HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_01_09PIGKCRING Pk1B1-1C "-, AR .. CENTRAL BRANCH ews Pickering -Rouge dvelliser STOREROOM PER�O�ticaL Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand January 9, 1995, vol. 33. No, 2, Pressrun 44,000 24 pages photo by A.J. Groen With a wink of her eye... Junior Girls volieyballer Erin O'Dwyer keeps one eye on the ball -- lit- erally -- while setting up the play during a Lake Ontario Secondary School Athl6tics competition at Exeter High School in Ajax. Erin plays for Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School, which was hosted by Exeter at the match. Exeter won the day in three straight games. IPDrivers • TM(:�� Wanted. - SALES - SERVICE - LEASING - RENTALS - BODY SHOP ICKERING VOLKSWAGEN INC. 03PA fly (905) 420-9700 www.Pvw.com "Try The Bat" Sqs Jan. 13 st# 9:30 am Racgoedall Jan. 22 at 7:40 pm -Call Now REC COW Home free Pickering clears way for home-based businesses BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING -- Entrepreneurs working out of their homes in Pickering will have to get :1 550 licence from the Town every year under new home business bylaws being prepared for approval by Council Jan. 19. The new regulations were approved in prin- ciple by Council last June, after a public meet- ing and consultations between the Town and local home business organizations. Some minor revisions have been made by Town staff .ind the final versions of the bylaws are ready for ratification and implementation. "There have been changes but not substan- t INC changes," says Valerie Rodrigues, a senior planner for the Town. Most of the revisions simply clarify or pro- ide definitions for parts of the draft bylaw ap- proved last spring. For example, a provision has been added re- quiring a person actually live in the home the husiness is operated out of, and definitions have been added for what constitutes the type of "nuisance" to the neighbourhood a home business can't create. The new regulations are based on what Town staff refer to as "performance criteria" and are considered to be "permissive" rather than re- strictive. Their goal is to maintain the residential am- bience of a neighbourhood while allowing home businesses to function. "We tried to be really reasonable with the rcg- ulations," says Ms. Rodrigues. Summarized and paraphrased below are some examples of the new home business rules: 0 Businesses such as an adult entertainment parlour, veterinary clinic, funeral parlour, heavy machinery repair or sales, kennels, restaurant, taxi service, vehicle repair, warc- housing, wholesaling or a retail store are pro- hibited. The only retail uses allowed arc the sale of products assembled or developed on-site or See PICKERING/Page 4 Durham keeps AAA credit rating Durham Region has received top marks from the Canadian Bond Rating Service (CBRS). The CBRS has reaffirmed the Re- gion's Triple -A credit rating — the highest a municipality can earn — so Durham will pay a lower interest rate when it borrows money. "CBRS recognizes the strong finan- cial condition resulting from Durham's long-standing internal capi- tal financing policies. The Region car- ries strong reserve balances and also employs prudent debt management strategies," the bond rating service See LOWER/Page 2 ROGER ANDERSON `Send this to the Province' INSIDE World Beater - Local teen takes highland dancing championship - page 14. Editorial Page ...........6 Sports ................18 Classified ...... ......20 HOW TO REACH US General ..........683-5110 Death Notices .....683-3005 Auction Line ......683-7545 Sincerely Yours ........ ............ 1-800-662-8423 Email .............. ' . thisweek®istar.ca Internet .............. http://vvww.durhamnews.net PAGE 2 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY; JANUARY 9, 1"S .. ....I..... .. Polmice budgetdeficit BY KEITH GILL.IGAN STAFF REPORTER Durham Region is looking down the barrel of a $1.28 - million deficit after the police force and the works depart- ment went over their budgets last year. Durham Regional Police were over budget by $3.4 mil- lion, due mostly to costs asso- ciated with the Guy Paul Morin wrongful -conviction inquiry and a salary increase given officers in an arbitrated wage settlement, according to Region finance commissioner Jim Clapp. While the police force was over -budget, all but one other regional department came in under -budget by a total of $2.67 million, not enough to balance the books. The works department was over -budget by $500.000. Mr. Clapp noted in an in - Lower interest rate for Durham LO«'ER/From page 1 wrote in its report. "In addition, the skilled and affluent em- ployment base in the region will almost certainly result in a continued diversification of industry" The CBRS noted population growth will mean the Re- gion, its municipalities and Durham's two school boards will have to pay for "costly infrastructure requirements. " CBRS is confident that the combination of Durham's long-term planning. sizable reserve levels, wealthy tax base and strong fiscal positions of lower -tier municipalities will not adversely impact Durham's credit profile during this period of necessary capital spending;' the service noted. "We should send this to the Province and show them what it's like to have a Triple -A rating;' Regional Chairman Roger Anderson joked at a meeting of Durham Council's fi- nance committee on Wednesday. Finance committee chairman and Oshawa Councillor Brian Nicholson reported the Region has had a Triple -A rating since it was formed in 1974. Oshawa Councillor John Gray said the Triple -A rating "should show the Region's naysayers the Region is very we ll -run". Happy New Year - Pr�c�on kit 0 Au�oC;are Drive into Precision Tune Auto Care today • 5d"A..1..i.q...e. • MOW ykwb 4" M - trw 11J98111m Ckas%R 355 B1* Stat, �'u (Best oiV they K) (905) 683-9699 QUWft Service Guaranteed 1 $8.10 II S 1 1 Recommended every 3 athe fiat your car eJ for the winter or 5,000tm Service Includes up to 11 with our seasonal rnaintenum 1 1 5 lame of Sunoco brand motor oil, new oil 11 service induding a state4Ab&t t tuneup, l fitter and chmis lubrx*wn oil donde. a radiator flush and fill and a IW1 I"dr si sowc 11 compete 1 1 °s'a'cs 11 mmm. a.- 1 1 111W 1 1�lttbruW 1 wipes out Durham surplus' terview the deficit will have to be made up in the 1998 bud- get. He reported to Regional Council's finance committee Wednesday the police force budgetted $250,000 for the Morin inquiry last year, but it will cost just over $1 million. The wage settlement, with salary increases for 1997 and retroactive raises to 1996, will cost $2.2 million. In addition, the force spent $300.000 more in overtime than expected and an extra $100,000 for such things as fuel and professional fees. Last year the police budget totalled about $54.6 million, just over half of the Region's overall budget. While the Re- gion funds the police force, it doesn't have any say in how the money is spent as that's the role of the police services board. Regional Chairman Roger Anderson noted the amount initially allocated for the Morin inquiry "is just a joke. Last year the $250,000 was questioned and they said it would stand up. It's absurd they put it into the budget anyway. "I have a problem that the police go $3 million over -budget and we don't hear about it;' added Mr. An- derson, who said someone from the police department should have notified the com- mittee. With provincial down- loading estimated to cost Durham between $9 million and $10 million, "I look at the police already in the hole $4.5 million;' Mr. Anderson said. "We're not prepared to cut po- lice, so they better look at bet- ter ways of doing work" Uxbridge Mayor and newly -appointed police ser- vices board member Gerri Lynn O'Connor was also upset the force was so far over -budget. " I appreciate the polirc have a role to play, but what's gone on there in the past is al- most unforgivable. There has to be a better way of doing business. We don't have con- trol over their budget, but to find out at the end of the year it's in the red is not accept- able" Chief Administrative Offi- cer Garry Cubitt praised Re- gion staff for producing a "surplus in the face of a very restrained regional budget. Regrettably, it's ,all used up and that's not to trash the po- lice. Staff did the best they could to come up with a ,ur- Plus at the crid Parents urged to donate strike rebates BY SUSAN O'NEILL STAFF REPORTER A local citizens' group is urging parents to donate a portion of the child care subsidy meant to offset ex- penses incurred during the teachers' strike to their youngsters' schools. Concerned Citizens of Durham, a non-profit group which formed short- ly after the province -wide walkout, is Joining forces with the Mississauga Peoples' Forum and the Ontario Peo- ples' Forum in the First Forty Chal- lenge, a campaign encouraging par- ents to donate at least $40 of the re- bates they receive from their school board back to local schools. ' The whole idea is the fact that this money that Mike Harris is forcing the board to give back to parents ... is pay- off money. "It's dirty money that's being taken away from the education system un- necessarily," says Patrice Gibson Kirby, chairman of Concerned Citi- zens of Durham. Under legislation passed last fall, families with children 13 years and under and older special -needs young- sters are eligible to receive up to $400 for expenses incurred as a result of the teachers' 10 -day job action. The deadline to apply for the re- bate is Jan. 16. Public board strikea out may Y BY SUSAN O'NEILL by the Province, ,Mr. Trbovich rc- STAFF REPORTER ports. The Durham District School However, because school boards Board expects to pay out as much as are no longer responsible for setting $8 million to area families in child education taxes, Mr. Trbovich says, if care subsidies for expenses incurred parents chose not to claim the sub - during the 10 -day teachers' strike, sidl . -The orcat malOrit� With the deadline for rebate aphli.��u1�1 cations only a week away, board ,u perintendent of business Ron Tr- bovich says roughly 20,000 families have submitted claim forms to date. "We're mail- ing out the cheques as we process them;" he. says. "It's going along smoothly.- Mr. moothly"Mr. Trbovich says approxi- mately 30,000 families in the region are eligi- ble to receive the rebates, which arc meant to off- set costs in- curred during the teachers' walk- out last October. Under provin- cial legislation passed last fall, school boards across the province are re- quired to provide eligible appli- cants, parents of special needs children and those 13 years of age and under, with rebates of up to $400 per family. The rebates are being. paid from approxi- mately $10 mil- lion the board saved by not paying teachers' salaries during the strike, Mr. Trbovich says. The savings would have been passed on to all ratepayers in the following year's tax bill by way of a reduction in the mill rate, had the rebates not been legislated "This is a very political move;' says Ms. Gibson Kirby, who hopes the campaign sends "a loud and clear message to (the premier) that (the provincial government) can't buy us off." While Ms. Gibson Kirby says there arc undoubtedly families that need the money, she adds the donations will serve schools well. The citizens' group will hold its next meeting Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. in the library at R. H. Cornish Public School, 494 Queen St.. Port Perry. For more information call 905- 985-0814. top $8 million School Board, superintendent of busi- ness Cleary Smith says "we haven't bothered" estimating how much it will pay out in subsidies. "It'll be whatever people apply for." The deadline to .uhmit Maim I . i.., ti ..I ,.-'; i 1 ' f 1'I THE NEWS. ADVERTISER-FRIDAY,-JAWA4LY % IM - PAGv,3 RONALD MARTINO & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS BROCK ROAD CHAPEL PROVIDING TRADITIONAL BURIAL A CREMATION SERVICES "THE DURHAM PLAN" IMMEDIATE BURIAL OR CREMATION SERVICES • Transportation of the Deceased • Family Consultation INCLUDES ' Documentation • Minimal Wooden Cremation 1910 or Burial Container BROCK ROAD CHAPEL ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL A Brock Road (Just south of 401) PICKERING (905) 686.5589 - J Build Your Child's Confidence Register now for Teen Development & Model Training Classes start t; Jan- 12, 98 Call now spaces . are limited 831-7424 1_5_50 B2y1y SL Unit 29a Pickering Flyers right to your doorstep four times each week in your :dews Advertised SAl-E :PECIAL 3*GANS IN TODAY'S News Adve-1Sef- Fri., Jan. 9, 1998 News Advertiser Cwaft Tire ApxlPick. ' Double Double Ajax ' Haison Auto Service Ajax ' Jenniller Chandler L . Lkb CONN'S Nu ' Ila Homes Ajtlftk Neel York Pim Nedfrick, R & G Auto Calors Apxf felt. .SM ' Delivered to selected households only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy, paper, can be recycled `with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers,'rr ioio call AUIN lLy V BROUWER Vat j--. 683-5110. Pam & Cara Frida}'s carriers of the wrrk arc Pam & (.gra. Thry cnioN art, gymnastics. running & swimming.Thc) will receive a dinner for 4 compliments of Burger King. Congratulations Parn & Cara for being our carriers of the week. BURGER KING Committed to Exce!lewe 1280 Kingston Rd., hckcring .15 McKenzicAve .At.{x PAGE 4 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9e 19" P Pickeringset tlaunch home business policy PICKERING/From page 1 tions estimate there are about 600 home- clerk after Jan. 12. 461 1) by noon, Friday, Jan. 16. For more sale and distribution of catalogue items based enterprises in Pickering. Anyone wishing to make comments on information on the bylaws phone Ms. Ro- not stored on the premises. Copies of the new bylaws will be avail- the bylaws at the Jan. 19 Council meeting drigues (420-4660, ext. 2034) or Lynda LJ Any business use which constitutes a able for viewing at the office of the Town should register with the Town clerk (420- Taylor (ext. 2035). nuisance or in- vc AF :-y (538 square feet). COMFORT SLEEP volves haz- SINGLE SINGLE 69 11N•w�� �A ardous or toxic 0 1YEAR the15 SET s289 suhstanres which could ��Sleep FIN AN yr. single : threaten public POSTURE CAREF home - based Mattress 129 health and safety AVAII.AB LE Mismatched Sets is prohibited. SINGLESingle J No sign is set ..... '129 O A business MATTRESS 439 see For Store ". Double Set..'159 inay only occupy up to 25 per cent = SET *249 Details an identification of the finished p, ................... tog SET zso r, u - floor area of the 0 ...................249 SET 349 .: ' • dwelling unit, to . ......... .....249 x ,i9 ............299 SET 469 greater than 800 a maximum of 15 square centime- SO square metres vc AF :-y (538 square feet). COMFORT SLEEP O No business uses are permit- SINGLE SINGLE 69 11N•w�� �A ted in accessory buildings or SET s289 garages. No outdoor 209 storage or dis- _ ......-29 ...........259 SET Q9 K 449 SE' 699 play relating to a home - based "i' 20 business is per- FIRM SUPPORT mitted. J No sign is ORTHOPEDIC permitted on the da property except SINGLE 1199 an identification `'-DRESS sign, not inter- SET 5339 Wally illuminat- ed, and no . ......... .....249 x ,i9 ............299 SET 469 greater than 800 K .... 489 square centime- trey (shout the 25 size of legal •�- paper). There arc special provi- ORTHOPRACTIC sions for signs in apartment build- SINGLE 249 ings. MATTRESS O Parking for ,SET *409 the business owners and any D...._ ...............289 SE- 479 0 ___ .............319 SET 519 employees must. ........... . . . . K ..529 SET x19 be situated on the property, 25 while customers may park on the Tr street. All park- ORTHOPEDIC ing must comply with Town rcgu- SINGLE lations. MATTRESS 26� Deliveries SET *439 v vehicle to home- e - based businesses D ......................319 SET 519 are prohibited 0 .....................349 SET 549 K between K p.m. .....................559 SET M and 6:30 a.m. 30 0 External alter- ations relating to rE.a Tr a home-based ORTHOGUARD business which S mw&0. would change SINGLE the residential MATTRESS 89 character the SET *479 dwelling arere not permitted. D ...................... 349 SET 549 0 A home-based 0 .....................379 SET 579 business which K .....................579 SET tag uses a residential at aryl IIS 25nAR address for busi- ness purposes rr must have a ORTHOELEGANCE home - based business licence from the Town, SINGLE 1 9 available for $50 MATTRESS and renewable SET $499 after one year. D .....................369 sET 5" Home busi- 0 .....................429 sET Go ness organiza- - K .....................589 SET 999 s.� " Canada's Mattress & �Fjpctory. Bed In A Bag Double Queer 51290149 Largest Coupoly Furniture,3� Choices FREE Direct • NO GST • NO PST • SHEETS • PILLOWS Futon • BED FRAME • MATTRESS COVER with any matching mattress set purchased Covers 549I`IL-SHAPED F4. . New Futon S9 Covewith rs OAiopac 1�it�is'999 an wean" k ... . .t_ -.,.moi. 41 3.. �. Zr ALw%L L . �... OL.• - ,._ - .. •. -. . - ­._. . s- $178 WE MAKE ANY SIZE MATTRES; $111: $2 19Ylduen s wwn G"" t. -~ % FACTOF 79 Taunton Road i"' 4 ,tsa •sa �. 11N•w�� s:. $2 19Ylduen s wwn G"" t. -~ % FACTOF 79 Taunton Road i"' 4 0 T#*. NEWSADIVVAtTISER FRII)AY, JANUARY 9, ll"&PAGF 5 A 171 Co"AN A I = 00"', V I E I C I %1F I L'ONS100 U T on all Brother Laser Printers with govt 1111111111111111V 9 4.01LAI = ftps 00P 11t.,403fir %.4 No in elmsf op on No PCWAF enfs �''"s Free 2nd toner 'Subject to credit approvol. Interest occrues from date of purchase Accrued interest will be waived if purchase amount is paid in full o, o, before promotion due dote Nominal odministratlon fee payable ar nme of purcnose See below for details i l CPO=— NJ• t BRA MONITOR NE' EXTRA F 3ZMB 3.ZGB z Hard RAM r Drive aex•.x Via' u' '' - it r Bt 4 3L Rae j"'"33 / I Mol -M RaOE � nN RBQf on all Brother Laser Printers with govt 1111111111111111V 9 4.01LAI = ftps 00P 11t.,403fir %.4 No in elmsf op on No PCWAF enfs �''"s Free 2nd toner 'Subject to credit approvol. Interest occrues from date of purchase Accrued interest will be waived if purchase amount is paid in full o, o, before promotion due dote Nominal odministratlon fee payable ar nme of purcnose See below for details i l CPO=— NJ• t BRA MONITOR NE' EXTRA F 3ZMB 3.ZGB z Hard RAM r Drive aex•.x Via' u' '' - it r � , it RCA 3L / I 3r Stem � Tolotrisi� • ColorTrok Mus stereo >, monitor-raava • Broadcast stereo with ' dbx noise reduction `'' < • Optimum contrast screen • Auto control color • A/V input jocks • Master Touch" universal remote ox000 rmn Prices & Proillild in effect hom January 71h -10,1"8 • f�J�ih-►aytm--1 remote coetrol • I peaLr-/8ft'W MMs • xlll'7(10011 p1r7 * •Ado IIOW thea it ISWIV x1A COMPAli PRESARIO +RC/1 4 Head Hi-fi Stereo VCR Iced for Howe Theatre • = programming • Pro-Tect Plus- child lock • theatre remm control works with most TVs •ShowSover24-rnerttory protection •Trilingual on-screen menus • 8 event/l year programming • High speed rewind ow7c 1 R,! o 2 HNP! 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Ylww Y bW br Will M rdww Y i11m, —rYr rrrr► o �i hit. rb ew11 leM IAt'p. r��..1y1 w 12 retb w iwr•N grhe lewaj M iI� wr-1 MMn drib jil l-14 , S I,Sea is re lr.w r« w eiiierl l t wwla w� ikww rrie l l n x «sl sw Nolo. « S1, S72 M a S2 OW�rdui w• Wleiui� W Ndw « r36 -n (POW au I XU6.221 mW 26.2 w rw S2.eee "n%fte. M ielerea Mlwr eel ew+AeNe w beiee•I C.wiriq trMlit. e reedtee•. /... PAe. wev beleww Crdw . PM;E 6.- THE NEWS.ADVF:RTISER FRIDAY. JANUARY 9, 1998 • • cket i ng � NewA'se"A-Pd'vertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper a pix published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L I S 2H.5 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ editorial Give optimism to United Way's needy clients As the glow of the holiday season fades, residents in Ajax and Pickering look to the new year which stretches ahead. perhaps feeling truly optimistic for the first time: in several years. The economy remains buoyant, job prospects grow brighter and interest rates remain near historic lows. There is reason to be optimistic at the beginning of this new vear. The same, however, can't be said for some people in our communities — too many people in our communities — who rely on the compassionate agencies and generous services funded by the local United Way. For various reasons (not the least of which was the Canada Post strike late last year), household dona- tions to the 1997 Ajax -Pickering United Way cam- paign are down a troubling 30 per cent from the pre- vious year's drive. As well, contributions from the ed- ucation sector are down some 10 to 15 per cent. That's where you come in. That's where you can help spread the good cheer and optimism so many of us have the good fortune to see and hope for these days. Your donation, however small, can touch and im- prove the lives of many people in Ajax and Pickering. It can be a fatherless boy, an unemployed parent, someone who is learning to read so they can find gain- ful employment. As well, your donation never leaves your commu- nity. Every dollar raised in Ajax and Pickering is spent in Ajax and Pickering. An improved economy has helped the campaign, United Wa-s executive director Dennis Goulin reports. The United Way has received about 10 per cent more from the corporate sector than last year. But that in- crease still isn't enough to offset the drop in donations in other areas. "w'e're still, overall, very hopeful," says .Mr. Goulin. "We're going to end up with a good cam- paign; there's no question on that" But a little more —just a little more —can make: the difference between a good campaign and a great one. Give what you can, give from the heart and give something that can make one of your neighbours a lit- tle more optimistic about their future. Hope springs eternal. Here's hoping your efforts can make a difference in someone's life in 1998. To respond to this editorial call Infosource at e� nL f0S0tWtCe 683-7040 and dial 5110 Ajax-Picker'i nK News Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday Wednesda Frida Sunda I KNOW, I KNOW ITS GONNA ` ML ME 4� - .. vw, 4— v . Letters to the editor Maybe P11 withhold my taxes too To the editor: Hats off to Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs and Town Coun- cil for endorsing a plan by Greater Toronto Area municipal leaders to withhold property taxes from the Province. The goal, as explained by Mayor Arthurs, is to determine the amount of property tax revenue GTA members should forward to the Province in order to keep the responsibility shifting process revenue -neutral. I think it is a great idea, and I am going to apply these concepts to my personal situation as well. As a private sector employee. I am expecting a zero -per cent salary increase for the third year running. With my expense costs increasing and my revenue con- stant year after year, my power as a consumer is decreasing. I believe what is good for the Town must surely be good for me, so I will withhold an amount of property taxes to maintain a desirable financial situation in my household. Certainly the Town will waive all fines and penalties, as it is apparent they seek the same treatment from the Province for delinquent taxes. Thank you again, Mayor Arthurs, for the fine leadership you are demonstrating. 1 will try to remind myself to vote for you next time, assuming you have not prematurely abandoned your duly elected post for greener re- gional pastures. R. Scott Staffen, Pickering The News Adveniser accepts letters to the editor. All lelters shnuld be toped or neath• hared -written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two uti- rials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for stYle, length and content. Opin- ions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real Estate/AutomoliveAdvertising Manager ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON. Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Production Manager TO REACH US General: 683-5110 Climsilkd: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5117 AdwWClassifled Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273tr E -mall: thisweeki0istar.ca JOANNE BURGHARDT Editor in Chief Stiff penalties needed to curb drunk driving Wliat does it tell you when, despite dire warn- ings, alarming statistics and tonnes of twisted metal, 27 per cent more people were charged with drinking and driving this holiday section over last'? it says a core group of drunk drivers are a tweed all their own. they're going to drink and drive no matter what the consequence. For the first time in our history, the News Ad- vertiser published the names of drivers charged with drinking olTcrices during the holiday RIDE program. it had a persuasive effect on many peo- pie we spoke to who were afraid of seeing their name in print should the long arm of the law catch up with them. But they were the responsible dri- vcrs, the ones who, with a gentle reminder, would in all likeliNxxl have handed over the keys any- way - Shocking is the number of people who climbed behind the wheel of their cars with excessive blood alcohol counts, tote as high as 270 milligrams, more than three times the legal limit, turning their vehicles into four -ton deadly missiles. Fear of retribution doesn't scare them. Peer pressure doesn't scare them. Perhaps jail on the first offence, without the benefit of the Temporary Absence Program, will get the message across. If we thought people were getting the message about drunk driving we were wrong. Reaction to the News Advertiser's decision to print the names brought more than one lament of "there but for the grace of Crud go I". There are still those people who suggest "we all do it- and who feel sorry for the poor slob who gets nailed. Letter writer Gary Arsenault suggests police are violating citizens' rights by pulling them over in spot-checks. What about the right-~ of the innocent motorist whose life is cut short by a drunk driver.' More people are killed by drunk drivers every year than are murdered. We read every gory detail we can lay our eyes on of a domestic murder. We get outraged, call fitr tighter gun controls, longer sentences, reduced parole eligibility. But someone gets nabbed for drinking and dri- ving and we breathe a sigh of' relief that we weren't the one pulled over. Despite all the effort and money spent trying to educate the public on the evils of drinking and dri- ving, the drunk driver appears to have a deaf ear. As for printing the names of drivers charged with drinking offences, it doesn't appear to be a deterrent to the determined drinker. The answer may lie in mandatory jail terms and a public voice strong enough to force legislators to impose them. Joanne Burghardt writes in our Fridav rotation of staff columnists. To respond to this column call In- fosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108. The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade. Ontario ComAssoc.,. Community Newspaper As Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Cir- culations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. ' y' y' y 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manager LILLIAN HOOK, AdrWritstration Manager hilp://www.durharnnews.net• 4 � AM - Cr ,-ands THE NEWS ADVFMSFR FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,19", PAGE 7 p pulled Group recruits princi als from unions under Bill 160 A new organization offering support and services to principals is taking its membership drive province -wide. Over the next three weeks representa- tives of the Ontario Principals' Council (OPQ will travel to communities across the province to invite principals and vice -principals to join. Organizations offering school admin- istrators support and services such as professional development, legal advice and liability protection, have been Hydro boss plugs utility at luncheon PICKERING -- Ontario Hydro President William Farlinger will ad- dress the local business community next week at the Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade's January luncheon meeting. The luncheon and networking ses- sion is being held Friday, Jan. 16 at 11:30 a.m. at Regalis Restaurant. 1305 Pickering Pkwy. Tickets are $25 for members and $35 for non-mem- bers. For information call 837-6638. 69EEMt95 CORRECTION NOTICE MEDIA D112 ON SALE SATURDAY JANUARY 10 - SUNDAY JANUARY 11196 PAGE 6 READS: SAVE $50 - 500 ALL IN STOCK EXERCYCLES SHOULD HAVE READ: SAVE $50 -100 ALL IN -STOCK EXERCYCLES OPEN HOUSE SUN. 3-5 pm 40 Farrow Cres., Ajax Signs off Lake Driveway West - • 3,000 sq. ft • Premium lot • Main Floor den & fam. rm. • 4 bdrms. • Wilma Tanner ROYAL LEPAGE 4�� CORRECTION The News Advertiser apologizes for the incorrect phone number we published on December 28th for David Pickles. Correct Town Office number is 420-4605. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have Mused. ENAIW CORRECTION In ft week's Kmart flyer eflectim Saturday, JANUARY 10, the following errors have occurred: PWA 0 The Beautyrest hilted Mattress Pad fea- tured on this page is not as illustrated PAGE K3 The Boys' Fruit of the Loom Fleece Tops or Pants featured should have read: 57.00 4- GX Top or Pantt$8.00 8-16 Top or Pant MAGE K4 The Friskies Cat Food Correct Advertised Price is 351.00, not 21$1.00 as stated The Suntresin Outdoor Thermometer Correct Advertised Price is $3.00, not $9.00 as stated Tire 6is pk Bingo Dabbers Career Advertised Price 21$1.00, no12/$3.00 as stated. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Kmart Canada Co. springing up across the province since the gov- ernment announced Bill 160 would prohibit school managers from being members of a teachers' federation. While the provision of" Bill 160 was initially slated to come into effect Jan. 1, the date was pushed back until the end of March. The OPC will hold a meeting at [,Indsay Col- legiate Institute in Lindsay for administrators with the Durham District School Board and the Durham Catholic District School Board Tues- day, Jan. 13 at 7:30 p.m. DOI i PV •IVA I / • gm to 75% off ` Hoalay sweaters 60% off selecW Men's Sweaters Arid up tU tom% off +*—A to ' .' , `Li:„ 1Kr &W11tv X60% Off* Brand Name 1NarrlWs & \kxj-e a Now OI"Iy 56.99 & $9.99 upto 50% Off"' S �Haqwns 'Clearance Offers. Exchades Factory Outlet rnerctorxi5e. Selection varies by store. All savings off original ticketed pn oes unless otherwise stated. AN offers while quantities last. These offers not available at Eaton's Sheridan or Guelph Eaton Centre stores. RECORD BREAKING DAYS � ms 50% off coakwam set 5W/0 !vouch Of ClAw & Eakin an MW widle 100111ml Draw�� p�olwu 69EEA nR SS BEAT THE GST' or use your Sears Card and DON'T PAY UffnL 1999t day on furniture, sleep sets and decorator rugs 'Sears WA deduct on amount equivalent to the GST from your pardase price. Offer ends Sonday, January 11, 1998. Don't pay wtd January 1999, un approved aeit, with your Sears Card. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and aft applicable taxes and larges are payable of tim of purchase. Offer ears Sunray, Mardi 1, 1991. Both offers apply to merchonise in our Whole Home Furniture stores and do not apply to deferral fees, delivery, maintenance agreement or instoNution dwpL Both offers exclude liquidation items in Cleoronce Centres and Catalogue purchases. Ask for details. Manufacturer's clearance of sofas at special purchase prices $ S99 $ 699 or $ 799 1 Choose from assorted fabrics and styles. Hurry in for these outstanding values. While quantities lost P THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,19" - PAGE.9, 011 StIII 11r1 ax mourns doss of former ma or a � y v ..,..,be' • s Harry Smith was b aIt1 session a good man' Stell hope fOr then NDP -premier Bob Saturday February 10th at 2 p.m. "Rae in March, 1995, has new Durham been delayed from its orig- Executive Susannah Cheung for an mal construction start date building of 1996 since the Tories planning strategies took office. By BRIAN LEGREE The plan is to build a DURHAM STAFF $35 million to $60 million OSHAWA — The gov- facility on the former Gen- ernment is investing more eral Motors' lands at Bond than $30 million for new and Mary streets which court facilities in Ontario, will Put all of the general but none of the money is and provincial divisions of earmarked for a new the Court of Justice, the Durham courthouse. Crown Attorney's office However, funding for and court staff offices for more courthouse projects' Durham Region under one could be announced later roof, says Mr. Flaherty. this year, says Attorney Currently, court is held at General Charles Harnick, six sites in Durham Re - who unveiled funding Bion. Monday for new, consoli- A new Durham court - dated court facilities for house Will likely involve Brockville, Chatham and partnership with the pri- Owen Sound. vate sector, says Mr. Fla - Oshawa Mayor Nancy herty- Diamond says Monday's Since taking office, the announcement is "not a Tory government has allo- surprise," adding planning Gated almost $250 million continues on a new for new courthouse facili- Durham courthouse to be ties in Hamilton, Windsor, built in downtown Os- Cornwall, Pembroke, hawa. Welland, Brampton, "I did not anticipate any Brockville,. Chatham and announcement try Owen Sound. I I (Monday):' she sayi. The new Brampton fa - The Durham consoli- expectedn in 21�, dated courthouse " is a needed deviate so much larger scale proe"lengthy delays of getting says Jim Flaherty, Minister accused people to trial, of Labour and Durham provincial officials say. Centre MPP. Some cases in Durham "There's no question have also endured long de - about the need to consoli- lays- About a year ago, Mr. date courthouses in Justice Alfred Stong, an Durham Region and we're Ontario Court general divi- continuing to work on the sion judge, dismissed a appropriate structure and sexual assault case in financing, he says, adding Whitby on the grounds it "I'm confident we're on took too long for the ac - track.. cused to have a fair trial The Oshawa courthouse • within a reasonable project, first unveiled by amount of time. t lei �. - ••�eILI I q YA Min deser flue �+ thiskl lm tees S ■isotee • 401 M. (frws Whites RJ.I • Exit Kiysfa RJ. Right of ist exit (Leena Rd. At light ten left to Felicia s 366 OLD KINGSTON RD. • HIGHLAND CREEK VILLAGE owGALT - P.S.T.+ Del. IneL S PIECE DINETTE (3V,XW 6aHd Targe) GJLT., FJLT. t Del. fiscl. 9m Feet Marbled Chairs whease'a.ee AJAX — Kind words and fond memories are being recalled this week following the death of former Ajax mayor Harry Smith, the man described as having "great integrity" passed away Dec. 13 at the age of 75 following a battle with cancer. Mr. Smith served as mayor from 1964 to `68 after spending four years as a deputy reeve and reeve. "He was a very, very bright man. He brought good judgment to decisions council had to make;' Bill Parish says. Mr. Smith succeeded Mr. Parish as mayor. Another former mayor, Ken Smith, adds, "He was a good man. He was very honest, with great integrity. "He was a very capable accountant and businessman;" said Mr. Smith, who is no relation. Ken Smith didn't serve on Ajax Council with Harry Smith, but the two were in the Ajax Rotary Club together. "Ihey'll miss him greatly;" Ken Smith says. Mr. Smith moved to Ajax in 1949 with his wife Joyce. He helped train spies during the Second World War at the top-secret Camp X on the Os- hawa -Whitby border. Following the war, he per- suaded Pat Bayly, who was the first mayor of Ajax, to move his engi- neering company to Ajax. The company is now known as AEG Sorting Systems and is still in Ajax on Hunt Street. Mr. Parish, the father of current Ajax Mayor Steve Parish, says of Mr. Smith. "He was very re- sourceful, with excellent ideas. In addition to his political ac- tivities, Mr. Smith was in- volved with St. Paul's United Church for more than 30 years. "He was very well respected in the community. He was a pillar in his church;' Mr. Parish adds. "He was a fine family man as well. He was a very good per- son and a good friend. - Mr. Smith is survived by his wife Joyce, son David, and daughters Lynda Smith, Sharon Pyne and Cynthia Dudley and nine grandchil- dren. HARRY SMITH 'Very, very bright man' G��1T V�I,�E ON C�R�T R�—DING ! 30% off our Top Fiction and Non -Fiction Bestsellers - both Hardcover and Paperback - at Chapters every day! Enjoy the selection, the value, plus the many events for the whole family at Chapters in Ajax LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENING AT YOUR AJAX CHAPTERS THIS WEEK The t,°M TO Saturday February 10th at 2 p.m. PPROSPEN ifR0" Join Scotia McLeod Investment THE A<<Rr. antithe Executive Susannah Cheung for an `"=-°" informative Seminar on R.R.S.P and nfinancial planning strategies ,,. A—— C.w,,....... I— Every Saturday; between The 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. sit back, relax, and Wealthv enjoy some of the best live jazz Barber music in the area. The � Join The Staff of "My Books" children's area for story time — FWAMCW r every day -- YUL Wi at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. ALWAYS FITTING U516 for A1111see " CHAPTERS GIFT CERTIFICATES Of _ ~1M � s5 $10 $25$50 Save 20% os Bookseller's Cboice' titles tool We're NOW OPEN at Durham Centre a HWY2 HWY 401 We are located at 90 Kingston Road East, Ajax�too— Great Phone (905) 426.4431 n 7 days a week from 9 a. �». to11 p.m. (Near corner of Harwood & Highway 2) Books Are Jost Ilhc Bunning A CANADIAN BOOK COMPANY � . •t���t : .t•t•..t'3••�:'tE : •• r• .yet. ��i4 1R -.THS N)Ya9y'wf"C4�1=K.M1iWAY,.lA1V11fVik:�.lY...........•......................................:::: ..'.. .. . . . . . , . . . . • • . . • . . • ... • . . , •. • • .. • • ....... • . • t�'IT7T1TTTiTTT'Tf' TTTTT7 earn t� o s ea • . a h is Billboard_- with free courses in Ajax Classes for beginners starts Jan. 12 at Adult Education Centre AJAX -- The Durham Catholic District School Board's Adult Education Centre is of- fering free Spanish courses beginning Monday. Jan. 12. The centre is offering an introduction to Spanish for beginners, an intermediate level course and an advanced course. Classes for beginners are being offered in Catholic board thanks past bosses The Durham Catholic Dis- trict School Board k is ked off the new year by honouring past directors and chairmen at its inaugural meeting Mon- day. Jim %IcCaf- fcrty. chairman of the new board. presided over the meet- ing where pre- sentations were made to George Sciuk• the first chairman of the Ontacio County R o m a n Catholic Sepa- rate School Board when it was established in 1969, and to Ivan Wallace, who became the first chair- man of the Durham Region R o m a n Catholic Sepa- rate School Board in 1974. Tom Old - man, the Whit- by trustee who was the last chairman of the former separate school board, and former board directors were also thanked for their service Monday. The board's next meeting will be held at The education centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W. in Oshawa on Jan. 19. two sessions. Participants can attend from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday or on Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday morn- ings from 9 a.m. to noon. The intermediate level course and the ad- vanced course are being held Wednesdays and Fridays from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. • Completion of each course requires 90 hours of instruction with classes to be held at the Adult Education Centre, 50 Commercial Ave., Suite 2O0, Ada For information or to register in the program call 683-7713. FRIDAY, JAN. 9 -SATURDAY, JAN. 10 ADDICTION: The Serenity Group`` `CHRISTIANS: The Christian Sin. holds a 12 -step recovery meeting at gles Serving Christ meet at - 7:30 8 p.m. at the Bayfair Baptist p.m. at the Christian Life Centre. Church, Kingston Rd. east of corner of Rossland and Ravenscroft Whites Rd., Pickering. ..Rds., Ajax. Covey Leadership Cen- The group deals with addictions tre consultant John Smith discusses of all kinds, including co-depen- The Seven Habits of Highly Effec- dency. tive People. A child-care programme will be Call 839-6712 (Rob), or 416 - available. 428-9431 (Jim in the 269-6720 (Nessie) for more infor- evenings). oration. Are you a first time AF �:iom- to -be? You're Invited To A: top�BABY STEPS SEMINAR Presentations will cover. • Infant Nutrition * Infant First Aid dr CPO * Offered by on-site ✓ Registered Dietician ✓ Certified CPR Instructor SUNDAY, JAN. 11, 1998 2:00-4:00 P.M. Gallantry's Banquet Hall Pickering Town Centre Pickering DRAW PRIZE Attend and EVENFLO receive Free Gifts CAR SEAT valued at $25.00 AND MORE! For registration information call 1-800-883-6042 Meadpt i t I # - - SI. John Amaol,.rt HAS IT low JWSYSTEM1. INC RIM"IL a A." �"4 maim W== 0 wit Wft ftft 11"Xieg 5 Speakers, 1��� Unit Dna Bell. Plus mane s699' 'lrwallation extra �n011tita Mi1� IMatnw i tatwa 1plps � �W trtt rtt$374gv caoacn and &ox6ell r kv NOW ?Meats SJpeaku Padmp Built-in Behind the Wall SwmW Sound, with 6 SpeakersAm (including Sub Woofer) 1599 aril all Muunting H-Wware 'hula Lmk)n extra Mdeo swvwibm i Ywem sWMw 10N Closed Crrt m Til with all Whet 36W Gvrrera ' nmilkuiiin exua tAfKr umda , m Ptk e, Beam of Pickering * I 1271 Kingston Rd. I JUST WEST of um mm 831-2326 = M W 69EEAnR S con LOOK FOR TERRIFIC SAVINGS AND BUYS THROUGHOUT THE STORE Super Saturday and Sunday starts 8:30 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 10 and ends Sunday, Jan. 11, 1998, while g5=Milies lad PLUS, CHECK OUT THESE EARLY OPENING SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY, JAN. 10, 1006, FROM 82-30 - 10--30 A.M. Save an eu d -l' as --a 40% ALL ALREADY -REDUCED CLEARANCE FAMILY FASHIONS AND FOOTWEAR While quantities lost LUXURA COTTON LOOP BATH CARPETS BY FIELDCREST Assorted sizes including lid cover. Sears reg. 17.99-59.99. Each _699-2399 99-A399 Original Ticketed Price ALL BOYS' AND GIRLS' CASUAL PANTS Sizes 7-18. Selection varies by store. After 10:30 a.m., save 30'.. Savings cannot be combined Save 60% ALL TEAPOTS, CARAFES & MUGS A huge selection of styles and colours. Sears reg. 2.99-39.99. Each 119-1509 1101111,02 prise ALL MEN'S R 8 Rs CHINO AND B.H.C" COTTON CANVAS PANTS Seers reg. 29.97-34.97. Each 14fe-1748 After 10:30 a.m., sou 40%. Sarongs cannot w comii t" 12V, 3 8" CORDLESS DRILL +22492. Sears reg. 249.99. 15 499 After 10:30 a.m., save S70. Each 119.99. Savings cannot be combined Personal shopping only. Some items may have been on sale during the past week ALL WOMEN'S MULTI -PACK SOCKS AND TIGHTS Save 55% CRAFTSMAN`°- TPIECE SCREWDRIVER SET ' #32289. Sears req. 23.99. 10" Hardware not available in out Gerrard Srpaore and Yorkdak stern PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1998 photo by Jason Liebregts Sldi sliin' away Braden Graham prepares to cover his face The pool provides a perfect winter respite for the splashdown at the bottom of the curv- from chilly weather, area residents can often ing slide at the McLean Centre pool in Ajax. be found in the balmy water. Breast cancerg p atients et hetp - -- -- , AJAX -- The Canadian Cancer Society's Liv- mation to breast cancer patients and their families We're online at www dur�amnews net ing with Breast Cancer peer support group will and friends, will meet at 7 p.m. at the Fortune Fi- meet Thursday, Jan. 15 here. nancial offices, 335 Bayly St. W. The group, which provides support and infor- For more information call 686-1516. -- • i D f -To • • Feather Q. PiUoWS 4 491 ' t► Flouts 519 scan Chair .Rite-proofWet-pmf and m X2995 _49 $i11d1111[]l1ILLFHE , WITH ANY MATTRESS SET �� W ,K1�; - »,�,�,-:mss • _ . ' . � .. I.;4111111h"T �.�w � I/L1�✓t'� c LOCATION & EXTRAS GALORE! Custom built ait-brick family hone, 50'x135' lot wry nicely larhdsaped, M11111011 >� � aW located adpeent to a lowly park, further WON to C your privacy Hardwood flooring highh": separate living and dining rooms N(fmhch doors), cozy sunken lamity room with gas fireplace, large brgM kmdioW earn kitchen. Awry Pleasing decor $hows pride of ownership of Un quality 4 bedroom, 2 l/2 bath be" (master 4 pc. ensuile with oval tub and separate shower), pear yard Rboasts extensive protessienally.buill decking, 8 person hot tub (mu%* jets), 16'x32' kWound pool for abuse hot and humid summer days. An Mxmdama of *"q mlMocking paving: "M WWW" and wah my, A rear side dads Patio completely SUMMON ft sparkling 7 yr. old pool. whet a spedacls! Ceramic tites edmhce Ilhe W&Sfhee foyer, doset orp dtars, oak spiral C reeian staireasea to upper d lower levels, main mor lnndry with lwrdy garages e ac ws welcomed calms, Trade, pot NOON and mgM Nplps J"W b fto w:) aro an Tadded ieahrrs accented with dimmer and mulgob srritdha to reflect your mood in this updated derim EExtras 6hdude: antral atral air, can" vac., energy marapemerN sl►stsw (amlrols varierra trtility tempo ft Urdudirg ), alarm syMM Rmost indoor and outdoor liphirg. Relax in your hugs wA carpeted bassmarrt recreation ►oomh, with gas 11 place. A cold sloraga roam, computer or smaNar bedroom are added Imebrres. A must Sao Rdwig M^ "ft $309,900, Call ir n 839-Z1 Z1 OP2-4pm ii t BpsCOE ESTATES LTD. •/'�. MEMBER BROKER THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, ANUARY 9, 1998 -PAGE 13 AIML IMIL-Millill'' 98��y POW, 4 co., aft., *"w nice, M "..%T pow gn SMm. fto, a low. sww & IM mila, apowere*opwm* . InOWN- E 09CLES...m.... .L.....i 1993 CHRYSUR INTREPID ES 1993 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM1993 DODQ9 SPIRIT 1994 CHUM CAVALIER Ali h, LID 1092 SATURN 50-2 199E HAMAR SHAOAMI 1998 ONRYSUR DYNAM 1993 c"anuft DYNASTY k 07 wr9g; 1992 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1994 DODGE SPIRJT 1994 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM 1995 DODGE NEON N.'-AMLINE AR AgftL 1994 MINCURY SMLR 1996 00041 STRATUS li 1994 KYNOUTH OR09 11997 DQQQlE STRATUS Am Pisa- �N- ., A.1, 1 .t,1.1 n i.4t 1.1, I.,. h•,. J J" 1 Y d l. ♦:,. l:,, PAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1998 Tante Dropping in �A 0 ax and �' ickering lP Birthday Two cuties cele- brate their second birthday on Jan. 9. Wishing Jayson and Jessyca Swigger a happy birthday with lots of love are Mommy, Daddy. grandparents Fran and Gord Swigger, and Doreen and Fern Meehan. Birthdays "One year ago, on Dec. 26, we were blessed with a beautiful son. We want to wish out loving son, Giovan- ni AI- banese. a ,� a happy hitt hday. Lots of love from Nlommy, Daddy, sister Bianca and family. Happ} birth- day to our little princess Bianca. who turned two on Jan. 5. Thanks for the love and joy that you bring to us every single day. Love from Mommy. Daddy. brother Giovanni and family." l 65th Birthday i i 4 Pickering's new senior citizen has turned 65. Dec. 30 was the big day, for Helen Burlie. She's the mother of nine and grand- ; mother to 16 and great-grand- mother of two. "Happy birthday ' r Mom. We love you,.' say the L Buncc Bunch. Birthday The youngest cutic in the Gilligan home is one. Amy. the quietest little girl in the world, celebrated her first �—' birthday on Dec. 22. Wishing Amy a i happy birthday with lots of love -- were sister Svdnev, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandado Gilligan, Grandma and Grandpa Martin. kitty cats Muffin, Buddv and Wolf. cousins Matt, Mike and Geoff, Aunt Lynne, Uncles Sean, Keith and Alan. By the way. Sydney and Amy's Dad celebrated his birth- day on Dec. 21 and their Grandado now has his dogs up. having retired on Dec. 19. The old boy started working when he was 13 and retired at 65. Birthday "Our lov- Patrick Hu -A -Kam �` c--lebrated his 12th L birthday on Dec. 30. His Mom, Dad, sister Rachel, his grandpar- ' '= ents and Louis and Shasta wished him a 00*0 great day with lots of love. Birthday Byron Young turned nine years old on Jan. 5. Happy birthday wish- es to geezer from Mom, Dad. sister T a m a r a, Grandma and Grandpa .`� Greenaway in Georgetown, and Grandma `Lv and Grandpa Young in Ari- zona. Byron went with his buddies at the new theatres in Ajax. Birthday "On Dec. 26, 1989. Karen and David Cooke got the bargain of a lifetime. Deliv- ered to them three weeks early was their first child and only daughter Megan Rosalyn. Happ) eighth birthday Meggy Moo. Keep on dancing. Lots of love from Mommv, Daddy and little brothers Brandon and Connor." Birthday The new year means Kristy Pedder is a near older. Krias turned 19 on Jan. 1 a n d wishing her a happy birthday and all the best w c r c Mom, I) a d Grandma, Nana, Nancy, Dave, Warren, Alanna, Bob, Barb, Nicole, Benj and Grady. Birthday "Our lov- able wee �` Julie Fiona L turned three on Dec. 30. Wishing our ' '= sweetheart a happy birth- day with lots of love w e r e Mommy, �. Daddy and sister Jen- nifer Ann." Birthday A sweet boy turned seven years old on Jan. 3. Tyler Roblin -Pullen celebrated with family and friends at a skating party. "God bless you son." Best wishes came from his family and friends. Birthday Brett Evan Hall is getting to be one big fella. He turned three years old on Jan. 5 and wishing him a happy hi r t h d a y with lots of luyc were Mommy, Daddy, Gillian, Gramma, Poppa, Granny and all his aunts, uncles, cousins and Dexter, too. Birthday "Dylan Roberton is flying high, because he turned seven _ can old on Dec. 27. A'hcn hc's not flying. Dylan likes to spend time on the -golf course caddying for his Grand- pa. He wait- ed for this all year and celebrated the big event with Mom, Dad and sister Brynne. Loris of love and best wishes go out to our favourite son and Brynne's favourite brother." Birthday Dec. 30 was a big day for a big girl. A I a n n a h Blackman turned five years old and wishing her "many happy birthdays" `f were Mom, , Dad, Lind- say and Sin - Jin. "We love i YOU." . Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Let us know. We'll publish your special occasion in an easy -to -read and easy -to -clip format... Birthday There were a bunch of happy birthday wishes for Larissa Soos, as she turned two on Jan. 8. Mommy, Daddv and Nicholas "hope you have a very special day and please drive carefully with your toy car'. Engagement Jacqueline and Selwyn New- ton of Pickering are happy to announce the engagement of their eldest son. David, to Christine. the only daughter of Pat and Eric Manuel of Sault Ste. Marie. Con- gratulations and best wishes from the entire family. Birthday Brittany Tozer is into double digits. On Dec. 29, Brittany turned 10 years old. "Mom and Dad are so proud. You're the best." Happy birthday from Mom, Dad, Oma, Opa, Tan Mare, Uncle Herb, Nikki, Stephen and Spud. Birthday "Our beautiful little girl turned five years old on Dec. 19. Happy birthday to Jamie, our big five year old. All our love from Mommy, Daddy, Matthew, Bogie, Nanny, Grandma and Pop - pie.„ Send to: -Mame Dropping, % Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LI S 2115 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,1998 -PAGE 15 , . . . . .. .. . .. . _ . . 0 . r - .. . . .. . PONTIAC/B U ICK/GMC PRESENTS THE ALMOST NEVER-ENDING BOXING DAY EVENT SIO PURCHASE FINANCING* UP TO 48 MONTHS ON '97 AND '98 PONTIAC TRANS SPORT, GMC FULL-SIZE PICKUP TRUCKS, AND GMC SAFARI T '98 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe = 98 GMC Sierra Regular Cab 2WD 598~200 HP Vortec 4300 V6 engine, 4 -speed automatic < t transmission, dual air bags, PASSLock'" security X11,398 3os, system, 4 -wheel ABS, air conditioning Strength and power with style 98 Pontiac Trans Sport 180 HP 3400 V6 engine, 4 -speed automatic transmission, front and < _0% M t side driver and passenger air bags, air conditioning with pollen filter,238 AM/FM stereo cassette, deep tinted glass _ Rugged and sporty M '98 GMC Safari �INAONCIN 198— 5 -speed transmission, 2.2 litre engine, PASSLock"' theft deterrent system, dual air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, tinted �15,M8t 190 HP Vortec 4.3 litre V6 engine, automatic transmission, 4-wheel ABS, dual air bas air conditionin AM/FM stereo cassetteti 9 9• r fz9298tSpirited Alma Fffiaud Cost of Bwrmq at F°, Cost d koronnp at 7�- Terms APPROXI SAVINGS 4 OOfI 52578-04 36 48 moruhs t 6_;�4 525.000 54.29488 s0 48 morhtlu S429488 535.000 58.01312 s0 48 noir 5601312 T '98 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe = 98 GMC Sierra Regular Cab 2WD 598~200 HP Vortec 4300 V6 engine, 4 -speed automatic < t transmission, dual air bags, PASSLock'" security X11,398 3os, system, 4 -wheel ABS, air conditioning Strength and power with style 98 Pontiac Trans Sport 180 HP 3400 V6 engine, 4 -speed automatic transmission, front and < _0% M t side driver and passenger air bags, air conditioning with pollen filter,238 AM/FM stereo cassette, deep tinted glass _ Rugged and sporty M '98 GMC Safari �INAONCIN 198— 5 -speed transmission, 2.2 litre engine, PASSLock"' theft deterrent system, dual air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, tinted �15,M8t 190 HP Vortec 4.3 litre V6 engine, automatic transmission, 4-wheel ABS, dual air bas air conditionin AM/FM stereo cassetteti 9 9• r fz9298tSpirited glass x s�<Je .wo..tn,•t, 950 urt,DMn�W%•'i00 driving experience C (excludes tre. ht 0' � 9 �� More than a minivangrr$845 ._ rr.,.��d.� �.r, boort fe2r1 2.9% PURCHASE FINANCING' AVAILABLE ON ALL OTHER '98 PONTIAC AND BUICK MODELS including Pontiac Firefly, Pontiac Bonneville, Pontiac Grand Prix, Buick LeSabre, Buick Park Avenue n 150 HP 2.4 litre Twin Cam engine, 4 -speed automatic_ t transmission with enhanced traction system, dual air bags, � S1�6� 4 -wheel ABS, air conditioning, power door locks a (e tckidea height $820) Bold styling and gutsy performance rw%8a' litre 1 H- V6 engine, electronic automatic � trio LM 98t transmission, 4 -wheel ABS, 6 -passenger seating,4 y air condiboning with air s ration system, realote key- s 36 Ih-- a/53�00 lew entry 1 (l dudes, theft sm) as...nS•1r ^�6depos?.ti IF�� 7Discover just how luxurious sensible can be GMC You aih, k know Via 'Purchase Financing on approved GMAC credil any. Example: $15.000 at D% APR, the monthly payment is $312.50 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0. Total obligation is $15.000. Example: $15.000 at 2.9% APR. the monthly payment is $331.35 for 48 morhtins. Cost of borrowing is $904.80. Total obbgabw is $15.904.80. GRADUATE . a own Dpayment. trade andior security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. 2.9% purchase financirg does not appy to P Truck, GMC Savona and GMC Savana cargo and Medium Duty Vehicle. Conversion *'Beed on a 38 morph lease d GMC Sierra r Cab 2WD7Pontiac Sunfee packages$3, special hates. ,.,......t'atw+a..• Regula CoupdBuick Century A down payment or trade d 53.300151,950153.200 and $300r230075350 • ti Y�►� �+k* you koN' #e "'' seariry deposit are required. Total obligation is $10.428x59.07013.928. Annual kkm*e limit 20.000 kin, $0.08 per excess Id wWn. 00w lease options available. --tFmgM as indicated. licence, Insurance and taxes not included. Dealer may sol on lease for less •t—Offers apply to 1998 new or denonstralor models ,�, �,. ,�, ro retail cuslaomers in Central Ontario only. Dealer trade may be necessary. Limited time offers which equrer o es . See your and -- ., _ ..._ _ apPtlea , . may not be combined with other otters. see your dealer for condhions and detailswww.gmcarwda.com is a trademark of General Moors Corporation. • Graduate rebate subject to program riles. PAGE 16 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9. 1998 Around Durham . Whistle blower Train whistle noise `excessive' at three crossings g says Oshawa councillor BN, BRIAN LEGREE in 1990 and 1992 but decided against DURHAM STAFF enacting anti -whistling legislation. OSHAWA -- An Oshawa council- Train whistles can only be banned at for wants to "create peace in our crossings which have all the appropri- neighbourhoods" by silencing train ate warning systems, including flash - whistles at three railway crossings in ing lights, arms and bells, a City re - the City. port says. John Gray, Ward 2 regional coun- It would cost more than $31,000 to cillor and chairman of the operational prohibit whistling at the three cross - services committee, says there is "ex- ings. the report says, but Coun. Gray cessive" train whistling at crossings disputes the figure, saying it would in the Bloor-Grandview, Bloor-Wil- cost significantly less. son and Thornton -Gibb areas of Os- Insurance costs would be $3.900, hawa. or about a "$ I per house," which "One needs to experience the ex- would get relief from the noise, says cessive whistling that's going on;' Coun. Gray. says Coun. Gray, adding he's received But Amund Myklebost, public several complaints from residents in works commissioner, in one of his the Shamrock Court -Tipperary Street final reports written prior to his re - area, near the southwest corner of tirement at the end of last year, says Gibb Street and Thornton Road. "train whistling is a safety measure in "You should hear it. They get on the operation of trains. The imple- the blower at Thickson Road and mentation of anti -whistling regula- don't get off until Park Road. The tions in the City of Oshawa would he houses shudder. in conflict with this railway practice "Formally I wouldn't be sympa- and possibly endanger members of thetic - when you buy a house near a the community as a whole" railway, you expect railway noise. Coun. Gray says he'll ask for a But this is excessive. It's incredible;" more detailed report at next Tues - he adds. day's meeting of the operational ser - City council considered the issue vices committee. photo by Walter Passarella Straight from the heart The Durham chapter of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was given a $1,000 boost recently with a donation from the Life Underwriters Association of Durham. Here, Get ready to celebr WHITBY -- Teachers, students and commu- nity groups can plan ahead for Citizenship and Heritage Week in February with a special activ- ity guide made available by the federal govern- ment. Whitby -Ajax MP Judi Longfield says the ac - Park association ro rammes in eril ? p g p OSHAWA -- For the second time in three months, the North Oshawa Park As- sociation is putting out the call for volun- teers to keep its programmes operating. John Urquhart, North Oshawa Park president, who also serves as baseball chairman and the park's representative on the Oshawa Central Council of Neighbor- hood Associations (OCCNA), says the as- sociation only has four executive mem- bers who regularly attend to park func- tions. "We don't have any new people com- ing in -- period:' says Mr. Urquhart. North Oshawa Park is one of the • largest in the City, with about 900 kids The apathetic attitude toward volun- taking part in its soccer, baseball and teering was highlighted last fall, says Mr. hockey programmes, says Mr. Urquhart. Urquhart. "We can't get the people to come out -I wrote a letter to every single kid and volunteer their time to do these jobs;' playing baseball and soccer -- about 800 he says. letters -- asking their parents to attend a Following a public plea for help in Oc- meeting Sept. 11. Out of the 800 letters, tober, six people called Mr. Urquhart, ex- two people showed up. "There's my prob- pressing a willingness to get involved, he lem -- I'm not getting support from other says. None of them attended the next parents stepping up;' he told This Week in meeting of the park association, he says. an earlier interview. The park needs 12 to 15 new people to Anyone interested in helping out can donate "four hours a week -- tops;' to help attend a meeting Thursday, Jan. 15 at 7 run sports programmes, run the clubhouse p.m. at the North Oshawa Park clubhouse, and assist with park openings. or contact Mr. Urquhart at 576-7216. Lottery ticket is perfect birthday present OSHAWA -- Darlene Gorgerat of Oshawa bought an Instant Bingo lottery ticket to put in her family's Christmas stocking, but got an itchy fin- ger and decided to scratch it herself. She won $10,000, a present to herself for her 43rd birthday, which she celebrated Jan. 3. Ms. Gorgerat, an employee of General Motors, and her common-law husband, Ted Henry, have two daughters. They plan to do some home improvements and take a trip. She bought the winning ticket at Siva's Mart on Park Road South in Oshawa. Humane Society swings into fund-raiser OSHAWA -- The Oshawa and District Hu- mane Society is presenting the big band sounds of 'Swing Shift' on Saturday, Jan. 31. The band, featuring vocalist Sherisse Laurence (co -host of the Circus TV show), will perform at the Royal Canadian Legion, 471 Simcoe St. S., in Oshawa. Tickets are $10 per person, with all pro- ceeds going to the humane society. Tickets are available from the humane society shelter (433- 2022) and Pet Valu stores at 623 King St. E. in Oshawa, 200 King St. E. in Bowmanville and 475 Westney Rd. N. in Ajax. written jan. 5, for Oshawa City hopes for blooming success! OSHAWA -- Oshawa has been invited to be one of nine national finalists in the 1998 Commu- nities in Bloom competition. The City will compete against Saskatoon, Regina, Richmond, B.C., Burnaby, B.C., Kitch- ener, Ont., Longueil, Que., Cape Breton, N.S., and St. John's, Nfld., in a category for communi- ties with a population between 100,000 and 300,000. The aim of the programme is to improve the Susan McCrury (left) and her daughter, Meaghan, accept the cheque from Jack Abramson and John Hughes (right) who also gave Meaghan a $100 gift certificate ite Canadian heritage tivity guide and other educational materials are available now. "The guide will help stimulate ideas for ac- tivities and events in schools, youth groups and communities;' Mrs. Longfield says. "We all recognize that young people like to participate, learn new things and express their own opin- ions. Where better to direct these energies than in learning more about and sharing what they value most" She encourages everyone to celebrate Cana- da's past, shared values and prepare for "an even brighter future" during the week which runs from Feb. 9 to 16 and includes National Flag of Canada Day on Feb. 15 and Heritage Day on Feb. 16. This year, Heritage Day focus- es on the Yukon, established as a separate terri- tory 100 years ago, and the 1948 approval of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which inspired Canada's Char- ter of Rights and Freedoms. Copies of the activity guide are available by calling toll-free 1-888-241-9439 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or fax a request to 613-957-4431. Requests mucl he rP(`PIVPIi hnr— G_ti )n visual appeal of Canada's cities, towns and vil- lages, says Raymond Carrierre, national chairman of the event. Communities are evaluated on tidi- ness, environmental initiatives, heritage, urban forestry development, landscaping and floral management. Oshawa was invited based on its performance in the 1997 provincial Communities in Bloom competition, he says. The City was awarded the 'Five Bloom Rating of Excellence,' the highest level possible in the 1997 provincial competition, won the National Capital Commission Floral Award in the 1996 na- tional competition and was selected to represent Ontario in the 100,000 to 300,000 category in 1995. The Communities in Bloom program has "played a very positive role" in Oshawa's quality of life, says Stephen Bedford, Oshawa's commis- sioner of community services. Involvement in the programme cost the City about $8,500 in 1997, he says. Anyone interested in volunteering to help Os- hawa's efforts in the competition should contact Bev Ward at the City of Oshawa's Parks' Services department at 723-1115. . " ... " ....... THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1998 - PAGE 17 News Advertiser Restaurant & Bar Kids eat FREE' under Buy one Dinner Entree , , _ Grtl et one FREE - — Expires Jan. 23/98 603 Kingston Rd. Pickering Newsroom 6H3-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Valid Mon.-Thurs 420-1855 � Weekend at the movies... Nicholson, Hunt As Good As It Gets Now playing at the Cineplex Odeon Ajax IU Cinemas: Anastasia: A mix of action, ad- venture, romance and music, Anastasia is an animated full- length film about the lost Russian princess. As Good As it Gets: Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt. A single mother/waitress (Hunt), a man (Nicholson) and a gay artist (Greg Kinnear) form an unlikely friend- ship. Melvin Udall, a cranky, big- oted, obsessive-compulsive writer, finds his life turned upside down when neighbouring gay artist Simon is hospitalized and his dog is entrusted to Melvin. In addition, Carol, the only waitress who will tolerate him, must leave work to care for her son, making it impos- sible for Melvin to eat breakfast. Firestorm: Howie Long, Scott Glenn. For Jesse Graves (Howie Long) and his close-knit team of ..smokejumpers;' a ferocious storm with massive tornadoes of lire up to 600 feet high is an all - too -regular occurrence — only this battle comes with a twist. As Graves readies to battle the blaze, he is unaware convicted murderer Earl Shayc (William Forsythe) is posing as a firefighter in an at- tempt to use the firestorm to im- plement a daring escape. The fire is turning and time is running out. Goodwill Hunting: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck. Matt Damon stars as 20 -year-old misunderstood orphan Will Hunting who, while working as a janitor at MIT. out- shines the school's most advanced intellectuals by solving math prob- lems they can't seem to handle. However, the South Boston -raised genius can't seem to translate his problem -solving capabilities into his personal life and becomes caught between the worlds of his friends, therapist (Robin Williams), a math professor (Stel- Ian Skarsgard) and the woman he loves (Minnie Driver). Home Alone III: Alex Linz, Kevin Kilner. You know the drill on this one. Have fun. Jackie Brown: Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro. Jackie Brown (Pam Grier) is a flight attendant who gets caught smuggling her boss's gun money on the airline she works for. Federal agent Ray Nicolet (Keaton) and Los Angeles cop Mark Dargus team up to arrest the arms dealer she works for, whose name they don't even know. She can rat on the arms dealer (Jackson) and get her freedom — possibly at the expense of her life — or she can keep her mouth shut and do some time. Mousehunt: Nathan Lane. Lee Evans. Two hapless brothers'inher- it a mansion and spend 90 minutes trying to 'evict' an unwanted ro- dent. Mr. Magoo: Leslie Nielsen, Kelly Lynch. When cunning crimi- nal Luane LeScur (Lynch) and her slow-witted sidekick ;Morgan steal the beautiful Kuristan from the Museum of Natural History, muse- um benefactor Quincy Magoo (Nielsen) and his pup Angus un- wittingly end up with the goods. The Postman: Kcvin Costner, Will Patton. An army of warriors called the Holnists, led by the despotic General Bethlehem (Pat- ton), is determined to keep the people apart and their spirits empty so they can continue their reign of terror. A Ione drifter (Costner) travelling through the wild territory discovers a mail car- rier's old, rusted jeep. Inside, he finds a sack full of undelivered mail and the driver's uniform. Hoping it will make it easier for him to get food and shelter from the townspeople nearby, he dons the uniform and presents himself The Waterfront at the Shores of Liverpool ,,,Iiii! At the bar this Friday Meredith Cutting Guitar Vocalist Uppla Levd 6piece Jazz Band Banquet 420-2020 Facilities • NIGHT ON THE TOWN • AIRPORT • CASINO NIAGARA • WEDDINGS • CORPORATE • GRADS • PROMS limo@ aroundthetownUmo.com Around The Town Limousine Services Call For Info (416),757-2424 Recycle L me! i as The Postman, a representative of the restored government of the United States. To the people he en- counters, The Postman and the let- ters he carries serve as a reminder of the lives they once lived. Scream 2: David Aryuette, Neve Campbell. It has been five years since the Woodshoro mas- sacre, and Sidney Prescott (Camp- bell) is off to college. Gale Weath- ers (Courtney Cox), a newscaster and survivor of the mayhem, has sold the movie rights to her book, Stab. Now a film is being made about the slaughter (starring Tori Spelling as Sidney). A new spree of murders is set off and Sidney is stalked anew. Titanic: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. More than 2,200 men, women and children began their journey from Southampton. England to New York City with a sense of anticipation, awe and op- timism. Yet this ship of dreams ul- timately carried over 1,5(X) people to their death in the ice-cold waters of the North Atlantic in the early hours of April 15, 1912. Against this dramatic backdrop, the movie tells the story of third-class pas- senger Jack Dawson (DiCaprio) and first-class passenger Rose De- Witt Bukater (Winslet), who took the ultimate risk — to defy the op- pressive social conventions of their time and fall in love. Tomorrow Never Dies: Pierce Brosnan, Jonathan Pryce. The name is Bond. James Bond. Brosnan returns in the 18th installment of the longest -running and most suc- cessful film series in cinema history. Now plating at Moviplex 9, Pickering: Anastasia, As Good As it P Gets, Firestorm. Goodwill Hunting, Home Alone 3, lack- i ie Brown. Mousehunt. Scream A 2, Titanic, Tomorrow NeNer Dies, Flubber: Robin Williams. A remake of Disney's 1961 mo%ic The Absent Minded t Professor. For Richer or Poorer: Tim Allen, Kir�tic AlIcy. Brad and t Caroline were the toast of New York. Now they're fugitives on SHOP. AMD K6 166 MHz Processor with MMX TM Technology For Extreme Performance ICeR to ASPIREr" 1250 16 MB Rom 2.1 GB Hard Drive 20x CD Rom 33.6K Fax Modem 5� the run, looking for a place to hide. NOTE: The Pickering Town Centre's Famous Players Cine- mas are closed for renovations. NOT SHOWN ACeiR J# ASPIRE'" 124 i AMD K6 166 MHz Processc • 16 MB Ram ' • 2.1 G6 Hard Drive i • 20x CD Rom • 33-6K Fax Modem .. $12"" x Printer and Monitor Included See store for details L v: PAGE 18 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, f99>R • • Pickering Al Rivett. sp()I-ts w nler 68i-5110 Far: 683-7363 Sports News Advertiser The William Dunbar Public School intermediate girls volleyball team finished an outstanding sea- son on the court, earning the bronze medal at the Provincial Cup tournament. The squad previously finished second in the Pickering -area champi- onships and won two tournament titles. Team photo by A.J. Groen members are Natasha Kajganic (captain), Jennifer Cremieux (captain), Ashley Chandler, Michelle Easton, Sarah Morrison, Leslie Earley, Erin Stl- cock. Erin Seeley, Jenna Reid, Alexandra Reid, Sarah Poirier and Tabia Charles. The coaches are Brian Bradley and Susan Wright. Dunbar volleyball team third at Provincial C PICKF.RItiG — The William Dunbar Public School intermediate girls' vollevball team closed out a successful season on the court with a strong showing at the Provincial Cup championships in Brampton. William Dunbar won the bronze medal at the highly competitive event. The Pickering squad was knocked out of the running for the gold medal by a strong W.J. Fricker team from North Bay. However, William Dunbar went on to take third place after defeating Whitby's Colonel J. E. Farewell school in the consolation championship contest. The William Dunbar girls finished as runners-up in the Pickering -area championships, losing to Maple Ridge Public Schoch in a third -game tie-breaker. At the Durham Elemen- tary Athletic Association intermediate girls championship tournament, William Dunbar finished in the final four, losing to eventual Durham champs from Central Park school in Oshawa in the third game. William Dunbar also captured two championship titles at the Glen Dhu Invitational Tournament in Whitby and at the Northern Classic Invita- tional Tournament in Brooklin. At Glen Dhu. the Pickering school de- feated Lake Vista Public School from Oshawa in the final. At the Northern Classic, William Dunbar got past Cadarackque Public School from Ajax and Dr. R. Thornton school of Whitby to win the championship. The William Dunbar intermediate girls' volleyball team was coached by Brian Bradley and Susan Wright. Pickering tykes drop tourney final to Aj,,.,,, PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers tyke select hockey team fin- ished as runner-up to the host squad at the Ajax Christmas tournament. The Panthers advanced to the championship game where they were defeated 3-1 by the Ajax Knights. Daniel Schofield, Picker- ing's most valuable player of the final, scored the lone Panthers' goal, as- sisted by Michael Ross and Andrew McLeod. Scoring for Ajax were Jordan Reed with two goals, ♦G Greg Waller v w i t h a n one. Pick- 9f1GC1At�Os ering got off to a slow start at the tourney, losing to Ajax 4-I. Schofield scored the Ione Panthers' goal. Christopher Wright was selected as Pickering's MVP. The Panthers turned up the heat in the second game to defeat Peterbor- ough 7-1. Schofield scored twice, McLeod, Ross, Alex Starkey, Bobby Gertsakis and Adam Finlayson net- ted singles. Assists went to McLeod, Wright, Brian Forrester and Jesse Boileau. Goalie Sean Molony was awesome be- tween the pipes. Ross was Pickering's MVP of the game. Other team members are Brook Verboom, Craig Mazerall, Joseph Demari- nis and Shawn Lant. The team is coached by Larry Gertsakis, assisted by Norm Ross, Rich Lant, Glenn Schofield and Jerry Wright. The manager is Todd Finlayson. 0 �P GET TM G T BANTA POM Golf Monday TAT PLl1S'12" GSl CORPORATE GOLD CARDS Tarte j,a PLUS GSI Plw eat a tap.11.r>t PAL NO GREEN FEES PMYAKE A14NMDALE COUNM CLUI _0111110M $1. IL OF 11111.AWI plat 683-M Pickering juniors extend ringette unbeaten streak PICKERING — The Pickering Bay Ridges Florist ju- nior 'B' ringcttc team posted convincing back-to-back vic- tories in league play at the Pickering Recreation Complex this past weekend. The two wins, over Newmarket and Markham, extended the Pickering juniors' current unbeaten streak to four games — their longest of the season. On Sunday. Pickering rebounded twice from two -goal deficits to post a 6-4 victory over Newmarket. Leading the way with a hat trick was Jenn Hannon. Brittany Taylor, Lauranne Hutton and Nicole Aspinall each scored once. Earning assists were Ashley Nason, Christie Barlow, Michelle Vitale, Julie Hull, Aspinall and Hannen. Also con- tributing to the strong effort were Teresa Reed, Brenda Gra- ham, Denise Spafford and Allison Piercey. On Saturday, led by a solid performance in goal by Ivana Sajovic, Pickering shut out visiting Markham 3-0. Scoring for Pickering were Hannen. Hutton and Kailey Thomas. Adding assists were Mary Granton, Aspinall, Hannen and Hutton. The Pickering juniors will compete in a tournament in Etobicoke this weekend. The team is coached by Pat Hannen, Al Hutton and Eric Aspinall. Atom Lightning stones Stoney Creek The Durham West Play makers for the Lightning atom girls' 'A' Lightning were Danielle rep hockey team continues Nagymarosi with two as - to dominate league play sists, Stacey Vahey and with a 3-0 victory over O'Hare with one apiece. Stoney Creek last Satur- The team currently sits day in first place in G o a I t e n d e i the North Amanda Cretto IMetro Girls' ;turned away sever- Hockey League. al good scoring The Durham West ,opportunities to A Lightning squad is record the coached by Dan Per - shutout. off, assisted by Tony Cret- Lauren O'Hare, Jessica' to and Andrew Vahey. The Judges and Megan Friel trainer is Colleen Judges each popped a goal for the and the manager is Janette ti;Durham West atoms. .. Kerr a ass Scoreboard PICKERING MEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Results from Jan. 5. MASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE Envoy Business Systems 56 vs. Gal- lantry's Eatery 41 TOP SCORERS Envoy: Luke Lukannen 16. Ron Faragher 13, Fred Dever 11, Bob Pfizer 10. GAME TWO Mud Hen's 47 vs. Van Kempen Insurance 38 TOP SCORERS Mud Hen's: Bill Boston 14, Roy Chris- tiansen 11, John Esposito 10. Van Kempen: At Sokoto 15, Don Leahy 9, Ralph Vanderwell 6. GAMETHREE Melanie Pringles 44 vs. Club Link 30. TOP SCORERS Melanie Pringles: Bruce Briard 12, Randy Filinski 9, Bill Elliott 8, Kevin Walker 8. Club Link: Glenn Scott 8. Frank Gallo 7, Bill Green 6. NON MASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE Melanie Pringles 55 v8. Ell -Rod Holdings 55 diet TOP SCORERS Melanie Pringles: Elman McLean 24, Vin- ton Reece 12. Pat Brown 8. Ell -Rod: Dwight Colley 12, John Chis. 4ansen 12, Clem Fordo 11. GAMETWO Insurance Portfolio 35 vs. Penny's Auto Service 33. TOP SCORERS Insurance Portfolio: Blake Slawter 9, Ivor Walker 6, William Daniel 6. Penny's: Mike Sinclair 11, Neal Tyrell 6. GAME THREE Mud Hen's 57 vs. Gallantry's 51. TOP SCORERS Mud Hen's: Denton Smith 17, Conrad Davis 16, Karl Hutchinson 12, Ken Michael 10. Gallantry's: Denver Daley 17, Dave Phang 10, Reynolds Watkis 6. MASTERS DIVISION STAM M" TEAM G W L T f A PTS Club Link 6 6 0 0 283 219 12 Melanie Pr. 6 3 3 0 287 278 6 Mud Hen's 6 3 3 0 272 268 6 Van Kempen6 3 3 0 253 257 6 Envoy 6 2 4 0 253 273 4 Gallantry's 6 1 5 0 224 279 2 NOWMASTERS DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM G W L T F A PTS Melanie Pr 6 4 2 0 369 355 8 Mud Hen's 6 4 2 0 408 376 8 Penny's Autos 4 2 0 328 296 e Gallantry's 6 3 3 0 331 350 6 Insurance P. 6 2 4 0 342 311 4 Ell -Rod 6 0 6 0 275 364 0 r Pickering Sports photo by Jason Liebreos Running rac q ueteer Alroy Walker keeps his concentra- tion as he attempts to make a return while enjoying a game of tennis at the Pickering Recreation Complex's indoor courts recently. "Your IF'indott• Deir-ohnsiaF Cenitre- c-rvr�r BLINDS & DRAPERY Everyday Pn* ces on W1111111HurbrBounlas Window Fashions °"o OFF • Verticals ............................ IASL a 1"&112" CCXX,+1/Z» 5 0% OFF Horizontals .......... MSL OFF e Applause•'"' Honeycomb...0 MSL 3 C% OFF If Pleated Shades .................. J MSL 330/- OFF • Roller Shades....................MSL NEED IT F�ST22 AL All advertised Hunter Douglasproducts ready for pick up in 5 working days or less!! , i DRAPERY vinyl ANDWood All Fabrics 20'OFF gI SHUTTERS Great selection!! _ Great price!! SH01111 AT HOME SEMICE 0937 BLINDS &DRAPERY 428-093.7) 88 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering VWW) SHOWROOM HOURS: Mon: Wed 10-5, Thurs. & Fri. 10-6, So. 10-5 THE NEWS ADVF;KF SE:R F14DAY, JANUARY 9, 19," - PAGt; 19 Sc-oreb-oard mon -wed.lo•6 458 Fairall St., Ajax Thais 1" Fri. 10.6 (905) 683-2222 METRO JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Lone Star Cate 11 9 2 0 63 28 18 As of Jan 4 Harrison Marling 10 6 1 3 46 23 15 EASTERN DIVISION Knights of Columbus 11 5 6 0 33 33 10 TEAM G W L T ' F A PIS Midas Muffler Pickering 11 3 5 3 28 34 9 -,•,a-a Leg+onarres 36 25 11 0 195 141 50 Templeman Direct Mating 10 1 5 4 26 42 6 i r,acuse Jun or Crunch 35 21 11 3 196 153 45 Alliance Collision 11 2 7 2 26 62 6 N,-:1,ngton Dukes 35 15 15 5 148 141 35 ATOM DIVISION J •e Hawks 34 14 18 2 162 168 30 ROUND-ROBIN STANDINGS P:rNope Buzzards 37 14 21 2 137 167 30 TEAM G W L T F A PTS PICKERING PANTHERS 36 11 19 6 120 161 28 Discovery Place Child Care 2 2 0 0 5 3 4 EAST DIVISION - LEADING SCORERS Whites Road Shell 2 1 0 1 7 6 3 PLAYEWTEAM GMS G A PIM PTS Lidos 2 1 1 0 7 4 2 '--""'' ^''S ^^ •^ J• Crunc ^` 7C C C 3^, fAaa:a t. riot —Pickering 2 1 1 0 7 6 2 Cyd Marks/Ounte Hawks 32 29 51 59 80 Grand 8 Toy 2 1 1 0 6 3 2 ,, Monagle/Syracuse Jr Crunch 32 31 35 37 66 Freeway Ford 2 1 1 0 5 4 2 n 5 George TrfforVPkk. Panthers 33 23 19 29 42 Fire Star Avalanche 2 1 1 0 5 6 2 CENTRAL DIVISION Clualdy Tune -Up 2 1 1 0 5 8 2 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Boyer Pontiac 2 0 1 t 3 5 1 ="! Rags 33 26 5 2 203 105 54 Home Office Computers 2 0 2 0 3 8 0 Rattlers 36 22 12 2 153 121 46 PEEWEE DIVISION ,—am Waters 35 20 11 4 186 134 44 EAST DIVISION .r,rgh Junior Penguins 37 13 21 3 126 197 29 TEAM G W L T F A PTS - +;,k Rangers 34 4 24 6 110 170 14 Ftrestore-LoughlinLre 1• 7 2 2 62 36 'E WESTERN DIVISION Legend Musk Enterprises 11 6 3 2 71 52 14 !EAM G W L T F A PTS Compucertre PKJter•rg 11 5 3 3 62 61 13 Canadians 36 29 3 4 225 98 62 Sb Sports Pickering 11 3 5 3 47 58 9 ^'svdle Wildcats 37 15 20 2 131 162 32 CUPE Local 129 11 3 5 3 47 60 9 Huskkes 32 15 16 1 141 152 31 Monarch Kitchens 11 2 8 ! 39 61 5 �relburne Wolves 33 8 24 1 126 174 17 PEEWEE DIVISION agora Scenic 34 6 27 1 74 189 13 WEST DIVISION PICKERING HOCKEY ASSOCIATION TEAM G W L T F A PTS HOUSE LEAGUE STANDINGS Dtcksor Printing t ! 'C 0 59 15 2r Ass' Jar• 4 Bob Johnston Chev-Gids I 1 8 3 0 54 28 16 TYKE DIVISION - ROUND-ROBIN STANDINGS ReiMax First Realty -B McLean 11 7 4 0 51 38 14 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Boyer Pontiac 11 4 6 t 35 32 9 Fastlane (Freeway Ford) 2 2 C 12 4 4 K8M Construction Services 11 3 7 t 24 36 7 Lone Star Cafe 2 2 0 0 9 2 4 Grain Process Enterprises t 1 0 t t 0 20 94 0 Ryswn Gr-1ao r. Inc 2 1 0 1 FISAW-Plr 10 6 3 BANTAM DIVISION . E'^erngton 2 l 0 t 8 6 3 TEAM G L T F A PTS Papps Resta..rant 2 1 0 1 6 5 3 P ckennn Honda 7 7 7 7 2 2 51 39 15 Pxk--g Village Sports 2 0 0 2 9 9 2 Royal Bank 11 7 3 1 u 28 15 PKkta,r Farn'h Dental 2 0 t t 4 6 1 Sb Sports (Pnckerng) 11 6 2 3 41 24 15 Bob Johnston Chev-Olds 2 0 2 0 4 10 0 Boyer Pontiac 11 6 3 2 55 33 14 A-MAZE•ZING Parties 8 Play Centre 2 0 2 0 3 6 0 Dakota Bobs 11 4 6 1 25 34 9 Marshy) Homes 2 0 2 0 3 14 0 Legion 606 11 3 7 1 32 43 7 NOVICE DIVISION Pickering Oidtnlers 11 3 8 0 26 56 6 EAST DIVISION Lone Star Cate 11 2 7 2 22 39 6 TEAM G W L T F A PTS M W.ET/JUVENILE DIVISION Bob Johnston Cher -010s 11 8 2 77 24 !8 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Re/Max First Reelty-J Ndson 11 7 3 1 67 43 15 Pckerng Okltrners t' 9 2 56 23 2C C&%adkan Progress Club 11 6 3 2 62 41 14 Hoult Fleaewel1 t t 6 3 2 47 35 14 Arnts Loam Supply 11 5 3 3 58 43 13 Bob Baur tt 5 4 2 35 31 12 Lymb.rd Lumber 11 2 9 0 42 69 4 Boyer Pontiac 11 5 4 2 34 37 12 Port Royal Mas 11 1 10 0 27 113 2 Stroud Farms 11 5 5 t 35 34 11 NOVICE DNItSKON Coreaoh-Sonoco 11 4 6 1 41 48 9 WEST DIVISION Cluairty Tune -Up 11 3 6 2 47 52 8 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Nonoil Auto Body t 1 0 9 2 24 59 2 YOU EXPECT LOWER PRICES AT SURE FIT .... .... . r ... And You Get Them! ..................... FLS T s E T 5 E , _ • %'cllue • 100` An Arillf i'19 F1i15jiLUII (;ulul�r- 1998 Horrje POII Cotton RiCEs Elarop ,t 9 Qunlit�• at OC TI -ET Best ...:;. 99 . 69.9) ................ 'j'• t. w>tn Se Set ........... ?ILp49...... • ....... ..........b`� •99 Double yy y�).......... 79•� Set .............. Queen • ....119.99............•..... >Wotrease` mug Set .••••••••• ' ,,,,e Itted sheet flit' sheet, & Sham•' (one case for twin) Lers Sheet Sets include one Davel Co Also alaiila6le Co-ordinatir Fabric By the Yard • Towtels • Rugs • Bed Pillows • Placenm is • Furniture Throws • Duvet Covers • Tableclothe • Sheet Sets Shower Curtains SNpeovers • giftware 4��AL.L AT IrACTOW OUTLET PRICES! Looking for Extra Value? Check out our dollar bins & remnant table SURE FIT OUTLET mon -wed.lo•6 458 Fairall St., Ajax Thais 1" Fri. 10.6 (905) 683-2222 Set. las OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. 12.5 Y I:ncrll . 7 W+ E t 5 k ' SURE FIT OUTLET mon -wed.lo•6 458 Fairall St., Ajax Thais 1" Fri. 10.6 (905) 683-2222 Set. las OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. 12.5 Serving Durham for over 33 year, PAGE 2b-tl'�iE r1E� ADVE'RI'115� �I�jAY. ,IATtii1AR1' �, 198 0 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 171 Ajax News Advertiser office Pickering News Advertiser Outlet 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax 1822 Whites Rd. Pickering EL HOURS: 9 am - 5pin Mon.- Fri. Sara/Lee-Amberlea Plaza CLASSIFIED ON-LINE Closed Saturay 683 0707 Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. rw wv—r• �. xr .wwui.c phim lines pert daily til I� ISes. - Fri., Sat 9.3tla■ - 3pm Sun -Noon til 5 p.m. Ein lid FAX: (905j579-4218 TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 CLOSED Monday's. Fix ("579.4218 I 1 Careers1 1 Careers I I Careers 1 General Help 1 General HelpMFGeneral Delp 1 Geri Help 1 SaNe HOWAperRt LABORATORY MANAGER Drew Chemical Limited, located In Ajax has an opening for a Laboratory Manager. Successful candidate will be responsible for supervision of Customer Service Laboratory and Quality Assurance Programs. Qualifications required for this position are: - Bachelor Degree in Chemistry or Science Major with 3 years microbiology, or 5 years work experience in O.C. Laboratory - Good interpersonal and management skills - Water Treatment experience would be an asset. Please mail or fax resume in confidence to: Mr. P. Lambie, Drew Chemical limited, 525 Finley Avenue, Ajax, Ontario LIS 2E5 Fax number 905-683-3725 No telephone calls please CERTIFIED TEACHERS WANTED Join our team of creative caring professionals -Full and part-time positions available in Pickering 8 Whitby Centres -Flexible afternoon/evening hours -Professional development support -Unique teaching methods -Canadian leaders in private remedial & enrichment education'CKFOp Resumes to: 1105 Finch Ave., LEARNMr. CENTRES• Pickering, L1 V 1J7 or Fax: (905)420-8171 n, va-_'a,'_­ __ _ _ , equipment is looking for: ORDER ENTRY PERSON ExceBen o:,;a :.:a ,a.a . Z:0mmufUca:zr and rputer skills as well as technical orientation are es- sential requirements for this position. Please send resume (complete with reterems) to: NORTH AMERICAN STEEL 390 Hopkins Street. Whitby. Ontano. UN 299 or Fax: (905) 668.5477 1 1 Careers SKILLED u a::,: Y.,,r. M11(.rker Diploma , Degree, to work was ddhCtdl adolesce ds within a specialized schooi environment Ability to non- age the class ant provide life skills is essential Interven- tion anger management tecn- own and thorough computer knowledge is essential Send resumes to: Enlerphase 596 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Onuno. LIG 4V4 Cover 1ET►t i— UPGRADE your office iob skii at your own pace Pn- vate lessons with patient in- structor, nWindows. MS OI - t ce Word. Excel t: Lotus. Flexible tours 905-427-Q66 1 Gerrard Hsb ASSEMBLERS! Stay Home - Make Money You assemble products 8 earn 5727 /wk. Amazing recorded message reveals .details. 416-812.6798 x88. Canadian Company. SAYFAM DAYCARE- Needing Strad age teacher. Cal 839- 1842 lir appoimmem or tax resufne 10834 8273 CLEAR Am INDUSTRY, erowmil compmy nits several Operl for enthusiastic. perble sonaand sell starters. FW trakinlp provided to erNer you into tis booming indus- try. Area to be covered Scar- baanph and Dtrrlram Repion. car a must. Please all rim 0 905-28-2022. 1 General Help 1 Garland Help GAILLIND Requires Cleaners for days and evenings. Drivers license an asset. 683-4134 J C P DAYCARE CENTRE ilten.np tot supevisor, tot n'atemity, leave ECE diploma antl exp in supervisory re- quMe L Ib'E Oshava Cal Mrs Reid, 433-7003 LOVE TO DECORATE - Totally CLASSIFIED Tropical Interiors is looking for consultants to market silk CUSTOMER plants 'rte and a"ess°- SERVICE � For more into call Pat 905-438-W8 News Advertiser re. OVERLOAD OF work 30 peo- quests that advertisers pie needed immediately to fill Check their ad upon various areas of east e14 publication as News Ad- company. must be hardwork- will not be re ing ing and ambitious We will Iran Ashley 426 4955 sponslbie for more than one incorrect insertion PHONE CLERKS needed Call and there shall be no h- 579-7816 for interview ability for non -insertion of any advertisement. PIMPAG Envelope manu- for errors m ads fauturer requires an Experi- is limited to the amountDrees enced printer to run a Multi - and handle light ware - paid for the space occu- house duties Part-time posi- pying the error. All copy tion plus occasional full-time is subject to the appro- duringbusy penods. Carl val of management of 1905168:15555 News Advertiser. RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED in CLEANING PERSON NEEDED Pndtenng Vetermary Office. td tars. Mon -Fn. Sat. 10 Every evert" for 1 flour. Cal m am to dose. Aipprovt 40 hN7wk. a (416)-285-8660 or (905)-420 0 $MV Fax resume to (416) 3620. 283-55".COCKY JOCKEY is hi ung exp. RELOCATE OTTAWA - Super bar tenders 8 servers. Must htllindant couples required for be a Team player with energy hi -rise apt. holt". Mug 6 personality Reply to P.O. possess good Administrative Box 181, Apo, Ontario LIC 011s. good 1101116eltedg 3C3. practice and ability to do nit pais and morAa ma. Salary FREEDOM to earn your po- Ola apt. pus INndill. Reply rental. Freedom to choose to Fik 081(o)hi . Oshawa Wtby your lutire. Freedom to mach This Week P D. Box 481, 865 for the stars. Call now (905) Farewel St. Oshawa, LIH 420-8972 71-5. HAIR STYLIST WANTED Ful Pines lived your theleUdd one. good working condition, a ell Ant OF d peeke6m ax career opportur ity. must be we cow he lir Stiff Infiltrated. d dependable =Delft new ISM tui ioeMon a ere 725-8710 awes d 0 ever. COMPUTER CABLE INSTALLATION PERSON required by local company. Related experience an asset. Willing to train the right individual. Please fax resume to: 905-683-6078 Only thine candidates celrctrd for intervieuK arrll be contacted. CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. A GREAT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES -CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE /MANAGER TRAINEE - CAR ATTENDANTS Required full :Ime for car rewa, company. Must have experience in tfle custorner service b valid driver's license. ALSO - A/R CLERK Required for full time. Accounting background an asset. Please apply writh resume to: DISCOUNT CAR 13 TRUCK RENTALS 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario LIN 2H8 1 Sats HWApews ServiceMaster Lawncare Durham Telemark xpa and sales people needed . Boyer continue the expansion of our tautomer base. Work out of Whitby office, Houffy wage. plus commission, bonus & incentives. Experlenoe preferred / wiling to train. Call Today at (905) 668-2152 START THE YEAR OFF RIGHT SUPERINTENDENT Required for a hU plus unit apartment carr lex. Duties include cleaning and mall repairs. Prefer semi retired cou- pie Please send resume to: File# 79 Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario, LIH 71_5 TEACHER For a Grade 4 Ajax student. 2 - 4 Hrs. per week. Please reply to: File 1192 Oshawa This Wed. P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, DNtario. LIH 7L5 STUDENTS" e-' .j.' , ±•penence n I. Pi we trate Iii Minimum ape 10 years I 1hpNPickering (905) 603- 1,14. oshawawlkfby/cw- "Jillon (9051 263-1093 SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE 'squired or apt build" in ;,,teroorarph awn Dith" in- - de office procedures. ,*vtenarice. clea ting, etc A:+arrmpq otos salary plus ,•rrehts Reply Fee 061. :sham Wfnittly This Week. 865 Farewell St.. P 0 Box 481, Osh aa. Drill LIN 71.5 TELEMARKETER- Must have expenence mays. everwW_ making calls from office or EXPANDING COMPANY, "We Booking apps. Good crust replace people being promoted to 16Mn=SDa call (9DS) 427- 12 other cities. Entry level to management available. TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST REOUIRED oy dentaUdenture Must be able to start immediately- conic. to. tvalings and wee - call Michelle. 426--4954. kends Excellent communica- t on skills necessary Calif 66& 779 7 is hiring "'Paint Dept. "Merchandising 'Cashiers *Sales start Experience in retail is an asset. Drop resume at 282 Monarch in Ajax. (1 light west of Harwood on Bayty at Monarch) Alcbris Wallt "lied ae Agellt'f Karisma Talent is seeking actors, all ages, for Television Commercials and Film & Videos KW 16-65 Kids 2-15 (No Extras) (4161221-3829 Required for Metal Fabricating Comp; in Pickering. Applicants require: • 3-5 years experiiince on Turret Programming • Abiity to read Skoprints • KnowkKIge of Metallsoft & Cacl eyr Software Fax resume to: 905-428-2392 Pickering Town Centre Has opportunities for experienced Cashiers Dispensary Assistants Apply within CARDINA NANNIES & CO%IPANIONS INC. Since 1995 Nannies, Companions -Part-tlme/(ulHime - Live irdive out Drivers preferred TIM HORTON'S L, novohourg for new .,tore in Pickering; ,forefront permwiawl. P, ease drla rr resume to prrson to: 1950 Bayly St. W. Pickering TRUCK DRIVER � Sannat on Supply Comparry Current aItr reo'd Please subaw resarne to Jim Car- Itthel Up Underwood's. 410 Are" Ave. Atex. Ontario needed. Men.3yrs. dining experience. Apply with resume at: Pimentos Restaurant, 120 Bruck SLN., Whitby % E:DDI NG PHOT'( K: R A PHE ILS NEEDED Wt- will train you in the Latest methods. • %lust have 2 1/4 square equipment. 434-7336 BESniea H r FURNITURE SALES Full and part time for local furniture store. Whitby. Experience a must Fax resume to (905) 666-4774 oriented telecom- murlicaWns compa- ny. It you are honest, ambitious and hard- working we would like to hear from you. Previous outside sales experience an asset. Excellent commissions, trairrng and some leads provided. Car a necessity PAiesaw fm inswunthas to: rieaeerd Mer., systewes lw_ 905-436-OOtli6 1 Ona two Moil" tEelp INSIDE SALES COORDINATOR (Ajax) opening for a Career minded individual who has tremendous communications and computer skills, and enjoys working for people. If your talents are detail oriented, you enjoy helping people and need to work in an ever changing environment, we have a position for you. Fax resume (905)686-2357. AT BOYERS! Looking for 2 USED CAR SALES REPRESENTATIVES Up to 40% commission and company car. Contact Gerald Thornton Toronto; 416-798-7989 Pickering: 905-831-2693 Oshawa: 905-686-5859 AUTO SALES AND LEASING SPECIALIST Build a future with 'THE PLAN- Fords premier lease program. Fraser Ford re- quires Experienced Saks and Leasing Consultants for our expanding operation. These positions have above average earning potential and generous commis- sion structure. Apply to person or tax resume to: FRASER FORD SALES LTD. 815 King St. W. Oshawa Bus. 1-905-576-1800 Fax 1-905-576-6078 SALES CONSULTANT Fast growing company requires an experienced industrial/com- mercial pnlduct representative to service markets in Northem and Southwestern Ontario. Must dem(mistrate strong skills in both face to face sales and telemarketing, be results oriented team player and able to work with minimal supervision. If you are a self starter who thrives on the challenge of achie-ii-ing the highest levels of sales performance, forward your resume to: 1700 ALLIANCE RD. BOX 135 PICKERING, ONT. LIW 3X2 Advertising Sales Reprcsextatiaes required immediately for career opportarwity. Due to expansion of our Telephone Directory we require three additional sales representa- tives. If you are aggressive, highlyy motivated, have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfaction, we would like you to join our whoring team. Minimum two years sales experience. Direc- tory and layout experience a plus. Existing and new accounts, training, commis- sion and base pay. Mol or fax. rrsrrHf to: AjaxMckering New Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave. Al", ON LIS 2111115 Fax.# 1190511 619-9M Attn: Donna Harden 135 135 SENIOR DESIGNER required for Oshawa Metal Stamping Plant. Must have Auto -Cad design experience with iressive and pall pfikaient LLnt ISO andel 90 0 b This position offers a team environment with top wages and full benefits. Send r6faN6 to: File #165-A, Oshawa This Week PO Box 481, Oshawa Ont. LIH 711.5 1 1 ��Y 1 wrldlYede'1 1 A� k' 1 A� for 1 Areca Fa HOME RELIEF Health Services Inc. Requires a HCA with Head Injury experience. Pickering. Must have car. Fax resume to: 905.472-0862 SM Skilled peycave 1 ' Avei AUTOMOTIVE Outside Sales AFFOROAKE daycare pro. Prolesswnal Sell motivated a vided, smoke-free home Prier tic individual with Fenced yard. Westrky De Heiphis. Can Lisa at strong sales background re- (;9)619-2907 gunred. Cal Dan 579-4000. MEG, loving mom w0 ba - EXPERIENCED NVAC. Serv. We Technician needed Must Possess refrigerant and gas , rers 2. certification. Must gave a valid diners license and good drtvirg record. oIP•ase fax resume to 905- 428-2452. 1 'yr. experience with carpet installations preferred. Contact Mark 905-683-3064 LOCAL TRUCK BODY MANUFACTURER rias immediate opening ,or Manufacturing ethnologist. Successful ipplicant must be: • Mechanical engineer or !ethnologist • Proficient in Auto -Cad • "Jent in MS Office products Familiar With metal fabrication • Farmhat with ISO quality principals or Rave equmlent job experience Please fax resurm Only Ill CRANSF efMrRF- ci,u Ind part time lube tatvuc;an. 2 per hour tea stet PNVWW experience and ;kills Appy wifrrl Atesmey Rd S Alex 1NV CERTIFIED LLTRASOUND TECHNOLOGIST Required for L'Iinics, in Pickering to Oshawa. T ftfi. e 19051 5`76.02W LONG TERM CARE Facility -quires a reh4DIMh0pn hfah- •ata Applicants must have eA ahon a "pow" row- ed to reslow" are or oCCU- ;.atioltet t erapy Parse Send 'esuriks by Jai 14, 1996 to bysit toddlers in my home Flexible lours. Cal (905)426- 2784 LOVING MOM will love and - care for your child in her home. HarwooNlMy.2. Ajax. Flexible tours. $751week. Cal (905)428-7998. MOTHER of 2 welcomes all ages Imam a Chia first id. detailed to your wants a reeds. 2 (905)426-2195. PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Loving daycare. 18 months to 12 years Daily outings ifenced backyard andpark) Craves. story Tine. music. nu- IntlOes meals a snacks. First Aid. C.PR. certified Non- smoking. rocepK 905-428- 1244 TLC protrde4 by res ionsible. reliable mom 20 years ex- onerate. references. Babies welcome Flarnhe hours. bel - ween Valley Farm/Aailor Oaks (905)646-7954 WESTNEYM miaed. relraMe babysitter avauaok with 11 yrs exp ICS daycare diplo. ma. Flit larch. Shacksfenced Yard. babies welcome. rtler- ences. reoeipls 4127-4907-- 1 Firewood FIREWOOD Pula Lumber a Firewood Centre 4'x8'xl2' $60. 4x8 x16•. $65 EStab- iithned 1963. Days 705-277- 3381, Evenings 905-434- 6665 Feet do mV to Oshawa am A-1 FIREWOOD. efir - very best quality hwdwOOd. OiraraAaed Caraeine tufty sea$omd. cut split tlHO�nieM maSYremaM. free 905 753 2248 M1fM Flew odd. AMOLUMV IN BEST - top Quality Seasoned nardwood k Serving F • AW. WhN- DUAWIM FIREWOCalOD 427-5276 FOR SALE Cut, Split do delivered. $55 /face cord Call Jerry (905)619-1363 r,le 09934 Outlines This week wood. Pick up or Deliver. PO Box 481 Oshawf OnUm Serving Alan. Pickering, ,1H 7L5 Oshawa a Who". 905-427- mems from $500 0 A C Cars, 8250. W5427.17M • 1 Day re 1 tirpw BABYSITTHI warbled l0 2 1947 PLynourN Horizon. 8 presdinod dutdren. Non- lies a WAleek. new exhaust. smoker. flexible hales. Clo- 5250. Fireplace with OIINS vendgeJHarrrood ora. 646- doors. and dwmsY pipe. 3794 ask to Lori. MOD. 663-0017 CARE NVEN MHOEO .e my home 3 days a 0.004 to twit 6 months Slartlq Feb. 98. Westney a r2 aro. Non- smoker. RderNkces reeuind. (905) 6&3 6949. DURNAM ppOFESSIONK HOME DAYCARE requires Caregivers in Ape and Pidt- ening for children 6 rN, - , no 12 yrs. Prehir smoke -hem en- vironment. SM". IDIS d SC_ bvibes, gats, drafts. Out. door playa Rhttl. C"MMW reference check and moslinl required. We offer orgong support. training. ►milder pay. use of equiprhenl, foy MM,. nfo�dCall MCS . For mora MOTHER of 3 young d*VW as seeking Na i'mot her's helper, Energy CruByMy and expenence q�ired FieXhbk part Time. 5034067. REUABLE of insfastic live - 0u1 caregiver to tlWee child= ren. four day wofkw0lk. ww 1T1enapD Mill90 Close to Highbush P.S. Non-smoker. referefus. 839.6295. �jwuourpnpkkli dergaten. Ece a ddinne as- set Non-Smoktf/own trm- Ponation preload. Apx area. (905) 426-3388. 1141 1 AtNme IN Sele BARABE door repairs, blokes Ittaled$I5 New � opahas. Duality Pias Doors 416-.1 073 pkta formaldining room taw. buff ri hunichdaak ble2,1995 Calf906►-666-1621. lib 149.9! repair broken springs, cables, locks, rollers, new doors available FoU Watfrainty 416-501-8728 wedding Bow". Sweethean nock ins. lila bol adorned with beads, fW em- broidered skit with Iran. Sint S. Asking $600. Cal 905- 571-2107.5np CANPET 3 rooms lir $MS. Includes 30. sq. yard;. stain release, plush or twist. In - Stalled w dh premum pad. Sal 906.132-2750 WHY IS THIS COUPLE - 9 SO EXCITED? IT'S 1200 TUESDAYS `v (j For A Limited Time Only! The Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser will offer a $200 per word special on Tuesdays only to help you sell those unwanted items. (Private Parties Only). Articles must be priced less than $500x' (price to be shown). To place your prepaid ad call 683-0707 or fax your ad to 905-579-4218. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1998 -PAGE 21 11 ee MAonobtlee 11 for sw CREDIT PROKEMS? On the SNAP OUT OF ITI Winters spot financing Down pay IqN over. Cane to Ctniars mems from $500 0 A C Cars, one week clearance sale. trucks. vans. 1981 to 1991. Amarine "in on 38 FauWes- Alandy Auto Saks Ltd. 792 IN: recmdftieeed vehicles Simcoe Street South. Oshawa. 1993 Mazda 323 5 speed. Ph" 905-720-3382 62,000 km. Dk green Wow 1963 DODGE Antes 73.000 $6.995 1993 Olds Achieva original klmS. runs well. b low kms super price 51.000 o b o CAI 905-420-$6.995 1992 iaurut L loaded. 7152 burgundy and grey 105.000 1 1985 Cutlass Supreme V8 km' now $6.985 1993 Cava - IOaded. Good Con6tion her Z24 loaded, pnsime white rims139.000 kms, gel lucky 0 B 0 As is. Must Sell' Cap $7.777 19W Geo Storm 1 6 5 (905)-666-9636Asking speed. 97.000 kms. mint teal '= Z28 Camdru 305. FS 1992 Bunk Reno t PS T -roof, new pain a more. $2900 Call 905-579.7021 loaded aded lonavy blue beauty. Trac kms Geo Ends Wed Dec 31"7 905- Tracker autoo,. psh p. .. . hardtop, 1987 Cavalier, automatic 2 low kms. mml $7.150 1991 tl00r sunroof, new brakes. fresh paint. cendied. $1995 Chev Astro van, loaded, 152.000 kms. rarKMrq red Can 905 579 0, 9, 1995 SATURN SC -1, otack, t';c"s If ani con*twn vet" only $6995 1991 Isuzu Im- 1987 OLDSMOBILE station Pulse, loaded• dark red. low wagon custom crise, p_w.. km s. auto, excellent only air, 51595 art 1985 Pony 1991 Grand Am black 6095 certified 1969 Jeep beauty loaded. good kms. Cherokee needs some work s some super special 54.995 1988 $1295 as is CoA 59 Tempest dttapse runs great. 905-5761464 $1.695 1989 Tracker very 11" EXCEL 170.000 led. new nice. 5 speed. $4.885 As is brakes am tin cd player. no firm price spec4K - 1985 ust, cendied. $2.500 080 Merc Marquis loaded 5295. (905) 839-5458 1989 Geo Spm. aub. $495, 38l IoFOR quads. overhead 19M Nissan MiAb 4 x 4 $1100 1991 T -BIRD supercoupe 5- See you at Cellar Auto Car speed 3 9 supercharged. tre 155 Ki St W Mi -t- onull .,,aloe,' thidi Won . plush. Sfaln r!- OAK/PINE FJRNITURE ru 10tht Annual Boxxg Day FIOOr • 1 i • 1On Arts a Diad' on 1148l kuded 2nd ;caner mini condition Noem AbII. Dsft wa. Call 579-2886 Sfstam Carpet. For 3 rooms. MOM blow out continues SNETLANO Shetpaq pops Crab $8500 0.0 0 Certified 666- OOta"- only (369 00 Price includes - Come see Wt in CRAFTERS WANTED - Snow $594 (SNP) 1993 CHRYSLER Dynuty LE. 30 Sq yds carpel dekae pad and "fetalalion Inyour tonne noon vrflere an see �- fry solid Wk a pine furniture and sell your hand made pro• 1994 GRAND PRIX. '16 pis ahs t a W'w p,irunk secumy 3 3L 76 loaded Wrote with charcoal interior $6750 obo Free quicippfoil in your tome. bang handcrafted Traditional elutes �� to me public system. 4 -door. approx. 9851 39 No Imereu, no payment far woafwprtwg 115 Nord Port withoutt0 be there' We selling. so time 95.000 hgnway kms new tires a brakes 512.900 Like Automobiles I one full year, Darnel. 1.800- 217.0104 Perry Rd Port Perry safe your is your own Located at the new, one owner Call 905.683 WaweO AaIT100ESTAbsaute. W Pur Ends Wed Dec 31"7 905- NEw Courtin Crafters 3020 firs to $7500 . r scrap a CARPET .VINYL. BEIND- I 965-5774s . Marker. 4 km East of OSN- 1995 SATURN SC -1, otack, t';c"s If ani con*twn vet" well Dear arty arntten pea- USED FMM 5225. and W used $$25 wa Glc 905-436.1024 gold NC a!:: 90 OOOkms ne,M brakes Aske cies 24nr professional pick. up Free Towmg Rouge vaYty W'a SlJedgfl OI coiom aro stoves and up. used washers S25G dryers FOLK -ART CLASSES rad- Excellent Condom51 Phone Retyping, for tag protessiorr- Styles. For out best value on $125 and up New Mand name able Sliming Januar ! 9 w Sm 905-5761464 al pickup Call 19051 706 5746 Your 0711 rte MOW id we win nea0ea I the Agit tndges. 16 C $605 New brand name 30• Sbvei 5449 All I"S. specializing in be- �rs Shot Workers aC- 19lt FORD Wrndttar GL A AMA AUTO Removal - price to M your budget Mike and up New 5 c f freezersCommodallad 19051 57&1%7 38l IoFOR quads. overhead Cash '':r :ars quick '.moral 9051 426.0268 1905) 426-2882 f?55 . Stephenson S Ap Dllarices 227 Coon St. Ostia. wa. 5767418 Cokknplller I console. Dual fwaVair remote '',n 2 tea dedrarity, mal k AUTOMOBILES gnu trucks wanted ' 4:rap Any CARPETS - lois of carpe. Am Save over (6 000 asking .r C" - tree 100 : nylon, now stain to- WATER. A You are cone riled $24 499 . PST a GST Can removal in ttu Ourtgri� Region. ash CM t:liF 1 0111 hared. I wi with the taste. Sao &Ior bolt NEW Mu$rt, a -rare 4 nrp, assort won tuwtpng Presale paid Also ,ceded. 75 to 87 ;WM 3 rooms. $349 Price of your real wt can M1p l www' dun4mnews net/Vd%ft (Not day rental) 905- 43 7317 Chev, a GMC Pickup for darts ndudes arpet. pemum Dad. Car mn1 lifaaltron 886835 or 686.0231 after 5 D m -ap23NndelMm Cal � ine. Oshawa 905- 431 X407 axpert mstaaban, test derv. M e Tee esmwles (30 yards) t1Ck WATERBED lir sale V-,% like • 1 i Norman ass -2314 new Stove a hedge In goof BNWANTED, riTaD metals removed. B80's, air cora.. CARPETS SALE: lots of car- danditiorn. Cale 831-1791 SNETLANO Shetpaq pops pets 1DO% nylon Stam re- YORK 150 Gym row�rip toil- for sate first Shoot. de. lease, arpet 3 morns 5339 chine Familyused 535 17 wo . M examined and (30 $d Yd) kWJudes arpel. RCA X1100 obrour TV wren gwriiteed Cal Laune 905- " 0d and Imttailial. MW SUM and PlkhOe "W 665-0191 sw tion. Fret eSLmaNs. carpet oro Works A-1 565 M66 -658e rprrs Saving Drtham and (Sw) OSHAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc surroutift MB6 area Sam Articles 1 Classes starting Monday January 121 basic and prei- CARPETS-new t00% Nylon. nal To Regrster Can 6ev stain mister Cora-MeCan AaIT100ESTAbsaute. W Pur 655.40012 and SM. carpet flirts N chaol furniture. mss. call 5122/sc.R. ndrrdrq prtnaun IMocrcron a oche art poi- LMU All pups to, sale pwwatw tmm Sena ells• coumt. Repairs available WY). M. tors or an nosOlgue weltsDeooys, look a scial Non -shedding Cestoesr Satisfaction guar- lent 6obaorK a estates hub gnwarikee. we-nudied meal For Your hors whom CAM Robert Bowen Anlrquss House-narrq Stalled (705) esMrhne al We (905)431- (905) 6566049 Brooktwn Orr 786-3124, leave message. 4040 or (416)422-6226 Um E -mad rbtbdwM4asym- pow a WMWEG1AN ELK HOUND. CLARMOTON COMPUTERCB CLEARANCCOM. Mowout A 1, Caen. We pay befler thin Appronmately 10 weeks old. with out wow age seas of lntet 233 MMIC "am Ire the competition for TV's. and on,, mea Serious n- cliu0iriq 17 montor. Canon 43M wren 95. hitt Irl VCR's Seeroos. Guars. Cam Confers. CDS. Toots. Gold qu res only 1905) 404-8654 printer Jewel 121 B St S aRe 6 p m WE FINANCE EVERYONE No tum downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt-, bad credit. no credit! It you work, you drivel Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8493 1987 Ford Escort tertsl peg. (2.599 ro list. ro Peer ry r 3895 1965 Plymouth Ream. eau.. 7 Cd S. 486 nkAbrtsAa Robbs syslems; With SVGA mondor a 30-3050 a 43D-3680 5575 166 h0( urkt 1599. we mulkuasd4 24 X CD ran lets BNWANTED, riTaD metals removed. B80's, air cora.. with Software Win $119. 164 Baseline Rd E (905) 697 - stows, cars, farm machinery. 3 or mill" metal (905)571- 6714 IN SALE: I" WANTED - 1 Coleman fuel pomp with bench. SM. Cal 905.666-9043. stm. xlei for KC to" (let. Reasonable Call KnSb 945- FENETEE SALEI Two love 3183 Sal 5595 1966 New Yoker 5495 1984 Dodge Caravan 2 to dioose from. $795 eadn 686- 7428 BELLY A SONS (Since 1976) Used tar 24K 89 Grand Am holy loaded. AC. quad 4. dBW exhaust $3295 89 Surbird. AC $2950 88 Barena. 2 8. $2950 Above can in mini condition. certified 86 Mazda sat M. Oak CO"ee a End RX7 u Is slxtW $1995 Tables 5250. 26 Gallon Hare- � ArBeMB TMM1tIBd 1 AfIkUB wale d 683-7301 a 428-1879. after 6 PM =slacalTank won d a 19�F 686-7861. KITCHEN. COMPLETE: Stave. fridge, dishhwashet mi- crowave, Counters. calitnet5. s.11t. table anof phials, 1o+d and slok. Large set, good con- notion. ar n tion. See t set-up before new lelcheh arrives. $1990. Cal 905.623.1960. M Ekd ' oval MAW locatio 081 WANTED Will pay face value for Maple Leaf Tickets. Must be greens, reds or golds. Call Bruce at 579-4400 ext. 2207 TAIOANT Equipment - ■ 1 rad gar(arw convection( mini $1500. 10 HuSheyWRINw- �: Fug min e 1 $ e 1 $do efp,uprrsrM 5300. (905)725- 6 .... FRATE OUR 8TH RIRTHOAY ••••• IIl6BSTOCKEo Freezers. Coolers, Walk-iIK. commaltiaf unit. 2 a 3 door freezers. Warranty available. 011905-655-450 DAY 1 CLOCK�A Clearance AM 1997 floor models w duced. (used ups: Yantalha. SaMCK Kimball Young Chang. New digital pianos from $895 and up Ren! ID own. lupe selection of grandfather clocks from $995 and up. Call TELEP PIANO 433.1491. ROYAL DALTON. Arcadia pal - tem. 12 place settings pus maty extra pieces. Like few. Retail $6700. Asking 52800 Can 905-728.4220. FNK ORM ES OF BARGAINS - 5M,M0 Did cam 'JO,MM MEW NUKR NORE SAVE 50 - 91% THE BIG FLEA MDRS ST. E. 2 UBNTS EAST OF IN CKSON BY EVERY SAT. AND SON 80 - 51% 270 ' 270 WEE DESIGN SERVICE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Cat311 JO1w Dualrte at �" EACUff SAKE U. V6. at- tbmAeaed. ruffs mg. W1ar- tried. NOO. Call 430-2056 Ask for Bi. PICKUPS! Dodge Dakota's 6 to choose from 1988-1994 Durham Rapid Auto (416)281-2843 SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it at l06S )Ufh= Re&tL Call dMir" at 683-0707 or fax 579-4218 CASH FOR CARS' Ne buy :sed +erodes Venues must It in running "ficktion Can 127-2415 or Come to 479 ?ayly St Edi. Aµx at MIJRAO AUTO SALES SCRAP CARS Wanted. top or"s paid Same my sni 10 Also can for resale, iii �a)r w to $5000 Cal 6B6- 1 / bucks Air Sow 1990 GMC Siena t,2 non snort Dox Jnde 50.00011 Green. knaded. slip SM* Dox cave I" coed III Askmp S. 7 000 Call 905-571-2090 19% CHEVROLET 14 ton Pick .0 loaded Wim box liner. Arid A14 14 cep 65.000 km n ex- etknt slept 5000 to N" $14900 obo ceroikd 905- 263-2925 Wbmbld TruW WANTED: TRUCK BODY of a 1988 or newer GMC 1,2 tin Call 905-725.1392 Sip 1 Muse 1 1 Drops 1906 GMC Safari SLE 4 3L V6 8 -passenger. 250.000 km. Sinter and Dlue with blue int Needs a IMW work WSW Poo 905-728.8094 Ossiam 12M DODGE Caravan. 100.000kms. 7 passenger Seat". it corndiborwg. cruse, amAm sifted. mum Must be seen' Certified S11.500 o tl I905µ33-2345 1991 FORD F150 car van. PB.Ps. automatic. H D sus- pension. 199 Hw KM, excel - IM conchbon. 9.500.00. 436- 3376 alter Elora. 1906 LUr Van. it con.. PS. pill. cruise control tall steerog. power nature, pow- er do" locks. keyksS renxxe entry system, amrtm cas- sette. V6. 180 np. loo -Speed auto. trans . abso. lutety mat. 725-0658. 11 ApN ra'R * put OSNAWA - 1 bedroom apt Albert and Jackson area. Close to all amenities, heat. hydro Included $600/nonth- ly. Available Jan 1 First/last required 434-6311 leave rt1lssagf- 1 BEDROOM basement. Mand new. separate entraince. puking, air. fireplace. selam- ty Systems. Cable. $600 in- clusive Non smoker no Pets. Ideal for single lemak 1 KOMODO apt in North Oshawa Newry renovated f495/month inclusive (Heat. hydro. able, laundry) Avail- able Immediately Call 723- 6817 a 571-1396. 1 1 Runs or , 1 1 InH r 1 8 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI.9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905)571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED APARTMENTS - AJAX Affordable 2 bedroom apartments $785 per mo. includes Fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www-geocities.conn/wall street/Floor/ 7657/highnser.html. 1 -BEDROOM. .i:ve ;,:.:}r: rew�Y decorated Middle floor of triplex Four appliances $598 m0ntft utilities and Parking included No dogs Avail now 905-571-2757 WORTH OSHAWA S mer drat 2 b..-iomis 'r 1 dale 'al- :DmA Mese ma•a,M ... - with , $696 mcluded I s1 are; - 9G5 LANCE 2 BEDROOM ,ear ,)Sfr�wa �mirs nMy OKT rayd. r2-urvr hens rg. Con - ' or ' Mea emance. new ap- peaires $691 maim. uaitss Parking included No dogs A%Miaw February 1st (90517268912 OSHAWA Bloa St) urge 2 a 3 Dear(,,;, acartrrnx n dun low rise bixlortg Clow 10 401 a 50 Pill" Available imme- d4ley from 5600 ; I}IdflQl Ptoll 905-5764255 2 -KORO M Hxmarync nq area. 2nd now duplex $725 month Nckism Near schools. shnoIit M. bus. friss 6 last recanted Feb 1 IMQ63-2939 EXCEPTHONALLY LARGE a Clean 1&2 bedroom apart - ..I" in Dishal from S625 - S755 per unit all inclusive Darren. Puaeridge Properties 905-428-1677 AJAX - hlewty tencivaled par- haly furnished 2 bedroom basement apartment. Includes separate entrance. 2 parking spaces. laundry. Cable and dishwasher. cion smoker. no Parts, references. $750 per mo KWu. ava"M Feb or Mar 1 St. 427-6932 AJAX 2 -bedroom• separate entrance. Clair. 4 appliances, parking, no par. fnorrsmoker. available immediately $7501 math Call 683-9480. AJAX, -W* January 15. a OM bedroom walkout base- men apartment Separate en- trance. ore parking space. three appfances, close to public transportation and an amenities. No pets or smok- ing. A must see at $675. First and last all inclusive GII 905-428-1323 after bpm AJAX. Must See"1-bedroom basement apartment. parking separate entrance, air cond. tfoned. all utilities included Ava table Immediately Call (9O5µ28-7733 AJAK: 1 -Bedroom basement Separate entrance full bath- room 4 appliances. sue sm- gle proterssiotal. $600. month WKlusive Non-smoking. no parte. Avalfable immed. 683 - AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY. m Nil Apr ^ :i ung. sparious. Carpeted, newly painted. with balcony. dose to bus stopping. all utilities included. hrsUlast required no pets 1 bedroom $675 2 bedroom. $775 3 bed- room S84o Call 430- 0134 BACHELOR apt n quiet $45C ttWtieS included entrance references r. .. •^ :mmediateh/ Ist;tast ,Is Pflone for appt 3pm- )05-579.3081 BACHELOR .r Bacnelorere er• Uundry Abe .. 'enovateo non-smoker au inclusive No pets 3 A21 Ovetpoolil area BACHELOR. lop floor of In- q�� my decoralea. arae ht carpeted 5450 moxn- Aiuees mic uded No dogs =,artaole February 'sal Phone -15-571.2757 BASEMENT Apt tar rem _ =: ear car name. see- . xHirved Working person • )n-smokef no pets. "I - blit immedia" l ritasl at 906666-2149 BROOK M.14f1 area. 1 bill apartment avalaw, 4 app+ances Cap (416) 444- 391 CEM TRAL MMAWA _ew 437.,6: for aw w ioOn 1305 33 whaling. Oshawa CENTRAL Osnawa urge 2- beOro<;m b ' becrox:^ apart- ments avaiaaie n weli-mael- tauned 0 dose to as ankownes Cali 77 CENTRAL WHITBY. 1-bed- rcdm 11 se me^l apartmem Private Lnlraraa. Parking, triage stove wlasim a dryer Central at air tight wood - slows 5625 mahR"y Firsv !ase. available Jan 15 06- 9598 CENTRAL Whitby 1 -bedroom Apartment . abwuwy Stun- rkng. lots of Parking 5525 plus Armes Available Feb 1 Cap AV bpm (905)655--5918 ORO" SLMwr 2 area. 23 bedroom a able Cap (416) X -,Al CLEAN. self-contained bacheror basement apt, par - fully tunirsfed, separate en- trance available immed west Oshawa $450/month. laundry cable nduded. tri' last Can 726-7137 CONIITICE. 2 -bedroom one - meat. avaaybk immediately. $700 ndudes uhMies. Firsv last. references. Call (9051263•-8574. DOWNTOWN Whitby. triplex. 3 -bedroom apartment, large kikikn and kvng room. Wn- dry. SSW pus hydro Janes (905)509-1805. DOWNTOWN WINTRY. Small, very dean apt. buitdnq. re' brushed hardwood ft001s, lots of Parking. laundry iadicbm. 2 bedroom avat now a Feb 1. S79D/mo . inclusive hrsWst all (905) 669-4009 EXCELLENT location stunning main floor 3-oedroom apart- ment. $1050 monthly. utilities included Air con laundry. Parkxlg, 11011 -smoker. near Go available Feb I st Cal. 420- 2104 FOR TIENT- Spacious 1 bed- room, pus Rossland-Ander- son $650/monin. Inclusive Prefer non -smirker, must be employed Rel required Avifable Immediately Call (905) 66&7145. HUGE 3-kdfe mint con- dilion, available immediately downtown Whitby Appliances and laundry included. $950 Cyl(416}491-3714 PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1998 allFW Reit o all snmute or 1 RMt � oteee 01 Rust LARGE 2 Ikdf aom spits BASEMENT apartment avail - Available Mar 1st. in a well able now Partially furnished. maintained building. Close to parking, laundry a able in - all amenities. From $698, cluded 1 s & last $650 month Call 723-0977 AOeUIde/Harmony area Call LARGE BRIGHT 2 571-2086 Detlroom bsmt apt Sep inti Fireplace Parking Cable Laundry In - elusive $775/mo Avail Feb 1st Ask for Scott Days (416)- 864-6649 Evenings (905)- 686-8257 LARGE multi level 3 bedroom apts Itamily building)- Avail- able Immediately, freshly palmed. hardwoods retukshed Close to schools. shopping. transit. Dundas/ Cochrane Call Harold 619-2981 LIVERPOOL/11AYLY, large 2 - bedroom basement apart- ment. 4 pc bat separate en- trance. available March 1 $700/month 420-3301 BROOKLIN Large 1 -bedroom, bsm! ap! Living & dining area, washrooms. able. utili- ties included, laundry shared kitchen. dean & bright. single person. S550/mo (905)-655- 4483 NORTH AJAX, 2 -bedroom basement separate entrance. laundry. parking Central air. ceramics. Go station. non - Smoker. $750 Immeddtate (905)686-4822 NORTH OSHAWA E Ara -Urge 2-Ixdroom completely reoeeo- rat- ed. well-rnairtained, quo budd- WEST CENTRAL OSHAWA - 3 ing. bedrooms upper level W du - Urge balconies. W illies/cabk n- puex Major appkairl laun- eluded Available Feb Ist dry facilities Cable 2 car $694 001nth (905)579-5584 Parking $775 as inclusive 1 BEDROOM acs Available Mature couple. no pets pre - Feb is? New c n (erred s79 1869 td•g, sfart- mg at 5600 350 Malaga. WHITBY 2 bedroom base- Oshawa No pets Can I )- mint apt sip entrance in - 576b724 dudes utilities No smiling/ ONE bedroom March 1 -534 no pets preferred S650/mo Mar, St E Whittry Mature x116448-598( Hack-msi"Wrkd building suit WHITBY- 2 -bedroom. 1100 sq single Pancxiq storage x h 2nd noo!t ala Separate en- cunty amerce "Iwo on- trance. $ 900/mont Phone! sale ma agemut 666-2450 Cable extra Close so an SPICMA well-maintained 2 91 �'"'K Call (9051 p0 bedroom apts Avail at 900 and 886 Glen St Sono we WHITBY iuxm Victorian wak-m closets. part provd. Bacnehor 5500 stonewalls. ed Close to schools. step- wa"MM, avail ranked 2. ping come Go swon tlw bedroom $850 avail March roes included Ca11728-4993 I Days 434440. eve I"- OSHAWA Urge t bedroom basement Apt with new cal- WHITBY. 1 or 2 bedroom pet. ceramic floors. 5625 stn- walkout DAStIr1eN apt .nine elusive Alai March 1 call clean . non -Smokers. Seidl 576-4875 entrance 5650 nputrve. swadMc Feb 1. 434 -MU GW3341 WHITBY NOW MANWiL LE. 2 - bedroorr apa^merits avasi- awe immedattry, Cas 95- 430.9146 or 416.789.4145 UWY ren? when you on own your own how for leis rw you thunk- Call pave may - 100 Saks Rep R&Wl Summa Reany (1991) ltd 190.5) 66&3806 a (905) 11 666 , w_ Now" Rum OSHAWA - NORTH Oxford 12 a 3 bedrooms Near G0. 401, shops Parking, balcony/ patio From $640 all inclu- sive Istlast Additional park- ing avail 905-721-2232. 416- 239-2752 SOUTH AJAX. nicely finished 1 bedroom basement apt. available Feb. 1. private en- trance. Urge kitchen & laun- dryroom, 725/mo inclusive. 571-1086 AJAX- 2 -bedroom apartment in building Utilities included Near bus shopping & schools. Quiet, nice area Available immediately. 683- 6145 OSHAWA Strong Fa :;, Env;rcn- men', at 280 Wentworth St W. Large 2 B/R apts. Easy access to schools, s h o ppmg. 56304650 noudes utilities. Great Gommunity Spirit. Call (905) 721-8741 -FRY merit nu gds, non-smoxer erelerred, all inclusive. south Flickering. Rougemoum area. $47S month Can (905)509- 0992 P1dIERtNG -newly renovated oedruum tyasunum apt Sep entrance. for t or 2 work - ng people. non smoking no pins 5680 pus Security dis Posts Avail nlrtriediately (905)619-08(2 P=ERING A -1sh i pard . targe bedroom sepa- rate entraoe basemen" apt Bnolwckw No pets Pankmq $750 nCJUG2 Avast Feb Ist 905.509-454 416.600-8157, 416-449.5393 PICKERING:" a West shore 2 bedroom apartment. Separsk entrance Avalable mtnedaMy. ISOM required No Pets. non-smokers Call 1905) QO-1493 PICKERING VILLAGE brand new .ar)" Lache.ur n 2nd floor Sel, entrance. prorate Deck Kitchen. bath. Wd in - eluded Non- Smoker Avail - AM Jan 15 FirSiAast $650 427-0435 PICKERING VILLAGE: 2-Ded room basemen! apa-Imem- laundry. nope irvsng room separate entrance Available immed $700 ndusne 1 - test 905-619-0425 PICKERING. Owetharry 2 1- bearuom basement apart- ment. Private entrance $675 -100. no pets no smoking Available Feb I. 837-1475 PICKERING. huge 1 -bedroom basement apartment sepa- rate entrance. kitchen. bath. laundry. parking $6 month ndustwe No petsnon- tmol inq Avwlable imme- taakly 905-4"75- PICKERING, large 1 -bedroom basement apartment. $625/ month, everything included. available immediately. 1st! Iasi, aro pets. no smoking Please all 839-2782 PICKERING, LiverpooUBayly. available Feb 1st. basement apartment, 2 -bedroom. FAG. CAC. shows beautiful SSW plus 40% (905),1120-0539. PICKERIMG Urge 1 -bedroom basement. quiet home. Marry extras, fir"St. references. no pets. 5630 inclusive. Sin- gle working adult welcome (905) 420-4349. PICKER=. Renovated 2 - bedroom basement, private drive. lenced yard. walk to 60. S750/month inclusive Available immediately. Days t -ON -678-7588 ext 221. Dun - ran, evenings: 416- 260-9391 PICKERING: Brock/Finch 1 - bedroom hratkout basement apt close to all ar)mbes $600./morhih. 15Vlast. AN in - Al 1st. i " clusive. alabk Febrtary 9051 6. S' 'A Aos:b:e Anor:ao-e VMY RIEN". ovrN YOLM HOW FROM 56851111TH!' FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE (9051571-6275 1 -BOO -8410-6273 Mark staSales RK Sunopr�lr Grouc Excel Reality LBA DAY oil we h- home for you 5500 Gown Choice • 6 rimmits tree or tree legis or reduced mortgage rale From 5750 /mortm ad in- clusive Income requirement trGm 527.500 gross Call Ken Collis Coldwell Banker 1905)728-9414 $ BEDROOM or 2 bedroom and dining room Large Itvuq room and hall Open design Newly decorated 5 new ap- pliances Upper duplex Urge drive, fenced yard. deck $795 utilities No (lops Available February 1 Calf 905-571-2757 3 -BEDROOM Home. vnth ga- rage. good condition. mce neighbourhood in Oshawa. looking for good (crams $925/ month.Feb.1 (613) 478-3796. AJAX- Immaculate 3-bdrm main floor semi. Appliances, laundry, parking. No pets. Non-smoker. Immediate. First/ last, references. $875+60%. 905-839-5223. LYArARLE rOW - smau downpayment, vendor pays losing costs, newly built from ground up. too much to list. 2 bedrooms, an be 4 bedrooms easily Carnes like rent and you an own. Ritsory Adelaide area. Cad for details. Bill Richardson, 9. Really -Net Assoiiates. 433-794 $1 - IA Absolute Affordable! SICK OF RENTWG ?. . WHY NOT OWN A: 3 -Bed Semi $700/month 3 -Bed bungalow $800/month Appliances and Window Coverings included No down payment???? QR Discharged Bankrupt???? (905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 MARK STAPLEY Sales Rep Sutton Group Excel Rcalh Inc. Accommodation 11 forsob • 1 Auctions • IIceNM A tNOral1 • Movkp A 8lttraed OSHAWA-Fumrshed room in m t h LARGE SEMI on quiet street central location, male or le- in desirable area of North mak welcome $300 month Oshawa Finished basement. Inclusive. available imine- separate tvinp a dining room. diatety Phone 579-0804 3 bedrooms, tat -in kitchen. PICKERING. Reduced rent n tamed Yard. hardwood Moors. houses 100 Taunton Rd E . $1(2.000 Calf 436 0485. exchange for lighthouse- Oshawa Dec Jan k0 owl- keeping duties in a 3 -bedroom LOVELY family home for sale fully furbished detached ph beautdully treed Connaught house 905839-8664 SL (Oshawa) Character. $1004monm.(905)725-9991 warmth & charm Saturday 4 1 office It appointments 3.59m. • it $239.000 905-435-3434. OSHAWA 4 Months Fn NORTHWEST Oshawa 3-bed- r tl 0o a ac ed garage Move a 1 ovtetiousee for a oWrllossee for Real Ill- 850 sq 2nd fir right in. New aryet, & fres Rent 1 Rut $550. 600 sq maul MOD p�mled A MUST SEE' Only 300 R aC f Osh f84.500 Dont Hesitate Must 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units Utilities Included Stove & Refrigerator. Parquay floors throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From 5846.00. Call 905-721-0980 Houses for LN Rem BOWMANVILLE 2 hedrul m ^:ime 4 appliances. tena0 ,ard. Available March Ist 5850 month Plus utddies Ref FirstAast 623-2900 COURTICE. 3 bedroom house. double garage. 4 appliances, antral air. feinted yard, close to everything. $95C a utilities (905)987-1110 HARWOOD a 401 2 bedroom store) a 12 112 iobt lot, his yard. parking 2 ars. central air. no basement $995 plus utiktiers Avail immed Call (905( 426.4213 LARGE SEMI 3 bedrooms dining room deck. country kitchen. 1 a1/2 bath. west at Ci SW5 . tit bosses 1st and But Avalabk Feb 1s, 723.7324 NOIITN Oshawa 3 bedroom, 2 sio y 2 balers. anis hed ga- rage. Mead yard Basement revised Avatl Feb Ist 5995 ocWsive 1stAasi 5763830 S-OMWA SEMI 3 Ilea rooms art appitancinl fenced yard. hashed btse- "fent. $985 .ubkket First/ LM references. avalable 1143110 Ist (416) 520.8123 PICKERING - upper level d 3 bdrm muse nor rem. 1900 pe mon" Apobu4cWLOOet "I - cradled Waft to 60. Avail Mich 1st, 905-839-M PIC[ERMIG Nese Go. large 3 bedroom oetacthed bungalow ttiparate uric bsoroom n Dw aWrtment. rtilusk wide drive Hath argon, Sl.4og pus shi :,es Available Feb 15th of March Ist Contact (905) 427- 389 of (416) 284-4010 PICKERING BRAND NEW 3 odrm luxury townhume 4C 51300 per mom Avaubk to Feb 1/9e 905-426-1755. PICKERING Tow" --entre area. 3 bedrouT semi available ::a! 416)444-,391 PICKERING. Liverpool. King Ston 3 -bedroom stmt, upper 2 doors. Wok. air, new Towrh Centre. tenets. Loebs/Super- Centre. $1050 fttihties. 1s1/ fast Feb 1, 416-505-6x883 6 MONTHS FIRE Rem to own 2 or 3-beoroom tomes avaiUDk. 4 new appliances included S2DC down L I supply J Fromm Associate Broker 728-9414 Coldwell Banker RE SIMCOE a ADELAIDE Area. small 3 bedroom Suitable 1p small family $Bpd pus Wk - ties. Avail Jan 1 all (905) 683-5117 (Days1 or (905) 427- 1637 (Eve ) ask hof Abe A GREAT DEAL- 3 months Free' Own your own home. 2 a 3 bedrooms. refurbished. 4 new appliances. no money down OAC. Starting at $72,900 Aureka Rasams Coldwell Banker (905)728- 9414 or Tor (905)427-3804 ext 201. WINTRY, Garden 8 Durdu. 3 bedroom bungalow. Fenced Yard. Urge kitchen, private drive. Available FebJMar. $949 pus .9D5-428.6533, or 905.668.7709. 1 TGWrdkune Rd AN OSHAWA SOUTH - 3 bedroom townhouse close to schools and noprwq $95N mo. ALL INCIat USIVE First/ Lag AailabN Feb.1 (905)579- 9956 CARRIAGE HILL TOWN- HOUSES - 122 Colborne St, E. Oshawa Jan and Feb. avail- ability. 434-3972 FOR RENT Spacious 3 bed- room town homes, $822/mo. all inclusive. Available imme- diaky. 579.1146. 1 owrmousers a Rem NOW RENTING '1 sq ro5s tont sell' Call John Hartford at Centre. boa zrd fir $500 (905)721.1144 1.200 sq h. 2nd floor two sq ft main. Call 434-2447 WHITBY• close to schools or 655-4132 Walkout from basement, in- law apartment, ravine lot, 4 - bedrooms New roof. Reduced IDEAL for quick sale' $162.900. w__ _-�--•---' (905)666-9453 Cormnuerty Proputy FOR SALE or lease. Ajax. corner Rotherglen and King- ston Rd- 2300 sq. ft. 1 storey building plus 20 parking spaces Call (905)-428-1171 En 00 OAord t0 Lend a B S1 Oshawa Townhomes . Garage a MONEY PROBLEMS. Ger out available immediately For • Store e S a yourtawenience the office is or deur quick wninout going cpm Tues a Thurs. 2 BOWMANVILLE '.000 sq n bankrupt or being garnisheed: Tel Improvements Spm secure storage building with Everyone accepted regardless Sat & Sun 12-4pm Or for trashed walls and floors 200 Of tied" rAN Cap for tree more information call Pat 905- amp service. avalibk im- information 905-576-3505 579.1146 5200/m0 623- Studentbans Included 7906metharlelly. TAUNTON TERRACE Town- OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT houses 100 Taunton Rd E . MINI stooge units. Oshawa GUARANTEED. SOME Oshawa Dec Jan k0 owl- Incahon Single and double COMPANIES CHARGE UP- pahcY q6-3346 units available Easy access. FRONT FEES. OTHERS $1004monm.(905)725-9991 NO HI WHITBY. 3 -bedroom town to. C0 GES SUGGESTED THAT AU YOU house living dining. garage lMwn-- RIPE TE THOROUGH - 4 4 appliances. 2 baths. fully a LY BEFORE SIGNING ANY hmshed basement, like new. FULLY Serviced warehouse CONTRACTS. dose to 401. available imine- space available centrally lo- diatefy $1095 Pius alines am by Bock a � Con' tact Raj a Harry 905.631- : 1 Mon929" 1905N27 -0020 5433 bows" Aoosir , • Ftorrde MORTGAGES Gond Dao AN for Rem I flac, fillphilitirs, ugh Financing for any pw- pose. rafts tro�m 44d9% AN A BRIGHT rP-off, GWkwaa. CLEAR WATER All ? Se7. applications acelakO Cpm - 5375 inclusive wth 5 cep- room twn?•cuse cco, ,acu=. murkily Mortgage Sh piances Assailable, imme- Due 11 Carhaaaux, avaAeN dmkly 905436.3297 Jen 14 Feb 14,W Spelxel • 1 Boom" Pnce 51o5C U S For tilt (IIM) AJAX ^ urrwslled room m 6S5-5775 & 905 655 5569clean ESTABLISHED Vending route me. separate en- Prrvei• Nome. (Pop,'srack exceeded at- • parking, taunory, ria 1 I Ole. *Orwasher nun-stkoker Fpr mqr� ony w - A or N Cad ffely tar 5.6 serim 905-46111-7570 after Spm or Ir Is" Call 427-3519 alter 6 w 1tareinessw message DOM / fa" for rem park- w GOLF SALES BE? - Major- rnq laundr, SillMmonin _ S Golf Cc requires Saks : 1 Roo1Nrg AWnUM ii�nNiedWelyy (905) reps Must be MCI - $37 -1774 � 1 Fponnp AM last oeP and well Contacted m AWARABLE iitirddylery, ilk 9'W cwnnw* 001 A large lumished ropy. einem • - ' • 'nm pointed t0 ram6 ie CARS $ue bed. jusim ktdien, bass. a•arerwss in boomtq 9" R(K)FIS(;, INSTALLATIONS "room. Go a my Oris, f d . • nrarYel itie0 asON O Shingling. cell types of Ind I ' 's' 511.3713 r«ifs. New and ow. 25 years experience. Ind female noxi -Smoker pro- Work C,y�. rcstretehmq, our (trod 404 2708 ' t TROPHY AND stiff serearke centred 10% Discount specialliry. NOeM fur rent tally fru- strop IAfax) owner moving to to Sensors• fully int- File estimates. noshed 2 mosson tmnt down. Mg . $49K. (905) 619-2975 cured. Free esgNkaies. D & N Duncan, town Oshawa. S350/momh $89.9M. Why Rent Whitby ('all Asdehrw sl 987-17" Or 987-1000 andS11110Sober Absolutely a tlnn Bargain 3-1 i l m n . 2ilOrq. • a 1 CO 9 19851 i2S x104 and sober douse 725 6578 walkout basement N Good location cke rax o ROOMS FOR RENT - Mar- Pstttrp wood e2 $400 . S450imel No scoots. transit $4195 Down. DINE nn r tic sit" world a Petsvnon-smokers pretested T u0eau ReTMr. OAC Cad Jim d Scanner & shortwave is- • 1Daynom Cad 428-86N or 420-0401 Siimmt Aly 905668-3800 to" Free hourly seminars 011 Sathrdsy AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units. We sell moving supplies. Park and load special, starting at $125. and up. 725-0005 or 427-0005 1Pursuing Frtwek • Decoratin • • TMS PAINTING T h b DECOR T UTORING AVAILABLE Interior & Exterior ams are near, European Workman- ersity graduates, ship alizing In English, Fast, Clean, ath, Business. imary to oac. reliable service. s or evenings. 420-0081 mpetitive rates, 05)126-5967 Moving a Stores Driving .h HARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS Move big or small, we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Cal( (905- )J67-4437 or 1-800-263-5136 MICHALSKI MOVING ►buses. Apartments. Of 11 es. Appliances and Pam Specialists Now we have Ikakd storage units Senor and M*Momh Discounts Licensed. insured Free Es- li - ... EKcelledd service. Call 136-7795. Experienced Cross Moors Bargain rates, homes, oeices, spit., SIC plarso Pates avyl e. 4{23-012" 286-5513 Jarttlry 1081 at 1 � 3-BEOIt00M house. two 4 pc 350 Wentworth St E. (at wit. baths newly renovated. 2- son) (905)436-2100 for more FATHER of 1 rias spacious storey txidr. antes for leu oformalon I uxury country home to start Iain rent $110.000 Cad Own bedroom a livingroom 0725-9991 1 PefeOnalf $650/nonan includes ad What -EXCEPTIONAL Value rhdrsn • hes OaraOe. parking laundryeast brick alum 3.1 bdnn. 2- BOREO ONTAINO HOUSE Available nmmedhalay Prefer storey wt garage 3 battvoonrs. female. -ion-smoker Sale se- sig. drag family arm FP. CA WIVES - rimes & private cm 9mfa� environment 905- Cl/, pool. deck 5162.800 Ac- phone numbers. 1 -900 -451 - ant RE. 433-8054 3638 ext 680. S329/mon. must be 18 T -tone • 1 Legal Nooatt • 1 Legh NWicM • 1 Leo NW M pyo p�yiyy I THE MATTER OFTHE BANKRI'PTCY OF 962349 ONTARIO LIMITED C.O.B. AS ALBERN WHOLESALE WINDOWS & DOORS of the Town of Pickering, Region of Durham, in the Province of Ontario. � 1 UYMe Or � 1 • . Rut Notice is hereby given that 962.349 Ontario Limited c.o.b. as Albers Wholesale Windows & Doors of the Town of Pickering. Region of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, filed an Assignment in Bankruptcy on the 24th day of December 1997 and that the first meeting of creditors will be heW on Friday the 16th day of January 1998, at the hour of 4:00 in the afternoon, at the office of BDO Dunwoody Limited, 419 King Street West, Suite 502, Oshawa, Ontario, and that to be eligiblc to vote, creditors must file with us, prior to the meeting, proofs of claim, and where necessary, proxics. Dated at the City of Oshawa, in the Province of Ontario, this 9th day of January 1998. 14 BDO BDO DUNWOODY LIMITED Ttllstrr 419 King Street West Suite 502 Oshawa, Ontario LI) 2K5 aw Stucco celblgs General ruDurs Top quaNty wrpk at rsasonkble 20% as b sera s� Cal for a FREE Esernak PAINTER Over 30 yrx. esteriewce _ rim& CALL HHARK 428-2679 ZITRUM • S"•. " • Good �n9 • Good Hari( CNI IA61576-6553 PMMd rand yew GNIAN M ell Ike 20 iy d puce kOw M we CMW be on oda h aar1iiooN�s am d M elrsr. GET 1 FOR THE MACE OF 1 SW will dean up to 3000 sq ft VAMPAY-1g bath dearwig. kitchen. ftm woslied. widow kMpes. tau Doads, i wherever else the house needs 10 years experience Call RW 416-786-9281 HOUSECLEM LADY and with Pasponsible, rekabie Will br.t ' supplies. IL((o��wNNyyrales. 416.28461)14 416.716.7390 SCHOOL Approsed by D.S.A.O .4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Course $259 Free pick-up and drop off (416)287.3060 [ 892Bliw I- ' PR�YATE ' ONE M ONE � L/ifl/GER/E SIMPLY THE 1 �BEyST $20 ' rRn� , ' 18% Clallents, d a Unit 125 s ' 905-426-4466 1 ,(Brock Rd. 6 Bailey) e - - - - - - - • EXOTIC MASSAGE Full Body Relaxation 7fts4e.4 /Liam - !G)aM 579-1501 7day/wk azsE YOUR sysi xEss OR s�vicE nr rays BECTON [A -4 -AIL t. My Ssrrice6 : Party SWW M RAMd1T WAR= WOO Do" Magic For Oddren's Parties Md AM OCCasiorls. Have Illy Own MWMn. Can )(:IOFB • Ed11rlaiaaeut • ElNareakssetd a gentleman's best friend EXCEPTIONAL ULDIES SERVING DURHAM REGION ELiGAN(X f C/.1SS MIJAB111'r11f A D15CRETM GUARANTEED 404E-8761 HARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS Move big or small, we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Cal( (905- )J67-4437 or 1-800-263-5136 MICHALSKI MOVING ►buses. Apartments. Of 11 es. Appliances and Pam Specialists Now we have Ikakd storage units Senor and M*Momh Discounts Licensed. insured Free Es- li - ... EKcelledd service. Call 136-7795. Experienced Cross Moors Bargain rates, homes, oeices, spit., SIC plarso Pates avyl e. 4{23-012" 286-5513 Jarttlry 1081 at 1 � 3-BEOIt00M house. two 4 pc 350 Wentworth St E. (at wit. baths newly renovated. 2- son) (905)436-2100 for more FATHER of 1 rias spacious storey txidr. antes for leu oformalon I uxury country home to start Iain rent $110.000 Cad Own bedroom a livingroom 0725-9991 1 PefeOnalf $650/nonan includes ad What -EXCEPTIONAL Value rhdrsn • hes OaraOe. parking laundryeast brick alum 3.1 bdnn. 2- BOREO ONTAINO HOUSE Available nmmedhalay Prefer storey wt garage 3 battvoonrs. female. -ion-smoker Sale se- sig. drag family arm FP. CA WIVES - rimes & private cm 9mfa� environment 905- Cl/, pool. deck 5162.800 Ac- phone numbers. 1 -900 -451 - ant RE. 433-8054 3638 ext 680. S329/mon. must be 18 T -tone • 1 Legal Nooatt • 1 Legh NWicM • 1 Leo NW M pyo p�yiyy I THE MATTER OFTHE BANKRI'PTCY OF 962349 ONTARIO LIMITED C.O.B. AS ALBERN WHOLESALE WINDOWS & DOORS of the Town of Pickering, Region of Durham, in the Province of Ontario. � 1 UYMe Or � 1 • . Rut Notice is hereby given that 962.349 Ontario Limited c.o.b. as Albers Wholesale Windows & Doors of the Town of Pickering. Region of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, filed an Assignment in Bankruptcy on the 24th day of December 1997 and that the first meeting of creditors will be heW on Friday the 16th day of January 1998, at the hour of 4:00 in the afternoon, at the office of BDO Dunwoody Limited, 419 King Street West, Suite 502, Oshawa, Ontario, and that to be eligiblc to vote, creditors must file with us, prior to the meeting, proofs of claim, and where necessary, proxics. Dated at the City of Oshawa, in the Province of Ontario, this 9th day of January 1998. 14 BDO BDO DUNWOODY LIMITED Ttllstrr 419 King Street West Suite 502 Oshawa, Ontario LI) 2K5 aw Stucco celblgs General ruDurs Top quaNty wrpk at rsasonkble 20% as b sera s� Cal for a FREE Esernak PAINTER Over 30 yrx. esteriewce _ rim& CALL HHARK 428-2679 ZITRUM • S"•. " • Good �n9 • Good Hari( CNI IA61576-6553 PMMd rand yew GNIAN M ell Ike 20 iy d puce kOw M we CMW be on oda h aar1iiooN�s am d M elrsr. GET 1 FOR THE MACE OF 1 SW will dean up to 3000 sq ft VAMPAY-1g bath dearwig. kitchen. ftm woslied. widow kMpes. tau Doads, i wherever else the house needs 10 years experience Call RW 416-786-9281 HOUSECLEM LADY and with Pasponsible, rekabie Will br.t ' supplies. IL((o��wNNyyrales. 416.28461)14 416.716.7390 SCHOOL Approsed by D.S.A.O .4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Course $259 Free pick-up and drop off (416)287.3060 [ 892Bliw I- ' PR�YATE ' ONE M ONE � L/ifl/GER/E SIMPLY THE 1 �BEyST $20 ' rRn� , ' 18% Clallents, d a Unit 125 s ' 905-426-4466 1 ,(Brock Rd. 6 Bailey) e - - - - - - - • EXOTIC MASSAGE Full Body Relaxation 7fts4e.4 /Liam - !G)aM 579-1501 7day/wk azsE YOUR sysi xEss OR s�vicE nr rays BECTON [A -4 -AIL t. My Ssrrice6 : Party SWW M RAMd1T WAR= WOO Do" Magic For Oddren's Parties Md AM OCCasiorls. Have Illy Own MWMn. Can )(:IOFB • Ed11rlaiaaeut • ElNareakssetd a gentleman's best friend EXCEPTIONAL ULDIES SERVING DURHAM REGION ELiGAN(X f C/.1SS MIJAB111'r11f A D15CRETM GUARANTEED 404E-8761 • 1 Legal Nooatt • 1 Legh NWicM • 1 Leo NW M pyo p�yiyy I THE MATTER OFTHE BANKRI'PTCY OF 962349 ONTARIO LIMITED C.O.B. AS ALBERN WHOLESALE WINDOWS & DOORS of the Town of Pickering, Region of Durham, in the Province of Ontario. � 1 UYMe Or � 1 • . Rut Notice is hereby given that 962.349 Ontario Limited c.o.b. as Albers Wholesale Windows & Doors of the Town of Pickering. Region of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, filed an Assignment in Bankruptcy on the 24th day of December 1997 and that the first meeting of creditors will be heW on Friday the 16th day of January 1998, at the hour of 4:00 in the afternoon, at the office of BDO Dunwoody Limited, 419 King Street West, Suite 502, Oshawa, Ontario, and that to be eligiblc to vote, creditors must file with us, prior to the meeting, proofs of claim, and where necessary, proxics. Dated at the City of Oshawa, in the Province of Ontario, this 9th day of January 1998. 14 BDO BDO DUNWOODY LIMITED Ttllstrr 419 King Street West Suite 502 Oshawa, Ontario LI) 2K5 aw Stucco celblgs General ruDurs Top quaNty wrpk at rsasonkble 20% as b sera s� Cal for a FREE Esernak PAINTER Over 30 yrx. esteriewce _ rim& CALL HHARK 428-2679 ZITRUM • S"•. " • Good �n9 • Good Hari( CNI IA61576-6553 PMMd rand yew GNIAN M ell Ike 20 iy d puce kOw M we CMW be on oda h aar1iiooN�s am d M elrsr. GET 1 FOR THE MACE OF 1 SW will dean up to 3000 sq ft VAMPAY-1g bath dearwig. kitchen. ftm woslied. widow kMpes. tau Doads, i wherever else the house needs 10 years experience Call RW 416-786-9281 HOUSECLEM LADY and with Pasponsible, rekabie Will br.t ' supplies. IL((o��wNNyyrales. 416.28461)14 416.716.7390 SCHOOL Approsed by D.S.A.O .4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Course $259 Free pick-up and drop off (416)287.3060 [ 892Bliw I- ' PR�YATE ' ONE M ONE � L/ifl/GER/E SIMPLY THE 1 �BEyST $20 ' rRn� , ' 18% Clallents, d a Unit 125 s ' 905-426-4466 1 ,(Brock Rd. 6 Bailey) e - - - - - - - • EXOTIC MASSAGE Full Body Relaxation 7fts4e.4 /Liam - !G)aM 579-1501 7day/wk azsE YOUR sysi xEss OR s�vicE nr rays BECTON [A -4 -AIL t. My Ssrrice6 : Party SWW M RAMd1T WAR= WOO Do" Magic For Oddren's Parties Md AM OCCasiorls. Have Illy Own MWMn. Can )(:IOFB • Ed11rlaiaaeut • ElNareakssetd a gentleman's best friend EXCEPTIONAL ULDIES SERVING DURHAM REGION ELiGAN(X f C/.1SS MIJAB111'r11f A D15CRETM GUARANTEED 404E-8761 P .a.,r Hua iru� „rj.,nirnnx h, jary �r.0 ra.jraat. awiin� r<r n •W,,, nrwn 1 .Y , ar, wraTr dr,h w.r•rrTo F•piers a•o. Hr Nov. 4"1 ,r 1'.v'nwl sr, rr,�ti. ,A� Inn rwY,r�N�•mn nn. rnaJ filar r.a>.,.w iti.Airon.,rwN., for•aidr, n, ru I" iia• I�a,.nc luu•rr o.m. n,. rw nr. 6.14L a .- Mwi , & _ IMlmr•, �nh wFs• a. r Nur. Punrd t,v.. s,pl hT r. T,rru- IJdYIU ,Dunn, lou years, Tuesday morning, January 6, 1998 at the Sudbury Laurentian Hospital. Wine Ruth (Shannon) Margerison of R.R.#11 Warren. Father of Heather Margerison (husband James Clarke) of Unionville, Cathy VanNus (Msband Paul) of Coboconk, Scott (wife Denise) of Scarbor- ough and Brenda Clissold (Husband Darien) of Mis- sissauga Grandpa of Kari, Darcy, Enn, Matthew, Ja- nine, Corinna and Katrina. Sister of Kay Johnson of Kingston and Charles. Predeceased by parents Arthur and Helen. Dave has gone to be with his Lord after a short battle with cancer. He will always be remembered for his dedication in the Kipling Church and Starting. Dave received the Silver Acorn in 1983 and 40 year Leadership in Scouting in 1994. A Memorial service will be held at Camp Norland, Verner, Thursday January 8, 1998 at 11am. also at St. Andrewrs Presbyterian Church Pickering , Wed- nesday January 14, 1998 at 2.00. Cremation . Dona- tjans to Scouts Canada, Camp Norland or Cancer re- search would be appreciated. Arrangements an- Insted to the Jackson and Barnard Funeral Home. e 1 Dleft ' 1 Oe oil 7ters ENDE, w UJAM- On Wednesday January 7, at Aiax-Pickering Hospital. Loving husband d MacKenzie. Dear father of Alex and wife en. He will be dearly missed by Granddaugh- ynn and Laura. If desired, donations may be to the ALS Society. Arrangements entrusted to the Giffen-Mack, Scarborough Chapel (416) 281-6800. TETLOCK, Jessie Viola at the Golden Plough Lodge, Cobourg on Wednesday, January 7, 1998. Jessie Viola Tetlock, nee Fisher was the beloved wife of the late Edwin Tetlock. Dear mother of Peart and her husband David Pendykotski of Pickering, Kathleen and her husband Clifford Bndgeman of Niagara Falls and Harold and his wife Sandra of Niagara Falls. Dear grandmother of Carolynne Pendykoskj, Kelly Glover, Rodney Tetlock, Shane Tetock, Sher- ne Tellock and Thomas Tedodk. Great grandmother of Dallon Glover, Casey and Jamie Tetlodk. Sister of Allison Gordon of Cobourg Funeral service will be held at the MACCOUBREY FUNERAL HOME, 30 King Street E., Cobourg on Friday, January 9, at 11 a.m. Interment Union Cemetery, Cobourg. Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Ladles of the Cobourg Rebekah L and the Pickering Rebekah Lodge N 350 are asked to assemble at the funeral hone for a service on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. If desired, memorial donations by cheque to the Canadian Diabetes Association would be appreciated by the family. AJAX/PI(:KERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... .. n . . • .. r r n .r .•• • .r r •i . t . •� . r. 1 r ♦ r •, r 1 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 9,1998 -PAGE 23 PERSONAL AD F111-1,11, VOICE G R E E rlr I N G Imo all *Is mo so lfllfCl{ftfte am =lx4 0W sell KNOWS WHAT HE same :rneresrs BOA 25 3C5 BLONDE LOOKING FOR 7LC"' WANTS Y figured. TAKE A CHANCE Attractwe. petite. fun -loving 50 yr old 5 8- 175 it, sin - single Oirhno; darKrng and bi ng 31 r fid. 5'8". full t 34 yr old. 5'10- sirhgle venae woman. Enjoys almol gio white jolow le Seeking Looking for swhgy may. 37 twAtto, w, swgoe mom d professional, slap. attrac- �e1g and travel. Seeking a snupe black may 40 to L 50 wth similar wnyrests two. smoker Arnst and love. blonde, hazel caring gentleman. 50. 5'11- and taller, for BOJ[ 30418 Call 1-900-451-3793 writer roues plains and ani- oleos a tan. car $2.49 per min. mals Seeks may. 45.55. Enjoys �hg• ming also early Se's. enjoying the friendship and possibly SMILE Ads! p neo is over 5'8". amaipyl outdoor sports. Seeking same. Friends first. BOX more. BOX 34407 I could be the one SOMETHING ELSE 7� a��nd firnancgsy secure dam to earth while swil 25300 LIVE. LOVE_ LAUGH Sbkw ?runene with brown eyes. tiCJ7[ 13318 may with similar rnteresks. FRIENDSHIP AND MORE Statuesque down to earth working mom. 5'2'. Diue- e a Via -ala THIS COULD BE YOu"! rg'w BCA le, im. 16. who enjoys shop- BOX 25304 � eyed blonde. 40. enjoys mon. BOX 30406 33 old. 5 11 t 170 lb .,ng. going out and quiet HEART OF GOLD 41 yr old. single mother of redhead. 47 desacs com- baseball, dancing and medo-ulm Duch, ria wince FANTASY MAN IS r old 160 Ib. 5'6" WANT TO COMMIT two wan blonde hair and Party d intelligent, tae gen- more. for ANIMAL LOVER may, non smdaer, non 47 separated 225 Cs. ' 'nes. Looking,for Dnel Y cepa- possible fr'end- rncoumers, 18 o 29. BOX rated. pfO%SsgrlaL blonW 09 Yr old. female. DlOnde dw eyes Enjoys moves, remain that knows Me ship: maybe mon A you're Se yr old. 5 4'. medium Da„ o *V**f 6 3- sane friend naw blue p442 ymay, non smoker. with ha r. lord eyes. smoker irincrhg walks and man. meaning of integrity and Me one Port Hope, se0arated +nae ferrhtia, no romantic. hard�wor4�y eyes Seek:r•g a woman, 22 Eppy Iroe matin, dininga ming Cob" are BOX 30417 movies, Wes. Diking.to 45. aMactme and shim three sorts. Likes waking, ming single may wall leaped. Open to dependent shoulder NEW TO THE AREA dancing. movies. tennis. out•an. ehadrel. dancng, smilar interests Box tun• laughter and special s dark Now. hazel eyes, outdoors. cooks tam , who enjoys life, encounters and intimshariate 21 125 lbs, blonde hair Seeks attraCttve male. cooking. Plaints and pets. 10967 tones. Non smoker, non EASY GOWG GAL non smoker. social drinker c, Seek _ g N Lae eyes. student new 10 over 40. with great person_ SOWC hing for a mate who SEEK COMPANION dmVuer preferred BOX Single wnwe female. 21 Enjoys photography. art. 'tluwws what ah�wants out tone " Let's 9n togetnai "v sroa Enjoys dancwg, slaty and Heart of gold. BOX atxeps me as I am: roman- Seeking a single male for 25265 '^d'oenclent. empoyed. movies, dencrq. horseback d we BOX 1the65-usic OW for a stimulating ono varied Aoki g for trguiet times. rerldsfkp load- 13324 hic �%alarm wants stably. companionship � pow SEEK MY SOUL MATE hump.blOo dSeeks single wine e w holme*riding, and traveling. . treat sense ofoo BE MY SUNSHINE discussion BOX 30420 more En 44 y, old. attractive. may, 23 to 30 with similar 43 BOX 30404 Whore -aye 55 5 t 95 R U FIT AND OUTGOING .oto Possible rPort Hop. FRIENDS FIRST 9cefg to the divorced white temaie look- 28 yr )Id. 5 75 L. sr :oDow and Port Flops 20 yr old singe mother of FRIENDSHIP 6. SHARE movies, cookwg and sports. f qualities. BOX 30416 LOVES TO LAUGH lbs. clew to C000urg. Port Young ookng 66. anrearve BOX 35359 rn9 enjoy ire soul mate Must ,le Taus wan Drown ma,r sit 30441 two seeks map. 2628. for SCORPIO PrGess,onai anrac! a ►fouls area Carwg. sinoare. bAa and lav pette nonsmoker. movand quell music. ono owe eyes Envoys NO COUCH POTATOES sans nw, romaritic and a gOod cocasialal drake, enjoys LETS GET TOGETHER movies and purer nights at 40. 5', stare siner mom- woman, dap mid sr s. wnwe humorous Seeks Attrac- movies. msec. spoors. time. East end d Toronto 34 yr old. 52". n w and none ideal soul mate or navel and 3irhCers kwk- woman. mrd 10 s. non and more Seek,,; 40 yr old attractive blonde ocon4l dinner o te»ate, moles. lemay with sown naw end nor a fa may. 6- smoker Seeking an honest trot. sum. profs -Orap Lady. ming vented, profasstonal, "elksng, tlntrhg out and would W a single venae 35 with l 45 to 50. to share wadies. a single female wth sm-Lar 'Nile female seeking may. woks n cou try Desires dw eyes. Enjoys towfeg may. 40 ro 55. who appre 35 to 40. worn long rlaw veno white gentleman to copy gckisg hiking. camp ng, interests BOX 009 g mean an honest• sincere movies. children and more. pates my interests. BOX likes children, animals. IN sharing some line. good coot n kxs kr converse- who wren danccrh¢ g Seekwg a may wm similar 14121 sun and loves to laugh conwrsattons. people. g OLD FASHIONED GUY . oyes and Sunday after- gentleman for hyrdshrp, 10 nteests. BOX 11021 Friendship first. BOX 30414 :aughter and each ottw twin Ana pure line. BOX 2S yr kd self er*npged. hon outings. FOOM For 1 share similar interests. BOX SEEKING A MATE BOX 30402 30443 male with tratlannal values d a Possible tom For Q COmpa�Q 30415 CLASSY LADY This female s a -,mce, LOOKING FOR LOVE AGE NO BARRIER tares outdoors arttrvares itwent. BOX ''�ws ` SEEKING LIBRA MAN 5'5 slender attractive and a looking for an old 29. tree sc,nted opened Eany SON O BARRIER tit sin gears s: . wadirlte elm .4008 �a Full t, ured while female who enjoys tMatro, fashioned employed may. minded. adventurous ^gle g fine drwg, trawl and mon. 6' to 6'S' Enjoys art, kve woman redoing for a klllohw gle white male sees female. 20-32 BOX 10834 WANTS TO SETTLE L s tt rot in a s I email for daytime ar DOWN s ceit!eiy TOt� 100k female, seeks a Seeking a distinguished. theatre, dannccng. old gy0 Y ifestyle. ANY AGE OR RACE �^� may 48 to 52. who evening encounters My *�♦� European may who en homes, antiques. plants. at bast ^ars soul. BOX 29 yr old. 5'T, 125 D Qin 1Q aaseiQ)�11jt�r: rias hair and tikes Ijne fine twigs in lora. BOX 30409 age Full figured welcome e tach 42 yr od. 5 9 'a5 t s.n- ogle. white, blade country music. children. cooking and tha of two seeks ewe karaoke. dancwg and 11606 more. BOX 14149 BLUE EYED MOM Coll 1-900-451-3793 D;screhon assured BOX outdoors who enjoys // romantic times. OUAUTY TIME 25. full t urec, blonde non $2.49 per min. cycles. 'at fill own 6'. LIBRA LADY 'g LEO MALE sports and more. Seeking a s M average build for a M/e�'INKf✓>fe Sincere replies only. 35 yr old. employed, white 31, attractive. 5'5-. reed- lode eyed mom d two, with VERY SHY GUY ,?-nous long term rela- BOX 33210 fernale, smoker, with a um build singer mother. a great sense of humor. I ike having run, panting, 36 yr old. 6 185 Ib single ksmate with spm a• '':reship. BOJ( 11731 com TRY NOT � BE sense d humor Enpys ant- Enjoys hshtng, camping, Enjoys music. dancing. some sports and ou loor dnrorceo• while map ices interests. BOX 13350 ATTRACTIVE LEO SHY! mats, Cooking, quiet times car races. snowmobiing. quiet tines and having a activities It you taw k we fun sesias sports spec female 1'M WAITING and more Seekinga fail, walks. moves and do good tree. Looking for a have anything n com- Y< g 3639 BOX 11730 is yr king a sin white out may 25 yr old, medium build, 5'T, with taw naw and green hMnite male. 32 to 40. who is out. Seeking a ht, attrx male with similar interests mon.. call'. 80X 11835 is seeking a Swingy outgoing onest, caring. sirhgle mom eyes. Seeking a single map ^9 rcarFriends first. who en home cook employed. wth a sense d aw. romantic, Honest and Must Mae ids. BOX 30410 FINANCIALLY SECURE ARE YOU THE TYPE? famaie for frrerldsh� nwfesL Likes BOX 18313 walks and occasional- humor and similar interests. sincere may with similar NORTFftdMBERLAND 91 yr old. 6'1 loofa 19 yr oil. 5- slim attract ve 0 and BOX 14048 good ing PossdY more. BOJ( 16255 peeks male who wants o A GOOD WOMAIN N ding out. Don't be shy. interests for long term rata- AREA single tathur of one. seek- male with due eyes Seeks 'ommrt to a relationship. 50 yr old 57-, attraixiw, CaH me, you might be QUIET TIMESTOGETMER t B No aScorpto Single white female. 23, wig a temap 25 to 35. who attractive female, 19-21, CAN ITRUSTYOU? BOX 11766 50yroutgoing, black female with pleasantly surprised Try N yr old. 5'8'. medium Ives in Cobourg area Likes is fit. enjoys travel, dung who likes music, romance, 30 yr oil. divorced male SOMEONE TO TALK TO sense of Minor. rept swot- not to be so.. BOX 34248 built. attractive female NEW TO AREA feale with dancing and movies. I know out. staying horse by the sports BOX 13943 who enjoys kids and much 34 yr old married feriae. er. Seeks loving, under- OSHAWA AREA fireplace and more. SHARE THE GOOD more. Sleeking a single seeks a friendship and sfardn9• black may. A non LADY BOX 13355 "MES leap preferably with kids someone to talk to Likes smoker. Should be good lis- Are you a tall. honest. • • SIGN*ICANT 27 yr old. 5'11-. Donde, fit w for friendship and possibly spats, music and going lever. Open, honest rola- sincere, down to H,4#0" �� OTHER? may seeks female. 25-35. more. BOX 16373 cut. BOX 13214 tbnshop. Let's meet for New earth may? This 5'4' 41 yr fid, tall. mednxn for friendship and possibly LOOKING FOR YOU mother of one with built, whole more. She should enjoy 47 r old 5'8 divorced SOMEONE OLDER Years Eve. BOJ( 18372 k^k)le hazel eyes and brown male, non smoke and good times. gong out and Y PLEASE LOTS OF LOVE hair would like to"86'0!' i110161 trAlAt� wROfW DEIJ LAN, ARM social dl� Enjoys quiet evenings at home and white male who enjoys 27 yr old. single mother Single mother of 2.29.5'4'. meet E flea11E HONE OOESN4 1S W ITN AiAT ? going out. dine be trg, nlarrchatly Secure. Kids walks, tennis, got and You t0IM1N6who enjoys camping, brown hair, hazel eyes, marketys twa�cfrin9 STAM Tqt AN VISITING rior>ag• theter, gavel ok. BOX t40t0 more. Seeking a single movies and much morn. attrectiv'e, Oulgong, honest, movies, dining out,IbUR`r SAM SOCKS 7 evens gs al home. pip FASSMOlEDfemale 5'4' and shorter with Seeking a single male for communicative, sponta- social drinks and r { \ eloc If you are long term re ekon -35 yr old single map seeks no dependents. BOX 18534 friendship and Possibly neous. romantic and good more. BOX 34831 ow fasft aped farrlale, 25 - mote. BOJ( 13848 sense of humor. Looking for _ shp...call me. BOX 34. BOX 15774 REQUEST T FOR LIFE 5'7". a soul mate who enjoys the Nle things life has to offer. 31 r old, 5'M", t �j 1 4 14252 HONEST AND STABLE sngle female with blonde hair who enjoys ad games. BOX medium build, attrac- ` ` a WHERE'S MY LADY AT? 32 yr old. 6 . attractive. oancng, dining out and 25307 rive single mother of two. Seek a male, 65 yr old, 150 Ib, employed, fit male seeks attractive. fit, employed more. Seeking a single male. SO to 60, for MUST LIKE CHILDREN 30 to 45, who is tab,' t 5'10', widowed male; female, 24-35, who is hon - possible relationship. BOX 16416 33 yr old, 57, sngle moth- er with blonde hair and attractive and knows what he worts out of smoker, seeking a stint lady 55 to 65. for est and stable. BOX 16648 SINGLE MOM green eyes. Enjoys movies, life. t you are faithful, hon- a sense d humor. Enjoys Female. for 1, mother one looking Mr. Right how to cook romantic a kung lasting refat unship. JOINT EFFORT 45 yr fid, 5'6', sin- music and more. Seeking a est and marriage minded travel, dancng, quiet times w witwithout with or without deperr mens, YyouId like a guy. 24 Like king wales. gardening• Earl 1 adventurous. mother white blonde ole 1 single possible le map fora call me. BODE 35351 and more. Seeking a may, dents. Looking for a to 28. No head games, the country.etc. Serious hi single wnwe map, non haigler lav and green th relationshp. BOX 10821 LONELY LADY 40 to 50, with similar rater- romantic male. 35 to 40, Socials drinkers Treat okay' calls on Oshawa area. l' sing smoker, seeks le, sen- Seeking single may NEW TO AREA 31 r old, 5'4', 135 Ib, Y esus. BOX 18760 with medium bwkl, long a lady good. BOX 30407 BOX 19252 37.s4t4 and car de female. no dependents a heart of f gold. BOX 16490 490 37 yr old, 5'1', female attractive single while AFFECTIONATE MAN haw kept neat, beards! N CUMBERLAND AREA TURNING 40 SOON... and similar filar and smiler interests. Likes SEEKING A MATE mother of one; looking for mother of two. In search of 35 yr old. 54-, 130 lbs, sep- mustaches a plus. Enjoy Young looking 42. 5'1-, 39 yr old, 5'9'. 200 Ib. weekend getaways. dung 39, divorced while female, someone, commitment a man, 30 to 40, with full arated. Seeking Christian outdoors, movies, music le brown hair, d �'� blue employed, divorced faer bl out, nature, outdoors. quiet iookn for a relationship.I minded, stable, with or head hair and knows d male who loves to wine, and get togethers. BOX eyes• non smoker, of one. seeking a female 35 times BOX 19204 ove roller bladin In without dependents, 28 to how to treat a lady, give me dine and laugh; non smoker 30422 employed. Loa" for a nice to 42 with or without chol- waiks, dancing, movies 40 medium (wild, long hair a call. Friends torsi. BOX and loves to go to church. CT guy who enjoys old and new dren. Enjoy outings. LONELY MALE dining. Wants an honest or short board ormustach- 35373 Race no barrier. BOX S Single mom, 37, auburn movies, reading. outdoors, mortes. reading, dancing, BOX 14262 62 yr old employed. divorced map seeks and sincere man, for friend- es. Enjoys zest for lite, social drinker and Shares SWEET CATCHY 25295 hair, blue eyes and fun lov- the arts, classical music, etc. lenale for dating and hall and refatpnship, height and SINCERELY SOURS - Durham's was to meet successful singles like qourself PAGE 24 -THF: NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. JANUARY 9. 1"8 ■ DO YOis f. �► iii � � , 4�kJ ..iia. PELFERS DREAM SALE.' ,) WEEK ONL��.�f •1,6 CK OAK HARpwppO459 GUNstp 3 A14 M,X�Q„jH� 864,1 .2 A14 ES�14.ON100SQ' SEE” NARo WOOD B"F _.nx3��_cGnON� - 00 39 wo P�pK OA'AEl-ew �GW a rl RI� „ �CED�p1`Ag�,E 49 112 TH�� Q A So °NL`� 300 S RpwOOD 245Q F` S olL LAK HAG'•S5CB93gNAHIGK • � Sa. fl - A,3141 99 SA�ES8�N�oAKPARQV� 1 Sam SQ � �� 49 Nam 12.X12�oNG�sa.�• Z „� . sA�t ��_ �0 � SASE $50 HARpwppO 25 Owo ER �S� �1.E Cj 2�q� gEECN HARCS ANS , �j BNF X3145�SA ES���N1� 3114 RrGnsKHAR�w6 ��'��5� SPICE H1CK'?AN SQ. fl• C6 INNKt���a`x�n„�cpVA��-p'B” 913 ONLY 300 S°nAKH��wOOD S. SF►���'C HICK.?A� SQ�FT. � - CB92� 114SAE�0 ON Au�+ .•` Op � %' � 1j4 SASE���N_.►iAt1DAq E 11A M1AP� a i *A 14 1.314, ON;�SQG�, CM7o� • Y gpVE $`'� wo0o45 NA�RA� �AK �A�°O G jo $ CBg31 5° 2�j4XceVE�5 �N Sa �K NgTO�K �A ICK •REG'• 5 GleuE SA3 AlSE �5 �N 1� Sa SPINDLES & HANDRAILS ESS SOLID OA169 MANTEL K PREPAINTED NTE D an architectural focal HAMPTON STYLE point to your room. These SPINDLES classic designare:r wood mantels are 8t REG 69" HANDRAILS SELECT &BETTER sins OK60OWS 12tREG 79" 1 3/4" X 13/4" X 36" REG 8" 'ns all. snap to 24 98 oK�'z99 - 49 MONT LAIR 12,19 MANTEL FLOOR TILE 29 lM SOFT MM Z"ArTUSCANYTAN TOP ON L* ffA 0 WALL SCRATCH COAT 99 ucil Sca ►�cw wwE 5 Ibwa •] 0 ■ :101•'l0 CBg34 FLOOR MIXES �49 5 Ib e., III .�Hki,>. ib41.•►..►a..at+►►►t.►►t.►r►►►►►•o.►►..•..•.•aay4.;.;1k,��.i�.t.t.t.l.�.�.y.y�k:k��.�.�p,•is•t.... �} ..}}'}•}}'}tr)f!/it•♦. fff�- �a t!•t'a�t�yt. •�t•1 tlt'!. 1 �. I