HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_02_24News 0. Pickering dvePL1s%,,.r • Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand February 24, 199,1, VN, 33, No. h, Preo�run +-000 1 2 pages Helter shelter Social housing light looms in Durham BY KEITH GILLIGAN STAFT REPOKTER A battle over control of social housing in Durham is shap- ing up between the Region and providers of low-cost shelter. The Province downloaded funding responsibility for social housing to the Region on Jan. 1. but Durham won't have a say in how the money is to be spent. Durham finance commissioner Jim Clapp told Regional Council's finance committee Wednesday the housing corporations will continue to own and manage their buildings. That upset Uxbridge Mayor Cirri Lynn O'Connor. 'The most disturbing thing is we don't own (social housing units). We'll pay the mortgage and we don't own them. .*be philosophy, to say it's tainted, is an understatement. It's like paying a mortgage on your house and not owning it" ROGER Regional Chairman Roger Anderson ANDERSON agreed, with a plea to provincial officials. `Power to -If we pay the bills you better give its the control it' ability and power to control it..' Mr. Clapp estimated Durham's cost for social housing will be approximately $37.3 million annually, about $7 million of which will fund low-cost shelter in other regions in the Greater Toronto Area under tate Province's pooling programme. The more than 7,600 social housing units in Durham are run by 57 independent corpora - See DURHAM/Page 3 STOREROOM PERIODICAL ,photo by Andrew IwanowsW Blood relatives Francine Sullivan was given a little support and encouragement from children Adam and Kelly during a blood donor clinic held Wednesday at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. Mrs. Sullivan was among the marry who turned out to give the gift of life. Witty fund-raiser pockets $26,000 for charity BY Kum Qu.lGAN sTAW REPORTER Jim Witty was highly praised and gently panned Friday for his 17 -year po- litical career, serving Durham Region and the Town of Ajax. A sell-out crowd of 500 turned out at the Pickering Recreation Complex to ho- nour Mr. Witty and help raise $26,275 for the Community Foundation of Durham Region, which funds various charities in the area. "My fond hope is I made the commu- nity a better place to live, work and play, said Mr. Witty. "Ajax and Durham Re- gion are the best places to live. If I helped, my time was well spent." Mr. Witty refined in December, end- ing a 17 -year career in which he served as a regional councillor. mayor of Ajax and Durrant chairman. Politicians at all levers showed up or sent Iotas to commend Mr. Witty for his service to the community. Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeague thanked him for the manner See FORMER/Page 3 Toasted Friday Beat the Feb Blahs! BUY A COMPUTER! (905) 420-9707 `Definitely a homicide' Body in trash bin suffered stab wounds BY SHAWN SIMPSON SPECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER The tarp -wrapped body of a man discovered in a dumpster behind a Pickering strip mall Friday after- noon died from a "\-% ound inflicted i,\ a sharp instru- ment," a Toronto oroner has con- Iudcd from an autopsy complet- cd Sunday. The remains of Adrian George Huber, 23, of ADRIAN Broadview Av- HUBER cnue in Toronto, Found dead were found in the --- dumpster behind the commercial plaza on Bayly Street just west of Brock Road around 3:10 p.m. by a man trying to retrieve a blue tarpaulin he had noticed in the dump - See POLICE/Page 2 INSIDE Name Dropping — Someone you know may be celebrating this week - page i. FllifaoaW Paige ...........6 Spode .................8 (]susRled ..............9 HOW TO REACH US General ..........683-5110 Death Nodcea ......683-3005 Auction Line .......683-7545 Sincerely Youlns ........ ............ 1-800-662$423 Email ................ .trewsroomOdurham.net Intertsct .............. http://www.durhamnews.net PAGE 2 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1"S Police seek information from public on murder victim POLICE/From page 1 was removed and then transported to the Coro- ster. "I went to grab the tarp, I opened it and to my amazement there was somebody down there;" Ray Regim- bal told the News Advertiser on Fri- day evening, shortly after he made the grisly discovery. "I looked in the bin and there were a couple of feet sticking in the air. I didn't think he was sleeping, not head first" The dumpster and its contents were removed from the scene Friday night and taken to the Pickering po- lice station where Mr. Huber's body Help for parents of troubled teenagers The Associa- tion for Parent Support Groups holds its local weekly meeting T u e s d a y (tonight) at 7:15 p.m. for parents of children in- volved in drug or alcohol abuse, running away, dropping out of school, crimes or parent abuse. Call 1-800- 488-5666 for lo- cation - ner's Building in Toronto. "Several people have come forward with various times people were near that dumpster," said Sergeant Jim Grimley of Durham Regional Police. "We're following up on those leads. But, it's definitely a homicide." Sgt. Grimley says Mr. Huber is known to police but would not elabo- rate. Anyone with information about this JIM incident is asked to call the Durham GRIMLEY Regional Police Homicide Unit at 1 - `Following up 888-579-1520 ext. 2593 or Crime on those leads' Stoppers at (905) 436 -TIPS. �iBILL MURRAWS BEST COMEDY SINCE GROUNDHO DAY." - Jeff Craig, SIXTY -SE PR"EW eiu MURRAY s I the Man who Knew too Lith 12 W Al UJBWh "iXUIIEI ,% Wi W �1fD li1¶F � WN1PI I�� Nl® W1M WW"!� MOWN 'SSI;# jWWitllf 2K"A1M M H AC7Qfl. A =®I IIS i WWf1 � Wtt ixd'IJ*� •cued C*w.ed by die Ns"W C D=" Imaoor 0199? W Wier Bros 0 1997 1h w= Home NSdeo $1 00 a a We're online at www.durhamnews.net P Durham deb at es ousmg bbli atlon j 9 6 RH."Wrom page 1 tions, some of which are represented by the Social Housing SAdvisory Committee (SHAG). SHAC official Emil Remark r4beGeves it's in the best interest of everyone for those hous- g Providers to keep control of the units. "We provide a rAast to everybody:' He added the 57 corporations d continue to own and manage the properties. We see matter that needs to be looked at closer." Plane crash kills 'very caring' Pickering man PICKERING —A "very caring" 37 -year-old Pickering man who "loved flying" is dead following a plane crash in Manitoba Friday. John Gordon Toms and his flying instructor, Glen E. Baird, 33, of Sarnia, were killed when their single-en- gine plane crashed through the ice of Lake Manitoba near Dauphin. RCMP Constable Ernest Arns of the Ashern Detachment said the light air- craft carrying the two men crashed between two islands on the lake between 11:30 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. Accord- ing to police, the Dash 20 was en route to Dauphin from the Interlake International Pilot Training Centre in Gimli when it crashed. Steve Sutton, owner of SALE PECIAL, BARGAINS IN TODAY'S News Adv ser Mies., Feb. 24,1998 News Advertiser • C & S Contracting - Ajax • Shoppent Drq kW • Toys R Us NU • Westley Gurdien Dnag NU Zebra AWANck • Ddi=W io xkcvd I w&" ady Ranember, all insals, ntd those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest ofyour blue box ling ptogrm. For infonnatiort on cleltvering your advertising fl , WALVIN B IROUWER � . SOW - at 683-5110. Toronto's Sutton Graphics where Mr. Toms had worked in sales for the past four years, said the Pickering man was taking a three-week va- cation in Manitoba to com- plete his pilot's licence. "He loved flying ... he had a motorcycle and he loved the outdoors," Mr. Sutton said. "He was a very caring in- dividual, the type everybody took a shine to. He was very good at his job" as a journey- man in the lithography trade who made a "successful" transition to sales when he was hired at Sutton Graphics. "He was very personable." Funeral services will be held at the Giflen-Mack Funeral Home on Lawrence Avenue East in Scartx)rouch on Sat- urday. James Tuesday's carrier of the week is Jaynes. He enjoys basketball & karate. James will receive a dinner for 4 voucher, complii wets of McDonald's. (,agrandatiows Jamcs for being our carrier of the wool[. Harwood Matt Riaz 135 Kingston Rd.,Ai- 222 Ba* St. W.,Alax 726 Kingston Rd., Pick. 1360 Kingston Rd., Pick. THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,19" - PAGE 3 Former chairman honoured at charity event WITTY/From page 1 in which he served the public. "You showed kindness, caring and compassion. You're judged by the many friends you have here tonight." Mr. McTeague read a letter from Prime Minister Jean Chretien, who told Mr. Witty, "ro serve in public office and your fellow citizens, is a call- ing of a higher order. You sought to improve the quality of life in Durham Region" Durham Centre MPP and Labour Minister Jim Flaherty noted the evening's guest of honour was well respected by peers throughout the country. "Jim Witty is an important politician in Durham Region and (a moving force behind) the growth we've had in Durham Region. He's a politi- cian with a lot of weight, not only municipally, but provin- cially and federally." Durham West MPP and Community and Social Ser- vices Minister Janet Ecker wrote in a letter that Mr. Witty showed "class, integrity, com- passion and, dare I say, com- mon sense" Premier Mike Harris noted in writing, "It's an honour to be elected. You're no stranger to the role of leader and the demands of duty. You've capped a lifetime of service to this province. "From one golfer to anoth- er, may your retirement be punctuated by numerous holes in one," Mr. Harris quipped. Roger Anderson, the cur- rent Durham Chairman who succeeded Mr. Witty, has known him for a quarter-cen- tury. "I followed him every- where he went. He went to Kinsmen. I followed him along. "He went to council. I thought this looks pretty good. He goes to the Region and I thought this looks pretty good. He was a great mayor. He got along well with every- one and keeps everyone to- gether, most of the time. "He's a great friend. He's helped me on numerous occa- sions. He's helped everyone in the room on numerous oc- casions. He's helped everyone in the town" Mr. Witty's daughters An- drea, Kim and Cheryl told those assembled their father had a "goal he's strived for and dedicated his life to achieving. The goal is to painstakingly embarrass his children. Now it's our tum" They then dressed Mr. Witty as a clown. Their quick-witted father joked, "I always wanted boys „ JAMES R. YatiC'II During his address, Mr. Witty said, "When I an- nounced my retirement, I said contrary to public opinion. politics is an honourable pro- fession. Politics is hard work. My main goal was making the communities better." Now that he's in "semi -re- tirement," Mr. Witty an- nounced, "I will spend more time with my insurance busi- ness, more time with my fam- ily and I will be losing 4Q pounds this year. I'm down I I so far." N BANKRUPTCYI Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 619 -1473 COBOURG 72 King St. W. 3724744 Saturday do Evening Appointments available ME 4 -THE NEM ADVE11TISM TUESDAY, FF.SWARY 24,19" -tri Gagnon''', Survivor fgunman was a killer without remorse' BY STEPHEN SHAW DURHAM STAFF A survivor of a deadly Os- hawa gunshop robbery re- counted yesterday 60 seconds of terror at the hands of a gun- man whom he described as "a killer without remorse " His voice at times trem- bling, Randy Jenkins, 43, told a double -murder trial he was shot in the arm by one of two masked assailants then watched in horror as his em- ployer, Gagnon Sports owner Roger Pardy, was fatally shot in the head. Court heard Mr. Jenkins wasn't scheduled to work Sept. 14, 1994 but dropped by -the popular local sporting goods store, then located on Simcoe Street South, to return a set of car keys to Mr. Pardy's wife, Nathalie. She was busy cooking dinner in the residen- tial part of the store during the holdup. Moments after he entered the store, about 5:31 p.m., the bandits burst in, he said. "Okay. this is it! This is a holdup! Everybody get down!" Mr. Jenkins saW the Shorter, commanding robber screamed. Mr. Jenkins said he swung around to face the robber and Men, in complete disbelief, ut- tered the words, "You must be joking.- The oking "The robber. armed with a blanket -covered object which appeared to have an "alu- minum tube" protruding from it, replied "This ain't no f — joke" then fired one shot, hitting Mr. Jenkins in the arm. "It felt much like a bee sting on my left arm. I took one large step towards the south and proceeded to get down on my knees. I put my left arm in the air as best I could and tried to stem the bleeding with my right hand" Within seconds, startled customer David Spicer be- came the next vic- tim. Mr. Jenkins said the Oshawa bus dri- ver managed to blurt out the words' What the" before the shooter repeat- ed his orders and opened fire, hitting Mr. Spicier in the arm. Mr. Jenkins wept openly as he then testified how the gun- man advanced in a crouched "combat stance" towards Mr. Pandy, who was on the tele- phone speaking with customer Ian Campbell when be was killed. "He said something to the effect of 'I told you to get dawn, I'm not f kid- ding' and at the same time the weapon was discharged a cou- ple more times. "The last words I heard Roger say on the phone were 'Call the police, we're being held up' and then I heard him scream,11 he remained on his knees, Mr. Jenkins said he considered "swinging at" the legs of the gunman, who was just a couple feet away, but at that time the second robber brushed past him. He said the second assailant then grabbed the wound- ed Mr. Spicer, who was slumped over a display case, and pushed him to the floor. "He then yelled, 'If anyone else moves kill 'ern,"' recalled Mr. Jenkins, adding he- soon esoon heard "muf- fled" shots again from what he de- scribed as a silenced weapon. Mr. Jenkins said the second robber pulled a metal object from a duffel bag and smashed the glass handgun display case, from which he began scooping out weapons. After grabbing several guns, the first robber yelled "OK that's enough" and then stood at the entrance Drovid- ing "cover" as his accomplice ran out, Mr. Jenkins said. The entire ordeal lasted be- tween 45-60 seconds, he esti- mated. When asked by prosecutor Greg O'Driscoll to describe the demeanor of the 'loud and aggressive" shooter, Mr. Jenk- ins replied: "I would say he KEN THOMAS 'Executed' Billboard %I N OAY, FEB. 25 WELLNESS: The Ajax -Pickering Women's Centre hosts a free workshop on Personal Safety featuring Durham Regional Police Constable Brad Durst from 7 to 9 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Church, Portable #2, Randall Dr. and Hwy. 2, Pickering Village.426-1064. FRIENDS: Friends invite women to a bible study and fiiendship group to study issues like nutrition and depression Wednesdays from 9 to 11 am. at Ajax Alliance Church, 115 Ritchie Ave. Make a friend. Lug -a -mug. Babysitting provid- ed for a fee. 686-2569 or 427-6613. ALZHEIMER: Alzheimer Durham holds an Ajax support group meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 487 Westney Rd. S., Units 19 and 20 (at the corner of Clements Rd. W.), Ajax. 576-2567 (Kim). CHOIR: The Merry Melody Makers need soprano and alto voices for the choral group which provides entertain- ment to area seniors. Rehearsals at St. Paul's on -the -Hill Anglican Church, 882 Kingston Rd., Pickering, from 2 to 3 p.m. each Wednesday. 428-8887. BOARD OF TRADE: The Ajax Pick- ering Board of Trade holds a Morning After the Budget Breakfast at 7:30 am. at the Regalis Restaurant, 1305 Pickering Parkway, Pickering. Members $20, non- members $15. 837-6638 (board of trade). was a killer with no remorse; for anything or anybody" Mr. Spicer, during his testi- mony yesterday, said he felt a "stinging" in his left arm when struck by the bullet, which en- tered his lung and remains lodged in his chest. When he was asked to de- scribed the demeanor of the shooter, he replied: "It was as cold and brutal as any human can get" The two -week-old trial be- fore a jury and Mr. Justice Hang LaForrne has heard Mr. Pardy, 43, died from a gunshot wound to the head from a .22 calibre weapon. He was also shot in the chest. Crown attor- neys O'Driscoll and Bryan Davies contend Pickering res- ident Kenneth Thomas, 55, was kidnapped and "execut- ed" hours before the Gagnon Sports heist using the same weapon -The Crown alleges the same men who killed Mr. Pardy also murdered Mr. Thomas because they wanted his car to use in the Gagnon Sports heist. Mr. Thomas's skeletal re- mains were found four months later in a secluded area near the Pickering nuclear plant, court has heard. He had been shot four times in the head with a .22 weapon, the same calibre weapon used to kill Mr. Pardy, court has heard. Roshan Nourozali, 35, and Ronald James Woodcock, 45, have both pleaded not guilty LLWS:The Lupus Association branch in Durham Region offers a Lupus Sup- port Group the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Durham Regional Police station, corner of Brock Road and Hwy. 2, Pickering. Information sharing, discussion and support for peo- ple with lupus, their families and friends. Parking at the back of the building. Wheelchair accessible. 905-619-0000. wNAT IS NEST CE tbit RSEASON! 7 iib-tZ�LS SMUM COEMCnON NOTICE Meet 0241 Sam Price tiummn (One week aty) ' 'lo' On ado Mon. Feb. 23 - Sun. Lurch 1/98 Pape 21 Item 414578 Sorg Stereo TV Reade: Only 1299.99 Sony Stereo TV Pira "4n -Picture and Com Fdter'Does not have Picture-in- Picaure Feature' Nwn Page 21 Only 199-99 7SmMung 244ead Hi-Fi VCR Should have read: Only 199.99 Samsung 24iead Morro VCR Sears regrets any inconvenience that (his may haw caused. to two counts of first degree murder in the deaths of Mr. Pardy and Mr. Thomas. The London, Ont., men are also charged with attempting to kill store employees Mr. Jenkins and Wesley Glaspell and customers Mr. Spicer and George Haralampopolos, all of whom were shot at during the robbery and, with the excep- tion of Mr. Glaspell, were wounded. During cross-ex- amination of Mr. Jenkins, lawyer Peter 7aduk launched an aggressive defence of his client Mr. Woodcock, the al- leged shooter. Court was told Mr. Jenkins has a long-standing relation- ship with a man named Deryck Thompson, one of three men, the other two being Mr. Woodcock and Mr. Nourozali, who were arrested following a March 10, 1995 robbery in London, Ont., in which a man was shot. Court also was told Mr. Thompson, a cocaine user, was in possession of one of the handguns stolen during the Gagnon Sports holdup. Mr. Jenkins denied the repeated sugges- tion Mr. Thompson could have been the gunman in the Gagnon robbery, saying Mr. Thomp- son did not fit the robber's description. "I worked with him for two years, I hunted with him and I knew his voice" ROGER PA RDY Store owner S P R I N G D R E A M S 11-0101 LVA W FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW MARCH 11-15, 1998 .METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE CiWA�l'BhQOW SHOW INFORMATION: 1-800-730-1020 FAx: (416) 593-6055 PRESENTED BY: ' 1111-10� 4mv, PRODUCED BY: 0A ASSOCIATION WITH: -� KITH: MUTUAL FUNDS CONTRIRUTINC �+'• GrAR�DF1�l)QV(` . •1•. 1 •.•� •.11! J 1�, 1_I �,• r :fir i• • •. �•1 t }`I t. lv i�1ti 1 .�. t. • THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,19" - PAGE S h n, icke ja, MINIM 50th Anniversary 40th Birthday Birthday Engagement "Wow, 50 years!" It was G Friday, Feb. There's an- — 50 years ago on Feb. 21 5 13 was a mile- �N other driver on that Marie and Arthur - . ` stone day for the way, as; Carefoote married. "Con- Harry Nolte, as Cristal Wal- gratulations and we love „'" he turned the big !abe t;:r„ed 15► you dearly. You're the ' 'i i four -oh! "We •- -f on Feb. 12. ` greatest parents.” Lovehope that this Wishing her a from children Arthur, will be a good happy birthday j f omen for a great with love were Darlene, Dave, Gary, Sharon, Susan, Bill, year. Best wishes Mom, Doug, Wendy and Steve. and lots of love from your curling Shantel, Sean. and Amy the dog. "It's with much happiness that and Internet widow Denise and we announce the engagement of kids Catherine and Andrew." Krista Dee and Joe Hogenboom. Birthday Birthday Christening The wedding will place on Sept. 12, 1998. Joe is counting down the Birthday Ginta and days and he can't wait! While all Devon Wright Krista can do is cry happy tears! Emily Leah are pleased to We wish Krista and Joe much love, ' ! Short turned announce the health and happiness forever. All I eight on Feb. 12 and cele- christening of our love Mom, Len and Stink."� their son Isiah i - braced 1n George Wright ! Birthday fes: Olympic style �'- on Feb. 8 at St. A blond -haired with family's Ise 'y beauty turned seven and friends. ac at Catholic Church A l l i s o n on Valentine's Day. Best wishes in Pickering. Proud godparents are Lakin turned Wishing Heather Mike Robb turns I I on and love from Ruby Joseph, Avonelle Taylor and 18 on Feb. 20. Columbus a happy Feb. 27. Wishing 'Cool Mom, Dad and Lindsay. Justine Dockery. "Isiah, our angel, "We hope J� birthday with love Mike' a happy birthday we welcome you and may God your birthday were Mom, Dad and with lots of love are Mom, always shine His light on you." was a blast." !' Tara. A big party was Dad, sister Amanda and Birthday Best wishes held with a whole cat Butterscotch. "We and love from bunch of friends. love you." The Kot--� Mom, Dad, j - --_ - sopoulos family Birthday R o b b i e , celebrated A cutie with a Katie, Vase and Kirby. .. Birthday again, because big smile turns Jordan turned ,r nine on Feb. 25. Alexandra Queen, "our sun- five on Feb. 19. _ Happy birthday fi Birthday _y shine and sweetheart", turned Jordan likes to and wishes for a four on Valentine's Day. "We swim and play great day go out "Our beautiful boy" celebrat- love you more than all the stars hockey and has- Al... a to Catherine ed his second hirthday on Feb. in the sky." Happy birthday kcthall. Wishing Forrester Crum Wishing wishes from Mom, Dad, brother him a happy birthday with lots of Mom, Dad, Sebastian Adam, Grandpa, Grandma, love were Mom, Dad, Tyler, Brian, family "Lath a Pa, her aunts, uncles and friends.Joshua, Alexandra and Victoria. and friends. "We love you.- happy birth- _ day with lots i L of love were Birthday M o m m y, y Birth y Birthdays D a d d v, Feb. 14 was A curie with "'� February is a big birthday month Grandma a big day for i a big smile !I, in the Moore and Grand - "our special pa Muccio, P turned four on home. On Feb. Valenti n e " Feb. 22 when 1. Tracey turned Grandma Justin Plane as `,',` and Grand - he turned one. bottle celebrat- Feb. 28, Raquel Tommaso, his aunts, uncles, happy birthdatshtng him a '� with a fami- ,; celebrates her cousins and godparents. "And. Y ly party. s sixth birthday. Wishing the beauties with a bighug Happy birth- happiness and lots of love are Mom '. always in our hearts, Uncle ;� ' were Mommy, day wishes, Doone and Dad Derrick. Charlie." Daddy, Derek, Ashley, Aunt hugs and kisses from Mom, Dad, . -J Nancy, Uode Jeff, Blaine, Lydia, brother Jordan, and grandparents Grandma and Grandpa Plane. Milli and Popp&. "We love you." Birthday Birthday Birth&y On Feb. 23, "our beautif d Hasnein reached his Feb. 23 was a special day for Bl7`th&y little ballerina" turned three. 1 4 t h Brent Tamane, because he y Katie birth- reached double "Our beattiftll Line boy The big O'Brien day on digits. Happy Austin Daniels turned guy in the celebrated Feb. 5. 10th birthday one on Feb. 7. You have S p e e r s with family Wish- wishes to "our filled our hearts with so house turns and friends. i n 8 super athletic much love and touched 10 on Feb. Wishing h i m son", who was our fives with a great deal 24. Wish- rn Katie a fun t h e boduring the of happiness- Mme. Dad, ing Kyle a ' ° day with v e r y 1988 Calgary Grandma and Grandpa Da■ie>Is, Grand- h a P P Y love, hugs b e s t W i n t e r eml and Grandpa Davidson, and your lov- birthday with love are Mom, and kisses were Momany, and love were Farouk and Olympics, from Mon, Dad, ing aunts and uncles." Dad and Ashley. Daddy and sister Krode, Mom Shahena. Grant and all the family. 1794 Liverpool Road Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? ...send to: Pickering 831-54E: WEEKS CAKE WIN14M "� Let us know. We'll publish your spe- Dropping," 3THIS cial occasion in an easy-to-reaul % Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., � to to �, and eas-to-clipformat.. ' . • Alax, Ont. LIS 2H5 ala VAUD than. SAT.Peb. 29. 19" PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTM= TUESDAY, FE RRUARY A IVA ax-PickeringNe,�'Is Advertiser Editorials aetters A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L I S 2H5 • Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Edi torial Praise where praise is due They came to praise a great leader, not to bury him. OK, so there were a few slings and arrows directed at Jim Witty during a dinner in his honour at the Pickering Recreation Complex Friday. But, for every friendly barb fired at the retired Durham Region chairman, there were dozens of bouquets delivered to the man who spent 17 years in elected office here. Mr. Witty, whose sumame is appropriate for a mart blessed with a great sense of humour, was praised by politicians at all levels of government for blessing the people of Ajax and all of Durham with his service. He retired in December, ending a long and distin- guished career in which he served as a regional council- lor, mayor of Ajax and Durham chairman. "My fond hope is I made the community a better place to live, work and play:' Mr. Witty told approxi- mately 500 people assembled at his send-off. "If I helped, my time was well spent" Mr. Witty, rest assured, your fond hope is our fortu- nate reality. Your service — as a politician, as a founder of charity events, as a supporter of other worthy causes — has indeed made the community a better one. And Friday's event, though it included praise from all corners for Mr. Witty, had a charitable theme. Those at- tending helped raise $26,000 for the Community Foun- dation of Durham Region, which was established to help fund charities in the area. Even Prime Minister Jean Chretien took time out from the national unity battle to send along his com- mendation. '"To serve in public office and your fellow citizens is a calling of a higher order. You sought to im- prove the quality of life in Durham Region" Politicians of every stripe paid tribute. Premier Mike Harris noted in writing, "You're no stranger to the role of leader and the demands of duty. You've capped a lifetime of service to this province" And the praise continued — from local and regional councillors, from mayors, from provincial MPPs and federal MPs. All of whom know the sacrifices one must make to serve the public in political office. Mr. Witty made that sacrifice for a lengthy portion of his adult life. And, he did it with class and kindness, car- ing and cornpassion. Even in his semi -retirement, he plans to continue serving his corritnunity. We're all better off because of Mr. Witty and his work. Congr.Mulatiions, Jim, for your efforts in the com- nnunity, and your success in raising much-needed char- ity funding last Friday. Enjoy your sernmebrerneriL And, good hick on the golf course. To respond to this editorial call Mfosowee at %fasomume 683-700 and dial 5110 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Publisher: This Wiittaker A Metr+ola id Community Newspaper nic Tuesda Wedesdax "Amy, er v Letters to the editor Stoop and scoop, elephant owners To the editor: Has anyone seen the ele- phants in Ajax? I feel that there must be an entire herd running wild through the parks and streets. How have I come to this conclusion? Large quantities and numerous piles of droppings — everywhere! OK, so I know it's not really elephants, but there have to be some really big dogs with really inconsiderate owners out there. As the snow melts, anyone,at- tempting to walk down our city sidewalks is having to play a game of poop -scotch! (It's just like hop -scotch, but a little messier if you don't miss.) Colne on, dog owners! Stoop and scoop! (Although it looks like some of you need a front- end loader to follow Fido!) Yes, I have a dog — two, in fact. And yes, I do stoop and scoop — every time! Yes, you still have to pick it up, even if it's dark, and no one sees your pet do it. How can you let your pet do it on the sidewalk and still walk away from it? As a final thought, for those of you who don't feel it's neces- sary to shovel your sidewalks ti- ther, I hope you slip on your un - shovelled sidewalk and land in your unscooped dog do! Justine M. Robinson, Ajax The News Advertiser accepts let- ters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, ISO words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last nano. Please include a phone ameber for verifu- cation. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters ane those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. JOANNE EIntGHARDT, Editor-in-CWd STEVE HOU57M. Managing Edww BI�DANFORD. ALVIN BROUWF.R. Rail Adverfisb g 1Nanagtar EDDIE Classified Advafidog Ma"W 1§0011,41111"UE LEA, Real Etaard Mtangrr AEE FAIWOURIIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRLSOK Production Matutga JAMCE O'NEQ., Assistant Production Manager TO REACH US Cenral 693-5110 C added: 683-0707 Dh&ftimtittn: 683-5117 Fax: 683-7363 CampniM Fns: 579-9273 E -mag: wwwoontedurbam.net MARIANNE TAKAcs Pickering Staff Writer Bay -saving plan watered down It looks as if the Frenchman's Bay watershed will be the acid test for Pickering Council in terms of its commitment to the environment. Sure, Pickering has talked big and even battled hard in the past on issues such as landfills and the nuclear station. But on those matters, the Town and its residents have fought mostly to get others to live up to their environmental responsibilities. In this case, there's nobody but Pickering to blame for the condition of Frenchman's Bay and no one else to remedy it. Many politicians and res- idents hope to tum the bay into some combination of nature preserve, recreational centre and tourist attraction on the waterfront. But it's currently choking to death on a soup of silt, filth, pesticides, fertilizers and automotive oils being washed into it daily from the streets, yards and fields of Pickering. Last week rookie councillors Mark Holland and David Pickles came forward with a proposal to have Town staff get started on a watershed man- agement strategy to help stem the flow of silt and pollution into Frenchman's Bay, through measures such as stormwater retention ponds, renaturaliza- tion of creek, and streams and better management of development. They said it would be the fust step in putting together the watershed management plan which has been a principal recommendation of the much -praised Pickering 2001 Waterfront Task Forte. But some councillors reacted to the proposal as if they had just been handed a bag of dead fish. The report being asked for would take up too much of staff's time, they said. The Town doesn't have much money to spend on watershed management, they wanted. Several sections of the Holland/Pick- les resolution ended up being deleted, including one to examine the impact of development in the 'Iroquois shoreline' area of math Pickering where most of the creeks and streams which flaw into the bay have their source. Overall, councillors gave the impression of not wanting to have everything out on the table on this issue, for fear they might end up facing sane very expensive proposals or ones that could hinder de- sired development. Maybe their fears arc well-founded. But doesn't it make sense to take a good hard look at the entire sittaition before malting any decisions? Limiting the scope of Pickaing's waiashed management strategy before it's evert developed, in order to avoid unpleasant options, hardly stents the right way to go about saving Frenchman's Bay. Marianne Takacs writes in our Tuesday rogation of ,staff cohousisis. To repaid to this cdhrwt call !n- fasouwe at 683-7040 and dial 5108. The News Advertiser u one of The Metrolaud Printing, Publishing and Distributing gip of k+'spapers• TheNews Advertiser is a member of dw A* A Pickering "Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Cir- culations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisber reserves the right to classify or refuse any adves semem. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. y _KLKAWy 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L 1 S 2H5 CI LILLIANERYLHADES,�a'1°t ��O° MWuMer � Lu.I.IHOOK, Administntiom Manager bupJ/www•dttrtmrrtoews.net � � Q�17 c....., C.,... oc u „e, Awl 9s" Ki: A r f•• N. THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1948 -PACE 7 y d ;aG—+f ■ "■ 11. V R 8 C9as L /y 4'GeSr SGV i All "I s n W. .t© aw 1' p ick eri�rg�o►n.ca Feb. 25 Site Plan Advisory Meeting @ Town Hall Mar. 2 Town Council Meeting @ Town Hall Mar. 4 Committee of Adjustment @ Town Hall Mar. 10 Race Relations Meeting @ Town Hall Mar. l l Site Plan Advisory Meeting @ Town Hall Mar. 16 Town Council Meeting @ Town Hall THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING Environmental Assessment Act, R-S.O. 1990, Chapter E. 18 Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Roads - Schedule B NOTICE Respecting retirement of a portion of Rosebank Road. Pickering, being part of the original road allowance between Lots 30 and 31. Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering. Subject to any comments received as a result of this Notice, and the receipt of any necessary approvals, the Town intends to complete the retirement of the road below. This section of road is no longer inquired as part of the municipal road system as a result of the reason for closure. There is no cost to the Town of the retirement of this section of road, which is expected to be completed by Mani 2, 1998. Further information is available at the following location: The Corporation of the Tawe of Pklterieg, Town Cleric Pkkering Civic Complex, One The Esphnade PickerbW Osttario, LIV GK7 M..aq to Frway, 8:36 ua. to 4:36 pa. Ialerested persons may provide written comment to the Town respecting this proposal by March 2. 1998. Commnents should be seat to the Town Clerk at the above address. If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with the Town, any persodparty may request that the Minister of the Environment and Energy "burrrp-up" the project to an individual eaviroamental assessment. sump -up" addiiesssbeiaw v iliim 36 ft bJa allasy 13, iL Minister of the Environment and Energy 151h Flow, 135 St. Chir Avtsim Nest, Tonallo, Ontario, M4V IP5 If then is no "bump -up" request received by February 12, 1996, the Town will oampkle the ni irement of this section of Rwebrk Road n proposed. Notice issued at Pickering this 5th day of January 1998. GET INVOLVED PICKERING! The Council of The Town of Pickenng is c nng residents to get involved in The Hentage Pickering Committee. This committee is responsible for the maintenance of the inventory of historic or architecturally significant buildings, to review development applications that involve historic or architecturally significant buildings and to plan for and get involved in Heritage Week. The Heritage hckering Committee meets once per month at the Pickering Civic Complex and is comprised ofeight members of which one is a member of the Town Council. Although no remuneration is made to the members of the committee. there may be opportunities to attend seminars and mileage to new historic or architecturally significant buildings would be paid. If you are interested in being a member of this committee, please submit a letter of interest with a bnef outline of your qualifications or involvernem in the community, Letters of application to the Hentage Pickering Committee mug be forwarded to die undersigned no late than February 27, 1998. All applications received will be kept for a period of six months aid applicants will be notified rn the event there are vacarrcnes int other committees Bruce Taylor. AMCT. CMM Town Clerk Tarn of Pickenng One TheIEsp an Pickering. Qrtano I.I V SK7 Clearing of Iee and Snow from Sidewalks All sidewalks shall be clear of Ice and Snow, 12 `hours after the snow has fallen or accumulated. PPICamthe uKERING RECREATION COMP1.0 is iaetestod m meeting you. These are the times when we stmt b get lonely. In order to relieve this empty Eating, we'd like b invite some new friends So join ua. You can play squash or racquetball from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. any weekday and 7:00 am. to 9:00 P.M. on weekends (summer hours are reduced). Just call our friendly staff at 831-1711 for more information.. IF YOU'RE GAME, SO ARE WE. Memberships also available in swimming 0 -IN No Parking on Max. Town Streets No person shall on any Town street park any vehicle for a period longer than three (3) hours except where designated signs. All dogs within the Town of Pickering must be licensed before April 1 st, 1998. The dog must be inoculated with rabies Vaccine within twelve (12) months. Fees: $10.00 for spayed or neutered and $20.00 for any other dog. Lost or misplaced tags are $5.00 PICNERING RECREATION COMPLEX LET US Un YOU FI? 9170008 PICTURE TO FWD OLTP HOW YOU CAN ENJOY OUR FOUR INDOOR TENNIS COURTS, GIVE US A CALL AT 831-1711 ALL COMPLEX MEMBERSHIPS (SWIM EXCLUDED) INCLUDE THE USE OF SWIMMING POOL, SAUNA, WHIRLPOOL AND HEALTH CLUB PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX 1867 VALLEY FARM ROAD PICKERING. ONTARIO 0 Spring Summer Brochure Delivery Watch for distribution of the Town Brochure containing information on Town programs, services, facilities and events. Brochures will be hand delivered to all Pickering households: March 8th to March 13th 1998 During this period a facility copy will be available for viewing at registration facilities: • Civic Complex, 2nd Floor Culture & Rec Dept. • Recreation Complex, Valley Farm Rd. S. Drop off registration commences March 8. Call for details: 683-6582, 420-4621. W� lIJF. TNESS CLASS EMBERSHIPS'. MONTHS OF FITtiFSSS CLASSES FOR $95 AND ., %1�4# GET AN ADDITIONAL 4•co4V 3 MONTHS 4%r,, MARCH 17 -MARCH 23, 1998 This Is Your Lucky Week To Purchase Oui Valued Tone -up Special YOUR MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES: • 3 BONUS MONTHS FREE • SWINIMING POOL `.• SAUNA AND WHIRLPOOL • %Pt" E PAY TH E G S.T. • G U EST PASS SUPER HEALTH CLUB 1VfEMBERSHIPS! opy.3 >manlhs of tlhaas classes tier $15LU and GET AN ADDfrJONAL 3 MONTHS jam+, Mock 17--1aett1 23. iVIII ti 4,i 177 Ie 1wr hm ft Won* is pmnrhnac ltfrfw�su :' aurtlahlai'JMtsnddlaBMellrl YOUTH PROGRAMS AGES 13 TO 19 Mon., Mar. 16,19% St, Mary CJL& 6:30 pan. to 10.00 p.m. r 1%mm, Mar. 17,1991 Chruse t C.C. 1 A0 p.m. to 4:00 pan Ball Hockey 7uurmmat Wed, Mar. 13, IM East Share C.C. 6:30 pan. to 10:30 pan. Pinball & Pod Toweamm Thu s., Mar. 19,1996 St. Mary CAS. 6:30 pan ro 10.00 p.m. 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament. (Rtyattr a any Town Youth Program by Friday, Mardi 13, 1998) Fri., Mar. 20,1998 Claretnew C.C, 6:30 p.m. to 0:00 p.m. East Shore C.C. 6:30 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. Basketball, Floor Hockey, For more lmforniation, Tournaments & Many call 420-6588 or Other Activities 683-2760 ext. 2047 PAGE i-THZ NEWS ADVERTOM 7UESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,19" • Pickerin. .9 Al Rivett, sports editor 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 ave s and D form ­Durham roller ■ hockeyalliance Two roller hockey organizations was trached," Lee says in a press re will become one for the upcoming sea- leased. All-star teams from the organi- son. zations will compete in the Extreme The Durham Devils Roller' Hockey Roller Hockey Series which will in- I.eague and the Durham Dragons elude squads from across the Grp Roller Hockey League will form an al; Toronto Area. In addition, the league's fiance for the 1998 season. house league programine is open to Derek Lee of the Durham Devils or- boys and girls of all ages and skill lev- ;gaiuzation reports the move was made els. Non -contact games will be played because both leagues were providing on weelaughts — most on the same similar prvgramnies serving Ajax and evening to allow participants to play in Pickering Pleyem otter summer sports. ` Ibmugh discussions with rum Dar- Coaches are needed for the upco m - low of the Dragons, we realised that ing season. To sign up, drop in to Pick - many of our efforts were being &q& ding Village Source for Sports, 32 cated and the sport of roller hockey Church St. S., Ajax, to get a registration would be better served in Durham if an farm or call the league's hotline at 426. alliance between the two organizations 5491. Gymnasts on the ball at the Falls Two local gymnasts posted good results at the recent Ameri-Cana In- vitational Meet. hosted by the Nia- gara Falls Lightning Gymnastics Club. Tania Wyer, of Ajax, competing in the Argo 'C' I1 -year-old division, finished sixth overall. She placed third on vault, fifth on floor and sev- enth on beam and bars. Samantha Spencer, of Pickering, was seventh overall in the Tini 'A' di- vision for eight -and -nine-year-old gymnasts. She finished fifth on beam, sixth on floor and ninth on vault. Both gymnasts are members of Oshawa's Gemini Gymnastics. BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION OF AJAX-PICKERING 1998 BOYER PONTIAC BIG BROTHER BOWL FOR KIDS SAKE JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN TO HELP KIDS MARCH 1 ST - 8TH IT'S FUN & FREE TO PARTICIPATE CALL BIG BROTHERS OF AJAX-PICKERING (905) 686-2871 Take a couple of hours to bowl for kids ... It doesn't matter how well or poorly you score, it's your participation and sponsor sheet that matters. Bowl with friends, family or co-workers. Call for a sponsor sheet to -day! $100.00 in pledges will get you a $15.00 certificate at Lone Star Restaurant. More Pledges ... more prizes! omews� SUPPORT A PROGRAM THAT'S ALL ABOUT ,K1D6! I er P Sports News Advertiser Nagymarosi shines for atom Lightning The Durham West Lightning heartache at the annual Valen- playing in goal in place of Cretto. atom 'AN rep girls' hockey team tine's Tournament in London re- She was steady in the cage to reeled off two consecutive wins cently. Playing in the title game earn a 3-0 shutout over Missis- to vault back to the top of the against host London, Durham sauga. She received outstanding North Metro Girls' Hockey West turned in a gutsy perfor- defensive support from the de - League standings. mance only to lose 1-0. fence of Stacey Vahey, Amanda The Lightning skated to a 3-1 Facing Aurora in the semi- Spanger, Friel and Ruddy. Laura victory over Aurora. Jessica final match, the atom Lightning Clayton opened the scoring, as - Judges, Natalie Clegg and Dee eked out a 2-1 victory. Nagy- sisted by Ruddy. Kerr fired Nagymarosi scored. Assisting marosi opened the scoring in the Durham West's second goal with were Amanda Church and Megan second period on a breakaway. goalie Nagymarosi earning an as - Friel. Durham West downed the Friel earned an assist. Aurora tied sist. Church made no mistake host Etobicoke Dolphins 4-1. The the score late in the third. With after burying a pass from Friel to Lightning struck early as Carlee only 57 seconds remaining, seal the win. In game two, the Peroff scored, assisted by Caitlyn Nagymarosi popped her second atom Lightning blanked Bramp- Ruddy and Catherine Kerr. Lau- of the game to seal the victory. ton 4-0 as Nagymarosi earned her ren O'Hare put Durham West in Judges and Ruddy earned assists second shutout of the tourna- front 2-0 in the second period on the game -winning marker. ment. Once again, the defence with Nagymarosi adding an as- Regular netminder Amanda Cret- didn't allow the opposition many sist. O'Hare potted her second of to returned to the net after a flu shots. Clayton, Amanda Morra, the game late in the third, fol- bug kept her out of the opening O'Hare and Judges were the goal lowed by a goal by Nagymarosi two tourney contests. scorers. Earning assists were 15 seconds later. The Lightning started round- O'Hare, Ruddy, Morra and The atom Lightning suffered robin play with Nagymarosi Vahey with one apiece. T O R O N T O s y LF s - ``��a•tJJll & TRAVEL SHOW hm*da FEBRUARY 26 -MARCH 1 SCORE METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE PLACES TO G0: • :MANUFACTURERS' DEMO RANGES • SCORE GOLF - AIR CANADA VACATIONS • GREG NORMAN ONE.ON-0NE VIDEO • OVER 150 COURSES & RESORTS • JUNIOR GOLF RANGE f •SAMSUNG GOLF THEATRE • BOMBARDWA TEST DRIVE • TORONTO STAR FRESH AIR FUND PtT7 TING GREEN PWM TO MEET: • ONTARIO PGA PROS M tie rmW for meat -re hanne -TOP rsmuCTORs at daffy pff ct9aiM - TOP QUAIZIN RETAE ERS Fer allyear gpRitg.eedrt 'GOLF DARDIE FRIDAY Golf Barrie will give away a FREE round of golf to the first 8,000 ryas (11+) admined to the slaw on Friday. . 11,1116 WXSON al=1M =5 The first 500 kids each day aged 5-14 years and a000mpanied by an aduh will mceive a five Wilson Golf Club! so to o 4W I k bdait � fir■ Sw+y►1R■ri�■ Aiiarire Alit $10 Smits (650 i lives (9-14) $8 � ®YAU110M1 � P.M." %__ C rote stow tttro uu test ar s♦ar s ._•. Bos 4, Ajax News Advertiser office 0 130 CoRllnercial Ave., Ajax HOURS: 9 am - 5pn Mon.- Fri. M Closed Saturay 6830701 FAX: (905)179-4218 PbO'e lines "dally ul Spin Mu. - Fri., Sat 9:30M - 3po TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19911- PAGE 9 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Pickering News Advertiser Outlet ®� 1822 Whites ltd. Pickering Saralee-Amberlea Plaza CLASSIFIED ON-LINE Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. ��....��...�... Sun -Noon til 5 p.m. CLOSED Monday's. FAX- 1MM57"21D LWI Carers1 I Careers I ( Career: I ( Careers 1 General Help 1 General Help 1 pw,Med1ca 1 I4o1pi�ii 1 Articles for sale Youth Career March 23, 24 BIDS Invest in Y~seyl SMALL BUSINESS SUCCESS CO HOW TO START A SMALL BUSINESS (OMDP 1608) a 125 Mar. 7 - Apr. 4 - Saturdays, 9-3:30 MARKEMG FOR SMALL BUSINESS (OMDP 1609) $125 Mar. 14, 15, 28, 29 (Sat/Bun, 9-5) PRACTICAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (OMDP 1612) $125 March 7 - April 4 (Sahnxlays, 9-3:30) Books ptarchased separately. To register all (905) 721-3060 or 1-800-416-3260 For more information all (905) 721-3332 or 1-800.816-3615 Business oft lodustry Development Stervit:es Durban College Skills Tminieg Centre 1610 Champlain Avenue, Whitby LIN 6A7 4=0 11 Cartwe THE wa STATM Career Tiamary cow l areir� i awtable in arMival aft. Of Ai� �aAiF- Ba0 3 Idilc 120. 723- .. - -- Please note that on Feb 20 & 22, an ad CARPETS SALE: LOS of Car - ran for the CANADIAN RED CROSS pets. 100% nylon slain re - least.• �� for Experienced Homemakers, . yd) 3 rooms 5339 - P t30 sq. yd) InduOes: arpel, the correct address is: premium pad and instala- • Canadian Red Cross Society. ;'� ��m � Oshawa Centre, Office Galleria sunolridkp area. Sam 905 - Zellers Ajax is now hiring permanent in- 419 King St. W., Ste. 105 Oshawa.1772 We apologize for any inconvenience �T SALE. Uv to Sox on 1 Gawalmein house floor cleaning staff. Past large selection a color and Satisfaction ASUBMERSI You can stay experience is an asset. Must be 1 Noupilal ouaraanlEEC. For free es - home d make malt, up to Ileal low" 1 Firewood omale am Mike. 905) 431- $727/w k A,, recorded available to start at 5 a.m. All possible 4010 or (416) 822-8� 61��revels de` M 416 DENTAL HYGIENIST required 9e ext 88 Canadian � applicants are to drop off resumes at the 3 arysvrcek for 6 month ma - company 'ermly Wave beginning len customer service desk no later than April Please tax resume to KUMSALON eh licensedartime m- Wednesda Feb 25 `98 SM W 0000 and Am Cal y Daft 723-7323. No Phone Calls Please KADTY SALON opening In 92849 bons. Rapars 15 yrs eV For Ajax POSdrons available AS- Atroxt and dance wear sisram Manger Strasts. film GENERAL HELP and part time Must be l- rxnsed. salary/comrmuion 20 ' Full Time" positions available. Cam cm usa (905) 576.2512. Now in all areas of Ajax Company. CARPET Cleaners It Pay varies with responsibility 3 position l"Itase Cal 9054274M Call Roxanne (905) 426-4954 DADDY O'S CNIIL . Evei- fax . per". Winter used fa MW we Wim negotiae the right enced Server / Cashier Part time. 3 dfs/weet D20M NEED WON Were looking for 30 new people. Staling 1 ON" knows Cam 8 am - 5 P.M par $1285 Geek your own How 126-2547 1dl,dulle No extitheindif mic- Rtity Tia". pdvided. Ad MAP.'iTNI6 ASSISTANT 100% nylon. new Stand re- D- k CPNVcerise 4 knowledge cense juror of hale mwm.lerm opporttrkees Fur. Dynamic -1 r position ror person with hen= Wnpukr snow ndustr aril awmowm N atmosphere Excel- Excell - wile fa Pn C* WN time of rill (Coral a sr•lrr) erre a . am Ibrtlwnd. Clean acorea. am 25 s11 oMwa le sten. lien SC31001 �'a `n trove natural aptmrde for wftwar- kitting Horn -smoker Resume Call Aa l k (905)649 1441 Seelkr5 Mekorrtt. 723 920 in person oft 10 487 Wennty Amherst GtftNhO m. CkM- WTVMX AND COMML%,- Rd S Ste. 16. Alan wont. CATION INSTRUCTOR re- S•lem Ot11n1 hekesl•msl Hotuk geed. 3-5 yrs an expert- 1 Daycare rcgliermw.e ria gvforerscuommos axe P ON Wwo ► in AjaxlPirJOWN os - am for For�a 1 With ptenndrri meroe and Nov- SEARS AUTHORIZED 1N DOORArMe Vtj=b S more k•orrmuon 905 1 a restrrnk to for � 509-1207 Come i Sw us it b nn 44 Co arnw atlporm- Tlnt Baby Expo. Feb 28- ON. CHANCE CENTRE- Fun ' - dOY. cdvtrMO Snr- C I . Mttro East Trade and part Carne tube technician Ilorb•o- i Dufnm Region fa per flour W start. Previous Must be `kat a appeaance. EMM up so 6500• weeluy - experience am superwsm slunk Apply wall 195 luert in Ernglish. i own vM- cle Saks mckprot.w part-time 6ratirp new work from Howe 'figs , restasty West" Rd, S Apia. f%ii/r a b O 01)0 t Sena SASE for hoe deals. OPPORTUMTY avaU0le for Can Mr Osborne 905-428- 1183 Augusta Cn. Ostim, motrvaed and energetic per- 2010 b 10- eho 10- 3 Mon to Fn. 0 soup L1H 7S9 � sn DdsrtiI of owirw/ WNW of Zest s ported stu- USED Cir SakslCoser re- tia Alex Ideation For glared Immmiflijifilit for WMby ISTM17N A Needed for a tag pactd emnrorkr , Ositi a Minimum 5 years etgerwrnI Required with n- soww. Cali(905) 728.7384 E]tP9UENCE DISPEIIiMy 1 GWMW help 1 Gm" 1181p Technician is required for a lone posy IF, dent SERVICE ADVISOR Required For busy dealership. ADP computer knowledge essential. Please fax resume to (905)683-5738 7FLEMARICEMRS NEEDED AWMEMTM Work fftom Home, need to dedicate 25 hours per Week Call MicheHeeQurrey 683-5117 Mice' n News Advertiser !'r01fiFMWW TO BOX WJ UES If there are firms or individuals to whom YOU do not wish your reply sent, simply Place you appkabon m an envelope addressed to the box number in the adVi rtisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on Your list yo,u�r a,p.,p.�lication will be mux M. lomlvu$Ts i ESTHETI- c"iamTills - cow IoW Villains how Ala sal I". lNgh cowmtksierts, juts Of IIACerAlaes juts c hind Tte Wild HMO Artksk Hair 0450 (Brock SL i DultdM) WWft (905) 4362113. Ex- puiurca bind duMele pm - IN, •Q WE ARE THE PLACE TO BEl A Pkbubr bald supple of waft regeVas a aim MARKETER 10 Catdud wrbtl swyBy we, Part e 15.20 bw wk S1241581r Pbm is m- swne : 905-W-7113 pha awy. Pitfall win be given to certified fedrkcrara and triose we minkma n of 2 years experience The suc- onow candidate win be a SeN Surfer have a win" Itersoinlity ad ability to worn in a team wwomwt Plane reply in confidence to Box 218 Oshawa. Oteafa LIH cal FULL-TNBE armbitiws. proks- siauh bOW4 pmopb 10 asset Depairtmeal of mtP+t>ditg Cl 0 1. No Opmhal" "cc. 8900 BlairT23- f>klll'WM Bddw for WnkmdL OwNs, somw ex - AI 1a1a !D-11733Fat re HAIRDRESSERS with tbeed plus commis- sion Call Robert (W) 420-1440 or fax newme BO I(" 2111-9947 Sim a a Will, esses, %FT a PT Fret bads. wn y amwissww Call 906-623-o126 for chitins. putRop4H ENTERPRnfS- 3 No xBlg requirm. Ra" wtWA luoxssary. Eveleo oppodw" for stluderNs ad moumn a (tome whit Nits at tar n A For Iftkmvl-w Cal l •M or Peels 721-9679. mac Drew hints - used fir Id ()88551p5164 einensnon 33. Sales 4 need apply Caill Pow'r Aldo L Mon OSNMA OMm requm ma- ture telephone salespeople Full-frme/part-time. Expen- e nce preferred Guaranteed salary. also cash bonuses pad day. For imervew 905- PANT -TM Candor Person required for meat department. Fax resume b:905-426-1733. PHONE C*b needed. Mak ad temaw wekome. cam 905.571.71316. Security Omnis, Private ExperitfHced staff required. Must speak & write English fluently. Must have car Whitby 1 -95 -4.'!4 -?,549 Mon -Fri, 10.4 pm CONSULTANT Experienced full time GOUGER'S TRAVELPLUS Pickering Town Centre Pickering, Ont. LIV IB8 Call Margaret (905) 420-3233 WE_Skied "ft ALUMINUM and steel mug W94" finers needed Apply to Kaplan InduStIM Inc (905) 655-3355 CAD OPERATOR. A Warp Spin Supply compay requires the Immediae tum mine serv- ices of a Silt Stainer with a mnimum of 4 years expen- Once wnh AuoCad 12 aril 13 lir DOS. Must have excellent Communication Skins. meet deadlines. use of Excel and WordPerfect and a creative Problem solver. Starting w- ary and benefits. Las of po- tettbal to prow. Also Illdtinp for a PRODUCTION ASSIS TART with 2 yeas expeinhce in AMoCad 12 for DOS, able to pmdmm working drawings for production, work we on yyaorwr own ad corm al ale. brctl 5.0 a mat Cantel by Fax ONLY (906)28-1790 Ao don OZ DRIVERS 2 Years ex- potritrAce . aosaact for krflpo- wary pdsitibtk. Toroolo and Durham arra Fax random (905) 837-0827 °Do ' ► own roots tend vekick for subcontract worn Fax AesvMIe to (M)CS-376e at/estioo Dave. 9 6 438 Old corpown wages. SATELLITE M ALLEN Looikg lir a mkable ptoes- sidel coutracbr for an of our service and knWlahm. Can 905-865-7288. Fax resume: 905-686.0318 OM i RPIk to work with xvelopmemalry-cnalWngeo 71edtc illy complex tdvkVw in a dwldren's residence Fax -esume to 905483112- .1 Dart - ICE NEEDED ';r fant and school age Expene a pre - tarred Sartiore area Can 116.267-9677 E�EIIENCED LIVE out nan- iy required (30 firs per week). for 2 children. 4 and 2. car required. ECF pr•�rr•Q WAlDr. (905) 666�SM LME -IN hang provider for two boys ages 10 i 11 required Mon -Fn Whites Rd ata 420-7516 LM -M Bebyntil for 4 yr ofd. pan -lime approx 25 firs. 4arwood/Roselark0 area. neededith ediaky Cam LIVE -OUT Henry for 5 8 2 1Y7 year ofd 8 30 a m -3:30 p m iFkmbikty. Non-smoker. ref. e*eices. FK"Pts i tokraKe lir Woe 0oq a must Can (!05)127-4979 VALLEY FARM PS aha Needed Mon - Fn until 4 pm I" pat-timecrrnege stud- sm. Car asset Don 619- 0726. • DW'- Available CHURCH/ DELAKY pre - SOW age. Tan- 5 00cm ex- perknotd educamonal assn - Old. maintain snacm non- smoking safe environment. tarot Safe backyard. (905) 619 3610 ECE MOM proud" home - Care for all ages. CDR. First Aid. (non-smolkng) available March L,verpoo/Fmctt Pease al 905837.2397 HARWOODMWY n area Reliable daycare avadable in my home Affordable rates Non-smoking environment Full-time. 6 months i up Openings for Mach Break 905-428-2676 RELIABLE DAYCARE available lunches and snacks. indoor and outdoor activities. sate playroom. fenced backyard. smoke free. references,one year oge aad up 7 a.m. -6 O.M. Part time or tum time. White's/finch. It interested all Chert. (9(6) 420 0206 PNXER Mats / Re1N: Lo ft daycare: 18 ern I t to 12 years. Wily -imp ptrtad bKkyard and park). Calls. story wam nwsie, lar Valan I" 8 Smacks. Fest Aid. C.P.R. certified. Him smoking, rltlxipls. 905128- 1244. DAYCARE, bvirq�peat smoke tree DoNIt. 20 years tdcperiauce, rererertas. ba- bies wrefwNrI. Major Oaks/ 7Valley954 Fenn Area. (905 FIREWOOD Aoka Lumoer 3 Firewood :entre 4'x8'xl2' $60. 4'x8 x16'. $65 EStab- Infed 1963 Days 705-277- 6665 Free delivery lo Oshm air] A-1 FIREWOOD, excellent very best quality hardwood. guaranteed extra long file 'unity Seasoned. art i sold Honest measurenem, free defvery. KoZy heat Firewood 2246 ABSOLUTELY THE NEST - kip Quality Seasoned hardwood ScupPiG=nn9 Apx. Whit- by ad 0slgwv Cam DUAK4M FrFIEWOOO 427-5278 1 Drgall, SOLID oak ce dock rctr. ciao 0191 l nirdoe 5450 or Dent offer Cam 831-4569 RM lurch ano table set with 4 clans 1100 Cal 683-9691 1 bticM CANACI Odor repars. broken springs, cables. ranters. open- ws `staled $45 New odors/ OW let Owarty Plus Doors 416-336-0073 lye. Duncan-" manoga- ny dnmg sue 12400: (Cozy aril chm $85. 3 -seat sod 5220. Pater Maar $60 am less mat 2 yrs. old. 3 -sea sofa . loveseat 6100 (tim solid ohm). Kitchen taMe i 4 Clan $150 (beactlwood AV wMe) . A coo 416496 9923 6EACICOMBEN not IUD. 4 person Deluxe tet package cam(905)686-5196 COFFEE ad two end tables 5175 o b o Dark mahogany finish w/01= tops, if 'mer- esled contact at (705)277- 1592 CERAMIC [OLDS. nearly new Can 905-668-2746 CLEARANCE SALE . must be sold. no reasonable offer re- fused. aiumrrwm boats and Ards. Evi rude tie mors. 2 - 30 hp. Toro mowers and Srhbwelowerslawn boy mow- ers. Horlrelire saws and trim - let. Wilde Saws. 4700 Tlwckson Rd N (905) 655- 6010 CLEARANCE SALE 60% ON all knitting wool cloche and ries Port yPerry 92849 bons. Rapars 15 yrs eV For CLEARMCE SALE Atroxt and dance wear warn -up suds 60% OFF', Cam Port Pery 965.28#9 CAIMET .VNM. BUDS - I will beat any written price COM►UTER - IOM Apeva. pemwm - 200 32 IBM, ram. 2 5 Go ram drtw. modem. Surd Card, las of how son - ware. Sao Skarn model 5600 721-1567 [OUTER CLEARANCE Comm. Jud I M Tory •e- ^uction of trades 486 s ane Paybums from 5395 New Ptiean II•S 5 gg drive. 4 mo ,Adm. 15' monitor 32.695 233 mm 32 ram. 24X CDR. 15' nww" $1.4% lee mmx 14' mon 5969 Mutrnkdka juts $99 (905) 697-3059 DISHCNEN victonai Wedding gown. -Wt train an 11, warn once OnpNth it 900, ilei situ fa f800 Prokssromft Oozed (905)433-3929. laoncs and erg -of -fine rem - nam Lirmydurrgrdom chars, waseak. dtearatmg serum ad Saks 712 Wbm RQ S. Oshm 725.1311. 1400-906-6667 STEF i NANNS' Apphauxs Parts. Sernce. Showroom hull of aopkalces. Candles 5300 stoves $200 washers 5250 dryers 5190gas dryers, avg 2-8 years Don't pay for 3 months. I'manang avadwe, 362 French St. (905434-7167 CARPET, quality Carpet Will pay face value for Lowest Prices. latest colours Maple Leaf Tickets. and fashions Saks, Irsralla- HOUSE ARTICLES for sal bons. Rapars 15 yrs eV For Antiques. of paintings. mrr- Iree estimates Call Waly (905)922-2222 -3 sympa- rors. bedroom sets, dirrrp bCo cacr'pets room sets. etc Telephone wood. 2 full-time. kdoo/du1- dw pilaf, First AiNCPR, ref- (905) 4284704 CAIMET .VNM. BUDS - I will beat any written price NOTEBOOK MAC P85300. MOD. Wide sekeeon o coats mil 1 ran, mouse Styles. For Iht best value on Claris. Excel, AccPac. Wortt your purchase, all IN now fax . per". Winter used fa MW we Wim negotiae the right business now need PC twin price b lit yaw budget. Atlee Consider Ira& lir W). (905) 426-2682 truer 53500. 52000. opo. WL of 1Mi1i7n�` 668-6102. PARPETs - lots o Carpel. 100% nylon. new Stand re- Pill=. MN upright- cherry - MM Mart �. I� wood, (1905). shoo WO Goll MM 3t odum pprmppeaLL seal. needs hlkcg, must SIB MNV 5850. Call "05_623- expert irtstim6m ddln- NY. Wee es1i 1 (30 yards). 3561 Normat 6862311. M Alrllpke wIARtBd M &*M Wambd WANTED "M W 15 years ex- Will pay face value for parlance. smoke-free, large Maple Leaf Tickets. PW �"- Must be greens, reds or golds. Lake- side School, nrcr-up avail- Cafl Bruce at 579-4400 exL 2207 able. 683.8679. solml Aju. Wesmey/Har- WANTED: wood. 2 full-time. kdoo/du1- dw pilaf, First AiNCPR, ref- STEEL CAGES or LARGE BINS eredim and rtkxhpk. Ba*- up can. 6:45-5:15 (905)686 -can Approx. dimensions 4'xl'xC 8123 a 116588.16867,7. canbe a little smaller or 1 �er Catherke. Tony or Troy at (905) 721-0986 PAGE 1*- THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1"S arts great, 58900 905 -M. 721-2490 (sip) ArficbsJor 1 sal, �o hiton@r- 11 6-r so* 11 for sw 1 Trailers OARAMNE FURNITURE- Beat 9le prig increase We have 1969 SIJNORD new clutch. new paint and body, LEE J. MOTORS 552 Bloor East, 1966 2W Sunray Cuddy 1997 (cast received notice that lain- 1 r prices are OarN very clean asking $2.795. 1988 Cavaker station 52.195 435-!676.1991 Lumina Euro white with red interior. fully Tandem Trailer w/eledric brakes 1997 Top w1privacy cep therefore ~Ive Mar 16 Both certified 683 7301 or loaded, excellent condi- bon $6495 19% Olds Ninety curtains & screens LOADED $14.500 ((dl6)495 9256 our Driers will rise Save on Dining. Bedroom and Occa- 428.1879 atter 6 p.m. Eight Regency. 3800 motor, Fax(416)495.6953 sional pieces Traditional 1998 ASTRO Van Air. ABS. fully loaded, ruts great $5495. 1992 Z24 $7uns 1988 Cadil- 56500 cerdfit 905-b:i-7066 Woadworkmg has been hand P s . tilt, cruise. V6. 8 pas- lac Fleetwood a great deal • Marine crafting the hpfW51 quality senger. IWK Dealer main- S4895 1991 Cava, d dr. 4 vvetralmy am 130.0=m Solid pine & oak fumdture n Durham Repioot tarn over 23 gained. excellent condition. $7000 o.b.o (905)430-"649 � $995. 1990 Tracker 4x4• 33 M. Evinrude outboard with years. Tradillorlal Woodwork- IM CADILLAC Fleetwood, automatic, hard top 53995 1990 Buick LeSabre Limited. controls. 2 props, golden old - k. for carnage $250. A-1. Po Road. ori Pe: 115 Norm Port Port certified. 210 kms . loaded R July bared. 3800 motor $4995 1991f S 1.705-328.2212. rer an Van. 8 USED CARPET. Hotel grade. Pi passenhge 57996 1992 Chev large quantity. excellent for ck up Scottsdale with tilt. rec rooms & apartments. $4 1992 CHRYSLER Dynasty cruise. air. box kne and cover rr square yard. Call (705) excellent condition. low kms. included$7995 1992 Cadillac 71 pourer windows power doors Sedan Devine. excellent car 210 495 All whkl bdede USED FRIDGE 5225. and up. used stoves $200 and up. used washers $250 dryers $125 and top . New Wand name fridges. 16 c.f 5605 New brand name 30' stores $449. and up. New 5 c.t. freezers $255. Stephe son's Ap- pkances 227 CCoount St.. Osha- wa. 576.7448 pourer seals. am -Int cassette. Certifianm and eptioul war - asking $10.000. (905) 576- maty psebges. Carie is ams 0766 ser oar RM the 01 aN ars. Hmaa ini Avadfakb. 1992 GEO METRO convert- ible. red. excellent condition. under 100K. 5 spd.. win ceM- Bed. Asking $7500 obo. 905- WOODSTOVE- Lakewood cot - 721-2490 (sip) lager Custom screen,wood 19% ASTRID VAN air. an rack. ash bucket. ctrmney Power. cruise. rear Treat. bp. pees. Aslcnq $300 Cal godck doors. new bres. oxel- (905) 576-0156. candtion. $11.000. 668- 3995 1 Artrclre Waled 1994 Cavalier. Automatic. Air Km Eau of Othemo. - Show CphdtiOnirN. PL. 70 000 ern. CASA OR DEALS. We Buy. $7200 certified. Days 1-(800) SNI, & more' Home audror 263-44W Evenkgs (905) 728 - video. Car au6o. tools. CD's. 4874 ask to Jim. marines' games. OW, dice mads. lurntun . 1994 Chev Cavalier 22'1. aura, air wtiWgray. 60.000 miles (905)433 905 75 1 -?274 (905)666 4 ExiL celkrM cordni: 11 s1urmp 1024 56500 cerdfit 905-b:i-7066 SCUBA GEAR. small and tlxboidge. nmtedicmn smze BCD pdkets. Iwo SM at 001;-, regulators 111054 GRAM PRE, V6 pts rmM les corac. Imo sea o1 ytt. P7. ptw,. "Ime ,scary PICKERING HONDA - 971 BROCK RD. S., PICKERING. Coal Kevin Cannon for your !rest deal 1993 Accord SE. loaded. hasher $13.995 94 Sunbird LE 75 bra, at, power lOckS $8.995 as is. 1995 Ac- cord LX Coupe S speed. low K. $14.695. 1995 Grad Am Se. V-6. auto. $9.995 93 Dodge Shadow, air. auto. 68K. 57.295. 19% Cavalier 4 Or. auto, air, 54K, $11,995 91 Grand Am LE, air, power windows, power lacks, alit. cruse. $6.995. 91 Civic CX hatchback. 5 speed, $5.895 1994 Dodge Caravan. at. 75K $1.995 93 Accord SE Coupe. loaded. le~ spoils ally 45 10. Don't an Ma eche. New Trades comnq day Can Ke- ds Caeca at Pickering Hm- a. aer 151 meal mrd as t tnehkbs b sk#. (965) 619- '511 or (915) SM -SM wmting Dia. two wet sniNs 95.000' ho � k inew " ^ a"1 or ria` ores & brakes $u 900 Like I -AUTO LOANS• 905 ( )965 0059 � pe owner Cal 905463- • 1 'rub a 2 BEDROOM basemem apt. 05th separate entraC. Ami owb 1995 Ford Tac• ,i GL. SW, ful- 000RTICE CRAM=- MAR. N loaded. p •.. p.6-.. p.m., p l-. KET NOW OPEN Located at A15-br3kes. dust airings. One Courbce Rea Marko 4 non-smoker. very khan. no Km Eau of Othemo. - Show 'Op"km. accidentsand Sol your - 39.900 obo. war Costly Robert D clexces directelf to theMnrout q2-7010 win b to now We tauders cam (905) 619-8091 b am Ort Seine. so your sum SPCIAL is YOW own. Can 905436- PICKERING 3-6EOROW 1024 1!!S LAMINA LS APV 3-8 DIIw"COLLEGE SPRING p� side -door. loaded wnh GIFT & CRAFT SALE- Sal every o DlhdR' AbC110kns' Made 21, 10 am b 4 p.m VUWSO er. Imo new. bag. of 32 Admissrorm. 2000 Sows vvetralmy am 130.0=m St Morro Oehewa Easter 513.965 905-GW1974 or 49 MONIM Day. Catla for home. VamdW ono 721-3111 f7R 6rasbrook of 2365 1 Low a JMIC UN a PMOC sCloose Paull, Plow owe 666-7614 to derwy LOST• female rack 7 Oboy 5 ntq/hl old D"arveylitsivilmocribit am YasnO 22, An- S- S- to May 6194731 • 1 PelefSnrppMBl COCKA-P00 pups for sale VN checked first $h0is. de- wormed Can Laurie 9054165 0191 (sep) FOB TO GOOD HOME 7 152 yaar ow � �pure tawDmltivyO 0604 wish bit Cal 905-137- 2 PlreMed Gilden Retrwom bola N for a good home. 6 years old. hart broews. Miley and qoo0- ured, own" moving,905.428a�14 LUAU ARO pips for safe Mon-sheddnN. nal-almeW. :eaah oiarauee. vet rlevaeo House-training Started. (705) 786-.3124, lave message 1 Aulametla for &ft CNRt1ThnSnFmmNC0im0aL11 w On panyW- aura from 3500 O.A . Cams, trucks. vans. 1961 to 1991. Aloof Sales Lid. 792 so= meet Salk Oa1Mml. Phone 906.720-3312. IOU "001 SOOOS. 166,000b".new: Drakes. 11'ei. t' &Dkst lace! m CpF � $2.000. car tdl66 0106 TomBOo, remit hes. !atddm wftf-dmemm, 117,000 orgnSal lees., kaade0 wdpdwBr smfmw. 0~.$1.000. Trade for stalls 905 623-6M4. BoalNAaml�e. . "Is FORM licisom door aakmaleC, aNdIMM A GN 726-0CWllltl. 000. 1907 CaolrBc 9eefwlood, aN apbons. Nader 100.000 due. good canaNOB. cel0ed $5200. Call 432-1863 or 242- 5606. "a PONIINC Boma* LE, 4 door. V6. aukmare, bided, 155.000 kms. very relook. Asking 52900. Pleesg car (90505"190 /9M PONTIAC SlllrllRD, Pin, new (mead and caW4 M L $11800. 1996 GMC JIMMY 32.000 km ruff IoaOed, tzlored gqy fi0rfglass nrrwrN bordt, nmaculate. Lady driven No mercy down, Oke over Wm 20 mos lot Full w'atTwly $494/1110 a• uldusbe. 434- 8730 hemp! Auto Dealer will arrange financing even it you Clave been turned down before. loans available for no credit, credit Problems. and bankrupt- cy buyers No co-signers needed. Call Mel 1576-1106 F. Ford Sala Ltd. 16*711111 wafted $75 to S75M for scrap ;art & trucks or arty consum vab- cI S 24fu prote$SWmat pick- up Free Tonto All Duhain RocYcfnq, cars a trucks f26iei7e Cal (905) 706-5740. A_AN A AUTO Removal - (905) 426-0208 for cars quid ralowa AUTOMOBILES end bias warned for scrap Any candi. eon. any alt. Ira removal in Ito Durham Region. cash pad. Akar needed. '75 b 1i7 Call aarmyh�me. O�stiaw 9�05- 431-be in GO Parking Andieft 0107 CASH FOR CARSI we taut' i mug OSNfWA 1&oor 5< I Large 2 & 427-2tt� Cite 479 a" 3 tedroom Martrherta n dearly BayN St East. Nnv a � use mu1BmN. Close b 101 & 1it11ttAD AUTO SALES *A*, s60o r ami�h SCRAP CARS warmed. top Plmore 905.576.1255 BOAT, 26 FT., 78 Formula. Twin 350's. sport cruiser, sinks. stove (read with sink. remote spotlight, swim plat- form. Winter storage and drop in paid. AI accessories in- cluded Must sen! 511.500. Call (905)427-7745 a 1 1 Apert imms 1 -Foir Bell 1 BEDROOM aparminei (large). with yard. in quiet building. Oshawa. March 1st. Laundry. very reasonable rem. can (905) 263-1093 1 a 2 Bemoans a Iaekeler apts, Oshawa and Bowman - vale Starting at $600/month in elusive. Fridge. stove in- cluded. Landry Willies. No pets. Can 905.123.6-'266 or pgr. 905721-6399. PICKERING. large 1 -bedroom basement apartmem. Sep - (Me OMrwxe. laundry. as in- dusnis. $600. pose to G0, as amenities Available March 1st. Cal W-6310 1 NEOROOM Basemen, very clean. separate entrance. res peManolung. Mar 1 . $625 incisive. Call 905.428-7860 11M SOFT. basement apat- ment. t -bedroom. sep"e entrata. laundry. $325/monich Cable wdurk0 Whtes/Sfep- pardAvailable March tst- Can 831-0153 MOUTH OSHAWA S icer large & 2 oearoor- 5 :.era urge balcony Well man - ;wet bolding Controoe^ ,^•-.1-:.1 $624 and S'29 parking No ougs ,.- and Mery 1st 905 5 FTIeRcation Court Whitby -""-,•j uded -^r / WE FINANCE EYERYDNE No tum downs. • 1 .. 2 BEDROOM basemem apt. 05th separate entraC. Ami provi hrg care to children with First time buy- used vehicles Veh ores car ers, bankrupt; 11fef11CleS t0 maintained 4 or 5 -bedroom bad credit; no home in Pickering/Ajax area. -11i room. TV room WA-PWL credit! If you trickruve. call(416)438-9768. work: you drive! orvsedan any condabon Lie ruacnni[n rnnn - gniial 1 & 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED kv mite for Ross 11 e r RMtl ( WESTMET room second floor. pmrate en- trance, $750 montMy avail- able immediately Huge 2 - bedroom basement, private entrance, 4 appliances. avert- able April 1st. $950/month Call Brad Ellis, Sutton Group Leadmp Edge Really (416)298.6000 APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.geocities.com/wall street/floor/ 7657/highrisechtml. BACHELOR Apartment, close b as amended. $in50. stove included. in Available Mar.lst. Call 404-9130. BACHELOR Apartment. dean, located near Oshawa Cents. ale uld"S mdnrm 3400 no** Can 905728-8666. BEAUTIFUL Basement Apart- ment m execute homme in Adak. 2 Oedroonnt, huge iviq room. kitdltVDreaktast area, Ids d Pmvng space, own en- waslit r/bryer. $700 um�tle sne. Available MardVAApptntN 1st. Call Catalina 905-666- 7758 BOWMAIMLLE - one bed- rDorr apt Lmngroonubsdren combigttolt. putt ata a orrserwabom area Sat simile irk" Dano Avateble wm- ta d �Iillast cre re requsd 500/m0 iomGledes hat. ly- ro, hrOpt. slow!. 623.79M RANO Now 2 -bedroom awment apartment. 4 M- anes. central arNac. kv- g with Br[ptabm diving, eat- eCall for taas 9DS426.64am 9 9 2 bedroom aptlike a pmotmhd aor. in P>diernhg, very bright. q widows. iso Isis. non S'ubker no pets. '"Aero. $745 AvaAaMe Mach 1st 905 1 17 1. avaiebk Cal CENTRAL OSHAWA new batwing 1 bed $575 Pro 432-2261 6-r appi or super 03D5 33 NRkhrmi Doom COURM- Fuudked perry. ntmpbbead-clionym. OWW-ievM park - no pea. SS75-SM ntgo . 0 UMM43sStar 7aN workrN- DOWNTOWN WINO, log two bedroom. in 6 plea. pak- ft Available ig S725 teatng 'p , Fksvust. call (905)6694009. EXFWIIVE 2•D60room. Lhw- poov" Includes Dating. !3rdrycask, bar, firepHC. Pool. f820 low no$aclpltrp pea First4au. Cal (905)83 - 13Da for tint message HUGE I -bedroom basement apartment. Separate ttra ce, Irving & dmmgroom, ea -m Motion Cable Melees irmcluchd S600/month nes pegs non- smoker 6194623 WMTOV, LARGE muNFi" 3 -bedroom apt. (U" biild- V) Awnsokinmcedirtny. In" -Paulo. rsfemmissihea Close b Sxakot. CocAramSe Dundut 1 batik 961 L001M0 for si * lanae or mat Awsmaner. Llmxy ML 6-r too is Mpra. an Hey 12, just a" 0 &Colo an a 00 orae rad*. swdmmbg Fad, horses aid mos! $1000 No kvcbsiwe. PMKe aN PA"! (9!)51631.4164. IMS1E# 6E0000M wfh rm- lsaddmWSOryMe. COW humno yard. 5520 isichahre. Agil- ObkmmMM" 426-/832 alyna! new holam 200 all indasiwe.350 oewal4576-Mno pmt Can ( 615E ANO TWO bedroom, immediate Ponessian, con- tra! Of", cook pearied, encodes ftidpe, SWW. MFPK fre"-pBwgd, MOPPOV Pfa- Ja. WWY *"a. no Pet. Near bus. Rasomm. 725- 2642 252642 after Spm. 1 bedroom apt awed. Apr, 1; 2 bedroom apt a veil Mar. 1. Parking. WANVY. Includes uki4m. 110 am W. PAW - Om. no pets. 723.1647, 579x659. WHITBY, Dutlerin St. 1 & 2 - bedroom apts, clean, quiet building. Fully-broadloomed. Large closets. Near ameni- ties. Fridgelstove. 5725. inclu- sive. No pets. 905.404-1414. WHITBY- 2 -bedroom base- ment apt • 1100 sq n. Fire- place. separate entrance. $750/month. Phone/Cable ex- tra Close to all amendies. (905)430-9496. WHITBY. one bedroom available in well maintained 05.6 8-7777 Really Ltd. WHITBY, large 1 -bedroom le- gal basement apartment. Sep- arate entrance. parking. fridge. stove, laundry. no pets. $6501 moth Inclusive. Mrs. Evans 905-655-5778 WHITBY - 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available imme- dhardy. Cal 416-789-4145. WHITES JSIIEPPARD large 2 ONE BEDROOM basement Ddrm ' ba"K separate en apartment. Centrally locating in trance, fiteplace. err con.,4 Whitby, presale enmrance. 4 appliances. t6- smokdnypta, appliances. wood stove. air. parking.Avert. rmmedutely. parking for two $8500 • 839 8142 � a 25 per mo. as in- a 1 Fbmisei tdusive. Isviast. On refer For P40 - I rot. Phone 666 9698 afkr 5 p.m. SPACIOUS wen -maintained 2 bedroom apes Avail. A 900 and 866 Glen St. Some with waR-in Closets. pant provid- ed. Close to -anode. Shop - nes atimcded Cori 728.4993 LAKEVIEW PUN, Oshawa, nice backyard 2 & 3 berm Haan Karo ougalow. ad YeN- h0okup avail. Mammo t 3750.. $625nrmo.905-435-2433 OSNAWA 810orRart R freshly painted Spacrp tom- large / bedroom Su 2 -bedroom SM morah Free pianking. � an Si l-WPICKERIMG - 6roc /Dt !rook. walkout gseme lineament Available elan 21. 2 been . loving root rrr-im kddrem, beet"m bwev. parlin "Borm e 1►ahC. $78Wmahnc lockout Can Mirza (416)263-5563 (416) 723 -SM PICKERING UM ala. 2 be rooms appliances & ub" wdeft, walk to GO. $T Per MOOL M2301 Awa Apn1 17 PICKEINNG: StmrrrrN ma Boor 3 -bedroom aplrtmtl $1050 imormdry. gOOn Cklded Air con - parking. non-$M"ef. GO. available lewnedialby CAN 905-420-2104 n. hecmay. Mu PICKEMIIG - 2 bedroom basement apartment. Cerib'a ori, private uuniby parking, $"Mao fire cc* approved 5800 fabs 19051 420106'19. nwRinmouGE, bau- mem apartment separate en- trance. workout no pets rel- eranes. first/last. Quiet woe lusive (905!5W18999 m- rr Ionth il =ICOE 645. 3 bedroom. $925 m if a. kcbda appliances. aralable Mar.1St UM %5.725.9961. 805 I'R 2-bea $725lmoaln, BisUlasf as rJesive, aweiBMe Mecb I. world pH owerno or madBe l054i0 1�a� b pen. OMWA BM for ft Pace of I 2110 Wentelath St from :660. $ L S M avaigbte f 20. Iltli6es iinckelle/. EEasy 401. S! SGIOOIS, Shed Can to trilvr 771.8741 Two I AFr•1, Mryor i MAdewde 5425 "Blow i Rcesland SM, Rist & tall• no dBg$ (905) 725-2246 OfNtAK West Central - 3 bedif ns nipper tail d do- Plmhl- 1610 appinacm New dry bcon. cow. 2 car PrkMg0. Sm AN k Kksive. Malum Couple pskrsd. Mo pee. 579-1$K WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME MS SIMPLE $100,000 Mortgage CarrintS for $700Jmofdh!! 5905) 571-627580 1-0-840.6275 Mark Stapley Sr.s Rue hues. Gla Ed tat' TKA DABA ran w, h... , home lot you SSW down. Cllone • 6 months fife or lyse r or floor m $im usib of 1110* "in 52327.500 gross Cal wr Ken Coals, coifto Bal (906)728.9414 3 BEDROOM Mom Mo area. dose to cmyftm. huge backyard. 4 appliances. $875 plea hydro Marden Ise. (905)725-0142 AJAX. West "A4*y 2. 2♦r. 2 4 Dc baths. combo Ldill r, bedkn. $love. Ridge. dile. weaker, dryer. 51025 imekraes ONOU. COC. and pa" kobW Mach 16 Apx lie - My lid 663-1811. BROO ME, dean 3-1edro0m home. large cahea7 kilcfwn, 5 appliances, new carpet & Pok laps 6-C433- . eMl ea call Ramatlph 433 -SM F MPP / MY 2. 3 bad - mom, 1 1/1 Storey bmnflower 4 MOB:!=. 31.100 pill rak- I (905) 420-7185 11 nMe oma lar Sob WANTED: Prefer rent to own Lots of pre- Duces paled Same day Pick �o cars la rank. will 2 BEDROOM basemem apt. 05th separate entraC. Ami provi hrg care to children with _ ed par iib b 35000 caB 616 1771 car large detached clean well- 11fef11CleS t0 maintained 4 or 5 -bedroom Av^il Ist. 17W an home in Pickering/Ajax area. -11i room. TV room WA-PWL WANTED - Subaru 4WD well- trickruve. call(416)438-9768. choose from. orvsedan any condabon Lie tauders cam (905) 619-8091 3 -BEDROOM townhouse with SPCIAL SO'S model yeas pskrttd Cal Ron 9056 8351. PICKERING 3-6EOROW pliances, dose to 401/Rit- FINANCE Trudy basemat, non-smoker. no pars. a�� Immediaety diately. NON-SMOKER $910/ DEPARTI�NT / I�unast & 5084. SHMIDAN CHEM AN OSHAWA SOUTH - 3 reftfoom can bedroom townhouse close to No gents. agents. $184.900. (905) 1915 S/1 Black Blazer, 2• 416465.1667 or (WSµ20- 0249 mo. ALL INCLUSIVE. First/ NS-786-UN door. 2-~ drive. loaded. for Mpoir W40 - or. 6etalNMBn WOW 9 90S-7284114. nor 1lattla, mnm condntlon. of OK dose brMaIRschow CK 0011 4 Mann Fin Red warranty til May. 30.0ogem A MST SEE! 3 -bedroom 93 GRAM AM SE. ago. 520.500. Cal 905-576-3897 maw floor bungalow nmwmlr- 5777750 93 Chet, Aumila. shope S7M 92 Oft 110 GMC Satellites Extended renovated with hetdwrarad/ce- cusass Supe rale SL. Waft. 4x4. 4.3 Sspeed. heavy duly ramic ti -mg. oak MOM. Mae sat cool. Mack 57960. suspenow. aluminum Central aA.Sa 06- $1000 in - Cal In Atlo Saks a 430 CARS (2277) 014els aise. 55.000kin. 523.500. Can Alcella Ilpm. OMW AVAILABLE axion, spadoms ngwly-veno- BOY M LEASE. AN vehicles (705)766 3626. waled I -bedroom Oapletmt k cbde 6 mos. ",may a a 4&mA excellent on br View apenmatl, afty am inchf CCA tlteBnbesAp. no credit IsMost.RMmUlcei• (11105) 1 sive. GO 905.579-2567. loo plod l 100 NA no Dm Down. Cao AMCOho CREDIT. "a cwv Moored Van, 1/2 AJAX. 1-I, 'm n basemrrt 7120 �omp� St. TImaMNI. 1 farm, barn doom QBy rims, awo m, sepatim enBrancs, 000451 2127. afNm M e a of. > paYrq >• kldmm• b aellles, feed ram. $►ark- yard. . lac 52500. Ipvf sive. $625.61427-9101. Cel " Ado coos - Geed Ma. W#DmwtialL 905470-3506. snit bind pilaf um �.9A5. badtd, MOI, fanfsMd baAnMor aporgagook Orlvalm altrafebe. MaaasedReiN�t�bwnnlmamlA M Pontlife Tmapest v-6. Toad r08�dirycdedfn�oerepd��serwkadng. bed i7500n060. GM MS. A0m �0 0D �' � $3.695 gam,';,, �°0° be. 436-2106 Name Nomw RmBIM aedKmwe, available air, ado, smile► won car $3.965. M Tracing 5 119!2 f00� Yotrapt inIBMdIa1My. phm M6-7320 AV � vmiRmu pbe 54 686. 90 Va1ts air. cruse. LiL pJ.. ala 111NTum - Good, had rd Jpfa GL aub. Id�dsd. sok. M among. /33000 ktls. WOOD OAG. Hoe! 190511x3- Mfli- TWO bedroom naler- rrsw basement zhpl.. $100 MM* bin* � � 9825 uortj906)71t/179 RkBk erlrsce. egn smolNc T�1B!Y� area Avail aro. 56,936. 91 won" Ex- Ca 4 b, seduk ado. spot- 1916 L1 Van. air con., Call 426- leat oily 53696. 91 Cawafe► p• DDmrd, Mt 0791 or (416)113 3691. R.S. 3.1 V-0 praline -- oatpk, rale 5,000. 91 Cat- BmmmtlRO power .1*.Dl pow- gr door locks, keyless smote AaWi, 1 -bedroom basement. ned SttpsBl, kxded, 99,000 mwy symm, mom ras- Owio stress. IrnDed backyard. kms. rad and sower. minty Stile, V6. 160 hp. tour -speed near an .fraud. pubic 57996. 91 Bonneville SE. ado. trans. 57.000 km. traiait r Oool 4 appkrnoes. ICBM. 3700 V-6, Wale $6.995. 91 Tracker $16 500 firm. Absdndey tint 5660 bdesive. 663 8291. �IMd 57.700. 92 Ford F- 15pJ XLT, loaded. sup�0 1997 NOTA 30.000km, quad !apt S LY in, Wbtby AM. bularg, spacious, carpeted, newly la ndounwe safe S9,9g6 . 9Ci Achim Olds, bided. low dlirs. as p/w, i A. bat Offer pynted, wish balcony. dose kisI only 56.996. Seey1B M 011llor Ads Cleft, 1$ Work 905.404-9016; Hone: 905423-M 0. Scan to bus. it 10g,rnp. a1 uiWies bCbdad, firVAM Men d M10eIn ltM. a 1511 Do Cammn, 7 squired, r, 579 -nes. an SenUp eBeleMers aw _p -pas- senqler 15000 km, V6, a/c. am can. $9250robo. 434- no pea. 1 h ivi no a $675, 2 bedroom. 5775. 3 bed• tkBklr. � $140., Cao 430- 0134. ruacnni[n rnnn - gniial 1 & 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED kv mite for Ross 11 e r RMtl ( WESTMET room second floor. pmrate en- trance, $750 montMy avail- able immediately Huge 2 - bedroom basement, private entrance, 4 appliances. avert- able April 1st. $950/month Call Brad Ellis, Sutton Group Leadmp Edge Really (416)298.6000 APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.geocities.com/wall street/floor/ 7657/highrisechtml. BACHELOR Apartment, close b as amended. $in50. stove included. in Available Mar.lst. Call 404-9130. BACHELOR Apartment. dean, located near Oshawa Cents. ale uld"S mdnrm 3400 no** Can 905728-8666. BEAUTIFUL Basement Apart- ment m execute homme in Adak. 2 Oedroonnt, huge iviq room. kitdltVDreaktast area, Ids d Pmvng space, own en- waslit r/bryer. $700 um�tle sne. Available MardVAApptntN 1st. Call Catalina 905-666- 7758 BOWMAIMLLE - one bed- rDorr apt Lmngroonubsdren combigttolt. putt ata a orrserwabom area Sat simile irk" Dano Avateble wm- ta d �Iillast cre re requsd 500/m0 iomGledes hat. ly- ro, hrOpt. slow!. 623.79M RANO Now 2 -bedroom awment apartment. 4 M- anes. central arNac. kv- g with Br[ptabm diving, eat- eCall for taas 9DS426.64am 9 9 2 bedroom aptlike a pmotmhd aor. in P>diernhg, very bright. q widows. iso Isis. non S'ubker no pets. '"Aero. $745 AvaAaMe Mach 1st 905 1 17 1. avaiebk Cal CENTRAL OSHAWA new batwing 1 bed $575 Pro 432-2261 6-r appi or super 03D5 33 NRkhrmi Doom COURM- Fuudked perry. ntmpbbead-clionym. OWW-ievM park - no pea. SS75-SM ntgo . 0 UMM43sStar 7aN workrN- DOWNTOWN WINO, log two bedroom. in 6 plea. pak- ft Available ig S725 teatng 'p , Fksvust. call (905)6694009. EXFWIIVE 2•D60room. Lhw- poov" Includes Dating. !3rdrycask, bar, firepHC. Pool. f820 low no$aclpltrp pea First4au. Cal (905)83 - 13Da for tint message HUGE I -bedroom basement apartment. Separate ttra ce, Irving & dmmgroom, ea -m Motion Cable Melees irmcluchd S600/month nes pegs non- smoker 6194623 WMTOV, LARGE muNFi" 3 -bedroom apt. (U" biild- V) Awnsokinmcedirtny. In" -Paulo. rsfemmissihea Close b Sxakot. CocAramSe Dundut 1 batik 961 L001M0 for si * lanae or mat Awsmaner. Llmxy ML 6-r too is Mpra. an Hey 12, just a" 0 &Colo an a 00 orae rad*. swdmmbg Fad, horses aid mos! $1000 No kvcbsiwe. PMKe aN PA"! (9!)51631.4164. IMS1E# 6E0000M wfh rm- lsaddmWSOryMe. COW humno yard. 5520 isichahre. Agil- ObkmmMM" 426-/832 alyna! new holam 200 all indasiwe.350 oewal4576-Mno pmt Can ( 615E ANO TWO bedroom, immediate Ponessian, con- tra! Of", cook pearied, encodes ftidpe, SWW. MFPK fre"-pBwgd, MOPPOV Pfa- Ja. WWY *"a. no Pet. Near bus. Rasomm. 725- 2642 252642 after Spm. 1 bedroom apt awed. Apr, 1; 2 bedroom apt a veil Mar. 1. Parking. WANVY. Includes uki4m. 110 am W. PAW - Om. no pets. 723.1647, 579x659. WHITBY, Dutlerin St. 1 & 2 - bedroom apts, clean, quiet building. Fully-broadloomed. Large closets. Near ameni- ties. Fridgelstove. 5725. inclu- sive. No pets. 905.404-1414. WHITBY- 2 -bedroom base- ment apt • 1100 sq n. Fire- place. separate entrance. $750/month. Phone/Cable ex- tra Close to all amendies. (905)430-9496. WHITBY. one bedroom available in well maintained 05.6 8-7777 Really Ltd. WHITBY, large 1 -bedroom le- gal basement apartment. Sep- arate entrance. parking. fridge. stove, laundry. no pets. $6501 moth Inclusive. Mrs. Evans 905-655-5778 WHITBY - 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available imme- dhardy. Cal 416-789-4145. WHITES JSIIEPPARD large 2 ONE BEDROOM basement Ddrm ' ba"K separate en apartment. Centrally locating in trance, fiteplace. err con.,4 Whitby, presale enmrance. 4 appliances. t6- smokdnypta, appliances. wood stove. air. parking.Avert. rmmedutely. parking for two $8500 • 839 8142 � a 25 per mo. as in- a 1 Fbmisei tdusive. Isviast. On refer For P40 - I rot. Phone 666 9698 afkr 5 p.m. SPACIOUS wen -maintained 2 bedroom apes Avail. A 900 and 866 Glen St. Some with waR-in Closets. pant provid- ed. Close to -anode. Shop - nes atimcded Cori 728.4993 LAKEVIEW PUN, Oshawa, nice backyard 2 & 3 berm Haan Karo ougalow. ad YeN- h0okup avail. Mammo t 3750.. $625nrmo.905-435-2433 OSNAWA 810orRart R freshly painted Spacrp tom- large / bedroom Su 2 -bedroom SM morah Free pianking. � an Si l-WPICKERIMG - 6roc /Dt !rook. walkout gseme lineament Available elan 21. 2 been . loving root rrr-im kddrem, beet"m bwev. parlin "Borm e 1►ahC. $78Wmahnc lockout Can Mirza (416)263-5563 (416) 723 -SM PICKERING UM ala. 2 be rooms appliances & ub" wdeft, walk to GO. $T Per MOOL M2301 Awa Apn1 17 PICKEINNG: StmrrrrN ma Boor 3 -bedroom aplrtmtl $1050 imormdry. gOOn Cklded Air con - parking. non-$M"ef. GO. available lewnedialby CAN 905-420-2104 n. hecmay. Mu PICKEMIIG - 2 bedroom basement apartment. Cerib'a ori, private uuniby parking, $"Mao fire cc* approved 5800 fabs 19051 420106'19. nwRinmouGE, bau- mem apartment separate en- trance. workout no pets rel- eranes. first/last. Quiet woe lusive (905!5W18999 m- rr Ionth il =ICOE 645. 3 bedroom. $925 m if a. kcbda appliances. aralable Mar.1St UM %5.725.9961. 805 I'R 2-bea $725lmoaln, BisUlasf as rJesive, aweiBMe Mecb I. world pH owerno or madBe l054i0 1�a� b pen. OMWA BM for ft Pace of I 2110 Wentelath St from :660. $ L S M avaigbte f 20. Iltli6es iinckelle/. EEasy 401. S! SGIOOIS, Shed Can to trilvr 771.8741 Two I AFr•1, Mryor i MAdewde 5425 "Blow i Rcesland SM, Rist & tall• no dBg$ (905) 725-2246 OfNtAK West Central - 3 bedif ns nipper tail d do- Plmhl- 1610 appinacm New dry bcon. cow. 2 car PrkMg0. Sm AN k Kksive. Malum Couple pskrsd. Mo pee. 579-1$K WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME MS SIMPLE $100,000 Mortgage CarrintS for $700Jmofdh!! 5905) 571-627580 1-0-840.6275 Mark Stapley Sr.s Rue hues. Gla Ed tat' TKA DABA ran w, h... , home lot you SSW down. Cllone • 6 months fife or lyse r or floor m $im usib of 1110* "in 52327.500 gross Cal wr Ken Coals, coifto Bal (906)728.9414 3 BEDROOM Mom Mo area. dose to cmyftm. huge backyard. 4 appliances. $875 plea hydro Marden Ise. (905)725-0142 AJAX. West "A4*y 2. 2♦r. 2 4 Dc baths. combo Ldill r, bedkn. $love. Ridge. dile. weaker, dryer. 51025 imekraes ONOU. COC. and pa" kobW Mach 16 Apx lie - My lid 663-1811. BROO ME, dean 3-1edro0m home. large cahea7 kilcfwn, 5 appliances, new carpet & Pok laps 6-C433- . eMl ea call Ramatlph 433 -SM F MPP / MY 2. 3 bad - mom, 1 1/1 Storey bmnflower 4 MOB:!=. 31.100 pill rak- I (905) 420-7185 11 nMe oma lar Sob WANTED: Prefer rent to own fe- 2 balconies. 5395 in - or lease. Responsible agency w provi hrg care to children with • special needs is looking for a s123. large detached clean well- Ost M. 51000. 263-2472 maintained 4 or 5 -bedroom how. East assentOstum a►ea orl. gaged. wM mw- home in Pickering/Ajax area. -11i room. TV room WA-PWL References available. Please - call(416)438-9768. awaftW. Cal 579- E"IT 1 1 . • 3 -BEDROOM townhouse with l basement, 2 baths, 4 ap- 1 �• pliances, dose to 401/Rit- son.Oshawa, available imme- room and ditMmpr- Large diately. NON-SMOKER $910/ AJAX - By the Lake. 3 bed - math all mdusive. (9D5)723- room bungalow, attached ga- 5084. rage. modem kitchen with AN OSHAWA SOUTH - 3 skylight. finished basement, and much more. bedroom townhouse close to No gents. agents. $184.900. (905) schools and Shopping SM/ 42 42&2071 mo. ALL INCLUSIVE. First/ b owes b "am p� - Iasi Available March/April 1 (905)579.9956 days. CARRIAGE MU TOWN- HOUSES - 122 Colborne SI E. Oshawa. March & Aper awal- abify 434-3972. OSHAWA. Ritson Rd- 2 -bed- room. appliances. parking. newly decorated. $900 unarm!-ir 3ll inclusive Aval- able (905)Q7-3763 after 6pm MMMNG. 3 -bedroom, fin- ished basement Close to God ban. $1000 nrst4ast. refer am No pets. Cal (416)5' 2545. Available inarredntey TAUNTON TERRACE Town- houses. 100 Taunton Rd. E . 3 bedroom town hom avada' Mardi tsl Can 436.3346 1 Roo - for Re AJAX. clean, bright. lu it room. available smmedrat, Close b bus slop. pool shopping entre. $350 61 9223 aIle 4pm. AJAX- ho Noted room. Ava.- atalc lmrteriNdy Fun use of ret room, laudry room. kRdhereNt wlfridpe. parkin n 585Aveek 905.683-5951 IEOROOM. Ftem private WV room n campy. fur• MOM or mom int me d kitchen facilities. 1llealt Dre- Wre0 SM morM. Seagrave 905-985-3607tno. PICKERING Liverpool/Fiel- dighl. large room $t00 week - If, to fro ed. strident wN- = t. nam smoker. nes pea. Arisilabk moom rely (905) 931-4207 aft Intel. ROOM FOR RENT n dean home dose to bus ttatici Whim and Towp m ata. No !lea tuWp Woo neiauble Use of ktldmen and parking Can (905) 720-3131 1 Shared LEGAL SECRETARY has Iwutt to share with non- $rm0bng working prolessm- al. (Large bedr- 5385 Per mo FirsWhq. (90),576-7002 An 6 AJAX, 2 . 1 bedroom bunga- low, $195.000 Open Concept kAche /c ininq room overlook- ing large gamily room, wood stove. central air. Can (905)663.6166 AJAX. Brigs townhouse. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. neutral decor. no maintenance fees. has maty extras. must see. $156900(905)-686-2428. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY - impressive well maintained WAValow hilae O"ers Unxtue deWcial- ing. 3 bedrooms. new carpet - ng. 2-4 DC. baths with Ceram - W Max. bull in dishwasher, 2 timid deck. plus 100 sq. Gi- zmo. beautifully paved driveway. $135. For more intorttlaDon PNM net owners at (905) 623-9151 HOUSE for sale 'pnvW RE- DUCED $259.900. 798 Sun - Circle. Oshawa. Large two -stay Jettery-bun execu- give honenaoRny large goner lot. rntlh any ierrced Four kakwm. larW master Oedroom with da- it. three beBlroons. main floor falrrly roan and tawdry room: large family 10tc11tc wM sitlwoam: airing room. living room. 2 1n fireplaces, enerat alit bpi elficitlgn Bas fureace: air cleaner: intercomucder- roud sPrMtlder sysftm. isMd. Daum OKW w p� skin owl": aMlrbdaq bode Nine WWII do* pias trwWl Shed. Baitdt y decorated aimd inailcfared. A most b view Phone 905728.3329 - MOTIVATED VENDOR Jin Soddy Eagleview.3444 sq ft. wM 3rd Boor W. loaded vie ;jra9.90dn 0.(905) 420-0640 Oftred of POWE II OF SALE. 4- Me detached OSC area. 582.900 3 - bedroom townhouse $66.900. CdldweO Banker RW R E Larry KWSM (905)720--9414. rand 726-1069 ext, 204 SAYE THOUSANDS - On W mscmrae 2.300 sq h ehweo- give home n sought alter Nn1xw ata. Cost so SCl1o0t and arida Greertlroest it" - n. NNW master bedroom t+mtlls . paid may rrpIradn. Ph mm (905) 666-5701 SM NORM OLD. 3 baa del. Mick, 2 1/2 bath. Iii masw . wv1 Gael. omw swim tub, "in Mldshen.. wINTBY. Site 2 beaoom a 905-720-1613. Kirmgsway Forest. FOR RENT 3 -bedroom Ouc Mkt cetmm�aty apt w N E Oshawa $169.900. S% on 931005 easen w. 5 appkanc- historic bm1vN, 11 h ced- Mrded II1gS hardwood 1100ri h es. Irg $entad yard, above grit an fe- 2 balconies. 5395 in - 1 to lkv twit. paved dive. gaape. iqPLAce �q d", PC (905!666 bus servitor. no pees. Towline & Taunton Rd area. Eau s123. 3 1 - a seelwap to Purchase !>� 3 bedroom star!- Ost M. 51000. 263-2472 EXECUTIVE VilMM, next to Toyota dealkr. Fu how. East assentOstum a►ea orl. gaged. wM mw- Arai1Mk Hadi -11i room. TV room WA-PWL $100.0 0. 9a0m mP b 5100.000. Rgler- parbrq, laundry. Must sr• Mug VVery awaftW. Cal 579- 4 bedroom Comldrta0k. Worki . semi in destrabk Howe len person MOO.fns 1 �• an d Oslmare. Large k"W room and ditMmpr- Large mm IAM OFIORTVE"ltll fill-in kitchen. - PON) dK*aft r "11- r. ECONOM Cal on bedroom bedroom bw hoto now n. heat- Garage, knmed yard Paved drive. seed. POSsibk SVKUC dr mlmw. Woe balcony. r** vpW ss00 anile mcme 10 pdsiL 6of00 coat. Son! men bes"ne kap. FkstABW 6An 30lo. • UNWAK. AieNIM$ dKOq t Sit dealtilt 19 J� Im Cal (^ 130.4656. b owes b "am p� - MAY 1/!1. Cao 905.9670.omm A or. 6etalNMBn WOW 9 90S-7284114. of OK dose brMaIRschow CK 0011 4 Mann Fin Red bedroom � fm hold Planes oMo ps pts Meso 1. Sm. B1� So 1514 t t � b 1 306. kb0l. Open Hk 2-4 Pin. N lax Asia PIN a" FN0KN01M, avaloBlle Apr! 1st a* b newYBlkq 1 1Q- IWO sqk hDw 5300. 000 s1 A 2 rad, bon sum from alai 6-d)• 515990D905i27-1Q7. MW houL 3 Mbnms, 4 Ot1L COOK Eme OMMee, MBNEW?M/iOM. Inge d Wk- yar M0. SI,00WWAR h 400 S W tdlbpAdoiagt Cao m V2 hlW / 434-2447 or 05.5.4132. GWM FEWACLU- Coo in FIL7�0 pkspbct on bed ~~ Loc 1 hl O61Mw. PrdK 4&mA excellent on br room. Bear PfC. Go. MD Dogs. AMr bt 11000 MIM Nola t" office spat, 500.20W sq.IL bniY plea, lee rM MKofB No IUs or ba Dool pap for 3 Maaft Cal 9miii 501 IsMost.RMmUlcei• (11105) hKeofelk a ", (415) S1S- 4/6.334245. . ampi M011EV MMOLEMi. GM ed um soB 3 bedroom • d � � �Dd going . floor d Bd PANYon- EwB� � b aellles, feed ram. $►ark- yard. . MMI storage unit Os1Mwe sgBldlBes of crew M". CON for fee Ing. Raw* Mac15. $775. WCaNM. sbgb MO doom W#DmwtialL 905470-3506. Nft 1st". Call 725-0666. rntt awelabk. Easy access. SM" 6-m klCknOed $100bloinNl X725-9991. A SIM DEAL. 8 heralds Free! Own• You► Dwtn floral, 2 CeNm/mB 1 ��•' & 3 bedw m. rerwbdw. 1 new Appliances. no many down OAC. Siring FAMLY 1101N!BOi81M cel- 111NTum - Good, had rd al 572,900. AuhlB Ream, pool, Mach. store, a*. pound" ow a w W- CoMweO Braker (905)720 X110 pop ra1K 1fOm 1.46%. All MMgrak acceplad. Cont. 9414 or Ta (90NW-3104 hoursimaOwp d 051.813-2212. BReiy M0 376 col. „r" - - .... •- _ 1G,...._ .. _ ._..- ti - _ Am,�v+ro:.v-y�.� 'r:'n°� .. _:�,•" . °m-t.:`=.."i w�+�,iQ':�IM'°•--._. i • 1NOW- p1i�Rj,te • 1 Caat*q [treaMs • 1 Atxdofhs N ACCE30 hitsrast on A new. hot product. intemational -my EXPO - Metro East Trade Centre (401 and Brock company. First in Canada. full Rd. N. in Picker") Feb 28th training. Full-time. Part-time. and March 1st (doors open at High $$/week. 416422-2364. 10am) Pre- Post -natal info.. parentirnq info. Polkaroo and MAIONG MONEY is fun and Bananas in Pajamas ..e. Into easy learn how. Write to 1785 (905)436-0375. Oueen Sr E., Unit G Dept. 1, Call 1-900-451-3793 Brampton, Ontario. L6T 4S3. • 1 Personals TURNKEY operation, excellent BORED ONTARIO HOUSE - clientele. 22 seat Old Fash- WIVES - names 3 private ioned Ice Cream Parlour d phone numbers, 1-900.451- W lunch. Will train 865.300 3638 ext 680. $3.29/min, must Call (905) 571-1202 be 18. T -tone. mal Auctions • 1 Auctions Wed. Feb. 25, Start 6:00 p.m. View: from noon Kahn Country Auctions, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering, 3 mi. N. of Hwy. 401 exit 399 featuring this week over 200 lots of antiques, fine fumiture, glass, china 8 col- lectibles to incl: 5 pc. art -deco bedroom set (mint), 2 Hoosier cupboards, pair of wing chairs, oak ice box, large oak Victorian bed, walnut buffet, oak parlour table, old pine blanket box, pine chest of drawers, washstands, Royal Doultons OHN2805, 2724: 2833, 2802, 2869, 3060, 2471, 2379, 2221, 2380, 1315, 1843, Stamp collection, Royal Worchester figurines. Panasonic fax machine, wedgewood, mantle clock, quilts, oil paintings, Beaver sealer, Bellek Cramer, lamps. Ltd. Edition prints, plus others. WATCH YOUR PAPERS FOR OUR SPECIALTY SALE FRIDAY APRIL 10/98. Estates d Consignments are Specialty! Randy Potter Auctioneer (905) 683-0041 Fax (905) 576-2267 SAT. FEB. 28, 10 A.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby A Great Chance to buy new quality furniture at Auction Prices! Including 9 pc. cherry diningroonf suite, oak rolltop desk, oak tables a chairs, round cherry b oak tables. 3 pc. sofa sets, approx. 15 new sofa sets, love - seats, new King. Queen, double, single mattresses, 902 carpet, new clod( tables. small drop leaf tables, Wirgback chairs, black leather sofa d loveseat, nesting tables, antique 3/4 bed, Davenport sofa. cherry coffee iL end tables. bed soh. white fridge. stove. washer, dryer (1 1R yrs. old). 25 Mart"- Lane mini cottages. Pitts more. Note Time: 10 a -m. Viewing: Fn. 1-6 p.m. An excellent sale. Great mattress sets. Plait to attend. Mclean Auction It LigW ad i 432-2836 or 686 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28 - 10am. OUTSTANDING ESTATE AUCTION for the late WALTER i WILHELMINE CARRUTHERS of Sandford, plus a Newmarket home, held at Phoenix Sales Arena, Uxbridge. Take Hwy. 112 or Lakeridge Rd. 123 north to Hwy. #47. Go west to Uxbridge. Watch for signs. Sale Includn: 9 pix. walnut dining rm. ste., 1940's dining rm. ste., oak hallstand, bass- wood jam cupboard, pine hanging cupboard, drysink, Ig. qty. tables (carved rosewood hall tables, inlaid ivory plant stands, marble ii brass end tables, etc.), old store counter, (in the rough), pine mantle, carved oak liquor cabinel, high quality marble top furniture, qty. chairs, washstands, leather sofa bed, 4 pce. walnut bedroom stes., old dressers, twin beds, 6 pce. bedroom ste., new baby stroll- ers, car seats, new 3 used small appliances, oil paintings, antique lighting, 47" big screen TV, Magic Genie 44 Lowry organ, Henry Her- bert Mason Reisch apt. sin piano, sheet mu- sic, records, tools, over 100 toys including Majorette, Ertl, Coca Cola, tin toys, Buddy L , Eatons 1916 Studebaker, Tonka, Hotwheels, matchbox, Corgi, John Deere, diecast etc., qty. hockey cards (Rookies Trottier, Gainey, Brett Hull, etc.)gty. old tools, qty. old cast iron seats, 28 boxing magazines 1979-1983, Iy. qty., ant. glass, china & crystal Coalport Tea set Indian Tree (33 pieces) plus more. Call for full taxed list. Over 1,000 items Cash, Interac, Visa 3 M/C. 8 A.M. Sale Day GARY HILL AUCTIONS (DIV. OF 1081454 Ontario Inc..) Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 Iron a S1 W%f! estate. held 0 the Ballantrae Continuo- ity Centre. 1 km. east of Hwy. 48 on the Aurora Sd. Rd. Beautiful walnut china cabinet w/crown; double Pedestal DwK= Phyla dining table; mah. kneehole writing desk w/pilared front: chests of drawers; dining Chairs, cherry dining table; walnut sideboard; Qum Miro style arm Chairs: cid collage mance clod(; wind- mill ala! dock; early oak foot bench; Vict. shaving mjr- ror; Old slant top pure writing desk; aritique Glass and chum; cast iron horse heads: old cora; Ltd.tamOrLS b Cdn. artists L. Harris; Carmichael; Tom Torrtson; Small qty. bubble gum sports cards: factory sealed poxes etc. Appraised ' ry and much more. Terms: Visa, M/C or Cheque. Preview 6:00 p.m. CLARKSON AUCTIOM9 9854-i411114M11 Antiques, Cellectalles i Hone" FN d 118CGrepoes Ardles CoWe BowmwMk $soft RUfth 1811, *31 a.m. (VifM119:0) 481 to Watftfliy Rd. NWO to i2 Hey., East N Sn" 31. NWO 1 bill. ay's Auction features a quality selection of articles nished a as found, diningroom set, oak printers at, dough box, desks, dressers, tables, dabs d rs, 40's couch, granlaphone, stacking bookcase, t b panour Chairs, wan unit, quellty glass a china, 1, country collectable, plus numerous articles, rare, nal a us". Call for all your Auction needs. Your on or ours. Auction i Appraisal Services Abcenflar C.P.P.A.G. 9854-!8'1-3694 985.8'13-7948 Sat. Feb. 28th at 10:00 a.m. at WARNER'S AUCI190N N %U Hwy 2, Colborne Selling from the es tate of Sara Young of Port Hope, plus cont- ents of a Brighton Home, some an- tiques, collectables, household articles, etc. Partial list in- cludes, ant. chair w/ needle point seat, cedar chest, oak bedroom suite, An- drew Malcolm 9 pc. dining room suite in excell. condition, ex- cellent sofa 3 love seat with matching wing chair, kitchen table and chair set, oak china cabinet, cherry curio cabinet, occasional chairs, occasional tables, auto washer a dryer, pictures and frames, lamps, dishes, large quantity small articles all packed by family, unseen at time of ad- vertising. books, book shelves, all to be sold with no re- serves, Visa, M.C., accepted. Gary k Bill Wilmer Auctioneers (9051355-2106 Thurs. Feb. 26th at WARNERS A><1C'1RON HALL 1/4 mile test of Colborne on Ment (r2 Om a L;omwne 3mie. tools, china, ass. etc. Partial list dudes 9 pc. clining om set, 6 pc. bed- IOM edbin set w/good boot man., occasional Lairs tables, etc., and eek table with 6 lairs and lest, dhirta oinet fridge, stove, ashen, dryer, chest mzer, microwave, V., alum. step and I . ladder, good g� wn mower, other win mower. rob tiller, win a garden t(vols, queen size box id mattress sets, assets a chests of avers, sofa a washer ler machin- ery. cars, etc. Lawn a garden furniture, small hand tools, pic- nic table. old wind- ows qty dishes, eve- rything soft no re- serves. Visa, M.C., Interac, cash or good Gary A Bill Warner Auctioneers "051355-2706 AEOICTIM BARN FRDAY FEB. 27111h AT 5:30 RAIL 3 MILES EAST OF LITTLE I1FItTAM1 ON COUNTY RD. 4 Maple hutch, maple chesterfield a chair, microwave oven, 15 cu. ft. freezer, apart- ment size dryer, 2 door refrigerator, 3 pine wardrobes, farm toys, modern dress- ers a chests of draw- ers. Match Box toys, Treadle sewing ma- chine, Harvest Gold 2 -door refrigerator a malcftirg 30 in. ekk - tric stove, hall Weer, antique pump organ. antique Cast Iron stove, chesterfield a malichiing chair, 5-1121 Hp Honda Water Vwrlp, 36 in. wood lathe, SIdN saw, B&D Router, 9 in. Rockwell table saw, metal gar- den dump trailer, qt% collectible items. Don a Greg Cornell Aucillonfeers RR81 Little Britain (705)786-2183 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 THE NEWS ADVERI('18ER TUESDAY, FEI9RUARY 24,1998- PAGE 11 • 1 Aucdana S Pang services : • Pang Se Vim EM EtrrtawfrmN 1 IMBmetalwr • 11 inewslkwe AUCTION SALE IRA=ff WAR" WORK Sat. Feb. 28, Spm. Doing Magic For Children's Parties at Oddfellows Hall on And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. u coe St. in Port Perry. •Ca11 Ervile 448-4-= Ln Lunch available. Shoprid - scooter, restaur; - uipment, fridg ezer, Spode chis niture, hydraulic )a( much more. Viewi �m2pm. John Pearce Auction Services 905-655-8073 1 Personal$ ;in not sure which is more ifficun. wntng this ad or re- plying to it? I am a single *tW "We who enjoys coun- try Irving, along with Physical fitness, traveling and !loafing. If you are a sincere. attractive. single female. 30-45. with slrtrlar interests. please reply m writing telling me about yarset along with a pti to to: Box 45%. Go Markham Econ- omist. 9 Hentage Road, Markham. L3P IM3 LADIES, pamper yourself Relaxation massage, hot oil. strong hands and you! Haft Price 820/40 minutes, in- home available. Mark 1905)432-5369 NEW upscale =on service now hiring, ask for Lara 579- 8856. 11 Ifrnprovmtrtertts REAL HANDYMAN! For People who need household repairs, but short on cash. No Job tocismaf. jiI� ph (106)427528 (4161632-2209 FrIM Hardly W_ SERVICES Patios, decks, renovations. painting interior, exterior, plumbing and much more. (905)831-2416 AFFORDABLE ELECTRICAL SERVICES EMctnead help from Pima, ls to projects. We can make all ekdn- al systems any for you to understand and instal Yourself, or we an do it for you.Fuly licensed and insured. Renchia- ham, new installations, upgrades Commer- dal.rtsidential. industrial 1185-SB1-8123 M �� a Daeammxm PAMNITM i 410job too big or 9W! PLASTEIiNBi -You pay white You am SNOW! -Free eslimalis! cam seal at i ft>•Aw� Appal M d Piiltno3 Prado Spodalistt. Sara a thio- llxati Diseaisies. LicernNd. insured. Free Eslimaies. PraleaBin nal aarvNa. CIN Wr77954. ilp to 3000 sq. n. Vaauming, dusbrq. ham as&-". kitchen. flocrs *SSW, wandow ledges. base boards. 6 w herM dye fee Boise needs deanav 10 years oprwa cam fore 0416-7842M TO ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION INy. _ ,THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL 683.0707 GORGEOUS .MODELS 4 dfjferent shows from Oshawa 2a 721 fellow St. W. "S-723.0335 In loving memory of Donna Marie Hnatiuk, who passed away 1 year ago today. Lovingly remembered inprayer by husband Ted, Daughters Lorraine, Karen, Donna, Jennifer, their husbands and 10 grandchildren. Thanks for your everlasting Inspiration, Love, Courage and Faith. We miss you and are waiting for the day when we will be reunited again. 1 Call 1-900-451-3793 Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. $2.49 per min. EBONY SEEKS IVORY FUN TIMES 39 yr old. black mom, who enjoys quiet times and SEARCHING FOR YOU ARE YOU INTERESTED? 25 yr old. S' 70". 160 b math more Seek^an divorced S8 yr old. 5' div n Friacasy secure male with who er4oys working out and employed white mak. 40 male, smoker. with blue 1 ie0ng a fferna green whoeyes Seeking a black or white to 45, with srmriar interests. BOX 12093 eyes• likes movee. waking and di-�!. Seeks a wants to •eltb down and mak for tun times. BOX mak. BOX 11767 Call 1-980-451-3793 hake chidden BOX 15915 11882 GIVE ME A CALL Pondift ,am. female with LIKE WHAT YOU HEART $2.49 per min. GIVE ME A SHOUT GIVE ME A CALL dear. Enjoys 1te out- 34 aid, 5'2" rte build GREAT TIMES 37 old. 5 6". 200 to mak with blonde har and Nue 35 yr old. tau and slim. sep- orated mak. seeking a mak doorde door. movies. music and more. Seeing a Cthristin m d h mom with sense d Humor. Likes dinng, dancing. non f4 were mab. who is a nonsmoker. ranaMo and Seek a tamale. 40 �s ^9 for dere times. BOX 12423 mak. 28 to 45. with similar ndeos. BOX 14541 easy going. Seeking a sin Was• for fun. a" times BOX 16973 KEN SEEKS G.I. JOE interests. Children waF LIKE TO HAVE FUN? Mmale. ads. who would rite 30 Yr okd. 5 6" 13C b. mas- ccoeed. BOX 14668 so". white mom, 5' 1-, 110 a groat Me. No children A LITTLE WILD SIDE cuine. gay male with TAKE A39 BOX 11866 35 yr okt. 6'. 220 b down to Myth. its. attractive. wh4e bkargreen eyes. dark haw and a mustache Enjoys yr old, 5's full figured. Liter golf•. CRIMP g. garden SO MUCH TO OFFER! mak Mies moves videos Harveys. 4x4. cars. good separated lemale. who M dung OUIL good oonver- 90 yr cid. 5'S. mak who e a ford kids tarnak and more. •npys playing cards, dame- ng arta mon. Seeking a swoon and danewg. Seeks nom• 38-42. v" Yrs to nonsmoker and a social drw•kar. Enjoys sports. ilk- rally fp s long term relatiorhshq. Seecoriking Seeing matole. 25 to 35. male. 39 b 45. with smew have him BOX 14800 M morias, dancing, travel BOX 11683 i wee smiler rtterMts BOX OX 14635 ntol . Bol( 14733 WIN ME OVER and nips. 5eeknr a non- SO4GLE V"WM DAD NEED A COMPAmNON? 19 yr aid lemak. smoker. sndkng female. 35 b 50. aft bveS b laugh, with sen- 5'S'• 145 lbs. nonsmoker. tNnecttonate and honest CASUAL FRIEPM r old. b, cur,ous male. s4 yr old. 5'6". anracrve Hispanrc tamale with a 5-r. 150 lbs. Letes sports. Ck� �in9 BOX 15622 der rtarMts. BOD( 11870 male: annoys ootrwry Wn9 sleek a b, curious mei. ^9 sense of humor. En FRIEND VERY P"CONtSING essions] and mums. Mies anowrno- -""I - 18 to 35. for casual wvcou+- rWeonafvq. cooking- oaino ing- �irlix travel � rim 71. t be 1 flrve b^9 Drown Harr and mfr Prof. who enjoys � �' weekend get. Mays and more Seeks BOX 147531atbla 45 to 55. lar nasi esus. BOK 18464 going � �� � � daps baseball. M79hwg. . woks n female. �i buiat THE UNEXPECTED 36 yr old.joy gay whilrig, male WANT COMPANIONSW ., up by to fin. Nie must be the, cot/MrY, annals. chi- the, Co, ey. ai o or mnedkon Musa fM open and Yue to tsar %4 who enjoys dar'a'g• doing Ayr old. 5'S'. white pokes 23 to 26. attract tend dean and mon. Seeking a slim %male with similar BOK 30457 out. mw,es. sports and mora seek" a gar ^tale. s,onal Iemw enjoys king walks, w•hM and e^toy tr same anus as ne. Bim( 30455 for a big term DIAMOND IN THE RUFF to to 40. with smear nter- classic movrM. Bvm l lae7 Arnve malen his 60 s, with eats. BCX 17027 music. coak^9• guar frrtaa and mon. SrlWurg a mak BDEPEMDENT MOTHERI 33 old. 5'7', si single, Hoe DANCE VKTH ME a great sense d humor. FMER THINGS N UFE with sander interests. fp yr 23 yr oil. s,o-. single while Seek a lernak too a '^9 9960 frendshp BOT( 2e yr ofd. mab Waco envoys cnpannshrp aa. possible enjoys mov, RWAC W4 es male wicker, who enjoys 19622 Me wM. horseback riding r•kbwshq, BOX 19102 mpe. looking for • nla- denco and mon. Seeping romantic ewnrgs. long CLASSY LADY liconal . with a mats, 30 to an altar fen'•b '•h0 a Of •r9 fleet gantM BOX 11891 NOTFINr TOO SERIOUS 32 alit. weeks. beaches,sports and an -qpM 50 yr old. 5'5-. 110 Ib. 39- ""f 0 a is~ honest and likes chrldnn. BOX LETS TALK 9k forest mak. Lies r a~. 25 b 30. emp dyed 1 . Wood. mobasrwW female with bk nde haw and bkw 14158 40 yr cid. male aft enjoys sports. outdoors. dining with Smiar interests. BOD( 17131 eyes Enjoys, rte oumdoors DOWN TO EARTHI � a s d miew oon�25-38. � b9 trwudS READY. SET, CALL reading and imp• Seekwg sorest mak. SOs than s bo�11,5 Ipr a tar wMarests BOX 17056 1 V and �" � BOX 27 yr old. 6'. male with brown ear and green eyes an Sngk dee math 2S to 35. FINENDS FNtST NEGOTL4QI.E BEARD Seeking a M d mak. BOK ciay •mcun, with sander with a fun dopostm, down 28 yr oled male. who •^joys 18448 rntereets BOK 19300 to earth and bol" to start M outdoor& cour" nk+ac. 40 yr oil. 51'. 145 to tri LOOKWG FOR LOVE a relationship. BOIL 14199 moves. Quiet hues and now. Seeking a lernak. 24 male wade grow eyes and beard Liters having fun. CASUAL FUN 40 yr old, 5'9-.170 Q whow 27 r old, 5'8-, 150 Q black mom loos vrorkrg aril, 80 MUCH TO OFFERI Finch who krnale.. b 30 weh Sxnder nlarells, -4000M fhshrtg. Ca mp'% quet twnM BOX 14474 male seeking a mala. 25 b 40. for casual encounters. gi, � Seeking � hazel en0 cute. bnateoa. hazel -cycZy�bs. for 1 Minim Possible reit �� " 11911 CHAReBNG MALE f� 18959 mak bra rWbOn- Lies ��cals.aaTERESTE07 41 r old attractive. w YES OR NO Ship BOX 19370 rack and guars Seeks Son- old. amactne, charming male seeks 36 yr old gay, with male FRIEa105 FIRST 5, tile• whole mala 40 to 45, 7t ad mak who enjoys anraMnre larnale. BOX 14502 seeks anther gay, wftle male. 18-50. any rata BOK F>+ttite krnala with blonde attrsctrve 5'8-, slam. non- having a good Une having 14461 hair. Enjoys dining out. sinker who is sncere and SOOWV a female for fun THE GOOD TOTES dancing, travel and moro. honest for tnwKbhip. BOD( tones. BOJ( 13939 Divorced, employed. stable DIFFERENT THOM Seskng a tall mak. SWs 14404 LOVE 2 TALK 2 YOU latter Of two. a smoker and Marred b, curious mak for companionship. BOX SHARE MY WORLDI Sep• 6'1', 225 Q aeuffer social dr~. Mies good y:, -•4c mak,Nmak ootrya for a trst 19408 11 yr old. active, angle e orated wide Fatfnar enjoys times and quest tunes. 15839 VERY PR08NSOG divorced mom. 5'5-, with a weight liking. sports, 109- Seeks slim tamale. over 30, 33 yr old. full figured, finan- son. who is a vary npor- ging, dancing. moves. for a possible relationship BOX 14507 SEEM N4TERESTDOW Attached couple nal 4Ws, peat, sow* whole lamake with brown haw, bow; eyes taM part of my world and needs to be exempted in romance and more. Seeing a kmak. 2810 30. OLD FASHIONED LOVE see" be curious mala, for solid a eonaker enjoys the, any relationship. Looking with slmiar interests. BOD( 43 yr old. 5'10'. 175 b sep- discreet, adult fun. BOX 14391 000890 alis, cantor for commdi tent n the long 14481 arated. old fashioned. rip arw mon, Seeking a run. but f ands first I we LETS TALK romantic. protessanal. ALL N GOOD TBE finanpaey eeCue nate, 32 Countrymusic, skiing, a yr cid. 5'8-. 170 b, Christian make. Lies dung Processional white mala b 38, with sunder reformats. and ^bre• BOX divorced �� with brown out friends, life. Seeks enjoys movies, BOX 19549 14411 haw, hazel eyes nonsmoker shorn. secure. single. '"Mite theatre and dining in or oul, and a social Chun. Enjoys kernale• 35.44. who Was to the outdoors. Seek kwxl- ARE YOU AMBITIOUS? NO CORUNIVENM VIM Mrtdoom n%xw- Dom. be romanced. Friendship ship first. possibly more 27 r old. 5'8-. 135 Q la Sirgmother, 33, 5'4-, 111%. nc0cbrn9 Pod and mon. and m aYba more. BOX OX War. B 10422 Caribbean mom with bong medium build, Icing dark Seeking an empkoyed, fit 14581 black haw. SMking awing hair with rid holights and female wit+ smiler interests LOOK NO FURTHER TAKE A CHANCE mala who is ambrttous big Vow eyes. Enjoys BOK 15577 35 yr old, 67. 216 b sin- Tae, ten. bi mak, rnid Ws, BOX 19562 movies, dw1Ing out, music, BRIEF ENCOUNTERS1 gle, white male with a looking for a bi utak who is NEED A FRIEND? Pont" and mon. Sacking 22 yr old, mala: look- beard. Likes camping. f1. Discretion and claenki S9', medium built, sepwat- mute mak. 33 to 40, race .rg for Wier encounters. music. motorcycles. etc. ness expected and ad larnale with brown haw unimP9rtant. ler friends W BOX 14256 Seeks female with similar assured. BOX 26409 and green eyes. Enjoys and more, but rho PcssoblY Interests for friendship and PLEASE TEACH ME moves. quit wmaks, conmitmentsl BOD( 26411 NO HEAD GAMES possibly more. BOD( 14605 - Straight acting, Bi Minibus avenwhgs out and mpe. A GOOD THING 30 yr old, 6'. 175 Q white LAW STUDENT mak. 30. 5'B', 130 bs, Seeking a mak, 25 to 40. Separated white female. male with brown hair. 24 yr old taken mala Stu- slim. enjoys t°w9 ors and With similar interests, for 35, 5'4', medium build. green eyes. smoker. dent Mies dancing. music. lust about anything. friendship. BOK 19651 hazel eyes, brown hair, Enjoys sports, movies, movies. having fun. Seeks Seeking another Bi curious honest, affectionate, non- quiet limes and more. female. SSe3eltk. whilewith 26 female with same interests. masa who is discreet, for a COUNTRYLADY smoker, likes children and as intere Dating only. BOX 14642 friendship- BOX 12073 Divorced fie, 5'4-, attractive anlrcek, movies,ftxMBOX traveling, etc. Looking to 17010 LOVE LATHE AIR larnake, looking for a male companion to share walks, meet an honest, ndnsmok- YOU'RE THE ONE 44 yr old. 5'10'. 170 Ib. er,ployed while male: likes NEW BEGINNWM movies.in mg• affectionate mala, 35 to 42 yr ole, 170 to, male with working out, dining out. N yr old. 6', while male, a big try. Prefer big term rete- 42. for relationship. BOX brown hair and blue eyes. quiet times, and sports. nonsmoker and easygoing- Serious replies 30452 Enjoys brig doves bcvvMng, Seeks slim, single white Enjoys travel, dining out, only. BOX 30456 Camping. QViel tures and female. 3545. for friend- quiet times and more. TEDDY BEAR C0804JRG AREA more. Seeking a wtvte female. nonsmoker. with ship first BOX 15895 Seeking a female, 36 to 44. with smiler interests. BOX TYPE Swoe white /emak, 2a, d 'anhilar interests, BOX 18435 GIVE A CALL 19361 Early 40's, 5'r, 180 b attractive, white female, seeking sin- medium build ek CUDDLE WITH ME 6'2'• 190 Ib male likes music. Seeks single female. ZEST FOR LIFEIII seeks single whole mala, white mak, to 36 who Mme country music. N kids ilk. BOX 16601 Myr old. mai with a sense 40-55. dwtl V and over 200 dal hockey and nest n�islyir w their ayes Enjoys "Mos.music, d fhurror. Enjoys country W. who is rues Must �p� MUhazel diningi drives, pit:nics, quiet tnencial tlrtencial More ly e4hc re. Lich bog ectasis educated No games I tea 1 lake 1 is. sports and to Sports and more. Seeking g a . yr old aleSOON sees female who likes dining out. �� and more. a Ismale with Simi - terests. quiet tirte3 rornarnce, flea enwkome. 40 Sia temate, eb to 40, with I IN whlmtests BOD( 18441 moves pan •BOX lar interests. for lasts 9 markets. BOX 11787 BOX 30445ens 1 799 hendshop, BOX 19448 ' t � • + it � .i PAGE 12 -THE NEWS AD'VFRIIM TtWDAY, FEWWARY 24, 19M r •y 4 / 1s ' /.1i 'i 7kiiii""N i �,�k I OWN it moo i S ' - 1= Our used vehicles come with a 150 -plus point inspection. It's always comforting to know exactly what you're getting into. That's why, before you get'into one of our Optimum Used Vehicles, we've put it through a rigorous inspection of more than 150 of its components. We see used vehicles in a brand new way. 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