HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_07_07PICKERING EDITION DICKERING PUBLIC LI�rrZ�' CENTRAL bc�A v�r,t_�►u�Jlrl CANADA H R L I ICAL FLOORING I '1550 BAVLV ST. uwn 17, PrtacmenG (9o5)420-3285 A D V E R T I S E R Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand Tuesday, July 7, 1998 Pressrun 44,000 20 pages Two for one... Business has urge to merge Ajax, P By MaNanne Takacs Staff water union will allow both town There is strong support in the Ajax and Pickering busi- ness community for the amalgamation of the two towns, according to a survey by the Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade. The survey was conduct- ed during the spring by fax- ing out questionnaires to the boards' approximately 600 members. About '15 per cent were returned, which is con- sidered a good response to a survey of this kind. Seventy-four per cent of all respondents were in favour of amalgamating Pickering and Ajax. Sixty- five per cent also agreed fur- ther study of the issue was needed. The board has com- menced work on a policy paper on amalgamation, which is expected to be completed by the end of the summer. Board president Doug Wilkinson last week pre- sented Pickering Council a summary of the preliminar,, GRANT YEO 'Goals that will guide our students.' DOUG WILKINSON 'Amalgamation would be taking that work to the next level.' results of the survey. He not- ed area business people, many of whom are also lo- cal residents, were asked to respond to it from a business perspective rather than from the point of view of a resi- dent, in order to avoid the emotional issues often in- volved with amalgamation. Mr. Wilkinson told coun- cillors working toward a munrcIpal governments to continue the excellent work already started on shared services such as transit for the disabled and emergency dispatch. .'An amalgamation would be taking that work to its next natural level", he said. Mr. Wilkinson listed a number of reasons cited by board members for support- ing amalgamation. They in- cluded reducing the cost of local government and im- proving the delivery of ser- vice to ratepayers, through measures such as the con- solidation of councils, rc- ducing the number of senior municipal officials, and con- solidation of administrative, planning, engineering and other functions. ..Basic accounting teach- es us that as we grow in size the unit cost of delivering efficient and effective ser- vice should drop;' rioted the board president. "In the ide- SEE BOARD/Page 2 Swinging sisters '�"�*Mmww A warm summer day and a bit of sunshine playground at Ajax's Rotary Park. The two were all sisters Sarah Bernier (left) and were out recently taking advantage of their Ratdtelle needed to have some fun on the free time. Refurbish old h sc ools.Survey resp oWHAT'S INSIDE ftnodal Pali .........6 AJAX, PIcKmNG RESIDENTS NOIT SATISFIED wrm CONDITION OF FACQITIES AIS. &WINNY ........8 By Sivatr OWNil ��•� n Staff writer Less than half of Os- hawa and Pickering resi- dents who responded to a recent public board survey indicated they're satisfied with the condition of schools in their communi- ties, trustees heard Mon- day. In reviewing the results of the Durham District School Board's system plan survey, board director Grant Yeo said the majority of respondents from Os- hawa and Pickering indi- cated they are unhappy with the state of schools there. "Oshawa was the mu- nicipality least satisfied with its facilities and levels of technology (in schools)," he said, noting only 46.7 per cent of re- spondents indicated they are happy with facilities in the city. In Ajax 70.1 per cent of respondents indicated they are satisfied with schools in that town, followed by 62.6 per cent in Scugog, 60.8 per cent in Brock, 57.9 per cent in Whitby, 52.3 per cent in Uxbridge and 48.3 per cent in Picker - Ing. Mr. Yeo reports, "11he need to refurbish old schools was a comment that came (from respon- dents) across the system." Others called on the board to reduce the number of portables throughout Durham and urged it to find a "cost-effective" way to build new schools. The board has been de- veloping a new system plan since the beginning of the See ARMPage 5 Cly ...........12 - NOW TO REACH US 60=1........683-5110 DWO MR*= ...683-3005 A100 LIIK ....683-7545 Yom .....1-800.662-8423 iENW1 ................. newsroomOdurbam.net Vol. 33, No. 27 PAGE 2.79L NEWS AOVQ7L4Q 7VPbLAY, JULY 7, NA Board of Trade probes views on Ajax, Pickering merger BOARD/From page 1 al world these savings would then be passed along to the local ratepayers who can ei- ther invest in their business- es or spend it at local busi- nesses" Other reasons for amal- gamation cited by board members included: * An expectation the provincial government will force Ajax and Pickering to amalgamate, likely after the next provincial election, if the two towns do not do it on their own. * Less competition be- tween A,iax and Pickering The weather co-operated for a recent ground -breaking cere- mony for the new Carruthers Creek Community Church, to be built at Bayty Street and the future Audley Road extension in Ajax. At the plow, from left. are Pastor Dave Collins, Pas- tor Wayne Saynor and youth director Jon Thompson. for the same investment dol- lars. For example, both have made considerable effort to attract a major hotel chain. * A stronger profile and an increased ability to to- gether compete for limited investment dollars for the combined towns, within the region and the GTA. Mr. Wilkinson noted there were also concerns about potential problems as- sociated with amalgamation — such as the possible loss of jobs, loss of local identity, growth in bureaucracy, loss of access to services — which also must be ad- dressed. New Carruthers Creek Church to serve Ajax and Pickering Members of Carruthers Creek Community Church came together recently to break ground at the site of a new facility that will feature the region's largest 'perfor- mance auditorium'. In addition to the 800 - seat auditorium. the church will house a gymnasium. banquet hall and meeting space. "It is our desire that the church will become a place that serves both our congre- gation and the community at large:' explains Pastor Dave Collins. Formerly known as the Steeple Hill Community Bible Church, the new church has been in the works for five years. It outgrew its previous facility on Kingston Road in Pickering and members have been meeting at Ajax High School for the past two years. The congregation has pledged more than $1 mil- lion toward the new $3.8 - million facility, which is be- ing built at the southwest corner of Bayly Street and the future Audley Road ex- tension. "The new Carruthers Creek facility will provide a wonderful western entrance to the Town of Ajax;' Mayor Steve Parish said at the ground -breaking ceremony. Construction on the 43,000 -square -foot facility is slated to get under way in late July or early August and is expected to be complete by next spring. He said the board would like to know the official po- sitions of the Towns of Pick- ering and Ajax on amalga- mation, for consideration as part of the policy paper be- ing drawn up. Mr. Wilkinson also noted the board was willing to provide help to the two towns in dealing with this issue and to facilitate discussion of it between them. Mayor Wayne Arthurs replied that while there was probably a "range" of posi- tions on amalgamation among councillors, it was appropriate for Council to address the issue in the near future. CLIMBING HIGHER The Youth Centre, in partnership with the Durham Region Health Department, is featuring a two day health education program and "rock climbing challenge" specifically designed for young men entering grades 8 to 13. This program will offer a balanced mix of discussion and rock climbing techniques. Learn about rappelling and rig and rescue techniques. Discussion topics relating to men's health will be facilitated and may include: sexuality, relationships, communication skills, sports injuries, health and fitness and more. Two day sessions available: DATES: JULY 13 & 14 TIMES:10:00am - 4:00pm LOCATION: THE PICKERING METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE [COST: $20.00 Each person completing the program will receive a safety certificate, free climbing coupons and the experience of a lifetime! Pre -registration is required by! Thursday July 9/98. Contact The Youth Centre at ^ (9115)428-1212 for more details. The Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Welcomes you to REGISTER YOUR KIDS FOR FALL 4 Day Aug. 26-29, 98 Registration Show • Dance •Baseball *Gymnastics •Drama •Music •Tae Kwon Do/Karate • Adult & Children •Soccer • Football 1�4J •Educational Services Private Schools & more... Q hwled by Pukering Taam Centre See Our Supplement Tues., August 25198 for Schedule of Show times. 10 DANCE PICKERIN6 a37 -252e JacgaMine's school of Dance 420-7399 Mck in0 $I% ank [herd.. W. LEGEND MUM DENISE LESTER oltu� Corr T Aft "AX9 683-1269 If interedad in a booth in the show or for general information W1W HIL» 416.2111-dg61 Call Chris 683-6110. Judgment day? Durham teachers await decision on legal challenge to Bill 160 By Susan O'Neill Staff Writer As school boards finalize their budgets for the 1998-99 school year, educators are awaiting a ruling on the constitutionality of the Province's funding formula. A provincial court ruling on a constitutional challenge to Bill 160 contending that the loss of local pow- er to supplement government funding is a violation of the Constitution Act is expected within the next few weeks. The Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA) and the Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) went to court last month to challenge the constitu- tionality of the Education Quality Improvement Act. "It's now sitting with the judge," says OPSBA spokesman Perry Blocher. "We understand (Justice Peter Cumming) may come down with a judgment sometime this month" OPSBA contends the loss of taxa- tion power at the local level repre- sents "a real loss to all the students of Ontario" and argues Bill 160 violates the autonomy of public school boards that has been "legally en- trenched through a practice extend- ing back over one and a half cen- turies." With the implementation of the new funding formula school boards are now totally dependent on the Province for the funding of education and no longer have any taxation pow- ers. Suspect arrested four months after body found in Pickering dumpster 'PICKERING — Four months af- ter the body of a murder victim was left in a Pickering dumpster, one of two suspects in the slaying has been found living in British Columbia. Royal Canadian Mounted Police on Thursday arrested Irwin 'Chain- saw' Quigley, 29, in Oliver, B.C. af- ter receiving a tip from a woman who recognized him from a wanted Poster. "He was taken into custody en- tirely without incident," Detective - Sergeant Dan McMullan, of the Durham Regional Police homicide unit, said yesterday. He provided no other details of the arrest, other than that the suspect was alone at the time. Meanwhile, a nation-wide police manhunt continues for Augustine Ar- mand Fontenelle, 31. Both men face charges of first-de- gree murder in connection with the brutal killing of 23 -year-old Adrian Huber, a Toronto squeegee kid. Investigators believe Mr. Huber, known to police as a small-time drug dealer, was stabbed to death in the Kensington Market area a week be- fore his body was found in a garbage bin behind a commercial plaza on Bayly Street Feb. 20. The body was wrapped in a large blue tarpaulin when discovered. Po- lice said he had been badly beaten before being killed. Two Durham detectives flew out west following Mr. Quigley's arrest and are expected to return with him today. He will likely appear in a Toronto court tomorrow, where the case will be heard, Det. Sgt. McMullan said. Open for your concerns SHOULD YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR POSTAL SERVICE. -Canada Post has always strived to achieve high standards of delivery and service with an on-going dedication to customer satisfaction. Vile recognize, however, that there may be times vuhen a problem does arise. Should you have a question or concent with your postal 'service, contact your local postal outlet. If you feel your needs haven't been met, please follow this simple procedure: That means they can't raise addi- tional funds locally to supplement government grants. And OECTA contends that's in vi- olation of their constitutional rights. The legislation "infringes on the rights of the Catholic taxpayer to maintain their own system," says Mike O'Connor, Durham district president of the elementary division of the federation. Mr. O'Connor reports a ruling in OEC'IA's favour would "reaffirm the rights we are claiming the Constitu- tion Act has given us," adding it would give the authority back to school boards to allow them "to put in some sort of additional levy for the funding of their schools." Words of Wisdom People will admire you It El you're a good loser, but dust remember, that scattered applause doesn't thck on :all for an encore. M%MILLANIIS (Mac Millan Orchards) THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS RM Roasted Potato Blend MIXED VEGETABLES to..rs r•loloss. eigcc.- Coge owr, Congo a cor. 2 lr9 *5.95 Sandwich Pepper STEAKS *9.95 dozen Fresh Sweet APPLE CIDER *1.45 litre Delicious Apple or 5 Fruit TURNOVERS large size 5 for $5.95 HWY #12 AJAX 3 Km East of Harwood Ave. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 a.m.-6 p.m. THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1"S • PAGE 3 We're online at n;;vvv,durhar nen s. net � SA—= P� ECIAL� BARGAINS IN -TODAY'S News Advertiser Tues., July 7,1998 News Advertiser Jlanbo Video Pick PaW Mac's Pick Rqp n Drug Mart i& The Post Man AjaxlPick Zellers A*RidC ' Ddivued to wiected bomehoids only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper. can be recycled with the rest of vour newsppaappeer through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call doh MOP-aQUE --- LEA at ✓r""'� «� 683-5110.; ,Jessica Tuesday's carrier of the week is Jessica. She enjoys playing piano & crafts. Jctisica will receive a dinner for 3 voucher. compliments of He Donald's. Jessica for bring our carrier of the week. HAM -1 NJII .\µx Ilk' Km",m m Rd 4ktlx 1.! 84, 1, +t )i 1t1x '&, Kmgt t.�n R.: Pi,i conw: Cusmw Service 2101 RIVERSIDE DR OTTAWA ON K1 061 Tel.: 1 -OW -267-1177 You may also refer your eoncems to the Postal Serums C+atamer Candi in your area. Tel.: 1 -BW -204-4189 If you have not been satisfied yet, contact: Ombudsman )w 855 BROOKFIELD RD SUITE C0061 OTTAWA ON K1 1J8 Tel.: 1 -SM -204-4198 PAGE 4 . THZ MM ADVERMM 7VESSDAY, JULY 7,191 Durham economy booms But there's still room for improvement Br0" Pickew Special to the News Advertiser In economic development de- partments across Durham region, the key word seems to be optimism. From Clarington to Pickering, busi- ness growth within Durham is con- tinuing to increase steadily. In the words of Jennifer Cook from the Township of Clarington, "the tide is turning from the west of Toronto to the east. We're seeing an influx" At the head of this growth is Patrick Olive. As the Commissioner of the Region of Durham Economic Development Department, he over- sees a section that helps companies existing within Durham, as well as truing to bring in new companies. He is encouraged by the growth in the region, noting "it certainly is a better time, the economy is moving, people are more inclined to buy a house, to make a major expenditure on a car, so you're seeing the in- creased growth in GM and you see people going out to cat and you're seeing people take their kids out.- Mr. ut"Mr. Olive sees this current growth as "making up fox lost time. Our recession cycles arc usually around five-year cycles, unfortu- nately, the last one was nine years. Our building permits, when the re- cession hit about 88-K9. were around $1.1 billion. Last year, in 1997, it was $600 million, so you can %ce we haven't even got up to full growth.- Durham rowth"Durham Region holds a lot of potential fix developers, says Mr. Olive, offering a strong, skilled workforce, land for expansion and a number of different programmes to encourage companies to move into the area. "We figure that a healthy supply (of vacant industrial space) is about 1.5 million square feet. Over the past few years, we've had up to three to four million square feet. What's happened over the past year -and -a -half, is all that vacant space has been taken up by people who want to expand or come in from other areas. So now we're down to a situation where there is no vacant spare. We don't have anything over 60,000 square feet. People are asking for 100,000 square feet and we don't have it. So now what happens is we have to start looking at builders and devel- opers that will build to suit. The main thing is the availability of space. '"IYte taxes in Durham are the lowest in the GTA, there is no ques- tion about that. The Canadian dollar -is very low, not so much in compar- ison to the world market, but to the .American dollar. It allows us to compete very well in exports, but not in imports. The cost of import- ing is very high, so that's hurting very badly for import companies, but for export companies, this is a gold mine right now. "We have a very good base in skilled labour. People believe that we are heavily unionized because of GM, but we're not. I think it's less that 20 per cent of our companies are unionized in Durham region. It's just a perception that we are Scenes like these are common across Durham Region this summer. Durham officials say current growth levels are "making up for lost time," after businesses suffered through severe recession in the early 1990s. unionized. People tend to stay away wherever possible from unions, be- cause it forces the price up in cer- tain areas" Companies moving into Durham will also receive the aid of the de- partment to take advantage of vari- ous development programmes, in- cluding a visitation programme de- signed to increase efficiency, and a UI programme that will refund a company 50 per cent of the wages they pay to people hired off unem- ployment insurance. "We can put together nice pack- ages for people coming in;" Mr. Olive says, "we just don't give out a cheque „ Durham has a number of indus- trial sectors where residents can ex- pect to see increased growth, and with an increase in industry comes a potential increase in jobs. The Economic Development Depart- ment has analyzed and targeted sev- eral sectors of the industry where growth is expected to focus in Durham. Among the most important will be the automotive industry as Mr. Olive explains. "You'll continue to see the automobile sector expand, because GM is huge. When you're producing that many cars a year on three lines, you'll see those people coming in to supply GM because they work on a 'just in time' basis, where they have to produce it, then ship it to GM when they need iC' Mr. Olive also highlighted in- creases in the pharmaceutical and health care areas, headlined by the recent expansion announcement by Novartis in Whitby and the growing plastics industry. Two other areas of note that the department has focused on devek*- ing are the high-tech and film -pro- duction sectors. While neither is prominent in Durham Region now, they are growing and Mr. Olive is hopeful that they can continue to develop within Durham. As well, one of the keys to Durham's continuing economic growth will be the 400 series high- ways. "We want to get the 407 to Whit- by and across," says Mr. Olive, em- phasizing that it would encourage development in the northern area of Durham region. Current plans call for the 407 to he expanded to Brock Road in Pickering, but many in the region would like to sec it run straight across Durham and beyond. As to whether that will happen in the near future, Mr. Olive says "If the government finds it advanta- geous to expand the 407 through Durham, they'll do it very quickly" The widening of the 401 will al- so play a key role in Durham's growth. "It is very, very criti- cal to finish the 401 expan- sion. It's only out to the bor- der r -der of Ajax right now. It's being expanded out to Har- wood, but there arc plans to get it to 12 lanes through Whit- by and 10 through Oshawa, and that's very critical for us:' "We've only got one 400 -series highway in this region and that's lu- tot*. `^ dicrous, absolutely lu- t, ' dicrous. Look at Mis- sissauga, how many ` 400 highways do they have? 1111,. There's the 400, 419, 403, 401, QEW and I'm probably miss- ing one or two..; We need thatk , kind of trans- portation. We've had to re- ly on our own, z„ such as the Taunton-Steeles connection. As soon as you hit the Metro bor- der, it goes from four lames down to two" Not all of Durham's growth is limited to the southern end of the region. As Mr. Olive is quick to point out, people tend to ignore the northern townships, but cites Uxbridge as perhaps the fastest -de- veloping area of Durham. '7heir new industrial site has four or five new industries going in, and an awful lot of commercial go- ing in the south end;' he says, "They're booming" Mr. Olive's optimism is shared by municipal economic developers across the region. Doug Lindeblom, Ajax's general manager, also sees a "steadily in- creasing amount of development" within his town, noting he used to hear complaints from Ajax resi- dents about the lack of shopping in Ajax. Now, the complaints he hears are that "Highway 2 is tiro crowded on Saturdays:' The Highway 2 and Harwood Road area has seen a wealth of commercial development within the past few years, and according to Mr. Lindeblom, Ajax residents can ex- pect to see more significant an- nouncements in the next two or three months. A major goal for Ajax is to fill the hole in the hotel sector of the economy, and great lengths are be- ing taken to attract a developer. In- frastructure is being laid out, with the hope of an interchange at Pick- ering Beach Road and the 401, pro- viding access to what Mr. Linde- blom says the city has determined as the best location. They are "ac- tively promoting" the site on Pick- ering Beach Road, with the hope that a hoxcl1convention centre com- plex can be constructed. Ajax is also taking steps to amend their zoning bylaws to allow home businesses in any residential dwelling. At the present time, home businesses are only allowed in single, k detached dwellings, r'��� Ili but as Mr. Linde- r,�r`�blom notes, rapid Patrick Olive, who heads the Durham Regan Economic Development department, is an unabashed booster of the benefits of doing business in Durham Regan. increases in technology can allow anyone to run a business out of any home, and Ajax and other munici- palities in Durham are taking steps to promote these "valuable ser- vices' Durham seems very receptive to the increase in business and devel- opment and that's reflected in the quality of new tenants moving into the region. Community news in Ajax and Pickering This one's for guys who like to rock AJAX —Teenage boys can go to extreme heights for two days. The Youth Centre and the Durham Region Health Depart- ment are holding a two-day health education programme and rock- climbing challenge for males en- tering Grades 8 to 13. It will fea- ture a mix of discussion and rock- climbing techniques. Discussion topics will be relat- ed to young men, including sexu- ality, relationships, communica- tion skills, sports injuries, and health and fitness. Participants can also learn such climbing skills as rappelling, and rig and rescue tcchniqucs. Each person complet- ing the course receives a safety certificate and free climbing coupons_ Sessions are held July 13 and 14, and July 15 and 16, from 10 am. to 4 p.m. daily. Cost is $20 per person. Prior registration is necessary as space is limited. Call The Youth Centre at 428-1212 for mem information or to register. Hermitage North school needs a name AJAX —The Durham District School Board is inviting Ajax res- ident~ to comment on possible names for a new elementary school. A board committee is consid- ering three names for the school, located at 25 Harkins Dr. in the Hermitage North area, and would like community input on the final decision. Possible names include: Daniel McCarthy Public School. A Valley Farm Public School student who died of leukemia at age 14, Daniel had raised $40,000 toward research in- to the disease. ' - Alexander Graham Bell Pub- lic School. The inventor -of the telephone was also a teacher and nattualist. - Louise Richardson Rorke Public School. The author of chd- dren's books in the 1930s and 1940s was a teacher who lived [tear the site of the new school. Anyone wishing to comment should write before July 31 to Ajax trustee Darryl Blakely, Durham District School Board, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby, L I R 2K6. The school is scheduled to open in January 1999. For move information call 666-5500. THE NEWS ADVEATUM TURWAY, JULY 7,19M - PAGE S Durham school board cheered, imsere as budget passes Op OMWR U-NW11 urged colleagues to delay Staff Writer their decision and take ad - The passage of the pub- vantage of the Ministry of lic board's budget for the Education and Training's next school year is good recent extension of the bud - news for students and get deadline that gives schools across the region, school boards until Sept. 15 says the board chairman. to submit their spending But Oshawa trustees plans to the provincial gov- fear it represents the "death ernment. knell" for their city's Oshawa trustee Jane schools. Weist also expressed con - Durham District School cern over the lack of public Board trustees approved input into the accommoda- the $434 -million budget by tion plan, which will see a 6-4 decision last Monday, nine schools closed across with Pickering trustee Paul the region and will allocate Crawford and all three Os- funds for 12 new facilities. hawa representatives voting She said she would have against the spending blue- voted in favour of the print. board's spending plans if The budget, which the capital budget could breaks down spending on a have been dealt with sepa- school-by -school basis for rately. the first time and includes "1 find the budget very substantial funding to im- good with the exception of prove technology in class- the (capital expenditures);' rooms throughout Durham, she said. also allocates money to put However, Mrs. the board's controversial Schedlich noted delaying accommodation plan into the budget would have place. stalled the opening of badly This budget represents needed new schools in the first that's been passed Durham. by the hoard since Queen's Meanwhile, Oshawa Park took over the costs of trustee Kathleen Hopper, education and will pay for who also voted against the schooling with provincial budget, called it the "death grants and taxes paid by knell for Oshawa" where Ontarians. only two new schools are "This is a good budget:' being built while six are said board chairman Ruth being shut. Ann Schedhch. "I don't understand how "This affects the whole this can come to the board system and is for the good to be approved when the of all students across the; accommodation plan has region:' only come to the standing But, Oshawa trustees committee and has not been concerned about the ratified by the hoard" and planned closure of six won't be until the fall, Ms. schools in the city did not Hopper said. "I have never agree. seen a plan to spend money "At this time I cannot in before it's been ratified by good faith support this bud- the board" get due to accommodation Ron Trbovich, superin- issues:' said Oshawa tendent of business, told trustee Susan Sheller, who trustees under the Area residents have their say on school prion* ties, access to technology rIRWrom page 1 last school year to guide the direction of education in Durham over the next three years. A survey was distrib- uted earlier this year to principals, teachers, school councils, trustees, board business partners and stu- dents to take home to their parents. It asked for input on everything from what the board's priorities should be in the areas of teaching and learning to ways it could improve communication and give students equal access to technology. The board received more than 1,400 responses representing the views of approximately 3,350 peo- ple. (Some surveys were completed by groups of people such as school com- munity councils.) "One of the intentions was obviously outreach," Mr. Yeo says of the survey. Responses will be in- corporated into the system plan, which will "provide a set of comprehensive goals that will guide our stu- dents". The plan will be implemented beginning in September. J Province's new funding model if money for up- grades and new schools is- n't spent as planned, it would "return to the re- serves". Scugog trustee Bobbie Drew didn't agree with her Oshawa peers. "It's a good -news bud- get. It's a win-win situa- tion. I see money for in- creased technology. I see programmes that were deemed to be in jeopardy and I see special education protected and that is so im- portant." But, Mr. Crawford voted against the spending plan because he was concerned trustees had not found any savings during the budget process. "It's either a perfect budget or trustees haven't been looking very hard" The Pickering trustee called on the board to try to find money to continue staffing secondary schools at a level that teachers would only have to instruct six of eight periods over two dav, rather thin _i, 'h' h,ar:l h:,_ _ cided. But Mr. Trbovich said in order for teachers to main- tain their current teaching load the board would have to spend an additional $11 million. He noted it would be "totally unrealistic" to use the board's reserve funds to avoid increasing instruc- tional time. Any amendments to the budget will be made at the board's August meeting be- forc the document is suh- mittcd to the Pr,,%in.:c in RUTH ANN SCHEDLICH PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JULY 7,1"S A Metroland Community Newspaper published four times weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday OPINION 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 21-15 EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Show him the money It's a great story. A young man, his life torn apart by sexual abuse, tells his story, gets his life back together and then tries with all his heart to help others who have suf- fered the same fate as he. That's Sheldon Kennedy. The 29 -year-old, who played eight seasons in the National Hockey League and who would like to return there sometime in the future, is doing what he can to help other young sexual abuse vic- tims. Mr. Kennedy's dream is to build and staff a ranch in British Columbia which would be dedicated as a safe haven for abuse victims. There, on 600 -plus acres of rolling scenery — land donated to Mr. Kennedy's cause by a generous patron — young people could talk in secu- rity about the terrible ordeals they've been through. Thev could enjoy recreational activities at a first-class site. The dream is wonderful — and also very expensive. Perhaps a little over -ambitious admittedly. Mr. Kennedy's goal on his cross -Canada in-line skate is $15 million. As of Sunday, he had raised approximately $250,000 in about five woks. The skate began on May '10 in St. John's. Newfoundland and has proceeded through the Maritimes. Quebec and from Ottawa to Toronto since then. It will end on Thanksgiving Day in Vancouver. Durham residents have been generous with $20,000 being donated by the Doug Brown Celebrity Golf Clas- sic, a tournament held on June 17 at Lakeridge Links. Ralph Sucre, who works for the Children's Aid Society in Oshawa, made the donation on behalf of the golf tour- nament. Another $7,000 was donated by Don Cherry's restaurant patrons at the three outlets in Durham. That's a good start. But it's obviously not nearly enough. No doubt Mr. Kennedy, a Manitoba native who played junior hockey in Saskatchewan and in the NHL in Calgary, is hoping for a big boost once he heads west of Ontario. But heavily populated Ontario should be count- ed ounted on for a few million dollars at least. It was nice to see the Toronto Maple Leafs kick in $20,000, especially with the sordid history of child sex abuse at Maple Leaf Gardens. But surely the other NHL tears could match that number and the NHL itself could donate several hundred thousand dollars. And junior hockey tears and the Canadian Hockey League should also help out. You too can send a chegue or a credit card donation to the Sheldon Kennedy Cross Canada Skate for Kids: call 14M-4-ANAPI'IE. As Sheldon Kennedy says: "It's OK to be scared. It's not OK to be silent. Tell me how you feel. And what you need. I understand. Together, we'll be 01c, To respond to this editorial tall niototfnoe Infosource at 683-7010 and dal 5112 A D V E R T I S E R PvMk* er: Tim WMiM*w LETTERS OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE NEWS Let private sector fund Hwy. 407, Pickering airport To the editor: Re the June 24 News Advertis- er story headlined 'Roads paved with gold': Durham Region Chairman Roger Anderson is real keen on "nding other people's money. He wants Hwv. 407 and a Picker- ing airport. Spending other peer pie's money is politically smart. If Chairman Anderson really wants Hwy. 407 and a Pickering airport he should solicit the support of his Urban Development Institute and Board of Trade friends, who are the rich beneficiaries of urban sprawl. If Hwy. 407 and a Pickering airport are a good deal, a public issue of bonds and stocks would certainly be over -subscribed. Chairman Anderson and friends should put their money where their mouths are. They should draft a prospectus and find under- wnters for the 407 and Pickering Airport Enterprises Corporation. Free enterprise will prevail. But don't hold your breath! Don't ex- pect taxpayer subsidies! Funda- mentally, Chairman Anderson and all of us want to believe in the tooth fairy. Farms on industries, parking lots? To the editor: I read in the June 24 News Ad- vertisa that Pickering Councillor Rick Johnson is now in favour of Hwy. 407 because it will open up industrial lands in north Picker- ing". - As everyone knows, the route of the 407 is destined to destroy, for all tune, some of the best food - producing land remain* art to the duping tables of Torom x Councillor Johnson is on record for supporting the retention of these foodlands in the agricultural preserve. In fact, it was just a few weeks ago that he spoke in courted with passion and conviction about the need to preserve these high- gttally farmlowls We Mand him. Have I missed something? Is he penI I I' to carry on food grow- ing on top of the roofs of the in- dustrial buuldings and parking lots he now favours? G G. Wirers, pickwiNg TM %VWAIIIai Publisher GIME US A CALL Thr flaws AiAmum is one of arra WtrdW PikrMrp, Ribftlinup rte DWAti. rthe JOANNE KIRGIIARDT Editor -in -Chief SAL' 683-5110mom une Nm Ad - is e & Kelm - STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor CLAD 6OH707 6V Board of Trade, ontuio conntrrwy NNJCE DANFORD Director of Advertising DISTRUKIT10N 683-5117 Assoc.. MONIQUE LEA Advertising Manager AD�MICLASSIFIED FAX 683-7363 MNwapaw and the Cartadanniadl EDDIE KOLOOZIEJCZAK Classified Advertising Manager COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 cdOons Audi Board The flews Advertiser is a member of the Ontario Press Council, DUNCAN FLETCHER Real EstaWAutomotive Ails rtisin0 newsroomNdurlam net E-MAIL e0 Gourd St., Tomato, Ont. M56 2W, an ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Manager www .durtartneMi net WES SITE. n s BARBARA HARRISON JANICE O'NEIL Production Manager Assistant Production Manager reador a° The publisher mom the right to momvers•. or anise arty �. Cmd- daswy CHERYL HAINES Assistant Production Manager �,,,r it for a kweisi tint liar[te - to space trice LILLIAN HOOK Administration Manager N.""Now error occupies. STAFF WRITER A reason to be bone marrow Imagine how devastating it would be to learn a loved one has cancer. Pickering's Nadia Burton likens it to "being stabbed in the stomach" when she heard the diagno- sis that would send any parent reeling: her precious boy Daniel had leukemia Life has never been the same for the Burtons since, as Daniel — and indeed each member of his family — has fought the disease for the past six years. Mrs. Burton remembers the fust time she saw a child ravaged by chemotherapy. Since the youngster was bald and gaunt, Mrs. Burton doesn't know if the child was a boy or girl, but she "will never forget that image as long as I live." The diagnosis sent the Burtons on a roller -coaster existence, as Daniel underwent numerous rounds of chemotherapy. One can only imagine the relief his family must have felt when he appeared to be out of the woods during a throe -year remission and the dev- astation and anger they must have experienced when the disease carne back with a vengeance and doctors predicted Daniel would likely nos survive. In such a dark pencxt, learning there was a name on the Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry that could save Daniel must have been an answer to a mil- lion prayers. i Initial plans for the transplant were called off be-' cause Daniel was undergoing chemotherapy again, but the procedure was finally camel out in December 1995. Though Daniel suffered severe brain damage as a result of all the chemotherapy, he has passed the cru- cial two-year milestone with a clear bill of health and recently met the bone marrow donor who gave him and his family a new lease on life. Mrs. Burton sees Sandy Joiflas from Seattle. Washington as a "surrogate mom" to Daniel and says tate bone marrow registry brought two special people together. Mrs. Jouflas was "glad to be there to be found' and says she has gotten much more out of the donation than she ever gave. She put her name on the registry near the end orf her father's battle with canner, as she sought to do something positive when time were so many nega- tives around her. Others may have different reasons to register, but obviously all are willing to undergo a little pain if they can provide a ray of hope for those with cancer wbo do not have a compatible match in their family. Here are some facts from the Canadian Red Cross Society Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry: • Bone marrow, a jely4ike substance found in die body's larger hollow boars, produces all blood cells. • The procedure to extract bone marrow takes one to two hours. The donor's own marrow replaces these cells in two to three weeks. Depending on their mo- tion to anaesdhesia, some people will fed nauseous and dizzy afterwards, while others will fed groggy. There may also be some pain and bruising is the area where the narrow was withdrawn, • There are tree reclukements for joining the reg- istry: you must be over 17 years and under 59 years; you must be heaMlry; you must attend an u fibrins m session. • Bone marrow transplants have a 60 -per cent suc- cess irecess rate. For those facing a terminal illness, it can be their only chance for survival. For more infamatiian call the registry at 416974- 9900, ext. 3115. Linda White Is a regular News Advertiser columnist. To respond to this column gall IMosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108. ' ' }k,..'.,�,�I.';'s'�lt''e4d'.��'�ti.!Zi'�•tJ�S�' r .. _ � 1 •. � x !• `- P LY r; eOgg sy Nur Site Plan Advisory Committee C& Town Hall JULY S Committee of Adjustment CD Town Hall r" o` ''c �O +9 W � n PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX Daytime Volunteers Required! The Recreation Complex is looking for Adult Volunteers who are available during the day, to assist persons with special needs/disabilities access various programs (Pool/Aquafit Classes/Health Club) If you are available once a week for a few hours, we're looking for YOU: • Applications available at the Pickering Recreation Complex 831-1711 or 683-6582- • Attach 2 letters of reference to your completed application and return. SUMMER MONTHLIES 1/2 PRICE 5PECIAL5111 beat the heat 8 9" ready for the beachl Fltneee else* mmm* memberomp $22 + yet' Health club Monthy membwohip $21 . yet• Get'em doth: Super Hes" pub Mon" Me"*ership, $32.50 + get• 'July 6 Auyuet ONLY SGulpt It it Mone Itl Wts've got what you're loo" for- fkaess classes Salm at an afforulable pricsl -t/2 pr eunwner ntonttty memM.r.h+P - Juy a Summer Swim Lessons Still Available At the Rec Complex Pool in the r• - between - 9 am. & 1 p.m. You can choose from group, semi -private & private lessons. Prices start as low as $22! Lessons are offered every day for 1 week. Call 420.4621 or 831.1711 for more info. NO PARKING ON TOWN STREETS No person shall on any Town street park any vehicle for a period longer than three (3) hours unless indicated otherwise. BIRTHDAY PARTY SPECIAL FOR SUMMER Have your child's birthday party at our pool this summer! • 1 hour of the Rec Complex Pool • maximum 15 people • use of room afterwards for your celebration • choose from any Saturday morning in July/August between 9 a.m. and 12 noon • cost only $74.90 • call 831-17 i 1 for more information Watch for Town of Pickering Fall Brochure Delivery July 20 to July 25 to all Pickering Households • Fall Leisure Programs • Learn to Swim & Public Swim • Fitness Classes & Memberships • Squash, Tennis, Racquetball • Pickering Museum Event Listing • Youth Programs & Volunteer Options • Town Services & Events For Fall Registration Details Call 420-4621 Due to delays by the Province of Ontario with respect to changes to property assessment and tax kgislation. the numicipality will not be setting their tax rates until sometime in August. The final tax bill will not be mailed until at the earliest sepi. Tax Deaartment MATIN KEY Adt«ai Retaeatim COMO= Am= Noted. Amm n-Fsidry. Augm 2ti iM • 1111e0smer Stkalitte Sit■ Devdepauut Advanced Shatlug Shin pe depiaetit (+9 yes.) Hwhey Sdod (6-9 yea.) • hob eow. Lataie Sh- cel a Sad Aw selir 5r-1 3 seesaa yiel.ft lb Satin e. IV& k a 2 ween semen and eareN ow to AWA044 a nghft arty to referee your *we! For own bleneaden, please car the Department of c:dta a and Rec,qu.. THE (YEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JULY 7,1998 -PAGE 7 s r� r .fir n ing- June 29th -Aug. 14th "AGES 13-19" Shedule subject to permit fro vale ai y e Ridge Secondary SCh Mar! CaMhoolic High Scho Ql� Mon., wed. & Fri. ooh . days o 5 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 8:00 P.M.mto 10:00 p.m. / 'Large Gymnasiums" Thursdays 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. p.m. Shore ComnitY C Tuesdays yt aeh tr 1:00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. e Nsketball'Volleyball*5all Hockey Badminton ' Tournaments Wednesdays 6 Fridays 7:00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. `Gym 'Table Tennis Dominoes'Cards'Music 61!deos and Games Room" "activities vary in each location" �ougham fya �arem0nt ya "Drop �� G In" Tues. b Fri. Pick up a odwAAe at the 7:00m. to 10:00 p.m. 1 Lanka. Stas. the reek of June 15th "Gpym ' Drop IM, - FRIDAY, JULY 24T" �t Street Jam Party (call for details) YOUTH PARK PROGRAMS �* Just behind the Rec Complex on Valley Farm R.A. 5kateboard Clinic (call for details) y ••,3r.5-5311 "'Int, g_g C1`r,c • 7 weeks for $35 Clinic*. all 5t. Mary Catholic High Mondays 6:00 p.m. -7:30 p.m. Starts June 29th 20 spots per divisions - Jr. 7-10 yrs/Int. 11-13 yrs. �[ more info? Call 420-6560 or 420-4621 Thf DRIfTWOOD MUM GROUP - 1 presents a N"CBETH F4 WIll"..M 56.:4e,Fw,ro JJ.1,1y .12. 1995 - S:CC pan. f,V,L, oOv F...l G:."L. -1�_- h,u Sponwewi ly Ilse COnod.on GI'ugre,s CLL F."n9/Ar.. W. B-4 your low "11 a Dion:els and enpy Iles outdoor swnmer 14,"re (9105) 42C-4620 lei - CSM Aatherf Lindwood Barclay Neil Crone John Green Susanna Kearsley Sher Leetooze Ziggy Lorenc Robin Maharaj Nancy -Gay Rotstein Richard Thomas Jon VanBilsen Paula walker Gregory Ward PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE is on Hwy. 7, between Brock & westney Rd. For more information please call (905) 683-8401 or 420-4620 ADMtsstoN: Adults $4, Seniors & Students $3, Children 5-12, $2.50, 4 & under free. Family pass $12. %-,Vv6doo, I July 19,1998 I l11i�vMfe� r.r I"ICS►1l:Ii=1�TG tlSeum �i112ige PAGE i - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JULY 7, I"S BIRTHDAY Parker Stephen George Wright just celebrated his first birthday with best wishes from Mommy, Daddy, sister Heather, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts and uncles. "We love you with all our hearts, Parker! - Birthday The special girl in the M e d e i r o s home turned four on June 1. Lots of hugs, kisses ; and happy birthday wishes to Katarina from Mom, Dad, broth- er Eric._ Oma and Opa. B irthday July 4 was a special day as "our little princess" Tianna Gomes turned one. Happy birthday, lots of love, hugs and kisses from Mommv, Daddy and sister Allanna. IL1sa Pen - n e y turned 14 on June 1 2 w i t h happy birth - d a y wishes from friends w h o hope all your dreams come true." Birthday BIRTHDAY "Fi fty- two is here and g o n e Now you are turn- ing sixty" and still going `._..: strong. Keep on trucking the best! We love you." Happy birthday wishes with j hugs and kisses to Elwood Murray from Barli, Per- nell and Susie. i BIRTHDAY "Our little man" is already one. Happy birth- day wishes to Brayden I alias BMW) on Mav 27 from Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Chris, Nannie, Grandpa, Gramma, Grandad, Grandma and Grandpa Claener, Uncle Dan, his family and friends. "We love you." Bravden also wishes his Daddy a happy 21st birthday. Birthday Look who turned sweet 16 on July 4. Happy birthday to "our baby girl" Jennifer McMenemy with love and best wishes for a wonderful birthday from Dad, Liz, Ry -gay, Granma, Jen, Gran and Baster. I . BIRTHDAY I Natalie Aces- ki turned nine on June 21 and celebrated with a birth- day party on the same day. Lots of love from Mommy, er Jonathan. Birthday ..One year ago, on June 30, God dropped a special bundle of joy into our lives. Happy birthday to our beautiful angel Victoria Rebecca Kotsopoullos. You have given us all great happiness. With love from Mommy, Daddy, Alexandra, Tyler, Jordan and Joshua Birthday " O u r belle" Michelle Marie Doucet turned two on June 17. "Happy birthday Princess. You give a whole new meaning to love. You're our rainbow. Love always from Mos, Dad and your Josh." moo; 1794 Liverpool Road +eta Pickering 831-5431 M C� �l T M wtxlcs CMM VWNM ARE: t / 1. Gram Taatm.e satdto tb..i. 3 riahahle Aomld Wirmas may go direaky to Baskin tto ens to their FM cake. !Please provide idnWficmm) t� Vmn umn s", July 11, lis Birthday A cutie with a big smile turned one on June 23. Wishing Ros- anne Doacet, AKA Cheetak a happy birth- day were Mommy, Daddy, Jasmine, Grainy, Grandpa, coati soft, her mutt blebs and Grandma in Kspudwsin& Birthday H i l a r y Erin, the lit- tlest beauty in the Fraser family, cele- brated her WW first birth- day on May 29. Wishing her all the -- love in the world are Mommv, Daddy, sister Stephanie, Great Gramma, Gramma and Grampa Mills, Gramma and Pappa Fras- er, her aunts, uncles and cousins. -We all love yew Sweetie Pie." JBIRTHDAY "Our little sweetie" turned three on June 22. - Happy birth- day to K a i t 1 i n M a r i e R o m a i n f r o m Mommy, Daddy, Cassidy, Ama, Papa, Nana, Granda and all her family and friends. Birthday • A dude with a big smile turned two on May 3. Wishing D a r r y l Stephen Smith a happy birth- day, hugs, kisses and love were Mommy, Daddy, Kirk, Lisa, Krista and Ralph. Birthday June 6 was a special day for Shane, as he turned six. Lots of love from Mommy, Daddy, broth - and his best pal Missy. "We love you Buddy." Birtti&W? Anniversary? Wedding? Let us know. We'll publish your special occasion in an easy -to -rend and easy -to -clip format... .». Birthday P a u 1 Singer reached t h e m i I e - stone age of 40 on June 10. His wife Wanda and son A . O . (Allan Owen) sent along happy birthday wishes and hope he enjoyed his party with family and friends. BIRTHDAY Dinosaur D a n i e I turned five on June 25. "Happy 1 birthday big i boy" with '1 love from Mommy, Daddy, Olivia, N a n a P a p a , Gran= and Grampa. "Psst... Have we told you today we love you?" Birthday Happy second birthday wishes went out to Brooke Sawyer w' on June 18. Wish- ing her all the hest m► ~ were Mommy, Daddy, sister Michelle, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, her aunts, uncles and cousin Tyler. "We all love you very much." Birthday ..Our boy Sean Daniel was four on June 29. Not only was it his birth- day, but he graduated from the Sunshine N u r s e r y School. Happy birthday and lots of love from Mo■tety, Daddy, brother Tykr, Nass and Poppa Squirrel, and Naos and Pbppa OwC'bo:' Birthday Happy birthday wishes went out to Michelle on June 17. Wishing Michelle, who's going to be a mom in October, all the best were Mos, brothers John and Pad, and husband Jamie. to. Name D"ppinq, clo Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 285 [aim :••'1 WHAT'S HAPPENING INAJAX AND PICKERING WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 YOGA: Yoga instructor Bille von Roder of the Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre introduces the benefits of yoga at 6:30 p.m. at 60 Ashbury Rd., Ajax. The free seminar is sponsored by the Lakeside Com- munity by Tribute Homes. Reserve, 428-1642 (Jennifer). THURSDAY, JULY 9 SUPPORT GROUP: The Pickering La Leche League invites pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers to its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. for information and support. Call (416)282-6462 for location. ADDICTIONS: Serenity Group holds a 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group deals with addicitions of all types, in- cluding co-dependancy. A child care programme is available during the meeting. 428-9431 (Jim). SATURDAY, JULY 11 PICNIC: The Durham District Canadi- an National Institute for the Blind hosts a picnic from 11 a.m. to 4 p -m. for its clients and their family and friends at Lakeview Park, Lakeview Park Ave., Oshawa (near the wash- rooms). Call 436-7732 if you're plan- ning to attend. SUNDAY, JULY 12 SELF-DEFENCE: Women's self-de- fence classes are offered every other Sunday until Sept. 13 beginning at noon at Peace Lutheran Church, 928 Liverpool Rd., Pickering. $5 per ses- sion. Proceeds go to the church. At- 20%oFF ENGAGEMENT RINGS With This Advertisement (Limited Time Otter) ON OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES RON GALBRAITH JEWELLERS Ajax Plaza On Harwood, South of 401 Next to Home Hardware 683--"07 The Old Furniture Shoppe 6 res Old and New • �tia,, i" ,d CLOSING OUT SALE New Sofas & Love Seats Coffee & End Tables Lots of Quality New + Used Furniture, Giftware and Antiques. The Old Furniture Shoppe 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax (MacKenzie Plaza) The agia d Mar**WMry ofA wftw "SMEYROM hvm II ftwi, Emd so Taumwn Road k die Town al4pr Ik ityo/ArAwrakkMmyaPWK PXftVAfAV waw m df=W ab and fArJ d AWAWW ,aral & of prnni V llr00alit I' fltlolorred ovo�e�r,�,oc�tdlaai�r w�An wgm YM,W iW&d m * tWK &-tigonainr wa►tridlojv N11" W WdIPVniob M W4 iiiplbnll�ion a dr p�relsm aFitelild�il(vr�ara appamwigmpvltygontr iaflt ' Piwb/�C PardiCiplat�or� War��sJa� Jkws amj ft* 9, IM km 7.�AOp m to 9� plan. Atfam Cat+11111111anflli9y Cef blit - Aliorgwt AkV _ ` lll�tYDYne (faw�/pra�on it l /OprwJ ar Qh06%W l Mw* all�e=arr.VW/V1W*pun*a WffaW8d*altllpintrf.1Ardlfril6nwloilt► JAVA" f%IlFaft+llbCT #N*f*il1dirlillttfllf"lV fi*#*&fr*,"&& Ai +Canl�mllalnit(Taf�l..Jri�■If�ttdria6►,liaocl ��ral.,�l. :Wwkwfra% wks ale I ffl ro. /o�cal amts A& l~AW iil�J A�t�l►!m l/N� Arf./,&V /X1 tW f~lnl raa� /-aol��n lie/ tend any or all of the classes. 839- 3521. : I -I I I 01,_41111 : i I CORREGY10M NOTICE The Samsung Television in our advertisement Sunday July Sth Should have read 25" instead of 27". We regret any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. T= NEWS AD'VERTIS Jt TUESDAY, JULY 7, lfli - IMAGE ! JMYOS COUPON LET'S FJMTIJEN UP TTIOSE JIOUSEHOLD 6F.RMS11 STEAM CLEAN befott 5 AREAS $69.95 * B of *Call for ddWfion of area Somm restrictions ahly. � Enos JOY 31/98Evu=►686-9160 We're online at www.durhamnews.net� FAMES R. YANCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY � .Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services (perished teddies' Join us a5 we travel the globe with our Cherished Teddies friends at our 1998 International Event. Our exclu5ive event figurine, -Lance, Come Fly nth Me: will be our pilot a5 we travel to meet our Intemational Cherished �- Teddies family. 527.00, "Uncd ftm $3374&3 nctuo 5i= Y Ti Come Fly with us at our Cheriew Tedldiee International Event on July 11,1998! PRECM PLAM TIM 475 Wcancy Rd., N. Crwo lights north of Hwy. 2) Ajax 686-7185 SPECIALS, FREE DRAWS. 019W Ensco CarporaWm %otrstion Shawc 019W Rlscis Manan. Lk. Erew Cory. CRT562 OS H,kWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX 50 (.c>mmcrcW Ave. 619-1473 (A)BOt'R(: King tit. XT.. 372-4744 PACE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JULY 7,19" SPORTS RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING Sheldon Kennedy welcomed warmly III in Durham Region BIGPLEDGES COME IN-LINE SKATER'S WAY By Ad= AkJlfair Staff W rtter Although admittedly in the best shape of his life, Sheldon Kennedy has more important things on his mind than a pos- sible return to the National Hockey League right now. In Durham this weekend as part of his Cross -Canada Skate For Kids, Kennedy is trying to raise $15 million to go toward a retreat in British Columbia for children who have been sexually abused, as he was between the ages of 14 and 20. -1 really can't look any further ahead than Oct. 12:' Kennedy said, referring to the Thanksgiving Day date his 136 -day, 8,0(X 1 lometrc journey comes to an end in Vancouver. Kennedy and his seven -person en- tourage arrived to a huge welcome at the Dom Cherrv's restaurant in C ourtice Sat- urday evening. and male its Ha. it, the two restaurant. in Wliith. :,itr ci;,u Former NHLer Sheldon Kennedy signs autographs while visiting a Don Cher- ry's Restaurant on the weekend during his cross -Canada journey to raise funds for sexually abused children. night. He was then joined by about 40 others as he continued his in-line skate from Courtioe to Whitby on Sunday morning. He later passed through Ajax and Pickering en route to Toronto. "It's just been incredible;' Kennedy said during an interview at the Kendal - wood Don Cherry's on Saturday. " fo be able to have the issue in the open like this is great." Kennedy first brought attention to the disturbing issue of child sex abuse early last year when he revealed that he was abused by his former junior hockey coach, Graham James. Now 29, Kennedy has begun a crusade to help others with similar experiences deal with the pain. "I think what's instilled in a child is the ability to love and the ability to trust," he says. "When that's stolen from you, I think the main thing you experience is confusion:' The ultimate goal of the Sheldon Kennedy Foundation is to build a ranch — named Anaphe after a Greek goddess who protected children — where chil- dren can begin the healing process. Spe- cific details about the ranch and the child selection process will he determined once the amount of money raised is known. Vivian Sled, the director of operations for the three Don Cherry's restaurants in Whitby, said that more than $7.000 has already been raised at the local sports bars through car washes and the sale of ballots. And, donations can still he made at any of the three locations. "Unbelievable;' Sled said when asked how things went on the weekend. -ML turnout in Courticc, in particular, µas just great " Although she admitted she hadn't heard of Kennedy until just recently, when the Don Cherry's restaurants jumped on board, Sled was impressed when she met him on the weekend. "You could tell that the cause was sin- cere and true:' she said. A big boost to the cause is on its way. Ralph Sucee, who organized the Doug Brown Celebrity Golf Tournament on June 17 at the la dge Links Golf Course. pledged more than $20,000 of the proceeds to Kennedy on Saturday. Sucee, who works for the Chikhm's Aid Society in Oshawa, said a similar donation will go to the Harness Horse Youth Foundation. "I went basically to meet (Kennedy) and have my son meet him," said Sucee, who was accompanied by his 13 -year- old son, Adam. Sucee hoped that Doug Brown, a renowned harness racing personality, would meet with Kennedy, but was pleased to make the announcement in his absence. "It's a very difficult issue to talk about or comprebend," Sucee said of sex abuse. . Kennedy, who met up with his wife, Janna, and two-year-old daughter, Ryan, in Toronto on Sunday for the first time since the skate began on May 30, has al- ready raised about $250,000 from the skate. Although fully recovered from a se- verely broken leg last August and in ter- rific shape after skating between 50 and 120 kilorneam per day for the past five weeks, Kennedy refused to speculate about a possible return to professional hockey. "I have no idea," he said. P"ett► by am rilefrvakp Aiax resident Rory Ellis, 21, will head overseas series of exhibition games against English compe- with the Canadian over -21 football team to play a tition at Manchester England later this month. A l0 acian to touch down in England with Canadian football team SY AI ~ Sports Editor AJAX — An Ajax man will travel overseas to intro- duce the English to a different type of football than they're use to. Rory Ellis, 21, who played with the Dunbarton High School Spartans of Pickering a year ago, was chosen to suit up for Canada's over -19 foot- ball team in three exhibition contests in Manchester, Eng- land from July 10 to 19. In total, 76 athletes on the Canadian under -19 and over - 19 football squads, along with eight coaches, will make the trip overseas where the Eng- lish call soccer football. Ellis received the word of his inclusion on the team in April and is looking forward to representing Canada. "When I got the letter I was really excited," says Ellis, a running back and cornerback in high school who will suit up as a free safety for the Canadian squad. "It's some- thing I've always wanted to do, to play for Canada. With football, you usually don't have the opportunity to play for your country." The Canadians will play teams from the British Colle- giate American Football League at Manchester United Stadium. Squads from Man- chester, Leicester and Leeds will provide the opposition for the Canadians. Ellis believes the Canadi- ans should have the edge in the contests, but expects the games will be competitive. The English were over- whelmed by an American squad which played exhibi- tion games there and are hop- ing the Canadians won't be so tough. "They're basically learning the sport," says Ellis, who's heard the games will be cov- ered on local television and drowds of 38,000 are expect- ed at the stadium. In preparation for the tour of England, the Canadian teams are gathering in Wind- sor for a training camp the next few days. Ellis has been among the top players in Ontario through his high school football ca- reer, playing four years for Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School Charg- ers before switching to Dun- barton for his OAC year in 1997. Ellis led the Spartans in touchdowns and all-purpose yards. He was also named to the Metro all-star squad. In 1996, he played for Team On- tario at the national champi- onships, beating out approxi- mately 1,500 hopefuls to earn a spot on the roster. Ellis is looking for spon- sors to help defray the costs of his overseas travel expens- es. If you can help, call him at 428-8821. P SCOREBOARD FAX GAME RESULTS To 683-7363 PICKERING MEN'S SILO -PITCH LEAGUE Standings and scores as of June 28 TUDOR ARIAS DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Gophers 9 8 1 0 157 81 16 Screaming Vikings 8 6 1 1 122 88 13 Reservoir Dogs 7 6 1 0 146 84 12 Long Harps 9 6 3 0 134 122 12 Young Gums 8 5 3 0 124 96 10 Capital Punishment 9 4 4 1 93 115 9 Lookouts 9 4 5 0 137 144 8 Stallions 8 3 5 0 90 116 6 Moodies 8 2 6 0 80 123 4 Lone Star/Tycor Hitmen 7 2 5 0 79 96 4 Raffles 8 2 6 0 71 86 4 The Vipers 8 0 8 0 77 158 0 TUDOR ARMS DIVISION RESULTS Young Guns 18 vs. Moodies 6. Reservoir Dogs 19 vs. Stallions 9: Long Han$ 20 vs. Dakota Bob's Lookouts 15: Screaming Vikings 14 vs. The Vipers 6. Gophers 17 vs. Rattles 14. Gophers 7 vs. Capital Punishment 0: Capital Punishment 17 vs Lone Star Homan 12. GAYLY DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Scott's Restaurant 9 7 2 0 131 50 14 Durham Lawn Care 8 6 2 0 121 72 12 Incians 7 6 1 0 121 97 12 Watermaker 9 5 3 1 135 93 11 East Side Mares 8 5 3 0 110 88 t0 Durham Bulls 7 5 2 0 g0 62 10 Guzzlers 8 4 4 0 96 1 1 7 8 Wellington Boot Pub 7 4 3 0 75 79 8 Danforth Roofing 9 2 6 1 74 123 5 London Lyle 9 2 7 0 97 142 4 WTR MKR - 7 1 6 0 54 95 2 Sharks 8 0 8 0 57 127 0 BAYLY DIVISION RESULTS Indians 17 vs. East Side Marto's 11 Danforth Rooting 14 vs. London Life 8; Durham Buns 17 vs Guzzlers 5: Scott's Restaurant 3 vs Durham Lawn Care 2: Scott's Restaurant 8 vs. WTR MKR 4. Werring- ton Boot Pub 13 vs. WTR MKR 11, Watermaker 19 vs Sharks 6 MUD NEMS DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Mud Hens Marauders 9 8 1 0 146 78 16 The Sewer Rats 9 7 2 0 116 93 14 Pickering A's 8 5 3 0 128 112 10 PaOp'sal 8 5 3 0 112 109 10 Pam sat 8 5 3 0 103 92 10 Melanie Pringles 7 4 2 1 108 70 9 Mud Hens 7 3 3 1 90 104 6 KTX Vipers 8 2 6 0 02 113 4 Royals 9 1 8 0 92 168 2 Scarboro Lexus 9 0 9 0 105 133 0 MUD NEWS DIVISION RESULTS Pappal 22 vs. Royals 7, Royals 11 vs Scarboro Lexus Rangers 10. The Sewe Raft 14 vs Mud Hen's 9. Melanie Prrgkes 22 vs Phck- waV A's 7. Mud Hen's Marauders 18 vs KTX Veers 6. Mud Hen's Marauders 18 n Papp's 62 7 ROUGE VALLEY WINES DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Preston Blue Julys 9 9 0 0 139 73 18 Fox Goes Free B 8 0 0 143 62 16 Sad Sacs 8 5 2 1 135 98 11 RIC L 606 7 4 2 1 82 62 9 Mud Hen's Hogs 7 4 3 0 111 83 8 Sultans of Swing 8 4 4 0 103 128 8 ArmadlMos 8 3 5 C 123 130 6 Mud Hen's 6 3 3 0 85 92 6 lsolt 8 2 5 t 115 128 5 Tudor Amps 8 1 6 1 90 103 3 East Side Mares 8 t 7 C 83 147 2 Pro Copy Systems 8 t 7 0 79 166 2 ROUGE VALLEY WINES DIVISION RESULTS Preston Blue Jays 9 vs Mud Hen's Hogs 7, Pressor Blue Jay% 10 vs. Pro Copy Systems S. R C L 606 8 vs Pro Copy Systems 3. Tudor Arms 10 vs. Mud Hen's 9: Armadibs 14 vs. East Side Mare's 3: Fox Goes Free 19 vs Iso11 1 1 , Sad Sacs 9 vs Sultans of Swing 8 REBOUND SPORTS DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Dakota Bob's 8 8 0 0 144 63 16 S K R Inc. 10 6 4 0 155 106 12 Woodruff Barons 9 6 3 0 143 104 12 'Papps on Tap' 9 4 5 0 96 142 8 The Brew Shop 9 3 6 0 91 139 6 Ourham Brewing 8 3 S 0 79 106 6 1:ountry Sale 8 2 6 0 94 156 4 %bound Sports 8 2 6 0 84 80 4 REBOUND SPORTS DIVISION RESULTS Pam on Tap' 10 vs Duxharn Brewing 3. Rebound Sports IS vs '°apps on Tap" 4: S.KR. Inc, 20 vs Country Style 9; Woodruff I .stuns 18 ars. Brow Shop 6; Dakota Bobs 24 vs. Woodruff Saran 9. PETER'S APPLIANCES DIVISION STAMORM 1 EAY G W L T F A PTS E at* of Montreal 8 8 0 0 110 47 16 C anada Tint 9 7 2 0 107 86 14 V 'afar Doctor Warr. '8 4 3 1 106 90 9 B ight Idee 8 3 4 1 113 81 7 F •estate 17 Catch. 9 3 6 0 Se 108 6 8 awoftsvts 9 3 6 0 70 127 6 A set's Appancas 8 3 5 0 65 102 6 ED Wit Sat 9 2 7 0 85 112 4 PETEWS APPIUNCES DM810N RESULTS 1N. tat 11, ,1- %afriohs 12 vL Bleck Sox 11; &atehaYtt 8 vs, CWM- ds Trust 5. Car*& This 17 vs. POWs Appkartces 6; BMtk of Mlon- tra 1 18 vs. Fasom 17 Caschars 4; Frrealone 17 Catchers 17 tin. ark ct Ids. 5. OFTNIALLA rDwum As of July 5 TEAM G W L T PPT OBL Vigory Fie EquipnMfht 7 5 1 1 0.786 - Jetam bleats` nw 7 2 1 4 0.571 1.5 W. Pidt. Ladles Slo-Ptah 7 1 2 4 0.429 2.5 Massays 7 0 4 3 0214 4 or*l M RESULTS JWW 15: VMgt P't kWM Ladies' SIO-Pilich 14 hrs. Messays 13; Victory Fre E:gtwpmW* Inc. 17 vs. Jet$W ktematio W Inc. 9. JWW 17: JebW k*wnatiatal Inc. 15 Vs. Mtasseys 13; Victory Fire E Ttwpaw" kine. 15 vs. Wet Pickering Ladies slo-Pitch 5. Jove 2: Victory Fite Equipment kilo. 15 vs. Messeys 5: JSMW Intern tional Inc. 15 vs. Wrst Pickering Ladies' SWPtleh 15. Jove 'ilk NAss Pk kw ft Ladies' SbPilch 15 vs. Massai 15; Jotata International Inc. 15 vs. Victory Fire Equipment Inc. 9. P930900 SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION ATOM BOILS' DIV I I I STANDINGS As of Juana 21 TEAM G W L T PCT GOL Vision c4frada 8 2 0 1 0.833 - Sun Life 4 3 1 0 0.750 - Picwrrg Hes Fast Pilot 8 2 1 0 0.867 .5 Sav-A-( etre 3 1 1 1 0.500 1 St. Law Moe Cut HFM Ct 'tsruclL� p 0 2 20 00.000 2 Picwm I Soo -Sports 3 0 3 0 0.000 2.5 DMSION RESULTS Juste 4, St Lawrence Upper Cut 10 vs. Pickering Slo-Spats 9; Vision Canada 14 (MVP Adam Ray) vs HFM Construction 13: Sun Life 19 (MVP Jason Manaccins) vs. Sav-A-Centre 15. June 9: Pickerign Heat Fast Pitch 15 vs HFM Construction 5; Sun Life 15 (MVP Patrick SCuito) vs. Pickering Slo-Sports 14; Vi- sion Canada 14 (MVP Jonathon Froster) vs St. Lawrence Upper Cut 14. June 11: Pickering Heal Fast Pitch 12 vs. Sun Life 10 (MVP Matthew Farr); St. Lawrence Upper Cut 15 vs. Sav-A-Centre 15. June 18: Vision Canada 9 (MVP Frank Vicoso) vs. Pickering So -Sports 8 (MVP Jonathon Glynn): Sun Life 18 (MVP Michael Porter) vs St. Lawrence Upper Cut 7 (MVP Josh Brown):Sav-A• Centre 20 (MVP Sammy Misser) vs Pickering Heat Fast Pitch 11 (MVP Andrew Parnell). MITE BOYS' DIVISION STANDINGS As of July 5 TEAM G W L T PCT G8L D&D Home Improvements 8 7 1 0 0.875 -- MR M Meats 8 6 2 0 0.750 1 Cdi Sign 8 5 2 1 0.688 15 Carpet Towne 8 4 3 1 0.562 2.5 T Hamilton 3 Son 8 3 4 1 0.438 35 Pickering Source for Sports 8 3 5 0 0.375 4 Knights of Columbus 8 3 5 0 0 375 4 Pickering SkySports 8 3 5 0 0 375 4 Allstate -Wayne Redford 8 0 7 1 0.063 65 DIVISION RESULTS June 22'. Pickering So -Sports 10 (MVP Eric Best) vs. Allstate - Wayne Redford 8 !MVP Cory Wilber), T Hamilton d Son Roofing 18 (MVP Devon Cheong) vs. Pickering Source for Sports 4 (MVP Cameron Douglas). MSM Meats 14 (MVP Michael Kelly) vs. Cdi Sign 8 (MVP Paul Cassar): Knights of Columbus 15 (MVP Parker Tnk1w) vs. Dd D Home Improvements 9 (MVP Jonathan Thacker) Jute 24: T Hamilton E Son Roofing 20 (MVP Kadeem Hutdwson) vs Allstate -Wayne Redford 20 (MVP Craig McCrone), Pickering Source For Sports 15 (MVP Jordan Hovey) vs. M d M Meats 11. Car- pet Towne 15 (MVP Omar Al") vs Pickering Sky Spats 12 (MVP Chad Andrews). Citi Sign 18 (MVP Timothy Chatterton) vs. Knights of Columbus 11 (MVP Josh Desouza) Junta 29: MSM Meats 20 (MVP Dean Elliot) vs Knights of Cokimbus 12 (MVP Michael Parent). Carpet Towne 27 (MVP Logan Mantle) vs. Pickermg Source for Sports 5 (MVP Trevor Bean). D6 D Home lm- provements 18 (MVP Ryan Bonneau) vs. T Hamilton d Son Roofing 15 (MVP Matthew Houssan). Pickering Slo-Spats 17 (MVP Spencer Maher) vs ARstate-Wayne Redford 10 (MVP Andre Boutay) SOLART BOYS' DIVISION STANDINGS As of Jvey 5 TEAM G W L T PCT GBL BMI Consnuction 9 8 1 0 C 889 -- Accord Craft 9 7 2 0 0.778 1 Jim Carter-MirCom 9 5 2 2 0.667 2 Kwik Signs 9 4 3 2 0.556 3 O,scrovary Place Daycare 10 5 4 1 0 550 3 Steve Barney-Coldwea Banker 9 4 4 1 0 500 3.5 Hamilton Roofing 9 4 4 1 0 500 3.5 Oualty, Tune -Up 9 3 5 t 0.389 45 Serpa Conveyancing 9 3 6 0 0 333 5 Bob Johnson Chav-0 0s 9 2 7 0 0.722 6 RalMax-John Mona 9 / e 0 0.111 7 DIVISION RESULTS Jute 23: BMI Construction 9 (MVP Matt Martin) vs. Hamilton Rooting 7 (MVP Thomas Hamilton). Jim Carter -Min Cam 12 vs BobJohnston Chev-Olds 6; Accord Craft 22 (MVP Zachary Glynn vs Discovery Place Daycare 10 (MVP Matt Mattmarsafla). Oualty Tune -Up 16 (MVP Nicholas Franz) vs Re/Max-John Mona 12 (MVP Tron GNI), Serpa Conveyancing 16 (MVP Ian Gibson) vs Stere Bartley-Coldwell Banker (MVP James choleras) June 24: Kwik Signs 2 (MVP Darcy L'Heureux) vs. Stere Bart- Ivy-Coldwed Banker 2 (MVP Michael Bartlett) June 25 JIm Carter -Min Com f0 (MVP Ryan Lowe) vs Re/Max- Jonn Monkz 4 (MVP Brian Moose). BMI Construc!.on 12 (MVP Jordan Carr) vs Kwik Signs 8 (MVP Bryn Briggs). Hamilton Rooting 12 (MVP Andrew Paul Gianfrndoo) vs Saw" Con- veyancing /0 (MVP Ian Gibson); Accord Craft 12 vs. Ouakty Tkr+e-up 5. Discovery Place Daycare 6 (MVP Matt Thompson) vs. Bob Johnston Chet -Olds 5 (MVP Adam Engel) July 2: Hamilton Roofing 16 (MVP Adam Northern) vs Steve Bartley -Co We If Banker 13 (MVP Darren Belau): Discovery Place Daycare 16 (MVP me team) vs Quality Tune -Up 15 (MVP Greg Moss). Bob Johnston Chew -Ods 18 (MVP Daniel Froze) vs. RNMax-John Mona 11 (MVP Tron Sell), Accord Craft 24 (MVP Ali Salehmohained) vs. Jim Carter -Mn Can 9 (MVP Ryan Lind- say). ino-say). Serpa Conveyancing 14 (MVP Andrew Muniz) vs. Kwik Signs 3 JUNIOR T45ALL DIVISION MVP LIST FOR GAMES (No scores are ketal May 19 Scotia Mcleod (MVP Mark Kennedy) vs TBM Services fMVP Myles Mendoza). May 2S Scotia Mcleod (MVP Michael BeIgiorgio) Vs. Reinsur- ance Management Associates (MVP Domenic Manckno). Bud 3 Roy's Service Centre (MVP Amanda PorW) vs. TSM Services (MVP Jordan Bean). Jun 1 Reinsurance Management Assoctales (MVP Bradley Crabb) vs. Scotia Mcleod (MVP Kyle Schunk); TSM Services (MVP Mitchell Beanies) vs. Bud 6 Roy's Service Centre (MVP Ashley Bernard). Jute 2: Piderng Men's Slo-Pitch (MVP Cody Arsenault) vs PMSP (MVP Russet McGibbon). Jure 8: Rebound Sports (MVPs Kaike Bunyan. Ryan Glknour) vs. Scotia mcLeod (MVP Richard Andrews); Reinsurance Men - agement Associates (MVP Robbie Heard) vs. T13M Services (MVP Adam Cara). June 9: Trident Elevator (MVP Kadin Clubtey) vs. Pickering Men's SIo•Pitch (MVP Keely Hyduk); The Peanut Club (MVPs Kayle Asn. Sudamen Hussein) vs. Grarwte Press (MVP Joshua SP$t-). Jae 111Scotian Mclaod (MVP Valerie Saunders) vs. Reinsur- ance Managernent Associates (MVP NO Yokura); TOM Services (MVP Devon Mlyles) vL Rebound Sports (MVP Tom" Raid). J14re Is: PMSP (MIVP%Tyler Moossy( Taylor Ray) vs. The Perkin Club (MVPs Taylor Eakins. Dylen. McKee): Grange Plass (MVP Ryan HoMrrtant) vs. Pickering M on's Sb-Ptdt (MVP Ou meft J Kurt). = PMW (MVPs Gamu-Cooke. Bless Shavlr) va. Scope McLeod (MVP Laura Ohiplton). Grange Pass (MVP lfrctaie Coons) vs. TBm Services (AVP Akuxandar MAoNin). Jaw 23: Pickering Men's Sco-Pilch (AVP Hugh NO) vs. Rain- surance kiwwgotnent Associates (MVP Ryan P40i Rebound Sports (MVPs Adrtanna Mellow Kirk Thous) vs. The Peanut Club ('MVP Stroh Thoef on). STMNDNOS As of .Alma 15 TEAM G W L T PTS Boyar Pontiac Jays 5 5 0 0 10 Dairy 0fiew. Picksitp YYrthses 5 4 1 0 8 Alex Wine Molal kndirK 4 3 1 0 8 Sharks ROyele 5 2 3 0 4 Toronto Molds Lld. While Sac 4 2 2 0 4 Atnodlah- Madtinery Mtc Davi Rays 4 2 2 0 4 Viage Plaque Adedt Tapas 3 1 2 0 2 Future Stan Pholograpy Twins 2 1 1 0 2 Compucen a Orioles 4 1 3 0 2 K"W Madeadng Menners 3 0 3 0 0 Pidwirg Village Sports Rad Sat 3 0 3 0 0 TYKE DIVISION TEAM G W L T PTS AME Deck PhiNra 4 4 0 0 8 Boyer Pontiac Giants 3 3 0 0 6 Picker" Playing FrWs Mss 2 2 0 0 4 Pickering Ronda Pack 3 2 1 0 4 Grade A Expectations Expos 2 Pickering SkySports Manns 3 R. Bursey Foal Estate Braves 3 Randy b Pat Tazmen Rockies 3 PEEWEE DIVISION TEAM G Bremner Pool Cardinals 4 Pickering Toyota Astros 4 Discount Paint 6 Paper Pirates 2 Time Carpentry Cubs 2 Certified Hosting Rockies 3 Boyer Pontiac Diamondbacks 2 Unistrut Giants 3 Shoppers Drug Mart Dodgers 3 Floss Falcons Reds 1 BANTAM DIVISION TEAM G Swiss Chaser Orioles 3 Dufferm Games Room Devil Rays 2 The Wallpaper Center Red Sox 3 Peter's Apples Angels 3 Boyer Pontiac Jays 3 Time Carpentry Twins 2 Oualty Tune -Up Tigers 0 MIDGET DIVISION THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JULY 7, I"S - PAGE 1 Y I1 0 2 0 2 11 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 W L T PTS 2 2 0 4 1 1 2 4 2 0 0 4 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 3 1 2 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 W L T PTS 3 0 0 6 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 TEAM G W L T PTS Pickering Town Centre Angels 4 3 1 0 6 Midas Muffle. Royals 4 2 2 0 4 Liberty Mutual Mariners 2 2 0 0 4 Loose Catwoose Bar a Grin Rangers 3 1 2 0 2 Bryan Mitis d Associates A's 3 0 3 0 0 WEST SNORE MIXED SLO-PITCH Jute 25: StouMvAe 6 vs Scarbaougn 2 STAND06GS As of July 5 June 29: Scarborough 13 vs Cotcurg 4 Oshawa 1 .s P.cker Ing 5 TEAM G W L T PTs Jumbo Viler 9 9 0 0 18 Bons Kitchens 9 8 1 0 16 Chpue Hai Salon 9 6 3 0 12 Bob Myers 9 6 3 0 12 On The Beach Salon 9 5 4 0 10 Kwik Kopy 9 5 4 0 10 Greenwood Printers 9 4 5 0 8 NorMie Plumbing 9 4 5 0 8 Tanning World 9 4 5 0 8 Plymouth Chrysler 9 4 5 0 8 Canadian Tire 9 3 6 0 6 Graves Lock Services 9 3 6 0 6 Donlards Jewellers 9 3 6 0 6 Duman Instruments 9 3 6 0 6 Caveriev Elettrnc 9 3 6 0 6 Baydy's Lourge 9 2 7 0 4 OSHAWA AND DISTMM SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION BRADY DIVISION (MIDGET BOYS-) STANDINGS As of June 30 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Oshawa 9 9 C 0 107 32 18 Stou"YAO 9 7 1 t 78 42 15 P *ierng 12 4 6 2 63 113 10 Scarborough 12 4 7 1 65 78 9 Ccookug 10 2 8 ., 58 87 4 DIVISION RESULTS Jum 1S: Piccerng 9 vs. Scarborough 7 Jute 17- StoulMMe 12 ws. Cobourg 6 June 22: P,c kervg 9 vs Cobourg 8. Stoultvne 8 vs Scarborougr, 4 June 24 Oshawa 7 +s Cobourg 3 Jute 25: StouMvAe 6 vs Scarbaougn 2 June 29: Scarborough 13 vs Cotcurg 4 Oshawa 1 .s P.cker Ing 5 AAA GRADE GARDEN PEAS Shelled, Washed, Blanched, And Individually Flash Frozen. SpEciAL HARvEsT PRICE 20 Ib. box $1975 Also: Petite Peas, Rhubarb, Sugar Snaps, Strawberries, Snow Peas, Fiddleheads & Asparagus in smaller quantities. All Individually Flash Frozen MacMillan Orchards Hwy. #2 between Ajax & Whitby (905) 686-2531 Open 7 Days A Week 9am-6pm WHAT IS MY BEST INVESTMENT CHOICE `-fREE- Flimandal Constaltatbw 666-8245 Debbie Morgan 1888-790-9111 c:r'.:r'e Please recycle this newspaper i 111111115 Make a connection with your future. Join us Saturday and explore new directions in L`'lik1il IP! I I t 1 1 ill ,k_✓._1�1 1 SAT., AUG. 8T81 9:30 A.M. -6 PIIMe Tor more in>IosmaoI'll on ca (905) 576-9335 or (905) 683 0707 Spawofflt:ml by �� THIS EEK #fWS Thuxel')ribune a 0 0 PAIGE 12 -TRIC NEWS ADV1ER71SER 1ZlMAY, JULY 7, lull Ajax News Advertiser office 130 Camnercial Ave., Ajax . HOURS: 9 aln - 5pm Mon.- Fri. Closed Saturay FAX: (905)5/79-4218 Pickering News Advertiser Pickering News Advertiser Outlet 822 I V383mU7(17 1whits Rd. Pickering Soman-Ambetles Plaza Tees. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 'Mws lines ogee fhilr til 5-p■ INeN. -Fri., sat 9�ae - 3pm sue -Neer til 5 P.M. TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 r Memilay's. Fix -(MR 57NMI IIo.M-,e,, .lY-M,ew W IYo *y,r. - M wrinr t 1 1 Careers [ME I Careers I I Careers I I Careers 1 GerkertY FtNp 1 Gerisral Hale 1 sdes Hdp/Agaea NZLS!! tFNplAgrb 1 SeNe IFeyVAgab 40111 M Alk �II I11 Make a connection with your future. Join us Saturday and explore new directions in career training and education. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SAT., AUG. 8TH, 9:30 A.M. -6 P.M. For more information Call (905) 576-9335 or (905) 683 0707 Spowowd by aidsps.%*affm r ^ pen Ntw*"-s THISWEEK A O V E R T 1 3 E 2 TUxbridge he Tribune THE ow sums career Trauirg Cater. Oecorne a MGatlMd Help1 Gib l" batt* 11x1 leehnicim. craft ng ng aaeaok in aminal naih. OOINNO'S Ft m now hirirp eartaltlig wax- drivers. Paid cash righty mg= Financing avant- Earn up to S12Ax.Please cep cede Nails $20. (905)723- py n person at 1051 Simone am 51. N. OdWft. 434-2777 Geri" EARA Simi weddy Nab wodwq atal�lvoelmpepe sw MM Send ser Unit. Sir OM 111ps. • - It idlim 1k. Sul 129 SEoiSOMM cash. we tract Ostima, Oat. L1J 812. ti10y. Also ON Crew Wrgger needed. 725-0213, 263.1093. AZ otwet. full tine, ta e, fd delivery. experience pt tarred Fax tailor 905-819- 1207 or call 905-419-0581. aMTENOEI{t. WAITRESS/ WAITERS AND COOKS, bur/ part lime. AjaxlocatIon- Call 8199881 to appt. IEANTT SALON requires i- conm assistarp maiager for Aiat. COnllaiiSiOrNDam s/ priom sturmr Also )am4 ff line. Carstylists, cynrw COOK - htl fine and part time ria warned Exyeice neces- sary Glen Durrke Pub OsW- va fax resume 906-401-2500 DELI Clear Experietkad lretkerhOs a must. For Land and PiCkennnpp basion. Fax "S"o(9) esume b (905) 430-0771 pFrXemwwo dry dearker needed torkirdidWely. Plrsuse cA (905 )or (9D5)725-2000 awamem Saks Cle* re"red. bmikkdgeame in P""i clotli no. Please drop off raume al: 'meal Volas'. 20 Simicoe SIX. om.. ExPEIN AM. mature. LINE COOKS tNeded. tirurrrh 3-5 years apewiaice. Apply it ppeerrssoonn YYuii S Dina 1288 Simcoe SL LMS Pickering requires Full time /Part tune mature staff for busing/dishwasher. Suit housewives or elderly people. Cal Sarah 905-420.1855 requireddW th5. e Great Caro- Ca�l (905► -421- 15Wetrain. FLAT - 640 es4y Sf. E. Apu or car 427 - HAIR ST'YIJS-I'S outs S8tlntr b sm 01111 Malay Dy p g good ta011drg.txtndfotts. for YeavlsW cal 905428-ft241. FIRST CHOICE HAIR CU77ERS t'uitieme ekvttiiahk: 0down As wd 965 -436 -OW counlew helper aril -M hep. Appy in paean No res sumo to 1791 Uverpod Rd. Pockering. NM tpire0 PMSldkip pmvds an- ally children, have sense of 1hI....u...�rrto�u�r�, wagency, " like security �,offya .I.P.iW age n y, epp01IW* to cam some extra 'income. call Durham PraeuiorW Florae Dallime for more iso. at 1207._ PHONE REPS Needed, will dol► a qfor srwo- egdc individwls tow sales room. Pham all Alison 905- 438-9417. UM PeOPEFrrlr Matafae- rtiaa limn replires two lraiiees. SOIM eiperferia Of Iea5ft, lad Lro/ecyon. 1t1a1- alconipift-kadlllptr7faw. W rM 7a � paases-r a an look boom a M fine t9 =Z.1r5. i� wAei Gwu hours br iklervbr. SUMMER WORK $10.85 to Start. Ideal for students. Immediate openings. For moils 723-4920 II MII M- 4 1. IYYII. TOMR- b:Pagea�its. Over 15200 ,000 in Drum and scholarships. in - trips Nadonalls in Clift abVow. Cal Fo l -a* 387.2125 Ext. 240. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE. resumes that are taxed directly to 0-, awe This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. DZ DRIVERS Roll Off 8 Recycle Truck drivers required. Min- 2 years driving experience, dean current abstract required - Apply in person on July 9M, 10am-5pm Qfys(,Y at 178 Clark Darlington Town Line Rd., Bowmanville. Att: Mr. Botting KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! -Ages 2+ - Wanted for TV A Movie Jobs! No Fees!! Men / Women 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No extras. Parents call (416) 221-3829 NEWS ADVERTISER Is looking for Adult Carriers to deliver newspapers and flyers in the Ajax / Pickenng area. • Must have car a Door to door delivery a 4 Days per week For more information call 683~5117 PETS ON TV Dogs, Cats, Birds and Exotic Animals needed for TV commercials, series, f4dms, catalogues and brochures. Send picture with name and phone rxarnber with info on pet to: P0. Box 58541, 197 Sheppard Ave. E. Tor., M2N 3AB M" Caner-orieriNd Indi- and a I ire b W* ness. Co Gary BMW 905- 066-43M Roviuking 05- ttreuiws 48 semi Tap fabs a matems tlrerllfwll yrelglehiertcs in Pawl 12 AM SL SO 20& M0"f1L �� Or d 006}30710 or 1-080439-7M. Filo a FAST URE lab TO*Akin. Ol ckinges, t»eriota ergel- seoes- say. turd *171 innee. Appy >t NehmoE. 196 wtm- esv Rd. S. Ajax. no phone Galt Par#= Swummmg lessm. ages 3 b abrin. bdWd pool in Squat RegisWN dMtrtlLlor. Cal Kate rm),s83-0869. Ta/NIEE PeInFON trrh Omitting Illy kniolind in grapic busmu. MO exped- ence requkw. Grn1 oppGx tiiity roc adwriaeiertl. Cab Mc Ruud betseeeli 9aa 905.883-79go. Spm VMS, O'S is lookig to expand. Nkirstyltll rise" r atftutN 3805. tk10w Ara ueraa w1. N sstt Bw at. Caxlr SL Lb*m AM. ub dew or. Shipwitkid iW.t Cwatiarl 9111. Na.nty lP13M winoxnA or. sr CM& Dwilikkatin PA ie Sarrctl W Conschw car. slbodMtw cera. M. a. oxlwlii Q. WWft Re M..dowr.r Re. tiwa. oi.xraift0rg."m Dr. Doe Wim Cme. or ey�a 'sly 0 -9 - or. 1t. 6M Am mOpMooOoaoRO�oas><,t POR F11Ri1E11 CALL. ere41117 "IT'S YOUR HEALTH" One of Metroland's fastest growing Health Magazines is seeking an aggressive OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Must be ambitious, customer friendly and eager to work with unlimited possibilities. Commission pay. Reply with resume by July 15198 to: Denise Atkinson, Oshawa Whitby This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L5. We thank you for your interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted INTERNATIONAL COMPANY Looking for 6-8 reps to sell their exclusive line of lingerie and ladieswear in this area, by catalogue or home parties. Earn high com- mission, car bonuses, trip to London. Profes- sional training and sample kit provided. For appointment cal (705)-292-5852, or come and meet Diane Rosin at the: Cornfort Inn, 533. Kingston Rd. Pickering. Thursday July 9th, 12noon-Spm Friday July 10th, gam-12pm 135 135 requires Apprenticeship Trained Armature Winder Salary to commensurate with experience. Contact Dom Stones for an inter�V�m at: 68&4 VI CNC MACHMMST ,lourrleyrnan nladtirtist Car" iettcs on 34m machiining -Able to do own manual - -Competent on convefritionei nAAWw / above is presently a day sl lhion. RemunsFation is comnFensun I experience. lam alai resmw in conn *lice to. TERLYN MMSTRES LTD. 782 McKay Road Attn: Plat mro iE L1 W 2Y4 Fax: ca 113111111111111" 1 OWArd NFIp 1 GaNaed HWp 11111111NONrOlM now hiring wA1rNBfES needed for busy Cake Daxirator. Experiri Oshawa localm. Experience PIeMe appy 338 required. appy in person b Sfmd Otttthwa. 0f-e's Restauranl, 401) ling Street YFest. INTERNATIONAL marketing I- . woriung Wim a group a leading doctors. herbalists and biochem sts who have developed a Ilne of exclusive cutting edge natural health and nutritional products. work from home. PT/FT Excellent compensation Call 905-430- WANTED IMMEDIATELY A mature reliable Sales Asso- wte who is 1kxd* wrm pppopo0p customer service slalls Co time No phone calls Resumes only Reeds JewNl- ers. Midtown Mall sltiaw 15 WELDERS, long term temp minimum six norm worium a Fax re- sume to (161 l 195-o9M or Coe toll free 1 -SM -509.3222. SW Plus. AIR CONWTIDNINO nsUkrs warned wrm gas license pre- leried Dunlrn rqm Ptorke 725-9731 AUTO BODY FERIUM re- quired Must be expenemed with own boas Start Imme- "ely, Busy Ala* location Phone (906)-019 2327 rJalAotltN GREETING card Company seeks CommissIon salesperson to sena exst- a1111 customers and Ourdop new amounts in er Pitleerng / Oerean Fteglon very tim- Olt horxs Oiwrrnl car hnme- diate Fax resume to: 905- ers-s99s I3NPC01111 PARTITUNR Wanted experienced appren- t ct bila Wright Elednoian. For a quick paced manubc- tiim/ compryi sW 3 - 11. Fully supplied maaikrlrlct snop. tons reg arid. Must nave ttlowkcdge of 3 -pphtuas�e mow carts skna / Sbtkr and AssemOltr fa llons are Fm a cwngd PTa f MFG Ptai1. Applicants creed to ap- py wmen Ctxp= Parbbm. 1tle5 Ck4WM Rd 0241, Pickering. Onam CLASS IA' TECHNICIAN MC license required. For busy dealership. Fax resume to 905-6e3-5738 CLASS A Aaion"ve Tedi. r *WW for Its" % �lewil a said guaarilee. Drop Resume or apply Mo. w to: Ric AUTO CENM low eayy SL PfcWkq or cal (905)120.1389 taaeell rut CIMS Z. foaw reghkrad br cly drivirp P1dl p i defveriM. Aide b ram roanrax rK b 416-M- For busy swm coln- C or 0 to OD - record. w tid weeklitlft work is �ewft �x Pftr r-- dplls. Irrrlhldla<e poli- tiol Mai resumes to: namouscu tawalwle so" uvvmrom Lilly 4m EXPERIENCED PARTS PERSON WANTED O Chrysler expimerlce a ,must. Fax rwAm to 1985lit3-67si TIS PMWS ADVEIR?MER TUESDAY, JULY 7,1""AGE 13 165 165 220 r 290 -290 �= -' 290 T 290 T 400 T •100 ffWJF" -5 Skl7ed Fblp FORKLIFT OPERATOR 15 per hour long term, must be Ir tensed for propane, some mechanical experienced Fax resume (416) 195-0911. MISSISSAUGAcompany is accepting resumes for ex - rooting and siding rhsuden to train on a new metal rod system Must have own truck/vat and tools Mum tall or tax resumes to Interlock Industries tax (90.5)564-99809 tet (9051564- 997 WANTED: licensed electri- can Sart immediately Fax resumes to 1905)428-8302 1 Hoop" Medical or" DENTAL ASSISTANT Part lime only Please appy r ppetrson wish resume 10Five Points Mae Dental OHim No phone calls DENTAL ASSISTANT/FILER FW time posmon Large Pick- gnig Dental Ofhce, HARP mrtdied. Hrs rdude some everugs NO Saturdays Call Kelly (905)-831-3773 or tax (905)-831-3120 EXPERIENCED Dental Rece - bonist required tut bee ABEL erpwrwnce an asset Reply in on nbrq to Osho a Tres Week, Box 481, 865 Farewell St Oshawa. Ont, Lim 71.5 FILE / 168 • 1 Date. W4waed INENGETIC caring, refuble live -out nanny required for our 6. 5. and 2 112 yr old start So" ECE and CPR an as - $et Own transportabon. non - smother preferred References euerdw Potato call Alan 905-428-3386 WANTEDay a for SA K Student of STB Staling Arg Recce pts profiles d Cal GM - 6758 . tt.yceo DODE AND GLENANNA - Ex- penenced Nyrare provider In 2 offerings Fun. 11 jr,rt- abk enwroarhent 2 111ay- WOM. Inge backysardday u11MMIQS. qnrtmst aa. rotor- - and recoma provided MM) 837-1844 PICKERING Mad / Re": Loving daycare. 18 moMM to 12 years Dady ouMo oohed backyard and park) Story lime. music. no- Indous weak i smut. Fist Add. C PR cerh ied Non- Smdnng, r r alts. 905426- 1244 RELIABLE High School stud- ent with Ids of expereence available to babysil, pan -lime orfuNtinnedstationerstationer�M area.Canbcl SaM 126-8056 SOUTH Ajax. Hot fund*& mmflk0a trade. phaaa, dk- Iyr parte tsps, craps. Mys W We Ballon adored. Mon Smoking . 3 Mss aid IuM' 427- 1 rywoG BIEL swI1Lr1NG LES"n - pri- va t i S" pinvar kudos avoitaDl t M priglk heated pool. iistr mos. sRaergsissttered can CPA and m It 683-266& o1 omvb LARGE Ghon team $175. Evenings 427-4106. MMA a LOBE no Newel CDNdw - a3�Io old. 11588. (905)-683- mo - 1T VEHICLE nearl S be 2 sued,, Wt' style• 725-2383. 1 mown LVAGE door Movies, WUM us WOMW $0. Oft doo1W openers. Quality Plus Doors 416.336-0073 2 =AN PEPPIAI buts vel- vet love seats and Matching arm clear,.. care -W 5600 for an. Telephone (905) 839-7136 Day Care Available 0 1 AArtles for sre 1991 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX, excellent condition. 143.000 kil. loaded, auto, abs, am -fm cassette, candy apple red exteror, grey doth idaor. SX -C; (905) 839-7136 21" LOOM. with bench. many accessories such as extra reeds, heddles. warp ig board. bobble winder. books, and materials $650 (905) 576 -MM ABOVE GROUND POOL 26 feet. good condition accesso. ruesitduded asarq f1250. 080 cant 90 5430 78" ANTIQUE diningroom st". durlphyte milnOgarnyt, ask - i g 52500 668 8298 Isrp) BALLY WALK IN FREEZER. new compressor. $5500 (905) 987-1712. l tam 69m BED. BLACK wrought wort ca. nopy. queen orthopedic mar- 1resvIrame Newer opened. $1.200 Sacroice $490 (416) 407-9499 CAGES for sale. 4x3 3 S25 each Please call Tory. Troy or Judy 721-0986 (snpl CARPET CERAMIC VISM Why pry more, Carpet Starr - ng a fo 5ssq n ceramic as low as $1 49sq n Vicryl for tray $1 1054.1. For spwttato- IN savings i tree shop at Homhe Service Call Mike (905)426-2882 i (905)-ta2- CARPETS khK of csrM, 100% nylon. new Sarin M tract carpets on hand. 1 well carpet 3 rooms, $349 Prim uC'hOW carpel. pr- pad, expert Installation. fast doi NNoormah 686- .4231 p0 gMsl CARPETS ME: Lots of car- pets 100% nylon star te- kesst. carpel 3 morns $339 (30 s4 yd ) tndudes- carpel. pry pad and istaMa- hon Free esumaees. carpel moon $KNnq ().~ and surrotedrq an Sam 905- 6861772 CARPET SALE. Cad and Sara up to 50% O1 urge s"eworn Of cola and design. dastorren sabstacbon gwraMad For tree esbook cal Mike. (90.5)41-040, (416)x22. COMPUTER ARMOMIE Bleached oak sort with pW Oka table ExcdkM wndlon As" $375 CaN (905)-668- ELEGANT IVORY WIN wed- ding dress. and matching mower grl.s dress, approx- "* sin 6. paid $2.600 for Doth Will sell 31.000 O.B.O. (905) 6656-6574 HAMMM' APPLUiSM. Salm Plots. Sewvke Fridges side- by-side water/int, white. ""up Regular side -by Sides $450, deluxe host -ha triages $300hp. Mie Viii. G.E. bridge, lraeaer-bofkOm 0. 3yrs. 10eu. Inidgier es $275. b fid S99. Sell-ckawg Stora $250. 20' sloven $100, 24- slovex S2WW. apt. -sin wail wAblyer MA99, ashers SIM*. Oly,s $ISO*. hO- sin stainable washer/drya, Me new $600. awtamwaws $150hp. Lary" sidecslon. Fi- namdtq seam. Up b tyT worooly. Avg. 2-6ym 426 S]Gooe SLS. (906)726.1043. FANIIY Niw high via" fridge, abNad wo rerWsaNe dom Slone, bmw ally wal- es i dryer. $11500. Cd Und" NffA Leff so - Clea bc• quaed sdlwood apperL W. 11a-, wqm T71, h"t m air. disk and shslvirg attached imidemleI , 9100.406-11703 KAYAK POOL 121I.X201L WO a' deck. fma, hearr. winla i solar bbnkats, bdder pump i fila. Paid $5,500. As" $2,500 Can Jim 726- 7156. smious w4mm s ably. KMO on X-ouk orthopedic paw . sew and taw so in plastic. Cori $1.500. Sol $625.(4161407-9499 OTCM?N CUPNM M. SONO bait framed, with bum in GE am, range top, at hood lin. Double sink with Moon toast. counter top. ExcdW condNim $1700 o.b.o. (905)686-1132 BOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY so" at $30; bdys B lora Odd watdh $400: KOO site Rolm mattress $125. di- neUe SeV4 chairs $225: mo - tort m tires. (905) 9650616. MOYIIB SALEI Fridge, Stove, 4 yrsoar, swing-sN $250. hockey equipment, drapery, hreplace/screerV togs coftee table. playpen. edam seats. toys, ba clothes. etc.. (905)-1137-1729 evenings or 416)424.6361 days. MOVMG Salo Harden solid cherry comer cabinet value $3995. sed $1600. Also Sita table. value $1200. sell SM Both purchased from Rous- seau's In Whitby Can (905)668-0789 NEW LOCATION - Play It Again Vat. 20 Harwood Ave. south 905.683-3833 Ladies fasleors including Bridal. NEW LOCATION, Play 11 Again Val, 20 Harwood Ave South. (5 Bridal � les lash - am mcklidim ONE 3 -seater touch, reamer at either end, exceeem cona- bon. colour teal. price negoti- able 728-3928 ORGAN. Shcober theatre or- gan with 2 manuals, pedals. Speakers $599 060 Call 905-668-9397 PENTIUM 91eRIZ COMPUTER withSPVGA mondor Wind- ows 95. Excellent condkhon $750 Cal atter Spm week- OaYs. ay time weekends (905)-433.1316 POOL PROBLEMS? Pool Egwpn nl avaiWbk new and used We also do repars GGuuaromed best price (905)- -8452 FIREPLACE doors. glass i brass 39 t.-Znlcles wide by 2914riches ". $100 905- 430-9906 HENT TO OWN APPLIANCES. new and reconditioned, fed warrmy Paddy's Market. 905-2 Mlll9 or 1-1100-7m- 5502 SHEONAN Quality wooden sheds 8' x 8' ban M. Only 5299 plea tax May osier su- es and styles avast" Also garages and flecks 761 Mc- Kay Rd IlM 3. PI:keraig. For more rmo CIA 965-6142093 PM@Ahk FomNwo Traditional Woodworking announces our hast ever Summer TABLE sak_Take advantage now to bay the solid pre. sold oak or SM chary Wk you Mie always warmed at our lowest prices over Our tables are 1017% sake wood. whaMer e be pro. oak or dhol venal is not in out vocabulary Combine In with Via ODIOW Or your dolt$ ad our untle- . .0. no -mar toren, and you have a table Aso will last lir 6hteerat 1 Our Crater men bull al oar Irodncts a- ro Tradielorhaf Woothow" ted1 4ae1 on our pre ems. we do not npal frau dt- Owe or the USA Traditional WooeworkiPort 115 bloon Port RPerry 905-985- 8774 USED FRMBE $225. and up. used stoves $200 and up. used washers $250 dryers $125 and up New brand tame triages. 16 c 1 $605 New WNW name 30' storm $449 and up New 5 cwt Ircenrs 5255. new 5 c t bar lndges. W25 Steplenson's Ap- pkances 227 Court St. Orie- wi 576.7448 WEOOwB DRE$$. IUkan so- on, sift 7.9, traditional style. beaded i seWlns. Doom. skevm, hem rN, lag trait Very elegant. pard $1000. B.O. (9051-721-2375. / Antra AXIWASAd- vice- T q bl now five! Pecluesirto oubw es- ters wPCme amu" Comt- Mkt. (m0 loud to v" 001- siOnWl, coNtttions of arty twit gGmfities or simple aro- ow 0- SPKN 'MOM kbatmI ppofty. 17 re spall b al "On. Raw Aa§qM- Brooklet wilewmif Sjt55 t1o49 tam CAN 011 OEALS- We MY. sen, a more!" *NW I" top w mc. lbws aedbe/ vides, Car audio, bar, CW& GOrleS, game. 90M. dia- (Gands, 1M 90th 1-2274 AaMl req (carafe am 00 you have valuable aro- dqu es or MW rwrftn? Let highest0SOWpYM in achieving ft trnry or Gaal yle pliallon USED EMBOSSING MACHINE For Plastic I.D. cards Please call Sav at 5794IW7 Do You And Your Pet Look So ue0mdobdu I I Much Alike That People Can't Help ' But Comment? Sib ' ZIf this sounds like you, send us a photo of your Look - WarweO A -Like pet as your entry to win our 1992 CAVALIER. 5 -speed. 2 1 and 1 1 PEOPLE their PETS 1 ' Contest! outdoor craft effravaganza ' ' Drop off or mall your entry to: PEOPLE rS PETS CONTEST C/o Lisa Preston, ' P.O. Box 481, Farewell August 8th 6 9th at me Cover- 865 St., Oshawa, L1 H 71-5. 1 Win 4 Tickets Or one of the following satellite offices: $2.000 also 1991 Satan Van to Whitby: 666-8000,1032 Brock St. S. lice Flea Market Alendarim 1 Plaza just N. of 401 1 Bowmanville: 623-0622, 95 King St. E. ' (Hank's Chicken & Ribs Plaza) ' ' Ajax: 683-5110,130 Commercial Ave., Ajax lots 1 plus Pickering: 420-1358, 1822 Whites Rd. FCI %C Mursray ;une 25m JW reftiorei (Sara/Lee-Amberlea Plaza) If 1 �N,ners vin �e 1Er 1!RETTA ' 26. ed V6. - e=1ry a "T vttAUt_IIV C: JULY 1 6/945 ;Mbished JUi T� ��������" Iii Arta 6 • 1 MCrafttar ue0mdobdu I I I I Ainlam00i s I Astowc6ioe Pods, Spe Sib for Sc4• WarweO CRAFT DEALERS WANTED for 1992 CAVALIER. 5 -speed. 2 91 COLT. 200 GT. otcmoack SCRAP CARS Wanted- top outdoor craft effravaganza doorlow mileageas is black. 5 speed. '89.360 klms. pnccz pard Same day pick August 8th 6 9th at me Cover- $4500 negotoble Call $2.000 also 1991 Satan Van up Also tars for resale. rte lice Flea Market Alendarim (905)723-1784. extended. 8 passenger, load- pay up to $5000 Call 6x6- will en be w 6000 people. CaN 1912 GEO METHO. 5 speed. 4 ed. S5, 900 655-253 1771 905- 436-1024 cylinder 4 door ody driven. n dean none on bus nO-, Hatwood/RossWd non-smolunq. cetdled Ask - Pods, Spe mg (3500 o D o Cad 427- .SPECIAL 72W SALE- 1,12 PRICE INSTALLA. FINANCE I I TION- KATM Pool Reaang- 1992 SIIMMRA. LE. aul0ma- uiar above ground wtdilarlg a air. sunroof waMe. 2 door. decks 16'x24 0/0 55395 am-hn cassNte. 65.000 AW. Paceage rckidn knee. 1 ad- f6200 Tekphonhe 19051 576 - den. sad ow pump i mo- low for etc 1-800.OW7561 "93 C EV Lamin Eurosport Low i Auto Nr Sunroof. Black 4 FWrd door. AM FM Can . Power 1 3 BEDROOM Man level of widows All Doors. $6500 FCI %C Mursray ;une 25m 0 B.0 (905)-6340655 boys 10 speed bike DOWFinch P1ost ca/ Si5- 1Er 1!RETTA ' 26. ed V6. 7 7019 0H auto Air!/ Cd player. 76.000 kms As" $10.700 080 FOUND a set of keys in Nee Harwood Ave i Clem,tts Rd aria on Monday. June 29 Cad 905-0x9-3956 • 1 PWerSrpplieel AMERICAII cocker spanel pupsadorable bindles of tore. tenderly Inane rased CKKCC�epshmd. shuts 905- GOLDEN Retrinur aO. Jack Russell and one dalmaborl pup lir sale First silos, we Cfet, Cal Laurie 90456645 0191 or 1 -881 -577 -DOGS SWEETM Pet smog "my care. veterinarian experence. reasonable rates Don't love pet -god ay- Accep" Clients i eLfil x005 ATTENTION: Dog Owners Doggett Dooley Pet Waste Systems mod" 2000 $54 99 �dqq b 150 6 M., nod" 30M 379 99 up to 300 Ns Dog Let Jackets starting at 325. 24' Fire Hydrant cortuen r $25" BEST BIN 3' 4-117. 6. 10* ubbme Guarantee, from shoniols from 35.99. Dog 9. 7 dayslweek (905)723-5/13. Fax 723.1166. • Lk*obw IN ab C.S.N. HlroverwVTha- ouw&W y oarfl q LOrbat filo. blood Day, superb hunW NNW Alaftee Veroughbred C.S.H. more. CIA 905 -983 - for Sib� s3n. 11 AideGeblea t+a Specialist.ckalist. AWFM rauRee. 060. Can( 7�00t32g00 1911 MMC[ SOMWsvl as Is Aift#S ticUasfawssidm. $115000.11 . 0. 905-20-M 1967 AM Good t'm Ilk, are oaten can, ,, *A a*- dw 120.000 kG, 5 speed 9,200. ii it (Ms) - 1217 MOOMNG lasw . LOW soup told ark. AtdomibL 195 O.B.O. 'm 1M7 71B m lE#CEL, lady IdrkiK 2 doe Atidl bltk 4 33 000. Cal 905819-OB72. ISM Buick Usable, pw, Il, ale, WON Maid*" reliable Car 52500 as Is call 434.5324 kawh m ooloes. (talo) /2M MUM I01117, 5 speed, am4m, seer dean Co. ee Uik blue, tweed p, 34,000 , 'I , Cal Cad (905) an - 001113 1211 MKCK Skrk. sporty, 2 dm. Vol ABS, AAiirr wmu. IRAN M WAMId. Imes. 55900 0.6.0. (NS)4lW2137. Call (905)436-3334 19% tial GOLF under 50.000 km. 5 speed Dau, saunty syriem. 50150 bark spkl no. Cal SUM 55764M00 0.0,0. ISM SOMFME GT. 2.700 Urn s tau wen least $287 00firo ncluddaaa�g tats 3 year feat ca11426 m waL rtewwns.L EVERYONE No tum downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt: bad Credit, no Credit! If you work: you drive! Lots of pre - ed OSRAWA AUTO CENTRE - Tem ae Shop Ohs ell sort leo centro. Gael tars. Plan M senlve. rwaails , warram- On. tlwoockg al4 dooll- IN$.196t Camaro. 8 M . au- omahc $2,900 1968 Ford Mustang. 2 dr, 4 M . aw bmabc. $2.595.. 1988 Fad Ilrornco It. 6 cyt , a/OrtaDt. 4 x 4. $3.5%. 1989 Cagier 4 co. automatic. 151 kms. arwy $2.6%. 1989 Tempest. 4 dr. 6 W. aubmaoc. $2.900 1991 Cher Caveber Z24, Aulo Mau beauty. $5,595 1990 Swnbrd 2 dr. 4 cyl alomat- ic. $3.595.1990 Panhac Born nevile. 4 dr, while, loaded. $4.495. 1991 POrmgc Sunbad GT. One, 6 ado, $4.995 19�N ! onfoc Bomr,4k. 4 dr. loaded. $3.600 19W Ctev Berra GTZ. 5 speed. black. $4.500 1990 Cavelier RS, 8 M 2 or. black. 5 speed. $3.900 1973 Mustang Main 1, ongrW 351 Cl Ckreland inn wndo n. $7.995 1991 Ctev Cavalier. 2 dr . 4 cyl. auto i . S3 800, 190 Camaro. t -bp 6 cyl . a eo . $3.295 1992 Cavalier 2 rat. 4 0y1. 5 sped. $3.595 Come Me See es at 10 Shead St. S.. b asum are sol been rut Med of tmareeelt tell!~ NN "bkia, o�u I I wddeli I - S -4ir rt (!1S)414-2255 1983 HONDA CHIC Ox. back auto 3 -dr hatchback anvlm cassette coo air sunroof $7250 olio certified 434- 2775 Troda eff lir Sob 1975 Fore 'rack as s $90C DLucrtltl cn rnnr% - rani i uT 1 b 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI.9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (9$15) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED WINDJAMMER APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.geocities.com/wall street/floor/ 7657/highriser.html. 1 LARGE BEDROOM .can d hardwood floors ,wnrai Oshawa. Satehte TV no DOS. AvawatMe Sept 1st $6%mo inclusive 579-42W ;r 1767-0591 mess) RNer• erlms required 1 -BEDROOM arge bright. Central �,nawa newly deco- ra•d. Mddk floor d triplex Four appiances Wlti iorrM- y. Oft- ad parking rtaud- M. No dogs Avail August '1t 905-571 2757, obo 725-2254 ask for Jim 110 34 FT iSnOf bedroom c^ ace., Taste• 1988 GMC Truck 43L. Al bedroom air Cor ra:-r- Condibon. 35.000te on new dryer Ws 'sated S -,v engine -0asking M9 56500 Call Clow,- own AMMYYh S'"% ; 1 vane! 1 Who" Drive 1979 Fore Van red araC Sick velvet and Dudon upholstery Fridge, wait rack. bed. cap- on chars Needs mWor $500 firm Must be San' 7255- 2313 1911 NAM 8 2.000. wnh op i mdliner Body n good OW.2hon 4 �rI as is $ISM call 91}5917-5050 1994 EPLOIIEN 4 wheel drive A, C, crust, rat. 90000kms. extar"M oondi- Son. 3140M 0 8 0 (905r631- IM49 U DODGE VAN. 17 C 300klms AC c orubed. $3.950 OC call 905-432-2730 1 Traim 17 FT. OWN Travel trailer coe) 2 -bedroom aWmem. nor rent S325nk vlashroom. rwwy-rvwiaftd 12 -pix Hardwood !bort. cable park - 00 haling i not water. n- cbded Landry UcdM s No No 905-575-2982 rr •+y5,>wr.c o virus ,905h725-1202. 725.1007 1992 JAYCO 30' toter. sleeps 8. air omMe ed. irw crowave. new shed swuwW 2-BfOROON base kin apt O1Aln vehicles t0 deal. tanks maskr holdroom n dean none on bus nO-, Hatwood/RossWd Choose from.•la mint condition, askrq • 1 $14000 (905)631-2682 UA. GV. Indge slow $60W= incl - .SPECIAL 1 1993 Fiagstal hardtop tent es and I sellar 42427-3496 FINANCE I I l trader sleeps 6. p MOM I stove. awrwnq. fridge, new 3 BEDROOM SM. APT. 0EPARMNT1 I tires, excellent conddon C11- ClOse 10 park HIP SHERIOAN CHET $3650 olio 19051436 4272 SALES I BiBTED 'k'" - 1 905-706-54!6 I 1 1914 FIAOBTAFf. hardtop no Utilitiewindows s n ISt/om re4uned (905)-43D-7257 a 6 I we tiler. slum a. ext A 1st. (906)-509-1441. I conalton, 3 way�^�tahw- 1 3 BEDROOM Man level of CENTICM is OMM$TOCKEO I root, add -a -roan, dual ts. hese. laundry. paling. walk AME IN= TO SBL] MARE I eWnc Drakes $6500 (905) b sclool6o. $1200 Includes TRIM BEST DEALS NOM ON OUII LARGEST $RECTION TMS $U KEW ANM- Wtu 95 Now auloo. ar. nice 12911110 lin, $6,995 IIIb. 95 A" 4 awb, air, 70.0w kms. bat buy $7.750. 95 FwWy, andO. 30.000 kris. catch me N.M. 95 Geo 5 speed 70.000 kin, clleap 35,995 fiML.1990 Lae Tiorbo, 5-4id. red $3995. Mat be sen, 1919 Sha hood CowerN- able. whir, new top. $4496: M W M - 95 Safad. are. loaded, 62.000 be. $14,850.. 94 Transportw War. 102.000 pristine kno., wow $10,956.. 95 Loewe APV. 120.000 kms, clssn, sw per wite. Caraeam MdK wad se94 Grand k Its1 Gird $10.995. 93 Aao- stat ad. syod, loaded, rid Md tetra $7.995. 119 Astro 10"d 155.OW III. reel lice ,,.., am � - ec 1991 Camera RS, VB loaded, 5 SK super Sar $7500: 90 JM &^ 155 kok aaLlzirup car, $4,800., 93 Nbssarn t01t1 Cab, am, enovpliaet . 129.000 kow ndwid $7.985 KIN. 09 Bb=. baht& 4.3 W s, 4 x 4, Imm&curr, $5988 LOOK AT 1M1$ - 1986 CNeOri- 6oNd oW=F-69:4 AeO col Old air »195Me F- 6 aedot M fin at P1ea Amb Cot IK = ON At. 1wM M MIS ML M CaM (216) ST!31 LJIOYIG FOA A GMM carr for my cage! khat be a mid stns dig. Acrn , 1981 . and In No- OdWO cDIN11 w O ADS and J& hog. Can 434.57M0. TWO /M7 HOP41 cwk H*dlbkds red. &M. 21.000kmL OR Sita, 5- spead, 9,Q MW GO1l bdb ods wrtaey ovw on 1113,500.905.723-475{. AaNNvb S CMB $ for wram M cm ad VN*L project cars and wile -isle. (Yt► deer DIN, you CNN r).905.426•M A A A ANTW Cars, troft burls. Mr pay $80. $10000. Cab an the spa. Any Coro- 1oI, any your CIN a line. 24 boas, 7 days, 3D mki. sari, 905 -UG -5003 or NS -706-5731 CA= FON CAM Ilk buy head vdida. Vehicles Mal be in 427-2415 or cons to 479 BayN St. East. Ain at MIJi 0 AUTO SALES. PEEPING Durham Clean. Cab plod. Free Removal. Dead or AN" vehdes. Any time. Miywlkr BiM, horne:905-430-3m; paper: 905720.8274. NANBTOP TENT TOPADL good cooftotl. slept fti pro - pm tmnam Sl w. uk IN- dro hookup. asking 9.500. TdW4M 7219625 leave WNW TWO TNALEMG: 28' Prowler. '71, slips S, huh bMll, aft. aweirg, $5.500 000; 28' r., T6, steps 6456900 lid v UIW-W kdgs, stove. 905/34-7202. WhOw. W" 1G' BONAI 1975. Dep V. DOS$d deck. walk Brough windshield. 150 Hp Mercury. till, good shape, (905)-723.1687. 1965 OAYLINEN 22' Cuddy new taulper Igo. vONO DWth Tracor Season pad for dock- % SM O.B.O. (905)-5710581. - HM 6AYLM 2011, Bow- IUOer, 140 hp Cobra 1.0., awl he casette, doth sou da, five Wd. WAMabc bilge pwdp, with trailer Low hours. 50111 SM. (905)-725- 40%40.905-294-0760 AM $OUTN LV"W. bright 1 bed. Meet apt Mlv pri shows only. $6 lo Nusive. AOA. Aug tri. Coo- � (905►- AAAK, 1 -bedroom basement apatNert, WBOWAt V.2, separate . , - r.., am indo- rn 6 U9g787A AMI, kwy 2 Mftm veto t MMM. (uA rldkn. 4pC. ball. ark. sparar hrhwx. cable, pining. spaale eo- trantca wNhpa - $850 fork,- Sire. 906-2 -9M4. ANTI, WESMY i Hwy. 02. 2 bedroom. 2 bath. first floor, dose to aM amendies. Amit. 911, $1100 inclusive. Cal 5117, 9-5 ask for Abe. 427-1637 rarigs.sp AIN.1st. 2 Bedroom, very dean. Month Oshawa. Every. B0nwr1qd �ingcl�uded. No pals, qubM 579.9800. S678/month. Call FRH Iwo Wooln W IW chookBW4 Mum be h - msded. (905jx 3321L CENTRAL Oshawa. a -;e ' - i 3 bedr>om apartments avanahle in wetl-marmsned dose to all arim Call 723-0977 AWIRABLE INMIEDIATELT. in Whitby Apt bundmg spa- cious carpeted. newt' part- ed. wrdl balcony. dose to Do. ShOW10. AN abides mc1uded. NrsVW iem. ee. no pets 1 bedroom $690. 2 bedroom, $790 3 bedroom $850 Cal 430-40134 BACHELOR APARTMENT. avaliaDee �mmeWl" S45,: ler montdt Includes Ilea. ty- Im ad air Tempilone (ges) %23-2268 d business "Ours a (9051 263.2312 after p in PRESTIGE NEW '.,grit 1 or 2 Mrocm spin r,a Dafeeerm .Dartnierw PAT"- Separau -rfrancc, larndry, air cord► .in by of the the appliances .1 and 4111. rewth, - DC41- : ancy $745 utWAn Cal N`rIrby (905)767-0066 CENTRAL WMTNT upper m- .. - .hear ;..ref tIuddi g S rl5 mdu0es ad kilerties 1 W .ist required Avail Aug. 1st 305;-2634125 or 5905063- 971 N. OSNAWA '.�pnr. very pn- ,ate arge bright. clean. 2 Deaoom. miller a Striae. air 9shwaAnlf park" ad $br- ago taci world tut pro - sessional. August Ise $900 PPA hydro 416-720.1353 WNMM, Largo 3-bedrwal, arge ea in kitchen. in Milks. cmdraw located, mo• ft Cal (905)509-1805 James GATEWAY commum1TY HOMES 120 Colborne St Oshawa. mus a vacancy Au- gust ?St. 1996 2 bedrooms. ot-n kitchen. or" IrAm*- rivegroonI Hardwood and car - W. 2-00rey Oak up with large balcony off Mask, Bed. room and private pad area. S880imaGt uhlnbts ncblded For more Into i to view cal 571-0687 HWY2/MESTNET modem bright spacious 2 -bedroom basement apartment. 4 ap- plonces. private side en- trance. $780 indushve. 1sV Iasi. Aug.tri 905-426-1428 AVARAOLE N ombwfLy LAKEVIEW PARK, Oshawa, upper level of house.2 bed- room• deck, tented yard i pada% lXikbes ndudik hist! Last. i references required. $7354no. avail. 905-509-2825 WMTIV, LARGE mutt -level 2. 3 -bedroom apts. (tamly budding) unnhedaxly, new windows, lreswp-mit. hardwoods retirkshed. !fear schools. shopping. transit. Deldu/Codraree. 905-619- 2901. 24N3moOM apkrbm"af, sm. Aug, to humew* never balding accommodat- only in better Oshawa (905)•33-7360 or� N0a(I2-bedrooM � bo b rge batrotty WON managed CadranldI eavu. $8210o7p5s9 tlM.. Cain. parlmq- No ISL9D5 579Au emo, MORIN OSIAMA extra barge 3-bdrm. 2 -bats, quiet build- ing brye bakamin Willie gbll plrlWq rldtded. $875., per nlaNh Nig dogs allowed - Avail. August 1st. (905)579- 5584. ONE 6adlpai hadslor apal- .l RS. $I50/momh. cable i ad uMibes included. quiet nor"rooker, no pets. Showing Edify Igm-6pm.1 256 Allied S1. 08I Cel" 1 8 2 butl- room ML. Very Chew W. M. $476/moJ$56511m. Sot sen - (0 l«� Aug Mt Cad t 579-1194. ut*bes Avail Jrmy 15/Aug 'St 19051-20-2871. I 19945 INMO�IBE Park I model ►Ione 40'X12' with 4 ROOM aW SOtO Pkkuft I 8'x20' Ronda room. wMn 20' Sm* person P*Ornd. "On - covered deck. Caaplet"yr smoker/no ppetttss. PmMe en- 'accruable. 3 trace. $77Wmo. And. Sept 1 beemorn Ctstbml 4 pc wash- 1st. (906)-509-1441. If room 0tl*ol hvfe"Do r• PlusABUI- ExuxtM"G LARGE 2 -bedroom extras 001101000411. Mckom LAIN $50000. can 4pt• WOR. bringi } 44' di,w,� welnotR, tltmhdry. pale ft avodkble August 1. sm TWO /M7 HOP41 cwk H*dlbkds red. &M. 21.000kmL OR Sita, 5- spead, 9,Q MW GO1l bdb ods wrtaey ovw on 1113,500.905.723-475{. AaNNvb S CMB $ for wram M cm ad VN*L project cars and wile -isle. (Yt► deer DIN, you CNN r).905.426•M A A A ANTW Cars, troft burls. Mr pay $80. $10000. Cab an the spa. Any Coro- 1oI, any your CIN a line. 24 boas, 7 days, 3D mki. sari, 905 -UG -5003 or NS -706-5731 CA= FON CAM Ilk buy head vdida. Vehicles Mal be in 427-2415 or cons to 479 BayN St. East. Ain at MIJi 0 AUTO SALES. PEEPING Durham Clean. Cab plod. Free Removal. Dead or AN" vehdes. Any time. Miywlkr BiM, horne:905-430-3m; paper: 905720.8274. NANBTOP TENT TOPADL good cooftotl. slept fti pro - pm tmnam Sl w. uk IN- dro hookup. asking 9.500. TdW4M 7219625 leave WNW TWO TNALEMG: 28' Prowler. '71, slips S, huh bMll, aft. aweirg, $5.500 000; 28' r., T6, steps 6456900 lid v UIW-W kdgs, stove. 905/34-7202. WhOw. W" 1G' BONAI 1975. Dep V. DOS$d deck. walk Brough windshield. 150 Hp Mercury. till, good shape, (905)-723.1687. 1965 OAYLINEN 22' Cuddy new taulper Igo. vONO DWth Tracor Season pad for dock- % SM O.B.O. (905)-5710581. - HM 6AYLM 2011, Bow- IUOer, 140 hp Cobra 1.0., awl he casette, doth sou da, five Wd. WAMabc bilge pwdp, with trailer Low hours. 50111 SM. (905)-725- 40%40.905-294-0760 AM $OUTN LV"W. bright 1 bed. Meet apt Mlv pri shows only. $6 lo Nusive. AOA. Aug tri. Coo- � (905►- AAAK, 1 -bedroom basement apatNert, WBOWAt V.2, separate . , - r.., am indo- rn 6 U9g787A AMI, kwy 2 Mftm veto t MMM. (uA rldkn. 4pC. ball. ark. sparar hrhwx. cable, pining. spaale eo- trantca wNhpa - $850 fork,- Sire. 906-2 -9M4. ANTI, WESMY i Hwy. 02. 2 bedroom. 2 bath. first floor, dose to aM amendies. Amit. 911, $1100 inclusive. Cal 5117, 9-5 ask for Abe. 427-1637 rarigs.sp AIN.1st. 2 Bedroom, very dean. Month Oshawa. Every. B0nwr1qd �ingcl�uded. No pals, qubM 579.9800. S678/month. Call FRH Iwo Wooln W IW chookBW4 Mum be h - msded. (905jx 3321L CENTRAL Oshawa. a -;e ' - i 3 bedr>om apartments avanahle in wetl-marmsned dose to all arim Call 723-0977 AWIRABLE INMIEDIATELT. in Whitby Apt bundmg spa- cious carpeted. newt' part- ed. wrdl balcony. dose to Do. ShOW10. AN abides mc1uded. NrsVW iem. ee. no pets 1 bedroom $690. 2 bedroom, $790 3 bedroom $850 Cal 430-40134 BACHELOR APARTMENT. avaliaDee �mmeWl" S45,: ler montdt Includes Ilea. ty- Im ad air Tempilone (ges) %23-2268 d business "Ours a (9051 263.2312 after p in PRESTIGE NEW '.,grit 1 or 2 Mrocm spin r,a Dafeeerm .Dartnierw PAT"- Separau -rfrancc, larndry, air cord► .in by of the the appliances .1 and 4111. rewth, - DC41- : ancy $745 utWAn Cal N`rIrby (905)767-0066 CENTRAL WMTNT upper m- .. - .hear ;..ref tIuddi g S rl5 mdu0es ad kilerties 1 W .ist required Avail Aug. 1st 305;-2634125 or 5905063- 971 N. OSNAWA '.�pnr. very pn- ,ate arge bright. clean. 2 Deaoom. miller a Striae. air 9shwaAnlf park" ad $br- ago taci world tut pro - sessional. August Ise $900 PPA hydro 416-720.1353 WNMM, Largo 3-bedrwal, arge ea in kitchen. in Milks. cmdraw located, mo• ft Cal (905)509-1805 James GATEWAY commum1TY HOMES 120 Colborne St Oshawa. mus a vacancy Au- gust ?St. 1996 2 bedrooms. ot-n kitchen. or" IrAm*- rivegroonI Hardwood and car - W. 2-00rey Oak up with large balcony off Mask, Bed. room and private pad area. S880imaGt uhlnbts ncblded For more Into i to view cal 571-0687 HWY2/MESTNET modem bright spacious 2 -bedroom basement apartment. 4 ap- plonces. private side en- trance. $780 indushve. 1sV Iasi. Aug.tri 905-426-1428 AVARAOLE N ombwfLy LAKEVIEW PARK, Oshawa, upper level of house.2 bed- room• deck, tented yard i pada% lXikbes ndudik hist! Last. i references required. $7354no. avail. 905-509-2825 WMTIV, LARGE mutt -level 2. 3 -bedroom apts. (tamly budding) unnhedaxly, new windows, lreswp-mit. hardwoods retirkshed. !fear schools. shopping. transit. Deldu/Codraree. 905-619- 2901. 24N3moOM apkrbm"af, sm. Aug, to humew* never balding accommodat- only in better Oshawa (905)•33-7360 or� N0a(I2-bedrooM � bo b rge batrotty WON managed CadranldI eavu. $8210o7p5s9 tlM.. Cain. parlmq- No ISL9D5 579Au emo, MORIN OSIAMA extra barge 3-bdrm. 2 -bats, quiet build- ing brye bakamin Willie gbll plrlWq rldtded. $875., per nlaNh Nig dogs allowed - Avail. August 1st. (905)579- 5584. ONE 6adlpai hadslor apal- .l RS. $I50/momh. cable i ad uMibes included. quiet nor"rooker, no pets. Showing Edify Igm-6pm.1 256 Allied S1. 08I Cel" 1 8 2 butl- room ML. Very Chew W. M. $476/moJ$56511m. Sot sen - (0 l«� Aug Mt Cad PAGE 14 -THE NEWS AD'VER77SER TUESDAY, JULY 7,1918 1 orrea 1 owo a 1 rM 11 PIV_Salm~ l ifs for Sate M Lef1d • 1 PersofbaN : 1 1 keprovsmoft Roti RnK o0 SICK of RENITING3? OWN YOUR HOME - From 5700/month Minimum Income S.i0,000 year • Not much downpayment?? Can Markl! Help for discharged bankrupts Choose one: Cash rebate W to $5.000 QS Discounted Mortgage Rate. (905) 571-6275 or 14800-840-6275 Mark Stapley Sales Rep. Sutton Group Excel Realty. MOPE RIGHT INI 1285.000 1 BAPTISTE LAKE. One of the HAVE you been dented fi- OSHAWA RELAXING MAS - 1/2 storey brick century home last good building sites on the nancing? Get the credit you SAGE Shiatsu Service 40 King on 1.4 acres of perennials lake Southern exposure year deserve Black marks re- St W(905) 404-9625 11 30 am goldfish ponds. large mature round road 8'X12' Cabin moved Professional confi- - 9 pm maplesa dream home Insu- $69.900 Call Ron Yanch dential service Call Trillium Proprietary exclusive pro - ducts that PT/FT lated workshop. garage. two Century 21 Four Seasons Re- Credit Repair 416-410-0864. COMP - other out buildings A must to alty 1-800-351-0021. C-8028 • see Call (9051 786-9806 to cs. pas. $recite. walk-oN to garage MONEY PROBLEMS, Get out 24hr rec message arrange for an appointment BUILDERS a INVESTORS. of debt quick without going SINGLES...Widowed7 Di - OSHAWA, Buyers I Avoid 6 Serviced subdivision lot 120x180 with legal use of bankrupt or being garnisheed Everyone accepted regardless vorced) Dislike Bar Scene? common traps most buyers 170M of Lake Ontario water- of credit rating Call for free Looking for romance? Ladies Free 25 - 65 Call Love is tan into when moving into a la h F front. 25min. to Kingston bar- information 905-576-3505 Storing (905) 438-0411 icer ome fee guide uen- gain price. 514.900 All otters Student bans included. Srxeerkd/Coxhtidemlal hfres 6 inside strategies to given serious consideration 1 Horn help you avoid these costly (613)354-9216 MMIN .-, P9M• Worship Ron" 1 ni rrtnwns r 2 or 3 BEDROOM House mistakes Cap 24/hrs for beef Ie • 1 Servicer 1 1 Rr4 Freshly decorated Includes 4 a 1 hared recorded Message 1.888- RARE Opportunity, renovated r r r GET 3 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 Accommodabappliances and gas Croat On 327.7513 I.D 11105 to new. 2 bedroom semr, plus MORTGAGEE Good, bad and S60 will dean OSNAwA 2 !ocatwns centra! Lovely lot 1900/mo ufill- CLEAN QUIET NOME to share. WESTNEY HEIGHTS. 1950 a severed 60PI detached lot ugly Financing for any pur. and S"th east. one anal two pes Linda 1905)-W 6265 kitchen. laundry a large sq h .len base mem, lar la- n Bowrnartville. 1127,500, Gose. rates from 4191 All bedroom apartments gweI tented Dackyam Close to all applications accepted Com - dean Dwldrgs. start $575 per ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING f in ackyar m4yroom. kitchen, well- Low or no down payment iaf munity Mortgage 668-6805 mo rip pets Call 436-6689 or E months tree trier own a SMmo (905)-435-5202 ems. math rod. on tourpose to 8,11 Richardson Realty -Net 728-0208 house from 5550/monin BILI school. Many extras Associates 433-7949 • 1 euswwae SPACIOUS wen -maintained 2 bed•oom acts Avail at 900 and 868 Glen SI Some wrtn walk -m closets. paint provid- ed Cense to schools. shop - fog centre. GO Station Utmt- bes included Call 728.4993 OSHAWA N. 1 Sedroom bsrtrt apt Lc45 of WndowS Newly minovaied Private fenced pa - bo Avail Sept Ist Prefer art singe couple or college student Non-smokinomo pets All inclusive S575/mo (905)-432-9641 PICKERWG Luxurious 2 bed- room condcmimum Parlung 5 appkances $1175/mo Avail Aug 1st 14161.592-4225 or (416)-746-8558 evenings REPMtTED. BACHELOR apt 2 rooms krtcher barn with shower, midge a stove. $425 inclusive call Come 723- 7115. AJAX(- 2-Dedroom apartment m building $770,mmtth uhk- bes inciuded Available Aug W Near bus shoppng a schools Quietnice area 653-6145 SOUTH OSHAWA I bed room basement aw^mef4 for $440 montny in tusrre Pri- vate entrance and services Ck " to bus. vow Ohm" abstainer only Available tm- m•Aarey 725-2734 =TABLE FOR SENIORS. tied adult Du,idiN Eiectr,: beat. car" - A wunary faal- *n No pets 1905,-579.9016 Family Butldhngs spa- caous 2 a 3 B/R apts., itlls dnd Freshly pant- ed rec dub, events for all ages tram BBOS to Santa, starting from $670 Can to view (905) 721-8741 V"" cLum 1 large brim No pets no smoking Close to �chools kW SWO/mo ist Ise (905)-426-7112 NbQy. oumm St. 1 a 2 - bedroom apes dean. quiet twelifrh9. paring Fub-brI - boened Large closets Near anw.bes GO/401 Frodge,' Ittove 5610 a up ndiusrvc No pets 905404-1414 NIMTBY Brock St 401 2 bed- room apartment lower ran of hoose. wneh man am onptnal kitchen Separate entrance parkm $700 tst/tast Call tCdetd 416-261.1860 """P. one bedroom avarabie in wet matmaned fO5HS 7777 Lid MNiev. 2 -bedroom. upper 6- CEX trhdge stove. hurt wa- r . laundry parking 5770. SCSVao 1905)-686-1533 pm 1 -WO -367.3509 days 107 Nl6myton st WHITBY, a must see' Bright beautiful 1-bdrm apt private entrance, patting, central air sew broadloom Designer function. 4 appliances. 4pc bath. huge open -concept mv- Ingroom. gas firepam. p"vale b w*y, plenty at storage, all Maities incriurd I Perko for single person. Noti-smoker No pels pleim. And" f ?W"K O Call MN10Y - 2 a 3 bedM= awmerrs available ism e- !6.7543.Call 16 7894145. or 1 IlsesesFW fto YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A RROUSE? 19M Irak S700hno M 1 to much Dornpllfrowe" (905) 571-6275 1400-840.6275 Mark Stapley sae Far Stir„ drill Z Tey Ann tally n we hive a borne for yup500 5. dowk Choice. hoice r 6 monft free or Irte or isealls or reduced me. From $7WJffomM a6 in- clusion. become reguinmert from $27.500. gross Can Ken Collis. Caldwell Banker (905)720.9411. Rola Coldweli Banker (9051 AJAR- Comrenient to 401 - 4 5203.900 (905)-686-1886rn rtht 7289414 bedroom executive non- 1 T..*oasas . 1 Out 04Town FINANCIAL FREEDOM Now, Smoking fumiSrkd honk to Prowift B t share with one Separate3pc11L.2112-es private bath, own Irwngroorn 1yCKERING TOWNHOUSE LINDSAY Maphegrove Con- set mg author reveals three wets b financial suc. free in eryl Launlet door Sy. ac. professionalteptace Bus at Door Sun .wet $135 000 Bnght. 3 bedrooms dos 3 Heritage Way New/ OOf to e, C2ehrstd �lrce s650/mA. able mParki $6 tun bath , .2. 2 piece. WaYcout. Spring 1999 Adult Lifestyle 1- message 1-888-574-3385 now rg 90/54* -9963 finished pl mss. Easy ce aaessJ40�/ 963.7546 or www maple- NETWORKING Now high-tedt. NORTH WEST OSHAWA. Go (905)-420.8758 gfovecon0ocan Proprietary exclusive pro - ducts that PT/FT Large Large bedroom Central A C winooking Working PIGIERING VILLAGE - 3 bed- , vocation sem Great in- come. work with top tamers pro- fessional seeks same. Avail. room t 17 bath rant 1°wnh°rile ceramics. and trainers 1-800-981-8%8 Aug 1st S400lmo IsUlM cs. pas. $recite. walk-oN to garage $3 go taffill SM down Se- 24hr rec message (905)-576-7002 afar 615om. 9133.000 Cal693i196 cluded wooded trailer lot. Near C000ur Gr t plM STORE For Sale. c80OK wmasy -clean quiet mature home to store Large krtced v ea swim- arm" sales Sale a trairug Condos norglsand beach. fishing 3 bedroom Large eat in Wtcn- Dom. lam 1 1pr' in - qtr 15655 ound adxess 111) come Call a or Glenda 5ackyaro. trout Fusco at 116-360.6335. AJAX 2 txdrnom, wlcony, cwmw $89 banking 5 /2 bathroom. k.don- 1 Tra0w So" 1 personals parkaq, 1 1Q iwtroocrrs, en• suite laundry. air. storage ,mored possession 905-6e1. RED SETTER RESORT - Im- I1 CHEATING ONTARIO 0329 y campground and corage HOUSEWIVES - names a pn- resort on me Trent Large vete phone numbers. 1 -900 - Spacious Miles Full hook-up 451-M8 W oh. S329/min. SELL IT NOW from Sats 2 and 3 boo w. must be 18 T -Ione CALL collages from $425/week ATTENTOR Then is a better Ree. ball. star. pool. 4lkrrom way to meet quality singlet. K x-0707 you are erferesred in a sx- cessh/ W" rum relrbarafkp. faire us a can at 4130-5701 dry. hreplatt. walk to s hop - ~ran sit S395/mo Non- smoker Mark. 905-%5-072S . Cormonwwew For F'1 DOWNTOWN. OSHAWA 2 bedroom 2 full baths lame srilanum kitchen. 5 apgWne- .s balcony. 1 car parking 5950 induswt 905.436-0273 on.o. WHITBY a DMrnnm 1 a smiin nl0. DiatYig000 9Ash- rewhv 0ec"e0. $900 . Retai SBW ,ng 905-436.0807. 705-T78- tnhnOry An ur+kDes 2 -BED t' Free RIM , Oshawa 3096 Datement apartment. $750 dovrmown 400-1500 soh 01 -Auctions they pus electric. newity ticeRetatl East Oshawa 1800 • 1 Auctions • 1 Auctions decorated also. nopea. reler- n Comnner tial Howe I r o 4 required, avrarable July 1 n Close to BrockMwy, 2 905-839-4450 WHITES RD exeative 4 ted honk. 26M Sq. h Mm neck large backyard Ower uapn0our hood. dost to Sdhods and an arwom f2owrino be6 J920 ►mow wined WANTED. house ,n Scum Ara. apgm=n atky 2.000 Sq h Executive coopbe.no c I ddnrh. ro ors 3 Oedro 1 Rowed by SOPWM r 905- 614-6764 1 To.rrmwaa For fto 3 BEOROOM.1 Condo Sr* horrwou se) Brock a Maraimg (Bassettavd wvw"l am air pianos. au.no OMS. no Sam". ahgrl August 1. 14161243-5114 BEAUT*M TOWNHOUSE. Writes Rd S Phckewh9 Avar lame AugW 1. 51200 3 bed - 11 rnarSfhnC ret fotien hitt ter out 10 pabo. 2 car wo"pehnq slept to G0. schhooK Con- sanrahon Pah. lake Ornlarh0 Non snhukers. no pets. call or Wave aWssaw to 'OF, _- mw 905639-3020 CARRIAGE HILL TOWN- HOUSES - 122 Comm it St E Oshawa Sepember - OdOtr er avala0rity 434.3972 LFVUWWL/FINCN. 3 -bed- room renovated tow" house with 4 appkances, gea0a, new broadloom. lensed yard. 11100 pis uphkys Cil (416) 931-8919 NORTH OSKNM Townhouse 2 bedrown for cent. Fennle ttaadl�dh05s preferredOO �M Shand utilities Included Cal 725-- 2104 1 Ronnie tw PAN 0E0NOOM, els pdwk sN- Bnp rggm ifnn ar/Mly. lur- fni�Nd a rrifwrlis7rnd, kHe d IdtUref tatalfies, kmale pit to . 3e07 S� HIV. WORM. FN0eNS18 fled sfty room, hdBn BrepLBts d a. pool, own bseeoom, -Rale kitchen. 5450 ikeWldv1. Available Ae0.1st CaN 9ma- 7pm. 436-6315. WEST PIC�i Spain" km)shrd room in dean a m home. Sneable lex eakployed baeNoom, idltitr�rdwa�ic- as. IVAnt. S110fwk. (905)- 509-2459. Sept., Firsvlatt required. Pilltrinp CIM to Brock Rd., 401 A Rw. aww. $450 i 5400. Cas 6192560 Bacwl. CLOSE k Osftn Comm, bran room in targe. hkrdy SMW haft. week 3 otwM. Close to public travel. cable. laundry, air cafd. Non- smobr, SM. 576-5577.(u*) 46OK R Shop Cab 434-2447 or 655.4132 M• mfarrkk NEAR .�StLwa ; Crt-e doseC Bay wit form over- head doors a Sake door. SM, morin all nnc�khsrve(brsnrnsss tax nhcklde0) (h gh caiMrhps par". -tunes. washrooms. -- oanxenw included) Lease optional Space for Parking egwpraent o frocks !OS -5.6-2952 1 can"- k►Rwd PIGEON LAKE 3 bedroom waWfrom cottage Kids sak Shoreline Dock tacrines 5 inn s N d Of W time S600d wk fulINS9Md (905)-655-4205 • 1 FhoYs w PAN" CLEAR MATER AREA 3 b•6 roan ofiNvuee. pool. hapkm NO arrow• yrd. •rahel• new For rro and lel r1•w priotae WS -574-3788 tLEARWATER. 2-3 bedroom tuna furnished nhObre (pr- mumem) homes Central air boots rid tub, near beaches am map- attndhorhs Child - Ten wetcomt $2T5/waek. Photos Shown ,n your home. (905M3-5503 11 P"Wb Mows For Uk AJN[ HWWOOSlhry n. 3 . . mai tri. 1 1R bfnn. Do- tpakcb�tew fAm" a". FNe- =_ = 1 BMWmmkuu - I'm s4 t 2 Motor Inel Inns, 3 years neer. broaftes a lbrpleon. 3 bndtloms, 2- 4 a d 1- 1 1ad LIF43'312UT6�04_, 2pr MORL do" 0 00L on -M kitchen, avieydbMlep nom combo, 1 t/t�lels, at- tached 0aage, cls bur. 5124,900.906'13-3531. IroNSE FM PION Sale. 4 lkedroohn1. 3 rfMstM�oggnpw, w me parape araka%t. Pkv d 1906) I65-aB91. wo NO05E San. Jdy /2, 1- 4pm. 703 " St. Wool Oomw Slog, 400 indi d, Okla holes. 4 bedrooms. (905)-4366-7559. A L'(Ti O Thurs. Jul9W at wARNIRS AUCTION HALL., Hwy e2 Colbonni lWe are not having a Sat sale On week as five are taking a Holi- day Thurs sale win be a iiarge one seming contents of a Co- bourg home. Sonne ant and collectables PCs, tool, grden a lawn tools, appkanc- es. household atrti- des, china a glass- ware. etc. nearly new round oak table with leaf and 4 theirs, kitchen nook set. ur cved glass oak charter cabinet, dress- ers and chests o drawers. brand new love seat, brand box and mattress coffee and and tiles, other be new stat washer a dryer, d good dryer, wri washer. several lour TVs,qty. broadloom, 486 COMPLAsr wish a monitor, ant vin buffet, per, p articles. ofira wak" with ornas h Candle hokk in itrpliert a I. 1950s chrof , good sec of an a garden be small wa f sfWtfirrg, pl Bes be gin Bq Bee H. a Esc sand Mich grinder, 0 Bei do Mrs. Visa. M.C.. In Tac. Cam or gook Gaily ��r sill wamn Audiomeelts "015OSS-2106 PbM Held dour deeeft ad 011 the *MIS we F-- - fl1 �tr ineeltle In the spent of in error. t d dirawers, re - led 5 h. harvest S, pins blanket 6 coknsy, chars, suites, grants ware, nertairlment Centre, apartment sin booz- er, Cement mixer, del- ta table saw, SW saw, box trailer. y. ice wooden off desk GE 48' bial screen TV. Bosom r rocker, snider r' 1866. chesterfields. flat -top farm scales. pictures, tool. China, glass, house- hold items. Dort aGreg c srww r FNIM I NY& Britain I06)7U-2183 Philanne or Fa1t Don't Forget The Nis Dept phomopus- 1knweXrA abk for'Our �C,ray SaL 7•ju 10 ,lA, TO PbM Your WM And racac CA � 0707 1 r �c1; 316-]59-b130 Cr 0aaer alfi-q9n-n7JR • ausewss SOVV" Party stevias pity services RABBIT WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Partes And Al Ocatsiorts. Have My Own Magnan, Call Ernie 66W4932 • 1 AtacNors • 1 &.a.. • 1 Ar.§.. . 1 Auetioet McGmWs #AsOm Gears. Bowraaaefile - d Contents. wicker, Tool. Outboard Sooday Jeff 1211, 10 a.m. (Viewing t.0/) 401 to 1b mfr Rd. Nwth In 112 Hwy., Esse to SCrOog St. North 1 bo. iwx*'s Auction includes exceptional oak 5 sectior MU unit. leather couch d loveseat, diningroom set 60 s). couches 8 chairs, sofa ted, curio cabinet e"I'M ccs. of arrow (settees. Chairs, tables. planters, tc-). msc. dressers. beds (wood 8 iron), entertain - nem centre, sevnt>q machin, tables, chairs. glass 8 1wna, freezer, old cameras, records, tools ircode 8e3- 'er JigSaw. Craftsman nitre saw, Rockwell Pinter, ,ortaDN shop dust coNector, stop vac. idenor Doors. 1us small tools a garden a farm related. 1984 6 hp. vtnrude outboard, something for one a a8 Plan on Wilding our m teem ar"m a cokctable audition, milday July 19th. with marry rate 8 usque arbdes- all for consignment 8 auction detail. MacGregor action a details. __R__ a AIII II , nl servim ■acstager C.Pr.A. 105.007-3iit 98"M790 AUCTION SALE GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE, FRIDAY JULY 10TH 600 PAL Sellingthe contents from the home of Mrs. Taylor, Port Hope; glassware, chi- na, collectibles, household effects, furni- ture , recliner, maple desk and chair, old rocker, cabinets, TVs, antiques, roto till- er, tools, and numerous other articles. Preview Friday after 2 p.m. auction starts at 6 p.m. Terms: Cash, approved cheque, visa, mc, interac. AUCTIONEER: FRANK G- STAPLETON - CAI, TCCA, NEWTONVILLE "0517Bb2244, 1400.2&3-9086 8f®. JAT 8 !TARE ia8 VKW FRO- NOON in Auctions, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering, 3 mi. N. 4W. 401 exit 399 mq this week antiques, fine titan, glass, dlirn� to ind: Spies nut damingroom suite, mahogany chirp cabinet. mi- IaRy dining table, uniusuel mahogany finish curio Wait. horn bRRp�r 1r✓ W (1920 , horse sleighwill sol oI b 1N ut9po-a1ek�1 . set 5 qprj difft chairs. dre, 3 wahutar wardrobes, oak llarwst tablet vW4� han- It chars, oak exdeneion cable wdpivappkIps Med- e Het 8 gal. butler d um. brass hanging %ht fix- !. assorarlN . a mehopay ow" a end tables. ich Ptolkindal "got tap caNee a end tables, soup I enMruwdmd unit, fleor Ylctrals o * II Dried nWwp ry chairs, 1N cut oak rocking chair, isback rocMlg dpi-, bleR1kIN bot, INrtlpbadt trims NR desk, hay leholled OriaMal caped plated hat- e sell in bort, Lifrliled Edition pprr31 day ark JerorrM a Co. mMMle"Maodt 0 Gee WA k, 11 piece Roel AIM lea service, (1lasgmade eln). txysak der, I. s* a popper coNecSort ap- L 200 cobcbor spoons. 1/4 cut oak mance with oak ks, waelhsoW, pone RM IS a cabiK oak biiards, Is board, old candlestick I, Ill a tie, Vicbriaa photo Im w/phobs, oak Dorn Ww ''spin . oak NoM- doctnc blephohe, large uniusual dNMah kaatgirhg I fixture. brl O temp, letup, 8 wooden clackers, steins, signalV. RGI aplarld we& colour Sterling candlesticks, oldKodakcemera, idle an. K � � FBNerABaNeBeer 11 1'100M NMB: 096IINW RWslls sNhe le 828 �.IN. GIVING UP FARMING FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 18TH/98, 11:00 A -M. Selling the machinery and equipment of Rick and Patsy Shaw, 8383 Lander Road, R.R. #1 Gores Landing (east of Bewdley, north of Cubourg) farm located north on Bumham Street to Northumber- land County Rd. 9 and west to Lander Road north; or east of Hwy 28 on County Rd. 9 to Lander Road north. (Watch for SegMI) JD 2120 Diesel Tractor w/JD 145 loader k bucket, JD 45EB Gas Combine w/10 ft. Grain head, JD 234-2 row com head, JD•B 21 Run Grain drill dbl. disc., JD -AW 15 ft. drag disc, JD -54 Manure spreader, MF 880 Plow (4x18's auto reset), IH 45 Culti- vator (20 ft.), IH 12 ft. Cultivator (3 pth), IH 12 h. Drag Disc, IH 455-4 row compI nter, NI 290 -9ft. haybine, Hes- ston 5.30 round baler (elec. tie), NH 273 square baler, KUHN 410 Tedder rake, Lily Tedder rake, 2 hat wagons (16ft.) Massey), bale bunc (Case & Maher, Tumco/ Martin -8ton grain wagon, George White 150 gal. sprayer (3pth-21ft), Agri metal electric roller mill w/unloading auger (cibl. 8" rollers), Brandt 50 ft. -8 in. Grain Auger/rubber, Little Giant 35ft. Bale ele- vator/rubber, Allied 25 ft. bale elevator, Drag harrows/pony harrows, 1980 Int. 466 diesel platform truck (Tandem), 18.4 x 34 tractor duals, 15.5 x 38 tractor duals, electric round bale saw, round bale feed- er, electric fence controllers, 6 farm gates (8' - 12'-16), water bowls, milking equip- ment, bedding keepers, cow trainers, cow dippers feed cart, etc. etc., NOTE: Owners moving, everything in good condition and every@»ng selling. TERMS: S: Cash or Approved cheque with I.D. Prop. Rids Shaw (905)342-2150 AUIC TIONEER: FRANK G. STAPLETON - CAi, TCCA, NEWrONVILLE 4"6170F22,44,140W263-X006 r, "Owtmoobriupkrs. two iftoubtarllipnog�e10 olldy clLMlhpPitdregi Frac farrd !M Rd6 miZZte�epifbyno lhov fMet hwjWor 1 ml. Rnori d t.e�alej vetch -boded hal tables uatbierr" d1a� ta6a ll la i lad txystal chandelier, 3 old church penlB, 2 way phones, pim shod. in cart, tld letups. room shite. table a 6 needle point Chairs. a set, sideboard, odd chairs, 7bl6onar bran c IN, brass bft, $etting of 6 Royal Abort dist pictunis 9 homes, IN d". V.C.. R., coNled�r ptites, diask, n q* I s, plus many knict knacks a eaNectabin. Tool 1 12 urn, 5 H. Sportstar o lbowd nota` bard s At saw, welder, steel posts, ladder, motor wire mesh, skill saw. plus finally small items Wel stacked ioorflshop nd and p lift b h: Chip truck on site Hou with oily cosi a: Cash or DOW arena with Ln or auctioneer not responsible for irhjury in ca nec�tion VC this sale. OM i �1 C06:OW SM rB00oom 1� tsilS�l _ :t:�y V THE NEWS ADVER77SER TUESDAY, JULY 7.1"l -PAGE 15 NAX/PIC]KERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... INCERELY"f0U1R_,S To REsFoND To AN AD, CALL 1-900-451-3793• $2.49 PER MINUTE. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER. Call 1-900.451-3793 $2.49 per min. WHATS IMPORTANT? a• trve. peaceful, spiritual woman who wes in in-home schooling, orgarnc gar- -,g and eating. country Irving. non ­.nizatnons, with respecL kndress and :.•standwng for an lila forms, seeks soul . ,•= with wiry similar values and beliefs. ndcng, drnkng or dings. BOX 15308 COMMON SENSE 15 i• old. divorced. bog beautiful woman. .s the outdoors. is honest and passion - with a belief in God and looking for the e Sense of humor is essential BOX .. 73 OUT ON A LMB ;5 ,r old. 54', 120 W, attractive female with �wberry blond ham. due eyes. fun 0". .I humored and recently sepMated from ng term reletiorroflp. Looking to get .:n into single Me again where do I BOK 26815 READY TO SNARE figured, 5'6". brown haw. brown eyes. n ofd lady. fantastic sense at hump. of coot. country loving. sings mom of looking to share Ne. BOX 26816 ITS A CASUAL THING! .eking a mal 1O to 25. 6' or over. with liar interests, 1 am a 510' skim tamale. who enjoys Wang poetry, wants and icing. WMA so edi casual at fwst• ,miby, more. BOD[ 17557 twdwRSF" STUDENT " ftenht. attractive. finaneaiy secure. File 1smn-1 39. seeking an independent. good looking malt who is very secure n n o of he own, for summer fun. -aybe inion. BOX 17633 LETS GET TOGETHER is yr old 5'8-. tub figured. ndeperWant. -,$*, while fame with biow, has and ,.of eyes. wEnjoys reading. waking. . an, good Iranse with trends. da ncrg. ng out Will bons Lookng ler lenge. -10 mat who is cern% pe"oonae. smn- rre for poaaibla relabo nMtp. SM 30510 LETS MEET 23 yr old, 5.9'. iib figured single. who --ale with blonds Iw and heael eyes. airs waking, srrrmmning, play rg pool. "res, Cnng out quiet times Looking ler .i.. single, whole male. 23 to 30. who is car - ,g understrdng, with a suit of Rand, possible netllonshp. BOK 30511 SEEKIIG A TALL MALE 22 yr old, single whole female. 5.11". 125 Cs. enjoys hoCAnX soccer, woil t out. zlub6 and more. Seeking an employed sill, )ie wiwle nWs. 20 b 20, over V. who is "onset alum weh a good same Of sumo, for possible relationship. BOX '2250 COULD BE B(FEAESTNG 311 yr old, jinn/ ligand, en;',I , ftmab -1904 Lias cars, lines. neadrn4 swim- nnng, the 1xAd00rs, animak am0 mote. Sealt an honest Mild, down b4011h..- 30 arahma,30 to 42, wth silfibr ilaeneete for Possible senow nlaaoeslnp BOK 12M on TM LOOIIOIR FDIC_ A real I�isdde 116080Lpad, � arm Meractime, I Mored gesin eyed bmrla kaol it lar a maxisi &low aur. good boat mach, 20 b 25, to done" and Po,abla wlnOonlda¢ BO( 12T3G GETT nla IDIDwTOY Likes a,; - drleilg and remtrtee cul- n9s, Lod ft ler ecaaero aolr► aimiar in terees, Non sawl ars pba am 13660 LOOKM 1011 A I Mll 23 r dd. 5r. 125 4 neallift single wittia madly d oak wo MmMa hat and We slit, o tye soba and ate it iftlae. file 30. who'is Mmealta d � t00 io& wnllbo.a rOK 13767 ��5,r sw� aatYL�beellla Male, good sera d eISMneel Gak .l Welt anlmalH, ddtok lad � Or __ wa1�La aeMll4 and dwo bb Yr old Dldeaebnd stye Mlle Mita, wilt ted hat and V'aw Ma. Ny DetporlloruK a .—Wm*m. looldrt b iMMOde�Rwra. B0�21–Oa-7 A 0000 NEW rwbd inhile Mab, no dspedrtle, W 110. Aarasa. t9 deoliojaia r dtid,en and uuimab, aatalalk danc- ing. traveling and etc. I am a non smoker and light social drinker. Looking to meet a honest. non smoking affectionate male. between 35-42 for relationship. BOX 26548 LET'S GET TOGETHER 36 yr old, single while female who enjoys camping.movies and quiet romantic nights, wishes to meet a single while male who is honest, romantic and has a sense of humor. If you're nterested!'d love to hear from you. BOX 26552 BEST FRIEND SOUGHT Petite, attractive. Christian lady. non smok. er, non drinker Enjoys movies, dinner. the- ater. dung out. halt markets. day trips. walks and drives in the country Seeks hon- est. sincere. Christian gentleman. early 60•s. with similar interests. in the Cobourg area, ler friendship only. BOX 30467 — SPECIAL REQUEST... 26 yr old fenfale. clean and white. 5'4", 160 lbs. married and looking to be both emo- tidally and Physically rivolved with a drug. disease free and attractive male, wean cOkgw and knows what he warms out at We Enjoy candkii, soh music and deep voice BOX 121ae LETS SNARE LIFE Sensuous. Intelligent woman. 40. wishes to we nteMig-t. to, attractive. non smoking Latino male who is enthusiastic and employed share To many joys We affairs. DANCING INTO SUNSETS 46 yr old, 5'6' :independent femal. attrac- five mAgong and fun loving Likes rft& grant corwenssadu. fine dnwS dancing, travel. sharing hit summer days at the beach and romantic candlakgh years Seeking an ataractme, a Aeigun. rdnip malt to dance req the sunset with BOX 12WS LOOKING 4 MR. RIGHT 27 yr rid, full figured lemal with brown how and eyes. Likes camping. movies. io g webs. quiet tines and mom. Seeking an horst moa. 27 to 32. in Oshawa area. who win appreciate me ler who I am BOX 17049 KNOWS WHAT SHE WANTS 42 yr old. 5'1'. 105 Ib. single white femat. attractive with frown ham and mggrreeeenm eyes. Enjoys op linings n Me, Sealing an aaracbm male. 5'11 - to 6', with brown haw end blue ayes. BOK 18932 NO HEAD GAMES Fun figured. mom. 35, a non smoker enjoys music, moves dung out walks. and quiet acnes. Looking for a rmeerwnglul relationship and someone who does not pty head garnet. BOK 30512 2 STEPPING TOGETHER 5-1-.120 D. tamale with "tit and blue eyen Liken dancing and 0"" music - Looking for a mal in he satly SOY. for kiendship. BOX 16501 CHICLE THIS AD 22 yr old blade hit and blue eyed god- dess, 120 lbs. enjoys &mw%odng, body pw" and champagne baht. Seeking a Bogle while mob 19.27. BOX 10470 STATUE5011E LADY Mid War 5.1Or. 1Mrfy fit, SWAOaque lioals. attraelkr, bit* eyed bnwoft Enjoy people nelblle. If0aNe1Q, heaia arlaglas, cooking and ran wine. Seeking a tall, non wicking happy mita 50 plus, wih a kier ankle who annul a mOrggeny and MAW MYs. BOK 11138 M THIS TOUT CALLI 21 yr rid, tingle, wheat lamb, onjbys country music. urnping and s«abf5 Sadat a ion araoti9 tinge aih1M mite, 21 yw and coder 9= 15518 ISAI� SEEIEMi lir Ti% bltede and bealA61haodet 1I. Emjoys lateral aaib, ftaem near elAOeWao,a anal sen. Sod" a skill b aha meth 20- 31L SOK 17412 POEM MILE J IS 011111110, L4 M►" � .$0 W R. no bol% 48 b 52. hal woad r b twee Me ref tosttn. tpecbL BOM 28W MOi AMfldl FlMOIN $1 yr all tnlly SOW" a aainao�nts�edhift sea no i1hemiand mpow ow�l tetjor beg rw5neim to owota am 1 , ae dmg, needoet and 21r twea �d Uro writ been n h* and Iniad ilea &*W umlpl dbiclu¢ Wind litaee. addtiL stales wb1i14 Ole. Stebk9 a re :eaOIL a atedtat bald and ainiar idaaM BOL 11097 MOT iI11111In10 FLEMB 49 yr ti%she wtltitle le.ab, ST. ayte bll,eada 1mk 125 W. Walking 10e a rMMenecillre ie aniaals, l nalle.5aontat be nice walks. Playing cards, the beaches movies. etc. BOX 11997 SWEET REWARDS! 53. slim, attractive blue eyed blonde sin- gle female, sweet. honest and sincere. Seeking an attractive, tau man who is hon- est. loyal, romantic and sincere Must enjoy dancing, outdoor life, social fun, family and friends. No head games please' BOX 13610 BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL! Oueen sized. divorced temale 23. blue eyes, curly auburn hair, 5' with no children. College educated and employed. Looking for someone who is family oriented to be my best friend, for a permanent relation. shy. Enjoy roller blaring, country music, an sports, picnics, etc BOX 17840 LOOKING FOR YOU Attractive. Pette. blue eyed blonde who is loyal. honest. caring and romantic- enjoys social parties• wanting. camping, dancing and family and friends Seeking a tap male. 3540 BOX 10657 FRIENDSHIP FIRST 32 yr old. single female seeking a malt. 30 to 40. who is honest, nature. faMtul, fnan- aaly and emotionally secure. Must enjoy theater. golf, movies. dencng, kids. ani- mals and romance. No head games BOX 21496 relationship. BOX 19045 DOWN TO EARTH... Active. 59 yr old. divorced lady would like to meet an honest, sincere. caring male 55 to 62. with a good sense of humor, who enjoys music, walks, movies. biking. Cards and casual dining. Want a meaningful rela- tionship Whitby area. BOX 12886 CALL ME SOON! M yr old, 5'6' lemale wnc en,ovs fishing. long walks. dining and camping. It you are interested in getting to know me better call me' BOX 13211 UPSCALE LADY! See employed. professional female. 47, wrth king redMshiblonde hair and blue eyes Likes dining out, dancing country liv- e. animals. motorcycling, traveling and trying new things Looking for a gentleman ing wino is honest. sincere and loving fit a last - ng relationship BOX 13156 SERIOUS LOVE! 27 yr old single female. liras horseback rid - ng and walks on the beach and rm look mg for a man who I can start a serious rele- tiotshp with BOX 18108 LOOKING FOR A FRIEND S2 yr old independent, sxVie female who ,s honest- kind and sinceet Enjoys fishing, camping, the outdoors, flea markets. danc- ng and cooking Looking for a male. 50 to "I'll admit it... I'm just not comfortable meeting people in bars or L ils groups, so my best d, Susan, suggested the onals. She tried it and id it was fast, easy, safe d confidential and that you meet really nice guys So I placed my free ad and met a wonderful man. LANG Tom IBATION M r old daitn , fends who ayoys Ire mniq, ttfeoba don, -_0W good auric, fsa lli grinderhirg anpues and mora Son" a &uVdaMyseenme edncaa ad met, 45.40, wOM efnder if mft and a aerw of humor. BOK 14568 47 yr ad Iamadsaho ITLJ 000110 lg, esr ft IOa, " marital,. trn"n& defing out maim and moa Siding a rhaie milk 41 b sQ 6T b 510", a1F bb non out' drug baa, era kaaneee. BOL 12100 VEIN NIOIISSBIfi 31 yr CK sr, fed range? afaacdae mit.► N d two arlMt lora bllaalgeean aym amdm and a social drblsc Ei"is F1NM , liew tern, . "I lSlOI Sir Or MW UM SWAKVAWGFAL 111M 70 SNAlMll 3J r olid, 5��. 1 q ptlb aBaacMle Mite go Mama hat S a1!ea such No soda bI I a tye laenttm deft fWailtB a m Mo& M.i0 SIMMONSSIMMO S . sldr im*w= a, Fowl bet tea wbeandllp!OK 14M t� yr °Mmtae"r �etiolf`aeoaierr SeslitB a mteb, 20 b 21, era alta " bftpl oar, wile btOwa hit b batt • IaOX BOK 15132 U yr id% 5W. n a loon buR Mala MIO aryoya —Way m osi4 tet us&% ed oa SUMM a arabbYMometnoleiqb b, blwtddrp possBi I'm still shy... but now I'm shy and in -love " 00, wA h *MAW ifteereata for hrr ml and tamin- rfiirfalrp BOK 14M TRYING SOMI TMIc HEMI 53 yr ole% s4', 125 b, tavorosd loin lie nr11 bad hit and blue eyes, I oak irq fit an hOna,at rn -- tae nfab Milo Bre movraa. Goll and m cfe. Non smhaker pro - bawd 17M E011 35 yr all slinglio Incliner v h fiasl eyes, Emjaye f him% wnmwfifY tpar animals all ace. It 119 a mob, 35 and 45, aho has be* tiftm atioll Mass Stilts good dL BON 20260 clnidenf TIE 755E E ilOStl qir d4 sit b Wile bmab aro IMee in io � a ab, wood thy» Mr �apa VAID ob"$W dors.pimpodmaaWdbe pet Menwl trod r elibeL BON MVOW llM1E WN_ 22 yr rid a bie bmab eedit9 an older wlde glen'" 30 IS, 45. ler d time owosdra vAwd aaaattew moftd Shia Is OWL SOI 12101 >S yr all% wpkmaq aBlatHkr: tiBb .ohne d bit �6' bk8w wp etjgi mmoir .aim ,1a Ladwq b moo nwr b e aft and alert a now ria KK 281M HltnsaL a o woelii9� 11mda enjoys draell9, aolablaetb9, oUtbor ataiabas, gar- dselig and ooaki9 Sesla9 faoraed male. EM we9i w Ow Cabamg or aaoufdt9 real ler billdhaip Saxra of humor In plus. BOK 3010 Call 1.900-451-3793 52.49 per min. CUTTING THE STRINGS 37 yr old. 5 5-, 1 10 Ib. mama 5 wry seeking a slim while female for companionship Likes ling drives. soap operas. movies. window shopping and mons. Kids ok BOX 15289 LOOK UNDER THE STARS 39 yr old. 511- 200 b. single male with strawberry blond haw and hazel eyes. Smoker, social drinker Laces movies. music. animals. the outdoors. :r,, n and mors Looking for someone special to spend time wth for a possible long term relttionsfup. BOX 175M CARIBBEAN RHYTHMS Down to earth. 36 yr old, 5 10' 190 !b. sep- orated male lilies reggae music, tog walks. spats and more Looking for a `eavy set female. 22 to 34. for friendship and possible relibonsh9. BOX 17712 TRUE LOVE IS WAITING 31 yr ofd, highly educated male likes ten - ,os. biking, musc, moves, long walks and nom Seeking an attractive female for •rendsnq and possible relationship BOX '8192 LOOKING 4 A NEW LOVE 30 yr old. marred Tale seeking a lemaa. 29 to 35. for a discreet relationship and good times. BOX 18752 WANT TO KNOW MORE? 23 yr old, employed mal aNsicaily to. ,lies bd ng, walls. moves. music. onng :,u and more. BOD( 19852 A SULTRY ROMANCE 26 yr old, attached mate. very good 'ookwg and n great shape. looking tot an aurae- tive, attached leinae, over 30. Ion a de - ::RW relationship No strings attached. De- VWKW I assured and eeraecte I BOD( 19679 THE LAST ROMANTIC! 30 yr old, single while mal, ganfufy employed. franclaft secure, seeking a singe white tory". 25 to 30. for friendship and possibly more Likes the outdoors, ^fives. Cooksg, romantic quW evenings at home and more Kids oK BOX 20037 CHATTING BY THE FIRE 42 yr old. separated. white ^aro 5 6' 150 abs. with brown haw and green eyes. Lits '•sna% woi boating, the outdom. bill rg watching moves bV the Megace and 'Wore Looking len a Ism", 35 to 42. with smear oMenests Kids ok BOX 20090 SOWAR MMOIESTS? 37 yr rid. 6't'. 220 D. singe who malt. honest and srocere with brown haw and eyes. kkea the outdoors, Miffing, sports. music. with good 4rniy values Look rq for an employed single female. 30 to 40. fit attracwe. emotionally ascan wish smiler wait*$ and interests. BOX 20222 FUER THDM M LIFE 42 yr old. pfysieYy I4 winch male tooling ler a slbmwsswe temals. 19 b 30, with a Poda►e aaaude, rid wane briew hags in IW. BOK 20300 Ui D931STAIOWS ME? Bi mat seeking a bi Unrb dfo under- SWtde blip b► BOK 20434 LETTIE FUM BEOBe 46 yr old nays looking tie a bi bou t div BO - 10 how a lot d fun and wypyment. IM 45 r old. r% flim NO fkie gerMlr mart iflMigrlt respoffebb, eateieuab, as ou a and saey gowf4 Enjoys weekend yy,IteweI mitts and quiet Winces. Sedoing aWAMWW4Uwttlionnda"' BO( 21111M LITS 72LIK Am you a married women of dor Wy not happy with MOM - >r r rill% drteagad dib mita need oaefdia ` I boos- r much beuadesbmdlm4 caring and Numb—ft 21817 MRIEII tHAIt1lIEO 35 r d4 sit. 155 Il single while mole, never been mrarr. no a "nett wih below w Mat and M e ops. Lbs rebs, got but fbiaas, pleat.. . raaiae and quid emit: Lodit ler a lmals, 33 to 43, for a :1 li 01 1 *1B 2S repliespMT No TALL. FAIR HANDSOME 91', 190 b, many going owner very bid back ertjoyt sports goe. din" out cow n4 oukloom mwic, Want night at honte ale. 5 you we an a-- - Min. dhie bleb 25 b -W writ no children CNN and BOK 17315 Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. EVENINGS OR WEEKENDS 55 yrod 5'0' '55 it whie—aeseeking another while male. 35 plus, for dKCreet encounters Non smokers please BOX 17444 SEEKING NEW FRIENDS! 24 yr ori, 6'4'. 240 it male with txown haw and eyes Likes singing, dancing, movies and mom Seeking a male for friendship and good conversa,,ons BOX 12560 EXPERIENCED MALE Experencea wr,fe —ate see•.nq another experienced white mar for a �ot of fun Must be clean and discreet BOX 12643 IF INTERESTED. CALL' SS yr ofd. 5 ' 0' '65 In, while ^ale with gray naw and green eyes Not rto terns or weird boknq people BOX 14489 CURIOUS GEORGE 25 yr ofd, bi curious male KooKrng for anoth- er malo. tot friendship and iun Likes sports. movies working out and more BOX 18522 FREE SPIRITED 25 n ole attractive and ,,t -,ale 5 'T. 160 tx. tanned. muscular and smooth a seek ng bicurious ogay l i mars ler dis crest encountersBCX 70556 WHAT 1 NEED 41 yr old wtMe ^lar �s seeking other mals. 20 to 40. for discrew encounters Dacremdn is assured and expected Box 17221 NOT OFF THE PRESS! 35 Yf rid. white mal iookrig ler a mal mend who is straight acting and iookng. clean and *strei like mysel Enjoy the outdoors. camping, tennis. cycWw% golf etc BOX 19'02 LOOKING FOR COUPLES Oshawa area •r' -t* Dr-cWrOus mar mi0 20'S 5 T 175 ros. crown haw aria eyes Looknq 'o coupies leet r *screw encoun- ers BCX 26550 Can 1-906451-37'99 52.10 per mint. COULD BE WMRESTMG 27 r rid medium bXWt iemaw mv, shoe brown haw and eyes Looking for an altrac. M femals. 20 to 30. for Inendsrup and Dos- sibe oaaoonshp. LAea Oaks, bik.rg. UWP- ping. wPpmhg. yhn9 out and quiet rughts at home BOK 17947 ON FANTASY ISLAND_ 21 yr old bi fennels lookmhg for a lei Or bi urn Due ands for Lrkasy, hlNknert. BOX 179" ADVENTUROUS— .and open i dean 21 yr rid Si tines leelal9 b kyle brwasi,a vile niwlnl a B or Bi curios femtat of any alts, Il you we inow eabd in some adlient reit and dean him. -call rivet BOK 15204 SIEEKM HONESTY 37 r rid, ,eptyed bmaet wlh oNdren. brown heir ant! blue ,yea Liles read% mtovi,a hash, rai 1p 0 and mon. Looking ler Iriutdelko iqt p=Wo nism tg p, with someone honest No groes, BOX 13784 CIUALITY NOW13ITS Lab 2i'a co pit. vary clean and aaraciva, gaurfago" a special bnda to e0 acne Enitr 1 p watlrg moi and gmafayi bm at nomw. BOX 10687 SOR ETHM MENII 51 yr aid sirgls Iematr blonde flew. welpl o, I Ernpya spar ane mow. Seelo9 a SNVW lined. lmdegaafdeap bole ler a bunA hip pobbiblY beet writ a nMMim shp. BOL 17M CUMELROM To pbm )cw ad oM a 'M' a5radrlt cat 1-000,91111141i111117he aperabs of AyawFickriq Ares Aa lel cru r omm On npfY for n E ler ode ler 4lonfent and aawarr no fabity formol arnespora me; neyect or fwtise aur fi/ icl,as dleamwI NwAwgprieb; vol m M basad an 4pem waielift AoAara, - 7ilepam Sarvitl sl iruc are go papain epemba and can be rlaa, P at I -SW 61I1111%u 1p Afav i Sam b 5pma 1bu map ilio d rVis or ,Ono your ad by eai'Ip /lie number. Far belt llcw!ppat cMdar phonies are not nOaowraanotlyd. C4geiyld IBM ATS .,FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING � FREE MESSAGE ::' RETRIEVAL 4 - It's Back and Better than Ever x • 1 te, Jon us on Jay 1Sth and 19th fw 'S S --m- =-- w l - X Erle Art Show and at �-` Ekon A*k 00 the Rnest artists from around the wd be t+o UAx*lge the frkndkA Art A boy M 09 the Art but P11• M M Ids, oy a vanety oftz and 41,10 can also have fun at the . . t� It's a Great Weekend for the Entire • Family'XBRIDGE . TRIBUNE a