HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_05_10PICKERING EDITION ��11r�wavEyENrs 1 w � JVefOUR sttotrrtoN = 111111101 4111M (rmodrrQl - a/IbMedA� ' 686-244.5 Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand A D V E R T I S E R Sunday, May 10, 1998 Pressrun 44,000 32 pages A lift home? Six -month-old Zachary Palantzas didn't have to use much energy while taking part in a walk-a-thon to help raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society last week in Pickering. Zachary's father, Angelo, did most of the work while taking part in the walk at Pet- ticoat Creek Conservation Area. The event was orga- nized by staff and students at Frenchman's Bay Pub- lic School. Pay up... Pickering wants railway to cover cost of grass fires BY Mad/anW MAW Staff reporter PICKERING — The Town is handing Canadian Pacific Railway a bill for $36,982 to cover the cost of fighting the April I l grass fires which stretched all the way across Pickering after apparently being ig- nited by a passing train, and anoth- er round of grass fires on April 23. "that is what it actually cost to send the (fire) trucks and stats' out;' says Ward I Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner, noting the figure doesn't include the costs incurred by the neighboring fire departments which came to Pickering's aid. Coun. Brenner raised the issue of rcimbursement at Council, and says councillors have instructed Town general manager Tom Quinn to get the cost covered by the rail- way, which is actually the St. New officers may be coming to Durham 'VYe have (requested) 20 additional officers in that budget.' BUDGET OFFERS CHANCE TO HIRE POLICE ON COST—SHARING BASIS ftc"kam Durham staff WHITBY — Durham Region- al Police hope to get more cops on the beat through a new provincial programme. "I hope we can take advantage of it," said Oshawa regional coun- cillor Bob Boychyn, also chairman of the Durham Regional Police Services board. "If the money flows quickly, hopefully that will be of benefit to Durham Region." On Friday, Solicitor General Jim Flaherty, also labour minister and Durham Centre MPP, an- nounced the Province will pay up to half the salaries of new police officers hired by Ontario munici- pal police services over the next five years. The officers must be ad- ditions to a police service's com- plement and not replacements for retiring officers. "I call on Ontario municipali- ties to take up our offer to help them hire up to 1,000 new police officers," Mr. Flaherty said in a press conference at Town Hall, lo- cated across Rossland Road from the Whitby community office of Durham Regional Police. He said the funds, up to $30 million in each year, are available this year to police services and municipalities which have not yet finalized their 1998 budgets. Durham Chief Kevin McAlpine said Durham could take advantage of the programme since its budget has yet to be finalized by Durham Region council. He said he's en- couraged by the offer, adding each new officer on patrol increases the level of service for the Durham residents the police an sworn to pro e have (requested) 20 addi- tional officers in that budget,,' he said. "By virtue of the minister's words today, we should be able to get some funding which should make regional council's decision 50 per cent easier." Council, faced with the costs of See NEW/Page 3 That is what it actually cost...' Lawrence &. Hudson Railway, the CPR's subsidiary in eastern Cana- da Sparks from a train were blamed for the fires on April 11, which burned along both sides of the rail- way tracks in north Pickering from the town's border with Scarborough to its border with Ajax. The fires al - See PXXERWWPage 5 WHAT'S INSIDE EHMNW Pa/r ..............6 8001ts ...................15 Clara ad ................24 MSW TO REACH US 8�1 .............683-5110 DMtllrti Naftos ........683-3005 Aaetisn Lir .........683-7545 3&W* YIrR ..1-800-662-8423 Email ...niewsroomOdurhant.net lmbnwt .......durhamnews.net Vol. 33, No. 19 J IF i 1111 -NI Z TICKETS TO SEE C V F,IN'E I)I0IN! Fill out this free Mine Dion Ockets entry form and bring it in to the new Nickels Restmxud at 95 East Kingston Road in Ajax (cru d 11 4 and you could win a pair of tickets to we CHM Dion in Toronto this September, plus a personalty autographed copy of Wine's latest CO. You could also win one of: • 100 Celine Dion CDs • 10 Titanic 30 puzzles t MAZ 0 WMINO IN A.M UN IMS Come and see how Nickels brings the 50s back to life . Mond Mind I .:.: • a 4 I I A._}_ 1-�I!:1. I1,9I!:2;1,1,A','iI'III �'�-,illi; I;111.j1 New programme could see more Durham constables NEW/From page 1 provincial downloading and warning of tax increas- es of about $75, will get its first look at the police bud- get on Wednesday. Council has instructed all regional departments, including the police, to avoid any increases in their 1998 budgets. Last year, Durham Re- gional Police, which ac- counts for almost half of, the Region's budget, went $3.4 million over budget. Chief McAlpine and Coun. Boychyn said they'll be trying to persuade coun- JIM FLAHERTY 'It's a challenge for police to have enough officers on patrol' cil to take advantage of the - funding to get some much- "We want to get more needed new officers on the officers on patrol. We want streets. them to be more visible in "We do have some their communities, espe- spaces at police college for cially in areas of high the month of August;" criminal activity," he said. Coun. Boychyn said. Mr. Flaherty said the Mr. Flaherty said he was Province will pay half the pleased to hear Durham costs of salaries for new of - may be in a position to ap- ricers. ply for funding. The balance of the "I hope they do;" he salaries and other related said. "We have had a lot of costs will be paid by a mu - growth here and it's a chal- nicipality. lenge for the police to have Municipalities which enough officers on patrol, have already passed their whether it's in cruisers or budgets this year can apply on foot or on bikes." for a share of $I 1 million He said the five-year in transitional funding. Mr. programme, first an- Flaherty said. nounced in Tuesday's bud- This will be used to pay get, is designed to help On- for half of overtime costs tario residents feel safe in of existing officers, he their communities. said. fl�(tswal �t�ll :�I�s , yillderir f P411ri yk Newcomers sought AJAX -- The Ajax -Pickering New- 726 K(nypt. to Rd ih. k ' Delivered to SCIOROd households only , comers Club meets at Thursday, May those on glossy paper, can be e e 14 at 8 p.m. at Pickering Village Unit- r ed Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. e It's for women living in the area three years or less. Call 427-9510 (Doreen). e Taiog a severance pe>IcfcaLe. Tat is a prdesskiisi No cod, w a fti ion 14 1M1Cw*pr Of MOwtlew EsdWAV R C.I.P.F. 11'nal Sor yNo ("S) 4 CMA, CFP "6-9m 40w -L Vrsrr MEN" 11-DWLLCOM WALK -M HOLOW Daft 8 a.m. - 9 pxL Sat. 10 ami- 4/p�./m. An 9zW W9, MOO sig �ro.�alt� SHOPPM CEWW ON W11M RD. PICKBi n Be7VVM FINCH i MY 401 &Woolaii* In min pltal y� FREE 2nd Opinin Coon T Coled Frons knurdn=i 0"& "d ON" cir"Chrlw `. . ; SALE BARGAINS IN TODAY'S News Aove= Sun., May 10, 1998 �►� 16 News Advertiser ob O,pi,1 'COWN CIPM r Drq Pk*- Kim . GWom Guam Dnig Pick. Sunday's carrier of the •� week is Kim. Kim • Loblaurs r enjoys collecting stamps ' Loeb Ap>vPrek and skiing. She will • 1koi% kft Benita Pick. 0 receive a dinner for 4 • , L relir M&M voucher, compliments . New Homes West k of McDonald's. • One Hour 11ob phob Congratulations Kim • Pharma Plus for being our carrier of ' Plain Save Pik the week. i3e R room- lLR46 t)bolatey. f<'ruga . s. auto iutertorll : nt , `iC+tnliY'rc�srttt Revlon Plick 59 .96 $1496' '� Nes • Sava Cafe n •. �w -t t1:.'t .ry. . txorll$ Q.- • �sms.w.,h,�oiie Horne • .� pMft fl�(tswal �t�ll :�I�s , yillderir f P411ri yk I i5 Kmyston Rd, Apx 726 K(nypt. to Rd ih. k ' Delivered to SCIOROd households only 1 i(,0 K(nXm. to Rd P, k Remember, all itseru, including those on glossy paper, can be e e recycled with the rest of your r bo�through your blue e mg program. Fa information on delivering e youradvertisingflyem INOMQU zT LEA uir cw� Aav0A%'5 at 683-5110. may= The News Advertiser Send your information to us at: ..n 905-683-7363 _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 19" - PAGE 3 IF Vegetarian Nutrition Seminar40 , 1164 "St. East. Oshawa May 21,25, 28 3 June 1, 4, 8 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m. TOPICS: so > Disamwng Diabetes and Hypertension > Why ch��o�osee a V Diet? >where Wail I Get My Protein > Reouc"g Cano > Osteoporosis > Trans -tats Vkl"s, Deneos, Leet wes, Samples Ws A A% IL For more info. Cal: Leona Adlerson at 4040412 or 725-9121 A 'RG NALD MARTINO & SON FUNERAL DIRECT ORS' BROCK ROAD CHAPEL,1057 Brock Road MCKERIPIG (jum mum of rot) 686-5589 n ' t Y Our Family Cadre has been carO* designed b ensue comfort for al your special nwds. Our Fw* Centre a a plea to meet wish Unly and kw* steer elle socia Catering an be ararged or you may provide your own. Everyone reads the News Advertiser! i oweis Clearance on discontinued colours mint, blue, burgundy, yellow, white, black, gold, purple and much more. Face compare at _"Jk" Hand comport at ,3;�qw Bath compare at _19t" SWI 5.99 LW s 1.99 1.WI 54.99 ockers & Dinette Chaim ging Back Chairs sold Ste, an sorts of colours der Myles compact Dees $19999 M, $19! We'd Blew To Do Business With You 04 1-SWLIQUIDS O (I -ass -254-0843) We pay casb for dee rs To 7br Nature (lJ (ler Rrsdm=. wi Arr Va"blr T-4di srbsr Bran/ .VaxwL 7 Open lo ew &--Fn. t�0�9 SOL 9-6 sun. 11-5 ��it � - �►� 16 ob o� ti�x \ a r ��y � `$ !E y. ,,� ^cam ,,.� � \ �• *k��te� Q��p. 1� `r�"d ny .- CARPET • �, ivtn morn .09_05, i3e R room- lLR46 t)bolatey. f<'ruga . s. auto iutertorll : nt , `iC+tnliY'rc�srttt 59 .96 $1496' c:rrn-y+ air n •. �w -t t1:.'t .ry. . txorll$ Q.- `. �l R■ 4 i.}^ t c4uQh -.k Y :AAi] e>>rwlctllntglticxr sk,M..4 ..... :. t o n2446: N S tQ+ztl�ttr . �,C. w .• 1 v0 rA Jt. r/ r•. 4,l)TJ r,/i1, JJ-�-v" 4HV PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1"S -Durham rejects boycott of GTSB workshops `THE POSITION WE HAVE TO DEFEND IS WE DON'T WISH TO BE PART OF GTSB' Durham Councillors may not to monitor. If we participate, (GTSB want a Greater Toronto Services proponents) can say 'you were part Board, but that won't stop some of the process'" politicians from taking part in a se- Pickering Councillor Doug Dick - ries of workshops on its establish- erson said Regional politicians ment. should attend because Durham's po- In fact, Ajax Mayor Steve Parish sition will "fall on no ears if we're will moderate a workshop on transit not at the table" on May 22 at Black Creek Pioneer Brock Township Mayor Keith Village. Shier agreed the Region shouldn't It's being put on by GTA modera- boycott the workshops. "We have to for Alan Tonks. who -was appointed voice our position and we have to do by the Province to get input on the it at the table" establishment of a GTSB. Boycotting the workshops would Other workshops offered will be be akin to sticking "our heads in the on economic development, conflict sand;' Coun. Shier added. resolution and infrastructure co-ordi- "We can't voice our position. If nation. we're not there, we've missed an op - Both the current and previous portunity and it may not come Durham Councils are on record as again" being opposed to a GTSB. Scugog Mayor Doug Moffatt con - Oshawa Councillor Brian Nichol- curved. son told colleagues at their meeting "We have to find out exactly what Wednesday, "I have a problem with the beast is doing if we're going to the perception of a member of this attack it" council there when our position is Clarington Mayor Diane Hamre we don't support the GTSB. "The position we have to defend is we don't wish to be part of the GTSB. I don't want to be part of consultation when we said we don't want to be a part. " V1'e should boycott it other than School board seeks input on budget The Durham District School Board hosts a public consulta- tion session on its draft budget for the 1998-99 school year Monday, May .11. The meeting runs from 7 to 10 p.m. at the board headquar- ters, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. For more in formation call --905-666-5500. NICHOISON Durham position 'will fall on no ears R we're not at the table.' noted, "If the Province is determined to (set up a GTSB), we better be there to voice our position" REVOLUTIONARY HOTBED OF DEMOCRACY??? tt has been some 150 years since Whitby Township's Palo Parry and has a Clear Grits set the fledging 16erar party in Ontario straight The Clear Grits. with Perry as a prvicipel leader roared i -do the spring of 1650 like lions claiming the sunrise for their own. They fashioned the heart of the then Reform Party's platform, eventually published the North American on Feb. 14. 1851. Gall Aldo for the rest of the story 666-1919, or visit his web site http//www/durham.neV-aklo. HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients slinifinit by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendfy, cuing staff and state-of-the-art 'techniques and yo>ti've found a good dental home! • A Full Range of Dental Treatments • I satwday and $ p • FkZwe Paylicst Opdam • A Rehm t S9 Sin a wFree Atr■wapiere - '• �i0ID •ll • • 3-1432 DR VIJAY BADHWA' • DENTISTRY ® - New Patiextl axd Exeraexeiei Weleene Convwdadly In col hd in the Ajax Plain at 172 a km,.. estd Am S. .......••...............••roa....•.... r.�•rr •.. ... •.:.. ��� �..���.. �.-.-_ �_-_��-,..�_�___������- .-. --..�. ., Pickering seeks compensation for grass fires PICKERING/From page 1 so extended across Ajax. The Pickering Fire De- partment had to call in all its full- and part-time firefight- ers to battle the burning grass, and needed help from the Oshawa, Whitby, Uxbridge and Scarborough fire departments as well. Fire crews were at various fire scenes from about 3:45 to 7:30 p.m., and were putting out smaller spot fires until around 2 am. The m - The tab for the April 11 fires totalled $32,371, while the total for the April 23 fires was $4,610. Coun. Brenner suggests the taxes paid by the railway should not be considered sufficient reimbursement for the fires. "Basically, our position is that when people over -use a service, as in the case of CPR, they're going to be asked to pay for it;' says the councillor. He adds it's the first time Pickering is going to ask for reimbursement for Law, health discussed at workshops for women The Family Law Act is the fo- cus of an upcom- ing workshop for women. Issues to be covered by lawyer Anne Marie Prod- ko include cus- tody and access, support, separa- tion/divorce pro- cedures, property division and haw to choose a IWWYW- Offered by the Ajax -Pickering Women's Centre, the wa AW will be held 'I11t1rsday, May 14 from 1 to at W Police station at 990 Wesmey Rd S., Ajax. There is also a ivatsbop on en- dometriosis with Dr. Lisa Dorin, who will discuss naturopathic ap- pwaches to care. It will be held Monday, May 25 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Ajax Cornnw- nity Centre, Ad- miral's Room, Centennial Road Call 686-2661 for information. fires caused by a train, which have occurred several times in recent years. "The other municipalities are watching to see what we're doing and they're likely to be doing the same" The railway will consider Pickering's request, says St. Lawrence & Hudson Rail- way manager of public af- fairs and media relations Paul Thurston. "We are prepared to look at the submission from the Town of Pickering on its own merits when we get it," he says. "We understand this kind of situation can be onerous on a municipality, so we're prepared to look at it." Mr. Thurston notes the railway paid about $11,000 in taxes to Pickering in 1997. "CPR is a taxpayer in many municipalities across the country and we do use very little in the way of mu- nicipal services. We remove our own snow, we provide our own security" Single Pickering parents meet AJAX -- The Ajax -Pickering Chapter of the One Parent Families Association holds its weekly meet- ing for custodial and non-custodial parents Wednesday, May 13 at 8 p.m. at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club, corner of Church and Bayly Sts., Ajax. New members are welcome. Call 831-1201 for more informa- tion. 1 1 1 1 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1995 - PAGE S 1�� & FILL $39.9e (SPECIAL from OMR o PIPMES june is. i9ae 00 010W AhkWm 1 1cmw c011 K co"wn wly metx R OPEN 7 DAYS A WKEKI 1 1195 WESTNEY RD. (south a 401). AJAX loom= M son 4= TM m 1 • Um 1 tm . . LIMITED TIME OFFER • Lube, oil & filter • Rotate tires • Castrol GTX motor oil . • 20 point Drive Safe inspection $2A Ettft chop EAra WM1= MAIp1 Of 2 W= • our kw*K - * — wdr " * un to boost yaw pYlMi*rot w noomne sm Noodabot. om. • lAeywiiNp�liaLtnrooarpo�wdr. - ane..ti.ail bur wheMe and a�ua�I tnoir cRel.c nwb.r oral X,` _ b.as Yaldalion d ror wheel ohms a w X wwwft e" 100 99* . 'moat coos • Change oil & filter • Lube chassis 1_7:N :2- •11o.t Gr. . . tlseo Emlro areq..rar. CANADIAN TIRE SERVICE -Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool y:.. 839-8124 Swice Mous: Mon.- Fri. 7:30 am - tW pat Sdwdey 7:30 0111.6:00 pal, St111dry 9:30 stn • 5:00 pm GOOD;VEAR 1 1 J& pEUP 1 1 1 1 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, 1 1 WARRANTY APPROVED _ OIL CHANGE SPECIAL 1 1 1 1 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1995 - PAGE S 1�� & FILL $39.9e (SPECIAL from OMR o PIPMES june is. i9ae 00 010W AhkWm 1 1cmw c011 K co"wn wly metx R OPEN 7 DAYS A WKEKI 1 1195 WESTNEY RD. (south a 401). AJAX loom= M son 4= TM m 1 • Um 1 tm . . LIMITED TIME OFFER • Lube, oil & filter • Rotate tires • Castrol GTX motor oil . • 20 point Drive Safe inspection $2A Ettft chop EAra WM1= MAIp1 Of 2 W= • our kw*K - * — wdr " * un to boost yaw pYlMi*rot w noomne sm Noodabot. om. • lAeywiiNp�liaLtnrooarpo�wdr. - ane..ti.ail bur wheMe and a�ua�I tnoir cRel.c nwb.r oral X,` _ b.as Yaldalion d ror wheel ohms a w X wwwft e" 100 99* . 'moat coos • Change oil & filter • Lube chassis 1_7:N :2- •11o.t Gr. . . tlseo Emlro areq..rar. CANADIAN TIRE SERVICE -Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool y:.. 839-8124 Swice Mous: Mon.- Fri. 7:30 am - tW pat Sdwdey 7:30 0111.6:00 pal, St111dry 9:30 stn • 5:00 pm GOOD;VEAR PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 19% A Metroland Community Newspaper published four times weekly on OPINION Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 21-15 A 0 V E R T I S E R Pablisher: Tim Whfttsker - EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Better safe than sorry Some people who reside near the Pickering nuclear station have been living in fear the past few years as the power plant's been plagued by problems. And, the residents of Clarington got a taste of that fear Apri124 when heavy water laced with radioactive tritium leaked from a reactor at the Darlington nuclear station onto the floor of containment rooms. People living in the shadow of the Pickering plant have come to distrust Ontario Hydro officials who have maintained after every so-called `event' at the nuclear station that it's still safe. The residents of Clar- ington and area may have reason to become similarly cynical after it was revealed Wednesday that the leak at Darlington actually involved 427 litres of radioac- tive water, not the 100 litres first reported by Hydro. So, the level of fear may be growing in people liv- ing between the Pickering and Darlington nuclear sta- tions. That's everyone in Durham as the power plants' towering reactors serve as bookends to the region. At the same time, the Province is considering dras- tically reducing the size of the zone around the Pick- ering and Darlington nuclear stations in which neigh- bouring residents would be immediately notified of an JOANNE LETTERS OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE NEWS School system turning out declining product would have long ago been out of business. For 20 years the education system has been run for the benefit of those employed therein, at the ex- pense of the students and the tax- payers - If the teachers and their union emergency at elther of the power plants. Proposed To the editor: leaders are as concerned about the changes to the Provincial Nuclear Emergency Plan Taxpayers who toil 49 or 50 quality of education as they claim, would require a public -alerting system for only a weeks a year for their annual in- they will request that a portion of the three -kilometre zone around a nuclear station instead comes and look forward to retiring pension fund surplus funded by pub - of the current 10 -km zone. on privately funded, unindexed pen- lic money above equal contributions That would be a bad move. As Pickering Regional sions at the age of 65 can only won- be returned to the government on the Councillor Doug Dickerson told his colleagues der at the latest developments in the condition that it be spent in the Wednesday, "lire Province is wrong on this one:, Ontario teachers' pension imbroglio. classrooms. Spending in itself, how - Every one of his fellow Regional Councillors agreed, To quote the coverage in a recent ever, will not guarantee our children voting unanimously against the smaller alerting zone. News Advertiser, the teachers are will receive quality education, as ev- hoping that the surplus in their pen- idenced by the high levels of spend - The people we elected to Durham Council to serve sion fund, a pension fund subsidized ing and low academic results that our best interests are right on this one. massively by taxpayers' money, will have characterized the Ontario edu- We haven't heard a single good reason why the nu- allow thein to retire early and escape cation system in recent years. clear emergency alerting zone should be reduced in "the fast pace of change that is cre- Let me introduce a concept alien size. And, we doubt there's a single Durham resident ating rising stress levels". to our education system and aWar- who supports the move. I'm sure Ontario citizens who've ently anathema to the teachers, their ''I71ey should leave it at 10 km," Court. Dickerson had their wallets looted by govern- unions and the bureaucrats: account - argued. Or extend it even further, we believe. We con- Its to pay for the gold-plated ability. How many teachers and cur with Durham emergency measures director Ivan teachers' pension plan would like to school board employees lose their Ciuciura. As he told Council, ` The people of Durham avoid the fast pace of change and jobs annually because they are inef- Regton must be assured that in the event of a nuclear high stress levels that have charac- terized life in the private sector since fective or unproductive. That's a kind of stress private sector workers emergency, they will receive timely alerting, followed the early 1980s. live with everyday, and it would by accurate and timely information on the event as Ontario taxpayers might not serve our education system well. well as what measures they should undertake." The mind paying for and providing Teachers' claims to the high three -km limit "neither meets the practical n�lity of, teachers with three months of annu- moral ground in their disputes with preparedness nor satisfies public confidence." al vacations, bullet proof job security the current provincial government As the survivors of the catastropilic Chernobyl tut- and retirement bliss if they would might have some credibility if they clear accident would tell you, it's better to be safe than give us one thing in exchange: pro- were required to perform to the ducdvity. For 20 years the education same kinds of standards as the rest Sony-"' system has been producing a eontin- of us. wally declining product at a contiau- To respond to this editorial call allly cost. In any others ' t..foso" Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 field� vour, theses people Ajax TIM WHfTTMFR Publisher _W US A CALL The News Admiser is one of rhe McUdand - -.tft Pub WwV and oisO b&V grow of ,JOANNE BURGHAROT Editor -in -Chief = _-_GENERAL 683-5110 "w*spwm The Nim Adverlivir is a nonto STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor CLASSIFIED 683-0707 of the Ajax a Picie ft Board of Tads, Ontario Cody ' dtrr aairia- BRUCE DANFORD Director of Advertising DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 Ass=, Community wwspaw the MONIQUE LEA Advertising Manager ADMINICLASSIFIED FAX 683-7363 slim Orculabons Board. AdAd- EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK Classified Advertising Manager COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 _ verusa is a member of In Oarrio Press DUNCAN FLETCHER Real Estate/Automotive Advertising newsroom®durham.net E-MAIL. Coundt, 80 Goold St., Toronto, Ont. MAB 2W, ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Manager www.durhamnews.net WED SITE an N dgxind r orgmMon to addresses nadercom0witsabout mwbarre*vapas. BARBARA HARRISON Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL Assistant Production Manager mo- rdum advatear�Cr�ttoor CHERYL HAINES Assistant Production Manager -,A, W mens ied to space price error occupies. LILLIAN HOOK Administration Manager '""""°" --—. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Food for thought A commentary on elementary and secondary schools in Ontario reads, "Thousands of chil- dren, too, are feeling the pinch resulting from years of had government and colossal debts:' -- The Farmer's Advocate, London, Ontario. Sept. 12, 1935 It would appear the more things change, the more they stay the same. Mike Harris' government of 1998 could just as well have found itself in the same position it is today as if it had ruled in 1935, attempting to change an education system bur- dened with the spending policies of government's past. The 1935 editorial goes on to discuss the intro- duction of a new course to the school system and suggests "such a course should be introduced and teachers trained to teach it -- trained not by tradi- tionally -minded instructors who worship the past but by open-minded, forward-looking men and women who are aware of the revolutionary changes taking place all around us and mindful, too, of the eternal struggle to build something bet- ter, even, if must be, on the ashes of the old" Either the author had a crystal ball or Ontario of 1935 bore a striking resemblance to the Province today. Sixty -plus years ago it was recognized that in order to introduce new ideas and new technolo- gies to the classroom it would be necessary to draw on the knowledge and experience of professionals not necessarily with a traditional teaching back- ground. Sound familiar? The suggestion by the To- ries that non -teaching professionals have a place in the classroom isn't so revolutionary after all. "The newspapers say a course in civics will be introduced to teach children the beauties of citi- zenship. It is the rights and duties of citizens that should be emphasized as well as the wickedness of political log -rolling, patronage and graft" One has to wonder, had Ontario teachers of 1935 begun wearing green ribbons to class and ex- posing to their students the evils of the government of the day, whether they would have been praised for doing their civic duty or chastised for dragging politics into the classroom. Teasure hunting This little treasure was discovered while explor- ing an antique market in Cambridge, Ont earlier this month. But politics was where the similarities ended. Did you know that chewing gum is the habit of the alert? An advertisement for Pepsin Gum in a 1917 edition of The Saturday Evening Post proclaimed hum -chewing to be the habit of those who have to be physically up to pitch, on the job and ready for prompt, decisive action. "Where a man's playing with death every `ininute, where his life and the lives of his comrades depend on his instant decision, somehow there is .nothing he can do that will keep him so well up to -the mark as to chew a bit of gum.' - Perhaps a stick of gum should be as essential a piece of the uniform as the gun or night-stick for the cop on the beat. Not only was chewing gum for the elite, but in 1934 it was billed as a medical must for keeping gums healthy, teeth white and even the face exer- cised. Joanne Burghardt is a regular News Advertiser columnist. To respond to this column call Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108. At, THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 199E - PAGE 7 All in t:h famil _y Picke'ri*n*g and l sisterr'eunited after By AIIsHamm Takacs Staff reporter +PICKERING — Long -lost siblings Richard McEachern, 51, and Phyllis Dennis, 50, were more than a little excited the first time they ever met last July. "She almost crushed me to death when she hugged me," says Mr. McEachern. "I though he was going to break every rib in my body," is how Ms. Dennis recalls the hug. But they had plenty of reason for their excitement. Only a few days earlier Mr. McEachem, who lives on Bridle Path Circle in Pick- ering, did not know he had any brothers or sisters at all, and now he was meeting the first of five. Ms. Dennis, who lives on Ram- bleberry Avenue in Pickering, had been searching for only her birth mother when she found out in No- vember of 1996 that she had sib- lings. "It's been quite an experience after 50 years of being an only child," she says. "But it's been an absolute delight. If I had to choose these people (the two brothers she has met so far and the sister she has talked with) I couldn't have chosen any better." It turns out all six children, two of whom have not yet been locat- ed, were given up for adoption at birth, so none knew of each other. Mr. McEachern was actually raised by his grandparents, though he had thought they were his par- ents and that his four aunts and his birth mother (whom he met only twice, at 10 and 21) were his sis- ters, until he discovered at the age of 13 that he was adopted. The sur- prise came in a large manila enve- lope he found one day while look- ing through his adoptive moth- er's/grandmother's dresser draw- ers. Mr. McEachem said he was an- gry at first but got over it quickly. His aunts have said they never in- formed him of his birth mother's other children because they didn't know about them. He learned of their existence last July 15, during a vacation in the Maritimes when he went to the pfmto by Abrisane Takaes Richard McEachem and Phyllis Dennis spent 50 years apart, then discov- ered they live in the same community. Vital Statistics Office in Prince Ed- ward Island, where he was born, to see if he could find out about his birth father. A social worker there knew about his siblings because she had searched for them at Ms. Dennis' request. we had a coffee at Gallantry's;' says Mr. McEachcm. There was "lots of talking" and he filled his sister in on the family history. "She was hoping it was an Ozzie and Harriet kind of lifestyle and in reality it was the Addams Family" `It's been quite an experience after 50 years of being an only child But it's been an absolute delight' -- Phyllis Dennis In fact, she had phoned Mr. Ms. Dennis had started looking McEachern's home in Pickering for her birth mother in 1991, after only the day before to find out if he the death of her adoptive mother. was interested in contacting his "I felt it was safe for me to do sister, but he hadn't been home. my search. I didn't ever want to The social worker phoned Ms. hurt my parents.' Dennis right away and the brother But because disclosure rules and sister talked for the first time. had not yet changed in P.E.I., she Mr. McEachern and his wife, Wen- couldn't team anything until 1996. da, cut short their vacation and re- And because each sibling had to be turned to meet the new member of found and their consent obtained the family. before contact could be made, she "I went down to the mall and had to wait until last July to meet Aja High students Fitch In WEEK OF ACTIVITY PUT FOCUS ON ENVIRONMENT AJAX — Students at Ajax High School were busy pitching in to help clean up the school property and surrounding parkland this week as part of a national event. Science teacher Phil Nirenberg reports, "'Teachers have volunteered to take their classes out during class time to pick up lit- ter" during Pitch In Canada, which ran until Friday and corresponded with Ajax's Envi- ronmental Affairs Week. Mr. Nirenberg notes the school has held ecology days to raise environmental aware- ness since the 1970s. And, he reports, last year students col- lected roughly 150 bags of garbage while participating in Pitch In Canada. "It doesn't look as bad out there this year," he says. Targeted areas for clean-up include the north side of Bayly Street, Pickering Beach Road and the school property. Organizers of Pitch In Canada and the Town are providing garbage bags. The Town is also supplying gloves for students and .will pick up full bags throughout the week. Mr. McEachem. The two have since met another brother, 55 -year-old Jerry Randall Of Amherst, Nova Scotia. They talked to him together on the phone for the first time in January, and then met him and some of his family during a stopover he made in Toronto a few weeks ago on the way to a vacation in Mexico. The meeting was "absolutely phenomenal", says Mr. McEach- ern. "From the nose up we're twins" It turns out Mr. Randall as an infant had been at the Ideal Nurs- ing Home in Nova Scotia, famous for the the black market sale of in- fants to couples in the U.S. and for burying babies who died at the home in butterboxes. He was adopted by one of the accountants the Province sent in to investigate Ideal. Mr. McEachern, Ms. Dennis and Mr. Randall all spoke for the first time by phone to their sister, 47 -year-old Inez Woddell of Char- lottetown, P.E.I., in February, and Mr. Randall went to visit her a few days later. The three are all plan- ning to visit Ms. Woddell together in June. "She sounds like she's really an interesting person;" says Mr. McEachcm. -She runs a boarding house down in Charlottetown:' In the meantime, Mr. Randall has been assigned the task of find- ing two more brothers who were born in Nova Scotia, like he was, and also adopted separately. In the end, Mr. McEachern has- n't been able to find his father. The social services people in P.E.I. told him the person registered as his fa- ther on birth records was not like- ly his true father, and in any case he is no longer alive. Ms. Dennis wasn't able to find her mother ei- ther, because Hilda McEachcm died in 1980. But they have found family, and have found themselves easily ac- cepting and enjoying their new fa- milial ties. "It's been very amazing," says Ms. Dennis. "Now that the three of us have met it's `Yeah, they're my brothers'" teamed up to pitch in this week to help clean up around Education news from Ajax and Pickering Jermey remains as teachers' union boss Pat Jermey, president of Durham district 17 of the On- tario Secondary School Teach- ers' Federation (OSSTF), will continue to lead the region's high school teachers for anoth- er year. Ms. Jermey was acclaimed as president of the district, which will become known as district 13 as of Septem- ber, at its an- nual meeting Thursday. "I am hon- c oured to be the last pres- ident of dis- trict 17 and PAT JERMEY the first pres- 'I am honoured' ident of the new district 13," she said in a news release. 'We are stronger and more united in these difficult times than ever before." Also elected at the meeting were chief negotiator Shelley Page, vice-presidents Peter Turney, Andy Carnovale and Cristal Diemer-Ewles. Randy Scoff was elected to serve as treasurer and provincial coun- cillor and Rob Walker was cho- sen secretary. OSSTF district 17 repre- sents 1,350 secondary teach- ers and 250 occasional teach- ers employed by the Durham District School Board. Step into the future .of public school board The Durham District School Board is hosting a public meet- ing at Ajax High School Wednesday, May 13 to review its strategic plan. Board director Grant Yeo will present the plan designed to chart the course the board will follow in the coming years. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the school, 105 Bayly St. For more information call 905-666-5500. B,,B,,Ql, 40,000 B.T.U., 12,000 B.T.U. Side Burner New O.P.D. Tank Included! ASSEMBLED FREE OF CHARGE! 1 1 97 EVERY DAY! Folger's � �� `Green Can" Decaffeinated Coffee 737g EVERY DAY! can Javex $ � 07 3.6L Bleach I - EVERY IYAYI— Mr. Clean All Purpose � -1 Cleaner 8W au, EVERY DAY! "From Our Tire, Lube, Express" Name$ 97 Brand Oil EVERY Change DAYS 18 Murray 2211 3.75 H.P. Lawnmower Comes With 3.75 H.P. Briggs &Stratton Engine 11 97 EVERY DAY! Tide 34 Use Laundry Detergent $ 97 Original, Lemon and Bleach EVERY DAY! ,White Swan � 47 30 Roll Toilet Tissue Tech 2000 Motor Oil 4L Jug, 5W30 and 1OW30 .: EVERY DAY! diva � umbo 'aper Towel i ltou Son of a Gun Bonus Pack includes: 930 mL Protectant and Bonus 6Wg Tire FOaml EVERY DAY! From Our Garden Centre With Wal -Marti )setter Everyday low Prices At The Garden centre) Choose trom our huge selection of bedding plants, evergreens, gas barbecues, low emission lawnmowers, resin patio sets and much morel Volunteers needed to help Helping others learn to read and write is a way of "paying the com- munity back", says a retired bank employee. The Literacy Outreach Centre gives Jean Brosseau, 64, a chance to do just that. "When I look back to my younger years, I received a lot of assistance," she explains. "It also gives me a productive way of filling my time" And students like Bonnie Haselden benefit from the efforts of Ms. Brousseau and other volunteer tutors. "I like it;' she says of the pro- gramme. "I want to learn to read and write so I can get a job. I'd like to work in a hospital or pet store" Literacy is not just recognizing words, but the ability to understand the meaning being conveyed in text, explains Literacy Outreach Centre co-ordinator Janice Salsbury. More than two million adults in Ontario Air Til in: Pot ft on your gas bill. OJLC. Audwrived Doak, CONSLOAM C" e have trouble reading things they may need to read daily, she reports. "Literacy is a daily living skill and in some cases it could be a mat- ter of life and death," explains Ms. Salsbury. "Imagine that you were unable to open a bank account be- cause you couldn't write your name or that you could not read or under- stand the labels on medicine." The centre is a partner with the Ajax -Pickering -Whitby Associa- tion for Community Living and provides support to individuals with developmental challenges.Literacy Outreach uses a Student -Centred Individualized Learning approach to literacy, which builds on a per- son's strengths and interests, rather than on weaknesses. "Given the right conditions, the majority of people can learn to read and write, which allows them more control over improving their lives," Ms. Salsbury believes. • �m • • ,—, "..... . .. .,.. .,. ..r.-.. .- -. -. — . -s TM WWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 19" - PA" It others learn to read write That student -centred approach could involve the use of computers as well as books. Among the computer pro- grammes the centre has is Dec Talk, a speech synthesizer donated by the Community Foundation of Durham Region. The centre has hooked up with Chapter's bookstore in Ajax to raise money for its programmes. Centre volunteers offer a gift -wrapping service for special occasions like Mother's Day at a nominal fee. Meanwhile, it is looking for vol- unteers who can commit about two hours a week as literacy tutors, pro- gramme co-ordinators, advisers and advocates and special event co-or- dinators. Anyone interested is invited to an open house, to be held Thursday, May 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the cen- tre at 71 Station St., Ajax. Call 426-7100 for information. Looking for a career in the business world? Start with Mw bum wand its an mom piaw which offals several diverse areas Our job at Du& m Gdcae is a & yew kw one of those comm aur Huaiteas plo fitas at Du &= Q&W you con eater the _. -v. off >Foroe.dc" in due areas of Accanu ft ,..ihawrm 111m Sps++twt� Du &= Co fte is committed to "wAft Youfor lDbe AW WWW and we wiQ gulalaotee id Give us a tai and find out how you can start ». on your war to -the blumem world r 16w fir wr r %, i •, - Or mitt fiw www' . folk* ' M �r o '3 Home of the Owtom Univrrsitp Centre _- "t'�sy�'9L"ii E photo by A. J. GOWN Literacy Outreach Centre volunteer tutor Jean Brosseau and student Bon- nie Haseldon work on writing lessons. 69EE r A nR 69 1/2 Price Levolor' Excalibur verticals Add bmq mi wwwti to yew w"m with Levels wiolow fesii..:. Slat frow on extaesivI roto of oslows, textres uW febris. 1/2 Price All Levolor custom window coverings Qi frees t ests 40"aw, 1.d yr ■ne ;1' llhiwr,1%.d r wme" w6k fir WWW Ash$, Gn*lr 08d11 anodes 1011 Nwhw- wow bb& GILL NOW, TOit FREE FOR A N0.08UCATIOR #1,1 OA ESTIMATE OR VISITYOUR SEARS RETAK STORE ..�► 1-800-625-0025 'Nah W"Novo■lw IM, a o1Ms mil tn&, ■A yoor Soon (" "room SM Fwbose. St 11olwnl fee wt11 r ollfi tans o■11 t11ohas we Mit a tim of Anbw tlifor 06Swiif, Non 31, IM. Ask fes IdW!L %$W (Irl AW10 s tM ase 16W SMS Wd eei are 114" Sows Ckb MMn ON S4106011 iosWW 110100 WWWO010ts. [lees W eyply to I8 WWIt SiPW owlnds ori a01091 M 01011 iN calatlia WA ay edw &Coal OF 001. tlfiw is TOW a gNkfiW 110010 WWWO00 h lwcbnW vi* o Sows W be10 Ma1eg Apia 27 le Soft Nlq 17,1 fhi. Ask yew nb*wm fp too** d"k. y -. �Mr ialfiin a adra --SALE 'RICES END SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1998 15120 ®1111. Sws (1011 MK. PACE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERInSER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1"S Durham support group aims to help grieving pet owners By Jew Malcallm Special to the News Advertiser For some, the death of a beloved pet can leave a huge void — so much so they may need help in getting over the loss. Durham residents now have a sup- port group they can turn to for assis- tance in getting past pet -death grief. The Pet Loss Support group holds its first-ever meeting Wednesday, June 24, offering individuals a comfort- able atmosphere to talk about their loss with others who have been through a similar experience. The group was started by Susan Dorland, an Oshawa Animal Hospi- tal veterinarian and Anne Aguirre, a therapist at the Creative Psychother- apy Clinic. "We started the group because we feel the need for people to have their feelings of loss validated and to help give people support with the loss of their pets;' said Ms. Dorland. "We live in a society where pets play a re- ally huge role in people's lives and when we lose a pet it can be ab- solutely devastating:' The women are hoping the group will provide a "comfortable atmos- phere" and give people the opportu- nity to "share their experiences and their feelings." The meetings will encourage pet •Tournaments -Vol Monday - c.on"tierw Wad 6s Tueeday - CompotWw Wad 6's Wsdnssdy - Competitive Wind 4's Thursday - Reasedonat Wad 6's Tunes: 7: X0. pm WELL MAINTAINED SAND COURTS Entry Fee: $250 per team Pick up entry forms at the ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB ,CHURCH ST. N. OF 9AYLY, AJAX owners to "move through their grief through the support of people who, perhaps, can understand where they're coming from," said Ms. Dor- land. She says she is more concerned about people who show no emotion over the loss of their pet, and be- lieves that if they can get that emo- tion out in the group it will "help in the healing" Some people don't understand how an animal can have such an ef- fect on a person's life. But Ms. Aguirre and Ms. Dorland agree that your pet becomes a part of your family and the most hurtful thing somebody can say to you after its death is "it was just a cat" or "it was just a dog, get over it:' The people who attend the meet- ings will have a chance to share their stories and express their feelings, knowing there are sympathetic ears listening. Ms. Aguirre and Ms. Dorland will be there to guide the group but hope participants will find their way and get the support they need through each other. Anybody can attend the free meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. For more information on the group or to find out the location of the meeting, call II Lessons it The Mews Advertiser Send your information to us along the facsimile phone lines at: 683-7363 Win! -Win! Wind You could win FREE Continuous Learning for life Win free Oshawa campus credit courses for life by entering the Continuous Learning Free Credit Courses for Life Draw to be held May lith, 1998. tit ist prize: free Oshawa campus credit courses for life * 2nd prize: free Oshawa campus credit courses for five years * 3rd prize: free Oshawa campus credit courses for one year Tickets on sale now through Ducham Cdlege C =mous Learning :.� _... 2000 Simooe Sum Nath Oshawa a $5.00 each or throe for $10.00 Plsw on lif�low6 Mtarwiw6. Bary rwr Uofreto tndayF _ . . For nw a iwF n --do sPdvFIlllIlKoepVofdw kiwi Cow Book, mW 1006) 721-3=2 or visit ire on Me web #A www.dwbMwo.otA.p Don not include courses osier 60 bourn to dsovAIM PIC or BIDS Ei -dmirlimtfxfhslltitlVlbhL f Susan at 728-4644 or Anne at 666- 7253. Meanwhile, in advance of the first pet grief session, Tom Easthope, a certified grief educator, is presenting `The Silent Roar of Pet Loss.' The May 14 meeting will offer tips to an- imal lovers as they deal with a loss and is planned for Kingsview United Church at 8 p.m. Ms. Aguirre and Ms. Dorland hope the attendance at this meeting will give them an "indication of how much need there is for a group like this" Be ready for College with College Preparation programs. Prepare to attend college with College Preparation programs. These programs will equip you with the necessary skills to meet the prerequisites of a postsecondary program. College Preparation programs are offered in: Pre-Teebxo1W, Prue. Healib, and Pre-Business/Arts. The Pre-Business/Arts program runs for 15 weeks and will enable students to enter Business programs in January. Cal us today for more Get a hood siert on your Information ateducation. dosses siert 1905) 721-3300. e I September S. Educating You for the Real World. ALLYOU N® TO MW ABOUT T.O. ���+�enr�tt6t1 Student ■centre opens for The Ajax -Pickering Human Re- source Centre for Students (HRC -S) is inviting students and employers to celebrate its grand opening at 2 p.m. this coming Monday. The resource centre, at 1400 Bay- ly St., will share its Pickering loca- tion with the Provincial Summer Jobs Service. Career fair for youth May 27 WHITBY – A career fair to help Durham students map their futures is being hosted in Whitby later this month. Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Sec- ondary School hosts the event Wednes- day, May 27 beginning at 9 a.m. in the gymnasium. The fair will give students an opportunity to visit various career booths, speak with representatives from both traditional and non-traditional ca- reers, as well as gather research infor- mation about specific occupations. More than 100 businesses in Durham Region and across the Greater Toronto Area have agreed to participate in the event. Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School is at 1020 Dryden Blvd., Whitby. Call 666-2010. BILLBOARD WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING MONDAY, MAY 11 AJAX KINSMEN: The Kinsmen Club of Ajax holds a general dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Kinsmen Heritage Centre, 120 Roberson Dr. The Kins- men are a group of young men serving the community's greatest needs. For more information about the dub call 683-6222. LUNCH: The Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606, hold daily lunches from noon to 1:30 p.m. at 1555 Bayly St., Pickering. All meals under $4. All welcome, no membership required. 839-2990. TUESDAY, MAY 12 CANCER: Part 1 of a three-week Journal Writing program, as a means of self-help, mediation and healing for people living with cancer or their sup- porters, is heli from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Contin- ues May 19 and 26.579-4833. HISTORICAL SOCIETY: The Picker- ing Township Historical Society pre- sents a discussion of The Stories Be- hind the Headstones with Harvey Medantd, at 7:30 p.m. upstairs at the Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Free. AN welcome. Meeting followed by social time and light refreshments. 839-1221 (Tom Mohr). BUSINESS: The Durham Contact ;Business Exchange hosts a free finan- cial and investment plarinling work- shop from 8:30 to 9:30 am. at ftlori- an Garden Banquet Hal, comer of Hwy. 2 and Randall Dr., Ajax. The Weaker will be Heather Neild from The Mutual Group. The Business Ex - dump meets every Tuesday morning from 7 to 8.30 am. at the hall. Reser- vations necessary. 428-6272 (Anne Perala). CANCER BEREAVEMENT, TLC, an informal open support group for care- givers recently bereaved, due to can- cer, is held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, 86 Col- borne St. W., Oshawa. 5794833. The human resource centre, funded by the federal government, aims to educate stu- dents and employers about the benefits of hiring a student. Employment officers will be available throughout the summer to provide resume screening, referrals, interview space and labour market information for employers W in � HERONGATE BARN 2885 Altona RTd�PiTR ng "OPENING May. 15th** "DEATH TRAP" A ComcdN l`hrillc•r THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1998 - PAGE 11 businessMonday who can post summer job openings free of charge. Employment officers will also work with students in their job search and offer resume workshops and interview clinics. The Provincial Summer Joh Service also provides services to students and employers, including services designed to aid students • I I in their job search and wage subsidies for lo- cal businesses to assist them in hiring sum- mer students. The resource centre and the summer jobs service are open weekdays from 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. and run from May through August. For more information call the HRC -S at (905) 831-7651 kir the Summer Jobs Service at (905) 706-1517. Your sp ecial occasions deserve the treatment of Lau-Jen's Catering Book A Fun Evening Now Special occasions DINNER & SHOW FROM $36.95 require a special touch. From (90S) /.72_2o�C the appetizers to the dessert `t J J and everything in between, you want great tasting food and professional service. — — — — Kurt West has more �I.IYeff than 15 years experience as a uI caterer and cake decorator. Accommodating 20Q/Q Q groups big and small, his 20% ompany Lau-Jen's Catering OFF OFF pecializes in on-site service /��,( ALL where food is prepared from CAKES CATERING scratch. (11111"M THIS AD) Invite Kurt to your CATERINGhome and discuss the many CAKE DECORATINGcatering options available. Jt 721 2 'u can choose ov fromeral ` — — different mennuss orcus one to satisfy your unique requirements. 7M "Clients can choose plate service or buffet," says AIRLINE VAN SERVICES Kurt. "I want clients to use CALL TODAY & BE ON YOUR WAY! their iimagioffon and choose ARRIVE TOGETHER! a a selection of food perfect for our rrr�n ver-uw, ter particular occasion." w�ic GET rat Everything is cooked AriAOwrEkOMFOrGULr a w cawgorrr fresh, on-site from scratch. COMPLOENTARY "WAKE-UP CALL„ For example Kurt believes in axssiota haAW PC making his own sauces and 51 5+.&Aff :i:I I I I 1 Kurt West has a special talent when it cowries to deco- rating beautiful cakes for any occasion. always using fresh vegeta- can be done for any occasion. bles, never frozen. Ask about his special birth- Lau-Jen's also provides day cakes in the shape of servers and does all of the your child's favorite cartoon clean up. Their services also or fantasy character. include providing dishes, cut- "This is more than just a lery and glasses. All you have job it's a passion," says Kurt. to do it sit back and relax and If you would like to leave the worries to them discuss your menu for a spe- Kurt loves his work, cial event or want a unique especially his cake creations. cake, call Lau Jen's at (905) His elaborate and detailed 721-2498. designs are breathtaking and � UEI'AKTMENT at 110o, 683-0707 ,g PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1998 photo by Mdrcw hwwnsild Step lightly Cowpokes Sean Amair and Jamila Campbell put their best moves together as part of their recent performance in the Ap- plecroft Public School production of Borders to Bridges. The production was mounted to help promote racial harmony. SEAN CILTM WM FREE WAIL PANEL UPGRADE Huge Renovation Showroom INJCT CLWING V'Hook-up $39.95 $5.00 per vena Includes aR hook ups do no hkWeri extras per standard home. Work guararKeed FRE M BMW MM•' seem r 7.• D"R • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Custom Steel Entrance Doors • Quality Storm Doors & Enclosures Before ynu buy - give us a try, Free Estimates & Financing Available - '-` Gardiner's Duct Cleaning tackles dust and makes breathing Dust can be more than just an annoyance of you don't do something about it. Not only an it be a constant source of work come deaning time, but it an also irritate your eyes, throat and cause breathing problems. That's why more and more residential and com- mercial customers are calling Gardiner's Dud Cleaning to tackle this problem head on. Sam has been cleaning heating and air conditioning ducts since 1992 and they advise anyone who has not had them cleaned for a long time to get it done as soon as pos- sible. It's a procedure that takes very little time compared to the amount of time clients enjoy clean, dust free air in their hones and it's further beneficial in that it reduces heating and cooling costs. The large, truck -mounted, vacuum unit shown in the photo packs more power for those tough jobs they The trudcirror~ unit Is eaaoMar - for duabs duaw In oorrrrrrarPIM, rssidBr 9 sed kldtrsI — proper— - The Apft ft@d@ IneNd.e a hook-up for $3L25 pus $6 per vwrt (filrrirmm 12 vwft) and ehkruhy► swsepir6 sswtioe for >lil 096. Cal (416) 2W409 . easier encounter. The procedure is simple. Sam first closes off vents and makes an opening in the main dud. The, while the vacuum unit sucks air into a holding chamber, a hose is put into the upstairs vents, one at a time, and blows the dust and dirt into the downstairs unit. They also use the air snake method which ensures ducts are completely rid of dust and debris. This method consists of a device being inserted into the ductwork while a mobile head reaches into every inch of dud work to dislodge dust and debris. 'Dust will not only affect your health but ruin fur- niture and draperies," says Sam. "Having your ducts cleaned cuts down on cleaning and add: life to your far. nitoee, carpet and drapes." Sam also provides chimney sweeping at competi- tive prices with service that is always friendly and cour- teous. Caps and sawns are also available to keep out unwanted pets. Presently, Gardiner's Duct Cleaning is offering a SPrbg Special katining a hook-up for $39.95, plus $5.00 per vent, with a minimum of 12 vents and chimney sweeping for $99.95. In addition, there are two new services available wa h the purchase of dud cleaning and include dryer duct cleaning for only 520 00 and bride and alone fm' paces cleaned with free eetiahete1 available upon request Gardiner's Duct Cleaning provides an affordable, long-term solution to hoarse dust bu". Deodedzint is also available upon request. For more information call 1 (41A M-3291 Appointments are available seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 pm. Customers from Markham to Scarborough to Oshawa, have relied on the services of Gardiner's Duct Cleaning and are crow erhjoying a healthy home environ- ment. Isn't it time you did too? DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS CASEItM 148947644 001" com«. SehKd tnon TLT� AC aoM vinyl Windows a Doors • PICTURE WINDOWS • SAY a BOW WnrDOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PMTho DOORS • STORM DOORS • NEW coNSTRucThoN WINDOWS >~rilNi�ld2� WAYNE lloeltt: SHOWFA oat HUTCHNSON ..0 iwo AT w 'A' ES SERVICE 0MA TION a orHr J onrrAno mm 579-2222 -neMM- spread the _ owoidd 1= ace, by with us. rbu7 no of her local mediurn is more Nbctive at reaching your prospects where � 4�- t,I" ww shol) thin this special t� a boost Cal �e�rial llerre. 57lJ�1/ Dapalahhant at Second Stories & Additiow • All Home lkelloqatlow • High Qu94 Wm mmtavilip .. Furst Class Service Frilly Guarwte From Dodd to Custom Gomes K- Call Grinther P Now that's a mouthful... Chuck Colegate (left) and Justin Fisher tuck in to a plateful of fluffy pancakes as part of a fund-raising contest hosted by the Golden Griddle in Pickering. The event raised money for Golden Griddle Chil- dren's Charities and featured 15 teams competing for top eating honours. Chuck and Justin were members of the B.J. and the Love Bunnies team from Dunbarton High School in Pickering. International Peace Run makes its way to Pickering CEREMONIAL. LAP TO BE RUN AT DUMBARTON HIGH SCHOOL Peace Run 1998, a global event designed to promote world peace and goodwill, comes through Pickering on Tuesday, May 19. A welcoming ceremony for the Peace Runners will be held at 8:30 a.m. at Dunbarton High School, on Sheppard Av- enue at Whites Road. Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs and hundreds of stu- Yard sale at church DICKERING — A Giant Yard Sale is being held Saturday. May 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 928 Liverpool Rd. (near Bayly Street), Picker- ing. . There will be a large selection of household items, crafts, toys, plants, books, baked goods, barbecued .bratwurst and hot dogs, coffee and much more. For more in- formation call 4���tiltir�r� � dents from various local ele- mentary and secondary schools will join the Peace Runners as they perform a cer- emonial lap around the Dun- barton track. All Pickering residents are welcome to at- tend. Pickering is on the route the marathon runners will take to bring the international Peace Torch from Niagara Falls to Quebec City. Runners in more than 70 nations around the world are taking part in the global run, and will pass from hand to hand the flaming Peace Torch symbol- izing the goal of international friendship, making this the largest running relay in histo- ry. For more information call 420-4620. Ip N "Camp the way you remember it. Camp the way your child 1 love it." Over 50 years of providing fun and Safe children's day camp programs designed by expenenced staff. The "best camp Swim program. For kids 4 -15 years. r to door transportation. Ask about Express Busing. Swyer Falk FiorMiJ► s'1�►ie La ROBIN MOOD SPORTS ACADEPIT fw ill dirriss. SMd■B>a iE 1 �f S sMfts Mei dMa . w look Snehallr r Som srd fieilf dm dEl" 6r tis+ rag Ce1rtili,Ii aeadrels wm ump ogirrra. TEP I W ORWpowrd ood hei�isa:. OMis+Mll swirl iEsWeretis56 98011111111 ADW lrwssMriEiioer. r • H a: .0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 19" - PAGE 13 Modelling prospects invited to tryouts OSHAWA — Eaton's, Colgate and Elite Model Management Toronto will be looking for the world's next super - models in Durham Region on June 4. Eaton's Elite Model Look 98 will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Os- hawa Centre with open calls to anyone interested. This is one of more than 20 events to be held throughout Canada starting April 15 in Toronto. Finalists from each market will take part in seven regional semifinals with 10 to 15 people going on to the national finals in August in Toronto. The Canadian finalist will win an all - expenses paid trip to the international finals in Nice, France in September to compete with finalists from 50 other countries for $925,000 in guaranteed modelling contracts. Colgate will also be offering a $10,000 scholarship to the winner of the new Colgate Sensa- tion Whitening Smile Search during the Canada search. SEAM CORRECTION NOTICE For our 40 page Sears Flyer on sale May 11 - May 17/98. PAGE 4 ITEM 460645 Save $300 Craftsman 19.5 HP Special Edition Lawn Tractor. Lawn tractor does not come with OBV (over head valves) as stated in the flyer. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sears. Please recycle me! elm 9gl�II WG" • sodding • Interlocking stone • Retaining Walls • lawn Maintenance • Custom Gardens Designed & Built • Water Features iREE ESTIMATE T.W.Co g C—gaapin - 428-6365 "Love Me r Buckle Me" 1b -0V R go'x 0rT= C" SEATS examdowd ha Dwr6sa FoodsPioneer >Re�iei� are weed iisooerww"w Paisley Whitby 4W 29" aer".ee Is Year Chip's Car Seat SA? Not Sura? Then Visit The Dur6m Region Car Sdeq Seat Coomnittee On Sib Infornation Booth At Your Dur6m Arm... CHILD CAR SEAT SAFETY INS 106MI6 ie»ti Sdeei" Liu do N6%* A64dint Hour s ins lit - 3po a tM iia MW bdm Art 14 .. 1251 Sint SL a. Odrw , Dole s 5833 Washv r St W. 0&w id, 1s 415 Sim A. S.411A . Aynt 19 273 Eta k W. Cunt 2 14a g S1. I. Ctwir Setst w n 3sr AW* W. Ita.rdi i W4 Strut W. rAwiq . OdAw 8 MI srb Sr. W. 1111111611 11 14M St I. Chir MwWilm 1s 1 &nn lAnt. S. Ain Atrial 2 $161" Sr. M. w %w 21 IMl * wl* An. Wh* ash 0-0, wi be wiilt temswtr tM.r ywr rMfd S rm► Mdirtua r. Aitw tt tut it p�trSy. Maly SOMM+r h: 7*rft A. Nnr«si} WNL_ Fw arm idumaHm ti M NIMaAll Wa10a Ilulfr M iiiiir R w Lses_mi_gms PAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1998 Ajax man's arm reattached after work mishap AJAX — Doctors are hopeful a 40 - year -old man from Texas will regain full use of his arm after it was reattached fol- lowing an industrial accident here Tues- day. The man was installing a stretch line machine used to wrap plastic shrink wrap around loaded palettes at Malpac at 510 Finley Ave. around 3:45 p.m. when his right arm became entangled between two rolling pins, Durham Re- gional Police report. The bones in his arm were crushed from head to shoulder. His arm was partially severed at the shoulder. The man was taken to Ajax - Pickering General Hospital and vans - ported to Toronto Hospital, western divi- sion, where he underwent surgery Wednesday morning. The Ministry of Labour is investigating. Barbecue cooks up funds for wildlifd sanctuary PICICERING — The Second Chance Wildlife Sanctuary will be the beneficiary of a fund-raising barbecue to be held Sattuday, May 23 at the sanc- tuary. The event will begin at 6 pm., rain or shine. It will feature music and fim provided by Darren's Disc Jockey Ser- vice, a cash bar and a 50/50 draw. Tick- ets, at $10 a person, include hot dogs, hamburgers, cold drinks, salads and dessert. Take your own lawn chair. The sanctuary's on Seventh Conces- sion Road, east of Brock Road in Pick- ering and west of the Cherry Downs Golf and Country Club. For more information or tickets call Yat Kirby ,at420-3355. Oh, McHappy Day! McDonald's Restaurants in Ajax and Pickering took part in the annual McHappy Day event to raise money for Ronald McDonald Children's Charities on Wednesday and received help from members of the com- munity. At left, Daniel Barron (left) gives pointers to Lee Neiman, a net- working programmer visiting from the company's head office. Above, Durham Regional Police Constable Joe Mitschang serves up a McFlur- ry at the south Ajax McDonald's drive -though window. *TaSW a MiC10US MCItm sandtrich FREE tafhon vnu Invesbnent workshop Tuesday AJAX -- The Durham den Banquet Hall, corner of Contact Business Exchange Hwy. 2 and Randall Drive, hosts a free financial and in- Ajax. vestment planning work- Guest speaker is Heather shop for interested area res- Neild from The Mutual idents this week. Group. Reservations arc The group meets Tues- necessary. Call 428-6272 day, May 12 from 8:30 to (Anne Perala) for more in - 9:30 a.m. at Victorian Gar- formation. Fine Foods Fresh, Quality Meats at Unbeatable Prices! 6o° lb. Marinated Eye Round Steaks SATE$ 99 $2.00 lb. lb. Boneless Chicken Breasts $99 SAVE 1.00 Vb.m. London Broils SAVES99 .got Ib. lb. Peanseall Bacon SAVE$99 p-" M W Sttnol[ed—� Pork Chops "$99 M." llb. 3 W Ball Pork Smokies SAVE$99 Sx.00 lb. lb. Breasts SAVE$ 69 �: Oe 1'b. lb. >FruhHoney Sausages SAVE$99 $i.00 Ib. a. L Steaks 89 )lb. od SnL j 49 Tenderloins --- _ _ _ ------ i------,-------------------------------- 1 ■ 1;1 ■ 1 11 ale 1 1 �lcen 1,1 ChRMEM Chicken The heat yam' 1 S=dW SM a CM ' 1 1 1 Miry a CMdrm swWwkh and ; 1 1 '!try a Chid= santdwich anti 1 1 ntediun fries at the regubr prix and nreaw fries at the Mow price and 1 get a second Chidm sandwich MKI 1 I get a second Chid= sandwich FWl 1 Please present Vis oarporn betas 1 1 Please present phis coupon before 1 1 ordering. Not vaMd vO any other offer. No ; onderinp. Not vaW YAM any other offer. No /s1ar� N 1 cash value. Appicabre taxes 1 cash value. Apoicabre fazes 1 1 pW by bearer. Linn paid by bearer. Emit 1I1upon per customer, per � c 1 valid at parber,�ipatirg BURM ; 1 u KING vai�at�gpert♦icipeo VSURM 1 Restaurants.. KING 1 . Expires: iir�i Expires: L1998. =2 —•— — �: Fine F"* ale The heat yam' HWY. #s A Moot, 's7W /s1ar� N Nab alsawMa TOO Mv/.11/ip ss tinrw •w•s tr.�.r lllq >« CiOMPE 1111VE RECREATIONAL ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1998 - PAGE 15 PORT -S-- RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING Harwood birdie -dasher rules meet AJAX -A local badminton player was the class of his age group at the re- cent Central Ontario Badminton Junior Championships hosted by the Harwood Badminton Club. A total of 104 players representing 17 clubs from across central Ontario competed in four divisions. Participat- ing clubs included Ajax High School, Harwood Badminton Club, Exeter High School and Exeter Junior Badminton Club. Nathanial Allard of the Ajax -based Harwood club captured three titles in the under -14 age bracket. He easily won the boys' singles crown with straight -set wins over Brad Mcllroy of the Whitby Junior club 15-1, 15-1. Al- lard also bounced Alex Burtsch of the Exeter Junior club 15-1, 15-3 in the semi-finals. And, he teamed up with Scott Ben- nington of the Exeter Junior Badminton Club to easily win the under -14 boys' doubles title. Allard and Bennington defeated Alex Burtsch and Colin Dan- forth of Exeter junior club 15-10, 15-9, Brad Ecles and Ryan McIlroy of Whit- by 15-0,15-1 and Ryan Evans and Brad McIlroy of Whitby 15-4, 15-5. Allard completed the triple crown by capturing the mixed doubles title. He partnered with Melanie Risebrough of Uxbridge to defeat Ryan Evans and Kirsten Schmid of Whitby 15-2, 15-3 and Brad McIlroy and Nicole Cocker of Whitby 15-10,15-2. In the under -16 age group, Harwood athletes also made a clean sweep of the boys' singles category, with four club members advancing to the semi-finals. Phillip Bennington defeated Nicholas Smith 15-5, 15-3 in one semi-final, while clubmate Tony Chan downed Vikas Mohindra 15-11, 6-15, 15-6. In the finals, Bennington beat Tony Chan Focal gymnasts flip, flop and fly to Ontario title Two local gymnasts helped their team to a gold modal at the recent Ontario Provincial Men's C2hrsnpi- onship is MissWitiqga, �. Bernhardt Mattes, of Ajax, and Joshua Bernou d, of Pickering, made up two-thirds of the Metro East regional squad which cq*mDd the team We in boys' Individually, Mattes, 11, finished eighth overall in the tyro `A' category. 1* placed sixth on rings, vault, parallel bars and high bar, and seventh on floor ex- cises and ponnnel horse. ;,Perrourd, 13, was fourth on vaiuit, seventh on pommel horse, eighth on par- allel bars, ninth on rings, 10th on high bars and 11 th on floor for a 10th overall finish in the tyro 'A' bracket. Meanwhile, Mattes also took part in a training session with some of the mem- bers of Canada's men's gymnastics team in New Brunswick recently. Mattes and Berrourd are members of the Scarborough Olympians Gymnastics Club.� t ,. t�- e^ :-04IU i 3 Ll:u It V s e. c it 15-4, 15-6 to capture the title. In the consola- tion event, John Glover of Peterborough defeat- ed Colin Vickers of Ajax High School 15-3, 11- 15, 15-6. Lucie Mussakowski of the Exeter Junior club defeated Anne Deny of Ajax High School I1-2, 11-3 after dominating a field of 15 ath- 1etes. The consolation event featured a match - up of Ajax High athletes in the finals where Lara Fowler defeated Sarah Mulholland 12-11, 11-5 to capture the gold medal for the 'B' flight. In boys' doubles, Bennington and Chan of the Harwood club scored a 15-6, 15-4 win over clubmates Smith and Mohindra. In the semi-fi- nals, Bennington and Chan defeated Brendon Pell and Steve Goldman 15-0 and 15-1. Mohin- dra and Smith had a tough match against John Glover and Andrew Gollogher of Peterborough 17-16 and 15-7. The consolation event was won by Daryl Humes of Ajax High School and Al- lard of the Harwood club. In girls' doubles, Mussakowski and Alexis Walker of Whitby defeated the Ajax High School team of Lara Fowler and Michelle An- derson 15-3. 8-15, 15-3. The 'B' flight title THREE BEARS AUTO BODY� 80M OF LARossr AUYO MWY • E COLLMM SHOPS' �1 zooeo�� t I or WA pry yaw &* cab iy b Mr. (a# lir redo � I 'Coupon must be presantrd prior to .wk bmw started �r t eoons apply Ast *W dWaft Fra* Estiwatlasl UNIT #208,282 MONARCH AVE., AJAX 90:5 619-2327 Alit® SUMMER SAVINGS rN � r I 10% off I I strrlirty rt I Lt"'1ed r oe 0 J I � I L u;t�m rtme orry J 1211 rot "m PA -120,2070 w 7 days a =k to save you Customer shuttle Don't pay competitor prices... ck Chewith usl $47.5ar. r2 MITao:7>7jlf . t!'r-8 went to Sheila Arksey and Elaine Brillinger of Brock with a 15-9, 15-6 win over Karen Wall and Sarah Mulholland of Ajax High. Nicholas Smith of Harwood teamed with Mussakowski of the Exeter junior club to win a three -game match against Tony Chan of Har- wood and Lara Fowler of Ajax High 9-15, 15- 5, 15-4. Vikas Mohindra of Harwood and Michelle Anderson of Ajax High took the 'B' flight title with a 15-9, 13-15, 15-5 win over Gollogher and Linda Durocher of Peterbor- ough. In the under -19 age group, Harwood domi- nated the boys' singles category with six of eight quarter -finalists. The eventual champ was Chris Kondracki who scored a 15-5, 15-0 vic- tory over clubmate Rob Tilley. In the semi-fi- nals, Tilley defeated Lee Mills of Belleville 15- 6, 11-15, 15-8 and Kondracki downed Tam Tran of Belleville 15-0, 15-2. Other Harwood players who were quarter -finalists were Matthew Allard, Tony Chan, Richard Piskor and Phil Bennington. In girls' singles. Michelle Vivian of Har- wood won the title in straight games 1 1-6. 1 1-0 over Melissa Prout of Belleville. Kondracki and Tilley teamed up to win the boys' doubles crown with a three game 15-12, 13-15, 15-11 win over Phil Bennington and Richard Piskor, also of Harwood. The surprise of the event was the upset victory in the semi- finals by Piskor and Bennington over the Belleville duo of Lee Mills and Tam Tran by scores of 5-15, 15-10 and 15-3 - the first win by a Harwood team over the Belleville two- some since January. Seth Malcolm and Matthew Allard of Harwood were semi-final- ists in the 'A' flight. Megan O'Brien and Michelle Roberts of Paul Dwyer won the girls' doubles title 15-8, 7- 15, 15-9 over Megan Dolan and Melissa Prout of Belleville. In mixed doubles, Mills and Prow of Belleville defeated clubmates Megan Dolan and Tam Tran 15-7, 15-1 for the title. Harwood was represented by Steve McGill and Michelle Vivian who lost to the eventual champs 15-7, 15-2 in the semi-final. In the other semi-final, Matt Allard and Steph Felgemacher lost to Tran and Dolan 15-4. 15-6. The Doria family tradition continues at Do0 na's Garage in Pickering The name Doria has always been known in Pickering for the best in auto repairs. Brothers Steve and Albert made their Shell station, locat- ed at the northwest comer of Hwy#12 and Whites Rd., a huge success from 1979 to 1988 Now, ten years later, the Doria name is back, this time with son Michael operating Doria's Garage Ltd. "I've brought back what's been missing from the automo- tive industry and that's the best in customer service," says Michael. "My father and uncle always went the extra mile to give their customers the best service and that's also my number one goal." . Since opening in March, more than 300 customers have passed through their service doors and many have said, We can't believe how great the ser- vice is". And not only does Doria's offer a shuttle service in the Pickering area, but many times Michael has personally picked up customers and Owner Michael Doria and long time medlania Ken McMt"M dropped them off at the GO Station before and after busi- ness hours so their car could be repaired while they were at work. Doria's Garage offers very flexible hours, open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday. They're even open weekends on Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sundays 8 a.m. to 12 noon. The shop has undergone extensive renovations and fea- tures four bays, state-of-the-art equipment and a comfortable waiting room. You can get an oil change for $19.95 and a Ministry Safety Certificate for $39.95. Also the hourly labour rate is a very rea- sonable $47.50 per hour. But don't be fooled by the price, because even though the rate is low, the staff never com- promise on quality. Mike says they're not on a flat rate system so their only concern is getting the job done right. For information about Doria's Garage call (905) 831- 3919 and let the service begin. • PAGE HE NEWS ADVERTISER 10, 19" Men's lacrosse loop keeps Canada's game alive Special to the News Advertiser A long-standing tradition is continuing at the Whitby Iroquois Sports Centre on Sunday nights. That's the night members of the Durham Men's Lacrosse League get together to play their games. The recreational box lacrosse circuit has been run- ning since 1974. Though the majority of the players live in Durham Region, others come from as far west as Toronto and as far east as Cobourg to take part. The league, for those 21 and over, traditional- ly includes several former players from Majo' squads in the Ontario Lacrosse Associa- tion. Players with field lacrosse experience with ei- ther Canadian or American universities are also scattered through the league. Ex-Brooklin Redmen John Scanga and Chris O'Reilly are the two chief organizers of this year's loop. "Some are still �kdlcd enough to play (in the Major league);' Scanga said. "But because of work or family, they just can't give that com- mitment to play three or four nights a week" As in previous years, the local league will feature four teams this season. Organizers have never been that keen on adding more clubs since they want to maintain all games th during a roe -hour stretch on the same night. Scanga said if more clubs were to be added that would mean league officials would have to secure more arena time and that would increase registration fees for players. The Durham league kicked off its 1998 schedule last month. The season continues until August. Spectators are welcome and there is no ad- mission fee for any games. GOLF TH� Meanwhile, this marks the third year the league will stage a charity golf tournament. Proceeds from that July 18 event at Whispering Ridge go to the Durham Men's Lacrosse League Foundation, which benefits local youth lacrosse players. As a recruiting ploy, the league also takes its act out- does once a year. It runs a non -contact, field lacrosse tournament to introduce po- tential newcomers to the league. This year's event is set for June 13 at Whitby's Peel Park. As for the league's partici- pating squads this season, they all' have local sponsors. The team names are Casey's Whitby, Roy's Enterprises, Gen Auto Shippers and the Durham Men's Lacrosse League Foundation. BEST & WIN,01 Hoops champs Pickering's Vaughan Willard Public School intermediate girls' basketball team captured the Durham Elementary Ath- letic Association championship this year. Team members are Alisa Wulff, Jenny Wakefield, Megan Shanks, Sarah Master - ton, Danica Francis, Sarah Watson, Shannon McGuire, Stephanie Laderman, Ashley Wright, Ashley Fenn and Crys- tle Stanley. The coach is Hugh Inglis. DOT Chargers split ball games AJAX — The Archbish- ing pitcher for DO'C was op Denis O'Connor Tara Burling. Catholic High School Denis O'Connor defeat - Chargers girls' softball team ed the Sinclair Secondary split its last two Lake On- School Celtics of Whitby tario Secondary School Ath- 13-9 April 27. letics league contests. The Chargers have a The Chargers were de- league record of 2-2. feated by a strong Dunbar- DO'C plays its next ton High School Spartans home game against the Ex - squad 8-1 Thursday after- eter High School Falcons at noon. Sophie Panou earned the Ajax Community Centre the win on the mound for Monday, May 11 at 2:45 the Spartans, while the los- p.m. iGON aoU dvaW at RULES fti.r 0" at m aI Ma pldpbaa awm er rMarlM:. am par rM In OW or rayl & MN N Is o &" oft Ila Mlry Iantr ad Orr pall tab aaa d taw pfts 684 *stat- Mdl To: 000 TM Mat A Wt." Rh Tltb want IN FMaaNN 6t. Sd w 1.11111711 Hare Fxx & Ineprovo Yoxr Game . At Ae • C_P.G.A. INSTRUCTORS yp, • CLEAR PRBCtSE GOLF IMMUCT�r �• ea inn.. uu. • PRIVATE a: GROUP LESSONS • VID180 ANALYSIS • JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT COURSE A CAMPS FOR MORE adPORMAT M 1 a-sM•�a-ar , EXT. ?rarfition °fctQartx in a Coarry-, 209 �pwl tl �d,10 �r �Acst of tL�ii�, J! T .r T T• v�T7 'RIES ENTRY FORM aM aI t3atr CIaM alp , �YM0Wow z• Daotaa M4 • HM JWr� MW It1H.o ALLY 9. NANO WILL LIE pmhaw Go CWN Fad ft PUKISMAXT112 . ,VJ0W' .U.0 wd.erflsi� Rums Watch us "every other week in VY ».:dour Sunday edition of the THR. NRWR ♦nVVEMCFQ tQ1WINAV NIAV t• 1• - PAV-F 17 1 Iqual i6ed local health care providers in this News ',,s.!,,- =Feature for Follow this VertiSeT 3" for your aswers. Next feature r.......- r , May 24,19- Read et, ore - win in into o 1• aON y S f S g g g If How the body futictions in a proper Solt = " Because of the fact the swing can enhance the golfer's game, aii.,':, feet are anchored to the you develop well asc mane function and prevent here injury: '` ground by long spikes, the pain and it Since many injuries are the result of t- `" =� : � torque is transferred to the persfists for more v poor technique. taking lessons from from ar knees. This pivoting motion than m one or two certified golf professional can be helpful. can damage cartilage or irritate weeks through you already have an injury existing problem.rite season, seer PAIN • WEAKNESS • STIFFNESS which originated, or is .Some solutions are using soft aggravated bg olf see a spike golf shoes to decrease the professional Kathy Chamberlain and Cathy Kammerer are Y physician or physiotherapist amount of torque, turning the feet assessment by a Registered Physiotherapists specializing im who can provide out to about 30 degrees at address. Registered personalized advice on strengthening lens muscles. nes Physiotherapists. •Neck and Bade Pain appropriate treatment and swinging as hard, or not playing Treating your - rernedies. �_ as ° :injury early, will•Sports Injuries The best injury is the one 3) Neck lair Ynelp you avoid that you prevented. Listen T Normally, when we stand missing any of • Work -Related Injuries to your body. Know whenour head is nicely balanced oa to say when Prevention is ry our spine. Unfortunately. already too v • Joint and Muscle Pain the key, keeping the head down causes short golf An appropriate warm up 'players to excessively flex season.• Arthritis/Fibromyalgia romyalgia pernnits peak performance right their necks. Kathy �:. • Motor Vehicle Accidents from the first tee and 'it help3 This increases stress and strain p is a '"Wc o)�Sa s friewtily protect the body from injury. on- the neck muscles. When the registeridpkssart Abnosphem in which to discom • Multiple Sclerosis Also important is off-season head is down, there is a shearing physiotherapist yosir mead& Our services am covered by w exercise. Cardiovascular pressure put on your neck, with most Extended Heuer Bewefrts, W.C.B. Custom Orthotics conditioning plays a significant which over time can cause pain Rougemount and Motor Vehick Accidart Insraarae." ale in muscle co-ordination and aggmvation during periods of fatigue. Helpful hints: Ensure your Physiotherap'y. �t Fatigue can produce abnormal posture and technique are You may ROUGEMOUNT PHYSIOTHERAPY muscle function. Yo u then correct. When addressing the ball, pivot reach her at '� 376 Kingston Rd. E., Suite 11, Pickering _a overcompensate with other muscles and through the trunk, not your spine. Ensure 905-509-7181. Tel: (05) 509-7181 W`ii.i'r.�«.r +.i .L-a"x'i •� a. ;'�.. .: Y`:+.C.'L'��-.:... �:ir�. -..$-,�~-a.'lW.;�." � ..;ice.: � _ r -... �,....,.,,n •u.. _..... .. _ . It's that time of year again to pull out this results in injury. Off-season exercise you stretch and strengthen your neck muscles to prevent injury during your swing. the golf clubs, but be careful. You may be should also include flexibility and strength a prime candidate for developing some exercises in the specific golf -related 4) Back Pain annoying aches and pains, muscles, such as the back, thigh, shoulder During the golf swing, the trunk generates the power and speed to your club. Golf is an athletic sport, it takes athletic and wrist. which is often referred to as coiling and uncoiling. Weakness in the postural ability to consistently hit a #3 iron 200 Consider sonic of the possible golf muscles (trunk stabilizers) and hip muscles result in an improper golf swing, poor yards, injuries, or complaints. game and risk of injury. With the swing, the golfer may generate 1) Mnsde soreness from over -ase Once the dysfunction is identified, appropriate treatment technique must be used a club head speed of 100 mph, in less than This can be controlled .or eliminated by to correct the problem. This will allow for enhanced function. Often, stretching and 1/5 of a second. With this amount of following a few simple rules. It is strengthening are key for good back care in golf. power and speed and the repetitive nature important to build up activity levels of golf, it is obvious that injury to the gradually, especially, early in the season. 5) Sboulder and Elbow Pain knees, back and shoulders (among other Progress from swinging your clubs, to body per) w,i1l occur n- gradually increasing the force, then adding This is due to muscle overuse. Strength and flexibility exercise is importan'. The essence of a mechanically sound balls, introducing iron -heads before %#ood maintain muscle balance about the joints, providing co-ordination and harmonious golf swing is strength, balance, flexibility and perhaps with only nine holes. movement. and Droner posture. Z) Knee Pain Remember. itolf is an athletic sport, know your Ramo and listen to Your body. If How the body futictions in a proper Solt = " Because of the fact the swing can enhance the golfer's game, aii.,':, feet are anchored to the you develop well asc mane function and prevent here injury: '` ground by long spikes, the pain and it Since many injuries are the result of t- `" =� : � torque is transferred to the persfists for more v poor technique. taking lessons from from ar knees. This pivoting motion than m one or two certified golf professional can be helpful. can damage cartilage or irritate weeks through you already have an injury existing problem.rite season, seer PAIN • WEAKNESS • STIFFNESS which originated, or is .Some solutions are using soft aggravated bg olf see a spike golf shoes to decrease the professional Kathy Chamberlain and Cathy Kammerer are Y physician or physiotherapist amount of torque, turning the feet assessment by a Registered Physiotherapists specializing im who can provide out to about 30 degrees at address. Registered personalized advice on strengthening lens muscles. nes Physiotherapists. •Neck and Bade Pain appropriate treatment and swinging as hard, or not playing Treating your - rernedies. �_ as ° :injury early, will•Sports Injuries The best injury is the one 3) Neck lair Ynelp you avoid that you prevented. Listen T Normally, when we stand missing any of • Work -Related Injuries to your body. Know whenour head is nicely balanced oa to say when Prevention is ry our spine. Unfortunately. already too v • Joint and Muscle Pain the key, keeping the head down causes short golf An appropriate warm up 'players to excessively flex season.• Arthritis/Fibromyalgia romyalgia pernnits peak performance right their necks. Kathy �:. • Motor Vehicle Accidents from the first tee and 'it help3 This increases stress and strain p is a '"Wc o)�Sa s friewtily protect the body from injury. on- the neck muscles. When the registeridpkssart Abnosphem in which to discom • Multiple Sclerosis Also important is off-season head is down, there is a shearing physiotherapist yosir mead& Our services am covered by w exercise. Cardiovascular pressure put on your neck, with most Extended Heuer Bewefrts, W.C.B. Custom Orthotics conditioning plays a significant which over time can cause pain Rougemount and Motor Vehick Accidart Insraarae." ale in muscle co-ordination and aggmvation during periods of fatigue. Helpful hints: Ensure your Physiotherap'y. �t Fatigue can produce abnormal posture and technique are You may ROUGEMOUNT PHYSIOTHERAPY muscle function. Yo u then correct. When addressing the ball, pivot reach her at '� 376 Kingston Rd. E., Suite 11, Pickering _a overcompensate with other muscles and through the trunk, not your spine. Ensure 905-509-7181. Tel: (05) 509-7181 W`ii.i'r.�«.r +.i .L-a"x'i •� a. ;'�.. .: Y`:+.C.'L'��-.:... �:ir�. -..$-,�~-a.'lW.;�." � ..;ice.: � _ r -... �,....,.,,n •u.. _..... .. _ . PAGE 19 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1998 Heal0 ing with foodS by Christine Little Walk into any grocery store today and longer shelf life, few essential nutrients look at what fills the shelves. Boxes and are left, and those remaining are in a packages of foods that have been form that our bodies have trouble processed, preserved, recognizing and using. frozen and It is any wonder that so many of us canned. The suffer from heart disease, cancer, diabetes M' meat and and chronic complaints such as Candida, chicken allergies, asthma, and fatigue? An you buy important first step in creating better has been health for you and your is to become grown in more aware of the quality of foods you crowded are eating every day. Ask yourself what unnatural conditions and pumped full of this food looked like when it was antibiotics and hormones. Whole growing, and how much processing it has vegetables and fruits are relegated to one gone through. Start reading labels and of two aisles and whole fried beans and asking questions! grains are hiding on a shelf somewhere Christine Little has over ten years of that you can never manage to find experience in working with nutritional Contrast this with therapies, including macrobiotics a picture of whath and food combining. She has our great- worked with people who grandparents ate. health problems such as Whole grains, 1'', diabetes, hypoglycemia, beans, fresh Q, �s cancer, and eating vegetables and fruits - disorders, to help them all of them grown discover ways of creating better health locally and eaten fresh - and freshly through eating whole foods. Both in her caught fish and game. Go back even practice as a nutritional consultant, and in further to the '•huntcr-gatherers" and her workshops, she helps people to get imagine foraging for wild roots, grasses, down to basics with food and lifestyle [tad berries,and hunting wild game. habits to develop effective and practical Our bodies are designed to take what self-care programs. nutrients they need from whole fresh foods and eliminate what they dunSMILE aced. The Reiki, Level 1 Through Cooking biochemical Sat. May 23rd WANT processes that keepQ:NjOr our nervous system, SOMETHING muscles and TO SMILE hormones working ABOUT? easily and efficiently. FREE Corm9abons were created to use • Cornpleb a Partial Dentures the abundant supply - Same day rekws 8 repays of minerals, amino - Evening 8 Saturday avPts. acids, -and enzymes found in whole PICKERING DENTURE CUNIC natural foods. Andre Maragh D.D. Once foods have (905' 420-2652 been refined, bleached, and super- 1792 LIVERPOOL RD., PICKERING heated to have a (SUPERCENTRE PLAZA) Whites Road Physiotherapy At Sport Injury Clinic Since 19M �o-oeu THE MEDICAL CLINIC 720 SHEPPARD AVE. UNIT 8 PICKERING, ONT. L1V 'IG5 NO MEDICATION • No NEEDLES WE'LL HELP Yot1 NATURALLY Effective non sur ggical treatment is available. Phone today for an annointment. rasm"M�au J. hiwN, tHNas « ....................... garo 711m1068e1 arumr- aur--rmuar■ ■uu Iammr rrmu �. was g : - !! /IIN :ami ::::1111 ■m■ ■ma(�rrr. mammarmom,1mSSSS. .mm....a man Christine now offers personal consultations & group classes at the Greenwood Holistic Health Cure Centre ACTIVE THERAPY & SPORTS INJURY Registered Therapists • Physiotherapy • Massage • Nutrition Insurance Claims Accepted (Auto & Extended Health) 1099 Kingston Rd (Ilw y. 2 al Dom) g31-8115 Suite 0202 Dentures so natural... you'll never know the Offerencel" V0 y r:0 &W SOARKA mafieri 1.5 for sensitive gums • Precision rtial dentures FREE Weser Wimmer D.D. CONSULTATION Denture Clinic ECS IN TM CENMiw awya) 420.5020 • To0 Free 141.04-60-5020. Greenwood gHOLstiC ffle'.alth Care Creating Health Reiki, Level 1 Through Cooking First Attunement Sat. May 23rd Sun., May 24th Christine Little Theresa Richter Call to register A peaceful country retreat Highway 7 and Westney (10 min. from downtown Pickering) ALL UNDER ONE ROOF HEALTH CLINIC OF HOMEOPATHY SAFE SIMPLE & NATURAL WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS SIGN DISEASES - SEXUAL PROBLEMS -SPORT INJURIES - STRESS - SLEEPING DISORDER - FLU - FEAR - MENSTRUAL a MENOPAUSE - MENTAL a EMOTIONAL IMBALANCE - ARTHRITIS - ALLERGIES - ASTHMA - BRONCHITIS - COUGH - COLD x WEIGHT PROBLEMS ETC... a 1 ' • HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE ' ACUPUNCTURE e 'a' • MAGNETIC THERAPY HEALTH FOOD • YOGA • 1nTAMHS ' TAI -M • MAGNETIC PROOIICT • MASSAGE • WEIGHT LOSS 'HYPNOTHERAPY 'HERBS CPel r DAYS A Wt08l1 ad I• AN TO • PM •s HARlr000 Arc SOUTH LIST •/ (Awl PLAZA). AOME PMA PSA (416) 442-7121 to xmI w CAW PW [Butts tat want N �burhain Dental Evening LIC Appoinftwnft AvaHabk L]ec m surpeY White Fining Thr Cosmetic / Blachft Intra Oral Lamm Inugm Preventative Cam ultra Sonic sealing Caps / Crowns A Bridges Free Consultations AirAbrasion / No Freezing / No Drilling_ Exu:tctions (Wisdom1ecth) Root Canal Treatment ::Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) Visa, Mastercard, Interact OwId AD Insurance Plans Accepted Gentle Care for Big Babies Comprehensive Care for Children 4[27-4[2" Durham Dental Centre »s HWW"# Aw, Pq t1r" z).•_DR l6am Cama (ttlaide /gWaaMi . Advertising Feature THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, I"S-PAGE 19 COSMETIC DENTURES - The Fountain of Youth William Steil D.D., F.C.A.C.(A) It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words. As a denturist, I have been confronted on many occasions by a patient in my office bearing an old photograph; sometimes it's a graduation photo and other times it's from a wedding. The photographic images all have this in common: they portray youth and vigor and a wondrous smile. Invariably, the patient has one wish as he or she shares with me their prized photograph. They want that same wondrous smile they enjoyed in by William Steil, DD, FCAC(A), Ajax, Ontario. their youth. Denture changes, as designed and fitted by a denturist, can help these patients recapture their youth. It should be the goal of the denturist to assure the design of new dentures such that they will sustain the image and appeal of a significantly younger person. Many people experience undue anxiety about visiting the denturist. Spending a few minutes talking about infection control procedures will not only boost their confidence, it will also help them to become knowledgeable dental consumers and will help us to form successful relationships with our patients. There is a lot a denturist can accomplish. We ensure the correct positioning of the teeth to determine proper lip support so as to provide the right labial inclination and establish an automatic smile line. Setting the anterior teeth in a proper vertical inclination will aid in meeting the expectation a patient has in relation to their self- image. We have learned much in recent years about the physiology of aging though we are still left with the inevitable outcome and, in fact, fear the at your service... everyday! 683-63 prospect of looking different. A comparison of a patient's appearance today with the appearance of a few months ago may not indicate change. Nature works mysteriously, molecules form and reform, taking us apart and putting us back together each and every day in an inexplicable fashion. Consider this, as you contemplate the mysteries of nature: humans grow two sets of teeth, elephants grow six sets and sharks produce an indefinite number during their lifetime. Other parts of the human body are continually regenerated, continuing and affirming the circle of life. Though few of us are psychologically able to cope with the aging process, a denturist can help patients achieve a balance through hard work, common sense and sensitivity to patient needs. In summary, I suggest a denturist should always seriously consider the patient's original individual anterior tooth arrangement through actual illustrations of the esthetic effects and visual communication. As knowledge and technology advances we, as denturists, are far more capable of adequately creating the appearance our patients desire far more consistently than anyone else in dentistry. Indeed, we can help our patients re-create the youthful, smiling faces seen in those photographs. Affordable Dentures... One good Reason To Smite.' REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' Complete. Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER WiLM Stet W F. IGA) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKEPING VILLAGE, A.JA)( b83-4294 After hours 428-8801 COME TO OUR GOOD HEALTH CLINIC ON WED. ?4AY 27 - LEARN ABOUT ASTHMA AND ALLERGIES Your community Zellers Pharmacy Store... Everyday low prices. Plus, Club Z points! Where the Lowest Price Is the Law...EWRVDAY1* DURHAM CENTRE. HARWOOD AVE & HWY 2 IF DIL JOSEPH A. • TIME - MISKM, DENTIST QUAWY GENRE DENTAL CARE ARE V TO YOU WE AIM AVAB •nr sa `• `:: ; ~`` TO SEIVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENT'S:< :::.::::•:' :.::.�.:;;•: :: WE r PEOPLE :�.•::•:..:•:: :;. OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario W (South of Hwy. #2) t - 8i-Imid * R _ _ PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10,1998 See the inside of your ears for the very first time j Durham Hearing Cen- tres now offer the latest technology in the field of audiology. Video Oto- scopy allows patients to see the inside of their ears for the very first time. Also new to the Centres is a real ear probe mi- crophone. This new technolo- gy will a l l o w clients to see how their hearing aids are functioning on a TV monitor screen. Age effects on hearing By Ula O'Neill. MI. se., Audolog-W The incidence of hearing loss in the elderly is high. In fact, hearing loss is the second most prevalent chronic disorder in the elderly (with arthritis being first and visual impairment ranking third). Hearing k)ss due to aging is called presbycusis. The elderly, as a population, are growing in numbers and marry of them are hearing im- IWred. Hearing loss is a normal companion to aging - in fact, studies show that 65 per cent of seniors between 60 to 79 years of age had hearing loss and 81 per cent in the 80 -plus Fategory. The most desirable solution to most hearing losses is hearing aid intervention. In fact, "90 to 95 per cont of d/lflculydiea do not halve a awdical or stagicW condition a mocisird wfih dw* prok - liem". Hearing amplification is generally what's needed to help the ACTIVE ager. Good health starts with good hmr- ing. Ninety to 95 per cent of whose perry con - cm, is heer ft, NEED TO SEE AN AUDIOLOGIST. Audiologists possess a univer- sity masters degree and are trained in hearing tests and hearing aids. Audiologists are li- cenced to prescribe hearing aids in Ontario. Ouantum leaps in hearing aid technology have been achieved in the last few years. Hearing aids are much smaller - some fit dewily into the canal being virtually invisible to others. Hearing aid circuitry is sgAsti- cated. WKW Senso is 100 per cera digital and offers: " CD quality sound processing " More processing power than mast desktop computers " 40 million calcutafiorts per Comfortable, natural loud - Contact one of Durham's Hearing Centres clearest you. Auditory retraining therapy for Tinnitus Congratulations to Pickering Audiolo- Pied in auditory retraining therapy for gist Lila O'Neill and Whitby Audiologist Tinnitis. Shira Miller for becoming two of only Tinnitis is heard as 'ringing', 'buzzing' five Audiologists in Ontario to be certi- or 'clicking' in one or both ears. _(e who hears we%X, ""derstonds the With SENSO you will forget you are wearing a hearing aid and be able to concentrate on the enjoyment of life. The digital computer technology in SENSO continuously measures your listening environment automatically to: - Set volume - not too loud, not too soft. - Maximize speech understanding in quiet and noise. - Prevent annoying feedback whistling. NN Oman in her sixtks: •1 41111 rcrs %rtt..ipve to noisr hur kith my .W.-A'SO aids the .oruid, that used to aaam• me arc goat, - %iutph• filtered out. lad Nutt ,,rrt% mcgreat fit are n/ urrnd Behind the Ear In the Ear Completely in the Canal Call now toll free 1=800=365=6614 or on the web www,widexeanada.on.ca for an information package including a list of Senso Certified Audiologists and Hearing Instrument practitioners in your area who will supply you with further details and pricing. by Mkdex �:Ajim-Pkkerift AudiobV Clink Ajax A>udidog3' Services rbkby Bming fiends 831-8311 y °. ,r $31-8311 :, ,7� r "6-7726 1885 Gtea>om u Rd, Suite 104 +35 Bsyly St Sy Suite 303 1®32 Brody St. S., »� Oha6s& LIV - zz��40t 13" ;. tllta• iteatt4 ) . -. tiK : _ . I y Advertising Feature 1J THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1998 -PAGE 21 The price of freedom* Those fortunate people who enjoy normal vision probably take for granted the little pleasures in life — as tiny as they may be — like opening an oven door without steaming up yourglasses, or waking in the middle of the night and being able to see the alarm clock. The freedom to do what you want, whenever you want, without worrying about breaking your glasses, or getting dust under your contact lenses. Now there is a revolutionary laser surgery procedure which can offer many people an opportunity to throw away their glasses and their contacts and enjoy normal vision without aid. It's called Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) or Excimer Laser corneal surgery. No longer an investigational procedure for a certain range of -prescriptions, PRK is widely used to permanently correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism. "Ophthamologists (medical doctors with advanced specialized training in eye diseases and eye surgery) have always worked with light and the focusing of light, so it seemed natural to use lasers for the treatment of eye disease;" says Dr. John Neil MacLeod, who has been practising ophihamology at the Oshawa Clinic for 20 years. "Ordinary light has various pro rties, different wavelengths travel in different directions;' he explains. A laser has only one wavelength "in phase", meaning they're all travelling in the same direction. This enables the light to carry a considerable amount of energy, while being extremely precise. There are two types of lasers — hot or continuous wave, and cool or pulse lasers. The Excimer Laser, an example of a cool laser, was developed is 1979 by IBM for industrial manufacturing — it is so precise it is used to make fine patterns on microchips. It was first used b Dr. Theo Seiler of West Germany in 1987 to correct least one year. The majority people can expect vision similar to what they myopia. had with glasses or contact lenses; In explaining the p g procedure, Dr. most achieve 20/20 vision, says Dr. MacLeod, adding 95 per cent MacLeod compares the eye to a camera — the cornea is the refracting surface and the can legally drive without glasses He lens fine tunes the focusing. In people with or contacts. claims a 95 per cent success rate with just one myopia, the eyeball is too long for the focusing mechanism, making them near- treatment, some require a second session for optimum effect. sighted. Those with hyperopia (farsightedness) have eyeballs which are To restore the eye to its natural I"short, and those with astigmatism have shape prior to treatment, soft eyeballs which are more egg-shaped than contacts must not be worn for two weeks prior to the treatment: for round. By reshaping the superficial front surface hard lenses, four weeks. The day of treatment, a corneal is of the cornea, the Excimer Laser is able to map taken in which the curvature of the improve the eyesight of many people from eye is converted into different suffering myopia and astigmatism. "The comes is about the thickness of a colors on a computer screen This determines exactly the parameters credit card, about 550 microns.- says Dr. of the laser treatment. MacLeod. "With PRK, we remove about 25 to 50 microns (of tissue). It doesn't weaken For the surgery, the patient is the structure of the eye in any way" placed in a reclining position, an inflatable pillow holding the head Which is not the case with RK, or Radial Keratotow.y, a surgical procedure in which steady. The eye not being treated is covered and the patient is told to a scalpel is used to cut through 95 per cent focus on a blinking red light. of the thickness of the cornea, using up to "It is not a painful procedure in 16 incisions in an attempt to flatten the eye surface. "In my opinion this weakens the any way and the only medication structure of the eye, and increases the risk given is topical drops:" Dr. MacLeod says. Following the of infection:' says Dr. MacLeod "Laser refractive surgery is where procedure anti -infection, anti - inflammatory and steroid drops medicine and technology meet:' he adds. are applied and clear soft contact Although the treatment takes from 15 to 40 lenses act as bandages during the seconds, in rare cases up to one minute, per healing process. Although there is eye, thereis extensive pre -operative and usually no pain per se, patients post-operative care included with the procedure. Eligible candidates must be may feel an irritation or scratchy feeling tested first; they must be 18 years or older, have healthy eyes, be free of collagen while the outer layer of the cornea heals, usually three to five days. Vision is disease, and have had stable vision for at typically quite First Aid for Dental Emergencies Compliments of Dr. Chanji Toothache Clean the area around the sore tooth thoroughly. Rinse the mouth vigorously with warm soft water or use dental floss to dislodge trapped food or debris. DO NOT place aspirin on the gum or on the aching tooth. If face is swollen apply a cold compress. Take acetamiophen for O pain and see a dentist as soon as possible. Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek Apply ice to bruised areas. If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with a clean gauze or 1 cloth. If bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes or it can not be controlled by simple pressure, take the child to a hospital emergency room PAM Golgi Acupractic Balancing A completely new, clinically proven treatment to relieve back pain, neck pain and headaches. [Developed by a team of medical and chiropractic physicians to treat pre -Olympic athletes. .prug-free treatment. Pay only if satisfied. Call (905) 427-1226 for a free, ^� no -obligation consultation. .. _" "-"""Dr: j.1b sf wk --Clinic Direacir - �,S1STRY 4 sPEc, r4!6�+ G DL MM L DNLqI I A=13 wilbITHS PICKE "TOWN CBm (LOWER LEVEL) • latrpl` g yos and »deMon pwf a WA M"supw Nnt8 fin • 2a hour minerSpicy seervice • 6w,a„p.Mir „p A - - • no tMarr * ri imee ry * Free consukatioa * No reerral necessary * Braces for addts and chAdrea * Evening sad Saturday appointments available Dr. Christopher Tom Ordwdontist Pickering Town Centre, Lower Level a, . blurry for the first week following surgery. Because the eyes are susceptible to infection, patientsare asked to refrain from certain activities, such as swimming, gardening and hot tubs during the first few days following surgery. According to Dr. MacLeod, any risks involved with laser surgery are preventable or treatable. If the eyes are under -corrected, PRK retreatment will be performed at no extra charge. If the eyes are over -corrected — a very rare occurrence — the eyes will he treated with a Holmium (hot) laser, also at no charge. The Holmium laser uses infrared energy to shrink the comeal collagen, in a belt -tightening effect around the edge of the cornea. It is currently used to remedy hyperopia, but there is hope down the road for application of the Excimer Laser, says Dr. MacLeod, Dr. MacLeod is one of 15 doctors performing laser refractive surgery performed at the Toronto Laser Sight Centre, 2235 Sheppard Ave. E., Suite 101. Willowdale — "a leader in Excimer laser treatments in Canada:' says Dr. MacLeod, who holds regular free seminars at the Oshawa Clinic to explain the procedure. At a recent meeting, a number of satisfied patients addressed the 25 people in attendance. Brad has had renewed eyesight for one year, going from a -12 diopter Pprescription to 20/20 vision. " wanted a career in 1 law enforcement:' he said. " 1 was told I wouldn't be turned down (because of my eyesight), but that this would be that much better." Wendy had only had her surgery I I weeks prior to the meeting, going from -10 and -7 pprescription in each eye to 20/-0 and 20/25. Passin the heavy, thick -lensed glasses she wore for 30 years around the room, she said "I feel I've been given the gift of sight. I have an extra 70 minutes a week now not doing my contact lenses — I figured it out" Laila kept a diary during her recuperative period. She reported a pain-free procedure, with a number of days with scratchy, dry eyes which were quite sensitive to sunlight. "Before I couldn't function without correction: now I have perfect vision" - If there is a downside to all of this, it's the cost, which tallies at $2,1(x) per eye. OHIP does not cover this procedure, nor is it likely to in the near future, says Dr. MacLeod -- not because it's not acknowledged, but because of budget restraints, the high cost of treatment and the huge number of myopic Ontario residents. Nevertheless, more than 4.0x)0 people have decided the expense was worth it since the centre opened in 1991. The price of freedom. ■ Dr. D. M. Gabrielle is re -opening his Family Practice at 519 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-6851 mew (nDunda !MJ 1 a 6. PKLLG.11tS' o V :. Hwy 401 MeK onw all LASIK LASIK IS THE MOST ADVANCED FORM OF LASER VISION CORRECTION Laser Vision Correction has been performed safely for more than a decode to correct nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness. JOIM Ile aU4IM 11111110, 1KK OW a I -- PRO Dr. Madeod and his staff at the Oshawa (lire offer the faNnq free opporhrAes to get the facts about laser Vision Correction: s(reening * cansoltaAon • educaiifnd workshops Ti 11MaitMM of N taoritre Mre,�iatt dk (905)121-1211 SIE 5_1 aIII`'fix E HERZIG EYE INS"ITUTF N older surface PRK procedure is still being performed, and althlotrgh effective, LASIK has many odvantoges over PRK. Below B a comparison of the two procedures. PRK Most patients have 2 - 4 days of considerable pain otter the procedure. Vision is blurred fa 3 -1 days fokiving the procedure. Vision can fhxtuote fa 1-12 months. VS LASIK , Almost completely painless. Most patients (an canfortably thrive #or (or within 12 hours d heaving the piaedure. Vision in most patients is stable after 2 - 6 weeks. Eye drops ne(essmy to control the Eye drops used for I week only. he* process fa 2 - 6 maths. Mary postbpe►aave visitsI Very little oftercare necessary necessary to ensue proper because of mioirrwl healing 11111014 -response. JOHN N. MACLEOD, MD Oshawa Clinic, 111 King Sheet East, Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 189 For write WUNN as tMt! ort 11111111111110410 www.hatrir#y*.ntw PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1995 , tl /► uT ''w^M" �Im• TRUCKLOADS DAILY FROM ONTARIO GROWERS 7i F ''irk � MIX OR • • v`� �/'� % r VIA I (, H IN 11A Il: tz BOXES !►�: _u►�►..y''"'.�i BOX OF 4 PLAN'T'S 2 L BOTTLE •.. . [fir, 355 mL TL�1S � CASE OF 24 x - • • • . • COCAnCOLA CANTALOUPES �! • � UP ` MEDIUM SIZE 1:>rs SELECT •V*k," YOUR r./ P-rvjPSI 991i• 3 CANADA DRYS 1 9 9 AeA77S.5 SNACKWELL N'MPTv o r i �•, NON-ALCOHOLIC U 'JUMPTV C!UIKKI �ART� �4�K: SNACK 1atsH WHITE I�iro�ir` LIINI a" BEER 4,99 Cpc 2.29 •99 69 PLATEN, 1,99sxRoos 149:�?sHRooMs1.99 2+355 LTNSEA 300 PKI EA ASSrjP'.uSIZESEA� PKG OF 56 ?2a.^ s�epQxsys,-c 3 c ^rli�4Qx_iYi.L9 E.D. SMITH •RNE*S -A PROCTER & GAMBLE o FOLGERS• • OF • KETCHUP s BBQ GROUND COFFEEAL4LNGOSSIZE LARGE 1 kg TIN SIZE 12-1 Fier; 1L REMCGERAM SELECT E ME. YOUR OWN BOTTL�� ATE ' 89 L CANTON 10 1 , • LI1Vm EA i 2 -------- �/ LEMT ,99 EA $ p BOVRIL lffiv, (FRENCHS 250.500 mL NU'EL:A EIAHISEN HI? - PRODUCT OF 'J S A CALIFORNIA A A►7bO_ R1' D • ,mtil- ARD M.rkrtM �y a u 11.L.V PELASH EA •79 ' A 4JAR.49 A coox50 g �Es g ; MEo?lvs 1.25 EAI 5/a 1 BO N BOX OF t6 PACKETS EA. • SALT &PEPPER RED "SEEDLESS" 155Ig�. L69 PAPER TOWELS JUDEBO 6 -ROLL PKK GRAPE ESTA 1449 FACIAL LARGE POT PIES Eh.49 _ PKG OAF 1 00 OLARGa4I. BUNCHES CI'mus •69 218 kg BEVERAGE Aw91.88 L BOYrtE lo89 STUARTHOUSE MAJESTA DIRECT FRCNN JAMAICA • M YANG SPRING Foy, WRAP 199 NHMS 1,29 ORTAMQUEMORANGES N 207g) RO ? c 2w s Bm 18 x25 12 x 5O EA PKG. CIF 150 . •TOWS 9088BO% F'.A. PRODUCT OF •. • •••• UCT OF HEAD LARGE LARGE SIZE •IIHII •�•����TTpp��vvB��O��I�aS SIZE ,oEMZVM7fri[1� BUNS SELECT YOUR OWN 8 FSA, • FILL YOUR OWN BAG 218 1c8 1.8. • 9 LARGE PACKAGE OF 12 �►- *::• =obl-ICT OF M EXICO U S A GRADE PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA ASSOIrrED iii • A71�3FV VES BUCUMBEM � IF FANCY GRADE BOSC PEARS 200 mI. BTL. EA. • (IiB�v OHION • (.99 F.lU R FILL YOUR OWN BAG 1.52 kg LB_ • BSALTEp • LJIVBALI� 2*79 ...464 PACSAL`E ,�' HOT HOUSE "NEW CROP" ROYAL. GALA TOMATOES �.'9 APPLES an �rM�� FHL YOUR OWN BAG 2181+8 L,B, • FILL YOUR OWN BAG 218 IM L,B• • V Cori*i'�� o79 1 PRODUCT PRODUCTCALIFORNIA •7Lit+L• ►7 LARGE SIZE L-41MIF SIZE 728 Marketetl by �►� COOKING ONIONS �.M' 2 NAVEL ORANGES DENNEg LARGE 10 LB. FA1rIILY S>ZE BAG • SELECP YOUR OWN DOZEN2*nun PRG. EA. • . .. . . .. VSWpmAM% f�O� --15*9� LE S • M,,, ,L� 'H M I.�►RGE 60 LB. BAG ,GBAGOF 60EA. ow • • 99 • LUMP 4 1� • LUr" 4 14 10 LB �0 E1.99, ,��G �j E� 2.4 7 AS E.4.AYM • OAL so mL JAR � r o-�rar ynrr pr yn.� ••rr•i.. ... q•..�nr•p ;. ... � ..iyt-.•. ... PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVER71SER SUNDAY, MAY 10, tfl{ - Ajax Pickering News Advertiser r - D� Ajax News Advertiser office Pickering News Advertiser Outlet ®® 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax 1822 Whigs Ad. Plekedws HOURS: 9 sol - 5po Mon.- Fri. Saraltee -AmWu III=CLASSIFIED ON-LINE Closed Sdoray 683 0707 'i110s.-Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. WWII; ••—.�••»...•.•� FAX: (905)579-4218 M� nos apse �r tR Spot On. - Fri., Sat 9:39=- 3pm SIIII-N m 1115 p.m. 1100 100 __TORONTO LINE 147 6)798- fZOO WNW mun=y S. FAX OW 5710—MI 1 1 Careers 1 1 Carvers I I carers I I Carets I I Gnat 1 GernerN MMp 1 General HNP SERIOUS EDUCATION FOR A REWARDING CAREER DENTAL ,e e �` A PROGRAM This intensive and comprehensive course includes modules in: • Anatomy and Histology • Pharmacology and Nutrition e Microbiology and Sterilization , • Preventive Dentistry ' • Dental Materials • Operative Dentistry • Radiology • Medical Emergencies TORONTO • Prinicipies of Dental Assisting PICKERING CAMPUS • Customer Service and 1450 KINGSTON ROAD interpersonal Skills 420-1344 Applications are now being accepted for the course starting June 15, 1998 Be qualified and ready to work in 1998 Financial assistance may be available if you qualify Custorncr ,Service Consultant As a world leader in Temporary staffing services Interim Personnel requites an individual with strong Customer Service AdIls to assist in increasing our market share within the Durham Region. This is an ideal opportunity for a goals oriented. self -motivated professional. Previous staffing industry experience would be a definite asset. You will enjoy an attractive salary, performance based incentives and a team environment. Please fax your restu sE in confidence to: T tasohKhlaL� (905) 579-6050 YOUTH AND ADULT ,JOBS�V LE ; Rehil Sales ' • These are a malt ample of the jobs available Ulrou�l JOB CONNECT Call a hotlikeft ne N ids is !Funded by the Government of Ontario 11 C',,,,, OffOW11ASE CHILD AND FAWLY SERVIUS is PAnw- h lookup for anaW expaarrnd HILD AND C COIli6ELl0ri b work ful fife .Asn an or oar ipso" s The steeps" Carratdaer as awe sgwn- C distorted drfse ier' rc a refidwrbal reatfon emrrw moil and possess cirri dersuridiriiii of Mus- tr faon �yrss I1 111 n This a poa- f1t3:70Za a o m"ia w�Mh i WWWefrerwve bO M pack- aee. Plisse lsrwad raana b: ENTERP"ASE CHILD AND butAPrnpprRaO. Mips. 10 Miry St. S. SaNs 201 loom LIN fit. PMMs 8061 ale -Moi. hn 9*434- EIVEN M CO" AND FAMILY SERVICE; is cwow* lad TME WW to seri Past fits ably aur asfbt The sfmss- Y mama err on Woof - an OW4 DIM onsoosly nonose dflele■ falda a /MeefoseMssMc aairefasft ad called owersaild- rfa a Moe aft o of ha it as o , paD AW FAMY SERVICU. Alt Robts 3doe PW «n W43 IN Shouldillood for � d� • or tool seds6 am oeeelN � era te tnorl0sedo. inpMfolMebr Plapsp milt yaw issioss in form to ed tete Dares 31. E unit 205. Widay, Onuids !M LOCq - on d in meront Uwe liwfati low Ips comm Is aoarrarfp N Do Apt ata This ,hm l you desire a Dion fel oat rt ro r we nee" irmso polarbsl. awn call for an lo- Wvfew. 'T --V provided' (905) 430.4602. TU aervioes of • cwaeraaer ase ragwked at the G.a4i.. t �aw� ..� is ur 716 is a nosier Position "m fnetly to Char Tie iaeesaheot ■ootrl he reePwsik ter an oc- die I 4W an;qm 6 Tit oodiiale rroid helds Froferioaal accwd- fea.8 -1 o and have a raiaiahas of 3 to S years sovmedimL reiMoi wort agatiooe lneaat rare NOW mons wear sad oerroiewdm slices. air Willi wilarr ~ami nois res so. - Mr. — Mr. Roper Canrfonresgerft 1350 F'AiNip Murray Ave Fax (905433-0111 e-aao arahnrreft1 .cam = MIL XWM Cana 111111110161f COW IKOW a d boo im uo r c aeaaaeie in ft'' raft. ae sty i� w a ai- eo'�u teals f2o�)723- Ma. Instil cuss ftowam AeMk. 11 gi-ss. mirri m pdiare, ase art. IrarfOs on lradw ode a cattK n. Caner SCOW of Hairgirl" Mill tinnier (905) 576-3558 l3ESENUM snoffrEs> ba 1s. a Efftiwni Nell 1 General NO Must has ML R ual sog veerontolOgy. Ability to work in a customer centre lam atmosphere Must be organized d residentfoased. Exc6l rH corrrwrocabon skills. Flerobility in hours b duties. Pas roeewe lice aod}412o-00x0 Norobw err Proves p10,-fi1-�. •�MYe C_ i Full tilale/Part thele coor*lalOr/WW or equlvalelit. Computer Rete. Expetierlce an asset. In Cam�11�� Heale 41 Village Raw"" Caalre Geieaf 1MWi8 Caen Talaft M Caen TtainkV = Carver Tieiarie _ IBM-l[aC DraRiea and Deayo V 13/14 • ttoss itaYty ac Tourism APPS ' •" C++ blica-vooptata RepairTech A+ Nerwiockft• 016ee Admioi�tiaa and supe Daian and Pr �pR� •11dulitildedla rWoducuorVwjb rn,e Dew. . • DesktopCIN'TOSH • DcsktaP PubUghnStPrepmw Graphics • Multibledia produc<bq/VNen page Design/Dev. LET QUANTUM WORK FOR YOU! $6.85 - $7.58 per hour OURHRM AREA Industrial positions auail. for 75 STRONG LRBOURERS • Shipper/Receiuer • Machine Operators • Material Handlers 56 INDUSTRIAL WORKERS • Assemblers • Collator/ Inserters • Order Picker/Packers !Most base steel -teed safety sheet/Mets. erlall said Cl It - or SaWags eccewt lafermatnen for 91mct Deposit. Interuiews to be held at: Pickering Recreation Centre (1867 Valley Farm Rd.) Wed. Mag 13, 1998 Call Tara or Rahel for appt. Tel: (416) 292-2282 QUANTUM isticor Magazine Distribution Services is T Wdefriabonal distributor of special Wrest publications located in Ajax, ►tario. R is a young. energetic and fast owing company that is currently in the led d a network administrator to wsee the LAN. This individual wail be sponsible for the general support and aintenance of a network rurn�q Novel 11, SCO Unix ver 5.0, and Windows T 4.0 that supports approximately 24 refs. 1e ideal candidate will possess a pbfrla In computer sfaefa i riplemerded by 1-2 years a tperience. ,owledge of Lotus Notes and/or iswtesa basic programn*V world be a "a asset. Ian olg a complitilme salary end witPlease /alt restsn i b• 9064""M Aft: Claatfa?bnler A C—wsfi�t�y Oer�pmi� P��s a range of and. servx,m "elm T FI11.L TIME CASE WORKERS Regrieeah am D44cou in hHumm Services and a mirimmn two years cKperie nee. Apply in W bybby 22: OORNERSTONE C 0bGd NrrY ASSOCIATION Sumas SL & Chao; 11N 40 CFO Asielle CfiMea dler Cat woeflei Shifts 5h- IReia wadw of homelea men) CFO Il wy Cook Resid," Facility Case Worim (Evening SUR - Reintegration of three setuenina hum Conectiorhal Facilities) ORBBR MC RILWACKIM riCKLRIIYG -t,. Inisiedirte opening for exp. pickerslpackas for bas term day shift Week in a Parts Wmebouse. bleat be filBWW W. contpulcrized irwallary systems. Safety shoes, ability to week in Eagiish a must Apply: GIoW Hnoaa Resources, 777 Warden Ave., #217, Sarb. (below Eantoin) MUM ThWW Good J' Learn dierapnitic rimssage and torn the growing field of Health Care professiornls -ntha GrowingCareers! drop frau OBC. Upon graAmix>na��h lo write die Amuntingii ve Assistant Of cxm to bworne a Rpeggis a x! wrace Addictions Worker • Human Service Wako • Massage Therapy owncxG '� asa�ir Rhf T oYr fnd Computer Software & Systems Operator • Dental AssistingmIni Secretary • Computerized Bookkeeping Tou & Hospitality M* pie Clinics. ticililies, hospitals nsm Business Administration • Qtiroprxtic Office Assistant Medical Office Administrator • Law & Swucity Administration or relabititatioa Ceram resorts, cn,eesfiips ... the options are Legal Office Assistant • Animal Care Aide • Child & Youth Assistant Firtarnclal Plannin Assistant •Medical Office Assistant •Law Clerk Ii1i812 It1i1RlI Pharmacy T •Medical Office Laboratory Assistut h R�J Limited Seating, ith 1111 � e' `, =elle�T�, ZN lois♦ SL W tad Floor h e.Surgical Cmr� Mi--- iLJ OAmn more. be is hospsah� M `� t#5��-9�� ova&* mural wow socieliei Pei rc veterinary clinics or zooL F+nw,aal Asawarc: msy lee Ararlabie #W �� TU aervioes of • cwaeraaer ase ragwked at the G.a4i.. t �aw� ..� is ur 716 is a nosier Position "m fnetly to Char Tie iaeesaheot ■ootrl he reePwsik ter an oc- die I 4W an;qm 6 Tit oodiiale rroid helds Froferioaal accwd- fea.8 -1 o and have a raiaiahas of 3 to S years sovmedimL reiMoi wort agatiooe lneaat rare NOW mons wear sad oerroiewdm slices. air Willi wilarr ~ami nois res so. - Mr. — Mr. Roper Canrfonresgerft 1350 F'AiNip Murray Ave Fax (905433-0111 e-aao arahnrreft1 .cam = MIL XWM Cana 111111110161f COW IKOW a d boo im uo r c aeaaaeie in ft'' raft. ae sty i� w a ai- eo'�u teals f2o�)723- Ma. Instil cuss ftowam AeMk. 11 gi-ss. mirri m pdiare, ase art. IrarfOs on lradw ode a cattK n. Caner SCOW of Hairgirl" Mill tinnier (905) 576-3558 l3ESENUM snoffrEs> ba 1s. a Efftiwni Nell 1 General NO Must has ML R ual sog veerontolOgy. Ability to work in a customer centre lam atmosphere Must be organized d residentfoased. Exc6l rH corrrwrocabon skills. Flerobility in hours b duties. Pas roeewe lice aod}412o-00x0 Norobw err Proves p10,-fi1-�. •�MYe C_ i Full tilale/Part thele coor*lalOr/WW or equlvalelit. Computer Rete. Expetierlce an asset. In Cam�11�� Heale 41 Village Raw"" Caalre Geieaf 1MWi8 Caen Talaft M Caen TtainkV = Carver Tieiarie _ IBM-l[aC DraRiea and Deayo V 13/14 • ttoss itaYty ac Tourism APPS ' •" C++ blica-vooptata RepairTech A+ Nerwiockft• 016ee Admioi�tiaa and supe Daian and Pr �pR� •11dulitildedla rWoducuorVwjb rn,e Dew. . • DesktopCIN'TOSH • DcsktaP PubUghnStPrepmw Graphics • Multibledia produc<bq/VNen page Design/Dev. LET QUANTUM WORK FOR YOU! $6.85 - $7.58 per hour OURHRM AREA Industrial positions auail. for 75 STRONG LRBOURERS • Shipper/Receiuer • Machine Operators • Material Handlers 56 INDUSTRIAL WORKERS • Assemblers • Collator/ Inserters • Order Picker/Packers !Most base steel -teed safety sheet/Mets. erlall said Cl It - or SaWags eccewt lafermatnen for 91mct Deposit. Interuiews to be held at: Pickering Recreation Centre (1867 Valley Farm Rd.) Wed. Mag 13, 1998 Call Tara or Rahel for appt. Tel: (416) 292-2282 QUANTUM isticor Magazine Distribution Services is T Wdefriabonal distributor of special Wrest publications located in Ajax, ►tario. R is a young. energetic and fast owing company that is currently in the led d a network administrator to wsee the LAN. This individual wail be sponsible for the general support and aintenance of a network rurn�q Novel 11, SCO Unix ver 5.0, and Windows T 4.0 that supports approximately 24 refs. 1e ideal candidate will possess a pbfrla In computer sfaefa i riplemerded by 1-2 years a tperience. ,owledge of Lotus Notes and/or iswtesa basic programn*V world be a "a asset. Ian olg a complitilme salary end witPlease /alt restsn i b• 9064""M Aft: Claatfa?bnler A C—wsfi�t�y Oer�pmi� P��s a range of and. servx,m "elm T FI11.L TIME CASE WORKERS Regrieeah am D44cou in hHumm Services and a mirimmn two years cKperie nee. Apply in W bybby 22: OORNERSTONE C 0bGd NrrY ASSOCIATION Sumas SL & Chao; 11N 40 CFO Asielle CfiMea dler Cat woeflei Shifts 5h- IReia wadw of homelea men) CFO Il wy Cook Resid," Facility Case Worim (Evening SUR - Reintegration of three setuenina hum Conectiorhal Facilities) ORBBR MC RILWACKIM riCKLRIIYG -t,. Inisiedirte opening for exp. pickerslpackas for bas term day shift Week in a Parts Wmebouse. bleat be filBWW W. contpulcrized irwallary systems. Safety shoes, ability to week in Eagiish a must Apply: GIoW Hnoaa Resources, 777 Warden Ave., #217, Sarb. (below Eantoin) 1 e/N6ra1 M61► tikNMrr rttlM Qowd Help IME fisRr d Help SPECIALTY FASHION RETAILER SEEKS ENTREPRENEURIAL STORE MANAGER One of Canada's most prestigious wailers seeks driven sales professional to manage our Ajax Factory Outlet Successful candidate will possess: • Solid retail experience • Proven supervisory experience • Superior visual merchandising skills • Strong financial management skills • Ability to lead by example while providing the utmost in customer service • Ability to coach both fundamental and advanced selling skills • Ability to build a dynamic sales team by developing existing staff and recruiting Canada's best performing retail sales professionals. Most importantly. the successful candidate will be a dynamic self-starter and a strategic thinker capable of maximizing opportunities that generate exceptional bosom -line results. Performance -baud compensation with salary bonuses and excellent benefits offered. Fax resumes to: (416)762-4570 or mail to: Danier Leather 365 Weston Road DA N I E Toronto, Ontario M6N 3P7 rLEATMIt FACTORY warns„ Attn: Linda Montalbara CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES it there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. lf the advertiser IS one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, m.. that aro fazed direc" to Osbawa This Week, will not be forwarded to ire file number. Origitahs must be sent directly as Indicated by the lasbudions is On ad. I�EPSENTAT111E Our client, a well established Ajax based manufacturer of industrial equipment has an opening due to interTtal promotion for an Electronics Teftkilau/Teclawlogist. Job responsibilities include trouble shoot- ing and introducing new products to cus- tomers. Candidates must have an electron- ics technician or tedtnoio W diplorna and be able to communicate effectively with customers. Raper In F, m I era to: RNM fletlan Tel: (416)-921.6221 Fent: 921-2222 HIGH -PAID POSITIONS WE OFFER-- ✓ Business lit Computer Consulting On -tithe -job Ziahung Program Learn While You Earn Worldwide Business A Computer consulting Caimficaae Send X= rrA•r ►.- WORLDWIDE CANADIAN MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS DIC. 1480 Bayly St., Suite 7, lidCerting, ON. LiW 378 Fac 905431-2a32 PEIMMIN Pr p6�ssive fo truck person. 4 daily work Mlleelt• after neons Mon-Thurs. and benefits. pRBas� r For conftlisinitlai Was view fan esin too: c it 5" -W= . ROiE6 Loss HEWNN has a fuIC01NNL10R poslbon available. If you are a motivated self-sGl W with both Sales and nutrition experlerm, please fax your resume W5 NO la tK7S �Y - Mlllnt jaw sky. (rmdbM. Vacekk or Bo". SwmYa ooll�atliened Fardon Nanwve�b�M to: $Md 5359 brw BAd.. IMltl'4 Ad. q2 filihkaallal OnL., low 4N5 AstiliaiLiinvl Stay mm-.- Mdn Mary. You asseraOk pro60 : turn1727M(. FM I Assaft ask did e, 416-012 m hall. Crwaen Cog". requires immediately FULI/PART-TIME DRIVERS zWth own relialik 4 cyl. vehicles. Days, Evening and Weekends. CASH DAILY + ll f Call 11 a.m4 p.m. only 426-5484 experkriol. tandem Expioi rl= telemakerer trails. Mklknnn 2 years U.S. needed. Good wage. Call (905) eW'iel . 905.571-0603 427.6040. Ajax. Full Time. • tlatbed experience • clean abstract • ICCqualified Top rates, weekly pay, benefit package. Please calf TRUST TRANSPORT LTD., Pontypool, ON 1-800-M-3719 Full tint• available immediately. Good wages, benefits. new trucks. Aopkcais must have a clan AZ kense with current ab- stract, a current ICC nnedcal C .-File. a Crimgal record -ch. a pre•emplgmernt USA drivingi eVeriawe scietle � o peerw. .. with rrerence to: J a M Tire International Inc. 717 Drake St oslaws. Ontario. BEAUTY SALON requires b- censed assistant Manager for Aiax SalarylcommsseivW tnus/pro"I "ll . Also styl- ist. M and put ewe. Cal Cauda. 1905) 576 2512. NOln7 Adventurous? Foe Entertainers proferred. No etnp. 1. jum 0n the pert tract in Ie adedt erter- taktarerd i -do W, 18 and old- aw. Cal 49118 fora "arview. CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers Check Mar ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will rot be re- sponsible for !nae Man one Incorrect insertion and there sheat be no li- ability for non -insertion of any advertisement. Liati ty for enrors in ads is brrrted m dere amount paid for dm spas OeCp- pyisq the error. NI copy is sublect to Me appro- Val of mita ement of News Ad"r6w. QZANIM P061lIOla9 AVAIL. lit. I yaw[ esp. Daafellwm assets ("0 e� MOPU # VSM FOrrua. Diet a rid retlis torr cambf RUSH SASE. To: LL Not 60-8 a' "', Noel East, silt 3591► M"sksaapa ontarb. L4Z 308 IWeaTTtE FLEA MMIttET m Oka MANAGER 2 umima 11111 - F' mine b =15 DriverNover AZ & DZ mq'd for Van Line Agent Min. 2 yem experience, dean abstract. Markham A 401. (416)292-1117 INSTRUCTORS needed to teach in -ear and in-class e:;n� Ajax LL (ltfkill2l"711 dTMall01wta10K 'fid Mholds tYiM<y Mwkwa look. Feremd ea oars Cal Linda Step OM play, 1-1 5 andel dispididw. Drivers can N otcess f60000�4 ., call Mots. -M. 10.4.905427-M. Exm fill Sa usembl OnM to �prodtu* Easy wpk. No m Fa F E deeds send SAS.E. b FM OW 6hYrNIn6 1Mtliearpal 1S2f3 ont,(11 i%R 3tot FLORAL DESIGNER say Oldham F1ered SMP aperwa" The successsffuulecan- delete must possess 3+ years experience m all aspects of floral design (weddings, funerals etc) Excellent communica- tion and custamcr relation stills MaafanIIff be ow Is: FiiM *4, Oekowe Tkk Week. P. 0.11a 431, D4kewa.ON. LIN 71.5 Full Time HAIR STYLISTS weeded for Ajax - Pickering area. $e/hour to start plus pro& -sharing, Buthday pay g good H corAhbons. For ukervww can 905-831-4337. FIRST CHOICE HAIR CUTTERS wue rtrnrw so � ager w� Cherawaln waswg. Pehen- kncaen CAI Mane for apps 831-3205. �WW+ Reefewto � OIbs ExpM an necessary Apply in w inn wen mum: 12M Ross- land oss- li aE Whfty Estrin. M NFAooYAmEns HAIR CUT- TING TEAM repaint a gym am nae No Male or knees Mut lave 2 per esp. raw be wOliv- , b keen am pow we 0a law. Guaranteed Salary P 091"M sionstreekurCam Nubia, las at 054303156. NOMBWAM. insists shad• ends. part -tame t posiaora available to tfn0ee 1 Von aeeg16 order. hour M trn 57.0G tion who plsally. Ca/y0b 6194M between 14P fix b arange an uterwas .. IEYITMAI Dry CNaurrs, PYitw/Seannlnss. Perwa- iem pal unit pnx;ikOrn. W prix1742 bad St S. Mme. Yoe.-Tprs 9:30-2:30pn Sw♦ft a FIT & FIT &NIr119f U • Mh 17 yrs. • Blallsa Cross PWM Call ,7"TVs7V l 10 1k. OMtTM UT rids adredided 5 vers d cep Kende! INMI or would cearre 4/e -la am, or to 9056011-1077 sk*w am am b(aCBaalYeOesa cat 10�iArteraMly. (7853144 rNN1Ea fes. �0 III sand p and "a- 111111taping work tea"Be of walnlid wWNN OFPWN w lea. n>t n gran Md. Port Per? ala. Sidi WAS. 11111. (W5H65 7 1(905 NU TTS Park Dow as" fa heavy duty duct Caro dWbLoc n � Must provide dean drivers abwxL Apply at 1751 WW - woo St. Waal Unit 011, ea- when d- � IDR 4pm. 1b OM IMM o«w61 HdP PELIM EM Part I= Oft Cleavers needed. no setel - enee fecasxy. Ocawa to daW .meek. 2-4 houssifft staad It didhded), must be bondable a have own transportation. Cant Mon. -Fri. gem only. Mdersal's gow5g Maimenence 905 /OF156t. PROFEftilOnllt. Panders wanted, must have min. 2 years experience. with refer- ence phone numbers. Call Shawn 905436-0545 after GPM NELIANIE TELEMARKETERS needed fa oar hen. ernerpdk Oshawa ofM1te. Morrrrngc NW Of evenings. Guaranteed hourly rate phos prat cash 723-bonus;00pad day. Cal %5- �. RECUIR® intnediatdf ex- perienced buildingman- tenance person for evenmp a weekend work. Meavy lifting required.in person to THUNDERS 0 Goll CNA 995 Myrtle Rd. Ashbum Ont REOUIREO immedis". Ex- perienced short order cook Shift work repuind. Appy n Person to THUNDERBIRD Golf Cub 995 Myrtle Rd. Ashburn Ont. STUDENTS $12.65 TO START Int company h several IFT/Pr open ity this sunurrr m1wia ships awarded. Work own arra. Call neare office for unto..... Call Oskawa ("511 7274920 Call Peterborough 17%) 745 �g61 positive. motivated people for CA awns Evenings and we 0, 1 it Fon a" "113- snortal work abto,o- Cal Liu betvreen 2 p in. and 9 Pat (905)=-Z= THE NIEWS ADVIERTISIM is looking for pe pects to deliver newspapm and 111 .yers to the following AJAX Arnie Cres. Roberts Rd. McNedage Ort. BiB�e Cres. Rd. Tuaoch Dr. Rolitieffulen Rd. N. PK:KERNG SNXRKIrst Cres Mekkon Dr. Thicket Cres. Debrook Ave. Alanbury Cres. Btairnood Ort. Dr. f(rosno Blvd. Zator Ave. Morin Rd. Pandernere Pkwy Fanfare Ave. Tudor Calan Cres Pert L4*p Rd. Josaly Ave. Froug Dr. Fipftlarlds Decimal Pleoe Ravine Park Cres. Paklte Ave. pAar�or�tisal,, A r."o,..^^'tri Dr. Clark Senor ftm East Awa. Ho blri9e Ave. FOR RAW ER 991 IGIANKT10N CALL ON -017 vidor nNMmltOaLepw Faewal ala ra in -0 III NK d�sp�WyNw�aL1�tmod SM a NpJle. h1 ueen I 571- 9eRA�E31 - E , am !fors. Hum ceee aftv.s.w. mug M oeelNad We an a ttyeeadb loot E eM6 ft* NY stat whicoests WANUM hirdlisiduals ow him Will redinst 330 Kft SL ML. Nea=lft Or. is isil rMISgMr 1" �f�M.Ya�eApg�y IN paaoa to vicim u b )4i ryry Ifs, cede 11 01-7 pat 967 swsNey Rd. S. Ajax. Cal WANT TO E MCMI We bass a proven VAM ytl60 is milt- ingwe $$119miIlOn Intel cemnptakd slim. d your mothfiled. Der- sklpd. & tl0adabk, we rwd Nam Cent g w rR .,.nit r•• w.. es. CAN (905) 6 9-x067. TILDE NEIYS ADNElir71sca summY, MAY 16.1!!9- PAGE M M Situ lbw JIM tree MWAOI a II gree 1kyLApxle . alEl/ NIM Immediate opening for 3 full time experienced sales people t0 sell custom deSi '' geed Internet Web Sites to local business. Full training provided. High commissions. QUAUFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE Previous marketing experience Internet Literacy Disciplined, self -motivated and dynamic Own Vehicle Please email resume to: cchartrand®worldsites.net 1 tiwnral HAM 111MIto -llama Carers. Line Cooks. and pM time. Apply within. No phone ars please. Don Cherry's Coolies. WANTED - MAINTENANCE worker for plaza in Ajax. knowledge of ger:lrial, woodwork or plumbing pre- ferred Call (905) $83.9763 1 �1f PART TIE Hostess required W new tame development in Whitby. weekends a hobby Mondays: IIam - W". vehi- de regrere0. Must a" duo - ung with public. Fa resume to: 905436-9W. Sir 610 WIZ -The unimate card game Require Sala Reps Have tun. Make mx0my. Enior pIayfmuqq cards? Call Doug I - st9-941-80113. INSIDE TECHNICAL sales support required for heavy 40an0m1rt maim adlukrg company haat be agile 10 Iltlldk a1 ntrgW order W try. ervaciq aid csleclforn. Fa resune b Etngi- aesskq 1!051 721.1 PAM SALES W Durhaw Report's most progressive SSon apnasnO n Pat- pr � pm Industry to serves and w47arm new no Onglknq so- cowml mm of sed►-wigim- ad and !lave at«11 ' cow- mwrc~ and movies, service skins Rea Comdr alba gim b kala POnrt- oil an ntses I cleat bar. Excellent opportunity for ad- waaaem wth an oiganta- son in w graret stage very aura" remusts un plan anialebe for rglt iaurddase Pear tax resume for tor► sidemem w 905.430 -SM PeBPESt mm. walwe cotmllnwamd San rep: mai t s ars per day to aegawa - jr 2 pasts - take Mone a yar. Fax NOS) 707-5608. SALES prohissionat for urge EV an aartkm not am - my 90542570x5 for Mor- vww (SM) fAlii NElESErOT16E for sanitation supply comPard. ban salary. commosr0m a Car allowarna. Must be ag- gmssrie. Anwwc and tort a strong sales ability only e1- perience0 sells peopie need Please submit reslwe :1.2i -S. Theron. do UW S. 410 IN" Ake W Drift¢� LIS 2Q. Fax (905) /• �, bug term mutiwam sen atealu aPermta Fa n fume 10 (14 `) 4950600 a sa6 MI fret 1-889-5053222. sof PMR. INSURANCE aR01l;EIL Requires an expokood ti.B.O L'canod persidaw fidies C.S.1t. Fax resume to 905-428-8672 and o- sl - Phil a ow so va Klee CAN 1. or tee CLM A UCEN= Ls - Oval: ngrires to theft ern and kinsii d-irli�ua. *ft �stom $hi Prue INt n- twtnata 900AW12112 CNC WILLING OPERATORS (false ooldnok) Nava Oor- ing WIN apafalofs (Union r spindle), W u (Mast have void wakfsq bilins). and RH lir mewed to navy owl1111, ' WAN Iunifaction fax re- slwe to (SM) 721-1204. Dt. nes 6tgYwefYq INC. MN1Ma tNHNNe, experi- enced urleUarninx wanted int mediately. Full a part-time. Meat have bralt 4 a front and experience. AC an asset. Ap- ply in person to Midi Pick- erin� 1650 Kingston Rd. or tax (905►-666-22To. FAWLACONO WINooLa am door Insurer. to be CW able ofirrstaMrq hays. bows, NW cutouts. minorum 10 yrs. experfator. Good pay. Steady work. Own tools and and oansporalks.Cal 571.0864 SrJINeDNONPaI Manowar- er inq bra flarnds on Stlfppirnq Sups: wife min. 5 years experience who en- joys a fast paced. challenging NOW Help SII'wed Hdp computer EGI's ander A's, you14 ill b responst or shippers and co-ordnanrq world-wide export of multiple sku's for read distribution Fax resume to (416) 724.6818 SHOPPERS needed with 4-6 years experience in exporkst consumer packaged gofer anNor retail. Should also have experience in picking. torkeift operation. handing bills of lad" and be wi3 V to work shins Please fax resume to (416) 724-6818 SPRAY ►HINTERS. minimum six months working expen- Knee boo term krtp tan n 1 MMedical 1 ►bspi 1�reekr surae b (416 495-0941 or call toe free 1509.3222. CH-ClIb MARE Services Urgently requires REGSTEII� NURSES �TElEO PRACTICAL NINRSES for our Community Visiting Program throughout Durham Region. Criteria Required: • Current RN/RPN registration • Community Experience • Added skillsAV Therapy. CADD etc • Must have reliable vehicle Flexibility to work shaft. weekends • BENEFIT PACKAGE AVAILABLE Stiq Rel�aeired: PERSONAL SUPPORT WORIEERS M SIRPORT MOI�EIS LWW2i3 IEALTN CARE AGES Plesse forward resume to: Human Resoluta, 8210-290 Bond St. W., Oshawa ON L1J 2V or fax to 905-433-2353 Oebons/Mnrlbw Mww PeseMeie rater ls William no n-opmes" This Vw",* i") gy, 141 rtr.�A�ci cirsann,. r4 1s Onyesw AvoisOkn . Deyeso AxdsMe Day Care Available laNFAKM -12 YEARS OLD In coding. sere, tun hon Myviranneen . Licenstid by Wa&S. Rwp- "I rales Awowipts, Nsalbll hours. Call 11)11011111111illN PMAMElslow1L NONE DAYCARE WtW Now, Spring and Summer Sof YWS SneNarkr H64pers Hire a live-in nanny from Quebec Call. to arrange an in tame appointment (416)488-3373 lriM HIM tiMHAL MACrNialU a Mig welders. 112..00 per M Maawom NAM be upen- enwad on abte wind may madd.w Call Crystal Per- falnnd. (905) 579.0252. JW NOW HSM 1110NITMAL Clttwq and Sewiew Orr► rapidly gr�wG roswor has pons avail- chine btdustrW swig tare Cline tpstatas and fabric tadters. n you Paw Kneel Wes. Please Call (9005) *0 x714. WANTED: Experienced Pool Sema Technician eaalMO Own verde and tools re - TOM, Please ns (905) 420- 7%5W rnIm a- (srlp) mooer Wished DENTAL Assisteel. Reap- nomst for onnotiomlc office, Computer exp. , " a typing rets mod. Please send hand- wnfin ntternne b 1050 SWI me St N. Sute 112. Oshawa. ON LIG 4WS M. l D.yrae AAAZ Wean"/" 02 t Full � rime are giver waned in my name for 2 young children. Staring in August. Nrd now siwroktr, own Uarwepprappn a reeenerwees (905)-27.3031. EV"IENCED NanryRfOMe keeper for 17 mouth Old a newborn. Rraartxs ASM Finch ansa Cal 50 4157 a - ter i30pw PICKENNII. Hwy02 Dodo. nanny required Ip todder. ovin tranportakon PNM ax resume am rtfavnca b 905-831-3091 . Dart" beim DMW,AkENAMA. Expen- nmad energetic mother of 2 sat opensfor dlllwert 2yn1 a up %. sage emuon• meow Pobn cine- a refer - 91 ageabe. Sherry 420- al1`72 IIMW000/NORTN hvny n arra Reliable daycare avail - Are tat my home Affordable rata Non-smoking wwxdw- mind, FUN -um. 6 warRt a Lip 905426-2676 PICREINNt lana / Raft Loving darrsne. 18 moron to 12 years Dally otntgt (IenCtd backyard am park) craft stray Inert. rtlnsc mit trines mea" a wads Fiat Aid. CPR. artdied MOrn- s loins receipts. 905-428- 1244 VWO fvttad PS Area daycare available. CPR plea hat ad. 2 ppyroows. large backyard. Daily ouomps. As- cl pts Itramed. 837-1844. ;ill 1 a4hlp d. 9It x a R. xx 9 Ii. 5450 or Oast Ofkr. (985) *7-216. nuum I" stove, eoo0 8congbw 63 $150. obo. 1W IEA�t t�TaT, Mill ser. Dies. $ts: Oedroom sit =0: Sanyo Tv a RCL YCAL 5300; new betal. $f0: ping slide VOW SM Wks amu ral atm N oobrr~ 4 i 9 smby �0L2i 1H 220 spwa' i 0!44 a-wftMr i P�.wM A eMMK dice repents. amen Insist.�wred lila Newwr r� asat opmm 416-3"� Plas Doss no MIM 1Or15 singe eve[ M Dict 350 T-51. Papa pro maker. Stillerth" pllawte � WM 3 stabw mitfr, 5000 Na. Call (905]CI681110 him . LEAMEa kAbk, up b 12 price, leather purses from 19.99, limage from $19.99. MWW wallets from $6.99. EWyOl V Must W Faml)t Learns. 5 Paints MAN Os1na wa. 905-72114M. • ■ • • • v e _. x. �r •sew • s w ♦ • i s e avti�e s• w -s 4KGE 36 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 14,19" p� ^ smfe 5mY 1 puna "lien karrea 11 "lien I Alit CON01710NER 10,000 BTU SM: ndm0 lawrinawer 8 POOL. Tom". 8 and 9 stake billiard tables for sale. Call W DEM hp 30• cut 1900. will fit 1 hragh gates: 436-7833 905-420-6113. SERVICE ALMOST (NAND new 5 pc. NEN" TO no APPLIANCES. new and reconditioned. full Home and web page creation Hyper bedroom suite 2 night tables, warranty. Paddy's wrket, link and server storage. how, $wood. $44040 negotiable. (905168(x1396 555052263 8369 or 1 -SM -798 -COR John Duarft IED. BLACK wrought iron ca- nopy. Queen orthopedic mat- tress/frame. Never opened. $1.200 Sacrifice $490 (416) 407.9499 IMAM ALFANA road bike. 24•. 8 speed. 600/165 com- ponmts. Mavica firs. 5660 Ph. 728.9171 (snp) BRAND NEW, rota bed. $750 Lazy Boy . good condition 5350 Brass and end tables $400 4 Swivel chairs (Kdch- en)$301each 905-697-5980 CARPET WOKEN. 100%. Nylon thick. plush. stain re. sistam carpet For 3 rooms. only, $36900 Price incudes 30 Sq yds Carpel. deluxe pad W. installation in your hone. Free quOMM . in your tome. No interest, no paymem for one full year. Daniel. 1-800- 217-0104 CARPETS - lots of carpet. 100% nylon. new stars re- lease carpets on Iwo. I will carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Price VICIN carpet, premium pad. expert installation. last deliv- ery. free estimate s (30 yardsl. Norman 686-2314 CARPETS SALE: Lots. of car- pets 100: nylon Stan B- lease. Carpet 3 rooms 5339 (30 sig. yd) krckhdes carpet. Poe ON pad and installa- bon Free estimates. carpet OW Serving DMwn and wnouiding area Sam 905- CARPET SALE. Call and Save up to 504. On targe srle ' , of Mor aro design. Customer Sitistadion guaranteed For free sshmate cal Mike (905)4314040. (416)622- Im COMPUTER CLEARANCE center is clearing out nu merous used components - vOw card modems, con. NOW idc txhmd form $5 00 486 Computers from 5250 and Pentium loo's troy 5396 Used pey skit. VGA mor.- foe 525 RON your tf*Kn Cagle lex I-F'M Of row ,M) 97.3059 CRAFTSMAN i o radii arm - saw M otic Office desk 820. 905.725-9299 (sip) IMMOND 5aktaue Engage- mern Ring with Tiffany bow. 55 a. Mdkant cit. F callow Appraised at 53225 N krler- esled out (905µ36-8679 OINMG NOW Sate. com- plete 51000 Bedroom wife. warm. commIf 5600 Can 623-2366 FLEETWOOD Sae. Conde in perfect condeon Also ce- prod M Cil 905434-6663 NAM' APP AMS. Sales Parts i st-Ace washers 5175/up, dryer: S99/up de- luxe trop -free frhdees Sa00/ p Offer findiM 550/up. slot es Swap. a, , sde- ti-fide with rcemaker water &$pow $699 fun -sue $tKkaNl wisher i dryer 5599 Financing avatabk Up to 1 yea warranty Alif 2 - BM ON 426 Seem 31 S. (905)726-4043 NO for sale, first cu. $2 561 bale 6553551 mom Mr NANO for sok Good condi m. bearoiew cal. $1500 PMM Cam 427-2256. 118T TO SW, Filler 11010 Moa. WK. GFI brnluer, hard cover. cedar Cdneer >MNNO. ExcMkim cowib0n. ComoMe 52100.1905F571♦108. m m X-iticli orNrbpffdic F100waw. ow am ftm, SIN ih Ohom% cost s.6 SMI- d. mm. On sw 'MR. Apple 15' COW WAWi- �ZSM a Ma tauter Wo- 57. no* ►Map Ilabma by - &lowlo Pi". worlpN OrmM f1011`I ww �Y6aim6ppdC01D 52700 090. Cab 905 965- 4s7o. MAIM - 1 III 1 wkil. slows I. ki0gt Si00 i 111100. CWUW, INNoons. Cantata rods. nR ilial. ON for Slee. KamoM slow. $150. all 571-2410. -MM - Mmmm i AW a - RETAIL OISKAY UNITS 1 for C D's. books, etc. $40. each. Phone (905) 721 0601.(snp) ROXTON. couch and chair. like new, blue i beige block pprim. Paid 52.000 asking $850 Cal 905-434-1175. SHEDfMN - Quality wooden steeds 8' X 8' bam kit, only $299 plus tax. Marry other siz- es andstyles available Also W and decks 761 Mc- Kay Rd. Unit 3. Pickering For more into. Call 905.619-2093. SNOOKER TABLE. 6x12, reg- ulation size. Brunswick 'with accessories $5.000 or best offer. 905-683-7505. atter bpm. STAINED GLASS clearance sale of supplies. lamps, wind- ows bxtures etc. 30-50% off everything Must clear by May 31 9am-2pm daily Sun- dance Glass. 600 Euehd St. Whitby(WS)430-1727 OAK i PINE FURNITURE At Traditional Woodworkm9 we've started SPRING CLEANING', End of lines. 1 of a kinds. prototypes. display models must be sold at in- credrble sanfgs. Solid Oak table set $699. Solid Pine dresser C1w hutch mirror 5999. Solid Oak coffee i end Ube set $449. Solid Pete 69' terMertautmen unit $899 Shoop now for best selection' Trad- borW Woodviodung hard- crathnq quality sold Fine i Oak Furniture seem 1974 115 North Pon Rd (oft Reach St) Port Perry(905)965-8774 NO MONEY DOWN Penburr. 166-233MMx Comgmw Morn S10rwk 25•-5T TVs %_ S5 2S/w . Fahef Stereo S14*wk Alophericas 9025A.k Cdr Mex Dan 111625bk Scor Carve 144 $625(wk P" awvwr 125 its tel TIME is running out final clearance a Nmtvm motors. below our cost. $50 oft mCi for$ go ft ad. VAI* Sala TOSNIM NOTEBOOK 486X100 500 H0, 6 Mg. Wid- ows 95. 51400 obo or xrfee- afng Wafts 434-M (snp) USED FROGS 5225. and nip. used stoves 5200 and p. used wdsteers $250 dryers 5125 and up New Draw raw fridges. 16 C.1 5605 New brand rima 30- stoves $449 Caw . New 5 cl freers 5255.p 5 s Ap- pkahoa 227T� . DOW wig. 576.7446. WNM bedroom tum 3 dressers xarerob. Desk with hu". 2 hat beds. 2 boys Or - cycles O SW Five R gab door C $150 Various wind- ows s Suitable for Cxaape 576- 0051 Imp) Alvda 1 a ANTMM?Abseio yt Ad. vice. consultation -Fra. w pgails-nmkiknal Ne. auction service 20% tae.. _ ., PW - des" owright. esu"S will some ambgwe COrauft. (no limit to valve COmdi I ad). Caleck I CN aw sort gaar luta Or s.pe aaNgw dMs. 17 H In Nlpond to ON Meow . en- . A~ Boon A1N91ws- woomet. Ontario. ("5)6W 6019. m "WAS"= 8CMMMSwebay is your TVs a vc.R.•s wlakitl of IAL (905) 966.4256 Call M Was. we Bay. sw a a" Pay ligff to for fop Alas. awdid New tar aafm. belt. CO S. m10111a, SWAB. soN, do- momu. 11 M 9 71 2TI1 r Nath In UNW41 WART 1: 194 -1971( Sara cue 1 1 11, or plsft ably cmdium. PYOM ram (906)166-0164 AN "K crew toul/Ibu Rife. AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. wlim11200. Cucrlra oblee1350. b 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 appliances, Plane Cal (906)435-3134 Asst a rMleaglANNAMNE 55 FALBY CRT. CLOCKS- NOWUsed w d- CWIEM lagan at -rhe OW ,aNaM Gift a COB Showlploe' Yrat- SaNkk KirnMl. Ya mq . S. �k- from 095 y Rsrtt /d w IM Cdauoe Ra MN- wot and up to own. Large vNecim of i steel ydrolr Cly rs�sllowAb. „may lo Ile ptMl lba db n01 OranliNeu docks tram 5996 and k Cal TELFP PIANO . haw lo M tllNw. cam 905 4!1 436-1024. ;1M OPEMMC - FOIR-AMT CAM avaR- abk. AI level, fperJiitirp a dleK firAll m Oahe offer. n V begnnem. shin O*M a (905) 404-3744 aCCMnWdlW. am begin- G.R.B. aCO. (905) p May 1 t1n. 0838/52. (905) SSM39477 265 CANADIANA cupboards (flat- back. jam), blanket box. washstands, decoys. doffs. Bennington, glass. china, tamps. ptates etc. Call 655- 11 tri Safe 194 CNEVETIE 29.00K, $1100 as is $1350 cel. Onueen size waterbed. Boom box. 101) wan amp. 404-9040 or 666- 9737 8282 19N CNEVETTE, 4 dr auto. 1 compete, very clan. low mileage. litigating $1500 ixAified or best oR- er..905 728-0490. paper (905) NEW MUSIC a -zine 0 hnp:ii 435-1448. wwwduAWmnews.net/ 1M7 DODGE Caravan, excel- lent lent body $1200 as is or best Pools, otter. Call (905)438-9210 S 19th CAVALIER. White. 4 dr is Best offer. Good for parts. Tracker auto, white and Dtac SALE- FREE HEATER IGTAII Ifo A/C 14 KMS Good 0899 toD• 118A00 kms. ony condition (1600 As is Call 31 FT., FIBERGLASS Chris Pool Rectangular above Re laced fu Certified, water nice c. 90 Volk$ Jetta GL. Craft Commander, sport fish, ground incudo decks (905)-576-3679. Replaced fuel pump water nice clean loaded auto w - WE FINANCE EVERYONE No tum downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt; bad credit; no credit! It you work; you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIOAN CHEV 905-706-8498 M a K OLDS Serra $600 as 300 TRE emu a GAHM am WellW. CMiar Nos a Iwr1, tl i t�w.tpeA taus. New w safe Ower 36 My roanabm ubkw mw ll Karry Eg. 95 Pordiac Firefly excellent, blade beau- ty. 5 speed. $6,995., 95 Lumi- na APV.. loaded. low kms. 2 lane. only $12.995.. 95 Pond - ac Firefly. 4 dr., auto. we new. reduced $7,995. firm. 94 Ply- mouth Voyager Grand 10th anniversary. A loaded knock - old. cheap $10.995.. 94 k"q)- id. loaded. pristine white. 160.000 kms, spotless, only 58.500. 93 Aerostar Ext. mini van, wvey all around. $8.850. . 93 Gnarl Am, low kms, bur- gundy, 4 dr, $8,995. 92 Voyager, loaded, low kms. nice, silver and blue. Sale 58.895.. 92 Sunbird. SE. auto. loaded. spotless. 120.000 kms, coupe $5.995 91 Ply- mouth Lazer, turbo, loaded. low kms. auto, extra dean, wfhil reduced $6.995 firm 90 1 Tfai6w 11 Imetal 'r 11 NNM TENT TRNLEN- Sleeps 8, frond tent, �n0• now ties, AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. safety brakes. "chen. Veatdfion, $1750 O.B.W.2 �>N b 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 appliances, IW5) 93-644 underground parking. very clean new tea i a- 55 FALBY CRT. fwrst 178.0001ams mrwae0. $3795 Perste 905-436-0519 MON. -THURS. 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. 1964 TAMMA 750 Maxim, FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. ad- shaft drive, windshield, ad- justable badcond one owner. SAT. 8 SUN. 12 - 5 excellent condition, only (995j) 663 -Ml 19.000 original km. Askip $2.500 or best offer. Certified. SHELTER CANADIAN Call After4p.m.432-8406. PROPERTIES LIMITED 1997 NONA CII 125, show- room condllon Awesome now SN.500_ 1994 povi a iwry opooes. 52000 oeo Moat Sr Cal (TO51 944-5406 running condition. with or without MSR equipment. 55,600 with equipment .$5.100 without OBD. (905) 434-1078 0 m1aNw 12 FT. NALCO aluminum boat. 9 9 Manner motor, plus trailer. Carpet, bvewell, nixing lights, r66i3eo°r'9e 52.100 (905) 16'x24' 0/D $5395 Package ncludes liner 2 ladder . sand filter, putmp a motor etc 1- 800.668-7564 anLost i 1 ni Foam FOUMO medium sized black and Write dog. Wks hM bor- der Conte. white collar am whMle tip of tail. pink spot on nose. vey quiet am frergy, Thomlon Rd North, new Raq- lan Rd. Cal 055-4846 FOUND Modk AIM Oracekt. May 6th at F,edbght b Gk - naw Call 420 - Iva FOUND. free to good home. all white Ca. nuennkr M. shoe. Other rau i latleit. Call 839- 5105, MPSWSu0pi" Boerana 9LONDE COCKER Puppies 6 week old shots dttkrOrn110. home raised, weft can be seen $375 576-4643 SNERAN Husky pups me blue eyes 8 weeks off $400 BJune , )939 4th 5200 lo ROTTWERLLEN M" beanN- ful. malestic loyal pot. how -rated wxwh eerhoer 1010 Oq tae. 0 IN d. paraws m 564.905-965.6021 BEAGLE poppies. III- first uhm shots. ve cl , , 1 dalm w arm pup for sale CA La xis 90510-0191 two) LNASA APSO pups for safe :350 Ualies i lemala avail- able, various colours Ropy fo go (705)766-3124, low Mosam FREE TO GOOD NOM Moving and must give this; very wvabfe mak meeWered. cats ml, 1. 2 yr old rat awayHE IS an C1 11 CA aid orts ab and Mhos 721.0(stip) dogs 00 AVAILABLE OM at Trent Pig. Oshawa cerNO Cotlapoos. slwpllyds. wsapoos. tem- poos and mom. 5399 99 - 5429 99 Pups vaco naM axed 436-3724TMp�e (905) 1986 MUSTANG. 5.01... $4 800. certified 1996 Jimmy SLS. 4 x 4 loaded. 523.900 ce.td d. 404-1937 automatic dark blue. $2.500 or best offer Certified. Cal (905) 433-0767 1996 CNEV Caprice Classic, 60.000km Excellent condibouV49M Certified h 905-433-42 0 No G.S.T Cal 1996 P014TIAC 6000 SE. 3.1 V6. auto, fL y -waded. $3800. Also 1987 Cheil. Can=. fully loaded. V6 . $2500 706-9070 >0 pump. head gasket. cam Shaft. rocker arms. new brakes. hoses. belts. AN. bal- te struts i much more. Xi3W 000 Cal 426.3058. CARUSO AUTO SALES -1989 Toyota Tercel. navy blue, 165kms. $1995. 1969 Honda Accord EXI, black. 171kms. $4995 1973 Suhcamper Mo - for Home. 78kms. 52995 as is 1988 Caravan. wide. 190kms. $1995 1965 Honda Accord. biowvu.132kms. $1595 All vehicles Ce doled. 1895 Clmenls Rd. U-177, Pickering. Neel a car, all PMI W3M. elver 7ym 429- 9141. 1916 CORSICA L.T.. 31L. e room 6th aft. all power. pose. CERM,AR•S ANNUAL Wt. Am/FM, class.. no rest. SPRING SAIF OF SALES. we very clean new tea i a- ire Idly I I . ad faatem- fwrst 178.0001ams mrwae0. $3795 Perste 905-436-0519 Ole IrkN a sea 35 1" e- ALL -EM. Raised bmm. apt. 2-Ddrm cowalemed "MCI". Caere 1999 Suzan Swift, 4 ryl . 5 see fa year . E6. New Ar- spd. certified,137K, some retwk - 1993 Transport load- .- 5I.- Ca1666-E689 ed. "M gree„ 3900 V-6. per - 19M SU2LIO Swill 5 sped. fep in tvaff"7, good kms. excellent running Ialldhm. now SN.500_ 1994 povi a iwry opooes. 52000 oeo Moat Sr Cal (TO51 944-5406 ElWft 5 speed. s1, - ,. black bei. 53.995.. 1990 a (905) 404-3744 Tawas G L. Nda peal, load - 1911 NTUMM EXCEL . 4 at !1.000 kms. ab *** door sedan. 5 spud. air con- a.m. $7.995. 1995 Grand AN *boo �:' full � SE. whii kin", V-6. 77.000 $3.400 Phornd 579.1413 tet. 512.650.. 1995 Lon ALTOW480mikm. by APV. any 65.000 km. nim RVMhbackOUTN S ad foo prim $12.100. 1967 4-do"in 4 -door hatchback. Olt. M. S. NO. 2 � Oa11 � $4.4.300 Co.Nfiee GN Wc1 fooled and evsrynrnq 905433.0377 wont. omy 54.995 19M 1901 PONTIAC SlAN6W0 LE. Buick LeSefine Ltd. SWOW* sedan. 4 lad auto . wiper am btack. Cary M.000 tin. LOOK. very WON uueexhteihad k* haded. moat set. $7.995 As a 54250 90b66S-6766 IN2 •eft S-/0. kaMNd, s (Sp) speed. 2 x 4 absbpay spou 1961 PONTIAC SUF*K 4 or. Mas am f� 56.995. firm, 4 cyl. auto. 64 000 b9 klo 1995 Rrow. 5 speed. only New 2 write gum i brakes 60.000 kms. slot A Se.99S. Rust prdblsd. n excellent 1900 Me. wad IL Vack bear per sale. 55.500. 89 Caddy Fleetwood. loaded. lovely bur - 152.000 kms, and briny 7.995. 95 Grand AM SE. loaded, low kils . pristine white. $12.995. 88 Buck Re- gal low kms. mint. black beauty, steal it"' $4.995 87 Astro LT. loafid. runs and kooks perfect. 54.995 Gotta tout a" Sas ya a CeAkar Ado CONts, 156 King St. w.: OrMws. 579-2866. Ops $end". 1 Automobiles wailed S Cash $ for unwanted Cars and trucks. project cars and wide -ods. (We der out. you lash n)905.426-O20e $7514 $750 for scrap ars a trucks or any condition velw- CAs. 24hr, Free Towing AN Recycling. cars & truckswiiwep Cal (9)706- 5740: 428-7878. A a A AUTO Cars, trucks. boats We pay 560- $10.000 Cash curl the spotAny candl- e". an(r yah Cam ue any Mee. 24 hours. 7 % Nw so 905-80.5003 a 905-706-5234 eASN FOR Wal we buy used vehicles Vehicles must a in nmxwq rXh11a1, . Cal 427.2113 a Comet fo 479 Bayh St East. Ajax it lllJnf 0 AUTO SALES. fish buster III, eXCdW Cmdi- tion. 524.000 or best offer. Please Cal (905) 427-9149. Recent survey available. 9.9NP Evinrude motor. 1994 electric staff, $975 with Wt- tery. Can (705)932-5210. NEVER BEEN USED 1997 Quicksilver inflatable boat C/ w. 4hp Mercury motor. 2 Me lacltets. 2 oars, can" rase i Dump retails: $2800. ask- itp $2200 OBO 905-697- 0179.905-766-9678 1 R4cr k 1 i, 1967 C3fM Motorthome Elft, 21ft. i-way fridge. washroom. dual battery. new roof air (lyr old). asking $11.800 080. 905-723-4165, 1 1 Aperwwwme For Rent 1 KOM M apt for ren For 1 person Non smoker sm per montn 17 and Westney Road 905.649-1656 1 b 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI.9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905)571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED THE SUMMIT PLACE • 1,2, a 3 Bed Apts. • MOVE -IN INCENTIVES •All:House Included • In - Supt. 6 Maint.Rental O: Mon - Fri. gam - 8 pm Sat i Sun Ilam 4pm VALIANT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 905-aST9-1 626 WINDJAMMER APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 b d 1-OEDROON basemen e room apartment non-smoking apartments p share entrance laundry'Dirk- fnq Includes utilities. Cabne $785 per mo. includes ences. mot. hrsj.nr.'I totes. Surd one. une ' St Fridge, stove, broadloom, South osttawa '905' S -6- air, heat, hydro, water and ALL -EM. Raised bmm. apt. 2-Ddrm one parking. /-._11 i i i n a • 1.-4x11 WV-VOYJ or visit us at: www.geocitites.com/wall street/floor/ 7657/highriserAttnl. AJAX' Spactouts luxury 1 bed- MIOCK ST. 6 Mt. upper: MOM ba *MW apt. Sieg lar bedroom, tat in kitten. 5 pc trance . wem-out marMt beer. 9a. ceings, s696.mcle. floors. oak CA MM. 4PC balls. on. we lawagry. tatlfe. dow• 4 appliance Baia tuna stop. bk pmilrnq.430-9370 no Snh.. . no phis, plrkirq. CENYM aMw 1 2 phwmm. Only 54300 mro- tfed Ca1172O y, 5 speed. new wes. lust prices Dina Sam adbleyy pmyk vveeryry Good ceihdilion. 137.000lm. 0 ylne0a�prs W 5750 . udion GN ( ) 666 79N. • -W. A. 11901 Vw JEM sa0eed, at. 4 -door. perlecl. ally 55.905 BIG NET DUCTIONS 1900 Trx*w up. Also cars for esak. rel Ouf up lo 55000. CaN as- '771 and Mmpwdy. w0/- hAw 58.396.. 1991 Lasa R.S. Tor ALL -EM. Raised bmm. apt. 2-Ddrm m �� CO biRdrhg ddy fo al amutiala very, wall memsewep. IM DOW Cal Caeverh0le. Naso. cars- 11efe Caw now 90 1 Tywdr' • S ..: -7111 ..�k4�vhpC bNap6h. tawieaey. GN 9 06o MCNM- - OM bsdrooia %6.430-4740 1902 DUCK Regal Ila 115K. hrwl.. 1902 voyager LE, 6 pas.. 118.000 king. 3.3 0/4. OOe iooet $750rmeo lea pooa sm or PM Also a10 some ytaurp mmow, 5 mons, pN � trS353 Mme' July W. or sols few wnarhy. tower cur. wilt. now only, fi.MS.. 1902 t4ruF 1906 MAM 4 3L 4X4. auto.. _ 906 s71- Sit", bawfnl view, utast wwhdoua. sl erknq Ta, rxdse. a APV. 3600 V 6. lbadea. 148000 km $4000 as a. 905- ALTOW480mikm. by be son. wmT Ila. 5600 as win oa'sly. excellent cored- perfect while. � low. 57S.4132 after 6 p.m.(tttp) 2 � Oa11 Creek bMy dwpfex, upper 2- ilncluL10t. Com Stove q1 Nm, sm 905 263 4430. $7.750 , 1991 Awick Lesabie 1909 610516E Ram slnoA-box rw Came Caw 401 bedroom & loft. Roman tub. I=. tbykgMs• slER1A1l lII1Ky PIKS. GKC 1912 CAOaIAt FLEETWOOD. LT. badld. 912.000 bras silver vveeryry Good ceihdilion. 137.000lm. 0 ylne0a�prs W Iawihory. storaps Anted" imneMiatky Non Snrolers Plus wbhhei. 1.ower Mpe windows. 1 -bed- IMNOw000•S/gf srweihOsN registered. 3 females oval- able June 12. gray and whit. excellent Cinwaon, drives apeas ileo IM aOWac STS. 56,000 and Mmpwdy. w0/- hAw 58.396.. 1991 Lasa R.S. Tor b, $4.100. Cal4DlS4123 6121. Frelurw0 N251mA. koro. 5790216. boom plus pen. 2 balls. walk- oM to h ffn�yayt 5850 face backyard. Just ereaalmd. 1 � talp.Cedr. laheftpry, bkgy. am "me, - ft guarantee. oopc farcy km IeaNCer CO. efecNic son b0. a m. toodet 115.000 bins. 19th DMC 1MCfB /w0 u1NlNes' OOe iooet $750rmeo lea pooa sm or PM Also a10 some ytaurp o. his wairway a As". l,100 616 legit $6.915 Grin Olde Dela M Reyse. Itt010 9uud corefieon. 20K on ~ angles. new 2 a S BEON00fatt andlNMe No ps, ion tam Ow welconhe. 1st. (905)MB-2501. _ Nov adnlfs fo Mn0 %bora lee Onies (61313!6 5571 .(sro aro PFM, Vi. 160.000 km. ales, wakes. $2.900 Pleone 723-7394. M6.72M 5740 iedlSL often. Cal 721-2232. �,�/ CWMCM ST.. aeb. 2.3 bpm. IOU FORD TNAVA. mid- Now 55.59$., 1900 Jtttrm GL ops aleUmbfe elm (416)444-73 61 ArdmNmbfw size. ktw Ma ew. abm0pey, WNMWWMe, otml11 1. 572!6. ask. ado. boa" iw now aly 54.195 hes 1961 Caaw lei FOM F 150 Kinecab. 6 C .yE% A One bedroom 10 R •2-bdrR) bsirlt apt M 1VN NNsM. spudded 1R 10N DMC piCtwp lrurtA SLE x1172811/5. er NS. C M. Vi. ail pit- time Oft m-, .--o 55000. Co(M61 we?.gsaeaat seen 00MIme0. wsftd pp � �� +,O'J(i Uilt PW AC. a2 � aaPrrruml. awl - Jay fat wet Cab, st1rb, Co. ekdric 151.000 Nutt 3100 6231522. 90. ask SMO al wdwlw. W � 4wupr� air, 1916, 517.0000 Oit= lacks. r be! chink Cr MOM 9 /N6 CNN Caeeler 1 door a► ifs Ca Pia $43K 11111114 Go new Op" 70.000 bra, tally M' Not. !a Ices K PAN wwMconw. ISILAW � 1Si �i o�GM ' 13S-76f00ar - 5 Mina- Nim. ant linty $4.M6.. 1191 110a•dm an Cady. 6th -M �i, -.� 1 +tf fAdAr426-02p s don/lal 51ooa cis 570 -IM � PAIN,ww style lawn MU 1131110111114014 Aa lla 4D AM - LMbd M 2 row Eves, 725474 selogeen, boom CCin, C"v Fa8I181tT On so wa oe /my lata OMb 31L 110k ik ar km, ale amrylblq wolb Ow oily 54.516. Fa am M. Grp for WIL NmN$M USMm Nina. 4 WW dd*. OmoK 41b. bk f" a OW4 wMOK , - v- /rut- cal ak. ON ohm" jlmil Io- oql peoliNeaOt PANNE M�NIal, w mom from OAC. Css trach wins 1991 b 1991 Witti calk vow a1Nfb cabs.. am OmAr pd mutt dmNm Y Waft tete. $1500 on CIA 72GM06 AM i Nt 4 ssima JAM 1. 572N. IaAlr 116 Whft Apr sem- jklow 10 WL GO 434.6201 Aftwilly AND S MollekMOftm alb. wtlrroolM was mom -s11 Air- Ot1MNr ANY claw M Mfr 0 26iaN0 411 dom. ea1FNN Mw6y NM- at w1N bt6otm)L ,comm a bet Muir OtNr su m 360 Nhrone9057203382. W. b0511th.0N5-7511 SL 1s, a181Mm.. M L CA � 5� on � 1181 F111 AS1NMK lap AN 2 � �-sm An - wafts iwrM'ai m2 DOW s ooftwabllilm0M,M6 ytAabi ft co tltr C451ML : bNilobM 1 W ow fll41 r1(MOw FOCxsltlia, 2 no pan" TauspmrL hip 1ltledmllt ImtdNd tetLb 38 1tww Islas Sot Cemm yt9r 460 Cuts tYleoatmt tw ftaL amNNme ural ask MND Y1tlt/fy wm)t Y 5100. AemNNbNm trmm :, btNoorm X60 2 bmNooN 5710 3 bm61e6w 5N6o calM Moa "ft* awn u 1st a b1mL 516Gr door• 90Y. lied". world NiN a Oats em was SIM ergirA. NOW 01M1t 7q. 514.015. CON 9176afi-14M � $I No T6llp m 723"070 NL 430-0131 moo Cr g37M9. - w hist pea, or iusop taeex (906)43/0312 aGN6pm � �M le � vow v1. Son st cors" AM LAME 0th Mboow 9MmwmN flpaflNNml SCpor �wiylM j tYelr� 6mbu E10Nt DIY r bftwsw "07 0" Park Avow Nor- 1351. $4105. 91 Caramw 1�ai6m1 a s utlfalra. 1 pe. hilt all (rmdroolat aAVOLAKE M Caped L *ll 1111 y 7N fBCE dbm4. Alirte dakmk re0. rad IMONr wMri 11th. 51106. M Stmbid 4 d $2116. a N Ona Chile. m1mYs 04 ta1N. Iw lia4r awy � M b�4 5btrl WWW law"drl'-d"g""� 1b1ia 1NIramO� � ��IIbMo�, nm wa0. 5100 ow. CaM*Ul 49446th t«itlfhdtwAry A"M.�t381NI6, 200001 11. 20.loR 131!6. 0 Sommer a" to 1ido�asN�or11' dock. 'am N"mY�SArwd l,w 7214005 atyflwle JtM ISL 186371364 bio tin tatChllodl. Leap sNNd 1V allaate a Ck1Cf11e . Cti. S75GNNoaR aN (!O6) 1911 81Az111 M[l, S sig ealAed 133 m. 905579- 4114 ►U. • CaAmw 724. V8 Ill SM00 Cr M6�4W=I. 1 1560 bio N10. JNE 1. 2 Imd10oNL Y- � �M 4K We# Ar SOFA% d, new punt, taw star 0102 5spd. 4 CatMle / wmlr sm. AN std ar-Mtd. s0 UP 1111th LAM1M SU- AAVL 2-bmor9em ba1/NNRI r lade aelMt. ForMO• D°IwNw wb b0 lir 15 a JeNA 1. AIM in 2 1MOtwe 5:37•Rybmr 61001siae m9omml p. hkriue0lwt, pp miners. sw9et, s l 19th POMAC Grand Prix GT. 4 door wldfe. orapldk lames Meow atARIt L Calmat Ads PM& 40-mr. tl W 4. M 4 WAMR. bele-M & w fwd- gMmtwt No pow wig amok- bo. CIO and 1 rax "" "' /is (905}279 -MU aft �N.aM1as930as An 1. SM Aldo - .hip 1. New OSAtw Cmwlm. f2000. CNo. Call !OS31p. (MP) genion. Ione CD player 33K. 523.000. Cal 263- Safes. 200 Deady SLK. way 90d-IISM77, aaN . XndO dmdc. *Apt cab. cold.. $18.000. 80kNt. FisU4p w�pi�/ A w 15 MFIO!A �F. Pan baCAlAd (905) 70Din 114 0110 CIEIIA 2 door. 6 cq�AI aro. Now loin, 2 left, MO C1EfR, . SLAW CREOR, bwAn". Mn, 1, ad w- mutt of O*Sft !05340.2511 ANU - on 69*0= IqY W1111 Nt mf � � ho htlme. slgr IgM$ sNINa int Me- GE Mt10r MmIL >1K 0111iGE SRVE Tfrx. 46 x Cxeltkd. (905) 579 AUTO 12 3 btdroomlt. trF 1N` _ homm anti b".m 5M6 caw i a 0113D. 0 LOANS iniNaM MS2 oMwir 40 calf, bads elle v9aN. In mllkmd, kumlftd vm kaAebt, ywyy a�ad 11rb10 jam, fmlmlQaff, mea . W' p"M Iia- . 19/9 4000E Aries. polwr slack now. (416) 285.1914 awfhelmg dick tltle 0/d sNokNr, to pNY. 428 3312. p1e wiaNlq C=Zr 1. Cal Ms- Slow. NotisawMC n0 pis. My. Cr /M 1075. SlaNlq, power -brakes. ale; d now for dsm oat scam. ag.m. (506) 987- At wNMlm JtCNN Ifo 5800 lodtr l8S 1520. cruise amnia, auolamNC. 1315. aim Good CXmIC1Uon, wet man taiNd, only 1/2.000kaI, "0 Dodge MO, 4 dl. aft AMS• 2. 2 -Id ixMdo NId,Na, l/flDIR •AM NEw all Imdrpoal MfNme11M fdpOm. SFAc101i wowwAi mm 2 I'droaw hall. Cal N ask 5800 a hiswtalmMoroll A 1�. VZ TEMT T1A1E1 » 7 �w �w8 w tr� mut f aw�Mr t& dr. ft rI/. Nae, am vow. no Poll. =I=,% =7136 � a 900 � q� 1916 POrIMC PakWrmA$110111. . M . o0f, 120�K, 51100 Oho. 4312715. Mos tAwlmf >NN eftMrluRmL $' � wwelk-ad in is SM. Cal 906897-2577 IwkM, wry 1Npd mndllloa, i tgora0m. dMM,�sdy rMill11111111111 MOCIapLM. NII AREA; 1 W. "n'" m $chole, OW aoft 60 som U& $1160. call 905166 Ii/1 1/11.1M ft* U111. est 4164444M. opiN� m WAIMI L x1721.4110. W= -IML Himself for 1 ° Mme_ _ Stilt RWW P&WAddaide. Larne 1 Died., $500 MME. July it -'I^ AB490LL17 E AFFORDABLE 1st. 2 bed. Past nary. v SCK OF RElre�eSi� G? -.P Laundry. parking,Back"June ist4ast. (9%)-571-1537. • OWN YOUR HOME -ITS EASYIt 432-1s2t 432-15116 MME. Semi. ,,6100,000 MORTGAGE CARRIES FOR i'7o0r1womh Clearl, large. fundshed 1 bed room an. pooi, laundry, fuklIrrKwfl iw Cir 130.000 yew -'Power Of Salts' aveiobie - AsauNTlable Mortgages for dbeherged • mg. no smoking/pets. 125/ bankrupts Not much downpaymer"?? wk, istAasl references. (906)- Cal MWMI He knows what to dolff 428-6120. Message. ��") 571-6275 or 1-800-841"275 OS- MWAMark Stapley for the price of 1 S81Ae Rw- SUNNI OMW Excel I Wentworth St -W. SOUTH Oaltwa. 3 -bedroom also available Uhl top floor of duplex, Wundry • hrdwetrl" uRb facilities, fenced yard, park - (hies Included. Easy ac- ing. $775+ cess to 401. Close to Available May 15 s . Call72525- schools, shopping. Call 0656. r appt. to view: (905) 721-8741 Brand new Backyard level apartment. Separate ew trance, two large bedrooms. livingidining rooms 8 full bathroom and kitchen. Cen- tral air d Parking. Credit died is a must. d 700 all iw clusive.426-2956 Wwrify - apt for rat. 2 bed- rooms $675. one bedroom $575. first/last required. CIN days 725-5911. Eve. and wee- kends 668.4016. W urroy - 2 bedroom W. available June 1st. S646/mo. mdWes heat. hydro. 8 park- ing for 1 car. Phone 430.2092. WHIM - professionally fin- ished legal' 2 below basin wait apt in north Whitby A49. June 1. $700W .uII- ties FMst/last/credfdreMrenK- es. Cal Tim Welisier a 619- 9500 leave message. WIRBY. Bachtlwi one bedroom available len ww 1NaxitaNrfd plNlelrrp. 4 Sevens Reaty Lid 905661.7777. snarly. bow 1 -bedroom basement apartment. $575 in- clusrre. Suitable for one. Avadable Jerre 1st. Newts refloated. Work 6657464. Mom 666 4124. w HY rent wrbn you an ower your own IloNr for ba free you thirei,it ca pave Key. lock Sales AM. RaiMax Summit Reapy (1991) Ltd. 905) 66B-3WD or (905) 686 - For 11 1 lbw.. R 1' � ♦tw.auto �IIn1M•k WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME FROM $700MONTH .j Distress Saes hodwe .j Na Milk Dow paytn•rC" i Discharged Bwrucir" OUR 571.6275 14NOW440-6275 Mark Stapley San nn Stam grey Ecce iwr LAX. Larne 2-badrr hasa- TNED of looking at dumps? Staley 4 -bedroom home in N. Oshava. enormous )acu72i. centra air. 2 baths. 5 ap- pliances. Finished basement. deck. private yard, gigantic loft, hardwood floors, lots of old charm. $1250/month. Possible $100 discount. Call collect. (519)942-3984 WHOM Ogles- 2 bedroom $550 8 3 Bedroom $650 + utilities. Newly renovated, bright and dears. near GO so - tion. Available now. 1st 8 last. references. 420.9477. SALE OR LEASE Oshawa/Whitby Boundary Mail. Indus- trial -Commercial building for sale or lease from 8,300 sq. ft. to 17,000 sq. ft. and up. Partial buildings available. Custom completed for your company. High traffic area. Call Ed Vanhaverbeke, Associate Broker, Royal LePage Frank Real Estate (905) 576-4111, (905) 987-3211 IMOme• 4 11 rime Marta R il for Sib floor o 3-rNalow. mien OSHAWA 4 Moams Free RM 20 ASHOALE Crescent odor o1 D.M�galow. fridge 500 to1400 sqn 2nd floor, $146.9oo Bowmamrtle 2 stove. June 1. f885 +Dart from M. main Ill. 300- storey 4 -bedroom home m itks. Mrs Evans. bus: 905- 1600 son from $300 600 quiet family oriented neigh. �1« Sob 3 btdram all season water. from co�ltaappee. Includes boat- house. rapiner bass boat E trailer. Fridge and stove 1f- ce treed lot. 75' trpltage 13� f; deep NO AGENTS PLEASE. IntoNiewfno phone 705876.5586. (sip) WATERFRONT NOME, Cha- let. 2 bedroom country kdch- en. 4 pc,. bath, electric heal. airtight stove. 2 decks, sandy beach. 3 miles from Bancroft, on Hwy F28. Private. (613) 332-1291 Anytime • 1 MobN4lldnlea 1912 MR. 2 -bedroom Mallard Park Model with Fonda room, $37,500. 1989 33ft. Terry Re- sort. queen bedroom. 3pc. bath, air, deck d stied. $12.500 (705)6'96-2107 1 canper Tr ' h GREENFIELD TRAILER PARK, Ilial seasonal rate $500 New campers only. Marble Lake Coyne Ontario (oh Hwy 41) (613) 336-2625. Canapes REO SETTER RESORT - fami- ly campground and collage resort on the Trent Large spacious sites. Full (rook -up from $8'15 2 and 3 bedroom cottages from $425/week Rec. hag. slot. pool. lakieront swimming. bwtaq, good fish- ing 905-436-0607. 7057783096, - %k {V 0-S ADV RTISCfIt SiJNbAY, Mkt tA, I A &I1•ACE- ** 11 4 1 &xsm • 1 Aaclfotlt :11 - 0 R -ea0 Int :1 Ron" MoMay May 11th st 6 p.m. 616 Taft 4:14 Rd. E. WAfthy We are selling hair dressing equipment, furniture d cep pliances. New fumdure, glass china. Including 3 by draulic chairs, 2 hair dryers, shampoo chair, work sta- tions etc. New table d chairs, sofa d loveseats, 2 pink wing back chairs, fridge, stove. washer b dryer, all al- mond, 12 pc. excellent modem diner, 2 sectional ches- terfields, 6 pc. oak diner, excellent wall unit, 2 pianos, small safe, 2 pine cabinets, french provincial sofa 8 chair, recliner, bed sofa, approx. 50 nut crackers, silver tea set, crystal glasses, prints, books, kids toys, dishes, china, coffee d end tables, pine lumber. Terms Cash, Visa, WC. Interac. Viewing Monday from 1 p.m. Note Time: 6 p.m. Good sale, plan to attend. Mclean Auction 6 liquidation 90th -666.3291 or 165-M-2636 As Instructed by A Farber b Partners Inc. Agent for Secured Creditor MAJOR LANDSCAPING CONTRACTOR TIME: Thursday May 14. 10:00 A.M. PLACE: 1810 Hardwood Ave. N., Ajax (1.6 Km North of Rosslandl Rd.) PREVIEW: Wednesday, May 13.9-4:00 P.M. EOIAPMENT: 19% .-i, 5506 Btadozer - 6 way Blade L� Track (AFpr 1500 his r ' 1990 Caw W15 AracuraW ffl Loader . 1988 Fad 5556 Loader Bactine Maw Mohr ita, 97) • 1995 New Hoard ut565 Dekae a 1995 John Dere 6756 Skid Star Loaders (wrewer Cab Kits) TRUCK a TRAILERS: 1986 Fad a= Tarxim Du= Tack - Cat 3208 C*rs ' Fuller Trans Srx'w Pow - 19ee caAc woo S,w'a SIA Dung Truck ' 1985 Dodge 350 Cussom Rem SIA Dump Tnck • 1984 GMC Cru Cab ,0 Flet Deck ' 1996 CAev 35M Crew Cab Pck - . 1990 Chew 1500 427-6522. home. 905,455- 05 655 5778, 5778. h. 2 Lad. floor across from bourhood Fenced rpt yard SEASONAL LOTS Now Avail- 1986 Dods. 100 Custan Ram 304 Ton a 19104 Dodge 250 HOUSES - 122 Colborne St. E osh. Centre. East Oshawa. with access to b from Pat able on Lower Buddlom �y,01n 80-11 yes Ton Pck_ 194 GMC 25W thaw Cab Pic � a 400 Son. 510 Pa Call kitchen 4 pc. bM an Semed floor. 2 pc. bath on main . swimming. Trailer ' 20 SIA Olioe haiw w Rrtp' 1970 TrA 1Q Fk1e1 1ba 434-2447 or 132 Lovely kdchen and Imng-expenence boaattkq An original camping WW. a Nr4EWORr: s a 3 Fwd Fad Mowers '2 vloan o o WILL BABY YOUR IM IYI Ex- a e Gerega a room7dimngroom comber- m a family seting. Call (905)404-8318. or A Lady Speed Spreaen Gr Tma vv.r Tank • 19sa J.nel 27 Flo files. Tnwk Box 'AW Augers. Gas. Dew. cephOnal tenant, needs 3 bed.. Slonew 5 eon. Basement family room (705)748-5M Mlrgs Furrows �. Front End FOA$. Trucft Cap. Boxes The. 2 baths, fin- bseld. now. C " his a fireplace. Paved drive. bankrupt or ted v Wiredraw Etc - 1993 Brack Clemp . 17 0,.V Box xMh kMd. - Gas Power daWrae/maYMam July lift MNI storage units Oshawa attadred garage PRIVATE YOU "AYEN'T camped a queer - S40Aiau L.e.1. Tripod, Tape M..ww. • So" Tsxo - - Reaonable. (705► 748 6111 Single location and double SALE. By Ont Appoiritnrem Lakefield Campground? Too pv CO"r as Sew 3 Wa k- '''vers x K etao Froee. spr.+iw+ P_ washer - ay modern 3 bedroom town. ams available. Easy iCCeff, S1 oO/niiond (9051725-9991. (905)823-15111 bad' Great water front sig- arrows ft..d Tools. Lawn 111- . Speedws. Tarps. a a TOwFor 1 . kwdNshiN tOwim- ImmacWte clean none. 3 bedrooms 1 Green sonar sites aaitable. Dalt wally, d morntad family Mee". -r- Pm 2 Ton Jwk cabers. shek es. a, • too a k.l.rrwy Beck, Petro Peas. Fe � Rem a � . pLIaraynging, sires available for S oes, vy $tarns$. user. Eaav vw1 kw.r.k. D.owatw. 5ta,e ft l omeb Se tra. Soom for faonwly. (116) Lkft house bid" with walk -w to may ■eetend I-800- OFFICE FUMfTURE: 4 Oak a Gmy Arb Deeks - 20 owoa, AN OSHAWA SOUTH 3 bed- NM Poked Part an Rim Lae f705�6zTtn large deck Fimsfred lase- 6 31 -8841 www travelimr al SI- Side �raft e � FW room townhouse dose to M $0. Ft. Commercial in". on fireplace. walk -out Peterborough cool" (705)- Sidis a oT1ae es~ L«r sole cc r s�SwOls. ssl1�boppppwtn sornq space for Ipso a �M'/ b beauwn0 landscape. fenced �2-6810 7w0.2 e�pA.r+ a wweow>,. Typ..,..r aaltarw. Fi All INClU5r11Ep Frst/lat waer ncclwdid fay access. yard. Double garage. many SUGGESTED TWAT YOU NeE YNM TNOFAUGW ACTUAL OLDER ONTARIO LADIES seeklohg dates - SUBJECT To ADDITIONS i DELETIONS Jure 1 (905)579• 1062 fltlson St. Oshawa. aha. dote ball jime Ns. glary 9956 1400 per mo 723.7115. .7 Ns.o aprM576001EN 19 LOW FOR F MTHER I"IPATION CALL 1 -Mil -263-14H CANtLgU "ILL TOWN- �■ ^-v^� LITTLE Nva for safe to �1u FINANGAI. Cash m a HOUSES - 122 Colborne St. E $• Macedonian Village. Form West WMby 1 bedroom. t 72Ms at excellent rates br _ oallewa Jun A Jut aww- a COMMENCIAL or Storage Ap- barn. larpt ci-'I lot heeds $117,600. CadGO4137 any reason No less or Ire. Don'tpay lo, 3 "MileCal e trNhe•s Renovated as new. 2 and 3 space available n was 33 . 1 oppp^� CFM 2 bedroom lotwtduse wdh basempM. norm OgeiM prox 700 sq ft Rent $475 paTM Nronm. C&OW (905) 426' MOJAX F 2 MONEY PROBLEMS. Get oM NON*W KERS needed in V Wmo. mebda hdpe. 5512 rey bride detaches 10"'. hot. VO targe farftome/ of debt gwdk without gong your area Earn extra trurxwNe stove. was M dryer Anil- C " asb 7.000 S4.11. spray boodf. $695. to bankrupt or ted v Wiredraw A-1 Irshim family camp. opawrps Victoria Weekend able end of may 723-37% 1 Raw ��n-flow Everyone accepNd repro- For fie KMp WMfT1Y, near al aflwill . rat DWI. BrW* 10-inlefdan err d cruet racing Cal for tree MMOfA NI. 905576 3505. _ P� send a S A S E To: modern 3 bedroom town. 40. 2-KOMM PaA Model sliding walkout to huge 2. ShrOSM loan- xlChaNed. First Cap, P 0111. 1609 home. emrdtal air. 4 appim- with Flonda room available. Tiered thick. private yard 4 from lawn. Forest beamed. 045 y. Sae.. 1450 Burnaby. es. Jure IN $1.160 plea uw rem - $550rwwNet. tx SM Dathroona Pfolas-u" I IMM 8 C V5 8 C Vete 4C, tra. Soom for faonwly. (116) long wreeI - Location: Sb- 11 it bnowma. Uair/var OBVA M1 A LOAN IS NOT 433•-4623. 742.6418 NM Poked Part an Rim Lae f705�6zTtn nim snow garage b.101 wv8kvm/ porch. As" GUARANTEED.$DE COWNW&CHANGE UP_ . 1 Aaraanlb RooNr 1 bookings Call POLIO shonfprime $189.900 For app. 905693- FRONT FEES. OTHERS tented Can ixm T28 6550 comges (613939-1711. BESeymour, SETTING 9002 No agaves 00 MT. IT IS reit 1 AJAX- furnished room Awad- ed Lake ' tu/y, equipped L OSIIAWA - 3 bedroom 2 Stor- SUGGESTED TWAT YOU NeE YNM TNOFAUGW ACTUAL OLDER ONTARIO LADIES seeklohg dates - aDle Irmrharhab-1. Fell use of pN It . PON. ey home. living room t1Mrg LY rats 4 home n wnWs. 1- rec room. leandry room. plyIns gro nd, Slam 2 WE room. tidal. weaout b GEFM Sam" ANY 900.4511-5566 ext 677. S3,0 kitdreneth wltndge. paAhnq Torof,,, C, fall rbrd. 1.868- backyard. pool. qu .. CONTRACTS. mit T-IOrne Must be le f851wed 13- 905.6-595f 813-2212 $119.900 opeN .Sat and Sun 2 - 4 Cal for flea vier fih°bi. basmoK Tent apartment- newly deco- KNOW. Obs private sit- MAY LONG WEEKEND GETA- pmeme b. (905) 720-23071 MO. NO-ONW. walk to ttuugq room in country. ter- WAY Cory Utelraw cottages lelw. 4 appYancef. pfreuxo span $699 ndwive. Avant- rw"bd or untunglled. use of in Kawartfas (Peterborough RARE OPPORTUNITY Int able Jure lit. 427.3720 Iulcrrar tacil0es. female pre. Wired. $30tmowr. Seagrave Seem - area). g� �0. Seem- ming, Iwai rentals $190. Aho Renovated as new. 2 and 3 BEAUTPYL CMeNy Him 905.9653607 sig. summer oponww sfiu aviei- bedroom lows houta. 4 new applanoes. 528.000 "aft 3'4 boom=, drwrrproom. tan* room with Irepkt. on FYLU F, for r0pm la rant. Miaowave. laundry. ca- Am: 2 both s560/wet. 1. fh18 877-2159 tnwcome 011aIrly 6500 de- new large modem Ilotd en.double turngce/wlirldonrs. double Na, dose x seniors Re INCE LAKE Cedbost poses. GOOD CREDIT Some rw b own to palmed per, g0-- rape. 2 saes- only $1295. vreleoone. Available now. Cath ailike r sort. cottage and boat ramal. other Excellent Shape asb 7.000 S4.11. spray boodf. $695. to (9p5) 438.0105. A-1 Irshim family camp. opawrps Victoria Weekend Give Garoom George UVEM SLALWLY P� mink. m on 12, aadoW bedroom. Irving room. barn. 1�66�73-5363 VA30W of Cgdwel 8~ a car 9 905.728-9414, May 15 1171. share 31 Vitoria day lag KAUT*K MCiney Home no-o�y SONEE Mhdperson weekend on beatow Polath in me country. 5 am, leap 837-0666. take. Housekeeping Cott"" SEPOUEUM Now from lawn. Forest beamed. wean pram docks, wood availalle. Let options really Fireplace. woodaove. sa1N IMM stoves. ureared porctres. find one for you!. Cal (905) RefeIrk, 3 led. "G lift i lig. $900 • ulstpUpNOS. Some lime from co6aga SIN 433•-4623. Must m. Muss see. Cal Dsvk a (806) 4 Mdwtm am home. clean available horn $200. for STNNBEOr LANE- 82011 of 623.1020 or (705) 9172-2BN. $40CArAr a. Female Pea bookings Call POLIO shonfprime watutomom , car LARGE 2-1eaoom tower dw tented Can ixm T28 6550 comges (613939-1711. 1aiN, R200D• m M opoft. I>fe1r. rlewly OeCogMe. otha hip) reit 1 Al trick cwt. pkft, 2 t s3O.0a. t s. 4 a0lIraaba. tlr9t Yid• CLM 10 Oft M Cenhe. Cal ,3 50edmpms. No dogs. Ava1b* Just ISL bftm am in law blowy $6754non h pIr� INNIM shale how*, WO 3 tl' - CLEAR WAIER AMA. 3 bed- 1tIESoKV IEIaMTf bmati l Phare 571-2757. Close M WA bang t cWL nom. bwnhww Pak Mm 2 bedroom, de ched Irick MDNE N TGW. 06 1 112 Y1N10ry Nbtt sm°hel 6350. 7F 010 f,w- For ft � da. law dKIL W mmftm °a 5677.(7up) flea vier fih°bi. basmoK house has 3 om6o 4 pp- t 7l' =ME Norm -4 (g 0. Morn lse 1 4 (90S}619 25th �paa0/• al/ tarot CNNlgal S btdroom balsa- C EMMTE1, 2 bedroom himished mobik home. . wm 1050 PW xW" post. 2� 2 bay yes Ddadmd $109.900. 3 Share mob". TK* (no Shafe 911350 Alm. roods Boal, Sp ,wpo0sdroP yas' alio hos d10. Odd. Pair slp/ly 1150 than 2 trtlN =8e Yv. dbL. oo.* WON Oisa1Mg ll 3MIMoom Nr Dae- hgN 1st or ASAP. (Sol 430 9086 434(7 UpSc1 Call i mire. Ntww CUP". on bft Mm SMI. 2 0 hrlL. 200 amp. b e how 'a bah herb Cb 2 yard- Lyp vtraKM i m scrod and asm aid INTO 1st 6 04 SUWON rL Ams L W � Wag- A1all manlnt t101ta. coma) air, tab raw tlpdra mala YM tarn OsrA OAC iCal Roo p06i LaloMy coMD. 1-b°dmom. a1 30 Child- and per °fNrwNN. Sm* BOC - AJI. AMC 6571-7000. 43 6'0135f iadrlive, on flu mw kdoor ma $275/wsek solve 990 Tor. pod. 1tm" no Wit. NVAS MINE, shown In your how. Lim 806-5401. NOMPAW o4haw. at ladled CCeltf, a=4meW. $4951 (9 SAM -M 3 bedroom. til b Irik hah, cm. prime yaN mono. M" poNstiorra• PI Mt* Horace I Irtltrs nO*bMLIt �9/01 �� �ab 72oQuid tint clusave. J - - opal IIOYtE - ostrawa OS"2-btdm m bmgl- LB)OM FOR IMENT 0NO Hothouse. 1330 Twwwidpt low on a pd" Ste" RrrBfad OxaOt i hryb bL bpme, ithlda Pill". tam- GM 420- a Or. 350. 1 - 4 p.m. Set. and Sun. 3 bedroom 2 baft e MI JgfN. itlr dry. S4OQggnOL or dome". we.AvaC we. GII 9D5 2p-2425. 1 - antra air, new Teffft broadloom. P"t and Pool. 0SWWA, swan o vpAs- bedroom, � ft (905) 434.2759 largeSandt Large kitdren, diWg, Nvkq dduwaed. emsufte baUNoom, t Lou far rec-ro nice y 190. *W aid, anted so tooth + 0361. + 90566(7. 0361. IN Noma O profef_ $lona tralalmmiL $500. SIC -e WRTERFROO LAT on Bay d (906)130 5886. Ouimt a Telegraph or rater. MCUR MO 3 90'x250' deep. keel for hailer. room (louse, clair, IhYow (u furnace, SaTER1650T M want to Dived WIN, hydro a Wo" Cath 905 lirepatx, litislltd baement, stove lsbk douse wain a ml' line. Asking 138.500. 432-7638. (sop) Nedrk-6ara6°, available Avbill" Js" 1. tuft indini". Cab after 6 $1000.(905)$37-1550 p.m. (905) 019.0013. + a% Si : 1 . HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An- u*. Firrancal for any pur- pose. rata from 4.49%. AN Applications ea fill d Com o.l Z. NAWATVLIST. Nail T4chd- saalon.Ohw* tepod. 1100 s4R Rdwrtr�>ilo�0ply. or 2200 If. high b'aMc OW able rem. Dont min am � �r?,!IMlri L. d W have the answers you are searching for. Call 1-900-451-4232 Adults only. $3.99/min. pllNrrl 5ELMM ku$- SWA S *ft sada 40 Kip St W(M) 401-9025 11:30 as -9pm laps NeltOe. � Ntllttt IN THE ESTATE OF PETER EDWARD KANIE claims agaimislif We Estabe of PETER E LRD KANZ We of the Town of Plcl erif the Regional Municipality of Durham, I sect who died on or about the 10th day Irnsirj; 1997 a1tL4t be filed wild► the toad °ed pasornal rep--Uabve of the Estate btdote Use 25t1h day of Jrarle, 1996 There: the a ndefsigned will distribute the assets Estate having regard only to the clai a filed. TED at Markham. Ontario, this 7th day Y, 1998. DAVID DE FOREST - Exera E Ilia solidi CATTANACH HINDWN sLrrrc 52 Main Street blad&M N Markham, Oal z L3P tAet~w•rw SINGLES...Otsuke tsar scene's Apprshensne2 Shy? rusY7 Melt someone special for rommicbrmarrage a sate I way txKhneerhbal (9051 438-0411 int - 7 pm. Mprrtay - Friday • i 1 the-ma"a NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertise- ment. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service repmentatim will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax Now Advertiser 905.579-4218 man ow KITCHEN CABINETS Ceramic & Vinyl Call Harry (416)759-7413 SUDCETIHOME Basement". Rec-rooms, plumbing, Additions, electrical, dryw 1, ceramic filing 15 yrs. Exp. Call Mario (905}- 619-4663. cel.(416) 560-4663 DOORS ERE US GARAGE DOORS. OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service 8 Repairs 905-837-0949 Finished be,SeIrte" S, bathrooms, additions and second stories. Home repairs. AI work guarwileed. Walter Leaver 428-2145 HANDYMAN SERVICES Cal a Real Handyman for all your household needs - PW* nth Irnrtded cash Row. W job loo snar. l7 do Pkwnbng mixt ire. Can Joseph 905428.7526 pallor - 416132-2209 POOL Fill -In 5 Year Guarantee WW Rest we Lain laceping Ltd. NM 642-6811 SIGON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Serving Durh m Region 23 Yrs- AdtiOaLs, sun decks, patio floom screen b rec rooms etc. Free Estimalies sm-sm CUSTOM CAlRP124TKY 90 CONTRACTOW kefecna, besenrm cks, eabirhtls. poo rr, Courser WIM a J taps. INS Used man GwGN ds to dodo. ter. Telly for OWnatO. 43"115 TILE fIBAN .(IGt hens V Baclaplash V Wathfooms Colmidtops II Ilaldwood Floors No Job Too SMO 292-1946 WeBeItAW1 ram changing a Light Bulb ) Major Renovations. 50 Yrs. combined exp. Top notch accurate Tradesman 416) 7244181 8881471-0823 A&C ROOFING, And Alrmisne Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old. Workmanship Guar- anteed 10% Discount to Seniors, fully in- sured. Free estimates. Call Andrew at (905) 4213-8704 :1: Elect. l ELECTRICIAN MASTER New installa- tions Renovations Upgrades Free estimates - 683-5650 ENTECH ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC. 'Comm 'Ind. Residential 'Master Electrician '20 yrs. exp Have ym electrical needs met prdessKxn- a0y. Cal Ross 905427-4373 L-111SK Decorating PAINTING A PLASTERING -NO lob "N; 7l' :mall fiyou are sab6eed' Free esmgbsr Co sew al'. Picluis (416) 414.591,'tkelp All Pro PaintinIL and Wallpaiperiag Suww u-'Lr'y. Getaal ntq an Top ysalsy -wk a mae.erahile puc. 265 on fl'. seaxa. (,.ice kw a FREE Fstiakaee 404-9669 JLO$g O PA NTrxC Specializing in interior and exterior paiettiefg. Free ramates. Cda Fast reliable sm-scr, roill beat any price. TMS PAINTING a DECOR Interior i3 Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 >P tlseiN6 a MOrM6 SYSTEMS Big orSalva". An or hourly raft. t AIN me- M6WIN OMCWAM w AMOCO" coffoomm comparaw I= EssNUR Nsn 11111115-723-74711 1- -TM We will move any". Comore raldaMAOMibal. = avaf �ieMOr . SaiA i mid mom' difoouMs. Fra I$b a tm 571 -OM 1-868.4916600 Move big or small, we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves.Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. CaO, IM) 917-M7 141191111-263-511111111 swers Fid Itle oracle wttMr S299/mm. ' 18. -24 Ins 1 - MORTGAGES 900-41-3763 C6atbu *o FMtwcitl P.9. 121. i 201. HEMMY PSYCHIC - S2 99/ • no appli abOn or awn 18. 24 hours 1.9W 4vrarsalless 451-3783 DAILY HOBO- • red)uphombrolerfee SCOPE 1-900677-7770. $500 Call J. Wyger 24 hours. (905)985-9106 11 IVF t�CV u*. Firrancal for any pur- pose. rata from 4.49%. AN Applications ea fill d Com o.l Z. NAWATVLIST. Nail T4chd- saalon.Ohw* tepod. 1100 s4R Rdwrtr�>ilo�0ply. or 2200 If. high b'aMc OW able rem. Dont min am � �r?,!IMlri L. d W have the answers you are searching for. Call 1-900-451-4232 Adults only. $3.99/min. pllNrrl 5ELMM ku$- SWA S *ft sada 40 Kip St W(M) 401-9025 11:30 as -9pm laps NeltOe. � Ntllttt IN THE ESTATE OF PETER EDWARD KANIE claims agaimislif We Estabe of PETER E LRD KANZ We of the Town of Plcl erif the Regional Municipality of Durham, I sect who died on or about the 10th day Irnsirj; 1997 a1tL4t be filed wild► the toad °ed pasornal rep--Uabve of the Estate btdote Use 25t1h day of Jrarle, 1996 There: the a ndefsigned will distribute the assets Estate having regard only to the clai a filed. TED at Markham. Ontario, this 7th day Y, 1998. DAVID DE FOREST - Exera E Ilia solidi CATTANACH HINDWN sLrrrc 52 Main Street blad&M N Markham, Oal z L3P tAet~w•rw SINGLES...Otsuke tsar scene's Apprshensne2 Shy? rusY7 Melt someone special for rommicbrmarrage a sate I way txKhneerhbal (9051 438-0411 int - 7 pm. Mprrtay - Friday • i 1 the-ma"a NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertise- ment. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service repmentatim will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. Fax Now Advertiser 905.579-4218 man ow KITCHEN CABINETS Ceramic & Vinyl Call Harry (416)759-7413 SUDCETIHOME Basement". Rec-rooms, plumbing, Additions, electrical, dryw 1, ceramic filing 15 yrs. Exp. Call Mario (905}- 619-4663. cel.(416) 560-4663 DOORS ERE US GARAGE DOORS. OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service 8 Repairs 905-837-0949 Finished be,SeIrte" S, bathrooms, additions and second stories. Home repairs. AI work guarwileed. Walter Leaver 428-2145 HANDYMAN SERVICES Cal a Real Handyman for all your household needs - PW* nth Irnrtded cash Row. W job loo snar. l7 do Pkwnbng mixt ire. Can Joseph 905428.7526 pallor - 416132-2209 POOL Fill -In 5 Year Guarantee WW Rest we Lain laceping Ltd. NM 642-6811 SIGON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Serving Durh m Region 23 Yrs- AdtiOaLs, sun decks, patio floom screen b rec rooms etc. Free Estimalies sm-sm CUSTOM CAlRP124TKY 90 CONTRACTOW kefecna, besenrm cks, eabirhtls. poo rr, Courser WIM a J taps. INS Used man GwGN ds to dodo. ter. Telly for OWnatO. 43"115 TILE fIBAN .(IGt hens V Baclaplash V Wathfooms Colmidtops II Ilaldwood Floors No Job Too SMO 292-1946 WeBeItAW1 ram changing a Light Bulb ) Major Renovations. 50 Yrs. combined exp. Top notch accurate Tradesman 416) 7244181 8881471-0823 A&C ROOFING, And Alrmisne Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old. Workmanship Guar- anteed 10% Discount to Seniors, fully in- sured. Free estimates. Call Andrew at (905) 4213-8704 :1: Elect. l ELECTRICIAN MASTER New installa- tions Renovations Upgrades Free estimates - 683-5650 ENTECH ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC. 'Comm 'Ind. Residential 'Master Electrician '20 yrs. exp Have ym electrical needs met prdessKxn- a0y. Cal Ross 905427-4373 L-111SK Decorating PAINTING A PLASTERING -NO lob "N; 7l' :mall fiyou are sab6eed' Free esmgbsr Co sew al'. Picluis (416) 414.591,'tkelp All Pro PaintinIL and Wallpaiperiag Suww u-'Lr'y. Getaal ntq an Top ysalsy -wk a mae.erahile puc. 265 on fl'. seaxa. (,.ice kw a FREE Fstiakaee 404-9669 JLO$g O PA NTrxC Specializing in interior and exterior paiettiefg. Free ramates. Cda Fast reliable sm-scr, roill beat any price. TMS PAINTING a DECOR Interior i3 Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 >P tlseiN6 a MOrM6 SYSTEMS Big orSalva". An or hourly raft. t AIN me- M6WIN OMCWAM w AMOCO" coffoomm comparaw I= EssNUR Nsn 11111115-723-74711 1- -TM We will move any". Comore raldaMAOMibal. = avaf �ieMOr . SaiA i mid mom' difoouMs. Fra I$b a tm 571 -OM 1-868.4916600 Move big or small, we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves.Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. CaO, IM) 917-M7 141191111-263-511111111 ME 29 -TRITE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY W, IM 815 815 _8416 r+� _ 840 AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units. We sell moving supplies. Park and load special, starting at $125. and up. 725-0005 or 427-0005 PROPERTY SERVICES LowWGarden Mak tenance Seeding, SoddkV, Repairs (905)432-3823 RESIDENTIALeCOMMERGALrINDUSTRIAL 8 830 830 52 852 r .t v_. TOM'S UROW000 FLOORING • old floors refinished • new floors installed Repaired, Stained, Sanded 722-3806 or 866-7984 837 837 Envirofeed Lawn Care "Sprin& Clean up" • Lawn Cutting from $86.00/mth. • Weed do Feed from $87.00/yr. • Aerations • Sodding 436-3680 or 1 -800 -610 -LAWN Family Owned & Operated Magic For Children's Parties And AN AOccamns. Have My Own Magician. can Erfaie t6.4l3s CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff 19051839-7057 F. Musk 1.711 Musk Arc you planning a wedding thic year' Possibly you arc I o"Mg a formal dumor, or o%mizing a birMday party fix someone special WY strias &W Cao — 4r&u W melodws AN will Mnrny a 1 ordenn, a rooks your M a wondeeJ i rabJe aeeasios I LarrOecapirrq tarrdecapig I call 9111115 -61123 -em Select now fo COLORADO rU IlZigl tr g Some intense blue. Come early tosetbest color. $15 - S20 per ff. in burlap and baskets. We can also transport and Plant. Also White Spruce and Sunburst Locust VVNMTE LION ?REE PA tm (»5) 7475 Country Lane, Brooklin, Ontario umteer.g a Ssattyr ONMUM R+rllafi ge• - a STORM . - Homes Apartments popes. Appumces a Piano Complete Hou.+e so.cir" 5•'br a Myo- $ 89.95 Mann Drsopula Lrcatsed. insured. Free Esmurs. Workmanship PrWessasal service. Guaranteed Call 436-7m. Plus Fumiturr 426-5557 Cma no... d rales. IlotneS, o' �' t716CeS'tfl9 ,,M. 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This is not a diet but a program that h*s the W* Ion ht Viol npsl =sound Asaph. k's safe, natural. ifs'glwanteed to work or A NATURAL way to I= wei-ght or wpm Yom hum is ttuoMph "@1 ft irRl MRNIs. I've lost 60 lbs. deers (416)1112-M e Olilra • MAY • ckiRoll THIS WEEK Northumberland NEws News Advertiser AUCTION GOERS!! Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. ForAucdon 683E7545 Lisfings Call Clarington Residents 404.2615 KINADULTS EARN EXTRA MONEY NOW? JUST BY DELIVERING TINS WEEK PAPER ROUTE(s). CAN YOU SPARE 1 OR MORE HOIRIS A DAY, ONLY 3 DAYS A WEEK, IN THE AFTERNOON? IF YOU CAN, THEN YOU CAN TURN SPARE TIME INTO PROFITABLE TIME. SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME WITH A JOB THAT WILL HELP YOU 1) BUY THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS. 2) GET HEALTHY E(ERCISE. 3) MEET LOTS OF NEW PEOPLE CALL TODAY, 5794407 AND FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN EARN EXTRA CASH NEWS A D V E R T I S E R r WE CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE A FRESH START Prohssiona/ and Persorfalaed Somce Frere Conlfdentia/ ConsuMation Several convenient locations. including: OSHAWA 146 simcoe Sheet N. 1106) 72g-9404 (Oowroo.wr) SCAwsOw01Kit1 1919 Lawreope Ave. E. (419) 7S0-11111120 (neer DVP and 401) (MornirWift Mal) Casino Amue m4mts Canada, b s FREE BUS TRIPS CSS)For Qualified Players b Casino RAM Cama Card Holders EXCITEMENT BIG TIMET NIM PLAYBIt$ ac NO ORLWATM TO GALE oma 109'hWe Closes • Z.= Sint llaclsises • 4 Restaurants • Bt n • EatiaWatpprt IT 9 0.0191-, :111"914:7-A.Em "*-UIP Lecat em 9.00 aaz OSHAWA -pickup at the front doors of K -Mart in the K Mart plaza at Simcoe St. A 401 FREE PARKING 9:15 aaa AJAX - pickup at Wendy's Burgers at Bailey A Harwood FREE PARKING 9:50 ans PICKERING - pickup Pickering Town Centre southeast corner of parking lot on the Eaton's side of the mall FREE PARKmG 10:00a: SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTRE - pickup on Progress Ave., just east of Bramley E�eninX departures owery Saturday. Can for information. ily Dadepartures from the Greater Toronto Area • . . . A'1'Aanr Call i ll1011lOat - ah MR.S W A& iter lei >n011rt A ;. GOCAI. NOlL a Oti1T CW TO'INMt :..,,.. (tel 831-5688i`-800-587-2121 �I�A ASR For PMNIIps 19 Im p tit m Rsww CFO* TIL • TrsllRportaliort p1Talidrd IrR4wRwtt MK OaL C-I'k Coach 4 SAJAWPICKEMG NEWS ADVERTLSER BRINGS YOU... INCERELY 4w Teli`11Cw11C �Avcarnaoe.A Oarffaa�V vel aV a� away af1�e w TO RESPOND TO AN AD, CALL 1-900-451-3793. $2.49 PER MINUTE. YOU MUST BE IH OR OLDER. Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. KIND OF QUIET Separated, whip female 35, 5'4', mrdiun buil hazel eyes. brown hair. honest affec- tibrate, non srnoker. Lt. dheden and ani- mals. moves,pt+btbofapM traveirng «c. Looking ro meat a honest non anolaer, aMec- tiaate mate. 3510 42, ler a milatiaehp. BOK 26454 WANTS A GOOD MAN 22 yew old. single, femgle, looking for a good man to spend time ash. Look" ler more "WPM a Rip Would prefer someorne n 1M Cobang area IYhs« M anrWs. 8M 30502 YOU SNOOZE YOU L002E Attractive. young 44 yr. old. 51r. mn a6ubuil mom air a. salve, who onjoys frau«. folw bladeq thing aA. gal and .nowise Looking for a probsabrrl min ahi)s and wavy wish so do row- esb. BOf 1 17 LET'S CONEcn =.= S yre yours 56-. who profseei, low Genre, wish bow§ hair a eyes, rorty chlor Enjoys dr¢wg M Orabe. good corw esa- bon, int ding bashing and f Wwrrg bbyyto pool. Loa" tar a ffift. 45 older. soder Mass ana a�raMa BOD( 11914 NOT A WINTER PERSON! 61 r old fray see" a norotroknp MWe with unlanesls al gwdwrg, UV$sb g five rw atfe and move. I onjoy lora wets in M sur► mw, li ti§Cn/, the QIAOOors ofd mane. BOK 15420 THE QUEEN BEE! 38 r old. 57. femur. brown haw and groan ayes we a queen ims in Ayes- I or" rnuaw-cafowls arr.Ws movies and mow. See" a ilii• 30 to 40. vary Oawh to earth, honest. Caafdweo and a good Una at humor. BOX 15612 SEEKS SAME AGE?" Snljo, who lsdy, ikon Mhing.arwannrnF mhslo. kip ape wiawt a quiet. BOX 1b7'A while WHEIE HAVE U BEEN. - If r Old. wive !viii. 57. blends hair and Oiw�aeyyaeta I webs abrg to beach and fiWaffkp b alwenatiw fyaaaG rm see" an asaalve guy /6 a x1, gtheat personality and fafwae d lfwmmoc I hmaoo ter Ourstiomn b call ybLL.. BOK 17973 A couple bo�for &Tsaaudht mW for ria- peet ofd clean W.A. BOf( I&M CTM Attractive blonds. dalim, ohiponp female sewing an hill , fun til in+w>- cay 100.". relined 9000 wnwell � _ E� ��•tc. Apar 41F Box FRIENDS HAST Age 31, no dpwkdwfs n KWM b Akk w o k - or. social dhnMw Jh" picnics sial prhat� botMg concerts amprg ouldoofs wsa4- and gNswaya. Looking for a1, . " te, 38- 45, no dpwdwfa rmrdlu§ build. WA short hair, undo stwdlna enjoys cnida idle ein- NEED A FRENO Looleng fora pnvate investigator, single, le^•h, and lough. Down ro earth. 20 years and up. Must be n good shape, play Tars get, with no head games. Enjoy, movies, gam. dn9, dubs, and sports. l have the same out- look. Must be n the Oshawa area. BOX SOUTAIATES Single white mom. 40. 5'8-, 135 Ibis. employed, movies. music, dining meq. 'to S. Zn a arta. cuddy whys mals, 38 ro u, non smdcer, who Likes fids and arwnals. who is fun Loving, trustworthy, NW horst. Cobourg area. BOX 30498 LOOKING FOR FRIENDS 33 yr old mom. days 9uilar, enjoys music, bomb fires, good friwhds and fainly. Ltsoluhg bra 35.45 yr old male. nxhattadhed wah smriisr tterests ler friendship first. Cobourg area. BOK 3W95 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Sin, selective, while mom off one, 22, smok- or. educated. Enjoys Wotdrg movies 6-4 hoer He. wSealekkinj ernofonaly, �a�aa� stew man who wiA brig tome IMa{/wrr DaG rib my Life. and «goys d.ear.n's oornpony BOK 30480 CAN STEAL YOUR HEART 37 yr old angle, who female. 5'6-. 130 les, brown Nair• bus, eyes. attractive. Mrs Witt tiftuot Beaking an lic" affectionate. sn- 0.. Mate 37 b 40, 5'10 or talar. not ovarwligh, sari d honor, non smoker. no boards Mse No bar sours a Mad gams. BOD( 15.'302 HEART OF GOLD 42 r old shoo mosrr seeking a goi so farts apo or alder. Who loves b be pow Pond hhlateelad n coobrq the okAdbas dance social dmlwg and lib. BODE 17235 SEEKING FRN31DSW Rewe. Wreck". Chnshen Indy non srtnolow. non ambler Enjoys mars, dww. I"" dri g out. foe rmnerheU, day tips, waft wd A ive. n er couary Seeks nares sincere. ChiMrn gwearwh, •arty hes. woh solar irawoeo. n Ile Cobs" area, for friwhdo only SM 30467 FRIENDS FIRST 23 yew aro woo man of one. enjoys hrieF n4 gig b moves and spe ndil quiet ovsrrga at trnr. 1 nteveaod levo a mea- eapo. Bmf 30466 NO COFFEE PLEASE! M r ad, lsdy n D~ ryas Marts vowed ntereats and hobbies. So" a garde ow, 45 a 60, moue( be trnows aria gatoune. about Ear atel statke. WV form gent nhuatl trlawrrd BOK 14561 LOOKING FOR A MAN 53 r old onpicyed female seokrg a MAW. same ape �o�rp vim nors«s n fares, tfaPPnaa rrq and more. BOX 17140 UNSELFISH MAN WANTED Md 41rs ferrate. 5117. two diwren, average hula, big '', Ie haw, brown visa. Open Mended. Interests ndude a variety d music. welag, 3ka0ng. fitrnoss meet plays. or - seem inti. 40'3 b early 50's, young at heart active. fit unselfish, fiird, gore* and Shag. BOX 17316 CAPRICORN WANTED 30 r tied while mhcNrr d two. smokes. Mrs sawnt dubs and Wiot eveno alho Seeks Capricorn mw wan 3miw rtweats am 17578 No As a busy professional I had no time to find romance. But I knew there had to be a safe, convenient way to meet people. Then it hit me - a free ad in the personals. Now that I have a social life, I leave the office at a reasonable hour everyday. Like I said, it's a no brainer." T cE FM AD, 1 62-8423 NDEPEN xw 41 r old noses d ore Teen. ora tawny fun. pat, bo" hg and mows. Seeking a sn- gle male with m " ntetsw. Children we1- caned BOK 12632 WANT 10 KNOW MORE? Single, foam, 40, enjoys compo g, bow liv bow and mao a Ors sounds iwws g b you .peas give kir a al and we can talc BODc 15176 GENTLIMAN WANTED arn�e professional Isrnale with no Eenpys travel. fiaew, bsorhirg b inn etc Sookilg a gweernwh afro a a man s+Ww wish snow notsele BOK 15209 ENTHUSIASTX_ and webeous, old fashioned, l n lova¢ cuddly. crew Minded lennmle. 54. a4elr+p aorfaae for sckiii ma and Lae Must have a beg Mart. BON 15275 JUST CUDDLE WITH ME Single mom a ore. 20. 100 les. seeking a male lino knows MW he watt 20 b 24. Would ftA to fes someone aloud 6 b 6'4-. Ono Mas carry fwmc. Mowed, WN as" at to beach and mors. BOK 15874 LOTS OF LOVE TO GIVE Stint wwared who to se«ap a sRwim gwew!w, , 57 b 65. non sit. ares soil 0 do 1 you we hereat down b earth, and eke dancing and Movies...al mel 80X 17305 LIGHTRINi STRIKES 36 r old, Vil". 130 b, soaraw lanuale wish blue oyes and no dedsn. Enjoys rom erm quiet to addleg, chides and more. Sea" a mW, 36 b 42, wtn snMar row - am Children okay BOK 16661 HEY YOU I §ant be phdry because I have not budmfy prang tiarrrwq yet He s 20 o 35. 1a/, afractiwe. pass, ln.0. St. C, I•d frhya hero viols. He frown haw b Vest a lady lis a iWy BODE 30462 NEED A FIEIO Single hero female. early les MV V wad- er. loves MUSIC, moves. oriel, non smoher Lookrrq for a main. 52 b 62 who has --near eeweets. non -moor, ash a good awes d Anon I ro n the Fort flaps wets• willing b lease hes way. am 30M60 N YOUR SMILE TIWE_ 22 r old wirls lemale seemrg an older lines gerhsereen 30 b 45. ler ' , o casaws. OYMa =301 mamotd who s fun. BOK 12423 LADY sEEKNG FIEND with sifico. o40ae. Its hwndoll Lie gonglor someone wound ' is playing deft and cads rm hips wish pray, ham alta blue eyes. too Hmwe 3� traneportaeon am a by poodle. am TWIGS CAN 11AP/91 Lao 40's. aetacsve. IL romantic loves waft an M beech. kh% stung aldoom aavw. Saebng sin who mw, ww 30a b leo 40't wish similar rawests, ler Inco doll and poe- sbfe r Mau hp. BOK 30470 pE1OSHIPTO SHARE Petro. earache. Chrwn felly, norm Ow ron dtrim olj00 flea Moffett darer. 1W &ter, males, dining aa, ley "a and raft and drives n Ir oawllry. Desires to" an hhOrnsat. snows. Chin goes os, early 00's, ler 1 w-10 Cobourg was. BOX 30415 GET A LITTLE CLOSER! 39 yr old, 6. 180 Ib. married male s looking for a close encounters with a marred woman. BOX 11113 THINK U FIT THE BILL 23 yr old, mature. white male, average height, brownisNrod hair. good sense a humor. into horror movies, some sports. bike ndn% muic and more. I also play the yutar and love dtiicren. Looking for an attractive, mature. fa. white lorrnle. 23 o 34. BOX 16153 SOMETHING N co8M1oN! VVhae mole. 51T, light brown ham and bive eyes. 195 lbs. eullwfWy active and physical- ly fit. Info Old vintage raw cars, tranng dogs, the ouldoot's. playing guder and more. Look- vhg for somooft. 22 o 30. who is also Riser y ft and active. 8M 20537 TRY THIS OUT. This atlraclive, straight whir map, fling n Alar s tor. sem. self employed. dnorad with no dependents- Enjoys weft, moves. dirw-4 donlow and more.' o ' for a hfem0 who a altracsoo, paaai , . and fives n oUhmwWrbtbmo report. eQa� e MARRIED AND LONELY -mod marl seeming a love a manned women. Age 30 - 40 and any raw BOX 26496 YOUIIGER SEEKS OLDER 24 r OW, 6' 190 b, fit. wcoesskd. gnaw male wet novo0 b Afar from O::. Seak- ng an attracts. dew women. 3e3r ab, M. from gvewr Takroo area. are 26496 fun, ler a hOrnherec hnadatnp. Bae SEEfCI4G A FRIENDI d•, wqb mate wish brown heir and blue eyes. ft. «goys wothwg oto. going for "ala. unp- fishon% cm S�iMargts a�kW 10 fr�wtst who wid h" similar on wo«t BOK 35148 PERSONAUTY PLUS N r Roving 6'. T65 le. handsome go wen browirybfonda her, rwawrotiar and a nano owes. Enjoys the ouedoots. ts`n9. WV welts, worletq out. cofape tee and more. Looking ler a . Ws. with sorra noteats BOK 25290 OLD FASHION VALUES 36 r d4 6'1-, 195 D mala. blond hair. due eyes, aalesc build. Ncp rornww. who enjoys dwcrug movies, and long ifs, s eau ave a sy goo g k-* mrhdad carwl% etarR W" aAdoots, w ro trvo M. and GENERAL GOOD TIMES P'ckenng area male. 50's, seeking a male 20's. for adult fun. BOX 12862 OLDER MAN WANTED 30 yr old. affractive. marred. Wrote male who • is dean, safe and discreet. Sealing an attiac- b". older male with sailer qualities Expen- ance preferred. BOX 35005 SEEKS RELATIONSHIP 29 yr oro, 67, 195 b. male with blonde ham. groenlbrown eyes. a beg smile. Seeks mascu- line mala Who an put me n my place. BOX 36436 HOW ABOUT R? 33 yr old Native Canadian male. 5 8-. brown Iarr and eyes, sooko a mw. 19 to 7, ler good ones. 6 to include music, bars. the Deem. carrying, «e. Boa 14M BEHIND CLOSED DOORS 30 yr old white male. clean. ft, seeking a whir rtafe ler decree( enoaasars. Mimed couples will=. b respond. BOK 19953 LETS HAVE FUN Maned o male. 45. seeming a dad a whle mw, under 45, or a couple Adue encounters ".. BOX 2'0117 Call 1-900-451-3793 52.49 per fnin. LIFE'S BETTER SHARED 5s•. 125 b. la . secure. we long dart haw. Enjoys trawok hang wood irl pact, baboore. W'9 wa/r, show" and snow Seeking an aura, . d who fen We into s hNo open mrd W. spontaneous for hwd• shop. BOK 179127 TALK AN AND PMRTYI 16 yr old, lanwale. hero roes b have fun. sesk- ng the same. 19 b 23. 4 you owe to go b rows. holon b non and pit hove fun, gwe no a at am 17955 UNUSUAL TASTES Cdupo she's 54". 125 its. " dot har: he's 6', 200 be wilh brig dwk hew; both ave ave opens wrrneo4 we ahead teat BOX porenwa adrwuas and man. Seek - 28471 ing a female b a irnarfstrp oomm�parwWw-1 LAVESTO CUDDLE NO hears lose! flq BOX 35067 NEW TO THE AJAX AREA DWvaad Mnib Ie 31, 5Tr, Medlin 34 r ofd. single. male. 6' clow ro 200 lbs. n CURIOUS GEORGIA shape. I , haw and eyes, sucaesafil. Mimed lento. 5'3-. seeking be-lol to Seeking an ddw. cWay tannate. 34 To 44, shove first vire efpone ce. Dscrabon a must. Mos raaigwr• funny and Is BOK 2"89 what she writs at a We Box 125M bolug Loc Eery >o's pMio 1 , alk Ida D6CRETION A IRIST SHARE DKCOUNTEM Curiae couple. 2frs. ea open rmwn AsIal; lopwood Mite male. late 20's. trkrn9 S. eta aria m0 fenn«. ler encounters, d tee1arhq a to am ler dacrest encamlers, 2497Clea 6aCnesah a aawasa Bye 12497 9 BOX 12787 FOAM GREW CX1fCNN 47 r oro oriels 50', bkfnws smMilp a nom poesAOs w* 1, , ip BOD( SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY LET'S TALK A IEIV START LAVESTO CUDDLE M you nterestad in a wM0 awe alwrbon 31 r da. 5T, moft buiM. MIM lamnale - DWvaad Mnib Ie 31, 5Tr, Medlin 22 r dd fonnale enjoys movies, picnics on ft d s«nUas play well no strings afadrd? I wash blwm her and due ayes- SSOWS a bki4 arty bhwws hair, bin yes, boss hairs - beach, goa�p for waft and he" Wh I sA please d and W kir lents what you are y esclae, who nal s. 32 b 31, non- u and tbtaebact ttrjg towfing and le!t8 saheb LCM: must be. 22- wATo male. bolug Loc Eery >o's pMio 1 , alk Ida ancilow the. mrdl.. bui. now Mailed wish waft Non amwciar. no dnildow so" sin - enjoys ft same adiviiss, and Aunt lir a «nrEr s bokwg ler yokel BOOL 10692 no A1msn for a big Ism melatiof Wig SOX gle or divorced whin mW. wish simiW sow - M& FOesble veMON@ ip� BON 30501 FOAM GREW CX1fCNN 47 r oro oriels 50', bkfnws smMilp a 16858 esm for hieids! and pesafls veleforneIill TIONS 32 r old, single. Moe. pndeswaW. mole. OSHAWA AREA • Uroque couple. she 5'4-, 125 lbs. ash kxg brown hair. mustade, non smoker, light b dark hair. he's 6'. 200 bs, with dark har, both ave Wonrmrous, adventurous and very oa�� canoeing. nwnrmvllg and heti soawo. Seski g a female for friendship. coom- lienciveong. Seeks woo lornals, wish and W" rMaOOMtw. BOX .40 b seers rwfy dos al hors rimier a file- �PW-WV 17591 Owe . BOK 12834 est anjoya wweiimg sanlrwirg baa rlluhlt dinaft ad lid Wat Unca. Smwep akgla ■hits 3 0 IkdtieaL doc 7 koncidy and athkoebrtay stobw �. doteei� bOCaalwW glees a NO STRINGS _ SECOND b, Couple: he s 40, she s X see" clean. do - 41 r aid below. 5'10.1 brown ore« male a la mile for discreet oncounswa • hair and eyes irtataslaa n ens moats No bunt. BOD( 20102 woks, Ir pork 660% e01ltit riarnp and more. See" a Ismale wish swulw other- amr, we" b aBOX relseaWip SEEKING NEW LEE Rr THE 11111.0BOK Attractive s' N r cid alto lents.. 5'6-. T THE l? HSa 30461 While widowed lemmmw. 41, 5T tui Heaved alkane worm, hmorarl iftdepetoUrA Moo- short Mads Fir. b 4rgusL. COUP educat• ad Seebfkg a fit non a§maing. §Ws, 42-52, 21 r old, oduaod lenale who Ww' p mows nanmc denci§g, thavetifg and move. H�D6 FIRST Iafmw d 2 teerapws S7, 57, 100 ba, bud C� 1.900 45144 est anjoya wweiimg sanlrwirg baa rlluhlt dinaft ad lid Wat Unca. Smwep akgla ■hits 3 0 IkdtieaL doc 7 koncidy and athkoebrtay stobw �. doteei� bOCaalwW glees a Smoking an sducaod mate. 2610 32. Mb is inarnaidy i mmwarmy soeuve, eeh srwlias lean good. Lad" b %While tale, 35 a 43, ntedllan build, shoulder Iwhgsh or lwger heir. Bea diig Wit $2.49 49 pw n*E molm or UteL amrh1lm la swidw, ihlweats. BOL 2901 wfnm and moa 8If 11010 imewsolo. NX who out. mmei4 mhhrhltc how and lice a pent'. also few WieO lira .('itl 1-�4Sitii%'0.i . y FOAM GREW CX1fCNN 47 r oro oriels 50', bkfnws smMilp a SI*ge * OU11 W7,fl 130 r oro a. L&N, 5f , 130 ora plum eyes,brawl hmie lien movfine dhing, Poria ALAIOV A MOTHER 22 r aro lsmris, aloud O. Er"s nomm. M DOe 30M IW WL IDI IhiahfdMip Mrlomeelt iiclfOs whist d" fr beech and s om Seolnp a ter buck and aldEnt up. ym am wdilo, Oateoon 23,20 and "flys Oo swam W 7AII E AS 1 AM! mw� bW9% mo m N and etokw dial 17001 ode cuddy and �eran 90 a M � � +� fllom an atenlols ett_a►6 SOK 30470 pG!�IKpSr lm bid wiitm mole 145 Kao 57'. Me med- is b=&& drkwt6 dwq out10 waft l ft �ahld now � 1-�N-ii i $2A9 per mbL �ES Alp NIEST A�ichottmappo AMM smmlsng an r 30 BOL LANBE hip LOVW 1y wash ter dapsndert 57. Mum eyma les n tmohR N. 57. ^tw-,, bui «Ijays 00U�' wl co"k IBM � f W*ft Koch i� 1�1�37�i Ila 15405 CLFAICIIr. EAtYC0i1C fiI�ELMIOS file eels. a 40. a epi rem. 34210 Ihaic E>dtentoy carreidmhsle Sash a nab ala worsts . alsrwwd mo' fs. 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AREYOU CUTET Late 20s 5'S. attaame. elide moke %itt blotrdm freer aW tui mymt Sulsfrp a aAm TW ON W H ANIM M r bid nitiwd male 57r. 160 Mho mai stwlM seat blew. lmolig for a drown a 1070 N ONLY Y7 yr oro wino mrim 50'. 150 bin auldhko .amen 30ieva4 mYm. 10 a 4o OKV. No to SpaL Vbw mW also chisiVe « tense 7vur ad by eaitD Me For bast teoopia0r cvMufmr partes are v baaL ddUofrlp��vr� �aporls and nota • rnslewishainimiAafeals Ma SdoiagWatrgtg morieR owmwemc.Mq sorhraho dear CIA and fewiutn mels, 25 b 32. Me is down a sato BOK gush lsdy afro ores blit. dorhcif� 9ey hhlweels include sporU mhovds dW-41, �o�raoa1e11alrAad for Cilihip BO( 35431 bunt. wish toy same ir0 esti- BOK 12604 17251 unpng and Wet sons .BOOL 1050 drhirg aria move. BO( 12852 C�� -FREE PERSONAL AD FREE VOICE GREETING FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL N ' TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1-800- 2-8423. ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT. PAGE 30 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1998 �Kg r - -' OPENWALLY'S 7 DAYS 24 HRS. Restaurant A WEEK " BUY 1 GET 1 FREE I WY OK , GET ONE FREE 1 . ; yp°'1 wF'1tW4 HomorJ Han' Fries `T�aN 1 F I - J•n. 31M I _ 1 1100 Sinro• St N. 1 433-0369 ' 1100 Simcoe St. N. ti • . 433-0369 r a Oolice officers deserve our respect and admiration. They' • a • onnn a sitive attitude and a sense of duty to one very AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION BY e D O� THE TRAFFIC TICKET SPECuwSTS RONALD PRESTAGE Serving Durham Region Smee 1987 CARELESS DRIVING, ACCIDENTS ALL PROVINCIAL OFFENCES & CRIMINAL CHARGES 701 Rowland Rd. E. Whfty Mon*W Grd.n Plan) (905)430-8845 OSHAWA LINE (905)436-7194 rarar���� • d°BY ALAN OGDEN ""� Y d°Y u . w S - CUSTOM INGROUND VINYL POOLS 1 r.. 4 ,'' • F E OPTIC POOL LIGHTING • REPAIRS F _ • REPLACEMENT LINERS ' ' • POOL OPENINGS dr CLOSINGS Please fan us �n expressing OUr" thanks to► the .INTERLOCKING STONE •RETAINING WALLS courageous and dedicated individuals who help to make OUR REPUTATION IS OUR GUARANTEE our community a better place to work and live. OVER 30 YRS723-7016 REFERENCES a -3 F"ERIENCE D> AVAILABLE DURHAM REGIONAL POUC �,'�" (905) 436-3553 j ti 1t1V1te ou to attend their" (905) 436-0002 Fax y . -I - HIB7TS &DISPLAYS at - - A WH -from r B.N. FENTON CONSTRUCTION LTD. f. MAY 11th to MAY 16th/98 Courtice, Ontario A I""it Dis Bruce A. Fenton Barry N. Fenton President Vice President K-9 Unit -HARE LIMITED LakefrontResort k,. Camping, cottage rentals, POLICE WEEK 1998 Schedule gj Events 4, sandy beach, boat rentals, Mon. May 11: Booth Activity - • • - activities, etc. K-9 Unit Oshawa - 1180 Simcoe Sc N. nowmarmne - 103 King St, I, CRUISERS ®g Book your Holiday now rivaLffn Tues. May 12: Booth Activity �`ax � - T.S.U. GRACE CANADA INC. Call for free brochure Youth Print - CRUISERS _ CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS DIVISION (888) 745-0423 MONO wed. Mar 13: Booth Adivity READING CIRCLE Thanks to our Durham Regional Police for T.M.U. making our Community a safer place to live. K-9 Unit Diem 294 Clements Road West ` } • • �• Thur. May 14: Booth Activity ,Ajax, Ontario L I S 3C6 V07W T.S.U.NAWAL (905) 683-8561 - ' iwRMCM Youth Print Fax (905) 683-4659 • • • wrlrD1"i! Fri. May 15: Booth Activity • aro. - K-9 Unit - TS.U. -SCO •STEEL®LSCO Sat. May 16: Booth Adwity AND . _ K-9 Unit Youth CO-STEE RECYCLING •.�-•..•••�•.i. in.oraee.119911MIr• t��Liaa Are proud to -be. a part of the Durham Region anion We salute our Police Depar ptent g and the Police Awareness Week. K - for a job well done On behalf of all employees we express our r `" thanks and continuing commitment to the NEW ENDED Tia: (905) 668-1477 - - community we have been a member of for 500 Brock Street South ;Fax: (905) 66&8096 Whitby, Ontario LIN 4K7� Toll Fcc:1-60361.6996 thirty four years. a THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 10, 19" - PAGE 31 ■ Tribute night will honour Michael Starr WELL-KNOWNDURHAM CITIZEWS CONTRIBUTIONS to mmmurvrry AcwuowLEoceo OSHAWA — A gala event to recognize the many contribu- tions made by Michael Starr to Oshawa, Ontario and Canada will be held June 3 at the Lviv Hall. The Oshawa Riding Progres- sive Conservation Association is sponsoring the event to hon- our Mr. Starr, former Conserva- tive Oshawa MP, federal cabinet minister, Oshawa mayor and citizenship court judge. The evening is a fund-raiser for the local Tory riding associ- ation. "Mike Starr is Oshawa's number 1 citizen and it would be a sad commentary on our area history to let this opportu- nity pass by:' said event chair- man Gerry Ouellette Sr. "That is why this gala event is being held. "As the fastest growing area in Canada, many of our new cit- izens do not realize the great contributions Mike Starr has made;" Mr. Ouellette said. "As mayor, he initiated the building of Oshawa's first city hall, police station, fire hall and started an active programme of modernizing the City's public works department. "As our member of parlia- ment (1952-68), he rose to be- come the most popular minister of labour, applying everyday common sense to the most deli - cafe labour matters" Mr. Ouellette said one such incident was the settling of a CNR strike in Mr. Starr's Olive Avenue recreation room. Mr. Ouellette said Mr. Starr was responsible for having the post office, customs building and Oshawa Harbour's east wharf built and started modern- izing the airport. "One of his greatest achieve- ments was the initiation of the technical schools programme across Canada for the training and retraining of our workforce. "This programme was the beginning of our community colleges in Ontario;" Mr. Ouel- lette said. He added Mr. Starr, now in his late 80s, has remained in Oshawa upon retirement and has.used his talents and time on projects such as Oshawa Gener- al Hospital and Camp Samac. He has also been involved re- cently with the Oshawa Sports Hall of Fame. Joel Aldred, a former radio and television personality and a friend of Mr. Starr, will act as master of ceremonies for the evening, which will include speakers and Ukrainian food and dancers. Tickets are $80 each or $640 for a table of eight. For reservations, call or fax 436-2901. CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to area your AYerraon to Cie flaftn ng in our cxmm "GIANT OUTDOORS SALE" We wish to draw your attention to the following in our current "Giant Outdoors Sales" flyer. PAGE 12 - Items x19 to 22, Spinning Reels, 78- 4501-0/4559414533-4/4608-8. Copy reads: Reg. 39.99 - 49.99, Sale 34.99-44.99. Should read: Reg. 34.99 - 49.99. PAGE 16 - Item x4, 15 -PC. drill bit set, 54-3629-0. The "3 Year Warranty" does not apply to this product. PAGE 29 - Item 118, Paper Napkins, 99-0977-2. Illustration is incorrect. Should show "Scott" Paper Napkins. not "While Swan". PAGE 32 - Portable Booster Pac, 11-1550-8. Copy reads: Reg. 149.99, Sale 99.99, 1/3 off, should read: Reg. 139.99, Sale 99.99, Save $40.00. PAGE 33 - STP Fuel injector cleaner, 99-=4620-6. Copy reads: 'Special Buy' 3.29 for x99-4620-6. This product x is incorrect. Should read: "Special Buy" 3.29 is for x99-0770-2. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. , M d3t9 - Zom 6 a 9 —. 1'ICalSC TCC:yCIC IIIC: 6 - I V �- For Durham INTERNET �RW Businesses DIRECTORY On - Line Visit our Local Merchants without leaving home Community Durham Region CKIS "i'ddo BROWN SP= AM �C� • R. iteir'�" °ojo Poenu►c Orme[ taro � • www clurtiamcentral.corn www durhamcentral.com www .chn cpharmacy.com The Corp. WHITBY-OSHAWA "f the Tosurm *+N •n+�' H O N 30 AeORONET ® ww.dxharrtnel.com !9951436.9322 C (905)436-9322 www seer -pm Tam — Qt. >�.�.. Come set wbr 8 out or IO visitors me of Aja: Miniatures www.10wnot .cum ww.latwton.mn ww.hondal.com ww durhammal Com Durban Centra[ - EXCELLENT! www.druhrrrM, I Pr Urnww Put your ba aesi aa -t - areal VNxe - s�r prww! www Iriddellenrn can Bis Brotingtonrsof Cflar{ngtoe ROIAWN RV , w ,� 'I• < . �.uawwtcxic�+IM '~ s OCtcs►+oPtTD. j� TAALWOO Internet Narketi� www.durhmnatl.com ww.franler-mon W •wsrw.wNsp.00ernara" wwAilla cenlral.tom wwductwrCen".00M www oumammalcorn rrwroeoilnrMOtborl o. *W FW40ML CRORIN MAMT-NANa Nc oasbTruckMemoriam from Moment~ l ' ansa ww.dxtwm�el.com ww1wharmul.emYuown wwranandtrudrworlQcam ww.duham..net wPhotography ww.dudu rhamceMralcom wwt 4hop cam anaawrnow aawncae �ssmams COMMUNITY MORTGAGE ® PY%WR� 15�CE I �.. .jF.6� dr r. r� b.a i peira wr.ie+. �� ww.duhmmnl.com ww.w I' I-ee.ne*V00" beach wwadxfwnow*vLcom www .enaaek.ca ww.atimrrmal.com ww.ussner cum FOW City of a% CM sfuw� � BW* � � Of Cauda FACTORY ■A' 71111tidD kcinf on .' a—w- DOW rhe W"�"'� ." .,�� �r�J►�t:*�: yxo oyrty v%` - Bukkg ' serme ww. .othawa.on.a ww.dxtwmW.com www.hlbc.com wwAshmmial.coWacom ww.dxhmx@nlral com ww.dxhaa al.00m ww.dxhmnal.com TM 1K _ _ .: _ F11111"DIE FOLK * a ,,w ,aWWI" HAVE town.I flftamca wwdtowrnW.oxn cam wwdlxhanrtW.cam wradrAranetsersnel llsim wwa on.a ofF0&%M Ac Tap d' a tab um 1V TIiISWEER YOUR wwadowmW. tam wwak ir amn wwuta"Wra net d �` � Art Works � � QW Cen BUSINESS P - 'MMtaffend'm Min trwdulwrmLLoomWAVLM oan wwaduAaraadotaa wwadahrtwLoom Knncimv'at�raArHi;r1tit,� Graft LISTED HERE ?lrt W" in 16esnltt ulaPub wwwdu wwadlrhlmaell trww.00apoeh.00m www.peicenanca A ,�, ® PRECIOHUS /NGS� CSiS ON line . CALL: Q 579-4400 .00m L=n wwe`� o11U �l ��� ji IIfRmAOtr ext. 2208 FArrimoolLcm I>Iee;�rh'r Ask for Paul www. autode ot. ca w pAuto yrs P", Zoll Face (MM) 503-&333 TAlL? _2 Toronto (4is)r Canada's Car Company JRE COME IIS or - P77: M44 CARS & RUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM . %;k 7a -A F f It I I 11 1997 VOYAGER SE ..dV- 1997 GRAND CARAVAN SE 54�g p 1 'S paswnga plus much more. .6,8per week Stock 05501. 1 11997 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4X4 1997 CONCORDE LXI rr 1�4 A.A I "Ie row���r `fi�����r��- "witth:tes'tdrive' of new 1998 SUR[ G One W e A -O„n�Y, 1997 NEON 1997 INTREPID ES Mai i 15,pe r wee'k p,e,r \%ve,elk - 6 8 p e.r w e e_k 'S; "ILI 7,7 w, IL ' E La NA V'NE T IF r, J.M HAZEN kEVIN KERPt LEN JERRY -iGAN CURI' SIN PICKARD WIL I AN ON M ELROr 41RSE'- T HARDING "VORSLEY pl"�.ARD WOODCOCK DRAGE F AJ,AX T VAI IL L A0, E- CH R YS L'E R 1-71—-f 7 7 I j AA 1,, F A c, 1, �,Al 'Alil' if” PAUL GROBERT