HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_01_30eWS Pickering -Rouge,,,, dvertise-r • Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand Januan, 30, 1998, vol. 33, No. 5, Pressrun 44,000 40 pages photo by A.J. Groen Pyjama party A Spirit Day at St. Bernadette's Catholic School in Ajax saw students wear their sleep apparel instead of their usual togs. From left, Jennifer D'A- lessandro, -Jen Black and Katrina Taylor are snuggled up and ready to learn. r"=1AcPr'en' $20000 OFF FIBERGLASS ATIO DOORS IMMAU Wi> ws do Doors 831-1989 One Canada Reach out to Quebec federalists, Durham told BY KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF REPORTER Durham Region should support communities in Quebec that want to stay in Canada if the province decides to separate, says an area resident. "It's time we stood up to be count- ed;' Jim McKee told Durham Council on Wednesday. "We can't continue to duck this issue for another 30 years" The resident of Woodville. southeast of Beaverton in Victtxia County, told politicians, "7ihe Canadian economy has been impaired and the Quebec economy devastated" by the threats of separation. -Montreal was the hub of all busi- ness (in Canada), with the biggest stock exchange and more business headquar- ters. Now. Calgary has more headquar- ters. "We don't appear to be making any headway trying to solve this" He asked councillors to endorse a motion from The Quebec Committee for Canada that reads, "Durham Council demands that the Government of Canada clearly and unequivocally states that (it) supports the right of federalist municipalities and regions within Quebec to remain part of Canada, today and in the future, in accordance with the legal, moral, political, constitutional and territorial obligations of our nation" Mr. McKee noted 43 Quebec municipalities and 169 communities in the rest of Canada have cndor.cd the motion. He pointed out there are three organi- iations in Quebec that want municipal _governments in that province to stay in Canada if Quebec separates. '"They're not asking for a handout. They just want to stay in the country of their birth" Ontarians should "bypass the (Que- bec) provincial government and show the people we support them. They're crying out for help;' Mr. McKee said. If Quebec decides to unilaterally sep- arate, "We should support those people who want to stay in Canada. I don't think for a moment Quebec will ever succeed. But, if it ever did happen, we owe those people (who want to remain in Canada) our support." Whitby Mayor Marccl Brunelle ques- tioned if Mr. McKee's approach would "inflame" MARCEL BRUNELLE 'Inflame' separatists? Councillors wage war over wages BY KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF REPORTER A veteran regional councillor and a rookie faced o8 Wednesday ovtx the salary Durham politicians should receive. Clarington Mayor Diane Hamre, first elected in 1980, said she doesn't want her regional pay cut if the Province ends the one-third tax-free allowance for municipal politicians. "I'll go on public record and say I'm not prepared 0 to see a one-third cut in my pay for the hours 1 put in and the work I put in;' Coun. Hamne told her Council colleagues. But, Oshawa Councillor Clare Aker, elected in No- vember, countered that politicians run for office know- ing what salary they'll make and it would be "elitist" to replace the one-third allowance. Doing so "could be seen as a pay raise. "It serves no benefit to our constituents that we See PAY/Page 3 I I CLARE AKER `No benefit to our constituents' See UNITY/Page 3 INSIDE Bad Apples? - Analysis of the screening process ftx Durham teachers - page 7. Whyte Ont — We profile popular local busi- ness booster Lesley Whyte - page 14. Editorial rve .............. Sports .......................32 C>aesiBed .....................35 HOW TO BEACH US General ..................683-5110 Death Notices•..........683-3005 Ant tion Lbw ..............683-7545 Sincerely Yours ....... 1-500-662-8423 Email .... . . .. . . . thisweek®istanca Internet ...http://www.durhamnews.net . FVUL' 3 DAYSS SEE MR AD ON 1 PAGE 10 t I :_Tl' ► E % m R a uss sq. ft. a F13 wommovs, (ILN DRIED2x4xe LOTS A4 01 J ECONOMY STOF SPRY YONDER 9 PlalaA1657.4111 p i a m R a uss sq. ft. a F13 wommovs, (ILN DRIED2x4xe LOTS 01 v ECONOMY STOF SPRY YONDER BOAR[ PLUS, LOTS 01 IN 4Z0Wd%_lAl STOF I if ivi im u m MON.-FRI. 7:30 -8:00 SAT. 8:00 --5:00 477 KINGSTON ROAD PICKERING hardware SUN 10:00 - 3:00 CASH AND CARRY 839m4321 686m5OO2 FIREPLACE F.IANTE.L • .0 KULL TVP UESIL we 80557 IRV 3D M1901A STORAal 6991 CANININT 57003 NARRISTER 91 1000K CA819805641 29 RECESSED FIXTURE -A,-A 0 L_ W io wan 19 CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR OR&M aluArs" RAir _lAW 40 A � I Pay raise issue sparks debate PAY/From page 1 She noted when the Province ended have a higher salary;' Coun. Aker ar- the one-third allowance for MPPs, the cued. "It's not in -the best interest of salary for provincial politi- residents for us to have an inflated cians was raised so they ended up with an increase. salary. I don't believe in'a raise at this "I'm not asking for a lime." -: "We run to miakc a difference in our salary increase" But, "I don't community" People seek political of -he "for support a cut of one-third." debate took place as *40 fice the good of the community, councillors again considered not the salary" While Coun. Hamre said "I don't establishing a citizens' com- support a salary increase," she added, mittee to review politicians' "No one is willing to have their salary pay. Oshawa Councillor and fi- istrative officer Garry Cubitt and human resources director Don Pater- son. cut by one-third. The job is far more nance committee chairman DIANE complicated and there are more meet- Brian Nicholson reported HAMRE ings than there have ever been. he's working on the terms of `I'm saying 'The public might not like what I reference for the citizens' the truth' say. but I'm saying the truth" committee with chief admin- - -- - Councillors now get a base salary of $21,840, with one-third of that tax- free. To compensate for the loss of the one-third al- lowance, a regional council- lor's salary would have to rise by $4,800 to $26,640. The Regional Chairman's salary would increase $17,000 to $95,000 from the current $78.000. The chair- man of a council committee would get an extra $700, to $3,820 from the current $3,120. Unsafe rigs `accidents waiting to happen' BY LINDA WHITE STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — More than half of the trucks pulled off the road in a sur- prise safety inspection here Thursday were "accidents waiting to happen;' police report. '"This is so frustrating" Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Rick Bates told the News Advertiser during the inspection at the Metro East Trade Centre on Brock Road. "Everything we have found so far could have been detected by the dri- vers before they hit the rural" He pointed to one transport truck carrying 50.(XX) pounds of lumber pulled off the road after inspectors discovered its brake lines were being pinched off by vice grips. During the blitz, 87 commercial vehicles were pulled over and inspect- ed. Of those, 48 were detained with significant safetly-related defects, 16 drivers were charged with offences. 24 vehicle owners were charged and 13 warnings were issued. This means that 55 per cent of the trucks inspected in the joint blitz by Durham police, Ontario Provincial Police, the Ministry of Transporation and the Metro Toronto Police were taken off the road because: of safety problems. The number of unsafe trucks also angers John Sabourin of Mississauga, whose mother Robina Campbell and sister Mary Jessman were killed in December 1996 after a dual wheel axle fell of a transport truck and THBNB1M "ltBlrW=fW9^*%N M M 38r 110W-4 +AGIRS a r photo by Ron Pietroniro John Sabourin, whose mother and sister were killed by a flying truck axle, was on hand at an inspection blitz of rigs in Pickering Thursday. bounced across the median on Hwy. 401 near Oshawa. "It's almost like a release for me to come here;' he said at the safety in- spection. -It brings it back, but it's better than sitting at home thinking about it." Mr. Sabourin, wearing buttons dis- playing the picture of his mom and sister. hopes "drivers see the pictures and know why I'm here. "It's real people they're affecting here, not just the guys out on the roads picking up the stuff that falls off their trucks" Unity success can be aided by Durham: McKee -,; UNITY/From page 1 nation will respect the rights of those own purposes. The people of who don't " separatists. Regional Council will deal with the "I'm a little concerned with what motion at its meeting on Feb. 11. you're bringing to the table. It's anoth- er kindof sepa- it as sup- ratism" Coun. O r 1 0thr cutting Kids Hair Y" Brunelle said. Mr. McKee countered, "The ITOts Pickering ? separatists will mon,,m Tinim. i& S& v lbk I 111UP111 tMandarin Plaza) use it to suit their �a+w�c�,�,,.ttrt 1 M Rd own purposes. The people of wwalhw .. �" °�r++O�905428-3484 Quebec will in -Toronto F it as sup- AM�RMalrA�6�Y�RtaM+al�k .-terpret port, as it is. Peo- (Beaches) pie are fair -mind- mon,,m Tinim. i& S& 1926 ween St. E. ,ed. Those who 106 tt =bb 10.8 9.5 11-5 416-691-9190 • vivant a separate 1 We're online at www.durhamnews.net LAS VEGAS VISIT THE POPULAR BLACK DOG PUB FROM NOW TO VALENTINE'S DAY AND FIND OUT HOW TO WIN THIS ROMANTIC PACKAGE. =• limo to Pearson • Return air • All Hotel and Air taxes 3 or 4 nights FIVE STAR accommodation at Bally's • Transfers to and from Vegas Airport • $200 U.S. cash Open ticket to end of 1998 (some exceptions apply) BIA Dog Pub -87 Mand Road •West Rouge (S. of Hwy 401, east of Port Unim Rd) (416)1864544 Prize must be accepted as awarded, no substitutions or credit/cash will be allowed. PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER IF'RMIAY• JANUARY A IM P Pickeringpushshould elected Durham chairman: Ryan BY MARIANNE TAKACS in its omnibus hill amending the Municipal choosing regional chairmen is inconsistent ment to be elected by me" STAt-T REPIEWTER Act but didn't, so he doesn't expect the goy- across Ontario, with some being elected and In his motion, the councillor will also ask to PICKERING — The Town needs to push ernment to be eager to move that quickly on it some appointed, and it's up to the Province to have the Town circulate Pickering's resolution Queen's Park toward municipal reform to now. '"This is something we're going to have to standardise the process. on the chairmanship to regional governmcnl, allow for the election of Durham Region's impress upon them over the next 18 to 24 "As a resident in the province of Ontario I across the province and ask them to adopt it chairman, according to Ward I local Council- months" Coun. Ryan saes the procedure for want the people who represent nic in govern- well. for Dave Ryan. Coun. Ryan plans to bring a motion txfore • , . , Pickering CouncilFINAL F Monday to h.t, e the DAYS Town ask ' Provincial Mini, - y►nlill101� DANE RYAN' 'Hearing an awful Id about it' ter of Municipal Affairs Al leach to introduce legis- lation that would provide for the election of the re- gional chairman. Durham's current chairman. Roger Arxkrmori, was ap- pointed to the po- sition by Regional Council after he k»t his bid for the mayor's job in Ajax. _ W'e're hearing an awful lot about it from the com- munity at large;' says Coun. Ryan. pop- ulation. I believe, is incensed sorm- one who watt not elected in their own municipality is chairman of the Region, The councillor maintains the issue of changing provincial legisla- tion needs to be raised now in order to give Queen's Park plenty of time to do it. He notes the Province had the opportunity to make the change CORRECTION NOTICE: The Color Your World Ad that was published on January 25, 27, 28, 1998 in this newspaper Mould have the blowing correction: Every carpet including al new arrivals FROM $1.71 Color Your World regrets the error. ;etected F1o� Discon . -_ y REGULAR FIRM SUPPORT MEDIUM RRM SUPPORT FIRM SUPPORT � w w � www w www w M OPAYMENTS INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR on any matching mattress sets. See store details. 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' • I P' ,- .0 -PAA THF. NE WS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30,1998 -PAGES Wnftm Dxptal ; e Hard Drive SPA Western on all Computers with your Future Shop Card �nled b cr:7 , dale Ac�c ,veo r- aF purci,ole .� n,arwo .p -A be -or.F Pv has• —Q,w -+ po.d - V an w belie prongUon due doe M—m --,"y pay -0.1% optioA�•'Q"'d Nlo—.i •x�.•,,a.,lrol.o.+ lee payc"ey . of p—M,r W b.,�- r K / I 90PSIARAF4540 �■� HITACHI Isar h MAwr for pentium' Prnoscw srbw rlP, ojedlo� Teiotliei= • k"dw ro vonela swep •Dw tuna pi(twe n polrre _ • 930 Ines resolution � `; '`, 'GcWOwed Idponels r wide bod ride* anlpifimtioll =— Owl"I Rsw SHARP _ 4 H*W li-R Stern VCR I�eol fw Howe Theatre • Sberp Super rdare • 4 heed Iwfi stared mod wth MA • lblae theatre raat*h cabal storks with mod TVs • From 0 "a • M"Ked *"ar proof systeos • Emy an-waa progranrlrlg own la In AJAX 40 Kingston Rd. E. 428-4450 of Harwood Ave. Monday - FtrkMW 10-9 Sat 10-6 Sun. 11-5 huu er blew l� rw ree4 Ywt.r...6.. twos el r"�"► r.i. Al. r wyeu r Gs[ iuilr r..I r Mrd w .� w .�.d v ek l e� it lireeenr rwrlge vete Y!Q is�V r 17 rely r Yrew etNr lrii� ewk 11 eii� reMl► plwls lel+a S� I OWN �feaiswi 1✓r.lnr trolled 1! � yiSr� eir1� �e�l1r� feu l.nia s117R]� r S1,SM �w.Vr a S1,SliN r S;M .Iwr �Ma rtiiey rr• pbte w U Iwr= wnwr r ".�X 'motor a� aa• /•eti•t• o• IeMeeM Mriwa oe1 •wi Monitor Extra PWrd': A IM NZWN ADVVVWIW t /RIMY- TAMIAUV 9a_ 1101111 - Ajax-Yzcieerx ng News Advertiser rl oase • 1 n er s A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 'PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Snuffing out a silent killer It's the silent killer. You can't see it. You can't smell it. It can creep up and poison you or your loved ones. It's carbon monoxide, like that which killed two mem- bers of a Scarborough family Jan. 19 and sickened two other family members, sending them to hospital. It's believed they were gradually poisoned by a build- up of carbon monoxide resulting from a chimney being plugged by a squirrel's nest and problems with the home's gas furnace. It's reported that the members of the Scarborough family thought they had the flu when carbon monoxide poisoning began. Poisoning from the gas and the flu bring on similar symptoms, which can include drowsi- ness, headaches and nausea. But, carbon monoxide gas is much more deadly than the flu. It kills an estimated 300 Canadians a year. At least one local politician wants to put a stop to car- bon monoxide's deadly effects. Pickering's Maurice Brenner is proposing that carbon monoxide detectors be made mandatory in new and ex- isting homes that have fossil fuel heating in his town. He's planning to bring a motion before Council for the preparation of a bylaw requiring the devices. And, he wants the Town to draft a bylaw requiring that all homes — not just new ones — be equipped with life-saving smoke detectors. Cour. Brenner says it would be simple to require a carbon monoxide detector when building permits arc is- sued for new homes. However, he admits, dealing with existing structures presents a bigger problem. But not that big a problem. He suggests Pickering could notify insurance companies of the bylaw once Council passes it. So, residents insured by companies that require them to conform with all local bylaws (a common practice in the industry) would be ob- ligated to have a carbon monoxide detector. Insurance companies without that clause in their residential poli- cies could require policy holders to have a detector. We urge Court. Brenner's colleagues to endorse his proposal for mandatory carbon monoxide detectors. And, we encourage Town officials in Ajax to consider similar legislation. Home builders should be only too happy to install the detectors in new homes they build. And, owners of older houses will surely want to protect themselves and their loved ones. Especially when one considers the detectors cost about $40. A measly investment that could pay off big dividends. What a small price to pay to save lives and snuff out a silent killer. �To respond to this editorial call Infosource at �ce 683-7040 and dial 5110 Ajax Pickering mews Advertiser ,PubWier: Tim Whittaker A Meawfo d Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday A; L=?. N0._IJw LK ASTUTELY AWARE OF 5XIAL INDUTORS AF'F£CTIN6 OUT TRENDS 6111,11M • Letters to the editor Tory government a dictatorship To the editor: The Jan. 4 letter by G.J. Weiss headlined 'History Ics- son needed' cries out to be challenged. Firstly I will deal with his statement "This provincial government was duly elected by a clear majority of residents on a clear mandate of cost cut- ting, deficit reduction and tax rebates What the writer, as well as other writers of letters to the editor and from time to time even a few editorial writ- ers, seem to forget is that only 45 per cent of voters marked their ballots in favour of the Progressive Conservatives. Hardly a majority! As long as we do not elect our provincial and federal gov- ernments on the basis of "rep- resentation by population", it is indeed possible for a minor- ity of voters to elect a majority government. However, under such circumstances, any gov- ernment must tread gingerly when implementing its plat- form, lest it is called arrogant and autocratic. Furthermore, many of those aforementioned voters were duped by the promise of a 30 - per cent reduction in provin- cial income tax. Secondly, there are many dictators to be found around the world these days (a history lesson needed here, too), so that there is no need to go back in history, namely to the Sec- ond World War. All dictators, past and present, are autocratic and arrogant, so that Ms. Erwin's use, in her letter pub- lished on Nov. 12, of the words "dictatorship" and "dracon- ian", is not out of place. Guy Colm, Ajax The News Advertiser accepts let- ters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last ranee or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone member for verification. The editor re- serves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. opin- ions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. JOANNE EURGUARDT. Editor-m43ud STEVE HOUSTON, Maaagiag Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advatising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZIFJCZAR, Classified Advertising Manager MONKFM LEA, Real EstaidAuloinotiveAdvertisWg Mmager AEE FAIROURM Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON. Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Production Manager TO REACH US STEPHEN SHAW Guest Column Crime and courts reporter Stephen Shaw is based at the office of This Week. Does system work? Christine Alexander. Sentenced to one year less one day for the attempted murder of her estranged hus- band, who she shot in the head at close range, and one year for the unlawful use of a firearm. The Bowmanville woman was also ordered to write six letters to a community newspaper about her crime and lead three symposiums on domestic violence. Peter Finlay: Sentenced to nine months under 24- hour house arrest - without a television - for criminal negligence which caused bodily harm to his room- mate, who ultimately died of brain hemorrhaging. Initially charged with second-degree murder in the April 30, 1993 suspected beating death of Peter Bar- clay, 46, Mr. Finlay of Oshawa admitted as part of a plea-bargain deal that he ignored his dying roommate's need for medical assistance. Stephen Mitchell and Adrian Marshall: Sen- tenced to 20 months and 16 months respectively for an aggravated assault on Victor Holowczenko, who was hunted down and savagely beaten outside an Osha%%a nightclub in 1993. He remained comatose for three weeks, having suffered multiple skull fractures and possibly permanent brain damage. Gordon Stuckless: Sentenced to two years less one day for sexually abusing dozens of young boys for years using the lure of hockey's shrine, Maple Leaf Gardens-, where he was employed. Coulson Woolner: Sentenced this week to one year for kidnapping a four-year-old Bowmanville girl from her home during the night, four years for scxkxn- izing her in a shed and six months for her confinement. He will be eligible for parole in 22 months after serving one-third of the five -and -a -half year sentence. There you have it, a selected few - I could go on. hue you get the picture - of the numerous court scntemes in recent days, months and years viewed in many quar- ters as not only too lenient, but simply outrageous. Granted, in some of the cases listed the otientdm. had already served considerable periods in pretrial cus- tody: granted, judges are bound by legal precedent. and have been given greater sentencing flexibility in recent years; granted, the principals of sentencing are not based on victims' revenge. But in the eyes of this observer, the time has come for an all-encompassing federal review of sentencing guidelines in our country. For example, why ane maximum sentences almost unheard of, even in the most severe cases? (Kidnap- ping, for example, carries a maxinuatt life term). WhY are even the most serious offenders almost guarariteed parole after serving just one-third of their sentences'' Why are sentences for repetitive offences often to run concurrent, as opposed to consecutive? Canada has a judicial system that works ma prob- ably better duan any other eou imy im the democratic world, as has often been said. More and more, drough, it seems Poo* myself in- cluded, are wondering, do we reafly have a system that works? Gewrah 683-5110 C111WitW: 683-0707 DistrRudesti: 683-5117 AdmidCkmified Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-tttW: thisweekoistacca 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, OntCIH?RYL HAIIV84, Aseutant rwouctioa Manager tJtwww.durhanu ws.na L 1 S 2H5 LILLIAN HOOD., AdWaistruion Manager The News Advertiser is ow of the Metrolsed MOWS. Pubtishiag aced Distribatiat group of Wwsp.pera. 71te News Advertiser is a member of due. Ajaa A Pickering Board of Trade, oasario Comiusu ity Newspaper Assoc-, Caoadiaa Commasta y Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Cir- culaliotu Audit Board and Me Ontario Pros Cottac" The publisher reserves the right so classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for admdaea m limited to space price error occupies. go Educationa Trw NEWS'ADv'RTmw vRmr,,,i)tm ARY,m, im;, PAtr 7 - screening Process roots out bad apples Employee screening is becoming common- place in the education system as school boards prepare to hire staff for the coming year and try to weed out unsuitable applicants. Prospective employees, whether they're ap- plying for teaching or non -teaching positions with an area school board, are required to un- dergo a police records or criminal reference check in addition to extensive interviewing prior to being hired. "It's something school boards are being ad- vised to do:' says Ernest Morrison, superin- tendent of human resources for District School Board No. 14 which covers Peterborough, Northumberland and Clarington. Mr. Morrison notes backgrcJund checks arc common especially for "people in positions of test It's preferable to "doing a lot of prying in an interview:' Debbie Kalmuk, records manager for Durham Regional Police, says the records de- partment processes 300 to 400 criminal refer- ence checks each month, many on people working with children_ The check. which cost% applicants $10 if needed for a volunteer position and $20 if re- quired for employment purposes, searches po- lice records for previous convictions and un- covers "anything the person was fingerprinted for across Canada:' she says. The findings are given to the individual. "It's up to them who they want to supply the information to:' The separate school board governing Peter- borough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clar- ington adopted a policy last summer requiring staff to undergo a police records check, reports Daniel Cloutier, manager of human resources. School boards "have to do everything we can to ensure the: safety of students:' he says. However, Mr. Cloutier notes a police record does not "preclude" applicants from working with the board. Factors such as their duties and responsibilities, the length of time since the conviction, the risk to students and rehabilitative efforts are taken into account. While school boards make every effort to screen new employees, Craig Burch, superin- tendent of employee relations fix the Durham District School Board, says if a teacher is con- victed of an offence while on staff and it's not reported in the media, the board may nor find out. "it is very difficult to find out if one of your employees has had a criminal conviction:' he says. For example, "A charge of theft over $2W in Kingston may or may not be reported (locally)„ The board has required all employees hired photo by Ron Pietrornro Bev Marchen, an information clerk with the Durham Regional Police Service, dis- plays one of the Criminal Information Request Forms used in the screening process. It costs $20 for a search related to prospective employees. since 1994 to undergo a criminal reference check, but Mr. Bunch reports it's not required of teachers who were al- ready on staff at that time. Yet school boards have policies in place for dealing with complaints about stats conduct and situations in which an employee is charged with or convicted of an offence. Parent complaints are generally dealt with at the school level, says Cleary Smith, superintendent of business for the Durham Catholic District School Board. He says parents are en- couraged to take up the complaint with the teacher allegations are serious. A teacher charged with an offence would likely be sutipcnded "until the matter is dealt with legally;' Mr. Smith says. It's the same at Mr. Mor- rison's board. A teacher charged with a criminal offence would be- removed from the school "pending the outcome of the charges " But, "every cast: is some- what unique" Depending on the situation a teacher may get a letter of caution, be suspended or terminat- ed, he says. While the board keeps teachers on pay until the outcome of a charge is or school principal. The su- known, Mr. Morrison says perintendent of education, the director and the a teacher would be terminated if convicted of board of trustees may become involved if the a "serious criminal charge, such as "anything Recent cases spark To help ensure they're hiring people who can live tip to their position of trust, many school boards now ask prospective employees to undergo a police records or criminal refer- ence chock in addition to extensive interview - mg before being hired. The following cases involving teaches and principals in recent weeks and mondis, however, have givers rise to more interest in the community regarding screening procedures: - Susan Hawley, 43, of Whitby, who taught part-time at Henry Street High School, was ordered last year by a Florida court to take an anger management control course, undergo psychological assessment and pay a $550 fine after pleading 'no contest' to a charge of battery. Initially charged with ag- gravated child abuse, she was accused of gr putting her seven-year old (evelopmentally- disabled daughter in the trunk of the family car during a family vacation. Since the incident, Ms. Hawley has re- moved her name from the Durham Board of Education's list of supply teachers. - - Martin Hungerford, 48, of Oshawa, is awaiting trial on charges of possession of crack cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. A judge will be asked in March to decide whether there is sufficient evidence to order the Whitby elementary school teacher to stand trial. He was suspended from classroom duties with pay by the Durham Board of Edu- cation, several months following a July 25, 1997 raid at the St. Lawrence Street apart- trrent wbtere he lived. .. Mr. Hungerford, who was hired by the to do with (abusing) kids, drugs or pornogra- phy He reports the board conducts its own in- .C"tigations into complaints even if police are , ngaged in a criminal probe. ..We just try to find out everything we can. faking a complaint about a teacher to the ;, ,ard is not the only avenue open to parents. 'qtr. Cloutier notes parents may also take a niplaint directly to the College of Teachers, + hich was given Royal Assent in June 1996. The regulatory body established by the :,rw.incial government has the power to li- n;c. govern and regulate the practice of r.i,:hing in Ontario. C',)Ilege spokesman Denys Giguere reports h, x it boards arc legally obligated to report .nplaints about possible teacher misconduct hey college, which has the authority to re - kc a teaching certificate. Mr. Giguere says the college's Investiga- A,)n Committee would conduct a full investi- ,auon, including a public hearing, in a -sen - )us case" that could warrant stripping a leacher of their certificate. He says a violation of the college's miscon- duct regulations such as misrepr simting qual- ifications or abusing a student physically could result in a teacher being barred from instruct- ing in the province. Pat Jermey, Durham district president of the Ontano Secondary School Teachers' Fed- eration. says teachers may also be subject to discipline from their federation if a member "is not acting in accordance with federation policies:: In the case of a criminal matter related to a school incident, Ms. Jermey says federations offer members services such as counselling and legal representation. 'Teachers' federation act as a union in the sense that we ensure due process in the treat- ment of our members.- Ms. embers-Ms. Jerrney reports teachers have been tired in Durham but says it's dillicult tu gener- alize on the types of incidents that lead to dis- missal. 'There's not been a !o of those cases:' she says. Most teachers who were terminated were; 'not suited to the occupation:' Bill Butcher, Durham president of the On- tario Public School Teachers' Federation (OPSTF), says in the five -and -a -half years he's been on the job he's "walked three or four members to the door and said 'goodbye."' While incidents of "sexual impropriety" or theft would "get you in a lot of trouble:' most terminations he's witnessed resulted from "classroom incompetence' rather than crimi- nal convictions. iowing nterest in screening Durham school board nine years ago and pre- viously taught in Alberta, went on sick leave in Manch, 1997 from his job at Dr. Robert Thornton Public School. - Father William Moloney, head of St. Stephen's Secondary School's math depart- ment and coach of the Bowmanville school's hockey team, was charged last year with as- sault with a weapon after a 17 -year-old stu- dent told Durham Regional Police he was at- tacked in the locker room at the Orono Arena following an October game. The teen report- ed he was struck with the butt -end of a hock- ey stick 15 to 20 times after he snapped a towel at the priest. Father Moloney has since been suspended with pay by the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington separate school board pending the outcome of the - Percy Norman Beirness, a retired Duutiarn Board of Education principal and volunteer Big Brother, is charged with inde- cent assaults on seven boys, five of them his former students, and extorting one former stu- dent who told police he was threatened with failing grades if he didn't perform sexual acts. The 69 -year -olid man, now of Lindsay, was a former principal of T. R. McEwen Senior Public School in Oshawa when the alleged assaults occurred. Mr. Beimess was the principal of other Oshawa public schools, including Woodcrest (1964-69), Adelaide McLaughlin (1969-77), T. R. McEwen (1977-81) and Dr. C. F. Can- non (1981-85). PAGE a - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 19" 0 N Morin Inquiry, Lawyer concedes Durham officer's `measure of ineptitude' BY SHAWN SIMPSON SPECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER The Durham Regional police officer in charge of the Christine Jessop murder scene "exercised poor judg- ment" and showed a "mea- sure of ineptitude" but is not a "scheming, evil genius" as he has been portrayed, urges his lawyer. In his closing remarks at the Morin inquiry Wednesday, Bernard O'Brien. lawyer for �L Sergeant Michael n1� Michalowsky, said his client Clear takes responsibili- DNA 1 ty for the degrada- tion of the crime scene in- cluding missing bones and faulty measurements but asked commission chair- man Fred Kaufman not to "make formal findings of misconduct- in respect to his client's efforts. At is our view there is no evidence that you should accept on a cogent, clear and convincing basis of any malevolent intent to delib- erately affect the conviction of Mr. Morin or to other- wise thwart the administra- tion of justice," Mr. O'Brien told the inquiry looking into the wrongful conviction of Guv Paul Morin. "There were efforts made, some very concerted efforts particularly at the second trial to portray Sgt. Michalowsk} as some form of scheming, evil genius bent on doing anything he could to ensure the convic- tion of Mr. Morin. But a closer examination of the record reveals that nothing could be further from the truth" Mr. Morin was first tried for the murder of 9 -year-old Christine Jessop in 1985 and acquitted but was then found guilty in a retrial in 1992. He was fully exoner- ated through DNA tests in 1995. Mr. O'Brien said Sgt. Michalowsky accepts a level of responsibility for the wrongful con- fiction of Mr. 'A UL Morin but urged UN the commission to look at all aspects 'd by of the case that sting contributed to its unfortunate out- come. Inclement weather on Dec. 31. 1984 forced police to discontinue the search of the scene. flawed equipment and the lack of equipment were all significant and relevant fac- tors, he said. Like Mr. O'Brien. lawyers for Durham detec- tives Bernard Fitzpatrick and John Shephard argued allegations made against the two principal investigators of the Morin case are un- founded. Paul Stunt said his client. Mr. Fitzpatrick, now re- tired, has faced accusations of conspiring with other po- lice officers to ensure the conviction of Mr. Morin and had essentially abused his powers as an officer. "Those allegations are now nothing but hollowed refrains in my view." he said. "I would like to re- mind you Mr. Fitzpatrick attended (the inquiry)... without legal compulsion. He stepped up SUN-SATIONAL CRUISEWEA owVALUE '.r We're glow ns think! las than S Miami" • 401 M. (frogs Nikita RI.) • Exit Kiysto R/. Right of Ist exit (lesions RI. At Igkt tats loft to Felicia's 366 OLD KINGSTON RD. • HIGHLAND CREEK VILLAGE to the plate more than one time and withstood days of examination, cross-exami- nation in what I would de- scribe as vigorous, at times insulting and sarcastic" Mr. Stunt admits some of the opinions and decisions made during the case "may have appeared to be over- reaching or maybe just plain wrong, but that's not the fault of the police;' he says, noting, they are prob- lems inherent within the system. Echoing the sentiments of Mr. Stunt, Mr. Shep- hard's lawyer Kelly Jen- nings said there were clear- ly systemic problems and that lost evidence and omis- sions of facts "might be ex- pected given the complexity of the case and the volume of evidence. "I submit to you Mr. Commissioner that none of the allegations against Mr. Shephard can fairly result in findings of misconduct — that is to say there are not valid concerns — but, the focus of those concerns must be on systemic is- sues;' argued Mr. Jennings. During Mr. Stunt's sub- mission to the commission he urged Mr. Kaufman to consider the reputations of the officers who had dedi- cated their lives to public service. "You have the opportuni- ty to destroy reputations earned by many in this case ... (like) my client Mr Fitzpatrick, Mr. Shephard and no doubt others;' he said. "But mostly, you have the opportunity to restore the reputations of these people. (Mr. Fitzpatrick has interest in having his good name restored" GR�hT ViRT ON CHATUADING' 30% off our Top Fiction and Non -Fiction Bestsellers - both Hardcover and Paperback - at Chapters every day! Enjoy the selection, the value, plus the many events for the whole family at Chapters in Ajax LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENING AT YOUR AJAX CHAPTERS THIS WEEK ` Saturday, January 31 You are invited to meet Lucv Brennan as she reads from her works and introduces a celtic l music ensemble E %I =YIEs,tE '` t 1 Rejoindre notre personnel pour une histoire en franca' b....... ISC chayue Dimanche a 13:00h. f And join the staff of the My • Books Children's Area for storytime - Every day at 10:00 Ja WA AM and 2:00 pm. Saturday at 6 pm -sit back, relax and enjoy live jazz music until 9:00 pm Save 2ft ox 'Bookseller's Cbolce' talks tocol We're NOW OPEN at Durham Centre We are located at 90 Kingston Road East, Ajax Phone (905) 426-4431 Open 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Near corner of Harwood & Higbway 2) ('hent Boob Axe Jest lie Begnmino9 A CANADIAN BOOK COMPANY ILI ttrrr i ttwtr 4ot We are located at 90 Kingston Road East, Ajax Phone (905) 426-4431 Open 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Near corner of Harwood & Higbway 2) ('hent Boob Axe Jest lie Begnmino9 A CANADIAN BOOK COMPANY );*Pt,k%, ow 1/tt ./et^ vl P-ri"4:*n/0.i ;OH Al .:;aJ THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 19'18 - PAGE 9 High school courses beingslashed from 1,300 to 219 `Quality issue' � says schools beginning in September 1999, students They "will still have 10 to 12 choices for range of courses... of a high quality standard" `� will still be required to complete 30 credits to each credit required," Ms. Gauvin says. The However, she notes, "it will not be an un - education ministry graduate. ministry is aiming at offering "a very broad limited choice of options" BY SUSAN O'NEILL STAFF REPORTER Students entering high school in 1999 will have many fewer course op- tions under the new secondary school curriculum. The number of courses offered under the revised curriculum is being slashed from the current 1,300 to a pro- posed 219 in 13 subject areas, says a Ministry of Education and Training of- ficial. Daniele Gauvin notes the proposed courses are only a "draft list" at this point and the number could go up or down over the coming months. But, "We're not looking at going back over 1,000 again" Ms. Gauvin says the course reduc- tion "is very much a quality issue. "It's hard to maintain adequate resources" like up- to-date textbooks, J for such a large +� number of courses. f The ministry wants to ensure the new course menu t _, offers "quality" PAT JERM1IEV learning to stu- 'Limit the dents. Pat Jeemey, potential of our Durham district students' president of the --- -- Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, says the reduction in course options signifies "a greatly reduced breadth of educational experiences of- fered to (students) in this province:' She also fears the new courses may not be as "tailored" to meeting students' needs in the future. In music, for example, Grade I 1 stu- dents, who can now choose from vocal, jazz, guitar and band, may not have those choices under the new curricu- lum. Ms. Jertney says that would "limit the potential of our students" Ms. Gauvin reports ministry staff didn't get much "enthusiasm" from teachers' groups for continuing to offer over 1,000 courses during consultations on the new curriculum held last year. Under the revised curriculum, which will be phased into the province's high A PLFASINlE TO NOW NOUN AJAX BEAUIY J 3 Otboottt brkk a abwti-to hotttt J F=11 di w tdlrhm wO wtioat J 14 pile, a 1-2 piton bort, J Att" air, ga Itlntcs, a lrrt WMW J L4htptd"a d niig root,, J Lwp piewhtlptd I I Vwd 4 Tatltturr deo H - - rttottgltatt - J Side door W" IND utMpoiltd b=$MW MKM $1 "9NO" For =we inee sudma W to vier. eat! RMA X683-Z1N� Ctsft L1LWt2 P ILh11kN PRISE SALE tip 0 0Y( 0 TO storewi��e ems W/o + Women's Selected Casual Connection Chinos iexckdes new wrinkle-resstant styles) • Women's Jewellery by The Work Connection & Attitude • Men's Fall Sports St*ts* (exc ) • Sealy Commemorative Mattress Sets fieg. $499-$699 Sale $249-$349) AM' W/o • Factory Outlet Clearance Merchandise iseiected merd ^� • Electric Blankets Save $2W • Graceland Sofa by Southern Nda , January 30th to Sunday, Febnmw 1st [.00k for, Sale Sial mb for other grin, storemde :lexxxx Am ofup to 3Y, o oft SURPRISE -SALE Savings are off the onginal ticketed prices unless otherwise noted. Sale otters cannot be combined. Excludes Warehouse Stores and Clearance Centres. Personal Shopping Only. Offers not available in our Sheridan store. 'Excludes Factory Outlets unless otherwise noted. 2a/o • Casual & Formal Dinnerware, Glassware & Flatware* )previously reduced xvh) • Table & Kitchen Linens* axeviously rec t_x ed only) • Blankets* (acrylic plaids 8 prints by Nemcor) Durhammrvand downloading... Anderson says municipalities must join forces BY LINDA WHITE STAFF REPORTER Amalgamating fire departments and services like garbage collection could help the Region cope with the cost of provincial downloading, Durham Chairman Roger Anderson suggests. And, the Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade is hoping to increase its lobby- ing power by joining with other boards of trade and chambers of commerce in Durham, according to presi- dent Doug Wilkinson. Those are the messages Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade members took home with them following their President's Inaugural Din- ner Tuesday at the Ajax Community Centre. "Do you really care if the fire truck putting out the fire burning down your house has a Durham. Ajax or Pickering crest on the side. as long as it arrives quickly and puts out the fire? "Does it matter who picks up your garbage, as long as it's gone when you get home from work?" asked Mr. Anderson, a former Ajax Regional Councillor. "We should be looking at situa- tions like these to find opportunities to provide you, our customers, with better quality services at a lower cost;' said Mr. Anderson. He reported, "Durham was the hardest hit of all (Greater Toronto Area)regions" because of provincial downloading. At the beginning of the year, the Region assumed funding responsibil- ity for a number of services previ- ously financed by the Province, including social assistance, child care, pub- lic health, land ambulance services, social housing, as- sessment and GO Transit. In return, the Province will take over half the costs of residential education taxes, previously funded from the property tax base. As a result, the Region faces a shortfall of $10.3 million for 1998 — about $50 to S65 per household. As it looks at cost -savings initiatives, the Region must ..stay on the course of en- couraging more growth on the em- ployment side of the ledger:' said Mr. Anderson. "Growth in employment not only provides needed job opportunities for our residents, but it also helps to keep taxes in check" While Durham has experienced "a ROGER ANDERSON 'Durham was the hardest hit' staggering amount of growth" over the last 24 years — with its population almost doubling to 475,000 — it needs a framework to ensure fu- ture growth will be orderly and cost-efficient. Mr. Anderson said. He wiled kit, busitiess icaders to promote the widening of Hwy. 401, the extension of Hwy. 407, the development of an airport in Pickering and a university in Durham. Mr. Wilkinson also spoke of the need to ex- pand the highways and reminded board mem- bers of the need to continue its efforts to be recognized as a "high-intensity lobby group within our own municipalities and also at the provincial and federal levels" He believes the board could have a 3troiiger voice at those levels if the seven boards of trade and chambers of commerce in Durham joined forces. The topic has already been discussed with representatives in Whitby, Oshawa and Clar- ington. CHRYSLER MINIVAN BEST BUY WEEK OFFER ENDS SATURDAY, JANUARY 31ST FI 0 G One week only! On every n short wheelbase Dodge Cara, recent winner of Consum Digest and Carguide's "Best Buy" (1998) IURRYOFFER JAN. 31sT See your local Chrysler dealer now. 'This b a limited time d1M which ends January 31st and apptias to ►alai deliWries from dealer aadc of new 1897 6 1996 shat .0"bWie Dodge Grams): $23 s for p m 49 use ft "076 txtanciiq on •PProW kom Cradi Canada t.1d. 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Reg. 19.99-79.99 114"=3'14" Save 40% SATIN SHEET SETS IN ASSORTED COLOURS Sears reg. 49.99-79.99 290"n47" Save an additional S54.0 OFF THE ALREADY REDUCED PRICES OF DISCONTINUED BATH COORDINATES, CHRISTMAS TOWELS Save 40-60% ON DISCONTINUED SHOWER CURTAINS NOW ONLY 188 LAGOSTINA® "ROMA" 8 -PC. COOKWARE SET #13525. Reg. 404.95 Sale price in effect until Sun., March 1/98 -Sale prices in effect from Thursday, Jan. 29 to Sunday, Feb. 1, 1998, unless otherwise indicated. While quantities last. Selection may vary by store. #01405. ft prices slows are Sells prices69EEI) CopyrgM 1998. Sears Canada Inc. 4R69 PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER IFRIDAV, JANUARY 30,19" B0 l90 in ness oesn slowAjoax resident photo by A.J. Groen Niaura D'Costa and her seeing eye dog Driver get along and get around famous)y. As White Cane Week approaches. the Ajax resident hopes the blind can be recogmied b\ their nci_'hhours as 'normal' citizen,,. White Cane Week begins Feb. 1 BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER It's White Cane Week Feb. I to 7 and the theme this year is freedom and inde- pendence for the visually -impaired. Ajax resident Maura D'Costa certain- ly exemplifies that theme, getting around on her own with her guide dog. Driver, running her own household and keeping active in her church and as a volunteer with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. But the lively and good-hu- moured 58 -year-old would like you to know everyone can have a role to play in helping people like her feel part of the community at the same time as they are independent. "Being blind is not such a handicap:' says Mrs. D'Co%ta. "But very often I find people don't approach you because they don't know what to say or they think they'll hurt your feelings" Often, she ex- plains, people pull back because they see the disability and not the individual. "We want to be treated just like normal peo- ple" 'Normal' is what Mrs. D'Costa has worked hard to make her life ever since losing her right eye in a car accident in 1973. She adapted and continued to drive and work in a pharmacy and as an edu- cation assistant until about 1991, when she was diagnosed with F.ale's Disease, which causes scarring of the retina ..It's a very rare disease and they don't have much research on it yet," she says. "It gradualh began to get wor%C. Tbci ha%e not %ct f Lind amthini: to stop the scxT n�: tr,�r—umnl-l.. cane toward the end of 1993. For a time she could still perceive shapes and out- lines lett can now only see light out of a very small corner of her left eye, which helps her keep a sense of direction in fa- miliar places like the inside of her home. She has acquired a number of aids to help her run the tidy south Ajax house she shares with her husband, John. They have three sons, but they are all grown and on their own now. In the house Mrs. D'Costa has talking clocks, a stove and microwave adapted with raised markings so she can work their controls, and gad- gets such as a water level indicator to help her with day -today tasks. "At home I take care of all my personal needs by myself, including my cooking, and I do all my laundry;' she notes. Mrs. D'Costa also has a 'talking com- puter' that allows her to do things like write letters, a scanner that reads out written materials such as newspapers and magazines, and a braille slate and stylus that allow her to make notes. She also uses a mini -tape recorder as a kind of notebook. Probably her most important aid of all is her black Lab guide dog, Dri- ver. She applied for a guide dog when her vision began to seriously deteriorate because she thought having one would help her retain her independence. Driver arrived, 14 months later, in May of 1997, after she spent 26 days with him in Oakville learning how to handle him. "I find the dog has helped me a great deal. I find I have a lot more inciepen- dcnce with him. Now, if I want to go for a walk or I want to go to Rotary Park I don't have to ask anyone. I just get dressed and go" With Driver and the bus system, Mrs. D'Costa can go shopping on her own, or to the doctor or church, or even places such as the Pickering Town Centre. "He guides me through the people takes me around to the stores. He takes me right around the mall, no problem:" Mrs. D'Costa and Driver have adapt- ed to each other so well that the dog now knows many of her routes and the places she usually stops, to the point where he will pause automatically in front of par- ticular shops, for example, in effect ask- ing her if she wants to go in. ,When I say 'home' at the bus stop he will take me:' she says, adding it's much easier to be guided by Driver on a famil- iar route without having to give instruc- tions for each turn. Mrs. D'Costa notes, however, that though guide dogs are usu- ally quite intelligent, they don't have the magical abilities some seem to think they possess and must be given specific "" structions. "Many people think I just tell the dog I want to go to the doctor;' she says with a laugh. Despite such misconceptions. Mrs. D'Costa finds people are generally eager to be of assistance, though she can't help but laugh when she recounts how some- times folks do silly things like point and say 'go that way' when she asks for di- rections. She takes little difficulties like that in stride, with the same gexxJ hu- mour and positive attitude with which she has tackled all the bigger obstacics she has had to overccxne. TIE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30,1" -PAGE 13 SEARS WholehoMe. FURNITURE STORE This Saturday and Sunday only IST or use your Sears Card and DON'T PAY FOR ONE YEAR' on all furniture, sleepsets and decorator rugs 9 'Sears will deduct on amount equivalent to the GST from your purchase price Offer applies to merchandise .n Sears Whole Home' Furniture stores GST offer does not apply to deferral fees, delivery, maintenance agreement or installation charges Offer ends Sunday, February 8, 1998 'Don't pay until January 1999, on approved credit, with your Sears Cord Minimum S200 purchase S35 deferral fee and oil applicable taxes and charges ore payable at time of purchase Offer ends Sunday, March 1, 1998 Ask for details Both offers exclude liquidation items in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases Save 5101. 'Carter' rec$n•r. Mode in Canada by Swk6w'. brown. #415". Soars reg. 649.99. Custom opsom abo awN., _.0ana 11%jo;14,1gj ooses Save 5511 'T•lanors' bockaam sleep set. Twin-Qu••n. s79420..r. S•ors rog. 1199.98-1599.96. Set S3!"-71!" Seel• prio•s end Sunday. F•Mvary 8, 1998 Save 5151 'Sorrento' leather sofa is made in Italy by Notuzzi. In Champagne or Block. #57025. Sears neg. 1499.99. $1340 MtMcfwsg pieces and custom options also on sole ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1650 Vkh ris St., UrM #7 anti. Mtge (905) 579-M$ Now Mitt. - Fri. 9-30 u. - M. N. Sit. Me GjL - 60'.ML Sw.11.40 u. - 5:00 PAL � Comye in and let our trained tMmiti V you in sdtec*lg the styles, to xm and colours bast suited for your Idestyle and decor. 01480 Copyright 1998. Saar Canada Inc. got Millb' WASH Ler E - w«s-w asrss w. .¢l..lw fk.tario � Comye in and let our trained tMmiti V you in sdtec*lg the styles, to xm and colours bast suited for your Idestyle and decor. 01480 Copyright 1998. Saar Canada Inc. PAGE 14 -'THE NEWS ADVERTISER MDAY, JANUARY M, 19" C e . In black and Whyte... LesleyWhyte a worker in Ajax and Pickering BY LINDA WHITE STAFF REPORFER If you're not familiar with the saving. "If you want something done, ask someone busy to do it". that could give Lesley Whyte a chance to catch her breath. Seems enough people in town are familiar with the adage. as the general manager of the Ajax -Pick- ering Board of Trade's calendar will attest. But the Ajax resident is not complaining. "I couldn't tell you the number of things I've slept through lately:' laughs Ms. Wh%te. 33. "But it's been because of good hard work. And there's a difference between good hard work and bad hard work. Good hard work brings re- sults you're proud of, results that matter to other people. Bad hard work is just had.- Much ad"Much of her time has been de- voted recently to the United Way of Ajax -Pickering, serving as its 1997 fund-raising campaign chair- man. Her decision to take on that role was based largely on experi- ences with her cousin's son. Four-year-old Brandon Craven suffered brain damage following a regular vaccination at four months and Ms. Whyte is among a net- work of 30 volunteers who help teach him how to breathe, walk and talk. "No one will really know how advanced he'll become:' notes Ms. Whyte. "He tries so hard to talk. In November, he took five steps on his own. That was big" While Ms. Whyte is grateful to United Way -funded agencies which have provided assistance to Brandon and his family, she be- lieves it's important for everyone to support organizations like the United Way "because you have no control over what happens to you. Any of us may one day meed help...[ can't imagine how devas- tating it would be if they weren't there„ Serving as campaign chairman was an absolutely amazing expe- rience for me," admits Ms. Whyte. 'To talk to people in those agen- cies ... it really brings it home to you. You think you've got prob- lems. The people who work in those agencies are the most spe- ial le " c United ay executive director Dennis Goulin is grateful for her efforts. "She's just been a tireless, hardworking person. She put so much of herself in the campaign" He believes the fund-raising campaign chairman "is the single most intense volunteer position in the community. Her dedication, energy, knowledge of the commu- nity and the people in the comma nity and experience with special photo by Ron Pietroniro Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade general manag- home, she likes to sing. She did just that on one er Lesley Whyte plays an active role in help- memorable occasion, when she sang the ration- ing make her community the best it can be. al anthem before a Toronto Blue Jays base - When she's not organizing business function at ball game during Ajax Day at the SkyDome. events were tremendous. Her ac- tions were the personification of what the United Way is all about" People who know Ms. Whyte well likely aren't surprised by that description. After all, she is a past - president of the Big Brothers' As- sociation of Ajax -Pickering, for- mer host of the national award- winning cable TV show Commu- nity Magazine and former host of the popular community cable TV show Community Today. She still does some work for cable TV. She actively supports Ajax - Pickering General Hospital and the Muscular Dystrophy Associa- tion of Canada. She is also in- volved with the Lions Club and the Durham Pool League, where she is captain of the only women's eight -ball team. "I haven't done anything with- out taking into consideration what a group (she's interested in join- ing) does:' admits Ms. Whyte, an only child who credits her parents with teaching her values that con- tinue to guide her. "My parents were kind -natured people. They were always willing to put their hared out, though they've gone through their own trials and tribulations.' Her family emigrated to Cana- da from Scotland when Ms. Whyte was just a youngster. They eventually settled in Oshawa, eMs Wh ...&— yte attetrded T.R. McEwen Senior Public School MW d Eastdale Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute, where she devel- oped an interest in drama- Upon rama Upon graduation, Ms. Whyte spent a summer in England study- ing at the Royal Academy of Dra- matic Arts. She returned home and worked at several trust com- panies and a real estate board be- fore landing a job as a secretary with the Board of Trade in a 100- square -foot office. Now general manager working out of a 1,500 -square -foot office, Ms. Whyte co-ordinates network- ing events for the 550 businesses which belong to the Board of Trade. She lines up guest speak- ers, including business and politi- cal leaders and experts on the Is - est trends. While networking is an impex tent part of the Board of Trade, its mandate includes advocating on behalf of members, which means making presentations at Queen's Park and Parliament Hill, as well as Town and Regional Council meetings. She hopes to launch a small business Christmas party next year and plants to mark the fifth an- niversary of its Business Excel- lence Awards Gala by asking award recipients to share their se- crets of success in a speech. A graduate of the Canadian In- stidrte for Organization Manage- ment at the University of Western Ontario, Ms. Whyte is currently working toward a degree in eco- nomics through Queen's Universi- ty. But she will never give up on her love of co-ordinating events. "I like being allowed a free hand to use my creativity:' admits Ms. Whyte, a talented country music singer. Though she did a demonstra- tion tape with a producer some years back, Ms. Whyte says she never seriously dreamed of be- coming a entertainer. She has per- forated at country music competi- tions, where she met Pickering politician Rick Johnson and joined his country music bared, which performs on the rodeo cir+cuiL "It's a lot of fun," enthuses Ms. Whyte, who plays a bit of guitar and piano. "It's a great stress re- lease. The only thing you're wor- ried about when you're up on that stage is remembering the wards., But performing under pressure is nothing new to Ms. Whyte, who counts singing the national an- them at Ajax Day at a Blue Jays game in Toronto as a favouritememorymen "I loved it. I always wanted to do it The only thing better would be to sing at a hockey game be- cause I'm a bigger (Toronto Maple) Leafs fan. I'd love to sing Ajax and Pickering news briefs..., Brush up on the artists of Pickering's past PICKERING — The Pickering Township Historical Society will hold a general meeting Tuesday. Feb. 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Picker- ing Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Society vice-president John Sabean will provide a presentation ,f history and slides on 'Pickering \rtists of the Past'. The meeting AiII be followed by a social time .ind light refreshments. Admission is free and all are %kcicome. For more information call Tom Mohr at 839-1221. Exercise your way across Canada PICKERING — The Pickering Recreation Complex is hosting a Cross Canada Challenge for its members. Participants will be awarded 'kilometres' for a 'trip' across the country, depending on their work- outs. Each participant will be mspon- sible for recording their workouts in a binder and moving their own flags across Canada from Victoria. B.C. to St. John's, Newfoundland. Prizes will be awarded to the leader at the halfway point and at the end. Sign-ups for the challenge are under way now. The journey will begin Feb. 2 and run through April 20. For more information call the recreation complex at 831-1711. j Family law the topic of women's workshop AJAX » Family law issues will be discussed at a ftee legal work- shop being hosted by the Ajax -Pick- ering Women's Centre. Lawyer Anne Marie Predko will address topics like separation, di- vorce, custody and child support The workshop is being held Thursday, Feb. 5 at 1:30 p.m. at St. George's Anglican Church, at the corner of Hwy. 2 and Randall Drive in Ajax. People wishing to participate are encouraged to register for the event beforehand. Call 426-1064 for more informa- tion or to register. Pickering's sports hall of fame has new administrator The Ontario Sports Legends Hall of Fame in Pickering has a new executive director. Ajax resident Gary Oswald joins the hall after serving three years as director of public relations and development for the Breast Cancer Society of Canada. Mr. Oswald's responsibilities include overseeing the day- to-day operation and promotion of the hall as well as the de- velopment of a permanent hall of fame facility and enter- tainment complex in Pickering. Mr. Oswald, who is a graduate of both Trent University and the Durham College Sports Administration Pro- gram, has an extensive sports adminis- ,,� tration background, having spent eight years as assistant director of public re- lations for the Toronto Blue Jays. The OSLHF is a volunteer -driven, non-profit organization established in 1995. Temporary facilities for the hall of fame are located in the Pickering GARY Recreation Complex. OSWALD Pickering was chosen as the site for Worked with the hall in the summer of 1996 follow - Blue Jays ing a GTA -wide call for proposals. The Town has been providing interim organization office space and administrative assis- tance for the OSLHF organization pending establishment or construction of a permanent site for the hall. For the time being, inductee plaques are to be located in Esplanade Park behind the Civic Complex for up to three years. The hall is meant to honour people born in Ontario who have made a major contribution to sport and people from elsewhere who have made their mark on sport in Ontario. Inductees already include hockey great Bobby Orr. boxer George Chuvalo, baseball's Ferguson Jenkins and Dave Stieb and the 1967 Stanley Cup Champion Toronto Maple Leafs. Heritage schoolhouse project needs your help PICKERING — The newly -formed Pickering Museum Village Founda- tion is seeking volunteers to help with fund-raising projects. Funds are being raised for the museum village's Puterbaugh Schoolhouse, a 19th -century building donat- ed in 1996 for use as a pioneer schoolhouse. Restoration will take place on site in 1998, in hopes it will be ready for heritage educa- tion classes in September. More than 12,000 students are expected to visit the school- house and the :museum village each year. The new building will also be open to the general / public once it's complet- ed, along with the site's 13 other heritage buildings. A number of fund-rais- ers are to be held. Anyone who wants to get involved is asked to call 420-4620. EF/LE READY CASH Tag , D CASH REFUND wrrHIN 24 HOURS © EFILE RETURNS IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS (dost EFled Returns) CEJ FREE EFILE WITH TAX PREPARATION © ALL RETURNS PREPARED - Personal, Business Corporations b Trusts BOOKKEEPING SERVICES AVAILABLE A4M7"m1FAYMAF5 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE FOOD COURT AREA (905) 837-0564 MON.-SAT., MALL HOURS SUN. -12-5, (Feb. 15 to April 30) OPENS THIS WEEKEND Located at the Courtice Flea .'Market CRAFTERS: You can NOW Show & Sell Your Crafts Directly To The Public 1thout Having to be There. we Do All The YotuTime isYour Ownl liar 0 , 0I= *11�,�1 !s r OMw'>L�s �Ir..ira.i Ed 111 a Conic PA ALL - • Receivers over $199 TV's over `479 G�pl�Whirlpoa ces "Wi VCR's,, Camders 6 DVD Playeers ON SALEt UM WWS "VEArMM FRIDAY. WWARY X 1"6 • PAGE" ,Bow" IOU W, pg 11, a W �! Da;h, �► wccl�llr M011tllly OPEN 7 DAYS � a semn. i. 9:00 ar _Wright, SERVING DURHAM SINCE 1991 _ SONE MONTH, I FRIPFW* With the purchase of a one month pass I 1st time users only. Must be 18 yrs and older Laid wdh coupon only. Exp: Feb. 15/98 ,POWER • 1035 BROCK-D CAYM PICKERING We're online at www.durhamnews.net Travel Now No Money Down Low Monthly Payments! Exclusive UNIGLOSE Vacation Instalment Plan Available vakTM*w 7 mgNshm $1149 AN Indusire. SatAun. departures. or Boal SM 'Applies to Feb. 7 and 8 lur w - St, Maarten Hotel Mont Vernon 7 rights bom $1 sat departures wkm "A 'Applies to Feb. 7 (Sit.) � �•s Anleritarta Aruba 7 Nights holo SeAunJMon. delmrUes, cisco us 'Applies to Feb. S -11 (Mort_) Iwo_' a wldiins AN tidtrshm Fri SAfiun /rues. departures a *Applies to Feb. 6 00 UM1 E. Ajax Travel Centre 905=683=4800 676 MONARCH AVE. AJAX oq vo a d a � �d sp.nK a emm a ae TMN oam i wile Sod b C" ow =POT t 2b"'o2% Pr m awe O�dmPp�M�1NNoo a� dowosssw�W12 aN i; ZZ �iFF arson •io rdrl! time. Mn ~ =000. lire swat i OWQLWN rcwwl w d UNMOK Bad P 0 W 1413 D@IILY OWED mens bow, luMc7 Sim is sped le vaft r at d J000ia g N Moo am wo Slpsawm a Ad M Ones am Now n dsige w/aA lace ry tins so Calrraa swW1006 was 1998 biodut rq,wat.on isw rddd lws No LLS nosy viow es me s0oeast ..mow-�1+;l.r♦Rtltss�l.•1�y 7 T17Ii J I - t -- _ - to Iry s. :—Wo4vrir sl.�d lf�M't '�'�lr#ierf^, ,d� �s�sli ` ,^ /. , 5b N �•��1i b�i�kll• rrf�ilf �'�' 3td ..t ,r '� .►. ,yam, 1 �� , ax Ajax -Pickering hospital helpers honoured. Volunteers are usually at the centre of many not-for-profit organizations and that is certainly true for the Ajax -Picker- ing Hospital Foundation. "We are involved with about 200 vol- unteers throughout the year," says foun- dation executive director Shirley Freek. "Our annual Operation Lifeline TV Auc- tion, Mayors' Classic Golf Tournament and many other special events would not be possible without the support of volun- teers." In addition to special events, volun- teers also help out with office duties and serve as foundation board and committee members. , Five hospital volunteers —Anita Nee- son, Elizabeth Soler. Mike Kearn. Mau- reen Farmer and Lauren Thivierge — were recently awarded with a plaques recognizing their work. Anita Neeson has shared her time and talents with the foundation office staff for the past three years. Always ready with a friendly smile and a warm sense of hu- mour, she has helped with many special fund-raising events and is always willing to lend a hand to ease the office work- load. Local Grade I teacher Elizabeth Soler believes it is important to be involved in the community and has worked hard to raise fund,, for Ajax -Pickering General Hospital (APGH) through the foundation. She is past chairman of the Make Room for Baby campaign, and has also found time to get involved in the Operation Lifeline TV Auction in March. APGH maintenance supervisor Mike Kearn decided to use his love of hockev to help the hospital. For the past three years he has organized and participated in the annual APGH No Stars hockey game and benefit dance. This fun evening, scheduled for Friday, May I this year, has become a favourite with staff and local groups and has raised $9,800 for medical equipment for the hospital. Although she supports many commu- nity organizations, the hospital founda- tion comes first with volunteer Maureen Farmer. She has been willing to tackle any job, always with a smile, throughout many years of association with the foun- dation. Her personal favourite is the Op- eration Lifeline TV Auction, which she is already working hard to prepare for this year. Lauren Thivierge of Tribute Homes in Pickering has worked hard behind the scenes to support the foundation's annual Mavors' Charitv Golf Classic each Sep- tember. She has volunteered many hours of her time to organize committee meet- ings and fine-tune the many details which have made this event the largest and most successful charity golf tournament in the GTA. photo by A.J. Groen Ajax -Pickering General Hospital honoured some of its dedicated volunteers this week for their efforts in raising funds and providing support throughout the year. Holding the plaques awarded for their efforts are (from left) Maureen Farmer, Lauren Thivierge, Mike Kearn, Elizabeth Soler and Anita Neeson Get prepped for medical procedures You can find out what to expect when undergoing such medical procedures as a CAT scan, an EEG or an MR1 on Tuesday, Feb. 10. Epilepsy Durham Region hosts the meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Col- borne St. W., Oshawa. Medical profession- als from Oshawa General Hospital will discuss the procedures, why and how they are done. For more information call 666- 9926 or 1-800-350-9069. ADVERTISEMENT UUSED..ARS TO BE SOLD FOR 4 7b 0 0 ik; 1 0 Durham's No. #1 Hyundai Dealer HAS MOVED! Due to an increase in trade-ins, we will be forced to sell cars & trucks for as low as $99.00 this Saturday, January 31, 1998 during a one -day sales event to be held at Ontario Hyundai, 1505 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario. Greg Mason, President of Ontario Hyundai announced plans to hold a $99.00 used car and truck sales event on Saturday, January 31st, at Ontario Hyundai, 1505 Dundas St. E., Whitby. According to Ontario On Hyundai's sales sale manager Dan Stevens "increa- Sat sing sales over the last few Janu months have 1 resulted in an overstock of trade-ins. "We must reduce our inventory". During this $99.00 sales event every used car and truck will be sold well below its original price. In fact, some cars that normally sell for $5,000 to $8,000 will be sold for $3,000 to $5,000. Our customers will find these prices may even be lower than wholesale auction prices. Auction bidding often inflates the true value of a car, so you pay more. Here, every car will be on sale, on a first come first served basis. It's the perfect opportunity to get a quality used car at the low- est possible price, including cars for only $99.00. There will be numerous quality used cars varying from Hyundai, Mazda, Toyota, Nissan, Chrysler, GM, Ford and Honda ranging from $99.00 to $20,000. All vehi- cles will be on display at Ontario Hyundai. All vehicles Whitby will be opened so that buyers may inspect the vehicles for one hour before the sale beings at 9:00 am. All prices will be clearly windshield marked and whoever is sit- ting behind the wheel at 9:00 am when the 1I1fi�1/I�11�1�11Lf1�1I�1�11}1.1/,1/11.).4.1 Ff �41f t e f 4.4+.i i+s ! t-� 4!tf4-9 4.1-4444/,i-=�/�1-ti�41i4R`�i►1.: sale commences will be given the first oppor- e-Day tunity to pur- Event chase the vehi- cle at the sale urda price. Wholesale y! buyers will be ary 31, present to take trade-ins during 998 the sale. Mr. Stevens said "we also have financing and in order to secure your vehi- cle, $500.00 will be required in the form of Visa, MasterCard, American Express or a certified cheque or money order to Ontario Hyundai. "We would like to remind everyone that this is a one day event, unlike in the past, we will not tolerate dealers camping out on our lot before the sale commences. This sale is an opportunity for our -retail customers to purchase a vehicle at wholesale prices. When our inventory has been cleared we will go back to normal operations. Since we are a NEW DEALER to the the area, we would rather allow people to buy these vehicles than sell them at an auction," said Mr. Mason. Any questions can be directed to the sales staff at Ontario Hyundai, 1505 Dundas St. E., Whitby or can (905) a68 -sl an - Cover Photo Idea Hoose Living Room By DeBoers 0 r --- --- 'Vii n S I Gwen Williams, The Idea Phoe !� H�eAad Leine Catre P� 2Z I l 1 There are many .q*s- of home decor. Some of them are classics others showcase trends. Each seminar will -show how to decorate in the style you Jove, or help you to deride wkkb one is ftally for ym FRENCH COUNTRY Pm;efted by Mkhe" Petrie Date_* Alm Feb. 9th I 0*.W1 1:00am Fee: $5.00 ROMANTIC Presented by MkheRe Petrie Date: Mon. Feb. 16th 10:00-11 o0 Fee: $5.00 ETHNIC ftesenW by Mk heft Petrie Daft: Mon. Feb. 23rd or Tues. March 3lst IOAD-1100m Fee: $5.00 A ECLECTIC Presented DOC NkWL MWd% 20d 10:00-11 :00 Feel. -1 cons. DETAILS Presented by Michelle Pietrie or Charman WVY~ Ws the touches, Me tba various stinn "bW WaNs S "In Zw I ddeaa H cornice =ngs, fake 'bW ceilings created wide wallpaper etc—Lob of 9 fleas to gWe your Dates: Mon. -Feb 9th I *.W2.(=='Ile) Thum Feb 5th 7:00-8,OOPM (Charmaine) FEE: $5.00 BREAKING THE RULES Pm"nftd by MkheMe Petrie or Charmaine ftyageo VAw says you can't we dark colours on the waft or oversize furniture In a smad r000L Loom how to do the uncornraetiorral successfilay. 13th 1:W2:00PM Thurs. March 19th I AD-2:00PM FEE: $5.00 T`V7,WHERE fi0 TEX'T'URE W8A2` IQ IT } I START? - ,AND HOW TO USE IT Pftseked by Chamalne �` Presented by Mld►elle PeWe :4z f This is the mostnm m p 4: 111Adrout `lmrtare a room appears flat and wrrvrewe wra snow► you ow are demoth quesdoe Now oi one Think of a room with srwooMr those vrondetiul ' tasslas and x room or a whole house - you should hams = wags, no pattern in a sofa, tables, or floor 4expensi4e for a fraction :a pian. Learn what to use as inspiration 81sh! Learn how is wake emery mof the read" made price! to begin decorating your space, al white room to. wrkh feature. Date: Fri. Manfi 13th 10'004 1 FOAM : me: Thurs. March 12th 10:15-11:15PA Date: Mon. Feb. 16th 1:w2:00PM FEE: $5.U0 FEE: $5.00 HOW TO INSTALL, NO SEW WINDOW W RALPH LAUREN PAINT .HARDWOOD FLOORING , -� Y COVERINGS � � DEMO OF CHAMBRAY, . � Presented by Steve Sharko _ Presented by Charnw;ne DENIM AND LINEN of Miro Flooring Petrie Pnesmstiel Paint W, Diaper phis one and-a-haf-lrour seminar w w r :. , w a m "m k ,•e:' s a sa � aw+ of ' t !lYefydlirrg you need to caa"t sew a � arks this demie !M! near �! of lest■raL msbd , know about medwds of • 1 N 1J0 16e P Paimb fides Date: Sat. March 7th 10:00-11 FOAM Dates: Thum F& 1961k1 11:15M dw pwir desiprm FEE: l''1;EE, but a 55.00 deposit is Fti. Mardi 6619:1s -11.1s cwt paid�eue) Oate: sat. Fek 21st 10.1W1 1. required to hold your seat FEE: S5.00 FREE . , COMPANY'S COMING Prownted by Petrie Se creative whew you, a I a Iain! VWh ad it's A - ar for two or bWfit for trewby,uT lows the earaidw` iwocpewsire _ _yoideas for table and wore. Date: moa. Fib. 23rd 1:00-2*0 DECORATING WITH LIGHT allow ft use --wiors kinds �rdrrg /o tiiar air add shoe, �: mirinh* il.na, acoairc asr is awd cre.la • Ws am of fire boo de 1001Owe WOM the5 wekilae n= Fd. Falk MMIUM AM FEE:.00 "` BASIC INTERIOR G A -`BASIC INTERIOR - Ct.►,��f1�1f �.�,...�� =M---�•. 1A1Qnn10 ALnP1<Wn 4 Need answers to all your home decorating questions? Decorative Solutions in Pickering are your paint and wall covering specialists. Decorative Solutions represents a one-ofa-kind concept which brings together a proud tradition in home decorating that caters to the Ajax. Pickering and surrounding areas. Everything from paint and wallpaper is now available at this unique, warm and friendly specialty store. Service, selection and price is the hallmark of Decorative Solutions. The Paint 'N' Paper store is operated by registered interior decorators. who together, have more than 18 years experience. Paint 'N' Paper carries a large selection of borders and wallpaper books from suppliers Provincial. Imperial, Brown. Beauport and Ontario. The unique store offers a full line of Pratt and Lambert products, and added Ralph Lauren Paint. Ralph Lauren paint offers a suede, leather and denim finish, to name a few. If you are looking for something our of the ordinary, check out this line from Lauren at Decorative Solutions. Decorative Solutions is at 1755 Pickering Parkway. Unit 19 in the Pickering Home and Leisure Centre at Hwy 401 and Brock Road. Call 686-6883 for Paint `N' Paper. THE PLACE TO SHOP FOR SPAIQ S, PATIO FURNITURE & BIL S. HOME LEISURE is the ideal source for SPAS, PATIO FURNITURE and BILLIARD TABLES. Home Leisure features only the very best manufacturers in each category. Thosc who arc the world's best suppliers known, for their quality and value. Home Leisure is gearing up for the new• season and as a result arc clearing out the showroom kx the new I)" products due to arrive soon. This gives the consumer the opportunity to buy 199' products at reduced prices. Consurners often ask what they will be }riving up by buying lasts years models and the answer is very LITTLE' Sometimes there is only a difk-rent color for the new style Stang people prefer the old color anyway 0n salt at present arc all the spas and Hilliard tables in the showrox)m In addition there arc very good buys on the unwrapped stock in the w•archousc. Last year's patio furniture is also marked down. There is very little furniture on the floor yet as there is not enough roorn for everything. If you arc interested in something - ask and they will let you take a look Of course all these bargains arc limited in quantity so you will have to move quickly if you want the best selection. Don't forget Home Leisure is having a sale of current billiard tables. All taxes arc included and you will get i months to make your first payment - all at no cost to you. Home Leisure is located in the Home Leisure Centre, 1755 Pickering Parkway at Brock Rd. and 401. They may be contacted at 428-9767, THE MISADVENTURES OF CRAWFORD AND SONS WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS nwl"'aaC95"/1, v v i vV PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY/QUALITY WORKMANSHIP (over 23 years experience and more than 7,500 homes repairs) INJECTION SPECIALISTS FOR FOUNDATION CRACKS POLYURETHANE/EPDXY (No Digging In Most Cases) Cement Block Foundations membranes/sump pumps/drainage systems FIX POTENTIAL LEAKS BEFORE RENOVATIONS u 11 our expert trouble shooting offers you the optimum repair at the best prices with a vn4 10 YEAR FULL GUARANTEE FREE ESTIMATES 905-686=6880 r - L'r "The Look for Less" - furniture ty u scales les P - creative window treatments exciting designerfabrics - unique accessories - complete decorating service r ♦IF IV III' Nq .,:.'".•S�a .,- ;rijgr:„w;y„{x�Iar•s}�. M:s+rJy_r,+�=rr•v�,'�,a::-: r aw i=„*. ,� � -�,�_ .. _ 70 *117, 'j n k.n:.Z .sr,i-r.,.!" •r �,. ,,fin ��. e riome r � t r r err N R _ IM 1'P n ,7 F_^ U _,r Just a few r, ILIPS Everyday low prices? of the many always I" You're Darn Right! K ridl Save up to 60% off regular retail prices on men's & ladies' shavers to M .� colour computer 59.99 pater monitors and do it �-_ everyday. We have a full range. of $et monitors from 14" to 21" and offer T orelle Dinfu. full ■ `v_ ' Sale $21.9. y .. ,,�,. Vie. � �' �, � 1i;�;•► 6100$ 1 ra w . R �.. 1. • .. � -s., .,, �II� � n � -i, w f is Sale $59.99_ y 49.99CAN 4. ILEA *N*CM .rt x my KM .4 j� *{.+ a x. �y �:x,_ ,lc � _ '•§. to ,yg., �' i'•d �..- � _ �r: z $ 5 WCho 1 109.99 �. �� - �' � . �� ,�: Ems, _ � ;�� � ��� � �• i _ - �: irs IIL MI r , 401 19 DECONATWSK-UTIONS PAINT IN' PAPER PRATT & LAMBERT QUALITY PAINT Ralph Lauren Paint Specialty Finishes VMWF&LAO Large Selection of Wallpaper Books Always at Least 20% Off Custom Colour Matching Expert Advice _ In -Stock Borders r Pickering Home &Leisure Centre 1755 Pickering Parkway, Unit 19 OPEN (905) 686=6883 SUNDAYS FeWA)kppfianm' oWrts know... GE Profile Applianceshiside out GE appliancm arc / • universally known and respected fix their looks and quabtx But do you nn%dly know what makes them di&=K fiom -the pods-? At PETER'S APPL.IMICES we take a doeper kook at GE P"Ic aprAmnoes than just eye appal. Our Awwvmnm is staged with experienced poop* who know you are interested in convenient, efficient and safe food saxW as much as ore arterior charm of a 401 & BROCK ROAD, PICKERING 17.5.5 Pickering Parkway, Unh 12 (XA 428-63.33 or 1-hW- 31-9271 WM At thr Pic,ferixg Howe & Leisarr Crxtrr GE NOW refrigerator and in the ckanncss of your dishes, ports and lwns as much as the handsome appearance of a GE Profile dishwasher: We take the time, and we have the know4xm to tell you about aq the cooking dwioes GE provides, When it coca to sckcting your appliances from our huge, wcH stodwd showroom... We Don't Just Tell You, We Show You! BCISINESS HOURS: I•londay 9 am to 6 pm Tioesday to Friday 9 am to 9 pm Saturday 9 am to 6 pm A full range of major appliances including Maytag, Kitchenaid, GE Profile, Amana & Thermador is available to suit every individual taste and budget. Our huge showroom & experienced sales staff can help you make the decision that is just right for you. THINK SPRING! Yes, we know the it's a picture to fill that pocketbook, stores for Leisure Centre has scheme, installing incorporates ground is covered in snow and it's cold out bare spot in the hallway, an accessories, art, linens, the IDEA PLACE hardwood flooring also a wheelchair accessible there, but the days are entire living room full of appliances, computer monitors, and the IDEA HOME. Here in the etc, The IDEA HOME is kitchen and master already starting to get a little longer and furniture to make your home cookware, spas, rugs, IDEA PLACE you here to inspire you. bath. Both the Idea Place before you know it, complete, the Pickering Home & crafts an craft supplies and much can get help with home related It's a 3,200 sq. ft. and Idea Home are we'll be outside Leisure Centre has it much more. In fact, projects with a library of how- model home completely furnished open during regular Centre hours. planting the garden! Now's the time to do all. It's unique! It's the everything you need to re -do or to videos, books and by the stores in the Mon., Tues., Wed. a little refurbishing on only one stop re -new your surroundings. magazines. There are seminars, courses and centre. Redecorated annually around an and Saturday from the inside of your home. shopping centre in the There's even four workshops on a large imaginary family, it 10:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. and Fri. Whether a coat of east end of Metro devoted to every home warehouse outlet stores to save variety of topics such features the latest in 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 paint is all you need related need. There's you even more money. as no -sew window treatments, finding decorating trends, Faux treatments p.m. Sun. 12:00 - to spruce up the furniture stores for What's more, the your decorating style, paint and money saving do - 5:00 p.m. kitchen, or perhaps every taste and Pickering Home & choosing a colour it -yourself projects. It FeWA)kppfianm' oWrts know... GE Profile Applianceshiside out GE appliancm arc / • universally known and respected fix their looks and quabtx But do you nn%dly know what makes them di&=K fiom -the pods-? At PETER'S APPL.IMICES we take a doeper kook at GE P"Ic aprAmnoes than just eye appal. Our Awwvmnm is staged with experienced poop* who know you are interested in convenient, efficient and safe food saxW as much as ore arterior charm of a 401 & BROCK ROAD, PICKERING 17.5.5 Pickering Parkway, Unh 12 (XA 428-63.33 or 1-hW- 31-9271 WM At thr Pic,ferixg Howe & Leisarr Crxtrr GE NOW refrigerator and in the ckanncss of your dishes, ports and lwns as much as the handsome appearance of a GE Profile dishwasher: We take the time, and we have the know4xm to tell you about aq the cooking dwioes GE provides, When it coca to sckcting your appliances from our huge, wcH stodwd showroom... We Don't Just Tell You, We Show You! BCISINESS HOURS: I•londay 9 am to 6 pm Tioesday to Friday 9 am to 9 pm Saturday 9 am to 6 pm A full range of major appliances including Maytag, Kitchenaid, GE Profile, Amana & Thermador is available to suit every individual taste and budget. Our huge showroom & experienced sales staff can help you make the decision that is just right for you. y Invest in your foundation/Repair those leaks Gordon Crawford of Crawford & Sons has been Iluccessfully repairing leaking basements for O),er 23 years and although he says, "I'm still learning;' he estimates he has been in close to 15,(x)) homes and seen virtually every possible leaking situation one can imagine. Gordon says, "hasically, the amount of years I've been in this hu,,iness has forced me to develop hundreds of ai!ferent techniques to successfully solve every ,ituation I've encountered". He also says that having an extensive background in specialty rroducts for concrete, I know which products to u,,c and which ones really work, that's why I can offer a 10 year full guarantee on all the work I do". Gordon prides his company on fast, neat and efficient service. He also prides himself on his troubleshooting ability. "I like to professionally solve problems at the least most reasonable cost to the customer. Sometimes that may involve excavating the entire perimeter of the house andreplacing the weeping tiles but that is because it is absolutely necessary. What I won't do is quote on an expensive +� excavation type repair when I know a simple little «� interior injection will solve the problem. Give me a solid -tib concrete foundation and 90% of the time I can inject the problem with polyurethane by standing on the inside and pumping right through the wall. Block foundations ` should be repaired from the outside but I try to isolate the problem within 10-15 ft. to minimize the excavation r necessary:' Gordon says "home owners should invest in their foundations in much the same way they invest in their roofs. Water corrodes and very quickly. The same way a leak in your roof starts corroding the wooden rafters, a leak through your foundation starts to undermine the very integrity of your home. People tend to live with the problem until it escalates into a bigger one. Catch it early enough and possibly save yourself a fortune" Gordon goes on to say that "no job is too big or too small and I can promiseyou a fair and objective evaluation of the problem:' Fora free professional evaluation call Gurdon at 905-686- 6880. T lob- • pr CORNING FACTORY OUTLET When you see the selection this factory outlet has to offer, you'll be impressed. It's a pleasure to shop for quality name brands such as, Corelle Livingware, Corningware, Pyrex, Revere and Vision, priced lower than at retail stores. If you are upgrading your own kitchen supplies or looking for a gift for a bridal shower, wedding or birthday, the Corning Factory Outlet has just what you're looking for. The staff invite you to take advantage of additional savings on selected items, on sale now at the Corning Factory Outlet located in the Home & Leisure Centre at Brock Rd. and 401 in Pickering. You won't be disappointed! (advertorial) a_ _ REGISTER FOR �PICKERING HOME & LEISURE CENTRE COURSES AND SEMINARS '' OR ,EE PAGE 24 s YOUR REGISTRATION FORM ADVERTISE YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE IN THE PAGES OF NOME SWEET HOME Call Our Office At 683-5110 n 'THE STUFF �1 -PICKEMNO HOME S LEISURE CENTRE BROCK RD. & 401 (905) 686-7419 OPEN 7 DAYS VISA/MASTERCARD/INTERACT A Special Place provides the `look for less' A Special Place is a unique furniture store with 2 locations. One in Toronto at Yonge and Davisville, the other in the Pickering Home & Leisure Centre in Pickering. For the past 20 years A Special Place has worked hard to bring its clients the best "decorator looks" in the marketplace without the designer price tag. They specialize in custom upholstered fumiture. Sofas, Ioveseats and chairs are available in many styles and a wide variety of decorator fabrics. Window treatments, carpets and custom entertainment centres are all part of what they pro%ide. A Special Place also sells a variety of unique cocktail tables, lamps, mirrors, prints and unusual accent pieces to suit any decor. A Special Place provides both an in-home and in-store decorating service. Whether your decorating project is large or small, their experienced decorating consultants will work with you choose and coordinate furniture styles, colours, window treatments, fabrics and accessories to quit your taste and budget. Drop in to A Special Place to see this season's collection including sumptuous leather sofas, rich tapestries and lively chintzes along with colourful fringes and cords. Call or visit now for further details. You'll be glad you let them help you make your home "A Special Place" too! ""'K PHILIPS known Worldwide for Quality Philips Electronics is one of the world's great innovators, having developed countless products and processes which enhance the comforts and pleasures of life. Original inventions include the rotary shaver, the audio cassette and the compact disc. Consider the Philishave shaver. Introduced in 1939, it has become the single most successful Philips product with well over 300 million sold worldwide. It's success is based on Philips' commitment to continuous ergonomic and performance improvement. In Canada and around the world, the name Philips stands for innovative ideas, quality manufacturing, and ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction. Philips opened the factory outlet store in the Home & Leisure Centre. In November of 1996. "Life in retail has been an absolute Blast!" says Brenda Campbell, manager of Philips Factory Outlet. "There is never a dull moment. We are going in to our second year and our sales are still growing. Of course, I believe friendly and informative staff and the willingness to spend time with the consumer has everything to do with our success. Our philosophy here is we treat our customers the way we would expect to be treated ourselves. Afterall, there is no cost for a friendly hello or a great big smile is there?" (advertisement) P.H.L.C. WORKSHOPS, COURSES AND SEMINARS OF RB SfRAT10N. s " ITY: POSTAL CODE �iO�N�EQ:�H(O�ME�j�� j � � �`� ORKS1W/SENIlW#rI'1'LE WE MATMAL LIST RTQUMV YES ( ) NO ( ) +- '_. OR CHEQUE: x'alt +Ila Al DISif PRLO W Orirlyw BUSINESS D 1 ARREM. MINNOW d1 Vl' •i1a.rJ �i,' fti1j� `, V/ r+�, THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30,19" - PAGE 25 Home - Gardening 30 1 99g • Ti4'ps on growingsucculents indoors one of the difficulties of growing plants indoors is in duplicating their nat- ural environment in our homes. Most plants we attempt to civilize by nurturing indoors are, at the best of times, under stress. The environment hu- mans are most comfortable in is both too hot and too dry for many plants. Succulents, however, are a group of plants that thrive in hot, and conditions in their native environment and, given enough light, are quite happy in our homes. For many plants in this group, their natural habitat is one of searing temper- atures. They are used to temperatures upwards of 1 I OF during the day. In some places, the mercury falls to 30 or 40 F at night. Obviously, these conditions would be unbearable for us. If these were the only conditions succulents would grow in, needless to say, there wouldn't be any on our windowsills. Generally, succulents are those plants that have plumped up leaves and/or stems. If you break a leaf apart, you will notice a juicy or jelly-like substance in- side. Most often, the substance is clear, but some plants exude a milky fluid. These substan=s help the plant through periods of drought. The fatter the leaves, the longer the plant can endure going without water.All succulents have the ability to expand their storage cells quickly in order to store water when it hecomes available. Unfortunately though, the plant does not have any built-in mechanism to stop drinking in too much water and no way of getting rid of the excess. In their natural desert habitat, too much water just isn't a problem. In our homes however, being too gen- erous with watering spells disaster for succu- lents. Not only will their roots rot as with other houseplants given too much water, but also they can literally burst out of their skin. You have all seen tomatoes that have been watered erratical- ly. Eventually the tomato's skin is too tight for the swelling Flesh and it simply cracks open. At the opposite end of the spectrum, if a suc- culent is given too little light and too little water for long enough, the plant will just go dormant. Only the bare minimum of chemical activity will be maintained in order for it to survive. It is because of this type of adaptation that succulents make excellent houseplants for abu- In the garden ff with Veronica Sliva r sive owners. It never ceases to amaze me when I walk past a restaurant or laundry and in the win- dow are the saddest, sorriest excuses for plants. Invariably they include such specimens as the crassula, commonly known as the Jade plant. Years later these plants will still be there. hanging on. If the owner decides a little care and attention is warranted, the plant will bounce back and be healthy and hearty once again. If one must follow rules about watering suc- culents, it seems sensible to continue watering the plants as long as they appear to be actively growing. It is important to let the soil dry out be- tween watering and when you do water, be gen- erous enough that the soil gets thoroughly wet. My favourite Jade plant has endured about 10 years of abuse. It rewarded me by growing a large fat stem that is quite woody and tree -like. It has taken on a decidedly oriental bonsai look. although its size would argue its bonsai associa- tion. The "Jade" spends its summers outside, at first in a shady location and then when it be- comes acclimatized to its new environment it is moved into a brighter location. When mid-September rolls around. the "Jade" moves inside to a south window for the winter months. Ia mrmt. wsc: $99" II fil 895 11;A=Q I 8995 I I 2 -WHEEL DRUM: •� InciYd.s FREE tire rotation 4557 Kingston Rd 1199 Kingston Rd I jl MW 21-poini k,peetkwL Scarborou h Pickerin I 10061 cars a VWW wan w• coupon. Now cars a brans. wnn aw coupon. 284-9246 831-31 1 E:pk" IS Fae,••• II E:g' IS Feb,•••. L-----------JL----------- FIREST•FIRESTONE MINOR FR360 TIRES FIREHAWK FTX TIRES .•-cruNCER: *59"155/80R13 ...... 539.95 1775/80II P185/60R14 ...... S89.95 I I II y E� 839'-%s 1413 ...... S44.95 II P195/60R15 ...... $89.95 II i-cYU1@DER: -S699.. II 185/751414......S59.95 11 P205/60R15......$92.95 11 s -CYLINDER: s7c�9.: 11 iwnEEL: s:;993 195175 R 14 ...... S59.95 205!751415 ...... $59.95 I I P215/60R16 .... $109.95 I1 wo.c car, a v.ru- with .r, c,�c,, II r� osis a van.. wreh tna coupon. ------------J�------------JL— E:d...isc.e,gve —JL— E=v�r..lsFeb ls••. 01 1 1 e A ti4'rY stereo, dual air bags, finted glass, 5 speed manual frons., 110 D VVN 1W great gas mileage. v*j977 NO PAYMENTSd '148 mo.-' 4 door, 5 speed manual harts., AM/FMTILL PRING l Pa nt includes all taxes ess.d on 60 mos. stereo, sports buckets, sport mi abs brakes, dud aitbogs. 1994 CAVALIER 237.@ ria. 1995 SONOMA 260.@ 159 mo. Low km. PICK-UP 1994 BUICK s249Lomo 1995 GRAND $260.@mo. �--- : 0=0 A CENTURY PRIX 4 door, 4 spoW aulo, air , spm Well equipped 19% GRAND s37$omo. `-- ' "Com' sW Wd*abs brakes, dual air bags, 1994 CORSICA $252@mo. PRIX a„d r ich mora 1996 LUMINA LS *391Lemo. "40—ah 1994 BUICK s351aomo. $ 298 nno LESABRE LTD 1996 CAVALIER 3044@mo. 1994 S-10 .422&omo 1997 SUNFIRES $330L e4mo. �v4, aub, aircond., dt &*W gloss Mo �q PICK-UP �— -= 1995 FIREBIRD ;356L @mo' 1997 SUNFIRE s463,omo. �0"ep°inl'powerminar:'porwrlocks,15" CONVERTIBLE ' Pte• seaMrta and much more. Mint 1997 GRAND AM s379romo. 1995 GRANDAM $297.@ mo. 6 cyl., loadel,,_ X73""°' -ti.'Nw/c.tP�WMy.ahOhuiaNrana30mprohtd40mun250D�o..:yhe'reWmOMmmnaa+r+6hor>q.9orna.c.NohOe.2atm5uiMsaSw+4o.bca Gliffmills 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 436-1500 P-A"'1M► Fp}! �pa�•+pr�r IrF:1tM1t1A�1;�A?VtiARY9r►: tv�tt . ALY'S PROFESSIONAL PET .� GROOMING, -RAND RE- OPENING FEB. 01 e98 A 11 Full Grooming Services HALF PRICE, for 1 WEEK ONLY (Book.your appointment now) L-1 ,-- ------------------------------ 1'5' Grooming for all breeds of cats & dogs. I'' Pick-up and delivery service available. i • Day, evening & weekend appointments available ' Lots of tender loving care provided � I (*no other discounts apply*) �• L ---J— ---------------------------J Al1•'s Kingston Rd. Professional Pet Grooming 401 (905) 4205922 #6 37 Kingston Rd., Pickering Inside Petschoice Warehouse f& as so • 40 Se S• ,&• ii SO Se %8 .a. 'moi jXP1aM10N(5_HAlR DESIGN Welcomes renowned hairstylist Raphael, 13■ ■ formerly of Salon s,�~ Donato in Toronto. ■ ■ Rafael brings Whitby his leading edge in hair designing. His 4 i � looks are very y^ wearable, practical ye t f ashionable. Rafael's work has been featured in numero u s fashion magazines such as Flare, Modern Women, Coiffure and Canadian Hairdresser Magazine. A nominee for the Top Ten Hairstylists of the Year at the 9th Annual Contessas� Awards. Now at Ex ressions Hair Design for you! * When you come to visit us, ■ bring this ad and receive a complimentary * Revitalizing *, ' of Hair & Scalp - Treatment ■ (in ef'eapw I'eb. 'S►tt) Available for your convenience ' I1 a. m.-8 p. m. Tues -Fri., THEK90N RD 9 a.m.-S p.m. Saturday 80 7bickson Rd. South 0�1 �All,� 1998 Volkswogen Jetta GT Air Cord PYenr r-- - Sperxer S+exec Cassette. Dua Au Bogs. Alam, KeYiess Etmy, Fog lights, Rea SPatet Sport Seats 2 yea/40.000 km Free hbntenaice Roodsde Assotonce aid much more Wei it smells even better if you con smell it again in 2 or 3 years. See Pickering Volkswagen about leas� a new, fun to drive, really sweet smelling. German engineered driver's car. As always, you're welcome to sniff 'fill your heart's content. Drivers wariied. \N/ 24 Month Lease at $314' mth 'based on S 1304 down plus PDI. 1 st. Sec, & Taxes. O.A.C. Pickering Volkswagen Inc. Sat IGnvw Road o SaW leasing/Swwo/Parb/Bo&rhop/Rw*b ��n9. Ortpno g VD15 "WWW ham downtown L1V 3N7 >= Visit us on the net pvw.com Fax: 905-420-rs550 Q ')e Des' Tel: 905420-9700 My a, Mi 1 i OT E 1, rs J • e _NooQ � L v If Fg VpSta A Winning Location For Your y In Durham Region! ✓ W Newly Renovated ✓ COMPkiientary Local Caft Guestroorns and Suites In-Roorn Coffee and Newsplaper ✓ Indoor and Outdoor Pbols ✓ M;nutes from Area Athrachom ✓ Golden GhdOe Family arta) 40 Mirwtes to Toronto Restaurant ✓ A Free Parki ✓ 'The Flyi Dutchman Bar rnple n9 and Loud ✓ ✓ Meeting and Banquet Facilities Groups Wekorne 143 Duke Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L 1 C 2W4 Tel (905) 623-3373 Fax (905) 623,4739 For Reservations Call: 1-888-4683509 photo by A.J. G0e Durham Red Cross offers a `Welcome to Spring' Spring will be in full bloom at locations across Durham going programs. Sales locations will be set up Feb. 27 - Region in February as the Red Cross launches its annu- 28 locally at Ajax -Pickering General Hospital, Costco al Welcome to Spring Flower Sale to help raise funds in Ajax and at the Pickering Town Centre. Here, (from for the organization. Small bouquets of coloured carna- left) Eileen Crouch, Lesley Andrade, Karen Berti and tions will be offered at $3.50 with proceeds going to on- Deborah Meyer prepare some bouquets for sale. >iPRaNQ THE NEWS ADVER71M FRIDAY, JANUARY A I"s - PAGE 27 BabyExpo comes to Pickering's trade centre PICKERING — The first Baby Expo will be held Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 28 and March I, at the Metro East Trade Centre on Brock Road just north of Hwy. 401 in Pickering. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. It will bring together businesses and agencies that ,offer services to expectant families and families with preschoolers. Admission is $6 for adults, while children under 12 `n:t in free. Baby Expo will include six seminars, at no extra charge, for expectant new parents presented by Choic- es Childbirth Education and Doula Services. They are Creating a Positive Birth Experience (1 I a.m. Satur- day); Breastfeeding Your Baby (2:30 p.m. Saturday); Caesarean Prevention and Vaginal Birth After Cae- sarean (5 p.m. Saturday); How a Doula Can Help You Have a Shorter and Easier Labour (I 1 a.m. Sunday); Pain Management for Labour (2 p.m. Sunday): and in- fant Care (4 p.m. Sunday). For more information on the seminars call Choices at 420-0223 or 410-9931. For information on the Baby Expo event. call 436- 0375. Special evening at Devi Mandir PICKERING — The Pickering Devi Mandir presents 'An Evening of Bhajans'. with Pundits Munda) Maharaj and Newal Persad, on Saturday, Jan. 31. The event begins at 7 p.m. at 2590 Brock Rd. N. Admission is S10. Proceeds from the evening go to the Devi Mandir building fund. For more information call 686-85 34. WMEHOUSE OUTLET IWNENTORY CFIANIGES CONSTANTLY HUGE sawNcs oN conePrrass, �aNM, soFrwM ra vwEo cnMEs! B11=4a Computers w/monitors from '999°° Nintendo Game Boy $69" 1 Scanners $14900 1 HE1Nl•ETT can" � • -*s 74 : yii Y r V Fid'•` �' w Printers 16900 (Cartons from are damaged) 33 West Beaver Creek Road • Richmond Hill M011Wt'Iday 10.00 am- 5:00 pm a Sawrday 11:00 am -3:00 pm $179" Playstations Refurbished I CD-ROM s i Software from .a *May not be ex *SIERRA achy u dwwn Bring in this ad and receive an additional 10% aff any purchase. mowalawna • T Iq a 1nNTlR PAGE 28 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY -30,19" r r �S .. "` , ?yam r- �. �v ,. -y F r K��:} � ���t - ��� � ��� �� FINANCING SON j198 VOYAGERS! Tw - � ��U oda d�� X409 a r�:wpm IJ�I� ils a eel O MM -4 4t 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • j [.\} �, t [ 1 I r r J1 /1 1(I r •J r } ,^l, /% c S) �1' 1 1 ,` 1 I r / ,c�� ,.]� r `1!t l •s1- .� .1 .� • J J rJ � �r�1J tJ I� J � �JJI �J 1 l r� J11 JJ Jr�Jlrl Jr�J1� J ` , JJJ�'�J.�J J J� JJ1J "] tiJ �� , �J � �I.r1i J J1JJ • • • ONE WEEK ONLY •......................................•••••::••••••••••••••••••••••••• MIL. P.S. PAL, M PAI, lk bdwk Con�M" COIL. bw perl w SLE. am nm" brbi. LM IN7 O. a nom$ mbw ca Aft bac 6w, il"21Z1s11 W 4F -2W*** Z-7, I j R� LOW 96 (A,. "I I MLFRmw� PLYMOUTH A&%JPLA#Xlld\.InIn SERVICE OPEN � CHRYSLER , ALL DAY SATURDAY 4 RWOOI I D A1.VE. (North of 401) AND EVERY NIGHT h -lx•-LiJl l un i4L cN .r . 'fH& NEWS ADVE1t11SER HUDA1. JA.NUA10 .ill, 1998- PAGE 29 Volunteer corner, You canhelpothers rightt here at home People just like you can make life a schools in Durham to provide support and en- two of you can share. Call Wendy Swinden at vassers. Have fun with other volunteers who little better for many less fortunate couragement to students with disabilities. Call 433-0386 ext. 308. are making a difference. Volunteers are also neighbours in the community. Suzanne at 436-0925 or Katherine at 665- Meats-On-Wheels, Ajax-Pickering Red required to assist with special events and The only thing you have to invest is 5680. Cross: Volunteer drivers and packers are ur- bingo. All volunteers enjoy excellent training, a bit of time to help comm'=",Y _2,A.t- Kinark Child and Family Services: ' "�"' Y gently needed to help deliver this vital service Flexible hours and a great opportunity to help cies like: Share your parenting skills and experiences five days a week. If you can spare one-and-a- adults who are physically disabled. Call 434- Heart and Stroke Foundation of with other parents needing support. Training half hours once a week from 11:30 a.m. to 1 5280. Ontario: Local chapters require vol- and supervision will be provided to assist you p.m., call 420-3383. Pickering's Bear Necessities: Bear Ne- unteers to help raise funds for heart in making the difference for a family. Or Ontario March of Dimes: The annual cessities needs stuffed animals to refurbish disease and stroke research and health spend some leisure time with a special-needs fund-raising campaign is in urgent need of co- and donate to local women's shelters. Call promotion activities. Volunteer oppor- child and develop hobbies and interests the ordinators, captains, telemarketers and can- Brenda at 839-2141. tunities are arranged to fit your lifestyle and availability. Call 686- 1521. Ford of Canada Ever since Hearth Place Cancer Support repeat buyers than any the way North America Captures truck leader- F-Series pick other. Evhin Centre: The centre has volunteer op- ship for the second off the lin erh g but its boles at trucks. aopularrty has harggd In 1965, For d pcMunities for peer support, reception, year in a row. they've bee • ,� ,our n� ; ntroduced the Twin support group facilitator, fund-raising Ford F-Series has invinciblr; Beam Suspension ' and programme committee. Training been Canada's best- spirit.ding line of trucks for trucks ^e F-100. F-150 is provided. Hearth Place, at 86 Col- 30 years. trucks -e most powerful -•,3rd V6 engine borne St. W., Oshawa, provides emo- After 50 years, Ford n a tun-size tional support, wellness programmes F-Series still PPo Pr 8 1987, Ford only one and educational programmes for can- Ford too ` was the ser patients and their families. Call and pia , the scene r,tiLndard rear 579-4833. deperxi c ' . ,, , .— -_--� "- b Host Programme: Volunteers are 199 rakingstand- 50th a being sought for Citizenship and Im- Ford F- 3b third migration Canada's Host Program —a last 30 - r firs. � friendship programme to hese years,elp new im- has be - phy sten migrants settle and integrate into the best-se it tmg you community quickly. Call Mahmood at trucks. _ /h; "St priority, (�K6 _661 it's been ,V after anot �� If n that Achievement of Durham introduced Ame+:ca s s ` pop - Junior . • _�� s' ��, t _.-e. :- i sales Region: Volunteers help the youth of F-Series 4x s. It's bee- the r+ Aunenncan tun-size pop. s to trucks the community develop an awareness and Change Gr?'erred full -size pick ck .t has more wrttl y< -wart of how a business operates from the group up. Training and support arc provided. Call John or Carla at 644- 7059. Kids on the Block: Volunteers I �, learn to operate life-size puppets arxl pertixm small plays in elementary You have to be tough to stay on top. Billboard - - - .. �Senes i Cawade S #1 Seiag T 30 Yews Running. FRIDAY, JAN. 30 Only Ford could give you a truck this complete: USED CLOTHES: St. Martin's An- • Air Conditioning • Tilt Steering • Automatic • Lower Two-Tone gllcan Church, 1201 St. Martin's Dr., • AM/FM Stereo • The Most Powerful Transmission • Power Locks, Pickering, holds it_% New-to-You and Cassette Standard Engine • Polished Aluminum Windows & white elephant sale from 7 to 9 p.m. • Speed Control In Its Class wheels Mirrors Good used clothing always needed. * �� 839-9281. DIVORCE, SEPARATION: Regis- ter for Divorce and Separation Semi- nars for men and women being offered Tuesday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 928 Liver- pool Rd., beginning Feb. 3. $199 for Mt�tlal 13 sessions. (416)283-3305. ADDICTION: The Serenity Group «, � MUM 10$9,425 011 *ft hl' 24 NMOlt holds a 12-step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at the Bayfair Baptist Church, v 817 Kingston Rd. east of Whites Rd., Pickering. The group deals with ad- dictions of all kinds, including code- pendency. A child-care programme will be available. All welcome. 428- ■ 9431 (Jim, evenings). SATURDAY, JAN. 31 VBIN E 'ss Faso xf.T C3LEw VFC kilo DOOM RAM 0" � � F-�� DEVI MANDIR: The Pickering Devi Mandir at 2590 Brock Rd. N. presents toorsHOwER 20s • "s° RwRiL 200.4m wFw >Its • Nos ww s3.395 sew s30 'An Evening of Bhajans' at 7 p.m., TORQUE (1 IFI) 26003000RFw 2S5.2tfNRFw 2300320DMU st.Sm SM s432 With Pundits Mundal Maharaj and CARGO RED S MCi 72.s 6" 7" s o s.so sas NewalPersad. Admission 10. Pro- ceeds to andir building fund. 686- 8534. • - a At TW 0 'io Ford M SI D�elerS SUNDAY, FEB. I or visit our web site at www.ford.calfoffersl FRIENDS: New Friends, a women's social group, meets for breakfast at 10 MINN- Rigiiiiii 100 Lr,& CWV. -New 199E F•Series XLT Regula CablA*wab with P.E.P. EIQA with two-tone paint scheme, monthly lace payment of $299if30 based on 24 month low from Ford Credit to qualified retail lessees on a.m. at the Plan Restaurant in the sores credit. Some Conditions and a mileage restriRion of 36,00E l m over two yeas appp* f3.395 dorenpaynnerrt or equivalent trade repaired. First month's payment and wunty deposit required 124 month lease available to qualified retail Ajax Plaza on Harwood Ave. south of bum on approved credit. Total lease papnent due at inception of the lease. Some conditions and a mileage restriction of 36,000 km over two years apply. Security deposit required. AR alfers areLrrM *eiEM R tioww iura"oe aM Hwy. 401. 683-5035 (Diane). .R +olift+illie fN. Darer'n" ism for Fila. LWAW ""'"err oNm tall, drN' wilbeR nods, sae rank[le be ewaib. *•MMVA reporting Ontario FMOA P.O. Box 2000.Oakville, Ontario L6l 5E4 aw�, t 1. 1 " . "i " 1.. 1 /.. I . L .1 ♦.' ... t' I J • , • I „ PAGE 30 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, Ign News Advertiser Arts �teetal�me�t Nen'sr(x)m 683-5110 Weekend at the movies... FAX: 683-7363 �' ' Restaurant & Bar 4 FINE OININJ 0. Buy one Dinner Entree ' ONE! Get one FREE Expires Feb. 14/98 603 Kingston Rd. Pickering Valid Mort.-Thurs. _ .420-1855 Andy Garcia resorts to thrilling Desperate Measures Now playing at the Cineplex Odeon Ajax 10 Cinemas: Anastasia: A mix of action, adventure, romance and music. Anastasia is an ani- mated full-length film about the lost Russ- ian princess, the fabled last surviving member of the Romanov family. As Good As it Gets: Jack Nicholson. Helen Hunt. A single mother/waitress (Hunt), an ill-tempered writer (Nicholson) and a gay artist (Greg Kinnear) form an unlikely friendship. Deep Rising: Treat Williams. Passen- gers aboard a luxury cruise liner are sud- denly attacked and consumed by grue- some creatures surfacing from the bottom of the South China Sea. Trapped in the middle of nowhere arc human prey Finnegan (Williams), jewel thief Trillian (Famke Janssen), the Captain (Derrick O'Connor), ship owner Canton (Anthony Heald), and Pantucci (Ke% in J. O'Connor), who must hurry to escape the creature's blood -thirsty rampage. Desperate Measures: !Michael Keaton, Andy Garcia. Law-abiding police officer Frank Connor (Garcia) is suddenly forced to go to increasingly desperate lengths to find a compatible bone marrow donor for his gravely ill son Matt. Peter McCabe (Keaton), a homicidal sociopath serving a life sentence in maximum security. is the perfect bone marrow match for Matt. After McCabe is taken to the hospital for a bone -marrow transfer, he makes an inge- nious escape that leaves a trail of wound- ed and dead and Connor on his trail with one goal: defying and perhaps endanger- ing his fellow officers to do everything in his power to find McCabe and keep him alive for his son's sake. Goodwill Hunting: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck. Daman stars as misunderstood 20 -year-old orphan Will Hunting who, while working as a janitor at MIT. out- shines the school's most advanced intel- lectuals by solving math problems they can't handle. However, the genius can't seem to translate his problem -solving capabilities into his personal life and becomes caught in the worlds of his friends — a therapist (Robin Williams), a math professor (Stel- Ian Skarsgard) and the woman he loves (Minnie Driver). Great Expectations: Ethan Hawke, Robert De Niro. Based on Charles Dick- ens' classic 19th -century novel, Great Ex- pectations is set in New York and Florida and follows the story of young Finn Bell (Ethan Hawke), an aspiring artist whose world is dramatically changed by three disparate strangers, each of whom unex- pectedly and relentlessly invades his life. Hard Rain: Randy Quaid, Christian Slater. Residents of Huntingburg, includ- ing the sheriff (Quaid), are all too familiar with torrid rains forcing the evacuation of the small town and the usual related loot- ana entem, -- Some cool events will take McI "'�mmity Canoe Andy Garcia (right) becomes both adversary and ally to psychopathic killer Michael Keaton in the new thriller Desperate Measures. In the film, Keaton is the sole donor whose bone marrow matches that of Garcia's ill son. After a brilliant escape, Keaton is chased down by law enforcement authorities and Garcia, who must ensure the killer is taken alive. The movie opens this weekend at the new Ajax Cineplex Odeon Ajax 10 Cinemas. ing and petty thefts that take place in an abandoned town. However, when the latest round of flooding hits the town, they don't realize that a plan is in place to rob an ar- moured car transporting S3 million from local banks. When the vehicle breaks down strand- ing drivers Tom (Slater) and his Uncle Charlie (Ed Asner), their call for help is intercepted and before long they are sur- rounded by a suspicious crew, who with- out warning open fire, led by Jim (Morgan Freeman). Home Alone III: Alex Linz, Kevin Kil- ner. A computer chip containing top-secret U.S. defence plans has disappeared, with subversive overseas governments offering up to $10 million on the black market for its recovery. Only one other person knows the microchip's location. He's got surveil- lance. He's got strategy. He's got guts. He's got chicken pox. And he's ... home alone. Phantoms: Rose McGowan, Peter O'- Toole. Two sisters (McGowan and Joanna Going) arrive in the small Colorado home- town of their older sister to find it eerily deserted followed by the appearance of corpses. Fearing an epidemic, the sheriff (Ben Affleck) calls in the government and be- fore long they are all after the mysterious creature wreaking the havoc. Only one man knows exactly what is going on. a former professor and current tabloid writer played by O'Toole. Spice World: Spice Girls. A celebra- tion of the meteoric success of one of the hottest bands, Spice World is a bold ad- venture which mirrors the Spice Girls' inimitable style — sexy, hip, stylish and kitschy all rolled into one. Titanic: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. Declared unsinkable, the Titanic and its more than 2,200 passengers begin their journey from England to New York City with a sense of anticipation, awe and optimism. But, this ship of dreams ultimately car- ries over 1,500 people to their death in the ice-cold waters of the North Atlantic. Against this dramatic backdrop, the movie tells the story of third-class passenger Jack Dawson (DiCaprio) and first-class passenger Rose DeWitt Bukater (Winslet), who took the ultimate risk — to defy the oppressive social conventions of their time and fall in love. Tomorrow Never Dies: Pierce Bros- nan, Jonathan Pryce. There's no news like inslde"­and out pamnent presents Winterfest from 1 to 4 p.m, Tllere'111 be indoor and outdoor chil- dnen's Samos, entertainment. horse -pulled wagon ndes. iWskd rides, crafts and a bad news and when a new 24-hour news network prepares to hit the airwaves, media baron Elliot Carver (Pryce) knows nothing will ensure a successful launch like a sensational news event. When a British navy ship is sunk off the coast of Vietnam, officials on both sides scramble to put the pieces together. There are many questions, but who can find the answers? The name is Bond. James Bond. Now playing at Moviplex 9, Pickering: Anastasia, As Good As it Gets, Desper- ate Measures, Goodwill Hunting. Great Expectations, Half Baked, Mr. Magoo, Phantoms, Spice World, Titanic, Tomor- row Never Dies. Wag The Dog. Half Baked: Harland Williams, Dave Chapelle. Kind, sensitive kindergarten teacher Kenny (Williams) isn't cut out for prison life, but that's where he could be headed after he innocently stops to share some junk food with a listless, but diabet- ic, New York police horse and kills the an- imal. With Nasty Nate, a huge, menacing in- mate on the prowl for a companion, it's up to Kenny's three pals Thurgood (Chap- pclle), Scarface (Guillermo Diaz) and Brian (Jim Breuer) to rescue him by rais- ing the 5100,000 bail. Mr. Magoo: Leslie Nielsen, Kelly Lynch. When cunning criminal Luane LeScur (Lynch) and her slow-witted side- kick Morgan steal the beautiful Kuristan from the Museum of Natural History, mu- seum benefactor Quincy Magoo and his pup Angus unwittingly end up with the goods. Before long, a host of world renowned thieves and publicity -hungry lawmen beset Magoo and his nephew Waldo. But, the lovable bumbler foils their plans — no small feat for a man who doesn't know he's being pursued. Wag the Dog: Dustin Hoffman, Robert De Niro. With less than two weeks before his re-election bid, a scandal threatens the American president's goal of four more years. Enter Conrad Brean (De Niro). The master of all spin doctors quickly works to ensure damage to the nation's leader is kept at a minimum through his uncanny ability to manipulate politics, the press and the American people. With help from Hollywood producer Stanley Motss (Hoff- man), Brean diverts attention from the president's predicament by creating a big- ger and better story — a war with the hos- tile nation of Albania — and it dominates the news. NOTE: The Pickering Town Cewre Is Famons Players Cinemas are closed f9r renovations. A ak-3 Mclean `entre barbecue` e °z ,.°The community centre is at the corner ,.0 mission":mission"tinct most events are free; sof Westney Road and Magill Drive. while thews a nominal charge. for; the Call the parks and rexrettt*on depart wagon rides and barbecue. tat 427-$811 for Mott nfucmation. t P Y.' t� f V_ 2.`i4lY', .,''iYti')'sL-1 fi'.T:A�f y";' "iy��'lt.� �I/i.�.,l. PICKERING — The Pickering apiece. Robert Lakics, Ryan Payne wthers Harvey's Restaurant pee- PAGE: 32 - THF NEWS .%i)vER,rtSER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30,199R ee select hockey team handed the McAteer also delivered several nionville Jets only their second bodycbecks which had the crowd Pickeringcurlersget buzzing. ague Play .> -; ; ; Pickering' goaltender `'Scott read Y RICHARD HART Harris rink tunes up for Olympics with skins game PICKERING — Picker- ing's Olympic curlers are tun- ing up for Nagano, Japan this weekend at the GM Good - wrench Curling Skins Chal- lenge in Oshawa. Richard Hart, 29 and Collin Mitchell, 28, along with team- mates Mike Harris and George Karrys are playing in the annu- al skins event at the Oshawa Golf and Curling Club Friday and Saturday. The Harris rink and teams skipped by Ed 'The Wrench' Werenich, Russ Howard and Wayne Middaugh arc gunning for the $25,000 purse. "I'm really excited to be competing against some fierce competition before the Olympics;" Harris says in a press release. "While it's cer- tainly a different format, GM If to rock Goodwrench has provided us with an excellent tune-up be- fore we go for gold in Japan." The Harris rinksees action on Friday at 7 p.m. when it meets the Ed Werenich team. A win against Werenich would give Harris a berth in the tele- vised final on Saturday at 2 p.m. Pick rin 91S P orts Al Rivett, sports xi.-riter 683-5110 Fay:: 683-7303 -- Panthers drop one to Oshawa B), AL Rt, Err SPORTS RLIX)RTER PICKERING — As in previous tussles bctuecri the Pickering Pan- thers and the rival Oshawa Legion- aires, Tuesday's contest was another hard-fought affair. In the end, the Panthers Qx0iK t# dropped their ! *,44 ; '4 straight Metro.IA'TNE�S o Junior 'A' Hock- ey League contest 3-2 to the East Division -leading Legion- aires at the Oshawa Civic Auditori- um. But, Panthers' coach Rod McGillis was satisfied with his team's play against an Oshawa squad which has 30 more points in the standings than Pickering. "It's a long season and we have to stay positive. I'm happy with the way we're playing. I have no complaints with the work ethic or the attitude. We've got 22 character guys in the dressing room and we're getting fo- cussed for the playoffs" A slow start saw the Panthers sur- render a 1-0 lead to Oshawa after one period. Pickering fared better in the sec- ond frame, limiting Oshawa to just five shots, but the Panthers couldn't solve Legionaries goalie Scan Weaver. Oshawa scored on a power- play to lead 2-0 after 40 minutes. In the final period. Oshawa went up 3-0 at the 12 -minute mark on a Pickering defensive turnover. Two minutes later, Pickering was awarded a penalty shot after a Legionaires' de- fenceman closed his hand on the puck in the crease. Mike Hanna took the shot and made no mistake for Picker- ing's first goal. With just under five minutes remaining, Pickering's Joel Johnson went to the net after winning a face-off in the Oshawa end and scored to pull the Panthers within one. Pickering pulled starting goalie Joel Cameron with just over a minute to go but couldn't net the equalizer. The Panthers continue to dwell in fifth place in the six -team Eastern Di- vision with a mark of 15-23-6 for 26 points. The Panthers and Legionaires will renew hostilities when the Oshawa pays a visit to the Pickering Recre- ation Complex Sunday. Game time is 7:30 p.m. ««« PANTHERS' POSTSCRIPT: Oshawa forward Tom Kirton suf- fered a broken leg in Tuesday's game against Pickering... Panthers' ,:all -up Jeff Miles, a forward with the Ajax - Pickering Raiders 'AAA' midget team, will remain with the junior club through the remainder of the regular season and playoffs... After Sunday's Same. the Panthers have four contests remaining in the regular -season schedule. .Ickering peewees ground Jets� PICKERING — The Pickering apiece. Robert Lakics, Ryan Payne wthers Harvey's Restaurant pee- and Donnan with singles. ee select hockey team handed the McAteer also delivered several nionville Jets only their second bodycbecks which had the crowd ss of the season 9-0 in recent buzzing. ague Play .> -; ; ; Pickering' goaltender `'Scott :,The Jets had defeated the Pan= '.Campbell repeatedly turned _ away ers 3-2 in a previous game so Unionville scoring tbivaats to record ckering was looking to avenge his first career shutout, at loss and gain ground on the di- The victory moved the peewee- cion leaders. J21"anthers into third place in the 10 In an outstanding effort,John - team York-Simcoe league. Picker- -itch celebrated his birthday by ing has three regular -season games oring four goals while defence- .remaining and trails first -place in and team captain Ryan Donnan Unionville by five points. hied twice and was solid at both .:...:Other team members are Ainsley ds of the ice. c .,Eyitene, Mark Cruse, Eric Rants, Other scorers were Chris'Macll- Chris Grafos, Jesse Seward and: w, David Kenny and Chad Greg Urbas. schuk with single. goals. , , aThe coaches are StieveW Morgaa; lksks,t%ag ^wer!e Cltrit: Visconti krdmr, Doamm and. 4 t� P COLLIN MITCHELL News Advertiser Goin' around the bend Ajax Axemen's Chris Smith, left, tries to Provincial Junior 'A' Hockey League ac - slow down a speeding Nathan Robinson of tion at the Ajax Community Centre Tues - the Kingston Voyageurs during OHA day night. The Axemen won 8-5. Pickeri*ng win 3 of 4 to finish second PICKERING — The Pick- ering Panthers Golden Grid- dle minor bantam 'AA' rep hockey team completed its York-Simcoe regular -season schedule by winning three of four games recently. The victories enabled the Pickering bantams to nail down second place in the league's Eastern Division. The bantam Panthers blanked Clarington 3-0 thanks to a strong goaltending per- formance by Garett McKin- non who recorded his seventh shutout of the season. Andrew Hopkins, Mitch Grigoriadis and Scott Vahey scored for Pickering. Call-up Stephen McEachen, James Judges, Adam Moyer, Mark Rogers and Jonathan Walsh drew one assist apiece. De- fencemen Michael Dawson and Kevin Rogers continued to play well and shut down the opposition. Against Vaughant0*test.NarIt the Pan- thers dropped a 4-1 con -'Z' Rogers scored the Ione Pickering goal, unassisted. In another contest against Clarington, the Panthers post- ed an easy 9-1 victory. Walsh led the offence with a hat trick, Hopkins notched a pair of goals, Grigoriadis, David Hughes, Ryan Pelan and Mark Rogers added one apiece. Judges and Vahey assisted on three goals, Billings set up two, Grigoriadis, Hughes, Pelan, Mark Rogers, Ruta, Brandon Saker and Walsh drew one assist apiece. The Panthers also scored a 2-1 victory over the Markham Waxers. The game was called six minutes into the second C after an injury to a Markham player. Saker scored the game win- ner for Pickering, his first goal of the season. The other scorer wasn't reported. Goal - tender Chris Franz was instru- mental in the win. Friday -Sunday . � MA January 30, 31 • February 1,, 1998 tflArl t& aqelfe THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 3k N"6 -PAGE 33 1*1 Xf rfHE METRO EAST IWE CENTRE �;� ..� �,. COME ENDO Y THE FIRST SIGN OF THF. TERRIFIC SUMMER AHEAD AT CANADA'S ANNUAL COTTAGE FESTIVAL! Sponsored by CHFI ' discover the latest designs for cottages -from log to modular to custom built ' see the newest products, services & gadgets for the cottage plus hundreds of cottages for sale ` sample food from some of Ontario's finest northern _ resorts at the Chef's Of Cottage Country -: avx c: Kitchen ' listen to live musical entertainment ' Seniors are 1/2 price on "Salute to Seniors Fri." ' bring the whole family -see northern animals ' kids play area featuring TV's Arthur you don't have to own a cottage to enjoy Cottagefest S1 ,::r ■■■■■■ ....... ■ COupOn ■ ■ ' $4 off s ■ $4 off t this coupon and receive $4 Per couple ■ ■ per coupleper is of $2 off per singlc ShoW Hours ■ Otl 57 �fadmiss on couCoupon not vane for Fri1 p'm' 9 P.M. ■ Admisst on Sperm 1/2 P Sat. 10 a.m. - 6 P.M. 1 ■ per person T n'ors scnis Friday SM 10 am. - 5 p.m. ■Children ■,under CottagefeSt Show ■ The , Pickering, ■ 31, Feb. 1 Metro East Trade Centre ■ Jam' �' 401 exit at Brock Rd. North acingce from _ New North■ Lots of °�goos■■■■ ■■ message M Metro East Trade Centre ' Pickering � Hwy, 401 At Brock Exit PAGE 34 - THE NEWS ADVERTMM FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1"S PI*ckeri*nW_$norts P badly 'BenefitSundayor hockey pl Skate for Markus Quinn Day slated for Ajax Community Centre AJAX - A major fund-raiser for a seri- ousl) injured junior hockey player is set for Sunday at the Ajax Community Centre. Skate for Markus Quinn Day runs from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to raise' money for the 20 -year-old Ajax Axemen who suffered brain injuries in a brawl prior to an OHA Provincial Junior 'A' Hockey League game against the Cohourg Cougars in Cobourg Dec. 22. Quinn has been told by doctors he'll never be able to play hockey again, which is especially disappointing since he'd received several scholarship offers from U.S. schools. A promising acting and model- ling career has also been put on hold because of the tragedy. Event organizer Lynn McGurk-Weil reports she's re- ceived overwhelming response from area residents and busi- nesses lending their support. There are numerous activi- ties in addition to the skating that will appeal to people of all ages. Among them: * Whitby Ice Fyre performs at 12:30 prior to the skating. - * Sponsored skaters take to the ice as a DJ spins tunes for the afternoon. * Numerous raffles, including one for auto- graphed game jerseys of Toronto Maple Leafs' captain Mats Sundin and Mike John- son. * Complimentary doughnuts donated by Cross Country doughnuts and drinks from McDonald's in the community centre's Commodore Room. * A giant doodle wall and face painting in the Commodore Room. * A Kiddie Dome in the tennis bubble with jumping castle, virtual reality games, target wall, etc. INIARKUS QUINN Pickering juniors grab third 0 nngette tourneyold medal g PICKERING - For the third time this season, the Pickering M&M Meats junior 'A' ringette team has captured Girls' softball try -outs tonight PICKERING -The Pick- ering Softball Association's squirt girls' rep team will hold try -outs for the upcoming sea- son beginning tonight. Friday, Jan. 30. Friday's try -out, at Pine Ridge Secondary School's small gym, runs from 6:30 P.m. to 8 p.m. It's for girls aged 1 I and 12 years. Subsequent try -out dates are Fridays. Feb. 6. 13 and 20 at the same place and time. Pine Ridge Secondary School is at 2155 Liverpool Rd. N.. just north of Finch Av- enue. For more information, call Stephen Abel at 619-9665 or Brian Balsdon at 831-4991. Big upset AJAX - A clash of the ti- tans saw first -place Glenn's Auto upset by second -place East Side Mario's in Ajax Ladies Recreational Basket- ball League play Wednesday. East Side Mario's were into their game quickly with accu- rate shooting and good re- bounding while Glenn's Auto had difficulty finding the range. Mario's continued to play well throughout the game to inflict the first loss of the season on Glenn's 53-33. Rhonda White scored a Same -high 17 points to lead East Side Mario's, followed by Ronnie Brady with 15. Anne Whitehead netted 16 for Glenn's. The second game of the night was an evenly -matched contest between Bank of Montreal and Dakota Bob's. The bankers got into foul trouble in both halves, but the gold medal at a tourna- ment, this time winning the recent Whitby event. The Whitby tourney was to include 1 I junior squads from eastern Ontario, but they couldn't make the trip due to the ice storm. In the end, the junior 'A' division consisted of squads from Pickering, Ajax, Whitby and Chatham. Facing Chatham in the championship final, the Pick- ering M&M Meats juniors prevailed 5-2. Pickering led 2-0 after one period. Chatham got a goal two minutes into the final frame to make it close. But, two quick Pickering goals ended the Chatham threat be- fore the squads exchanged markers to close out the scor- ing. In preliminary play. Picker- ing posted 7-3 and 11-1 wins over Whitby and 6-1 and 4-2 victories over Ajax. Pickering dropped its first game to Chatham 5-2 and tied the sec- ond 4-4. The loss to Chatham was Pickering's first defeat at the hands of an 'A' -calibre team this season. The M&M Meats juniors will also compete in their own tournament at the Pickering Recreation Complex Jan. 31 and Feb. I. Meanwhile, in league play. Pickering needs wins in up- coming contests against Markham and Elora to clinch its first division title. Team members are Shcila Bergin, Carrie File, Melanie Curran, Lyndsay Civello, Erica Purdy, Tanya Hanna. Terri Ellison. Laura Gal- lagher, Emily Helmer, Aman- da Deveaux, Sarah Barnes. Melissa Meikle and Cassy Clayton. The team is coached by Kevin Gallagher and Dan Purdy. The manager and bench mom is Tisha Ellison. in women's basketball Dakota Bob's couldn't hit on its free throws. The final re- sult was a 41-31 win for the Bank of Montreal. Margo Levy scored 20 points for the bankers. Lori Lomberg replied with 13 for Dakota Bob's. Players in the league live in Ajax and Pickering. Scoreboard M CKERM4G MM -S BASKETOALL Results from Jan. 19. MASTERS ownwoo GAME ONE Mud Hen's 42 vs. van Koatpon Irruranc• M. TOP SCORERS Mud Hen's: Roy Chns"neen 10. Sam Tony 6. van Kempen: Pat Roach 10. Ai Sakata 10. Steve Hewilt 8. GAME Two Club Linc 43 vs. Mew" Pringles 38. Gallantry's: Bob Niddefond 12. Slave Leafy 10. Ray Foot 9. MOM -MASTERS Owls oM GAME ONE Mud Hen's 74 vs. E"od HoWiigs 61. TOP SCOIIBIS Mud Hans: Conrad Davis 34, Roy Causing 14. Ken Mic11M18. Ell -Rod HoWiigs: Jong C risbaneen 16. Dwight Cally 16. George Cameron 14. GAME THIO Insurance Portfolio 45 vs. Gel- tantry's 43. TOP SCORERS Insurance Portfolio: William Denial 14. Brad Sullivan 12. Owen Officer 8. Gallantry's: Denver Dally 18. Austin Mayers S. Vasco& yards 6. GAME THREE Melanie Pringles 58 vs. Penny's Auto Ser- vice 43. T310 SCORERS Melanie Pringles: Cradisy Bishop 15. Eknon McLean 14. Pat Brown 10. Parry's: Nell Tyra/ 17. Mite Sinclair 15. Elf TOP SCORERS Club Link: Glom Scott 13. Frank Gallo 9. Mike Jovanov, 9. Mshvv* Pringles: Randy Filinski 12. Bruce Brined 8. Kevin waker 7. GAME THREE Envoy Business Syslerns 50 vs. Gallantry's 47. TOP SCORERS Envoy: Ron Farasoher 16. Fret -Dever 12. Royer lburg S. * Pony rides and a petting zoo on the base- ball diamonds. * Markus Quinn's friends from Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School play flag football. * Barbie Kingdom and GNU Books comic display inside the community centre. * Pizza Pizza and the LOEB Club One Ex- press sell food outside. * Concert at the Town's showmobile in the parking lot. All proceeds raised during the day will be placed in a trust fund for Markus Quinn at the Bank of Nova Scotia at the Harwood Place Mall. For more information call Ms. McGurk at 905-619-6844 or E-mail her at sweilL�glob- alserve.net. No'vice Raiders next to � perfect to take vVindsor lourne J The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Michael Carey earned two assists, IBEW Local 353 minor novice Alexander Cyr, James Jarvis, Car - 'AAA' rep hockey team went uncle- roll, Hann, McCusker and Trainer featod en route to the championship had one each. John Rozentals provid- at the 13th annual Windsor Junior ed stellar goaltending. ' Spitfires Tournament recently. In doe second contest, the IBEW To add an exclamation point to Raiders blanked the Rochester Amer - the proceedings, the Raiders allowed ic:ans 8-0. Cyr showed the Arnerks no ;;Just one goal in the entire tourna- mercy by firing four goals. Watts, Xnent. Adams. Jarvis and Carey chipped in ,...In an exciting championship tilt with one apiem. Adams and Hann Rrhich was scoreless until he third earned two assists, Watts,Carroll and .tnod. the Raiders emerged victori- Jarvis had one each. I'1tws over the Barrie Icemen 3-0. The Raiders came up strong haun Adams, Marcus Carroll and against the Barrie Icemen in the third i ,c McCusker scored for the contest, winning 1-0. Hann scored , assisted by Brendan Hann the lone goal, assisted by Pineau. `° Meghan Edwards. Goalie Jere- Derek Grcgorack and Johnny Pater- tty Eckford was solid in net to earn son turned in strong offensive cf- shutout. Defenceman Daniel forts. Defenceman John Harrington was named the game's mast performed well on the blue line to uable player. help preserve the shutout for Rozen- 9,The mina novice Raiders opened tals. Hann got the nod as the game's tourney by bombing the Windsor M .. , uniiVP or Spitfires 8-1. Adams and Mc- The team is coached by Jim each fired a pair of goals. Gatens, assisted by Randy John"L Carroll, Garrett 'trainer and The trainer is Ed MOCW= and Rha Watts mened single markers. mmuger its Blanche SOFTBALL 1998 PROGRAM ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION Children's T Ball (year of birth 1991-92) Three Divisions Children's Softball (year of birth 1979-90) Ten Divisions Sunday, February 1st 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 1011h 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at The Pickering Recreation Complex Second Floor, Valleyfarm Rd. south of Hwy 2 $75firstchid $50 each additional sibling No waitatg lists for children registering at above sessions (Pickering residatts) New members must present both Birth CerMicate and Ontario Hearth card _.. 0dw Pickering Softball Programs SdwxkAed to pardcWe ad our February list Registration Session ePidwring Fastpitch (Rep) Softball 4Cr'eatieonal Softball: Men's and Ladies Select ffournanent Softball e : Men's, Ladies and Mixed INFORMATION 420-6050 UMPIRES, SPONSORS, b COACHES 839-8987 Visit us on the web at: webhome.Idirectconv-tnornes/psa.htm TM NEWS ADVERTISER nal)AY, JANUARY 3R lfli-PAGE 35 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 14"1 1 11111 Aism "It Aiax News Advertiser office :I- 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Outlet HOURS: 9 am - 5pm Mon.- Fri. 1822 Whites Rd. Pickering Closed SatNray Sara/Lee-Amberfea Plaza CLASSIFIED ON-LINE 683 0707 .�... �.a•.�.... Tues. -Fri. 9rNIET:FAX: (M)579.M8 �a IkM B/eN"til 4M Mu. - Fri., Sa4.30ata - 3pm Sun -Non til 5 P.M. anweNww.lsarwa:a.reiae TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 CLOSED Monday's. Fut- MW 57M4218 I Careers I I Careers I 1 Careers 1 General HNP 1 rdmeral Help �."NP 1 Gwwral HNp 1 sides awnW.nts 1 s.les HelyAgwm JOBSm BEITER CALL111F- iaminB_1 .r 966smal>ON 7wwxu Cur CAnFF1E5 Programmer Analyst �ktwork Specialist t 00666 • LAN Admutl6natm Network Todurcnn "•. C-spuscriad Accounang ens preferred Saks Con- Mi -mh Office Program REACH FOR YOUR FUTURE 1888 667 201 CN EfIrCApN COIfl6WNN a f111aI • T[ mawlE Ra oEerw TIaIe - sal Bl11it exam anus 11 am, MF NAIL STATION Career Tralnnp Cerner Become a nal lechkcm. Career lnrtiq awdable w artificial rads. tar CarnOknp NNn- a k (905)723.6013 swil- 1 rrNrd mob 'HAIRSTYLISTS 6 ESTHETI- ..,ARS- - Come lon Dwham 'dgest ns" : )MWd$SIM.. lases of in- AMNIS. lots of lave! The Wild :0wa. Artistic Hale Daipn Brock S1 6 Dwtdas) wldby 905) 430.2113. Erperierloe and clientele preferred. WE ARE THE PLACE TO BE! Renured for CowewMlay Sam P hAw good skt appikinam� avai ". Call Nr. TIRIpn M (illi) p4 -tilt 1 Gomel Help 1 Gesaeral Helly CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. Immediate Position for MAMSTYLIST'S We are currently recruiting Hairstylist with a strong background in color. We would like to attract the best talent and we we higtlligltfed as Erre of the best competitive pay and bew fit � hflCkldNlg: es Retail Commissions Medical coverage Conediwallion Paaw Paid vW � and hoidays Discounts Experience our style of success by becoming a mendo at our newly renow/ed Hair -Studio. Please bring your resurm to: The a Tvi aapaNawt. THE NLWS "VENUS Has rouges available for gggANO to doWeir Newspapers and Ayers to the foNowirtg streets : AJAX Brand Crt, Top SL, View SL, Grayson Rd., Ducatel Coo&, Chapman Dr., Marker CrL, Dowers Dr. PICKERM Krosm Blvd., Modin Fid., Grenoble Blvd., Sprucehill Rd. FOR FURTHER NIIFGRMATK M • -CAI, 683-5117 PART-TIME CLERICAL 6 MONTH CONTRACT POSMON W.R. Grace Construction Products Division is presently seeking a part-time clerical person to work in our Ajax Purchasing De- partment. Hours will be 9:00 to 3:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday 8 Thursday of each week. The successful candidate for this position must possess excel- lent organizational skills and have a strong computer back- ground. Previous purchasing experience would be an asset. Interested Individuals are invited to send their resume in confidence, by February 12. 1996 to: Human Resources Department W.R. Grace dt Co. of Canada Ltd. 294 Clements Road West Ajax, ON. L1S 3C6 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE DEPARTMENT STORE PROMOTION Now hiring full time & part time positions to promote a major department store's account card in Ajax, Pickerink Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanrille. Applicants should dress professionally and be well spoken. We offer a guaranteed starting wage of $8.00 to $10.00 per hour plus additional bonuses. Training is provided. To inquire call personnel manager fpm to 7pm 1-800-661-2118 Monagers,Assistant Managers Customer Service, Merchandisers If any or all of these areas interest you It you posses strong interpersonal skills and would like to be involved in the last paced marketing industry. Training in all areas pro- vided, advancement available. Call Liz. 426-4954 RETAM PROFESSIONALS Interested its joining a retail shop that cares about its staff, intollners and the cone nunity, We have part -drone positions for individuals with sales and cosmwtic experience. Pleaise submit your r in person to: so'. C.I. THE DWY SHOP CLASSIRED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that a mus isers d" Owr ad upon pablica0oTi as News A1t- 11flftSer wd not to Me sponsibM for share than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no li- of any advoilinnumt. Liability for em n in ads is fin" to the amount paid for 0M space occu- "" the error. All copy is sublect to On appro- val Of nanagefn/flt of News Advertiser. pillow BORU97 We no 5 stovers wMl qN*& a- pefiewa p4elsrrtd, uw Rel ROCKS", We tar. Falw iw me= d 11109Aeeat for tip POMM n all 90:-427-M "Now mom news for OWON Bolt it oft 11.09 Im to StNI Nil Rally MCMMlek, No soft Ho" Are NNW 5:00 ill. is 9:00 P.M. lift hF SOL WOO M - Noon tae RAOIm waw TREATreENT rA50"m nim assbtNlt m r, Ma101s MtIMYp ToNn Cfttfe. ( 06►�620.144a " CarIM Joseph'shOMNM* CwNOW or Dpm 6oJM. INSURANCE BROKER '_on for ..OmmerrW _ivies 5-R R 18 0 Lt . Tele- f�art�s Exp aelerna Matt Pat x warden M- ;urartte Brokers (905) 579- •317 LABOYREN, clean kcensr a MUST Sak ex" rW M- 7ured. WA hon Medaaraal- ti maned Mae 831-44M MODELS warNad betrrean ete apes of 7-23 lo w M and lorinnk wee d Naeorrah 'M TordRo P4pearw ootype !IUM No Darr experrwia NM be pro"" Cam xyBwrt 1.800• 536.9344 for wore ab Security (Nficers. Private Investigators Experienced staff required. Must speak & wnte English fluently. Must have car Whitby 1-905-430-2549 %ton -Fn. 10-1 prn SUPERINTENDENT •ojG,a for �.rxury rogn rise can lu n Whdby Knowledge of HVAC systems, tyre alarm, som- kfers Ballow, RhRm n oral and a men ftai Capable of berg bar , Good startM salary plus one best - apartment on as reooired Tris a a one person powon nvolemg some deserq and pmve"Lm" niklweflxla. Ra me 10 (416wn-03M x - ren S Bourem RCM. phone 41043-5001 ed 430 required. Work from home. Good commission. Flexible hours. Experience preferred. TOP GROWTH LAWN CARE ea6-1436 Sheridan CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC LTD. is looking for a PROFESSIONAL SALES PERSON to join our New Car Dept. You must be experienced in sales and have a proven track record to be considered. Lucrative new pay plan and benefits package. Please call 683-9333 and ask for Sam Caruso for a confidential interview. NO PROSPECTING! rvt sowed me problem of prof- petslrip i Will !in yon am all of Die wnee-n traQS tat you an 1, 0, from Union Grows ins lacense pw Iened. flu will warn a bard - .of". COIiSplflb, , W son W" for a powranaM 11/-wn posabon Him cow MOSM. amen" beraeI .K and reseed renewals Please coMon 6 Tues. 10 a m Io2 p m 905.576-6641 for a W Una edv%"w Stilled • 1 tea" wail SEEKING FOR Irve r t"nnpnr, rar:rr r�arS expenea><4 K rewwred. Plam call 905- 427-4090 Asa for Raenna or Nerve SMILE MM. 3 month alt barly xawg , heap low t - . a ON/ x her ram. on Rosebaak R0 509-0641, Oars SWA.f mower d 2 apes 9 B. -enures re1Npe kre-w sd- ler. nonsmoker Flpukk -rids Relererias prelerre6 aria 5 9 a 6e6.16W WANTED responsible are r n ,, w )ur Rowe a 2 young oaelal AUTOMOTIVE %cMncm - E -E NEEDED: experkInce0 clean - IN 4* to h* dean NO"" ora T�elepix" and relinencit Win message 613-0602 OFFERING erNlaaelq trnld- ren s eaucafanx books sold 1hro"Oh (Rant Shaws. book tar's and direct sales Excel - OW eowwtassidt structUM Fillip AOfwionni tO okkp tion cam 1.600-459-9364 or (9051434.8239 OSHAWA Centre Rai Stykats renures experNrrs I estwe- clarunad NOV10clan Pkue CA Many or Link 726-4623 SUPPLIES amobemwbsi* softs Gem" Electrical Drstnbu- tar repwms an expeneriad Ouotahonsansde Saks per- son. A m ineli m of 5 years previous Saks or Now ports n the Elec- ts mom C4 Industry likf ens sholdd tax resume ld T. *in' - 905.472-2967 wilt m- 1np" 41ptrNlla le = ale edvNen OrNarip. OtNkec i U.S.A. Sandy work, last- powp talm�yy Ca9 Sleve 905.179-1337, 1-800 317- 9837. PART TIME 2.6P.M. Daycare position available. Day- anexpenenceasset. CaU 190514277-1556 FM 9YM twitted, wrsl Neve Nf/ Mm". pleas aha =-a7-7257. Coe AK fens 9ALen dtair renal available it 6"WMd h/ Be , *Ce satin. ReaebRa k vele. Yaw olein ran 61* tae atlift . a m9 IBdrAdo and 1sltf I bdil- UL why Alis soweala etre Aal for?q M 57112% � OPpp�r WON kftW eonah ckNrllr conow. 1 ym CONNFAMW df, , Kiperi- MISa. CbM SOSUM. good Health. Me on-call trip 00- sisoRs fan ralaw le RPS 905-721-9519 THE NEWS ADVEHT010t Has routes available for vagAmts to deliver Newspapers and flyers to tie blowing streets AJ" Brand Crt. Top St. View St. Grayson Rd. Ducatel Cres Chapman Dr. Manser Crt. Dowers Dr. PICKERING Krosno Blvd. Motilin Rd. Grenoble Blvd. Spn cehil Rd.••••-• FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 61)3.6117 positions 'enured for P�cker- ng Shop. IS - Class A wolf ozone aepleeorn tare. possess mcKbonal daaprgsbc skins 2nd - lstrZnd yr app me waw own rods send hesome 10 Po Bar 66081 Town Cor be POW Ouwef. 1355 Kap• Ston Rd. Packenng ON L1V 6P7 nays a, r transportation. Ann. 428-3805 tin't's Arwlebk AFFORDABLE 13AYCARE Near WevreY Helgats PS Energetic and W -V care pro - Tided smoke 'ree call skpnarke 579- 5 ktARw PT. Bookkeeper 1-2 dans+ 000Avwr e2 area Pause avw-r a,a y"re n seek possiae h,Nbnrs wry home Affordable rases DoUbooks pM9r3m expen- Non-Srnokrrtp enWrawleM ens preferred Saks Con- Ful -ban. 6 mantis a up 905- salhm. Oka setrap salary i 428-2676 Wn rimm Fall resumes to 905-720-2151 NCNEINNG Mack MNc Raponmk for Sala. phis- Lovwq 1WCJFe T8 +wrens !o FMM K :arpaller repuued. 12 years Dady oangs rekade well x least 3 yon +far'iccW backyard and pankl expernatce Pliant 19051242- Cgea story wk. mune. nai- +432 ager 6 pm eneoars meals 6 snadts First PLU RS Durham Reghm Aro C.IR certdied Non- smoking mcapts. 905-426- excNknt 3P00`Trwwfy for sea 11244 0"%g. cartel plwraer Earn MO M. bonus and Oerwas RELIABLE MOM win bow Work for us and you m stay n my honk Fun iowq am with us No layoffs. Fax re- ronmaa 426.2784 Brock tune- 725.1994 or arae of x Finds. 804 FanewN St Ostaawa Btw WEST1 ET and Huy R Open- son ing ng for two Iue-liras C d*w SIfPEff91SON, TEMPONAAY 6am-bpm Call Two 6p-2214 wth me mum 6 eWS ex• pinata n WHIMIS tr WEST Y/OELANET, an apes adrierestrabve ria some some woomm "at �h. � rs co puna tax rsim to 416• snots. reasonable rakes. w 495-0941 non and oft and - AMR net Aa -2m7 mea Ma�ral0rNa1 ® FiB18B00 sorest ler 1unplsyTPidter�Ntp Fes: Plots Lswber 6 Ciao. COmpINa ggpNnpe Freegod Comm. 4'd'x12'. env" Fti-wwn $60. 4)1'X16'. US. Estab- eveekkes sstiee 190. Days 705.277- Phifftea16a1.' IOOo m Raponmk for Sala. phis- Fm OhiB1Nry r OHM OFFK teerres ai- area. NSM assistant fsAdicale. A 1 FUNS e . exMki% (416) 284-0127. qlaft hardwood. aFP pvra�nawBssst0 oft fwy seasdlied extra= i sola. 1 �1e BAnm kw-od many m - Ileyew"Wb a ow.A1fetlNbtr Oma etfie0 10 wick m 2 pwsdt0ol 1x4, 1 SIL flat; Axe.. SJ All OMW IN BEST - H". 2 Ape area. Edwakon "nomd w 4mo00. hpolproik; an asses. Refer- MRL vedl JBtaaa Aa1 9Ta9rl9E nips t+rda stow srwokkrl by a W oduea wit "who compoK skis DUE* M FNIEWOOD 3399. tom' �� 427_5279 in O.O.S.. fatal aid Nord. Raponmk for Sala. phis- W. Bellcore need- Rtkl�_ - F' I _ AMyallllppla9lMie twiliweM 3 •initis rwoltBM x IV a n OA letriq empoliary. Faxrusm leb andand sp9Llr dl5 Y rs NHM Pbowe 905.9e3• 116196 0911. 5571. Free dtliwry DBrhMw ��"' l P P 1 �1e Ileyew"Wb a ow.A1fetlNbtr Ce■1lseteaEe SALES PEON, for IWLMG HANDS DAYCARE WE be Stlms>dd aidiQelt io Winner rl'the 1997 Readers Chin a Award u opemE arq 1pyyly a Nursery sebeell Prog a for chakl ea ages mrd m wlcw'"*N as ,ie8 ai rewAversom. Pfea9e that m- 2-1R to 5 y.. Two, dsrce and five half days available. Quality programming. field trips and more. swift or MW to 905-939- No„'�t �• CAN ail --2273 son �it..11uh 1-6e•_4 .ir7. �.dn l�lf+r -j/ aW;% ii.4l.: fA.'i ice:% ..:/ 1',t 4k' j PAGE 36 -THEE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30,19" 1 FIrdTlood 1 Attidbs tk1BlRad 1 AAidaa tOtalllbd 1 1 es 1 t 1 1 trbn•nts or all rwwMs r 1 1 nbntl is r all PgrbNaMt br $tb TewMtd IMnt Igrtl Red f1wrM DUALITY SEASONED Hard- wood Pick up or Deliver Serving A)ax. Pickering. Oshawa 8 Whitby 905-427- 8250.905-427-1734 o 1 Bargain Conn BEAUTIFUL Victorian style wedding gown Sweetheart neckline. lace bodice 17" NRT LUMInd ts4. z A a A Auto- Ears, truces.RULE bachelor in Crouse. door. 3 4L engine. auto. an, am boats We pay 5110. 310 D00 • • • ground level. eat -in kit. fire- power. grey with burgundy Cash on the SW Any mrtd B place, pool. yard. laundry Court cloth interior. excellent corner luxe. 114. OOOIrm. 1 owner. •ks lion a any year Call us any- Utilities included $550. Grandview area Available 510,500 cendied 839.7136 lime. 24 hours. 7 days. 30 Whitby March 1 905.666-9312. 1!!3 FORD TEMPO, Stan, min service 905-686-5003 or 905-706-SZ� LARGE 2 -bedroom apartment, eland. low m4eage will for tat hat. 904455-3303 over business. walk-up. new asking $4.200 call 905-683 -683- A ARBA AUTO Removal - building. 5 appliances, air, 2823 Cash for cars, quick remora) B • first/last. references required 1!!3 FORD TEMPO V 6. Ex- (�) 426-0208. 5900/month Otis utilities. 4310407 • 1 • . ; Phone 427-0789 ask for Ain adorned with beads, full em- cellent condition. loaded. AUTOMOBILES and truces broaened slum with train Sin- WANTED' $5.900 certified Cal (905) wanted Lor scrap Any condi- LARGE 3 -bedroom a arimenl. PROPERTIES LIMITED I 427-7060 days. (416) 222- main floor. Wits osslar St d 6. Asking 5450 GII 905 5309eye/weekends am. aw age. free removal in . I I b• ApplarirxS plus washer/dryer 571.2107 snp ee cages Or arge Ens. 1!!4 nnnGIE rnir, S Ute Du.nam Region. cash Day uD 10 55000 Cal 686- 1771. Just redecorated. $875 tirsV AAii,;n Annrex ,t:..1....sions r r-" -• dimensions 4i -.4r_ . Z AT AY y..n'75 excellent condition. S70V0 ALSO • to '87 StnOtS Cyt Laine. 905 665-0191 SIR last. utilities induced (rtI-- r4_ t« sek can be a little smaller or larger. obo Can Not 686-2569 alter Chev or GMC pickup for parts Rennt dogs) Available Feb 14th for tat hat. 904455-3303 asking $11.450 905 665 tiads: 416-523-2]86.9-5 p m Call amyfime. Oshawa 905- and 666 Glplan 52 Some wlh 416-719-3403 or 1 -905 -271 - GARAGE repairs. broken Call Tony or Troy at (905) 721-0986 AMERICAN Cocker Spaniel 4310407 • 1 • . ; 0786 •won springs cables. rollers open 905 666-7777 home t« you $500. down. ts 1!!1 GRAND PRIX, V6. pit abs illm p'w p•lrunk. security CASH FOR CARSI We buy pups adorable bundles of love. Iendey wonte-raised LARGE multi level 3 bedroom apts (fame buil ty so's nrodel yeas prekrred aN 905.579-2367. alter Spm ers rrstaned $45. New doors/ openers. Quality Plus Doors 1 • Pets Supplies 1 system. 41 -door. approx. 95.000 highway kms. new used vehicles Vehicles must be CKC Redd Slrot. 905985 able immediately. freshly ty. eshl- hardwoods rebnished Cam Ron 905.666-8351. 416.336.0073 SaIY solkinking tum a brakes $12.900 Like in ruining cmdIrtion Cad LARGE 2 BEDROOM near tented• PIANOS'GRANDFATHERenmore mpW/t�nq area. upper floor n *00. fridge. stove. date b new, one owner Call 905-93- 427-2415 or come to 479 Oshawa Cadre. news deco- y Close to schools. shoppnq transit. Duidas/ Cochrane stove. Kcondition. CLOCKS January Clearance ToldA 3020 ast, Alax at SAUTO rated. 12 out Dwftfrrg Con- Cal Harold 619 2981 good asking 5100 725-9322 All 199,- floor models re• week aloe LAD Shep 1994 TRACKER. black auto, MURAD SALES. trolled entrance. new ap- gine pis. Db.Cauto ad mew Quad Used ponos: Yamaha. poppy call 434-56()2 cassette 4x4 removable CASH m 30 mnutgs'i' 5500 plums $695/month. utdl• NEW 2 -bedroom walkout basement. FW batt. GA gas EVERYONE boll' a rarer panda New 7 1R U western sraw plow. complete harness set-up In- Sanwa Kimball. Young Chang New digital pianos BLACK PomPoe. 5 months Old Non shedding. all shots a hardtop. bra. asking $12.500 Cam 725-0871 W 53000 On ban free 89 or kes/parlurg includedNo fireplace' parteing No smok- cuAed t« Chevy from 5895 and Rad to rabies $450 or best Cal newer or or htKk Instant dogs Available March 1st mit. no pets $750. inclusive pickup $700 obo.6664352 SNP Lip own Large selection of oiler 571-7932 1995 NEON Spon. 5 -speed. phime Ipprovy. Fast pick-up (905)7268912 1sVast, references I A TEAK d mng room set, gradtatne dotes from 5995 CAT. Very playful, ;Wed air. power locks d mmroms. log kglits. red. 96 OOOkm. well SMdoCa#d 905-432-0476 OS1m1WA (Bio« $t) Large 2 a Roc ie 905-427-7555. leather seats. new, tondrom. and up Cal TELEP PIANO 433-1491 company for another ae or ma"Naned $6900 o b o3 SCRAP CARS Wetted. top bedroom apartments n cean 1 BEDROOM apts.Available Feb est New building. San- other items also "Islik Serbus inquiries Leave WOOOSTOVE Hentage high- families with cadien Cad t« details (905) 8314861 (90506-2825 Wave mes- sage prices pard Same day pick k�ntt g Close 10401 a GO Parking Available anile Ing at $600 350 Malaga message 905579 1062 UP Aao ars for resale. will Dow". No pets. GII 1905)- ericiency. quarter -inch plate Corgn/RosseK C+OSS pups for 19% PONTIAC SUNFIRE GT dig*. From 3600/month. 5764724 APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.geocities.com/wall street/floor/ 7657/highriser.html. BLEACHED Oak. sold Oak sod oar Sod. Ill new. not tried sak. Vel checked dewormed First 5 spd fully loaded. marry ad- Day uD 10 55000 Cal 686- 1771. phWK 905576.4255. SPACIOUS well-maintalie0 2 WHITBY, one bedroom owes or 1 lade 40 c W. with 6 chars and marc" buret and llecrnc tan power. tOrCgd air StnOtS Cyt Laine. 905 665-0191 SIR 0e0 extras. p0wwr °"e1Tk"g 80.000 IWY.KMS. new tira, 2 -BEDROOM Available bedroom a s Avail A 900 available m well matntaned Rennt Mach Excellent cwrdibon for tat hat. 904455-3303 asking $11.450 905 665 WANTED - Subaru 4WD wag- ome Located 309 Cordo and 666 Glplan 52 Some wlh IwNldrng 4 Sevens Remy Ltd. ABA DA6A W We have a 51900 o!o Call 905-068 SPA F011 sale. paid 54700 AMERICAN Cocker Spaniel 1014 ontsedari any ratrnoitrOn Late Rd. Osto No pet Please CI -in coots. ppaarNiM 905 666-7777 home t« you $500. down. 5298. gp asking $2500 Good rnm abon. pups adorable bundles of love. Iendey wonte-raised 19% PONTIAC Frefwrd. T -tar so's nrodel yeas prekrred aN 905.579-2367. alter Spm schools. strop- � gym. GO Sew wl WHITBY - 1 a 2 -bedroom Choice • 6 mptms tree o free BLACK AND BRASS BED seven stater rM massage CKC Redd Slrot. 905985 whirl Call anytime 19051x10 Cam Ron 905.666-8351. 2 BEDIItO1M apartmerd. Har- ties irnckded Cal 726 4993 apartments available immne- *a" Cad 416-789-4145 « reduced moi toot Double Si:e sinew Oeticfi and A1s Cal (9051665- e021 T�6s 1 for Soft mpW/t�nq area. upper floor n *00. fridge. stove. date b OSHAWA - 2 bedroom bug- WHY rem when you can own rale From $750]wAm n all in, tdusivg. regrkenne ma Board. frarrne. new mattress and bow spin Exixlknw 1859 for owe rnlorRoomu LNASJI A►i0 pups for sale haft,edWrg rutin -allergic, epee " WE FINANCE tl81 Com:'. Fl x OF 35 ani- . ad anwnubes. ,7251tworNh in- clusiTe. Must req. Avail Owned 905263 2x19 ran apt All urarMes irxturded. laundry tatiNfies. S650mo umme0iateh Cad your own home for las than 00 iii late �lik honor 527.500 gross. GII .5og d Ken CoMs. CoMwN Barber tomos+ eoenAoon Moimg. bed mo .u��ESpeciy gine pis. Db.Cauto ad mew wadable! Saks PAfm x needed 1325 able m 47 - sww � EVERYONE boll' a rarer panda New Summa Remy 11991 Ltd (yp517269814 lo" twig vooi4a 7e6 3124. leave riiessage COmDktt or nearest otter x W 141 Ded able rJw 1' Telephone Doom (905) gni too Soho oak skirt 2-17 @OBER PUPPIES enridi you 721 -am atter 5 p in wa*- am duce of edge prohk a bee won erre "my and cam - days or a Whole on" owl or wCOMMAor lap and 4 perrorti ip of a lower Bred sora oak Cambridge side for supfirw 1�I�perrpem and SM chit $1189 TRADITIONAL .rkmipa C K C nowleld. WOODWORKING 115 North Cam Proemwer'S Reg'd Ken - CARPET BIIONER, 100x., fort Pd. Port Perry 905-985. nos 65530128 Nylon thick. pnusn Stan re- 8774 sats t cwW For 3 room. NSED Fill= f225 and N8. for SOON 1 1 AtAer iln only 5359 00 FM Includes 30 $4 yds rupee. down ped used stoves 3200 Arid No. CREDIT PR06LEMS7 0„ me Mg neadaaon in your home awd washes 5250 dry- spot Inaicirig Down pwy- Fret goOaROn Is your home. $125 and rp New brand horn! NnI - from 5500 G.AC Cars NO irMtrgs2. no PWOM br trtd0es. 16 e I 5605 New to ices. vats 1981 to 1991 one full "mr. Darrel. 1.000- brand now 317 stoves 5449 Ado San 5 L 217-0104 and up New 5 c I hweaes So = 905-o" Sat oomm f2S$ . Ssepnerrbeu's Ap 3382 CARPET .WNYI. BLMOS I pkarces 227 Court St-. Oda- 1994 PONTIAC 8ormft. will Deal any wnher once we. 576.7448 V8 p s . D b air con. 250.000 Waft se1lCMon of colors andg upright N00art Dano. n kim EaCSMerd Condom styles For tut bat low an good condmon 5650 Saucer $1200 o.b.o. (9051 72}7221 you PWOMe am ew now ano 705-357-3836 1!M CNFVFM cod rows. No tum downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt - bad credit: no Credit! It you work: you drnre! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEW 905-706-54498 ■ V*n1 __ viol Syebed a mo t•BEOlt00M basement. nm- _ ago New smoker. no pet. available BSNMA- Gadndor bane- 1905) 668-3800 a ) M6 4 BEDROOM SEM. clow b erftfid d ODs "w h0m II61-4352 Feb I Call (416)465-1�M mem Hospily area. UN ODIF 3211 S GM. includes tndge/dove. 19051420-0249 t« lamed. iron -smoker. Sala IenCed yang. rw ood nee - SNP now NtOMn 1st and Mat 571.2M ' 1 ►eouws Fer Rad ft room. 1 112 Da. smao WaY0.0'cTCMs AJAX. 1 -bedroom newly ren- alta epi m ar I g4iur �ferdAast sW. ovatM bateirent apamw o. PICKEFAM GO. 1 Oedr00rn 1, a .ln..,lw: 4�i. ril�+l. 1982 Hamm -5c V45 Mag i. sgwak It ohm ce, all nal basement apartment. excel- WH ti REItiT' ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDOG ewcellem condor on. Cady SM bels " at mo, kmeee- NM condom csrn- air. iron 6 months tree. then own a rBAe $575. 1tAAam Cat 905- aker so. no tim. Pe" ad S W -N YOUR HOME rause from S55wmoam an $1000 1.705328-2212- 426-7676. and last. March 1st $600 FROM $711110MTH:! Rolla ColduM Barliker (905) 3100) AJAX- I Bedroom arttuhwe Indian Included. $31-2791 Ask for *CASH 726-!414 . 1 S1Owm0d•e large bedrom a bgBuoms. Plow a•8• one bedroom BACK' or 6 Moaft - AJAX, HuwoodRhy 2. 3- Separate emrarru, swdaON basement. near lake. pAglt MO P7rINBNtt!! bedroom. 4, 10' tllrna_. 1!!3 SKI -000 Mach . 6.0 � . f75a+aonrr n- entraenu. S650/momk NF 1905) 571-0275 . 2-1R bears. alplJmtac- Small; studded track. haat! amw 2 a 3 B•rboonnt Ac codes tOmtws. MWWY a, agar ad alnenNMes AqM and ttiwn0 Wiled Tr ex. hand ouni k Cad Brad Ens. SM- AMMM iawN•OakeN. 1St/ 1-600-840 275 aloft Feb. 51h $1150 putt wri- And -ON (3700. 0- a Slew! Ion �Lmdit Edo• Rat. W. Call WS -831-7069 Mark Stapley ties (4161261-0026. '35.7863!50 b N16) -0000 NMROD& Renovated 2 c" S~ nae F.ar rwy 416138/4626. AMX/461-1 11 Storely 2 bed. bedroom basement. pl1 - 1lll POtric i Indy of Og- room and den Fully rarpout dire. lertced Ord. wrath t0 a 1 •• r a 1 o= ux, eirCnc start NOI Bras new washer! CAC, a0 GO. S75WnwM "An nt P1 R•a br Arid Dumb. Cover. naw ar• baworao � (9051 Available uwrA•dafyy Doo- o,da and Shu skm '98 Vp. 4216-412131(411161,757-7131 an 416-260-9091 � 9277 L 900 a best oft (705 and we wit negoM 0 fs Mike ArticMa 2 der 5 spit 5999 000 Cumgder oasts 186.000 kgood 9709 P« pauld AWULABLE NMEDMTELT. PICKERING t bedroom Once b M your IIbON Ibke I shape Cmxtlmad 54000 7?8- 1N84 vamaha BrairO. 2SOcC. Townhouse 19051426 2882 warwNd tow Chev SIYk apes i55 bani;4. t aloe ate en. Caprice wagon. LaYeidge Rd (401 a Bayp. Mama. lank oath. res pets. 7927 new track ex bus. w•rd- MTIOUES>A'.a.:i.+:c:> ?.: -� g°°0 rlwrwlg valence. 2ltueld. cwt a . low k s . border) 2-�- swabk immediately f650 CARPETS bis d caa8.1. must be son SACeMet an is CEnTWAIM JRINIART room Comeau wen All Included Must rave 1701. nvlon new stain re- chasing otrer artart luntiture. gill ch- 51295: 1986 Caister New CLEARANCE SALE SMOCK- 1105) Jausintradus. Cover S1550 Georpgt (905►6/1-0226 MOry Cndif check 905426-4129 loge Caper on Nara. IMI Aot' Yarp 4tyl alto . nqt UGLY LOW MUCEs on 35 TwdlhNrS. 9-5. aNer bpm carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Puce try) M0. DYS Or A nOaMBa ComfOmabk caas t 5895. RECOMOITI011E0. CERTUFIED OONNLE MD trader 5850 Y, Includes carpel. Oed Nara Decoys. bas a saes- 1987 Ford Efom EXS, 4qm VEIICLES E6: 1992 Ford F150 obo Cali 985.2568 LABLE MEO expen wtasal tart Oft- aft GOM•C Omt or •srna. 5-spd, sharptppfwp car as IS Supercab xLT Lanai, kfk0k0 LT, n Whitby Apt building mrg Cam Robert Bovwn Antrgwes SM, Pn t"Ing 4 67428 now SK1.9DO 1993 Fred Ano- omn-C uumL coal m m- spacious. rarPaed, arfT M. M•e at riileS (30 yards) scar 7 pan. I"". bogs► calor $120 CKx Ire. L Peanut, we blacoM. Close Norman 6862314 1905) 655-8049 Brookki , OA. 19th MAZDA 323. auto 4- dillfl iven. row S9495. 1993 Nail. large 3100 21)c Cdd to It". we .00nq am doo mS taro E-mail rDtOowle nlsym- d0o' stereo extra clean. ons Olds Acweva 4 d 6 Cyt Wave SU". arge 5150 060. iack"IM' gra+ wge d, $1 - 1A Abockds Affordable! SICK OF RENTING? OWN YOUR HOME FROM S700fMONTHM No Downpayawnt771 Discharged Bankrupt??? r. Ask for -CASH BACK- or w 6 months no payhhlsnts!! (906) 571.5275 or 1-000-6410•6275 MARK STAPLEY Sew R•p-. S~ Group Eune•1 %01 Inc. CARPETS SALE lot of car- exceilenl. eriihld. $2250. No pas. 1 Dtdn00m $675. Pets '00% nylon San it- paMeoo Aho 90 Comm 44oll auto. UVbo§A 73.000 rets now TAM Poland 340 tae Dtdes. 2 M*oom $775 3 bed - lase. carper 3 rooms $339 CASH 011 DEALS We Buy. cenditd $2250 905619 v�ilk SE IOtded 3800 wall rwvass. 1500 mita. room 5840. Cam 430- �� awnjleww r 1 Rwt r 00 sq yd ) nOrdes Carpet Sell 6 more' Hume audio! 2351 enp belled 34200 ob. 90-M 97.000 kms. now $9.495 1917 0134 PngmNrron pad and tttalt video. car ariAp. tops. CD's. POIARK TX 4th New palm. Mon Free estimates a•pa wovws, games. gold da- 1M! GRAM Am SE. fblad) Oeds COM Supreme SL. 6 Ski slims a runners Looks BASEMENT apartment. Pici- repm $--V 0lnlanll ad mods. furappliances pts p''b R Dw yin. lumbar Cyl. boded. !9.000 kms now and runs treat IrIauft 19M erng near GO. 1-bedf00111. er905=179'"905-571-2274 • • sur0udwg a Sam 905- (!05µl3 nill 905alarmre 571-2274 sell. . mote starU U,495 1991 Ch- Cap- Tral Penal $1.000 OW � ley $475 plus aMl- 686-1772 (9051666 IruM e%,. - ret /Cwt. CUSW. loaded. 62.000 kms. 905-725-7693>np Mrs Pat" avadabk. 905 SOUTH AJAX. bachelor f3e0o xrtib d. 4274290. be- now 56.995. 1995 Chev Lu- 427-7389 CARPET SALE. Guaranteed CDS WANTED $4 - U Paom Paid e Spm moa APV 7 pts. Mr. cruise. apartment, upper keel. tw- bwtst estimate or $10 cash for Most CDs Dela- INC. teal. Now $8.995. 1994 • f0arietm WANT SpaWo 1 -bedroom nteslte0 a udurmshw. Park- br you Large I, or i- of co- 4Locations 905-42]-7408 1M! INSSJIM Mil7a as n. Mazda 323 CVD Cul of tact basemad apanrnad. M. y1 M quiet, mature wodung bur a gnYty Lad Now, Melee needs motor work $750 or war 72.000 kms now 1%2 HUMBER JEWEL 11 nnchm e. lsviast. no smile" adult WderiedS435 monthly 905-431-4040 or 416-822. MATERNITY INM spring beg otter 161VId ne 668- $79% 1991 Buck Skylark. but new paint. seats am ala• no pets.AAgiaGk Mach (905) 686.3299 8226 fashions current styles 1653 auto. am six. very tear, now caw 30 hp. Evmrude with I Cal 583-8m Dionne. quiet Sun- wrarMed fon pack sales, call 1909 PONTIAC 6000 LE Sa• 55.935 1990 Chew Cavalier s/ lraluS10D0 :-705.3262212. BMONT, newdy.ren- valley Court. 1 -bedroom tOMTUiFII CLEARANCE 486 it's Worth Repeating. 3555 um Wagon V6 loatfed, also w auto. Mr. very mice Now ovated 1 -bedroom basement triplex (house). complete systems will mon- 53.995. 1989 Pontiac Tem IAKEFIELO 14' Cedar boat apartrrnad in 9w05' for unOtr 5400 New 166 s Thipason Rd N Whitby 579• 1967 Chew 1/2 ten pick-up. V8. est 6 cyl . loaded nor Needs work a great renter apartrnett Rekrence6 2- $625 an moulgive. 2555 ase tlaamm $777 Color mowtors from 9912 auto. well rtandaned. aslunng $3.695. 1986 Bud Lesai pr01M $400 (905)965-0059 qaw f650month Cam 905 32800 uact 905 706-937 $8.5 Upgrade our prows- Arts a ( I D ltd loaded. dean nice. now Snp 579 2567 cors (trade) IOD -133 aW to • 1 1980 BONKWU SE. loaded. 53395. 1969 Trader 4 x 4. ���a. ,� 200 ho SM « less New 233's ®rApmrMietis MOCK NOva d1 area- - with 24x CD 3316 modem. lociis. cruise. mirrors, p great p Odor good kms. now 54.695 Fs- 1 1 Fay war- ail ft" bunt apt av4 - 4 aDp1oK• carton color primo etc COIMTNa T 180.000 kms great ootp Only on Most CvehOeds. I - 3 r es. cab (416) 444-7391 $1.595 Lease for las than MARKET NOW OPEN Located (91]5)666-1545 yr warranties available y 1 BEOROOM ala n oadral OsbtNf. large 1. 2. $67/mo Leases stat at $40 at the Courtna Flu Make 4 Oshawa. avaabk FebJWr. a 3 bedroom apartmentis mo. Perone (905) 697-3059 Km East of oslawa - Show 19!10 SPRINT. 2 -door. hatch- per gw Ise from 5550 inclusive. Park- available in well- mankd and sell your halo -made pro- had automatic 96.000k Comm. Mw MCH, Oftloo. (916) lip appwnces.A tot C yard Hose b ad arlkrkMa. pe In Computer Saks, ducts dnectly to the public 13995 ceAlied Lal 579-0191 57> 2M6. Oda swd" 11 _ 905 33-0062. Ask for Cathy 723-0977. pentium 233 MMX. 486 Dx 2- 65 Cap anytime (905)430- without having to be there! We 1991 NYIINON Excel SE. 4. l�KMapartment . Sim- CNIMpI ST.AM 2 area- 2 m 6579 all the semkg. so your time grey 4 omahc withEASE Lto on-arem itewdy-re cars only. coe/Rossannd (Oshawa). 1'4161444 -Ml avail. Cad 80 Wentworth SIM. (Rfrom $650&38 As from $680 for res tilities Ind. Close 'hools, shopping a Dl. Transit right pa )Ur door. Call to view: (905) 721-8741 IN SALE. a your own. Cad 905-436- iron es to Do. everyone $475.oM1ides. cable Induced, Ottnwasner. I nOq�I rtia0"' 1024. overdrive. 535M as is. Call grayiTn $345 down. n0 credit available inmedutey. Cad COMTICE - Nash Rd. 2 Oed inn; almond colour 430-2434 I�f •• business90 1 n9l, -2525. pdeeck�. Ltd 68866 7t�28 570034 905-432-11M room easement scow. hew �, Walk � honk 905 831.1399. STIEF A NNW Appliances / »91 MElIC11NY tAOLE, fiydrda� i ash rdeam_ as - Part a Service. Showroom 1 full o1 original owner. immaculate. apptianas. Mega FON TEE (lest n McWftsne certified. loaded. !My/Way. $300, stores 5200. wtshas and prokssio al computer doth buckets/consok. recast $250. dryers SISO. an 2-0 service am training. ONOff brakes, ores front end. rar- years old 362 French St. Site work. AN lard- raft on trams .tom; ash- (905►432-7167 ware and software ewtlartt. TO L5900 NOT TMS. new a demo. Cad Male (905)571-2552 1982 L9 EM, while, From $1499. Hard covers clew Drakes. new fires. p.w. from 5299. Spa pada and re- NEW MUSIC a -zine ® #Mjl P.I. "nal owgkr. 112.000 Auto Dealer will arrant' financing even if y( have been turned duo before. Loans availab for no credit, crec problems. and bankrup Cy buyers. No Ib sigrfe 1 bedr00m ba58frL8rK sTalabk rm- apartment, female 9o5z74 preferred, =5501 1M2Y liWDWOom. 2 -bed - month inclusive. e� .eft Available Feb est 5575„,Ldael Plus CONN. FHd/ laundry included. anal misr, r I. Feb. 1.1 -bel Near 401. hoof., C appliances. parking CII i37-9913 alNdry� 5851. PortTWFY 1-000.552- wwv di ntWuNw ,,V km.. excellent corl0itioh tl6eded. CBII M0) 16M Plus allele, WK43st. rd- IOM 57800 CUKed. 726-1947 1854 IN1111 acetas. Feb. 1. CNw b 401. alp.. s� d aau. aId238Alldeit-hent aparta 00th OaSomigt 579-0191. Kid a W row. OB61 2i11M wYedows n dadc. FrMIr f'Brt1 fiBIB6 W. trent, 9M�. Gbaratice Sak! eg. slider 1 INAolMtf/ 1 nlplfsr/ 1994 Ford Tempo GL, V6, M OOBNT0IBN OdarTa: Large 115SWAMN. Wcl. 19 Shdw 36 132' $199 taNe . 09. alio. 4 dr.. amRm cess.. ttdAnt Id- 1 Ndtm math Boor apt Sloe, coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 No tum downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt - bad credit: no Credit! It you work: you drnre! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEW 905-706-54498 ■ V*n1 __ viol Syebed a mo t•BEOlt00M basement. nm- _ ago New smoker. no pet. available BSNMA- Gadndor bane- 1905) 668-3800 a ) M6 4 BEDROOM SEM. clow b erftfid d ODs "w h0m II61-4352 Feb I Call (416)465-1�M mem Hospily area. UN ODIF 3211 S GM. includes tndge/dove. 19051420-0249 t« lamed. iron -smoker. Sala IenCed yang. rw ood nee - SNP now NtOMn 1st and Mat 571.2M ' 1 ►eouws Fer Rad ft room. 1 112 Da. smao WaY0.0'cTCMs AJAX. 1 -bedroom newly ren- alta epi m ar I g4iur �ferdAast sW. ovatM bateirent apamw o. PICKEFAM GO. 1 Oedr00rn 1, a .ln..,lw: 4�i. ril�+l. 1982 Hamm -5c V45 Mag i. sgwak It ohm ce, all nal basement apartment. excel- WH ti REItiT' ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDOG ewcellem condor on. Cady SM bels " at mo, kmeee- NM condom csrn- air. iron 6 months tree. then own a rBAe $575. 1tAAam Cat 905- aker so. no tim. Pe" ad S W -N YOUR HOME rause from S55wmoam an $1000 1.705328-2212- 426-7676. and last. March 1st $600 FROM $711110MTH:! Rolla ColduM Barliker (905) 3100) AJAX- I Bedroom arttuhwe Indian Included. $31-2791 Ask for *CASH 726-!414 . 1 S1Owm0d•e large bedrom a bgBuoms. Plow a•8• one bedroom BACK' or 6 Moaft - AJAX, HuwoodRhy 2. 3- Separate emrarru, swdaON basement. near lake. pAglt MO P7rINBNtt!! bedroom. 4, 10' tllrna_. 1!!3 SKI -000 Mach . 6.0 � . f75a+aonrr n- entraenu. S650/momk NF 1905) 571-0275 . 2-1R bears. alplJmtac- Small; studded track. haat! amw 2 a 3 B•rboonnt Ac codes tOmtws. MWWY a, agar ad alnenNMes AqM and ttiwn0 Wiled Tr ex. hand ouni k Cad Brad Ens. SM- AMMM iawN•OakeN. 1St/ 1-600-840 275 aloft Feb. 51h $1150 putt wri- And -ON (3700. 0- a Slew! Ion �Lmdit Edo• Rat. W. Call WS -831-7069 Mark Stapley ties (4161261-0026. '35.7863!50 b N16) -0000 NMROD& Renovated 2 c" S~ nae F.ar rwy 416138/4626. AMX/461-1 11 Storely 2 bed. bedroom basement. pl1 - 1lll POtric i Indy of Og- room and den Fully rarpout dire. lertced Ord. wrath t0 a 1 •• r a 1 o= ux, eirCnc start NOI Bras new washer! CAC, a0 GO. S75WnwM "An nt P1 R•a br Arid Dumb. Cover. naw ar• baworao � (9051 Available uwrA•dafyy Doo- o,da and Shu skm '98 Vp. 4216-412131(411161,757-7131 an 416-260-9091 � 9277 L 900 a best oft (705 and we wit negoM 0 fs Mike ArticMa 2 der 5 spit 5999 000 Cumgder oasts 186.000 kgood 9709 P« pauld AWULABLE NMEDMTELT. PICKERING t bedroom Once b M your IIbON Ibke I shape Cmxtlmad 54000 7?8- 1N84 vamaha BrairO. 2SOcC. Townhouse 19051426 2882 warwNd tow Chev SIYk apes i55 bani;4. t aloe ate en. Caprice wagon. LaYeidge Rd (401 a Bayp. Mama. lank oath. res pets. 7927 new track ex bus. w•rd- MTIOUES>A'.a.:i.+:c:> ?.: -� g°°0 rlwrwlg valence. 2ltueld. cwt a . low k s . border) 2-�- swabk immediately f650 CARPETS bis d caa8.1. must be son SACeMet an is CEnTWAIM JRINIART room Comeau wen All Included Must rave 1701. nvlon new stain re- chasing otrer artart luntiture. gill ch- 51295: 1986 Caister New CLEARANCE SALE SMOCK- 1105) Jausintradus. Cover S1550 Georpgt (905►6/1-0226 MOry Cndif check 905426-4129 loge Caper on Nara. IMI Aot' Yarp 4tyl alto . nqt UGLY LOW MUCEs on 35 TwdlhNrS. 9-5. aNer bpm carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Puce try) M0. DYS Or A nOaMBa ComfOmabk caas t 5895. RECOMOITI011E0. CERTUFIED OONNLE MD trader 5850 Y, Includes carpel. Oed Nara Decoys. bas a saes- 1987 Ford Efom EXS, 4qm VEIICLES E6: 1992 Ford F150 obo Cali 985.2568 LABLE MEO expen wtasal tart Oft- aft GOM•C Omt or •srna. 5-spd, sharptppfwp car as IS Supercab xLT Lanai, kfk0k0 LT, n Whitby Apt building mrg Cam Robert Bovwn Antrgwes SM, Pn t"Ing 4 67428 now SK1.9DO 1993 Fred Ano- omn-C uumL coal m m- spacious. rarPaed, arfT M. M•e at riileS (30 yards) scar 7 pan. I"". bogs► calor $120 CKx Ire. L Peanut, we blacoM. Close Norman 6862314 1905) 655-8049 Brookki , OA. 19th MAZDA 323. auto 4- dillfl iven. row S9495. 1993 Nail. large 3100 21)c Cdd to It". we .00nq am doo mS taro E-mail rDtOowle nlsym- d0o' stereo extra clean. ons Olds Acweva 4 d 6 Cyt Wave SU". arge 5150 060. iack"IM' gra+ wge d, $1 - 1A Abockds Affordable! SICK OF RENTING? OWN YOUR HOME FROM S700fMONTHM No Downpayawnt771 Discharged Bankrupt??? r. Ask for -CASH BACK- or w 6 months no payhhlsnts!! (906) 571.5275 or 1-000-6410•6275 MARK STAPLEY Sew R•p-. S~ Group Eune•1 %01 Inc. CARPETS SALE lot of car- exceilenl. eriihld. $2250. No pas. 1 Dtdn00m $675. Pets '00% nylon San it- paMeoo Aho 90 Comm 44oll auto. UVbo§A 73.000 rets now TAM Poland 340 tae Dtdes. 2 M*oom $775 3 bed - lase. carper 3 rooms $339 CASH 011 DEALS We Buy. cenditd $2250 905619 v�ilk SE IOtded 3800 wall rwvass. 1500 mita. room 5840. Cam 430- �� awnjleww r 1 Rwt r 00 sq yd ) nOrdes Carpet Sell 6 more' Hume audio! 2351 enp belled 34200 ob. 90-M 97.000 kms. now $9.495 1917 0134 PngmNrron pad and tttalt video. car ariAp. tops. CD's. POIARK TX 4th New palm. Mon Free estimates a•pa wovws, games. gold da- 1M! GRAM Am SE. fblad) Oeds COM Supreme SL. 6 Ski slims a runners Looks BASEMENT apartment. Pici- repm $--V 0lnlanll ad mods. furappliances pts p''b R Dw yin. lumbar Cyl. boded. !9.000 kms now and runs treat IrIauft 19M erng near GO. 1-bedf00111. er905=179'"905-571-2274 • • sur0udwg a Sam 905- (!05µl3 nill 905alarmre 571-2274 sell. . mote starU U,495 1991 Ch- Cap- Tral Penal $1.000 OW � ley $475 plus aMl- 686-1772 (9051666 IruM e%,. - ret /Cwt. CUSW. loaded. 62.000 kms. 905-725-7693>np Mrs Pat" avadabk. 905 SOUTH AJAX. bachelor f3e0o xrtib d. 4274290. be- now 56.995. 1995 Chev Lu- 427-7389 CARPET SALE. Guaranteed CDS WANTED $4 - U Paom Paid e Spm moa APV 7 pts. Mr. cruise. apartment, upper keel. tw- bwtst estimate or $10 cash for Most CDs Dela- INC. teal. Now $8.995. 1994 • f0arietm WANT SpaWo 1 -bedroom nteslte0 a udurmshw. Park- br you Large I, or i- of co- 4Locations 905-42]-7408 1M! INSSJIM Mil7a as n. Mazda 323 CVD Cul of tact basemad apanrnad. M. y1 M quiet, mature wodung bur a gnYty Lad Now, Melee needs motor work $750 or war 72.000 kms now 1%2 HUMBER JEWEL 11 nnchm e. lsviast. no smile" adult WderiedS435 monthly 905-431-4040 or 416-822. MATERNITY INM spring beg otter 161VId ne 668- $79% 1991 Buck Skylark. but new paint. seats am ala• no pets.AAgiaGk Mach (905) 686.3299 8226 fashions current styles 1653 auto. am six. very tear, now caw 30 hp. Evmrude with I Cal 583-8m Dionne. quiet Sun- wrarMed fon pack sales, call 1909 PONTIAC 6000 LE Sa• 55.935 1990 Chew Cavalier s/ lraluS10D0 :-705.3262212. BMONT, newdy.ren- valley Court. 1 -bedroom tOMTUiFII CLEARANCE 486 it's Worth Repeating. 3555 um Wagon V6 loatfed, also w auto. Mr. very mice Now ovated 1 -bedroom basement triplex (house). complete systems will mon- 53.995. 1989 Pontiac Tem IAKEFIELO 14' Cedar boat apartrrnad in 9w05' for unOtr 5400 New 166 s Thipason Rd N Whitby 579• 1967 Chew 1/2 ten pick-up. V8. est 6 cyl . loaded nor Needs work a great renter apartrnett Rekrence6 2- $625 an moulgive. 2555 ase tlaamm $777 Color mowtors from 9912 auto. well rtandaned. aslunng $3.695. 1986 Bud Lesai pr01M $400 (905)965-0059 qaw f650month Cam 905 32800 uact 905 706-937 $8.5 Upgrade our prows- Arts a ( I D ltd loaded. dean nice. now Snp 579 2567 cors (trade) IOD -133 aW to • 1 1980 BONKWU SE. loaded. 53395. 1969 Trader 4 x 4. ���a. ,� 200 ho SM « less New 233's ®rApmrMietis MOCK NOva d1 area- - with 24x CD 3316 modem. lociis. cruise. mirrors, p great p Odor good kms. now 54.695 Fs- 1 1 Fay war- ail ft" bunt apt av4 - 4 aDp1oK• carton color primo etc COIMTNa T 180.000 kms great ootp Only on Most CvehOeds. I - 3 r es. cab (416) 444-7391 $1.595 Lease for las than MARKET NOW OPEN Located (91]5)666-1545 yr warranties available y 1 BEOROOM ala n oadral OsbtNf. large 1. 2. $67/mo Leases stat at $40 at the Courtna Flu Make 4 Oshawa. avaabk FebJWr. a 3 bedroom apartmentis mo. Perone (905) 697-3059 Km East of oslawa - Show 19!10 SPRINT. 2 -door. hatch- per gw Ise from 5550 inclusive. Park- available in well- mankd and sell your halo -made pro- had automatic 96.000k Comm. Mw MCH, Oftloo. (916) lip appwnces.A tot C yard Hose b ad arlkrkMa. pe In Computer Saks, ducts dnectly to the public 13995 ceAlied Lal 579-0191 57> 2M6. Oda swd" 11 _ 905 33-0062. Ask for Cathy 723-0977. pentium 233 MMX. 486 Dx 2- 65 Cap anytime (905)430- without having to be there! We 1991 NYIINON Excel SE. 4. l�KMapartment . Sim- CNIMpI ST.AM 2 area- 2 m 6579 all the semkg. so your time grey 4 omahc withEASE Lto on-arem itewdy-re cars only. coe/Rossannd (Oshawa). 1'4161444 -Ml avail. Cad 80 Wentworth SIM. (Rfrom $650&38 As from $680 for res tilities Ind. Close 'hools, shopping a Dl. Transit right pa )Ur door. Call to view: (905) 721-8741 IN SALE. a your own. Cad 905-436- iron es to Do. everyone $475.oM1ides. cable Induced, Ottnwasner. I nOq�I rtia0"' 1024. overdrive. 535M as is. Call grayiTn $345 down. n0 credit available inmedutey. Cad COMTICE - Nash Rd. 2 Oed inn; almond colour 430-2434 I�f •• business90 1 n9l, -2525. pdeeck�. Ltd 68866 7t�28 570034 905-432-11M room easement scow. hew �, Walk � honk 905 831.1399. STIEF A NNW Appliances / »91 MElIC11NY tAOLE, fiydrda� i ash rdeam_ as - Part a Service. Showroom 1 full o1 original owner. immaculate. apptianas. Mega FON TEE (lest n McWftsne certified. loaded. !My/Way. $300, stores 5200. wtshas and prokssio al computer doth buckets/consok. recast $250. dryers SISO. an 2-0 service am training. ONOff brakes, ores front end. rar- years old 362 French St. Site work. AN lard- raft on trams .tom; ash- (905►432-7167 ware and software ewtlartt. TO L5900 NOT TMS. new a demo. Cad Male (905)571-2552 1982 L9 EM, while, From $1499. Hard covers clew Drakes. new fires. p.w. from 5299. Spa pada and re- NEW MUSIC a -zine ® #Mjl P.I. "nal owgkr. 112.000 Auto Dealer will arrant' financing even if y( have been turned duo before. Loans availab for no credit, crec problems. and bankrup Cy buyers. No Ib sigrfe 1 bedr00m ba58frL8rK sTalabk rm- apartment, female 9o5z74 preferred, =5501 1M2Y liWDWOom. 2 -bed - month inclusive. e� .eft Available Feb est 5575„,Ldael Plus CONN. FHd/ laundry included. anal misr, r I. Feb. 1.1 -bel Near 401. hoof., C appliances. parking CII i37-9913 alNdry� 5851. PortTWFY 1-000.552- wwv di ntWuNw ,,V km.. excellent corl0itioh tl6eded. CBII M0) 16M Plus allele, WK43st. rd- IOM 57800 CUKed. 726-1947 1854 IN1111 acetas. Feb. 1. CNw b 401. alp.. s� d aau. aId238Alldeit-hent aparta 00th OaSomigt 579-0191. Kid a W row. OB61 2i11M wYedows n dadc. FrMIr f'Brt1 fiBIB6 W. trent, 9M�. Gbaratice Sak! eg. slider 1 INAolMtf/ 1 nlplfsr/ 1994 Ford Tempo GL, V6, M OOBNT0IBN OdarTa: Large 115SWAMN. Wcl. 19 Shdw 36 132' $199 taNe . 09. alio. 4 dr.. amRm cess.. ttdAnt Id- 1 Ndtm math Boor apt Sloe, coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 o,da and Shu skm '98 Vp. 4216-412131(411161,757-7131 an 416-260-9091 � 9277 L 900 a best oft (705 and we wit negoM 0 fs Mike ArticMa 2 der 5 spit 5999 000 Cumgder oasts 186.000 kgood 9709 P« pauld AWULABLE NMEDMTELT. PICKERING t bedroom Once b M your IIbON Ibke I shape Cmxtlmad 54000 7?8- 1N84 vamaha BrairO. 2SOcC. Townhouse 19051426 2882 warwNd tow Chev SIYk apes i55 bani;4. t aloe ate en. Caprice wagon. LaYeidge Rd (401 a Bayp. Mama. lank oath. res pets. 7927 new track ex bus. w•rd- MTIOUES>A'.a.:i.+:c:> ?.: -� g°°0 rlwrwlg valence. 2ltueld. cwt a . low k s . border) 2-�- swabk immediately f650 CARPETS bis d caa8.1. must be son SACeMet an is CEnTWAIM JRINIART room Comeau wen All Included Must rave 1701. nvlon new stain re- chasing otrer artart luntiture. gill ch- 51295: 1986 Caister New CLEARANCE SALE SMOCK- 1105) Jausintradus. Cover S1550 Georpgt (905►6/1-0226 MOry Cndif check 905426-4129 loge Caper on Nara. IMI Aot' Yarp 4tyl alto . nqt UGLY LOW MUCEs on 35 TwdlhNrS. 9-5. aNer bpm carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Puce try) M0. DYS Or A nOaMBa ComfOmabk caas t 5895. RECOMOITI011E0. CERTUFIED OONNLE MD trader 5850 Y, Includes carpel. Oed Nara Decoys. bas a saes- 1987 Ford Efom EXS, 4qm VEIICLES E6: 1992 Ford F150 obo Cali 985.2568 LABLE MEO expen wtasal tart Oft- aft GOM•C Omt or •srna. 5-spd, sharptppfwp car as IS Supercab xLT Lanai, kfk0k0 LT, n Whitby Apt building mrg Cam Robert Bovwn Antrgwes SM, Pn t"Ing 4 67428 now SK1.9DO 1993 Fred Ano- omn-C uumL coal m m- spacious. rarPaed, arfT M. M•e at riileS (30 yards) scar 7 pan. I"". bogs► calor $120 CKx Ire. L Peanut, we blacoM. Close Norman 6862314 1905) 655-8049 Brookki , OA. 19th MAZDA 323. auto 4- dillfl iven. row S9495. 1993 Nail. large 3100 21)c Cdd to It". we .00nq am doo mS taro E-mail rDtOowle nlsym- d0o' stereo extra clean. ons Olds Acweva 4 d 6 Cyt Wave SU". arge 5150 060. iack"IM' gra+ wge d, $1 - 1A Abockds Affordable! SICK OF RENTING? OWN YOUR HOME FROM S700fMONTHM No Downpayawnt771 Discharged Bankrupt??? r. Ask for -CASH BACK- or w 6 months no payhhlsnts!! (906) 571.5275 or 1-000-6410•6275 MARK STAPLEY Sew R•p-. S~ Group Eune•1 %01 Inc. CARPETS SALE lot of car- exceilenl. eriihld. $2250. No pas. 1 Dtdn00m $675. Pets '00% nylon San it- paMeoo Aho 90 Comm 44oll auto. UVbo§A 73.000 rets now TAM Poland 340 tae Dtdes. 2 M*oom $775 3 bed - lase. carper 3 rooms $339 CASH 011 DEALS We Buy. cenditd $2250 905619 v�ilk SE IOtded 3800 wall rwvass. 1500 mita. room 5840. Cam 430- �� awnjleww r 1 Rwt r 00 sq yd ) nOrdes Carpet Sell 6 more' Hume audio! 2351 enp belled 34200 ob. 90-M 97.000 kms. now $9.495 1917 0134 PngmNrron pad and tttalt video. car ariAp. tops. CD's. POIARK TX 4th New palm. Mon Free estimates a•pa wovws, games. gold da- 1M! GRAM Am SE. fblad) Oeds COM Supreme SL. 6 Ski slims a runners Looks BASEMENT apartment. Pici- repm $--V 0lnlanll ad mods. furappliances pts p''b R Dw yin. lumbar Cyl. boded. !9.000 kms now and runs treat IrIauft 19M erng near GO. 1-bedf00111. er905=179'"905-571-2274 • • sur0udwg a Sam 905- (!05µl3 nill 905alarmre 571-2274 sell. . mote starU U,495 1991 Ch- Cap- Tral Penal $1.000 OW � ley $475 plus aMl- 686-1772 (9051666 IruM e%,. - ret /Cwt. CUSW. loaded. 62.000 kms. 905-725-7693>np Mrs Pat" avadabk. 905 SOUTH AJAX. bachelor f3e0o xrtib d. 4274290. be- now 56.995. 1995 Chev Lu- 427-7389 CARPET SALE. Guaranteed CDS WANTED $4 - U Paom Paid e Spm moa APV 7 pts. Mr. cruise. apartment, upper keel. tw- bwtst estimate or $10 cash for Most CDs Dela- INC. teal. Now $8.995. 1994 • f0arietm WANT SpaWo 1 -bedroom nteslte0 a udurmshw. Park- br you Large I, or i- of co- 4Locations 905-42]-7408 1M! INSSJIM Mil7a as n. Mazda 323 CVD Cul of tact basemad apanrnad. M. y1 M quiet, mature wodung bur a gnYty Lad Now, Melee needs motor work $750 or war 72.000 kms now 1%2 HUMBER JEWEL 11 nnchm e. lsviast. no smile" adult WderiedS435 monthly 905-431-4040 or 416-822. MATERNITY INM spring beg otter 161VId ne 668- $79% 1991 Buck Skylark. but new paint. seats am ala• no pets.AAgiaGk Mach (905) 686.3299 8226 fashions current styles 1653 auto. am six. very tear, now caw 30 hp. Evmrude with I Cal 583-8m Dionne. quiet Sun- wrarMed fon pack sales, call 1909 PONTIAC 6000 LE Sa• 55.935 1990 Chew Cavalier s/ lraluS10D0 :-705.3262212. BMONT, newdy.ren- valley Court. 1 -bedroom tOMTUiFII CLEARANCE 486 it's Worth Repeating. 3555 um Wagon V6 loatfed, also w auto. Mr. very mice Now ovated 1 -bedroom basement triplex (house). complete systems will mon- 53.995. 1989 Pontiac Tem IAKEFIELO 14' Cedar boat apartrrnad in 9w05' for unOtr 5400 New 166 s Thipason Rd N Whitby 579• 1967 Chew 1/2 ten pick-up. V8. est 6 cyl . loaded nor Needs work a great renter apartrnett Rekrence6 2- $625 an moulgive. 2555 ase tlaamm $777 Color mowtors from 9912 auto. well rtandaned. aslunng $3.695. 1986 Bud Lesai pr01M $400 (905)965-0059 qaw f650month Cam 905 32800 uact 905 706-937 $8.5 Upgrade our prows- Arts a ( I D ltd loaded. dean nice. now Snp 579 2567 cors (trade) IOD -133 aW to • 1 1980 BONKWU SE. loaded. 53395. 1969 Trader 4 x 4. ���a. ,� 200 ho SM « less New 233's ®rApmrMietis MOCK NOva d1 area- - with 24x CD 3316 modem. lociis. cruise. mirrors, p great p Odor good kms. now 54.695 Fs- 1 1 Fay war- ail ft" bunt apt av4 - 4 aDp1oK• carton color primo etc COIMTNa T 180.000 kms great ootp Only on Most CvehOeds. I - 3 r es. cab (416) 444-7391 $1.595 Lease for las than MARKET NOW OPEN Located (91]5)666-1545 yr warranties available y 1 BEOROOM ala n oadral OsbtNf. large 1. 2. $67/mo Leases stat at $40 at the Courtna Flu Make 4 Oshawa. avaabk FebJWr. a 3 bedroom apartmentis mo. Perone (905) 697-3059 Km East of oslawa - Show 19!10 SPRINT. 2 -door. hatch- per gw Ise from 5550 inclusive. Park- available in well- mankd and sell your halo -made pro- had automatic 96.000k Comm. Mw MCH, Oftloo. (916) lip appwnces.A tot C yard Hose b ad arlkrkMa. pe In Computer Saks, ducts dnectly to the public 13995 ceAlied Lal 579-0191 57> 2M6. Oda swd" 11 _ 905 33-0062. Ask for Cathy 723-0977. pentium 233 MMX. 486 Dx 2- 65 Cap anytime (905)430- without having to be there! We 1991 NYIINON Excel SE. 4. l�KMapartment . Sim- CNIMpI ST.AM 2 area- 2 m 6579 all the semkg. so your time grey 4 omahc withEASE Lto on-arem itewdy-re cars only. coe/Rossannd (Oshawa). 1'4161444 -Ml avail. Cad 80 Wentworth SIM. (Rfrom $650&38 As from $680 for res tilities Ind. Close 'hools, shopping a Dl. Transit right pa )Ur door. Call to view: (905) 721-8741 IN SALE. a your own. Cad 905-436- iron es to Do. everyone $475.oM1ides. cable Induced, Ottnwasner. I nOq�I rtia0"' 1024. overdrive. 535M as is. Call grayiTn $345 down. n0 credit available inmedutey. Cad COMTICE - Nash Rd. 2 Oed inn; almond colour 430-2434 I�f •• business90 1 n9l, -2525. pdeeck�. Ltd 68866 7t�28 570034 905-432-11M room easement scow. hew �, Walk � honk 905 831.1399. STIEF A NNW Appliances / »91 MElIC11NY tAOLE, fiydrda� i ash rdeam_ as - Part a Service. Showroom 1 full o1 original owner. immaculate. apptianas. Mega FON TEE (lest n McWftsne certified. loaded. !My/Way. $300, stores 5200. wtshas and prokssio al computer doth buckets/consok. recast $250. dryers SISO. an 2-0 service am training. ONOff brakes, ores front end. rar- years old 362 French St. Site work. AN lard- raft on trams .tom; ash- (905►432-7167 ware and software ewtlartt. TO L5900 NOT TMS. new a demo. Cad Male (905)571-2552 1982 L9 EM, while, From $1499. Hard covers clew Drakes. new fires. p.w. from 5299. Spa pada and re- NEW MUSIC a -zine ® #Mjl P.I. "nal owgkr. 112.000 Auto Dealer will arrant' financing even if y( have been turned duo before. Loans availab for no credit, crec problems. and bankrup Cy buyers. No Ib sigrfe 1 bedr00m ba58frL8rK sTalabk rm- apartment, female 9o5z74 preferred, =5501 1M2Y liWDWOom. 2 -bed - month inclusive. e� .eft Available Feb est 5575„,Ldael Plus CONN. FHd/ laundry included. anal misr, r I. Feb. 1.1 -bel Near 401. hoof., C appliances. parking CII i37-9913 alNdry� 5851. PortTWFY 1-000.552- wwv di ntWuNw ,,V km.. excellent corl0itioh tl6eded. CBII M0) 16M Plus allele, WK43st. rd- IOM 57800 CUKed. 726-1947 1854 IN1111 acetas. Feb. 1. CNw b 401. alp.. s� d aau. aId238Alldeit-hent aparta 00th OaSomigt 579-0191. Kid a W row. OB61 2i11M wYedows n dadc. FrMIr f'Brt1 fiBIB6 W. trent, 9M�. Gbaratice Sak! eg. slider 1 INAolMtf/ 1 nlplfsr/ 1994 Ford Tempo GL, V6, M OOBNT0IBN OdarTa: Large 115SWAMN. Wcl. 19 Shdw 36 132' $199 taNe . 09. alio. 4 dr.. amRm cess.. ttdAnt Id- 1 Ndtm math Boor apt Sloe, coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 $1 - 1A Abockds Affordable! SICK OF RENTING? OWN YOUR HOME FROM S700fMONTHM No Downpayawnt771 Discharged Bankrupt??? r. Ask for -CASH BACK- or w 6 months no payhhlsnts!! (906) 571.5275 or 1-000-6410•6275 MARK STAPLEY Sew R•p-. S~ Group Eune•1 %01 Inc. CARPETS SALE lot of car- exceilenl. eriihld. $2250. No pas. 1 Dtdn00m $675. Pets '00% nylon San it- paMeoo Aho 90 Comm 44oll auto. UVbo§A 73.000 rets now TAM Poland 340 tae Dtdes. 2 M*oom $775 3 bed - lase. carper 3 rooms $339 CASH 011 DEALS We Buy. cenditd $2250 905619 v�ilk SE IOtded 3800 wall rwvass. 1500 mita. room 5840. Cam 430- �� awnjleww r 1 Rwt r 00 sq yd ) nOrdes Carpet Sell 6 more' Hume audio! 2351 enp belled 34200 ob. 90-M 97.000 kms. now $9.495 1917 0134 PngmNrron pad and tttalt video. car ariAp. tops. CD's. POIARK TX 4th New palm. Mon Free estimates a•pa wovws, games. gold da- 1M! GRAM Am SE. fblad) Oeds COM Supreme SL. 6 Ski slims a runners Looks BASEMENT apartment. Pici- repm $--V 0lnlanll ad mods. furappliances pts p''b R Dw yin. lumbar Cyl. boded. !9.000 kms now and runs treat IrIauft 19M erng near GO. 1-bedf00111. er905=179'"905-571-2274 • • sur0udwg a Sam 905- (!05µl3 nill 905alarmre 571-2274 sell. . mote starU U,495 1991 Ch- Cap- Tral Penal $1.000 OW � ley $475 plus aMl- 686-1772 (9051666 IruM e%,. - ret /Cwt. CUSW. loaded. 62.000 kms. 905-725-7693>np Mrs Pat" avadabk. 905 SOUTH AJAX. bachelor f3e0o xrtib d. 4274290. be- now 56.995. 1995 Chev Lu- 427-7389 CARPET SALE. Guaranteed CDS WANTED $4 - U Paom Paid e Spm moa APV 7 pts. Mr. cruise. apartment, upper keel. tw- bwtst estimate or $10 cash for Most CDs Dela- INC. teal. Now $8.995. 1994 • f0arietm WANT SpaWo 1 -bedroom nteslte0 a udurmshw. Park- br you Large I, or i- of co- 4Locations 905-42]-7408 1M! INSSJIM Mil7a as n. Mazda 323 CVD Cul of tact basemad apanrnad. M. y1 M quiet, mature wodung bur a gnYty Lad Now, Melee needs motor work $750 or war 72.000 kms now 1%2 HUMBER JEWEL 11 nnchm e. lsviast. no smile" adult WderiedS435 monthly 905-431-4040 or 416-822. MATERNITY INM spring beg otter 161VId ne 668- $79% 1991 Buck Skylark. but new paint. seats am ala• no pets.AAgiaGk Mach (905) 686.3299 8226 fashions current styles 1653 auto. am six. very tear, now caw 30 hp. Evmrude with I Cal 583-8m Dionne. quiet Sun- wrarMed fon pack sales, call 1909 PONTIAC 6000 LE Sa• 55.935 1990 Chew Cavalier s/ lraluS10D0 :-705.3262212. BMONT, newdy.ren- valley Court. 1 -bedroom tOMTUiFII CLEARANCE 486 it's Worth Repeating. 3555 um Wagon V6 loatfed, also w auto. Mr. very mice Now ovated 1 -bedroom basement triplex (house). complete systems will mon- 53.995. 1989 Pontiac Tem IAKEFIELO 14' Cedar boat apartrrnad in 9w05' for unOtr 5400 New 166 s Thipason Rd N Whitby 579• 1967 Chew 1/2 ten pick-up. V8. est 6 cyl . loaded nor Needs work a great renter apartrnett Rekrence6 2- $625 an moulgive. 2555 ase tlaamm $777 Color mowtors from 9912 auto. well rtandaned. aslunng $3.695. 1986 Bud Lesai pr01M $400 (905)965-0059 qaw f650month Cam 905 32800 uact 905 706-937 $8.5 Upgrade our prows- Arts a ( I D ltd loaded. dean nice. now Snp 579 2567 cors (trade) IOD -133 aW to • 1 1980 BONKWU SE. loaded. 53395. 1969 Trader 4 x 4. ���a. ,� 200 ho SM « less New 233's ®rApmrMietis MOCK NOva d1 area- - with 24x CD 3316 modem. lociis. cruise. mirrors, p great p Odor good kms. now 54.695 Fs- 1 1 Fay war- ail ft" bunt apt av4 - 4 aDp1oK• carton color primo etc COIMTNa T 180.000 kms great ootp Only on Most CvehOeds. I - 3 r es. cab (416) 444-7391 $1.595 Lease for las than MARKET NOW OPEN Located (91]5)666-1545 yr warranties available y 1 BEOROOM ala n oadral OsbtNf. large 1. 2. $67/mo Leases stat at $40 at the Courtna Flu Make 4 Oshawa. avaabk FebJWr. a 3 bedroom apartmentis mo. Perone (905) 697-3059 Km East of oslawa - Show 19!10 SPRINT. 2 -door. hatch- per gw Ise from 5550 inclusive. Park- available in well- mankd and sell your halo -made pro- had automatic 96.000k Comm. Mw MCH, Oftloo. (916) lip appwnces.A tot C yard Hose b ad arlkrkMa. pe In Computer Saks, ducts dnectly to the public 13995 ceAlied Lal 579-0191 57> 2M6. Oda swd" 11 _ 905 33-0062. Ask for Cathy 723-0977. pentium 233 MMX. 486 Dx 2- 65 Cap anytime (905)430- without having to be there! We 1991 NYIINON Excel SE. 4. l�KMapartment . Sim- CNIMpI ST.AM 2 area- 2 m 6579 all the semkg. so your time grey 4 omahc withEASE Lto on-arem itewdy-re cars only. coe/Rossannd (Oshawa). 1'4161444 -Ml avail. Cad 80 Wentworth SIM. (Rfrom $650&38 As from $680 for res tilities Ind. Close 'hools, shopping a Dl. Transit right pa )Ur door. Call to view: (905) 721-8741 IN SALE. a your own. Cad 905-436- iron es to Do. everyone $475.oM1ides. cable Induced, Ottnwasner. I nOq�I rtia0"' 1024. overdrive. 535M as is. Call grayiTn $345 down. n0 credit available inmedutey. Cad COMTICE - Nash Rd. 2 Oed inn; almond colour 430-2434 I�f •• business90 1 n9l, -2525. pdeeck�. Ltd 68866 7t�28 570034 905-432-11M room easement scow. hew �, Walk � honk 905 831.1399. STIEF A NNW Appliances / »91 MElIC11NY tAOLE, fiydrda� i ash rdeam_ as - Part a Service. Showroom 1 full o1 original owner. immaculate. apptianas. Mega FON TEE (lest n McWftsne certified. loaded. !My/Way. $300, stores 5200. wtshas and prokssio al computer doth buckets/consok. recast $250. dryers SISO. an 2-0 service am training. ONOff brakes, ores front end. rar- years old 362 French St. Site work. AN lard- raft on trams .tom; ash- (905►432-7167 ware and software ewtlartt. TO L5900 NOT TMS. new a demo. Cad Male (905)571-2552 1982 L9 EM, while, From $1499. Hard covers clew Drakes. new fires. p.w. from 5299. Spa pada and re- NEW MUSIC a -zine ® #Mjl P.I. "nal owgkr. 112.000 Auto Dealer will arrant' financing even if y( have been turned duo before. Loans availab for no credit, crec problems. and bankrup Cy buyers. No Ib sigrfe 1 bedr00m ba58frL8rK sTalabk rm- apartment, female 9o5z74 preferred, =5501 1M2Y liWDWOom. 2 -bed - month inclusive. e� .eft Available Feb est 5575„,Ldael Plus CONN. FHd/ laundry included. anal misr, r I. Feb. 1.1 -bel Near 401. hoof., C appliances. parking CII i37-9913 alNdry� 5851. PortTWFY 1-000.552- wwv di ntWuNw ,,V km.. excellent corl0itioh tl6eded. CBII M0) 16M Plus allele, WK43st. rd- IOM 57800 CUKed. 726-1947 1854 IN1111 acetas. Feb. 1. CNw b 401. alp.. s� d aau. aId238Alldeit-hent aparta 00th OaSomigt 579-0191. Kid a W row. OB61 2i11M wYedows n dadc. FrMIr f'Brt1 fiBIB6 W. trent, 9M�. Gbaratice Sak! eg. slider 1 INAolMtf/ 1 nlplfsr/ 1994 Ford Tempo GL, V6, M OOBNT0IBN OdarTa: Large 115SWAMN. Wcl. 19 Shdw 36 132' $199 taNe . 09. alio. 4 dr.. amRm cess.. ttdAnt Id- 1 Ndtm math Boor apt Sloe, coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 $8.5 Upgrade our prows- Arts a ( I D ltd loaded. dean nice. now Snp 579 2567 cors (trade) IOD -133 aW to • 1 1980 BONKWU SE. loaded. 53395. 1969 Trader 4 x 4. ���a. ,� 200 ho SM « less New 233's ®rApmrMietis MOCK NOva d1 area- - with 24x CD 3316 modem. lociis. cruise. mirrors, p great p Odor good kms. now 54.695 Fs- 1 1 Fay war- ail ft" bunt apt av4 - 4 aDp1oK• carton color primo etc COIMTNa T 180.000 kms great ootp Only on Most CvehOeds. I - 3 r es. cab (416) 444-7391 $1.595 Lease for las than MARKET NOW OPEN Located (91]5)666-1545 yr warranties available y 1 BEOROOM ala n oadral OsbtNf. large 1. 2. $67/mo Leases stat at $40 at the Courtna Flu Make 4 Oshawa. avaabk FebJWr. a 3 bedroom apartmentis mo. Perone (905) 697-3059 Km East of oslawa - Show 19!10 SPRINT. 2 -door. hatch- per gw Ise from 5550 inclusive. Park- available in well- mankd and sell your halo -made pro- had automatic 96.000k Comm. Mw MCH, Oftloo. (916) lip appwnces.A tot C yard Hose b ad arlkrkMa. pe In Computer Saks, ducts dnectly to the public 13995 ceAlied Lal 579-0191 57> 2M6. Oda swd" 11 _ 905 33-0062. Ask for Cathy 723-0977. pentium 233 MMX. 486 Dx 2- 65 Cap anytime (905)430- without having to be there! We 1991 NYIINON Excel SE. 4. l�KMapartment . Sim- CNIMpI ST.AM 2 area- 2 m 6579 all the semkg. so your time grey 4 omahc withEASE Lto on-arem itewdy-re cars only. coe/Rossannd (Oshawa). 1'4161444 -Ml avail. Cad 80 Wentworth SIM. (Rfrom $650&38 As from $680 for res tilities Ind. Close 'hools, shopping a Dl. Transit right pa )Ur door. Call to view: (905) 721-8741 IN SALE. a your own. Cad 905-436- iron es to Do. everyone $475.oM1ides. cable Induced, Ottnwasner. I nOq�I rtia0"' 1024. overdrive. 535M as is. Call grayiTn $345 down. n0 credit available inmedutey. Cad COMTICE - Nash Rd. 2 Oed inn; almond colour 430-2434 I�f •• business90 1 n9l, -2525. pdeeck�. Ltd 68866 7t�28 570034 905-432-11M room easement scow. hew �, Walk � honk 905 831.1399. STIEF A NNW Appliances / »91 MElIC11NY tAOLE, fiydrda� i ash rdeam_ as - Part a Service. Showroom 1 full o1 original owner. immaculate. apptianas. Mega FON TEE (lest n McWftsne certified. loaded. !My/Way. $300, stores 5200. wtshas and prokssio al computer doth buckets/consok. recast $250. dryers SISO. an 2-0 service am training. ONOff brakes, ores front end. rar- years old 362 French St. Site work. AN lard- raft on trams .tom; ash- (905►432-7167 ware and software ewtlartt. TO L5900 NOT TMS. new a demo. Cad Male (905)571-2552 1982 L9 EM, while, From $1499. Hard covers clew Drakes. new fires. p.w. from 5299. Spa pada and re- NEW MUSIC a -zine ® #Mjl P.I. "nal owgkr. 112.000 Auto Dealer will arrant' financing even if y( have been turned duo before. Loans availab for no credit, crec problems. and bankrup Cy buyers. No Ib sigrfe 1 bedr00m ba58frL8rK sTalabk rm- apartment, female 9o5z74 preferred, =5501 1M2Y liWDWOom. 2 -bed - month inclusive. e� .eft Available Feb est 5575„,Ldael Plus CONN. FHd/ laundry included. anal misr, r I. Feb. 1.1 -bel Near 401. hoof., C appliances. parking CII i37-9913 alNdry� 5851. PortTWFY 1-000.552- wwv di ntWuNw ,,V km.. excellent corl0itioh tl6eded. CBII M0) 16M Plus allele, WK43st. rd- IOM 57800 CUKed. 726-1947 1854 IN1111 acetas. Feb. 1. CNw b 401. alp.. s� d aau. aId238Alldeit-hent aparta 00th OaSomigt 579-0191. Kid a W row. OB61 2i11M wYedows n dadc. FrMIr f'Brt1 fiBIB6 W. trent, 9M�. Gbaratice Sak! eg. slider 1 INAolMtf/ 1 nlplfsr/ 1994 Ford Tempo GL, V6, M OOBNT0IBN OdarTa: Large 115SWAMN. Wcl. 19 Shdw 36 132' $199 taNe . 09. alio. 4 dr.. amRm cess.. ttdAnt Id- 1 Ndtm math Boor apt Sloe, coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 80 Wentworth SIM. (Rfrom $650&38 As from $680 for res tilities Ind. Close 'hools, shopping a Dl. Transit right pa )Ur door. Call to view: (905) 721-8741 IN SALE. a your own. Cad 905-436- iron es to Do. everyone $475.oM1ides. cable Induced, Ottnwasner. I nOq�I rtia0"' 1024. overdrive. 535M as is. Call grayiTn $345 down. n0 credit available inmedutey. Cad COMTICE - Nash Rd. 2 Oed inn; almond colour 430-2434 I�f •• business90 1 n9l, -2525. pdeeck�. Ltd 68866 7t�28 570034 905-432-11M room easement scow. hew �, Walk � honk 905 831.1399. STIEF A NNW Appliances / »91 MElIC11NY tAOLE, fiydrda� i ash rdeam_ as - Part a Service. Showroom 1 full o1 original owner. immaculate. apptianas. Mega FON TEE (lest n McWftsne certified. loaded. !My/Way. $300, stores 5200. wtshas and prokssio al computer doth buckets/consok. recast $250. dryers SISO. an 2-0 service am training. ONOff brakes, ores front end. rar- years old 362 French St. Site work. AN lard- raft on trams .tom; ash- (905►432-7167 ware and software ewtlartt. TO L5900 NOT TMS. new a demo. Cad Male (905)571-2552 1982 L9 EM, while, From $1499. Hard covers clew Drakes. new fires. p.w. from 5299. Spa pada and re- NEW MUSIC a -zine ® #Mjl P.I. "nal owgkr. 112.000 Auto Dealer will arrant' financing even if y( have been turned duo before. Loans availab for no credit, crec problems. and bankrup Cy buyers. No Ib sigrfe 1 bedr00m ba58frL8rK sTalabk rm- apartment, female 9o5z74 preferred, =5501 1M2Y liWDWOom. 2 -bed - month inclusive. e� .eft Available Feb est 5575„,Ldael Plus CONN. FHd/ laundry included. anal misr, r I. Feb. 1.1 -bel Near 401. hoof., C appliances. parking CII i37-9913 alNdry� 5851. PortTWFY 1-000.552- wwv di ntWuNw ,,V km.. excellent corl0itioh tl6eded. CBII M0) 16M Plus allele, WK43st. rd- IOM 57800 CUKed. 726-1947 1854 IN1111 acetas. Feb. 1. CNw b 401. alp.. s� d aau. aId238Alldeit-hent aparta 00th OaSomigt 579-0191. Kid a W row. OB61 2i11M wYedows n dadc. FrMIr f'Brt1 fiBIB6 W. trent, 9M�. Gbaratice Sak! eg. slider 1 INAolMtf/ 1 nlplfsr/ 1994 Ford Tempo GL, V6, M OOBNT0IBN OdarTa: Large 115SWAMN. Wcl. 19 Shdw 36 132' $199 taNe . 09. alio. 4 dr.. amRm cess.. ttdAnt Id- 1 Ndtm math Boor apt Sloe, coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 5851. PortTWFY 1-000.552- wwv di ntWuNw ,,V km.. excellent corl0itioh tl6eded. CBII M0) 16M Plus allele, WK43st. rd- IOM 57800 CUKed. 726-1947 1854 IN1111 acetas. Feb. 1. CNw b 401. alp.. s� d aau. aId238Alldeit-hent aparta 00th OaSomigt 579-0191. Kid a W row. OB61 2i11M wYedows n dadc. FrMIr f'Brt1 fiBIB6 W. trent, 9M�. Gbaratice Sak! eg. slider 1 INAolMtf/ 1 nlplfsr/ 1994 Ford Tempo GL, V6, M OOBNT0IBN OdarTa: Large 115SWAMN. Wcl. 19 Shdw 36 132' $199 taNe . 09. alio. 4 dr.. amRm cess.. ttdAnt Id- 1 Ndtm math Boor apt Sloe, coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 coldgd. BasaRetll w, In I epi 3Yx10' $160 taxa itKTaded. 25 year Nara* 3 oak dew Nulty. (905)426-2030 mm, baby Braid. NW"D- ny PPcC 1H�y ' suite. 1Chw~. 5300. 6 qphcpe�. hrWt1�I NPI r n suk Flee tJeliTer�y. bed. aww. or bat mnww* all- erllitces, suitable for an. MdQe �rdry' P> D LMS. ■M10Y > iurhMsatod gdeai err 905,985-1139 ViI (90S)576-" 14198 9056851620 bachelor a One NittI r , OWN MINwMOee 11:30am•7:30pol. entry, awxhv. parluntg, Ago OLVDO IIONTM OBNMA Sega anBe decor no pg� 5650 ♦alp. 1 a 2 beWdom(s). Ex1ra arge 90WITMn wim, SMA, 905 509 2036. Sn IN SM for soap ars a �00Ay Well q� vM deal, 6. apt Milo- trucks or any condition vert- budding- COfMMM eatratlbe. Ng, .-MIW hardwood WWM IWAffY Vipo6W des. 24hr plothoo i Owlet $624. and SM. u Mita, a- foor4, kAs Of pufft will y each ow am. stwools, up- I- boing- Romge 4 Ole, lauwo Odom. No bolOn. 2 bedroom. avail. rwkg 31, avail. Imlae ' t - ling ears a Iruldts Available kbtat 19 now or Feb.1, $7Bamo.. in- bedroom $M.. atl0ee. blanch NMeMd Cad (906) 70F5740. Ibril lit. Pl- (906) dashes. limMad. pd (905) 1. 9054th -2326. Flo da d- 11111111-411009. tar 1p.m. 11011 SWACC E 8 a R I NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities w ckxw Parquay throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $B46.00. Call 905-721.0980 FAM C"! "0 ISF.ATRICS ST. E O8"WA 2 bd 4th apts. $7�•00 �. p bd mL t,. rnbeu es .S bdefat5• tow►ul�ses �e d bills. -W-1wa � Beau �e �� MSQM tk t0111M.. gummp®tM�ra baa &02& a y [PamFor makre Ildes"Wastsm or 6tM ay/1llfaRyM llllV 43Zrbe09 ILL BRICK. spacious 3 -bed - ,m house. carpet. Ctlao*. 114ched garage• latae fenced aid Quiet family neghbour- a,d Alaix wlutbv border. no cooing, s1000/mor" plus nhues Available Feb. 15. f9o5)683-0667. evernrgs 905142Er2262 BEAUTIFUL country bungalow i;. Kendal HII s 1K to Osha• Si, Club. treed acre.. n. bright, spacious open rpt. $950/mordh or sell. 6B6 7526. COURTICE- 3 bedroom de - ,,,,ed with garage. Available ..,edutely 5995/mordh ties. No pets. Call 905- -0425 atter 6 p.m. OSIAWA sem,. 3 bedrooms. :Aths air. close 10 amem- St000 includes hydro urd . Available Feb. 1. ne 683-5242. OSHAWA. small 2 bedroom .,e 2 appliances. gas. I deck. 2 car parking. ;• 5 plus Atities. fist & last. Avail Feb 1& (705) 438 - flickering by Lake 401/White. ..alk to PTC/40/Leach ,Nlrm bungalow, new n tK1%atiORS, Freshly i•amted, hardwood �$`/ - yFl-lege & 4W739-4475 �.nlablr immediaMy' -AWN :entre ,• a. .7 ,Do.. scan AvaAalee ,,it 1416) 444-7391 puflivaG: Main poor 34ed- inm appliances, kw"y t- ar EmgkyW adit wet- ome References. 1stilast. 1025 mchism Awd Apel st ne"IAW 420-6306. )LICK Clewiel. New 2 -bed- (;, wised bungalow. Cat B oe.lroom with I~ level gym.^ed Close b FbtnWAde- "_ow or no down pay - .1 vendor pays wanes sur .I for 5960 PIT. /M -,�:ardson. ReaLy-Net Asw ales 905-433.7949 RENT WITH OPTION to bNy. T, ed selection of 2 and 3 :+edroom omen I*" Roane f . 'the V,RW or etre slime - .,.ford chase kwwwdiR oe- .wncv avalabr Cap for an eppu,mmem to wear our Mod - Suite Coldwell Unker M R Real Estar (90% 728- b9 en 225 Wwlri - ONE II M A ..M, front h,^ it hese mm eam S4'S p,uS dmrntws. Near Go aa^ -S 3090. E Towlwwdras For ftww 3 ofDR00M townhouse with basement 2 Daft. 4 ap. W,ance& close to 401. await- ab,e Feb -March 1 INN. SMOKER S"5/ pwNl all xr elusive I9D5i.23-5aM AN QSNAWA S" - 3 Dedroom townhouse close 10 scnoois arra ssn1ioappppww�iqq..SM mo ALL INCItI$IVE FwW W Available Feb /March 1 905)579.9956 hays CARRIAGE MRL TOwN- HCUSES 122 Colborne St E Osruwa March availability. 4343972 TAUNTON TERRACE Town - h( -,...s 100 Taunton Rd E. 3 bakuom townhouse avadaW March to Cap 436-3346. U NTOWSMCOE. 3 -bed- room 4 appliances. 5635 hydru available Immediately. Call 90566-9421. WIN 1 ReehNs Rr Ran AJAX clean quiet home for skuns,bte knant. Share +,tcben. Laundry ane bore. Sus Go. 4ol. 5350/ironal. isvtast Abstieher. IMNIe- d,atey Pa (905) 6190606 CLEAN BRIGHT HOUSE Wtutes Rill. S. and 401. Roon1,5 for rent B&B avaiiL- heeekly aryl Hydro staff welcome! 42& -OM V, hvft c path otupollifile] lacuZIf separate walk out IasenarN entrance. in newer horny, Bell.ween Walman 8 Home lm,ted Cooking, no pne� pets, first blast. er crudes rade and oWAI@s. 123-7324 LARGE auto dean furnished 1011 for �t Us � and elo Inin 725 --Mo Dovievow ostom UYERPOOLMyLV- FhW. ivsned room to bas~ Includes cable, hydro sw ate entrance now GO & bus. $360, onth ImmedM e. Cal 8370538, THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 19971 -PAGE 37 oaNu o7�r 1 1 1 Renl w LALs for Ssr • 1 : 1 ell riwL • 1 o nr.win ' 1 o AuMre 1 Op�aebrrilNee 1 OpporNrhlrs NO SMOKlNO lanae prgM PER bedsming room. w/cabie out- let. use of kitchen. bathroom and nnlgaundry Suitable for wor"(905)668 376r Whitby OSH MHA, preferred area, fur- nished room in professional tome Suit professional male. nal -smoker, absUiner $400! month Available now Call (905) 723-6761 PICKERING VILLAGE. Rooms for rem. S325(month inclusive. Ckm to all amenities. Call 6E16-6905. PICKERING, large house. Parking, laundry. $400/month inclusive. Call 420-9901 ROOMS FOR RENT - Har- wood/02. 5375 & up No pets/ neon -smokers preferred Call 905-428-8634 or 905-420- 0401. 1 Sherd Acconnhodstion SELF-CONTAINED bachelor apartment suit single mak. $550 or wrwoodMwy 2, large Quiet house. single. mature. nal -smoking female pre - to., ed No pets. share garage Available April 1st Call 1905)424-2299 HOOSE TO SAME "'North Central Whitby. has 2 bath- rooms. 2 kitchens, laundry. pool. spa. aro bis of pill" Close to all aMemties 5350 mo • 1/3 uN. or wlelkty Cap 905.130-2461 ONE bedroom in new town. home Parting No pees Iched- ren Non-smolung. Quiet re- sponsible working MPF Pid,- er*W40119rock area $350 nckove. firstAast. 426-1Me OSHAWA slave Quiet and clean home. kckleff all tacrilwe. No pets. kids. swsolum AN utilities except Wand caw Iw nadiake 161 PIdIER111G, we. WIN kept ran smoking, to sat Mature. sang* pnokssiorul (earl no inclusive Mtge" 1"M 037-1879 MOMw i DSHAWA 4 NoeO' Fres Reim $00 Io1400 soft 2nd floor. from 5100 Main Ilt 300 - low W 1mM 5300 @D0 34 n 2 nd, floor across mown 434-2447 or 45 132 . • G•rap a luNi tt-,aipe ,rs ^s:.awa 10Ca11611 Single and dou0k mems available Easy access. Sloon Kew 19051725 9991 1 1 Prnar Hanes For Seie upgraded windows. new roof. Win, prof. tn. basement wi PC. double drive, garage. in- ledoCk walkway Lartn 't IM'nedstap- Won$13o7.50p a. Call Rosaken of Frame. Sinton Group Classic. 905-686-5153. OBMNAM AEGON - Sellers! Call 24 hours and bw recorded message on low to save 14000. or more when you sit your flare! Canada's Real Ester Hbeine. 24 his. 1- 600-550.=S eid.79540. 1100611 FARtNlnwdwic's dream! 4 -bedrooms, devi g - mom. eg-in kitchen, sun- WOUL computer man. shrhlen Mvingroom. Bain Roo WNW OF gueho and a NOW III* 11t.2 bay 00301. one side I M 11 IW pMa one 3 stall barn woe tack room, Ino- rt hydro, bails of "ft. 10 Mi idles more or Cobowa. Asking 5145.000. Cal for oro- poirMlnerrt. (905)342-5305- 811MTBAOE PBOK MST I wed ply cam for YT Ronne. puigt Cb�rl� available. " Moa under f1lo.000. GM (905) 434-6116 MO OOWII PAYMENT? TRADE IN YOUR TOWN- HOUSE. Whitby 3-pedroom bungalow, gleaming hard- wood, new MMM. wells dc - Guide At* 723-5261 MOR/MST Oshawa. onrY $129.900. Lovely 3 -bedroom brick home. Nitrate modem Idt hen, w/o b deck, 50'x115' tit cal am 905-654427. OOIIAwA Sema. dean. bright 3.1 bedroom, 3 bathrooms. mice yard. LAW deck Qiw crescent. Cal (905 571-5106 open house Sun. est. 1- 1310 Charter Crs. FELT tot young family. Immaculate 4 bedroom home m desirable North West lora. I- in Oshawa. 450 sq it master bedroom, labulous Dasemenb apartment, sepa- rate entrance Reined for 5600 Home will carry for un- der $700 at todays rates. Priced at $169.900 For ap- pammem call (905)576-7207 PRIVATE $219.000. 17 Bar- ley Mill Cr Bowmanville 2. storey 4 bedrooms, c.a.c.. gas. double garage. 2 1/2 bathrooms. master ensufe. greenhouse kitchen. dish- washer, large deck/paho. in - ground pool 905.623.8539 UNBELIEVABLE NORTHEAST Oshawa 4 -bedroom brick and aluminum 1 1/2 -storey, forted arr gas tlirliate with air conditioning. one owner home Only $104.900 Immediate possession. Call Lorne Hart- ford Sutton Excel Realty Inc (905)721-1144 . 1 Ou11-011-Town Pro o in 2-IEDROOM bungaiow. lu1- ished walkout basement, at. tached double garage, open concept. Located on 9-1/2 acres Frond paved road. back Sams John River Watt 1938 Rowe 103. Wakefield. 011,8 E711111 1A8 INAI hasn•g•s Fa SW 3-KOR0(M cottage an tae. 5 minutes from Bancroft rear row access, As" $55.000. Cal Io ddab 905- 683-2267 smp. COMW 1 Trader Sees WELL-IWO limier sites available at stoney Pond Trawler Park. 45 men. from Oshawa on Ru Lake Phone 1705)696-2107 EO Moray b OMTAWK A LOAN IS NOT GUARANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHANCE tw- FRONTFEES. OTHERS 00 NOT IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU ONSIIGATE TItORatKH- Ly BEFORE $10 B ANY CONTRACTS. :1 flfrrlgpss. urwvar,o. MORTGAGES - Gow. acid and ugy F,nanang for any per, pow, rales from 4.19% AN appkcabna accepw CoM- merely Mortgigt on -ti 5 • 1 Olrtirss O000rN EXTRA MONEY %%king Arts Ai Crafts' Scat S A S F fix FREE. ori twilearum &-rails to WILLARD ENT. 101 East S< U wee 16 Bobcaygeorl. on KUM I AO OSNWAA read furniture am accessories shop. Fknbke lease. able -85k inventory. In- come o-come 35k -55k past 4 years. Tum -key $85.000 Call 705- 749-3150 IMS PINaoFlak DOMINANT MALE seeks fe- males) 19+ imerested in ex- ploring Lwin submissive side. No $ 24 hr. recorded mes- sage. (905) 434.2121 or mail 27-13W King St. E.. S-254. Cislawa. Ontario. 11H 854 601 MIAM0 HOUSE- WIVES - naeu s & predate phone numbers. 1-900-451- 3638 eid BUD. $3 2WMb, roust be /6. T -rale BSIMMA Rel 11111 Massage. SMalsu Service. 40 King Street wort, oshava. (905) 404-9625. 11:3Wn - 9 -WPM. SPOYSE CHLU MO?T E.R. Psychic Answers. You can know. Rated /1. Police lo0.OW4 Cdns. use us. Caps confidential. 24/hrs. $2.991 min, to.. 1-900.051-1055. PMeae recd your cbs&* f ad on fife first &y of PAL' fm as we clitninot be respoll:M for Mone fie one imordon in the event d ren ow. Toronto Capital Inc. 'Mortgages for any purpose or arty property' $SS 1st, 2nds 8 3rds SSS Mortgages for Residential Up to 95% purchases, equity, construction special Situations, cottages, condos. Mortgages for Commercial New Building, apartments, retail with apartments, renovations, commercial Plazas, equity, industrial construction loans. Purchase of Vendor Take Back Mortgages (905)428-1232 Ajax 226 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax [-MI Legal Notices • 1 LLgal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DONALD 0. DANIELS, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Donald 0. Daniels. late of the Town of Pickering, who died on or about the 22 day of January, 1998, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the 15 th day of March. 1998. after which date the Estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to claims then filed. Dated: January 30, 1998. Donald J. Daniels, Estate Trustee With a Will- by: Andrew 0. Felker, Esq. WALKER,HEAD Barristers and Solicitors 11200 -1305 Pickering Parkway Pickering Ontario, L1 V 31P2 (905)839-4484/683-3444 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE OF RUBY KATHLEEN ANDREW AN persons having claims against the estate of Ruby Kathleen Andrew, deceased, late of the town of Ajax in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about ft 31st day of October, 1997, are hereby notified to send them to tete undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 2nd day of March. 1998. After such date the assets of the above- named estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the estate trustee shall then have notice. Dated at Whitby this, 23rd. day of January. 1998. NIGEL SCHILLING O.C. SCHILLING, EVANS 330 Byron Street South P.O. Box 267 Whitby, Ontario ON 5S1 Solicitors for the Estate Trustee W1 Tenders • e Tenders THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM TENDER FOR RENTAL OF POWER SWEEPFRS WITH OVERHEAD DUNIP FEATURES T-307-98 SEALED TENDERS, dearly marked as to contents will be received by the Regional Clerk untA 2:00 p.m., TINNSOAY, Fl:lsIpM 12,1 "1 Specifications and tender forms may be secured from the Purchasing Section, Supply and Services Division at tel. (905)571-=1. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROGER ANDERSON REGIONAL CHAIR. J.S. LORNE C.E.T., M.B.A., CPPD, Manager of Supply & Services, 60 Bond Street, West, 2nd floor, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8B6 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Marlin Travel of Wal-Mart Martin Travel is a part of The Thomas (oak Group: • 3,000 travel locations in more than 100 countries serving more than 20 million customers per year • has inspired confidence for over 150 years • stands for qud'ity, retia rrty and service. Your Marlin Travel franchise Will: • be located in one of the 140 Wal-Mart" stores across (orada • take advantage of Wal -Mart's' loyal customer base and high -traffic volumi • be a part of Wal -Mart's' muki-service concept that brings together reputable companies in one comeniefrt area. Thomas Cook is the only travel company in Canada with its own trovel/heahh insurance, travellers cheques, foreign exchange, 24 hour emergency service and branded vacation produds. WHETHER you HAVE TRAVEL E)IpBtfENCFie OR ARE AN W111F tENEUR LOOKING FOR Marcia i n alms SUCCESS, CALL THOMAS COOK TOL!-FREE AT: 1-888-823-7262 WREST IN THESE MARLIN TRAVEL LOCATIONS HAS BEEN DRAMATIC, SO DON'T DELAY! THOMAS COOK - THE WORLD'S LEADING LEISURE TRAVEL COMPANY IN 650 650 650 650 PRoEESS10NP j " IMPORTANT Av�,ONEEItS AUCTION NOTICE Acting under mmerwreians rwreaaed w icatt feu aw d.i..J two fr«w. A4.VOR EWr'ATES • PRJVATE C0L.LECT10NS • C0NS1(:NM1N.TS F'rni in - Bram Hand Carved y I, Accent Sunday Feb. 01 at 12:00 Noon Furniture Decor p Grand Foyer Scab tleMorabes . GANINNO (PREVIEW at 11 an) Cmiquws ' Oua" Of Estate L dodarrl AT: The Pickering Sports Jh mft ' Desiww Wlrldrs ' Over 200 L.E. Complex Prins 'ALJ. Carson 'Lumbers ' Rararrce 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Royal Doulton w Whimsical Trarm' Pickering Stoners' CaMectlDrs' Toys Fin, -11 -1- .fhand carved ask i o.oAuKanr frarnitarr. Jur n.nr rur.w rt, drsks, conav/rx- tablrs, tro cabinets. PJani sw-n r,. pedratala, I. --c nightseaad; cewwodeel rsaing warror, tux seat bwnck Jaer•or rah., china cabow es. in CAipprodaAr. Queen Anne. Lowis "'& Friench styles, /calami Awaned wureaes. trays, accent hews. Aear•te sJasswa, bend wadi wildlife srrlPtw+r,4, Porcelain rwrs, chiwa, rrawhrery s/ssa. T Ran•oner Fitrrinea. coUecear plates, art ,newest rrlirases). Sports rolice ihles in minrwn prrsrwestiss� aWerrep rd by AHL Saprrwers, l! Logewda. Naof Fawns. Framed L.E. Sports Art. LAwnr srlertaaw of hand wade u,kiwrica/ on"we stile tours and coJArrtabirs. Liwated Edessoa Art. Oraranal Oso Peantiongs, Drror Studio prints, rare poMuotions of top nave artist, o/ao coUrcesew of Grwa,p o/ Siren Art roith Artists Prao/ii, and IOWA Annaversary Year Cek6rotiow Prints of A.J. Cassoa•. Fine awalaty LTaaw•owd rias, gold chains hrwrrlrea. earrutaw Watches, Pearls, nicer. cold E Saber cows. Bonk .%Oerx. .flint Srm err. TERMS CASH. ViSA. MC 4MX. -'EB:- AS PER -D S -E.: S ANNGLACE.: 4- SA_E ADDITIONS S DELETIONSAPPLY NO 9L'yERS PREANUAIS Fgcc DRAW AS acre POSTED ! ANNOUNCE" UMrTED SEATNEG • REGISTRATION AT 11 AM - PLAN TO ATTEND • FREE DRAW • NO BUYERS PREWUY OR SURCHARGES AT OUR AUCTION SALES - CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAT. JAN 31- 5 P M. IMES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST. OSHAWA. Vx4aq s:aebni; %, s.:e washer and dryer. re- ;arator and stove. =^este*hNd smte. lacy icy char. Iron and gtm :� ee and end tables, --esterfew with match - ^y loveseat, ahbQue -id oak :able with :-a, rs. was^s:and, spm- ` ^r, wheel. treadle sew- ; machine. Victorian scar. 6 oak : ^.ori rs. n•__:ght iron 4 ;,ester wing back Chair. -t.:'Jom furniture, pm - machine. s-elg motor ( vin- ce). large quantity of yC�s Chru. dishes. sd- ie• and tool set Oshawa's Mst re- nowlled and rapeded auction. Serving Our - ham for the past 30 rears MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751 710 710 710 710 FREE! A GIFT FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY lace a birth announcement A* Pickering News Advertiserand receive a FREE "BAB Y'S HERE GIFT PAC" k Approx. $25 worth of brand name products Your free coupon is redeemable at Sears, Oshawa Centre or Pickering Town Centre Inquire at: Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax -1822 Whites Rd., Pickering 683-0707 sears Outlet P* 4. 16-1. a• t 0 rat ♦ r rr n r ♦r 1p e r+�'.fo I` 1' err l a e 6r 4 N ' it PAGE 3S- N9M A�VIrRTI Ela• nUDAY. SANUARY 3D. 1916 1 Ptnsorlals 1 PwsorWt1 P.rsorh.l11 r 1 PW=mb w • • • • N 0• • V)jl"`_� WIN A UNIQUE GIFT __.. FOR YOUR LOVED ONE! Follow your heart this Valentine's Day and Oexpress your feelings with a romantic or perhaps fun -filled "Valentine Greeting." COST: $30 FOR 25 WORDS OR LESS PUBLISHING DATE: Sunday, February 8th From all entries, 2 winners will receive a surprise visit from the formal Quartet, the "Oshawa Horseless Carriagemen Barbershoppers". They will arrive to swoon your loved one on Saturday, February 14th with songs, flowers, a card, chocolates, etc. Winners will be notified Monday, February 9th. Get creative.... Guys & Gals. IF Place your "Love Lines" by calling... IF Oshawa Whitby Ajax Pickering Cbrington This week New�spAdverttiser 576-M to�� 683.Ovel y f` For mora iniornnlfolt on vi 011ylri floralMss Carrfagll Cd Tom or Hayley P" 4344265 • o om" Your Sbl"l m a Illaiaal II/ ummirr &""4 *V" Prato the Blessed YM�n (never known to fa 511 most beautiful flower of Maul Car- mel, fruitful wine, spender of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, lahrthacttlate Ytrgun assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show ate here, you are my Moth- er. OhHdy May, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to secure me in in uh - ty (make request). There are none thu can withstand your power. Oh, Mary con- ceived without sun, pray for us who have re- course to thee, (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands, (3 times). Holy I place this cause in your herds, (3 times). Say thus prayer for 3 consecutive days and them YOU must publish. It will be granted to you. A.M. I the Sacred Heart of Jesus for its received. May the Sac in of Jesus be adored, gWifi W and preserved throughoutIld now and forever. Irt of Jesus, pray for us. St. Ju icer of miracles, pray for us, fie, helper of the hopeless, p us. Say this prayer 9 times a d the eighth day your prayers , answered regardless of h Bless your situation seems. Pu u1 must be promised. .11 • • neap a 3b w M theta" a aro/. • 11 11►111.as.rtasr • 11 b4kmwbm spgm«'vmoglww AJAX Moving Systems Basement 'Full services, moves, appliance Additions, � and piano specialists. Flat rate or drywall, ceramic tiling hourly. We now have heated 1 15 yrs. Exp. storage units. We sell moving Call Malio supplies. Park and load special, (905} 6194663. starting at $125. and up. cel4416) NO -4663 725-0005 or 427-0005 1 807 81.5892 A&C RWF ING, Shingling, all types of mots, new and ofd. Workmanship Guar- anteed. 10% Discount t„ Senuicrs. ahny in- surtA Fra estimates. Call Andrew at (W - )428 -SM 810 PAINTING & PLASTERING -No lob too by or sawn -You pay wl.n You are saMfieo! -Fra. KtlrtgkS CON} fpee1l at Paw l„aF7ta�ilr11 AN Pse Painting rind waMpaperi.g Stucco cohngs TTG000pnpnhhaaYtrrepa rs r..ao —; , work al prro.s 20% art for senors Call for a FREE Esunae 404-9669 GF.RSIAN PAINTER arp ite Orwr 30 �n- r yaft. drywall taping, CALL HARRY axs-:b79 EXTERM Painting W Mpapeiing Good prices • Good wok Call Mel 576 -SM InL/EXL Paper hanging, sponging and ragging. Serving �m Region sake 1983 Fm Estimates (905) 6&3-5&38 TMS PAINTING i DECOR Interior & Exterior European Worknwi- SNP F dean, reliable service. 420 -noel M i Y APPUANCES plepars 10 drylem and lid sshers�, Fin es6naft P” 4211--iSN err Wills+slat MOVERS Move big or small. we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Call 74437 or (105 263 -SM MICWSKI NOV" roses. Apartrnerds. Olk- es. Apoinces and Pani Speaalists Now we rove nand stonoe oft Senior and acro Mond+ oOWW a. Ueinisd.isaseu.Fm Es. Osmrs.Eacelem traria. Call 43i-77ti5. Cnoa Mom Gargan rases, homes. offices. apt. etc. Piano naves Padua avail F., 423-0239 1 iYarYq. r CARPET NUALLATMS 25 years experience, restrelching, our F,,:=. 0 i N Dow=, 987-1719 w U7 -UN Banner AVAILABLE Was own prollessionvil SUppMS- Please call lir more inicir nation 831-0151 Mo Will ow cep 10 9000 31 a vatxaannp p. 6.0 do rxarrqlra .tinchinagars waChed. wrhrr Dotheapes. e boards. a waerever �t 10Yom aFP , rr Call AOr 0 416-716-M 805 300ft e&�° lessons &W $105. 0101 essans $150 ful Cause $259 Free pias -up ane drop (4") M -Y MWATE ONE 0111 ONE 1.k. ILWCP,3M3B GORGEOUS MODELS Dickering It" Owers, ulir 125 905.4264466 MASSAGE Full Body Relaxation 70CS a.rls 10.ws – 10AM 579-1501 7,uyt k ro nnvMR- TISE YOUR sysi- NESS OR iSERVICE IN THIS ri.E►sE cr►tt 663-0707 Don't Forget TbeNews Advertiser Classified DepL phone opera - Um are avail- able for your convenience eery Sat. 9:3010 3:00. To Phot Your Chissified Call Pkase Baal 683-0707 Pally Sr1ri0M Ing h1y:01ri0M RAY!? WAltl'lrfi WOM gag Mapic Fix addren's Parlile •• And �FawA� pdMy can �mn I SVrdw Fele 2 FstiaWttoetl • 6rltr11rrerr AAA FAprm De irery Service for colapelilive prices call or e-mail r1Lf10 w 0"N1p111i" >EX AL LA .s SERVING DURHAM REGION EWGAtVCE 6 4 ASS (in/out so like) 410"761 In loving memory of a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather who passed away suddenly 2 years ago, January 30,19%. DONALD W. SANDERSON We lit He knew that morning, God was going to call your name, In life we roved you dearly, In death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, You did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day called you home. You Ieft us beautiful memories, Your love is sti l our guide, And though we cannot ser you You are always by our side. Our family in is broken, And nothing stuns the same, But as God calls us one by one, The chain will link again. Your loving wife Eileen, Pat & Bob, Wendy & Myron, David & Kim, Barb & Keith, and families. wll+Vr/«M iaH11Mertitrr,tT18t3rW>r7 cert! iatraser.ar ��Iwr�i�' y., S off EAM CORRECTION Media 0112 2 days only Flyer (Sat. 31 - Sun.. Feb. 01) Boat page (4) Reads 1/2 price Storlimoster Berber KU Carpet Should have reod 112 price Berber RM Carpet Newspaper coneckm required Melo 0211 Store Manager's lest Wy Flyer On sale Feb 2 - Feb 8/98 Page 6 Lair Du Temps 50 ml Eau De Toilette Spray $49 Should hove, 50 rN. Eau De Toilette Spray S59 wte 5;1,0erety ap010gi2e tux any noonvenrnce T" may have caused Sears Customers. Sears Canada Inc. Classilled WU ,« Car 1« Car..r Tawara ,le c.rwral Frio 11S War tAt OpporgarMs 1"00 - rho In Saha HWApret 4 =.r. ,w tlo.prtrt rtitaca I)w.a M Daymelil s n A in war.1 1M Bu.n.a b flu.rrt. ?N MwaM so" M Fanwood_ no Ab Sab ns Arards lir R.re Me Arwi.s w.r..d ns Ctnapwas Tom 2111 Bww Esdhr 9 22W Mc Cr bson zeas P* *..nit 20 lana a Rand no as Lnrstock fur sal. M Aubnatidn for sal. 30 Aurmgbbs IN 3111 Trupn lir sal. 3" Trur#s wovw 2711 astral West Dns. rafts 1130 Arno Pant a R.p.is 21111 Aub hang R311111 .r.Ms an >M wrirh. 3e R.rr.aiorW 1Miort 375 Finn Equpniosii 411111111 No -1 � Fsr ALM For /411 lvmw a : waw" d 40 Taw.ntaa. For Aad In SpOoa Far Birt 471 Mincer Por era Off Athos`. w.r.ta 46 Ann a e.rd • Cardona i son Far PAN 40 000 a R.ttl $Pwa 40 YMraii li, 40 Winhom Will collowww" 4M Romwelou" 114 RO.a 4111 Fbrida 1Yiratian 1111d t 40 land For Ar. 51I PikisseltoshasrerSdp sl11 w.,l.d to Bhty 5« To.ehataas for sir 514 cimmotwp Aap.ry Sts cdnddir.ti sda - 511 Card.. Far SsN sfs laid Sfl Fans Sar 5711 LOU lir ser For s.r lana. and Palo; 'rales San s7s anon" to LOW � Mor,piprt, v4uramce 1; so oxio uwe m PJAC rots 010 LOW Neon W T6ndes C5 MWW Arat r« Aue.Ont ,1111 in P«ser.ls ein7s pow con p� om • Areanowwils �7M t 7111 Brew 7211 Orate 741 N Mw., 70 Cards d ?,inti, 7511 GraduaMs 7M wrrrwsn.t an Mptoo wa an window Cts.rarp Mr Flora DesW as w.>r c s landr LN w El.ttteil 11111 Paring A Decons n f an MKhft Shop1111101M M pow W C WAMC a ROW tails 0111111 =Phan P rs A IFutmnains Z1111 0-10dyy r MLait"MOMPAi ala e.11p b trsh.swdy fs Saga Arsaal M cin" Iia er".tsta.t I�il 11ara�'t �' on s"M I�lf tMvM� T�iAonlSdtoota M c►arta.eAooarrrrra Ili �t Ili bw.elsaaet W Maar t>ir.eay 11s Dada ILI JAZIFICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... To place gour FSE al, cal 1-000-662-0423.Z THE NEWS ADVEMSERFR,IQAY, JANUARY 30, 1998-PA(;E J9 FREE PERSONAL AD FREE VOICE GREETING m aa"aaa11 811 THOW allbell lraaa5. ATTRACTIVE LEO NEW TO AREA OUALRY TBE AFFECTIONATE TRYING 2 FMD MY LUV 25 yr old, medium build, 37 yr old. 5'1', tamale 3S yr old. employed. while Ads! noneo, ararg sing" mon motherdone: looking ler female. smoker. with a18p� wAAs male. 5'10'. 34 yr old. 3049 Father who d ane. Likes cards. Fishing someone. commitment Pounds. trades man ennpys moves. woks sedmovies. snowmobiting. minded. stable. with or mals. dcoolk�or. Enjoys ani with a sense d humor more. Seeking a single Call 1-900-451.3793 seeks male who wants b w it hail dependents. 28 b and more s eek a tap. Loves people and the out female ler friendship and 62.49per mid. tommi to a relationship. 40. mediumbuild, "n9 doors. Enjoys reading, possibly more. BOD( 19165 13 NEW BOX 11766 long haw white male. 32 to 40. who is music. dancing. movies. a short, beard or mustach- quiet times Look FRIENDS FIRST En' s erthplOyed with a sense d and Looking 23 yr old. hire male BE MY SUNSHINE CAN I TRUST Yt3V? with brown has eine am 79. brown Hain and SOMEONE TO TALK TO joy zest for life. hums and similar interests. for a sincere. down toeyes. crown ayes. Looking ler 34 yr old married Female soeaj drwiker and shares BOX 14048 earth. slim to medium build seeking an attraetrve White male. 55. 5'1T. 185 30 yr old. divorced male Seeking a black or while _ seeks a o talk t and same interests. BOD( 25305 QUIET TIMES TOGETHER any female. 18 and older for a Ds, new to Cobou Port who en kids much male for �obou9 arearoBOX 30446 someone b talk b Likes WANT TO COMMIT 44 yr old. 5'8 mtadwm rnerdship and or corn- one time discreet Hope area. Caring, SWWAWe. more Soh g aasngle BOX 15958 adult FAMILY MINDED spD�. music and going 4e yr old. jemale. blonde built. attractive female with penonslwp. towards a pos- encounter. BOX 19168 sensdM, romantic and Female peleratly, wtfi lots out BOK 13214 hair• blue eyes• smoker a sense of humor En sib1fe a fascinating rela- ADVENTUROUS pile humorous. Seeks attrac- for friendship and possibly SPICE IT UP am a single mother of one. SOMEONE OLDER Enjoy live ttheetre, grhhng travel. 1 tgnship. BOD( 30448 MALE five. slwn, prdessional lady. more BOX 16373 Couple seeking a vicarious 20 looking tip a single PL�SE out.art. children. dancing. qulet tines 45 to 50. to share walks. attadked male or b female. maw. 20 to 26. who is not a 9• and more. Seeking a male. ROMANCE AND MORE llrhrque professional male. LOOKING FOR Y0U ,ale. bud loves the out- 27 yr did. single mother cooking. Plants and pets 40 to 50, with similar inter- 45 yr old. 5'6', 150 lb. sin- 40's, with many Ise quasi- cycling. hiking. camping. 47 yr old. 5 8'. divorced Enjoys dancing. dung. Sher ler a male who gists. BOX 18760 has. non smoker. Likes 9• 1. d cOrMrsa- movies and lust hanghfhg doors From the Cobocwg who enjoys ampmg• ung gIe while maw is seeking a tion and gavot time. BOD( white male who enjoys pA BOX 23851 movies and much mac. WCOOS me as I am: roman- full f tamale ler a Dowling. motorcycles. Cook- walks. tennis. goin and area. BOK 30447 Seeking a single male for tic male who wants stability AFFECTIONATE MAN �� � 1erm - ,mg, king walks and garden- �3 more. Seeking a single WHATEVER R TAKES COSOURG AREA friendshipand SOX 34929 Y did. 5'4", 130 les. yip BOD( 11817 ^g Seelks PredY 1edY• wfho LOOKING FOiI FRIEND female 5'Cand stwrten wrtn arated. Seeking Christian Bk curious maw seeks a cin while tamale. ?8. d mon. SOX 13848 king fives new' adventure aid Single write maw. 30. red no dependents. BOX 18534 Couple II you would be 9w FRIENDsIdp TO SNARE maw who loves a wine. dinhe STARTING OVER eacdement. Great man haw. 5'9". 155 be bokng SHARING AMC) CARING interested n getting loWl - edwnrh guile seeing sin. ZEST FOR I" lbun9 ming M. attraetne and tough. non smoker and 34 r old. 5'9", 165 b. son- here BOK 23830 for who Female. 27 e white male. 28 to 36, 5-r. single female with Petite lady. nonsmoker. loves b to dkrcl Race y b 33 r+terests are fish33 - r old fit maw wrtn of sometime quit me a no rhd Orriel blonde hs who enjoys ocasanal drinker. enjoys ra bamerpoBCK 25295 and hazel eyes. Enjoys bik. HAS A WILD SIDE brov n haw and bkie eyes �. 33714 canpg les honest �^Cn9. dinwg out and dinner theater. blacking 35 yr old medium bulk male wS ling walks and cokxxry. En the outdoors. music. zh and employed. mon. Stekrg a single moves., o w and 9• L310Rattrx vie 5'S" m w•. Seeking swrgle and kes Via am" moves. ^ Cau lemale BOXr25311 tworthy ad ng and more Seeking MUST 8E OFSC90REE do games. I tee 9 Hie d K. mate• to 60• for possible n female for hlendsh and akdrfrg a snyls famele 23 to 35. to walks �e bui0 possible ICng term rewoon- Seeks female. 2435. AGE NO BARRIER share We with BOD( 18816 ?Lmale with red haw ngle tethers welcome. n"fiahsff p. BOX 16418 C o u n t r y ^91 mOtt'e' torp gpp( t 18x3 who is fun be with for Early 502 artractrve fit sin- �sekng a Maw 'or BOX 30445 SINGLE MOM D*Sir@$ Nas pour En'° '"" friendship and maybe PpIIss wince maw seeks SERIOUS REPLIES encounters s the day or K04D AND CARING 45 yr did 5'6 . 160 D, ss meeting vn9 CarrnPrn4 SERIOUS MOlJ11pE5 man. Bim( 33909 lema" for daytime and 32 Yr ofd. swfg". whits maw evening B00( 11658 mother while blonde an hen- last dare car faces. Divorced white maw. 39. w4` bi eyes. f^a^CraM 26 yr old. S'2 single tamale NO GAMES op- Fu eneoknters. Any CALL ME! .m brown haw and eyes. haw arhtl f)<een eyes. est. sin- snowmo 6 . 210tbs , brown haw. 31 old ape. Full figued Wei= ar. sable Lakes camping, E days readarg. Seelig a single male with Can San' b, 1, n g . brown eyes. smoker and Yr independent easy Drsertton assured. eOX maws. pool. weds. dogs. 23 yr old Dr make seeks :ops. moves and mqn. a heart d gold. BOX 16490 t I •man 7 w a i 4 s . occasronel drinker with gag• mature. scnglo maw. t t 686 abs. k7rhshg dui Seeks sin- another br curious mete to /5 miles ^'o'^esand dependents Smirching for � smoker, enjoys aka- 00.wnasftrnale.2434.tot discreet encounters. Likes wlNnrg a sknata maw. 26 b SEEKING A MATE friend arvrf9 out female. 30 so 40, flet kind doors, biking. coo lady LEO KALE a serous relatronahrp- re0rg Horses. movies. Dlyr ort BOX 1 iends! op jos �. divorlooking ce white relrror � yip. to �J Seek'ng a lip. Mkbowhp or mac. �s moves. rmusuc 36 yr old. 6' 185 D Serous ass only BOX swnvnng. animals. •nmr- ahem samk"r r r attrac- F1aoe r uwrrp«tan. Bim( divorced, while maw likes 1(XW0 4w+wg. BOK 11383 FRIENDS FIRST b» ra" bladey, ling s BOK awau. ;�. roman,- 48 onmar► 28358 reeOeCtabs lerna"�. donor am and hawing OLD FASf«DNIED GUY BE DISCREET 4i r. old. s's full figured wake. dandy movies. tic. Honest and who likes b have fun. Nlo In seeks special timate 'emale wt en joys rookng. 0irlrhg. Warts an honest 30415 sincere male wan sin. TY40 MEANS gr+w. PfeeM. BCA( 33925 3439. BOX 11730 y� 0� t -0 employed, raditional » yr oil. attract" maw and artao man. ler hard- SEEKING LIBRA MAN Aar Woo. s to HAPPINESS 2003 -ivory. stfoight act - -aw. Camping. movies bnp sem+ GIVE YOU MY HEART ARE YOU THE TYPE? tikes outdoors actor was I'd imp•. Seeking an hon- yip and rtlabonahp. Full figured white female. relationshipDkrbewd OMte ma". 3a- leg• sttrsawo maw to +St and male f« Someone wo seeks a male 49 b 52. who � �� 19 ba 5'9-. curly brow^ �. outgoing maw with It yr Old. 6'. slum, iRraCtM Seeks sn�e, white. 21r,h casual encounters, am caring Please. aCA( 30433 hof. physically fit, honest. blue, Ms seeks female to maw with blue eyes. Seeks lam" 20.32 BOX 10834 11534 erdehp fry. SOK 14218 225309 and buk10- Music. .� ke EAST GOING GAL hurl orous. Enjoys do law heart to in Or• aaractM lemaw. 19-21. WANT TO SE HAPPY KIDS WELCOME and eorneritrc trrfee. swore SWVW whit* female. 21. mare• yr000rrr9 0rciee area BOK 34019 wit* lees music. romance. sled. seeks lemsle. 30 43 DISCREET 43 yi oa. 54-, Sol" moth. Kf40jb►S WHAT HE raI o B00t 33210 ndaperdant. employed. and readn % Seelig woes rhe afArrm spats. BOX 13943 non smoker. who 41411 the EN. 5 10-. ERS With 0000,7 has r.d WANTS b1ol blue. proal son" d ttmetlts 35 b 40. save 30 yr old. SOO@ while maw SHARE THE GOOD farm -mg we. social drink. 18 y. old. 5 10 . a curious :-res Enjoys the oukkws 31 yr old. 5'8-. full figured, TRV NOT TO BE SKY? IN,~ seeks singe while moms waica a for posse a making a vgw outgoing TIMES maw with Drown haw and ind much non. Seeking a SftfgC iws• single mac of ST, with taw has and green male. 23 to 30. with smAar ble rShallot ship- BODS female fx WWXktV and 27 yr o6iff 5 11- olonae. M hes, III hr+M twig yourself brown Dyes Seeking a S n- s " 9le or dvaced white two. fancies Atha and eyes. Seeking a SWOR mew guoyea 90I 30416 23873 possibly mon. BOK 16255 male seeks femae. SOK 10643 lye b mow 18 to 25. ler weer. Lias Plants and ani- who 25-35. ler frerdahp Cole 45 lo M. for a D0 - yds Seeks molt. 45-52. cooking. " asks / LONELY MALE adkie tin BOD( 34255 cw br'9 1•rm rafelrornefn� She should enjoy -30X 14268 who is ova 5'a amcooral- and occasioray din- • • and Doha more f3 yr led swngle caning GOOD ►ERS 12- 200 ? y and to bo cedy secure, ng out. Don't be shy, / maw Mars deny¢ Kids, Z7 Yr oil. 6' 1 R-. 200 Q LOOKING FOR FRIENDS BOC 13318 eM me. be gDOO fines, gpO1p O1A walks seeks female who employed gay mal in 25 yr off 5 2 single mother , ,r. and Ijual home and be finanx Mars the same BOX 10931 Oshawa area Seeking three who enjoys Musk% HEART OF GOLD ry not b be so. BOD( .4 outdoors and mote. 45 yr old. 160 D. 5'6- sept secure. Kos ok SHOOT FROM THE FNP sorw111 a auglihspecial ono an ;caking a sego male for rated. pr'deasoo aL Ob►n0e 342M TEII 1E CMNWT I(l MfE O�""..� I Y IiA1M16 TRY RIR A (DDK IAAo y. depend mar wBO and I can FIAT Nt11 OFT 1SE rRwwwa, SPG A ORW kON1ALY L OWITNE Bo 1401 D old 6' ern winks r d ot>t at]o( 34227 %dung and hardynip. BOC female. norh ambler, wish OBNAWA AREA employed maw wwars a4- %17 tlree sons, Lukes asking. LADY IT i�JtT 114.EK. STA. PIEAii TIME. WWW ACTI1mTIES. 3s yf pd ss+q" ma" dDas atXweea, watching a NOT LOOKING 4 GAMES A HEAL MAN dwtwi% movies. tonna. Are you a as. honeeL caroppi IT 6 30 seeks old fasn.onw move wdH that speared 35 yr old. gay. wnit• malar a goe. seeks athatewa ms". sateen. down b `Nat >�9Y SRC%ALi famale. 25.34 BCI Isom; onre�OSeeks herrn so" a sir" maw Io a'us sued Woman. well a oust 40, with great psrsah- girth reale? This ser K"mer �Q r , i /- , r . 12774 will W tan lite with serious Cab rear old boy Seeks man d c lest her Ickre a fed1r. SOI only BOD( 18771 :vracta. 36 plus, who aky and heert d gild 90K moear d one wall t HONEST AND 11508 4conchwes tradoorW fenhr- 1 Hazel sym and boa^ _ v vakle11, f you caw b elle FIENDS FAST hoer would like to - STABLE TRYING HEW T MO" mhool you Enjoy y� + ' i 32 r did. 6' attract- Ill", FOR HOLIDAYS t 25 yr Ord. '9C b fit. cunow Jnd mare deeply ore. My 20 yr old sing" mother d rive, enplbyard, hit ng mal s aoehkwig a ma" t« a •ntere7lS are hone cooks g. two seeks mal•. 2426. ler mess' dint- watching maw seeks attrac- . r'r' K erg,Witin fist twee encounter SM rte coque spot ts• atplar- teautg and N" a good social anis and \ rhe. tit. amplgred wiustac dancing. dung 13771 7 e( 7«n.w. 24-35. oro rt nature and good ehbwraa thine. ay end Toronto. mon. BO( 34831 honest and oao" BOX out vdoce. Socializing SOX 23760 Am fi st. BOX 18313 SERK><J6 REQUEST NEW TO AREA LOVE SEEKER VERY SHY GUY 1664a Seeks femme. 36-45 who ARE yy YOU ia. � ��» MY FRIEND A GOOD WOMAN $1 yr did. 51/2. medium Femtele. 37. 5'112-. model 5 tt-• brow^ hos. b.o.in I Be Ha rc9 M. dar-1% a slim with ssNer interests, won alert haw and hazel 31 yr ad artractrve tamale 50 yr old, ST. atuae t". i4tlrsurwe d ore Icoksnq f« lit. Flight, eyes, sin. haat and les am* spores and oleo« JOWr EFFORT BOK 13215 eyes E horseback rrd- •es abrnawe ane rock ouagosp• black dentals -I n miler d two Seeking wiA a aefdut deperndetms. b bars and dsncrg totweta M you 0rh4 we Early 40'2. adventurous. FATHER OF TWO M moves. swmmins an. -,sc candles. new swan d humor• non snow- maw. 30 b 45. who is talk Loofsg for a rOrnar 1 ooMrp ler 9W.Wbody b haw anymwq n corn- so while mW. non 41 yr pdm . eoroyod dad mals. quality time and :,ape, et. Seeks single. or. Seeks ng. under- aeraeeve and knows what myt b 35 40. wah fed: ngut haowO fat's ha oma mon / Ste( tISM amokar seeks swgw. sen- likes �% �� din- mpe Seeking a gay vete -Nal maw. 26..40. with no SOWxft black male. A non um build, lug Hew kept and has a good head On so" and carni toms". omantic idn,h ler a kxg tens srnaker. Should b0 good kit- fai01fu1 Idwn�isttt you awi0 ^` •mss a Nr lwWdrs. 9�( 30444 E Y 37.44. w4+ no OMPWK Wft h ono. " 13258 irigs x blenWronlwp BOX 7 for freindship, 07 a a(grghrp SOD( 15839 Meer. Oben. honest rale Pl+s. Er jq oukbors. and srmdar cter- lhwriapa minded can ire. TREAT YOU RIGHT 34 yr did. 6't•. FIT AND ACTIVE bonship. Let's moat for N"w SPX 35351 moves.rSOIX and 9w Handsome. e. fit. 31. 5' 11'. good looking sin- as" lrkars RED HAIRIBLUE ETES Wo it" �( 30422 brown naw. hazel eyes. gle lerer d weekend get- 20 r Old maw with red 'naw !I yr al active. Potal. w - Piers Eve. BOD( 18372 LONELY LADY et IIs aways. dining and o" •yes �rwes ars female iAes sPara pot. LOTS OF LOVE 31 yr Old 5'4', 135 D. aarac- ROMANTIC TEES Looking for an angel with ore. seek• Y` IW out. na(ure. and spore. BOD( . 3266 sic. dining out. etc. Sri* motherof2,29.5W. M swig* whe• rrwithew d Single mom. 37, auburn horns. 26 to 34, scan fo a outdoors. �eks fit male. 35.50. who brows has. hazel Haar bile eyes and tun ler whit. frtale, Who pin } em a le shorten the old. reFOR`WARDn rte M .es ide BOK 33816 two. n with full d •man. 30 'g rho OWO bnp Oda, keep me on m too$. 25 b 35. g u r • t atlncawe, oulgo.g hnonao, b 40, with fW heed d haw drwn9. do" and taking. Romance. escMnwit and vino w M• t m•s les outdoors and boatwg Call 1 -!00 -ISI -37!3 WORKING MOM OF TWO comma niatwe. sponte- and knows how b a" a B O X 22.49 per MIS. 29 y. DISCREET FUN o d 5'T, 120 D rebus, romamac and good ladx glee me a alt A No Lo°I"^g f« single mn.w, 37 jloesty, in ore package e n I o y s distance call 19204 Seeks single female. 20-32. 2ir�. Btu( b 50 with Mtri V nlarata 1bu wed be pfeesaAly, sur• t r a v e t . 0eH no dnldren and mus( 'dependent. working mom sense d humor. Looking for first. 35373 SOK 30418 prised BOK 26383 0 h n h n g �'��'�q_II, q� LONELY We fyvwg a good tee Wdh 32 yr 105 poem. Of two Seeks Inge rhe as a soul maw aha erhjdys the SWEET CATCHY out. staying c �{( MALE sense at nwmor. BOX nreros"d n a serious rale- little rh rigs Me has to ORM �� SALE HONEST AND SINCERE more by the 62 yr old 15794 d whet fema" with blonde aonshup. who is ow 8', led No fhsad games- BOD( plKhe hat Ibvinp DE 1 could be 0e oft. single Siegle whim mala. 30, who fireplace and employed. her and bk o eyes Seeking S nanc�aly and wttgharej- 25307 heronrhee working room. s 2'. blit Bfes 0ht oeadoas but 4 more. divorced male NO HEAD GAMES a b female for trtartdlkp �Y Valeta. BOX 34292 doting and SteSled blonds. i � m taft -W 13355 seeks female for dal• M yr e dlande hair. • and hlh. BOX 11463 and having fun.BOD( SOMETHING I ELSE a mll, coning gerbwman, mow for Doee�e, trwrhdi g ba"� SIGNOFICAMr GrlER7 '"geyes. lies country mhus,e I'M CURIOUSI Brunette „ brothitf �. tart' SOY, ryeyig Uhf alip: •maybe mow d youle 41 yr all, sot, uredo bu1L t9Q23 dancrg. camprg• boatsg. Early 30's couple seeking a s m. 18. who enjoys shop. same Fhdt fiat. SOK to ons. Pon Hope.dung pose ft nate. M '~ilea rhM mya - amok- FANTASY MAN ronnentre cartdlokgFtt din- Bin curious;" ler rst lemaa fi ping. 9-g out and q"n Cobourg ama. BOK 3W17 inNireased pleeee ray or and Social dniirr. Erpys 47. Sepra"d. 225 MIS. rens Stab ferstale with the experience. BOX limes Loo" for brill Pw a 0mple! AND SCORIPIDBOK 263M gang but d ft drh1 67 Soma blond hair blue sorra mm�ats f« long 16709 S"COU'rers, 18 b Ohotlr, quo e-ngp r eyes, Seeking a woman. 22 corm re"twnshrp. BOX 29 BOX �� Ia S Dolt taring me0ten TAt/IIIS MAIN 30sD 41 yr old. Srgle mod► home. ofe M you are aM�g b 45, arraeawe and skin 16167 .RUST IfAllfi Alglal0 NEIMT0THE AREA r d two yeah blaKde haws and Sinww. Ibokihp t!. rib sport guiW2 ane a Iorg wnm eMdarftip. ai rho eryoys sN ntinwM Couple ateks ahhodar lei 21. 122 for a Mitgtt fit needs, 8. 35 po�g b de rmovies, Will me. BOL 14752 erhoouryws and oe. blend. ZO�lf 100 hear rid ale b 40 rAh king hMw who b moo walh 2ornara nil, r'"g >•>A old LIED THE Natant, Likes maw « ftthmw. haw, t>Wle eyes elfin a tyee. Em10Ya Bis drTdierl rhnnle. da mWor irh4aneets led good TIUNIIold. 5' SOOIi forinNaaies, WSW b0sete► hahtY malt Seeks No 1 SM 0F r und. BOK Edam new b the ar 11 movim a m and lovas b MM r• Swot d humor. Seelig 30 !ria old, 5'9. 200 14 F. aelly secure. around. BOK lays darncft wales and salon. Fhiend f &K BOL 90414 emon 18 b 23. BOOT emlPgysd dkOKOW 1e w wrift 13M kMUSIC and w4Soaking a akniar BLUE EYED MOM d ore. making a Mnale 35 R U FIT AM OUTGOING fawaM who skee b wok fwndsh.p Mj g 10 ��■L arrfwao& am law W k/�j bkirhda hok CHLD WELCOM � wish « wittout dei gl p off 5,1(r. h175 a din- and We Stals wlaeonShp �i. iiia Enjoy autithpe g" me" with aowin her 4a her paoa BOX 10222 poste releoof hlip LET $ GET btw Wow d Ira with >t M old B. sihlye We"" rrhows wadtrtp damaki9. and blue eyes. EiMOys Copp, and pi -ii `Or . p1w eerie I Mesar. �rh0 a angle Iowa" for Sit BOK 14282 Waits mune. Sports, GIVE A CALL e6D( , m y► Enjoys o as 10� YMCOULD BE mil � le�in wall >Mstilor 31 yr did. V. 130 b aim. wfslt "car d Brat � No COUCH pOpUTOEB free" t ralh brorin hr=and ue GOLL F; ill Ir, !lam Lookinhp for � viii Simir ittkswSsa , A M 33 yr old. 5.11 1/T. 170 a mw fon bLWL aing" wlhia inM Ma BOK ,1800 lama" with bkrafpreew alta. Soma aw divorced, tfrobu iwok white female TAKE A Seebhg a ma" 2ridl SiWiar Moat on kids. BOL 30410 � ale mala Sntoken and mtale non snicker. ran drinker, honest, acing. ANY AGE 01U RACE 42 did. 51'. 145 b. Min, BOc 18363 aeeking otby, 40-55 whip Boss daKmoleAft maies SWX* dMV6 noon 31{ yr ok4 510'. aingle Mlila prolassrorhaL Slim• irKlenaets, BOK 11021 d�SY LADY social drnkW Enjoys mows, lig oho music Seeking very rorwan bc. hardwook- lir ale ma" db enjoys 0w �re"s outn �� �• 5•S. WWKW. smadim and man a sig" bilu g• ouklooM ebokM sports and mow. Seelig a4amp and a possible ment. BOX ' hattM �s, � �i ISnta" who emloYs eteeYa a emir. 32 b 40, f« friend• ship and poacby mea %M* am Seek amome aft', h, what sha wam sing g "nha" wall sinwTar iMaeasts BOL 13350 14008 WANTS TO SETTLE densci 9 ow outdoor IPOM Saakrhg Down b fine dtrtig Is" rld "Dove Seeking a diamgu'uhed• Lill1-ND451-M BOK 1!7974 out of lis, BOK 10885 GIILFEAND%WA..... Cilli 1-9 14179' 2= T. iarah tin110i sire" wfafe oval( European Hsi" tMho amdoys =j b BIM. OUR W!!HE'B MV LADY ATT .-JWW 38 yr old. divorced $2.49 pD am. Yr ad, 5D 125 p � Simile irFtereefs. BOf da finer Mhshps n k" BOOL 8 7 yr 01d 150 bk 5'10. wile whi" nwle kind. 918. white. blonds Irhbm d 25304 11ODS ATTRACTIVE GUY male lies working out owed ma": smoker. Seek- warn and Compass -ova FUNTI ES two seeks tag foals, over 6 . REEK CO�AK40N LDOItB4P FOR LOVE d sigle mM" who gDwire. dandy. dining Uhsater. "ksvision. having ig a afm "dlr SS b O, for a " Way rdelional Seelig a big firm monogamous rekskonship Mae h making a d curious couples. for a" fun. BOK elrpSverage build bra longtorn relMiOre Seelig a single male for pprhparhwgfsp a►hd poser ifl. hoe spirited, opted 29, fie adwereutous Momrh n ocg igN t M. Seeks atnaaive and Life lag weals. gert1emirhD wish a kid, loving and hon- 14180 �D BOX 11731 joy mEnooib ea 9 b 2,werMotive fit ale wilh sower Interests and who kko$ the conned, oG Serious calls ane. ey f•nmWrou lei howl bMUST r� 9iwm DISCREET LIKE CldLppg4 e3 Yr Oldr 5'T, movtea coolking and sports BOL 35358 gyv�x Mmol In his ikeslY" at leer in his s Xi BO( 30409 Poeefelf moo. BO( 11832 tudding. BOX 33873 BO( 19252�QslhaweM yaS � 5 lbI 50 Yr did 5'8'. 192 Q male Single moth. With . blonde for oufhamiale 's wau to meet successful youRs singles litheqoufselfusca a�SINCEAEL� relationship FINE POWIT To p * your, ad a* a 'bs' aM►uder I taw 1-800-960-1483. The opwom b/ Aw&Pkh"V Mom ngk b: am a1 ads br Ir I and anf4om no `aW7iy br ads or Iaepai -A-f or revise ads witch era durrlad Nwppeoprii": priori ads Ogled an Space avM Tatcom Services Me Me 0* plavar, opow dors and can be iwdW at 1-80O3128-5699 Mpr- Fri Arian to SpmYou nay also Cllarw « naive+ your ad by callinginumber Mss Cap mVV 1997 ATS PAGE 40 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. JANUARY 30, 19913 rr 95 ao**w 3W Vdmd° 000 ar \ ®O • TIAIi vnWE1 RE �nnn LESS: '1579" MAIL -IN REBATE 40" • Pentium 200 MMX / • 32 MB EDO RAM • 3.2 GIG Hard Drive • 24X CDROM • 33.6 K Fax/Voice Modem • 2 MB Video ' • 16-bit Sound Card • t10 Watt Speakers • Vvrndows 9S Kevboard/Mouse • Floppy Drive • NS IvWr~ Explorer • NSN: IKcrowA Network raw Mum-to-dopot h•rdwa.o warranty WOMEn A�11111J ileJA WT, 0A ]PI)DIIJ • PtM yww Cbrbf M fall pads M sucCefS w JlsaMl �.. • It"No first vailt S tet. •,".9S Lf�A �'J s O • Hio Peri.r.lmce LL_ an. 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