HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_12_07s eWS Pickering &[VepLiser Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand December 1997. Vol. 32, No. 49, Pressrun 44,000 36 pages Pickering nuclear plant gets mixed grades Ontario Hydro issues `report card' By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPOKITR PICKERING — The Pickering nuclear station has missed seven of 16 performance indicator targets set by Ontario Hydro as part of the utility's new 'report card' system set up to make it more accountable to the pub- lic. The first of what are to be monthly report cards has just been released. It measures such things as electricity production, radiation exposure and en- vironmental impacts. While the station failed to meet INSIDE Beware those Grinches - This j tune of year u r peak tul►e for burglars - page 10. Editorial Page .........6 Sports ... . ...........24 Classified ...... .. ... . .28 HOVE TO REACH US General ..........68 3- 51 10 Death Notices .....683-:005 Auction Line ...... 683-- 5-6 Sincerely Yours ........ ............ 1-800-662-8423 Email................ thisweek®istar. ca Internet ............. . http:, 'uwwr.durhamnews.net y 4� e � � 1 At Id QOAL: WI 90"9000 TO DATE: $8209000 some of Hydro's targets in areas such as compliance with safety-related op- erating policies and procedures, it bet- tered them in seven others such as ra- diation exposure to the public, and met targets in two more. The results were as follows. all for this year to date: In nine industry ,;andard perfor- mance measures t by the World \ssociation of Y Nuclear Operators -; — 52.7 per cent, meeting Hydro's target of 53 per gent but falling .hort of the U.S. CARL industry median ANDOGNINI of 80 per cent. ,til d * Station incidents IMPROVEMEN TS ez"& For So vice Yam Co 11nt V1Srr OtNt SHOWROOM (SaWh d On 401 affaffi� A-) 686-2445 photo by Jason Liebregts 1 a itmee a which had to be Sweetness ands splendor commnt' reported to the Atomic Energy p Control CBoard — 290, missing Controltarget of 125. Christmas can't be far away when youngsters was among a handful of youngsters taking Hydro's" Incidents of non-compliance with like Stephanie Barr can be found adding the part in a programme with the Ajax Child Care See REPORT/Page 2 candy decorations to gingerbread houses. She Centre. Chmild care rebates -coming Parents can submit claims from teachers' strike soon BY LINDA WHITE STAFF REPOKIER Parents looking for rebates to offset child- care costs and other expenses during the teach- ers' strike can apply for up to $400 within the next few days. Application forms — called Entitlement Forms — likely won't be available at Durham Board of Education schools until Wednesday, reports communications manager Mary Brown. The board expects to receive a copy of the form on Monday and "we will said them to schools as fast as we can duplicate' promises Ms. Brown. A fort will be sent home to every parent with school children aged 13 and under and to those with special -needs student~ in high schools. Forms will also be available at all Durham Region Roman Catholic Sep- arate School Board schools next week. They can also be picked up at MPPs' offices, public libraries and on the ministry of education's website. The legislation, introduced by Min- ister of Labour and Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty and passed Thus - day, also applies to stay-at-home par- ents and those who left their children with relatives at no cost It will provide parents with up to $40 for each day of the IO -day strike, regardless of the number of children in a family. "We're trusting parents," says Mr. Flaherty. "Parents had to shoulder an additional burden ... even if no actual financial transaction was made" He believes $40 a day is "a conservative esti- mate" of how much some families had to fork out for day cane. "For many, that amount would be insufficient if they had to make emergency arrangements", especially for more than one child. "It's not a perfect compensation scheme," Mr. Flaherty admits. Teachers who went on strike are not el- igible for the rebate. Separate board vice-chairman and Ajax trustee Todd McCarthy -whole- heartedly" endorses the legislation which he believes is a "reasonable at- tempt to reimburse parents for the in- convenience. There is a cap on how much parents can claim and it should JIM FLAHERTY `We've trusting parents' See STRUMPage 2 Pickwing Town Cowen - 537-1212 t OaMawo Ca @a a 11Nor 9w - 721-1212 t<:, 843 KhM SL W OaAwtw - 576.1212 INCREDIBLEO• '� ' ���� � ,t+tnitbY MaN - 720--1212 for a knited time you can purchase a StarTac SM cedar ,now Milts Corretro • "11-112112 phone p you .... " .'# the fora an network. price Small 149 w fit Httsign up �. Gwen • 9Ae-1212 h. palm of_yau hand, the Star Tac weighs oMy 3.5 oz. e,�„tw • • • •� So visit your nearest Excea Communtcabons x ; C _ .Centre to take advantage of this incredible offer! ' �` 0W 'Sane tema and catdRiaisspot'. See star fo details. CO 2 OVELL PAGE 2 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 issued lear 1Re .ort card on nuc an p p REPORT/From page 1 3,521 cubic metres, failing to meet passing the Hydro goal of 14.2. 'When I came to Ontario Hydro improve over time until it - - - - — * tion'~ nuclear top international standards operating policies and principles related to public safety — 17, falling short of the Hydro target of 11.7. * Unplanned automatic reactor shutdowns per 7,000 hours — 0.2, surpassing the Hydro target of 1. * Number of special safety sys- tems which exceeded their yearly unavailability target — 0, bettering the Hydro goal of 1. * Process failures which either re- sulted in significant fuel failures or the release of significant quantities of radioactive material — 0, meet- ing the Hydro target of 0. * Compliance with original and re- vised nuclear safety commitments to the AECB — 100 per cent, ex- ceeding the Hydro goal of 75 per cent. * Radiation waste produced — the Hydra target of I I W * Radiation dose to the public — 0.59 millirem, lettering the Hydro goal of 1.88 mrem. * Spills of hazardous liq- uids into the environment — 2,450 litres, failing the Hydro target of 1,667 litres. * Total collective dose of radiation to all on-site personnel and visitors — 33.5 Rem, tettering the Hydro goal of 79 Rem. * Worker accidents result- ing in temporary absence from work per 200,000 work hours — 0.4, better- ing the Hydro target of 0.6. * Accident severity rate or the number of days lost for injuries per 200,000 hours worked — 2.6, sur - Net electrical production by the station — 17.2 terrawatt hours (one terrawatt equals one billion kilo- watts), falling short of the Hydro target of 18.7 TW h. Availability of reactors to produce power as a per- centage of perfect perfor- mance — 58.7 per cent, failing to meet the Hydro goal of 72.8 per cent. * Total outage days per reactor — 124.3, missing* the Hydro target of 109.3. Hydro nuclear chief Carl An- dognini notes DAVE :MARTIN `One has to wonder' that when performance does not meet the target it doesn't mean reactors are unsafe. Strike rebates soon on the way STRIKE/From page 1 he hased on good faith-­ Mr. aith ,.Mr. McCarthv has "no concerns" that claims will surpass the money the board saved by not paying striking teachers. But public board chairman and Pickering trustee Ruth Ann Schedlich says the leg- islation will cause "an enormous amount of work. We don't appreciate it. I understand parents were in- convenienced" but the board will -be forced to hire additional staff' in order to issue rebates and has al- ready incurred oxher expenses as a result of the strike. During the strike, for example, it still had to pay its tris companies though transportation was not speciall ``Y TUESDADee. 9 to Set, Dee. 1.1 provided. And, it will have to pay for busing on days originally scheduled for professional development that have since been cancelled to make up for lost instructional time. Ms. Schedlich says some parents and school community councils have suggested collecting the money and then giving it to their school for the pur- chase of computers and books. She doesn't expect cheques will be available until next month. Education Minister Dave Johnson has promised the government will make up the shortfall if any in- dividual board didn't save enough money on salaries to offset the rebate. H Meats�� 'l Nothing Tuts Better Than A Fresh Turkey - Order Yours Today! Fresh Boneless Chicken &*a Bttadod to head the u>rpora programme I made a commitment that we would be open and acces- sible to the public;' he says. "That commitment has not wavered, and these monthly report cards — one highlighting Ontario Hydro Nu- clear's over-all corporate perfor- mance, plus specific site-based ones for each of our three stations — are part of an integrated process to ensure greater public access to information about our nuclear op- erations" Pickering station spokesman Pat O'Brien says performance will r meets "We anticipate the results im- proving both in the short term and the long term" Dave Martin of Durham Nu- clear Awareness questions b,, lidity of the report cards. "One has to wonder if it is not just another public relatiorwUxef- cise when Ontario Hydro decides to give itself a report card. Talk about the fox guarding the chicken coop. We should not be surprised, therefore, when Hydro claims that it is meeting its performance target at the Pickering nuclear station" swe $1" lk Bacleff ' Texas ` Style Ribs SAVE .800n. 49 L'13 a* A IL Just Heat 'n Eat r Smokk" -4 Pork Chops SAVE o"0ttM. 1919 !31b. J 1794 Ll"rPtN Iii. u.6--- rdemw KIM Meats ti•�n a..r 4111 Pkkaft 01-"U le 1�� Dd alh&�.�. tMt, is tiedq U 7ron�q H •• The at PAWW1 Wo Npinialw! 1111a o 0 W THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 - PAGE 3 Locked -out homework Learning materials Ministry of Education and Training's web- guage in English and French for Grades 1 ety of grades to parents who visited its ed - site, reports superintendent of education to 8, was primarily a "reinforcement of ucation centre in Oshawa. `heavily in demand' and programmes Bev Freedman. curriculum already studied:' reports Both boards say it's hard to estimate It was heavily in demand." Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate just how many students worked on the ma - throughout teachers' Staff delivered the material to munici- School Board superintendent Gerry Blake. terial. because they could also access it on pal offices and some libraries because it Few parents requested the material at the Internet. two-week strike didn't want parents to have to cross picket the hevinninv of the .trik, Hundreds of students caught up on school "Work during the teachers' strike, school boards here believe. At the Durham Board of Education, staff ran off 200 copies of learning materi- als every day for every grade from the lines, as the board office is located on the same site as Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby. Some municipalities ran off additional copies and billed the board for costs in- curred. The material, available in math and lan- French students in Durham excluded from Grade 3 testing That segment to be tested next year says Durham Board French and French -immersion students missed out on last year's Grade 3 provincial reading, writing and math tests, but they will be ex- pected to write at least one of those exams next spring. "There just wasn't money for the tests to be conducted in French," Durham Board of Education superin- tendent of education and pro- grammes Bev Freedman says of the provincial tests. She tx:lieves French immersion students will be required to write at least the math test when the provin- cial Grade 3 tests are conducted again for a week in May. ADVERTISING CORRECTION Ir our Chnstrnas 82 Wok. included it this newspaper ,his +reek. Please role. Paget 14- Minob Cameras QUaVw should read: All X" m cameras slww+ ndude strap, oanery and rem. ,ve tx"req Vobpm tear weed cabmen and "M any InCawe wonce or =*am Ors may have cased. EATON'S Florence M. Heard Public School in Whitby and Ridgeway P.S. in Os- hawa are French immersion schools, so they weren't included in the list of Grade 3 test results recently released by the board. The Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board has several French -as -a- first- language elementary schools, which were also excluded from the provincial tests. Its French immersion programme be- gins in Grade 4. iiiiiiieWi'ndshi'eld MOST DOMESTIC 9*11691'nstalled "because not everyone knew that it was avail- able;" says Mr. Blake. But as the strike continued, the board each day supplied 50 to 70 copies of the learning material in a vari- Meeting on Bill 160 'PICKERING — An information meeting on Bill 160 will be held at =Pine Ridge Secondary School on Wednesday. Panelists include Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federa- tion, Durham district president Pat Jer- mey, Durham West MPP Janet Ecker and Durham Board of Education su- perintendent of education/employee relations Craig Butch. A question - and -answer session will follow the panel discussion. Retired teacher Noland Taggart will moderate. The meeting runs front 7 to 9 pm. in the cafeteria of the school at 2155 Liverpool Rd. N., Pickering. Clearance MOFOREIGN $189199* nstalled Call for details. Hardware extra. We use only Original Manufacturers' Equipment with a 90 day guarantee against defects. Limited time offer. ..OVINCIAL itillk 860 Brock Rd. S. "0 GLASS MO Pickering, lOnt. 837-7819 Recycle it! --- BAY RIDGES FLORISTS WE WERE THE FIRST IN PICKERING AND WE STILL OFFER THE BEST .... SINCE 1969 WE DELVER AROUND THE BLOCK OR AROUND THE FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS OR EVERY DAY FLORAL AND GIFT NEEDS ARRANGEMENTS STARTING AT $30.00 �psce� i' --11215 BAYLY ST. 839-2949 A well kno*n mane Of Christmas Decorations and accessories had to clear their warehouse. LWI purchased the stock and now offers it to You s Plus an Cornpare u from at from additional s6o 49' 25%off Metal Tree Brand Name Stand LWr Motion Ornaments cotat 7 $ t " compare LWl $499 at / j 2 5%f :3'�«�ttu 2 5% -ti We'd like To Do Business With You 4. 1.88&LIQUIDS yeS (1888-254.0843) O We pay casb for drstrim Dee rt. lbe Nruarc uJ qrr Bru/nexs. Wr Arc l'rurAJr Tie Arlrrrrire Brand ,Yamrt NOW s Y �*•� t : opento th. bl� 01? au 7 Oat's a Weak • • (1 rllm & rAon-Fa. to -9 set. 9-s enjoys ATTENTION HOME-BASED BUSINESS OWNERS Join Us! at Annandale Golf & Country Club ;Gayly & Church, Ajax) 7:30 am, Second Thursday of Each Month Members $10, Non-Memhers S 15 (ask about our evening meetings, too) 905-839-4014 The Durham Homepreneur Group offers monthly networking meetings to share and promote business se!vtoes and experiences in Durham Region and beyond SALE !�■I� --JPEC1A BARGAINS IN TODAY'S 4. News Advertiser Sun., Dec. 7, 1997 News Advertiser : : 0 .�PWL .; :Cum" ti CorXeu • • (1 rllm & Sunday's carrier of the week is Cornell. He enjoys . � � �9s sports, especially swimmn* & basketball. •IQ Cornell will receive a l I "Wa AjdPidc dinner for 4 compliments • Laub of Burger King. • N�ibBt Mi oa Fat■tfor APICL CoWatulations Cornell being our carrier of the • No Frio week. PMN ' It" ciini aI `, .Atiiiiiiiii Sortanre K •ING � Commined to ExceUewce Lha ApIPiEk 1280 Kingston Rd.. Pickering ' Delivered to sekclod hotlsdtdds only, 345 McKenzie Ave., Ajax Remember, all inserts, including If vou did those on glossy paper, can be not receive your NeNvs Advertiser recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Red'ycling or flvers call program. For information on delivering Circulation at your advertising_ 'r Flyers. uta ='fit call ALVIN WOW' at 683-5110. ice`s' i�11 Sm I t, -''.1.%, t'* . - 1 PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 Amy man wins Star oura e fo Local man to be given highest peacetime medal Bl' SUSAN O'NIiILL STAIT REP OR"IT'R PICKERING — A Pickering man who helped rescue four peo- ple from a sinking ship in the wa- ters of the Atlantic Ocean during a daring helicopter mission last year is hexing honoured with the Star of Courage. Greg Smit, a corporal master with the Canadian Armed Forces, was pan of a search and rescue crew that saved four people trapped on the Alexis le Trotteur 300 miles off the coast of Nova Scotia in September. 1996, The 32 year old, who is based in Gander. Nfld., will receive the medal, the sec- ond highest bravery medal Calendar changes for high school students High sch(x)l students on a se- mc-ster system will need to make a few changes in their calendars next %ear. The Durham Board of Educa- tion and the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School K)ard say .Lhed- ules will be re- arrani!ed to make up for instruction- al time lost during the 10 -day teach- ers' strike. The public board has submit- ted a proposed schedule to the Ministry of Edu- cation and Train- ing for approval. It is suggesting de- laying the second semester by three days. At the sepa- rate board, the English Language Section will con- sider a proposal that will also delay the second semes- ter by two to three days. Any propos- al must be ap- proved by the ministry. About =yfWf of the public board's secondary schools are on the semester system. All but one of the separate board's schools are. GREG SNIIT Medal winner that can be awarded during peace- time, along with his partner Sergeant Ken Power of Cape Bre- ton, at a cercnion} in Ottawa likely to take place later this month. Cpl. Smit reports. He says it is a "huge honour" to receive the medal which has only leen awarded to four r ocean rescue commendation from the chicf of defence staff. Cpl. Smit received an international award for bravery in April for the role he played as a member of the helicopter crew and recent- ly received the Canadian Decoration for his 12 years of service in the army. While it may seem the others over the past 50 Im m m m m m m m years. "We I 1 JL certainly didn't �'� I expect to receive some- 1 RELSON Ra thing of this magni- 1 tude." Cpl. Smit his 1 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE and NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. partner jumped into the I WARRANTYAPPROVED frigid waters of the At- OIL CHANGE SPECIAL 1 lantic during the rescue 1 OIL & F1LTB mission for which the CHANGE 1 6 other three members of the crew will receive a $ 099 Relax... For complete customer satisfaction on: It's Taken Care Of • HF.ATIN(: Hang "r Chn.tmas ,roclungs on a new • AIR CONDITIONING gasfirepiace. Purchase before Dec. 15th • (:AS FIREPLACES and well install before Chn.tmas. You can rely on Ramnort. _M years of service reliability locally RAMNOR✓ l� HEATING i AIR CONDITIONING 2020 Wentworth St., Unit 9, Whitby 24 Hour Service OsbalraM'hitby •Phone 434-5ue PickerineAlax • Phone 686.0571 a LFANOW 1 swan or 1 ow; PENlIZOK. COIr/ON tX�IRlti �C. 31, 1097 1 In iudes 21 r T. Insomedon 1 1 Gift certificates available 1 (RADIATOR a95I FLUSH & FILL I SPECIAL from OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 31. 1997 1 I' ^ Cae11M Iliio�ole CNKTCONK COUPONIIITHANYSO OFFER. I OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 195 WESTNEY RD. iSouth of 401,1, AJAX I 1 (905) 427-6796 � ss Ass as � • A� A. Ass eRol�c RD. MY a MARIONAII RD. S1�f ME MY 101 mRIOOHE9Q F11CM AYE RELSON Ra eRol�c RD. MY a PON" RLRwA7 IMFCKM PLUM MY 101 NRA government's been dragging its heels in rec. ognizing the efforts of the crew, Cpl. Sm)) says. "There's not a lot handed out in the Canadian Armed Forces. "You don't do it for (the recogniti(,n) anyhow. It's an honour but it's not why- �(,u do the job." ' Dentures so natural... you'll never know the difference!' New Soft -touch' materials for sensitive gums • Precision partial dentures We accept all Insurance Policies. i,4y, Im Walter Wimmer, ISD. Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (LOWER LEVEL) 190') 420.5020 roll Free 1-800-661-5020 EWS ADVER77 SUY, Fission for your comments... � NDA ��.., Area residents invited to public meeting on nuclear plant BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PCCKERING — Residents will get to speak directly to and hear from Pickering nuclear sta- tiuii*61nanagement at a public meeting being held here by On- tario Hydro Thursday, Dec. 11. The meeting will run from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Metro East Trade Centre at 1899 Brock Rd., just north of Hwy. 401. "Ontario Hydro is committed to be more open and accountable to the local community and to be more responsive to local concerns regarding Hydro's nuclear facili- ties," says Hydro nu- clear division chief Carl Andognini. "This is one of the many steps we are planning on undertaking to meet that commit- ment." One of the purposes of the session will be to report on progress to date in improving the performance of the station in the wake a scathing Hydro -commis- sioned review of its nuclear oper- ations released in August. Hydro officials will talk about the first of what are to become monthly report cards on the Pickering station, which was re- cently issued. They will also discuss whatever concerns about the Pickering plant the community may have. Those who attend will also have the opportunity to view a number of dis- plays provided by Hydro focussing on specific as- pects of the plant. News of the long - promised public meeting was welcomed by Sally McLeod, the Pickering woman who has been at the helm of a push by some citizens for an- swers to their concerns about the SALLY McLEOD 'Show them we're i n earnest' Deposit food at Royal Bank branches PICKERING Royal Bank employees are inviting you to join their Christ- mas food drive. Employees at the Hub Plaza branch, 1340 Kingston Rd., have been donat- ing food instead of paying $2 each Friday to dress casually and are encouraging area residents to sup- plement their ef- forts. Donations can be made during regular bank hours Mondays to Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays from 9:30 am. to S p.m., Fridays from 9:30 am. to 4 p.m., and Satur- days from 9:30 a.m. to I P.M. The bank will ensure all dona- tions are deliv- ered to the Durham Food Bank before Christmas. For more in- formation call the Royal Bank at 839-5034. nuclear station, and for the envi- ronmental review of the plant ap- proved by 87 per cent of voters in a referendum held during the Nov. 10 municipal election. "Thank heavens they're doing it," says Ms. McLeod. She adds she hopes Hydro will have some of its top officials at the session. "We've heard from (Mr.) An- dognini and it seems often he does not have the answers to a lot of questions. I'd like to see (Hydro chairman Bill) Farlinger and some of the members of the (Hydro) board of direc- tors at this meeting. The community deserves to hear from the head deci- sion -makers. They know the sentiments of this community and I hope they would show the right respect. "I also hope Ontario Hydro employees show RUSTPROOFING with _ PAEMIEAE CAUTO SALONS TOTAL VEHICLE PROTECTION PACKA (lifetime Warranty) 1.) RUSTPROOFING Will not peel, crack. flake or freeze. 1 Creeps into etc ices a "etrates rustprooe seams of your entire ret 2.) UNDERBODY SOUND DEADENER Reduce road noise by as such 75%. Maximum rustprooRot protection for the underbody of your vehicle. 3.) PAINT PROTECTION Protects against sun. salt. acid rain. Makes cleanup a breeze. 4.) FABRIC do LEATHER PROTECTION Teflon based. protect against stains. peeling `INTERIOR SHAMPOO 11 DETAIL III cracking on leather. • Shampoo seats A carpets • Degrease A wax door iambs $ 9 • Clean A Detail ONLY 5 (905) 831-4290 `wE MEAN CLEAN — J 1010 BROCK ROAD SOUTH, i3 PICKERING, XW Corner Brock/Bayly OVER JC REASONS TO I flI DO YOUR i CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT WILSON F U RN ITU RE Over 45 curio cabinets, hall trees and hall consoles in -stock for Christmas delivery, from 299 BOND some respect to this community and allow us to ask questions without being heckled," adds Ms. McLeod, explaining that at other public meetings on the Pickering plant some station employees have snickered and laughed at citizens' questions. She says she hopes Hydro will be flexible about the length of the public session, since two hours may not be enough to an- swer everybody's questions if there is a big turnout. "I would encourage all resi- dents to come, especially if we want to have this environmental assessment, we have to show them we're in earnest" For more information on the meeting call 839-1 151, ext. 3745. ALL DOORCRASHERS ARE LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER. Ulm • • saalAr NOrE%1C70.S9quK�tNESIR4ErORKOtbILlwwp pl��BUfEfHg5WtY0QUtNEfF"RA 1fFW1 L�SS, KING! We validate parking NMM IESER$1fEPXilrlGllAfrgHYIIlESS01�i9i0KSA41reE LMfiED101R:RQbiOl�tAVWOL WIL4S, PRE CHRISTMAS KIDSWEAR r Tr i 1 1 . 1 1 1 I I - MAKE BRAND •�s KIDSWEAR -80OFF UP TO I � We're Overstocked! The Accountants Have Advised Us To Sell Everything - Regardless of Cost! : I 1 G T. ON All BOYS/GiRIS '3 IBM WE WILL PAY THE EQUIV. 7'! GST ON " ALL SNO[Y SUITS OVER 39.99 — WITH COUPON V rl,rl r �. W1 N .' n 1 1 1 1 0 U < NEW LOW PRIC I � 2 PC- 4-14 THE HOTTEST 121� LEANS+eans1499 NEW 100K! 19LEECE TEAR AWAY SETS LEANS PANTS Compare at ;6 v0 C�mpafe at 30 00 c mpare at 30 00 SUPER SPECIALS! SUPER SPECIALS! LOWEST 1 I CANAOA1. �• - r ' � � r r.'0.SSIUi t 0 LOWEST . 5 POCKET PRICE IN .' CANADA! tf- _ (.l1111Ul`T�.l 10111• HWY 401 CHECK OUT OUR HUGE MWER ST. SELECTION OF ... -J • 091� ALL DOORCRASHERS ARE LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER. Ulm • • saalAr NOrE%1C70.S9quK�tNESIR4ErORKOtbILlwwp pl��BUfEfHg5WtY0QUtNEfF"RA 1fFW1 L�SS, KING! We validate parking NMM IESER$1fEPXilrlGllAfrgHYIIlESS01�i9i0KSA41reE LMfiED101R:RQbiOl�tAVWOL WIL4S, PAGE b - T41F NKWS ADVER'GI LR SUNVAY: DW: EmsER 7,,1947 • . Ajax -Pickering NewsAdvertiser itorials an etterS A Metroland Communit YNewspaper published Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial That's not common sense The Torics no doubt had good intentions in au- tomatically providing $40 per day for all parents who have children 13 -and -under in school and for older children dependent on their parents because of disability, as a result of the recent two-week il- legal teachers' strike. The purpose of the bill, passed last week, was to pay back parents for costs incurred during the strike. And there's nothing wrong with that, except it will cost school boards millions of dollars they could have otherwise used to buy school books or equipment needed in their schools. The flaw with the plan is there arc no conditions attached to the rebate. Parents arc not required to provid;: receipts showing how much they had to pay for day care during the two-week period. Those parents who don't work outside the home and were home anyway during the strike will also receive S4W. should they decide to claim it. Oth- ers who have high school aged children who stayed home to watch their under -13 siblings, also will get the $400 payment should they decide to claim it. And who wouldn't take S4W, no ques- tions asked'.' For any other type of government assistance (welfare, pensions, unemployment insurance, GST rebates, etc., ctc.) some type prtx)f of need is nec- essary. But that's not the case here. Those parents who were required to make emergency arrangements and who had extra costs to pay for day care out of their own pockets, should receive a rebate from the government - but only those parents. What's left over for boards that saved money on teachers' salaries during the strike, should go right back into the board budget to be used to improve our schools. Not only would the money help to buy books and equipment. but it would take the sting out of the reported S667million the Province plans to cut during the next year from the education bud- get. We can't fault the Province for trying to help those who were put out unfairly by the teachers' strike. And it makes sense as well to disqualify teachers who walked out illegally from collecting the $40 per day rebate. It's just that there should have been more thought put into what to do with the money saved. I± To respond to this editorial call lnfos- ourre at 6133-7040 and dial 5104 nfosourcL- Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper blished 117— sda Wednesda v Letters to the editor That's the way to pick a Region chairman To the editor: Durham Council on Wednesday came to the realization that electing from those who are not in office is the better way to fill the position of Re- gional chairman. One other possibility is, of course. an election at large within the region. I know changes will happen slowly, but I can live with this first step. Congratulations to Roger Ander- son who was unsuccessful in his bid for the Ajax mayoralty, but now is Re- gional Chairman of Durham. This is definitely the way to go. A precedent has been set by Regional Council to consider those who are available, rather than those who are presently in office at the municipal level. Thank you for listening to what some of the residents in the munici- palities across Durham Region were saying. Now it is the time to get on with the job. The new chairman must nego- tiate the best possible deal for this Re- gion with the Province. With regards to taxes, only a miracle will give us a zero increase and, since miracles are very scarce, the best we can hope for is a minimal tax increase. Regional Council must work as one team if we wish to survive the downloading from the provincial gov- ernment and if regional government should still be part of our system. The energy that Mr. Anderson ex- hibited during the municipal election campaign will surely be put to good use in his new role in the Region. We will all be looking forward to his ac- complishments during the next three years, and again I wish to congratulate Roger and his family. Martin Olenroot, Ajax The News Advertiser accepts let- ters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name, please indole a pbtme number for ved- fication. 711 editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions "expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser.. JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real EstatetAutomotiveAdvertising Manager ARE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Production M r TO REACH US BLAKE PURDY News Editor A visit to North "Mrs. C., paging Mrs. C. Please report to head of- fice immediately.." ..:'Yes, Nick, you called?" "Mrs. C., we need to discuss how our strategic plan is shaking out. We must also address how we're going to grow our productivity to match the increase in our client base. There's also that matter of down- sizing in the factory" "You mean right sizing." "Whatever." "Should I get my laptop?" "Yes. We have a lot to go over. I want to make sure we're up to speed and that our Just in Time delivery program is ready for implementation. "OK, Nick. Ready when you are ... Dam, it crashed again. I just have to get more RAM" 'Talk to the people in computer services_ And. while you're at it, make sure they're working on that year 2000 problem. "First, Mrs. C., we need to go over that Canada thing. I've hardly received any letters from the kid, there. Status update?" "Well, the mail should start pouring in any day now. The letter carriers down there say they're going to deliver the mail even if it doesn't have sufftcicnt postage. They're taking orders from that CUPW guy. the one who sorta looks like you. "By the way, is legal on top of all those companies using my image in their promotional material? We sure could use the royalties. Those elves are going to eat us out of house and home, not to mention the rein- deer. That reminds me, check with the corporate nurse and see how Rudy's recovering from the bulb implant in his nose. While you're in the infirmary. pick up something for my lactose intolerance. "Now, what were we talking about? ... Oh, yes. Canada. How are they doing with that land mine ban they're pushing for? I hope it goes through before The Big Night. Incidentally, isn't Canada of my itinerary for this weekend?" "Yes, Nick. Let me check your Day -timer. You've got 17 paraders. Remember to go easy of the waving: you don't want your RSI flaring up again. And. you're doing meet and greets at 23 malls. I'll have wardrobe pack your asbestos lining and the sunglass- es. You're dropping into that shopping centre in Pick- ering, that town with the power plant that glows in the dark." "Oh, right, that place I use as a beacon on Crtrist- mas Eve. Mrs. C., check with human resources to make sure there's enough staff scheduled for the weekend. Have maintenance tune up the sled. And, get cafeteria to pack me lots to eat. Remind them no cookies; I'm saving space until the 25th "By the way, what's the forecast?" ..�n� Blake Purdy is a regular contributor to our Sunday col- umn rotation. To respond to this column call /nfosourre at 683-7040 and duel 5108. General: 683-5110 Classified: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5117 AdmWClassified Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: thisweek@istar.ca The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax dt Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Cir- culations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Counal. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any. advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to spate price error occupies. ;l pu uy, y, FnMy, Sunday ---e,— CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manager !trop://wM,w,durhamnews.na t� �!1 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager A 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7,1997 -PAGE 7 What goes with jeans at this time of year? 0/0'a T � for women, men and kids. • Levi's-' • Manager • Ikeda • Buffalo • Attitude • Retreat Blues 't 400/o _ women's cK khakis collec Available in selected stores. Need extra time to shop? Eaton's, Toronto Eaton Centre is open Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Suburban stores are open Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 'Excludes Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Jeans, cK Calvin Klein jeans, Guess, Liz Claibome and other designer brands. Also excludes Factory Outlet and Warehouse Stores. savings off regular ticketed prices. Offer good until December 24th, or while quantities last. I a a A a a 0J F"-Inwillill!-a--dse, r 7-- =- �: 19 T 4 ,y'x••` -mow \. _ ../ _ v�V �i ..�N �\` �� ---- IU AI 1,UFUU1CUiICCI wnCCIS-Jlorage ants aeanna sear 1511YV111111Yo4. YYIOIIVu Yt e4O=/s9 split pont bench *Dual air bags with passenger OKWF OwlSilk. 05426 9n CHRYSLER 1997 PLYMOUTH NEON At�ER SE 1996 DODGE P k"M M11E, RAM 4x4 CLUB CAB .�j SLT. DIESEL aMls..taat#aleite18811A1 iaeat. . A41 Y 2 014 cyl. automatic P s.. P.b.. a condRiortirg tk�ea9ided00lC�t�LkR I doM+ buckets. console. AM/FM cassene. balancel�k�aa841sMad� 1ptltatp4Y4 j F�O�' Warranty Ind. auto, p.s., P.b., air, 2 tone, fully 9:2 it loaded, only 32,400 miles. Balance of warranty. _ _ PER DAY"QOM ;facto #T2007A ry — -___ 1996 CHEM 2500 EXTEND C"" RAM 0 OVALLY 1997 CIIIrSLEB 38MI6 CONIIMM U 4992 dam Diesel. auto. P/wirldows, P/doa locks, P/mirrors fig N aw and qir apart vaai Auto.; p.L, p.w., air cond., AWFM cassette, r4. sie081l's P.O., IL e11111110111111 Clop' ' O' Crum, trader toss• console, w �f�M�,airdoKA ate, ? touring package, tilt, cruise plus much a Isar. cond, and mole. Only 39,080 km.1 owner. 9T1758A Mftkw4tlM,ttlafradi0ft 1W- Balance MOM 81~ -i more. of factory Warr. #P5439. osm pNritul8,aia7�a a @►ML9f OWNED X 996 mom 3"" 1995 COLT ES +"4 CmaILM W I Mpp 1997 CHRYSLER LHS 4 ' sao, ple, p16, pK tIIR, txtti;4 cyl., auto, pits, p/b, AWFY, cloth buckets, ° `�+� P.#18it0aKitaaft! Fully loaded. Save thousands. dom wMai, W unit i ame. 1 row mirrors, 1 owner, only 28,000 � � �, �t�8.1 arm alwMf,al11J4i aa`s, miles. *yrs } Was $41,945. #V5281 B !Ii�i1,1�t91� .ltt�l�A _ r y 1995 VOYAGER �,��,+� 3 1995 NEON 3.0 L, V-6, auto, pits, p/b, air Gond., AWFMR r - - ` a�_ MaII.. 4 cyi., auto, p/s, p/b, air Gond., AWFM J p„p L. �0. aM M. cass., 7 pass. seats, roof rack 8 more. cess., cloth buckets. 1 owner, only t=WL. 4 sT1897A - � :, e � _; . 42,700 mike. #M 920A otttaar,illp AAL1n &.AA AAA Vim �3 ilt" Pa" .1.aWill 0 3 `11 I, :I��mle : N HWY. #401 TonoHTo ■VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER OSHAWA LBO i THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 - PAGE 9 Weight trainingIn without weightshts Recreation complex Despite its suitability for those with special ment at the rec. complex gym are available for ships at the rec. complex, which include unlim- n��dM� C• offers new wheelchair accessible fitness machine BY MARIANNE TAKAC'S S'IAI l' REPOWITR PICKERING — As part of its ef- fort to provide community facilities ac- cessible to all, the Pickering Recreation Complex has purchased a new piece of fitness equipment particularly suited to people with special needs. People in wheelchairs can use the Versa Trainer without assistance, says recreation department program supervi- sor Marisa Carpino, and it's also useful for those who need to do rehabilitation exercises, as well as for average users. "It's a resistance piece of equipment made up, of cables and pulleys in the back;' she explains. "You can do a bunch of muscle groups from a seated position:' The $3,700 Versa Trainer has been in the gym at the rec. complex for about three months and has been used mostly by those who go to the gym regularly. Now the recreation department wants to get the word out in the community that the new piece of equipment specially suited to the disabled is available for use. Though there are no actual weights, the Versa Trainer provides fit- ness training similar to Ihaa offered by weight training equipment. In addition to being whicelchair-accessible, says Ms. Carpino, it allows for itraining with much lighter "weights" and provides increased resistance through the range of a motion. "At the end of your motion is the highest degree of resistance. It's a dif- ferent way of training your muscles:' Another difference is that the Versa Trainer allows the user to work with different degrees of resistance on each sI ck of the bcxly. This is particularly im- portant, for example, to people working to rehabilitate an injured muscle group on one side. "It's not like a weight stack where both sides of the body have to pull the same weight:' ADIVERTISM CORRECTION In our Christmas M2 book, included in this news- paper this week. Please note: 3 - Holiday Classic CD has 8 Christmas carols. Page 8 - Cigar accessories price range should read: $11.99 to $69.95. Page 32 - Vogue bra otter exclusion should read: (Excludes $19.99 in -stock guarantee bra styles and Vogue Dessous.) Page 98 - Delortghi chrome toaster oven will be available Dec. 30, 1997. Pa 102 - Eaton Home Continental cook- ware will be available Dec. 15, 1997. We sincerely apologize to our valued customers and regret any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. EATON'S January Woodworking Courses at 7W C"T"two ggamm INTRO TO WOODWORKING Begins law. 8 - 8 wks BUILD AN ENTERTAINMENT UW Begins Jan. 5 -10 wks BUILD A DRY SINK Begins Jan. 14-12 wks FURNITURUCABINET MAKING Begins Jan. 6 -12 wks IINTRODUCTION TO THE ROUTER Begins Jan. 17. 4 wks FINISHING TECHNIQUES WORKSHOP 2 nights - Jan. 21 & 28 e c,11 s. arpino notes the Versa framer Is also useful for all people, particularly those who might he reluctant to use regular weight ma- chines, as she says women often are. "Everyone is able to use it. It's very user- friendly and it's not intimidating" The Versa Trainer and all the fitncs,, equip - use from 6 a.m. to I I p.m. weekdays and 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Anyone who wants to he shown how to use the Versa Trainer may set up a time for a personal orientation ses- sion by calling 831-1711. Use of the gym costs $5.25 (including GST) per time on a pay-as-you-go basis. Mcmher- ited use of the gym, are regularly $44.94 per month (including GST), $128.50 for three months and $314.85 for one year. For Decem- her, a one-month membership is available at half price. Nfenitx:rship fees include use of members' change rooms and access to the rec. complex pool at no extra cost. (IF YOU'VE GOT IT, FLAUNT IT.) FINANCING' The 1998 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe 5 -speed transmission, 2.2 litre engine. PASSLock" theft -deterrent system, dual air bags. 4 -wheel ABS. rear spoiler. folding rear seat. tinted glass. The 1998 Pontiac Grand Am Sedan 150 HP 2.4 litre twin cam engine, 4 -speed automatic transmission with enhanced traction system, dual air bags,4-wheel ABS, rear door child safety locks, AM/FM stereo cassette, air conditioning, rear spoiler, power door locks, tinted glass. o t=+onrrtact,T Fop oRtvss- Get what you want from your Pontiac Performance Dealers uws �rnwncug n app!( VtXl 'vM1�AI., .7t\7- pn' sty L"e $'C:'W .it ° 1i=P,:" -iia stn. h pdymP,nt s 5220.y0 for J8 months. Cast .;t txxrowmg IS $43W.20notal oblgahcN� a 510 6W' iXwn paV- rfe+rtt, trade ani securrty deposit maV be r fired Month o-.ry aye n w w era ere 4r.,� ' ' `.r� equ M1 pay meet and e o of borrowing98Su tivdl vary dapenoin a.,re The ro,e nr�nne n.,. a �eae ao,w. ttrarnourt! borrowed and down payment. traUe. Z'Jttt�rs apph to purchase of 1996 Sunhre Coupe . SA 1998 t prymaa a ,ow rasa �.. cM .kick errand Ain Sedan ISA new or demonstrator models equipkred as x!scnbe�7 Deer order or trade may be neces- 0 ! Whet'a your era done ho. you rarely? """'„! ,�'r^f-'� * ' 7�� wry. Freight $620. hcence, insurance and taxes not nclucW Dealer may stye for less offers apph to %",tied retal custorners in Central Onlarro only. Limited time offers which may not be combined or used with other otters. See a�wy�► •- -- sour Central Ontario dealers for conditions and details or visa www.gmcanacta.coni' iwww.grncanada.com is a registered haclemark of General Motors Corporation) "Graduate rebate subject to program rules. PAGE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 Beware the Grinches that stealhri mas C st 'Tis the season an annual increase in resi- dential break-ins leading up that makes to Christmas. Burglars will usually burglars jolly case" their target first by ..going door-to-door" seek - B1" STEPHEN SHAW ing out empty homes. DURHAM ti"IAFI The signs they will A grinch who stole look for are no vehicle in Christmas -- and other per- the driveway, no sign of an sonal valuables -- l'rom one alarm system or no sign of local family has prompted a barking dog:' Sgt. Grim - police to warn residents ley said. about an increase in break- "Many times they will ins during the holiday sea- go up to the door and son. knock. If there is no answer "Unfortunately crimi- they then will break into the nals take advantage of the home within seconds. If time of year and they are someone does come to the aware people have brand door when they knock they new gifts in their will often make up a ficti- home," Sergeant tions reason why Jim Grimley of they are there, Durham Regional such as they were Police said. looking for some - An Oshawa one and had the couple learned wrong address" Wednesdaymorn- s r But there are ing even a deadbolt ways to. protect isn't enough to , your property: '- stop some thieves. Neighbours The culprit should work to - forced open a side JINI gether. Rely on door and searched GRINILE1, each other to keep the Fenelon Cres -watch on your res - cent home, stealing'Criminals lake idence for suspi- several Christmas advantage of cious people. gifts including a time of year' If leaving the Nintendo game home for a lengthy system, new shoes and period ask a neighbour to clothing and an ice cream park their car on your drive - maker. Sign Grimley said. way. "These were all gifts ' Use timers to turn which had not even been lights and radios on and off wrapped yet." during the day and evening. The thicf' also made off * Do not leave gifts with - with an expensive cam- to plain view of windows. corder, camera, jewellery • Ensure doors and win - and a large quantity of" cash doves are well -secured. for a combined loss of* sev_ While they may not cral thousand dollars, Sgt. guarantee the safety of your Grimley said. home such steps may re - In the past couple of duce your risk of' becoming weeks, he said, police have a victim, said Sgt. Grimley. noti%:cd the start of what is He adds home security sys- tems, if within the budget, Newcomers wanted AJAX -- if vou're new to the area. a Ideal club wants to hear from you. The Ajax -Pickering Newcomers Club meets Thursday, Dec. I I at 8 p.m. at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. It's for women living in the area three years or less. The club meets the sec- ond Thursday of each month. Call 427-9510 (Doreen). Singers sought to handle .Messiah show AJAX — The Jean McDonald Singers invite all vocalists to join them in a concert of Messiah excerpts at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Ajax Sunday, Dec. 14 at 3:30 p.m. A rehearsal will take place at the church, 35 Church St. N., Monday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. New members are welcome. For more information call Jean Mc- Donald at 837-2611. .,are worth their weight in gold ., Sgt. Grimley also advis- es gift -givers to record the make, model and serial number of expensive pre- sents in the event they are stolen before they reach the intended receiver. And residents suspicious of someone's behaviour should call police immedi- ately, even if they aren't sure a crime is about to occur. "These people won't just walk right in. they will case the home first, walking around it. "That's when to call po- lice. Don't wait until they break in because (burglars) are usually in and out in a matter of minutes" :I Insun" 1lei,996 I ices Iasta w 1111,796 A% Winter Fun rdA Begins ou TOC caealn at LICK'S &!SOWS Gt'eeS� Sant FREW ;cb ' bG HONEBURGERInor: to Lickti • NATUREBURGER Sat. Dec. 13/97 s ad pox* ds low lily Betwi n Offer yak wd Its mA" Ul& Dtx3CV t I ' �..�_„qw, ` 1 12:00 and 3:00 Toronto's Ronald We're online at www.durhamnews.net rnnnalr! 14mica a Presen ■ ror Christmas, Be sure this Christmas. Ship Greyhound Courier Express. Location Phone Bus Terminal 723-1241 47 Bond St. West, Oshawa, ON I Sinal] Appliance Repair 430.83781 303 Mary St. E., Whitby, ON Go Transit, Harwood Plaza 683-0589 Harwood Ave, Ajax, ON I Call for information on our convenient Christmas hour. *Bring tnis ad in on or before Dec.13/97 and get $2.00 off your SNmer n: To make sure your presents arrive before Christmas does, ship them with us. Greyhound Courier Express. We're fast, reasonable, and above all, reliable. And, now. we're open longer, too. For added convenience, try our pick-up and delivery service. This Christmas. send your packages with us, and you'll be the one who's laughing all the way. &.GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS® More Places, More Often We're online at www.durhamnews.net rnnnalr! 14mica a Billboard SUNDAY, DEC. 7 MENTAL HEALTH: The Durham Family Mental Health Support meets from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at 777 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Support, education, workshops for people trying to cope with mental illness in their family. Meetings are every Sunday, except the last Sunday of the month. 619-1499 auto sales soar for Durham's General Motors Last month's sales up 24 per cent over November 1996 OSHAWA — General Motors of Canada is on track for one of its best years this decade. The Oshawa -based auto giant re- ports sales in November were up 24.1 per cent over the same month last year, boosting 1997 sales to more than 408,000 units — up more than 16 per cent over 1996. GM dealers delivered 34,675 ve- hicles last month, including 17,196 trucks and 17,479 passengers cars. Sales of Oshawa -produced vehi- cles continued their strong perfor- mance, led by the Chevrolet Lumi- na, which was up 35.7 per cent. Sales of CK Extended Cab Trucks were up 14.1 per cent, Chevrolet Monte Carlo increased seven per cent, while the Buick Cen- tury, Buick Regal combination was up more than 5,000 per cent, due in part to volume availability in 1996. "1997 is shaping up to be our best year since 1991;' says Dick Conlin, GM's vice-president of mar- keting, referring to the 449,000 ve- hicles sold in '91, adding "we're ex- pecting continued strong sales in December. "These results are further testa- ment to the GM brand strategy as sales of our high-volume products posted double digit gains in Novem- ber. Our brand teams are focused on marketing GM products across Canada and results like these affirm that we are on the right track" Sales for the 1998 model year are up 19.4 per cent over the same time period in 1997, with 72,118 vehicles sold. WE CAN HUP YOU ACHIEVE A FRESH START PMoAsNonrl wW P&vcnsAbrd Swvk* Fir. Conlld neW Consulbdon .• Several conrenitaM Iocabons. indudinW OSHA91111 ' 146 Simcoe Street N. (905)726-94M powrit—) SCAMOROUGH 1919 Lawrence Ave. E. (416)750M= (near WP and 401) 255 Morningside Ave. (416) 28"140 —(Morningside Mall) Please Recycle! (Cathy), 665-7346 (Lois). REMEMBRANCE: Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens hosts a candlelight service at 7 p.m. at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax for families having lost a loved one in the past year. Free candles provided. Non-perishable food items being collected. 427-5416 (Gary Gentles). THE NEWS ADVI MONDAY, DEC. 8 FITNESS: Fun 'n Fitness, a drop-in aero- bics group for beginners to advanced, meets every Monday at 8 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church, 65 Kings Cres., Ajax. Refreshments follow the one-hour class. $3 per night. All proceeds go to the church. 686-0258 (Catharine). r. ,r POIVTIAC TRANS SPORT E1lJLT FOR ORIVERS- Y :RTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 - PA(;E I 1 December 7, 1997 TUESDAY, DEC. 9 TREE LIGHTING: Pickering's annual Holiday Tree Lighting event runs from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Esplanade Park. Pickering Concert Band, rock 'n' roll show, visit from Santa. Hot chocolate and candy sticks. Bun- dle up and bring lawn chairs. Food bank do- nations welcomed. 420-4621. SAFARI 365 DAYS A YEAR 1998 GMC SAFARI VAN gets you a 190 HP Vortec 4.3 litre V6 engine, automatic SLIARTLEASE transmission with overdrive, 4 -wheel ABS, dual air bags, PASSLockr" theft -deterrent system, 5,500 Ib. towing capacity, deep tinted Klass, power door lock., 8 -passenger $299* seating, air conditioning and an AM/FM stereo cassette. a m Wiry in m KViv, with 51.950 A mn INTRODUCWG OUR NEW GROUP RATES 1998 PONTIAC TRANS SPORT gets you a 180 HP 3400 SFI V6 engine, 4 -speed automatic SMARTLEASE transmission, front and side driver and passenger air bags, child safety lock on sliding side door, air conditioning with pollen filter, 4 -way driver manual seat adjuster, deluxe comfort tilt steering, front $299 and rear intermittent wipers, AM/FM stereo cassette and deep tinted glass. dmnuy k, Ilk m& with ti.1ii .keen GET WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR CENTRAL ONTARIO PONTIAC/BU1CK/GMC DEALERS. to,mdThetmureyaruneardfmgs You should knot this: 'Sxt aaTLEAsE 5_'99 .-'99 per month tC month leas for 199ti toward The torr tr acnaae N+ce or cane do ver J p ' J G %I t parr" of your neat naw, GM vehicle.' Safart Van/1998 Pontiac TransSport Van equipped is described. Annual kilometre Lmtt: What's your card dom tar you lately? �•'r�« '„ P 2J,000 km. $0.08 per excess kilonterre. A minimum down pavment or trade of �I.aiO/3 ,1i0 _ii ��•r••..4.....�+...+....�r. � � end SIkm. security deposit are required. Other lease option, .are available. fret¢hr 5.14i/j�{ �wwwatltr """"'^'r" '0i" "w'""•""""r°""'^" licence, taxes and insurance not included. healer may lease for les,. later applies to -,he le.i of 1998 new or demonstrator models. healer order or tr.ide may he necessary. Offer applies only to qualified retail customers to Central Ontario. Limited ante otter, which ni.ty not be combined or ti -A with ,,thvr ,,ftcr,. See Your healer for detail, or visit www.gmcauadd.cona twww.vincan.ida cont t, a registered trademark .•f Gencral Toto., Corporation.) • • PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 Here's who's rthe S ow at the e l on Ajax and Pickering faces among those chosen to head up Durham committees In addition to picking a new Regional Chairman at the inaugural meeting of Durham Council Wednesday, Region politicians also selected the heads of dif- ferent committees and councillors to serve on them. Veteran Oshawa Councillor Brian Nicholson will chair the finance and ad- ministration committee, which drafts the Region budget, and Ajax Mayor Steve Parish will head the Region's planning committee. Do you have an electric, oil or old gas F U ? RNACE • Don't pay till May `98 Best Price Guaranteed FREE Estimates WHY RENT when you can own a Furnace or Water Heater! GAS DEALER + affW®`, Pickering Councillor Rick Johnson is in charge of the works committee and Brock Township rookie ering), Nancy Diamond Councillor Larry O'- (Oshawa), Iry Harrell Mr:. Connor will lead (Uxbridge) and Ken Gadsden (Scugog). Durham's health and Works committee �- members include Diane. social services com- Hamre (Clarington), Doug Moffatt (Scugog), mittee. ".• widn hawa), Nester Pidwer- Other members of becki (Oshawa), Marcel PARISH the Durham finance'` Chairman of Keith Shier (Brock). committee are Gerry Also on the health tannin planning Emm (Whitby), John Gray (Oshawa), John (Oshawa), Mutton (Clarington), RICK Gerri Lynn O'Connor (Uxbridge), Jim Mc- JOHNSON Master (Ajax) and Heads works rookie regional coun- committee cillor Scott Crawford - (Ajax). NN1121 LEveixone reads the News Advertiser! Joining Mr. Parish on the planning committee are Joe Drumm (Whitby), Doug Dickerson (Pick- 7 ering), Nancy Diamond Lesre eoa (Oshawa), Iry Harrell (Oshawa), Susan Para (Uxbridge) and Ken Gadsden (Scugog). Works committee �- members include Diane. Hamre (Clarington), Doug Moffatt (Scugog), Bob Boychyn (Os- widn hawa), Nester Pidwer- STEVE becki (Oshawa), Marcel PARISH Brunelle (Whitby) and Chairman of Keith Shier (Brock). Also on the health tannin planning and social services committee are Cathy Clarke (Oshawa), Wayne Arthurs (Pickering), Maurice Brenner (Pickering), Mary Novak (C'lar- ington), Clare Aker (Oshawa) and Pat Perkins (Whitby). Councillors Gerri Lynn O'Connor and Boychyn were appointed to the 11Y',,,,rr Regional Police Services Board. Appointees to the Durham Region ,von_ Profit Housing Board are Counc4ll(irs Brenner and Hamre. However, no councillors seem to want to serve on the Durham Region Children's Aid Society board. Four councillors have to be appointed, but no one volunteered at the inaugural council meeting to serve as a board mm e- ber. Appointment to the CAS board was de- ferred to the Regional Council meeting of Dec. 17. 2 Wam,1 ' ' • View the V, scale Santa Claus Parade ce4..ti Over 100,000 Strands of Ughts! • Evenings visit Santa Claus at our Giant Motion Light Displays!' `1 Giant Christmas Cards! very own North Pale Exhibit _ — Made with Rbee Optic U&b t — _ JUDSMGHT every Friday r • Nightly Christmas Shows ' Horse Painting,. o rides$2o".4^111 at 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30 pm Kids entertainment. under , A_ S p -m. to 9 p.m. 12 years 1 rinernY NEW Im y"X1 I.L A — — — —6H.w 0' Ear �(�ty _ �K JOURNEY to WHOM • ; 3 Tour the valley to view all seven -:4r Miniature Village TORONTO st enes of the FIRST Christmas. 0 19*0 IC WAREHOUSE Jr 0 (n-/ °� � OUTLET �_ ,W- nnpl Sp^ 1 138.11 Aptiva. Computers ALI-With Monitor 139900FlOvSk"M Don't rniss out! LII M QUANTffIES 33 West Beaver Creels Rd Richmond Hill West Entrance Huge Saving's Video Games Sega, Super Nes, 14 . h SNR/SGirrTgt °mpuler 00�are tz � S16 9-1 0 W" e.«« C.0 a..k 7 Lesre eoa SNR/SGirrTgt °mpuler 00�are tz � S16 9-1 0 All THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 - PAGE 13 .Santa visits • is kids to United of - A ax -Pickering The United Wa of Ajax-Picth Ykcr- e buffet and have t' t It, ing is offerinc area children a chance to visit with the big guy in red and help their community as well at two Eat With Santa events Saturday. Dec. 13 in Ajax. A bl-akfast With Santa begins at 9 a.m sharp at the Swiss Chalet restaur"m in the Baywood Plaza on Bayly Street just west of Harwood Avenue. Santa will visit with the 4 OJ_ wee ones after they finish their meals. A Buffet Lunch With Santa begins at noon at Honey Garlic restaurant in the Mackenzie Plaza at 250 Bayly St., just west of Harwood Avenue. The kids should arrive by noon to enjoy Enjoy Christmas in the Village PICKERING -- Christmas has al- ready arrived at Pickering Museum Village! 'Me museum village holds 'Christ- mas in the Village' Saturday, Dec. 13 and Sunday. Dec. 14 from noon to 3 p.m., in Greenwood just south of Hwy. 7 west of Wesiney Rd. The event features a Hogmanay Scottish New Year celebration, a Vic- torian Christmas, holiday music and enlenamment. Cost is $5 fur adults, $3 for seniors and students $3, $2 for children, and `55 for families. Preschoolcrs are ad- mitted free. Call 683-8401 for more information. We wish to draw your atlentwn to ehe tbAtowmV an our current Scrooge Savings Guide' Ilyter Page 14. Bin cart, 42-3066-6, does NOT include the green lid as shown. Page 18. RCA 4 -head mono VCR, 45-2142-4. Copy should read: 31 -button universal remote control, NOT 39. Page 21. Portable Cd/cassette stereo, 44-1594-6, does NOT feature the remote control. The illustration and copy are incorrect. Page 23. Item 1. Sony dock radio, 44-2043x. does NOT feature digital turtling or 5 memory presets. Page 29. Item 2.318" - drive torque wrench. 58-8655-8, is sold separately and not as a set. Page 39. Item 2.3 -pc professional -grade chisel set, 99-5817-4, does NOT feature the built-in sharpening stone. Page 49. The illustrations should be transposed for item 9, Camp cot, 76-2589- 8 and 'Rem 10, Bunkmaster cot, 76-2596-0. -- - --- - - - - - - We wish to draw ytwr attention to the Inllowiig in our Scrooge's Best Prices Ever'flyer Page 2. The illustrations should be transposed for Paperwhites, 59-9905-6 and Amaryllis, 59-9932-0. Page 5.3 -toot mini Pine tree with lights and stand. 51-4532-8. The illustration is incorrect. Page 16. Item 1.5 -piece wooden TV tray set, 42-3399-4. Ouantibes are limited and no rainchecks will be issued. Pegs 18. Christmas dinnerware, glassware and accessories, selection and availability will vary by store. Page 28. Discman car kit, 44-1588-2. Copy should read: 3 second Electronic Shock Protection, NOT 10 second, the illustration is itxorrect. Page 34.4 x 36" belt disc sander, 55-3554-4, may NOT be available at aMstores. No rainchecks will be issued. Page 35. 10" table saw. 55-6866-4, may NOT be available at all stores. No rainchecks will be issued. WE SINCERELY REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE WE MAY HAVE CAUSED YOU. cnote349J350-97 zones ALL about their wish lists. tmc o to to Santa Tickets for the breakfast or lunch are $5 and proceeds go to the United Way of Ajax - Pickering. Each child will receive a copy of The Sounds of the Season carol book pro- duced by the News Advertiser. Parents will have the opportunity to purchase Polaroid photos of their children with Santa for $2. According to Santa, supporting the local United Way is a good way for children to learn the true spirit of Christmas. "The little children are never too young to learn the importance of giving back to the community and of helping those less fortu- nate:" says St. Nick in a media release from the United Way of Ajax -Pickering. "I en- courage all families to support United Way in its efforts to build a more caring commu- nity" Tickets are available at the two restau- rants, at Information Ajax -Pickering (134 Commercial Ave., Ajax) or through the United Way (686-0606). A Central Ontario Pontiac Buick GMC Dealers' Presentation FORTIFIEDL�WITH IRON, ,V6AND V8. 4WD EXTENDED (AB SHOWN .Q '98 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe Q $SmwLEASE Y DOWN PAYMENT gets you a 1.1 litre engine, sport suspension, S�/ L/1 dual air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, 5 -speed transmission, folding rear seat. ao secucty deposit a month/36 T�nrh: `98 Buick Century W } = gets you a 3100 Series SFI V6 engine, dual air bags, 4 -wheel SMrL`ASE Oe ABS, power windows, air conditioning and air fbation system, S CL.. 23,398progrommable power door locks, remote keyless entry, L7 v (excludes f,elght 5785i (oncert Sound Stereo a month, 36 .month; with S3 200 down '98 GMC Safari Q W Q$ gets you a 790 Hp Vortex V6 engine, automatic transmission, 4 -wheel ABS, dual air bags, 5500 Ib. towing capacity, deep tinted 299 glass, power door locks, 8 -passenger seating, air conditioning. a month/36 months with 51,950 down Ln Q '98 GMC Sierra Regular Cab 2WD w$ e~eDOWN PAYMENT gets you a 100 Hp Vortex V6 engine, automatic SMARTLEASE Q transmission, dual air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, two-tier cargo box loading, 326 (.n chrome wheels, air conditioning, deluxe chrome grille. a month/36 months '98 GMC Sierra Extended Cab 2WD W WDOWN PAYMENT gets you a 130 Hp Yortec 5000 V8 engine, automatic transmission, .� dual air bags, 4 -wheel ABS, tilt steering, cruise control, chrome wheels, deep Qtinted glass, a 1,801 Ib. payload capacity, two-tier cargo box loading, SMARTLEASE air conditioning. Add $55 MORE A MONTH FOR 4WD and get S Lan aluminum wheels, locking differential and on electronic transfer case. o mouth/36 months Get what you want from your Pontiac Buick GMC Dealers. Qi�aa� Don't longer to ue your GM cab tarninT , !-� ra shall know tfrr.'Srutttasi Polow Sunlite 5275. Buck (eMwy 5198, GW Soon 5299, 6W Regular Cob 2WD 5329 GM( Extended Cab 2WD 5365 pet month! 36 month toward The total Pumhse Pnce or lose down ii lease fa eehelas eyupped m tkxribed. Annual kilotwhe omit 20,D00 km 50.08 per a■ccn kdartetre Ponaoc Sunhm requires first poyroem plus was. no secunry deposit rpured. payment or ywt next new GM v IiKle I Fist payment plus taxes, begin of 5785 do" payment d 53.2110 old 5350 wituily deposit required on ase Buck Century. First paynwm plus latus and swunry deposit d $350 on What s your card dorsa for y«3 lately? ""' ee", a„ � airti a.r Snion SO on GM( Slerra Regular Cab and 5925 on GIIC Siena rsseaded (oh am required. hauls d wAl&d. Oskar Iwo Waxes ae ovodohb. Lteme. luxes and imwonce not r included, theigM 5785. kence, taxes and msurwce not incktded. 101M applies to ilex hose or pwdwse of 1998 new or dwnamtrnor models Dealer ardw a trade may be necessary DWV nay AAAA fa ksa DIM appkes ody to quekfied retail cuseomen in Central Donna Limited sow offer doh may nor he wnhewd or used with odor offers 'we you Dealer for detods or insat ww gncanadocam" (ww 9monede.cm is a registered trtdomork of Gema MWors Corporation ) PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 William Steil D.D., F.C.A.C.(A) COSMETIC DENTURES - The Fountain of Youth by William Steil, DD, FCAC(A), Ajax, Ontario. , It is true that a picture is worth a thousand minutes talking about infection control Though few of us are psychologically able to words. As a denturist. I have been confronted procedures will not only boost their confidence, cope with the aging process, a denturist can help on many occasions by a patient in my office it will also help them to become knowledgeable patients achieve a balance through hard_ work, bearing an old photograph. sometimes it's a dental consumers and will help us to form common sense and sensitivity to patient needs. graduation photo and other times it's from a successful relationships with our patients. In summary, I suggest a denturist should wedding. The photographic images all have this in common: they portray youth and vigor There is a lot a denturist can accomplish. We always seriously consider the patient's original individual anterior tooth arrangement and a wondrous smile. Invariably, the patient ensure the correct positioning of the teeth to determine proper lip support so as to provide the through actual illustrations of the esthetic effects and has one wish as he or she shares with me their prized photograph. They want right labial inclination and establish an visual communication. As knowledge and that same wondrous smile they enjoyed in their youth. automatic smile line. Setting the anterior teeth in technology advances we, as denturists, arc far more capable of adequately creating Denture changes, as designed and fitted by a proper vertical inclination will aid in meeting the expectation a patient has in relation to their the appearance our patients desire far more a denturist, can help these patients recapture self-image. consistently than anyone else in dentistry. their youth. It should be the goal of the We have learned much in recent years about Indeed, we can help our patients re-create the denturist to assure the design of new dentures the physiology of aging though we are still left youthful, smiling faces seen in those such that they will sustain the image and with the inevitable outcome and, in fact, fear the photographs. appeal of a significantly younger person. prospect of looking different. A Many people experience undue anxiety comparison of a patient's appearance PHARMASAVE PICKERING 41DAMBERLEA PLAZA • 1822 WHITES RD. (N. OF #2) 905-831-,1 1 • Counselling one ven- prescription • Nem -prescription counselling • Drug & Allergy Interactions Check • Follow-up phone calls • Free Delivery • Free Healthcare brochures c lot Caring & Helpful Staff :Vi -F 9:30-9 J-4 SAT. 10-6 �. St TN. 10-3 tine u`eI1 u•iih J _ . •� , t r ­_LASI ��. K � THE MOST ADVANCED FORM OF LASER VISION'S CORRECTION AVAILABLE TODAY Liner Vision (wecbm hos been performed st1ehr for flare dim o decode to correct neo *b1m s aslignabn aW inisighledam Because of its many advantages, UISIK is fast replacing surface Below is a comparison of the two procedwes. PRK USIN Most patients have 2 - 4 cloys of onost completely poWess- consideraWe pan after the procedure. %on is bktned for 3 -1 cloys following the procedwe.slum I . Yaion can fluctuate for 1-12 tilt` t months. Eye drops necessary to control the healirg process fa 2 - 6 momhs. Mf patients can comfortoWy drive their car within 12 hours of hrlvng rhe procedure. Vision in most patients is stable diet 2 - 6 weeks. Eye drops used for 1 week only. Mony post-operative visits necessary Very little aftercare necessary because to ensure proper healing. of minimal healing response, today with the appearance of a few months ago may not indicate change. , Nature works mysteriously, molecules form and reform, taking us apart and Affordable Dentures... one c one Reason To Smik.' putting us back together each and REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' Complete. Partial Dentures every day in an inexplicable fashion. LOWER DENTURE STABILITY Consider this, as you contemplate NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DD, LINER the mysteries of nature: humans grow &M 5* , F.CA.C.(A) two sets of teeth, elephants grow six 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. sets and sharks produce an indefinite PICKERING VILLAGE, AJAX number during their lifetime. Other parts of the human body are . 9 60J-424 continually regenerated, continuing After hours 2 88014 and affirming the circle of life. • /,ate . It • a • . 1N . r �s�sd •.;r�.s eresidence • A:- t�rement �r�e_ been. a proud member of ur for over 16 yeprsk '4, In this time, Ordkowd Vila has eared a dap ation --for Providing the hi C'O~ * , • $.(. Our I ,►erience _.all ft i• ..- SKr• �,;' "°��^>:. ' - ..iii• �l i '�'.•u...rf _' W i ',� . .. i . : ���., . ' i�Li!-g4eL ,ab .3 .ii.....t� �i'�.•�•,.. 0-F ^,"1 X ,T+S•�4 1955 VALLEY FARM ROAD, PICKERING, ONT. L1 V 1 X6 hr '7-777 _ ;.. . U. 831-2641 'i., 1955 VALLEY FARM ROAD, PICKERING, ONT. L1 V 1 X6 hr '7-777 _ ;.. PACE I5 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DFCF.MBFR 7, 1997 OTITI 0 S MEDIA ,.Widdle Ear Fluid) Who does it affect most? Children! Otitis media is the most frequently diagnosed illness in children between birth and three years of age. In fact, family physicians have reported that the first reason parents bring their children in are due to the common cold; the second most prevalent reason is the middle ear infections. Research has shown that two thirds of all children have at least one ear infection by the age three and one third have three or more ear infections. What is Otitis Media? Fluid in the middle ear. The eustachian tube, a tiny passage way between the middle ear and the back of the throat, keeps air pressure in the ear equal to the outside air pressure. The eustachian tube also lets unwanted fluid drain out of the middle ear. If the eustachian tube becomes inflamed or blocked from a cold, allergy or infection, it will not drain the fluid and the fluid may become infected. Should we be concerned about Otitis Media? Yes! The fluid, which is like water at first, may get as thick and sticky as glue if the ear is not treated. Also, infection could spread to the mastoid bone and eventually might involve the Inner Ear. The fluid can also cause the eardrum to break open. Middle car pathology can lead to delayed speech and language as well as disturbances in auditory processing and subsequent problems with academic achievement, particularly in learning to read. Children can be disciplined not due to "bad" behav i o r but because they are not hearing properly. Social and emotional problems can result if middle ear infections are left untreated. What should parents look for? The child may have ear pain and fever. However, pulling or scratching the ears, head banging, irritability, listlessness may all be signs of chronic recurring fluid in the ear. Other signs include misunderstanding directions, wanting the television louder than usual. What can your Audiologist do to help? If a child persists with recurring ear infections or chronic middle ear fluid, an Audiologist should become involved in the child's care. The AUDIOLOGIST can determine the type and degree of any associated hearing loss and can monitor the child's middle ear function through impedance measurements. Although the child's ear infection may have cleared, the fluid may remain for months causing a fluctuating conductive hearing loss. In fact, research in 1985 revealed that: "70% of children treated by antibiotics had fluid remaining in the middle ear two weeks following treatment, 40% after one month, 20% after two months and l0% after three months." The hearing impairment may go undetected if the child in not monitored by an AUDIOLOGIST. "Silent" middle ear fluid often causes no other systems than hearing loss and is very common in young children. See your doctor for a referral to an audiologist. Submitted by Lila O'Neill, practicing Audiologist for over 15 years. For more information, contact Ajax/Pickering Audiology Clinic at 831-8311 or Whitby Hearing Centre at 666-7726. new patients welcome theyouthcentre .1:. is pleased to accept new patients! Dr. Leanne Kerr (family physician) Diane MacEachern (nurse practitioner) are availa6le for your medical or counselling concerns ttleyou hcenm 428-1212 Quality care provided with over 15 years experience Our goal is to provide you with quality service and a high standard of care within your home. Our personnel include: • Registered Practical Nurses :Guaranteed,• Health Care aides action• Home Support Workers etitive • House Cleaners tes • Companions and Sitters For a personal assessment Call: (905) 420-0095 Chiropractic can make all the difference in your world! Our natural holistic, "hands on" approach has provided relief for many people just like you. Structural spinal misalignments could cause: • Neck & Back Pain • Sports & Dance Injuries',, • Arthritis & Bursitis • Sciatica & Hip Pain ..�' • Numbness & Tingling • Headaches ~ I • Allergies, asthma & other immune • system disorders HEALTH EDCCATIOti WORKSHOP '' ' THE wonDERS OE ala0PAAM obligation ' ' TUES. DEC. 16. SPM.I NO • ' DR. MARYANN FRANKO DC BA BPE F.T.-Ic W07AM - -4 P I N E R I D G E NATURAL HEALTH Brock Rd. & Hwy 2 PICKERING Dentures so natural... you'll never know the difference!' w Soft -touch' materials sensitive gums recision partial denture We accept all Insurance Policies. Walter Wimmer, DD. Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN l'0S1420-5020 w CENTRE GOWER LEVEL) Fm1-800-661-5020 at your service... everyday! 683-6363 PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 Ajax Chiropractor • Competed In Two Olympic Games r.even oherty is a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, and is committed to his belief that "A balance experiencing your own natural balance". Dr. he proper of Doherty believes so strongly in the promotion of healthy lifestyles that body, mind and spirit is vital to achieve any level of suc- offers many free services through his Ajax Clinic. These services include: cess in life". - "Good Health" workshops on topics such as: Dr. Doherty is a living example of the benefits of regular • How to control and eliminate stress. chiropractic adjustments and leading a healthy lifestyle. - How to reduce the risk of workplace injuries. He is a sixth degree black belt in judo, and was a member - How to make your work station more ergodynamic. of the Canadian - How to achieve true balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit. ' National Judo Team - How to develop the mental focus of an Olympian. from 1977 to 1988. Dr. - Initial Chiropractic consultation at NO COST " - Doherty also repre- above OHIP. sented Canada in two - NO COST above OHIP for the children of patients. j Olympic Games. He • Personally designed programs for sports enthusiasts was a member of the - Individually assessed programs for children involved in sports. Canadian Team at the "it is important that we focus on what it takes to stay healthy" , Los Angeles Olympic Doherty, "and that means proactive thinking, regular Chiropractic Games in 1984, and and balance". competed against the At the Doherty Chiropractic Clinic, Dr. Doherty provides a co 1988 Olympics in balanced health care, including: Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Sports Seoul South Korea, full-service x-rays, Massage Therapy, and Reflexology. As a health care pro- For information on the personal benefits of living a balanced lifestyle, or to take fessional, Dr. Doherty ' h advantage of any of the free services offered through the Doherty Chiropractic is pru ce on elping patients be proactive with their health. This holistic approach means that Dr. Doherty's patients focus on what it takes to stay healthy, not on what to do after they become sick. A major component in achieving a healthy lifestyle is regular chiropractic care. "Regular chiropractic adjust- ments allow the natural energies of the body to flow free- ly" explains Dr. Doherty, "this is a vital step towards WANT SOMETHING . TO SMILE ABOUT? S J�Wi SC5 C SEN10RS $ FREE Consultationsrn • Complete & Paas Dentures • Same day relines & repairs • Evening a Saturday appts. PICKERING DENTURE CUNIC Andre Maragh D.D. (905) 420-2652 1792 LIVERPOOL RD., PICKERING (SUPERCENTRE PLAZA) THE cry OF THE WEEKEND WARRIOR "I NEED A PHYSIOTHERAPIST!" Winter activities like pis ing with the kids can lead to aches and pain. if you r hurting over exertion or you want to avoid pain tn�ury -- see the leader in physical rehabilitation: Clink Dk=W: Anne Marie Le epel BSC. P.T. Reg, • Whites Road Physiotherapy & Sort Injury Clinic Since 198.$ THE MEDICAL CLINIC (90) 4 7 720 SHEPPARD AVE. UNIT 8 PICKERING, ONT. L1 V 1 G5 TARE YOU EXPERIENCING... • Foot Problems? • Leg or Knee Pain? • Low Back Pain? You May Need orthotics Call Us For a FREE Gait Analysis Difficult Cases Welcome WE CAN HELP! sal ft ti a Drrrharn Reglan sive 1siet9 905-686-1969 Clinic, please contact Dr. Doherty per- sonally. The Doherty Chiropractic Clinic is located at 37 Harwood Ave. S. in Ajax, North of Highway 401, and South of Highway 2, or you can gall Dr. Doherty at (905) 427-4099. Surgery .. or Relief By Chiropractic emphasizes Dr. Care ... adjustments, 1111TH" DI FFE RENCE! complete range of 'TRY CHITI ROPRACC! Injury Care, DOHERTY CHIROPRACTIC & D) MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC has focused hC 37 HARWOOD AVE. S. y (905) 427-4099 Invitation to Winter Solstice Celebration dr Healing Meditation Dec. 21, 4-6 p.m. Come out and bring a friend. Christmas Gift Certificates Available. LYoga � courses starting Jan. 1998 Register now. A peaceful country retreat. Greenwood Hous -ft Health Care Centre & Yoga Studio - Highway 7 and Westney pQ�/�Cc j (10 min. from downtown Pickering) (W) 19-140 THE PICKERING CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH C Invites you to attend our "Christmas Open House" Saturday, .Dec. 13, 2.30 - 4:30 P. m. Drop by and see our beautiful and spacious new location, decorated for the holiday Season. Whether you are a current patient, a past patient or have never been to our office, please join us. Spend a few minutes out of your busy day to relax and enjoy awarm cup of cider. Share with us this festive time of year.You'll be glad you did. Tbe Pickering Chiropractic Health Centre is dedicated to increasing health potential and enriching quality of life through natural health care. - • Chiropractic • Massage Therapy ` • Nutritional Consulting PICKFAIR PLAZA (LIVERPOOL dt HWY. 2) NEAR MARK'S WORK WAREHOUSE (905) 420-1443 THE NEWS SER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1 "7-PA(;E 17 TOY•,�ENDOUO� SUN. TOY WAREHOUSE AMAZING PIODUCTS too AMAZING FAICIS DELUXE TALK BOY OR . , ��115A■ TALK GIRL Mai i�^y '. n.4 TALK BOY/GIRL ►RY MAJORETTE DIE CAST CARS MOVER SERIES X � EA. AFTER T STEAM SERIES q EA MFG. FLYING DANCERS - FLY AND DANCE IN THE AIR ►� EA. FANTASTIC SOWS N' BL06$Qif SET W :. '4 EA. POOH'S LEARNING r BLACKBOARD _ `KAA PLAYSKOOL p WEEBLES FARM NIKKO RADIO CONTROL - GREAT SELECTION- NEWBORN PCWM PUP S $ EX PLAYSKOOL FAMY F*01 r.*,. _ EA, KIDS HAT, YF€T&9CAHFSEiS F ' �► , Fs , C.C.Y. STREEIrml Mm, GIANT er�S'; ?' 27T MH m BEDTIME` a r y �� BOTTLE 18 P� PUW ,, , Ek BABY 45 PMQ s... TIT y CHM"D EIL ' BATTERIES ' AND CHARGER INCL -1 T.C.R. 35 FOOT'" ELECTRIC ROAD RACE SET UNKDARE E AT -- ONLY MAJORETTE MAGIC MOTION FOLD -UP GARAGE INCL 1 CAR PLUS 5 BONUS CARS -.M2 --t Mt IAL MULUEH DIE-CAST FACTORY BABY WIGGLES AND GIGGLES CREEPY CRAWLER OVEN LASER CHALLENGE PATROL SET 4 1 7-2-- 41 .: PLSMART L SMART STICKS ref Special prices in effect until Sun., Dec. 14, while gtys. last AVI �. H P-IER S T C0 R_ E — — _ THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY!! ---r�.. FROST -- = - - T - (q�`'° =_ FRIGERATOR I_ �f� 9 ® • �� j� �.J � — �,. /� ■FRIGIDAIRE s — Whirl Ol i Admiral CLEAN I, i�_y liFLUSH A Fj0MMI I • � FRi SUNLINE PROJECTION LOADED WITH Y FEATURES NNI ING p' -SOFA CHAIR • LOVESEAT 2 LEVEL WAS • SOIL SETTLER FILTER AND _ MANY MORE FEATURES -.I ft low 3s"was Faimp XOR STEREO TELEVISION UNIMM PALLISER :1:4111:16 AT 0 Id. •10 ®FKibIVAIKI ROPER' LWER RON I rT:T'f :T.1'r I , , I � � MOW*, rnn CASSrE_ E REC PI SECTIONAV"l 41 — � , V-1. man AL 11 Ii •I w�hi'��1ti�'+aI�LLi - -- r�� 3 k ALL WOOD ,� COUNTRY ' �I `w COLONIAL. ,. 19 IR , AR Ilk Jr � �`,'•f '� �--~—�-.�..��-��' �.;I`a �� Imo_ ,� I ' , J �� / ' y y) - n ' -I I 1 Jr- 1540 Dundas St. E.430�00oO OPEN WHITBY WEEKDAYS 9:30-9:00 ,-Ash deL, SATURDAY 9:30-6:00 BEST Northwest Corner of Thickson Rd. at Dundas S -me! - v ins n--i-r, 1; -- ---- - " ' SUNDAY 11:00-5:00 M a P Durham health departmen a^bite out of dental pro THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 - PAGE 19 t i s taking olio Gift Packages erns Kmake l� : � t� Perfect Gift - rte reglona programme helps under way in Durham, it has been up and running in other regions for several years. pr ; I revent tooth decay "It's terrific to be able to offer this service," says —"I • Hundreds of children with a history of tooth decay stand to benefit from a dental programme heing offered at elementary schools. "It's a preventive measure;' Dr. Deena Lcnnc,n of the Durham Region Health Department's dental do i,,i(m 1111vs of a sealant pro- gramme offered 7777- t at no charge. Last year, the health depart- ment screened about 7,200 Grade 2 students t and another — 6,200 Grade 8 r. pupils to see who could bene- 7F fit from a dental sealant, which acts as a barrier and protects teeth from 'fit plaque and acid.. About 1,300 children have been recom- Dental h)gic;ni,t Johannc Penrose sealants. mended for the g1Ves a check-up to Ryan Rainthorpe T h r o u g h its Part of Durham program. school Icgisla- tion, the health department can screen every child with- out written consent. though parents can indicate if they don't want their child screened. And it s up to parents to decide if chil- dren targetted in the screening will receive a sealant. Sealants have been around for 30 years and have been available pri- marily in private dental offices. notes Dr. Lennon. A sealant is a plastic: coating and is secured on biting surfaces that are likely to decay. Like a filling, the colourless or white sealant stays on the tooth permanently. Sealants are placed on a biting surface within a year of the tooth's eruption. The procedure is "short and pain- less" and "much less traumatic" than a filling, which costs about $35 a tooth and must be maintained, re- ports Dr. Lennon. A sealant costs about $13 a tooth. While the programme is just Horne -based business break bread Thursday AJAX -- If you've just started a business from your home, or if You're looking to make new contacts for an existing one, a regional group may be able to provide friendship and support. The Durham Homepreneur Group meets Thursday, Dec. l 1 at 7:30 a.m. at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club, corner of Church and Bayly Sts., Ajax. It's for home entrepreneurs, small business owners and the businesses that service them. Morning meetings are hosted by the group the second Thursday of every month. Call 839-4014 (Brian Spencer) for more information. Lennon. "It's so beneficial to students and also to par- ents, in terms of cost." Screening of students began last September. The health department hopes to complete the pro- gramme early in the new year. M&M meat shops BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS SAVE $5 31b 12.99 CHRISTMAS WEEK DECEMBER 22 & 23 9-9 DECEMBER 24 9-5 PICKERING STORE CHRISTMAS HOURS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY g=8 • THURSDAY FRIDAY • SATURDAY 9.6 SUNDAY 9.5 Shop the Pickering News Advertiser' lorCanadian Tire Pickering Tune UD • Perform computerized engine analysis with printout • Inspect oil filter and PVC valve • Replace spark plug with Motomaster V groove spark plugs • Inspect distributor cap, motor, ignition wires and coil. gg Most cars 4 cylinder D.I.S. Systems & Platinum Extra • Lube, oil & filter • Rotate tires • Castrol GTX motor oil is 20 pt. maintenance check 99* 52.00 Enviro charge Extra Wil I TIS PMACHAM 01112 Tw1Es - Our beensed, framed bchnicum use the latest. computerized equipment to help extend the tread We o1 your ores. • They will inspect al key components. measure all for wheefs and adjust pont caster. camber and toe as required • Instaaation of rear -wheel shims and adjustments extra. if required 24 99* * Most cats Trucks & Mini Vans $29.99 CANADIAN TIRE SERVICE Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool 839-8124 qlawa Service Hours: Mon. -Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 90 P.M. Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, mc GOOD;VEAR FjFi1'_J1_#71 Lira bq&nouaay season. HE, YE! oil, ,.Where AREN­_ y ou GOINGY s, r r. PAGE 20 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 Pi . lot pro] ct. . ■ Minister launches ' n.ew domestic violence court Bl' JACQUIE NICINNES SPFCIAI. TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER A new Durham Region do- mestic violence court was launched Tuesday as part of the Ontario government's $1.5 -mil- lion strategy to take control of the issue province -wide. "Wife assault is a pervasive problem across Ontario;" Diane Cunningham, the Minister Re- sponsible for Women's Issues told a press conference at the Whitby office of the Crown attor- ney. "We are committed to build- ing a culture where women and children are free from violence in their homes." On the same day as the Durham launch, a domestic vio- lence court was also opened in Brampton. The two are the first of six pilot projects scheduled to begin operations across the province in the coming months. Both courts will operate on a North York model where cases are referred from the general court based on a criteria which includes the following: the per- petrator must he a first-time of- fender, he must be willing to plead guilty and the injuries from the assault must he minimal. The offender must also agree to un- dergO a 24 -week men's coun- selling program specifically geared to domestic violence of- fenders. In return, at the successful completion of the course, he will walk away without a criminal record. Men who qualify to go through this court will begin in- take into the program the same week they are charged. This dif- fers from normal court proceed- ings which can take weeks or even months to come before a judge. "We hope the program will bring a lot more peace and har- mony to the families at an earlier stage;" said Durham Crown attor- ney John Scott. The court is off to an auspi- cious beginning. Two offenders have already had their cases heard through the new court. They pleaded guilty and will begin the counselling program immediately. Two more have volunteered to do the same. Penny Contreras of the Victim Assistance Program called it "an incredible response in a few days." Advertisement HEW PAIN RELIEF DRUG APPROVED (SPECIAL) A Product that has provided pain relief for millions of U.S. ARTHUR ITIST14 is a unique and effective combination of two proven consumers has now been approved for ingredients which work together to sale to Canada ARTHUR MSTm has provide immediate and long-lasting proven to be effective in the treatment pain relief. When used as directed, of pain due to debilitating conditions pain in the affected area can be such as arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, completely eliminated. joint and muscle aches, backache and ARTHUR ITIST''t is an odourless, more. Through its dual action formulation, ARTHUR ITISIm offers a greaseless, nonstaining cream, available immediately without a new alternative for the millions of prescription and offers a money -back Canadians affected by arthritis and guarantee. seeking new ways to relieve pain while enhancing mobility and flexibility. Uw only as directed 01997 OMx Health Pmducts Inc., .M ON ARTHUR ITISTt" is now available only in pharmacies The Durham Region Health Care Information System A new partnership an"Vt All Durham hospitals feahunng Ontario s first integrated electronic health information network linking these hospitals - A3ax and Pickering C,eneral Hexpital: Memorial Hospital. Bowmanvilk; North Durham Health Serves (Port Pere• and Uxbridge sues); Oshawa # General Hospital and Alutby General Hospital. i wrr 0( ILI- Thunk of rt as a computrnzed form of the durt used by your health care provider to record information about test, diagnoses and treatments You recave.e This new system will allow health inforination to b shared by your authorized health care provides. For BEITER example, u You had speaalts- test done in Oshawa, yyour result•will be available at the other Durham !: hospitals should they require them for your follow up There's a new and better vre way to track your health DUES THAT MEAN ANYONE CAN HAVE care information at ACCESS TO My WDM INFORMATION? Durham hospitals No, absoluteh not. Only those health care prrnidets s. with a 'need io know' in order to provide care to you will have authorized access to your health WH Y IS THIS HAPPENING? information. r: [ havt itiu;e To serve you betteruestions about Your health cane provider will have the iihiS system, who most up-to-date information about you, Cy i2n I talk to? which means you won't have to all our local hospital. repeatedly try to recall or explain your We will be pleased to help you. medical history. Ajax and Pickering General Hospital: To save your time Kim MacMurray, (905) 683-2320, ext. 5248 Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville.. Duplicate tests are minimized, and Susan Scott, (905) 62.3.1331, ext. 1881 you'll wait less time for the results. North Durham Health Services: Port Perry- . Tern Martin, (905) 985-7321, ext 270 To save money 245 ndge - Sharon Paradine, (905) 852.9771, ext. By having one system shared by all Oshawa General Hospital: Durham hospitals, we will save honey Jane De Jung, (905) 576-8711, ext. 3844 � that we can put back into patient care for you and your family.Whitby General Hospital: Bruce Smith, (905) 668-5590 l ulanne t-unnmgnam, minister responsible for women's issues, was in Whitby Tuesday to announce new domestic violence court. AN INVITATION TO RESIDENTS OF PICKERING AND AREA As Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer of Ontario Hydro I would like to invite Pickering and area residents to join me at a public meeting on December 11 th, 7-9pm at the Metro East Trade Centre - Brock Road and Hwy. 2. The meeting is one of the ways in which Ontario Hydro is focusing on our goal of being more open and accountable to the Pickering community and more responsive to your concerns. A key recommendation of the Independent Integrated Performance Assessment released in August was to set specific goals for the nuclear recovery program and to monitor progress on a continuing basis. I am committed to ensuring this takes place. One of the purposes of the December 11 meeting is to report on our - progress to date, specifically in the areas of public safety, environmental ;performance, employee safety and production performance. The staff of the Pickering Nuclear Station are highly skilled professionals dedicated to improving the performance of the station on every measurement. This includes a commitment to building a strong and sustaining relationship with the local community. I look forward to seeing you on December 11, sharing our progress with you and hearing your views on how we can do better. I i G. Carl Andognini Executive Vice President, and Chief Nuclear Officer 4a Ontario Hydro --- `-- - ",r,,... _ � .. ` •�-+r.............._.. _. ..- ,,.... �. .. ,.-.—. - _ "T:^�C'.�:i'1'LZS."C-'-.. _ ,. - �rrS,t . - ....:-i rar+nr,+nnu,., .. a r NNES SPECIAL TO THE (YEWS ADVERTISER "If only there were just a couple more hours in the day." How many times have you heard yourself say 24 hours isn't sufficient to get everything done? Statistically, we're work- ing longer hours and more families have both adults working outside the home. There simply isn't anyone around to get the chores, housework and errands done. Compound the situa- tion further with a desire to create "the best Christmas ever" (partly due to the guilt associated with our lack of time to spend with loved ones on a regular basis) and you have a recipe for stress. "The thing is everyone has exactly the same amount of hours in the day," says Tim Maloney, a con- sultant with the Whitby - based Newport Training Group. "It's all about the choices we make with the time we're given," he sug- gests. THE (YEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 - PAGE 21 Make work I n your avour RV JACQv1E MCI 1. 11 you like what you've done in the past at Christ- mas and it works for you, don't change a thing," he says. But, if you tend to be relieved when the holidays draw to a close, maybe it's time to re-evaluate the choices you're making. "Most of the time, people feel stressed when they feel time's been wasted," says Mr. Maloney. "In order to spend time effectively, you have to take time to plan. Most people plan their work time to be more efficient and get more out of it but, they don't plan their down time," he points out. "You can carry over the same sort of philosophy from work into your free time." There are two types of planning: long-range and daily. The first might mean sitting down with the family and drawing up a list of all the things you want to do, and the things you must do, over the holidays. Once you have the list, you can deter- mine if your expectations are realistic. PrloritiTe your Newport I -raining Group consultant Tim Maloney offered tips this month on time management, just in time for the hectic schedules which often accompany the Christmas season. items to ensure the really important ones are accom- plished first. Daily planning, says Mr. Maloney, only takes a few minutes out of your day but it can save you a significant amount of time, and again, will ensure the important items are completed. Lists are also a good idea for Christmas shopping, he adds. Not only will they save you time, but they'll also save you money because you can pre -deter - mine how much you are willing to spend. "Your time and your money are so interlinked in your life," he says. If you stay within your budget, you will better be able to enjoy the holidays and the months that follow. Ultimately, that means less stress. Clutter is always bad news but during the Christ- mas season when more mer- chandise will enter the home than at any other time, it can be deadly. "The aver- age business person loses significant time each day looking for things," says Mr. Maloney. Again, the same applies in our personal lives. His advice: if you don't use it, throw it out. What you do use should be labelled and stored for easy access. Finally, remember what is important to you and plan for it. "It's not the breath you take in your life, it's the breathtaking moments," says Mr. Maloney. It's up to us to find the time to make them happen. Name Droppingm l ax and Pickering Birthday "Happy third birthday to Heather Dawn Wright. Wish- ing you a happy birthday and many, many more. We love you honey. Love Mommy, Daddy, Parker, Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Papa and all your aunts, uncles and cousins." Birthday A real lovely is turning four years old. Paige Coghill -Robert- son celebrates her birthday on Dec. 9. "In four -short years you have shown to me the meaning of life. I cannot express in words exactly h o w m,u c h you mean to me! All my love, now and always. Mummy." Wedding Oct. 4 is a day Carrylyn Kidman and Jason Blake will always remember, as the couple wed in a ceremony at St. Timothy's Presbyterian Church in Ajax. Carylyn's maid of honour was Tracy Lvons, while the bridesmaids were Char- lene Hutton and Julie Marshall. Laura Herdman was the flower girl. Jason's best man was Scott Duncan, while ushers were Craig Kidman and Wayne Marshall. Ryan Davenport was the nngbearcr and Jason Murray the Master of Ceremonies. The couple honey- mooned in California and now reside in Oshawa. Carrylyn and Jason want to thank their fami- lies and friends for helping make the day special. - Sao 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 831-5431 - THIS WEEKS CAKE WINNERS ARE: 1. Adrienne Milne 7- mezonitirm Corey 3. Collo Morris winners nuy go directly to Baskin Rot"Ws to rC(.V1v dteir FREE cake (Please provide idenification) PRIZE VALID CN 171. SAT, Dec. 13. 1997 Birthday B e s t wishes and lots of love go out to beautiful Adrienne Milne who turns 10 already on Dec. 8. H a p p y birthday and love from Mom, D a d , Christine and Rob. Birthday A cutie with a big smile is turning o n e . Sarah celebrates her first birthday on Dec. 10 and wishing her all the best "with love always" are Mammy, Daddy and Buddy. "Have a very happy day." me tips When gift -shopping, 'first make a list of what you want to buy so you ;don't wander the malts aimlessly. Consider split- ting the gift hunt between ;Family members. -Shop off -hours when stores are less crowded and Woes are smaller. Try going on your lunch hour to Wk up items. - . - Consider using a gift- wrapping service. Many charities raise money by providing this service. Keep last year's Christmas cards — or even better, a list with names, addresses and postal codes — for reference, to reduce the time involved in writ- ing your Christmas cards. Make your moments meaningful. If you want to spend time with the adult members of the family at a get-together, pre -plan some f5ui activities for the chddmn. by keith gi ftan • to Birthday "A eery special boy" turns eight years old on Dec. »n 8. Colin Morris will celebrate`- with a trip to Wheel- ies. Happy birthday wishes from Mommy, Daddy, Gramma, Poppa, brother Robert and Holly. "Have a great day. We love you. Birthdays It's been birthday time in the Richardson home. Daniel celebrated his t I th birthday on Nov. 30 and brother Matthew turned seven on Dec. 1. Wishing them a happy birthday with loads of love were Mom and Dad. Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Let us know. We'll publish your spe- cial occasion in an easy -to -read and easy -to -clip forimt... ...Send to: Name Dropping, Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 ��,x�Eiasm�.'14i�'19Sii1S+'F�'Citi:�itL4i[AWgf3icill(�IiNI1M;R'Rl'[Hp � • "BONELESS- CROSS RIB •A ROAST ]REE.11F •F 5.05 kg •� SALADS B PAIL 2 6WEa Z�. T ?HO 'T OFGREN AT M �EL� G TEii FETA CHEESE H•AI.�.'KA�� OLIVES • .lffrlr,*-.lr•OrI.•�1l��IYr��11fYs�'.�.�IOrd.".!!•,�r� �� SMOKED PICNIC PORK LASKAti POUOCK III, BOSTON BI [SH & CHIPS 6w g Box -FLS; RIL.I" FR IErS 215 g BOX SAO SM 2.62 kg FI9$N NEVER F PORK ,BIL � SJ l W•!1 49 Kg _' Q•. :. ..K. •;., Fi _ ... .. .. Gia Gam_EHF 'DI PRODUCT OF CAiA.4 FRESH NEVER FROZEN COTEAGE ROLLS K;;A2 • EA7-;�ss, 19MULT .AR OAT X BEEF RS 450 Lr PKG. • SXJCED SID BACON 500 VAC PAC S PKG. Lawrr 16 '"•^ �°� mOl.R8 SUNDAYI�i.� : MOURS - IMINDAY HOURS fUMDiApY� fUNO!_1Y t•.r - fM. A HOUR8 SUNDAY IYO;UE MSD Nwrr HOUR8'� SU IDAY f �UE/MIED ni I SiON/TUE/MIEO HOURS IYO�N?IJEIWE♦J SE •M. - fM •r. - •FI. TMWFRI u•usoaE L S10 7H °°� •.1w' g frw . " hy EN ST ~� - •pw TNURfOAY MOMRU� " - voEsoN sT vFSU•N RD aNAY2i frO.•pw p1EE VALUE WII Orr R•saw Fps 250 Wsrcm ao MwT-pw Fp1 unsoo E— f� FWRIDAY cNE2 SATURDAY ao E w - 10ym •r w� a Mie - f Opm a p•,w. y w 70. - lop sr -wml r •.�. • •pr mmm Strr 7am — Spm SISIf1f1 SATURDAY 7r . DA ••ay -• - - -- -'"fit lr+"r.%py��.� HEAD0UA1Mffa': S Sco i •HEINZ • C • 10 :�05V-LTIN BRAND T J LIPTON RED ROSE• a. • KRAFT • EFFENI • CPC SPECIALTY Db Ics] am 61, ` .1 NZ :I ' I, ... a OETKER • SHIRRIFF ADDED TOUCH l MORRISON LANIOTHE • SAVARIN • • FRO u IAN ILrr��"gqvv ' ' :J IM: • _1 COUNTER./ •`''" �_• CARRIERE FOODS •STOKE LY VAN CAMP S Ito 'i'UlJLil�l(i •j�EYi()N PIE k 11,1ING 105-212 = BOX ��RLOUR9(�1AIURES�BE9' 1 LTUB INYM EE e REAM_ , SII ILLS IiOAC rJWLAAGE OF 24-2 PLY R FOODSGAINES PET GAIfiES BURGERS DOG FOOD 79 fUNO!_1Y t•.r - fM. HOUR8 SUNDAY Nwrr HOUR8'� SU IDAY HOU HOURS •M. - fM g IOU. - Y I•fiw -AijO� MOMRU� " r YONRUEAVED Nwr�•i NONRU -RS Sam Y O A YONRUE/wED -•F� TNWFRI TNUrtRI poi u ss TNURf. CAMAw AvE. •w_ mmm SISIf1f1 SATURDAY 7rr • •pm cEnau+oE SATURDAY S�AOTURD •aocll FID S•r F•1,op,18d NWY. Fin IpFq • 7.r - Ipr lar - Spm Tri 401 T fAUROAY I DA I I L: I "m `PRODUCT OF ONTARIO • POULTRY SALE • YOUNG OVEN READY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �� TIS "A7 *G 3-4 B. AVG. OINUG Lf FROffiN NEOU F ILITY RADE DUC �S2 k9 I JJVnI CU JIzn Z, tA_ �01 -12-X51D -!9-x257EA— sit 11019[o Ice] mwjt_-w:w* & PRODUCT OF ITALY AF LARGE SIZE 60--65s CHESTI ��NI otm WT'4YBAG ?-18kg 3 LB. HAUHUSKMB(:A'i FILL YOUR OWN BAG LEVUT DF V 5 A FLORIDA CAC�11 1.52 kg Las A PR(X)f�T OF U S A P" DM"C BPMC; F - GE SIZE 32s IT RED GRAPEFRUIT 5, OF WA14� 39 EA p 5 Z 56s 5 EA ale4f ASTRID DAIRY ALL VARIETIEi�'� Wei �F_A al ASSORTED 'OtA-COLLETTUC0GURT C'5g E . L40 G G'S PEPSI E SIZE 24s wWwl 2 L BCrr'r]LE pq iwm 39 BOX 3 W11- 3 29 Kr T 5 La WX G." 19 EA.) •VA _B 7 711, STON FOODS • FRESHWATER FROZEN L,00' PROCTER & GAMBLE • MR. CLEAN PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA .L -P 0 L VA 00 r411TfC`q D1 wti L -P I lqz = ICICLE SEAFOODS • SALMON CHEF • NALEWAY • FROZEN ED FROM SCOTLAND • FROZEN • FRESCO A oil A - W,41 EAWATCH INTERNATIONAL • SEAWATCH PRODUCT OF U S A OR MEXICO FROM THE TROPICS it •7!N IfA L 1 ', 1 W -A pAll IF_ VB I ONA a I v Mw SUNMAif) rPRODUCT OF ONTARIO PRODUCT OF U S A - of GRADE CALIFORNIA 0 M DI Pj r Mi• I I IT I I. HiRRiFF �.•_1a� PRODUCT OF U S A TEXAS PRODUCT OF U S A WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY GRADE •D1 di11 AIN - FROZEN D+Z PRODUCT OF ONTARIO at GRADE PRODUCT OF U S A WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY GRADE I ASSORTED .,%J.T.T VAI JI 11 T �M*,W COM wl� m ROBIN H00() MUL71 FOODS - BICK S PRODUCT OF CANADA - CANADA -1 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO - FANCY GRADE 2 lk)&;j VA MUN 77 KELLOGG S CANADA - CEREAL AFT CANADA - CRACKER BARREL KRAFT CANADA - PHILADELPHIA -4-' T, .fill% _00 will. t&"Ammmom - . . _4 1* M hilow voil -fct 'food 1'(111le, wheii vou shol) tit Kiiob Hill ;� i► . PAGE 24 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1997 0 Pickering Al Rix-ett, sports \N-riter 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 photo by Jason Liebregts Hands up St. ;Mary Catholic Secondary D'Olivera during Lake Ontario School Monarchs' Kofi Belfon at- Secondary School Athletics senior tempts to make a move on Dunbar- boys' basketball action at Dunbar - ton High School Spartans' Jason ton Wednesday. Make your pitch to improve soccer The Durham Region Soccer Associ- ation will host its annual general meet- ing Sunday, Dec. 7, at 1 p.m. at the Ajax Warriors Clubhouse. Everyone interested in soccer in Barham Region is welcome to attend. Kindernastic Ki Christmas Camps 6pm - 8pm Tricky Trampoline Ages 6-15 or Christmas Crafty Dance Ages 6-12 J.Thurs. Fri. Nov. 26 - Dec. 12 9:00 AM -3:00 PM For last minute shopping Sat. Dec. 20 9-12 Mon. Dec. 22 9-3 Tues. Dec. 23 9-3 ,$5/hr. Also, register now for our winter session Call for info. 427-5543 The Warriors Clubhouse is at the Ajax Community Centre at 75 Centen- nial Rd.. off Monarch Avenue, just south of Bayly Street. For more information call 436- 8620. 11 Sports News Advertiser Your Own Great Taste! TIME TO MAKE BEER FOR THE HOLIDAYS 619-0633 282 Monarch Ave. Ajax (lust north of Bay y) P Pickering ball player a real gem on the diamond PICKERING —A Picker- ing baseball player was named one of the country's best ama- teurs at Baseball Canada's re- cent Awards Night in St. John's. New Brunswick. Lee Delfino, who played on the Pickering Red Sox Michael Boyer Pontiac midget 'AAA' rep baseball team last season prior to joining Team Ontario and the national team, was named the Canadian Youth Team most valuable player. Delfino was named the top defensive player,of the Base- ball Canada Blue Jays Cup in July when Team Ontario captured a sil- ver medal. Delfino then heaped host Canada win the bronze medal at the World AAA Championships played in Moncton. New - LEAF TICKETS WANTED Will pay face value for Maple Leaf tickets. Must be greens, reds or golds. Call Bruce at 579-4400 ext. 2207 AJAR ACROS GYMAMMULS Classes for 1yr.-13yrs. �-)NTeen gym class -_ 13yrs 8 older OPEN REGISTRATION Mon. Dec. 8, 6:30 - 8:30 PM Wed. Dec. 10, 5:30 - 8:30 PM 48 EXETER RD. (905) 427-0036 Brunswick. Delfino, a shortstop the national team, was Canada's lead- off hitter at the worlds where he batted a combined .400 in the prelimi- nary and playoff rounds. He was stellar on defence and had some key hits, in- cluding a game - winning grand slam against Brazil at the worlds. with The Canadian national team posted a 5-2 prelimi- nary -round record at the worlds, defeating Australia in the quar- ter -finals before los- ing to Korea in the semi-final match. The highlight of the tournament was a thrilling 7-2 victory over eventual gold medalist Cuba. LEE Delfino couldn't be DELFINO reached by the Ajax - Pickering News Ad- vertiser. 69EE A nR 69 Save 10% on 4 or nwre Installed Vimi Replacement Windo%-, Installed HIGHWAY 02 W 401 Save $100-200 on as Installed rings Cres. ret Gaff Fireplaces ME &dc prices end Sunda, tkti- 14 194; ♦ GAYLY ST. Brunswick. Delfino, a shortstop the national team, was Canada's lead- off hitter at the worlds where he batted a combined .400 in the prelimi- nary and playoff rounds. He was stellar on defence and had some key hits, in- cluding a game - winning grand slam against Brazil at the worlds. with The Canadian national team posted a 5-2 prelimi- nary -round record at the worlds, defeating Australia in the quar- ter -finals before los- ing to Korea in the semi-final match. The highlight of the tournament was a thrilling 7-2 victory over eventual gold medalist Cuba. LEE Delfino couldn't be DELFINO reached by the Ajax - Pickering News Ad- vertiser. 69EE A nR 69 Save 10% on 4 or nwre Installed Vimi Replacement Windo%-, Save 10% on Installed 30 -year Shingles S k pew n end Sunday. Jars 4, 1998 1 1 812 i;11 Fa," 1 1, - Installed Steel Entre, Doors Replace your furnace and don't pay 'tfl June 1998 when you use your Sears Card on installed furnaces, gas fireplaces, windows, roofing, entry and patio doors and air cleaners On approved credit, with wur.Sears (:aid. Mininumu $'-I)() purchase. $:i5 detemal fee and AD appkAhle taxes and charges arr pa)uW at time c21' purchase. (titer ends Stai(a-,. I)ecemix•r 28, 1447..Ask tir doads. CALL NOW TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE. OR VISIT YOUR SEARS RETMI, STORE: 1-800-625-0025 Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to someone wu know' Col-iylht V#97. k.us (;nada Ines 112`,11 --' ..._, ......_ .... +........ �"T� jl+�'d" , �a.�°".":2_:....,.. .. >-:Adb>JY:w-".T'�=Z-i"'T•F _._ _ - ' - ..-. r ._ _—J Installed Kenmore Save $100-200 on as Installed Furnaces Gaff Fireplaces Choose from nuc or high &dc prices end Sunda, tkti- 14 194; efficiency natural Kati furnaces Save 10% on Installed 30 -year Shingles S k pew n end Sunday. Jars 4, 1998 1 1 812 i;11 Fa," 1 1, - Installed Steel Entre, Doors Replace your furnace and don't pay 'tfl June 1998 when you use your Sears Card on installed furnaces, gas fireplaces, windows, roofing, entry and patio doors and air cleaners On approved credit, with wur.Sears (:aid. Mininumu $'-I)() purchase. $:i5 detemal fee and AD appkAhle taxes and charges arr pa)uW at time c21' purchase. (titer ends Stai(a-,. I)ecemix•r 28, 1447..Ask tir doads. CALL NOW TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE. OR VISIT YOUR SEARS RETMI, STORE: 1-800-625-0025 Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to someone wu know' Col-iylht V#97. k.us (;nada Ines 112`,11 --' ..._, ......_ .... +........ �"T� jl+�'d" , �a.�°".":2_:....,.. .. >-:Adb>JY:w-".T'�=Z-i"'T•F _._ _ - ' - ..-. r ._ _—J T-- Pickering Sports Strong goaltending drives Honda PICKERING - The apiece. Pickering Panthers Dait's The Panthers started the Honda minor atom 'A' rep event with a 4-1 win over the hockey team almost reached Vaughan Rangers. Cope, the final of the recent Billy Garrett, Bryan Cruse C(ibourg 'A' tournament. and Chris Rotolo scored for Facing Cobourg in the Pickering. Papizewski, semi-final match, the Pan- Cruse, Walsh, Scott Waters, thers took the hosts to dou- Nick Hobson, Callum Woods ble overtime before bowing and Ryan Morissctte added out by a 3-2 score. Kyle assists. Cope and Trevor Walsh In an exciting contest scored for Pickering, assist- against Hespeler, the Pan- ed by Kevin Hucaluk with theirs scored a thrilling 1-0 two, Justin Papizewski, victory in overtime. Walsh Brian Austin with one was the hero for the Pan - Scoreboard PICKERING SOCCER CLUB indoor soccer results SQUIRT DIVISION Nov. 30 Boyer Pontiac 7 (Greg Badallan 4. Mathew Shoesmith 2. Jamie Robeson. MVPs Jessica MacArthur, Gregory Manson) vs. $poring Images 0: Canadian Progress Club 1 (Daniel Simmonds, MVPs Yvonne Mc(ec me. Jamie MacMillan) vs. Lion's Club 0 (MVPs Lauren Judges. Allan Edwards); A -MAZE -ZING Parties 3 (Ned Atlon. Bryant Lyons. Tyler Nashch, MVPs Ned Allon. Matt Lupgccinl) vs. SuperCentre 0 (MVPs Brendan Singh, Amanda Park- er). ATOM DIVISION Nov. 30: Johnson Controls 4 (Justin Shoesmith 3. Jeff Graham. MVPs Michelle Sedation, Tyler Cosgwe) vs. Factory Mattress 1 (Mach" Rrco, MVPs MIO a RICO. Dared Lahey): Solid Images 4 (Justin Stephenson 3. Seen Macleod) vs Team Not Known 4 (Alex TruyAb 3. Landis Doyle t). Hone Office Computer 0 (MVPs Aman- da -Lee Cassidy. $bonito, late) vs. Pickering Slo-Spons 0 (MVPs Michael RaDgohirt, Jonathan Cunningham). BANTAM DIVISION Nov. 31} Boyer Pontiac 4 (Kareem Henry, 2. Matthew Snell, Jia Stephan) vs. Pickering Slo-Sports 2 (A"ha Frampton. Steven Lowles, MVPs Steven Lowles. Ashley 'rwn), Lore Star Cale 13 Richard Shxe 4. Ranbir Sadhu 3. Ryan Doody 2. Lisa Lahey 2. Stew WIS 2. MVPs Richard Sluce. Ranbir Sidhu) vs. Binns 2 Sean Van Deat 2. MVPs Ivan Dugakc. Alp Altonl. METRO JWMOR HOCKEY LEAGUE thers, scoring on a break- away to give Pickering the win. Throughout the tourney, the dynamic goaltending duo of Matt McCallum and Ryan Boucher was stellar in net, surrendering only four goals in three games. Other team members are Derek Twilt, Matt Gallagher and David Kcrr. The coaches are Glenn Morgan and James Morgan. The trainers are Mark Hob- son and Peter Rotolo, As of Nov 30 ' PICKERING -� The Pickering Panthers tied the Brampton Maroons 2 - Panthers mite select hockey team came EASTERN DIVISION home with the hardware from the goals. Assisting were Underhill and , .Brampton Select Tournament last week. TEAM G W L T F A PTS Syracuse Junior Crunch 22 17 4 1 132 85 35 Oshawa Legionaires 24 16 8 0 135 93 32 Wellington Duces 23 10 8 5 102 90 25 Port Hope Buzzards 26 11 15 0 101 121 22 PICKERING PANTHERS 25 7 13 5 81 116 19 Ounte Hawks 24 7 15 2 111 124 16 EAST DIVISION SCORING TEAM GMS G A PIM PTS Matt Murley(Syracuse) 22 25 35 8+ 60 Lloyd Marks IOu rte) 22 22 31 59 53 Tomas Meixner (Port Hope) 26 24 24 24 48 Tom Mctvlonagle (Syracuse) 22 20 22 25 42 Paul Harvey (Syracuse) 20 17 23 178 40 Mark Haynes (Oshawa) 24 16 23 18 39 Jason Guernuro (Syracuse) 22 12 24 50 36 Don Patrick (Syracuse) 22 11 22 4 33 Tom Kirton (Oshawa) 24 16 16 18 32 Jeff Petheric k (Port hope) 23 12 20 62 30 Rob Lukacs(Oshawal 22 15 16 65 31 George Triton (Pickering) 22 16 14 23 30 Jeff Bateman (Wellington) 23 9 20 39 29 Kenn Hyatt (Port Hope) 24 8 21 22 29 CENTRAL DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A PTS THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 - PAGE 25 rpPickering mites mighty atselect tourney ' PICKERING -� The Pickering Panthers tied the Brampton Maroons 2 - Panthers mite select hockey team came 2, with Andreoff scoring both Pickering home with the hardware from the goals. Assisting were Underhill and , .Brampton Select Tournament last week. Karim Corringham - Pickering defeated Ajax 10-1 in the Against Chinguacousy, Pickering final as Colin Campbell led the charge suffered a heartbreaking 3-2 defeat. `with six goals. Andy Andreoff and Campbell and Corringham scored for Brody Caggiula each had two goals for the Panthers. the Panthers. Assists went to Ian Wat- In the first game of the event, Pick- ters with three, Adam McNeil with two, ering defeated Ajax 2-1. Andreoff Caggiula, Mark Frawley, Daniel Fyfe, scored both goals, Patrick Graham Evan Haga, Alex Morra, Michael Pur- earned two assists and Taylor. cell, Wilbert Tang and Chris Underhill. Pernerowski one. Jared Cowley played a strong game be- The Pickering selects are coached by tween the pipes in the final. Sal Caggiula, assisted by Bob Purcell In earlier tournament action, the and Lome McNeil. Wexford Raiders 24 21 3 0 Thornhill Rattlers 27 15 12 0 Markham Waxers 23 13 8 2 Pittsburgh Junior Penguins 24 7 15 2 North York Rangers 23 4 15 4 WESTERN DIVISION TEAM G W L T Ca:edon Canadians 25 22 1 2 Durham Huskies 23 9 13 1 Huntsville Wildcats 25 8 16 1 Shelburne Wotves 23 8 15 0 Niagara Scenic 23 4 18 1 158 74 42 GAME THREE 99 99 30 Club Link 44 vs Van Kemper irs.rance 41 114 93 28 TOP SCORERS 74 135 16 Club Link. Glenn Scott 15. Bill Green 'C. Reuben DeFrance 7 73 108 12 Van Kempen Insurance Don Leant' 12. Dave Bayliss 8 F A PTS 162 6C 46 105 118 19 89 118 17 92 111 16 53 136 9 PICKERING MEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Resu)ts :f jar"es played Dec 1 MASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE Melanie Prn91es 53 vs. Envoy Business Systems 47 TOP SCORERS Melane Pringles: Keen Walker 20 Bruce Br,ard 12, Ball Ellaon 11 Envoy Business Systems Roger Young 18, Jim Wilk,own 6. Fred Dow 6 GAMETWO Mud Hen's 48 vs Gallantry's 34 TOP SCORERS Mud Hen's Sam Terry 10. Jaan Lar,sie 1C Biu Boston 9 Gallantry's. Ray Fox 9. Chris Sheldon 6. Bob Nxdkleford 6 THE NEWS ADVERTISER INVITES YOU TO CELEBRATE THE GALA OPENING Of Free Movies, Free Po FT-hursdaq, December -181" I NON -MASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE Gallantry's 58 vs. Penny's Aurc Seri" 53 TOP SCORERS Gallantry's Dave Phang 18. Never Daley 16. Vascoe Yarde 8. Austin Mayers 8 Penny's Auto Servx. a Junior Clayton 13, Adrian Hope 8. Make Sin- clair 8 GAME TWO Melange Pringles; 70 vs Mud Her s 53 TOP SCORERS Metanae Prngles Pat Brcwr 23. Eknan McLean 18. Grafton Hope 13. Vinton Reece 10 Mud Hen's: Conrad Davis 22. Randy Cousins 19. Devon Smith 15 GAMETMREE Insurance Portfolio 69 vs E R„ - _ d:rgs 42 TOP SCORERS e Insurance Portfolio Brent Sunvar 14, Everton Glennon 12 Make Stanley 1 1. Nor Walker 8 Eu -Rod Holdings Devon Stevens 14, John Christiansen 8 George Cameron 6. Devid Voth 6 .0rn1I/ While admission and popcorn is free, a donation of $2 per person will be gratefully accepted at the door to benefit ,AW AND PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL `-III, Donations over S 10 will receive a Tax Receipt. Bring Your fam *1 - ..Yf M 0 BLACK AIR Mm hl THE LOST wont o AM FORCE 011E OUT TO SEA Q 4.45,7:30 & 9.45 (PG) mw 4:45 & 7.00 (PG) 4:00, 6:45 & 9:15 (PG = 4:15, 7:00 &9:30 J �r5:00, 7:15 & 8:45 (PG VOTFINIM r1ED9■6 PRANCER THE ENGLISH PATIENT CONTACT PHOW 5�0, 7:15 & 9:45 (PG) � 9:15 (PG) MW 6:00 (� tae 8:15 (A~+ two 4:45,7:15 &9:15 (PG CINIP!!X 00 N AIAX-CINEMAS N axaaar�xe LEAVE R TO BEAVER INCMCOIISPIRACY THEORY I= 5:15 & 7:30 (F) tM 9:20 (AA 4:00, 6:45 & 9:30 (AA FT E NEWS AM AV f.; ADVERTISER tC G�inor� Moo PAGE 26-'rHE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 199'7 r•, �11 We do the One Call Dishes:! for All -�errect P , , ,7 •Mw - arrs' (oside �Ind� � 1 4 c o I Furniture Repair! Ciu.aJN1;W;: 1%kx ;Pro* thL rxpcn% In on site furniture touch - .:p and repair. Sen ices Include: ✓ l mivh Rg,,iiry ✓ .� ructural Rtp(urc ✓ r irb(dsttry Rryr(urc ✓ i 4urr Reglurng ✓ .Inliyue Rr7Ntrry ✓ Kitt -hen Cuhrner Refurburhing CLPRDSM AN W®D- TRO To Amveirt0 e your message he+e.0 OVv- DUCT CLEANING i CNINNEY SWEEP Includes all hook-ups 6 no hidden extras. Work Guarantwd. M Snake elhod - 200 PSI Per Standard Home Hook-up $39.95 - $5 per vent FREE An cleanmq CHIMNEY SWEEPING ONLY'59.95 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL snake mesad used (416) 282-3292 • P l . 4C a ,.7s IF R ESS No hidden surprises with V Care Eleven -year-old company offers numerous services at competitive prices l5oy, does time fly! Christmas is just Mrs. E around the comer, and before you knew Jenkins of Ajax it, snow will be staving on the ground had her ducts and we'll be hibernating indoors for the cleaned by V season. Care for the firs Ru Now's the perfect time to let the time and was experts at V Care clean all your carpets, impressed with upholstery and ducts for the long winter their work. She; "They ahead of us. says were Durham residents can continue to on time and count on the professional cleaning ser- very pleasant.° They were very ices of V Care to take care of: tidv and did a very thorough - CARPET CLEANING job with the Md- - DUCT CLEANING ducts. • UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Mr. Paul Emond of Serving the Durham community Pickering used V Care provides a number of ser - since 19S6, V Care is known for provid- V Care for the vices including duct cleaning ing a professional cleaning service to very first time residences and businesses at reasonable and was glad he chose them to clean his carpets. prices. 'They did a great job. They were very efficient, "We have some very exciting clean- cleaning all of the carpets very thoroughly. I would def - Ing specials this season," says owner initely recommend them to anyone." tiavio Vaz. Customer's Comments Mrs. Heather Vaughen of Pickering Used V Care twice before for her carpets and this time had them clean her ducts. "They always do a nice job on the carpets and now that our duds have been cleaned the air flow is much bet- ter." V Care is offering the following specials: • Carpet Cleaning Whole House Special from $79.95 • Duct Cleaning Whole House Special from $89.95 • Upholstery Cleaning Sofa and Chair from $49.95 For all of your cleaning needs call V Care Inc. at (416) 321-1974 The Dunbarton Group "Durham's Professional Condominium Specialist" The Dunbarton Group understands the realities of con- dominium living. They know that what you need is a company that provides a full service property manage- ment company in which proper- ty management is their only busi- ness. If your company is not meeting your expectations then it may be time to consider The Dunbarton Group. "We recognize that a condo- minium's board of directors must rely on the property manager to provide guidance and expertise in the many different facets of condominium living," says Iain Symington of The Dunbarton Group. 'These include financial management, physical manage- ment, legal expertise and com- munications." He says that one of their most important commitments is communications. "When called you will speak directly to a property man- ager," says lain who is himself a Registered Condominium Manager. "We use the latest tech- nology including digital phones and e-mail. We will also have a Iain Symington R.C.M. wants to know H your property ills NWJc;ii1";nt company measures up and N it doesn't you should consider The Dunbarton Gawp. website for each condominium met in a hmely and efficient and a 24 hour emergency line." manner." Their knowledge of physi- The Dunbarton Group cal•building systems ensures the offers clients very competitive problems are quickly identified, rates and a reduced fee structure that the correct contractor is con- to freehold condominiums, both tacted and with the least possible residential and commercial. cost to the condominium. For more information about "It is also our policy to con- the Dunbarton Group call 1 416 - duct daily on-site inspections of 236-6961 or e-mail at the property," says Iain. "Thus cv447@freenet.toronto.on.ca. helping to ensure the needs are DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS WUSLE CASEMENT 1 -SM -576-8575 HUNG Complete Selection of TILT -ACTION Vinyl Wr4ovrs s Doors • PICTURE WINDOWS • BAY & BOW WINDOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS •STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION WIINND.OaWS3111111I" WAYN SHOWROOM HUTCHINSON 6 KING 5T W SALES, SERVICE & O3 .A O TAR10 L INSTALLATION uJ n3 - _ - - 3-�-- • WORK GUARANTEED • RESIDENTIAUCOMMERCIAL -t6) 321-1974 31K Qb -439 NoGST on complete or BATHROOM PST RENOVATIONS! Huge Renovation Showroom Target your market! 6 weds coininibne�t FREE Eftwial at (905) 579,4400 Dw�barl�on C�iG30�7P the realities of Iond NINMM rnd* CALL 416-536-6961 It—E lllai cv447@*wW.Won1o.on ca r THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1997 -PAGE 2' 1=%Ml 1_H11 ,I�yllpllii��ll II; I IN�I�IIih�� SPORT OUR USF [;BEAT GRAND PRIZES! L VALUED AT $2,293,360 Make wares ie yeer ma 26 ft. CHRIS CRAFT CRUISER RAN V,Ud. FINAL IRAN DECfMBE11i-19. TICKETS $100 906 00g_R00 iNeopSN 8.624 WINNFREll'Tz" is Mm dbs W# stam"d of selwices pm meed - wbab you meati dmw tlMmdo* widb disk em m mAim these hospitals mW their team of dedieagd p 0 1 1 respomd to pw be" tem al=& irowb d gnsis tam.rk, *M are mmmmitted to your. are and CemsI, - F� opwwtr Wtmimeo b a ---Ip cj "ease. yeear dR hs m aiorw impact em dw bcities wAAAk at doe mAAW o When mdrw n cant. yaw didw manes a di$lamod widb yaar ""wt.dbne bo"mtah wi onrdim to sere liwc amd sane aA yaw ame&W moods. N* support dw oder yew tickets The God HNoham Laaery o scared amber e. bRtiwy Hoeosal fOMwrf.ow:... ¢ . NlA�Tm �'• 111"casS'MH New el ST .UCt1AEf,Y 110S�ITK JIM Uff= Al- AL AP t PRpx1MATFCY W2 G C ce to w 177711. 1'. -4 la I N — lHRmH34m7HHHTonuin 416.633.3118 LOTTM RULES i REGULATIONS I a�� r Ody 225.m0 admin wa be sobi.Twbam of $100 emch amd roc tax deduaULDW direr d wnw g dpwdt em dw nurrbr Of Odom Sabi. If all Odom are said do darns d wirritt wd be I in 2&Te and pia perdue is wird x $7.00lm et.h I OWy 22S,ee rKhM Wal Be SoW • (OicidTidrt WO Finamw) • NoTax mooairta Wier be bweod. • Lottery LMOM 01974M odidm a0 PST A GSfwioagOdet rein a be had dusk by de proksm rwl smwras Ase d KMGN wbd udam ere sF 011e for as crass n accabeoe rid dra ndm ad rtMioona. biers are m bee m Catadir raiderr¢The brly and Drees PMrr seed wo _tidot(e) me $if eackTMA $ �Pwre r err wrowep mrd. pfffmW raters most Nsroital Letea} Paan, ro pweied dr/wa witiep`esonNosrebr2Ll"?xTMCNTowerxJAOpa=1101tbeprtlmedbinren�iiriLMtWo.anbsr17.1917 I TwiotOwrtlawsaweaMarwiiwwwdltynefap.nsrew.ew�IM.wdl.ertstwwroa 4be&pkfor deEarlyWOraws.TheFoWMan embeheldxdwoatendKPM a 7000PneWllgOrWetlatONm Ds, ' 11,17, It,1997 wi& dr S Grad pias bent dram on OetoeI 19,1997 atTlr CNTowa x 200 pwLrwh m mot Nuns: 17,I�draoedl � ANsraw' 25,�1"77xdediwsdKAMfn""4jow.6kownnralvath Nowdo3 I irr.a a..o "lbrdRun%IdbydepimoflimrsdM Madopitt e,ofh%%rwaiwbrGrand inawt �� �wy/rewe aw d a ole pbo oe No-meb.2R 19r7 x 290 pox dr CXTww. Akw adr w m s recorded dw may s retum i m th- t na.btee: PO.d Cede: !sewsOar/: ( ) EweritF ( ) drum ail is alVA for al abse4orw draws pica rrwt be aaeptd as m ordedWimes low I )w boa due dere of do brat 1 draw to dm thw pure. ND absdmumw are permirad b7 wmcs.Tmiompmdwm max be a murmur d 10 yeah d age. Medd der ramie (Cbdt ewlp ewe) OChque j Newq Ord. Card Heiden s Nave Comma Ordeyos promo dbe k/ovriq bpm p rdosirro tides..sare d hthe limpid ad Foundriom Ooadc and rgbyea 1 of do Hm Fa mdxiam and dein horralrold mwwrben of HwWtor Ho* Saw cet Carve— Maus sera ►imPwal. st I _ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ Ewpiry Dame _ _ _ _ Cardimmsrs Srpou" MwhadY limpiml,7heTmamn Hopis!. ew#4m d KPMG a dwr WAdroN mwnbas ad mpb►Ns of the buoy masts wuNFsrwdandeFudDerobpmrewncaddrtAouselwkmmrbusPleaealowamnrmwndtwowsYukrdefwryd)wr 1 —_--/---/---/---/.._..---...- EVbrDew — — — — CardboldertSipumre- 660%) toa6rsOon.AN wnrws of be noded by mai with kwucmm on Mw m redear der prme.Wnners of mw prem 1 may be tproctd by tekiplrorre as wel Worms aFee O:d* bt be dwir rams and Pham for Pubkiry fwrPmes wth r "Pw m avers -a— as.Psr ase %moot saooperoem ON uw r w T+:Twfst a w site -►.direr rave and m. N. sthodbmw)LxndQ�tViowwMbdq pa�pgM%lolodwyof de OmorioCa"C avid$ICommnAsmLomerylxemm#P97+9m 1 Of'FaxT0:1-100-207-3910(ns.reptwmcwr.are.nwrrtiorira.l ti,• A PAGE 28 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMISER 7, 1997 0 Pickering News Advertiser 71 Ajax News Advertiser office Pickering News Advertiser Outlet 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax 1822 whites Rd. Pickering HOURS: 9 am - Spm Mon, Fri. � Sara/Lee-Amberlea Plaza CLASSIFIED ON-LINE noo.n.. ra w..re,. y— d r Closed Saturay 6830707 Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. a...,,...,�..^►.., 1111111011111111111 Miles Nett ttailY til SPM Moa. - Fri., Sat 9_V= - 3ptt Sun -Noon til 5 p.m. ENO FAX: (905)579-4218 TORONTO LINE (416)798-7259 CLOSED Monday's. FAX. (905)57sa218 I I Careers MI Careen 1 1 Careers Im Careers I I Careers I I Careen LM Careers �`. • t •Ilk School of Business Helping You Build a Better Life NEW COURSE11 PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER /Ice--tbV and corwol flers Sushumm Adnwilbtrsrbn Networtt i couw~ tr.e•rar..■t.y M-C.i.Ar Cowl�rr A.vacaAlorls executive secretary Leal Admin Assistant Medical office Assistant • I Nebl A Restaurs,t OyeratSons eel A alewra" Ma mew a Trawl ave/ Toerbrw Dewtatr Chakab" Aselebmt Deaw Recapdewist Some Courses OeYrsd In 000m ON PICKERING 420-1344 No matter who you are, no matter what your --We can n%aloe YOUR ft tore success a t, -y. Academy -of Learning's Durham campuses utilize a unique learning system that lets SECRETA you start when YOU want, learnMI(ROCOM at YOUR pace at times that suit YOU. _ BUSINESS Our instructors are always there to guide 1111WIXI&MIA you—in a learning environment that's bright and professional. limum Call the computer and business career ' college many Durham area companies tum to for their training needs—Academy of Learning! In just six months, you could be graduating with the career diploma • ' today's employers demand. REM, Call us TODAY! Start learning TOMORROW. 8,31-8167 Piikrring and Whitey a nu.rs Financial assistance may be available to those who qualify. ♦\=r_�wswill ' PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER (P.S.W.) Look at these results! 34 Students Graduated on October 29' (2 are pregnant and not seeking.) 30 of the 32 remaining are already employed in the field 94% Employment Some of the skills you will loam ROLE AND RESPONSURLMES EM(MONAL NEEDS Structure of 4 Waith Team. The aging process Human Right Community tin and Activation Stress mer" ntent . Family Skucbjm Ethics Cultural Influences Medial Terminology Forms of abuse PHYSICAL NEEDS OF CLIENTS SPECIFIC NEEDS Normal body filrtctions Comallutity Resoruces Personality development ilf oWChild Care Monbl Health Caring for Physical disorders Nub" Caring for the terminally i8 Efied home managemefid Dud% Dyttg and Palliatitre Care Carse alle m in the Oshawa Centre Campsie You may be eligible for funding assistance if you qualify. We are now taking applications for the January Class. This is the time to reserve your seat. TORONTO Helping POLI &AW a Bette Life PICKERING CAMPUS 420=1344 Careers 01111111 Careen MEDIUM SIZED PRINTING COMPANY GENERAL MANAGER We are a high quality and service oriented company with complete in house from digital prep to finish. If you are computer literate and have an administrative/ human resources back- ground and look forward to a challenging career, please submit your resume with salary expectations to: FILE # 72 Oshawa/Whitby This Week P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario Ll H 7L5 D Inc. ELECTRICIANS ($21.24 per hour) A valid Ontario Indusinal Elconcians Cer- titicaic and 3 - S years working experience from a manufacturing environment is re- quired. Preference will be given to individu- als who have'experiencc with AC/DC motor controls and PLC's. Shift work and wce- kends are required. This exciting and chal- lenging position would appeal with any in- dividual who enjoys working in a environ- ment that focuses personal development and cross -training. Interested individuals are asked to mail or fax their resume to: HUMAN RM)URCF_S PaintPlas Inc. 650 Finley Ave. Ajax, Ontario. LIS 6N Fax (905) 686-0830 Only those candidates who qualify will be contacted. No pbowe calls please! We are a member of Canada's largest independent mortgage origination network connected by leading edge technology to several supporting Banks, Trusts, Life Insurance and Finance Companies. If you are a highly motivated indlvldualwith a proven sales and marketing history this may be the opportunity to expand your ends i financial career, or dedicate yourself full-time to the position of: RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE CONSULTANT This position offers above average commission, bonus and benefits. Please fax your resume in confidence stating your career history and financial achievements to: 905-668-1516 by Dec. 23rd,1997 4ILSEC2j "I, ! y ■Dl1iY8■� .. a erre . , ..�.,..,,,p4J,:y, -� .._ - r:.. -:.:: �...;::va.<.�i..•wc.,.� . _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1947- PAGE 29 100sad100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 THF ta l i Q u n 0 Part-time .Arts & Administration professors needed, Magazine Layout (+r97-62) - must be a journalist with several years experi- ence in magazine editing, design and layout. Must have familiarity with all stages of magazine production, Adobe Photoshop, as well as with Macs and QuarkXPreF4. There are also opportunities for professors in the following areas: Electronic/Medical Transcription (*97-63), Criminal Law (•97-64), and Communications (*97-65). Previous teaching experience would be an asset. Interested candidates should fax their resumes with references to the Director, Staff Services, 41905-721-3193, quoting the appropriate competition numbers by December 10, 1997. DURHAM Educating You for the Real World. � BIDS FQ�COMPUTER FF WORKSHOPS Windows 95 - Tues., Dec. 10 - 4-5 pm Netscape Navigator - Thurs., Dec. 11 - 4-5 pm Internet Explorer 3.0 - Tues., Dec. 16 - 4-5 pm Windows 95 - Thurs., Dec. 18 - 7-8 pm Here's the fine print Free? You bet! Why? Because we believe that once you try our Interactive Learning Lab, you too will be convinced that this is the only way to learn! So join us for an hour for coffee, a muffin and computer learning. Call Lorie at (905) 721-3328 to register; but don't wait, because space is limited. Durham College Skills Training Centre 1610 Champlain Avenue, Whitby °av U R H A M �J, EGL There are 18,000 unfilled technology jobs in Canada ■ PMWMN er Amin st In ComputUbW Aa ofaWM • Network Spedain a Network Tedinician ■ LAN A*WrA&&ftr a li kmwft 011im Program CDI E Of BUSINESS h TECHNOLOGY RoacA for yow holo.. 416-291-6662 PAWIthom Road i 101) 1 Gerwsl Hdp NNAIL TE"- teach�M 1d tlme a m !„ o� h `■"r`11 o sa- Osbawa 905-434-8585 1 Gelman N* IMAIMO and Ale Conditioning Junior Installer mquire 1. Please fax resume to p51883.0817. 1 Gtlfteral Help LAOOURN with clean gcence, mechanical experi- ence an asset. Call 831183 between gam -bpm, ask for Max or James. 11 Caren Your Success. Your Rewards. ACAlistate, we're going places.We're looking for successful sales performers to help us achieve our ,, - arrtbitious growth pians. People who are enthusiastic, who set goals, take action, and persevere to get results. A post secondary degree/diploma. and/or successful sales experience, would be definite assets. Success deserves reriraids VVe are commiltt ed to prvvidint you with superior insurance products, unlwrrted itoonee pooerefai.amonthly guarantee while YOU get established, and the opportunity to run your fawn buswms as anAlstate h4solbourhood o@k*Agem r If you are clirt+end)i a Proven, sales performer looking for top reward:, talc to us about how you can grow with Allstate. Forward your resume, in confidence to: Tom Rose, Allstate Insurance. One Wen Pearce, Suite 207, Richmond Hill. ON "B 3K3 Tel: (905) 771-8085 Fax: (905) 731- 1508. Visit us at www allstate,ca rl, c - - ileis ow 50 Immediate Positions Durham Region From $6.85-$7.00/hr. Light Industrial • Order Picker / Packers • Assemblers Heavy Labourers • Shipper / Receivers • Material Handlers • Forklift Operators ($9.00/hr.) Must hove 1110*406d sAoet/book All � Cal for an appt., 1111vii a n to be held at ft Tara of Gluanlum Pickering Recreation Centre (416) 292-2282 Wedirwasclay, Dec. 10/97 (1 $67 Vary Form Rd, Meeting Room r3_),o 11 Cavan `b'Pw1C: r7Mi! In PxkcrmE is Sodusg appixaborr from motivated do flextbic tacbers intaested in pit cmployrniew We have a particular need for Certified Ekn aiitan Teachers Please Call ROSANA GARDNER (90L 4.20-9930 RuCarver Training 1 Caner Training 1 Career Training 1 Caner Training 7+I11* Mn1, t%n� http:,, www.dbcc.on.ca IBM - PC • Competitive Wages - AUTOCAD DRAFnNG AND DESIGN V. 13 DDP • COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING/BUsmESs APPLICATIONS a..,,..- • HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM j • 1AvA/1rTMLNIsuu. C++ • MICROCOMPUTER REPAIR TECH. A+ i naalaeeilelRw • NE w tXING AND COMMUNICATTONs-CNA/CNE/NT wltrwrBb • OFT -ICE ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS SUPPORT Osnwlo� • SOFTWARE DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING • MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION/WEB PAGE DESIGN • DESKTOP PUBLISHING/GRAPHICS M)plNeAeeilr MACINTOSH amV"-Mali g■` interview. trixu,aattrett.,,. • DESKTOP PUBLISHING(PREPRESs GRAPHICS (905)723-4920 • MULTIMEDIA PRODUCI'ION�iW�EB PAGE DESIGN �... "".._=J 1 Gwwel "Idp 1 Gerwel INIP 1 Gtttltrel Itslp be is looking foramddividual who is a team player and can work in a busy fast paced business environment this person must be customer oriented and mechanical knowledge is an asset. If this is you, then bring your resume to Q Lube, 23 Taunton Rd. W. Anyone who has applied in the past six months need not reapply. A -Z PMOFfUMK Drivers with R least 1 year winter dmdng exp. weered imme- diatety to run CarudaN.S.A 500-600 mile radius. ICC Medical, Abstract and police clearance. Excellent wages Paid weekly, benefits, home daily. Also looking for team diners. 905-723-6118. ADVEIMSMO cow"y needs people now for Cus- tomer Service/ Saks! Cam - OF Co-ordination and Maw agement Training. cal Gail for an inkrvlew. +26.1951. Jom f• 2w skwr 576-9175 1 General Help 1 General Help YOUR LAST JOB Tl:.s could be it. We are an raternationaL company expanding due to substantial Irad flaw in the union market. We offer: Unlimited Income No Prospectin Group Medica Management Opportunity Vested Contract !� you are an aggressive individual, tired of spending most of your time prospecting .01d want a Career Opportunity, please call (905)576-6641 Monday and Tuesday 10 ato 2pm for a personal and m confidential rnteruteu`. We are looking for 50 AZ drivers. Needed immediately 20 drivers for an hourly Lockport run. DRIVERS MUST HAVE: Minorum ' 5 gears O.TR. experience C C. Medical Pobce clearance / 1-9s COMPANY OFFERS F— P7 8 mots of weekend work Benefit Plan Hourly work. S12.50 - $13.93 per hour 28 1 .32 amine - $ogle 35 1.37 a mile sprit - Teams Line release al border Paid weekly. direct deposit If you are interested in growing with a Professional Team and a company thai truly cares about their employees, for more information please call Todd (905) 571-1603 of EAT MA ti AG ER [Progressive store In Pickering has an Immediate opening for an experienced %feat Manager. Your minimum of two tears experienced as an assistant meat managger Is complemented by your solid knowledge of meat operations and good unElerstandin$ of health and safety practices. Well developed analytical, interpersonal and communication 'ski ll> and the confidence to manage and lead are key to success in this role. As this is a _ day operation flexibility is required. Interested applicants, please send resumes to. Store Manager 1235 Bayly Street Pickering, Ontario L1W 1L7 Or fax to: 905-839-4834 25 PEOPLE REQUIRED FOS AU"MOTIVE DMVSTRIY CONTRACT DST DURHAM REGION REQUIREMENTS: • Work Days/Aftemoons • Able to work weekends • Warehouse experience • Safety Boots • Transportation a must WE OFFER: • Full time hours leading to permanent position 1 Gemral Ifdp • Competitive Wages HIS LOO[MB for 5 rdgt* DDP myked individuals to aid mY Lir management van. 1925(roc Rd. Pickering Intensive j training. Commis sion pay with unlimited in- come opportunity. Responsi- bikties veal include attracting and developing productive leadership team. 905-212- 1601, leave messa0e. NI • Fain extra cash for X -oras calls will be returned to set UP • Flrffr fivibk positions • Students Welcome interview. • Call for interview (905)723-4920 PACE 30 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1997 1 General ftp 1 General Help 1 General Help 1 Sdn ItWAgels W SdU NSWAgama 1 Sake HNIplAgama . DrYcars A.aiabl. • Dire, Avakblti . Dsytas Aviel" GET ON BOARD WITH THE WORLD'S LEADING CASUAL DINING RESTAURANT TEAM! Wanted: restaurant management professionals excited by getting in on the ground floor with Applebee's Neighbourhtxhd Grill and Bar -the world leader in casual dining. With over 925 units and two new restaurants opening every week, Applebee-s is ready to take Ontario by storm. Our winning formula: great food. great value. world class sen ice and a fun atmosphere. True North Restaurants Inc., Applebee's major franchisee for Ontario. will open our flagship restaurant in Ajax. Aggressive expansion it, follow' Our success will be built on the talent and energy of a start-up all-star team. We require: • General Managers • Kitchen and Service Managers Yom are among the industry's best - attracted to a progressive base salary. performance -driven bonus plan, competitive benefits package, decision-making authority, a commitment to on-going training and wide open opportunities for rapid career growth. Please fax or mail your resume today to: Mitch Brown - Head Coach. Operations True North Restaurants. inc. PO. Box 32256 128 Quern Street South Mississauga. Ontario L5M 4"1.3 Fax: 905-8264442 It'OU BEL0N(: AT APPI,EBEE-S Reporter wanted Pun Perry This Week i1 iuuking fop .ca energetic full-time news reporter for a 10 -month temporary position. The successful applicant will be able to work independently in a small but fast -paced newsroom, have a knowledge of municipal politics. Durham Region- Scugog Township, Macintosh computers and libel laws. A journalism degree or diploma is an asset. Send resumes to Port Perry This "eek Managing Editor Bruce Froude, c/o The Port Perry This %eek 26 Water St.. Port Perm prior to 5 p.m. Dec. 10, 1997. (No phone calls) URGENTLY REQUIRED SECURITY OFFICERS Full and part time cnQsitions ADolicants, mus: t1e willing to Work various 'lours, evenings and weekends. We are coking for well groomed, mature persons with excellent communication skulls (written and ve•Dal). Previous security experience Dreleffed Must have own transportation. Ist ad and CPR certificates required for most positions. Law and Security graduates welcome. Ontario Guard Services (Durham) Inc. 124 Wilson Rd. South, Oshawa Ontario L1H 6C1 11 Careers THE NAIL STATION a•ee 'raanriG e;e: fieccns nail ieCfrYcin, career training "labie in artificial nals, ea nnctlirg. pedicures. wax - ng Student Financing avail - am (905)723-8083 General 1 Hey l 2B- ZENITH Stereo consul $399 Zenith VCR, 4 -tread. $179 20' Electrotrome stereo TV 8 Stand. $150 Universal we ght-lifting gym. 'Image b09. $699 All nim condition U1 905-436-7695 BEAUTY SALON requires full time licensed part time styl- ists for Oshawra and Ajax Call Dons 723-7323 CHRISTMAS RUSH 20 people needed immediately to help 1JNtnth our busy season. Full *me positions only. Pay va- ries with position and respon- ObiMy. Call Trudy 4264954. CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser re- quests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Ad- vertiser wd: not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect insertion and tttere shall be no li- ability for non -insertion of any advertisement. Liability for errors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occu- pying the error. All copy Is subject to the appro- val of management of News Advertiser. ITFD. For West In - shop. call anytime DEPENDABLE enerae' c ar,a narC work' n; with clean drov- ers ceroid and own transpor- :aLon to work on mtobrk sm- ::t truce. Serviong eommer- "- door Systems Overhead door aa/or baesmktn exp an asset. Must be well groomed and wen spoken $8 00 to $10 00 per flour to Stam ot- pending on experience Full me days MUST BE BOND- %c4! OND- Phone tom - 6pm. Catnerne or Ed. 905-263- 8394 EARN Extra Christmas mon- ey Door to door fund mesas iheeded for local fund raising campagn for national regis- tered chanties Flours are 5- Spm weekdays No selling re- quired Hourly wagepluS bo- nus Cab 1 -BOD -791-40i5 ESTHETICIAN with experience in nail extensions for Natural Solutions New Concept Satin in PKkennq Town Centre Call Robert (416)977.6818. EKPERENCED Dry cleaner and seamstress wanted Call John at 725-7307. HAIRSTYLIST with experi- ence, to work for L'Anludes in Pickering with opportunity for a WXed training in L.A. Cali- tornia. Calf Robert. 905 -420- 1440, 05 -azo -1440. HOUSE CLEANERS 1fMNTED . must be experienced, bond- able, conscientious and par- ticular, reliable and depend- able Mon. -Fri., clear police check, Have own transporta- tion. Interested applicants, Please provide detailed infa- mabon to P.O. Bar 149 , 125 Harwood Ave. N. Ajax, LiZ 1E6. PART TME , mornings only. experienced Nursery Sdrool assisUm required. 831-9246. REQUIRE self-starters to run their own food distribution business. Saks and service oriented. part-time, retirees welcome. Phone (416)759- 1654 tail. 2. ti\Oh PLOWERS Brokers required ,p eneneed driver with newer 4x4 for tio.arb /:Markham/ `.,rth N'ork Routes. ,uaranteed hours. 1:.47 needed: UL salt driven. Call (416)288-03]3. WORTS mumFn P. o.. ieeoec to neap ,nor Sou S,-4 &,-,I First warrknq provided in a aspects d Our biaaness Aevancament available. Can Ke:ly 426-4955 It your not ^uiung $40111wk. Cad mow. STUDENTS!! Earn chnStmas ash Nc experience aeWed We train you Minimum age 10 years old Alax/Pickenng (905) 693-8814. Oshawa.' 1W�by/Cfanngton (905) 263- SUER -DET. Take off Ln- wanteC Pounds 6 Inane. Look Good i Fal Great 1001. Naturals Guaranteed (905)571.5063 WANT TO Ears $i000-51500 c::^rn per week' we offer Qualified leads. ongoing pro- Imonal traumnq We require Saks ability. Customer serv- ice orientation. knowledge of car duct cleaning, d HVAC prOdnIlIs d services would be a plus but not essential. Must have a ca Cal Bob 905-/28- 2022 Pickering has immediate openings fortrookS b Short Order Cooks. Please drop off resume to 1660 Kingston Rd. Unit ht1, 1 01101e NO DMERIENCIED BOOKKEEPEN required: AP, AR, TB. IS. fully computerized systems. able to manage multiple tasks un- der pressure in a busy. enter- tainment company. Four- momh platxmern surhg Jasrary 12. Please tax or de- liver resume including salary expectations to : Michelle Henderson, The Children's Group. 1400 Wryly Street. So - Ne 7. Pickering. L1w 3R2 tax 831-1142. No phone calls Please. EXPERENCEO Office Help re- quired for construction office in Afar Call 905.427-0390 or 905.985.3724. oo�/ioson POA VT/AC•BU/CK,4 G�� USED VEHICLE SALES MANAGER We are currently seeking an experienced Used Vehicle Sales Manager. This is an exceptional opportunity for the career minded, results oriented individual, who is looking for increased challenges and an environment, to "GROW their career. The successful candidate will be a positive energetic lead- er who achieves above average results by motivating and building a team. Strong people skills, integrity and honesty are just some of the essential qualities you possess. We will provide the necessary tools and support you re- quire, including multi -media advertising, significant inven- tory levels etc., and an aggressive compensation program. Candidates will have a successful track record including references. Please respond in confidence by fax or mail to: M.J. Deegan Tel: 905-884-4481 Fa7:: 905-884-4299 Tomlinson Pontiac Buick GMC., Ltd. 9612 Yonge Street Richmond Hill, Ont. L4C 1V6 goSkilled Help 9M Skilled HCIP Skilled Help Cinram is Canada �- largc,�t cu�,ttlm manufacturer of compact discs and audio/video cassettes. As a result of recent growth, our air conditioned high tech tool shop has immediate openings for: CNC LATHE Operator/Programmer Day and afternoon shifts You are able to work to close tolerance and can program, set-up and operate equipment. PRECISION GENERAL MACHINIST Afternoons Cinram offers excellent wages, top working conditions, excellent benefit package and overtime opportunities. Exceptional long-term exits fm the right candidates. Please respond to: HUMAN RESOURCES, CINRAM LTD. 2255 MARKHAM ROAD, SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO, MIB 2W3 FAX (416) 298-0627 1 son flab 1 Arrests HEAD END ENGINEER Con- tract position. possible full bine. U.S.A SIODWweek U S. 'Licensed Mechanic req for Equipment Rental Co For consultation for above, tax stories to 905.720.2151 MIF TELEMARKETER for Se- curity company, vim com- mission • bonus. Cab 905- 839-1221. leave message. ALARM Dispatcher required, permanent -part time affernate weekends, responding to au- dible signals I(eyboara WANTED Rough Terrain Forklift Mechanics. Looking for shop and field mechanics with experience with hydraulics and diesel engines. Call Donald or Paul 416-291-1929 v+i:•Y ATT: CAREGIVERS, DEPT. STORES, DAYCARE CENTRES, CHURC"URSERY SCHOOLS ETC. Are you otffe ing a funi4oving festive atmosphere !, for parents to feel safe leaving their children with, while Mom and Dad experience Christmas 111111 ,..\\fi�rr shopping together? Do you have extended hours during the holiday season? �{( Flexibility with pick up and delivery?' Advertise in our upcoming *W HOLIDAY SHOPPING MADE EASY" Directory. call Oshawa Whitby Clarington This Week 576-9335 or Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 683-0707. Fax 579-4218 and we will be pleased to assist 1 \ with all your advertising needsl LOVING DAYCARE available �n my home. Finch/White's. 1 ArtitNe 1 Seekftkixlor e*$ for Sam references. non Smoker. fenced yard, daily walks. ing for � TIG breakfast. lunch, snacks. 6 • i 1 rnomhs to 4 yrs. It interested so 10p sill fo our Wes. You tart use ca Cal Cheryl (905) 420-0206 commwnicaion Aft arw�susu- MAJOR DAXS/Brock Rd area. Great Computer System includes Pentium 2 has openings for 133Mhz (illtel) 32MB Ram 2.166 Hard tiAl or a i`rKhes. fenee0 yard ot of Drive, 2MB PCI Video Card, 12x CD Rom, (ming care cab Ivry (905) 15 inch SVGA, 14.4 Sportster Modem, PICKERING Beath / Rollo: 101 Keyboard b Mouse, Okidata laser -oyvir) mai+;doe 18 months to t2 yours Daily outings Printer. Also comes with Windows 95 'ratted backyard and wok), naffs. story time. music, nu - , MS Office b MS Publisher. Asking !Mious meals d snacks First $2,000. Call Jason or Mark @ 427-7897. ,lid. C PR certified Non- 20' colour I, with remote nokmg. receipts 905.428 -244 • CARPETS - lots of carpet. Daycare Avsihble $100, White wove $too. Can 100y nylon, new stairs re- 3491 and ask to tPeatk fo lease carpets on hared. I ENFANTS - 12 YEARS OLD will carpet 3 rooms, $349 Price utdudes carpet. pre - In caring, safe. fun home mmm pad• expert insma- never used, S20. Bixincy environment. con. las(t down". free esb- Licensed by M.C. S.S. yams) Norman Cal $31-2330. Reasonable rates 686231430 Receipts, flexible hours. Can CARPETS SALE: Lott of car - Rik REDJMW for tug bme. 1 stain re - broom DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE km. rpet 3 SSM 50 1207 (30 sq yd.) kncluft: carpet, ST. 6E0116E3 DAYCARE- Chnstmas Day Camp Jan us for 2 ex, I weeks. Dec 22 - Jan 2 (statutory ndiclays ex- :;axhid) Ages 2 1R �9 yrs WESTNEYi MMM.relode ubysmer available with 11 i's exp ICS daycare ""o- ma. Hot kndn, snicks, fenced yard,babies welcome, reler- M=, re=M. 477-4937 1 Firewood FIREWOOD Roka Lumber 8 Firewood Centre 4'x8'.12'. $60. 4x8 x16'. $155 EStab- nshed 1963 Days 705-277- 3mi, Everxng 905-434- 6665 Fre dwivery to Osbawr X" A-1 FIREWOOD. excellent fiery best quamy hardwood. guaranteed extra long brine luny seasoned. cut 3 split. O400nneesttry. measurement. free 905.753-2246 noun Frrwood ABSOLUTELY THE BEST - top quality seasoned nardwood. Serving Pickering. Apx. Whit- by and Oshawa Can DURHAM FIREWOOD 427-5278 FIREW000 Seasoned fire- wood cut a split. maple. Sane day tree delivery. Ajax. Pick- ering. Whitby 583-0709 114101111,111 nor 311' STOVE, d 18Cu.ft. Fridge. Kenmore, avocado in colour, W. Call 619-0767 after' 229ISM skills required, training pro- Nsieal vicall 663 -Ml or Far. • Skftd H 1 Lumbers,imited �J,�m 6113-6631 Allan turnpslands. WELDER waned OSINC Hypnosis and Hypno- Cook Black, etc, etc. Profes- Bus y Atex manufacturing company look- practice enn- therapy fo ileait l wmarry dl- feed problems is a way of siom framed. Must so. $150 each. 905-666-5D46. ing for � TIG the Dos. of note experience an asset. Cam Aluminum Weexperienced ldter so 10p sill fo our Wes. You tart use ca KOWSM motionless wa- commwnicaion Aft arw�susu- to: Wit smokng. terbed with names cover. pervisory ablity. ExaNem eliminate strut. healer, caps, ttea�oad, nor board, wage avalabk. Fax resume develop senm1111 dna, cure $50 Oak a lawani w'0g*w (905)428-1790 atNrifion Rick. insdrtnia, eNmirate tears. Ile- unit we 9�s door. $50. 428- 1 � vNOp good study habits, ton trd cadres aro paints. etc. YOU Sou. PE BM win campy 5200. 2111111111111 can call for an appo or 20' colour I, with remote DENTAL AstWemt i more nlormation at (905) 576 X41 a 576-0738 dt 435- $100, White wove $too. Can required to pDusy Oshanw Osh for 3491 and ask to tPeatk fo (905) 619.1704 after S p.m. Journeymen for commercialrigs. Saturdays 3 SnNtdays Mary Kirialki0k. COH (Cerib- SUM 9JNgN N4krbM, work. Please tax resume to experience an asset. Cam Ned Doctor n HypnoBNrapy). bookcase hamboad, 6 -draw, 0566 8217- 434-5757. week Fisher Surnwo Stento base, $75 0.8.0. PAO- a $20 wratei $12 50 / stew 100% Nylon. stain mas- DBW�nf>•er NX 9healer. 905-0115. OIL OVA" CENTIIE- FWI and Dart time tube bdnaiarn. CUMIDIAN ON" Cour . ru-V Equtpmem. For sale WICKER Baty bassinet, yet - ' $B per hour to star. Previous lice, needs Iii time Pharma- CAREUM my ton for 2 1 low. $35. Bassiro on kgs, N3f-4040 or (116)822- am plat. tap resume to (905) 432- dWdmn: apes 2 3. Part-time whme. with rip -screen top, experience and supervisory 3185 work, ftdbw mwm. $40. Rag Akin c halge able, Wis. Apply within. 195 $30. end tables $15111 to a paw. wardrobe $95. Dun- Hwy.241marma. Retereicits. never used, S20. Bixincy WWeshHy Rd. S. Apx. draw want mwror 595, me. Cal $31-2330. chair. $20.905.666-5175. na. neater- rrOaand COMnols n Rik REDJMW for tug bme. REiPO11"LlErNiabk own Adits ONE MECIIAINC, licensed. hrs/wk.), aid casual part part hme positions. Must be 111Y. We -o A for our a nionmh old, from FebJ98. F W 1 Jor 51119 Ions bean bags d mattresses. experienced to run shop: and flexible and availableto work Whites Rd. ea�erenas 018116E door repairs, broken ne oapprentice needed for evenings d weekends. Please required. Cal 905 springs, cables, rollers, apart SWo repair, deal Shop. Whit- forward resume to Family Drpm ers installed $45. New doors) by. 905-430-1918 Care Medical Centre. 3050 a ftle openers. Quality Plus Doors R.A. FESTERS TRUCKING w Garden St.. hoot 104. Whitby. m AiAM -Daycare or 416-416-3"73373 quires 10 Professional AZ Drivers. 1 yr. exp. Clean ab- L1R-1W8. Attention to Mrs.H.Cecuth. or fax 905- bdot and dw school Non- =zr Pellet Stove, used 2 stract We offer a chsabihty Package. (9D5) 434.5110. 430-6416. smoking mother of two. School pick-up and drop-off oD o seasons. Paid $2200, selling a for $1800 best offer. fall available. Call 931-0936. (906)-725449k CHRISTMAS SPECUL B3M GARAGE BOORS Openers installed 549.99 repair broken springs, cables, locks, rollers, new doors available Fol Warranty 416-501-8728 BEEF am. S1.m&- Custom ca, quarters available. Gov- emmem mspeged. Delivered. Ba direct from lana. Gnat Christmas idea! Oras. 905- 983-9171. CUVAAU = dish - DOW sound AN picture. Over loo dWM*. S5.75Iwreek Fret d *-Y. 1.800.267-9466. cmrrer IINOBEE. 100%, Nylon thick, plush, stain re- SWAN carp4t. For 3 rooms, only 5369.00. Pike Inch" 30 Sq. AS MM dtlmN pad and itnsallabidn in your home. Free Quotation . in your Iroise. No mumst, no pal meit for ane full year. Darrel. 1-800- 217-0104. CARPET. Free ratllma1 . New, anti -static Carpet. soom9t guarded, loll resistant. d environmemany-friendly carpet Stalkg as low as 5W sq.1t. Walde range of colours to Complennem your decor. For your shop -at-home can now! Mike 905-426-2882. COMPUTER SPECIAL - Pemi- um 166 MMX. 16 x C.D tax modem. 32 M B. ram, $151 week. 1 -BOD -267-94N COMPUTER Specials- Com- plete Pentium muni media system $BBB. Deg 486 $588. Intel DX386 $348. Colour Printer $96. Fax $39. Call (905) 655-3661, C086PV= Wholesale, Pent- ium 166 m unt-media, monitor $1099. Autocad station P166), 20' monitor 51800. Monitors. 14- $99. 20' $599. Hard drives 12 fig $129. up - graft, service. otter sys- tema. For inveetory fist (906)434-6193 t30111,11TEM CEw1� - Has neer 1 6 inumm"a Internet ayE wom from aMwr '96. Carron prirMers from $159.00 wso. rased monitors pypre 1T .28 DP, in Dome of rNw 1S 1110 $149, 11' 1. $129, IBM triols $99. USR 14.4 nmodemfs Isle" $a. Used 100 WU Systema hon 5499. 46's Nam 5299. Exit 432 from 401. 164 Saline Rd E 097- CODUTRY Nue plaid pul-out March for $3110. $250. Call 997. 419B. CUB101111 OW Rte new W al bha velvet mh and chW 5750. Oak 11 He table and lairs, $125. phone 721.02(L8 aff r 7 p.m. OUWAM Ring. centre 41i;- MDnd win, side b NIM aid baguettes IMaI weight 1.5K, appraised at 55500. never worn. $3070. Cid 430--5685 prerovit pad and msuu- bon Free estimates. carpet 1 repairs- Scram Dwha t and Soft lutart0 area. Sam 905- 27- ZENITH stereo T V S6 25r 6SUW e61m. week Fisher Surnwo Stento CARPETS- Christmas Safe. PAO- a $20 wratei $12 50 / stew 100% Nylon. stain mas- week 1-800-267-9466, ter extrs-kk. Can and save. 30 $D COLLECTION - Vleva.Mss- ter. stereo viewsTkw i c& W starts a S1 221sq.11 in - Drernom ee . ru-V Equtpmem. For sale tion Senior t)scotwtatl Repairs Rep available. Customer sabstac- - (90 A68--0444 wrtMby ban guaranteed For your free 2 DRESSER$ $45. sofa $75. in4oW eM'"raft car Mike but Seat $45, bed -Soh 5295. N3f-4040 or (116)822- am lutdren table a chairs $35 4 D: bedroom sole (from 1930) CASH ON DEALS. 2nd Marro 5475. 5 PC per bedroom stale Sim 8 Brokers We buy. SON. Cnbed395 ) 5. desk $" of- Na war trade 8 more Almost aanrhy�r . $30. end tables $15111 to a paw. wardrobe $95. Dun- TOP cern pard a33- 1785 can hh chars 5250,am1q%w 571-2274 6660001. draw want mwror 595, me. CEDAR Modular electric sau- Crswave i SUM $75 na. neater- rrOaand COMnols n (905)697 - 3532 and 4051000. Cam 9 1470 LEATHER jadsts. up to 1/2 7071 lave message price Rather purses tram 99, luggage from $19.99. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS on fu le lather wallets from S6 99 Ions bean bags d mattresses. Everything Must Gor Family Loreto Price guaranteed! Ltr- Leather. SS Poems WII Osha- 4 t Furnture ngSt.W . Osaaw wa. 905.726-9830 y Beane Babies n Stade. APPLIANCES. 1 1L srove. washer b dryer Good COtrdl- COLLECTOR lookung for an - 11011.5750 (905)831.4757(Mon- pique fire arms and manna. 1 fn) alar 6.Caspaejp of whole collection paid Call 905.263-1069 CHRISTMAS SPECUL B3M GARAGE BOORS Openers installed 549.99 repair broken springs, cables, locks, rollers, new doors available Fol Warranty 416-501-8728 BEEF am. S1.m&- Custom ca, quarters available. Gov- emmem mspeged. Delivered. Ba direct from lana. Gnat Christmas idea! Oras. 905- 983-9171. CUVAAU = dish - DOW sound AN picture. Over loo dWM*. S5.75Iwreek Fret d *-Y. 1.800.267-9466. cmrrer IINOBEE. 100%, Nylon thick, plush, stain re- SWAN carp4t. For 3 rooms, only 5369.00. Pike Inch" 30 Sq. AS MM dtlmN pad and itnsallabidn in your home. Free Quotation . in your Iroise. No mumst, no pal meit for ane full year. Darrel. 1-800- 217-0104. CARPET. Free ratllma1 . New, anti -static Carpet. soom9t guarded, loll resistant. d environmemany-friendly carpet Stalkg as low as 5W sq.1t. Walde range of colours to Complennem your decor. For your shop -at-home can now! Mike 905-426-2882. COMPUTER SPECIAL - Pemi- um 166 MMX. 16 x C.D tax modem. 32 M B. ram, $151 week. 1 -BOD -267-94N COMPUTER Specials- Com- plete Pentium muni media system $BBB. Deg 486 $588. Intel DX386 $348. Colour Printer $96. Fax $39. Call (905) 655-3661, C086PV= Wholesale, Pent- ium 166 m unt-media, monitor $1099. Autocad station P166), 20' monitor 51800. Monitors. 14- $99. 20' $599. Hard drives 12 fig $129. up - graft, service. otter sys- tema. For inveetory fist (906)434-6193 t30111,11TEM CEw1� - Has neer 1 6 inumm"a Internet ayE wom from aMwr '96. Carron prirMers from $159.00 wso. rased monitors pypre 1T .28 DP, in Dome of rNw 1S 1110 $149, 11' 1. $129, IBM triols $99. USR 14.4 nmodemfs Isle" $a. Used 100 WU Systema hon 5499. 46's Nam 5299. Exit 432 from 401. 164 Saline Rd E 097- CODUTRY Nue plaid pul-out March for $3110. $250. Call 997. 419B. CUB101111 OW Rte new W al bha velvet mh and chW 5750. Oak 11 He table and lairs, $125. phone 721.02(L8 aff r 7 p.m. OUWAM Ring. centre 41i;- MDnd win, side b NIM aid baguettes IMaI weight 1.5K, appraised at 55500. never worn. $3070. Cid 430--5685 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7,1997- PAGE 3 - Micet lo► Articles for Sae 1 See 1sSale tw , Ani for , Anice, la firefitpe ntmu Irrse Autanabikn see Tres Trees Trees for Sole "�•�-��w.�"n.7•�' ''�' ����-.w� �� ' ,may 1915 NISSAN 200SX 2 dr 5 .• �• ••' tM�••� ��f��-rr.. •• • a N TREE a spa pw. sunroof. 200kms '�►i am/fm CO, $1350 as Is. 931 - ilk• - - • 1957 � It's not too late to send your �� •' 985-7291 HOLIDAY �� ���e�`��,� GREETINGS �� •Balsam fir Pine • Spruce to your customs d 1967 9UICK Regal Ltd. load. ed excellent body/interior 38 w/rear-wheel drive. only 116.000kms (69.600 miles) ladies car, documents to prove. $3575 cerldifed. make offer (905)683-5503 1917 Olds Delta 88, gr@y 2 - dr. pw, pb. p Seats, tilt. cruise, air. new paint, 180,000 km $2800 obo 905-666-5175. rs an friends. .: OPEN LiPAEILIr 1916 SCK certury Ltd 38L. loaded 267 cul $13 50/wk Free dekv- with the taste. $moo A n bole up truck. small car 486 6 386 Weekly draw for $100.00 many new parts $1100 905-436-7126 Be part of our S � l Ed • � 1901 01 worth of groceries rides and hot chaocalate 1911 OLDS Cutlass Supreme "es, head new brakes. 'gyres. struts. excellent condi- VC-111.1 114 ztzon of : 9 Christmas Greetings, In Memoriams and Letters to Santa, on: .� I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21,1997 � PRESSRUN 44,000 1 ro Serving the Ajax and Pickering area.. . -* o See TORO nr ort car . 3 E For more information please call, C °°°d y'°n '' 2 6 4 Amides i Cycle models Wilde Rental 1 So%= 6 Saks. 4mo Tlkck- son Rd N, Brookkn 655- ANTI OUES7Acsolutel �;•_ Bolo. dosing furniture. glass. tlwn 683-0707 or fax 579-4218. .014 7F4M ROMAIICE -rims fa len!o� + over art gl- scion - sale Star 'wonder E k"11 . bTs or a/ rgstaoqu Skaters. Canoe W stroll fi Co Dna a cstms Call even w (905) 697.0513 CAN Robert Bowen Antiques r USED Fill= $225. and up, (905) 655-8649. Brockln. On- I L/1.i used stoves 52% and hp. Dauco lam n� rptwwen4esym 11tt npd .gftlers $ 25o Dryers thog and e0 Mew brand How FOLDING WIRE. Stadubk ridges. 16. c 1 1605 Mew containers VAM al ttaq 1 pile News Advertiserr'o°�°` 5� " " A� 117 con - up and Mew 5 c f mems qct Abe 683 5117 5255. Stephenson'$ Ap• pNgANTED. scrap metals ti•iamces 227 Court St. Osla removes BBQ's. ar corn . wa.57&-7448 stoves, can. tarn nuicho ry, or anyuwtg metal (WS)571- 6714 L WASHERS. dryers. fridges. _ ..�,,rrk���fir_ w,�_//�� 267-9 stoves From $25 /mo o LDMING FOR kids ban" • �e'�- : • ATw' ��ir♦ _ free delnery 1.800 QOOtfta MCarl ,905) 697- 267-9466 189e WHY IS THIS COUPLE �•�, SO EXCITED? `v (/'r For A Limited Time Only! The Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser will offer a 5200 per word special on Tuesdays only to help you sell those unwanted items. (Private Parties Only). Articles must be priced less than 550000 (price to be shown). To place your prepaid ad call 683-0707 or fax your ad to 905-579-4218. . stove 382 ENTERUNINENT Centre (wood) stereo Compartment $too. Couch and spite 11250 %It al905-697-8198. 11,11AE$$ EOMPMERY • Fkavy •tlury '►lalwtln' filets$$ station, Pec Deck, Knee Extension, 1p W QutyADdonl s s3Wp�I. dswed and own lat. macl.no aka Tri- ceps Sta , a al accessories PEAT TRAI�K horn pito- hpM none tOdp -randttse, cost $90,000. WE sec for $4,500. 905.433- 0279. ItEROtiBIE Mater, Nndin MON i53MV. 90600 BTU4W 2.800 wam. $Bo. 905-639- 1357. Make extra money, meet people, have fun too! Cow pkk DJ equipment, speakk- as, stands, amplifier. mixer. microphone phis CDs. $ISM o.b.o. (905)571-1337 MOFFAT Washer - white, good condition. Asking $75. CIN 668-8298. MOM SALE, Pool table. Dufferin compact model 23' hailer (Prowler). fridge, stove, washer, dryer and other household items. (905)435- 8194 OAC DN" soh: winter white upholstery, seats 6. large bul iolkhm cabinet plus server. 10 pcs. $2250. DeAv Bred. Must see! 905-263- 8672. MGM LOWREY Genie 99 with bench. Excellent condi- lion. New X3500. Asking $1000 or No. Cal 723-1983. SNOWKDwERs ,gram wAwieU WFrLUUKt5 Ali new 1,1170 8 tip a Speed. MATEA. it you are wncerne0 ing Dr not washers dryers }ridges camping tracer. pear 267 cul $13 50/wk Free dekv- with the taste. $moo A n bole up truck. small car 486 6 386 1-800-267-9466 of row wa. we can hop WSW. Compute�rs 6 hardware. 505- OAR!►IIIE FURNITURE Cal for rtbrmaeon 6g6 8351 or 666-023e after 5 p m Check out ow tall SPE- CIALS SOLID OAK Tack Sets e0 36'x54' Sgt ped to kY hat AND 4 / _�- `wd 1 supe Sea c.SALE PRICE $599111 Or a SOLID OAK 4OX80 dbi ped 2Windsor exit ror'OAKArrowAND v LADIES NEW AND USED c SALE PRICE S1t"m Stinson savaps on all other Furs, coats, casuals and office use sets and Bonet a Hoar es why low veneer who you can buy 100% SOLID OAK i apparel. Choose vour Chnstmans and PP award tables for safe. Foos- we we to Wa taimv out- New Year s designer clothing ball 905-42D-61 13 lel WE ARE THE FACTORY", LIZ CLAIBORNE RESTAURANT Furniture for saleCan Johnny's Earery at 905-433.1335 1 9105T1ONAL -8n WOODWORK- JONES NEW YORK TRISTON 230 230 CASH OR DEALS 2nd Hand Store A Brokers Now 3 locations NIaeafim Ilmotew RMthy We buy, Sell, Trade da MORE! Home audio 3 video, car audio, home fumshir% jewellery, CDs, movies i1 mote. Big or small - we buy it all! TDP catch paid! Don't Accept any tests. 433 -IM 5T1-2274 6660004 omem S. Shum K IN Brock St L •.��D..� zv�, Coolers Walk -int Deli yup fine furniture, Royal Doullons, HDairy displays, Ice Cube good China b plass, old toys, Colle - makersetc 905.655.8501..• tions d other interesting articles. Durham's largest Delivery and Installation auction since 1973. available. Pham KBM Covalry Avidens 1905) 6R1-1041; Fax (9111) 576-2217 PMOS,!GRANOFATHER CLOCKS -Pre Christmas Sale - Used pianos: Yamaha. Sa- nick, Kimbal; Young Chang. New digital pianos Iron $695 and up. Real to own. Large selection of grandfather dodo from $995 and up. Call TELEP PIANO 433-1491. WANTED Will pay face value for Maple Leaf Tickets. Must be greens, reds or golds. Call Bruce at 5794400 ext. 2207 NORTH TRADITIONS, GAP U! TO 50% OFF RACK NO GST SUNDAY AND MONDAY E & C CONSIGNMENTS 1235 Bayly St. Unit #200, Pickering (905)839-4159 NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Until Christmas CRAFT VODOrt$ wanted NEW MUSIC a ane O hlb'l/ for new Crafters market Iota[- "W MUST e -z ed at ole Covncce Rea Market. per* Soon! Call 905-436-aK23&4ndex.Mm tb24 - 1101 Arb ii Craft non 165.000kms $3600 as 1s ;all (9051623-7767 . 1 Arts fl Crafts• 1 Arts 6 Crafts To ensure that your 'Bazaar or Bake Sale' is advertised on time, simply call one of our cheery ad -visors and they will advertise it in our Ajax Pickering Classified Section for a very low rate. Call 683-0707 for assistance! IM S put rr krerriel krt«rw WEB DESIGN SERVICE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. CaU John Duarte at meq-"" • , Loot a • f ww FEMALE Cats S < .:^c s free to good 'tore Can Shannon 423-2312 . , pourow6 r BEAGLE pups •;r sore '•r :neck" first shpt. dt- won Ready to go now Cat Laurie 565-0191 GOLDEN Aetnever pout; Val- kynaven Kennel. C K C r4g- Oared . An health cearannl guamma'first shots and tat- too, S7012 Cal 905.728-7665 LNASO APSO pups Read# to po pet Checked Pure bread 5325 each must be sm 1721 Pone on ne Joan(9051967- READY FOR CNRI$TM" Lusa Apso pups ')r sale Non-sredarrg. non-auugic. *a" guarantee. vet -noodled Mouse-Irasrg started. (705) 786-31N. leave ressape BEAUTIFUL Himalayan waste Cat 9 months old. AN medal rare comple140. for sale: good for =1-9a6 tow oodles TV pr4satfr hon or CMrstmu 9/t $600 cum or certded argue only 686-7823 alter bpm. Be11Y AVAILABLE OWDIATELY Sociable aft bull Duo. 3 months, torah a Cage trained. vet deckedsecond shpts. Excenern temperament. Own- er has allergies Al lleltnq- ir1gS included Puce negc i - able to good tome. Phone 571-4771 YOUNG spayed or neutered cats with vacanations avarl- am to respomibk homes. Kittens with first booster. as well as many medium to tan0e► sired dogs also in need p resportside homes. Pet Supplies and dornlons al- ways welcome. Please call Durum Animal Adoption at 905-438-9411. Buchan Frtse, Maltese Pugs, Shah-Tm Y, M1Sdmariaers, tfi6wmw west Trina Golden Retrievers, Black Ar Cltoaolate Labs Cocker Spaniel lar SArtr, alts akaW (906) 723-50770.kaw Nimalayao Flom e Pi Kivau KITIN or SRI@ CREDIT PROBLEMB7 On Ste Spot fitWxattg. Down pay From from $500. O.AC. Cars, trucks, vans. 1981 to 1991. Akartdy Auto Saks Ltd. 792 Simooe Street South. Osluea. Phone 905-720-3382. ISM PONTIAC 6000, wagon, automatic, good condition. many new parts, am-Im ca- sette. cb, Asking $1.550. as is. (905) 72111-4917 Ila MCC 226, great condi- tion. Dark due. bas, motor te- ekilt� uInttilp X1000 or best on- er Cal(905)571-5160 for Sup 1911 3�cclr_. xa. ". A:. arrvlm stereo, sunroof. 6bwn head gasket. head tip warped %law oto 23011. Dave 985- '514 Coo 71&-5321 1989 CAVALIER IIS, auto Gwded for sale as S Aslmq 1>M 571-5191 11" Cil[V Cavalier 4-dw. auto a.c stereo, exceftm corWrton. 126.000km ceni- hod. $3.695 Call 905.66- 2449 1996 CAVALIER wagon 4 M auto 102 OOOkm, $3695 19e9 camw 2 -door. 5 -speed. $2895 ep6t rust n- ceaerx corrdton 1787 1991 DODGE SHADOW 2 5 1. very 2wd cor0hor 5 speed. air. 168 K ;^meta '0 Sell at $2 500 (905, 839 -MIS 1992 HONDA Accord Ex 4 door 5 -speed yw, prl, air AWM stereo. 163K no wrrotga. $11.500 Certified Cal 905{665-7806 19% GRAND MIX. v6 ys ars aft p w plrunw security System, 4-aoor approx. 95.000 hrgfway kms. new ores A brakes $11.900 Like new. one ower Call 905-683- 3020 1996 101 is$ on bete mint condition. 52,200 Truck - 1963 F-150 mint, must be Seen low mileage. $5.200 (905) 666-6695 1997 Grand Fink GT red. 4 door. CO. lealter interior. loaded. 6000 km $25 900 CAN 728- 4136 r WE FINANCE EVERYONE No tum downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt; bad credit; no Credit! If you work; you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT 9115-786449f1 1987 FORD F154, 4 x 4. $4.995. '82 VW Rabbit, only 75kms, auto, immaculate. $2995. '91 Olds Cutlass Su- preme SL, only 801kms. white, prey leather, $9,995. 1991 Nissan SE, V-6, pidwp, ext a lab. 1969 Astro, mint. 1990 Olds International, $6.495. 1990 Caprice Wagon, 90K. POW'R AUTO SALES INC. 939 Dundas St. W.,, Whitby. 905- 43x2277. M BINCK LeSabre Ltd. Fqgy Walked. 185,0001um ongioW Good n0 g I con"on. as is. $1750 Oso. Plane 905.576- 8835. • rAGE 32 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1997 300 305 400 400 400 400 410 450 "-' 463 Regal G.S S. 4 -door, CASH FOR CARS1 We buy 1 BEDROOM Basement 3800V6. fully loaded. show- used vehicles Vehicles must apartment, available Jan 1st, CaaaeRBOUO�B�O�wUR��G INDUSTRIAL UNITS - 1280 room condition. 123.000kms be in running condition. Call good area northwest Oshawa, $10.500 Call 905.728-3134 427-2415 or come to 479 parking, laundry. cable. Will- HARBOUR Terwill gar. 1937 Sq. ft. office DURHAM MOTORS LTD. Bayty S1 East. Ajax at ties all included, ion -smoker. Beautiful, newly con warehousing. $3.25 sq. h. net. MURAD AUTO SALES appliances included. $650. Sales and Service Repairs. structed 3 Store Y Available Dec. Call (905)579 - Class A Mechanics. Open 7 SCRAP CARS Wanted, to 1sViast. Call 905-571-1228. Mon -Fri after 6:30pm.. any- ny elevator buildingin 5077 after 5, (905)571-3281. days a week 36 reconilliboned prices paid Same day pick bite weekends CObOUr Q'S Harbour. a a , Florida certified certified cars and trucks up Also cars for resale, will available. 93 Bonneville SSEI pay up to $5000 Call 686- 1 -BEDROOM, Oshawa clean From $925/month p $13595 92 Z-24 5 speed 1771 quiet triplex, nice area In- plus Utilities. , $6.595 92 Sunbird 2 door 5- cludes tndge. stove. utilities. speed. 53.995 92 SaturnSC2. Trucks March 1/98 occupancy CLEARWATER,fumished mo - 1 parking• large private yard No 2 door. auto. $6.495. 91 Lumi- for d s please $550./mo. Call ria Euro. 4 door. $5.595 91 W576-6247 Call 905-372-1110 biles, heated pools, hot tub. 2 door. $4.395 91 1101 DODGE 150 LE. full -sae Grand Am.Talon CENTRAL Whitby. large Vic- tennis. minutes to Blue Jay baseball, NHL Hoctp, NFL ick -up Original 128.000km NORTH OSHAWA Extra large Eagle Talon TSI, a w d $6,995 POOt111NT torian home, very clean, Football, Dog/Horse track. OSHAWA, 2 -bedroom, 1.112 Call h BROCKAIWY 2- Large private INDUSTRIAL UNITS - 1280 baths, laundry facilities, slid- bedroom in large house. $475/ Terwill gar. 1937 Sq. ft. office ing glass walk -out to private month + 113 utilities Available warehousing. $3.25 sq. h. net. yard, pool 5725/month+ heal immediately. Call (905) 839- Available Dec. Call (905)579 - Jan. 1. Cap (905)373-0220 9790 (Days) or (905) 426- 5077 after 5, (905)571-3281. PICKERING. Dunbarlon Rd . 1247 (Evenings) a a , Florida Small semi detached. 1 112 CENTRAL OSHAWA, 3 bed p bedroom house. Availalble le room home, all inclusive , immediately $620 plus utili- $400/mo . Available imme- CLEARWATER,fumished mo - ties. 905-655-4722 or 905- dialely Call 905-579-9156. biles, heated pools, hot tub. 626-1524 CENTRAL Whitby. large Vic- tennis. minutes to Blue Jay baseball, NHL Hoctp, NFL PICKERING, Liverpool!Fnch. torian home, very clean, Football, Dog/Horse track. 2 -bedroom basement apart- seeking non-smoking proles- beaches and major attrac- mem. separate entrance, no sional, close to bus. Large tions. Children welcome. Pho- pets. available immediately. 5'501 th .stn rooms. $426/momh includes tos avialable. (905)683-5503 91 Z-24. auto $5.995 91 318. power steering, power 1 6 2 Mdroom(si Large bal- OWN _11117- Above mon a ase. eat, hydro, cattle. laundry. Cavalier. 4 door. $3.900 91 brakes. sliding rear window. cony Budding has been under store. 2 bedroom apt Stove. Cavalier R5. 2 door, auto. air. I.h. cruise. amdm, alumi- new management for 1 year tndge, heat included. parting 5600/month, $5.295 91 Corsica. LT num wheel $4000 Call (905) now and s a very dean and no pets Call $4.595 91 Sunbrrd I.E. 2 door. 432 -gam quiet budding $598 d $698 (�) 668-2248. auto. 54.500 90 Corsica. 1!!3 CHEV 510 bngbex. Ta- mifilim cable parkin, r OUNBARTON AREA - one $3.495 90 Sunbird GT. turbo, hoe package 43 L. auto. am! cluded Available Dece,r'aer bedroom basement apt Sep 5 -speed. $3995 90 Grand fm cassette, only 78.DOOkms 1st and January 1st rh^ a entrance, furnished, suit stud - Prix, 4 door. $5.495 90 Z-24 Mnt corhdnion $70.995. cent- 905-579-5584 ent $500 Includes utilities. auto. $5.295. 90 Grand Am LE. tied. OBO. 905-623-0871 Call 427-7897. ' •sNasl 839-7857 "IDC' S3 995 89 Firebird. 683-5117 (Days) or (905) 427- 1637 (Eve ) ask for Abe _ ' • ' 1 Townhouses For Rem $4 89 Beretta GT. $4.300. 90 CARAVAN. SE V6.3 0 Isre. Apx 416-+44-7391 HARMONY/401 area. 2 -bed - 69 urand Prix LE. 2 door, cruise. 7 passenger. Hwy 0 • • "om mom floor of house se $4 695 88 Bonneville SSE. KMs excel, condition Certi- 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW anile kriam large fsacky kyaM. $3.995 88 Camaro 53.300 tied 53.60000 1986 K Aries. • 'dry dean available 221 Westney Rd South Ajax 683-7550 low KM. $12DO all 905-434- 1830 • • • at $75Wmonih plus ubk- yes Call (905)277-9941 ILUEWATER PARK - WHITE 1 & 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED (905)831-0326. t Avail. lmmed.(416)599-4962. - RESPONSIBLE people. child- 11 ate a., ren welcome No pets pre- - 3 hare, 4 for for Saw ferred. 3 bedrooms. Irving- •All Util. Included ext 201. room, dmngroom, kitchen. 2 hdnn. hen It IN NICs Bedrooms ed lots of extras Asking`_766724 $11.600 Days (416)1 295-8749 • • e bathrooms. carpets freshly •s�•••�•� RE�faood to h. 7 min fromUVEScarborough. from Sarborough 3 -bedroom • cleaned. freshly painted in• sure $850+ ulil Oil furnace. Share with 3 AVAILABLE NOW. small one 9 05 -Jr' 7 9- 1stAast. 1.800-427-5973. Professional shies, maculate condibon. Fimstred 1 • SIMCOE d ADELAIDE Area. mid 2Us, $285/aM. + n kicthen, parking. imine- III with owner 5 appkax es. pas- small 3 bedroom Suitable for Ntil. Avail. Jam. 1/g$. suitable for single $465 per me every" in. Sat a Sun 11am- 4pin small famiy. $800 plus utik- ties. Avail Jan 1. all (905) Call 427-7897. s ground swimniirg pool equip •� 683-5117 (Days) or (905) 427- 1637 (Eve ) ask for Abe -: / VAIJANT PROPERTY 1 Townhouses For Rem • l t SHARED Ac d LEASE TO OWN ars only, from 65 to E- everyone qualities 5345 down. no credit check, na merest 570034 OnWneLtd 686-7428- 1976 GM pick up 4X41 fu8y. loaded. brand new transfer ase, everything works $1950 965-1139 • 1 Vw Shopping • • LARGE 2 bedroom, available B • • "'mediately n Bowmmwlle ill (905) 430-9146 or (416) • .. =9-4145 t 8 2 BEDROOM opts Avail- , Coldwell Banker (905)728- 9414 or Tor. (905)427.3804 A GREAT DEAL. 3 months Free' Own your own home. 2 i 3 bedrooms. refurbished. 4 new appliances. no money down OACAure SurfingatPabde' commo a ions. a nice home m South Ajax• ma - lure, working female wel- 't come. noxi smoker.must like dogs• pets possible d eom- Parking. able, laun- d 1993 DODGE aravar, 80.000 • - • kit warranty pinil. holy lose- THE SUMMIT PLACE • 1.2, & 3 Bed Apts. 4 WhW • se • e 1 0 antral -b a immediately Dec. I or in 1st New ou". start- • MOVE -IN INCENTIVES Coldwell Banker (905)728- 9414 or Tor. (905)427.3804 rye ore 8 buses dose. $450/mo.. brstrUst. 68"202. A STREET attractive Spacious and n excenem condition 1993 DODGE aravar, 80.000 • - • kit warranty pinil. holy lose- 19 at $600 350 Malaga ]styes No Deis. Cao 1905)- •All Util. Included ext 201. GO Avapibk immt diatery�i an honkie for private set. A 5 bed - Bedrooms ed lots of extras Asking`_766724 $11.600 Days (416)1 295-8749 • • e Oshawa Dec. i Jan. ani- • In - House Supt dr Maine. h. 7 min fromUVEScarborough. from Sarborough 3 -bedroom TAUNTON Rd/TAiCkson. New 3 room upgraded de -lou chod brow hone that is in im- . alter 7 (905) 619.3005 AVAILABLE NOW. small one 9 05 -Jr' 7 9- man Boor. 4 apalakoes. eat• -bedroom house to share maculate condibon. Fimstred 1 • caroom m quiet awmncm -Ouse. Rental OftIC2: Mon Fri. gam - Bpm n kicthen, parking. imine- III with owner 5 appkax es. pas- Dasenent, new root. chew n- 1!!5 GMC 314 ton 2500 argil van new GM target master suitable for single $465 per me every" in. Sat a Sun 11am- 4pin date $1050 plus ulkties. 1416) 289-3580. '� bath. garage. $55Wmorhm r ick% e. Cap (416)284-3858 s ground swimniirg pool equip V-8 engine installed by Ontario Ontario Motor Sales. only ­0100 full Onblas OSHAWA Sit), r : ;ar;e : b 3 60000 ki� engine, w>tr7rry plus 3 tiler m 'luded Phone 571.5291 for 'tformabon and viewing ape -: / VAIJANT PROPERTY 1 Townhouses For Rem WHITBY -upper haft d house grout. new aluminum - storm windows and doors. se- curity system. new high-effi- furnace contig PRIVATE COLLECTION tmea t 979 Corvette, TS needs std rorrmly to 100odi 00 apartments m dean bwnstprAldxq Close to 401 i SPACIOUS well maintained 2 bedroom apts Anil at goo v3 MANAGEMENT CARRUIGE HILL TOWN- HOUSES - 122 Colborne St E to share. ran -smoker. working Poison preferred $400 ndu- air ��iueeg• MLXW Car ga- ha $rebui t980 jul on kil on van txcelent Carted hon. ASkrtg $17.500. (905) GO Avapibk immt diatery�i an OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apt lave Dien turned d0am Oshawa Dec. i Jan. ani- Sive 666 8012 rage nor one vr!fiek. built Porsc Porsche 924, Florida 4W -TM 5600 !month. Phone 9tT5 576 4255 w31uri 0-M. pairs Minded-10:20a01kry 9 05 -Jr' 7 9- 434-3972 A LARGE tit -bedroom ex- bar. two kitchen. two bath. ca SM. 0 Ser GTZ 90 Pontiac Transport SE. (6.995 90 Drawn SE ceptionaly dean aparmems pose 10 Schools. eded , Office 6 • 1 rooms. pose to amenities std loaded S4000. 1989 Suntwrd 1910 LUMNIA Van. air can 2 i 3 Bedroom _ i enu - GO Station Uhkbes Ileo ReOrew. we'll Iiia yen tie NOW RENTWG: i 100 oxford Raga Of) r Gil 905 ( ) GT convertible 107 kms baht ps Pb 7ruise control. tilt Apx 416-+44-7391 ncluded Cap 728.4993 1903 OUSmeb" Aekrevot. 4 St Oshawa Townfomes avadow For OSHAWA 4 Months Fret g1 aDPonbtMts. ed $6000. 1988 Ford F150. rough body. rue great pro- SIKMM Power mirrors. pow- a door lids, keyless remole 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW wa CENTRALLY 2 bedroom apt1esa~Av�labk w__ . own or �„„n a 1 immed�ely your converence lfe office is RIM M- 850 sr; 2nd hr 5550, S y No smolmq or Pane S1400 Paw 728 3120 entry system. am/tm as- maw ttoor Scum Alk, freshly Dec est i Jan 1st 5600 Herr 1 open Tires 6 Th. 2-5pm 600 Sq main uoo, CLEAN, SECURE, sefte. V6 160 hip fdiw Spial Iced. i92o pws s20 sa21 53043110 impel first 6 last. no pets imnhedialgy. wwmomb , Sat a Sun 12-4pm or for mxt information ail Pat 905- 300 sq n across from osh. Caere 600 2nd ffr 5500 Nealy located Cacita 'AUTO LOANS' Ki i erns 45.000 W. abso basement very b" - Sew - Stockwell Realty Corp 723 - Auto Jea er wk1: orange or 655-4132 3 BEDROOM man floor, 1265 financing evert if you DURHAM MOTORS LTD Open i days a week 92 Boar- Oshawa Wuhdry evarydnrg mcrrded Clan. Separate tri- OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apt lave Dien turned d0am er Tarot LT. loaded. 4x4 trance 5350 per mil (416) freshly decorated Obve and Loans available ..,,f.31t. 995 92 Jttp 724-9987r SnoreareaCostbailtore. n0 Ctedrt, uedit Cherokee Sport 4x4 $10.995. A LARGE tit -bedroom ex- ed 5820/mpnffty Availableoblems. and bankrupt- Duyers. No consigners I 90 Pontiac Transport SE. (6.995 90 Drawn SE ceptionaly dean aparmems Dec 1 Laundry available in bolernerq eded $5.4� Ori SM 4z4 104.000 films. n Osrow, from 5625-$755 O at inclusive Dsrar. FxsVlast rtqu, 434.6311 knave minsage. JWV SM -576-1000 Fraser Ford Sales Ltd. . $9.995 06 GMC1500 Sierra ,t, =" -jj'' Plopal 9�� PICKERING my dem large Ileo ReOrew. we'll Iiia yen tie extended ab. tib 695 221 ayslabie nonaduatNy. $800, I toedroom bsmi apartment fast dal on hese eeanruts. Westney Rd S Ajax 683- Ala - 2 bedroom basemen SoPmale entryhce Sus pro - 1903 OUSmeb" Aekrevot. 4 .W coupleVnon smoietrs pre- fessbrW women Lauri". N E PAN CASH Auto Part' tef ed, ruduswt except abiet cable. thins rfekrdte I 'r your iai 1 1 phone no 5600 Jin S y No smolmq or ::9tt16 1,2W K ft. 2nd Boor t.Ri basement very b" - Sew - sq. ft man. Call 434-2447 TAUNTON TERRACE Town- or 655-4132 "ouses 100 Taunton Rd E. PICKERING WHITE'S aril Dshowa Dec Jan Fob oau- KING ST. W. Oshawa - 6.000 pshCy. 436.3348 sq r, 2nd floor $9.00- 5.000 AJAX sq. fl. basement S5 00 Call 1 Rboni. Wager Frank. IN Fmk R E. for R 576-4111 AJAX- 1`4misred ruom n ONLY ONE LEFTI 565 sq it basement. Separate embal Oftice Unit second floor. PERFECT for young family Includes pinking able. Was- good Simcop Street North Immaculate 4 bedroom home dry. Share facilites with One (OShahwl location. parking n desirable North West 11a - .;VW Aniablt immedudety avaiabe. U Wtws included tiorh in Oshawa. 450 sq. ft. non Smoker $40WMOnM Cap AwiaOk nhaiedialNy can MOSW DtOrII . tabubus n" t R 2334 (905) 427-932. 91 576-5123 ask lir sod or bmnebt AW"w*. stW- �.wd rennin Lksed !sI (111051, 428-2334 gels 6-139 re i Hwy 1 • 1 ow wet a 1 Townhouses or Ka" rhe entnaace. Mfod for am (4161 147.1399 or (905) 426 par tan and truck. ABS.. 's: Engine ..;;": AJAX 1 bedroom. walkout 2686 Rent Horrid will carry to kxnetr PELESHOK ougNSUNrrg/ro Sart San' basement very b" - Sew - 9 Ston Rd t-bodroom base- MOTORS ->rrnpUlef Used car rate entrance. parking, faun- PICKERING WHITE'S aril (9051 fi83 6300 e��'O^s' NEW' Test Sen- dry, aufwlltrq area 4 p3 Belli Fmcn a.aaaba mmedutey AJAX s31V Retayy SorenoKw ACI S7001= hydro Anil Dec Bnwrtw. Ontdit one , ,, m ri WESTSHORE/MYLEY- 1 bed- Sc/ Infector Put" wxwre- 1st Camas -13% apartment, no pets. non trance, no pets non-smoker utncowime basesmall elf- room basement apt Pnnk 1ridpe� smoker mature woe person Come and set as of Cerhar iect switch' Printouts' KApeiuk AJAX 2 -bedroom. separate preferred Still per mil (905) far "W fall selection of tor- tApbk Vehicle Diagnostics entrance Van 4 appliances. 839-1200 WWd pro -owned vehicles In 525 Home Service 434--8191 Parking no PNS non-smoker legals or reduced mortgage Ileo ReOrew. we'll Iiia yen tie XTC 600 etectnc�/reverse ayslabie nonaduatNy. $800, WHITE'S STROUD'$ Iae. fast dal on hese eeanruts. • 1 Snowmobiles moM Cal 683 -SM large bachelor apartment. 1903 OUSmeb" Aekrevot. 4 bedroom basement. private AJAX. lyhmit0ute Separate entrance. 3 pc With. or auto air 3 to choose from startng at $6.995 1991 Buick Buic 1900 Sk aoc Sitar, 377 posses- Sion brght 2 -bedroom walk- $510 michiive WAMt. refa- anal. non Seb9irg no pits. Skylark loaded. 6 cyl. ago Srhownhob•e slight, cover. low cwt casement apt. freshly- 831-0909 Me new $6.995 1990 Black mkaw Mint condition Must fa S? palmed $750 ail Dents Mor Sutton Gr PICKERING Live /Kin - Liverpool/Kin lesatire ltd loaded low mikagt. $6.995. 1992 Geo seen 200 sac mobile i slght UI (905) -9500,x428-1616 9 Ston Rd t-bodroom base- a 11 Amery. nese a Stam coapt. teal green. only 436.5133 AJAX Spacious. bright 1 -pep- mens apt. rssed bungalow Separate entrance i drive- Rem 1 Rtrt 97.000 kms $6.995 1992 Plymouth Acclaim 6 M 1!!3 YAMAHA Exc:le $X. 3 - room oasement apartment heves ubkies. septrstt to " ArC, able. 4 applisic- WESTSHORE/MYLEY- 1 bed- AM DAM OU We have a • awo air 4 dr. soled 56.995 1995 YanWtU 'J -mar. 61X1 - 1 trance, no pets non-smoker a $550 inclusive AvaiWa Jar 1 (905)939.-2464 room basement apt Pnnk 1ridpe� biome for you $500 down. 1993 Mazda 323 hatch. au- electric 1996 Arctic Cat. ZR Close to Shopping Available PICKERMK. Finch i Liver- entrance. Stove, ritilr f3hoct 6 months free or tree somatic 56 495.. 1993 Cawkr- 580. E F I E T T 1997 Yamaha i mmodki y (9051683-8055 1 BEDROOMbaseman in Mtiih9 s. Par. $65a"OMh. 1st legals or reduced mortgage .ObZ24, loaded and whine XTC 600 etectnc�/reverse R rouse. utilities parking W 9 pri- i hast RNerenceS. ion rale. From $750lmath as in- BOWMANVILLE- Uberty/101 $700 M eodays rakS. Priced al F.unished room available for PNOFESSUMM OFFICES - $169.900 for alappksrntrhl ail Nodung person , quiet, dean. Located at 187 Kug St E We 576-7207. ' V. able. paidurg. shared hoe a section rbnsm" d 2 bathroom. kitchen i bung Small ofXn. 1 Inge Office. Bol. for 100M $85 weekly Cap 905- large recepkpn pMoe pies ase 697-0760 use of a I -Shed board 34 SCEMC ACHES last from room ample parking and very close 10 Downtown stream. Newcastle $75.000. Napa Frank. W Oshawa . Pao" cal Martin Fryiy R E 576-4111 Real Esnte for vw" at 1 - elusive Income from $27.500. res Call Dross Call BM -667.1313 til free arty- sorry bme IQ LOW Mr•le A 5575, hist/last Pickering 831- • I fa•e• OBTJMG A LOAN IS MOT NBSIDE of OUTSIDE storageCOMPAM p "� avalaDk for ars, boats. trail- FRONT FEES, DTNEIIS ers ad trucks For sale team 00 NOT. IT IS beams Cap (905)-987-1303. THATYOU MINI storage uncle. Oshawa boar Sf NIVES118AT�E LY 38 495 1989 T Tempest 6 (.Y1. kratk0 54195. t989 COrsia. Wholesale - (613) 339-2325 AJAX. available aan 15. 1- bedroom walkout basement Sate Doh and aerance. non smoke. no pots. January. smoker Cal 839 4857 WWW - bedroom elusive Income from $27.500. res Call Dross Call rnan. tumshed, quiet room. fridge. stove. parking. non- ion ngk ant double BEFORE SICMMG ANY units available access. rare hatchback 6 cyt , loaded. $900/month plus utilities Plus apartment. separate entrance. 5575, hist/last Pickering 831- one apt n Christian lame Shared lash- Ken Coors. Cold well Banker smoker. no pets. SOD weekly. )EASY $10Wmorntn. 905 725-9991. COMTRACfS. $4695 1989 Chew S-10 SW- M SKI DOO, Blizzard. excel- 3 appliances. $700 brsvust Call anytime 428-1323 3271 S55p irickrdes utirtes. (905)728-9414. 1stAast. Jan.tst. Wafter 43� evenings er loaded 97.000 km. $6.995 1989 Tracker 4 x 4. a steal al best lent condition $ki ;.BE0p00M Country how PICKERMK. Finch i Liver- Available immediately. Sep. platy 3 .t BEDROOM . m 112 acre 7532. 54 995 1995 Lumyla 7 tr 011e 81 Mato Sou Ultra So- AJAX, Inge 1 -bedroom luxu- able l 4 a. (at Ki Adie Cadte, Oriaye, IM MTM ttM entrance parking. 720- hedged in country Id in R area. sirhgk rbn smoker. � 1 1550 � APV _ Dass ice van reduced superer f65Cng, mc. great runner $800 or best rY raW overlooking lake. 24 Ihour saunry Available Feb 1 pod• ire" renovated 2 -bed- room basement aparimem. 2611 Hampton $900. first a W. � Available Jarw- ooms lir rem. females, share kitchen, laun- 1983 �r auto. 111.000 kms. reduced b Oftel 905.986J148 John $900/month plus utilities Plus separate entrance. no pets. mill new furnished. b, el! �� . ary I. 905-966-1007 alter 8 dry. 5350-$450. Please Cato $1.995 Brig fits ad with you 93 MACK 1. Ski Doo. great references. ( first/last. S6751month Call rad I -bedroom twined 1 -bedroom rraNbut pm. 905-839-0270. and we'll give you a free 6 Shape �500 or best otter evenings (905)839-8597 after 6p.m. basement apytMes. GOk, ;.BE0p00M Country how ROOMS FOR RENT - ar- wonth warranty" (not avail- ail 7atsr66.3950. Steve. ANIK: 1 -Bedroom basement. f>arldrq T►rcksorh i DieWas Sul milli bars aril drive shed� fin. 5400.545 . No No able l 4 a. (at Ki Adie Cadte, Oriaye, IM MTM ttM Recnteioal I mom. 4 tuiull Wilt- room. 4 appkshoes, MCIIHgIIG. Renovated 2- area. sirhgk rbn smoker. � 1 1550 � 15 nil mmt b $14OWmormh. rim- rete preferred. � .1 IMbae Meq. Open $rrdays pplence. suits sin- We Professional $600 month bedroom basement. private (9D506 -m- ttttdlatdy. Ed (905)849-1444. �or g2o-bap 4985) 57! 2p6. Illi 21 FT. Citation motor inclusive Non-smoking• no Pets' tri. Affi 683-1332._GO. drive. fenced yard. walk to WNMY, small, bright, 1- COUV=- 3bedroom de- de- MM MUEY Area,fur- A�pb,Tee 1 hone, duel fuel, air con on rod 48.000 miles, new bra. ry $75Wmonm inclusive bedroom apartment t n &nift available immediately $575 ladled with Drape Am ble maw room n dean Quiet dome for GREEN CO-OP, ATCO-OP, 250 Avaiable immediately. 1-688. imnhedialgy. wwmomb , suitable employed certified $13,500 firm all Dunlop St E. Wh tby is holding 67&7588 ext 221 Durican. monthly. utilities included.dHrtiEs. No pets. Call 905- non -smoke. Bus, parking , A i A AUTO- Cars. trucks. 905-579.1832 an fldomytion Nom THURS. firstAast. (905)823-2200. 721-W25after 6p.m. kitchen tacddies, references. goats. We pay $80- $10.000. ApwW-ft DEC 11. 7 p.m. Appkcabors OSHAWA. near GM. 2 -bed- Bowmnvile. 905-508-2459 Cash cel the spot. Any obrhd Call 1 For pias . bem taken for 2 bedroom am .available Jan. and FebJ room n duplex. laundry i dose to amennies. WHY rent rtkn can ortl your own home less than DETACI� MONK for rent n Poll Hope. Two bedrooms, W. am year- us arty- - 96. 3655/mro. plus unities.. 2868 utilities, al µt6) you think7!! Cas Dare Hay. large master bedroom hard time. 24 fours, 7 days. 30 1 i 2 BEDROOM apartments New appkanm. able TV in. 7 2666 lick Saks Hep. Re101ax wood Doors. coo Barin min service_ 905.6*.5pgp cir n Oshawa most beautiful dufed. DURING THE POSTAL STRIKE_ 905-706-5234 building Call for into. 95- 723-1009. AVAXMU omw m1E- LY. in WMby Apt. building. A AMA AUTO Removal - spacious. carpeted, newly Cash for ars, quick removal. 1 i 2 Bedroom apts. Avail- painted, with balcony. dose (905) 426.0208. able immediately/JarVFeb to bus, shopping, all ti iNies Please all (905) 430-9146 or included, tirstAasi required. AMY SCRAP Car or Truck (416)789-4145 no Pets. 1 bedroom $675. '-warded. Complete of rat. Top 2 bedroom. $775. 3 bed - Cash paid Free pick-up Call room 5840., Call 430- (M)261-8831 OSHAWA - 1 bedroom apt G134 AUTOMOBILES and trucks Albert and Jackson area wanted for scrap Any condi- Close to all amenities. heat. penthouse available Jan 1st. ion. arty age, tree removal in hydro included $600./month- AVAILABLE JAN, est. SLIGO./month plus optional rhe Durham Region, ash ly Available Jan 1 . First/last Bachelor apartment. $500. garage. All utilities. able. Also needed. '75 to '87 required 434-6311 leave Also 2 bedroom apartment midge, stove dishwasher in - eluded Short walk to OGH or GMC pickup for Cal 1 an tine• Oshawa 905 message. 5650. 1 b 5600. all n- elusive. Is 728-2969 or Call Parklane Apts 905.725- 905-725- 5900 days. 905-435-8166 431 040 1 BEDROOM apanment. Pickering, 4 appkynces- $733 721-0831 evenings + Utilities (416) 444-7391 Sm" Realty «1991) 11d tlbllett, rtiay decorned 321 1 3808 (905) GW Birdie~ rJvac, worksfipp in bassmad, gas heat. Avail - "OEM ase Jan. I. $750/mo. • uel. For Rod FirsWsUrelerences. 665- 7684. LARK 3 .1 bedroom OSlha- w semi, 2 bathrooms, rec room. fenced yard. $875 plus Wil. FirSlAast. 705-437-3613. OSMM -Lovely sunny 4 - bedroom clean family home. Sunmom. 2 baths, hardwood floors, 9' ceilings, french doors. gas leaf Private yard. quiet child -sate street Jan or Feb. Responsible applicants, references. $950+ 839-1104 1 : 1 1 ImproveNbms : 1 1 Improrenlertts Mov�hq + Storage : Mw ing + 9or.g. CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES • no application or appraisal fees • no upfront broker fee reasonable rates d terns Call J. Wyger 1905)985-9106 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and w1ir Hinancmg our any pur- pose, rales from 2.99%. Alt apphphons ed. Com- mitefy Ft acre Services %6-6805 a 1 Personals CHEATING WIVES - ON- TARIO PHONE NUMBERS 1- 900-451.5566 ed. 229 $3,49/ mm. touch lone. 18 plus. ANYONE WHO witnessed the accident on Tuesday. Dec. 2 at approx. 2:45 p.m. near the Rossland and Stevenson in- tersection in Oshawa. The ac- cident involved a Ford Escort Wagon. Taupe color and a white Plymouth. There also Was a young Dat in the car. Please all Michele Picard at 728.8358 or 683-7713. ATTRACTIVE, pettte. jeans a cowboy boots. 49 year old. left litics morin ~01- CANDO RENOVATIONS INC. Quality home renovations since 1975 Top quality basements, bathrooms and office renovations. 905-686-5211 Customized Basements Thanks for such a good year. We wish your family & friends Best Wishes for the Holiday Season See you Again in the NEW YEAR! Info: (905) 571-2056 • 1-800-993-0335 Fax: (905) 571-7043 Custom California & Plantation Shutters Experienced Custom Workmanship & Installation Free Shop At Home Service Ajax ... 905-428-8513 WM aa. IuN of kit. hard workoV. loves country life. nature. 1 ya ny + Storag. walks. drives grid staying at tame. this someare to share drams with Looldrhg 1« sow — — down lo earth. 464. Irtatpapy secure. isi on -friendly man wits snruar ineresls. Reply to File 0 73 PO Box: 481 osnaw.Ontario L1H 71.5. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC $299 / min 18. 24 hrs 1-900-451- 3783 Daly Horoscope 1 -9D0- 677 -TM $5.00 24 hrs. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC - $2991 min 18. 24 hours 1-900- 461-3753. DAILY HORO SCOPE 1.900.677.7770, 7.'S.00 24 hours IF YOU witnessed an accident on Harwood b George St. November 121 around 4pm. Please call 416-609-9296 BORED ONTARIO HOUSE- WIVES - names a private Piton numbers. 1-900-451- 36A ext eat. 73.291min, must be 18 T -tont :11 MrtprotrerrHerMs BUDGET NONE U19ruovElrlaxn Basemer>< Apts., Rec-rooms, owtbng. Additions, electrical, drywall, ceramic tilling 15 yrs. Exp. Call Mario (905)• 619-4663. cel.(416) 560.4663 DOORS NRN US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service di Repairs 905-837-0949 I barW.Waid :; . yuan dwm maga to oar. �. Terry for eeomme: 43�1sis M HAtD11YAN And da3niiltg wAces all wok at flet min No job too sinal (905) `39-69 r PAINTING A PLASTERING No pot too big w small' YOare U S OS1k0i -Frog eStimat"I call seen at f9nj�-4421 Pallor 1416)-M30211 Book 'iow ro nave /our (turnw randy lar CivisimA. M Pro Painting and Wallpapering Stucco ceilings fisnsrw repairs Top Quality Work at reasonable pncm 20% off lor swoon Cap lex a FREE Eswan 404-9669 CWS Wadi Coverings Painting b Wallpapering Small repairs, drywalf, wood timshes. professional. reliable, reasonable. clean. Colin 839-7256 MGC PAINTING Free Estimates Reasonable Rates 416-526-5501 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 + SWW Now= nowlING SYSTEM We VA now anythin% anywhere, anytime.. commaKiat or residential. Packaotrq, stoop. yha loosawinMe. Sera« a mid morph disco'' Free estieuk& 1-886.4J1.6600 Move big or small, we price -them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount Short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Call (M)997-41.77 or 1-80263-5836 07 -- 1 Bargain rates. homes. offices. apt. ft. Ptaro movrq. P y� AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units. Now offering free boxes with move. Park and load special, starting at $99 and up. 725-0005 or 427-0005 • 1 tandscapin+ • 1 land caping TRE44E REMOVAL A MAINTENANCE Seasoned Firewood Available CALL DAVE 831-7055 Party Services : Party Services Rmwrr WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Ocrosions. Have My Own Magician. Call Ernie 640.4935 arJu g 2]9 236-ssnaSchnon L L-17 :: Sctaois s MICHALSKI MOVING (louses. Apartments Offic- es. Appliances and Pam Specialists. Now we have healed storage units Senor and MW-Momh Discounts Licensed, insured Free Es- , 1, Eacelleat service. Call 436-7795. ALL SAFE PRO DRIN'ING S('H(x)I. Offering 4 day approved driving course for maxi-wm i serance discount DEC. 2222129.10 FEE 5279. Alco regular cuurxc offered If you bnng in a friend rm will receive a extra $10 ort the cast of yew coerce. 159 HARWOOD AVE. S.. S -208. AJAX -LAZA 42&1717 "MRFECT GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS" 830 891 891 M� CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restretching, our speciality Free estimates. D d N Duncan, 937.1799 or 987-1800 SENIORS SERVICES & Older Adults Caring individuals with experience providing services for Senior Citizens in our community. For more information call 905-420-5114 HEART T ) HEART Call Susan 8t Karen HenrV n A, .ri cTl c 892 WIZARD'S TOUCH Han Claseiq Sernas No time to clean? We offer affordable and jRnei*re Md cleaning services. Mentjon this ad and receive 10% off your 1st home cleanina 905-839-7703 1845 • Residential • Commercial For reliable service Cal(905) 686-4194 ACCOUNTANT Expellermd account" avatl," for part services. (416)822-4474. . A" EnMrtarrrwt it genllem.iit S best Inend EXCEPTIONAL LXDIES NER%'ING 1)l'RI1AS1 REGION REnAinuTY & DLtiCRETEON Gt:ARA.N-TEED IN & Ot'T SER%10E ,ou Hlt m. 892 IA 18lr.H cI11muh, Unlit 125 �R�.a� Now HMM MOONLISJU ESCORT wwF«aaom » Escods for ar oc asiata out alis. 24 hmJ 7 deye 496-"" (1Nrirtg escorts) SELL R NOW CALL 683-0707 Don't Forget The NeWS Advertiser Uw1f ed Dept phone ale rs for YOU convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 i THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNUAY, DECEMBER 7, 1991- PAf;� '+i • 11 In 1110 0i ms • 1 1 In -Ma aim • 1 1 lrfMwnori-ne • 1 1 In -11110 ainm :- CHRISTMAS IN MEMORIAMS will be published on Sunday, December 21. To place your personal In Memoriam call 905-683-0707 or fax the Classified Department directly at 579-4218 by December 18th. • 1 1 k.Meniariw • 1 1 Io-M.nan.m. • 1 1 In.4 LET THE PERSON YOU LOVE LIVE FOREVER Although your loved one has passed on, let the memory of the love you shared live forever. At The Community Foundation of Durham Region, we encourage you to remember your loved one with a gift that will mean as much to the community as your loved one did to you. A gift to The Community Foundation in honour of someone special is held forever with the proceeds given back to charities in the community. Let the memory of your loved one last forever. The Community Foundation of Durham Region Give now ... It's forever! 905-428-5763 1-888-230-0333 (iLaritabir %umber 898797931-KR0001 t Please read your classi- fied ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. ,HRISTMAS CAROL BOOKS vailable on Request at No Charge a Published bv: �Shavua, Wl» toy, GlaN1gon This Week & Ajxftkefiq News Advertiser Songs, Puzzles and Recipes, Ideal for organizations, clubs, churches, schools, bwinm�, Or in&&Ws. QUANTITY LIMITED !! Don't be left out - Call Now to Reserve your copies (available after Nov. 26) 5794400 683.5110 There is no chane for this book but donations may be made to the Food &Toy Drive. PAGE 34 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 fIL1� es - ci0 1 � i fLOW a 47 jull 1,wit"A at "A �10� �1 5'- 7' SCOTCH PINE • One of the.. popular cut (hris&nas trees • Llse tree pfMe►Valth" to prolong ow fife (1emi) ._ 5'- 7' BALSAM FIR • Short Alt nssdiea an seedy brarx:hm Ian) 6 1/Z" 'WEAL. POT • G100M ffe8 (id, tarter or pk* and MEW elan "oom I"11) 5" POT 113a m $3i W EA. 6" POT4137/3M $11.87 EA. 6" WM POT CYCLAMEN •111111111111IS I Plod fol, • `a' oft all a now i4-Vr 1POT t+-@ i $?.47 Whitby 1700 Victoria Street E. (905) 571-5900 LW \-- '41 7 '1 7 r 11 F 5'. 7' WHITE SPRUCE • Bealutiftll folimp (1112092) %.aaa litl Tree I . All i joirm - arm HOMO" ISLAND PINE �sa wrl,Y`sai oolPot pi» r�ttlaNsltt bolt CIPISTYAS TREE BAGS • Neat i ssry Ivll ' •144'xMr CKa16'TMAS TAEE STAN • For tiMa 7-Vr 1r • Pt.slle 103 (1430721 IV TALL TREE STAN 106 (14300731 $13.63 DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. #401: Exit south :. • rn on Thickson Road to Victoria Street E. Turn Sunday ' • • • left on Victoria Street E. Convenient Ways To Fay! Plim may very eller Dfroswtber 14, 19Y7 m ome ars art�r market yerlsdons. Wa reserve the rW t b knk q to ft antolxrt ressorreple for honleownem and our regulair corllrador cuskwlws. It is our poky to run WNW aonxafe advert W9 In the event of any aro► we we:X � rossanble ellort ro a000rrrnoAlte our cwtarnen. Details m any Mod= walfarlles $Yelena at go stone. 019 7. HOMER TLC. Ww- TO 7&18 T Classlfleed INCEX 100 Careers 105 Calreer Training 110 1140 General Halp 115 Retail Bus. Opportunities 120 Office Help 130 Sales Help/Agents 135 Skilled Help Computer Data 150 Hospital Medical Dental 160 Daycare Wanted 165 Daycara Available 170 Employment Wanted 175 Hom.? Care 180 Susino-as to Business 200 Market Basket 205 Firewood 210 Bargain Corner 220 Articles for Sala 225 Articles for Rent 230 Articles Wanted 235 Christmas Traes 240 Barter Exchange 250 Garage/Yard Sales 260 Arts 8 Crafts 26S Antiques 270 Computer/Internet 275 Pools. Spa 280 Lost & Found �p0 Pats/Supplies/Boarding 5 Livestock for Sale 300 Automobiles for Sala 305 Automobiles Wanted 310 Trucks for Sale 315 Trucks Wanted 320 Vans/4 Wheel Drive 330 Trailers 340 Auto Parts & Repairs 350 Auto Leasing Rentals 355 Motorcycles 360 Snowmobiles 365 Marine 370 Recreational Vehicles 375 Farm Equipment 380 Heavy Duty Equipment 400 Apartments For Rant 405 Apartments Wanted 410 Houses For Rent 415 Housing Wanted 420 Townhouses For Rant 425 Space For Rent 430 Rooms For Rant 435 Rooms Wanted 440 Room & Board 445 Furnished $accommodations 450 Shared Accommodation 455 Condominiums For Rant 460 Offic 8 Retail Space 462 Gara 7a & Storage Space 463 Industrial Units 465 Warehouse Space 470 Cottages For Rent 475 Cottages Wanted 480 Retirement Living 485 Resorts 490 Florida Vacation Rentals 495 Land For Rant 500 Private Homes For Sale 505 Wanted To Buy 510 Townhouses for Sale 514 Commercial Property F15 Investment Property 520 Condos For Sale 525 Devalopment Land S30 Farms for Sale 535 Lots for Sale 540 Out -of -Town Properties 545 Vacation Properties 550 Cottages For Sale 560 Mobile Homes and Parks 570 Camper Trailer Sites 575 Money to Lend U0 Mortgages, Insurance 5 Home Inspections 590 Business Opportunities 600 Public Notices 610 Legal Notices 620 Tenders 625 Martial Arts 630 Registrations 640 Coming Events 6SO Auctions 660 Bingos 670 Personals 671 Business Personals 675 Companions 680 Announcements 690 Worship Services 700 Birthdays 710 Births 720 Deaths 740 In Memonams 750 Cards of Thanks 755 Graduates 760 Wadding Announcamants 770 Engagements 760 Anniversaries 800 Improvements 801 Window Cleaning 802 Floral Design 803 884 Hoating�//Air Conditioning Natural Gas Service 805 Handyman 806 Chimney Sweeps 807 Roofing 806 Elactrical i 809 Plumbing 810 Painting 8. Decorating 811 Machine Shop 812 Appliance Repair 813 Delivery 814 Flying Services 815 Movinl 8 Storage aL8 Posts rvices seg 8 Commercial Rental Units 818 Piano Tuning 819 Phone Repairs 6 Services 620 821 Drapes, Upholstery Furniture Refinishing 822 Custom Furniture 823 Sowing Machine Repairs 824 Photography 825 Dressmaking, Tailoring 830 WGrocery Flooring, Carpeting Delivery 835 House Cleaning 837 Yard Maintenance 838 Lawn Mower Repair 640 Gardening d• Landscaping 841 Pool Maintenance 843 Home Security 845 Snow Removal 850 Catering 851 Disc Jockeys 852 Party Servicas 853 Banquet Facilities 855 Fishing Charters 880 Music 8�1 Piano Tuning 865 Private Tutors/Schools 871 Nanny Services 885Driving Schools 890 Insurance 891 Business Services 892 Professional Directory 893 Chartered Accountants le 8 DesignAllust ration Weight Loss 896 Investments 897 Health, Beauty 898 Max. Financial Directory 900 In Memoriams I 910 Deaths fIL1� es - ci0 1 � i fLOW a 47 jull 1,wit"A at "A �10� �1 5'- 7' SCOTCH PINE • One of the.. popular cut (hris&nas trees • Llse tree pfMe►Valth" to prolong ow fife (1emi) ._ 5'- 7' BALSAM FIR • Short Alt nssdiea an seedy brarx:hm Ian) 6 1/Z" 'WEAL. POT • G100M ffe8 (id, tarter or pk* and MEW elan "oom I"11) 5" POT 113a m $3i W EA. 6" POT4137/3M $11.87 EA. 6" WM POT CYCLAMEN •111111111111IS I Plod fol, • `a' oft all a now i4-Vr 1POT t+-@ i $?.47 Whitby 1700 Victoria Street E. (905) 571-5900 LW \-- '41 7 '1 7 r 11 F 5'. 7' WHITE SPRUCE • Bealutiftll folimp (1112092) %.aaa litl Tree I . All i joirm - arm HOMO" ISLAND PINE �sa wrl,Y`sai oolPot pi» r�ttlaNsltt bolt CIPISTYAS TREE BAGS • Neat i ssry Ivll ' •144'xMr CKa16'TMAS TAEE STAN • For tiMa 7-Vr 1r • Pt.slle 103 (1430721 IV TALL TREE STAN 106 (14300731 $13.63 DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. #401: Exit south :. • rn on Thickson Road to Victoria Street E. Turn Sunday ' • • • left on Victoria Street E. Convenient Ways To Fay! Plim may very eller Dfroswtber 14, 19Y7 m ome ars art�r market yerlsdons. Wa reserve the rW t b knk q to ft antolxrt ressorreple for honleownem and our regulair corllrador cuskwlws. It is our poky to run WNW aonxafe advert W9 In the event of any aro► we we:X � rossanble ellort ro a000rrrnoAlte our cwtarnen. Details m any Mod= walfarlles $Yelena at go stone. 019 7. HOMER TLC. Ww- TO 7&18 T Special hates Ir#ZAUNARE BOTo PIZ S SUBS &WINGS 683m3333 AJAX _V/SA_II 839-441110 PIMERING DIAMOND IMAGES Skin Care/ Makeovers/Image I am a Beauty Consultant with an exclusive line of Skin Care and Cosmetic Products designed to meet your specific needs. For a FREE Consultation please contact me at: (905) 683-8999 Recei.e oor odour to-ordiwaled fe's �akev�er usius ONLY `SKIN BENEFIGAL IN(;REDIENTS". ,1 Embaace your "twat beauty aur all occasia", by combining ,I ►cahon skin with ci latest a makeup techuy—ce opy. Ae cuff MAKEOVERS at =-.-N art THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7,1997 -PAGE 35 * Ind. & Family Counselling * Family Life Education Workshops & Seminars * OnGoing Single Parent Classes Phone: Christine Zielinski Family Life Counsultant 1 a Help Support Your 7 uw Froduce i -v GomnWl .,,,,gam Callum Drop off a new unwrapped toy or food rw AN Your WK '' item at any police station or at the �0�' N°°�`-Oshawa, Newcastle, Whitby or Ajax � a �'� � �' creme Oshawa, or set up your own 426-1730 Christmas Dropbox. Members of the 2200 Brock Rd., Pickering x4 Durham Regional Police will pick up your donations and deliver them to �,�•�_� agencies for distribution to the community. DR. MICHAEL COVE DR. TONY COVE We love children and undeistnad their needs Emergencies seen the same day Gentle dental care r Ieaable payment plans We honor all major plans I J i 0—G7vv I 177 Simcoe St. N.. Oshawa QP)"liiN T �S ., 701 PANGIMM Ita.a. � Ibi Cash Donations may be made at any i A-4IAZ�-,ZING! i "Come in and Play" i 1 OFF PARTY PACKAGES1 1 Regular Hours: Mon. to Wed. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursday to Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 4 1 250 Sayty St. W., Ajax I L'" _ Mackenzie —I�) 427-91223 ) DURHAM REGIONAL 'w -I q L&I 4-,L&.*7J 4; ill le A �i 9th ANNUAL T-1 FOOD TOY DRIVE `yrq g • -„gym ..� ) - E Vit. G"u"LF"BUNGALO"MS FROM $ 8519001* ...just 35 minutes from the Don Valley Parkway! MODEL BUNGALOWS OPEN TODAY1 M1°1SON wl�uaW police station or at the Drop Off SE A�� BmAIAW DESIGNS Centre 1W TO 1SW I MW bAWW'W dl *U (up W 1,900 4 kc) Viod from DECEMBER 1 to z$K= °° sf�.9oo DECEMBER 229 1997 UWMI E TW WAK Haim. 4 '1<bt Rice HOMEOW Imo LnsntF Mwav Visit our Drop Off Centre atb0 a aie �+.� par pts prr � taollese. 1 Mary .�t UI l X4.1 Z,� �--tr orplvxm LaW Onodo r:: ;` `Y bortdrre.6iliolt ,s P t: Is {CALL. 571="99 r ol>�II�I-jama t1 _�-� dut i WWd drib► drgtut rnrrlrw `£gip maize wishes cane true at 7�ekta wrm ts► «r Christi un moan** _ �J► =i*rm '�° +. ` dollar40liror+at _ � � / ' � � � � 1i �I bMbomd a i lHi�ETT Ir<iI1D OQr ca I no 9WRNW (f 80Q 9" 5"8) Wo Cor. aid "odd Hates Q,.t i' %`✓'�I 10 art a 7 purr s�rltdy 0 SWWIV 10 am m i ps bw spa badrooi, 1,4W sqk AS SHOWN JUST :129,900. from theu members of the ;Durham Re9onal ...•.».-..o«uwr.awaa.:�rs�e.:anee.'wrT� ..rr.:. +w�re�.s+ua..�_,+.w.�...a,..�....�..,....,�.,... _ _ _ __ .__ _ ... .. .. �_ PAGE 36 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1997 INK11131 ZERO 00/o ZERO 000 ZERO 1 00 11► ■:1:l! 11011 A01 I Ekyj 11 I •i• :Iy:Uli41711:11111lM�li UIIU INTEREST FOR UP TO a YEARS . DOWN PAYMENTS TILL 1998 !L!f: •JI -i%�r. •I if11 0 11 Brand New '1998 F -'ISO Styleside 89Box 4.2L V6 5 spd. transmission, AM/FM stereo, 5550 GVW, step bumper, ABS. #WM134 J51FAR S, - FORS Brand Mew 1997 Escort 4 Dr. Sedan 2.OL 4 cyl 5 speed transmission, AM/FM stereo Stock VA 160 8 OR s385PER "NO.Homom"wym ,16 s Z_111� 3,688oR48 $Z8308WMEY 61 VENICLES IN T'Mk'm(FOR IMEDIAnLY. DELIVERY INNIREST iEE *Mvs htm, "Olmw t= aw Insets. O.A.C. -�--mgt eritagt � � ' THE E F0� Faln A 0 KINGSTON RD. Simi PLAN .OARBOROUGH Ask ab()tlt It