HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_04_03PICKERING/ROUGE EDITION ­ Optional 4 week ho Friday. April 3. 1998 PROVINCIAL DOWNLOADING -___INITIATIVES MEAN 20% TAX HIKE FOR DURHAM RESIDENTS: REGION y rh �Reith 6illin � Staff reporter downloading initiative revenue neutral. g gle person in Durham Region, we still mately $21 million, and contributions The latest downloading costs from And. that means a tax increase of be- tween $55 and $70 per household, ac- wouldn't come up with enough:' Finance Commissioner Jim Clapp to outside agencies such as conserva- tion authorities, are about $4 million. the Ontario government have put Durham Region further in the hole. cording to a Durham Region finance committee said the Region's budget would be An additional $16 million is expected Figures released by the Province on report. During a meeting of the committee about $203 million this year. Of that, downloading costs top about $100 mil- to be required for roads. That leaves $8 million for other regional Tuesda show D Al h W services. ave to ednesday. Regional ( henrman Roger lion, the police at least $54 million. `save' $11 million in order to make the Anderson said. "It'"c Li% dfcvery sin- welfare and child care costs approxi - principle It's the of the thing photos by A.J. 6roen St. Monica Catholic School Principal Jamie Kettrick took one on er. Students at the school purchased raffle tickets to win the right the chin for a good cause this week when he let student Darcie to offer up a pie in the face and proceeds from the draw are being Cumming give him a pie in the face as part of a school fund-rais- given to the Catholic ShareLife organization. WHAT'S INSIDE ,Editorial Page .................6 Sports......................33 Classified ...................35 HOW TO REACH US General ...............683-5110 Death Notices ...........683-3005 Auction Line ............683-7545 Sincerely Yours ....1-800-662-8423 (Email ...... news room4du rham. net it d*mt ..........durhamnews.net Vol. 33, No. 14 Spring ahead by one hour Saturdav right' It's going to cost more for property information in Pickering PICKERING — Closing a deal on a in areas such as zoning, outstanding house in Pickering will likely cost a little work orders and compliance with subdi- more after a 25 -per cent increase in the vision and other agreements. fee charged by the Town for information The staff report to Council noted the relating to properties. fee increase will reflect improvements to Last week, Council approved an in- service and the provision of additional crease in the fee to $125 from $100. The information that is often being requested fee hike should bring the Town about now. Computerization of the system for $41,500 in additional revenue during the handling the inquiries now allows the rest of 1998 and $62,500 more in 1999 Town to respond within three days rather and subsequent years, according to a than two weeks. staff report. As well, lawyers making requests are Most inquiries for information on asking for more information on questions properties come from lawyers represent- such as whether a property has ever been ing a vendor or buyer in a real estate a landfill site or whether it is designated transaction. under the Ontario Heritage Act. The request is usually for information The new fee will take effect May I. See DOWNLOADING/Page 7 $1 newsstand 40 pages ROGER ANDERSON `No one more disappointed' Pay hike approved for Pickering committee PICKERING — Town Council has approved a a 45 -per cent pay increase — from $55 dollars per meeting to $80 per meeting — for members of the Town's Committee of Adjustment. The committee meets every three weeks. about 17 times a year, to review applications for minor variances on zoning bylaws. For example, a resi- dent who wants to build a porch closer to the street than zoning bylaws permit could apply for a variance. Councillors approved the pay increase for the committee at their meeting last week. According to a staff report, the pay hike will cost the Town about $2,500 in 1998. The committee itself asked Council to consider the in- crease. Ward 3 Regional Councillor Rick Johnson, who is on the committee, not- ed it would he the first time in ..a great number of years" members' pay was increased, MARK HOLLAND and that they are not paid for Committee of time spent visiting sites for adjustment pay which applications have been hike made. - Remuneration had been $55 per meeting since January, 1993. Members have also received a travel allowance for site visits, amounting to about 30 cents per kilometre. Court. Johnson also noted that in making the request for the increase, the committee had con- sidered the results of a planning department re- view of remuneration for committee of adjust- ment members across the GTA. "We have to come more in line with the times;" he said. Committee members include Coun. Johnson, Ward 2 local Councillor Mark Holland, Carl Young, Kevin Ashe and Paul White. V L� Hot Nails & Aesthetics 831-8820 (located in the Food Court) '---- - - - - - - a Picture Picture 831-1115 In the SearsUpper ) Cira's Fine Foods 831-9783 (located on the Upper Level new SirFay) r S i.: 10-9 9 f w ------- Shorney's Optical 39-4215 ocated on the iJpper Level ,kms near 81%Vay) z r • jK4 �4 ..t ` --•:�� Dulftr wl.s noon h iorwr - ----- - - - - -- Stokes 420-2892 L( edOWW ` n the sears �, ., ----------, i Natural Solutions Spa 831-0888 (located in the Sears Wing, let, Lower Level) Famous Players Pickering 8 - 839-2977 (located on the East Side of the shopping in centre tAa,4'e 01 Sat: 9:30-6 Sun: 1 2-5 P .Searborough -rnait oharged.. after motorist flees separate car crashes COLLISIONS OCCURRED IN AJAX AND PICKERING A 43 -year-old man faces numer- ous charges after a vehicle driven by an alleged drunk driver was seen fleeing separate collisions in Ajax and Pickering. Durham Regional Police said the driver of a car sped off after being in- volved in an accident on Highway 401 just west of Harwood Avenue about midnight Wednesday. A short time later, police said, the same vehicle was seen fleeing the scene of a second crash at the inter- section of Brock and Kingston roads. At about 12:30 a.m. passing mo- torists alerted police to a man passed out behind the wheel of a car stopped on the shoulder on Rossland Road Youth concert rocks on Saturday Pine Ridge Community Church hosts a night of alterna- tive entertain- ment for Durham youth tomorrow. A Youth Concert will he held for youth aged 12 and over on Satur- day, April 4 from 7 to 10 p.m. at Pine Ridge Sec- ondary School, 2155 Liverpool Rd. N., Picker- ing. The concert will open with City of Refuge an R&B gospel band, followed by a dance out- reach youth group called Spirits of Fire. The lead performance for the evening features popu- lar alternative folk band Whose the Man. Snacks and door prizes will be available throughout the evening. Tickets are $5 if purchased in advance or $7 at the door. To buy tickets in advance, call 420-8830 or E- mail mlhot- son @pathway.c om. near Cochrane Street in Whitby. Detective Jim Griepsma said a brief chase took place when, as po- lice approached the vehicle, the dri- ver sped off. The suspect then stopped without incident a short dis- tance away. A Scarborough man was arrested and charged with numerous offences including impaired driving and dan- gerous driving and two counts each of Laving the Irene of an accident and failing to stop for police. Del. Griepsma said there were no serious injuries suffered in either of the two accidents, however there was '.extensive" damage to a vehicle in- volved in the second one. RONALD MARTINO & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS BROCK ROAD CHAPEL PROVIDING TRADITIONAL BURIAL 8 CREMATION SERVICES "THE DURHAM PLAN" IMMEDIATE BURIAL OR CREMATION SERVICES • Transportation of the Deceased • Family Consultation INCLUDES'Documentation • Minimal Wooden Cremation 1910 or Burial Container CK ROAD CHAPEL ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL Brock Road (Just south of 401) PICKERING (905) 699-5581 S `E rP f AL .BARGAINS I IN 70DAY'S Advertiser �. Fri., April 3,1"8 News Advertiser Cbtr-IstopbNw' 'Bradt DOg Pleb S=b010 o Friday's carrier of the . TIE week is Christopher. � Christopher enjoys ms's video games, basketball ,,s & basketball. He will receive a dinner for 4 `16W HOMes AoXp voucher, compliments of McDonald's. *ANVR i A* Congratulations s �!Nlfs Christopher for being our carver of the week. 'Sears AjaxlPidt. ?fibs AjalllPW AAC Dona ids Harwmid NaI1.Aiax 135 Kingsim Rd.,Aiax 222 Bayly tit.W..Ajax 726 KiMsIon Rd.. Pick. 13011 Kingston Rd.. Pick • DdivaW to sdaYed households only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flye ,sf,.?_r calIALVIN —WT- T- BROUWER � vrAdveRtsq 683-5110. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 3. 1"S - PAGE. 3 Flyers at your doorstep in the Pickering News advertiser! � I 10AIE DECOR GENUINE FACTORY OUTL T Amazing Values For Your Home! When it comes to VA UEf NO ONE compares when you are THE FACTORY. Cushion for the next 10 days with purchase of $50.00 or more. Looking for Extra Value? Check out our dollar bins & remnant table. SURE FIT OUTLET " 458 Fairall St., Ajax "� Thurs. tae (905) 683-2222 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK �z,as sun.12-5 Fair�ll W W+ E l�Y SURE FIT OUTLET " 458 Fairall St., Ajax "� Thurs. tae (905) 683-2222 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK �z,as sun.12-5 • PAGC4­1f1#F.,Nk/VS A trtit it �•iti��(1z:'Arktlti 3: 4 Family Durham wants police make arrest bar robbery - PICKERING — A suspect wanted 479 Kingston Rd. waving a handgun and scripuon given by the attendant, police a warrant on a Falby Court apartment in connection with the hold-up ol"a Pick- demanding cash. After the attendant were able to identifv and locate the sus- Monday. Jason Timothy Bridger, 24, of Aldon Brim, �-as bar last week is in custody. handed over the money, the suspect fled pert. According` to police. robbery squad Pickering is charged with robbery, use On tilarch 26 at atx)ut 7:50 p.m. a but not befiore the clerk got a good kook detectnes sciicd a replica handgun and a firearm while committing an offence school man walked into the Penny Gas Bar at at the man, sav police. Based on a de- took a suspect into cuso dy after serving and two counts of resisting arrest. sign back Single Y Y ••'• • • OTY AJAX — Anattress COMFORT SLEEP Ajax woman with a family connec- tion to [he former t♦ ` From5 9 SINGLE $169 Aldon Learning L MATTRESS Centre on Burchcr _71' rSET $289 .. Road is making anD...............209 SET 339 appeal to the pub- lic school board to , 0 ...............259 SET 409 ...._.....�;.._ K ................449 SET 699 reinstate the Aldon ;. ,�,tw�•�r�•r;�'-� 7,, • • sign., jr,+ g ! The sign was R� -•� ;� removed last fall �►�, ,��� YEARFIRM ' ' • ' ,r . when the Durham t - •�. � ore,� District School r 4 t� � ORTHOPEDIC Board leased the facility to the sepa- f �•..... rate board for a $19!9 1:z three-year period SINGLE MATTRESS to accommodate a PAYMENTS -' south campus for t�: �"`� ��., �' SET 5339 Archbishop Denis D...............249 SET 399 O' C o n n o r '.r Catholic High INTERESTFD............299 SET 469 S:hool students.• CHOICES K...............4R0 SET 759 They should- Fi OR ONE YEAR 25� _ n't Just change the NO GST • NO PST •BED FRAME name of a histone •PILLOWS •SHEETS YEAR •' ' CTY`iMi building:•.ay, •i7- on any matching mattress sets � •MATTRESS COVER • DELIVERY ORTHOPRACTIC year-old Pat Fer- See store details. O.A.C. guson whose 90> .� _ _ _ __ with any maTching mattteSS Set year-old father Don La%%Tcncc founded the schoola ' !' MAESS r r in 1961 along with , A 4 � � 4 � � • �•,,�, r- 249 Al Bird. SE $, T 409 Mrs. Fergusson D. ...... _......239 SET479 and her sister 0 .............. 319 SET 519 Francine Seaman K......»...._529 SET839 arc making a plea Factory school hoard � .. 1111111111 PRO,* to the s asking that the DIVAN FOLD -UP J ITER Y" °I Direct Y�R LUXURY original name t>< ; - ,, ROLL -A- 1` ' r on returned e 1heow At-ich r - , OTs _ To You! ORTHOPEDIC 30 39 don name (which combines the i S $ 1 $49 S4 70 SPECIAL EDITION names of the Blaa Frame a$269 school's founding BOOKCASE SINGLEWI�DS R N VARD members) repre- M►RESS ►= . funis what a and- Nary Includes ncoveared SET s439 fol of people and a finish - mattress caring community & frarne D........»,._.319 SET 519 can accomplish:' $159 5269 5399 1 0 » » » . -349 SET 549 y she says. ' The i "'-"'' K ............... 559 SETS69 ..• name should re- FUTON (METAL , A FRAME` 30 main on the build- BUNK Ir,q„ " , �.!, : , ? Includes z 6•covered 4, c ing as part of the BED s _ rr Sleeps 3 mattress �� mattress �� history of OUf h^~� & fra OTY community." D u r h a m 5 3717 x .: ORTHO GUARD - Catholic District �}s�, , SPECIAL EDITION 1.._ School Board di- MATES BED - ,CAPTAIN ECONO CAPTAIN DELUX rector Grant An- ° d��rsSINGLE age 2 `,ab'`'ets a 2 °rave's drews is "very sen- �' ;. MATTRESS $289 4 sidle to the histor- ical Mace fin �' i SET $479 _� ical aspect of the 2wr stora �T1199 ` w _j 49 school:' but Says d9e 9e S � �� - Maple finish Maple finish sV� � .� & wa' ' D• ••••••••••». 349 SET 5 "a school is not 0 ................379 SET579 just a building. K ................579 SET 899 That particular • ' • •• . ' • building is being aAnY f used by (DO'C). It p TAaNTON is no longer Aldon ct.etVts c School:' W a. w • $ w Still, "we will �asY 3 ' • ." • • i try to make al- N ynq RNANCtNGA lv .at.. �,+ lowances" to rec- t AVAILABLE 11" ";•a $ t ognize the build-ThwaA""` ing's history, he �++• ,� said. a•..r » �' I it it o- ,r. ;J= NB W$ ADYJ9=E$ FRMAX APRIL 3, 3 "8-PAAGR 3 No Payment No Interest For 6 Months on All Hewlett Packard Computers 20OMHz,"rntel Pentium" Processor 1, With MMX'" F-0� PH 1 LI PS tIIAVQX 3r stem Wevww • Audio/video input/output jocks • (omb filter • On-screen menu system • Universal remote control • 181 channel capability ✓Smart" value pack ar•IM )7H Technology HEWLETT" 3260 P PACKARO /�� �✓" //(/H Expanding Posvbibties 200M I 3211111B 2.1 U Processor SYN( Hard DRAM Drive SO- Projection Wevisiat • 850 Cres of resolution • pigAol focu • Tr Guide flus on-woon per= guide • SRS souw Retrievol System Mini Wn Uid pentium' See store for details Price t product in effect Prove Apel 1 st - 7th, 1 27' Stene Tdev don • Audio/video inputs • Dark tint tube • FKtttre preference • Remote control VAI I ivAirr • 7 is o�ewl dt.0r• 2 sl'Is spl.a •Ad i*el • tell -.do rwwst csssne •!ilea respeso ti spsokws • Twp i sbrep ra.r • Srf1wriono 1.1i1s cmim rrr Ir•rr.rrrl,.r.lr r ll■. r �..r Irrrt Y wlri a rir. w,.r 1. t. wr. ri•. ��1r dl d lb. trwn pAd " tM•YYwAr�ISN.ffbd l.w1�Krww.MM id�slAiM bl�d�e�r —, K RISE YMdMdfw7.eeYMIwF�i r.M. ew 1• 160 WO M/f11111 O CWStew Tho X io-dsh m plalm vA dehclloMe fou pl* offers sm serious scud for ewe the toost M4jN conscious prsa. Ih WS a ' aen arelpCier ead soprote bss a1 k" ceim eailu roe to A bets curt cetAel ow your sound. eiinim won AJAX 40 Kingston Rd. E. 428-4450 at Harwood Ave. Mo"m - FR1*W 10-9 Sat 10-6 3 SHOP Sun. � 2 Sun. i 1-5 Y� YM•rl Y Mhd Ir vi M/.r Y�w�.IYr^�hYlieSi11.11rS1 A+iwrSel4lSw I r s1,fN Air. r 01,5)7.N Se w rd, �/ �ir7 �i- iw. M Yr•r yllw � w tNiw�� er..r.l.t Gail PAGE s + TIM 14EWSADVFJrnffJl4A1tlV*V.ABM&jX4"4 A Metroland Community Newspaper published four times weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday OPINION 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 21-15 EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS You can find a cancer cure Cancer can be beaten. That statement is truer now than ever before. But, we know more must be done to ensure the battle against the dreaded disease in all its forms continues until a cure is found. Cancer is indiscriminate, attacking young and old, rich or poor. One in three Canadians will develop can- cer in their lifetime, while two in three families will have a least one member affected by the disease. While we cannot rest until cancer is completely eradicated, there is cause for hope. New breakthroughs in medical science are making new inroads into find- ing a cure for the disease in some of its forms. One of the more recent advancements involves Electroporation, a technique where tumours are zapped with small bursts of electricity. U.S. scientists have found this new treatment has erased cancer in some animals and in early tests in humans. The tech- nique disrupts the surface of cancer cells, opening pores which allow certain cancer drugs to penetrate cancer cells to kill them. The tumours disappeared in 70 per cent of the rats and stayed away 100 days after therapy with a single treatment. In another development on the cancer front, a Cana- dian medical team is currently investigating the valid- ity of a cancer -fighting 'cocktail' of vitamins and hor- mones designed by Dr. Luigi Di Bella, an 85 -year-old Italian physiologist. The treatment purports to allow the body to slow the rate of cancer growth. Locally, the fight also goes on. April marks the Canadian Cancer Society's annual fund-raising drive. Volunteers will go door-to-door to solicit donations to fund research into cancer and provide programmes for patients. The West Durham Unit of the Cancer Society hopes to raise $455,500 during the 1998 door-to-door cam- paign, an increase over the $412,000 collected last year. As well, the Beta Sigma Phi sorority members will be selling daffodils at several locations in Ajax and Pickering this weekend. Last year, more than $50,000 was raised and, this year, the sorority hopes to raise $52,000 toward the fight against cancer. With your help and an ongoing commitment, resi- dents in Ajax and Pickering can individually con- tribute to a cure. Please give generously, because can- cer can be beaten. To respond to this editorial call N.ntosource Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 A 0 V E R T I S E R Publisher: Tim whMaker LETTERS OUR READERS VIEWS ON THE NEWS Her heart goes out to Lazenby family To the editor: Re: Devoted dad slain, News Ad- vertiser, March 20 What is this country coming to? Where did we as parents go wrong? When I heard about what hap- pened to the young man mur- dered in Pickering, 1 could not believe it. How tragic for his family and his poor fatherless little boy. It scares me to death that my son is soon going to be of legal drinking age. I tell him at all costs to walk away from trouble and that it takes a bigger man to avoid a fight. But this young man was coming to the aid of a female. Isn't that what we've always taught our sons'? It sickens me to think that when our children go out and if they left her shaken and confused. Are we now going to be like the U.S. and have to start using guns to protect our families? Shame on all of us for allowing it to get this far. To Rae Lazenby's family and his little boy, my heart goes out to you. Joanne Montgomery Ajax Kudos to John Haste To the editor: 1 would like to say how very happy I was to read Mr. Haste's article of Feb. 18. As one of the 'old codgers' being left high and dry by the Village exodus of most of the fa- cilities necessary for many like me who, for yvhatever reason, are unable to drive but like to keep our independence, it was very re- freshing to have someone take The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters happen to get in a scuffle with up the cudgels on our behalf. should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter someone they could be seriously Thank you, John. Keep 'em must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last injured, or worse. coming! name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor Recently, a female friend was reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opin- verbally accosted by five youths ions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not neces- in an unprovoked incident at a Lil ShUton sarily those of the News Advertiser. Scarborough mall. This incident Ajax TO WNITTAKER Publisher GIVE US A CALL Tho News . JOANNE BURGHARDT BRUCE DANFORD ALVIN BROUWER EDDIE KOLOOZIEJCZAK MONIQUE LEA ABE FAKHOURIE BARBARA HARRISON JANICE O'NEIL CHERYL NAMES Editor -in -Chief Managing Editor Advertising Manager Retail Advertising Manager Classified Advertising Manager Real Estate/Automotive Advertising Distribution Manager Production Manager Assistant Production Manager Assistant Production Manager GENERAL 683-5110 CLASSIRED 683-0707 DISTRIBUTNMN 683-5117 ADMIKICLASSIRED FAX 683-7363 COMPOSING FAX 579-9273 newsroomOdurham.net E-MAIL www.durhamnews.net WEB SiTE i C-00- ftW s one of the McRobw Prtntlrp, Riblislwtp and Distribi p group d newspapers. The News Advertiser is a mem. ber of the Ajax a PicNer V Board of Trade, On- Unadin Comm* Nswspapr Assoc., and Cana- dian Q=lationis Arxfit Board. The News Ad- venOser is a member of Ole Ontario Press Uw4 80 Wk an kle<ienderit dor � addresses M5B 2M7' readercomplaints about member nears The Wbisher reserves the npht to classify or rehise any a vertisement. Credit for advertise meat limited to space, price error occup es. JOANNE BURGHARDT EDITOR-IN-CHIEF r Location, location, location It's been a buffy day and you arrive home frena the office at 5:30 p.m. to discover one of the kids is sick. Headache, sore throat, swollen glarxls, runm nose, car ache. A veteran parent, you've seen this Ix fore and know it's probably strep throat. What to do'' The doctor's office is closed but you know the sooner you get antibiotics into your child, the so on- er she's on the road to recovery. if you follow the advice of billboards and you live in Whitby, you go to the new Family Health Care Centre at Whitby General Hospital (formerly the emergency department). Several weeks ago'a billboard went up at Rossland and Thickson roads enicouraging u% to 'Use It!; so we did. Our visit to the Centre was much like previous visit% to urgent care facilities. Sign in, provide the pertinent information, see the doctor and on your way. The whole visit took about an hour. Business was brisk the night we visited; several kids with sore throats, coughs and car aches. spronis, a cut requiring stitches and a patient await- ing transfer to another facility. The department is a little awkward and the building looks to be in need of a face-lift, but the doctor was in and the patient% appeared rclieved to have treatment available. If the public can be educated to use a 24-hour urgent care centre as an alternative to the overused emergency rooms at Oshawa General and Ajax - Pickering, the Centre is a great step forward in health cane. But location is a problem. Tlx majority of Whitby's population lives in the growing north end. On our way to the Centre we passed three walk-in clinics, two within throwinz distance of the four corners. We were tempted to pull in at the first clinic but the billboard convinced us to drive to the lake. The Whitby General experi- encc was fine, but next time I'll be tempted to use the clinic closer to home. On the up side, a% a hospital Whitby General is tied into a Durham -wide registry providing access to all your hospital records. no matter where the treatment was given. And it's open 24 hours a day. But despite the effort, and the fact the Family Health Carc Centre is seeing nearly double the num- ber of patients the emergency room saw, Whitby Gen- eral will probably close as scheduled. A more likely future may be as a long -tam nursing facility. As a hospital the building comes complete with kitchen, laundry and ample parking. The surround- ing grounds could be landscaped to provide out- door relief for patient/residents. There's been some talk the Victorian Order of Nurses might be inter- ested in the building. If not them, perhaps another organization. Perhaps an urgent -care facility would be part of the mix. The hospital's days may be numbered, but as a health-care facility it could have a futtire. Did you know Since it opened the 24-hour Family Health Care Centre which is no longer accepting ambulance traffic, Whitby General has continued to see most Of the same patients. The tacit still serves 98 per cent of the type of cases it was serving as a full-ser- vice emergency room. This statistic screams out that too many people are bogging down our emer- gency rooms with non -urgent health care prob- lems. If we want quick, efficient access to hospitals in times of crisis, we have to be mare responsible with our health care choices. Joanne Burghardt is a regular News Advertiser columnist. To respond to this column call Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108. =� ri' �__ _ - _ _ .. THE NEWRADVE R'171gIM'R'1P1tlDAVAtvWL„19” 1 PAGE f bill mm uS Can Wal or summer Cultural J By U1rds N�b/ts staff reporter PICKERING — For Daniel Lombardi, being the only child at school in a wheelchair makes him extra -special. And it certainly doesn't limit him from participating in his favourite class — gym. "1 really like soccer;" says the likable youngster, who attends Roland Michener Public School in Ajax, one of the wheelchair -acces- sible schools in the area. "I hit the ball with the side of my wheelchair:" he explains. "I al- so like hockey" Daniel, who counts colouring and computers as other favourite activities, has been selected by the Easter Seal Society south central regional office as this year's area Timmy. The seven-year-old — who ar- rived two months premature and weighing just two pounds, eight ounces — was born with hydro- cephalus, a condition commonly referred to as 'water on the brain'. At six months, he was also diag- nosed with spastic cerebral palsy, which means his joints are stiff and it is extremely difficult for him to walk, even with the assis- tance of a walker. Several times a year, Daniel must undergo an intensive therapy programme for eight-week peri- ods. For the remainder of the year, his family helps ensure his mus- cles arc exercised, explains mom Sandra. As one of 10 children — some of whom were adopted — Daniel says dinner time and holidays like Christmas arc "fun and noisy". He photo by Jason Liebregts Daniel Lombardi, selected as the Easter Seals 'Tim- adjusted youngster whose large family both chal- my' for this region, counts physical education class- lenges and supports him. Daniel is seen here enjoy - es among his favourites. He's an energetic and well- ing one of his other favourite pastimes. counts a week he spent at Easter Seal Camp in Collingwood last summer with one of his brothers as a favourite memory and looks forward to spending another week or two there this summer. '111 camp is just great en- thuses Mrs. Lombardi, who says Daniel particularly enjoyed swim- ming and canoeing. She applauds a fully -accessible playground which features swings which roll on to a wheelchair. "It was comforting to us to know he was having fun and was in such capable hands:' says Mrs. Lombardi, who credits the Easter Seal Society with helping co-ordi- nate services for Daniel. The Easter Seal Society of On- tario has been helping children with disabilities since 1922. Its an- nual fund-raising campaign kicked off last month and its goal is to raise $6 million. Easter 'seals', the main fund-raising tool. were first issued in Ontario in 1947. Through community-based child and family services, the So- ciety provides financial assistance for essential equipment, camps. parent support programmes, advo- cacy and funding for research. To learn more about the Easter Seal Society, visit its website at htip://www.castcrseals.org or call (416421-8377 or 1 -800 -ESS - KIDS. DownloadIN ing responsibilities fuel more tax hike speculation in Durham OOWNLOADING/From page 1 "Two weeks ago, if you asked me about the March 31 numbers, I would have said they would be improved. "Nobody is more disappoint- ed than me;" said Mr. Anderson. "We have to try our level best to find these savings:" He has written to Premier Mike Harris, hoping to set up a meeting to go over the numbers and seek financial relief. Oshawa Councillor and fi- nance committee chairman Brian Nicholson said the Region's share of property taxes could in- crease by 20 per cent this year. Downloading responsibilities would add up to about six per cent, contingencies add another five per cent, while the police budget, salary increases and oth- er costs would add at least cent. When he predicted in February taxes would go up 20 per cent and one regional mayor criticized him for making the com- ment, Coun. Nicholson added: "The reality is the tax hike could ap- proach 20 per cent. Our intent is to cut every cent we can. The latest figures show Durham will have to trim even more mon- ey than originally told. In December, the Province told the Region it would have to cut $10.3 million to make the downloading rev- enue neutral. The $11 million is equal to I I per cent of the 1997 10 per budget. "The Province is still indicat- ing cost savings and BRIAN NICHOLSON 'Tax hike could approach 20%' G sin mi w through these cost sav- ings, everybody will break even. Without the cost savings, it's not even;' Mr. Clapp said. "It's still not revenue neutral. Eleven per cent of the Regional levy — it's beyond belief how we could achieve that. "To dig further to find 1 I per cent is vir- tually impossible. How do we find $11 million when little is control- lable?" he asked. Chief Administrative Officer arry Cubitt said the Region ply doesn't have "a $200- Ilion discretionary budget here we can find the money. That's not the case.- Meanwhile, ase"Meanwhile, the Region can't trim money out of the down- loaded responsibilities because the Province is setting the rules, but the Region has to pay the bills, Coun. Nicholson noted. Coun. Nicholson added that there is "no sense saving a few bucks on income tax and getting hit on property taxes. This is one promise they broke, they busted. "The impact isn't $60 or $70 per household. It's $200 per household. "We have to be up front with taxpayers, so they can start putting money away." He said the Tory MPPs in Durham, especially cabinet min- isters Janet Ecker and Jim Fla- herty, have to "listen to the con- stituents who elected them. They have to fight for us:" Brock East residents band together in Pickering PICKERING — A new resi- dents' group has been formed by citizens living in the Brock East area of Pickering. The Brock East Community Association covers the area bound- ed by Brock Road to the west, Hwy. 401 to the south, the Ajax - Pickering boundary to the east and Kingston Road to the north. It's ac- U tually a reconstitution of a previous association which had become in- active. About 40 residents attended the first meeting and elections for the association held March 18 at the Pickering Civic Complex. Ter- ry White of Marshcourt Drive was elected chairman. Ward 3 Regional and local Councillors Rick John- son and David Pickles also attend- ed to discu.cs some of the residents' concerns. The group was formed largely as a result of residents' re- cent battle against a rezoning ap- plication by J & F Waste Systems Inc. to locate a waste handling fa- cility at 57 Notion Rd. in Ajax, close to •ts boundary with Picker- ing. The proposed facility would have processed up to 750 metric tonnes per day of industrial/com- mercial solid non -hazardous waste. Other area issues discussed at the first meeting included future planning studies for the west side of Notion Road, traffic on Picker- ing Parkway and the future of va- cant lands in the area. Anyone interested in joining may call 686-8123. festival brings Ajax together AJAX — The ethnic diversity of Ajax will be on display this week- end at the second annual Ajax Mul- ticultural Festival. The theme is Bringing the World Together and there will be various ethno-cultural groups from the com- munity with displays, performances and food. It's being held on Saturday, April 4 at the McLean Community Centre from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., followed by a concert at 6 p.m. at the Ajax Community Centre. "The Ajax Multicultural Festival brings together people from all walks of life, representing many na- tionalities and cultures;' co-ordina- tor Paul Pakyam says. "Dozens of volunteers have con- tributed their time and energy to plan an event that will be exciting, entertaining and informative, and will build on our community's very positive multicultural links. "This could be the most dynamic event yct in Ajax's strong and _row- ing multicultural history;' Mr. Pakvam adds. Hosts are CFTO-TV anchor Ken Shaw and Shannon Duff, an Arch- bishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School student who plays Al- lison on the TVO children's pro- gramme Kratt's Creatures. Kicking off the festival will be the Durham Regional Police Band at 9:30 a.m., followed by opening ceremonies at 10 a.m. The Young Singers of Ajax per- form at 10:45 a.m., followed by Chinese Lion Dance at IL 15. The Latino Amigos at 11:45. the Hum- mingbird Dancers at 12:15 p.m., Si- lence is Music, a children's choir of hearing-impaired youngsters, at 12:30, the Palestinian Group at 1. the Hummingbird Steel Band at 1:30, the Nagana Sangect Tasha Band at 1:50, African Kwi Drum- mers at 2: 10. Drum Theatre Togeth- erness at 2:30, the Durham Filipino Dancers at 3, George of the Jungle — Ebi Etch at 3:20, the Polish Tatry Dance at 4, and Jack Lenz at 4:20. From 1 I a.m. to noon, a Toronto Raptors Skills Clinic will be held, featuring Raptor John Long. He'll also speak about his life as an ath- lete and sign autographs. At 3:30, a children's ethnic cos- tume contest will be held, followed by an ethnic fashion show at 4:40. Ajax Transit will provide free shuttle service from the Ajax Plaza to the McLean centre every half- hour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. j A Dollar Draw will be held, with proceeds going to the Ajax -Picker- ing General Hospital. Prizes include tickets to the Raptors, Blue Jays or i Argonaut tickets. Closing the festival will be a' concert by punjabi by nature at 6 p.m. at the Ajax Community Centre. Tickets are $5 and are available at the door, at all branches of the Ajax Public Library and at the Guest Ser- vices Desk at the Pickering Town j Centre. I JtA ;:t:i T % AL P— wnng imft,o It 6n" w1w Z Li i{ lb".rr "u r. Jm& car, LA66m, JCaz, bxkm, A mw Cxd,,w, Chnsuan Dor. Andour ovmCO&IM — 71X WA G"imm, Gawl Cmm-hon, Aftek, r;v� Farr. Deur, awn, kt"x. Lam Bah. Lam Kds. You Wfind ir?m 4V,6 -wu Uwa —, on Alt 5mm on our mr, ff %*Vd IPMM ( and )W&"..ipm ;-It IL.L Po — a 6 booe & m IMI.MiL 11 harxikg %t OW $V. W96amLwnipnhwcfS2f)ormut[ Awmilbkwaft ,*� ill, 1Y9,f,oru�:a; y W,:ftw4a. a movie - CWAUUX ODEON THLAngs juslabi wo ft -W4_jpvd * or wok fwuzmm LW ■ a your lt In' -----Lnl Fou will find drm Cm a6 a 14 DKN'Yjwu, jow.Vew YA Nautica Maw Dmtm,.N- " list, L' Oadbom Polo Ima Tommy Hi(n8e, and more. A een ac"Factory Ou&t and C6raw Gwm iy �.. ��;+ ti`s.. ,..f•�', ,. lir:....'j.,..,rttPhSi',�7��,..�..�����-... ,rnrn,�tiy���`�ii;;ii!'?`• ,, 7](�/�--,,-,• N74 'flM NSws AMMUM MDAY, AFM 31 »"s • PA" 91 -------------- — ---------------------- SAVE ---------- ----------SAVE $10.00 i 1 Aute i.am qty service Guaranteed OIL CHANGE, LUBE FILTER - Days Customer \ Ik Appreciiation95 photos byJason Uregts Chess mates Recommended every 3 months or 5.000 km Service includes up to 5 titres of Sunoco brand motor oil, new oil filter and chassis lubrication. Valid Mon.-Thurs. with this ad. Not valid with any other coupon/offer. 355 Bayly St. W. (s. of wet..y aa.) (905) 683-9699 DON'T FORGET TO COME TO MY y�GIANT Rase � RD SALE Chess champion Michael McArthur showed a trick or two to budding young chess players during a visit to St. Bernadette Catholic School in Ajax last week. Top pho- to, Matthew Smith (left) and Mark Williams contemplate their return on a move by Mr. McArthur. Below, Mr. McArthur plays 18 games simultaneously with Joshua Fudge, Daniel Tyrrell. Justin Leblanc. Matthew Smith Mark Williams, KimberlyINVI Shwab and Tracv 0 L,a Bowlers can help families suffering loss of a child Bowling enthusiasts can strike up some fun and help area families suffer- ing from the loss of a baby. Perinatal Bereavement Services On- tario (PBSO) will host the 2nd Annual Bowl -a -Thou Fund-raiser on Sunday, May 3 from 2 to 5 p.m. at Ajax Bowl at 172 Harwood Ave. S. The fund-raiser is open to individuals or teams of all ages and skill levels. Child care will be provided for bowlers with children aged seven years and younger. Participants are asked to pay a $10 registration fee that will be reim- bursed to chase who collect $50 or more in sponsorships. Bowlers who collect more than $100 in pledges will receive a complimentary PBSO T-shirt, while the individual who collects the most pledges will receive a numbered framed print by Group of Seven artist A.J. Casson, val- ued at more than $400. All proceeds from the Bowl -a -Thou will fund PBSO programmes. The char- itable organization supports families in Durham Region and Toronto, Brampton, Woodstock and Peterborough areas who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or sudden infant death. For more information on the Bowl-a-Thon or PBSO services, call (905) 472-1807. _ _ _- THIS WEEKEND AT 8 A.M. SAT. &SUN. APRIL 4 & S, 8 A, M. 1000'S OF ITEMS TO CLEAR LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENING AT YOUR AJAX CHAPTERS THIS WEEK Sunday, April 5th 2:00 p.m. Lois Hayes & Janice Turner The .lunflouer Puppets + Join us in the My Books children's arta as JZ the two well known puppet artists tell iio�+ _ the stop• of Hilda's Cat and embark on a voyage to lands filled with trolls and ` magical places. Be prepared to bugh and (TI have sonic fun! Sunday, April 5th 4:00 p.m. Ever wanted to brew the perfect cup Saturday, April 4th, of coffee? 2:00 p.m_ Join the staff of Starbucks as they share secrets of the W.I.. (Stan) martin trade and conduct an enjoyable seminar on how to LoyaaY & fnte8rity achieve the perfect cup of Joe. Lots of taste samples Meet author Stan Martin as he traces his life journey, too! ALWAYS RTW from the time he leaves Jamaica as a youngster, to his tnvcls to distant lands, and his fascinating CNAPMOTCERTMTU experiences of life long friendships. Is ht % WA Save "% one Bookse&r's Cboice' Htks toot We're NOW OPEN at Durham Centre We are located at I g l 90 Kingston Road East, Ajax Phone (905) 426.443 a Men i Open 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 1 I p. m. Minn t (Near corner of Harwood & Higbway 2) Greal Beallo Are JuA the Beginn* IIA CANADIAN BOOK COMPANYI1 69EEA nR S 7400b W AV ONLY :LY PER IN SPECIALS 0010000 AJML WOMEN'S REG. -PRIED OUTERWEAR Choose from a wide selection of styles and colours. Selection may wry by store. Excludes ww* advertised items PLAYTEX- BRAS & BRIEFS Sears reg. 13.50-576. Each Seect,on may vary by store Excludes Cotton Comfort Coliect,on ALL MEN'S NEVADA® DENIM JEANS 0 CLEARANCE COMFORTERS, BEDSPREADS, BLANKETS, BATH CARPETS AND BATH ACCESSORIES Wf Ile quannnes last WOMEN'S R & R® FASHIONS Choose firm a wide selection of bps and Pants. Sean reg. 29.99-59.99. Each Excludes R & R Sport ALL ALREADY -REDUCED CLEARANCE FASHIONS AND FOOTWEAR FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Aher 10:00 a m., save 25%. Savings cannot be combined. While quantities last WHOLE HOME GOURMETCRAFTSMAN- 16 -PC. MINI -PUER/SCREWDRIVER SEI - OVEN TO TABLEWARE Sears reg. 5.99-34.99. Each Lifetime warranty. 732514 Sears reg. 79.99. Hardware is not ova ob,e n our Yoricdoie and Gerrord Square stores onal ing only. rday, April 4, 1998, while qu - Check out our flyer formpore super weekend d buys! Some items tems may have been on sale d tries last. '��/� nR69 uring the past week Seas Cc-ada �../i.�/�'11 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FALSHN NS (Excluding Guess?', Calvin Kli inmY;; 1 KN;;;— ;w; -„p ---- Cl/ = A1111 F, do SATURDAY, APRIL 4 AND SUNDAY, APRIL S. 1998 WOMEN'S FASH I N Choose from dresses, casual and dress pants, blouses, swimwear, under fashions, activewear, golf wear, casual tops, sweaters, outerwear accessories. PLUS, a huge selection of National and Designer Brands such as Jones Studio`, Nygard U Collection, Mike', Adidas'. Point Zero*, Dockers”, Wolverine Levi's" and more. Take a look ... MEN'S FASHIONS Choose from casual and dress pants, suits, sportcoats, dress shirts and ties, belts, socks, underwear, activewear, golf tops and bottoms, casual shirts, sweaters, jackets. PLUS, a huge selection of National Brands such as Nike`, Adidas`, Point Zero". Dockers', Naggar, `, Levi's' and more. Take a look ... Save 30=ff0% SUPER SELECTION OF TOYS includes 56 -pc. tool set, Talking Tot Dolls, Fisher Price* Western Town, 60 -pc. Farm set, Ned* Manta Ray ... and much morel Save an extra 10% TER KETS For a total savings of 30%. Selected baskets include plush toy and more. Piave 30% SELECTED ER Ad" Am nkm DY Choose from chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs. Sole in- effect from Saturday, April 4 to Sunday, April 5, 1998, or while quantities last. Some items as offered in our "The Fabulous Fashion Sale" flyer until April 9, 1998. MONA J21M Copyright 1998. sears Canada Inc. 03511 PAGE, 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 3. 1998 365 [SAYS A YEAR IML SIERRA REGULAR C-A[I 2WD SNIARTLLASE URC:HASE $20.6281 (1xctumis. iRiiuiti sst)5) 200 11P Vortec 4300 V6 eni,ine, 4 -,peed automatic transmis$198 - Sion, PA`SLock" security system, dual air Isia!„s, chrome per ntunth/36nutnths/ wheels, chrome trille, two-tier cargo box, 2,018 lb.3 ''yload �r 300 %cunry Je}+„>rt/ capaclt)', 5,000 lb. to++inkcapacltN• frctuht $895 rcyutrc,l �' a •+Cit 0 Iit F V L 'moo. SIERRA EXTENDED CAB 2WD SMARTLEASE 30 HP Vortec 5000 V8 engine, 4 -speed automatic ' transmission, PASSLock '•' security system, dual air hags, chrome Wheels, Tilt -Wheel," steering, cruise $243 per nurnth/36 tnun(W control, tinted glass, air conditioning, two-tier $VXVtk,w•npayment/ cargo box $KX�Xtintitydepthit/ freight $895 rryuired GMC GET WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR CENTRAL ONTARIO GMC DEALERS.` EA�You should know this: 'Based on a 36 month lease h,r GMC Sierra Regular Cab 'WD ISL/GMC Sierra Extended Cab 2WD 1S0. A down payment or trAr 411 $1.000/$3,000 and $3001$100 security Jepnsrt are tryutrrd. Total ohltganon n $Ir',I:ri($II,i4N. Annual kilometer limit. 20,000 km; $0.08 per The GM Carlo ���� r.+.Ti `xcrss it metre Other lease opt-ris available. •+Freight indicated• licence, insurance .tnd razes n,n included. Dealer may lease for less. (1(Irrs app13' * �at�. t.. 194N new �,, demonstrator m Jrls ryutpred as described, and aprltrs to yualrttrJ rcrnl customers to unreal Ontario only. Dealer (oder ss trade may hr • necessary. Limited time uffrh which may not he combined or usrt with "thrr offers r S trademark ..1 General Motors Corporation. MRrgtsrrrrJ trademark ..t Genual M,ft� rs (;ee r"ur Dealer tot conditions and details. www.gmcanaJA.com is.+t porauon. TD Bank licensed user of Mark. > ; i Hospice Durham recruits trainees OSHAWA -- Volunteers in- terested in providing companion- ship and emotional support to someone with a life-threatening illness are invited to take part in a training programme. Communication skills, emo- tional support and family dynam- ics, transfer techniques and phys- ical considerations, multicultur- alism and burial rites, grief and bereavement and the role of the volunteer will be among the top- ics covered in the Hospice Durham training programme. The programme will be held Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Apri 128 to May 19 at 850 Champlain Ave., Oshawa. Interested volunteers are asked to pay $20 to cover coupe materials and ex- penses. The cost for oth- ers interested in the pro- gramme is $40. Hospice Durham is a free, com- Learn about naturopathic care An introduction to natur- opathic medicine is being held at an open house on Tuesday, April 7. Naturopathic Doctor Lisa Doran will speak about naturopathy during a lecture from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Durham Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Centre at 420 Crawforth St., Whitby. Ms. Doran is a faculty member of the department of obstetrics and gynecolo- gy at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, the author of Maternal Based Naturopathic Care and a contributor to the book A Woman's Book of Healing Herbs. For more information on the open house and lecture, call 665-7539. munity-based volunteer pro- gramme that provides in-home support to individuals with a life- threatening illness and their fam- ily. For more information or to register for the course, call 435- 5242 or 1-888-790-9414. ADVERTISING CORRECTION In our Sheer Beauty insert, included in last week's newspaper. Please note: Page 8 - Organza by Givenchy Eau de Toilette Natural Spray 80m1, $68 was incorrectly described. Copy should read: "Organza by Givenchy Eau de Parfum Spray 50ml, $68' We sincerely apologize to our valued customers and regret any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. EATON'S THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. APRIL 3.19" - PAGE 13 ADVERTISING CORRECTION In our Storewide Easter insert included in this paper on Saturday, April 4, 1998. Please note: Page 4 - Terry sleeper and union suit incorrectly described. Copy should read: "Terry sleeper - $11.99, union suit - $9.99 Page 4 - Eaton Baby 3 pack receiving blankets and fitted crib sheets - not all colors and prints currently available; Page 4 - Bunnykins dinnerware not as illustrated; Page 3 - 25% off kids' shoes - not all styles are avail- able in all stores; Page 6 - Winnie the Pooh dia- per bags incorrectly described. Copy should read, "Colour block diaper bag - reg. $44.99, sale $35.99, printed diaper bag - reg. $59.99, sale 347.99".; Page 15 - Azure sheets and cases by Lawrence Home Fashion not as illustrated. We sincerely apologize to our valued customers and regret any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. EATON'S SEA10 CORRECTION NOTICE For our 12 page Super Saturday & Sunday Sale flyer (sale dates April 4 & 5, 1998) On page 5, Save 1/3 on boys' hockey jerseys, reg. 34.99 sale 26.66 should have read; Reg. 24.99 Sale 23.32 On page 7, heading incorrectly states; 1/2 price all cookware. It should have read; Save 10-50% All Cookware We sincerely apologize for any Inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers Sears Canada Inc �„ Help save our little corner of the world ... Recycle! Durham YWCA desperate for funds for hostel service The Durham YWCA women and chil- dren's emergency lodging hostel will remain open, at least for the immediate future. Adelaide House, the YWCA's sole shelter of its kind in Durham, was slated to close April I. But, for now the centre is running on hope that the final 1998-99 Regional bud- get is going to include base funding for at least 30 beds at the hostel. "It was recommended by regional coun- cil to go to the finance committee for review as part of the annual budget;' explains YW- CA Executive Director Eva Blvthe, who is projecting a deficit of $50,000 for hostel op- erations for 1997. "The final (Regional) budget is due out in June so we're going to hold off on a decision until then." The hostel receives the hulk of its refer- rals from the Region but, in the past• funding was paid on a per diem basis. "The centre has to stay open regardless of whether we have one person or 30 in for the night;' ex- plains Ms. Blythe. With the per diem fund- ing model, during periods where need for the hostel was low, the hostel was not re- ceiving enough funding to continue operat- ing, she explains. Under the ne\.% rn ro,,, 1. the hostel would photo by Jason Liebr"ts Hats on to a special day Students at Maple Ridge Public School put more than their thinking caps on last week during a Hat Day celebration at the school. Bottom row, from left, James Roy- al, Richard Rutitis and Bree-Anne Del Duc sport their best hats. Centre row, from left, are Derek Penny and Christina Phillips while on the top row from left areWendy Forbes and Jackie McKinnon. The students raised almost $600 for Our House. Retinetrr>tent? from $131,900 R-2000 - OPEN HOUSE - Brighton detached including 66' town lots. SatundMX April 4 18 25 & Malt 2 12:00 am to 4:00 Pm (or call for appointment). In Brighton - Go south from main intersection stoplights on Prince Edward st approx. - 1.2 km to Applewood sign, then lett on Stephen St. - follow signs. 0 Model Home - The Empire R-2000, u2s sq. ft., Priced at $171,900 ($72/sq. ft) including lot Free Brochure of Certified R-2000 detected homes from $131,900 (includes fully serviced 66' town lots). Custom computer designs, free Prof. Engineer constdtatim. See how R-2000 provides value, comfort, energy sav- ings, fresh air, humidity control, and quiet living. Expodence'Slab-on-grade' - (no base- ment living. Ideal for retirement See State of the Art' space & water combination heating system, ($250-$300/yr. space heating cost). Let us custom design your DREAM with the best housing technology (R- 2000) - at your budgetf CORD TOBEY DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 114WO-544-0635 OR 613-475-0618 receive base funding of $34.50 per bed for 30 beds a night, or a total of about $375,000 per year. Any beds required beyond that number will then be funded on a per diem basis, says Ms. Blythe. The remainder of the hostel's funding comes from the United Way and private do- nations. "We have to be much more aggres- sive in our fund-raising;' admits Ms. Blythe. "We're going to he doing a lot more in the area of finding other sources of funding. Certainly, the Region support's going to he critical while we're investigating opportuni- ties for fund-raising" However, Ms. Blythe cautions, in time, of funding cuts, many organizations are in the same boat and are fighting for the same fund-raising dollars. "There is a finite amount of money out there," she says. Whether or not the money is approved for the hostel in the budget, Ms. Blythe says, the issue of closing the centre will be resolved. "it will tell us whether we move forward with business as usual or whether we move forward with phasing it out" In 1997, the emergency lodging service provided temporary shelter for almost 1,200 people, including 342 children. 10 � �t�D N fLlo A v0t SAND APRIL PENING 4"" 8151m Over 75 Crafters With Great Crafts & Gifts►rr FESTIVITIES SAT., APRIL 4TH • FREE COFFEE MUGS TO THE FIRST 200 FAMILIES (Limit 1/Family) • Entertainment by Singer Mike McConnell SUN., APRIL 5TH • FREE CARNATION FLOWERS TO THE FIRST 200 FAMILIES (Limit 1/Family) • Entertainment by Singer Barbara Allen LUCKY DRAWS ALL WEEKEND! -CRAFTERS- W Us sea Your Crafts & Guts Directly To The Pablic. You Do Not Have To Be Then. For More Information On Horn You Can Participate Call 905-456-1024 HMVI ¢ OPEN EVERY WEEKEND - RAIN OR SHINE SLOORST SATURDAY: 9:00-4:30. SUNDAY: 9:00-4:30 VENDOR INFORMATION: 436-1024 BASELINE RD. HWY 401EXIT 401 AT COURTICE RD.. GO NORTH AND FOLLOW SIGNS (LOCATED BETWEEN OSHAWA AND BOWMANVILLE) ♦ OSHAWA Bowuurvr IF 7vm wweanvrwncra w&mAv lmffr a ismoLraAr_v rc 69EE AnR69 1KE1MJV1C)01WE @ SAVE =ZOO KENMORE` ELECTRIC RANGE #61071 SAVE � 110 0 KENMORE"' SUPER- CAPACITY LAUNDRY TEAM Save $100 on washer Save $90 on dryer S 4" S =9 #47502. Sears reg. 669.99 #88502. Sears reg. 479.99 SAVE $ 100 KENMOREQ ULTRAWASH BUILT-IN` DISHWASHER sililloqq #15681/5 Sears reg. 599.99 t Installation extra Ask in-store about our guaranteed installation. SAVE ' 7 0 0 KENMORE' 1 8 -CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR 484P4#66861 Sears reg. S999.99 NOW S 99 CAPRI' ELECTRIC RANGE Save $30. #52080 Sears reg. 429.99 CAPRI' BUILT-IN' DISHWASHER CLEAROYT PRICE *s58 #76009 CAPRI' LAUNDRY TEAM Washer *398 #147180. Sears reg. 429.99 Dryer ss98 #88180. Sears reg. 329.99 • NOW S � 5 99 COLDSPOT 18 -CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR #60802 Sears reg. 699.99 Sale prices in effect until Thursday, April 9, 1998. While quantities last copyright 1998. Sears condo Inc. 035110 PAGlg A - 7W WVV§ AiDVEWnS*R F J6AX AP#dL 3, 144 There when you need the a 911 operators o one on human misery Br Shaaw Simpson Special to the news advertiser "Do you require police, fire or ambulance'?" Each year in Durham, thousands of desperate peo- ple are greeted by these words when they dial those three magic numbers, 911. To them, they're words of hope and relief often at a traumatic time in their lives. But, who are the anonymous people that utter these words in such a calm and re- assuring manner? Essential- ly, they are a small, profes- sional and devoted group trained to handle whatever emergency that happens to come their way — they are Durham Region's 911 emergency operators. 'It's a challenge:' says 42-vear-old Newtonville resident Peter Campbell. "You have to maintain a lev- el of composure. Variety is the spice of life and vou cer- tainly get that on this job" For the past nine years, Mr. Campbell has devoted his life to answering crisis calls from panic-stricken people and dispatching the appropriate emergency crews to the scene. Stationed on the second floor at Durham Regional Police Headquarters in Os- hawa. the 911 operators take turns answering calls from across Durham for a few• hours and then switch to dispatch. The 40 -member team works in groups of eight, two shifts on days, two on nights and then off four days. In 1997 alone Durham operators handled well over 600,000 calls. Fri- day and Saturday nights are extremely busy. says Mr. Campbell. "Burnout is a concern:" he says. "The career life of an air traffic controller is about 14 years. This job is comparable to that." December. 1991 is a date permanently etched in Mr. Campbell's mind. That was the day a Brink's officer was shot and killed while picking up some cash from Knob Hill Farms in Os- hawa. "That was a very stressful time;" he recalls. "That, and Oct. 20, 1994 when three police offi- cers were shot in Port Perry during a holdup at the Bank of Montre- al. I wasn't work- ing that day so I i can only assume it was very stressful and challenging for all concerned" Despite not being there, as Mr. Campbell notes, the rela- tively small team of operators works closely and gets to know each member of the group well. They each have an intimate understanding about what one another is going through during a cri- sis. Durham officers too are close to the dispatchers: in some cases, they trust them with their lives- The 911 op- erators must track and keep tabs on every officer on du - ty. "You work as a team:' explains Mr. Campbell. "The team concept is very important. So what's it take to be- come a 911 operator'' "You have to be able to deal with stress ina yery positive manner.'. says him" Before candidates hit the dispatch floor, they must undergo an intensive train- ing programme lasting six weeks and then comes the exams, says Ms. Virgin. They listen to tapes of actu- al police pursuits, working through it as they would if' 911. A broadcaster by trade, Mr. Campbell, who's single and has no children, spends his down time working free- lance for various local radio stations. However, his favourite past -time is singing the national anthem at local hockey games. Three times he's had the honor of tilting out the anthem in Port i'opL. mos* rcccnfly on Jan. 31 for the Shcl- k bourne Wolves. "I would love to sing the anthem at Maple Leaf Gardens or better yet at the Air Canada Centre:" dreams aloud a smiling Mr. Campbell. "I %kouldn't mind singing (he anthem at the Dome.— And. he apparently has an affinity for hockey trivia. "Peter knows more i about hockey players and statistics then any- body else I know:' says Patricia Robinson, in- ternal communication manager for the Durham Regional Po- lice Service. "And 1 should know — my ex- husband was a manag- er for the Edmonton Oilers" According to Ms. Robin- son, Mr. Campbell, a huge Boston Bruins fan, has an incredible memory. "He can tellyou every player and teams they played for every year. This comment, of course, couldn't go unchallenged. Peter Campbell admits being a 911 operator "is a challenge". Mr. Campbell has been answering crisis calls for the 911 service for the past nine years. School wants help in taking a trip to the past OSHAWA — As Ritson Public School prepares to cele- brate its 75th anniversary, it continues to look for alumni material and school or community memorabilia. Photos and school items are among the items sought for the anniversary, which will be held Thursday, June I 1 be- ginning at 6:30 p.m. The school is located at 300 Ritson Rd. S. If you have material the school could use, or want snore information on the reunion, call the school at 723-4133 or 723-0042 during school hours. PIECE DINETTE Theresa Virgin, communi- cations/91 I manager and in charge of training. "And op- erators must be polyphasic, which means being able to do multiple tasks at the same time. "Peter handles stress very well and he's very pro- fessional in the workplace:' she says. "He's willing to undertake any duty given the events were unfolding before them. "You have to track and ascertain certain facts dur- ing the pursuit — the facts, rate of speed and how the situation is evolving:" ex- plains Mr. Campbell. "Then you're tested. You have to have an ear for it:' But, Mr. Campbell is more than just a voice for CLEAN FILL Available IMMEDIATELY From MARWOOD AV. - AJAX WE LOAD - YOU TRUCK contact LEN or JEFF 905-619-9134 So Peter, what team won the 1955 Stanley Cup plavoffs and who scored the winning goal? ` "Detroit versus Montre- al. Detroit won in the sev- enth game 3-1. The winning goal was scored by Alex Dclvecchio" Incidentally, he's right. Kerry Trail, acting super- visor and 911 operator for the past eight years, says she appreciates Mr. Camp- bell's level of professional- ism, and like Ms. Robinson. pointed out his uncanny memory and, of course, the fact he's a huge sports fan. "He's great:" says Ms. Trail. "Peter is the type to work with a smile on his face. He's not moody — he's a constant in the room:' As a 911 operator, Mr. Campbell says his primary goal is to "do the best joh possible" He takes his responsibili- ties very seriously and wor- ries about the people of Durham getting help when they need it. He gets verN annoyed when the 911 emergency line is abused. "It's not for a cat up in a tree or the break -and -enter to your car two weeks ago:' he says. "It's for crimes or emergencies in progress" Ms. Trail agrees. "When seconds count and it's :, matter of life and death —.1 cat up a tree is tying up the line for someone who really does have an emergency. We never want to deter someone from calling 911 — when in doubt call us and we'll tell You. ' V \ We alter to ` perfection. I Sizes 6 - 18 I Unique Accessories 'ft re closer than you think Lass than 5 nlit111bt 401 w. (from whites Rd.) Exit Kingston Rd Right at 1 st exit (Lawson Rd.) At 6ahts turn Inh to Jffw��510� 1-24L' A I IUL'u'rmIL " . I - n• `::'..1 Q.tOT s..K.., r..O.W) -4191.1 vn.• . ..- 711v PAGE 18 - THE NF WS ADVERTISt' A FRIDAY, APRIL 3. 19911 Women learn to handle endometriosis AJAX -- A tree workshop on natural Pickering Serial Development Council of - approaches to endometriosis is being of- fires. 133 Commercial Ave., Ajax. fered on Wednesday. April 8. Those interested in attending should 48 Naturopath Dr. Lisa Dorin will lead the call Debbie Whiteway at 686-2661 to reg - workshop from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Ajax- isler. '' SWING INTO"THE NEW MILLENNIUM PUERING'S PREMIER CONDOMINIUM ADDRESS a '�" .M.. - • yrx ws 181 bedroom sone;, mem %tth tteas of lake Ontaw ��,, • i aPvb-xs • superb mlegiomi hciko • krvre 1+hour geed camarnrt• and grounds • *pK from the Pd(enng Toon Care. GO Qmm and It#g m7� 401 Pre - construction prices from $101.900 CALL LINDA CLARKS c R.s Ss es Rep,ese—v . �'�.. `` :�►.� 1905) 839-1121 LIFE IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM— PICKERING•S PREMIER CONDOMMILI I ADDRESS i • *,aous 1 & 1 bedroom struts, man ».h V"-, of lain Ortr m • ;VOMM • V4 maema btillts • APs hrom rdc Piclr:rag Town Cane. GO moan and Wm -h 101 Pre - catsin>Iction prices frau $101.900 CALL SHERRY SENIS. M vA �: Assoc a;e Broke, • . t�►�-z (905) 831-3300 WMW Read up on it in cy7berspace.We're at WIN V. durhamne«-s. net IJ INTRODUCING TO OUR COMMUNITY ROUGEMOUNT MEAT AND DELI OFFERING SUCH SERVICES AS: *CUSTOM CUTTING *FREEZER ORDERS *FULL SELECTION OF CHEESE 8c DELI PRODUCTS *FULL SERVICE, FRESH MEAT COUNTER, CUT DAILY TO ENSURE FRESHNESS 8c QUALITY *READY MEALS FOR THE BUSY FAMILY •AND MOST IMPORTANT A BUTCHER ON PREMISES READY TO CUT YOUR MEAT THE WAY YOU LIKE IT AND MUCH MORE! SI 10 WA D I LIL IS Opti' TUES. APRIL % AT 9 A. M. GR,4ND UPENi1vJG IS UN THUDS, APRIL 9 12 NOOK! N ; givv. DON'T MISS 375 KINGSTON RD. AT ROUGEMOUNT - IN THE ROUGEMOUNT SQUARE PLAZA NEXT TO THE MILKY WAY (905) 509-0728 fax: (905) 509-0789 THF INFWR ADVFQTtCFQ FQmw •YQfi a >toMILoAr.F w A f e n t r a 1 O n t a r i o P o n t i a c D e a I e r sP r e s e n t a t i o n PW Ww" MIMW s1'M d= M.w bdwm be* Mi M '98 Pontiac Sunfire Sedan 2.2 litre engine, 4 -wheel AIS, dual air bags, rear door child -safety locks, side -guard door beams, PASSLock" tbeft-deterrent system, tinted glass, reclining front bucket seats, full folding rear seat, rear seat beater ducts, dual cupholders Includes rear spoiler PONTIAC BLJRXFM - AY ' Get what you want from your Central Ontario Pontiac Performance Dealers. �� $8� �f $008 �� 1�The GM Card#7�°- aBased .,.�.- Freight of $6M and PDI are vX*ded. Licence. insurance and taxes are not nckrcled. Dealer may lease for less. Offer applies to 1998 new or .�.s•�...>.w...� �Q, n1odels ew pped as described, and applies to Qualified retail Customers in Central Ontario only. Dealer order or trade may be ,"brne orler which ' ro o your Dealer for conditions. and details. www.gmcanada.corn is a trademark of General Motors Corporation. Graduate rebate sublet t to program ales. Mark rrof General l`I11.7.r...1. 1.*• .......................'...---..-..._ %... ...--..-......... 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I i PACE ZU -THE N6:N'ti A111'F:RTItih:K FRIDAY APRI1. i. 1998 1 ' HOTDOG Limit 6 ' '"VW%%"tie This coupon is not redeemable with 'TUVtN Limit 6' ....d..w.... any other coupon or special offer. 1 This Aon cou is not redeemable with "T1�viNk Sales tax extra. 1 One any other coupon or special offer. coupon per customer per visit.Sales 'One tax extra, Expires April I5. 1998 1 coupon r customer Po per per visit. _______ ______________1---_ Expires April 15. 1998 -----------�— 1 1 9 9 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I OFF ' FRIES PEANUT BUSTER PARFAIT Limit 6 t This coupon is not redeemable with any other coupon or special offer. —T1rviNk 1 1 This coupon is not redeemable with I Sales lax extra. ^� I� any other coupon or special offer. 1 One coupon per customer per visit. Ex ues A 1 15, 1998 t 1 Sales tax extra. One coupon per customer per visit. I 1 ----p--�'--------------'-- Expires April 15, 1998 PICKERING 1099 Kingston Rd. 831-2665 (Next to Movieplex 9) _j_1..� HOMEIGARDENING Y+�.1 4'i .♦t Thoughtson a royal b Recently, while sorting through reams of pa- per in my office, I came across a press release from 1981 about the wedding bouquet of the late Diana, Princess of Wales. Longman's is the name of the English florist who presented Di- ana with her wedding bouquet for her marriage to Prince Charles. Since wedding season is soon to be upon us, I thought it might be interesting to share with you some of the details regarding that famous bouquet. The press release itself was restricted infor- mation until the wedding day, July 29, 1981 at 9 a.m. and it begins by stating the bouquet is the vitt of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners of London. The bouquet is presented in accor- dance with the long-estab- lished privilege and rights of the Company of Gardeners to present bouquets of flowers to the Royal family on State oc- casions and for weddings. The company appointed Longmans Ltd., an old estab- lished firm of florists to pre- pare the bouquet. Mr. David M.H. Longman, the managing director and a Past Master of the Company of Gardeners were responsible for the designs and preparation of the bouquet. His late father had a similar responsibility in preparing Queen Eliza- beth's bouquet for her marriage in 1947. Sketches of bouquets were made and sam- ples were fashioned in polyester silk flowers. They were then discussed with Lady Diana. Her dressmakers were consulted as well. From these discussions a final sample was made, submitted to and approved by the bride. The bouquet was a shower design but con- siderably larger than was the trend in 1981. It was 42 inches long and 15 inches wide - The press release states, " it is essentially a flowing bouquet with a natural graceful look, reminiscent of Edwardian days without the heavy greenery of that era. It is wcll-halanced and although heavier than mo,,t carried no\.ka- days, the distribution should not be too tiresome for the bride." The centre of the bouquet comprised a clus- ter of gardenias supported by golden Earl Mountbatten roses. From the centre flows a graceful cascade of white odontoglossum or- chids which have a soft golden eye. The main strength of the shower is of "pips" of stephan- otis, falling in three main drops, each drop sup- ported by miniature ivy and tradescantia leaves. A spray of orchids rise from the centre and is surrounded by lily of the valley and white freesia. The bouquet was predominately white, through to the cream of the gardenias to the gold of the roses. The backing was green, slightly wild in na- ture, with myrtle from G.- "rne House and veronica from the Bishop of Norwich, both grown from bushes struck from cut- tings taken from Queen Victo- ria's bouquet. The bouquet was beautifully scented, as the majority of flow- ers used are heavily perfumed. Their perfumes blended together to produce that lovely fragrance of an English summer gar- den. The flowers and foliage are all British -grown and included gardenias, stephanotis, freesia, ondontoglossum orchids, (Royal Wedding), lily of the valley, Earl Mountbatten roses, hedera helix (ivy), tradescantia, myrtle and veronica. Some preliminary work was done on the bouquet on the day before the wedding and the bouquet was assembled early on the morning of the wedding day. July 29, 1981. The carrying handle was softly padded and covered with satin ribbon. The bouquet was packed in a specially made white box tied with white ribbons and delivered by David Longman and the Master of the Gar- deners Company, Mr Roger Payton to St. James's Palace at 7:45 a.m. on July 29. VERONICA ; SLIVA GARDENING ` • NE NEW MILLENNIUM - Pla(BWS PR9Y�1 COIiD0111MI ADDRESS ... - ._....... _.....___.. • I a 2 bedroom mm maw.tb vem of take Orono • ; ,ppkwis • 4pelb naa.onl bairea - .., "� " • sense 2+has g*d comeoq ad ", . • vers from be Pldiereg Tae Cm t GO sthton ad lbo% v -to I Pre - coFtstr iclim prices hm $104, 900 r� CALL DOW TAYLOR AssotuteBrr�okkeer�� (�' OteyJ ��1'•7.71111 " WIMW Fust Reahy ltd. Realtor Please recycle this newspaper I HE NPIVS DVER'nsER FRIDAY. APRll, .t. 19" - PAGE 21 'Waulli for delivery of a SALVATION Altlrii l' siAAL -DA—in r 4Newj Advertiser on Sunday, April 5th. Please fill thatag liith wed clothing, and drop it off in the pit at PTCs C#e C6wrt 1" April 6th through lath. Then sit back and watch ous g moutltain grow (and know you really made a difference in swo's lle I$is spring). All bllected ekiihing wtiA be distributed to Salvation Army isores laertird d1raiighout Durham Region, so that families who need a little help r*M iliw c6n Sive their kids "new" spring clothes, too. 'e fV* Boca= we KNOW Stat our community canes, and le ve ' that love CAN mr,ve mo•mitams ` 10Mbnd: Isis movomilidWawaM x��0* 7"w . PAGE 22 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRWAY. APRIL 3,19" Your time is all that's needed to help others in Ajax and Pickering DURHAM ASSOCIATION FOR FAMI- LY RESPITE SERVICES: Enthusiastic volunteers interested in sharing a few hours per month with a child, teen or adult with a handicap are needed. Join them in leisure activities or provide respite in your own home. 'Together We're Stronger". Call Valerie Ford at 427-3541 for more information. HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO: Local chapters require volunteers to help raise funds for heart disease and stroke research and health promotion activities. Volunteer opportu- nities are arranged to fit your lifestyle and availability. Cap 686-1521 for de- tails. HEARTH PLACE CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE: Volunteers are needed for peer support, reception, support group facilitator, fund-raising and programme committee. Hearth Place provides emo- tional support, wellness programmes and educational programmes for cancer patients and their families. Located at 86 Colborne Street W., Oshawa, call 579- 4833 for more information. Training pro- vided. HOST PROGRAM: Volunteers are sought for Citizenship and Immigration Canada's Host Program — a friendship programme to help new immigrants set- tle and integrate into the community quiddy. Contact Mahmood, Host Coordi- nator, at 686-2661. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT OF DURHAM REGION: Volunteers help the youth of the community develop an awareness of how a business operates from the ground up. Training and support is pro- vided. Can John or Carla at 644-7058. KIDS ON THE BLOCK: Volunteers learn to operate life-sized puppets and perform small plays in elementary schools in Durham to provide support and encouragement to students with disabilities. Call Suzanne at 436-0925 or Katherine at 665-5680. KINARK CHILD AND FAMILY SER- VICES: Share your parenting skills and experiences with other parents needing support. Training and supervision will be provided to assist you in making the dif- ference for a family. Volunteers are also needed to spend some leisure time with a special -needs child, develop hobbies and interests that the two of you can share. Cal Wendy Swinden at 433- 0386, end. 308. MEALS -ON -WHEELS: Community Care is registering volunteers who can deliver Meals on Wheels over the lunch hour to seniors and disabled adults. Call Traci at 686-3331 for more inforrrnatiorn. ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES: The an- nual fundraising campaign is in urgent need of coordinators, captains, telemar- keters and canvassers. Volunteers are also required to assist with special events and bingo. All volunteers receive training, flexible hours and an opportuni- ty to help adults who are physically dis- abled. For more information contact Denise Harding at 434-5280. PICKERING'S BEAR NECESSITIES: Stuffed animals are needed to refurnish and donate to local women's shelters. Call Brenda at 839-2141. PICKERING READING CIRCLE: Vol- unteers are needed to read to or listen to children aged four to 12 years read in English or French on Saturdays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Call 839-3037. ROGERS, CABLE 10: If you are inter- ested in TV production, are aged 14 or older, live, work or go to school in Ajax, you are invited to volunteer. Contact Karen Feeley, Volunteer Coordinator, at 436-4128. STEWART GROUP HOMES: Volun- teers are needed to befriend an 18 -year- old female with special needs. Cand- date should have a car. Cal Sandra at 686-3111. VOLUNTEER SERVICES OF VICTORI- AN ORDER OF NURSES - DURHAM BRANCH: Men and women of all ages from are invited to become a Friendly Visitor with a senior, it or disabled per- son. Cal 571-3151 or 14K* -263-7970. WILLIAM PEAK CO-OPERATIVE HOMES READING CIRCLE: Volun- teers are needed to read to or listen to children aged four to 12 years on Tues- days from 7 to 8 p.m. Call Debbie Mc- Murllen at 428-0573. YMCA DURHAM REGION: The Durharn Supervised Access Program is one of 14 across Ontario in which chil- dren of divorced or separated parents visit with their non-custodial parent in a safe and supervised setting. Vok; Leers aged 18 years or older are required to supervise visits between the child and the non-custodial parent in a group set- ti^9 They will summarize and record the activities of the visit for court purposes. Volunteers should have some expen- ence working with children and are re- quired to provide three references, a criminal record check and to attend ori- entation, training. ongoing workshops and meetings. Cal the Durharn Super- vised Access Program at 839-3845, ext. 305. Look for the News Advertiser online at www.durhan ww&net ►_............................. ................... -..................................................... _.____ - - -�_ -----•---------- .----- t ; � "A, 1.,• 1 1 1 F r 1 1, r ..♦ 4 i t � r 'IHF NFW% ADVEX774M FRIDAY. ATKIL J, 177W-rAtYM 63 Effective IR Saturd April 4 AVAILABLE AT THIS LOCATION ONLY: Pickering Town Centre, Pickering 50' OFF • All Men's, Ladies and Children's venter Accessories • All Men's, Ladies and Children's Winter Outerwear 0% OFF • All Infants' and Children's Fashions • All Cards, Giftwrap and Party Accessories 15' OFF • All Men's Jeans • All Footwear • All Glassware, Housewares • All Toys and Games • All Pet Supplies - SALE PRICES GOOD AT THIS LOCATION ONLY - Pickering Town Centre, 1355 Kingston Rd., Pickering 0 - . .... t PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY', APRIL 3. 1998 Lif in A x nd Pickering A COMMUNITY PHOTO GALLERY OF THE FACES AND PLACES IN OUR COMMUNITY photo by Jason Liebregts Things arelooking up St. Wilfrid Cathoiic School students Kristina interactive activities neld recently at the Picker- Mauchan. Jane King and Michael Stortc sc a: ing school. The s~ iPrt a ,- :tearing per - a hand -made banner created durmo a ..- -` sonalized T -sr dra.vings. photo by Jason Liebregts Making memories March Break may be little more than a memory for many students, but kids like Dylan Griffiths have a little souvenir to remind them of their holiday after making crafts at Grand & T --..'s Kid Office' at the P ckenn-i Tc:.n Centre. `W�'�� � A trioto talent Author h 1 Singers from the Dumbarton High School jam s a ut ors ■ choir called Harmonic Edition performed to an appreciative audience as part of the recent race Budding young Ajax authors (from left) Joshua Fudge, Jason Henley and Courtney Smith relations forum hosted by the Town. Here, (from showed they have the write stuff when the entered the Durham Unit of the Ontario Elemen- tary 3atholic Teachers Association's young authors competition. Their works were judged to be excellent and Jason's poetry has now been submitted to the provincial level competition. { photo by A.J. &am left) lanjai Mounsey, Natalie DePass and Julie Nash concentrate on hitting all the right notes during the concert. Hundreds of residents in the Pickering and Ajax areas turned out for the event. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL -3,1999-PAGE 25 L aaa^ 2 0/c on Calvin Klein nderwea C in Calv in arhler t, 7qu� CaM in Only 5'- $12 Par ALL MEN'S REG. -PRICED SOCKS Sears reg. 6.99-S16. Only 6 75m2625 ch WOMEN'S INNER FASHIONS S&(hm whiles: T -shits, bras, muscles, aM I*, balms, briefs end bice shores- Sears reg. 59-35. Only 1125-$,Z%, ALL MEN'S REG. -MGD UNDERWEAR Our (on** Wectim of conoe 'Regubtr', 'Sport' and 'Boxer' briefs in assorted colours and sims. Sears mg. S 15-36. 'PmSu0' r6 kW aierrem wk 0W *=&x aad ai kakis"a sok Am or ielk LVM* is a WW rep*W mAmamk while quantities lost. Selection may vary by store 1111-mv, In 03504 Copyright 1998. Sears Canada Inc. T� 4 / 03504 Copyright 1998. Sears Canada Inc. PAGE 2&THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 3,19" W 23'98 GRAND AM SEDAN 150 HP 2.4 litre Twin Cant engine, W4 -speed automatic transmission with enhanced traction system, dual front aD air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, child-searity rear door locks, PASSlockr" theft -deterrent c system, AM/FM stereo cassette,; rear seat heater ducts, power door locks, cn air conditioning, rear spoiler a— 59 17 8 1i 2,450 dawn payment/ or month/36 months/ tezclodes freight S6201 $300 security deposit/ $620 freight required PONUONC IBUIX FM DRIN ERS - GET WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR CENTRAL ONTARIO PONTIAC PERFORMANCE DEALERS You srM M m" this: 'Based on a 36 month lease for Pontiac Grand Am Sedan 1SA. A down payment or The GM Card® ~�'� trace 0 m, $0. and $30rex security deposit are required. Total obligation is $11,018. Annual kilometre limit: «� "T' 0*== 20.000 km, 60.08 per excess kilometre. Offer lease options are available. 'tFreight as indicated, licence, insur- � 1100-� fNARf ance and taxes are not OKAided. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Offers apply to 1998 new or demonstrator models equipped as described, and applies only to qualified retail customers in Central Ontario. Dealer order or trade may be necessary. Limited time offers which may not be combined or used with other offeis. See your Dealer for conditions and details. www.grncanada.com is a trademark of General Motors Corporation. ORegistered trademark of General Motors Corporation, M Bank licensed user of Mark "Graduate rebate subject to program rules. ..,..,. ... a ...�..... ....... �— :_-, .arr.r:�.i ,w-�..... s r a ar � a a r Z a• a s s a y aii iA .. Z-2-7 a s s a a s a• a J J J t a a s� a a s� .. • .4, 4 Js *mow iia s -s a� +- w �� • a s•y yfj•a y,� Group ettort takes them THE NEWS ADVERTISir'R FRIDAY. APRiL 3. 199 -PAG, 2T o the ball game Some lucky children from Durham Re- gion will be attending Saturday's Blue Jays game courtesy of the Province, Variety Club (Ontario) and the baseball club. The Ministry of Community and Social Services, Variety Club and the Blue Jays will host the 16th annual Blue Jays Variety Kids Day at the SkyDome. About 5,010 children and their escorts from across On- tario will watch the Jays play the Texas Rangers. Children from Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering will be at the game. "Many people have become involved with this event over the last 16 years be- a.JE !OUR 386 OR 486 AN INTEL P-166M1AX parade nctudes TX Pro BDu M, 512k p Wie st ache Intel Pentium 166MMX processor. cp1 tan. 2 � video card built in Mrrn Tower Case with 230 art p5 t5 M8 ECC AAM 8 �w e �Aa• +var,arT, y$379 cause they know what it means for the chil- dren;" said Minister of Community and So- cial Services Janet Ecker, MPP for Durham West. "It brings children from around the province to the SkyDome to enjoy a major league baseball game" The three organizations have been spon- soring the event since 1983, with the Blue Jays donating the seats and Variety Club helping with transportation and wheelchair seats for more than 150 children. The min- istry co-ordinates distribution of the tick- ets. McDonald's Restaurants donates food and soft drinks. ASHTEQ INTEL 7.44 PCPU CPU FLOPPY DRIVE COMPUTERS 2 Yr Parts & 5 Yr 32 MB 16 BIT Labour V`Jarranty SD RAM SOL#IDCARD FABRIC DOLLARS 2066 Lawrence Ave. E. 'W,_, (at YYarden) Scarborough (416) 755,42111 _ B . July 31IN 3.2 GB INTEL w 1M KIM FLOPPY 24X COV DRIVE CO -ROW trt . ,. •t -t UDMA 516- tiartl Dgnf MONITOR 32 MO III SIT 7O.t EDO 10 rCCLIA1.LAJ SOUMOCARD MODEY -, • 6Vw 3MEr 10 WATTS AANI)FiED VAC CA,tl SPEAKERS RAY EJ Er HAM SVGA 14 WIN 1115 DONE YOWTOR KEYBOARD MOTHERBOARDS r FLATBED SCANNER S139 24X ATX CD-ROM TOWER SE 21118 b B WATTS Imp VKXOCARO AMPUFIEO TOWER 104 u K WIN 95 rDKETA1Cfi1 KEYBOARD 2AK CD ROM • •' „ �(Et SPEAKERS CASE ., t• Brt Sountlaar,f ttME 80 Watt Sp�at,�rs :141 '109 • FABRIC DOLLARS 2066 Lawrence Ave. E. 'W,_, (at YYarden) Scarborough (416) 755,42111 _ B . July 31IN PALE 2$ - PHErNEWS ADVE11 ISER FRIDAY. AI'�iIL FRIDAY, APRIL 3 BUSINESS: The Ajax -Pickering Chap- ter of Business Network International meets Fridays from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at Raffles Restaurant, on Kingston Rd. west of Whites Rd., Pickering. Re- serve, 420-2667 (Margaret Henneb- ury). ADDICTION: The Serenity Group h Id BILLBOARD WHAT'S HAPPENING IN AJAX AND PICKERING entertainment by Celtic Storm from 7 to 10 p.m. Free admission. All welcome. V s a 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd. east of Whites Rd., Pick- ering. The group deals with addictions of all kinds, including co-dependency. Child-care programme available as re- quired. All welcome. 428-9431 (Jim, evenings). PUB NIGHT: Ballycliffe Lodge, 70 Sta- tion St. in Ajax holds a pub night with SATURDAY, APRIL 4 ALCOHOLISM: AI -Anon meets each Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby. It's for people whose lives are affected by someone else's drink- ing. All welcome. 728-1020 (ask for AI - Anon). BREAKFAST: The Doric Lodge. Pick- To advertise in this weekly feature call Andrea 683=51 10 ering, hosts a breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m. Cost is $5.50 for adults, $3 for children, and $15 for a family (two chil- dren). The lodge is at the corner of Hwy. 2 and Mill St., Pickering Village. 839-5789. LUNCHEON: St. Timothy's Presbyter- ian Church, 97 Burcher Rd., Ajax, holds an Easter Luncheon and bake sale from noon to 2 p.m. Adults $3.50, children under 10 $1.50. 683-9162. CONCERT: Festival Players Philhar- 1 At The Shores Of Liverpool 590 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH Every Sunday Brunch Buffet 13 Av-2 pM ..�... Open Everyday1.. Banquet facilities available o 020 I , dive Entertainm ent Entertainment program sut*ct to change Friday, up� AprN io FUp�gai slP�lio Rag v @ Jan Band aaftl OZONE R & B Dino a the Boys at the Bar I#eridth CultMg at tlee Bar Sat.. April 4th Sat, April 18 Oft R & 6 Dino Jin O'Grady at tfw Bar AHn O'Grady at the Bar =tMtM APRT It" MAMA OPEN HOUSE OZONE R & B An updawo FrIft% April 24 �OmW the Boys UpstalrolVJ GrookTirlo J Grady at til Bw Yeridth cum" at the Bar SaL, April 11 SOL, April 25 upstalrafilwo %b OZONE R i B UpatairalPalio • • Dino and the Boys Jim O'Grady at the Bar JMn O'Grady at the Bar monic Society presents its third con- cert of the season, Awakenings, at the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St., Ajax, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Dres- sup, Ernie Coombs, will narrate Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf and will be joined by Young Singers of Ajax. $15 adults; $12 for seniors/students; $5 for children 12 and under. Call 471-6926. for information SUNDAY, APRIL 5 DINNER: Claremont United Church, Brock Rd. north of the Ninth Conces- sion, holds its annual beef dinner, with sittings at 5 and 6:15 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children six to 12 and free for children under six. 649- 2183. ✓ KW, I,'LL: ✓ Excellent Fwd Freshly Prepared ✓ Model Steam & Utesal Trains Vol' Nintendo r4 Board Game-, for r�1,�+� ,�,f�t�) ✓ Ki(l, ti Adult,, V� Maet,ian Fndav Saturda),1Sunday p u pon Buy 1 Entree 01 a yew winings uet zw free ` c F R T A 1 R A f• T1. w u1�•eo. lei.+. nck..+Rs Ow,,. Tel•p...• +os.z. IaSS 603 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario F(3R EAST R 4 ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLIFE IN AJAX AND PICKERING Barney jumps from the little screen to the silver screen FIND THAT FAMILIAR PURPLE DINOSAUR ON HIS GREAT ADVENTURE Now playing at Picker- ing Town Centre's Fa- mous Players Cinemas: Barney's Great Ad- venture: The big purple, loyahlc dinosaur known to millions of children on the ;mall screen makes his tii--screen debut. Super - ,, cc -duper! Grease: John Travolta, Olivia Newton -John. I'wcnty years after the ar, est grossing movie mu- ical in� box-office history fiat hit the silver screen, Danny. Sandy. Rizzo, I-renchy and friends are hark, only this time (hc,�'rc coming at audi- cnccs to enhanced colour ,ind digital sound. Hush: Gwyneth Pal - ;r,%%. Jessica Lange. After marrying and moving to the :oUntry estate of Kilro- nan. Helen (Paltrow) thinks she has the perfect Ittc. complete with charm - m_ mother-in-law Martha I Lange), who is devoted to her only son (Johnathan Schacch). Helen learns there is more to her than meets the e, e. L.A. Confidential: Los :1n, ales in the early 5(►s...a booming city anx- ious to shed its small-town skin. Through television, L.A. is being touted as the metropolis of the future. The reality is somewhat different. From its tabu- ous mansions to its siz- /Iing nightclubs, it's a city ()fCorruption, double deal - Ing and dangerous pas- sions. Lost in Space: Inspired by the television series and featuring some of the orig- inal actors, the science -fic- tion adventure film takes audiences into the not -too - distant future with the Robinson family aboard the R The Man in the Iron Mask: Leonardo Di- Caprio. It's 1660. France is starving and the arro- ,.ant and cruel King Louis XIV (DiCaprio) has suc- ceeded his father to the throne. At the same time, a mysterious prisoner con- tinues his decade-long stay at the Bastille, encased in an iron mask. To save the nation, the retired Musketeers (John Malkovich, Gerard Depar- dicu and Jeremy Irons) must reunite with Muske- tccr Captain d'Artagnan (Gabriel Bvrne) to free the prisoner and unlock the se- cret of his identity. Meet the Deedles: Dennis Hopper. Hawaiian surfing dude twins Phil and Stew Deedlc (Paul Walker and Steve Van Wormer) are mistaken for Park Ranger recruits and. before they know it, are launched into extreme ac- tion to save Yellowstone Park from pesky prairie dogs and a vengeful ex - park ranger Frank Slater (Hopper). who is living to his underground grotto and planning his revenge. U.S. Marshals: Wesley Snipes. Ruthless assassin Sheridan (Snipes) is on the run from the law trying to discover who fingered him in two New York City mur- ders in this sequel to The Fugitive. Back again to track the fugitive is Tommy Lee Jones in the role of Chief Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard. Now playing at the Cineplex Odeon Ajax 10 Cinemas: Barney's Great Adven- ture, Grease, Lost in Space, The Alan in the Iron Mask. Jupiter 2 spacecraft. The Borrowers: John omance writers wanted Budding authors seeking to break into the romance novel market won't want to miss a workshop sponsored by a local literary group. The Writers' Circle of Durham Region hosts a day- long seminar entitled How to Write and Sell a Romance Novel at the Pickering Cen- tral Library Saturday, April 25 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Led by Brian Henry, an editor with Harlequin Books for seven years, the workshop will take participants beyond the basics and show them how to write a romance novel which will sell. People wanting to attend must register in advance. The Pickering Central Li- brary is at One The Es- planade. Call 905-728-7823, Goodman. Evil realtor Ocious Potter (Goodman) squares off against the Borrowers, four -inch -high "little people" who live under the floorboards. Good Will Hunting: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck. Damon plays misunder- stood 20 -year-old orphan Will Hunting who. while working as a janitor at MIT. outshines the school's most advanced in- tellectuals. But, the genius can't seem to translate his prob- lem -solving capabilities into his personal life and becomes caught in the worlds of his friends — therapist (Robin Williams). math professor (Stellan Skarsgard) and the woman he loves (Minnie Driver). Mercury Rising: Bruce Willis. FBI agent Art Jef- fries (Willis) is despondent and without hope, relcgat- cd to routine assignments following a bott:hed under- cover operation. But. when he's assigned to in%estigate the disap- pearance of a nine-vcar- old autistic child whose parents have been mysteri- ously slain, he unknowing- ly stumbles into a situation that is anything but rou- tine. The Newton Boys: Matthew McConaughey. Based on the true story of America's most successful bank robbers. The Newton Boys, who robbed more than 80 hanks from Texas to Canada be- tween 1919 and 1924. capped their life of crime with a $3 -million mail train heist outside Chica- go. Primary Colors: John Travulta. A political satire on the Bill Clinton presidency with Travulta in the lead role of 'Slick Willv'. Titanic: Leonardo Di- Capriu, Kate Winslet. An epic love story unfolds on the doomed ocean liner. Oscars galore! Wild Things: Neve Campbell, Keytn Bacon. Passion ignites passion. mystery uncovers mystery as the lives of four cunning characters twist and turn amid a hizarre labyrinth of truth and illusion. No %. pla-ving at Aloviplex 9, Pickering: As GoodAs it Gets, The Borrowers, Gond Will Hunting, Alercury Rising, The Newton Boys. Prima- ry Colors, Titanic, Wild Things. The gull Monty: Strip- ping Jown to your skt.,.tes is no easy business, unless your idea o} fun is getting laughed out of town by everyone you know. Just ask the boys who've done it — The Full Monty. Spice %%orld: Spice Girls. Push. Sporty, Scary Ginger and Baby in their feature film debut Plcnty of music and, of sours. Spice. Wedding Singer: Adam Sandler, Dre,.% Bar- rymore. In the 1980s. Roh- by Hart (Sandlot is the world's greatest wedding singe. But when he gets jilted at his own weddine. he be - conies one hitter camper — that is, until he finds true love after falling for someone else's bride (Bar- ry more ). 0 THE ,NV WSt �DVF.1FF1SER F1r;IDAY, APWIL )1, 199$ , )PAGE 29 Mr. Dressup is here! A.IAX -- Ernie Coombs, whom Canadians know and love as Mr. Dressup, reads Prokotiev's Peter and ttic Wolf and will be joined by Young Singers of Ajax Saturday. April 4 at Picker- ing Village Unit- ed Church. Cost is S15 adults. $12 for seniors and students and $5 for children 12 and under. Call 471-6926. Cues, Balls & Accessories dome & Leisure Centre i Centre Brock Rd. & 401 ...a Pickering 428-9767 11 i ■ e�' •.►fel 111- _. Y1 - - \1GI T t)\ THE TONNN •.%IRI'OR • C.�SIN0 NIAGARA • «EDDI\GS • ('ORPORATE • GRADS • PROMS em�.t-Lm.v� �n.0 „Atheu,,. nhrtn. , •,m wcMite-htlpJ/www.around the town Gmo.com Around The Town Limousine Serrices Call For Info ( 416) 7_57-24244 1t Free O Narking! Free -1 The Ajax chume from �✓ Multicultural Ajax Nfe=a! ,IL Festival Free it Admission! Saturday April 4, 1998 30:00 am to 5:00 Pm The Mclean Community Centre Westney Road North. Ajax • Toronto Raptors Skills Clinic • Elhnic Food • Ethnic A6nnsK a Dance • Chiwnee's Costwse Contest • cultural Presentations • Fashion Show •DispWsArid Much, Much Mom... Participants are encouraged to wear ethnic clothing to rafted the diversity of the conwriunity. I- Ab1c Ute c a (90S) 427-30U , ......� O/ - - —, CM "IRERS �AMCariaoa_ PIC AN W) T� ✓TITANIC (PG) (tiro Scmns) MTHUFM 7:30, 6:30 SAT L SUIT HAT. 112:30,3:20,42% mf 0000 WILL IMI11TM0 (M) FRI: TIRIRS > IS WTO111M0YS (M) FRL-TNURS. 7:15.9:50T SAi ✓SUN ✓TITANIC (PG) (tan 2 S"SM) FAL-THURS. (1:00. 4:4s) 6:30. MATT ✓61000 ML 1MMtTM10 (AA) FRI.-THURS. 9:00 ✓ THE EOWWWE (F) FRL-THURS. (4:30) ✓ OIIEASE (PG) FRL-TNURS 1:06, M SATASUK WT. (1:15,146) (Plew rote an SAT 6 SLk no 7:01 PA dtwn) ✓ PIYMAl1Y COLORS (M) FRL-THURS (122q 626 9:30 ✓ MEET TIM OE1111DLES (PG) FRL-THURS. 6:45 ✓T11E N6IwTON MOTS (AA) FRL•THURS. (12 0. k50) SATASUN. MAT. (12:4 2:30,4Z) 6:50,1000 ✓MAN M TMII NIOM MSK I►q FRt-RIAS. 636. to SATLSIII W 19.4a ✓ N THE MINOR MASK (PG) FRL-THUNS (1240, 3:40) 6eWN.D TIOS MMNFRL-THURS. 7:35, bis SAT. i SUN. MAT. 6MAN (1:45,1:15) ✓ W11LD T6NIIOS (AA) FAL-TIRM. (12.00.3:20) 6:10, 9:10 ✓PRINSANT COLONS (AIS FRt-n1N15. 6:3L 930 Sit. 6 SM t61T (3001 ✓tiMEASE (PG) FRL-THURS. (12:15.3:10) 7:20,1010 ✓LOST M SPACE (PG) FRL-TMFIS. 6:50.9:35 SAT. & SUN. ✓ LOOT M SPACE (PG) (On 2 Scluerw) FRL•THURS. (12:30. MAT. (12'.4 3:30) 1:00, 3:30.4:00) 6:30 7:00. !20,10:00) 7:10,10:10 TIM APOSTLE (PG) FRL-THM. 6:30, 9:20 SAT. -SUN. (12:35 3:35) ✓ MEwC Y MISMI_ (AA) NO PASSES FAL•THURS 11:30, ✓MWICY11Y NgM10 (M) FRI: THURS. 7:10.9:40 SAT -SUN. 4:1017:10,9:35 MAT. (2:00, 4:30XNO PASSES) ✓ MANN[Y'S _ItlAT ADVOn in (F) FRL•THUFt& (12:10, ✓TNE MOIMIOtNENS (F) SAT. i SUN. MAT. 1255 215, 4:15) 6:15 NCINEMAGUIDS V PRESENTED IN DIGITAL SOUND FWHITBY 905i 432-1279 TT .. TINE NEWTON MOPS (AA) FRL-TKM. 6:45,1020 SAT. L SUN. MAT. L12:4.415) WILD THEM (Mi 1`111I.-THURS. 6:45.9:06 AS GOOD AS IT GETS (AA) FRI.-THURS. 7:00.1000 SAT.- SUN. MAT. (1:15, 4:00) MMMARY COLORS (AA) FRL-NigS. 6:30 SAT, i SUI, MAT. (12:15, 330) _000 11111LL HUNTN6G (AA) FN.-THURS. 9:20 LUST M SPACE (PGNOn 2 Screens) FRL•THRUS. 7:00, 7:30. 9:35,1005 SAT L SUN. MAT. J12101:00,315.1451 MERCURY F4 M1_ (AA) NO PASSES FRL-THURS. 7:15, 9M SAT. -SUN. 112:00, T26.4:50) GREAT GIFT IDEAS FROM CINEPLEX ODEON Gift.oj Night Out Entertatnlnent at the Movies GIFT CERTIFICATES ENtERTAINI ENT PACKAGE AvaA** in $5 anti IntluOes adrmnm tickets PAGE 30 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 3. 1996 Christian ro kc ersk0o to R1se1no u aril�p vBYAI~ Staff reporter AJAX — A local band is hoping its stature as a Christian alternative rock group will Rise as a result of a new CD set to be released in Oshawa Saturday. Rise, a four -member band of musicians from Ajax and Oshawa, will release its new CD Stuck at a gathering of family, friends, fans and record executives at Calvary Baptist Church in Oshawa. "It should be a big night:' says Brian Burnie, lead vocalist and guitarist. "We're ex- pecting about 300 people there, including some industry people:' Stuck. the band's second independent CD, was recorded over six months at Spruce Winds Studios in Peterborough. The recording of the 12 -track disc was completed last month and, after the record release party, will be distrib- uted across Canada. Rise's first effort, Becom- ing, was released in January 1996. Bumie feels Rise's latest recording effort is a "major step up" from its last disc so band members expect it to receive serious consider- ation for radio airplay. "We were happy with the first disc, but we're hoping this one is a make -it -or -break -it album:' says Bumie, of Ajax. "We're sending it to a lot of record companies and we have a national distribution deal. We're hoping for an international distribution deal, of course" Since the release of its first CD two years ago, Rise went through some personnel changes. Burnie and drummer Jason Bowman, also from Ajax, were joined a year -and -a -half ago by lead guitarist Rick Bailey and bass gui- tarist Jim 'Harley' Hartley, both of Oshawa. Burnie reports the arrival of the two newest members of Rise has resulted in a more equi- table sharing of the songwriting duties for the newest CD. "On our first CD Becoming it was pretty much my own songwriting. On Stuck, every- one had input into the songwriting and every- one added their own parts. It was more of a collaboration than the first CD:' notes Burnie. The Christian rock genre, while not a main - You could be JFor Joy at concert PUNJABI BY NATURE CLOSES OUT AJAX MULTICULTURAL FESTIVAL AJAX — A Juno Award nominat- ed band will close out the second an- nual Ajax Multicultural Festival. Punjabi by nature earned the nom- ination in 1996 for its release Jmpn For Joy. The group was also a MuchMusic nominee for the Global Groove Award. Formed in 1993. punjabi by na- ture has put a spin on hip-hop and dance music with an infusion of In- dian bhangra. Led by lead singer Tony Singh. the nine -member group is a self -described dance-bhangra comho. Jmpn For Joy was rele.i cd :n 1995 ;wd praise for punt:Eh- '-% - t lure has come critics with IMPACT and eye magazines. Eye calls the group one of the coolest collections of musicians in Toronto and also credits the group as ..an exuberant mongrel reggae/Pun- jabi/bhangra band." The group has appeared on Elec- tric Circus. Ear to the Ground, and Rita and Friends. It has also released its own video for the single Bhangra Daddy's. "A performance by a group of this calibre. all of whose members live in Ajax, will prove a fitting end to a day of harmony, music and variety." mul- U:u!'.Iral fc.t:�al �c-rdinatr I'au The band will perform on Satur- day. April 4 at 6 p.m. in the HMS Ajax Room of the Ajax Community Centre on Centennial Road. Opening the show will be AKA, a band specializing in a blend of hip- hop, reggae, R&B, jazz and modern funk. AKA has appeared on Break- fast Television, Comfort Zone, Re - verb and Twiggy 's. Concert tickets are $5 per person and are available at the guest ser- vices desk of the Pickering Town Centre, the three branches of the Ajax Puhlic I.ihrary, as well as at the �lllr ;. rr.ration, call Mr. aetT-aescrtbea "aance-bhangra' band Punjabi by second annual Ajax Multicultural Festival. Punjabi nature takes the stage Saturday night at the Ajax by nature was nominated for a Juno award in 1996 Community Centre's HMS Room to help close the and has received much critical acclaim. FUTURE SHOP Is tr. r M..a Refri ndw i vew+ /kw � me.t p°" k"ilk1 ETllN sh • • 6 NMI liN 11 N' WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY GE, WHIRLPOOL OR FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR ($79.99 VALUE) See in-store for complete details On ALL appliance closeout models stay on mainstream radio, has nonetheless made some big inroads in the past several years, explains Burnie. "it has changed an awful lot. It used to be that Christian rock was well behind commer- cial rock on radio. It was five or 10 years be- hind. Now, there are so many (Christian rock) bands out there the doors are wide open. Chris- tian rock music is now completely comparable to what's being played on radio. We fully ex- pect to have our music played alongside any other rock artist" Bumie says Rise is looking to do some small tours in the late summer which the band hopes will lead to some week-long tours in the fall. aaaaD#40,f,*,,._ LARGER NON SMOKING AREA Come join us for our great new lunch menu. You could win a $500 voucher towards the golf course of your choice. OPEN DAILY AT 11:00 a.m. i to4 16 Anlrle Kendalwood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. East Whitby 432-8400 Xwe 8 NMI Now* PAC" tk FREE RENTAL at Iceberg? 1ITANIC XXX' r.... r._ —#.I. I.il. c.wM. (rwf w EH w M.1 11� MMM. E"— Apl «,A 29.99 NI Aff 11F 10 AM r° IIIE7AIGMT. GAYS A FREE S FOR I RENTALI OYER MORE C r 00o NEW turf. MAGAZINES EMGERSNI RELEASES A ce maiWEENMOnES AJAX OSHAWA 27 Harwood Ave. S. 799 Park Rd. S. 426-6434 721-1557 aaaaD#40,f,*,,._ LARGER NON SMOKING AREA Come join us for our great new lunch menu. You could win a $500 voucher towards the golf course of your choice. OPEN DAILY AT 11:00 a.m. i to4 16 Anlrle Kendalwood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. East Whitby 432-8400 44 A a r a F%plaulm KA matic,air, V8, 2-tc W" -- "T T I; I /4 '0 ■ 9 % FINANCING AVAIL.AB LE • Niel R. MR aaT 1997 GRAM CNKRO� LTD 19" I #P%W L '6128 I "N —on N.- • W--z• -.1- to choose4 from pkamm !.. W_t L-:. 7d I.. r IN TED DWAYNE TED 14o MIKE JIM DON BILL HAZEN KEVIN KERRY' LEN JERRY TOM PAUL CORRIGAN WILLIAMSON PICKARD WILLIAMSON McELROY ARSENAULT GOODWYN HARDING WORSLEY PICKARD WOODCOCK DRAGE BRASSOR GROBERT LA HRY LE 1.4_ _ ON VM. �,777 77; P SPORTS I KERIN Raimders'novices Ontariso champs The Ajax -Pickering Raiders iBEW Local 353 minor novice -AAA' rep hockey team overcame adversity to bring home the first All -Ontario title in the history of the Raiders' organization. The Raiders claimed the title after edging out the Burlington i agles in the two -game final series, which needed a separate ,udden-death overtime period to determine an Ontario champi- on. The final series followed a five -team round-robin Ontario Minor Hockey As- sociation playdown, all at Memorial Arena in Brampton this past weekend. After Burlington and Ajax -Picker- ing split the two games in the Sfinal series, the overtime period ensued. Shortly into the extra frame, Mike McCusker scored to give the Raiders the title. Marcus Carroll and James Jarvis drew assists on the game winner. Burlington, who went undefeated to earn a spot in the final. edged out the Raiders in the second game 6-5 to send the series to overtime. Alexander Cyr led the scoring attack with a hat trick, Brendan Hann and Carroll netted single markers. Daniel Pineau earned two assists, Hann, McCusker. Michael Carey and Kevin Watts added one apiece. Goaltendcr Jeremy Eckford and John Roizntals shared the net duties. The Raiders won the first game of the final series 3-2. Derek Gregorack. Jarvis and McCusker scored for Ajax-Pickenng. Carroll chipped in with a pair of assists, Jarvis and Cyr added one apiece. Eckford performed spectacularly in the net to pre- serve e the win. The IBENV novices played a four -game round robin series, po%ting a 2-2 record, then sneaking into the final after the goal - differential rule favoured Ajax -Pickering. The Raiders bombed the Richmond Hill Stars 114 in the first game. McCusker fired four goals to spark the offensive at- tack. Cyr chipped in with two, Shaun Adams, Hann, Carroll, Gregorack and Watts had single markers. Johnny Paterson, Carew. Carroll, Jarvis and Hann each had two assist~, John Har- rington, Watts, Cyr, Pineau, McCusker and Meghan Edwards aekled one apiece. Eckford and Rozentals were both outstanding in net. Mo.Cusker earned most valuable player honors. Despite a valiant comeback attempt, the Raiders dropped a 5- 4 decision to the Burlington Eagles. Cyr, McCusker, Edwards and Hann %coxed for Ajax-Pickenng. Carroll earned d ree as- si%L,. Garrett Trainor had a single helper. Eckford and Rozentals .hared the goaltending chores. Hann was the: game MVP. In game three, the Raiders were silenced for only the second time this season, losing 4-0 to the Oakville Rangers. Eckford was solid in net. Cyr was named the game MVP, but later gave his MVP ring to Eckford as he felt the goalie deserved the hon- our. Tho: Ajax -Pickering novices rallied in the fourth game to nip the host Brampton Maroons 3-2. Cyr potted two goal, with Car- roll contributing a single marker. Gregorack earned an assist. Rozentals provided superior goaltending to preserve the win. Carroll was named the game's MVP. The Raiders' minor novices are coached by Jim Gatens, assisted by Randy Johnson. The trainer is Ed Mc- Cusker, the manager is Blanche Carey. AJAX44CKERINdG RANGERS SUPPORTERS CLUB WILL BE SHOWING FALKIRK VS. HKAI Ts APRIL 4th CELTIC& 111'&. RAN0ER8 APRIL 6th RANOMM N&. CELTICS APRIL 12th TO BE HELD AT THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 111 HUNT STREET, AJAX FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 427-5910 r ne Ajax-rrcKerrng Harders 'AAA' minor novices captured the All -Ontario championship this season. Team members are, back row, from left, Blanche Carey, manager. Jim Gatens, coach, Brendan Hann, Meghan Edwards, Mike McCusker and Johnny Paterson. In middle row are, from left, Alexan- der Cyr, Derek Gregorack, Michael Carey, Garrett Trainor, Daniel Pineau, Marcus Carroll, James Jarvis and Ed Mc- Cusker, trainer. In front row are, from left, Jeremy Eckford, John Harrington, Shaun Adams, Kevin Watts and John Rozentals. Missing was assistant coach Randy Johnson. w civb ' ,gv`e S Caot�m �1 �K Pto9ram �R,s 6 �pN rn9Pk�ca SP cog 'REGIS F°�o*%(\C\ - 'F 5 yes old Ot pke� ten 3 kn tot c��Kp,(E . L '.\d en CNIA m tot c SV- PeieS 5 \NeO a9 �-on CEN n Re9`S«M 5�t►, O jpx Cp v fi � %,% a- me,a9e 1ge V-ok int S G oK%ce 3 Ajax Ringette Association "A" TF" TRYOUTS Art Thompson Arem All players must be registered with the ARA prior to the tryouts. Out of town players trying out must present written permission signed by the President of their home association. There will be a $5.00 fee per tryout. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 3,19" - PAGE 33 A T t E N t 1 O JV JR GOLF TOURNAMSNTa i DINNER PACKACE WEEKDAYS e38-- WEEKENDS s4S-0 PLUS PST. GST 6 TIP kx Uldes Deium Hot i Cold Buffet or New York Si"n Dinner ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB awa sr. Pt OF 6Anr. AJA11 om 683-3210 PORT HOPE GRAND OPENING!! (ALL IS Holes Open) wE ARE OPEN FOR THE SEASON! BUY' YOUR 1998 MEMBERSHIP! ADULT 7 DAY 5675.00 HUSBAND dL WIFE 7 DAY 5990.00 SENIOR 7 DAY S59S.00 SENIOR 5 DAY $490.00 JUNIOR 5220.00 ALL PRICES ARE til O.JE(-r TO AMACARLE TAXF_%. AND MAN CHANGE AT ANN TIME FOR THE GOLFER ON THE GO.... TRY OLR WNI-MENbERSHIPS, 10 ROUNDS OF 18 HOLES - $1:):5 00 il,%C TAX) 10 ROUNDS OF 9 ROLLS - 311;.5 00 (INC TAX) AIr'ORIN STREET N7' TH N)RT HgPF nAT%P10 L' -X 31 1-905-865-648; a 1.eDo. &SMI _.-. WARW . LBe a crood sport... recycle this newspaper. =yDYR"" % RUSWf SS C1WR1 Summer Youth Hockey League Register April 5, 11 and 19 - Sundays May 10th to July 25th boys & girls 10.16 yrs 90 muwte session (includes food) -Atom 12:15 pm - 3:15 pm -Peewee 3:15 pm - 6:15 pm -Bantam 6:15 pm - 9:15 pm - $199 includes jerseys and awards -12 sessions Registration in person Sunday April 5, Saturday April 11 and Sunday April 19, 10:00 a.m. to noon at Iroquois Park Sports Centre. For more information call 668-7765 Blast Roller Hockey League No previous experience repaired! Roller Hockey at Iroquois Park Sports Centre! This new sport will be offered from May to July through the BLAST Roller Hockey League. A House League program is planned for players from Age 7 to Adult, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings at 7:00 & 8:00 p.m. The league is open to men, women, boys and girls and includes a 14 game schedule, 12 players plus a goalie per team, a Pre -Season Skills Clinic, uniform, awards, photos and fun. For more information call the: BLAST INFO -LINE at (905) 728-8550. PAGE 34 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL. 3, 1998 SPORTS Three Pickering juniors M n tennis' ton 10 PICKERING — Junior players from the Pickering Recreation Complex tennis training programme fin- ished among the top in On- tario last week. Anna Leksinska. Adil Shamasdin and Jennifer Cremieux, all of Pickering. finished fourth, fifth and seventh, respectively, at the Ontario Junior Closed Singles Tennis Champi- onships in Downsview. Leksinska placed fourth by earning a berth in the main semi-final event. which she lost 6-4. 6-4 to the eventual champion Katarzyna Palider of Mis- sissauga. Leksinska improved upon her sixth seeding by defeating number -three ranked Danielle Grenier from Fort Erie 6-4. 6-4 in the main quarter -final. She beat Ekatarina Shuleava of North York 6-1. 6-1 and Anna Tikhomirova of Toronto 6-1, 6-0 in two previous rounds. Shamasdin's road to a fifth -place finish was somewhat longer, as he compiled a string of six victories, including wins over the fourth and eighth seeds in the feed -in (sec- ond chance) portion of the event. He started out with some difficulty. falling 6- 3. 6-1 to Guelph's John Vladea on the first day of competition. Shamasdin regained his composure during a 7-6. 6- 2 win over Ottawa's George Wang and went on to handle eighth -seed Rob Schmidt 6-1. 6-4. Jibadc Thomas 6-3. 6-2. fourth - seed Michael Thompson 6- 4, 6-1 and Haroud Akha- van 6-0. 6-3. In the feed -in final. Shamasdin was down a set and 1-4 in the second set to Downsview's Matthew Baccarani. Shamasdin turned the ta- bles and emerged with a 2- 6. 6-4. 6-2 victory. Cremieux earned her seventh -place finish by making it to the main quar- ter -finals and scoring a win in the feed -in quarter -fi- nals. In the first round. Cremieux defeated Toron- to's Ekaterina Alchits 6-4, 6- 1. She then posted a 6-3, 6-2 win over Niagara's Monica Dancevic, before bowing out in the main quarter -final to the eventu- al champ Katarzyna Palid- er. In the feed -in semi-fi- nals. Cremieux lost to third -seed Danielle Gre- nier 6-4, 7-5. Durham athletes sync and swim to nationals Durham Sy nchronized Swim Club members were in sync to turn in goof results at the Eastern Divisional Cham- pionships at the Etobicokc Olympium Pool March 26 to 30 and earned a berth at the nationals. The meet attracted 139 competitors representing On- tario and Quebec synchro- nized swim clubs. Durham Synchro — which has mem- from Ajax and Pickering — was represented by two 15 -to -17 -year old national stream teams at the elite event. Durham Synchro's first 15-17 team, coached by Deana Inglish Shaw, finished fourth overall. second in On- tario, in the figure competi- tion. The squad also turned in an outstanding routine perfor- mance. The routine score all, second in the province. The squad will now ad- vance to the National Syn- chronized Swim Champi- onships in Quebec May 2 to 10. Team members are Katie Ancell. Jenny Burgess. Stephanie Crann. Jessica Coburn. Amanda Damtsis, Shaina Dinsdale, Amy McPherson. Lauren Millar and Leslie Wickens. Durham's newest national stream 15-17 team, coached by Holley Lundmark, per- formed a lively routine set to Elvis mucic which earned it a 13th -place overall, seventh in the province. Lundmark's team will now concentrate on perfect- ing its routine and developing solo and duet programmes for the Trillium Meet at York University June 5 combined with the figure to 7. The meet will mark gave the team fifth over- feature the Ontario NHL oldtimers at tourney PICKEMG — An NHL oldtimers game will be featured as part of the annual Bay Ridges Hockey Tournament, which opens tonight, Friday, and con- tinues through Saturday evening. The ninth annual tourney, slated for Don Beer Arena will see a Pickering over -60 hockey squad take on NHL oldtimers Saturday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Former NHL players Bob Lalonde, the Conacher brothers and Ivan Irwin are among the oldtimers who'll suit up. Tickets for the oklumers' game, are $5 for adults and are available at the door: Children are admitted flee. The weekend of hockey will end with a dance, prizes and a buffet Saturday night. Tickets for the dance are sold out. Food and an upstairs bar will be available throughout the tourney. Don Beer Arena is at 940 Dillingham Rd. "Jo" (call) as well as the top three squads from the Age Group Championships set fix Etobiail:e May 21 to 24. Team members arc Aixa Avancini, Jennifer Bell, Kim- berley Bonnar, Andrea Cyder - man, Alexandre Houtart, Ash- ley Malarczuk. Heidi Nemeth and Heather Therrien. Durham Synchro's Jenny Burgess and Shaina Dinsdale placed seventh, second in the province. for their duet rou- tine at the Eastern divisional championships. Burgess and Dinsdale will now move on to compete at nationals in May. Leslie Wickens and Burgess also competed in the solo category at Etobicoke. They finished 16th and 17th, respectively, earning them fourth and fifth -place honours in Ontario. S tMwuNTp GOXX • Beginner & Bade to Basic Classes • Beginning the week of April 6 diesCall Greg Salazar (CGTF/USGTF) to mP reserve your spot pr. 2 93mi Hass" bad d Fox Lai Fo@at CAwtre Taunton Rd., Ajax P er4 I tem , ON � 17NIN Your Headquarters for Soccer Supplies off' adidas t-bor tc-*46 ............................. �►C Full Team uniforms Jerseys, Shorts and Shoes: Track Suits IJWU • 0 - Replica Jerseys Aurlipmn Nets & Balls Jewellery & Novelties And much more... Located at 71 Station St # 2 ON L1 S 152 TORONTO -*-- 401 -► osxwwA s St. 40#**11�� - r • - - • • • - - - • • - • - • • - - - • - - - Any In store purchase o1 $25.00 or more $5,00 OFF Not valid with any other offer Expires June 30th, 1998 Ajax News Advertiser office 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax HOURS: 9 am - 5pm Mon.- Fri. Closed Saturay oP'... Ilii :. :4t.'i'.? •' 'lit ll'.tr i'l THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 3,1998 -PAGE 35 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Pickering News Advertiser Outlet 1822 Whites Rd. Pickering Sara/Lee-Amberlea Plaza FAX' (905)579-4218 a10"° lineso �i til Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. h apw RUN. -- Fri., Sat 9:30am - 3pm Sun -Noon til 5 m I I Careers I I careen QUALIFIED ESL TEACHERS Needed in Pickering. Part-time, communica- trce method for July. Must enjoy teenagers. Send CV to: 180 Oloor St. W., N202 Toronto, Ontario M5S 2V5 or fax CV to: 416968-6916 BE READY !cr the 21st len- . ,-y LA FRANCE'S NATURAL -ERAPY CLINIC altering , tared Aromatnerapy Mas - .,•)e course. Ear Candling urse and Certified ReKex- gY Course Can for rib and register (905)721-0363. znawa Next Aroma work- iop tpreteguisite April 26. pm $40) Financial assis- .nce availablefor ttinderbls. CAREER SCHOOL OF FLOR- CESIGN 26 wk FbrWrY i -names Program. 12 will n- "SIve 3-phase program. 3 ► Professional course. Io - ,me video. Segwwers Pro- : -am Part-bme/w film f urses available A w' - ocre all your Iramm acumes worthwtnne Firm- Jinsls:ance may be aww- ,:xe 905-436-7746 THE NAIL STATION Career ammc :enter Become a .nit technician, are/r training I ratable in aardin g. pnelbtraltir raft. 9 rlludtm inadrrxl(nga' arwalt- ifNe NaIK i20 (905)723- 3063 CONSEXPERIENCED line *s required for busy PKk- irup restaurarx. Abk to work n a fait paced emixforment. At 1905) 839-0443 br ap, xxmniait 1 General Hleo PRESCHOOL COMPUTER IN- ,TRUCTOR reigned Ifnab tlMM - Imwiduaft xtmrested browsing complAa trea" ler .e / Aiwa areas nconm pdwrr► at tined on ndtvidual per- • trinarnce "In pass" Ilam. V Of Ups SBO011weeki Full be provided Min � p�e peoplele kilts. sed conwrdence. strong Imre 10 succeed, auto hays .liable Vehicle Oro uptileat. -WrgetK, ndliduals need oply If riles sounds kke you. •'t s uik Fax resume to 305)619.0249 BEAUTY SALON opening in Ala. Positions avaiwile AS- 1atant Manger. Stylists. IUN and art time Must be If- _ensed. salary/commission. -ail Claude 1905)5762512. MARKET requires Experienced Produce and Deli help immediately. Apply in person with resume to Lirxia PICKERING TOWN CENTRE CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- ability for non -insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount Paid for the space OCCU_ pying the error. All copy Is subject to the appro- val Of management of News Advertiser. copy 6 mail disks ,fo RUSH SASE. To: L.L. 60-8 Bristol Road fur, 359A. Mississauga, 0 L4Z 3K8 1 General Help SNORT ORDER COOK -new Oshawa Pub. Experience nec- essary.. Call Mptday 9 am - 5 p.1- 519441 tax 404-2500. COONS. SEPMRS, bar- Ternders. needed for new Pub A Akna b. and Hwy 2 Fax rewau b 905-509-4224 [KNEZEM Unded Church seeks OrganistMusoc Direc- lor to commence September 1. 199"- ItesponNibblities to include mid -week char prx- ka and ore Sunday stria Pleasem lorwal resres by Friday APM 17M. 199" to: The search Committer. 1464 cowite Rd. Cowba. Om LIE 2161 or Fax 905468- 4433 (Sino) House Cleaner Afrynday-Friday. Days only. Approx. 25 hrslw•k 1kivers license 6 references re- quired Se rf im- mediately. Can (905) 420-7042 Hmct.lml re - guired fun and part bme W Nm Ham Cola Cenve in am wMby NO Minimum 2 yrs exp. Can NKk 723-0211 or Evat- alls 6662125 EIVE"NCED tandsapen needed lust have own trans- portM=o Also foreman need- ed Serious cans 1905oonMlyy )426-5551 or (9D5µ26- EMRIENUO Poo person. concrete finisher, lull hme. long hours. For mere W.111- tion Ano muniew call (905) 839-6399 or tax (905) 839- 8676 FRIOMY FAMILIES want rt1Moo Spanish ten on .lily in Durham GCultural expen- w"I Durham. ad $90 a week. (905) 438-9347. NnwSTTLIST with experience and ChKd a tot downtown scion Call Axxess tA0OlN M and OZ Driver needed for tiusp sod farm. Own transpertabon required. Lag hours. some (Navy litl- inq RAepsumin will be received a 4100 Grim lid. 1Hamilto y G 905- 2213. LANOSCAE calsvoc im La - bowers warbled Expimim s in �am Mumma ffaiL OZ kence std a". own Itaasporhkowt required. cal (905)438-1276 LANOWAPE consil -'n yo- personnel. Knowledge in in- adwil. stops, rAaiti g tones, and psicact. Must have own trmportaN6N. Clean drM q abstract. Fax resume (905)432.2166. LANOWAVE consralumisaks person aquina. Experience f rilisa al ar10 cofnter- tcial, landscape mostrucuon. Salary dofMtion. fall (905f 276 KUM Responsritile people to NN millassing positions. lExperou with dwity or fulindinusang an asset. but rid esfebliil. W111 will train. Call 1-800.3462669. MAT1111E Bstgwl serving MOOS -23 to ode en till MEw SM and wetness nsc sten squired for Saturday X' o al a moria casual squires mumtull-ti5 upscale ex- 9"nk s. F=Mnal M am lorlro war in Ni1101u1t stylist minimum a gars Also WM. wiN thin. Good with 1988 Taablo Pst ex entrCNIIIIIe- ILA and with * with Nso public, pleaurd personality, necessary, s. No Died experience be tel am pal kme esKteNdm. teat playa. Cam Catherine ��� train�in,Yg will De RMT am other tndiskc then - Wood 906-686-3138. x .,.. r -„n the 1600 ume 190516861872. 416-410-8739 o TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 CLOSED Monday's. FAX- MW57"21a 1 General Help 1 General Wp 1 General Help An Established local employer has the following permanent positions available. ASSEMBLERS Light Assembly, must have previous punch press and/or light assembly work experience. Grade 12 completed. Rate: $1 I+ to start. MAINTENANCE WORKER Experienced with punch presses and PLCs desired. Certificates of qualification an asset. Min 3 yrs industrial maintenance required. Rate: $14-18 to start. Steady days, 40 Firs per week. Company paid benefits package. References re- quired. Please send resumes to File# 12-3. Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 4h 1, Oshawa, ON, L I H 71_5. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or Individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. HOST A STUDENT from Spain or Quebec Open your home to a student eager to learn english from Spain or Quebec and gain an exciting cross cultural experience. Warm host families are needed in Pickering/Alax for the month of July Families are renumerated for room & board. For more information Please contad Language we"op coordinator Arlene Heuman 0 4214 829 Immediate Position for HAIRSTYLISTS We are currently recruiting Hairstylist with a strong background in color. We would like to attract the best talent and we are highlighted as one of the best competitive pay and bene- fit packages in the industry, including: Competitive salaries,RetaA Cornrnissions, Medical coverage, Continuing education Paid vacations and holidays .Discounts Experience our style of success by becoming a member at our newly renovated Hair -Studio. Fax your resume to: 613466.2254 or voice mail to (905}470-0278 ext. 511 Attention : Julia Rocknnan - Hard working individual - Must be cornpetent, trustworthy Location: Pickering Start: Immediately Fax resume to: ("S) 831-6134 Must mdude hourly wage expectations. 1 General Help 1 General Help Typesetter Local Oshawa Desktop Publishing establishment requires a fast, accurate typist experienced on Macintosh equipment to work approximately 16 hours per week. Ability to work in QuarkXpress is essential and knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and/or Adobe Illustrator would be considered an asset. Please submit resume to: Oshawa/Whitby This Week File #1 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. UH 71_5 We would like to thank all applicants for their interest, but be advised that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Co One of Canada's larger Unisex Hairstyling chains has openings in Pickering/Oshawa areas for newly qualified and experienced stylists. Your own styling station immediately Guaranteed basic and commission Convenient hours in Dean, modern salons Equipment supplied Advanced technique and management training Progressive promotion opportunities Benefit plans Check out your prospects Call (905) 831-3800 or (416) 213-1700 PANT TINE NAIL TECHNICIAN required for Beautyckrb. -Star W anyernaennt. fast work- er Call bank or Kam y 905- 571-2582 MOT MAAIMG S3W$459*wk? Established xNerbsnng com- pany raptly expandlinq 15 responsible. outgoing people needed rowI 111111" b train Call Alisha for mlervkw (905)720.3144 OPEMMIG Soon 1414 Town - line Centre elm 15. 9"c: lurp able creative Design and Spa are pn" together a new lam of nnovative Stylists. Estheb- aans am Nal Tedtrrlaans A 723 6new sun Can 41. f1w Operators required with 1 kora or Low Fro 3 lOns lot RV hauling in Canadian Gari abstract. (306)653-111675 STOOENTSII Eam ash. No experience needed. WL train you. Minimum age 11+ yaws old. oshawaAVh tOy/Clan on Ig (5105) 263-1093. 7725-0213. STYLIST warned with own clientele to work or rem spspace Debbie or Wendy. SUP ANUMOENT, expen- ence am mature Couple to live in 100 unit building. Please summit resumes with experience to File 1125 Oshawa This Week. P.O. Dox Oat, Oshawa. Ontario L1H 7L5. TUPPEAwAME. Needs you. Mooting to lose. Lots to gar. $SS Free kits. Call 1" 905- 435-0905 Phone orders wel- come Bea host. WAIT STAFF A COOM heed- ed, mrkmum 3 years expen- enie, for casual dining res- uuram Apply within Dakota Botts. 1755 Pickering Park- wify. No pram Calls plasm. THE NEWS ADVERTISER Has routes available for ))) to delmer Newspapers and flyers to the bNowing streets AJAX Kwnp or. Dennis a. Wright Cres, Patterson Cres. Pomwv Dr. Delaney Dr. BOB cc es. PiMrr►arn Cas Dreyer Dr. E lailnedmithawy W PICMERIHG High anew Rd Krkwood toric spn•gww Dr. Sou"IC01tl Rd Cord» Cres. Abbott cres. Hadrian Cru. Maple Hill Crt Tarroer Cru. *�}tiT2.3 SCARBOFMXIGH Feagen Dr. Balifigam Dr. Cleves Dr. cenbnial Rd Greybeawn Tr. 9omholm Dr. Clearlake Awe' Btrdsilvar Gardens Bowes Garden Crt. M*dock Dr. Broadridge Dr. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 003.5117 Truck Driving Position Min: 3 years expenence. Clean driving record a must. Fax resume to: (905) 426-5240 Atte: Rob ■NIT STAFF experienced tum time. Appy in person. 320 Harwood Ave S. SIMPLY ITALLAN. q TED - Swda t for Ctrl lift summer laborer obs for bol pool i sQa rwnPafq. FAx resume b: 905 420.2597. SO= A -Z dkiver kmee- dM* for tears. U.S. evert - ata. dear aborad. Crinin) dearam cheek. 2 years tniniemm expowna. serious Viliftsbls tax to (905►263- 2746. WNMENOtME swung= - emp to Perot, iffebaa opening, SIS.DO per how. minimum 2 year supervisory expeneve. aubfaDOW and uioneed baCYgroud, mid- rkgiv shift. possi0iky at me - kill". Pi" - ing area tat. re- sume to SON Plus. Aire Mary Jane, 416-495.0941. TEAM NK410 Position, ex- �riertad sDabk persmrml (l weed establisfled Norm Pickering based l stdsic III company. Must have mk111- Mum 3 years experience in Pisa. ImeAodung, or Wit mair"Ounce. can Monday through Friday 905-619.6761 a tax resume to 905 619- 0786. :LASSIFIED ON-LINE IMIIJET: nrugrJ/.ww.6rlt�eewt.nmt 120 130 PERMANENT PART-TIME OFFICE HELP required Immediately. for Monday & Friday. F.au Scarborough (-omsm anon company. C(rnpuw and accounting skills marndarory Fax rr:sumc to (416)281-4752 EXPERIENCED MANAGER needed immediately for tele- marketing office. Apoicarn must be aggress". dynamic and nave a strong sales A W y Please can 1905) 474.0492 NATIONAL GREETIMG Card :Omparr/ requires Sales Rep- resenta w for oshawa/wM- W area Ony experienced salespeople need apply Please tax resunw to 1-800- 877-7001. followed by Keep- sake Cards 1 Offen HNp 1 Office Help - BOOKKEEPER/ACCOUNTANT FULL TIME Pickering Accounting practice requires individual to perform monthly accounting functions up to the F/S.including monthly remittances for assigned clients. Prior bookkeeping experince required.Good communication, computer skills essential. Reply with salary expectations to: Comprehensive Business Services 105 Woodview Drive Pickering, Ontario, L1 1L1 Fax. 905-509-3528 Sknibd Help dulled IMiP Established manufacturing Company located in Whitby requires a third year apprentice toolmaker for our tool room. Full Benefits. Contact George Matthews by fax 905-668-0235, or nail to: Lofthouse Brass Manufacturing Limited 310 Hopkins Street Whitby, Ontario L1 N 289 R. A. FESTERS TRUCKOG ires 7 PROFESSIONAL AZ DRIVERS for Canada dt US 1 yr. exp. Clean abstract, dean criminal search (903) 434i -d110 DRIVER INSTRUCTOR CLASS "AT' REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FOR IN -CAB & IN -CLASS TRAINING. PREFERABLY O.S.L. OR O.TA. CERTIFIED. Fax Resume to (905) 428-3659 ® Ph. (905) 428-9475 Trans Canada Truck Driver Training / AZ working out of Durham, running With oily. min. 3 yrs. exp., top rates IS benefits need current abstract, ICC, police clearance 1 AZ working for Durham Company for tates. Top rates b benefits. min- 2 yrs. exp. need current abstract, ICC and Dc 1 OZ for Rexdale Company Hared bomb - must know city $13.50/hr- plus benefits have current abstract 1 AZ for Rexdale Company 05.001hr., plus benfits need pcurrent abstract NO►tltern Per SolotHxt to: 112 Athol St., Suits 203 Whitby, Ontario Wed April, Fri. Apr. 3rd., gain-4pm, SOL Apr: 4,10am-4pm or gall 905.430.7168 / 905-430.0326 i%GE 36 -THE NEWS ADVERMIM FRIDAY.., RF [, 3, 2!!s 1 SIM 11aplA0arnte • ONyear• AygiMbw 1 B9ryBN Cr14w 1 grg� Corn6r HELP WANTED Office help, Telemarketing and Mall Show Workers Call (905) 720-1818 SPORT REPRESENTATIVE Male or Female Start Imme- diatey- Career Potential Saf- ary/CommisSion Call (905) 576.8065 or tax (905) 720- 2966 WANTED SALESPERSON for local retail pool a spa com- parry Experience preferred Will train Fax resume to 905 420-2597 Skilled mob CNC MILLING. lathe operator Inc manual boring mill op- erators. (experienced) re- quired for heavy equipment manufacturer Must be ex- perienced with Fanuc con- tras All applica leis must be Ade to do their own Set up card and work under mini- mum supervision Fax re- sume to Dynex Engineering (Whift (905) 721.1204 HELP REQUIRED by soled wood furniture marlutwtur- fs any Machinists Assembler Finisher Apply in person 1-4pm. at: 895 Dillingham Road., Unit 3, Pickering SPECIAL NEEDS, pre-school children warned for home nursery School Taught by Be- havior Consultant with many Years experience. Call Debra 905-420-1752 WESYWY and Hwy 2 - ILII a part time all ages. 6am-6pm summer openings, trips, out. Ings. crafts. lots of TLC. Call Tina 905-683-2210. 1 Firewood FIREWOOD Roka Lumber ii Firewood Centre 4'xtl xf . $60. 4x8 x16'. S65 Eslab- lished 1963 Days 705-277- 3381. Evenings 905434- 6665 Free delivery to Oshawa area 1 Bargain Corner CHEST FREEZER, 51'. S�50. skates (Risportl size 240. $250. size 33. $199 Skates (Don Jackson) size 6. $199 Dishwasher7 $199 905-831- CHILDREN'S WOODEN out- door play set 10 it slice tire swing, Fireman s poli. chmb- long ropes. Drudge. etc Must be disassembled. $250 420- 2711 1 Articlin --- for Saw GARAGE 1-', repacrs. broken spnngs rides, ropers, Open- ers IrutallW S45 New doors 16- 336 M •-•xr.00wvua73try nos Loam X 125 GALLON. fish tank i stand all accessories mciud- ed Pad $1200 asking 5600 nr best otter call Bnat 43a- 5969_ ager 5 pm 7 IT NOVELTY freezer. 3 ,long doors very good con- ldwpm, asking $1.000 905- 649-5675 BEEF SIM. Si 89AD Custom --ut Quarters avalable Gov - Iii inspected No Chem - direct 'rOm farmOrono 604 905-983- WANTED - - +171 Set,.a kctvvurt expert- ens. transpo tail n, own CARPET NIOKER. fools a milli. Fax raatw b Nylon M,Ck. plus, sum re- 905�0-2597 s,stam carpet For 3 rooms. LARGE 1 -bedroom basement ^ay $369 DO Price ricudes 1 ibsp- 30 So Yds capet. dello a pad M•dcai D•ntai and nst�abon n vow !!once laundry $7,m" l h A.a l Free quDt*M n your Mme AMT,IIVT WANTED �mme. No interest, no payment W Ihatetv for !erne practice n One tug year. Danes 1-i>DO- OStwa Fug or pan kne Re- 217-0104 WAIN exCtMl1M coma irrca- cart lion skills Eimes CARPETS - kits of carpet to IMM Fax resrrrua b (9051 t Op., nyton new s re- 579.1069 least carpets on ham. I will "1,* $10.950 92 Voyager LE. carpet 3 rooms. 5319 Price AND YARD SALE ekrda carpet. plenum pad. I\1E Pr)A 'pen dwaNabon. tact dew- tal group � true estim*s (30 prdsl Oshawa. ••xmau 686-2314 Aurne to. CARPETS SALE: .oh a car - NU IN] Jets 100% nylon SUM fe- g Sit Fast ems-ape!3 room 5339 e 201, 30- WI, (leuano c•emnm pend ad installa- "nFree evrnmescarpet 187 eclairs S"VwTg DUrNnt ad urmurudrg area Sae 905 MAT -TIME Dental Ass r. a-• 586.1772 reQJ,Ieo �` A prete•red Seg resume b. 2721 COirDCt FID. CIGAR LOVERS! Monte Cristo "ubar. Unit 3s Counts. ON LIE d4 UgdrS Box d 25. Cali 905-;26-8337 sip X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST. for m suo, rehe' °lease Cal 1905156-200 • 1 Day wamaw WANTED LIVE -IN/LIVE-OUT nanny nor 6 mornt, old Dabv Reterentts required. Gil; (905)839-5978 ImAv i 4 tWE OUT HARRY for 3 chud- ren trom 9 am - 530 pill Please call Chrtstnue (905) 427-0,162 PICKERING Boaek / Rollo: 1oving daycare 18 months to 2 years Dally outings (fenced backyard and parkl crafts story time. music. nu- tribous meals a snacks First Aid. CPR certified Non- smoking on- 1mo Ing receipts 905-428- DUALITY WYprein Liver- PooVGlenanna area. smoke - tree. Child daycare diploma. eManUchilo CPR. fenced yard, day trips, receipts. nutritious meals/snacks provided Ret- e rences Available upon re- quest. Cathy Patterson 95- 420-2400 n11ri1 R sad Ic 0,t niter re- fused. aluminurrl boats and Malts. Eventide motors 2 - 30 hp Toro mowers and ubnbbsv ,Own boy mof•- ars. k wWk Saws and tnm- -M Wdde Sales 4700 TMckson Rd N f905) 655- 8010 COMPUTER. Pentium 90 8meg 540 HD 1x CD 5395 :GA morktor $89 Service a Upgrases Upgrade your ad PC t0 Pemrum 166mmx told 16m -ram, 16be Sound 4m VGA, tower case $369 Model T Computers 131 Brock SIS 905-430-5615 COMPUTERS - used penin ums complete with monitors from $675 Trade that old VGAi SVGA monitor for a new 14' boom $135 Off. or a new 15 from $225 Oft $50 o" Canon Primers - Inquire. Trade up Your old Pentium 75-133to mmx 200's for only $595 We accept trades of printers scanners 386's 486's etc Computer Clearance Centre, 697-3059 FREE WATER TEST and rec- ommendation Are you con- cerned about your waW Cyt its at (905)6654483 • pop- Ayatlble• ONyeaw A"I, Bankruptcy Stock Kitchen & Bath, new stock and much much more 45 Keeble Cres. Ajax 3 Holmes Cres. Ajax Sat & Sun 11-5pm (905)686-%78 1 Ante to 1 Art � for 7AP��Rlll. PORTING GOODS ARD SALE endors Aanted 4TH - 5TH S25AX) Per Table CONTACT LAURA OSMOND (905) 436-0644 AT BARII"LAY'S SANKS' Appliances Parc ery ce new washer $350 host -free deluxe fudges 5325/ up. side -try -side Icemaker, water dispenser $699 Full. SIM stackable waster a dryer $599. stoves regular d sell- 0 Mup. bar floors 5239. upngm freezer 5299. dryers $150/up. matching washer a dryer 3 years ad $600 426 Slmcoe St S 1905)728-4013. Open Sat a Sun HAY for salefirst cut. $3 00/ bale 6553551 HOUSEHOLD Furniture- Dou- ble bed with brass lead and loot board $100 Blade enter. tainment center. oak from $200 Sofa and chair $600 0 8 0 Call 728.2311 ANTIQUE SIDEBOARD S525. once s:e duplex tlholocopter wmh tlocument leerier $3.500 (2) hexagon end tables $75 Coffee table 550 hot point STOW . set clean. almond. $450 Cad 666-6393 OAK DINING SET. 2 exten- sions E Wars $900 War- drobe. wrote wlife". $75 Row carpet. 'suunderfay 550 �/i•tMt nig $75 905-723- PIANO V1lurktzer, e■ceflem Condrtlon full SIM nnqqMM $3.000 or cat Oftf915j623- 9549 An 6 00 pm PIANO For Sal Bell. apart - men• si;e $1200 Can 905 655 X860 after 6pri PIANO. !it Sale Samtck 7 Yea's ptrorcf Condition. 52.300 1905) 666 4269 MANG Studio yptigm. KRA- IfICH a BACH only 2 sea's Con never uvd like !few $2 600 080 at 905.420.8458 fNANOS4:RAMXATIIER CL�_KS All 199' tenor Mod. tis reduced Used Pianos YamaN, Sanxck Kimbal. ion Young acrd 0 New fty Rd to own Large Selection of grandfa6wr docks !nom $995 And up Call T E L E P PIANO 433-1491 REMINGTON 6 nVm model 70C 8,,'L .A ­,l SP with 102 Relf"M scope $525 Call Joni 705357.1044 (sip) SCUBA DIVE !chs summer Jpcoming course April 5 1LwmTDyi , SA and snorkeling equipment SALE". DIVE SOURCE SCUBA SUP- PLY 190.5) 668-6566 www drvaource com SEARS 'Cleanmore' carpet and uohastery cleaner $100 Sony turntable $25 TVNCR stand 520. Track ape rind tapes d Cass) $15 Receiver S Speakers. twrdse bke Marushin motorcycle helmut. black tun face S60 6681819 (snpi SHEOMAN - Quality wooden sheds 8 X 8 bam kit only 5299 PLUS tax Many other siz- es and styles avallaDle. Also garages and decks 761 Mc- Kay Rd Unit 3 Pickenrg For more onto 0311 905 -619 -2093 $WE BY SIDE Refrigerator, double oven stoveelectric. washer dryer, dining room sate with 6 ctwrs. Best off- ers (905) 931-03W OAKj`PME FURNITURE..AII add oak table sets on sale--! eg SOLID OAK double pedes- tal table 44' x 96' extended Cl w 1' Fick to0pp. 7 thick said oak slum, 2-15' ext choice of edge profile9 SfWpe of table top loval or rec) AND 6 said oak Cambridge CUTS. Limit- ed time only $1.799. AN of our tables Are handcrafted on ne premiss. Complete table sets from as low as $749. Traditional Woodworlung. 715 Norm Port Rd. (S on Read) St.) Pon Perry (905) 965-8774. UNIQUE 7 pc. solid leak rtecher Mock diforwig room su- excWW wrMdion $1100 o.b.o. CAN (906)839-4121 afkr 6p.m. USED Fill= $255. and tp, used stoves 5200. and up. used washers $250. dryers $125 and up. Now brandme 'la )ridge, 16. c.f. SM . New brad name 30' stove $449. Mild up. New 5 c.f. 1fw2m 5255., Stephenson's Ap- p6auoes 227 Court SI., Osln- wa. 576.7448. U -SHAPED olearhro uak kitchen from Bnndorn Kllch- ens. 4 yrs ad. Pantry and microwave shelf, will tit a kitchen 11' of 10' or larger. 53000 oDo 623-9107 Isrip) WILLMAR WINDOW sale - All v]V sliders $2800 Der so. h insWkd Cash and carry 522.00 per sq h (Mm 6 sq ") Eg 48' x 36' Slider 5264 00 Similar savings on bay. bows and entrance doors Call (905)426-2830 YAMAHA YPP-54 Digital Pla- no as new $1300 firm Call 905-438-8689 Articles WrtaO ANTIQUES'Absolutel ! At vice conSu'tation -free ap- prai5als -mi! Mal tee. auction service 20X negohable Pur- chaSmq outrught. estates w/ some antique contains (no limit to value considered(. coNedio is of any sort. quan- tows or sirlgte amque dents I'M by to iespot to ad quer- les Robert Bowen Antiques. Brooklm. Orman (9051655 8049 tax 19051655.5501 CASH OR DEALS. We Buy. Sell a more' Home Judio/ vadso, car bi*o. tools. CD's. mOvws, games. gold. da- monds. furniture. Appokoncies (905)433-1785 9W571-2274 (9051666-0004 UNWANTED, scrapIMtys removed 680'5. air cons. Stoves, cars . twin mathinfory. 6Or 7t1ryf nutty (905) 571- WANTED WORKING OR No, Washers dryers. stoves Camping Trail out- side turnNre, dresser (905) 426-`M wANTEDI Good used bicycles f„r dote swap Apel 4 a SDI can bicycles Plus 905-436- 6040 for dM* 1 Carpue Anlwnw NEAU-S C :.cr a �nC www N ourrtmew$ eeV -a 73arnOex tom PpOw. 599 SALE- KAYAK Pool Rectangu lar above Qruund aruclifel decks 16x24 0/0- 55195 Ha" price Sale On IIIMIANIOn 7%4 of G S.T 1-600-668- MMLost a 1 Ma Found FOUND IN Harwood Mall Parting kit partial lower den- ture call 427-5777 • 1 PMaISwrD )how ohns- UMBRELLA COCKATOOS. Breading pair Cages training stands. etc Call Keith 905- 720-2697 I 1 Ards n Will 1 AnielNto WafN90 11 for �" ' 1 Port 250 250 `-"'• AUTO BUFFING a Polishing give your car, pick-up truck or van that new car look From $100 Andy (905)571-5378 • murine 1969 Surfmaster Fibreglass boat Seats tour. 60 hp. John- ston, rebut", new prop d new top in '96vnth trailer $2000 obo. 1-705-328-2212 (sip) 1944 Searay Seville. 17 ft with 3 hire Merc Craser. Re- built motor, very !pod condi- tion $4850 Call 706-1460 � 1 1 For Aprrhnems 1 -BEDROOM newer base- ment apartment 0 C area, clean 4pc bath, all inclusive. also laundry air, cable. Non- SrllOker no pets Ist/last N SPRING FORWARD TO CER- $550/month. Available June ANTIKA ANTIOUE'S SPRING SALE T R'SE11NGING IN THE 1st 905-721-2888. Gibbard dressers, comer cabinet, RAMr artle selection of Pretty fully r•eonditioaad LARGE 1 -bedroom basement settees, small tables etc. mini vans and solos - apartment se5parate crit an• e Take advantage of great savings! m "ap'• 'cheap'. Ell. Vans - laundry $7,m" l h A.a l 109 Old Kingston Rd. Unit 6, Ajax 95 Transport loaded while able mmedie•.r r; 905-426-2888 mint. 100.E kris $12.695 Sheppard N, p All. to". cruisearnAm stereo cassene $1.500 as Is. o b o 94 Grand Voyager 10 year smoking C411831 eeanh guarantee, vet -needled ann ed pristine white, loaded. House-training started (705) HOUSE CONTENTS "1,* $10.950 92 Voyager LE. SUPREME. 307 cubic inch, AND YARD SALE '"�' and Pry S8.B95 93 Furniture appliances, tools, etc., aerostar extended. loaded. 35 Burcher Rd., Ajax est Oji - cale X995 g3 Astro exttufded. loaded. Dur -Sat., I:. I.: April 4th, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m- ndl. ince $10.950 SALE AUTOS - 95 Srrnumercarpe.compuuer:1:010. 1 air. foulest pita 58.850..Irrwrwt 015 Firefly se. auto. 1 door- fitfri•ier, 62.000 kms. new only $8,500 )1 Luer Turbo. auto. loaded. ,,w kms perfect now $7.495. 90 VW Jetta. GL. auto, at, a-1. 55.595 91 Cavalier FIS V-6. whole. air auto. come see 55.995.91 OMs to Royale. 'goaded. excederM car orgy 55.995 90 L.IWN. Town Car. sign loaded. leadter. Mike new $8.495 91 Buick LeSabre. old_ )Adel. low kms. new AnnualS8.850. 93 Ford Sable. load- ed. low kms. new price 57.700 92 Sunrumer 4 x 1. tips. A-1 cheap $6,495. 89 Tacker ixnvefabk. 4 x 4 fun or $4.695 93 Geo Metro auto. Jnefty and ony $4.595 93 Sack Act!eiva v-6. loaded -4.000 km super Sale S7.7oo. 16 Grand Am auto at. cent )acid car $I 995 firm Come to CMKar Auto Centre. 155 ding 1 1 t1OO"'oo'(ft Awanwaws Well >t Midtown Man can for Saw 1 1 fur Saw 579.26116 Sat You., 1954 CHEY .mpa,a 2 do-,! 348 Tri-powe• Show COW HOn Soots o m sty 668- 3'912 atter 5 00 p a 1965 MUSTANG 5 -cylinder, 3 speed 175 000 ides. U-000 firm Can 905-So9- feat 19N MUSTANG p s , p D . sunroof gwrl condition. nweds mobr wale SI.000 433.4138 or 139-0494 snp 1916 JEEP CHEROKEE. ex- cellent shape. new oresre. burn motor. $3.000 Certified :9051 728•-8666 1946 MUSTANG LX Hatch- back 4 speed 4 cylinder. sutroOt. Power locks arr Fin Cass. paw Excellent run- ning sS Cad MM Certified 1916 PONTIAC 6B9, dark blue. 4 door 4 cylil auto. au, 260K lmostly hwy) $1000 as 1s obo (905)665-8582 1997 Cadillac Fleetwood. all SCOTTISH TERRIER. Irak, 1 options under 100 000 km ood condition. certified only, very affectionate smart $420 $4200 Gil 432-1863 or 242- 8 Active. paper -trained, moth- (SNP) er can be wowed Call 905- 721-8117. leave message 1917 Mercury Grand Marquis TERIU P00 Jack Russell ala $wer 1500 equipment. inljectioon Shetty pups for sal Vel 2964 Checked. first shots, de. wormed Call Laurie 905-6651998 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 5191 (sup) Supreme. 2 -door, automatic. APSO pups for sale. All. to". cruisearnAm stereo cassene $1.500 as Is. o b o NoAPng. non -allergic. 571-3545 after bpm eeanh guarantee, vet -needled House-training started (705) IN$ OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 786-3124, leave message SUPREME. 307 cubic inch, V8. automatic, new muffler 'C� - Di. g, Akidas, Shetlands, Shih tzu, Maltese, U o Apso, Golden Retrievers, Westies, Mini Dasd"Ands, Boxers, Chihuahua March's Pet Supers-efC� (Carter & PgM1 Rd. (905)723-5077 us- AgloMob CIEOR PR KEMit On Me spot Pay - 111111 IlllfNi ttrom 5750 O.A.C. Ca rucks, 'Am 1961 to 1994 ALW$dy Auto SAles Ltd. 792 Sifnca Street Soup, Oshawa. Phone 905720.3382. stocks. battery, starer, After - ruts, fuel Pump. major lune - UP including wires. plugs, goad yr, tires, 160, 000 Km. murts 905101-81 smooth. 53850. 1989 PONTIAC Sunbird. 4 door. 4 CYI., auto, very dean. cell. $2.650.579-0130 19" BU1M Pak Avenue, 1d - I/ Waded: yr, kauwr interior. anNm cassette, purr, Poll, $7900. Call David 905- 420-7554.416.296-3277. 1999 OLDS DELTA - N gr / Ores, new pans. $152, 000 Mm, good condition, runs ex - 905133 -2 $1200 0.8.0. 1908 TEMPO 5 -Speed. 4 doors, air, trailer hitch, 120,000 kms. Rias grey ex - COW condition. $2700 oer0- fwd.Cyt(905)665-8149 1911 REGAL ,rand Sport 4 door. fully loaded Irtcftdkg (lower strtool, wow -wool 105.000 Alm. aMoawnc Start - Or $8500 o to o. Mint core - Don CeftihM 905-571-1603 or 905-725.1555 19W CAMARO Z29, 25th M- rkversary Special Edition. me - MC blue. leather Interior. fd- IV Waded. mum Condition. 1 owner 513.900 905.725- 1303 1992 CHRYSLER GAUD CARAVAN LE. aosoiutely every option Imaginable. 7 passenger sating. new Ransmtsstan. canter, front axle 169.000 Km 3 3L. whole red cloth interior. 52000 more at dealer plus no GST $9750 (905)404-8180 1992 FORD Taurus GL. cert, Green ps. pb. &c. ABS, tok 6- way Pool, driver ant. ps Poll, cruise $6150 obo. 905-668- 3809 1992 GEO METRO convert- ible. red. excellent condition. alder TOOK 5 spd . win certr tied Asking $6.900 Otto 905 721.2490 (sap) 1994 CHRYSLER Caravan SE. 6 -cylinder 7 -passenger, new tires d brakes. 1997 trarls- MISS". maintenance records Available 200.0001im, 58500. Cad 905-666-8042, 1911 FORD TAURUS G L. v-6. 4 door. loaded. $8,900. Cem- hed. Telephone (905) 420- 6717 1997 CAVALIER. 18000KM. AMIFMI Stereo w/cars. Red. 2 door Air conditioning. 3 yr. warranty. 8 months old, $13600. 1991 ESCORT. 4 -door, auto. Air Conditioning, Cassette iMm, $13,000. 1997 Lumi- N LTZ, baled. 22.00pan, re - IN: $27,000, asMrg: $19.800. PIIS taxa. 905.571-0670. W NYIMDN EXCEL, 5 speed. standard, good Condition, no ruS1. ideal reruble Car, cerb- tied. $1,100.00, 905.837- 0173. IIARO TDWKM. R.O.L. made Fn Dodge Ram 94-98 long bed, pyrded red code (PR4). Borplm new W De- ci 9��5750. 060 1993 Honda k,vic CX' dr hatchback. auto. Muffler catt . 110.000 km, $7500 obo 434. 2775 ■11 PAMOrPOOftS iii Wald $75 to $7509 for soap urs a !rucks or any condition veto- ctes. 24hr prdhx5iayl pry. up. Free Tovvng All Oumuam Recycling. cars a bucks wanted CAN (905)706-5740 428.7878 A RAPID AUTO Removal - Cash for cars quick removal (905)426-0208. AUTOMOBILES and trucks wanted for scrap. Any condo - lion. ><N age, Tree removalin cite Durham Region, cash Ind Also needed. 75 to '87 Chev or GMC pickup for Parts. Call anytime, Oshawa 905- 431-0407 CASH FOR CARS We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must bein rr wig cordite comeQ. Call Bays St. East. Ajax at MLj1LAD AUTO SALES. SCRAP CAMS Wanted. top prices paid. Same day pick UP. Also cars kir resale, will pay up to $5000. CAN 696- 1771. 1 TrudM Wr Sale HM F -15B, 5 litre, 5 speed, At, tike, cruise, amAm Cass., 2 tone, low Idnii rear slider window, dean $5995.00 art., 905-434-7317. 1 vmw 1918 DODGE oxlended van, recleabOng vehicle. 318 mo- tor. Certified, negdi- able.905) 721-0564. 1907 SAFARI all-wewel drive Van, low mileage, 6 -cylinder, ruNy40Aded, amltrn/cassene/ CD p/w, lad a/Gror lister. $30,000 OBD. Phone 905- 993-9593 after Spin. OSIMWA IBIuu 5:., .i:y dean lowr rise buildingapanolmS close b 1 01 a GO Pa*ing Aval- Aek nrn!one 9y From 5600 ! month Phflaw 905576-4255 2 BEDROOM apt$. (2 a%W- Able) neat Oshawa Centre and 401 PaA,ng. nwudry. Storage Awal." MMay,June 1st. Non Smokers Preferred $625/mo plus hydro 579-0216 2 -BEDROOM. ;4neMne area May 1St Lower level of large ankh bungalow Major ap. hanCts. Wtlndry, uhktrei n- Uded SirtLow CAN `105)98S-8632 4 BED. APT. available May 17. Parking. cable Ind. New appl. $738/mo. . utll. Close to schools, Applications available April 61h & 8th. 10-2 p.m. at office, Athol Green Co -Op 250 DX40p St. E. Whaby. Family Composition must scut unlit size. 668-941 I wry u. E. forkilly - allies avatiaole May,June ,n well-maintained quiet 3-suxey baking Appliances, uta . Parkingsecurity cameras in- Uuded On -sate management. Call Jaret666-2450 AJAX Oxford Tow•rs.Spa- cools apartments, quiet baM- llg. close to shopping. 401. GO Pod, sauna three bed- rooms from $919. two bed- rooms from 5824. April 1st Cad 683.8571 unlit 7 30p m AJAX, 1 bedroom basement apt , living room, kitchen. sauna, parking, non smoker, no pets, share utilities Avail Apr. 15, $700/mo-. 509-491;5 AJAX - NWiNT ONE bedroom basement apartment with walkout. laundry, cable, $650 inclusive. No pets or smoking. CALI905.686-6316. AM, large 1 bedroom base- ment apt. fireplace, private entrance, own laundry. park- ing, yr, shower only. $675/ mo., avail. May 1. Conddynn M--i-Mi 428-9766 Aro rwW$ HWd? Z= N one Available for (Senor citizen) You are quiet, dean. responsible. Lets IML Cal 416816-3702. Leave message. ATTRACTIVE Wyk -out base- rtkm, 2 lame bedrooms, kv- ing room, kitchen, storage room, fridge, stove. CA utuitieS included. No ppeets. May. 1st. $775. 905 686- 8489. 11 _ Rentfor AVAILABLE May ISI, North Oshawa, one bedroom base. ment apartment, Istlast. rel. erences required No pets 5495 plus hydro Lynn (905) 436-6886. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, if, Whitby Apt building. Spa- ctous. carpeted. newly paint- ed, with batcony. dose to bus. shopping. all utilities included. IirSVlast required, no pets. 1 bedroom 5690. 2 bedroom. $790 3 bedroom $850 Call 430-0134 BACHELOR apartment for rent $485 inclusive per month first and last Cable in- cluded 576-0371 Available May 1 S E. Oshawa. BACHELOR/Bachelorefte. Sep ent laundry. cable, very dean. non-smoker $475, all inclusive. Available imme- dtAtey No pets. 839-0821 Liverpool/401 area. PICKERING basement apaA- y very two bedroom, imme- dialeery spacious bright. no pets. non smirking, con. rement area. $850 per mo 905)427-2154 call anytime BASEMENT APARTMENT New 1 bedroom. First & Last. Non-smoker. No pets. 509-7199 tliu 51,11tinI _ ,,,•,1,., .. .+semen: wurik,kiq GNNprC. n -Smoking, no pets. I" - y. parking. cab* $750/ -:orifi inclusive Firstllast `,lay Ist. (905)720--3057 mes- ORD" RD /411 AREA- 1 :farm apt avail 4 applfalC- S cad 416-444-7391 CENTRAL OSNAWA new 'u,ld,ng bachelor Apr 5600 'hone 432-2261 to, app a Super 1305. 33 Wtnting. ostowa CENTRAL Oshawa. large 1. 2. a 3 bedroom apafiwnts ava,tabie in DIeN-manfarued close b ad Amattees. CMN 723.0977 EAST OSHAWA Large Drgni 1 -bedroom basement mad n a= area P two onon- IT&= Parking NI rckrswe. Noir-Smokers $US Reter- enas. 905-579-2379 after 5pm or leave message. HWY.2 / CHURCH ST area. 2.3 bdrm apes ava able rag (416j 444-7391 LANE VIEW. I bedroom plus loft ,n u Quiet rfeghbantSuitable Wr single bDd uple $7225. Call (9055496--a6t22 LARGE sett-eontanted We. men! apt Gar, fully Carpeted Clean !right. parking No smoking Washer, dryer all inclusive 5650 ftrVUst Avail May 1 905-417-75W or 416-299-7155 LOOKING for sufgfe person to rem a large basement apart- ment, in Port Perry to smoker. no pets. Separate entrance Parking, fridge. Stove. cable. laundry included S575Jmcnth. relerei . decd check Avid. May 1 (905)985- 00591SNP) NEWLY RENOVATED, large 2 bedroom Oshawa Apt avad- ade April 1 $730/mo can z 905-4�92i NOT" OSRAWA Super large 1 E 2 bedroom(s) Extra large balcony Well managed gael 1111111161119 Controlled entrance 5598 and $698 utll , cable. parking. No dogs April 1st and May 1 st. 905-579-5584 NORTH OSHAWA. 2 -bedroom upper duplex. parking, laun- drynon-smokers. no pets. yard. $750 inclusive. Ideal for working couple. 1st/last Available May 1 st 905-430- 6906 after 4 30pm, NORTH PICKERING NEW. 2-bdrm apt. in Irg country Mme. Private, walkout, bright. spacious. scenic $665/mo.. laundry. park", utilities end. Avail. July 1.19111511`1112721970 9111 � g, rip acs. !BS 7-59! Also avail.: Horse boarding Or new 12 staff Dam for rem (with paddock) 001 BEDROOM sect rid noon, downtown Oshawa. very nice. $425 all inclusive. IstAasL Available AprII 1st. Also 2 bed- room 5495., available May Ist. 725-8710. ONE BEDROOM. Inge, bright blain thoufenced. renovated, antral Oshawa. bullroute, large ikil b. $650. Avail- able it ely. (905) 571- $32 SPACIOUS well-maintained 2 bedroom scats. Avail. at 900 and SOO Glen St. Some wm walk-in closets. ppaant Cloprovid- ed. w to scads, shoo- DfnO arare, GO -'inion. I11"- ties ittdllded. CaN 728-4993. THE NEWSADVEKTISER FRIDAYs APRIL 3,19WFA(;E, 37 I.'. or "0" for- Houses -Tor �Rl RON R.M 01 F= m1i Am -MI Registrations - B sNNNNNR s' _ L L Registrartm, IT , .17%AIATC0 DADV - UUWITQV 1 & 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 RM (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED WINDJAMMER APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, dir, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.geocities.com /wall street/floor/ 7657/highniser.htmi. OSHAWA NORTH �­ , ;1' ,,,I r,prlroom basement �,Irlrierit r novaled. with ,tfal� P "I'ance and private Al;,,;�irluSiveCS650 MO ;ir P of ouple No ­k,r,(;,peIs 905)432-2404 PICKERING newly renovated !­jr -Ti baImeril apt IrITIATICe for 1 Of 2 WOfk- non smoking. no ­t� S68C plus security de- ill� ? Am.1 immediately 'I,',5�619 0842 PICKERING Brock Hwy 2. , �,&Wed new carpet, r,I­,,rn basement apt -l'ance parking It, i Idu�Ave brfl/llarll V,i� 1 428-3788 PICKERING L ve,pool.'". I n%mf full ban't & rnlri no smok- $850 inclusive VA t-65 "!;,K I K I\(. '; � 1, KVUUL Ir, ` ba­�nt. ":rmn-hed. full ­lg ii -r h- And no %m,kmK 't, S�7; mgu, suit, ­,rkung Adult, \rril ZSth 3.1740Z. `I -WE PING lr�ar very private. ,1�rrt apt Suitable for 1 non- �:noke� Walkout gifts �ir to raAne Shelf use �dckard $595 InCIUS". Avd-I It"Firld 4 PC bM Walk I Ce CIOi (905I-837VI8 PICKERING GOAAKE asx S540/Mo oe we tsmi apt. 5 single non-smoker. �lerft includes Ujd_ 1X19. cable. Laundry, Pairt, soundproofed. Avail now, ART: 905-420-3751 N ... th ot 4. 1 Incirm, b'mi 1 0% a t -d , ery clean, " pArate entraime. ;l"King, 4r bath, wet I lAuni, Im, bet u,t ­e,le working perwri linoker, / p,t, (),y SbRl INCLUSIVL 4 -ID- 1276 Dflgnf above 011e bedroom apan- .lent 41 appliances. parking ) SFnOk "g. no Pets. $695. in-. 'USIve May Ist (905� 603- �ICKIERING- Finchi �&, bright 1 -bedroom Istilitill apartment ' walk -out Lra"ce d neighbour- Panki'nogo non-Strooking P�', Su"a ble for singii -rSOII $600 inclusive 1SV " A" allable immediately. ,,1 56,1 I CKERING. NeMy renoval. 1011,100S 2 bedroom .�fllelll with Separate en- �-Ille no pets or Smokers, -all now Call 905-683- '83 PICKERING/WHITE'S RD De, , 7 ""Ole bedroom base - FIT apartment $600 plus 1/ Ili fridge stove. No Is or smokers single or lure couple Preferred Im dale�&Iay Isl Ist/last-, 151839 1884 OSHAWA - OXFORD MONTH 2 be Itooms 401 sho ' Parking I bal- lypi SY40 all inclusive 1 it asl April Ist Additional oll avall No pets, 905- 2232 416 .239 2752� SPACIOUS 2' - '&_- split. bright tiarsement apart- ment. Kleal for single working person Preferred 4 aMianc. es. $695 inclusive. avalitabie May Ist (905)434-5646 2 BIR 'or the price �f I at 280 Wentworth St.W. frorn S660. 3 BIR also available from S720 Utilities included, Easy acresS to 401. Close to ,;.'cols. shopping Ul L.(,905) 721-8741_ TWO amenities SMS an Inclusive No subsidy available Bea. trice/Simcole Oshawa 721- 7553 WEST Of CIShania Centre Fur- nished bachelor apartment P"valle entrance S450 month- ly. all inclusive Avadable April 15 or April 30 Suit one erson 574 Carbeer Alm '105)7-28--7r7&4 31 $1 - IA 13SOLUTE AFF0 WLE CK OF RENTING -P-7, OWN YOUR HOME - IT'S EA�1;11! $100.00OMORTGAGE CARRIES FOR $700/month Allinwrium Iricome Sao,000 yea, 5- -P0rwer C)f Sales* available Assumable Mortgages ,I^ Help for discharge:kba '4 - Call M I nkrupts Not much downpayment?'? He knows what to do!" (905) 571-6275 ar 1-800-840-6275 :7 mark Stapley Sales RIp sution G,Ouc Excel Rirmlly 3 -2 -BEDROOM r, I 1111JIN Cpntral Pek & HdlCrott area Cline to scho,)Is fenced yard. 'Prage and 2 baths FirsVIaSt �ailable June i Call 6 MONTHS FREE! Only S200 dOwn' 2 & 3 bedroom homes Available. totally- renovated ous 4 new appliances. from S7WmOmh all Inclusive M,n 1�qulfecl Income $28.000iyr ,all Don Coombs or Margaret Khop 905-728-9414 SEMI-DETCHED 59 Billingsgate Crs. 3 bed, 1, =Mroorr. lodge, stove. Share washer/dryer Fer"clibaickyard Suit couplei family May 2YV75 Im. util. included 683-6142 3 te (fining room. high en, �!,Incy forced artoll central A" fenced yard lose to $800 piusc utilities ".,It 1905)723-7932 BROOKLIN ' quimt 3- oom �'UnWiitw nverlooking creek 'lak kitchen. 3 walkouts 2 - ;aths fec room win fireplace lean. S12010ilmorth plus Call XWph 905-433-8080 GROUND KEEPER. Pickenti Area house x", Able excel - lend for retired or semi - retired Couple Avail formed rem negotiable call 905 � 683 1828 "OUSE FOR SALE in So.- mal"Ville 4 bedroom back SPIT Anflil finished basement AC - FAG. walking fttx" to scvw & mail S187 000 C311 623- 7850 or 905-238- 1690 for intormahlon & ap. poinfrinerd WNITBY-AVALIAB� MAY 1ST �,h.j­ 3 beilrourn ftouse Laundry Parking clean quiet workmq persi �A 666-3550 7 For Hem BROCK RO Terrice 1146sq IT, indoor pooll & parking spots rNew, Pan". broadloom. SIM.hy. drO A"Labile April 30 905- 331-2210 IM A SOKI OSHAWA 4 NORMS Free Refit SOG tG14010 S111 2nd floor from $400 man fir 300- 116010 scin from M 6ol sq it 2 rid. floor across from Osh Centre. East CishatiRa, 400 Still shiWstorrage Call 434 244 7 or 655-4132 OFFICEICOMMIERCIAL space ;or rent UP t�) 70C sq #1 11 own Area - Oshawa call (905) 432-0478 WHITBY. nice neghbourbood he,m traffic 15ODS4ff plaza �o lease ideal for dentist. afty hair care. many oftr uses (905)571-2199 Storm Sox* MINI storage units Oshawa location Single and Clouble units available Easy access. $1 00/month (905)725-9991 Gg 03 for RWON FAMILY HOUSEKEEPING cot- tages pool beach. store playground. Camptiellford, two hours northeast of Toronto 1- B88-813-2212 Florida Vac. Rentals CLEARWATER, 2-3 bedroom fully furnished mobile (per- manent) homes Central air, pools hot tult near beaches and major attractions Child- ren welcom F -in -own on your hcme (905)683 5503 Private Homes M For Sale WNITSY IJrge one belfroom MILLBROOW CAVAN 2 plus n-iseirl pny,,, on, ')i . ..... cl, nuni 1.1m. W" living low. double gataotiworkshop itomfillurung room. lutchem. 3 acre 10. close to 0115 "50 plus Lim (VI 430- 'HindrV. Wing. $650 inclu- 6655 I've " Ist 905-686-4018 15/98 9:00 p.m. OSHAWA MALP WHITBY - RegeliNcy place room (imached mome 3 ap- Apartments, Somors Com- palances. garage large fenced plex, I bed apt avasable May valid. avid May 1 $800 - utilities Call for in appoint - I Clear, Quid W" All MUM 905-9W58M Nricluded Exiceitient -_ 3pt. hook-ups snon For app: Cal! 430-7397 OSHAWA South 3-bedircom Designed For Farnily camping M semi 1 1-2 baft. Single WHITBY open house 122 Tage. 100"Out 10 11 r 4 KIM St Sundlays 2-4 111 m ded No Pe's Awadalthe April cilassic 3 bedroom bungalow 15. $950/monm plus unkties. Lots of Character many Ulp- CAN Joe (905)939-3290 grades. fenced lot. Close 10 401 and Go $154900 no SUlIE7. I bedroom. 2 V2 agents. (905)43010C after baths fireplace. fenced back 3p in Yard Available immediately 32 NOWOOG Acres with trout $1350/ mo References re - WHITBY, one bedroom QUIlred WtgneY & ROSSIAnd available n well rrwnwned area 686-3338 bu*WV 4 SevM Really Lid 905-668-7777 _VVNITBY - LARGE 2 4 RIESIDENTMIL LOTS. per' bedroom brick oxecutjve WHITBY. Clean, quiet. 2nd home, central air cetilial vac. floor I-bedroorn apartment lo- fenced yard, gas neat. double cated in century building car garage Call 430-1357 CtntrWIV located. suitable for Sl 650 plus Single working person, SHOW me the MONEY' Home smoker. $525.hydro A= Mary I ST. Call 905-668-3011 Wanted WHITES & Fisch. One Bed- RETIRED senior couU_ room, basement. air. carpel. quite 2 or 3 bedroom dehumidifier, private en- low in quiet neighbourhood 'Fame, parking. Islylast ca. Telephone 5714405 ble. laundry. no pets. Call 420-3741. Townhoustall M For Rot - WUY rem when you can own your own home for less Than AN OSMWA SOUIN YOU think?!! Call Dave Hay- bedroom towrftus �.S, to lock Sales Rep. Re/Max schools and shopping S898i Summit Reality (1991) Lid '950/mo ALL INCLUSIVE (905) 668-38DO or (905) 666- FirSt/last Available April/May 3211 1 (905)579-9956 clays Houses CARRIAGE HILL TOWN- For Rican HOUSES - 122 Colborne St E, Oshawa May availability 434-3972 s I I A At. 4W, Al 1. �rdil,i, WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME FROM $700/NIONTH i Distress Sales Available -i Not Much Downpayrnent??) -I Discharged BankruprTt (905) 571-6275 1-SOG-840-6275 Mark Stapley Sale$ P45P SILSIM i Townho IM RX lor go Townts,es for 1011 SIMCOE-S-T-REET NORTH 3-Be,iroom Townhouse units Utilities included Stove & Refrigerator. Parquary floors throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $846.00. Call 905-721-0980 L,W RoO - Rms, 00 _s Rem A ".�fr 'in. lately va,labie immediately bie kil��en facilities near Pickering Generating Station PTC GO. SWO month, $170 bi-weekly, 420-4318 BEDROOM & Sem, private sitting room -ioSe to man BUNGALOW/ COTTAGE on Dos at door Must lik. Pos 200f, &at ­ t A _j Poking Family emoronmerd 619,2503 P"v 11 G101illIS -I, hen � � 2 op- IShed bsmt air large deck lacullf $157500 OPEIY_ HOUSE Sat & Sun I-4prn or Call 1905)-725-3374 __7 PICKERING RINGETTE SPRING TRYOUTS P.R.A. is holding its Spring tryouts in April at the O'Brien rink in the Pickering Complex. Cost is $5.00 per tryout. The tryout times, for "A" teams are as follows: PETITE A April 15/98 7:00 p.m. April 22/98 7:00 p.m. April 26/98 2:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. JUMOR A April 15/98 9:00 p.m. April 24/98 8:00 p.m. April 26/98 4:00 p.m. 71W EN A April 15/98 8:00 p.m. April 24/98 7:00 p.m. April 26/98 3:00 p.m. BELLE A April 22/98 8:00 p.m. Apri] 24/98 9:00 p.m. Aprfl 26/98 5:00 p.m. LIntermediate AA and "B" level tryouts, will be held in September '98. House league program also available. ��ampnrr Trailer Campew- �ra.ler ranef R aU Site$ ca sdas r. ".1 kv-urcce'vins BEDROOM. pies private sit. 1110 roo,,, f, country fur nished or unfurnished. use of kitchen facilities. fernale pre- ferred $385,'Month SejgrVe 905-985-3607 snp LARGE furnished room tion location- With walk r Clow[. maid service. ~S towels included Hwy 07 Inery Rd, 4 goff courses within 5 minutes distance S400"month Available now ,905, 649 5134 LaAccommodation CLOSE dAJ bright room in laMe friendly Shared flume with 3 oMers Close to Public frairml Cabe laundry Must like Children non smoker $350 576. 5577(snpl NORTH/CENTRAL OSHAWA 3 bedroom Townhouse. gai- raoe. c/a. pool, available May 1. No pets References re- quired $925.uhl 613-623- 9128 ileave message) PICKERING - superb 3 bed- room 5 appliances f h d 0 ..,r,,se, rec room, walk I Cn_ Ire, available immediately. $1.100 plus utilities. Remax First Realty Ltd. John Mi ten, (905) 831-3300 R - home lot you. $500. down. U91- for Rod Choice , 6 months free or free legals or reduced in() r1gage AJAX - clean bright furnished rate. From $750 /month all In- room. includes cable. parking. clusive. Income requirement laundry prefer working non from $27.500. gross. Call smoker. available immediate - Ken Collis. Coldwell Banker ly. $375 per mo. 427-3519 (905)728-9414. AJAX - CLEAN carpeted room 3 BEDROOM Townhouse. in in quiet adult home. use of east Oshawa. 3 baths, 4 aP- kitchen bathroom and laundry pliances. fenced yard, end facilities Cable non smoker. unit.. $11,0DO plus utilities $70 week furnished, (905) Avail. May 1, 905-432-2551. 686-3201 e I in in lovei,, CO- Occonk Walk to all aril'o-Ines viiGajry llers-lerrDer In a ra!,K Y�-u Vlcr' .a. n �- in M & K's Beaver frig room ditmN, Oom lutch 11 FRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT IT 13 im Master cledro om has en Suite Lower level has throe 2. 21 Trailer Park Ltd.,., walkouts On Sewers Excel- Ienf lor retirement Or large 1I 21 Oiciporlunaws T�lmemee, Ont off HWY 7 - 1 mile N on Sturgeon St law family cottage $16500C Call 905-668- 37 an le I., Full] (,amping Facillitic-i. Laundry, Store. Pavilion Give George a call at 905-728- with splay "in. air com. (Bingo, Recreation Program) Sca%ion Siws, M MUST SELL Open House A�;ri. f, 3pt. hook-ups Jib & 5d, 2pm-4pm IS Wartersdown Cres. Whitby j- 2 Designed For Farnily camping M bedroom 3100 sq" large WANTED to buy, new model Trailli %old on site IN backye,l ny Is IOWNnq rof people 10 ell ntc: LL Ill Box 6o. lthmvwc () N 111 705-799-6221 ME OSHAWA 3 ��!droom bun- Kong on 99 9 oxxign Is 15111ins; 1111; xx an a ax ';Alow CA -N FAG rur- 7.1ce I bedroom in law Surle ADnI 8. 1998 at 7 30 p m at Lend 1 I 6 appliances a Dargagn a MoNly pFOSLENS � I I $133900 (905)-435-4649 14CKERING Gillendale im- miculate cletacried 3 bednoom 2 Dtdroom in -Law Fireplace main floor f bankrupt or being garnisheed Everyone accepted regardless Of credin rating Call lot free information 905-576-3505 Student loans included amoyroorn LJfg1! UNICISCaped lot 2 wailk outs new roof. high ef fur- OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT nace floor coverings. g" GUARAMTEED SOMEE :'ta $214.900 Prrvaft Open COMPANIES CHARGE UP' juse Sun " 5 1 3 p in FRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT IT 13 :823 Bronte SO 905 -gag- SUGGESTED THAT YOU G350 WWSTICATE THOROUGH - 'y RARE LUXURY '" BOWY BEFORE SSGNWG ANY bur1r;JI, W� W-drv, CONTRACTS 1 726 s4 It ft buill lot gral- CIOUS Ifflng AW entertaining Mor,9"" Pickering S227 654 �905� 9.51 Insurance 931-9727 - MORTGAGES � K,� Dic jvo -SO@tl*MS4 r.1011`91 Walker `11' """"Q to( ^ PW' satis 'RARE OPPORTUNI- DuSd raidS from 4 49% AN TY!W Penute as 'it 4 2 aric Applications accepted Com - 3 bedroom Wwrftuses 4 new mundy, Mortgage lifie-1511105 appliances, S28 000 Yearly Business MW income to quality M de. Oiciporlunaws POSJ1 Good credit Some rent BODY SHOP -��dha. TO Own TO qualified Purchaser tstiltihshtI1 _mnplelety e(M Give George a call at 905-728- with splay "in. air com. 9474 pressm frame nuchine. etc W~ Lease only $1495 725-1171 to any NEED EXTRA IMCOM[7 Fifth Avenue -L)IIeCt,on Lid Ilgh WANTED to buy, new model line laSNM jewellery compa- hiane oil 1 plus acre close to ny Is IOWNnq rof people 10 ell Orsnihma or law to build one Parnil "let business Come .1 Call (905)571-2199 to our free seminar, Wed ON-Loft for ADnI 8. 1998 at 7 30 p m at Sale nhe Board of Education, 400 launton Rd E . Whitby On - 32 NOWOOG Acres with trout tano It you am Interested in stream. near Newcas:le pan or full-time sales come S75000 waiter Frank. Frank Dull to see how you can start a RE Call 576-4111 business of a lifetime at Risk 4 RIESIDENTMIL LOTS. per' Free, To join our team of suc- Finds available 40040. Ma- cessful independent jewellery. ture trees. close to shopping, Call Eva 1905), 426-5282 or Chapman Ave . Ajax Marilyn j905) 427-3171 j9051683-6... or l=3100a- 609 (David) SHOW me the MONEY' Home WATERFRONT Community. 2 acre lot In Fort Perry like access natural gas $120.000 . Teleprione 905-427-M or 905-985-3724 mobib M b ff. MI ww Pub 1"3 PROWLER - 29 feet with 35 tool deck and shed in Buckhorn Family Resort S14,300 Call (905)666-0880 C Tralkerr Sites VARIOUS camPer Park -model rriiiers for sale - already ser up oil well-Lreed sites. Stoney - Point 45 min E Oshawa Sit- mprices to suit everyone 705-696-2107 MI CAPITAL FINANCIAL. W'Sh in 72hrS A exCellefil idles for any reastwi No liens or fees Don I pay for 3 months Call 9am-5pm. 416 336-8245 DaSed b0SlrNeSS that works. Tho cis are eaming UT in- come with P;T work Call 24 nrs for 3 min b"ess over- view 1-800-495-1024 TIRED Of YOUR too but cant afford to quit? You don't have to until you can afford to Tom a Pan time home based busi- ness into a lull time one For the whole Story call toll free 1- 800-832-0797 Then call Les at (9051436-5004 C -M Off- Everas DELUXE BUS TOURS (fully esconed) ATLANTIC CITY Apr 271h -May lSt & June 1SI - 5th $329 Wheeling, WV Tanya Tucker May 15th -17th S299 Foxwoods Resort & Ca- sino May 24th-MaY 28th $399 Frankenmuth Bavarian Festival June 12th -14th $299 Branson Missouri June 20th - 17th $859 Kewadin Casino IMiChOan) July 3rd -5th $289 Renate or Peter (416)- 265-3422 7o, 7/ire 5�. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours re- Iceived. Maiv the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and pre -1 sen -ed throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray fo r us. St. Jude, worker of miracles,"pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the sick pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a dav" for nine �Iays. This prayer has neve I ] failed, and you pravers will be an swered. Pu6lication' must be prom -ised. S.C. M-11 Personal; MEET NEW PEOPLUE --E F�,N VIA', *-"A, ' 900 45, 6',93 Inn 8484 S2 99 per min ute must be 18 yrs Procall Co jW2) 954-7420 Actual OLDER ONTARIO LA - CIES seeking Jates - g 'S & home numbers. 1-1 -.51 , 5566 ext 673. S349,min T - Ione Must be 18 BORED ONTARIO HOUSE- WIVES names & private phone numbers, 1-90C.451. 3&38 ex1 680. S3 29iman. must be 18 T -Ione Personais RELAXING MASSAGE 40 King StA (905) 404-9625 //,-366. - fal. PIMO read youir cleans. fiscl ad an Ow farst fty of publicabon as we cannot tint responsilKle for more aner iriscartion in Ow 'a of an am. NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your adverfisment. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer sevice repre- sentatives will call you. Please remember to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. 1zr1zr1rTr1zr Fax News Advertiser 905- 579-4218 Sunday April Sth, 3:30-5:30P. 10 Vale Crs. (South Ajax) Backs Onto conservation lands - huge private landscaped lot w1pool, cablinut + beautiful gardens. Professionally finished bsmnL willoalk bar, firl"flace + party room - W#Wy exec. Waded with upgrades. Must see! $379,000. R~ FID CT ft*y Llcl., W . Rogow 831-3300 O"WO30MME Audil" I Sat. April 4 at 61 Irlty of Elizabeth mule to be held at Myles Ki Auction HN, 33 Hall St.. Oshawa. 8 pce dining room su-1 ite. antique china cabi- net. Grinnell brothers apartment size piano, 3 pce chesterfield suite, queen Anne coffee and end tables like new, corner what not, 5 pce, maple dinette suite,1 wing chair. oil paintings, 4 bedrooms suites. 5 trunks. 3 wooden war- drobes. wool rugs. 6 dressers. 5 chest of d,awers. washer, dryer. co-er china cabinet. oak lase mantel clock, sle,ving unit, antique 'anros. 112 moon table, ceclar chest. beaver table saw garden tools, round oak table. antique Cha,,, antique glass and bedoing. this is a large farm estate, from Fourn- ier. Ontario Oshawa most renowned and respect- ed auction serving Dur- ham for over 30 years. Ali consignments welcome, MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751 SELUNG YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it across Durham Region. Caff Classifieds at 683-0707 or fax 5719-4218 1910 910 �� LARGCQUIE_ Nancy Peacefully at the Mt. Sinai Hos- pial on Tuesday. March 31, 1998. Nancy LaroMue, beloved mother of Josq)h (Twersa), Robert (Judy), Lorraine (Big). Ererle, Uonel (Beverley). Gene (Bet- ty), Undal (John), Georgetle (Ron). aW John (Rob- in). Beloved grandmother of 22, and the great !nd other of 13. Mother of deceased Kenneth ehemStwer to Anne Poicim. The family reomw firlends; at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road. Ajax (Pickenng Villagei 905- 428-8499 Funeral servicie was held in the &qm on Friday Apni 3. 1996. hillain -Pine Plicige Merno.- nal Gardens. In heu of ftwers. donabons to the MI. Small Hospital Foundation, The Heart and Stroke Founclabon. or the chanty ot your choice wouild be M"cLated by the tarndy. I Want to pocket some 7 money, Maybe you have an old billiards table you don't use much anymore. Or some patio furniture you're tired of Or some clothes that're too small, hanging in your closet. Make some money with a garage sale. Call,683-0707and advertise it in our Classifieds NEWS ADVERTISER W 4 ov W ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHtRCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 Bible Study - 9:30 a.m. Family Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - Supervised Nursery Informal Lent Services Minister - Rev. Ken Rowland EVERYONE WEI-COME Pasw Larry Hunter invites you to cit perience the Life Changing Power of (kw- Sundav -Service 10-30 am & 6:30 prin xvednesdav Bible Studv 7:30 prn • J?rnamic. contemplorarl, Praise & 96rship • Strong emphasis on Faith in 1i 1 Fo4, _ �Sp God's llviord and the . irlit • Fantastic Children's ministn, -5 Charni RdL unit #2, Ajax, (*S) 619-1 log (lucatcd in commercial buildirW I FirIlowship in Christ Church NEW THOUGHT 1-55 Plummicir, Pickcring 837-2603 Sundav School I I a.m. Worship 'Cipme And Be Pirtpspered- Join us this weckend and CIFIXTRCf4 C)IiF Cilia's—T CE"AIR ST., AJAX, 683-247-7 1 street north of 401 - West Of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M_ & 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:00 P.M, Watch "Key to the Kingdom­ Thurs. morning. 8:30 a.m. Vision T.V. Cable 59 Vree Bible Stu4dy Course NEW LEVE COKKUMTY CHURCH % � 1,� 1, - 11111111. \ lliag� k, 1� �.� W!, 19',; Vjll"- F.inrn R,iad. l'ickening 10:30 a.m. Glood P11day - Chapel 10:30 a.m. Palm Sunday - Anditorium, Nunwry And Stindiv st-lux)II Is lohn Wcni .416-618-529" Pickering Standard Church I 'vilethodisi) TI Brock Rd. / Hwy. #7 Sunday School - 10 15 Wor%hip I I a.m,. 7 p.m. Wed 7:30 Bible Study, Behic Club for Children and Youth 428-6102; 665-01148 1820 Whtes R-1. N, 839-1383 EmIler Service Sun.,AprilS 11juirL Palm Sunday, Service Thum- April 9 8 pm. Motindy Thursday 'comomnson Seems" Fri, April 10 9 am. Good Friday Brosidast "IW1393trbdos) Sun.. Apil 12 11 am. FAster sunday Service He died to take away your sins. Not your mind. You clon't have to,,top thinking when you walk into our church. Come and join us in an atmosphere where faith and thought exist together in a �,pirit (if fellowship. W. %� N1 41unbartan-ffairport 11niteb Thurx:4 1066 Dunberton Rd.. Pickering 839-727, fnorth of Kingston Rd. - west off Dixie Rd.) Join us in worship - Upcoming services: Palm Sunday - April 5th at 10:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday - April 9th at 7 p.m. Good Friday - April 10th at 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday - 7 a.m. - Sunrise Service 10:30 a.m. - Communion Call us for more info or visit our voeballiv, at: www.dunbartonfairport.o4n.c&fdunitoW CHRISTIAN FAITH OUTREACH CENTRE THE' F,4.111I. YCHURCH Presents Speclal.11eetln�Zs 1171b REV. BRUCE & CINDY BLACK from Tulsa Oklahonia n- n--- . - &we ed Czp* W" or A trumu 4ohod md w* anorut" tem &wj prew&q a* of ton" Ic iff Ctmili japni wdez4" wAy AraawftV afthr At$ Spra Phemi lkliiiiq mbW virrr thry uwnaW Gd#vf" navy bra'&V awain 7k7 tmvdW wh kemwh lil" &w & Cxu� ftd IbmwIlmm Ik EwVr. UU "d C-6 u" w4 kain W, Wd wirk Qd .#rwV ba wW %Wb =my wadn as j1i* ar mirfra ad koW Christian Faith Outreach Centre - The Family Church 75 Chanibm Dr., Unit #2, Ajax, On. LIZ I El (6carej w c�rciai bu"ag conspim) (905)619-1109 April 5 Palm Sunday 8: 00 A. M., 9:30 A. M., 11: 30 A. M. & 6:30 P. M. April 6-9 Monday to Thursday 7:30 RM. April 10 Good Friday 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. April 12 Easter Sunday 10:00 A.M. AT THE PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX 1867 Valley Farm Road 6:30 P.M. EXPERIEN a RENE WA L AND RE VIVA L '­ HOLY WEEK AT AT I SM P91 AIR71N'S -4. VkLiiw-� (ANGLICAN) RECTOR: REV. MARY RANGER Saturday, April 4, 7 p.m. & Sunday, April 5,10:30 a.m. MON. Allm. 6 7:M P.M. - STAnM * TK COU AT MANRESA StM. APR. 5 - FAU1111111IN" 11111111111111�T THURS. APR. 9 - M�T Tidilditillihily IM 19 ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHtRCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 Bible Study - 9:30 a.m. Family Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - Supervised Nursery Informal Lent Services Minister - Rev. Ken Rowland EVERYONE WEI-COME Pasw Larry Hunter invites you to cit perience the Life Changing Power of (kw- Sundav -Service 10-30 am & 6:30 prin xvednesdav Bible Studv 7:30 prn • J?rnamic. contemplorarl, Praise & 96rship • Strong emphasis on Faith in 1i 1 Fo4, _ �Sp God's llviord and the . irlit • Fantastic Children's ministn, -5 Charni RdL unit #2, Ajax, (*S) 619-1 log (lucatcd in commercial buildirW I FirIlowship in Christ Church NEW THOUGHT 1-55 Plummicir, Pickcring 837-2603 Sundav School I I a.m. Worship 'Cipme And Be Pirtpspered- Join us this weckend and CIFIXTRCf4 C)IiF Cilia's—T CE"AIR ST., AJAX, 683-247-7 1 street north of 401 - West Of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M_ & 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:00 P.M, Watch "Key to the Kingdom­ Thurs. morning. 8:30 a.m. Vision T.V. Cable 59 Vree Bible Stu4dy Course NEW LEVE COKKUMTY CHURCH % � 1,� 1, - 11111111. \ lliag� k, 1� �.� W!, 19',; Vjll"- F.inrn R,iad. l'ickening 10:30 a.m. Glood P11day - Chapel 10:30 a.m. Palm Sunday - Anditorium, Nunwry And Stindiv st-lux)II Is lohn Wcni .416-618-529" Pickering Standard Church I 'vilethodisi) TI Brock Rd. / Hwy. #7 Sunday School - 10 15 Wor%hip I I a.m,. 7 p.m. Wed 7:30 Bible Study, Behic Club for Children and Youth 428-6102; 665-01148 1820 Whtes R-1. N, 839-1383 EmIler Service Sun.,AprilS 11juirL Palm Sunday, Service Thum- April 9 8 pm. Motindy Thursday 'comomnson Seems" Fri, April 10 9 am. Good Friday Brosidast "IW1393trbdos) Sun.. Apil 12 11 am. FAster sunday Service He died to take away your sins. Not your mind. You clon't have to,,top thinking when you walk into our church. Come and join us in an atmosphere where faith and thought exist together in a �,pirit (if fellowship. W. %� N1 41unbartan-ffairport 11niteb Thurx:4 1066 Dunberton Rd.. Pickering 839-727, fnorth of Kingston Rd. - west off Dixie Rd.) Join us in worship - Upcoming services: Palm Sunday - April 5th at 10:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday - April 9th at 7 p.m. Good Friday - April 10th at 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday - 7 a.m. - Sunrise Service 10:30 a.m. - Communion Call us for more info or visit our voeballiv, at: www.dunbartonfairport.o4n.c&fdunitoW CHRISTIAN FAITH OUTREACH CENTRE THE' F,4.111I. YCHURCH Presents Speclal.11eetln�Zs 1171b REV. BRUCE & CINDY BLACK from Tulsa Oklahonia n- n--- . - &we ed Czp* W" or A trumu 4ohod md w* anorut" tem &wj prew&q a* of ton" Ic iff Ctmili japni wdez4" wAy AraawftV afthr At$ Spra Phemi lkliiiiq mbW virrr thry uwnaW Gd#vf" navy bra'&V awain 7k7 tmvdW wh kemwh lil" &w & Cxu� ftd IbmwIlmm Ik EwVr. UU "d C-6 u" w4 kain W, Wd wirk Qd .#rwV ba wW %Wb =my wadn as j1i* ar mirfra ad koW Christian Faith Outreach Centre - The Family Church 75 Chanibm Dr., Unit #2, Ajax, On. LIZ I El (6carej w c�rciai bu"ag conspim) (905)619-1109 April 5 Palm Sunday 8: 00 A. M., 9:30 A. M., 11: 30 A. M. & 6:30 P. M. April 6-9 Monday to Thursday 7:30 RM. April 10 Good Friday 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. April 12 Easter Sunday 10:00 A.M. AT THE PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX 1867 Valley Farm Road 6:30 P.M. EXPERIEN a RENE WA L AND RE VIVA L '­ HOLY WEEK AT AT I SM P91 AIR71N'S NEWLIFE CHR1STW'FEU0WSH1P VkLiiw-� (ANGLICAN) RECTOR: REV. MARY RANGER Saturday, April 4, 7 p.m. & Sunday, April 5,10:30 a.m. MON. Allm. 6 7:M P.M. - STAnM * TK COU AT MANRESA StM. APR. 5 - FAU1111111IN" 11111111111111�T THURS. APR. 9 - M�T Tidilditillihily IM 19 CENTRE A.M. - HOLY EUCHARIST (8CP) 7:111111 P.M. - AGAPE'SUPPER, (At East Shore Community Centrc $-.N P.M. - HOLY EUCHARIST (BAS) 18-M A.M. - KESSING OF THE PALMS, FDOT WASHING 910 Liverpool Rd.) AT ST.MARTIN'S PROCESSION, DNA EUMOST (BAS), EUCHARIST(BAS) SMDAY SCHOOL & NURSERY (Chddren's Program Provided FR1I. APR.18 - GOOD FRIDAY STRIPPING OF THE ALTAR WED. APR. I During Moming Service) 9-M A.M. - CHILDREN'S WALK STATION OF THE CROSS T*N A.M. -MM SAT. APR. 11 - ULT SATiliiiidl�y 7:111111 P.M. - THE GREAT VIGIL OF EASTER AT ST. PAUt:S ON THE HILL Sunday, April 5,630 p.m. I l:N iLM. - GOOO FRIDAY LITURGY FDLLOWED WITH A LIGHT BREAKFAST LIGHT 114G OF THE 11111:115 A.M. - HOLY EUCHARIST (BCP) PASCAL CANDLE (At Dunbarton Fairport United AT ST MARTIN'S BAPTISM, & THE EUCHARIST (BAS) Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd.) -Walk ult th die Lord to Ca[vary, so 11 Ut mayjoyfuffygreet Him, the rism Christ, at Easter, Tim Godfrey (Pastor) 8314128 1201 ST. MARTIN'S DR. PICKERING-SOUTH OF SAYLY ST., ONE BLOCK WEST OF LNERPOOL RID. �-w We are on the Internet T.- 1X#,eziwww,*aariwmn,ews.-,n r 0 o 4!", 7= NE"AVVIMME11111111101111111MY, *FW 3.- PMPAGE 39 Paintin&, Wallpaperin& drf"H. renovaM, decks & wood refinishing. n's our reputation, ft's your horne. Ve affordable. no mess. 701, a fteet estimate, call Wayne 427-9513 CARPET/ UPHOLSTERY CLEAKING :$30 • Ham :S65 • SOW Lonsteall: $50 saftOWN" GAWMW*d ALL MIULTICLEAN 416422-6106 D OOD FLOORING Specialist SarFdlr)g. Staining. installation Of prefirtmhed / unfirisned flooring (416) 208-4450 BUDGET HOME Dill[PROVEXCENTS Basement Apts., Rec-roorns. plunting, Additicirs. electrical, dirfmall. cerairm WV 15 yrs. Exp. Call Mado (905Y 61"W. cei.(416) 560-4663 M&M CONSTRUCTION Additions. Rooting. Kitchens. bath, basements. decks. entrance doors. plurnita". ellectr". retaining walls. and interlock ioliessin 905-427-4234 %I Ws)LALL GROUP HOW 114,11F kkm. WifUJOWS. nimb, bathiroonw. Acck%. leninirig painting Ff" estialballes Smiers, Discommits 1`005� 423-3362 Ask for Paul IMPMVEMFJff Decks. Fences. Shqds Zl�"=��= Free Esurnates Call Rick 905 619-0681 416 953-7607 QUALrrY big Kitc", Drywjff�- Ceramic Tile, Decks. Patios and More! 20% Seritors Discount All out work is guarmseed 25 Years experaescie F FREE estinualle can M*Cemo (416) M-901 M.L. 8.7024 Heating & AW COMIlCiftioning Air CondlitioA Pre -Season Sarg. Call now for your free estimate. Oshawa (905) 579-SM9 FAX YOUR AD 579-4218 A & C ROOFING, And Alumium Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old. Workmanship Guar- anlecd. 10% Discount to Seniors. fully in- �urrd, Free estimate,%. Call Andrew at (9051 4MS704 M" a —Adl* T=. F dic. I q R"'M nowlawnent AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly We now have heated storage units. We sell moving supplies. Park and load special, starting at $125. and up. 725-0005 or 427-0005 L -ML -AL -M V 11117AL2 M 0.1 M.— Electrical MASTER ELECTRICIAN Electrical work of all types. Fully licensed and insured. Tel./Fax. 905 509-8123 E— �_%L� -miliel - - 11 Plumbing DOUG CLARK PLUMBING Licensed, insured. repans& afterations, new bathrooms & rentNations, PUMP repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 18 YRS. EXP. 686-5172, 24 hm I-SOMl-2393 Nq a OKarom PAINTING A PLASTIERING -No job too big or smair You pay wilien You an sailished, .Frell esarnallest call use at AN Pro Painting and Wallpapering C.-Wral rcisaft Top quaty _.11i ad wmwahk pr%:,� 20% ,IT I.W Scm- C411 fw a FREF Estimale 404-9669 lntJEXL Paper hanginy sponging an raggin Serving Mr. Region sunce 19&3 Free Estimates (905) 683 -SM Z5 YM OIIL Subdivisaw work or priiiiialle. Int. & Ext. Drywall topling & repairs ceramic tills, cauNft. Good raW& Excelmd 905-720-2M7 TNS PNNM & DECOR Interior & Exterior Europlew Workman- ship fast, clean, relialft service. 420-0081 Plem md your dw OW ad on Im 6d dey of pAklelllon a we r ou a be riespon- ab 11or ma 8W ow kowilion in ft leveed of an jew. HARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS Move big or small. we Price them all! Free esti- mates. seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- Phances, moved, also storage space available Comoafable rates. Call 1995)9874437 or 11_8OO­M_5M MICNALSKI NO" A STORAGE "Cuses Apartmenis Oftes. Appliances & Pwro specullists saw & Mid - Month Discounts. Licensed. mured Firm Protessiona =seMc*. Call 4w7m. Experienced Cross Move Bargain rates. homes, 0111ces. aPL. ft Piano moving. Packing available. 423-0239 CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience. restretching, our Speciality. Free estimates. 0 & N ourtaill. 967-1799 or 1111117-11100 AAA, CLEANING SERVICES TOO tftM'l too tired' or just don -v kke clemsN7 Give Thenta a call 66&0727 GET 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 S6� .41 ;IeAn OP to 3000 S4 ft Vacuiurning. dusW4 balh clearing. 101clo, Rom wastitia mdow ledges. line boaft. & MIMI" elm No houss "as dem" 10 years ; I , " cam Rom e 4116,7116-928,it EM Yard UN ad Now"� Mends=mm RANGER LANDSCAPING Lawn Cutting $15 & up Spring & Fall Clean up Trimming / Garden work "Excellent Rates and Excellent Service" GUARANTEED! (416)806-1808 (905)619-2125 GLga;n�ftc=— =- == & SEVEN OAKS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE A ismillm com. Piammill. S046ft 80d NiiY "ha Or LwWscapwV I PLEASE CALL US AT (416) 994-3&% or (9W) 57641260 BOOIL YOUR SUMMER MAINTIENANCE PROGRAM W)W & RECEIVE YOUR SPIUNG CLEAN UP FOR FIRM!! kESIDEN riAL OR COMMERCIAL WM SftdNG BOIOIGNG NOW FOR -- P SPRING CLEANUPS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ALL TYPES OF LANDSCAPIN 26 YEARS IN BUSINESS! 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