HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_06_21PICKERING EDITION g ew; A D V E R T I S E t Fair and square' i ospital merger doesn't protect jax-Pickering residents: Br Marianne Takacs Stitt Writer The agreement for the amalgamation of Ajax -Pick- ering General Hospital with Scarborough Centenary Health Centre doesn't do enough to protect interests of residents and doctors in Ajax, Pickering and Whitby, say some local MDs. They plan to raise their concerns at Ajax -Pickering hospital's annual general meeting Tuesday. June 23 when the agreement is to be ratified. The two hospitals are to be merged Aug. 1 into the Rouge Valley Health Svstcm. "Basically we want some guarantees, in writing. that will protect the community and the community hospi- tal;' says the dissenting doc- tors' spokesman, Dr. Romas Stas. He's expressed their concerns in writing to Health Minister Elizabeth Witmer and Dr. Duncan Sinclair. WHAT'' S INSIDE Ed/torial Pape .........6 Sports ..............22 Classified.......... 28 HOW TO REACH US General ........683-51 Death Notices ...683- Aw:tion Line ....683-7 Sincerely Yours .....1-800-662- Emall.............. newsroom@durham Vol. 33, No. 24 BRUCE CLIFF 'It's not short-changing anyone.' chairman of the provincial Health Services Restructur- ing Commission which or- dered the merger. He is also circulating it in the commu- nity, to encourage doctors and APGH voting members to attend Tuesday's annual general meeting to oppose the merger deal. While the doctors are not opposed to the amalgama- tion, says Dr. Stas, they are unhappy with some aspects of how it will be done. They do not agree with the composition of the new RVHS board, which is to consist of eight elected rep- resentatives from Ajax -Pick- ering and 10 from Scarbor- ough, as well as hospital of- ficials. According to Dr. Stas, 15 of the 27 voting board members w" 11 be from Scarborough. even though the new hospital's catchment area will cover about 200.000 residents from west Durham and 200.000 from east Toronto. The dissenting doctors maintain the allocation of voting seats on the board should reflect the geographic distribution of the patients who will use the new joint hospital, and that some kind See DOCTOR/Page 3 ST OF R ;Ef landmeforswWwo • 16 tnondn -6 fir:. 1�or b&, all 509-51105 HOLE IrwvF.lEt n By F••rr ttwr a o..rw MOMno attotanoott 1111111 4 FA st4m W Mrwad ") 686-2445 Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand ,,;J,une 21, 1998 Pressrun 44,000 36 pages Rescue rangers pillieto J* AJ. &M Members of the Durham unit of the Ontario itor the accuracy of Wraps and can provide Volunteer Emergency Response Team took coverage over large geographical areas. part in a day -long training session in Durham Here, Mike Kozak of Oshawa (left) and An - last week covering many aspects of search drew Woolley of Ajax lead the bikers through and rescue. Mountain bikes are used to mon- a creek. GTA leaders ponder new homes freeze SCHOOL FUNDING FORMULA GETS FAILING GRADE FROM MAYORS, REGIONAL CHAIRMEN ay & u wwsa :,PICVERING ="Building new schools at the expense of old ones 10 was among the issues debated Fri - 105 day at a meeting of mayors and re - 545 gional chairmen in the Greater Toronto Area. 8423 The group resolved to "take a very strong stand" with the Min- istry of Education and Training and net "insist that various improvements be made to the system of new school funding" at the meeting, enrolment without additional held at Pickering's Metro East space. Trade Centre. But the committee warns "there Ajax Mayor Steve Parish was a are obviously many potential prob- member of a committee which kms" with that formula, which it looked at how the new funding for- believes should be `revised to allow mula will affect municipalities. Un- school boards to retain and moth - der that new formula, boards will ball older schools without being pe - qualify for funding for new pupil nalized" if they believe "demo - places — new schools or additions graphics could change and rejusti- - when they have used all their ex- fy the school in the future". isting school buildings effectively Oshawa Mayor Nancy Diamond and cannot accommodate increased noted the closure of schools has been a "hot issue" in Durham Re- gion, where the public school board announced plans to close nine schools, including six in Oshawa. "I have been appalled at how de- cisions have been made," she said. "Certain boards are more ready to jump off the end of diving boards" with no public consultation. Mayor Diamond was particular- ly appalled to learn of the closure See PICKERING/Page 5 PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER/UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 • SMARTL EASE I • -$19PONTIAC SUNFIRE SEDAN Who says Sedan drivers have to give up styling and performance. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 22 b e ang,ne. ac bags. PASS.:.d '� theft -deterrent system. res touring suspensior 4 -wheel ABS. deal front Purchase door child -safety bdcs. $15,6989 /i (wrisAs 0aryar 9Ntg M Ig rhs WE Styling " 1 in a fun -to -drive coupe. NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 22 btre engine. 5-4peed manual transmis- Purchase sion. 4-n� ABS. PASSLodc'O theft -deterrent system. dual front air bags. $��'���f tinted glass, rear spoiler . (�rakrr ieigrr 56� SMARTLEASE SMARTLEASE s288 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX CENTURY BY BUICK Widetrack handling with performance 289 Delivers a surprising touch lin and st 38 martlu�I3 000 down parn�r� stylinto match. or ore m,IRvs,.97s auarOeyr,er,v of luxury with... 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OBwr lease options available. 080,51 OWM.0001$1 675 are regi 'red. ToW anrooa r8 excise tax and tains not krNudsd. Dealer rosy "I a Marr tar Ines. tFwnarq an approved GMAC credit #rer9at as xr APR, fxwrlce, insruance, air GMC ��� • �w r•aa� 5216.51 to 48 monlhr. Cost d bwTowig is 5392.46. Total obligation M $10.392.46. Down payrn o, trade angor security Exartrple' ,000 at 1.996 APR. the payment is rowig will vary deprndrp on anxwd borrowed and down peyrrrsaA.ads. Y3Oerr apply to 1996 new or dertgnetrata y ��. m.#*Y fryrnaM coat d bor- astorrrers in CwrMral Ontario any. OIMr dors not 199!/1989 Grand An✓1996 BorrrevWa/1996 Buick Park Averxra/1998 Buck The GM Card biwd with admin offera. s~ a� grnot wNfi.d rrWl Cogroratron, TD Bank rxrenryd u l rrtirtkarl6l and detain. d. Apprnearwda.com v a 1 Stirs. rk a General Motors capsafari ® arr T� r� dfGWW IWMottwu See your deaMr for cornplMr Mae and rs8ula0or a a awarded. ApproxinMr rrgM vakw 577s.ao such. CorMeet cores kAy it, 1998. open to OrKara rerideMs oNy. C N. Doctor disputes Ajax -Scarborough amalgamation. structure DOCTOR/From page 1 corns stated in his letter to makes many of the most im- of mechanism should be in place to adjust board mem- bership to reflect changes in population over time. "This is the growing area, not Scarborough," notes Dr. Stas. They also maintain posi- tions such as chief of staff and board chairman should alternate between the two sites, and that departments should remain separate for at least five years. If depart- ments are allowed to merge, says Dr. Stas, the smaller number of doctors here can always be outvoted on is- sues such as which site should provide certain pro- cedures. According to Dr. Stas, "a majority" of doctors at a June 12 meeting of APGH medical staff share the con - the minister. However, according to Dr. David Hancock, presi- dent of medical staff at APGH, only a few doctors attended that meeting and Dr. Stas does not represent the majority of local physi- cians. He estimated only six to 10 are unhappy with the situation. "There's not a groundswell here," says Dr. Hancock. "What we have here is a small element of dissent. Dissent is good in a democracy" He believes the merger agreement is a good and fair one, especially considering APGH is amalgamating with a hospital about three times its size. He's particu- larly pleased local doctors will have 50 per cent of the votes on the RVHS Medical Advisory Committee which portant decisions about medical care. "We have negotiated a structure under which our voice will be heard. I think we've got a very, very good deal and this community has got a good deal" APGH president Bruce Cliff also maintains the dis- senting doctors represent only a small minority of staff and that most approve of the merger deal the two hospital boards arrived at af- ter about five months of ne- gotiations. " I think they've come to an excellent agree- ment;' says Mr. Cliff. "It's not shortchanging anyone" He says 13 voting mem- bers on the new board will be from Durham and 14 will be from east Toronto and York, based on their actual places of residence rather THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 - PAGE 3 DR. ROMAS STAS 'This is the growing area, not Scarborough.' than which hospital they have represented in the past. (Allan Whiting, the current CEO at Centenary who is to be CEO at RVHS, is a resi- dent of Whitby.) Bill aimed at student smokers excessive: Ecker Students caught with cigarettes, drugs or alcohol on school property could face suspensions and addiction counseiling if a private member's bill which received second reading in the Ontario Ugisla- ture Thursday becomes law. The hill, introduced by Progm%.,ive Conservative backbencher Terence Young (Halton Centre), would require principals to -exclude" students from classes and extracurricular activities if they are found with bcx)ze, drugs or smokes, even if the cigarettes aren't lit. If suspended, student% would then be required to attend an addiction coun- ;;elling programme before returning to class. "I share the concern (about the is - PAN PACIFIC JEWELLERY PINS As seen on TV At Lower Prices RON GALBRAITH JEWELLERS Ajax Plaza Next to Home Hardwartt 683-0407 S DBUAL CENTRE WALK-IN FICKMW Daily 8 am. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 am —_4 pAL i CIE • •O • AMBERLEA SHOPMG CENTIM ON WHIM RD. PKWMNO BETWEEN FINCH 8 HWY 401 • FREE and Opinion Consultation Chmk we StierWsstion • Mercury Free Whits Fillings gaffe and C" 9waboal sue);' says Durham West MPP Janet Ecker. "But having a mandatory re- sponse, such as addiction counselling, is a bit excessive" She alts "as long as principals have the authority they treed to take action when dill r-Orid_Whdehts in possession of illegal substances", that's enough. "There is no smoking (allowed) on school property, period;' says Mary Brown, communications manager for the Durham District School Board. She reports the bill's call for a manda- tory response from school boards differs from the board's current policy which doesn't prescribe any specific penalties for students caught smoking on school grounds. , .- %AM -Fn 10-9 sat M Sun 11-5 "Its at the discretion of the pnncipai;' she says. _ And, the decision to suspend a " dent would "depend the situation.. — T i erS right to our doorstep in on Ms. Ecker, who was at mother en- wI gagement when the bill passed second `our c�nunit - newspaper reading, says any law the govergineet ` ' passes to address the issue "needs to -- _ have more flexibility than this particular bill." She adds, "If as a result of this debate SA1 E � TECIAL o we come up with better ways of helping NThe Week teacher, principals and parents deal with gARGA this issue, it's a worthwhile discussion." Ms. Ecker says she would appreciate l hearing from constituents on the matter. it has not yet been decided if the bill will be referred to public hearings. We.Pay U $30, ible Based on nce P ' Worn Fully Guaranteed URANCE Evening i Available, Call Till 11 pm Apply INTERPROVINCIAL -7819831. Fat it on your g= bill. O.A.C. .4eit6oi G" 1 1 • Ito Please recycle 0-m: IN TODAY'S. I News Advert1Ser, Sun., June 21,1998 News Advertiser BW eoy FM*n .Sim li pWp Ill CellN Pick. Q11111111111111, Aodkk .DAm GWm 'bF • Pl,ta,ll,n � Atilt • S 4111 Aj.rNat: 'SM 's '7kBw *11 ,ttttleLY ftM AWkL ' IDA Pilar Come Pick. ' Delivered to slated households only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call MONIQUE;, w`Ad M LEA ..,.�•+ at �s 683-5110. Sunday's carrier of the week is Sarah. She enjoys crafts and hockey. Such will receive a dinner for 4 voucher compliments of McDonald's. G"gratulatiows Sarah for being our carrier of the week. Harwixxt .%fan,Ajax 135 Kingston Rd..Ajax 222 Bayy St.W_APx 726 Kingswn Rd.. Pwk. 1360 Kingston Rd.. Pick. PAGE 4 -THE NEWS AD RIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21,19" Of& HHUCK Me S UNIM 'ICKERIN oft kT %%40. spa InternationalI - 7-N,3 , Pool & Spa Centers VEST. 1977 C M Al $pas Starting m. off - IAV DE° ° 3 . 5 Days L y ,���ayej�'' June from 10am-9pm ��� T un. June 21 from 10am-spm __ L3 ------------------------------------------------------- P Pickering GTA mayors' meeting focuses - on schools Fit;KERiNGiFrom page 1 celebrated the donation of play- ground equipment from the City to one of the schools on the list of closures. While she understands clo- sures "are driven by the need for new schools, we have to contin- ue to kook at the essential role of schools in older areas:' Young families with children would choose not to live in those neighbourhoods, limiting the chance for "revitalization" and increasing the chance of attract- ing absentee landlords and rooming houses. Mayor Diamond contends new areas should he able to fi- nance schools through Educa- tion Development Charges. The GTA Mayors and Re- gional Chairs committee, which meets monthly, resolved to "se- riously consider revisiting the whole issue of approving further plans of subdivision in the face of inadequate provision and dis- tribution of educational facili- ties". Among the changes the com- mittee is demanding is the re- duction of new pupil place grants to 90 per cent rather than 100 per cent of capacity because music rooms, computer labs and technical rooms "are rarely used 100 per cent of the day;' it says in its report. "If every room must be fully occupied for the entire day, the school will be overcrowded and require porta- bles." JL 1 1 1 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE 1 NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. ' 1 WARRANTY APPROVED 1 OIL CHANGE SPECIAL 1 V00% awL & , = __ ie 9 ;91 1 6 � 1oMo0 r+ormolL 1 � flrtana oa 1 1 iLtartL. tv PT. changeOil . 1 I oons�oaltttrwts , Cr D00 krr RADIATOR IFLUSH &PILL $39.951 SPECIAL Iron OMER EI01411I1ES Juy 31,1flM O �! Crib wtlkW= 1 I cit! v calms caro vm my oriel amt OPEN 7 DAYS A WSW 1 I 195 WESTNEY RD. (soon of 401), AJAX (9051427-67961 NANCY DIAMOND 'Essential roles' of older schools. STRAWBERRIES PICK YOUR OWN or READY PICKED AVAILABLE (S+PPb P—Ming) Raspberries coming soon. Zdanowiez Farm `r & Holidays �E S NN CORNER AT TAUNTON A CORONATION ROAD6 l CattdlnrstxpnrMttsfaat, . � nts ml ml ml nra � � 1 I p Tell your old toaster to get a job. DONATE IT TO GOODWILL! 1121 Dundas St. East Whitby . 1300 King St. East Oshawa 250 Bayly St. West Ajax We'll sell your donated goods and use the money to help people get trained and get jobs. Thanks for helping. Today's Goodwine Goods to Jobs N Futures, THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21,19" - PAGE S Teen readers welcomed at summer library sessions The Teen Summer Reading pro- gramme is returning to the Pickering Public Library. This year's theme for the pro- gramme is 'Lost in Time', and will feature a selection of fantasy and time travel books. Students I I to 18 years of age are welcome to join. Participants are asked to read a number of books during the summer vacation period, including at least one on this year's theme. Prizes are awarded throughout the summer after a certain number of books have been read. The programme will run from July 6 to Aug. 8 at the central branch at One The Esplanade. To register i call 831-6265, ext. 243. Board budget meeting Monday The Durham District School The public meeting begins at 7 Board is holding a meeting Monday p.m. at the board headquarters at 400 to discuss the third draft of the Taunton Rd. E.. Whitby. board's budget for the next school For more information call 666 - year. 5500. LIMTT'ED TIMIE'DN1LY! Get any two La -Z -soy chairs for one great low price or get on chair for U2 the pair price, you an even apply the savings toward a La -Z -Boy® sofa or reclining sofa. Hurry, offer ends soon! Taking a severance package? Talk to a professional No cost, no obligation FORTUE N FINANCIAL s anon is a Mcmber of Montreal Exchange & C I P F Pam Sygo (905) 426-4722 CMA. CFV or 19051 666-9478 LA- Z -REST- ROCKER RECLINER A casual stvle with a trend -setting !lair CHAISE LA- Z -REST- ROCKER RECLINER A cisaal style with all the comfort you expel from IrZ-Boy® CHAISE LA- Z -REST- Roma RECLINER La -Z -Boy comfort at m unbeatable price! CHAISE RECLINA- ROCKER® RECLINER Popular style with head -intoe comfort. CHAISE RmwA- Roa=e REcum A casual reducer with *eldy eootoured dboome CHAISE REcum- ROCKER® RECLINER Soft, deep cWtiooing hum headrest to toot rest. PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, I"S A/P A Metroland Community Newspaper published four times weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday OPINION 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 21-15 A D V E R T I S E R Publisher. Tim Whittaker EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS .Teach kidsperils of substance abuse A proposed law that would crack down on substance abuse by students is well intended, but it may go a little bit too far. A private member's bill which received second reading in the Ontario Legislature Thursday could see youngsters caught with cigarettes, drugs or alcohol on school property face sus- pensions and addiction counselling. The proposed legislation, introduced by Progressive Con- servative backbench MPP Terence Young, would force princi- pals to exclude students from classes and extracurricular activ- ities if they are found with booze, narcotics or smokes inside schools or outside but still on school property. Suspended stu- dents would then be required to attend an addiction counselling programme before returning to class. The Halton Centre MPP feels as most right-thinking people do — that schools are no place for smoking, doing drugs or boozing. Most of us would go so far as to argue that young peo- ple of school age — even high school seniors — should not be using cigarettes, drugs or alcohol anywhere. But, the unfortunate fact remains that it is not illegal for peo- ple of any age to smoke; it is only against the law for people under 19 to buy cigarettes. Of course, alcohol is a completely different matter; it's unlawful for anyone under 19 to either purchase or possess booze. And, drugs are quite another mat- ter; illicit drugs are illegal for everyone, period. It's that unfortunate fact that anyone of any age can legally smoke that pokes a little hole in MPP Young's proposed law. In fact, it goes even one step further than banning youngsters from smoking on school property. His legislation would prohibit stu- dents from even possessing cigarettes in or around schools as it could see pupils with unlit smokes suspended from class. While the bill's intentions are admirable — to eliminate substance abuse by young people — its accompanying penal- ties are simply too harsh. At least one of MPP Young's fellow Tories would seem to agree with us on that. -I share the concern (about the issue);' t �W4 1 �v LETTERS OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE NEWS MP can work to improve hepatitis C compensation support. If MP Dan McTeague had been foolish enough to vote his conscience on hepatitis C com- pensation instead of the party line, he would have risked being expelled from the Liberal party and would have been unable to adequately represent his con- stituents. A large part of helping constituents is dealing with bu- reaucrats and requires some in- fluence to get results. You can't says Durham West MPP Janet Ecker. "But having a mandatory To the editor: command respect without the response, such as addiction counselling, is a bit excessive" It was with interest that I read backing of the party. I think Mr. And, we concur with her when she says "as long as princi- the June 2 letter from Judy Wile McTeague did the right thing, be - pals have the authority they need to take action when they find (President, Reform Party of cause now he can work from students in possession of illegal substances", that's enough. Canada Pickering/ within his party to change this Principals here have that authority, reports Mary Brown, com- Ajax/Uxbridge Riding Associa- awful piece of legislation instead munications manager for the Durham District School Board. tion). The childish, short-sighted of crying about it like Ms. Wile She points out the bill's call for a mandatory response from and petulant attitude displayed in and her ilk. school boards differs from the board's current policy which Ms. Wile's letter gives an indica- doesn't prescribe any specific penalties for students caught tion why her party and her candi- Peter J. Vdovich, smoking on school grounds. "It's at the discretion of the prin- date lost the last federal election. Pickering cipal:' And, the decision to suspend a student would "depend It's nice to see that the mem- on the situation". bers of this association are now identifying themselves in their The News Advertiser accepts letters to We side with Ms. Ecker when she says any law her govern- "needs letters attacking l the duly elected l dt the editor. All letters should be typed menu passes to address the issue to have more flexibili- Member of Parliament. or neatly hand-written, 150 words. ty than this particular bill" Youngsters shouldn't be punished by school officials for It is very easy to stand outside Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last merely se g cigarettes. ssin ci Punishment should be left up to of a government to criticize and deride; it is quite a different mat- name Please include a phone number parents to decide. In the meantime, our schools can play a ter to suffer the bullying tactics for verification. The editor reserves major role in teaching our children about the dangers of all of an out -of -touch Prime Minis- the right to edit copy for style, length forms of substance abuse. ter and to prevail. Just ask John and content. Opinions expressed in �> To respond this editorial call Nunziata about the prudence of p fitters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Adver- 7 nf�our�oe Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 defying the parry. Yes, he is still tiser. an MP, but one without power or TMA INHIiTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is n f JOANNE BURGHAROT STEVE HOUSTON BRUCE DANFORD MONIQUE LEA EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK DUNCAN FLETCHER ABE FAKHOURIE BARBARA HARRISON JANICE O'NEIL CHERYL HAINES LILLIAN HOOK Editor -in -Chief Managing Editor Director of Advertising Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Manager Real EstateJAutomotive Advertising Distribution Manager Production Manager Assistant Production Manager Assistant Production Manager Administration Manager GENERAL 683-5110 CLASSIFIED 683-0707 DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 ADMIN/CLASSIRED FAX 683-7363 COMPOSING FAX 579.9273 newsroomOdurham.net E-MAIL www.durhamrtews.net WEB SITE "A M_cwwdm7 o e o the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member Of the Ajax 6 Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ontario Press Council, 80 Gould St, Toronto, Ont. M5B 2M7,an indepen- dent organization that addresses reader com- plaints about member newspapers. The pub- lisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any achrertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. Sorry, but I disagree It's not a smart man who pokes his boss in the eye with a pointed stick, but here goes — I have to take issue with our editorial of' June 16. In it, we laid blame for a possible 20 -per cent tax hike at the feet of Durham Region Council. To quote, "My dear councillors at Durham Region, you have got to be kidding. "We know it's been years since Durham residents have been forced to absorb a tax in- crease. n- creas. We're even willing to concede the days of zero per cent tax increases are over. But, 20 per cent in just one year. Something has to give." It went on to add, "Councillors must sit back down and make some tough choices to alleviate this proposed huge increase. Cut where there is a possibility to cut. Spread the pain around so no area is hit too hard. But do something. The taxpayers in Durham Re- gion arc paying you for it:' The editorial also said Durham politi- cians have to push the Province to make the downloading avenue neutral. Well now, let's take a look at the Region's budget. In the areas Durham hasaaditional- ly controlled — police, roads, some axial services, health, planning and the like — it will cost taxpayers $12.40 more over the year, or an additional 1.4 per cent. The 20 -per cent tax increase comes in with new responsibilities the Province is downloading to municipalities. However. it's important to remember the provincial government is giving municipalities the bill for these services, but it isn't giving commu- nities the power to set the rules. Editorially, we're as blue as the Tories. But, I can't agree with the part .vhere we say regional politicians meed to sharpen their pencils. They have been doing that for years. In fact, regional and local politicians have done a better job of hoUng the line than provincial governments have. Municipal poll have been passing bud- gets with little or no tax increase for much of the 1990s. Projects have been put on hold for years because the money isn't available. The Region has more than 20 intersections where traffic lights are needed, but the bucks just aren't available to do the work. More roads need repairing than diem's cash to pour into potholes. I'd go so far as to say the Province should be looking to municipalities for guidance on how to be fiscally prudent. What's causing taxes to go up 20 per cent? Well. Durham will have to pick up $36 mil for social housing, $22 very big ones for social assistance, $11.2 million for GO Transit, $9 mil for Wid-basod ambulances and $6.7 million for -public health. After adding and subtracting, Durham will be short about $27.5 million and that works out to about a 14 -per cent increase. Tack on a few incidentals and, wham, $30 million or 20 per cent Keith Gilligan is a regular News Advertiser columnist. To respond to this column call In- fosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108. AM Simply ..the best THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, I"S - PAGE 7 Bruce Boyle wins Ajax Civic Award AJAX — Bruce Boyle is one busy man who gives so much of his time to help others that it's a won- der he gets any sleep. For his "prolonged assistance" to this town, Mr. Boyle was pre- sented the 1998 Ajax Civic Award Wednesday. "It's a real honour to be recog- nized in the community you live in;' Mr. Boyle said as he received the award at the Ajax Community Centre ceremony that is pari of Ajax Home Week. "You have to give back to the community. I en- courage everybody to do things in the community" The Civic Award is given annu- ally to a citizen who has made a continuous and voluntary outstand- ing contribution to the community. An anonymous selection commit- tee, none of whom are Ajax Coun- cillors or Town staff, picks the re- cipient from nominations submitted by the community. Prior to Mr. Boyle being named Ajax's top citizen, Mayor Steve Parish said the Civic Award "is a prestigious award. It's the commu- nity's way of saying thank you for prolonged assistance to the Town" Mr. Boyle said in an interview, "It's important to give something back to the community. It takes a lot of time, but it's really reward- ing." eward- ing " As a volunteer, he's met a lox of people and learned a great deal, Mr. Boyle reported. Active in the community since 1985, he started his volunteer work as manager of a major atom rep hockey team. From 1991 to '93, he was sponsor of the minor hockey house league. photo by Keith Gilligan Bruce Boyle was bestowed the Town of Ajax's top honour this week when he won the Ajax Civic Award. Mr. Boyle has been deeply involved in com- munity initiatives for several years and says the award is "a real honour." Mr. Boyle is a founding member of the Durham Industry Education Council, on which he served from 1987 to '89. From 1992 to '93, he was a di- rector of the Ajax -Pickering United Way Association. Mr. Boyle has served as presi- dent and vice-president of the South Durham Unit of the Canadi- an Cancer Society. In 1996-97 he was Chairman of the Pickering High School Parent Advisory Council. Mr. Boyle served on the Ajax Hydro Electric Commission from 1988 to 1994 and rejoined least year, holding positions that includ- ed chairman and vice -Chairman. From 1994 to '96, he was a member of the Mayor's Committee for Business Development. From 1994 to the present. Mr. Bovle has been a member of the Ajax Public Library Board and the Friends of the Ajax Library. He's also a sponsor of the Friends book lamp fund-raising programme. Mr. Boyle is also a supporter of the Ajax -Pickering General Hospi- tal's Buy A Bed campaign and a volunteer at the annual hospital television auction. He's been the recipient of two other honours — the Friend of Pickering High School Award in 1997 and the Municipal Electrical Association Award for Service in 1994. Mr. Boyle's the type of person who makes Ajax great place, said Mayor Parish. "Ibis is what Ajax is about. It's about volunteers. Why should Ajax amalgamate with anybody when we have the best people, the best volunteers? Ajax forever as far as I'm concerned" Mr. Boyle and his wife Valerie live here with their children Sarah and Tim. He's the owner of Great Lake Lamp Parts Ltd., which has been in business in Ajax since 1975 and do- nates all supplies and labour for the production of the book lamps sold by the Friends of the Library to raise funds for the Ajax Public Li- brary. Previous Civic Award winners were Betty Bujold in 1987, Dorothy Westney (1988), John Murray (1989), Eileen Rackham (1990), Louise Johnson (1991), Jan Henderson (1992), Nancy Maxwell (1993), Joe Dickson (1994), Joe Atkinson (1995), Maureen Fanner (1996) and Martin Olenroot (1997). St. Elizabeth visiting nurses off the job in Durham HOSPITALS BEING ASKED TO KEEP PATIENTS WHO MIGHT NEED HOME CARE By Ciao Ups"ll Staff Writer Local hospitals are being asked to hold off on releasing pa- tients requiring home care until clients affected by a strike of St. Elizabeth Health Care workers have been transferred to other health-care providers. Ajax -Pickering General Hos- pital President Bruce Cliff says, "If nursing care isn't available (for patients needing it), they can't be discharged. They stay longer and it packs up the hospi- The system between hospitals and community health car providers is "well co-ordinated" ,and patients are moved out of hospitals as soon as they can be, he notes. Most people leaving the hospi- tal don't need home care, but the elderly and sick would require the extra help, Mr. Cliff says. "If this goes on past two or three weeks, it will have a major impact on us. Patients will be tak- ing up beds we normally wouldn't be using," Mr. Cliff adds. "It's going to have, potentially, quite a serious impact on the hos- pital;" adds Dr. Robin Davies, chief of medical staff at Oshawa General Hospital. He says the hospital, which refers between 10 and 15 recover- ing patients to the service every day, relies on it. St. Elizabeth offers a variety of health-care service for clients, in- cluding changing dressings from operations, intravenous changes and taking blood. Janet Hams, chief executive officer of Durham Access to Care, says it's requesting no new clients be referred to the agency in an ef- fort "to get us through the imme- diate log jam of transfers." Durham Access to Care coor- dinates home health care through contracted service providers. Registered nurses and clerical staff at the Durham branch of St. Elizabeth Health Care, located on Dundas Street in Whitby, went on strike Thursday morning while registered practical nurses are still on the job. As a result, says Ms. Harris, Durham Access to Care is currently trying to move clients from St. Elizabeth to an- other agency so they can receive treatment. Although the agency is trying to work as quickly as possible, Ms. Hams could not speculate on how long it will take before things return to normal for hospi- tals. - "To the best of our knowledge when these transfers have hap- pened we'll open up to the hospi- tals business as usual," she says. Home care has become an in- tegral part of the health care sys- tem, as shifts in philosophy change the face of hospitals, says Dr. Davies. The result is "the degree of ill- ness is higher (in patients being discharged) than five years ago," he says. "Having that system wounded by a strike does raise a significant amount of concerns at the hospital,,' he says. The 130 Durham St. Elizabeth workers, represented by Ontario Nurses' Association have been in a legal strike position since June 18. The two sides have been ne- gotiating since May 1997. The main issues in the dispute are wages and working conditions. Visiting nurses with St. Elizabeth in Durham hit the streets Thursday af- ter labour negotiations broke down. Hospitals in Durham now fear they'll have to keep patients longer, tying up needed beds. Community news in Ajax and Pickering Ajax Block Parents to pick new executive AJAX — The Ajax Block Parent Program is trying to re- build by picking a new execu- tive and recruiting more volun- teers. Block Parents hold their an- nual general meeting Tuesday. June 23 when they'll set goals . for the coming year and elect an executive with the limited man- date of expanding the member- ship base. Each of the estimated 300 to 350 active Block Parents is be- ing notified of the meeting and the need for a new executive to replace an interim board. The meeting is being held at 7:30 p.m. at the Ajax Communi- ty Police Station, at the corner of Westney Road and Harwood' Avenue_ For more information call Natalie MacDonald at 683- 6062. i Public school budget meeting Monday The Durham District School Board is holding a meeting Monday to discuss the third draft of the board's budget for the next school year. The public meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the board headquarters at 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. For more information call 666-5500. MP hosts Canada Day Ply Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeague is hosting Canada Day celebrations Wednesday, July 1 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Royal Canadian L e g i o n Branch 606, 1555 Bayly St., Pickering. All constituents are invited to attend. Food and refreshments will be provided. For more information call Mr. McTeague's constituency office at 420-7573. PAGE S - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 119" Crown attorneys honoured for work ifs Staff Writer Two local prosecutors have been recognized by their provincial peers for a dramatic courtroom presenta- tion of cutting-edge scientific evi- dence, used to convict two men for the Gagnon Sports robbery and mur- ders. The Ontario Crown Attorney's Association recently presented the Doug Lucas Award to Bryan Davies and Greg O'Driscoll. The annual award, in honour of the forensic scientist. recozniies novel or unique applications of sci- ence in major criminal cases. Durham Region Assistant Crown attorneys Mr. O'Driscoll and Mr. Davies received this year's honour for the demonstration of a scientific process used to restore the serial numbers of two handguns, stolen during a deadly weapons raid on the Oshawa sporting goods store in Sep- tember, 1994. Ronald Woodcock, 46, and Roshan Norouzali, 34 — dubbed the Balaclava Bandits — were convicted earlier this year of the first-degree murders of Oshawa store owner Roger Pardy and Pickering resident Ken Thomas, who was kidnapped and killed so his car could be used in the heist. Mr. Pardy was shot in the head and three others were wounded by gunfire when the masked robbers stormed the Simcoe Street South store. During the trial court heard the serial numbers were ground off the .45 calibre Ruger and Colt pistols that were later recovered. The weapons were sent to the United States Treasury Department's bureau in Gagnon of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms lab in Maryland. Using a scientific restoration process known as chemi- cal etching, firearms and tool mark expert Gregory Klees was able to identify five of the eight obliterated serial numbers on the Ruger. Using a different method, known as magnet- ic particle processing, he was able to reveal the Colt's complete serial number. In an impressive demon- stration before the jury, Mr. Klees performed the process, during which the gun is placed in a chemical bath, a magnetic charge scanned over the M convictions surface and, as tiny particles become trapped in the impression, the serial numbers become visible. Mr. O'_ Driscoll said the demonstration was carried out in court to "cut off at the path" attempts by defence lawyers to cast doubt on the process during cross-examination of Mr. Klees. Mr. Woodcock and Mr. Norouza- li are serving two concurrent life sentences, without parole eligibility for 25 years. They have yet to be sentenced on remaining charges for which they were convicted, includ- ing four counts of attempted murder. YOUR TORONTO AREA FORD & MERCURY DEALERS 1. MUMM IOM SALES LTO. 209 Oueen St E.. Brartpon. (905) 451-1040 2 100E FMD SALES L71L 5495 Duce Rd.. (905) 629-13M 1 NNW FOD SNS L71L 1975 Egbroon Ave. E Scarborough. 751-22M AL l9MNDtp IUD SALES LM 2395 Motorway Btvd . Muga. (905) 8261600 S flliEllit IUD SUES LTD. 1780 Markham Rd., Smroorouph. 2963077 l 11911M FM SALES LTD. 26M Kbgsbn Rd., Sarborpg1. 261.3311 T 103111W I= SALES L7p. 280 S(u& Save Rd W . 0simb, (905) 845.1646 t WD1M111Mrs M wIMIM LT4 802' Kennedy Rd. UnrorMe. MM) 4741350 L MENNINFMLE Ido SALESAMD SLMACE U0. 2230 BatMord Rd., ftnm w (905) 542-3673 It MOMIIIIOMNI= SALES Llt 7120 v01V St.. P orrel, (90) m7343 n. rpm SMILMeAM IOM SALES La 3260 Shepperd Ave E., AOrcaet 467.5000 it Cl" M SALES I 10414 gorge St. PAC1010 HIL (905)864.9261 11 SMMMTIdIe SALESLTl Mwy 027, salt d 407, EfoOcohe• 7414M III, I " M SMS 1575 The Qreerm»y, Torwb. 252.5131 it 7101 IM SALS UIL 2401 Quem SL, TMM, 781.5531 It 7m Fd♦ 7m SALES 111 600 Gene Crt. (905)56499 n. r91I1(E111e 6ALSiA 2208 Weeeon Fid, Wegm , 244-1701 1a mu caw Be1c�r3Atstla 36 Yabile Ave., Toronb, 917204/4 it NIOa f LWOLW 119112/r► SNB NC - 2150 Lawrence Ave. E.. Scarborough. 752-9180 21. CQt7Mr L1C" 1191011, SALES LTA 300 0~ St E. Bran00n. (905) 451.4094 21, OALL1mIMI MONIS LTD. 2062 Weston Rd, Taom. 2448181 71 FAST Cw" LLMCMW IBKR► SUIS LT1 4700 Sheppard Ave. E.. AOrcotrL 292.1171 1810Mt SNS 111 5500 Dundas SL W. at Mrvy. 0427. Toronto, 731-3361 3t CA1EtrlFL>1MN It SALES 434 SbMes Ave w., Thorns. (9%) 771.6100 1886635 -MM 2L MAI11=D L11CRa1 M9Ml11- SNS DD. 1120 Dundas St E * by.1-800585-5683 3L CUA 11Li1S MANKOU L1111Qdlll<1XMf SUES LC 4072 Mry e7 E . MwWwn. (41617W7025 V. 011"M1.11111:11110 NEKW SUS Lm 570 Tr"W RC., Oskvie, WOES) 844-3273 Y At R11.01111M F11E11111ii L�ALt�Mt SNS LT1 7777 Weeaon Rd. WoomrWDa. (416) 7964777 X M1MN• tLleSALr 1I9L0193MS L71 ISM O'C,aeror Dr - 3t MALwll1<uI tMICRR 3MS u1 Huy. 47, E. of Wneny Rd Ptdkatrg, (9W 666-Yi00 >,7. �LiMRf a�l*F SMS Ol 1345 LA%eshwo Rd E.. (105) 2765536 32. 1tA On 1OAY 1111111W am L71 10601 Yonne SL. FYrinrorrd HM, (906) 88""1 33. WC us WA 4-71 SW Duran St. NL, t mb"Lok (9)2/041210 >< 1LELM!(MM (IOL7•F1116O1 3130 Dtarlt SL, UrMI , 76 494 s » LAKE 000ANK) FORD WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY. "0% financing on all instock new 1998 Ford Windstar, Escort. ZX2, Contour, and Mercury Mystique, Villager for a madtimum of 48 months on a for 48 rate for 48 mss, monthly payment is $312.50, cost of borrowing is $0 and a total to be repaid is $15,000 with $0 down payment Down payment may be required. *Escort SE Sedan a Wved credit E.g. $15,000 financed at 0% annual percentage months, cost of borrowing is 0%, compared to average financing rates of 8% for 48 months, cost of bonowing is $2,577.12. Ford ZX2 Hot Padage with 120,000 financed at O n annual perch $15,000 financed at 0% annual percentage rate compared to average financing races of 8% for 48rtloetths, cost of borrowing is $3,436.00. Ford Contour SE/Mercury Mystique LS with $25,000 financed at 0% annual percentage rate for 48 months. ate for 48 months, cost of borrowing is $0, firlardci rates of 8% for 48 monft coat of borrowing is $4,29536. Ford Windstar GL with P.E.P 3578 / ViRagar GS with P.E.P. 975A with $30,000 financed at 0% annual �. cost of borrowsnbgoraro$rortnwgmpsred to average average finar "rates of 8% for 48 awtorltln, cost of porrpwirg is i5�154 24.Oown psyrrstrtt rtlay be regtriredw' see smPle ulpt/MYoeLM oqet��yy, Financing not available with any offer.r.W f� time � Offers may - is So without notice. to See Dealer for det= US National Highway Safety Administration data used in comparhty ve!hie e s within 226 kg (500 lbs) See dealer for dletaits. _ - - _ _ _ _ - - - . - - , Toronto FMDA P.O. Box 20M Oakv Ontario L615E4 New funding for small schools to get a boost By Seim D AW11 Staff Writer PICKERING — It could be several years before aging ele- mentary schools with insuffi- cient facilities are upgraded, parents of children at older schools in Pickering heard Tues- day. However, funding for small public schools in the region will get a significant boost next fall as the Durham District School Board directs an additional $900,000 into school budgets. Ron Trbovich, superinten- dent of business, told a group of school council members gath- ered at Claremont Public School Tuesday the board is "beefing up" school budgets in an attempt to equalize funding for smaller ones. However, he said, the board isn't likely to put any money in- to older facilities until it can "ra- tionalize putting an addition on" Parents of children at older schools had hoped the Province's introduction of grants specifically designed for school repairs and renovations would enable the board to up- date facilities such as small gymnasiums. Gerry Thomson, chairman of the school community council (SCC) at Claremont, said the RON TRBOVICH 'Beefing up' to equalize funding for smaller schools. school is in need of a number of improvements, including com- puter work stations, a facility for a science lab, a playground and additional lockers for senior stu- dents. "All of those things have a big effect on student morale;" he said, noting the school commu- nity council is committed to en- suring old schools in Durham receive fair funding. The board will receive ap- proximately $5.5 million from the Province for each of the next three years for renovations, but Durham constable's son jailed for theft A Durham Region police offi- cer's son, who stole his father's un- dercover vehicle containing a ser- vice pistol, shotgun and ammuni- tion for both weapons, has been jailed for six months. Michael James Leipsig, 19, pleaded guilty in an Oshawa court to possession of an unregistered weapon, possession of a dangerous weapon, breach of probation and ;theft over $5,000, a police spokesperson said. He was sentenced to six months -on each charge in Ontario Court, provincial division, but the sen- _tences are to run concurrently. He will be on 30 months' proba- tion after leaving jail. His father is Constable James Leipsig, a member of the force's ,, surveillance unit. The younger Leipsig disappeared ' `on May 30 after taking ►he 1998 '+ord Windstar van from the drive - ,way of his father's Bowmanville home. He was arrested in Peterborough when he and another man tried to --reclaim a police camera from a pawn shop on June 9. Torstar Network "not all of that money" is going to the planning department's list of sites awaiting upgrades, Mr. Trbovich said. Much of the money will be used to upgrade and make additions to schools that must take in new students from other facilities under the board's accommodation plan. However, Mr. Trbovich said the board may increase funding for maintenance to meet the needs of older schools and is ex- pecting to receive some money from the Province to equip ele- mentary schools with science labs. "We're probably one of the more fortunate ones for being a small, older school;" said Gladys Hamilton, SCC chair- man at Greenwood's Valley View Public School. "But we're concerned about the science end of (the curriculum) because we don't have science labs. (The Progressive Conservatives) have brought out the curriculum but they haven't given us the tools to implement it" Details on individual school budgets and technological im- provements at elementary schools are expected to be an- nounced next week, with a pri- ority list of renewal projects to be released by the board's plan- ning department in the fall. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21,19" - PAGE 9 Serenity groumeets Friday PICKERING -- A local group ering. here wants to help your on the road The group deals with addicitions to recovery. of all types, including co-dependan- The Serenity Group holds a 12- cy. A child care programme is avail - step recovery meeting Friday, June able during the meeting. 26 at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Call Jim at 428-9431 for more Church, 817 Kingston Rd. in Pick- information. There is yy only one %official` souvenir program 4 Mq A „ Celtic...: � rati � Y ` rr ;;Port Perry & UX on rio .; ,w ,July 24 25 & 2 25,000 copies will t>e cl sited M ,.may o advertise call 905 985-251 1. , Canadian Tire Pickering Let us fix your car today & you can pay us down the road. Don't Pay For 6 Months! Repairs over $600 exckiding bres & batlenes when charged to your Canachan'rwe card on approved credit Donk Pay For 3 Months! Repairs over $150 excludirg tires & batteries when charged to your Canadian Tire card on approved credit. Lube, oil & fitter • Rotate Tires • Castrol GTX motor oil • 20 pt. Summerwise . inspection 2 9 9 •Ilo�l Grs =A wt din eAage • Replace fnxvt brake pads with quality titolLN1 1-- brake pads with a Ulatime Guamnlee, includes semi-metallic peds where applicable. Irapect • bralca tram 3 sliders • Top up brake fluid A • Inspect rolors for wear and1w darnapa • Inspect hydraulic system for leaks 89 iCANADIAN TIRE SERVICE Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool i �... •.839-8124 a Smict Hotlra: Yon.- Fd 7:30 am - 9:00 pm �.......-.,.,— Sato * ?:Sam -6:00 pm, WWay 9:30 am - 5:00 pm A.,N1�Mt11 F GOOD;VEAR RELLQ• r PAGE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1"S Victorian Order of Nurses in Durham needs people like you Title Victorian Order of Nurses - profit organization dedicated to the cisions of VON Durham and pro- periences by June 15 to Victorian Durham is currently looking for provision of quality and cost-eff'ec- mote the mission, vision and values Order of Nurses - Durham Region dedicated and enthusiastic individu- tive health and other related ser- of the organization. Branch, 58 Rossland Rd. W to serve on its board of directors. vices. Interested applicants should ap- hawa, Ont., LIG 2V5. Fax: 571- VON is a charitable, not -for- Board members contribute to de- ply in writing or fax a resume of ex- 1460. A-► i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R i dh 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 1 9 �uvo Great Parks. Your Ticket To ;1 A Summer Of One Great Prisce, SpLldm PIUS ; A Seasolrli� Pass costs about Thriffina Rides & cook Fu, Enjoy two million gallons of cool fun at Splashworks, a 20 -acre waterpark! Catch 16 thrilling 'waterslides, including the incredible Black Hole, a 4 -stony plunge through total darkness; Whitewater Bay, Canada's largest outdoor Wave Pool; and Pwmphouse, a wet and wsdry play area just for kids. There's no better way to beat the heat and splash through summer! the price of 2 regular visits. How to Get It: &7 your Season Pau at the front gate Daily from 10 am to 10 pm No service dirges. Order form on our Wdisite: www.Gm adu-wottderbnd.eom Cal ("S) 8324131 ad use Your ae& card Or in person or by phone (416) 0-10-1000 Panic open daily. Splashwotrics open daily begiening June 20. Enjoy over 50 thrilling rides and jcoasters. Plus Kidzville", with new kids' rides and the Rugrats" live! Then ride the movie on the new James Bond' 'A License To Thrinii- Action Simulator. And corning soon, the spectacular Titanic; The Movie On Tour", featuring sets, costumes and. rare treasures from the biggest movie ever. With all this and more. it's the most fun Y" can have on hnd! y t THE MOVIE ON TOUR J* 29 - Mw. 12 Park open weekends starting May 3 daily May 22 through September- 7. fall weekends to October I I Water park open weekends starting May 16, daily starting June 20 through September 7. hours subject to weather and kghting condition. ' ® © 1998 Paramount Pictures / Twentieth Century Fox. TM ® © Paramount Parks. © 1998 Viacom International Inc. JAMES BOND. 007 and related characters and indicia are TO & (D Danjaq. LLC andlor United Artists Corporation. All R:ghts Reserved. A/P We Wish To Draw Your Attention To The Following In Our Current 'great Gilts For Great Dads" Flyer. Page 13- Rechargeable Shaver, 4387414 The Copy States This Is A Rechargeable Shaver. This Is Incorrect. The Urtit Is A Corded Shaver. We Wish To Draw YourAttendon To The Following In Our Cum w 'canada-wide Savings' Flyer. )age 1-Autobike, 71-1598x Should Read: 'all Bike Assembly And Kckstands Are Page 2 - Item $4, Electric Patio Caddie, 85.1010.8 Copy Reads: Reg. 229.99, Sale 199.99, Save $30.00 Should Read: Reg. 219.99, Sale 199.99, Save $10.00 Page 3 - Item 411, 240 -sq In Propane Bbq, 85-1111-8 This Is A'spacemaker' Product, Not Fiesta'. ge 7 - Assorted Toys, 50-2526x Copy Reads: Reg., Sale 3.14-13.99, Save Should Read: Reg. 3.79-19.99, Sale gage 24 - Engne Cleaner, 38-1300-2 Copy Reads: 454 G Should Read: 425 G We Wish To Draw Your Attention To The Following In Our Current "1998 Catalogue". Page 48 - Item 11117. Electric Super BlowerNac. 60-3836-0 Copy Reads. 14 -amps Should Read: 12 -amps 137 - Gas Water Heater, 63-0187-6 Copy Reads: 49,000 Btu Should Read: 40,000 Btu We Sinew* Regrrt Ary Inco nwwrete We Alay Have Caused you Cnote 03245325icat - Zone 7 &" Do You And Your Pet Look So Much Alike That People Can't Help But Comment? If this sounds like you, send us a photo of you and your Look-alike pet as your entry to win our PEOPLE awuw PETS Contest! win 4 *60 to Drop OA or mai your wky b: PEOPLE A PETS lESldoLisaPmbn, P.0.8=461,81% Farewell SL, Osltarw, UH 71.5. Or one of thesatellite offices: Whitby: 666-8000Vug 1032 Brock St. S. Plaza just N. d 401 BotllrrmrviNe; 623-0622, 95 KM SL E. (Hank's Chicken & Ribs Plaza) Ajax: 683-5110,130 Ca lmercial Ave., Ajax Pklluring: 420.1358, 1822 Whites Rd. (Sarallee-Arnberlea Plaza) ENTRY DEADLINE: JULY ?J98 wieners w0- be pomm ea SW*y J* 5,199! ♦..Y V N - Ae st�r ri THE NEWS ADVERTISERA MRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY. JUNE 21. H% -PAGE 11 Monthly & Canada Day celebrations will take place at Rotary Park from 12 noon to 4 p.m. There will be entertainment provided by "Smak Dabb as well as the children's show "Musical Magical Cowboy" There will be a giant, 6 foot birthday cake as well as a a hand- made crafters table and Canada Day kites. There will also be face painting, balloon animals, clowns, inflatable games, barbecue and children's games. Pickering Canada Day Canada Day Celebrations will take place at Kinsmen Park on Sandy Beach Rd., south of Bayly. The great family activities start at 12 noon and will include a Children's Stage Show and Penny Carnival, pony rides, jumping cas- tles, face painting clowns and magicians, kindergym, playground, youth games, 40 foot Velcro Olympics and Bungee Run, karaoke, candy floss and ice cream, Caribbean, BBQ and German food, bingo, refreshment garden and main stage show from 6:25 to 11 p.m. There will be a fireworks show at 10 p.m. but for safety reasons there will be no sparklers. Roll over to the Village Arena for an evening of in-line skating every Friday from now until July 2. The fun goes from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Youth and senior admission is $1 and it's $1.75 for adults. For safety, it's suggested that everyone wears helmets, knee and wrist guards. ""Special Note"" There will be an In -Line Skating Party on Friday, June 26th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Village Arena, 100 Church St. N., Ajax. The cost is $2.00 per child and $3.00 for adults. All ages are welcome. Come early to avoid disappointment. There will be video requests with over 6,000 to choose from. For more information call 428-7711. There's plenty of public swimming in Ajax at the Ajax Community Centre, Ajax Memorial Outdoor Pool and the McLean Community Centre. At the McLean Community Centre there is a special family swim from 4 to 5 p.m. on -Saturday and Sundays. 1, w•a-a- :JV �r�e-� You'll always have a historical time at the Pickering Village Museum. The Antique and Classic Car Club of Durham Region presents Antique S Classic Car Show on Sunday June 28th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Pickering Museum Village. For more informa- tion call 683-8401. To find the museum go 3 km east of Brock Rd. on Hwy #7. This fun program starts July 6th and is back by popular demand. It's designed for chil- dren 6 to 12 years and features games, sports, arts and crafts all at a neighbourhood park near you. For locations and times call 427-8811. Memorial � Pool � Memorial outdoor pool is scheduled to open this weekend. The summer sched- ule begins June 24th and will be open Sat. and Sun. 12:30 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. It's open Mon., Wed., and Fri. 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. On Tuesday the pool is open 2 to 5 p/.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Admission is $1.00 for youth and $1.75 for adults. Ajax has one of the longest stretches on unin- terrupted public water- fronts on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Ride or walk the extensive shoreline trails from Duffins Creek to Pickering. Go canoeing or row - boating at Rotary Park or enjoy something to eat at the Rotary Park pavilion. There's plenty of parking and fun for the whole family. TO ADVERTISE IN THIS FEATURE CALL INSIDE SALES AT 579-4400 /-�V E DA- tNE Ail -NC SCI%CE Oe 11�E 110.1a •NJ oL-N' ESSENCES.. IMA0E �+ STUDIO SPA 123 Athol Street, WNtby. On., ( 905 ) 666-2311 WIN 2TICKETS Name 3 rides Ride #1 Ride #2 Ride #3 Send to: Kid's Monthly Oshawa/Whithy/Clarington Port Perry This Week c/o RHONDA GAGNON P.O. Box 481, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa Ontario L1 H 71-5 ��9N7G`a�sG3 There are other events planned for Pickering Village Museum this summer including the following: Herb Identification and Outdoor Cooking, July 11 Blacksmith Techniques, July 18 Camera Day, July 26 Kids Weaving and Stencilling, August 8th History in Action, September 6th For information call (905) 420- 4620. K Kids Gymnastic & Trampelines Summer Camps 1/2 Day & Full Day Ages 3-14 For more information Call: 427-5543 A popular Toronto area artist bass a/,/ rry Spectacular Aar -Go wdb — arrear o/.7e size Nursery Rbywrs, Feby Taks and Satfr" pieces c&R'ed1romI&&u ceder trees Jbe Go". in a rustic con" settinglot7 minutes from downtown Toronto, cawtaiss Jars ani nalx a bgiarn, swigs asd a party Sizefirepit. eateri,g so groups and aulkrAuak occommoddhg the cbaleged Coxokmersary apple cider and marsbsaYoers A tourist's reprieve—a famoly debt-. a cbfld's dream! Bring , Norman Cagier ► t (905) 294-1730 Durbam Gerroir Aquatics Limited (formerly Aqua Kids) �b D l►1 Evening Classes Available Pickering Location Now Open All Red Cross Levels Offered For more GtSTE information CaU Cathy 430-6765 SvIvan makes the difference. Sylvan,) unique teaching mcth,.Ki pnxiuce+ hetter grades and impnned motivation. We've already helped over a million students and families nationwide. To learn haw we can help your child, call Svhan today SVLN'AN LEARNING CENTRE Better erodr* a"jwt taw begmAing. 981 Brock Rd. S.. Pickering (Brock & Baylyi ♦ Reading ♦ OAC ♦ Homework Support • Writing ♦ lath ♦ Study Skills ♦ Preschool Program ♦ study Hall FOR YOU TWO MATERNITY SALE Shorts from $5.00 Short Overalls 19.95 Nursing Tops 19.95 Blouses 19.95 T-shirts 9.95 Pants 9.95 Dresses 29.95 Pant Suits 29.95 Briefs 3 for 9.95 Panty Hose .99 Free Gift with purchase with this ad $5 value 426-2088 Pickering�pR 1 �0 Hwy. 2 East Village • • Brock Rd. Courtyard rw o Open lost Hobs PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21,19" AM THE AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Health & FITNESS Tips to reduce and prevent back pain When hack Pain hits, you have lots of compam. Millions of Canadians seek treatment for back pain every year. Back- pain ackpain is second only to the common cold in work time lost. No one is immune from the possibil- ity of debilitating hack pain. It can strike during a golf outing, working in the yard, or when bending to pick up a child. Experts otter these tips to avoid back Problems — or better deal with your hack pain when it strikes: • Always unlock and bend the knees when leaning far forward. • Always unlock and bend the knees when lifting any object. As you raise the object, straighten the legs, let the pelvis rotate and then use lower back muscles to regain the last half of your return to an upright posture. • Lift objects only when they are di- rectly in front of' you. Lifting while twisting seriously compounds the dan- ger of injury. • Keep objects being lifted a% close to the body as Ix)ssible. • Plan all of your bending and lifting mo,.cments to be done cautiously and smoothly. • Practice your correct bending and lifting movements until they become ..automatic. - . .automatic -• Be wary of lifting and sudden • ,rn� - All des Available S;Winq Chick l�ow Orders Fiero • Farm Praducts /uilinW Feeds . t:,arden produd movements when you are tired, angry or frustrated. When the brain is attempting to cope with stress, the skilled move- ments it normally controls with preci- sion may be seriously impaired. This greatly increases the risk of muscle dam- age and resulting pain. If you do suffer back pain, at least one visit to a health professional is war- ranted. The good news is that many commonly prescribed treatments such as hot packs and massage now can be ex- perienced safely and comfortably at home. WANT SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT? FREE Consultations • Complete R Partial ventures • Removeable Dentures on Inpartts • Same day reMnes & repairs • Evenmg s Saturday appts. PICKERING DENTURE CLINIC Andre Maragh D.D. (905) 420-2652 1792 LIVERPOOL RD., PICKERING (SUPERCENTRE PLAZA) _Mc AA" S TORE & #10Rc MGM STEED so tb. 9A cietalac slt cage d vo 4I6 -2S1-5713 17" IBosto. IN, tClarteaoat ( *W* i& x - UK ea oY irwa a& a XWft w Mul ti► t9W1 "9-2112 elrs _44In1tii D I W_ 300 e c 22� to ,t9 8�'� coo h ice !v�im� ep vthac eke -UP 0-p o vVi ntp sent °n Y M BY P►PPoI 269 Morningside Ave. (NorWmW corner of Morningside & Kingston Rt Thinking of Air Conditioning This summer? CALL US FIRST and let i hook you up with one of our Consumers Gas Authorized Dealers ... The Heating and COOLING PROFESSIONALS. Whether You're A Gas Customer Or Not... Call Us First. 1-888-285-4427 =ffa Consumers Gas Everyone reads the News Advertiser! r TOTAL REHAB orthopedic & athletic medicine wishes to announce that their flagship location is now open McKenzie Plaza 250 Bayly St. Unit #3 Ajax, Ontario Dr. J.D. Levine PHYSICIAN Dr. C. Parris PHYSICIAN Dr. P. Rissis CHIROPRACTOR Mr. J. Smyth THERAPIST (905) 426=7690 OHIP • WCB • PRIVATE INSURANCES CHIROPRACTIC a MASSAGE THERAPY ORTHOTICS s• CUSTOM BRACING A HERBAL MEDICINE - ----------------- TOTAL -------- ------ a PHYSIOTHERAPY a SPORTS THERAPY —ACUPUNCTURE a AUTOMOBILE & WORK- Wr ACTIVE REHAB PLACE IAVURIES PROGRAM INDEPENDENT NUTRITIONAL & DIET COUNSELLING INSURANCE EXAMINATIONS ` 1♦ � •�rt'2.. 0--w • }!A"A-a�...�. < > r-.-. ♦ +.- ��. - .. � _ .. _ ?... -_-•-' _. ... .. �.. ..... .._.._ ` I , THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 - PAGE 13 THE AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Health &FiTNEss Should you hit a vegetarian? Are you suspicious of meat'? Do you wonder if your vegetari- an friends have jumped onto the right bandwagon'? Well, if you've decided to join them, at least be- come a knowledgeable vegetari- an. First, pick up a dictionary if you're serious about this move. You'll find there are vegetarians and there are vegetarians. For instance "Vegans" are the 100 per centers. They avoid all kinds of animal foods. Lacto- vegetarians accept dairy products in their diets. Ovo-vegetarians don't refuse eggs. Pescovegetar- ians include dairy products, eggs, and fish in their diets. Then there are semi -vegetarians who are happy eating dairy products, eggs, fish and chicken. How healthy are vegetarians? Studies show they have lower blood cholesterol and a decreased risk of coronary artery disease. They are less likely to become obese. This means they have a decreased risk of developing Type #2 diabetes later in life. This is a huge advantage as diabetes has reached epidemic propor- tions. Becoming a vegetarian means you'll consume more fibre in your dict. This is possibly one Dr. Gifford JONES reason why they have less cancer of the large bowel. And since vegetarians are generally more health conscious they are less likely to smoke and develop lung malignancies. Breast cancer is al- so less of a threat to vegetarians. But are vegetarians short- changed on minerals, vitamins and protein, thus developing nu- tritional problems? Dietary ex- perts say this can happen. The level of vegetarianism is impor- tant. Thos at greatest risk are the '.vegans;' the strictest vegetari- ans. The dietary practices of veg- ans are most hazardous when they are either infants, growing children, adolescents or pregnant, or if they are recovering from a disease. But other vegetarians are less likely to develop nutritional deficiencies if they include dairy products along with a little fish and chicken in their diet. The greatest threat of a vege- tarian diet is a lack of minerals. Calcium, iron and zinc are the major pitfalls. It's difficult to get enough calcium without consum- ing some dairy products. Mustard greens, broccoli, and fortified to- fu contain calcium. What about protein'? There are nine essential amino acids which act as the building blocks for pro- tein. Apart from soybeans not one plant food contains all these amino acids. It's therefore impor- tant to eat a wide variety of pro- tein -rich foods such as nuts. legumes and seeds to avoid a de- ficiency of amino acids. My advice is that it's still hard to beat a balanced diet which in- cludes both dairy products and meat. But for those who are de- termined to become a strict vege- tarian it's prudent to seek the ad- vice of a qualified nutritionist. HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found a good dental home! • A Full Range of Dental Treatments •aen>a • A Rel miog, Stress -Free AsmospLere .y DR. VIJAY BADHWAR • DENTISTRY ® New Pstiews axd E>Ilneergealcies Wekomei Convenimidy located in *a Ajax Placa at 172 a Im wood Ave. S. LOOK W110fS L NG IBJ 2 jovI .......... PtIB vf2TEL Dt rT..ttE9 r rnrror reer for Y` _ re? Customer Service Representatives are in great demand! The Call Centre Operations Certificate Program provides the hands-on skills you'll need as a Customer Service Representative in just 10 weeks, then places you in a Call Centre for 4 weeks of hands-on experience. Call Centres enhance, maintain and manage customer relationships through the telephone, Internet, e-mail and fax. Be a part of this fast growing industry with plenty of career potential - Next course starts July 20 FREE Information Session - June 24 - 2:30 pm Call Kris ;Mash (905) 721-3388, or toll free 1-800-816-3615 to reserve a seat. or for more information. BIDS Business & Industry Development Services Durham College Skills Training Centre 1610 Champlain Avenue, Whitby 1.1\ 6A" 2 Pain 7 Pair Eyewear Pacl#rua htas lids it.■. i �Iwtt ty. �.Iwrn tSAM OOPTICAL* EYEMM Professionals you can trust S—aaf -mltt wrMaildl,.t. AN du abipr.wri1iSMWWfamit r& PAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVER77SERNXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 Beneficial Influence of Magnets The beneficial influence of mag- nets may be summed up as follows: (1) When a magnet is applied to the human body, magnetic waves pass through the tissues and secondary cur- rents are induced. When these cur- rents clash with magnetic waves, they produce impacting heats on the elec- trons in the body cells. The impacting heats are very effective to reduce pains and swellings in the muscles, etc. (2) Movement of haemoglobin in blood vessels is accelerated while cal- cium and cholesterol deposits in blood are decreased. Even the other unwant- ed materials adhere to the inner side of blood vessels, which provoke high blood pressure, are decreased and made to vanish. The blood is cleansed and circulation is increased. The activ- ity of the heart eases and fatigue and pains disappear. (3) Functions of autonomic nerves are normalized so that the internal organs controlled by them regain their proper function. (4) Secretion of hormones is pro- moted with the result that the skin gains lustre, youth is preserved and all ailments due to lack of hormone secre- tion are relieved and cured. (5) Blood and lymph circulations are activated and therefore, all nutri- tions are easily and efficiently carried to every cell of the body. This helps in promoting general metabolism. (6) Magnetic waves penetrate the skin, fatty tissues and bones invigorat- ing the organs. The result is greatly enhanced resistance to disease. (7) The magnetic flux promotes health and provides energy by elimi- nating disorders in, and stimulating the functions of, the various systems of the body, namely the circulatory, ner- vous, respiratory, digestive and uri- nary. (8) The magnetic treatment works by reforming, reviving and pro- moting the growth of cells, rejuvenat- ing the tissues of the body, strengthen- ing the decayed and inactive corpus - ADVERTISE ON THE HEALTH PAGES CALL 683-511 0 - Iles and increasing the number of new sound blood corpuscles. (9) Magnets have exceptional curative effects on certain complaints like toothache, stiffness of shoulders and other joints, pains and swellings, cervical spondylitis, eczema as well as on chilblains, injuries and wounds. (10) The self -curative faculty (Homeostasis) of the body is improved and strengthened which ensures all the benefits mentioned above. One feels in full vigour and can walk and work, more and more, without feeling tired. To find out more about the services and products avail- able please call The Health Clinic of Homeopathy and Magnetic Therapy at (416) 442-7121 and leave a message. i y* DR. SHEIINA A. DHANJI & ASSOCIATES PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (LOWER LEVEL) laughing gas and sedation • general anesthesia • play area with super nintendo • 24 hour emergency service • french speaking dentist • no referrals necessary 1 1 UIl at vour service... evervilav! �JJ�IJJUJ Cabinet C -Up -Wed. Jwe 246. grigg isyour Medication For s drccE & receive a FREE Pid Box. Your community Zellers Pharmacy Store... Everyday low prices. Plus, Club Z points! Where the Lowest Price is the Low ...EVERYDAYrX40 DURHAM CENTRE. HARWOOD AVE & HWY 2 Mtn • TIME "• QUA1[.l1'Y . • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT ; TO YOU WE ASE AVAHARIE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME - NEW PATIENTS WE r PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. *2) '2 P!•.��.®At`'!If1 '. w'Rs. TAMP!�-, .._ ._ _ '►mil.+. �t��-� DR. JOSEPH A. MLSKIN, DENTIST C " ALL UNDER ONE ROOF ----� HEALTH CLINIC OF HOMEOPATHY SAFE SIMPLE b NATURAL WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS SKIN DISEASES - SEXUAL PROBLEMS - SPORT INJURIES -STRESS -SLEEPING DfSORDER - FLU. . FEAR - MENSTRUAL & MENOPAUSE -MENTAL; EMOTIONAL IMBALANCE - ARTHRITIS - ALLERGIES - ASTHMA -BRONCHMS- COUGH -COLD WEIGHT PROBLEMS ETC... • HOMEOPATHIC ME ' HYPNOTHERAPY s • MAGNETIC THERAPY ' MAGNETIC PRODUCT ' YOGA ' WEIGHT LOSS yy • TAI -CHI •HERBS W HARWOOD AVE. SOUTH UNrT M (A,;AX PLAZA), ABOVE PIZZA PIZZA (416) 442-7121 Treatment of: Prescription Narcotic Addiction Heroin Abuse PAIN GoNE Acupractic Balancing A completely new, clinically proven treatment to relieve back pain, neck pain and headaches. Developed by a team of medical and chiropractic physicians to treat pre -Olympic athletes. Drug-free treatment. Pay only if satisfies Call ("S) 427-1226 for a free, no -obligation consultation. Dr. J. Rusinek - Clinic Director 9 Whites Road Physiotherapy ll A Snort Iniury Clinic Since 1988 P05) 420 -OW THE MEDICAL CLINIC 720 SHEPPARD AVE. UNIT 8 PICKERING, ONT. L1 V 1 G5 NO MEDICATION• No hIELEDIlM E'LvH on u�PtEf esggicaltre en '.:,l is available. Phone today AII•..t. u for an appointment. 011111- ACTIVE THERAPY & SPORTS INJURY Registered Therapists • Physiotherapy • Massage W N ■ ♦ • Nutrition Insuranc7 claims LY 3 • • Accepted (Auto • • 1099 Kingston Rd. (Hwy. s 2 &Dixie) g31-8115 Suite #202 _ - _ - - - 7777-7 - - - - . - -� - - -+/Yrs.�..a+.a�Ir1.:�.....��.-_•...... TW NEWS ADV=TIISF.6/UX MME MURINE SUNDAY, JUNE 19,19M - PAGE 15 No'drilling, no freezing dentistry and pain-free filling Children and adults will be happy to know that there is now a relatively painless way to treat cavi- ties. Most patients rarely need freez- ing. It is called Air Abrasion. Air abrasion also eliminates the menac- ing dreaded sound of the drill, because the dentist doesn't have to use the drill at all! The Air Abrasion cavity preparation device delivers a fine spray of abrasive stream that literal- ly blows away the decay in much shorter time compared to the mechanical drilling method, for the same cost. Although the technology is new it is available and patients are ecstatic about it. The procedure removes "dread" from fillings and other den- tal procedures for adults and chil- dren. It also allows for interventions and interception for preservations of sound tooth structures as a very conservative preparation is pre- pared followed by using recently developed flowable composite materials. Time spent in a dentist Watch us every other week in 3` our Suridav Edition of they J `` J. ax/Pickerin News Advertiser g TO advertise in .S biweekly H r4eature call Chris at f83-5110 -if fordable Dentures ---one c thoti Rcujun iu jmsic T�tPAIRS (1 hr) - Relines' Complete, Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER i�liliam Kiril. X fk,.A.CoAl 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE, AJAX 683-4294 LASIK LASIK IS THE MOST ADVANCED FORM OF LASER VISION CORRECTION Lw V'lSlorl (orrectior1 has bn p@rfmied saWy for nn thm a dee de to correct rleor4tedlless, mfiV otism and fO s# t dnm. lollll Q MQM 1111% FKSC OMNI" OUMIet i[+iIONAI OF1KE ` Dr. Wend ad ha sluff 0 do Oslrowo Cin( offer elle htlowng fife "imbrMies In get he hhm about loser Vision (maim • carlsltltalioa • educational wakshops To Med ar�ilaNl err N naive — wiaw� at The elder surface PRI( procedure is sd berg pokilined, and obh0 o effective, IA% has many odwlbges over W Below is a comparison of the two procedures. PRK VS i,ASIK Most pa*m hmFe 2 - t : &dost co** poin ess• days of consilis a haul after the Pullin. Vision is WwW for 3 - 7 boys Most paAents can conlfoFlably fdkwing de proceduft drive than (or with 12 hours of haw" the plaeduFe. Vision can fluctuate for Vision in most patients is stable 1-12 nwihs. _ drew 2 - 6 wads. Eye drops necessary to contid the Eye drops used fa I week only. s hod% process for 2 - 6 momhs. Mony postoperative visits Very idle AeK%e necessiap ne(essary to anure proper a because of nlinind heair" heft Fespmne. chair is drastically reduced and No Waiting is required until "FREEZ- ING TAKES AND BEST OF ALL NO FREEZING AT ALL". Large cavities still require the drill, but with proper care and regular visits to your dentist you may not need it at all! Dr. Shenouda is a dentist at the Durham Dental Centre, 135 Harwood. Ave. N. in Ajax. Ph. # (905)427-4280. NUTRITION ADDITION Mission "To help each client achieve vibrant health by individualizing their diet, educating the0�'* about the importance _ of cleansing the body, and guiding them in their choice of vitamin & mineral supplements." Mary -Jo McCarthy Registered Nutrition Consultant Pickering Chiropractic Health Centre 420-1443 11purhain Dental' 9 Evening & Saturday Appointments Available Electro Surgery White Filling Only Cosmetic / Bleaching Intra Oral Camera Imaging Preventative Care •; Ultra Sonic Sealing Gaps / Crowns & Bridges Free Consultations Air Abrasion / No Freezing/ No Drilling Extractions (Wisdom Teeth) Root Canal Treatment Nitrous Oxide (Utighing Gas) Visa, Mastercard, Interact All Insurance Plans Accepted Gentle Care for Big Babies Comprehensive Care for Children Com, 427-4280 Durham Dental Centre 135 Harwood Ave. N., (at Hwy 2) - Durham centre 4 Feside tnblasws) CPAP W* 0 .04 000,4 t mow, r, etirem�ent residence We%* beerl a proW ffw tber of yourAl . oonxr�unity for over 16 years. In this W06 iC3wthard Vila has parried a reputation - ' 1 rarer SIH�881'e� ser110r's.� �•»• >.:. ecru � a�lel'lel'1Ce all ' s .x�orc. t .`` � .��?E� �"":�'�.' "i'�:�..> -::r �s� -t. •�.. cart � �T :c,.e 10, .t • Z � � (905) 721-12.11 =JOHN N. MACLEOD, MD ,SEE IN[ aIFFIrIN(E a jshowo (kk,117 fq Sheet lost, Wm, Ontario 11H 189 ,HERZIG EYE INSTITUTE FWsliiiirs, I "M -11111A r . wawa..•....- aas•a••... t:..-�„+-e-� • .a..��l+ll Rell+CT StA &vp'b}►. <S14 a would love to show you our home.` 1, for Debbie Cusguenette 1955 VALLEY FARM ROAD, PICKERING, ONT. Ll V 1 X6 3.j_'t ,_'6_� 7D_Y of i 3 4 -i_t .• .. t . t ■ • � -� . � , .. ,. �. <. f r • . • . . L.i_ -- wW --- -._. .--� -�— — --- •..e �.. .•...„. ,-... .. ..,�......�..,. ."_..._.,•wo•.rawa.-cx- �.:....yi, ltr-rs�y�i�,..�' eft 17 1 r � r .I T2s Rell+CT StA &vp'b}►. <S14 a would love to show you our home.` 1, for Debbie Cusguenette 1955 VALLEY FARM ROAD, PICKERING, ONT. Ll V 1 X6 3.j_'t ,_'6_� 7D_Y of i 3 4 -i_t .• .. t . t ■ • � -� . � , .. ,. �. <. f r • . • . . L.i_ -- wW --- -._. .--� -�— — --- •..e �.. .•...„. ,-... .. ..,�......�..,. ."_..._.,•wo•.rawa.-cx- �.:....yi, ltr-rs�y�i�,..�' eft RIGHT HERE! c 000 RIGHT HERE! -.0 RIGHT HERE: AN Cars o.A.C. 10 9 %0 FIRDWYffli on aii New & Used cars ., •" .L Yik i w.a : M4 m m m ■.■ (see dealer for details) y was now III MEET THE VILLAGE TRUCK _ —VILLAGE EXPERTS � �41f 1 < F MIKE TED DWAYNE TED JIM DON HAZEN KEVIN KERRY LEN JERRY TOMp I CORRIGAN WIL LIAMSON PICKARD WILLIAMSON MCELROY ARSENAULT HARDING WORSLEY PICKARD WOODCOCK DRAGE BRA SSOR GROG RT.vlLL AMSOIv - It L LL A G IE CH�• .- m �. ISIR,.Y� L �. SI IE IR A 1 RIGHT HERE! RIGHT HERE!. ��r " - i. W r■ c 000 RIGHT HERE! -.0 RIGHT HERE: AN Cars o.A.C. 10 9 %0 FIRDWYffli on aii New & Used cars ., •" .L Yik i w.a : M4 m m m ■.■ (see dealer for details) y was now III MEET THE VILLAGE TRUCK _ —VILLAGE EXPERTS � �41f 1 < F MIKE TED DWAYNE TED JIM DON HAZEN KEVIN KERRY LEN JERRY TOMp I CORRIGAN WIL LIAMSON PICKARD WILLIAMSON MCELROY ARSENAULT HARDING WORSLEY PICKARD WOODCOCK DRAGE BRA SSOR GROG RT.vlLL AMSOIv - It L LL A G IE CH�• .- m �. ISIR,.Y� L �. SI IE IR A 1 RIGHT HERE! RIGHT HERE!. ��r " - i. Ll AS SZREE1 i � • AND NAMES � T.O.H. WANTS #hk , A1* DUTY ,vASHER HEAVY DUTY DRYER" F rr�► v r w; FREE CASE -*0F FOR THEARST 00 CUSTOMERS! W X r b r rJ • or�1:3 aYfLtMCA`.Y. MAYI AG � 10 REQ' } . � s JIM aR �r ON'O' ONOOOBODY: �� ►�� �� �-�` 1 NO INTEREST TIL THE YEAR* law on r, ;�:4 ZZ am f I Ita lia LN'S i � ,- ,r _ � --s �'�!► . - :ttir t i S fii 'T �� R. iutik2'4:.., . _.,,. � _ .� � ` : " �--� _ f� �iLy _ 6 0 r- -:ivsr Fo-�� MA'v A 'law c NOQOBODY.l 00 NO INTEREST TIL T11E YEAR AIM AM %I IF 7--Vft Ao a 'Aft OW mm oRi)1.' AND; OAC ON SELECTED FURNITURE N000BODYel FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED MIA FREE I PJQ,Wi0,R.EN FN WHI rio i TB, 0 L-l"A -4 W.1 I - 911 -ft woultal.4 at CDOR WITS# "JFDVArlN&. AfA" MAVVDCCC CEW ,\-FREE,,/ AtE---O- F COKE FO lo;R--T, lL-f--WR$T S, 1 0- M-- E- R S! or As% BEDROON mll:r.l =11-c 9 N1.1. O�-101 Y 1 MISSISSAUGA ,NORTH YORK SC,4RBOROUGH - F LL" FURNITURE APPLIANCES & ELECII RONICS w"0*5 "ErrEj?--- LJL]2 401 04 jo.19 00 0 AD LE PRICES ON EVERYTHiNG CHAINWIDE! in liiillm Mmm�. � AM, ��INa1NWN/T8Y� �s • 1 AMSUNG .u...'. N000BODY! o o !NOOOBODY: M15SISSAUGA NORTH YORK SCARBOROUGH Ff M IN 8� -{ t •w i!. MOOOBODY! P FURN;TURE APD�JANCES a ELECTRON,CS WHO'S BETTER... NOOOBODY! C jW THE NEWS ADVERTISERIUXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, I"S-PAGE 21 � a 0 A 0 0 ionths purchase financing I- -998 GMC JIMMY 2—DOOR 4x4 SMARTLEASE The redesigned jimmy is now high on comforts and low on financing. It's finished with: a 190 HP V6 engine, an automatic transmission, $ dual air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, power PURCHASE 248 door locks/windows, tilt steering, mth, 24 months, S3,080 down cruise control, AM/FM stereo 9998 NO SECURITY DEPOSIT with CD, air conditioning. 2 S 720) ("dud,% #q* -198 GMC JIMMY 4 -DOOR 4x4 MAR S TLEASE nx 190 HP V6"itigine, an automatic transmission,' dual air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, power door locks/windows/mirrors, tilt steering, $ 338 cruise control, overhead console, PURCHASE roof luggage carrier, remote 8 Imtb, 24 months, $2,800down keyless entry, 6 -way power driver's $34' No SECURITY DEPOSIT seat, air conditioning. 46 µ _„ Limited Time Offers., Hurry In. ;,2J VWu sb*W knevir 111" *based on a 24 month lease for GMC Jimmy 1SC/GMC Jimmy 1SD. Annual kilometre Wm 20,000 km. $0.12 per excess kdomefre. '7 required. Total obligation is $9,032/$10.912. Other lease options available. *tFreighl SM, licence, taxes and insurance not wickg5lia and Maw financing on approved GMAC credit only. Down Down payment or trade of $3.OWM.800 payment, trade andlor security deposit may be required. Monthly Payment and cost of borrowing will vary depend" on down payment/trade. Purchase Example: $jo.000 at 1 9% APR, the monthly pay- s( is $285.99 for 36 months. Cost of borrowing is $295.64. Total obligation is $10,295.64. 1*10iesler may sob or hese for less. Offer applies to purchase or lease of 1998 new or demonstrator models "--Tk Northern astern Quebec only. Limited time after which may not be contwied with other onars. See your I Carq� and applies only to qua"" retail W11110014" in COr", Southwestern. Eastern onteno and w jewar ter a-*-. _0 Whined Tmd~ of C --W Motors corporation, TD Bar* licensed user of mg*. GMC PAGE 22 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER S[INDAY, DUNE 21,19" PORTS RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING ImMrnOvr. Pride of the Pumas Pine Ridge Secondary School recently honored its best junior athletes at the school's recent awards night. In back row, from left, are Duriell Master sailors ;n Mielkering An area man hopes to have smooth sailing while competing at the Canadian Laser Masters Championships at the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club in Pickering this weekend. Joe van Rossem, 59, will join a field of ap- proximately 30 other sailors of the one-man craft at the champi- onships. Competi- tors are coming from as far away as the U.S. The weekend will consist of up r -to seven races with sailors com- peting in four age Bernard, Jill Malbeuf and Jamey Trewartha. In front row is Sarah Dragan. h1p EA "119 CNVVVRQNN "Camp the way you remember it. Camp the way your child 'I love it" Over 50 years of providing fun and safe children's day camp programs designed by experienced staff. The "best' camp swim program. For kids 4 - 15 years. oor to door transportation. Ask about Express Busing. Sol�l�rer SV* �' - spew* � ROSIN soon SPORTS ACADEnT ,4 ft+wi &ita Jpdin i 1 of S �i w3 aimTom, fmM�, fes, Sam ai %N, M ad" in Ar row fdpl�r.OMi� � fsYNKwrM ir Y�� e_-tr �,r,r, ♦ear.. rr0Ill 1 -I# --Lt IIV 100�I r r-•, I +I1'irfrfli•i•- tM a ��i"s.x. ?� .e-�, .',f i..- r`Y a -. • � 1� T � � .... h'. , *a 1i�'1►TrL ,'s : .. ,: .F... - e-.�.�.-_..-_ '.�.-• aiJM ►..w r*�: o�yt,l.l�• .a7sa wm•w wrs-e�..�- - P Senior men turn up Heat in fastpitch PICKER - Pickering The Heat scored mark of2-11-1. ING — The scored its eight twice on three The Heat are Pickering Heat runs on 13 hits. hits. playing in the senior men's fast pitch team post- ed a win and a tie with the Fin- gal Tops Fundraisers in Molson I.S.C. Alliance league play- at Fingal Tuesday. The Heat beat Fingal 8-3 in the first game, then played to a 2-2 draw in the nightcap. Brad Brick- nell earned the win on the mound in the First game for the Heat, limit- ing Fin,,al to six hits. In the second game, Jamie Baker threw for Pickering, al- lowing the two runs on four hits. The Heat con- tinue to languish at the bottom of the eight -team Molson I.S.C. Alliance with a ninth annual Baltimore, On- tario Classic, near Cobourg this Saturday and Sunday. Flame -broiled last a delicious flame-br fled Whopper' FREE when you buy a flame -broiled ilegular ice. ----------------- r------------------------------ rN ' 1,1 1 rWNOM1,1 1 ' at 1 *IEuy a flame.broiled Whopw sandwich WhoPPere sandwich at the price and get 1.1 _ 1 secuond flange- vot a 1;1 price and get a . r 1 WhOPPee sandwich FREEi 1; r whopper sandwich FREE: r 1 Ptease Present this MVM betwo 1 1 Ptpse proserrt,tris ooupan ffielore 1 � valin. AppNNd vaild � is axes pod 1 1 a Nd v0d with any dhsr al(or r 1 by bower. ureic one by � Un* one ht. ts�o.a pad 1 coupon Per custo ner, _ 1 ; 1 , COUW customer, _ 1 'parcon"m �r 1.1 vow 1 w Restaxerfs. KW Roi� mniiii, 1 I.1 K Exp+nes:.lune 30.19% "1111111111PI ; Expk : June 30.19se r Pine Ridge'sphoto br Ron P/etroniro best Senior students Nikki Lewis and Pat Finnson athletes at the school's recent athletic awards were named Pine Ridge Secondary School's top night. SCOREBOARD FAX GAME ItFSULTS To 683-7361 will take on teams from MOLSON I.S.C. ALLIANCE STANDINGS As of Jur» 18 TEAM G W L T PTS Waterloo Flagman Twins 14 9 3 2 20 Searboroto Thundw 14 9 5 0 18 Simcoe MsnnOlon Sports 10 5 2 3 13 Friyal Tops Fundrasews 12 3 4 5 11 Elora Dixon Lumber Keys 12 5 6 1 11 sarnrny-s at Toronto 14 4 7 3 11 Owen Sound Selects Pldyriny Neat 6 3 14 2 2 11 1 1 7 5 CENTRAL SOCCER LEAGUE As of June 18 UNDER -10-11111V DIVISION TEAM G a"on 3 W L T 3 0 0 F 14 A 2 PTS 9 Oshawa Kicks 4 3 1 0 13 4 9 PkJmkV 2 2 0 0 10 0 6 Ua 3 1 1 / 5 9 4 Osha3 Turul 1 2 0 1 6 3 ftfty 3 0 2 1 1 9 4 0 1 0 3 17 0 .� ti - � - - ! 'i' is =tea • e - � �s.r THREE SEARS AUTO BODY *ilo.roNE OF AJA" LARGEST AM Dolor A COLLISION SMOIS' I O O Body dl Paint YYbrk I I Or w7 pN your d•dlCob up 10=0!! (no Ma a I I 'Coupon must be Presented ' prior to work being started I Dom. -Wr croons Apply Ask for - Free EstinatW UNIT 4206, 282 MONARCH AVE, AJAX (905) 619-2327 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING WORKS YI I•%��{�% A�� r Film" 7'Ot<8 N4 1711/7M3 ....................... .......... a.n 188fAW3......................................54.n 181111=14 ......................................59.0 186/10114_ ................................... N.IS C41 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 - PAGE 23 Equestrians get on their horses for showdown Area equestrians will will take on teams from ' petitors from York and mount up for the third Western Ontario and St. qualifiers hosted by the Ontario Pony Club Lawrence -Ottawa Val- Baltimore Hills Pony Tournament of Champi- ley regions at the On- Club on June 21, the ons qualifiers in York tario Pony Club Tourna- Oshawa Pony Club on Region Sunday, June ment of Champions in July 26 and a previous 28. late summer. qualifier in May. Ajax and Pickering The York Region In Dressage competi- Pony Club members event will also serve as tions, the horses and will be among those a qualifier for the On- their riders perform a competing for a spot on tario Regional Dressage set test before a judge. the Central Ontario Championships, which The competitor with the Dressage team which will attract the top com- best marks wins. If you are in the market to purchase a new or pre -owned vehicle. LOOK FOR THE 4 PAGE POP-UP in Wednesdays paper /J r Great Summer Special available t now at at Three Bears How's your car or truck looking these days? Is the rust starting to show? Are there a few dents and scrapes? Maybe you've been in a collision. Whatever the problem, they can be easily solved with a trip to Three Bears Autobody in Ajax. The team of top techni- cians know their business well and can make your vehicle look like new again. They have all the latest equipment and use only the best products because they know how much you value your car. Kevin Bond of Three Bears says that they treat every vehicle as if it were their own and always find ways to save their customers money. That includes right now. You can get $200 off a complete paint and body job or $200 off your deductible for insurance claims. "That offer is on until June 30th," says Kevin. "Our cus- tomers can also take advantage of our 90 -day no interest, no pay- ment financing plan OAC." Additional services pro - neve your vehicle looking its best this summer with a visit to Three Bears Autobody. 11 you take your vehicle. "Insurance companies may off completesuggest preferred shops giving body • paint orl, the impression you have to take it there," says Kevin. "Well you • • • don't. If there's a shop you want - • • - to take it to whether it's Three Bears or someplace else, the vided include a free shuttle ser- decision is yours and yours vice as well as arranging a rental only,, vehicle depending on your For more information about insurance coverage. Three Bears Autobody call (905) And remember when it 619-2327 or visit their shop at 282 comes to insurance work, the Monarch Ave., Unit 20B in Ajax. choice is always yours where PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER/UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 PRE -CANADA VAY SPECIALS! SMOKED -eod4 dr Sawa" PICMC PORK SHOULDER40 2.18 kg • oTAK C•cW-N"' SAIADS EA 2.99 .199 [UR: O NES- �'„A• BRAN^ • BONESS3--4 .B AVG vAC PAC -A.'!Es _ SMOKED � W Icm HAMS �� F 2,.69 :�tivruLur•K art liLAi)1~: _ 3.73 kg lnI DELSTAP 6 9 A= x+0a_C' x _'C' O<:,AEECE a' "•f 7E_ =Oily- <R.)* FAC b(KAA ' rH¢ JEu COUNTER(](�FETA CHEESE•9I AMAZE OLt1�'ES 20" DiREC'ROM NEV. ZEALAND 1 � Vf f I (i ARM -BL-ADE • 807 g BOWL E FOOD TERMINAL' wrct PRODUCTOF ONTARIO FRESHWHOLE NEER CHICKENFROZEN 199 .. BREASTS .. •a�e a ♦ r-1R—'�a'7:��.rs�i.. - c�.+-ar••�.-+r,.--�-�___. r -.. .. .� �..._-.r �.��_-.� _ PROCOC•:K �:ANACA•'.ES'• ` CHICK■�E.�1.N LEG 4.39 kg QU � ` 4 QM DEIW DLV M ?A&MG g BOX T �• I PREVIOUSLY FiiQZEN�199 bVe- 1 74 kg LO 7 ao 6, ,01TRGlrl H FRIES BAG BEW UP 1 L BTI.. 9 F -4L.114 •ML'SI'ARD Z00 mL JAR ..��lV I I l �L EA 1•�AD 9 •�• 175 ILJAR�.99, . ONJIM ONIMIUD LARGE 907 g 2 [Erni POLAR • FUDGE • ICE CRAM MCK LA • 7MU FOPS \ 6PKG EA OLD CHEDDAR E« SHAIFR1 AR. 9 EA. $AVARIN FgOZEN POT PIES 49 � 1 70 200 g PKG_ EA. •AIL BEEF •REGULAR BOLOGNA •MOOR C •MACARONI f CflEESE •ILTNCTEEONi IAAF -HAM A BACON -SALAMI SAUSAGE •PEPPERONI SAUSAGE -SUMMER SAUSAG A 7A VEG540 naL TIN ETABLES DELMONTE DING CUPS149 4, A ;; -INS • EA. 69 JE'.MON'F FRUIT GELS ,.OgoKG 099 �. PN�. ` _ �. i � 5B7S 199 •ro iWL1J ala. MIX .. •a�e a ♦ r-1R—'�a'7:��.rs�i.. - c�.+-ar••�.-+r,.--�-�___. r -.. .. .� �..._-.r �.��_-.� _ QM DEIW DLV M ?A&MG g BOX •DEEP 1 DII]('IOUS CAM 510 s PXK •PITIA•SLP�E7S�P+O�C+�IS40o BOX Ealogg IN�t'fl� 1 `2.49 sr MASHED POTATOES 750 9 POUCH PUNCHES •LEMONADES •NESTEA ICED TEA I = 355 m1. TIN EA • ASSORTED CIFIEE-TOS "D-=QPXG. �.Roq ftp r.Tm •1�iD�p81LF aVE� CUSPOM SLICED COOI�D (� &%jUAFRESH FAIN OF PORK ® HAM IAAF.! ?TUOTHPAS"I�E • ka • LB.1. •SHAMI'00 rrM.IAN WrYI.E •sar •8wEEr 1 •BEES •Ci ICICEN 250 PSG. •CONDITIONS$ 1 SAUSAGEASSORTIEDSEMS 4.39Ic RA144DIO •9YF�I' • MEAT IAms FRISICOCS EA. • CAT FOODUNIETW 3 F IKJCED RUQDLE96 •REGULAR *ALL BEEF P O R SPL E BAC N ®1 v •RacxB • 4f0 t VAC PAC PS['. 1 2 BOX Ts > •99 •CORNED BEEF • PAs'rRAIIQ •DOG ePUPPY c$OW , 7 LTR(1Z PATI7ES)2•RO� B� ® if E"X •�• LB. 20 • CAT FOOD P BUM NO iw�,� .w.IRs ..oYRs ..o..�s rI1YYa ..owes �• .eoewas ..oewes �aww.nw. W VALUE AL aLw � wR♦ 7;-- W oEwwro srooaE wid 5 rni. •� - asw •� - as w� m tArAAw AYE NORTHo.. An s... .Arrow NO /r uka5oo�wA: AYES Hwa •� dkmn - roc w e."i.t.rr oun r •� - M/me r D -min st w clEwrr Si •_ _ *� a r •� - NO r �� ssaCAE v •oo-li1�M � OE1NMiD E 11w1' ] � ND � M �r MIIY ••��� f • ` _ �. i � 5B7S .'k��� �. 1 i A �. � y-. � , . e�� > �i�Y �\ 7CA�'1�.��1.Y�,f� i�.� .. .•y-�'�o 1'��. _L.r� � c l'�Yt1Y1a.'-..11.a II��.\�'A rr n'r 9i•! � � .. •a�e a ♦ r-1R—'�a'7:��.rs�i.. - c�.+-ar••�.-+r,.--�-�___. r -.. .. .� �..._-.r �.��_-.� _ 191) THE NEWS ADVERTISE RMRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21,1998 -PAGE 25 1W4AT EMELONS 15 LB. AVERAGE 2 T .TMTT YTARK) PRO CT OF ONTAPIO )OMS 399 MUSHROOMS'I 1.49 R, OFONTARIO �! MUSHOR0EooMs 1,99- 1 LB BASKET @ MAJESTA FAC IAL TISSUE BOX OF 156 190 FAS •BAZ�-IR,pOM b STRAWBER IER S [� USSUE L 2 EXTRA FULL QUARTS I 2 -PLY • 16 ROLL PKG. Lzq[T _-__' 8 DOUBLE ROLL PKG. WFATHM TONW 3 QUART S � LIIVIIT 8 ROLL PACKAGE EA. QUART, DIAL MAJESTA TENDERBUDS ?QCDUCT OF UHILE • ASSORTED SIZES BARGSOAP 1.69 NAPoM NS 14$66N 1.99 FRUrr 'OUR OWN BAG 2'9 K^ LB.sm •. • A"— _ --.. • DIVELLA PASTA soo BAG 1' • COCA-COLA, • JOLLY COLLTAMANT TOMATO PUREE 500 TETRA BRI K 169 D VELLA ASSORTEDEA TINA PASTA NESTS "S" BISCUITS X69, L VAC: YAI: ��� tAL.tLJIUH FU0D5 :w FRE5H N TASTY LSSCFTEG i GENERA: EETTV CPOCKE 1' JI ' 0 • CANADA DRY 2 L BOTTLE CASE OF ?A z 355 mL TM 99 09Lav cli� , PACE �MAPLE LEAF EAF [•CA fo cm •7 64l.AFE�9j .99 LAUNDRY DETERGENT ' `7�Tpll 12I LARGE 90 RE Bg� z. .� AP 1399 2-�w� � DISHUQUID 1.69��& 65MP EE�IrOGEEs 1.7'9 OYOGIM 500 ML TUB EA. COTTAGE Sa TUB SE E1 L 1.2 SOUS 18Va8 os. '7;' EA. HONEY NUT = BOX APPLE CHEERI6S :� T3C�,rZi- 1:A. E3CPRA L..+RGE SIZE TOMATOES FILL YOUR. OWN SAG 1.52 kit L•B, ROMAINE�� �E 24% SELECT YOUR OWN PEPP-� PILI. YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 ka • RED • Wffi'PS "NEW" POTATOES FILL. YOUR OWN BAG 1.52 kw • WASHED CLAmc 1 s • COOING ONIONS LARGE 10 LB. FAmnx SIZE BAG :.2.694M%ms ! L49� MANGOS SIZE 16s SELECT YOUR OWN ( .39 EA-) LIMIT R R AROCI�C" OF ;MINA yppp-cC -- I WHITE ANP TRADE RIAIC CLOVES999GINGER fin 0 ..MBC SIZE 1 'tl. KY _8 ._ARGE JLJS'ERS 'd Kc .8 i _,;;6w4a,;, -%"." •GREEN•RED SEEDLESS GRAPES L-SLIMOINA1. bbb BUNCHES 218 kg' LB. FROM T 21.99 . PLA. • PEACHES • NECTARJONES H FILL YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 k. CAN LOUPES 1 �� 81• i - [7r YOUR OWN VA •� • ANJOU OU FILL YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 ko P IV -10 I II A PRODUCT OF U A CALIFORNIA )-D., KELLOGG S CANADA • CEREAL FF 2KrfO F .s N PAGE 26 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 19% Lupus supportgroup--­ meesV in Pickering— PICKERING -- A support group 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Durham Region- goup's meetings. for area residents living with Lupus is al Police station, corner of Brock Road Parking is available at the back of being held next week here. and Hwy. 2, Pickering. the building and it is wheelchair acces- The Lupus Association branch in Information sharing, discussion and sible. Durham Region offers a Lupus Sup- support for people with lupus, their Phone Sharon at 619-0000 for in - port Group meeting Wednesda,.. June families and friends i,, offcrcd at the formation. G From 6.05 for 1 year • 1st Mortgages to 95% • 2nd/3rd Mortgages • Condos, Rental properties Best available rates P BIRK CKO ARIZONA �,The Arizona is still your favorite style in Birkenstock sandals. For a limited time this summer we are offering the special price of X99 for the Arizona in black and brown leather. valid until July 31, 1998 shwwUmn Whitby Mall 905-728-9141 Email it.. We're at newsroom@durham.net � lW iDU�u�"u�=J�% Ahhhhh.. it's about ti'me we had a place' like"'The Village Spa & Wellness Centre 15% Pnvate funds available Mary Minchin is very - "... Refinancing debt consolidation► a specialty pleased to announce that The v For personal service call Village Spa & Wellness Centre is fr 686-2557 now open in the Pickering1r` Village.FM 3 M>* •T a i "This is an exciting exten- a = sion to the successful lattouf -OffORIALADVERTISKIG WORKS 1d International," she says. "The S l y Tr. ' - Spm the g� much anticipated expansion is ' `` • Aword about Your unique business or result of the lack of totals� ser- serer• by vices in the Ajax -Pickering x adverhsmg with us.J You'N find no other area." r local medium is more effective at The centre has a complete salon and esthetics area plus a reaching your t� spa with a full range of holistic Vprospects they live � sv�t treatments including hydrother- Give your business a boost. Can editorial feature. apy complete with wetroom. All Mary Minchin has betitn in dw btlatlty end M1 less ilfdustryfor over out InsideS704411110Sales Department at OIiT of these services are aimed at a 15 years and brings a great deal of knowledge and expertise along 6834M STORY TOLDI healthier regime, as well as with her full complement of personally selected staff. I stress redtictloln. _ Now, Dutharn residents ty and - wellness industry for over 15 "years and brings a sure from the bright and colour- ful, BALYS ft can experience the natural and- great custom murals and the 1& .1 p80.FEW0JJ" pET I fS stress -reducing benefits of_t teeir' deal of knowledge and expertise along with her full complement soothing interior decor. At discretion ` anis GROOMING 4 �---------- - - - - -- - fit full line of holistic treatments including, of personally selected staff. ,; . your _ leisure, you invest whatever � rCnxPickJimcI B all bncry of The Village Spa lot Wellness time it takes to satisfy your men- i s& , ave& : tit AN oxnpetsum awpaaaacccprcd r •Aromlthera •Reiki Centre's bright, new remises gh P tal and physical needs. Yours a P Y P !¢ , $ Dw. mvn,ne k w•eckcnd appoe mcm amblik I dk have been designed to stimulate visit may last an hour, half-day 9¢ ----------------- a * $rJ.0'n Off full !� Reflexology •Shiatsu your sense of well being and or a full day -you are in control. groom $ scouints ' +iridology enjoyment. Try one of the treat- Call (905) 426-68M to t!!f fin on Rd. $ ments or choose from the man Yappointment arrange an a intment for you fi¢ Al y's Professional � •HYd�eiaPY packages available. Indulge in a or for someone special. You can tilt Pet Groomin 8 got �¢ *Acupuncture fight snack and a cappuccino also drop by at 582 Kingston Rd., 9k 420_5922-63-,C,.g,1—Rd A.* ­mW 1It "" "" `""• •Registered Massage Therapy Mary has been in the beau- with friendly conversation in just east of Church St. IIt 91 fI! fll;illl�!! 0!11!00099 le ft 1Ils� Meir deli fitful bistro. Takeplea- g P lea- ��' .. .. .. ... _ -... 1 5 /o0 4' Off Everything! 4. Present Va ad with rtun $25 purchaseY� • Hydrotherapy - Hair Salon • Holistic Treatments • Esthetics • Aromatherapy - Shatsu • Reck - Registered Massage Therapy Spa & ILattioW IV�.'�'�rom utn*ss Centre t eaM a Church st II JAFFORDABALE RAND su�Lolwra ��"� AWARD POOLS FOR 3 DECADES Best P & Spa Store in rfu 90 - 4 GET • 1 EDITORIAL ADVER MG WORKS Spread the good word about unique busing oror service, a with U& You'A no other local medium is more effective at reaching prospects where OW We and shop than this special Give your business a boost. Cal edilonal feature our Inside Sales Department at 579.44001 1 au YOUR A/P WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING MONDAY, JUNE 22 BREASTFEEDING: The Durham Lactation Centre presents a two-hour prena- tal breastfeeding work- shop. Getting off to a good start, what to expect and how to have a happy breastfeeding experience. Phone 427-9547 for infor- mation. YOUNG PARENTS: Rose of Durham, Young Parents Support Services, holds its annual general meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. in the arts resource room at Monsign- or Paul Dwyer Catholic High School, 700 Steven- son Rd. N., Oshawa. Enter through front en- trance. To register, or for more information, phone 432-3622. MENTAL HEALTH: The Durham Family Mental Health Support Group holds a seminar on bank- ing at 6:30 p.m. at Centen- nial Albert United Church, 19 Rosehill Blvd., Oshawa. Cost is $5. Phone 509- 2079 (Jean) for more infor- mation. RPN: The Durham Lake- view Council of the Regis- tered Practical Nurses As- sociation of Ontario hosts a pot -luck dinner at 6 p.m. at 22 Hunt St., Clarington. All RPNs and PN students welcome. Phone 432-7604 (Shiela Arsenault) for infor- mation. TUESDAY, JUNE 23 CANCER: Feeling Your Best During Cancer Thera- py. an informational work- shop for people about to begin treatment and their caregivers, is held at 7:30 p.m. at Hearth Place Can- cer Support Centre, 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. A cancer patient who has undergone treatments will share personal experi- ences. Facilitated by an RN. To register, phone 579- 4833. HORTICULTURE: The Pickering Horticultural So- ciety holds its monthly meeting at 8 p.m. at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex, Valley Farm Rd. Jim Lounsbury of Vineland Nurseries discusses Spe- cial Plants for Small Spaces. All welcome. Phone 839-4604 (Sylvia), 420-4095 (Christine) for in- formation. - CANCER :BEREAVE- MENT: TLC, an informal open support group for caregivers recently be- reaved, due to cancer, is held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Sup- port Centre, 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Phone 579-4833 for more infor- mation. CANCER: A weekly Care- giver Support Group drop - in meeting, where people supporting a cancer pa- tient can share feelings and coping strategies, is held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Sup- port Centre, 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Phone 579-4833 for more infor- mation. Fine =Foods Fresh, Quality Meats at Unbeatable Prices: �i Fresh Pork $21 Side Ribs 2 m• Marinated ""less Chicken Breasts mmouSAVE 9 9 �i•so Ib. ib., Fresh �et? Chicken SAVE$$1.00 lib. Manchester Brous SAVE$ 99 sI.00 fhb. lb. Back Ribs SAVE$ 99 51.30 Mib. Save $2" lb. Ball Park IN Smokies s 199 1.00 ib. lb. Fresh Italian Sausage SAVE$ �q �1L.00 Ib. lb. Back Bacon SA$ ��oa Ib. 99 lb. Peanmeal Bacon sAVE$ 9 9 i.eo ib. 16. - Pork Tenderloins SAVE$ 99 S= Ilb. 16. ,Centee Cut Pork "The Meat :a +i lil a31�ii THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 19913 - PAGE 27 TFI� �e� ALT )MUNIN • 3 NEW Designs imW Priced From An $ ' 900 INCREDIBLE98• ...just 35 minutes from the Don' Parkway! -M2DEL BUNGALOWS OPEN TODAY1 t11NGItOw- 1,4W + cathedral ceig US sq. h. Jun $134,900 SEE 9 SPECTACULAR BUNGALOW DESIGNS UP TO 1800 S8. lrT.t 9 eew bwaiw (.F to I'M % fta plod frM $98,9W to 515 900. OWN THE LErESTYLE YOU WANT NOW At Wl mW (mak, EVERTTIN116 a idled a yew ttoMYy, Masiw* i lets. Nysm Ge/ (am t GA pods, bw�t & em .i i.fik �k.iss PIZ sura of drb o1 iatwat Veep& no yow rad rawt Most* _ r b efiw Ne .. tweseetieed _ IwM era d rwsh 1W s. ROL HOW CAN WE OFFER ALL THIS FOR SO LITTLE? We bm reeebttieoi,cd base eei ow 1,000 ew.ws ALREADY EIWT THIS WOEM11 NOUDAT URSTYLE fiM DAT At Y i.f (Welt, ym mm yew�.w, but "'e�4 ice' s� ri" t 1141111111111 is 6" RbwoTjJ Vreter Oega heal Looe ere aerwad by ore Lew M114 bei iW 5479., sbiddd by ow 20 p�itedtee ' �' : (bt.lb et Sia CadmY etbw swrioes od we of ALL � � r 0'14 is iad.iel Al NO ADDITIONAL COST in ' j HOMEOWNER'S L6ESTYU 1AiARUMP rLAVW t fa y Ii Ti. 401 isMl.ad in W a rnNErr 11oa0 EM ti+e a3$) r sowrw.iu L' �+.. •N o UNIM n d" er W1UNK cies -yam 40 _ x . %a .. seers cant o NOW twns OMMOM&F to is S PAL w _, `� s SMWi{ a H as w S rs + 71 CM 1 am ""ll."T 1" ¢ �„ 'Q 1 100 114 56" ) Visit our wwbeittf ww 9 Wilwsolcnwk.on.co 1WR E"OIf NEPf IIAED TO ENJOY Large home with many extras Right on the Course LJUAI ' YOUR PHONAL TOUR Have a newer home in mind? if so this 3 year KESALE Oyomuoy go Irit aymg or old home on a greenbelt features a patio withROGE watching, this quaint hoe is in the lattice fencing, large sunken Florida room HOµES m perfect location to enjoy both! It includes overlooking the greenbelt, gas fireplace, 3 Nl X49, 2 appliances, bay window, all window appliances, garage door opener. upgraded FRO carpet and so much more_ If you arc looking To $119,900 coverings, interlock front walkway, air for newer, look no further, this immaculate conditioner. and a large covered deck bome is waiting for you. .overlooking the golf course. Ready For You to Move In ADULT I - Waterfront Living at its Best OF ,S Lry1NG AT TP J;EST SAMPLING OF Need a break? Want a peaceful place to ,,DFUL relax and reflect? If so this home is worth WONU patio and watching the boats go by, this home ;looking at. Located on a quiet court lot, it HOME fits the bill. located right on the water, it has a ANG large Florida room, central vacuum, comes with 2 appliances, Florida room WA woodbuming fireplace, large kitchen and more.— with a skylight, central vacuum, gas TO BE 1t is also located on the second hole of the golf fireplace, interlock patio and a garden ENJOYED, course, close to the walking trail and within pond perfect to sit and relax by. walking distance of the recreation centre. P mUm elf elihm TWO. -ft= 23 niii11111111 stat og sat. ittwa i7 sem. -:•_tLu==°LLSiC1L!!-tillitL:.'__L4LiR.it_L!.L". �Lt[1S.1.i.i..«:.iL�d.LLtLL11_L.S.1......:.Zi.�±.11.1.L.....rLli,iS.Z?L.:. Kiwi.%.5��:.±.ww.iwva:.�::>:s:.•� i PAGE 28 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 Durham councillors need time to understand a d taxes PARISH WONDERS WHETHER COLLEAGUES -1-1 AVE TIME TO LEARN, MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS Durham Re- to make deci- to 24 for orienta- going to be ex- ers. The reality get the bills will "really be Bion has to have sions on the mat- tion sessions for tremely impor- is The under mailed, so prop- putting pressure its property tax ter. councillors. The tant to what the pressure from erty owners will on taxpayers to rates and poli- "I think it's rates and poli- final tax bill will taxpayers to get receive them in pay the bill. No cies approved by going to take a cies arc needed look like. The the bills out." late September one wants to get Aug. 12 and that c o n s i d e r a b 1 e by municipali- political implica- He added the or early October. a bill the week has one council- amount of time ties to determine tions will be Province is re- To lengthen before Christ- lor concerned for councillors to what you'll pay very, very ma- quiring munici- the time it takes mas" politicians won't have a sufficient in property tax- jor;' Mayor palities to pass have time to un- amount of so- es. Parish said. the tax rates and derstand what phistication" on It's an "en- Finance Com- policies within they are dealing taxes. Mayor @y -%Maroc Ulm= Aabr� (905) 723-7271 tirely unrealistic mittee Chairman 60 days of re - with. Parish told his learning curve" .and Oshawa ceiving the final ,. Ajax Mayor regional col- to expect politi- Councillor Brian assessment rolls, Steve Parish leagues on cians will have Nicholson noted, which were de - q u e s t i o n e d Wednesday. enough informa- "We're doing all livered this past whether council- Regional Fi- tion to make de- we can to make Monday. lors would have nance Depart- cisions, he not- all the informa- It will take enough time to ment staff are ed. tion we have get each municipali- learn about tax setting aside the "These spe- (into) the hands ty between 30 policies in time week of July 20 cific policies are of local treasur- and 45 days to M RA►IVIAIT% ` Travel, 2for1 0" AUGUST & SEPTEMBER, 1998 TUESDAYS & SATURDAYS $10.00 per person or 2 AT $5.00 each Pickups in AJAX, OSHAWA, & WHITBY Includes: RETURN DELUXE MOTORCOACH TRANSPORTATION, FULL BUFFET MEAL, GUARANTEED ENTRY, ALL TAXES FREE DRAW ON EVERY DEPARTURE Call now, seats won't last! Carlson Wagonlit Travel Ajax 905-683-8411 1-800-831-1185 Oshawa 905-571-2231 1-800-227-5766 Whitby 905-666-8266 1-800-750-1%9 Please recycle me! TO Fin90ng LOCAL sysinesses on The We TME nVRNAM ONTERNET 1M1RECT40RY .WNW MMO'rz cot Wftat come on. ?jCRW101V, THE I� � Creckt neon c� (905) 831-5959 www.TFDCU.com � N I —� i ditt nff 9.99 WWW BY E _-�.,...�.�.......��..�........,.. 427-5330 www.durham.net . . •1111114,121;(905) 905 579-2541 ONNIE We (800) 461-0347 www.durttammall.=n/bonnieviewhn REMBr.afortl PKECIUL'S PL•i7£8 �' W THINGS D*a*e, Ery. Figurines (905) 686-7185 ttttpJMeb.idred.corN-precros 4�'= t (905) 683-5110 www.durhamnews.net Memories from Moments Photography (905) 668-8000 www.durhamcentral.com A&%SA0W& INt1 TAM STUD" (905) 404-8267 : a< BwrHs (905) 50944 @y -%Maroc Ulm= Aabr� (905) 723-7271 Alpha Intemet Development Systems -(416) 931-4116 Oshowo PubirC UtiJi do Commission (905) 723-4623 wwwworldsites.neVpaimbeach CANADA'S BEST ey, QUALITY RUGBY a►YCAIII ! www.binns.net CROWN MAINTENANCE INC. www.durhammaftomltamarac - ^: ` JUWCE www.aOadeveigp t.corn DUrham wwwopuc.on.ca HI EEK r tt (905)426-4795 trrwc h1JeJhnembeS.a0L () - www. duifiammalLcoWaorm _ - (905) 720-1975 www.durhammall.com (905) 579-4400 www.durhamnews.net - • : RNA]C kc�l's pLaice (905) 433 -OM udtacorn - (905) 438-9322 J905) 438-9322 1�� h C Come see wisitors rate y S out of 10 v ,Durham Central - E ICEi,LEW! Put your business on-line - great plain -grant price! EXIT REALTY sHi�ux nJ,-snlllax (906) 433-8141 www.shaMdnsuranee.eom By Design civ & B1�1i i A F i O R O A 8 L E ELEGANCE (905) 721-8892 www.durham.net/-bydesign _. _.;YOUR �O� www.autodepot.ca - - �'-- yr iffP� ?bll Free (888) 503-3353 Toronto (416) 444-2444 + Canada's Car Company RETAIL ? '� . •- ac as: a.:m a w s aFt- ar n'vte■�ilr.� s r. as -r.. xaa.rd-rr s a.► � � .,:.iia: sn+ar aa...+.. �. � Tt±S.. a!'�J�I-i.... ..... ,..�..—.y, �... r A/P photo by Ron Pietroairo A living tribute The garden club at Vaughan Willard Public School in Picker- ing planted a shrub for Diana Princess of Wales recently to honour her memory. The compost used in the planting was made from the flowers left at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto following her death last August. ,qw��diDliT@G' .,,,43irrive into Precision Tune Auto Care today • Oil Change • Tune -Up • Brake Service • Diagnostics • Scheduled Malntenanoe • Radiator Flush and rill • Fuel Uklection Cleaning • Emissions • Air Conditioning Axis $ j • Leak Test System NOW 1 • Pressure Test System 1 • Performance Test System ave $8.,0® 1 aMoommsaasd every S months or 5,000 km. Servloe indudn up to 51 1 naw of Boom brand motor ail, ow oo0 toter and chassis luhrw"n. 1 Includes 21 point fnon -$ 1 alntenanoe sr•.c 1 sttrw.. Vaud with proMt son of coupon. 1 oaarft*"a. Le hoaou^ all /9&W44 (:oupoas ��-="Prec�ioa i�se Aceto Cllr�e "3S8 BAYLY ST. AeTAX ]ells! at 11111111001;oely at: Flaw ;(905) 683-9699 leat7fee Ot111slmtaed „ - 0.aW= W* Soaour A>J damps lfi — - CoZpoms M THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 - PAGE 29 School board staff helDless fortunate Numerous organizations throughout the region have benefitted from dona- tions by staff of the Durham District School Board over the past year. The Education Centre Staff Associa- tion, formed four years ago when the board moved to its new headquarters on Taunton Road in Whitby, aims to bring together board workers to support others. Over the past school year the associa- tion's 300 members have donated more than $7,100 to local charities including the Alzheimer Society of Durham Re - Bion, UNICEF, the Juvenile Diabetes As- last December through the Children's sociation, the Muscular Dystrophy Asso- Aid Society of Durham Region and pur- ciation of Canada, the Ice Storm Relief chased Christmas gifts and food baskets Fund, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of for them. Canada, Child Find, Simcoe Hall Settle- "We are pleased to have been able to ment House, the Kidney Foundation of make a positive contribution to our com- Canada, the Oshawa Humane Society, munity and to help others less fortunate the Hearth Place Trust Fund, Denise than ourselves;' says May Oye-Shipp, House, the Durham Region Police Ca- who co-chairs the association with Judy nine Support Fund, the Canadian Cancer Gould. The association meets each fall to Society, the Heart and Stroke Foundation decide who'll get the proceeds from nu - and the Hospital for Sick Children. merous fund-raising events scheduled Staff also adopted several families throughout the year. GOLF THE BEST & WIN! I I KEN FMTOPPS MONDAY'S CHOICE ._ CENTRE Mff M—ArAR One w as IBwry. s>a -I x T AMAZING AFTERNOON GOLF SPECIALS POWER CART SPECIAL _ Mon. -Fri. after 4pm :Teen fef-S. -hart-d lm)w r vart 44000 LADIES DINNER SPECIAL. Tues. to Fri. after .3:30 p.m. 9 half-%. lmower vart. dittner DJr �_] , Uj 17 1 JM I t L T t:XP dei; J`t1J �sJj���3 race_ /- 1�' 6� 1 (%5) 428-8479 560 TAMW Rd. w.. AJAX (905) 43426512651 Hale Fane & lwttpntwt Yoarr r1aw•. LSI At e, r �Y MR Ran GolfAces& • C.P.G-k INSTRUCTORS • CLEAR. PRECISE GOLF INSTRUC" • PRIVATE 3 GROUP LESSONS • VIDEO ANALYSIS • RMOR DEVELOPMERTCOURSE CAMPS FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL .1 1-8bi•�f5-8133. EX1: 24A Tradition °-E :b Jrs vie twitT�, lOkas ertmrt 1,W&4& . RULES PRIZES ENTRY FORM Goll or shop at on of the patikipating courses or • SM of Golf Clefs Name readers. Saw your green fee stab or receipt i e VCR • Driver mail it to us along with this entry torn aM you Dozen Balls • Hat Address cold win one of many prizes being draws. • Goff Passes To: "Golf The Best i Win" DRAW TO BE HELD JULY 9, Phone— MailHandicap c/o Oshawa/WhitbylCladngtoa This Week NAMES WILL BE Preferred Golf Course Facility 465 Farewell St. Oshawa L1H 7l5 PUBLISHED JULY 12 PAGE 30 - TM NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 Clear Bailin? g photo by Jason Uebregts Patrick Chenier of the Extreme Freestyle bicycle team catches nothing but air dur- Ting a demonstration at last weekend's Frenchman's Bay Festival in Pickering. The team provided spectators with a thrilling show of their trick riding skills. Judi Longfield M.P. Whitby - Ajax Town Hall Meeting Ajax Council Chambers 65 Harwood Ave. S. Wednesday, June 24, 1998 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. TOPIC: Renewal of the Youth Justice Strategy Your trews Are Important Join Judi for Canada Day Celebrations July 1, 1998, 11 am -2 pm, at her Constituency Office %5 Dundas St. W., Whitby Telephone: (905) 665-8182 f �Read the news online at nv.durhamnews,net P SPECIAL VOLUME PURCHASE • 5 speed • AM(FM cassette • s speaker sound system with alarm • power locks • air conditioning - 2 year FREE maintenance package - 5 year/W,000 km powertrain warranty Drivers Wanted. ►Ni OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. •An 1 CARE AND CAA Awad w•aw sum 1972. �. • S*S. ,.rMc.. bssm% Dna SIM. an make • Rsrmis in Cards. USA a Emps CMD TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE, Aa,es 1125 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 4w (905) 686-6410 SEUM CYLTUID NAM FREE WALL PANEL UPGRADE Huge Renovation Showroom DUCT CLEANING • a CIItItIY swllW Hook-up $39.95 $5.00 per vent Includes all hook ups b no hidden extras per standard home. Work guaranteed CHIMNEY SWEEPING ONLY SUM REsaoE111TIAL Ntp 282-3280 srrl. rrrnlwd umd 2W PSI Investigate the large savings tralixed when you buy direr* 6+om the CANADIAN Mamdactura d E■ergy Savin` vinyl & Aluminum windows & doors, Therinopusrd siding doors, Wddpatio enclosures, etc. We cater to the new home industry, industrial, cammercial, public buildings, mod residential placement windows—upgrades. Lifetime warranty on installation & all 1 windows I CALL (905) 4042081 Before you call anyone call International Windows and Doors MFG Ltd. Home owners be aware! The next few min- utes could save you thou- sands of dollars on your next home renovation pro- ject. You work very hard for your money, so when it comes to home renovations you should be careful who you trust with this very important job. "If you choose a com- pany that uses inferior products and does sub- standard installations, you could be stuck for the rest of your life with problems such as repainting, higher heating and air condition- ing. bills, condensation, drafts, dust, noise and rot- ting frames," says Mike Perisic, President of International Windows and Doors MFG. "Instead of all of this extra work and increased expense, it makes sense to hire a company that will save you thousands of dollars but at the same time provide comfort and beauty for your home." That company is International Doors and Windows MFG. They have 19 years experience in the home renovation industry. You will deal directly with a manufac- turer who will provide you with top quality products that are second to none. They also do their own "unique installa- tions" including complete frame removal further adding to your incredible savings. International also offers a life time non pro -rated war- ranty as long as you own your home. Right now take advantage of their no down payment, no payment, no interest for a full year on any renova- tion proiect. Also, call in the next 48 hours for a free estimate with no obligation to buy and receive 10% off their regular prices. "I would like to thank you for your time and give you my personal guarantee that you won't find better quality products, installations and guarantee for a cheaper price, •• says Mike. "if you do, we will replace your windows free of charge." For more information call International Windows and Doors MFG at 1-8ti8-32Er5678 or 1 (416) 748-0202 ,. DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS cAsawprr 1-8884764575 mOLE complala s.Mctan ot TLT-ACTION "'Wnoows a Dona PICTURE WINDOWS -BAY & BOW WINDOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS •STORM DOORS - NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS WAYNE MOBILE SHOWROOM HUTCH04SON ••w KM sT w SALES. SERVICE a oeHwww. oNT^wro META .I.ATION a xa tsosl579-2222 -...� `;TTjrTi1 �lr.ell� for ap your home renovations e Decks & Fencing * Basement Finishing • Painting & Tile work • Electrical dr PlwnbkV Cad Brian 839-3726CF; Fr" sstl hefts. »d. GTA Q.rtq rw.a • osaoa aaw..r..a Top Oudo Profession! service A N-UNIarkip over f3 Ye w of service Banmwft • ftft� • 1klkalans a Bathe • ha FiIiNlas • CINVA i MrbN UN • Paellas i Dada All wart Guaranteed ,. Figures A Refen�roes Available pan Fanelli IREE Phone: (905) 509-7523 Pager: (416) 295-7220 . ... _. ,.. _ .... .> ..,-.a...�:. .,,ra,,,,, w ..- �.... - ,.... s . n. , a, �.......- � ., ... .. .,.-ter-e�►r.�,ear�rZ ..._ _ ._:. _ .. _ .. _. _ z�+ers._`_ ��'-' - _ _ . _ .. .... ' _ - � - � - �_ - i E= C THE NEWS ADVERTISERAMRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1905 -PAGE 31 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser/The Uxbridge Tribune SERIOUS EDUCATION FOR A REWARDING CAREER In today's dynamic world of business, people with excellent office support skills and an ability to function efficiently with little or no supervision are very much in demand. We help you develop the interpersonal and organizational skills you need and teach you a variety of software packages including WordPerfect, Word, Excel and Computerized Accounting. ===_=• Strategic Alliance with IBM 100 100 100 loomc= 100 100 ��. You Can Be Job -Ready In Months Not Years with . Ontario Business College. i` Accounting/Business Administration Human Service Worker • Animal Care Aide Computer software & Systems operator Business Administration • Massage spy Medical Office Administrator • Law Clerk Phamnacy Technician • Sales & Marketing Chiropractic Office Assistant • Dental Assisting Classes Starting Soon! cooftc-� Limited Sem -• �e.tlwl DS � . Call Today r ,�_ OQ C J Dei.tent Stiallincl West, .�� �tldlews rtakn, Dna Floor Classes start 1%.o// E 576-9175 every month. �� Faaooal Amrar" Nay Be Amiable: To Tbo1r Who Quah& School of Business Pickering Campus 420-1344 tbtaRcial Aasiatsnm ural► be avdlabls If You ousll)W Career Opportunity Trac Co-ordinator (z year contraco The Job: Rogers Community N has a vacancy open for a Traffic Co-ordinator in Oshawa. Responsibilities will include organization of programming logs, program schedules, video We library. monthly reports, customer video tape dub rogilests, maintenance of our Wont Noting service and dealing with the general public on a daily basis. The Person: You must be detail orientated with excellent data input skills and have the ability to worts in a fast -paced environment with deadlines. Good working knowledge of computers that would include faniifiadly with such programs as Word, Exoel, Cable Assistant and IIASAAaiI. Working with the public and a minimum of one yew iii Ce in a similar role or complemaitary educWtin is required. Rom I, -- 0ona a rt...mrie a can.. NM Maseeer Ay .A* 3. tae at apra COONS Ny 7v RSG ERS as Yew Mrs Read Dolt rats, oro an u9- — COMMUNITY TV I = (11ti) 4rFerar WIDWADULTS EARN EXTRA MONEY HOW? JUST BY DELIYERN IS THIS WUK PAPER ROUTE(S). CAN YOU SPARE 1 OR MORE HDQRS A DAY, ONLY 3 DAYS A WEEK, 0 THE AFTERNOON? IF YOU CAN, THEN YOU CAN TURN SPARE TWE INTO lII111MAM TNE, SUPPLEMENT YOUR WCOME WITH A JOB THAT WILL HELP YOU 1) BUY THOSE LITRE EXTRAS. 2) GET HEALTHY EXERCISE. 3) MEET LOTS OF NEW PEOPLE. CALL TODAY, 5791+07 AND FM OUT HOW YOU CAN EARN EXTRA CASH NA wE I T 1 S E R 11 carers CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forward- ed to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. W1F.d DESIGN SERVICE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Cai11 Jolm Duarte M 979-4400 w Inc. Medical Office Admhdstror A blend of computer, mexlica and managerial tray lim win gatees prepare aduof thi program to be mxxx ssfW i, administering, managing an organizing a c lex heck cane envutx,mea� Employma, may be found in a variety a areas including dental an medical offices and clime as intararim corm a government agencies and horn ane services. In Only 12 Mondu Law Clerk If a career that allows you to obseve and contribute to the administration of our� System i trigues you, OBC': Laws Clerk program is for you. Study Canadian, Corporate, Fanily, d9- Cartrrneznal Law and gain experience in aiminal and civil procemres Careers may be available with law offices, real estate firms, baniang unututiats and man. In Only 12 Months! 11 Granite court ic:kering, Ont. L1W 31<1 :ax)905-837-6352 e-mail to huff)anrescxjrces@lenbroc*.com AirIO Inc. develops wireless fleet management solutions for commercial vehicles. The AirlO solution, an integration of wireless communications, Global Positioning System (GPS), digitized mapping and on -board computer intelligence, act as an intelligent "black box" for commercial vehicles. Managers of trucking, rental and service vehicle fleets can now locate, remotely manage and communicate with their vehicles with this easy to use configurable solution. Customers can track their vehicles in real-time, remotely unlock doors and disable stolen vehicles. We are currently seeking applicants to loin our team in the following positions: Field Technical Representative - File #131 Reporting to the Director, System Operations you will be responsible for the installation and trouble -shooting of comaxanications and fleet management systems to ensure a smooth system implementation and commissioning The successful applicant should possess the following qualifications: • A minimum of three years experience in the installation of communications equipment • Post -secondary education in electrical or electronic technology • Self -motivated, flexible team player • Willing to travel throughout North America • Working knowledge of MS01fice illent Care mv*- File #132 Reporting Director, System y our main responsibdtly will be to support inquiries from the customer base with respect to the operation of the AirlO fleet management system. Your will also work with the engineering and production groups providing feedback on product performance and enhancement opporturnities. The successful applicant should possess the following • three rolenr service e'peredce in technicalsuprerwirorxtt • Post secondary education • Prokient in MSOffice • Organized, self-rnotivaled. flexible team player with excellent cornu nication skills. • BilinguaNsm (Rench/English) will be considered an asset. If you are interested in please forward your restore referencing the file num er - by June 25, 1998, Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. We thaNk all others lir their interest. No phone calls or agencies j AirIQ is committed to employment equity. 9- T TfME FURnU fl to LNE-N Witt WIN:! caple IN MAf� SUMN Camr asset stlldrrlts n carlpMlrq dw car and sodal saviors Trail WN Ceder. Broome a CaIIadWI Securities Cowss. tpdtgrolad b operak a' tied pi ddvocin � "aw" B.Comm. or M.BA NO ff gterrry nerd co M fragment avara0le n artindal nails, nmltlal desplaeorl - clMmd- residence. T s � w w ' p�,u, war- hNrecenrY workne n nun- erne arta rare caiapoNdMorl. Resimxx w rpa�id�tdaannd, exert. rrewneaeon uq Student Finachp aail- Sdgd d Bucirress (OtOFOWsl aain) TERMM' CR ieswF Sonic Ell- sM Mays $aO. (905)723- nG. 419 lair St. w. Oslo"S Wry St. S.. lkAtNa. SuNe Ont L1J 2KS : Hen 201. L1 N rlRn OVER 24 YEARS OF AGE AND OUT OF WORK? JOB CONNECT CAN HELP • Internet Access • Job Banks • Job Search Strategies • Interview Workshops • Resume Workshops ALSO AVAILABLE -One on one counseling • On the job training Call the hotline 725-4786 Pickering Residents 1-800-263-0993 Funded by the Government of Ontario Opportunities In Advertising Sales The Scarborough Mirror Is currently seeking a sales representative in our Display Department The successful candidate will be self -motivated. energetic and have a prvvw track record in media sales. Good commurncaaon skills and an excellent telephone manner are required We offer a base salary, car allowance, and a progressive comrrusson structure. If you are looking for a dlallenging posmon in a fast -paced environment. please send your resume to: Box "10 The Scarbormo Mirror 10 Tempo Aventie Wdowdale, Ontario M2H 2Ni MiPwronGu"kardian —News that hits home— Prepare for a Career In Radiation Therapy Recruiting individuals who bring a balance of comparison and a strong science background for 23 positions in the September 1998 intake, of our 28 -month traininngg programs. (Minimum of 6 OAC's required), forfurther information call: TTWPYH School of RadialTTSRt :C (1 6�9d6-2027 Radiation Therapy (416}480-4561 Deadline for completed applications is July 5th, 1998. $ Gan al filo M Gond N* HIGH -PAID BUSlNEW & Co>1[PV 1tER CoiNG roexrtoxs On -The -job Training Program Please send your resume to: WORLDWIDE CANADIAN MiMIAGEMENT CONSULTANT INC 1980 Bayly St., Suite 7, Pickering, ON. LI W 3T8 Fax 905-831-2832 AJax News Advertiser office 130 Coneeererclal Aw., Alax PJckerinq News Advertiser Ou[Jei 1822 whites Ra Pickering The UxbrJdge Tribune office HOURS: = amF Mon.- Fri. 8atoratl - Ssra/Ly-Anrberly plaza NOURS: Tues. -Fri. 10 --8 pm Sen -Noon til S CLOSED Monday 24 Toronto St. N., Ihrbrldys C M 685-0707 p.m. FAX: (90S) S79-4 218 INN=: 8:30 am - 5 pm Mow. -Fri. FAX: (805) 852-4355 IFIED ON�- TORN4 ° Hones Ieea 1t)F,t 683-0707 Prwees,In,o endal1IIs eM•n.-Fr. sat. scansaMe788-7259 TORONTO LINE (418) 798-7259 652-9741 .in,t... SERIOUS EDUCATION FOR A REWARDING CAREER In today's dynamic world of business, people with excellent office support skills and an ability to function efficiently with little or no supervision are very much in demand. We help you develop the interpersonal and organizational skills you need and teach you a variety of software packages including WordPerfect, Word, Excel and Computerized Accounting. ===_=• Strategic Alliance with IBM 100 100 100 loomc= 100 100 ��. You Can Be Job -Ready In Months Not Years with . Ontario Business College. i` Accounting/Business Administration Human Service Worker • Animal Care Aide Computer software & Systems operator Business Administration • Massage spy Medical Office Administrator • Law Clerk Phamnacy Technician • Sales & Marketing Chiropractic Office Assistant • Dental Assisting Classes Starting Soon! cooftc-� Limited Sem -• �e.tlwl DS � . Call Today r ,�_ OQ C J Dei.tent Stiallincl West, .�� �tldlews rtakn, Dna Floor Classes start 1%.o// E 576-9175 every month. �� Faaooal Amrar" Nay Be Amiable: To Tbo1r Who Quah& School of Business Pickering Campus 420-1344 tbtaRcial Aasiatsnm ural► be avdlabls If You ousll)W Career Opportunity Trac Co-ordinator (z year contraco The Job: Rogers Community N has a vacancy open for a Traffic Co-ordinator in Oshawa. Responsibilities will include organization of programming logs, program schedules, video We library. monthly reports, customer video tape dub rogilests, maintenance of our Wont Noting service and dealing with the general public on a daily basis. The Person: You must be detail orientated with excellent data input skills and have the ability to worts in a fast -paced environment with deadlines. Good working knowledge of computers that would include faniifiadly with such programs as Word, Exoel, Cable Assistant and IIASAAaiI. Working with the public and a minimum of one yew iii Ce in a similar role or complemaitary educWtin is required. Rom I, -- 0ona a rt...mrie a can.. NM Maseeer Ay .A* 3. tae at apra COONS Ny 7v RSG ERS as Yew Mrs Read Dolt rats, oro an u9- — COMMUNITY TV I = (11ti) 4rFerar WIDWADULTS EARN EXTRA MONEY HOW? JUST BY DELIYERN IS THIS WUK PAPER ROUTE(S). CAN YOU SPARE 1 OR MORE HDQRS A DAY, ONLY 3 DAYS A WEEK, 0 THE AFTERNOON? IF YOU CAN, THEN YOU CAN TURN SPARE TWE INTO lII111MAM TNE, SUPPLEMENT YOUR WCOME WITH A JOB THAT WILL HELP YOU 1) BUY THOSE LITRE EXTRAS. 2) GET HEALTHY EXERCISE. 3) MEET LOTS OF NEW PEOPLE. CALL TODAY, 5791+07 AND FM OUT HOW YOU CAN EARN EXTRA CASH NA wE I T 1 S E R 11 carers CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forward- ed to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. W1F.d DESIGN SERVICE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Cai11 Jolm Duarte M 979-4400 w Inc. Medical Office Admhdstror A blend of computer, mexlica and managerial tray lim win gatees prepare aduof thi program to be mxxx ssfW i, administering, managing an organizing a c lex heck cane envutx,mea� Employma, may be found in a variety a areas including dental an medical offices and clime as intararim corm a government agencies and horn ane services. In Only 12 Mondu Law Clerk If a career that allows you to obseve and contribute to the administration of our� System i trigues you, OBC': Laws Clerk program is for you. Study Canadian, Corporate, Fanily, d9- Cartrrneznal Law and gain experience in aiminal and civil procemres Careers may be available with law offices, real estate firms, baniang unututiats and man. In Only 12 Months! 11 Granite court ic:kering, Ont. L1W 31<1 :ax)905-837-6352 e-mail to huff)anrescxjrces@lenbroc*.com AirIO Inc. develops wireless fleet management solutions for commercial vehicles. The AirlO solution, an integration of wireless communications, Global Positioning System (GPS), digitized mapping and on -board computer intelligence, act as an intelligent "black box" for commercial vehicles. Managers of trucking, rental and service vehicle fleets can now locate, remotely manage and communicate with their vehicles with this easy to use configurable solution. Customers can track their vehicles in real-time, remotely unlock doors and disable stolen vehicles. We are currently seeking applicants to loin our team in the following positions: Field Technical Representative - File #131 Reporting to the Director, System Operations you will be responsible for the installation and trouble -shooting of comaxanications and fleet management systems to ensure a smooth system implementation and commissioning The successful applicant should possess the following qualifications: • A minimum of three years experience in the installation of communications equipment • Post -secondary education in electrical or electronic technology • Self -motivated, flexible team player • Willing to travel throughout North America • Working knowledge of MS01fice illent Care mv*- File #132 Reporting Director, System y our main responsibdtly will be to support inquiries from the customer base with respect to the operation of the AirlO fleet management system. Your will also work with the engineering and production groups providing feedback on product performance and enhancement opporturnities. The successful applicant should possess the following • three rolenr service e'peredce in technicalsuprerwirorxtt • Post secondary education • Prokient in MSOffice • Organized, self-rnotivaled. flexible team player with excellent cornu nication skills. • BilinguaNsm (Rench/English) will be considered an asset. If you are interested in please forward your restore referencing the file num er - by June 25, 1998, Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. We thaNk all others lir their interest. No phone calls or agencies j AirIQ is committed to employment equity. 9- T TfME FURnU fl to LNE-N Witt WIN:! caple IN MAf� SUMN Camr asset stlldrrlts n carlpMlrq dw car and sodal saviors Trail WN Ceder. Broome a CaIIadWI Securities Cowss. tpdtgrolad b operak a' tied pi ddvocin � "aw" B.Comm. or M.BA NO ff gterrry nerd co M fragment avara0le n artindal nails, nmltlal desplaeorl - clMmd- residence. T s � w w ' p�,u, war- hNrecenrY workne n nun- erne arta rare caiapoNdMorl. Resimxx w rpa�id�tdaannd, exert. rrewneaeon uq Student Finachp aail- Sdgd d Bucirress (OtOFOWsl aain) TERMM' CR ieswF Sonic Ell- sM Mays $aO. (905)723- nG. 419 lair St. w. Oslo"S Wry St. S.. lkAtNa. SuNe Ont L1J 2KS : Hen 201. L1 N rlRn OVER 24 YEARS OF AGE AND OUT OF WORK? JOB CONNECT CAN HELP • Internet Access • Job Banks • Job Search Strategies • Interview Workshops • Resume Workshops ALSO AVAILABLE -One on one counseling • On the job training Call the hotline 725-4786 Pickering Residents 1-800-263-0993 Funded by the Government of Ontario Opportunities In Advertising Sales The Scarborough Mirror Is currently seeking a sales representative in our Display Department The successful candidate will be self -motivated. energetic and have a prvvw track record in media sales. Good commurncaaon skills and an excellent telephone manner are required We offer a base salary, car allowance, and a progressive comrrusson structure. If you are looking for a dlallenging posmon in a fast -paced environment. please send your resume to: Box "10 The Scarbormo Mirror 10 Tempo Aventie Wdowdale, Ontario M2H 2Ni MiPwronGu"kardian —News that hits home— Prepare for a Career In Radiation Therapy Recruiting individuals who bring a balance of comparison and a strong science background for 23 positions in the September 1998 intake, of our 28 -month traininngg programs. (Minimum of 6 OAC's required), forfurther information call: TTWPYH School of RadialTTSRt :C (1 6�9d6-2027 Radiation Therapy (416}480-4561 Deadline for completed applications is July 5th, 1998. $ Gan al filo M Gond N* HIGH -PAID BUSlNEW & Co>1[PV 1tER CoiNG roexrtoxs On -The -job Training Program Please send your resume to: WORLDWIDE CANADIAN MiMIAGEMENT CONSULTANT INC 1980 Bayly St., Suite 7, Pickering, ON. LI W 3T8 Fax 905-831-2832 'PAGE 32 -TIRE NEWS ADVERTISEWUXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 1 Genteel H* 1 General Help 1 General Help JW General Help Gewal tlslp_ 1 OfReo tfelp DURIMM Professional Horne Daycare needs raring people SCHOOL S wtu amson udgesince ,9.7 Busy GM Dealership requires: WARRANTY CLERK/CASHIER Reynolds & Reynolds experience an asset. Please fax resume to: 905-852-9490 Attn: SERVICE MANAGER Immediate employment opportur for an experienced Produce Mana( with extensive retail fresh knowled for BayRidges Price Chopper, Pickering. Must have knowledge inventory, ordering, and merchk dicing. Ability to increase sales a margins with strong leadership skills. Interested candidates should se HEI to: BAYRIDGES PRICE CHOPPER 1235 Bayly Street, Pickering ON. L1 W 1 L7 50 NEW OPENINGS in housewares and select sporting items.Trahm* is piovided. No door to door sale6 or telemarketing. Call... ("S) 723-4020 Telecommunications Firm (Requires TELEPHONE AGENTS $12 hr. Must be fluent in Thai or Danish 289-7572 Day, 438-7600 Eve ONE MOVE )S ALL IT TAKES! Selem 80% a debba of ad win Mr., CenaanAa's McON" W-awa Spadmm Roofs% b botlrS flee► m' n%��Ites & R UUNT 1'wmt for IPI kering Town Cawle . #F YOY Al " e SBbs-difiYaa wit a fWr ra fashion; e CpRlnitt1ted to superbr custor er service; e A motivated and eneirgir is leader wtth eroceill - conMtturNcatlon sklNa; • Experlenced In a ra ill amitmematt: -WE WAiIrT TO No" Yovi.. ;Wb offal career eppertwMtlaa, a OOaOetlfyMe salary arta beneAts packnige, it-daptlt frs8tkt4. NteeNerit dscoerM pr/N:aps and an btcerttM pan ewe on performer e. .94vwtwwe In robe/ rnana90mw* Is an asset If yon a- o nSW to join a dyentafe tears, phase tart Yaterti eel 1610 the attawrtlon of tame CredMob at (416) 7OR•3909. .. M wrw aw werer werwrrwii••eMwrw� as^�ae� WORK ON LOCAL TREE FARM -- Six Positions Available 2 - 3 weeks full time in July Minimum 16 years of age Must have reliable transportation '- Physically demanding, outdoor work experience preferable Please phone Taylor Tree Farm for information and/or to book an Interview Phone/Fax (905) 640-1325 ASSISTANT MANAGER Need three mature people to assist manger. Must be neat with good work habits. Opportunity to earn $300. per week. Car needed. (905) 723-4163 FAS? TRACK YOUR CAREER We are expanding our team! Busy Doctor of Chiropractic seeks anoth- er high energy, outgoing. optimistic individual with great communica- tion skills and desire to learn. Comprehensive on the job training provided. Apply in person: West Chiaopracdc C3) We 4747 E ithwa7 17 East union me 1 I:tlre>r 1 A♦NVL1C APPLICATt1MPi- 512- 45 . wet FTIMhwm*=_ say- 122 operappsitipoorsa Sioi 515 per lar. (705) 646-91144. A?Eti>>fI70N Az 11KAM DRfV11=1 Ownerres required. competitive safety dew , criminal search and ICC medical. US and Canadian esperSM Wentworth E, emit 140 Oshawa ON, L1H 3Vi or CoN (O6) 433-30M Ask for Charlie ATTN. SINOEMTf - Earn summer r-apn. We train. Seri- ous or* Alio one Caw Man- aDn eteeded. 11 years plus. 725-0213 or 263-1093. T.M.R. LANDSCAIwi,work- mminimum 3 yeaFore rs experem n Diss, Wrden sent. inter- lock done. fends and dept. Fax resume to (905) 623- 9406. sembling pr EXPERIENCED hairstylist wanted for busy Salon n u* wanted Centre. Ajax Good wag- es Call (905) 619.8057 EXPERIENCED person needed to clean houses Call 619- 0602 We pay you directly to assemble our products. Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S.A.S.E. to Five Star Enterprises 1348 Liverpool Rd., Suite 213 Pickering, Ont., L1V SW (4/6)724,1406 FLOOR SANDER needed Ex penence a most Car required. „all 905-430-2181 leave de - laded message FULL TWE HOUSEKEEPER/ COOK6'NANNv Required July 1s1 Must have minimum 5 years experience Live -n- ,7 e1erred References a must ECE cer dieditlondaW (9()5)- 4'? -0848 MODELS WANTED from Ca- nada between 2 19 to com- ate in ms tears 1998 Toron- to ometo Pageants Over $20.000 in C"zes and scholarships. n- .iuding trips to Nationals in as Vegas Call today 1-3DD- 367-2125 Ext 24C NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, en- crgehC. self 'Cl,vafed indr nduals for Iasi paced call ;entre great opportunroes for $SS Top wages pad. Please call 905-438-9487 STUDENTS welcome took 5350 545C veektvNew m ir- kenng company rapidly ex- pandh requires 10-20 people immedWely No expenence. wfirV to tram Call Ashley interview t« NPS 50 AZ Drivers Running 48 States Top rafts a brmeRts Minimum 1 yr expenerlce Appy in Person NPS 112 AVxA SL Scale 203. WN" Men -Fn 9m4pn Or calf (905)130.7168 or 1.888-439.7777 PRT TIME WAITFR;WAI TRESS for Indian Restaurant Experienced with ktdian Food Cad 428-0310 PRT TIME. Cleaners. diners license required. WN not stu- ck Part bine only, Castle Luning. 4231765 PART -time largess for New Trakrs Trafalgar Castle School, an inde- pendent boarding and day school for girls from grades 6 to O.A.C. Invites applications . from individuals with secretarial experience. We require an individual who has the ability to or- ganize and prioritize a busy work schedule. Applicants should be able to work independently with limited supervision, have good listening and oral communication skills along with a knowledge of Windows 95, Word and Excel is required. This is a 12 month position. Only those candidates interviewed will be contacted. Applications by mail, Fax or E -Mail by Monday June 29, 1998 to: George Briggs, Principal Trafalgar Castle School 401 Reynolds Street Whitby, Ontario UN 3W9 No phone calls please Fax (905)668-4136, E -Mail: briggsg@castle-ed.com Sala HelplAgsnta I Safes Helplk9ents "IT'S YOUR HEALTH" One of Metroland's fastest growing Health Magazines is seeking an aggressive OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Must be ambitious, customer friendly and eager to work with unlimited possibilities. Commission pay. Reply with resume by June 30/98 to: Denise Atkinson, Oshawa Whitby This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L5. We thank you for your interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted 1 t wdfpl 1 H°epM:dl r COMCARE Health Serviceserr* REGISTERED NMSES REGISTERED PRACTICAL MURSES For Our Community Visiting Program throughout Durham Region Criteria Required: • Current RWRPN registration • Community eXperimm • Added skills / IV therapy, CADD, etc. • Must have reliable vehicle • Flexibility to work ships, weekends SNIT Required: PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERS NOINE SUPPORT WORKERS Level 2 b 3 HEALTH CARE AIDES Please forward resume to: 11mon Resource 9210 - 200 !;Doll St. W. OsMwa, ON, LIS 21.7 or fax to 905-433-2353 While we appreciate all applications received, only those contacted for an interview will be acknowledged. Canadian Red Cross Society Urgently Requires Experienced Personal Support Workers IF YOU.... • Possess a P.S.W. Certificate/ Home Support level 2 or 3 (or equivalent) • have one or more years experience working in a community setting • have excellent communication and organizational skills • have valid Drivels License and reliable transportation • Are flexible to work a variety of hours including evenings dr weekends not on a ational basis Also recruiting for those available only evenings, weekends 6r overnight WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU IN PERSON OR BY FAX Canadian Red Cross Society Oshawa Centre, Office Galleria 419 King St. W., Ste. 105 Oshawa, Ontario Fax: 1-905-576-1589 Only those applicants constdrred for an interlarru unll be contacted. We are an equal opportunity employer. 10 sbMW Help CICS FITTER with AC license capable or trouble shooting and serm n0 No efficiency gas furnaces. residential a commercial AC i MVAC unit Home Budder. Oshawa area ON fiance an asset Chari Two Days Wendy Rel wattrELECTRONIC sidled help skilled Help dnwp record Responsible experience a must. Please maw, and Mal appeuana_ tax resume b (905)-387-3156. CAFETERIA ffE� wanted BENCH TECH pilionts� o«akm kap raretena. full time. 5 days per service home audio/video, VCR, Fax resume to (905)-885- ayn���amcorders, monitors ar car audio. 1106 )�Wall ly experienced persons need apply(9O5. MOST HAVE AZ DRmett ft_ Fax resume to: 905-668-3620 cense cim abstract WYYg ID work References (905)- 1 Gananat � ( M 430.2645. SUFF OT TECIMMCMM - This role utt a Y to protidesupervised dance in Meir Pickerng homes. Must be 18 ymold, able to �, xs am 11' Ckruc Pre- ferred 3 have 7 legs. care for children 6 weeks to on-site opersion&I computer systems. ndudinq all turd- you -4 arms. and ate aOiWY b do len 12 years, provide criminal reference check have wee. soflwere. rtnfwaks and thugs at Dna Pkau Call and a good sense of humour G8 periphery equipment. Highly behove ae (tows of 5pm- 905-509-1207. customer service aKmad. M W, EARN 1727. per week! As- wtu amson udgesince ,9.7 Busy GM Dealership requires: WARRANTY CLERK/CASHIER Reynolds & Reynolds experience an asset. Please fax resume to: 905-852-9490 Attn: SERVICE MANAGER Immediate employment opportur for an experienced Produce Mana( with extensive retail fresh knowled for BayRidges Price Chopper, Pickering. Must have knowledge inventory, ordering, and merchk dicing. Ability to increase sales a margins with strong leadership skills. Interested candidates should se HEI to: BAYRIDGES PRICE CHOPPER 1235 Bayly Street, Pickering ON. L1 W 1 L7 50 NEW OPENINGS in housewares and select sporting items.Trahm* is piovided. No door to door sale6 or telemarketing. Call... ("S) 723-4020 Telecommunications Firm (Requires TELEPHONE AGENTS $12 hr. Must be fluent in Thai or Danish 289-7572 Day, 438-7600 Eve ONE MOVE )S ALL IT TAKES! Selem 80% a debba of ad win Mr., CenaanAa's McON" W-awa Spadmm Roofs% b botlrS flee► m' n%��Ites & R UUNT 1'wmt for IPI kering Town Cawle . #F YOY Al " e SBbs-difiYaa wit a fWr ra fashion; e CpRlnitt1ted to superbr custor er service; e A motivated and eneirgir is leader wtth eroceill - conMtturNcatlon sklNa; • Experlenced In a ra ill amitmematt: -WE WAiIrT TO No" Yovi.. ;Wb offal career eppertwMtlaa, a OOaOetlfyMe salary arta beneAts packnige, it-daptlt frs8tkt4. NteeNerit dscoerM pr/N:aps and an btcerttM pan ewe on performer e. .94vwtwwe In robe/ rnana90mw* Is an asset If yon a- o nSW to join a dyentafe tears, phase tart Yaterti eel 1610 the attawrtlon of tame CredMob at (416) 7OR•3909. .. M wrw aw werer werwrrwii••eMwrw� as^�ae� WORK ON LOCAL TREE FARM -- Six Positions Available 2 - 3 weeks full time in July Minimum 16 years of age Must have reliable transportation '- Physically demanding, outdoor work experience preferable Please phone Taylor Tree Farm for information and/or to book an Interview Phone/Fax (905) 640-1325 ASSISTANT MANAGER Need three mature people to assist manger. Must be neat with good work habits. Opportunity to earn $300. per week. Car needed. (905) 723-4163 FAS? TRACK YOUR CAREER We are expanding our team! Busy Doctor of Chiropractic seeks anoth- er high energy, outgoing. optimistic individual with great communica- tion skills and desire to learn. Comprehensive on the job training provided. Apply in person: West Chiaopracdc C3) We 4747 E ithwa7 17 East union me 1 I:tlre>r 1 A♦NVL1C APPLICATt1MPi- 512- 45 . wet FTIMhwm*=_ say- 122 operappsitipoorsa Sioi 515 per lar. (705) 646-91144. A?Eti>>fI70N Az 11KAM DRfV11=1 Ownerres required. competitive safety dew , criminal search and ICC medical. US and Canadian esperSM Wentworth E, emit 140 Oshawa ON, L1H 3Vi or CoN (O6) 433-30M Ask for Charlie ATTN. SINOEMTf - Earn summer r-apn. We train. Seri- ous or* Alio one Caw Man- aDn eteeded. 11 years plus. 725-0213 or 263-1093. T.M.R. LANDSCAIwi,work- mminimum 3 yeaFore rs experem n Diss, Wrden sent. inter- lock done. fends and dept. Fax resume to (905) 623- 9406. sembling pr EXPERIENCED hairstylist wanted for busy Salon n u* wanted Centre. Ajax Good wag- es Call (905) 619.8057 EXPERIENCED person needed to clean houses Call 619- 0602 We pay you directly to assemble our products. Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S.A.S.E. to Five Star Enterprises 1348 Liverpool Rd., Suite 213 Pickering, Ont., L1V SW (4/6)724,1406 FLOOR SANDER needed Ex penence a most Car required. „all 905-430-2181 leave de - laded message FULL TWE HOUSEKEEPER/ COOK6'NANNv Required July 1s1 Must have minimum 5 years experience Live -n- ,7 e1erred References a must ECE cer dieditlondaW (9()5)- 4'? -0848 MODELS WANTED from Ca- nada between 2 19 to com- ate in ms tears 1998 Toron- to ometo Pageants Over $20.000 in C"zes and scholarships. n- .iuding trips to Nationals in as Vegas Call today 1-3DD- 367-2125 Ext 24C NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, en- crgehC. self 'Cl,vafed indr nduals for Iasi paced call ;entre great opportunroes for $SS Top wages pad. Please call 905-438-9487 STUDENTS welcome took 5350 545C veektvNew m ir- kenng company rapidly ex- pandh requires 10-20 people immedWely No expenence. wfirV to tram Call Ashley interview t« NPS 50 AZ Drivers Running 48 States Top rafts a brmeRts Minimum 1 yr expenerlce Appy in Person NPS 112 AVxA SL Scale 203. WN" Men -Fn 9m4pn Or calf (905)130.7168 or 1.888-439.7777 PRT TIME WAITFR;WAI TRESS for Indian Restaurant Experienced with ktdian Food Cad 428-0310 PRT TIME. Cleaners. diners license required. WN not stu- ck Part bine only, Castle Luning. 4231765 PART -time largess for New Trakrs Trafalgar Castle School, an inde- pendent boarding and day school for girls from grades 6 to O.A.C. Invites applications . from individuals with secretarial experience. We require an individual who has the ability to or- ganize and prioritize a busy work schedule. Applicants should be able to work independently with limited supervision, have good listening and oral communication skills along with a knowledge of Windows 95, Word and Excel is required. This is a 12 month position. Only those candidates interviewed will be contacted. Applications by mail, Fax or E -Mail by Monday June 29, 1998 to: George Briggs, Principal Trafalgar Castle School 401 Reynolds Street Whitby, Ontario UN 3W9 No phone calls please Fax (905)668-4136, E -Mail: briggsg@castle-ed.com Sala HelplAgsnta I Safes Helplk9ents "IT'S YOUR HEALTH" One of Metroland's fastest growing Health Magazines is seeking an aggressive OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Must be ambitious, customer friendly and eager to work with unlimited possibilities. Commission pay. Reply with resume by June 30/98 to: Denise Atkinson, Oshawa Whitby This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L5. We thank you for your interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted 1 t wdfpl 1 H°epM:dl r COMCARE Health Serviceserr* REGISTERED NMSES REGISTERED PRACTICAL MURSES For Our Community Visiting Program throughout Durham Region Criteria Required: • Current RWRPN registration • Community eXperimm • Added skills / IV therapy, CADD, etc. • Must have reliable vehicle • Flexibility to work ships, weekends SNIT Required: PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERS NOINE SUPPORT WORKERS Level 2 b 3 HEALTH CARE AIDES Please forward resume to: 11mon Resource 9210 - 200 !;Doll St. W. OsMwa, ON, LIS 21.7 or fax to 905-433-2353 While we appreciate all applications received, only those contacted for an interview will be acknowledged. Canadian Red Cross Society Urgently Requires Experienced Personal Support Workers IF YOU.... • Possess a P.S.W. Certificate/ Home Support level 2 or 3 (or equivalent) • have one or more years experience working in a community setting • have excellent communication and organizational skills • have valid Drivels License and reliable transportation • Are flexible to work a variety of hours including evenings dr weekends not on a ational basis Also recruiting for those available only evenings, weekends 6r overnight WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU IN PERSON OR BY FAX Canadian Red Cross Society Oshawa Centre, Office Galleria 419 King St. W., Ste. 105 Oshawa, Ontario Fax: 1-905-576-1589 Only those applicants constdrred for an interlarru unll be contacted. We are an equal opportunity employer. 10 sbMW Help CICS FITTER with AC license capable or trouble shooting and serm n0 No efficiency gas furnaces. residential a commercial AC i MVAC unit Home Budder. Oshawa area ON fiance an asset Chari Two Days Wendy Rel wattrELECTRONIC sidled help skilled Help dnwp record Responsible experience a must. Please maw, and Mal appeuana_ tax resume b (905)-387-3156. CAFETERIA ffE� wanted BENCH TECH pilionts� o«akm kap raretena. full time. 5 days per service home audio/video, VCR, Fax resume to (905)-885- ayn���amcorders, monitors ar car audio. 1106 )�Wall ly experienced persons need apply(9O5. MOST HAVE AZ DRmett ft_ Fax resume to: 905-668-3620 cense cim abstract WYYg ID work References (905)- 1 Gananat � ( M 430.2645. SUFF OT TECIMMCMM - This role utt 11114111111'11:111, wrwrrar errngeoc irtdkadiil for rWV axpg_ 'Hum ARCINIECTYRAL Millwork Firm Drafts technical sr our am 11' Ckruc Pre- ferred 3 have 7 legs. ,Nnior a' Yes expenaice on-site opersion&I computer systems. ndudinq all turd- you -4 arms. and ate aOiWY b do len a coup. Please tax resume b: wee. soflwere. rtnfwaks and thugs at Dna Pkau Call 905-9631714. periphery equipment. Highly behove ae (tows of 5pm- CLASS DZ DOPIER required customer service aKmad. a Twee, tub erne. Some weeYertds and I=? Adventurous? female is combte p10f4 WdvwW h- S124W to stat ir Entertaners preferred. No excellent cornu ww2boton exp. necessary. Jim on on skift Your sound Wilder fast Irani in the a&* enter- standing of us oaieeVlekd- tainment industry. 18 and old- Investment ows 95 eatarnoon, cataiglNa- er preferred. tion and support. AIS d Sere �1. Cal Mary at (906) 4 -- er and Workstation is com- ape cyl 2NW. tone 1- Bp-7nx409ext. 07. pour=' avaitaWe for pixi- bora or ttabNtre Operators. fill 0.0014/ 0 wAeOpe" of network ttow JOYCE POST bleshoofig and PC hedttaral NATMLMX 1 MM A�: periplte Send resume b bleached oak, with puY-out Box L � GO j Ndsay This desk. Excelem contaAion ask- WaK 96 Albert SL S.. und- " $375. call 666- say. On K9V 31117 3296950319900604 219960609 On - sNft 7.3, 3-11, 11-7. Wet be 9960609 2 211010111100.800000 able to 01 4199MM 11>00c e 11>d"0tl TAXI 'pot tion as Mews Aid- DRIVERS verbser Will not be re- to salay mnrStfaarldigwok y a sponsible for Nam than want one irimed i Oen m I'I)LL A PART and neve slWl rix no Y- atilt lex non-inseabn TIME of any aomftomw. Liability for errors n ads wil Train is limited b the ,motet pri� CCCn W2 paid for the span occu- pykg the error. All copy W is subim to the appro- lE.l11AOUlw, jdloa4eape vy Of fi wtapts" Of of hin" and air oonfYortYq Mews Adnerdset. trade, Tekphork (905) 681 09&5. CUSTTOMa FFOCCU TY MOMC wAGM AMO! sL ppNCN- � amepting mum for quires experience fst be w- experiormll servers and No penises for afternoon slifts 10 coacwmoewk 1kxwe sw. cooks. AOdv in peset To Art nolle a Mechanicalability would be an me . Please send NU T11E Ata PART TIitE resafm to fie /5. Osinae wtiUeaeshrykm and kkb- WhMAy This Waft. 365 fare- Sf P.O. en help. Apphr in pesat b VkW:421-6790. TM wd So 481, Opo- win, LIN 715. -_Kerry bw NE AM LOORM6 tot key Lem message M 905.571- people to expand our ertatcial 4956. _ services business in anis ExperienceWebas not rteces itPiPIPA wap Class Z licensearea. mwimw lex CR drivall. Pick eery. we We lean. New office. Vain Montesano (gps)'. up a erYwrils. Able to read 7713. road maps Fax remme to ebg. ekww Reading. W- 416-292-2094. BOOR AT MOM - asuw- awpodom. Start int- Forfree ~o. p&*- DIE TO Ike ralparaion of our we have several ape cyl 2NW. tone 1- Bp-7nx409ext. 07. pour=' avaitaWe for pixi- bora or ttabNtre Operators. E III Mil delfee is not a audtinte selrlp. makdy haw OMeo ding, and licensed form op- able to commwmcale with At- erates. For a Corrugated OwO1EO Pa Perdiem Cardboard company. Ouyilh- cation will be as required: basis. Pdaw. Experiatced ble Mlal be MW 10 mad a laps p rind. Stud Ritunrtes b Must Sitworst On - sNft 7.3, 3-11, 11-7. Wet be Dot.. LIV o d (905 able to 637-016& walk v0 Alters. Mop be a cenlfied holm rlpaya. Nast IMT.1161E outpoirg people to salay mnrStfaarldigwok y a fWw person for busy chiropubt: dace. CCow*NW Rate ft snaffirthou. efrp WN train. 701 Rosslan Bandits after 3 months. DOW and Eye Road East, Sulk 204, WN". owe afar one ym. Purse bnwrrf yow asnlNk b Js" Resumes UMN wbdresday Bak 1065 ClenMols Rd. Pier June 24198. MbrO. QItMk1 .(Fax) 906 668 ESTMIN islet 7566 Nab I Amok FwAw Carpenter inquired, E7tIp1ENCE kt halve dour, refaMe, p. 6 least 5 yyears needed for food ampany. Al - $Yed� Phone I� > fequke0. (9051124292 Ow 6 p.m. aY Eric y 26-0912. MLE6 NEtP INA M- HiglMy W" SaiRCE Tedrtician, mdivated must tem" for requimd for reMebal man. n01a1r11CYorl and nmwAlon. kinnot and service. AppM b palm at 6f Sitrcoe r prole arYheales sL Ack br RaL me. h Nts, (mo) 863.0115. IMMEDIATELY Licensed Body Person for busy body in No apprentices. Phone, JENSEN AUTO BODY (905) 668-3331 PRwICflOM Labourer -A local window Naru ilacturer requires a wee -organum. hardwakng tfl&A&W to pe - I" MWN* warehouse do - ties. The appropriye can - Mo a" be dear orieted, able to manes hiSMer time efficiently possess 4M car- pentry, sltifle using power bw and haute I . r, in mug Aatedriv'rtg rewords without ifdractbns. OU"ed andidaNs please tax resent b (905) 9679. PO6ACT COOROMNATON, To MACIUM OPERATORS AIIfD GEN ZI AL LAAWKIRER Clean, modem mfg. plan located in Pick- ering, hrly. rate + piece work boron. Midst be experienced. Call Carmen (94115) 41e0-8704 150 EXPERIENCED PDA For group dental practice in Oshawa. Excellent hours Send resume to: 172'=g SG Suite 201, Oshawa!, oftfarie L1H 137 AA313 MfiT 1Full time WKiudes Eve's 8 Sat's Phyme (061-SOIr M prsvde En W*ering Services THERAPIST wanted for Owy for ArdtAect" NowAnum esthetic salon n down Wm Fab iaWg Company n Pick- wmby. flafiae how$ and ebg. ekww Reading. W- ftansdebk. CSN Weal T*OoRs and Pro6eiemy vM ACRD 13 is a roe". s m E III Mil delfee is not a wmod praequbite. Familiarity, with Cwlafnwall and commnndal Wk dm an asset. Must be E bvkq a ow- 0k are gMrnwilred n able to commwmcale with At- my hares for 1, 3, a 6 7� obs, 3-4 daystwesk, sdro 1 dOM and General Contras- haffa ummeir W , train bi Ws. Fax resume Fax1 905- 42fF1282, TN.I906 42810N - snbkar, rNer"'Orenim a polim died mead. 831-012.. ' : NU ME PATIENT loving a to provkk s6mdaURq r cane n mil, hone.for 2 young TMeWnaM (IM 501b-3000FirldinY C MMA AUTO CENTIE - I= AM 30' trabr suitable Ion trader or cottage.1 e DsyeM• AsBMeblo sleeps 8, air r - itnred, mi- humxhber lamps a other 11ete�kn pppE/OLEMIIIMA. Expert erred, erergelic mutter of 2 CARPETS SALE: LouW car. pets 100% stain fe- lease Rod TICKETS FOR SAI: Stewart Concert Best offer. OW MA pIMIHICE Assoc. Classes starting has apeMnps for clwdrm 2yrs. a .Man sake WAMW carpel rooms Sm. (30 W. yd.) Includes. carpel 852.0647. MaMay. June 29. Pu"BMic To Bolster mem: police check a refer- 420- premium pad card irtstalla- lion Free USED FIMOIE 6225. and sp, al Bev. (905) 655 ,r 4002 ences available. Sherry eslintaters. carpet used stoves $200. and up. Westney Rd. S. in Ajax 8032 ONLY NOW DAT repairs. Serving Dur am and 6868surrounding area. Sam 905 used washers $250. dryers =125 a New KlIMNS WITH FIRST availablel or FRENCH CARE .Apes 2 5. Se� 8th. a rosourlxfu, ECE Palos;ramana, spank. Kimbal New dig" panus 16 $605 .ryes, Wind na30' stoves $449. tion as adult aha (fixed and vaccinated). Marry DIiPL11YRTOMIE UNITS. Reliable teacher. 15 years exaeri0m. Ida! for commercial sale of and up. New 5 c.f. freezers $255. rvew, 5 c.f. bar fridges. dogs also in need of respon- siWe loving fames. Breakfasts. hot lunches, a available. Leave cd's and/or books. Phone 721- 0601 or 623.6259. $225 Stephenson -s Ap 227 Pets sup - offs$, donations and toster snacks Debra (9051425 a pNatas Court St.. Ostia• homes for dogs also rkeded message- 1496 t'ICKERIN(; $*Son / HONG: nnYwrspfa 2Daily outings !fenced backyard and park). Crafts. story bme, music. nu- IrdiDus meals a snacks. First Aid. C PR. certified. Non- smoking. receipts. 905-428- 1244 SUMMER daycare for school - aged r,hddren in a tun and nappy Christian tame. Coun- ;ry seronp central to Ajax/ P ckenng Ca11427-090& 1 f mpbymere Wanted 21 " Jq le male University Snider seelung summer em- �Ioyment. Experienced in re - Iasi food, security and ildrare Easy-going, outgo- rg 8 responsib le 571.5792 PIANO STUDENTS - Looking ,r beginner students Less - ns in my home. Ajax area. all Joani 4 905-686.8351 1 Brgsn Carer APARTMENT SIZE washer I. �•yor, excellent condition 5500 0 B 0 Phone 428-3055 BIANCHI BICYCLE. 12 speed 'all racer Chrome-moy "ame All Shrmarro Exage :.arts Mint condition Retail .slue $900 Asking $400 Prow 19051623-2508 COMPUTER ARMOIRE; bleat-lerl oak with pun -out desA Excellent condition ask - Ing S,375 call 668-8298 1 Articles r GARAGE 1._.r repairs. broken Cables. IOle. . Open- ers insUlled W New doors/ openers Quality Plus Doors 416.335-0073 1989 MACE American Sm whee' Tandem Axle Trailer. Michel n fires new Makes 3C' long $5000 1995 Ford Smith 9000 pound electnc hy- draulic 2 post horst, seldom used $3000 Cekordy water coder $125 10'x10- garage door wood panel type. inside usage only like new wmt hardware MM 1997 Xerox 5308 photocopier. seldom used $700 Call 579.9967 AIR CONDITIONERS 5.000 81J trom $75 8.000 from $156 10.000 from $175. 1 new 22 000 5585 1 new 8.000 5385 Dehunwdfier, new 5150 used from $45 Cal 576-0132 APPLIANCES. I RALITY re Dull rndgesstoves. wash- ers. dryers. a dishwashers Full and apartment size Good Daces and guaremees From $100 and up AN Ontario Ap- pWnce Cknc Ltd.. 111 Dun - Us St W. Whdby.668-9444 BEAUTIFUL Almond appiaa- es General electric side/side 'nope. Stove -std dean. black glass door Maydag washell dryer with new dement $1500 1°666 om 89 BED. BLACK wrought iron ca. nopy queen orelopeft mat. tress/frame Never opened. $1200 Sacrifice SMO. (116) 407.9499. IED, queers: skier DtMVA . portable: Rod IroNGlass UWrg Pato Sit: Kd"M Table a CUTS. Silver Ratwm. Tame Linens 905.852-7242. BEDROOM SUITE he�adboaf�d, dolift daft craw itmina. 2 lout bktes, ee. em CondiN011 and Clem. Asking 5575.. Affw 7 p.M. 721.1985. CAGES for sate. 44.3. 625. W. Please CaN Tony. Trq or Judy 721.0966 ISM) CAUFORMN Redwoold con- servalory f01r1n11 14'wide by 7 d,% complift doccf� NO ection frodd- fluency. glazing. low -E plan Froncb entrance door $GW 090 CARPET IlBOM. 100% Nyla1 MCk, push. suit re- sistant carps. For 3 rooNa, only $369.00. Prix k ckas 30 Sq. yds calpd, Il*= pad and enstaMaem in your hone. Free glataborl .ten YM hM, No interest, no payMW fpr one tut year. Danbd 1.SM 217.0104. 1 �yPET6 - loft o=1 a►Pet nylon. new Stii1 f1 mdlease caW% on hand, wo carueel 3 room i3M HPrix expert PEA n N�(Op omdolki ery• free 90iiyl (30 lanin). Nonan 606.2314. HANKS' APPLMMCEi. Sales Parts, Service Fridges side- by-side walerAce, white. $699/upp. Regular side -by - sides 5150. deluxe frost -free fridges VWup, like new G.E It". freezer -bottom $600. 3yrs. 10cu. fridges $275. beer Iridge $99 Self -leaning stoves $250. 20' stoves 5100. apt. sin washer/dryer $599, washers $199/up. dryers $150/up, aircortditioners $150/ up Large selection Financing available. Up to Syr warranty Avg. 2-8yrs old 426 Simcoe SIS (905)728-4043. Hit tub for sale, totally port- able, no fixed pipes. Indoor/ outdoor, summer at cottage. winter an pabo $2500 Hitachi Mead maker 550 Drink Mak- er pop making mach me 5200 (905)839-9259 KAYAK POOL 12'1 T with 8' deckfence. heater, winter a solar blankets. ladder, pump 8 filter Pard $5.500 Asking $2.500 Call Jim 728-7158. KING BED x -thick Orthopedic Pillovrtop, seV and frame. still inDlasitc. cost $1,500. Sell $625 1416)407-9499 LADY ANTIQUE BUYER pur- chasing Moorcroft. Birks sterling flatware, Shelley. Doullon. Susie Cooper silver, jewellery, glass. sculpture. cashiconTidemaldy (416)447-3932 GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY starting at $30 two large chest freezers $1150. M. 40 gallon fah tank $125. Iadys Sulova gold watch $400 King Size waterbed mattress $125 d- riette seV4 chairs S225. mo- lOrbike tires (905) 965-0616 MICROWAVE Oven, exercise wa.576-7448 Please call Durham Animal WB OMMER - Alpha Comp- AdOPbOd. at (905) 438-8411 Sec Board. 180 L. 5 6 Alphaw- Ing sail Excellent condition$700 rack Z .i1BEi8AN 3909 Michael u ded 05 839 MUSIUEs free to a good home. 1 1m Articles Gentle As lovable. 2 year old female and ANTIQUES?Absoletelyf Ad- male. Must have vice- always valuable. usually secure fence. freer Purchasing outright, es- Pen a: dog fates w/same antique cont- house available. ents. (no limit to value con- 683-748$ sidered), collections of any sort, quantities or single en - hque nems Special mterest m Moomrott pottery I'll try to re- 1 1O"i°s $pond to taut quenes. Ruben for SW Bowen Anhques- Brocklin. CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the Ontario (9051655-8049. fax spot financing Oown (905)655-5501 ments from $750. 0 A C !ars CASH OR DEALS. We Buy. Sell b more, Pay top dollar for top items Home audio/ video. car aurllo. tools. CD's, movies. games, gold, dia- monds, furniture. appliances. (905)433,-1785 905-571-2274 (905)666-0004 (prefer all dents in working order) Chl size picnic table and Slide Call 1705) 357-1469 DO you have, valuable an- tiques or estate canentso Let us assist you in achieving the highest possibk ones. Call today Henry or Gayle Kahn 'Antique Consudards' with nearly 30 years expenence Perone 905.985-8161 F GEUv at trucks, vans 1981 to 1994 Alan ly Auto Sales Ltd 792 Suri Street South. Oshawa Phone 905-720-3382 19H BUICK Skylark converf. . auto. V8 302 106.D00m cert., red, wtme int. barn stored asking 589110 Call (905)655-8893 1984 BUICK ELECTRA Wagon. loaded well-maniamed Cer- tified $2500 0 B 0 '250 Straight 6' Rum well 3spd transmission. Excellent con- ation 1905)-986.5255 1994 BUICK RIVIERA. tm- maeulAte interior. loaded as IS $3000 Otto Call 723-0619 leave message 1994 CAVALIER 2 or 4 cyl. .u10 $1500 cendied $1200 as Call 905-579-5271 (Whrt- ',)or leave message 1985 FORD 'OPAZ. 4 door, °9 PS PW auto. cruise AM - IM 200 000 km runs well, oil condition. S1 050 uncer- '.led 19051 I157•903q bike kerosene healer. Ige MMA AUTO CENTIE - I= AM 30' trabr suitable Ion trader or cottage.1 a.d sleeps 8, air r - itnred, mi- humxhber lamps a other Sob 1 Sekes 2MAM cassette. new brakes. keM $$rotes, MOMM, •turw dedl, kon s. master bedroom, shocks. mWRer, wen main. TABLES FOR RENT $25 NORITME SHENANDOAH Heart & Pattern 12 place settvigs ^may serving pnece $3000 Stroke Foundation Also Cross a Olive crystal Call (905)-576.5249 Parking Lot 725 MMO$RRANDFATHER Westney Rd. S. in Ajax CLOCKS- Summer Sale On Date Sat. July 11th Hpw ends June 1511 AN 1997 floor models reduced used Time Sam-3pm Palos;ramana, spank. Kimbal New dig" panus To reserve table caII Herman from 5895 and 'p Rene to (905)-686-1521 own. 100% d an rental pay , Ica Fuly furnished. air. shed. air, purse, alloy wheels. mems appy Huge selection deck. quiet seasonal park emerald green, grey interior, of prandoall d«les from TELE PIA- Art A 1 a 5995 ala UP Cad P W 433.1491 • Ori 1 1 b Ser POOL PROQEMS? Pod CRAFT DEALERS QED four IM UtM RX7 in mint Equipment avadade new and outdoor craft extravaganza cpndnan. S/ 600 certified CAN used We also do repairs August em a 91h at dee Cour- Pena 905428-9445 Guaranteed Deet price (905)- face Flea Market Attendance 663-- vA be over 6000 people Cal 1915 TORONADO, fully bad - 905.436.1024. so. 160.000km $2500 Please RENT TO OMN APPLIANCES. phone (905)433-0183 new and reconditioned. tall warranty Paddy's Market. Cagnwa 1916 Y.W. JE1TA Diesel. new 8369 w 1-800 798• 1 good Dans $2.500 as as. Coal 905- 430-95M SHEDMAN . Duality wooden FREE aTE1N1ET !muted bme Shrds 8' X $- Darn tit, only otter Don't delay call today. 1917 SAllt M. Fully loaded. 5299 pus tax. Wry oBer, stZ• You've tried love rest Now sunt CD Player. sunrod. Very good es and styles avaitabk. Nso wiM Not bits! (905)-404-0919. looking car' $4000 0 8 0 Call garages and Deeks 761 Mc- Psoas (905)-433-5573 Kay M. Unit 3. Pickering. For 1917 STANZA W. loaded. more into. call 905.619-2093. 5L high nkkage. mos8y, highway SOFA BED, Royal blue, las $ALE- I KE HEATER -KAYAK $1500010 (905)06-3385. SM 1 year del. $675.00 all 432-1011. Ptd Redangtdar above Oroad dOdls 1986 BUICK LESABRE, good 16'x24' O/D m condino l fury loadedtar"' S"W000 Do" Roam irides Neer. 2 ladders. sand bed, asking $4.200. ii (905) 8 before 10 am or al - Table. 2 + 4 ddrs testa 12. 5500. Cal 905 430 finer. PUM a motor etc. 1- 800 661 7564. r 6 m. pm.. ler 6 D, 9509. Lake A IM CAVMJEA. 4 cyl., 2 dr.. TEAL E Deck (Hooey Pee 1 165.000 toms.. tared wind - top). 6W x 34', royal f so CD playa. runs well. $1,500. oke $125 or Istat ollec 1152 t a of km � 906.6Y 22types '11Y. 1- IM I a-. for sold. OAK AKO m FBill E Pineridge 1 s School. 83raft Good conndNiort. Cerolied. Gooy cor We M Not pert a ladory out- 8335 $2700 o.b.o. Call days 619- W..WM an the Factory!!! LOST MALLET - "armory 1325 Dan. ager Spm 831-3414 Chock OM Ow JWke SPC- Crate Gal Course Pro SIa0. ask for Mike. dWL..SOLID OAK Harvest Mario Vellri. 905) 623-4172 1918 MERCURY TOPAZ, Table OR 42' Rand Pedestal of (905) 43311. Reward o1- S1,400 or bat offer. BwgNndir UM and 4 Arrowbadk side faed for Nmclosed dOglmnwna. edaior, gray i O-. beam chain your CHOICE...just . f1NofS4ppesl fair, tapehaft. 9VAW 6649..211 solid NO VBIEERS.. 1 III , , , va rut special NO "a RAMGMIICq, 210 til, AZAR FINISH in a IpIN Weal MMMAYAM MIrIFN3, tali- =4 good caldi ou" 52,900 r stain. T.WITIONAL WOOD- able bondks d love, canoe- iter Cd (905) 263.4012 WORKING, 115 NORTH PORT dwaley home raised. CCA 19M CNIYiLER New Yorker (df Rum SL) Port Perry 915- regiorK stma. 915-8021 5th Averwo. Loaded. leader ff»4. inlerfor• 1 owner Imrlatxl:t condlton. 56300 Kms. Cati- DONKEY for sale. YarNng fled. SM. (9051.430-5656- NO NOINIM OOwM mak. standard Size. Friendly. 19It ACClAII julom tic, P•nlum IM2336MAX good disposition. Call 905- white. 115.000 k, m SW- Campunor .kom.$1WRL 642.7060 oassM gaom4 �ed, SM00C. Tele - 26.50• TVskwxA5J51W1L BEAGLES - cocker spareet. n phone(905)831-5633 F"Sllroo..--... $14ANk. deltas$, cads -a -pons pups lot sale. Also mimaiyan kittens. ISM IINCK Skylab, sporty 2 Laura 905.665.1191 or 1.888- door. V6. ABS, Ai. White. Wd Cdr! Mari Oioh . 6125IiMl S7 DOGS maintained. 155Kms. $6500 SM Cal ,14ff.........SSZbk SIBERIAN HUSKIES, pwppres/ O.B.O. (905)-660.2137. N"LNM USS-- adWts, may odours, bokNq 1!!2 IKAMD Am GT. 125 000 Fly bided. 4 door. auto. for being Norma. Regale cal Susan. 905- km. CC. cal green. (905) 259- 5671. 6558. , 1 . , . . . . , .I., r , , . . . . . • . . • • • . • - . . - - . it THE NEWS ADVERTISERA BRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JANE 21, I"1111 -PAGE 33 IWtd. NIMIN- i' 1 TtaMls 11 Rets 'r 11 �' °i i I- p0NvwA Grand Am SE, MMA AUTO CENTIE - I= AM 30' trabr &qrreealy wish air auto. ABS. 2.3 Yew ea dep sola ad sen- sleeps 8, air r - itnred, mi- recyl., rxWa. ON, p.l.. tear e txelbs. Bets s. pla crowli new, shed. Beaut*W 2MAM cassette. new brakes. keM $$rotes, MOMM, •turw dedl, kon s. master bedroom, shocks. mWRer, wen main. In. Kawskep sed teml 1964 mid coadMon. asking taints. Asking $4600. Camaro. 8 cyl.. autowfic, $14,000. (905)831-2682. (905)6834788. $2.900. 1988 roil Mustang. 2 CAMPER SOFT TOP. steeps till OLOSMDOU ACIEIMR - 108.000 km, very dealt, 9M Ford U Bmrtco II. R6 -A., 1911 COLE"tens COLE", trailer. Sleepm 6. Sa m up fins excd eM 4 door, cruise. air, automatic, 4 x 4. 63.595.. o- 1989 CavaMer. 4 call., au- grafts incl. sereen_M porde. stored indoors, used twice. Mulli(905) cassette. $6.800. Call (905) (905) 436 7237 Somatic. 151 kms. only A*M $5100. 905-579-2060. all Stacey 576.8083 $2.695.. 1989 Tempest. 4 dr.. alt M 1. Golden Falcon, wink I'M PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM, 4 cyl. automatic, $2.900. , Ica Fuly furnished. air. shed. air, purse, alloy wheels. 1989 Chrysler Daytona. 4 cyl.. deck. quiet seasonal park emerald green, grey interior, automatic, $2.295.. 1990 Sun- Wellers Bay, Trenton gold trim package. new lues. bird. 2 dr. 4 cyl, automatic. Asking $32,500 UBO. 905- 99k.Excellentndir $3.595 1990 Pontiac Bonne - ce Ion. 725 3532.915-668.1653. 57900 certified 0 B O. -(905)- 433-0201 vale. Al dr, while loaded. 54.495. 1990 Chev Corsica BORAIR Hard Top Camper. Cal 90`723-097 LT, 6 cyl , automatic. 4 dr., stoops 6, sink, stove. ice bort, TIM HONDA Civic DX Coupe $3.795., 1990 Buick Regal6 awning. excellent condition. 5 speed. air, tin, cassette, new cyl. 2 dr, loaded, $4.595. $2.000 Udora. Please call brakes and tires. 64,000kms . 1990 Chev Beretta GTZ. 5 705-228-8659 Teal green, $11.000 ora speed, black. $4.500 1990 1%$ FONTAINE cedar stnp (905)728--3120 Cavalier RS. 6 cyl, 2 dr. CAMPER SOFT TOP. steeps 1996 VW GOLF. under 50.000 black. 5 speed. $3.900. 1991 Chev Sprint, 5 speed. $2.295. 4-5 Good condition. $450 or welt trade for small outboard km. 5 speed black sec security 1991 Chev Cavalier. 2 dr 4 motor. 6-10 HP Call 852 - system. 50(50 Dad split. no. ally driven, $12.900 o b o . c'1 automatic. $3.800. 1991 9469 all Stacey 576.8083 GMC Jimmy. 43 automatic. 4 x 4 only 56.995. 1992 Cava - RENTING 1!91 HardloD tem 1l97 ESCORT WAGON. 5 her 2 dr. . 4 cyl . 5 speed. trailerswkly $325 pt wee - kend $200. Soft -top fn5/wk. speed 58,000 km loaded. $3.695 Come and See a at $120/L wknd Brooklin (905) J. $11.800 Call John (905) 852- 1W Skncoe St. S., IN OSMwa 655-8893 9344 art A" from our stock of i l - fordable certified vehicles. STARCRAFT 6. tent Trader. 11!91 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, eon 8 - a weekhys, 1 - 5 stove, tndge. sink. sleeps 6. navy, leather auto all power. Saturdays (915)184-2255 new ranvas/seals/tues. Ex - aluminum wheels. new cellent condition $220. 905 - brakes. looks 8 runs great, 472-6804 or 905-8524711 $2.995 (905) 852-7086 1998 Chev Malibu. 7tX)0 km. YAM converted to custom - auto '/6 badeC $18 500 or WE FINANCE EVERYDNE No turn downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt: bad credit-, no credit! If you work: you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 SUrrFKl FIFS- TA SAVINGS COME YOUR WAY AT CERTICAR NEW AR- RIVALS!! LDOK AT THESE OFJALSII Eg 1986 Celebrity coo air, kenneled. spotless. only $2.195. 1992 Transport GT. wood. 119.000 kms 3.800 v-6. sbs-r F- mint. asking $9.988. 1995 Firstly. auto 4 (Jr. 70.000 kms wow 57.995. 1995 Lumina van, 101.000 kms, lovely green super sak, $to 985 1991 Z28 Camaro. larded 5 speed. v-8. lucky you $7 777. 1994 Fire - By. red. 5 speed. m v all G- outs. $4495 REDUCED 1989 TRACKER fantastic 5 speed. new top now $3.995 firm price 1993 Nissan King Cab. auto. 129000 11 Help - $8.850 1991 Maida 323 auto. 99000 terns. nice car $5295 1990 Aerostar sport on Ipso- ed. pretty red arta silver. Steal W $7.995 sen 1991 Swlbrd. GT, auto. while. loaded. 106.000 kms exceptional car 3.12 V-6 $6.985 firm 1994 Ford XL. F-150. 5 speed, stwp only 66.000 kms. now $8,8511 1995 Grand Am teal loaded. a knock out $10.500 1990 Jetta GL, truly a good car $4 950 For Brae sod o* r csrtt&W. nceudb=W ad@ sec ala at Ce'I, Arts Can- Ire, ar ti, 155 WI St. Mat at MIo- tai Msll. Call (985) 579- 2m. Open Srm•sys. '!CERTIFIED CARS' 1991 Ply- mouth Colt 200 GT $2450: 1986 Olds cunass Clews ES Ii 51450: 1985 Ronda Prelude boded. auto. $1450; Cal 905-655.4253 or 416-569- 4849. FIRM WINK. 92 voyager. 92 Grand Am GT., 92 Bulk Regal. 92 Dynasty. 91 Tempo. 91 Sundance, 91 MX -6. 88 Taurus, as Sasbird, as YJ Jap. 88 Jnsty 4X1. 85 Lim- cotes Pow'r Aub Saks. Whitby 430-22n. pest reasonable otter 434- mane camper very good 2 775 shape. low mdeage. Also box trader a 15hp vmrude out - 1982 GRAND PROS, automat board motor 905-668-5077 ,r rebuilt 305 new brakes. ;eil phone. good shape $900 o�'e ,r best over (905) 404-962ani am 1 AutaoWes 1966 HONDA xRIDO dirt tike versed .n gpprl roncirhon. good bike for kids asking $1.000 Call S rash S '.r Jrwamed cars 905-579-4821 and 'rucks promea cars and RARE a SPORTY 1983 Horace wme-offs 'We dear out. you f8.,r;D •-us;om' 52000 oborld assn m) 9p5 426-0208 Excellent cdrtion 1-705. A a A AUTO- Cars, truCks. 357-2624 after 6 D In t THE SUMMIT PLACE x • 1,2, & 3 Bed Apts. Cal 90`723-097 • MOVE -IN INCENTIVES CENTRAL OSHAWA available • All Util. Included 18 FT J CRAFT cat 5 mo - • In - House Supt- & Maint. tot :railer plus access. must Rental Office: Mon - Fri. gam - 8 pm sell. make an offer 905-726- Sat ii Sun 11 am- 4pm 754G HS 16-569- VALIANT PROPERTY 1%$ FONTAINE cedar stnp 3 MANAGEMENT loft wan '984 5CI,p Mercury 9011 5-579-1 626 Mint condm on classic Must :':ed tehictes 'lenicies must W seen $5000 o.I) o. Call las Ate pay $8Cr 510.000 'Asn on tie spot Any condi- x ' m any year Call us any- Cal 90`723-097 * me. 24 hours. 7 days. 30 CENTRAL OSHAWA available - n service 905-686-5003 a 18 FT J CRAFT cat 5 mo - 415.706-9234 tot :railer plus access. must Jay 1 Call (905)683-8294 sell. make an offer 905-726- A GOOD VEHICLE, gets the 754G HS 16-569- 3�9 or 90 -655-42253 1%$ FONTAINE cedar stnp loft wan '984 5CI,p Mercury CASH FOR CARSI We buy Mint condm on classic Must :':ed tehictes 'lenicies must W seen $5000 o.I) o. Call .e In riuuwg wrndmpn Call Greg (905)509-7806 427.2415 Or Come to 479 BJyy St East. A)ax at 1969 C M"ON "'r Bow nd- MURAD AUTO SALES er 3 3L rrxaard outboard went trailer EAc0-^^ SCRAP CMS Wanted top prices pard Same an pick Up . Also cars for resai wig Pal up to $5000 Cad Bats - 17'71 1 Trude for sur INS GMC S15 Jimmy Alta 280 wokm reeds minor work $2 000 Cat 905-720- 3451 1 vow 1 Wh 1988 GMC CAMPER VAN Al V8 Asking $4000 0 8 0 (9051-725.9146 1991 ASTRO EXTENDED W chat van Mint Factory rarsed roof. cuMm IgrnsAnm. Side entry, superarm ki q/strairK Dedown passenger location 101.0001dms . ph, p/D tar. an0m. rent Ikaler Al factory seats available plus extra passenger sorvel sea p( aB accuW a 5 =.905- atpanl S a77 ) $7,500. 905 76 - TIM FORD AE MMM Eddie Barky Edition. Power $temp, power brakes. tar, premium sound. 7 pass.. YAM 4 caption oun. rode rack 165.000 km good condition. CerhW 54,750 obo. (905) 668-7562 aft 4 p.m. 1992 FORD Expbrer Eddie Baud edition 4x4, greet taupe, fewer i• incl, amRm/ CD..420 air.p/w, pA. 137.000km, asking $12,000 080. 905- 430-3 (905)623-1400 1991 SEADOO SPI Bombar- dier 2 seater With cover a trater $2800 0 B 0 (905)- 579.2354 1995 SEADOO SPI Includes :over 8 e-: icad trailer. $5500 'rm chi 905,430.2073 24 FT. fully equipped hshng boat Surcraft ChNfum . Ex- press. Shore lander trailer with electric wncn $12.000 Will sell u r 1 VVI ND JAMMER APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or %,isit us at: www.geolcihes.com /wall street/flair / 7657/highnser html. AJAX J,J0JDIe r•i^`ediatdy large 2 bedroom se DamaK aDt Fresny-movated, hrsv Last a must $795 inclusive Parking laundry 576-4178 (message l eq pnrrts sopa a e 9051 ,28-1388 AJAX - LARGE. bright, legal 9 FT. MFLATABLE Doat 9 ho outbWrd in JOod 'Jmrw con- dition with 5 gauon tank $650 0 8 C 905.666-4758 1 1 For APrrwir 1 LARGE BEDROOM Apan- ment in me house NW .,SfU- ea Gose to ail amenaies Clean Avail July 1st 5650. mo everymug included 'st last 905-723-3427 or 416. 279-0093 easement. Jae Dedroom tea. C,Z wm 3 app tar park- PICKERING BROCK = • _.. 01 ,•wy 02 arge ' earwm basement apartment sepa- rae enhance. fuel ham. com- plete lutcnen, spacious Irving room. private laundry SISW 'nclusrve Available Juty 2 Non-smokers no pets (905)4284118 xg, LUOKUY NO Smdwlypeft CENTRAL Odowa, targe 1. 2. available immeduteiv 5680 8 3 bedroom apartmarts Ad pus able (905! 426- available in weu-mamained 6467 after 6 p in buddwlg dose to am amemmn ATTRACTIVE. Ajax 3 -bedroom Cal 90`723-097 man floor near all amen. lres. CENTRAL OSHAWA available fenced backyard, ampe park- now. Juty,,Aug 'SI 2-0drm ug. $950 inclusive Available apartment in modem, dean. Jay 1 Call (905)683-8294 quiet. 18 unit bldg. backs AJAxCentra. D45tmeM pox, ravine, reasonable rem 571-1979 apartment W". clean. 4 ap- oannces ceramic to CENTRAL BNNTIY 2 spacious rib .'r --o K7S _ I - 1 • P MAX,unkoes Cal 83-8 9054768 bngM quiet triplex $925/mo 1 -bedroom basement includes uttkees. 1 avail 1 for Augrem. 110 Tuloat Waslf. 1st Oder Octist lWasit re. Wm. fudge, a stove Awl- (905)-2634125 able July 1 $650/mo. Call COZY clean ONE BEDROOM (905)-686-2778. basement apt_ in sena. Stove. AJAX. furnslved bald" t_' one Darwg $595 u0F apanmem, private amrartce. Oswwa. Pilo pet Avail July parting, references. 1sUlast. 1.668-1946 no pet. S6OWmo. indusiw. Available July 1st. (9DSH26- M8 TVIIOE VNteps. bedroom 7738 or (416)-269.5108. apNWWO, laundry. $625.Iy AJAX, LARGE legal 2 bed- dro. Oshawa 1 bdrm. 5535 '00 Dasenkrd psis hydro. (Both avail Aug. /!!S SMC SAFARI van. ala Newly 1st Cal or 905)263-9966 IOBDOOKMS. Great oorrdibort. dernrated, stove i fridge, 433-7810. (906) 6 S -3e28 Flay loaded. CerLfw. �r facilities pnanag. (13500. Cal $750 Inclusive. 686 3201. IAMEYIEW PNRK. Oshawa, alter bpm • 1 • . Z bed - AUG. tel 2 Bedroan, very room �•r level of hom.2 bed - dealt. Nora Oshat Every- tlocll incexed yard a N® HNANCNt7 93 CavaY t iYBOM6 thkg K citdeOdi w Uefere les reqded. tsL buildwq 3 references Jul required. a, 4 -dr, ask. $5996. 93 Do* 11 FT. I B EN Travel traitor 96b0. 509-2825 avail Jury 15L 905 Graven ak SO! 92 Ltmi- son n $325/wt Waslioora. AWAAILE �IATEIY. n no Euro. V6,$6995-91 Caroli- 3 way hidgdson, a tumaoe. WKSONIK M .aro, 2 bad- y�6y Mt. Duildifg sur er arc. 114K $4995. 91 Nissan (0-725.1202. MOM Ip. agdakk July 1. carpeted. neWY 0 160OUX, I -root. $5995. 91 Fridge. $love' IPA hydro in- ed, wNn bakery, dose to bus. 1974 STARCRIFT MAODTW luded. $742 ratio. dpQpilQ aA tAfYtles iK1114d Blain. V6. $6995. 90 Beretta, TRAREFL EttcelHnt trondoprt. pyprq IanNndry far *WWno polls. 1 13DK 5.6pd., $4995. 89 Chev 52400 Also a wood StarAOrd 263-8369 r evorrngs 263 Corn. Van. only 87K $11.995. sQe freezer less fridge. $100. 2522. bedroom SMO. 2 bedr000L AN sold certified. 50 more Can 61 $790. 3 bedroom 5850. Cal ! � apt now Ostia- 430-0134. awdabk. Gnmae Auto 194 UINEL "arOrop, envoi- In Cabe and 401. Parting, Sala. 2DO Dwdas St.W., hill condition, tndtda ice- ywol shape Avail" Whitby 905.665-8971 box, screen room, dKot m immedutky Non Smokers hook-up, all stowage, $2600 Prefl md. 8625fmo. pis by - AUTO LOANS 080. Cal 905426-Imm. dro. 579-0246. 19M cmm 3w like I)w! 2 -BEDROOM available any Crowe Lace. MiMraa. maps finite. Located 3D9 Cordova 6, full WVM IWA 4M. dein Rd., Oshawa. No pea. Please awning &more! Only $17,500. Call 905-579-2387. ally 5 PM ruling, p2-aaBEDROW, dean, bright. im IOM trailer AIRH S.xMadtopd wft Baylyrea Ai�c. Available extras. 55,000.905.666..8269. Judy 1st. $700 inclusive. Cal 1991 COL�IN Hill" trail- 2979. or sloops 7, add-a•roona 615 gIM110M COL. One W boatlmke rack furnace, tub. the best locations in Olhavra. Shotion.pwater hater, excel- Over 2,300 A. N., 1NdslLod No MB -7227.. 56.200. Cal 906• basome 17, 520,11.70111, (905) MISE T APARIMENT- East Os1Atw 800 sM. 1 Ood- roan. Central air t .11 vat, al mialincel; separate en- trance a iiI k ng. close to a1 ama tin. no pots. looking for non-smoker, very quiet per- son. 1st, last 8 Tolerances required. 6650/nnortltnly. Available July 1st. Cam kiclNee or Shannon Monod. 9.7pm,433.1166. IRAMO NEW bright 1 or 2 bedroom spit level basement apartment. Parking. sq)arate entrance• may. at coni lIst ion. bQ at the IN Ltd. Wmwd w oocpr poetry, $745 . umn. Cal (9051767-0066. I Ill 2- ESuper Ww -- bakery. Will managed quiet CaNroled erMUM. NO ia. alk, parkmgl ISL 905 579 2 EOOOOM AVM ARE IRM JULY 1ST. Located at 350 Malaga Rd.. Oshawa. $7201 mo. an inCklow. No ods Please dl (905)-576.6724. ONE MID TWO bedroom. immediate possession, cen- tral Wawa, couple prftiii} irrcbdes twdwpl stove, carpet. freg*-Wded, slopping pW za, lautdry Wkbes. no pees. Near bus. Reasonable. (905)725.2642 after Spin. OSHWIA - 2 bed tap. Fridge. Mine, heat. hydro. storage. Laundry lac. available. Sim,- coemve area. 6620/mo. FirslAast. Avail. Aug. 1. 723- 9M (SM) awdabk. Gnmae Auto 194 UINEL "arOrop, envoi- In Cabe and 401. Parting, Sala. 2DO Dwdas St.W., hill condition, tndtda ice- ywol shape Avail" Whitby 905.665-8971 box, screen room, dKot m immedutky Non Smokers hook-up, all stowage, $2600 Prefl md. 8625fmo. pis by - AUTO LOANS 080. Cal 905426-Imm. dro. 579-0246. 19M cmm 3w like I)w! 2 -BEDROOM available any Crowe Lace. MiMraa. maps finite. Located 3D9 Cordova 6, full WVM IWA 4M. dein Rd., Oshawa. No pea. Please awning &more! Only $17,500. Call 905-579-2387. ally 5 PM ruling, p2-aaBEDROW, dean, bright. im IOM trailer AIRH S.xMadtopd wft Baylyrea Ai�c. Available extras. 55,000.905.666..8269. Judy 1st. $700 inclusive. Cal 1991 COL�IN Hill" trail- 2979. or sloops 7, add-a•roona 615 gIM110M COL. One W boatlmke rack furnace, tub. the best locations in Olhavra. Shotion.pwater hater, excel- Over 2,300 A. N., 1NdslLod No MB -7227.. 56.200. Cal 906• basome 17, 520,11.70111, (905) MISE T APARIMENT- East Os1Atw 800 sM. 1 Ood- roan. Central air t .11 vat, al mialincel; separate en- trance a iiI k ng. close to a1 ama tin. no pots. looking for non-smoker, very quiet per- son. 1st, last 8 Tolerances required. 6650/nnortltnly. Available July 1st. Cam kiclNee or Shannon Monod. 9.7pm,433.1166. IRAMO NEW bright 1 or 2 bedroom spit level basement apartment. Parking. sq)arate entrance• may. at coni lIst ion. bQ at the IN Ltd. Wmwd w oocpr poetry, $745 . umn. Cal (9051767-0066. I Ill 2- ESuper Ww -- bakery. Will managed quiet CaNroled erMUM. NO ia. alk, parkmgl ISL 905 579 2 EOOOOM AVM ARE IRM JULY 1ST. Located at 350 Malaga Rd.. Oshawa. $7201 mo. an inCklow. No ods Please dl (905)-576.6724. ONE MID TWO bedroom. immediate possession, cen- tral Wawa, couple prftiii} irrcbdes twdwpl stove, carpet. freg*-Wded, slopping pW za, lautdry Wkbes. no pees. Near bus. Reasonable. (905)725.2642 after Spin. OSHWIA - 2 bed tap. Fridge. Mine, heat. hydro. storage. Laundry lac. available. Sim,- coemve area. 6620/mo. FirslAast. Avail. Aug. 1. 723- 9M (SM) MISE T APARIMENT- East Os1Atw 800 sM. 1 Ood- roan. Central air t .11 vat, al mialincel; separate en- trance a iiI k ng. close to a1 ama tin. no pots. looking for non-smoker, very quiet per- son. 1st, last 8 Tolerances required. 6650/nnortltnly. Available July 1st. Cam kiclNee or Shannon Monod. 9.7pm,433.1166. IRAMO NEW bright 1 or 2 bedroom spit level basement apartment. Parking. sq)arate entrance• may. at coni lIst ion. bQ at the IN Ltd. Wmwd w oocpr poetry, $745 . umn. Cal (9051767-0066. I Ill 2- ESuper Ww -- bakery. Will managed quiet CaNroled erMUM. NO ia. alk, parkmgl ISL 905 579 2 EOOOOM AVM ARE IRM JULY 1ST. Located at 350 Malaga Rd.. Oshawa. $7201 mo. an inCklow. No ods Please dl (905)-576.6724. ONE MID TWO bedroom. immediate possession, cen- tral Wawa, couple prftiii} irrcbdes twdwpl stove, carpet. freg*-Wded, slopping pW za, lautdry Wkbes. no pees. Near bus. Reasonable. (905)725.2642 after Spin. OSHWIA - 2 bed tap. Fridge. Mine, heat. hydro. storage. Laundry lac. available. Sim,- coemve area. 6620/mo. FirslAast. Avail. Aug. 1. 723- 9M (SM) it MEL PAGE 34 -THE NEWS ADVERTISERAMBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1998 l 1oww a 1 outi•• a � 1 oe•4 for 11 • onto 11P Inds Howeni Rent Rat Raa for sw• for Sob :SICK OF RENTING?? ; OWN YOUR HOME - From $700/month Minimum Income 530.000 veer Not much downpayment?? Call Marlill *< Help for discttarged bankrupts . i Choose one: Cash rebate up to $5.0001 Discounted Mortgage Rate. 571.8275 or 14300-840.6275 Mark Stapley f y "sl abs Rep. Sutton Group Excel Fiw•Ry. all Apwrtm•rtt•i a 1own oue•• r a 1a e••sfor Raw Rent Rent SPACIOUS Fs 2 bedroom Avail at 900 PRINGLCREEK REF.>E and B88 Gkn St Some with COOP Wffi'[S7 walk-in closets. paint provid- Is accepting applications for 3 bedroom ed. Close to schools. sho�- townhouses for early fall. $821 - $842 plus ut& prig centre. GO Stallion Ub i- ties. Pick up point at communt center door, ties in Call 728-4993 _ .. OSHAWA 2 locations, central and south east, one and two bedroom apartment$. quiet dean buildings, start $575 per into nopets Call 436-6889 or 729-0208 PICKERING Llverpool/Bayly Legal 2 bedroom daunt . 4 poem bathroom- 3 appliances. able. laundry. parking. no smoking Auqqust.t $750 OO/ mo inclusive 905-839-9629 PICKERING - Liverpool. Hwy 2. One bedroom. base mem apartrrnax, hydro. a- ble tncluded 57 per moyth A bin iMmysmed altey (416) PICKERING , bedroom base- ment apt Utilities, separate erdrance. laundry. $550 in- clusive. Suitable 7a one No pets Available immediately (905)686-8512 PICKERING bright 2 bedroom Above Around apt Includes appliances. utilities, air. 2 parking. no pets/smolong. 5795/tw July 1st (9)483- 9629 PICKERING's Prestigious Io- aliOn Avail Immd 1500sgft bsmt apt S750/mo Single preferred hon-smoker'pds 1stAast regared References Leave message 19051-839- 7773 PICKERING. Wem". 1- bedroc - basement apart- ment Separate entrance. baitinrngp bus. mewly-retgvat. ed. ode aslario 5650 mdu- firsive. July ISL irSL1aS1 Call 905831-9952. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY very Clan d05• t0 $c nOdS. parting bachelor + t bed- room $490 + $590 now stye. spacious 6553607 MOTHENGLEM N 2 bedroom basemen: apt :lean + bright Separate etrJnce. launndrY, no Ititts/srnokinq 5780/mo wn- dwsrwe Anal Aug ,st (9051- 426-5523 aper 6Drti SOUTH PICKERING- 3 bed- room Conde aot Parurg wa& to GO aro mail urge rooms. appliances. $1010 incnrsme Md Knight (9051 831-2273 Family Braidings, Spa- cious 2 a 3 BIR apts.. utas Ind Freshly paint- ec rec dub, events for all ages from B80s to Santa, starting from $610 Call to new: (905) 721-8741 NHITBY -2 bedroom. resr- slerroal area parb% no ppeettss $795 inclusive (416)-699- $287. BfWM - 1 bedroom apat- tv mem available Judy let $625 0omhly includes Mat and harking for one ar. Phone 43D-2092 or 723.6985. WKM. fiAlMAIIO avid n, 1•rpe nm one bedroom. wbioul basement WMtdry. perms 7s) *h IiWM. newer modem 2 - Bedroom legal baseman Bapart awiabk inns ewwlyf6a5l0o.at/3 noose. 1stAest, rdaratas. Lowe eefsea0e. 985.619-9500 IOr Tim t AMW WWW - 2 B 3 bedroom anaiibk "mm"' 416-7894145. or 7513. "+ WY IMM 'than you Can own your own Mme Ice las than YM thiiii ! Cal Dave Hay - bold Saks Rep. RNIAax Stownit Reality (1991) Ltd. OM) 668.3800 or (905) 666- 3211. 1 H0� For PAN 'YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE? ;) Qf from $700imonm a Not Midi oownpwymanim. (905) 571-6275 14WO-840-6275 Mark Stapley So$ Rep. suet Gaq RM 1 Houses for 1 Rooms Rem for Aeru ABA DABA OU We have a AJAX furnished room m cleain home for you sire$500 down home. includes separate en - le as • 6 reduce tree or Ira trance, able, laundry, park- kgals or reduced mor�ge n0 share w� 1 otter prefer rate. From $7501morxh r n- working non-smoker. Si4a0w0�/ dusive Income requirement month 427-0932 from $27.500 arms Call Ken Collis, Cadwell Banker AJAR. clean quiet home for (905)728-9414 responsible tenant. Share 2 BEDROOM Bungalow on a lutchen, laundry and bath. BIS G0. 401 beautiful farm Self connived F rsVlast ADsainer. er. m Immee- from old farm house 10 mms. outside of Uxbridge. 852-4156 dialety' Pat (905)619-0606 Available Imm iliaNly Fur - UPPER FLOOR of 3 bedroom nished room in PICkennq. s- house Parking, laundry bit. kitchen facilities, near stared. Avail immediately. Pickering Generating Station. $9851mo Inclusive. lstAast. PTC. GO 5360 month. $170 No pets (416)-621.8501/ bi-weekly 420-4318. (905)483-1717 after 7pm. AVAILABLE NOW Furnished room Separate entrance. kitchen laund all facilities ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING Prefer quiet workmq person 6 months tree trier cwn a 839-42 house from $550/month BILI Roka Cddwee Banker (905) 728-9414 retited a unfurnished. use a wow taolows. female pre- ferred 538Srmond Seagrave 905-985-3607 sung AJAX Immaculate 3-bdrm main floor semi. Ap- plis., laundry. park- ing. No pets. Non- smoker. July 1St. Firstlast, ref.. $875 . 60% IId11S. 905-839-522-1 BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroor oun. gaiow Prvale coun�t�-L lot, mature frees. 721W5 a 435-6957 MIOOKLM. furnished 3 bed- room home short a long term r•nw.19051433-0080 CotioncE - Sandrrrngham/ Trulls 'Jery clean 3 bdrm, 1850 sq. It house. Aug 1st. 21255 .utiktles. (416)-286- 8609 a pow 441 6 1-33 7-3505. CDURTICE. 4 -bedroom near 401. 3000sq rc., tXrdry air/ vac. ceramics. library. main door laundry. July 1St ExoeE km rekrencax required. First/ last (9051436-8935 OSNAWA 4 bedroom. 2 path. finished basement. laundry. fenced rara wwth $1100 __plus negotiable 723 PICKERING 3 bedroom back- spwt. fireplace. art. credit rd- erertce. no pets/smoking Avail. Aug 1st. 1SVIa$t $1250.utates Call Sawed (905)-683-3762. MOUR44CKOING, main Sm . 3 bedroom. 1 balfl. Tae - place. hardwood floors. 4 W pl ances, ws0 faits Sox UM, lits CIM to G0, no snnoiontg. first a last. awala0k Aug. 1 still 906-831-4753. SOUL MOUSE with fenced p� full basement. Pari Rill k k 401. Osha". $675/00. (905)-985-9513. wsftd IIOMintB SIM FMOEaS FEE. Capt W 2 cltildren, looping f« 2-3 b• UWM bOMAo wMlouse m PicMninp for July 1,. Bodo rderentca. No pets. Please fall (416) 286-0807, leave message- « (905)426.4852. kava message. 1 TOM* - Floor PW AN 11SMARIA SOf1TN 3 bed- room awnhouse dose to :cloak. gppNq $950/MO. ALL INCeLUSIVE. Frsubst. Awilabk July 1 (905) 579- 9956 Clays. PR8EM SPOTLESS 3 bedroom townhouse. 1 12 inishid b�asetnentt,, fireplgaragace, pirwaller SLOW per rpt. (905)683-3006 p1CiW" 3 bedroom own - house, 5 apdiarpces. Avail. July 19I. S1f00/mo. CA Ron ComW (905)-831-2273. 1M TAUNTON R0. E., DOW Will, 3 bedroom townhome, / uSt availability, call for appourtmerl to vier. S440/mo Call 1, after 6Dry BEDROOM. plus private sit - brig room in country, tw- CLFA% BRIGHT HOUSE «hetes RdS /401 Rooms for rent B&B available A erekly & monthly. Hydro staff welcome' 420-0642 SOUTH ALU(. tum sned oom in detached home. includes utilities. parking. pod. Near transit First/last required Non-smoker, 5390/mo Call (905)683-0602- , 1 Shoed Accorrru AJAX - IN GROUND POOL Recently renovated modem dean. Wqt bed sitting room. 11x17, cheerful non-smoking douse Laundry. parbnp. dose to amenities 8 G0. 5400/month Female pre - ferried Cal 905-428-3209 AJAX: bright clean quiet horse to spare. Cable. BBQ breplace. Wmdry, yard. 5- appl- utillibes: all included. Avail Julytst. M.;mo. Fe - mak preferred. (905)-619- 1978 905)-6191978 C1ID1 TO SNARES Apo 2 bedrooms. NC, condo. All am robes including pool. Sam. ter"exereise room. kAt WOW (9M)426.28q. ONE level of house includes; private ivirngrow. bKbG M and b•Nroom. Singed tAdten, seg. a trantx. parking aro antra starag• aria available. We DOM baba Rear d SOWN". 5500 ail esdwsive. Craig 725-7943. PICT5 ` - A MOST TO SEE Brock Ad. + Hwy 2. Will MilnaaiM l home ndudes Cable, dose to am amenia4, air, to * alae, 6eristte, baseman. $40W=. Cal ant- ydate 905.42+mo. MNTEL4M. 2 - 2 rooms n NOW hom. To share If jrshed home with W. park- . $350 in clusta. 839-2206 1 011e• a 77 Fred MM TT Oshawe *mw- 4WI600 %ft OI- fial 41101. East Oshawa 1800 Ssqq�It commove Howe. 4a0so.R Shop. CoA 431-2417 or Wi4132. 40 s•. N. new droe space $350/month includes every - d. N. lm*m, avai able July 1 or fladble. Call 576-M CMIINi1lC1AL STOVE For Font: 233 Ducat St. port Per- ry. Approlr. 600 sq.ft., maim Mind, approx., 600 sq.IL base - me at. Newly renovated. Available imma6atelly calf 905-9852513. ONLY $159.900. 4 Level back 1 Soh! 4 bedrooms, garage. for Rent BEAUTIFUL Pap neau Lake. Bancrott. very private. dean, sand beach, sleeps 7. boats available. $550/week (613) 338-1170, leave message PIGEON LAKE 3 bedroom Waterfront cottage Kids sale shoreline Dock facilities 5 min.'s N. of Omemee 5600/ wk furnished (905)-655-4265 CLOSE TO 1.000 Islands. Brand new 3 bedroom, full kitchen. 880. 2 baths. good hshmyswimminq Paddle boaliboat. all 666-1212. 416- 492-6448 fenced, new broadloom, 4 pce. and 3 Ace windows. 61 Hometield, CO RTICE. (905) 576-6249 ATHABASCA AREA - 71 Thornclitle, Oshawa Two storey. 4 bedrooms. gas. a/c. W, fireplace, appliances, oak kitchen, firushied basement. DBAntedodr dmeway/gar- dens $168.000 (905) 579- 17% PICKERING 639 Graceland cri Whites d Finch. Fenced. back, onto park. cedar deck, da. hardwood. 3 bedrooms. 1 12 barns (905)-831-3593. COTTAGE FOR Ret on targe 1 T°wMwusa tar SWO secluded lot on peace ul South 1Iaqy in Pnrnce Edward RENT OR BUY - 3 bedroom County. 3 -bedroom. 2 -bath. la QIi53/sclwal Sun -room. townnouse. North Dshawa. Fringe. S10ve, close b close 5600/wok Case (613)476- 1� hop $895to schools and =17 Wi to 77MES pQl�uspiS seg 575.000. Exttlltnt terms to KALIBURTON Highlands- I available cottage fully eqw right purchaser Immediate AVAILABLE August 2W star NO agents (9051 umber. Sa . M Labour day 723 9911 waked addmonal 575/rwght Dr-lonient Call (905 16 or FRONT FEES. OTHERS & Q GentlL1/f n (705)4893092 �w FlOridw OPPORTUNITY of a Idetimei ' ' 1 vw. Ryan 128 acres Bowmiarrrille. 2 road fromages. 2 ponds. ex - CLEAR WATER AREA 3 Doo- aAem investment - ASlurng •corn. townhouse. POO'. pcum. 5500.000. easy terms GU 880. prn•te yore, available W� R nk, Ro4�t row For neo and n vow photos. E 11Le� )05-579-3788 �,�{��� Fw�s WIN Fw Sale CLEARWATER. 2 titillation fully fumished moble home. Ic. trot tub. pod Wilt suppity USA PROPERTIES "take over pictureS + references $250 pexmenti 30 acres in West A Call 905-434-7164 Teaas Assume $100 monthly onntie (99USA 95 Pna CLEARWATER. 2.3 bedroom Bat deal todalay 9rd 'hilly lurnisned moble (per- Call Ary- till tree any ante at marxmt) !lomn Cemral err. 1-(800)-75&5364 pods. ha tub, near beaches and major attractions Child- lAb ren welcome $275/wak. Sa•r Photos shown in your home - 10503 -55M COMMERCIAL LOT. Coiner 1 1 Prift" alo'r'•• M TrullsGeorge Reynolds, Courboe 137414T. Ideal for For restaurant, beauRy, parlor. canverwece store. etc Only 5199.000 Walla Fmk fioval Lepage Frank RE (905)-575- 905)-5 &4111. . 4111. . tkcalfon P S3.Mls wilt SM down Se- • • . eluded wooded trailer tit. - New Cobourp GrraI swim - 9 .9" !ishilnq 1 • .. yew round access. (416j 431-15% LAKE NIPLI;SNIG, established burnt resort on 2 Kaes. 4 ca- bins, wow boars and motors. Chads. Yew rmV pan -lime 458 COIKEM LL DI IVE, moo" orexpend 10 Salt. oshamwa � $169.000. Phone 1-800 665 area. 3-bedmom, 1-12 hails. 6303. gas furnace. air. upgraded TIME Share in Aruba. DI- witdows, 119' kntcerage. Mug me! d til72gt� VNILLE VILLAGE, 4 Star, Xmas Week - 20.271t. Sledge 1942 Open Mouse 5311 Sun. 4, s 1 200 us. 8S2J156. 10am-3pN sum lum NEW • Mwur 1 Cwp•N•• budy in 3NorNl eyhome East OrAk we. hes 3 law bedroones, f F SAIF - Be- , . doses, 5 PC. on rile, La1N, yrotrW kite yah well 04481. blast line l x* it'll BiSRtilt (7 ) 448- prosoakinglessiorrayf 2861.535,000. mail. tar kntbed=. wahn"W Cepa area.lmmmd ft available. Owner I� RET1 SETTER RESORT - fm i- $168.900. (906) 571- y anjtppround a w collage 5Ask 55ii rem on the Trutt LUP OOMMMfIIIF • 1,772 >N. 111. us 'sil. Full hlomm$0252 and beboom 2 storey btu home, 3 yens .�ttao� now. broad loomed, baDlwa, Ree. hal. sow pool. Mdlw 3 bedrooms, 2 - 4�yRaMlyrand 1 - 1 1�2epmbaft 1oilljnqfth- X778- 905-436-0807: lfuLyaN Ig 1Ne 401. AWN 60 OMs. (905) 433-5637 for cep YOU IIIRIEM'T Camped A pwnunwl. Idfefield Campground? Too EUT OSNNM 356 Labrada aised Stir ilio -air a, is e>< •� seasdrt sitsabk Alhabasncan +.near scloak, Im to J�uhr sites aianlabk fart preMitNrt ofNO-316-MI. dsvd�(M)W$� ONOME SO= WATBWrAM Makin 3 bedroltin hprrae on large 100 ft. fall. Cal Greg F•Mrcart 1-800.465.7866 MONEY PNOOLFIOS, Get Out century 21 Halligan Really Ltd. d debt Yuipt wRAaAqqaoMpq bartldupl « bewtl BMrliepe•d• MORTGAGES A CONSOIU- a any loins. AM app a tfor K E«trM6gn. 905 57+ 3505. 2MM ShNI M IO M included. 4MMA tram 4.49%. Call Ride. CtartM W*y MOM ,..• Oape,(905)-706-2679. C ' - : 1 • PIINItbitg : 1 • PItNr6h MtetNalt•• CLIZ?m A special thank you for your confidence in my services to you over the many years of placing your mortgages and loans. Our company name has changed from The Mortgage Factory to: Central Funding Group Ltd., same location. New clients are welcome. For my usual fast, friendly professional service please call: STLVM JUILBS (905) 686-2557 Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Evenings and weekends (945) 4304429 See 1 Registrations . 1 Registrations © oovo CLARK Lid GwRinifCorpirwft � ConNeeerrJal i Aeeidwr181d Licensed A Insured, repairs, aKerallons 4 renovations new bathroorps, pump repairs FREE ESTMIATES 18 YRS. EXPERIENCE 24 HOUR SERVICE (9051686.5172 1-800.831-2383 :11 Ma ". MNta 1 POST ROLE Dulling & Setting. Fence & Deck repair. Garbage & Scrap metal removal. Jason (9Ot5) 619.6624 MRBiNlw" MORTGAGES Good. load and ugly Financing for any pur- pose, rates from 4 49'4 All applications accepted Com- m tinny Mortgage 66844 • 1 Bosiwe oeoonran 52.5011 WEEK . work from home. good communication skills Md MLM Till fra 1 - SM -566.1430. SUM ANNOUNCE FII? The HOTTEST PRODUCT ever to be released in Network Marketing No COmpirtitio0! Earned $18.32749 in blit last 90 days Be the first in yaw ply' 1-888-829-4231 rot tree. RESTAURAMT/DAIRY BAR in town of Uxbridge Take out W= q�tlyy busy locabon. Comes all equipment. Serious inquiries oily. (905) 852-4653 1 Panauh IM. LIVE, LIVE' 1-9110.451- 5358. Ext. 7526 $3.99 per mention. last be 18 yrs., pro Cal Go. (W) 954-7420. IM CEATMC ovum NOOiEtI M - nam A Pei - waft phowe numbers. 1.900 451-3638 wd 235. 53.29hdn. mast be 1s. T -UM. IMAVOILY PSYCHIC An- swers. Find Ole Oracle within. $2.99hwin. '18+'24 Mrs. 1- 900451-3783. NENRELY PSVCIN6 - 52.99/ Min. 184 24 hom. 1-900- 451-3783. DAILY HORO- SCOPE 14900477-7770. $5.00 24 haws. U E GMNA CoA row 1-900- 451-5358. Ext 7525. 53.99/ min. Must be 18yrs. Procell Co. (602)•961-7420. SAGE St �) 401 M 11am -9pM rwnrAk • 011•Bteww Shoodlish ReIn Nom Mas up M a NaMtw paMMdeed To Sidn" ( j -am 72e 9116141111111111 led swims kgLires ow ) SUPER DUCT CLEANING - Duct bora we - c4iovefa trovers W - Care fivew 1610 416-287-0"1 SUDOCET NORSE WPROVENIlEm f Basernem Apts., Rec-rooms, O"bm% Additions, electrical, dfyWell, ceramic *V 1 Call Mario (905}- 6194663. ctd4416) 5604663 DOORS MW US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service a RepairS x-83]" Fhdsbed batlrw=, eddliOns OW Seco d ,1, WI Home WIN I SSW 4264145 Geow & Yiks's IIAWDYMM SERVICES Landscaping Odd )obs ad general rellairs ca (906) 837-0702 Cd a Real to 01 yaw housef ill neem People With firtrgd t -- I low. No fob loo twill, III Nat Plurnift ,a,���gdo ��phrepairs. l01.42WW52S POW - 416421-M POOL Fill-in Specialist 5 Year Guarantee R.W. Redman Lanieftesping Ltd. (905) 642-6811 MASTER HOME RENOVATIONS The one to call when your home Meds renovating. Kldtens, bathrooms, basements, lances, stndecla, pains N a plastering. No pb is too or loo sinal. Pay no ST and PST on fences and sun dedcs. Cal today f« free estimale. 905439••4041 and Wallpapering Stucco ceilings General repairs Top quality work at reasonable prices 20% of ror Seniors Call for a FREE Estimate 404-9669 CWS Wall Coverings Painting a Wallpapering Small repairs, drywall, wood finishes, professional, reliable, reasonable, clean. Colin 839-7256 TMS PAINTING cit DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 storm MOVING SYSTEMS Big or small flata hourty rates SEMI011 AND MIO- mom mcoulm_ Residential Commercial Free Estimates 905.723-7479 1-000-053-7750 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything . anytime Commercial resider" both availablenor Sea mrd mama discounts Free efli�s 671-0755 1-868-491-6600 HARRY -O -TW - MOVERS Move big or small, we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Ca (1ra-010.243-SpOr MNMALM MIOVNC . 1 Hu"/ a STrlaf� • � C.antMNoe4ntw blouses, Apartments. onus, Appliances a Piano SpKmksts. Senior a Mid- Aa1 comall O•lR•s Cal rip now for a free estimate anacentsaill Bray ri ht no•r a nall v- a Charge.0 no extra N rip low M 4 ��Y Mat. 1 5711-25,111111 E 434 -82N :1 R008MN A&C ROOFING, And AIMsion all Miles of roofs. MCw and Oil. W*dUDMkdiipp Cauwr- sNleed 10% DifO0eN1 to Seoion, fta8y is- sANA Fame estimnes. Call Andmor at ('11111115) 4291 1 NB Tlmxndwa PAW NG t CDIoPLASTERINO Stucco ceilings No money up from, yygu M when Vow sabsfied. frlondi Ditconrna. Lwis d. mewed.Iro ESOWAUL P 1 What Berwice. Call 438-71!8. MgCitanM MtavMe aloes, apt, O�lc PWW flpotnilt Iw. ParJNtg 821 �._........ RMIWfe old tum. IID Its Orf" Honcl strOped. Free esdMeNC Ian . 1 Fbeft coado I ISTAPET LAII0IIN 25 years experiMloe. restretcilling, our Speciality. I= estirnidin. 4) a N Doom, )47.17!! at 18T -ISN 111 1111 ii�� 1 111 0 i 1 1 �w • ti -This school was the most HOCIICE1r enjoyable experience my son EME ever had. ' Uxbridge Recreation Centre Stuart Houthuys, Port Perry SCn0110111, DATES 77MES 5 Pro Defence man Skills Aug. 24-28 12pm-5pm 6 Pro All Hockey Skills Aug. 31 -Sept. 4 12pm-5pm AGES MAX. 11STD5. Q'18TRUcmilt.S om ICE COST 9-14 24 5 15hrs. $295. ENMoney to Lend . 11 Irtprowmints ; 1 1 Imp""Inu fs OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT G""""ES C SOME GE UP- Carpenter %, FRONT FEES. OTHERS & Q GentlL1/f n DO MOT, IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU residential renovation and repair MFVESimn THOMOUGH LY ste@1/WOOd 1tOTkvC-drywall-painting BEFORE SIGMNG ANY flnfsh cciirpentry-basernerlt and both CONTRALIS o Chris asc. /.p Carp- e 0r1R1tlL-OI SI MRBiNlw" MORTGAGES Good. load and ugly Financing for any pur- pose, rates from 4 49'4 All applications accepted Com- m tinny Mortgage 66844 • 1 Bosiwe oeoonran 52.5011 WEEK . work from home. good communication skills Md MLM Till fra 1 - SM -566.1430. SUM ANNOUNCE FII? The HOTTEST PRODUCT ever to be released in Network Marketing No COmpirtitio0! Earned $18.32749 in blit last 90 days Be the first in yaw ply' 1-888-829-4231 rot tree. RESTAURAMT/DAIRY BAR in town of Uxbridge Take out W= q�tlyy busy locabon. Comes all equipment. Serious inquiries oily. (905) 852-4653 1 Panauh IM. LIVE, LIVE' 1-9110.451- 5358. Ext. 7526 $3.99 per mention. last be 18 yrs., pro Cal Go. (W) 954-7420. IM CEATMC ovum NOOiEtI M - nam A Pei - waft phowe numbers. 1.900 451-3638 wd 235. 53.29hdn. mast be 1s. T -UM. IMAVOILY PSYCHIC An- swers. Find Ole Oracle within. $2.99hwin. '18+'24 Mrs. 1- 900451-3783. NENRELY PSVCIN6 - 52.99/ Min. 184 24 hom. 1-900- 451-3783. DAILY HORO- SCOPE 14900477-7770. $5.00 24 haws. U E GMNA CoA row 1-900- 451-5358. Ext 7525. 53.99/ min. Must be 18yrs. Procell Co. (602)•961-7420. SAGE St �) 401 M 11am -9pM rwnrAk • 011•Bteww Shoodlish ReIn Nom Mas up M a NaMtw paMMdeed To Sidn" ( j -am 72e 9116141111111111 led swims kgLires ow ) SUPER DUCT CLEANING - Duct bora we - c4iovefa trovers W - Care fivew 1610 416-287-0"1 SUDOCET NORSE WPROVENIlEm f Basernem Apts., Rec-rooms, O"bm% Additions, electrical, dfyWell, ceramic *V 1 Call Mario (905}- 6194663. ctd4416) 5604663 DOORS MW US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service a RepairS x-83]" Fhdsbed batlrw=, eddliOns OW Seco d ,1, WI Home WIN I SSW 4264145 Geow & Yiks's IIAWDYMM SERVICES Landscaping Odd )obs ad general rellairs ca (906) 837-0702 Cd a Real to 01 yaw housef ill neem People With firtrgd t -- I low. No fob loo twill, III Nat Plurnift ,a,���gdo ��phrepairs. l01.42WW52S POW - 416421-M POOL Fill-in Specialist 5 Year Guarantee R.W. Redman Lanieftesping Ltd. (905) 642-6811 MASTER HOME RENOVATIONS The one to call when your home Meds renovating. Kldtens, bathrooms, basements, lances, stndecla, pains N a plastering. No pb is too or loo sinal. Pay no ST and PST on fences and sun dedcs. Cal today f« free estimale. 905439••4041 and Wallpapering Stucco ceilings General repairs Top quality work at reasonable prices 20% of ror Seniors Call for a FREE Estimate 404-9669 CWS Wall Coverings Painting a Wallpapering Small repairs, drywall, wood finishes, professional, reliable, reasonable, clean. Colin 839-7256 TMS PAINTING cit DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 storm MOVING SYSTEMS Big or small flata hourty rates SEMI011 AND MIO- mom mcoulm_ Residential Commercial Free Estimates 905.723-7479 1-000-053-7750 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything . anytime Commercial resider" both availablenor Sea mrd mama discounts Free efli�s 671-0755 1-868-491-6600 HARRY -O -TW - MOVERS Move big or small, we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Ca (1ra-010.243-SpOr MNMALM MIOVNC . 1 Hu"/ a STrlaf� • � C.antMNoe4ntw blouses, Apartments. onus, Appliances a Piano SpKmksts. Senior a Mid- Aa1 comall O•lR•s Cal rip now for a free estimate anacentsaill Bray ri ht no•r a nall v- a Charge.0 no extra N rip low M 4 ��Y Mat. 1 5711-25,111111 E 434 -82N :1 R008MN A&C ROOFING, And AIMsion all Miles of roofs. MCw and Oil. W*dUDMkdiipp Cauwr- sNleed 10% DifO0eN1 to Seoion, fta8y is- sANA Fame estimnes. Call Andmor at ('11111115) 4291 1 NB Tlmxndwa PAW NG t CDIoPLASTERINO Stucco ceilings No money up from, yygu M when Vow sabsfied. frlondi Ditconrna. Lwis d. mewed.Iro ESOWAUL P 1 What Berwice. Call 438-71!8. MgCitanM MtavMe aloes, apt, O�lc PWW flpotnilt Iw. ParJNtg 821 �._........ RMIWfe old tum. IID Its Orf" Honcl strOped. Free esdMeNC Ian . 1 Fbeft coado I ISTAPET LAII0IIN 25 years experiMloe. restretcilling, our Speciality. I= estirnidin. 4) a N Doom, )47.17!! at 18T -ISN C; lasers,+ aloe•* : leery a slay.+. : 1 •a"i_ • 1 Y►Rseterlaae • 11 1►rsraeraae AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. Flat nate or hourly. We now have heated storage urns. We seg moving supplies. Park and bad special, starting at $125, and up. Serving East to West Coast province to province. Nowwof 725-0005 or pco Ml dw= 427-0005 840 840 +»�, FORGET-ME-KWT PERENNIAL FARM "GROWER'S CLEARANCE" 2nd Year Perennials Many Varieties To Choose From in 4" Pots $1.00 per pot 1 gal. Pots $3.0046.00 per pot 10am4pm - Sat. & Sun only June 20121 -1998 470 Webb Rd. - Uxbridge Just North of Claremont West of Brock Rd. CERTIFIED ARBORIST AVAILABLE FOR: - Tree Health Assessment - Site Consultation - Service Quotes iAmirations- Tree Care 9051668-1463 888 459-0633 PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn/Garden Maintenance Seeding, Sodding, Repairs (905)432-3823 RESIDENTIAL•COfvMERCIAL•I NDUSTR IAL HARDWOOD FLOORING old fbor ref'�hed New Floor ir�lkd Repaired, Fast services 1 LAM Prices For a free estivate please all Tony Tclepl�osK (416) 7211577 Pager 1416) 3303199 • old Floor refinished • New floor installed • repairs • staining, • sanding Best quality work Calces David (416) 722-31106 House omoom A cleaning lady available. 15 years experience. Willclean entire house including fridge do stove. Excellent references. 155. please call 839-3378 after 4pm $50wd dean W ID 3000 sit IL VaCARclears igloo. loss, Wan sofas Wsa kards. d w1wever ere er house news dearly ra r•nr "Noce Call Rea 0 416-799-M T1 REMOVAL A wANITIMUANCE comb on et ee .e .e. rlfeetr M M tat elesyl stiwwp areaaotral a Laaar.eaplee0 CALL DAVE 831-7055 • , r'~'"'"0' �'r"""0'mart«, = for D.V.C.EslalmConclas PO7F� • Ca keel •k,dustrisl doctor vinyl co. (pladt , • PW92 • SPECIALDT n liter wpeirs • Leek deac111, ckukillm t.I Raa•nw • l urnpa, "I rs. uo1, 1. traersAutaaed unbde Carear>or •opennaetk, I ON a a8304ste 905.852-x686 816•fi0a7900 ei•M"e 1-900-379-D.Y.". • P+eM ►+rh INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS SA>wZ WANTS BYOIK Dong Ya* For Ctdd f's Padias Affordable Year 2000 solutions for SUMH And All Occasions. HM Icy Own W9cwt. busbusses. Can Els" 666,4m Flee conwkation. Fax (11110 83%4= vs.V1N18 / 1'117W1r1[111 • Live atwnals • AN occasions • Ali asses can Jeff ( 905) 839-7057 :: seam • • : 1,-.,I 892 E KHgX NAL EGANCE 6 CLASS u111m& sornoH G IARANIFFW 4i0l1.8761 • TwTwi � eta For Sale Local EEquipment & Party Rental ► dame lu'sBrands) t Sales &� . Can (tom 473-2ea6 VP Wa1118lIMRay d a dw Fella NW Pel J. NsMlook Who. OIOflary 24,1811 Your end was v` ry�n, No time to say good-bye, YOU were gobebre we realized, �only d knows The things we felt so eply. Are the hardest things to say, But we, your family, loved you. In a very special way, Ong those who have lost, Are able to tell, The pain in our hearts, At not saying farewell, A golden heart stopped beating. Two busy hands at rest. God broke our hearts 10 prove to us, He only takes the best. It tears could build a stairway. And heartaches make a lane, We'd walk a path to Heaven, And bring you home again, Our family chain is broken, And nounng is the same. But as God calls us one by one, The chain will linked again. Love & always in our hearts. Brenda, Marc, Jessica and Christie In loving memory of our dear Father and Papa; Martin Docherty who passed away 2 years ago on June 21,1996. utiful memories are wonder They last til the longest day, They never wear out, They never get lost, A can never be given away; To some you may be forgotten, To others a part of the past, But to us who loved and lost you, Your memory will always last. Lovingly remembered and loved by your son Martin, Daughter-in-law Linda and Grandsons, Tom, Brian & Sean. • 1 tore of Thu" No ad a T toere Tom Friel Wish to thank relatives & friends for their kind- ness, beautiful flowers, and donations to the Children's Wish Foundation received in the sudden and sad loss of a dear husband, and father. Special thanks to McFAchnie Funeral Home, Father Andrew of St. Isar, and lottues Catholic Church. THE NEWS ADVEWnSER/UABRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 19116 -PAGE 33 Day Care Available FREE! A GIFT FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY Place a birth announcement in our paper and receive a FREE "BABY'S HERE GIFT PAC" w Approx. $25 worth of brand name products Your free coupon is redeemable at Sears, Oshawa Centre or Pickering Town Centre VLW NEAM Inquire at: NEWS 130 Commercial Ave., Ajaxk., 1822 Whites Rd., Pickering683-0707 Uxbridge 24 Toronto Uxbridge 852-9741 Do You And Your Pet Look So Much Alike That People Can't Help But Comment? ff this sounds like you, send us a photo of you and your Look -a -like pet as your entry to win our PEOPLE and their P E ■ S Contest! Win 4 tickets to 30 --.d other prim Ali too! Drop off or mail your enhy to: PEOPLE ti PETS CONTEST do Lisa Preston, P.O. Box 481, 865 Farewell SL, Oshawa, Li H 71-5. Or one of the tollowing satellite offices: Whitby: 666-8000,1032 Brock St. S. Plaza just N. of 401 Bowmanvi8e: 6230622, 95 Kng St. E. (Hank's Chicken & Ribs Plaza) Ajax: 683-5110,130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Pickering: 420-1358,18n Whites Rd. (Sara/lee-Amberlea Plaza) ENTRY DEADLINE: JULY 2/98 Wnrws trill bs published on Sunday July 5,1991 Graduates Ninety Eight T SWEEK Invites you to shade your joy with friends and relatives by placing a "Graduate" ANNOUNCEMENT. The announcement will appear on the day of your choice. Cost per notice with picture is :45 Plus GST Place your ad by calling 683-0707 in Uxbridge call 852-9741 NOTICE The Committee for the Highlands of Durham Games would like to notify the businesses and public that they are working with Metroland to produce the "Official" Highland of Durham's Souvenir Program. We have not sanctioned any other publication to produce a booklet on our behalf. The official program will be the only one distributed and handed out at the Games July 24, 25 & 26. If you wish to support the' Games and be involved in our Souvenir Program, we would invite you to call Port Perry This Week 905-985-2511 or your local Metroland advertising rep. PAGE 36 -THE NEWS ADVERTISERIUXBRIDGE TRIBUNE SUNDAY, JUNE 21. 1998 C r ' a�rt�arsra► a ave 1 tk; ` 7`��s 1991 PONTIAC $UNBIND LE Black 2 door. 4 cyl.. 5� speed, rote clean car, kms. Of" $5,990 5,990 ly 68.000 0 0 A 1094 PONTIAC SUNSIRD LE Black 2 door, V6, air —5"e"l conditioning automatic. 3� power locks, tin. cruise, very clean. only 68,000 kms. i WMAIN 10946 PONTIAC $UNBIND LE Light Teal, 2 door, Steeal S..& R.« speed 4 $7990 d cyl., economy. very. very clean car i 1 OSS PONTIAC GRAND AN1059 PONTIAC SUNEIND L1= White, 4 door, V6, e Certified car, red,�e automatic. air con., : 2 door, automatic, fully low,0 lims. only1990 many kms. 112969,01 1992 CHEVY CAVALIER 1992 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 1996 FORD ESCORT LX IDOI CH CAVALIER R= WAGON 1969 FORD PROSE 1993 GMC SAFARI VAN Whits. 4 door. 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As "an"ciar'vco 10,990 wN d oaitr 77Afb fwd. 2 dow, -sorter Sfsrr.L Sds Rhes ► �� =7,990 Teal grMa . 4 dW Yin S;- — 4' s Pm- W 2 floor, aWowAIr,"Now e' d Segs Rter _ swan enni wr tow = c"« 10,990 ' 11,990 Tan ttdMior 4 3 Mti. Y3r Swwnl S.li A.ta R tt. taaawa, 8 �,99a - „�: !I�f�ld�l�r/ill/�►Ii/liir NAx d r Q9 .401oc Gayly St. rll= 7