HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_06_19PICKERING/ROUGE EDITION a* %- j?A 1 p :.goo DOORS ft UAMMAU Windows & Doors Pic 831-1989 A D V E R T I S E R Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand Friday, June 19, 1998 Pressrun 49,500 32 pages Poor kids to get ■ ` imn limfe' FEDS, PROVINCE LAUNCH NATIONAL CHILD BENEFIT IN PICKERING IN BID TO KEEP PARENTS WORKING Giving children in low-in- come families "a better start in life" is the focus of a new initiative that also aims to help their parents "find and keep work;' Durham West MPP Janet Ecker announced Thursday. The National Child Bene- fit (NCB) was launched at St. Paul's -on -the -Hill Child Care Centre in Pickering by the Minister of Community and Social Services and Canada's Minister of Human Resources Development Pierre Petti- grew. A partnership between the federal and provinciaVterrito- rial governments, the NCB promises to improve benefits Pickering seeks new image with makeover of Town's logo By Marianne Takacs PICKERING — Town Council thinks Pickering's image needs an update. On Monday, councillors approved the establishment of a committee to determine a process for the design, se- lection and launch of a new Town logo. 'Ilie (current) logo has been in place for quite some time, but the nature of the community has grown, has changed," said Ward 3 local Councillor David Pickles in proposing the updated sym- bol. He suggested the cur- rent one probably doesn't mean much to residents, and WHAT'S INSIDE Editorial Paye .........6 Entertainment ........13 Sports ..............20 Classified ...........28 NOMI TO REACH US General ........683-5110 Diesth Notices ...683-3005 Awdien Line ....683-7545 sincerely Yours .....1-800-662-8423 Email ................. newsroom@durham.net Vol. 33, No. 24 DAVID PICKLES 'Nature of the community has grown, has changed.' it would be better to have one citizens could "identify with". Pickering's current coat - of -arms -style logo was adopted in 1974, when the Town was incorporated. It consists of a shield with the symbol for the atom repre- senting the Pickering nu- clear station, a 'wheel of in- dustry' depicting the town's manufacturing and business sector, a wheat sheaf for the agricultural community and a wave pattern symbolizing the lakefront. The bottom of the shield is bordered by maple leaves. The logo was officially gold and green when it was adopted, but the gold was later replaced with yellow after proving difficult to re- produce on paper, and blue and black were added in some versions. Ward I Regional Coun- cillor Maurice Brenner not- ed residents may want to eliminate or de-emphasize the nuclear symbol on the shield. "The focus in effect is nuclear if you look at the top of the existing logo," he said,. Deciding what to put on the new one will be a question of "what does Pickering want to be known for". Only Mayor Wayne Arthurs voted against the resolution, on the basis it doesn't make sense to pick another logo when there's a possibility Pickering and Ajax will amalgamate in the next few years. Coun. Brenner suggested the committee work toward a "broad logo" representing both what Pickering is today and what the new amalga- mated community could be. The logo committee will be chaired by Coun. Pickles and co-chaired by Ward 2 See TOWN/Page 3 and services available to low- income families with children and to help needy families leave social ass istancc and re- main in the lahour market by ensuring their children',, needs will continue t(, fes, rn.: "We need to ensure fami- lies will always be better off working," explained Ms. F,ck- er, who believes the NCB will make it "more attractnc for people on welfare to ,cck work - Admittedly, "fighting poverty is a difficult thing' noted Minister Pettigrew. But the "hest thing" the govern- ment can do to fight poverty See NEW/Page 4 pirb by SO IlrfrSnkw To Melissa, with love Staff, students, friends and family of Melissa who lost her battle with leukemia last March. Raby turn out at Bayview Heights Public Leaving flowers in memory of their friend School in Pickering Monday for a ceremonial are, from left, Amanda LaMagna, Lauren tree planting in memory of the young pupil Sears and Jen Polito. ,. t t JEN umer ."A agau ec aticIR, eat S621. ne.. Ne AlK n 12 -jor �.77 �i�i�illf( IN WIA_ Wt LIM I r-711 4L, 'for Fri ow _F ZZ e4 bf TOP `l •'` l�-'" - ® Q I IPS•. _ M1ri::•-x'�'1• rI':�u • -'•/ .-r. '. IFS"• Z-7 4k_ J *Z Nk_ KINGSTON RD "(HWY.#2, @ WHITES PICKERING_. 670 KINGSTON RD., 0 0 moW 0 _�i� m,t w 34- OPEN 9:00 AM TO:8:00 PM WEEKDAYS -n, '—,x 401 ' 9:00 AM T0' 5:00 P"MVEEKENDS 839�2l 1 _:�� -� -m dew -- .L bd. n 12 -jor �.77 �i�i�illf( IN WIA_ Wt LIM I r-711 4L, 'for Fri ow _F ZZ e4 bf TOP `l •'` l�-'" - ® Q I IPS•. _ M1ri::•-x'�'1• rI':�u • -'•/ .-r. '. IFS"• Z-7 4k_ J *Z Nk_ KINGSTON RD "(HWY.#2, @ WHITES PICKERING_. 670 KINGSTON RD., 0 0 moW 0 _�i� m,t w 34- OPEN 9:00 AM TO:8:00 PM WEEKDAYS -n, '—,x 401 ' 9:00 AM T0' 5:00 P"MVEEKENDS 839�2l 1 P • , ► .. + +-► ► • .. a a ♦, r► . • .i.. , . . a . w • - THE N! W9ADVERTISER FRIi)Al�, IE1NiE 19, 1"S -.PACE 3 kn'" •+•i•,♦�.♦•• ''•'.�derson vow s to charge" Province g if no the ' cheque comes to oriel Durham & Kee 61111."n Staff Writer Durham Chairman Roger An- derson vows to lead a charge against Premier Mike Harris if the Province doesn't come through with a $30 -million cheque by next week to offset the cost of down- loading responsibilities to the Re- gion. Speaking to Regional Council colleagues Wednesday, Mr. An- derson said if the Province does- n't come through with new num- bers, "you won't be leading a charge, you'll he following the charge" Mr. Anderson and senior re- gional staff members met recently with Ontario finance officials about the provincial downloading. The Province's numbers leave Durham about $30 million short and that would have to be made up with a property tax increase in the 20 per cent range. The provin- cial govemment had promised the downloading would be revenue neutral. At the meeting, Mr. Anderson gave the Province a deadline of June 24 to come through with new figures or a cheque. "Nobody will be more disap- pointed in this Region or this room than I;' if the Province does- n't provide relief, Mr. Anderson said. During the meeting, Ajax Mayor Steve Parish ripped Pre- mier Harris for a "glib letter" thanking the Region for its letter and Mr. Harris was referring it to Treasurer Ernie Eves and Munici- pal Affairs Minister AI Leach. "There's a significant discrep- ancy. The promise was made it would he revenue neutral. It's clear to the taxpayer how much of a lie this will be," Mayor Parish charged. "It's not revenue neutral. It's very negative for the munici- pality." unici- pality." Finance Committee Chairman and Oshawa Councillor Brian Nicholson said, "It doesn't help to punch someone in the nose and then turn around and ask for mon- ey. There is a deadline for the Province to keep its commitment. If they don't, I'm sure members of this council will be quite vocal. "It doesn't help to get into a slugging match. It doesn't help this Council or the taxpayers. Hold your fire for one week. If not, it's open season on the Province" Clarington Mayor Diane Ham - re said it's been "the year from hell" for municipalities because of provincial initiatives, such as the downloading and reassessment. Communities such as Claring- ton and Pickering will lose mil- lions in revenue because the Province is changing how money is distributed to communities with such facilities as nuclear stations. Rather than pay property taxes, the Province has provided 'pay- ments in lieu of taxes' (PILs). She noted the $1 million in PILs that Clarington has received will now go to the Region. 'We have to go back and find that $1 million. The property taxpayer will pay. "All the promises and commit- ments they claim have been made on the harks of the property tax bill," Mayor Hamre said. "The Region may come out OK. but it will only end up at the local level. I think this letter to you (Mr. An- derson) is an insult.' Town logo could bchangiong TOWN/From page 1 a design. - OF p Regional Councillor Doug Dickerson. They will invite seven others to sit on the committee, including representa- tives from the residential, business and development communities. The group will report back to Council by Septem- ber on how the new logo is to be cho- sen. Coun. Pickles said after the meet- ing public input would be sought on the choice, but thcrr wouldn't neces- sarily he a rolnpcUllkin (o come up with 0 M Coun. Dickerson, however, said he liked the idea of a "full-scale town - wide competition open to all residents of Pickering and all businesses" He suggested letting citizens vote on a group of designs to pick a final winner, perhaps through ballots printed in councillors' newsletters or the newspa- per. He also suggested the current logo should he kept in the running, as "the competition that everyone is up against". Pickering's existing logo could be up for a new design. �'Interest -, k-mg,�- �z!,,Term Deposit Don't wait 12 months for your Interest — we pay it when your money is invested and at a Premium Rate! V, a4m =Am A BOY w%UW L 7J -K1W -, SALE 'PECIAL SARGA NS 1N TODAY S News Advertiser., Fri., June 19, 1998 :dews Advertiser Canadian Tire A)a>r?h Cukn Gardens SCA. ' Double Double Pick New Homes (west) Pick.Aiax r Ptuavuk Alan Smitty's Fine Furniture AjazlPickScarb } Second Pim & Wings Pick "Square Boy Pick ' Dehw d to selected timseWds ally Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be n recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue ViAlm boz Recycling program. For information on delivering 1450 Road (905) 831-1121 v a" �P your advertising fly ,,rr mooch' .0% call n�G ri. MO�NIQUE Wa j[[As V 1 683-5110.=-�— �k�k�r�r�lt�k�k��r�yt*��k*���Ar�*�*�k******fir**ik�r�k*�k*�k�k�ik�k��r� Live Quarter Horse Racing Every Sundayfffl.FREE PARKING! FREE ADMISSION! *SNA K >; C BAR BEER TENT POST TIME 1 PM PARI -MUTUAL BETTING #SIMULCAST WAGERING FROM WOODBINE & BELMONT MCOV 14"T �SliM A.NJ1M 21•� VMS FROM W0009NIE 388 KINGSTON RD. E. AJAX Cor y Friday's carrier of the week Is ('orcy He enjoys hockcv. Corcv will receive a dinner for 4 vouchm compliments of McDonald's. Congratulations Corev for brink our carrier of the week I 13,; Kuig t,m Rd AJAX 726 Kington Rd . hLk I i(N) Iun"on Rd Ili, k Fa y Rt,NTO AX NW. 401 'rt PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 New money for WEW/From page 1 and early child- tante benefits to funds into pro- families. In On- a new Ontario in low- and mod- for each child aged and working fami- is "to help parents hcxxl support pro correspond with grammes and ser- tario, the provin- Child Care Sup- est -income work- under seven years. lies where one par_ get a job:' He be- grammes. the increase in fed- vices that promote cial government plement for Work- ing families by Parents with child ent stays at home lieves the NCB Provinces and eral benefits re- the healthy devel- will use its portion ing Families. It providing a maxi- care expenses who to care for the chil- will help break territories may re- ceived by families opmentofchildren of" the NCB rein- will support up to mum monthly attend school or a dren would be eli- down "the welfare duce social assis- and rein est those in low-incomc vestment to create 350,000 children supplement of $85 training course gible. wall for those • PM wanting to get off" Families cur- M social assistance. ; :►,;+= $219 _ o The govern- CAPTAIN REGULAR _ �•�-7._1 ment recognizes - � that, in many cas- / 39.. es. parents earning • • , , • low wages in the arately to receive the new Canada S 0°/° - labour market may Child Tax Benefit. yovi► be financially rKft 6�pEC5 worse off thanWE ments are design- RE those receiving ing programmes to welfare. They may •—" exam less than they ; would receive from social atisis- z a F a a tante, may not • • have supplemen- tar\ health or den- nc Its, ave work-related ex- •�"' j penscs such as .. ,...� y child care and •. �1dtz , _ transportation. and . have to pay in- � � � � � ' A -- come tax. That means children of low -in- came families are is I often disad -an- • caked if their par- ents attempt to • PM •-7r. ';,.. ".. was Families cur- M leave or stay off ; :►,;+= $219 rently receivinnow g dren will receive CAPTAIN REGULAR _ �•�-7._1 welfare by finding W., s � $1 �� Tax Benefit do not 39.. and keeping a fob. need to apply sep- • 7„, _ Beginning July arately to receive the new Canada S 0°/° - 20. the federalttj-5 Child Tax Benefit. yovi► government willO rKft 6�pEC5 increase the Cana- ments are design- N� y' da Child Tax Ben- ing programmes to efit bv $850 mil- •—" lion annually b} . giving families with a combined • income of $20.921 a yearly maximum NO amount of S 1.625 PAYMENTS for the first child •• (up to $605 more) assistance, extend- NO and 51.425 for each additional INTEREST child (up by as For 1 Year (O.A.C.) much as $405). • See Store For Details Canada will double its invest- ment to $1.7 bil- nul pc ANY FREE CHOICES No PST -Sheet Strips .Dts4k)sal Of !Mattress Old Set Protector -Ptllw -layaway Bed Rad., Protect.w A -FRAME lion by 2000. � PM •-7r. ';,.. ".. was Families cur- M 2.5 million chil- • ; :►,;+= $219 rently receivinnow g dren will receive CAPTAIN REGULAR _ �•�-7._1 the monthly Child W., s � $1 �� Tax Benefit do not 39.. initiative. need to apply sep- ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BED CREW HEADQMRTERS arately to receive the new Canada Irdudes 20 yr gty. 0awactic Was $769 Child Tax Benefit. ritorial govern- • rKft About 1.5 million � PM families and their M 2.5 million chil- • SET $339 dren will receive CAPTAIN REGULAR CAI ECt more federal bene- Nolviiiii" was fits under the new $379 $29f initiative. ! n0w • Meanwhi le, r' 066 provincial and ter- ritorial govern- • ments are design- ing programmes to • reduce child . poverty and help parents find and keep work. They • will offer such ser- vices as income benefits, child care assistance, extend- ed health coverage L -FRAME FUTON OWOM 10 POSTURE CARE w;,E 1139 4I—RESS SET *249 DOUBLE 169 SET 2% QUEEN 249 SET 349 30 �- 3� .- I . . SUPREME S/E IGE X289 � ESS SET $479 DOUBLE 349 SET 549 QUEEN 379 SET 579 KING 579 SET S99 °I 25 SUPERSUPPORT n ORTHO SUPREME ORTHOPRACTI SWAIE $369 "M111EM $95A ft SET $599 VArrAM SET $409 DOUBLE 289 SET 479 QUEEN 319 SET s19 KNG 1529 SET 839 WATERFALL DAYBED was $149 _.WIN ra4r".u.r Bari or r.... i 711 - ' T ��i�a;;. DOUBLE 449 SET 719 QUEEN 519 SET 789 ORTIWXIlR1' PILLOW TOP =$449 SET $699 DOUBLE 529 SET 819 OWEN 599 SET 919 PRESIDENTIAL SERIES x $569 SET $769 DOUBLE 639 SET9oo QUEEN 709 SET 1o49 COMFORT SLEEP SOW WTIM 5$169 SET *289 DOUBLE 209 SET 339 QUEEN 259 SET 409 KING 449 SET 699 YEAR PRACTIC S/E UE $269 -rRm SET $439 DOUBLE 319 SET 519 QUEEN 349 SET 549 KING 659 SFT RRo ORTHO ELEGANCE SWGIA $31 9 un. SET $499 DOUBLE 369 SET 509 QUEEN 429 SET 609 KING 589 SET 999 +uR - n ORTHOLUxURY 1$399 SET $649 DOUBLE 489 SET 760 QUEEN 559 SET 060 KNG 739 so 1x49 no ORTHO ULTRA x$529 SET $739 DOUBLE 589 SET 160 QUEEN 669 a"ET 909 KNG 879 SET 1400 NFI NTY COLLECTION x$669 SET $949 DOUBLE 869 SET 1140 QUEEN 969 SET 120 ORTHOPEDIC SINGLE$4 99 M -• SET $339 DOUBLE 249 SET 399 QUEEN 299 SET 469 L KING 489 SET 159 30 �- 3� .- I . . SUPREME S/E IGE X289 � ESS SET $479 DOUBLE 349 SET 549 QUEEN 379 SET 579 KING 579 SET S99 °I 25 SUPERSUPPORT n ORTHO SUPREME ORTHOPRACTI SWAIE $369 "M111EM $95A ft SET $599 VArrAM SET $409 DOUBLE 289 SET 479 QUEEN 319 SET s19 KNG 1529 SET 839 WATERFALL DAYBED was $149 _.WIN ra4r".u.r Bari or r.... i 711 - ' T ��i�a;;. DOUBLE 449 SET 719 QUEEN 519 SET 789 ORTIWXIlR1' PILLOW TOP =$449 SET $699 DOUBLE 529 SET 819 OWEN 599 SET 919 PRESIDENTIAL SERIES x $569 SET $769 DOUBLE 639 SET9oo QUEEN 709 SET 1o49 COMFORT SLEEP SOW WTIM 5$169 SET *289 DOUBLE 209 SET 339 QUEEN 259 SET 409 KING 449 SET 699 YEAR PRACTIC S/E UE $269 -rRm SET $439 DOUBLE 319 SET 519 QUEEN 349 SET 549 KING 659 SFT RRo ORTHO ELEGANCE SWGIA $31 9 un. SET $499 DOUBLE 369 SET 509 QUEEN 429 SET 609 KING 589 SET 999 +uR - n ORTHOLUxURY 1$399 SET $649 DOUBLE 489 SET 760 QUEEN 559 SET 060 KNG 739 so 1x49 no ORTHO ULTRA x$529 SET $739 DOUBLE 589 SET 160 QUEEN 669 a"ET 909 KNG 879 SET 1400 NFI NTY COLLECTION x$669 SET $949 DOUBLE 869 SET 1140 QUEEN 969 SET 120 M Y THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19; 1"S -PAGES . 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L1 S 2H5 A D V E R T I S E R Publisher: Tim Whittaker .EDITORIAL_ OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Helping needy kids, families Durham's poor children will get a helping hand and their low-income parent-, will receive a hand up thanks to a joint pro- gramme of the senior levels of government. The National Child Benefit (NCB) launched Thursday will give children in low-income families "a better star in life" and help their parents "find and keep work" in the words of Ontario Communitv and Social Services Minister Janet F.cker. The Durham West MPP and Canada's Minister of Human Resources Development Pierre Pettigrew were on hand at St. Paul's -on -the -Hill Child Care Centre in Pickering yesterday to announce the new partnership between the federal and provin- cial government~. There they were. side by side, Progressive Conservative MPP and Liberal MPP, putting aside their political and philo- sophical differences long enough to do what they were elected to do — serve their constituents. It was a moment all too rare these days in politics, which are often dominated by partisan sniping and petulant finger point- ing. A Tory and a Gnt coming together for the less fortunate members of society — poor parent-, and their poverty-stricken children. Those families, Durham taxpayers and Canadian society as a whole should be better off as a result of the NCB. It includes an enriched Canada Child Tax Benefit combined with provincial strategies to help low-income families. In this province, that strategy is the new Ontario Child Carr Supple- ment for Workine Families. Here's how it works: • The fed-, will increase: the Canada Child Tax Benefit by $850 million annually on July 20 of this year and again on that date in 1999. That will give low-income families with a combined income of 520,921 an annual maximum amount of $1,625 for the first child (up to $605 more than they now get) and $1,425 for each additional child (a-, much as $405 extra). Ottawa will increase that investment to $1.7 billion by 20(10. • At the same time, the provinces can reduce smial assistance pay -outs to families by an amount equivalent to their increased federal benefits and reinvest that money into promoting the healthy development of children of low-income parents. In this province, for example, the Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families would help kids of low- and modest -income working parents by providing up to $85 a month for each child under seven. Parent% with child care expenses who are upgrad- ing their education for jobs and working families where one parent stays home to care for kids would be eligible. In short, the benefit programme should make it more attrac- tive for people receiving welfare to get jobs. "We meed to ensure families will always be better off working," explains MPP :Ecker. MP Pettigrew admits, "Fighting poverty is a difficult thing" But the "best" way to do it is "to help parents get a job". In that way, everybody wins — people who get off welfare, find jobs and become productive members of society: taxpayers who pick up a reduced social assistance tab; and, most impor- tantly, chikiren of parents who are working, putting food on the table and clothes on the kids, whose well-being is of paramount concern to all of us. ■ �L LETTERS OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE NEWS Who's running Ajax anyway? To the editor: The article in a recent edition of the News Advertiser headlined 'Ajax fights plan for new school on industrial site' reports on the meet- ing of Town Council's committee of the whole held April 27. 1 attended this meeting and came away wondering who runs this town anyway'? is it the developers, the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board! The proposed plan which is being taken to the Ontario Municipal Board entails relocating two high schools now planned for the A6 residentially zoned land into the A7 prestige industrial land. As correctly stated by Allan Roxburgh, giving up the industrial land for a school defeats the Towns stated policy of improving the in- dustrial/commercial assessment ratio residential to the residential ratio. Is it merely a coincidence that Jane Pepino, who represented the two school school boards at this committee meeting, in the past has represented the developer before Ajax Council'? Guy Colm, Ajax Grateful for honest folks, great town To the editor: few years ago. On April 17, I left my bank card I also want to thank the bus dri- in the Automatic Teller Machine at vers on the Westney Heights route the Westney Road and McGill for being so courteous, pleasant Drive Bank of Montreal branch in and kind during the few weeks Ajax. when I was without a car and de - A very honest and wonderful pended on public transportation. human being turned the card in to I have lived in Ajax for seven the teller for me. Thank you so years. This is a great town. Let's LETTERS Reform can't mask opportunism as compassion To the editor: 71ic June 2 letter from Judy Wile of the Reform Party Riding Association in our area is a real test of credibility if she be- lieves your readers can't see through the political opportunism of Reform's cry for full compensation of hepatitis C victims. Her party, if one looks at past perfor- mance. could care less about the victims of the tainted blood tragedy. It is not the government and will never have to ac- count to the voting public on fiscal policy. Reformers incessantly trumpet above' pri- oritising fiscal prudence and then, seizing an opportunity, become instant converts to compassion. Ncws Advertiser readers, not f(x)led by such tactics, see behind Re- form's new-found social facade. Reform- ers' grovelling for voters' approval using the adversities of the ill is really quite a sad spectacle to witness. Ms. Wile's comments about Pickering - Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeaguc prompt us to suggest she stands lonely in her views. A 52 -per cent majority of vot- ing residents in the riding re-elected him based on performance and dedication in representing them in Parliament Is 52 per cent a number Ms. Wile will relish recall- ing'? Your newspaper's view was clearly in harmony with that of the people of the rid- ing who wanted Mr. McTeague to remain as their representative. It may also pain Ms. Wile to recall that in September 1996, the Reform Party was conspicuous by its silence while members of the government proceeded to respond to calls for compensation for hepatitis C victims. Mr. McTeaguc in particular was far from silent. He met and worked with Jeremy Beaty and Alan Powell of the Hep C Group and in his own caucus to favus attention on the issue and initiate govern- ment action for a fair compensation pack- age. At the time, it was agreed that 12,000 individuals would be compensated and that, in Mr. Beaty's own words, it was ul- timately the provinces' responsibility to pay compensation but that the federal gov- ernment should set an example. It is well recognized now that but for the federal ini- tiative no action plan at any government level would have been possible. The fed- eral contribution was set at $800 million while the provinces, those most responsi- ble, only contributed $300 million. Your readers, me included, are truly saddened by the tainted blood tragedy and pray no victim is left to struggle without appropriate medical and other support from the broader community. An im- proved compensation package may indeed come out Of the current discussions being conducted by the federal/provincial work- ing group examining this issue. But let's call things for what they really are. The Reform Party won't succeed in masking political opportunism as compassion. Your readers are more astute interpreters of po- litical motives than Reform would have us believe. Dave Crawford, President, Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge Federal Liberal Riding Association much. You are truly a great person. keep it that way. 9 To respond to this editorial call Thank you to the person who nfosotmce Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 found and returned my son's wallet :Paulette Johnson, with $5 and a library card in it a Ajax TIM WHITTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland JOANNE BURGHAROT Editor -in -Chief Prinling, Publishing and Distributing group of STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor GENERAL 683-5110 CLASSIFIED 683-0707 newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member o f Alar b Pickering Board o1 Trade, Ontario BRUCE DANFORD Director of Advertising DIDI RIBU DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- MONIQUE LEA EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Manager ADMIN/CS FAX 683-7363 munity Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian 'Circulations Audit Board. The News Advertiser DUNCAN FLETCHER Real Estate/Automotive Advertising COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 newsroom@durham.net E-MAIL is a member of the Ontario Press Council, BO Gould St., Toronto, Ont. M5B 2M7, an indepen- ABE FAKHOURIE BARBARA HARRISON Distribution Manager Production Manager www.durhamnews.net WEB SITE dent organization that addresses reader com- plaints about member newspapers. The pub- JANICE O'NEIL CHERYL RAINES Assistant Production Manager(Wa�_"� Assistant Production Manager C.,.a., fisher re>erves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement LILLIAN HOOK Administration Manager limited to space price error occupies. LETTERS Reform can't mask opportunism as compassion To the editor: 71ic June 2 letter from Judy Wile of the Reform Party Riding Association in our area is a real test of credibility if she be- lieves your readers can't see through the political opportunism of Reform's cry for full compensation of hepatitis C victims. Her party, if one looks at past perfor- mance. could care less about the victims of the tainted blood tragedy. It is not the government and will never have to ac- count to the voting public on fiscal policy. Reformers incessantly trumpet above' pri- oritising fiscal prudence and then, seizing an opportunity, become instant converts to compassion. Ncws Advertiser readers, not f(x)led by such tactics, see behind Re- form's new-found social facade. Reform- ers' grovelling for voters' approval using the adversities of the ill is really quite a sad spectacle to witness. Ms. Wile's comments about Pickering - Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeaguc prompt us to suggest she stands lonely in her views. A 52 -per cent majority of vot- ing residents in the riding re-elected him based on performance and dedication in representing them in Parliament Is 52 per cent a number Ms. Wile will relish recall- ing'? Your newspaper's view was clearly in harmony with that of the people of the rid- ing who wanted Mr. McTeague to remain as their representative. It may also pain Ms. Wile to recall that in September 1996, the Reform Party was conspicuous by its silence while members of the government proceeded to respond to calls for compensation for hepatitis C victims. Mr. McTeaguc in particular was far from silent. He met and worked with Jeremy Beaty and Alan Powell of the Hep C Group and in his own caucus to favus attention on the issue and initiate govern- ment action for a fair compensation pack- age. At the time, it was agreed that 12,000 individuals would be compensated and that, in Mr. Beaty's own words, it was ul- timately the provinces' responsibility to pay compensation but that the federal gov- ernment should set an example. It is well recognized now that but for the federal ini- tiative no action plan at any government level would have been possible. The fed- eral contribution was set at $800 million while the provinces, those most responsi- ble, only contributed $300 million. Your readers, me included, are truly saddened by the tainted blood tragedy and pray no victim is left to struggle without appropriate medical and other support from the broader community. An im- proved compensation package may indeed come out Of the current discussions being conducted by the federal/provincial work- ing group examining this issue. But let's call things for what they really are. The Reform Party won't succeed in masking political opportunism as compassion. Your readers are more astute interpreters of po- litical motives than Reform would have us believe. Dave Crawford, President, Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge Federal Liberal Riding Association Simply shocking! ��.��,�Pw Durham residents get a current look at electric -powered vehicles By Shawn Simpson Special to the News Advertiser No thanks; I'II pass on gas! Well over 300 visitors to the Durham College Skills Training Centre last Saturday were given a rare treat with a glimpse into the future of mass transportation as the Durham Electric Vehi- cle Association and the Professional Engi- neers of Ontario host- ed a Sustainable A Transportation and :>" N Energy Show. "There are the im- portant environmental concerns and of course, there is the issue of run- ning out of oil:" says Eric Jelinski, president of the Durham Electric Vehicle Association. "Electric Vehicles (EV's) can go twice as far as a those running on a barrel of crude oil." I A Mr. Jelinski, an Ontario Hydro engi- neer and outspoken Iq advocate of alternative energy, says he first got hooked on "sustainable trans- portation and energy technologies" about 10 years ago. Five years ago, he built his own electric vehicle, what's known as a '74 City Car, and has been "dri- ving around Bowmanville in it ever since" Although thoroughly convinced electric and/or hydrogen -powered vehicles will be parked in every- one's driveway someday, Mr. Jelinski is realistic about when that might happen. He says there are a number of hurdles yet to overcome such as perfecting the technology, though it has come a long way in recent years, training technicians and en- gineers in alternative fuel systems and most of all, marketing. "There's no question we're a fledging industry:" says Mr. Jelins- ki. "But all the technology is avail- "Learning can be a little dry sometimes;" explains Joe Marks, Bowmanville High School elec- tronics teacher, of why electric ve- hicle construction was introduced into the school's Grade 12 curricu- lum. sign, theory and performance, and first place for going the furthest distance in two hours at Queen's University's annual Electric Car Contest. Obviously proud of his students' accomplishments, Mr. Marks says 1997's feat is particu- larly sweet because the six -student team managed to con- struct the craft out of old bicycle parts and in just over a month's time. "There were many late nights over that five weeks," says Mr. w Marks, noting this „.,►"a year they took their time and built the vehicle from scratch. "But, it -- taught the kids to appreciate each oth- er's talents and strengths. And, they all had smiles on their faces after win- ning:' ` The efforts and ingenuity of the ex- hibitors certainly didn't escape those who set aside Satur- day to enjoy the show. Wide-eyed and curious, many cou!dn't walk by a display, without stopping to ask some questions. "I thinkit's the way of the future:' says Os- hawa resident Morgan Culford. "It has to be for the sake of our kids. Look at California, the air is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I find it all very interesting" Anyone who would like to learn more about this burgeoning new industry can call the Durham Elec- tric Vehicle Association at (9051 023-6653 or visit its website at www durhammail.com/clec- tr1cwheels. Milos Popovic (left), Ken Koo (in vehicle) and Scott Webster moved their electric vehicle to a better display spot at Durham College. They were tak- ing part in the Sustainable Transportation and Energy Show. able. Some said electric vehicles wouldn't work in the winter but we've overcome that problem. We have to take one step at a time" In addition to drawing hundreds of curious Durham residents, the show also attracted a number of exhibitors, including students and faculty from a couple of Durham high schools, on hand to show off their award-winning electric won- ders. Fore a good cause Golfers raise $96,000 at Chairman's Classic golf tourney About 150 golfers had a good time, but the real winners were the Community Foundation of Durham Region and the Durham College and University Centre Creating Futures Campaign. The second annual Chairman's Charity Golf Classic Golf Tourna- ment raised $96,000 and the pro- ceeds are being split between the foundation and the university fund. The tournament was held June I 1 at the Oshawa Golf Club and ma- jor sponsors were the News Adver- tiser and Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Miller Waste Systems, Brookvalley Developments and Buffett Taylor. Among the golfers were former Durham Regional Chairman and founder of the classic Jim Witty, CFTO TV anchor and host for the dinner Ken Shaw, Community and Social Services Minister and Durham West MPP Janet Ecker, Halton Region Chairman Joyce Savoline and Peel Region Chairman Emil Kolb. In the two years it's been held, the Chairman's Classic has raised about $175,000. Last year, the tour- nament raised approximately $78,000 for the community founda- tion. Durham Region Chairman Roger Anderson has presented cheques in the amount of $48,000 each to Trevor McCagherty, the chairman of the foundation, and to Durham Col- lege President Gary Polonsky. "We thought if we could do something to excite the students, it snakes teaching them a lot easier." The students, he says, have re- sponded well to the programme. which is apparent when looking at the students' track record since building their first prototype last year. For two consecutive years. 1997 and 1998, the Bowmamille team took first place for overall de- UUMam Regional Chairman Roger Anderson (left), television news broadcast- er Ken Shaw and former Regional Chairman Jim Witty (right) pined forces last week to raise $96,000 for charitable causes at the Chairman's Classic. ,SER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 - PAGE 7 Community news in Ajax and Pickering Learn Spanish for free AJAX — The Durham Catholic District School Board is offering free Spanish classes for students in Grades 1 to 8 throughout July. The classes, which will focus on developing reading, writing and oral skills, will be held at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School from July 2 to 31. Classes run Monday to Fri- day from 9 to 1 1:30 a.m. at the :Mandrake Street school. Registration takes place July 2, the first day of classes, at 9 a.m. For more information call 420-9777. Self-defence course for women PICKERING — A self-de- fence .oursc t' 4)r women is being offered this summer. Held at Peace Lutheran Church at 928 Liverp(ml Rei.. Pickering, it will run every other Sunday beginning at noon from June '_8 to Sept. 13. Cost is $5 per session, which will be donated to the church. You can attend any or all of the sessions. For more information i call 839-3521. i Big Sisters needs you Community -minded individ- uals are needed to serve on the Ajax -Pickering Big Sisters As- sociation board of directors. People with backgrounds in accounting, social services, edu- cation or law are especially needed. Applicants must be at least 21 years old, have an un- derstanding of the unique needs of and challenges faced by girls and young women, and be will- ing to work as part of a team with volunteers and staff. If you're interested, send your resume listing your skills and experience, along with a covering letter explaining your interest in volunteering with the association. Mail it to Nomination Com- mittee, Big Sisters Association of Ajax -Pickering, 1-398 Bayly St. W., Ajax, Ontario, L I S 1 P 1. For more information about volunteer opportunities, call 428-8111. PAGE 8 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. JUNE 19, 1998 t95EE A nR 69 CigL000) h OAkee FURNITURE STORE tj rri itiu `ACCOLADE' SOFA Available in Beige/Multi. #54335. 5598 ;2j,�I MONTANA' SLEIGH BED Made in Canada with a Honey Pine finish. . -gest m& Sears reg.1199.97 -. $59997 Consists of sleigh headboard, footboards and rails. Olatching pieces also on sale. 1R price on panel bed. t;' `OUTBREAK SOFA BED' Available in Natural/Chocolate/Mult. oaaoso. X688 3 ?AA !!.`RANCHO' BUNK BEDS Solid bend► construction wdh a dear protective finisix Single bunk 067408 Sears reg. 1199 97. $599 9' Twin -over -double bunk 1167242 Sears reg. 1399.96 $69997 Mattress not included. Matching pieces also on sale. ALL OR AT 4 >. ''� ♦ . " ,�,,.,,.�yam L y SEARS-O-PEDIC° PRESTIGE" SLEEP SET 15 -year limited warranty on set; details in store. Twin. smMoo. Sears reg. 999 9g Set. $488 Double, Queen and King sets also on sale Dbn Yt tvy.for one fill yeat* or take tfol August 1 toin p'eY free* When you use your Sears Card on all furniture and sleep sets 'Don't pay until June 1999. Offer ends Sunday, June 21, 1998. Pay in 14 equal monthly payments interest free, until August 1999. Offer ends Sunday, June 21,1998. For both offers: On approved xredit with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. A $35 deferral tee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase Excludes liquidation items In Clearance Centres and Catalogue Purchases. Ask for dafdis- 1650 Victoria St., Unit #7 Whitby, Ontario Phone (905) 579-40" Store Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sun. 11:00 am. - 5:00 p.m. Long Distance Please Call 1.800.336-8073 cavae rr. 10�r=� lum % � LE WWWA I nR 69 w�iole dg) h oa.e. FURNITURE STORE !;Iee Sets p ON SALE.'.' SPECIAL PURCHASE PRICES YF -Grand Canyon'sofa in PinelGreen/Russet '-49rown/Grape Wine iwrosears reg. 849.99 $67499 pieces and custom options also on sale `Franklin Cherry' 5 -piece dining suite with arm chairs. #22402. Sears reg. 1499.99 $109997 Consis:s ,:' ;anie and 4 chairs THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19,1998 -PAGE S ALL DECORATOR RUGS Choose from a variety of colours and designs in hand -knotted, hand -carved Chinese or Indian - style rugs, plus a fine assortment of machine -made rugs. SAVE An Additional =T 15% on Red TicketED CLEARANCE RUGS `Mirage" soft macre lei, can ltl. OMI04 Seam749.99. ..,� 8elg�e�lllir Mg. X59999 Matc hog pieces and cxi.stom options also on sale Don't pay for one full year D w't p W for one full or Me Y1l Ailg & 1999 td;/k*rwtIrl* When Wu use .Mur sears Cared on all furniture and sleep sets ValprifAAMtIII.offaftSfdWAM21,IIIL.FOYi1494MNOW* p ooftiilowfUo,fi hwd"IL oow fw.9Mtip, afo 2t, IUL r.i.w oNo= onoppwa/ a&Rwft pvSofoGd s4nloro$Mpi shmAIN dWm 1NoowldopplaiYi�owldwpompp"SYMMpwdmL ® E71dC��IIM.Cltffi Cuba M�wpfelro. MAtttborYi. 4— 1650 Victoria St., Unit #7 Whitby, Ontario Phone(905)5"-4048 Store Hours: Mon. -Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6.-00 p.m. Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. TABLES AND ACCESSORIES Distance please CaN 1-800-336-8073 `° w1wL5mcni0"" • 9t►wt E. M 1 Whitby w.-w.•.,w Ar w. s L4ww oR1Yl0 Distance please CaN 1-800-336-8073 `° w1wL5mcni0"" PACE 16 - 7 HE NEWS ADVERTISER FI "Y, JUNE 19,1" Have a ball, swim g a club and You're invited to hit the greens and help raise some green for the United Way of Ajax -Pickering. The agency is holding its third an- nual gulf tournament Tuesday. July 14 at Glen Cedars Golf Club in Ajax to tee off its annual fund-raising carn- paign. ` At past tournaments, more than I(X) golfers from local businesses and the community have teed off in support of the area's largest community develop- ment effort. Businesses can sponsor a hole for $250 to highlight their support of the United Way. That cost includes a colourful sign at the hole and at the dinner and promotion in the tourna- ment brochure. Companies can also BILLBOARD WHAT's HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING FRIDAY, JUNE 19 ALLERGIES: The Durham Region Anaphylaxis Support Group meets the third Friday of each month in Ajax at 7:30 p.m. This group provides support for those dealing with life-threatening food/other allergies. 686-3018 or 420- 8404. ADDICTIONS: Serenity Group holdis a 12 step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group deals with addicitions of all types, including co-de- pendancy. A child care programme will be available during the meeting. 428- 9431 (Jim) SATURDAY, JUNE 20 FAMILY DAY: The Knights of Columbus hold a Family Fun Day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Pickering Driving Range and Mini -Putt. Toronto Maple Leaf goalie Glenn Healy signs autographs after lunch. Tickets $4 per person in ad- vance. $5 at the door; $10 per family in advance, S13 at the door. Chipping and putting contests, silent auction. 839- 1952 (Gerald McCaughey). TEA: St. Timothy's Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society holds a Strawberry Tea from 1 to 3 p.m. at the church, 97 Burcher Rd., Ajax. Adults $3.50, children under 10 $1.50. 686-4296 (Eileen Carr). help Ajax=Pickering United W promote products by donating prizes for elude green fees, a golf cart, barbecue lunch For more information about sponsorship or golfers. and steak dinner. Prizes and awards will he to register for golfing call the United Way at Cost to golf is $150 a person, %%hich in- presented. 686-0606. IT'S OUR FAMOUS 25% OFF * BAG EVENT Shop at Eaton's this weekend and getup to 25% off selected regular & clearance paced. items storewide. Factory Outlets included. 100/0 offregular priced • fiuniture •home elemonics • area nigs • mayor appliances • vaanuns liances • mull electrics & personal care appliances •home comfort app • forn,al dinriaware Fridays June 19th to Suntlay� June 21 st 'EXClUdes Cosmetics and Fragrances, Bath & Body, shoes by Nine West, Enzo ArooYrr & Easy Sim, Calvin Klein & DKNY Handbags, Dior jewellary, Nine 8 small leather goods. sale- and cWararxe-priced Women's, Men's & Kids' shoes & athletic shoes, Estate jeweiiary. Watches by Swatch. Gucci,SaintNLaurenest �t, Klein Guess, l z Claiborne, Nautica and Trrrberland, Small Leather Goods Rooes. Fine Jewellery, lewelleryt yypr s Pans. Diamond Essence and the Royal Canadian Mint, sale and cleararxe priced Accessories, Jewelery. Watches, Designer Fashions (consisting of sportswear, denim 359/118/654), Women's ClatxM sleepwear, locrhgewear and robes. DKNY hosiery, Men's Designer Fashions (consisting of sportswear, denim, tailored clothingfaaw s and bridge losses accessories), Tommy Hilfiger fashions and accessories. Jockey & CaMin Klein apparel & urxierwear, FkxJo Boss kxhderwear Cawldren's Tommy Hilfiger apparel, ln} cribs (525), Songless Hut, Mont Blanc pens, Denby Semi -formal Di vwwa ee. sale -priced Home merchandise (consisting of tumiture. area nxJs, home electronics and major appliances, vacuurns. home comfort appliances, Ralph LaurervPolo bedding & towels, Liz Claiborne bedding & towels, Tommy Hilfiger bedding & towels, Chanwe bedding & towels, Gearance priced sinal electrics and personal care applarhces, Panasonic GA00 TVs. MaytagEatonBne Babies, Gochs, microwaves. Viking appliances. BBQsRoyal ��Seagull Pewter, sale - priced cookware & outdoor furrvture, pre-recorded video & audio tapes, CDs and film,Beauty Dohs. Lalique, Disney c lassie Colection, Sw Bone China, Eaton Gift Certificates, Eaton's Restaurants, concessions & services. Offers not available n our VWarehouse Stores and Cleararx;e Centres. Savings on o�g sacro. Nae. Fro regular ticketed price. long 000 0 SATURDAY, JUNE 20-& SUNDAY, JUNE 21,'98 �11 Ems."aSave 205' rµ ALL REGULAR -PRICED �f .- •„ MEN'S DRESS PANTS Chinese froom ow cottlplote collectilots of Calms OW desisas in pleated or per■ hent styfing. Save 30=50% ALL CORDLESS DRILLS Choose from 6V to 18V drills. Hardware is not ovale in ow Torkdde oed Gerrard Square stores Sage �`�CI FREE SPIRM 18 -SPEED AS Feetwes I hh nd 1wy Sprliq iaaisaef ait4b i a tttatao. 1lgtdas ee�tln tnwattaeiy Save $ 111 CRAFTSMAN" 5.5 -HP REAR -BAG, GAS LAWN MOWER 4 cycle with 20" deck 8 'EZ3' mulching -bagging system. ✓x36716. Sears reg. 399.99. 28888 only 139 99 iKb YOUR CHOICE KENMORE` BBO'S Saw $30.40,000 BTU, with 540 sq. in coekieg space. e3noz. Seers reg. 169.99. or Saw $40.42,000 BTU, with 400 sq. in. cooking space. #30701. Sears reg. 179.99. For both 110's took sold separately Save ' 10-50% ALL COOKWARE AND DINNERWARE SETS Cookware ittdedes Coronaria, Vienna and more. Dinnerware iad.16 6 20 -pc. sets & open stock. WOMEN'S SELECTED SPORT SANDALS Seers res. 12.9-24.9. Pttiir 4 99=999 p�r'Ce WOMEN'S NEVADA° JACKETS, VESTS & SWEATSHIRTS Sews res. 19.99-49.99. Emb 9 99= /5499 W..ALL KENMORE WINDOW- 1bW4�f .. + A� MOUNT AIR CONDITIONERS e 5,000-14,000 BTU's. Sears reg. 349.99-1699.99. 299.99.1649.99 rai.IawaerlirIlia Now Eeviresosent products evoilable w most stores .-S Save 20=30'0 20=:�O" ALL OPEN -STOCK SHEETS ALL TOWELS Your choice of colours, patterns flaw mss` hce&ds' beth towels ons hetk sboets a a wide esswtaeat of styles. and fabrics in Twin to King sizes. incfades Fantasy, Reinferest, towels 9 were. OPENING SPECIAL 8 A.M. = 10 A.M. SATURDAY, Jt*E INCREDIBLE BUY! MEN'S ARROWO SHIRTS Knit and sportshirts in a wide variety of pottems and sizes. Size SAL. No dealers pleosel' Aper 16:00 a.m., 14.99 each. only 9►�9 20, ONLY AWi=TWP, FWW. Or% 1% 1M Harwood Place Mail "Your Community Shopping Maflyy IS THE PLACE For Family Shopping &Service A&P ........................................683-6951 AJAX $STORE ...................428-1721 .AJAX SHOE REPAIR ...........686-1633 BI-WA1k . .......... _........686-81M BOOKS FOR I.ESS ...........426-3388 BRITANNIA FISH & CHIPS 683-2811 CLASSIC ARRANGEMENTS ...........427-1663 CNIB ................ 0874 CROSS COUNTRY DONUTS 427.7055 GOLD SCISSORS BARBER ... 683-5571 HAIR LANGUAGE ..................427-7777 HARWOOD DENTAL OFFICE . .. ..........................427-0851 NATIONAL TRUST ............683-7347 PHO TOW ENIENCE . .....427-0023 SX%I'SJEWELLERS .........683-0577 SCOTIABANK ...................683-7070 SHOPPERS DRUG MART 683-5222 SIMPLY ITALIAN ...................427-3700 SKETCHLEV CLEANERS 683_6891 SMOKER'S CORNER .683-4*21 SPACE AGE SHELVING ...686-8957 ST. JOHN ANIBULANCE ..... _Mfi-4966 STRUT 619-0365 THE B & E CONIPUTFILS 683-9998 THE INSURANCE MARKET ...............686-0701 DON'T FORGET Sun., June 21 /98 SATURDAY, JUNE 20/98 Bring Dad, your family & friends & enjoy FREE 9 HOLE MINI -PUTT GOLF COURSE throughout the mail. 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We ua&e Vwaz 4cawe44 r "W."AY Q, ST 314 Harwood Ave S., Ajax Ow Corner of Harwood Avenue & Bayly Street �LIGNTCENTRE PICKERING FLIGHT CENTRE DISCOUNT FLIGHT SPECIALISTS LOWEST AIRFARES GUARANTEED PLANNING A TRIP THIS SUMMER? WHY NOT DROP BY THE PICKERING FLIGHT CENTRE - A ONE STOP TRAVEL SHOP - G UARANTEED g THE LOWEST PRICE! The remarkable growth experienced by Flight Centre International over the years, come down to'a single phrase - 4. "LOWEST AIRFARES GUARANTEED." That's right - a promise that guarantees Flight Centre International will beat any genuine air fare quoted by a travel agent or airline on the day YOU the consumer make your booking! This genuine A 40 Ab promise is coupled with the fact that Flight Centre aims to the best service in the travel industry. provide The massive size and constant expansion of Flight Centre International, enables them to give such fantastic prices. In fact, Flight Centre has over 450 retail offices around the world, in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, B.C. and Ontario. With this tremendous global buying power and low margins, Flight Centre is able to ensure they can offer you the lowest airfares, hotel packages and all your other travel requirements (insurance, car rentals, rail, cruising etc...). ). Flight Centre's key is to combine the best available industry prices to give YOU with quality, professional & friendly service, the consumer the best value for your dollar. In November of 1997 - Fli t Centre launched a new store in the Pickering Town Centre. With this - Pickering can now provide specialist - discount airfare. rcokings and also help plan your complete holiday covering everything from packages, cruises, tours, accommodations, and car hire to insurance. Price and convenience are not the only reasons to pay a visit to the Pickering Flight Centre. One of Flight Centre's employment criteria is that all staff are well traveled and have vast tourism experience. This enables their staff to be able to relate to your excitement and anticipation, but also have the knowledge toassisti larming the ideal destination for your family vacation, honeymoon, or business travel. in Me 6 knowledgeable, experienced Travel Consultants. So, when it comes to attentive and experienced At the Pickering Flight Centre they staff you won't find better staff then Carey, Stacey, Karen, Patrick, Beth and Jay - at your local Pickering Right Centre. Staff members at Pickering Flight Centre have lived in Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, Mexico, Africa, Asia and Europe. These experiences allow them to share personal stories and offer relative advice to make your travels- more meaningful anderijoyable. Fortunately for you, your travel plans can be made very exciting and hassle free this summer, as Flight Centre guarantees to offer the 'Lowest Airfares Guaranteed" You just have to drop by and visit them at the Pickering Flight Centre, located in the Pickering Town Centre. Visit Pickering Flight Centre and ask about some of their summer specials. I . p1bon&P-141ft" 7Tn1MM"_ Ce?Zt41'eUkPper level near Eatons) •Ph: (905) 5JI-9959 Fax: (905) 831-0554 1 II J 1 f►!. {•/rl :.�l1A!��4�.►�a.Ll/d.4{IA.f►1111A I �J♦•Qlr .1,60t1ss, .%•.".a4f• V..s.♦.RW�lDVXp�AFJtJ4VJ pko,1MiPAPf A 13 .ENT ---RTAINMEN-T NIGHTLIFE IN AJAX AND PICKERING MhHin Located in Wal-Mart Ajax OPEN: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. -6 p.m. Sun. 12 - 6 p.m. 1905.426-6242 I X=FI'les i un 1]radU2tFq tn hin ccrppn Now Mo viplez ing: playing ar 9, Picker - The Big Hit: Lou Diamond Phillips, Mark Wahlberg. Be- leaguered hitman Mcl (Wahlberg) and his professional associates including Cisco (Phillips) agree to a moonlighting gig as kidnappers only to dis- cover the victim Keiko (China Chow) is not only a rich industrial- ist's daughter, but also the godchild of their boss. Bulworth: Warren Beatty, Oliver Platt. In the waning days of the California primary in 1996, Senator Jay Bul- worth (Beatty) is in a battle to hold off a challenger. In the midst of a nervous breakdown, he arranges his own death by hiring a hit man to assassinate him during the final weekend of campaigning. But, when Bulworth finds new enthusiasm to live, he must somehow stop the hit on himself. Can't Hardly Wait: Ethan Embry, Jennifer Love Hewitt. Now that the gradua- tion ceremony is over at Huntington Hills High, it's time for the real festivities to begin at the graduation party where jocks, geeks, prom queens, bimbos, headbangers and mis- fits will unload four years' worth of emo- tional baggage. Aspir- ing writer Preston Meyers (Embry) has been in love with beautiful classmate Amanda Beckett (He- witt) since he laid eyes on her and he must seize his final opportu- nity to proclaim his love before he leaves town the next day. Hope Floats: San- dra Bullock, Harry Connick Jr. Birdee Pruitt (Bullock) thinks she has it all: a good marriage and a bril- liant and sensitive child. But, when her life comes crashing down. Birdee heads back home where her life becomes even more complicated as she tries to deal with her mother, who she must really get to know for the first time, a daughter who des- perately misses her fa- ther and the prospect of a new romance. The Horse Whis- perer: Robert Red- ford, Scarlett Johans- son. Tom Booker (Redford) is the key player in the story of Grace MacLean (Jo- hansson), a teen scarred by an accident while riding her prized horse. Realizing the fates of her daughter and the horse are inex- tricably linked, her mother Annie (Kristin Scott Thomas) tries to find someone with a gift for curing troubled horses. Tom's primary goal is to rebuild the lives shattered by the accident, but it isn't long before love blos- soms with both won- derful and tragic con- sequences. Mercury Rising: Bruce Willis. FBI agent Art Jeffries (Willis) is relegated to routine assignments following a botched undercover operation. But, when he's as- signed to investigate the disappearance of an autistic child whose parents have been mysteriously slain, he unknowingly stumbles into a situation that is Open mike for you? Calling all singers and musicians. Omnidirection- al Studios is hosting a mu- sic contest all summer on Sunday nights at Dinezees, on King Street West in Oshawa. The organizers believe the contest is a blend of "open -mike" nights hosted by many clubs in the area and a search for musical talent. "We wanted to have a contest where people wouldn't be intimidated to enter," says Blaine Tait, adding there are no stimu- lations on who can or can- not enter and no entry fees.And, while there will be judging and prizes handed out, the contest is simply a showcase for Durham Region's musical talent. "The real object is to get people out playing mu- sic and having fun," ex- plains Lori Martin. It all gets started this Sun- day, June 21, at Dinezees. Call Omnidirectional Stu- dios at (905) 831-8931. Neighbourhood Grill & Bar 1001 Va Vetfeug 4r AA&&ke ,a .4- anything but routine. Sliding Doors: Gwyneth Paltrow. Does love have a mar- gin for error? Helen (Paltrow), a hip PR ex- ecutive living in Lon- don, is about to find out. The Spanish Pris- oner: Campbell Scott, Rebecca Pidgeon. A David Mamet-directed thriller about modern corporate intrigue. Al- so has comedian Steve Martin in a dramatic role as playboy Jimmy Dcll. Titanic: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. An epic love story unfolds on the doomed ocean liner. Oscars galore! X -Files: David Duchovnv, Gillian An- derson. FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovnv) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) are drawn into a web of intrigue while investigating the mysterious bombing of a Dallas office build- ing and the secrets buried inside. Also on hand are series regu- lars Mitch Pillegi as FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner_ William B. Davis as The Cigarette -Smok- ing Man, John Neville as The Well -Mani- cured Man, and con- spiracy buffs The Lone Gunmen — Dean Haglund, Tom Braid - wood and Bruce Hard- wood. Featured in the movie are Martin Lan- dau, Blythe Danner and Armin Mueller - Stahl. Now playing at Pickering Town Cen- tre's Famous Players Cinemas: Deep Impact: Mor- gan Freeman, Robert Duvall, Elijah Wood. High school astrono- my club member Leo Beidcrman (Wood) makes an earth -shat- tering find that makes him the co -discoverer of a comet on a colli- sion course with Earth. Meanwhile, ambitious newswoman Jenny Lerner (Tea Lcono thinks she has stum- bled onto a Washing- ton sex scandal. To quiet her for two days, the U.S. president (Freeman) offers Jen- ny the scoop of a life- time about a risk,. Ow- Give Dad all the Jazz! 1Yeat him to our specialty Bourbon Street Steak Dinner only $13.49 Char -broiled 10 oz. Sirloin steak, marinated in Cajun Spices and all the trimrnings space mission headed by a former astronaut (Duvall) that is intend- ed to deflect the comet and save the world. Dirty Work: Norm Macdonald. Mitch Weaver (Macdonald) and his best friend and fellow social misfit Sam McKenna (Artie Lange) survived their childhood years by getting revenge on every small-time despot who crossed their paths. Now in their 30s and still un- able to sustain rela- tionships or hold jobs, the two are facing their first real crisis — Sam's father (Jack Warden) has a heart at- tack. Desperate for the cash that will put Pops at the top of the list of transplant candidates, See DISNEY/Page14 PAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 • . - . _ ... _ _ .. - - - _ _. _ _ w'.► wwww r+• • aw• • ��+wir+iw++� ww+►ws++wwr.r+r Disney Chinese fo tale In Mulan DISNEY/From page13 Mitch and Sam quickly try get- ting jobs in everything from con- struction to testing brownies. Godzilla: Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Pitillo and Hank Azaria. With mysterious disasters happening all over the world. nuclear scientist Niko Tatopoulos (Broderick) is ripped from his research to take on the project of his life — track the beast behind these unexplained occurrences. As Vick begins his investigation, the enormous crca- ture descends upon New York City. That's when the fun begin, Mullan: Disney's 10th and newest animated feature, 'Mu- lan,' tells the classic 2000 -year- old Chinese folk tale of a young woman's desire to bring honour to her family, even though her in- dependent thinking and high spirits fail to meet traditional ex- pectations. The film captures the adven- ture, splendour and tradition of ancient China. In this adventure. Mulan disguises herself as a sol- dier and goes to war in her fa- ther's place. Some of the charac- ters in the movie include Mulan's feisty and comic 'guardian' drag- on Mushu (voiced by Eddie Mur- hh% i, the brave and loyal steed Khan who carries Mulan into battle and the noble warrior Li Shang. The Perfect Murder: Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Pal- trow. A remake loosely based on the Alfred Hitchcock classic Dial M for Murder. Millionaire indus- trialist Steven Taylor (Douglas) has everything except the love and fidelity of his wife, whom he considers his most treasured ac- quisition. After learning the truth behind his wife's increasingly distant behaviour, Steven devel- ops a plan for the perfect murder. Sia Days, Seven Nights: Har- rison Ford. Magazine editor Dance stars imp - hoof it to A.,iw'. Florida Holly LaFlamme, front, and Kaitlin Tay- lor -Rivet were winners at a recent dance competition in Niagara Falls, New York. They will travel to Dayota Beach next month. PICKERING — Two Pickering ,lancers «crc superstars in a recent competition in Niagara Falls. New York. Hulls LaFlamme. R, and Kaitlin Taylor-Ri,et. 9, represented Ta} for Dance Studios at the Niagara region- al Star S% stem competition for young dancers. Hollv was named Petite Miss Superstar while Kaitlin earned the title of Junior Miss Superstar. Each performed a jazz solo dance and the hoofers were judged on abil- ity and performance qualities. As a result of their win, Hollv and Kaitlin will advance to the finals of the Star Systcm competition in Day- tona Bcach, Florida Julv 6 to 10. The event will bring together other re- gional winners from across Canada and the U.S. Holly has studied dance for the past four years and Kaitlin for seven years. a/CKFR/NGlfr THE TRUMAN SHOW (PG) 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:45 DEEP IMPACT (PG) 1:30-4:15-7:35-10:10 GODZILLA (PG) 4:25-7:35-10:20 PAULIE (F) 2:00 MULAN (PG) - 1:15-3:30-5:30-7:35-9:35 PERFECT MURDER (AA) - 1:15-3:45-7:25-9:50 SIX DAYS, SEVEN NIGHTS (PG) ' 1:00-3:30-7:00-9:30 DIRTY WORK (AA) - 1:45-4:00-7:40-10:00 MULAN (PG) - 12:15-2:30-4:40-6:45-9:00 • • THE TRUMAN SHOW (PG) ' 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:45 MULAN (PG) - 1:15-3:30-5:30-7:35-9:35 PAULIE (F) - 1:45 TITANIC (PG) - 4:00-8:15 DEEP IMPACT (PG) - 1:30-4:15-7:30-10:10 DIRTY WORK (AA) - 4:25-7:45-10:05 QUEST FOR CAMELOT (PG) - 2:00 PERFECT MURDER (AA) • 1:15-3:45-7:20-10:00 SIX DAYS, SEVEN NIGHTS (PG) - 1:00-3:30-7:00-9:30 MULAN (PG) - 12:15-2:15-4:40-6:45-9:00 -. Tarnnass catre Robin Monroe (Anne Heche) has planned a relaxing holiday in a tropical wonderland with her new fiance Frank Martin (David Schwimmer). But, work cuts Robin's vacation short and she must fly to Tahiti. She hires cargo pilot Quinn Harris (Harrison Ford), but na- ture plots a different course for them when a storm forces them to crash land on an uncharted is- land. The Truman Show: Jim Car- rey. Truman Burbank (Carrey) has a feeling he's being watched. He*s right. Since he was born 30 years hefore, he has been the un - knowing star of the longest run- ning, most popular documentary - soap opera in history. Realizing he is trapped like a butterfly in a jar, he determines his single aim is to escape Seahaven at any cost, only he hasn't considered the power of Christof (Ed Harris), the show's creator, producer, di- rector and supervisor. Now playing at the Cineplex Odeon Ajax 10 Cinemas: Can't Hardly Wait, Dirty Work, Godzil- la, Hope Floats, Mulan, The Perfect Murder, Six Da vs, Seven Nights, The Truman Show, X_ Files. Saturday, June 20th LIlL1�Ur �� 2:00 p,m, (� Ronald Morrish ISecrets of Discipline Are you tired of bargaining with your children just to get a little cooperation? Are you frustrated by their lack of respect? If so, then come and hear Ronald Morrish, author of Secrets of Discipline. �ZHis refreshing presentation will provide you with many practical km strategies for teaching your children to be responsible and co- mma" l:. MMr" operative. June 18 to June 21... give dad the gift of reading on Father's Day with a Chapter 1 Club discount card ... and take advantage of our complementary Gift -Wrapping table. During June, visit the My Books children's area as we celebrate the Klutz Press books... Crafts, face painting, paper airplanes, and much, much, more. . Save 20% on "Bookselkr's Choiee' &ks too! We are located at 90 Kinpton Road East, Ajax �\ Phone (905) 426-4431 Open 7 days a week froth 9 a. m. to Il p.m. (near c6rner of Harwood do High 2 g y ) Grcd tt..kt Are Jul The ie,lul., A CANADIAN BOOK COMPANY ��r+K.u�i����r:�"rty', �.a1..iL•.w`"':. _'7.a..a..ra��{�wyp. a+,,. - .. ,.._-_�.: �, ., c.. .... .- �.-'6y.. "lGii9Y�.? .a.s... ,-cr,yy,+�, MUD During June, visit the My Books children's area as we celebrate the Klutz Press books... Crafts, face painting, paper airplanes, and much, much, more. . Save 20% on "Bookselkr's Choiee' &ks too! We are located at 90 Kinpton Road East, Ajax �\ Phone (905) 426-4431 Open 7 days a week froth 9 a. m. to Il p.m. (near c6rner of Harwood do High 2 g y ) Grcd tt..kt Are Jul The ie,lul., A CANADIAN BOOK COMPANY ��r+K.u�i����r:�"rty', �.a1..iL•.w`"':. _'7.a..a..ra��{�wyp. a+,,. - .. ,.._-_�.: �, ., c.. .... .- �.-'6y.. "lGii9Y�.? .a.s... ,-cr,yy,+�, photo by A.J. Groen On the run Erika Franz and Carrie Lahti are among those taking part in the Run the Lake event along Ajax's waterfront this Saturday, June 20. The fifth annual event, hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Ajax and Pickering, aims to raise money for a Video En- doscopy Suite at Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. Partici- pants will have a choice of a five -kilometre or 10 -kilometre course along the shore in Ajax. For information on joining the event, contact the hospital at 683-2320, ext. 1227. Interest- ed residents can also join the walk by meeting at Rotary Park in Ajax at the corner of Lake Driveway West and Parkes Dri- ve. Green thumbs meet Tuesday PICKERING -- Finding The group convenes just the right plant to bright- Tuesday. June 23 at 8 p.m. en those small spaces is dis- at the Pickering Recreation cussed when the Pickering Complex, Valley Farm Horticultural Society meets Road. Phone 839-4604 or next week. 420-4095 for information. RING OPTOMETRIC CLINIC -Dr. E. Gillezea Dr. M. Fitzsimm Dr. C. Wang, Dr. A. H and Dr. L. Voisin Dhipensing Fnmm>mCmad Pidw iag llledlal Ce ofte 1885 Gk-nanna Road, Suite 212 Pickering, Ontario L1V 6R6 839-5303 683-1175 Lab On Premises THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 - PAGE 15 1011011 & Q�rvfv -P%i- I 1 s ' s Eat For Half Price, Sun, ne Chei line 4a LOOKING FOR A lst, FUN PLACE TO GO? 21 Beers on Tap! Fine wines by the glass! JUNE 10 DULY "a"'mv�.unI a o' 1 1 P. "' Lunch & Dinner Specials Daily * Monday�Tuesday " 300 Kingston Road, (at Altona) 905-509-6565 (Lower Level) Live Blues Bands everyThurs., Fri., Sat., 8pm - closed Jam Every Thursday with Howard Ross & Mike Hall Fri. & Sat. June 19 & 20 Terry B. Blues Band Fri. & Sat. June 26 & 27 Barney Adams Blues Band Fri. & Sat. July 3 & 4 Larry Goodhand Blues Band Fri. & Sat. July 1 , & F1'! Count B�ues Band 121 GREEN STREET, WHITBY 430-9558 v/A mAk aim owingItalian & Fusion Cuisine • Relaxing atmosphere for upscale dining Executive Chef Ride Spensiari, Montreal Que. Pasta Chef Franco Quarto- Florence Italy SUMMER HOURS Direr Monday - `day - Close • Cigar,Scotch d Rano Lounge (Cuban Cigars & Vintage Scotches) Fri. & Sat, June 19 & 20 - Ian McDermid, Pianist Fri. & Sat, lune 26 & 27 - Bruce Gorrie Jazz Quartet Fri. & Sat July 3 & 4 Cathy Booth - Pianist Open Friday & Saturday 9 pm - Close Reservations Recommended 121 Green Street, Whitby (905) 430-9558 Neighbourhood Grill &Bar OUR PATIO IS OPEN NOW1 Ac r4jiijd tellm d.1 10 advertise call Andrea 683-5110 r lg0t The Shores of = Liverpool_ 590 UVERP001 ROAD S01M gine and Casual DWIM All Ratios Now Open: FROM, JUNE 19 start Stnr9eao at t bo bar Okaw4ovr-� Slues RA B upst>+ M4611f the ptl►iio ` SOL June 20 . P111111110 &Mhos IK the bar ""es now open 420-2020 ally-o�aEt r Ilorid Cup.! macer Action _. tug girharbs Fuh screw TV. Dai kw ch A4"k23Bwmwtw ITC o! 1163 Kingleton Rd. Pickering 831=3469 rt Hn 2 3 —1 Rd4-M Fm ITC o! 1163 Kingleton Rd. Pickering 831=3469 PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 Fftlk�a im Last Minute Gift Ideas foi HE'S GOT STYLE, WE'VE GOT SELECTION... • Woven Popovers, Reg. 19.99 & 22.99 at 50% Off • All Packaged Pyjamas at 50% O'f'f • ALL Gordie Howe® Walking Shorts at 40% Off • ALL FOX® Collection at 25% t0 40% Off • ALL Levi's Casual Separates at 25% Of f • ALL Men's Grizzly by Kodiak® Summer Fashions at 25% Of f • ALL Fashion Ties and Belts at 25% Off • FOX® Dress Shirts at 30% Off • Selected Sport Shirts, Reg. 19.99...4.97 • ALL Gordie Howe® Tops at 19.97 • Jersey Shorts, Reg. 9.99 ea... 2/$12 GREAT GIFTS THAT DAD WILL LOVE! • ALL Gold Jewellery at 5O% Off • ALL 10 Kt. Gold Rings at 4O% Off •ALL Locus Disney Watches at 40% O� +ALL Men's Brooks Cross Trainers and Reebok CL1000 Joggers at 40% O� •ALL foster (dant & Trqpical Sungl�s atm O� •ALL Brand-name Clocks at 2J�s O� •ALL Men's Travel Kits at25% Off •ALL Cardinal, Gitano &Legend Watches 20% Off • ALL Jetstream 21 " Cay • ALL Men's Shavers at • CD Audio and Video Si • ALL Workboots at $1 • Casio Data Bank Watc Reg. 49.97-54.97...3 • Waltham Prestige Wat Reg. 24.88 ea. 213! • RCA Personal CD Player • See our NEW Line of R /Designer Fragrances MORE TERRIFIC GIFT ID • World Cup Soccer Ball • ALL In -stock Lawn Acci Tools, Sprinklers/Nozzl and Tables, Cushions 9 • ALL In -stock Bikes for Accessories & In-line A • ALL In -stock Gardenia Grass Seed, Weed Com • ALL Garden & Patio Loi Mand Tools and Parts ( • 12 -in -1 Tool, Reg. 15.9 • ExcN,des au Seftnwft Jew►e Wq y ..1 -yam: �.. .l �:lc ;,.�''�, `a's*�'iI�F�.k.�f°' �"R'�!`�':'VF:��'��f ,. or'�'/�M'�i'.#' ��!;�F��l���'i�MA'r, !"tlMgg7l`.E'w•we��er: t,rs .- :.,... ,-...... -- ,... y THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1995 -PAGE 17 r Dad! rt On Wheels at 20% Off 15% Off wage at 15% Of f 0 to $20 off nes, 9.99 ches, L88 r, Reg. 149.99...119.99 Aen's Prestige TEAS HE'LL APPRECIATE! at 50% Off :ssories, Short & Long Handled es, Chairs & Lounges, Patio Sets � umbrellas at 25% Off Him or the Family, Helmets, 'kates at 20% Off Accessories, Fertilizers, trot and Soils at 20% Off N Voltage Lighting, Tool Sets, ;abinets at 1/3 Of f 9...9.97 sale Ends June8 � 21st, ALL Men's Sports & Entertainment Licensed Apparel 7SO/0 ()ff Receive BONUS Wallet or Apron. While Supplies Last. NOE VER THE CREDIT UNION ADVANTAGE • Does your financial institution offer three chequing and automatic overdraft protection with net pay deposit? WE DOI • Does your financial institution offer patronage dividends and rebates** for interest paid on savings, loans and mortgages? WE DOI • Does your financial institution offer superior interest rates for most of their savings and loans products? WE DOI • Does your financial institution strive to exceed your service expectations and provide the level of service you deserve? WE DO! THF: NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. _CNE 19. 1998 -PAGE 19 DURHAM BRANCH �' 1630 Bayly Street, Pickering, Ontario L 1 W 3N2 Phone: (905) 831-5959 - Fax: (905) 831-2631 TFDE Credit Union •• patronage dMdends and rebAtrs Mr .ubirc t c., ;C ,•. .,. x:Yucrnen. r -. ,. • • 1: Visit our web site at www,�fdcu.cg� or E-mail us at tfo�:'A'Jf0cu.com 19 With a lot of hard work and help from his fiance Stephanie. Roger Godna owner and operator of The Label Shop Plus exemplifies taw a home based business can tum into a greater success; and a dream corse true. Starting out as a home-based trade supplier, servicing over 25 printers, and a number of brew your own wine outlets in the Durham Region, Owner Roger Godina, recently opened his first retail - outlet at the McLaughlin Square, 50 Richmond Street East in Oshawa by the Chamber of Commerce. The Label Shop Plus is a new concept store specializing in labels, stickers, decals, tickets and tags. The -PLUS" in The Label Shop Plus includes laminating. business cards, magnets. high speed photocopies and much mare... With a product line of over 40 ditrent shapes and sizes in sWc k ranging from Address, Shipping do Wine Labels to Bumper Stickers, and of course specialty products like; Clear and Waterproof Labels, Product Labels & Tyvec (sewable clothing tags)• With the latest high-tech equipment you can even combine coloured logos dr print with Bar Codng andlor Sequential Number" on any label, our equipment also enables us to produce short nuns as low as 25 pieces & long runs over 50,000 with most jobs ready for the client within 24 b 48 hours. Roger Godina prides his business on personally working with his clients to achieve the most practical solution with fair pricing and amazingly fast quality service. For information contact Roger PAGE 20 - THE'NEVt•'$ ADVItRTIStit PODAY; JUNE 19, I998 RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING Piockermingmiudgets ian s at ball PICKERING — The Picker- ing Red Sox major midget rep baseball team went undefeated en route to the championship at the Clarkson Tournament last week- end. In the final, the Sox chopped down Maple 10-4. Ben Gooch earned the win with an outstand- ing pitching performance. He also came through defensively, making a heads -up play to catch a Maple Player attempting to steal home in a run-down. Mike Hindlev and Evan Risko also chipped in with some outstanding defensive work. Chris Lawrence and Billy Star - mans led the way offensively with two singles and a run batted in each. Risko singled twice, once on a bunt. Brandon Nl-. Millan's sin- gle drove in two runs. John Greg- son chipped in with a well -hit double. Jason Schwabe singled and laid down a perfect bunt. He also stole home on a passed ball. James David laid down two sacri- fice bunts, while Jamie Hunt had one. The Pickering midgets mauled Markham 7-3 in the semi-final contest. McMillan carried a big hat in the contest. going two -for - three with a bases -loaded double Tennis teens get their Just Desserts PICKERING — Just Desse ms tailed sweet victory in Pickering 17s Tennis League action last weekend. Just Desserts defeated Sub- way 3-2 in matches. while Licks edged the. Jaguars 2-1. In the lust Desserts-Sub- wav matches at the Glendale Tennis Club (Just Desserts plavers' names appear first), Mike Seli defeated Chad Campbell 6-4, 6-0, Darryl Harjadi beat Ainsley Eyitene 6-0, 6-0 and Hanif Merali was defeated by Chris Barwick 6- 3, 6-3 in boys' singles action. In girls' singles, Laura Daues lost to Sarah Bumstead 6-1,6-0. In boys' doubles, Devin Kiyonaga and Jordan Kauf- mann defeated Justin Jones and Ainsley Eyitene 6-1, 6-0. Meanwhile, in play be- tween Licks and the Jaguars (Licks players appear first), Alex Bittermann defeated Tom Clinghan 6-3, 6-0 at the Dun- moore Tennis Club. Andrew Pike lost to Ainsley D'Mello 1-6, 7-6 and 74 in the tie- breaker. Corey Butler and Jason Muszynski won in mixed dou- bles 6-0, 6-0 over Ainsley D'Mello and Tom Clinghan. Just Desserts is in first place in the league, followed by Sub- way in second, Licks in third and the Jaguars in fourth. that drove home three runs. He later singled to knock in his fourth RBI. Starmans slugged two sin- gles in the contest. Hindlev sin- gled and laid down a perfect sui- cide bunt to bring Ben Gooch home from third base. Lawrence had a sacrifice fly for a RBI. Greg- son. Mike Weisflock and Hindley all had singles. David executed two perfect bunts to move runners into scoring position. Risko earned the win on the mound. The Red Sox started the tour- nament with a 6-3 win over Agin- court. Todd Laidlaw was a perfect Mo -for -two with one RBI. Lawrence singled twice. Hindley brought home two runs with a hard-hit single. McMillan had a single and an RBI. Schwabe hit a single. Gooch and Starmans each had an RBI. Risko pitched four strong innings and gave up only three hits. Weisflo k closed the final three innings, allowing three hits. Catcher Mctilillan had a strong game behind the plate. In the second game, Pickering posted a close 3-1 win over host Clarkson. Lawrence's double brought in two runs, while Risko's single drove home the final Pick- ering run. Gooch also contributed two hard-hit singles. Hunt and David each had a single. Pitcher Brendan Jeffreys worked four in- nings allowing only two hits. Gall- up Kyle Sheppard closed out the game with three innings of work, giving up just three hits. Catcher McMillan made many blocks on balls in the dirt. Defensively, Gooch made a diving catch of a grounder that resulted in a kev C.� U U U O.J I� C/) out. Starmans. Gooch and Laid- law also combined for a double play. The Sox then merc11 Toronto Playgrounds 12-2. Lawrence was the big hitter with a triple, two sin- gles and three RBI. McMillan went two -for -two with a single and a long double to left field. Gooch's single brought in three RBI. Risko whacked a triple for Will Your Computer Work On January 1, 2000? FIND OUT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Hardware and software compliance analysis Year 2000 Compliant hardware and software Corporate Internet E -Commerce solutions Network consulting and installation Computer got you stumped? We can help by customizing your setup and desktop. We will make your computer work for you! Call us today at (905) 831-8409 data Logic Computer Systems Inc. CD CD '�OE i If youve •• • story idea, give us • call • •i Owr 1 Oth year cutting Kids Hair SMT � Pickering f 12M bW 'lip" (Mandarin Plaza) A �•rti >� 1725 Kingston Rd. -- %.W- „- V.. p„ 905-428-3484 ,V c W In • hWm. bwC dMe^. WftW* s'Ii" OW& Toronto MW W -w wofty w` (Beaches) Mon. -Fri. Thurs.. Jg Sun. 1926 Queen St. E. 10.6 open late 10-8 9-5 11-5 416-691-9190 SATURDAY JUNE 20/98 AMMMOR $50F%14 ADVANCE GREAT MEAL OR = EACH GREAT PAM ATM DOOR GREAT BAR PRICES LOTS OF PRIZES LOTS OF CONTENTS STEAK DANCE & BBQ KINSMEN CLUB OF AJAX 8�l10MAY t%0/98 b:PM TO 1:AM AJAX VILLAGE ARENA, CHURCH ST. N. AJAX'S #1 ANNUAL PARTY UW ENTERTNt08 T BY 77akets At IM ESSO Durham Centre Harwood 8 Hwy. 2 LOEB$ Baywood Plaza - DICI(SON PRNTINIG Harwood S. - 683.7940 AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE Monarch Ave. - 653.3740 MCLEAN CENTRE Westney N. 428.7711 RACK EM UP Billiards St. 619.9581 0 e�K � na�d�sn v�►• i `n ��st a� \y o\ s Ge yew s�ppje�se`! M 16H INIM- P an RBI. Laidlaw doubled and Starmans had two singles and a RBI and scored on a passed ball. Hindley posted a single and John Gregson's sacrifice fly brought in a run. Pitcher David worked a fine game, pitching all six innings, striking out nine and allowing three hits. McMillan and Gregson shared the catching duties and were stellar behind the plate. for th a�� eet P, e Soy Veryt her/ cot"D i 9 aa4'k Your Headquarters for $5.00 offan In-store Purchase o $25.00 or more. Not valid with any other offer. Exp. July 31-'98 CCS' r Supplies 25% off Shoes - Shinpads June 20 - July 5" *,905) Station St., Unit 2, Ajax, Ontario 427-8829 7;77*Yt�Fa�k'k"'�e.. #11Kr' A�.'t'3PWMGt�.1r'�i tP'�'lrls' �'w�'ei, a, ;.. ..:, �,v- ._ ... _. _ +.:�,.,.,.,.....�mw«•s.,.. :. "1tt'r: SCOREBOARD FAX GAME RESULTS To 683-7363 PICKERING SOCCER CLUB UNDER SEVEN BOYS DIVISION DIVISION B Strikers 1 (MVP's Anthony Khabouth. Domenic Mi- tradeo) vs. Lighting 4 (Charlton Elliott 2, Dean Lawrence. Lloyd Sampayo, MVP Kyle Watson); B.I. Tel 1 (Justin Linton, MVP Justin Linton) vs. Rangers 7 (Callum Lynch 3. Mark Sterling, Brandon Gaulin, Brandon Wikdlong, MVP Brandon Wildlong); CAM Tool 8 De 4 (Marc Levesque 3. Daniel Fyfe) Sum- merfwld's 3 (Kareem Tucker 2, Brandon Takeda); Plumbing Mart 2 (Blair Rutherford, Michael Benina- to. MVP Blair Rutherford) vs. Blizzard 3 (David Mott 3 MVP David Mon); 7 -eleven 0 vs. Thunder 8 (Mal- colm Abrahams. Darnele Jackson 2. Anthony Valano 2. Adam Nicholson). UNDER SEVEN BOYS DIVISION DIVISION A G M Sernas Assoc.- 0 (MVP Jeffery Clements) vs. Pizza Nova 7 (Jeffery Lyons, Scott Lyons. Ryan vedetros, Michael Kristopher 4, MVP Michael K,stopher); Lanatex Yarns 7 (Shahbaaz Kara-Virani 4 Micheal Smith, Brandon Legault 2. MVP Shah- raaz Kara-Virani) vs. Thunder 0 (MVP Scott Bas. seh): Lone Star Cafe 4 (Shawn Lalach, Matt Foster Ryan Metcalfe, MVP Matt Foster) vs. Intria 3 Richard Abbott 3. MVP Richard Abbott). US Motor 'ontrol 0 (MVP Adam Gomba) vs. Bizarbeclue 3 Preston Farrell. Christopher Underhill, Michael Nahall, MVPs Jessie Krerstead. Christopher Under. ^dl) UNDER NINE BOYS DIVISION DMSION B ',trtkers 1 (Christopher Wright. MVP Kyle Ormon) vs. A I -Pro landscaping b Carp 7 (John Andrew Mar- •iko. Michael Hurl 3. John Patterson 3, MVP's -'pawn Kerrigan, Daniel Popovic): m RyswGraphix 8 '.ory Giordano. Jamie Robinson 4, Daniel Pneau 3, k,1VP Jamie Robinson) vs. Pickering Kinsmen 3 Kevin Ptstchik 3. MVP Kevin Pistch4k). Masseys 2 Jordan Hill, Jacques Murphy, MVP Jacques Mur- nhy) vs Pathway Panthers 0 (MVP Christopher John Az). Twisters 2 (Christopher Riches, Joshua Ryan, 'AVP Joshua Billirger) vs. Steve's Castings Ltd. 1 Anthony Sotoadsh. MVP Kristoffar, Tiblilas); K.D `rucking 2 (Crag Mazerall, Julian Michaelicies. AVPs Logan Cameron. Eric Ewles) vs Pickering ib -Sports 3 (Richard Harrison, Ryan King 2, MVP's Pn King Sean Pavkfs); Masterworks Screen tinting 1 (Lorenzo Haze. MVPs Jordan Stork, Nadim Sideman) vs. Plumb -it 2; Optimist Club 6 (Keenan Hinds, Nathan Campbell, Adam Burke 2. Adam Wilkinson, Michael Portener, MVPs Logan Schunk' Nathan Cooper) vs. Spotless Auto Glass 2 aod'e*. Edde ��)Edtdie Smith, MVP's Charles Forch- UNDER NINE BOYS DMSION DIVISION C Formula Ford 1 (Michael Kavaratzis. MVP Michael Kavaratzis) vs. Whole Tooth Team 1 (Robert Rutrtis. MVP Robert Rutitis): CompuCentre 0 vs. Scotia Bank 2 (Gabriel Marcano, Sean Dineley, MVP's Alexander Ko, Bradley Durnford): Hawks 0 (MVP's Jason Joseph. Avery Vernon) vs. PCCA 5 (Michael Gear". Mark J0lranov, Lucas Whalen, Jacob Tun, Graeme Oddly. MVP Lucas Whalen); Blizzard 5 (Annan Prahad 2. Emilio Reynolds, Matthew Ricci, Spencer Yarnell, MVP Brandon Zorn) vs. Strikers 1 (Marro Capo, MVP Jason Dwyer) UNDER -14 BOYS DIVISION Strikers 1 (Sean McAteer) vs Rangers 4 (Ashley Mulvey, Eric Neubauer 2, Matt Pernerowskt). Wild- cats 5 (Ryan Snooks. Adam Macintosh 3, Bradley McIntosh) vs. Blizzard 3 (Andrew Barwell, Kyle Hamilton, Ryan Blyth): Midas 3 (Derrek Polowski 2, J. Ramoist) vs. Twisters 4 (John Trujillo, Kevin Pros. nowski, Matt Chaisso 2. Cameron Wilson). UNDER SEVEN GIRLS DIVISION DIVISION 2 Design Tech 2 (Rachel Deabreu 2. MVP Amanda Mauchan) vs. Imutech Pharma 3 (Amber Pollan, Meghan Starr, Rebecca Wood. MVP Meghan Starr). Accurate 1110 (MVP Brittany Arsenault) vs. McMillan d Saunders 6 (Lyndsey Nakamura, Christina Pater- son 4, Jessica Vella 2. Alannah Wakefield, MVP Christian Paterson). Rangers 2 (Michelle Dixon, Jo. oelyn Percy, MVP Jocelyn Percy) vs. Amts Topsoil 2 (Stephan* King 2. MVP Stephanie King); Image Video 1 (Gina Crowder, MVP's Megan Kluhspies, Meghan Donnon) vs Carpet Towne 3 (Kelsey Spurrell. Janette Forbes 2. MVP Janelle Forbes); Thunder 1 (Meaghan McNeil, MVP Kimbertyn Za- sandy) vs Ohio Resources 0 (MVP Justine Huyer) PICKERING MEN'S SLO-P►TCH LEAGUE Standings and scores as of June 14 TUDOR ARMS DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Gophers 6 5 1 0 113 59 IC Long Horns 7 5 2 0 99 82 10 Screaming Vikings 6 4 1 1 In 67 9 Reservoir Dogs 5 4 1 0 102 65 8 Lookouts 7 4 3 0 111 107 8 Young Guns 6 3 3 0 89 79 6 Stallions 6 3 3 0 73 77 5 Capital Punishment 6 2 3 1 64 86 5 Moodies 6 2 4 0 64 86 4 Raffles 6 2 4 0 52 54 4 Lone Star Hitmen 5 1 4 0 52 74 2 The Vipers 6 0 6 0 61 119 0 TUDOR ARMS DIVISION RESULTS Longhorns 12 vs. Lone Star Tycor Hamen 10; Stal- lions 19 vs `rbung Guns 12; Dakota Bob's Lookouts 17 vs Capital Punishment 13; Raffles 14 vs. Dakota Bob's Lookouts 11 Reservoir Dogs 25 vs. Moodies 6; Moodtes 18 vs. The vipers 14; Screaming Vikings 14 vs. Gophers 13 BAYLY DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Scott's Restaurants 6 5 1 0 110 33 10 Durham Lawn Care 6 5 1 0 102 65 10 Guzzlers 6 4 2 0 82 85 8 East Side Mario's 6 4 2 0 Be 61 8 Indians 5 4 1 0 89 77 8 Durham Bulls 5 4 1 0 63 40 8 Watermaker 6 3 2 1 97 74 7 Wellington Boot Pub 5 3 2 0 58 51 6 London Life 7 1 6 0 72 124 2 WTR MKR Danforth Roofing 7 0 6 11 43 105 1 Sharks 6 0 6 0 49 103 0 BAYLY DIVISION RESULTS Durham Bulls 10 vs Scott's Restaurants 9: WTR MKR 12 vs. London Life Mortgage 7. The Wellington Boot Pub 13 vs. Danforth Roofing Supply 7, Durham Lawn Care 26 vs. London Life Mortgage 15; Indians 16 vs Sharks 15: Guzzlers 15 vs. Sharks 12: East Side Mario's 21 vs- Watermaker 12 MUD HEN'S DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Mud Hens Marauders6 5 1 0 89 61 0 The Sewer Rats 7 5 2 0 87 76 10 Pappsol 7 4 3 0 86 81 8 Pappsn2 5 4 1 n, 8r 68 8 Pickering A s 6 4 2 0 99 83 8 Mud Hen's 5 3 - Melanie Pringles 5 2 2 .: KTX Vipers 6 2 Scarb Lexus Rangers? C. - U V tt$ _CL E THE.NEWS ADNERTIS". MWAII .JU M 1% 19%, PAGE 2J Royals 6 0 6 0 66 121 0 Bank of Montreal 6 6 0 0 87 35 12 MUD HEN'S DIVISION RESULTS Cama Trust 6 5 1 0 71 70 10 Pappsol 15 vs. Papps*2 6; Pappss2 22 vs. Royals Water Doctor Warriors6 3 3 0 84 67 6 10: Pickering A's 17 vs. Scarborough Rangers 12; Peters Appliances 6 3 3 0 53 77 6 The Sewer Rats 15 vs. KTX Vipers 11; Mud Hen's 16 Bright Idea 6 3 3 0 96 vs. KTX Vipers 11; Mud Hen's Marauders 3 vs 52 6 Black Sox 7 2 5 0 74 86 4 Melanie Pringles 2 ROUGE VALLEY WINES DIVISION STANDINGS Firestone Catchers 6 2 4 0 60 74 4 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Sravehearts 7 1 6 0 54 118 2 PETER'S APPUANCES DIVISION RESULTS Preston Blue Jays 6 6 0 0 108 52 12 Fox Goes Free Canada Trust 18 vs Water Doctor Warriors 17, Fire - 6 6 0 0 106 43 12 Mud Hen's Hogs 5 4 1 stones 17 Catchers 16 vs Black Sox 2. Black Sox 19 0 97 65 8 Sad Sacs 6 vs Bravehearts 10; Bank of Montreal 23 vs Brave - 3 2 1 101 80 7 Mud F'en's 4 3 hearts 4; Bright Idea 26 vs. Peter's Appliances 3. 1 0 67 72 6 Sultans of Swing 6 2 3 1 81 110 5 R C.L 606 DURHAM COLLEGE MEN'S SUMMER BASKET - 5 2 2 1 65 52 5 Isoh BALL LEAGUE STANDINGS - WEEK TWO 6 1 3 2 76 92 4 Armadillos 6 2 4 0 101 109 4 TEAM W L PF PA PTS Los Angeles Pro Copy 6 15 0 58 120 2 East Side Mario's 6 1 2 0 142 93 4 Houston 2 0 131 103 4 5 0 70 108 2 Tudor Arms 6 0 5 1 71 82 Charlotte 1 1 114 87 2 1 ROUGE VALLEY WINES DIVISION RESULTS San Antonio 1 1 107 97 2 Phoenix Preston Blue Jays 23 vs Sad Sacs 11. Fox Goes 1 1 102 94 2 Chicago Free 15 vs. Tudor Arms 12: Armadillos 18 vs Pro 1 1 99 "18 2 Boston 0 Copy Systems 11. Mud Hen's Hogs 23 vs Armada- 2 85 126 0 Indiana los 20; Mud Hen's 23 vs Isott 12: Isok 13 vs Sultans 0 2 71 133 0 SCORING LEADERS Of Swing 13. R L 606 25 vs East Side Mano's 1. PLAYER TEAM GM TP PPG REBOUND SPORTS DIVISION STANDINGS Peter Gordor (Los Argeies; 2 47 23 5 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Dakota Bob's 6 6 Bill Crowdis (Chicago) 2 36 18 0 0 105 48 12 Woodruff Barons 6 5 1 0 105 62 10 Joe Warrington (Houston) 2 36 18 Ryan Allen (Charlotte) S.K.R Inc. 8 4 4 0 123 86 8 Durham Brewing 6 3 2 34 17 Jeff Langley (Los Angeles) 2 32 16 3 0 69 84 6 The Brew Shop 7 3 4 0 Gord Wallace (Boston) 2 30 15 79 106 6 'Papps on Tap' 6 2 4 0 67 Jeff Thomas (Charlotte) 2 2 15 11C 4 Country Style 6 1 5 0 Jett Dyckck(Charlotte) 2 26 13 73 131 2 Rebound Sports 6 1 5 0 Dan Fishman (Haustor; 2 25 12 5 55 61 2 REBOUND SPORTS DIVISION RESULTS James Munro (Houston) 2 24 12 Oak.ta 81:c s t3 vs Durharr Brews g e. Woodruff GAME RESULTS - June 14 Charlotte 53 Ba,�Is 35 vs Country Style 13; S K R Inc 17 vs x Tar- 7. Brew Shop 17 vs S K R Inc 16. ^, 59 ,Joe Wornngtor • i 5-;•;^ ,5 _Gird Na a:e '2 +s _PaLC° S^ :,s 13 vs Brew Shop 5 Phoenix 54 �asr- Telesford ; Pc "c S APPLIANCES DIVISION STANDINGS Angeles 12 C- ✓f� ..• - Y G W L T F A PTs ir, e_ 1e-1..,_- . galaxidr* MW The Star Choice 411 system includes inputs for satellite, cable, and conventional antennas. Built to receive a future 999 channels, it gives you access to the Interactive Program Guide, Dolby* CD Sound technology with cinema -quality picture, and now Pay Per View movies and events. So put the remote down and start enjoying TV again with Star Choice from Sears. t $200.00 credit to be used toward f star r Owice with m ctiati to e the subscriber's account at the time d Star Choice s�yxs�t..e�m� �acrtitAtioa Not redeemable for cash. Offer does not include applicable taxim 1� �tl�bi • STAJ9 O�� • Offer 001115 0111 s nuidulight Jim 30,1998 DIW CO SNIT PAGti22r TUE H�S.1►DVRY..QR� 1� hlti FREE BUS TRIPS For Qualified Players & Casino Rama Card Holders RAM q *LUUJ EXCITEMENT BIG TIME! 9 NEW PLAYERS & NO OBLIGATION TO GAMBLE 1995 �, 109 Table Games - 2,238 Slot Machines - 4 Restaurants • Bars - Entertainment 9:00 am OSHAWA -pickup at the front doors of Zellers in the Zellers plaza at Simcoe St. & 401 FREE PARKING 9.15 am AJAX - Pickup at Wendy's Burgers at Bailey & Harwood FREE PARKING 9:30 am PICKERING - pickup Pickering Town Centre southeast comer of parking lot on the Eaton's side of the mall FREE PARKING 1 O:OOam SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTRE - pickup on Progress Ave., just east of Brimley Book now, call for information Daily departures from the Greater Toronto Area •OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - SATURDAY Iron 8:00 AJL 5:00 RAL RESEZVATIONS ADVISED LOCAL HOTLINE OUT OF TOWN (905) 731-5678 1-800-567-2121 _ • Minimum Age For Passengers 19 yrs. 80 West Beaver Cr+••k Rd. - Transportation provided Tirestone FR410 •100,000 KM LIMITED i TREADWEAR WARRANTY •.• • • ALL SEASON RADIAL • ROAD HAZARD COVERAGE P155/80R13 - 39.95 P195/75R14 - 69.95 P175/7OR13 - 59.95 P205/751414 - 74.95 P185/7OR14 - 69.95 P205/75R15 - 77.95 P205/70R14 - 74.95 P215/7OR15 - 79.95 P185/75R14 - 69.95 P205/7OR15 - 77.95 LOOK • N.C. FOR INSTALLING t • N.C. FOR BALANCING • N.C. FOR VALVE STEM • • N.0 FOR DISPOSAL • LIFETIME ROTATION • ROADSIDE • ASSISTANCE 1199 Kingston Rd. PA 4557 Kingston Rd. :8 IGn Mon Rd 83Pickering121 z West Hill � ■ mw, - 1(416)284-9296 P I '#UJlllN ,AND Mw 6 2 sx �• �, C VER DURHAM'S NEWL' S IEWELLERY STORE! OU RE INVITED TO OUR OPEN ��IHO *SATURDAY JUNE 26 • 12 TILL 4:30 P.M. O k t O r 2 0 GIFT ' ECERTIFEVERYTHINGREFRESHMENTS ; "IN STOCK �ONLYAY j HERITAGE MARKET SQUARE ACROSS FROM COSTCO e w e I I e 'r S' 145 KINGSTON RD., AJAX''` ,HOURS: MON-WED 10:30-70-8 426=7464%1«* THURS-FRI 10:3SAT 10-5 I�CENTRAL VACUUM, m SUMMER I �� BLOW OUT AJAX t9 HARWOOD AVE S. Bets m Nn. 2 and 401) 128-1 RR4 a>t:•Sat � VACUUMS FOR LESS!! -*■ 2 LOCATIONS► 11iw J RS lytsg 375 MGS ON R in Hr* 2 d Rmpmount) ."s,:i�«aip••��.v^;,6��� � � i.'$'i• � e'e+"k'F«'"iE:quT;t.� ,"i, 4 e>� t'fF'k,"�i7r sx �.+^�e++C":!''`61�s - . - — - � Advertising Feature • �XfCl��7'����� C�J1.i r foundation/Repair Gordon Crawford of Crawford & Sons has been successfully repairing leaking basements for over 2.3 years and although he says. "I'm still `t learning;' he estimates he has been in close to 1 S,(X)n homes and seen virtually every possible leaking situation one can imagine. Gordon says, "basically, the amount of years I've been in this business has forced me to develop hundreds of different techniques to successfully solve ever f situation I've encountered". He als-,) says that "having an extensive background in specialty products for concrete, I know which products to use and which ones really work, that's why I can offer a 10 year full guarantee on all the work I do". Gordon prides his company on fast, neat and efficient ser -ice. He also prides himself on his troubleshooting ability. "I like to professionally solve problems at the least most reasonable cost to the customer. Sometimes that may involve excavating the entire perimeter of the house and replacing the weeping tiles but that is because it is absolutely necessary. What I won't do is quote on an expensive excavation type repair when I know a simple little interior injection will solve the problem. Give me a solid concrete foundation and 90% of the time I can inject the problem with polyurethane by standing on the inside and pumping right through the wall. Block foundations should be repaired from the outside but I try to isolatea = the problem within 10-15 ft. to minimize the excavation necessary." Gordon says "home owners should invest in their foundations in much the same way they invest in their roofs. Water corrodes and very quickly. The same way a leak in your roof starts corroding the wooden rafters, a leak through your foundation starts to undermine the very integrity of your home. People tend to live with the problem until it escalates into a bigger one. Catch it early enough and possibly save yourself a fortune." Gordon goes on to say that "no job is too big or too small and I can promise you a fair and objective evaluation of the problem." For a free professional evaluation call Gordon at 905-686- 6880. Ytfp NPWS A'DVF.fi'hW' .R Fiti6AY, Jf,1NF, t9, f99S- PAGE 23 MISADVENTURES OF CRAWFORD AND SONS WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY/QUALITY-WORKMANSHIP (over 24 years experience and more than 8,000 homes repairs) INJECTION SPECIALISTS FOR FOUNDATION CRACKS POLYURETHANE/EPDXY (No Digging In Most Cases) Block Foundations rubber membranes/sump pumpstweeping tiles 'IX POTENTIAL LEAKS BEFORE RENOVATIONS our expert trouble shooting offers you the optimum repair at the best prices with a 10 YEAR FULL GUARANTEE FREE ESTIMATES 905=686=6880 PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRID.,Y, n1UNE l9,199� Turn Your Home Into a Spa: An convenience of an in- home sauna or steam bath. Easy -to -install, these havens for relaxation are the perfect antidote to the stress and hassles of UNIVERSITY WERKS (swct: t9so) Landscape construction Professional Design, Installation and Repair c • Interlocking and Flagstone • Fences and Decks • Retaining Wall Systems • Shrub and Rock Gardens Professional Landscape Design / Builders (We don't push lawnmowers) Have your project Completed this Year Call for a FREE Estimate 905-666-9690 Expert Shows I,,gofa Chairl You How (MS) — The popularity of health clubs and day spas has helped bring amenities like saunas, steam baths and whirlpools into vogue. Many have found the soothing warmth and therapeutic vapors of a sauna or steam bath to be the perfect antidote to the stress and hassles of everyday life. So much so, says one popular journalist and consultant to the home industry, that many homeowners now are looking for ways to get a true spa experience at home. Jeremy Powers, a popular contributor to magazines tike Better Homes & Gardens, The Family Handyman and American How - To, says it's easy to bring such spa luxuries as saunas and steam baths into the home. He offers some tips on how to make your home a haven for relaxation: Sauna for health and wellness: Saunas, which originated in Finland, have been a staple of family life there for more than 2,000 years. They're fast growing in popularity in this country, thanks to new evidence which suggests that saunas are good for both the body and the mind. The heat and relative humidity of sauna improves circulation, promotes healing of sore or injur muscles, and cleanses pores, leaving the skin refreshed an younger -looking. According to Powers, the range of sauna choices is expanding from small and portable to deluxe designer models, with a new generation of portable units now making it easy to fit just about any space. Measuring just 45 inches by 45 inches, the new Finnleo Thera -port can be installed in less than five minutes, requiring no special plumbing or tools and using standard 120 - volt household electrical connections. Yet, while this sauna may be small in size, it offers the same soothing, soft heat and true wet/dry performance as its bigger brothers. Contemporary design elements make today's saunas a handsome addition to any exercise room or bath suite. Finnleo's Moonlight model, for example, features large windows, angled walls, light -grained interior and exterior woods, and low -voltage lighting for a contemporary look. "When shopping for a sauna, pay special attention to the heater and to the volume of rocks used in the heater to generate steam vapors," says Powers. "You get greater surface area with more rocks which produces a softer heat and higher humidity at optimal sauna temperatures of 150 degrees to 180 degrees., Steamy sensation: Steam baths provide the perfect warm-up to start the day or the ideal warm -down after a tough workout. Homeowners may be surprised to learn that new acrylic steam suites can be installed easily in an existing tub or shower space. Powers says popular steam suites from manufacturers like Helo are designed to fit a tub or shower footprint without major construction. 'Modular construction makes it easy to assernble a steam suite in even a small bathroom," says Powers, "or you can create a custom steam suite using glass bkxk, ceramic, marble or granite We combined wdh a vaporproof door." Sweat the details: Regardless of whether you go with sauna or steam, Powers urges homeowners to tend to the small details that can add an extra degree of elegance to your home -spa experience. For a personal aromatherapy regimen, try steam - bath aromatic oils that surround you in billowing steam couds of eucalyptus, mint, herbal or pine. And, Finnish linens, induding towels and robes, wick away moisture and slough off dry skin, leaving your complexion positively glowing. Come & See The New Models of Sofa's & Chairs No One Beats Our Prices on Sofas, especially Sklar u P Hundreds of A to Fabric Choices Fabric Guard 5 Yr.Written $59 ,Warranty Purham** Largest Best of 8611AW06A Furniture tY, M. SUPER WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM a: t xis Pickering _' ingSolid . . Rd0208r * � N - 1 of •4101 +vottu>ter.off Units 1ss boa=ha.et. wlea._fl,acs, a.,• -4f . 831-" �^ >ta16 s >t� etas u-� X 4 �t�lr�lc�ilt�lltiti?�I�i� off .01 Study Reports Exceptional Satisfaction Among Smoothtop Owners Investing in practical ways to keep your home neat and tidy With smoothtops, there are no coils or drip bowls to scour and all year long can make spring cleaning less of a chore and scrub. This can be an important time -saving benefit to those help you get the most out of the season. For those of us who barely have enough time to grab a quick meal, considering new appliances, a recent study reveals never mind disassemble and clean the stove. Consequently particularly high satisfaction among owners of smoothtop irs no surprise that a large majority of smoothtop users rated ranges and cooktops. In fad, an almost unheard of number of ease of cleaning as one of the top attributes of their owners (97 percent) reported they are pleased with their smoothtop ranges. Consumers rated such characteristics as smoothtops. appearance, durability and the ability to heat up quickly Such an endorsement is particularly gratifying to Chuck extremely high as well. McClinch, business manager for Appliance Products at Schott Almost all appliance manufacturers now offer one or several Corp.'s Technical Glass Division in the United States. Most smoothtop models, but consumers should make sure they are smoothtops are made with a highly durable glass -ceramic made with genuine Ceran glass -ceramic panels which have panel called Ceran®, developed and manufactured by Schott been extensively tested and used in Europe for more than 25 Glas of Mainz, Germany. McClinch explains, "These panels years. Smoothtops with Ceran feature highly efficient heating are easy to clean, and our studies show that cleanability is the elements, temperature limiters and safety heat -indicator lights. number one factor with consumers. The way the panels Properly cleaned, the durable Ceran glass -ceramic panel maintain their good looks over time also adds to their appeal." retains its attractive appearance even after years of use i CQ \mmed�at RAMM)PRiv/ HEATING do AIR CONDITIONING LENA/OX Air Conditioning & Heating RAMNOR✓cd A&,wq, &,, pzw Aucw o�atc vua.� �f" esc�_.cucry Sale LENNOX MAC 10.20 R CLEANE 0� O Finance on your Gas Bill O.A.C. Whitby-Oshawa-Bowmanvi Ile �6._ (905) 434-5541 '!e !wing Durham Since 1965 _ RAMNOR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 2020 Wentworth St. Unit 9 Whitby PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 A Breezy Summer Ideas ... On A Budget Despite the fantastic sunny weather we've been having, there are going to be those rainy days where you just can't work in your garden. How about being creative and doing some quick and simple perkups to summer-ize your living areas. Start with changing the toss cushions in your living and family rooms. No need to buy new ones, just pick up a solid, striped or checkered twin bedsheet in colours from your garden to make quick coverups for them. You can either sew them like a simple pillow case or wrap them like a package and secure by knotting in the middle. No sewing needed. You'll Probably have enough to make a matching table square to co-ordinate the look. Keep a bouquet of your garden flowers and foliage in a summery container and you've got a fresh new look. Use the same fabric or a complimentary one to make tie on covers for your kitchen and dining chairs and co-ordinate that as well. If sewing is not an option, you can use large table napkins to tie on your cushions. Use two for each pillow and tie on all four corners. Put away some of your heavier accessories and go for a lighter look. Splurge on some of the frosty glass pieces that make you think of sherbet. Bath and Bedtime (formerly Ashbrooks) has some great linen buys and a selection of bright tableware right now and you get an extra 10% off your bill at the cash register! By the way, don't forget Sunday is Father's Day! The stores of the Pickering Home & Leisure Centre can offer you some great gift ideas for your special Dad. There's B.B.Q.s, patio furniture, personal care items, etc. etc. Call the Idea Place at (905) 427-4332. We can help you find what you're looking for! - I . . -• - PAGE 26 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1995 ,.11ome ome � z Modernize Your Bathroom With the Ancient Orient Utilizing the ancient, yet innovative, therapy of shiatsu massage. Jacuzzi has transformed a renowned oriental science into a state-of-the-art whirlpool bath known as the J-ShaTM. The company's intuitive idea consists of water and size. In order to personalize the shiatsu massage for a relaxing or invigorating massage, the bather can individually adjust the water flow, sequential speed and duration. The jets are activated sequentially in pairs of four to create a microjets generated in a hydromassage "t bath, which accurately reproduces the benefits of fingertip _ massage to the f I Spine. At the core of the unit's design are r two recessed ' channels located in the backrest of the bath, which are Give yourself a "fingertip" shiatsu back massage with the positioned J-ShaTM by Jacuzzi. gradual rolling of balanced pressure. To further enhance the experience provided by the J - Sha, the unit includes Jacuzzi's patented whirlpool system. Four fully adjustable jets — two at the foot of the bath and one angled on each side — surround the bather lengthwise to run along each side of the spine. in a thorough- full-body massage. The shiatsu Each channel incorporates a row of 16 back massage and traditional hydromassage can hydrotherapeutic jets, for a total of 32 jets. be enjoyed alone or simultaneously. It is available The back massage is electronically controlled in white and measures 703.4 inches long by 3538 and provides three preprogrammed massage inches wide by 2438 inches high. cycles, depending on the bather's body weight MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M Father's Day M 0 Central Vac M M Special! MCar C' Care Kit M • �\ ---� 49.95 :1 Q PowerWisk #3 25 ° M �O OFFt) Long Crevice Tool .25% OFF M The Last Vacuum M Yoult Ever Buy o Why lugaround a heavy, awkward Y� vacuum when you can enjoy the cleaning convenience and power of a 11eam Central Cleaning System? For new and older homes • Up to 5 times mon; powerful than portables • Removes 100% of dust/debris vacuumed A from Irving areas �'�• ai'� • Lifetime limited warranty CENTRAL CLEANING A SYSTEMS �4gln A$ea` DURHAM VACUUM PLUS LTD. 1271 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario Phone: 831 -BEAM (2326) Fax: 831-6220 MMMMMMMIUMMUMMMMMMMM Photo by Jason iebrmts A spin on the Scrambler Stephen (left), Joey and Patrick Scuito (right) end. The annual festival heralds the unofficial ar- hang on tight during a ride on the Scrambler at the rival of summer in the community and featured the Frenchman's Bay Festival in Pickering last week- usual host of activities and fun for residents. 0 L H:1i THE NEWS ADVERT11SE1t FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 - PAGE 27 AJAX FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC ,�M� " The Ajax Family Chiropractic Clinic ' had its grand opening at its Heritage - sAll- Plaza location on Saturday, May 30th. The clinic, operated by Dr. Michael Gauthier, opened its doors for tours, refreshments and to ask the doctor any questions people may have about chiropractic. "A lot of people want to ask me about chiropractic," says Dr. Gauthier, who's been a chiropractor for the past two years and has worked as an associate before opening his new clinic. Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs did the official ribbon cutting at 3 p.m. on Saturday. Dr. Gauthier notes there are numerous benefits to chiropractic. He's seen patients on a regular basis with back and neck pain. But. such ailments as heartburn can be treated successfully with the use of chiropractic. "We see a lot of people with health problems and it's amazing what the body can do if it's properly aligned;' says Dr. Gauthier. In addition to treatment. Dr. Gauthier says his role will also be to educate the public about the benefits of chiropractic. He uses the illustration of how we Vi,ot a dentist every six months for the health of our teeth and that the same Iw-lic should he applied to chiropractic as it pertains to a healthy spine. .'1 'c",c been educated to see a dentist every six months. If our teeth wear out, ' •; : � ; cople can get dentures, but you can't replace your spine so it's important to take good care of your spine," he ► explains. New patients are welcome at the Iinic. No referrals are necessary. XVCB and MVA cases are accepted and chsrc)practi is coccrcd under mo,,t in,,urance plans. "The Ajax Family Chiropractic Clinic is at 145 Kingston Road East in the new Heritage Plaza, directly across from Costco, behind McDonald's and Applehee's. For more information, call 426-4116. We're online at NN-%N-xN-.dLirhamne«-,s.net LOW OPEN HOUSE: SAT. A SUN. JUNE 20 A 21,1-5 P.M. 637 FOXWOOD TRAIL & CHARTWELL COURT, WHITBY ESTATE $625,000 PICKERING - FOXHOLLOW Only 30 man. to Tororsto. 4.200 sq. ft.. Whites Rd. 2 brand new custom stone, approx. 3,000 & 3,300 sq. p �n"s i g. G' ed, mn-1"� t 10 rine park setting. Gated. mn. Mr fam, rtn., ft. 4 bdmts., mn. fir. fam. rm., den, laundry, gourmet kitchens with den, party b rec on., fireplaces. Dian islands. $329,900 & $349,900. Lilian Chin -Mason". C*-Mrwi", (416) 223-M. LIVING Cala ' ullan Chin -alas"** �* (9051655-4321 or (4161 22348833 • WHITBY (TAUNTON i TFNCKSON) 54 townitotases in semi Wq Plan $12 m6m. • BROOKLIN lw MY) - 2 hall acre Wildirg Ids wlh dr6W well at $125,000 each. • OSHAWA, BLOOR ST. Pr ihmmnal kiiidrtg, 38,000 sq. fl. Triple net lease. Ndw al tenant. 7% Cap rate. $3.5 miah Good Terms. ----•--�.._.....�..., 4444..... • $18ti WO a M r femilY home Peace"W/o Ni�►18rbscaped fenced Yard 3 bdrm6J CAC • sponea.n9ai'� . 2!MV21Cal Kolth Wibon'to view gets Furm Ltd 906-U&2100 416298.8288 � 4444 SUN., RINE 21,1.4 PM 75 DREYER, AJAX $189,900 Twrdk bungelow ieabarss now Idtdwn with atMdrai calling rand sli ttt Strip trardwood flooring 1hroughod NvJdin. NOMA rdROW.roans . bdne. has $ami Yppm. i be . on suite. W/o to private sun desk i fully 831.9sw fenced garden. Sep. m0arra to boort. which is finished with Ntchen, liv, ren., 2 bdrms. +newer 41tc. bdt, Colt Morro �aoaartnc Yourta•DR 831-9600 todaYt 600 SHAKESPEARE Great 3 + 1 bedroom brick bungalow. Nicely treed lot, appliances included. Just move in. Call Mike', (905) 571-3800. t NK11 orwutttoat• 668.3900 &W OPEN HOUSE SUN., JUNE 21,11-4 PSA 3336 CONIC. RD. 5, ORONO 983-5646 COUNTRY ESTATE Builder's own 3,800 sq. ft. house on 12+ scenic acres. 4 bdrms., 3 baths, 3 fireplaces, gourmet kitchen, office, w/o bsmt-, barn, stocked pond, mature landscaping. A must see. Phone 983-5646. Price, $400,000. 2208 HIGHWAY #2 Large 4 level 4 bdrm. split on almost a half acre lot. CAC, CVAC. Won't last! Call Mike, (905) 686-3800. TO ADVERTISE YOUR OPEN HOUSE HERE NEXT FRIDA Y, PLEASE CALL IRENE AT 579-4404 OR (TOR) 416-798-7259 DEADLINE: WED. NOON PAGE 28 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser n Ajax News Advertiser office Pickering News Advertiser Outlet 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax 1822 Whites Rd. Pickering I HOURS: 9 am - 5pm Mon.- Fri. Swalilee-Amberlea Plaza Closed Saturay 6830707 Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. FAX: (905)579-4218 Phone lines open daily til Bpm Mon. - Fri., Sat 9-30am - 3pm Sun -Noon til S p.m. TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 CLOSED Monday's. FAX: (eo5) 5794218 I I Careers I I Careers I I Careers I I Careers 1 General Help 1 General Het Looking For Work.? Have Noll ever I1•onderecl...... Where you could get Assistance �ti ith your search for a Job? Applicants should meet the following criteria: • FJucation lc%el- Gracie 12 preferred, Grade 10 essential • SAid work histon• - He doh ready Clear Career Goal • Adequate English Mall, (or group participation and communication • �� :Iltng to participate in structured individual and group acti%iUes • P -olive attitude, open to new Ideas • f;; seeking immediate, full-time employment FOR IN ORNIATION" CALL( 905) 831-1444 J a] I a MAINTENANCE/ HANDY PERSON Contract position in the Oshawa area. Welding experience a must. $12 per hour. Contact: J. Moniz IAN MARTIN LTD. TEL: (416) 439-6400 FAX: (416) 439-6922 QUALITY ASSURANCE INSPECTOR You will monitor product to ensure speci- fications are met, maintain relevant doc- umentation, & provide start-up approval of parts for production. You will also per- form final inspection & calibration of QC equipment, & provide directions to other team members. Your college certificate m Statistical Process Control is comple- mented by three years experience in an injection moulding & QA environment. Highly motivated, you possess problem-, solving abilities, and strong interactive 8 communication skills. Experience with mi- crometers, calipers, 8 computers includ- ing related software is an asset. Please send your resume in confidence to: Bruce Watson, Human Resources HORN PLASTICS LTD. 4 Cannon Court Whitby, ON L1 N 5V8 Fax: 905430-1605 No phone calls please. CAREER ADVANCEMENT CENTRE MODELS WANTED nada between 2 19 to com- pete n this years 19% Torm- 4 - 1410 Bayly St., Pickering Pageants over $20.DDo in Dues aro srxlWarsh'ps. n- .idmg trips to Nahanals n Prrrgrum funded bv: as Vegas CAN today t -B00- Humpig an Resources Dievelo 367.2125 Ext 240 hu des Development Canada resourcess; nufnalrles Canada NEEDED IMMEOIATELY, en- 1�� 11 Careers PART-TIME FACILITATOR tc ass's: students 'n completing Canadian Securities Course 6 Comm or M B A with fi- nocal desgnabon - current- ly/recently working in brun- Cial Industry Resumes ac - aped by mad orty Toronto saw of Business (Oshawa) Inc. 419 King St W Oshawa, Ont L1J 2K5 An Ellen LIVE -11f highly skilled couple Chad are and so= services bilaground to operate a 6 bed latency aged co-ed treatment residence Toronto area Full - if child care support plus if and excel remuneration IEpovided Resumes to EN- RPHASE CiF Sernce 10 Mary St S Osha,a. Sone 201. L1 H 8M3 THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center Become a A" technK ian. career training available len andlual nails. ear candkrg. res wax- ing Student Inananq avail- able Nags $20. (905)723- W83 1 Ger„,aI ACRnIC APPLICATORS- S12- 45 per our immediate work FT/PT No experience neces- sary Applicator positrons 812 per hour Operator positions 845 per hour (705)-645-9144 ATTENTION AZ TEAM DRIVEM Owner operators required. Competitive wages Excellent ben- efit package, yearly safety bonuses, clean driver abstract, criminal search and ICC medical. US and Canadian experience. 595 Wentworth St. E. resit 840 Oshawa 0%. LIH 3V8 or call (905 1433-3895 Ask for Cbarffe i rummer rash. INR trap Snn- ous orty. Also one Crew Man- agef needed 11 years plus - 725 -0213 or 263.1093. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are faxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be orwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. trgthC. Se ualn motivated indi- vids for fast paced can centre. greatopponunroes for SSS TDP wages Dad. Please / General Help 1 General Help Cam 905-438-9487 STUDENTS welcome too' BOLO? Adventuma7 Female DURHAM Professional Home $350-f450 weekly New mar - Entertainers preferred No Daycare needsraring People ketinig company rapidly ex - exp necessary Jump on the to provide supervised daycare ung requires 10.20 people last track in the aduff enter- In ttlmr Pickering homes Immediately W experience. dmmem industry 18 and Old- Must be 18 yrs old able to mill g to train Cap Astley for er preferred Investment opp rare for children 6 weeks to interview (905)720--3144 avail Cap Ma 1 rya (905) 431- 12 years, provide criminal 4988 for a confid interview reference check and have a good sense o1 humour Cap CLASSIFIED 90`29`2" CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non -insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. All copy is subject to the appro- Val of management of News Advertiser. t;ugi w Focus MCK- A6NI0 'Assembly plant re- quires expenence 1st line su- pervisor for afternoon slips to coacNmotivate flexible staff. Mechanical ability would be an asset. Please send resumes to file 05. Oshawa Whitby This Week, 865 Fare- well Sl. P.O. Box 481. Osha- wa, 715. DOOR PERSONS, Waitress- es. Bartenders. housekeep- ers, front desk, iemed. Apply m person to 859 Bloor St. W. Oshawa. EARN 1721* per week1 As- sembling products at home as little as 2-3hrs/day Amazing recorded message reveals details. 416-812-6798x88. EARN 1727.. PER NIEF1t! As- sembling products at ram as little as 2.3 hours per day$ Amuirg recorded message reveals details 416-812-67% X88. time)) The Place Spta requur�esttuupman expenenced (4.5 216 Brodk service S� estekcon. 668-6128. j90i`) EXPERIENCED chef required for established ".*an resfali- ram. Call 905.426-9000. EXPERIENCED lairsglist Wiled for busy Sabra in V ham Centre. Ape. Good wag- es. Cam po5) 619.8057. EXPEND person needed to clean houses, Call 619- 0602 FLOOR SANDER needed. Ex- Perier m a must. Car required. Call 905-430-2181 leave de- tailed message. FREE NITERNET Limped time offer. Don't delay call today. You've tried the rest Now sun with the best! (9D5) 404 0919. FULL TWE NNUKEEPM COOK/NANNY Required Julyy 1st. Must have minimum 5 years experience. lave in- Greferred. References a must ECE ceANied/bordable. (905)• 4T7 -O848 - Running 48 States TOP rants i beyrRts Mvimum 1 yr experience Apply in Person NPS 112 Athol St. Suaae 203. Wnilby Mon -Fri. 9afli-4pm Or Cal (901)-430-1161 or 1-888.439.7777. PART TIME WAITER/WAI- TRESS for Indian Restaurant. Experienced won Indian Food. Cap 428-0310 PART TE, Cleaners. drivers pease repaired. but not veW de Pan time apy, Castle Cleairg. 428-9765. PART -time hostess for New Home Builder, Osftawa area. Two days weeldy. Rai estate experience a must. Please tax resume b (905} 887-3156. MONTESSOM TEACHER (A.M.I.) Warded for Septem bet. For Casa, Please cam (905)-428 9Y� PERSM for Brew On posi- tions. Will train. Experience helpful. Applicants meed out- a0Ih0 Personality. (905)-666- CAFETEMA HELP wanted for cafeteria, full lime. 5 flays per week. Monday -Friday, horns varied. Cal bettieen 4pm-9pm (9O5)-420.0232. Mlti IIIIYF AZ oamm it - cense. Clean abstract. Wil ft to work. References, (905)- 430-2645. SUPPORT TECHNICIAN :a rolewill involve provioing e- 0 , , , Nctrxw support to our on-sile opefa4wnal computer systems. including all hard- waresonstare. networks and penpheral equipment Highly customer service-onented. you comitinir ouaesstaot strong tax ug abilities with excellent communrabon skills Your sound under- standing of MS ofIct/Wind- ows 95 rutauron. bon and support. MS NT - er and Workstation Is Com- plemenled by a genual knowledge of network trou- wowoag and PC hardiw w Penplerat Send resume to Box L783 C/O Lridsay This Week, 96 Albert St S. Led• say. On K9J 3147 T.M.K. LAMDSCAPING.work- itq Fore person position lrwrmum 3 years expenence in piss. garden stone. inter- lock stone. fences and rocks Fax resume to (905) 623- 94W TAXI DRIVERS Wanted FULL dt PART TIME wil Train 831-5662 Iti to n uftMqixr�it. knowleOgc TekDhdne (905tont) GM - 0985. THIRSTY MOW. 36 Aj St. Now accepGrq resumes lot ewnenctd servers and line Apdy in palm To An - 111111111111M INi11LY eferli to id "llul for ra�f�y kV Naiad H- Clinic lined d you have 7 legs. 4 awns. aid Be b do len pulps at ma. Please cap 6�beptmfween the tours of Spm - (W5) -436-3043. A Tuesday, WE ARE L801 MB for key People to expand our kanCtal services business in tfus area. Experience not neces- sary. We will train. New of u. Vick Montesano (905)-426- 7713. bnWlnuOlORlour KkyATFporprNdOtr�NeEt� -Stan irl assem- aqe Cap 24/hrr 1 qor pw - 888-771-7409 ed. 07. 1 Office Hot BOOKKEEPER PJ Perdiem basis P Law Experienced preferred Send Resumes to 1820 Stornngton. Pickering. Ont. L1V 2Y5 Or call (905)- 837-0463 MEDICAL Secretary four dais per week S10/hr Apply ILASSIFIED ON-LINE N"w wN•n ria •1VYt•w Yzr p Y•.•.p,IMn m rr .MN'1Y Y. NIfE11NET: h11pJlwww.dMgnw4m.net Emil: ceNyose0brNan.net Hol i A cols Skilled Hsales elp EXPERIENCE rn'hume closer needed for tool company, All leads supplied Car required. call Eric at 728-0912 SALES HELP WANTED Highly motisated must ,uai�ty for construction and renovation Apply in person at 86 SimcDee St N Ask Ior Ron CLASS'A' TECHNICIAN 1'referably with c hryslerexpenence; h'r busy dealership in writing Drily to Dr N Stern, TELEMARKETERS Wanted for Fax resume to 95 BaYtY St W. Suite 200. me company Diesel Truck 905-683-5738 Ajax. ON LIS 7K8 Service Ltd Full time positron available Call (416) 239-0088 PARTTIME outgoing people SkUNd CLASS 01 DRIVER �;•nm^ person lo' husy chiropractic H cul time Some weekends and -'lice Computer experience 'wan life nq S12/hr to start ')^.cessary Will train 701 ARCHITECTURAL Mai4,,,- .eave message at 905-511. =lssland Road East. Suite F:r�i 'egwres Junmr Drafts 4958 94. Whitby Accepting Person 3.5 years experience a musl Please tax resume to DUE the expansion of our ^esumes until Wednesday 905-983-9714 an company we have several rte 24x98 positrons available for pose Mons of machine operators. Sales IMIplAgerits 1 Sales rNlWAgents machine setup. mkenal han- Sit% and licensed forklift op- "ators For a Corrugated "IT'S YOUR HEALTH" One of Metroland's fastest growing Health Magazines is seeking an aggressive OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Must be ambitious, customer friendly and eager to work with unlimited possibilities. Commission pay. Reply with resume by June 30198 to: Denise Atkinson, Oshawa Whitby This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L5. We thank you for your interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted noyer WANTED 2 EXPERIENCED USED CAR SALES REPRESENTATIVES -lip to 40%, commission *Company car Contact Gerald Thornton Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick Toronto 416-798-7989 Pickering 905-831-2693 Oshawa 905-686-5859 PART TIME SALES HELP Required Experience an asset, but not necessary. l in r to: TH ALLPAPER CENTRE LTD. 1652 Etayly St. W. Pickering NMI Sm" FMIp 90@d H* ELECTRONIC BE :ardburd Company Oualrh- Calions will be as required Must be able to read a tape measure Must be able to work three different shits 7-3. 3-11. 11-7 Must be able to work with others Must be a certified forklift operator Must be safety smart and work at a steady pace surtrnq Rate is $8 50 per roui Benefits after 3 months Dental and Eye glasses after one year Please forward your resume to Jett Bate tf)85 Ckmmts Rd Prdt- er*q. OnUm (Fax) 905-M- GAS FITTER with AC license, capable of trouble shooting and servicing high efficiency gas furnaces. residential i Commercial AC i HVAC um Ort license an asset Clean driving record Responsible attitude and nkat appearance Up b Lnft for qualified ap- Phimm. pus berwt package Fax resume to (9^.,5' )-585- 1108 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Licsnmtd Body Person for busy body shop in Whitby. No apprentices. Phone, /ENSEN AUTO BODY (905) 668-3331 IDUCT10N Labourer local window manufacturer requires a well -organized. hardwoftuntg Individual to per- form muftq* warehouse du- ties The appropriate can- ddale must be detail oriented. able to manage his/her time efficiently, possess light car- Pentry slullS using power tools, and have experience in shipping/receivng. Applicants must have driving records wthokd Infractions. OuNified candidates please tax resume m (905)430.9679. 1Nl0ACT COORONMTON, To povide Engineering Services Or Ardwedurat Almfirom Fabricaling Comparry in Pick - Tamils tenial kand Pfacericir aft ACAD 13 is a accessary. Enpi teerwg degree rs not a prerequisite. Familiarity wtbi GNlalllwial afld COInmIelCial WNdows an asset. Must be able to corrNnWuCate with At - &A" and Ger" Contrac- lors. Fax resume Fad 95- 4261262, Te1.I90S420.1OU MACAOIZ OPZ"T S Arlo 901111MAL LASOLMM Clean, modern mfg. plant located in Pick- ering, hilly. rate + piece work bonus. Must be experienced. Call Carmen (�5) 4M�y NCH TECH to service home audio/video, VCR, NVAC 3MVICE Tabracm, camcorders, monitors dr: car audio. regtared for reser math - Only experienced persons need apply. p�tett Certificates; er�� Fax resume to: 905-668-3620 Ful rine. b (905) 60-M. - s ygrZ ostosis s,.sc• e-.... ., ,..�sc.,... ,.,. m _. 'iters.,...,.... • . _ - ..... - - 1wek� 1Artchis for Sw r 1 Aff sw 1 Articles Wanted Pools, Spa REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST wanted for busy esthetic salon in downtown Whitby Flexible hours and nexible days available Call !905)430 W60 BALLYCLIFFE LODGE Nursing Home, now hiring casual RN's and RPN s Send resume at- Temion D 0 C to 70 Station SI Ajax. L t S 1 R9. or tax to 905- 127-5846 1 Daycare M• Wank MATURE PATIENT loving 1c, provide stimulating are in I'y home, for 2 young :nildren. Monday t0 Friday. 'elephone (905) 509-6003 • Available Dayc DIXIEiGLENANNA. Expen- ,•nred. energetic mother of 2 uas openings for children ,yrs 8 up Fun, safe environ- inent, police check 6 refer- ences available Sherry 420- 8032 FRENCH ONLY HOME DAY- CARE Ages 2-5 Sept 811h Reliapie 6 resourceful. ECE teacher. 15 years experience Breakfasts. hot lunches, 8 snacks available Leave message Debra (905)426- 1496 PICKERING Beach / Rollo: L;rv109 ddyCare 18 months to 12 years Daily outings (fenced backyard and park) Crafts. story time. music, nu- imrous meals i snacks First Aid. C.PR certified Non- smoking receipts 905-428- 1244 SUMMER daycare for school- aqe: ^idren in a lun and hippy Christian home Coun- try setting, central to Apar! RCke^.ng Cap 427-0906 1 Employment Wattled PIANO STUDENTS Looking r beginner students Less- ons n my home. Ajax area Call Joani A 905-686-8351 1 Bargee' Corner A'AHIMENT SIZE 3 e .ellenl condition S5CK, 0 B 0 Ptwne 428-3055 BIANCHI BICYCLE. 12 speed n! racer Chrome -molt' trine All Shhmano Exage parts Mint condition Retail value $900 Asking $400 Phone (9051 523-2508 FT1 Articles 5-a Saw GARAGE r•.a,rs. Drokt❑ strings cables. roners. open- ers IlWalled $45 New doursL openers Quality Plus Doors 416-336-0073 1949 PACE American Stn wheel Tandem Axle Trailer. Michelin fires. new Drakes. 30' long 55000 1995 Ford Smith 9000 pound eiWnc hy- draWlt 2 post horst, seldom este 53000 Cele" water Coder 5125 10•x,0- garage door wood panel type. inside usage only. like new with hardware SSW 1997 Xerox $308 photocopier, seldom used $700 Cap 579-9967 AIR CONDITIONERS 5.000 BTU from $75 8.000 from $150. 10.000 from $175, 1 new 22.000 $585 1 new 8.000 $385. Dehumidifier, new $150, used from $45 Call 576.0132 APPLIANCES, DUALITY re- built, fridges. stoves. wash- ers. dryers, i dishwashers Full and apartment size Good prices and guarenlees From 5100 and up. All Ontario Ap- pliance Clinic Ltd.. 111 Dun- das S1 W. Whitby. 668-9444 BEAUTIFUL Almond applianc- es General electric side/side fridge Stove -sell clean, black glass door Maytag washer/ dryer with new element $1500 for complete package 905- 666-9989 BEDROOM SUITE 'light wood. pine double bed with headboard, double dresser with mirror. 2 night tables. ex- cellent condition and clean Asking $575. After 7 p m 721-1985 CAGES for sale. 4x3.3 $25 each Please call Tony, Troy or Judy 721-0986 (sop) CALIFORNIA Redwood con- servatory style solarium. 14 wide by 7 deep complete with decorative grills. high ef- ficiency. heat reflective, root glazing, low -E glass. French entrance door, $4800 000 905-420-0932 CARPET BROKER. 100.1,, Nylon thick, plush stain re- sistant carpet For 3 rooms. only $369 DO Price includes 30 Sq Yds Carpet. deluxe pad and Installation in your home Free quotation in your home No Interest. no payment for one full year. Daniel. 1-800- 217-0104 CARPETING- Save BIG Build- ers. surplus. custom quality ,Clmmerclal Wide variety odours. textures, weights Fully guaranteed materials Installations Free, shop at dome Appantmems call 1905) 720-2738 CARPETS lots of carpet. ICKIN m,lon new stain re- .ase carpets on hand 1 will arpet 3 rooms, $349 Price iodides carpet, premium pad. expert Installation fast deliv- ery. tree estenates (30 yards) Norman 686-2314 CARPETS SALE. ots of car- pet% 100*. ny 1 stain re. lease. carpel 3 rooms 5339 (30 Sq yd) Incudes carpet. premium pad and 'nstalla- on Free estimates. carpet repairs Serving Durtam and surrounding area Sam 905- 686-1772 HANKS' APPLIANCES. Sales Pats el,,cr, Fridges side- by-Skde waterace. white. S699/uD Rlar egusite-by- sides 5450 deluxe frost -free fridges 5300/up like new G E Irldge. freezer -bottom $600 3yrs. 1DCu InOWS $275 beer fidge $99 Sen-Geanmg stoves 5250 20' stoves S1DO apt we washer/dryer $599 washers 5199sup dryers $1Wup, arcontditioners $1504 up targe selection Firuncutg available Up to Tyr warranty Avg 2 -Sm old 426 Slmcoe St (905)728-4043 • Deycan Awlilable • Oeycan Araileble Day Care Available GUN SHOW SUN. JUNE 21 NEW LOCATION AT GENERAL SIICORSKI POLISH HALL Hwy. 401 to Thicksun Horth on Thickcon to Taunton, east on Taunton to Stevenson. `orth on Stevenson OR North on Sno coe St., to Taunton. West in Taunton North un Sl, -N time n Watch for Sign 8 a.m. - goon 905-689-6181 Hot tub bit sale btalf; prD- abte. no fixed pipes. mdoori outdoor. summer at cottage winter on patio $2500 Hitachi bread maker $50 Dnrtk Mak- er pop making machine $200 (905)839-9259 KAYAK POOL 12")(21)' with 8' deck !enre. hearer. winter d solar blankets iadder, pump 8 filter Paid $5.500 Asking $2.500 Call Jim 728-7158 LADY ANTIQUE BUYER pur- chasing Moorcron. Birks sterling flatware. Shelley Doulton. Susie Cooper.silver jewellery glass. sculpture. Cash/comidemylity, 141614.17 3932 GOLD AND SILVER JEWELRY stoning a5- 530 twig yrge /nest freezers $150 $200. 40 gallon fish tank $125. lady's Bulova gold watch 5400 K.nq size waterbed mattress $125 di- nette set/4 chairs $225 mo- torbike tires (905, 985.0616 NEW AND USED 'ndges ;loves Nashers, dryers bar trdges. freezers Ross Ap- phai 777 Kingston Rd Pickering Village 1905) 626- NORITAKE SHENANDOAH Patter ' 2 pace sett -,Js - many Serving pieces $3000 Also Cross d Olive crystal Cap (905)-576-5249 PIANOS/GRANDFATHER CL^CK', S.jmme, Sa'e On Now encs June 15'- AN 1997 floor models reduced Used pianos Yamaha. Sarni K,mnl New digital pianos hum 5895 and up Rem to own 100% of all rental pay- ments apply Huge stiecuon of grandglher docks lrom $995 and uC Call TELEP PIA- NO 433 1491 POOL PROBLEMS' Pool Equipment avadabie , ew and used We also do repairs Guaranteed best price (905)- 683.8452 RENT TO OWN APO.JANCES. new and rec. n,droned till warranty Paddy s Market 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798- S502 SHEDMAN - :ual,N wooden sheds 9 x 8 Dam len. onty $299 pkls tax Marry other siz- es and styles available Also garages and decks 761 Mc- Kay Rd Unit 3 Pickering For more into cap 905-619-2093 SOFA BED, Royal blue less than I year old $675 DO call 432-1011 SOLID WOOD Dining Room Tale. 2 captains . 4 chairs. seats 12. 5500 Can 905-430- 9509 OAK AND NK FURNITURE - We are not just a factory out- let. We are Ilse Factory"' Check out our June spe- cials SOLID OAK Harvest Table OR 42' Round Pedestal table and 4 Arrowback side chairs Your CHOICE. .just $649...ap solid NO VENEERS Finished YAM our special NO REAR FINISH in a light Money stain TRADITIONAL W000- 11 Market BM K 1 1 Market BMkN WORKING. 115 NORTH PORT (on Read/ St.) Port Perry 985- 6774. mMf5 USW FRIDGE and up. Used stoves 5200200 and up. used washers $250 dryers �� 5125 and New brand qVir fridges• 16. c.f. $605 New IM �TTAI�= and Draridu p. namea 3 New5 stoves 9 freezersfkny SM544. $255., new 5 c.f. bar fridges, $225. Stepheirson's Ap- CASH OR DEALS. We Buy. Sell. 8 more, Pay top dollar for top Items Home audio/ video. car audio. tools. CO'sr movies, games. gold, dna• monds. furniture. appliances (905)433-1785 905-571-2274 (905)666-0004 (prefer all items in working order) DO you have valuable an- tiques or estate contents? Let us MISI you In achieving the highest possible prices Call 10 -day Henry or Gayle Kahn SALE- FREE HEATER -KAYAK Pool Rectangular above ground Including decks 16 x24 O/D $5395 Package includes liner 2 ladders, sand filter pump 8 motor etc 1- 800-668-7564 � 1 Lost i Found FOUND - black and white cat. ver/ friendly in Rotary Park area. Owner may contact 683-24021cnp) 'Antique Consultants' with FOUND set of keys. including nearly 30 years experience 2 types of vehicle keys. Cana - Phone 905-985-8161 da Post key in trails by Pmerldge High School 831- THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19,1999 -PAGE 29 utomo aAutomobiles �irrns�i s 1 1 for So* 11for SIM 1 Trailers 11 Sale CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the spot financing Down pay- ments from $750 0 A C Cars. trucks. vans 1981 to 1994 Alandy Auto Sales Lid 792 Simcce Street South. Oshawa Phone 905-720-3382 1931 MERCEDES 3000 4 - door good condition 8 run- ning black. $1600 080 Call 905-723-2458 1994 BUICK ELECTRA Wagon loaded well-mamtamed Cer- fified 52500 08 0 '250 Straight 6' Runs well 3spd transmission. Excellent con- dition (905)-986-5255 WANTED 8335 1984 BUICK RIVIERA. im- USED LOST WALLET Harmony marulale interior loaded as EMBOSSING Got` `'urse Pro Shop is $3000 otic, Call 723-0619 "Ymouth Acclaim. $4495 /'eek AanC Venn (905) 623-4772 leave roes � MACHINE. For plastic i D 905) 433-0211 Reward of ° ed for enclosed documents 1995 MA20A RX7 .n mint cards LoNs. kid-, clothes, household Items. conddior S1 60C Certified cap Please call Saw at pwy��lley 1 Peter 905-428-9445 579 4407 Boarrk 1935 TORONADO, fully load - ClaremontCommunity540% HIMALAYAN KITTENS odor - ed. 16C 000km 52500 Please • 1990 CHRYSLER New Yorker ante bnn,nes ;t rve anee- phone (9051433-0183 1 Garages onatety home raised. CCA 1986 V.W. ATTA C'esel Yard Sales registered, snots. 985-8021 goon, potty 3 ',res many new CLOSING ;iOP.E iTEM5 BEAGLES cocker spamets 49 500 as is Call 905- chair pads place mats. run- ShelheS rock d-pooS pups for extras $5 000 905-686-8269 ners, flgunnes. gourmet col- sale Also H,malyan kittens 1937 SAUB 906 Fully loaded fee beans household items. Laurie 905-665-0191 or i-888- CD P-ayer :unrogt /ery good N lamps glassware knack- 577 -DOGS looking rar' $4000 0 B 0 Call knacks. books LP's d much SIBERIAN HUSKIES puppies' (905)-433-5573 more Jonathon St Ux- bridge June ne 20. 8 t0 3 p m adults marry colours look nq 1937 STANZA GXE ,ailed trailer S233C a C ( 9051 for loving home Registered high mde-age mostly nignway Huge YArd Safe guaranteed call Susan 905- S15OC e b o '905 666 3385 Sat June 19th Elam -4pm 420-5671 deckbunks master bedroom Excellent treasures. rrd condition as k,nq 1988 BUICK _ESABRE Ri ring) OSNAWA OBEDIENCE Arrr condition (.idly loaded certia sho &ParkMar�sbury stare d Park Cres Pickering) Classes :,anmq Monday bed asking $4200 cap 1905) 1664 Amberlea Rd. Pickering Joie 29 Puppy and Basic To 837-0064 before 10 am or al - MOVING SALE 15 Smith Or Register cap Bev 1905, 655- ter 6 pm 'i,rr"ure names etc Everytning must go Sat 4002 1113 CAVALIER, 4 �4 2 5-,r 8 Sun 8 a m June 20 6 21 (;nrgenasPuppivs ' 65 11C ,, ms - r'ed wmd- RarnorShee tamek. Asking 54600 ,ws. CO payer runs well UXBRIDGE SAT Jute 20 9 - 5^(;nes pots. plants. Some furniture. some Hooks 52 King St .1 Arts 6 CRAFT DEALERS WANTED 'sir COFle, I -ran ext•avagan:a August Bin 8 9m at the Cour- ' ce Flea Market Attendance Nits be over WW People Can 905.436-1024 seNeg uncerti Jeff 905-623-9230 1133 FIFTH avenue for sale Good :onddion Certified 52700 o 0 o Gu days 619- 1325 Dan after Spm 831-3484 ask for Mike 1988 MERCUPv •J AZ S1 40C or best dner Burgandy exterior gray inferior dean ar air tapelradio 905-668- 6696 PICK your own piantces 227 Court St., Ossa- au, cruise, alloy wheels. S�wa.576-7448. YARD SALE emerald green. grey interior. RAWBERRIM Excrlll Id Si rppry A wii�iNe (9a 294-3275 for «op (report READY PICKED STRAWBERRIES are available d our farm no 8100 Steelees Ave. E., Markham wNDSU M - Alpha Comp- tec Board. 180 L, 56 Alphaw- Ing sail. Excellent condition $700 rack included. 905-839- 3909 Liidael. 1 "'Ndi" M sow ANTIQUES?AIL"IvteM Ad- vice- always valuable. usually tree! Purchasing outright, es- tates w/some antique cont- ents. (no limit to value Con- sidered), collections of any sort, quantities or single an- tique items. Special interest in Moorcron pottery I'll try to re- spond to an queries. Robert Bowen Antiques- Brooklin. Ontario (905)655-8049. tax (905)655.5501 gold trim package, new tires. Sat. June 20th 8:30-4:OOptm 99km Excellent condition. $7900 certified 0 8.0 (905). 90 Hurley Rd. (Burcher/Bayly) 433-0201 1993 HONDA Civic DX Coupe 5 speed, au, hit. cassette. new brakes and fires. 64.ODOkms . 1 Ytes 1 Teal green. $11.000 obo. (905)728-3120 WEB DESIGN SERVICE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Can Johm Duarte at 379-4400 1996 PONTIAC Firebird. 5 71. engine, red with black leather Interior, 1 -roof. fully -loaded, excellent condition. 78.000km automatic. asking $25.900 905-579-8949 1996 VW GOLF, under 50.000 km, 5 speed, black, security lady driven, $13. 00 lito bb. Call Stacey 576.8083 WE FINANCE EVERYONE No turn downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt; bad credit; no credit! If you work; you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 1986 HONDA Accord F On -res Lke net. '!9CGCK:n; Red New 11105 Cenihed Ask 'rig $3500 (9051-619-1251 at - Ter 6pm or 1416)-822- 040 Mays ACADIAN PARTS CAR -1985 lots ,,f nen parts. new head 3 months use new starter 6 much more $300 Bryn 1- 105-328-0'281 isnp) CELEBRATE SUMMER! FIES- TA SAYINGS COME YOUR WAY AT CERTICAR. NEW AR- RIVALS'' LOOK AT THESE DEALS'! Eq '386 eie',nty cold air Certified. spotless. Dory $2 195. 1992 Transport GT loaded 119000 kms 3.800 v-6 absohaery mca arimg 59 988 1995 Flretty. auto 4 dr. 70000 kms. wow $7995 1995 Lumina van 101000 kms lovely greer super safe S1C985 1991 Z23 Camaro loaded 5 speed. ,-B lul7c/ you $7777, 1994 F,n- ny. red 5 speed. trust an ar- ound. $4495 REDUCED 1989 TRACKER fantastic 5 speed new top now $3.995 firm price 1993 NrSSW King Cab. auto. 129 000 kms Help' 58.850 1991 Mazda 323 arta. 99 000 kms 'ice car S5 295 1993 Aemstar Sport ext load- edpretty red aro Silver Steal n' $7 995 him 1991 Sunbwd. GT auto. wrote. loaded. 106 OOC kms exceptional :ar 3 12 `J 6 $6 985 tum I Stu Ford XL F -'5c, 5 Speed Sharp only 66 000 kms now $8 850 1995 Grand Am real loaded a knock out 510 500 1990 Jena GL truri a goad car $4 950 For these aed oni or certified. recwMtiated auto see you H CrMrcar Auto Cao- Ire. 155 King St. West at Mid- town Mall Call (9051 579- 2a36 Open Sundays CELEBRATE SUMMER' FIES- TA SAVINGS COME YOUR WAY AT CERTICAR NEW AR- RIVALS!' LOOK AT THESE DEALS'! ° • 3' i ■e, - Corn, 4 , auto liner white Hurry' Oruy $5 995 93 Nissan King Cab auto T2900D kms mint ^ S8 500 94 Ford x; F-150 4 Speed sharp only 66 000 kr"S Safe only S8 988 94 Grand Vr,Yaguer LE very clean loaded 3 3. v-6 must see at $10 995 93 Transport SE trust green loaded 115.000 kms 3800 v-6 hic. est we we seen now SII 500 93 Aerostar en sport. loaded red and silver. 8 pass. pretty, red and sliver. Steal If - $8 SOC 95 Lumina APV 122 OCA kms excelklrt ]ti ar- ound 511988 92 Gromit Cara- van 121 000 kms black and god 3 3 v-6 only $8 500 REDUCED - 91 SunDrrd G T. wrote waded. 106.000 kmS. exceptionlal car it S6 995 firm 93 Grano Am burgundy. gotta love it 58.885 95 Grand Am teal loaded. a knock out $10.985 93 Lummal 234loaded. black beauty. 144.000 kms super sale 57;77 92 Buick LeSabre. loaded, nice. /Xan, new style now $8.500 95 Geo 4 door. 4 cyl. air. auto. Wakeup" Rare Find at $6.995 89 Grand Am Just gorgeous. 135.000 kms loaded burgundy. 5 speed S3.88890 Jetta. G L . auto 151.000 kms, truly a good car only $4.995 Felt these aed Now confined. raoMitierred atio meat CMicar Ates Cam, 155 IUP St. wast at MiNwe Nall Call (905) 579• 2886. Opo Sadaps. "CERTIFIED CARS' 1991 Ply- mouth Colt 200 GT $2450. 1986 Olds Cutlass Cierra ES loaded $1450: 1985 Honda Prelude loaded. auto. $1450: Cap 905-655-4253 or 416-569- 4849 FROM $2,495. 92 Voyager. 92 Grand Am GT. 92 Buick Regal, 92 Dynasty, 91 Tempo. 91 Sundance. 91 A4X-6. 88 Taurus. 88 Sunlyd. 88 YJ Jeep, 88 Justy 4X4. 85 Lin- coln Pow r Auto Sales. Whitby 430-2277 NEW FINANCMO? 93 Cavali- er, 4 -dr. arc. $5995 93 Dodge Caravan a/c. $8995. 92 Lumi- na umrna Euro. V6. $6995 91 Cavali- er a/C, 114K. 54995. 91 Nissan 160ONX. t -roof. 55995. 91 Blazer. V6, S6995 90 Beretta 130K. 5-spd. 54995 89 C'ev Cony Van. only 87K. $11.995 All sold certified 50 more available Canmore Auto Sales 200 Oundas St W Whitby 905-665-8977 OSHAWA AUTO CENTRE '1974 7933 RAMCHARGER 2 �; Km Your one stop sales and sen- ' , 4 qac! :rnnninn $2 90C or 1 11w aril 1 crag =d best offer Can 490512153-4072 • S•1•• 1990 AEROSTAR $3650 93 Camaro 8 cyl automatic "Ymouth Acclaim. $4495 BiG GARAGE: SAi.E 1tri vehicles engine 6 body . mint condition with ac S;oMtled a.m. - _ IN1 (' m Best Offer IKelty bSat)±-;I1 54Mullen Dr.. Ajax (north Westneyi nisi 905-683-7301 or 9C5- CS54 -:'8-1879 after 6pm LoNs. kid-, clothes, household Items. 1910 CHRYSLER LEBARON 1989 Cavalier. 4 cyl au- .ogme fully waded S,01 rorrahc. 151 kms. only - al. ?arm CO slere0. exCei- $2.695 1989 Tempest 4 dr I Condhon 109000kms ClaremontCommunity540% 0 8 0 ( 905(-430-6649 989 Chrysler Daytona. 4 cyl automatic. S2295, 1990 Sun - • 1990 CHRYSLER New Yorker ♦ • , ♦ S'i Averue .waded leather $3 595 1990 Pontiac Bonne- •"trot. ! owner ImmaCuate -ille. 4 dr, white loaded. .nddon 56300 isms Cern- Saturday, June 20. 9:00 am 2:00 pm '.ed $6950 (905P-430-5656 T. 6 cyl, automatic 4 dr 1990 BONAIR Hardtop ter' 1990 FORD AEROSTAA Eldie (RAIN OR SHINE) Bauer Edition 'ower stet`'nq extras $5 000 905-686-8269 power brakes air. premium 10 km north of Hwy. 7 on Brock Rd. a �� X65 1"1 COLEMAN •'a,dtor trail roof rank 000kkmm from Stoutfville, •oil c"flon Certified �4 take the 750 obit (905) 668-7562 Old Stouffville Rd. east to Brock Rd. after 4 p m lent shape. $6200 Call 905- 11,1 ACCLAIM, automatic Maps available in Claremont white 115 000 k am -,m sm- trailer S233C a C ( 9051 ec cassette air. 9Wd condi- a 1992 JAYCO 30' trailer Bort certified $5 ON Tek - BARGAINS GALORE • REUSE • RECYCLE phone 1905) 831-5633 16th ANNUAL VII.:.AGE a YARD SALE 1992 WICK skyu x z deckbunks master bedroom it7orTy Dour. V6 ABS Air WMte Wei rrd condition as k,nq maintained 155KMS $6500 MOVING SALE 0 B 0 (905)-668-2137 1994 COLEMAN hard-TCp ren, 1992 GPArn Am GT 125 000 Sat. June 20, 7 a.m. -1 p.m. km Flay loaded. 4 door, auto. 1664 Amberlea Rd. Pickering 6858 1e'I green 19os1 zs9 IFinch/Whites) lawnmower, desk, be to running conwuun Cap 427-2415 or some to 479 Couch, kitchen table, 19" PONTNC Grand Am SE many more household items. grey grey e. with cyl .. auto.ABS.till p 13 am/1m cassette. new brakes. shocks. muffler. well marn- tamek. Asking 54600 (90503-n88 Sat. June 20th 8am-2pm 1993 CAVALIER Z24 Red. 12 Homes Ma ill Dr. A'ax g 1 Am/Fm cassette, AIC, crwse. Raindate Sat.June 27th tin. trunk release. tint window. 5 speed. Immaculate condi- tion. Must be seal 93 DOOkm. asking 58.900 Call 668-4464 YARD SALE cave furniture and household items, 1913 OU)SM LE ACNEIVA EMateriall, moving sale. - 108.000 Mull very dean. /tins AT., JUNE 20 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. excellent 4 door. cruse, au. 28 HILLING DR., AJAX. a1110m cassette. $6.800 Call (905) 435-7237 1993 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM PICK your own piantces 227 Court St., Ossa- au, cruise, alloy wheels. S�wa.576-7448. YARD SALE emerald green. grey interior. RAWBERRIM Excrlll Id Si rppry A wii�iNe (9a 294-3275 for «op (report READY PICKED STRAWBERRIES are available d our farm no 8100 Steelees Ave. E., Markham wNDSU M - Alpha Comp- tec Board. 180 L, 56 Alphaw- Ing sail. Excellent condition $700 rack included. 905-839- 3909 Liidael. 1 "'Ndi" M sow ANTIQUES?AIL"IvteM Ad- vice- always valuable. usually tree! Purchasing outright, es- tates w/some antique cont- ents. (no limit to value Con- sidered), collections of any sort, quantities or single an- tique items. Special interest in Moorcron pottery I'll try to re- spond to an queries. Robert Bowen Antiques- Brooklin. Ontario (905)655-8049. tax (905)655.5501 gold trim package, new tires. Sat. June 20th 8:30-4:OOptm 99km Excellent condition. $7900 certified 0 8.0 (905). 90 Hurley Rd. (Burcher/Bayly) 433-0201 1993 HONDA Civic DX Coupe 5 speed, au, hit. cassette. new brakes and fires. 64.ODOkms . 1 Ytes 1 Teal green. $11.000 obo. (905)728-3120 WEB DESIGN SERVICE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Can Johm Duarte at 379-4400 1996 PONTIAC Firebird. 5 71. engine, red with black leather Interior, 1 -roof. fully -loaded, excellent condition. 78.000km automatic. asking $25.900 905-579-8949 1996 VW GOLF, under 50.000 km, 5 speed, black, security lady driven, $13. 00 lito bb. Call Stacey 576.8083 WE FINANCE EVERYONE No turn downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt; bad credit; no credit! If you work; you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 1986 HONDA Accord F On -res Lke net. '!9CGCK:n; Red New 11105 Cenihed Ask 'rig $3500 (9051-619-1251 at - Ter 6pm or 1416)-822- 040 Mays ACADIAN PARTS CAR -1985 lots ,,f nen parts. new head 3 months use new starter 6 much more $300 Bryn 1- 105-328-0'281 isnp) CELEBRATE SUMMER! FIES- TA SAYINGS COME YOUR WAY AT CERTICAR. NEW AR- RIVALS'' LOOK AT THESE DEALS'! Eq '386 eie',nty cold air Certified. spotless. Dory $2 195. 1992 Transport GT loaded 119000 kms 3.800 v-6 absohaery mca arimg 59 988 1995 Flretty. auto 4 dr. 70000 kms. wow $7995 1995 Lumina van 101000 kms lovely greer super safe S1C985 1991 Z23 Camaro loaded 5 speed. ,-B lul7c/ you $7777, 1994 F,n- ny. red 5 speed. trust an ar- ound. $4495 REDUCED 1989 TRACKER fantastic 5 speed new top now $3.995 firm price 1993 NrSSW King Cab. auto. 129 000 kms Help' 58.850 1991 Mazda 323 arta. 99 000 kms 'ice car S5 295 1993 Aemstar Sport ext load- edpretty red aro Silver Steal n' $7 995 him 1991 Sunbwd. GT auto. wrote. loaded. 106 OOC kms exceptional :ar 3 12 `J 6 $6 985 tum I Stu Ford XL F -'5c, 5 Speed Sharp only 66 000 kms now $8 850 1995 Grand Am real loaded a knock out 510 500 1990 Jena GL truri a goad car $4 950 For these aed oni or certified. recwMtiated auto see you H CrMrcar Auto Cao- Ire. 155 King St. West at Mid- town Mall Call (9051 579- 2a36 Open Sundays CELEBRATE SUMMER' FIES- TA SAVINGS COME YOUR WAY AT CERTICAR NEW AR- RIVALS!' LOOK AT THESE DEALS'! ° • 3' i ■e, - Corn, 4 , auto liner white Hurry' Oruy $5 995 93 Nissan King Cab auto T2900D kms mint ^ S8 500 94 Ford x; F-150 4 Speed sharp only 66 000 kr"S Safe only S8 988 94 Grand Vr,Yaguer LE very clean loaded 3 3. v-6 must see at $10 995 93 Transport SE trust green loaded 115.000 kms 3800 v-6 hic. est we we seen now SII 500 93 Aerostar en sport. loaded red and silver. 8 pass. pretty, red and sliver. Steal If - $8 SOC 95 Lumina APV 122 OCA kms excelklrt ]ti ar- ound 511988 92 Gromit Cara- van 121 000 kms black and god 3 3 v-6 only $8 500 REDUCED - 91 SunDrrd G T. wrote waded. 106.000 kmS. exceptionlal car it S6 995 firm 93 Grano Am burgundy. gotta love it 58.885 95 Grand Am teal loaded. a knock out $10.985 93 Lummal 234loaded. black beauty. 144.000 kms super sale 57;77 92 Buick LeSabre. loaded, nice. /Xan, new style now $8.500 95 Geo 4 door. 4 cyl. air. auto. Wakeup" Rare Find at $6.995 89 Grand Am Just gorgeous. 135.000 kms loaded burgundy. 5 speed S3.88890 Jetta. G L . auto 151.000 kms, truly a good car only $4.995 Felt these aed Now confined. raoMitierred atio meat CMicar Ates Cam, 155 IUP St. wast at MiNwe Nall Call (905) 579• 2886. Opo Sadaps. "CERTIFIED CARS' 1991 Ply- mouth Colt 200 GT $2450. 1986 Olds Cutlass Cierra ES loaded $1450: 1985 Honda Prelude loaded. auto. $1450: Cap 905-655-4253 or 416-569- 4849 FROM $2,495. 92 Voyager. 92 Grand Am GT. 92 Buick Regal, 92 Dynasty, 91 Tempo. 91 Sundance. 91 A4X-6. 88 Taurus. 88 Sunlyd. 88 YJ Jeep, 88 Justy 4X4. 85 Lin- coln Pow r Auto Sales. Whitby 430-2277 NEW FINANCMO? 93 Cavali- er, 4 -dr. arc. $5995 93 Dodge Caravan a/c. $8995. 92 Lumi- na umrna Euro. V6. $6995 91 Cavali- er a/C, 114K. 54995. 91 Nissan 160ONX. t -roof. 55995. 91 Blazer. V6, S6995 90 Beretta 130K. 5-spd. 54995 89 C'ev Cony Van. only 87K. $11.995 All sold certified 50 more available Canmore Auto Sales 200 Oundas St W Whitby 905-665-8977 OSHAWA AUTO CENTRE '1974 STARCRAFT HARDTOP Your one stop sales and sen- TRAILER Excellent condition Ice centre. Good ears, plus $2400 Also a wood standard lull service. repairs, wamn ties, Iinaricing and hml 1984 l size freezer less fridge S100 Camaro 8 cyl automatic Call 623-8248 $2.900 1988 Ford Mustang, 2 :127,L Nknd arri 905 dr 4 yi automatic $2 595 1!W LIOMEL Hardtop. p. excel - 1988 Ford Bronco II 6 ryl lent condition includes ice - automatic 4 x 4. $3.595 box, screen room. electrical 1989 Cavalier. 4 cyl au- (look -up extra storage. $260C rorrahc. 151 kms. only OBO Call 905-428-0536 $2.695 1989 Tempest 4 dr lard motor 905-668-50'7 4 cyl automatic $2 900 1168 CORSAIR 36h like new' 989 Chrysler Daytona. 4 cyl automatic. S2295, 1990 Sun - Crowe Lake. Marmo a Sleeps bird 2 or 4 cyl automatic. 6. IWI length hpoul 4011 deck $3 595 1990 Pontiac Bonne- awning d more' Only $17 500 -ille. 4 dr, white loaded. Beverly (905)576-5510 $4 495. 1990 Chev Corsica 1%0 FONTAINE -.�!ar strip T. 6 cyl, automatic 4 dr 1990 BONAIR Hardtop ter' S3 795. 1990 Buick Regal 6 trader sleeps a loaded wim wl 2 or. loaded. S4 595 extras $5 000 905-686-8269 -390 Chev Beretta GTZ 5 GM i9105t509-7806 speed black $4500 1990 1"1 COLEMAN •'a,dtor trail .avaher RS 6 Cyl 2 dr. er Sieeps - 979 -a -room r,,ack, 5 speed. $3900 1991 beatibike rack furnace, tub :hey Sprint. 5 speed- $2295 shower Nater heater. excel - '991 Chev Cavalier 2 dr 4 lent shape. $6200 Call 905- ,,A. automatic. $3.800. 1991 668-7227 GMC Jimmy 4 3 automatic 4 trailer S233C a C ( 9051 x 4. only $6995 .992 Cava 1992 JAYCO 30' trailer 'ier 2 at, 4 ^yl 5 speed, sleeps 8 air .onclitoned mi - $3 695 Come and See us at uowave new shed Beautiful 160 Simeoe St. S., ,n Oshawa deckbunks master bedroom and shop from our stock of at- rrd condition as k,nq fordable certified vehicles. S14 GCO (905)831-2682 open I - 8 weekdays. 8 - 5 1994 COLEMAN hard-TCp ren, Saturdays (9051 404-2255 trailer Sleec, q S3CrA in Up- grades incl screeri-in porch stored ndoorS used rwtce 'own :a' 52590 excellent Asking SSW 905-579-2080 rordition 1985 Buick A.'nvra $150C '990 ;aval,e' .:a ;Cr 94 40 it ,ciden Falcon with S320C Cal, 3C5 a3• Ict P..,, •,rnisheo air shed •- deck ;-el seasonal pari( berween )nam Wellnrc Anv .nine Batiy, St East Ajax it 'sk nig $32 50C 080 905 • • 25 3532 905-668.1653 (905)-725-9146 RENTING 1998-ardlop tent SCRAP CARS Aanted top iiler5 wk:', S✓25 tong wee - prces -aid Same day puck up Attc cars Tor resale. twu m11 Sitio- _,01 10P S22&n*k soy up ro $5000 Cats 686- :127,L Nknd arri 905 771 55-8893 bedown passenger location !AN converted ' : ru•Stom 1 Trucks A-6, .err good Sok We 'ow mileage Also Dox seats available plus extra -arfer 8 15hp Eymnrde our Passenger swivel seal ( 8 lard motor 905-668-50'7 occupant or 5 occupant plus Marine wheekftr) $7.500 905-576 -RAFT .,' .. auto 15 xudLX-1 iio olm or seu make an „ret 90 -728 - best reasonable cher 434 7540 2775 laundry lac. Daytime taupe. leather interior. am1rN 1%0 FONTAINE -.�!ar strip 1992 GRAND PRIX. ,rut:, mat 15h -it, '-?4 --.-v Merc;irr K: -nuir, 1.- hew Drakes Mit cbc;,':..,n -:dssic Must Ceti phone. good shape S9r,C be seen SSCOO : D o Call or best offer (905,404-9624 GM i9105t509-7806 Autanoaks 1939 CAMPION "^ Eli,w .. ^ 1 e, 3 'L . ',, ,. ,'. ,c!7oara win Wareaa "ager cataient condition S Casa S .. _:*ante,! r• IC5r623-140C a, '•,Jar. �'orecf Cars and 1991 SEAD00 Bcmttar wrile-ons tale Gear out, you die, : state, '1 •^ ,;over b ,:asci n) 905-426-0208 trailer S233C a C ( 9051 A I A AUTO ::ars Irucxs 5'9.354 =gals he :;,I, SBC- S'. SOC 191S SEAD00 - nGuoes 'ash 41 :ht Split Any tonal- CCK, d ' : (:a:: -ri 55500 %on. any year Call us any- firm C;W,9G5i430-2073 ''rot. 24 hours. 7 days 3C nun Service 905-686-500.3 or 24 FT ',i:, . ,, ^ped '.shrug 905-706.5234 bN dt Sta crair +whieftan Ex press Short ander trader CASH FOR CARS! We DuY aim electric wmen $12000 us+^. ;eo.ictes ,ern7lits must Will sell equipment separate be to running conwuun Cap 427-2415 or some to 479 9C5 '28-1388 Batiy, St East Ajax it 9 FT INFLATABLE c At 9 -p MURAO AUTO SALES UlD,,ar: .. ;,-,c • I'lienq Con- (905)-725-9146 mhon witn 5 gallon link SCRAP CARS Aanted top $65C 0 B 3 9C5 -6W.:-58 prces -aid Same day puck up Attc cars Tor resale. twu Me 1 Apartments soy up ro $5000 Cats 686- For Rem 771 1 • • bedown passenger location 1 -BEDROOM - 1 Trucks :,al Aia. ,:. . g,, ^a Sok Tate entrance a. anabie seats available plus extra 'rtedatehy Can 583 -4-54 1993 GMC S!5 Jimmy 4.4 28C 000km needs minor work S2.000 Cap 905-720- 345' 1 4 WhoM 1979 Ford Vas red and lack velvet and Dutton upholstery Fridge, vine rack_ ted cap- tain chairs Needs motor $750 o b o Must be seen' 725-2383 1988 GMC CAMPER VAN Al • • V8 Asking $4000 0 8 0 (905)-725-9146 -3 Bedrooms 1999 ASTRID EXTENDED. M chair van Mint. Factory raised root. custom Iigntsirtnm Side • entry. superarm lift. q/strant 1 • • bedown passenger location 101 0001i1ms . pis, pi air, am/fm rear healer All factory seats available plus extra Passenger swivel seal ( 8 occupant or 5 occupant plus WILSON/OLIVE area 2 betl- wheekftr) $7.500 905-576 room apt available July t 4776. Fridge stove, neat, trydro in - 1992 FORD Explorer Eddie cu ed 57421mo. Carpel. Bauer edition 4x4. green,parking, laundry lac. Daytime taupe. leather interior. am1rN 263-8369 or evenings 263• CO. air. p/w, p/1. 137.000km. 2522 asking 512.uoo 080. 9o5- 2 BEDROOM apt near Osta- 430-3420 wa Centre and 401 Parking. 1993 GMC Safari XLT Cargo laundry. storage Available Van. W/air, new ppadrol. new immedatkey Non Smokers bab'new brakes. 220K Cert,- Preferred $6251mo. plus hy- fied. $5600 (905)-432-8887 dro 579.0246 after 6pm. 1995 GMC SAFARI Van t08000Kms Great condition Fully loaded Certified $13500. Call (905)-686-3428 after 6pm 1 Trailers 17 FT. SOLER Travel trailer for rent S325/wk. Washroom. 3 way Indge/stove. i furnace (905)-725.1202 2 BEDROOM basement apt 5750ymonth all inclusive. Ask for Clens or Joanne at 427- 4082. ?-BEDROOM available any- time located 309 Cordova Rd Oshawa. No pets Please cap 905-579-2387, atter 5 pm 2 -BEDROOM, clean, bright. parking, laundry. 6 urche Gayly area. Ajax Available July 1st. $ 700 Inclusive Call 686-2979 PAGE 30 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER jjIDAl•, JUNE 19, 1998 a l l bus Ki s °f allOM_ rtrnams r , 1 1 Mlrnems 'a a h a a OUAes a OUtes a ivMe woes vM/ omm Rem Rom Rent 1 Ram 1 Rent 1 1 for Sys 1 1 la Saw 1 & 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 RM (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED WINDJAMMER APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments S785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, llvdro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: svvls.fe.xltic'..it,rl;, Iva! !street /floor/ �h57.'hik:hrisvr.htmI. 615 OUNROBIN CRT . the best •;_;r. Oshawa Over 2 300 sq t finished basement $204.786 19051 432-2527 AJAX - LARGE or,gr, egal basement on, ,ecroom ta- Ciii11 bath. 3 app air park Ing. laundry Ne smokingpets available immediateh $680 InCf plus cable ,9051 426- 6467 atter 6 p In ATTRACTIVE. Alax 3 -bedroom mal" 'Inor near All amenities fenced backyard. ample park - Ing $950 nciusive Available Jury t Call 1905)683-&294 AJAX : entral basement agar ent bngM cleat 4 ap pllances ceramic floor park. Ing separate entrance $575 . utildWr call 905483-8768 AJAX. • bedmcm casement k;r rent 110 Tullpdt Washer dryer. Irdge. 8 stove Avail - awe Jury 1 S650,1mo Call (905)-686-2778 AJAX lum,Shed bXNNor apes^• -ion'. pnvate entrance. Park -ng references 1st,lasl. no pets S600mc, inclusive NORTH OSHAWA ,, S 2bedroom Elsa large balcony Well managed quiet budding Controlled entrance 5624.1729 utd cable. parking No dogs August/September 1st 905-579-5584 2 BEOROOM AVAILABLE FOR JULY IST r;a'ed a' 350 Malaga Rd Oshawa 5720, me all Inclusive No pets Please call (905)-576-6724 ONE AND TWO bedroom int meil. Ile aos[✓ss;on cen- tral Oshawacoupe preterred. mdulAn fridge. stove. carpet ireshuy-Pried shopping pla- za. laundry facliies no pets Near bus Reasorube ,905i725-26542 after sPm SPACIOUS wel'-mamtamed 2 bemr c^ apts Avail at 900 and 688 Glen St Some aim walk-in closets. palm or" - ed Close to schools. Srop- Pmg amtre GO Station ut6- WS Included Cal 728-4993 Avaigble Ju;y 1st (905)-426 7738 or 14161-269-5408 OSHAWA 2 locations, central an dear North Oshawa Every - C s;ium east one and two AUG 1st. 2 Bedroom very Ottlroom apartments quiet included No pets. quiet c1Qan buil sings Stan $575 per building S67&rnonin Cyt m0 no PSK Call 436.6889 or 579-9600 728-02M AVAILABLE 1MMEOIATELY. it Wni•p Ap• sva- aius Carpeled, newly paint- ed. -M balcony. dost to bus. shopping, all '"ties Included t rs1/1ris required. no pets 1 bedroom 5690 2 bedroom. $790 3 bedroom 5850 Cyt 430-0134 BASEMENT APARTMENT Us' _h ^d Ad °DO 51' ' 'e room ;,entry Alf Centra VAL Al Appliances, separate af- Ignce 6 DAil ng Close to au amenibes no nets innkvfn tnr non-smoker very quiet per. son 1st Last 6 references required $650 monthly Available July 1st Call Michelle or Shannon Mon -Fn, 9-7pm 433-1166 PICKERING BROCK RC north of nrry 02 urge 1 oedroom basement apartment. sepa- rale entrance full bath can - plate kitchen, spacsous Irvuhg room. private laundry 5650 inclusive Available July 2 Non-smokers no Pets Bloor/Parti; Rd, Onebedroom S,%M Two bedroom $670 .ii c91 -An units u: y plex. heat and patrktng occluded \ear 401 Ist/lAst, nes pits 1-888-749-2738 or 14161 501-168- PICKERING - . , -h, 2 _ bearJom basement Apartment uurory hydro. ca- lk Included $70C per month Available tmmedianey (416) 236-8572 days PICKERING 1 bedroom base- ment apt 'Jtddles separate entrance laundry MO in- CIUSlve Suitable for one No Pets Available immediately (905)686-8562 9O5µ28 6118PIMR M bnlgrd 2 bedroom BROOKLO 2 bedroom apan- Above ground apt Includes intent 2nd floor. appliances appliances. utilities. air. 2 Included Close to amenities parking no pets45mokng and schools July Ise $698 $795,mo July 1st (905) -683 - utilities included Call 655- 9629 5539 PICKERING's Prestigious lo - CENTRAL Ort ma, large 1, 2. titan Avail. Immd 15005q tI d 3 bedroom apartments bsmt apt S750/mo Single available in well-maimyned preferred Non-smokerlpels building Close to All amehill IsVlast required References Cad 905-723-0977 Leave message (905)-639- CENTRAL WHITBY 2 spanoiu 7773 2 bedrooms den, un clean HMCKERIMG, wesishore. 1 - bright quiet triplex $9251mo, bedroom Easement apart - Includes utilities. 1 avail Aug ment Separate entrance. 1st., other Oct 1st iswst 1e_ parking, bus. newly-renovat- gtared 1905)-263-4125 ed. cede, asking $650 irclu- COZY dean ONE BEDROOM 905-831 2 tirstnast. Cad basement apt. semi Stove. fridge, i ace parting. 5595 ild- AVAN ABLE IMKDIATELY hues included. Waverly S very. clean• Idose to sd**. Oshawa. No Nis Atgd. July rom� 1 668-1946 room $4 $590 inti ap ��' bedroom ive s. spacious 655.3607. apartment. laundry, $625 +- hy ROTHERBLEN N 2 bedroom dro Oshawa 1 bdrm. $535 basement apt. Clean d Mo. Plus hydro Both avail Aug Separate entrance, laundry, no 1st. CAN or (905)263-9968 or Pets/Smoking. S780/mo. in - 433 -7810 elusive. Avad. Aug 1St. (905)- 426-5523 after bpm LAKEVIEW PARK, Oshawa, upper level of house.2 bed- room, deck, fenced yard 8 V Ublities included. 1st. Last, d references required. $735/mo avail. July 1st 905- 509-2825 LARGE 2 -bedroom basement apt Pilate tome N. Oshawa. fireplace. a/c, cable. $7251 month + hydro July 1 905- 720-3702 or 905.655-7473 AJAX- 2 -bedroom apartment in building $770/month ll ties li6- tfes included. Available Aug ISI Near bus. shopping & schools Omer, nice area. 6113-6145. SOUTH PICKERMG- 3 bed- room Condo apt. Parking, walk to GO and mall. large rooms. appharces, $1010 inclusive. Md Knight (905) 831-2273. Family Buildings. spa- cious 2 8 3 B/R apts . ubls incl Freshly paint- ed, rec club. events for all ages from BBOs to Santa, starting from 5670 Call to view: (905) 721 -8741 wH11IY -2 bedroom res,- denhal area. parking ne pets 5795 inclusive (416)-699- 528% WHITBY - Bright one bed. r.,om in Chnstian tame $625 r•dudes utilities. cablelaun- ty, parting. Aug Ist (905) _0-2611 References re- riored WHITBY - 1 bedroom appart- ment avauaole July Ise 5625 montnly Includes heat and ^arking for one car Phone 430-2092 or 723.6985 WHITBY, 2 -bedroom. upper 6 - ;lex avanable immediately $770. hrst4asl. 1 car parking 'eat water. laundry Call 4tam 1905) 831-5132 (905) F86-1533 WHITBY. GARRARD and 02, erge new ,,e bedroom. nalkput basement. laundry. _j5%5 per month inclusive !lephone (905) 723-5886 WHITBY. newer modern 2- bedrn-•m legal basement apartment. available imme- dateh, S595/mo .ti3 utilities, tst'Wst references Leave message 905-619-9500 for Tim Webster WHITBY - 2 6 3 bedroom a0drmer,TS available imme. DlatelY Call 416-%89-4145 or 905-665-7543 WHY re^r when you can own your ,wr rare for las Man you trunk' ' Call Dave May - lock Sales Rep ReJMaa Summit Realty 11991) Ltd (905) 668.3800 or (9051 666- 3211 1 Houses Fpr Rent 11 H() S X1 "ti 1Ot CANN*O•I -iFFORD TO Bt')' A HM'SE•' ., \-• Muer Lkx•npirv�ynt�•» (905) 571-6275 1-800-840-6275 Mark Staplev ABA DABA OU Aw ':ave a 'Tome for yoL $500 down oce - 6 0.1 free or Hee .gabs or reduced mongage 'ste From S'5C A form AN in- Auslve Income requirement '-oro $27 500 gross GB .en Collis COldwell Banker 11'5,128-9414 UPPER FLOOR of 3 bedroom 'wse oarkmg laundry ';'tared Avail immediately 5965,mo nciusrve IM13St No Pets (416)-621-8501/ 1905;-683-1717 after 7pm ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING E munlnS free Tnen own a house from $55(1/monm 810 Roka Coldweb Banker ,905) 728-9414 AJAX Immaculate 3-bdrm main floor semi. Ap- plis., laundry, park- ing, No pets. Non- smoker. July 1 St. First/last, ref.. $875 + W. U111s_ jos-V9-5223 LEAU'nFUL 3 bedroom Dun- talow Pnvalc r-intry ma mature trees 721-8585 or 436.6957 BROOKLNI, furnished 3 bed- room dome, short or long term rental.(905),133-0080 COURTICE - sandringhwru Trulls. Very clean 3 drm. 1650 sq. ff. Mouse. Aug. 1st. $1255 +utilities. (416 286- 8609 a wwr(4161-337-�. HARWOODIBAnY, 2 bed- room basement aappi925/t.. 57501 Ino Mwf w mo. firsv last. nes pets. Close to an amenities Available July 1st. 420-1281 PICKERING 3 bedroom badb- sPlit. fireplace, atc, credit ref- erence. no petstsmoking. Avail Aug 1St Ist/last. $1250+utikities. Call Saeed (905)-683.3762. HOUSE-MCKERING, main floor , 3 bedroom. 1 bath, fire- place hardwood floors. 4 ap- pharces. $950 plus 50'/ uti4- ties. Clow to GO, no smoking. first d last, available Aug. 1. call 905-831-4753. SMALL HOUSE with lemed yard, full basement. Park RdJ N. Of 401, Oshawa. $675/mo. (905)-985-9513. SICK OF RENTING?? OWN YOUR HOME - From $700/mont Minimum Income $30.000 year " Not much downpayment?? Call Markl! ' Help for discharged bankrupts �\,� Choose one: Cash rebate up to $5,000 QB Discounted Mortgage Rate. (905) 571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 Mark Stapley Sales Rep. Sutton Group Excel Realty WHY RENT? When you can own tot less man $500;mo Low down payment No down Payment $$$ Thousands back on dosing Call today and let Don show you how Don Coombs Caldwell Banker (905)-728-9414 Housing Wanted $100 FINDERS FEE Cc4ie w. 2 c^,Idler looking for 2-3 bedroom hOUSeltownhOUSe in Pickenng for Jury 1. Excellent references No pets Please call (416) 286-0807. leave message or (905)426-4852 leave messaoe 1 Townhouses For Rem AN OSHAWA SOUTH 3 be,; roo-r rowrnnuse close to schools. snipping $950/mo ALL INCLUSIVE Fir$tAast Available July 1 (905) 579- 9956 days PICKERING 3 bedroom town- hocse 5 appliances Avail Juty 1st $1100rmo Cal Ron Comte 19051-831.2273 1 Rooms for Rem AJAX ... .. .-- h;•Te includes separate en- trance cable. laundry park- eg. Share with 1 other prefer working non-smoker 5400, morn 427-6932 AJAX clean quiet home for resp•3nsiole tenant Share kitchen. laludry and bath 'ria GO 401 S356'rnonin =irsUlast Abstainer Imme- :halely Pat (905)6190606 AVAILABLE Now rumishced 'wm �'para!e entrance. -Itchen. laundry. au taaMles =reler quhet working person S44011110 Cao 839-4271 after ;9, BEDROOM, plus Private Sit- ' ng roam ,r Country, fur- 'lw*d or iirhl umslied. use of unchen Iaofines_ femAle pre- •,rred S385;montn Seagrave X6-965-3607 sip (t1A\ BRIGHT HOL,SE LVhhte% Rd S 4(11 Fuxin+ for rent B&R available weekly & monthly - Hydro staff wek-ci nen 420•-0042 "I t ­.,...... In detachee nJme, includes ulddws. parking. pool Hear transit RrSLlast required Non-smoker S39O mo Call 9051683-0602 AACclorrhrrhOWliori AJAX: bright Clean quiet house To share Cable. BBC l replace laundry. yard. 5- appl. utilities, All Included Avall Julytst $350/mo Fe- mmale ale preferred (905)-619- CONDO TO SHARE S Ajax 2 bedrooms. A/C. condo All amenities including pool. sauna. tenmstexercise room Avail rmMid (905)-426.2843 011E level of house Includes pnvate Icvingroom, bedroom and bathroom Shared Wtchen, Sepentrance, parking rid extra storage area available. Nice Oshawa location rear al amenrws $500 am inclusive. Craig 728-7943. PM309 6 - A MIST TO SEE Brock Rd 6 Hwy 2 Well maintained home includes cable. dose 10 all amemies, a/c. central alarm. f*WAW baseman, $400/mo. Call an- ytime 905 429-0210 WNFn3IfWY. 2 - 2 moms in new house. To share fa - MOM home with Cat. park- in 2206 laundry. 5350 inclusive. CoAadwiairaas For Roo AJAX 3 bedroom 3 balcony penthouse left apt. Nicely decorated Harwood/Ceramic flooring. Fridge, stove, dish- washer. washer d dryer. 2 Parking Spots. 1517 sq.ft. Avail immd. $1450/mo. 1st/ last (905)-426.7614. 751 SO.R. Finished. ground level. caner, good exp05ure, reasonable. Sunray StICOn- sunMrs Rd. Call (905)-686- 6412. I I I 1 1 I I t t a J 1 2 n 3 t 0 4 P p E D a n St diu of n0 Gr Ce Lt, m OA all ale Cal GAS . 1 ice & Retail Spsee 77 Free Rent 77 Oshawa downtown 400-1600 sgft of. f celRetan East Oshawa 1800 Sq It Commercial Hosue 450sq ft Shop. Call 434-2447 or 655-4132 400 sq. B new office space S350 monln includes every- thing Simco N location available July 1 or flexible Cad 5764999 COMMERCIAL STORE For Rent '33 Queen 51 Pon Per- ry Approx 600 sq n main level. 3PProx 600 sq n base- ment Newly renovated Available immediately call 905-985.2543 1 Co" es for Rem BEAUTIFUL : apa,ea. Lake Bancrotr •,erg private. dean sand beach sleeps 7, nts bu available $550/week (613) 338-1170. leawemWsuagwe PIGEON LAKE 3 bedroom Waterfront es^age Kids sale shoreline Dock facilities 5 min s N of Omemee $600; Wk fumxShled (905)-655 4265 COTTAGE FOR Rent on large secluded lot on peaceful mouth Bay in Prince Edward aunty. 3 -bedroom. 2 -bath. Wwide 913SVsCreen sun -room, 10600/vreek Call (6/3µ76- HAIIBURTON Highlands log Condge lull.; equp d AVAILABLE August 29m- lember Stn. 5600 Labour day weekend additionalS7S'rught Call 49051683-77!6 or (7Q5µ69-3092 • 1 Flo ds laC Flisfaft_ CLEAR WATER AREA ? b mom low'- ­w ooa ac=1 NO th vare yard- available row For -ft aro 10 vvw phi" 9V 579-3166 CLEARWATER. 2 3 bedroom fve7 •,•nc;ned mobile (per- manent, homeS Gentry Air pools hot tub near best nes And Mahar attractions CMId. ren welcome S27S week 'Maros shown in Your come M503-5503 1 1 °^vae Homes Fa Sall 1 1 wale Homes fa Saw ATHABASCA AREA 71 Tnornoitte Oshawa TWO storey, 4 bedrooms, gas. a/c. C/v, fireplace. appliances, oak kitchen. finished basement DB;interlock driveway/gar- Oens $168 000 (905) 579- 1799 PRIVATE- Pickering/Liverpool 3 bedroom Tormmo built. ex- cellem lot Marry extras Save Real Estate b GST Asking 5239.500 Call (905) 420-2407 tot appt REDUCEDI 1107,000. Must sell' 3 -bedroom semi or Bal- sam near schools Separate dinngroom New SGWO to aleck Finished recroom Newer CAC. windows, roof Shed Workshop 5 applianc- es QUICK POSSESSION - Oshawa 905-723-9216. 905- 983-6072 WESTNEY HEIGHTS- 1950 sq it tin basement large Ya- milyroom kitchen, well. maontamed, on court, dose to school Many extras $203900 (905)-686-1886 Vacation Pro ernes $3.900 with $995 !( eft• :e ciu•ted env,led hatter IW Near Cobourg Great swim- mng/sand beach hshIn year round access (416) 431-1555 LAKE NIPISSING. established tounsl resort on 2 acres 4 ca- birhS, newer boars and motors, diatela Year round part-time IMOmie Or expand to Suit 6303.000 Phone 1-800-665- 1 con" - For S" COTTAGE FOR SALE ire Pliant cake year round level 0. wall front. sandy beach. CAN Bill SMIM. (705) 448- 2861 $35.000 Please read your classified ad on the frost day of pubk- cabon as we cannot be ruportsible kr more than ate insertion in BM [went of an etror. OPEN HOUSE SAT. 6 SUN., JUNE 20/21 12-4 P.M. 639 Gracelane CL Whites & Finch desirable Fox Hollow area. Fenced back onto park, cedar deck, central air, hardwood, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. $167,500. Call 831-3593. Mongages.1 IAort s. � 1 Insurance Insurance CLIENTS A special t1wnk l/o:( tar ttour confidence in my services to you over the many years of placing your mortE>a,I<Zes and loans. 0ttr company name has chanted from The Mortgage Factory to: Central Funding Group Ltd., same location. ' -e, clients are welcome. For my usual "1st, friendly professional service please call: STLVLA JULES (905) 686-2557 -Monday - Fridau , 9 a.m. - b p.m. Et•enin;s and weekends e905) 430-8429 1 Camper Trnkr Stole RED = p_;- tam; IV campground And cottage resat on the Trent Large sitesTPaClOuS Full hook up 'rrlm SM 2and3 bedroom 'Oftages from S425lweek 'ec roll store. pod. lakefront sasmminq, boating, good irsh- Ing 905-436-0807. 705.778 - YOU HAVEN'T umpM at Lakeneld Campground) Too :.led' Great waterfront season. it sdet available Daly. weekly. 6 monthly famsy Camping sties Available for the JWy IlOkday weekend 1- 800-316-8841 www rravel- )nx com/Peterborough Coaly '05)652-8610 UM - Money to Lard MONEY PROBLEMS. ;et .JL1 ;'bt gwcr wlFn;ut going baretrupi or being garnisheed Everyone accepted regardless d credit rAN Call for free information 905-576-3505 Student loans Included OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUARANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UP- FRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. IT 13 SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGH- LY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS 1 Insurance MORTGAGES - Good. bad and ugly Financing for any pur- pose, rates from 449% All applications accepted Com- munity Mortgage 668-6805 M Business Opportunities SSSSSS ANNOUNCEMENTI The HOTTEST PRODUCT ever to be released in Network Marketing No competition", Eamed $18.32749 in the last 90 days Be the first in your city' 1-888-829-4231 toll free HAIRSTYLIST. Nail Technr can Own a terrific beauty salon, luny equipped, 7 sta- tions. North Oshawa.Also 1100 sq ft . FLower/ Gift shop or 2200 sq ft high traffic retail store Easy terms. reason- able rent Don't miss these golden Opportunities. call to- day 725-1171 SHOW me the MONEY- Home based business that works Thousands are earning F/T in- come with PIT work Call 24 his for 3 min business over- view 1.800-727-4057 ST Personals at CHEATING ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names & pm . ile phone numbers. 1.900. 451.3638 ext 235, S329/min rust be 18 T -lone LIVE GIRLS. Call now 1-900- 4;1 5358 Ext 7525 $3 99/ •:,n Must be 18yrs Proeall (602)-954.7420 OSHAWA RELAXING MAS. ',AGE ShaKu Sennce 40 King ;1 W(905) 404-9625 11 30 am 9 p ■ciL� Comparisons SIN�GLEESS...'r .1� C wcel' Dlsltke Bar Scenerf DfAurg for romance? Lathes :lee 25 - 65 Call Love is haring (905) 438-0411 cleerrd/Cordhdemul • . 1 Anlnmtreans NO TIME TO TAIJL You can use your fax machine to send us your adverbsement. Please allow time for us to con- firm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will Call you Please remember to leave your company name. address, phone number and contact name. Fax News Advertiser 905-579-4218 '�+rf'it� e`v'VLZ11ak"1L?1k°?�'�!�[lf."�"�d�-�'�1► Ile ,r'7lw'�k:'Ir IKleMkiklRlCir' s :'�^ .,.....,. „ , uvlll gltg hkle; _, � � ��'�K.aaia�+s...•.c .,. ... _ _ _ ..� .- ... . - - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1998 -PAGE 31 lllio1 Auctiola • 1 Auctions • 1 Auctions Graduates Graduates Graduates Graduates Graduabs Graduates PROFESSIONAL Acting under instructions received AUCTIONEERS we will sell in detail lots from: NAME BRAND COMMERCIAL INVENTORIES ART GALLERY PUBLISHER'S INVENTORY - ESTATES • CONSIGNMENTS - LIQUIDATIONS KM*IT _L1 EXQUISITE HAND CARVED MAHOGANY FURNITURE - ITALIAN WOOD FRAMED DECOR dr GRAND FOYER MIRRORS - SPORTS MEMORABILIA - LAMPS -CRYSTAL - COINS a NOTES - GIFT. WARE - JEWELLERY MFG. DISPOSAL - HUMMEL - STAMPS - HARLEY DAVIDSON - COCA COLA - DISNEY COLLECTIBLES - L.E. PRINTS - ROMANCE ' LUMBERS - KUCK - MARSHALL - CASSON - GROUP OF SEVEN - Sunday June 21st 12:00 Noon (Preview i lam) The Scugog Community Center 1655 Reach Street (Regional Road 8) Port Perry collection of hand carved oak & mahogany furniture, dining room set, desks. soles, tables, tea cabinets, plant stands, china cabinets, in Chippendale. Oueene P. Louis XV & French styles. Italian framed mirrors, trays, accent items, bronze ares, hand made wddlite sculptures, porcelain wares, china. SPODE' ROYAL +ORCESTER ' FITZ ' FLOYD ' PRECIOUS MOMENTS - HUMMEL - figunnes, ector plates. art, (newest releases), Sports collectibles in museum presentations. ;graphed by NHL Superstars, Legends, Hall of famers. Framed L.E. Sports Art, ;e selection of hand made whimsical antique style toys and cdledables. Limited on Art, Original Od Paintings, Decor Studio punts, rare publications of top name ss, also collection of Group of Seven Art with Artists Proofs and Full Signature A.J ->son Print. Find quality Diamond rings, gold chains, bracelets, earrings, Watches, :-.{-Is, silver, Gold & Solver Coins, Bank Notes, Mint Sets, Iron Accent furniture. eras & more ALWAYS A LARGE SELF(-nON OF NEW ITEMS TO BE OFFERED... 111 ITED SEATING' REGISTR.ITION ,AT I IA.M. - PIAN TO ATTEND' FREE DR.%W' NO HUYERS PREMIUM OR SURCHARGES AT OUR At'(-nON SALES 11 YM\ Utll, I'mc .114 AWL. Ofalr, 4% /f• nn77DF A%MN H2'DAT %Alf. Al IT11M C. bf/FI/qcy 1-888-PROSALE OR 416-298-1762 WWW.PROAU(-nO:N.COM Don't Forget The !dews Advertiser Classified Dept. phone operators are available for your convenience every Sat. 9.30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 Graduates Ninety Eight x)xxXXXXXXXXXxxxxXXXXxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(XXXXXxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx )D=XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tA.j%x/PwKERlNl(; Aws Invites A D V E R T I S E R you to share your joy with friends and relatives by placing a "Graduate" ANNOUNCEMENT. The announcement will appear on the day of your choice. plus S Cost per notice with picture is s45 ciST Place your ad by calling 683-0707. Q Br) \JC C T 11 1 IntlprovertlsMs : 1 1 knpro --ft : 1 • Plunlbin9 : 1 • PlunDin9 : tareny a sway. M01f �� CI ri Son," SUDGETIHOME IMMOVEMBNTR Basement Apts. Rec-rooms, plumbing, Additions, electrical, drywall, ceramic filing 15 yrs. Exp. Call Mario (905}- 619 -ass. cel.(416) 560-4663 George a Mike'- HANDYMAN ike':HA DYMAN SERVICES Landscaping Odd Jobs and general repairs Call (905) 837-0702 HOME IMP. Doors, windows, bat�llrao�msA tin F pU ares seniors Diseouab ll 425.3362 Ask for Paul IMPROVEMENT Decks, Fences. Sheds and Landscapnq. All renovation needs Free Estimates Call Rick 905 619-0681 416 953-7607 — POST HOLE Drilling & Setting. Fence & Deck repair. Garbage & Scrap metal removal. (9") 6i94Wb*A CONSTRUCTION Serving Dudlam Region 23 yrs - Additions, sun decks, patio doors, screen & rec rooms etc. Free Estimales 57644 :1 RotMYg A&C ROOFING, And Alamiam Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old, , Workmanship Guar- anteed. 109E Discount to Seniors, fully in- sured. Fra estimates. Call Andrew at (905) 42844 oovc curtaK R1 Pltrntwv a AMeAanial Co. Led Licensed d insured, repairs, aherations a renovations new bathrooms, pump repairs FREE ESTIMATES 18 YRS. EXPERIENCE 24 HOUR SERVICE 9051686-5172 t-800.831-2393 E:pe w4ed Cosa Nowa Bargain rates. homes. offices. apt., etc. Pu P nto moving. �In9 423-0299 FLTAW F1oorm canmbm Orleeradne CARPET NISTALLATb111 PAMIMNG i CoIPLASTERWG our matching Stucco ceilings No money up front, you pay when your satisfied. GN Sar at hello M AN Pro Paiatins acid WaNpaperios suuco ceilings General raisins Top 211. ,�aatk ak prk= 20% 20'iF ,>(1' Gx Serrin call fix a FREE Estimate 404-9669 TMS PAINTING i DECOR Interior b Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 HARRY -0 -THE- 25 years experience, MOVERS restretching, our Move big or small, we speciality. price them all! Free esti- Free estimates. mates, seniors discount, 0 i N Oaataa, start notice moves. Ap- 187-1791 K 987-1W pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Call SELECT (9115)1111117-4437(i-NM'M(9115)1111117-4437 o 9 MAN RIMR: Installations, sand- ing, stain finishing rCMISNI MNtfMM 1b► #WRY 4 111r i E Fill* I AWmalls, Houses, s, Apan Fer Estionales phase onus. Appliances & PON all 4271-7494 Specialists. senor a sol- 416.21111441M Mored Discounts. Licensed. irslred. Free EstmalIaL PrefestiMal W hike. Call 43F7795. -,amp : Main1 AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units. We sen moving supplies. Park and load special, starting at $125. and up. Serving East to West Coast province to province. Mtltr�. Of 725-0005 or =MWS= 427-0005 available. 15 years experience. Will clean entire house including fridge Q stove. Excellent references. $55. Please call 839-3378 after 4pm $60 will clw up to 30110 so n. V inq, dusting. Wen unit vashl w floors. base boards. & wherever else the noise needs deanng. 10 years weennno calf rola ! 4w7$6 -m 311"Ect4I 251E at M all no dMnla an as lir ndetnelyl 1 Grd n:M a Lawn Magilenance for • Estates - Condos • Commercial - Irldusbial RasidrriW tarldaeaprg hands. YerRbdisg Raa�lig walk face Akin Un ikid Cairarlor SCHOOL Approved by D.S.A.O -t lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop off (416)287-3060 891 SOLUTIONS Affordable Year 2000 solutions for small businesses. Free consultation. (9061839.0573 Fax (905) &V.-0358 Harr Erwsrreaat ... rI Reetlnarlr's dal jrirnd f1NG DURHAM REG EGANCIi & CL IArM a DO= GUARAN'T'EED 410%,6761 1 nq � 1 nrYawO a Lrdsaprle V ru K E REMOVAL A MAINTENANCEw* tawTal a LandwA*6p CALL DAVE 831-7055 LNPartyservices off Party Services RABBIR WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Ma clan. Call Ernie 66"9" nathoWs schctaoois course) coarses offered. Free 'PAGE 32 -THE NEWS MDAY. JUNE 19. 1998 -- Stk # 8-3 5U l'g98 050 SURe`� Cab CS 3Do0`r Air Conditioning, 4.6 V8 Engine, 5 spd O/D, Limited slip axle, Floor Carpet, Sliding Rear Window, Privacy Glass, AM/FM Cassette XLS PACKAGE: Chrome plated steel wheels, 60/40 split bench, Colour Keved Bodyside Moulding, P235/70R —16 BSW All -Season Tires, Chrome Bumper 0<Rk<3`Ce'C 1. Uf `i -><%F St�o�Ci- C V6 Engine, 5 -speed Automatic Transmission, Air Conditionin Eats, AM/FM Cassette & CD Player, Power Windows, Locks & rrors, Speed Control, Tilt Steering Wheel. INCLUDES PREMIUM SPORT PACKAGE Sport wheel -lip mouldings, 16" polished aluminum wheels, P255/16" white letter tires, Metal side-step bar, Rear tow hook $ III /&to* Hwy. 7 ti OG a royal Garibbee 5 00 Cruise Vacatimn' 0<Rk<3`Ce'C 1. Uf `i -><%F St�o�Ci- C V6 Engine, 5 -speed Automatic Transmission, Air Conditionin Eats, AM/FM Cassette & CD Player, Power Windows, Locks & rrors, Speed Control, Tilt Steering Wheel. INCLUDES PREMIUM SPORT PACKAGE Sport wheel -lip mouldings, 16" polished aluminum wheels, P255/16" white letter tires, Metal side-step bar, Rear tow hook $ III /&to* a Hwy. 2 1 P-1 Hwy. 7 — 3km. east of Westney Rd WISE SUVFiS READ THE LEGAL C011C • new lWM Expbrer 2dmw "with PEP 676D with preanluni apxl PJ1dW r, fl50 5/C 4a2XIS PEP WS A. M.mthy kaae payrt t of $311 /$217. Bawd.m M ninthlease lnwn Fo'd Credit to qualified retail lessers, on appawed credit. &mw conditions and a m ileap jvsujcWM of 36,0 required. AB dkm exclude licence, insurance and all applicable faxes. OBen may duwW w*Kmt rntim. Camw see w' in the yem Prck ru�h»vn Centwiey Ytor lhe dequivalent ealership tri ice. First m.meh's payment and wearily depKit Hwy. 7 ti OG a d 0 5 00 a Hwy. 2 1 P-1 Hwy. 7 — 3km. east of Westney Rd WISE SUVFiS READ THE LEGAL C011C • new lWM Expbrer 2dmw "with PEP 676D with preanluni apxl PJ1dW r, fl50 5/C 4a2XIS PEP WS A. M.mthy kaae payrt t of $311 /$217. Bawd.m M ninthlease lnwn Fo'd Credit to qualified retail lessers, on appawed credit. &mw conditions and a m ileap jvsujcWM of 36,0 required. AB dkm exclude licence, insurance and all applicable faxes. OBen may duwW w*Kmt rntim. Camw see w' in the yem Prck ru�h»vn Centwiey Ytor lhe dequivalent ealership tri ice. First m.meh's payment and wearily depKit