 'H -Away From Hums" surfed by d=jNx. qualified suR Full will parr -tree propams aYadaMc Dr dipmeral prapans onMr play. Nxialfutkw sad learning L. ami; (adjusted by are appmp im, cwrrvlum ErvHlmt lundnprlen pugrrm Euly a llapped crime Iaktdmit large outside playground - %ulaui s las hutch and rwu snacks daily - llprn frim 7 am a b pm. 4u dry to Friday FrW trips will W.1 ev rs. If you are looking for an excellem, hccnse4 childcare ennrunnnd hr your Our (-_) 430-3211 PLAY Eli LEARN SCHOOL Excellence in early childhLxxt education, ages 2-5. Hall' day program September to June. 2. 3, or 5 monnngs per week. We offer a comprehensive program of an, music, phonics, math A science, Froach, friends and fun! ����pp tCenntral Ajax location. 66&51 F�FJ Afler 6 p.m. for Sept. registration VillogC ons 8¢r Qt9fCll FALL REGISTRATION, . Sherwood / Linton (Pickering Village, Ajax) 1 QM/b/sg, Decoupalge, KalartiI I A mWm (jopaweae Embroidery), i PowelaJw DOR =Ak*,& Fol4derrw, VlcSor"M Crafts•, dead Fhwddsw, Ras Hookix& ! •NCW loSbimlon _ la�h'atlM• f Tuesday, September 15,6:"30 i Classes slut week of September 28, l J `M For Early Rc&ttl'atkm Calk30 I - .16 Diana 905-427-8692 # Dawne 905.6836446 / PL11►1��ri0���QUQONS GOQF AR S in the convenience of your own home. Ajax/Pickering/W hi cloy Call Peter �(-416) 875-3211 s' Till r Pickering Hockey Association OMHA TRYOUTS Gaelic Football players on way to Emerald Isle By&A NAkNl* Brian Kelly on the men's Dublin tournament in pre- combination of Australian Ste" Writer team, and Erinn Lynch, vious years, it will be the Rules Football and rugby, Ten players and two Kristen Lynch, Samantha first taste of international where players use a soc- coaches from the Durham Williams, Sarah Gowdy, play for the women's side. cer-like ball and can use Gaelic Football teams will Sara Oliver and Kristine "In a sense, it's a hit both their hands and feet. represent Canada at an Boeau on the women's like Grey Cup -week," There are 15 players per International tournament team. All hail from the O'Connor, a native of Ire- side trying to score in Dublin, Ireland, next Ajax/Pickering area, land, says of the tourna- between two posts for month. except Boeau, who is from ment. three points or directly Both the men's and Scarborough. Canada will be up over the cross bar for a women's national teams The national teams are against teams from Scot- single point. will be coached by comprised of players who land. England, Ireland. "A lot of girls we get Durham sideline generals, compete in the Toronto Europe, and the United are soccer players who are with Brian Farmer of Gaelic Athletic Associa- States. looking for a place to play Whitby in charge of the tion which includes teams The tournament begins after their senior year at men's troops and Diar- from Brampton. Missis- on Sept. 21 and wraps up school," says O'Connor. muid O'Connor of Ajax sauga, Scarborough. Sept. 25 with the champi- The Durham women's leading the women into Toronto, Ottawa and onship game, which will team is playing for the battle. Montreal as well as be televised nationally in league championship Local players include Durham. Ireland. against Ottawa at Centen- Ellie Malone, Darren While the men's team Gaelic Football is per- nial Pal -k in Etohicoke on Farmer, Barry Farmer and has taken part in the haps best described as a Sunday. Dolphins sink in football season openers The Ajax - Pickering Dol- phins Football Club got the season off to a rough start by dropping all three opening Central Ontario Minor Football League contests at Kinsmen Park in Pickering Sunday. The Dol- phins' tykes faced 1997 league champi- on Scarborough Thunder and. despite a solid effort. were downed 12-6. The Dolphins played especial- ly well on the defensive side of the ball. The defensive sur for Ajax-Pickcr ing was Justin Smith while Robert Spagno- la was the 41s offensive stand- out Meanwhile. the Dolphins' atoms were defeated 20-12 by Scarborough. Coujoe Johnson was the Dol- phins' defensive star and Joe Dublin got the nod on offence. The Dol- phins' peewees started their game against the Thunder without nine of their regular players. As a result. Ajax - Pickering was soundly defeat- ed 50-0. Paul Dugal was the Dolphins' defensive star and Jason Collins was the offensive player of the game. This Sunday, the Dolphins host the North York Bandits at Kinsmen Park. The tykes kick off the slate of games at 9 a.m., followed by the atoms at Ill a.m. and the peewees at 1 p.m Volleyball loop recruits .,women PICKERING The Ladies Fun Volleyball League hopesrs no more players for recreational action this fall. Women play at Dunbarton High School each Tuesday night, beginning in late September or ear- ly October. Cost is $60 Per player. All worrier[ are welcome. No experience is necessary. For more information call Margaret Nolet at 686-7560. I SUNDAY MOWS - A-B-C-D-REC. -35. SUNDAY AfTEA-N94_NS - B -C -D -35. MMAY N10_►ITSB-C 45, IUES12AY NIGHT $ - B -CD SyUKWAY W&95- 35. (A -8 -C) -0M REC. TW_8SQAY WHTS - A -B -C -D TUESDAY MORNINGS - OPEN DIVISION GAME TIMES BETWEEN 9:00 A.M. AND 11:00 A.M. 1 AT .. Lai NIGHT 25 GAMES GUARANTEED ALL GAMES 6:30.10:30 P.M. INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES ONLY D -O— - ALL TEAMS BALANCED THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, At1Gt1ST 3C lff6 - rAIGE 19 Pickering Hockey Association OMHA TRYOUTS Juvion E AfMGZT AA• A A Sept. S. 1998 Sept. 9. 19os Don Beer 2 SPORTS 9.00 Pm OSHAWA Coach LEAGUES START SUNDAY I ST WEEK OFAFTERNOONS 420-8043 OCTOBER 12:00-2:00 /�f] GAME TIMES GSY(' INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES ONLY PRIME TIME GAMES ALL TEAMS BALANCED LEAGUE IS FOR PLAYERS 17 YEARS OF AGE TO 21 YEARS OF AGE ALL CALIBERS OF PLAYERS WELCOME THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, At1Gt1ST 3C lff6 - rAIGE 19 We're on the internet at www.durhamnews.net Sr"Win Cycle Marine 701 Brock Street North Whitup Ifnf MA A Af•dA A A Meet da Racing's F AM "Come Ride With Us" Test Ride Event Saturday, August 29th Rig+? the - VFR INTERCEPTOR - CBR1100 BLACKBIRD • . GL1500 GOLDWING & VALKYRIE . .. ,. CBR900 FIREBLADE VTR1000 FIRESTORM - CBR600 F3 • VTI 100 SHADOW & AERO VT750 HADOW - VF750 MAGNA i 1998 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SPECIAL EDITION (Brand New) • Power Windows • &r Cord.t,ornng • 5 de • Automatic • Roof Rack 51iding Door • Floor Mats • 7 Passenger • BRAND NEW • V6 • AM/FM • Power Locks Cassette 4ft Ph #40404a • • • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME Nitwit 1998 NEON • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME S DOOR • Air • Spoiler • NO AIR TAX Conditioning • Power • NO GA5 TAX 44 • AM/FM Steering • NO FREIGHT Cassette • Power Drakes SttiV5781 GRAND VOYAGER ffi • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME • 7 Passenger • Air Conditioning • NO AIR TAI( , • Tilt Wheel • AM/FM Cassette • V6 • Automatic • NO FREIGHT • Pbwer Windows • Cruise Control • Pbwer Locks • Drimeo SWe 51dAy Door o tl• $3 "Insitells �: Stk 05531 1998 RAM Si 4x2 $AW � $4,4as 0"'Llf $ 19 a 4111111 a III N VILLAGE Y/1'. aw ■CHRYSLEMOUTH R • TORONTO OSPAWA 0 Pickering Hockey Association OMHA TRYOUTS Juvion E AfMGZT AA• A A Sept. S. 1998 Sept. 9. 19os Don Beer 2 Don Beer 1 9.00 Pm 9:00 pm Coach AA Coach A Coach Doug Park Jack English Ron Scott 420-8043 427-2824 539-53I1 ALL TRYOUTS AT DON BEER ARENA We're on the internet at www.durhamnews.net Sr"Win Cycle Marine 701 Brock Street North Whitup Ifnf MA A Af•dA A A Meet da Racing's F AM "Come Ride With Us" Test Ride Event Saturday, August 29th Rig+? the - VFR INTERCEPTOR - CBR1100 BLACKBIRD • . GL1500 GOLDWING & VALKYRIE . .. ,. CBR900 FIREBLADE VTR1000 FIRESTORM - CBR600 F3 • VTI 100 SHADOW & AERO VT750 HADOW - VF750 MAGNA i 1998 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SPECIAL EDITION (Brand New) • Power Windows • &r Cord.t,ornng • 5 de • Automatic • Roof Rack 51iding Door • Floor Mats • 7 Passenger • BRAND NEW • V6 • AM/FM • Power Locks Cassette 4ft Ph #40404a • • • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME Nitwit 1998 NEON • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME S DOOR • Air • Spoiler • NO AIR TAX Conditioning • Power • NO GA5 TAX 44 • AM/FM Steering • NO FREIGHT Cassette • Power Drakes SttiV5781 GRAND VOYAGER ffi • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOME • 7 Passenger • Air Conditioning • NO AIR TAI( , • Tilt Wheel • AM/FM Cassette • V6 • Automatic • NO FREIGHT • Pbwer Windows • Cruise Control • Pbwer Locks • Drimeo SWe 51dAy Door o tl• $3 "Insitells �: Stk 05531 1998 RAM Si 4x2 $AW � $4,4as 0"'Llf $ 19 a 4111111 a III N VILLAGE Y/1'. aw ■CHRYSLEMOUTH R • TORONTO OSPAWA 0 fARit >� 71t N1CW ADVl[WVM= rrEMawAy. A XW" ZAx ISN -iSCOREBOARD FAX GAME "SHIM TO 03443 : F'NeLxllBla aOFTBeLL AMOCMIION I.oFrR►�rar olttaloN snlNDuos N� As %Ay 9 w L r PCT GBL Ssn1lMt.ekGaa eanlwll 10 0 1 t6S . IM&*al N1Ktlast I2 9 3 0 0.750 2.0 DlMlelm An9as tt 7 4 00.6M 3.5 W. PIKNdy Lada S.P 10 S 5 0 0.500 5 Cew ry 21 -latency Fuson 13 5 7 10.423 6 Aloe Men's S.P 13 a S 1 0.346 7 Clore A Elodmnres 11 3 7 1 0.31 8 7 Alegi lades S.P 13 2 11 0 0.151 9.5 DIVISION RESULTS _ 1SUY 27: V%K P101" Ledeas S10-Pach 25 (MVP Lreso Etfoo 1) va Ournem Angola 23 (MVP Samantha Hoot), reeve BrUSP-COb wi 8&*w 20 (MVP Fawn Fordo) » Alex klen's Slo-Padl 8 (MVP Danmela Veconb). Marshall Homes 23 (MW Leo Wry) vs class 'A' Elacmorcs 15 iUW Katie Malan'), Century 21 -Party Fulton 14 vs. Alex tAdea SluPech 13 Ah 2t. SNw BartleyCoWwen BeNow 10 (MVP Krystls t -34Ikrt) ». Century 21-Porcy Fulton t0 (MW Mond' Gump): Durham Angels IS ». Mershon Homes 11 (MVP JWm*w Erddptou). Ajax UO'es Sic Poco 12 (MVP Tan WaNW) ». Class 'A' Electromcs 9 (MVP Beery McCann), A)aX Man's SIO-Pach 15 (MVP Senn Preetonus) vs West la"Welg Lades Slc Poch 10 (MVP Jame Rolland) Aug. 3. Century 21 -Percy Fulton 14 fMVP DanlaNe Gr40o- Iy) » AS- Mens S10-Pacn 7 (MW Katalyn Camey a,). Aug. 5: Marshal; Homed 12 (MW Cane Scott) ». West ►ckwng Lades Slo-Pocn 10 (MW Sunda Fy no); Chs 'A' Elactromes 15 (MVP Ashley Fax n Century 21 -Per. H Fulton /4: Stew BamyLOWwen Banks 14 (MW Brooks Patentor) n, Alex L.adaa Sk, Porch 3 (MW Jaes, ce McFeyden). Durham Angola 16 (MVPNcola Auger) - Alex Man's Slopach 15(MVP Karen Basad). NOVICE GIRLS! DIVISION STANOW" As of Aug 9 TEAM 6 W L T PCT GBL OecO,mry Place DC 12 9 30 0.750 -- Serps C-.wfw Ong 12 7 4 1 O e25 1.5 Mckarelg slo-Spots 13 6 6 t 0.500 3 Sport Togs 13 6 6 1 0.500 3 Sow-A-Camra14 6 7 1 0.616 3.5 n RSAyx-JoiVeratIS 13 4 7 2 0.385 4.5 Chenywood Roolalg 13 4 9 0 0.308 5.5 July 20: Px7wxg S1oSpons 19 (MVP Laura Const) va. RloMax-Joann V'srloa 12 (MVP Ektabeen Hwelon). D. �7 Placa D... 15 (MW Mogen Weer) ». Sev- A-Crete 12 (MW Marsh DK"). ChanywOOd Rcofng 14 ». Slop Colveyar-g t0 JIr1►30: Serve ComeyrKrq 16 va SM-MCon" 8. Spat Tops 14 » R•rnlae-Jaen Vesraed 9: Docowry Paso, Oayoana 7 » Cnerlyawo d Roaleq 0 (is") Aug. 4: Deoowy Place DWu 18» Cmrrywood Roof- " 8. Soon Togs 5 vs Sere (:wlwyrrcep , RaAaax- Joam Vnrahs 14 (MVP Ary Coven) n Sax -A -Camra 6 ATM BOYS' DIVISION STANDINGS Foal TEAM G WL T PCT GBL S­Lne 9 7 2 0 0 776 PICkaxng IW F 8 E 2 1 0.722 05 Sr' A-Caera 10 5 4 1 0.560 2 H.FM Cawpu sx n 9 4 4 1 0.500 2.5 Y'aan Golfe9 3 4 2 0.444 3 Poux-9 SbSpats 11 3 7 I 0.3,5 4.5 SI t4w+arca uppr 9 + 8 2 0222 5 DIVISION RESULTS Aug. 4 Sun last 10 (MW Dynan Ford) » H.FM cos" alruclan 9 (MVP Sewn Frost). Sax -A -Cann 17 (MVP Panxvl Chrron) xs. x,tpdo n Cave12 (MVP M,-h"Ww*w). PICkw Sip -500 74 (MW Justis Ashman) ». Pr komg Heart Fstlopay, 13 (MW Stephen Saw,dy) NrE SOLS- DIVISION STANDBIOS For TEAM G w L T PCT GSL C4+ Sons /e 13 2 1 0 844 Me N Meats to ,3 3 0 0.813 0.5 06 D all xx iprewnlofy to 12 3 1 0.710 1 Carpet Tleand 16 t 7 1 0.531 s T Harnasonl i Son Rooylp to 7 8 1 0.4N 6 K+mgaa a Cokwr+bus 16 6 10 0 0.376 75 rtk Sone b Span ,5 S 1 0 0 0.333 • ►wino she spala 15 4 10 1 0.300 •5 A•aw.loo, a Redoes 16 0 IS 1 0.031 13 OevIS10N RESULTS Arlt', S PKda 9 St.- 1. 6 (MVP Knights or CgWmoe 13 (MVP M.chasl PrenO: DG D a Nna Ir1lWstestaked 17 (MVP RIs, 80naeu) ». All- eta►Weyry Radord 11 (MVP Adam SNadnpal: T / menlaw t Son Boohoo 1t fMVle sywn Ke enrlady) es. Nekere'g Sou" for Sports IS. MGM %%at$ 17 (MVP Nook SOR*WW) M C W" TawM 11 (MVP Adam Manye'co) SCAM. SOUS' 6NwaDN sTANDIN S For TEAM G W l T PCT GBL BOA consbw yrl 11 15 2 0 0 SW -- AllcadCredal 16 1, 3 1 (k M7 2.5 Neurarl Roovv 17 11 5 1 0.9M 35 Jan Corear4An Com 1S • 8 2 00o S Sipa Cawye^cng /6 • 7 , 0.531 6 some Sr6M'Cadman It a 7 1 0.571 6 x re sole tt • e 2 a.4x 7.3 colow y Place C c- ,6 • . , 0.4N a WIy TrmlaLlp 1S 4 10 1 0.300 9.3 O Sae Jaelaarl Ctwpa t6 4 ,2 0 0.25) t0.$ Ift-I" -Jost IArrT IS 1 14 0 0.067 13 DIVISION REALLY= A.& 4 Sopa Co.."o'ng 6 ;MV► Joy MOmxled) » slaw Mnyy-Cogwal Senyr 10. Ouakry Tvw-Up 12 (M9p ma two) ». RaMam Jaw' Maus a (MVP the yam). Jmm co W -Mn Com 23 (MVP file- brlmt) w. Nee JanloOn Chow Goa S. Hamden Hoang 10 grip Broando, Nana) » SMI ConahuCYon 9 SMV► Mat Me"-). Accord Craft IS (MVP J•oorl Lee) K Dw COWY Place Chill Cove 5 A.S. S: SPA Cona.wa.on a ». K.* Spa ) (MVP los q Eowe.dn PEEWEE wwsDIVISION STANOW" Fra' TEAM 0 WL T PCT GBL St�Jonnaf_Che+x-0Lda 1t 15 J 0 0811 -- Mamas to ,7 3 2 0.7A I FyAYx-Asx Mornu 9 7 2 CAN S coo 1• 7 11 0 O.3N • Swarm Tn Servo* 17 2 l4 1 0147 12 oSNAseA AND DISTRICT SOFTBALL ASSOCLITION ORAOY DrAS ON ISSOGET SOYS') STAND"" As or Aug 2' TEAM GW L T F A PIS Gila 1S 1 5 3 0 172 N 30 aaslatvi q 13 S 1 111 N 27 iaar0orang+ 20 9 10 1 ,D♦ 113 19 Plarrng 19 S 1 1 3 96 186 13 CYeo'xg 19 5 13 1 122 174 11 BIVYION RESULTS ANS. 3: Scrborough 2 » SIouM'Y I Ates. S: COeoag 12 » Gstta.e I I Aly, I& POWMg 10 va sco bao'g13 Aly, 12: Slarrxda 11 » Coeoreg 2 Aug 13: oanwe 9 ». Sk" hu" a Atr9. 17: Samaornph10» PrArely 7 AIS• M. scoloo ougl 10 » Col amg 5 y, An2•: Oloeme a» cc" 6 PNCIEPOW LADIM 11ECINA1gNRL FAST3ALL STANDS= As of Aug. 21 TEAM G W L T PIS tedryla C N m 14 11 3 0 22 Sow t Food Fear 16• 7 1 17 Lige Saw" u • 6 0 1e PNNMA tp NOW RATIONAL FASTEALL STANDGM Tam N d Aug. G W L T FNS Bty" 17 13 4 0 25 DENM Bob's 20 13 7 029 tlwasws PO 11 t 1 23 F11Wti is /0 7 1 21 Oilers summer hockey champs A team made up of hockey playas mostly from Ajax and Piekam cap Wed the paperweight division title at the Scarborough ke Hockey recently. yPoEts Summer The Messengers Intema4Gnal Oilers posted a record of 9-1-1 during the reg- ular season in the division for four-, five- and six -Year-old players. They then went on to win the three ' Same. ictal -goals championship series with a 3-0 victory in the final contest Goal scorers in the final game were Brennan Saville, Brett Bishop and Eric Buckingham. Garrett Hudson earned the shutout in net The team will now compete in the Ice Sports Championships in Oakville, Playing age champions from Ice Sports Oshawa, Etobicoke and Oakville. Members of the Durham Region squad were George limas, Cody Mar- sham, Jason Hills, Cayle and Conner Grundy, Brett Bishop, Mark Goudie, Eric Rizzo, Eric Buckingham, Michael Tun, Adam Wak, Garrat Hudson and Peter Vacchiatw. Lam ow c le nWw Alese x t • 0 tt Am cob, N 2 ie o 4 war PICRMIN6 LAOM Ko4w N U&%M sN wbw and seared 6s of Any. to. srANDBwa $Agin G W L T F A 25 /Mm-FIArY1Ms 15 12 2 1 2tt 161 Bayys 15 12 3 0 263 176 24 Chats For List 15 9 4 2 279 1N 20 logon 15 9 4 2 267 200 is Whlaove 14 s e 0 21116 1st 16 Sun Seca 15 7 7 1 191 lx 15 ROwdlao 13 3 10 0 191 252 6 Mgstrc 14 2 10 1 213 28.5 5 Blown Aary 14 0 14 0 78 387 0 SCORES Wook "No Alts 20: Psto-Prm6n 21 ». Lagan 7. Wh000o 23 » 810" Aesy 2: Whoops 23 ». Chmo For LA 18: Sunspace 19 ». Ma1w. 9: Boyly's 10 » Ch_ For LAs 5. Rowdw 23 ». Male6tc 22 AJAX BRIDGE CLUB okokwm tTAaBliaB GraD'lodo FMlwal�" . FNON►'A' 1. TIME Ow -s. IW" Chin. Meas ahwpwm Smd �� SWI* M. Saa. 2. Geat9s Zslnnn. 2. Ba Kaft Gal 2. 11to Nw, Sherlp, Gawnyn. INEST►EY KEIOMS StwS SLO*ffcm LEAGUE sECON D41Mp STANDINGS iLASATrt BLUE DMO M As of Aug. 19 TEAM G W L T F A PTs Elven LarocOue C21 9 7 2 0 125 75 14 Second Stormy 9 6 2 1 109 61 13 COrate, Cheetahs 9 6 3 0 10, 83 12 SAA %-"cwww S : • ' , to in 6 wars cos ontom'a as t a IS L T P A FIs sift 6 • 3 0 107 M it SMM S 5 4 0 I U 108 10 P46"TSC 0 4 5 0 toe l41 t 3 8 0 107 126 e Byre FaGnrvRarL4ea 9 1 x: o la 137 e LEAOIE RESULTS taw G•N Atls 16: SAA VipeN It (WF Gold Ds ft MVP DM FNIelolden) M Can -Sort 11 (LP Chfla Jelslsak MVP Kris Veneer); Can -Sort 30 (WP G MVP ,Iosco WYsen) w4 SM Vipers 5 (LP A MVP Tan Cromp dr,): Contra: CM► Wo 11 (WpVUe71la MouWW, MVP Kevk1 Ashford) va EN: N Larao6ua4cehfury 21 9 (LP Br9 Nosh. MVP 8los Man); Elves Laren stue-Grnury 21 9 (WP BA Nosh. MVP lore BOW) ». COMIC Cnoslahs 8 (LP Wayne Wft MW L"ll"M MMCMIKW): Second Story 33 (WP FAxn Mtl(w,, MVP Stu Amarong) ». Dickson Prattling 7 (LF onnd Hodgedn, MVP Sown Capsid): San 10 (WP Md. Braid. los rSIt1); Sot 121WP MVP (M4e Blend LP Jan 1 10" MVP rear- ) Fsvkrs'a 4 N A WW its Nosed: TOC 1t (WP A NVP MM gAno via Bow ptr4tF11G6Lee Okaft ones 14 JLP 80 vaOMO'POC ro"Hrry MVCM& MVP OW10 Ge12 MV 80 MWAohoW MVP r Wal AMx M" POOIOALL LEMX Weak ons- At* 16, INS OME ONE B.W. Customs 21(RMit Rows 6. Kohn A derswt 3. Mork III gra 121 vs Qnyn 20 (Dan w111 1WIm 51-W'- e. Rod Knoa1 2). GAM TWO Melln Trawl 23 (Weyhe SVIord 12. Joe Marra S. Joson KWU 6 ». Downey ery Bay ChNapoctk 6 (Brite Cray 6) GAMETHREE "Scat 34 (° Ob Febo 16. Marc Knitter 6• Cm Elliott 12) ». L 04housa Ltd IS (Wrow Fsmelglon 6, Dow Douglas, 12). FMZ4I knaged 41(Roplacernar1( 14, Milia Ince 12. 54 Wax• 6. Pea Flon o 9) ». Renown EWMC 15 (Demon Ince S. Dole Seattle 1. Roy Sexonclpa 6). MPER TO BUMPER WARRANTY- PARTS LABOUR, 1 COVERS ALL WORN OUT OR BROK COMPONENTS ,BELIEVE IT - REMEMBER, EVERYBODY DRIVES A USED CAR. WHY BUY NEW? Up to 4 yrs., 80k available on some cars, most cars 1 yr., 20k included. Warranty available on request. A. • t 95 Sal-U;R\ SCI '9? CHF. L: TU\ PICKI*P (;SIC S.kfvARU11 '9.4 S10 P1C'K 11 '96 i•N Jetta Trek 33K 1194 Explorer XLT 61K '94 Grand Prix SE 42K '93 Cutlass Cierra 74K '93 Grand Voyager 64K '95 !Mazda MPV LX 35K '95 Taurus SHO 55K '95 Suzuki Sidekick 42K '88 Mustang LX 83K '91 GNIC Safari SLE 117K '91 Caprice Classic rK '912 Dodge Shadow 47K '94 Mean Lt wagon S2K '93 Sunbird LE i5K '9.T Isuzu Trooper 52K '94 Mercury Topaz 88K '817orota 4x.3 Pick -Up � , f00Pe '89 Merc. Gr. Marquis I1_K '48 ford Super 8 33M '94 Crown Victoria 64K 6. Ford Fairlane 500 '95 Plymouth Voyager 50K '93 Ford Probe 100K SALARIED mutest T II 'r5INn SALES INDOC RADES SHOPPING PEOPLE �- �= ACCEPTEDE ;AN BIF F'aN a>• e� rw 4� saw aaow ae� out -4 431!!IMNMSeBet a-:# a� NEW l asw MOW ao�. �s� al• asp 116.- 11 U Aw�~.fim� lis h Oki 1698Ss Hours: Mon.-Thurs.10-8 1016 &� � Hours: Mon„ Wtd., Fri. 8.6 /�j/ Jl. Fri. & Sat 10-61 oust ' at 401) Tugs, i Thugs. ",Sat 8,1 LICENCED MOTOR rp••lR�rvt4•.'L,,u, west & 42 0 Fr 11/ 8l. 0 NSTATION R VEHICLE AT ON 42045551 401 Wr?