HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_05_06PICKERING EDITION cut co PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY CENTRAL BRANCH Optional 4 week home delivery charge $51 $1 newsstand Wednesday, May 6, 1998 Pressrun 44,500 32 pages PROVINCIAL DEFICIT LOWER THAN ANTICIPATED, BALANCED BUDGET TO COME IN YEAR 2000 t yah Dudw Stan pointed to the creation of 250.000 Mr. Eves also announced the "I am extremely happy," said tection and enhancement to t The provincial new private sector jobs in Ontario deficit, pegged at $5.2 billion Durham Centre MPP Jim Fla- improve the Province's fish and ' government between February this fiscal year, is being reduced herty after the budget speech. wildlife management. ,is continuing its war on taxes. In his third budget, finance 1997 and February 1998, the largest much faster than originally "1'm just thrilled. It's actually Oshawa MPP Jerry Ouellette "I think it may be dollars and minister Ernie Eves number of jobs created in planned by the Conservative an historic moment in terms of said he's pleased with that meets the board's request for an announced Tuesday the is a year in Ontario's history. government. protection of the marsh" announcement, adding he was ON government Proposing 36 more tax reduc- Included in the tax cuts are the acceleration of personal He also announced a $20 million natural arca protection He said the government's commitment to protecting the "solely responsible" for the commitment. signitruW number of teachers' tions for Ontario residents and businesses, on top of 30 already income tax reductions and Employer initiative whi fi k ill help pur- marsh follows David Crombie's He said the idea came from a Pat may. Durham District put into place in the past two Health Tat exemp- tions and the rcducuon of the chase natural heritage sites and cm ironmentalk cn,in\e lands recommendations about the marsh released earlier this \ear. programme he began locally with Durham Regional Police ERNIE yam. Tax cuts, he said, are the best small businesss:; income tax rate b\ . n per .. r•!i it' parks uded in AI in the huJ,,:t t.. the n t ,. . before he became an MPP. EVES Finance minister says job alts job creation programmes. He over the next eight \ can erncy Provincial Nuclear Emge See BUDGET/Page 2 are best job creation programme Upgrades Plan (PNEP), which to still anDurham interim document, mates public building Up to 144 Durham in store around Town hall PICKERING — Trips to the Pickering Town Centre, the Pickering Central Library and the Pickering Civic Complex should soon become a more esthaically-pleasing experi- ence. Town Council's executive committee has approved a sec- ond phase of improvements to the Pickering Town Centre. wbk-h will provide a facelift to the mail frontage on Gleaanna Road and the streascape there. The section of Glenanna to be improved, and the mall park- ing lot and bus loop beside it. prrcady dominate the existing street entrance to the civic com- plex and library. The first phase of mall improvements included the expanawn of the Famoues Play- ers movie theatre complex. and the additions of arts- -ant and COW commercial space. Work is expected to start -all ost immediately on the see - 'cad phase, which will involve the conrvenwe of the bus loop out the mall lot to addiuonal parking: improvements to the pedestrian approaches to the mall and to the Gleason Road boulevard: and the establish - ;New of a bus lay-by area along the west side of Glenanrw Road. Enhancements to the sides of Gknanna Road will include pedestrian lighting, decorative sidewalks. benches and land- scaping- "Enhancements within the rond allowance will be at no root to the Town and will serve to implement development as ^Ruet out in the Council -approved icbwift Downtown Core 1. Guidelines." not - w '[barn staff in a report pre - MD eoue cillots. 1.7bm is also provision for so to coatribefe up to award the roost of a pnhiic art piece , k baited at the mordtxueest of Glahaana Road and >oM tfafa- eatrahce to adectio• of die piece *a tole joint approval bo Torn and the man. qjTVhw is to j 1 Six Vweeb to Com- service win rid be Me dulriug zdevclloP' Ibe Sine. AT' S INSIDE ............6 IIt/tlt ...........13 ..............15 ..............17 He's all ears '��� Jeremiah McNama-Kealey was given a hand -- lit- The team was taking part in a talent show and eraly -- from fellow comediarts during a Wor- compebtion. Here, members of SMIT perform a mance of the St. Mary Improv Team (SMIT) at St. series of sketches based on suggestions from the Mary's Cana k Secondary School in Pickering. audience. Pickering, Durham rap changes high school teachers may face layoffs BUT BILL 160 TERMS MIGHT MEAN %S MORE ELEMENTARY TEACH[ --RS By Sawn 021wi disaster alerting Stitt reposer zone Close to 150 high school than 100 layoffs. teachers in Durham could be laid ,If this spnng as a result of reduced preparation time dictated in Bill 160 and the Province's ' funding formula, reports a public board official. ision diman gh school teachers In unveiling the Durham Dis- trict School Board's draft budget teachers. Monday. Ron Trbovich, supenn- Stan reporter tasdent of business. told trustees "I think it may be dollars and the Education Quality Improve - eight penods. norm Act and the new furling I model win "eliminate a signify meets the board's request for an rain wL I Of IB@dM%s' at dee Region are prolesung Provincial secondary levet here. sc:' says Court. Brenna. While Mr. Tirtwvich said the ON bowl ekusn't want to lay off any- IRDOVICH one. he noted high school teach- FtalQflg model will •eliminate a ens will be roquirat to prsbuce signitruW number of teachers' seven out of eight classes a day - due to cuts in preparations tune, so teaching jobs won't be lost. the board will require approxi- Pat may. Durham District mately IOD fewer teachers. president of the Ontario Sec - He also pointed out the ordary School Teachers' Federa- bond's fiiridirig for high school tion. says she's "voubkd' by the teachers is based on an average fact the Province estimased a student case load of 72 credits. $14 -million fading increase to However in Durham, Mr. Durham's public board but the Trbovich said, pupils take an board is now looking at morn to nuclear disaster alerting zone average of 7.53 credits. So, the s than 100 layoffs. � s an additional reduction of 44 ision diman gh school teachers fl��l�f% mast be drawn up. teachers. will have to instruct seven of Stan reporter "I think it may be dollars and He reponod if the Province eight penods. Both Pickering and Durham I cents driving this, ratter than log- meets the board's request for an Ms. Jermey says she's espe- Region are prolesung Provincial i sc:' says Court. Brenna. additional $2.8 million to allow cially concerned that the loss of emergency plan changes reduc- Under current provincial students to continue taking a full 100 teachers could hurt extractr- ing the zone for immediately i emergency plans, citizens in the course bad in Durham, the 44 See D pi 4 alerting the public of a nuclear s� emergency dim talo- I primary zone are to be alerted by .'sand sigmas' in events a Drywal lWE V hits mares from 10 around the Pick- u the „�. � � nof ew nuclear emergency. The new y. strike ering and Darlington power erncy Provincial Nuclear Emge plaits. By alerting the population '' Plan (PNEP), which to still anDurham interim document, mates public building sites what you want people to do is r alerting is required for only a tune in to radio and TV stations to I three -km zone around nuclear New home construction its muscle and is persuading a get information," says Ivan Ciu- - b stations, and drat the alerting s s- across �m is being held up strongly suggesting the dry - cwn diroctoroferrhageny mea "Ilse tan netist provide a warning by a dryw4ay, strike whisk wallas do not ," says sums for the Region. feeling practically 100 per cent of people stated acceding o eshe Macinnis,wor president of is the three kilometres isn't suff9- within die zone within 15 mitt- Durham Region Home Builders Region City Homes, expects miertnbas of y Hr. nm expects cient. You want to alert more of utes. The nature of the syslerrh Association president Jamie other trade thri'T o off the die population. You want to get That informuion out so there's no ,'qli hasn't yes been daermine& The 'May be doWs tend Wft alerting method ttsod under dee M --her . �� si job well. actors wo a panic" driving ft. fXdW Ulan logic old plan involved a canptftn d have been picket Gam ser tion silex tit Whim rs majority of fie contractors won't con aeon dee lira. Nobody's Durham Council will be asked, telephone call-up system that s Mr. Region ' says Mc , in having lot of thou in ha today to approve a resolution akning issues encotmlered many problems dor- aag the par to b appear to ble." Tileede The D president caning on the Province to main- A similar resolution is expect- ins emergency exercises. evarlwo es rotating their work stoppages ro ome bHRA ynkee m oro home buyers keep in taro the 141st emergency alert- ed to be pix bullate Pickering Under the PNEP, aloe citizens between locxofth. touch with their sales or Koch with ing zone, to include a mere Council May 19. are alerted to an emergency. they Merabers of the United Broth- builders a fad out than �L detailed standard for public nal- Ward I Regional Councillor are supposed to turn o radio and o of Cl data will be delayed. Builders y fication and direction in the erner- Maurice Brenner, cosponsor of TV stations for 'aotifrcatiod or Local nein jobs 675 ler than jobs Acoustic left tie ria directly involved the ®arcy plan, and to sock Regional the resolution, suggests the information on what they should voper i atter voting 96 per ottx in favor t tiegatiatiorts, which are between and community input on the reduction in the notification zone do. • of a strike. Their previous con- the union and the drywall coo- would be "counter-productive", "While a more specific stab- tract expo April 30• tractors' association. particularly at a time when there dard for public alerting is wel- According to Mr. Macl anis, " AY hope they understand our NW TO REMO U3 is so much public concern► about dee Pickering station. He says it's carted:' states Mr. Ciuciura in a report o the Region's finance and most Durham drywallers working position as butildd ers athey gal�lralf ..........683-5110 OWN NOf es logecal'o have a 10 -km notifi- administration conrumtta, "the west of Whitby are members of die union, whille most toilingtoilling in understand the consumers' posi- tion and they resolve this fairly .....683-3005 AnUm We .......683-7545 man zone, when dot is also the size of the 'primary zone' in limit to three kilometres neither mats the practical reality of Pre- Whitby and points east aren't, but both �1� appear o be partici quickly' Union officials did rid tennh liar! ...1-800.662-6423 nuclear planning for e�'Be�7r P 8 paredness nor satisfies public pig in the strike. the News Advertiser's calls Vol. 33, N0.18 which detailed emergency plans See NUCLEMftge 5 "lite union is basically flexing before press time 7iiesday. 3 W NEWS �$�ug� � Y -Budget brings good news Highlights The 1998 Orltano budget intro- ltsoe 'Tuesday by Finance Minister Ernie Eves contains 36 tax cuts and new spending in health care, educa lion, lob training and child care pro- gamrnnes. Here are the highlights: ✓ The final phase of the personal provincial income tax cut to 30 per Gent total by July 1, 1998; ✓ The exemption from the Employer Health Tax on the first 0400,000 on payroll is bumped from ;len. 1. 1999 to this July: ✓ Halling the small business cor- porate income tax rate to 4.75 per ,tent by 2006 from the current rate of 9.5 per cent. with .5 per cent cut this year; ✓ An accelerated tax incentive to encourage businesses to provide access, jobs for disabled; ✓ A new $9 -billion student assis- tance programme that will combine j the federal govemnnents Millennium Fund of $1.2 billion in scholarships in Ontario with federal and Ontario spending on student bans; ✓ $150 million over three years to enable twice as many students to W#DN in computer -science and high - demand engineering programmes;. ✓ $10 million for child care assis- tance of welfare recipients in the Ontario Works programme: ✓ Expansion of the Ontario Tax Reduction programme to another 360,000 modest -income taxpayers; ✓ $100 million for child care sup- plement for modest- and middle- incorne working families for up to $1.020 per year per child under seven years. with $200 million next year: ✓ 30 -percent workplace chid core tax deduction for businesses to create or expand on-site cNd care or contribute to childcare facftes: ✓ Land transfer tax refund for first-time buyers of new homes extended for a year; ✓ S820 nilbon to upgrade Ontano's frghways. MORE THAN $300 MILLION EARMARKED FOR EDUCATION PROGRAM doubling -- - -- 1 from 9.5 per cent, the highest in lowest committee, said he was pleased the cadet training progTa m lights and me, funding for textbooks was doubled of fines for running red 90DGET/Frortt page _ Canada. to 4.75 per cent, the in Canada. he said. The rate will be orce e from the committee's recommenda- multi he Province will also Worakdwith Mr. Eves said the final installrnem cut to nine per cent immediately. Other tax relief measures include tion. said Mr. Eves also said $150 million municipalities ond community f new "hundreds of new in the 30 -per -cent income tax cut will conic into play July I this year, six an eight-year plan to reduce commer- will be put into new community safe- ung to help provide initiatives, including a new OPP front-line" police officers. months ahead of schedule. That will cial and industrial education tax rates ty reduce the Ontario personal income in municipalities where the tax rates tax rate to 40.5 per cent of the basic federal tax. is imple- are chow the provincial average. Eves announced that top of recentent announcements of funding for ARNTSLOAM SUPPLY LTD4 "When this final stage hospital emergency departments and mented. more than 90 per cent of Ontario taxpavers will see a cut in beds and community care for seniors, _ Ontario income tax of at least 30 per the government is adding another $5 ' cent:' vi r. Eves said. million for community-based nursing a nursing services task force Most of the tax reduction goes to middle-income earners, people mak- care, and $300 million for medical equip- _ ing between $25,000 and $75,000, he ment renewal. The government will also provide said. A couple with two children and a another $170 million for children's net family income of $60.000 will income aid societies to increase the number of child protection staff, provide bet- .. - pay $1.210 less in Ontario tax this year. Combined with savings ter training and revitalize foster care. from the previous cuts, the total tax will be $3.550. Mr. Eves the minister said. In education, the Province will savings x: said invest $130 million in Internet net- _ - T.he Employer Health Tax excmp- the first $400.000 of payroll. working for schools. $100 million for textbooks and other learning material _ tion on announced in the 1996 budget. was to freeing 88 for elementary schools, $69 million in one-time funding to help school take effect Jan. 1. 1999. per cent of private companies from boards adjust to the new fair funding paying the "job -killing" payroll tax, formula and $12 million for updating laboratories, adding math and science • Mr. Eves said. Now the government is moving it up to July 1. 1998, he tutors and expanding standardized said Over the next eight years. the testing. Durham East MPP John O'Toole, Interlocking Stone (Hest %wicctk•n) small business tax rate will be cut a member of the provincial education Retaining Walls- allsTraining Trainingand nutrition workshop topic one ul Canada s top tnathietes fitness ti01 Bruck St. S.. Whitby. Bently represented Canada at the M ■' , e will speak at a health and workshop on Tuesday. May 12. 1995 Pan -Am Games, was fourth at �a i 4 4 4 f ' Lisa Bently will speak on nutri- nationals in triathlon this year, won a in Japan and finished .• : tion for sports training at the work- shop hosted by certified fitness competition ninth in the Hawaiian Ironman con- 2km N. of 401 on Brook Fed. I • — instructor Carole Stens. It's being held at 7:30 p.m. at the test. For more information, call Seen, 2490 Brock Rd. N.. Pickering (WS) 683-0887 Whitby Scniors' Activity Centre, at 427-8042. (416) 964-4332 69EE /A nR 69 Home Electronics While TV goetttities Clearance lost SONY 21' TRINITRON STEREO TV pie"Own win'' s- Ve - 0111, ad 3-ror M only do& b sun. 014221. sews rag. 41.14. 449 99 Only $219" SEARS "M MONO VCR !we =M, tllti eimmd per Oai& sof elle Vel d.... stow. ieerti leg. 251.11. - so .. c..� L SANYO 2S SIEREO COLOUR TV �... - , . • lixdesitre to Seers 1 ricter&4*11lden 9'0M` wer7�3 doom ie stele • 114748. Semi trek. 571.x!• Sava F1 $ 50 JVc* 2r S91W TV lamb N r 2 Insr Fpkm*TV. 9alibo, Few" ".". 249.99 w Only $269" SEARS 4 -NN SM 0 ion Sig. No no gidwe teal ,.rp�red vista. inn. sa.a w,. 3i1.M. . on all tud'o:Blowout. e � ■ RAO(StBtEOS ■MINI S19M ■ RE{9VERS ■ 0 fl= ■SPEAKERS ■HOMETHEATRE ■P9iSONAlS1�S EMDMM S&M PMM MD SUNDAY, MAT 10, 1"G USE YOUR SEARS CARD AND f BLE B IMM tuaal Sway. war N~ cm uw Wir Sews Cara arta yet dixoW sears at points an &V Home Electrortica ExtNales ~,, Ca ft- Purchases, delivery ant UQuidahm hies in our CHaaraitce Cnida 05102 Ct+yriyir IN& swe cmeft rrc I�t 4chool bus struck, children -safe following Claremont crash *AV MhVft Regional Police Claremont Public Special to the news say the school School and was ;ahleffiser bus was south- full of students PICKERING bound on Old from senior --A York Region Brock Road in kindergarten to man is charged C l a r e m o n t Grade 8. after a cement around 8:55 a.m. "All the stu- truck slammed when it was rear- dents were fine. into a school bus ended as it There were only in Claremont stopped to pick minor injuries yesterday morn- up children. that were suf- ing, leaving two The bus, fered," principal dozen youngsters owned by Stock Heather Stuart shaken but none Transportation said following seriously injured. Ltd. of Ajax, was the accident. D u r h a m on its way to She added Workshop for parents to focus on Attention Deficit Disorder PICKERING — Valley thinks they might be dealing Farm Public School is host- with an ADD child, says ing an information session organizer Lee Harvey. for teachers and parents deal- Ms. Harvey reports stu- ing with children diagnosed dents with ADD make up with attention deficit disor- approximately three per cent der (ADD) on Wednesday, of the overall school popula- May 13. tion. Valley Farm Public The workshop, which School is at 1615 Pepper - runs from 7 to 9:30 p.m., is wood Gate. For more infor- open to any parent who mation call 428-6337. Look Inside Todays News Advertiser For Your BLACKS PHOTO FLYER Delivered To Selected Homes Only P__ -, —� Part -Time Full -Time Blaisdale Montessori School 27 years of Educational Excellence G- . - e Thum., May 14,1996 Tues., May 26,19910 545 Kingston Rd, Ajax 365 Kingston Rtt, Pielwfrq (f ast of Church) (at Rotgemount) Flffad Offlea - 415 Toyrsaysa Rd., Pickering (south of Kingston Rd. off Rougemount) 403 Kifggston Rd. Ajax (w. w tftieebrey at Roti+.r9 ) 66 Old Kirsoaton Rd., Ajax (W on ".7!L W. of Church) (905) 686-5005 Ajax (905) 509-5005 Pickering Call for a visit. that, at the par- ents' discretion, children were taken to a doctor or stayed in school. Driver Patty Grad has been on the route for a number of years, according to Ms. Stuart. Thirty -one- year old John Rye, of East Gwillimbury, is charged with careless driving. The Durhann Coenuri ify i will be performing at HeartBeat '98 A Benefit Concert for the Clinical Research Fund of the Cardiology Deportment at the Hospitol for Sick Children. Pwfanrwnces by: Marven Forreatr, Do d Warrack, George Lake gip Bond. Gary Polorrd'Y• President of NOW" Colepe, and children's wor"im n loo for Kids', s l�day, 9 2 pmof tSt Mark's United Church, Whitby rickets available at: Durham College and VArmrinsesr United Church, Sr. Mark's United Church and Laiontaine's Trading Post in Whitby. fur further information call osrisrepim, Winne, (905) 723-641 T=1CM ADVZWrM R tfVZDMEDAY. MAY 4. "M - PA"3 Factory Clearance Amazing Value on Sleep Sets Nate the aerodynamic , Ca„e" for speeding down over 5 0 tMtWirfg rides. *your Pictwewa look as good as Angebc0 s'. Now you can raeet her along with your outer fdAxnte mckeiDdeorlshugate. array ft and With creat live shows all Summer bn% yodfsee way more stars than this. r .r There's a lot more water where this came from at our /—-0-ocre water park. Experience over 16 water slides and Canada's largest outdoor wave pool. YodA be hearing this word 100 times a day if you've got youngsters - especially with our�4w i -new Kbwvtile�". Ride with yocr kids on a Helicopter Monorail and Taxi Jam-. a child5 first coaster. There �GFxJckie Consider this your secret Spy code to ride the movie on are 6 great new our new an -3 gawp 00 i A License to Thr -A"" Action, attractions in all Sittttliator St's a wicked chase after, Bonds deadliest foes. Individualcar A with .eason Pass 95 s •' •O Fireworks: May 17 and' July 1 1�f+ tam MaFour from Party of Five: V rYr� Mayy 24 24 l , JUnkt x=-. June 12 �% �N July OFF -yoa g and the Restless": • t.00rois �oflGDoys of our Lives : per PON"" PILA, Hot Concerts �� 1 ' m'" •° f0mv o�f-1 s fa Outlet Price Twin Set $1 9999 Reg. 359" to 799" Hot Rush: July 2 Set DSaVeDouble $29999 Reg. 449" to 899"Queen Set $39999 $ Reg. 499" to 999" King Set $49999 Reg. 749" to 1499" SURE FIT OUTLET ""°;0� -„,�.r J M® 458 Fairall St., Ajax Thurs. 10-8 Fri. 10-6 (905) 683-2222 sat. 10-5 „., OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. 12-5 Nate the aerodynamic , Ca„e" for speeding down over 5 0 tMtWirfg rides. *your Pictwewa look as good as Angebc0 s'. Now you can raeet her along with your outer fdAxnte mckeiDdeorlshugate. array ft and With creat live shows all Summer bn% yodfsee way more stars than this. r .r There's a lot more water where this came from at our /—-0-ocre water park. Experience over 16 water slides and Canada's largest outdoor wave pool. YodA be hearing this word 100 times a day if you've got youngsters - especially with our�4w i -new Kbwvtile�". Ride with yocr kids on a Helicopter Monorail and Taxi Jam-. a child5 first coaster. There �GFxJckie Consider this your secret Spy code to ride the movie on are 6 great new our new an -3 gawp 00 i A License to Thr -A"" Action, attractions in all Sittttliator St's a wicked chase after, Bonds deadliest foes. Individualcar A with .eason Pass 95 s •' •O Fireworks: May 17 and' July 1 1�f+ tam MaFour from Party of Five: V rYr� Mayy 24 24 l , JUnkt x=-. June 12 �% �N July OFF -yoa g and the Restless": • t.00rois �oflGDoys of our Lives : per PON"" PILA, Hot Concerts �� 1 ' m'" •° f0mv o�f-1 s fa Ckirk Juian Austin Wade Hoyer: Terri 14 :'' 'lune 14 e \JWT Hot Rush: July 2 n RESCIOLM Clint Mm*: kugust 26 At � ft* guy your Season Pass the Front Gate m Monday m Friday 11am to 7pm F ��r�`+� ' Saturday and Sunday noon to Spm. : , �+ �' No service charges. £ e On line Order form on our web site: cm PhOrte W-f3'Ki1 and use your e a ' s « J ca (JOS) ` Credit card. CAN ADAa Cir in person ��AIM or by phone (416) 970-x000.Absolutely the best N ad•r..e r,K entertainment value around ! ew.aw rare rrrerwa• eA.s.,ral.....rr. drere� std chUrer4 or "im hrrrh nrwrr0ers erose in dre erne ne 20 #d Park open weekends urs w r' ct t dont tw 12 thraor r 11. V w Aw"ir so rd"11 Meg 1 t. daYr eordne }rte 20 Mom SeP..nrber y hours rnbtect to weettw and Iljn.ie .:., fr/wnber sr 11. Water 19 oP•^ kr- soma 007 and reh"d diemetera and iodic+ am $4par diad a ead nudge October fD 0 117e Pxannrorrrt ParkaO HMVlemre krrenauresl iA!'B - * i"e pe w Am par „;.,, , tsrrirtona ^' D O H!g hnnrorre Plcares.1O orgq, tee rdlor urdad Ardis CorPorsrion MI goo (twrsenl. Ir a PAGE 4 - TMC NEM ADVEWrISER VALDNESDAY, MAY ti. lata It's offmicuial.... DURHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD'S FUNDING HIKE `OVERSTATED' lir fihsar f 7AWN Staff reporter Durham's public school board won't receive the $14 -million fund- ing increase initially estimated by the Province and is facing a shortfall in several areas, reports a board official. Ron Trbovich, superintendent of business for the Durham District School Board, unveiled the draft bud- get Monday, telling trustees the Province's estimate was "overstated" and that it will be some time before the actual increase is known. While Mr Trbovich says the board is one of the first in the province to unveil its draft budget. he notes there are a lot of holes in the spending blueprint. The budget is not balanced. with expenditures exceeding revenues by approximately $4.1 million. "We're missing a significant amount of information;' he says, explaining funding for special educa- tion programmes, for new pupil places and for staffing has not yet been confirmed. Mr. Trbovich notes the Province's estimate for the board's special edu- cation grant is $32.5 million, while the board spends close to S40 million on the programme each year. He says the grant amount is based on the number of students in the pro- gramme and adds if the Province fails to increase funding, theboard will use reserve funds to continue offering instruction to its special -needs stu- dents. The budget also reflects a shoritalI of S2.S million needed to fund teach Board gets tough on busing of ineligible k_ students AV stall D.NW11 stat •Pc��>r The Durham District School Board is conduct- ing an audit to determine stu- dents' eligibility r:r huwsnp in an attempt to cute transportation costs this fall. Transporta- tion manager Lynda Smith reports the board is cracking down on studenta who arc being bused to and from school but aren't eligible for the service. Ms. Smith says the recent implementation, of computer soft- ware designed to maximize busing efficiency has allowed the board to identify a number of stu- dents who are ineligible for transportation. -We're trying to give parents some prior warn- ing that they may be getting a letter within the next few weeks (indi- cating their child won't be bused in September):' Ms. Smith says. The (ward is 'trying to transport only those children who are eligible under the current transportation policy.- Ms. olicy -Ms. Smith says some of the students who are abusing the sys- tem are being bused to a school that is not their home school and still others are special education students attend- ing special class- es at out -of -ares schools when the same classes are available at their neighbourhood school. "Students who access school bus transportation and are not eligi- ble take valuable dollars away from the class- room:' states a board news release. ing positions for secondary teachers so students can maintain the current course load and complete their diplo- mas in four years. Mr. Trbovich also notes the new pupil accommodation grant is yet to be confirmed by the Ministry of Edu- cation and Training and the board will not receive a grant for new schools if it doesn't dispose of sur- plus space prior to September. "If we do not achieve the dead- lines we will not receive new pupil grants for the foreseeable future;" he says. "When we talk about closing schoc:ls or consolidating space, it means improving (use of) existing space. Mr. Trbovich reports the board is seeking public input on the budget during three consultation sessions over the next two weeks. The first session will be held Sat- urday, May 9 from 9 a.m. to noon at board headquarters, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. The second session is set for Mon- day, May I 1 from 7 to W p.m. at the same location. The third will be held Thursday. May 14 from 7 to 10 p.m. at Brock High School. The board is required to pass the budget before June 15. V., LOW Put it on ` Pre -Season your gas i €� �Yo bill. O.A.C. `TilTvw-, -- -_-_ P R I C I N G ==__ YORK 4uth�V td [haler e _ Durham teachers face job cuts OINglM&W PW , pets were to receive the staffing nrm- hers for the coming year yeskulay and 1icular activities such as sports teams teachers could be declared tawpka as and school bands because the remain- early as next week. ing instructors won't be able to dedi- 'Ibis is the worst-case scenario:' Me as much time to after-school actio- Mr. Trbovich said. "We don't want to ities. "Teachers really value that experi- lay anyone off" At the elementary lev- ence, but this course of action is going el, Mr. Trbovich reported, the to preclude our students from having Province's mandated class sizes will those options;' she says. force the board to hire an additional 75 Ms. lermey reports school princi- teachers. Win! Win! Win!, You could win FREE Continuous Learning for life Win free Oshawa campus credit courses for life by entering the Continuous Learning Free Credit Courses for Life Draw to be held May Itch, 1998 * 1st prize: free Oshawa campus credit courses for life * 2nd prize: free Oshawa campus credit courses for five years * 3rd prize: free Oshawa campus credit courses for one year Tickets on sale now through Durham College Continuous Leamin& 2000 Skncoe Street tkirth, Oshawa • $5.00 each lex three for $10.00 Plan on lifelong learning. Buy your tickets today) For mon information and your FREE copy of the Spring Course Book. all (905) 721-3052 or visit us on the as at www'duriramc.on.ca Dors not incArde course over 60 noun in duration. PIC, or BIOS lklum t You for do IW ~lei v.r,;;.: U r r y A T v C U R C E ri T R A C h T A R I p THE NEWS ADVENUM FrIDNL1rDIAY. MAY 6. M!6 - FAG6 e tr .� Nuclear alert zone reduction irks Pickering NUCLEAR/From page 1 confidence- He notes Regional staff have found no basis in any reports for limiting the alerting tone to three kilo- metres. and that in the U.S., public alert- ing systems cover the entire primary zone. "While the threat may be more immediate for those living in the three- kilomcontiguous etre contigus zeme, it is vital that the public in the remainder of the prima- ry zone also be given the same early warning so that they can be given appro- priate direction. A priority evacuation of the contiguous zone, for example, could not be successfully executed without alerting. and then providing public direc- tion via the media. to the remainder of the population of the primary Zoete: The alerting issue was raised with provincial emergenLy staff last Novem- ber. according to Mr. Ciuciura. and they responded that the Province is not pre- parod to extend tlx: three -km require- ment. Region CEO Garry Cubitt has also written to the Province on behalf of municipal staff across Durham recom- mending the standard be changed, but no response has yet been received from Queen's Park. According to Elaine Simpson, com- munications officer with the Ministry of the Solicitor General which oversees nuclear planning, there has been no actu- al reduction in the alerting zone because under the old plan there was "tri real dis- cussion" of time -specific alerting requirements. "It was just everyone in the 10 -kilo- metric zone would be ratified at the same time. says Ms. Simpson. Stricter alert- ing requirements have now been speci- ficd for the three -km zone, she explains. because th c entire emergency plan is now designed to Ileal with a larger disas- ter that could see an early release of radi- ation from a nuclear plant, not a con- trolled release days after an accident. as provided for in the previous plan. As a result, she says, there is **an enhanced keel of preptaratioxt" for the three -km Zone. Check Out Pages 10 & 11 For Great Mother's Day Gift Ideas! the upe►centre WEI P ' Z� isoo Exterior Alk d who Latex Eggshell ss l a Hih Gnme) gloss • Good htdr 47 • Washable. 1i -shorn finish • Water hasrd -low .Nh(ur 221;7tl;L gloss durable finish • m mt to quality 2�x3m-,I �� • Excellent • Exnllent hide Ideal for living rooms, hallways 1- dining rooms • (treat for exterior trim N dtrors •rtr,es t... pYe st+M Wide, pastels h tinted mrdium colors tVhite. 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V kwxh Nun �A' •[Ylr �,W,I�I � ••t�•'••e d n�rella\' aY,e •bY1L 105 Bayly Street West, Pickering Town Centre 705 Kingston Road, #18, Ajax Hwy. t2 k liaypool Rd.. pwm* Pick ,.,---683-2047 839-2252 .420-�U pkmse Recycle! Mother's Day is about love, affection and free flowers. ;'Receive a Free Flower $ouquet. The first 25 customers on Saturday, May 9th, who spend a minimum of $25 at Glendale Marketplace merchants displaying this poster, will receive a free flower bouquet from lino Hearts Flowers & Gifts. '>RW _. t Gledale Marketp�e Corner Finch Ave. East di Diae Road if CI`e•` ; • jJ Add*e'\ i i s \ Phone,. y. trerMd� 1• Y ±camat Y GIM�j•-M.1Ms}�-. N-"-'--N-N- tONr Mfs oat r > it torr cam" Optimum r USED VEHICLES .- Our used vehicles i .come with :r a new philosophy. 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MIRY e.11:!11 OPINION EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Let the good times roll The Ontario economy is growing at a light- ning -quick pace — a whopping 4.7 per cent in 1997, pegged at four per cent for 1998 and at least three per cent for 1999, so what does Ernie Eves do:' The Ontario finance minister has promised even more tax relief to go with the promised 30 - per cent provincial income tax cut delivered by the Tories since their election in 1995. The final installment on that tax cut has been moved up to July 1 of this year from Jan. 1, 1999, by the way. The method for this gladness (for taxpayers, at least) comes from drastic reductions to the wel- fare rolls. What comes off the social assistance list finds its way onto payrolls as unemployment has dropped from over 9 per cent in early 1996 to only 7.4 per cent in March of this year. That means hundreds of thousands of new jobs and a massive amount of tax revenue in the form of increased spending and provincial income tax. The government and taxpayers win coming and going. Other tax cuts have come fast and furious in this budget. Small businesses, some 90,000 of them in Ontario which are the best creators of job growth, are in line to get dramatic tax cuts, which will drop the current rate from 9.5 per cent of rev- enues to just 4.75 per cent by 2006. There are a basketful of cuts for corporations as well and some assistance for those who are facing property tax hikes due to assessment changes. Economic growth has been so good. in fact. the Ontario deficit will be eliminated on schedule, in 2000, in spite of the impressive list of tax cuts. That will allow the Province the opportunity to whittle away the 3108 -billion debt, built up over the past two decades. Tuesday's budget, the third full-blown one for this government, played hard on Mike Harris's themes and set the stage for the final year or two before an election call. Having made the major changes in their man- date over the past three years, the Tories now want to carefully manage what they've wrought and mend fences and make peace with voters who've jumped ship over the past two years. To that end, Mr. Eves introduced a brand new programme which will funnel some $7.8 billion into the hands of needy post -secondary students over the next eight years. In combination with the federal government's $2.5 -billion Millennium Scholarship Fund of which Ontario students are expected to receive $1.2 billion, Ontario's post -secondary students will be well -served in the first decade of the next century. At least the funding by both levels of government will act as a hedge against rising tuition rates. Not all the good news is attributable to govern- ment polices over the past three years, of course. It doesn't hurt at all that inflation has been minis- cule, interest rates have dropped like a rock and there has been an economic boom throughout ;North America. But the Tories have reacied properly to the con- ditions they've faced. Tax cuts have stood the (province in good stead. TO respond to this editorial tall ' Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 WE AsIcED THE QUESTION IS: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S DECISION TO ONLY COMPENSATE SOME PEOPLE WHO CONTRACTED HEPATITIS C FROM TAINTED BLOOD? A Metrolafnd Community Newspaper eW � published four times weekly on k Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 CofrtmercW Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 A N Y E R T 1 B F R ltiNlil"- Tim WhlittkK Apnl 22 News Advertiser. LETTERS "One OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE NEWS Are nuclear Ws>o�Advertiser o d Liberal MP ported the Sth Annual Frenchman's Bay Spring ems DNA members are not part of plants worth 0 worded s Each letter must be McTeague The Toronto Region signed with a first and last name or problem. the risk? two initials and a last name. Please inidude a number for 'heartless' vided a variety of activities of phone velli- noa, as blind as those who will interest to all ages and abih- coon. The editor reserves the not see. To the editor: right to edit Copy for style. length These people regardless of their I am writing in response to a "'d rs acontre opinions expressed in are those the water and i n hepatitis letter written by Raymond Metcalf of Pickering w the ntt n not o prase Of the News and efforts to warn the public of lots of litter to pick up. At Advertiser. Advertiser the dangers of nuclear power, Apnl 22 News Advertiser. "One Mr. Mcrcalf questions the Y motives of Durham Nuclear Awareness and suggests that if ported the Sth Annual Frenchman's Bay Spring To the editor: DNA members are not part of Clean -Up Day April 25. No matter how you slice it, the solution, they arc part of the The Toronto Region the vote on the motion to problem. Conservation Authority pro -Well, extend compensation to "all Mr. Mcrcalf titer: are vided a variety of activities of victims" infected with hepati- noa, as blind as those who will interest to all ages and abih- tis C from tainted blood was a not see. ties. There were bird houses to moral/ethical issue, and it These people regardless of their put together, tern rafts to sickens me to see how the numbers arc devoting their time weave. 700 shrubs to plant and Liberals stuck together in and efforts to warn the public of lots of litter to pick up. At turning a blind eye to those the dangers of nuclear power, Kinsmen Park alone we filled who arc suffering. especially the power generated 20 large, garbage bags with lit- In particular, we have our by Candu nuclear reactors. ter left in the park and on the own maverick -cum -burro' Mr. Metcalf should read the sides of the road and marsh Dan McTeague, who toed the 4lerature distributed regularly arca. What kind of litter did we party line by voting against by DNA: it might open his collect' Firstly, lots of m:men- this motion. eyes. Eighty per cent of los from the geese, followed I would have to think that Pickering residents are con- by disposable coffee cups and Dan has thrown out all of the cerned about the safety of the soup bowls, sandwich and sub- mirrors in his house, for how nuclear plant and that goes for marine bags, empty coffee tins, could he look himself in the Ajax also. Over the last few years 13 pop cans. empty plastic gro- eery bags• garbage bags par- eye? This heartless act of xlf- nuclear plants have been per- tially filled with weeds or prot protectionism is hardly what hardly manently shut down in the grass or other garbage, tem- is coed of an r peyreesenta- p United States. Some are also nants of cardboard boxes, so the House of Corive Commons. being decommissioned in the United Kingdom. No new empty plastic jugs, logs, tires and the list goes on. And to think that Mr. nuclear plants are being built. Many oare f the items found a a McTeague himself took the Yes, Mr. Metcalf there are recyclable, but don't make it time slam Mike Harris for nwnerous viable alternatives to into the system if they are just his handling of the Dionne nuclear power which will not dropped by the user when quintuplets. Shame! le poison the children of Toronto done. Recycling bins in Let remember that the and surrounding areas and they Kinsmen Park and other parks victims who were left out will are much cheaper. Hydro is $35 in the area would help decrease receive federal and provincial billion in debt and spending this practice. Also, timely extended programmes for another $9 billion to attempt to pick-up and disposal of the drugs, treatments and disabili- the Pickering A' station, bring g ' garbage from the full garbage ty benefits as a supposed com- wltidn we do not treed, back on bins would encourage people pensation, which is already the line. to continue to use them- available for anyone who is If there is a major accident at This year we encouraged sick in this count fnow. the Pickering stations, Toronto more community and neigh Finally, as o for Prime me and surrounding areas will be bourhood groups to get Minister Jean retien, I uninhabitable. Is it worth the involved by coming out to the g� a trip to Cuba is needed risk? clean-up or organizing a clean- once in a while to truly learn up or planting in their own how to run a democracy and Leslie Devies, neighbourhood. Community abuse human rights. - Ajax days like this are made possi- My condolences to those ble by many individuals, busi- victims and their families who Frenehman's messes and groups working in have been left out of this com- tartnership. After the morning pensation package. Bay wash clean-up, we served nine dozen hot dogs and drinks to As a community, we can fight this arrogant, heartless the volunteers. Once again, band of Liberal sycophants, huge success thanks to everyone for making this day a success• insane true I. et r not forget and e democracy in the GILLIAN VICTOR OPINION SHAPER Ajax resident Gillian Victor is a part- time legal assistant and full-time Mom, who hopes mothers every- where enjoy their annual day off. Motherhood tough but rewarding Picture the following ad: REQUIRED: Woman with unlimited energy supply. Needed for 24-hour shift. including weekends and holi- days. Must be a cook. seamstress, house cleaner. chauffeur, doctor, confi- dence booster and miracle worker. She must he strong yet loving and gentle. firm yet patient and understanding. and have a beaming smile at all times. Sick leave? Forget it! Salary'. Paid in hugs and kisses. Long-term benefits? immeasurable. Seems impassible:' Well. these are just some of the words to describe the dutiful life of a mother. All these responsibilities and more classify every mother as a working mother. because motherhood is a full-time job. Raising a family. keeping the house- hold in running order and holding a job proves that mothers have been "multi -tasking" long before the comn- puter age arrived. I often wondered how Mum learned to comfort the weary. feed the hungry and nurse the sick. She didn't graduate from the School of Motherhood. yet she has met all of the above require- ments and was a pro at everything she did (and still is). Thinking back. so many memories comae to mind. Remember the safety and security of mother's arms and her lusses that always seemed to make the pain go away and everything better again. I remember the comforting feeling as if' it were yesterday and often wish I could preserve it for times when life Sets rough and the world seems unkind. Was your Mom blessed with 'lm Alto's intuilicm"? Mine was. How else could she have known that the hat and scarf she mace me wear to school each winter morning ended up in my backpack when I got far away from the house? She could see through any little white lie and when she called me by my full name, I knew 1 was in big trou- ble. Now 1 know why it was so impor- tant to cat all of my vegetables arab take that horrible medicine. Back then, because it's good for you" was not the answer 1 wanted to hear. but it was the truth. I must admit. mahcr did know best! Many years later, 1 now see mother- hood from a new perspective: as a daughter and as a mtther. And only now can 1 honestly appreciate the end- less sacrifices and unselfishness that goes into nurturing a family: always placing their needs ahead of your own. I realize now that when 1 have bad days and I feel like that juggler on a unicycle, trying to do a balancing act and meet everybody's demands, Mom must have felt the same way, but she just never let it show. I am still new at this role, and value Mom's wisdom and advice more than ever. As time goes len, I expect to embrace both the joy and the pain of motherhood, and hope to fulfill my motherly duties as remarkably as Mom did. I believe that children learn from example, and if this is true, then I have been blessed with a wonderful exam- ple for a Mom and can only hope that someday my little girl will feel bre sante way about me. Motherhood is truly something to be experienced. All the books and training in the world cannot prepare me for this life-long commitment. There is no performance review or evaluation in this job, just two tiny arms wrapped around my neck and the sound of "I love you, Mom". That makes it all worthwhile, and for me, that's the pay-off and the sign of a job .next election. well done. Merrily: Hedge, The News Advertiser selected 13 Opinion To the editair: Cbdr-ale, Shapers for 1996 to bring a wide variety of l *+ I wanted to thank all those (Frenchman's Bey Watch, Kea G am' eiperiettce and opinions to our editorial page who participated in and sup- Pkkering 'kms for your reading ep yrttent. TIM WNITiAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Sitoon Y Cats Sam- Jean M Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of - Y -7 JOANNE BUROHMDT Editor -in -Chief Bret says, "I nation, says, "No Osborm says, "I STEVE HOUSTON GENERAL 683 5110 newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member Y Y Y Managing Editor CLAMFIED 683-0707 of Nat b Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario think it's a pditi- form of rnmpen think they should j:10RUCE pANFORO Pinder of Advertising DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 Commun.ty Newspaper Assoc., Canadian tally -charged station can make all be fully corn- MOHIOUE LEA Advertising Manager"ADMNIICLAtE1FlED 7363 Community Newspaper Assoc., and the issue. All victims up for what these pensated, no kDDIE KOLODDEXM Classified Advertising Manager Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 Advertiser is a member of the optado Press should be tom- people went questions asked" DLNICAN FLETCHER Real Estate/Automotive Advwftng newsroomOdurham.net E-MAIL Council, 80 Gould St., Toronto, Ont. M58 2M7, pensated if possi- through" AK FAKHOIIRIE Distribution Manager www. durhanmews.riet WES SITE an independent organization that addresses NS ble." BV&W HAINON Production Manager reader complaints about member newspapers. JANICE O'NBL Assistant Production Manager The Publisher reserves tide right to classify or ' CHERYL HANIES Assisteftt Production Manager refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertise. # LILLIAN NOOK Administration Manager marts limited to space price error occupies. - 1 � 1 1 T= NEWS ADVERTOM WE 1111111411MMY, MAY t+ 19" . /AGE 7 dT Tony DWR Durham staff ERdC DOWD AT QUEEN'S PARK Premier had better watch patronage plums Premier Mike Harris has por- trayed himself as tough but even- handed so it hurts him when he is caught being extra kind to his they go out they want to see a film in a nience and apparent growth -potential depending on their tastes — relatively chairman of his election campaign, to way they can't see it at home. mean there is no longer room in the new releases without getting out of find a new president. "It has to be the ultimate out -of- movie world for the grand and elegant their cars Documents similarly obtained home experience movie houses of yesteryear or the dri- A playground is located on site to friends. With that in mind. Kucherawy says ve-ins that were once as popular for occupy children between, or even dur- The Progressive Conservative illlons line up in Famous Players is not only out to get their movies as they were for making ing films, and after starting with a 1 premier likes to claim the does not anticipation every your movie business, but is also look- out? three -day -a -week lineup in the spring, bow to special interest groups in sav- year, wondering ing for a good port of your day. He Not quite. but it seems smarts, the drive-in moves to a daily operation ing taxpayers' money. When he cut what the next two or so tours will notes by adding a number of different teamwork and getting everything pos- once school is out and then returns to welfare payments, he also cut mil- hold. uses such as restaurants and retail sible out of a buck arc the keys to mak- its early season schedule in the fall. lions of dollars a year in grants to They'll likely be excited, scared, stores to the movie -going experience, ing these types of venlums work in a A staff of two full-time and four business, although he has on the Sixty-five screens, no waiting. Durham residents have whole been more favourable to the latter. more theatre choices than ever with 41 from But Harris has now been discov- screens eyed being particularly generous in Pickering to Oshawa and another 24 on the way. steering tax money to some people who ran his election campaign in It's all about choices says Harry Peckham of AMC 1995. Ontano Hydro, a provincial utility Theatres. AMC has plans for a 24 -screen rev Harris controls. has been revealed in documents obtained theatre in Whitby opening early next year, under freedom of information law to have Paid $250.0110 to an executive jobs as possible. recruitment firm run by Tom Long. refreshments. one of his top advisers on policy and they go out they want to see a film in a nience and apparent growth -potential depending on their tastes — relatively chairman of his election campaign, to way they can't see it at home. mean there is no longer room in the new releases without getting out of find a new president. "It has to be the ultimate out -of- movie world for the grand and elegant their cars Documents similarly obtained N� } (I home experience movie houses of yesteryear or the dri- A playground is located on site to show Hydro also paid $84.000 over With that in mind. Kucherawy says ve-ins that were once as popular for occupy children between, or even dur- the past year to a public relations illlons line up in Famous Players is not only out to get their movies as they were for making ing films, and after starting with a farm run by Leslie Nobic, Mr. Har - anticipation every your movie business, but is also look- out? three -day -a -week lineup in the spring, ris's campaign manager, to ensure year, wondering ing for a good port of your day. He Not quite. but it seems smarts, the drive-in moves to a daily operation Hydro mariagemtnt's views are adc- what the next two or so tours will notes by adding a number of different teamwork and getting everything pos- once school is out and then returns to quately presented to key dccision- hold. uses such as restaurants and retail sible out of a buck arc the keys to mak- its early season schedule in the fall. makers in his government and pro - They'll likely be excited, scared, stores to the movie -going experience, ing these types of venlums work in a A staff of two full-time and four duce 'positive outcomes! humoured. bored or even disappointed. customers arc there long before or after rapidly expanding market. port -time employees we utilized and Mr. Hams appears to have crrated They'll be there with friends, family the opening and closing credits roll. Mr. Chatelain says the key to making work for his friends. Mr. LonY s and sometimes by themselves and a He also says — and Peckham "We offer a cheap family the venture work is handling as many search. which Hydro should have visit will usually include a stop for agrees — that it's part of a move by jobs as possible. been able to do kir itself, came up refreshments. theatre companies to win back cus- night out and people tend "Unless you do the work yourself. with Ron Osborne. a wen -known A trip to the movies brings some- tomers that for a number of reasons, you'll probably pay out morc than you I Tory businessman who shares the thing different for just about everyone, including a recession and "tiny rooms- W come back on a regular bring in," he says, noting he regularly premier's aims and who could have bud with that in mind, the direction of seting as theatres, stopped gang tohandles projector maintenance. I been found by riffling though a busi- the movie business seems to he chain:- movies in the early 1990s. basis," said Ray Chatelain, lust as uncommon these days are nese who•s who. Mg yearly though with a common "Even when people weren't going the old movie hexoses dim at one time The uniky gave additional help it, llhetrhe in mmol The bigger the variety. out it wasn't because they didn't want co-owner of Port He. -pe 's played an important role in many own- Mr. Lw,g by praying nim an Catra the better. to go out, it was because they were munnies. However. once again Pict $6-% an hour for speech writing. Just recently. AMC Theatres of looking for a reason to go out and Century Drive -In, which is Hope seems to be the place to be as is which may be as much as the scnrx Canada announced it plans to launch a we're giving them a reason•" said evidenced by the Capitol Theatre. I writer of 'Titanic' and as generous 5.100 -seat. 24 -screen, multi -venue Kucherawy. one of the few facilities of which nes only screens movies, but when it is more than many welfare complex in Whitby early next year that "When you compare yesterday with also combines live theatre, musical I recipients receive per month. will no doubt compete for visitors with today it's like night and day:' Peckham its type within driving concerts and a number of other variety Outsiders will wonder why a Bov- a six -screen Cineplex Odeon set-up said before adding. -1 want to change shows into a successful mix. The 1930 ermment agency needs to hand over only seconds away on Champlain the standard of movie -going... People distance for Durham atmospheric theatre was restored to I large sums to the premier's campaign : Avenue. The theatres we one feature in have to be reeducated on what the museum quality last year. and has manager so she can make its views a venture with PenEquity that will movie -going experience should be:' residents. "That is what we drawn 22,000 visitors since reopening. heard by a government which is sup - combine movie -watching with themed And Peckham noted there seems to "We don't run ourselves as a movie posed to listen anyway as part of is restaurants and ban and retail stores, be plenty of room for the industry to have found is our niche." theatre:' says Don Rumgay, one of 20 job. and will also go up against an eight- pointing to the Canadian average grow• pa members on a Capitol Theatre board of m Mr. Hama and Mr. Long also screen Famous Players location in the of two -point -nine visits to theatres per Mr. Chatelain runs the entertaining directors. "We run as a live theatre poi- have said for years government Oshawa Centre, a new Cineplex 10- year, compared to the American rate of parking la with partner Rob marily." Although the theatre is used should nes be regulating or subsdiz- screen location in Ajax and two Picker- five. He added the total number of Holdsworth and says a season typical- five or six nights a week, only two are 1 ing business, but conveniently to" ing locations. the Famous Players screens is much higher comparatively ly runs from .the May long weekend usually reserved for movies and Mr. this when it comes to helping one of eight -theatre multi-plex and Movie in tete south as well. wail Thanksgiving• tut because of this Rumgay says it would be tough to do themselves. Ilex 9. So does all the high technology, year's early spring, motorists have many more. Mr. Harris las been found recent - That's plenty of movie star -gazing customer -pleasing gimmicks, cone- already been enjoying — or suffering "1 wouldn't think in a town of this ly to he stepping up the pace at which when you consider -only 15 years ago,size • • • • • • • • • • • • and this area that you could do it, he looks after those who worked for four theatres was considered impres- • • • • • • • • • sy • • • • • It would be pretty hard to fill a theatre his party. Since a Ncw Democrat give. So why are these multi -screen C # de, i of 360 seats six or seven days a week " Instead, he says the keys to covering government provided for it in the ear - ly 1990s, a legislature committee hasvenues continuing to spring up around ♦ I f,,�l�j at j. the S500 -per -day costs are offering had power to question appointua to the province, country and continent, variety, continual fund-raising, plenty the government's agencies, boards followed by the daily arrival of bun- dreds or even thousands of visitors? of volunteer help and a theatre mem- betship list of more than 500 -tames. and commissions. Opposition MPPs used to ask roll- ,�^g /� s theatre seems to have the finely whether they had worked for "aThe rima p ry �Q`%�LOiy� I..�.L. f L • ri ht recd for success, the individuals right the Tories, but so many have " involved in the bigger projects seem to answered 'Yes: it is now being taken ,reason is selection," Says So what exactly is it that entices so many agree it would be tough o do in for granted. people out to movies each year? It seems, the Durham or other large markets. Recent appointees include the for - Harry PCCkhanfi thrill of a good story, catching the action on large -They're just act profitable, says -nor campaign manager of Energy _? screens, and )test getting out of the house, peri- •,ocl, A James Bond Peckham. -How many moria come Wilson Minister him and a losing vice- MSident, Canadian p are some of the reasons. "it's fan. JOE out and fill 1,000 seats? 'Titanic' and candidate for the Tories in 1995. Don a choice to gat away from the kids; said •Star Wars: you can name them on a Sheppard, a civil servant whose job .Operation Of AMC. "The Ridtaid Wessel with a good-hearted laugh. JAMES catches couple of Mends. Most movies only could disappear in Mr. Harris's i 'it's just a chance to get out; agreed his wife a couple films a aced tree or four hundred seats. It's downsizing and whom he has given a ' typeS of Stores that arae Karen, noting the two make it a date night and month. great for the opening weekend, but 570,000 -a -year job to on a board 1 ` usually include efirxher beforehand. after that these we plenty of empty, deciding who gets welfare payments. E' .SI[CCtSSfIlI have a broad 'It's just a form of entertainment basically. x : seats, The longer you keep the picture, 'thousands of other civil servants said Joe James, a James Bond (the early > the more money you make. If you keep face losing their jobs and Mr. Harris Selection. modes) and Ellis movie fan, who admits to tau- it one week, basically you're paying has sent a message if they run for the ally catching a couple of films each month. - them:' Tories, they will be taken care of. • Thidy screens obviously.gives you "I Mks a low story or drama, but not this Added Kucherawy, "It's just not He risks being linked to and seen ;more options to show pictures." be action drama type stuff. I don t We blowing economical with the way attendance as another Bill Davis. the Tory pre- - stilled. aatim8 variety allows for stag- up. it's too far latched for me.' "The patients arc and with the wide mkase mien from 1971 0 1985 dubbed ?geted starting titres that will also kap trta�Y Mettrerh likes whole theatre of motion pictures. tightly "the master of patroxhage;' !the other businesses at the new centre aspect. tete big screen, surround sound.' "Now they are so widely released who placed millions of dollars of ,moving at a steady pace. "I Ince a love story or dramatic film. They're geographically, it only plays three or government advertising through an An extension of that variety. he realistic, Godzilla isn't.- KIM four weeks before the next one comes " agency run by his campaign manag- nts viol, is with so many screens. the The moviegoers were caught on their way to And if the days of movie houses and er, Norman Atkins, and ampaign .1-points cen can offer movie tlheahe weeks, a recent Monday. night movie, and each varied in DEADDER is drive-in theatres are basically left for adviser, Hugh Segal, whose record televise events such as the Academy tfhe number of times a week or month they head looking forward only a handful of communities like will be scrutinized because he is talk - I Awards or even a dMmpioaship fight. out for flipks. In addition, new technology, sur- to Whitby's new Port Hope to enjoy, what does the ing of running for federal Tory "It becomes like a television station round sound and big screens proved to be pope- 24plex because future hold? leader. ," said Peckham. •'This week lar reasons for heading out. As for their thalthoughts'basicallyit's closer to Is the convenience and one-stop Voters often are said not to be will be balm Wayne weds a whaRevet' f on the ever increasing number of multi -plea ohs- borne. entertainment experience here o stay swayed much by patronage, because F Howard LicMmsa, viae -president atres, ltay offered mixed thoughts. for good, or will there be something all parties have done it once in office, �of marketing for Cineplex Odeon, dis- "� year (I'll go), iYs funky, it has food, else more spectacular down the road? but it cost the federal Liberals an slightly with the bigger is better -movies, bars, everything you wan t in one place; "For the -tear future anyway, this election in 1984, when John Turner :'agrees theory, saying you can't always judge a said Jessica Cawker, 'These seems to be the way to go with all the rubber-stamped appointments : book by is cover. However, James countered, multi- iechnolo said Lichtman. gY� � requested b his predecessor and Bri- � Y "Ilhc number of screens isn't really plex theatres look like cubicles all lumped on top "I certainly don't see during the an Mulroney, in a famous TV debate 'as impressive as what is inside them:' of each other as far as I'm concerned' berm of our lease, which is 20 years, reminded him, "you had a choice" he countered. "It's more the technolo- And the Wessels revealed travel time will be That it will change;' added Peckham. Mr. Harris has been told repeated - art and having state of the art equip their biggest factor when considering where to So it appears for now, millions of ly in polls a strong majority approves ment. "You have to build the right sir go- "We'll people each year will continue to head of his basic direction of cutting costs, �*Mtre for the individual market." go to the closest one unless it doesn't out, scan their options, make a choice, but would vote against him because Added Dennis Kucherawy of have the movie we want to see," said Richard. possibly grab some popcorn and head of some of the ways he operates. He Famous Players theatres. "People are Meanwhile, Keith Marlowe said "Tow better High-tech films gh- In to catch the latest in digital, audio, gives them one more reason to com- sophisticated." said the vice-president the teelurology, the more interested I am. l prefer appeal to KED{ tea, seating and any other applica- plain if he is seen directing taxpay- f corporate public relations. "When better sound and better aereerts." MARLAWE. bk lechttology that yeti can think of. exs' money to friends. N� } (I Maystarts with opening M the Tillemm Chest As is our tradition, Recycler's Report and the News Advertiser bring You the Treasure Chest on a monthly basis. This space allows residents to give away items they no longer use and to list articles they need. During National Composting Awareness Week this week, Norseman Plastics is offering the Earth Machine composter in three draws. I thank Durham Region which will give away 50 copies of my children's book on composting at Pickering's One Day Composter Sale Saturday, May 9 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Pickering Town Centre's southeast parking lot. To use the Treasure Chest. call 420- 5625 during regular business hours. Requests to be listed must be made by the last Wednesday of the month. ITEMS NEEDED: 1) Wood pieces for jigsaw wood press —083-4912. 2) Computer — 509-5219. 3) Small portable AC/DC typewriter for a disabled person — 831-2592. 4) All size Lego pieces for Lego enthusiast — 428-3727. 5) Broken mirrors — 839-7402. 6) Dresser. 21" TV. VCR, queen -size waterbed frame — 839-9297. 7) Pelspan non -static styrofoam pel- lets (peanuts or chips) for packaging material — 420.3131. 8) Envelopes and labels on the contin- uous forms for Block Parents — 428- 2607. 9) Plastic bath seat — 683-6090. 10) Toys, games, puzzles etc. for chil- dren six to 12 — KINARK. a non- profit child and family service organi- LARRAINE ROULSTON RECYCLER' S, REPORT zation, 1-888-454-6275. 11) Cupboards, any size for laundry room, kitchen- etc. — 427-9972 day- time or 428-0036 evenings. 12) Clothing and accessories, all good quality clothing and toys — new Big Sisters store. 428-8111. 13) Fence linking and posts, metal roofing and siding, showcase for dis- play purposes, computer table, com- puter printer, fax machine — Second Chance Wildlife Sanctuary, 839-4310. 14) 45 and 78 RPM records — 839- 9227. 15) Old articles, white elephant items, all types of clothing — St. Martin's New to You sales. 839-9281. ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY: I) Painted upright piano in good con- dition — daytime 416-361-3200, evening 686-8332. 2) 1.000 sheets of clear glass — 420- 7029. 3) Monitors and keyboards, old com- puter parts — 430-1696. 4) Ceramic molds and fire glazes — 831-2427. Larrame Roulsion's column elplping - wwww rrw" issues regularly appears on Wednesday Green Ribbon rr�' of Hope campaign remembers missing Children Child Find Ontario wants you to pin on a green ribbon this month to highlight the issue of missing children. The seventh annual Green Ribbon of Hope campaign runs the entire month of May. culminating with National Missing Chil- dren's Day on May 25. It signifies the group's concern for missing chil- dren as well as a commitment to help ensure all of Canada's children are safe. Originally started by the students and staff at Holy Cross Sec- ondary School in St. Catharines on behalf of class- mate Kristen French who was murdered by her captors shortly after she was abducted, the campaign has been expanded so all members of the community can show their con- cern for the plight of miss- ing children. Proceeds from any dona- tions and fund- raising events held on behalf of the Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign will be used to sup- port Child Find's free community- based pro- grammes and services. Call the Durham Region Chapter of Child Find at 905-686-3181 for more infor- mation on its services and the campaign. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HM OPEN MOTHERS DAY 9am-9pi Breakfast Special Served til I:OOprn 211 9 9 DINNER SPECIAL $10 49 EVERYTHING ON THE MENU ■ 12 noon - 9:00 pm or less RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED FROM 2:00P.M. ONLY FOR GROUPS OF FIVE AND OVER Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 Fax (905) 839-0332 n �" ; �N PRIM MAS n ■ V�� • 750 mI • on STYLES • EXPERT STAFF Y STEP OF THE • CALL FREE COPY OF 905-42641221 11 ffi-Ill-sem r 1 MAY STTWSK*ALS HRODUCTORY DISCOIA�tf 1 30 FREE �a W ; or BOTTLES NAMm"1111111illt ;anwarr $27.60 VALUE 1 VAL CE CASERNET SAUVXMM VAM YOUR 1 1" BATCH (W WINE Not paid %th arry odwr 1 011110101011M dlooirnt 1 "M %* %* a m OOW eer wrrwr a CAv*_V~_SJ OM RIA.ES MRiik THE RKNT EQUIPMENT, THE MIT PRM AND THE RKw RATES. ROCK ON ASD MM R OUT. in GNM CAB INCLUDES NO-CNARQE IOXLAV^ 100 JW Vwftc "" Ve aussRb"k t1&R&wftMMR With oatardrlsis, 4 warms/ ABS. dwW front air bays, Jr pickup boor, A"+W shwoo. c1srorne phftd whseb, dolum chrome gn#e >~tar1111K tlla�ti 124 nwwalhaW.OWO _-_ - Omit tees hwohr L 77M only n*b%,Wn wftb bosh caw horst and &WO aN baps, 3400 V6 engine, automatic transmission with overdrive, 4-whse7 ABS, air conditioning, program- mable power door locks, pollen fitter /919 monrna/ssAW down _I paYRrnr/t.>XJOaa 111y dooamsero rrowhr pEff 11NN;Ki M NRZ 10 I= Fit The GM Carer t tlwar #=LX iNDCWAX0aU/16L=NP1WrcX=NarU- aaaortIrte lolsmlAw 4wbaslA�ai aatallionrig, AA/�Fi1 asrrw mtlh caeasets, tEtrrtiae, dWl aMf aL drupe; rt'ron►e pltiterd lMisslR diMam cyrarns pir, dlsap thrid i7Mss. carpsaed ibor mats. >]tMratE solar" r.s>s Pointe tae�rew2r,r WMWKAMLS4A NIICLUDES MWWA Q 0OAti1DB„ 190 HPYa aUtonlatlQ transmission, Shift -ort -010 -Fly 4 -wheel drive, duel air bags, 4 -wheel ABS. air cond/tioning, power �ADCftiWd0nv, 4tkriwee, AAwFIb/ stereo Cassefa9 /3191110n2W33.25o down p�yrrNnrKr?s a-et,nry Wpasrt/seis IrMpA/ PAN $1925 fmVhr N 11E =IIOwI100M wo LEr mom c WARM= .y. 030MM011 30mol I prNlr,r arta oar a narwwp ve ray 4 110.319248 OOWn PWIWN. bagsrWo1 a OrlYraror ena4w.P4pa0 Oro drat. ri2ala1r0 Trac mala a QW.W Vol We 4100 ve aninobs% arasonmw wah ov-dd-, 4 -wheal ABS, dual front air bags, air oondltioniny. a prsattenyw som*u Mt4FM a/srno d tm aalwcnw 9 aa, ss.s mpnr �� L TNEiE. C0 N W. arilarrY,l,a. r r t ill ChM rr raft F%Pr air ryr10a0 Cab aM 35 morM rrar a a ei-r ARC / OR V**A. A 0orr pop 0 a � a 02AM re1.37d ar ra momw Ano/ IiomMr oma r 70.0W arra• 0.12 P--.o"a kia iwo Cow Wa Wl— wt." - F wo lip OMOMp'�6. WaI W I Q%�Y On � * P sail V i -51 p.Mrt... Cad olY.•sits,. 0lYaaa r @ PrMrra/1ra0a. E+wlpla 810,01XIW 1 2x APR, h morray VMr1arM r 1218.61 tr 48 ­ft Cor a ralOMp r pl2.al. Tairb. ODS I*bWnWXV aaapwm r 4..Iisa .uMrs Cwr-r QVwo * ulna .4— M� rr f na W anbr0WV II—II b—d � r. M Gera.ply b ramp yv-0aarrral4 —M— a. /10aM ar ar10 ra.,. ro Bir to.uao uaar a w.1r. the month 1-800-265-5106. CANCER: Hearth Place hop aerobics, beach volley - ban and skateboard competi- C ancer Support Centre holds tion. The local youth band BILLBOARD' WROUGHT performs from 8 to 9 forpatients and their p.m. In Ajax, buses depart from caregivers from 1:30 to 3 WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING THIURSDAY, MAY 7 "AN4 TUMOR: The Adult '98, a celebration for Ajax ery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bay- and Pickering is held fair 817 kinds, including co-depen- Brain lfxrwr Support Group meets from 7 8:30 atPaur youth, Baptist Church, Bapfi from 4 to 9 p.m. at the Picker- Kingston Rd. east of Whites ing Recreation gram Child-care pro. gramme available as p.m, e K Crs�Unitd Church, 65 �of Complex, Val- Rd., Pickering. The group ley Farm Rd. Free barbecue deals with addictions of an required. AN welcome. 428- 9431 (Jim, evenings). meets the firstThursday ? mid activities until 8 hip in , ckiding inline skating. nip tions in Pickering. Call for details. 420-6588 (Pickering) the month 1-800-265-5106. CANCER: Hearth Place hop aerobics, beach volley - ban and skateboard competi- C ancer Support Centre holds tion. The local youth band a n relahkation and guided 04ligery techniques WROUGHT performs from 8 to 9 forpatients and their p.m. In Ajax, buses depart from caregivers from 1:30 to 3 all high schools and the p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre 86 Colborne McLean Community Centre St W• Oshawa. 579-4833. at about 3:45 p.m. and return to the McLean and Ajax FRIDAY, MAY 8 Community Centres only at about 9:15 p.m. Buses will COMMUNITY DAY. Lester B. also be available from vari- Pearson Public School, 21 Coughlen St., Ajax, holds ous north and south loca- a community day from 5 to 8 tions in Pickering. Call for details. 420-6588 (Pickering) p.m. Games, barbecue, raf- fles, tea room. 427-4658. or 427-8811 (Ajax). YOUTH FEST: YOUth Fest ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds a 12 -step recov- Students, parents learn of drug dangers AJAX — The school 7:30 p.m., features guest community council at speaker Dr. Ron Clavier, Ajax High School is host- who'll address the prob- ing a workshop to help lems of drug addiction and students and parents cope alcohol abuse. with problems encoun- Ajax High School is tered during the teenage located at 105 Bayly St. ydars. For more information The workshop, to be call the school at 683 - held Tuesday, May 12 at 1610. learn the stories s khind,the jheadstones I P1CKER- ING — How 2 often have you walked through a cemetery and wondered at the i A V inscriptions on Notice of Liquor IN Licence orea.w Application The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontano for a liquor licence under the Liquor Lieeuce Act: Application for A Sale Licence Greek Place (The) 15 Westney Road North, Unit 16, Ajax Magwyers Pub 105 Bayly Street West, Unit 10, Ajax Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than Jame 6, 1998. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commision, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W. 7th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail at licensingiaagco.on.ca ibe headstones! On Tuesday. ay 12. the �. ,,kering Town- rip Historical tui ochcty is pre- Senting a discus- i _ .'_•! i k lion of the sto- ' �__ r�•-'� - _ -`-a` ries behind the 'beadstones with Iliarvey Med- land. A former ',teacher and an ;able raconteur. ` �Mr. Medland , lhas researched some of the f :more interesting JIM ,headstones he ;has encountered ;in his travels land will have some sobering land some sur - :prising tales to OUTWORK OR EMBROIDERED DUVET COVER SETS ;tell. This double/yuccri so indudes one duvet aver and 2 shams. Our reg. $129.QQ set The meeting :will begin at Sale $64.99 set X7:30 p.m. :ppstairs at the :Picketing Recreation Complex, 1867 ;'► Valley Farm Rd. ,;AdmAdmission is ission and all are welcome to A social time d light freshments 11 follow the i I For more nformatioo call om Mohr at 39-1221. Have YW say LL SCOW l IA bido The Durbatn Distric4..School Board Hosts a public consulta- tion session to discuss the draft budget for the coming school year on Satur- day, May 9. The session runs from 9 a.m. to noon to :the board head- quarters, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. For more information call 905-6116-5300. GRAND PATRICIAN & � i PANNE VELOUR TOWELS Ba* �:.'.:. lj t rruost [luxurious towels! 100% Egyptian cotton. Hand Bath towel is a generous 30" x 24" wash 9k • .;7 PATIOWARE AND ACCESSORIES Choose from a variety of patterns and colours in tumblers, dishes, trays and pitchers. Citronella candles and other outdoor candle accessories also available. THE (YEWS AD'VEWLS11 R WCDMLSMY, MAY 6.19" - PAGE f Evening 6 Satu. Available, Call Till 11 prn s May Apply INTERPROVINCIAL �°Brock S 837-7819 U>Yt nit A • Pickering, Ont. Everyone shops the News Advertiser --j RAMNOR ✓ & LE/VNOX HEATING 6 AIR CONDITIONING Ai Condaioniny i Hewkg RAMNOR ✓ d r, LEN EE '200 MAC 10-20 Immediate AIR CLEANER OR Cash '300 VALUE Rebate 5 YEAR ALL PARTS & LABOUR Dow WARRANTY Lennox Serving Durham Since 1965 RAMNOR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Whitby-Oshawa-Bowmanville 2020 Wentworth SL Unit 9 Whitby (905) 434-5541 PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 --E vera SFI FCTFD BUD RUSTS Our ri,\ ASSORTS D PERCALE SHEET SETS 180 and X10 thread count percale sheet sets in twin through king sues. Our reg. trom $24.90 twin set. Salr trom 518.74 ficin set ON ALL WHITE GOOSE DOWN DUVETS All Ashbrooks white goose down duvets air made in Canada under strict quality control standards. We use only fine quality white goose down for the ultimate loft and superior insulation. Some feature Insuloft down, that can be used by allergy sufferers. Guaranteed for 10 years. 6 different styles. Twin through king. Our reg. from $149.99 twin ea. Salc tram S 112.40 t,,% in 5-a. 1 f JIM GRAND PATRICIAN & � i PANNE VELOUR TOWELS Ba* �:.'.:. lj t rruost [luxurious towels! 100% Egyptian cotton. Hand Bath towel is a generous 30" x 24" wash 9k • .;7 PATIOWARE AND ACCESSORIES Choose from a variety of patterns and colours in tumblers, dishes, trays and pitchers. Citronella candles and other outdoor candle accessories also available. THE (YEWS AD'VEWLS11 R WCDMLSMY, MAY 6.19" - PAGE f Evening 6 Satu. Available, Call Till 11 prn s May Apply INTERPROVINCIAL �°Brock S 837-7819 U>Yt nit A • Pickering, Ont. Everyone shops the News Advertiser --j RAMNOR ✓ & LE/VNOX HEATING 6 AIR CONDITIONING Ai Condaioniny i Hewkg RAMNOR ✓ d r, LEN EE '200 MAC 10-20 Immediate AIR CLEANER OR Cash '300 VALUE Rebate 5 YEAR ALL PARTS & LABOUR Dow WARRANTY Lennox Serving Durham Since 1965 RAMNOR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Whitby-Oshawa-Bowmanville 2020 Wentworth SL Unit 9 Whitby (905) 434-5541 PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 --E vera SFI FCTFD BUD RUSTS Our ri,\ ASSORTS D PERCALE SHEET SETS 180 and X10 thread count percale sheet sets in twin through king sues. Our reg. trom $24.90 twin set. Salr trom 518.74 ficin set ON ALL WHITE GOOSE DOWN DUVETS All Ashbrooks white goose down duvets air made in Canada under strict quality control standards. We use only fine quality white goose down for the ultimate loft and superior insulation. Some feature Insuloft down, that can be used by allergy sufferers. Guaranteed for 10 years. 6 different styles. Twin through king. Our reg. from $149.99 twin ea. Salc tram S 112.40 t,,% in 5-a. rAGEI6-THE NCWS AD NWISM WEDWISDAY, MAY 6. IM 3s.4��4� sF-,r'�'•.. �d t�y i •, 'r+�i�ns� �t . � {F�' t� t `sR' hS`��le�f ��d "#f_.�' `` �" .',�� Y edit �''�+, i ,� '�F R .� VAllip �t.' 1 i �..ey t1� .'t r "`�.s;`I n.. O MAMA LUCY'S RESTAURANT Mother's Day Special DINNER FOR 3 & MOM'S 1/2 Price or a Gift* for Mom ('Purchase must be over $35.00) Expires May 10. 1998 .- • Luggoge • Wallets u ie • HandbogS . Costume Jewellery 4:;q0-0FASHION ACCESSORIES • Acccessodes 1 ,�uQce FASHION 1 I 11 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE VALUED 1 OVER $20.00 L--------------- V09EJt-_ Home Place Great Home & Kitchen Specials Just for Morn Flower Vases starting from .........................3.49 Ceramic Tea Pot & Cup Set................7.99 Regal 10 Cup Coffee Maker.................. 19.99 Anchor Hocking 24 pc. Beverage Set... 19.99 05 YOGURT CANDY Go MCKERIMG • Cappucino & Expresso • Largs Gourmet Gaffes • Yogsn Fruz 6 Milk Shakes • Two or Mone Samosas • Fresh Sanlwiches 6 Cyeis 1 ove 501 O r F F on with this OFF coupon (not vWW with my other Promotion - vaU to Mar 10M8 I bulkbarn+ Great Prices on a Wide Selection of Bulk Items 1200/0 OFF AN Regular Priced Swiss I a Quest Vitamins L-------=1wIWs ="=="w'"�aJ MA ES-nC GALLERY No ST.ALGIC)XATERCOLO("RS `,r'=� a' ^Tei b t' �+ i y � • - - WALTER CAMPBELL IIl1 �,�� FRAMED $9999 SPECIAL NO GST NO PST (X)5; 839-y.3472 OUR MOTHERS DA GARO JEN UP T( 50%TO / ON l OKT & 14 KI - 64 COLOURED ST, SPECIALIZING IN REPS London( • Alterations • Repairs • Wedding Dresse. • !l 7=-w /\ T + SUS W109M + i 1. DENTAL CLINIC 2. SCRUPLES ONE Hair Design S. PICKERING LOTMRV 10. HOMEKA E . 6. MAH. PLUS sERVICE 11. ATHENA BOOK 3. RN HBAI.TH FOOD AND SPOR7s NUrRrIION 7. JULIE FASHION ACCESSORIES 12. LIVERPOOL b9 4' � �� S. MONETSWORTH a am shoe Repair 13.2-4- MAMA 3.2-4-MAMA LUCrS KWAURANff ' ATHENA New & Used - BOOKS it DIISCOUNYON —=--ter =----AA-----------� E -PACK 1 1 Offers A Wide Selection of 1 WINES p Jackson= Triggs, Innislillin, Urighls, Sawmill Creek j CANADIAN CUOI_FRS 1 GRUWFPS CIDFRS 1 L-------------------------- J PICKERING LOTTERY ti ' pt ' Dr. T.111 i Famfly Me( (905):*4 i �'M y'Jif 1 j q$ydrC .. N f Al,I .V 1 G i�C � ':j r i r �•,,�' � S�Y 4 w. �+i" .til Y4:,. .� THE NEM AVVEWr ER, VnMNAMMY. MAY 6.199&*Ar.E 11 Hi�AD'Qi�ARTo��R L" r J G i�C � ':j r i r �•,,�' � S�Y 4 w. �+i" .til Y4:,. .� Hi�AD'Qi�ARTo��R L" r 'A'' SPECIALS BN HEALTH FOOD WELLERS TO our 'Nutrition Store) 70 % OFF • natural (ALD, DIAMOND & Factors TONE RINGS. Save $2 00 off your purchase of any Natural Factors products ;PAIRS &APPRAISALS I - One coupon per prexluct - Offer expires 05-23-98 V�lit Cleaners F*f 4 J Potato Trills s • Invisible Mending Suede and Leather Muffins •Donuts •Coffee -------, Great Pasta Salads •Drycieaning Dresses With This Coupon ' Expires May 31/98 -il I — — — — — -- `AYSIT ALL • � �) • Ice Cream Coffee &Donut for $1.65 L— Valid with coupon only. Valid until May 31/98 __j µ PICKERING Z VAL= + �� 14. SILVER DOLLAR Noddog over a doLdr 19. NKI70NAL L1tUST MCS 15. LONDON CLEANERS 20. BULK BARN FOOD WEDICAL 16. nM GALLERY y 21. SINE RACK iyEs 17. CAROJEWELLERS 22. EASITONE COMMIL CYC BQRES3 Spedm y Coffee II l Colour Highlights Cut & Blow Dry WA Tracy & Suzy Only 831-6531 itires June I sw National Trust Helping you secure your future Mon. -Wed. 9 a.m.-6i p.m. ( OSI 831-0501 Thurs. & Fri. 92.M.-8 P.M.mf Saturday 92.m.-3 p.m. 1792 Liverpool Road, Pickering Ontario L1 V 1 V9 QUALITY SHOE REPAIR Keys Cut & Shoe Repair 10% OFF All Srrvicrs &Shue Care Products With this coupon - exoires Mav 31196 �J. NIP'- MAIL PLUS BUSINESS SERVICES NO TAX on Mother's Day Cards! Wkh Calpon only - expres May 10% > r ' s � 'may}'i A x'20-0041 i SPECIAL 2Med Pizza 3" 1399 1 Party +top 1799 + 20 wings . m NOTHING OVER $1.00 THE SILVER DOLLAR Greet seleatien of cards, toys, stationery, candles, liftwrap/6112 <..- Dr. Chan Easitone Communication (Beside Winners) Dental OfficeCLEARNET $� • Flee Leather BUV DIGITAL PCS C eee a PHONEaece"e • Free Car Adapter Denture Clinic- Andre Maragh D. D. Discount to Seniors 99 (905) 420-2652 49. MGR U • T= NRSS ADVEtt7UM WFKONYMMY, MAY a, 1"S Two sets of carnival wheels Ajax and Pickering residents turned out last weekend -- as they do every spring -- for the annual carnival sponsored by the Ajax Lions Club. Midway rides, games of chance and carnival snacks were the order of the day at the Harwood Place Mall when the carni- val set up in town. Top photo, six-year-old Diana Cowling (left) rides tandem with 'driver' Kristina Benacquista on a motorcycle merry-go-round. At right, Lions member Terry Audet brings in players for the crown and anchor wheel in one of the many games of chance. The carnival ended Sunday. May 3 and left until next spring. A t11flt1Cs learn to NQ AJAX — A chi- ropractor will provide tips on dealing with arthritis at the second annual public forum hosted by the Ajax -Pickering branch of The Arthus Society. rr's Acing Acrd Tuesday. May 26 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. 35 Church St. N., Ajax. Dr. Jacques Rusinck will dis- cuss Tips to Cope With Your Arthritis. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. Call 434- 7221 or 1-888- 765-0005 for more informa- bon. Rmts host rummage We PICKERING — The Fust Port of Owasco Sea and Rovers will be hosting a Rummage Sale Sunday. May 24 from 8 am. to 4 p.m. at the Metro East Trade Centre on Brock Road just north of Hwy. 401 in Pickering Proceeds front the sale will be used to purchase equipment for the group• Donations of snicks to be sold at the event would also be appreciated. All items will be picked up from donors, so it's a good opportunity to clean out your garage. Fibreglass canoes are also being sought for use by the Scouts, Ventures and Rovers. A chari- table donation receipt can be issued for any hams of value. Call John Hill at 427-7477 for information. photos by Andrew twenowski NOW OPEN Being an environmentalist, a bulk food outlet proved to be a natural business for Nurallah Ladhani. Harwood Bulk Food Outlet held its grand opening on Thursday, April 30, with Ajax Mayor Steve Parish helping Mr. Ladhani and his staff open the new 1,700 -square -foot store at 156 Harwood Ave. S., in the Ajax Plaza, near the Bank of Montreal. M4 Ladhani notes Harwood Bulk Food Outlet has many of the products of a grocery store, but without the packaging and the high prices. t,a i "It's just like any other grocery store, but we don't use any packaging. As a result, the prices are much less. And, it helps the environment a lot by reducing waste:' says Mr. Ladhani. Harwood Bulk Food Outlet carries a large variety of spices, baking supplies, pet food, as well as full assortment of popular snack foods and candies. In addition, the store also offers a full line of high- quality health supplements, extracts, herbs and vitamins. After having operated a bakers' retail outlet and a fried chicken outlet in the past, Mr. Ladhani is sure he's found his niche in owning a bulk food ~tore. "I've always enjoyed serving in a store and looking after customers. I've studied the concept of hulk food and I've always considered myself an environmentalist. This type of business has always appealed to me," he says. Harwood Bulk Food Outlet is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Wednesday; 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, call 426-7074. 156 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Plaza 426-7074 fi 156 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Plaza 426-7074 THE NIGHT LIFE IN_ AJAX & DICKERING Durham writers can shine in May May is a month for amateur Finner at 579-6613. there will be a workshop, 'Writ- . series of mind -bending, imagina- writers. On Saturday, May 9 Susanna ing to Win', hosted by Dorothea tion -stretching and fun writing The Writers' Circle of Kearsley, author of several best- Helms, a creative writing teacher exercises. Durham Region (WCDR) will be selling novels, will read from her at Durham College and Ruth Coffee and snacks will be pro - hosting numerous events for latest book 'Named of the Drag- Walker, who won the 1996 Cana- vided, but take your own paper, local writers who want to be rec- on' at the WCDR's Annual Gen- dian Living Short Fiction Con- pens and lunch. ognized. eral Meeting. There will be a hot test. Both are experienced short The event will be held from 10 On May 4 and 18 there will be breakfast served and door prizes. story judges. a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fortune an Open Stage Poetry Night for The event will be held at lack- The workshop is aimed at Financial building. 335 Bayly St. Durham poets and musicians to son's Touch of Class, 104 Con- writers who aspire to win the var- W. in Ajax. The cost is $25 for share their original works. It will sumers Dr., in Whitbv from 9 to ious fiction and non-fiction con- WCDR members and $30 for be held at A Different Drum Cafe I I a.m. The cost is S8 for mem- tests held every year. Ms. Helms non-members. in Oshawa (Celina and Bruce bers and $10 for non-members. and .Ms. Walker will help you To register call Ruth Walker at Street) at 7 p.m. Anyone interest- For reservations call 728-7823. gear your manuscripts to what 728-7823 or Dorothea Helms at ed in performing can call Kay Finally, on Saturday. May 30 judges look for. There will be a 852-9294. Classical concert Saturday A cornucopia of clas- lure to Act III of Lohen- sical music is on the grin, Brahms' Three musical menu at the Folk Songs featuring Ajax -Pickering "Com- Mary -Louise Clarke, munity Orchestra's con- Mussorgsky's Great cert in Ajax Saturday Gate of Kiev from Pic - evening. tures at an Exhibition The orchestra will and Beethoven's Sym - present A Musical Pot- phony No. 1. Ajax pourri at Ajax Alliance Alliance Church is one Church on Westney block north of Hwy. Road May 9 at 7:30 p.m. 401, one block south of On the musical pro- Hwy. 2. There's no gramme are Mozart's admission, but dona- Overture to Don Gio- tions will be accepted at vanni, Wagner's Over- the door. J s; Getgreat_�. swirnwear_ without A LARGE SELECTION getting OF ONE PIECE AND BIKINIS INCLUDING 6 ATHLETIC, HALTER, soaked ■ NIGH NECK AND CROSS BACK STYLES. $ 99 � � �r .��• s •-i 'COMPAVM AT $40 AND UP AT '!i'R ' 1 +► °' DEPARTMENT STORES. a i} r t. .. .t C t o ..: � "'CCC .. ,'. •'.. '�, L $19" w�, aY LUXURY BEACHTOWELS N AssoffnED STYLES AND COLOURS. LME OF COLOURS COWARE AT M SOLIDS AND pm, $0 AIA UP ° = I= FLORAL. TIE -M 4f ASA STRIPES. «xt ° ,r•¢ f4V r w aAIMhG!(1�11s1ont rc tawc AJAX N.rwood Am i Hwy. ! 1NINTSY H"- 41" a Th101110 t PA ` � PICRHIINO LMrpool PA a Hwy. 2 z :: °€, Cal 1-e00-616 WINK 1w tIN tllorr nwNt you STORE HlK1RS: MON.-FRI. 9:30.9:00, SAT. 9:30.60, SUN. 11:00300. U r HERONGATE BARN THEATRE 2885 Altona Road, Pickering Opening May 15th Closing MgRth the best of the comedy "eB4 s thriller plays ever written D�4TH TRAP A° the game's afoot... And or en what a game it is! unforgettable evening. (905) ,Dinner & Show from '37.95 472-3085, CanwtherV.'.Zo t.reeh FLOWER CENTRE GRAND OPENING! SATURDAY, M"9 Ajax's newest FLOWER & TROPICAL PLANT Centre • FLOWERING • ANNUALS & GIFT PLANTS PERENNIALS • TROPICALS • FRESH CUT FLOWERS • CUSTOMIZED • CREATE YOUR VERY BOUQUETS OWN BOUQUETS 6r ARRANGEMENTS 111111110111M nillikilwwmwLwu HOURS Daily: 9 to 9, Sat: 8 to 6, Sun: 10 to 5 VISIT Us AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LAKERIMME K BAYLY 650 Lakendre Road South (905) 426-4423 amit sroe ck A NEW BUSINESS IN AJAX Request for Proposals (RFP) for Long -Term Care Facility Beds in the Regional Municipality of Durham. 23 Beds ProjW LTCMW 71te onbrie `nI a. A w a mums d a $1.2 rimers elpaasiaa et onliterie's lata -inter• tare sysuft 7 is iiliaae is arc ttaatle ttipest Wv"W eat is ire bealli mim L oatwws b"y, ani =&do are a"Iiss of 211,t1M loat*M twee i mfr bels ear Ire sat f yt'ars is attttneoffin trot steed Irea at ms§L It t 11 , I -'a a =a* ate' forward In bWl t a btttltlar aisles'seen will sleet are seeis of all OaWm Ndq. sad in Ire Mm Fax the first phare of this initiative, ptoposids ate invited to develop new long-term tine facility beds in the Regional MunkVdity of Durham. Proposals must be sollintittted using a Standard proposal fate. This fano, written instructions ad mdalled mformabom can be obtained, begimoiog May 4, 1998 either by calling (410 327417!2, or visiting the Ministry of Health Tender Office at: 99 Ailleaw Drite, Cartes d, Otte wb LAK 30 ; Proposals subnritied under this RFP ml tit be received an or before July 31,1999, 12 noon, at the Tender Office address. .. Only those who have requested proposal inforination, and have pre -registered, will be admitted to a local bidders' mating to be beld on May 20, 1998. Location and timing details will be provided with the proposal package. , . At die bidders' meeting, Ministry staff will make a preseatuim and answer about the proposal plooess• r Competes Sunday, May 10 in Toronto Mother's Day t Mirka at THE PICKERING MARKET'S "Elvis" & "Roy Orbison" "Live" Tribute Shows See Elvis at 11:30,1:30 & 3:00 Roy Orbison at 11:00, 12:30 & 2:30 Have your picture taken with there! Treat Mom to a "Free" makeover from Alloette Cosmetics of Durham Feel the healing relaxation with complimentary therapeutic touch by Treckman Health Services Enjoy free reflexology with professional Jo Eshpeter Get a personalized cake or treat for Mother's Day from Alpine Bakery in Scarboro ($3.00 +) A gilt basket from U tanat ring (value $150) Gilt certificate for Mondo's Bar 8 Grid, Whi by Brock Bud 1 hcker-y - prt Nord or Hy 401 METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE ... vcerr a dull momentl ane Aruadllcs _OPTOMETRISTS • Dbpensing of Contact lenses and • Complete Family Eye caro • Low Vbion Servioss EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY 15 Marwood S. itn.r..wi �, a Hw,. 2 1 427-4144 :�.4* k A& rjhl"Z:� Treat Mom On Mother's Day May 104 Now Woodland's Mini Golf Course Opens SPRING FESTIVAL ON NOW 50 yo �FFADMISSION d� FUE e May Is Seniors Month Seniors 60+ 15% off reg. atherosis Grandchildren (6yf"ider) Adwissioa FREE with po�ag senior Moa. to Fri. (1 2 per senior) Entertain ourself online at www.durhamnews.net Y Britain's Official Tribute To Princess Diana Finally Released Queen Elizabeth Approves ControversialILL, len ; Stamps Despite Earl Spencer's 1 I< Objections :> V Lwdse, England — The first official just -released issue. Edition, you can see why they are irne- stamps bearing pcxaiats of the lase Princess "Our pbo_m have baa ringing off the stsuble to cotlecton and Diana fan alike." Diana haw ' baa released by the Royal hook," sad Jahn Van Fmdea of ICS distnb- The stamps, which are issued is strips of Mail, the official postal ar�satty of Geer ullor of the stamps and worldwide clearing- five, are legal ender in Great Britain. and Britain. Originally scheduled for release house for all Diana stamp releases. -Of all are recognized by postal authorities around shortly after her tragic death, these stamps the Sumps issued in memory of Princess the world. were weddeld when Due's boder Ear Diana, these we undoubtedly the most desir- If you want to order the mllecxim you Speucer. objected to thein. able because they we Greg Britain's official mast act quickly. TheFm.. err arailtmle Amid a storm of controversy, the Royal ttibuk to her impossibly tragic dtad►" for a short time while last a their Mai! thea threatened to destroy the entire The colorful stamps arc designed ori issue �g original " prier of (pks $3 issue. The public outcry was so strong official of the Princess — each pdeh) for the complete set of five differ den the Earl was forced to withdraw taken by a d�photograpter — and am stamps. You'll also receive a aumbe�ed his objections, and now fully endorses the about twice the size of a regular stamp. Each Certificate or Authenticity. The most you The Royal Mat 1s aonabrlp an proirts from Rs P . is franked by a border of purple, tra- an buy is six sets. Send your cheque or SW of mese stamps to me Dana Princess �100�y the syr of royalty. money order to ICS, 450 Tapscou Road, of aeries Memorial r ria. which osmeutes "Millions throughout the world mounked Suite ICKXK Scaboroegh, ONTARIO money to Diana's char bes. her death," added Van Emden. "When you M I B 5 W 1. To order by credit std, cal! toll MWasatwr.lesrorraeaarea.eaom realize that fiat stamps arc a Limited free 1-&)0-922-8339. Dr. Kevin Tyber EY � '6 �. 2V � '6 � 2V �. 1lttrt)t N -Thi netts ADvttatTaatts w�t�soAY. MAY 6.19" :: 'dormer Miss Sunburst aims to be Miss Teen AUX — An Ajax teen chosen as a can extant after casual and f«mal war. As 1999. Jr. that pageant, the hopes to beoone Miss Tern submitting an application well. and most importantly, winner will get over 7broat0 at a prestigious and then being interviewed personality will play a big $60,000 in prizes and compAkim in the city next by the pageant co-ordinator pan in the overall marks awards. Ms. Tai mtlynas is Serena Ttmulynas, 19, in 1 feel �� honoured awardedthe pane �AAwin at the Miss noPaB�s• ger to As 'youngster, she won " was recently selected to and very lucky," she says. Teen Toronto, Pageant numerous titles, including Teen "I hope I can do my best" would give her a share of Miss Sunburst Niagara four the 5;��ntion At the Miss Teen Toron- $20,000 in prize money, as times. to Pageant, Ms. Tamulynas well as scholarships and Currently studying to Centre's John Bassett The- will be judged against other prizes. In addition, earn one remaining high etre Sunday, May 10. approximately 15 others in she would represent Toron- school credit, Ms. Tamuly- Ms. Tamulynas found her category on modeling to at the National Competi- nas plans to attend college out last week she's been skills, while wearing both tion in Orlando, Florida in next year. r HERONGATE BARN THEATRE 2885 Altona Road, Pickering Opening May 15th Closing MgRth the best of the comedy "eB4 s thriller plays ever written D�4TH TRAP A° the game's afoot... And or en what a game it is! unforgettable evening. (905) ,Dinner & Show from '37.95 472-3085, CanwtherV.'.Zo t.reeh FLOWER CENTRE GRAND OPENING! SATURDAY, M"9 Ajax's newest FLOWER & TROPICAL PLANT Centre • FLOWERING • ANNUALS & GIFT PLANTS PERENNIALS • TROPICALS • FRESH CUT FLOWERS • CUSTOMIZED • CREATE YOUR VERY BOUQUETS OWN BOUQUETS 6r ARRANGEMENTS 111111110111M nillikilwwmwLwu HOURS Daily: 9 to 9, Sat: 8 to 6, Sun: 10 to 5 VISIT Us AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LAKERIMME K BAYLY 650 Lakendre Road South (905) 426-4423 amit sroe ck A NEW BUSINESS IN AJAX Request for Proposals (RFP) for Long -Term Care Facility Beds in the Regional Municipality of Durham. 23 Beds ProjW LTCMW 71te onbrie `nI a. A w a mums d a $1.2 rimers elpaasiaa et onliterie's lata -inter• tare sysuft 7 is iiliaae is arc ttaatle ttipest Wv"W eat is ire bealli mim L oatwws b"y, ani =&do are a"Iiss of 211,t1M loat*M twee i mfr bels ear Ire sat f yt'ars is attttneoffin trot steed Irea at ms§L It t 11 , I -'a a =a* ate' forward In bWl t a btttltlar aisles'seen will sleet are seeis of all OaWm Ndq. sad in Ire Mm Fax the first phare of this initiative, ptoposids ate invited to develop new long-term tine facility beds in the Regional MunkVdity of Durham. Proposals must be sollintittted using a Standard proposal fate. This fano, written instructions ad mdalled mformabom can be obtained, begimoiog May 4, 1998 either by calling (410 327417!2, or visiting the Ministry of Health Tender Office at: 99 Ailleaw Drite, Cartes d, Otte wb LAK 30 ; Proposals subnritied under this RFP ml tit be received an or before July 31,1999, 12 noon, at the Tender Office address. .. Only those who have requested proposal inforination, and have pre -registered, will be admitted to a local bidders' mating to be beld on May 20, 1998. Location and timing details will be provided with the proposal package. , . At die bidders' meeting, Ministry staff will make a preseatuim and answer about the proposal plooess• r Competes Sunday, May 10 in Toronto Mother's Day t Mirka at THE PICKERING MARKET'S "Elvis" & "Roy Orbison" "Live" Tribute Shows See Elvis at 11:30,1:30 & 3:00 Roy Orbison at 11:00, 12:30 & 2:30 Have your picture taken with there! Treat Mom to a "Free" makeover from Alloette Cosmetics of Durham Feel the healing relaxation with complimentary therapeutic touch by Treckman Health Services Enjoy free reflexology with professional Jo Eshpeter Get a personalized cake or treat for Mother's Day from Alpine Bakery in Scarboro ($3.00 +) A gilt basket from U tanat ring (value $150) Gilt certificate for Mondo's Bar 8 Grid, Whi by Brock Bud 1 hcker-y - prt Nord or Hy 401 METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE ... vcerr a dull momentl ane Aruadllcs _OPTOMETRISTS • Dbpensing of Contact lenses and • Complete Family Eye caro • Low Vbion Servioss EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY 15 Marwood S. itn.r..wi �, a Hw,. 2 1 427-4144 :�.4* k A& rjhl"Z:� Treat Mom On Mother's Day May 104 Now Woodland's Mini Golf Course Opens SPRING FESTIVAL ON NOW 50 yo �FFADMISSION d� FUE e May Is Seniors Month Seniors 60+ 15% off reg. atherosis Grandchildren (6yf"ider) Adwissioa FREE with po�ag senior Moa. to Fri. (1 2 per senior) Entertain ourself online at www.durhamnews.net Y Britain's Official Tribute To Princess Diana Finally Released Queen Elizabeth Approves ControversialILL, len ; Stamps Despite Earl Spencer's 1 I< Objections :> V Lwdse, England — The first official just -released issue. Edition, you can see why they are irne- stamps bearing pcxaiats of the lase Princess "Our pbo_m have baa ringing off the stsuble to cotlecton and Diana fan alike." Diana haw ' baa released by the Royal hook," sad Jahn Van Fmdea of ICS distnb- The stamps, which are issued is strips of Mail, the official postal ar�satty of Geer ullor of the stamps and worldwide clearing- five, are legal ender in Great Britain. and Britain. Originally scheduled for release house for all Diana stamp releases. -Of all are recognized by postal authorities around shortly after her tragic death, these stamps the Sumps issued in memory of Princess the world. were weddeld when Due's boder Ear Diana, these we undoubtedly the most desir- If you want to order the mllecxim you Speucer. objected to thein. able because they we Greg Britain's official mast act quickly. TheFm.. err arailtmle Amid a storm of controversy, the Royal ttibuk to her impossibly tragic dtad►" for a short time while last a their Mai! thea threatened to destroy the entire The colorful stamps arc designed ori issue �g original " prier of (pks $3 issue. The public outcry was so strong official of the Princess — each pdeh) for the complete set of five differ den the Earl was forced to withdraw taken by a d�photograpter — and am stamps. You'll also receive a aumbe�ed his objections, and now fully endorses the about twice the size of a regular stamp. Each Certificate or Authenticity. The most you The Royal Mat 1s aonabrlp an proirts from Rs P . is franked by a border of purple, tra- an buy is six sets. Send your cheque or SW of mese stamps to me Dana Princess �100�y the syr of royalty. money order to ICS, 450 Tapscou Road, of aeries Memorial r ria. which osmeutes "Millions throughout the world mounked Suite ICKXK Scaboroegh, ONTARIO money to Diana's char bes. her death," added Van Emden. "When you M I B 5 W 1. To order by credit std, cal! toll MWasatwr.lesrorraeaarea.eaom realize that fiat stamps arc a Limited free 1-&)0-922-8339. Dr. Kevin Tyber EY � '6 �. 2V � '6 � 2V �. BEERS & *TNES 6 II e SO She I Ille 'P'i"W or wl" RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING am 111101*114111411 Aloax wrestler lord of the rings JOHN MCLEAN GOLDEN AT CANADIAN SENIOR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS SPORTS THE NEwS ADVERTMM WEIDOM DAY, MAY 6, Me - PAGE 15 Al Rhtrtt Greco-Roman Wrestling Magguson of B.C.. McLean team to advance to the World sports editor Championships last week- was soundly defeated II -0. Junior Wrestling AJAX — A good old- end. He lost his second match to Championships in Las Vegas, fashioned whipping at the Competing in the 58 -kilo- Cory Robinson of Calgary 8- beginning Aug. 5. Canadian senior wrestling gram (127.6 pounds) weight 6 in overtime to knock the As a current national championships in Winnipeg class, the Oshawa Wrestling Ajax wrestler out of the tour- champ. McLean will wrestle served as a wake-up call to Club representative easily nament. Mike Fitzpatrick who the Ajax grappler John McLean defeated Dennis Paglinawan " I had a pretty tough tour- Ajax grappler defeated 10-0 who's now weighed down of B.C. 8-3 in the champi- nament in freestyle. At the at the national junior champi- with more gold from a banner onship match. McLean's end of the freestyle competi- onships in Guelph last wrestling season. biggest challenge in the tion. I really tried to focus in month. The 19 year old made his Greco-Roman discipline was on my Greco-Roman. 1 was The wrestle -off is first appearance at the in the semi-final against really focused on doing bet- designed to ensure the best senior nationals for the best Adrian Woolley of Brock ter;' says McLean. 20 fighters (top two in each wrestlers aged 20 and over University in St. Catharines The Grade 12 Ajax High of the 10 weight classes) will In the country a winning who McLean beat 5-2. School student will now turn represent the country at the one. McLean started in the nation- his attention to an interna- world competition. After being dispatched to al tournament with an easy 9- tional competition in New Previously. McLean won the sidelines from freestyle 2 win over Joseph Loucks of Orleans June 18. The south- gold in freestyle wrestling in wrestling following two dis- Calgary. ern U.S. meet, which will the 56 -kilogram (123 -pound) appointing losses. McLean McLean says he changed attract wrestlers from eight weight class, captured a sil- rebounded to win all three of his focus to Greco-Roman countries, will serve as a ver medal in Greco-Roman his matches en route to the after a disappointing series of tune-up for the Canada Cup wrestling and was named the gold medal in Greco-Roman matches in the freestyle cate- meet in Guelph the following outstanding wrestler of the (upper body) wrestling at the gory in his 58 -kilogram class. week. meet at the Canadian Junior Senior Men's and Women's In his first match against The Guelph competition is Wrestling Championships in National Freestyle and national champion Dwayne the qualifier for the Canadian Guelph. Lightning `A' atoms Ontario hockey champs s DOUBLE -OVERTIME GOAL LIFTS DURHAM WEST TO TITLE fhe Durham West So— Briltney Chandler. Lightning Honeywell atom of. Quinn Caggiula was out - 'A' girls' rep hockey team t'JST standing in goal and got the needed a goal in double over- �1 chance to display her scoring time to win the Provincial 1?3 99 prowess when Nicole Ruta Women's Hockey' IZ stood strong between the Championships in 13399 pipes for game two, demon - Mississauga recently �AThe strating her catlike reflexes. Lightning's Kane Dale 15C99 'A' Lightning team is reached the winner in the sec- 10999 ft ., purh;m -West and overtime frame to defeat iAhtnin F• squad to be crowned all - Cornwall 2-1. Misty nz 4('e. Ontario champ, this season. MacKinnon scored the first HOC At the samc tournament. the goal, un a breakaway, to force 13499 Lightning atom 'AA' squad overtime. Assisting were '4,,-99 also captured the provincial Caley Hulmc and Nicole In the opener. Kingston title. Ruta. defeated the Lightning 2-0. The 1997-98 season was a The Honeywell atoms Games two and three banner one for the Durham faced a tough Kitchener favoured the Lightning as West Honeywell Lightning squad in the semi-final- This they defeated Saugeen 'A' atom squad. The team game also required overtime Maitland by 6-1 and 3-0 was undefeated in North and Lightning's Mcghan Yco scores. Metro Girls' Hockey League scored is extra time to win 2- Round-robin goal scorers play and also won the North t. Nicole Ruta scored the first for Durham West were Quinn Metro playoff title. The goal to force overtime. Caggiula with three. Lyndsey squad also earned two gold Assisting were MacKinnon. Ryan with two. Dale. Emslie, medals and three silvers at Mary'r. Faux. Date and Tcryn Brianna Gooding. and tournaments. Emslie. Ashleigh Lacquaniti with one The team is coached by In round-robin play the each Assists went to Dino Caggiula. Rick Sears Durham West atoms recorded Gooding. MacKinnon. Ryan, and Dave Hulme. The trainer a 3.1record to advance to the Katclyn Sears. Lisa Lillie. is Elaine Emslie and the man - semi -final. Ruta. Karen Wilt hire and ager is Carolyn Yeo. Ajax wrestler John Mclean. 19. captured the gold ,medal In Greco-Roman wrestling at the national senior championships in Winnipeg last weekend. 69EE%InR SS Our Lowest Prices of the Season! 1/Z PRICE Siherguard® Touring tires are backed by a 100,000 km Tread Wearout Mlarrantyt Made for Soon by Bridgestone. W de How grooves provide superior wet traction and the diagonal and loteral aping provide great snow traction. Computer- modelled shoulder and centre rib design for a smooth and quiet ride. 062000 series Team members are Katie Dale, Misty LtdOnnon, Meghan Yeo, Nicole Rola, Mary T. Faun, Teryn Emslie. Otlirun Camila &lama Goodirp, Ashleigh I atxltwo Lynclsey Ryan, Katelyn Sears, Lisa title, Karen Wfthire, Wittany Chartdler and Caley Hdme. Staff are Dino Caggiula, Rick Sears and Dara thane, Elaine Emslie and Carolyn Yeo. So— nisi.. Si- of. MSA ° 5 s/ BOR , 3 9499 47.49 ° 85/75 14 11099 19.49 °' 5/75:14 1?3 99 61.49 v2.5/751114 13099 "At °2C5/75R15 13399 66.49 °7' 5/75R 15 13999 M.M °.35/75R15 15C99 73.49 I -5/70R'3 10999 34.49 ° °5/7011!3 11599 37.99 ' 1,'170Q: ! 19 99 39.99 - 4s")11'4 12499 62.49 S'7)R-4 13499 67.49 P1 5. 1CR'4 '4,,-99 70.49 -:5/7N ) '44 x 72.49 5i7CR.5 '4 74.49 1/Z PRICE Siherguard® Touring tires are backed by a 100,000 km Tread Wearout Mlarrantyt Made for Soon by Bridgestone. W de How grooves provide superior wet traction and the diagonal and loteral aping provide great snow traction. Computer- modelled shoulder and centre rib design for a smooth and quiet ride. 062000 series Team members are Katie Dale, Misty LtdOnnon, Meghan Yeo, Nicole Rola, Mary T. Faun, Teryn Emslie. Otlirun Camila &lama Goodirp, Ashleigh I atxltwo Lynclsey Ryan, Katelyn Sears, Lisa title, Karen Wfthire, Wittany Chartdler and Caley Hdme. Staff are Dino Caggiula, Rick Sears and Dara thane, Elaine Emslie and Carolyn Yeo. SAVE 40" b�i■■ipr' T llta tin: W& for St■rs by f I Provide exceptional wet, dry and snow traction for superior handling in all weather conditions. 495 i000 series Sob prka t01a+ Swaid", Nlery 17, 1!!S, wllt b "ootifies lost 05123 Copyright 1998. seew Ca i" Inc. MEA ENO Auto Centre ■ Direct line ,,.,. mat 420-0271 SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon.- Fri t1:00 e.ta - f:00 PAL, Set a:oo este. - 0:00 pin, Sun. 12M now - 6= p,tn, 42"49 Ext M or 251 TO, T CHARGE OF YOUR FASFN01 G*Lr UNBELIEVABLEI 3 DAY CAMP DOW Stam Starts: May 11 Mon., Tues., Wed. :� 500 9:00.3:30 daily Plilnls GIFT CERTIRCATES GREAT FOR laomouu LESSONS IDEA Cao Gray SaWGTF) t r (CGTr/tlSGT� to Combat Shorts 1150 FOR from MO ms`erA"your spot 10" cano 00 Clow" Arse Mhhts & Tank Tops I« iota a•M 1P..eer Ttttrrtlort Rd, Aox -2501 f yotrrlre pot o story idea, we wart to hew ham you. hleo36 Doll 13x3 -Sl 10 SAVE 40" b�i■■ipr' T llta tin: W& for St■rs by f I Provide exceptional wet, dry and snow traction for superior handling in all weather conditions. 495 i000 series Sob prka t01a+ Swaid", Nlery 17, 1!!S, wllt b "ootifies lost 05123 Copyright 1998. seew Ca i" Inc. MEA ENO Auto Centre ■ Direct line ,,.,. mat 420-0271 SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon.- Fri t1:00 e.ta - f:00 PAL, Set a:oo este. - 0:00 pin, Sun. 12M now - 6= p,tn, 42"49 Ext M or 251 e rum K - TIS taEw6 AD'VL nUSIt wEDt011DAY, MAY 6.1"" GLENDALE TENNIS 4 . /MNyJewl Glendale club celebrates The Glendale Tennis Club celebrated its 20th anniversary at its annual Opening Day Round -Robin Tournament last Sunday. The club marked the occasion with a birthday cake. Here, Pickering Councillor Doug Dickerson, left, Mayor Wayne Arthurs, centre, and Councillor Mark Holland unveiled a new sign to mark the occasion. Glendale has been a strong neighbourhood tennis orga- nization which has grown to more than 800 members who play on four Laykold courts. Pickering squash champs crowned PICKERING — The Pickering Squash Club crowned its best in the various divisions at the club's annu- al championships recently. This year's women's 'A' titlist is Terry Watford. who defeated final- ist Chrissie Evans for the crown. The women's 'B' title was won f by Vanessa Steinwall over Viru Parmar. In the 'C' bracket. Heather Swartz emerged as the champion after besting Rosemary Aiken Victoria Templet .captured the ! women's 'D' Crown over Sylvia Cowley. The 'E' crown went to Nimat Vadera who defeated Natasha Vadera. Jeff Evans emerged as the men's 'A' club champ after defeating Steven Dunslow. The men's 'B' crown went to Darrell Babcock who beat Kevin Cahill. Dominic Salvagna laid claim to the men's 'C' title by downing John Whyte. Grant Bndge won the men's 'D' ' title over Brian Frost. Don Warriner was the men's 'E' champ with Mark Wilson finishing as runner-up. The Pickering Squash Club also handed out the Chris Doona Award which goes to the member who has made a significant contribution over many years. This year's recipient is Ian Parsons, a past club president and current social convener. School girls' gymnastics .meet Friday' AJAX — One of four Durtwm District School Board's girls' gym-nastics meets is slated for the Acro's Gymnastics Club Friday, May 8. j Hosted by Lakeside Public School, the Area 4 gymnastics cow - petition will feature athletes from the host Lakeside school, along with E.B. Phin from Pickering, Uxbridge �'Public School, Goodwood Public School, R.H. Cornish Public School of Pon Petry and Central Park ,INNic School from Oshawa. Approximately 100 gymnasts will compete in floor exercises, bal- since beam and vault. The competition runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Acro's gym club is on Exeter Road. Winners from the various area meets will compete in the Durham f ' finals at Gemini Gymnastics in 4 Oshawa on May 14. Alm CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sows Outdoor Ryw, no& 0512, page 11, sale prices and May 24, 1996 1119MI : Diehard FIN mwirts bassirisa have up to 900 wnps 850992. 8ltotld met Dialwd FIN morins turneries have up to 750 amps. Solara rsl e& any kiaorlttrrlit m JIM may hove caved R Please remember 1!7 69EEA/I�SS owonsaie KENAMOREO DISHWASHERS, CANADWS #1 SEWNG BRAND' . -.ONLY AT SEARS! t"sed N iadepedenf eaties l surveys carnet at fief el rrion 1 IM411191 KIwDISMASM &me $IBI. gunwe &AWashw has 'A puri-Iatson ttatI I Swab tYtles imi i•lauai ori sYsNa 015"1. Sears rag. 544.44. 8hd numb eb "auk Use your Sears Care! ard GET DOUBLESEARSCLUBP01 NTS .PWS, TRICE 'T� 2�OA0 TSO PJAY IM'EREST FREEtt . 'ewN Sttdoy, Alloy 14, 1998, Spars CMI N oubws tw ase tbkr Soars Card tot pt dwwe Stirs CMb Mins a all Major tipppaaas. EatMles Coital" pwclasos, labew will delivery. Ask for detaYs. tt►n In 28 09W MwtNy paywnts lafnest fno, "IN Jaoaary 28N, an r Major spOlemos. On aprevd aeft with yew Sean Carl. IAIniMUM $200 purdie ." .A $35 deferral fee and ale a IN, 11 taxa sod tiwps we payable of dine of pwthase. Eadotles 01 11 thea ha as In Glenna Canto axil 0111w enifs Saday, Illay 18, 1 M. Ask for /atolls. ut a pwtiaes. lastoNaHaa extra, Ask In store about ow guaranteed Installation dMeposlMslrl 05108 Copyright 1998. Sears Cana, sx News A otlllas law CenwmwolM Ave.. Ajax IIOIINI6 Cleats app1a1 Mew.- Fri. Sortionsy ;PAX: 1e661679•44iT a INS NEW ADVOrrUM TPPD11111 DAY, MAY A 1111{ PAGE 37 A "ax Pickering News Advertiser t� b n w7 n 07PIC*dPring News Advert/ser Out/st left 1Mk9tes ttir- P9ekwIwa Old Thor. -FN. 1a a.m. - a p.m. al erre Rbw- - Fra-, saa raerr -seer iota-wrMo al s R.M. �^! INE (416)798-7259 lxosEoolwwor's. FAX: 000DV.-Mn* t sates I I Jim Carrs S11111 Careers 1 Geawa "* 1 Garsrsl llap 1 Ganwsl tbyf Jim- ter 11ayAoral Sbaad Nat, gifaad 1palp - I ' ,GRACE CANADA, INC. :AU VAPNESENTMM f« AZ DRIVERS WANTED 1 I CONSTRUCTION PROD swUmn Supplycanwny. late in as little as 6-12 months I BWWANAPPkWoxl > DPW ChWm*Ambb Coswrloem Tedrid" D LprAdmrnAdrM AwMWy ^ a Computer mteaPMMsr > tallaWl Dues Aritrm l a rrrAPPedeeria >W a-, AtMmMeprb tdlrilmlabaa0m > helm a Raebwril ow mMoil Frorkr > Ila i lbrwpa ew"w _ _> Trwa AM Towles IMOMCOMRf aAMaallxw blAlOafeaar -=--4 TORONTO 111 ea I I O'• DIAMOND INSTITUTE t OF BUSINESS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOG Y _ L vur graduates are in demand and are being successfully placed in exciting high-tech jobs. AVERY DENNISON Avery Denniwn Office Produce (Anda ha, an immediate need for a: FINANCIAL ANALYST R, itortft to the Manager of Firtmtcfat Planning and Anrhsis. Ihisposition plays a key role in the Prt'Pu and maintenance of the Antral Operating plan (AOP), and Midyear Forecast (Replan), monthly ,nmcial analysis, calculation of stand2A costs, analysis manuhctilring and inventory VMianceS and narticipation in the tial UCTS DIVISION base Salary, Commrsam s Local Ilwy dr City work bar allgwnp Must be al - MANUFACTURING dn:sve. tyrww arld lwe a Shulltiand Weekend work LOGISTICS COORDINATOR mron sues aw^y aur Or - petard Sales People reed Cal Randy or Todd Qualifications: o°lyanPlease lm itu`r ixi 720-2204 'v. • 3. 5 logistics experience DEpW00D'S. 410 FT Aw • Significant purchasing negotiating experience AW ax us 2E3 Fa 1905) ADAMS SERVICES • strong organizational, communication and analytical skills to eta9e29 MAY Gerwrn mop CUSTOMER SERVICE Neo Adver.,Sv re. awns :.hat Ac:Wuws :heck mar ad open pubbc&W n Rana AO- 'erbar wrl not be rr soranfOb for mon purl ono ■icorroo weerbon and two OW be no 1> ahOry for non-Mrrbon ,I arN arlwrraalaent. � rslrty res «.we r, ace z .era M su arro rd Dad tar M Dace OCaF oyop er error M coq s soolm to no apple- . a' ccooqq a mal dna, lit, cub. ALLSfr SASE To ILL wawa SeflllannkrIYULM InvenlOry 60.1 bw o sow ink Sur ("tint. 599A,Mhrnaw oMrw Tin . - -- meet the constant deadlines in a very fast paced environment1 Sow • accuracy and attention to detail are essential Itrell Tal : rttmg and S_0 „ APO, gn-MI • sOund working knOwWW Of Windows b Office, experience in Slimes Furniture InUafkrs SAP preferred neede0 Call Mrs Lyon for • limited travel rIntmem 905 -or I bare • Community College Certificate spate is to SO, Send resume by Wednesday, agy 13, 1998 to: CLASS A '�� baa nowt. ow HUMAN RESOURCES Automotive Tech. "UP" GRACE CANADA, INC. Mwmd for any wnb ;+torr •e -o-ft o 294 Clements Road West ^"0Q. PON eALLrCIIFF sneetrNT Ajax, Ontario L1 S 3C6 D10D Reserve 01 apply. . alit My Mn. wane w.100aE !nNo a Fut No tele hone calfs P please. • arson ro RAG aura cErTRE 1600 a" St PKI --g a call ;9051420-1389 SABOURiN KIMBLE & ASSOCIATES LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEERS I. a medium sized consult - Ing engineering firm, located !r the Town of Pickering .-roviding services to the Ind in industry. ,%�- have an immediate 'pvnings for a MUNICIPAL DESIGNER & STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DESIGNER the successful candidates will be engineers/ technolo- gists with 1-3 years expen- ence in the subdivision and/or stormwater manage- ment design field. Experi- ence in site inspection will be considered an asset. Please reply in writing prior to May 11, 1998 to: Sabourin Kimble & Associates Ltd. 1099 Kingston Road, Suite 201 Pickering, Ontario L1V 165 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES It there are firms or Individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply Piece Your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advemsemont and aftach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. It file advertiser is one of the names on your lest your appkation *ON be PLEASE NOTE, resoanws that we ta:N dicedto Oshm This week, will ON be awarded to the fill member. OrMuwis most be seat directly as lotikale/ by lilt I lions is dw ad. .,L successful c2ndtdate must I-2 years of I pec Te pelt ca,rrews Delivery r, laW experience, be in at lost the second level of a ""i0 mnwrrry m " very Service 1gnRld Professional Accounting Program, have ""A". M ""4 u1 x9rirrs arrrrediatr/y IrtL6 un"'^0aa,garsh aCIA FU ART TIME DRIVERS Pd%=xW skills in Microsoft Excel and Access. The Cl-0S`r f3" rrfth our reliable 4 cyl. vehicles. IrJndidate must also be familiar with manufacturing and 0WM a' tie tw Days, Evening and Weekends. im rikirry was w PAS w Pea I�ras CASH .m. on + 4 be a creative dttniter std have 7sro call v a.r-� p.m. only 426-5+181 1 ern x.taAvwr 1 Sans frh,w,lem, INSTORE PROMOTIONS A great opportunity for sales and marketing representatives to work in a major department store. Full and part time. Training provided to qualified candidates. If you are self motivated with a professional appearance, please call Ra'ana at (416) 340-0102 ext. 412 or 1"888-616-2789 ext. 412 Car an asset. Sales Representative Men's A Ladies Clothing Canada's lending mrMAncturw d business clothing, unAorms 8 promo roar requires a Sales Rep. b estifto long term accounts In thio Torptc area. The Mary Holland lino is Canada's popular garment line sold directly to carporaoons. Clothing expentenco not regwW. SWW tetperni noo along wish tl» ability to cold call a must. Trair" provided. Bass rage plus conrrmmon ineorMM. car allrawance and erponses paid. m you we a sell-storNr. Snoyeac, caro -f 0 tripled indl- vidllal looknq br a fun vlorant prarhblio, lor- mod resume b: Al Misko Mary Holland Industries Ltd. 10934120 St. Edmonton, Alta TSH 3R3 Fax 1-900- 361-0263 Boyer START THE SPRING OFF RIGH AT BOYERSI Looking for a NEW & UWD CAR TALES i -A TIM to 40% commission and company car Contact Gerald Thornton, Alex Sptrlopuloa a Joe Guc Mj Toronto: 416-798-7989 Pickering: 905-831-2693 Ostu wa: 905-686-5859 .r • CLASS "A" MECHANIC • 2nd / 3rd. YEAR APPRENTICE Top benefits. • Top flat rate wages. • Profit sharing. Apply with resume to: 1300 Kingston Rd. Pickering WANTED ROUGH TERRAIN FORKLIFT MECHANICS Looking for field service mechanics with hydraulic and diesel engine experience. Mail or drop off resume to 2275 Markham Rd. Scarborough, Ontario, M1B-21N3 (416)291-1928 ('rat NCARF: HesltA 5er.ices ( �z. nr .Porins REGISTERED NURSES REGISTERED PRACTICAL IRN 8 m•'AeIIRAm4 Diirmam Rear«:. C'riteris Required: • ('urrenl RNJRPV relistratiea c„qty Experience Added sbiltiI Therapy. CADO eic Must have reliable vehicle Fkxihrhty ro work ilaft. weekend, • NENERT PACKAGE AVAILABLF- saffl Required: PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERS POW SUPPORT WORKERS Laws 2 i 3 IEALTR CARE AMB Vealetnea,- -es.:: -e:c human Rtsoune. 0210 -tae Bond SL W., /kkawa ON LIJ 21.7 or fu to 9054-1X353 L ! ,i erose SAW bap 1 _�^^ Itrell Tal : rttmg and S_0 „ APO, gn-MI raPyrl AJAX ;a,ure a.awY� w.l' slow ate qn .. rv: r �Mdo rYa•Ors D.- 11 Wa. 1i/ .:tate aswann a" tw c ""'o'a"•^ Mlflr bar awn :unwe r yah am Fur• ally law row Nr+pr aw Pfaaaa CAN me) Am '�� baa nowt. ow a,x:F ."ad 1„ "UP" ►manes so." ; sofas wnb ;+torr •e -o-ft o 2 pars DAJV .No eALLrCIIFF sneetrNT °10^d barbard ant 1MA) .'0 Stab. St AN. . alit My Mn. wane w.100aE !nNo a Fut -cttveProblem solvingabilities. IRs.. eSTRUCTOR amara L,s ,Re. aeawws �d Ura de,rMK for Please submit un :oar "`rawa SAO rlwa a 1 � pow r�a 122" ro wase 905428 - Please 1�r �' rap Jus a lobi xi 90 MA 1 to iris EMS warty. res pax esu aw oat UNKM a Wrflrrd PS Aur Start Ffeuee Ixxbllrw n �„rc..-.rte. �,.,�.,, imoa. UaausfMP. steer• 1181 a.a,faby. CPR pus Emplloy�ee Services 9Mm ExTRA a+rw. bar Ifowewerea a,0 arrlear ADNBR'1'a'fiR . ear atlm.elr taws les as purtoowt. Iron The Paafprrd Clod w Moe ^Pafw aro, T n pr fs Sreemm. APPN ro Lob Lap Avery i)e/awi9ot5 Canada Inc. rmrmrabm a qmt .ew Gnat torr sof el.s am its m at F. r 9os a,-see6 °' � '�ae1 � uifthef res reeked oat aaiFw rip (965) 7234NO ��� 2�0�0 �Bxeaa�eclitoe Rd E . 09"Loo s1lPaer. lr/atRIAL air c raArs. deliver Candidates moot be h ever SeN StaTterS caw Aneaw. PDARtr aymnAm 2. loom Bova manvffle, Ontario L1C W Patch"/sunfmrm parer nwvapapom Aral with track records,reho are tcaaonia rot oxMaord,c a- ,xys. ax°ijwa rwr awmar w CWAM M pax nmF Do$~, w Maes to this Primcpf^piaw exarwra a ,roa.rwy„y rwrmrm Fax (90S) 697.4777 nN wmm/Iwws +fro, PM 20 block V sus hwNa'e tkmmg �s looking � �� ¢�' f w+ra lam Plb Wild "pf bastion luxau or d depelrJMr Dnrn ran earn No_non 93o-230Fn bY. T?':3 �''�tiYi S. -Cot stN star M. IT? Occas cram 905iR1- w ren of f10o'saN . cap AJAX we oeu an agplaaivo eonlportmon package, orw ob L,6 4w5 CQN SpQL<M Ira in la. tpa 427 Io93st aaao Coft on ,, ( Annie Cres otxnpYw will a company vehicle. HEALTH, aaleteMSM Peaph pus- ��_ The Star it r a ee.a.aer Sae Feg.red r s4 ammo s IIxIR erenar. wror,e tool Aawnanp a Roberts Fid. DIWAL, amt POW N PLAN, as wall as an fes^ for a bue7 drropwec of eMarElmm7 lei T CaaWw SHIP. d a bodin cumpow in to M r w 1A an dire MW%Wft MNO N waarr mchisdoge Crt. oppor" for mare XhoSovft@ t. t e PR Drsori Conprrr Lamm cm.... Must S/aeaaFYrhO6iAaeey. 1w rent- n0 Miwdllo 10-20 �FaaLF wwwerw. sprfwice meed Mr fs.i, ser ars. 525. eFaoow ee Me. $ phren bus This is a U06W PafelMA• FepraimO leash' r eke a^0e lo rare. Cr 72s-2ao cap a.rt Ef05172o-3sw �• Com. For a aoeideLLlial irmrviw. PARA" 01 a ae MAlpeo tiro: sryo Tv a Ru vee. Jaw. Rd. can or fax a resume b: FM AIM Lt T 2Z7 M3 r■ Imo. $eo. pap rwe;:owa a asst ewe• NAal4at rawAasf M asI Olae COnpYla pro Vw bare meal on e-, r. Sur► err The Wanob ate woo" be eap Aw r all E VOMO e a m Pwnr CWWWS road. r esti• TuloCh Dr. ,ms mw y RAS - FR - M rea Wal Ua 90S Mas -I , aaaN ps, MWdW$RfwSMa y MMiMd 4W&gF d Asad put Asaft 1.M. a�ry4a rixio ate rotary, hats a h Rd N. 1116470dMi Fas: ti16.131-75M rerairr Lwnre. Prot rep Mar gacliy. wlr erica an peepraMr or b•fteM W bratu a ro . p "" aiYAlexi, 2mr6 Wye. resPN:KEFM a OW trop tea, a 5 M Spatiesis mnp'ramf nr No °"Nes .oia.iw. o► ler ea/idde wwM ledl a pndmA rl amsaer a Ixomneb a Moe aw Sandhurst Cres neemwe w Aamnswar. bare nr =!I rot aaFamrewam lne 4dlia Yr and r,.e...:i.� of s r s EsatsCs I,ai T tat er rm fir. Meldlion Dr. PART TIME SALES KELP Rome" vent. 53411 Roea 3� ".=!I ik ��� in �tme n P.� 00 Sr yin re ebkri ark eapwErao. SIraM a7 M11aMM 'AM^ ria (90ti1 9w^-7ps �preFrrsde 9 Thicket CreR Grad for Carly retina or someone Aft. Put.. -lo all uw 262. A+aarr Caw• bee o�.ainrwiiW EaaleNs C//SE1F Dar1O0k M' CML with flexible hours and en ate Olxlau s< E for tgsd6O aFFernnae tie twbaA a wrea, Ya er -ftwo y sue mom to rawM w Mawr .ear ate NOWOovlooAWr6Wrd Crt. rutting people. Good sales taRa1E eon MM& blas, °i~` ere ^ewe ArMr Afwaaaaa�aaa-• Fir 0 145. Oros This 'waOrpall U9p a6a77� ie• Lynn Dr. gar ientation skills required. as Nowt�f6�Nor ft" R[ Ma asalle cwt ale Caron. PralidaM O�p, TIN 71.5 fto ~' Q1ew FAIMMO TELEMAMMTM KMOM f ocat trawl with 1 training. � M w ftn Poor °�* aaMF No Dori b5. add le ow tax aheoaae Zalor AM. g mot wort Mea low dFr 4x-39a00n �a t350 tekr p lllarw Aw RAMI DEf1GIB1 °iA";, Mr"M /'ate,,,,, Mod in Rd. For info please cal! maaapatra ear rsbrwdsaths win ■IAFtk n OMIs1aM. Glawq L1J 629 SCAItBOROlIdI Gmg PnYCtor 905-839-8484 13ei3w. w ob 3wlmsi err arpitlll ret Fax (916) q3./III - a m @*Am bar � aswN a*. on oar ant Patin par W OM,b pomm ewe Feel saetasesOtar wbReYweel aeeaelwaMearld saxlan Pre dry. fit 916• PerKMMWe Pkwy Guam" dpydaw Prank satyr Sbw w ,lona pier M Ospx� � t MM port lire• s Disney Tudor 1�or1 d� -� � � � w pwersarb �res. Yak Faw�i. 3�mMa pE�xles. T' ►sows yem d rip OI SM -M at nr JOA Aw. r twi -The seers are fe7rd.wF131i tap sOPP Fae. G1 (9tEiKtO-atFo riM,l Owe/ briase A S'I1DA <wdifasti home este) �E� Hm 0A R%h .miry. E�goy ^mraae oagE feats b tmrreaat OOMIITfFi? Rlgiiired Ful TM ExceEm comonodr AXI Dr. LVSURANCE ow mmavobJill Oahe* Nes Melita dais? Cee Dell ,- r aFMasged9s°I Let it wtxk :ear yes! 'rsle�iO. wsa lb �ft DsciraW Piece s,9 ea1 ales BROILER Paviw Park Cres Require an ,I r,r,r,, - a a �"en�waaht�" ."' RILL PNRT Crt. r4l" CIA =at' No"".awe ex *-U tea« a Available r "mom Pip a access code 5=1 NX: eabame IR Lte>Y T� SMO&Widga DC mow be alprrskm, wales a ixasadnl lines air Coppler PMsr Pro Imp %w IMw p91ENS. IIECEPFIOM• Clark so= Piece ant brw a slap Pas thio• CSX bar A rod wn* pay. ISTs A arlmrr ear R thio East Aire. y. Pa1aw due t906N74aaw Fax resume to bra r arTlllews Sable• rPY► tlhys ",� D w RIIbfL Exerbme DgMfR peCkapl. Mew aywl R+tiauu it r�i �- Harvie Ave MM TECHWAL lac 905-428-867211 rib a?85;m�w - n a a er uk Fa n• Pape pM My • a^Meript CIS Aro- iiYi�itil��i�i s�hh��ppww11 wM1Med br many IPM tLnc sudwa 'a^l aero b f106A>7/tt. TMIBT� eTmR1I�I�N�IpPp,IT Mab f/S•n7-0>b. Pidblr• FOR RXITHER gewmhrm ^o,ebcpria0 at Oaar arra. 3 ren r "+' tun rirl"t+w LTB., !118.111 ell its TO a rose Tlr soba,. MM new o> 911F~TNkI eA�i r k'�'prr~ pdaair ; ° mikemm �U.S� aMad R ' 7-N Ca/pI r AW sw Mm - 1-alt`lfS,t11! or ear Saadi papa SL. CALL 6111"l17 1fy. M^Io+q,o respworaapecspr. p . dal 905m-4163 .3075EtmaRlOp 23 We We" rpm a ooft ■Wfr VAN tsOaMn F elf sole rslamab rel rile r 31 A,kpl SL, FAaefats1�916) 7q1 -12M. � EaC[�IOE an TRIM DOM Friel rat � Pba�b Piednw a arm 5T27Aw. dare aalrlan waae/sr Lx � a^Datiatfe0 wo .fplfiam, ceder stews 1Udinicianrir�w pro0r�. S N in PAM SMD B. Deraes isiAnati er MORSE OPEWORS irtp l r�In - Y MMMab�crr�lAlp ON. n. IwMa aYMaa. 114a72�i71a nnrAile"pek �arft0 MfM1P baser. � sTreee. AV* Ails ^slide. Fer lest Mia Pr! Assiors wont PS00raairs raven la ro6.4Q1. asst. M wuoo,s MS OF tM. ilylwillf Caa9slal Ma. tart sae pant ter Cr Cr WilbFaPPLphT10S. IafaOm . r ARMN ap0rt ap 2Mas. Ma -hr 1• Pit xop" tebrMr R Wal fray a latrls. Cbpb, t956h57i>2572. opermw - ki•afaa7Pr1• SIJrw. aw•nl•71D9M 1117. Saba ReP axpemrrd r P♦ ESriRIENCEO rraOO Iib hon "-� aE /RNEa NWAve wo R/tat AfawraS? lana a*ftFor rMy d IA (r- Pr MfOegy A aervia re, ale an ^marrum ro ppr. (ridlanrpl. GI Ntb) mPNlutrr Rsyr reed• �M err rtl ra4nq ear ear and rrlairrain ri pprr NiANT'S • 12 YEARS OLD ides eyebma. tpdm Eearta Am poop No 216-t371. d. NM rr. ore 90S•4iF PDT Tpo rMw tePMnO rxwse. Alba he notapdM- I atol mq Iridal Pit tOera In Sala. tun honM w ^ate oplaw aprbse. ROHN- p U.S. be am :its. "3- aim. EIwFM• Wirby. reaawl4 a isoriaMon a�revarahr sase^tIp � � •"'•"'•- OnvwOrrrienL Nmopnwfbbwd br I'm hir r. Mer twirler. b ad and him IRs alba Iy„, 5661 alba .30 me sawWP m oe esu. ax0 tapmeeM kisewy. la ass OW era ffeaWeaN. Pppr w pr Mmdye: flaw - aPst. WWW *AL Firm ansirr• LicernAldby M.C.S.S. 3 omm r pdo NRUM MI am ds rnrmr. t200 Res• de FIONW Mrt I" due nm 0Mn b Pon P ssee; Saari M NlNIM a ReasahbOM rales IW 4 a~Ib to l, -ft- At MWM W I-= &At err wry s (906) � ee E Mgspr� ho, 3 Me rAr piYc Fax rnu^r nil ax "I"M diem rr. Mq rs 512..00 per M iu w In amp w mmt b rem to carrdl's n qua for a Lormp. kaevlar FraMw Saam Emaia. 0m � er N. 906 ts`wk EaaPn Machrew mum n a In ��>' was limas. Car r rxebd ate' Tglilpm Co. rMw Muff. m Mum IS drtiMd. Y m a SEwIR LEON KU Ems UMMM M v*h n oro a. mp10aMwwi GrIMP �raytlmmlMq gIMMN PI E93 U NDNE Dxfcm swlw er0ae mum , ,pilafs ad 1Md wamlp.fxxiiMofr HANISTFUST 41 dd b" 10 toy bum on Steil- $�gyr�rar} rlprsd it"- am w Sus proom mit. very nae. 19051 s7T•0252. la" row","' EIM AD hm " nr7. ease he pl frf�oo AN mwzmcm with own GimteN to at nr Ammmn Mrrard �jaq 0 � �„� AMM" MWAWWaem pori Ross This wen PO km 11.5AHma d*We Oma Cash paid delyl Join Gomm N* n %*hmk b int Ow am in b. abs. AbiMy 90 teak araY10o ,pr Pont Iarldraw. wipin•Rium p«wre. NANNIES AVA BLE I.Oil*& Onur� LN 715 n, rapaid wlsk• Ice CIMrn vend• FOOmm in Picker- 9atl ramp no airs Sea OR. mi0geranlly Cappw of Plow W rnuao br dui• do fepwn RR'S to rimpen Now, Spring and Summer terAer Afaaca y dwsWL rd kg rolMs avelF ing. Full d past ump lo'a'M. om LO tM f a�9 oleo/ Uwe pill ai %w mw. gm"3 m Pre•Mnvfna mdral w. P 8 to n,L Iii bom m palish araleb Ws abN in lyau 8 DoSiNom aaAeble . asst. Fmea .r Is. "01YA1 aifmr p^Mur. mm QWOMl e m a mom bra Soaya's Sumr6er liege M e Mar aaO1r b red ace. lbw eadeeU a "°'° pr SMD ml! a mom hoe In Oataes Pnewo afw er• Hire alive -in noon from o t RR saws ossa axes nmd yryy�.� lou 11905 ti31 5368 i ar.1. safe exon Ma , 1w oft"winvis ala N ^My r w „ � ren. wwvwtuw Call. to Arran Y Quebec falfAwa GO s�wrew.mcapow 90�7254owim � O ^^^_ a tax at la 314 OrMm ply.. bus wlF• ps1bs C aW row eod Rrlm OmMw. Mam the owl rrAcbaix $e an in home 429-7980 905"881-7558 sot DR tic Sas r t lbs f W saemw b 6061 cera appointment Fac 9*n3-S110T 19>,SN. Np Pkat l>k Inft"' nyaIr4rayy,,,ref I'= y IN", " BMW a (905) sm (41f)461�33'13 ` a.. Orrws 1!061721•,277 ` if IPAGZ u TM MOWS APVMRTirii WE•MESDAY. MAY i. Ifl6 r � TNAMe ETifir � I� �_ Rb. poo r/ Mtl YtYYe t . No" 10 to to Mom WLE blow swt I 20 Bbekb n Ga 1 w 601. oN N/H/wi IMry12) ► No ...Eb72E-a62o. SA i So 7a *4rk ION n a, laths Trow. •oetmtmm bt•1. »»°omnr as905 Vs- too POUKO 23h, evol- wo amid.Mawr po. double 11MtMM MttrMIM i oohs b & was" b ,clef W., Mtrya.. Nalnwl►71 taoN mM N .:Coft,with Olaa[ 161] COWYMf WAIMO a -Ice on. it= wmupfA von Co. Goo i Crag SfaNeWs' low- WE FINANCE am. pro or mil mM- ad a tlw Cribs Pau Wr- IgadiffseNew specs. 4l. 4 km rut of III I Lot EVERYONE 200 SNada4 fled In61 ifs shoe 1 si your is AS tr NO tum dOwfls. ,ems,' to the pr8kc. Ya d. rol K 7M0 Cr 105-•01-2311 1M7 RMIII LAN M SU- PREOX. 40X10'. shops 4. We 4pc wh. Rued -n sle wre aowaee. 32.10' OKk. shed. nc L'OIa. $18.000 80km am of offer . 9053.9.2591 COT1a0E f1tE 1nrMc •6 . YD ural mo niftAls. SM NS tri wsw Mr OIp1/W/ V A 11 Kae w6rs 2• la r THE REGIONAL 0sl a i 1V eI!� Ivan Ytlw i IMslp'7. aso, tea Cat 186. 11MtMM MttrMIM i oohs b & was" b ,clef W., Mtrya.. AL p/ -N/1 fifaM M a wM wtMYWO pp DURHAM '.: � 2•foos"'cr`aryNr"a/� PFIOPOSALFOR PKMIIIII • irdoon w- Arco hoc, e10'palA poo. for O�•aM slnw+l/. IssO) ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE ,k ole.. ro than w1M prole- MW wlww". "° pea am w e/NMrfM. L'bN b sdlod. "Rf odr.a Aa FOR VARIOUS REGIONAL now= bmA rata W*WOW maW Ox+Oa, cAIC1l. oMKa, la- LOCATIONS NOIRE To $WE- North Iw. Xmf11M bwnrm. At4 ano 11189.800. PhM 725 �p �W be stere Call 105 First tune bUy. 12 3 Wrooms Idty fur • iradem OAC hDM. dot _ marked SM food. Female pro- Avaittle . AL m rad ere. a1g116•,012°• :p•or-r. 1a1hspeed. 600765 coni- FO A4w CLASSES aw- IT. ms. V4 0 aW M . , Pn a pampa„ smn waren PET MMM• ,110%, actrommoealed NM ers, bankrupt; bad credit; no Credit It you work; you drivel "s1ed, o"w'""„,•k`.° aw"wd. wa-" 1s $29.000 19051 987 - 315 t' op ',� 1pq aro to Contents. will Nybn testa. ausn. stern re- nen dfn swap WY 111n- Swam arpM fa ]roans. (90515713947 -II Lots Of pre- brw 3200 Sal mapy S2lYwk. '.: pray 11369 o0 Pro aid -, owned f720fl wand erootltn 19051 655 -SM M• 1,3.900 ew private a "'"-1171- 00 s0 M: a9d. Oekw Dao �rrd ntl:eam m moa halo hoe OuO1wOn w Mtn IIOnM I vehicles t0 from. TENT TRAILER Slee 7. be Seoured from the PUfchaS�rg ib serest. no parp0 for choose SPEpAL kitchen, slove news. gs nape] slave newer Onpn rely NOIRE To $WE- North One full tem. Drax. 14W NEW MUSIC a -fele W hlbyf at tel. (905)571.9311. very poop walm. f 6OOp cREOIT Some 217-0104. wwwoaewatewsneu .jaIMIrnen hem FINANCE 31750 Cap 905655-164 SAM SM food. Female pro- Avaittle OPEN NOM. SaUSM. 2-4 SEALED PROPOSALS, deafly. be received DY hrrM. CM Jarw 7294MM (SM) pm. 992 Rffole trestle. II to Grand- aro to Contents. will ro ��manppeet1 3 rooms. 11349 Prig fndu0esar ppewt. viemrum Pad. F�idlodRroE bed- the Regional Clerk until 2:00 p.m., CLOSE to Com Cemn, brlpM ban n lade. +hepar vamp 3 boor Oww mraiex- TIOUT, MAY 19,1018 seland hol. wen ] oilers Clw ro Erten. oW. M• 1,3.900 ew private a "'"-1171- Speraficatit3n/ and tender forms may p1iK Wndryry Nonsmoker. 5350. WE OPPORTtNNTf IIII "31 be Seoured from the PUfchaS�rg 57FS577 late) Aeravated as new. 2 and $ethane Supe I and Services Division NOIRE To $WE- North bedroom lowfdaflsa a new s. at tel. (905)571.9311. Central whebv S beaoom dwns� f 6OOp cREOIT Some WILL BE TW0 laadb• lea a s�o � b own to WYi6M pury INS assn. Epcnlem Shape NOTE: THERE MANDATORY SITE VISITS, ON MAY dIRPM - ba of CKW. DEPARTMENT TENT 114-11 SI 8 . to wdlees. Jane Give Gaekman Geale MAY 11, - 100%kase rnm new d. I ed kale a M lane I wi M =nMO Certified. 134K SHERIDAN CHEV from tent. awning n M�Ines. m�pm 1300i6675W ro ��manppeet1 3 rooms. 11349 Prig fndu0esar ppewt. viemrum Pad. w, 1 bwxM 805.705-9698 Safety brakes, kitchen V good rmgtm $1750 o 67 Call 6234W pump. head paSNel. can 5,411. 16clwr arms new Mpen .=,on. tall diet CRAFTea .N in radix app. $30C 000 13rlia dao PrLL FOUND meolum sued otaU 1905) baM7 OWSP 06-1340 time eranmn 930 1wrdp) am wane dap. cola sae bar. Muse, w ypp. fill 1AWlmadh d 420- amegetran OMIIDNO Soatxrs p0apa N�oirwi Seal WES DESIGi+f ape d4po, cove alri ed. mem Rog welh TdlaryE bMtp CARPER SALE: Las a ur SCE 1M4 TANAdrive. 7SI Wnm. 55 a" WOM rap. F Luber. Appran0 a 53225 M role- s, tWtk orlon star o- " . pope 3 of 5339 Home and web page creation Hyper 9 YP sere drive. mSl ore, . aa - wcelle uacL one owns @M000 (=MO -079 (30 so ,d) Includes nr". poroum pea aha rco e link and server storage. nd e9anem common. only .. i eon. Free eSamxK. toper .1fOiAO Dwrte 19000 org'M km S: SW a best Ona Poo Serwrig D~ and n w Wlp area Sam 90S i at s'i�'480• Call Mn e p m 43244 aro baht ea tate• � 1M7 NONpR CA tri. snow. COMPUTER CLEARANCE "'^ rutin c dItnon AwtSortN o ' m7 Condmon wrm or reser - s our levers sed aMn our115 (/�M7 E 1 w�. am as SAN mea YSR tpapn 6M .M u0unanemm .95.1 W video card modem. rel- Moons eM praM Sam 9500 SALE- KAYAK Pool Recmagu- M A M OLDS Sierra $600 ,, �5 mold 060 (905) 434-1076 �GammtpVl�ms immmm i25D is lar iWvt .2door nCladng 6 9eSm •Her Good Ia WI dells t6.2a ON iS3lj r n arta.tuoo urYr Used grey Sar. VGA malt- oassl a Alts pony i no- M =nMO Certified. 134K MMM4.mIMO roan n bis 325 Ref M Fp« nERt w iq'ba a Mr m�pm 1300i6675W Replaced fuel long. Nler 12 FT NALCO akrnaton box. lrr. 99 Manner ""Or 00 iw 8051 13059 / Loc a • pump. head paSNel. can 5,411. 16clwr arms new orOw. brewxl, tuawtt0 l 92.10 (9059 CRAFTea .N in radix app. $30C 000 13rlia dao PrLL FOUND meolum sued otaU Mates. hives. bdfs Md. w- 1e srrua i much orae 13300 OBO Lr 4217068 baM7 OWSP 06-1340 V- 720. 905--Z59M ;srol am wane dap. cola sae bar. Muse, w ypp. fill 1AWlmadh d 420- /N{ KAWASAKI 2C Id OMIIDNO Soatxrs p0apa tsar GdIN. rMe collar am REED fO1AMGIIC7 97 ape d4po, cove alri ed. mem Rog welh TdlaryE bMtp war sp or tad ppa SW a n= DpetuVr V6. L7995 91 Casco lry MlN r vety taste Down mel 76500 000 haAn aradaOM. 55 a" WOM rap. F Luber. Appran0 a 53225 M role- non. very Ora fm mind, Tpbillean flu Norm. MM Rap- 135k 3.995 91 CawrM 114K 54995 89 SatOwd 1- 1989 Sea -000 $P rue wall. @M000 (=MO -079 ion R0. CIA 1554/e6 IN. 72995 a9 Nara Cmc OSakr wllpeslsp Sim OWN, ROOM Swte cane- rete $000 9eamn, wr. PM/D Wel M.M a. bretl x Ma4rI�ow w tr Cls 105 S]495 N Sa1Ma00 4w PU N calcar 7J1. V6 S-ap0 $ CadAK. t OwrMr. 0965-4467 >7 R. FIBERGLASS Lhrit Cram tomm+ran sport 1x11. complete 9600 CAN aro sora •5495 Cannery Aub SIRS aro baht ea tate• � Fe/dID. tea b POGO loris. 200 oo*n St w. Swab' 00 or ea. $2400 a bat dw OtEETWOOD fade COnAAI r while o. MwNW. wca. 9d -f66 -M77 Pmmv al 19059f 427-9119 No, c1 ;,nwr Perkodn M Also ONW cats 6 k"m Cee $1 NO CMW. SLOW CREDIT Awwri, wwww >rMew tarns (brew, is Iw.ear $IM bank,uot tarrurnaha an- boat. fA5 10 mel sa08W si Cr 90543&& LMT mIM boost -sad .1w,Fou worm w R1a1M "'-�"` OWAKS, APpti4n $Sob rah labor d Sob AP. own x El'" MOWS. bre �- '�- . hn 6 se, ashen 194 PldwNlp shape Area 40 antruck$ and va"S an MOTOWHONN 49 Rah 264 1st « A.S.A.P (905) .3o- 246, IAyker of Cddwen BaMfer a 11 AND MAY 12, 1996. ON VISIT WILL COMMENCE MMM4.mIMO roan n nlx9o572o11/1. IEDOCENI 3-Dedrdom sem 1996, THE AT 9:00 A.M. AT HILLSDALE MANOR, central location. mw « M• male fire 3320 manor on BaMam hurt sldlan 600 OSHAWA BLVD. N., OSHAWA, oduxw. avolsele IIIb xw ppmp Newj fled Finisher recroom. ONTARIO, TO BE FOLLOWED BE M* Phone 579-0004 Newer GAC, wild . root SITE VISITS AT 11:00 A.M-, AT ROOM FM RENT In mile SIWWOIII$ 5 - es OUICK IgE! FAIRVIEW LODGE IN WHITBY AND Muse, w ypp. fill 1AWlmadh d 420- S109.000 omew's M-9216. AT 2:30 P.M. AT LAKEVIEW MANOR GSMWA t Monts Fede Rw srOGEM LAKE- 1204 of IN BEAVERTON. ON MAY 12, 1998, SISIO MIOTNER want to pn M waterfront Custom Mat 02M 'many d. THE VISIT WILL COMMENCE AT snare Over house +mel a ma• bre nav,puel Call atfer 6 upgrad An broke 'lean• vWM. 2 9:00 A.M. AT REGIONAL or or (905) 6194943 bare 3 beaoas. SM.000 cr 19051571-0616 HEADQUARTERS, 605 ROSSLAND ltooMdf o Onto Wln1 2 two STORY, super none 3 bedrooms 2 fee ROAD E., WHITBY. TO BE SITE VISITS AT bedroom awe eo woo pm Rra"n btd oohs on a 50' Not 3129.00. CIA 9z-rjs-9091 FOLLOWED BY OTHER REGIONAL LOCATIONS. e wen CownecLu $Test in AS DUFFIN CREEK WPCP AND sae oil in 571-5234. T6 Detached 3109.90. 3 SUCH GRaw «drowns 2 Ora. tape w. d'n capb pled p ""b'q GVletstl l GMCCR vr%" orvw"•� MUST ATTEND THESE SiTE VISITS IN NOCK FID. 2 bedroom. s a wire Newer ca,pol pas t m . 200 hero ii Masa ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED. appkxtcesnew ham. C"el. Ml -S a tNnlwa fats Well Lars• wraldih e bo* O AFj j . Lowest or an% proposal not ;on ilrOwaily -pt- AJ Rod. S dlon woo 99D51 571 -MOO T« necessarily aCCepteo. 7211 IM6al 1 ROGER ANDERSON �' soler REGIONAL CHAIR. • 1 1o1fA_ "� r- •• a J S LORNE C.E.T., M.B.A., CPPO. GSMWA t Monts Fede Rw 5 ACRES •ra, Aosley Itydro Manager of Supply b Services. 5x Iot400 sv,t 2m floor 'rom pp ole. i. eyes. $14.90 Si.oW sown p� 60 Bond Streel, West. 2nd floor, $400 mann 111 300- 1%5 0 ee 1905) 7pl-tse6 $aRa O5 Ontario n� w From n0. moa aooa Rolm nOmb Gt 4337m LIH ON 'hn. Fag lostr.p. wAtEr6110MT LOT m See d l M TOMNI Oi ADN. ill dM RtQ10ni1 MunKtpilih 91 IIZ�Caatere. 2/97 « 132 oam< a, Tete/<apn fu m 90-250 deep •Sal lot NOW 9c Ponoc 924 5 w. 2 sow SAW '9 �nrvm, r ., ONE Ded,•wm CownecLu $Test in /nodaIwbtp x hw NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ran 733 our St. Pon Per- 600 s4R main ,rad aper 10 son bow 172.7631 WWI t In the estate of HADA MANONEN, f"Sup. prym f99,.P b M r1ld Shewd, awe Ma• stock ^ora 11161 2e3 -ON kw drtah rim 7m,rator pa mClAUOMIIN seuert 'vu 1 m•m MI•AY rwrorara v� book Penswner. Deceased. dlMl irpx-he/ preen 9700 ohm k. Ant ,Itb paws•• fM now o a c 20.000kms Solt f. bob len Cr w, ye,w.r. < I1 uutri , : RwM A,aiaaft wMraxMr. Cr 9D5 -Ne -2N3 C" WYM arA• ] b6 rwwrurwlPasd SPITS1 wp ow t'1a014 de'W sloe{ www. almpm Side- b►'p1er rap c.Mbr w now "� r- •• a fOtEE7MMG M,n1 Go' 95 Cr r,c -•� p• t sowed N, 641m, S� Wiz: 49 Aum 1W. new KJ.SW (905taw 1951 brm me I.nym Pool sou roe ween pMbml. INwMoa reowwe 1st A res faW BEAUTIFUL CENTURY Donneou 314 amuum, ch-woow. . e lnft WATtnfam Cot" v tiro ,,00m Ostrava ?own Ni peiscit hv*V clalmf a8 Creditors lip 01 140 the e51it1 Of the •IRM rgion Odt1N.eM she! :r -fat Od h1Non sNr�p=M tf7ift Sal auto Wdwt lgkres 115000 11 "a`a tm nOmb Gt 4337m SaMy moan wen urapaa. an Mr0e to sto0. Iron cawnb Row. 3 0811- l M TOMNI Oi ADN. ill dM RtQ10ni1 MunKtpilih 91 Ow"k* wMwmlr a ole tele fk.11alf areAaM RaTTW ILLER P'ps be", Iw mawuw. lora pas. 9c Ponoc 924 5 w. 2 sow SAW '9 �nrvm, r ., ONE Ded,•wm �oRTN oBNI.. sow' xot $era ole Oebo• w0• wlo0wn seedrrr. new h,,,,p0er..m11d.a. eoaew •F we kv:,nan arw �OW�Mai deck aO$Rha:: "W -OM Durbarly daid ft said Match 6.19%. a 'equre 1D Town of � b t fee' wo,nwt Aq eta ab 129 fwKp fE f howw-raced wap merw l0e- 0A p1W ado 160.ms 16sgr, IS,r,�dt /2a 3120 ,.. x•''..' D -L1.1 b,Aroorrl 4 NM trainload q,wt bM6 7 roes avy 31216 Z. 700 son eons ava118W EaoS aoows. IlOS172S-!!!t tore hIMO 101. IMrW $71.90 Olq Cr fel- 9anp with Dp on or bdore June 1 ne•4013 r lip} . R Hip erwtb0 WOW boa. ale. MM Oi. poo. LWI twbW ".I. o'Asiond" AvGAMM p A. any. lel oleo. b OOP prrq boat. fA5 10 mel sa08W f,W"^o"RS bawhMl 90 rn73p a res. Ms•sn- 7743 16, 1999. Pubic Guardian and Trus - IIIT la ss. b'1 rL 11250 e(ASLE p viosen.Pna6sss- a t .w 905 723-1009 JMtla 1 $OS 71S6M Ddb, t j }s .iin12. • WHY �1 Atter that daft the boo 655355 lelTt ISIN PMNs fa seas first shaft. ea CIBIW 1 ISO- ran ala M bre FO MM nwft4 M Ltta3E 4ckS, toe brio S sat xr aft- NOROOM A" rn clwn - a s�:��a1r... ,..,, .. Mp bedroom 4p wo• hr as May Is « JMw , Mae NaYTlFlll PK7ROT Maaw me s n M $0 FT commMW i bemovw r Olson weaw- Iraw Nlawela 6w - c lee WIN proceed t0 daVOM the ISM, hav- ing regard only 10 the A-' , Of which she Gow zo,ru- DUWW rom. Cr Lamle N 4190101 Q6'�11tDUa NOIML Ih, ,I,. .,•.pee . , ":•. .{. ,w 2 bwd o OW.&sad- n awW) acres Iron, lawn Fatal Oeharw •p.0 V :cue wrkme a louvre aR eoM a tiara irlOP arc Stow eF 111M1 inti iswe (lfiadwwrlOBL't. f15DC A afs ,a l47T 2256 tool pari pro Mr M 31St VsrbW roe• .. •,Ir. �.11„n... ' S :1...---�, row 1 Edo• area - Jmlt nnw OwW Cewe 040 1 . wdeerbw. Saw, ti 3 Nlomm. tx A til. oxer tido" 881 l attm. IOU awe >A omens. atr hood bl 731<Onaa. " WwanMEdp of a Wig or naod-d- alai 110 x ma orelaPa - rhlvrwlac hon, sol umu ON pops Mr ta4 3750 Malls a 111Rt MAF washer, d dptterhe�0 1LWs. - -- uAi p,:. - . 'jrk.g. IMPIOry. w h" l bmM f•0 owhMo SMannb.7ri7itS, K7EAM m1 NpmmomwTS kl�o 1 ahi0 rOQuIS ted rel and �1uuc cost p 5N Sea snow Coban RIMY ewW ' 11uro• rt -�+.. �.. l% -Oddi Wd Foo. Cr DW x (9d) f23•tONa (M) Tit -N" UM OF qts boR m•i ,o 7p6•a7ad0N Inel OD rAnUCt the Toronto i IS, 1996 SM (41614 74 M in P (?M?W /N, So Irwq. MN PO SMMI / eL nmv poo: ^.n1 � . 6194261 M.... ONt NO.00M mml p••o Ad 6 Hwy � u Oodp9r9msRNt'R ISMe BA4>7SThum am ado fatal am. Ow in a act b AM. WATERFONT NOME. -no - D at el "MO Rrl- *4 MBrARE am r Tis hl ..I .rtr •rat "1r,udss mutss h+OP. a . fish 2 DrraeM 17raNr M pts. r,rwlt ObbaalM. Ora► elMewxf19HN7 Iw 2 saaop,n :ounry uuL- Fn s p:. Wm daarc I.A. K•, BtMR6fiE AND TRUSTEE. /mMwbe apo,o. ?om 4a lac n► Oshawa wwr, :ockwm. FSawofts irusepoos. rnr200 2-1n MM. him, • - w Ra.rlMar. a t w 0 we 4 axJkwca- Wo got No few bwaw Jan to �m�m� • 3ow �As km marc a ft. ESTATE TRUSTEE srMi brew bow care am las co 90&"5 A ar Mn SM ap8aao fRfN Ptlaa and ac lifol ,. :n1 ••r.v,aa! • pOUS w n mama,wr. 56-L.Wo aw area. Ft -S71-2 COaaRaC,AI a Storage, al Nwv m Paws. 16171 AnreM 566 DAY STREET. SUITE IIS TORONTO. Ot/TAt1f0, IDSC 21M6 M70 �FIR7 OMP 1 -ftft nnalig ed pmerawne 1MNIMIu ISOs) 3724 ole' %no JM aim 4-a f.M w 12011. fsalMou. pw. 91700 oat .. m »f+ fMl w . r pd Giant St Selo n,.a-n � aoa owmvu T Oflrwe. eF 4r:n.d 3 DloroaR. OM Epct aw,law w Allen 4 lip, TOO ton Red WS ale Sri -1711 Mpbn' eros ' 1 23-015 low t hap. i� A fess piancaa etc. Otao- s4100aa. 0.2775 - ten a sdmoil. bOwMy www tawatt to 4If• MM 1111E RMI sbn-bM FII•: I/It) :.1111. brae". Cowin 41.1 ewe r /ar fop 1 t Artreaw..N Tia MA23 I$ MEENR ameles t rhe fwE b Pa ar wm d saenMrl roN1M 1 arae. CA flew OWANfBMw� bpp.ODt► 502 FOR Sul +n+l impnv 174 raraft. pP0wrrr�ah, lode. w snii, IaMYW. Ti au'sa, no 11� www. i1M Call e? nor sit wwr vw ~ bow" c luw by a nes N.lealrw. ad woo waw bo _ _ f gO,L boa• yyYSry 'saW. Ms• •tCk" W 721-a1d p1wSR WNrw 7YLM14 J 1 rAn 101 raw pw. ,,,,,r., waw. ymarw Jted t hewraNlM Tre.w • 1 ArrtlbM • t AI,e6oM 971 t+f D rA wrrCrr,[ W arwlww W wr,rre at aro. boob. separate Maraca. wry pnvala. $695 n.1,11no-m p!w. ',• mRAM tie0r0ar. brneF ] IadooM • 1. Soso Pars ft] wrq L E lee a. � VIII SL NM"CN pro. N101pI Bol- 41c 1re,de• woo bol ser tr eta Mat, mows. c,wN.. aa. ,pts $1711°00 a bell AKdiffe ..r.. a1- w woo e.« » AIM r«mwwe rwM.m 11 NY 10 mpa10 b r poo- w Mawr • • "•' .bn1n 1g �-•1•w •'1Kr N4ai iil•a roe w, . r woo Mow Rraba a..nr.n a IrO b I NADtIFr NT1fA6 ,, • I.•e s..nrww. Pin N.rrasM oa worw M Mo-v1+2MC.Mewl. SATURDAY MAY 16TH twwtr opm N=SM cr xw q• •IFe2fe Mr► w below f - 5 Man. . Fath Q••Dai a'. App' wf Inn► fc n ^„woo Prol1y "Gam m atria bei rdk cr Wwnni Wl'file fMW. CrysW� ypWL cfu- AvalllbM. 1Nf0..: raw oat Nf 2112405 wIwaer,e n".� pb1°y•'Aereaww'�a "aawGOOi . w7 / 0 11:00 am NINO (SM)rn•Nu. Sit- s iqe. N.eea- M L'ro mM, ea 4raPIKr, rWYv4 b 7rrMrs 1MmmW. fMo'1 rasa Iuomt Na PeAs West b tatEtela 1 bafl bre TarrNo CR•pblAbo s3M Auction sale of Farm Machin- Maw Aft". .w or•n .a,wm St100 RIAs Soon ento, On w ,nwKwrp rat• spot n 'v1 A: ro APv. k112 boo as 2 wore. root M Pa.r 985-1520 xdruum b' woo ow w m �'o ow. " go rnap. unoeb. Kron f+} Na sL1tEo RLSORT yw , Horses, Woodworking 6 KY 9 4m m IN colraMr4n 9350 Pbnw rr 1905)QY3M Mins kow STSs CJR haat w.M Jul r ,9b' ado foot 7b' de P11rt. 4 a. rood. MA ,w 0. a OkMO All We N Amy: Spm • e �.c envarna Mr , a 2 wMb• "v raw anre+q '"'w'. dom $pop avNmmM Aw4ur Jaw I paeKrilM. PgaMm LJw. 3-b1 ," al .".Boom= t 4Y•1m5 A amp9,rmrwa ale tORaM mew, o •v Ton Lara. sho Equipment. P1 Awma l,0 Sowl Olrra aw0i waa•n fiEeM k anew- Awl Toa., .sat r't fN0 ala sae.wT do-, 9100 19061 d7 -,5N e°0O Iat *08oaR Mus FM bow�up The property t,• it% Doug Calf". Lot 23 CLOCKS AS '99' Ica Mp1 ds mord iso pros fa coo Serww PR000 far•7213M2 aaavOrun MOM ole. alas s,C.116. M help a1+A Awe rbaleeb 9c516N•N47 99O/N SabwN 3 besides twllll�taAwp �opplw� C/ hal SRS 2 ale 3 69*OW oop8a Stas fa231wwa Can 10. Clarks, Twp (10109) (CpIFM,glon) Brad li�riYl Ariction 115 i 35 a torn VawhL Son", Kowa. IMT aNeNM D.cwma•er. t a MMM. p,ltbe. war. 72]3877 M lop flder a dopra end r► PNI 77F•sd, I',Ile. Ped. Maar. plat nor:, of l�b NNw daNa 04« 90ti erwhed we11w0 nes m N�•o tlo 000 ale alloeeu. ale MS0 d Moder Eat raw 2 BeaRe•a lens Oed.mm batemmd ,o Cow taWma. Iwad yard. We- wo f77s•�F�� ag9aa 909YK NOW ,or A s f'n""'w Rwoals GoN swwaw0 bl= •bb' MR w 906J3a•0107 7ea77a• South of inn n POR Road - M O sill•. 1990 CAC 1500 ju* 47L4 b d•d. 1961 Fad 1500 dale nmol aw 4 d Now d a+It wn MwIM r aww1A N.aO ao nu, C.wr< 4C' Panlnp parkwb. up I,ann. Woo Z.. Mat 1s call is- a Bea FrIMg Poo- IN panni Lass• tMafon • fRINarr ram hes 9116 ars » Cr TELEP PIANO a boo ORM. p aelwahp MW (fd70an11afM 93 Grab M, low ale boor 4 a $I'M le and mNa sluraal Arallw . Roo $emus try Sac .aI a rhe pm SM � Oaf IN" sr•aet Anel M OWN New rwe BxMma Ootry) 2 a 3•6*M dlw wpm ttwK NtlMAk LOTS Row Avr- rhe Lower Badit. baC101 {x{ vv,e1 Allied IOWN 330 Nrf. Lel• y�� ml�r�. �I..� _ Now. Bush Hog • oto S mower W. 5'snow �tst oras 6 . loll eon band low era las wear as Mn. Sw ^ Mw M Am", 2q7 Of 1ON•wW a StdSM 44.Aowp lar w R l wMs. Sul wdhw. 3-m m Owx nshtn6 *nmmwp. apt- Post hot@ O W apt- Ford 3pt AAA POOL OPENING felon WhR rade bran, ren .w Nd0 090 Cr all its W se.6w- ft. woo ew 379M4t. a _ Aa.w. MwMouo mate. us. well OoawmO a Bole NO baAaN MM A„ a•mpaM Hoist. Cockshuitt meriure spreader. SPECIAL - 9116 w arm a ch.n.caaN tic*10.0 Lin• 4DFpN2 u1p 108080. INo•m, 120.•M �aar MM. MIM. 3 A l sMeoea$ rvaaalr Jew pas swtn a ,NO WL'lzpr OW" ww. 2 babe Sap- .1 ie awwsws on w .,�b 4lraMrro w a >•wn0 � �yf�ea f. « 1990 Trac" moq Cai per fhb' trudge, stove. Tlofse traNer, drdten ee bnve �, GAS amen /b'2 NAM tli1, 5�ind AmWMO row pMrl woo Mn. wum Lnet boo root. MRO. AOra dM y40 r ncwsrw Wn18UI tad Rew4y eno"M Pe" NIAaI want Iltabet ale d.1 M. aMdMdeO boo. Mad = f ^�` 5 no l Moa�R1�8m0 Irrt d w (7OS1741 aowrP (kEWtre0al. 2 WfNNWd SaedMf i waserm. hand TUdhop• �• spend. 1p-•4.'Li ovenrre Ipo,w, P -down. TNR. realne N"a NM N G1d T2,-7179 ale. fSe d,-2310 410 r:lww f,270/w.nm w UIN pP. ,-h bs Aps pr0E0 wn aw/NMt x Saar" Rolm treed Paw. N, k*y restorWd buggy., nomw Wooden NN TAMN a am T ION Mop taboos ,« SIM W pp M�rlm frmrod r s 3a0oo 060 CAI NS•ftes I'd. ode OM1 N, empe 4p 116.000 woo. aW AW LAAGE 2 beltlrOm Oasorrnd Opt M. tw.f A wA potable 5100 atoewe Cr mtaW ISt91eIt-]BN 1m11m Pork BOR nook 8.0 f1113f►17,1 was ow lob. urea un Ria LIN Vann 7pF wI - bra" can. 2 sots driving harness, U54204113 rfW) N.4ls M Woos Jwm GL. Iba11. drop wwkpw. Woay. Ma 1 f7I0. 2 91R f« true price of t "NT oarw.- 2 MdraM Vale 11r+ wwrafpnw � am w thea tr Bridle.�Sadde, haMpr, rrwyy, more Mml tq /an TO 9ela APPLIAMCE$ ES O aTO read APPLIANCES MI6 s00SE Ana Powe- Nr. lea DIM. ado. M PpMa as. aS500 M Cale, e1A are+aar JR 49A.a MSNF37N at 280 WMtwon4 SLW. $SSO i 3 ... nu . Iddas NOW, repealed. MQ LAKE caslkwwN Rs- aNlwt hors". Appmx 150 square bttls hay. Plan- INH 1000, table 9ww. rams o Pears ob" lel. M t3p11f4 5m aoon'Ip DOR,-6raeat. awn A.M. adoswt. Odea co■Oroa. Mea Maw- 112 DOWN. ReMwrOM. MWOO. Inwy Em, 132.OM MnI. aw f8 6m0 AM 1. ANA LARGE oro earotM 1Ms.^wm ,wnrwN Sloan irpm hi691. 3 BIR avaruoM from 5715. L�miles mo4mM w'a• am dmf. woo Go aF tan AwMa11e now to A 114. rwelan 420.9477 fort. odtap4 am bw lwa. k1 twnrnO 1aNAy Comm. 0pNdeqt Vr.m wIMW pORtT PROeLE7•f. Gd out Ari. ossa joirm. aria saw. dnN press. vice, wood damps. electric sander. ek9CbIC LIN. skill saw. Cen- rnad. $ISM CIO U&4"70 hoses_ I" �- D^wop O. IMralln. 4 Pe. 6111L r access to 401. CIO" -1. 131A373-s7f3 d debt qN h without lafy h11 Vac sawdust a)YeC90r. elLaln Nw, hand rtlr MYM9 UNnS pa ow c O s bops 4c fe00 PnoM "- -"- "'a MM C wum. 4 a Bum M. 912.916 Iod M fa Mw rm wee. bid 61IwY. tri 811 N.le6 p +bow rad rale- len a1sa0 c b Aw M scnooM, C/S 90A5 721 Il MN 3-beapoM now moa a 0eWIo� fefd 1. 1. Nd $FErb V1cbr4 Oy qAf Ream on 600atdw Ialaali BWruM ar Omni; Oap,sn..e. fwryew ap'4ph11 a shell erw am lodel bqf, alis. 2 tAdAWeI barrows. very Wge ha t9o51 rn Salm wWl do b. sslaN. it oo n oleo «boo R- «905 725.0.10 pear PMI AftrO LT. 10anA Role rK Gee -I Std - S s AahO uA•q AMM 41st ay f75G1molmm CM (9051 ( ) MON] ap t« leo. 2 boo- stow Jaw •" Pena 427 mra Ewe. boo Ns- 127337!. bow � 540 Ws MOUSOh Nom cdu0n wan Dnven pods. wood ops eMarNwo N1SM3N5 3k Me haw Mdgn q Of 11 j t001s aS We Mw. 2 •pM�r�^< 3w P1I/ rum momma au y4a Grew426.1556 M. W..7575. nip oohs 9675one ONMO- q 5778 slows saeewd porches font bfthow sr broke. Regia/Med Quww 1' ome yyaniruwserafinOroboo1a W=on.M soars r00 Iw MP7 GMC Vr 3600 ants qde WM AMa. 2 -bed-" bnNlwd I.SL4 gOwN. Can dtye 725Nt, ESA ma wn• � Iw Arrllw Imin 920 I«(9051 MIMmR A LON G Nrt MY• >ftOIM • 4< • Teml/ Leah OF IU 4203294 suit ftf00 19N VW FM $,700 apanMm N0 pa. M floc- Mn05 W4011 bOOkinp cab I'aaah Shan MMwTEM. SM L�aMEi t�E up - Chsque. No RNK a" Sale at 11:00 am. sale Mpe *.ahem xlape mow* m i11.907 • Q able and 1 rY paAalp Fna1M wpwrhe AraOYk MNTBT webummM, rr r Santa iMIR 3 u0- d 16131]iFt 711 �T F, If1a11a0ad j a01d Ei�Ck�9�0n M aBaeMA - ouNetr wbodal � pry Is Bea. shed tear 2 bodes man, mom owrdm. cin b SIVN M EASE (Mea M pt n R 74$. RWab0I0. OTrrb. 7W�FaaOY. Mt7blp 7a9• 05,10 G :Ira A $ a bar. kid. only, Was ORL'10M. pp00 'M► Md apt n nab' wheby tgadt. {lgppp i16PrM0 LrlaN,) prp•1 ,ww g tri eei I TINT VO 7160. .� :fill va m bitty Mw ssr eM Mtl1MmcJNy sOwl f tib f w un.wNa cars AMu- Law bmwam 1I I Awa JR ,. f7W'M .Mk- ALl INCLUSIVE RraslN Nessa 2 68ao0M rxlMOa MYEfipR1E /IIMMM6 - 4t and styles &.MAIM AMo dear 761 Mc- noon htrrNlIFsron, art eM ole rsaa aft ale booan . an racy. PMk , ret FM -9 AaMNr JR , (SM'4 f w fedi AmMk waNeaw- Ur iMIM9 MT pis and Kit w ar ]. Ptaomwu for tied. s2.000 rm (WSJ 721.2024 &"m nNe-.a IWe CMM eve tr pall 0) W5426 -OM w0 " =10w, st a im n- a cos Tem wabw a pts SM boo immum p66 Arms TOWN- h - aMbM. 9D5- a2 -3N3 9 .MAY 9TTi 10 Aye N i ]0 $250 Ino eo al 905,•19- 'No A TM NeNflp AS an 1'eal TNMN, 4 dw aldowbe. Ore Wes. R.S00 vs u gm f« x" arta Maas a am caamn Ssw- OWA Cr 427.6512 AM- SOnoA h..IfY 1 bob W WM. mlbelar IS Oro bedroom swoah n woo CAp1eiE IwJ. HMSES - 122 Ca- St E Olbb Jew a Joy aMl• v� book ' elwtplWe, AIdMN TaditW .4'w surra 3PRI a bow of CM W GO MO) 433-0767 res tau Fees Towp M Ownws an A loan batlmM as Sia r- Mia a m-= MmbM90531E INaeenml0 bmlrmi 1 Sewer tilt. 043/Tl. C" WYM arA• ] b6 rwwrurwlPasd (� • A . . aEwraA/ epriT a�i rw / f1F/Mw6,l' End a aIle. 1 d SASE QpT fANrlw CWAe. 19061701 pp NR Iw Min a ole poo ole br M Mo "Led 7777. a �bwlaoMieli fsa®. 00 f/N1El9N - Good, bb' MO Nov Fna6vq 1« Ory WP' Od h1Non sNr�p=M tf7ift Sal aro, ale plNar. ek Am". Era.. ro tram a boa. «dde,Pss dealay M.00km Eacelw owdaon 17D 7e7a Mr0e to sto0. MONY. wOs t-bsaoow a ] JR OL• n�a.•Far whip sWf r wsw liar. pm. rams from 409L M •ab aIle .bre. sot a ar- Maw 17tJI0dltlt.. oxe:M . wbabs Alw be SM a IR osfW sawpf SOW OM MM =LfAid b 6ST Cr 0 191115433-42110aa A A A MEF Cara raab. b. tr 3/1 710.00 m ymalMmO rap asr. prlrp, 3750 rhuwt Cal 19051 um -so Iprtia" main- fru WN& JM Ia W Ful1W &Ads"". bre 334 filepb van. 1pa7}77M CLsIWAUM. 2 boom= appeaSaM p�pap COW wRy Wn6ps G& - ` ' I .. w bar ale SM. Sara Ms w 1wM Nwrw NM SM OM won a M t•M FOMTIAG 9000 SE. 3., N aIle, 11AC OW 37100 PM Cob M b aWt. MM aro• Cob Lion. mi too w es oy- M79"soosan. Al10NRpllFRM. b fi% go laid OSMMMA ale kN• wfMa batbl0r aPMMNaL WNW. rw r S A NW. oaMnl�IMt 4 unp• Hip erwtb0 WOW boa. ale. MM Oi. poo. LWI twbW ,I-rAAwereaNw.A.h y t 00 w $ac. SOW M or asom arae Iw NM. pill aka 1N7 poo CaANO. lset TNN. 2 Gars. 7 �,�t� MNL /Hwa 10SiMS007 a ane, aeMlL ripple 2• Ydaae a Ma. ROMIm 4i. won SM 1tNM FIOb br drat a a1P1�AM 1b' bre. N. I1MMAo- a. Jw NS. MAO. Mo des spas A /eurarKrs. roe N6As-71N. 6'My u oodt M "mo- it" braltfa awe 20 AIdMN caw for bb' w16ow Tan ba/sA. Vf, aro. aMip /N•7M•'S231 tttkpnu, N75 cps ukibs Lnrer wqt 57/-e9d, as Soft* Elr NWAr. NMI Wig 2-Garal Oil RIeK1RAT�w�ow 7"b r • A . . aEwraA/ epriT a�i rw / C�Ca k.T-. 3,L. 31 L. Wes PM rAfR1 •h boo ON wwdu. Ihliaa OW roar Oki ale. 1 OMs. wee- ifee WA b supe pr Saw, 00 NR Iw Min a ole poo ole br M Mo r %We"WAIM ear aalixrit Mobs (Wr- aeric it 1 Ido. rhe 171a- apt0. N«Oi Olaarb.AW ale e►. On 5 G7. ba . 725. isaNdraN's Od h1Non sNr�p=M tf7ift Sal aro, ale plNar. ek Am". Era.. ro tram be W roup NWAM. Cr 07-N,� « • tyres. fJsllMbnd x10 saW Olxupaw.y yyrde tow!! Cee Daw May- fllflrt Wab rr 5150 Goo tr TA M6. After S p.M. Ooua. Aa u6 am barMa and halt aMaetsols pile- tl0 t4A. RnwNv i/1 sop or= SqIL Nae uft Nue 'ldpoads - FwEMIOIb11M1991/77~n 4 •ab aIle .bre. sot a ar- Maw 17tJI0dltlt.. oxe:M EWL ANN pas trkorr. A*lst (905 let sxa hep S~ rNAMv (IN1) L a safe MailNlae rhe wMtaWe. sz7f/aMa. Ira. EaN LWNIt. arch 1 4WIIe05b' X0. / 99716. P,Mwe. f05.4MMt9 My10 SALES. SOUTH ArJAX 3106 (IN) 111 dF a - m amm bone . Nixon WtlW. $37•50M•. w d kNcaw i I AlOtilalM Abaa sran a your Wallis (�f�gpb aft n o. Delp Wia am MMm r1r"Ra, CIO o EM 7751171, 1 oro/ M 314M bo. a ass- - a" VIOL 484-M We) MM 0 So16 4 co.. S se. EwMM, 137K NrNa ,I-rAAwereaNw.A.h w2-bdrm bsRlt apt. ommlw MMoTrt Re. an 2 /yWoea /Acca. issrNrfolt E1M R bre bre 1- COMi1CN�ITi AMD ESTREII AM ft"M It{ ZITN am ori W eft 9/700. Ey NOMN. NNS Tops all yon good =650. + 40% us bedrdw 3N4. 3670. fvK3oa clew rat � AEEF yaMMre rOML al•1 aw Imldtaalp ti w a WHY �1 pY69 am /oAYfao. M wwsY la - Mem SM and 40. IAM rows 3250. WYas MM nwft4 M Ltta3E 4ckS, toe brio S sat xr aft- mft vam. �eedY �I. M'. 1//�Ew peMM� Iw . atarl uMkmmwIe a/yf nic, rawrM1 baML z 6w1 baa. 2 IaP r a NO.. Foo N. M EM a ~ %aft "an 1St i an in wiabdfordsr) Y W4 �s 7D. ileus. 0. 9123 ale 0 am 6MM Nib .rc:: Mit♦•, 16 cl. Nei . boo MOAq. taaaaa Pf1Iyyra {SAN bol. AMINE servim, Asap, ♦M 1St ONYs, t-aM•7112/fe • 161501.1M7. 6'My u oodt M "mo- it" braltfa awe 20 AIdMN i ale., aro. 1 Inn/ Icer 3r sane SM 58100. Pbm 57FN11 SNR 6554M us -5911 Y9N CLNTV N� •k Poo Piww al'' wEM MNIM. NS -7S71 er Good b pnt RebA z. ale e►. On 5 G7. ba . 725. isaNdraN's MN PUMMM Srtlelo. N aA mwwes 4x11 row EiSKr %Z.rl'N%� ;' t 4 - rp rale m fwttWY, Mr- aMi1i Ae « a w 4f Wab rr 5150 Goo tr TA M6. After S p.M. too$ Comm m Iw d mr- aro • a MaL9M a ,'sortAUCFM 'ldpoads 4 dew. Moo. enNM bOM 1Me helldNgPW SLIP she. ._ Coen Ga., 'te�57s•7M. SL. OMc 1 . ME-11 Ki warlon me". CO OWK.s�aMaMrtl IDOW N25.nvdro bmaa wok bo mawtr. d OM t too an momw • W qw•p finarWt. .a- lAuWmak :Cal U tEM1E 6adpon bm., 3 aaaalrit. N CMM a n k- sW. 84 M araA10. CM um asp fpMrtl. rap Plan paN. SrNe 11ar pia AEpi. aW' ,I-rAAwereaNw.A.h Me,le. f3asM M /Acca. issrNrfolt E1M R bre bre 1- COMi1CN�ITi AMD ESTREII RSK aF �B I Wars, rererpu, desk rEa !06•tl0.0.177. rap. Also ers for mak. res d ern WHY �1 Ear ppw � =moms baML z 6w1 baa. 2 IaP r a NO.. Foo N. MN PONfIAC SIMIOefD LF. w b 3500 tr 681 1771. t we baN1Y. baa. st W. all dOwa Pa.. Q6'�11tDUa NOIML woo .Fwn*Ae room iNdmelY• O• rat raoto WANTED LOMI ML ST., NIY a • pari pro Mr M 31St VsrbW roe• $ ON. 4 ql aro.. pram 1NIL NIMaIaM. I fwlsrM, 0 Pa. 1 bedroom 3/N. 2 bsWOora, Fpplla 3'NMMGN'rH Si W. dao b sena. tee ralmr. MseaMa f1pw. Ge teal 1p MIMIf of A C�fINF11S6110n, pwflne M nod washer, d dptterhe�0 1LWs. ' •. �1. IaWI for amp S7F vuT ISM At w 31250. 1105356•e7M. (*WI 11790 3 badooM 3e5o. Call iDamS OkAdom uNxlkrAON.Ipsp.ele!^ ' LIED Coo b w Ma CefIN Sand end f1flsS wrio y Morn" MN PO SMMI / eL MM to?TM prWOM, w• •bre '4rlalbn. Ia10Mi0a• IW JIM 1. 2 OsOdoan. in u Oodp9r9msRNt'R ISMe BA4>7SThum dow rhe mM' MaiL• AM3. $lair" Maw Say. 7� w DDwk � of �a every d S �• Mo Ol"r, b:au t 4 Off. aode No, s0. awe trio. ad w. w n Mbn,7�;o,Y-a'o��,c CiIashes. $.�,gfPe�y a4 i06M a saalor,1-bsdooms. 2-1n MM. him, EeweM. 400 uwoo RO E. P An en chesty wla�r; reap law 2 opR.aNpaN000 Rest orale. M a aiaal t29.o00 srdaW Mia.. vWe. r �Or'-R4�Oi4M milk 4aaf �n rtarAM momm mOm r/twin�rBnPMbE NNW veay. phi „alp, MIMMMUM m Pa via W drat' Mom mets, smaw Parols •wrAM en: smile fsalMou. pw. 91700 oat p oo0 0110 e05.576 -30N. 7a. M mum=. am 10 w Iw yes url Earl a piancaa etc. Otao- 50'ed - i serwb 20% ea foNMle. Par, 0AW4 OmumK Arra r 9b'. cam /rot tea',f fbOl Ude 1156 MM 1111E RMI sbn-bM /EAlhlel 7W foe n wi0le n large AM AAaA N Nie haw a eller for Yde. SM. fb'ar. 11MaAME AnpAaatMI, raw 40,M" 2. (M)627.1134 ameles t rhe fwE b Pa ar wm d saenMrl roN1M N slid � nMMreO p111 9MliM hqurm Mt do - - fort Woe Comm (M loo b rakM rnrldderad), raraft. pP0wrrr�ah, lode. w snii, IaMYW. Ti au'sa, my /bpd corldear. 137MO., 8 -Ili . ph. p, aparM" •dab ham, *,-bloom swi- Nr- plan • $abrin hM W fm INaa aroyl T W rblbM iN• bo _ _ f gO,L boa• yyYSry 'saW. Ms• C/MIa IMWKAW AMM EY pay Parra (fol) 42F owk"lualor odarlMio AtA:T10NS MN Neer. pdy� DRtd wN ' coMLsoe d •dry mel. WAW sen re Mlaa prow intra will ar ..MAW 'Orlar Ia1K. ip52/14AJ0. b. 54.400. Cr NSa3-Ml. at aro. boob. separate Maraca. wry pnvala. $695 da F,pm 5750/armr st aaxw. kwom ee•Wsslem Perp, rMl mcl Nmak poo- fmomir p Armes. (am 4W ] IadooM • 1. Soso (SNI s7Fi01e. � VIII SL el tYp, ro roto 11,1. cragialuese I 11 NY 10 mpa10 b r poo- w Mawr as 11N FORD TAURUS. mid- in* TAACfM fnstuliw NM-Mmka/ sin- ole mpiMrlp latah PrxMTed train $27-'0. pas tee Kar Colas. CaIOwM IarWa 27M U�9M+MUrn�,Wp Mea NkaM wlm wlta•aN b ACY. FMkfIrO Inc- 118 Nell IbM OWWA% ElhbBtiMd rdk cr Wwnni Wl'file fMW. CrysW� ypWL cfu- HRore1. Oaab. 906 SM, IN tis. bf mmol. US. NlefaeaAw off" $ 1872 1919 MC 4WD N*MUW toad wd0ilior,. An aWe JR 1. Cr 905- (SM)rn•Nu. Mdoom. YMnD wN mM, ea 4raPIKr, rWYv4 b 7rrMrs 1MmmW. fMo'1 rasa Iuomt Na PeAs West b lel 7988 p• br0es p411' WN M /EACs. YM fay , 7211115. Tal on Now enaM. Mw 985-1520 Acs, r. I , 4" tdaAL 1McaO. 71100 Slew SMm. Sen YHdwnAawldry. INaA• yard. Oo1IW Pra9b, IIIMy NOOOfIbM, R 1 iiri'S7S1 sigmr W430pme0 .n ermp C0h. 1 Sr. A mon! g, by Sit fol IAP Astro MMM Sow "a CDT Caw",, 4 door, bore Ir«a brakes 33300 hare 723-7394, 66172$ CENTRAL Olera. lap, 1. 2• A 3 bedr0an apanMms pb. 1901N]uS911 irrp nonsrlow. 1 Parson oaY. Sliah ook naw a. amu, ase b r amwow tapaos 5753017. 7198 W 3lora ilrtrMaw. 723.0601 Awl Toa., .sat I Man. ar rare. low. CD's naw*. lair+, po10. OM- air �rlt�• F 150 KaWb. 6 nalerloft da, b r re amts - 537 -OM PWSG" at Dplppa"*� rloAM. IeraAan. Cr 57b7M] F too1 i Esrn !.:a 72]3877 sswi ,Tr Ara Mo r Ram SELL R MNVW eM ' -01M -7279 75000 CM (9051 MTM twownNe. slwless Rrr Urrjp(w ypKjtm OWda� NOW � as stale ItaMa i ;W" -n~. t- CALLj M 11�ALKTICNM DMWs1-Sle6 w in, 93.01 ernT.N M. Mal be to OR FA4218 F11CMC Am aro, FNW Is on" nein •te.•24 in. 1• p1CM1.3711i RIYNlppp HYMN - S2,Wnine 1b' 24 boos 1-2w 01.374 DAILY IIORO- -24hwAs an in wiabdfordsr) Y W4 �s 7D. ileus. 0. wry WvM wP 2 -bedroom" " MIIM: 19M -tpe Seas KMaO, daN Bran. i01Rre entrance. own rorty. Apxb^•Yst•a far PWW wy ale., aro. 1 two.Pnoft IraMe. semappwg looby E.- . CONeaan PNata bre o*,Sm w AM- Ir orNda, IOFselobar AM- Y9N CLNTV N� •k aeerlf f"Kim"loJu $tts, (f061MFeNa•N elle. MNIM. NS -7S71 er Good b pnt RebA mem mcl18 Jury 1st IrarorNlnioll. 4 r11ed draw. Mrk 501d71e ;' t 4 - IMT Pas1Mt Crab' Pyr 6T Wab rr 5150 Goo tr TA M6. After S p.M. w r"M "Na" swooes 7 bedroom sgrtmem, avaa 'ldpoads 4 dew. Moo. enNM bOM 1Me helldNgPW SLIP she. ice June to wr meA- 1 . ME-11 Ki warlon me". CO OWK.s�aMaMrtl IDOW N25.nvdro d OM 39L R7AOD fM (f() 20 qw•p finarWt. .a- 7t> :Cal U �]noiles cam JmM �-M' ,, W�iP pMl"es ainyMoM ItaMa i ;W" -n~. t- CALLj M 11�ALKTICNM DMWs1-Sle6 w in, 93.01 ernT.N M. Mal be to OR FA4218 F11CMC Am aro, FNW Is on" nein •te.•24 in. 1• p1CM1.3711i RIYNlppp HYMN - S2,Wnine 1b' 24 boos 1-2w 01.374 DAILY IIORO- -24hwAs Areae• A wd- 1559 A=NM win "Me CANAD Rhos -#AT FuRRrnW MALUW WOOD am Daom a ONAND POVEN LLIINONs 'apORTa memoRAMM r• 'CNVsm 'Colics a NOTES OF, WARE •JEWELLEM WKL DEAL 'DL v COLL.ECTNUS -LE. Prm. 'RoULU CE •L°NWRB K'NNHMMLL N.ASSON -ORIOuP OF SEVEN - Sl11day, May 10 at 12 Noon (Preview 11AM) The Pickering Sports Complex 1867 VaOey Farm Rd. Pickering collection of end carved oak 6 mahogany lium e, dxwg room sks, set. de 1Ie5, tabby, Use cabinet s. plat Stands, c ria cabawls, in Chippendale. Oum . LOUIS XV a Fiend 1 stybs. Italian Irarned minors, •Ryer, scant toms, brave Rs. hand made tr20 SCUlANSS, pacelawavares, china. SPODE' ROYAL cESTER' FITZ' FLOYD' PRECIOUS MOMENTS' HUMMEL' figurines. Dolfeca s, an (newest labases). Spats collectibles in museum prase rtaeals. replied by NHL Superstars, Le". Half of Famees. Flamed LE. Sports An, selection of hand Mede V4tienaicy antique slyle tags and colecables. Limited In AIL Original Oil Partings. Decor Studio prink, rare publications of top name also collection of Cutup of Seven M wth Mists Roofs and Full Signalled AJ. ern Punt. Fine quality Danford rings, gold chars, bracelets. swings, Watches. s, silver. Gold 8 Silver Cons. Baric Noels, Mint Sen, Iron Accersl ft)nnae. has A more ALWAYS A LARGE SELECTION OF NEW ITEMS TO BE (*TERE71_. IITED SEATING•REGISTRATION AT 11 PM -PLAN TO ATTEN)•FREE DRAW ) SL'YERS PREMIUM OR SURCHARGES AT OUR AUCTION SALES reek, Wel. Ll All DeWL AS PER POSTED t ANNOUNCE) AT SALE. ADOITONS AND XLETIONS 1-888-PROSALE OR 416-298-1762 W W W.PROAUCTION.COM 1 Potentials 1 Bksl 1 BNM vetheanHlesIanswers FREE! A GIFT FOR YOU u are searching AND YOUR BABY for. Call 900-451-4232 PIS a birth announcement in our paper Adults only. and receive a FREE "BABY'S HERE 53.99/min. GIFT PAC" ESArjrzz NA I��r-a MAS- SNanu Servoe d0 Ni,N ,051404-9625 11 30 am LVallwewe !V Are, I PES 0,stin bel ApprWainww? $Nes W., uuwa� Xk7` 1 RABBIT WANTS WORK ' W.1sonde t '^ "cdmanaP 4 sae -r.eadcram 831-7035 HIWea cbNwg -III ■ • 178 -nut aw - 7 p.m l�gllDilan�tie•5%l�j And ANOwn Dan Ret7ecca's iVO TWE Touch TO TALK Why not Fax us A rox::.,25 worth of PP your ad! brand e products " You can use your rpftrnw�i. tax machine to A • • send its your Your free coupon is Plevemsememase redeemable at Sears, for us to ca*,, your ad copy NW Oshawa Centre or ° ,e.or `0 Pickering Town Centre One of our KOCH, Beatrice, Lucille. After a courageous battle :ustornier service SOM epresentathes win trice Lucille Bryan, daughter of the late Talmage Please rEm nim Inquire at: to leave Your company NtWs phoname. address, phone oho and wile Jeanne. Sister-in-law S of Elizabeth and her husband Dr Stott Russet. Site be forgotten by her number and c0rdKII. ORTIs. A D V E R T I S E R w1mli a 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax � a Faxs 1822 Whites Rd., Pickering rr.ti* • 64Mtps urine O ftmP AJAX Yovft systems. Fun services, moves, appliance and piano specieMsb. Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated atora�e units. We sen ng supplies. Park and load special. starting at $125. and up. Palgr SOYIOLB • N FMy lteevkM aaeeaFYe -. , int .�: (y � suamp a•paawral a L.anpeaphm RABBIT WANTS WORK 831-7035 HIWea cbNwg Dong Magic For Children's Parties l�gllDilan�tie•5%l�j And ANOwn Dan Ret7ecca's - Touch C81111 Erielle 6684M in A Apr ouaeu_ .90= lIe"fi . tGIt111fras 'lIf2S11 1 rpftrnw�i. SECR^E�TL�YU+S�TEN A • • xxx ` , 1 if •, ?. )f *Cfuldren's tmenainmem for arty occasion. Clowns*' -.- -gram character look-alikes, bot bags, balloorwsDeleter, '*lace magic. • E g.�. pairlUrlg, y111WRIbbof AmdWbvw.CdyPmMIMIM )f 90 71- 1 14 KOCH, Beatrice, Lucille. After a courageous battle * * * * * * * * * * with cancer, 1 her family at her side, at the wM- by General Hospital on Tuesday May 5, 1999. Bea- trice Lucille Bryan, daughter of the late Talmage and Mabel Bryan and beloved wife of De late James N&H.Clemaing Mautw G7aali* Douglas Koch. Loving mother of Sharon and her hus- band lion McKay. Brother Paul Bryan his GAILLIND oho and wile Jeanne. Sister-in-law S of Elizabeth and her husband Dr Stott Russet. Site be forgotten by her MAID SERVICES will not nieces Elizabeth Bryan and Carie Russell, r epflews A Division of Galhnd Mamenance Se,vlces John and Scott Bryan and Scott Russell Jr., and his wife Catherine, great-nephew Alex and great-niece Personalized, professional service. Charlotte. A private family service was held wdh in, Enquire about our SALE! term" at the lam Memorial Gardens. A Celebra- To all NEW clients, with all bookings of clow• of Life service will be held at Pickering Village U -ted Church (300 Church Street N Pickering weekly and bi-weekly services Village) on Saturday , May 16, 1996 at 11:00 a.m In Limited time only.. so BOOK NOW! lel of flowers. donations M Pickering village Umt- (Fully Bonded a In15lNed) ed Church, the Canadian Cancer Society, or the chatty of your Choice would far appreciated by the �'J[� 6$3-7515 arm yy. Anangemems entrusted to MCEACHME Fl1NERAL iiOME 1905) 4M-8488 837 837 RANGER LANDSCAPING Lawn Cutting $15 dt up Spring & Fall Clean up Trimming / Garden work "Excellent Rates and Excellent Service" GUARANTEED! (416)W&1808 (905)619-2125 - l ag A aaeeaFYe TME REMOVAL A MARMNAMCE suamp a•paawral a L.anpeaphm CALL DAVE 831-7035 HIWea cbNwg Aw a Erflobbt..fe HOT a WILD! Ret7ecca's 99v- Touch 212-741.1=Home in A Apr ouaeu_ .90= lIe"fi 4a>+ mr: HOT OTT OT H 51.65/rile. I4IM2394LIW rpftrnw�i. SECR^E�TL�YU+S�TEN +.•x•14 xxx _ _ _ _ _Pala& efS-e721 1f,;/eeers 212.6471-24u waw 18Naf Ran U S fufaL 683-0707 ) 905-579.121 i IM) Yl Of IEA. E: LONELY If .A ?W)Dt-il COUNTRY VEIIK•LE 041 GIRL 18+ IR•fa•e a SERVICE 1-9100- .5 Hbw/yeIRA ltweae TOSEU? 561-0066 YicanMAtIOULE S.89 per min. Paintiai¢, W is 1111111id I be ERI r. 5Y5TM 4 •'�'�� wau a of r l� ep ur smat deYed. ,Mowed.nA a burr,yT Res W MOaNLJl6>f'1' CA IM'Ar4mlo O 3elaoa A110IRF farlw.w.N ESCORT °larour tel as E Alt!C-uhimoue SERVICE It /Dl0 utaN. From Champing a Light" C== Alvesv I I Gut Yry a1o19111b, ro •ata.to 50 yin totn0wa0 exp 16 723-7471 N'afYeOtt sofa eeeaaiaAa Fa a Ree el•alNa. to, Reirlovidions .Top notch accurate 1 M�aS3 777. Ot call Wayne 427-9313 Tradesmen a grra-are, eNJnrai 24 Ms. 7 others (4161724-f101 EICFI1r011AL L1DiiF5 A""Corin MMMEM 66a 4714111111231 MDYa1OUGG SYSTEMS Don't Forget The News Advertiser Classified DepL phone Opera- tors are avail- able for your convenkwe even sat. 9.30 to 3:00• TO Place Your Classified Ad Pkasc Call 683-0707 SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it Durham Durham Region. CaU Classifieds at 683-0707 Or fax 5'9-1218 Jt* rias 6? Rcpan I FREE ESTI TE W. ru nova a ythadt SERI IM R110101 ­10,arhwrwne vifee FLFGA.%C F. S, CLASS Ma Min A Sew M fp or '46ww" BMW VOIL42RM a DEEpN � P se read err 15 kms eilletraa Ibeaag be ass LYO SKrr, a (A ARA IFFEll 6ws wnyour C1tMNRB , !4 xz ie Aid a 06meee Fr HLr1nL Drivers M YOU A LOSER? a.naln we want people who id Oil Nil! Neel Pr.OoRts) &V ll A a e m-0756 804 57461 ward to lose wawa dpi of PubliCalio I This Is riot a del Do a R�N3iTV(:, 1JM•4e1M00 proleam r,N hMW IN Owe E'Ealgt A41p AlMeaieeabe pl, II all types1# bodir it= wool andi NeNey-O-TIE• mrntl n flSoundr«#a. ria ad 1#d. MOYERS MwwYuiY) is R'f safe. woof O�bpi or sr,Wl. we MB<ta1�1eE In'gwra,NW to work a �6r iia price them all Fee M•• � Wwsm in tiM MApta, h mansenors mscouw, wed. Frac-sNlaases short nonce moves. Ap- AD end 01 A I Mi0MnS, Call ARdwM & phances moved. also mom Md *9 17th) 42ar74w Storage Space a"dable mamw � 15 yrs. Exp. Comparable rates. Call Cal Mario o.e.rr. I+ Ei� =0 619'1163. Fill" taaww Npa4$ CAtaHrt FFwa1$ alNbR SLID 4113 MAfi<MIO i a:rMMs .LA�L.Ia {S YOU' srY(ILtiTTRA alb los l2P KO a 4ala N1ablspNNiRecUUlid �• �or parErAN 11114 tuba aM ahenwd! friend. Fess EUWML MiCIM.t4T .flee mow! I191111111atN11164111•. MaeFFIdF NMF64e to sm at Flt•wtie CM arL77lR. ��' ���" ..COULD 725.-00 M F11111 M hiYeaF206.W'13 Cro1111M11w6 r WIN ar Seam Mlle �vaq. - Ftai11id "kyr-'em � awi16M. c1E'`.' aaa80t�, Nr .od rwk 19eDfd 710f119770fNt• � �� t6/ am *0 eMery lekw OW yM pall tylia a leaellftaftt � - cm3- to 4 hour @8,2115 W�` ����} FISHING woodrnEl�1M' pr$89.E 1 reawlak l°�� EXCURSION coup aJl-7256 Plus Aurnlaure 426- 7 Pwarl/s oar. Tina be sed 8ebre Labor 0" tela MA V90. �I!•at/ raUenor rMJ •Naerl6r . N���r1[x�rArNE EaIEIM w Reel Vai•s. RIM be is years & vier. Ne IA11111sE'iifsse E9aeeeaeEyr. Too ISG� aIra( v' dnY �i•l•Y0^wN�rwe�l? rne just fill I he ballot f 1 deadline HD/esL`J' ret.M n Ifwaa a rAl. eaPpl'lr. May1 1 notified I .. PAO valuable arrivice, 1998 ovawo will brae my!wipe• Ng ffe den phone 1 yary-.dU wN�wba0w f M W 18: A� QCI�IONy 9% km& Yip I rooms TNS PAINTING!yp"teban I 1 P.O. Bw 481 3 DECOR ease boom. L a1adV0 . N �• LIN 71S , 427 0069 inferior 6 Exterior on on da�g Ie 1 European workman- so yus t prance I ! ftNftm - M W �I IT ilOw to" men, IA " umft �p 420'0001 I YsRO f ! Ckeessifead MM ISO carers 105 Cave Tralfr* cid Gee a 'IS ReuiBw. OpporN,Ma lm ON" Holp 13• Sae K.1 p/AgMea 135 141 CagMer� DW 190 HD4ttl la.dc& Ownt>r 1M 0atw4ware 1M CO" Awl&je 170 Emo" W vftwAd ITS Hlolfne Cat 140 SWWA10&WMsa 200 ill~ Becket 205 F.eaood 310 Salina Cather m k%Cl"bsee m ArsCf4"M 2311 An1Adea WOMW 215 Chlela Trees aN Sarlar Ea I fit 2ndftSable 2nd Ara Creat 2m7• CommAr4raal,nel I75 ob I Spa Found 2nd los a ts � PeIU$nppeesesadrp 2nd LwrNm Ir SW 2nd Arreabb6 for sorb 2nd 719 Tn„de ruSale Trucks WalW ee1e10 2ndTmw wird 3MVnr4 ill*" Other sn Tr&Nt 340 Aub Pais a Pleats 350 Aub Le" Rwtaa 3" LHfxofgdw 30 Sno.hobi t 3M er.te 270 Nlaffe�f�aaF164M�lffeVrse1Rl0edr 315 FApWWA ApNearr Fpr 1M also and FNo 4M AP r ward 412 -Ire.. Fr Rare 412 o" 425 To.affevrw Far Rin flan Some FW Raft an Room For Al 435 Room t\flwd am cdrneelflaeal FW Daft and ON" A Ree Space 4Q Gera" A Swap Span end wa wo" span cd.p44 Fiat PAN SOS 440 � Living 4N R.1oee M Flays wrJw1 Pa■ee 4M Land For PAN 50 P -M loaw FN Saw mvftmd To SOF SN aaebrar Toit saw F' Commemnw POFF fv $15 nwwllw,l Pmpeny 53• :.,do& Fa Sew 525 Development Land Sap Farm lr Sala S75 L= IN sae SIO ]A-olTdan p dDNtas 5EYaaeon Phaprae sM Cafaget For Sow SO MaOia Homr a1M PNb 570 camper, Tram sees sn Moral lo Lead SEE "We"De set Sao &�owwwom MIPlat Mapes SW Leila Nfxbe m M&IWs 964 tAaleel Aeb aural C.weeE aN A,elaant MI a• Penrnsls ams cSa prNPWM4b /m•1Worship SWAM 7M s•od"$ 7" soft 731 Desna 74 n Mw`w wad 7M coa of ihm" 70 TIE 70 ANitw4aAee W 'AN - O Fla - ff* sel . ra�fa E3t$. SEE-ri Z R�rp 3i4p4�•P m 1. A� s°�`e aso n Serrioen4paIr so Pow S Slow . onIN Comn/Ical Ilaw1Aia sit Swwg msDTwn q. Too" 04 andGordeninglalMRspag Ml Pool lleti4enaKa 40 Hlot sw3Fyr MShow RIP clearing Ul M7 FAI, E1 RNa Torg eelgn Nal services SEE Driving Schoolls Pmaer TuwLSrleab WBusiness Set"= se ChanwMAfp WWW E4 and Lou M Meet I" TM =DncWy In Inhis •H Dtamt TIME NEWS ADVMTI WEDNESDAY, MAY 6,19" PAGE if SINCERELY YOURS 1-900-451-3793. Call 1-00PI51.3T93 W-49 per min. KIND OF OUST SwereM. MW he Mae 35. 5'4•. dun ne law. hazel eye. oro w) Msc- . honest. aee kmMo. ronwrnolur LAM Children and Nr - mals. movies. phonography, XavNefp elc. Lorxd* to ruses a honfea. non-snvNw, wlec- borl 1rf.e, 35 b 42. br a h e"We p. Bol( 26454 WANTS A GOOD MM 22 year did, single. femur. lool•,W for a good man tO .pend bhe who Looking k7, mre cert Prot a A^9 wa,Ad pr.err ar7rhrdre in tlM Cpbpurq am. MuN ole ahw+f W. BOLE 30502 YOU SNOOZE you LODZE Adhesive. young M yr did. 5 W. medium bulk mom d re. Inas 4 seclae, wino eny7ys U". roe. thM.q. skraq. d^.q M. gift and mows Looking for a piob-Ona man aho a e.alkpNn and wmy win, sm,ar es«- affer. BOx 1 17 LET'S CONNECT! 4 y s Y4+* Sb . whte prolessanal lady. Gr,al..+m brown kuru L eyes. nonsmoker Erygs dieing. Irv. tll.atrff gond ing by rthe ion. fine dieing. barWq rho raearrg by ore pod Lookag ,a a mala. 45 yin yow,g a ala«. wwT smear ekes Wild putbbeS BOX 11914 NOT A IYNnOt PERSON! M yr tib "dy Seeknq a nonsmokntg mW who +ewe" n galobi , travewg. bra To - Sim and mon I r,fq I -g "lls m rnry. ,M the sum, mer. We da aWOoo s ro m,aa BON 15420 THE OMEN BEE! x IT old. 5'2' emae Drown nam and Open ayes aim a gaen fgu e Ives m A,I lenity marc. oanCaru b.A»a.*Ajax anmele. mares old mors Seeks* a ntr, 1010 0b 40 very dd.n toarm. 110r -.S7. COns�deran and a good area d hfahror BOX 15912 SEEKS SANE AGE777 SngM. wlw wily. Nies Irstanp. w,fanv,e-g NRI•,*• prows. dana,lq n and a waw mW. my age who a Alar. SON ,7970 WHERE HAVE U BEEN... 18 yr do -ate eernele 5 T olondle nam and IXr-a aye I -M'w." along ul Cal and kslr.tq ro ak.,masw nt4rc , m s••k•* n atbffow pry ,810 23. peat pener,ebty and ane d Ikarfor. I naw one ,F.eal-on b M you.. SOK 17973 ADVENTUROUS FUN".! A eaW k,de-g for a= mal br d" MO and dean Mwngnes BDx •.0323 ATTRACTIVE A ACTIVE F P��M slim. o,nrJO.,ganal en wd• aae.wr4 ninq 'dh•rs 4155 BW FerBIOS FIRST Age al. no daertdMa. 'n.4wn who. fawak re. Ill tr++Mr urea pond. can b pro. Fall .Ptwrys LopM�q ¢ a �a.3e- 45. ro de0e,-de,-le. sedan blald. tY. anon half.ertgs ,at10r dinares Peeffw cox Loan TO CADDIE 22 r old %.We whoever_. o•onics on M bleach, col br wars and nb.fa-g calls. C hers. Yb. meat W. 22-2e. whore mw. bd.=rrokrip 90heel 3"05om.r w SfEKMG NEW LIFE Ew .adn eed ermW 49. 5 D- h -a llprfffd. a.Man. warm. numoran. 1-0. ... dem. hon NA ajar.." b.....wtg. X.e m l dente wA de- old ger 1rMa Sea" an/. rhr mail Tr Or beer er aw•c- two" cam wmw .at sM sin neer~ 200. REALLY GIIEAT CATCH 47 yr ad klfme. 54- boffin nWr +•'4-* a CZwr ir-.ndne IN."" n.k,d• me.,p"lf"y'p"'. w� rte r.4 --row. n W were eDK 17Ve, MNAKNG AwolA+o 23 r old al iar.?1.drry wenf.. mr. .mwW.rf caw J! W0 NRAJDaa DOLLAR 38.1E 4 r did pehl .nncmw Dmlaswnal H.f1r.. d -re, -aft. emrlre•y aid nw-and lot and ola•blnaac rabf m I k4a a0w+* SM frfeeagrd. dFa•aatafre�awainamre. t2 b 54. flrn.frruta cam awry wrtbee affd afleewa r1VA huff a pkA SM 34744 D/EN VO11N HEART ad v1 yawp wry .caw. hJ ,-p-rw RwWa .4n rdffee kr old ar. ayw Er,,a�4 wkpfc. eafap. arnpTkG ataorrs rid maw searq . AMN ..m srir lfffrwK for lrwr-pay ok-a SOI 36438 aDvnMaT a In did .rah., d ona fees tea ,Will kin. g••, be." old mows Saar* • ea. W iniac .lm alm" nlafffff" Clww.n -aF tiara as 121137 RAW TO clow HORS? Shpe meoew. 4 .inion _aut-Pfaw br..rq. batp urn mr. w M .or-ee v17•,•••,* b ram," 9- +l • W We raai w n ta 15,76 GENTLB"N WAIrTED Wr1�• praeaagnal A,mW. .e1 r10 Erygstrewl.hMaa 4Wanrgb roto. rc Seervq a 9•^••^1•11.e10 e a inn amtr .m s+ne.r nt.nW BON ,slap E NTHASIASTC... ..it rrMfaoueod taw -ed -Willing. own miloed..final. Re saeeng jorrneola br .D". w old low Muer rwa a log hawm act( 15275 JEST cuom IMM LE Slffyt molt d ore. M. 100 to, s4•ne,tD a mala vM anoea all he fial 20 b 24 WO N"ro old someone around 6 D 6 4-. al Was W.'" m Nuc, mowed 0%.00 on Tl b• ick and mow 1101( 15874 LOTS OF LOVE TO GME Sam wfdoaed .h" lend seeing a SWn gaaamfarl. v D 65. noel smiler end Socialbutt a y4r- an honet down b arm, W end drfpng rld metre cora mar sox ,73M LIGNNN6G STIOM 35 yr old. 56-. 130 q aaaaw bwMN tan ane aye and ro d ddee n. Ereays ldmMal pfM areas. "dans ded.n NM more Sheep an Cleie%pw•M are. "N- LET'STALK 31 IT dIR. ST, and int b.a vAW leab am urlde hie ad ba eyes. sailing a liner rear $anus. ebb mall 3210 31. now nn. tat.WdLonbull.WW-arrlpd-Ah 1M daadlem for a long lawn ftlaAnb,I6In4 sol those FIT TIE.LLT M IT d4 ad1alM I I and wedp movies. ""a. dpd„ • erp,•b,* and nlolw Sea" an OdLCMW m&e. 2a D 32, elb a der -HMS. a0711�72a7w bapaw..il welser ALUM A NDTHMH 22 M old rami. aYllpw era. E,ybY4 n10rea. tM bwelf end /Waal~ tp M yea alb .Ida OleeUn 2126 ee 70 aA]pyf ew wsea aa Poor 3041 OPM AIM NOIEST oklolod Mont M. 5'3•. 1.e' buk OMS S$aoo�krnp a rllW , ,-,wonMom Kia FdwMellp fast I, I mora Boot 12564 R lasea vidlewarEXPLORE al I " Mk ST. LIe,N• Xao. mala, NM olAdMr M*w I am 8= veteran cal a powan and kaefi Waw a aL admin, heal mescl,era mW 3S b 4• in ea Osla. ansa soot 13404 ARE You CUTE? Lab WL 5'5•, aescew. won mom will en0a hear and dad ons. S6elallif If dad mal 25 b 32. sell M Eben to ONm. SOK 17251 I mils l pd9' because 1 have not bund my Dna dlnrlg yet He l E b 35. W7 rehift ml Hill w�b VwM�ldy lie a Why. OW 3D462 NMAnda.dib bmlal.4wlF�1e�l4Y414,Y nad- aat Now. male. nlawaa lnffvel. inn Nndlan. LotAYq for •inn. 52 b 62 rho Nat fnelar eiNafflt. fin llmftr, wail . gmd s.w d half neeoot pea80 ret. wilf*b m& h.qN. B 313480 M TOuI$PAIN TVML >Q yr oIR vAee wnrw soft* n ddw vel prarin 30 b 45. for reeae& aelCalffaal8 Wr6 NArgw mnad who M thin. 90 124M A FFAM LodWgnd forpmMle ror, eryye. land! up Mimtt Owe n Dien ro pe Play 20 ells wveT no MM 9ndd slpa. p1•Y lb ro gqaMt burner Efyoy mores. 9•,^ - dr*. =uw and sports I haw ara seam COIX 3D4 IAru1 be i ore Ohl ff area BOX 36497 SOULWLTES Single. whit. mom. 40. 5 V. 135 Ips. employed. •npys -OS. M,-. timing. bowl etc Seeks* a wte, cMay. *thio mate 38 to 44 = ;rtpMer. MRI Mies kgs Wild -1w. whin ,s fun Wl. tru hoorerl' and honest CoDwrg area 90R 30498 LOOKNG FOR FRIENDS 33 IT old ninon,. ploys paler, anpys+^M musk, bomb hies. good friends and fainly. Look+g for a 35.45 r old mai. unattached rmla, ntewats for trending hist Cobourg area. BOX 30495 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Sfan, aMOWe, 1vh,e man of one. 22. Smok r. edlcalM Enpys Camping walking raid" moves and hone kli. Swingq er =itl. mrtoaN slue man wino w111 r•f0 ser IrbXer bad mro mmYy lde. and enpys clilr•n s oo„-pa,A' BOX 34490 CAN STEAL YOUR HEART 37 yr did -gle, whine IamW. 56- 130 los. or- hall blue eyes. a1trJCt- lik" quot bird. sell an hpesi. aXRmronaer. DR, whH mak. 37 to 40.5 10'or taear. not owr1,.-91a, sense of hurar. inn W..Iwro beards pplies. No bar sones or head games BOX 15302 HEART OF GOLD 42 yr old angle m,"r s -..g a gentlemen. same age a doer. "no 'roves to De gam. pared Inters led in 000kmgI de aAdoonit. de ill Social draong are We BOX 17235 SEEKNG FRIENDSHIP Feat.. rhac," '""Bart lady ", smoker. rola dw+Ml Enpys mores. diva. Theater. ding out. lei markets. day Vtps. offers and droves Ti the ewnry Seeks Meer. sncen.. Cnnelert pne.man. awry 60s. w.m vmtau nN ft. n tl CoDoug area. la 1rlwdalvp only BOX 30467 FFEMOS FIRST 23 year did s«gler mem M .. an", it" - r*. gong to moves and 'Pa,ldnrg gar Mrrtgs W Itonr X nerabd effrff a nee- sa" BOX 30488 110 COFFEE PLEASE! 49 yr did. toy n D,~ raga' carry wed mi ests and nob Ws SSOIN a ?a " W. 45 10 60 mst oe im,ar. old g'f1r-n•, abaA .elffprr.ng .'Lao., wnng ,arm .«ebaerkP Eduned and mte.prX a mall AN Calls fait~ BOX 14W LOODIIG FOR A IRAN A y, aur rrioloyd minae teal amp.. ham• age group. fillgreets m hn.e. t-.p'0•lae. a" and non BOX 17140 UNSELFISH MIAMI WANTED lee Offs final 5 r caro -~, -mall Will. wq dial.• nor Dr ryes. Won ml hewers lnouft a welly d mull sliarq, erect. mlo,ra Plat'S. elC Sao mwf0s b wily sot yweq at nleen, eco... M, uneeel.h. find. gem" arta .bong SOX ,73" CAPRICORN MINTED M in ole 1l m11i of fwd Vnbo•rn hb? tdDan dubs and cur •v^•'P Y Mw seeks Cmn-zoml mMe dam 1a1d4r lf,«.sb. al 17571__ ScomoLS rRePLss ONLY An you menial ea ab .roar ape- d emw,oe.et pWar, no ser" evaC eT a as. Ohm" as and et rte woe fail you alai of w -W +O fee I. rho era FR THE NLL? AteaOfa..4 r did fanbl fa. ew. 5r. 1non1 Wonder Ar b wv al. GWff" a*" - e0 se.rfg . %L can snfd. mit. 42-52. WiL.nffy and; WI -S ONV sate Entail, n• e.aiew" a- d lfwe wd mon Box 1 10 $K*IW4 OUR walal)s1 M rod, s+q. Will 5 Y 130 be blue ayee brown n.rf LAw "love/ .21. Dna whoa awq ae beam and real Seffkwq a 1.111.. "y and f�vtamw.q •rf.lt. ]♦ ro M Sff a ler who rr dNd•n .m chine. ectl 26477 URGE AND LOVELY k..r w..rfi a.a.••m.•+ .r.fa ar. lar Eur«...m fe.ae . Daae caro ffe • coTn.n"me ^-a,-e0 mouff tell. 4m "ad. d 1 new 30 aYn•,er rd roM. ato.w mr1 s cin-. a"fou" awfa.on- .I t•7e•" aur 26.-,a Lam OF Love Yo GIVE ..fe.aed r1a. rrwr d....q ♦ ebf19r1•'► men. 57 to as.. .. good drfo.r,o cwn- H nte,b Ler. ur .bol Box 12022 WE IMT MEET $0005 rr did. «'W-W.d ••riln« 01"l who loys dancing. :W1V19 7-V - nm - ding e•,b,e1a me.ea. oof.Arataenp re See" eo•eone deer aA and wepMn bill who er acne new.M eoK 12804 LADY SEERNG F111EAID Lafflafg a som••on• W.14 70 .e1 auto- Mae, b 'r.rVMw Lae D•n'9 b *e 21.yr,* dens .lad Laub m ,-opt ff.m gaffe ret and "a area. 150 as Haw own t1YMpatMen aro a lily plea. am 3D472 TNNG$ CAI HAPPEN Lae. Ms. aTrr_._ m - rK caws maks ort M D.acni cuing .r1 aAOa,n navwl Salklflq sunt tale of W. Ica 3a s b Tee 40a ..a1 ane., .w.«r o, «Mnelrfe and Por Wys miaborWo BOX 30470 nre4Dsmp TO SHAM POW. ww, . cr ml- as - nifmonlen. mho drhr, •nein fee Taut" dinner VW err. mtwfeal antra out die ro. and -auks .lad dime. n ti Counery Orae rna•bn0 an hoew. atan, Chi~ graamen •any a*$. d h-er40 Co" au44 RDx 30415 A NEW START ,aeowM caw klmene. 38. 5 8- wn.dran Wed. dirty bornill nbe blue •vas bfe6 hra- a and hotebU k lad ip. bard" And 1p„ e -ft Nn afake, nO del s.tlra* an, W r di -ad whoa Meer. with ani W tear- ee" 1r trWXWV old PO44aM IWDOIWV cox 3041 FNIOIDS FIRST ►weer at 2 HHenegan. 37. 5'S, 180 ba but bob good Lool ng Dr enter ntW. 35 to 43. nr4m Or -d , atDfader angel or kngr him el Nva ove,g rill. 905 Thl nom~ heck and leas to Party ria Met Peat Inca. OX 3040 CaN 1-900.4514M SL49 per R*L SO1EWHM OUTTHM 9Warab mss. M. 5'11-, nM Mao build. Medic her. h.:.ye6. mW We. prosleaon- al fund a non wrotr. Efpy r44 - 9. -%*.0 Oetbal •p4•np Nd tam 6wwlgs. Soo- ng arks vines welale, non W i6r. akOlw, rAw*, .0lrad 1 woe. BOK 30497 TLE ON Rely NMae M yr did, reawd, maw. 5'S'. 160 b. non wedeln, social dsiner. Lucke* br a down to 6Nm " who laws dde.wNnqQ ma den 4enle . ad q1a& teraft 94r�•,. BOK 1 (RET A LITTLE CW9EN 30 y, odd. W. 180 le, mer,ed mob a looking b a doe 6,Tanx,ers Wier a rrwl0 ranrrn. BOX 11113 TH M u FSTTHE au b IToN. flnlaaff, area mals, swage he ^ iwaliaNrffd NOT good SKM Of hWM lab how movMe, sem. Spor4 bee "-lq, mune and mon. I old I: r p.r .d w e dhldren. Looking w, n &trace". rtNleff, M ahil lawntle, 23 D 34, Boar 16153 SOMETHING N CONOONt Wheat ill, 5'to•. hp" ran hair Raw oke bye. 195 Its, 6ennal active and ptryanW M M. Mo did vmftp rat cis. hearing eeP- IN Out` . ph" gutter SM man. Look - #V for somsonit. wtnWI" SM 20537 77 to 30. valixt a ria TRY THIS OUT! This worachve, swgfi whw mels. bv* m ANY all. ekm. elf olplpJed, dwrad .ah no depsndnts. Enjoys vn4, mows ding, d.nn* and Mae. Loring bra hero vwo ria �irNTo again. �,y2 ries n SHINED AND LOIELY 32 yr 2nd. fnafled men a.elell• a woo Or eo 2e49 woman. Aga 30.4o.d lay no.. YOUNGER eEEKs OU E7lgaegeoua nl6ler jW 6."itit b AEIY Q �nd� $eek - ng an malec7", dear b M. fian Nwleehp. �( =1`11 M, br a i op 11'"t i - THE Nn" AD VERT16t1R wEJDNt60AY, MAY A 199 SPORTS x — Pickering swimmers find gold at end of Rainbow meet PICKERtNG — Several Pickering 8w4vind.r boys and 2ffm 11y1, Yrrd in 25ns breast and touch ClrysW Zold luted in eanenai ooW am, Haleal — fart in San brMM Swim Club members captured pots full Daniel Chhmdt —fifth in 100m I.M. In the 25m beds offorls and 50m flit Knieta Hastings —" n hoar :'Of gold at the end of the second annual Sand•urldar girls Jennifer Walker — iecorhd in 25m 104muloi rrdair back, silt n 50m tree. Robert Baylsy — !Rainbow Classic Swim meet hosted by Kathryn Ball posted best times in all breast. Use Maroon — sixth in loom I.M. firer in 5om free and 50m fly, second In the club at the Pickering Recreation her events. Jennifer Jacoby — third in 25m back Mark Heron — fourlh in 50m breast and 50m back and 50m breast Nick Lambdas Complex. Tire Pickering club welcomed The meet also featured a novice diva- filth in 25m free. Nth in 50m beck and 50m free. Meghan — second in 50m free, third in 50m badk more than 300 swimmers from 1 I clubs son for swimmers new to competition. Malin Butler — fourth in 25m breast. Baird, Lisa Bobieri, Kara Haggerty and 50m breast and 50m fly. Michael Loewen in Ontario, including one from North band -under Scott Johnston — second in 25m fly, Nicole Janssen also turned in best times. — third in 50M free, faith in 50m back Bay. Cailie Douse — second in 100m I M. third in 25m free, fifth in 25m breast. 11 -end -war Spm breast and 50m fly. 11 -and -l2 -year-old boys Pickenng's Warren Bames led the medal winners in the entire meet by cat. Luring gold in all six of his events in the 11-and•12-year-okl boys' division. Barnes won the 50 -metre breaststroke, 50m but- terfly, 100M backstroke, 100m individual rrhedley, 200m fry and 200m breast. CONa'go""UMER CAR MART Brandon Barbaro — gold in 50m balk, - and 200m back, silver in 100m balk, No Pressure fourth in San fly and 1 00 free. . • - Non Commissioned Ryan Ferguson gold I.M. sixth free.S r) Sales People W in 100m free andd 20an sxth in 100m back Joey Lupiccini — bronze in 2Wm -Yes car shopping brit and 200m back, fourth in 200m free. can be fun Scott Allen — fourth in 200m back 78K 52K' Matt Wolch — filth in 100m breast and 119 57K 1 socth in 100m fly. Relay team of Barnes. Barbaro, Ferguson and Lupicm — gold in 200m WE free relay. Matt Johnston and VAft Bal also89 FORD PROBE '90,1 �K X,IS �', turned in great swims in this age group. 1 X(: - DO '93 LINCOLN MARK 8 '96 ESCORT LX WAGON 11-mn l2 -year-old girls fourth61K 99K 32K Brenna Wilson — gold fl 100M and ?` ` 100 % Parts & Labour Zoom free, Som and Zoom fly and 200m back• silver n 100m back. -CLUTCH •BRAKE PADS Adrienne Byng — silver n San free. ! • TIRES • ROTORS bronze in loan breast, fah n 50m breast and sixth in the San fly '94 EXPLUKF:R XLT '9_ COR(hl.L X LSX • RADIATOR •CALIPERS 196 V%N JETT X TREK 'y'- FLEE: m ()of) BR(:Nf Sophie Dona — silver n loan fly - — "-- • MUFFLER • MASTER Caitlin Heggie — fifth n ZOOM back 42K' 86K ` 52K Kelley Lee — sort, in loom fly and• EXHAUST PIPE CYLINDER Relay Lean, vv�son "'�� • TAIL PIPE • WHEEL CYLINDER Byrtg• Dona d is BALL JOINTS • BATTERY and Heggie — silver in loan free relay. SPRINGS ALTERNATOR Fahr Iadak Jerrnlerwrggmand '9; til Zl hl �IIhI hl('I% '94 (:K 1\I) PRIX • • '86 NISSAN 3(N)ZX '9� LCSABRI 1. R) Jacqueline w+lord turned n fine efforts. STRUTS STARTER 1 Alicia Kaye ed —girls n SOm N 20an • SHOCKS • SOLENOID • TIE -ROD • FUEL PUMP fly loom nee and loom I.M. ENDS • TIMING BELT Brierrre Ferreira — gold n 100m back NW 200m free. silver in 100m nee and • IDLER ARM • CV JOINTS 100 I.M. • PITMAN ARM • U JOINTS Lauren Campbell — gold in San ''v' IfO%D % F.XK_ 91 HOND X ('I% V q '91 (:%1(, 1� \I \KJ breast akw in 50m fly and 200m N 26K 148 > ENGINE TRANSMISSION Almon Chan — fourth n 5om back iv f f _ 83K 52K Melanie Gogal — tiro, in Zoom beak DRIVE AXLE, TURBO, Relay tear' of 1('re' golld in rah � SUPER CHARGER Canhpbel and Jam Martin — free rww 13- 4' No Fear Peace of Mind Adam .Janssen — bronze n ZOOM 95 \Ititi>� �I (\ISI G\I: 9. J A(:l �K X,16 '88 FORD Mt STAN(; 9, ISIL Z TR(Pt-R beck fourth in loom back. Nth n 100m 85K 39K AND A WHOLE LOT ' N) ,82 56K 154nio:kwer" MORE!! Jam hftren — Over in loan beck. fourth in 50m beck and 200m I.M., Nth in 100n I.M. and 100m beck soM in loom `z tSarrd•overboys '91 CHEF ('AI'RI('E CL '9: ('ORS ETTE 33K 9l B�I�� 3i8i ('O\� 9i NISSAN 5E KING ('AB .� �. . u, mow aa- a.. s David Grose — gold n Zoom beck � p a and 100m back. Nth in San fly, such in 13 �' � •, _ r loom*". �v • Breft Hardng — silver in 200m free and 200m N bronze in 200m breast. Enc Keay —silver in Zoom I.M.. bronze ntoot from and 50m beck, rc♦ 'r fourth n urtSan breast fifth in loom back and loom I.M. '418 FORD SUPER 8 Bryan Leung — suM in 50m, 100m and 200m breast. lean of Grose. Harding Kelly 1696 Bayly St Pickering 1016 Broils Rd., PdedM and Graham Wolch — bronze n 13and- %� ,tl aver 200m free relay V""' WLM Of 401, "w S�1(� �1 Q� Hours 1 wKkaxier girlsS Peters —gold in Zoom V� (f &I� r r"7 Ypt — j0 as Mo Tues. Vhd. F6.8.6 �`�a� UCENCED from. 200m breast and 200m back, silver Fri.dkSat. 10� Thum 8-e � ,� MOTOR VEHICLE n Som beds txonze n loom breast Stat. 12 noon - 5 Set 84 co INSPECTION MISPECTK)N STATION fourth Usura X*m�tmi00md2� roe 420-9800 s 690049'�� bronze in Zoom I.M., fifth in 200m back mind loom 'ft'` MAMM Campbell— AU`T0 SERVICE SUPER CENTRE silver n 200m I.M., bronze n 10an fly 200rn ticket and Zoom Iroe, faith n som M• Jenna Bayley — gold in loan back, fourth in 50m back, sxth in 200m beck Sharon Campbell — silver n 200m back bronze in loom beck and fifth n riot back P SPECIAL Jose= Ward — bronze in 200m beck fourth in 20an I.M., With in 200rn Reg. hven W bee and 93M in 200m breast • rschrds rwpwkrat DNco or • Sarah YYolch — lourth, hitt and sodlh"rO1to Tamils s . In 50m, 200n breast and Zoom free • 6 ey1 tND aria $29 . e cyl. $40 aria ' h �k Ashley Dow —on 100m bedt. • Vara i trucks =0 extra Relay Leann Banns. FROM ` l\ Mutlerhie Campbell and s —gold in • , , 200m free relalt X ' Mail— Cm* and Meow Aird 0• qlaxxlor BLOOMING WITH SA�'NGS Daniel lsnylols — gold n 50m fvee, Wm. loom and Zoom backstroke, saner In 100m tree, tits in 100m breast. Jordan 'Chock — gold in loom breast, 200m breast and 100m free si• MUFFLERS ver in 50m and 100m fly and 2DOm I.M., rah in 200m bed. Bradley Jkknebn — gold in loom fly and 200m I.M., airier in Lifetime Warranty 100m breast. wash Aker Griffith — gold n Zoom free, twith any200m ALL bronze n 200m back, 200m breast ars servicebreast 2 RELATED I.M., fourth n Sora bads and loom LABOUR +FREON '6� "" wof Dmuld mug ominion ALKNIIIIEW 00%Kumho UMP OFF Ryan Shanks — silver on 20om tree, breast �O�Owfflptnst¢ ,� 1 fourth in �200mm I..O"� n CALL US TODAY TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT 420-3555 Jalte Stevens — faith in 200m free, At Coowmer Car Mart, custom" • 6 MONTHS Zoom oaak and Zoom breast service 0=4PAPm«'n'.vkt�a . . . • M) tHbm E� will«, — fourth n 1 oar I.M.. re¢kaomrrd only necer•ary rry.a, NO PAYMENTS NO INTEREST OAC care std �r al oven sJtpire tirucks may 13195 .Kent WilliamsonWilliamsonsWilliamson— fifth in Zoom I.M. Relay, team of Langlois, Chizick, Shanks and Slovene — gold in 200m free � l John Fenyuaah ewers well in tis aye r DOUR 1100 NASCAR BOY" TONY Brow.