HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_07_29bE TOWN PICKERING OF PifKFRfrIG PUBLIC Cu; i NAL the doe Optional 4 week home delivery charge $51$1 Wednesday, July 29, 1998 Pressrun 44,000 f th No `Sea-Doos' or `Jet Skis' on Frenchman's Ba & Marianne TsAraes and Linda White Stall Writers PICKERING — They're ba-ack. Those peck% personal watercraft — also known by brand names such as Jet Skis or Sea-Doos — have apparently returned to Frenchman's Bay after a few years' absence. The noisy little boats, roughly the equivalent of motorcycles on Water. stopped coming to the bay for awhile after the Toronto and Region Conser- vation Authority (TRCA) placed a ban on launching them from its prop- erty, on the basis that they created noise pollution, damaged wildlife habitat and posed a safety hazard to less manocuverahlc watercraft. "They have been going at it again, though not with such ferocity as four to five years ago:' says Konrad Zeh, who lives on Bayview Street about 500 feet from the bay. "These people don't care about noise, they just want to run their machines full blast." Mr. 7.eh says there's always at least one of the vessels buzzing around the bay for about an hour each day, within earshot of his home. "It's not only noise pollution though. there are spawning grounds at the southwest end of the hay and they are being disturbed." He h lieves one reason they're back is because most of the signs put It's over.' Tentative deal reached in Flint, Durham GM workers set to return BY Jagele Aklanes Stam W•ae. OSHAKA — It's back to work for 8.5(X) General Mot,Irs Oshawa autoworker., and an equal number of employees at local feeder plants. Rcacuon to news the 54 -day strike in Flint. Michigan ha.s ended was overwhelmingly positive as workers anticipate gcuing hxk a,n track ftnan dally and t—mosso, :cichrate the return of customers. "I'm looking forward to a pay- cheque:' said Jim Freeman. a car assembly plant worker who received the call yesterday to return to work on Buick Regal% today. Mr Freeman had been laid off since mid-June. Fifty-five hundred Oshawa GM car plant workers were let go shortly after the strike hit Flint in early June. More than 3,000 truck plant workers joined them last Tuesday when that plant finally ran out of stockpiled pans. But a contract deal was hammered out yesterday, and Durham retailers, restaurants and car dealerships were very pleased with the news. At Mr. Burger. a favourite lunch and dinner spot for the south plant workers, owner Gwenna Tzambazis says, "We were getting a little nervous here. If you drive around Oshawa after 8 p.m. it's like a grave}ard. I run four businesses in ens mall here so it means a lot to me" It means a lot to GM car dealers too, according to Da%id Harris, Gener- al Sales Manager at Nurse Chev Olds in Whitby. "It will bring things back it) a more normalized state although not right away. It'll take awhile for the inventory to start to flow again. We're not in too bad shape right now but if it went any longer it could have affected us too" At Roy Nichols Motors in Cour- tice, the sentiment was echoed. "It will be a benefit to everyone:' says Saks Manager Doug Bramley. "We're almost sold out. It'll take two to three weeks to get the inventory back together." WHAT'S INSIDE EdNOW Palo.................6 Sports ......................11 Classified ...................14 HOW TO REACH US General...............683-5110 Deal► Notices ..........683-3005 Avetim Lim ............ 683-7545 Sincerely Yours ....1-800-662-8423 Ercall ...... riewsroom@durham.net AWmel .......... d u rha m news. net Vol. 33 No. 29 up on TRCA property informing people of the ban are gone. "Most of them launch off the west spit right into the hay. I've seen them." But there has been no change in policy, reports the TRCA, which has- n't received any complaints about personal watercraft this summer. "We don't have staff at that location on a regular basis, but if we had any complaints, we could do a blitz and get things quieted down:' says spokesman And% Wickens, The lack of r ,niplaints could mean per,, 1.11 � air .;IR .Ire ra the water '. pl•r,"'J" \1- suggests I hr., been sh% past." The vessels could be launching from property other than that owned by the TRCA and once on the water, the TRCA has no authority over them. But Mr. Wickens does suggest concerned residents get the licence plate of any cars launching the ves- sels. "We can't ticket them, but we can inform them of the ban:' says Mr. Wickens. Durham Regional Police are aware of the prlhlcnt and promised hr increase ihcir painrl .r! the ,irc,i in ,. in lir', l,., ., \. ., vi, .. BAN BUZZ HARGROVE 'People are returning in the U.S. very. very quickf'/' At a press conference Tuesday afterruxm. CAVY president Bu" Har- grove confirmed rumours, which had been circulating throughout the day, that after 54 days off the job, workers at two Flint plants would be voting on a tentative settlement later in the evening and into Wednesday. "People arc returning in the U.S. very, very quickly." Mr. Hargrove said. He added• things will "follow quickly" in Canada with the Oshawa truck plant - the lead plant for a new product line due out in the showrooms this September - going back first. See SOME/Page 4 pMele by A.J. Pirete Filled to the rim Blaine Attwood tits snugly into the rim of this monster truck which was part of a fund-raising barbecue at Mossman's Appliance Parts last weekend to aid Ajax - Pickering General Hospital. The monster truck, called Over Kill, had plenty of room left over to allow Matthew Crisafully (on top)_ room to roam. Y Pleasure craft such as these are banned from the water at Frenchman's Bay in -kering. Pickering ponders school site purchase By Linda White r N.. PICKERING — The 'For Sale' ,IV n at an elementary thorn here n.lv soon be narked 'Sold' and the •uilding renovated to serve as a hrary. scniori centre anti food bank. 'ri"• ,.oily ItainY Ira.aa w. aa1J � •.1. Ire-. I, r.,,, F.aLA� IaKW Llai , al, llwL raac nl•t dosed:' Ward I Regional ,:rt, illor Maurice Brcnncr says of .� Hands Centennial Public Illc schoc)l, at Whrtcs Road and )unt.ur Street, was one of nine car- naiked lir closure by the Durham tlstnct School Board in June -after a 'ICw provincial funding formula ,allcd on boards to c!osc or dispose It surplus space in order to get mon- cy for new schools or additions to alleviate overcrowding. The board is to host a community meeting at the school in the fall. The Town has already informed the schowl board of its interest in the site and will be able to move ahead with a proposal to purchase it after the community mating, Coun. Brenner reports. Admittedly, Cown. Brenner has "no idea" how much the school site would cost. But "there's quite a potential (the Town) would get more for less' than it would at East Wood- lands Park, where it has endorsed the future construction of a new western branch library with a Potential expan- See TOWN/Page 2 Community mourns loss of Terry Breen of mom 04010, Staff Writer AJAX — A man who "didn't know the word 'No' when it came to helping" died Monday, leaving a legacy of politi- cal activism and community-based achievements. Terry Breen, 58, a long-time Liberal and community activist, served this year as president of the Diulham West Chapter of the Ontario Heart and Stroke Founda- tion. "He'll definitely be missed. In the next month, it will be so difficult to pull things together." says Susan Chouinard, area manager for the Durham West Chapter of the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. "He was a great guy and not opposed to taking on leadership. He'd be there to help" The Harman Drive resident served as the residential door-to-door campaign chairman in 1996 and was the president of the Ajax chapter of the foundation in '96 and 1997. His wife Dale was involved in the foundation's cotnnuttee on women, heart disease and woke. Mr. Breen was active in politics, both as a candidate and behind the scenes. He ran twice for the Ward 2 Local seat in Ajax, losing both times to Scott Craw- ford. "It sears like with every election, I see Terry's face. I'll feel a little lost with- out him," says Mr. Crawford, the current Ward 1 and 2 Regional Councillor. "He was good competition" Mr. Breen was treasurer of the Whit- by -Ajax Provincial Liberal Riding Asso- ciation. Ward 2 Local Councillor Joe Dickson remembers him for his involvement in the Liberal party, at both the provincial and federal levels. "He worked on every Liberal project out here for 20 years," says Mr. Dickson, who knew Mr. Breen for most of that vim2. "He was a dedicat- ed, hard-working true Grit Liberal. He held a number of positions within the party where he was elected by the mem- bership at larbe. Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge Liberal MP Dan McTeague, who knew Mr. Breen since 1978, credits him with being the inspiration to run for public office. "He didn't know the wad 'No' when it carne to helping:' Mr. McTeague says. 'To say he'll be sadly missed is an understatement. He was the heart of many poops and organizations." Richard Rajbahadursingh, Mr. Bnxn's neighbour of 10 years, says, "He was a real community person. He initiat- ed a lot of things. He'd ask, 'Why don't we have a strea party? Why not have people go around and take surveys?' He was very much neighbourly and a real good pew" Mr. Breen is survived by his wife Dale. Visitation is from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday at the McEachnie Funeral Home on Old Kingston Road in Picker- ing Village. A memorial service will be held Friday in the chapel at 1 p.m. TERRY BFM 'A real community person' Donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated in lieu of flowers. e PACE 2 - THE NEWS ADVEKTISI R WEDNESDAY, Jt11,V 2y, 1Mtl Ban on 'personal watercraft' in effect BAN/From page 1 cr. "It's one of our pet peeves:' admits Constable klike Del -isle of the police marine unit. which has two boats 10 patrol Lake Ontario. Lake S: ugog and part of Lake Snncoe. He says police can issue tick- ets on any of a number of charges. including careless or dangerous dining and speeding. Police will usually give offenders a warning when stopped the first time. but if stopped again. charges are laid. Ponce also check fish- ermen to ensure they have a fishing licence. Jim Dike. commodore of the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club and a member of Frenchman's Bay - Watch, a citizens' commit- tee formed by the TRCA for consultation on issues involving the bay, has also noticed the increase this year in personal water- craft. "It's starting to build up again:' he says. " Thcv'rc out there every weekend and they're certainly out there every weekday after five or six o'clock If you happen to live along the bay the noise is really irritating and it can go up several Town likes site for libran- potential TOWN'From page ' lion tk,r addition- al c.,mmumh uses. Bcwusc the latter site fronts Kingston Road. it .:ould be Sold as prime devel- opment land. The profits from that slit together with the sale of the existing Rcxigemount site could be put toward the pur- chase of the school. While the school is already !wilt and ser- viced, it's also attractive because it abut-. a park that features tennis courts. baseball dia- monds and a *Z cer field. It has ample parking potential and is accessible by car. transit and side - vv alk%. The site is close to Dunbar - ,on High School and St. Mary Catholic Sec- ondary School and has a gym which could ..afford opportu- nities to develop a range of badly - needed children and youth pro- grammes such as the Royal Cana- dian Air Cadets;' Coun. Brenner noted in a report lis councillors. If the propos- al gets the green light, it wouldn-t open until some- time in the year 20(X). about a year behind the original facility. Court. Brenner estimates. The library board has been advised of coun- cil's intention to consider buying the school as an alternative to the Fast Woodlands Park site. Chief executive officer Sandy Cameron was unavailable for comment. streets. It's like having a buzz saw sitting next to you. "Unfortunately. the 10 - kilometre (per hour) speed limit doesn't seem to he part of the mental mindset of these people:' Just as much a concern. notes Mr. Dike, is the harm the personal watcrcrat'l inflict on the natural habi- tat, as the wake they create disturbs nesting ducks and makes it difficult for new growth to lake mol in the marshes. And since they're powerboats that turn around and around in the bay rather than going out to the lake. they can also contribute to pollution of the water. Mr. Dike believes one thing that would help alle- viate the problem is a pub- lic boat launch directly to the lake, which is one of the recommendations of the Pickering Waterfront 2001 Task Force he is a member of. Another would be a change in the attitude of the personal watercraft users. to one of responsi- bility and respect for the bay. ..A lot of them don't even think:' he notes. "If they did they wouldn't do it." photo by A.J. Groen Pickering resident Konrad Zeh is among those concerned about the noir; return of personal watercraft — also known by brand names Jet Skis and Sea -boos — to Frenchman's Bay. HOLIDAY MONDAY • ' 2 % Milk Mealtyme Bread AN 675 g loaf Casaba Melons I WW Cooked Ham 9 EEL Chicken Ise s Backs Attached Fresh Never Frozen 4L Bag Limit of 2 Chips Aho Cookie 450 9 bag I Romaine Lettuce Havarti Cheese Lite or Regular =Bone tea ks nada Grade i or AAA r Group helps beat addictions PICKERING — The ing. The group deals with Serenity Group holds a 12- addicitions of all types, step recovery meeting Fri- including co-dependancy. day. July 21 at 9 p.m. at A child care programme is Bayfair Baptist Church, available during the meet - 817 Kingston Rd., Picker- ing. Call 429-9411 (Jim). NOTICE OF SALE OF SURPLUS LAND Please note that pursuant to By -Law 4592195 (Disposal of Land), the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering, declared as surplus, the lands known as Part of Lot 33. Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering, designated as Parts 5, 6 and 7. Plan 40R-8386, consisting of a total area of .174 acres in size, at the south terminus of Fawndale Road on June 22. 1998. A map showing the location of the subject lands is outlined below. Council will be considering a by-law at its meeting of August 4, 1998 to authorize the disposal of those parts of Lot 33. Range 3, B.F.C.. Pickering, designated as Parts 5. 6 and 7, Plan 40R-8386 Any person wishing to address Council with respect to this matter, should contact the undersigned on or before noon on Friday. July 31, 1998. Bruce Taylor,AMCT. CMM Town Clerk Town of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Assorted Flavours • 2 Litre 4caXIC4 Neilsons Yogurt7 175 g Cantalou Product of USA a& Roast Beef DELI SLICED es Limit of 6 lean Ground Beef 6758 Kingston Rda SHE RD RD. S. Hours: Mon -Fri Sam-10pm; Sat Sam -Spm; Sun Sam-6pm a Prices in effect until Tues. August 04/98 21Hm2403 2 KINGSTON RD. VJ Teachers, boards return to bargaining Y. Staff Writer High school teachers are returning to the bargaining table this week for what will be their first meeting with public board Officials since educators voted in favour of a strike mandate last month. Local members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) voted 90 per cent in favour of a strike mandate for their union negotia- tors in late June. And Thursday's meeting marks the first of a series of bargaining sessions scheduled over the next week as teachers and the board attempt to reach an agreement. Under Bill 160 current collec- tive agreements between teach- ers and school boards expire Aug. 31. And while there are several issues on the table, the driving force behind the strike vote is an increase in instructional time, which teachers say will impact the quality of education students receive. Under recent education reforms teachers are required to teach a minimum of 1,250 min- utes a week, which means high school teachers at Durham's two school boards, along with many others in the province. will sec RUTH ANN SCHEDLICH 'I hope teachers will see once school starts that _they're able to do both.' their workload increase from six of eight periods over two days to seven of eight periods this Sep- tember. And one of the areas teachers say will suffer is their ability to organize sports teams and clubs for students. "I trope teachers will see once school starts that they're able to do both," says Durham District School Board chairman Ruth Ann Schcdlich. "1 think teachers get as much out of it as the stu- dents do. "fh c have a passion for pbofo dl' Roo Pleboniro David's Goliath swing His eyes aren't on the ball, but that isn't stopping David Morrison from swinging for the fences while playing pick- up baseball at Mullen Park in Ajax. David was out with some buddies enjoying the hot weather. this," she says of the teachers who are involved in extracurric- ular activities. "rbey really get to know the students outside the classroom." As for the students, she notes sports teams have a "tremendous value. "For some students I believe that's what keeps them in high school," she says, adding partici- pating on the school basketball or football team is a "goal" for students that motivates them to "keep their marks up." However, Pat lermey, presi- dent of OSSTF Durham, told trustees earlier this year that "teachers will he unable to con- tinue to provide the extra, volun- tary hours which they have want- ed to spend with students" if their workload increases. Ms. Jermey reports she sur- veyed teachers in February ask- ing them to log their daily work- load, noting results from the 311 respondents indicated that most teachers spend an average of 17 hours per month doing volunteer work with students. "These averages impersonal- izx the reality of the lives of those teachers and their stu- dents," she told the board. "Dur- ing the semester when a teacher has four classes per day, and no preparation time, he or she will Corn f Aug. FRESH CORN & PRODUCE FOR SALE. D.J. B.C. Pickerin Produce Hwy. 2 "x Km West of Brock Road Pickering BY CAR Every long weekend adventure starts with a car ode. And you're to for the car ride of your fife on North America's greatest variety of roller(oasters. be struggling to meet the self- imposed demands of quality edu- cation. 'Ihere will be no extra time liir voluntary committees, clubs. teams or rehearsals." 111c increase in instructional time is a big issue for many school hoard's across the province and is one that could lead to a job action by teachers this fall at both of the region's school boards. "As for what our teachers are going to do this fall. I don't know," says Jim McCafferty, chairman of the Durham Catholic District School Board. "1'm hoping that sports teams will continue. Mr. McCafferty says he hopes sports teams will continue but adds students will likely have to wait until September to Find out if their teams and clubs will be offered. "I'm in favour of having extracurricular activities because it gives students an opportunity to participate in things other than school work. It also gives them an opportunity to release some steam," he says. Mrs. Schedlich reports "years ago teachers used to teach seven of eight and we still had extracurricular activities," adding sports are "part and par- cel" with the academic experi- ence. "Teachers put a lot into it, but they get a lot out of it too," she says. 4 Please Recycle Me.... We Pay Up T- $3_ - , ie Based Based on > ce Prices„ rk Fully Guaranteed. SURANCE Evening dable, Call Till 11 pm Li Apply eec Broca as 5 837-78191 Unit +t o,r-kenng, tint. BY SHIP .DEO BY TAN /Z)("- RM111MM NIMM Let your kids do the driving on their very first coaster, Taxi Jam: And tour through the all-new Kidzville" where you'll meet the Rugrats" live. Prepare for some narrow escapes on the new James Bond" "A License to Thrill Action Simulator. Then set a course for all our other cool stuff. Because no matter what you do at Wonderland this long weekend, it'll be a trip. �1110 n There are plenty of inner tubes waiting for passengers in our 20 -acre water park. Or, be your own watercraft in Canada's largest outdoor wave pool. %.arse &Dowd our exclusive Titanic exhibit. You'll discover authentic sets. props. and costumes that capture the romance and tragedy of this Hollywood masterpiece. s'�a �. r►�s 1 f t woANADA s a Absolutely the best entertainment value around BRING SPECIALLY MARKED CANS 01 PACKS OF COCA-COLA CLASSIC TO THE PARK AND SAVE 84 ON WONDERLAND PAY -ONE -PRICE PASSPORTS. �r- �k� 17 P"E 4 • Tilm NEWS mwcwLSER WEDNESDAY. JULY 21, 1976 Some Durham GM workers return this week STAFF MOVE TO PREPARE PLANTS, THE BULK OF EMPLOYEES EXPECTED BACK IN %-.10 DAYS SOME/From a 1 F 9e nan work PI 2 t d o r "GM will focus on starting it up in the next 72 hours. Car Plant 2 will he the next focus followed by Car Plant 1 and then St. Therese (in Quebec). "In the next seven to 10 days most of our people will he hark." In fact, some of General Motors Oshawa car plant workers, including building maintenance staff, have already received a call back to work in order to prepare for start-up, says GM spokesman Greg Gibson. Rob Abraham, a building mainlc- Local teen stabbed in campsite brawl An U*haws man was m court t Monday charged with attempted murder after a Pickering teenager was stabbed dur- c ing a camp -site scuffle at Darling- s ton Provincial v Park. Ontario Proven- h tial Police said a fight broke out c about 2:30 a.m. u Sunday between j 10 to 12 people w from three camp- I bites. tw The altert:ati(m to escalated into a j herr-bottle throiw- ing battle during of which the I K-voar- old victim tried to intervene. and was t attacked, police said. hi Bleeding pro- fusch from knife ds wounto the face he and heck. the fire teenager was o rushed to Oshawa i General Hospital in serious condi- of tum. "C _w, later tran%Vwwtal to Sun- nyhro ok Health Sciences Centre in h Toronto. where he Was upgraded to re fair condition Monday. Whitby OPP Constable Felly Capper said two ha other campers were also taken it) hospital following we the incident and to were treated for less serious f injuries. They include a 17 -year- old Pickering girl who was kicked m w the lace and anoth- er perstm who was smashed with a ffirebottle. th Gunshots rang out in the park fol- lowing the inci- si dent when a dog reportedly attacked a Durham Regional Police i officer assisting in the search for suu- pecu at the camp- gr<wnd. Durham Con- 22 stable Jim Ruther- in ford fired three ckia shots from his is semi-automatic service pistol, two of the bullets hit- ting the four- month -old pit bull in the head, police reported. Ricocheting bullet fragments struck and injured Durham canine unit Constable Dave Mouresteven, who was nearby when the shots were fired, said Sergeant Jim Grimley, a spokesman for Durham police. The pit bull, named Donovan, had it's jaw blown apart and skull fractured. It was taken to a Newcas- tle veterinary clin- ic and is expected to live. However, "grey didn't meed to shoot him:' said Devon Boston, whose girlfriend Crystal Sullivan is Donovan's owner. The couple were asleep in heir car, with Donovan in the back seat, when they were abruptly woken up by offi- ers with their guns drawn, who urrounded the ehicle and ordered them out. 1r Boston said. "I got out of the ar with my hands p and Donovan tut went out to see hat was happen - ng. I celled out or r three times the officer, 'He's ust a puppy. he's only I6-wccks- d' and then Bang. Bang.' "They just brew me to the ground and shot re as m. Thewno re luM Mr. Boston said and his girl - end were with xrc of the groups etvoived. but were nlecp at the time the stabbing. They were initially vretted and detamul at police eadquarters before being leased uncondt- txnally later in the rtianing. Mr. Boston said the medical hills ve already reached &UX) for Donovan, who 11 need surgery have his jaw rebuilt and bullet r a g m e re t s ttrrtomod. Const. Capper said the fight hich led to the stabbing erupted after two groups of ends invited a mrd group of campers over to one of their camp - es. '.Fix so erne rea- son things soured. Alcohol was ry relved. as far as mental state" of the people involved, she said. Donald Udall. who appeared Oshawa proven - court Monday. charged with attempted murder. ci. er ire ant .., re urne i work yesterday before the sinke was even over. "We're doing whatever we can do just to clean it up. We're just going around today turning things hack on and doing all that stuff." General Motors added its voice to those happy with the settlement, with Mr. Gibson noting, "It addressed the competitive issues at the plants. It does meet the needs of the company and the union" At Peregrine Acquisitions Inc.. which employs another 1.31X) work- ers, management was also looking forward to returning the plant to business as usual, said spokesman Wally Sinjakewitsch. "We have been weathering the storm but we can't wait to get back so we can make hay while the sun shines;' he said. Although the company, which had laid off about 70 per cent of its pro- duction staff, intends to bring some workers back for Monday. Aug. 3 (the Civic holiday is celebrated at a different time), employees are not actually going to he called until the settlement is ratified, said Mr. Sin- jakewitsch. Smaller automotive suppliers may not have been as lucky as Peregrine however, Mr. Hargrove said at the conference. "We're concerned about some of the smaller automotive suppliers, especially those who primarily sup- ply General Motors. If GM doesn't come up with some cash for them, they're going to run into problems;" he predicted. Durham Economic Development manager Norm Leigh has also voiced his concern for the fourth- and fifth - tier suppliers who do not have the cash flow of the larger corporations. Although not all the autoworkers were feeling the pinch yet, Mr. Har- grove, said all the people he talked to said, "God, we hope it doesn't run into August." If the strike is ratified today as expected, it appears the workers and everyone relying on them to buy their products and services will have had their wish granted just in time. — With files by Christy Chase JI 4, S V rSlthe eeep Factory ® _ MEDIUM REGULAR FIRM FIRM LUxURY FIRM POSTURE CARE $139 rA^RE55 SET $249 DOUBLE 169 .: QUEEN 249 SE' .;- COMFORT SLEEP r:� u $169 SET $289 DOUBLE 209 SET 339 QUEEN 259 sET Ao KING 449 SET 699 Metal/Wood Futon Bunk Only $599°° ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS $199 SET *339 DOUBLE 249 SET 399 QUEEN 299 SET 469 or , iruton Milan Twin Over Dou $429 Sleeps 3 J 71era.K r�,r4M. K YIa qa tM rYrr�. e+r�+e. ORTHOPRACTIC m-nwss $249 SET $409 DOUBLE 289 SET 479 :UEEN 319 SETsr9 Iron Futon i �� $259 Cr@w Quarters NO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST For 1 Year (O.A.C.) See Store For Denise RETAIL FINANCE RATES s325 110, 4 5 �O PURCHASE FROM ■_ .. ..._.w ,r.. IIIII.— NO— .r "vr rF X119 0annLL, o 'H ANY NEWAISED RASED OR LEASED 0 N t ORTHO ELEGANCE �� $319 YA^RESS SET $499 DOUBLE 359 SET 589 QUEEN 429 SET699 Ca twin Economy Mtsple Finish x239 Captain Regular n as. j>a. llnfa '; ra MlRE1il1' _ 10ICES >w ftp FRAME �tOCAI DELNERY A7611ress set GAYLY NT SER!/lCE LM f�3.31 V6, air coadilioaing, am/ha cassette with CO, power windows, power locks, automatic transmission, four wheel ABS Purchase price excludes, freight, PDI, and all taxes, and lic. " Lease based on 36 month, 20,000 F.ms per year with 4000 dawn payment, all taxes, freight, and lic, extra. ALR 6.21/6 OAC. 1 LNe Is a journey. Enjoy oohs rkle. Ask About Our "No Nonsense" Lessingl INL'B'"I" ATA FAIR PRICE'" AYE I_9 r Durham team works to reduce water consumption *M110,111111" Sett Writer WHITBY — They're easily spotted by their wide -brimmed beige canvas hats, trekking through Durham's residential neighbourhoods. But they aren't a pack of sub- urban jungle hikers. They're Durham's water -efficiency team, leaching homeowners how to use water more effectively. "We're not the water police here, we're just informing poo- ple," says Heather Stuart, a mem- ber of the team, made up of sum- mer students, who are visiting 800 residences in Oshawa, Whit- by, Pickering, Ajax, Port Perry and Uxbridge to share informa- tion and pointers on how to reduce water use. "People aren't stupid; they just don't know, - she says, explaining folks are sometimes surprised when they Team about water consumption and ways to reduce it. This project is an expansion of a study done last year in Ajax, which looked into the best ways to reduce water consumption, says Ambrose Samulski, a Durham College and Trent Uni- versity instructor commissioned by the Region's works depart- ment to complete the study and continue the programme this year. The study showed water ttse actually drops by offering infor- mation and small items such as washers for garden hose, and rain gauges for lawns. "We didn't think it would work." says Krista Shavc, who worked on last year's study and is working as a water -efficiency Size meas photo by ON* tdpshat Krista Shave of Water Efficiency Durham shows Mark Smail how to place and read a rain gauge. advocate this year. But it did. And soon after they began neighbours in the study area were approaching the water - efficiency workers in the streets asking them for items such as rain gauges and grass -cycling signs, eager to participate. Not only did people want to take part, but the efforts produced a 50 per cent decrease in the number of excessive lawn water- ing. Glen Pleasance, water -effi- ciency co-ordinator with the Region of Durham, says that kind of decrease is what's needed to help reduce the pressure on the Durham water system during the summer months. There's "at least a 50 per Leta increase in the summer months,-' he says. adding it is mostly a result of lawn -watering. "Our ability to supply water is getting pretty tight, so if we can is suds __ New Beer Store opens in Ajax .JAX — The town's p.m. Monday to Saturday. Vowing population and Aja- and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. eiarts' continuing thirst has Sunday. It offers r-5 brands prompted the opening of a by 35 brewers. second Rely Store litre. Beer Store president Pial Ajax Mayer Stcve P" Bartfn.linicw said the co m - told those gathered at the pany is ctrrrmined to mect- recent official opening of the ing its cusiorners' reeds. to new Beer Store on Hwy. 2 social responsibility and to east of Harwood Avenue that doing its port for the environ - the town needed a second merit outlet. -We're all very proud to Mayor Parish noted demonstrate our ongoing there's been "phenomenal effort to increase customer growth, especially in this crnveniencic." area of north Ajax.- Durham Chairman And the other Beer Sure Roger Anderson praised die on Commercial Avenue is the Bea Sere fir its commit - sixth busies outlet of 429 in anent to recycling. -I wish Ontario. other businesses had your Ten people are employed environmental record. If they at the self -serve outlet which ltd, we wotildn t need land - is open from 9:30 am. to 10 fills." EALT. Available in these Locations Life Max Natural Food Figuir Design Lde Max ? Natural Fad Figure Design Sports Median* YMCA FairportMedical Guardian Drugs Senior centre Jenny Craig Cnmmunin Centre Audiology Payless PickenngPhysothmpy Lrgent Care Pick. Square Pharmacy Forever f Fitness "'N' Fit Rougemount Physio. On the Brach Tanning A.B. Anwress Studio Pickering Ydlage Sourer Pinendge Natural Health To Advertise Call 0&&W` &X)6 Denise Atkinson 579-4400 part-nnie 16 Months - FuU-71me 12 Years Bialsdale Montessori School 28 years of Educational Excellence Thuds., July 30 Wed., August 5 403latipgoti Ra, Nu 545 Rd, Aju (w. of witgtiry a RolMrglat) (rug em of church) - Head OMs. • 415 Toynevele Rd., Pickering (South of Kingston Rd off Rougennount) 56 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (North off Hwy. 2 Just W. of Church) 365 Kingston Rd., Pickering (at Rougamount) Is (905) 509-5005 Head Office AMI Trained Teachers MIL W, reduce water, we can delay expansions (to water supply plants). he says. If the Region can reduce water consumption through the team of neighbotuhood visitors, it's sig- nificantly less expensive than expanding the plants, he says. "Tens of thousands of dollars for the students, compared to tens of millions for the expansion," Mr. Pleasance says. Based on the results and the reception of the programme by residents this year, Mc Pleasance says, the region is planning on continuing it next year, bringing it to other residents. Whitby resident Mark Smail, a new homeowner who has a gar- den for the first time, says he found the information and items given to him by the team, helpful. "I don't know if it will change it (his gardening habits), but i('s made me aware of it" he says. TBE NEWS ADVFirMM NTDNMAY. JULY 29. Ilflti - rAGZ S Local church collects to provide Third World aid A local church is seeking tion is trying to rebuild cottons- netted to diose countries through donations to aid the people of nities following a tidal wave the Ch sban Reformed Warta Sudan and Papua New Guinea which struck there several Relief Cormnitlee. In Sudan, the population is weeks ago. The New life Com- For more information, call ravaged by famine, while in munity Church is collecting Deacon lane Huyer at 839- Papua New Guinea, the popula- donations, which will be chart- 8083. HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found a good dental home! • A Full Range of Dental Treatments • Saturday and Evening Appointments • Flexible Payment options • A Relating, Stress -Free Atmosphere • Cosmetic Dentistry Call Us: 683-1432 DR. VIJAY BADHWAR • DENTISTRY 140 New Patients and Emergencies Welcome Conveniently located In the Ajax Plaza at 172 Harwood Ave. S. Summer learance S ,e�cular p up to Sdarewide swings on selected merchandise. Hunyin for best up to50% seleted Designer Fashi cons for Men & Women from these great names and more. iI �G�AIVT' HAUL C- +M Bianca WiairiE DENIM jkh Co. r � j 9"' "rd LIZ Clabor rte POLO JEANS CO. POLO RALPH LAUREN LOL)BEN 5-0/o off pm%jowly ;iAllre men'st and kids' spring & summer fashions PIS W/o off all outdoor furniture 25% off* Previously reduced women's shoes from Nine West, Enzo, Calico, Bandolini, and Amalfi • Of e, ends Aug. 3. 1998. t Excludes Designers. Savings on original ticketed prices unless otherwise specified. Selection and bands vary Dy store. Personal Shopping Only. Excludes Factory Outlet. Clearance Centres and Warehouse Stores, MGL 6 - THE NEM ADVE MSER WEIINESDAY, JULY 2l, Illi OPINION EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Beware perils of cyberspace Few can argue about the growing popularity and purpose of the Internet. Durham Region residents, for their part, have jumped on the bandwagon, purchasing or renting personal computers, signing up with local Internet service providers and surfing around cyberspace with great abandon. Interest continues to grow at an exponential rate. and communities across the region have been outfit- ting public libraries with computer stations to allow residents access to the great netherw•orld we've come to call the World Wide Web. And its uses — for everything from homework, to business research and online commerce — are as infinite as the imagination. Yet, as more businesses and families join the online masses, some of the dan- gers of the Net are becoming evident. And Durham Region hasn't been left untouched by the dark side of the Net. One recent case involved a Durham man who used the Internet to fuel sex fan- tasies involving children. Law enforcement officials have been busy getting online themselves to directly do battle on the electronic highway with the bad guys. Therefore it's important. even as we embrace the Internet and all of its promise, to identify trouble spots, rnorutor Internet usage in the home and work- place, and make it a safe, educational and useful tool for all. And kids, the record is beginning to confirm, are particularly vulnerable to predatory users out there in cyberspace. As !dike Moon, office manager with an Internet service provider in Durham Region says. "When you teach your kid to drive a car. you spend the first few months with him. The satire goes with the Internet. Don't let them drive alone." That's pure common sense. But use of the Net, in familiar surroundings or in the privacy of one's home, tends to give us a false sense of security about the perils of, for instance, talking intimately with strangers online, purchasing goods and service using credit cards. or visiting sites that may be inappropri- ate or even illegal for minors. As parents, we bear the same responsibilities in ensuring our children are cuing the Interact property and visiting age-appropri- ate sites, including chat rooms. In business, produc- tivity can suffer if employees are spending time surf- ing around sites unrelated to their task or project. And law enforcement must be given the resources and training to effectively police the Net in their own communities. The Internet may not know borders, but police certainly have an obligation to stake out their jurisdiction and monitor it accordingly. The Internet is, perhaps, the most important tool of the Information Age. Common sense, a commitment among individuals and groups to use it appropriately, and a measure of guarded skepticism can allow us all to make the most of it. It's a wonderful tool, with untold possibilities. But any tool used incorrectly or without regard for potential danger, can become a weapon against us. Take care when you're surfing. Pay attention at home and at work to who is using the Internet and where they're going. Finally. and per- haps most importantly, make sure your kids know the rules of the Information Highway before giving them the keys to the car. L= To respond editorial call 4`_.—_. Irtfosource at 683-77 0400 and dial 5112 WE AsK]ED THE QUESTION IS: HAVE YOU VISITED ANY DURHAM TOURIST ATTRACTIONS THIS YEAR? Loretta VrZovs- blaureeo Susan Holmes Id says "Petti- Thompson says says "We go to coat Creek. It's a "Cullen Gar- the Bow - great time for dens. We"ve manville Zoo the kids. We've had visitors every year. It's been there three from Europe and inexpensive and times already." they loved it." the kids get to generation'' Our great grandchil- see the animals list. Sure "tenants will always up close." WRITE ON The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each let- ter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advenis- er. News A D V E R T I S E R A IlAetrolarld Community Newspaper published four times weeldy on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 2H5 FeMislter: Tim WhMWter LETTERS OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE NEWS Airport lands shouldn't be left in limbo for another generation To the editor: Ocncmi hoods Lice Presidcr,: the Grcatcr lurunt. Airport Re -Pickering airport still up in Don Gibson, is in a serious state Authontv the air" article by Marianne of deterioration and unless Are we going to leave this Takacs maintained will join hundreds of public asset in limbo for another It's commendable for the other houses on the demolition generation'' Our great grandchil- News Advertiser to lead the pub- list. Sure "tenants will always dren may decide that food to lic debate on this sometimes complain" and yes some of the feed global and Ontario's co tome and ernmiox l issue. buildings were quite old (his- exploding population is a higher We might even discover that we toric) and in need of mwnte- priority. can have our cake and also cat it. nance. But people like Thomp- The Green Door Alliance, First let's clarify! The three son. Buckles and Gibson did not after exhaustive research and ladies who barricaded them- live in dumps. They laboured at analysis of management alterna- selves in a Pickering farm house restoration until expropriated. fives, concluded: were not protesting exproprta- Let's be fair! The federal • The land should he consolidat- tion. Expropriation had been government's mandate was to ed into farm units. confirmed: construction had simply and cheaply manage the • All public lands should be pri- started. Their protest was ideal- properties until an airport was vauzed- houses in the Hamlets istic. They believed there was no built. Conservation was not a of Brougham, Altona and a few need for a second airport and priority. There has been some clusters should be sold without even if there was a need the site observed improvement in recent restriction. Farms should be sold was environmentally unaccept- , years. More money is being as farm units along with the farm able. spent. There ane also signs of buildings: I am certain the civil servants improved willingness to work • Conservation agreements who manage the land do not with the community. Public (easements) should be registered want to be 'awful landlords% but Works have, for the first time, on farm properties before they they were given the task of man- applied to the Town for a zoning are sold to guarantee in perpetu- aging the lands as if an airport change for lands west of Clare- ity the conservation of agricul- were eminent, se why encourage mont. There is also a proposal tural capability and natural farm investment or conserva- under consideration to preserve areas. tion? The fact is the federal ten- part of the Duffins valley land The Green Door Alliance ants do not benefit from The south and cast of Claremont. wants to protect these lands from Landlords and Tenants Act or Twice, in 1987 and 1993, urban sprawl, encourage a farm the Planning Act. Federal oft -i- Transport Canada declared community and investment in cials do not have to consult the 9,600 and 5,300 acres surplus, farm enterprises. The site will be Town or abide by the Official but lacking public, municipal open space available for an air - Plan. The benefits of municipal and provincial participation and port if the need is apparent a government are denied to ten- due to community objections the couple of generations from now, ants. sale, programs fizzled. in the light of factual knowledge The photo by A.J. Groen was Will a second airport be need- on the capacity of Pearson and, taken in front of an historic ed? What for? Another Mirabxl? the travel demand and priorities 1840s squared field stone house. Who knows'' Pearson is under a of the mid 21st century. vandalized, boarded up, deterio- 57 -billion improvement pro- Everyone wins: all options rating and ready for demolition. gramme. Hamilton has received are open. The government In 1975 this house was good generous federal funding, and receives revenue from sales. enough to be rented by Dr. Paul awaits customers. London is Administration costs are gradu- Thompson, Dean of Scarbor- also a potential reliever airport. ally eliminated. Democracy ough College at the University The Buttonville 1150 -acre airport returns to Pickering. A vital farm of Toronto. Another beautiful could close, but obviously its community is nurtured. The historic dwelling on the 20th replacement does not need economy benefits from support sideline was the proud posses- 18,600 acres. for Durham's second largest sion of artist Jane Buckles and A GTA charter/ cargo/ recre- industry - agriculture! insurance executive Brian Buck- ational airport would fit, with les. It was vandalized and bull- space to spare into a few-hun- dozed. The old Bentley House in dred-acre site, which could be Lorne Almack, Brougham, expropriated from purchased by Durham Region or Claremont Good Samaritan helps frantic mother To the editor: the outside temperature fed. reunited and all was As a resident of hovering at 95 degrees Jim O'Flaherty, the well again. Ajax since 1942, I'm Fahrenheit due to the local landscape con- In addition to pleased to be able to 'Texas Scorcher,' a tractor tushing to com- Samaritan work, Mr. report the spirit of a young neighbour lady, plete a job nearby, O'Flaherty also does close-knit smaller com- a recent arrival in the quickly sent one of his first-rate landscaping munity where people area, had the misfor- busy men to assist the of which I am a satis- will readily help each tune of locking herself nearly frantic lady fled customer JUDITH GOULIN OPINION SHAPER . o Judith Goulin enjoys the simple pleasures of life in Ajax: cats, gar- dening and walking barefoot in the grass. The green, green grass of home My cat is the miner's canary and the message she brings home is not good. Signs on neighbourhood lawns and parks read only "Warning: Pesticide Use." without telling us what the dan- gers are. Consider this chilling thought for a July day ... The popular pesticide 2,4 D is a component of Agent Orange, a lethal chemical used in the Vietnam War. What are we thinking of when we blithely spray toxic substances on our lawns and gardens to fertilize, kill weeds and insects'? I dread the month of July, because twice my cat has been near death from pesticides. Hallelujah! She has sur- vived another July. Common symptoms of pesticide poisoning in animals include difficulty breathing, vomiting, runny eyes, foam- ing, diarrhea, seizures, coma and some- times slow death. In two summers past my pet suffered through almost con- stant foaming for many weeks. She looked rabid- I saved her life by feeding her with a syringe. Only seven lives left. Pesti are not the only ones endan- gered by lawn spraying. July is haz- ardous to gardeners who get close to the ground to dig and pull weeds, to anyone who enjoys walking barefoot to children playing and to wild animals. Lawn spray lurks silently on the st r - face and has the potential to travel through the air affecting all living things. Pesticide poisoning in humans may go undetected because it looks like flu or allergies. The short and long-term harm includes headaches, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, coughing, blurred vision, fatigue, heart trouble, stroke, birth defa:ts, miscarriages, cancer and death. Pesticides can be absorbed through the skin of humans and animals. One of the inalienable rights and rites of sum- mer ought to be walking barefoot through the grass. While we may con- sider the local skunks, squirrels, rac- coons, mice, groundhogs and birds as pests, this is no way justifies our will- ingness to sentence them to long and Painful death. Whether they absorb pesticides or lick their feet is a moot point. The Crop Procctio n Insutuic trum- pets that: "Pesticides play an important role in helping homeowners and municipalities maintain lawns, gar- denis, golf nurses and green spaces. They contribute to a standard of living and a quality of life all communities enjoy." Whose standard of living and whose quality of life? If pesticides are as safe as their advocates would have us believe, there would be no meed to post warning signs on a sprayed lawn. Pity that animals and some children cannot read. Statistics Canada reports that 500.000 homes are treated by profes- sional lawn rare companies annually. Not what I call a treat! When people and animals are not safe on a sprayed lawn, when goldfish in water gardens are endangered by drifting pesticides, it should be a red flag for all of us. It is worth remembering that there are many alternatives: natural lawn care services, fertilizing with grass clippings and compost, hand -pulling weeds, overseeding, reducing lawn size, using alternative ground covers of plants or even stone. The spectacular front yards in the southwest feature crushed stone in various colours and patterns, accented with a few plants and shrubs, and no grass to maintain! Lawns rising natural methods of fer- tilization and weed and pest control do not look much different from others. My lawn is not perfect, but it looks green and healthy. It is not lethal. Corse, walk barefoot through my lawn, roll in it, play with my cat, bend down and smell my flowers and tickle my goldfish. It will not make you sick! It other in time of need is out of her house with Hungry, new son and The News Advertiser selected 13 Opinion still alive and well here. her week-old baby boy much -relieved mother John McNevin, Shapers for 1998 to bring a wide variety of The other day with inside waiting to be were soon happilyA l experience and opinions to our editorial page for your reading enjoyment TIM WHITTAMER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland JOANNE BURGHAROT Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD Director of Advertising MONIQUE LEA Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK Classified Advertising Manager DUNCAN FLETCHER Real Lstate/Automotive Advertising ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL Assistant Production Manager CHERYL HAINES Assistant Production Manager LILLIAN HOOK Administration Manager GENERAL 683-5110 CLASSIFIED 683-0707 DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 ADMIN/CLASSIFIED FAX 683-7363 COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 newsroom*durham.net E-MAIL www.durbamnews.net WEB SITE l �) Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax b Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ontario Press Council, So Gould St., Toronto, Ont. M5B 2M7, an indepen- dent organization that addresses reader com- phints about member newspapers. The pub- lisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. oWVMM WW1qVWA1V. JMy ", l"s Internet explorers surf the world jERC DowD But all worldwide web users must search with safety in mind, experts warn of hods 111i Stall Writer The possibilities are endless. Consider this small sampling of the countless websites you can reach with the click of a button: April Fools on the Net. Asian business directories, the Beatles homepage, Broadway World- wide, the Chocolate Lover's Page, Farmer's Almanac, Horror Writers Association, Lego Homepage for Lego - maniacs. Mr Potato Head, Paintings of France's National Muwums. Psycholo- gy Helpnet, Suck Quotes and the Yuck- iest Site on the Internet. Really, you're limited only by your imagination, as the Internet has some- thing to offer just about every interest and every age group. At the Pickering Public Library, for example, patrons have looked for information on such specific questions as where courses in blackjack dealing are offered, what an antique watch might be. worth and tate words to the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow. More popular topics include health, travel, universities and colleges, employment, favourite celebrities and sports. Many patrons also like to view newspapers from around the globe. The library offered seminars when nine computers dedicated to the Internet first went online and it will offer anoth- er round of seminars aimed at older adults this fall. While many in that age group are intimidated by the technolo— gy. head of adult services Linda Linton believes the Internet has a lot to offer them. '-nccv can make travel plans, moni- tor their investments and communicate with their grandchildren," notes Ms Linton, who credits the Internet with bringing hack letter writing. "Familics these days are far Flung:' she explains. "When you're un the phonic. you're trying to remember everything you want to say and the clock is ticking away. Sending a letter (by e-rruil) is a lot cheaper and is a wonderful way for people to keep in touch." Admittedly, the Internet offers an often overwhelming amount of infor- mation from around the world on almost any topic. And while much of the informauon avadabic is "very cur rent and topical", Ms. Linton warns that it is -not always the first source of infor- mation. Sorrwtimes, the good old book on the shelf is more thorough." Cathy Grunt, the library's manager of business online services, concurs. "A book gots through a whole editing process.- she explams. "1 could wnte something up and have it on the Internet in two seconds.- iChildren's k rules -for online safety Child Find offers 'My Rules ,.for Online Safety', a list of tips 1for grade school children, which it recommends posting Jnear the computer as a • I will not give out personal ormation such as my dress, telephone number, rents' work address/tele- one number, or the name d location of my school with - It my parents' permission. • 1 will tell my parents right ray N I come across infomla- n that makes me feel • 1 will never agree to get lather with someone 1 'meet' one without first checking Ih my parents. If my parents ree to the meeting, 1 will be re that it is in a public place d bring my mother or father • I will never send a person r, picture or anything else Mold first checking with my • I will not respond to any ummages that are mean or in cry way make me feel uncom- mable. It is not my fault if I let a message like that. If I do, will tell my parents right away o they can contact the online • I will talk with my parents we can set up rules for ing online. We will decide on the time of day that 1 can online, the length of time I n be online, and appropriate Sas for me to visit. I will not cess other areas or break )se rules without their per - Surfing the Internet — is a favourite pas- a time for five-year-— `—='-q Til- r zT�' old Connor LeBlanc (-, W___=; ---� and his father Norm, seen here finding out more informa- tion about sharks, r one of Connor's interests. At right. Disney's Internet site offers surfers and particularly young surfers -- an interactive and colourful worldwide web exerience. While there's a mvriad of reputabk sites on the Internet, "there's also a 1(x of misinformation out there." notes Ms. Grant, pointing to health as a topic You'd want accurate mGxm:uioxa on. There are, however, numerous support groups that have a loot to offer. Still, the Internet can be a "nice com- plement" to a N -11t, admits Ms. Grant. pointing to a student researching dinosaurs who may turn to a book for hackground information but tour a museum on the Internet. Finding your way through the Inw- net can be daunting at first many users agree. But, with practice, it is navigable. "It's a skill, like anything else," explains Ms. Linton. "Sometimes people miss a step, but the more you use it and prac- tise it. the better you'll get." The key to making your journey as stress -free as possible is understanding your search engine, advises Durham Net office manager Mike Moon, who compares a search engine to a library's "Dewey decimal system. If you have control of your search engine, it will save you aggravation and frustirauon;' maintains Mr. M,x,n To illustrate, when Mr Morn sought information on the Oshawa General, hockev team. he found 17 million refer- erwcs when he entered O.hawa Gcncr- als Hockey, as the search engine located each of those words. But when he entered Oshawa+Generals+Htx:kcs. Mr. !Noon found just 124 references. While Mr Moxrti is among those who found the Internet a fcxm of enter- taamncnt when he first began surfing it. he now turns to it as a source of rcfer- cnce — whether it's finding out what's on TV that night or researching a prod- uct hoc's considenng purchasing. He's so convinced of the Internet's influence that he would hesitate pur- chasing a big-ticket item from a manu- facturer who's not yet on the Web. "if they don't have a website. I'd wonder what kind of after -purchase service they'll provide;' admits Mr. Moon. "More and more companies are going on the Net. If they're not on the Net, they're going to be because their competitors will roll right past them," he predicts. And with beefed-up security mea- sures, Mr. Moon is confident it's getting easier and easier to do business on the Internet. "Because of the fears people have about security, the Internet people have gone overboard in making it secure," explains Mr. Moon. He believes it's safer to provide a credit card number on the Internet than over the telephone because it's sent through a code that is deciphered on the other end. Mr. Moon points to his expe- rience in the retail industry. "How many sales clerks have access to your infor- mation?" he wonders. "Everyone knows your signature and your expiry date. The Internet is much, much more secure." While Ms. Linton recognizes there i, a potential for problems, she urges anyone wanting to make a purchase over the Internet to ensure they're dealing with a legitimate and reputable company. She believes the Internet is "less intrusive" than someone phoning you because "you choose to go on the Internet. It's not the same as a phone call from someone asking for your (credit card number). A slick salesperson can catch you unaware.' - For a Pickering resident who hosts a chat room fur mothers (a( www.momsonline.com), the Internet has been a great way to make fncnds. "We hear from a lot of stay-at-home mom, who go (online) for support, so they can have some adult convcrw- noxn and don't lose their minds;' says Nato ma Houston. The mother of three used the chat rooms several months before applying for and being interviewed fix the host job online. It's her respo sibility to keep the chat room safe. "IT)ere's no foul lan- guage. no sexual talk alk)wcd.' Mrs. Har un, rcpa,rt.- '-1 ern kick a Pere.— out if that corm.% up.: ox the most part, I just sit there and have fun." She has enjoyed learning about other cultures as she 'chats* with parents from the United States, England. Australia and other countncs. Mn. Houston has spoken to several over the phone and considers them among her best friends. "It's become a way of life for me," she says of the Internet. "It lets me decide when I'm going to spend time with my fncnds. At first it was hart because they're faceless, but I've gotten to know them well and whit they look like really doesn't matter" Keeping your kids safe in Cyberspace... Whether you've dubbed it the 'information highway' or -cyber- space', the Internet is making its way into many homes, schools and busi- nesses. An educational and entertain- ing tool, it changes daily. Indeed. the myriad of topics avail- able at the touch of a fin)-crtip has many parents concerned about the controversial sites their children can visit. Those copcerns have led to the introduction of a number of blocking programmes, including Cyber patrol and SurfWatch. Other blocking pro- grammes are Net Nanny, security software for home PC users and N2H2, which provides Internet filters for schools, families and businesses. While such programmes may allow some parents to breathe a little easier, at least one Internet provider believes "driving the Internet is the same as driving the car" and argues children "must be taught the rules of the road before they're given the keys. "When you teach your kid to drive a car, you spend the first few months with him," explains Durham Net office manager Mike Moon. "The same goes with the Internet. Don't let them drive alone." An avid user of the Internet, Mr. Moon has given his nine-year-old son "limited access" to the information highway. He has heard few requests for blocking programmes and believes the majority of those who do want such programmes "are not com- fortable with the (Internet) them- selves". When Durham Regional Police and Ajax Block Parents held an Inter- net safety seminar recently, they turned to the Child Find website, which points to -some highly publi- cized cases of abuse involving com- puters," but notes, "reported cases are When you teach your kid to drive a car, you spend the first few months with him -The same goes with the Internet. Don't let them drive alone.' -Mike Moon relatively infrequent." Still, the Child Find website warns that teenagers are at particular risk "because they often use the computer unsupervised and are more likely than young children to participate in online discussions regarding com- panionship, relationships or sexual activity." Child Find identifies the following as risks: • Exposure to inappropriate mater- ial. A child may be exposed to inap- propriate material of a sexual or vio- lent nature. • Physical molestation. A child might provide information or arrange an encounter that could risk his or her safety or the safety of other family members. • Harassment. A child might encounter e-mail or bulletin board messages that are harassing, demean- ing or belligerent. But "to tell children to stop using these services would be like telling them to forgo attending college because students are sometimes vic- timized on campus," the website maintains. "A better strategy would he for children to learn how to be 'street smart' in order to better safeguard themselves in any potentially -danger- ous situation." Child Find offers the following guidelines for parents: • Never give out identifying infor- mation — such as home address, school name or telephone number — in chat Homs or bulletin boards and be sure you're dealing with someone you know and trust before giving it out via e-mail. • Consider using a pseudonym or unhsting your child's name if your service allows it. • Get to know the services your child uses. • Never allow a child to arrange a face -to -fare meeting with another computer user without parental per- mission. If a meeting is arranged, make the first one in a public spot and be sure to accompany your child. • Never respond to messages or bulletin board items that are sugges- tive, obscene• belligerent, threatening or make you feel uncomfortable. If you do receive such a message, for- ward a copy of it to your service provider and ask for their assistance. • Remember that people online may not be whom they seem because it would be easy for them to misrep- resent themselves. For example, someone who identifies themselves as a 12 -year-old girl could really be a 40 -year-old man. • Remember that everything you read online may not be true. Be very careful about any offers that involve coming to a meeting or having some- one visit your house. • Should you become aware of the transmission, use or viewing of child pornography while online, report it immediately to the National Center for Missing and exploited Children at 1-8W-843-5678. • Consider keeping the computer in a family room rather than a child's bedroom. Get to know their 'online friends' just as you get to know their other friends. PAGE 7 AT QUEEN'S PARK Let's talk about Premier Mike Harris's contro- versial government has stirred a lot of passions, but will have trou- ble with its latest claim it has induced people to have more sex. The odd boast was made by I Economic Development Minister AI Palladini, who attributed an increase in a leading manufactur- er's sales of condoms to an eco- nomic boom created by Mr. Har- ris's Progressive Conservatives. Mr. Palladini said residents are more prosperous and happier and therefore having more sex, which j "kind of go hand in hand," although it is not known whether he intended a sly play on words. He said he was encouraged because more people having sex "arc doing it in a safe way," and buying condoms, which helps the economy at the same time. When a reporter pointed out sales of liquor as well as condoms and partying all have increased, Mr. Palladim pleaded, "I hope they give Mike Harris's government the credit for all the partying that's igoing on and all the positive things that are happening in our econo- my, Some of the theorizing of the minister, who used to be a car dealer and to whom exaggerations come easily, is open to question. If people buy more condoms, it is not conclusive proof they have more sex. They may merely be taking more precautions because of increased appeals for safe sex. Some possibly use condoms — dare it he said'' — because they feel they cannot afford or do not want to bring up children in a soci- ety where Mr Harris, more than any premier betore him, is disman- tling the social safety net. Women on welfare will be par- ticularly apprehensive about becoming pregnant because Mr. Harris stopped a small extra fdxxt allow ante given pregnant wcffare i recipients. All that extra ho oze Mr Palla- dino is overjoyed residents are swilling down may even he crod- ing restraint and promoting what in stricter times would have been called promiscuity with unending help from movies and TV showing imen and women jumping into bed within minutes of saying hello. On top of this there are always questions about how much Mr. Harris is responsible for economic growth. when experts overwhelm- ingly attribute it more to a boom in the U.S. and low interest rates over which he has no control. Many. and particularly Tories, will consider Mr Palladim's boast that his government boosts con- dom sales, in poor taste. Tories tra- ditionally have been reticent in discussing tax. Long -serving William Davis, father of five, never used the word publicly in 14 years as premier as he urged maintaining family val- ues. Mr. Harris's government recent- ly outlined its policy on sex educa- tion in elementary schools, wanted abstinence stressed as the primary means of preventing pregnancy and sounded embarrassed it even i raised the issue. The Tones continue to claim to be the party which supports family values, but oddly. more than anv 1 other, they have had problems with ' sex. Mr. Palladini would have felt i more at home discussing it pub- licly because he is the only minis- ter in memory sued by an ex-girl- friend for support of achild. He admitted while married he had an affair with an employee at his car dealership and was already paying support which she wanted increased. The only Speaker of the Legis- lature. or MPP for that matter, sued for allegedly sexually harassing a woman employee is a Harris Tory, Allan McLean, who was pushed quickly from that office by Mr. Harris and MPPs, although the allegation still has not been proven. Mr. Harris also has the only MPP arrested for soliciting a policewoman posing as a prosti- tute, Bill Vankoughnet, who was sent on a course which lectures offenders on the damage caused by prostitution. Mr. Harris's Tories will still try to portray themselves as support- ers of family values in an election next year because of their hard line against street crime, but they are not helped by a minister's boast they promote booze, parties, con- doms and sex. PAGE 9 - THE NEWS ADVI:[rTt.r:R WEDNF:SDA1. JUIN 29.19" View to a grill photo by A.J. Groen When The Youth Centre In Ajax held a barbecue to raise money for Toronto's Hos- pital for Sick Children last Friday. Matt Somers and Catherine Finan took up the challenge and lent a hand at the grill. Another fund-raising barbecue will be held this Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the centre at 360 Bayly St. Money collected that day will go to the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital Man injured in industrial accident AJAX -- A 26 -vicar -old Oshawa man oras .c%crely burned from the want down while working at an Ajax paint producer. The s ictim was attempting to change a filter bn a paint line at Dominion Colours on Finley Asenuc when the pct blew off, covering the man's lower body with liquid with a temperature of 90 -degree Celsius. police .aid He was rushed at approximately 9:30 p m. on Sunday to Ajax-Pickcr- ing Hospital and later tramterrcd to the burn unit at %%'cllcslcy Hospital in Toronto_ No other details were available yesterday Dr. Kevin T'ybcr OPTOMETRISTS _ • Dispensing of Contact lenses and glasses • Complete Family Eye Care • Low vision Services EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY IS Marwood S. n..... "` , 2, 427-4144 Please Recycle Me.... BILLBOARD WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 SINGLE PARENTS: The Ajax -Picker- ing Chapter of the One Parent Families Association holds its weekly meeting for custodial and non-custodial parents at 8 p.m. at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club, corner of Church and Bayly Sts., Aiax. New members wel- come. 831-1201. CANCER: Yoga for Bodies Under Stress for cancer patients or their care- givers is held from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, B6 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Take a blanket and small pillow. Limited space, registration required. 579-4833. CANCER: Hearth Place Cancer Sup- port Centre offers relaxation and guid- ed imagery techniques for cancer patients and their caregivers from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Sup- port Centre 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. 579-4833. BIBLE STUDY: The Durham Christian Community Church, a new church in north Pickering, holds a ladies' Bible study every Wednesday at 10 a.m. The church is at 5460 Sideline 30 in the community of Altona. Everyone wel- come. Childcare available. Phone 426- 2823. THURSDAY, JULY 30 CANCER BEREAVEMENT: TLC, an informal open support group for care- givers recently bereaved due to cancer is held from 7 to 9 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, 86 Colborne St. W.. Oshawa. Register, 579-4833. FRIDAY, JULY 31 ADDICTIONS: Serenity Group holds a 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church. 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group deals with addicrtions of all types, including co- dependancy. A child care programme s available during the meeting. 428- 9431 (Jim). PFWV SW. re..w-s . c llc Fair r 0 9 t PsychK tarot 8 1 t" poirn rwars galore r # A piy�}� rMlSN/m yoult warts b �brr: �� t tree woures &lentos 1, � : mor wat amoze �,,,, .. • rh" loo has It ON. ►wchie MMIw tort 4 mtr, 4 dopst Jul. 31 '*4-10 sar 11.10 Aug. 1,2,3hmhi1q Whitby Curling Club 815 Brock 51 worth (Frorlwy Opt Exit 410, North on Brod 51 wn�m cn becomes Brock St N I 6. w etr rM� quids so'a ,n.tta4-Pwcm . If you've been getting a busy signal... we're sorry. We know that many of our customers have been trying to call us about billing services and power outages. And. we realize that many of you have not been able to get through.. even on your second or third try. Here's why you may be having trouble reaching us. With our switch to a new bill and new payment schedules, along with our regular daily service inquines, we are experiencing an unprecedented, high number of calls to our Customer Communications Centre. Although we did add staff to handle more calls than usual, we are unable to keep up with the high number of calls coming in. For this, we'd like to apologize to each and every caller. We know that many customers have waited a long time to speak to a customer service representative... that others gave up while on hold... and that many more of you simply can't get through to us. Don't worry if you can't get through. We are doing our best to keep up and answer as many calls as we can. In the meantime, we'd like to assure you that you won't incur any additional charges as a result of delays in reaching us. Our customer service representatives will make sure that you are treated fairly and that any questions you may have are answered. Again, we are sorry for any inconvenience. L4t_' _A Christopher Bieber Vice -President Customer Care Services 40 Ontario Hydro Customer Communications Centre, PO Boa 5700, Markham. Ontario, MR ICA fax 1-888.625-4401 E-mail www.onhydro.com Phone 1-888-564-9376 GRAND OPENING AUGUST 1st ulk'n bits BULK FOOD Don't Let The GM Strike Get You Down. At Boyer W1 IN 108ded with INVENTORY1 `Ep'Sx~G NEW IVEHICLES fr°� DEMO'S & x RUCK 98 YUKON SILT 4WD ff 2 FIRE FLY'S 27 SUNFIRE SEDANS, " p "LEAS"nSr COUPES, 8 GT's o -n •�,r.np cors. r . •383*ire 4 98 GRAND AMS s.aa_ 42,288 5 99 GRAND AMS 5 GRAND PRIX'S 98 SUNRRE SE COUPE 2 BONNEVILLES 5 TRANSPORTS Air 2 2L am tin sass . p& p0 sPort.neeitrim, 2 CENTURY'S aA>"2- 7 REGALS SALE -'16,999 W 11 LESABERS 99GItAtIOAIISESEJ)At4 1 RIVIERA ron, Buckets, air auto, 3 SONOMAS 5 SIERRA PICK UP 15004x4* SAM279* err. 3 SIERRA PICK UP 1500 2WD' SALE - 21,489• 6 SIERRA PICK UP 2500 4x4* (*mixed regular Cab 8 ext Cab) IB GRAND PRIX SE 2 SAVANNAS 1 CUBE VAN 16' BOX ,adad.pirpol.larrry 1 SAVANNA SPECIAL CAB �w" 18 SAFARI VANS aAn-'31 '31sc*r9*h,.. 2 SAFARI ALL WHEEL DWE YAKS sius-'24,828 1 GMC CREW CAB 5i0n 2 99 YUKON'S 4x4 dar- Us 3 99 DENALI'S 4x4 3 99 SUBURBAN'S 98 FULL SIZE P J Reet ixi 4.3L vcxtm rear slop lunger, ty0lfh din, ps. P6 . rare! from 98 SAFARI EXT. VAN _�- Cbo,, j,11 is,. . p., OK ata4. '269*,r.. SALE 25.599• caom C• p01.:m. .rine au 8L, dkictrom cantrar. +aro. cam LKAW - 0358*r BALE '36,988• 91 TRANSPORT EXT. 4dr AW didd seals, ac, ass., and artier, atilo, pd. elrernoli Tkrm.3.41 sti r6, much more LEAaa -'338*r-rd Baa *r SALE -'27,999• 96 SUNFIRE GT wAss er*v, ar. ori 2.0 cwt GM EMPLOYEES WELCOME Bpy erCERTIK GMC TCERTIFIED 10MING COMMERCIAL 10 PONTIAC BUICK GMC TRUCKS 831-2693 (905) 686 - Toronto 798-7989 715 Kingston Rd. ilIlIll Exit 401 at Whites Rd. THF: NEWS AUYF..xrt%M W EI)INF_SDAY. JULY 29, lift - PAGE 9 ENTERTAINMENT .NIGHTLIFE IN AJAX AND PICKERING Seniors ' showcase Local dancers Kick Up A Fuss in Toronto PICKERING — The Ifhh annual Royal Bank Seniors' Jubilee will take on a clecidedly local flavour at Toronto's Roy Thomson Hall this month. The Jubilee, set for the Toronto concert hall Aug. 17 to 21, will feature more than LAX) performers from more than 75 Ontario communities. Over the years the event. dubbed A Week -Long Celebration of Age- less Talent, has showcased thou- sands of performers from across the province. Angela Cameron, of Picker- ing, will be leading her Kick Up A Fuss clogging group into the Seniors' Jubilee on Aug. 21. The group is made up of 50 cloggcrs Ajax camps A Junwr hrchghter Camp for kids aged I I to 14 year. is offered by the Town of Ajax and the Ajax Fire Department. R includes fire prevention methods, guest speakers. a trip to the Port Hope Fire Muse- um, water hall, graduation ccr- emorI and more. Four one- week sessions are offered. — the oldest being 82 years of age — from across Durham Region and from as far away as Markham. 'Ihc group will perform the country dance form akin to step dancing, but with high kicks. The Kick Up a Fuss Clog- gers have been a fixture at the event for the past five years and it's definitely the highlight of the season for the group. "We always look forward to it. There are seniors from all across Ontario performing;" says Ms. Cameron, an instructor of clogging in the area. Following the programme presented by the Kick Up A Fuss Cloggers, four members of offer unique beginning Aug. 10. The cost ns $99 per week per participant and it's held at Erre Station #2 on Monarch Ave. Also offered is Camp Canoe, which is aimed at nature lovers and canoe enthu- siasts. It will focus on canoe skills, with the majority of the group called The Four Kicks will perform several examples of Celtic clogging. Cameron, along with partner Betty McInnes, will also take the stage during the five-day showcase while donning big top hats for the clogging number The Old Red Barn. Other locals in the showcase are ballroom dancers Sandy and Gord Brittain, who will perform several examples of popular dance form during the Seniors' Jubilee. Tickets for the Roval Bank Seniors' Jubilee, at $14. $23 or $26, are on sale at the Roy Thomson Hall Box Office or by calling (416) 593-4822 ext. 225. experience each m,ming spent on the water. The afternoon features games. It's for kids aged eight to 14 Nears and is $140 per week per participant. It's offered at Duffrns Creek and Rotary Park. Fur more information, or to register, call 427-8811. photo by Ron Pietronlro All the world's a stage If the line by Shakespeare is true. that includes air production in the Es,arade Park Gazebo in Pickering, the site of a production of Macbeth Pickering featured Dan Gallo as Macbeth and was staged by the Driftwood Theatre Group. An open- met with a warm reception in the community. 69EE A nR 69 0 . oma ElectronicrAs Sale Sale prices on these items end Sunday, August 2, 1998 Plus eve-vday goof values X STEREO TV Wish plater menu. TV Gari rbs.' • theatre saim and 2 tuna picWrao picture. .repo Save $20 SEARS 4 -HEAD VCR Doable armA desgn for distortion hoe special affects 1 record speeds and 3 playback speeds. 930307 Sean reg 249.99. 229.99 259'9 HITACHI 4 -HEAD STEREO HI-FI VCR Emy-lean trilingual display. Tape ranoinder irdicalor. Super high speed rewind. Muhi-brad rlMde. #30314 C 0 ELECTRONICS" H ITACH Save 550 RCA COLORTRAK PLUS" TV • Comb filter for sberper pictures • Auto control maintains natural flesh tones and colours between cbenaels • 30 second commercial skip • Malti-broad remote central • Sloop end alarm timers 014W. Sears ray. 649.99. 599" MyTon F-MVIA re JVC �&V"" Lags] Sawa $20 JVC COMPACT STEREO SYSTEM tripler Q clanger with active bass eraension and 3 way Spoakem 110 pan toad output •'I s39 Sears reg 319 99 359.99 Save $50 PIONEER DOLBY- PRO -LOCI( SURROUND SOUND SYSTEM 25 -disc CD and dual cassette players. S speakers and stand trrofnrded 310 wan total wipt. •te9eo Sears reg ! 099 99 999.99 Save $20 PIONEER 100 WATT MINI STEREO SYSTEM 3 -disc CD diorger and full -logic dual cassene player. 2 way speakerswith Fo ofer for deep bass. -78534 Sears reg. 369 99. 349.99 0 RCA M PIONEER! While Quantities Inst 07.101 C.pyr-yh! +998 Sears Canada Inc. PAGE 1• -THE NEWSAD1'ER't'ISER w F:111VESDA1. A 1A 29.1"S Ajax residents invited to name that school AJ.t X — Ajax rc,idcnts ha,c a couple of days lett to have their say in the naming of a new cIc- mcntary school in the Her- mitage North area. The Durham District School Board is invit- ing Ajax resi- dents' input on possible names for the new school at 25 Harkins Dr. The board is considering three names for the school, including • Daniel McCarthy Pub- lic School, after a Valley Farm Public School student who died of leukemia at age 14 Daniel had raised S40AM to w a r d l e u k e m i a research. • Alexander Graham Bell Public School, after the inven- tor of the tele- phone, teacher and naturalist. • Louise Richardson Rorke Public School, after the author of children's books in the 1930s and 1940s and teacher who lived near the site of the new school. A n y o n e wishing to c 0m m e n t should write before July 31 to Ajax trustee Darryl Blakely, Durham Dis- trict School Board. 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. 1.IR 2K6. The school is scheduled to open in January 1999. For infor- mation call 666-55(X). i.= aa, , Beanie bonanza When some brand new Beanie Babies came out last Saturday, avid collectors began lin- ng up (left photo) at the Hallmark Laura Sec- ond store at Durham Centre at about 6 a.m. to ensure their collection was complete. Atiove. Robbie and Christine Gibson were among the lucky ones able to purchase the yew Beanie Babies when the store opened at 9.30 a.m. RIGHT HERE! RIGHT HERE! RIGHT HERE! own W W a Fc70" 98 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SPECIAL EDITION (Brand New) • Power Windows • Air Conditioning • Drivees Side • • Automatic • Roof Rack Sliding Door • Floor Mats • 7 Passenger *BRAN 1) NEW •V0 •AM/FM W • Power Locks Cassette 420ires NEON HICPHUNE _ 4 DOOR • Air • Automatic • NO AIR TAX Conditioning • Power e NO GA5 TAX • AM/FM Steering e NO FREIGHT Cassette • Power Brakes N W! WI GRAND VOYAGER • 7 Passenger •Air Conditioning ri -rat,Wheel *AM/FM Cassette• NO AIR TA •Y6 •Automatic •NO FREIGI �_ I • Power Windows • Cruise Control C• Pbwer Locks • Driver's Side Sliding Door • i to choose from $.2 1 jr881 4 6LAMIY� f19 HARWOOD AVE. .. a SE DEALERS WELCOME • NO PHONE ORDERS . W/i , • DEALERS WELCOME 6 e • NO PHONE ORDERS • DEALERS WELCOIIAE 10 �m M SPORTS RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING photo by Ron Pfetroniro Blocking the way Ajax United Nelson Hobbies Jam Blake women's soccer league action at Roland keeps the ball away from Uxbridge Mitchener Field in Ajax Storm's Pam Ravitch during recent THE NEws AUV EirrisElt wEDN&%DAY. JULY 29, im - PAGL it BEERS & WINES 4*10 WINE IS UFE THE REST IS DETAILS! 1�ea��' ger' "'�i37-lila Pickering rugby player aims for second Eastern title By Al Rlveff sports editor PICKERING — A Pickering rugby player hopes everything goes according to plan for his Ontario under -I8 team in its upcoming appearance at the Eastern Canadian Rugby Championships in New Brunswick this month. Erik Cuzzolino. 18. says he confident he'll bring home his second consecutive Eastern Canadian title as his Ontario under -17 side captured the title last year. Ontario is again favoured to capture the rugby crown in Fredericton. New Brunswick playing against provincial teams from Quebec. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland. P.E.I. and New Brunswick. "I think e. 11 win it no prob- lem:' predicted Cuzzolino of the championships which began U C'L$ �4 U +—s U U U �C/) I a5 l� Pickering teen trampolinist qualifies for worlds down under _Oualified for worlds Hockey school 111 Pickering DICKER- ING — Young hockey players can brush up on their skills before the beginning of the season at a non-profit hock- ey school in Pickering in September. The school, run by volunteer coaches, will focus on skills development through fun, organized drills for players aged five to nine years. The school will otter one session of three one-hour classes at Art Thompson Arena Sept. 15 to 17 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. each day. Class size is limited to ensure individual atten- tion. All children will receive a certificate of achievement. Cost is $35 to pay for ice time and supplies. Early registra- tion is recom- mended. For more information, call Paul Etherington at 420-2971. PICKERING — A Pickering teen hopes to be houncing her way to Australia later this year. Amber Pearce. 14, of Whuevale, captured the gold medal on individual trampo- line in the 13-14 age category at the recent Canadian Trampoline and Tumbling Championships in Montreal. The victory at the Canadian championships enabled Pearce to qualify for the World Trampoline Championships in Sydney, Australia. Although the member of Skynders Trampoline Place in Richmond Hill has quali- fied nt compete in Australia, her trip is still in limbo depending on whether she can raise the money to go. Trampoline has been recog- nized as an official Olympic sport for the 2004 Summer Olympics, but, as yet, there's no funding available for ath- letes. If you can help sponsor her or if you can donate a product or service to a silent auction, call (905) 471-6114. MASTERMIND Educational 0 ANNUAL _ Al 5 5 %OFF BRIO AND THOMAS Tuesday and continues until Aug. 5. "We have a lot of players on the team from last year so we have a lot of experience. A lot of us are hoping to go to the nation- al camp." A Flyhalf with the Ontario side, the OAC student at Pickering High School in Ajax hopes to use his offensive skills to bring Ontario the Eastern Canadian title. Cuzzolino led the provincial team to a 38-0 victory in an exhi- bition contest against a high school from England just prior to the Eastern Canadian champi- onships. In that game. Cuzzolino booted three converts and a penalty kick. Playing for the provincial under- 18 team, however, is not the major focus for his summer on the rugby field. Cuzzolino hopes to earn his way -back unto the Canadian under- I8 team when try -outs begin in Shawnigan Lake. B.C. on Aug. 13. Last September. Cuzzolino accompanied the national team on a playing tour of Germany where they compiled a 5-0 record, including a win over the under -19 German national team. This season, a spot on the national side would mean he'll represent Canada at the 1999 under 19 World Cup of rugby in Cardiff. Wales next April. While he's confident he'll be back on the national team. Cuzzolino says it will take a good training camp to ensure a spot on the squad. "I do feel confident about my chances:" says Cuzzolino. "it's going to be tougher this year than last year because it's the World Cup team. I want to be confident, but not overconfi- dent." 169EE A nR 169 r .1 a .«h 5; doe- : < oo - 32." 5/80017 6599 131.99 �SiBOR73 7499 44.99 95/754'4 7899 146,99 1'05/754'4 8099 47.99 5/75R'4 8799 51.99 c; 5/75015 $699 51.99 i5/75R'5 10199 60.99 ,70RU 7199 4299 3 5 #70113 7e W 45.M 5/70R'4 81919 43.99 �S t70#14 B5 99 30.99 5i 70R 14 8804 5299 5/700'.4 9099 51.99 1-5,'01115 9199 54.99 P_5.o51115 8999 51,99 i_ -4-4 warn-nry c..a«.. •, sea.,>s.., % � O __40 Our lowest prices of the season on B.F. Goodrich plus, y backed by an 80,000 Ion Tread wearout %rrantyt �r,,a­n9 g,ec• .awe - :r se,x:r ,•e 1% computer-asysted alt season road desgn, for HtpwKK performance on wet, dry and snow-covered roads Dishnch" White srdewoll or ro.sedl "er Block vderwall Idepend,ng �r+ uze� •3000e SAVE 40X Sport tires made for Sacs by MKBw Weatherwise/RoodHandler Sport premium all season tires with a 120,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty'. Comfort combined with performance and outstanding wet weather grip. #58000 serve SEARS ... SEVICE YOU �rE Q 1/2 pi . A Sears exclusive ' ' s 1 battery. Up to t 1999 . . r 900 cold cranking • amps of optimum Includes: - il, lube and filt Valvoline All -Climate motor 7�so r. Sean reg. 99.99 nspect.o� - Battery test and, ade-in'. #50000 ser Them5 deposit when you buya rxnv batat $ears. refundable with the rvium of your old battery for recycling Sols prigs aW Smi., Aug. 1b, 1111, 11 Wk illmotitMit Mitt 07421 Copyr,ghr 1998 $cors Conoda Inc OSFIAWA CENTRE8��IS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE DIRECT LINE DIRECT LINE 576-1716 420-0271 PAGE 12 - THE NEWS AVVLWM%ER WEDNESDAY. JULY 29, [tqa r Pickering Sox midgets split contests with Aurora,. Whitby PICKERING — The Pickering Red Sox singles for two runs hatted in. Bill Starmans had two pitching, going the entire nine major midget rep baseball split two league contests, winning and also singles, Jason Schwabe earned a RBI with a single and Ben .; B/q losing by identical scores. Gooch singled and also beat with two singles, followed by In a contest against Whitby. out a hunt for another single. 112 the Pickering midgets pre- Pickering's second run of the after hitting singles. Hindley vailed 4-2. Evan Risko pitched game came on a double steal hit grounder and fired it to be a fantastic game. working with Lawrence drawing the plate to record the out. Risko seven innings, registering 10 throw to second base, allowing made a difficult flyball catch strikeouts while allowing five Gooch u> steal horn. in centre field. In the bottom hits. Chris Lawrence allowed In the sc%cnth inning with of the ninth inning with two hits in closing out the final Pickering clinging to a 3-2 Pickering ahead 4-2 and two Innings. lead and Whnhy having the Whhhs having runners aboard, Lawrence also had a strong bases loaded and none out, catcher Brandon McMillan ng two game at the plate. huuw !Hike Hindle% caught a hard- !H gna uned strike to second base They're the champions The Amberlea Tennis Clubs Toronto Granite Club to Toronto. Pictured are Ladies' Day League representatives team captain Laura Green, Barb won their division and were awarded Hughes. Rosemary Aiken. Margaret the championship plaque at the Pascoe. Marnie Bracht, Patti Santoloce league's recent awards banquet at the and Kathy West. Pickering squirts finalists in softball PICKERING — squirts hauled ganicly pitching, going the entire nine The Pickering squirt throughout the contest by popular demand. boys' select softball only to lose I5-10. with two singles, followed by team made It to the Malvern salted away 112 championship final of the victor% after scoring after hitting singles. Hindley the Jayne Harris Annual four runs in the seventh Aug. 29. Memorial Tournament inning. Pickering came single. at Pickering's Kinsmen back to %•thin one run Ajax and the new Deer Park this past weekend. of Malvcrn with a score McDonald's restaurants. The tournament is of 11-10 after trailing w eight to 16, ith two clinic named in memory of 11-2 after three Jayne Harris. a valued innings. former member of the Pickering opened the Pickering softball com- tourney with a 29-6 vic- mumty who passed tory over Malvern away last June. The Jumor. In game two. memorial trophy Is on Pickering defeated display at the Pickering Marysale 29-1 behind Recreation Complex tine pitching supplied The event attracted by Shawn Cowie. 12 syuirl .Died team.. Shawn Donnelly con- P1aying in the event tribdilikl f4'Mta a were Malvern Senior, triple, double and two Malvern Junior. singles — in the game. ocO Mary vale. Milliken Tach Eastman recorded Mills. 7 Oaks. a home run and two sin- Bradford- Wcst Rouge. gies. North Bendale, In the third game. Woodbridge, East Pickering earned a spot GAillimbury and in the final after pound - Pickering. ing Unionville 12-2. Matched against the Pickering received out- undcteated Malvcrn standing fielding by j 4f Senior squad in the Ellis Bowen and B.J. i final. the Pickering Hann who combined F - for two double plays. Shawn Mcikle and Chits Dennis each had three hits. Team members are Tach Eastman• Shawn Donnelly. Adam tiorthern, Steven Manning, Michael Lindsay, Ellis Bowen, Shawn Cowie. Chris [lin I%, Shawn Mctklc. Ryan Briggs, Masood Bashir and B.J. Hann. The team is coached by Terry Eastman, with John Donnelly and Dave Northern assist- ing. The scorekeeper is Tum Lindsay. to erase a runner attempting to Defensively, the Sox con- defensive plays to the contest. steal second base to end the noted for three double plays Catcher McMillan made sever - contest. in the contest. Hindley, Kyle al key blocks of pitches in the Meanwhile, Pickering Sheppard, McMillan and dirt to keep runners from dropped a 4-2 decision to Lawrence all made heads -up advancing. Aurora. Risko provided strong c pitching, going the entire nine clinic for youngsters is back Innings on the mound. by popular demand. Lawrence led the offence A junior golf clinic is with two singles, followed by 4 Janie!; David and Schwabe 112 who scored the Red Sox runs Creek Golf Academy on after hitting singles. Hindley Z' singled and had a sacrifice Aug. 29. bunt, while Starmans added a 3 single. McDonald's Restaurants of Golf clinic offered again AJAX — A free golf times available: H a.m. to I 1 clinic for youngsters is back a.m. and I p.m. to 4 p.m. by popular demand. Instruction will be pro - A junior golf clinic is vided by Deer Creek Golf being offered for a second Academy professionals and time this year at the Deer all equipment will be sup - Creek Golf Academy on plied. Salem Road on Sattinfay. Lunch will be provided. Aug. 29. Registration forms will Sponsored by be available as.of Aug. 10 at McDonald's Restaurants of either the Bavly Street or Ajax and the new Deer the Heritage Market Square Creek Golf Academy, the McDonald's restaurants. clinic is open to juniors ages For more information, w eight to 16, ith two clinic call 427-3276. The Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Welcomes you to REGISTER YOUR KIDS FOR FALL 4 Day Aug. 26-29, 98 Registration Show L•! • Dance • Baseball • Gymnastics • Drama • Music a • Tae Kwon Do(Karate • Adult 3 Children • Soccer • Football • Educational Services • Modelling • Private Schools & more... #' 4 �dDy Pickering Town Centroes. 411 See Our Supplement Tu, August 25198 for Schedule of Show times. S. . . `h LEGEtID MUSIC EKfERPaSES 1 PEI P DENISE �— Co Sponsors DANCE ANT TER pV Rt wKa aoaoen txltttttala 11311,110111PICKERING 837-2526 TASK 1� sche�w of r AJAX. 683-1269 %-- iance v3" 1 a irquatsd at a bodh in the show a for general in m. otion •rI'la iettsr ieu. atdzaaett Call Chris 683-5110. FACTORY AUTHORIZED CLEARANCE OX'- *-Mm* ftwob -d10 >11 W" al *me W Will & MNNRr CM =1`7fI0It$: IWIM , ft~,10"14111111111, t�llna�, tift. RNW ow vow Hurry in for best selection. ONTARIO ■ • - D DEALERS r1 MIi MY 11X UMI CM •OM Mmniiro r r ., Mml •rw r/t/ M h ire. N wym b . nwwN. a %gym on Avp.ra .,.w m •,err ary.• b rNurY [mT X Seer v Xl/en `wit' try w rmm�Y n a •vorY pXrwllw i M rimngl rr r y.prm/ n %,.rmm.a m r.,rr.lr M1np.,r.wr r 1114 %r a b a p�ln mX r en.>nro. %. rYm.w �p r..«.w rn•rr.w r /• 1 .m,. 1/%bp IYbrw u a N.d I N Iygren 1� 51o..nmX1 wwlr Y r nM M 11Y Ipp XnXIX Inn II r nr omit rnl r tow IrAw 11Y • 4N r•w. wwpe. muwr N r rrpmrw m.. r,,,, nmr mr � nn•rrn/ ilii m Il] WI Mf.UW ! pr> Ipl Y rN r! r 11Y rn,r Mnriprn Spon rr,trw. XXpml i N41n bw� MMorn a mymrn vr4 •rwY r.y in•rNr� 11lrrn MSrXt)�rr�f'IMMiyoml rrrwuXm Nrrr4r..rybn.MNrf.Mir wIWY,Mp� hprl X WYpn •'u 1 Mmrml mw+F 1tlr11 YXMrrY wr err Iw. � rr.rw p11X1 rl..r w nrrrnr YwY. ww. n ry/w N WrpN pl. IrYm Kn.p N in to 1{{rS1iM YwMl wwl rwmrglrrrbi ! 4 %%ruin ,al r fmno.rn • M.w.p1 r r rr. rr r prre.rm n {L%1 N INrr11X G.rw I! r %mwra ar r.onprrrX n %»IY XXrw r Ile n%rrrq rrww N 4n a.r. qw 1 ur..lmr r..pr w n+.n YX n Y rlr•1 w wrpllm 4 p mrY Irm N rriy X.W.,lWr VAN 4A L I4w Wmn if W \ 4NM. VfM wY I N IYrnry yq•,r, • NIIM rrlXrrwn•%Nlwtlb YrYW pfrf.r rN%bwrpppmn, pown wrrrorn Xq 14 X4rm r r rXrpwq m /1,N1 Y M IIR..Ir 1nw /y.Y n OY rm,W wnmmw rM b Irl rr rl / w u1rXX ]Ap irprr M.rpr rl f trM ww IKw MmnY n w win• w,aYw {1/1Y1X •wna1X1 ny 1—pyoNp1sm 4N Nrp,X {gym%rnrXp rrrlllman.Xr Sur Wmrr I%1106 4MX-N orb 4 N mXrW XM9�n. f11Y N Vrlgw Y,r rrXr wa.lrll r P/- KM N LLeM 111• Nt t., rYMr a rY gr,rXl IrrXr.wlaX1 Xrrm/ Y orrw. rXWIp lXrr IYrwnr/ ilii WI! rmilrX mr 111{ Ir1,prX 41 err re r nn. r 4w Rf sWnr wM r! r M rwY IXrt w rmr ort semi rmWw N r mYr/l rr,rnrrn r %w In oXr Imp Nr, rIM/ •XIX N Y wMtwl rr nllrOrr nnrX rwr Ir cion X Ipin d XrIXNlron nt Irm WrX /IXaw OIIIr,pWY •m/m 11111A m•tr, rmrrna N r Xllprm Iwr Xllr^ •prX plrr rrlXmrlr AXII.IMIIrr Y r4n 1N1 •mew rrM nrX pY4r M/ M� d 4r b lmrPh Ylr 1w plrr 41X X+IIr pyre imp. rp 4 nm orwr pn4,p ly f Blue Jays' ball on auction block PICKERING What is round, white and a collector's item? It's a baseball donated by the Toronto Blue Jays and auto- graphed by out- fielder Shannon Stewart — just one of the items up for grabs at Pickering Muse- um Village's Fall Family Festival auction on Sun- day, Oct. 4. Mr. Stewart is one of the new Jays with a promising career, auction organizers report. In 1996, he led the Inter- national League in stolen bases, had a 13 -game hit streak in July and was Interna- tional League Player of the Week in August after batting .567. Four 100 -lev- el tickets donat- ed by Ccm-AI Holdings will also be on the bidding block. along with arca carpets from Smitty's, golf passes from Four Seasons and a tour of the Elgin and Wintergar- den Theatre. The second annual fund-rais- er is being held to collect money for the rcrt..ra- tion of the Puter- haugh House. It will also feature heritage games and activities, a Read-A-Thon and Cow Plop Lo y - Businesses wishing to donate Items for the auction should contact Pickering Muse- um Village Foundation chairman Laura Drake at 839- 1395 or vice- chairman Pat Dunnill at 839- 4672. Plod te Ia1saR t1(ralriorr, heir sad 6aatay tall nuegtar In Its Marrs Adm­ sps i 111186l► ass- on son ttet PsNk"a . Dare to go blonde TO advertise in this feature call Gail Reeves at (905) 683-5110. ❑oo Going blonde? Make sure you choose a shade that will complement your complerion. "Shin tone plays an important role in choosing your per- fect blonde shade," says Jackline Kofovski of Kings and Queens V.I.P. Salons and Spas in Aja:. For pink skin tones, she recom- mends a "cool blonde" or beige blonde. Honey or golden blonde com- plements warm skin tones. But if you're not ready to change the colour of your hair completely, Jackline recommends adding blonde highlights to your natural hair colour. Two or three shades of blonde are used to complement your skin tone. Highlighting adds depth, versatility and tone to your tresses, she says. Jaekline also rec- ommends a gloss colouration treat- ment in between colouring to elimi- nate brassy or yel- low tones and add depth and shine. - ^a.� AWf END OF SUMMER SALE • FULL SET/ACRYLIC NAILS $28 "F • U.V. GEL NAZIS i» • FILLS its "` • MANICURE & PEDICURE (PACKAGE. DEAU Y • EVEBRQW WAXING iS ty�y t` (hkw efhellre A y. 14001. 70) LINE ESTHETIC SERVICES AV PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPO S San DAM im •FLyyA��I��R�� DBSI�N .' 4 �IHlAr reeA -SKIN CAR$.. 'r ;(, � ya, . ZJ `aI •b ASSACIES i+ c INCLUDES SPA Z'SALThiA "A {;« �s,�+c' � �� ;� MANICURE & PEDICURE WITH FOOT & LEG MASSAGE rcu"�T t EUROPEAN SPA COMPLETE FACIAL + f R 0, 1 ; 5 F 014 A L ; D..dt1n. for «sol..: ,due s11,t 9sls AWM. 11 Aaldna: ?e 7 CWTOW".. Ph=W (Dry): NI PAGR W THE NEM ADVENTISBR WEDNESDAY, JULY 29. 19101 AJsx News Advertiser office 130 Colwwlarolai Ave., Ajax HOURS: S awe - Spm Mon.- Fri. Closed Sataray FAX: (IMM)579-421 8 A 'ax Pickering News Advertiser O O awee- Plcllrerin7�Nws Add$-01:: t/et in- _ 1022 WMtea Rd. Pickering 1 _ N�I.INE TMs. -Fri. 10 N.M. - M P.M. �* Mei.�tiw.rN•erw..•t clever daily fill opne Mon. - Fro.. am W.30aM - Sam slyly-NaMw til 5 P•ew. t...w: ..eiP••.�4wten.."Wc tITO LINE (416)798-7259 IlxfosE0 Illfleeeda I's. FAX: (§M 579.4218 1 1 Caner. If l catesrs 1 1 Caner. ffma Carton 1 Cana TrafrlkrO 1 rawT.Wny GET FAST RECOGNIZED TRAINING THAT WORKS! IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR DEPARTMENT[COMPUTIEHNOLOGY N'IFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER ` horn 1he�coeopes eq nW 9desv and n 95•dem oP soh rareV'sual • C/C.. • MS DOS Monogement • Internes • Access - COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST Adrrirlshr user w(hvire in a round -'aK a men corked a 10 '. MS DOS • Hordwore & 04,,e a7 Sp- ipparr • win 95 Net -kart • cam NT lip - Explore, • Explorer 4 •Novell 4 11 COMPUTER BUSINESS APPLICATIONS SPECIALIST Advanced levels of the popular conlpaler soflvvore applications • Win 95 Power Pont Access • Word • Word Perfect • Explorer 4 • Excel • to,., • Pcnadox CONTINUOUS INTAKE - YOU CAN START ANY MONTH PICKERING CAMPUS OF TORONTO Financial assistance moy 420-1344 jik�=i be ovoikdble if you gwlify .W. You Can Be Animal Job-Ready.itiout� Care Aide ileo •J rvi amal°�erth rcai aluficti iourk Animal Behaviolur. In Months loot Years with Vutritx7n. asea e.o ADV'RTISM . Carod r«a nn,yusal mom.cff Ontario Business College. opportunities may ere • cct)untine,Buairxpt,ldministrutk+n available in animal hl>spitals- humane societies. pcl steres, fiumara Service Work -Lir -Animal Care Aiet1' krnneis. vetennary clinics Ltr C ompticer Software & S.menns Operator zuus. !x Only R,Nontks. !iusirem Ayd�ministration • %I&Aage Ilicrlpy %1Ltflcal OffiLe AdmlmSTrsor a Lau Clerk I.a%- Clerk maq Technician • Sales & Markehng If a CUR -,.I 0,:'t ailsn . vi+u h• 4lrhl i'--IropraLllc Otiice Asii.tant • FX -mW l Assisting 15 subject to the appro- the ppnavole vocational tthod a mina arati0rl of our legal Classes Starting Soon! ° a5 able 4a15 $20 19051723- SM 1 n a �� oe"'i 1► limited Staling. you. StuJv Canadian. Coxporatc. Family & £dalsleaW+� Call Today! 10 C-omntercEalntEEmI pd �OBC M John � w�` Flom civil procedures. Careers be law Nidi- Nola, Std Otka"a " s 576-9175 may available with 4ftces, fral estate firms, , ),mg instdutlORS and :weir,.] ... v.. a A..,. , in only t2 Monti"! DIAMOND INSTITUTE Durham Region's Leading IT Training Centre - 1C it Would you like a 1111 that is I ng halleing and reovarding7 Have you 791attlted your skills against the requarroments for IT opportunities') Our graduates are in dernand. � wovin i 1WrMnv� �. aJe•ii. TAKE YOUR FIRST STEP TO BECOMING AN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONAL . ea •--. M,aoa.,'. 3',,ce CC'el ON -..a Lotus SwL ar70 c.isc b00kkaepirg N;- •Ww .-mrnpvb'.e[+�n^rC.y OeOewri•n 'COMPUTER SERVICE TECHNICIAN. ' BCC•,^.' A. -e•'i .1 ,r , "A Novel aM M._ --,,off A,or^.In,Rt.atirvn ,nfcs lime as 5 mlw'ms Are you 16 to 24 years old? NEED A JOB? We Can Help On the job training positions available now. - General Labourer • Retool Saks Cleric. Cusluener S -.c • Landscape Tes:lurcians These are a small sample of the jobs available Through: JOB CONNECT Calc Tie Hadiiw 7251786 Pkkering Residents 1-&006-263.0993 COMPUTER SERVICEINETWORK ENGINEER Mi.JE r• t� muni^� %W Design Centre - c�,7¢t � Jechni9uF I _Iqcad-y of �_aitst'finy If sStfiFtics IT'S HERE DYriwn'a Met adrartced 19atlledC taelTool Art i TeetrdgfM Asad my of Adverleed Elid"ee k now accepting for Enrol ar; -`' lirldw apace Is available. Manlcurs, pediciare. son ewe, naill fee ial i body -care, nMk*AW arot UIrally • a nd r11UOh mora. FINANCING AILABLE 721 SKIN 7546 15 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa xe9i$k-d ad Apprond 69 The rinfroft T'locdWooW Schad Ad 110 mz=110 INTERIOR DESIGN .-tQnu: Depot. UW work's at Home htproverrterx Retailer. is now atxxginW appacab- ler qua~ ntencir Desiigners ler our Whdby, location for In Monte consultation. If you have experience with Wiridow Coverings and Blinds.. we want to talk to your We offer Top Pay. ExceBeM Bene11Ns 6 OtabtW 3tng Opportunity for AWancoornenb! Apply in person with RsWca Watson 17 -ng normal no hours or tax resume to: ITHE NOME DEPOT 1700 Viktoria Street, E . - Whitby, ONT LIN 911% Fax: 9OS-S71-2307 -- , .- •wnl •pie-unar arpley« t there are firms or Individuals to whom you do not wish your repty sent, simply pWA your application in an emrelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a hist of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to. Box Replies. if the advertiser Is one of tike names on your list your application will be PLEASE NOTE rowrl that aro taxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will net lee forwarded to the fik Inllnber. Originals must be seal directly as indicated by the iionl is tbo ad. MSKCTOR SU"LIEP suD Ion Ail^mar i'Ve_lun eeM 1 GeIse4 Hao „'Idly Rad and there shall be no h- J'Iders4.e ad Mechanical 11 Carona - All du va 41bat•i •eM T= IIIs Alto'n PK*W measeenp e41.pfaem W*Al ADV'RTISM ,o na ll. wan Work to eek Accts No 5 yeas we" is looking for erperinu $191. ftcarp prospects to ro pam Fu resume Ado dabver CnnMa 1x161 1%-0941 Stgl new9papars and FLORAL DESIGNIERIffACHER 'a' psis°"" Inom p,= R I B D III:IekplObcTael ecp Poo tea =0 Pa a required at our 52 Sir11C0e St. S., Worden Interval (9051579 - Oshawa location. Must be a floral 1317 IAOE! *lWiNT LDS! A 311% school graduile w4h diploma, 3 5 ym 6 "IN tot ones ed Nu;n- e* MF „W'�",'it W`e1.0161 6 F M S leniv ars i Fa resume w �905P831-0102 Fax resume only to 90543fr9660 I tatwem Sim !tion ATTFMTIOM - Luca connDatN his 20 new Dpmngs of tanseaira and spars nems $1285 to tart Training Is provided Positions ole tug or PIA mer Cil for wnnaw Irl tornu0on (905) 7234920 Funded by the Ouurio Government / ATIFMTION up b $10 per MW to sW. Omiwi MdrmMl Ru raw 1•t•1g Ilirlwl Rtseacw i / i , will / ;6M and AppoMNnl SettM 1W n.errkiw g appkalce ean- parly Call roe. (905) 571- C11.NC irrff VMI naWN-0 I 35M AE TEAM DWV M needed mmedur ey Yum Pau: po- lice Clearance. DM Drug Well. seml-clear absaxl. Muvmum 1 if tum driving. Will we b Duman Repan Cao Brim 148466-15M CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more roan one incorrect insertion J NMbARM Rere stauram Re. _... _-JiSner 6 Buffet and there shall be no h- Atoodml. Plano'D reOwrW Apply n person can 3 OD 11 Carona ability for non -insertion 11 Carron kngstor Road P'ctenng of any advertisement. IKlrpsbhtast of Brock Rd ) Cosnrbaal b blow,-. n for errors in ads M ANY AND TEe1M Made- THE MALL STATION Carter ISability to the amount my at Hwsgaeg will Exhol Tra'hng Center Become a for p r the space «tlr pad n.. it's here!' platoon's It ma lee'nci area tramp mfipal nest. Dying the error. All copy aarauae esthetic school Rellared no approved by available in ea aryl'nof peacures. raa- 15 subject to the appro- the ppnavole vocational tthod mq Stu'anl 'i aunany oval- vol of management of ad. EauM IOday Owplomas n Manicure. procure. mon care. able 4a15 $20 19051723- SM News Advertiser. rod tCore lay uw1 end boy tart keup afptry. �L TECMNIWM$ Proran g dm i for AiacyPia eMarolyuf, soma merapy , Acrylic fibs Olwre. alICUs rands COFFEE TIME eel you cd a proud w aW sctgol Fiuncwip peow".rad art. m training lean o airrshgaa Counter help, 4.2"No, 15 S.. SI fid D (9°I 57766-355e'tng training provided, OWae. (905) 721.7546 M1MMOL4MM Faably hos ( GO." apply person PPY In at openngs for 3 IW can sol- sonspom a tla seasd P40 ATTEMOAMT Mature part 475 Waititey Rd. Mipenaai `I Por Mama tame reamao to, gales donor N. Ajax M.b. Fig 0170. O %_ In PWhennp town GNnr n LNm WMpylctarurla This Wel, PO Bok 481. Dsfowa, ON cad The Wel. PO Bon 481 e.penma necalary. cad IraSe Glowit wl. ough Navy otgn dl•atY comON)'/ rr Dtaw6. OnarM LIM 715 tomen Apply ast l The Wu m the Terbaglee Oil changes. van Cal 1 416)754-34M 6000 Cowl HAMtTYLIM mumli Eapnann required 1a Duly J flyers 10The beceniv areas Reese Ave. Howes St. MacDerrfl°It Dr. Gard St- DNk9Wy Cit. Li1100k1 St. Mia St. Duffin St. Gear" SL 881511Ave on Crt. Jacwin Dr. Marwin Dr. Cannn Cr. CIBfelvn Blvd. F68rT1 Cies Crenlev girt Sarydtxst Cr. Deedxarst CEL Maldron Dr. Secord St. Thicket & 1 Ccro ir. Unwood St RBdW00d Lane Dellyrook Ale. Lyrxrwr CrL Be= St. Mena . c Dr. Autumn Cres White Ceder Dr. Siker Meole Dr. Bornholm Dr. East Ave. Golder's Green GrandhaO Crl Whiterodk Rd. Wirner Gardemli. Parlette Ave. Ravine Park Cr. Clemes Dr. Ecogen Dr. Badtgate Dr. Acheson Blvd. Wanita Rd. Meade ovale Rd. Centennial Rd.or*** AYf FOR FURTHER NFORMATION CALL 883.6117 1 Orales H11p 1 W- Help NMbARM Rere stauram Re. _... _-JiSner 6 Buffet DEOMTROIasT required Atoodml. Plano'D reOwrW Apply n person can 3 OD sme person to sot cam ml Dm to S IOp m a 1725 treatments Sm* as Laser kngstor Road P'ctenng lar remove. tax last. eta IKlrpsbhtast of Brock Rd ) Cosnrbaal b blow,-. n am MOST NOW 0""a7raanlp people en ansa All Used mwpil "" to 10 rrauwep w be supplied to "going AMWWn Pelade to tart 'rnnledeaey Pgase tan n0 vacated yeas trom sum - 723 -3930 or but resume to mer collo lint loo appkc- (905)723-3339 ml considered Call $tieNeY OOMMO's FIM roe hong tor.Nd Ned al 720 ll1 dries; Pad can airily lmrti-(905NY67990. Earn up b $12mr Plone esatip tipery n persn. s 1215 peyly. ePart�rtfi7m�epf� Prhang.Igw 831-M Hll1a0S17;y o1 ONVMG Intruaor l(r 14 wanTED dm i for AiacyPia For busy salon. Hourly area ow sax $elude r6n WIN Wage plus tarlplz on IW brake (905E 7$78 "W" PMne EAaa son. pa sea! As- Barb or Wendy so n lngi ppd, w ban IN Ip. washers regular and a. brcapaasy, neW style $1504 kCle as 2-3hNdry. Amalkp LOVING. RekiOk IIOm! re message1267rewws 1'MT 71M In Cock. Desh- is 4 dwais 11641247%cBB. +6. 6 Sam required for a line d'nulq reslwrmt E. - O MHaO SNOKU o�enpyeri preferred Pluse Transpunafion necessary to M File 0177. Oshawa N //gyaalel Hourly wipe 1905)- GO363Bg LNm WMpylctarurla This Wel, PO Bok 481. Dsfowa, ON Duty SurDre, 11X 7l5 ough Navy otgn dl•atY comON)'/ rr FULL i PMT YM laN gwrdra a a ws am own car Terbaglee Oil changes. van Cal 1 416)754-34M previous experience nem- HAMtTYLIM mumli Eapnann required 1a Duly Iary. valid Jr'wn license 11Weaplthey 'r% salonGreat opportunity Rd ALM phone all p,danrp (905) -B31 -M "' PaCanolo$ GTRt ltd. 11nt a HAIRSTYLISTS tmmmwest pa,n'"�f7 $200 WELCOME- ro wim Ex - cow c cadet YN-ta 148 ON -BONUS �bret � New Salon/New MIM REI$ Needed. w11 ftp dour glial mromr x'°^11 Opportunity, Great to sen only„,ltd. co- wage 3 commis- er9edc maviduals lot salts rppm Purse tau Anson 905 Sion. Flexible 431.987 hours, FTIPT. No RETML Flowing Vote to, perms, no colour, y4wra peIsm nn interior hspn Opmu orpnbm n just take a deep u" APP'Kam tlOeS not W breath and call. experience Tram on fault. Ra nu)p 001 be pro- file Learn what Super- ouni r to Ptel. his OSNw flog this Wtek. cuts can offer YOU. PO Bon 481 oN Now hiring in .sick L,H7ts ering area. TAXI and T WKVvan Orn - Call 1-888-888. M blamed Ica and pan bel 30 4av CWIM abatraa, Mor 7778- Ext.1552 osttaba dist if. (Toll Free) Call Be, 31 MmTn It- Spm flyers 10The beceniv areas Reese Ave. Howes St. MacDerrfl°It Dr. Gard St- DNk9Wy Cit. Li1100k1 St. Mia St. Duffin St. Gear" SL 881511Ave on Crt. Jacwin Dr. Marwin Dr. Cannn Cr. CIBfelvn Blvd. F68rT1 Cies Crenlev girt Sarydtxst Cr. Deedxarst CEL Maldron Dr. Secord St. Thicket & 1 Ccro ir. Unwood St RBdW00d Lane Dellyrook Ale. Lyrxrwr CrL Be= St. Mena . c Dr. Autumn Cres White Ceder Dr. Siker Meole Dr. Bornholm Dr. East Ave. Golder's Green GrandhaO Crl Whiterodk Rd. Wirner Gardemli. Parlette Ave. Ravine Park Cr. Clemes Dr. Ecogen Dr. Badtgate Dr. Acheson Blvd. Wanita Rd. Meade ovale Rd. Centennial Rd.or*** AYf FOR FURTHER NFORMATION CALL 883.6117 1 Orales H11p 1 W- Help . Deyue A"le 1 sr.leo for ACCOUNTING i ADMINISTRATION euRC1ffittiAnT reliable DMPLAT7STORAGE UNITS Fast paced moving company daycare. near Lord Owham. crane. Ic«rpts CPR. Ftm Ideal for commercial sale a cd's and(or bode Perone 721 - re vires a full experienced person q Y P p Ai°' negmr luxtassucks. Wpe yard Lots a TLC 428- o601016n-u59 to fill an accounting position for 7422 FREE , N Mover and amities you most take down Phone maternity leave. May lead to a Day AFTERNOON Night Wee- M-71187 (SM) permanent position. *Simply P P P Y keno Cd1e 7 Idyl a stele TLC Hot meals Traps to pa k FREEZER -(Woods ExCelferral Accounting" experience a must. This Toys Computer Laamnd t4 cu h . Dood wonmq sol A b poi $200 oo0 (Draw) 905 position requires extensive lmrti-(905NY67990. knowledge in all aspects of DIXIE AND GLENARIU - Ex- Mme. APPLUMas. Saes accounting up to the financial �.e; ttd 0dyG1fe pro"clef opemnp tar 3 yrs ad Parts. Sema Frooes S11Xv statements lie. AIR, AIR, payroll, GL, w Fun. mmfaWk emron- o delua host -pee. 2 gest oi'j. White value $1400 on N trial balance)• mem. 2 playrooms. large bac yaro. daAr Dallas, car $ISO. stoves. seN�mwq 6 soon s10vw. eyes Si7v Please fax Or mail IlSU/ne: "Attention: Inst aid tele encs$ and rc- ,sails in (905) $37- Ip. washers regular and a. brcapaasy, neW style $1504 Kathy Green" Fax#: 905-571.4769, or mail to: LOVING. RekiOk IIOm! $5 apt sit Waw raiir $5017, over Itlr raw mi- P.O. Box 31106, 1300 King St.,E., Daycare acowing aps tip to aotwve YJ00. uPM I eea- Fi OShawe, Ont. L1H BN9. 5 fears lunches. maths, big �layroom, large yard. Allan/ .. fair new . 'Iaramg A JAN Up to 1 r Skilled Help skilled Hill �rrop,rove area. Call Jxkro uo, 5 -0129 IIarrat" Avg 2.8yrs 126 Sfn)me S1.S (905)7284013. . P41NOSSPANoFxn*R PICKERING Mach r Rollo. NANKS' APPLIANCES. -Sales Lo,nw dayare. 18 maims to ' years Daily vol,rgs Pans ,RI- nodes uFd dein. ' mt-!ree 2 gar Crafts, story nnlaciryard andme. mink nv 1150, slavasalide �yN-ue $-d�1e/0m0'mnqpon1 Ifea'rs Mals i stocks First PRI Md. C PR. 0ertdl Non- repuW 5100/up. diger fi7Y up w.sners regular NO ec- smdurp, 905-128- im wapty. are style $15or 1144 uuapt son eataridri of SOM Awa, IMI Iwldles. ,. '""". oder fireane la- cra Wave A00. ulama bees. rwm'Oue S'idks pi'x.ew di- ers. kke neW f30Nkp FI- ihlapath Ings. Chan,. 70y1 9a- Ion alba Non r2naM avLlible Up 10 1 r 4 adored son . 3 ANt aid tgE6ns. wirrardy 2. rs 4Y' yoSt.S (905)4z40R1 _2 427-2356 aEST11Er NEIC11T3 roti area OmIndaok are for NWO eard Oa110M Wind lammef 11 svNOle for von em »s-7'w7'.iW' mp "V NWFsm N KEWWRE 9000 BTU ar mrd - tereaces. CpR7Firm Aid ononei xkng $125. cal CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE 666-603° Ism CADILLAC LTD. 1 NW/•m carrier [B IFI ,-, eashelSTACRd span - , s�:e Waller and dryer Bodyshop Personel %vanted BREEDING SIA03 Foil .ALE cw Dias 42735T1 Licence Preferred -.(*es end cock a -tans t1AS1xA i M1'FII E•c~ -und, mer Will dewed 6 tapk- For a Busy Pickering Dealership ia,ep WI after 7 m )sro9aleD 1(051 sao`�e`ae lel Cep Call Rob Charette at NOWINOF TME Bride • Omedk KM KV ,. veil oD (905) 683-9333 0 7r" un, ""a , eves diad') or I 6 NkntIoo ICU am Iran $er etalg fJ25. lain IW er liE1t61476/934 s -6816-Q362 n NK tot 9.50o $eo '-''PRE GRIMO OPE MING rx�EME -VES`_^a , 1 io.ucr r.aKe Oemel � er power NMM ALM with pool mw m'td0tn Nan aw- 100011 SD Fr SUN a M 4n a cam mum coloned Woo .. •-ale Farugry ry►Mxl brc n ."w i Asking $190 .40 geiM LION MM.am ,efpm intim, tan tmN. 1EEDEU LICENSED OPTICIAN ay cmm- nO rhawa.edert "our Clan Aaap r,aeounll-cylan.� New graduates %cicome fiend rtcumc lu „n ''M1Cef- leave mon 0x1r ink, Wg b faaa a Is. ONE STOP OPTICAL ' Svi Cow t w � A„ available Nowapan.�rnp 10 Simms Drive, Ajax, Dint. LiT 315 E.eweP (9%)455.8w7 Wnd pool. pweMel P41NOSSPANoFxn*R 1raarraeae ort.fbapntttBnts A -ren, ' Skilled HNp -ii 1 Bargain Carrier ..00KS- Svmmer Si. On ". ends August 5' BOO On x 1718 IkMrar " PanWal' n Nle bo.a A neer PROFESSIONAL mal '-•-:... ..w nom< „ AnItM r.Uw Greg a" 6n w eupt selection a Na aro n•yq GMna a M a ,,Ck Rd Mott (M)-424- 1 a6 pkat AtW OP , ^6.N '7 nemeses $3P-'Mwp • RN A - 0009 ami map GARAGE . ,scales :rtim aral0t Aom $B% am up Pi p awn We M 1teMaetl ,r.r. E7p.a Joy $OUY1 aM1171' fllOYtfEa. Revae �bret � Rall n o.n. 1DO+L a r wnleE ow -Wood n apply Alp a letp eutclna ares Mark aaeWaice let report ho- ers r, D i15 Nw doors, ,In t. opoan OWNy PIw Door: ticaa d ffw 1, cla a- + ,oninc•d ides au+lih support on nee Pew+t•t /twigs awaly o N6736-0073 nil UP CA Tran SNO ad kp GB ►�iatm old a" npF kialarew date cal► N'nemp sulaean 7a awoo- 14 KARAT pad QN, I rano- ITLEPdocks TELEP PIANO 4351N1 -at NIM wawat fa. T s'Ob W077/waO„an ors AfM n'ee•w atanalert W paid3260G9 daelomm. ala PNePMTT YNaAGF1WNT wj ae't.enOt •a. eswn Atm CNfoNn MIrZ-and ,eiMtl aw Ica coualan., amenp $140' POQi FRBMtMS7 .W 6.t sa neW and us.d pool sew, , ....,tpmv ax pup resumes 416) 415 -Ml Sax PR's. M 571429• mem We enc du opera . murreol tl m ': etaF PASOM vat be tlecpbel 1 19M M, Pan A.ancm Guera'etM Bat tinea. 11bS1- oenpreN can mlwefms. rucks!ow.r reaW-duly Inn••Neel 4a- i1a4452 YW Btt +BN b BIoaA oRn M`Ogvw• FX►ERIfaGED KORA In- ft, "ft orad thaw. Moa OlYlln' Sanuu.g inventory E old at mlaco f6t >K Fhd a•sab PO No, 481. N65 fan.M GIFatSI rowed 'mr tusu lef"'hi p"/•pllkml1,, afe-4 1(ppfA wa..aW MCN can a r, ANe% $5.000 f05 Rotrton. Sou Mr - tape. 0, PAN suwaa $1, OerilWe. DlxalO. 11N 31 Plana hP Irtu W S704n7 we -OM bmA meow a ns (90$)4/672% 2 to JOKENOM encktdup (9115)461'3513 ler Lpp'wi- Iola LO f n each Lha neW. nnNnt rNPPERMARE Meed1 non UKARMaD 11OITal M- arnowsT requited even p M 011 on W-Jno ane•q RANT TO 01.0 APPLOINCES consonant, to Nolo awled, Awraq 1175 la 2 V2 lows rpt wd Selurd.M mwew, find deny pynMb a frig =Ser-4S3N OIIIn6P ver esti rccoMt'ixad. too WYrmawryy paw, i MMMT ha far ;poa�t b bees Plow Cal 42 -7140 2 riaLm Cmarucwd owr 9052 163w W I -M -7M f.p1e 00A tri-ONOS W ON 576nw. anmmnao Recopliew PNt wiiq Sar, m we a- Conan lucried 011 curved S.i02 Menjur 0", Wooly MM eTED O MEWTELT ler p." tame urea a IMT P,cnerifep tluropacae Chloe. aa.a wilt 100% Olson will aa"" Wer M akaa uF tads a k a bum lel OWNER OPENATDRS In, JS A �ruom JIT atrfgenc Clam Offer w M era. i mad Orion. 1lear11' sM pus W lets!= trier real a am s1rM avMlagc Also oM,"m rM. 3 fico$ ftp"' cosersend GII Laos; 9%• p'- Ir. Helm sly a AtM�p 3649 a 5799 Deo W :1200 MM 0aot n, Mc- 3 PrJwIaM FW A (8�63� a` ROa6 An PRMNTATwE DENTAL As ler m EveN.,P Ural nate +io cI 905416 NN ARE LOOMIIIi for ora a NISTMi t.or'-ed pre. W IM pr,yressne p'even 190SI45SS107 YT10UE OIMIIIG :aIle. Dlws- ROT TEM - 6 ma Mx Ica. Ind Foo Ia1a 7 jo_ml woING t Ip asessas a iia En. PWerIN Ono AB 1905f431iml Cy Pork g lace set took, •i. nwmyN sum twit Oo► inch ceci ski 4wcon•op meal a 5 team a mpaele Ira.g eloerarnaa. enenp 11wltan - 1 til° peOaW taale Ifedyda side Dodd Coae PA awaors .10011. roes M 7251332 callpwer lis (Sean retail) MA a trao irmld ae Near selvali PYaae air w. ,yai116 soorurTEx surEo. cum- cne"wa AWrp f250p.00 90646667w SLUMIPOLO" FURMNM Ow $L'MMFF ';BIL SATE eels swat le (906fS7F3131, Ams nit i0 Sepember I., iM- ASN&JO 1"are , lows Bus Sal -I; 198 Da l Named mI aged 8 m ri Rows 7aa-50. era- rel- 'J. -ON Mry111Y1p an �,stam rt, ad. am an fir greret alOt 1 .= tin nod. 51)♦ 2179 +x hrabrc, 10- p�reus A"I onus N lel we: QOWW Mx our 100% SOLID OAK OR GaE f9D516Sbi737 SOLED ME plan W COST ACCOUOUMT, Lore DEPENDANCE. moril" Non' MO. BLACK .'rales caw o- Cf&low how W.kart arm IMP. 2 yurs oat Y muga and financial b&a' smoker, needed to 40" hair afar load !berry e4. nopy Queen orth "ift It11t- trew "It Neves opMM6. Ana evaT Pkv a ar tel a Sound Well know am, ac- Claampn 7.9764934 31200 ifo $490 1116) ft at -000-0" � uss d labmo . Pllwnp pI_" come e as For, flown b(4 495 11M1 Sfm PYeC EXPERIENCED Uvt+n O Mp aues CW to addiamm g mgw and our IwteNayseg MOMAR been a•d you enter e11srom $IIuBmMy umm reoured IW ann nleg Doff• mn.aig Novent0er 19w. Instow las enbm am widow tel�I�Mpt Fra ales- h omm mg wl tat ler law So" Pas SOW tijusele�pmkp std 14N 9. mmbleftls._ Wim Mw"new, OW M n the p omoaaW n14f uMeertry 0 yo erngy paple uokrtp Nrmd Legal a)ly -660,0072-2r E9051 W ).6369- 0555 ta+tp. +t aN IMiW OW b nMN dart Ice poly an rill le i Rgerv'ca 19061.509.7!31 - for sale. W.3. S25 Nom 115 Mortes Fort Road R have am l mni71' lot ole loo" ler a IdFPop 0o- Iwq[�4R 7 IM T. re- lath Please call .Derr. Trot' OF Rach Full Pon Perry. w1kA Ila sm pguuled darly CWnme,aw Ma IW 3 PM. apd WJudy 721 -Ow (spl INDS)Sal t wn to oma. fa. raNnte b: 10. 8. 5 Hours 230 pro ID. a CAMET NOUN. 100%. N$R f SM ad up. (905WM7d9g 53D p.m Na sllnkap. Yea NTbn mica. plush. tan n- cables tows WOO Will UP. OFFKE M31 EW bid, Scar. pprretpp mEerences required sista t carpet For 3 moos. used an . Mo. dress borough Eat callow trap_ 683-7582 Why IAM OO Price itcktdirs $125 olid NO, Now be0d .Idol fug -Mae. a pnrrtcea eel LINE OUT NnMt otdea 30 Sul. yds caDel. doaaf pod ape uuousaulaaw n Yaw f 11. is. c.f. m . Mw Maly nome, 1169. COrlpletrt. ""ad 1111.1e- par Fu Hawn 10 Pat gill! for 1 A 4 Did$ Yr I homhane. Fere q n you IMaa 5 tf. f an •P. Nw 5 cl. Iealars (116)286-7199. Mm-soaler. Ca a must. Mo worm . pD al for Sm- now 5 eJ. be YEOM. FMTOMM 3*w*WYN.va , Ca16MnNp5 6N6 -02a5. Lr&4w NF m 2 po�ylS�4�7��SL tell y me rug yw. DaaW, 1•e0p- $225 1 Ap- DO& *cad A wdwslaM IllipOS011 Nal-Saotad t7 Y of ca",n CA"100% Mb. loitsW % latt0. � C�rT weauPm housework slats re, NKe ntpet on h". I all SMO kNpa. law 12, i ROwa Gid dmR off", Ax r era! alo iFa dawn: 13 AM, tegelae. CpN (905N27So.. 179�9 Capel 3 roans. 049 Pria sio IS brats raw. am - 2 orM1� d wim, $1200 M. 905.404 0�5.1i8f1 gNfp sell Pan W GaMnn "oup"ogay lam 9 i St. aqn IrltaNaam �Maani �Ib l30 7mtOc). . r_ prNwlP ab saa des sad school. Paallt raDOEc Sdeo01. fa - 6N6a rasuNo b 1(NN7 WgtRI7' Rd. S.. Alm LIS 6WB. perlenu 0WC retalnac R- CAMEA $Ali: Lou a �i .tNell. Cal." •I 1 2-pet� 1007. 11- .tan re- N"" �/ " Wfor Niel► Lkw-dl r.•el n la 4 7W Muse net) 7 rams 1339. (30 W Y4) Yde'n0et: nrD4C *81 ~etkOW OJ ,du- rota ttays- BTMKaC RILL TFIi SALES n6p7 K. w fiat ami N1 "' Ms, pwda tel! PwdirNtp Oelallal, n- tan wisome ~ co* - KOPLE ref ufaad by Dw- Ni ? c�apw "am seewlp Dwhtena and alts. (n beet M dtw con - ham's wacw* plawo Md- WM MWAB NB tug lwrowtd•0 oma. sola 905- allied). COKOMK of Sol =a rejeouly, trowrpom. NINe M MA rapinad ler INS 6N6.1TT2. WL glllttDaa F,perwra p1bm0. Fat your foto M. 905728•M29 pstko bpFs aper /aril 7. ort eNy IklpuM 69p - 5:3D, Pis- 7MNa. IW sola. PNM bqw ftft SPON ilNlrtM In ainq arra. ECE a previgug mvglmm 1 ayes RSR M wmcmn POMP 11 IO b R for n in aavcae espwienca rpnre0. (945)639.3111 saw htdP- RBB* to cMgy S � 0.8.0. nl (9051 wild to as Mals. ROOM Bowan MAWAK- OmokEx. wi areas. to Awn soles .0 are Odario. (905)6554049, IM . MustM era. res invable, can tar. MO aEfPOMMi Care Fn'4r �� n our home Ia 4 OMMC ROOM BET. 9 RoaooA (905166$-5501 Iind EM 1rArs raN (9D51- 1264159 ler knrview esti• dadrm, aM 2. t. 6. i 6. cdwkal txA ptM 0 "vera wt C: MiMtO q$M ON OGLt. RN Ny SW. i mon! Pay op Ooki paNwtNx. Momnps only. Mon-fmoker. 51000. 19D51.06 -3165.11W. tor Mp term Ebatp &A" To Mn Aug. 311. Ru. OaMO Noor TARE Blanc Cu AMIE. Mol, COW, n. xse. Cd Cal cam 1 Chin. SIN MDV monies, otmn. 9010; dle- 74CIseAAlalrtry 6N17189. 60 f800 0 B.0 6'X10' Cliran mortis. twmwe. APPNIOM NMUtIwAI WBDR RnBI rup $800 0.60. (905)•665• ((!0S 1165 9"I -W4 d Worried lmaw*Nely Mini- RUPONSIRE CAREGIYEII 0986 evavpS. I r (form wDdge aldN) loom N yeas IlPOW". Pp nperlNw m rasa $t6 to $CD RmRby saw 1905)419 neded Iminediaay tel 3 children my BrWlFinch OMMG RMM TAW ad, i dans i puri cadet. Good W you have valuable W' ,Jr. area home 4 dryteWe Cu condition. Y�tgpmy bnitl. "M ( a ISM , noeM cad J905)432-1316 $,O ri (9pSf436• us Assen you in � Ld MMULLEN a serum Tilt. licensed squired by Unher. OWN- Dwm AwYlHeart tkglost Poobl Flaw Cd - � solMwY HVACImandW* must have WA arts , t • • or Wlanl win . woe. Plena call 905686- 0017. Ate•. /� ready 30 yem nperlNtM. Phoma 900.9848161. ' MELTMM Ctnt A or Class E cam Ed" etperiact ct Fw-Orta, own bpi, mut be uperanud of brakes. a - Nut aid tulMroion. b Lou Golf M Molt W'NN•9 1600 NMh St. MNL1Ma MaluM operator. mekmum of 5ern na l- aFUNtameath sletdy ogrwa are! i: 576-1 7 or IMA 576n2N. Pli1KI1B1 regulrad, 3d year apprentice re kW" plumb- s InpwoolO4e b r4Par1 awM mbvatiml Mal hM vasa driven NMoe INN 725.1513 TOP MOMr MID - Gold will diamond. TV. VCR, COI po"I blot elechotio, Cd ' 71-3$18 QUICK CASH IVY ' AND SELL. Main will 00w. WANTED USED EMBOSSING MACHINE For plAuic LD. CAT011 Mae" call SAV at 579{107 THE NEWS ADYERTLSER WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, N14. PAGE 15 Sal t WC6p16 .i f` alitiW* AuetlaN ftwr 11650 AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. Make ef �+ trMl UQUIDATH)N SAIF mxnoLqL 2 8 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 applisfam, 00 p01"AMd ST Deu rj 4WMn- a SYSTEMunderground parking. am BE O01•U smyall. 55 FAM CRT. �h AM MON.-THURS. t A.M. t P.M.kw s. FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. It Far Ree T7 Oshawa Res4ww Com ye SAT. a ttUN. 12 • s yrydowntown ra,W �'�a. 0181010 ®PUBLIC AUCCoFree mparableION Comparable `MM ate () 613.6421 a97 ��nnQn Commemul HOsa FJ' Fri., July 31 at 7 P.M. 506725-7471 SHELTER CANADIAN I&Ntinor I Shop Ca 434'2447 5505 Prcview6:00P.M. 1'pp1tS377S1 PROPERTIES LIMITED FOR Reit or tease, meera A O oei� The Newng t. Westin ewe (:corn o0. space Nixed m buri L � 20 King tit. West, Ye�vca,tk NOUKTAIN Wasp�y}' shopping Ware Rei MOVING SYSTEMS BLUEWATER PARK - WHITBY SOabe rates and.m,demi- Ca talogucd sale to include: A Malur it[ c 11conm with we.0 to"aryth•ag. alley guaMwo For mon All ,artworks of Christine Marshall, Tri ha Hnmance, James aywnere.WAM 182 bedrooms, immediate, bnnOn an 9D5404 f991 Lundwrs L Dyer AJ Casx7n, Turn Thomson, Frank CP mwcw, a�e0d°roa' am 3 appliances and blinds, roFAI PROFESSIONAL t:;umachacl, AY Jackvin, Nnrl Peter, Brent Townsend, Les boxes lane seSOW & 350sgn Around level unshed '('ail, Ikv Doolittle, Mater Oil Paintin s on Camas, St dill, mrd month discount Fite MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. • 5 P.M. U ew�erysc�+xA exposure K eor xes NepotraOk (905)509 Wt $450 Prints, etc. Collector plates, Royal Uvuhon's liexder Farm 571-0755 (905) 571.3522 � Aar, wildlife s, tilptures srerlmg silver wall plaeluc%. a large 1.888-1191.6600 SHELTER CANADIAN . Scle tion of imptiried Italian w,aad frame• minors, Postmaster Edition sumps collections. selection of Mint PROPERTIES LIMITED IM $0. FT, co nl ,inns - 1`9�i and rare mint secs, Estate lues. (tank Notes. HARRY -0 -THE - space for lease Wrkag 6 (;(,Id Coins. Darin and & r.nuinc stone nn Gold chains, MOVERS rater clu led easy access. K ' K+• Move Dig or small, we 1062 Nelson St Non- earrings, penxlxnts, Ix -ger watches, pearls, sterling silver pace- them all! Free esp. faONmonth 905 7234115 -IAC w,e.lry, c r i mms. Accent furniture, Oak, mates. seniors discount. FOUND - Grcy a who kraft REED A CART CALL IIM. Sep, 1st ,rum 5550 �n�Iushw. K *1's • snort notice moves Ape 56 Ntona u cal 509* CARI OVER 30 FULLY RE. yPark`% auplranoes S11"I THE SUMMIT PLACE �r2 foa� a %IA-gany, Tahlc lamps, Chen+led Teddi s, (all retired 6641 nP CONDITIONED AUTOS ON sift 905 433-0062 Ask '•m 41905{19-2899 figures), Humor el late% L4 figurines. Model Cars, Star Trek of age s acerrioavailable. also FOUND 3NMU DARN Brown MLLI AMA2IMG PIUCESI axis Cath • 1,2, a 3 Bed Apts. K p K ^rotage space awila0k. dug spa= tYpt Female - Meal Vista - 19% L.Ina 1-SEDROOM Basemen, • MOVE -IN INCENTIVES KO Oshawa Centre. En. items. Disney Ni Harley Davidson, axllectihlcs. Cordless Contparabfe rates Call Nunn on iaarwoud 1905r683 APV s super sale $9.9%. 1994 apanm 1 Nunn clean air- dosed Bas unit w,m over- Phones, Stcrccn t4 M„n• M:anv more items tax numerous to (W5MB7-M37 or •All Util. Included 800 534 Astra 7 passerper air, aeon, to„d,huned. acne, parking 40015 6 menuon NO PRF..NII'MS OR H[NF.R,S FFES. t' ' $8.065 kook 58 e9s 19% nese stores a wws norm • In - House Supt a Maint. Van laanorm pit-. ail m- LOSi CAT W,pp!c gray rawly Gere Scan, IoadeD 62.000 Alar, all inclusive $690 no damanbusuness talc melud. Terms Cash, Visa, Nic, Amx and debt, as per posted 2k NamedNora BryriOpes area kms. chu0 $13.995. 1990 smoking Separate emrmce peMal Aloft -Fri. lFMn •Bpm edl (high eedirgs. .nOrq. :innouncc•d. Adklttkons tk [h:ebon+apply will 19051420-3558 Astro. loaded, Ione, mom, sept 1st 6193643 Sat 8 Sun I lam- wi hies, wasnmoms. all Ea rienced� nry 139.000 kms. now OPaaa cnlr . mdraedl Lease ]-1004-PRO-SALE <>R 41629K-1762 Pe LOST. C hftks. ,gray inn $6.995 • r.. Mink 1989 oWwnal f6lsumnm Spa. 1 Cross Movers will aranO cMeks. yeuow crest Buis, Cmtu7 Lid loaded. r- NE `• r for W egorpmem or WWW.PROA[JCTIONA:00M 1 ?ar)an rates. hones, Sewn work7174357041leean 6 WetN cal. c$4.650. 1991 • • YAI.IANT PR�PE1:'ir ,nide. 905-5762982 1 �vxs. aW. err. 905-426.3166 Reward g0ey m h�a.2 r� MANAGEMENT 1 caa6e• .� Auetian . 1 wrsxaaM r 1 versonaa 1 a�m�n)�ge IM 1 pour-ppk.i Raper Ext p u xtT. 4o A. 1 421.0739 auto. Orly 57.500 R•d@M 903-379-1 621$ BALSAM LAKE Fgpwn Falls. Personal Pravn to the Bfessed L''irVhr 706-5513 1995 Neon air. amu great : 2 7 a 4 Oegrx;m raocAe- AUCTION O, md»t beiuui�; !'�n er sat 11 :. Carmr!will ROTTWEILLER puppws for deal, 56.950. 1995 Cavalier. >p rq-cortapls. A,gu9 and sale Senuus inquiries only air two• 4 Door. 90.000 kms. (tet „ale n soy CONSIGNMENTS Fruitful vine splendour of Heaven. 'lady W pox (9os1.43 puppies $8"0. l black. Cavaw zz4. WINDJAMMER _!W. etduoes king +wa.,d AND ESTATES Blessed Mother of our Son of God. Im- ; 1 arow loeded. black, 93 To 0 kms, _ CAIRN a lit R puppies 3 rye GL. gre 1993 Topa. a. °I 16°IU3aNly WANTED maNlate Virgin, .551St me in my necessi- U0"01M1A' moa, ver 0) :% AUDI 1, fm1 S4, OL. IN amNy pr tm. APARTMENTS -AJAX as*'� ng Boy ties. O, Star of the Sea, het me and scoots. IfAWI x11 721-1 316 $4,99% 199.1 Geo Metro. sink.. 17051187-2550 Low COmmi551Oft, P 99.000 kms. 5 speed, red, sed 33 & 77 Falby crt. Afford- i-OKAYGEON Aa,!Mpm 2. payment neat show me herein you are my Mother, ('I sTr)s1 "0vII, MEAPOLItNMasunmint. 53,990. 1995 RrdN. vroom 1am,q N. Queen of Heaven & Earth. 1 Humbly be - Nos sF:ul%t; 3800 taco Ready byqoauW, 1 cyl. 30.000 kms. able 2 bedroom apartments ,;a, maowa.! iido0dpt. swA leech ,you from the bottom of m heart, to air W70%o .,null 3905)-$71.7375 or (705F932o• p Sales every Tues. Y JJ 3105 dlrAp (6.995. 1991 Maida rat. Ines axk. dock. trgwaq %clove me in m necessity. Make nests.-:...IY.n. 323, ado. ,til Ince. 100.000 ^ a From $785 per m0. includes n•�9Mr, prnate heawaw ser. Tours. at 6 p.m. Y f requests. „p�,,, biwid. Ap011A8tE MMAUYAN Kn. kms. $4,950.1989 Geo Tracer coq, $ats sins rawry. %5001 Antique furndure. There are none that can withstand ,your AI.. vush 1f teres. Punted Seal Blue. 6 er prow car. 5 SOW, stay If Fridge, stove, broadloom, AAsaupp 1.14. Aux 7 appliances etc. power.) O, Mary conceived without sin, : vr(dvw oars. rorae poems aim ryes $3 $95 $6• van a CMiea :epi (705) 7-1992 , Ready b Liner trained Aro Centra. 155 Kay S. air, heat, hydro, water and Owner and opera. Pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 $250 alas ryDs)-1}5371 wtrr a Mrwa Mau. Gu DRAT Irsnnp and hmrN for times). O, sweet Mother i place this 5mter$, one parking. 'rt.ary on Roe Lys. 1 now SOFT Como WNEATOR "x ice,,,,, „ '-,m Oshawa. Mo&e 2 a 3 MYLES KING cause in your hands (3 bines). Sar this Dunt. ready to Rerysl,,M NEED FOUCtNG7 $506 = Call 686-0845 Y*iborn .mairs. saner Al1CT10NS prayer for 3 consecutive days and thencot M01Oe st sums, breedn pw'an,tt. 5,000 Down FPTdnED VF- apAnme'n ^paras! SeaaL drdrerr.t publish. still"° oral. non lawadnp. lypya- -1, S MOO 5 iv 942 Purr. t- 2 appliances. ro nark Or visit us at: :+„gram. bow a mdor Low 33 Hall St. A.K. eqemc atnly dogs 19951 ox 6000E. 28n $395 89 +a0. rq Pets. A rest ,,, Ar peas. S,,.,Ymnd Oshawa, GET JFOR TM PRICE 1 7153-96!16 DpeNy LE. t20R $3995 90 eer,ces Amiable August tv tvw.geocitirs.cum/wall street/floor/ saga RR Al 4asaps. Wvaw, 1354 $3995 89 Iso Ca Mora (906)427-7935 7Fa77hiKhrisr•r hemi .'^ K0. lYq [705,696 2601 Established in 1 MnowapnMeaa .: 1 Mnpeapwwnw +D :u 3600 sg n 1 1 Aw a06m Svrwrd LE 71995 N B.mm AJAX Bachror cep Asan 19110 90K f399I 90 Beretu. 130(.inchuninfat, pNpq 54995 90 San.. boded. Itl'last stand Sep 1 „wwr b 1 no,iw t. 1 „o...tt r2s-5751 Vdww9. =1161 Bows 1944 CHEW -�vala W: $4195 89 Traekr 140K. 4on SrMrr Can sive bran, Rare Iyt� 723-0TJg1 PORT PERRL gkayp .ridpw kggR. c.diNair Un kany W Su95 92 lumw Euro. C7 -T sam Dain DIN conn« Few 93 audio Cal. Elm '9°SI864OD67. CRAI" A- & GIF ! SHOW ^�fase�house nw�dt 000 000 Amp Ova 90 04fp 4N S7995 42 AEA. Sp xda 8 Sar ae SICK OF RENTING?? 7mm�g'on.x....ra' 964 CJ grand Am. V6. 3- S AS I- 3400 so h 40.0 Mia with Mkya August I'(th & 9th wRra M 81}766-M 9OS v - JEEh14 rift 3 acs- grand Am rig .%999 R- hinny room 300 know wail OWN YOUR HOME -From $700/month • - I ��w 4m rcot g000cjnvaI door. nancang a waramv Aml- Aug, 19 Cal(4/6120D79N Aan•r,awn r.00r,n j3p.OM ,sop 10 a.m. -- 4:;i0 p.m. dT�an%Ley"aIw ac •arts 75. Cal 905.706 aha. CAWXME AUTO •Nix rini GN Ainal ! - .,.y C. .sole 'or n••'n'6r Scu og Arena, 1655 Reach Road $YES. ted Denis Lw. ANY, 1pedrppm bwenent syr anmmM.d,aaaatea�y�� Will gog moa. $t8 aMAy M541YM77 .Wnnenl sp.aa.&.r= aH.rptvOkcrrrl•a b•rrkn Pro Cap 19051-5'91312 gam 5 appk-. sinal no ors s„a, Chow• ria.: Cmc, relive app b $6.000 OR tb� A5 l ,11'1 50 Quality Vendors :. I Mimic ION MUM )am V6. p$NAwA AUTO urTM araaroa 560 1, rrrsL 421 u' - oa.oarr•rf R�.p•q• w.•N. 30Lh Chp7 Blxk Runs paw mow W. - a eve- 3650 a,dwn•. d1 trtcna•i (905) 571 -GM or 1 -NO -640.6275 its Sa r we rea•o•N• ion' 2 doors SUraad M Iia" woAtaaawl an . n- 4,6 M -57m 905-666-0%1 P ao,,,,,6 a yvpP ro,,,.•q s Sw,.6r '^�w w 1 ,994 ,rip 4om Mark St's 1 dv E9aekaed ►cone 'can CO=M" Pao 240Kms aw ars. ,7, door '"""' 1993 a a•• R.p. Simon O.ouD Eww, Miry. loaf -Lap Truck (muni 1. s 1ifR3 blahm aiv.0w ale a bo- SW,brd. I door :5700 19V AM. 2bedroom t aatiu, full, wall sada$ 9wp ieairng a^ as9sa^r w7 N 433250 urn all IIl. aro. 35700 1912 Sora- usen,.hi, a0•rinruir. V.ry urawn. yw "Ne pwakaa. I9g51-427.,tz2 S•rMes n- end cT Woo 19W Caryip bl a specw$. s 4P- 1�1 �"�• 1 °'"110"" 1 °"NO1M" inn ad 9uck R5.000 or am AJAX Moving Systems c,Ralo�°"a,ad"tpertshm °ma;r�ct 2 dor, SM ,992 Tnarr urn R«r Rem e.ea.dy' to RwnOk %4995 ,995 pArxas parking, no 11r. no - nionable of. Sam. an. op Send resume and IN7 Caron Z20. no V6 5 Tarte Mlapon (4600 1992 smoking bus r lop raw C eEDuiF.,, ►uux' a0M nC6a� ;..Dios my 9057767147 F Se":,CES, moves. d{rpltanCe ..p W T t4Mc uhe rcamm ra$seaa. arc, p� Cadw RS. i door ss49s shaww A,rra+n• uRm. " - " 7r�1•'^WA •«•naw) it j piano lists. Flat rate or ea�f ChIno «Nowt. to 000 Z SWewd GT. Saii 1991 Om*v. $79Wr O CAN nAmr6 wnlwpstied 1 10 w e f specialists. 211 ", St Mnkr i a •sad 9os rn rxs a iwtAEOAt �o.p. I.S. s3z4s 11F,366 °e°w'or i, kroroon a aN. F� ; arty. We now have Pleated tr. ON. L 1 R 6H7 or t»I G&W. t dour. vers u�iery. with guial CO p, 1011 SWCOE STREET NORTH MR Saar GNAT LOCATION storage Units. We Sell moving 211 (9081430.900 (W91 191 ems GT2 13M 1990 rano OWN ,ppaapm pplw•t 3-Beorxm Townhouse Units ,r.Y ppxuply arae you s' Optics. Park and load sal, ten . $2 two. Y6 ab. CwaA. PIS.M t3700 191 CO- AaaA. oras 1.6edr08m mer- tel aro ars Amur MOW uwee3 8 pill"rlchtded airy o.wd a oWalad specElmial. tow kuad. 371% art. 117 Lao 31795 1I G�NgaA nlmi aprtms t as ftp.. na- ,rode ram w ea•d$ slaw Vart Initial start$ at $125. and Er•usrrew Wnti , 1 . tye aro f,776. 4 Flier :2995 1980 Spm9 1 e kred n. sprs warn., -,Mum I (1115) IS" Stove 8 Refr. g•rasor. -,.ver W w � C narMw. 1987 DtiOpr s4rb.. dear. s2Ms 19W eorvewM Parquaky floors elroulwhoLk 725-0005 or 427-0005 ' 0 t 1 inrlrne $,495 art SE $4M 1990 Ser•ta GT IstNp. r•I8naaacro. ST75 naERMG G.,gaovs I b•6 - Farad I~ LM (416F 1x5 IIIrNr t rat aro 11296 $3m ,910 r -a Rpe.pyyI. Aawt tararw.ed, ro pea Mrnwa+wd aunt ant UA Close m Schools avid sflo00wlg- . a-Cm11111 1111111 AK oro. AW9759 SIM 1990 Loraw. ILT6►5 oayame w5.6t9-te99. +paurK.s ^On-aauksr. $700 From 5875.00. 1990 a/ s3as im 14A. 9os4MaM, redraw non (M6)-426,te6 1M7 KrMWTe sur,Ore., r•w.w$ 1 ►eebtiw•w wiwr< 4If- 'ulditlw ver '-"e u. %]ells 1990 srrrod. r•s•rPryrMn1'rwro0 Call 905-T21-0980 Hn„6.;,(.,,,,,y ....- `WmA1mon. axiwW varso Cd J wap. 911% ,9rd ra.wts, CENTRE OKI *PMA7RMT2 .J^^.. n- tO•�9g4F]4T7 p Per alb fA16 i11M lrrara G1. 7 ora rr rna.ww +,n w.'. PttIMINNeh ) kr.aww rreww tti •neAnre .„ONTanao 2 $37% im Ca..W. 2 Ou., dry Sa,omu war A. ':i •W^rraw^r gives• 1 rkana tpu3'tw,vfs t �' E[QTt10t�Nt L\i7�3 $3215 1x1 cepttp, $i7x all.. Il Aar AN ISM rrmaictt. red o fc Rat. ro R.r • I Mc. nwwttr .. 'aux : 9dL GA/L L/ND ,r tea PONTIAC GLAND m '9m cam Somma $47% AS ria+ Cao Sam b spm +ptaaraa amity nal 4 810poopf won rtatl,r6 4,r< pn•,ne^ :37. Orimn ` 1 :.i. R:!.d.M 2Ft,l(rs W. 10P S'D t y, YYu '9a lncwn C4nirenul. (101M7679tS rNtSat •.area•. ne Pit. r* y,•AJ. n , '� 2 ar p- CLEAR d•A'ER AREA 3 sky mt9 lata r-tt.r 'Lt ::7 r:A.S(.f . (.L43.T ww44s $7rimnada 1tRAM i YA10 SERVICES 000 Km Pago a Gu Sora 110 Mdw 77100 a0r rWs pa S. Cowell .,,,,u..w pm aw.rn it! LUMM a tnHlrT90n sang$ 1105Mn►0157 w t9M SunbN f27 16M aMKAae rtNREOwTELY, n Call 0111 11150 . own RIWw pox row rwa aww• C A:».++a�1 .^...-a.uw.:w,a..• .. , Iaw.an $5700 iw From- Whrbr Apt bu,•ddng tpw- FiCNEROB, BrorLawy R. nwat aver 08" Gly row F. rip .no ar row prwkm Exotic I (.1'.1A.lVTFED 11M UM L.SAww ran. Arra GTA 557x00 19M Camaro ciout arpsad.:rwn WHt- r.•nv rnAnrd Ori. adroom '7o6Ftn-7N7 N65 Y-1771 Massage ,• Mothers Day Special. 404-8761 urn ..crani sasMa. t -sop (7995 ,987 Caw 00..0 bow" am a wA 2w'IASSQ P $,x950 u 905-625 0rmr s -lo. t650o 1910 rn raoW. r apBmr•'0�-e an.mwm ape .m cep pw AaaN mmi s rteeoDM : A a7ARWAmh 2 aaaem ,i Witfl bookings Of VIF@ekly Of bi-weekly NOWHIRING 11M SOC Shan ati9 ar. SAM 1971 i39rs D.drdom 7M0. S MOrpor I gdr. 2 apOnNca. aPnb � ge.WNW I tpa.u. A.- w na :0 ver Win Aom•. - !Non • Fn - .raw.. ro ions Ron- tarpPlr aub pill ,>" 14SKM ELL Worn , IN Buy sm I eedrn- Wil Wp sml•.. Rnr i Iwt RMr naamROULod And Sit Tomas a rwarwpn it5a Italian - 9 PHIL sefYlce pin to Mothers Day: receive N.500. ta5 4ten Won+ 7tLL a TRADE' ,M fnrro 4x-0134 mans n0 aim SM ut Si Staime, . arrow Mo US Cas 605-636nON - Sat - Sun - ar Wpwp$ saw" a; L $.. Oak... ,Mew.- rRt, as It» (N91 half price On the First Four Clear7s. aaM ISMIms $1x10 1x7 1266. ANMIMIE 3[R. 13T -mem 143PMI/rmw,rw0 (DgyH1} CLAMMYTR 2 3 badmom 12 pm • 9 P.0. • SuoMa fO isms a aynOtrorfe ! I I ow,ov Son. aro. an.". 117 arts L)AMNA. 4 ,r "" I oed,_ SCSsnindn ay DM1aNa K416rWIL3pN a nay I,,,,,,,ra mpW (pr Calf 665-6157 ars aMNm Caw. 1a kaaded praar• ,,.^ ..u..: Muvve ' .droop, poop 4ed burgam 7wn<rIA pqa grid ma.m.m -a ndn, p+'.,n2 buy E7CELLfrT owpporg8yy b DOW bit C.Rkra ar it Rm9 32.900 IN7 OoOpa wior 15 J170 err S' 4 ,JO Ma. $651m0^mN wr3a- fM- Opo.. ar M Rio na•Nas - (Fogy BOIaOro 6i Irriur6d'1 Akb.. ars. paw. IM w Err w ar Rroa 6 � aaarq 175 • Sap let pp; a...Unce. bsdrb• aro magi a6vactr.t Gd• NIYENII PSYCMC M 7 . • Id 1.1i( Y1e, $t Ok,00 5 _ , am a3L277s C; -Nm 7�, CpcyMHa Nwap m. (9Mi- am aRgMN r.wraan 10 rtn wlmmw $27ywta. 1.,"t -.rd •h,, air .inn •^i VOJ'7515 5001etbf76f row Cppemp ymoaphrn n prop snow n ya, roma $2r's'^'r •6.-24 ors t IWO TORO TNINMERMD • , • AVANAau Sep lr. Sm,cow 1p.rawraWr Sae 11}7941 (9D61eSY9e02 706451 SM $ t U, eratuwm :"I.., p„sslaio ,Osna.a, t b.b �� ' b -vas's 1 1 '�-OrYO9 I r-;,1 4Wo.e , $i40/M 5wi0mG 67 ch fig st S CIM s9aG00S 7 attention Nkd•atlrw. HEAVENLY PSTCMIC - $29p ,• 1U.000 a, IpiUt6. auto. i'dCnduaw Ikrrd•Oe 11 mm tae 24 hours ,906 �� ekt am•ro Deter. caca0irSYar LanaI psis In, attucn.a some out 0r+0a Apple rive /rpwr. pay lora r•4aw 6 .a• No dtigl cal SttOI q. edea cep. yad00r,a 1. hart ., pop" 142. kKa- 425' 1:61 'Alli nORO- u4 etnw, fS.OM waW 19051 SIS432-12M sr3wa RF6145 Ion FWM all I nZI G•.tt eN 7uw, ul k.,na = OPE 14*4777770 aoo YRaft M&IMAL A MAOFfENAMCE N� eini6 9*4 tar b p m Y a t !! 1 Schw. ka4ry. fYarw r•enowal A SALES LIMITED WAND NEW 5,q. wrmara mmrud--aiwnNow are• P Laedy4:yteea p 161 WAND MIROM Ls awrmcm srwurc 6riirarp. OS. HAWA t � a•re•.M CALL DAVE • • ipwwtas lt.pa.. an, c 44444% .opt• 195Ktw E -Pion -dilwn Andy 9miad"Js Sod• :YI go =a country, r- 831-7053 . Fully have you bad financial -my sy9wm Nur GerarN _roes 2 i 1 r1R Esecunve H.- rigs Had". idler $.step 1h,, r.�.ea ,.r• v, n, ,r•.ro sew ows Yap m %vets pre �,;warr Cal (90SIRS" 4 �n,s rod. Re" pain- :;,mplealy tuna fieri nl al :.-s:uac ror 1rOM door IO tC ret lobi ewai t in north Wtutby, -tinky Wan PON, Town arergemenss ewe- (1400 MUST SfLL! MILT 1-k.rrw bmnwo SII a es from IROS t0 : o aronth leve, .moa Hall am tans lar w Pik up Per1y s•rvrcu Pal s•rvfn• 1'6d lots l"nirul "k'ut tea• Santa, surfing from 31$00Nad.wNy. 'rplwaa(19e711a6N0001907gg0a ° iOM1i' MAKE GREAT : Anq. IirndrY. ac was b ubkees Ad aO I' cowrxt Pn]enag G0. sun snag nm 5670 Call to vww Prcferal No pets el'.''6-06'IsM mwke 'e°1land Hrnry Ww1wi p at RAS191T WANTS WORK SKIN HAPPEN IMI FL MDEFTN SUN. smokuq wofemonw avid- (905) 721-6741 .{v ailabk AaaR.l Slh. [E•s')-EeW+�is �c,^,g Ma�,c Fir „ndoren s PamL'S DANCE, 4 door fail back, a0e rmmedra". ro pets Call am tiros 1WTEf FROM b:wmam ev August 7th. 1•+'rH . Is p b. ars arm.. sal aase $675 inciam ,s/Np. IID6 wall I bed,00m AWrt y wee Yid 401 52110 ODIC M. � And All �vC.:3sn:ms bake say Olin Magician, IN 28 DAYS avow. Ruda .0. soy aura. 831-2993. mens awrable August tat �5-�•'� '..n 4 15, be -., tarry yluN. Ma. or Marr Can �� 125AN. $3.900 parMed (906) eRIGNT 2 bedroom beck ve 1595 mnrnN mala.% Fant. OSHAWA 3 Wnoom send - .-Inng nd, bptac4 . 2-4 k -N :wr wnereanuts For Intment for 430-0217 aW-M $675 .9 viclunw ave W -V for ear car lam- Irving air earrrq room. 2-4 ra W K,ydd,a Rhall Mon- dpPo nye a ntmnes sat par tMprarwneeak 1 ng a demo of Shaklee s So wo,kktuqq person pm• WI aWriws O,Kr ounaq. Iwai. t pie loft "IV -wafts .Y. 03044 DOpm I� :11 - tcrted 1905N392052 alrr a Flaw 4xa959O77Jf 4oWmn.s. pow• cora orbmwrys, polomsn Me 0•waup . 1N7 POr7MC Hble car drrvt-+M i9O0' pews. perWaW Wham a - Telly Con, TOYM Euro Cab- Abso. Drill WWOT iroM. WOW Wrightt�rlM mvay ,•ers Rsl•re,e- sour b att Cab (905m. a NET (a1R14NAN OIrEMtaL reY01UO0r1afy rem0a. 5 -%pled. amnm/as- IreN mint udr down. CENTPA 016 a. arae 1, 2, .cart 2.Oedroom Wemem a 1364110 Scud 1 9po6 Mond t 70 to 2 30 p m July CWS SM. 63.owkm wwror. ems lady 1993. 50 000 km L 3 bedroom aWwwm$ apbl-wt n down tm* was ,a ,nlnpced with wooksan ��� ROM[ Iran Colerints entuselle pond. mm condition, rims Hum•r green show room avwuba n wsn.minaned .pante .m , kdcnen, 3, NIIMM 4Dedoam. 2 p OfNaSIA 2.1 NOROOM •;an ro mat+ Same OaarA, BQR VzOEIENTSpa"ring tondo $9.900 Can 576- kind apse b a arnares kwdg room. dr,we roam ape a 7 OOWr. 2 bMvoak9 tax- pock our,Www urge corned SruiaPs Now b oonuo - Basement Apts. Sm,; 5 ts. drywaupapwall. ant- system, .... WIN 34600 OBD ea 2601 g Wath. MOW. sow. own peen N room swge WraO_ FAG kA In desirable area. dose .c rpN b Fr n02 vas R4a 1� t,Yltad ;eD,urs, tlrywaf,. �� y ClNawte 905.576-2013 CAN 727-0977. ru9atr 6 dryp. no heat. $9o0 Askin s hisu 401 Asl,inp 514' 500 'au 065 fare,.a1 S Ll 7L5 n0C-100nn5'pumbn Arawe•iee COIMME furnished saved ppsit i v SW M,, I. tasu'divenus. 905916- 19053 725.6272 Additions, take professional. ssiona�l . Call: 1 1 bedroom brtn-lewd Pak- S725iruonm Aam" tsV 0673 03HAM OtiA3M6 MAS-. trywae, cerart c birlg LMT sataDM ewe. z door. �p q""ra75ss° h9aoo tgwe0`wew' tl 905 -665 --JW tar Som 1 TON' "°0000 • si w19os4o4Shiansu s"seSl 40 o a�°a 15 reasgnabie. uean. Grey I.E. 1 ay.. sub. ars PSNB, 3 d t $ w io turnaround an truftu Sw Dr ,W- - .9 plh Colin 839-7256 �, (905) 428-8586 Al1)FY calcar. $4000 sed Irudss. pproixl tArL and SMIap sPwirs 2 bedroom.one For fto • yrs, Exp. rft-ofhDace Deism. 434-5701. n�ro CAW IAaftO h Ca Ler (9051427-4967 00 m) 905425.OtOg w• beoovn IAO Sao ppaaA SM � NO NOD pp Wall- waftm, adwtFa, $Oleg 412 1 w oUMW Graham. 6 eve N o Parking. segs M. 1116) Aaeya i►dsa, pA1rA 12. ,980 (965} 619.4663. 7x1 TBlO. 4 tars 1 Q'a+a- A a A ADTe Cars. ULcb. 3 bedroom MMMM S.ip} 6965247. en S appears rclii0ed. 3- a on, Iia rdape- lad sub. awNM, Pow paw- t110r00111. z 6eaN..w 0aaoe l!0. poser mom. of Cow eves Ri PM f6 - SIODDO b.. own. .M•keg. *VIM nice yard. dock aegea gNN1aY )tdaor I bedroom aid weed yard. CAS 412- shoos ca 0roay.� a IOap. COL(41� 560.4613 II9Q6NWl�D 37200 ewdr.72F1862 kat. SAW Con an 6Yw Caws an-da"i ppOmg. arKw7 f/5p SwpaClb M70DtHI �aRp 60444 � 4fgpaMondiay 1n886937.7731tou1ATELT mLYiipw nr.p raON no �R� bra S yeah eKperisace. low DODDE SPIN. V8, al- aro. 24 anon. 7 drys, 30 t9Aap. Rekrwps wNr rw nM rw na ori fi IIAfIDYtWIAN Moa have 4awn bol• b WAK P9, P.O.. nk Oulu. 905. 06.5 9066BF5003 . Spix tp. (9061 -571 -SSU. your raw !' C form Sr `sow-m'w call a 8681 !laDid ros lir is trarasporlataoa. 905.7065234 1A010N6 lir Ort sed mr you tlr les CAS paw Mar• AAM • dadhouse.. 4nRDlr, � as SON hiotNNioNtl roed6. Sub rnaaanon AMM OMMa. 1 or6Nr, nail IOa Syn Rep RaMu roe n dose. 2--," .nadirani. Ilusl drive! CAN aR ppsOn b ret OaKpn lair 01 tiM6lES...Wwowed7 W- Pe0W1 krMh iIIkIBO sash wekoroad. 1905p6S-7074. CCASH rop rFOR YSI W mud f1.000 m0! orrW:SUMM upve 1 1905 666-3108 of 19(151 666 pwpetr0r ao IO M Car wrn0o Dislike Ba Sane? low No pD bo snWl. Cas Cissas$•I,IQ)912 3211. 61deC (90514263225 AWK. SEPT ltf. 1775 SD. Looking I. mmana? Lades Plunking, offev(al, M -2 1 . c=mtto Cal 72g -Met aRa 3. FT Prtawa maba PAW Fret 25 - 65. r�N low t pylerty, c6WgkCt 6 113 SM1RN. bad. 1 Co 421-2115 p come to 479 LOVELY 1 DEDROOM of. 1 Ilwr MAR name d (DOM in CASH Bbv. $4N4 R. K 5T6 sharing (905) 430-0411 general Mpaks aubmWt, 4 dt. alk (i•lu eryh sl EA. Ave a Ap., r Ostial r ai.a 1we. irlckdO wk. aver 5077 ft$ w 43L• 1 aw � �y TMS PAINTING SANLy rods, elo�wa .udr- MINUD ALno SA. is p,M, ,son dose b all dn• PgftV. preNr w= gM.l 3 DECOR ba. $6500 Cant. 905-619- S0' nonsniaker. Anal Mead 6pin Ai.sr 1074 4EEFte6 puree clap. sm , Loo low Qu Iglu- f35&m 1941421-6902. comp •: 1 pager -416431 -tint Interior 5 Exterior Crib pod. lea Remora ave Looking w Dae nae WHO SAYS ION FINING Gaed Plus SE. Dead of Awt weeks. Any. stooks. 1905F721-2391. 4FDRODM, tat pdwa sit- European Workman - Iowa aa. 63.000 kais nae. Bi1lll. AMS• COtvakena b 401 -row YOU CANNOT roan n .arar. tw- Mvwtw t�q o iddirnslir0, r w m BETTER RESORT - law- $t0.1D O hep CaNe wBAed bwro:905-430-3609: paw WAtr aa6e I.beagoma. AFi''ORD'I'O attar caAayMro(max6lf- BSe 9057208274. .ramie ilo.9 oat ab=. BUY HOUSE? huS akitchenPlpy IF p Treat ad `Large low CHUNO 123 T•tooppSs. 3cw CARE %Awed, tap Wasneridrye. own M*aroe, uQM twin$700.0* 905,9119-3607tp. ars krrwr. 319.000. Ca14x• Dunces pia. SINS ddaayy DbB Dve a da...wet ztFeel. rm- spxbus slK. Full nook -up 0755, p. Aso ors tO rnAle, ryl smokaq. suit gdksaaW, a a Via Much Cnrupnfo w int CONSI L Fe Said from SM. 2 aN 3 kdrOdRa pay up b 35000 qAr TAN• c. aN mdnrsiw, 57001anpnMi (9051 571-6275 91naq rant, nrh BaePba. 0 .capes from f12Slareek. 1N4 RED MW1Aaa G7.u. 1771 dM . (416) 6N-1121 905-6 SINS. 1-8004140-6275 n Rat ft* p.a. Pon. laklhwN Co1lGpra., 109.000 ave. SM..UM $16.000 O.aa CON 9n5646 em" bkm, 2-Wft uib• om Mark G wEneYY Aw 43 Sftl`d. Cab 9km- 1 9054U-h11pgN7: x-7771- 5919. �1 IImnpp tri bL%" es Umb". sir M Sr, oar RII 7pNt. 176.6315. . INS NfAM EKT 7d ice•' ahb, pralap wckdlt W5. WEST IIC�Ma SDaudus Sans, 316.500. GrtfwO. 117 JEEP YJ. 442/. 185K 5 Midwife No pope aowe0- bmisw mom in Cion ado 19% Grmd-Am SE 4 a. spa. 42L rum W new. bog: AaW em41 to . ICpCtw. SCCBape tar etllpyepliaLwaid Carr. 10K•s $10.700. Ca- wry good. 111W. 7sptop. (9055579- non -smoke. Parking. bus. Ord (15)-6WI401. $4900 .n . iS41660000. a W ON MO 2•Ddmom. imine- w Dwo m. audio$. ninf ou - �T FROKM. Ge aq 434.2475(snp) sine Ponwebaa, Cnaa w Istlast f110ha. (905)- r debt 4100 without gong IOU VOYAW Mtn -van ostava. couple pmWrW n. SD}2459 bankrupt or bug OrleNaaeed. WE FINANCE 93000tims, 1 wrror. loaded. Win bilge, stow, carm. WRSONNMSSLMO 2 ped- Everyone Abomf regains EVERYONE $= Deep from 25 w n, hwhN-p4nled. sapping pn- roan n naw Age d creat vaso%. Cao w ha $100. (905)-4369N1. a WuaOy taaMws. m qs_ pw $150mant sawn kith- idorm08a. 9055763505. No tum downs. Nun ws. Re=. n. & lanrry. ora It. stuamwaa:Kwded First time buy- 1 1'ra46n (9051725-2642 ane sons room (905F57f-7281 ers, bankrupt 2 bedroom I7E. it SRAM OSSWAUALOANMNor p 112 Aar 30' twat 2 eednam ceps wauea 1TA� w bad credit; n0 sops 0. ar ratdibu,ea. mi- Aug i pSespl 56% Fim a Credltl If you aorow, naw shad Buaa1W ua It,orp s YeM 11ei1 PICKM M • bawdrr home FRONT FEM OTNM Work; you drivel deck. bunks. coiidt�r bedroom. Bedroom with private smug DO ROT.na 111AwA -res GM, eDwlen 4 M M in S. room. parking, rapn-smoke VAMTEO MAT IN Lots OI pre- 5,4,000. 1905µ31.26e2. two - 2 tNdrear� ceps m new. Ajax. 3 log bate 4 000M Amiable August 1p $590' INVB11GR 111M101ICIF owned lea MMM 35' Lb new, wry art edwt 5 -pia sun- Anal. seg Ip..Aging41 StSSW rienwsy. Cp 639 -ten. IT eEi0RE SNOW An Vehicles to sleeps 10. arse Indpe. mr poi edrNo sauNvwscnlwaers%m � � w MM71.304 a 1 ItD1100M VM CLEAR- COR1ReC13. conal A Owl-oW. aids Ma- 55 tM hydro eKta m- (905)426.1970. ! w*v. Wkq. Close a choose from. 2 swoop, deck. shed. f16.500 OBO 19051-57} dla0w hat wee, 1 O.C. AWA. i. Ask lot cturd Maepgee• SPECIAL 4334 NanaUnanaba- - 435 sum. AIk w RclwO FINANCE Ave PMAmuN6 4 4LeRoor 4751,1. DEPARTMENT 1 Raakw Rd 72 3634. � ham w me $1 in MWlwa • Good bad am SHERIOAN CNEY LuR Relays from 6Yman - nwi, nap nterwrw Ave" Sgt to wIR11T, Araupe leap 1st prose ro F 4 4494 All KM a ram aptno, & NOW 4•adrpwn tar ro hive. 995.71$-1499 funince0 ccan60 K naomlW Parkq 6 Yaro. CA IM rile NUFa743R ewo- M. or nom b ave. too, or 'DDhra'Mon, iCOp' 1 Ipddp� MR Eu. W D>t�NiN N FOOT.Thintlaenh tlat "winDrare'�`0`o tat no can. ON . aria �. N26rd•e and web page Creation Hyper IMad. uDSdWI link and server storage. am, many enubmls uikm pa.nen. seyted and -vi Can Jellm Doarq to pp akmp 213.906 at �,g400 CKAI tosenrors.fully.. 25 FT. ri duter 51aw sired. Fen atirriaas. tai Perna. head,all 711 af,.ttF a", Call AnAmY at (905)424rM to me Can (9050.983.5312 • 1 11 Bran after spm, 312506rtrad- er UARUN NTD SALES 1988 AFT SNOW Akgaust lith Pontiac tempest. black. 1 1 •A•�'IM r Fairgrounds lgam-9pm clew mic Peressian $1950 $1595P� GREEN, Ter •President r 985 5 Booms L.KA Amiable Houde Accord. Brown, IM ITAE CA top end 132Km5. 5Mot as t 1973 Wirwcru ser SuxAmper Motor Hole 2211, manral condition. u gpraded pAslun L•f�� 2/•7 "^"' propane powered, 78m well OeS�pr�d ntenor $%500 GN19051668-31% a Plymouth --ML 3299% as I1( 19$1 50 Relryt 158Kms. 51350 1992 1992 LF- IR PRICE MSTALLA- Suiting, Burgundy $3350 11 Ap•rYiawes W KAYAK Pea Reaanp- 1989 Honda Accord EXI OW r above ground Indusnp 1711(ms, 34795 NI rerucHS certified 1895 Clements Rd. 1 No, AFT clean quiet in. lis 16'x14' 070 $5395 Iape MCNOlt emu, 2 sad, U-177, PKw y Need a rar. Wex Central Whnty, 1b Pets 1SVast Heal. water included s. sand IdNr. pump 6 mu- cP1Y16B6-38111 Hydro extra Laundry ta.,- dc. t-BOOfi68-7561 MUST SELL 1983 Meda Iles Aral Sept 1st 19051�6w- RK7 cenrtied. new tiro. a- 4312 please leave message 3-1 = cenenl running .ra0ruon 1 4 2 OOm an S2300. (9051576-4 79 7 / trai OshawaBEDRavadlM.aaptrle Aug- THE NEWS ADYERTLSER WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, N14. PAGE 15 Sal t WC6p16 .i f` alitiW* AuetlaN ftwr 11650 AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. Make ef �+ trMl UQUIDATH)N SAIF mxnoLqL 2 8 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 applisfam, 00 p01"AMd ST Deu rj 4WMn- a SYSTEMunderground parking. am BE O01•U smyall. 55 FAM CRT. �h AM MON.-THURS. t A.M. t P.M.kw s. FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. It Far Ree T7 Oshawa Res4ww Com ye SAT. a ttUN. 12 • s yrydowntown ra,W �'�a. 0181010 ®PUBLIC AUCCoFree mparableION Comparable `MM ate () 613.6421 a97 ��nnQn Commemul HOsa FJ' Fri., July 31 at 7 P.M. 506725-7471 SHELTER CANADIAN I&Ntinor I Shop Ca 434'2447 5505 Prcview6:00P.M. 1'pp1tS377S1 PROPERTIES LIMITED FOR Reit or tease, meera A O oei� The Newng t. Westin ewe (:corn o0. space Nixed m buri L � 20 King tit. West, Ye�vca,tk NOUKTAIN Wasp�y}' shopping Ware Rei MOVING SYSTEMS BLUEWATER PARK - WHITBY SOabe rates and.m,demi- Ca talogucd sale to include: A Malur it[ c 11conm with we.0 to"aryth•ag. alley guaMwo For mon All ,artworks of Christine Marshall, Tri ha Hnmance, James aywnere.WAM 182 bedrooms, immediate, bnnOn an 9D5404 f991 Lundwrs L Dyer AJ Casx7n, Turn Thomson, Frank CP mwcw, a�e0d°roa' am 3 appliances and blinds, roFAI PROFESSIONAL t:;umachacl, AY Jackvin, Nnrl Peter, Brent Townsend, Les boxes lane seSOW & 350sgn Around level unshed '('ail, Ikv Doolittle, Mater Oil Paintin s on Camas, St dill, mrd month discount Fite MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. • 5 P.M. U ew�erysc�+xA exposure K eor xes NepotraOk (905)509 Wt $450 Prints, etc. Collector plates, Royal Uvuhon's liexder Farm 571-0755 (905) 571.3522 � Aar, wildlife s, tilptures srerlmg silver wall plaeluc%. a large 1.888-1191.6600 SHELTER CANADIAN . Scle tion of imptiried Italian w,aad frame• minors, Postmaster Edition sumps collections. selection of Mint PROPERTIES LIMITED IM $0. FT, co nl ,inns - 1`9�i and rare mint secs, Estate lues. (tank Notes. HARRY -0 -THE - space for lease Wrkag 6 (;(,Id Coins. Darin and & r.nuinc stone nn Gold chains, MOVERS rater clu led easy access. K ' K+• Move Dig or small, we 1062 Nelson St Non- earrings, penxlxnts, Ix -ger watches, pearls, sterling silver pace- them all! Free esp. faONmonth 905 7234115 -IAC w,e.lry, c r i mms. Accent furniture, Oak, mates. seniors discount. FOUND - Grcy a who kraft REED A CART CALL IIM. Sep, 1st ,rum 5550 �n�Iushw. K *1's • snort notice moves Ape 56 Ntona u cal 509* CARI OVER 30 FULLY RE. yPark`% auplranoes S11"I THE SUMMIT PLACE �r2 foa� a %IA-gany, Tahlc lamps, Chen+led Teddi s, (all retired 6641 nP CONDITIONED AUTOS ON sift 905 433-0062 Ask '•m 41905{19-2899 figures), Humor el late% L4 figurines. Model Cars, Star Trek of age s acerrioavailable. also FOUND 3NMU DARN Brown MLLI AMA2IMG PIUCESI axis Cath • 1,2, a 3 Bed Apts. K p K ^rotage space awila0k. dug spa= tYpt Female - Meal Vista - 19% L.Ina 1-SEDROOM Basemen, • MOVE -IN INCENTIVES KO Oshawa Centre. En. items. Disney Ni Harley Davidson, axllectihlcs. Cordless Contparabfe rates Call Nunn on iaarwoud 1905r683 APV s super sale $9.9%. 1994 apanm 1 Nunn clean air- dosed Bas unit w,m over- Phones, Stcrccn t4 M„n• M:anv more items tax numerous to (W5MB7-M37 or •All Util. Included 800 534 Astra 7 passerper air, aeon, to„d,huned. acne, parking 40015 6 menuon NO PRF..NII'MS OR H[NF.R,S FFES. t' ' $8.065 kook 58 e9s 19% nese stores a wws norm • In - House Supt a Maint. Van laanorm pit-. ail m- LOSi CAT W,pp!c gray rawly Gere Scan, IoadeD 62.000 Alar, all inclusive $690 no damanbusuness talc melud. Terms Cash, Visa, Nic, Amx and debt, as per posted 2k NamedNora BryriOpes area kms. chu0 $13.995. 1990 smoking Separate emrmce peMal Aloft -Fri. lFMn •Bpm edl (high eedirgs. .nOrq. :innouncc•d. Adklttkons tk [h:ebon+apply will 19051420-3558 Astro. loaded, Ione, mom, sept 1st 6193643 Sat 8 Sun I lam- wi hies, wasnmoms. all Ea rienced� nry 139.000 kms. now OPaaa cnlr . mdraedl Lease ]-1004-PRO-SALE <>R 41629K-1762 Pe LOST. C hftks. ,gray inn $6.995 • r.. Mink 1989 oWwnal f6lsumnm Spa. 1 Cross Movers will aranO cMeks. yeuow crest Buis, Cmtu7 Lid loaded. r- NE `• r for W egorpmem or WWW.PROA[JCTIONA:00M 1 ?ar)an rates. hones, Sewn work7174357041leean 6 WetN cal. c$4.650. 1991 • • YAI.IANT PR�PE1:'ir ,nide. 905-5762982 1 �vxs. aW. err. 905-426.3166 Reward g0ey m h�a.2 r� MANAGEMENT 1 caa6e• .� Auetian . 1 wrsxaaM r 1 versonaa 1 a�m�n)�ge IM 1 pour-ppk.i Raper Ext p u xtT. 4o A. 1 421.0739 auto. Orly 57.500 R•d@M 903-379-1 621$ BALSAM LAKE Fgpwn Falls. Personal Pravn to the Bfessed L''irVhr 706-5513 1995 Neon air. amu great : 2 7 a 4 Oegrx;m raocAe- AUCTION O, md»t beiuui�; !'�n er sat 11 :. Carmr!will ROTTWEILLER puppws for deal, 56.950. 1995 Cavalier. >p rq-cortapls. A,gu9 and sale Senuus inquiries only air two• 4 Door. 90.000 kms. (tet „ale n soy CONSIGNMENTS Fruitful vine splendour of Heaven. 'lady W pox (9os1.43 puppies $8"0. l black. Cavaw zz4. WINDJAMMER _!W. etduoes king +wa.,d AND ESTATES Blessed Mother of our Son of God. Im- ; 1 arow loeded. black, 93 To 0 kms, _ CAIRN a lit R puppies 3 rye GL. gre 1993 Topa. a. °I 16°IU3aNly WANTED maNlate Virgin, .551St me in my necessi- U0"01M1A' moa, ver 0) :% AUDI 1, fm1 S4, OL. IN amNy pr tm. APARTMENTS -AJAX as*'� ng Boy ties. O, Star of the Sea, het me and scoots. IfAWI x11 721-1 316 $4,99% 199.1 Geo Metro. sink.. 17051187-2550 Low COmmi551Oft, P 99.000 kms. 5 speed, red, sed 33 & 77 Falby crt. Afford- i-OKAYGEON Aa,!Mpm 2. payment neat show me herein you are my Mother, ('I sTr)s1 "0vII, MEAPOLItNMasunmint. 53,990. 1995 RrdN. vroom 1am,q N. Queen of Heaven & Earth. 1 Humbly be - Nos sF:ul%t; 3800 taco Ready byqoauW, 1 cyl. 30.000 kms. able 2 bedroom apartments ,;a, maowa.! iido0dpt. swA leech ,you from the bottom of m heart, to air W70%o .,null 3905)-$71.7375 or (705F932o• p Sales every Tues. Y JJ 3105 dlrAp (6.995. 1991 Maida rat. Ines axk. dock. trgwaq %clove me in m necessity. Make nests.-:...IY.n. 323, ado. ,til Ince. 100.000 ^ a From $785 per m0. includes n•�9Mr, prnate heawaw ser. Tours. at 6 p.m. Y f requests. „p�,,, biwid. Ap011A8tE MMAUYAN Kn. kms. $4,950.1989 Geo Tracer coq, $ats sins rawry. %5001 Antique furndure. There are none that can withstand ,your AI.. vush 1f teres. Punted Seal Blue. 6 er prow car. 5 SOW, stay If Fridge, stove, broadloom, AAsaupp 1.14. Aux 7 appliances etc. power.) O, Mary conceived without sin, : vr(dvw oars. rorae poems aim ryes $3 $95 $6• van a CMiea :epi (705) 7-1992 , Ready b Liner trained Aro Centra. 155 Kay S. air, heat, hydro, water and Owner and opera. Pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 $250 alas ryDs)-1}5371 wtrr a Mrwa Mau. Gu DRAT Irsnnp and hmrN for times). O, sweet Mother i place this 5mter$, one parking. 'rt.ary on Roe Lys. 1 now SOFT Como WNEATOR "x ice,,,,, „ '-,m Oshawa. Mo&e 2 a 3 MYLES KING cause in your hands (3 bines). Sar this Dunt. ready to Rerysl,,M NEED FOUCtNG7 $506 = Call 686-0845 Y*iborn .mairs. saner Al1CT10NS prayer for 3 consecutive days and thencot M01Oe st sums, breedn pw'an,tt. 5,000 Down FPTdnED VF- apAnme'n ^paras! SeaaL drdrerr.t publish. still"° oral. non lawadnp. lypya- -1, S MOO 5 iv 942 Purr. t- 2 appliances. ro nark Or visit us at: :+„gram. bow a mdor Low 33 Hall St. A.K. eqemc atnly dogs 19951 ox 6000E. 28n $395 89 +a0. rq Pets. A rest ,,, Ar peas. S,,.,Ymnd Oshawa, GET JFOR TM PRICE 1 7153-96!16 DpeNy LE. t20R $3995 90 eer,ces Amiable August tv tvw.geocitirs.cum/wall street/floor/ saga RR Al 4asaps. Wvaw, 1354 $3995 89 Iso Ca Mora (906)427-7935 7Fa77hiKhrisr•r hemi .'^ K0. lYq [705,696 2601 Established in 1 MnowapnMeaa .: 1 Mnpeapwwnw +D :u 3600 sg n 1 1 Aw a06m Svrwrd LE 71995 N B.mm AJAX Bachror cep Asan 19110 90K f399I 90 Beretu. 130(.inchuninfat, pNpq 54995 90 San.. boded. Itl'last stand Sep 1 „wwr b 1 no,iw t. 1 „o...tt r2s-5751 Vdww9. =1161 Bows 1944 CHEW -�vala W: $4195 89 Traekr 140K. 4on SrMrr Can sive bran, Rare Iyt� 723-0TJg1 PORT PERRL gkayp .ridpw kggR. c.diNair Un kany W Su95 92 lumw Euro. C7 -T sam Dain DIN conn« Few 93 audio Cal. Elm '9°SI864OD67. CRAI" A- & GIF ! SHOW ^�fase�house nw�dt 000 000 Amp Ova 90 04fp 4N S7995 42 AEA. Sp xda 8 Sar ae SICK OF RENTING?? 7mm�g'on.x....ra' 964 CJ grand Am. V6. 3- S AS I- 3400 so h 40.0 Mia with Mkya August I'(th & 9th wRra M 81}766-M 9OS v - JEEh14 rift 3 acs- grand Am rig .%999 R- hinny room 300 know wail OWN YOUR HOME -From $700/month • - I ��w 4m rcot g000cjnvaI door. nancang a waramv Aml- Aug, 19 Cal(4/6120D79N Aan•r,awn r.00r,n j3p.OM ,sop 10 a.m. -- 4:;i0 p.m. dT�an%Ley"aIw ac •arts 75. Cal 905.706 aha. CAWXME AUTO •Nix rini GN Ainal ! - .,.y C. .sole 'or n••'n'6r Scu og Arena, 1655 Reach Road $YES. ted Denis Lw. ANY, 1pedrppm bwenent syr anmmM.d,aaaatea�y�� Will gog moa. $t8 aMAy M541YM77 .Wnnenl sp.aa.&.r= aH.rptvOkcrrrl•a b•rrkn Pro Cap 19051-5'91312 gam 5 appk-. sinal no ors s„a, Chow• ria.: Cmc, relive app b $6.000 OR tb� A5 l ,11'1 50 Quality Vendors :. I Mimic ION MUM )am V6. p$NAwA AUTO urTM araaroa 560 1, rrrsL 421 u' - oa.oarr•rf R�.p•q• w.•N. 30Lh Chp7 Blxk Runs paw mow W. - a eve- 3650 a,dwn•. d1 trtcna•i (905) 571 -GM or 1 -NO -640.6275 its Sa r we rea•o•N• ion' 2 doors SUraad M Iia" woAtaaawl an . n- 4,6 M -57m 905-666-0%1 P ao,,,,,6 a yvpP ro,,,.•q s Sw,.6r '^�w w 1 ,994 ,rip 4om Mark St's 1 dv E9aekaed ►cone 'can CO=M" Pao 240Kms aw ars. ,7, door '"""' 1993 a a•• R.p. Simon O.ouD Eww, Miry. loaf -Lap Truck (muni 1. s 1ifR3 blahm aiv.0w ale a bo- SW,brd. I door :5700 19V AM. 2bedroom t aatiu, full, wall sada$ 9wp ieairng a^ as9sa^r w7 N 433250 urn all IIl. aro. 35700 1912 Sora- usen,.hi, a0•rinruir. V.ry urawn. yw "Ne pwakaa. I9g51-427.,tz2 S•rMes n- end cT Woo 19W Caryip bl a specw$. s 4P- 1�1 �"�• 1 °'"110"" 1 °"NO1M" inn ad 9uck R5.000 or am AJAX Moving Systems c,Ralo�°"a,ad"tpertshm °ma;r�ct 2 dor, SM ,992 Tnarr urn R«r Rem e.ea.dy' to RwnOk %4995 ,995 pArxas parking, no 11r. no - nionable of. Sam. an. op Send resume and IN7 Caron Z20. no V6 5 Tarte Mlapon (4600 1992 smoking bus r lop raw C eEDuiF.,, ►uux' a0M nC6a� ;..Dios my 9057767147 F Se":,CES, moves. d{rpltanCe ..p W T t4Mc uhe rcamm ra$seaa. arc, p� Cadw RS. i door ss49s shaww A,rra+n• uRm. " - " 7r�1•'^WA •«•naw) it j piano lists. Flat rate or ea�f ChIno «Nowt. to 000 Z SWewd GT. Saii 1991 Om*v. $79Wr O CAN nAmr6 wnlwpstied 1 10 w e f specialists. 211 ", St Mnkr i a •sad 9os rn rxs a iwtAEOAt �o.p. I.S. s3z4s 11F,366 °e°w'or i, kroroon a aN. F� ; arty. We now have Pleated tr. ON. L 1 R 6H7 or t»I G&W. t dour. vers u�iery. with guial CO p, 1011 SWCOE STREET NORTH MR Saar GNAT LOCATION storage Units. We Sell moving 211 (9081430.900 (W91 191 ems GT2 13M 1990 rano OWN ,ppaapm pplw•t 3-Beorxm Townhouse Units ,r.Y ppxuply arae you s' Optics. Park and load sal, ten . $2 two. Y6 ab. CwaA. PIS.M t3700 191 CO- AaaA. oras 1.6edr08m mer- tel aro ars Amur MOW uwee3 8 pill"rlchtded airy o.wd a oWalad specElmial. tow kuad. 371% art. 117 Lao 31795 1I G�NgaA nlmi aprtms t as ftp.. na- ,rode ram w ea•d$ slaw Vart Initial start$ at $125. and Er•usrrew Wnti , 1 . tye aro f,776. 4 Flier :2995 1980 Spm9 1 e kred n. sprs warn., -,Mum I (1115) IS" Stove 8 Refr. g•rasor. -,.ver W w � C narMw. 1987 DtiOpr s4rb.. dear. s2Ms 19W eorvewM Parquaky floors elroulwhoLk 725-0005 or 427-0005 ' 0 t 1 inrlrne $,495 art SE $4M 1990 Ser•ta GT IstNp. r•I8naaacro. ST75 naERMG G.,gaovs I b•6 - Farad I~ LM (416F 1x5 IIIrNr t rat aro 11296 $3m ,910 r -a Rpe.pyyI. Aawt tararw.ed, ro pea Mrnwa+wd aunt ant UA Close m Schools avid sflo00wlg- . a-Cm11111 1111111 AK oro. AW9759 SIM 1990 Loraw. ILT6►5 oayame w5.6t9-te99. +paurK.s ^On-aauksr. $700 From 5875.00. 1990 a/ s3as im 14A. 9os4MaM, redraw non (M6)-426,te6 1M7 KrMWTe sur,Ore., r•w.w$ 1 ►eebtiw•w wiwr< 4If- 'ulditlw ver '-"e u. %]ells 1990 srrrod. r•s•rPryrMn1'rwro0 Call 905-T21-0980 Hn„6.;,(.,,,,,y ....- `WmA1mon. axiwW varso Cd J wap. 911% ,9rd ra.wts, CENTRE OKI *PMA7RMT2 .J^^.. n- tO•�9g4F]4T7 p Per alb fA16 i11M lrrara G1. 7 ora rr rna.ww +,n w.'. PttIMINNeh ) kr.aww rreww tti •neAnre .„ONTanao 2 $37% im Ca..W. 2 Ou., dry Sa,omu war A. ':i •W^rraw^r gives• 1 rkana tpu3'tw,vfs t �' E[QTt10t�Nt L\i7�3 $3215 1x1 cepttp, $i7x all.. Il Aar AN ISM rrmaictt. red o fc Rat. ro R.r • I Mc. nwwttr .. 'aux : 9dL GA/L L/ND ,r tea PONTIAC GLAND m '9m cam Somma $47% AS ria+ Cao Sam b spm +ptaaraa amity nal 4 810poopf won rtatl,r6 4,r< pn•,ne^ :37. Orimn ` 1 :.i. R:!.d.M 2Ft,l(rs W. 10P S'D t y, YYu '9a lncwn C4nirenul. (101M7679tS rNtSat •.area•. ne Pit. r* y,•AJ. n , '� 2 ar p- CLEAR d•A'ER AREA 3 sky mt9 lata r-tt.r 'Lt ::7 r:A.S(.f . (.L43.T ww44s $7rimnada 1tRAM i YA10 SERVICES 000 Km Pago a Gu Sora 110 Mdw 77100 a0r rWs pa S. Cowell .,,,,u..w pm aw.rn it! LUMM a tnHlrT90n sang$ 1105Mn►0157 w t9M SunbN f27 16M aMKAae rtNREOwTELY, n Call 0111 11150 . own RIWw pox row rwa aww• C A:».++a�1 .^...-a.uw.:w,a..• .. , Iaw.an $5700 iw From- Whrbr Apt bu,•ddng tpw- FiCNEROB, BrorLawy R. nwat aver 08" Gly row F. rip .no ar row prwkm Exotic I (.1'.1A.lVTFED 11M UM L.SAww ran. Arra GTA 557x00 19M Camaro ciout arpsad.:rwn WHt- r.•nv rnAnrd Ori. adroom '7o6Ftn-7N7 N65 Y-1771 Massage ,• Mothers Day Special. 404-8761 urn ..crani sasMa. t -sop (7995 ,987 Caw 00..0 bow" am a wA 2w'IASSQ P $,x950 u 905-625 0rmr s -lo. t650o 1910 rn raoW. r apBmr•'0�-e an.mwm ape .m cep pw AaaN mmi s rteeoDM : A a7ARWAmh 2 aaaem ,i Witfl bookings Of VIF@ekly Of bi-weekly NOWHIRING 11M SOC Shan ati9 ar. SAM 1971 i39rs D.drdom 7M0. S MOrpor I gdr. 2 apOnNca. aPnb � ge.WNW I tpa.u. A.- w na :0 ver Win Aom•. - !Non • Fn - .raw.. ro ions Ron- tarpPlr aub pill ,>" 14SKM ELL Worn , IN Buy sm I eedrn- Wil Wp sml•.. Rnr i Iwt RMr naamROULod And Sit Tomas a rwarwpn it5a Italian - 9 PHIL sefYlce pin to Mothers Day: receive N.500. ta5 4ten Won+ 7tLL a TRADE' ,M fnrro 4x-0134 mans n0 aim SM ut Si Staime, . arrow Mo US Cas 605-636nON - Sat - Sun - ar Wpwp$ saw" a; L $.. Oak... ,Mew.- rRt, as It» (N91 half price On the First Four Clear7s. aaM ISMIms $1x10 1x7 1266. ANMIMIE 3[R. 13T -mem 143PMI/rmw,rw0 (DgyH1} CLAMMYTR 2 3 badmom 12 pm • 9 P.0. • SuoMa fO isms a aynOtrorfe ! I I ow,ov Son. aro. an.". 117 arts L)AMNA. 4 ,r "" I oed,_ SCSsnindn ay DM1aNa K416rWIL3pN a nay I,,,,,,,ra mpW (pr Calf 665-6157 ars aMNm Caw. 1a kaaded praar• ,,.^ ..u..: Muvve ' .droop, poop 4ed burgam 7wn<rIA pqa grid ma.m.m -a ndn, p+'.,n2 buy E7CELLfrT owpporg8yy b DOW bit C.Rkra ar it Rm9 32.900 IN7 OoOpa wior 15 J170 err S' 4 ,JO Ma. $651m0^mN wr3a- fM- Opo.. ar M Rio na•Nas - (Fogy BOIaOro 6i Irriur6d'1 Akb.. ars. paw. IM w Err w ar Rroa 6 � aaarq 175 • Sap let pp; a...Unce. bsdrb• aro magi a6vactr.t Gd• NIYENII PSYCMC M 7 . • Id 1.1i( Y1e, $t Ok,00 5 _ , am a3L277s C; -Nm 7�, CpcyMHa Nwap m. (9Mi- am aRgMN r.wraan 10 rtn wlmmw $27ywta. 1.,"t -.rd •h,, air .inn •^i VOJ'7515 5001etbf76f row Cppemp ymoaphrn n prop snow n ya, roma $2r's'^'r •6.-24 ors t IWO TORO TNINMERMD • , • AVANAau Sep lr. Sm,cow 1p.rawraWr Sae 11}7941 (9D61eSY9e02 706451 SM $ t U, eratuwm :"I.., p„sslaio ,Osna.a, t b.b �� ' b -vas's 1 1 '�-OrYO9 I r-;,1 4Wo.e , $i40/M 5wi0mG 67 ch fig st S CIM s9aG00S 7 attention Nkd•atlrw. HEAVENLY PSTCMIC - $29p ,• 1U.000 a, IpiUt6. auto. i'dCnduaw Ikrrd•Oe 11 mm tae 24 hours ,906 �� ekt am•ro Deter. caca0irSYar LanaI psis In, attucn.a some out 0r+0a Apple rive /rpwr. pay lora r•4aw 6 .a• No dtigl cal SttOI q. edea cep. yad00r,a 1. hart ., pop" 142. kKa- 425' 1:61 'Alli nORO- u4 etnw, fS.OM waW 19051 SIS432-12M sr3wa RF6145 Ion FWM all I nZI G•.tt eN 7uw, ul k.,na = OPE 14*4777770 aoo YRaft M&IMAL A MAOFfENAMCE N� eini6 9*4 tar b p m Y a t !! 1 Schw. ka4ry. fYarw r•enowal A SALES LIMITED WAND NEW 5,q. wrmara mmrud--aiwnNow are• P Laedy4:yteea p 161 WAND MIROM Ls awrmcm srwurc 6riirarp. OS. HAWA t � a•re•.M CALL DAVE • • ipwwtas lt.pa.. an, c 44444% .opt• 195Ktw E -Pion -dilwn Andy 9miad"Js Sod• :YI go =a country, r- 831-7053 . Fully have you bad financial -my sy9wm Nur GerarN _roes 2 i 1 r1R Esecunve H.- rigs Had". idler $.step 1h,, r.�.ea ,.r• v, n, ,r•.ro sew ows Yap m %vets pre �,;warr Cal (90SIRS" 4 �n,s rod. Re" pain- :;,mplealy tuna fieri nl al :.-s:uac ror 1rOM door IO tC ret lobi ewai t in north Wtutby, -tinky Wan PON, Town arergemenss ewe- (1400 MUST SfLL! MILT 1-k.rrw bmnwo SII a es from IROS t0 : o aronth leve, .moa Hall am tans lar w Pik up Per1y s•rvrcu Pal s•rvfn• 1'6d lots l"nirul "k'ut tea• Santa, surfing from 31$00Nad.wNy. 'rplwaa(19e711a6N0001907gg0a ° iOM1i' MAKE GREAT : Anq. IirndrY. ac was b ubkees Ad aO I' cowrxt Pn]enag G0. sun snag nm 5670 Call to vww Prcferal No pets el'.''6-06'IsM mwke 'e°1land Hrnry Ww1wi p at RAS191T WANTS WORK SKIN HAPPEN IMI FL MDEFTN SUN. smokuq wofemonw avid- (905) 721-6741 .{v ailabk AaaR.l Slh. [E•s')-EeW+�is �c,^,g Ma�,c Fir „ndoren s PamL'S DANCE, 4 door fail back, a0e rmmedra". ro pets Call am tiros 1WTEf FROM b:wmam ev August 7th. 1•+'rH . Is p b. ars arm.. sal aase $675 inciam ,s/Np. IID6 wall I bed,00m AWrt y wee Yid 401 52110 ODIC M. � And All �vC.:3sn:ms bake say Olin Magician, IN 28 DAYS avow. Ruda .0. soy aura. 831-2993. mens awrable August tat �5-�•'� '..n 4 15, be -., tarry yluN. Ma. or Marr Can �� 125AN. $3.900 parMed (906) eRIGNT 2 bedroom beck ve 1595 mnrnN mala.% Fant. OSHAWA 3 Wnoom send - .-Inng nd, bptac4 . 2-4 k -N :wr wnereanuts For Intment for 430-0217 aW-M $675 .9 viclunw ave W -V for ear car lam- Irving air earrrq room. 2-4 ra W K,ydd,a Rhall Mon- dpPo nye a ntmnes sat par tMprarwneeak 1 ng a demo of Shaklee s So wo,kktuqq person pm• WI aWriws O,Kr ounaq. Iwai. t pie loft "IV -wafts .Y. 03044 DOpm I� :11 - tcrted 1905N392052 alrr a Flaw 4xa959O77Jf 4oWmn.s. pow• cora orbmwrys, polomsn Me 0•waup . 1N7 POr7MC Hble car drrvt-+M i9O0' pews. perWaW Wham a - Telly Con, TOYM Euro Cab- Abso. Drill WWOT iroM. WOW Wrightt�rlM mvay ,•ers Rsl•re,e- sour b att Cab (905m. a NET (a1R14NAN OIrEMtaL reY01UO0r1afy rem0a. 5 -%pled. amnm/as- IreN mint udr down. CENTPA 016 a. arae 1, 2, .cart 2.Oedroom Wemem a 1364110 Scud 1 9po6 Mond t 70 to 2 30 p m July CWS SM. 63.owkm wwror. ems lady 1993. 50 000 km L 3 bedroom aWwwm$ apbl-wt n down tm* was ,a ,nlnpced with wooksan ��� ROM[ Iran Colerints entuselle pond. mm condition, rims Hum•r green show room avwuba n wsn.minaned .pante .m , kdcnen, 3, NIIMM 4Dedoam. 2 p OfNaSIA 2.1 NOROOM •;an ro mat+ Same OaarA, BQR VzOEIENTSpa"ring tondo $9.900 Can 576- kind apse b a arnares kwdg room. dr,we roam ape a 7 OOWr. 2 bMvoak9 tax- pock our,Www urge corned SruiaPs Now b oonuo - Basement Apts. Sm,; 5 ts. drywaupapwall. ant- system, .... WIN 34600 OBD ea 2601 g Wath. MOW. sow. own peen N room swge WraO_ FAG kA In desirable area. dose .c rpN b Fr n02 vas R4a 1� t,Yltad ;eD,urs, tlrywaf,. �� y ClNawte 905.576-2013 CAN 727-0977. ru9atr 6 dryp. no heat. $9o0 Askin s hisu 401 Asl,inp 514' 500 'au 065 fare,.a1 S Ll 7L5 n0C-100nn5'pumbn Arawe•iee COIMME furnished saved ppsit i v SW M,, I. tasu'divenus. 905916- 19053 725.6272 Additions, take professional. ssiona�l . Call: 1 1 bedroom brtn-lewd Pak- S725iruonm Aam" tsV 0673 03HAM OtiA3M6 MAS-. trywae, cerart c birlg LMT sataDM ewe. z door. �p q""ra75ss° h9aoo tgwe0`wew' tl 905 -665 --JW tar Som 1 TON' "°0000 • si w19os4o4Shiansu s"seSl 40 o a�°a 15 reasgnabie. uean. Grey I.E. 1 ay.. sub. ars PSNB, 3 d t $ w io turnaround an truftu Sw Dr ,W- - .9 plh Colin 839-7256 �, (905) 428-8586 Al1)FY calcar. $4000 sed Irudss. pproixl tArL and SMIap sPwirs 2 bedroom.one For fto • yrs, Exp. rft-ofhDace Deism. 434-5701. n�ro CAW IAaftO h Ca Ler (9051427-4967 00 m) 905425.OtOg w• beoovn IAO Sao ppaaA SM � NO NOD pp Wall- waftm, adwtFa, $Oleg 412 1 w oUMW Graham. 6 eve N o Parking. segs M. 1116) Aaeya i►dsa, pA1rA 12. ,980 (965} 619.4663. 7x1 TBlO. 4 tars 1 Q'a+a- A a A ADTe Cars. ULcb. 3 bedroom MMMM S.ip} 6965247. en S appears rclii0ed. 3- a on, Iia rdape- lad sub. awNM, Pow paw- t110r00111. z 6eaN..w 0aaoe l!0. poser mom. of Cow eves Ri PM f6 - SIODDO b.. own. .M•keg. *VIM nice yard. dock aegea gNN1aY )tdaor I bedroom aid weed yard. CAS 412- shoos ca 0roay.� a IOap. COL(41� 560.4613 II9Q6NWl�D 37200 ewdr.72F1862 kat. SAW Con an 6Yw Caws an-da"i ppOmg. arKw7 f/5p SwpaClb M70DtHI �aRp 60444 � 4fgpaMondiay 1n886937.7731tou1ATELT mLYiipw nr.p raON no �R� bra S yeah eKperisace. low DODDE SPIN. V8, al- aro. 24 anon. 7 drys, 30 t9Aap. Rekrwps wNr rw nM rw na ori fi IIAfIDYtWIAN Moa have 4awn bol• b WAK P9, P.O.. nk Oulu. 905. 06.5 9066BF5003 . Spix tp. (9061 -571 -SSU. your raw !' C form Sr `sow-m'w call a 8681 !laDid ros lir is trarasporlataoa. 905.7065234 1A010N6 lir Ort sed mr you tlr les CAS paw Mar• AAM • dadhouse.. 4nRDlr, � as SON hiotNNioNtl roed6. Sub rnaaanon AMM OMMa. 1 or6Nr, nail IOa Syn Rep RaMu roe n dose. 2--," .nadirani. Ilusl drive! CAN aR ppsOn b ret OaKpn lair 01 tiM6lES...Wwowed7 W- Pe0W1 krMh iIIkIBO sash wekoroad. 1905p6S-7074. CCASH rop rFOR YSI W mud f1.000 m0! orrW:SUMM upve 1 1905 666-3108 of 19(151 666 pwpetr0r ao IO M Car wrn0o Dislike Ba Sane? low No pD bo snWl. Cas Cissas$•I,IQ)912 3211. 61deC (90514263225 AWK. SEPT ltf. 1775 SD. Looking I. mmana? Lades Plunking, offev(al, M -2 1 . c=mtto Cal 72g -Met aRa 3. FT Prtawa maba PAW Fret 25 - 65. r�N low t pylerty, c6WgkCt 6 113 SM1RN. bad. 1 Co 421-2115 p come to 479 LOVELY 1 DEDROOM of. 1 Ilwr MAR name d (DOM in CASH Bbv. $4N4 R. K 5T6 sharing (905) 430-0411 general Mpaks aubmWt, 4 dt. alk (i•lu eryh sl EA. Ave a Ap., r Ostial r ai.a 1we. irlckdO wk. aver 5077 ft$ w 43L• 1 aw � �y TMS PAINTING SANLy rods, elo�wa .udr- MINUD ALno SA. is p,M, ,son dose b all dn• PgftV. preNr w= gM.l 3 DECOR ba. $6500 Cant. 905-619- S0' nonsniaker. Anal Mead 6pin Ai.sr 1074 4EEFte6 puree clap. sm , Loo low Qu Iglu- f35&m 1941421-6902. comp •: 1 pager -416431 -tint Interior 5 Exterior Crib pod. lea Remora ave Looking w Dae nae WHO SAYS ION FINING Gaed Plus SE. Dead of Awt weeks. Any. stooks. 1905F721-2391. 4FDRODM, tat pdwa sit- European Workman - Iowa aa. 63.000 kais nae. Bi1lll. AMS• COtvakena b 401 -row YOU CANNOT roan n .arar. tw- Mvwtw t�q o iddirnslir0, r w m BETTER RESORT - law- $t0.1D O hep CaNe wBAed bwro:905-430-3609: paw WAtr aa6e I.beagoma. AFi''ORD'I'O attar caAayMro(max6lf- BSe 9057208274. .ramie ilo.9 oat ab=. BUY HOUSE? huS akitchenPlpy IF p Treat ad `Large low CHUNO 123 T•tooppSs. 3cw CARE %Awed, tap Wasneridrye. own M*aroe, uQM twin$700.0* 905,9119-3607tp. ars krrwr. 319.000. Ca14x• Dunces pia. SINS ddaayy DbB Dve a da...wet ztFeel. rm- spxbus slK. Full nook -up 0755, p. Aso ors tO rnAle, ryl smokaq. suit gdksaaW, a a Via Much Cnrupnfo w int CONSI L Fe Said from SM. 2 aN 3 kdrOdRa pay up b 35000 qAr TAN• c. aN mdnrsiw, 57001anpnMi (9051 571-6275 91naq rant, nrh BaePba. 0 .capes from f12Slareek. 1N4 RED MW1Aaa G7.u. 1771 dM . (416) 6N-1121 905-6 SINS. 1-8004140-6275 n Rat ft* p.a. Pon. laklhwN Co1lGpra., 109.000 ave. SM..UM $16.000 O.aa CON 9n5646 em" bkm, 2-Wft uib• om Mark G wEneYY Aw 43 Sftl`d. Cab 9km- 1 9054U-h11pgN7: x-7771- 5919. �1 IImnpp tri bL%" es Umb". sir M Sr, oar RII 7pNt. 176.6315. . INS NfAM EKT 7d ice•' ahb, pralap wckdlt W5. WEST IIC�Ma SDaudus Sans, 316.500. GrtfwO. 117 JEEP YJ. 442/. 185K 5 Midwife No pope aowe0- bmisw mom in Cion ado 19% Grmd-Am SE 4 a. spa. 42L rum W new. bog: AaW em41 to . ICpCtw. SCCBape tar etllpyepliaLwaid Carr. 10K•s $10.700. Ca- wry good. 111W. 7sptop. (9055579- non -smoke. Parking. bus. Ord (15)-6WI401. $4900 .n . iS41660000. a W ON MO 2•Ddmom. imine- w Dwo m. audio$. ninf ou - �T FROKM. Ge aq 434.2475(snp) sine Ponwebaa, Cnaa w Istlast f110ha. (905)- r debt 4100 without gong IOU VOYAW Mtn -van ostava. couple pmWrW n. SD}2459 bankrupt or bug OrleNaaeed. WE FINANCE 93000tims, 1 wrror. loaded. Win bilge, stow, carm. WRSONNMSSLMO 2 ped- Everyone Abomf regains EVERYONE $= Deep from 25 w n, hwhN-p4nled. sapping pn- roan n naw Age d creat vaso%. Cao w ha $100. (905)-4369N1. a WuaOy taaMws. m qs_ pw $150mant sawn kith- idorm08a. 9055763505. No tum downs. Nun ws. Re=. n. & lanrry. ora It. stuamwaa:Kwded First time buy- 1 1'ra46n (9051725-2642 ane sons room (905F57f-7281 ers, bankrupt 2 bedroom I7E. it SRAM OSSWAUALOANMNor p 112 Aar 30' twat 2 eednam ceps wauea 1TA� w bad credit; n0 sops 0. ar ratdibu,ea. mi- Aug i pSespl 56% Fim a Credltl If you aorow, naw shad Buaa1W ua It,orp s YeM 11ei1 PICKM M • bawdrr home FRONT FEM OTNM Work; you drivel deck. bunks. coiidt�r bedroom. Bedroom with private smug DO ROT.na 111AwA -res GM, eDwlen 4 M M in S. room. parking, rapn-smoke VAMTEO MAT IN Lots OI pre- 5,4,000. 1905µ31.26e2. two - 2 tNdrear� ceps m new. Ajax. 3 log bate 4 000M Amiable August 1p $590' INVB11GR 111M101ICIF owned lea MMM 35' Lb new, wry art edwt 5 -pia sun- Anal. seg Ip..Aging41 StSSW rienwsy. Cp 639 -ten. IT eEi0RE SNOW An Vehicles to sleeps 10. arse Indpe. mr poi edrNo sauNvwscnlwaers%m � � w MM71.304 a 1 ItD1100M VM CLEAR- COR1ReC13. conal A Owl-oW. aids Ma- 55 tM hydro eKta m- (905)426.1970. ! w*v. Wkq. Close a choose from. 2 swoop, deck. shed. f16.500 OBO 19051-57} dla0w hat wee, 1 O.C. AWA. i. Ask lot cturd Maepgee• SPECIAL 4334 NanaUnanaba- - 435 sum. AIk w RclwO FINANCE Ave PMAmuN6 4 4LeRoor 4751,1. DEPARTMENT 1 Raakw Rd 72 3634. � ham w me $1 in MWlwa • Good bad am SHERIOAN CNEY LuR Relays from 6Yman - nwi, nap nterwrw Ave" Sgt to wIR11T, Araupe leap 1st prose ro F 4 4494 All KM a ram aptno, & NOW 4•adrpwn tar ro hive. 995.71$-1499 funince0 ccan60 K naomlW Parkq 6 Yaro. CA IM rile NUFa743R ewo- M. or nom b ave. too, or 'DDhra'Mon, iCOp' 1 Ipddp� ship Fast, clean, reliable service. A ilc 4204=1 ROOFING, And Ahro -' '- San6hng. all types, ^rills, raew and old aper W'akmanship Glaze- .pap) I0% Discount - ,2:•�I tosenrors.fully.. . sired. Fen atirriaas. Call AnAmY at (905)424rM ' 1 Prroa4 e D•$arww 1 D•rIr 'GUARANTEED' PAINTING • GREEN, Ter •President v� vv YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? SIIOWCaSC /t across Durham Region. cau Class fleds at 683-0707 Or fax 579.4218 ?uSTE1t111NG and Stroke Foundation; Treasurer of the Whitby Colour matching Ajax Provincial liberal Association. Passed away a Stucco cechinlinghis home on Monday July 27, 1998. Terry Breen, lot No moneyu0 trout. ng husband of Date. Loving brother of Mary Ellen 11 ry when your sa0shed. tine and her husbwld Art. and Denis and his vdf Eamau senor Decwa4 Sue. Dear uncle of Richard Dembrough and Key) GK sew at na Pamela Dambroi*, Michelle and Wendy Breen. Sm (416)414.5911(Cj 1) in-law of Marion KDpach. Predeceased by his parent Pro Palati Can and Erie Breen. Sadly missed by his many ax Ad ay( sins, family and friends. The family will receivd New WaIIWl"He" A, fiends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 2l C.ale'a'n+` Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905 IVZ-lfltt 428-8488 from 7.9 m. Thursday. A menlona rdpgaaty w,ra p y r earrW4ePrca Service wed be held in the Chapel on Friday, July 31 204 nn for sem., 19N at 1:00 p.m. In leu of ffowars, donations me cY1 (a a RIFE Fsumaat be made to the Ontario Haan and StmkR FarvSa 14161.9374742 (905)721-06 alk to Fmk. MOs 2 rooms 1550 Ca 905 -GW mined 914P 404-9669 hon 243 NPIGE 1t - TlIE NEWS ADVEIMISER WEDNESDAY or JULY 29.19" SCOREBOARD FAX GAME tnulTs To 683-7363 BUMIAM WEST SOY, BA3111 LL Standings ad reeds AS Gaw L 5 T rF'f 19eJe 3 3 0 0 6 S'iolt0ara 3 1 2 0 2 B- 3 1 2 0 2 LEAGUE IESLILTS GAME ONE Bulk 47 (Ouse Valaderes 13. Naeem Emmwral. 10. Adrian Aknander 10) vs. Cough 39 (Reyes Arpin Douglas 19)- OAMETWO Wlcks 53 (Jesse Forks 19, Jos pupa, 12) vs Chargers 35 DL1111111M COLLEGE MEN'S SUMMER BASKETBALL LEAGUE SW,d.W and star" as N July 19 STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Los Angeles 7 7 0 0 420 325 14 Phoenix 7 5 2 0 361 304 10 CP -90 7 5 2 0 367 369 10 Houston 7 4 3 0419 374 B Cho,". 7 3 4 0 353 334 6 San Mems, 7 3 4 0 364 357 6 Scatm 7 16 0 327 387 2 Indene 7 0 7 0 254 415 0 SCORES -GAME ONE Los Anp*as 55 (Mer. Gordon 22) vs Charldhle 38 (Shown Paterson 12) GAMETWO "OuNM 52 (Joe wsrringrm 171 vs l eh a 37 (Draw McAlpane 18). GAME THREE San Antonio 57 (Bene Les 19' vs Boston 40 (Mark Oronow 14) GAME FOUR P row ,• 63 (ROB A 181 ys Chicago 38 (Bmf CroaVls 13) MOLSO N 1SC MEMS FASTBALL As o1 July 27 G W L T PTS Id Selects 27 22 2 3 47 taken- Twits 28 16 7 3 39 Elora Div- Lumber Kings 28 13 11 4 30 Senate Z"on Spans 28 10 11 7 27 Scarborough Thunder 2e 12 14 2 26 Fingal Tops Fugrawrs 28 7 12 9 23 Samamys of Toronto 28 7 17 4 18 pock-te1g Hest 27 4 ,9 4 12 WEST PICKERNG LADIES SLO 4TCH LEAGUE Standings and scores ss N July 23 'S 1 4 0 STANDMS 2 TEAM G WL T F A PTS Bs 11 9 2 0 201 125 ochayles"_ 1e Far Lia 10 6 1 1 20s 100 17 Lego, 10 7 2 1165 111 15 Rio-Paravers 9 6 2 1 146 ,16 13 whoops 10 5 5 0 184145 10 Sm space 10 4 6 0 119 136 e MaleNc 10 2 7 1 150196 5 Iloados 9 1 6 0 119163 2 Bban May 9 0 8 0 50 252 0 SCORES Meek arlArp Jay, a: Chin For Line 33 vs Blow, Away 7 LegOn 19 vs Rowdies 12, Pa1r6Partnars 17 vs Whoops 12. Pano-Paraws 20 - Sun pan 6. Baty, 30 nil MyMec 25 a PICKERING LADES FASTBALL 6 2 4 0 As t1 Jury h 7 4 TEAMG W L T PTS besefvy c."9 a , o t6 Smit Food Far 9 6 3 0 12 Lav Science s 3 5 0 6 Belays 10 1 9 0 2 PICRERNG. SOCCER OLIN LWMWFIVE MIXED DIVISION Jews 1: Sinkers a ! Kerse, 1. s)insk . ttalrew MCCoraoM 2, Chris Tomos MVPs Mathew Lipinski. JaCpu*nx Sogs, vs Bey Sas 0 LNDER-NYC A DIVt$$ON Jaws IS: Sport" Images 7 (Ricky Taylcr B•ysn Knorr 2. Tyke, T.an a. MVP Ricky Talow) n M"terCarc 5 (Jordan KolsoppWp- 2. Michael MpWn 2. WORny Jews 22: Striker 3 (Eaeten MCOWW W 2 Cans Samoa. MVPs Rao Sppv*k, Alae Von Gerrean ogenl K. Sperling 'meg" 1 (am" hhser. MVP Emerald Ta,tor), Boyer Pomuc 10 (JW Wtwmta 9. Cameron Karwdy, MVPs CANN, gda.go. Bin Farr*) ire ge, Sas 2 (Meat Dai. Cody McDonald. W►s laawC Mak. Cody McDonald) JMa 2W Strikers 5 (EOWW McDonald 2. Caaerdn Starkie. Ryan SoogeMk. Alae Von GMemngan. 1aVP Wawa Saw.cAy vs Thunder , Ye V Hyder. MVP 'motor, v..o vvr n aware. o...r., s u w. vvi.m..wo.. Connor k6 u ion. MVP Brenta. 1bY) n Rarper, 5 (PatraM S ---,ft, D~ Watson. Kevea A- 2. Grind Sze. MV►IW++ Vass) aaaNerCsrd a (Kelly BIN -1 4. Jordan K011lopou40s. Jas Lamanna. MVP Keay 6-hwl " gtaaow rmarotewon 4 (%ftor- Stanley 3. Shannon SlonWengo MVP Met"n stamp). Tweeters 4Meth mol Gap. 2. Ryan Senear 2) w My Salsa 3 (soar bap. Sheresse Peaty. Ruyan Thewer). Sporting Images 11 (Alvonje r $mop -1w 2. Bryan Knocks. Tyler 1, 11 a. u MVP Aru,y Snnawen) ve Ab,a, Metals a MM1eee 4 (David Kierslkrd 2. Michael Curves 2) Jul, s: Sporting Image 14 (Mu)uai Saaasso n, Rocky Tarw Tyer Tran II Cala Leader) ver awsda Stanislaw, 4 (Juka Gadd. Matthew Stanley 2, Shamm Szonabwgro. W► Jobs Good). Sewers 8 (ES~ McDonald 7. Mae Coma. MVP Are Cutis) vs MasterCard 3 (Jordan Kotsopoubs 2. Robert Wiorppel. Bteawe S (Grant Tamps 3. Michael Woks, 2) ver Rapers 1 fM.KA Seminaries. MVP hock MCM41W). Apley MaW s Machine 3 (David Kwstad 2. gabby P.anq) vs ger, Sales 1 (Rowan Thweer Arty 6: 80yer Pontiac 6 (Jas VW**U mgrs 4 Connor hek.a- 2; K Tamers 3 (Raman Shaw 2 Mwhow, WgIWU t.YP alkaysae Robb -Mr a ) Ally 13: Thunder 4'Jordan Ing Cryo• 2 Jonathan Cin -FOM. ANeanOer Mauro MVP Jaren, Hyder) vs TwNars 1 (11yen F" a) MasterCard 3 (Jordan Kotsopp*p{, MVP Tetley Sloy rsesk,) vs Rapers 2 (Dykn Yetaon. Kava ROM. MVP Gsbreft Psalm) IkznrOs 9 (Grant Tamura 3. Mian Leese 2. Connor FMN 4. MVP George moa m) vs Bay Saes 3 a (Mkzwn Thawr 2 Soma Baldy). Strikers9 (Ata Von Gamn'rig" 4. Easton McDonald 3 Cameron Spamss. AIaK Curtis) vs Melldae Monteeav, 1 (Seavlar. Starkab ogre. MVP Szaaao Stonaaur9h). ADavy, Metals a Machey 2 (gabby Pnrltce. Michael Ovidasl" Boyer Pontiac 1 (Jake Whmian") Jay 20: Rangers 4 (Penick Senmods 2. Dyen visual. Kevin Roan, MVP George Logarak l) vs Twweas 1 (Adam Labs. MVP Emily Maces). Sinkers 5 (Easton McDonald 2. Ase Curtis, Cameron Span". Kaeay viAeon) . Boyar Pontiac 2 (Jake ~Sornpa). &.zeds 13 (exam Tamore 5, Cornor 1" 3. Bryn Led 3. Graf. Beatty, George Meazares, MVP Sarah Budderfnah) vs Bache MomMsm 0 (MVP Mitchell Viviano). Alk" Mcrae a Machine 7 (Michael Dudes 3. Gabby Panne* 2. Diva KrontMd 2. MVP Mason Mea) ver. Masser GN 1 (Jordan KoNopoulos). INDEP,fM'B' DIYMION Jany I& &.zard 4 (AM"ndel Fortin 2. lan Donearh, Christian Demopoul". MVP Chraxe Frpona) arhvs. Kicks 1 (Brandon Cmea). Str*on 3 (Corrado Ca nam uk. MVP Sarah Boat) vs. Conned Me" and M 2 (Tyer Fraw, 2. MVP Karolyn Feohowil Twain 9 (Yana Beller" 8, Andrew Earliest. MVPs Yes Ml@nW*. Andrew Baena) n. Lightning 1 (Adam VaNOW, MVP Adam VaWdao); Pun Energy BaeariM 4 (Spencer Fernardwz 2. Ass From, Joseph Doherty Mw Lesnt Keys) N. Garry a Say Auto 0 (RSVP Ndtea DwWvWU); CWW*aW$ 6 (JOWIw Marnalk 4. Shelaney I". Matthew Farrell. Will Carl MMM. Ashley WiMWe) ors, Sy&W CamPOWs 0 (MVP Aesn Dunlop) Jtft 2S: Pun energy, Bent rev 4 (Spencer Fernsndbz 3. Joe Doherty MVP I MOW Hartpm) h. TwOm 2 (Bryan Sordash, Yana MllentyM. MVP Krialk Falnaaa0w); lightning 4 (Adad n Vafad. Adm Spills. a Sps. MVP Adam) vs. Shismay's Optical 3 (0rb4an Matin, MichW Waaar. Carer McCormach. MVP Michael aper); CMtid Hretup a Air 4 (Taylor H~ 2. Tyler Freese, Adam Camille Tayilp Hund) e. Blny izzard 2 (Zachary Dor. Aka Foran, W MPala Pendia). tt MP,SEVEN GDKB' 0111418M I Jay 23: Wngeos 3 (Michelle Dixon 2. Wu4e PoDMn, MVP Kersey Stolen) N. Design Tisch 0 (MVP Meogm Harem); Thunder 5 (Coentey N wimn 2. Yawn Girard 2, Jannitw Leigh, MVP Melisso Beeksu) n. Canada Truer 3 (Kelly Want 3. MVP Spencer Ekz. Has); Im~ Pham a 4 (Samenpha Darer, Sarah MOnu1g. Amber Pagan, Meow Sant. MVP Taylor Borne) ver. Image Video 0 (MVPs Arielle Daley, Kenzie MkKesigah); Amel Topsoil 5 (Kann ToonteN 2. St ,theme King 2, Gden Clayton, MVP Sen Pointer) vs. Accurate 3 1 (BrW" Arsenauh); One fissourcn 3 (Kailey Chappell 2. Alum Smith) n. Carpel Towns 2 (Kallay Sparrell, JanMle Fortin, MVPs Kae Dhakwl, Melones Gram). umoEwlo GNLS' DMSM July 6: za Bnnd 2 vs. Wayne's World 2 (MVPs Hilly Young, Knolls Opasino); Volkswagen Volcanoes 3 (Jetefca Weir 2. Elasixoth Walkngion, MVP EluaOath Walkngton) vs. Whatamore's Form 0 (MVPs Tanya Hanby. Kelly Woods). Thunder 2 (Keys McNsuy. Denele Tagkont, MVPs Kara Haggerty. Sanu nBW Cooper) vs MAM Meats 0 (MVP Lxdary YYrmoluk), Rangers 1 (Jenna Arum, MVP* Sash Fenton*, Carly Marshall) vs J Gilaw 1 (Da11)ps ipso, MVPs Dmielle Spain . Jillun McKay). er July 1S: Jome H. G471on 1 (Jesarea Scesarhca, MVPs Jud Bladis, leseca Batteries) is Strains 1 (Ern Small. MVP Cossandm Cana). Mangers 3 (Jane Arum. N*nan* Ledo, Carty Max". MVP Neevrare Ludo) vs. Blizzard 0 (MVPs Rebecca Nicholson, Amada La Matsu), Wayve's World 1 (Laura Jaleres 1 MVP( Alexandre havollna. Mteste VaatYez) vs Wolk...gm Volcae« 0 (MVPs Andres Matheson, ,Kayla Reardon). Whmtemom's farm 6 (Lauren Cmelld 2. Kristen Cummings 2, NabeH Harris, Taylor Y haw'"ore. MVP nmennwgs) h )MSM Mears 0 (MVPs Rotation ApaCntgs Gm", MURDER -12 Dr4lam 1 Jany h Carkedyn Progress 3 (Variate SaAnld 2. Gerken Slaney. MVP vanssu Soared) vt Ability Metals 1 WANy Inkster), Rangers 2 (Jenny McCW SNph&** Walsh. MVP Lay Madden) vs. PaNr's AppWnces 1 (MNete Mun, MVP Maim" Mua), liro-Bel 2 Mepharely Labour. Sarah Manion, MVPs Laura Wom". Andres Gray) ver. Kicks 0, Sled Images 4 (Diene MacDonald 3. Nicole Kennedy, MVP Deans MacDonald) H. PrsceN 0 Jany 13: Kicks 0 (MVP Lsuw Bachmann) vs. Canadian Progress 0, P,O Egll 4 (Sarah Man- 2. Chngne Donley. Tiffany Chin, MVP Christine Dinelsy) w. Precose Office Reps., 0 (MVP Tamara Lavery), SNA Image 0 (MVP Ncoe Kennedy) vs Peter's Appliances 0 (MVP Emily Moss) Ability Metal a Machine 2 (Melanie Campbell. Ashley Vaughan. MVP Amanda Frnzler) vs Rangers I (Jenny McCoy. MVP Catherine Lobto) A* W. Solid Image 2 (Cauma MacDaWd. April Haze. MVP AM11 Hate) vs. Pro" 0 (MVP Erika Cincrnlarep). Paler's Appliances 2 (MKMae Spanittls. Alf E -1 iss . MVP Ashey ThomesM) vs. Kicks 0 (MVP Jet Six Adea 1. Rangers 2 (Jenny McCoy 2. MVP Ganem Saw) r.. CW4~ Progress 0 (MVP Me," Grail), Ability Metal 3 (Ashley Vaughan 2. J*seica HIggaN, MVP Ashley Vaughan) H Precis Olde Repare 1 IN*~ Dysart. MVP J"sca Tomos) UHMP,12 OMS' Dr4t$WN 2 July W. Harmony Ranch 5 (Camille McPhsa on 3, Holly Stapley. Ale. Stopey. MVP Camille McPherfon) vs. Dmty Shset MeW 2 (Ate. Farr, Owtany Gaudst. MVP Knsty Munroe). Lightning 3 (Nicola Z.- 2. Brittany Lloyd, MVP Katy Billing) vs. Tool 0 (MVP Velli Mason), Thunder 3 (Mslbry hobmes 3. MVP Sierra Retblmg) vs B,zalbecue 3 (Katelyn Margerm. Gunn Caggiula, Sheena Yacoob. MVP Kalslyn Marperm), Sblke,S 3 fLaura Hurst. Oumra Kara Virani. Leila Stephan. MVP (aura Hurst) v3 M&M Meats 1 (Lyndsey Catton. MVP Lvndsey Caftan) WE.$=. New" ME" SLOMrCH LEAGUE BECOND4LW $rA11DN= LABAITB KNE f31YM10N As of July 27 TEAM O W L T F A PTS Elrvs WoeQo -C21 5 4 1 0 75 39 8 Second Stony 6 4 2 0 55 36 6 Caralec Chileans 6 4 2 0 67 52 8 SM VOM 'S 1 4 0 W 63 2 Cao -son 5 1 4 0 51 77 2 LABATT BUD DIVISION e IDLER ARM a CV JOINTS TEAM G W L T F A ITS Mina's 6 1 4 0 71 M 8 Sam 6 3 3 0 79 77 6 TSC 5 2 3 0 59 76 4 Stave FMrori-RMLaa 5 2 3 0 50 74 a Dickson Prvmsng 6 2 4 0 66 75 4 LEAGUE RESULTS Scarce thorn July 2s: Second Storey 10 (WP Kevin McKay, MVP Rob Courts) vs Corefec Cheetahs 0 ILP t' we" Mo sled. MVP Gua Cpacoalerle); second Storey 10 (WP Nowak MOKsy, MVP Greg Nanny) vs Cwew Cho"$ 0 (LP Laghtal 'Boas' MUkO(W MVP Darryl Fords. Elvins LaraCOuem -CeurY P Bill leash, MVP Torry Bruce) w. SAA Veers 11 La Goid Darlalg. MVP Bob Phillip). EMM Larlxxhe-C*raury 21 15 (WP a MVP Errol Ch.) w. SM Vows 3 (LP God Dering. MVP Kevin Diamond); Can -Sort 26 (WP Man Mu,r, MVP Brandon Bagnall) vs TSC 9 (IP Mae Wikos, MVP Js" Met -0). Petrma's 15 (WP Jim Iaeiar. MVP Wayne 'Forgot My Pants' St Aubyn) Ver. Siena Fearom Re7Mas Oualnty One 8 (LP Bob 'Gulch McCulchool P.0-84 22 (WP Jim Hew*r, MVP Lm Chisholm) vs Stan FMron-Re7Mas Ouakly Dna 5 (LP a MVP John Viscs). Shu 21 (WP Mike Bnand. MVP Mark Parliament) vs Dickson Printing 9 (LP David Hodgson, MVP David 'Ar9onoles' Keith). Sint 17 (WP Mike Briand. MVP Pierre Rivard) vs Dickson Printing 16 II P David Hodgson, MVP Shawn 'OK' Caprm) Player of the a"k: Week 12. presented by Pelll aI Ta P+ M. fillla rAM1 Jim Chisholm. f r T , 14 - x A LOW K CARS + GREAT WARRANTY HAPPINESS z33M' t� , 83K �F '48 FORD SUPER 8 '88 FORT) %I ST\\(: 48K ` 52K Two '92 UOUCF: SH U)O\\ '92 ISL Zt l ROOI'F R '93 CL 11. \SS CI ER \ -93 FORT) PROBF: 4T 64K 5' K '94 FORD CR(>N \ \ 1( '94 EXPLORER YI. L 44K SOK; SOK; .000 '94CAN1.\R '95111.1 \0N .(.I.K '" tic%L FI SIDEKICK '95 NIALDA QIP% L\ 100% Parts & Labour -CLUTCH a BRAKE PADS a TIRES *ROTORS a RADIATOR a CALIPERS e MUFFLER a MASTER - EXHAUST PIPE CYLINDER - TAIL PIPE -WHEEL CYLINDER a BALL JOINTS a BATTERY - SPRINGS IS ALTERNATOR •STRUTS •STARTER -SHOCKS a SOLENOID - TIE -ROD a FUEL PUMP ENDS a TIMING BELT e IDLER ARM a CV JOINTS a PITMAN ARM - U JOINTS - ENGINE - TRANSMISSION a TURBO DRIVE AXLE - SUPER CHARGER '64 F( )RI) F %IR1. \\F 5111 '81 TOYOTA 4x4l PICK -I -P C\1 354) SBI. 1 EJOUB Bayles St Pldkenng (ILIst SOLIIh of 401, VVest of Brock Rd) Hours � ^'/ Mon.-Thtus.10.8 Fri.3Sst. 10.6 New Summer Hours 4204800 MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ONLY TIRES KUHMO,MULTI MILE, FREE BALANCING AND 50% OFFALIGNMENT WITH TIRE PURCHASE ID '99>IFRCCRI MIR. \I \Rn! IS 9I ( HEA ( %I)RICE CI. 54K 55K' •,s '93 PI 1 (;R. \(0 loGER Sf: '93 HO\D:1 D1.1, SOL S1 -.42K� C.3iNB'e" '93 PO\T.-Sl NBIR1) '94 (;R\\1) 1'RI\ )): OnK 46K I w '94 SO\O\1 to, tilO '94 EXPLORER LTU l 88K35K ■ Gl N '94\If K( I I:l iIW%I SL \FIRE. 32K.. 52K I 1 96 \ \\ .11, 1 1 % I RF: 1% '96 f:S('I)RT L\ 11,4C0\ �uMMaa� saw �er saw sew nasi ess��asM 1016 Brock Rd., PidcedN New Summer QL9 SOUd1 Of 401 Hours ra C, Mon. Wed. Fri. 8 5 LICENCED Tues. MOTOR Tues. &Thum 8-8 MSV R VEHICLE Set 8-3 Go� INSPECTION STATION @0���9­ SERVICE SUPER CENTRE BNO TAX *NO PAYMENTS -NO INTEREST •FOR 6 MONTHS OAC "all offers apply to most *offers expire ®� cars and light trucks Aug 12/ 98 BRAG DOW BOB GRANT NASCAR WHET TONY DAVE