HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_04_12PICKERING EDITION A D V E R T I S E R HOLE 1NM MMENENTS By An* For fiov M 00111" vary out saowraotr >a. VA" tttw.e • :. � � (forMdN�rnl 09M 00dM t 494-2445 Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand Sunday, April 1,2� 198 Pressrun 44,000 28 pages "You can't probe into this case any longer, I've had enough." Guy Paul Morin Tunnel vision' helped jail an innocent man It's nearly 1,400 pages in length and represents 10 months of testimony from 120 witnesses. In the final analysis Fred Kauf- man's investigation into the wrongful conviction of Guy Paul Morin for the murder of his nine- year-old neighbor Christine Jes- sop revealed human failings and systemic inadequacies in the jus- tice system - .And while he makes it quite clear that he believes no Crown counsel or police offer in the case ever intended to convict an innocent person, the report is of- ten critical of bah the Durinarn Region Crown Attorney's office and tine DwMm Regional Police. See Abe s9my on par 7 0*8fi * Aa*W AIO1 - - Erich hops to it .- Erich Arbuckle skilfully performed with follow Baywest Nursery School classmates in a hop-a-thon this week to help raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. Youngsters preparing for the Easter weekend at the school took part in the fund-raiser and came away with $650 for their efforts. Rp"G0 f asts ST-U04.r PEFiuDI.; Good news, ba news for Durham Region commuters By Keith 611119aa S,a" reporter There's more good news than had for Durham residents who i ravel by GO train to Toronto every :: cekday morning. First, the bad news: Commuters , : ho live in Ajax and points cast A ill have two fewer trains to get nto the city. But, the good news is that peo- Plc hoarding in Pickering will have ne more train, it will travel right t,, Toronto without making any tops and all Durham residents will have additional seats with the in- iroduction of more cars. GO managing director Rick Ducharme told Durham Regional BRIAN NICHOLSON Council Wednesday the changes 'You keep saying seats, will be made in June when there'll we keep saying trains' he one more train leaving Picker- ing each morning, but two fewer trains was made by the Ministry of trains from Ajax, Whitby Transportation and not the GO and Oshawa. a. board of directors, Mr. Ducharme Mr. Ducharme reported all trains leaving Durham will accom- said Oshawa Councillor Brian motets more passengers with an Nicholson told the GO official that increase to 1,600 seats and an his city's commuters are not as in - overall capacity of 2,000. terested in additional seats as they Surveys of riders found travel See TRANSR/Pa Ile 2 time and the availability of seats " Byy WHAT'S INSIDE th' time the(westtbouna) train gets to Pickering, the train is full and it's still stopping in Metro. EtfANWN Pap .......... . ...6 With the extra train (travelling ex- �h .22 press to the city), we'll try to im- prove travel time, Mr. Duchenne ................23 said. HOW TO REACH US "Our intent is key trains going �j/ .............683-5110 to Toronto, we'll have.those specif- D#M Mlan ........683-3005 is for Durham Region only. They ANSMS LAW will go to Union Station with no stoF s (in Toronto)." he noted. .........683-7545 SbCWWh YMS ..1-800-M-8423 "Metro is really losing out. - • • .newSr0omlAdltrham-nd They will have fewer seats." A it', f .......durhemnews.net The decision on the number of , VOL 33, N0. 14 ll. PAGE 2 - THE NEWS AIWFRTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 Tran1 sit system's 2021 Plan being de` ' TRANSIT/From page 1 are in getting train service to and from Toronto through- out the day rather than just in peak hours. ..You keep saying seats, we keep saying trains. Yes, there are more trains in one hour (in peak times), but that's not what the taxpayers Different are saying. When will you provide us with service from dawn to dusk?" GO Chairman Eldred King countered, "No, you don't have everything the others do" as commuters east of Pickering have to use a combination of buses and trains to travel between Durham and Toronto during models seen on this runway PICKERING -- Model airplanes enthusiasts in Ajax and Pickering have been cleared for landing in the Pickering Town Centre next week- end. The Ajax Radio Controlled Mod- el Airplane Club will display a vari- ety of its models on April 25 in the centre court on the lower level of the mall. The show will run from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will include a demon- stration by club members who will build and cover a plane, videos on radio controlled model planes and a flight simulator game for visitors to enjoy. Call 831-1505 for more informa- tion. Islamic culture topic of forum PICKERING — Pro- moting awarenes% of Islam cultures is the focus of an upcoming forum. The Muslim Youth and Community Centre Picker- ing/Durham and the Durham District School Board will host Islam: A Cultural Bridge to the 21 st Century on Saturday. May 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Like Christianity and Ju- daism. Islam embraces a multitude of countries and cultures. It is the faith of more than 20 per cent of the world's population and more than one million Canadians. But forum organizers fear the cultural richness of Islam is not fully appreciated by many Canadians of other be - fiefs, even though Muslims have been in this country for more than a century. The forum will highlight the history and explore the many cultures of Islam through art, film, displays .and presentations. Admis- sion is free and lunch will be provided. It will be held at Pince Ridge Secondwy School, 2155 Liverpool Rd. N., Pickering. For more in- formation, call Ikram Makki at 831-2351 (evenings and weekends) or 433.6469 (day) or Gary Ranalli a(666- 6933 ort -800-265-3968. non -peak hours. "But from noH on, you will be making the decision. Lt's your system here on in. "You will make the deci- sions on where it goes" as GO Transit is one of the re- sponsibilities downloaded to municipalities by the Province. Mr. Ducharme also re- FREE E -FILE Service 20 Yrs. tax experience IAN M. TAYLOR 110 Hunt St., Ajax SIIIIITI�A E.M"S CORRECTION NOTICE Media 0412 "Take 10% off everything flyer". On sale Saturday April 11, 1998 Page 4, Reads: Save 20% Assorted Sheftex Comforters, Sears reg. 79.99 -159.99, each 63.99 -127.99 Should have read: Sears reg. 79.99 - 219.99, each 63.99 -175.99 Sears regrets any inconvenwice tttr hs may have caused. ING A ported that GO Transit is working on a 2021 Plan that will see the system transport double the number of pas- sengers it's now carrying. But, he cautioned coun- cillors in east Durham, there's nothing in the 2021 Plan to extend train service to Bowmanville. Clarington Mayor Diane 1 1 p 1 1 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE 1 NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, 1 1 WARRANTY APPROVED 1 OIL CHANGE SPECIAL 1 aCMANCa 1 $16 WW or,0- 1 1 �o� t�a tri stir 1 Gift certificates available 1 1 RADIATOR FLUSH i FILL 951 I SPECIAL tr$39- OFFER EWIRES 11" 15. IM CAW COraaE CO" in My OTHER OFFER. , OPEN T DAYS A WEEKI 195 VVESTNEY RD. (South of 401), AJAX 1 (903) 427-6796 ri ri ri ri ri ri ri 'HE NEW MILLENNIUM l"C am'S PROWIai CONDOMINRIM ADDRESS . -. .................. . • '92QO•I I A 2 bedroom SIAM Man ta& WT4 of take Oruro appk0m • *Prb reneia•:a- homes • 'r -ure 2+bw vW anrr ad tadsnped goto& •�mhas iepdwwbwrte,coo gem and MOWA 401 #log. 900 CALL STEVE Kitsinowsia Salesperson (4161464-5M II11MAL LOVAE HE NEW MILLENNIUM PICKalflf&•S PIBw!M #q= ............................................................ . • %Pao= t h 1 be6oa. aria �! si era aI tape Qltrio • 5 volas e • � Ieaaio I haiAe • Ww 24-bsr ped mum* ad ladrarled posak 'Arps iam ie Meru Tots case, GO sane ad I naw 401 Pre - mnstnxbw prices firom $104, 900 CALLciate Broker Associ•t• I AM Broker Hamre said her community doesn't want to lose the GO bus service it now has. "You're not coming (with trains) to Bowmanville. I un- derstand that. I'm not happy, but I understand. "We're desperate to keep xiopect our buses" Mr. Ducharme promised however, "It's our intent never to decrease the buses to Clarington. "It's not our intent to walk away from Claring- ton F-tltne Foods SAVE.50"m $3". Ham Kobassa tb rBoneless Chicken Breasts 'London BroUs' 5 99 SAME �.qolw 2 lb Pork Chops SAVE S 49lb. .500M Back Bacon $99 SAVE .700W 41b. –-,�tlated Ere 1144W Steaks $99 SAVE '_t.00 3b. 2111b. Octoberfes9 Sausage SA9 VE 1.70 m. I lb. Peameal Bacon �S399 Fresh Chicken IN $169 SAVElb. A...e_. Boneless rMloin steaks $ 49 SAVE M. 1.40 lb, y�,� ren Fine MF"& S "Tire Meat Pe . �E M•Qw�r. #s * ttt.w rs� essb P .Pickering teen • PICKERING — A 14 -Year-old boy has been charged with five counts of mischief after citizens concerned about vandalism in their neighbourhood handed over to police a home- made videotape of teens egging homes and breaking fences. And Durham Regional Police expect more THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1970 . PAGE 3 charged after vandals captured on p home video charges will be laid after the videotape is en- hanced to identify other suspects, Sergeant Jim Grimley reports. According to Sgt. Grimley, police met with residents in the Ridgewood Court neighbourhood in early March to dis- cuss an 'ongoing prohlem with vandalism, lit- tering and drug offences:' Ward 2 Regional Councillor Doug Dicker- son and a representative from the Town of Pickering's parks and recreation department also attended that meeting. As a result of con- cerns expressed there, a wooden bridge from an area greenbelt was removed "because it was being used as a hangout:' renorts Sgt. Grimley. 'No loitering' signs will soon be posted and police will crack down on any troublemakers, who will be charged and taken home. Police also promise to renew within the next few weeks Operation Clean -Up, a move to reduce vandalism in parks and other areas in Picker- ing. JUYTUI in song Nathan Nesdoly (left) and Lou Schnippering put some effort tertained at the the Pine Ridge Arts Council meeting Wednes into their performance as the members of Joyful Noise en- day night. The event was held at the Waterfront Bistro. ■NFFM rot! mvE awed a Moore W uoL_. ■rf Mage Moves In eserir _ prke raps. dewIP2lou a Supe. • ■NEW DO x011 VMW ' TO UV" Iduk AMR ,oft us a alll.D. Power :. SMaCNeNa• 9,�• and Asux rates tom» -,m >W. use Everyone shops the News Advertiser! Asphalt Paving dscape Contracting %W. wti's DENTAL CEITTRE WA�.K-N11 HOURS Daly a a.nL - 9 pm. 'SOL L 10 s.m - 4 pm AIMBE3iLM SHOPPeINe>1 cEwM ON WF♦rI= Fa FINNa l0a rXersavot" in i • FRO 2nd Opkdon • CotMo! From Mwuralt .. 911etle tlad t�aetttg 4enleteet 1 016 Best LFWV Midsize car in !nidal Quality for Two Years tinaRaw-•• 1998 Nissan Altima GXE Affordabk luxury • 2 4 L. 16 -valve, 15t>hp engine • 4 -speed automllic trammissioa with overdrive - Second Generation dual airbags • CFC -free air conditioning • Front disc/rcm drum brakes • Front and rear stabilizer bars • Cruise control • Power windows with driver -side auto -down • 2 -speed + iaerartteat wipers • Dual cup holders • Tri stinmug • Child-sakty rear door locks • 60140 $P6t-fold rear set • Power door locks • Smtut Doors locking logic with anti-lockow • Luxury style wheel covers • Color -keyed owside mirrors Illuminated entry system with fade out feature • Woodgmt, trim • Upsnde clads bucket seats • UPIP door aim ciodh • 24-hour roadside assistance with toll-free hotline Sad much mac I.61• 16-wtl+t 1154p pipe • 4 speed atstoataec aratrtaisuas with ovetdrnic • Secosd Gesanuto deal awbrta •Tik 5"mft coh. • Child-sakry Fear door loots • Dud o.tfitle minoFs • 60M spit-fulit nor seal. • PC.wa au.hod veaaed frogtal iN lwtss • Pawp�aMisaea wct�e jd pi�ia� 2-q-60, •Itkl thew wtpen • Retsole Feleas •)� Vitae DPI* Paebie. Ail! °ftitoafc. i AMM with t oom jod,* sysxm, far acid dwW clock..and mote. :_- Lige is a 1wrmy. Enjoy the ride. ATTENTION DHOME-BASED BUSINESS OWNERS Join Us! at Ajax Kinsmen Heritage Centre (Church & Strickland, Pickering Village) 7.30 am, Second Thursday of Each Month Members $ 10, Non -Members $1.5 (ask about our evening meetings, too) 905.428-20014 ext. 3444 The Durham Homepreneur Group offers monthly networking meetings to share and prixnote business services and experiences in Durham Region and beyond SALE P"' BAR�,pINS IN TODAY'S News Advef§W Sun, Apri112,1"8" News Advertiser "99", • AMetu a AMo Ptd!. * � #*" & Michael Sunday's carrier of the .�� week is Michael. , Foe/ 1nW 4" Michael enjoys music, hockey & video games. A~ He will receive a dinner MPaL t1tW � for 4 voucher, compliments of McDonald's. • Nwr IMMe AjeldPir� Coegriat�leJalloers 'PttwuPhu Ajellldr Michael for our •Plullr�ere PkL carrier of the week. • AI::M Paft N •NtAhrow Ain •S1rIlaALl ft IljtrlPidt • slwst tttMM 1M■e � It ir *fs _ HWWOW � .• �� 135 Kingston Rd Ajax 222 tiaylY St. W , Apx a Odnelt d b X10CW Itt=&0l& mfr 726 Kingston Rd., Pick. 136o Kingston Rd.. Pick. Remember, all inserts, inelu�na toric on om tom. can be recycled with die reg ofyour yourF�orxiptie 9 P on delryermg your adverfisin9 flcall R BROU at 683-51 It I PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, W" Ten Durham officials members of 100 000 club "' " ' not Ow11.0 1111.01... Ten Durham Region employees McCagherty, who made $167,243. ($100,289. W Mboom In police department earned more than $100,000 in Others in theffilice de ) Chief Administrative Officer pry Maya boom Medical Officer of Health Dr. Garry Cubitt earned $ 119,745, n11N �- 1997, including four senior officers who made $100,000 or more were Robert Kyle earned 1143,197, while Planning Commissioner Alex i with the police department. Deputy Chiefs Robert Jarvest while Associate Medical Officer of Georgicff, Regional Solicitor Brian MEK00 YOU WANT Durham's top wage earner was ($122,834), Derek Denson Health Dr. Linda Panaro made Roy and Works Commissioner VicTO LM ? former police Chief Trevor ($1 14,885) and James Adams $105,660. Sil til is made $106,290 each. ta�tlh Na4rMe' Ywe es a Call: g` i ftN AiNMtOa' (!05)427-M7 Tor. Lh1! CluesRe/Max Reflection Realty Inc. Sought 15F MEDIUM SUPPORT • • Single o in Pier 1 attress ` COMFORT SLEEP robbery- From $5 9 E $ MATTRESS 1694 Crime Stop- SET-$289 Pers and D............... 209 SET 339 Re- gional Police Durham , 0..............259 SET 4o9 � - 44 are asking for ...9 SET 699 _�...- your assistance •:� .,. in solving a ��f, 20 .. break enter and; r�►R .. • . theft which oc- orr curred in Pick- 1 ering between . - 'y ' ORTHOPEDIC March 7 and 8. Sometime during the SINGE $199 PAYMENTS evening/othe SET -$ 339 ht hours,. MATTRESS b u s i n e s s INTEREST - D.... 249 SET 399 premises of Pier 0-..... 299 SET 469 1 Imports at • • CHOICES 489 SET 759 1755 Pickering Parkway was forcibly en- R ONE YEAR • NO GST • NO PST • BED FRAME YEAR ..,. tered. Entry was on an matching mattress sets • PILLOWS - SHEETS 0 gained by forc- y 9 • MATTRESS COVER • DELIVERY ing a door on See store details. O.A.C. with any matching mattress set ORTHOPRACTIC the north side of the building. Once inside, ►SNGLE $249 the culprits Io- • • MATTRESS ,. catcd the store SET -$409 safe near the .A 1 c a s h i e r' s D..._.-.-._..289 SET479 , counter. It was • ' I 0.-.. 319SET 519 dragged to the' FACTORY K--•••------•-529 SET M back of the store and re- DIVANJ RER moved from the rnw FOLD-UP DIRECT ' r premises. 610 ROLL-A- orr The safe r` WAY contained a sub- _ � TO YOU! f. ORTHOPAEDIC stantial quantity S99 $149=16 $1 A ION of cash and Pier 7 ewa�Fnme I gift certifi- HARVARD KCASESINGLE $269, cates of differ- to...r � Great urass ent denomina- a VAM SET *439 tions. �w+d' � u a D...—.--319 Sum Damage to 5159 $269 $3 to-••- 349 SET 549 the building i t K.,.. 559 SET 969 estimated at �• � $200. FUTON METAL A-FRAME Crime Stop- BLED rnduees _ Il ; { <;;- 'Y: f . t"dr'� 3O pers will a s t; _ '� `: ,.� . x s'covered Pay egpres• - :: j.::::..: nudbass MIMI cash reward for,: f<sTjri. oTr any information $37 - 78 ORTHO GUARD that will lead to SPECK EDITION an arrest in this MAS 8EO C/1PTAI1�1 EDONO CAPTAIN criminal inci- 4I@W Warap 2c•bin•et&2ftwmdent. sowLOSE MATT Callers never EASTER SET *479 MM$289 have to give 2 � ��. $ their name or 199 ,, UNDAYI D­_349 SETS* testify in ' court G...........�,.379 SET 579 and police do not K.... ..,.......579 SET 899 use call this- •', ' • • play. _ • • . • . Remembers. • uny • • ! ?AI9r11DN Crime Stoppers CT is interested in what you know, • • • •• not who you �Y are. wAKAltE Call 436- 1e' +ea 8477 or 1-800-"'�ie+� • • 222-TIPS.++• . s R a`. P THE NEWS ADVF RTISER SUNDAY, APRIL. 12, 1998 -PAGE 5 Game plan' in works for Pickeringairport DURHAM REGION MOVES TO LAY GROUNDWORK FOR ANY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL LANDS Durham Region will begin working with Airport authority board member and former the federal government to operate and manage residents work at Pearson and -30X) people in the authority in charge of airports in the Toron- Whitby Mayor Bob Attersley said in an inter- Pearson International Airport and to create and Durham Region work because of Pearson air - to area on a "game plan" for the Pickering air- view the Memorandum of Understanding with maintain an airport system in the Greater port:' port lands. the Region would establish "an overall objec- Toronto Area, which would incorporate the Mr. Attersley said the GTAA has a memo - Durham Council decided Wednesday the tive of where we want to get to. Oshawa, Buttonville and City Centre (Toronto randum. or an accord, with Brampton and is Region will work with the Greater Toronto "We're trying to get a game plan of where Island) airports. It would do the planning for an working on others with Mississauga and Airports Authority (GTAA) to draft a Memo- we're going down the road" airport in Pickering. Toronto. randum of Understanding laying the ground- Asked if an airport will be built in Picker- Authority vice-president of strategic plan- It will also try to reach one with Pickering work for any future airport on north Pickering ing, Mr. Attersley said. "We have to protect ning Steve Shaw told Council, "Obviously, and Oshawa. land expropriated for that purpose by the fed- that possibly happening. We'll approach the we're very interested in taking over the Picker- He said the accords are necessary because eral government in the early 1970s. fells to see if we can work out something, as a ing lands for a future airport, if it's required:' "there's so much infrastructure (needed to ser - That airport was scuttled by opposition back-up to Pearson" He said a Pickering airport would be a ma- vice an airport). some planning is required for from area residents. The airports authority was established by jor employer and reported that 500 Durham the lands around it" Credit Counselling Service marks Credit Education Week As National Credit Educa- "Good credit is a priceless security." tion Week approaches, you are financial asset:' executive di- National Credit Education being urged to "use credit rector Sandra Sherk says in a Week runs from April 19 to wisely". press release. 25. That's the message from "The wise use of consumer For more information about Credit Counselling Service of credit during the (1990s) can Credit Counselling Service, Durham Region. be your key to future financial call 579-1951. &Mff A nR .95 Our best offerf o the season . .Save 55 % on Sears Best' custom window coverings Sears Lest verticals, horizontals, vivo buds and 3/E' and 3/4' easy -cue calolor bis, Al avialWe b an extensive selection of colours and patterns. Heavy -ditty headrml. Lifetime goare tee, ask for details. CAA f 110W TOLL RM FM A NO�A110N,1*#IC ! ESrAM OR %IW YOM SEARS F&JM STORfI ® 1-800-625-0025 6='t per mg April 1"9, sa .pp "A ym S11us cut i worm. sm rmbso. A S35 bland foo ual 111 aNicalla taus nal d W wo PMW d On of *artfmo. Ooforw dfu dna W 1111* a Praiwslp $ipad (OWWs. ONu =ds s=law Asril 26,14la. Ask for idol:. _ SAM PRIG WD SUNDAY, APRIL 260 1995 - s' x04220 01999. Sears Canada Inc. 1 Put It on N � , yours 'iORK -� bin. O.A.C.==am=s' / a MEN e • canAoMn� - naE/ LIMITED TIME OFFER i • Lube, oil & filter • Rotate tires • Castrol GTX motor oil • 20 point Drive Safe inspection $2.W EmAro a,.r" Erna • Repim front brAw pads with quality Yofpmaster brake pads with a l %Ww cuararme. Includes semi-metak pads where applicable. •kVW caliper mixt b sliders • ktspW brake hardware • Top up brake fluid • ktspect rotors for wear and/or damage kqW hydraulic system for leaks 49999* •moat (bra a "t1111rA 99 1 'Yost cars • Pert= computerized printout engine analysis • Inspect oil filter and PVC valve • Replace spark plug with Motoma W V-7oove spark pkigs • Inspect distributor tap, motor, ignition wires and coil. 7 9 99 e rylr,d.r OI& & Pbhnurn Extra CANADIAN TIRE SERVICE Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool - 839-8124 = - Sw*9 Matra: Mon.- K 7:30 = • 9..00 pm Stlkw* 7:0 ens -6:00 pia, Sttmday 9:30 arts - 5:00 pin -- .rrxc.:'xw• _.:.,..w•. ,zn,,,a. �,..�— ,..wiew'ww�er •r+ynM,. x - 1 .. , _ _ -,w.... - - . - -. • - - - _ _ PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1"9 A Metroland Community Newspaper OPINION published four times weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. US 2H5 A D V E R T I S E R Pabllsher: Tim Whittaker EDITORIAL _ -n ry ONZ spE%L. BLAS - OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS lbP7a DEI -►VERY TO h ' TW Kindergarten's NEWSr - N EDITOR new ABCs deserve an A It's been quite awhile since the Province and educators in Durham Region have agreed on much of anything, never mind a massive shift in curriculum. So it was this past week, however, when the provincial government introduced an ambitious new curriculum for kindergarten students in On- tario. The superlatives in Durham which greeted Education Minister Dave Johnson's Wednesday announcement even extended to the Federation of Women Teachers Associations of Ontario president Maret Sadem-Thompson, who called it an "excellent curriculum". Those are strong words from a union leader whose members have fought bitterly with the provincial government in the last year. And the foundation being set through these LETTERS OUR READERS' VIEWS ON THE NEWS The barn door is already open new and arabrtious standards being lard down by To the editor: the education minister will indeed help groom Mr. Bouchard is smiling! With Daniel young children for their later years in Ontario's Johnson's resignation, Mr. Bouchard has education system. good reason to smile. Among other things, the curriculum expects As the final few nails are pounded into students in kindergarten to: write simple mes- the coffin of Canadian confederation. sages using pictures, letters, phonetic spelling you'd think hin theger media at s in and familiar words; count orally to 30 and ret- have eye as y woultheir ognize and write numerals from one to 10; use computer keyboards to anticipate and some standard measuring devices appropriately analyze the biggest Canadian story since World War I1. (tape measure, thermometer, clock, etc.); identi- fy patterns and cycles in the natural world (e.g. But wait! I'm not a journalist but I think even I life cycle of a butterfly); demonstrate under- can see the storm clouds rising over Quebec from suburban Toronto. There's a standing of rhythmic patterns. and use a variety strange stillness in the air, yet I can see the of simple strategies to solve social problems. storm organizing itself as the dark clouds If there were any words of discouragement, of another Quebec referendum gather they came in the context of universality: Ms. strength for a final attack on confederation. Sadem-Thompson points out that one-third of In a battle of wills, Daniel Johnson schools in the province don't offer junior kinder- knows he hasn't a chance against Lucien garter programmes. In schools which do, she hard BOuC 1O `� stearrcroll almost any opponent. Mr. Johnson must be convinced suggests, those students will enjoy a learner ad- gg J y 8 of this in his own mind even if there are vantage over their counterparts. other reasons for his leaving. This latest educational directive from the On the other hard, Jean Charest canna Province bodes well for kids in Durham Region. relish the thought of returning to the By setting the bar a little higher, children here mountains of La Belk Province to face the will benefit today and tomorrow. And consider- Abraham of Quebec. Mr. Bouchard will ing that most Durham children are at or above find Mr Charest a good target as he current provincial learning expectations, we bunches a full fractal attack on confeder should be turning out better educated, more in- mon through Mr. Charest to the rest of quisitive and properly prepared students. Canada I can hear Mr. Bouchard begin to That's good news for everybody. speak in hypnotic rhythms as he paints Mr. Charest as the waterboy for English Cana - To respond to this editorial call da' Mr. Bouchard will reach back to the ans for isolating Qucbe,--ers, for humiliat- ing Quebecers and finally t(r betraying Quebecers. "Yew anglo % will never under- stand Quebec:' Mr. Bewchard will say again.A.s Mr. Bouchard hinds his opponent with a combination of half truth%, emo.. tiortal arguments and outright lies, like Abraham's um Isaac, Mr. Chamst will begin to get nervous as the; referendum draws nigh. Mr. Charest will struggle to free himself but can't as the saerificc be- gins and the knife is raised. Our fearless Prime Minister will begin to weep in anguish just as he did before the LW referendum as things began to go wrong. In the face of Mr. Bouchard's ver- bal torrent, our brave Prime Minister is re- duced to tears. The knifeis plunged as Captain Canada and national unity breathe their last. The referendum sacrifice is com- plete. Some of the journalists might have both eyes open by now but they realize they've woke too late. Why didn't they call Mr. Bouchard on his twisted facts? Why didn't they question the way he inflamed Quebecers with distorted truths or his fa- mous flip-flops. The barn door is open, nine horses re- main but one roars out of the barn. The rider is a dark -eyed man with bushy brows and one leg. As they reach the bank of a deep wide river, neither the man nor the horse know where they're going. But they know they're in a hurry. They know it's their destiny. °of asource IMosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 plains of Abraham blame Mr: Chards- Rob Gireeawood,' and the rtes- of English-speaking Canadi- Ajax TIM WHITTAKER Publisher JOANNE BURGHAROT STEVE HOUSTON BRUCE DANFORD ALVIN BROUWER EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK MONIQUE LEA ABE FAKHOURIE BARBARA HARRISON JANICE O'NEIL CHERYL HAINES Editor -in -Chief Managing Editor Advertising Manager Retail Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Manager Real Estate/Automotive Advertising Distribution Manager Production Manager Assistant Production Manager Assistant Production Manager 101VE US A CALL GENERAL 683-5110 CLASSIFIED 683-0707 DISTRIBUTION 683-5117 ADMINICLASSIFIED FAX 683-7363 COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 newsroomOdurham.net E-MAIL www.dudwnews.net WEB SITE rmft "mus C.C..AW The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circulations Audit Board. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ontario Press Council, 80 Gould St., Toronto, Ont. M5B 2M7, an indepen- dent organization that addresses reader com- plaints about member newspapers. The pub- lisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. Imagine the snapping hounds Imagine the freedom. Forget it. Imagine the frantic damage control that's going on in the lottery cor- poration's promotional department these days. Last week started with lottery officials introducing the country to the winners ol' a $22.5 -million Super 7 jackpot the Fri- day before. Canada's newest multi -millionaires were trotted out in front of the media March 30. At first they seemed like your average Canadian lottery winners. Read ..very boring" Speaking from what I'm sure is a pre- pared statement given to every Canadian lottery winner by lottery headquarters, they said: (1) "This won't change our lives; we're simple folk" (Simple being a gross understatement); (2) "Ya can't let it go to yer head now, can ya?" (Why start now?); (3) "No, I won't quit my job., some guys are waiting on me to fix their trucks." (Has anybody heard of wingnuts?) They appeared to be your typical rags- to-richcs story. Turns out they might be- come a jackpot -to -jail story. Reporters at the lottery winners' com- ing-out party asked them all the wrong questions, silly things like "What do you plan to do with all your money?" Instead. it turns out, the media should have been inquiring "Have police ever charged you with having $125,000 worth of marijua- na, a stolen gun, two stolen motorcycles and a stolen truck trailer on your proper- ty.,,, It wasn't until the day after that the press started snooping into the new mil- lionaires' closets for skeletons. Actually, the journalists didn't quite get into their closets. They got about as far as the win- ners' backyard before they were reported- ly told to "Get lost. I'm calling the law. - Dare ya. And then the lottery winners chased the news hounds off the property with their own hounds. "Get him, Katie, get him, get him," Mr. Moneybags was heard to say as he urged his boxers to attack a TV cameraman. All this while a steady stream of traf- fcc rolled along the usually quiet country dirt road where the lottery winners reside, including teenagers in a truck wondering where "the hillbilly millionaires" lived. There's no word yet from lottery cor- poration officials that they're interested in using the hillbilly millionaires in any up- coming promotions. "I'm gonna build me a cement pond" And, we haven't heard of any plans for a new set of TV commercials. "Imagine the freedom. Imagine the Bay Street lawyer you could hire to represent you. Imagine the snarling, snapping pit bulls you could buy." Blake Purdy is a regular News Advertiser columnist. To respond to this column call In- fosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY, APRIL M 19" - PAGE 7 T f 0 he i a,l chapter... 146 days of hearings, 120 witnesses and 100,000 pages of trial transcripts later the inquiry into the wrongful conviction of Guy Paul Morin is complete. mystery By Stephen Shaw Durham Staff Durham Region police and prose- cutors were blinded by "bad science" and "tunnel vision" in convicting Guy Paul Morin for a murder he did- n't commit. That conclusion is among the numerous findings of In- quiry Commissioner Fred Kaufman, whose damning report on the case has exposed systemic flaws in Cana- da's judicial system. The retired justice listed a litany of human failures on the part of investi- gators, Crown attorneys and scien- tists who played various roles in Mr. Morin's wrongful conviction of first- degree murder in the brutal 1984 sex - slaying of nine-year-old Christine Jessop. Prosecutors involved in the case are criticized in the report for display- ing a stunning lack of objectivity and placing great weight on unreliable evidence from jailhousc informants. As well, Mr. Kaufman chastised Durham Regional Police for, among other things, running a "poorly-smw- tured" investigation and using im- proper interviewing techniques with witnesses, ultimately tainting their testimony. lite commissioner said investiga- tors and prosecutors were so con- vinced of Mr. Morin's guilt the case was plagued by "tunnel vision of the most staggering kind... The most scathing criticism, how- ever, was levelled at Ontario's Centre of Forensic Sciences. The contribution of the CFS to Mr. Morin's wrongful arrest, prose- cution and conviction was substan- tial," the report concluded. The 10 - month inquiry heard "weak" hair and fibre evidence was exaggerated to form the foundation of the case against Mc Morin prior to his arrest. Mr. Kaufman said the case against Mr. Morin was undermined by "bad science' and blasted the scientist in- volved in the case for overstating the results of tests, giving misleading tes- tistony, failing to disclose evidence was contaminated, a "loss of scientif- ic objectivity and a lack of scientific rigour." He also concluded, however, the actions of police and prosecuWrs were not carried out with malice: In otter words, there was no conscious attempt to frame an innocent scan. "I also accept — and I want to be quite clear on this — that no Crown counsel involved in this case, and no police officer involved•in this case, ever intended to convict an innocent person," he writes in the report, re- leased 1hursday afternoon in Toron- to. "Many of the failings which I have identified represent serious er- rors in judgment, often resulting from lack of objectivity, rather than out- right malevolence." But the Morin case was far from Wnique, said Justice Kaufinan, who offered this grim warning: 'Ilse case of Guy Paid Morin is not an aberration. By that, I do not Mi Ka ca co fol Pc Detective Bernie Fitzpatrick Former Durham Regional Police officer's interview techniques criticized. Inspector AP741' John Shephard Chief Kevin McAlpine Criticized for expressing to a Kaufman's potential witness his recommendations were opinion that Morin was guilty. 'reasonably predictable'. `We will never know if Guy Paul Morin would ever have been exonerated had DNA results not been available. One can expect that there are other innocent persons, swept up in the criminal process, for whom DNA results are unavailable. ' Commissioner Fred Kaufman mean that I can quantify the number • Evidence disappeared. Durham Revelations about the criminal of similar cases in Ontario or else- Sergeant Michael Michalowsky, the prosecution of Mr. Morin also includ- where, or that I can pass upon the fire- crime scene officer in charge of cd- ed suppressed information and map- quency with which innocent persons kiting evidence at the site where propriate deals with jailhouse infor- ane convicted in this province. We do Christine Jessop's body was found, mants. not know. discarded a cigarette butt found near Allowing two jailhouse infor- "What I mean is the causes of Mr. the remains and later replaced it with mants to back out of testifying at the Morin's conviction arc rooted in sys- another butt. He became the focus of 1992 trial — refused by both — was temic problems, as well as the fail- an OPP evidence -tampering investi- a ploy by the prosecution to boost the ings of individuals. It is no coinci- gation in 1990; however, charges of credibility of the witnesses. He con- dence that these same systemic prob- penury and obstructing justice were eluded the offers were made "for tac- kms are those identified in wrongful eventually stayed for health reasons. tical reasons with the hope or expec- convictions in other jurisdictions The inquiry also heard Mr. cation that their rejection would be re - worldwide." The inquiry's Michalowsky compiled two separate during vealed to the jury... (and) enhance con4*ti n marks notebooks the investigation. the credibility of the informants.- nformants.'the theend of 14 years of searching for • The crime scene search was Police and prosecutors also exag- answers to why Mr. Morin was bungled. Christine's brother Ken, gerated the value of forensic evi- charged in April, 1985 with the ab- then 14, found some of his siistar's dente, hairs and fibres found at the duction, rape and murder of his bones during a visit to the crime crime scene and in Mr. Morin's car Queensvil a neighbour. C hnstme dis- scene May 10, 1985, months after the which were similar to each other but appeared on OcL 3, 1984 and her re- child's decomposed retrains were re- not identical. The evidence, used to mains were found in a field in north covered by police. support the theory Christine strug- Duh m Region Dec. 30, 1984. • Rivalry between police forces gled with Mr. Morin in his car prior to Initially acquitted by a jury in hampered the investigation. Ms. Jes- her murder, formed the basis of the 1986, Mr. Morin was convicted at a sop told the inquiry she was astound- case against him. It was revealed dur- 1992 retrial ordered by the Court of ed by the lack of co-operetiott be- ing the inquiry the evidence had be - Appeal. He was finally exonerated in tween the York police force, which come tainted by foreign fibres during 1995 on the basis of DNA evidence. handled the missing persons probe, forensic examination. Witnesses called at the year-long and the Durham police force, which On Thursday, Mr. Morin ex - inquiry painted a picture of a troubled assumed the murder investigation. pressed relief the process had ended police investigation which included • Key testimony was tailored. Ms. and said he was "quite pleased" with questionable investigative tech- Jessop admitted she changed her tes- the commissioner's findings. niques, a sloppy crime scene search, tittony after prodding by Durham He said it was important to show the disappearance of evidence and police to push ahead the estimated the public "the system is not perfect. tainted forensic evidence. The in- time she returned home the day her .. And I'm a living example that it quiry heard: daughter was abducted, altering her definitely needs work." The end of • Police deliberately doctored an evidence to implicate Mr. Main. the inquiry, he added, closes "a big FBI profile of Christine's killer to Ms. Jessop said she was pres- chapter" in his life. "For me, this is all match Guy Paul Morin before being sured by now -retired Durham detec- said and done. You can't probe this released to the public to "stir him up" fives Bemie Fitzpatrick and John case any longer. I'vc had enough." in an attempt to prompt a confession. Shephard to move the ahead the time. When asked if he agreed with Nt. Kaufman's conclusion his accusers acted without malice, Mc Morin re- sponded: "It's definitely his percep- tion and... maybe the intention was- n't there but the blunders sure were." Earlier in the morning Mr. Morin, his parents and his lawyer, James Lockyer, met privately at Queen's Park with Attorney General Charles Harnick, who made a personal promise to implement each of the 119 recommendations contained in the report, Mr. Lockyer told reporters. Mr. Lockyer said the massive re- port "can only do great things for the administration of justice" and, if acted on, "will reduce the number' of wrongful convictions in Canada. Our duty now is to find the others who are languishing in jail for a crime they did not commit." he said. A somber mood markW the news conference attended by Janet and Kenneth JessW, mother and brother of the murdered child. Christine's murder remains unsolved. ''lie inquiry is over and we all will get on with our lives... but for the Jessops, Christine is will dead and the murderer is still at large," said Jessop lawyer Tim Danson. 'here is no closure as long as this case is unsolved." The majority of Mr. Kaufrnan's recommendations were broken down into four areas aimed at the use and tasting of forensic evidence, the use of jailhousc informant%. police invcs- tigativc techniques and prosecution methods. They include: • Requiring police to disclose to the Crown evidence which could help the accused after a conviction re- gardless of an appeal: • The adoption of a policy to videotape all suspect interviews-. • Stricter limitations on the use of jailhousc infcxmanu as witnesse% and the creation of a provincial and na- tional registry to log and keep track of jailhouse witnesses; • Legislative amendments to per- mit statements claiming innocence made by an accused to police to be heard at trial; • Mandatory education of police WW prosecutors on avoiding the trap of tunnel vision: • The creation of a Criminal Case review Board to examine potential miscarriages of justice. • More than 30 recommendations were directed at the Centre of Foren- sic Sciences, including the documen- tation of contaminated evidence, in- creasing proficiency testing, monitor- ing courtroom testimony of scientists and the creation of an advisory board. Durham police Chief Kevin McAlpine, who attended the news conference with police services board Chairman Bob Boychyn, said the proposals were "reasonably pre- dictable. "Anytime we can learn how to do our job better it is an opportunity we welcome," he said. He added he will prepare a report for the police board which will include analysis of the recommendations, many of which the force has adopted in recent years. He also said it is "gratifying to us" that Mr. Kaufman found there was no intention on the pats of the depart- ment to pursue an innocent man. PAGE 8 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 Blood do'nor's ne'e"ded The mother of a young disabled girl who must under- go surgery early next month is calling on area residents for support by urging them to give blood at an upcoming donor clinic. Kirsten Schledermann, 9, was born with Angelman Syndrome, a rare cognitive neuro -developmental disor- der. "People with Angelman Syndrome appear to he very happy most of the time and laugh a lot," says mom Jenny, an Ajax resident. ' They have a happy disposition, but one side of their brain is not de- veloped" ' Kirsten had a stroke be- fore she was born and suffers from seizures. She is in a wheelchair and must be fed through a tube. Both her hips are dislocated and she is scheduled to undergo surgery May 4 to repair them. The blood donor clinic COLE THE BEST WIN! Ajax resident Kirsten Schled- emiann would benefit from an upcoming blood donor clinic. will be held Tuesday, April 21 from noon to 8 p.m. at St. Bernadette Catholic Church at Harwood Avenue and Bay- ly Street, Ajax. t ..' =fi41 As All iI)duyeti I .r IM a�n Floor ^- • Relaxing atmosphere for casual dining • Earthy spirit of the Mediterranean • Great food, wines, music and decor • Specializing in Italian & Fusion Cuisine Featuring... Executive Chef Rick Spensieri from Montreal Chef Jason Fitzsimmons from Vancouver B.C. Pasta Chef Franco Quarto from Florence, Italy Loft • Cigar, Scotch & Piano Lounge on Friday & Saturday nights (Cuban Cigars & Vintage Scotches) Mondo Bistro a Fine Taps (Lower Level) • Natural wood burning oven, specializing in Gourmet Pizza, Tapas & Sandwiches • Private Wine Cellar offers unique wines, which can be purchased by bottle or glass - Open seven days a week • Live Jazz and Blue Bands every Friday & Saturday nights • April 24 & 25 - Full Count Blues Band OKJQ Bur v Grill 121 Green Street, Whitby (905) 430-9558 .Hare Fun & bnprore Your Gaye At the Miff Run Golf AC&*A<y v •C.P-G.A.INSTRUCTORS • CLEAR, PREC'1SE GOLF > INSTRUCTION 6 COUNW CUM or� • PRIVATE a GROUP LESSONS • VIDEO ANALYSIS • JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT COURSE & CAMPS FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ` 14500-465-5633, EXT 240: -Tmdition in a Country °f �;�ce'litnct ' try Setting 2e Dwfwm Yowl d,10 km cm-st of U*idp 1,&46� RULES Golf K s h" at airs of M• Mat;*" owm K MmIsm. taw your gnat in s m a mato & wall 1110 u Ob" INN MIs airy brat and yN oott Va oat et w" prim" slras- . Mall To: 'UN TN kd & WW" slo NNICIatlyllta TNs Wm* M6 Fill SL Ostttatw 1.1H n5 PRIZES • Sot of Golf CMis • VCR . orkw • on" Bak • Hat • SON Pastsos DRAW TO BE HELD JULY 9, NAMES WILL 9E PUKISHED JULY 12 ... �. MIL v v L I l)resente(l by ENTRY FORM Mart Pnforrw Goll Ctwso ftwft Say you saw it in the Ajax -Pickering News11111111 Gas aaa Advertiser! o. ta. o. tta a. tta NEW .111 o■ o111 WIND te111 111111 111111 tt11111 JOIN ta• NOW os 111111 tate ame tee tta ran tato ta• atat tows am aimm Great offers from Noreom! - ----------- �,,� ^�� ' B* ® ft ad for a dw to OSHAWA CENTRE 5% KING ST. E. 1 OWN A "MIZiJNO" ' South end near The Say ,lust East orwftw Northumberland Mall Motorola 650e $ 571 -MM ) 1 Cellular Phone • 1 GOLF WEDGE ' _ NOFACOM (Retail Value S 139.00) ' s, North York 1 No plrc�sc qty pow to be made Apra 3pgas ' s Moats s«,tn or t,�.. �,,,, �,,. s,,,., 1 r STARTAC" $ QQ • — — — — — — — — — — — — steeles west sae pmt, (416) 222-2555 W5 373-"75 Cellular Phone •Ap`wea ro rk new ec""°"°'� on "� 0 &1 1 • MobWty Network on Rale Packages $20.00 & up. (OAC) Some terms & Co""008 apply. p� etq►trm June 30199. 1 t� eiia som eiiii tate aan aa•to e. ta. atat to e� a. 1111111 eta 1111111 111111• • I .... ........... ........... _ .:.. ...... 1111111 111111 411111 MENti est tit tit ri era tate tittii 9-! THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 - PAGE 9 9 PAGE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 Pressure check Durham College student Wendy Storey (right) was the college. Here, Wendy prepares visitor Joyce all business at a Seniors Health Promotion Fair at Brown for a test of her blood pressure. The event the East Shore Community Centre in Pickering this featured displays, educational materials and alter - week as part of an event organized by students at native therapies. 460-M.=0146 $1,130000 Gift Certlflcate for garden centre WM any /frERLOCKM STOr1E protect booked by or before May 31, 1998 3 Mir wRrrrEN CUAMWW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL - 427 -4143 or 666-4263 servhg The van and TW kcmM Incl 0Y since 1991• -WHOLESALE & RETAIL - 'WE SELL AND WSTALL THE BEST' m R offmc Tmlw Hitches and Towing Accessw� "VISIT OUR SI10rIIR0011 OR CALL US FOR A QUOTE" Any0ftymyucca for your van or Truck mwarkc 110 9115011 NO DAflllOM Lm "a 5+ri0e bob PA *VAT sha'lamar UNISEX Cuts. Perms, Colours & ,Highlights at Affordable Prices . 430-3998 ft. •.. Oct al* � April 19th we encourage everyone to LK in the community and make a The WALK is a wonderful way for friends and family to support the Durham Chapter of the MS Society, which provides services to residents of our community. Please pledge and participate! IN ORDER TO WALK MuW4 � = YOU MUST RA15E society of Canada PLEDGES Volunteers! If you can't WALK, volunteer! It's another great way to support our cause. Complete the registration form and check off the `volunteer' box. You can still enjoy the great food and fun. Volunteers can raise pledges too! THANK YOU... We raised $2.4 Million Last Year One Step at a Time O1F MATIVE Lo nAJA o Frst*ealty Ltd. ReaHor kaepenay owned & apWaled 1885 Gkmmna Rd. Pidering, Ontario L1 V 6R6 Sanday April 19, 1998 00AWa-Whitby (416) 967-3039 1-800-268-7582 For info on MS and our events look us up on the Internal WALK On -Line www.worWchat.com/mistwalk S If you are in pain ... call Whites Road Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic Treatment b Prevention Education Attractive Well Equipped Modem Faci1i Registered PIP siodtierapists •Bar cr t3 Neck Pain • Injury • Auto Accidents •Work 1 'uries (905) �7 720 Sheppard Ave. b Whites Rd. Pickering Fr" Parking Michael G. Peace Chartered Accounitant Corporate And Personal Acoamdrg, Co Com'm' g A support FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION AJAX OSHAWA 428-0549 433 -Ml INTERNET: n peaces I; - — oom .for WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING SUNDAY, APRIL 12 der $4. All welcome. 839-2990. Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Rafik CONCERT: The Bayfair Baptist MIRACLES: A discussion group Ghobrial of Shoppers Drug Mart Church choir presents an Easter based on the teachings of the will speak on the increasing use cantata, 'Down From His Glory' book A Course in Miracles meets of herbs and their interaction with at 6:30 p.m. at the church, 817 weekly at the Odyssey Books prescribed medicines. 619-0315. Kingston Rd. (east of Whites Rd.), and Resource Centre, 109 Old HORTICULTURE: The Pickering Pickering. All welcome. 839-4621. Kingston Rd. (in the Courtyard), Horticultural Society meets at 8 MONDAY, APRIL 13 Ajax. The group meets every p.m. in the O'Brien meeting LUNCH: The Ladies Auxiliary of Monday. 416-282-7305. rooms at the Pickering Recre- the Royal Canadian Legion, TUESDAY, APRIL 14 ation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Branch 606, hold daily lunches SENIORS: The Tuesday Morning Rd.; entrance off Diefenbarker from noon to 1:30 p.m. at 1555 Discussion Group meets at 9:30 Crt. 839-4604 (Sylvia) or 420- Bayty St., Pickering. All meals un- a.m. at St. Andrew's Community 4095 (Christine). ESTATA I NNING w�� ci-siioP Death 1* &*Taxes h Turner How to protect your assets , on Estate wind-up. . Gar Turmw 6" oar p01e1 WE snow yotw. Revenue,tional . How to use insurance to bullet-proof vour Estate. . The top strategies to beat the lues on ytxu Estate. • Using 9ft & ttalsts for tax planning. . How to avoid OAS and Senior's Benefit dawbacks. e Wills, Powers of Attorney, personal cue 8t living Wdls. . How to metanize cav W grins taxes on RRSPVMFs. e How to maximize rettrernent income ... and mom! Free Estate Planning Workshop! Tue;&% Apol 1416, 7:00 piL to 9:00 pit Le 6010 (63 Sewfay 211111,1111111 MAl*) AdviFcmrfum sor V�y sem.,•• .•••, Lanited Seating. Call today to nesmw your FREE seats! Cale ("5) 128-4488 at irs) THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1948 - PAGE 11 *Taste a delicious Chicken sandwich FREE when you buy a Chicken 'sandwich at the tular lit- r. - I I ■ 1 0il: IIffm __ I ' Chicken ' I Chicken ' 11 ' Sandwich ' I I Sandwich I *Buy a Chicken sandwich *Buy a Chicken sandwich , at the regular price and get a I I at the regular price and get a second Chicken sandwich FREE! ' ' second Chicken sandwich FREE! ' Please present this coupon Debre Please present the coupon before ordering. Not valid with any other offer. No I ' I -)rdering. Not valid with any other offer. No cash value. Applicable taxes cash value. Applicable taxes paid by bearer. Limit I ' pad by bearer. lxnit one coupon per I customer, per visit. ^��t OVfIt�iC� I one coupon per ' customer• per visatl participating 98�rKngi' BuKng* MRGM I R�uBMS. KINo I Restaurants. KING Exres: pi I I LApn119.1998. LApnl 19.1998. -----------------� Help save our little corner of the iA-orld. Please regcle this new,�PL tr. *1 Target Your Market x .. s 5f ,r.� W 3 r _ 'fie *�a � .,x• Target Your Market PAGE 12 - Tl1E NEWS ADVERTMR SUMMY, AMM Ii 1"g Spring has arrived at Durham's Cullen Gardens EASTER THEME THIS WEEKEND AS POPULAR TOURIST ATTRACTION OPENS FOR BUSINESS Rollin' along Sunny weather and spring sunshine provided the perfect setting for a stroll in Rotary Park this week. Vivian Van- denhazel and son Tim Wontorra take in the day. WANTED vEoKX WNo aroY JOIN A SPRING WOODWORKING COURSE 7u 011114 ace" J48aS! Yt O b W00*XftV • Starts MW 21 • - 8 We - V000 CaraV * On Going irft TO The Roller - 4 20! - 121t1ts SeeAs hear r 4 w1a. Buid A ROuler Table • ShAs Apr. 22w - 8 alt. COS WOODWmin MAY AND JUNE OPENIINGS A popular family destination in Durham This weekend, activities include a is opening just in time for the Easter Bun- Ukrainian Easter Egg Painting Dcmonstra- ny. . Easter activities kick off the season at tion from noon to 4 p.m., a live bunny dis- play from Sundance Meadows from 10 a.m. Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village at to 5 p.m., Easter face painting from noon to 300 Taunton Rd. W., Whitby. = 4 p.m. and a strolling Easter bunny. Support group for parents meets April 16 p Parents, school officials and social service It will meet Thursday, April 16 at 7:30 workers are invited to a meeting of the Asso- p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 35 ciation of Parent Support Groups in Ontario. Church St. N., Ajax. The group offers help and information for The association also holds weekly meet - parents if their children are having trouble ings on Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m. with school, drugs, alcohol, the law or their For more information, call 1 -800 -488 - family. 5666. IIWE CAN HELP ACHIEVE ProAw9tonelndaPP1snwn& a d Seemcce I Several convenient locations. including: OSHAWA 146 S -Coe Sunk k (SOS) 728 -UN (Downtown) SCARBOROUGH 1919 Lwronm Aw E. N/q 7504M (now DVP and 401) 255 rWV •A4W N1e12esa/4o CORRECTION We wish to draw y~ amwrdon to the A0llosving in our current Spring Pap• S - nem S. Tractor Spreader. 80-1854.8. copy coaw straom we ;correct. Deacrpeon Reads: 100 b4%4 Capacity Shaid Reed: 55 lbCapeGty Pepe S -18.5-W Tractor. 80-1820-8. Copy Reade 4r Tractor Sha11d Read: 4(rTractor IN"* 10 - Premise Palm Bonus Disclaimer s r ca. . Product a49-088844 doss not come with a Way - We wish to dame ymw attention to the kwow*g in our current Spring Setrkw-ffyw POW ,S R,bOerind Und8rcCat. a7-7 Pare M)t) copy Reads: 850 ml Skald Reed 830 m. Rtes we�� mw kworiversionce coutied l"L ' '- Gi14rd/5-9e NZara (act. 0) TVOntario Seeks Volunteers from Southcentcal Ontario • You belie +te in the slue of 9tulky educational telet3siioo that is commercial- and violence-6+ee. • You believe dnt technology can improve education for all Onhrisos. • You're a dynamic individual who eulOys meelling wA people fYnm Jill erent pans of your region and vrA diverse bacltgrlolmds and areas of expertise. • You'rleactitdymtdwm* plreom■sthjraodewoodo mom • You're eeds of � bio can best serve the • Yon have the initiative b mderrteagion.hewithin yp,pr oommuoay b sive Marcum atl Inds for'11�pntatio. • You're wail" to travel b four COUR 3 meetings per yaw OWN Fddap and weekends &mo period of Gree yeam patio). If IbisT� you we from ate lyrrie, Cnema 111111111111141a, 111116111111ind 1P tGltaad plew coadder applyieg b become - T1lOntaiio's >�giem.l �T � !lease ff 5.00 ttB � Ibne A !90 In dum- N3111brio Advisory Ca mcgo Oioe !P.O. Bar 200, 9frioo Q ?arm b ON 1t14T 271, fax 416.484.2646. For more iio Onutioo piease CIA 1.800.613.0513, est. 2669. -.Ontario Y You Know: kl pi W's 6 in A*aW hw QI -Real cam a don? nSfmi �Gt+wswhRwts On April 12, an Easter egg hunt for one - to three -year-olds is held at 12 noon, for four- to six -year-olds at 1:30 p.m. and for seven- to eight -year-olds at 2:30 p.m. Other activities: Friday, April 10: Barnee the Purple Dinosaur performs at 11:30 and 1:3 p.m.; Saturday, April 11: Clown show at 1:30 p.m., Doc Century's Travelling Magic Medicine at 3 p.m.; Sunday, April 12: Eng- lish Hand Bell Choir at 1, 2 and 3 p.rn.; Monday, April 13: Clown show at 1:30 p.m., Doc Century's Travelling Magic Med- icine at 3 p.m. You can save 20 per cent on the cost of a season's pass from Apri 110 to 30. Call Cullen Gardens at 668-6606 for more information. g Y Buh � U nk W� ' � EAN SIN "Our site on toronto.com makes it possible for Part Time Controllers' All Star Team" to demonstrate our dedication to being the most innovative employment agency. w Like toronto.com we're res ,wults- oriented, and our mandate is to become a vital Piece of yc Y employme � , icture:y' ,�'! k ` - Tw' �. t bR4.. •a���'� .�'�'�R`.T 1 .•t-a�'5� �.'��'tl���,{,�t4'.i_T°'pI�M�_,..y+SeJk •.••.y1r - - ♦vr !•ate.:"e •.. ... v°lB1''►a#�'l1MiN"l�Ji 4� � •..a ..mow M. -r -- :i.. - a - '. lS,r ALLVOU mM To IOAW ABOUT IO• 41 P T1 NEWS.ADVERTIJSER sU1YD�Y. qP" 12, 1998 - PAGE 13 Frenchman's BayP.S.pupils,w alk tof� t cancer g PICKERING — A school that has suf- fered the loss of staff and parents to can- cer will hold a walk to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadi- an Breast Cancer Society. Frenchman's Bay Public School will host the five -kilometre walk Sunday, May 3 from 9 to I 1 a.m. along the waterfront at Petticoat Creek Conservation Area at Whites Road South. Neighbouring schools, parent Group helps Do you suffer from panic attacks, phobias, depression, anxiety or fears? If so, you are not alone. That's the message the Free From Fear Foundation is sharing with area residents as it prepares to mark Mental Hcalth '�lunth in friends are invited to participate in the walk. Refreshments will be available and walkers will have access to washrooms. Dogs on a leash are welcome, but owners are reminded to clean up after their pets. Tax receipts will be issued for all dona- tions over $10 and for other donations up- on request. Sponsors- for the event are being ought, as organizers would like to offer you from fear May. The non-profit, charitable organization is dedicated to helping those individuals suf- fering from anxiety disorders and their fami- lies and friends. For information, write to the Free From Fear Foundation, 11348 Liverpool Rd.. Suite 199, Pickering, Ontario, L IV 6M3. s and s free It`Jrs...� ...�..•. , .. INE NEW MILLENNIUM l PII�ANG'S PAEhM CWDOIWMOM ADDRESS . .................. • 192aoas 1 & 2 bedroom smea Marr wrh News of IAix ont= • i ffbm • %perb reawa . bis • lecvre 24�harr gyed mmma it ad brQrWd Rl� • Veils bom Ue Pkiwq Town came. GO smw ad H i01 Pre - mnsnctim prices kom $104, 900 CALL PAUL ETHERINGTON Asso_,areB­�•,I�e�rt RVIOW prizes to participants. For information on pledge forms, how you can participate or how to donate mo�n- A ij� 0 s�i+i!aj��/ / • tF tt/'� If ty�� • i�� � s/ 1C ___A' is, .,o ij�i►a�"li ey or prizes to the cause, call the school at 839-1131 or walk chairman Fran Mason at K31-5132. NEW MILLENNIUM • �p�cm I & 2 bedroom w,%. maty mi h news of tike (kww • ; "lixices • Wk a recrewW b4its • lowe 2+haa pW cammnpv ad brdsc* grounds • Vrys 6m the Pckerng Torn Centre. GO sham aid HWIM-A 411 Pte - cmistniction prices from $104, 900 CALL SHERRY SEMS, MVA Assoc a!e Broker W, MW NE NEW MILLENNIUM PICKERIWS PREMIER CONDOAMMUM ADDRESS • sp2ow 1 & 1 bedeoam stores. mmv wih nen of Lke uw m • > • Vgterb maemoml bnllbes • secure 24hw ped comm and btd,gk rinds • Veils tram 6e Puke m Town Centre. GO shoal aid 1f dm -z , Pre - cwgirUction prices from $10L+. 900 CALL JIM KELLY P :,q. $aies Reoresentt /afiyre O WJ-7{IW Rb�A4WEl PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. APRIL 12- 1 W r HEARING LOSS... or maybe'Just EARWAX Buildup MOW Seeing Believing You'll see ... exactly what we see. If there is any amount of wa) blockage you'll know immediately. Our new video otoscopy system lets us view and record a live colour image of your ear drum and ear canal. And it may help detect developing conditions that could require further attention, or perhaps even make an immediate improvement in your hearing. Phonak Audio Zoom is the only hearing aid proven effective in background noise. Now you can have more control over what you're hear - like dining at a noisy restaurant, listening to music, participating in group gatherings. Each Audio Zoom contains not one, but two microphones... one faces the front and one faces the back ... And they can be turned on and off. That means you can choose to hear more of what you want to hear and less of what you don't. Two microphones. A simple idea with profound results. One reason many people ignore their hearing problem has more to do with sight than sound. They willingly miss important sounds and conversations with family, friends, and co-workers - all because they're afraid to be seen wearing a hearing aid. But now, nobody has to know. Unlike conventional aids, Tympanette fits deeper inside your ear canal. Far enough to be out of sight. And close enough to provide comfort and acoustical benefits that larger aids may not be able to match. And, the Tympanctte hearing aids are programmable to meet your needs. There are no two hearing losses alike. Consequently, they can be programmed to meet the individual's needs. More than just a simple disappearing ACT!!! Let our Real Ear technologyhearing ensure your effectiveness With our new Real Ear measurement system, we can now measure and record your hearing instrument's performance while you're actually wearing them in your ears! This previously unavailable computerized technology allows us to accurately pinpoint your L current hearing capabilities, as well as any subtle changes that may have occurred since your last visit. The Real Ear system also helps us verify that your hearing aids are precisely matched to your individual requirements. If not, it can indicate the type or degree of modifications necessary to return them to their maximum operating effectiveness. Perhaps most important, the Real Ear System lets us provide you with the confidence in knowing that your better hearing continues to be one of the wisest investments that you've made. Sound Byte... Definition of a Dispensing Audiologist LLA dispensing audiologist is an individual who has been granted a graduate degree in audiology and who dispenses hearing aids as a part of rehabilitative practice, and who holds a valid license in audiology, or its equivalent.' Sound Tip... A Hearing Loss is more Noticeable than an Hearing Aid )R MORE INFORMATION, See An AUDIOLOGIST an expert in better Sound Advice... 0. Can I claim my hearing aids on my income tax? A. Yes. In the 1997 Federal Budget Audiologists are now allowed to certify an individual's eligibility for the disability tax credit. r------------------------=— ------� Enter t , a ballot to win.. I The Guardian Name: Address: ;. Phone #: ----,_— Drop. ballot at any location below I E CLINIC NEAW in the Province of Ontario to Ajax -Pickering Audiology Clinic:= Ajax Audiology Services 831-8311 831-8311 1885 Glenanua Rd., Suite 104- 95 Bayly St. S., Suite 303 Pickering, Ontario L1V 6R6 Ajax, Ontario MS 7K8 (bxin the Pickering Medical Centre) (Located in the Baywood Plaza) - Mon. -Fri. with some Sat. and ads. P_vPnino an*v,:.,r.---t.......,a..l.l. Whitby Hearing centre 666-7726 1032 Brock St. S., Unit 4 Whitby, ( Brock St. just N. of 40 1) f .. S. • ', a. .`A•t .• a�!!%-tq... c.. +. rasr.... � �.!s��l ����,.?i`'y Y �Y�iA` � ^ - � 'R C -TT IC 0 •f . t• �: s,; r.t rosins Feature PAGE 15 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1998 h� t*411 WI . r -1 ' atch i`� .. eek gi u5 eve oheP r �- _ r • .� F :4 r nh„ �= roar Sunday Editio>D€ of -t•,r: , x. -r i.J:� Sy • '` '� =+n y':?Ajax ndle y � --s =!' � =r' -- i "• i . -. IC'�._. _ ' dews Adv�1'Wy� r. "mss• t6 tbe:= POWER CITY -cu:;tol„ Foot orthotics +ews ' 1 i v Ff Qchrk - AGYM -Fullvt>eeran'sIuu.Slt �•��'-��- � 427-6277 .. - coverage -2 � 2;�. - ' I'' ~�"' 1035 BROCK RD. co �o•elscow a • ' �>� ... Atvj 'I PICKERING CaNtaft • •C.tMld "s FOOT _ •�!"' ;..ws+y r 831-FEET(3338) r r 44 Vr .p 4 t �..,a, r- • - t r ' c _ i � r i e t 0 DAILY � » WEEKLY E k. 0 MONTHLY OPEN t 7 DAYS t NO t MEMBERSHIP t REQUIRED MONTHONE I • t t law you'll know lowthe difference In an effort to stimulate dental awareness in children and to ■ provide a relaxing, comfortable 1,. •,_�..,y • .�....��,..,� environment in our office, 1)I: , • . ` Lean's office continues its Dr. Zoo's Express Adopt -A -Pet .� program at the practice. Every, -- three months we will give away' - a large, cuddly stuffed animal (and other great surprises) to the ;.. child who enters the best names for the critter. The winner of our 15th contest, Caitlin Radicb, got take home "Ppthe El s, • New S`wtoveh # Elephant, and a complimentary � v"' �' `� dinner for her family at Canaan, .' - mafierials f or sensi COlIi�7lllnentS Of the Chinese food restaurant next fivegums Dr. Lean door to our practice at 1450 'Kingston Rd. (at Valleyfalm 0 prKision partial tures at the Rd.) (We're confident that ICKERING SQUARE Caitlin is keeping both her teeth FREE CONSULTATION DENTAL OFTICE and Pigsy's in topnotch shape 420-1777 through regular brushing.) MCKE NG TOWN CEN iijoN ERom t) 05) 42O-5010 •Toll Free 1-800-661-5010 Air ♦1 p. •jF' --and.. -N[,•' -J l�. I Y M}R nn ,Yf• V r� 'R C -TT IC 0 •f . t• �: s,; r.t rosins Feature PAGE 15 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1998 h� t*411 WI . r -1 ' atch i`� .. eek gi u5 eve oheP r �- _ r • .� F :4 r nh„ �= roar Sunday Editio>D€ of -t•,r: , x. -r i.J:� Sy • '` '� =+n y':?Ajax ndle y � --s =!' � =r' -- i "• i . -. IC'�._. _ ' dews Adv�1'Wy� r. "mss• t6 tbe:= POWER CITY -cu:;tol„ Foot orthotics +ews ' 1 i v Ff Qchrk - AGYM -Fullvt>eeran'sIuu.Slt �•��'-��- � 427-6277 .. - coverage -2 � 2;�. - ' I'' ~�"' 1035 BROCK RD. co �o•elscow a • ' �>� ... Atvj 'I PICKERING CaNtaft • •C.tMld "s FOOT _ •�!"' ;..ws+y r 831-FEET(3338) r r 44 Vr .p 4 t �..,a, r- • - t r ' c _ i � r i e t 0 DAILY � » WEEKLY E k. 0 MONTHLY OPEN t 7 DAYS t NO t MEMBERSHIP t REQUIRED MONTHONE I • t t law you'll know lowthe difference In an effort to stimulate dental awareness in children and to ■ provide a relaxing, comfortable 1,. •,_�..,y • .�....��,..,� environment in our office, 1)I: , • . ` Lean's office continues its Dr. Zoo's Express Adopt -A -Pet .� program at the practice. Every, -- three months we will give away' - a large, cuddly stuffed animal (and other great surprises) to the ;.. child who enters the best names for the critter. The winner of our 15th contest, Caitlin Radicb, got take home "Ppthe El s, • New S`wtoveh # Elephant, and a complimentary � v"' �' `� dinner for her family at Canaan, .' - mafierials f or sensi COlIi�7lllnentS Of the Chinese food restaurant next fivegums Dr. Lean door to our practice at 1450 'Kingston Rd. (at Valleyfalm 0 prKision partial tures at the Rd.) (We're confident that ICKERING SQUARE Caitlin is keeping both her teeth FREE CONSULTATION DENTAL OFTICE and Pigsy's in topnotch shape 420-1777 through regular brushing.) MCKE NG TOWN CEN iijoN ERom t) 05) 42O-5010 •Toll Free 1-800-661-5010 Air p. •jF' --and.. -N[,•' -J l�. I nn ,Yf• V 'R C -TT IC 0 •f . t• �: s,; r.t rosins Feature PAGE 15 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. APRIL 12. 1998 h� t*411 WI . r -1 ' atch i`� .. eek gi u5 eve oheP r �- _ r • .� F :4 r nh„ �= roar Sunday Editio>D€ of -t•,r: , x. -r i.J:� Sy • '` '� =+n y':?Ajax ndle y � --s =!' � =r' -- i "• i . -. IC'�._. _ ' dews Adv�1'Wy� r. "mss• t6 tbe:= POWER CITY -cu:;tol„ Foot orthotics +ews ' 1 i v Ff Qchrk - AGYM -Fullvt>eeran'sIuu.Slt �•��'-��- � 427-6277 .. - coverage -2 � 2;�. - ' I'' ~�"' 1035 BROCK RD. co �o•elscow a • ' �>� ... Atvj 'I PICKERING CaNtaft • •C.tMld "s FOOT _ •�!"' ;..ws+y r 831-FEET(3338) r r 44 Vr .p 4 t �..,a, r- • - t r ' c _ i � r i e t 0 DAILY � » WEEKLY E k. 0 MONTHLY OPEN t 7 DAYS t NO t MEMBERSHIP t REQUIRED MONTHONE I • t t law you'll know lowthe difference In an effort to stimulate dental awareness in children and to ■ provide a relaxing, comfortable 1,. •,_�..,y • .�....��,..,� environment in our office, 1)I: , • . ` Lean's office continues its Dr. Zoo's Express Adopt -A -Pet .� program at the practice. Every, -- three months we will give away' - a large, cuddly stuffed animal (and other great surprises) to the ;.. child who enters the best names for the critter. The winner of our 15th contest, Caitlin Radicb, got take home "Ppthe El s, • New S`wtoveh # Elephant, and a complimentary � v"' �' `� dinner for her family at Canaan, .' - mafierials f or sensi COlIi�7lllnentS Of the Chinese food restaurant next fivegums Dr. Lean door to our practice at 1450 'Kingston Rd. (at Valleyfalm 0 prKision partial tures at the Rd.) (We're confident that ICKERING SQUARE Caitlin is keeping both her teeth FREE CONSULTATION DENTAL OFTICE and Pigsy's in topnotch shape 420-1777 through regular brushing.) MCKE NG TOWN CEN iijoN ERom t) 05) 42O-5010 •Toll Free 1-800-661-5010 Air PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. APRIL 12, 1998 Advertising Feature Why Do You Feel Lousy? y y o c arthy, Registered Nutntlon Consultant Many people nowadays are walking home anywhere in the body. Along with around in a brain fog. They just don't feel the yeast, undigested food particles can very well and they don't know why. They leak out of the gut and create allergy have gone through batteries of test and the symptoms in some people. Depending on results show normal, the tissue, organ or gland the yeast yet they feel lousy. Do IOCC - $4COC per month Say ;045 Peturn o R t f Premium lecture attaches itself to will determine that you know anyone like Clements Rd. person's symptoms. This creates this? systemic health problems. This can —As a Nutrition • be the reason a person starts to feel Consultant I! see mane really lousy for "no known reason". people like this. A Antibiotics are one cause of this common pattern cascade of reactions to occur, amongst these people although recently doctors are is: they may have addressing the overuse of antibiotics been diagnosed with and the effect this has on our bodies. fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome; The biF,h control pill, cortisone creams, they may have been told it is allergies; they asthma inhalers, and a diet full of refine may have been told they are healthy sugars and carbohydrates are other according to the testing they had done; contributing factors to this phenomenon they may have been told it is all in their known as Candidiasis. head. Whatever the case, they don't feel Many people who seek out alternative well and they just want to start having health practitioners are looking for more energy and feeling that zest for life again. ACTIVE THERA The common thread amongst all of these people is their depressed immune systems. SPORTS INJL; They seem to catch any virus or bacteria out there for which they take antibiotics. It Eke7g7istered Ther is unfortunate that they are taking antibiotics for viruses as antibiotics only . physiotherapy • M work on bacterial diseases. Everytime a person takes antibiotics, their immune • Nutrition systems take a hit. Yes, the antibiotics are killing off the disease -causing bacteria in Insurance Claims Aci the body. but they are also killing off the - friendly bacteria in the intestines. Everyone has what is considered "good" 1099 Kingston Rd. (Hwy. 2 & Ui:ie) Q� 82.. bacteria and "had" bacteria in the Suite #202 intestines. The body is happy when the "good" outnumber the "bad" by about a 4:1 ratio. Fatigue, bloating, gas, brain fog, anxiety, constipation, amongst other symptoms, begin to occur when that ratio To starts to shift in favour of the "bad" advertise 1 bacteria. When this occurs the immune Alis b;_weekly fe system has to stag fighting harder. Candida yeast begins to multiply out of control in the intestines and this can result in �l "Il CNI intestinal gas and bloating. When this situation is allowed to continue without 8t X012 treatment, the yeast will eventually be able to leak out through the gut lining and find a „,_, �•-•ar. D DOHERTY C CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Weekly Health Seminars Registered Massage , Therapist 37 Harwood Ave. S., AJAX (905) 427-4099 another opinion on their health problems. As a nutrition consultant, I cannot diagnose disease. What 1 can do is analyze your diet and your nutritional status through a symptomatology questionnaire and help you to balance your body chemistry. It is amazing how much better you can feel by doing just that - balance your body chemistry! I, Mary -Jo McCarthy, Registered Nutrition Consultant, will he conducting a seminar on Candidiasis on Sunday. April 19, 1998 and a seminar on Losing Weight Naturally on Sunday, May 17, 1998 both at 12:00 noon. If you are interested in attending these seminars please contact The Pickering Chiropractic Health Centre at 420-1443. As seating is limited, the $10.00 fee for the seminar will be required in advance to reserve your seat. NUTRITION ADDITION Do you suffer from? • Fatigue • Intestinal Bloating • Unexpected Irritability • Brain Fog Are you ? • A sugar and bread craver • Sensitive to tobacco smoke Registered Nutrition • Sensitive to perfume Consultant Learn natural solutions for your health concerns Call Mary -Jo at 420-1443 Pickering Chiropractic Centre. • Comprehensive dental carte for' inf4n111ehildrrn4een4gers , • Bright and cheerful office SPCCWlY designed for children • Wheeldmir accessible • 24 how emergency carr • &4wi �dhins aw No referral necessary • Evening and S"wday a ppoint+wents available "( ric in 6 women $,-i(,GGC - $x(O,C� ", Hwy -2v lAX-fPff C(?IIARS Cervical, ovarian or2�kC"', ? _ $I()(11,("" ulferine cancer.„ Tmen tflh��, 401 Call, Payat financial worries inline Bayty St. Survivor Income of your r".overy, IOCC - $4COC per month Say ;045 Peturn o R t f Premium lecture 3 QMWOg Clements Rd. i "( ric in 6 women $,-i(,GGC - $x(O,C� ", will Jevvlop Lreusl, lAX-fPff C(?IIARS Cervical, ovarian or2�kC"', ? _ $I()(11,("" ulferine cancer.„ Tmen tflh��, Don'f let Call, Payat financial worries inline go, -)-War GorantvcJ Survivor Income of your r".overy, IOCC - $4COC per month Offered BSI T�ORON1'O MUTUAL LIFE ;045 Peturn o R t f Premium lecture SPECIALIZED HEALTH CAREf«CO �1VFRAGE ears with ncIa�m When you need it most. For m thnr• at your service... eve - 683-636 COME TO OUR GOOD HEALTH CLINIC ON WED. APRIL 29 & LEARN ALL ABOUT CANCER Your community Zellers Pharmacy Store... Everyday low prices. Plus, Club Z poin Where the Lowest Price IS the Law ...EYIRMAYIO ..t . ,, .. �.�v.., y,. ., ..�? .�,�,y ••w�i.��'k,..a.. , .. ».:...'.. ..;:.. .. '. �lratmwF., .'o �,gl4aia7.-,Rs4c. , M��. i�•�'s.,3-��'�• � __' mss• F.. -s �; ea . .; ;9 ,jJy�tt' r PAGE 17 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 lvi ucn lviore By Dr. John Vervaeke, B.A., B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., S.T. Often people come to me saying they would like to learn how to relax and deal with stress. Meditiation is a powerful way to relax and [o deal with the stress that effects body and mind, but it is much more. In fact, relaxation and stress reduction are side benefits that follow naturally from the more important changes that meditation brings. Primarily, meditation develops mindfulness. Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention to the present moment, instead of being distracted by the past or the future. Most of the processess of perception and cognition by which we gain information about the world have become largely automatic in nature, i.e., they function without our 11211111 t;i;4 nKMK- April u, WWnenin 7:31- t.3i1 Pte. 6 .«k owrx 4A 17,7:**" pa APri128, Mrndry 7:3F9JI1 m k sleek Cane conscious awareness or control. So how we see and understand a situation is often due more to these habitual reactions of mind and less to the new 1nformatinn that :� actually present in a current situation. Very often this frame of reference that we bring to a situation is not the most appropriate or relevant way of sizing up the situation. As a result, we often act inappropriately or irrationally. Sweet >ldt� APd 21, Tanday 7:36.1 M Pw i wank Comm I= . am" nnr tads ad >Ailld an Ping earn dry and acing can to rrs"ff A peaceful country retreat Highway 7 clad Wesstney (10 min. from downtown Pickering) Advertising Feature elaxation The development of mindfulness is a process of deautomizing our mind so that we change from being machines of habit that react to situations into conscious actors that creatively respond to situations. This leads to a more efficient and flowing use of our skills and abilities, and therefore mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve your ability to relax. So change your mind - call Pineridge Natural Health at 683-7735 to book your first meditation class. Watch for us at the Health Fair, April 19th at Port Union Fitness Centre on Lawrence, just west of Port Union. cnIropraCUIC can make all the difference in your world! Our natural holistic, "hands on" approach has provided relief for many people just like you. Do you suffer from? • Neck & Back Pain • Sports & Dance Injuries • Arthritis & Bursitis • Sciatica & Hip Pain • Numbness & Tingling • Headaches • Allergies, asthma & other immune system disorders As Call to see how we can help. IR. MARYANN FRANKO PINERIDGE NATURAL HEALTH Brock Rd. & Hwy 2 PICKERING .-1ffordable Dentures ... une r*o . REPAIRS (1 hr.) - Relines ' Complete. Parhal Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE. AJAX Ox, FrAr-MIM-w-A 683-4,Zy-1 ]PAGE 18 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 • Feature Keeping Baby The Terrible Tooth Tragedy p by Dr. Dhanji D.D.S., Dipl. Paedo Teeth Healthy Did you know that severe dental decay can occur tooth because the enamel on these new teeth Early Childhood Decay is preventable, in infants and toddlers? Young children may develop has no< completely hardened. Htxe are six ways to keep your baby' cavities due to "Early Childhood Frequent and prolonged "Acid Attacks" teeth thy: • 11_ Always hold your baby while 1i.` Decay". This condition is caused feeding and remove the nipple as by regularly giving a child a oon as sucking slows down and bedtime bottle filled with drowsiness occurs. Ncvw pact sweetened fluid of any type, your baby to bed with a bottle including milk and juice. 2.If Ourbab r y y has become used to a Not only does Early bedtime bottle, replace the cortin Childhood Decay look bad, but it with tap water. Your baby will ; s also painful and can lead to probably give up the bottle within few infection and early tooth loss. It lead days, because of the change in may to expensive and reduced saliva flow are particularly damaging to baby teeth - especially the front upper teeth and those on the side. In fact, the only teeth that are protected are the lower front teeth which the tongue covers. What Fluids can Cause Decay? Any sweetened drink including soft drinks, fruit flavour. A favourite cuddly toy orthodontic treatment and dental bills. savoured drinks, fruit juices and can also be used at bedtime in How Does the Decay Occur? even breast milk, milk formula or plain milk place of a bottle.r Bacteria is naturally present in the mouth. Bacteria can lead to decay when left in the mouth for 3. Do not give your baby a Vacifier uses sugar from foods to make acids. These acids long Mods of time. dipped lin any sweetener A plain attack the tooth enamel and cause tooth decay. The pacifier �iveS the same sucking longer the acids arc in the mouth and the more often satisfaction. If a baby gets adequate these acids are prod ed sucking stimulation daring Feeding, he is less likely to want a uc the greater the chance o pacifier. A baby with poor sucking tooth damage. stimulation tries to gain more by Sugar + Bacteria = sucking a thumb, finger, blanket or Acid anything else he can find! Acid + Teeth = Decay Giving your baby honey or corn When a child u syrup can lead to more than jug allowed to breastfeec dental problems. Honey and corn ' until s should not be given to children under one These asleep, or is given a bedtime bottle, he year old. Ceti cause botulism, a Serious form suck-, while going to sleep. ,of food poisoning. This fills his mouth with 4- take care of your baby's teeth from a supply of sweetened an early ale. A baby's teeth Can be fluid, which become w Cleaned with a soft brush or acid, attacking the $auze. Ask your dentist foranare information. child's cath all night. $• Fluoride helps teeth become more . Saliva normally helps to wash away food. It resistant to cavities. In Metro Toronto the water is fluoridated so also stops the acids made your children automatically bene by mouth bacteria from from this protection when they working. The protective drink beverages or eat foods that effect is less during steep b" been Prepared with our tap because less saliva is water. 6. Good nutrition wiH help a baby's produced. It is easy for the acid teeth to be heal and well 'formed. Follow Can ado s Food J to attach to a baby's �,,vsTR Y 4 ,9 1p�D SPEc� fd�+ G � PLUMMA.I1IW 'I e F1CK8W M" CENTRE (LOWER LEVEW ' I0ug11*Q ga annd e•delfon wft wlpar nnYdrndo 24 hour ilanargeticy sitirvim • no nntnfanrrah noceemy wide To foods o sf Fm i It t N The arrival of Immkthroo :including foods fmm alt the four food groups: Grafin Products, teCflnO� gh � W Meat dt Fruit. Milk Product!:, g d Meat dt Ate. ��.�.. Tbere is no need to acid sugar to your baby's foods. As your child progresses to adult foods, continue unu to "watch" the added sugalr and 'y limit sweet snacks as they are especially 1prlthewte a, �, are tits of tatloas ahaatldrles: +• Free commuleatim • No rifaTal aeoeasary Bram for al did aid claildrem v a Evntming and Saturday appaiataaeats available Dr. Christopher Tom Pickering Town Centre, Lower Level AudioZoom moms in on speecb and brings it araigbt to ,your ear. Hearing Aids toile truly u»nt in noise. Schedule an evaluation today with an Audiologist. An Audiologist is licensed in the Province of Ontario to prescribe Hearing Aids. PAIN GONE Acupructic Balancing A completely new, clinically proven treatment to relieve back pain, neck pain and headaches. Developed by a team of medical and chiropractic physicians to treat pre -Olympic athletes. Drug-free treatment. l'ay only if satisfied. Call (905) 427-1226 for a free, no -obligation consultation. Dr. 1. Rusinek - Clinic Director at went wren with my b The Proactive Physiotherapy Clinic Specialists for all Musculoskeletal Problems. Expert assessment, diagnosis and treatment by highly qualified Chartered Physiotherapists. Professional support for local businesses, Clubs and Teams and excellent care for the individual. So What Kind of Problems And What Kind of Treatments Does This Clinic Treat? are Offered? • Back and neck pan, disc disorders •Manipulation• mobilization or traction whites Road Physiotherapy and sciOCa for back problems 1� 8t Sport Injury Clinic Since 1988 • Jane problems and eonORiorrs such • Ultrasound. electro -magnetic energy, OW V THE MEDICAL CLINIC as atlnribS and from Aculder laser and Interbren tai vieram for Reg- s'0 st I110c) 2vW4 • sports Iniuries - and relnati6tabon pain relief and stirnulation of hew" back to spun • Exercises and advise for specific • Gynecological problems: for example, problems stress inCorbnerna • HydroMerapy - exercise in water _ LASIK LASIK IS THE MOST ADVANCED FORM OF LASER VISION CORRECTION Lm Vision Correction has been performed safely for more than a decode to correct nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness• ioiiii & masa diol, west Q8 ti f�f �A BIiIONAI 0/fla Oe Abdsod tad hb s1alf at the Oshono funic 11+11111111 Will q froe appatt ,hes b pet dw buds AM lash lesion fanactimt: a Sun* + . • o1lllto*W t oish* To llntildve tat 1111'M realer acre ad The older surface PRC pfocedae is still being performed, and olthouo effective, LASIK hos many olhrontoges over PRK. Oebw is o compaism of the two procedures. PRK VS LASIK Most potents hove 2 - t p4,pg car Pthirress. days of cortsidetoble pain afb the procedure. n ; Yarim is blared fa 3 -1 dogs Yost jahents can cam(m * Mewing the procedure. [trice #tier cor within 12 haus of having the IlimliFre. (905)121-121.1 JOHN N. MACLEOD,rMD SEE IME DIIFEtEeCE 0w0 �' 117 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontorio L1 H 1 B9 H ERZIG • -. .__.4,_��_......_____�.....__._._y_. �_'EYE INSTITUTE varrjyN,� . _ i _.___---__._____-_....___, _ t s '. s rr .. s :. ">s•t `' • 4A t*r�s gKep'`r '3 sa► .. _ �. _. , . 'iSa ow. doctorAll • whites Road Physiotherapy 1� 8t Sport Injury Clinic Since 1988 Annemarie Leepel BSC. P.T. OW V THE MEDICAL CLINIC (AAc 4M Mal 720 SHEPPARD AVE. UNrr 8 Reg- s'0 st I110c) 2vW4 PICKERING, ONT. L1 V 1G5 Clinic Diredor LASIK LASIK IS THE MOST ADVANCED FORM OF LASER VISION CORRECTION Lm Vision Correction has been performed safely for more than a decode to correct nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness• ioiiii & masa diol, west Q8 ti f�f �A BIiIONAI 0/fla Oe Abdsod tad hb s1alf at the Oshono funic 11+11111111 Will q froe appatt ,hes b pet dw buds AM lash lesion fanactimt: a Sun* + . • o1lllto*W t oish* To llntildve tat 1111'M realer acre ad The older surface PRC pfocedae is still being performed, and olthouo effective, LASIK hos many olhrontoges over PRK. Oebw is o compaism of the two procedures. PRK VS LASIK Most potents hove 2 - t p4,pg car Pthirress. days of cortsidetoble pain afb the procedure. n ; Yarim is blared fa 3 -1 dogs Yost jahents can cam(m * Mewing the procedure. [trice #tier cor within 12 haus of having the IlimliFre. (905)121-121.1 JOHN N. MACLEOD,rMD SEE IME DIIFEtEeCE 0w0 �' 117 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontorio L1 H 1 B9 H ERZIG • -. .__.4,_��_......_____�.....__._._y_. �_'EYE INSTITUTE varrjyN,� . _ i _.___---__._____-_....___, _ t s '. s rr .. s :. ">s•t `' • 4A t*r�s gKep'`r '3 sa► .. _ �. _. , . 'iSa ow. BETTER HEALTH & NUTRITION CENTRE ApproachAn Alternative to Better Your Health E utritioml Counselling, vitamins Supplements, Reflex Analysis Increase Ene - Reduce Stress � 11�/IIY I`AJAX v&& 428-1278 iONC� Ow DEPENDABLE FAIR SERVICE 7 days a week to serve you J J( Customer Shuttle Don't pay competitor prices... Check with us! $47.501hr. FOR RESULTS THAT • • ADVERTISE IN "WHO DOES WHAT?!" Spread the good a-' word about yotr 1 ungw bumnas or ' T_ Youuv WIM us, W no 00W r'mm Oka -re at i - >ctu^9 your �u►^ . j� prospects wMra they Irv' and shop than alisSped Give your business a boost Can editorial Nak".. cur 5794400 at1 WHO DOES SAMCRTMNAW FREE WALL PANEL UPGRADE Huge Renovation Showroom ADVEffM N w~ DOES WHAT?w rw1 wo�ndd aba mw g°°° SeNve, bllslrwss by with us. You? no o1w Z IOe•1 m•tfurn is 0 -mole oNedve at - - _ ,- 10" In ow sk Cow par Wwwss a boost Col •Qbrial kwtr•. Our SMW Soles Deparsrn•nt at W M DO_ up to 95% $ Financings �Pan b= s�oreloretr Resi f ttwmercial $ Cotta / Land ��"•mow I �� 1st 2n11AArd Situetfor►s $ verbor � Purdwsed RONTO CAPITAL t_l�' � serous ens•rhmlr oolrnllr S._ =?bli•WA� AvL. S., Aire WTI PPM* s ss�:r nit_•., 1 .. Does THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998•PAGE 19 Gardiner's Duct Cleaning tackles dust and makes breathing easier Dust can be more than just an annoyance of ,you encounter. don't do something about it. The procedure is simple. Sam first closes off vents Not only can it be a constant source of work come and makes an opening in the main dud. The, while the cleaning time, but it can also irritate your eyes, throat and vacuum unit sucks air into a holding chamber, a hose is cause breathing problems. put into the upstairs vents, one at a time, and blows the That's why more and more residential and com- dust and dirt into the downstairs unit. mercial customers are calling Gardiner's Dud Cleaning to They also use the air snake method which ensures tackle this problem head on. ducts are completely rid of dust and debris. This method Sam has been cleaning heating and air condition- consists of a device being inserted into the ductwork ing ducts for over five years and they advise anyone who while a mobile head reaches into every inch of duct work has not had them cleaned for a long time to get it done as to dislodge dust and debris. soon as possible. "Dust will not only affect your health but ruin fur - It's a procedure that takes very little time compared niture and draperies," says Sam. "Having your ducts to the amount of time clients enjoy clean, dust free air in cleaned cuts down on cleaning and adds life to your fur - their homes and it's further beneficial in that it reduces niture, carpet and drapes." heating and cooling costs. Sam also provides chimney sweeping at competi- The large, truck -mounted, vacuum unit shown in tive prices with service that is always friendly and aur - the photo packs more power for those tough jobs they teous. Caps and screens are also available to keep out unwanted pets. t Presently, Gardiner's Dud Cleaning is offering a Spring Special featuring a hook-up for $39.95, plus $5.00 per vent, with a minimum of 12 vents and chimney sweeping for $59.95. In addition, there are two new services available x with the purchase of dud cleaning and include dryer duct `'•t 414 cleaning for only $20.00 and brick and stone fireplaces cleaned with free estimates available upon request. Gardiner's Dud Cleaning provides an affordable, long-term solution to home dust build-up. Deodorizing is also available upon request. For more information call 416-282-3292 Appointments are available seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Customers from Markham to Scarborough to Oshawa, have relied on the services of Gardiner's Duct Cleaning and are now enjoying a healthy hone environ- ment. Isn't it time you did too? The truck -mounted unit is excellent for cleaning ducts in commercial, residential and industrial properties. The S ing SMial includes a hook- up for 539.95 plus $5 per vent (Minimum 12 vents) and chimney sweeping service for $59.95. Plumbing Mart offering free marble wall upgrades on full renovations lumbing Mart is offering cus- tomers free cultured marble wall panel upgrades on all full bathroom renovations booked by the end of May 31, 1998. "These beautiful marble panels are custom made and maintenance free," says Sam Beninato" They can be installed in a tub or shower environ- ment and be used in conjunction with matching countertops." This upgrade is worth up to $8(1) and will give your bathroom an elegant unique look. They're on display in one of the many model suites featured at their store. Featured at right is a beautiful bathroom ensemble complete with the cultured marble wall panels. "These come in many Patterns; and in an attractive matte or gloss fin- ish," says Sam. "They're also very durable." "Customers enjoy visiting our sihowroom because they an see bath- room ensembles in a realistic setting," says Sam Beninato. "it makes choosing the perfect bathroom a lot easier." Located at 1534 Midland Ave., the Plumbing Mart shxowronm is only 15 minutes from anywhere in Ajax and Pickering. It's a short drive west on Hwy 401, south on McCowan ltd. to Lawrence, go west two major intersec- tions to Midland and then just one block north to Plumbing Mart on the west side. "We display everything from an - i rte PItllMng nitlart showroom tontines tttlit W 1110f1/1 soul's it'1duding ibis one showing off C11ftured m- 1h1- weN pwlels" economy two-piece bathroom to full an be made toyourexistingbathmom scale luxury bathroom suites," says . Bathrooms are a foal point in Sam. "This showroom serves to fur- any Mme, so careful planning must go ther compliment our very personalized into every project Plumbing Mart's shop,at-home service.' team of installers work dosely with You can have this badmim or their clients to ensure the job is done to work with the Plumbing Mart staff to their complete satie6ction. To back up come up with something unique for this promise you receive a 5 -year your home. The possibrTrti'es are end- installation warranty on all renova- less and don't hesitate to ask how you tions. can have something like a jacuzzi in Call their showroom at (416) 285 - your bathroom. 6798 or for a free in-home estimate call If you need to make room for a Plumbing Mart at 1-888-BATHRENO larger tub, let Sam and his staff visit or 1888-228-4736. your home to see if any other changes .. . �_ _--_ .air"ee /. .. ry..-:..rw. . . .... r.•.•._-,•......� • -....��"��.�w.rn'rm"+sr• a>;- ms.. . DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS 1-888-576-8575 D0161E �ASEAAEIfT HUNG Complete Selection at TILT ACTION V W.XIy1 Windows 6 Doors • PICTUrtiE WINDOWS • BAY & BOW WINDOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS • STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS 111111111111111"X00 WAYNE MOBILE SHOWROOM MITCHINSON ".>+ s w SALES. SERVICE i 'S. ce,uww Ur INSTALLATION '• ' 'I , _ GET NOTICFE ADVERTISE IN "WHO DOES WHAT?!" Spread the •� word about your ' P urnm business or servloe, by : 7 advertising with us. You11 fi no other ,. J, local Modul ts more effective at - s reaching your - It" We anti shop I han this speciW GNe your '„`t,s;r ns a b005I Call e1tonal feature -)Gr Insm Saw Deportment at 1MIMO DOES s�s_mw DUCT CLEANING i CHIMNEY SWEEP Hook-up $39.95 $5.00 per vent Includes all hook ups & no hidden extras per standard home. Work guaranteed CHIMNEY SWEEPING ONLY 559.95 nasto09TIAL 141 s1282-3292 r- - - - - - -, r au-�erz S _ I 120% 20% OFF OFF ALL ALL CAKES CATERING THIS AO CATERING DECORATINGCAKE I _ _(90 721 24 8 — — �Oii REStHiS?iIAT; • • ADVERTISE N9r o Dan WIUT!r til wwoM abo u yyw unique business or service. ro•1 16 You? W no o•rer tical nwdltrm is more •sacbve of prospeft Ill" We wd tlwn illsshD Cove your btlsirwas a boost Cal eofilorial taaluspeciial ow Roma sobs awn at DOW GTA �IAeNiors it>a Qw.wr .. a oflfm T,,P Q. -I'm a IK.ntn.r.zAix. Ow r l5 Yearx .If Srmce • FinW d Bes•rowft • Fainting • Ktldlsns i'sew • FF&A FiFirtiiShn • C•rnnic i Mu t• TWs • Parents i Decks All wtvi Guaranteed Pi :tures R References Available Dane F=wMl Phone: (905) 509-7523 Pager: (416) 295-7220 PAGE 2W -THE NEWS ADVERTMM SUNDAY, APRIL 12,19" 1 rml[;WV1 5.49 kg KE SAI" AA B �Al EA 299912 I.B. iih\ A;,,x- �­. -_E TFa n SHOULDER & BLADE _AKS 3.73 kg LSTAR �ox�o iGpJK EA 2*99 1169 *BLADE p V, SIDE BACON 0W s VAC PAC 3 PRIG. iA=r 2A8 kC LB L•:A 10--q I HEINZ PICKLES ' L JAR F,,ar!ms ........... . , `THE FOOD TERMINAL" LNADIAN DRESSED DO EASTER SUNDAY « , WHITE • WHEAT LARGE 675 SLICED 13PtEADEOAF •HOT DOC' BUNS (8s) PAIX oft •HAMBURGER BUNS (8s) *ENGLISH MUFFINS (6s) FjL �sco°FP� o FREWWS NIC ASSORTED �9 MUSTARD 7 �T B 375 mL JAR PUTTER' 250 mL SQUEEZE BTL RELISH*Ns7 • SHEPHERD'S PIE *LASAGNA 4M Ls. IMR" r� / 99 EA. OCEAN ANGEL FROZEN ARCTIC PRINCE FROZEN 3 -8SQUM4.99 SUsHI � I •MILD -MEDIUM •OLD CHEDDAR •MOZZARELLA *MARBLE *PARMESAN (600 t 3HAIER) CFUEESE LARGE 907 g BAR r w w BLUE Ree0 � PUI o."19 BLACK /5&56 PK � AIl��rvssc R • VEGETABLE S STOKELY • ROMANO • KIDNEY • CHICK PEA • BEANS 5,40 ...I. irm rK EA., 5 9 D'ANTGELLOJ O EXTRA VIRGIN EAGLE BRAND 01A �' � 0H, SWE "j D 1 3 L TIN 300 ' L TIN BE340 gEF •PASTA 0BE ANS MUSHROOMS 0 LONG GR RICE 10 IW /= LB. BAG CEDBIVRENNOODLE wup hm MANDARINS Ejp LARGE 796 =L IM �P171A VNI i i ' _L .,; .. � ,:•„ .b. :_.. .xi. ♦i+�t�altirgN -+L... � ,.yf �. � ..� ,: « .. �r —L J- _ PIUKAN AD_ __ •._� � U1111/� a 22P ,wr M _Yr &HwIn a Mi 4E.n� .. �M mumm/O. • UI,�O�E A�. CItM1'R �' Orir a R 71m - 4. flom"MYY7 WCOE ~• + *.W%. mw 4�m �m1 oe�Mllo E -MOCK RD Nw wmmrwd ,01 O .,; .. � ,:•„ .b. :_.. .xi. ♦i+�t�altirgN -+L... � ,.yf �. � ..� ,: « .. �r 2A9' Is.:,:,�:311 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12,1998 -PAGE 21 ROASTING CHICKENS j� 3-4 LB. AVERAGE IUDT�YTGtRA�DE FIIRQL*g�NT 1 �"'E T U SA USDA EFOO"' yip FFp�« �iY\L7I1 iliJl\S 1 �tEV WSIr FROZEN ak. U, N-,y,N;. E (fir �T(�Q 7 439 k9 LB I/Ul lIi1T [kg"•• 1B CM1i11G1�I kg A11NGS •�� BROCCOLI .I.ARGE ORIGINAL BUNCHES J� SIZE "18s" _ 3 LIMIT BUNCH �#s PPOOUG T OF ONTARK7 A L 1,4 9s ooMsLB 439 ka-tCi�Sii•T.ia • IRISH • BEEF EWS E 665 g TIN EA 69_ LAIoil , E' LE KRAFT CANADA • JELL O` • TETLEY • RED ROSE L � E• -j VH FC)rnS 0 SOYA 0 SPAM RM 460-4x6 mL BO'!TL•E B8EADgD MADDOCK valimsPf[GG. VMCKMVflMA PEACH ass >z F.A.I . SAvnpy . 'KG OF 2 YOGOURT FLAT OF 12 x 175 g TUBS (.29 EA -) 2191 OCEAN SPRAY 2,99XCOFFEE RICH FROZEN RUBY RED COFFEE COCKTAIL �{cOF FE R 1 ' L CARTON �A..1179 00"0 • FUDGEE-0 2 .99 400 - 4W g PKG. i r� �., 1 3 . • . 179 �.9 .1.2 � I MGM KEYSTONEPCi" D 800 g BAG �� FAL69. � � SIZE LATol EA. 1.39 FII.L YOUR OWN BAG ll"-L� ROMAINE LETTUCE SELECT YOUR OWN • BEEIs • COI L,*,R s �• DANDMON LARGE ORIGINAL BUNCIUM COOKING ONIONS L.AMM 10 LB. FAl1MX SIM BAG 439 2 BURD Iiamolr 2.18 kg LB. X1.99 FANCY - CLUSTERS GINGEN FILL YOUR OWN BAG 1.52 kg LB.I 69 PRODUCT OF CHINA WHITE GARLIC CLOVES JUMBO SIZE 2 +8 •g LEI • • THOMRSON • RED FLAME "SEEDLESS" G ES LARGE ORIGINAL fix BU,TICE ES �t.OTCH 2.18 , 9c s. �Nla—rket� �, PRODUCT OF 'J S A CALIFORNIA Ls' LEMONS F LARGE SIZE_ 35s • SELECT +OUR OW". i n FA � 5b& FANCY HONEYFNULL YOUR S s 111 18� ONrN BAG 1.52 kg LB., NA POF LI 5 A GALIfOQNIA MSankistarketed O�GES F 1 .99 SI . LARGE SIZE 32s RED GRAPEFRUIT t'. "NEW CROP" ROYAL. GALA APPLES FILL YOUR OWN BAG 218 ko _ • BOSC • ANJOU PEARS YOUR OWN BAG 218 kff I-ARMORUVc%TANGES UR OWN mwr • RED DELICIOUS • EMPIRE APPLES 4 LARGE 10 LB. FAMILY SIZE BAG IFA j : : • REGULAR RVV i Bi:LLJib OM BEIM, f1AT . J�� 1 3 LUMP Oft BRIQUETTE 10 LB. UME OF 24 :3W Tm . 476 mL BOTTLE � F.A. CHAW 0� roltiffiffA CES C O�IiAB �'�� i i * ♦ .t rT �+r'.i .�•�: : 1 r t R t'.'. .� .. .: .. r ��.- J .. ... t ,l 3 J l 1 J . 1 . ' I J ! J . r T. 8UNDAIC . ' ., t J 1 J J . 1,l.! JAI J j : : • • PAGE 22 - THE NEWS AMMMER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1ff8 !iPORTI RECREATION IN AJAX AND PICKERING Pickering wrestler puts a headlock "u mmm on national juvenile meet medals Sports edftor PICKERING — A Pickering wrestler pinned down precious medals at the nationals in Edmonton last weekend. Stenhen Rnnwn, 18. rpm resenting the Oshawa Olympic Wrestling Club, powered his way to the podi- um twice at the Canadian Ju- venile Wrestling Champi- onships at the University of Alberta Little more than a week after earning the gold medal in Greco-Roman (upper body) wrestling at the Cana- dian Junior Wrestling Cham- pionships at the University of Guelph, Brown grappled to gold at the juvenile (age 18 apd under) nationals in Greco- Roman at the 81 -kilogram (178.2 pound) weight class. In addition, Brown earned a bronze medal in freestyle wrestling in the same weight category. The Grade 12 student at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School wrestled three times en route to the gold medal in the Greco-Roman discipline, beating grapplers from Alber- ta and Quebec by wide mar- gins to set up the gold -medal match against a University of Calgary opponent. The final wasn't close as Brown pre- STEPHEN BROWN Greco-Roman champ vailed 6-0. The bronze medal in freestyle wrestling could have turned to gold for Brown, if not for a disappointing loss to Rob Goring of Saskatchewan in the quarter -finals of the 81 - kilogram weight class. Brown had an opportunity to win in the final seconds of the match when time ran out. "it was a close match the whole way. There were lots of moves and counter moves. In the dying seconds I had a chance to score points, but time ran out just when I was trying to tum him;' recalls Brown, who ended up losing the match 3-2 to Goring. However, the loss to Gor- Local gymnasts ing wasn't too hard to take as the Saskatchewan wrestler was a three -time national champ going into the match. "I wrestled very well against him. I believe if I get the chance to wrestle him agaiiil I wuuid 'beat him;" says Brown. Brown wrestled and beat three foes to advance to the bronze -medal match. He had little trouble defeating a Manitoba grappler I 1-0 to finish third in the weight class. Brown has won several medals at high-level competi- tions this season, including three at national meets and two at provincial meets, as well as topping his weight class at the Lake Ontario Sec- ondary School Athletics high school championships. While the peak of the wrestling season has passed, Brown will continue to grap- ple for the Oshawa club through the summer, when he intends to compete in several U.S. meets. Lk SUMER HOCKEY CAMPS JULY 20 -Arc. 10 1 SBIt CAM "MIT 1111CL110& • Hockey skills training camps • High performs= forwards AW and defoxemen camps • Pasr NHL viS Ws aanyMc$orky. Mike Rini and Krn thaper l a t -w s:ao po:W isc • AAr t ilKardr outdoor acerees kd.A-.kA AN pre raen hw piit. at we •stue of the sit, ICE SPORT'S OSHAWA 14M MW11p Mm V Rd. CALL NOW FOR A 119 FREE BROf21UlE sPOM osttm 905-725-6951 take on Ontario JOIN Two local gymnasts are headed to the Provincial Youth Championships after the third provincial qualifier at the Scar- borough Olympians Gymnastics Club B G EV last weekend. Tara Columbus, of Pickering, and "din Grandy, of Ajax, will compete at O�� the Ontario showcase in Cambridge May 8 to 10. Columbus earned her spot after fin- ishing first overall in the pre junior 1 category at the provincial qualifier. She - anon the gold medal on balance beam, silver on vault and floor exercises and finished fourth on uneven bars. icor GoV= afEvery Lem hakilsionallyOWelized Meanwhile, Grandy finished third 0GAMembessisip Crede for Missed Events overall in the junior 2 bracket at the Low Groes and Low Net Prises Weekly►Leadabosed updates qualifying event. She captured the old • medal on vault, the bronze on beam and �a�10Or placed fifth ac floor and seventh on bars. Arran Black, of Pickering, was sixth - overall in the junior 2 division at the qualifier. She won the silver medal on Call NOW ...space is umltedl beam, placed seventh on vault and bars r, ■�S•B��ZR trod ninth on floocsh Nataa Spencer, of Tory Free; 1-888-264-3927 Pickering, finished seventh overall in the junior 2 category with a fifth on beam, www.thebOgOytOtK.COM sixth on bars, seventh on floor and eighth on vault. . ...... . YOUTH 111111111101111151 HOCKEY LEAOUE May 29 -Aug. 1e AL Paperweight. "e, nodoe, atom, peewee and bantam dtrlsiom • 3x20 min. periods Hoose League and rep. tiftions • 50% off tournaments throughout summer Glendale Tennis Club serves up 20th season PICKERING — The opening of the Glendale Tennis Club season later this month will have extra spe- cial meaning. The tennis club will start the 1998 season with its an- nual Opening Day Round - Robin Tournament on Sun- day, April 26 from 10 a.m. to approximately 2 p.m. This year's opening day event is also a chance for the Glendale club to celebrate its 20th year in existence. The club will mark the occasion with a birthday cake to be served at noon. All members are invited to help blow out the candles. Since Glendale members served up their -first aces in Pickering in 1978, the club has grown to more than 800 members who play on four Laykold courts. The Opening Day Round -Robin Tournament is open to all senior club mem- bers 18 years and over. In case of rain, the tourney will be rescheduled to Sun- day, May 3. For information call 831-0264 or 839-1734. 69EE AnR69 r• L x. Save $150 on In"ed Steel Entry Door SN -stems or Vtmi Patio Doors %ak prkn CM sWW1A..lpr2l 26, 199a Bonus w `E' and Argon las with Installed eatherBeater' Replacement Windows u< „fro eM, Sudan, \lad 17. WN Save $325 on Installed Kenmore` Central Air Conditioning 0471,24) .crx�. sak prkt, rnd Surday. Apnl 26. 199M 3;. Save 10% on an Installed Roof with 25 to 35 -year Shingles Sok prove, chd sun.. It.,, 17. 19% best offers 1�ce season! se your Sears Card and on't pay for one full year on installed windo ws, entry and patio doors, gas fireplaces, central air conditioning & roofing Don't pay until April 1999, on approved credit, with your Seats Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $33 ddaral fee and all applicable takes and charges are payable at time of purchase. Deferred oilier does not apply to previously signed conutacts, Offer ands Sunday. April 26, 1998. Ask for details. 'CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE OR VISIT YOUR SEARS RETAIL STORE 1-800-625-0025 Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to someone you known Qvyright ON. sears Canada Im. 04221 -'t+ .--4 ,'w ♦tw .•M <.; �.xt i�v.'�"+rMr�f� t:., . •.i •7r�1kY7�MM1.:Mi•... .., . �.t-o.v y'nc•:�...,1.7.. .' _ .. .._..�«ova..�,.:.,.�'�.n'.'r�a,*�<�«'w•`+71 �i�/4^9.,F;:�.,e. .. ^,.,�'i�"'•y„r'i"?Pu�'- DR�"AM�•^ - Ajax News Advertiser office 130 Co oomclal Ave., Ajax HOURS: 9 = - Spm Mon.- Fri. Closed Saturay FAX: (905)579-4218 I I careers _ 1 1 careersWilli]Careers 11 Greer: J I I Carom STIT1111 Green I I careers 1 1 Green 11 careers THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 199&PAGE 23 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser -5-1'F'1'E 17 Pickering News Advertiser Outlet W 6 83M 1022 Whites Rd. Pickering SaralLee-Armberles Plaza CLASSIFIED ON-LINE 0707' Tues. -Fri. 10 serif. - 8 pent. ...�. «»..�.. Pla" Um Spat fhlly 111 40 1111n. - Fri., Sat 9== - 3pm Sun -Moon til 5 p.m. 1itljN � TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 CLOSED Mondays. FAX. MM 579-4ZI Business Accounting 6t Computer Applications Business Administration SERIOUS EDUCATION FOR A REWARDING CAREER VA _-x,. I Computer Computer Business Applications Computer Support Specialist tietwork 6t Communications Techmci• Information Systems Programmer Secretarial Executive Office Assistant legal Admmusnative Assistant Medical Office Assistant Office Assistant Receptionist Hospitality Hotel and Restaurant Operations Bar and Beverage Management Travel and Tourism Hospitality Administration Dental Dental Chairside Assistant Dental Receptionist th Personal Suppoet Worker Computer Animation Ahas/Wevefront `not covered by the private vocational sc hoof act. School of Busttless PICKERING CAMPUS 1450 KINGSTON ROAD 420-1344 ULenbrook, 633 Granite Court Pickering, Ont. OW 3K1 (Fax) 905-837-6352 or e-mail to humanresourcesdlenbrook.com A leading international distribution company has an opening for a 11113ta4er, DistributieR Serlrkes. You must possess a vision for this support service that is in alignment with the marketing objectives and the corporate mission statement. Applicants must have 4-5 years experience in distribution services as manager, excellent communication and leadership skills and be proficient in MSOffice. K is a 'hands-on' position - 'roll up the sleeves' and Work with the team. The main responsibilities include: • Accountabie Lor planning and oonilt l d the dally flow d pods wit in the warehouse to most the unwound goals. • Uevelopment of a IBem-orierMed approach developing a cooperative partnering spirit in serving the group's customers, i.e) the various Lanbrook dlstributim groups and cpntparties • Develop and a traddrig prootss on warehouse perlormarm til areas such as order turnaround reran, order now volume, and alCepbort8. Provide daily leedbadc and trend analysis to the Groups. • Manage the logistics department. 1M.Ndolm, talTiers perfonna = and ensuing the best ptxfetbte value and service. • Lead a con�tirryr�yK��.uy�o��u�sy���a� _- _-ii ,,orrbm"As r�K.yYbtusiriess prorces�s and rotedums • P taORi in c l Pin I with hums 1 reso rm available. • Ensue that cost and M of pedcagirng, suppiies, ars& fac* usa is well s Am for a wwahouse layout which ecorsomaes mment oveprodud ern& optimizes warehouse sbrage Space. This includes cost analysis and operational dlargeback If You are interested in pursuing this challenging opportunity, Please submit your resume in confidence to our Human Re- sources Department, referencing File 1354, before Friday, April 17,1998. Lenbrook Industries Limited is committed to employment equi- ty. No agencies or phone calls please. JUR GRADUAL DON'T JUS1 car DIPLOMI VLith a wcaith of,)plx,rtumrxs, Infnrmatnm Iethnology is one of Csadis moat driving loxt n&ha ns And with enjoyable and chalkngng jobs in &frantic--rkplaoo, yeau wont have to -,rry about being boxed. The - I.T. industry in Cm ada is dsooung CLN. win yore? ' REACH FOR YOUR FUTURE REWARDING INFORMATION TECNNOLo6Y CAREERS • M01PI timer Analyst • LAN AdlrB, ,s aran • Nebork Ted■nldale • Not n 8 Speciam CDI COLLEGE ;100 ef< Of BUSINESS d TEC4%OICG, Reach for your future LAM tiaapstlie a�l�e ai jou' ie so &I fldfi of Heb W_ 17pa �iis>N� oBhfB.e s t#phie o ware IYe elf Itilstye 7�4m' as Baleot�e a� 7lstpt Opea Torr owlfiaie aB mRltLiorfld ■plieeeeediNle� tpadhYtae3ciret��a��' iQsrattebiwasasflu. a:eelYlpB, Leola_ re etpaoNt ate edea 0"M = JAN SM 20 ftw NibliH MSA 01 - Needed in Pickering. Part-time, communica- tive method for July. Must enjoy teenagers. Send CV to: too Bloor St W, #202 Toronto, Ontario MSS 2V5 or fax CV to 416-%8-6916 CUSTOMER SERVICE Mews Advertiser re- quests this[ advertisers check their ad upon p ttlicat on as Mews Ad- vertiser tell not be to - IF r 401 for more than one incorrect insertion art& there shat be no li- abiNtjt for sutra-irlseAion of arty advertisentent. Lia Aty for errors in ads is tinned to ft amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. AN ropy is subject to the appro- val of triamp pent of News Advertiser. R READY br IN 21st Cen- tury. LA FRANCE'S NATURAL THERAPY CLINIC Werirq CeMW Aromatherapy Mas- sage Course. Ear CaOft Course, all& certlied Reflex- olow Curse. Cal tot kilo aid so rawer (905)721-0363. WNW. Ned Aroma work- shop (pnnpisHe April 26. fpm 310.) Flash l assis- IN= al iw* for stmearro. AVERY DENNISON Avery Dennison Office Products Canada is experiencing unprecedented growth and change in the manulacturing and distribution of office autornation products. With the increase in volume this growth is creating, it is necessan• for us to Slut a 3' shift in our manufacturing and tbstribution centre. In order to accommodate this growth we have available the following positions. TEAM MEMBER This position involves packaging a variety of products, rotating between vanous functions within the team, label malting, verifying the accuracy and quality of product and overseeing the work of our temporary MO(l lees. This job also requires some heavy lifting. The successful candidate must possess a secondary school graduation diploma, be a proven team player. be flexible and willing to learn. have sufficient math skills, be able to read measurements and be computer literate with experience in MS Office Experience in manufacturing is preferred and forklift experience would be an use. PART TIME ORDER MOMS01111 (MINIMUM IS HOURS WEEK) This posuam involves packing and coa6rnung ctsstoaw orders. prtpanng slapping docunrerttation, housekeeping and cycle counts. This gib requires some heavy lifting. The successful candidate must possess a secondary school graduation a, diplomhave good mathematical skills. be a proven team player. and be flemble. Expenence in a warehouse is preferred and computer skills would be an asset. Please submit your resume to: Manager, Employee services Avery Dennison Canada Inc. 200 Base Line Rd. E., BowTmanville. Ontario LIC IA2 Fax (905) 697-4777 So phone cans pleaseonly applicants selected for nuenx% will be contacted. CMEER SCHOOL OF FLOR- AL DESIGN 26 vet Ftomilry i Bustles Program. 12 as n- snswe 3-phase program. 3 arc PrWesswal course, in. home video. Begwtners Pro- gram Part-hmHhul lime courses; available A school there all your tram" becomes worthwhde Fww- tis assistance may be avad- abe. 905-436.7746. THE IML 111141101111 Career Trairtirq Cana. Became a nail kuadmiow rases tra stq awiaee at artificial haat. or ata6tq peoctra. wd- M Student Firaracsiv avad- abe. huffs SM. (905)723- BOB3 tarmtr S�Cowftr Person Pro - goo. An ymm looking for a caner a tris a wlamot" ire otaayt TWs course is res Was a%= SYaaS raw! AmBrao starts Mar 4198 sol nttx wMl osaarecr 16198. PNM cal Distant colep a 23 � W73 E41- i wYdow sice. Word. Excel A lotus. RD" house 905.42 -M 1 asst 2 SEMIM MMCIMIE OPERA- TORS who have exp, and biowdedge on the 3 thread merger and singe rieede. Meal be AN to work without wrrrs�on and I motivated. 010= commens creed appy. Wanes Oatmmasurae with exp. AD7� oM wMh chums to we 12 . bslaw This Meeh, P.D. Bot 481. Wilson, Ontario. LIM 71.5 1 Gonial Hao JW Gansu Hate BEAUTY SALON repwres s- tensed anrsam manager for CO�UTEII tISENSI Format. Alae Salary/commrssrorvw copy 8 mid dsas to ash. auvprofd shanno Also styl- RUSH S AS E To L L wood Ms. tut and Dart hme cap 66.8 Bristol Road East, Sude Claudia. !9051 576-2512 359A. Mrssrssauga. Oreano Fax resrma ri cbrrtdellte to L4Z 3K8 BOLO... ADeOITL4&=T Jump on the Warted tast-Wxk f110NT ON= COOKOUT M adult entertarmaer. 18. SMff ftr sew Ottlaaa Psk- - Wekrted. No. exp. raecasxy. Experience necessary Fax Wry 905-43149M for with- 404-2500. CAR ATTENDANTS TENDAFull " wee Required for car rental comparry. Must hm valid s I F ucEIISE. Please drop off resume at Oiseou!nt Car A TUtadk Rettrlab, 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby CHILD CARE ASSISTANT. re yuifed for P.R.Y.D.E. at St. Catherine's in Apx. Mail or drop ri with resume to 15 Bamrti Ave. Ajax. LIT VI. before Friday April 17. R" posilior l 1190 avaiabe CHINESE cuam k t res- arrart in Pe ou,pn e�- Wo cleat to m ro e kildaln imduekq hiring of self. Excel- lent Fh P7 dr23!AtyPh" osum s nUA now tllfYlg drivers. Pall caul Itipla/y. Eam up to $1?Am. M. Lave own tat at 300 Dtemas SLE., Whitby. ExPENEKEO HairsWist , w "W hd amt pan toe nor on Nor care carne w the wlilby Mall. Minimum 2 yrs. exp. Cal Nide 723.0211 or EWe ito 866-2125 UTFAELT busy Scarow- oulgh delivery compury re - (d16 754-34410 � ar or man. Cal HAIR STYLISTSr needed for Ajax - Picketing area. $8/hour to start plus profit-sharing, Birthday pay 8t good working conditions. For _ interview call 905-831-4337. FIRST CHOICE HAIR CU7TERS COOK BY>ZI m Whet with trap- class experiaace requital to NTLI. TfDIB develop tra lch" marauats Evettingshveekends and nor. 'I contract go- Experieneed in Sea_ salon. North Oshawa. M.S. food and Fish and WordINONS 11,prelerrce Chips. Fax Resume Fax resrma ri cbrrtdellte to ��`� 21113-31"a1-BOO-3B7-B1p. CAR ATTENDANTS TENDAFull " wee Required for car rental comparry. Must hm valid s I F ucEIISE. Please drop off resume at Oiseou!nt Car A TUtadk Rettrlab, 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby CHILD CARE ASSISTANT. re yuifed for P.R.Y.D.E. at St. Catherine's in Apx. Mail or drop ri with resume to 15 Bamrti Ave. Ajax. LIT VI. before Friday April 17. R" posilior l 1190 avaiabe CHINESE cuam k t res- arrart in Pe ou,pn e�- Wo cleat to m ro e kildaln imduekq hiring of self. Excel- lent Fh P7 dr23!AtyPh" osum s nUA now tllfYlg drivers. Pall caul Itipla/y. Eam up to $1?Am. M. Lave own tat at 300 Dtemas SLE., Whitby. ExPENEKEO HairsWist , w "W hd amt pan toe nor on Nor care carne w the wlilby Mall. Minimum 2 yrs. exp. Cal Nide 723.0211 or EWe ito 866-2125 UTFAELT busy Scarow- oulgh delivery compury re - (d16 754-34410 � ar or man. Cal HAIR STYLISTSr needed for Ajax - Picketing area. $8/hour to start plus profit-sharing, Birthday pay 8t good working conditions. For _ interview call 905-831-4337. FIRST CHOICE HAIR CU7TERS 3 PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12,19" 110 110 110 120 t 120 120 135 135 135 �^ HIV/AIDS CARE IN DURHAM ` A conference for health care and social service providers and HIV+ people. Pre registration is required please call: AIDS Committee of Durham 905-665-0051 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply - place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. HIGH -PAID BUSINESS & COMPUTER CONSULTING POSITIONS On -The -Job Training Program Please wird your resume to WORLDWIDE TRAINING CENTERS 1480 Ba', -IN' St., Suite 7, Pickering, ON. Ll W 3T8 Fax: 905-831-2832 IMmSTyusn tw part kala required for L Attitudes Pick- ers; Town Cine Up to UW salary plus ComaNssaon Coiraxz A~ (905)) 40 420- 14or tax 905-26e-994) MAItORESM licensed. busy salon Great salary ani benetps Aft for Peter MS)720-1991 NAMSTYWT WANTED lin busy salon Flap or part fmw Ism a •commessfeem 905 ew Ings. 9105-M2127 days NDME WORKERS Needed in your area Earn extra income wonereg kome hoarse Ful bane or pan twee For fret iMo phase sand S.A$ E f0. Fiat Capital Pfomobm 916 West anoadway, Sure 1061. van s coo. 6 e v5z 1K7 LANDSCAPE Construction firm boluig for OZ licensed or br- at with -trailer etpenence. dean abstract. egapinent a- Pernence an asset 25 and ellerLoobto pM in brio burs 112. 14Row P1nss No nesMne b (905f683-2681 MApMIN Reuawa et Re - Quires Pan time DeVie asher. Photo W required Apply in person from 3 00 p m to S OOp m at 1725 Kingston RW Pickering (Kngston/ East of Brock Rd) KtAgKm. ranked for exdoc massage. experience pre lerred. please Cal (416) 760- 3640. leave message NOT UNION$ $45WOk? Mae- peopte awing company neeft 20 rah season Nie 10 Uwe Cal Aft lior utlavaw at (905)720.3144. OPENS SOON 1414 Town - lines cwm UFA 15. sharp clas Cru#w on" and Spa are P^0 >oOaNNr a new antra of ot110eabee SMists. Essht- com aur No TNdAOM. A mew sten. Cal g�lv.r666-wi. Gam PICI{Ellt Ajar fxltm paw (Wsww Hayry) Re - paha 12 pople b ped) i Aloe ordus. Rd txpNeiNNce sK��e 0 ((9�j em- PART 1 3 . PANT HIE. CI@rhers, dfiwfs I�MIw� . bet Not flebi- CNrft 428.9785* .Castle ' r rEM - kimrF tkle aur r-, -,-Nikdrh dfnfo. lbw ONNift Aril. Md PwK- &INS won. please fax fit- Same efalse 10(905)120.3182. EMPLOYMENT Garden Centre Experience required Fax resume 430 -OM SNIPPING SUPERVISOR. A teemk's Company located In Mas Swedr days. Tit refs ew and salary expectaaoea to 905.693.0976 SNORT ORDER COOK COUNTER PERSON exr ;•r ferred but not fequrrec cull and PM tune AovW r De"1 10 Jim at Texas Burge, Marwood Ave S Apr STUDENTS MAKE Extra $SS NOW selling chocolate. no door to door, Earn $20440 cash paid nifot*.Lookat for students 13-11. Please Call (416)%"176 MUST LEAVE MESSAGE CYatele 10 work 0► rent 711 wool Deese or Aitm* VARNM FM -TW den- calAeNlr posioaN available In 1ha Piam sea. Saw rMoft 10 N"Nel Banti of Cartage Hwaar Resoraas lam Liverpool Rd. Pidtaing Ont uv 1W3. INVITED A•Z Diem drivers for tro. U.S, axpu1, , . deem ae9tgd, -No" dmwaam checic. 3 years mkbNKNm a- periahce. Sauna appdalhb fax to (905)263-2746. Td. (905)263-1916 VE ANE UIOIS for bey people No 0"d offer algrnclal servioet ofMPay in Durham. Vile we feafn. Cal (9a6) 66S 1583. ram deeded in onbrio for � n Lund raisft a pp I= in the iMt I= Geirwous bonto s are 5- 9 p. Wars. Can THE DEWS ADVERTISER is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas A AJAX Chapman Dr. Annie Cres. Elizabeth St. Dennis St. Wile a Dr. wtthay Dr. Chatfield Dr. Kemp Dr. Brocklesbv Cr. ;k�A- `kA PICKERING Highview Rd. Spangvtew Dr. Silve Af apse Dr. Redbird Cres. BeCkworth Braebum Sq Ea*view Rd. Dr. Brookshire Sq. Gablehurst Cres. Kirkwood Lame ��> SCARBOROUGH Feagan Dr. Bathgate Dr. Clemes Dr. Centennial Rd. Broadbridge Dr. Hartsville Ave. Baronial Cres. East Ave. Oxhom Rd. Bornholm Dr. Ridgewood Rd. Calderstone Cres. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 683-5117 WEED 1MN Whitby s Mad,g lawn ore Company is We" to make addom b Its OW - w0 staff ErwrIN r leave *en- tasia rpuireet Knowledge of lawn care would be an as- sef but is nes necessary Ful coagrelKreyw traNleng pro - owed car 905-666-3,67. WELLS FANGO Total Security sduthora now accepting so- pkaeons for Vie ptxsioon d SECURITY OFFICERS. Appkc- ats melt have "Ow wm OM* 12. no cil mnaf I o r m a. reborn transporlation, and speak all wine English IrfaMN. Apply In Person to: 909 Simcce St N. Unit 4. Ostuwa. Ont. IM -WW -Mw y To-4P.m. WORK AT HOME part-time, full -titre, Town provided. 4.3K1-8545 TiAN NIS Poriloa, a - for well OSM66Saed MOAN n0 basedlaudseapkes Company. khat have miN Intent 3 years axpedRhce in Pisa. I uerbcldrg. or lawn nuirtenahce. Cal mosMa1r, through MAW 905.6191761 or lax ralurc to 905 619- 078& 1 amm Licam ELECTNicm, For sNM-staling people bok- Ing tm a pown wookk w *wwwtl. good PRY a10 W ners'. PNMe lax resume to 905-725.1994. The Tech -Met Division of Emerson Electric, a leader in the metallurgicaVmaterials testing field is currently seeking an experienced and enthusias- tic individual for. BILINGUAL SECRETARY / RECEPTIONIST The successful candidate will act as receptionist, secretary and general office support for the Tech - Met Division. Applicants must be bilingual (French / English), have excellent word processing skills and reception experience. We offer a competitive salary and benefits pack- age. Interested candidates should forward their resume to: _ Lois Marshman © Emerson Electric Canada Limited, _ 9999 Hwy 48, Markham, Ont. L3P 3J3. EMERSON Fax (905) 475-4630. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. `,woce & Medicine Canada. a leader lin the creation and production of "Is AM aeduauuon programs*es looking for a Oillingual Receptionisd(kr'ice Assistant. Please send in your resume if you are: 1 rofrcreent in Englah and French. bah oral and written Irnerprnonapy skilled and eneoy handing both in- bound and out -bound telephone• calls Intenved in working in a dynamic. busy and jpWiy gev nng company Possess good computer skills (knowledge of Word Prrktt. an asset) 4nd vrosar resume in aonfideme to Greg Rt4wn% at: ►ART -TIME Office Assistant Mwu" lung ollioe n oi a - q rekiwes part-time asLs- Ora DfsMa will include w onPbrn, yfew data nary. aN nnd accounts Pay - Mal ter43 7WMrrin accounts payable , 01 , wllust ceboaaeepmp awl Mane. decal OrMfwed ant mend -task oriented Past in. MOM 109 wth ISD 9000 cer- mcaw an asset Must be aWwtiOla�else�yto Monnddae". Rlpy to fiN f and u1 Po 6oi 1. Olhmm. Ontario LDH SEatETARVroFFNIE Adnan- 'graW for Prooresgve Whitby carpark Wel organzd with oNC,Wes telephone manner psl�atdpMtyping Skills; . Mac cow Plfaff mktrofumten toffee 0130. P.0 Bur 461. Offeata. Ont LIM 71.5 $ERION ACCOINIUNT rt grin0 for our Pnprtrrap Client 10111213.akirmhNn d 3 • S years. Accou0mg PJ 1111. ns n sena ration). khat haw AS 400 , F�iall ProAciertg and exDeriahCe RIP.ralL aid rec- onctiaima. Should be eN- rallied in rup4c" pr. Payroll expeMnce K awn a- sd. Fax Resume to: (905) Ffld roost pinom If YOU bur a solid w roandMba WON Poo Point. fMaidian pb 1, 46 - sur are 146- - PWreraf om (11 WAS at 1 take tae@. we flaw f (41 In.7i4poi "M Nl*V4Pft 1 s'a'e Melp IA LEADING OWINAM Region Furniture Retailer requ im Part-time files parson pow• bar IUdng o fel-lime poi• bon. Apply in cemer to Send Ret- b 665 FaiewaN St Oshawa, LIM 71.5 Atknkm Oft 0 129 0011 arlook Mgopn geena ofga im NOVI" sales T exec l canrdidalt oil Possess above average miter. I mrh-1 skills a coetedanca. d a O grotand n sass. knowl- edge & cofnasona in the eeMNing arudNotii. lf yes are a aam wd * to omingwork in ft Whitby/D~ ata. k,nwly tax or Mail yow resume to kddmg With Mulf Maw R.R. 01. Graleon, ON KOK 2GO 905- 349-3646 PRRi Tt JEWELLERY sales I -W chal�K �. ors SALEM ORORIIMTT Looking for alNNailestt erh 09.1k ad safes OrWMN1i do- - ...hs to loin our teals. q"Imedom y for the ngll psoloe 905- 839.66Do. Nab SM ORL Not - Wad. IeWill,ppm- arced CNC aiSMa operabr (Fame; continflo", My" OOffng mi �rMbrS (WIM r SPWb) galeas (Midi have VM wMRmg *M%). Fax w shuae to: (MS) 721-1204. Oy- Not 6gYN@tq kilt. so, NOMflAN, CYTON= SERVICE HEIS $"iN - Mm large agg ve firm, Bi 'nngguuaa an asset, Seve�posibons avvailaelle in DLLEfwm and Markham areas. Appleone Services (905)831-3400 SIL E MCLMVE ASSISTANT Strong MS office skill's, Amip% Lotus, and legal background an asset, located downtown Toronto. AppleOne Services (905)831-3400 JIMSIaTNd IMIp ASSISTANT MANAGER for Scarborough Tire Auto Centre. area Also eanical �perwince p iperienced A Pre aim Mech& K needed. Fa■ rim" to 905-831-3122. AUTO SIM person rNeoed for �fywobusy restoration flop. capac°a11666-Ma46. pair�rkrk WANTED. 1 Journeyman Electricun expnunced in n- arstrw am commercial wwi- onnrwtnt No fobsf P4$U" is orgy to 905-42$4=- . D I, ECE MOM provednm g hoe - are. CPR,'f?rst aid. Me - smoker. lseame , awls/ srQcft ata. 11' WAW40a- ney 45 Dr, ►ort union &401.1416)263-1275. MCKEFAM Mack N.N.: Loving daycare: 1e mols reso 12 YOM rteA backyard and putt) Crags. story cmc. music. few Uaqus meas a snacks F09 Aid. CPR certified Non- 12Mrg, r ' lik 905-428- ta 1 a"- Collor LIFE STRIDER treadmill - GE model auto indene 12�� CAN arta 6 p mk at LINE NEW kitchen CnroNw table. blue padded thaws. $125. 6394690 STOVE. MOMal. 30' raege. wlMe. used 1 1/2 yokes. town srored Like new. asking $350 00 call 639-6129 1 blfeM SAM" door repairs. broken spnngs. cabin. rotors. open - en MO Ned US. Now doors! 1336-0073 Plus boas 7 FT. NOVELTY freezer. 3 sfidlg doors. wry good oun- dtion. asldrg $1.000. 905- 649-x675. ALL MST MUM- 4 pecan kvinip taeMs, er@YaN fol f" Am SWK aliale oak dresser with mina, dNW 4361079 eetw@n 6:30-10 P.m. SAN COIWTEl1 ton. bhp. (COMaadaq 5500.. RNrfpa- aed showcase. III, . Nt. long aftmest sjatlla. WAN TR 11.500. 91D51w Ilm, ice. e f1.a . COMM settlementkeemenped cM Walt, Nei red 01. Bary MW *MU M. Orme. 905483- 9471. GROMT NDS, 100%. NOW :lick, phesh, stain re- sitgMl . Fa 3 moats. 30 kflf@rYM1 L tiwN PNd Fur@ fpNter@a . Ni eMM. N6 h1M1NM as INrMNM Iw Q het yfNK Oal@L 11Sb 217-0106. CARPER - bis of arpet. 100% WAM NEW sw W lea@@ foods oR clad. I tat tay4t 3 fthoras. $349. No mdwn talpel POM Pat efeW im"altion, fast deNw wry. Inas 40="$ (30 W*). Norman 6e6-2314. fJINPER SAIi: Pals d ar- ppNM�t 100% " sum t@- kass, c&W 3 room SM9. (30 14 yN.) bUk do: MOO Ped add NNWIII- don�Friks atloom Cmd MPWS. SWtlkg Deft and se6�g ata. Sam 9e5- 633 Granite Court Pickering, Ont. L1W 3K1 (Fax)905-837-6352 or e-mail to humanresources®lenbrook.com We are a leading designer and manufacturer of high quality loudspeakers accepting applications for the following positions: Production & Materials Coordinator File /352 This position is responsible for the coordination of production schedules, inventory levels, incoming raw materials and the im- plementation of engineering changes and new product start-ups. This position supervises both internal and external production. Applicants must be proactive, self -motivated team players, pro- ficient in MSOffice and with a minimum of three years produc- tion line experience. Electrical or Mechanical Engineering educa- tioNe)iperience would be considered an asset. Product Development & Management Engineer File &353 Reporting to the Vice President, Research & Development you will assist with the development of new products, improvement of current products, compliance with safety and other standards requirement as well as the design, implementation and im- provement of mechanical and acoustical quality assurance tech- rnques. Applicants must be proactive, self -motivated team play- ers proficient in MSOffice and with a minimum of three years of electricaVmechanical engineering experience with preference given to a background in the loudspeaker, analogue and/or digi- tal electronics industry would be considered an asset. If you are interested in pursuing either of these challenging op- portunities, please submit your resume in confidence to our Hu- man Resources Department, referencing the file number, before Friday, April 17, 1998. PSB Speakers is committed to employment equity. No agencies or phone calls please. Heating and Air Conditioning company looking for EXPERIENCED SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Durham Region company in business for over 10 years. Fax resume to: 905-683-0817 • Dryeaw Avokbk • Deyeae Aved" Day Care Available 0 Now, Spring and Summer Sonya's Summer Helpers Hire a live-in nanny from Quebec Call. to arrange an in home appointment (416) 488-3373 s+k ORM ML Cal ON saw toga sk1@dbN hM *N*Ab d uIN (905)431-OWam (11S)t22- aMwblfdh aur also�aia«rF sable aures CLEAMNCE SALE , WANI he add "No- ally to fmw, alu w nm Goats taw MM Evkuwt@ MM 2 30 Rp. Toro Mows and wwwebwm law by Naar M " NNW sada ani kik• mos. RIkR Sala. 47M ThIckson Rd. N. (SOS) 05- so10. DIIIIS NDI V WAIL. (Repo 7 pe. sold be IfMd ebdt tblMW OWAU a 5160 o.b.o. Cal (!05W"124 stir dp.m bb CE E Md Pill 233 15' NANW 24 x 336 32 Mb�2.BSS (16Npy�2y00 Mx SSU d N6 s�8koM6 5295 We bW Ckaer rrc@d ahoNMas prkMem staN- and an on Val New powma I. NMI 07-309 FENCE Dacus - for deam Ifit WWNV. Oafwnind, Weir umo, twNy 1 1/I dlanhMer Posy sad Mor r dlNMetbr $100. Cal FOR Sale Toronto Blur Jays IclNa 2 a 4 seats la taros home gashes this season. Seddon 525 (sour honkie Ictal@). Row 1 seas 51 ($20 nen. taa faNN). For barba 7 ion call (116) 638- FORTNEii 2MB SCOOTER. *"WO condition. battery 0 O N$ wam.�' exCEN@m =M'M' $250. Tekphmte 576-7316 1 AfOCN@ for sole FURNITURE - antique soled walnuf to duru+q room took, vrrNn 6 cane eaci dim. ssoo anakhaao surra cabno 5250 aeipie oak awls cabi- M. Curved glass doors 5250 arsiglne solid wwnw ante (tom) 77 RANKS' (90S) 726 7546. HANKS' ApptlaMn Para. Service. tripes. frosefirrt. manual defrost Slomepe. washers $225lp. dryers S150/up stoves regular ani seM<Jnngeng, We new Sl5m p Apt size washers/dryers stomp whte/amaw fade - by -sada, water dsperaer, am MAW SMP pngM frsez- a 1299. 3 years old FNwntr mese avww AIM son= SI. S. (905)726.4043 NAT for ahmat w, $2 501 lase 655-3551. NEALT1 TE SAM. Urge new portable 2 -person. provides Pam root, weagM -o . txacise eMta, rolax- Am. SWW. Was $4650. as- king 13960 579-7353. "cum CO TENTS. I, waww dndryoe,r. orpn. Maori Bower. on no, drums Inge, 9=114$ Mia real ■Ifl UU ASOM ekctrt whiftichow ta�$iDm cobw $10.ranN veiCases iaMuSbC asN guitars class" 2 piece &rade chinalmleffain WAN stales $150: Dow fw of M also. John 576.0574 &ave message. (step) mom" E self-cleaning eWftclriC stow $175 o.e.o. MaytaO 2 now $175 o.e.o. ITtEE: dMp Deese. W frieaafa and drys (him •ASSET F NW # hp. frrdhottalt ARMS wo Mom am die" sial dozer blade. OMBI M OWAO- 60 SM. Cal 705.357-i20135e8WOW� Ir Rau* et 7-33S S 7Mel= SL S.�= 438- nm For $all. MIL Apat- WAM-MM. $1200. Cal 905- 6%-•11160 of Bpm. MCLOCKSno d 41311 MOM& Used Yamaha,Kim YptNew� q nos fram$6 and I= SeliNU wgranh W t� f SM aur up Call TELEP PIA 433-1491. NO IVVT TD OWN APPLIANCES. new and ►ttatditimkd. IW �1169or 1-800-79"8- 5502. v r ,.5, •.' .. ��•�.� t�asi:�t+,- ,,:oj�."y,:.'�ry�+FWs�,.',N i� • �-�.: vi�'? 'e a _ �,�. , � a,,\.,�yyr. .v,� t , ...lip •'r • �* � :';S. r +•.rk- .. n:• . . A 7/IYkfP'; ,..�.,.. ... 4iy4'��t`�r , !tM rayipi-:i^`,.s. r. ,.� „�,�,1 .1 r � 4 _K_ rd THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 199a -PAGE 25 1 Ag Sa� COWOviw-r- illr 1 oNtpr'�.elrT k11eme1S S for f o a 11 s °f all e r Tor SHEDNAN - oualdy wooden 1 drags r Eggs" es a Plus s es styles =Also Afro garages and decks. 761 Mc- %1.7-to aY Rd uric 3. Picketirl For more Imo call 905.619.2093. SOLID 0" o-5ttaped kitchen. ath Island. plus Genair stove and lamiy Sind oven and mi- crowave. Colonial doors and windows Cal 263-Ml4 Roel fhw Rwrl RON EASTER Rod Q4111.E If Cogiar Large sskdlo of PAY bury MMMIonew rnh''. I Uses and Yams - 9955 T� sport loadeU. while, mim, 100.000 kms. $12.695 94 Grand Voyager 10 lloaded, nr ann ow $10�950d white. Voyager LE. loaded. and pretty $8.995 93 Aerostar extended. loaded for 51 Pella SUN. APRIL 19TH - Tools for ; 1 Lora 11 dm is a preen sate $1.995 93 Astro extended. loaded. burgundy. all trades. antique collects- swe plus fireplace, sMI. referencesare tired for Sib $10,950 nice SALE AUTOS - 93 Dies. user, kitchen c011eCta Dies. sclenMic instruments LOST - smokey grey house 19" PONTIA TEMPEST LE, 150000 films, good condition, Cavalier (8.495.. statbnwaom 78K, 'co much more. TOOLS OF THE ES SHOW/sALE 2699 Cat (Hadey about 10 pounds. no frit am on Crtnkviow $1950 as is call 905.579- 7272 auto, air, 95 Sur lre lowest price $8.850 AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 8 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 appliances, underground parking. 55 Fill CRT. MON.-THURS. 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. SAT. b SUN. 12 - 5 (905)683-6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED *'I - t o A1380LUTE AFFORDABLE SICK OF REN77N043 OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EAS1;11 3 $100,000 MORTGAW CAFIll FOR S700hr1orMh k%*mxn k iourrre SW.000 year -'Power of Saba• avadabe - Assumable Mortgages Help for cischarged bankirupts - Not much doompayrnent?? Call Marled He knows Wwfhat so dolt! (905) 571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 Mark Stapley Seim Rep. Sufton (araup Excel Reality. TRAD t; c (905►839 2448 95 Fire' se auto 4 d - ' Stock Rd N.. Pickering, Ont. e o 00/330 $400 (519)293- • 1 ptaySrhppffey 1". 2 CAMIIRO Z28. 25th An- oor. 62.000 kms, new ony $8.500 91 Lahr. Turbo, auto loaded. 3171 (613M9-5607. swe plus fireplace, sMI. referencesare tired ry Special Edition• me- low kms. perfect now $7.495 TARGET Table concrete saw or dry culiig 51000 opo. FOR SALE Beale I lathe blue, leather interior. fun- ly loaded, mim condition, 1 90 VW Jena. GL. auto. air, a-1. $5.595 91 Cavalier RS V-6. wet Call Joel 576 5944. ($cam) female 4 month old Lhasa/ Pont a,anv. Cab Laurie 90S- oar. $13.900 905.725- whne err. auto. come see $5.995.91 Olds 88 Royale. OAI(/PINE FUIINfTURE..AR 665-0 9 ."(scam) 1303. loaded. excellent car only Solid oak table sets on sale!!! JACK RUSSELL puppies. 1l92 CMEY LVMINA - drte x5.995 90 Lincoln Town Car. sign. baled. kaMa, like eq SOLID OAK double pedes- short -hair. vet checked. wormed• needles done. (tome owner. like new. 4dr. V6. aub. new $8.495 91 Buck LeSabre, Ind . 1y table 44 x96 oikrnocd d raised. Cal (905)66xr1269 Cruise, air, tilt, AM/FM cars. loaded. low kms. new arrival w 1' ftipt top. T Rick 5010 IArt1eS 905-7253252 new b�• art. �� 080. $8.850. 93 Ford Sable. bad. ask skid. 2-15 ext.. Choice d LOVELY LITRE Yorkshire (905(666.5294 ed. low kms. new ria P edge profile a yypu of table Terrier, 1 year old, female Prannis-auumaal %e: suction 17.700.92 Sunrtxaer 4 x 4. to +�u�nnlcn rmnn - vvilrlD 1 8 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED hent COURTICE, Beautiful 1 -bed- room basement apartment Recant Ront PRMGLE CREEK Privateentrance, separate marling. $65o/momh ad mdu- CO-OP VVN =T swe plus fireplace, sMI. referencesare tired Has 3 bedroom Townhouses, 905-433-795WP 8 Dk "0M Can available available early spring. $821 to $842 plus utilities. DOWNTOWN WHMY, in 6 Plex. lots of parking. near For more information Call 666-2008 saaols. 2 bedroom, very dean. $770 inclusive Arad- or Office open Mon.-Thurs. 1 G-4 a`�1 �' Istnast. Application pick-up points posted on top (oval or red.) AND 6 sold SPaV C.K.C. reg.. Shoo Cal 91)S 435 3197. 1992 CHRYSLER GRAND CARAVAN Tracker convertible.px01. fun auto, dem and reliable EAST OSHAWA - Available Community Centre door. oak Cambridge dors. Lim*- r LE, absolutely every for $4.695 93 Geo Metro aero. brand name 30• stoves $449 May 1st. upper fl0pr a eon- Please respect the hours applications to eme any x1.799. N d err taDks � hurnd-c>•7fkd � � ADORTerrier tau JACK RUSSELL Terrier puppies. ready to go " 27th. WA have big option i ratting. k. 7 Passenger seating, new aettr and oma -6. i 93 gds Adhpva v-6. loaded THE SUMMIT PLACE gag" with k out t 3 oeonoom Suint war out to huge sack. may m e picked up. premises Complete Tabk set of tr3MMiSSim, muffler, from 71.00 km, Super sale $7,700 was $600 taking $300 He - full larked yard sew • hall We am Sony, an f err" available at thidr low. sets from as low as $749. mledbs and -NiM,, $500 (905) 655.3416. axle. 169.000 Km. 3 3L. white Cate to Cwtkw Auk Coon. 155 K St West at Mute" • 1,2, 8 3 Bed Apts. IArt1eS 905-7253252 as a. (2.000 cwk6ed 905-576-40994 Traditional Woodwor"- 115 eloM Interior. 12000 Mall Il 579-2m, Seo • ]LOOKING for sack Pillsoto North Port Rd. S. out Radh LNW APSO pups for sale more at dealer Plus no GST Youeil MOVE -IN INCENTIVES rem a large easement part St j Port Perry (905) 985-0771 SW Maks a lemma avail- s9750. (905)404.8180 • All IN. Included Mem m Port Perry 'Roca- able• various colours Ready A•rehh,eb smoker no pets simairate NO MONEY DOWN Pentium I%MMX 25' 50' TVs •uw..S 251wk Fisher SM=........ $14#01L AppkXXes....... SLZVW . Cdn Mini Dish... 5625IwAk. Guitars lea.......... Leamereee 3-pece Lmngroo n.............S11/wk Call 1-800.267-9466 to 90. (705)786-3124, leave 'Championship Sired' Akidas, Shetlands, Shih tzu. Maleese. Laso Apso. Golden Retrievers, weshes. Chihu blim Mini Dasclwfmds, Border collies Seal Point Himalayans Must k'spa so" "me USED FRIDGE 1225. and up. I Warted I (9115)72.3-S0T7 used stoves $200 and up. used wasters $250 draws auto, dem and reliable Aidoeiabtew 1 1 $125 am up. New txand name Stas. cable. laundry aitiided r hdpes. 16 C x805. New CREDIT PRORLENS? On the brand name 30• stoves $449 spot titancunq Doan pay and up New 5 cf. hums ies movham SM OAC. Cars. SM.. Stephoson's Ata- trucks. Wars 1901 10 1994 pkihoa 227 Court SL. Offset- A'-* "" Sales Ltd 792 S1mca sow SOWL Oaf - we, 576-7448 Pliant 905720-3382. wAS1ER a gas dryer, z ad $1200 Walls, am" $700. 196$ MUSUMG. 6,-0 der. Ar conditioner, 2 yon old 3 -speed. 175.000 miles. S4.000 form. Call OWS09- was $600 taking $300 He - 1661. mdbr x50 (905)639-9791 19fa FORD crown Victory. YAMAHA YM46 Dgmy fwt 1971 M ZX DATSUN, sur W P/W air arN no as new, $1300 $lent. cal 905138 x669. Im mak. wy gooe shape. $1.500 ` 1 Adela as a. (2.000 cwk6ed 905-576-40994 Hix F-158 5 ane. 5 speed. 1193 FORD M 50 Ile. 5 a ted cruise, aMm cess. 2 ANTIQUES?AUUkrlalsl e0- speed. $law 080 Cal 905- 726 4173. vice consultation Free, ata- rrowwew Prannis-auumaal %e: suction 1164 Om LESABRE, dark. service 20X f"ooable. Pur- good slarm eo. V.500 h 1968 0-" udhpnt. estaN, W Nasion Pular. 52.000 as is. some anfiq" cortwmS. (no or hest alter rated , if, rs hood ro twu forks O -M. an boM. 726-9917 owl- 1-800,840-6275 him gyItsttn UN CMaNs, 4 dr. 4 spd 1.1 try 10 rtsF M to ad quw- stan0ad. $900 allied obo les. Robert Bowen Antiques- 905-965-4467 a 905-985- Brooklin. Ontario. (905)655- 4805 (tap) 8049. tax (905)6555501 1987 eadinsc Fkethrood. aN DO you nave valuable an- Opium. oder 100,000 km aqua or estate ,r -- -? Let good ", -lar . carolled us assert you in acbmft an $4200. Cal 432.1663 or 242- tagat Possible prka. Crit 506. (SM) !o day ►kraal or Gayle Kahn AntiqueCyoahasrusltants H67 amass cw& om" trrHh Phone 905965.6161 owner. now m brakes, deer a lifts. reeds body work. un- cat Act. May 1 3 cwmied. :1.000. Call 905 - WANTED - u' Tykes chile- N5-Gt00 MW bpm. car or ire hen's motorized in (q5 lo lot n gppd eOadiYgi 1� OMS Cim k>0ed, Carl Henry a (90s) 62: --M- ti219s arfiled. 1 7 6iiCk CIFAM tkagon, fully loaded IM l Ark i 1 ed 2 bed - 11s°9IaAy_ bad@C $1295 w WE FINANCE • �� CRAFTERS, WMTS at The $1215, -11 1X759. GIN & Craft simimpsont, 10M- elusive Income requiem rs ed in 80 Cowft Rob Mar- 1967 NLNN9INNNF staHon- ket. 4 km. sing at OSIwa L t ;e us stow t sM WNs e&- se lions S60wT erw stabil Iwewo_ Ma len. Pabar- dN FA 10 be Mrs. Cal 905 = $1125 01a 127- 436-1024. - ""'y bac". modern lain dry room. $750 mo INS CMIMO IROC Z. T -toot. 1 Nadu. 3105 H.O.. T.P.I., ' Saks anaiak May/,Amt be 129.000 km,.. No w* 1. Ckon err $6300. Cal 705 - per Fudge, stove. waher, dryer WO -7011 al or me- First firne buy- �' evnrude motor, and wail maUsakwd gdel 3-sfowy GET0- cable and am Won npu0- 1tM NNtNE AN, 4 ql, aft 8*fA 4016x. atlllffM ram. $lad. NI�IIIIMY h01M T.V. 131 kit. New - ' DlW km Ideas. Conrad. 1500 $ NVIAo oleo e rm1601dOr S illd t6 11lM NEN9rMNE CWM SsehaNa yon Surt•n.Cyl 2 -door, aolomllk, rt. adiae. moft stbltd �� is ab.a ioc0976172����o�yat216o6a 5n-356 AW Nm """"wrMa TNN NLpMNRiE conm NEW Interow 10 NAM VAPFA 9L 307 cafe krek. V1, amomaft Raw a~, N aLtllS�! lllylJ/ nOK 11111 Mgr MW 1 ftWM a1C1384nhdex,bkrf g11pIap.� R1ms•_rwj 53050. smo1M. 90o••40s-6100. 1l11 tiNi11O tGNISAI. so SALE- 110 M Fed W SM as is. NS -837- iat above tnlme dada 16,x14• 01$0 INN waM Pick -alp, 5 11141 price tale on pN . " . 01 -gDO.4 . 7561Saw G.S.T. 1 NOD NE No 43300 o.k.o�CAN 721-0Nt 19W GEO MMO he ft r I Warted • In - House Shpt. b MNint. entrance. porting. indge. auto, dem and reliable nen MrAm 905666-5003 or P 0 L., cruise. to, aw cone- Stas. cable. laundry aitiided $2500 060 Days 116 636 S Cash $ for unwanted cars Rental office: Ikon - Fri. 9Nfn - 8 pin $57yadneh• 1eteree . uewl SM. nights 723.5504 and trucks project cars arm wmte-offs (We alar out. you SM 8 Sun 11am- 4pm chhect Avad May I (905)985 - 0059(SNP) 1993 90NNEVILLE. loaded. Cash in).905.426.0206 11l/ pN1YfLER Caravan SE. LOVELY MNGKT 1.2 bedroan 180,000km $8.000 cer ilfed Call days. 905579.8115. or x76 to $1516 for scrap cars a tricks or arty c, I rirh Yen- VALIANT PROPERTY lower apartment m a race rr,gnoatkood in prnale home evenings: 905-434-1824 Ides 2.nr prole>ortat p,d,. MANAGEMENT AvaW 19fa FORD crown Victory. n'p Free iowaq. a Duman Retyclinq, cars a traps 1991 FORD TAUWJS G L v 6 ahamnNedhaaelyis+ a last (905)7252741 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units Liblihes induded Stove d Rekigerator. Parquay floors fflroughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools all shopping. From $846.00. Call 905-721-0980 black. Power windows. tin ,tamed cal (905)706-5740. 905-579-1 626 1LNMJRY ala -rr2 bedroom. , I I era, r simmill Mitchell ores. light 426.7876 17 oaths ble paItony. Iowa way driven. /70.0001ms. A A A AUTO. Can trijUlm, W"'' Dow. we Dwkaii0 935. $7995 win emboly Cal peal and Meltable till iOWNllmf 2 txdraom 7r (905)666•-9600 Cash on We Spat Any condius OLM MMLE ACHI M tkne. borl24 fops. yearC77n days. 30 .n tx0t4knt condition. PS. P8 nen MrAm 905666-5003 or P 0 L., cruise. to, aw cone- 905.706-5231 t onip. steno. 4 dou. CASH FOR CARSI we buy 102.000 kms, asking $6.500 Used vehicles vencles must calls 905434-3773. (905)987. be in runic cbr mon Cal 7285. 427.2415 or toms to 479 ninny v o d quiet Be* St A at 11l/ pN1YfLER Caravan SE. LI AUTO SALES S &-Cylinder 7 -passenger. new SCRAP CARS Wanted. top lues a brakes. 1997 trans- prices pad Same day pick mesion. mwrtenance records up Also cars for Ileal. Wel avWaW. 200.0001im. S7M pay r0 to 15000 Cal 616 cis 905.66&-8042. 1771 1991 FORD TAUWJS G L v 6 1 Trodca 4 door loaded $8 900 Cerb- par 1111* 16m7M17 Telephone 19051 420- Hix F-158 5 ane. 5 speed. DOWNTOWN Sown- VWI1 - a ted cruise, aMm cess. 2 199$ FORD callow. V6, fully baled 50 Doak - tuts. low kfms rear eider window am $5995 00 WINDJAMMER I PARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes ridge, stove, broadloom, r, heat, hydro, water andone parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: w.geocibes.com/wall street/floor/ 7657/highriser.h tml. M1lalWM Squwe 576.3630 large one oe frborn Lower-fnar HEWER APTS. - &in= S of ramm-WAVMow 4 no. Boor one t bedroom.$575 fernCed yard. pinar $725 Dias hydro. Caw 6th UI 132- 00 May 1 576.3930 2261 for appl $pOlkSs Orli bed. bedroom apts Avail at 900 and 666 Glen St Some Suer wMtty. baWrU 1-btdfoom NORTH OSHAWA Super large apartment in wn4 1rl0, ' a 2 bedroom,si Extra Hige FitOtate ninny v o d quiet andUOes apple K. ou building. contromed rmnrke or ftd if e es. uslow. able. ane IW..- $596 and $696 alt . able. dry No pets Avsalablo June Dar" No docstAay Ist Ist f75&MWM $71.3464 and June I st 905579.5561 raised roof superan 305. certdit0. exctllnt condition. WMTN OSHAWA. Super tNNY rem when yew an owl clean spacious. I. bedroom Four own home for has van apt_ bakany. encW d yard. lice Win*"' Cal Divi Hl Peril Must Ste. SM May lark Saks Rep Re/Mit 1$3 rap(90SW4-204 Summit RIWry (1991) Ltd DOWNTOWN Sown- VWI1 - (9$151 666-3600 or (905) 666- Dne bedroom aparim" now 3211 M wcoralod Sum Oct. 5575 / rrowwew mtfi. a1stAIM, Phone after 5. a 1 623.1072 i R IRS waF raly. 2 yearexti, i war• cert. 905-434-7317 OSIIIIIIA Boor St) Large 2 ALTONA/SHEPPARD SPACIOn wetmamWned 2 Askingraft $12 900 ( µ36-1995 view I a 3 bedroom apwtntpts n $pOlkSs Orli bed. bedroom apts Avail at 900 and 666 Glen St Some Suer 1 an.. Drive _ rise budding co" i,srrmt apt. Own en C10SAM proved - WHV RENT' 11111115 I= Escort LS Wagon. showroom codAgn All op- 1969 CTEV conversion Van to 401bi GO Patting Avail- a04 immedalfely From am I tranceamb Iaundry,with to Club 10 scwalk-in hools. strop- Path cwtrt. GO Station. UOk SL_N 'll R HOME FROM f7a0uM1tUS7?I a 19200. Cal 655-M raised roof superan 305. certdit0. exctllnt condition. mamh. Ph" 905.576-4255 garage, drl"". on included Can 7264993 i Datr•ss Sans &Yams• 199$ MONTE CARLO - wNk. 16.900 no OMM. 4 new tans yard. Ref/f st'lay. OSHAIaA - 3 bedroom, &$ON a sot hilum n. . pliuirr't 2 doors, fully loaded. like new. well maintained. 206000 km m 2 Nomreem casement apt May 15th. $750 incl. a spacious 2 full bell. 1111t.uCi4ch igedBasnprr'r'n kaMer. W.Diff" $16 %a Whtby. 905-66&-0524 Sep entrance 1 -.1iq um• 905-686-7504 will room mks Nanbld war NO5) 571.6275 must $M. 571.5604 1992 CHEVY ASTRO CS. 5 tis Tabk• one -car parking ristilaVroff-smoker a pea NEW OWIEIISIWAttAUU- out toady room to deck yard. eat -m kitchen. laundry 1-800,840-6275 1197 CAVALIER. 1 BOOOKM cruse. air 217, klms . 66500. ori- pretend S75Wmo okay 1 NOT. DOM Creek 2 bed- rooaL S applHrlccs. new gas hays cera"c ale SClhbbN Mark sr.. rat• SLAW nova E,oa rb AMIFM Stereo Wc.= Rod 2 sled. Cad 905721 8859 Mafor-OakvBroa 905-619- 1509. room 6675 sic. Laundry , park No Smiloo or pees AM DAM OM We have a door Air conliuonrq 3 yr 1991 Dodge Carate an. 66.000 Hookup n apartmet, t ked- 1950 1st . Last, plus home for you $500 down warranty 8 months akI 113800 (905)-4344M. km 7•pauNass 30L. V6. auo . ale. Cassette. $8900 3M SOM S. Newt' Vero room, spacious. private. w done. 1675 me (9Q5) 576 cat Act. May 1 3 Chia - 6 rmdrna - het or free CMAied 431.2775 varied t -bedroom hem 153p 2925 OSNAMA AWOAMU UN allusive. SrmcoetGlbb ars 1 ed 2 bed - rale From f750J farm h�al�� WE FINANCE • �� Available ihmodia" Ste AtaMMU �M1ELY, in basement ,Wff wu. elusive Income requiem rs pion905.571-3229 -carvewEVERYONE rwdlelr Apt. Ifunkfu . spa- Large windows. 4 Pee bath. kApheih. from 627.500. !cross calk Ken COWS. ewdwlell 15 FT. 1974 SURFMASTER 534 tllary St. E. � - ""'y bac". modern lain dry room. $750 mo Banter No tum downs. eowmdw. cawemme op. 70 74 Saks anaiak May/,Amt be Sus• vmh dont b !Sus. slioPPes6. as nAAaes inckude0. per Fudge, stove. waher, dryer (905)728-9414. First firne buy- �' evnrude motor, and wail maUsakwd gdel 3-sfowy cable and am Won npu0- 3 doom main Boor of . I Howes or A are SOUTH AJAX. rnair bedroom bungalow. mmy[w- Me. 2 aPOoiarnca. tack yard a Wrklaq. SMM plus W% unties eeoee Bacchus. (4161 266-31M Eff- NOW" WANTED gag 'trm mase. Wes -de spdw aria. 3 or mon bedrooms ►rdeessroih- ass wth upkeep slots. non- smokers Excellent referwk- a a credit 905126-1263 1 Towrwr•• For Ria 2 REDn00N '^wnnouse eve fudge a.aiabk may :St. tel sed last. 5850 �maI rnNt nrmon and Mary cad (905) � 3 first, a (905) 369900 AN OSHAWA SOUTH 4 sed- •oOm townhouse -lose tb whom. "hop'" $1050" A:,L INCLUSIVE FasViast Available June 1 (905)579- 9956 905)5799956 days AN OSHAWA SOUTH 3 bold -townhouse Ibse to Sdkbots. suoppng. $8961x950. 'no. ALL INCLUSIVE FusL last Aadabk May 1 '90.51579-"% days. CAROM HILL TOWN- 4011USE5 - 122 Colborne SI E Oshawa may aaeaauty 431-3972 C041111T10E - 3 bedrolbms. dose to 401. Jute ea Cal days after 4M And wee- kends ayytmne No pets. 9o5- 683-2652 after fpm or (41ir 283-0647 or days (905) 683 - trailer, excellent COCKM hrslibin aonrt4 ho !toes, t ed 4001 sem. am -in, bbl wk w 3*W. FON SALE by owner. 3 bad- ers, bankrupt; $2.700 (905)404-6900 bmkk* APPkanm. WN.. -P - w , Seo. 2 bedroom. wedn. , Mo.. 60% room mwwwLse, Wmq on bad credit: no SUW Sev*. 18 1. with 3 If- Pill"- s"�! ciamew W SM. 3 baroom ma- Cal �. boom. LIWM. AwmaW MV 1. 905 hw. private backyard. 5' mm. credit! If you be MIgo. Dorsa. thwr moa. � J" 666- s ""' 130 ot34. low r2 bidrowy 294 oJ6o 4M to Go. Cal (905) Jze ,a, very 9000 wrndbon 53950. BASE O MMMM. facm". parking. indaoa 6 ittNllTTIIN FEE 0rty 1200 Wer", you dnVe! Cal 7061480. AM- � �� �- IWV oft bKko m Apprpx- hat. hydro. fridge, save. dwm! 2 i 3 bedroom ' m -, NOR1N LSSM - TaunkW I Oii bill "woom. owned e- No 30-0" xD, electric rnislted IUNNeN aq , litivak � 1 0, , poom park- aea Now4moker PNwstd. available, 140 24 1L. bridge. $72S%OFM hrww, P40w- � ammom, from Sl 3umira n loft. 4 rib tralla (3395 opo. 905 tUntralnce, non smoky. WWI- --a sad Mina, Sk AM 51. 1410. wo-9fS26 aid itrJrlive. ef" appgrica.1905) 720.0182. ,. vehicles to 965.1167 r 905 985 IRDS. aria AaOaMe n., dote to amp. am aid PICiEwlllN � abort GI eon Coombs equired sn.00wif..WIL" =Orb 3 ped choose ftbnl. tall 428-0718 do*". s x750 maMNti. it► q,� on bod"m apNt Kk* CokWO Barak-_ RI- sooty. 5 appram m IiMSlsad SPIWK 11 Mw'on� or (116)763 3181. � p�lo uta" 5 -0 44 Mission, p>rtet!9 Raaf ESM 915.72 911/. m monk wilt to Town Ca- Fg1AlICE LANE 1 -bedroom tsuemdt hloelmoal aprINNN lsijll ! RAm LAW an bedroomN �y - Fes. (0) rJaaiat AIF ( ) M} $I awls a ils, k mj6 4311166 A 11O1NAl, 2 story. 1 x1100 pkN nttilikts RaNaA antra n. R. oeNngs smmM NONJOL 992! N O= 3 apphr4a, Tia", First Haaly Ltd., JAIm MoCar- W idrn1. ST7�Nh. Avail- elms to tale, $Q5 kd>lbL = MINK bW 1.600- tasemom not krArsda'. No ter", (!OS) ifl-3300. $1 CIIEII able amwialety. Whites/ (`M) 663.4591 mom hum" aptulNNN NIr01E OL.i. 34mdm , pot= . dam 604M- mons No Pets. run NWIyytYrae wiNi La.nby. pb5 . CoandMiaL linnets ata a.nia °'cal SM -0153. AMII Llieaed .>rwes $p� a1 MNLYs taM x600 indr olNlJa - C- , 3 60aroom DWAMdAKW goo - 3 ion obis a/AtaNattls, acct bule- stirs, IsyML cam =-UK IM � 1150 kldnaiv6 AEX. tNE 1NsnKNed rooN N� FNMNgINt 96 Ntol Yluqp dose to slndIIl>q 401. SOdrt F495. E Caam J GD: Pool, arm. Was IRO. 9 NN. R11NE� - N06.72S-0M SM 432-W7 420.3241 for Poksg" parson. Sep•• noontc kom x819.. Iia Rad• law cagy. 1-6aboair tWMI-of Rua, 5idPniiiHdas ft wltranoa rabk pllssehngr 86495. 9t Trader looms km mt. Apt 1st 6=NUM Wp 1148 Srlll 1 kabodN h6rae 93 Don -smoke, no pis, $5195. 91 Wada 626 85855• cap 613 -11 WWI34 a kldswl dapMpiinaBurdoaasm, phNkt raw dD O� dy. lost / left (5) 66 -M10. 91 TelOel 96,000kaa $655. AMX. $S75/na., katMlor x610 AeralalM "PM .. �sassD xiSGhDor1M tom- >>tesa6V W (fin private sit - 90 Brads $5495. 90 Los&* kNaawt, wlh moll alias. 4 =2 rMasoDI1py 1st. 190150515-M.N!iQ room m Country. lur- $5498. 90 WOW LS x6895• piece ball till kMdnanm. N1wly (1 %M-4772. %.IL FM REST NI NTAMNBE rat$ ra tachom ggfiruthn truce of AN sow candied. over 50 rencivalled. more svatkbk Ourtnat Aug ck Cablleata kundrlwft yR Irr A 3 b OekaNN kriidi krrad. x465!mrmh. Seagraa psiU AEi- 2 60Mooa NLLs 2 DabooN slur Itpna Sala, 1401 Orndas St.E., ik0a. Non sDiokr. 127- avabW in is � umas �151. ' 906.985 3607 scam. 0682 kmifi alae l0 ata mammas, N1ePP>>q 6 abler Sp.m. Cal (905)649 NNFYNNNNE9 rooms ro Iva WlilOy 90543D-8130. AiIAII. RAri m 1 OedrOom, Gl 90 123 OB77. � � Qtr. Na ass 2139. in Pickm Villa- own blossoms. newly raowred II FF bho and dawn one Wamom. ohm room. Calk surds single or wor" car tadraom apsgmenl. Aailablt OMWA LANE 2 -bedroom upper do• TV amt laundry facilities Sep o N*am L pall- May 1. New wppkwnca. slid is. 4 ppli anal,raNd. mnM available. x6ywak. Sit sin rp, x650 mclame. pAbolc **a- f550.fmo. Paging, n- ?80 WWmlwOrth SLW. 2 1 appliances, large olV person. Please poo1 BIR $691 8 3 BIR apts rard No dogs Agiabk lay riff ayp Avallaek lW _715 (srq)AONaidelSitncet. rem $715 for rent. tel $675htnbrnM Plus ulna. (905)61 1697 Utilities lima. Close to Plnane 571-2757. 1 Slnrtd AAW kgghl, spubm 2 or 1- COIRIICE RNYTLIaIN. 2 bad- Schools.�tngjhlp�.astl rend O4LNANNI 3 tmadroorm napper bedroom "Ian den, waNtoa rooa M MPIM CWPGWI 1. Tra 60samM apt. 4 appNWIM. ppsalll1idtqq wchdaO. Owl tna�l- 6 main goer. Sup livufg NONTNWEST O$NANIA, in- pwAft UMP. $111180 put, bakoo0, tiw alar $mi plus i d00room. dining room, rill-aD dWa aN bo les. rM Fton- Wylsl (905) 683•-92/3. �AvdEakM dNnaaom*. 905) 721-.741 = grage to -in I'M , m mom. *OWN maw $4751 2271. lilt Cal 905.471-6719. Dol rnepolablw. Cal 7261007. PAGE 2&THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 11, on 1 moa Aeeommeda a fa Lida + now b LIMN • :1 ARNOMRoaNraNlb RouLANa fiA111N?II AREA rvunc 1M0 - Glendale: Im- IMOMEY PROREIMS, Get bfP Quid house. 5280 all kr- n 2 OwdeWW 3 bedroom of debt quick without OM elusive. male preferred. Ise/ F»uepace bkpt Or being garnisheed last required. 8 main floor lamilyroom. rYae accepted avail. Call Ray 668-0070 Lace larbscapee �• 2 walk- Eve outs. new root, high el fur- of Credit CAM Call for Ira WMIDV -dean Quiet mature nace• floor coverings. great information. 9DS-576-3505 home to store. Large lernmd area. $214.900. PrigN. 1823 student loans krcuded. backyard. front porch. laurt- erome SQ. 905-889.0350. City. fireplace• walk to shop- $Slo rental Oaar�e wa8m- ONTAINIMO A LOAN 4 NOT pmg/transil $395/mo Mark. s "RARE ORTUTN- GUARANTEED. SOME 9os�65 0728 TTltif Renovate as new. 2 and FEES, ur 3 bedroom townhouses 4 new FRONT a rmdo appliances. $28.000 yearly SACC O NO THAT YOU - For tent income to Quality. o" tie -rent INVESTIGATE TNOROU6R- AJAX- 2 BEDROOM. condo- 10 O Good credit Some rent LY minium for rent F Gi own to Qualified cal purcastr sen -contained laundry oom 94 4t George a all at 905-728- NE ASIC C ANY Close to au amenlies. Mral, abie June 1. Cal (905)509- TOWNHOUSE - North Ostia- . 1 , 4406 hopping. 3 bed. • mom RD rooms. 1 112 banns Garage --lo=ge ./401 April 30. 21 bedroom wisolanum, 5 W pkatms. new paint. carpet A- 1 amenities. indoor pool. *51200. hydro. and parking 905-831-2210. � • 1 Onfc4 i Retail _ 6 rmshed basement. new loors 29O 0011t. $109.000 434- TWO STONY, single family brick home. 3 bedrooms 2 full baths on a 50' lot $129.000, ale 905.725-9991 OSHAWA 4 Mantles free Rent WHITBY 500 101400 Sgft 2nd floor OW House from �g man tr 3W 122 Keith $t. low son from 5300 60o sq. lt. 2 nd. hoof across from Sunday 2-4 p.m. �` Caere. East ost . Classic 3 bedroom �2M7 or 41azr'0eca" twngabw. Lots of ATTENTION PROFESSION- Character, manly up- as. now, keasmg newly renkp- grades, fenced lot, mated proNessiorw I " dose to 401 and Go. $1 000 per dmo Grey $154.900 no agents, dowtllown osnaw k,ndon (905) 430-1041 Can Lom Scanlon 576-5675 Slier 3p.m. Remak Reflection Really Inc OFM 8 warskea+ spaces. C4wwwcw westney/Clements Re . Apr. Office Wsq n Nhrell NEW i USED CAR lot for 56'sq h (truck loi6ng doors). rent showroom. 7 service Ca119o5.427-M bays. 160 SMX= St. S eFFICF/COawERCMI spam alt I0i1+. x905 for rem Lip to 700 sq n Mill fawn area - Ostrava. Cap Los for (905) 432.0478 — MW sale FONM CE OINee spam for 1 ACRE waterfront Goode, - 1411 coo -,200 sq n x fe/ nrrr �. prod swayed. Pan atemm� - pick" g. AN snsora road. aOrrNtem Phone 905127 0390. e:posrue. tz7.9oo i,a2s ' erpPi (9905 1 5200 ern ANNt storage units. Oshawa WATERFRONT Gorrk"kwey. 2 �'JUhor Salle 7110 dOn10le acre lot m Port Peng. fake aria ava aw Easy cocas Seem. mewl gas. 5120.000 S/001mo iM (905)TtS-9991 � 906.427-0390 a ' Imus.. Unift1 Catagss am SHOP• rA equip. tum WINTERRED 2-Bterppm Colo key operationsAlso 40*11d at. 00001 bdaCy. . drivir 6tage 200005 waledrom on 016 trantapa f90S mew Ski •of Peterborough.er, loam � lish 1 C "- 579.500 Callii0705-t26-3:2 for PWO COMW COTTAGE FOP. nN'. Ban- 1 l Cron alta Paudisr Lake rorY FAaNrLY Trader 55507wl Av 1 ttleLI Date am Park. Seasonal vies trailer Ah Cas 9p5�19 9231 saes. Tawe River 1.80D.N5- FANILY NOOMEPOS cot- 6641 loges Doc beach store. 1977 - 28 n Master Cogen WrOrotwd CaupoeWotd, two 56500. X23 M k CCoach hlorus rrorrrYq of Tororao. 1 • - 33_ Willa -m2 �ii� Dew QTRorrywlieO- . 1 Panda Irarers ae8i el (?M) � R 2107 CLFARWATER. 2-3 bedroom No" luliy tumished m00ile (aer- manem) hones Central ar.CAMK FNIANCNL. Casa m anal rid mb, rnar Dtactes 72hrs at excellent Met for aid "apr attractions Clues• W welcome Pho106 Mom w any mmn No kens or Nit your home (905)683-5503 Dont pay for 3 nosrrakl Call 9aw5p 1.416-336-0245 11 PrikrPl. fes"na 1 ANCON SM.9M. STEPS to OsNwa -'Semre Large 4 bedroom sena 1 1/2 baths. eat -m khden. burn -in drshwather. walkout to urge deck Over- loetaog hexed mgrovo pod. Whine yard Finished rec. room 5� w/gas fireplace 728- b . Nash verges i w.LC. EA -10 bide" lie 10 %FAM. ifiCkMa C/A. R I" apace. J a0 tt M. (f05,WV— �My,I�OS��,t,,lyyrl..lia AWA w cep.. "PL Go CM .AIM O.Cw Uel S/MA00- wa a0n " 6- 12 12 NeNh M*40-owl Fronk 432-2000. CAokleel-SerWM ANNIw - Good. bad O w "s. for lay CaFinancing so d im lam nowlit 111" 16.29. a W NIORTGAGES Constriction Financial Private 1st. 3 2nd. • no application or appraisaI tees • no upfront broker lee Call J. Wyger (905)985-9]06 MMTUMS - Good. bad and ugly Financ rnq for any put - pose. rata from 4.49X, An applcatwns accepted Com- mwMy Mortgage 6E8 -68M • 1 ouswwu SS ALL COVERINIENT limes. Grants ane bin Information. For your new or fbtt. buw nen WI 1.800 -SOS -a666 1 P4rsoreMs Apel OLDER ONTARIO LA- DIES seekng gets - names i home n+mbtM. 1-900-451- S506 as 673. S3 4Wmm T- IM 1kMat be 18 HEAVENLY PSYM An- swers Find Woo crake within S299han. 18.•241- 900-451-3783. MEAVMLY ►$-DK - S2 99+ man 18. 24 hours 1-9W 451-3783 DPALY MoRO-. SCOPE /-900-M-7770 $S00 24 itefaS f10REp onvi IO MOUSE - WIVES - names 6 private phone nwill*@R. 1-900-451- 3638 ae 68D. $3 2lrmn, tell los 18. T -tore RELAXING SMA"SAS 40 King St.W ( A1014-9625 11.3&M �Ce.r.ee $MOM ... DW" eu Scone" Find love ad wn- pfaoro" .1 nalKtic and ale 0", kr-none sit "ce SasaewconseNift t. Love a SePhrlg 1- 90 -l"i I out NO TIME TO TA%M Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisment. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer ser- vice represen- tatives will call YOU. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. aalaaa Fax News Advertiser 905- 579-4218 650 650 �O .� GAIN o uc<1 + ' ONE OF OUR LARGEST AUCT11ONS EVER OF BICYCLES AND UNCLAIMED GOODS 9:00 a.m. NttWnftya Apra 18 Terms Cash/Cheque --- To - To be held at Property Bureau Indoors rain or shine NEW LOCATION 19 COURTICm COURT WUR M -- cii lfllGlmAIY n x L IL F*W mi A WMM MAD MW Mom 910 910 WITT alta hr 11f1f *tnwy x1 My your "WIS rp. Fr ai mb c,.n4.11d khry endear num rm wd ix pitkare w khr %m, AJam a u lTa Ta k. 'Al W"" a Ag41n War.o. A Pm I m W.A.M.) flu an AV acmr.rah dire mh.wa.m mvm+ l rAw J. pK.v-Awrr M ahyk kM .ober &,Xo M1 yo 111' dr fi,& p" lm,l her, ALMmv. AmeimmV, U. - Ii �••e..Vyruw� S �m WL..e. Mcld,nh Ar.kem. Mm• Nm qk Fwrdl l4me. 'mhro Dkm, O tw- FuwrA S nxr. ll 11, T m JERDAN, WiLLiN►7 M. r<�ILL1 JERDAN. WILLIAM A. (BILL) - Firefighter, with the Pickering Fire Departirlent, passed away tolowing his heroic battle with cancer. on Wednesday. April 8, 1998. Bill will be greatly missed by his loving family and manly friends. Respected Brother, Friend, and Loving Son, d; Morier, DiAnn Hurd, Robert ANpresS, Bra and Brian Hurd of Pickering, Father, WRarnk Jordan Sr., Wde Marie Jordan, and Sister Gina Jordan, of Absecon, New Jersey. Dear Grandson of Carmen Lavigna, Ocean City, New Jersey. The family will recene friends at the McEachre Funeral Hama, 28OldRoad, Alex (Pldtemg Udage) 905428 840 n 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Sunday and Monday. Funeral Mass to be held on Tuesday. April 14, 1998 at 11 am at Holy Redeemer Calhoic Church, 796 Eyer Drive, Pickering. Cremation. Final resting place w17 be at Laurel A1enloE DEPARTMENTCy Now FlDRESS LINFORM. In lieu of Bowers, BE requesled donations to this children's Wish Folr,aation. 173011d)-hetsart Court, Unit #30, Pkkwin% Oro. Lt W 3E6 ST LOUIS - WON "ad of In gena epaA- m ofd a Deas O'Corm Catholc I#� Sdod in Aiax.) Suddenly, io his re0dence w Tuesday, � 7, 1998. Wiliam In his 50th year. Beloved hudiand of Helen Rosidd. Loving father d Cassandra, Sam, and Ryan. Dear son d the late Samuel and the late Mary St- Louis. Dear brother of Nora Riou of Sudbury, Miishael d Toronto, Walo of Aia1c and Salt' Ten Hoe" of Geraldlon. Undo Bi WE be sadly missed by many nieces and nephews- Friends may tail at Oshawa Funeral Service (721-1234) 847 St. W. on Saturday 7-9 p.m. and Sunday 2.4 & 7 - p.m. Rosary �9 Sunday at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Bu- rial at SL �Roman Catholic Church on Olive Ave.April 13th at 11:30 a.m. Irkertto Resurrection Cemetery. Since 1872 Showroom and Selected Instock Memorials Up to 50% Discount (while quantities last) Pickering Village Showroom 32 Old Kingston Rd. (905) 427-4366 • 1(800) 461-0282 Register Me for The Lung Association's CLEAN AIR CONNECTION � f f fhlahwft. The C.A.N. DO Walk eft Fair On Sunday June 7th, Get Connected to Clean lir at Heber Down Conservation Area, in Whitby On Jun. 7M I wN be attenidlnp: ❑ C.A.N. DO Walk C1 C.A.N. DO Fair ❑ Boal or F -flan VerPr neeaat 1b ree�M w�� as'T• This lases am be pspep plisses dry � week Sedft. leo gCelve ~ Rn" event peclusaill 802.10 Kj" 3L w., Oshawa. ON. L1H 1A1 Phone: 119M 428-10" or 1-000-07 A D Fax: (105)723a119-1 an 36 Naar: Address: CNIr. Poslat Codi. Phone: ties. ( ) 19us. k urrdNr 1e pisese bNN us yotr epNc 1t.al.e.r as aCHALLENGE TEAM dew be al OW& for fnwne prlalast Be C.AN, too 410M and twc in a esPMNrlpe bltleln, Glelher wee or wre peoplew &'Wto Sk as a hares. AN herrP rraNnhbere tNteaat rpt i,�aleft and idWWY SON* Seem nave. t, .Illy Teo Home is a i Our Lsedw is slaw...... �, • iCantpergr @iNnee N►.rllNsaeArl ' wJeNlvM **0 reaft .Ir- WRY 18t an0 aNNW* to win our r- Early AWW phbMg- .:: A Q.IWM _.._Y:.• 1,: a ; tip, ulli'TaMMI , F Ourhtllrl A.Y. r ellftfa+Pama°W ftnkn hm Kif1w bCkIb ,: ,CO•STEEL®LASCO ./401 April 30. 21 bedroom wisolanum, 5 W pkatms. new paint. carpet A- 1 amenities. indoor pool. *51200. hydro. and parking 905-831-2210. � • 1 Onfc4 i Retail _ 6 rmshed basement. new loors 29O 0011t. $109.000 434- TWO STONY, single family brick home. 3 bedrooms 2 full baths on a 50' lot $129.000, ale 905.725-9991 OSHAWA 4 Mantles free Rent WHITBY 500 101400 Sgft 2nd floor OW House from �g man tr 3W 122 Keith $t. low son from 5300 60o sq. lt. 2 nd. hoof across from Sunday 2-4 p.m. �` Caere. East ost . Classic 3 bedroom �2M7 or 41azr'0eca" twngabw. Lots of ATTENTION PROFESSION- Character, manly up- as. now, keasmg newly renkp- grades, fenced lot, mated proNessiorw I " dose to 401 and Go. $1 000 per dmo Grey $154.900 no agents, dowtllown osnaw k,ndon (905) 430-1041 Can Lom Scanlon 576-5675 Slier 3p.m. Remak Reflection Really Inc OFM 8 warskea+ spaces. C4wwwcw westney/Clements Re . Apr. Office Wsq n Nhrell NEW i USED CAR lot for 56'sq h (truck loi6ng doors). rent showroom. 7 service Ca119o5.427-M bays. 160 SMX= St. S eFFICF/COawERCMI spam alt I0i1+. x905 for rem Lip to 700 sq n Mill fawn area - Ostrava. Cap Los for (905) 432.0478 — MW sale FONM CE OINee spam for 1 ACRE waterfront Goode, - 1411 coo -,200 sq n x fe/ nrrr �. prod swayed. Pan atemm� - pick" g. AN snsora road. aOrrNtem Phone 905127 0390. e:posrue. tz7.9oo i,a2s ' erpPi (9905 1 5200 ern ANNt storage units. Oshawa WATERFRONT Gorrk"kwey. 2 �'JUhor Salle 7110 dOn10le acre lot m Port Peng. fake aria ava aw Easy cocas Seem. mewl gas. 5120.000 S/001mo iM (905)TtS-9991 � 906.427-0390 a ' Imus.. Unift1 Catagss am SHOP• rA equip. tum WINTERRED 2-Bterppm Colo key operationsAlso 40*11d at. 00001 bdaCy. . drivir 6tage 200005 waledrom on 016 trantapa f90S mew Ski •of Peterborough.er, loam � lish 1 C "- 579.500 Callii0705-t26-3:2 for PWO COMW COTTAGE FOP. nN'. Ban- 1 l Cron alta Paudisr Lake rorY FAaNrLY Trader 55507wl Av 1 ttleLI Date am Park. Seasonal vies trailer Ah Cas 9p5�19 9231 saes. Tawe River 1.80D.N5- FANILY NOOMEPOS cot- 6641 loges Doc beach store. 1977 - 28 n Master Cogen WrOrotwd CaupoeWotd, two 56500. X23 M k CCoach hlorus rrorrrYq of Tororao. 1 • - 33_ Willa -m2 �ii� Dew QTRorrywlieO- . 1 Panda Irarers ae8i el (?M) � R 2107 CLFARWATER. 2-3 bedroom No" luliy tumished m00ile (aer- manem) hones Central ar.CAMK FNIANCNL. Casa m anal rid mb, rnar Dtactes 72hrs at excellent Met for aid "apr attractions Clues• W welcome Pho106 Mom w any mmn No kens or Nit your home (905)683-5503 Dont pay for 3 nosrrakl Call 9aw5p 1.416-336-0245 11 PrikrPl. fes"na 1 ANCON SM.9M. STEPS to OsNwa -'Semre Large 4 bedroom sena 1 1/2 baths. eat -m khden. burn -in drshwather. walkout to urge deck Over- loetaog hexed mgrovo pod. Whine yard Finished rec. room 5� w/gas fireplace 728- b . Nash verges i w.LC. EA -10 bide" lie 10 %FAM. ifiCkMa C/A. R I" apace. J a0 tt M. (f05,WV— �My,I�OS��,t,,lyyrl..lia AWA w cep.. "PL Go CM .AIM O.Cw Uel S/MA00- wa a0n " 6- 12 12 NeNh M*40-owl Fronk 432-2000. CAokleel-SerWM ANNIw - Good. bad O w "s. for lay CaFinancing so d im lam nowlit 111" 16.29. a W NIORTGAGES Constriction Financial Private 1st. 3 2nd. • no application or appraisaI tees • no upfront broker lee Call J. Wyger (905)985-9]06 MMTUMS - Good. bad and ugly Financ rnq for any put - pose. rata from 4.49X, An applcatwns accepted Com- mwMy Mortgage 6E8 -68M • 1 ouswwu SS ALL COVERINIENT limes. Grants ane bin Information. For your new or fbtt. buw nen WI 1.800 -SOS -a666 1 P4rsoreMs Apel OLDER ONTARIO LA- DIES seekng gets - names i home n+mbtM. 1-900-451- S506 as 673. S3 4Wmm T- IM 1kMat be 18 HEAVENLY PSYM An- swers Find Woo crake within S299han. 18.•241- 900-451-3783. MEAVMLY ►$-DK - S2 99+ man 18. 24 hours 1-9W 451-3783 DPALY MoRO-. SCOPE /-900-M-7770 $S00 24 itefaS f10REp onvi IO MOUSE - WIVES - names 6 private phone nwill*@R. 1-900-451- 3638 ae 68D. $3 2lrmn, tell los 18. T -tore RELAXING SMA"SAS 40 King St.W ( A1014-9625 11.3&M �Ce.r.ee $MOM ... DW" eu Scone" Find love ad wn- pfaoro" .1 nalKtic and ale 0", kr-none sit "ce SasaewconseNift t. Love a SePhrlg 1- 90 -l"i I out NO TIME TO TA%M Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisment. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer ser- vice represen- tatives will call YOU. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. aalaaa Fax News Advertiser 905- 579-4218 650 650 �O .� GAIN o uc<1 + ' ONE OF OUR LARGEST AUCT11ONS EVER OF BICYCLES AND UNCLAIMED GOODS 9:00 a.m. NttWnftya Apra 18 Terms Cash/Cheque --- To - To be held at Property Bureau Indoors rain or shine NEW LOCATION 19 COURTICm COURT WUR M -- cii lfllGlmAIY n x L IL F*W mi A WMM MAD MW Mom 910 910 WITT alta hr 11f1f *tnwy x1 My your "WIS rp. Fr ai mb c,.n4.11d khry endear num rm wd ix pitkare w khr %m, AJam a u lTa Ta k. 'Al W"" a Ag41n War.o. A Pm I m W.A.M.) flu an AV acmr.rah dire mh.wa.m mvm+ l rAw J. pK.v-Awrr M ahyk kM .ober &,Xo M1 yo 111' dr fi,& p" lm,l her, ALMmv. AmeimmV, U. - Ii �••e..Vyruw� S �m WL..e. Mcld,nh Ar.kem. Mm• Nm qk Fwrdl l4me. 'mhro Dkm, O tw- FuwrA S nxr. ll 11, T m JERDAN, WiLLiN►7 M. r<�ILL1 JERDAN. WILLIAM A. (BILL) - Firefighter, with the Pickering Fire Departirlent, passed away tolowing his heroic battle with cancer. on Wednesday. April 8, 1998. Bill will be greatly missed by his loving family and manly friends. Respected Brother, Friend, and Loving Son, d; Morier, DiAnn Hurd, Robert ANpresS, Bra and Brian Hurd of Pickering, Father, WRarnk Jordan Sr., Wde Marie Jordan, and Sister Gina Jordan, of Absecon, New Jersey. Dear Grandson of Carmen Lavigna, Ocean City, New Jersey. The family will recene friends at the McEachre Funeral Hama, 28OldRoad, Alex (Pldtemg Udage) 905428 840 n 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Sunday and Monday. Funeral Mass to be held on Tuesday. April 14, 1998 at 11 am at Holy Redeemer Calhoic Church, 796 Eyer Drive, Pickering. Cremation. Final resting place w17 be at Laurel A1enloE DEPARTMENTCy Now FlDRESS LINFORM. In lieu of Bowers, BE requesled donations to this children's Wish Folr,aation. 173011d)-hetsart Court, Unit #30, Pkkwin% Oro. Lt W 3E6 ST LOUIS - WON "ad of In gena epaA- m ofd a Deas O'Corm Catholc I#� Sdod in Aiax.) Suddenly, io his re0dence w Tuesday, � 7, 1998. Wiliam In his 50th year. Beloved hudiand of Helen Rosidd. Loving father d Cassandra, Sam, and Ryan. Dear son d the late Samuel and the late Mary St- Louis. Dear brother of Nora Riou of Sudbury, Miishael d Toronto, Walo of Aia1c and Salt' Ten Hoe" of Geraldlon. Undo Bi WE be sadly missed by many nieces and nephews- Friends may tail at Oshawa Funeral Service (721-1234) 847 St. W. on Saturday 7-9 p.m. and Sunday 2.4 & 7 - p.m. Rosary �9 Sunday at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Bu- rial at SL �Roman Catholic Church on Olive Ave.April 13th at 11:30 a.m. Irkertto Resurrection Cemetery. Since 1872 Showroom and Selected Instock Memorials Up to 50% Discount (while quantities last) Pickering Village Showroom 32 Old Kingston Rd. (905) 427-4366 • 1(800) 461-0282 Register Me for The Lung Association's CLEAN AIR CONNECTION � f f fhlahwft. The C.A.N. DO Walk eft Fair On Sunday June 7th, Get Connected to Clean lir at Heber Down Conservation Area, in Whitby On Jun. 7M I wN be attenidlnp: ❑ C.A.N. DO Walk C1 C.A.N. DO Fair ❑ Boal or F -flan VerPr neeaat 1b ree�M w�� as'T• This lases am be pspep plisses dry � week Sedft. leo gCelve ~ Rn" event peclusaill 802.10 Kj" 3L w., Oshawa. ON. L1H 1A1 Phone: 119M 428-10" or 1-000-07 A D Fax: (105)723a119-1 an 36 Naar: Address: CNIr. Poslat Codi. Phone: ties. ( ) 19us. k urrdNr 1e pisese bNN us yotr epNc 1t.al.e.r as aCHALLENGE TEAM dew be al OW& for fnwne prlalast Be C.AN, too 410M and twc in a esPMNrlpe bltleln, Glelher wee or wre peoplew &'Wto Sk as a hares. AN herrP rraNnhbere tNteaat rpt i,�aleft and idWWY SON* Seem nave. t, .Illy Teo Home is a i Our Lsedw is slaw...... �, • iCantpergr @iNnee N►.rllNsaeArl ' wJeNlvM **0 reaft .Ir- WRY 18t an0 aNNW* to win our r- Early AWW phbMg- .:: A Q.IWM _.._Y:.• 1,: a ; tip, ulli'TaMMI , F Ourhtllrl A.Y. r ellftfa+Pama°W ftnkn hm Kif1w bCkIb ,: ,CO•STEEL®LASCO -'Semre Large 4 bedroom sena 1 1/2 baths. eat -m khden. burn -in drshwather. walkout to urge deck Over- loetaog hexed mgrovo pod. Whine yard Finished rec. room 5� w/gas fireplace 728- b . Nash verges i w.LC. EA -10 bide" lie 10 %FAM. ifiCkMa C/A. R I" apace. J a0 tt M. (f05,WV— �My,I�OS��,t,,lyyrl..lia AWA w cep.. "PL Go CM .AIM O.Cw Uel S/MA00- wa a0n " 6- 12 12 NeNh M*40-owl Fronk 432-2000. CAokleel-SerWM ANNIw - Good. bad O w "s. for lay CaFinancing so d im lam nowlit 111" 16.29. a W NIORTGAGES Constriction Financial Private 1st. 3 2nd. • no application or appraisaI tees • no upfront broker lee Call J. Wyger (905)985-9]06 MMTUMS - Good. bad and ugly Financ rnq for any put - pose. rata from 4.49X, An applcatwns accepted Com- mwMy Mortgage 6E8 -68M • 1 ouswwu SS ALL COVERINIENT limes. Grants ane bin Information. For your new or fbtt. buw nen WI 1.800 -SOS -a666 1 P4rsoreMs Apel OLDER ONTARIO LA- DIES seekng gets - names i home n+mbtM. 1-900-451- S506 as 673. S3 4Wmm T- IM 1kMat be 18 HEAVENLY PSYM An- swers Find Woo crake within S299han. 18.•241- 900-451-3783. MEAVMLY ►$-DK - S2 99+ man 18. 24 hours 1-9W 451-3783 DPALY MoRO-. SCOPE /-900-M-7770 $S00 24 itefaS f10REp onvi IO MOUSE - WIVES - names 6 private phone nwill*@R. 1-900-451- 3638 ae 68D. $3 2lrmn, tell los 18. T -tore RELAXING SMA"SAS 40 King St.W ( A1014-9625 11.3&M �Ce.r.ee $MOM ... DW" eu Scone" Find love ad wn- pfaoro" .1 nalKtic and ale 0", kr-none sit "ce SasaewconseNift t. Love a SePhrlg 1- 90 -l"i I out NO TIME TO TA%M Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisment. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer ser- vice represen- tatives will call YOU. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. aalaaa Fax News Advertiser 905- 579-4218 650 650 �O .� GAIN o uc<1 + ' ONE OF OUR LARGEST AUCT11ONS EVER OF BICYCLES AND UNCLAIMED GOODS 9:00 a.m. NttWnftya Apra 18 Terms Cash/Cheque --- To - To be held at Property Bureau Indoors rain or shine NEW LOCATION 19 COURTICm COURT WUR M -- cii lfllGlmAIY n x L IL F*W mi A WMM MAD MW Mom 910 910 WITT alta hr 11f1f *tnwy x1 My your "WIS rp. Fr ai mb c,.n4.11d khry endear num rm wd ix pitkare w khr %m, AJam a u lTa Ta k. 'Al W"" a Ag41n War.o. A Pm I m W.A.M.) flu an AV acmr.rah dire mh.wa.m mvm+ l rAw J. pK.v-Awrr M ahyk kM .ober &,Xo M1 yo 111' dr fi,& p" lm,l her, ALMmv. AmeimmV, U. - Ii �••e..Vyruw� S �m WL..e. Mcld,nh Ar.kem. Mm• Nm qk Fwrdl l4me. 'mhro Dkm, O tw- FuwrA S nxr. ll 11, T m JERDAN, WiLLiN►7 M. r<�ILL1 JERDAN. WILLIAM A. (BILL) - Firefighter, with the Pickering Fire Departirlent, passed away tolowing his heroic battle with cancer. on Wednesday. April 8, 1998. Bill will be greatly missed by his loving family and manly friends. Respected Brother, Friend, and Loving Son, d; Morier, DiAnn Hurd, Robert ANpresS, Bra and Brian Hurd of Pickering, Father, WRarnk Jordan Sr., Wde Marie Jordan, and Sister Gina Jordan, of Absecon, New Jersey. Dear Grandson of Carmen Lavigna, Ocean City, New Jersey. The family will recene friends at the McEachre Funeral Hama, 28OldRoad, Alex (Pldtemg Udage) 905428 840 n 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Sunday and Monday. Funeral Mass to be held on Tuesday. April 14, 1998 at 11 am at Holy Redeemer Calhoic Church, 796 Eyer Drive, Pickering. Cremation. Final resting place w17 be at Laurel A1enloE DEPARTMENTCy Now FlDRESS LINFORM. In lieu of Bowers, BE requesled donations to this children's Wish Folr,aation. 173011d)-hetsart Court, Unit #30, Pkkwin% Oro. Lt W 3E6 ST LOUIS - WON "ad of In gena epaA- m ofd a Deas O'Corm Catholc I#� Sdod in Aiax.) Suddenly, io his re0dence w Tuesday, � 7, 1998. Wiliam In his 50th year. Beloved hudiand of Helen Rosidd. Loving father d Cassandra, Sam, and Ryan. Dear son d the late Samuel and the late Mary St- Louis. Dear brother of Nora Riou of Sudbury, Miishael d Toronto, Walo of Aia1c and Salt' Ten Hoe" of Geraldlon. Undo Bi WE be sadly missed by many nieces and nephews- Friends may tail at Oshawa Funeral Service (721-1234) 847 St. W. on Saturday 7-9 p.m. and Sunday 2.4 & 7 - p.m. Rosary �9 Sunday at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Bu- rial at SL �Roman Catholic Church on Olive Ave.April 13th at 11:30 a.m. Irkertto Resurrection Cemetery. Since 1872 Showroom and Selected Instock Memorials Up to 50% Discount (while quantities last) Pickering Village Showroom 32 Old Kingston Rd. (905) 427-4366 • 1(800) 461-0282 Register Me for The Lung Association's CLEAN AIR CONNECTION � f f fhlahwft. The C.A.N. DO Walk eft Fair On Sunday June 7th, Get Connected to Clean lir at Heber Down Conservation Area, in Whitby On Jun. 7M I wN be attenidlnp: ❑ C.A.N. DO Walk C1 C.A.N. DO Fair ❑ Boal or F -flan VerPr neeaat 1b ree�M w�� as'T• This lases am be pspep plisses dry � week Sedft. leo gCelve ~ Rn" event peclusaill 802.10 Kj" 3L w., Oshawa. ON. L1H 1A1 Phone: 119M 428-10" or 1-000-07 A D Fax: (105)723a119-1 an 36 Naar: Address: CNIr. Poslat Codi. Phone: ties. ( ) 19us. k urrdNr 1e pisese bNN us yotr epNc 1t.al.e.r as aCHALLENGE TEAM dew be al OW& for fnwne prlalast Be C.AN, too 410M and twc in a esPMNrlpe bltleln, Glelher wee or wre peoplew &'Wto Sk as a hares. AN herrP rraNnhbere tNteaat rpt i,�aleft and idWWY SON* Seem nave. t, .Illy Teo Home is a i Our Lsedw is slaw...... �, • iCantpergr @iNnee N►.rllNsaeArl ' wJeNlvM **0 reaft .Ir- WRY 18t an0 aNNW* to win our r- Early AWW phbMg- .:: A Q.IWM _.._Y:.• 1,: a ; tip, ulli'TaMMI , F Ourhtllrl A.Y. r ellftfa+Pama°W ftnkn hm Kif1w bCkIb ,: ,CO•STEEL®LASCO in THE NEWS ADVERTLSER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 -PAGE 27 :11 Ilrhproartlenb :11 Improurenhwhts :11 Improveormft C 43 l ROME ROVEXENTS Renovations, fences, decks, kitchen cabinets, concrete, sidewalks, patios, curbs, wallpaper & paint. (905) 432-3437 or (905) 434-5777 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL CUSTOM BUILDING & RENOVATIONS 427-0059 SKYLINE ROOFING 905-649-6024 1-888-832.3710 CLETUS CERAMICS Kitchens Badcsplaish Washrooms Countertops Hardwood Floors SENIORS 15% OFF Any type of Tile work (416) 292-1946 BUDGCr 1ROML wrROVUQ.le7tlf Elasementw Rec Additions, drywal, ceramic filing 1 Cal Mario (905} 6194663. cd4416) 5604663 COQP WOOD- WORKINC SHOP nom, CALL 3 DOOR= MB' US GARAGE DOORS. OPENERS,(We install). FIX BROKEN SPRINGS. CABLES, p Saless vie dr Repairs Fred basements, bathrooms, addillions and second storks Home repairs. All work gueranieed, Willer L"VW 428-2145 HANDYMAN SERVICES Cil a Real Handyman for all you household needs - people with to cash now. W cab too sinal, 11 do 4 al. Pltmbng, electrical. paRgRg, & general repairs call Joseph 905128-7528 pager -418-632-2209 CARPENTRY Custom trim & cabinets. Renovations to kitchen, bathroom and basement. Ceramic Wes a hardwood floors. Fences a deda. (905)428-7260 or John at (905) 428-1739 IGC. Aluminum fascia, vivo and akwdml n. L017, low Call Kevin at (905) 031-3194 Addtlorts, Roofing Kitchens, beth. basements, decks, enlrance doors. Pkinfloirig, electrical, retaining wells and irtlertodt fefwe110ae, 905.427-4234 POOL Fill - In Specialist 5Year Guarantee UW48CWM9 Ltd. 19051 "2-x11111 CAR �Otrrinr & CONTRACTn% Additions, basements, decks, cabinets. porch enclosures, tiling, drywall, taping, painting. shelving units, bars, kitchens d baths, counter tops, sinks and taps, windows & doors garden chairs made to order, etc. Terry for estimate: 432-9115 :1 HanlfYman Big W Shall! r'ao Dial-A-lhsbaW We Be K ANI!! From changing a Light Bult to Major Renovations. • 50 Yrs. combined exp. • Top notch accurate Tradesman (416) 724-0101 (888) 471-0023 FREE ESTIMATE SERVICES Patios, decks, renovations, painting interior, exterior, plumbing and much more. (905)831-2416 - I Roofing A & C RoOFl %(:. Amid Aluminum Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old Workmanship Guar- anttuf 10% Discount to Seniors, fully in- .ured. Free estimates. Call Andrew at (1051428-7704 :1: Electrical MASTER ELECTRICIAN Electrical work of all types. Fully licensed and insured. Tel./Fax. 905 509-8123 DECORATING 125 yrs. exp. -Int, b Ext. *Drywall repairs -Caulking •Quality work -Very reasonable -Free est. Please call 905.7202767 TMS PAINTING b DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 NM teevi"g & Stan NATIONAL MOVING SYSTEMS Big or smau. IW0 raw t�FM011�A11D MOD- MONM Dr3CIRR TS. Residential comrrwrwi Gori rable Ron EEv" 9055-723-7479 1-100.853-7756 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything coarnr rtw am rad ROM dlscoarts Fra estimates 571-0755 1 -888 -491 -GM NARRY-O-THE- MOVERS Move big or smai. we pnce them ill! Free esti- mates, seniors discount. Short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved. also Storage Space available. Comparable rates Call fW)%7-4437 or 1.100-x641-5036 MfcRAl.w MOVi a STORAGE Houses AOanme is Orion. Appunces & Puna specialists senor a %hd- IUonlh Dnu:ounts Lxarse0. Insured Free EsaRrrts P.ofessiaal service. Call 434-7795. Crest Now Bargain rates. homes. offices. apt., at Pubo moving. Padang avieable. 429-0239 Zee -M13 1 reltrlrR/ a ' o I . FwR9we PAMITMO & PLASTEI1r11G -No lob too big or sinal! You pay when You are sausned! -FM eslitwtes! Wild WaNpeperiag sweep c abegs Gewaw repairs Top wakty work at re-.wrdrk prices 20% dr kw sawn cat . FREE Estimate 404-9669 Wall Coverings Painting a wallpapering Small repairs, drywall, wood finiel►es, professional, reliable, reasonable, dean. Colin 839-7256 FURNITURE REFINISHING Restore old hon. to its original Hand stripped. Free estimates. Ian slln} CARM WTALLATNM 25 Years expenertce. restretdun0, our speciality. Free estimates. D a N Deecae, 977-179! er 937-1744 Itoeee 1 House Cloning IM Yard momh mncs M ahettlenarin : party suvices Party Services SW *it clean up to 3000 sq. it Vacuumino. dusting, mm deanInq, ktchen. Moors washed, wirWow ledges. base boards. & vdrerever else the house needs clearing 10 years expenence Call Rob • 416-71111 4 Yard ' 111mensize KNIGHT'S landscaping Compete property maintenance services available. Cal Ian at (905)420-1881 for free estimate am Garder" Envirofeed Lawn Care "Spring Clean up" • Lawn Cutting from 586.(X)/mth. • Weed & Feed from $87.00/yr. • Aerations • Sodding 436-3680 or 1 -500 -610 -LAWN Family Owned & Operated RANGER LANDSCAPING Lawn Cutting $15 & up Spring & Fall Clean up Trimming / Garden work "Excellent Rates and Excellent Service" GUARANTEED! (416)806-1808 (905)619-2125 1 DURHAM bookkeeping Services Complete Accounting for your bu ne-ss Accounts receivallok, payabk, inventory, etc. payroll, record of employment, worker's camp. 571-5626 .. u griturn" 1 kW Ines EI(CEFrIONAL IAD1 St1V % DURHAM REGX F-U:'GANC1* & CtXI FAIIANKM a DOC8EfN GUARANTEED 404-8761 160011R.lCpr ESCORT SERVICE HIPOM Fevre E11CefR for ant wxanione. Out Co@L 24 bta! 7 dep ate Dbechn RETURNS n.o.-a M a PnAi, .rrk,al Am.num Rearwna►le Rates (10) 931429 14161722-3ala 9uurrrs & Irkh,.dwl Ta./ Amkinung Servat RA=ff WANTS WORK Ding Magic For Children's Parties And AN Occasions. Have My Own Magician, Call Ernie 6641-493= CLOWN / MAGICIAN L� • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 865 865, ".:�iiiii TEACHERS/MORS/GRADUATES Urgently needed in the Pickering area. Qualifications: University Degree, ability to teach Math from Grades 9 -OAC including Finite, calculus and/or Physics/Chemistry. Must be fluent in English. Hours: Evenings Mon.-Thurs from 4:45. Fax resume to: Dean (905) 709-3045 Academy of Mathematics & Saeme Inc. Please read your classi- fied ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE NT THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL _ w�bs3-oTo7 LL16�N HEATING i AIR ColO1T10NINGsERVOOG D11RH M REGI SINCE 1970 "EARLY BIRD SPECIAL" SAVE 0100.00 FREE Honeywell Digital Themtostat NOW INSTAWNG UkIRTED TIME OFFER gyt o. I oe F9 pSNwww m • 24 NIL St81MCt OSHAWA TM "FREE FSTYATF-q FFTW Don't Forget The :Sea's Adh-ertiser Classified Dept - phone opera- tors are avad- able for your convenience every Sat. 9.30 to 3:00. To Place Your ClaSsifled Ad LPlleaw Call 683-0707 0 PICHERING RINGETTE SPRING TRYOUTS P.R.A. is holding its spring tryouts In April at the O'Brien riinit in the Picieriag Complex. Cost is $5.00 per tryout. Out of town players must present written permission signed by the president of their home association. PLrfM A TWLEx A April 15/98 7:00 p.m. April 15/98 8:00 p.m. April 22/98 7:00 p.m. April 24/96 7:00 p.m. April 26/98 2:00 p.m. April 26/98 3:00 p.m. JUMOR A BELLE A April 15/98 9:00 p.m. April 22/98 8:00 p.m. April 24/98 8:00 p.m. April 24/98 9:00 p.m. April 26/98 4:00 p.m. April 26/98 5:00 p.m. For further information call KEVIN GALLtiGHER (905) 839-6789 NF* -r9 a; �� 1 Garden" a L -d-- lret- Ted a Roy: pig LUM Mowing �. .9 Down of Ea Estimates!! LAVtrN' AF.I(AT1O\REEL\L. CLEAv UPFree We Tnm, Prim a Prune - YOUR CHOICF. FOR BOOKING SFA.SON'AL Edging. Hedige T. Favan LAWN' %IAINTFNANCF.. BY APRIL 30, i" CREW PROPERTY SERVICES TREE CUTTING (905) 432-3823 b TRIMMING RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL 1; yrs. exp. Fully insured TREE REMOVAL A MAINTEMANCE Free estimates Sting mm"of i Landscaping 905-433-7140 CALL DAVE 831-7055 • . Boa"rees errrcws DURHAM bookkeeping Services Complete Accounting for your bu ne-ss Accounts receivallok, payabk, inventory, etc. payroll, record of employment, worker's camp. 571-5626 .. u griturn" 1 kW Ines EI(CEFrIONAL IAD1 St1V % DURHAM REGX F-U:'GANC1* & CtXI FAIIANKM a DOC8EfN GUARANTEED 404-8761 160011R.lCpr ESCORT SERVICE HIPOM Fevre E11CefR for ant wxanione. Out Co@L 24 bta! 7 dep ate Dbechn RETURNS n.o.-a M a PnAi, .rrk,al Am.num Rearwna►le Rates (10) 931429 14161722-3ala 9uurrrs & Irkh,.dwl Ta./ Amkinung Servat RA=ff WANTS WORK Ding Magic For Children's Parties And AN Occasions. Have My Own Magician, Call Ernie 6641-493= CLOWN / MAGICIAN L� • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 865 865, ".:�iiiii TEACHERS/MORS/GRADUATES Urgently needed in the Pickering area. Qualifications: University Degree, ability to teach Math from Grades 9 -OAC including Finite, calculus and/or Physics/Chemistry. Must be fluent in English. Hours: Evenings Mon.-Thurs from 4:45. Fax resume to: Dean (905) 709-3045 Academy of Mathematics & Saeme Inc. Please read your classi- fied ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE NT THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL _ w�bs3-oTo7 LL16�N HEATING i AIR ColO1T10NINGsERVOOG D11RH M REGI SINCE 1970 "EARLY BIRD SPECIAL" SAVE 0100.00 FREE Honeywell Digital Themtostat NOW INSTAWNG UkIRTED TIME OFFER gyt o. I oe F9 pSNwww m • 24 NIL St81MCt OSHAWA TM "FREE FSTYATF-q FFTW Don't Forget The :Sea's Adh-ertiser Classified Dept - phone opera- tors are avad- able for your convenience every Sat. 9.30 to 3:00. To Place Your ClaSsifled Ad LPlleaw Call 683-0707 0 PICHERING RINGETTE SPRING TRYOUTS P.R.A. is holding its spring tryouts In April at the O'Brien riinit in the Picieriag Complex. Cost is $5.00 per tryout. Out of town players must present written permission signed by the president of their home association. PLrfM A TWLEx A April 15/98 7:00 p.m. April 15/98 8:00 p.m. April 22/98 7:00 p.m. April 24/96 7:00 p.m. April 26/98 2:00 p.m. April 26/98 3:00 p.m. JUMOR A BELLE A April 15/98 9:00 p.m. April 22/98 8:00 p.m. April 24/98 8:00 p.m. April 24/98 9:00 p.m. April 26/98 4:00 p.m. April 26/98 5:00 p.m. For further information call KEVIN GALLtiGHER (905) 839-6789 I r l� • . PAGE 28 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1998 Mo _o 3 in 1 Plant Smart Fertilizer 3 Step Complete Lawncare EVERY DAY! Royal Bathroom 0 TISSUPi EVERY DAY! Swift Canned Ham � 97 454 g TYLENOL EXTRA STRENGTH 100S PLUS 10% BONUS ►Y! ith ills Pringles Mini's .Aw. Flavours � � I I oil 1 $ 17 Tank Included EVERY DAY! 6 Rolls Huggies .)�� Q Mega 0 S�i.S 9 49 Jr ;. �s EVERYDAY! WALmMART 270 t:in5st��n Ilcl. E...�j�ix Penmen's �I6 Women's � Casual Socks 5 pk 4 or 6 oke EVERY DAY! 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