HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_04_15PICKERING EDITION DICKERING PU B ICD 1GH AKV - CENTRAI- STORE You 11N0 III PERI O ERHITY OFF any pantsuk our tlao pw tills N sink Pickttlity ypW (S Hey, n E d Erott Courtyard 426-2088 GO IN COMFORT d PRIVACY PROM'39" 20% OFF METER OUT OF -TOWN PICK -N -Go 24 firs 7 days a week A D V R T ' s _E R WednesdayOptional 4 week home delivery charge 5/ $1 newsstand , April 15,1998 Pressrun 44,, 500 32 pages Earthquake questions raised CRITICS STILL CONCERNED ABOUT NUCLEAR PLANT SAFETY DESPITE DETAILS IN MY M Janne Taikscs -- — - --- Staff reporter PICKERING — A four- year study recently completed by Ontario Hydro has conclud- ed the Pickering nuclear station would be able to withstand a large -magnitude earthquake in this area. However. two scientists who have done seismological research here and Durham Nuclear Awareness (DNA) are raising questions about the Separate board brass earn more than public board heads Top SALARY FOR DIRECTOR The big brass at the sepa- rate school board are bringing home more bacon than their counterparts at the public board. Durham Catholic District School Board director Grant Andrews was the top money earner at Durham school boards. with a salary last year of $126.523.13 and taxable benefits of $5.080. At the Durham District School Board, director Grant Yeo made $123,977.39 and taxable benefits of $531. Under the Public Disclo- sures Act, school boards must make puhhc the salaries of all employees who earn $ 100,000 or more in income At the separate hoard, that includes the following super- mtendents who earned $I I0.87l 76 plus taxable ben- erixs .�t 34,1x5 Gerry Blake (VI'hitbv Family of Schools and programme services), John Brown (human resources). Joanne Carroll ([Oshawa Family of Schools). Jean-Paul Patcnaudc (Picker- ing/Uxbridge Family of Schools) and Cleary Smith (business). Meanwhile, superinten- dents Teresa Freedman ( Ajax Family of Schools and student services) and NNaltcr Yewchyn (support services) each earned $110.872 and taxable benefits of $4.985. Ai the nublic board. three Is $126.50) study's conclusions. Hydro's Seismic Assessment of the Pickering Nuclear Gener- ating Station found substantial safety margins were incorporat- ed into the initial plant, accord- ing to a Hydro statement announcing the results of the assessment. Hydro says only "minimal damage" would occur within the station during an earthquake The stud% Im'IkCd C�alua non of thou"In", FOUR-YEAR ONTARIO HYDRO STUDY nents which would have to con- that a small numty r which arc tinue to function during an not crucial but still important earthquake to achieve a safe need to he modified and/or test - shutdown of the plant. It con- ed further. eluded a large malonth of the Those conClu,wn, Ncre ,:0111Pnn:•nis and s�stcni, �scrc hasCd on the r.PC : I-,irthquAc hu. hill 0— ' ­ NUCLEAR ' ;N ; GRANT YEO Earns $123.9' annually, slightly less than separate board director, superintendents earned $105,072.53 plus $480 in tax- able benefits. Trudy Nnhett (Area 2, AjaxlScugog). Dave Snodden (Area 4, Oshawa) and Doug Wilson (opera- tions). The following superinten- dents each earned 5101.145.91 and $462.76 in taxable benefits: Craig Burch (employee relations), Laura Elliott (Area 3, Whitby/Brock) and Bev Freedman (programme). Superintendent of business Ron Trbovich earned $102,670.91 plus $493.56 in taxable benefits. P"re o/ ,yawn ueongrs Of all the cheek! Tony the Rama isn't at ail shy when it comes to meeting new peo- Pickering Markets. Tony the llama is a member of the Ken Jen ple. He offered up an Easter kiss to new friend Louise Hughes Petting Zoo which took up residence over the Easter weekend at while she was at the Metro East Trade Centre on Sunday at the the trade centre. Police call ends in stabbing of Durham officer Ili Sto/Ma SAattr Durham start A woman who was deport- ed from Canada only two months ago is accused of attempting to murder a Durham Regional Police offi- cer. who was stabbed in the head during a domestic dis- pute in Ajax. Fellow officers rushed Constable Anil %laharaf. 27, Pickering firefighter bid a fond farewell PICKERING — A "coura- geou," Pickering firefighter who was a "class act- and a "great guy" was pad last respects by colleagues from throughout southern Ontario Tuesday. Bill Jordan, who lost his battle with cancer April 8, was saluted by firefighters from throughout the Greater Toronto Area and as far away as Niagara Falls in an emotional ceremony. The casket carrying the 30 year old was placed on a depart- ment pumper truck for a ceremo- 'We already miss him very much..: -- Bill Douglas nial funeral procession which passed all three Pickering fire sta- tions before arriving at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church for the funeral service. The casket was removed from the pumper by an honour guard of Pickering firefighters in full dress uniform. Approximately 125 firefight- ers and members of the public attended the service. Pickering Deputy Fire Chief Bill Douglas says the 10 -year fire department veteran worked until three weeks before he was hospi- Wized as the disease spread din ughout his body. Mr. Jerdan continued to work as the deputy chief's assistant in a ton -fire- fighting capacity after being diag- nosed a year ago. "He was a great help to me:' says Deputy Chief Douglas. "He was one of thine guys that if you gave him a job, you knew it would be done. Even though he was going through so much, he was so courageous. He was a class act. He was someone every- one looked up to" All his col- leagues did. Through the last sev- eral months of his battle with can- cer, Pickering firefighters war on their helmets stickers with a four-leaf clover and Mr. Jordan's helmet number 66. "It's going to take a long time for our depart- ment to get over this. We aheady miss him very much;' says Deputy Chief Douglas. Mr. Jerdan will be cremated and his remains taken to New Jersey next week by the fire department's colour guard for a ceremonial funeral at the Laurel Memorial Park Cemetery at Absecon, New Jersey. Mr. Jerdan is survived by his mother DiAnn Hurd, brothers Bradley and Brian Hurd, fattier William Jerdan and his wife Marie, sister Gina and grand- mother Carmen Lavigna. to Ajax -Pickering Hospital on Monday night, where he received stitches to close the half-inch wound to his left temple. police said. A 33 -year-old South Kore- an woman, who was staying with family while in Canada on a visitor's pass, was arrest- ed at the scene, police said. Const. Maharaj, a seven- year veteran of the force, was injured shortly after he and his partner Constable David Wein went to a Bartlett Drive resi- dence following a 911 call at 10 P.M. Police said a woman appar- ently began making death threats against her parents and other relatives she accused of stealing from her. "When the officers arrived they separated the people involved and then went to a bedroom to talk with the woman:' Staff Sergeant Dave Wilson said. Once inside the bedroom the officers seized a knife sticking out of a luggage bag, he said. The woman demanded the knife be returned then "lunged for her luggage and got anoth- er knife" tucked inside, Staff Sgt. Wilson said. "That's when she came down with the knife in two SERGEANT JIM GRMLEY Says suspect ordered to undergo 72 -hour psychiatric assessment quick jabbing motions:' slash- ing Const. Maharaj once in the temple and once in the left shoulder, ripping his police jacket. "He managed to partially get out of the way but not completely," Staff Sgt. Wilson said. The wounded officer and his partner quickly pounced on the woman and wrestled her to the floor. She dropped the weapon after being pep- per -sprayed by Const. Wein. See DURHAM/Page 2 WHAT'S INSIDE How To RE u W EIH"I Par ............6 Eaterblamad ...........14 With the late Bill Jerdan's gear laid out, colleagues salute during 0111IMN • • . • • • • . • .. • • ....15 funeral services yesterday for the Pickering firefigher. He died last ClagsN@d ..............16 week after a battle with cancer at the age of 30. Web sib www.durhamnews.net OMMI ..........683-5110 Death NoNca .....683-3005 Medea Line .......683-7545 Slncersly Your$l-600-662-8423 Vol. 33, No. 15 PACE 2 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER WMNESDAY. APRII. 15. 1"K Durham officer stabbed responding to "it was a short. quick struggle," the staff sergeant said. Const. Maharaj also suffered a minor slash wound to the shoulder, which did not require stitches. Fol- lowing the attack, hack -up officers ttrik the suspect to Oshawa General Hospital where she was treated for a wound to her hand. She was then admitted under the Mental Health Act and ordered to undergo a 72 - hour psychiatric assessment, Sergeant Jim Grimley said. Keung Sook Kang, who arrived in Canada four days prior to the incident, faces charges of attempted murder, possession of a dangerous weapon, two counts of assault and three counts of threatening death. Detectives have learned Ms. Kang was ordered deported from Canada and escorted out of the country by immigration officials in February, Staff Sgt. Wilson said. It was not immediately clear how and why she was then permitted to re-enter Canada last week. Staff Sgt. Wilson said Const. Maharaj was "pretty shaken up" fol- lowing the incident but he isn't expected to need time off. "It's pretty upsetting when some- thing like this happens. It has a rip- ple effect through everyone when a fellow officer is injured. It does have an impact ton all police offi- cers):' he said. He said calls for domestic dis- putes are often the most dangerous for a police officer since it's not usually known what risk the situa. tion posts. families April Durham Region YMCA will hold a day of fun lirr families on April 25_ The annual Family Fun Day will feature a variety of games such as apple h..t,Mng, nna, I—— u,ker pull. ti.h 1%,na . nd sack race. Therc will he prvcs All proceed% will go to the YMCA Family Resource Centre in Oshawa. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 500 Mayfair Ave. For more information, call the YMCA at 434.3131. Ron Galbraith lewclkn rc"lw pnces on `old cAams are lows than mwy sak pn.:es. Call as at 691 0.407 or drop to - w'e're m the old Alas Plau ua Harwood Ave next to GRAND OPENING 00 �� ea WREBBIT, IJJ'ft� 111--C4i •• • Relaxing atmosphere for casual dining • Earthy spirit of the Mediterranean • Great food, wines, music and decor • Specializing in Italian & Fusion Cuisine Featuring... Executive Chef Rick Spensieri from Montreal Chef Jason Fitzsimmons from Vancouver B.C. Pasta Chef Franco Quarto from Florence, Italy Loft • Cigar, Scotch & Piano Lounge on Friday & Saturday nights (Cuban Cigars & Vintage Scotches) Mondo Bistro & Fine Taps (Lower Level) • Natural wood burning oven, specializing in Gourmet Pizza, Tapas & Sandwiches • Private Vine Cellar offers unique wines, which can be z , purchased by bottle or glass „>!• • Open seven days a week • Live Jazz and Blue Bands every Friday & Saturday nights W • April 24 & 25 - Full Count Blues Band J' � Ap., /%o A 1dO !► www-durhammennet Nuclear plant's systems are `seismically robust' Hydro concludes in detailed study NUCLEWFrom page 1 which Hydro has estimated would have a one -in -10,000 chance per year of occurring in the area — a quake measuring six to 6.5 on the Richter scale with its epicentre 100 kilometres away from the Pickering station, which would produce a peak ground acceleration (shaking) of 23.5 per cent g at the plant. However. DNA and the two scientists say that standard is not high enough and ignores recent evidence of a possibly active fault located right underneath Pickering which would result in a much stronger earthquake. Arsalan Mohajer, a professor of environmental science at the University of Toronto in Scarbor- ough who specializes in earth- quake hazard assessment, and Joe Wallach, who once assessed earthquake risks as an employee of the Atomic Energy Control Board and who now does so as a consultant were among a group of scientists involved in the dis- covery strut 10 years ago of a major geological fault running right under Pickering, as well as other faults in the area. What's not clear. they say. is whether the faults are active and pre a sig- nificant earthquake risk. Mr Mohajer maintains that in coming io the conclusion that the Pickering stet(m would remain safe to the nent rel .In earth - quake, Hydro has lowered the safety standard. He notes that when the AECB held a workshop on seismic hazard assessment in June 1995, John Waddington, current director general of the AECB's directorate of environ- mental and human performance assessment stated the board was looking for Canadian nuclear sta- tions to withstand the type of earthquake that had only a une- in-100,0(x) per year or less chance of occurring. Mr. Mohajer maintains the one-m-1C)(MO) risk factor has been the AECB standard fix seis- mic and other hazuds at nuclear stations, and that the one -m- 10,000 factor being used by Hvdro would fail to meet safety standards in the U.S. and Europe. Using Hydro's own calcula- tions and the proper risk factor of one-in-100,(X)n, the Pickering station could be facing ground shaking of about 50 per cent g or greater during an earthquake. far more than Hydro's assessment concluded it could withstand, he says. ""This is a Magic weak link In the assumption:' explains Mr. Mohajer. '11tcy have to answer that " Mr. Wallach maintains Hydro is rxx 1n a position to draw con- clusions about the safely of the Pickering plant because it does 1nx know enough abut geologi- cal cornditxrns in the area. "They've looked at what they've wanted to look at:" he says, "They've ignored what we've told them" According to Mr. Wallach it would only cont Hydro a few hundred thousand dollars to complete the research necessary to settle the issue of whether the faults at Pickering are active and pre a serious earthquake risk. But, he adds, "if they find what I think they'll find they'll have to admit they're at risk." DNA is also questioning the risk factor used by Hydro and the lack of research on kcal geolog- ical conditions. "We're concerned they're possibly underestimating the seismic risk for their own self- interest, which is to redtice the cost of upgrading the station,' says DNA spokesman Irene Kock. noting confirmation of active faults at Pickering could have serious implications for Hydro's Darlington station as well. "Without the research to prove or disprove whetter the faults are active, all the other work and analysis is based on speculation:' says Ms. Kock. AECB staff are expected to report on their review of the Hydro seismic assessment in abut three months. Ontario Hyder officals were unavailable for comment yesterday at press time. Critics are taking issue with an Ontario Hydro report detailing the Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations strength in withstanding an earthquake Hydro says the complex is 'robust' Ajax lottery winner loves his mother-in-law AJAX — Ted Howard has noxhing The 40 -year -oto co-owner and but nice things to say about his moth- operator of Coatings Unlimited also cr-in-law. plans to invest some money and take a The Ajax resident won $25,0(x) trip to the Caribbean. playing the Instant Bingo scratch and Mr. Howard and his wife Helen win game with a ticket that was an have one son and one daughter. Easter gift from his mother -m -law. The winning ticket was ought at "I'm planning to share some of the Checkers on King Street Fast in money with her:" Mr. Howard says. Oshawa. Businesses network tonight The Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade S20 for non-members. Table -top dis- is holding a Networking Wine and plays are $20 for members and $35 for Cheese Event today, Wednesday, from non-members. Honey Garlic is at 250 5 it) M p.m. at the Honey Garlic Bayly St. W.. west of Harwood Restaurant. Avenue, in Ajax. For more information Admission is S 15 for members and call the board at M37-6638. SEPARATED- DIVORCEDOWi sit000tt. Id* V. esteem. &I& again at soak. As 1fNuised in 'fie Wait*. Stmitas recce itdded Preview Apri 28 9 30. SIM Jlf1. GST with turd by prolmionak snot 1989, ii king lata, RWW% *. mknft eal)I wgoakn 416-2043011 mytirm. THF NEWS ADvEfrrisvR WEDNESDAY, APRII. 15, 19" • PAGE 1 photo by Jason Liehregfs How does your garden grow? Joan Santomero of Pine Ridge Garden Gallery Garden centres across Durham are keeping busy took time to explain the care of primroses to with the arrival of spring and the interest area Doug Plourde over the weekend when he was out residents have in building and maintaining home looking to add some spring colour to his garden. gardens. All aboard to see train puzzle PICKFRING — Visitors to Pickenne fi sun Centre will have the chance to see a gar- gantuan three-dimensional train puzzle today, Wednes- day, through Sunday. The Wrebhtt Gigantic Puzz-313 Train Puzzle is 32 feet 49 75 metres) long, six feet (1.83 m) wide, 7.6 feet (2.24 m) tall and is made of more than 45,000 pieces. It is set amongst about 40 different Pu// -3D models, hr create the impression of a journey ,wross a Puzz-313 dreamscape. Puzzle enthusiasts and children of all ages should enjoy vacv, ing the train. The stop in Pickering is only one of many for the huge puzzle, which will he seen by an estimated 25 million pco- ple in Canada. the U.S.. —j" ossa a %r-4. ?jou a -ca 'Ilu'ro 176ea j ay at ';kwr P&aj v e Gina & Angelo Owners of Hair Pleasure show how easy & fun R is to see yourself in different hairstyles & colours on a video imaging system. ".See * rrtw "w Riad A" HAIR PIS Cas W app• ;SAAAM Transit SWare, t vy Rd.. S. 619-9741 Europe and Australia. Its southern Ontario tour includes stops in Pickering. Mississauga. Hamilton and St. Catharines. If you ate expecting your fiat baby, icxpea SIS to help YOU AN[ INVITIO TO A Baby Steps S an I"PANT NVTAITIOY Weitkiesday. April 29. - p.m. (:allanin :s. Mciccnng 1355 Kin}r+ton Road Coedurud br j a uuawl otperr is hoc per. cnraur n R dewpud ro saner mUr cluntirim on .TIYr prcptaxN. tntAnr numftn aro I /dant c7re Pen nfier F4x.4d S r Pit r aarrrrl tw a crrL6[tl (�R 11LWriSnr Draw: ries Etrn/kt' ear %ad o- mrwr' Pito cvm expectAw nrrdrcr in sieredanrT wd Irc mr a bee ph pwkaw ,-A" at 1A For Rrgi+Yrrnon tr lieu taticm, pkive c2117 mculfir rhnr m . j � i L Ofh: r dnc Sw,r �.�..,w. ---- BIRTHDAY SALE-ABRATION! spead � 150on woe, 10111%C0110", aancirked xhatles 6 we Th. Our Reg. 12.98611.90 in NOW IL99 • 14.99 tiFFFO YMII/MRf PO oma MM 150an wvle Our Req 998m IIOW3.99a 130' 1 a5nn woe. 10 % colon Our Reg. 14 98 m NOW Lilt ea �w V/ MEIBOYfIINf M� I40an woe Our Req 12 90 m O/K1/ LB me naF.r+9t ww Far w rime nra:uro wrw+t�^s *+r p ver aatrar Nawar w.� F.orwasrq,�r own. va.D^n Wlwrew cmweMa r"a^5 wxuf.MwDiMeae fa.rt¢MtlaallF WrcWQsrep4 carr-Aar.p.y N f�I U1 ti MI A 11AM W A CM1111 TO riN NL1fY111 PIOq dirt! �0N M110 iii �NNf lr N iitlw! Nta111i ilo Nlgls ■>n� 1355 Kim Rd. Pickering Town eiktre 839.5990 CLOSED F ASTI-R St NDAY PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER W11IDNEMAV. APRIL IS. IM Greater TorontoServices Board boosted" GTSB will foster municipal co-operation: Tonks �a-"& together in a partnership. We have to rec- aim of GTSB proponents isn't to "create it should be "limited and with a very Staff reporter ognize the world is changing with glob- government, but an appendage to gov- defined view," Wards 3 and 4 Regional AJAX — A Greater Toronto Services alization. regionalization and partner- emment. People will have confidence in Councillor Jim McMaster argued. It Board is almost inevitable so the debate ships" that" should concentrate on problems it can now should focus on what it should do But, Mr. Tonks added his purpose is If the board works with other levels of identify and deal with. and how it should be made up. Alan to "review your input and advise the governments, it "won't be another layer, "We've all been burned by the Tonks told Ajax Council's general gov- Minister (of Municipal Affairs) if there's but an integral part of the region" Province who takes the big paint brush ernment committee on Thursday. a reason to proceed with a Greater Without the establishment of the for everyone and we've seen it's not When asked by Ward 3 local Council- Toronto Services Board" Metro level of government in the early working:'Coun. McMaster said. "Identi- lor Colleen Jordan if the GTSB could be Ward I local Councillor Danielle 1950s, he said, "We wouldn't have the fy a couple of areas, do them and do stopped, Mr. Tonks said. -The Province Holmes argued such a hoard would fur- quality of life we have today. This is one them well:' would like to see the municipalities ther remove politicians -from the people of those mechanisms to partner, to get The draft legislation on the GTSB come together in some sort of relation- who elected us". better mileage from the services we released by the Province would give ship or entity. It's fairly intent on doing A GTSB "doesn't serve the purposes have. There are more risks from not Durham three representatives on the 29 - that. You can effect the manner or the of (Ajax) council, staff or our con- doing anything" member board, while Toronto would scope:" stituents. It's hard enough to get some- Coun. Holmes, however, suggested, have 14. The former Metro Toronto chairman thing done without adding another lev- "Things have to be fixed here first before "We should try to build a strong cul - has been appointed by the Province to el:' we add another step. It will be more con- ture, sharing, creating partnerships as a meet with municipalities and groups to Mr. Tonks responded, "if people fusion. I feel Ajax will suffer tremen- need and adapting to the environment. gather information on setting up a ser- could see it as an overall plan that in fact dously from this. People will be hurt. This is one of the watershed issues:' Mr. vices board for the GTA. reduces bureaucracy and costs and gives squashed because there are bigger people Tonks said. Mr. Tonks said the Mayors He told the committee he's "advanc- a sense of determination and saves mon- out there:' and Chairs format is being considered as i ng an entity to bring municipalities ey. they would have support for it:' The If the GTSB is established, however, one of the models for the board. Durham College students face Air Cnnelmi 'We've all been burned by the Province who takes the big paint brush for everyone' 7.5 -per By LIM teff Brown, spokesman for Special to the News Advertiser Durham College. It will cost more to attend This $105 increase will Durham College for the next apply to every programme year as a tuition increase and will bring the standard was recently announced. tuition fee up to $1.509 per But higher tuitions are par year for full-time students. for the course at all commu- It was S 1.403. nity colleges across the The decision was made province for the coming not to increase tuition by 10 y� per cent which was suggest - Durham's tuition hike of ed by the Ministry of Edu- 7.5 per cent is second -low- cation and Training. Most est among Ontario Commu- colleges in Ontario have fifty Colleges to Bellcville's abided by the larger sug- Loyalist College which gested increase. decided on a 6.2 per cent All colleges across the increase for the coming province were given the yew. choice to deregulate tuition The 7.5 per cent increases. increase works out to about Durham decided not to $105 more per year (for go along with this measure each full-time student):' since its implication could said Durham College Presr- result in some course fees dent Gary Polonskv increasing by as much as 20 A portion of ttre tuition per cent, according to Ms. fee increase will go to Ginter -Brown. improve science and tech- The decision not to raise noh,gy 1.x,1, and bxx_t other tuition by the full, allowable area% of *W cortege, acctxd- amount writ cnoe ata fxtce ing to Bonnie Ginter- for Durham. cent tuition hike next year h<M.n nq Proudly Presents - Maxwell Anderson's THE BAD 44 SEED Directed by John Downs A Dramatization of a Novel by William MARCH April 17,18,24,25 Adi is $12.00 May 1 and 2 Seniors $10.00 at 8:00 pm Students $10.00 At The Dunbarton-Fakport United Church -BOX OFFICE: 416-410-0211 GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW AVAILABLE Pink °MAY UL y "it will cost the college between $500.000 and $600.000 over five years:' said Mr. Polonsky. "We could have taken a different tack and laid off staff and cut programmes:' said Mr. Polonsky. "Instead we chose to preserve atti- tudes towards staff employ. ment and stability" According to the college president the next two years at Durham College will not besmooth sailing. By climr- nating staff bumping, early retirement and programme deletions, the ride will he made a little easier. "We'd be off the cliff if we did not get the tuition increase.- said Mr. Polon- sky. "Every core area of the college has to carry itsciC' The college's board of governors is currently look- ing at approval of a further fee increase of up to 10 per cent for the years 1999 to 2(x)t) I I[%= b"114 9% LOW Put it on Pre Seasm t your gas YORK �. bin. o.A.c. '' ;c':� PRICING A.eriypd D�nkr e - ..l I a� ' � 3 p1L S �NO TAXES 01 RECREATo«A� SALES BELS 7 16T" ANNIVERSARY ?r ri j ( I ( -- a ri I APRIL 17 - 19 HUGE SELECTION OF JAYCO FOLD -DOWNS, TRAVEL TRAILERS & 5TH WHEELS LOW "No DicKER FREIGHT INCLUDED" Prices marked in all '98 models �t .t Visit our Website at www jeisurestop.com 'Parts & Service Special 'Door Prizes 'Refreshments' Are You looking for Career Move? Career Infomnation Day Saturday. April 2591998 10am - 4 pm �11 DO� doWs 95 o�erv1ew f I Pr-"Zes w 1t� First Pickering Place 1550 Kingston Rd. Suite 217, Pickering 831-8167 vir" n IM• \� Suirent r Youth Hockey Leeyue Regisix April 5, 11 and 19 • Suftdays may 10th to July 25th •boys b girls 10-16 yrs 90 mint a sedum fwdrdes lbod) *= 1215 pin - 3:15 pin POO 3:15 3:15 pm - 6:15 pm •Bantarn 6:15 pin - 9:15 pm $199 irtd till" jerseys and awards -12 sessions Registration in person Sunday April 5, Saturday April 11 and Sunday April 19, 10:00 a.m. to noon at Iroquois Park Sports Centre. For more information call 668-7765 Blast Roller Hockey !Lee" hb pnelrtbta OAVW MM requilrerlf Roller Hockey at Iroquois Pc-.rk Sports Centre! This new sport will be offered from May to July through the BLAST Roller Hockey League. A House League program is planned for players from Age 7 to Adult, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings at 7:00 8 8:00 p.m. The league is open to men, women, boys and girls and includes a 14 game schedule, 12 players plus a goalie per team, a Pre -Season Skills Clinic, uniform, awards, photos and fun. For more information call the: BLAST INFO -LINE at (905) 728-8550. Durham police issue warning over stolen beef If you don't know where it came from, don't eat it That's the warning being issued by Durban, Regional Police after a sick and medicated 2(X)-Fxtund calf was killed and stolen on Sunday evening from a Cuunice barn. "lite calf was sick and whoev- er stole it should not eat this meat.- wams Sergeant Jim Grimley. "If' anyone is ofered meat they should a waiting vehicle, says Sgt. Grim - Fe very wary of anykme they have AJAX -- Families in not bought meat from before; any- ' There was a considerable one who is not licensed" amount of blood where the calf The purebred two-week old was and a trail of blood outside:' Charolais beef calf was lying in its he says. stall ill with pneumonia and possi- The veterinarian who was treat- bly other ailments when someone ing the animal has confirmed that apparently hroke into the ham, due to the medication the calf was slaughtered the calf and took it to on, the meat could prove very dan- Peer group aids those living with breast cancer AJAX -- Families in the Fortune Financial Ajax and Pickering affected offices at the corner of Bay - by breast cancer are invited ly Street and Finley Avenue to take advantage of the in Ajax. support offered by a heal The group meets to pro - group here. vide peer support and infor- The Canadian Cancer mation on hreast cancer. Society's Living With Call the local chapter at Breast Cancer peer group 686-1516 for more infor- meets Thursday. April 17 in mation. LEARNING CENTRESKFJOW5_ HE AN WER• T • NEW READING INEW WRITING 110KEr STUDY SKIMS MATH •Grade 1 to O.A.C. • Individualized Program • Low StudentTeacher ratio • Complete Assessment 1, 430-9981 420-9930 Csha•vawhitby Ajax Zenng T01 noa•hnd rid. E. Ste. 203 IFS Gtenanro rid.. Ste 103 THE NEWS ADVERTISER WKI„SF:SUAY, APRIL IS. 19" - PAGE 9 genus if ingested by humans. 11w police are waiting to confirm if the' calf was suffering from other ill. nesws which could be hazardous to humans consuming the beef. Anyone with information should contact the Durham Regional Police at (905) 579-1520 or call Crime Stoppers at 436 - TIPS. • GRAND RE -OPENING at the PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 839.7897 Elver one reads the News A&ertisert. Available IMMEDIATELY From HARWOOD AVE. - AJAX WE LOAD - YOU TRUCK contact LEN or JEFF Read us online at WW"N'.(IU rhamnews. net 12.1 at ! Saturday, April 18, 10:00 - 3:00 Come and learn bow your child can improve grades and develop higher see -esteem.! *Free Academic Assessments -Free copies of 'The Parent Survival Guide' -Supervised Play Area, Face Painting & Balloons Refreshments and Door Prizes •Magic Show starts at 12:15 Oxford Learning Centres®. specialists in supplemental and raxiioda: motion, have a 15 year track record of helping kids improve their grades and skills' There are currently 29 Oxford Leaming Centres across Ontario' •PRESCHOOL HALF DAY CLASSES FORAGES 3-6 •GRADES 1- 12: (DWENIEIR AFTER -smut AND WEMNO HOURS • Reading • Writing • Spelling - Math - • Study Skilk • French • Homework Support • 0"ORD _ LEARNING CENTRESO e&we �" a m;jd ! �au & 6e 9� yeiu dot!/ Wbstby Town Square 3050 Garden St., Unit 105 �. For more information can (905) 668-6800 Last 4 days ix> !Scpie 25 °'° on Calvin Klein underwear nly 6 75M $27EcKh ALL MEN'S PLUS WOMEN S SELECTED CALVIN KLEIN UNDERWEAR Our latq 0 sabltfian of�Ioa's cow rpdar, hip, sport and boar brills old 1-s kk IM % 1; Sfralet' 1t , made rilh LYCRA• spw&x oleo on solo vio nv aiolik Soars tai SI 5-36. Mlalnon's WKIN Wbdts mp MA baa AWK 604M9 brills, Sport hriah and bras. Sons not $131. OOPisahim reo"traI I S''`a S P,* ALL M9rS will KLEIN SOCKS Soars n ili.WSI6. V1611 Ipititdilivs low. solodin any vary by slora 64202 copyright 1998. Sears Canada Inc. RAGE • - TW NM" ADVE nUM WEIDOM QDAY. APML te, Iced OPINION _E_DITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Don't let shared fire dispatch go up in smoke The co-operative effort by area fire depart- ments to fight Saturday afternoon's grass fires through north Pickering and Ajax serves as tangi- ble proof why a common dispatch centre makes so much sense. It should also spark other local government departments to think about how they can co-oper- ate with each other instead of compete against one another. Firefighters from Ajax and Pickering worked side by side for several hours to fight dozens of grass fires along the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks and Taunton Road, from the Scarborough - Pickering border to Ajax's border with Whitbv. Fire departments in both towns eventually had to press all their full and part-time firefighters into duty to put out the flames, believed caused by sparks from a passing train. Firefighters from Whitby. Uxbridge, Oshawa and Scarborough also assisted, while the Town of Ajax and Region of Durham provided tanker trucks. Canadian Pacific sent a special tanker car through on the railway to help both towns. The joint effort of neighbouring fire depart- ments and other agencies helped save numerous buildings from being engulfed in an inferno. In Pickering. for example. flames got dangerously close to two homes on Whites Road near the tracks. There was a similar close call with a barn in the area. In Ajax. the fires almost reached the Ajax Hydro building at Harwood Avenue and Taunton Road. But, the co-operative effort of fire- fighters from area towns saved the day and kept structural damage to a minimum. Meanwhile, civic officials in Ajax. Pickering and some north Durham communities are work- ing WgcthcT to .ludy the feasibility ut <having with Whitby its new and state-of-the-art dispatch centre on Taunton Road. Dispatch centres in Ajax and Pickering "are on their last legs;' reports Ajax Chief Administrative Officer Richard Parisotto. "If we don't go this route, we'll have to build our own. The costs would be astronomical. (With the merger). we would save the capital costs on the building." Those types of savings are needed now more than ever as over -burdened taxpayers cry out for more bang for their buck and the Province demands that lower levels of government reduce costs and improve efficiencies. It's been proven that shared fire dispatch cen- tres can and do work. For instance, Ajax current- ly provides dispatch service for Brock Township and Whitby sends out Uxbridge fire trucks. Under the shared dispatch centre plan, fire chiefs from the participating departments agree that no present employee will lose their job because of the consolidation. And. the chiefs concur, the dispatch centre would serve as the foundation for other partner- ships and cost-saving moves, like buying fire- fighting equipment together, automatic aid and shared training. Now, it's up to municipal politicians in area communities to start taking the steps necessary to ensure the shared fire dispatch centre becomes a reality. Just as where there's smoke there's fire, where there's sharing there are savings. To respond to this editorial call OrtfrosounOe Infosounx at 683-7040 and dial 5112 WE ASKED THE QUFSTIoN IS: WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO PREVENT THE RECURRENCE OF THE GUY PAUL MORIN WRONGFUL CONVICTION? r Atul Bhaskar A n d r e tit says. "Proper Johnson says, investigations" "DNA tests Ajax Pickeringand should be done says, "All fact- before trial. And, screen Advertiser. jurors for bias- TIM WHITTAKER es, (which GIVE US A CALL helped convict) anyone is Morin. It ;Mym MORE AHD MORE PRODU HAVEIDDMD ONM BANkSaa. A mews A 0 V E 0 T I S E R LETTERS OUR READERS VIEWS ON THE NEWS PAT JERMEY Teachers' federation leader believes students aren't as important as educators, reader Matthew Beatty contends in his _letter to the editor. Teachers' union boss shows her true stripes To the editor: Well, well, well. It seems Dave Johnson and the Harris' Tories have got the last laugh on all of you Bill 160 protest- ers. What a great front page photo in the March 27 News Advertiser of two protesters heckling Education Minister Dave Johnson, who was actu- ally telling them he is putting more money in the classrooms of their children! More importantly, Pat Jermey of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation showed her true stripes when it comes to educa- tion — students are not as important as teachers. The chants during the two-week teachers' strike were "Save education, stop the cuts" So when Mr. Johnson promises more irony for students, Ms. Jermey responds, "I'm at a loss to we where the good news is " Well Pat, I think the parents of the students who you kept out of school for two weeks see the good news and I think your credibility is now flying at half staff. Working parents penalized li> the oxktor: So. federal Finance Mintster Paul Martin says he's helping "working parents by inL-rcasing 4- J-0 d a— "twn`e deduction. I an a -working" parent. I work hard caring for and educating ttve children. Paul Martin does not think 1 am working• though, because the children are my own. If they were somebody else's children. I could cLum all kinds of deductions for business expenses. If my neighbour cared for them. I could claim thousands of dollars to child cart: expenses. But because thcy'rc my own. I do not share in the tax relief. Mr. Martin also claims he is helping Canada's children with increased daycare finding. Hone does forcing ing young children into day care because both parenu must work to deal with the tremendous tax burden they bear help them:' This flies in the face of recommendation by the gov- eminent's own starling commit- tee on health that they provide -equivalent tax benefits to fami- lies who choose at-home parental care:' precisely because the early developmental years of zero to six are so critical. Mr. Martin did provide a tax credit for those caring for the elderly. There was no reason in the world he shouldn't have included the care of young chil- dren. He has admitted the inequality is there, yet he contin- ues to recuse to rectify it. Shame! IL. da Wainwright, Pickea;g No more houses To tie tedifae: After I read about the drastic overcrowding conditions at Ajax-PiclociW Ge ectal Hospital in the News Advertiser, I came to the conclusion that the Town of Ajax should not, repeat not, issue any funber building permits for family dwellings until the gov- ernment of Ontario increases spending to hospitals and all medical services. DAN McTEAGUE MP under fire Feds not giving provinces funds To the editor: I am always disappointed in, but never surprised by the ineptitude of the thoughts and commentary of Pickering - Ajax -Uxbridge's current Member of Parliament, Dan McTeague. In his letter to the editor in the March 18 News Advertiser, Mr. McTeague blames the provincial government for the alleged poor condition of Ontario hospitals and blasts ErniE Eves, and others, for crit- icizing the Liberals in Ottawa for not cutting deep enough to balance their books. The fact is that the Liberals cut very little of their own programme spending. They balanced their books on the backs of the provinces. What Mr. Eves was referring to was that Ottawa was not sharing the pain of the provinces and municipalities; the Peds were causing it. At this point, the federal Liberals are collecting a record level of taxes from Canadians, total government revenues are about 43 per cent of GDP. What is McTeague and his caucus colleagues doing with all this money? It is certainly not being filtered down to the provinces where it is needed most A Metroland Community Newspaper published four times weeldy on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, OM. LIS 2H5 Poklielm: TIm wYllttknr GLORIA PAPASTAVROS OPINION SHAPER Pickering resident Gloria Papastavros loves to manipulate paini and words to create pictures. A picture is worthy of my living room wall The biggest controversy in our house at the moment is where to hang the painting. My husband is nervous that his con- servative parents might see it. My 12 -year-old son is mortified that it would be visible to his friends when they visit, and our seven year old will agree with whoever offers the biggest bribe. 1 am a painter. and the paint- ing in the midst of this swirling controversy is one of my own. It is a life-size, nude, self portrait. In the painting. I am sitting on a floral sofa, in an overly ornate living room, drinking tea. 1 am wearing bright red satin evening gloves, green high heels, a 19th century straw hat with gigantic flowers, and nothing else. According to my family, no one sips tea in our living room wearing only high heels and gloves. Not even in a painting! This dismays me because I am really pleased with this painting. It captures the essen- tial me. I love celebrating the femininity of being a woman, and indulging in all the femi- nine rituals and accessories. Yes, there arc times when 1 like the grunge look with sneak- ers and sweats. But it doesn't compare to the sensual pleasure of sliding on silk stockings. choosing a vibrant, glossy lip- stick and slipping into a shapely skimpy dress thereby adorned for an evening out. This is what I believe my painting celebrates. It celebrates the sensual, fun, feminine side of being a woman. One that is not practical on an everyday basis but is welcome and enjoy- able on those special rare occa- sions. 1 incorporated into this paint- ing a sense of humour. I have elegantly seated the figure. Prim, poised and proper, she indulges in the most civilized of rituals, drinking tea. Naked. She seems oblivious to the ridicu- lousness of her attire. This makes me smile. The woman in this painting is truly a free spir- it, and should have the honour of sitting naked on our living room wall. The News Advertiser salaried 13 Opinion Shapers for 1998 to bring a wide variety of experience and opinions m our editorial page for your reading enioyment. WRITE ON! The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. NI letters should be typed or neat- ly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions Matthew Beatty, LIL Wearim Shawn Cleary, expressed in letters are those of the writer Jim Oldmaa Aim Ajax Pickeringand not necessarily those of the News says, "All fact- Advertiser. should be on the table before TIM WHITTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland anyone is JOANNE BURGHARDT Editor -in -Chief GENERAL 683-5110 Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member accused. And, STEVE HOUSTON Managing Editor CLASSIFIED 683-0707 of the Ajax 8 Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario e v e r y o n e BRUCE DANFORD ALVIN BROUWER Advertising Manager Retail AdvertisingCommunity DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 ADMIN/CLASSIFIED FAX 683 7363 Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Newspaper Assoc., and the (involved in EDDIE KOL0021EJCZAK Classified Adverb M r COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ontano Press investigations) MONIQUE LEA Real Estate/Automobve Advertising newsroomedurham.net E-MAIL Council, 80 Gould St, Toronto, Ont. M5B 2M7, must work as a ABE FAKHOURIE Distribution Manager www.durhamnews.nei WEB SITE an independent organization that addresses team: • BARBARA NARRISON JANICE O'NEIL CHERYL HAINES Production Manager Assistant Production Manager Assistant �1 �. � reader complaints about member newspapers. The publisher reserves the right to c dvero or any advertisement. Croda for advertise Production Manager <.....•+� mentrefusl meet limited to span price crier occupies. THE NEW%♦rwrnirrnSER WFMNL'SpAY. AlRIL IS, Iffa - IA4E I ■ :'All the wo By Al Rimm Staff reporter AJAX — An Ajax model will put her career plans in law enforcement on hold for the time being as the run- ways of the world beckon Kavita Persaud, a graduate of Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering, is now mulling a dozen modeling opportunities from agen- cies around the world after winning Canadian Model of (he Year honours at a compelihon at the Airport Mar- riot Hotel in'foronto recently. Ms. Persaud. 20. who launched a Pine Ridoe Secondar, School graduate Kavita Persaud is fielding plenty of offers after winning Canadian Model of the Year honours at a recent Toronto competition. UUVVI 111 rld's runways are Ajax model's stage modelling career with Harlow Mod- els Management in Whitby a year ago, won the overall title against 187 models in three categories — teens ages I I to 19, adult females from 20 to 30 and the sophisticates, for those over age 30. She earned the prestigious title after winning the runway competi- tion, finishing as first rgnner-up in photography and smile categories. and capturing the overall crown for teens 5'8" and over. The Canadian competition was judged by a who's who of 40 agents in the fashion and modelling indus- tries from around the world "I still feel like I'm in shock;' says the soft-spoken model. "in a way, it hasn't really sunk in." Although Ms. Persaud was told by people in her agency that she would do well at the competition. she didn't expect to win the entire contest. complete with five trophies. "It was a little bit of a surprise:" she confessed. Her title has spawned 12 offers from agencies in such locales as New York, Italy, Montreal and Japan, which want to employ Ms. Persaud as a runway model and for fashion magazine photography. Prior to the national modeling competition, she was involved in a number of fashion photo shoots and participated in a fashion show at the Prestige nightclub in Toronto for Niko Cosmetics. Ms. Persaud admits she only had a passing interest in modeling. but decided to get serious by contacting the Harlow agency. Now, she plans to pursue a career in modelling, temporarily delaying a job in law enforcement where she'd Tired again Paws ��"�` g ,;- Eric and Brian Freve swing with abandon while out enjoying the sunny weekend 1, weather over the Easter weekend. The pair took advantage of the clear skies and r the holiday to pursue more leisurely activities, in between Easter Egg hunts and the consumption of other seasonal goodies. _ Environmentalactivism is in season Blessed with finely sculpted features and a driving ambition, Kavita will be busy with modelling. One day, however, she says she'll reconsider her first career choice as an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. like to become a police officer with King City, near Newmarket the RCMP "Right now, modelling is going to She's currently in her first year of be first, but I'm going to go back and a law enforcement programme at finish (the law enforcement Seneca College's King Campus in course)." she says. Ajax asked to ease winter street parking restrictions QI' KQltl► 61111gaw AJAX — Changes could be in the work% hir a bylaw prohibiting on -street parkins; during the winter month-. Ajax Ward 2 local Councillor Joe Dickson suggested to col- leagues on C'ouncil's general gov- crnment committee Thursday that a one-hour grace period he consid- cred before a ticket is issued. Right now. motorists can't park on any street in the town between 3 a.m. and 6 p.m. from Nov I to March 31 under a bylaw miruduced in the early 1990% to keep streets :fear to allow snow plowing. Coun. Dickson reported a visitor to Ajax left his car parked on a road for only a few minutes early one morning and was ticketed. " It points out to me if ,you get up early to go to work and you left ,your car on the street for five min- utes, potentially, in three or four minutes, (you could) gel a ticket. To me, that smacks of some sort of injustice. "There's a high level of accep- tance (of the bylaw) in the older areas, less in the new areas as peo- ple move in;' Court. Dickson point- ed out. But. Ward 4 local Councillor Pat Brown contended hosts should warn visitors of the bylaw. "It's the responsibility of resi- dents of Ajax who have people come to make sure they are aware if they leave their car on the road, they may get a ticket. I support the bylaw:' Mayor Steve Parish agreed. "I got a lot of complaints, some simi- lar to Joe's, and it's ignorance of the law. PAT BROWN 'It's the responsibility of residents of Ajax who have people conte to make sure they are aware "There's a certain amount of acclimation. (Lung -time residents) know thatb the regs:' Bylaw enforcement general manager Dave Williams noted even visitors to Ajax should he aware of the bylaw a, signs notifying trav- ellers of the regulation are posted at entrances to the town from Hwv. 401 and on Bavly Street and Hwy. He reported most Ajacians and their visitors must know of the bylaw because there's been a drop in the number of tickets issued since it came into effect. "The highest numbers are early in the year and it drops off." Mr. Williams said. Clerk Marty de Rond said Mr. Williams and Operations Director Brian Skinner need to be consulted before changes to the bylaw are made. or Spring and summer are busy sea - i. cons for environmental events. On Earth Day April 22, millions of Canadians celebrate by joining people world-wide for positive envi- ronmental action. Since 1990, Earth .,, Day Canada has been held to improve the state of the environment .•- by empowering and helping Canadi- ans to take positive environmental action and achieve local solutions. r On May 1, International School Grounds Day celebrates the school ground area as an outdoor classroom setting. The first week of May is Pitch -In Canada Week, National Composting Awareness Week (NCAW), and Ajax Environmental Affairs Week. Pitch -In Canada Week encour- ages litter clean-ups while NCAW promotes the diversion of organic waste from landfill LA use as com- post to provide a natural fertilizer. LARRAINE ROULSTON RECYCLER'S REPORT Mark Cullen, who refers to compost as "the soul of the soil", is this year's spokesman for the Compost- ing Council of Canada. Ajax Envi- ronmental Affairs Week organizers Deanna Fry and Johnny Scott have planned a poster drive, tree planti- ngs, nature walks, and displays. There will be a waterfront clean. up with prizes, free food, and give- aways at Rotary Park on Saturday. May 9. Also on May 9, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Pickering Town Centre's southeast parking lot between Sears and Hwy. 401, Norseman Plastics will sell The Earth Machine for $25. Durham Region will be on hand offering its 'how-to' composting lit- erature and advice. On May 26 and 27, the 12th Annual Toronto Environmental Trade Show and Conference will be held at the International Centre in Mississauga. Environmental man- agers and consultants as well as owners of growing environmental businesses will benefit from the ses- sions which will provide innovative solutions to compliance and techno- logical challenges. Topics include: How to Imple- mcni ISO 14001 Standards; Tackling Environmental Issues in the Food Processing Industry, How to Effec- tively Manage and Reduce Wastcs; and Going Global with Your Envi- ronmental Business. For registration details, call 1-800-387-2446. From Aug. I to 3, everyone is invited to join the three-day grass- roots festival featuring exhibits. workshops, children's activities, music, and food in the town of St. George, just south of Cambridge. Sponsored by Natural Life maga- zine, the festival is a celebration of sustainable living. There will he workshops on strawbale housing, solar and wind energy, natural health, eco -villages. ethical investing, composting, tai chi, alternative fuels, organic gar- dening, and much more. Exhibitors will display herbs. organic foods, green products and crafts. For details call 1-81x)-215- 9574. larraine Roulsti n s column exploring environmental issues regularly appears on Wednesday. ERIC DowD AT QUEEN'S PARK Who will win battle to' lead federal Tories? Progressive Conservative Premier Mike Hams's entry into the thick of his federal party's leadership race i could cost him votes in an election next year. Mr Harris would prefer not to be involved in the contest to succeed lean j Charest because he is down to 33 per cent in polls and the last thing he wants is to antagonize some in his own party. But the premier will be forced to take sides now that a long-time back - roomer in Ontario and federal politics. Hugh Segal, says he is considering running and is supported by former premier Bill Davis and other Red 101 les. Mr. Harris has been coy about Mr. Segal's aspirations so far, saying that as premier he will he neutral and he and Mr Segal are friends. But Mr. Segal is the antithesis of everything Mr Harris stands for. Mr. Segal, in various government offices, was chief staff political adviser to Mr. Davis in the 1970h and 1980s. Mr Davis and Mr. Scgal were on their party's red or moderate side, pnd- ing themselves on having a -Axial con- scrcnc a and intervening as government when needed. This meant every time someone raised a concern, Mr. Davis and company opened a new branch of government ur threw taxpayers' mon- ey at it. Mr Hams has cut billions of dol- lar- from the deficit and sternly reproached earlier governments which blithely ran top debt, and among those with the biggest deficits was the gov- cmment of Mr. Davis advised by Mr. Segal. ! 'At. Scgal helped in adventures like taking over and cunning a resort and mvcsting in an oil company (Mr Segal wanted the Province to set ftp gas sta. ttd>na catnplete with WiTti— e ... Uum all uvcr (>ntarwi wblch wasted bun- dredof millions of dollars and which Mr Nam, has yid were dosi.ir,•u, %%bell Mr Ham, is downsizing. he i, csscntlalh dismantling whal Sir Davis, prompted by dviser% like Mr Segal built, rather than anything creat - cd by the more recent Liberal and New Democrat goverrimcnts. Mr Davis', Tones shaped policies according to polls and when Mr. HAr- ns ran for leader, he complained the party in government had listened too much to polls and ha:krorom advisers and forgot principles and fell dcservcdly to third place. There was no doubt he wa, referring to Mr Davis and particularly to %It. Segal. When Mr Hams ran for leader. Mr. Segal and most Davis Red Tories worked for his d>pponent. Dianne Cun- ninghaln, whose cry was that Harris was so tar to the right voters would never acccp him. Mr. Hams's aides said "Segal and those guys said Mike is too far right and we ,aimpcd on them." Mr Harris owes Mr. Segal nothing. Mr. Harris will be wary of the com- pany Mr. Segal keep,, ind luding Mr. as Davis, for whom he hno love. Mr. Harris not long ago said his hero is George Drew, the prenri in the 1940s wtkn made drastic changes, and more recently likened himself to the states- manlike John RoharLs, also pre -Davis. He has not said that he admires Mr. .Davis. Mr. Segal is being promoted also by another Red Tory and former adviser to Mr. Davis, Dalton Camp, who uses his newspaper column to call Mr. Har- ris a disaster, bully, purveyor of dan- gerous nonsense and creaw of human wreckage. Mr. Harris will worry that his feder- al patty might adopt views Mr. Segal had when he was in government — that it should intervene to solve every- thing — and Ontario voters might feel he shares them. Mr. Harris will not want a federal leader who says, as Mr. Segal does, that he will never merge with Reform. Mr. Harris had a working arrangement which merged Tory and Reform votes to win in 1995 and says that unless the two parties unite federally, the Liberals will be in power forever. With nine years as an MpP before becoming leader, Mr. Harris will mar_ vel like many that Mr. Segal, wbo has never been elected and whose only business experience has been in public relations selling information he learned in government, would consid- er himself qualified to lead a political Pty. But whether Mr. Segal runs or not, Red Tories like him who quarrel with Mr. Harris have shown they are intent on taking over his federal party, Mr Harris will feel he has an obligation' quietly or otherwise, to prevent them from doing just that. PAGE &THENEWS ADVERTISER, N'FI)NFSIM\, 11MIL 15.I"N Photos by Jason Llebi egos Animal house Jordan Limkide (above) shows no fear as he enjoys a close encounter with a barnyard friend at the Ken Jen Petting Zoo which visited the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering over the Easter weekend. Mom Kristy stays close to Jordan just to be on the safe side. Harwood cadet corps walks to away with top marching honours AJAX — The Royal 4w pntvirweal competition ('an.c.)oan lea ('.,rp. at CFU Bswden. near Bar. Harwinw Bandofl tie, next month. with top hone%at the Throughout the year. Central Ontartu Area each cadet corps in the Regional Band Competi- Greater Toronto Arca com- non in Toronto fast week pctcs in events such as end. swim. drill, band, range. The hand was. up against seamanship. fent aid and groups from Durham to the shears. At the end of the Guelph area, which make% season. the corps with the up the Central Ontario Area most wins is named the region. Cock of the Walk This The Harwood won the year, that award was pre - Don Flotilla (Greater sented to RCSCC Har - Toronto Area) and was hest wood, overall hand for the Dem During the Harwood and Grand Flotilla (Guelph) corps' 25 -year history. the areas. cadets have performed In addition. Harwood throughout Ontario. B.C. drum major petty officer and the U.S.. winning second class Rvan Landry numerous award.. The placed first in Dom Flotilla corps also participated in a and was named best overall three-week hand exchange drum major in Don and to Redcar. England. Grand Flotillas. RCSCC Harwood will The hand is under the hold its 25th -year reunion direction of MN Regan in 1999. Any Ione associated George. a past Harwood with the corps in the past is cadet. asked to call the cadet bar - The Harwood cadet, rack. at 427-0442. hand also won first place for officer Regan George at guard team. 686-1361 or commanding Both the hand and the officer Karen Beer at 579 - guard team will compete at 8(") CPR courses offered St. John Ambulance of eight). The course is five Durham Region is offering to six hours in length and cuurscs to provide resi- costs $35 per person. dents with life-saving The Basic Rescuer skills. CPR/Level C course will The Heartsaver be offered April 25 in CPR/Level A course will Oshawa from 8:30 a.m. to he offered April 25 in 5:30 p.m., April 23 in Oshawa from 8:30 a.m. to Whitby from 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and April 23 in 5:30 p.ln. and April 28-30 Whitby from 8:30 a.m. to in Ajax from 6 to 9 p.m. 2:30 p.m. and April 28 and CPR procedures are for 29 in Ajax from 6 to 9 p.m. adult, infant and child res - This course teaches proce- cue. This course is for dures for adult rescue (any eight to 10 hours in length person over the age of and costs $60 per person. Allergy group meets AJAX -- The Durham Region Anaphylaxis Support Group meet, Friday. April 17 at 7:30 p.m. This group provides support for those dealing with life-threat- cning lood/other allergies. Call 6X6-3018 or 420-8404 ECS" * -A TO to Beginner & Bade to Basic Classes - Beginning the week of May 11 �41 rl�.,__Lesem Call Greg Salazar (CGTF/USGTF) to myour spot tpnsw Iced as row Asni Golf emm Taunton Rd., Ajax ...why Ontario needs a public-private partnership to operate the Bruce A' Nuclear Generating Station The people of Ontario hive billions of dollars invested in the Candu Nudcar Rractors i and 4 at the Brucc'A' Generating Station. Now Ontario I Ivdro+ has announced that it'% going to cher the reactors down. 'hhor rcxmnt? Hvdru sav, it doe nt have the management or resourtcs to run and improve thea two reactors. The Rover Workers, vy. "fair enough. If I h-dro cant do it, let's find someone who can.' A 1olilit'Mivift 1~shiP wiz pima the bi , of ddws we've sire* sunk We Ike Imet'A' resttors. Under Hydro% plan, we'll keep on paying intcrc-,t on the rrsoney we spent building the Bruce A nvuors. but we 11 get net return. We also have to spend hundreds of millions buying electricity fora the L'.`. A publu-pr s tc partnership can keep the gen, raters in , r%— , rt item; earnings to sewer the debt. and avoiding the extra expenw of buying rrpfacemarrit power cc) meet ()nuns, need.. A r e N►iiitpl s* wa peswve kttedrsds of i*6 is As Moe Pownssis. lndcr I•iilde i plait. hurxitor& of triad n.wot va; , and their families will be forted to mono out .4 rho Bruce Perout.t la, and hundreds of other will pn haply be lad off and their skills will be kwt. A puha-private partncrship will keep these rtlts in the brute. and will put those skills to work to roast Ohturirix energy needs. A liMtiriwM liirliewskifi wd trdwttaa lis Mece'A' reartim se bkhr tun and Ouwis's sswily assts ler lims to come. Ontario, noelear plant% used to be ntcd amotng the horst in the world. Fut last year. Hydro finally xknrwvkdged what the Rwcr Workers have been saying fix arae. Pbar manugrnticnt, poor mainterumc and excessive staff cuts were degrading the performance of tour nercicar program. The World .4_ stun uti on of Nuclear Operators uses a Performance Index Rating haled on nine diflcrcnt treasures of a plant's effectiveness. The average pe•rforma icc rating for the nuclear industry worldwide is X 1. Ontario Hydros rating was only 58 ut die first month of I ImM. Thio'. not 6 enough! Hydrn'srys it dow•sn'c have enough nunugvmcnt or resrwra, to operate and modrrniie the Brucc'A' generator,. The Power Workers say, -Fair enough. If Hydro cant do it, let, find someone who Lan." A public-private partnership can be a big part of the solution for electricity in Ontario. We're part of the solution, toxo. Were the Power Workers. 4 10IRWe've been keeping Ontario's lights on for more than WE 7g 50 years and - whether it's restoring power after a storm WOl�ilail� Ox or helping make Ontario's nuclear plants among the must UNIOa, efficicnr in the world again - we arc part tat the solution. The people port of Hydro. Telephone: 1-300-953-3793 Fox: (416) 431-7115 Visil our website at Mop//www.pwa-ta . Durham Community Care thanks its legion of volunteers Durham Region Community Care just couldn't help the ill, the t elderly and their caregivers with - k out the help of its 1,800 volun- r teers. So, during National Volunteer Week from April 19 to 25• the not-for-profit organization will thank its legion of helpers who enable it to provide three pro- grammes in Durham. The Home Support Pro- gramme helps the elderly and other shut-ins with such services as Meals -On -Wheels. friendly visiting, transportation, yard work, home help. telephone security checks, luncheon out and foot care. In the past year, volunteers delivered more than 64.0(X) meals, made 7,500 friendly visits, drove more than one -million kilometres and did more than I LOW home help and maintenance chores. COPE Mental Health Pro- gramme volunteers gave about 9,8W hours of their time to help more than 650 people with men- tal health problems through one- on-one matches and support gawps. On Monday. April 20. COPE will host its Volunteer Recogni- tion Evening. at which Jessie Mulholland will become the first-ever recipient of the Lynn Morrall Memorial Award, Ms. Morrall was an occupational therapist at the Whitby Mental Health Centre who promoted COPE to her patient%. That same night. Uxbridge Contracts follow Mackie wildcat strike Gca4;1 A i M (Canada rohextended two contracts with Mackie Auttxno- live Systems another six mcxuM following last week% work su,ppagc. "We've given them until the end of the calendar year:' said GM spokesman Greg Gibson. " ilus gives them an opportunity to meet the world- wide standards we require in price. quality and delivery" GM had been set to end two contracts — fix engine cradles and struts — with Mackie at the end of June. To purest the cancellation of those contracts. Mackie employ- tes who are members of Local 222 of the Canadian Auto Workers went on a wildcat strike at Qiree plants in Oshawa and Whithy on April $- The strike shut down GM's Oshawa plants for part of the day. Fearing their jobs would disap- pear along with the contracts, the workers demarid- ed GM and Mackie sit down with the union and discuss the situation which resulted in the six-month exten- sion. "It was a major victory:' SW CAW Local 222 president Mike Shields. He said the two companies and the union will work together to entire Mackie mea GM's stan- dards, with the intention of keep- ing the contracts on a permanent basis. M a c k i e human resources manager Dawn Hillis said "We will be reviewing our prim quality and delivery - psychiatrist Dr. Wanda Taylor will speak on Empowering Clients. The Respite Programme offers in-home respite and adult day programmes in Ajax and Clarington. The programmes provide a break for caregivers of frail seniors, physically -challenged adults and those with some cog- nitive impairment and keep the ill and elderly active through music, crafts and pet therapy. Over the past year, volunteers worked more than 600 volunteer hours. Anyone who would like to volunteer with Community Care can call 686-3331 or 404-2224. Dr. Kevin lyber .tnd Associate. O__P_T_O__NI_E_T_R IS T _S__ • Dispensing of Contact lenses and glasses • Complete Family Eye Care • Low Vision Services EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY 15 Harwood S. 'ero..—K-:.&.-,,2, 427-4144 MEDICAL•DENTAL•FOOD SERVICE Come and see our—New Spring Arrivals AMBASSADOR TEXTH ES 377 MacKenzie Ave. #I I ,,Ajax 428-8128 T= ME ADVEltrtaM WCOPMEMAY. AMM t!. t"S*AGE • Z ALL SYNTHETIC Sale 49 DUVETS from• 3� � Twin through king sizes. �ea. Our reg. from $49.99 twin ca. ALL IN STOCK SOLID COLOUR PERCALE AND Sale from JERSEY SHEETS AND PILLOWCASES(fin C:hoo c trom ncr (, djtfcrcnt lines that start with 180 thread count J J „ percale sheets to _'SO thread count. Jersey shccu from 135 gram. rri►in ea. Over 40 fashionahle colours to choose from. Twin through king sixes./ flat or f(((ool !t. Our reg. $9.99 twin ca. flar or fitted. : i CANTERBURY TOWELS 100°0 combed Corton. 22 solid colours be 14 coordinating iacquards. ALL BANKETS Choose from cotton or acrylic blankets. Twin through king sizes. Available in 10 colours. Our reg. from $24.99 twin ea. 18'0 "via cc LEGACY RUGS 100% cotton rugs. Wide selection of colours. 01111111111110 SALE PRICES IN EFFECT FROM: APR. 15TH -APR 26TH 199& WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Merchandise may vary by store. No rainchecks. j ti `'3t ALL SYNTHETIC Sale 49 DUVETS from• 3� � Twin through king sizes. �ea. Our reg. from $49.99 twin ca. ALL IN STOCK SOLID COLOUR PERCALE AND Sale from JERSEY SHEETS AND PILLOWCASES(fin C:hoo c trom ncr (, djtfcrcnt lines that start with 180 thread count J J „ percale sheets to _'SO thread count. Jersey shccu from 135 gram. rri►in ea. Over 40 fashionahle colours to choose from. Twin through king sixes./ flat or f(((ool !t. Our reg. $9.99 twin ca. flar or fitted. : i CANTERBURY TOWELS 100°0 combed Corton. 22 solid colours be 14 coordinating iacquards. ALL BANKETS Choose from cotton or acrylic blankets. Twin through king sizes. Available in 10 colours. Our reg. from $24.99 twin ea. 18'0 "via cc LEGACY RUGS 100% cotton rugs. Wide selection of colours. 01111111111110 SALE PRICES IN EFFECT FROM: APR. 15TH -APR 26TH 199& WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Merchandise may vary by store. No rainchecks. ft= N - THE ?CWS ADVERTISER WEDNF:.tiDAV. A PR11. IS, 1998 Photo by Jason Kelly likes hard rock Kelly Winterson checks out a rock she just broke apart while rock -hunting along Lake Ontario in Ajax. She was joined by her family and a friend along me Water- front Trail near Rotary Park. Still time to enter Bay festival's poetrJ contest PICKERING ,,,e de-11.ne for entries for the Frenchman's Bay Festival poetry contest is set for April 24. Students in Pickering and Ajax have dust a short time left to participate in the fourth annual poetry contest. The theme for the competition is the positive benefits and the future of the Bay. The Writers' Circle of Durham Region will again judge the poems. Prizes will be coin sets from die Royal Bank. Everyone who enters will receive passes to the Pickering Museum Vil- tage's Writers Festival The Word is Out '98 on Sunday, July 19. For more information, call Irene Tilcox at 420-8700. Potters fight for peace PICKERING - The Turning Point Pottery Studio opens a benefit sale of handmade Nicaraguan pot- tery Friday, April 17 in con- junction with Potters for Peace, a group aiming to help and promote indigenous pot- ters in underde- veloped coun- tries. The official opening is from 7 to 10 p.m. with a slide show and guest speaker. The show con- tinues until April 26. It's at the Pickering Recre- ation Complex. Call 837-0181 for information. 3 0 a 0 BILLBOARD WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 WELLNESS: The Ajax -Pickering Women's Centre offers a free workshop on Approaching Menopause Naturally from 7 to 9 p.m. Call 426-1064 for location and to reg ster CANCER: Part 1 of a three-week Jour. nal Writing program, as a means of self. help, mediation and healing for people living with cancer or their supporters, is held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, 86 Colborne St. W. Oshawa. Continues Apr. 22 and 29. Phone 579-4833 for more information. EUCHRE: The Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606, hold an Open Euchre at 8 p.m. at 1555 Bayly St.. Pickering. Prizes, refresh- ments. All welcome. Phone 839-2990. TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax -Pickering 'oastmasters Club meets Wednesdays Irom 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, in the Fortune Financial offices, comer of Bayly St. and Finley Ave., Ajax Help with public speak - ng and leadership skills. Plane 619- 0647 (Peter Dowse) or 683-4439 (John Johnstone). SINGLE PARENTS: The Ajax -Pickering Chapter of the One Parent Families Association holds its weekly meeting for custodial and non-custodial parents at 8 p.m. at the Annandale Gob and Curling Club, comer of Church and Bayly Sts., Ajax. New members welcome. Phone 831-1201 for more information on the group - THURSDAY. APRIL 16 PARENT SUPPORT: The Association for Parent Support Groups holds a meet- ing for parents. school officials and social service workers at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 35 Church St "1. Ajax The group is for par- erns of children inivohied in drug or aloo- hol abuse, running away, dropping out of school, crimes or parent abuse. Cal 1- 800-488-5666 for information. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT.- The Ajax- Pickenng Social Development Council holds its annual general meeting at 11:30 a.m. at the St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, 35 Church St. N., Ajax. Laurel Rothman of Campaign 2000 dis- cusses Child Poverty: Communities as Part of the Solution. Tickets $15 and must be bought in advance. Phone 686- 2661. PARENTS: Parents Without Partners, Pine Ridge Chapter 204, meets Thurs- days at 8 p.m. in the upper hall of St. George's Anglican Church, 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa. The group serves all of Durham Region. Phone 436.0063 or 435-9748 (Brenda), 697-0773 (Doug) or 668-1204 (Julie) for information. CANCER: The Canadian Cancer Soci- ety's Living With Breast Cancer peer support group meets at 7 p.m. in the For- tune Financial offices, corner of Bayly St. and Finley Ave., Ajax. K's for breast cancer patients, families and friends. Information and support. 686-1516. FRIDAY, APRIL 17 ALLERGIES: The Durham Region Ana- phylaxis Support Group meets the third Friday of each month in Ajax at 7:30 p.m. This group provides support for those dealing with life-threatening foodrother allergies. Plane 686-3018 or 420-8404 for information. ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds a 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd. east of Whites Rd.. Pickering. The group deals with addictions of all kinds. incktdlng co-dependency, Child-care programme avaW* as required. AN welcome. Phone 428-9431 (Jim, evenings) for information. POTTERY: The Turning Point Pottery Studio opens a benefit sale of hand- made Nicaraguan Lottery in corilfunctkin with Potters for Peace, a group aiming to help and pronate indigenous potters in underdeveloped countries. The official opening is from 7 to 10 p.m. with a slide show and guest speak- er. The show continues until April 26 and is open Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday to Friday from 2 to 7 p.m. Its at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Phone 837-0181 for more information. : �Mu Fa■nily Mefnlse1rs1r Tire'W"r d o f Trying t4a,"*4 X "'r Company Vehicl e How About o 1998 Grand Prix GT Oro 1998 GMC EXT. Cab Includes Air, ISB pack, Spoiler, C.D. Stereo 2x4 SLE 3 Door Alft / I —_ Numerous Ovtions Get Ready for Graduation'. Estee Lauder & Sears Pickering are offenng free makeovers for students who wish to look their best on Graduation Day or Prom Night By Appointment Only: (905) 420-8000 Ext 281 DR. S. KNALFAN OPTOMETRIST Evening/Saturday Appointments Available Ample Gree PaAung NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 62 Harwood Ave. S.. Ajax (905) 426-1434 0 KmgsW Rd. UM 9A Vck" (905) 831-6870 N--5 519.99 par sisesfth, taxes ineltr "d Try Thisi 1998 Cab onto 1111244 GMC 4x4 Exte sf�fiy fuzes iaidedW 36 Month Lease, E a� P- MNb, taxes indo"r t P Wait 1998 GMC Extended Cab 4x4 3 -door SLE BRAND NEW!' ;nth Lease .a.-3 4 9 9.00 per now&, taxes aKa.f w ASK OUR QUALIFIED SALES PEOPLE Cx 4(�ir'cM P�ognais AF yelp are s/i9ib/o for 11�W LPataMe �.'''r„ -` THE z spowes paleab w w �` re11• ON `111111111FN"7 dt'..;? }'d! lit- omors Ern oar a } .9ar/DeujljNerlrt lair , �, %f�'oYll�iliyo ­11-� ,1 Proyrawr. DOM'T wjisrs 1 !' a�fspotre T ,n t 7�-' IMwI E; �- 6. tlliolllalSills:4t-law :.y*ealaewl 1 ri�;,;a � �� � r' ova on !hese svbs�on i� 1&9pp�ol �� „,bad w y>.e i s=* &91eppaafataf"M 6wid "rr al6 8a. Step Sblinofemploylle t ; ;il�teew) )westltiewl t;. 8b- S" S, of rpotre` !a held ?- ; 9.Oflta relatives & mon relafiFes as `eiooePt>v6er>ramingtpotaerewur;a "ort do7daei►indudeskirldleia(SespomulwMy"bedilill aIdteeeipk" l4eeree/pariars "'fu8/half/stepbrother/aaleiafdmdwuwd /eetiee/pa�aria •O11R vert, PORM i2viW6 U Conference aims at AIDS education A two-day conference hosted by the AIDS Committee of Durham is being held next week to continue the education process about the disease and its effect on the lives of Durham residents. Entitled 'HIV/AIDS Care in Durham', the conference runs April 23 and 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Oshawa Holiday Inn on Bloor Street East. Participants will he addressed by Durham West MPP Janet Ecker, the Ontario Minister for Social Services, and Jim Flaherty, the Durham Centre MPP and Ontario Minister of Labour. The conference comes at a time when the incidence of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome has declined, while the number of people being infected with the HIV virus has continued to rise. Workshops offered at the conference include HIV and legal issues; individual dif- ferences: values, attitudes and beliefs: going back to work issues; dealing with children, youth and families and more. Workshops will be led by Mervin Witter, Ontario director of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, lawyer John Plater of Hemophilia Ontario and Scott Bowler of the Sunnybrook Health Science Centre. "In the past we've dealt with issues of helping these people die; we must focus on helping them to live;' said Peter Richtig, co- ordinator of support services with the AIDS Committee of Durham. Anyone in the community who might pro- vide a service to HIV positive people, any- one who is afflicted with the virus, educa- tors, and anyone interested in the issue is invited to attend. There is a S40 fee and limited registra- tion. For more information, call the AIDS Committee of Durham at 905-665-(X)S I YWCA honours `friends' during annual meeting Friends u : MSA W� at the organize lion's annua membershil meeting. Individual: and organizes tions who haw demonstratec their commit. meat and sup- port of the YWCA through outstandins financial and voluntary con. tributions will be honoured Wednesday, April 22. Also, Life Memberships will be present- ed to individu- als who have been active in the YWCA for 25 years or more. Members of the YWCA are invited to attend the meet- ing, which begins at 12:10 p.m. in the drawing room of Adelaide House, 33 McGrigor St., Oshawa. The YWCA Is the oldest and largest volun- tary women's membership movement in the world, it sepotts. The Oshawa YWCA oper- ates Adelaide House, the only emergency hos- tel for women MW children in D u r h a m Region. In addition, it provides longer-term housing, cre- ation, fitness and other pro- grammes and services for women, chil- dren and fami- lies throughout the region. For more information, call the YWCA at 905-576- 8880. S SAVE UP TO OR/ S(AlPkg DON'T PAY 1TIL JAN. 199 �IrNOX T= NEWS ADYEKTISER WEDNESDAY, AML I5,1911111- PAGE l l BILL 50 THOMPSON 905-839-2121 416-2284-7177 BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. &A WN araww. 930 Sh"pwd Aw. pleim n .Onhrb. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN PICKERING A well established, well known company designing, constructing and installing high quality custom-built kitchens and bathrooms. Priced at $325,000, plus inventory. This is an opportunity not to be missed. For further information call Bill Thompson' at Century 21 Briscoe Estates Ltd. 905-428-2121. RMM01R✓ & LENNOA HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Air condxloning a inti; i ,*„ '¢u yea 0,044,9 j* a 9 e4e ,&44=7 : - g o4 it lffr>s ed rdstlw,rlesa9 49 57ear.aaee -Sale! An FREE =200 I LENNOXv Labour MAC 10-20 Immediate �. 0 urlio l AIR CLEANER Cash =300 VALU Rebate 1 Do Heating i Air Canditionm - BUY • LEASE • 1 NA�N(,E 905-428-0333 Visit Our Whitby Showroom • 1380 Hopkins St. 4 5 YEAR Do" ALL PARTS & LABOUR Lwmx WARRANTY e RAMN�OR HEATING AtA R CONDITIONING 220 Wentworth St. Unit 9 Whitby Whitby-Oshawa-Bowmanville PICKERING-AJAX 686-0571 (905) 434-5541 NIL: re online at www. dLirhamnews.net tPAGZ MT 1VLW ADVERT 5M NTDM3DAY,M%M 13,1M Ajax -Pickering Big Brothers celebrate 25th anniversary COMMUNITY EVENTS PLANNED TO MARK THE MILESTONE year is a memorable one for the Ajax -Pickering Big Broth- ers Association. The agency is celebrating its 251h anniversary and a number of events are planned to mark the occasion, including a fund- raising dinner and dance on Fri- day May I. "We will be celebrating our achievements with those who have helped make it possible — people from all walks of life who came together to help give boys a break and a dream for the future:" Big Brothers execu- tive director Sharlene Melnike says. There are currently 38 Big and Little Brothers matches, with 17 Little Brothers on the waiting list. "Big Brothers have seen our Littles grow into outstanding citizens and come back to be Bigs to a new generation;' she adds. "This dinner and dance celebrates the 25th anniversary but it is also a wonderful oppor- tunity to renew acquaintances and honour the Big. and Littles for their contributions to the community." The dance is being held at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club, at the corner of Bayly and Church sts. in Ajax. Cocktails will be at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the dance to follow. Tickets are $40 per person or $70 a couple. Proceeds will help fund programmes offered by the association. Call 686-2871 for more information or to order tickets. HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found a good dental home! • A Full Range of Dental Treatments • Saturday and Evening Appointments • Flesible Payment Options • A Relaxing, Stress -Free Atmosphere • Cosmetic Dentistry DR. VIJAY BADHWAR • DENTISTRY New Patients and Emergencies Welcome Conveniently located in the Ajax Plaza at 172 Harwood Ave. S. Write us The News Advertiser wel- Comes letters to the editor. Letters should be united to 150 words and signee with a lull first and last name OR two Initials and a last name. Letter; must irxdude a telephone num- ber for confimia- tion purposes. Unsigned letters will not be print- ed. FAX them: 683-7363 EAIAK them: newsroom® durham.riet MUM them: 130 Commercial Avenue, Ajax Ont. L1 S 71-5. Blllbe" We welcome your notices for our billboard. Non-profit organi- zations are wel- come to Submit li eir announce- mertts for publi- cation. DEAD- LINE: 10 days priorto event. FAX#wm: 683-7363 Ana them durttam.net Mild #wn: 130 Commercial Avenue, Ajax, Orn. L1 S 71-5. ONUMnasCouerrc Did you know... The News Advertis- er is a member of ft Ontario Press Coronal, 80 Gould St., Torordo, Ont IW50 W, an orpanindon that addresses reader canpW is about rrnrrtesr Photo br Kelth 6l111gan Green Group is golden The Lakeside Public School Green Group has Arruda, Travis McCaugherty, Shannon Curley, Peen honoured for its work on the Ajax lake- Ayesha Cumberbatch, Tracey Fillier, Valerie front by the Lake Ontario Waterfront Network. North and Justin Mohammed and the teachers Young members have planted trees and helped are Karen Bridcut, rear left, and Deanna Fry, With a common tern breeding raft. Students in rear right. With them is Ajax Councillor Colleen jhe group include William Edwards. Ashley Jordan. Fund-raising Durham sale helps twins, triplets and more The Durham Region Parents off Multiple Births Association is 11olding its semi-annual sale on Saturday. April 25. Items for sale include gently ft.scd children's clothing from ocwho m to size 14. maternity Mothcs, baby equipment, toys Lind crafts. Here's your than : l„ung Lhnwhl bumps c:un 11rst their real estate skills against spivs wtue raising money for ehutryMc. Donald's Restaurants in Ajax. Whitby, Oshawa and Uxbridge are holding a Monop- Qly Totuaairnm and proccads 10,11 gp.ftJkauld WDUuaid's �7hl1,Mrn's cl moc. ncc= are two age dtvrswrt-s — eight to 12 Its being held to in 9 a.m. to I p.m. at the Mctro East Track Cen- tre on Bruck Road dust north of Hwy. 401 in Pickering. Space is limited, so no strollers will be permitted inside. Terms are cash only. The association is a support group for parents of twins. ce to build real years and i.r to ib. the tourna- ment includes two otic -hour pre- limmary rounds each participant is requirod to play. followed by a fowl round with the top six com- pctitors. "Anyone interested in pitting their real estate trading skills against Didier playas while helping out a worthy cause should contact us to register.” tournament director Maureen triplets. quadruplet% and quintu- pkts, offering information, edu- cation and assistance. Among services provided are a monthly newsktta. guest speakers on var- ious child-rcanng topics and bcveavemcnt information. Call 68&0707 for mute infa- rction. estate Monopoly Uownantttk says. the _.:_,t w enter is $2 a pcerson. Winners will receive a Monopoly Star Wars Classic Trilogy Edition and Mc:rhnald's mcrchandue. This tournament is not part of the offi- cial Parker Bnaher. tt,,n„p Iv Tturnament. The iournamcnt t. being held on Sund.n, Aird 'h. staring .,t , p ; . .. re,'t,ICr ul' ' THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WrDNESDAY,AMUL 15, IVI&PAGE 13 Shondau�°_USED n >�� 683-9333 family owned & operated; 20 years at the same location LOW i prices Ores�'� • Warianues ��eGLZ�t2�ZLL �� 4 Cars ,.ey, & Trucks ' OAC, DOWN PAYMENT EQUALS PST, GST, LICENSE ONE Lger "i4 ' 1 ��.a ro• ruu ll �oah &Y'"Q&w✓/Or Ra to �heQn :1, BLT SELL It TRADE s LEASE #_MANCE # CONSIOW It SPECIAL MI.NO ftGE 14.711E NEM ADVUnrWm wnxill 4y. ArRIL 16. IM ENTERTAINMENT THE NIGHT LIFE IN AJAX & PICKERING pert group offers a gift I the .• 11* 9 / • - t� L M9"E. N :=^ N.. Oshawa, or at the Whitby t AAW& 15 & 16.1948 School of Music, 103 Dun - WGUID cmalldo cadre das St. W. Whitby. 5FrontSaw W.•Hall A For more information call 10 am to 8 da>I�y _ i^s 666-8780. '� ION ONLY $2.00 �:�� PICKERING — The ti�ItdpxMdtgCrrtirlGrlorSodMy curtain on the Pickering Play- Nett oVats in dr Frnllcal.,o mm Heft TravA ers' newest production rises � a� >m y7pm >m� ,Dress in dw s* of dw oars 40k SO§ or 60 & voy ' 3 e"v Fst_ Pli n ig SIollittr hilt parai°tlslr caerE W t3ARrn n1t ek tLW0 VFRM t =NI FREEADMISSION flit E*" Crmtp'st SAI F0F0915111w�ludax � 5pn1 April 16! Apr015tl1 M 7 7 PM Pclf«marxx s also WedJrrsday 11:3Qam & 3pm .+fiof Daalalrttiotr TO Mule EItInIrC :': �. toed ft" ftw /potlasd ty Adbw&wm� & Tlwrsday 1 I :3tlam '0111111111011 i tbllrlblw biotic ptirrMld bl lMub• lltl Wine Ta dw 'A�{A► fAMA�A aNr• MOM 11101111101 5:30 to 7 l '�'7 Arm ofadetr-YU&n in Ca" r" aide) %Fair of ok JIM IQQOm�anApc /5! SnnndAd&WADbeWdApol Sample sash of Onsarie! y 16ar 7Fru tRwnwwl be on sir w line flleg *610 M 1 * Od wp„ dmr i•ti111e it UWAMAMOV; s Cove SpdegsCeNN's, CBldar,ltHAII'W4M-I�lbo""^ JacksonThigs, 00cal�eMiffads 3AAy zkrcx4=r InnahMn, Reif Egon tnlww.rltl.salatt411�tas & Nervy of PA*= Q, SPRUCE UP FOR SPRING FOR - sot Fctmesl Fm 34 n ie/a wus ion fi;augSobn If rortwie ori ik 5 P 0 N 5 0 R E 0 B Y attriy&SrAV"oiil,wamtihdrjoralllrlilRgflS) 1►wwwCu lMNC4AaJt5lxzn.uaGttraidsrwicp ■ATOM•% ' "A O CHRYSLER F2 I r6l 7 1711 1-800-387-7682 extension 305 'IT PERFORMANCE BEING MOUNTED SATURDAY Region Concert Asso- .e to give you 'A Gift form of a benefit con - show will be held at 'hurch, 411 Gilbert St. accomplished pianist immer and the O'Neill noir. W o -hour programme:' former president of s the association's sev- ng concert to benefit rham Region. y goes to support arts Mr. Osborne. -There rliglous and classical h a good variety of ssociation holds these make people more the local area. 'ery good evening for d adults to entertain said Mr. Osborne. wn across the country mucic programmes:' oncen will begin at hnhy Baptist Church. 510 for adult% and $6 --Le_t I entertain you! for students and can be pur- Music Store, 87 Simcoe St. chased from the pianist, or N.. Oshawa, or at the Whitby members of the choir. They School of Music, 103 Dun - ane also available at Walters' das St. W. Whitby. Music Centres, 349 King St. For more information call W., Oshawa Wilson and Lee 666-8780. Bad Seed debuts Friday PICKERING — The night. The play continues curtain on the Pickering Play- April 24 and 25 and May I ers' newest production rises and 2. Curtain time is 8 p.m. this Friday evening at 8 p.m. for all shows at Dunbarton- The Players will stage the Fairport United Church, 1066 drama The Bad Sced, direct- Dunbarton Rd. ed by John Downs. The play Tickets are $12 for adults, represents the theatre troupe's $10 for seniors and students final play of their 2(Ah and $6 for children under 12. anniversary season. The play For more information, call is also on stage Saturday 416-410-0211. ��Flahertys GARDEN CENTRE Gift Certificate for garden centre with any INTERLOCKING STONE project booked by or before CS, May 31. 1998 )NIM11.62 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL 427-4143 or 666-4263 130W". (r !s we P8 Based � ble sed on I k Fully Guaranteed. N SURANCE Evening b Saturd t s Available, Call Till 11 pm Soti*.Pmitedons May Apply INTERPROVINCIAL A%, 360 Bi -k Rd S 837-7819 hn Ceiling, Latex .1596hue. enAhleApa%teleokn w •001im wr.Yr a••x �'AM 5200 Satin Latex / 1Vhe1r pa%tcl% H tinted —Awm o tol— kle p .nlewn 526.571 •4r..e ..s s... r.s.r saris JL JF 17M Wha 1-tSemeh &loss Alkyd 87 N'hm�. twgrh H tuutd medium 44—, Okep mburs 526571 25 •d, --W sem.. P.". 9s&96 %m 6100 Interior f.atrx E shell 2377 White paNeh t+ enle.t medium odours (deep a*wit 52n 571 -w...s s... —il sss tis s W Sino Semi -Goss latex 2447 „Mitr, paslch t+ tined medium / cr>toun Iekep ellewn 526,571 -w� ••s r- tri ssa t.a 1r How to turn a small budget into an amazing living roon 0 O/0 � � • 30 OFF ALL WALLPAPER BOOK ORDERS when you buy 2 single rolls or more 105 Bayly Street West, lAjax 683-2047 *Color Your World's regular price per single mlt/Tool. Fabrics and mtr%sones mN included. Books may nary by %torr LEVOLOR RE ,1 j�11' jGl�/1 • I' aluminum bonds • Cuuom sites up to t•4 - cum_ ` wide by %' long VENMAN F01 AAOO NDS 111Ldipr 24. .Lowest Prue Guaranteed. Huge Selectiom Canada's Largest Carpel Retail Chain. P1.1291 Underpaid and installation irx-luck'd in One Low Prio'e•m 1".0--t-, Nnm Pickering Town Centre Hwy. #2 It I.iregrool Rd., Pidfa* 839-2252 705 Kingston Road, #18, 01 12 at Whites Rd.) Eickerin 1 420-2?48 40 Z ItSN NiA J sem. rM Ir N.aeb4.1 ./ ry.. nnkn mw 1 My ti FILM(HKt a alt wn'NrrIF%AVAIUYF t,u2 1M 517-%% , SPORTS RECREATION Winning's routine PlAfffiniff Sports editor AJAX — The sweet taste of victory has become routine for three members of the Pickering High School Trojans senior boys' basketball team. In fact. Nkoni Adams, 19, Kevin Browne, 19, and Anthony Smith, 18, have captured the Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics (LOSSA) hoops crown each of the four years they've played at the school. In addition, the three helped the Trojans win a Durham -York Secondary School Athletic Association basketball championship when that competition existed in their midget year. "Since I've gorse to this school. anything else but winning would he unacceptable.*' says Smith, an off- guard/forward with tlx: senior Trojans this year. "1 know that we have to win a championship at the end AND PICKERING T= MEWSAVVZWn=N1EDPtMMY, "M IS, 19" • MGE 15 BEERS & WINES C�kls SPRING SALE Now ONI U11 t0yrlw tl, drs.rellleer...� "brs37-lila Pickering High basketball trio of the year. That's how we end every year... Ron Parfitt, a teacher at Pickering High and a bas- kethall coach there for almost two dozen years, says he can't recall another group of players who've won a LOSSA title every year at the high school. "Obviously, we've had some kids who've won every year at individual sports like track and field, but I've been here 23 years and I've never seen a group of kids win at a team sport four years in a tow:" says Parfitt. All three players went out on a winning nate in their final season in senior hall by capturing the LOSSA title over the St. Mary Cath oAic Secondary Schox)l Monarchs last month After trailing rimy of the game. Pickering High pulled out the win late in the game. 'A loss in that game would have overshadowed what we had done before:' says Smith. square the sones at three points apiece in the six -point final. Chris Visconti played a sarong game, recording three assists, while Matt Glavin, John Veiich, Ryan Payne, Jesse Seward and Donnan added sin- gle helpers. Goaltender Scat Campbell was outstanding, stopping two breakaways late in the game 10 preserve the victory. Game two of the champi- onship series was won by Unionville 2-0. Both Jets goals came on the powerplay as Pickering out - shot Unionville 27-17 in the losing cause. Goalie Greg Area slo-pitch league still needs players AJAX — The Westney Heights Men's Slo-Pitch League is still looking for new recruits for the upcoming season. The estab- lished Sunday league for players 18 years and up deeds teams and Individuals. The league offers uniforms, mine -inning games and dou- bleheaders, week- ly most valuable player awards and an all-star game with a skills com- petition. For more information call the league at 4286708. - Ajax R—Immette '9311 SA Association Lr/nnual General r Smfty AW. 2k y8 7."pme KAtm "AA & A Teams Combined" Minor X00106rAP28 Zssd 4:90 put PAD Z M4�' JWOwk* AP99 ZZtttd 7'00 Pm PAD Z MinorAtom APX9 24th 5:30 pot PAD Z i Mor Atom APrll 24th 7:00 Pit photo by A.J. grow Three Pickering High School TroOns basketball and Kevin Browne, won five titles during their players, from left, Nkosi Adams, Anthony Smith years on the school's hoops turns. Panthers' peewees he in final series PICKERING — The Urbas made several key stops David Kenny, Seward. Pickering Panthers Harveys to keep Pickering in the hunt. Campbell and Donnan Restaurant peewee select Unionville scored an insurance Goaltender Campbell was hockey team tied its Ontario Minor Hockc} goal late in the third penod for instrumental in preserving the Association the win. tie. York-Simcoe League final The teams opened the Other team members are renes at three points apiece championship series with a 3-3 Eric Ranta, Chris Grafos, Sean after playing to a hard-fought tie. McAteer, Ainsley Eyitene. 4-1 win over the Unionville Team captain Donnan, Robert Lakics and Chris Jets recently. Tkachuk and Visconti, who Macllwain. Mark Cruse led the Panthers' offence notched the tying goal with 51 The team's coaches are with two goals, while Ryan Donnan and seconds remaining in the game, scored for the Panthers. Steve Morgan and Arthur Donnan. The trainer is Matt Chad Tkachuk each scored to Assists went to Payne, Cruse, Seward. square the sones at three points apiece in the six -point final. Chris Visconti played a sarong game, recording three assists, while Matt Glavin, John Veiich, Ryan Payne, Jesse Seward and Donnan added sin- gle helpers. Goaltender Scat Campbell was outstanding, stopping two breakaways late in the game 10 preserve the victory. Game two of the champi- onship series was won by Unionville 2-0. Both Jets goals came on the powerplay as Pickering out - shot Unionville 27-17 in the losing cause. Goalie Greg Area slo-pitch league still needs players AJAX — The Westney Heights Men's Slo-Pitch League is still looking for new recruits for the upcoming season. The estab- lished Sunday league for players 18 years and up deeds teams and Individuals. The league offers uniforms, mine -inning games and dou- bleheaders, week- ly most valuable player awards and an all-star game with a skills com- petition. For more information call the league at 4286708. - Ajax R—Immette '9311 SA Association Lr/nnual General r Smfty AW. 2k y8 7."pme KAtm "AA & A Teams Combined" Minor X00106rAP28 Zssd 4:90 put PAD Z M4�' JWOwk* AP99 ZZtttd 7'00 Pm PAD Z MinorAtom APX9 24th 5:30 pot PAD Z i Mor Atom APrll 24th 7:00 Pit PAD Z hinter Plsm- Aprfil ZZtltd 6.00 pm PAD 1 Rk10r Plsemse APO 239d 7:30 pm PAD Z Minor Bantam April 23rd 8.-00 pm PAD 1 Mgfar Bantam April ZZstd 7:90 pm PAD 1 SELECT TRMUT SCHEDULE Tyke 6 May 1st 6:30 pm PAD Z Tyke 7 may lot 690 Pm PAD Z Novice may 1st 7:90 Pm PAD Z Atom May Zed 9:00 am PAD Z poeume flay Zlod 10:00 am PAD Z Bantam May Zed 11:00 am PAD Z ALL TRYOUTS AT Don >>lEli AIR9M At1ditieaY Dates a Coadwe Pesfnl In The A►reaa 0 "When we were playing in the second half, we knew that this was the end of our high school careen, " adds Adams, the point guard with the Trojans' seniors. "it makes you dig down a little deeper and try a lot harder. We've been down a num- ber of times in the first half but we've managed to Put it together in the second half." If there's a secret to their success on the court, all three point to the camaraderie which exists arw.)ng the team members. Smith and Browne have played basketball on the same learns since they were in Grade 6 at Westray Heights Public School in Ajax. Adams is a mutual friend of the two who played at Lincoln Avenue Public School in Grade 6 and 7 and at Lincoln Alexander in Grade 8. Wben they weren't playing at school, they were playing on the streets. -We've all played together for years before we got to Pickering High, so it was natural for us to suc- ceed," says Smith. "And, with a coach like Parfitt, it's like the cherry on the cake" Smith also points to the leadership qualities of both Adams and Browne who've been instrumental in helping teammates step up their play to another level when important games were on the line. "When you have leaders like Nkoni and Kevin, it's easy to follow them. They'll help you through the tough times" Smith points to the LOSSA junior boys' tak game in Grade I I against the Archlxshop Dents O'Connor Catholic High School Chargers. when the proDO'C Lnnvd was all over the Pickering team, which intimi - dated the Trojans in the first half and helped the Chargers sprint out to a sizable lead. However, Pickering High rallied around Adams in the second half and the Trojans eventually pulled out the win. "Nkosi brought me through that game. I was so scared that we were going to lose, but Nkosi said we're going to win';' says Smith. Browne recalls his first LOSSA championship at the school as a midget -aged player in Grade 9. The Trojans were underdogs to a much taller Oshawa Easidale Eagles squad. "In Grade 9 we had so many gaol athletes on our team that you could see the future of the team:' says Browne. "We played Eastdale that year for the championship and they were so much bigger than us, but we pulled it together." All three give a large measure of credit for the perennial success of Pickering High's basketball programme to coach Parfitt who's been a strong guiding light for the players over the years. "Iioe constant has been Mr. Parfitt. He's been the base of the programme:' says Browne. "Wc kow that natural talent will only get us so far." adds Smith. "Parfitt w;is the one who pushed us over the edge.** Smith and Adams hope to pursue the wholarshup mule to play basketball in the U.S. Browne, howev- er, says his basketball career is over. but he's glad for his expenerx:es at Pickering High. "It's over. but I liked eroding my high school career on a good note" t95 EE eae m 769 AIR et, r' ..paati O^6e.. 24-HOUR ROADSIDE 1 SIRE ISSISIANCE 1/Z PRICE memo MR 02 Al of IV Our love " prk" of floe seasoel M olkewon tits with e"Ino of traction OVA the responsiveness of high performance tires. Black sKkwA design and wide profile. s55600 win 1/2 PRICE W400000 „/ Y ... b0" 110130,000 lwn Nwanam"Wr Our kowas$ priers of tM saiasoni A aremiurn all season ore with a computer assisted 'recd poeern for excellent wet and dry trockm. SAYE 2040"o Clot {owner prices of tate ssiwoM Save 20% D Hard merino ruining and deep cyde baeery Irhownl e508947w $ears reg. 99 99, with Wad" * 0* $79 ea., with irode.m.. Sarre 40% on garden rector bontiry. 650892 Sears reg 59 99, with trade-in Only $34 -th trode.n" s.i. Pr —1 5- April v S.on a cb»d Sar A—, i 8 1998 twn.ry ,v S—, vu- -$K old bcawy i- ­N N !oM pifts ow 9 1tRdm eedlervire 8111111194mb � ' M.N is, 71b+5. 04222 Co"M 1998. soon Conal. Inc. R Rs AIA. Ce1gn Deed tkos ernes m*420-Wt SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ftW open: Wri.- Fri, 8:00 an - 9-00 pm, Sat 8.•00 am - 6:00 pm, Stm.12:00 now - 6:00 pm /204M Ext 410 or 251 s..r. s.i.. .`-. 83 W-1'41.99 PISS /x04'3 11099 65.19 °185;75414 14699 73.M °19S;75R14 1579, 70.ee °205/75R 1516999 41.99 '''5/70413 125 99 6299 °'85/70414 14399 71.99 P'45/70414 15399 76.99 °275/70415 '72 99 90.49 °205/65415 169 99 SC99 P2'5/600 1t 18799 93.99 P2 25/60R 16 :92 oc 96.49 w>"....- 1/Z PRICE memo MR 02 Al of IV Our love " prk" of floe seasoel M olkewon tits with e"Ino of traction OVA the responsiveness of high performance tires. Black sKkwA design and wide profile. s55600 win 1/2 PRICE W400000 „/ Y ... b0" 110130,000 lwn Nwanam"Wr Our kowas$ priers of tM saiasoni A aremiurn all season ore with a computer assisted 'recd poeern for excellent wet and dry trockm. SAYE 2040"o Clot {owner prices of tate ssiwoM Save 20% D Hard merino ruining and deep cyde baeery Irhownl e508947w $ears reg. 99 99, with Wad" * 0* $79 ea., with irode.m.. Sarre 40% on garden rector bontiry. 650892 Sears reg 59 99, with trade-in Only $34 -th trode.n" s.i. Pr —1 5- April v S.on a cb»d Sar A—, i 8 1998 twn.ry ,v S—, vu- -$K old bcawy i- ­N N !oM pifts ow 9 1tRdm eedlervire 8111111194mb � ' M.N is, 71b+5. 04222 Co"M 1998. soon Conal. Inc. R Rs AIA. Ce1gn Deed tkos ernes m*420-Wt SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ftW open: Wri.- Fri, 8:00 an - 9-00 pm, Sat 8.•00 am - 6:00 pm, Stm.12:00 now - 6:00 pm /204M Ext 410 or 251 I RAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVERTISLm WEDNESDAY, AI•RIL IS, I91a __PORTS Peewee Raiders `AAA' league Cham ions TheAjax-Pickering Raiders remainder of the game to secure assist apiece. O'Sullivan Tw D Bank/Rogers Cable minor the u1. !van was brit- Lynden and Markew with two liam in keeping Quinte at bay for apiece, Pemerowski. Sawyer and peewee 'AAA' rep hockey team In other round-robin games, most of the game. Hall each with one marker. The emerged victorious in its quest for the minor peewee Raiders defeat- Ajax -Pickering defeated line of Brian Campbell, Darryl the Eastern ed Whitby 5-2. The forward line Whitby 5-3 in the round-robin Felgemacher and Scott Masterton Ontario Cham- of Mau Pernerowski. Brian opener. The line of Lynden• played a pivotal role in the series, ptonship by Wilkins and Adam Markew com- ML•Connachie and Sawyer tallied keeping the Express's top scorers d e f e a t i n g hined for nine points to lead the nine Points in the contest. Sawyer off the gamesheet. IS o t h offence. Goals were scored by scored twice. McConnachie netted The Raiders' minor peewees Q u i n t c Markew with two. Pemerowski a single marker. Coultice and combined record for the season. a n d and Wilkins with one apiece. Pemerowski were the other including tournaments and play- Whiihy in the McConnachie chipped in with an marksmen. Chives got the win offs• was a respectable 35 wins, 28 r o u n d - ro h i n unassisted tally. Netnunder Luke between the pipes. losses and seven ties. final. Chivers was sensational, limiting In previous playoff action. the The team is coached by Dan To clinch the Eastern Ontario Whitby to two goals. Raiders defeated the York-Simcos- McConnachie, assisted by Mike 'AAA' league title. tbe Raiders The Raiders only loss came by Express with two wins and a tie. O'Sullivan. The trainer is Don had to defeat the Quinte Red the hands of Quinte by a 3-2 score. The Raiders won two contests by Pemerowski and the manager is Devils by two goals to capture the Andrew Sawyer and Pemerowski 3-2 scores and tied another 3-3. Richard Wilkins. crown. led the team with a goal and an Goal scorers were McConnachie. In [be pivotal contest against Quinte. the Raiders won 3-1.dom- - ---- --- --- --- -- ---- --- - mating the game by outshoou �� $ O.00i the visitors 33-15. Brett I i McConnachie opened the scoring early in the game with none -timer Quern y service GuAranLeed from the slot. set up by Derek Lynden. Ajax -Pickering opened ■ e up a two -goal lead when defence - man Michael Kostka blasted a shot on the faceoff. Goalie Scan �CA CUSUlimer \ n'3ullivan kepi rhe apposition off ]last Annrpleisttiio3l the scoresheet until late in the sec-tAiOiettA and period. Lvnden restored the SO= L,`�Days Raider' two -goal margin. assisted �a •"— v �J by Kostka. The defence, led by 10 1 captain Niel Coultice. Kostka. Greg Garrett. Kyle Mariniuk and tlt' °t s`"'°°° br..d .° r L °'°• J �� +�� �' + , Justin Hall kept Quinte scoring Valid 1[On.-Th�• with this ad. Not valid with any other coupon/otter. chances to a minimum for the 388 n.-Thurs. W. (B..rR�.e,ca.7Bd.) (905) 683-9699 ors wra.so se New area football league recruits N ILS -- Players arc being sought for a youth flag or touch foot- ball league to begin play next ",..nth League orga- nizcr Bill Moore says Ajax has long been without an organized touch or flag football league which would give kids who don't play soccer or base. ball a chance to discover anoth- er sport. The league is open to youth age 10 to is years, and games are played Monday t h r o u g h Thursday at Ajax High School. League play com- mences May 25 and continues until mid- August. Each player in the league will receive a team jersey and, at the end of the season, a jacket. Registration fee is $90 per player. The league will be under the direction of the Durham Touch Football League and coached by many of its players. To register or for more infor- mation call Moore at 683- 4935. It you've got a stork idea, we want to hear from YOU - 683 -5110 III tf you have dlildren entering -• ANN" KIAp8� In �r through GUN • why not consider...??? PSC e Come and see for yourself the school is hosting an OrBA NOYSE On Monday, April 20,1998 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am and from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm and from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm A tour of the facilities will be conducted and staff will be available to answer any questions Light Refreshments will be Served Otrnetl! Ellrollmeltlt 187 Studesb SCHOOL LOCATIQN 1030 Ravenscroft Road Ajax, Ontario (North of Hwy 2 between Church St. and Westney Road) Phone: (905) 427 - 3120 Be a good sport... recycle this newspaper. MAXall PICICERING LOCAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY III rham Dental - I Electro Surgery I Cosmetic / Bleaching Preventative Care Caps / Crowns & Bridges White Filling Only Intra Oral Camera Imaging Ultra Sonic Scaling Free Consultations No Drilling Extractions (Wisdom Teeth) Root Canal Treatment Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) Visa, Mastercard, Interact All Insurance Plass Accepted Gentle Care for Big Babies Comprehensive Care for Children U427-4280 barn Dental Ceotrt 135 Harwood Ave. N., (at Hwy 2) • Durham Centre (BesWe Loblaws) w Hairsbaliffio r PKJoen n g's Advanced Styling Team • Spaiaiong in vwows (aero, Technpire • Esthetics Seniors Dlscoworon all Se ces Ah ao, JOICO WOREAL 14W KlnOelari Road = E IN NEW CHOICE Pickering/Ainx ..937-1054 Scartiounmeh mw 284-9005 Markham ,w470-1951 Beaverton/ ew.,426-4571 Csaningtoa 14x0 eATLT ST., Ie, MCKE11104C PF ------•..cs s•s•—� C011R11112CUL • RESIDENTIAL ASIBALTPAVMG LANDSCAPING CONTRACTING %MrTTEN GUARANTEE BONDED FREE ES D"TE LpIn w U7•siss J 10 TV E J 's' O O iA. 3 Kdd_ • CuslOrr 0Es161hira CA&Vq 3 . ,utoRwKE • QUWTV VVORKNO14W W A T N E G R I F F FAX: (905) 428-9879 I SPA '(anglth SErvira From Hood to To" • Hair • Esthetics • Body Treamtent •Mossoge • Tanning • Neils Gift Packages Available Pi W"V Torn Core (town IMI by Son) • taut MW Comesus a Notion • 1111WIw & bNAN i S Mit • hili a VIANitit • IIs& a NEd %mom • P111perly iYENwa 'CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE' tgB,ZlielltLtt • magw 9f �Valliilke Wide Foresail Products Limited wrr w.sr s I iw.rerwr rr.rwei Docunent knam spec,aksis Scanning Serwce A Equipment Saks Scam up to 36-w x Any length Archive. 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OOCIOR 11110104K7 59-1212 CSBOKW 1111 Faults, 6will" ALM Plains, 4V4t27 S a GAUAT OR1111"W Suits 47111111 JYiaANU 1EWAOL0667 4U.3M LE GEOMM PE luntia a 4117510 1111S• 4V.2710 Aires E PLAASSM SONG 11 sp942U 443 IL KENDAL ' Gal. 511/161011 4WMn1 111111111 KOWRIOAN 4113-15" AL W 1411110,413-21011 L IEAOH WTMK LIED. 60`3211 11.E IEE RAM 611"112 ttLM PEOMI11KWI 603-15" a•AkAUSM FA1111T GWI"2 D.ENIU SON OumalLOGar 4V.39% S. U11Dt9 MONAMIST 6W191111 WASNAIKM ALLWA R 421-3116 L SNUN= Po0M20KRW390 M. slivainAM Misr 6114.3011 1. slow MM WMNE 6min" 0. SlNI0a1a RUM 1434422 Small WalOGlsr 111-1642 IL Sm" FAMV 411`3100 ADSTa1N1ESG tlEimsr 427-082S TEARER 0011114111(ow 31011 A. M WINK, 611431011 �saltfrR'ite Phorn7 428-1711 1 I s T" NEWS ADVEKMER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, lffILPAGE 17 PickerinR News Advertiser Am I M 4/ax M: 9 a - S" Mm.- oh/cs pjckarl10 News Advaring Ou=/st130 COMMMMOSI Ave.• Alae 11101/115: ! sw1 - 6,83.0707 /s22 Whiten Ila. t►lekorifq!/11fI11 Mow.- Frl.SerWLM-Anobare•a Plata 1 NAL® Cloawd Staturap Tues. -Fri. 10 s-tw. - a p.m. "- FAX: (gMW71-4210 Nin dsrr In open Mom. - F.3.. sat taMw -spa sten-/loon tie s a.m. "^�w.�- •�� M .� TORONTO LANE (i 6)798-7259 CLOSED Monday:- IFAae low) a".Aria t Caresrl I 1 cwws I I Cw"ra 1 G.." Help 1 Ga wsl FFMp1 sand H OA -;; 1 54lad nt4AI•me yl yE,1ir 11 �� 1 1 l sw LEGALADMINISTRATIVE w SUPERYNOR atm door to B CLASSIFIED door camnsus egged be �C!{J�5'�'rCDMER SERVECIE ctaKSi All ,99977 floor moo- spot unmE_i�Do7w, on lou° WE FINANCE neatened No es m no .tat n IN �e,,m p EVERYONE • • CUSTOMER co+++mantr RZ. harrhm,no.. your �2J yy0.•a•u•v - ,rsrtar�lp els reduce Samused N ilor,tial, trucksmens, t ins 7 981 Ato 1991 SERVICE ba'o'num Cs dt-9011r"`m GMs largeaggre,,,ve firm, Blllln ual an "maws AtaMy Auto Sales Ltd 792 SERIOUS EDUCATION �Spe $ °�" «r" f w S -mo« Stier, Save. Galan No tum downs News Advertiser re- asset, vera) positions available in to own urge selection of Ph" 9057203382 First time buy - quests that advertisers Durham and Markham areas. arir�up Mr GlaiNfELE7mP1ANo efS, bankrupt; check their ad upon TAXI fess MUSTANG 6-MInde[ FOR A REWARDING CAREER Appleone Services 1905)831-3400 /331191 3 -speed 175 000 roles. Publication as News Ad- DRIVERS S4.DOG firm call 905.509- bad credit. no Acueer in the I ve"'Ser will not be re- IIENTTO OWN APPLIANCES, 168' credit! If you legal profeaaion is both Gaon s lire for more than Wanted r narnm rPaday s Mina trn Co11YFTTE j6700 060 work: you drive! prestigious and rewarding. Asa I one incorrect Insertion C iExE ,7'� . G01905) 438.877, Ttwg n be and Mere shall be no h- FULL n _ - TT X263-gM °f i 800 798 Lots of pre - ability for non -Insertion ��§ C"i'-F' IgM MSW LESASK. fAwk the vital link between the lawyer and of any Advertisement ��_ 2 :3,r,"�CJQD - �4ry,^t00 SeAIaEE ,or imiducs and Or r.1171- $1 ��o asci vehicles to areer plan Information cell the client Llabdoy for errors ,n ads Strung MS office skills, 905586-,++7 a best other Tmled weMpws Ch00Se from, Ties program is very intensive and is limited to Me amount �M�, F/T or Pr Armpro L.otus, and le al back round an SNEOM1111 7wMy wooden °" )lith 726-9917 SPECIAL covers man aspects of the pal. for Me space Dau- penunen ,ere Err call p K K Y pe legal asx•t, located downtown Toronto sheds 9 v 9 Dain hen 19M Cae•ala. 4 a 4 ssDpo Dying the error. All copy b nine a Tuppe•wre dancer 11299 oras tax Marry ober °fsrrW- standard $900 caned oho FINANCE Profession. You will not only enhance _-,� s subtect to the appro- stratan Phone orders wa- AppleOne Services 005)831-3400 es and styles a.aaoe Als° 905 gas 416; or 9o5-9es- DEPARTMENT your key boarding and transcriptionvat Of management o1 Come Cal Cady (9051 127- 1805 r Dara aM decks 76, tic Grp) skills, but also receive hands-on News Advertiser, f879 Skilled � ,U, u,,,, 3 �r IU7 � � NM� SHERIDAN CHEV �+o t „>ndo 011905519 905-706.8498 training in the two major word , COMMUTER USERS, cordal vMIOUi FAIIT-nME -1erf lay 3 8 Imre V 6 curb; . C,amt mpy A marl finks Por cash We-, posmp,s avalabhe m AWARD WINNING :,)mtm,y CARMT BROKER. 100^,, SO130 ON ,I,,d.n. cprio on Asitrig S8 50C Gr- p[ocessing prog[•ama. YOU will learn ' aL�S,f As E ro L L Wood, the PICkerm0 area -it ,n, •, ,luso stain re P fAnar s,Ow tiled a Deo offer 905.576 - Nat has 000^�;r,r^� Ion , wily nail us proper procedures and terntincilogy 608 B stn ROed East Suite Car aou to Refoumes pbyytnt m nos. Con- vs -ant carper Fan 3 rooms family Loud oven am m. 5755 359A, only SM90C Pace tndudes erowan Color" "00m,"M ,N7 CUTLASS Gera orgi used in the legal system. ras.ssary. Ontario ,6o Rd Pcke ince nrW onvwInte l ce ADsit Peas r oppws Call 263-es,1 -4t 3Ka Ong LIV,N7 pirsRt must be tampar win 30 M$Uftbm in min. � owner. need Drakes munkr 6 $UbJCCt arcs include: SITA1 mw Otbw AIT WE Mf L000N6 Por bet' And aefe to Operale is related Free akcal n yowr he, home full APRs /111N TOOLS fes« tures needs ONbodCallwai. un- yl ,rides ani. cern'-d. 51.000 all 905 - TORONTO pcnmu neusvry MU P.O,* Io awed caw •: aw y e0,lg re,rt. PrAo m r oaks No merest. per He t I« b n user En mm Coitus 665 OtOO yk bpm • Wills and Estates �® We was cmrnpany ourwam Hound fo nstall nand and one Sal lata, DArrf. 1.000- ,N7 Ods Iu/y laa0td •esu'ne 4O1 TSa we wd iron Cal (SON, 665- tart wxiscw valid dnvas 217-010/ muLm r TOOLsi OF tHEs 112,95 nrlmed ,987 eraice • Real Estate '�% license. GID. pM clear 0o- CARPETS cell pat ,. TRADES SHOWISALE 2699 Len1.,y I loused BMON RO N Po.. wapprt ApplicatiOna are being DRi%'11(: swsa anmum 2 Pon o- :rY,`, nylon rw sum n- ,OODrJ 30 11100 r5 912gj. $2195 «toted 1985 Yeicury • [t and Cormoereial Law WF PUT THF FUM °•ef+« lay resume t° ktuse zrpas m hard, 1 rw Tom 1 bsded 51295 m - Corpora accepted now for our 1\STRI'C i()Rti aY 6ACR INTO ,�:5)-t7I.2tl5 or marl to caper 7 ,Dans. f3N Priv 3171161318165607 toed 1985 p,ymuuei Row" nctided 1 teach • Civil Lieigation KIK Cli88lf. FUNORAI3IRG, ,IIIW Lanwupvq Services. 'Ou C .ori � rJWPO. OAKMM FURNTIRIE..AII $1795 oerMed 401_9759 4Aon,aee.s in -car and C,ew managers and '415 Iarrb00 Aw N. Am. a,y . VARNM 130 Kral sold Dan ode say on lilt"' 1N? OLDMwMLE vanopna- p • Family Lew to -class with ;aryassers needed m all �IS7 p SLC Peri aye IBM. latest model car. :T'nunmes through• ro:nwri68623,1 tar IW x w bolo u wapar• nipnr 7e Call 428-1717 1�,r �ntarb lir door to RAasrni5T3 aid EW,0_ CAMM SALE •m d as- Del nun. z-� a. p0ce a yTyr �N$1125 � a7 zo� s p.;ed�as ab AIYAou 'esTh :nor lona ralsnq ran• ::an •!ou,red tIX d,sY salon Iae,s • AX ^nlOn tialn n- saw playa snag d tared 3306wme-orfs 'we ler pa, you PICKERING CAmeaus 420-1344 �"' ca 0r Highest pay E'P. vented Meas d (905) fea5<. „pet 3 ,opus 3319 IOP Iowt anal AND 6 sold can of 905426 -OM FA►fRRMCEO •Fe•�. 433-t336«rM)43629M l00 s4 cel hbke0es a,pa Olk CameneM Dan Lrmt- lest CAVAUfR '33000Kms �' ey m tit MUsam sed and -stow ed ,mK arvY 1799 d d our 1 r 4 1- ;nwpx AS a f28M 1WNf Pail lir mr Flit-iN M•ron,we wary be -WW64. N raw {••ITIY •,• w +e4mn a srylill m ;enlmve Donulei. OUAL1fN0. Exanpced �1OM°0 ubfes xe isrMerlsM m m• 52000 " 9 " 7.5 131-2126 orae ,n•n• �,s tie noes "',tip Halt CO ---N M arE S - 9 P.M. ':earl mane adomma, ton Fr eaun lns woes peroses CO,,,pfen ta0fe tall �'•W 9055554293 a .nervy. call Scubnn•s weber^ays Cal .m,ye.free sed pu mai roans Setup D.Mm ad sms from a lir a $719 ?8M GRAND am 4 crl orb. MMFM4476anybm -+ jtutb 905{39-3019. rkdt-ata•7!1•aalS „aaa0fe rmmeduren S.WW SWIOW ig ane Sam 905 Traarbari e1 I15 4-drwn am •-+ $73 ro 37581 „x tan a brtNlt«MMn •: tie to File 0135 OsnwY 6e IM NaM poo Rd r N.edu ,31 km Sew 'aftas riew in h n .m : u bi cars a wi OUR GRADUATES ' I ` EIPEMEMM WELLS FARGO '..•.i ... ,..,, N,4= Werk PO oro. % 1 Port Why (9051 985 87 Irp„t ,res cpnn.d 22500 nrsr 4 ' DRwt. ON LI 71.5 road 1905034-9M Cies '4nr-..tesypry Gua. •+„d 'p Dur 1..'.. ,. dUP[T SALE y aM SawOM Fill= 'ermt Mr Goody rip PI -1-1 1o, •nep�oa-e'm of WOMB, t prmwmpl used s1.- 112 and Z ,est PONTIAC lim"$T Lt. Rftvdm�urs 6 Otrocq :y (905)619.NS7 SECURITY OFFICE P Amalie- Electric- experienced n n uo ',"`.:w arye seiecaoru ts: 7«; w-,.vinIon wormed Gp 905)7WS740 used -m w- f2N, d,Ye's ms i1 Ir5 5 e9- 1767871 DON'T I ems n,rd naw ori sport i morrui and w ori N l caw,. s uLat ani O.No ore For Inds aM ill Nw orad Pmt 17950 a : an O 17. M a,IlarW r•ta7n. ,mri,n6 Np wes� Wermer sandaclea g.r4meto F« napes ,t c 1 11605 N.w 7772 f ; - ... 1 f A Aero Can p,ldls. ntr tratppnAlgn ad ••ar ,p r �'Y'-4?8.8nn2 int nle,m4r raN Mike and rim , 5 saws 160 HAIR STI LISTS •:'•uk aM wear EnyAn 1„d sn11 Grim- 4 crwa C rs we pct ie4 7100.9 rrded Ism A. •.,,par Appy, n ptnm n p ,,..PM 9'15µ31JOp. 111{1872 275Sw N, c,�.fa A Nrlan aulo,+u c air 379jq CJtI' Y' Mt spa 'hw OOe1 11,:9 S.mca St N Inw 4 9'18 onawd :an .905,623-7787 baa, ary lacer Cao daersAmy- DIPLOMAS. 1 I tet`/h~ t ma ,:sa.t. One Abrday 7 penes 411 St. Oen, 0. ;;7 2 h 9r1SN an a i $R/ Hour ro sort • ; 4 a N. 576716/ 126 cMlkksl' 15 swupof. 905Select,706573/ t'lua pmfu-rAArsesN, DENTAL CLIA MU SALE nm et BRIO mm F"wel lir auto. mat PEAR Idyap Pos,l,a. r - R ^AdRy F a7 t e„ctd .nor anp,.e ASSIST/RECEPT. d z �a m.w nor re, sae W ue.war Nen ad ,til tlaoa n tat 19031 ArloaowLEs a Man CAREERS. goodfed Ius•d. aummwn wan and dela Fpr •ur,+' w•"rtg'al 579•{102 ween ' v -.:•ace �A" 00,1, 1 WAd� F w0 est d Lox Npnn THEY GET ackmnp kdte 2 yR. lip. awn, Evru,Ye mierorf. 2 �� Ion. ,w as 'r« ,prove w �nrrve•w call - +9ary MW NARP Carl. ]0 lg, Taro mown aid aAtINN a 301 dire, 7 7IT flt wrLtEN- aortia Owmm R.pipn rap 905131-1977. ��n 3 rrrs •avn,nt n MYft IOr9 cRilOrtn. sror.ebws la.i ear wep.. ,n t'.roc 97 'rw. akww f7oo 1000oce.ns :1- good Gw GUC ppet wy nAIM r..ftd or on FIRST CHOIC£ u' w smash m. or Iron L"IMe gip. ers. No"" saws alio aro- i' ""0w""w' 7 n.ar, t mine am outside no GST userlarwr LL•ollekKeter To:mmm sn cafes Ef.4IR CUTTERS �e.al Friday 99005111tMai7�{t TDms. two SII.. mat- earls Safes. 1700 PaUW NNo f�r{369711tRu� +t106t-60a{{tl am�a"t°wid Os7w 905 _ Thichon Rd M 14051 956 • �...A Tnlftrkicon NAMORESSfR �, _.. . : �• rttuet a 903 6,S at r Taas. 010 YAALWO 'res N ^p�tr via 1/89 CAAWIO 1St 25m as CM FOR CARS' wa aw ...• a nversry >IX• .1e0„ me, FIS 7afMlld to: $17� M1rm call otic nvicet ..nw� mit -a•„ .r ., grAm Alli-Ie3-13lT Cp1►U1FR CtIANRNt[ 9C5.4a nes9 talc due .:,,,,wig :,na1'ow Cat ea,ents Afkr, l«� ►DIY =,aiew a ft w'wv 427 1115 or wine ro 471 MYSIMT�- :A.�:; 9051770-t99t r�.�� - r. �+rwbtOr$13IN all Mpv 1--ork Silecul es MM WOROPS %wood o LICENSED ELECTRICIANS yawnn eavlr�.per:ena v, N �� ��Ip ybrIXp+.4wA (e rW� 303 =0 N;TO SALES Sa East� r vL t,Wunipeian Biweis AppGraeotr Ypnr as fay e.•• a,Lwab F1 <:• ...::y; 6ea•p•, .a •ttwratn. ri ash Plat NN T P4nleru q 2A pa AMn Wf3•u. Ad- tIV parr LLOMMA ;n• SCUP GARS Mama. y .poop r.om nunw don N lir a ,',uNw s•M reset W Fee 0134. DD86 used Pawi.aw ol.ta eI „ >w„t• we - 4dr a5 ,,;, yips pa; Lm< 11B yorr 'w _,.Ljob -di Fpr Mtea eAb wrpnm,r g0t8 ped sa OsNWwMq TM win Pwr,n 72 - ,73 tl m IIIOt prasaz mmttul-,w awa/ au un AWFO :a•a. p ` ,f Cas N6 ww• halal Men,eaamsL Iw nnObrfm� es np•rlle 10 Pa. so MI. Qwsm, Oa Arw arra WMaer• r•rw i0'A .eBaaeDU PrP w. eta o, will 780 pax pp w REACH FOR YOUR FUTURE no.awr sun. loll am- "-w ! Prom :795 CAN 905 i•+ro •twsaw ..are ' rARr-r1ME 7n�o Ausnm r,iedn w. e c vst 017 w: M59 wr Mbw oa mens Ino ,esE CEO METRO our= LAO'I pTsatl :.rIne a Sr Alawbn'm,p of m . 0&1* ��-- 'new o ward wn.dd.edl inn :I.y -w,aefe I a es �-� tee- oey,w Purr � cOArnar a am ,on. a,ar f25cc ru;­;g6.416-4X CDI COLLEGE p„Fow, Tremors ar Orre .Nr,.. ....�. I,- a w,a..0 .• rmr mo m;r nn. misss" Nunyw.iy Sams Ftepl• cad Over. "ft ata .." ad II rat In ir1 1 '1 clip- ✓✓N . ++ w,* 4 Ft aM tidy Care rodwk, w,r,OrNmw $w n GAF- Apert I.- Armpu.d. 1N3 N WVILLf *NM rAer:nwn X- '1,* Call Moa be C~ A to ,w all~ 3 Y.at Mat- Day Care '� fokam Oft- :905455- 11C scan, $1 ::�: otiMp 121 -gill . .• a Fa resam to Iwai w•pwna . 4ore.Pa �A to i90Sms.%Ql Cork ewrF wia aiY-6145 a LL A•.cn r•e 7.�. rr'rur. . • Q+ 71407 aM„pOaoYD ep.ippppijp g0 roe NR v.Y10M i,- .np,r,P 901y41Q1 t ,.a•J i , r , ,"$C"f.enarnikplr,. �--.. deur' onaM.d am Available `.: �: 1„D� a E::t, ww .n,C..�e sun E •,,urn WWV d Pat w I 'p•n•np A rfpiew V .0 ISO /al co, ` 'vyrr "aalt ansa Las Iles Fan :rn.w viesowa �6�aInp„amCA a i r a e se and mrmpirwa� ocibm be iso Nm be # dw„Y GerM .mal, ler. pow« wri0o.e r &585 a.rw �l ywt 4 e i I e l r i, r C SO9,ra ur Fa. 19051 W b a,p i a I \ ='i ed9as_IV 1• d G 1131 7995 twFSRed - 1 4 y r 4W63.' rid aarrr C/19061{{61110p LAND SCA►E .: rn ,beard M, Ope.a. om" LIRt�4 Promo 194650 Fla t1w"1S ' g1883 OIWAeOMf AC1 r$A I o5+ >- r5ECN1An,OFfltl AOmwr i-..: ::rioWn Gf Ar,dl• 705 -earl iron �>S P6 ,�„ tawdryy,.iayriWr,•�. i gm '5351 Ispl ►C . sA :m '�'$70007sr mu.0 amma Ftr 4 door4rpuup ped WANTED ' Tyt - 102.000 kedce f.s0oMOND INSTITUTE °"""" m"'• _ �d •Ty �t.;call,a3.3,3-n (9031N7 ,gag p!V :unesy W '.�:q skins WC win,- �_ poed • peneyc. an awl Cork awry al 11051 673 -NN rarsa0 •WI super.n 305. a awm• r W ceroewd e.calem eo.drr, OF BUSINESS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY m eo. our OAerw. $8300 n•WbAw 4 -•,aFd.r al mp6aMd 20M em NANNIES AVAILABLE 1 arlwm.l 1 'W w, «Way 905466-W4 sfna AcearrANr till-. Spring and Summer 9 Cinvr• ASTRO CS 5 r ran 'Koh a's Summer Hel WIN DESIGN tarq.r n :.`u,•nro •ncerorce (P You Y IKrs 000 .ma MS00 aNs NOW ENROLLING FOR MAY "^" posit -i Lain hew Hire a live-in nanny from Quebec SERVICE eJ tat go771-am ,« "Should CTaxall. to arrange an in horne Home and web page creation Hyper 94 Dpgx rarAvan w 000 '..Ii,.ny should be n- link and server storage. m pa's"'t'L 30L v{ -Al program appanmrnent 9 .,,o ,c cawft sI79q (416) 488-3373 Gil Jd1a Duarte >+ntd +342 5 62 Resume b 19051 at 679.4400 1 Traduf r _ 6: mamm Peisa.,a ■a,�e�7 - ArrM kr WANTED FWI lire mm""' r 11111{ 72 t oawr 'roa m • dflr Calm, 'druon Ialy Our gf7duatef are Irl rasa'+�nwfe+rwOrtd 9000M°r. YPOIwAILE areae m FOR Salt 4 sun &w Jays 4CreolerlaA :11 cqugpet awes .0 JuaOr sly a ddif a 30 oxer amaaC: nom. lues 1 an e seas lir vannas Cees NAU M at 'The 1814 only Caravan SE scrae.d •win AM ran00Y demand and are being N l a p oe+y Must hawp mo Cut n% ram �eptt bane aA25 this s•&ton Gm a Cran a papa taeNl Iwve own car NUabTs faI Sedron 525 latae fan,t ed n tl. Caut� Wr- irau 6 Drakesw'M!" now, 7 p°� X400 19051 436 - "Ron laced ill won enwrmmem s ion- (9051601 2907 04ft) Raw t serest 5-6 IS20 997 .. i P snioluep Rept' Fi./1j6. laNc lace visual For iamtr as 4 tin tor( d Ostw.d Let me.m, aullewlce •molds HN 24 fir parco-Eliress Osnj: WMa Rod when.smo. h- Monera on Cal (416) 636 uk sib. A So=w= df avala0le 200 ODOkm ,$6900 carer evicellem wm0eon exciting high-tech jobs. 1165 faaartl 51. Oyma ON Refinanced cooper. malls 0903 ,xa b the not CAR 905-666-e012 sf«Ps ' 3 sans a«Mc LIR 71.5 a 3. Nl-tme ppypr aelF naw l- be then CALL 905- 11114 F011D Olaui GL vi, as lonalrxa 4-wma PIOVON ode in rem Mn.smotrep FOMOM ENI SCOOTER. 4361021 1 door bAOeo L8900 LerO- stowovm aoulers,nks. fMN emumman. lata. ttal0e0 e,nolfem wnMOm ealfery bap TNephma 19051 120- six "M '.race nor-ralp- I rid. aARf, aanrts, non- dwrper nul,ded 31.000 ted rule, awning. $9500 oxo lbws mel. lieceipa proved- condgm Parker. oopham b7/7 CBNAIMMIaA ed 6119-tgpt 57r, -MG 11250 Telrpl,°rle Os.p,Ra 905�683�97t8 '8� �kaNwrr aRplER7PR000tER wa,m CYAT M. mora 576-1316 -OMW 0 DOOkms Full I106 FOW Cormar. VS. w rtiAwiN Sea'aNr•,• UITIM 1 In ttr Odwwa+MlulOp r.e. D,owd' 1'. d0 LwMmu Rp,iOi ,pp. GpMces Enow Income opponawly mia. aaWly. mmook dela- NANW Appkataf parts . NEW MUSIC r7nt •MIO;' ax+.RyY- 1 yenapr enmdte war W sl.d lOrt2 Fuitdtd. for an arra W alsoIBO oNi- ORenl,tb1 � yearPR -round Service. Indps. frost-lrre. �*mton.ws.nu 190tiN36-19% 31290 CaLL 01conaw. new mot 525.000. insuranceSalo, igis f felt ear -r en- maral anon ItoOIW. capaed wwnW tied CAI aaMRt Oawra Geswlf No iiellwY111` mar`eskts u Mr wrarrMn Jpal.r 606-3@2 wasMn Slinup� 0r1•ers Pte' ISMwroo=m wridrti,ml5 w�+Apm, iii 571.122o a 19051133• �. and clerics awrance owls. awa y NNa: f,507up slows regular aM ,,alis $9200 �6�•� M REMY lir M 21st do- TIDE Pkm sad msume to Lowell damn: to mamd b "N-deanpv. let new, 6150' SALE- am Pee R OA„gu- Hai MUN1E rAKO . r.W • N81Ya T.Y lA �ICEE''C IMTINLAL �v�dA�b/����� Rs�NOA 1M Mn -tie(. OaRln 4kaate 12 Yeas 08,y polyps W MI Gut ws1-tLdtYtn lar above prp,rd mcbidlrq T offal SL&Hr. Iowa ha.n Mb. 265 ran St. W ffew ad backyard and Pool. wNWalmww sour dead 16'.24' oa 55395 2 dttln, f IoeOed. w. tier. Cettiltd AaaRIawAy Mu. cININM•a waM Lax sat•. ON. K9y 213 ClaRa a" me. amc. moi- a -.de. wala &sparer. xr lie pnce sora m mataa0rl linea 68.71.56 1116 500 13 FT. H71 SURFa1StFR sant Cost, and doema Because of LAMES... Eon rim rtyc MW 11lrela Meek i saris. Fig MAW $5O0'W ,•„aM tnet- p saw G S T ads AM 21st must sea Sn 5N1 Borr,der, co0venrb a top. 70 Grad April 2011. Ea iT as3 � stma,p Alrsenk COAReaa. Ad. c PR. -IOW Nor a SM. 3 yams oM. In=- iAm-6w7%4 lrpaiferl ocean ta,eleon toLLlex bey 3m am tCCUIt recoveries of children and their Taw CaRNa Fd bm dap„q, n pan w tf"10101p' MOOM. 9D5 -42e- tip a.aale. 426 S,moue SL Lori N WK. sales GS Full S2.700 1905) aaal 900 po'*OY WWat: tie day legal=. tiara. n= ROWS. m n- poww H7a 21• CNE, Pied INH :AGM 290E �,3AgyM.d,,NA clothing throughout our program, CHILD Faa I.aMa 1a: vltsudMt. M Ifdwry. Ira- S. (9051726.403 f a,AI?o 0 Ii Giga CA bg bio lea 10 nphw I.D. requires representatives and 119 Tlh l7�1 tWW4 Plow til Rina U oar" NEAIietNAR iNLIRA Large F681a •van as oar lee Nerds wok f70D es r neo i °l"ro ssi oo fd.e"'wa i9 ,321-0363. Oslu.a Ff mar A1127-8021 No OWUMe 2-Oesdo. mats, dladltt eroel Lvbw CII 666-0690 Sactilmaw ce to, 49DO O. Hao managers to her m registering families. IM, III, N"m Was= a Provo% po rot. aMian p�eF� ped arl.aa. Cbwr aAalYauu Awtaea . rlla(lag P rc8 018 aMIE11C wrru bx aline LfAawa .IRNAII IttgrOn 1rAwa. wMa Illewp11rd, 11150 CDOO axmm eta ryax- P - air NAS. am WGCKS r GMs Ay sDalE. is n wR 3 sTAAtltA, WrpriMtue cels• Fwmm Pa iter Ii MtRr MIM inn Marc Cruder New dr• GAMR unK OF FLOR- entre. ft tai 1%) 760- n , am. imeO Mas 31650. s- CwNw NW Lpl•u 683-72 est an interview, call pall bit salep - caoan sled. 1 wood I am ►ng p am, recd r""ne M K OES P 26 eIr 12 nk , 7410.1ke.{ b Nfi,p ro puussma $150N wort. ,mown Ilia s, y gin, 1i a" - to . low- w AN la. MY .pall oMtOMOn. Aro 8tabas lnopaa:.12 svil ill- 1-3� era. eon. Appy SIA-AAeanfidtr� $150 CAY (905) 6L}Ka2. NOW a.IBR. Irdpe, IITAnfeY1 a11oN 10 pawls. ora - •$aekr• 'tetkP•. EA. Irak, availidt $3960 Cd an fh01 � • Ip MIT Wn1DaR1' needs ?M20 saw RNW,te b e65 F&nwe Lff SIMM - I I - GE floe{ . - me 6Ytr. M Ir ed dens. m CrteFv-w WM . 95 Tr mWdn lauded. 19051 7061460. M'iM vL04o; lfepaaes Pro- CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES aping nth seem Nen Io'9' uH 7Ls AOMam $2750 ,a9 wASNMO tma�.ayMIMr�Nerp.a epBWgs Gide (9osb19-711a. wrote. mol. Iw.aa Kms. ,est Sa.Ote XD. eNcg,p grant. M-tlmNe w MpMiNln 1wessA1Y. (27500 CAB yar adding, p.m al more, 9096KL1115 aRa6 ft2.6% 41 GrAM Vaapa 10 fuel pauper. wil. prrt nq, CDWM AwLLna A adtld N there are firms or individual$ to whom ! Eg fO TNn! cal �N.t lir 9NaFEf3FOraL. 71sRat �B rear am ad p,sune while. with 7 al 9SM a59pSoboo106- want al laynoa1r uFa in: you lt0 not wish your reply sent, rim nwver al (90S)72o-3,w. commistiaiaf SAN rep. MMI M lM cowomm. full NWZM MMM ewm Ioukd. naw slO.9so. 92 CIA rOrtl,sAlife. FMIarf i ' WBM SM 1414 Two* mabe 1S nest Per day l0 muth mesa• hM modem. 16 wlydwir wMsaga $1200. FM ot"M 01 Cl. Vo'.- LE. l0adt0. AM p,elry /Ip.a.b CIA awarq afY b AN6 Mace your application In an envelope IM ON" UYI 15. Sharp dlr w,l,prks - aM 2 1" - Med nrmoaryy�� alar mon- 2P tpbtr N 5100. Yamem � 6 p PMM Lm. srl CA 011-9116 se.99s 93 Nrpda atlailMd. 1 1 Aer MScfbn4l addressed to the box number in the Crew" Deep am Sine an (9mj 107.5m, ,your. F&x lot, as" l5pq 905-931- scoustb a atonal parrs loaded. forest Often - safe 1.1 3EtE•allGrRD Bar Tet Mil /a111R Carr, advertisement alto attach a list 01 St1Ch Pesna *Ww a caw aim d wlma a slam 3,n fact: NU MMA mann waiae $8.995 93 Astro emended. 11and awnmem. AwBae- Trawlg Crrr. IreOwe lle a r.lOrww n, ud wvhA Saul M90NIawtY - STOa. MOM, 30• 2 p,sc4 back tlrakmrtam- Mmaa Islas. bank r &rad- loaded, barpuMy. Awa June 15M Rem negoWDhe T Ing ton atw MafRelt names. Place your application and list in dmamTed.&dNat A Looking w wo,isaarc m- wryer, used 1 12 yam. ow ffwn $Ana $150: Dow for- Ina a a1,.al. bwg IbaY,otl $10.950 SALE AUTOS - 93 Call 905-619-9280 or 416. avaitaa n arMaal alga, an BM810pe and address to: Boll Replies. ]rt - new start. Cie apert ad s&fes ortnre m- stave Llkt few. ASLaq nature auo John 576-0571 with teitad ram. no diner ural -t sunm.apon. dell. 307 -nes �Iqr sa° Ywlt N the advertiser is one of the names on 773 , a 66 and T 1dreduals;to fout ow roam $3so a cY e39s,29. leave M.NA.e Isnp) pets 1905) 7e6 -3,N tip ppal 57.750. st summa coupe. a01A Nah i2p. P1�1 and Marna for 8- +tarts taup4. 9� AFBaa. auto. W. it." yKx $9.850. LARGE I adroom Dasemmt eon 1723 your Inst your application will be YdtlttMN tompanL nor our X900 1 etENal011E sebdear ag ar Art1t 1. seW ale rot ante. da5trOyed. 4WMal.es SYN palm t0 eNcmc $aw $175 o b o 95 Frnh s•, auto. 1 door. wadry. $775 mmm Ava,F red oda ant. E7•yrwas a 5111.111. FAVal time Chat /AMCE door fopen. b01,an IIAYtAa 2 wslskr 3175 ADMM U JACK FAIMU 62.000 kms. new Only Se.500 able Immedwlety. Whiles, wed. Drop a rnlrM to Orr Own fbas : rrnbrMk snags, cabin. mNats• pall- o b o. FREE. wep Irr1e. tie• Termer pupas. mark to go 91 laza. Turbo. am. Wa0tl. Sheppard No pets. Mn MANFY SMO requns b• CHILD CARE ASSISTANT. r6- ono pTlMbag and yMal,ng. Erullerd comwnw, New ers maw faS. New orbs/ irgaaa AM dryer Ireo Mol 270. IW tan last so d Low and. ptrrd now $7.495. swr-g Call 831-0153 RaraN011IE MASS i added allow moment w gqarta tlr PR Y D E y ST. 253 SRRce4 51 $. Ot1w Oil. product. s4nkg to aN ntaf opines Dtlairy pts Dons moor mem ) (905 2395 debar and dewormed $500 90 VIN Jaw. GL. auto. an, rt. Service COO~ Ptrton Mo- Alex. SWrylcidammu a.o• GVrYM'k n Air. GALL a L1H IIU oidar. VehcN mrp fed. 1163WW73 (viaw oc531,. 25.595. 91 Gwkr Its vi. Brea M you bong tar a nskoMIM she" Also ted- drop n with rear to 15 Tralnlry provdeu I-519-911- MOVING SALE - sad Oak whife. art. auto. come w war n On Anowriw b• less, till And std. CAN Maett An AAp LIT 3Pt, REI TEM Pnfs,owipst SM 21 be Johnson duta0ad w/ noes aM teed. St000. srd $S 995 91 OMs M Royak, duMry, TONyf Iwufa n rbc• Clew► (905) 5762512 a and. before Fwdri AGM 17. Rail hard lir Busy SpmW Mrd,• .�2d7 '�' • 683 377 controls2500 Call Bill 905 Oak conn and end tabes LOW APSO pups for sale loaded. ncelfent Cal qtly d b� a %% rano Row Mwnllron? ftritale7 dd aM rthalaaalion Nnc Lam. 5350. Nae Wmmow 1 $175. SW Wks A "Mad aww- $5.9% 90 Lwwm 70M Co. ew ?r0graln Dan AAYary 4rN aM CIIwfSE GMM Odin res- fa Didwe Airl, AM Pick- 6 MAN HOT TUB, Royal °Itis computer desk with able. va old tPwoun Rosy ud al{R DmmMt 1e96. IAefe Fnertrds warMr. No Mutant n Pout n- Irina area, Paw law m- SIRIED HELP Required for Beach 34. speeW file b ht Side fable $275 2 a brass to (1051766-3121 leave sign Waded. ere old go $6.495 91 Spa LeSAat, 010. Pleat yes D.I. CrpA al rig reankry Jump n cert q,st4A tip b „wMM kIMIe b (905)1203112. Stem Mel a Roo l man.- airy basement Deluxe rum tub 111Ci06urt ports 5100, or mst,gp cover. caw cv4mm, $3.000 best Om. CAM 723.5559 a loo Ipw kms. new anMvl (9051 852-7042.761e Extension 23 tw Irak n ttt IS a e 0* lent xg I.rrq d here. FAME tadunr Eapaenpd CNC OBD 905.855-M13 SB.85O 93 Fad Sauk. loam or DOS) 721.3075. taawrRIA adaley 10 ad OOP fed 07"I'may. plod SEASONAL ,ndkna We,alor (Fanuc con. smaN, ed. low kms, new atter a Preferred lwmtmwN (905)373-0123 ALL K&Y 010turv- t ATTUMON: Irdledl. Manuel Donny mill Decay � Owees $7.700 9? Sunrinw, 4 s 4, UNRApE now oniu pp avr. Par IIar1' y 99051 p1- EMPLOYMENT k'rgroom town, walnut Idl t Doofey Pet waste nut AI y0a OMw pAa PPF Waw,Operators (ug 1' a ). R Doge tops. A l chip 36.995. 89 via le. in we prM n- 19N Iaace1a0.adr.tw. tAUT iM. CfeaMrt. 11ritlas Girded Centre Wtldes (must Nw vsld drM,Oesur wrr9paotl°s-r alYIMC: Dunlorip nM,. oda Systems starling al 55199 up Trade wnvemde. 4 x 4, tin sbudor: n 1II+1dbrle. AIS 01- harms 6 Nair, N a rod. laps, to 150 to w1 Dog Life Jades ,W,ared. eel rtlt nM- Experience waldnp rides) Fa resume peon. 11awfAletl enecis wlfee 8 - tabks, ager sunny at $25. 24• Fur Hr. hl$4'6 5 9an�Meo H 95 93 foe. 8brd. Edcel i Lan. ca .. Kne or&y ,Casa FfeaaN lloArf. N&427 -4M a111CIrA quay halD ped? Canaria 125-9785 required tgwnm Inc 1201 OMeA En 04366079 between 63010 .a rd, weds. dors A win arm COrdav" 32599 BEST ad MmoOilwv FYI -lead, Obs Athena v-6. bard PERSON to awl CMI A- Fax resume C n. 3 as bookshelf. rasa, Bs 7. 4-,?. r. 10• L,feume pen-leme mat r MAI aid IM COYRIER. 1a 71.000 km. sopa sok $7 700 w,Mdtd m Mrpe vgsmy 430•(tiil AWSTANT NIN L40 to bop 8190 3 onus 905666- Gua &f. hod _ 99 Dnp Cw a CWtka Ane Drrre. 1rp01NFM rp411k7Nt �• fp9g pr4paryIpn wId Ieavy Scaxor0upll fly Aub CAwe Manmhowc $5N. Wltger e190 yen apo sldvds tom $599 99.7 905-668-7, CIRCO �11R//AdMls. oNI6 EM d Qua Ilk ,rad tl WA altar M9p I11nIaR §"UU eased with own AaclWwy Eap4reice re atm shorraee. $1.000 Bit NEN � USED Irdq. apes. doWwuk 5111 AnnwrsarY to R1N b. Nal Y Mdlarw Mall. call 3mnn. Sr nlalld �i up a 6 Est End Quality Mlys i DM. Fn owl, anEpMNM dMmw r work a ifnl gwied uw e.grenad Ace- boa tanaud syYtm, with hn wasMr 0rytr. Da 1rv0a� SA.. Buy a aoa Daae MAY ram du,,wiry no oww calk pkat Nair xlary i DM.INf Dutra rt kpka pa D&un « ". lf. MNnanb noom $,.5N 105661' bran Rat MpRM 325 31s1 ewvt I your dpnter sed a46LLIIa 10 MmMr Pae Pias, cords Nor 2Ai- Sumer l0 915 NOW Si 726{aD Fa raume 10 906-031.3122 � Samwt SI S . OSMw I3atry (90517215413. Fa M3. 11051II04p16 lu� KOWWA'f Fwu Pill ern 1166 1 PUM 1LT111E NEWS MWE(4TI51M WEDNESDAY, AML 15, 19" Nat r r NNe�� AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 8 3 bedrooms. broadloom. 2 a3ppkances, underground parking. 55 FAl6Y CRT. MON.-THURS. I A.M. - e P.M. Fill. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. fAT. i so. 12.5 1!56160-M SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED I Ally 01 - 1A ^000LUTW Acini pooh OF ftlElillille OWN YOUR NOME - IT'S EASYII $100,000 WOFtTGAM CAFUMS FOR 8700YN01Fe1 MAWrH«n Ingerrl• sso.000 yw - •Fkyw,ar OI SOIW 4walabla . AAnlMriabll IAp10agNa • ►lea lex rNacharoad leDwsrupb Not nWd 'To is" _W77 can A rkl! H• knows what to doll) (WS) 571-6275 or 1-800414041275 Mark Stal t+y Salo• FMD. Salon C3ra,D Eac•r RMRY. MMLP*k"- P1Mo mea ke, ® $eDra 111a11a A VII �^ HIV/AIDS CARE IN DURHAM A conference for health care and social service providers and HIV+ people. April 23-24,1998 - Holiday Inn, Oshawa Registration fee: $40.00/person a MCt�e "KL AND ESTAM 33 NALL IST.. WANTED ONMA• lahc, washer and Low cornmission, chestertleld and PaYrFFaM vier! at (new)m, oak day and and Wes, 6 Sales every Tues. sm... oak dining loom and Sat. at rocking chair. y organ apple 6 p.m. Antique t 't t, „n.vv a' .n. ^ 20 ...� lea. BODY SW, lulh equip. turn kn upeahon A, booth. en aw 10.40 shop Lime m on tl r.rswas Advil OLDER ONTARIO LA DIES seek, rp Dates - dames a home to, You $50C down toe waived for HIV+ pie IId HEAVENLY IISTCNRC $299 computer, hickory hall bench, pine china abs net, pone wall unit. urn! Lire, ap pliarlces etc. Own - er a.n�(,1�,operatorFw IIFTLLd ■lLEJ KING Pre IS[ra[IOH IS i-PnUlred lease 1i'Hl' RENT. retia trornape SIM CA11 571 name numbers 1900.451 5566 f3 p C9N: can 14 Fea 14.98 Sena, s, tied nlds. 3 9 P Pee. LIMW Income m hownem from WsD0 Cqross Calf ON"'k YOt-R RO!11 t. 6&16 eat 6%3 49 mm L lane Mvdbe,e AIDS Committee of Durham 905-665-0051 10RE0 ONTARIO 40USF. bedroom suite. chest of drawer: and dressers. AUCTIONS FROM f700yMIWTH I Comes, Saws A,a, mk` r 1 COtupws GIFTED ANO can collection of bell buckles FbII St �flteWa, le ortiliPo011 tub ar be ar. pooh. not tub near Deacnes I Ko!All D°'"oay-11' tai•idrY rolEvm $950 . 60% all and talk kve� own tai. 900 451 .9174 En 8800 • 1 PirlOrhela • / t 1 aarlNs apde May f 905- 294-0760 anuQue table, bridge lamp.smoker, bras bratools, EstabliehadM r lMcnaged BD<v,.Or+'r'r (%SI 371.62-s COTTAGE FOR RENT Ban cI," a,ea P.udsih Lake $399 Inti Must be 18 YeOrs Pmryl Co 60 i ForSW lamps, garden li $550-w, k.u.-Nle June and ...... 71 Mark840p1q,, JuN CM1905619923t HEAVENLY PSYCHIC An Staplry suers Flnd Nle aade :then s•ar ryF s,wm�;ia,c r:m. Rn •IIEti '�• $: 99 .1 1A.•91 n.. ,- ABA DAM W We have a �' 91u-451.3793 home to, You $50C down CLEAR WATER AREA 3 W HEAVENLY IISTCNRC $299 Ch.C, • 6 mo,nn, tree or tote •^^^ ,-«^ro„x DCC' ;an,u, -11 IB• 24 hours 19DO. *pals or redul mortgage Due to Cana•al- aradapla 451 3783 DAILY HOBO. rate From $750 narrm as n- can 14 Fea 14.98 Sena, SCOPE 1-900677.7;70 3500 LIMW Income m hownem from WsD0 Cqross Calf Prover$1050 US Fa onto (905, 15­5a;9051935�5569 24 !sours Coons Cadwell Barter PACK" 10RE0 ONTARIO 40USF. 110Ken ,9051728-9/14 CLEARWATER 7 3 bedroom WIVES names 6 D"Me •.lay 1: - — 'Or mw with fully • •^� I meed IDer. Phone numbe s 1900451t ] bedroom mom moor of seen, at,n bnd•n waaoa, le ortiliPo011 tub ar be ar. pooh. not tub near Deacnes W 1 erh 680. 93 29Yrmm, muss be 18 THone tai•idrY rolEvm $950 . 60% art manor 211,30om Child LADIES aarlNs apde May f 905- 294-0760 ren wtbome Phones Silcott n wv-~•^-,?)5,683 55M wam to aun anti m,ney and hire a yew ,bora 3 -BEDROOM S•m,, recmmy 1 1 Pmrtr Homs ol «eek to spam N 0n owned and operated company s crus. :' dowapm 0SNw. MrI. nth . yell, ForSW "`mitiq fa Want And wwat- Ned DCoOk to On our tabu hos ISVLW AvalaDk mmte rmrMNd OAAem,mt 6 waaan 's money rmytng w!mae 4wey coo 905.133-5074 to "N" ,wNed holy., Wile tont] mttsey orb naw tum a Gne lu a Nmk a c1�_1--IrJcJrJ� � � ra Ir7 n_I-3rJ�rJc�f1r1'lt_P EAS- OSHAWA 4. E EGYPTION PSYC"IC 2Ask Me About STUDIO Love. Love, Marriage 2 & Business 4TH GENERATION Reveals Past OF PSYCHICS * (905) 576-2322 int & +976 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Future 5 r S S O �I�LPcP�PLPLPLPLPtPL210 0 0 9191 W_QrLTW17 37Wma,m . 213 wawa 1tV ave-� ! St!- 7 Ft526 4-$EDROOM Far^house m t+ll lot 1513-5174 Iw more al Who,,.. ar sawn mars. 1„tom 'eN.nu 6 s,l w r<mo.l Our Client luted. $1250•muft . un. es CAP Tom 905-6683800 LIVE PSYCHICS AnDLUTEIY asrouNOMc have the answers ms •re me,' own case nom 3550 &u 'i 0U are searching Hoke iad.ea 8a,wa 19051 • r r•• •• for. Call 28 9i4 1-900-451-4232 AJAR CENllul. story. 1 • A sear : ac+urces. cd•lww Adults only ]semen,I” 4"ded No .en SM. „tames 683 -CM a euNGuaw .,. $3.99/mitt. 1M OSHAWA ? . EAS- OSHAWA 4. I'om 01.w roan. w^On tees FtMwes min, 0. Sturm 11- 9115-4311,0411 ra, utR MI n kMrl. ends Yuma Wast Ow °^1.., Lippe, '4w. a troy ' 37Wma,m . 213 wawa 1tV $124 am Oen Ho1sa : 1 A•Nrwr.s +++te�•+"a 4 am a GO class9a1ga Parsing AwaF com- .an .em au t0 1st Cy 905434-t7L3 Aprw 19 a call Tory 333-3800 ADN 1rwrOsiN From 3600 noeA Ptbw 30}5761255 dAd 1r/y Aa,od rad 6810 . run PIMMIrG 5 brorpom sm for OMAN ybwng 2 @WNW .r - hisawn crow says 90}725.3252 caul ecuhvt + < A,•rliMr Mary "T Sox los mpm< roe NO TIII IE PACK" Free Esbmirso BOWMKVRLE - 3 Deondm O uktM - OSHAWA RELAXING MA •.lay 1: - — 'Or mw with strop cu<:.,,Lir, •,ori C Ceti SAa 51u1su 3.• 1 sam •10,-11 S-'50 eKks bre $159900 Any Consider 6. SI W'905 404%25„3C VS) 4 12 month hrill-lo-owth 9ana LARGE : bedroom lower du. 432 2000. Cholic lSernsf e pwwry, FwsNayna,-smpker a pets ev new” decorated OshaCe•vaie. 10NGi0gt yynabY ] ]d- w «, + 910ppwsp 304 roan:. ,: bMhN. GewOa na 11 appAoulR{. Imes yard dogs Rnornlabloor Jre tat p„m Hurry t0weasprme ws S S4 S67yn,wrm Plan antes rmrMNd OAAem,mt 6 waaan d •e Dar Moo, SCMt' cmd bye arra cOnn- =•r4N 571-2n• to "N" ,wNed holy., Dam, , p . RahstC and sok OSSMA 3*liednodn Sdrrd n A wee ha iiaireo we'. bne Mrn -maoe 5 m n,ro,, RArpt Ar,rip conbNv wen Ipw IttOneeY $CrwrN4C0adrwa l0. S OSHAWA ? . EAS- OSHAWA 4. I'om 01.w roan. w^On tees FtMwes min, 0. Sturm 11- 9115-4311,0411 ra, utR MI n kMrl. ends Yuma Wast Ow °^1.., Lippe, '4w. a troy ' 37Wma,m . 213 wawa 1tV $124 am Oen Ho1sa : 1 A•Nrwr.s +++te�•+"a 4 am a GO class9a1ga Parsing AwaF com- .an .em au t0 1st Cy 905434-t7L3 Aprw 19 a call Tory 333-3800 ADN 1rwrOsiN From 3600 noeA Ptbw 30}5761255 dAd 1r/y Aa,od rad 6810 . run PIMMIrG 5 brorpom sm for OMAN ybwng 2 @WNW .r - hisawn crow says 90}725.3252 caul ecuhvt + < A,•rliMr Mary "T Sox los mpm< roe NO TIII IE dishes and china. • 1 Imp sal725�51e plan to attend Sales every Tues., Thurs sat. 723.0501 at6pm. d TRIMMING Oshms most r� .xF, `,;-insured IenoWnee and SE. MG respeclee auction Free estimates serving Durham for YOUR HOW? over 30 Years. All consignments wr,,,d� ••1�w,rywre about OUT welcome HOME FOR III . All KING PACK" Free Esbmirso 683-0707 72-5751 683-0707 • 1 ny LwM n • 1 Imp LANDSCAPING TREE CUTTING DESIGN AND d TRIMMING CONSTRUCTION r� .xF, `,;-insured •Interlock Fully insured •Decks Free estimates -Fencing •Planting is 905-433-7140 1 1 (416) 823-1598 .urr9 Ap Stary,e a $SAO ai =..I Ted i Roy's SELL IT NOW Lawn 111covi own ID, Ear P ces CALL Free Esbmirso 683-0707 we TM. PM A Pf" . T"nm.q F� a Ta,nuv •n m.toegltan cod brlyN Immilly, t w%•uwrg owAs P=IRMA Gr•rnMa low.•W< smma A•w shock- spu4ui news, dheoraw0 Aw. lwK4d sold. ,Na AN ma0uldetach-4e drhrd 3 twolmdr, i O TAM : 1 1 IrnprplleFRinLs : 1 1 , I WIT aa.m4 «'..1,40 Nom one DedroOm be.mem ArlNFA&a 905420-4747 after 2 bedr:ym mIri ImDrpMrlaelRf . raorp A 9r_ ror.p t sao..g tsprq IS(A YM rMwwc- Apsnmerm LOIS a1 Dr,vaY. Spm t .. A-LaOk iM,' td Can npOr 1%5065-3"7 Oww Dwk<,9- �0p ap <I<1y, yw ,57 evawtR PICBFsiNg. •Har LnwpoM t man 1—tt ern LwOr W-ftclw 10 2 No price pnor to 2 aE0R00M .a..am Ar l$e4Mlr u•4e 7 badoans 3'ed'e0m am ours r '001 rise' M fur Why not Fax us ' mora O,e, 3 b ' 2 kms ,fouNt NHea,r Saw :.r,.s.,.0 bsiwrm 3, olio Wrk.rs Aw,law ruff noon Cove p Pea ..A 3214.'CC P "" own your ad! .urr9 Ap Stary,e a $SAO ai =..I I'm poo p.rlrsng 3950• nd Araam Imm•4auh A. tfr Fw1VkM P1taN 90$-m me Ips, SagR Apr,! 19 t 4 10 tlw car '2t = .- . 111 mn Soli 5763930 No all INCL USrVF FnM. Pmm 1823 Bmrme 59 905m You Can use your 2 Fe*— bsrmaa w ENNR AFTS Smm 5 a 7oeTN AJAX man Aoor 3 SON, SunpHuw '•"ensu- Wso faX Sap wdlcow r-,ar o us lista, uM• ane -car sir-. Ow4aom un ^.�.. tMr appi•.,•crs W-0mal IeMNrr00sE NaNI 01nr machine t0 pwwry, FwsNayna,-smpker a pets 01- .au M M 432- 2261 to 11ukAnes a pakwlp. 59001,10 pled Wvv tea. ILcdkrt 415, w «, + 910ppwsp 304 roan:. ,: bMhN. GewOa send us your pr•yreW 5750,_ Ern I trrw-DrN•aroa 90$-61� �oR>Ih OfNAWA `"o" b 216 3993 %"W ,lawemaw nw n0ws •aloM l+al000 131 advertisement. ly0�$ : Deda>•r 1 i Na a..c+w wit. TOwalpn•A 1 :'S9 mew 5 a4P"acp nw . Aw wit ,­ ] n,.rwa wd aaeitra Cawrolkd avnnlo Pr.o.. wren .....o..ncw<..wna M ow • Caarrra ono r.cNvw FFlEE Draw, "BABY'S HERE Ci/Fr PAC•, TWO T. t, Please allow tient b.f - trdroom Sr,w. -+le"Irrw. �a w . "upon- 1351 ala 3NL w, ogle , , No 0op Mn ,u AA OSHAwA SOVTN J Nen "anon :, dose ._ , 3 dusk n"�r •4...•, , Near„onss 2 nal M Duo- . a 5C vn st291loo for us to confirm aroloolook rMJt•N 1M 305157}SSWsdlooK s,056moo Go 905 7. -,son �21]S N MTN 034AWA '.Wow iB01,Arsaa. naawoW`aa news. St,50. Jiirw IM Car,dght tlPaO01q wase no dift-wd : "LlW 'ae'Aa' Jww 1 ,905,579 Ye.R-noM.o u..N0n1 Your ad copy and ssw,wPmrm ,905Mia-9.M alb 88e ':1., ff wan � I.-'smu Zaw w .In W of p.r• CWMW price pnor to �1� e.� Doing $!Magic For Children's s Parols ad on w Mwy 1 „ Aer - Salm . 4nk s%,'l;urw n' wAm-n a -Ms. ern crowd. W cage b Ac Y 03NAMA SODTN 3 bN r,„,r• •ownh,u,r Cox ro I"�roNm 4,rgroOm t mm- sopwm wMkelldo 6 deadline. twYGiT MOIeC anaovsSlsTR's 1 Pill" a wMl mw'•ta�'wd Or•rr 3 Storey tdd,tiq ApOAwrat. wW Ore p•Mm. 60 911ean SW awe •setiiOAd Citi n14193 r{roOK stw,ppna s14ai15d ei•tatiq hvad bona. ha<Aka a�.,,,g5,,t�.�.,.�A,�(901 10 Consiminowa be No all INCL USrVF FnM. al+uw 1 61347]- .A7 •� One of our ba5r^+e^' AC'S d° ry ant IaNMA 3 Meroen ayr on spwnwvs 7 bw Praa kv Ifw'6SWf14l w r.y Rec.oana,� -GUARANTEED' SomI aalu snimr N nue Aro so �' Plus brivN k. ort tawny ,Dem ro ora ClowCONN.to ! ] dorm 401 JvrN IN CA Customer service . Drywall. ce'art1C'Ir^g PAINTING i �' 2 b.dre0m one PAik,i4. we, •M -n ktc7Nn IAwwny, dww AC AN wee- Fos sALF «,N, , S.0 representatives 15 yrs. Exp. butes. serkors discount. ShortnOtiC! moves. Ap• wbl�jesl• 1f11rs Indge 3675 "I'd mew 5 a4P"acp nw . Aw = ND 60? , • ., ..... _-c. wM�nntqq Pr.o.. wren .....o..ncw<..wna M ow • Caarrra ono r.cNvw FFlEE Draw, "BABY'S HERE Ci/Fr PAC•, _ Cap m.PLA.S?EPONG A. Bart 414 1916 ar so , 0-1 ft somoo or pq 2160 I V (sid Islet Lai p da,s 1!011 {a3- w days 0 m D �NaawwMS 1e111 /905 1N94663. nsAr Lau - OIIE D<O,DGm LSA•old• mwa Duo VON". - Pion, Lis 2Ltl An'r t%y ' "" -"- �21]S N MTN 034AWA '.Wow A : C ROOFING, And AlrMfara Shmghng. all Type of rook. newand �.r Call you. Y 1 Cel. 4161 V40 4563 1 1 CM 4"4.low s tlwan 5nyn o duras ,w no ewaatiq ro Y�r.� GWMWA SWOWOOVA4 S,n.u.,d 3 ,M,^ .. .nhewp S•000 N •r,umW 1 wyy p) a�� la5t rememtler NTal a1LM,1 a1M1931att1 IaN. swatw IYr a t67S •W /.itt f105, 127-W11 Poll, wr•V-ak-a4ean bdowni .p; Sop wnalwlcr ul,I, . amM— r10S172 it $DLCAYFON AANRFR'J4' SSW.,swv tO have your cared. Free pliineteA. Call Andrew WlowSWILW 'ARTE725-0005 AX Moving Systems ® E rYsra services. moves. appliance JMK piano spoc4aNsts. Flat rate or rly. We now have heated aye units. We sell moving "nN' •,.my plies. Park and load special, EXCFITIOIV.%LLWMs ting at 5125. and up ,RYING EXRH.AN KEE;R>r, or 427-0005 f 7.tee, ;CE & CLAM ArJJAaarn • DeLNErEon 1.l;ANA.YrEED : Hou]• CNanng Flolraa CReannq '-•5761 HWAMG GAILLIND MAID SERVICES JAM41=1 MOONILICIT ESCORT Personalized professional service. SERVICE Enquire about our SALE! WIrTMale�petyp To all NEW clients, with all bookings of tw am 11 Cift weeidy and be -weekly services allies- 7" limited time only ...so BOOK NOW' 413311-244,41, �rMFiri$ aiCerfi) A•� (Fully, SondBO a Insured) K 683-7515 AJAR Da+aaraw i0irrnawre. pawm0 vftr rrdryw,w*fts 5 swwaas b<4wms ' : .ANIS wl %it Pro PalntiNa 1wM, 1lender uparate wmraae lawmen, •td•d•d N0 smnbrlypre I Deck rn.wca. i ,aw- company name. Finwhoord and Kaupayerrti r — I'svrrvirr %hwm parw,5 an +c AWd son b F( psa:ale sulk wpkmp bwra1 Pew Puce bw S,rnksa•q Nr. DaweMaewla. Aa••'•wrr,cs M••,Aw.,c• ,rticnn U Mrwd NaIAAM Mer 1 5550 AJAI UNE snwd ram $1K 500 17051 77$ -Sip 9d-rocums. adorNOns a:ww.r 61633] mnr. do m n34m wMc oadrww4 0 wlSrwy, aBEL ndumtxr Q� Lrred A.rUerr nwtr0,r1•rl' lAer br and rsel. -.. w,rk C<N Pox. AMR dkr• Tw•m spa is, . ., decAll�lll! ; bW- nen-smaow rb Ph. 34M Al, wprk repairs =•PI nal„• stir - 4W,,.,. we" IM. 1906, WSW I R .­ "ron? ..,.1.� contact name. 9'�arHa/d. t r; ... a Flttt $Jr•ar pan Aprinlmis 9v,r 0,•lo room: susam•,yjokqwpLiu. 1 .t.� ayp. i;" b snuppup 401 iwar wNlrws 4 pa all Arta Xi, brlyw Isroma d N SC15p�'S me SOW_ II41l41S WWW �•� 40i-�) W ,.no Wall seats ewwi ad purr irin. l'a'm +'auaNA lade Pollwng Von— $27300 f1A25 t2ti-2145 •.,],aro. 57o9twjwI �t'sl �mmoln 5750 pM wou I.0 DIG* wWw�P Iron down ppwMlrmMmS RW ow Fax Cosi Asa-Wl watl.•YMw indoor am. wasnw dryer rsekw. w'W.W mme4aae (105F'l151sL5 6News ly S375 or mo G7 3519SERVICES CWSCWSS cable. aw M urn,p ndwd- a►TERFRON7 2 Advertis4w AJaR. S-71- 0adiala noncom Ates pnvae sit- A.,• .. = TOwnM MFDYMAM Wag C'Dveriap bar<nwra won as mom 4 W 4104-91146�rrtr iwt 905579-4218 $ P40, Dalt tW iadwl n"'a '"" :oumry of lou �,.,,n. gqaus ft200(47 :al' a mea "drldvr-yn to Painting 8l drywall. NMy Or1YM, NONTM 5rsght. rashlr0 w ,urn,stlw ,rte a TWplbne 905427-0390 0, a/ your nousrrlo,c :lwe0s. Sonyt repars. orywyl, ,wlowArd Mr. liydrp All n- Orr ,tit no, Usement %WW tW Lbw Mm, Pn- 605 945 3n4tlwa„R Cable tsmbMr. •pn aamenl «mp•wt, Wood- IN simovies S.W. People or Mded cash Wo od lusfNs. agNoW7-'ON wAsepak emra ce 90-13607 shop now 4c log toc ". n do professional, Fia7tu ,Massage ('Ju 579-1501 71 %Iv, cck. qar� - Spm IltatiAl 1101nNt TEwrapLpN NpLAMaI. Using Psycric aba,tHes JIIO ' - - —__ N ndsssnt am Pklmdrlg, B*Cmci, fellable, 10 ehrrnitM Mrds ur Yid law woo am lwvw 4 coo- LARGE 'urmsnW roan seP painting 6 reasonable. dean sOWd lM riMur>f ,AIAN. 7-tA0r00m eW Pie No ao odi 301: Darr VWW kldlArl +e w•Nww f J ge'kiil 'Bna,Fs • 1 : n`-^1 prtH�$$K. Bep en1 4 app Mer cacti 432-2p4 ,worn If05, av coow blepp,ng coli • • 1 """ (:ell Jlaseph Colin 839-7256 laias f air a CaN for a00anmNae men Ast•lg S95G oamonfh owe lismale „p„-sn,Pr, on, (905)619••e367 14w4pom Bon 2m 144. Clew a us bedroom kned Awea ,wn,Aaaky Daps • d,b-g32.2i09 "FREE" i_ =X426_ loo DN clean ", Tia 2 bedroan 3395Ymo 132-3M6 TMS PAINTING LAWN .AF.RATIUN OR SPRING CLFAN UP w at4rwn 126 IRAp bwer noon inpkr M18Ra`�—�tAa raunrNs parsw,g � FIC�111C- ENeeNT. spa- •Sir a OECOR Y"OCH CHOICE. FOR ISOOKING sFAXONAL AL NA(SH PPARD 'lea' hydro sold". cove nous Dom snued Dam $Mmonm h"MM Peter. tarn known <ltluoes wn. r yw w Ike w.l 6•� 1 atPaS 4alr, tell in Interior b Exterior LAWN MAINTF.NANCF. BY APRIL ill, I'M Workman - spotless one bed. aNes Non-smloker aMermd dry, roto* aces 10 am- kaw 61 NAM, N WM at �V or Risk `a'dq European 1�IofklTlan- CREW T A X DSm1. apt. Own en- Ain 10 5765528 yald, srauDfe la unlit non esNe.• V trance d IauMry,wD11 o3RwM• 2 4rw..w lion ala Mono wal "No BIN] shoo, Ale •s IM file... � RETURNS garage. drive nCed Ion"° 905-939-1078 th@Gw aI%Rmmw. Fast, clean. PROPERTY SERVICES way, nous dean n awPk. fenced wpasr4ai Lifl9n:klgl reliable storm. a yard. Ret/flSUla51. aro P-Palmou by pale,% appliances SAM WA 6fto W M 61 0 sm for, IIP PaRih IN (905) 432-3823 Awidieft saw, U&S-4.Amkom wIMNnadU66 420.0061 ReR esble May 15th.5750inG. toM*d Ia'eSpk ai sia�tsd mm RESIDENTIAL•COkMk1ERCIAL•INDUSTRIAL 905-696-7504 9os ren 1se6 monn�Mclosse to nit d emirs iskila l� tsiiNhga Ease IWNB $Nroa N a fNNAFMA- 2 OWroom Cando Dirks stbppuip sewed tiL1n Tait DP6y IhaN B'MiAi>Jen'11651e+{ Y1ef awl. (905) 831.0299 �T. Osuwa Cmak 2 so n McLaughlin Square 3 ad- as teniae anerNd 33501 AwBlINW 6F�6N1 TM �La INAOarl Ot loom $675 uic uurl4y Mwtces r. MC 5900 per tib A,aa terry est 905126- kn'e YeM I:N Y yE.W1, (M6NP laElirs ktw 661 $1W (4161 722-3896 Inokp in aapanmem. t tad. month 4346047 26U jiR). NKFOWCALL DAM �a e,nwwsl A, Rrdrvawrl nBoom ow 7665 tic 1 OSNI 576- FK�INC d,WH Wove NaTNMEST OWAMA. m- bow so" ■SFakea�LAjt �ssa'w+ �!! Taa7'�''nr"Nttg Sav'°i dudes ad tacneks won fbn' Ilei k..a W ■ w7o1 gram one bedroom apart da room Avwlapk now Sk7s eaAA�A• Apt 1 1 � J- V =no= Nraari *Spa, Aman 1 app"wNes Patting tip ■ ►w 01� �0 Ai FM We WInA Pio baddwnqspa, M snbkwlg, m Fals $675 n. tNgokAbte tai728.1007 SI!•i24-Sp1 Be he Y SI 44VA � r custom tnm 8 a•v.__Vows carpew. newts dint- list. ops• M (905) 693- WMI$toTaanwgrodr abMb5 RehakaDan AltaPoly BarsN Pa1M s wwm j•kmShare a 3 adroom Town. C W. wT bAN d tlose u da. 9629 - t0 kAdM11 bathroom afloppuip a• IAllets Pat. I caw, Wok q DaD/mlasluurs0ry. •a7� _ "C. -P. 1ns,nst rcgllwea. nd Pat. 1 me ret (905,-661-ea02 `�-J - bedroom 3690 IAW sees ? bedroom. FIr� $NLACE- !arta KAVWK South lake Tem 6790 3 be0rpon, fe50 Cil Ops -atop I bKkOOM lkkmiArk0A0 d30-0131 w'. • bL Trade, Park Sandy VariNid oW+q, sey',gM. AIC, cam. p4proub stat. mcsec AM OWINaaI1B YF. Iauldry tarDMrp, wbnl. AMR• 2 sM110061. cordo- is". snarl, bar (Ewswrlgsl ked M Ist Law 2y� JsNle tM $725 ntlskN. MNW for rent Forge. saw. ChrWms n Jay. Haim en ,poen 19%) 433.M a (9051 427- siN-cantske laundry room eatcludes A0W �� vs. ry n August. hay ones etc Fall paYsq EaM 0622 es1Wlps. rose b All amautks Awa- IN Campground Seesaw gess (905)-279.7431 anV iMi June t CAN r9o51509• 6Fm.. a odors 930 am ia1C0E sl.$ 3-bWroon. 4206 rye IYiOen 705-2862555 Ill lgmm bdmdu W FNaIaLT FAWLY Tri,ler M$�i AFAffFO . p"r"os. C11.1c,. 3 baMo. IMC[ MAI" Acr� 30, 2- Pork. Seasonal Ales faller ,may � SO°p1h fOA s'h`e n Both Al nMfarmhouse SM Mdid PMflm. ru Posh. Won iA. sdK. Teem Rrw 1.1100265. slo., hreplau, pnvIT lodge 905725-9891.905132.6977 , a11INNINs ,n0oa ppepdd BB1 tip am emrm. &nim 51 31200. Hydro, an0 parbno MeraY n.. close to colNge. and as HAWA 905.13,- t0 amaril . $750 monthly. n- OW tivP 18 N14s1 repArw G1 BnOM spacious. INge 3 1 NOIIEt' PNONLOS. Get out Jay between loam am 5 WE apts from SWI, 3 CO a 16upt or being o WHq 133-11 6 Friday 19051 WR from $745 for vert OM 4 Noift For acid Everyone ampted r tptlarnpass 280 Wentworth SI.W. SM tol4W soft 2m floor. or aMt TOM Cyr for III MAIaD FEW Luminous. Utilities Ind. Your Furst from i400 menti nr 300- rilor . 905-5763505 1575 r"tl w e t bed apt Chace. Phone for ap- 1600 son from f300 600 w Stlnllera bas ,ndudfA App no pm 19Aas, ASAP- p0intlrlent to view h 2 m. floor Auoss from Jule lD 57,•5014. (905) 721-8741 DMI Call East Dom, OWMMK A law 1107 MOM AD. FIMH1aC Towom - 2 bedroom a 400 44tr snoyst32 Call EEw lags cozy 1 -bedroom 131-2M7 a 6554132 bastnNrd k4 rt -,n Urge one bedroom Lowers-phpalll FRONT FHS. OTNLTR klc en, dliwlgroom private fenced atteil-b yard.parking, $Y!5 $IMCn7ED IT YOU Mom. AOpkrbes�l� Pdf7 rcd May t 5763130 ATTENTION PROFESSION- WMTWM TNOROUBW s�mmopkkivrnq $$669900 kaswq newsy tem LY - 616-OSi2 TWO - , bedroom Mrtnew. kgW Professional budding BEFORE SWAM ANI' 5460. SSW Forge. stove. One links left ground lewd. 858 CONTRACTS. CEa1NAl OfNAWA Spruous Palluu-9 o� Ida L7w1 SO. ft SI.000 per mo Great orN tdrm Ap raas fiRplece pds Park q Close to all amen, 1292 a 133.7987 downlowr Oshawa banron $ Merlge$a. les 5150 Per matin Ides in, Call Lorn Scanlon 5765676 hon Aval May 1st Please MmnDy. beautiful 1 -bedroom Remal Reflection Madly fill aN TUM Y (1051665-1741 unique Inphr MORTUMS Goo, bad and aanment In OFFICEICOMMACIAL spice ugly Financing to en Pur. CENTRALLY LOCATED. I Rreplue mdups appkm. for mrd IID to 700 sq A Md. pose rates from 449. N YMdloan befe tont mg. Seo- p. autres. rade. am LAVA. down ala DSMwI Call APDnahons aCce7p1ed Com. vate m"' u- dry No pets Ayifkble June (M)432-0478 mwy, Mortgage 668.6805 im ncNrd Available irony- to s750olmoth 571.34W Mks W7vmo G9 Dam r • ayi a • 1 E"NYws 7263996. km Illiarapl os'k'lMl t•Allnell you Rs MWNTONa /aifl, n 6 u TAI CAN Dew Wv NEI dotage units Oshawa a All INWAmn funds llike l 2 Parking near SM. earyyRapll991Re7MAA loalron S,ngle And fade Grants Arid hors v iumnamoo dean $770 ncso Awa- �$p1) /W31D0 a (goal . ands arali0k Easy ]mss. for vow new d evslu,p aD- Ltd am mmedietey Isbyst 3211 f1OGIMO1m 19051725-9991 tips coy 140o -SOS -seas Ins! 66940] am bauffwlt. Carlin Towle Romm O MW yo RARM WAIM WOM Wes a hardwood cks. DoorsL-7260 els-m-7479 T alto a5177se �1� e.� Doing $!Magic For Children's s Parols ad on P%W Coo isa And AN Occasions. My Own Magical. 11111111fird (90 MOIr1TAN CAN reaietii8'em Mkrwpuea yNW p.!•"'^'•rOeielelae a�.,,,g5,,t�.�.,.�A,�(901 10 Consiminowa be �/yNIM midMOM dscop1 ft I= PI88t10RMO�CIIIM10t elble fo ta6iM a 571-0755 NI 1 8M 461 6800 •. ITIM t it's � for any acasion. Cana ns* 011e 1 n88ft10RN11 Chafe Sef kook•alikes. IM bags, beaDOD D is gfa Peirnirrg, mepc, n Ar - * in the OI� r we me a AIM IMM1-011E * 7kM aMw OOAIffM��N'�WAM - Poe "WIW Air event of an * # * IAove Small. NN Book147 * * efTOT. From dLto Ms.rgwla DMD price them all! Free esti- • 50 Yrs. fxmbihild ole • Top catch acuate butes. serkors discount. ShortnOtiC! moves. Ap• PREEI A GIFT- POR Via" 5 ANO 7/10(/47 BABY IlrAs Tradesman 16 iZ4-871 tit plianas moved. 7150 storage SPM available. Co a rates. Can Pr.o.. wren .....o..ncw<..wna M ow • Caarrra ono r.cNvw FFlEE Draw, "BABY'S HERE Ci/Fr PAC•, 471-6623 1§)W44378 or NET t IN MCE OF f FFMEfTIMATE .5 f6o adn loop to 3000, sq n ROOMS aDErDI#1IrIDB t i slum Houses. Apartments. Onwp Appnarlces a Pirb UW. WNdDW kddss. base boards. A wrwvm else ON hose ' -• . A : C ROOFING, And AlrMfara Shmghng. all Type of rook. newand �.r SpecWms SAW A Mid- Moron Descuues L7orNed, nsurprllnilaall SBrYEAt. ed Free Estimate can 4aFTM.Your A,wP rNMk CIWMIg loyears eapereme Aq.ssa. *26 worth o,r Coo Mle • 11t•7ea•a2e1 fyd ^or^w w,r4s•.a Ir 0 coupon lea ^ie Gw : [ radaem able at 3aers• med 10%Discos+ Oshawa Contra or to Seniors, fully in -F t lt(aNiiri Pickering Town Centre cared. Free pliineteA. Call Andrew WlowSWILW LM ISe31 Iai•f7M' Inquire at� moftrwu �� avail". Cel loan a r,•1�♦�j 423-0230 iY,1 11181 130 Co.l,rrjwil Avw , AIaN 11 for t 1022 W hft— Fold . Pltl4orinp tree e511mate 683 - 707 Fiona abuse 8111111,11V er jailed 1ham staff A convicted child abuser has been sen - ked to four years in prison for violently eking a 14 -month-old boy, who will like - never recover from the brain injuries he Little Tommy Tanner was hemorrhaging the brain and eyes when rushed to hospi- where he spent one week in a coma se to death, a Whitby court heard. Yesterday, more than three years after the ack. "Tommy finally got some justice;' mother quietly whispered after a judge 'led the "monster" responsible for his juries. William Brown of Bowmanville was and guilty last month of aggravated Sault and criminal negligence causing dily harm. Court heard Charlene Tanner left her two ns in Mr. Brown's care for a couple of )urs while she moved into a portion of his med home in Hampton Jan. 31, 1995. When she returned to her Oshawa resi- ence, she found Tommy's tiny, motionless udy lying in his crib. He was unconscious, curt heard. "He was beat up and just left for dead. . he doctors thought he was going to die;" s. Tanner said. Tommy spent six weeks in he Hospital For Sick Children. At the time of the assault Tommy had ecently started to walk and say the word 'Mommy.' Now age four. Tommy shows signs of partial paralysis, lags behind in his speech and motor skills and sees three therapists on N continuing basis to help in his physical and emotional development. his mother says. "The doctors say his development will begin slowing down at about age five and AJAX/PICKERING NEWS looioq .someloustoce four years f from there the gap will get larger. It's going to be a real hard life for him. It's going to be hard on all of us but it's my baby;' Ms. Tanner said. "His life is never going to be the same as it would have. Basically, Tommy is going to be a baby forever; he'll never grow up." The attack has also had a devastating emotional impact on Tommy's older brother Joe. now 12, who testified he witnessed his baby brother being shaken. "He said he saw it (the attack) but he can't talk about it. He has to get counselling now and go to a special school for what it has done to him. He saw it and felt respon- sible because Tommy is his baby brother;" said the single mother, who has since moved out of Durham Region. During her submissions to Justice Bruce Glass, prosecutor Cindy Johnston said Tommy "was a victim in the truest sense of the word. "This child had absolutely no defence... In no other case that I could think of is there a more vulnerable victim than Tommy Tanner." Ms. Johnston said the assault has "changed the lives" of not only the young victim but his entire family. Mr. Brown. 54, was a recent friend of Ms. Tanner's and the fact that he was in a position of authority - caring for the chil- dren - is "a significant aggravating factor' in the case, said Mr. Justice Glass. Despite Mr. Brown's denial he inflicted the injuries, medical evidence overwhelm- ingly proved Tommy suffered from Shaken Baby Syndrome, the judge said. Mr. Brown acted as his own defence lawyer during the trial• in which his son tes- tified he too was physically abused during childhood. Ms. Tanner said she was at a difficult ADVERTISER BRINES YOC... or shaking baby point in her life when she mel Mr. Brown, whom she was introduced to through a friend, and she trusted him with her chil- dren. In an interview she described her son's abuser as "every child's bogeyman come to life. I just can't imagine how someone could do that to a little baby. "This man is a monster. People should know what he did:" Mr. Brown showed no remorse, offered no apology and maintained his innocence during his remarks to the judge before sen- tencing. "I've been made out to be an animal... an abusive father. It's too bad 1 didn't have lawyer skills to bring these false statements out and charge someone with perjury," he said. Justice Glass rejected Mr. Brown's plea to be spared a jail sentence, which would mean he would lose his job at A.G. Simpson Co. Ltd. "I'm 54 years old. I've had three heart attacks. I'm at the mercy of the court. I real- ly don't know what else to say Your Honour." The judge gave Mr. Brown credit for two months time served. Ms. Tanner said she was satisfied with the jail term and added "at least he's been made to pay." In an unrelated case, Mr. Brown is to go on trial in the coming months accused of placing a two-year-old Oshawa girl in a tub of scalding water. He was charged in connection with the 1964 incident - involving the daughter of a former girlfriend - during the police inves- tigation into Tommy Tanner's injuries. The girl, now 16, suffered third-degree burns from the neck down and has endured. countless skin grafts over the years. THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13,I"G.FAGE19 1� U E L' PERSONAL AD F 1[ F F. VOICE GREETING Ismile slack a"'oetvEEE.Ewttrees ID you-- me" on mItIMID .�pll haw N Mak BOK 1S1» prd4niorlal dlpsra M6t Erygs e7a"L 6I- NwL rYNepb NtrfC, IDIC. Qt t�tCrl�a100I6rtr1 NIIYar wrbYa BOIL Ism caNa "Well 1W.810 M. s••1 r. Na. b ats9M AMY rld him Yes ha ea by hurl am Ism AAT CIEOLE MRN ME Singes � at caw, IS 10D ••a.iA9 ■ mW eft IawN -0461 he Staub. 20 b 24. Voted MM b bw SORMOrr rrwha A. b w1r, eft law As beach mew mdN. BOK IS674 LOTS OF LOVE TO 12111E SAM eNOrNaAd pID001111n 414666 =°tart NMiM AMM".aUDiI Order. a you wa W", span b Uwe, res W dare lr ww nww" a6 tnr Ka 17306 _LONOTVWOMAT04 NOW= will move Seek a 3nAfw1A31' IDIDcwID. wilt O nMb, 46 b 50, *Mh sen rdwIDYa am ..res of w. am 15146 for forma a McI m ». wta.tlb"Vbk, br kwxl. sMD. Lre W" a o hoa,. plalnp dwA and Clack 1'n wa.y ill" AAI gray IMr W ban eyes. ISD ba Wage ON rwporaa k. aw a by paha. BOX 30472 TNN05 CAN HAPPEN Lab 409. aracna. K Wlw1- t la.0 tab _ M beach. NW119, ream aWb01s. tar 01 seeem Adm whoa .114. bb We blab 0'40 .11, 011%, albreab. IID 111140014 aha paewOM nbMorlaaD. BOX 30470 IafA6aAY10' -"IID w*wA a board aha .IGN NNG I. ALES LOTS OF LWE WyE N 155 FFa•G NEED AFRIENO 3u a-. eedow arMa, •ern bmYa 29,-L',4 3S d. drao,cp n "MMt aw e•AW,"n n b 65. neaw rM * la car f•Orn. ' 32, _ a n port Nn ryep Nnrwa", non an.Ma pees antranr rtarp, h ens nabeery We- oar Aha gran c.� p1Mwl droop, mares ares A Mama. anda. "a I -rwv 7••R b nrr"A 6 TNr3 70V' CALL Ara v'11'..,r W.,S. 1alr, a,wnoweAlas. .N ria.a b be haply Ads! 1-900-451-3793 '"� "qq 5•alarq mw. �{ a nMwb 4hw be trweM ouleoae aw a•.t '•'F+. a h.aesaalary . 3r, brp put orar4 W 1166 M awCan Heated .Ar rKr LAr I" Melw d 2 S7. 160 MR hd Mo. pead7, .lCkeft NUNw 966 046'0 � �p�� 6rV ae- 14Ae9 gOf �D® y4sMfNM. M O.w, b haw.. F. -ft. 27 b 36..ne Oo.t I.a 27 r a. Cmew 0" Sox ,ell, -ft RW. 6.rOwbq all/IOOlO1G '^O^fb 14JL/aM w gar IW, TAe 1146. I&ASIANnAW Win aM BOX 174» F011 • W 1139 TALK Clan. •M " 12022 M Pay Mad Ornea Mall IDK artl f• A ww"art 34197 w rr" d1n9• M ae. MOK araarV! letru11 X10. "AIETOU WL MN" " _ •••6" A 0460. parva Aga Wale earth rh bw M nr 37m1u�1 T� TOGETHERF'�S .W'.a brrrab rMii IM TOUh .d t mae. Y't" 10 M30M. .IDM M. q Wa b Fa MC1l 22 r We 175 lb,FOR ... '92M OUTDOOR FUN 6U, ONacad abta 5!:34646 4v rNE FNO.IE waag .0_ ,. oe"" A... dwq W mere wA AN VO A _" oft nab. A A GOOD TW10 6kae Mn alaYw. 36 b 400. wY. Tr Nrrwa % bw-w/ IDM. M 'W En1aFa q^q raala, "MATTE $a ow w D s 23 r M N.OW IrbcTr.a rtes. r sMl 'MaaanaMO iM� an 9aeF11Ml drnar '.trVl Aft. ��q. artFa '^ W w .Tt M SQ b 3M. AMIr.eNr. W. nreyn SSMnagd p�pd app ,NbAdba rtes. a$ i..tM a bIWR darn" ••w a Fares baa, nate ."vow taF� alaR Mow nr NagY. 146 r W. AraetN. •AI..... V, A "rMaragnOn6 .ongn EryoC. nM'a CarynG nn'n9 aul gVMw and res pnN ru�t1 n.na[ and M Ywf[Lfg11 AWN TMANTED AAO,0s amps. sir ,ao dr AM. naw nrrraN mea.a rr� .+n r.w +•qr part 10"A"111 e a"n_ M • bry Iran Dab bX ,40461 Nbbnaq Mei Mand rad. . +o.ra a .n.. r...r..•+'•..•+.. a... 'ed4h naaw dwa_ and ar-Mb In.w., n6 an ab+cM bora. 21 !o Z M ....a„a , F1•.rrM46 dul.aa MOf ,9M qa.d nava ro n.M agrraM -...I eQE i� 0. Mas a M ..o. aa. s s 1741, r Me-FORNM b"d ' 5p Ism FIr THE MuT Peter 5'r. br,ala0imna it b�q.w^D v� MOI 70277 arr0 tr.rMq dere q wwaN,e .t Lon- Arw Peed cs.w AWA a MNw rtes pwarr•ra LOU[ THE COUNTIT_. IDM Man . ry do r ow. br aw FAA* MOK 766» w1YTf MON' OW 30 r w larr6orr ma. .dM nalr. 4roanMd •IATA, -W n 0 ncgd. a 39 r .", .daabp awns. t1r, .era .na .'461'0 maga. nage. A b nrlat M twNa. nen K S, ngeMrrb tops. 500 ,91,30 tA. fan.w. rno 4wa .Dors ar'I� ::ow'^0. flEKdr.G SOULMATE r w""^9 • nrAra b •dwl rncovw.rs am 17603 �aa�N 6trat boy ft a aanrr ia.7t eN[ Nanagr9, da 5!" rJ 7Cal? a 42. toV MOrN6 TOu ME NHI x r ala rrW Iw. ! T Ma�r�q 7.alr M r oq s arch w'r w. JnwNw.I-Swan MKIM IPA "aa' mwt. 90ce OrtMar, MaOo oIA ^qra DWa! W..,0. b.aey SOI. Saab4 an Mrabd urn.. 2E b 32. ale • awKAL Mame arta�as pour �'�.pnpp�,am w .w .I.a, a•.r.a i. araM. aa..lMrgq asI raw- b yNyI�O. an dd.r Fnap a A11ar1. acsaew •^a1a•AeAT .atara. wtrr tar► ,»07 m.mawa 3.pwM30. Arent Ian11. bow nr •ro haw enplareda„d N n aw.r Aaawtneaw arta caad•9 .rn sanrarra ..b b a 466pant NYWr•ar.rarc.rarlwA rn6 MW 139467 oJlbar.. CaaKuw. ngwtac 9•••05` 4 nqq b Oap'91a 904 34670 5•rree and +ri MOM 173y ALaaOST A YOTIIEA 77r ast as bat..3 ww date � 06646 LaebS b pnra0rr para 31 1b r trap ar C." .aaera 3e.M.q a w» %AM. b poelem nlra. M.YlANG HEART d an. �ooa• arry11 bnreaa 37 b «am an -%--wbd. 0. .a.>s 1F1p3weua'arwenuMp✓Hua-2SeAPlfcoAfl e fAw11TE0 ow t.r•w •S.ba D 61" nraga aq Vapor ae oral.uan6 a IF 60.S miles S••aa �•b 401 _ 600 14607 _e. ga n0. nwM N ya .ay M�f ,ONd q 16 alt eam 'ao. S,tbaa. .Met Mia. Oa W eelae.n 213'{ and •rMa1'aM rM 't YR55 °"a •res t.s. rrq N as am avWgT'nrua�.r D' 7rb. E ASE TOO Nar1E' •retelyd ApprOwn•awy 0 b oracles. 6o0Yq b� dwq 900trmw. SEMOIIMpies WE WANT TW'r46 o•ra ee.r,ga.rha46rrre C46r,Dan 110E90K304» aa, b aa' M' a. baar5 Mr A ur9a nes.. 40. 5 A' o- *w.. aro. • haCAa. � .ahs d d.r.a. pw9r a d >i nraq 3baa+, .•�".0ad ran W =auOl. � a 3111a..i3 naw ..e, nw.eb MOI t73» DPtr AND NDNEfr OAlrt'•amom. 30 S 3" _4d' MOK fN,0awaq. ,: w;-11 IDM br dq arMwf 73' 5 a. f b M Vd roll. q M wN arr0 yAre OIDrI NrrWa VYiralr b alan066rq W'nta •na a aMr b'W. Xl M 0 If Yes lap rap nM.. Aek. w p d, 0.Mala SEY OUR IRPI.IE6 ONLY Irwr AOL -wo coF,ty nuuc. GIVE laE FaM E" 6LUE4:y, 5LON0[ 3,p«yca" are 60X IWa aWI Are lar A" Qe•1► Irw, pae.ltle Arra SOI 6A7t " opal a.a.we3 alone areMO[ ah" ba Asan Arid 0W.a „573 Am you nar.tbe n .wap Mot Mand_ d IanarOre aATprs. pl-1 u,% at '^M A we w", Ada, N r oq �bt awe .rl0ab IDN ary0yt a ,0C b 1'"910 nem d _a. rab5 . mala aMaa ares Me* b INN T•er W W AKaCbM +wt ♦NETT SEGaatro nr.ra W +"' a,m aAy MOM 2462 l9AVE � 1 AIES9Aii' Pla/ tar ro Malpa aaW3efr f s0. adr Caaw w 0400th haw aalN F.arw ox p••a'6W nor. sox 'w'a1' a nbraab 50464611 a COnMaaaWq MOI( woo anoaa .nY I,. radf n IID nMl b. b6a•. aaMnq Mara d d.dr6 TY saw' M. Sir pan MrAp. S 11A NM. - TAS 1 +or, faraYAr YAY J -V Yid a N THE OWA6IA 4aEI • 43 " 'Oct 6'1•. 3'00 m -w 9 Marl. b o- 9 Wan AW baur5 0. 25012�3M WA aam- -a-0 ® 1.011 a m 26461 ngylC .rygt awe. } 0100 brad araooaA w�a r W 5 :part �' r" ^w a.M AeuaM.AwIDM IBMs DCX 1210) SAA7 760 pelts bwrn .+a M a arragy r baE.q b lire EKPLOAE lFE FTA acaa Craa..O W poop 9000Line TWT 36 r .r. 5 t0. -g. mom A'aAu _ ae Oath 1.163 HEART OF GOLD Phaw rephr res mare. sea aq 'n9 IDM 20000 parson b store1r.cIrtr'a�b•Vd aaar.a .", WANT TO NAME NN_. yar 50K l OM2 eaMy Ns. 5 T appy. Ipab, abra. ado do -,da cur and 1146".46 EIMWt CAPRICORN LADY CSN 1 •!80.651-3793 rVnae pdeavonAl rtes. y.rap fMA 5 5- 130 p ado 9 a sopa anrab. ]7 b b. and r a non .nrW MOKMp T.ad • - arabAP 1{737 200 'b , nTa" 4 taa,,,rq �. FIT 146E MILT As ease, naraA Gary eF ow aWeor aL'aaM I- Chw aaMahatp, Aare, � 0 M. bry "ft. awn La. Ns CMA -Ad Mrtrab u.y PAT me. a.66r.5 Mod ra nolra.l. .rr6gy.d ales artea46 n h D1 I%- Area MOI 17OW WE aAW E a""'r""M am 6+ sr5r. N p ow Grua Mnrab. S {-. fnat Wr .tempo aha r 0"", rrN acrd rna. S...v A A nes n no ATrN� MIENS .any 405 b Mb 30'0 who lbrr hcaonr. e% Il ~dry MIM ✓a WE A CALL SayA haw 30 • • 0' . So %RICK 197461 Monde nr. b.MngrNl c••aW agcara s.AIwS .IM k+'•5 Wev a a, atte. 1ralael INKuby IDN 3S b .0. b • r.lMorw.p MON 311034 r a non 3n,oia Arra Iw _W n0u 'ry ^ialbo. dna W. br wr9•t w ww Iadq trap ErTeys au.bat Nor IID. _.a.s ane Awa. Ma. y 'w. 5 sLL' ' Ma a.r^0 a pour. 22 b M. IDM res ar,c+p, ar JUST LOOK9aG 1 u ae • t Tran .elaiAle oral.. 4232. as.. n t oehime arta. OM VERY "4"664G a Nrawt she Lo✓w M... c TAF r.nbal 1bu sft ded OOaIry' aftem Valft r OccaawM 0.0W, N. IDN •nen wIIAS '^'aMr'G Metra' rvb Mw tA-W 6,- alp, mae. Ares rNrp a ✓' M. N. wda ^ub a boMaS b pew 'urs. w emobenwy abpWOb Eraoy 17.00 ARE y0U CUTE? raq a�ay'. 110 lb MFr yrrpdNr FrMrq� p acrd 1 -w e W b NdtMatlW 604 1. PI•w tY aMw 46-11 aatla. a6aorr. Mn. a Mek�2. aras�n slN wwT�a�id Nor. MOI ,4627 AMBITIOUS a FUN SS �01^r'I• paMnt 60l erg dAIV Y a¢awarw LA0. U. 5 5". Maw"., sa. bw-da nes aw N- .yM 144A7 MOX 402 P1. Hort AI.O anarr.Ay .eLara BOIf mph MOI l7ap b r o-0 5 0' 3MrI, aaany. 33060 / a e r res m01e MOI � aamAq. 164p LET'S SHARE RECESS CALL. U ' w, st lm fIMI1N0 dM KIGRLO51 Odin .y" S." " Mala. 25 b 32, atb r Oo.r, b Wde..9, IaNc and m SaA- x r old nwrrd. whr +aw neeas ares Out l=. c.0 -_ mA,F rte 35 6. 1'0 Ibt a sa.ar5 N r ow r,91. rrrrAb. 56', 130 ESA OA" eyat, how tar LA" aarfl Bol[ 1 mt NET TOU Naowdl40-caud P1.1" ww"py spare, wee aarwr / t AA �/E�' ' I Nth ��^��4/' Hwa. aW, rwn9 a awn .a ilk a0uw 25 b 35. b A.aMt n0. sr,. SaMdw A new. �doraMbnpy. 4n wt'a4 +prrn a pry IDM• CbapOMMwd� dit . lhu .i pa Mad lmrr CaMO BOE ma"a, eavrq, Cap. I tAup eepa)try Oacaue. nba -Nese,, a."lrm arm BOM,• . rww a a w a M N0 harp 34726 bast Abry f1e baeCh ares Ilrera SaIDbry • aw. ordely net buINI my prnce dwn1•5 Tet Ila a 246 b 75. W. abac NbW Wap em 33375 OK. a 4 LIFE3 MErTEA 3efAlIEO P. Moll td{.6 CALL ME SOON 24 ✓r ob. 5 10. 0 Ones W rr0rrarrrpirq n1W, % b M. S'9' 01 fair rh Nes ar M. pow, aaab9 - eetpai rale .Atha male CAN tOU EILIOr NOea Appyy OOIrT YON LFE7 tA11/1Nt AT rOIOM MAT NO. NO,NO. IBJ h1�Mr PCwtG M TM Ibex A 10 IS MON AMhT i NOT tAITy. f0 5G>rtL ASO MIN` fIEUIK Ns 59' ,ss b. t anObyao Irw. ^Q M�+rg0. nrwt Fran an arWrM. BOX 1077 , W 01 r da. p11bb. W FIACE, Carr Hispo hprrM01" Arm wo" N � 1 THE 111Afip4 STAR 1A �Kl 11th � nap.so bb 3r7. rte, fns LA0 AND LOvar b0e 9oK 7w52 i, sw" SAM? � 711rc It FeE�re S armed a Il WicIM 10 -Wa a eoK 161105 likes a eaerr eaporOrrl 57. Ibr1 eyat bI Ilan EaWlry ahW A A, Sarya.twberb. eery N't +Illreefa lea M aac dpora. 4^11019. INrc 1111 fllAtsrr� �-� all mr6A1L k. _ ma pn CSN 1.9t1♦151-i79� 4aMMlaaa. Sells a IVa A7aay eadar, bad met, all mae.BOx oleds A �� - c.." mope. corrwy trnra ry f:.M SMI NIM. UN awe a ConatllaIDO, /NAaw. An Ieaaton- mows. NM"1, hart awwir. ae a . 52 b 62 SEESDIOi.7 .res Hwa Saaa.S a a 4amW. 0'L .0 lar. 8460330 alaYE AITIT 34 946 .mea Nes. 5'8", Kra 41141. sArlpe, w•ra rYea res read a INOW >t eat no r .no bat rwW .a.bea w1 waaa. Mt a 90x0 nhaa A a>.a., Yt.Ctaa. Caro rM ydF rt0rt snroiar, aharub BOX 12521 chit -1 bo.bng, Worm .ee nap Saha pplNy mW b Atrtr M Box 1746p CEN 1-lN-4513790 wn, par .trate aalo.af 1 w hM9sepIFJg bow. I baa n Pe Pun Nope rr Oilrp b ar 1reM way. non trotiar. Eryvys maws. 40aaW, a".w, appy ENRON l I SOIN alO C N r ON, 511*, m.r ?'S ALL NEW TO YEI $2.41 WT ■o. ME HIST 1@T S00{L m so M.eAlpbya reblrr a BOI YOUR 0101111 MMIE TN6E, aeAs aw tram. nn M ooln ACME • CLA98r .Ora 34 LAM XDNM r nMarwW 0 ACTNE em 010100 tut all sham 6't . 220 b Aeaperwlcea INb 00460 mea br part. Al1E YOU CIINOIRT S••Iw5 a pX.._ . twt Me arygs ertaq, 33 r ole .0145 anlala auanp try Siek.CChmaaw Nara. rwN. Nba. Si yr aFff id. F Mn, .era hoar) Irar res rl arM�i. DWt dwaa tun MOI 17505 era anWa r dart res mcraw Ball ,� VAMArg,�5, aawMliq OWN eeft 9V4 Wencala30 el early M. emobanally a� a sepievea" Maeda how0a pyo. Etala M uN 911.10. nt d.psrterot W M acA ll. Rwrea a d awe. See" .ares.. 25045. ,M Anew mega. ClEM L1V91r 35 r M. Vowmww ISTalu aNrMw'edaa 46erIM, at.Wee s.aeMp .nwo a 4w 9bN IDaroM mane alta w M eobFgwaar N trIr6110 onlF BON 30.67 d:i I a per -V � geed aw nyde6trL�Parlta 4 �ddt` bash. 00 btu, Ip kei�r9. r9 801 14700 mW. MMe.�wp Sec n aw�MN Mwed port. se• t t3 be u "Wee an aatbB o3rn IDA res reatrrM bull. Mor oMKo.at BOK 640 BOK 12421 a OF OM hR�OSU►TO SHAME False. Ypaa6. eNW60 6roeM mea S.YrO M harMY tlt.lt SIDnrq . Ooaal b ID.rft, •Aw a bawl Sam" Acrd r 50'5. non Meabr. 1ww1d4M dtAID Mlala, 21 0 26. .0 N11r9Are5oNw Me Wheal nee Caobt Daaaa_ a aha Agww &)X b bnWe b I6An sal wee b- larrerlca shares aw edw 1•� 1aE@QOBR SrpY.be, ager sorb 711. I., twtnrolMr. non niter. daaw. a am- ,wb awrdw alsswYa 60011 paw a TAw aha ria BO1I 2901 BOK low aaeir wbeaR BOI 12232 e'. ,70 Ill. pobeebrt. a AMID aeh blarde hr aha aM5mv , (Doc a w,d0 and Machold paabn M r014. aEatr a o" earl 0 5't', wM6on OIa9. Nee NIDA groan Mae. Ilontal aSaaOlr . p AMINb"M' trIM19 °R OOIe�� IR A alt" STAIR pN NT so a mom coame..%in him eMa Erypp teal. W- sponL le�' Qr CALL F Nm NSM r Ws r6MgM atI arlplay br CaNa- W rYMaMIp Wel wlo S.�liq. r1y. 0 gnaw. LAW chil. trwwt and rre.11. abrr, M scen4sww. Mn ehi% hew..rIT Sia paid Be b awl NtrNo l a a-'160 ba. �r 5ra14�lrt rMNSR NWe and I an dtlo21 Swim Am 4drMD BOK M" ettrt .6n5Y tlfwoIDLL awcomet BOK pllobgrapllp, MAAA.IIM, Ye. rt Itt CM eoy We. w pyo' ap n w.Ma. irtbr yetaM)Lam*-Aa N7t � wWaO 807( nn RN ArTRACTNE WL Mg 12632 ret-.ael Looioq b bIDal a WAY, r. albeberw a YW 13 C°b°MM arIDa BOt _ 15156 (raw pad IrMa41tl �Wd � TOUT 1,073 CoNUT TM STRAIYNT L00104r _ _ Is V, a So 11rhaarlle 2104646. .m. _ bqro1. talk roret 95b 42 b a NrW. Yt11. BCx pb rah trCWANE LFE no a�R trend-C7ooe baetp, -oft prolan r �o6IDa oftMA M6AN '405 r 046, 67. mW req aSYq. sMbq se 6lnW 18awq- rt■MISW101046ROIIET Now li vw 26154 SIDaepa whoa,a S"10•petr e f` - AL .. 45.52. prow, ten AAA- , w PY.Rawtiaq aIDcuN. alfi SWAO' w61blrbrrt 5`1 YIN Aha penia COMrC �1 MAI badn9 49 IM dabn' .,, � 5•�•+Ig.. 6619. nrWID mow. Errpy ntuaiIDt baAoq gAllrp 04 a pond matlt..a1 mM BOK u750 ID you-- me" on mItIMID .�pll haw N Mak BOK 1S1» prd4niorlal dlpsra M6t Erygs e7a"L 6I- NwL rYNepb NtrfC, IDIC. Qt t�tCrl�a100I6rtr1 NIIYar wrbYa BOIL Ism caNa "Well 1W.810 M. s••1 r. Na. b ats9M AMY rld him Yes ha ea by hurl am Ism AAT CIEOLE MRN ME Singes � at caw, IS 10D ••a.iA9 ■ mW eft IawN -0461 he Staub. 20 b 24. Voted MM b bw SORMOrr rrwha A. b w1r, eft law As beach mew mdN. BOK IS674 LOTS OF LOVE TO 12111E SAM eNOrNaAd pID001111n 414666 =°tart NMiM AMM".aUDiI Order. a you wa W", span b Uwe, res W dare lr ww nww" a6 tnr Ka 17306 _LONOTVWOMAT04 NOW= will move Seek a 3nAfw1A31' IDIDcwID. wilt O nMb, 46 b 50, *Mh sen rdwIDYa am ..res of w. am 15146 for forma a McI m ». wta.tlb"Vbk, br kwxl. sMD. Lre W" a o hoa,. plalnp dwA and Clack 1'n wa.y ill" AAI gray IMr W ban eyes. ISD ba Wage ON rwporaa k. aw a by paha. BOX 30472 TNN05 CAN HAPPEN Lab 409. aracna. K Wlw1- t la.0 tab _ M beach. NW119, ream aWb01s. tar 01 seeem Adm whoa .114. bb We blab 0'40 .11, 011%, albreab. IID 111140014 aha paewOM nbMorlaaD. BOX 30470 IafA6aAY10' -"IID w*wA a board aha 80(.3001 Ar3MC' .66th, w1W Mea. rs'eapiwNg phot, IN r.Wy bra' eeI on CpntWWt 1 an FRIENDS FVW K •a lMMMA "S" ehb 5 Yrwtp SOE Melw d 2 S7. 160 MR hd Mo. pead7, .lCkeft NUNw 966 046'0 � �p�� 6rV ae- 14Ae9 gOf �D® LmNIp br a1We AMID, YS b 0 teaOAan Guild, fll0lAllsr W� e wa. uquID to NweK YnT-090= res elrn.b. TA b N, = INq 61rm 24679 '^O^fb 14JL/aM w gar IW, TAe 1146. I&ASIANnAW Win aM BOX 174» 046463 upw 1k MwI ww BN b pN1Y, Yo MN VeY Irt.a BOx 7000 N EDDE LM SAME Earl 3SI�a'Mi3 3 letru11 X10. "AIETOU WL MN" " deli W lbbe. % aha We �Y �i Am you N a 50. het ew - shape. so" IDM n p n M awgrtp, 9rDee sore a "111gra w"0. IDIGitO. rharMa bmYa 25 I•ID• raa6q, ap.nrq ata 1wf1 bAaly AM New, geed woonaby, dwlat. h0nnl rid r_Wtrt7 NMeb, dartclrl0. Ionia,,, 900 COIwa19A6eea, ON b 35. wtr 111.11a, II . 11646 Cox" nWb. ha 4e0akn all ID 40. to shme, pop�1 ailw78 anO Otl tllrra SOUK 7R7» Mato u ul -30"Ah'a'a' fFa.l =WopWhig you go DANX THE worr Raw aMnWy rIErIWy d pAIm B01K 14603 nernM. pOX 28421« aa3 73 1* Aa Was h&W Irwa bmW R LNNO aAlgw wr NDNa .Al a6oreant� a^p g and 11waAFFECIIGNTO M.&S Be brw11. 5'6', a alrwlwr res 90" dMior, 010665 ft V. hew.. Mellon blab, Man tang ■ee". prig IDA CAT*. OFFER Z• ob sal 100 Duh 400017. &V%N& Illy ern, tee r"0. c•rr" mac and hK L pop0 boYrp wMidaMMa. S'10', f70 646. boy ft aMq. 4^"19. 400 Sall N AaetM W teres, Yw fabe ares drI N Sell" IDE hhwt IW, syu res me. tach. If level aha en�byIDd Meb. >t b 0, 11111 Ire free as MKIM IPA "aa' mwt. 90ce OrtMar, MaOo fIDisba, dedlAW trl.Iub ab6l0a poll. pw" 3p yr am 1146 ha oeparrdwds WW p0K 17204 nlr. a New, •AAY gdw9 Aha Mus b ter a boy aw -AQl ISA 32 038, i.i fSs00ares.ro SHORT a cult Sn" 01r. BtAK 30456 Opera 1pq arm rehboR Yap. Bell 16505 Spet ai h 21 r Db. 410 1?. bnrlID COUNTRY LADY UANr OVEN mom, ii -V ZZ brlphl red hr. Enpys Drw wd 3S, 54', aascM SIO' tilde .0 bmwrl hr sh000q Oda. anlPng• enW. le" 101 a ora A syN rpb�0, sdauM 311, p r bid.pS spas, bran. elAbl nat.b. at res ragn9 Seabry a COnlpasrl b Mre w.bt nits. Arlan n fee C.My swafID Mp pieNrs. WW what MMC, nbM.{, Crttre mW eh .6 mot Ado.. 21aID? eN b IgrMa Phar Mop anA NbpaMap N eo4iNa vp aaNMace Mlle BOX 33157in p 0,0 rp.n only. BtAI •reb.01f Nrrl rtO IDM 70 she IM 18421b 1u41 Va .A 11I >s I. 6'2r IN :e call Aar. i2 -84Z3 ,� crest an haF r. ft b shween fr ted LV. ww 000110 of ab, bra erg term rarbla'ah, ENpy c•n1p•10. bO•A"9, sadrsrwq. MNM res :ere. BOX 17109 TIIEAT YOU NIGHT ;21:1 Ot, 5 11', 175 lb. hill apo�N�mdprwi C+••iingri 7�!W e a reMr.pllap 80X CHANCE A CALL 0 r Ow, $'M, 175 b pod W" I Vill Oren .0 hat. arndw AN socel dirwom LAM carry mut. da,cnp. boats rirrtp w aha mon. Sewurp an eM.dNe. Ion b rref papa3 9OK fitly. daF dol w IDN BON 23241 13n" cdtbe. ab. Box mm NEEM mE sootL- 0 yr old wk. sr. 145 w. Ina" a rhe br dacraa anmurrbra. Box 1075 FUN TIES 203. 6, sWaMw mese seell- aq IC0,0b 10, dear Ln. BQ5073 illy wt i" 7Ta51GS 25 r 0145'10 IQ-, lbs t, b. cutu AMID who aryoys Need boas, eaw and mese Scrap a mw e a NY oma .nalahar BOX 17171 LOVE TO LAUGH SeaAaq a coupe b got lOpefw anal I em 170 on. 6. b. ,wry easy gang. 900 laanorad, doreet dun. ca NV . BOK 12143 LEn Fur 6 3-.195 b 9 cweut maned wtaN rrlW.. 39. 9A0d bobs. humwme, 36611 ares floc sea" 046 fart", b dwyhha _C-hm Dc I wet arty W19u BOM 14537 SOMETHING LONG TERM 5'5" ehha MMM. 26. cream :r w1w 1= -Older. e,fl Www nwMa. Engly we B X0ttA p ma"s res WARM AROUND I W a hawaeee. 39 r b 0010,01, mwW, w4l. owe 6'3'. 195 ba, wee brow hr &14 haral c.r*A mw txam dffrb� fie.. 405 poll 1060 MCornlaa SINCERELY YOURS - Durham's waU to meet successful singles like uourself ME ARE CUl1M= "110'a IaMrq a WSb, r currorrt 5 n Uro >0 s arouee 3 b S'S'. ares no mord Dun 110 Ab is awn W 26 p brtre w�arIDrlCa �I Call 1.91M5147790 $2.,o INN i9. REED A F1,0JD Ida Asa02arrMA. 26 Ynra 00 lamah, .•. Kwell wtrI ," N eY 14 Ow mID Irha npact Eryoys rtea"t hre. ap, aha ouW wAa leeeq 9 fOr1 r VIO AIM 9artr AML BOK 3041M Co0our9 Mea SROM HE AROUND 23 yr 400. 4nlab who a res b ar rM plleDrr b rung out atrr. 15057 •Ira' w -epo-JSO-ntl t7N �ftea as a 4+40 abwnv Aa... Awww rararw11r calls. .d1 401 Ad 4 i 1b, a arta awrr" n0 Ara1Y b A6 p nw,•w. nlrCr a naw 406 Mtn N a3MrM .aWn.."aA pad IDK aa"a •c aan.poaaa w'a0aas IDV tin ae rA'an•a w ,-Wa 1131-Sedp Mun.Fn Iw b 7pn )6rr ^Y' •ao Arp p 4r�� 646 c�M 940. p.r►. blarrww�,w r.apnn.a.a.o �M,Od IM 475 CAGE 36 • THE NEWS ADVE1111SIM W MNESDAY. APIUL 13, 1e6e SCOREBOARD FAX GAME RESULTS To 683-7363 DURHAM ELEMENTARY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (DEAR) WRESTLING JUNIOR BOYS WRESTLING -Tues. April 7 Weight Class 24 5 - Matthew Embree - C Park. Michael Armstrong S A Cawker. Shaun Mancock - Valley Farm Anthony Barker- Cedardale 25 9 - Damson Johnson - C Park. Eric Hontshel Valley Farm, Evan Basset - Gendatsetiogon Sandy MacPherson Meadowcrest 265 Trevor Mark - Meadowcrest. Adam L..- - C. Park. Brandon Ballinger C Park. Curbs Hayes - C. Pak 27.3 - Nathar. Sloneland - Meadowcrest. Luke Prmmental - Glen Dhu. Randy Plummer - Kedron. Greg Banks - Kedron 28.5- Jake Lenms - Glen Dhu. Kyle Adair - Kedron, Cad Flemming - Kedron. Stuart West - Gandy 29.2 - Chns Brmon - Kedron. Jett Thatcher - Vail" Farm Wade Beech - Cartwright. Chee Ouan Kam - Glen Dhu 30.0 - Josh Ferreira - Roubank. Trevor Van Kessel Sunderland Tyler W,ngrave - Kedron, Matt McCallum - C Park 304 - Grant Trapper . Rosebaryk Micky Fernando - Kedron. Ryan Spencer - Sunderland Jason Sharma - Valley Farm 30 9 - Scott Grant C. Park Nathan Wyna - Kedron. Benet Phillips - Cedadale Marvin Pond - Yet$" Farm 31 5 - Max Bell - West Lyrde. Thomas Jackson - C. Park. Mat Burns - Glen Dhu. Mark Berm" 'Gandy 32.0 - Patrick Woven - Cartwright Andrew McNevm da - Cerdale. Cory Puce - Glen Dhu. Tyler Dozen - Mrdwaest 326 - Pat Galbraith - C Park. Jacob Pae - Kedron, Nal McClathey - C. Park. Michael Gordon - Kedron 33 5 - Jason Bond - Meadowcrest. Jams Lam - Gandy Cower Bores - Glen Dhu. Sean Nowak Girard - 344 Jake Bladen - Goodwood, Darryl Rall - Sunderlard. Jeremy Grin+ - Cedardale. Alada Jorge - Cedardale 34.7 - Negus Coombs - Glen Dhu, Dowd Crergmon - Krdi on. Ray Bromley, - Sunderland. Cody Shrugs" - S.A Cewka 354 - Brian Krnvm - Gandy Tim Paonz - PMmerston Ray Domer Sunda rano Ryan Broil - Kadron 35 9 - Kevin Buzzer - Kedron. Calm Rayner . Gym Dhu. Cody Johnston - Vail" farm Jorrkamon Dickson Goodwood 36.6 Andrew Dy -wt - MeadowcSmoothst. Saydan Smooth - Kedron Brandon P.cton . Kedron. Javan WaOsamenry - C Park 37 5 - Danny Couwna Paimondo', Jeb McDrarmrd - C Park. Just- Lecuurs - Glen Dhu. Andrew Willson - PWnerston 36 1 Juan Powell - C Park. S•bby Pelraeo - C Pak. Andrew Hodson - Msadowcrea. Make Ch. Msadowcrest 395 Justin Van Kassel - Sunderland. Wake Ma;avae - Meed -sed, Edwrdo Sea onto - Glen Oak. Chis Clow - Pak wouton 41 4 - Logan Hawk- - Pakxwoost n. Mismiew, Doty - Su d•nand Chris Granas - Moodlowu+ea. Ryan Mary - Kedron 42ac.4. MPersona- SwderWd. Cres Hannam - Glen Dhu. Ryan Rw opartsrrd - Valley Farm. Jany Auco,n . C•oard" 43 5 � Justin S•eny - Rosaboim Darien Corwin. pohhwston. Kyle van de 60spon - Gandy Man Fan - Srrdenano 454. Kyle Mitdiell . Glen Dow. Chan Murry Su owend Bon Hawn - Sunderland. Ryan Eaton - Moadowc ea 46 3 - Brendan McOevm Kedron. se. Butt-. Gla Do,. la Owlk . C Pak. Scott Bra:fvmya . Kedron a7 5 - James Douglas - Grardu,a., Jays Hili - Sumfertaia. Braila McCsrtny - Pat ywNon. Asan Corm, - C Park 464 - ROb Forrester - Glen Dhu, Mon Jackson - Meaddwcraat Jamb Wilkh Kh - C Park. Adam Stakes - Glen Dhu 521 . POW Jill"well - C Pan. Bon Mclaoa - keado.c�aM. Bron Wrleon - C Pen. Parka kkrgh- -Kedron 551 - Kns Cox - C. Pan. Bran peh4p . Masdwosa Kale Th owason . Cewkar. Ryan Mak - Masdowcrea 56 0 - Taylor Ch.& a - C.artwnght. Mart Red. K-- Glen Dhu KMed-- kaeadowaea. George Marladwc . C Park 62 2 - Jared Rom Grandview, Mae Kanto - won" Fara DYten Cars• - Poniereron Brandon Robinson Kodron 66 3 - Aeon Mrlsar - Kodron. Cale Moment - Glen Dhu. Bob Foster Cawker Swan Liberty - Morose 87 6 - COW Agnow . Glen or, JUNIOR GKRLS WRESTLMG W-ght Class 26.4. Jessica King . M•Woweoa Said Welch - R,aoabonk Erm Gledkeell - Gandy Tanya Cu, Kedron 30 4 Dam a o Tryla Pameralon Midksao B.YkKk - K4dron. Brittany King - Meadowcrest Michelle LM iomme - Sunderland 32 0 - Jam• Lee Martin - CarMgnt Ni Dan n r . Paknaralon Lndsey Wada - Certwrght Danica euro - Moodwcrpt 34 0 - April Keay - Kedron. Las Aung•r . pa rnenRon, Rad Colla - Kedron. Cady Mateo - Cw wrgb , 36 5 - Meatal' WMgata - Palmerston. Brittany aoator, - Keaton. Becky Mundy - Sunderland 39 2 - Kaley Perry - Cartwnghl. Sarah Do Jan - Cartwright Mwhka Gonzales - Grandview. Erin Martyr - Palmerston 43 5 - Zpporsh Damn - Kedron. Jessica Dutaus - Grandvkaw. Je,ukyr Crow Grandview. Trisha Bray - Palmerston 47 6 - Robyn Small - Palwo"on. Jennifer Powno - C Park Stophaw GwWby - Grandview. Saran Bmnko Pal notion 50.9 - Katal Nicholson - Palmerston, aa•ksia Owren - C. Park. Melissa Taylor - C Park. Sharon Deeby - Pakrwmtw 52 1 - Laurel Foshay - Grandview. Came Hanrahan - Palmerston. Alison Madnnon - Palmengon. Jadyn Arscon - C Park 57.5 - Else Worland - Kedron, Jessica Ford - Grandnew. Felton Weber - Palmerston. Christine Sky" 'Cartwright 61.2 - Altaergh Suawan - Kedron Slophare Vkdory - Kedron, Amber Robinson - Kedron 74.0 - Brmaney Hosey - Kodron, Heather McHardy - Palmerston TEAM TOTALS BONS: I Cenral Park 56 pis.. 2 Kedron 49 Pts.. 3. Glen LMu 48 Pts, 4 Meadowcrest 44 pis.. 5. Surderlard 33 pls.. 6 Palmerston. 7, Valley Farm. 8 Grandview. S. Rosebank. 10. Gandy. 10. Cedardafe. 11. Cawker. 12. Carlwnghl. 13. Goodwood. 14. West Lynde GIRLS: 1. Palmerston 37 pis., 2. Kedron 31 Pts.. 3. Cartwnght 17 pts., 4. Grandview 16 pts.. 5. Central Park 9 pts . 6. Msadowraaa. 7. Rosebonk. 6. Sunderlend, a. Gandy TEAM STANDa1GS SR. BOYS: 1. Sunderland 213 pts.. 2. Glen Dhu 23 pts.- 3. Va1My Farm 20 pts. 4. Central Pan 17 Ms.. S. RoaebMdl 13 pts.. 5 Uxbridge 13 pts.. 7. Meadow- 12 pal., a Palmerston 17 pal.. S. Cartwright 17 PTS.. 8, Goodwood 17 PTS., 11. Lake Viae, 12. GrandvNw, 12 Cawker. t2. C.E. Broughton, 15. Kedron, 1f. Gandy, 16. Fronchlnan's Bey SR. GIRLS: I. Central Park 18 pal., 2. Meadwcreat 13 pts.. 2. Kedron Sunderlandts.. 13 pts.. 4. Sunderland 9 pS. Roaebenk, 6. Cawker. 7. Valley Farm SENIOR GIRLS WRESTLING Weight Class 40.8 - Pam Armstrong - S.A. Cowker, Jessica Bromley - Sunderland, Jessica Robkaard - Kedron 42.7 - Rebecca Dyers - Roaabank. Sara Stewart - Kedron. Ashley Tyler - Rossbenk 45.5 - Brandy Bourque - Central Park, Amy Murray - Sundertand. Julie Dixon - Central Park. Kandrah NMI - Valley Farm 48 8 - Jamal Goodman - Meadowcrest. Betsy Dabber Central Park, Gillian Onion - Kedron, Tabdha Sways - Sundedand 53.6 - Holly Kelly - Kedron. Jennller Stoney - ROeabatk, Mary McKnight - Kedron. Holly Doran - Kedron 57 5 - Micelle Obrent - Central Park. Amy Marsh - lieBdOwcrea. tie - Cara Marson - Sunderland end rlatrhe Foster - Valley Fsrm SENIOR BOYS WRESTLING Wed Apra 6 Wager Cyr 32 7 - Jac Hod - Goodwood. Jeremy Mosher - Glen Dhu. Jeremy Knight - Palmerston. Andrew Bouillon - Sunderland 35 5 - Kevin Almon - Central Park. Trevor Copeland lSunderland, Drew Adorns - Reaabenk. Sua~ l ee - Uxbridge 39 0 - Greham Mfeleh - Rosebank. Gaon McCabum Central Park, Mail Branner - Glen Dhu, Sealm Brschmayer - Kedron 4t 7 - Jake Le Doux - Fronchmen'e Bay, James Ver.ch-ron . Meadowcrsst. Derek Raynor . Glen Dhu. Kyle Abbey Glen Dhu 44 4 - Colin Holdith - S.A Cawker, Shawn Maynard - Goodwood. Geon Mosher - Glen Dhu. Martin WichWcz Kedron 45.9 - Mike Parks - Valley Farm. Evan Marquis SPORTS Sunderland, Ray Howe - Sunderland. Vickram Airroval - Volkly, Farm 47.3 - Jolson Michie - Glen Ohu, Daniel Hanson - SlrrdeAand. Mike Mine - Gandy. len Mockkrecher - Rolsabenk 49.5 - Micah Delong - Sunderland, Mark Rai - Vail" Farm, Ryan Moms - Sunderland. Kevin Melaguu - Lake Vista 51.4 - Ouade Trodd - Sunderland. Was Langmaid - Cartwmght. Jeff Wright - Cenral Park, Jeff Clubine - Goodwood 515 - Tyler Struyk - Uxbridge, Tim Fisher - Lake Vista. Nick rM - Contra Park. Bra don Rarrpased 57 0 - Ryan Thorpe - RoNpank, Beni Coombe - Glen Dhu. Danny Ledo . Meadowcrest. Brennan yule - Lake Vista 58.7 - Johnerhen Kirwin - Gandy, Bnan Stesy - Cenlral Park. Daryl Jackson - Meadowcrest, Konrad Oken,ewka - Polnersten 60 5 - Man Weatherill - Grandview. Sep Herder . Kedron, Ryan Mills - S.A. Cawker. Johnalhan Emard - Cartwright 62.4 - Joey Lane - Cartwright. Caleb Chepsiuk - Glen Ili Dhu. Shawn Law • Meadowerso, Ryan Kopper, . AAeadowcrest 65.2 - Daryl Kellen - Valley Farm. Doug Eng Uxbridge, Mike Pascuzzi - Central Park, Derek Sommer - Palmerton 70.7 - Mks Nagy - Palmerston, Malt Kendal • Valley Farm. Lance Miller - Lake Vista, Justin Blake - Meadowcrea 75.8 - Jeremy Yokach - Sunderland. Christian Reeves - Valley Farm, Ryan Doherty - Uxbridge. Eric O'Leary - Uxbridge 90 0 - Josh Pardo - Glen Dhu. Josh Hooper - Kedron. -leu JAGCAR XJS V12 '93 HYUNDAI EXCEL 781K ggK} 93 1ANCOLN :HARK 8 '92 FLEETWOOD BRGM 52K' y5 LeSABRF urD i2911�, 95 CAN A1.1Fk '95 CORVETTE 39K 96 El- kNTK k /L3rJ 148 85K� '92 J.A(;L'AR X36 '91 CHEF CAPRICE. CI" 61 K 52K '94 EXPLORER XLT '92 ISU%U TROOPER 85K t2aK %Yc'I x.- - --43K, ,I 1161 % '93 NIA"/,DA %II'N 80K' '94 CAii,.A1-PER 182K• 86K L• '91 B�1�� 3i`fi CO\� '91 (;RANI) PKIX '91 St N111RD I I '96 N NN GOLF _ ')1 (;NIC SAFARI 26K% OM",421K 42K'' '92 NIN-ZDA NIPN '9-9 SC%Mil SIDEKICK 100K Comp% Tway i13 1,L MINA ►P% ('4RG0 '92 TOYOTA C.ANIRY �64K t99K 11 �` 58K . Com�1ft9 _ Today '91 FORD PROBE: '92 COROLL % I.SX '92 NISSAN NIAXINIA '93 NISSAN SE KING ('AB 83K . 95K r' . 52K "33C �.. i '88 FORD NIUSTANI; '94 NISSA's P(THFINDER x6 NISSAN 300%X '48 FORD SUPER 8 C9-N-&UM1Ft "R BURT 1698, y SL Brock 1016 ok Rd., Pickering Of 401,SL/LJY I OfYV� � Hours Hours p NEst of & .-Thurs. 10 S Mon. Tues. Wed. Fri- 66 ti �✓R GC LICENCED Fri.&Sat.10-6 Th�-84 MM MOTOR VEHICLE Sun- 12 noon _ 5 Sst 8-5 GG�- INSPECTION STATION 420-9800 s50�5� AUTO SERVICE SPIDER CENTRE i Kuniho ��. 60%OFMSRP Dominioe 50% PURCHASE FREE TIRE ROTATION ONLY • all 111" topped • Coolant Clacked • tire Pressure Chocked •tyre Brake I1MpeCtion • SL w 5w3o or 10w80 oil • distil front and • check tune up * 9 SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL Reg. for )M FROM is Incudes new a/c Delco or Champion plugs and labour to Install • 6 cyl. $20 extra • S cyl. $40 extra is Vans 6 trucks $20 extra 4 CYL. 391 SPRINGS, SHOCKS AND STRUTS aMOC[a • rte Ytf Autamo W Products DETAILS N STORE (certain eorididom apply) p 200yo OFF LABOUR 10% OFF PARTS TWO WEEKS ONLY • At Consumer Cor Mart, customer6 MONTHS ` YOUR APPOINTMENT 420-3555 smke is our trioriOur salaried ClaaeopAP mechaniics • NO PAYMENTS • NO INTEREST OAC all offers apply to most ' oall otters expire only necessary repairs. cars and light trudw April 29/96 FlFree Shuttle !'-senicirsV.I.P. Discounts6MLIN A 0 0 Service , L DOUG BOB CHRIS NASCAR BOYFT TOMY Available