HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_11_21News Pickering -Rouge m0 iser Optional .f xvcck 11(mic oielivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand \(),ceniher 21, 1997 \ ()I ' ' \(). 1–. Pressrun z14,000 10 pages photo by Andrew Iwanowski Weighting for better days Trent McNicol grimaces during a rigorous helps Mr. McNicol and other users of the weight workout at the Ajax Community fitness club stay in top shape throughout Centre's fitness room. Lifting weights the year. 10".off FIBF. GIAS� WINDOWS By UAIMRDAU Windows & Doors 601 Aspen Rd. 831-1989 DOUBLE YOUR SAVINGS MEMBERSHIPS at the Pickering Rec. Complex Call Now 683-6582 st! Government cheques are in the mail despite postal strike People rclyin- on governn►c nt cheques shouldn't have to worry about the postal strike. An agreement between the federal _owrnment and the letter carriers _J1, for all Canadian government h quos to be delivered. And, Paul Cloutier of Durham's .'I, 0111e support division says the Re - _ion has an agreement with Canada Post to deliver social assistance heques next week. **We have a guarantee from the post office for the Dec. I cheques, if we gel than out early enough, to be delivered:' Mr. Cloutier says. As of Thursday, that agreement still stands, he adds. Cheques for such programs as the Child Tax Benefit, Children's Spe- cial Allowance, Employment Insur- ance and Human Resources Develop- ment Canada (HRDC) Trainee bene- fits were to be delivered Thursday. On Nov. 26, such cheques as Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan, Veterans Affairs Pensions, War Vet- erans Allowance, and Canadian Pickering Transit `smart cards' delayed BY MARIANNE TAKACS ogy this fall. It would have allowed pas- the contract to supply the new automated STAR REPORTER sengers to pay for their ride using a small fare system, which Town staff recom- PICKERING — Complaints of un- plastic card passed in front of a 'reader' mended go to Precursor Ltd., supplier of fair treatment and threats of legal action on each Ices. fast June, Town Council ap- a similar system for Ajax buses. from one of the bidders on a Town con- Proved an expenditure of $290,000 for "It's clear that from the outset the tract have delayed the implementation of the system, about half to be paid for with (Pickering) transportation department `smart card' technology for Pickering a provincial grant. was determined to purchase the Precur- Transit riders. On Monday, representatives of AES sor product;' said Richard van Banning, Pickering Transit had planned to in- Prodata told Council their firm had not legal counsel for AFS. troduce the new automated fare technol- been given a fair chance to compete for See BUS/Page 3 TOM QUINN Meet bidders Forces Pay Allotments are to be de- livered. e- 1ivered. It' the strike continues, cheques will be available for pick-up at distri- bution centres to be set up by HRDC. Clients will tw able to drop off their report cards for programs at the dis- tribution centres or at their local HRDC office. For more information call 1-13138-440-77-1.1: or on the Inter- net at www.chcques.gc.ca. More strike news ✓ Paying utility bills... ✓ Effect on business... See page 2 INSIDE Around Durham -- Find out what', happening in the comnur- nities near you - page 16. Editorial Page ...........6 Sports ................ 3A i Classified .............35 HOV6' TO REACH US General .......... 083-5110 Death Notices .....6133-31x)5 Auction Line ......6133-7ii5 Sincerely Yours ........ ............ 14W -662-&i23 Email ................ thisweeWistar.ca Internet .............. http://w•ww.durhamnews.net NOBODY BEATS r---------------------1 r '1 20 piece Bogfoot® pizza with cheese 8r< Large 16 piece sal pizza with dwese & I toppilftgj to ® 1 3 toppings of your choice plus 4 coke. 1101 yo�rr dllolce s i'. wtlllgs, (hind, m ulk hot, 1 ■ PIZZA ■ SUBS ■ WINGS* 1 I Iholiey 90&) pigs 190& bread. 1 HOME OF THE ORIGINAL BIGFOOr Ldel i s 99 Additional i s 991 �, AJAX 683-3333 ova�a ONLY 11 available � ONLY Mus I tu 3E PICKERING 839-4411 —-----------------� I--------------- ---- --J qN Free Delivery from 11:00 a.m. ; °�1299nn NEW BIGFOOMUNIOR 14 pc. • � Pale 3 km pin 3 �• ONLy. t.• 1` ". 1 ' 1 1 f - I • 1 f 1• 1 4, f 1 J 1 PACE: 2 - THE NF WS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. N'0 E'11BF;R 21.1907 The Postal Strike... No escaping your utility bills PICKERING —Though mail delivery will be disrupt- ed for the duralion of the postal strike. that's no excuse not to pay your utility hills. Pickering Hydro promises to hand deliver hills where possible. You may request to have your hill faxed or arrange to collect it at the Pickering Hydro -Electric Commission at 1920 Bayly St. You can continue to pav your Pickering Hydro hills through your hank or trust company, by teller, automated bank machine or telepay- ment. You can also drop pay- ment off at the office Monday to Fridav between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Cheques may he dropped off after hours through a lock box located at the main entrance. You can also arrange a Bad for business: Board of Trade The postal strike is a serious blow for the local business community. according to Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade president John Wiersma. " 1 think it's a really big problem just before Christmas" as it's the most important season for retailers. "The timing couldn't have been any worse. "The biggest problem is the sending out of hills and the payment of bills:" adds Mr. Wiersma. who explains the cash flow of small businesses can be seriously affected by billing and payment problems. The only coping advice the hoard can offer its members is to look as much as possible to alternative means of com- munication such as E-mail and faxes. In the short run, says Mr. Wiersma, the postal strike is very damaging to the entire Canadian economy. In the long run, he suggests this kind of disruption in service is going to encourage businesses to look for alternative means of billing and payment. such as electronic funds transfer and pre -authorized payments through hanks or by credit card. And. he adds, those alternative mean, will often become the permanent means. ..Each time there Is a pu.Gii h� post office loses customers that waN " Pre -authorized payment Plan, available by contacting the customer accounting depart- nwnt at 427-0791. ext. 400. Call that number to make al- ternative arrangements if you cannot pay your hill using any of the above services. Durham Region will hand deliver water hills and re- quests that meter reading cards he dropped off at a drop box shared with the Town of Pickering. It is located at the Civic Complex at One The Esplanade, between the mu- nicipal office and the library. Pavments may also be made through your hank or trust company, by teller, auto- mated hank machine or Ide- payment. Consumers Gas will also hand deliver hills during the strike. Pavments can made at your hank or trust compa- ny. Any Consumers Gas Ap- pliance Store will accept pay- ment by cheque — not cash — during regular business hours, though receipts will not be provided. Payment may also be dropped off at any Consumers Gaff office that normally has a cashier's office. rDLVE2rNE5 WOLVER(NE5 TAE KWON DO ACADEMY it LL\RR RD .0"mer ot'Ac,Inc� S h Harte ONLY ONTARIO TAE KWON DO ASSN MEMBER IN AJM Christmas Package E � (Limited number) I ✓ FREE Uniform d Crests ill ✓ 50% on one year r ✓ Choose from classes 5 days a week . •N FREE Santa Photo After the parade on Saturday Nov. 22, come in and get a FREE photo with Santa, at Fortune Investment and stay for a FREE hot chocolate too! Richard S. Price invites you to drop by. FORTUNE NVEsrM�NT 427-7000 335 Bayly St. W., Ajax This event sponsored by CINK r Bus fuss rages at Pickering Town hall BUS/from page 1 Mr. van Banning main- tained AES representatives were not given the same op- portunity to demonstrate their smart card system as Precur- sor and that AES was not pro- vided technical information it needed to submit a complete bid. He also suggested Town staff had deliberately delayed issuing an RFP (request for proposal) for the new system and then set a short deadline for the RFP io make it diffi- cult for Precursor's competi- tors to bid. In a Sept. 17 letter to Mayor Wayne Arthurs out- lining his client's concerns about the bidding process, Mr. van Banning noted AES "will be left with no choice but to commence legal proceedings" if the problems were not remedied. In a written report to Council, Town manager of transportation Neil Kiilens stated that even though AES provided the low bid, its ten- der "did not provide costs or functional information in sev- eral software and support re- lated areas of the RFP specifi- cations" He also noted the de- partment was "not convinced" the AES product would meet Pickering's needs because its contactless card system was not proven in the Canadian market. AES representative Paul Gooderham told councillors his firm, whose parent com- pany is based in Australia, has set up the world's largest and most complex contactless smart card fare collection sys- tem in Hong Kong, as well as other systems around the world. He said it was "ludi- crous" to suggest AES tech- nology was unproven. Council voted in closed session to accept AES' sug- gestion that an independent consultant be hired to evaluate the bids for the Town's sys- tem, and that the bidders be requested to pay for the con- sultant. Councillors also de- cided to ask the Province for an extension of the Dec. 31 deadline after which the provincial grant is no longer available if the deal for the new system isn't completed. Council chose that route, said Mayor Arthurs, "to en- sure that we got the best prod- uct at the best price and to pre- clude any opportunity for un- founded litigation:' Town general manager Tom Quinn said he will meet with the bidders next week to discuss how the consultant will be chosen. He noted one of the difficulties in this situa- tion is that Precursor consid- ers itself the proprietor of the software used in the Ajax au- tomated fare system Picker- ing's must be compatible with, and may not be willing to provide the system specifi- cations AES says it needs in to draw up a complete bid. "We have no desire to get into a lawsuit;' noted Mr. Quinn. "We have no desire to lose our funding from the Province. We have no desire to treat one firm differently from another and I don't be- lieve we have done that. naw.NAuvEKI SER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1997 - PAGE 3 Everyone shops the News Advertiser! SA&E SPECIALCarrier of _ BX?GNNS The Week IN -TODAYS News Advertiser Fri., Nov. 21, 1997 News Advertiser ' Want ' Nd Dog Pub PirWiglSai Andy TR ft Friday's carrier of the week is Andy. Andy enjoys kk U& Oft swimming, reading & Am I watching TY Andy will receive a dinner for 4 t K rm ,•�„�, compliments of Burger �+� King. f1cm Aoft Coxgratu/a dons Andy for +� � AOM being our carrier of the week. lZMA 0 i tSMAoft k?.�... KING L - Committed to • Dtliveted to sdwal bouWw1& ody Excerlewce 1280 Kingston Rd., Pickering Remember, 811 inserts, Includt0 g 345 McKenzicAve„Ajax those on gay paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising Flyers, =call 'w ALVIN ux�A BROUWER nt'tews pd w.. at 683-5110..- . - -.-------------------- ---� --- ft t: lop To Clon Front % welter Will Sigs Oa T1e Pkat v 61m Ah' frAI�LEtT • AT PICKERING i D!!S! LZiZL HSA! SSI►tS TOWN CENTRE 8514175 r , �• , Ire f t � l) ^ . - P.%(;E 4 -THE: FRIDAY, N'0%*FN1BFR 21 1"7 Here's A Great • - Christmas - Gift Idea Colour loievision • Bbd( tinweet s • Audio'Wdee.•t tock • 00dc sleep tosser • 0111(10111IMS remote cedrd •0ttsedntphondetudd 3'40'370TXE137C Save the GST OR CHOOSE 12 Months No Interest 2 Mend VCR • Onscreen proyrutntttng • 1 month/8 event Preforming • 181 diomd tunr • Indexing 34102607 03607 Here's A Great Christmas Gift idea UNIVASAL • RIcn On A Huge Selection of TVs T Nome Theatrew I 1 SLH, -� VCR :ZiIM�-27-" — I• 4 heed hi�fi Aaeo4 iie4u , I .a • HomiecortrMi-fi YCR Ideal For Motae T1leatre® renorconodsmostTvs i • -"- progroriming • 4 head hi-fi stereo • Home theatre remote • (ommerod sky • On sreen xopomrtng controls works with most Vs •Pre Ted Pus child lok 0380 Vr6l1 x • 1 month/8 event programrrong •damd une.Indexing 34100aWAja -Location Only! i ZINC •«.• ;,�._ 14" Stereo iedevisios • On screen display • Full haxiion remote • 18 1 chater el tune • Gosed caption decode 0 110 1003 JCTY 3081 _ 2S" Stereo ielevisiow • Giow u4versd remote • 810(1 tint screen • SEO front surroud • Variable audio input • AA inputs IL ouipm • Clock/sleep times • Chonnel surf .54C1522 15X22 27" Stereo Ttltievisiott OW1711 VAII • Remote m trol • AN iquts • Sleep timer REMO'E NOT EXACRY AS :L10STUTTO 25" Stereo Tolevisios • Pi ore h► It(be • ka trftt saw • Uro WA rmok • 0. -r mot and outputs ad1 S 4o Rd • (hared bltLtg • .arocr WW2Ure conrd • :orb filler ;,,FBG; 674 25674 35" Sterres TeUvrisiew • Xa 'ow pine W pre • SW e•, stow with souw Isio • _"•aWi Wet • I a i m+ sceer • sL sand lett sworn i• ; 'ac midi • Jane me"• Cesar wwourt coni Aia1 sit M IV 169WAus In-Sk" IIms OFFER 40 Weft Surround Soaml Site" system • 3 its Itrt1e11 plryer • Di jMl ttmy • Elettrok fA • Ms lust • IG pied radia 03A5325 r 9315 30'v Stereo Tefevision • 716di' pan tie • rtou smud std • W boa mor room • 4 Y apes nth Lvudw ItM • haemo demel Inti • :uoee �trorag et aur out r: � xva 100 Weft 3 Rise � ore" Systwo • Play I al, bid 2 • Did =a" • 3 -wt TAM • 4illou 00m: C ttptlitff •Amir settled • 32 key rmae OW 04575270 Da 270 27' Stereo Television • PK•ure-1►R[tume • Oari inn scream nth cowl fila • Unnertei romok • A. 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Quality colovr Printer • nrs Kn. �npd ati w":d.is.as411.a h:c :: OWN 6"M.��.�1�.wF 41 MMMENK ■ 2 ,0 < I *rh "d4 S611.14 • SI /wdue M SII4AS w r SI S7i.48 bw d Yilt �IiMu MI wri�W M Mir Mwlll� 4•iil. PAGE f -THE NEW5ADVXKrWM FR WR4 MNEMBER 21. kM Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser • A Metroland Community News r di*torials aetterS I� published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Avc., Ajax, Ont. L IS 21-15 PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Short-term pain, long-term gain While they don't meet the demands pushed by 905 -area health care providers, the recommenda- tions made Tuesday by the Health Services Restruc- turing Commission will benefit Durham Region in the long run. The most obvious point about the mega decisions released on Tuesday, which allow for a 30 -day ap- peal period, is the call to close Whitby General Hos- pital by March 31, 1999. The 28 -year-old facility. built when Whitby was a small town of about 15,000, is ironically being closed as the town crests 75,000. But this isn't the flush '60s, it's the tight - money '90s and tough choices must be made. The people of Whitby for a number of years have been choosing to go to Oshawa General Hospital for many of their health care needs. In fact, a survey in- dicates just 17 per cent of townsfolk used WGH compared to 39 per cent who used OGH. That's a telling statistic. The decision will continue to be a controversial one in Whitby. The loss of a hospital hits people in a veru personal way, but Whitby shouldn't take it as a slight. The HSRC took a long, hard look at services and costs and made a tough, but proper determina- tion. The good news is the new East Durham Hospital Corporation will carefully co-ordinate services in Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Scugog and north Durham to best serve all citizens. Ajax -Pickering will share administration costs with Scarborough Centenary Hospital. But health care will be main- tained in Durham because $68.3 million in capital and service funding will be injected into the region. That's less than was requested but is still a signifi- cant amount of money. More long-term and short-term beds will be pro- vided throughout Durham to help keep pace with the growing population. The proposed Cancer Care Centre at OGH is still in limbo, with the HSRC re- questing more study of the situation in the East Cen- tral region. A decision on the fate of the centre is ex- pected by the end of the year. Durham's hospitals can now go ahead, together, to meet the challenges of providing the world's best health care for the region. The HSRC report puts hospitals on firm footing to meet the diverse needs of a growing and aging population. � To respond to this editorial call lnfosowre at 683-7040 and dial 5104 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser PublIbber: rite Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday v Letters to the editor There's no real limit to class sizes To the editor: As a parent I have been very pleased with the even reporting on Bill 160 in many newspapers. However, there is a common misconception that "the law will require that the average class size in any given board cannot exceed 25 students in elementary and 22 students in high school:' If you actually read the amend- ments — I have a copy from my MPP — you will see that those numbers are mentioned as an "aggregate". Elementary schools' aggregate now, as re- ported in the government's own advertisement, which was sent to each house in September, stated that the present average is 17 or 22, depending on how the num- bers are calculated. The new number is an increase. Does this mean that my daughters' classes are increasing by at least three? I don't know. More importantly, subsection (3) of the amendment states the following: The average size of a board's classes, in the aggregate, may exceed the maximum average class size specified to the extent that the Minister of Education, at the request of the board, may permit. This subsection will allow the average size to be whatever the minister approves from boards' requests. In other words, there is no real limit to class sizes! Larry Noonan, Pickering The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written. 150 wonds. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please in- clude a phone number for verifica- tion. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and con- tent. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not nec- essarily those of the News Advertis- er. JOANNE BURGHARDT, E&tor-in-Chief STEVE HOUS'IM, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager EDDIIE KOLODZWJCZAK, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real EstaidAuwmotiveAdvertising Manager AEE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON. Production Manager JANICE O'NEII., Assistant Production Manager TO REACH US General: 683-5110 Clt dfled:683-0707 Distribution: 683-5117 AdmidCtaasided Fax: 683-7363 Campocing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: thisweeWistar.ca STEPHEN SHAW Guest Column Crime and courts reporter Stephen Shaw is based out of the offices of Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington This Week. Wake-up call needed after murder of child Six-year-old Jenny England never had a chance. As the witness parade of child care. mental health and law professionals continues in the now three -month-old coroner's inquest examin- ing the circumstances of her death, it's become painfully clear nobody was there for Jennifer as she and the mother of Ronald England, Marion Johnston, were butchered to death by Mr. Eng- land. The Mental Health Act, which in part pre- vented medical professionals from forcing ps�- chiatric treatment upon her adopted father Ron England. didn't save Jenny. the family court process which resulted in Jennifer being placed in care of- a paranoid schizophrenic man, who later stopped taking his medication wasn't the answer: and surely the child protection agencies trusted with ensuring her safety didn't fulfill their mandate. By now, the jurors and others closely ob- serving the proceedings have seen much more than a mere snapshot of Jennifer's tragic life. and death. Rather, guided by witnesses and coroner counsel Paul Bellefontaine, they have seen through Jennifer's eyes the heartbreaking circumstances in which she lived her short life. Indeed, the school portrait of a bright-eyed smiling Jennifer, which stands beside the jury box each day of the proceedings, will forever remain etched in the memories of, perhaps hauntingly, those following the inquest. One can only hope it will leave that same im- pression on those who are not directly involved. but those who, in the end, will determine whether this entire process, and Jennifer's death, had any purpose at all or was simply in vain. Jurors have been asked to consider and rec- ommend, once the evidence has been complet- ed, numerous changes to legislation governing family law, mental health and child protection Procedures. Changes which, as is the intention of a coroner's inquest, may prevent future tragedies under similar circumstances. The question is, will those with the authority to bring about the needed changes be listening to the jurors? To respond to this column call Infosoutce at 683- 7040 and dial 5108.. The News Advertiser u one of the Mevolmd Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Aim A Pickering Board of Trade. Ontario community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Cir- culations Audit Board and the Ontario Pte" Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manager http://www.durhanuwws.no w 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 ULLIAN W)OK, Administration Manager /ate. _ L L7 . - - - - - - 'fEIE tWiWS'AB�VERtI'tt�F,1� Mt'RiBAY, NOM1�MtStLtR 21,-H9'7 - PA(sB'/ Ajax h to et some of V�hitb s services Officials wonders if it As well, 25 new rehabilitation beds and rently has neither rehab nor long -'term 38 by 2003. 29 new long-term or chronic care beds care beds. The new amalgamated APGH/Cente- ineludes capital assets were recommended by the commission to As well, the commission recommended nary hospital has for now been given the be established by the year 2003 at Ajax- an increase in adult acute mental health name 'Ajax and Pickering/Centenary Hoti- It's not clear how Ajax -Pickering Gen- Pickering General Hospital, which cur- care beds at APGH from the current 20 to pital Corporation'. oral Hospital will take over a share of acute care services ilow-_ currently pro- - vided at Whitby �� c General Hospi- m • • • tai, which is to7ol( be closed in 15 g° 1999. _ iEAP •�'tY,. The provin- cial govern- �: d ment's Health V COMFORT SLEEPE An e ; Services Re- s It r u c It u r i In g e-structuring .NGIF Commission miston rc 59 port released wx n�. " • SET $249` Tuesday states +t: b d 26 per cent of DOUBLE__ ... i 8S aE i 299 V QUEEN ....239 SET 369 WGH's inpa- t.r. KING .399 SET 619 tient acute care• •4,h' _ A programs are to �!' .. be transferred to t;�t� ' ` J, �`y-Ile APGH, with the other 74per tit, ._. cent going to 20 � , - r Oshawa General SUPPORT 1 Hospital. Y FREEr There are ORTHOPEDIC a :_ 1w 0 PAYMENT currently 24"'-'° 1 t 1 N acute cart beds uA�SS 189' 1 T CHOICES located at Whit- by General Hos- pital. ti SET $299 1 • NO GST • NO PST lio INTEREST ..Those are oouerr .......... Z3 �Z: 359 a*EN .. 1 the programs <NG -.-439 SET •BED FRAME •PILLOWS themselves," I • SHEETS • DELIVERY FOR ONE YEAR says APGHA:�nn.;• _ • -• --�-- . s kesman Kim '%�°-•MATTRESS COVER See Store For Detais O.A.C. r MacMurra of T om" >r� r. " j Y rnatch,ng mattress set the transfer. � •►- • .:.: "Now the dis-r1►•• DIVAN DAYBED METAYEAL FUTON SPACESAVER crepancy lies in GTR ••• {• ��"+ BUNK whether there's 4»' ' i (METAL, an inclusion of ORTHOPEDIC capital assets as CtAI EDtT10N well" StoGLE She says the MATTRESS 249 '99 s2 43 $239 information APGH has been SET $399 SPACESAVER A -FRAME FUTON L -FRAME FUTON _BOOKCASE BUNK able to glean so DOUBLE _ ....399 SET 489 o,. ; %" BUNK Great 0�!EEN. 329 SET 509sr . t. Styling far from the -- _ (�) KING....... SET 769 , — with Upper commission's �t�+ .....- t aLower report doesn't 1- _ _ Bookcase indicate ncfma e r di "do- e - whether APGH " 5319 a� 5179 aiiiia 5219 a r' $399 here will get equipment and 30 _ MATES BED CAPTAIN ECONO ORNER BUNK other resources vE�R • • a .� • Armoire Maple Finish . Bookcasemot to handle the � '* t .� _ extra services. . ORTHO GUARD -cb'ef ..That is '? r - something that BUGLE $x 2 LargeFinish \ r h will have to be 269 DraDrawerrs 5199 8239 � 599 Finish looked at over the next couple SET $429 ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BED HARVEST BEDROOM SU �° of weeks to de- DOUBLE. -.......339 SET 529 ADJUSTAAAW termine where QUEEN ........ ... 359 SET 549 ELECTRIC ADJUSTANX OW the capital KING.... ......559 SET 769 %C -V`" kw*sdaa 20 yr. gity- equipment is to go. The commis- 5999 mt�;.�t � $999 sion also recom- mended APGH be amalgamated ' ' ' - • - e with the Cente- BAYLY ` • , f TAUNTON nary Health f w Centre in Scar- • CLF.l1ff.1VTS C w c borough, though the Ajax site Y $ • •'' ' would remain �c ���N" 3 FNANCNG �8s x " ♦N t» open and only ) PISA AVAAABLE "M`,o K ~ +`o 1 • the two hospi- tals' administra- tions would be merged. C11e'' "♦ PAGE 8 -THE NEVM ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBEsR": t.1"7 AM r or] Friday, Nov. 21 st to Sunday, Nov 93rd .s *W%O DLscom Magical Gifts! Our Christmas book is the perfect place to start looking for gift ideas. It's big - over 200 pages! And you can pick up a copy now - at your nearest Eaton's store. This Saturday, all our Eaton's stores will be open at 8:30 a.m. for your shopping convenience. X - Fm _riJ THE NEWS ADVENMER FRIDAY, F40VEMBER 21; 1997 -PAGE 9 Here are just a few of the fashion deal -4,11 61 V*j ff.—Ime FOR WOMEN 25% to 50% off designer & and name fall fashion collections • 25% off holiday separates & selected blouses • 25% off selected sweaters FOR MEN • 25% off regular priced sweaters ,Excwdes designers) • 25% off regular priced dress shirts (Excludes Tommy HWKw. C lailoorrw & Perry Elis.) FOR KIDS 20% off Nike & Adidas clothing & shoes • 25% aft sweaters 25% off Crayola & Lego "LA available n 0" Factory Outlet. Warehouse Stores or Clearance Centres r - Eaton's will deduct an amount w walent to the PST & GST from the total price of your purchase. Offer excludes cosmetics & fragrances: Bath & Body. Sunglass Hut; at jxkey & Cahn Klee merchandise: Easy Sprit shoes: DKNY harxibags & shoes; $19.99 guaranteed in -stock bras; Dar )ewelery: Guess, Cum. Swatch & Prestige watches: Fine & Estate jewellery. Mont Blanc acoessories: Tommy Htfiger underwear & socks: Hugo Boss underwear: Marv. Valentin. Joseph AbbaY1 & CK dotting: sale & clearance sinal electrics & personal care appiaraes; home electronics: camxrvcztans equimern: broadloom; major appliances; ntants' wtveei goods: Royal Velvet & Eaton Home towels; pre-recorded video & audio tapes: CDs: filn; Eaton GM Certfrates: Eaton Restaurants; concessions & services, List subject to charge. Selection may vary by store. See in-store for details. Personal Shopping Only. Eaton wi deduct 10% from the total price of your purchase. Offer excludes Panascrrc GAOO TVs. film, pre-recorded video & avxbo tapes & CDs. List sublect to charge. Selection may vary by store. See in-store for details. Personal Shopping Only. .ka`SYY Y x}�➢."'',f��' .3:` a ;�+'>. _ I= M 0 RAGE W- THE IV 4W,"iADVER77SER FRIDAY, NQVEMBIsR 21, 1997 1/2 Price 'Erika' pine mate's bed in a Natural catalyzed lacquer finish. Drawers supplied with metal runners (not included). Drawer set may be mounted on either side of the bed. 012785. Sears reg. 699.99. $349 Sole prices end Sunday, Nov 30, 1997 1/2 Price 'Nadeau' youths' slat bed ensemble. Solid rock maple and veneer construction. Choose from eight colours, three solid and five 2 -tone colours. 066410. Sears reg. 599.98. Ensemble 2W$ lad. headboard: Footboard and rods "t1�New�;�i�ivr.�rt>Fts�p M�EiI<rit�, nev�i►r>,ri�fi�Zi, t�-Pdc,>!'�i whole(ulijhoMe.. FURNITURE STORE 1/2 Price 'Chelsea' recliner with bonus universal remote and convenient storage pouch on side of recliner. Aquamarine Dark, Antique Rose or Antique Blue. #41022. Sears reg. 599.99. 29" Bonus must accompany returns. Sale prices end Wednesday, Dec 24, 1997 On 64991 Special purchase! 'Firefly' Wall -A -Way' recliner fully reclines when placed just 3" from wall. Features a hidden fold -out tray in left arm with a cup holder and storage compartment for TV remotes, books and more. 041848. Until they're gone! Use your Sears Card and ONIT PAY'TIL 1999 Plus, all furniture and sleep sets are on sale or at great Special Purchase prices Don't pay until January 1999, on approved credit, with your Sears Card. Offer applies to furniture, sleep sets and decorator rugs. Minimum $200 purchase. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges ore payable at time of purchase. Excludes liquidation items in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases. Offers end Wednesday, December 24, 1997. Ask for details. Sole prices end Sunday, November 23, 1997, unless otherwise stated • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1650 rutedo St, ueit 07 MAY, Ontario Pbe (905) 5794043 Ston Mars: Aka -Fri. 9:30 amL - 9:00 pain Set. 9:30 siL - 6:00 pjL sm.11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.wt. 000u� 401 g � Somme e. {t Osnewe `mmm ' ¢ • Lelce ontarM� Come in and let our trained furniture consultants assist you in selecting the styles, fabrics and colours best suited for your lifestyle and decor. 11481 Copyright 1997 Sears Canada Inc. PIYS sYsryddar 9ppd YalYes SALE PRICES M EFFECT FROM 8:30 A.M. SAT., NOV. 22 TO CLOSE, SUN., NOV. 23, 1997, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST• PLUS, 11494K OUT T14M EARLY OPENING SPECIALS SATURDAY ONLY, FROM 8:30 - 10:30 A.M. CH 'ISTMAS CAKE 400 g coke. Limit 2 per customer. 072046. Sears reg. 1.99. Each 1 49 1 11/A2I pi ri=a CRAFTSMAN 10 -PC. SCREWDRIVER SET Lifetime warranty; details at Sears. 032293. Sears reg. 39.99. Hardware not available in our Yorkdale and Gerrard Square stores Aw ALL WOMEN'S JOE 6OXER6 GIRLfI SLEEPWEAR AND DAYWEAR SebdW m" wry by stere. " StiV� ScsVE Scrvva 0-0/0 0,0/10 FIELDCREST- COTTON ALL MEN'S LOOP CARPET PRODIGE FASHION Sears reg. 11.99-59.99. Each UNDERWEAR E. ' �_ >:` 6O9-i�9V Assorted styles include mid rise, ,it o0m- lttrMawtr"'�elrit bikini and boxers in a great y - selection of prints and solids. A WIDE SELECTION OF NAME BRAND K04 -CUP COFFEE MAKER ANS FASH ON WATCHES tips }Rer, #,81082' Segs ray. 24.99. Available in most stores. 40*Selection may vary by store. Until Sunday, November 23 1991 Sears Club Members can use their Sears Card and get double Sears Cluo points on almost anything they buy. Excludes Licensed Dept., Automotive, Labour, Delivery and Custom Orders. Personal shopping only 'Some items may have been on sale during the post week. Savings cannot be combined with any other savings offers SSC/SIRS e 2W/a ALL MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND KIDS' LEVI'S JEANS Choose from all styles and fits. 30"0" ALL WOMEN'S TERRY ROBES Cboose frost Cottee terry, terry loop, brosbed bock terry and terry velour. deck, Nary, Heater Green oed owe. selectiea way v«y by store Swe 30'0 WOMEN'S REG. -PRICED DRESS OR CASUAL COATS Excludes alreody advertised nod clearmi items, wbik quantities last 69LE/A�P, S Save Scme 0 o ALL WOMEN'S. REG. -PRICED, COORDINATES FROM: JONES STUDIO, JONES STUDIO SPOIL Is' ISSUE, ALFRED DUNNER, NYGARD COLLECTION, TAN JAY" & BIANCA Net aN broads available is ON stares Save an additional %40 ON WOMEN'S CLEARANCE FASHIONS PICKERING STORE ONLY f0cme ow OC% DISCONTINUED BATHROOM AND BEDROOM COORDINATES Includes tumblers, soap dishes, comforters, bedspreads and much more. w=301" ALL MEN'S DRESS PANTS OVER $50 Plant and dressy styles in wool and wool bleed fabrics. e 3W-,`0 ALL MEN'S WINTER HEADWEAR lacbedes all hots, toques ad hoods. Swe M5'OG ALL MEN'S NATIONAL BRAND ACTIVEWEAR Nate, Adidas`, Reebok- and owe. Net aN breads evadable in ad stores 4" Y l SALE PRICES IN EFFECT FROM 8:30 A.M. SAT., NOV. 22 TO CLOSE, SUN., NOV. 23, 1997, WHILE QUANTMES LAST* 'Some items may have been on sale during the past week. Savings cannot be combined with any other savings offers. Personal shopping only SSCIARS PAGE 14 -:rW NEWS A1DVX.R".5ER.tJUVAV�N0VENBER 21. or . Pickering mom fights to have Bill 160 stalled BY SUSAN O'NEILL STAFF REPORTER A Pickering parent is taking her protest against Bill 160 across Ontario in an at- tempt to persuade the provincial government to re- move the legisla- tion from the fall agenda. Joanne Dies, a parent of Glen - grove Public School students, is trying to get support across Ontario for a pe- tition calling on the Province to delay passage of the Educa- tion Quality Improvement Act. "As parents, we are ex- tremely concerned about Bill 160 and the way it's being pushed through the legisla- ture;" she says. 'We're basically just asking for more timc...there seems to be a lot of confu- sion out there" Amendments to the hill were read in the Ontario legisla- ture this week, with third reading ex- pected to take place before the end of the month. Ms. Dies, who is currently making the rounds speaking at parent JOANNE DIES 'Extremely concerned' FALL BLOWO 5% OFF! Stack up for Christmas ...until Nov. 30 • SUVEATERS • JACKETS • DRESSES • SKIRTS • PANTS • B1.0USLS We're c"w than you Rink- Less than 5 trwxfts • 4C W (Nom Whites Rd) • Exit Kirx}sior Re tight a' 'st exit Lawsor Rd At IK"s fur, eft!c FPhaa -, 366 Old Kingston Rd. Htghiand Creek a 1 _ansa information sessions throughout the region, says while she may be perceived as a "political activist" for her outspoken stand on the legislation, "I don't think I am...I'm a concerned par- ent" Ms. Dies says an E-mail message encouraging par- ents to contact their local MPPs was sent to school boards across Ontario Wednesday in the hope it would be distributed to schools and parents. While she agrees with recent directives from school boards that discus- sions about the legislation be kept out of the class- room, she says the effec- tiveness of the petition may be hurt by those directives. Ms. Dies says "it's get- ting more and more diffi- cult" to find forums to raise pubic awareness of Bill 160. She says a petition being circulated locally has not yet been sent to the Min- istry of Education and Training as signatures are, still being sought. Meanwhile, ministry spokesman Daniele Gauvin reports the ministry is re- ceiving some petitions and '.a heavy volume" of indi- vidual letters asking ques- tions about the legislation. "All letters and petitions do get an answer from the ministry," she says. "Every- thing on Bill 160 that we are receiving will get an an- swer." We're open and We're Ha ppening1 Be part of our Grand Opening Celebrations. 64 !iWW26 No — &n4 Nwm6 276 S+tat+oty, Dealer 66 1:30 pm - John Ilksoe &W Ren - Marls CRUM 700 m - Pwwised lad ht$Mk the A61rr Hors Re.ohma A Gnstster T64 The AD Seasons Gadw C� The b�k TheThhaddte Shack Sto�� Neww6 - , bier 2% lel Clear the Trick, Hm Eddie Shade �d mm Shack Aa Blewitt Toronto Loris' 5:00 p.rn - Mu4ts 6:30 p.ni. -Meld-Meda Demo Nicht oopics of Clnr Thr Inck The Eddie 9nck Story ad aoctian filled afiamon of ograph Join Popular s mast ad h000roas madaa as he perform a fim �0S ?'� cltildrm god enjoy a fuo-6lkd iotaycavr 2 � 00OVe. �, � °"� Mobs Media a noastraoon m 91 6111,1114. Su4 Ntt t� 23a Sae4 Det6 76 200 m - Geoff P ere, llondo Caatri '. � 6:30 pm - Arjm & ]urine Verkatik, DW er The Wlr r wl p 2 -Al p.Q - Sw day Akienioa NM Sents You* seen the movie Twister, now mea die Tal heroes. Well km.n entertainment writer and CFRB persombty Thea of Taomo's best known poets Geoff Perere ad signs wpm bertsdler klonlo Grrcko[ his eteMarnt perform thw acdaimed works. ''' T ' Dt >sli 7ao '� 2.00 pm - 4.001 pm } Deot> 6 3a pm -Chis Cuthbert dT Scott boa 11k title Kids conic and haw Hockey Night m Lander pnsomkoes Ctrs Cuthbert ad 1� P calm �: T 30 p a - Mak Swam, t;et Wind, Yak Hid Scott Russell coke you on a journey of 6aots hodory Twits with Eraakia for coasa $1.00.1 f3aswess kmt Mark Switz sbows you how to at the as they disass thdr acda®od hockey book Tk Rink � �1° Trittdy, Ntt�brr 2iu a0ti0m tedymlosy to wane the pedal cam H To pm- Markka Giiaa�, Thrivy 4Cdrwg 4 Dt % � �"""'! Live Mttsit Sales Join Main Gmrnachd4, editor of Tits Joy ajCooiwa 70 p.a - Tasy Aspler, My balls cold► aCorkscrew _ h m N TCAU 22 smell Detntie 20 as she discusser one of the worlds' best known book Fajoy a Rhong evening of good books ad what disamon. 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The L adcrpainter (.int I'rquhurr Publtshers List Prue 29 99 Chapters price 20.99 4• Polgara the Ssirceress Oavid & Leigh Eddings Publishers Liu Price 36 00 Chapters prier 25.20 P. U. Ili \1 1; S (.ERTA I\ JUSTICE OFF 9• -k Certain justice PI) James Publishers Lw Prue 32 95 Chapter, prk t 2107 5., folin Inne Rut Puhhshrr, 1 ni Pr,,. 45 (.hwNrr,pr,. 'I07 10. I cmplc of the N inds 1. ret (oodkind Publisher, Last Price 34 u5 Chapters prkr 2447 * Above Bestseller prices in effect until Wednesday. November 26, 199' Look! More value — Chapters is proud to feature /-l'olil '(5itiirv)�i .. . Each month Chapters recommends special Canadian books and authors that we feel should reach more readers. See these exceptional works displayed in every store. Each is priced at 20% off the retail price. 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MadwUnd Tomm Photic N 161920 9299 Mtsassalpt hm 19051820 9910 Aepnr Cettte..Waster The Power of Passion: Acheive Your (weirs Everests Alan Hobsim & Jamie Clarke Publishers Lit Prue IS 95 Chapters pnte 15.16 Gi"A Books Am just Ue +'"mnmg � A CANADIAN BOOS COMPANY PAGE 16 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1997 Around Durham Rep*on c Pace' aker Changes by health restructuring commissi�rt won't affect cash raised for Oshawa hospital By' BRIAN LFGREE Dt_TZ11A%1 STAFF OSHAV1A — Moncy donated to the Oshav%a General Hospital Foun- dation will remain here, despite a de- cision to amalgamate arca hospitals, says an OGH vice-president. Dan Spinner. OGH vice-president of community relations, says "the OGH Foundation has no plans to go out of business;' although the Health Ser\, ices Restructuring Commission (HSRC) has announced a strategy to bring medical facilities in Oshawa, Whithy, Port Perry, Bowmanville and Uxbridge under the umbrella of the East Durham Hospital Corpora- tion. Mr. Spinner believes it will he business as usual for the OGH Foun- dation. "I think it will;' he says. "The Foundation trustees' responsibility is to honor donor intention. The Setting the Pace funds are in trust, which ob- ligates the Foundation to use the funds at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal site. The same is true for the Keeping the Pace fund." When the hospitals in Port Perry and Uxbridge merged to become the North Durham Health Services. the two hospital foundations remained as separate entities. The Setting the Pace campaign raised $26 million toward OGH's planned $147 -million redevelop- ment, while the Keeping the Pace campaign raised about $3 million to- ward new hospital equipment. Those funds '-will stay for Os- hawa. I can guarantee that," Mr. Spinner told This Week. However, Mr. Spinner says it's conceivable money in the Founda- tion's iLeneral fund — the fund which the Cit\, is scckinc audited financial statements for under Freedom of In- formation laws — could he put toward all facilities under the East Durham umbrella. Despite the HSRC's rec- ommendation to merge Oshawa with other hospitals and close Whitby General Hospital, the commission doesn't make recommendations re- garding hospital foundations, says Mr. Spinner. "They only ask us to report on how we plan to handle the Founda- tions;' says Mr. Spinner, noting "in other towns with (hospital) mergers, in some cases the Foundations have merged, in others they didn't" But Mr. Spinner says Oshawa is willing to discuss the future of the ncw, tentatively named East Durham Hospital Corporation with officials from Whitbv, Bowmanville, Port Perry and Uxbridge. There could be "joint fund-raising among the new corporate hospital;' suggests Mr. Spinner, adding "we'd be happy to entertain any discussion about co-operative fund-raising. I think we can build on that" Apiece of history falls The historic Heard House on Mary Street in Whitby crumbles during demolition Wednesday. The house, once the home of the late Florence Heard, was to be pre- served as part of a housing development on the downtown site. But a delay in the devel- opment and repeated acts of vandalism and arson led the Town to allow the developer to tear the house down. A memorial plaque will be erected on the site. Twelve lab workers to lose jobs at 0SHAV%A — Oshawa General Hospital has issued layoff notices to 12 of its laNwatory workers. The lab technologists will join 13 other co- workers who were laid off earlier this year, says Patty Rout, chief steward of Local 348 of the; Ontario Public Service Employees Union. The layoffs are part of the hospital's re-engi- neering announced in January which detailed the elimination of 200 jobs arab which will pro- duce about $lat million in %a,. Ings. The 12 positionsinclude full- and part-tirne jobs, says Patncia Adolphus, OGH's interim president and chief executive officer. "We find n rather ironic we're going to do it just as we're about to centralize;' says Nls. Rout, referring to a proposal to create a central lab at OGH to serve hospitals in Durham Region, Vic- toria, Peterborough and Northumberland coun- tics. Ms. Rout says the staffing complement at Oshawa hospital tlx: OGH lab has been reduced to 50 from about 70. A lab technologist earns about $15,000 an- nually, says Ms. Rout. "We figure we're going to be very busy and the results may get out slower," says Ms. Rout. Staff morale is low due to ongoing concern about job losses, she says. "It's really poor," she says. "We've been talk- ing about layoffs and going through them for two years. It's been stressful for people" Scugo,v,r residents urged to watch for scam artists SCUG(x; — As Christmas moves closer and chartable organi- zations attempt to solicit donations for events, local police officers are warning residents to be careful when they're in the spirit of giving. Sergeant Ken Hudson of the; Stabbing of drifter said to be `drug-related' OSHAWA — A 32 -year-old drifter was hunted down by several men and stabbed four times in an attack Wednesday night which police suspect was "drug-related" Durham Regional Police said the victim ex- changed words with one man outside the Genosha Hotel on King Street East in Oshawa and the man then went into the hotel and returned moments later with several friends. A fight broke out and the victim was initially stabbed once in the back, police said. He then ran down King Street while being chased by his attackers where he was caught and stabbed three more times, once again in the back and twice in the side of his body, po- lice said. A cab driver who watched a knife -wield- ing man running after the victim radioed to his dispatcher who then called police at 10:45 p.m. The victim was taken to Oshawa General Hos- pital and treated for minor wounds then released. His attackers had fled the area before police ar- Durham Regional Police's .'6 Divi- sion said residents should always make sure representatives or callers for donations are who they say they are and that contributions will go to the intended cause. "It seems to be high this time of year:' said Sgt. Hudson of scam artists. "Possibly because of the season and people are in the spirit of giving. "They (residents) should ensure the people soliciting arc legitimate and don't he afraid to make en- rved. Sergeant Jim Grimley said the victim "has- n't fully co-operated" with investigators. "We be- lieve the incident was drug-related;' he said. The suspect armed with the knife was de- scribed as a black male, IS to 20, five -feet seven - inches and 120 -pounds. He was wearing a light- colored camouflage jacket and dark toque. Charges dropped against Courtice brew -your -own outlet Federal charges against the owner and a staff member at a Courtice 'brew -it -yourself' beer out- let have been formally withdrawn. As part of an informal Diversion program, the charges against the owner of Vintage Brew Co. were dropped in return for a $500 charitable do- nation, the office of federal prosecutor Alex Sosna confirmed. Similar charges against a staff member were also withdrawn.The case stemmed from a probe of U -brew outlets across the Greater Toron- quiries with the individuals, with police or with any other watchdog agency about the agency these peo- ple say they're with:' Anyone with concerns about a solicitor can call Durham Regional Police at 579-1520. to Area by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police earlier in the year. Numerous other companies and their staff were also charged with cases still be- fore the courts. Whitby gallery has Christmas blast from past WHITBY — Get ready for an "Old Tyme" Christmas. The Station Gallery is holding its 25th annual Old Tyme Christmas Art and Craft Sale on Nov. 29 and 30, from noon to 5 p.m. both days. Works by local artisans, including pottery, quilted pillows, stained glass, fabric dolls, wrought -iron furniture, folk art and Christmas decorations, will be on display. The gallery will also feature art for sale by more than 50 local artists. Refreshments will be served in the Tea Room. Homemade baked goods will be available for sale. There is no admission for the event. The gallery is located at Henry and Victoria Streets. Union leader pushes protests BY CHRIM CHASE DURHAM SrAF'F WHITBY —The leader of the largest union in Ontario says Whitby residents need to get together and hold public demonstrations to protest the planned closure of their hospital. "We need public expressions of sup- port for Whitby General Hospital," says Sid Ryan, a Whitby resident and head of the Canadian Union of Public Employ- ees (CUPS) Ontario. "I hope the citizens of Whitby don't take this lying down. "There's got to be a public outpour- ing against the closure;" he says, refer- ring to Tuesday's recommendation from the Health Services Restructuring Com- mission the hospital be closed by March 31, 1999. Mr. Ryan says there should be town hall meetings, a resurgence of the Save Our General Hospital campaign and protests. Women's groups, senior citi- zens' groups, unions and residents need to get together and defend the hospital, he says. "It's hard work" but public service unions and small communities faced with hospital closures have proven that protests work with the Conservative government, he says. If people protest New name, same service for Durham builders' group By any other name, they art: still the That's what members of the Oshawa - Durham Home Builders' Association say after they voted in favor of a new name at Wednesday night's annual meeting. Now known as Durham Re- gion Home Builders' Association, the subtle name change was made; to accu- rately reflect the full services now pro- vided by the association to all residents of Durham Region. That same: evening, Jamie Maclnnis, president of City Homes, was elected the association's 46th president. He said he is committed to the association's mission of " promot- ing aflivdability and choice of high- quality homes for our customers" Mr. Macinnis replaces outgoing pres- ident Sue Hillebrand. of Deloitte and Touche, who was recognized Wednes- day evening for her contributions_ ADVEN11MG CORRECTION In our Christmas Magic Book, included in this newspaper this week. Please note: Page 40 - Casual Connection, rib chenille tunic sweater is not available in brown colour shown, all other colours available as advertised. Page 1581159 - Lego 581,59- t_ego, Woo and Free Style buckets, copy is reversed. We si =* ap0bW bar valued cuslomens and teget any itcawtenrentce or cordon this may have hosed E ATO N'S. ocTtone M tlws week's Kmart Ryer elletsive Saturday, NOVEMBER 22, the blowing emus have oavrred: PAGE K6 The Lames velour Mules featured on in page are available in Black and Burgundy only, not green as shown. PAGE K7 Due to customer demand, many styles and sols d the Tender Toolsies lealwed on ft page are not available in all stores We apobgiae for any kworatervence this may have Caused. -4 -- the closure, "these Tories will run for the hills" he predicts. Mr. Ryan says residents should also -bom- bard" Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty's office with phone calls and faxes until formal protests can be arranged. Mr. Ryan says the MPP has to be held responsible for the closure, adding WGH is the only hospital in the GTA/905 area to be THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1997 - PAGE 17 to keep Whitby open n AL closed. open and operating as a general hospital, even 'All the MPPs from the 905 belt managed to suggesting a pox)ling of medical services with protect their hospitals, but Flaherty failed to do Oshawa General Hospital, a move that was so. He has failed the people of Whitby;' Mr. turned down by WGH's board of governors. Ryan says. The board backed turning the hospital into a "if it rains tomorrow Sid will blame me;' Mr. regional rehabilitation centre. which the Re - Flaherty said, laughing. Mr. Flaherty said he has structuring Commission turned down in its de - been working since 1994 to keep the hospital liberations. h., POIVT7AC TRANS SPORT BULT FM DRIVERS' SAFARI 365 DAYS A YEAR 1998 GMC SAFARI VAN gets you a 190 HI Verres 4.3 litre V6 engine, automatic SIO ARTLEASE transmission with overdrive, 4 -wheel ABS, dual air hags, PASSLtackr`I theft -deterrent system, 5,500 lb. towing capacity, sleep tinted glass, power door lacks, 8 -passenger $299* seating, air conditioning and an AM/FIvf stere(l c:i­vrrt,. ., t,F e,rl V *' IoM Rlrti ulrh 5 I : ate' .I„wn INTBvODUCING OUR NEW GROUP RATES 1998 PONTIAC TRANS SPORT gets you a 180 HP 3400 SFI V6 engine, 3 -speed automatic SNIARTLEASE transmission, front and side driver and passenger air hags, child safety lock on sliding side door, air conditioning with pollen filter, 4 -way driver manual seat adjuster, deluxe comfort tilt steering, front $299 and rear intermittent wipers, AM/FM stereo cassette and beep tinted glass. Anot 4uhlbnre,tf> with S2. iic`.k,wn GET WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR CENTRAL ONTARIO PONTIAC/BUICK/GMC DEALERS. Don't forget- lee yiiw GM Card EarnwV EA You should know this: *`IMARTLEAIt $'99/$'99 per month/ib month Ica,e for 1998 t_�NIC uwwdnmiatyt4rcnnevriceorteeedom a 1"Atdri Vin/I99;i P„ntl.w Tran,S rt \'an equipped a, de,cnbcd. Annual kilometre ltmlt: peyrm,t d your nod new GA vdre4., .rite. 1`" w?utsyourcam done toryou l my? '�"�.~« 'r'wrv�'t �" =�'.OtJO k,n S�'.�'8 per exec., krlr,mctrr. A minimum down r•avment „r trade .,t 51.9iJ15'.li�` Ki o,o,,�,,.,�„�,,,��.,,,,,,,.�,.w..��. � T.and $lid >ecurity dcpo,it are required. lather lease option, are available. Freight�%..�`....°i� ":..mow �",..a..,..Ilcencr, taxes .and Insurance not included. healer may lease for les.. later applae, too the [case of 1998 new ur demon,trator models. Dealer order or trade may he necessarv. Otter applies only to qualified retail customers an Central Ontario Limited time otters which may not he combined or used with other offers. See your healer hu details or visit www.gn,canada.com"'. {www.gmcanad.a.com is a registered trademark of General Motors Corporation l PAICE It' -Ta NMS Anvk VaA 14'[ "t. 9diliVA6.0 21, iW1- • - Ajax-PUornputer semin.a.rs- het Internet, computing needs session aid current campaign The United Way of Ajax -Picker- ing and Diamond Institute Business and Computer Technology are join - Christmas bazaar helps families help disabled The Durham Family Network is hosting a two-day Christmas Bazaar next weekend to raise money to help people with special needs. The bazaar is being held at the Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Associa- tion for Community Living, 36 Em- peror St.. Ajax Saturday, Nov. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 30 from noon to 4 p.m. It will feature a tea room, bake sale.4silent auction, used book sale and a boutique section. Children can have their picture taken with Santa Claus at the bazaar on Sunday after- noon. The Durham Family Network is a volunteer organization of parents and family members striving to im- prove the quality of life for loved ones with a disability. To volunteer, make a donation or for more information, call 427-3300 ext. 234. EXECUTIVE HOME OVERLOOKING RAVINE SS6 DARWIN Coughlan Spruce model in prestigious Fawn :andmg subdivision. 4 bdn. Horne, mM. bdrnt. 2 - 5 pc. en suite. WA ck" overbeiung Wood ravine. Spacious ceramic fir. toyer, oak spiral staircase. Huge eat -in kit wfpantry. tam. rm. WA) bturu.., tp. Wont Int. Call Tim trwnft- today' TIM MAINELLA* 831-9500 - Sutton (� ftt a group - 1• - e heritage reaflty inc. ` ing forces to offer two computer seminars to raise money for charity. The first seminar on mastering the Inter- net is being held Wednesday, Nov. 26 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The course will cover the basics of get- ting online, including the software, hard- ware and telecommunications requirements I . . . . . . : ­. ­­­ '. :'. �­;­..;-1'l..i,."j.'.� 1 . . . ickering United Way needed, and information on how to choose a supplier. Cost for the seminar is $60. The second seminar, entitled 'The best computer your money can buy'. will help participants determine their computing needs. The course is being held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 29. Course fee is $45. Both courses are being held at Dia- mond's training facility, 95 Bayly St. W in Ajax. Registration fees will be donated to the United Way. For more information call Georgia at 686-0606. Uon t take no for an answer. SMARTLEASE u month /36 months with $3.200 down pa vmen, 9 The 1998 Century by Buick has all the right answers. That's because it has been completely redesigned to bring you all the amenities you'd expect of a Buick at a very unexpected price. Come test drive one today at your Central Ontario PURCHASE Pontiac/Buick/GMC dealer. Yes, you'll be very glad you did. Yes indeed. $23,398' (e_ccludes freight $785) Century by Buick, available only at your Central Ontario Buick Dealers. GMC 1 11- oa,•t l«pt,o al P, r c.., c Figs _ You should know this: 'Based on a 36 month lease for 1998 Buick Century toward The Total vu,tn Arte a Kaseao„a, �A$E 1 SB equipped as described. Annual kilometre limit: 20,000 km. $0.08 per payment d your neat new GM Muck.' ---�� what's your card done f« you Wamy? s'rr —M say 4.ar r,rlr excess kilometre. A minimum down payment or trade of $3,200 and $350 secu- rity deposit are required. Total obligation is $17,121.20. Other lease options are 1800-32 $M�� available. 'tFreight $785, licence, insurance and taxes are not included. Dealer 'aia �' .a.. r .�.....r..... o.w.w..o... may sellAease for less. Offer applies to the lease or purchase of 1998 new or only to qualified retail customers in Central Ontario. Limited time offers which may not he combinede to used with Dealer offers. ortrademay be necessary. Offer applies www.gmcanada.comTM. (www.gmcanada.com is a registered trademark of General Motors Corporation.)Your Dealer for details or visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "' :) PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1"7 A Special Place provides the "look for less" A Special Place is a unique furniture store with two location. One in Toronto at Yonge and Davisvillr. the other in the Pickering Home & Leisure Centre in Pickering. For the past 20 years A tiprcial Place has worked hard to bring its clients the best "decorator looks- in the marketplace without the designer prier tag. Thr. specialize in custom upholstered furniture. Sofas, loveseats and chairs arc available in manv styles and a wide variety of decorator fabrics. Window treatmrnts.k carpets and custom entertainment centres are all part of what they provide. A Special Place also sells a variety of unique cocktail tables, lamps mirrors, prints and unusual accent pieces to suit any decor. From lovembcr 29th to Decrmbcr 13th A Special Place will be having their annual Near end clearance sale. You will save up to 51)"„ on great selections of merchandise. Everything from items such as picture frames and cosy throws to floor model sofas, chairs and coffer tables to decorate your own home, will be on sale. Shop early at either location for the best selection. Basement leaks tend to be most severe in winter "N'o need to -s ait for spring to effect repairs" (fordon Craw lord of Crawford A Sons has been ,ucccssfully repairing leaking basements for f over 23 Nears and although he says. "I'm still learning:' he estimates he has heen in close to T 15.0M) homes and seen virtually every Ix)ssible leaking situation one can imagine. Gordon says " has►cally the amount of vears I've been in this business has forced me to develop hundreds of �q fw different techniques to successfully solve every situation I've encountered." 1 find that this is the time of vcar when people start raising the question about whether to rush the foundation repairs before the ground freezes or wait until .� spring. The truth is there is absolutely no need .F �► ' to wait for spring to effect repair, ' M(xlern interior injection techniques for concrete and exterior drainage gap membranes for block foundations allow repairs to continue year :uunof. In fact Gurdon says "the onlN nuisance is breaking through the top 6" of frozen ground, but then again every job has its snags, it's all part of the excavation process. F,ve encountered worse situations in the pouring rains of April or huge boulders that just won't budge." One thing for sure is that "basement leaks tend to be most severe in winter." Gordon says that "during a torrential E , rain in summer the ground absorbs most of the water { before it builds enough pressure to squeeze through any"r cracks but when it rains or thaws in winter and the top layer of ground is frozen the water sits on top like a swimming pool and pours through any openings like a crack in a dam:' Gordon suggests that "people should consider having the repairs done in winter for two reasons. One, so they don't have to suffer through the =" aggravation of spring thaw again and, two, so that when spring comes it's the best time of the year to test the new repairs." Gordon goes on to say that "theft: aggravations (if any) of winter repairs are mine and they have zero hearing on the cost to the customer. No job is too complicated or too easy and I can promise you a fair and objective evaluation of the problem." For a free professional evaluation call Gordon at 905-686- 6880. T---- Lam' ! P4 i �Y Upscale furniture r P styles 4 Creative window " treatments Exciting designer x fabrics A - Unique accessories - Complete decorating service FALL SEAT SALE Leather Sofas From 52,495 - Fabric Sofas From $995 THE MISADVENTURES OF CRAWFORD AND SONS WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY/QUALITY WORKMANSHIP (over 23 years experience and more than 7,500 homes repairs) INJECTION SPECIALISTS FOR FOUNDATION CRACKS POLYURETHANE/EPDXY (No Digging In Most cases) Cement Block Foundations membranes/sump Pumps/drainage systems FIX POTENTIAL LEAKS BEFORE RENOVATIONS our expert trouble shooting offers you the . op optimum repair at the best prices with a Q 10 YEAR FULL GUARANTEE �■� ol3 FREE ESTIMATES 'ICs c? 905=686=6880 4331 1 J. _LA. - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1997 -PAGE: 21 New Wood Replacement Windows Offer Authentic Look and Maximum Energy Efficiency Homeowners looking to update their wo(m windows with — ---- authentically designed replacement windows offering maximum energy efficiency will find the new Precision Fit' Architect Series' Replacement Window from Pella Corp. just the answer. 'The new wood replacement window is engineered to meet the growing demands of the double -hung replacement -window market for products that provide the classic look of true divided light combined with case of installation and aesthetic appeal. "These windows are the ideal solution for homeowners who want to improve their energy efficiency while preserving a distinctive style;' says Randy Iles, Pella Corp. senior vice president of marketing and sales. "These new windows allow homeowners to update their homes without losing any of the original charm:' The new window is designed with Pella's unique Integral Light Technology' which provides the look of true divided light with the energy efficiency of insulating glass. In this new design, both interior and exterior wood grilles are permanently bonded to a single unit of InsulShield'" insulating glass. The exclusive, nonglare polymeric spacer provides better thermal performance for the replacement window. This glass technology can lower heating and cooling hills by as much as 24 percent and block up to 74 percent of the sun's rays that cause fading.* This window is shipped fully assembled with frame, sash• hardware and options,. They are designed to fit inside standard 3 1/4 -inch sash pockets, with height and width built to order on the quarter inch. Sizes range from 37 1/4 inches to 77 1/4 inches in height and 20 3/4 inches to 44 3/4 inches in width, covering the size spectrum of older double -hung windows. Because of its unique in -frame design, installation can be completed quickly and easily, usually within an hour, without RECOVER Call the store for details S PIECE DINETTE (36wxboM Solid =able) s�99 White/Natwal Fully Assembled Chairs HO NTE(t"NERS RF.('F.I\ F. thr iwnertts nr energy rtriciencs, tw-auth and style in a wood replacement window with the new Pella Precision Fit, Architect Series* Replacement window. damaging original woodwork. Unlike a typical replacement window with reduced glass area, the Pella Precision Fit window frame has a narrow profile for maximum exposed glass area. And, like all Pella windows, the Precision Fit Architect Series Replacement Window features a wood interior that can he painted or stained to match the existing trim and a center -pivot sash for easy interior cleaning. Aluminum half -screen. metal locking mechanism and sash lift are standard. For more information on wood replacement or literature on making window and door decisions, call 1-9(X)-947-3552, visit your local Pella Window Store" or look up Pella Corp. on the World Wide W'eh at htip://www.pella.com. * Performance information bused on tests using Lawrence Berkelei Laboruton 's Window 4.0 program. PAGE 22-'!'IrtE NEWS AbVLIIt'f'rStsk FR'iDAYr', NO'i'ElNb1�,k 21; 1997 •' Travel Destinations Sight for your eyes... Vancouver is new home to former Soviet submarine Foxtrot sub an interesting tour stop for visitors to west coast BY JOHN DUAIrrE SPECIAL To THE NEWS ADVERTISER NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. — Tlx last thing you expect to sac while on a drive along the Fraser River is a Russian subma- rine. So, when we caught sight of the big red star on the black hull of a ship moored in New Westmin- ster Quay, we had to have a closer look. Unbelievable as it may seem. this is an actual Russian Foxtrot class U-521 pa- , trol submarine in all its glory — torpedoes and all. knots submerged or 18 knots on the surface. At eight knots on the surface. the sub had a range of 16,000 miles. While the ship looks impres- sive from the outside, it is much more so from the inside. As you tour the cramped interi- or quarters, you get some appreci- ation of what it must have been like for the 75 -member crew to live in the tiny compartments for extended periods — sometimes up to six months under water. Crew bunks arc tucked in where space allows — under stairs, between machinery. At its peak, the Foxtrot U-521 carried 22 d"l purpose torpedoes which it could fire out of It-; 10 torpedo tubes (six forward and four aft). It could also carry and deploy up to 44 mines. The sub was also loaded with high-tech surveillance and detec- tion equipment. One of the more enjoyable parts of the tour is the enthusiasm of the guide. Very informed and always ready to answer a ques- tion, he takes you through the sub- marine bow to stern, exploring everything from the crew's quar- ters to the torpedo rooms. The sounds around you create the illu- sion that this vessel is very much alive and ready for action. Those torpedoes are not armed. right? Just checking' 5e, -a r s- Tri- _wl N , v e, I WORLD The tour takes about 20 min- utes and it is well worth the time. You can visit Stanley Park any time, but how often do you have a chance to live a piece of history? The Russian Foxtrot U-521 submarine is open for tours daily from 9:30 to 6:30 in docked in New Westminster Quay, 19 kilo- metres east of downtown Vancou- ver. To visit and tour the sub, fol- low Hwy. I east to the Brunett exit and proceed south to New West- minster. For more information, call Russian Sub B.C. Ltd at 1 1 !I 52(1-1073.73. IF � Remember to recycle! The sleek vest DOUBLE sol was brought to British Co- lumbia by Stan Sears Club Points, Travel Now Sherman and Jim ! No Money Down Corlett in the This weekend only. summer of 1996. Low Monthly Payments! The sub had Exclusive UNIGLOBE Vacation Instalment Plan Available been sitting in NOR'T'HERN MEDInRRANEAN ALASKA Puerto Plata, Vladivostok since it was de- CARIBBEAN Dream Cruise Dream Cruise Puerto PlataVllage- Konz commissioned in Dream Cruise Cruise Jryom Rome' or Cruise jrotn tancoo"wr Sat. Jan. 3 & 10, 7 nights $"9 1993. Barcelona to Rome. Elba stopping at Juneau c"- All Inclusive or trom'44.76 per mo.' The Vancou- Cruise Jrorm Puerto Plata and Lit orno in Italy. Skagwa)' then cruise- . - •1111111 ver businessmen to .Sl. Kitts,Antigua. billeJrancbe in France tbrough scenic' Glacier Bay; , Cuba paid nearly $1 Martinique. Tryp Siesta Club- -z QPrus and Barcelona and on to Il"etchikan t�fi.rfe million to bring St..11aarten c Tortola- Sat. Jan. 3 - 24, 7 nights Palma in Spain. returning to vancoutyer ria the ship 6,000 All Inclusive 039 kilometres to its Jan:Sight, Nights t/x• inside PassaKe. 11/98 - Early Booking Savings of $200 per couple or from 49.03 per mo.* new home. ms Sundream - (at. 6 may 4,11/98 from Rome or 7 Nights The Foxtrot April 30-Mav 15/98 from Barcelona %lay 9/98 or Sept. 19/98 - • • class was the SAVE $1WO! ms Sun' dream - Cat. 10 ms Westerdam - Cat. N Club n. 2 - 2 _ nights 1169 workhorse of the �' te"""a`' Fri. Jan. 2 - 23, 7 nights Russian navy's $1149 $1699 $1599 EarlInclusive submarine fleet. Early Booking Savings of $100 per couple a hom'S6.17 per mo . The 300 -foot fighting ma- Acapulco, • chines prowledRomanoPaLim-*,cr* the oceans onJAS __M_,3=t Wed. Dec 24 & 31, 7 nights $11 surveillance duty for 20 years. Protect your vacation with travel insurance from Voyageur Insurance Company - We highly recommend it! Semi Inclusive or from 136-5111 per The ship itself __ Nall UNIGLOBE Today Atm. measures 91.5 over �A�6 __= 800-999 metres (just over _ __ 300 feet) in WE GIVE YOU THE WORLD length and is • • - V • C A 1 1 O N eight metres (26 Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 AJAX TRAVEL 4ad e4aae ALBA ours feet) wide. it is Out of Town Call 1-800-799-6466 683=4800 driven b three For more great o&rs h0.-#www.sears.ca diesel and three • Y�orided by GreerigM Fra xial Services, a brow a the Toronto Doawlim earn sublecl m credo electric motors '� Sears Travel for terms and conditions. Savings included in price shown. Double Points offer applicable Nov. 22 & 23/97 only. approval paymen based on lone, for paracage priced at 5909 pus taxes pard in MW tummy nm - and capable Of Departures are from Toronto. Prices are Cdn. dollars, per person, double occupancy, subject to availability, eler , do not include any ms d 24 mmol al It 75%. Pates are based an per person No many down, 12 and 36 more wxxb applicable taxes, port charges, surcharges or insurance unless otherwise stated. For specific inclusions, terms and conditions, zanon afro waiabie frbrdrnan loon amain $5W.00 Rate sabred to charge WM "ISO hademarks d UNIGLOBE Travel pnenallooall. Inc. N MPENDENTLY DWNED nwars bete personal se". attaining top please refer to Sunquest Vacations 1997/98 Dream Cruise brochures available at Sears Travel Service. 01997 Sears Canada Inc. Space Is suquece w arahbaily at I'm at bola AN nights are ria Ca" 3000 "m or Royal Airlines. N speeds of 16 Sears Canada Inc. d.b.a. Sears Travel Service. Ont. Reg. #2264141. Open Sundays tsWwAs oa�a rut dwW va Tlolwis W o�o or cmiMe reins and coricitias, see Sgrnture's cineol Dart d depenue relawd fres Bette S%. Rem a 6101: ratim No S99. Rates are srpecl lmdd Vaal an �..a.= ° i_ "ir`Zb�! i �•� - .�. _ ^`�sr�,,,..: wa.�:�aa...r-:..�.....�. _ _. . -... _ _ r -. _ _..,.....�..i..-..... .......rr.: _ .fir _•753-.. _ Teachers teach the teachers at Durham College New professors at Durham College will Icarn from their peers with the implementation oI a mentoring program to enable instructors w share teaching tips and styles. The new voluntary system currently being implemented is designed to allow senior pro- tc,;sors to serve as mentors for new or less ex- i,.ricnced faculty members. To date 38 professors have signed up for the program which will provide an opportunity for n;tructors to exchange styles and approaches subject matter, to assess the relevance of urrent events for class purposes, to preview ,rooming material and to co-ordinate testing 5L, auto., air., AM/FM stereo, tutone paint, chrome wheels, carpt.. anti -spin axle. LEASE . BUY IT! _ BRAND NEW 1997 INTREPID -ow-MMOMM� and evaluation. The program also aims to help new profes- sors shape their self-confidence and course material. Through a "cross college activity" format, professors who teach the same subject can also share resources, says Simonne de Gannes, spokesman for the college. A news release on the college ew program states, "Through co-operation and exchange of information, professors can ensure their stu- dents receive the high level of education Durham is committed to ... in the best way pos- sible" NDALE DODGE .A%iw■ 0—w THE: NEWS ADYkRTiSER FWQM'..N0Vt,,M8 ER 21, .1997 - PAGE 23 Pianist the key to musical The Pickering West Hill Musical hearsals on Mondays and Wednes- Theatre company needs a pianist for days from 7:30 to 10:30 li.m. and rehearsals and its upcoming perfor- must be available from Nov. 24 to mance. March 7. The company is staging Guys Sheet music will be provided, so and Dolls in late February and early you don't need to know the musical March. in order to apply. The pianist, who'd be paid a Call Linda Meyer at 416 -283 - nominal fee, is required for re- 8026 for more information. rile,EYJL*Yir r�r! ' ASHTEQ COMPUTERS ASus FREE Internet LX -440 Access Mouse/Pad, M.Board Microphone Keyboard and Speakers 33.6 KBS FAX MODEM I SVGA 15" I DIGITAL MONITOR 80W AMP SPEAKER a73/month OAC 11999 ENTIUM 11-266 $2199 AC- ENTIUM 11-300 52499 ' ire :^.. fa] .way; ....__ �.. p-y„i M+�1 .4 'z-�t � -%A MMX 200 1.44 r I - INTEL FLOPPY 200-MMX- DIVE M M. KBS I I I' 1.7 GB FAX HARD MODEM DRIVE SVGA 14" 16 MB DIGITAL RAM MONITOR So W Pa AMP 11111118 SPEAKERS VIDEO CARD 104 EW 30 WINDM 45 16 BIT KEY SWO SOUND card MID 20X TOWER EIDE CASE CD-ROM _VI It. ■ ■ :1 • The M i kasa Don't miss it! Featuring selected discontinued and surplus lines of Mikasa dinnerware, crystal, giftware and flatware. Choose from hundreds of items - all at fantastic savings! • No dealers please • Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Interac (No cheques) • All Sales Final • No refunds or exchanges Warehouse Sale SAVE up 80% to off Suggested Retail Price. FINALDAYS! Fri., Nov 21 11 am -8:30 pm Sat., Nov 22 10 am4:00 pm Sun., Nov 23 11 am -5:00 pm 7 14 Aw IkNmbb aiwa 3 M Q �r awry w ur Mdit wk t� I N y I One location only 161 McPherson St., Markham, ON PAGE U - THE NE%.i ADVURTISER Ik1U0AV,J40VEM11E:x 21, 1"7 PickenngRotary TV auction airs this w library start book holiday time PICKERING — The Picker- ing Public Library has an- nounced its operating schedule for the Christmas and New Year holiday period. All branches will be closed Thursday, Dec. 25 (Christmas Day); Friday, Dec. 26 (Boxing Day) and Thurs- day. Jan. 1 (New Year's Day). ` The Cen- tral Library will be open from 9 a.m. to I p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve) and Wednesday, Dec. 31 (New Year's Eve). At the Rouge Hill branch, the doors will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Dec. 24 and Dec. 31. The Bay Ridges, Claremont, Greenwood and Whitevale Branches will all be closed Dec. 24 and Dec. 31. All branches will be open for regular hours on Saturday, Dec. 27 and Friday. Jan. 2. Third annual event aims to raise money for hospital, local United Way You can shop from the com- fort of your own home this weekend while helping local charities. 114 The third annual Pickering Rotary Club TV Auction Satur- day. Nov. 22 and Sunday. Nov. 23 is being shown on Shaw Cablc 10 in Pickering and on Rogers Cable 10 in Ajax. Among the hundreds of items available are lifetime member - shins at C'Inhlink golf courses, tickets to Maple Leafs, Blue Jays and Raptors games, week- end getaways to Niagara -on -the - Lake, ski passes, a private tour of the 20 -DEC 23 —' SALE; Direct from the Manufacturer ` BIG SAVINGS! GREAT BUYS! Huge savings on Decorative Tins COOKIES - CANDIES GIFT ITEMS - NOVELTIES GIFT WRAP - BOXED CHOCOLATE Limited Quarnties, First Come . First Served' 1020 BROCK RD S. UNIT 5 �.Fn 1 Pickering 1-1111" 1- s.-s�� swn� , I f Look for us online at www.durhamnews.net Metro Toronto Zoo, toys, ser- vices, furniture, appliances, art- work and restaurant gift certifi- cates. An insert listing all the auc- tion items appeared in the News Advertiser on Tuesday. Nov. 18. Proceeds from the weekend auction will go to such charities as the Ajax -Pickering United Way. Ajax -Pickering General Hospital, local Easter Seals families, the Rotary Music Fes- tival and the Deohaeko Support Network. On Nov. 22 the auction goes from 5 to 10 p.m. and on Nov. 23 from 5 to 9:30 p.m. Terms are cash, Visa, Master- Card or cheque. Cheques will only he accepted with a credit card number. To place a bid at the auction. call 831-0441. TWO HEARTS Two Hearts Flowers and Gifts P Invites You 7o Our 8th Annual Christmas "Open Mouse" " Sunday, Nov. 23, 1997 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p. m. Come celebrate & preview our Christmas Collection refreshments zvilC6e served Flowers & Gift Baskets for your Holiday Needs Ask about our Corporate Discounts 1900 Dixie load a t finch 905) 420- 7544 _ " E `SNE L10Ar_.D orth of used ear &.0 UC mps JS V-6 M,40 miff Iff Am Am anK N VO Pickering church celebrates its 10th anniversary PICKERING—New Life Community Church in Pick - ,:ring celebrated the 10th anniversary of its congregation on Nov. 16. Charter members still present with the group cut an an- niversary cake to mark the occasion after the church's ser- vice that day. The congregation has never had a building of its own but worships in the rented auditorium of the Village Retirement ,'entre at 1955 Valley Farm Rd. This arrangement has the •)enefit of providing residents of the home an 'in-house' op- portunity to worship. New Life's congregation seeks to worship in a contem- porary style, without relying on the old traditional ways, ind wants to present the Gospel in a manner which relates to the issues and problems of the day. Among the congregation's special projects this year was the collection, assembly and shipping of 20 Christmas parcels for seamen to the Seafarers Centre in Montreal. The parcels contained a collection of personal items which sea- farers, on their long trips which often find them many miles away from their homes and loved ones at Christmas, might find helpful and useful. Also on Nov. 16, the congregation welcomed new pas- tor John Veenstra. Pastor Veenstra previously served as a minister in the Christian Reformed Church in Nova Scotia and at the University of Toronto. For the past 18 years, he made his living as a residential realtor in Mississauga. SEMS CORRECTION NOTICE Media 1141 Sears The Christmas Wish Store Flyer. On sale Mon., Nov. 17 - Sun., Nov. 23197. Page 24 Reads: Save 30% Joseph Abboud Comforters. Sears reg. 29.99 - 229.99. Each or set 20.99 - 160.99 Should have read: Reg. 129.99 - 229.99. Sale 90.99 - 160.99 SEARS REGRETS ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED, SEAM CORRECTION NOTICE Media 1141 on sale Monday, Nov. 17 - Sunday, Nov. 23197 Page 22 Men's Protocol Dress Pants "ILLUSTRATION IS INCORRECT" copy and pricing is correct. Should be Solid Coloured Polyester Pants. Page 23 Save 40% all Pierre Cardin Lounge and Sleepwear. Reads Sears reg. 34.99 - 99.99. Each 20.99 - 59.99 Should have read: Reg. 34.99 - 99.99. Each 20.99 - 59.99 SEARS REGRETS ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED. CHRIS PYKE W" RsprsssrrWiw 619-9500 r.— • IrM, SiFWS RDVERTISSR PRID", NOVEMBER 21,19V7 - PAGE 25 photo by Andrew Iwanowski Long load, lost load in Ajax A truck carrying a vehicle on its trailer overturned on motorists. No injuries or serious damage were report - the westbound ramp of Hwy. 401 at Westney Road last ed in connection with the incident and Ontario Provin- week, leaving quite a mess and quite a site for passing cial Police continue their investigation. SHOPPING D � 1 FUTON SOFA BED X289 H "Ro" AVAIL 4RESS IN .� BLACK OR _-, WHITE tip. � � � � � � 1 ♦M7' 1 C drive 'central rec room with some newer sirs available TOLL FREE 1-888-220-2282 • MATTRESS ------1111111 FREE 1, CHOICES 1, t WITH THIS COUPON • NO G.S.T. ' • BED FRAME t • PILLOWS • NO P.S.T. • MATTRESS COVER ' • DELIVERY ' HOURS 1(00>►.M4:00 p.m. L 10:00 am -9:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m.4:00 p.m. 12:00 oim 4�0 Dm WHITBY -$1379500 Greenbelt lot -Large 4 bedroom semi - detached home carport- Finished rec room with walkout. Don't miss it. Call Dave Ginter", Tor. line 905-686-3800. DAVE WNTER Assooiaeb seobw (905) 668-3800 R~ AJAX FULLY RENOVATED STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME New carpet, counter tops, light fixtures, professionally decorated. Demand south area -$136,500. Call Dave Ginter", Tor, line 905-686-3800. I PAGE ZLt1R7, skb 9/KS! UP TO MOLSON WAREHOU� NOW IN WHITBY! SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION i DISCOVERY BAY DOWNFILLED PARKA $99.99 OBIAGO SYSTEM 4 in 1 PARKA $129.99 LADIES ISOTONER TERRY SLIPPERS 2/$12.00 LADIES CLASSIC SPANDEX GLOVE 2/$14.00 MEN'S ISOTONER DEERSKIN GLOVES $19.99 ASST'D BREW FLEECE $10.00 & up LICENSED IT's $9.99 BREW GOLF TOPS $9.99 CHILDREN'S HANES PLUSH SLIPPERS $5.99 KIDS ASST'D POLAR FLEECE SWEATERS $13.9 MEN'S S LADIES' OUTDOOR SOCKS $6.993 ft COTTON COMBED BOXER BRIEFS 3/$10.00 ALSO: DISCOVERY BAY OUTERNN COLEMAN OUTDOORS NCAA LICENSED TOTES opv'"qql30-70%0� BOOKS, MANUFACTURER 1650 Dundas St., Whitby 4-0 srM HOM (Just east of Thickson Rd.) MON.-M.: 11 o•m•-9 P.M. across from Walmart SAT.: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. SUN.: lto.m.-Sp.m. BESIDE WOODHOUSE a �C •ffW NEWS A60girnwwFitIDAY, iV()wmalzR 21, lw-PAGis r I'&t HELD OVER d °TIL t NOVEMBER 22ND -q 19 I I I ITI :�•�t Automatic, 2 -tone, Carpeting, 5.2 engine, air, Automatic, 2 -tone, Carpeting, 5.2 engine, air, . chrome wheels, 24A package anti -spin, chrome wheels, 24A package 981500 2WD V8 T19M 981500 Club Cab 4 x 4 V8 T1933 981500 C/C 4 x 4 Sport V8 T1961 98 3500 2WD Diesel Quad CabT1944 981500 4 x 4 V8 T1929 981500 V8 T1879 98 3500 2WD Diesel Quad CabT1970 981500 Club Cab V8 T1912 981500 4 x 4 V8 T1907 98 2500 Club Cab V10 T1975 981500 4 x 4 V811958 981500 V8 T1891 98 Dakota Club Cab V8 T1937 981500 4 x 4 V8 T1956 98 2500 Q Cab Sport V10 T1911 98 Dakota Club Cab V8 T1913 981500 4 x 4 V8 T1954 98 3500 Q Cab Sport V10 T1919 981500 Quad Cab 4 x 4 V8 T1959 981500 V8 T1948 981500 V8 T1924 1997 STRATUS 1997 PLYMOUTH NEON 1997 GER SE 1994 DODGE J COLT ES AMIN cass.. consde"h0e!s •ear scorer :Y*y 52.E Tres. Wwwy i� 3 iXip IArj p 1 ,:w . siy; Silk i p= � SZ Mtck+des automatic. 2.4L engr, cruise, AMfFM 2 OL 4 cyf. automatic. p s p b air cm Miorrng. arc aro. PS. P9. Brads sde dw. K XK *ft o w w+aora LE easseft air oonditiorwg plus much moo. Balance of i doth buckets. console, AIWFM cassette. Balance tetrad pdMal V~ A tow ma mol rack 7 A Woy. war►m• E154% Factory warranty r#w Iltivi a dWM weargk No Fa. No Ar Tax. No Gs TaL �� 92 •� r21 1�VW 6,388o��A>� PER DAY** PER DAY" Aw- 1997 JEEP - 1995 VOYAGER SE -- MIS CNEV 2500 EXTEND CAB 1992 FORD AEROSTAR 4 -OL, auto.. .s., b., w.. dl., tilt, cruise. air cord, k Nbulk 3 3 bdo, p. Olin m IK am tar ��• auto. P/windows. P/door locks. P/mirrors. K aaraatic, W Pk i MR&K AFRI cant P P• P P• doth buckets. bit cruise, trailer tow. console, air r mdkm y, T 0 lr 004 t 4 sunscreen, fog burps track loch overhead console, et�0�, as 1miC11lIl f, 7 pltteo�ts and more. Only 39.000 km. 1 owner. Wft wa0w !w w WKh MW 0*" M security system i more Only 12.500 miles. 05401 *AL *A* * PKC 01 f IA70 ties. SIL i TIMIL TI 758A Oft 0101111rt►111411111111la SOL 504A ONLY SAVE �., - PRICED �� SALE T ,"�" TO ! ONE50929 HOIJSANDS { OWNER r SELL _ _ -- --- — 1997 CHRYSLER LHS 1998 RAM 3500 DUALLY 1917 CIS SR WrERT U LXX 1995 G� Ful 10llded. Save tl10t1ltiMidS. Was YAM ew V10. All norad cab, spat appearance, Laramie SLT Anin- &L -p w» Pack, trailer tow, air darn, Anli-8pin axle, air cad,IuW t, CfYIlt'�ittldl Inc. automatic, p s., p.b., 7 passenger, $41 AM #1P�81 � PAN. P/DL Plmirrors, tit cruse and more. T1944 �aR d wn AWFY cssselse, Plus much more. Low Ian. DEMO r,;/�'19► Now ' �y , "r. iSAVE � ` SAVE .r' - 1 QQQQQQ >z 'THOUSANDS 6�VV0 BIG - WITISIS A :110:1:19d.1c1.1: N o � LYMOUTH HWYIM g CHRYSLER ♦ TORONTO = OSHAWA PAGE n - TFIE NEWS AVVERTLSER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, IM Billboard FRIDAY, NOV. 21 ALLERGIES: The Durham Re- gion Anaphylaxis Support Group meets the third Friday of each month in Ajax at 7:30 p.m. This group provides support for those dealing with life- threatening foodlother allergies. Call 696- 3018 or 420-840.1 for location. ADDICTION RECOVERY: The Serenity Group holds its weekly 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd.. Pick- ering. It deals with addictions of all types. including co-dependancy. All welcome. Children's program available during the meeting. 428-9431 (Jim). CONCERT: Mohammad Za- heeruddin and his band perform a Suti Qawwali concert at 7 p.m. in the HMS Ajax Room of the Ajax Community Centre, Centennial Rd. Tickets S 10. 427-0428 (Rose). ARTS: Ajax Creative Arts holds Book time a Christmas Arts and Crafts ex- hibit and sale from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Village Community Centre, corner of Sherwood Rd. and Lin- ton Ave.. Ajax. It also runs on Nov. 22 and 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free admission. 683-9458. 696-0122. AJAX -- Start a new chapter in your life this Sunday with the Friends of the Ajax Public Library. The group holds a book sale Sun- dav,Nov. 23 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the main Ajax library branch, corner of Harwood Ave. and Kings Cres., next to the Town hall. Used N-K)ks, children's, arts, crafts, and coffee table I(x)ks arc available. Proceeds go to support the library. Call -329-1329 (Val Marshall). SATURDAY, NON', 22 BAZAAR: Village Retirement Centre hosts is annual Christmas Bazaar from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1955 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering. C Contributions from Orchard} Villa Retire- ment Home and -= Community Nursing Home will be featured, in- cluding Christmas crafts, white elephant table. bake tables and more. Raffles. including quilt. Tea room. All welcome. Call 831-2522 for information. BAZAAR: Amberlea Presbyter - ian Church, 1820 Whites Rd. N., Pickering, holds a Spirit of Christmas Bazaar from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Handmade crafts, baked goods, silent auction, white elephant. 839-1383. BAZAAR: The 23th annual Deck Your Halls Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show is held from 10 a.m. u) 3 p.m. at Dunbar - ton -Fairport United Church, 1066 Durbarton Rd. (between Dixie and Fairport Rds. north of Hwy. 2), Picker- ing. Crafts, hand -made decorations, baked goods, preserves, knit goods, clothing, antiques, collectibles and much more. Home-made lunch available. Admission free. Call 839-7271 (church). CONCERT: Ajax -Pick- ering Community Or- chestra presents its first concert of the season at PHOTOGRAPHY Professional In home... Family Portraits 905 668-8000 3 Pose Christmas Collection Includes 1 8"00" 4 5"x7" 2 31/2"x5" Plus 4 wallet sizes & 2 key rings! No Session Fee Available only $39.95 7:30 p.m. at St. Martin's Angli- can Church, 1203 St. Martins Dr. Pickering. Music of J.S. Bach, Telemann. Schubert and Verdi. Donations at the door. 831-8466 (John Kraus). BAZAAR: Ballycliffe Lodge, 70 Station St., Ajax hosts a Christ- mas bazaar from II a.m. to 4 p.m. Crafts, white elephant, plants, Naked goods and raffle. The Tea Room opens at 10 a.m 683-7321. CRAFT SALE: McLean Com- munity Centre hosts a craft ane gift sale from 9:30 a.m. to 3:3( p.m. Santa will visit from noon tc 2 p.m. A donation will be made to the Children's Wish Founda- tion. The centre is at Westnc) Road and Magill Drive in .Ajax 428-14.4. exam *--= tan be itauaal in any home - oW or ww and fca m S" a11011c6m far Awimml pattnrtrrt. SX deanitlg, duel doth Gke>,s... Mwile nixing is m nwcssxy. % IIID iia bt* Vtix Ww kx:A Beam &-kr w&* Boom 1271 • Power Performance Central Cleaning S Niod l 197 • Strum;, 117" Watedift STANDARD AWXAY PACKAGE PACKAGEC Y& M POVA R HEAD Series_" stem Alien &* Pisa t.kW.w $51ohm 977AkffSkNe $629.99 in �IK XWS aNKaUW= : nw m t,tunar r tm1a m . ° POWER € HEAD mss *wur v�,Cart e snwltr Mwr t�ltatltrs (� (Ate« Sde Pnm X9_" t,►bR 5.1,. tlr.. iw 4l1 9/ -- Pickering gston Rd. .. 831-2326 N .r just •TBSP`.,4FqE-PA"F2IlPeo le likep can benefit frompeo""plejust likeyou Volunteers in Ajax Durham Supervised Access Program is one of parent in a group setting. Call the Durham Supervised Access Pro - 14 across Ontario wh h and Pickering are needed by many community groups You can serve your community just as effectively as the people you elect in Monday's municipal election to run ,he Town, the Region and the school ,xiards.Several agencies in Ajax, i'ickcring and Durham need your time end talents to serve at the grassroots vel, helping people in your town tiho require assistance. Junior Achievement of Durham Region: Volunteers help the youth of the community develop an awareness of how a business operates from the ground up. Training and support are provided. Call John or Carla at 644- 7058. Kids on the Block: Volunteers learn to operate life -sited puppets and perform small plays in elementary schools in Durham to provide support and encouragement to students with disabilities. Call Suzanne at 436-0925 or Katherine at 665-5680. Kinark Child and Family Ser- vices: Share your parenting skills and experiences with other parents need- ing support. Training and supervision ill he provided to assist you in mak- ing the difference for a family. Or .pend some leisure time with a spe- cial -needs child and develop hobbies and interests the two of you can share. Call Wendy Swinden at 433-0386. ext. 30x. deals -On -Wheels, Ajax -Picker- ing Red Cross: Volunteer drivers and packers are urgently needed to help deliver this vital service five days a week. If you can spare one -and -a -half hours once a week from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., call 420-3383. Ontario March of Dimes: The an- nual fundraising campaign is in ur- gent need of co-ordinators, captains, telemarketers and canvassers. Have fun with other volunteers who are making a difference. Volunteers are also required to assist with special events and bingo. All volunteers enjoy excellent training, flexible hours and a great opportunity to help adults who are physically disabled. Call Denise Harding at 434-5280. Pickering's Bear Necessities: 'deeds stuffed animals to refurbish and donate to local women's shelters. Call Brenda at 839-2141. Pickering Reading Circle: The circle is looking for volunteers to read to or listen to children four to 12 read in English or French Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Call 839-3037. Stewart Group Homes: Volun- teers are needed to befriend an 18- ycar-old female with special needs. Candidate should have a car. Call Sandra at 686-3111. Volunteer Services of Vktorian Order of Nurses - Durham Branch: Calling all men and women, of all ages, from all over Durham! Share a special friendship with a senior, ill or disabled person who needs you. if you care about others, you can be a Friendly Visitor. Call the Durham `'ON'S Friendly Visitor Program at 571-3151 or 1-800-263-7970. William Peak Co -Operative Homes Reading Circle: The circle is looking for volunteers to read to or listen to children four to 12 years of age Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. Call Debbie McMullen at 428-0573. YMCA Durham Region: The ere t e children of di- vorced or separated parents may visit with their non-custodial parent in a safe and super- vised setting. This is a volunteer -driven program of the YMCA. Volunteers are required to supervise visits between the child and the non-custodial They will summarize and record the activ- ities of the visit for court purposes. Volunteers should have some experience working with children. They are required to provide three references, a criminal record check and to at- tend orientation, training, ongoing workshops and meetings. gram at 668-9218. 00:1 Volunteer Corner is produced by Infor- mation Ajax -Pickering in co-operation with the Ajax -Pickering ,News Advertiser. If you want to have your organization listed in Vol- unteer Corner, contact Noreen at 686-2661. Venture Signature Series— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- aaoA V6 wminw_ 4:r%..4 -d .l.Meae..irt 1110911a0ft0l" trance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 2.2 Aho on6inre. Sy 4 -wheel Am *ml" bats, /A**LoaP- tl igIces, r• 0 1 0 newt dupla. holy side eros 1 1 1 1 1 2.4 Mrs Twin Caw ongla automatic transmis• 4-ahool ASS, dual h door Seeks,PASSLock— 01 air conditioning, AY/F pan- trunk roles". thO 9e wheAlr.•oo de. 1 ! PAGE :10 J TAW 14F %VO AIWI YCfIfiRRrf IDAY. PINI,! MbFft2t. 199'} News Advertiser Arts N \\-,srcxm1 083-51 10 FAN 083--303 A10vN=I Due to massive overstock, Singer Sewing Machine is offering for sale to the pudic a limited number of new special 1997 HEAVY DUTY Zig-Zag sewing machines which are industrial strength and sew on all fabrics, denim, canvas, upholstery, nylon, stretch, vinyl, silk, EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER. No attachments needed for button holes (any size), monograms, hems, sews on buttons, satin overcasts, dams, appliques and more. 20 stitch functions. Just set dials and see magic happen without old fashioned cams or programmers. These machines are suitable for tome, professional or school room sewing, 25 year warranty. Your price with this ad - $299.00 - without this ad - 529.95. Your cheque. cash or VISA MASTERCARD & AMERICAN EXPRESS, LAY -A -WAY. This is the machine your wife wanted! SINGER® 11 SIMCOE ST., SOUTH, OSHAWA H yt,rrr Fandlt'433-1140 OFFER EXPIRES NOV 22/97 t .^, .. c t, rv41tM�w,+ieK Jfll+[NI.UYVN1,lMIIt L' �— OLHAUSSEN POOL TABLES `S `Ihe 7Rest ire,Billiard, 34 Models in a variety of sizes & colours HOT TUBS�� et into hot water at Christmas YARI"MU o f: STORE HOURS YALL = NORTH MONDAY 9-6 rHE ; HERITAGE (fAEAWAY TUESDAY 9-6 .AY WEDNESDAY 960 SWAIWAY POOLS - BILLIARDS THURS.-FRI. 9-6 '-' HOT TUBS SATURDAY 9.5 1 NORTH Of HWY 87 25 HERITAGE RD. 294-8030 photo by A.J. Groen Jind tis online at net Singinghispraises The County Town Singers have a new di- Canadian Legion Branch 322 in Ajax on rector at the helm in Tracey Marek. Monday evening. Members of the popular Marek. a teacher in Pickering, led the County Town Singers come from across choral group in a concert at the Royal Durham Region. Peter Pan takes flight PICKERING — Ttx: Pickering Players will stage the classic family favorite Peter Pan -The Panto for its annual Christmas panto set to open Nov. 28. As a follow-up to its evening of one -act plays in September. the Pickering Players stage Peter Pan at Dunharton-Fairport United Church Nov. 2S to 30 and DuL. 5.6. 7. 12 and 13. Besides co -directing with John Downs, last year's director Trish Gilderson also plays the comic pirate character Smee. Peter Pan is portrayed by Jeff Cottam and Mar- in Christmas panto Jaqueline Porter. plus Jonathan Burges. as Nanna the Babysitting Dog and Tyler McDermott as The Crocodile. A two-for-one ticket special is offered opening night Friday, No%. 28 at 8 p.m. Saturday matinees go at 4 p.m. Evening performances start at 8 p.m. Tickets. at $12 for adults. S 10 for student-sAe- mors and S6 for children. can be ordered by calling 416-410-0211. ton Brown is Captain Hexik. Captain Hook's henchmen are Stene Grierson, VNEAM Hair Studio Lvnda Burgess and Sandy McDermott. The: Dame, the sexy Laughing Water, is played by Rick Wvcnski. a veteran of sev- eral previous pantos. In the role of Laugh- ing Water's daughter Tiger Lilly is Sara Nugent. Tinker Bell is played by Emma Pesme while her mother Christine Pesme is in the role of Mrs. Darling whose children are Rebecca Harknett as Wendy, Lisa Manis as Michael and Jonathan Porter as John. Also included in major roles as the Four Lost Boys are Chelsea McDermott, Dallin Porter, Victoria Argue and Sarah Pettersson. The chorus consists of bud- ding actors Josh Pesme, Derek Manis, t Mark Armstrong, Stephanie Pettersson, ! Thirsty plays Friday AJAX — Patrons of a local night- club can drink from the musical well of Thirsty this Friday night. The four -piece band Thirsty will play the Harp & Thistle Pub tonight, Friday, Nov. 21, starting at 9 p.m. The group, with two members from Picker- ing, plays a wide variety of contempo- rary hits.There's no cover charge. The Harp &.�,,Thistle is at 282 1.L�Z1Ias aiaa� a 1s.a:Lt� Welcomes EDITH to our team Edith is an experienced stylist who specializes in foil, highlights and straightening curly hair. ------------------------ 0 1 Fora limited, tme " t RECEIVE $5 OFF ��' ny &el"w -semc'ae • ili4tas l�ac,2t 'ar' . �� –_- ,resent this ad at time of service to receive discount. Not valid with other discount or promotion. Limit one coupon per customer. 420-8000 Ext: 530 located on the upper level of Sears in the Pickerin9Town Centre ews Arts ��Nta;��e�t Newsroom 683-5110 Weekend at the movies... Bruce Willis does villainous turn Now playing at Moviplex 9, Picker- ing: Anastasia: A mix of action, adven- ture, romance and music, Anastasia is an animated full-length film about the lost Russian princess. Bean: Rowan Atkinson, Burt Reynolds. More from the master of dis- aster. The Full Monty: Stripping down to your skivvies is no easy business, unless your idea of fun is getting laughed out of town. Just ask the boys who've been there They've done it — The Full Monty. I know What You Did Last Sum- mer: Ever have a txxJy that just won't aay dead'.' On the night of high school's end. Julie, Helen, Ray and Barry get into Barn's new Beamer. No one sees the body that seems to fly out of nowhere di- rectly into the new car's grill, no one knows the identity of the crumpled form that appears to have stopped breathing. The Jackal: Bruce Willis, Richard Gere. A ruthless assassin (Willis) has been hired by international cutthroats to eliminate sornexme at the very top of the L'.S. government. His price: $70 million. Constantly on the move, changing his Identity and location, everything about this hit man is a secret. He is known only a, the Jackal. The Little tilermaid: Animated. The wonders of Hans Christian Andersen are reborn in Walt Disney Pictures re -issue of this classic film. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation: A new adventure unfolds where ttx: origi- nal blockbuster film left off in Mortal Annihilation. Several courageous heroes must survive the most spectacular series of chal- lenges ever en- countered as they take on an un- scrupulous war- lord. The Rain- maker: Claire Danes, Matt Damon. Rudy Baylor (Damon) is an idealistic Young law school graduate who as- pires to be a `rain - enough to hire him. But he has a hard time betting past the front-office recep- tionist of any law firm that would give him the time of day. In the process, Rudy latches onto a case that will shake the system to its foundation, exposing a multi -million -dollar insurance scram. Red Corner: Richard Gere. Jack Mol orc (Gere) is a brilliant attorney. Gen- eral counsel to a large entertainment con- glomerate and the best negotiator the West has to offer, Jack has come to China to close; the first satellite commu- nications deal the Chinese government has sanctioned. But atter a night with an exotic beauty, he is arrested for a murder he didn't commit. His only chance lies with his court-appointed defence advo- cate, Shen Yuelin (Bai Ling), who imme- diately files a guilty plea insisting that she is saving his life. Starship Troopers: In the distant fu- ture the Earth I, at year with a race of giant alien insects. Little is known about dtx; hugs except that they are intent on the eradication of all human life. A handful of dedicated young soldiers must rise to the challenge. Now plaving at the Cineplex Odeon Champlain Cinemas, Whitby: Anasta- sia, Bean, I Know What )o' u Did last Summer, The Jacka4 .'Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Starship Troopers, {sings of the Dove. Wings of the Dove: A young, beauti- ful anti wealthy Amerman heiress. Milly Theale (Robin Wright), recognizes her own face in a Bronzino portrait of a woman. That pale face is a prophecy of H Neisa,,,obors Nut[VC�m Blue Herw Books J NAM RECD 56 O 192 Ounn St 9 Bron S10 P O ka S 905-995-0761 905-9524.292 Q y PICKE v s� The Caradw esman es Kiosk Z +"� 9 62Krg SYNC west Corrie Coot Lown Leve) Q t �1 905-623-3903 PK**nWg Carrie 0 = 905-607171 A(� �c d Brass D*W" Dyms Gal House Famey WsMns ChrK % 41t Is DAxws st w. ft" Creek Plus 1631 Dutw as St E. OF 9056662531 Mwr+g mitt Anderson (,Aw no o1 Thorson) *p �.�.L, 905-6660296 905.729-3609 T l�:iiA blb,Y,afO„ Dshoweis cog to arrre ostrwC! A minTHE PARKWOOD ESTATE Ca" can - DAN* Frye Pas � E Friday. Nov. 28th pm and ala Ens Tauroa and Rtson 906-571-3511 ALL DAY SATURDAY. Nov 29'" 90543"195 SEE AND ENJOY ALL THE BEAUTY 9os723-5236 OF THE YULETIDE SEASON! TICKETS FOR THE FRIDAY EVENING GALA AND THE SATURDAY - GENERAL ADMISSION ARE AVAILABLE AT THE ABOVE LOCATIONS maker', a bright star with a golden touch who will lavish cash -rich clients and bill- able hours on the I irm fortunate Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed for leaf gamVill ace value. Call Bruce at 579MM Ext. e 7987672 Ra �. . WHITBY COURTHOUSE THEATRE Habeas Corpus —By: Alan Bennet To be directed by. Jim Renshaw Sunday, November 23 — 2 pm Monday, November 24 — 7:30 pm NIQMEN Ad Production Dates are.- Feb. re.Feb. 5 - 7, 12 - 14 & 19 -21 1998 Whitby COURTff0M THEATRE is located in the Centennial Building 416 Centre St. S., Whitby Jackal death. Hanging on the edge of a deadly abyss, Milly is lured into a deceitful game by a couple of lovers, tate Croy (Helena Bonham Carter) and journalist Merton Densher, who want to appropri- ate some of her wealth. THE NEWS ADYEiW'18FA IPI U Y, MWEMBEA 21, 1"7 . PAGE 31 "The Event Of The Year" All You Can Play MONSTER BINGO Min. 4 - Max. 10 Books Saturday, November• NEW EXC■TING 11'ROGK:1!rt $5,000 FINAL JACKPOT $40 Advanced Tickets_ $45 At the Door 24 HOUR PAOP41TORED 600 C^R PARKING SPOTS GREAT BLUE HERON CHARITABLE CASINO & BINGO ISLA I.MD ROAD, PORT PERRY 1-888-29-H ERaM OR 905-985-4888 Lcense *500009 Baagwanng Cornrrudly Associaom Must be 19 years ot.ge a due, t• • hom 4pm Dabbers Smack Bar Irlcluta�s / Dabb•r -T.a�w, Gratu rtlY •wtr.. �fTLA• PONT ' tloteolsrsa just a quit* drive away FUTURE SHOP 12 MONTHS NO INTEREST OPTION. See store for details RCA11 PRO • LOOK HOME THEATRE AUDIO SOUND. T SOLUTIONS... ' ' NNE us b . Just add a TV and HIM VCR Nome Theatre In A Box — 4 Affordable home theatre from RCA - A remarkable 150 watt Dolby Pro Logic surround system that includes a 6 piece speaker system with powered subwooter, for exhilarating bass, and rich movie quality sound! asenm RP•9m INCLUDES POWERED MEET IN PERSON Wildlife Artist BRENT TOMNSEND Sl1NmY N(IVFMRFR 3f1 1.3 Pm "SHORELINE ENCOUNTER" Award Winning Artist BRENT TOWNSEND'S Polar Bear design graces the two dollar coin. Many sold out and current prints available as well as collector plates. i jo- 6.. '-wns--f; STONE GATE P.t... rg 1 ,= N C Ca—e(C & SCnS L ZmART GALLERY 1900 Dixie Road Glendale Marketplace (905) 837-0144 Fax (905) 837 !V� 110 RKS] J11201: N W m ONEL FINCH AVE. c s W x 0 -6657 4UULh427m100( 0- r rw,rnr rQT,%vJ c 0��,1'<0.4S1 OA M9NiHli PAIMfMJf�O 6 41 All I1tl al lom0A.t. £/ �f SENATOR I'm TAM A solid, quality.pool table at an outstanding price! The new Dufferin Senator pool table features square legs, 3/4 indi Italian slate and your choice of Mahogany or Stately Oak satin finish. Several cloth colours available. R TM9" dw� ]3ui*ldi*ngacti*vi'oty PICKERIN — Inc level of residential and commercial develop- nieni has increased this year in Pick- ering. The value of building permits is- sued by the Town to the end of Oc- t,ihcr, 1997 has already eclipsed 1996 year-end figures and now totals more than $112 million. To date this year 880 building permit applica- tions have been received by the Town. along with $1.3 million in (x rmit application fees. In 1996 just over 800 permits were applied for, ,alued at $107 million with fees totalling $1.1 mil- lion. In 1995 the number of permits ,,as 685, with a construction value of $82 million and total fees just over S9tll).O(x). "rhe residential CORRECTION NOTICE Please take note of the following cor- rections in our flyer nserted Wednesday, November 19, 1997. On page10, the Norton Antivirus 4.0 reads $44.99 after sector remains a key component of development in the town, with more than 600 new detached and town- house residential units added so far in 1997. The business sector is much more active than in 1996, with the value of non-residential activity up more than 60 per cent, now totalling $21 mil- lion in construction value. A number of larger industrial and commercial projects have contributed to this in- crease, most notably at the Pickering Town Centre, where a $4 -million de - THE NEWS ADVERTISER ILRIDAY, NO4,,M:BER 21, 1997 - PAGE 33 iway up iisn Pckering velopment is now under way to ac- commodate eight movie theatres and new restaurant space. Earlier this year Sears Canada completed a $750,(Xx) refurbishment at its PTC store adjacent to the new theatre complex. On the industrial side, Duradic Technologies Inc. is nearing completion of its new 29,000 -square -foot plant on Clements Road, while Hubbell Canada is preparing to break ground DURHANI ACCESS TO CARE: REQUEs-rS FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR NURSING SERVICES, HOMENIAKING SERVICES MEDICAL EQUIPMFNTMEDICALSUPPI,IES/INFUSION SUPPLIFS REHABILITATION SERVICES Durham Access To Care provides to -hoax: tx ilih care services, long term care placement services, and information and referral services that provide simplified access and supportive assistance to residents of Durham Region. "rhe Ministry of Health has mandated the use of an RFQ and RFP process to ensure equity for the Provider Agencies in the contracting of supplies and services and to ensure the best quality and value for services and supplies to the client. DATC is issuing a Request For Qualification fRFQI for: Nursing Services, Homemaking Services, Medical Equipment/Ntedical Supplies/Infusion Supplies and Rehabilitation Services. Service Provider Agencies and others interested in responding to the above RFQ's, with the exception of Rehabilitation Services, may ohtain the appropriate documentation after 12:00 p.m. noon. Monday. Ikcember 1. 1997, at: Durham Access To Care 605 Brmk Street North Whitby. Ontario. LIN 4J Rehabilitation Service RFQ's may be obtained after 12:00 p.m. noon. Monday. December 15, 1997 at the above address. Mandatory Respondents Meetings will be held on Thursday. i I d aySIM for its 68,000 -square -fax industrial plant expansion at the corner of Dillingham and Brock roads. Earlier this year Ontario Hydro completed a three-storey, 60,(XX)- square-fan office complex at the Pickering nuclear station. In total, the value of new devel- opment in Pickering is the highest since 1994 and is projected to ex- ceed $130 million by the end of 1997. 144-v ` o &our- chi-,storae /1104CI -A -XI AiL Rhoto,--­- I-- iC•i(C'.rng d•, I C�x.er Sv..lr� .nnPc �no•c• A 4-- I./ pc rW r-rvyc. IDK M(p Minn, jv.nl Liverpool -Hub Mall 531-4305 PICKERING'S FAVORITE FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER Our Beautiful Victorian Studio is Now Decorated for Christmas OurSpecialty is Photographing LARGE GROUPS! Have your Portrait Taken Now for Christmas Giving -A -XI AiL Rhoto,--­- I-- iC•i(C'.rng d•, I C�x.er Sv..lr� .nnPc �no•c• A 4-- I./ pc rW r-rvyc. IDK M(p Minn, jv.nl Liverpool -Hub Mall 531-4305 PICKERING'S FAVORITE FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER Our Beautiful Victorian Studio is Now Decorated for Christmas OurSpecialty is Photographing LARGE GROUPS! PACE 34 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1997 'P ick ring Al Rivett. short, 083-5110 Fax: 083--303 photo by Ron Pletronlro Orient -bound orator Olympic pairs skater Jean -Michel Bombardier Michelle Menzies will represent Canada at the speaks to pupils at Vaughan Willard Public 1998 Olympic Winter Games in Nagano, Japan School in Pickering Monday. He and partner in February. Annandale Skins event BN� Rm E.asso\ SPECIAL TO TI-1k:-1k:NI.w S ADVERTISER The annual Skins Curling Playdown at Annandale Curling Club has been expanded to in- clude a few women's competitive teams and junior rinks. That makes a total of 46 teams playing down to have a chance at the $800 final game next April. The event is a double knock- out, which means a rink is elimi- nated after its second loss. Those who survive to the fourth round then start to play for cash. As in the TSN Skins Curling matches, a team with the hammer has to score at least two points in an end to win the skin. Converse- ly, the opponent takes the skin with a steal of a point or more. The earliest cash games are for only $ I per end. but the stakes get higher the longer a team avoids elimination. At this time of year, with so many rinks needing to play off, spare sheets of ice are at a premi- um so teams are competing at a lot of odd times. Ajax resident and reigning Canadian Senior Men's Curling Champion Bob Turcotte won a bonspiel in Ottawa the weekend of Nov. 7 to 9. In the seniors' event of the Welton Beauchamp Bonspiel, he defeated Axel Larsen of Guelph in the final and pocketed the $5,000 purse. Another Ajax resident, Kim Scoreboard MCKERING MEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Results from Nov. 10 MASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE Club Link 52 vs. Van Kempen Insurance 43. TOP SCORERS Club Link. Glenn Soon 21, Reuben DeFrance 8. Mike Jovanov 6. Van Kempen Insurance: Dave Baylss 13. Pat Roach 8. Ralph Vanden ee 6. GAMETWO Ery Business systems 50 vs. Melanie Prhgles 46, TOP SCORERS Envoy: Henry Michaels 15, Ron Faragher 11. Tom Recalls a. Melarre Prrgles: Paul Vorvis 14, Bruce Snard 11, Randy Filnski 8. GAME THREE Mud Hen's 54 vs. Gallantry's 51 TOP SCORERS Mud Hen'sJaan Lannlste 9, Ride Jones 8. Greg Cassidy 8. Sam Terry 8. Gallantry's. Steve Leahy 19. Ray Foot 18. Brad He - will 8. NON -MASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE Mud Hen's 69 vs. Gallantry's Eatery 67. TOP SCORERS Mud Hen's: Conrad Davis 23, Roy Cousins 18. Ken Michaels 7. Gatlarltry's: Denver Delay 20, Dave Phang 16, Carl expanded Bourque, has won a scholarship of $2,500 from the Olympic Torch Program for athletes with future Olympic aspirations. Kim is attending Memorial University in St. John's, Newfoundland, and has distinguished herself in ju- nior curling there. Annandale will host some OCA zone playdowns this com- ing weekend. The Teranet Junior Men, Junior Women and the Joe Todd Sr. Senior Mixed play - downs will be held Nov. 22 to 24. Spectators are welcome to drop into the club and see some action. Visiting teams will come from Port Perry, Unionville, Uxbridge, Oshawa, Sutton, Whitby, Dale - wood and Tam Heather. Lyle 14. GAME TWO Malaria Pringles 62 vs. Ell -Roil Holdings 47. TOP SCORERS Melanie Prirgles: Erman McLean 27, Crantley, Bish- op 20, Virion Reece S. EtPzd Holdro: Dwight Calley r 1, Clem Fords 9, Peter Wdiams 9, David Volh 9. GAME THREE Penny's Auto Service 49 vs. Insurance Portfolio 46. TOP SCORERS POWs: Neal Tyrant 12. Junior Clayton 10, Adrian Hope 7. Insurance Pbrlblro Everett Clenran 17, Stake Starter 14. P Sports News Advertiser Short-staffed Panthers games s lit three p Third -period with a lot of jump:' says McGillis. Once again, Panthers not noted collapse results in for their scoring prowess stepped up in the Port Hope victory. Brett loss to Oshawa Macrury netted a hat trick in the contest, while Rob Dancey potted a Tuesday night pair for the Panthers. Jeff Milroy and Corey Somerville had single Bl' AL RiVE-rr tallies. SPURTS REPORTER Joel Cameron got the start in net PICKERING — A short- and stoned the Buzzards. staffed Pickering Panthers squad In Pickering Friday, the Pan - stayed with division rival Oshawa [hers settled for a 5-5 tic with the Legionaires for two periods, then visiting Quinte Hawks, although let a close contest slip away in the Pickering held a 5-2 lead at one final frame in Metro point in the second period. Lloyd Junior 'A' Hockey XERJM Marks' goal for Quinte at the 19:07 League play in Os- Q�C'� .�C mark of the third sent the game Os- hawa Tuesday into overtime. The five-minute night. extra frame failed to settle the The Legion- issue. aires held a 4-3 edge Panthers' defenceman Crnilovic through 40 minutes. but the third scored mirror image powerplay period was all Oshawa as the hosts goals on blasts from the point handed Pickering an 8-5 loss at the which beat the Quinte netminder Oshawa Civic Auditorium. The over the right catching hand. The Panthers were missing four team Hawks responded with two first - leaders in the METRO AINKM HOCKEY LEAGUE period markers to game and, ac- As of Nov 16 tic the game at 2- EASTON °^ cording to head TEAM T F A FTS 2 after 20 min - coach Rod syn«rs.it.Crwdch 19 13 4 1 108 73 27 ties_ McGillis, that 00—Leptinawa 19 t3 s o 106 71 26 v^iigwo Dwm 20 9 8 s 90 n 2a Johnston's goal experience was Pic*w Pa Wwo 21 7 8 s a 87 1t 1:55 into the sec - sorely lacking in Ck ft �8isii°' 20 s is 2 9a0 107 12 and period put the final 20 min- CENTRALthe Panthers up 3- U1eS. MAM rOordRodns 21 1e s o 139 83 336 2. Pickering went "You have to ThmmoReak, 23 13 10 0 78 84 2e up 5-2 on two give Oshawa full M"1d11"VAus ' xo 11 7 2 9e 90 24Pftftogl gals b Trifon, credit for the Norm aAt�s 2D s 14 3 02 101 a g y one on a short - win:' says WAIIIs ats handed break- McGillis. "Their CaladonCenscians 21 19 1 1 140 48 39 away. Quinte e x p e r i e n c e twhem HuskiK ?1 9 t2 1 N 103 17 ttuMav41aV"dcats 22 8 13 1 79 N 17 scored once in showed in the 57Aaorrnarmolra. 19 4 13 0 73 SO 12 the stanza to last period. We Nlaparaeo«we 20 4 13 1 46 119 9 close the Pan - didn't compete in thers' margin to 5-3 after two peri - the third period and we got what ods. we deserved" The Hawks scored two goals in However, there was a silver lin- the third frame to complete the ing to the loss for McGillis. In- comeback. juries to defencemen Toza The game against Quinte was Crnilovic and Matt Jenkins and Pickering's seventh overtime forwards George Trifon and Joel match in 19 contests this season. Johnston have allowed some of the The Panthers host the Eastern Panthers' lesser lights to shine. In Division frontrunners, the Syra- the Oshawa game, Jon Agnew cuse Junior Crunch, at the Picker - emerged as a bona fide sniper, with ing Recreation Complex tonight, a two -goal performance to go with Friday, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m. an assist. The Panthers currently sport a "Our rookies and some of the league record of 7-9-5 for 19 veterans who don't get a lot of ice points. Pickering is in fourth place time took advantage of it and in the Eastern Division standings, played extremely well;' says four points behind third-place McGillis. Wellington Dukes. Also scoring fol' the Panthers PANTHERS' POSTSCRIPT: were Chris Hunter, Ken Jones and Trifon (ankle), Johnston (wrist), Justin Squires all with single mark- Crnilovic (groin) and Jenkins ers. (ankle) are all out with injuries. The Panthers made do with a Jenkins is at least a week away short bench on the road against the from returning to the line-up... Port Hope Buzzards at the JAck Louis Foulidis, a rookie winger Burger Sports Complex Saturday with the Panthers this season, has night. With just 15 players avail- left the team for personal rea- able for the game, the Panthers got sons...The Panthers have signed a complete team effort for a big 7- left defenceman Darren Forbes, a 1 victory over the Buzzards, a vast- Whitby resident who was a late cut ly improved squad over last season. by the Ontario Hockey League's "We played a full 60 minutes Windsor Spittires. Ajax News Advertiser office 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax HOURS: 9 am - 5pm Mon.- Fri. Closed Saturay 6830707 FAX: (905)579-4218 Mol" Hues GPM d>eap til ell RUN. - Fri., Sat 9-38aw - 3pm TORONTO LINE (47 6)798-7259 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1997 -PAG' 35" Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Pickering News Advertiser Outlet Ph. 683-0707 1822 MRd. Pickering 1032 Brock St. S. Whitby (Sears Store) - Sara/Lee ee-A-A mberlea Fiesta CLASSIFIED ON-LINE Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. •��•--�N•� Sun -Noon til 5 p.m. [ N tap "t — _ CLOSED Monday S. Fuc: (W SM42ta Careers I I Carom I I Careers _ 1 I Careers I I Green I ll Green 1 General Help IMFG-" Help n L1 Enroll today! Start Nov. 24th in Pickering Complete in 6 months Modules included in this Program: • Anatomy and Histology • Microbiology and Sterilization Pharmacology and Nutrition Radiology (The Radiology Curriculum of this Diploma Program is HARP Approved. /n accordance with the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act, 1980.) • Principles of Dental Assisting • Dental Materials • Operative Dentistry • Preventive Dentistry • Medical Emergencies • Dental Office Procedures • Clinical Work Weeks • Pre -Employment Readiness and job Search Financial Auistance may be ava17abie if you qualify. TORONTO �, )WL%ild a k~ LMe 1450 Kingston Road PICKERING 420-1344 IN THE EVENT OF A POSTAL STRIKE, MAIL, OR REPLIES TO ANY ADVERTISED POSITION MAY BE DROPPED OFF AT ANY OF OUR 5 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS OF THE THIS WEEK OR AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER 1822 Whites Rd. Pickering (Sears Store) - Ph. 683-0707 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax - Ph. 683-0707 1032 Brock St. S. Whitby (Sears Store) - Ph. 576-9335 865 Farewell St. Oshawa - Ph. 576-9335 95 King St. E. Bowmanville (Sears Store) - Ph. 576-9335 26 Water St. Port Perry - Ph. 985-2511 DESWA 225 tett Rorh�hy�i haYiq Cew t .wt .� 3Pro(ttatp:.12 WML lr trail IafAmleYtl taut 11raY1Ng k Profess.,PhiSt Pmoram: 3 aralalU N arkIBCW malt Drives ante Pan -a inner, Pro- Yuear � I�� oval- meRW time 0003 we at si" driving fop. waved WNW alio (!06)723 purses available A stlmd here dill * 10 to ConaldrU.SA ayo. a emmies yo« 1 *ft Worthwhile 500.600 mile radka. ICC . paw 905-436-77446.k INTER M MaOicfl. AOMM aid polo Excellent vm0es ET daarsup M 'www. durtammaltCem/ C%MM booking flow for Do- a sdtoolpf c m w 13 doss (Dam- 4M paid we". fiffea tf. haft Ely. No looking f« team of A NOLugn�spaAirie.n 31st sky IMCVS NATURAL The Carer Tmh,u' dtbms. 906-723-8118. IWN MTRY NE Nal Slalotu CLINIC on (thud ley Carina 723-0083, pmldlAeraPY MOAMLE $1486 per how wo )r Ce 7, 1 Pm lr clr111ied now SNI in Dui Region reap - azhaifMa • ' pursesestancoursesJW 14 - � ihO ,du* 10 work we Our pxPandim8 customer base" all have Jan 24 (Saturdays) (� � etails 905721-0363 kkst be 16 « over ON" car. Cao 571-3532. 1 GamartY F1Mv CAs11At/ W now Carpet A upholstery croner reWNed. necessmy Cad tl:3ory CLAr3 'A' and Crass 'e' Driepr/Yaer rtpwte0. Also. movers Wiper regdred. Sal- arypebased on Qaalilatnora. 9�DS-42b-90oD Cal for fax ne- 'w so cy (105j613'9492. CUSTOMER SERVICE NM muerfisorc as Stamir ww upon - spotsiw (tor moi via Drug Incorrect Nme— and ((tori shall be no li- ability for non -insertion of ally advertisement. Liability for worn in ads is limited to the aIT101Nd paid 101 RIe Space DCCU- pyinp the error NI Dopy is sllejea to the appro Val of management of News Advertiser. C01/lllt hoNq for per^ Wien s ton truck with ware- nouse A IorkNR allenttnce. Call 906-430-0206. 1 "Will ►Mw 1 General (kelp CLEANERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY For Pickering/Oshawa/Whitby/ Area • Light and heavv duty • Must have previous experience • Full and part time • Own Car an asset Please call 1-800-565.3756 DEPT. STORE PROMOTIONS Now hiring permanent full & part time positions to promote a major department stores account card in Ajax, Pickering, Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville. Applicants should be outgoing, well spoken & dress in business attire. TRAINING PROVIDED $8. to $10. Hourly + Bonuses Call District Office 1 pm to 7pm 1-800-661-2118 LONG HAUL AND DAY TRIP AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED Make Advantage Personnel your last career move. Great opportunities for qualified AZ DRIVERS Min. 2 yrs. exp., abstract, ICC inedical Apply inperson to: 1621 McEwen Drive Unit dS Whitby or call Matt 905.433-010 oomen fim1 moa MrbD ddwla. Pais cua nqultr. Eam 0 b 812AWx Must hake mem cK apply at 1215 Be*. Pipemw 9*01-0OfiO. E7{P6 ffB ter SW for Axnss II fhir Desga, WIM- %%5=09Phone Juke « tfptlla 5yr6F 09 WAUTY int, ESTRETt- CWIS OR WX TECHS waet- ad for Ial-kme Of parl-MM retail sake txnsrtions avail- able immediatety. Please al Debbie 905606 0342. or drop on resumes at: Mal (beside Wkmers) of Durham f 11M w no NIW4 Sim Walk. all M:. Ajax CompNy a" full blue people. M varrin oft 1, 111 Ask Laurie 906426 954 ler 1KIII11180 NMEOMMTI on Call Snow ffemrowl appNc an 1« Ata tlwd comply. Phase rel (905) 8374060 for NO MORA AAM eared Mm OWN 20.25 PM* last. del to new accomM. Neu In amomar service, and public rtehlolns. will stall. rel im*- le (S) 4264954. `YMCA We are cunerrly ew pring Y -ng adwts for positions in: sales and service machine operators and assemblers general tabour trades helpers and construction clerical/administration tall today to find out how the YMCA ran help you to achieve your employment goals. (905) 427-7670 or drop by 1400 Beyfy SL Mal One. Unit 16A, Pickering (beside the GO Train S1l Loon) -Pwbcrpabon s minted to people /6 to 24 oho am out of wvt and not sft Kv aanoot to tim- lV411 office Maw 1 office Help ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Immediate position available. .'Must be bilingual and have experience. Resume to: Mentor 10-1330 Boundary; Rd. Oshawa 905-725-7763. Fax: 905-725-7340 1 Sales HelpAgwns Bys­ M.-Agwrts Career Opportunity with ADVANTAGE PERSONNEL Sales/Customers Service Rem Required by progre%%n v employmert agen& located in Whitbv. • tau must have excellent people ski1Ls and be computer literate. • Previous experience in the industry would be an asset. • Must have own car and be available immediately- • Salary to commensurate with expenence. Fax resume to Sue Morrison ® 905-433-0628 No phone calls please DYNAMIC Advertising Sales Representatives required immediately for career opportunity. Due to expansion of our Telephone Directory we require 3 Outside Sales Reps. If you are aggressive, highly motivat- ed, have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfac- tion, we would like you to pin our win- ning team. Minimum two years sales experience. Directory and layout experience a plus. Existing and new accounts, training, commission and base pay. Mail or fiat. ristaMi to: Aiax/Pickerk% News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H5 Fax. 0(9051619-9068 slued Ndp e tun V= her- (loins must 0 t Reptile. Ills( be AM b let capes. Drop ole resom es. 1622 wfttia rya FLOWERS 8llaWkeu eWC/lalrtd F.xpetieex�ed driver wink newer 4x4 for Scab./Markhaaa/ North York Routes. Guaranteed hours. Also needed: DZ salt drivers. Call (5161288.0313. 1 General Help SUPER -DIET Take off Un- Manted Pounds d incites _')ok Good 8 Feel Great. ' �Q% Natural 6 Guarameed X1571 -5063 - TO SELL Crystal at Oshawa : PAGE 36 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1997 SIOMd MNp Shitted HNp 1 1 Safe 10f 1 Articles warned 1 Artlda Wailed . 1 Arts i CraNs 1 1 - 11 forSeMr COMPUTER GRAPHIC 10 vice walnut dining room puter, 486 with 12 mg memo -F ANTIQUE TURN of the century NIM Think pad lap top com-FC�alll TICKETS SPECIALIST set. high back pedal pard ry. 500 Inhard drive Call seats. S4 D00 or best atter 905 66B ,7�0WANTED FREE DRAW!! Commercial Printer with in-house pre- (905)720-1620 PENTRIM 166 16MB Ram, 1 7a pay face value for press service requires a Computer CANOPY bedroom suite, ex- gb hard drive. 14' monitor. 24 cellent condition, includes x m -media 33.6 f/m, $1.375 Maple Leaf Tickets. Graphic Specialist. Minimum 3 - 5 years technical single bedframe. desk, hutch. (905) 428-6906 bench. dresser, reens, reds or golds. experience, strong capability triple mirror. PIANOSlGRAlI0FA1HEN &Craft Show' with MAC and IBM. night table Beige. pad ac CLOCKS -Pre Christmas Sale - cents $1z00 905-676 1266 at 579-4400 ext. 2207 Please send your resume to: used pianos. vamaha. Sa- _ 1 l and sale sakes Ronald Taylor, CARPET BROKER. 100X. mirk. Klmbal, young Chang Nylon thick plush. stain re New digital punas from 5895 slstant carpet For 3 rooms, and up. Rent to own Large President & General Manager g only $369 00 Price includes selection of grandfather Pickering MARACLE PRESS LIMITED 30 Sq yds carpet. deluxe pad clocks from 5995 and up call RECORDS, CDS, POSTERS, COMICS, 1156 Kin Street East King and Installation in your home TELEP PIANO 433-1491 Free tame. Oshawa, ON. L1H 7N4 quotation in your No interest, no payment for SHEDMAN - Quality wooden SPORTS CARDS, LOTS MORE. tine full year. Daniel. 1-800- sheds 8 x e barn kit. only Sun. Nov. 23, 11 am -3 pm. Tel #: 905-723-3438 217Oto4 $�°aMavalabl and styles 707 Maria St. Whitby. Fax#: 905428-6024 CARPET. Fru Estimates. Also garages and decks 761 (Hwy.#2 & Henry) Info. 728-5369 New anti -static carpet. McKay Rd Ural 3. Picketing crotch -guarded. sal resistant. For more Into call 905 -619 - MAC GRAPHIC ARTIST required immediately. Nlust have minimum 3 years work experience in 4 colour process. Please call (905)433-0250 LeadM ToronTc Area equipment yenta! firm requires diesel mechanics experienced in. -portable arc compressors -ride-on compaction -skid steer loaders Good compensation packages offered Written replies only to: Hub Equipment Limited 2960 Markham Road Scarborough, ON. M1 X 1 E6 or FAX 416-298-1297 . 1 Daycare wantw LIVE IN -1^.s,.._. rad.... 6:.nL rites vis\S. eAyC eme a references regunred Please ad 905-619-3062 PART-TIME Nanny flexible entrgenr -a, - for 3 (3 2. 8 4 monms 3 da"eek Light Housekeeping Westney, Hwy 2 References 905419- 1385 . Daycare pAYCARf ^or Ca,nq d educallonal envrOn- mem writes Rd & Hwry 02 w ev, .cirsr„ EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER ('ri'estneN N or 41)11 %eAr sdiools k park Hot nutnnou meals TLl FaKied Yard. cc rmikie able anvnon- 428-0097 -me all aces nutm C,-z"onsnacks dose W parks 8 Schools. Receipts available Marwood/401 area Can 428-03111 PICKERING Beach ; Rollo Ldv1n-, ta..:arr -5 months ' 12 years Deny ouwm (IttXW backyard and park story time music. nu- minous meals 8 snacks First Aid C PR certified Non- smoking receipts 905-428- 1244 lilt Employakint granted d BOOKKEEPER Seeking full- Lme lob ManWl O, Compu- letaeo to Tru Balance Cur- rently working Toronto seek- ing dose to home 905.433- 89183 LOCAL handyman for hire Any odd labsyard work Geaninq palming Call Rob 7261473 �1-Fit- rind FIREWOOD Roka Lumber It Firewood Centre 4 x8 x1Z'. $60 4.8x16'. $65 Blab - fished 1963 Days 705.277- 3381. Evenings 905.434- 6665 Free delivery 10 Oshawa area A-1 FIREWOOD. excetkm very best quality hardwood. guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned. cut & spm. Honest measurement. tree delivery Kozy Heat FrewoOtl. 905753-2246. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST - top quality seasoned hardwood. Serving Pickering Ajax. Whit- by and Oshawa Call DURHAM FIREWOOD 427-5278 FNEw00D - Dry. $69 face cord Call (416) 282-9976 FOR SALE Cut, Split & delivered. 855/face cord. Call Jerry 4105)619-1363 1 Firewood FIREWOOD vrdwood jogs 11 bus, ;prc Will dekver Call 1613 336-2696 Fu t -g;;; 7, corner ELEGANT , ;n dresser and mirror w,t" Two nam tables $20C Su clalrs ono dinI ng table 5250 obo 683-9564 GE SELF CLEAN stove. al - frond wird black front 5275. GE side by side refrigerator. almond win MaCk horn $375. whirlpool under courser dishwasher black front 5200 r905) 427-9255 GIRLS bottom setsingle bed rite stared triple dresser mirrordesk chat. SZ25. Bea~ 15 cu n mk- rrovvave. mew probe rack 375 (905) 839-5965 WALL UNIT ke new. holds S duums. nvmrur b lights 8.5 000 Can 428-1438 1 Artcw for $ale GARAGE sp^ q•, 'sables idlers open- ers; rrataaed S45 New doors open 36 OOIry Plus Doors 13 Winery Lcao Ak.n.i,. save Morley Make yolfr own wine in 4 weeks. 57995 30 styles makes 28-30 bottles iso m1 Flan & EW msi 426-4122 4 DRESSERS $45 sot, $75. love seat $65. sofa & chair $135, kitchen able b chars $35 4 pc bedroom suite (from 1930) $475. 5 pc pine bed- room (twin bed) $395. desk S35, office chair $30. video arcade machine 5250. coffee 8 end able $45. wardrobe S%. Duncan Fyfe dtairs $250. microwave 8 sand $75. 1905)697.3532 LEATHER led 4ts. up to 12 price. leather purses from 19.99. luggage from $19.99. leather "Nets from $6 99. Everytfunq Must Go! Family Leather. 5 Pants Mail Osha- wa 905728-9830. DINNIG ROOM SUITE Solid dark wood. Table. 6 chair, hutch, buffet WHIRLPOOL, almost new WASHER AND DRYER Call for information 428083 S emironmemaly-friendly 2093. 1 Arts 6 Crafts • 1 Arta 8 Craftarpel starting as low as 554/ sq it Wide range of colours SOLED OAK 01n1 to ngroom table complement your decor For (2 extension leaves). 6 chairs. your shop -al -home call now. large Duttet. hutch. Excellent Mike 905-426-288 concibon Valued at $3200 Asking $1600 905.576.3832 CARPETS lots of carpet, 1TAK Dinin able. $150 Bed - 100°'. nylon new stain re- room set $300 L wig room lease carpets on hand. 1 Set $450 Glass table set. will carpet 3 rooms. 53 $200 Remote control planes. Price includes carpel. pre- 3 radio. $600 905697-0757 mlum pad, expert mstwa- n fast dellvt tree esh- . ry OAK/PIME FURNITURE. Tates ((30 yards) Norman �F6-23tJ CARPETS SALE: Lots of car - Dots 100% nylon stain re- �euse. carpet 3 rooms $339 3. sq yd) Includes carpet. ^•omlum pad and Instala- n Free estimates carpet ecars Serving Dumam and - -rounding area Sam 905- 686-1772 CARPETS- Christmas Sale. .sew 100% Nylon_ Stan mas- >- extra -file Can and save. ..a•peT starts u $1 22/sq ff n- - ,dna premium paLinstalla- n Senor discount Repairs a,auble Customer sanSfaC- :.,vn guaranteed Fp Your free m -home estimate can Mike 1905)431-4040 or (4161822- 8226 CASH OR DEALS. 2nd Hand ,Ione 6 Brokers We Dui sell. tracnm i more Almost any - 1hiToo cash pad 433 785 571-22274 666-0004 ALWAYS OPEN �OMPUTERS. $alis settee and upgrades. pen11 150 s 5899 406S 3499 Primers $49 Phone (905)671-5297 COMPUTER Specials- Com- piele Prnhum multi mlado sYssern 5688 Del 486 $588 Wei Dx386 5348 Colour pnmer $96 Fax $39 Call (905)655-3861 COMPUTER MONITORS. used peluum boarq syslems 133 mter $499 with monitor. 486 systems from 5299 xnc monttor over 100 used cow monitors in stock from S50 Next week . Irud, load at used nonmes 14'. 15' 7 T 20' Lots or new Wary dirW systema with various fret software anol- sl"v at 5999 Now ,pen Su ndMs 12 - 4 (905) 697-3059 COYOTE Fur cow. Tun kngm Excellent condroon. Slated every year Must see to W $'DO Ue 633.6610 miss Olt DJ SYSTEM Teal for wed- dings banauels etc +ndn+d•ng :A s and apes priced to sed. 905)420-1955 STEF 4 HANK'S Appkakxs Washer $23C Dryers $175. Fnoges $330 Stoves 5225. 362 Frena, St Oshawa 9O5µ32 1167 KENMORE. Matching almond triogel 3 door side by sole) 8 stove excellent condition. 4 years old. asking $900 080 ENGAGEMENT R11NG, 1*. 3 diamonds. 64 karat. vs can. Ty. appraisal $3.750 Best att- er No dealers (905) 579- 3767 MATTRESS, OAK TABLES i SOFA SALE We are clearing top quality mattresses 8 sofa's a reduced prices. Oak dining table 8 chairs. from $399; chairs from $60: large selection. Slumber Skop mattresses on sale from singles from S59: queen sets from $229; 3 pc. sofa loveseat d chair from 5399; Also chairs available. Come in b browse. 111 Bond St. W. Os11aWa or MtialE Auctions, 171 Taentes Rd. E. WAi Call 728 -Ill or 452-2136 for more lode. FWIEGLASS custom Hairs with bill-tn running boards. his small Jimmy or Blazer. $500 otio. 905985 3183 FULL LENGTH mdlk carat, s¢e 16. excellent condition. asking 51.500 or best After Cat 728- 3455 Check r+ul our tali SPE- CIALS SCUD OAK Table Sets. eg 36'x54 sgl ped table Uw 1x18" ext AND 1 SOLID OAK Windsor Arrow s c SALE PRICE $599111 Or a SOLID OAK 4Ox80 dbl ped table c/w 2x10' ext AND 6 SOLID OAK Wmdsa Arrow s' c SALE PRICE 51199"' Similar savings on all other able sets and Buffer d HIAdI- es Why buy veneer when I� can buy 100x. SOLID OAK" We m nor nest a factory out- let WE ARE THE FACTORY - TRADITIONAL WOODWORK- ING 905-9858774 USED FRIOR SnS aro up. used stoves S2X and up. used washers S25C dryers $125 and up New brand name fridges. 16 c 5605 New plat l0 name 30' stoves $449 and up New 5 c I treerers $255. Stephensan's Ap- gra xm 227 Court St. Osha- wa. 576.7446 WATER, 0 you an cornamtned wore-, me usie. smd Wor look of your wallet we can help Can for irlorma cin 686 1 or US -0234 after 5 p m NEW AND USED dressers, coil" and end tables, tables and mars. Dox spring and mattresses. can laundry We afro bar tam funrkre Sle- p+emnton's Commercial Pro- aum 325 smmcot St S. Oshawa 575-8471 WINTER CLOTHING: Duality name brand falLwinter dOth- ng lex men Mos aid bort (Sue 10 to Merz XXXLG) Murhdred$ of name brand dens 10 C110omi, from with mote armrrq weekly From leans b twedos. RUGGED REPLAYS n Whrby hat m all Take a look At these savings Peas start - suds $29 Spat Jacl1M $19' Shit $5. casual Dam $8. Ram $10 Sweaters $9 winter coals $22 put pus pus" Sound too good W be tries Coate fo RUGGED RE- PLAYS. Duman s largest upscale re -sate store Exdu- wvety for men, teens arld boys. Sm 1994 we've been oRermg only the best n new 6 "W to new cw" w Ip to 75% bdow retal Expenence consignment shopping for men like never before and go a tugs end look at low end prices Take 401 to Tlaclkson Rd in Whitby go north (3 lights) to Bum's St (tum right). we're In file first pan on left (Burn's St Pana). Hours Mon - Wed 166. Thurs - Fn 10-9. Sat 165 Call 404-2063 1 Arbcbs w.m.d ANTIQUES?ADsauiety• Put - des" Ilrmttxe. pass. dvna (Moorcrofl 8 other art pot- tery). an. toys or at nostalgia Rem. Decoys. toots & saen- bhc. Collections or estates. Call Robert Bowen Antiques (905) 655-8049, Brodkin, On- tario. E-mail. rbtbowenOsym- palucci CO's to sell? Ill pay top dollar for your used and new CD's. Cab George at 435.1998. FOLDING WIRE. Stackable containers with at hast 1 gak drop. Approx. 42 171b1c ft. (%n - lad Abe. 683-5117 UNWANTED, scrap metals removed. BBO's, at cons., stoves. ars. arm machinery, or anylfrrg meal. (85)571- 6714 WANTED APPLIANCES Work- ing or not, washers. dryers. fndges, camping trailer, pick up tnic k. small ar. 486 8 386 Computers d hardware. 905- 42B -59N 05 42rr59N CHRISTMAS CRA&[ SALE SAT/SUN. NOV =2/23 1:3oam - s:3opow IINO ALBACORE MANOR, Pickering (off Bayly, west of Liverpool) FREE DRAW!! For Into call Linda 631-9151 CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE featuring uniquely hand crafted gifts Nov. 22 & 23, ll a.m. - hp.m. Petticoat Creek House, 44Q Kingston Rd., Pickering (between Rougemount dt Ro wbank) DECK Y01YR MALL%! 21" Annual 4 Christmas Bazaar &Craft Show' Sat. Nov 22. 10ain. - 3 P.M. Christmas Crafts, Gingerbread table, Silent Auction, Hot Lunch, Baking Table, Poinsettias, Chikimn's Room & more. Dunbarton-Fairport United Church 1966 Dunbarton Road, Pickering a d (905) x_"-7,71 (Hwv (V2 & Dixie Rd) FREE AD.N1 S S/O.y **CIilIRIST bL" BAZAAR** St. Paul's On -the -Hill 882 Kingston Rd -Pickering Sat. Nov. 22. 10 am -3 pm Crafts, Silent Auction, Baking, Tea Room & more ** Free Admission ** * The Spirit of Christmas Bazaar* Amberlea Presbyterian Church 1820 Whites d. N. Pick. Sat. Nov. 22, 9:30 -1 P.M. Handmade crafts bake oods children's COUNTRY and Victorian decor open house Nov 22 8 23. 11-4pm 15114 Eagieview dr Pickering Great idea's for Christmas Something flat everyone CRAFT VENDORS wanted . for new Crafters Market local - ed p �at the Courtice Flea Market 1024 filing Soon! Call 905-436- 102 1 CGMPVW ��� NEW MUSIC a -line 41 hnp // www dumhamnews.neV -a)c2381inclex him 1 Lost 8 ' Foumd FOUND - orange and Mack cat. P1Ckering village Please call 427-9725 FOUND, male rat. Drown, long -hair. 3.4 years W, White on ace.paws IS underside Whites Rd S of 401 (905)420-2332 FOOND: Gold dorm bracktte with children s birth Charms. Heber Downs area. POssiDly not a recent loss Please nN to rdermfv 655-6765 1 Pliel pkea( Bowo me SIAMESE KITTENS. 8 weeks old, cute d cuddly must go to good tome. $125 each 905- 436-7134. John or Eve. UMBRELLA COCKATOOS. While male and female rag eS and accessones Call Kath 905.726-21397. BEAGLE Pas for sale Vet Checked first shot$, de- wormed Ready 10 go now Can Laurie 665-0191 PERSIAN Klnens, needled. registeren health gwrarlteed. Blue mare. black hale A. fe- male also adults available. Cadt9D5)728-7796 SOFT coated Wheaten terser pilpS Good natured. nowal- ergmc CKC registered Excel - km companion $9010 call 1905)797-2266 2 NOTTWEILEN Pe/phes 5 months old All Shots "ripped CKC Registered. Gaarateed Serous ipuNus xty Can 906-434-3790 Tor POODLE, mak. 9 weeks. Ist snots, CMC regiS- leted. love $ the weld. Sienese kittens, tial port. very ~ionate. (706) 639 - Brillion Fr rW Pugs, SMh-Tzar Porneranwm Dashounds Ise Shen. Vel Clicked (905)723-5077 Oshu H u Hvnalayan Flans Pt Ii 11 Automobiles for Set CREDIT PROKEMS7 On the spot financing Down psy 10 from 3500 OAC Cars trucks vans 19al to 1991 AWrfy Auto Sala Ltd 792 Smcae Street Soaeh. Oshawa Phone 9057263382 g games, silent auction, hot lunch. 1968 RAMBLER Ambassador *White Elephant Room* outstxrano conowon n wK rix, an Original. 82.000 even. run by the 7th Pickenng Beavers & Cubs. x;00 Everrrngs (gas) t152 - (Toys, tools, records, new & used books, children's clothing and more) , coRau GTS. sten dad. good rruirp tandoori. new exhaust. pl:rted lot sfird- %9 Cao CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE Pickering Rec. Complex 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Sat. Nov 22.9 a.m. - 5 p.m. FREE ADMISSION! To ensure that your 'Bazaar or Bake Sale' is advertised on time, simply call one of our cheery ad -visors and they will advertise it In our Ajax Pickenng Classified Section for a very low rate. Call 683-0707 for assistance! em S as is Jay (90506-9303 1986 Ford Ta". 3L engine. new pant, runs well $1900. Evenings. Ivan 723-1492 1987 OLDS DELTA Be -load- ed, power windows, locks. seas, ton cruise. AM/FM as- sette, air. 180.000 lun Re- cently painted Can Weindy x-551750 0 8.0 IN? SPRINT. 2 door, auto. 140 kms. Runs Ji Woks great $1500. certified OBO. 905- 1!p BONNEVILLE SSE, puts car, excellent motor i 4 speed trans Some exce0 m body p� (with ownership) $1000 obo. 906-985.0454 or 905-852-5779. 1911 NIU M MWti vat lady baled. stereo. IVC. $25% ow. 1993 Pontiac Asuri $4495. Meat set 1 or the dial- er. (905 26-1961 or (905)683- 1. IM CAVUJB 4 cylinder. 4- thr 1 1 102.000kms aSM 1r sm 990 YrortM� Chev Sprint. 2 -dr ado, 92,000kms $2795.433-1787 WM DESIGN 12 LINCOLN Town car Sig- nature Series. Loaded. exal- knt condition. Cat (905) 655 - Home and web page creation Hyper 5779. link and server storage. Wan John Duas-ft at 579.4400 1991 Buick Regal Grand Soeape�� cert. EvdwWs. Ivan 723-1492. IM GEO METRO, 4 Or. Se- dan, auto.. amAm cassette, air c. 62K, will caliy. Latly dri- ven. 58900. 697 FOR SALE 1988 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL SIGNATURE Fully loaded, 170 km., V6, resent repairs, excellent condition. $5,000 or best offer. Trades Welcome. Call (705) 878-4998 1991 Chev Cavalier sedan 4 cyl auto 127.000 km , factory at. 40 mpg . anitm. Mack ex! gQrey Int . sport rims. new Goollyew Agwtreads, rust - tree. very dean car $5200. cent obo Lel's deal 905-985- 0454 or 905-852-5779 TIM SUMBIRD Convertible. immaculate while exterior b interior. 23.000km. like new. 58500 Cwl 905 831 7947. between gun-apm 1992 TEMPO. 2door. 4 cyln- der. AM. FM asse . cert, bed. 53400. to view ran (905) 686-0268. 730-930 pm Mon -Thurs 19W DYNASTY LE leather in - tenor, PIW. WS. P/8. P/L. AIC. "Ofnahc. AMIFM cassette. 95.000kms Great condition Asking 59.5(0 905.436.3693 1993 OLDS Curf- Gen S 70 000 km. grey win maroon Interior Loaded Btaadrl tom, Muu nitsiry�M055) 7 3-1985 0995 1993 OLOSBWNILE CUTLASS CtERA A/c caw. p cruise. W. atm cassette. 136.000 km V6 "Ari- rat and Doily a- , Nest Asking $8.200. 905- 430.25M 1994 WICK Lesabre. nab kit shape 75.000 let. loafed. black cherry rrgqWe=, maroon PlXX $17 500 Tblrpbom (9905) 666-49" 1994 GED METRO. (standard) 88 000 km, arri casseee. "way exterior. 54.700 wrWgd. or Crest Oft Tek - pone 725--M5 1994 GRAND PRIX. V6 pK as pA pew p lrurW. $eCw" sytaem. 4 -hoar, approx. %.000 hi0hwary kms. new ores 6 Drakes $12.900 Like new. ane owner Can 9105483- 3020 1995 BMNCALLE. all stave dud power equipment M"M entry. exce irm COrld -ion. 92.000 mostly Irwy led . $15.900 Ceifdled 668-6333 eve and weekends 1995 NEO PorWat Sudre. 2 door auto ar $10 500 cerh- ked or beg offer Co. AMUFM radio Excellent condi- tion (905) 725-0532 WE FINANCE EVERYONE No turn downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt; bad credit; no credit! If you work; you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 9Ri-7016-8495 Er orae oam us S13.a ' 1 1 Ford Escort. 4 door, whO. auto. low mileage. mum cor101ti01n Ctrtl• bed 53.850.. 1993 Ford T -Diad, LX fury loaded, 5 Vire- mine rbndM-. Certified. $8.850 1991 GMC Safari 7 passerhper, filly loaded, mint cornditign. certified, $7,750., 1992 ford explorer, XL, 4 x 4, 4 door. gold and teal. tidy loaded. Cerbined, $14,870. 1994 Chen Cavalier, 2 door, teal green, orty, 77.tf00 lou.. 5 Spee 7� new. cert. $8.850. 2277 NEED A VENW? Poor credit? No credit7 ? Callen Cameron 0 905-576- 18M or 1-888-259.3673. 1 can hew! 1613 Chrysler Dynasty LE. 3 3L V6, baled. Whlte with clufcoal )ENeriW. $6900 oboe 985.1139. DURHAM MOTORS sales and service repairs. can a mechanics open every da 1993 Bonneville sm. $14.995. 1992 grand prix 4 dr.. loaded. 119.000 kill. $6.995. 1992 1992 Z24 5 speed. $6.795. 1992 Cavalier 2 dr, auto, $4.300, 1992 Sunbnrd 2 dr, 5 speed. 54.295.. 1992 Saturn SC2 . 2 dr. $6.7%. 1991 Laz- er 58.000 led 56.900. 1991 Taurus GL. loaded. $4.595. 1991 Luwm Euro 4 dr. load ed. $5.795. 1991 Grand Am. 2 dr. $4,595, 1991 talon TSI. all wheel drive 5 $6.995. 1991 Cavalier RS 2 dt . $6.395. 1991 Corsica. $4.695. 1991 Sunbrd 2 (Jr. $4.500 1991 OMs Cutlass Supreme International. 4 dr. loaded. $7.5%. 1990 Corsica. $3.595. 1990 Grad Prix 4 dr. 55.595. 19N Z24 $5.596. 1990 Grund Am 2 dr. $4.395.. 1989 Firebro 121.000 kd . $4.395 1969 Grand Am 2 dr. 52.795. 1989 Grad Pru. 2 dr. S4.995. 1969 Beretta GT. $4.300. 1968 Camaro Z28 auto $3.800 36 Recanck- llorne0 certmed vefxefet aut- able 221 WesM" Rd S . Alex. 663-7560 NEED A VEHICLE? POOR CREDIT? Down pay mems Norm 5495 0 AC No Turndowns viarram available Cars from 1964 lo 1991 9 & J Auto Sales 905-420-9056 1547 Bayly St Picketing PRE XMAS SALE. 1990 Cara van. V6 $6.000 1969 Ac - clan V6. S3.300 1991 Shal- Ow, kjrl . $3.200. 1992 Dako- ta. V6. $8.100 Durham Rapid Auto (4116) 281-2643 TIED 19% GRAND AM GT - rrwlr c(11101tion. Icaded 4 lour 1 year warramtt, alarm, 30.0010 tun $18.900 Scott 432-7079 TOtED OF SLID NG weeM7 There's raw to and xaew en Ile wayl CMiw hr Vie sm- -. 1986 Nissan Multi 4 x 4 S2 995 3 Trackers. 4 x 4 au- tornatili 1991 to 1994 your choice a $5995 Blowout pia Reliable winter tram - pollutant - Certmed and dwap 1983 Dodge Anes. Baton wagon. $1.795-. 1963 Plymouth 22 Turismo. automlatic. $1.995 19U Ponlrac Temp- est. 4 cyl 5 speed $1.995 New Arras - 19M ads CIA - ass Supreme. 2 dr. 96.000 CIA - falls. red and kke new 55.295 1989 Plymouth Voyageur. 139.000 kms. 7 passenger $4.995.. 1993 Mazda 323, au- tomatic, only 82.000 tuns. $6.595 1992 Pontiac Grand Am. GT. tear, loaded. pretty $9,595. 1992 Geo SWrin, 4 cel., 5 speed. prety am sporty $5.995. 1988 Brrlcl Pak Avenue. Waded, luxury car. $4.995. May more cert - lied cars and mini visa to choose from. Cow are a M Calker Ars CUNo, 155 OM St. W.. M mwwm MW. 'Nbm aW aOs�bomn um dol (an) S�28B6. SMS 1.o" A a A AUTO- Cars. trucks. bows. We pay SID 510,000. Cash on the Spot. My corN1- DOn, any you. Cat its any- time. 24 hours. 7 days, 30 mW. service. 906.616.5003 or 905706-5234 ANY UW Car or Track warted, bomplek or not. Top Cash paid. Free pick-up. Cap (905)431-4333 or 434-7489. CASII FOR CARSI We buy used velvides. Vehides must be in mnrwg co elklion. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Gayly St. East. Aix at MURAD AUTO SALES. ■ANTED: Body o1 a 1988 a newer, GMC Chev 1n ton. Cat 905.1251392. 1111111111 ForSdg 1989 CHEVY SIO. 102.000 led. quoichm 2.5 litre. body rat shape $2.000 or )tier. 579-9032 Kevin, bpm 1991 GMC Hall ton extend car sped box, V8. automatic, led 612,900 Call (905) 5-a 8448 1997 CHEV 1/2 Ion pick-up, „1, Ideit ab. 4 -wheel drive. p Wil, air. remote alum, qe starter, new tires/ box liner $19.000. Call > 725 6417 VWW 1 4 Wto a Driviiii 1991 FORD Aerostar XL. 7 - loaded. excel. cond. ed. $6500, 905-579- ,,FHAM MOTORS Sales Service repairs. Open day. 1992 Blazer Tahoe s dr loaded. 4 x 4. 15 1992 Jeep Cherokee 4 df. 4 x 4 . $10.995 . Pontiac Transport SE. 15 1990 Caravan SE. -45. 1968 GMC Siena SL. ton, extended ab, 305. -j5 221 Westrhey Rd S., 905)683-7550 1 Aulo Pwb L A7E MODEL auto parts av 2 weeks notice re - •ed Complete ars or .Is installation « gift-fora. 905985.0454 416-378-1792. 1 snowerosdn '386 ARCTIC CAT L Tig C good shape. 52.000er 0 Call Mike 905_6n_ 988 An 11%, Cat Cougar cc tan cooled. 7000 .!s m010f fralh NMS sum- 'S or Deet ruler Call 5 263-8914 all 6PM Moirw :;.SIDE STORAGE for boats. irs motor nomes. IraltnS. c a/Ilde Saks. 4700 Thiek- m Pd North. RW1 Brookka 8010 • 1 1 Apanrrwrwf For Pwd BE�RooM Apartment. ctr^ng 5 awkAwAs- 5733. whes 4161444-7391 MONTH OSHAWA Extra targe 6 2 bedroomrsn Large OI u,y Sul" has been under rw management for 1 year .w and s a very dell and DO mesa c�abk�partrg�m- ,ded AvadaMe December 1 and January 1st. Phone 5 579 -55tH iNAWA 8loor $I )Law 2 L W,r,,m apahmptt in Barr III rase ouildng Close 10 401 L Parking Available imme- Re!y From 5600 /mOrM Hunt 9055764255 i 3 BEDROOM aparb»rds- ax 416 444-7391 BEDROOM Basement en'neni wd^ kitchen, waW om 6 laving room• no hikers available Dec 1st IO month 6rslAast Brock/ We,' area Call 619-1251 s URGE 2 -bedroom excep- ^a^, clean apartment In Wawa. from $6654755 per Daren. Pnendge Prop. '-!s 905.4257677 ADELAIOE/Mary. (Ochi ra) loll, i -bedroom in A,se Includes all ublties L Ing $490 No dogs. Cindy '25-2246 AJAX 2-5ed1`00m, separate -"•a„ze ciair 4 appliances, -.a aoie Immediately smoker San cath CoA 683-.gM IIIAx- brand new modern 1 cedruc'In basementapart- 'sent Separate erit 19e store. laundry, full :alit Available Dec 1. $750 -vee 10 832,transit.� ve(905) 945.427-0832, ) 52'-9229 AJAX- Spacious 1 odyn.• walkout deck, laundry• park• 1g walk-in closet. Separate entrance no smokerstpets. mmediate $700. CaN Ism) 427-5425 AVAILABLE II monk yw- Townhouse style optsLak455 A4ax - ge Rd (401 L Nix Whllby border) 3 O�d"IL $900 hydro. 2 bKVWNr 905 G aro Contac (Thurs905) 9.5228 Mon. AVAILABLE ImmWialeyA3a cembeI 1st , Bright 2 fled room walkouteshbasplmp1l Denmi painted $750pfl Henuge 83l -gam IoW AVAILABLE LY �DMiE- Spacious my Apt. WA&n carpeted no* painted with balcony, (doss to oars shopping, all uMIA1K mdude0 tirsViastirsd no Det' ►roti 2 bedronmt s7dr00m 5675., room 3840 75 3 bed - 0134 GII 430- 11 or , Houe»Tar- Rww 1 rtwt aa.UCVYAItH F'AHK - WHITBI 1 & 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. 5 P.M. (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED BACHtLOR apanmem, mak non-smoker welcomed, avail- able Immediately. Very dean and Quiet, Fridge. stove. 4 pce bath. private entrance, park- ing. utilities included. 11,111inutes from transportation. MAam $475 mo 905-404-2936 BASEMENT. newly carpeted separate entrance, kitchen, a/ c. dose to G0. 401 8 mall, no petslsmoking. Avail Immed $450 inclusive 1svw Call Victor 420-6863 BOWMANVILLE 2 bedroom semi. CIOSe t0 all amenities. $650 per month plus ifflinies No pets, references required. (905) 983-5522 BROOKLIN: Bachelor apt. on second floor Dec. 1st. Kitch- en wim emV area. fridge & stove, bedroom, 3pc. bath. washer L dryer, quiet area. 5565 per moon hat L hyap included. 905-655-5539. CENTRAL OSHAWA. new bundling. 1 bed $575 PhOre 432-2261 for appt or super 1304. 33 W abng. Dstnw. CENTRAL OeJnewa, man f100r L finished basement d horse. separate enhance. fridge rawId mcbOed VAxt regaled Available Jan 1sf195 Call 905 726-5583 CENTRAL WHITBY, newly decorated 2-DeOropm. SKOnhd floor apartment. 1062 sq.R . firsvialst, 4widiry, tatdrtlls. December 1 $79wmoro cm Utdo" Reteren (905)683-2002.683.1939 FOR RENT 1 6 2 -bedroom apartments in my gAEI. wen - kept Dnwltarg ricer AN arerw- Iles Bus slop at door: Park Rd M. Oshawa 5695. $7161 mo. 579-9016 FOUR bedrew apartment. tponess in home, norowwnt .Oishh nkaa, r caWuM, N $950 monthly 119 IrMlealle- mridu M,"14 sis FURNISHED bachelor, for - fleshed one bedroom. $550 i $650 mctwinte First/last Available empty Pyr qts we raneLvarkmg Parti IfiNSde. 576 -SMI or 433- S550 NMMOMY/401 area. 2 -bed- room mar,floor Of Rause Large kitchen. large backyard. very dean available imine �M1y $750mnonth Pk* uli- Ms Cao (905)277-9941 LINERPOOLAUNGSTON R0. 1 -bedroom basement, raised bwpalow. separate rsntrmil" 8 driveway A/C. able. 4 ap- plunces 5550 rlklusrve AvaYable Jam 1 (905)839- 246 LLMUNIOUS. south Allot 2 - bedroom walkout basement apartment, separate entrance wdn own laudry $800 per month sx$kam exaQl phone no pdt. non-fmOker fuStAiSt references required Cao 653- 6417 between 3-9pm. OLNE AM WILSON. large. bright newly renovated 2 -bed- room. laundry, Hong. $695 plus umnies. bbrlai (905)436.9448 stl ONE BEDROOM br*M apan- mem. list floor separate en- trance. Central air, afl uldu- sive.. ad appliances. cable. full bath, quiet Rouge Valley arta, (905) 509-6120 ONE OEOSSOM basement apanmerht for rupt, inns Oiam ill. 5450 per Mo. 19,11itt, dose to Civic Cater Oshawa (SM) 720-0B3t. 011E IledroOM basement apm. in quid from South Oshawa, $5501M. includes hat, Hydro and uNYb a. Coin MUrAlry 00 I i New bus SMAvail"- IMure AAMW. ONE OMfeeM DiSeHkft >pMNMt for Mo. hewiv left oviii fepblMt Hmmrarre, pprdNkShq tilib N I nr. 94. 6lupetOr Sm.. AfiA SPACIM weE maintained 2 bedmo t ops. Ataill. at 900 ohm 800 6kn St. Salve Wish ,m closes. palet provided• Gose to ed 8015. ShnFli carthe, Go so6m. UM llxk* ed. Cao 72111-il . StN 2 -bedrooms apt. in a dupi 09 mnualK fresh Pod. two washrooms, dose to GM plat and a8 amenities. avail" Dec. 1. $600 plus NOW Cal 430-1370 OONMBA (opposMe GM PIW) Large and dean. 1 -bedroom $570. 2 -bedroom 5650. ft - 11 -1111111-749-27311. Pager 4116- 5011-1161117. OSIHAWA and bowmanvdle, one b two bedroom for rent. 5500 plus hydro and $725 afl inclusive Both available Dec Ist (905)433-7810 OSHAWA. 2 -bedroom upper duplex. 1.000sq.tt., dean & bright. Ceramic tiles through- outnew carpet, $720 -hydro Available immediately. 905- 728-2255.or905-430.7816 PICKERING - 1 bedroom basement apt Sep entrance. laundry. utilities included. Walking distance to Pickering Town Centre. Non-smoking female preferred. $535/mo Clair 905-831-2303. PICKERING - Brock/Major Oaks large new one bedroom basement apl All amenities Seo entrance Laundry, no- smokrng/perts Available im- medatdy 905427-6508 PICKERING Large spacious 2 bedroom basement apart- ment, oM separate entrance. air cord. and able. ion smoker. no pets. S / moron Plus hydro Available for De- cember or January Cao Mary Roy. (905)831.6826. PICKERING I bedroom basement apt., Bay Ridges, available immediate- ly, no pets or .cookers, all inclu- �n•e. 5600 first/last. HOST 837-14n7 PICKERING. Malty ^ars. MlC dkton. arae row 1-D FDC4n basemen apartment. sew ra» sntrana Laundry. no p/ts. available If " *&a" S7WMonm CreAN Check. (905)4254129 REMOt1ATED 2 bedroom basement apt Imw4x%$e ot- nrpancy. F>ri waky I- E pay t rmErltpaynNant aft credit Chook prelle M $745 all in ii, 568-2121905 or 416-41a SM Century 21 Kingsbury $CaNBOROUGN. Pon IJrwdrl / 401. spaaous 1 bedroom baisiomm apt . SlpreaR en - tante as mtlusnle. no pets/ smacker DK.4 (416) 282- 5990 OSIMM - NORTH Oxford 2 Two bdrms Near GO ser tion. 4G1 PNUMg hydro bp- coRtr/pabb Palo au nulYI MAW No dogs Avalable Dec 1st (905) 721.2232 (416) 239-2752. SOUTH OSMAWA. Large 1- Ddrm raised basement of sem. retemIf rM(C«ated. laundry tacdMa 2•su park - ng pyran entrance $575 all inclusive Mature working smgwcouple prefeRed No lips. 579'-'969 280 Wentworth St W 2 BIR apes for rel 5630.5650. Close schools, shopping 401. Transit right pa your door. Phone t ap I. to view: (905) 721-8741 NEST bedrooms. upper level or au- = OrY }aaYil h Dk e, of all inclusive. Mature couple. no pets preferred. 579-1869 WINTRY 2-bdrm for rent, : Os S675/mo house lot rent 2-ftwi man floor d 2 bdrm bsmm. Large backyard. $12001mo. 1st/w. 905-725- $911 05 725$911 days. 9056684016 WWW 00 bedroom apat- meK available Dec. IBL. SSBS per nu. includes heal arm parking for one cu. quiet . 1>hom (905)430- 0959 WIOTE3 /M. one tr WOOM basempt *Ntmht. WOO and bright, appliances• sepa- rate wltrance. laurift puk- ing. quiet ,ton snrow. $650. ImmedfaNAr. (905) 831.4121 WW fens WRIM you can own your OMI him for less OW you Unlit! Call Dave Hay. lodt Saks ReP- Re/Max SUMMA Rum (1991) Ltd. (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666- 3211. 010, Drigm. 2 -bedroom baw men,. working couple, non- smoking, no pets, tawdry, panning, cable. $750/trlomh inclusive. Firstilast. Dec. 1 (905)720-3057 message $1 - IT Absolute Affordable, SICK OF RENTING?? WHY NOT OWN A: 3 -Bed Semi $700/month -Bed bungalow $800/3month Appliances an Window Coverings included NO down P3y1lnehtt???? 4R Discharged Bankrupt???? (905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 MARK STAPLEY Saks Rep Sutton Gimp F.x�cl Realty Inc - a 1 owntausea'lorr 1 ownho-.T"r Reim Rem 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units Utilities included Stove & Refrigerator. Parquay floors throughout. Parking included, Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From 5846.00. Call 905-721-0980 1 Houses For Bare S' 'A Atsr 'e Ahc. aL,a WHY RENT? ow l6 YOUR HOME FROM $68S88TH". FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE (905) 5711-6275 1-5004840-6275 Rlwk sttaoley Sales Rep Surton Group Excel Realty '1113 CROMwfit AVF "'SHA WA - Near •�stuwa �.eriire. 3 Oedrooms NCL". eek. ga- rapt avaum Dec 1st $800 . 1/2 UhktA s 905.576-150! 2 @ED*" bungalow 5850 per monthL plus aMmeS GAS Ilan. large kitchen. no pats Available January Ist Cat 723-1475 or 726.3050 3.BEDROOM nothsa, near 4CI Oshawa and al amem- hes completely renovated, beauh decorated. new 00 plus uM,. krstABSU references No dogs CA (705)799-1361 6 MONTHS Freer Only SM down' 2 3 8 4 -bedroom homes avafable louly reno- va"d plus 4 now appkirlees, frWn $!SO/rrnonth >r xh[krSrve Mimmum riglwrt0 neons $25 000/ytu Paw Fagan, Saks Rep. Collift Banker AMR RE (905)7259414 ABSOLUTELY A GMT CM - 6 months tree thenOwn your own 2.3. of 4 bedroom tower house compktely refurbished with 4 new appkances sun - ;ng iron 559.900 Cama for less than rent Little or no mmoney down OAC Call RICK ATSON. CotdweaBanker (905)728-9414 or Tor (905)427-3804 ALLU completely renovated bungalow, quiet area, rec roomapglames, suites ma- ture people. $1075. •utAMes 905-426.5204. COMPLETELY renovated older 2. anking bedroom home n down- town Whitby. Suitable 1« wktq couple. Absolutely no d 905 668-�1Aa0i. ImmediatCOUNTRY HOME, NE of Osltawit. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. 09i OEWOM MOUSE for rent n Port Hope. Two bedrooms, large mister bedroom. hard- wood floors, large eat -in kitchen. mcey dixoramed thr011ghOw. NvK, trorksfop n ba5lnlHt, gar ham. Avai- abk Jan. 1. mo. r out. Firstllasarderences. 665- 7664. m=OOpIBAYLY- ore bed. room basement apt. Neu as amentt WSChods. Parking. laundry faC. M. a 1/4 UfM. available immediately. (416) 493-4964 ONLY 1 LEFT, 6 months tree, delached home, totally ,cite vated. Only $200 down. J. Fromm. Coklwdl Banker. 726 9414, Toronto 905427.3804. 1 Horrsas far Five OSHAWA/WHITBY legal latflelOr apartment separate old I. almost brand new m quest court Dont miss in ono! Available immedraky 905.404-2323 PMIKEIMOWALTONA - 4 bed- room ',targe luxury r. home Double 9' - case to It - Sit Refer l r . , rtgrwe0 $1450 , MAelS Aft 6 p In 416-421-9374 LMEWVOLIMYLY. 7 mm !rem Scarborough 3-1ia0roan man floor. 49c loath ear -m -Icmen. off street nrmedkM $1200 Nxkww ,�tbt269-]SBO 3 -BEDROOM Whitby Victorian townhouse Hardwood Moors. on. parking Conner unit vase yard. near selfool- Avail Dec 1 57p m (905)- 668-5966 1 TowMnusn For Reit MONTH WHITBY. ^real "a- t,or 3 bedrwm townhouse. 3 alpplwN:e. lose o shopping and schools. $950 per mo paws ubkties No pets Aval- ask Dec 20th or Jan Ist Call (905) 430-0141 aver 6 pm SOUTH OSHAWA. arge 2.1 bedroom 4 appuances. Close to all amenities first ". $,-A Aalable DK 1, 435 2253 v 1 Roon Nor AAA- warm rurnished room for dean prat' person (gen- tleman welcome) Cooking new bus, dose to Durham CaNcoe $250 and up mono" (905)728-4845 AJAK LARGE famished room In tical home Includes able. laundry parlimg Shure taah- hes with one other Non smoker. $375 no 427-6932 LMERPOOL/BAnY. 2 untur- rushed rooms with private baths, suit 1 non-smoker. share kdcher0aundry. $110/ week. 837-0556 Brruk/HwyI2 area Furnished Room 5400 per mo. All facilities included. Responsible person. Opposite Ins stop. Available immediately Please call anytime (905)619-1930 1 NeanN i EKEWTINE Inorrne, l�ar9e room. private bath, sensor welcome to live in a lamiy Cab 420.8376 3 meals/day. 1 Shoed 2 ROOMS- 1 lutnished, 1 un- furnished. Available loons d aApy. No pets. nor) -smoker. References, 151 arm last. Pm- fer ternale. (905) 420.0249. DOGE / FM: for rem, share house: parking. may. SWOt month. Available December. Ise. (905) 837-1774. First and la51. THE NEWS ADVl:RTISII:R t1 wAY, NOVFNiBF.R 21, 1947-PA(;E 37 1 .rad Accommodation MATURE SINGLE female wanted to share house In East Oshawa with father and daughter, no smoking/pets. 5400 per mo (905) 432 9272 OSHAWA, Professional work- ing room rule welcome to stare large 3 bedroom apt, 300/ Smo 720-0173 PICKERING. Third non smok- ing. working person preferred, lot new T7H, able. laundry. near 401/GO 5375 Ind 1st/ last available immediately 426-1848 Office a • 1 a III" S rice OSHAWA 4 Months From Rent II!- 850 so 2nd fir S55r: 600 sq man $500. irir sq it across from Osh ,entre. 600 2nd fir $500 200 sq it 2nd floor 1 600 ,q it main call 434-2447 car 655-4132 • Gema Sit oraye Sowe MINI-,...•. .mrs �snawa Ocar en Single and double rods available Easy acm5. 1100/mon" 1905)7259991 Industrial • gruls INOUSTRIAL UNITS '234 terwlllegar 1937 sq It office warehousing. $325 sig it net Aval tti a Dec Can (905)579- 1077 after 5.(905)571-3281 LOOKING FOR all, "dole •e Nrement k•nnq Information on a reurement community with a perfect Mestye Pius atlas ability surrounded by lakes. filtig. ono. go" ohs as ve ,mendies. Call Sharon Dawn Mete for more wrfOrlraion 583-7777 . • I Flpeide vac. Rsrmak CLFAR WATER AREA. bedroom townnouse pool jacuzzi. Bell. pmate yard. avadam now 0'.,. and to view photos 905 - 579• 3788 MEMWATER.turnmW mo- biles 'heated pools, hot IUD. ten ras, m1ulWe . to Blue Jay baseball. NHL Hockey NFL Football, Dog/Harse track. beaCthes and malor anraC- tions Ctumren welcome PND- tos mailable 905 683 5503 1 1 Private Haw» ra sok OPEN HOUSE hc..23 1- 3pm Rouge Hid area 340 Chickadee Cn horn on Mo- na. tum night on Sparrow) Vero 1475 Freehold 3 -storey :ownto" $174.900 Cal Ja- nine 416.777 7832. or after bpm 905.831-3648 Lon ow" fireplace d sun -deck 2 urge bedrooms • 4pt bathroom wt s~ tub on 2nd level e : l Ah KKWNMCnWft 11Private °'R» for Selo NO down payment Trade In your twat, car. etc Whitby 3- bdrm bungalow. new wiring. plumbing, hardwood floors, large lot Guide Really 905- 723.5281 Open House Nov 22/23, 2-4pm Olde Whitby 502 Dunlop St. E. Completely renovated 3 -bedroom brick bungalow, large mature lot, 75x163, $198,900. (905)6664340 HRFF RFRRnnM hrick 1.. lathed good area of Oshawa. good condition. garage. full basement. $95.000 open mortgage $105.000 Tele- phone 1705) 835-6870 WHITBY, detached house. 'Hewer 3-Dedreoms. 2 -Storey o rack 1300sq ft. Calm lop - n 1 12 -batt, no agents $154900 Call 905-668-1639 Lab for sale 2 ACRE Minn Arps -e5 xard Only 555.Wx 5 acre lots firth stream. $95.000 Waher Frank. Frank Real Estate Do 905-576 4111 PICKERING. ast ravine lot. TAN Trees ;uDdrvislon. 90 foot "-outage, large W. Rouge .Iles. serviced, ready to ad 85 Woodwew, Or 5295 000 Please call (416)721-5388 Hwy to Lend CAPITAL FINANCIAL ;asr• 48Hrs it prtmiu•n rates for aria reason No kers or tees Don't pay for 3 rtiormhs Cal 9arn-9pm, 416-336-8245 MONEY PROBLEMS, re out tebt =Wick mmr;ur going : arwrvpf or bewg garnisheed Everyone accepted regardless Of credit ram CaN for tree Irdormaaon 905576-3505 Student barns mdWed OBTAIMNG A LOAM IS NOT GUARANTEED SOME r. ES CHARGE UP- FRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. R is SIGGESYED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THW00014- LY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS 1 MaRgelyea. krai�witl MORTGAGES ;cod. poo and -yr �inanung for any pur- ruse, rates from 299% AN I:.o4rafionS atop» Com. -ndy Fnaricial Services agfi8M • 1 Buswrsa rtsrtumfies ACHIEVE > -,M Average people are •.rrvig S5.10Kmoreh P7Tr vee selkmg, 24 hrs msg 1- 800.322-6169 Ext 5346 fsuKI$WD NAIA SALON for Sale 4 station 'SII base mem great IOat10n Buy to- day, sten tomorrow Owner retwvg Cal 905.571-5171 TRAVEL PARADIGM -ome- bwed pusrness E•cellem n-ommissaons Proksslona "Willing Qn-9111 s FoRIVart-rime 7avdwoon perks Travel agents wekomt In- vestment $9995 owl tour business 1-905-373-4848 or T-888-567-7111 e : l Ar notttca mints 1 Aucwm SAT. NOV. 22 AT 6 P.M. Myles King Auction Hall, 33 Hall St. Oshawa Almond two door refrig- erator, matching stove, automatic washer and dryer. 9 pc. oak dining room suite, antique bow glass china cabinet, 8 pce bedrooms suite. oak. Sklar Pepplar (like new), chesterfield and loveseat. oak coffee and end tables, oak round table 4 press back chairs, signed prints, chest of drawers, dress- es hall table, bookshelf. -altmatic chair, inen, ,eiding, china, Indian tae royal crown Darby c: s, terms cash, all c,nsignments welcome, MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751 MATTRESS. OAK TABLES d SOFA SALE We aro ciearing 'op quality mattresses d sofas a reduced prices Oak dining table & Chairs. from 5399: chairs from $60: large selection. Slumber Sleep mattresses on sale from singles from $59: queen sets from 5229: 3 pc sofa loveseat b Chair from $399: Also chairs available. Come In d brown 181 Bond St. W. Oshawa or McLean Auctions, 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby. Call 720-0560 or 432-2836 for more into. 1 Personals dr''n.n -Ito Intl ad or re- plynq to it I am a snipe whi t Trak who enkrys country irv- in %. a" wdh physral III- ncss trMlmg 8 9oahng if you are A suhcere attractive single female 30-40 with similar Interest. please rept' n writing telling me about ursen along with a photo 6 none number to Boa 4587 c Ecdromrsr 6 Sun 9 Hemage Road Markham Ont L3P ,M3 SPOUSE CHEATING7� E R Psychic Answe-s • . ', can know Rated etPonce 'OC 70o- Con use us Cans -oMidermal 24Ahrs $2 99/ -vin 16. 1-900.451.4055 Please read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error, • 6' a : l Ahnotanternents .: 1 AIYIOWIg1IMnb ;NRISTMAS CAROL BOOKS vailable on Request at No Charge Published K Oshawa, Whitby, Cla pia This Week & Naxlhckering News Advertiser Songs, Puzzles and Recipes Ideal for organizations, clubs, churches, schools, businesses, or in ' ' mals. QUANTITY LIMITED H 579-4400 Don't be left out -Call Now AOX to Reserve your copies 683-5110 (available after Nov. 26) There is no charge for this book but donations may be made to the Food &Toy Drive. w. PAGE 39-"M NEWS ADVE"SBR F QDAY, MWENWR 21, 1"7 AJAXIFICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINES YOU... F R E; E P E R SON AL A D F It 1: 1: VOI C E G R E E T I N G an �� •k oniIICMtRA! VIII N" Ow. e 1 Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. LOOKING FOR COMPANY Single while female 19 Seeking male 19 to 25 for friendship and possibly more. BOX 25283 PLEASE CALL AGAIN Attention You responded to Box a 12298. 1 lost your number. You cleaned love to a -r. Please call again. BOX 11460 PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE White. affectionate full tqg ured, employed. mother of 2 seeking warm hearted.in sincere. teddy bear, type male male 34-44 who has a" love to give Likes family outings, movies, music. dancing, romantic evenings. 3 BOX 11625 INCLUDES THE CHILD Ful; figured mom seeks male. over 35 who Ickes me sorhpe tongs in We If you are nterestad in a rsiabm- OW that nckrdss a child. p W get n touch BOX BLONDE FEMALE 19 y old 5'9'. 180 Ib blonde female likes moves. panties. interesting people Seeks maw 19-25 who Wart; et tsame thugs. BOX 18218 S8LI 4CERE REPLIES ONLY 32 yr oic 5'2- full figured singe, wrote moan with long dark half Seeks maw 32-42 who has half. likes children. long sifts. movers and is not into head games switrre naokra only Box 18225 MONOGAMOUS LADY 50 y' old. 17 5 �t. 5 7- anracfive.c f. outgoing, honestsa- ge. . - ge. black fernae, non smoker likes cooking. dancing, lNking, moves Seeks $owi g. understand. ng. employedmalenon am smoker, for a infogaous rrWeansnp that can grow Box 18629 LIKES TO TRAVEL S2 y old slw a^•aotcve m foae seeks rallied mise to share Irfe s treasured trineswith BOX 18970 ATTRACTIVE BOMBSHELL 28 y old luli figured sttc- ra five fernaw with oro feshh- ioned value seeking malt BOX 35278 ATTENTION ULMRAYlk, YoresooMed is my ad wwh.cm is number 25122 and I didn't receive all at your phos, number I would like to near from you BOX 25280 PRETTY LITTLE BLONDE Enjoys dining. dancing travel and the freer things in We Fenancealy, secure Looking for a gentlemen. 49 to 53. wrath tree same interests: tall and must have haw BOX 21423 NO HEAD GAMES HERE!! M yr old. 5'5-. 112 ID attracirve, single mother, employed. outgoing. social drinker. enjoys laughter. dancing. dining, moves and quiet times Seeking an attractive, tit male" 36 to 48. emotional - y and financlally secure for friend- shipfirst. Honest a must. Single fathers wekwme. BOX 13654 WANT EDUCATED MAN 25 yr old. full figured. single professional woman who enjoys music, dancing, movies and travel. Seeking a single maw, 24 to 30, who is emotionally and financially secure with seri lar interests BOK 13741 BLONDE AND BEAUTIFUL Single white female is seeking a single white male, IS to 21, who likes cars, sports and just wants to flava fun. If have sim- ilar interests,terests, Hive me a call. BOX 25275 SINGLE PARENT 32 yr old, full figured, 5'2 1/2, single while female enjoys long walks, camp- ing,dining movies, out and more. Seeking an honest tangle Witlemart 32 to 42, with full head of haw and has the same interests. BOX 18234 OLDER THAN MY ' SELF . 27 yr old. single white good VERY FRIENDLY GAL 44 yr old. attractive, si gle LETS SHARE GOOD.... Times._ Energetic. fit. 40 LOOKING FOR LOVE 29, free spirited, opened ANIMAL LOVER 34 yr old. 5'4', medium burl, female. seeking a male while mother d Iwo, values m yr old professional female minded. adventurous m separated while female, no AdS! who Ickes gong out, good honesty and openness Love with no dependents Enjoy woman looking for a fellow dependents, shoulder length times. laughing, children, long walks, drives, horseback God, sports. golf, baseball, gypsy. If not in his lifestyle, dark hair, hazel eyes, non etc N you share the same riding, intimate tines. etc nature. outdoors and much at least n his soul BOX smoker, social drinker Enjoys nterests...call me! BOX Seeking someone tall, 39 to more. Seeking a M, roman- 30409 photography. art. movies.Else 32970 49, medium to husky but. a tic. tall. honest and very TAKE A CHANCE danpg, horseback riding THE SAME THING IN COBOURG AREA MUST BE VERY CLEAN rM ALWAYS AROUND! non smoker, for a relationshp B00( 20064 masculine male. 35 to 45, to share good times. BOX Attractive- slim. young. lust and haveling. Seeking a sri gle while male, 34 ro 43 -BOD( Couple seeking a temale Single father d two boys. 6'. 220 Ib, clean, marred 19 yr old. single w;vte 18764 turned 38, employed lady 30404 18-30 who wishes to fulfill a 31, looking for a woman white male seeking another mother of two, seeking a ROMANTIC TIMES who enjoys cooking, camp- fantasy BOX 11525 who is honest and caring, male. Must be very dis- sngle white male. 20 to 28 Single mom. 37, auburn SINCERFJNO GAMES ng, animals, children and LOVES TO LAUGH SPEND TIME WITH U and doesn't play head creat. BOX 18707 Ityou are interested can! hair. blue eyes and tun low- 52. kid at Heart. old fashion. the smile things in Me. 1 Prolassional, attractive. 5'4'. 19 yr old, 5' 10' fit male, gamma' BOX 23254 DISCREET, DISCREET!! BOX 33255 ng who enjoys long walks, loves dancing, country have a great sense of corpulent. Bogle white dark hair, green eyes, likes COBOURG AREA 24 yr old male looking for ITS POSSIBLE dining. dancing and biking music. camping and fishing. humor and would Ike to woman, mid 40's. non smok- sports and outdoors seek- 39 yr old. divorced male, other males. 18 to 30, for 33 yr old. full figured single Looking til single male. 37 Is dependable. and honest meet a gentleman with his er Seekng an honest white ng female /9-22 for a 5'T, 165 lbs, muscular DISCREET, casual white female. smoker, to 50 with similar interests. wishes to meal a gentle- heed on his Shoulders. gentleman ro enjoy sharing inandshcp BOX 11528 build. Loves all sports. encounters. BOK 33345 seeking a single white BOX 30416 man, 52 to 60, with Me same qualities and inter- BOX 23911 some time, good carwersa- tions, people. Iaughler and FIT AND ATTRACTIVE music, camping, you name SECRET FUN male. 30 to 38. who is sin- I'M NOT DOINESTCATED sets. BOX 25205 STILL LOOKING each other BDI( 30402 Fit, attractive male. non i Maimed to my job, need Clean write male looking care. down to earth and 26 yr old. 5'8-. 145 b. educat- rim 39, looking for some- smoker, financially secure, weekends out just to wind for cher dean white males financially secure. If you are ed. employed female, enjoys VERY SHY FEMALE.., one, 34 to 44 My interests FRIENDS FIRST seeking female for movies, dowwn Seeking special lady or Couples, for fun, discreet good humored and want a Hake addverrtures. travel. quiet Seeking a say male around are rollerblading, tennis, rm 19. with brown haw and boating romance and with similar interests. tabes. BOX 33349 possible relationship. call' times. my cat and more. 22 If you are interested n reading. taking long walks: eyes I'm an independent more. BOX 11538 Serious replies only. BOX BOX 33897 Seeking a single male. 28 to getting to know me ..why very romantic and love woman looking for Mr Right 23246 HAVE THESE DUALITIES 38 wco can male me laugh don't you pick up a phone dancing Seeking someone b fuM my needs Also, look EMPLOYED MALE 39 yr old. attractve. single and shute my interests Cal and gine me a call some- with same interests. BOK ng for someone who enjoys 39 yr old 6'. 240 Ib while female enjoys roman- lerib. BOX more riBOX 13850 time. BOX 34369 25122 the outdoors and different employed. divorced. white tic walks. candlelight din- LIKE BIGGER WOMEN? OLD BUT YOUNG erxertarrr+eM. tram the male. smoker Seeking hers and dancing Seeking37 a look, fingnccaft yr old. 180 to female. smoker en s dancin I'm a M year old woman, blue s bonds hen Just erg Area BOX 23166 WHERE'S MR RIGHT female 3440 for friendship. relationship and more. Any Call 1-900-451-3793 rig. Iq g. eye . secure. single white male, walks. music, having fun, beginning to start my free- 28 year old mother of two race. BOOL 11624 35 to 45 Affect- honesty r carrying, candlelight dm- dom as my children we Searching for someone NO STRINGS and friendship lust BOX as uOU1 vers. ate. Saatk ng a maw. moving n with their fat er I who is oagong. affecton. 38 yr ofd maned male seek - 34879 3' to 45. with similar oxer- enjoy cottages. waterski- ate. honest, faithful and no ng marred lamaks for an on FINANCIALLY SECURE last date esus. BOK 15133 ng. boating and fishing: tread gamss. I enjoy tut- gom �^ M� 27 yr old. 5'5- employed NO TIME FOR like playing board and card door activities. dancing. n aft, not gat bgaewr3- No temaw likes to work out GAMES gem", "25124 q� �S y mays. f�cly, stings BOX 14054 and is fnsnc-ally secure 7S miles 34 y: old. single mother d WANT GERMAN GENT... oriented outings. movies WANTS TO HAVE FUN Seeks spontaneous. -f: smoker, seeing a German widow enjoys the and I have a good sense d 21 yr old single. white male adventurous. employs: ^a a around my age, ler outdoors, walking. reading. hung. BOX 23259 seeking tamale 18-23. maw 27-32 who is antic. awe ? I- ion dship/Compmnidnship music. dancing and mora NORTHUMBERLAND Likes outdoors. campwg, donate. knows how to treat �' ' •s'. Possibly` more n M Looking ler a use. German Single mom. 34. 5'6', and bkpg Looking for a a Lady and is financially 'e Mint love kids. BOX gantwman. 60 plus. non- brown haw. hazel eyes. r"" ship. BOX 14082 secire. BOD( 13D41 16025 smoker, with similar near- Box -1. enjoys slwse- ng, horses. baLOVE FOR LIFE NO COUCH POTATOES 40 yr old attractive. bkxlde. divorced. professional. white female seeking male. 4455 who likes dancing, movies and Sunday after- noon outings. Friendship and a possible commit- ment am 14006 ARE YOU LONELY Energetic. tit 50 Lady look - wig for similar gentleman Inlarests noluda cyClin% hk- i g. g.ro.nna Cook ng s theater He should be easy gong, fun wmg. wld- - dent. 6 romantic Lars gat togaeer for a chat. Pickering area BOK 25270 ARE YOU MR RIGHT? Aro you 49 1c 58. 'vndsome. outgoing, good sense of humor. personably. dancer. honest aro romhanbc Likes country music. no deprn- do . estapksted, and oem,ng. von: you gat is a whole package. all cast rekniad BOK 25273 LIVE. LOVE. LAUGH Statuesque dour to earth redhead. 47 desres compa- ny at rasacgant. W gentio man that knows the mew" of integrity and respect. Open to sharing tun. ykago- for and special tines Non smoker, ion drinker pro- ferred BOK 25265 CHRISTMAS COMPANION Attractive, shin tamale enjoys dancing. Illness. theater, dining out and more. Seeking a tall male over 50 with the same interests BOX 33922 SMILE I could be the xr Single waking mom. 57. bkreeyed blonde. 40. artily: baseball. doic+g and more. ^oreller poso- blelnendall rnoreft you'ritoar Pie Hope• Cobourg area. BOK 30417 EASY GOING GAL Single white femme 21 independent. employed. Wild. blue, great sense of S humor, seeks single T whore male. 23 to 30. With somler quartos. R BOX 30416 CHRISTMAS COMPANY. needed S,,m eW gem. attractive lady is seeking a tap. act". educated. intelligent male. over 50. non- smoker social drinker. drug free. with no dark secrets. mentally and physically fey. All calls retuned Cap for more details BOX 13629 SEEKING SOUL MATE 40 yr old 5'4- single moth et of teenager. blonde with DN- eyes. employed enjoys animals, antiques. hiking. fish ill canoeing and more Seeking a sincere mat*. who's not into head games ler a serious relationship BOX 1626,3 HI GAYS! White widowed female K seeking a white maw. 54 to 65. slim, nonsmoker. non- drinker or light drinker. hon- est, sancers. Enjoys country music, dancing and much more. BOX 16295 TAKE IT LIGHTLY! if 37 yr old, 52'. petite. sn- gw mother of three, quiet. independent, enjoys the outdoors, quiet times, dining, dancing. etc. Seeking an employed, mature, intelligent, sincere, pr= of s- snaw wish l maa positive attitude. Nothing too serous right now. BOX 16304 FIREY i EARTHY 35 yr old, 54", 120 b. singe while female, long broain has, blue eyes, left pol acall Seeking a fall. single male, nonsmoker, with a social conscience. to Implore forests and shared passions 8th( 16319 NICE GUY WANTED 21 yr old, 56', full figured mother d one. brown hair, blue eyes, employed, friendly, offbeat sense of humor. Seeking a single white male for a long term relationship. BOX 18648 SCORPIO 40, 5', petite, caring mother, honest and sincere lookng ler a sngw, fit male. 6. 35 to 40, with big hair who Mees children. animals, the sun and loves to laugh. F7iarhdsthip first. BOX 30414 Fbr a complete IF up-to-date listing of Sincerely Touts look on the Internet: bttp://www. webfrieeds. cent NEW TO AREA Female, 37, 5.112•. mother of one looking for Mr. Right, with or without dependents. Looking for a romantic maw. 35 to 40, with medi- um build, long hair kept neat. beards/mustaches a plus. Enjoy outdoors, movies, music and get togethers. BOX 30422 17A A KEEPER11 29 r old, 56. 125 b, sin- gle mom, attractive with long curly hair. is seeking a family man, 29 to 39, race unimportant. Enjoys many things. BOX 16303 FRIENDS FIRST Dee. dancing. movies. and 5g', 175 Ib. fit. profession - 1 am 56 5. 156 lbs female. ROUND MY AGE? dining out. WOrM to meet al. angle male likes skwg- non drinker, non smoker 22 yr old N"is rues base- a gw Haman who is single co " . ro4w Wading. etc. looking for unattached baa. slaying hone watching; him, honso. employed with nab seeks g femme wrath a male who likes dancing. towde n. gong out movies, sa idar nterevs Sing* rationed attitude and a lova movies and outdoors BOX ex Seeking a Thaw wound dad. so dal droner ok. BOX for Me. New to area. Boo( 23917 �22/BOX 16212 23257 14M A ANY OK SO Yr old.W winter I swage. while. iRrsc- trvr. romantic nae Iles dancing. _ moves. c utdoors. 0, NDM ►2E _ �uhtoEP .: WAS VQ$AIW, MAWUAu i�vT Lel TAE FIR STT g walks. country IlN6S WMIA MIM MD i MIASki'i READY SATE 9/ x, etc Seeking ftnu" 45-55 1 CbAA � -�- - single t be cud- A Lcr Or GL,'YS �. �'. pled and loved. 1 V0 THAT f_ weight no barren BOK 16352 h4rrt `' THAT'S ALL THERE r cww-w r j d IS yr old. 62' 230 b male tikes skiing. ) goilll. working out. dn- a 1 l BOIL 6445iat twiet. ONE-MAN WOMAN 42 yr, old 54- romantec, full figured. srge while larvae. smdker and social drnkM. Mas wales al" the beam. drives. in the country, read - mg, writing. etc Seeking an employed, good humored singe man 40 to 50. who is not afraid to show &Reckon BOX 16603 KCEY BLUE EYES 120 b blonde. loves shop- pil quet tones and more. Seeking a servo male. ler companionship and mar- riagen you are fun loving. outgoing and enjoy Me. call me! BOX 18751 CAREER LADY 37 yr old, childless. pretty. slim brunstte seeking a fall, handsome, intelligent male. 34 to 44, nonsmoker and affectionate. Enjoy ening. travel and passim... BOX 33241 BLUE EYED MOM 25, full figured, bbrn0e hair, blue eyed mom of two, with a great sense of humor. Enjoys music, daricnq. quiet tines and having a good two. Looking ler a male with similar Interests. Must like kids. BM 30410 CARING CAPRICORN 30's, fit, attractive, while professional mother of one, who is sincere. nonsmoker, social drinker. Enjoys the simple things in lee. Seeking an attractive, fit, single or divorced, white professional male, 35 to 45. sensitive, honest. for long term relationship. BOX 23839 NO HEAD GAMES Old fashioned lady, 28, beautiful, 5'10% long auburn hair, big bale eyes. very slim. Enjoys romantic walks, candlelight dinners, shopping, cooking, talking. etc. Seeks Christian man, 28 to 38, very understand- ing, unselfish, fun, tall, thin build. nice dresser. Friendship first. BOX 23900 NORTHUMBERLAND AREA Single white femaw. 23. Ms in Cobourg area Likes dancing and movies. I know how b cook rornan- so meals Would tike a guy. 24 to 28 No head games. Socials drinkers okay Treat a tody, good BOX 30407 N CUMBERLAND AREA Yoking looking 42. 51'. tamale wok brown Har due eyes nal :maker. employed. Looking for a nice guy who enjoys old and new movies. ead% aAdoors, Me arts, classical music. Sinatra. Marts. Mallow, and mon. BOX 30106 A CAIMOG CANCER FEMALE 30 yr old. 100 b, single mother of two, enjoys romantic dinners, horse- back riding and more. Looking for a single male, 30 to 40. fun loving, with similar interests and loves children. BOX 11172 SOMETHING SERIOUS 33 yr old, 57, full figured, divorced white female, nonsmoker. Looking for someone, 35 or older. hon- est, sIncere. employed and looking for a friendship Gist, possible Iong term relationship. BOX 33183 NEW TO THE AREA 20's, 5'5'. fit, attractive tamale with dark eyes and blonde hair. Seeking a mise who is cute, fid and fun. BOJ: 13108 FUNLOVIIG 25 r old, 5r. 140 b, single mother wife brown hair ant brown eyes Seeking a fun male fa friwdsfkp, rektionshp. MLpt We children. BOX 33179 COBOURG AREA rim a single hale, 20, lock - Ing ler a lee kin. I've been out of 9w dating some, so I'm ready for a fresh start Nonsmoker. nondrinker, looking for a own or social drinker. BCD: 23262 Call 1-911110-451-3793 $2.49 per min. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP 29 yr old. 5'11', 195 Ib. attractive. employed. wwhile male with brown hair and a social drinker. Seeking an attracave, white female. 25 to 35, for a tong term rela- tionship. BOJ( 14088 YWRE THE ONE 21 yr old. 6'. what male with brown halt and blue eyes, Enjoys Mie outdoors. WcM cannpng, maws, drug out and mons. Seeking a wants iamak, 18 to 22. wish srmr for rnlarayts. BOX 16521 CASUAL RELATIONS 6. good natured maw wh brown her and blown eyes Seeking an attached *nab ler a casual nelst ori ship. Mug be BOK 165,.94 GIVE ME A CALL poeh orsoback r ow aft onjoyis dic g and mora Seeking a Ism alk. 20 b 35, with smiler MtWestL Children okW BOK 16546 LONG TERM RELATIONS 411% whelk European mak, Tamhcidy social wish i , hair, fugal spa, mustache, trnokar and a social c16 do Enjoys Ve ouldoors, sports, rhNdran, Matra, dtncrrg, mB Y (roll See" Isaelkd sittit► iraerasfs Bat 16588 LETS HAVE COFFEE 6,190 b, flonaaL who male with brown hair and blue allies. Enjoys ovies. dining oke, bOwfrgm fishing and more Seeking a knuie will similar interests, patsids mbWnshp. BOX 19088 ANY AGE OK 50 yr old, 55'. 145 b sink white mak seeking full fig- ured female ler good times and companionship. Age is no b effier. BOX 11506 HAS DEPENDENTS 39 yr old. 6'. 245 Ib almployed, divorced. VA40 male. smoker, with depen- dents seekwg lamae. 30- 40. 440. for I sindshp, relation - OV or mon Any race BOX 164% SIMILAR INTERESTS 38 y old. 6'. 200 b fit. hon- est, open minded male likes travel. camping, romantic donors, goe, fish - ng, laughing. Seeking female with sen4ar nter- ests BOK 16505 Let us shorten the distance call LIKES PARTYING In 30's. 5*11% 1160 b amrac- easy block mail* with gmusiae" Seeks young, aRraetiw female for partying. BOX 18147 NEW TO AREA 42 r old, slim, 67 arra *m mala, non smoker, em out- Sealu iamak w14io Bro good MM good bock twill U" art,minarr romance for arek- ruhaftip BM 19020 BLONDE MALE 19 r old. 58' attrachm. blonde makgreen eyes, seekings. while female 18-21. BOD( 19046 FRIENDS FIRST Single a/Me trials, 30. 5V. thine quiet culdoor type and nonsmoker. Searching for fsnnak, to share cwnpihp, and 0. logeihar qmmrl Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. DISCREET ENCOUNTERS 23 yr old be curious male seeking another b curcm maw for dtscreet o nooun- Mrs First time. BOX 19012 TAKE A CHANCE Couple seeking clean be me* for discreet anCoun- fers.BOX 34895 LEAVE A MESSAGE Couple seeking attract". manned maw in mrd 30's who is easy gong Must be C" n and discreet BOX 35277 BR OF EXCNTEME" 30's. energetic. hardwork- ing male loves outdoors. movies. N. music. parties. good hinds. elo. Seeking a young male. 18 to 20. who wants a friend. BOX 11316 AGE DOESN'T MATTER 6'3', 225 Ib male erloys spat, riding, waits, jog - outdoors. etc. MSeeking a person with sim- ian interest BOK 14009 NEED TO RELAX? 33 yr ad male seeking a male 50's to Ws. to gyve masaeges to Hope to hear from you soon. BOD( 25227 BLUE/GREEN EYES Masculine, artracirve gay mae, 30. 54', 130 tbs. seeking other attractive. mascuke macs. 25 to 40. for friendship. maybe more lifer. BOX 16368 INTERESTED? CALL! 61-. 170 b, good looking male looking for ethers for good limes BOX 18945 ATTRACTIVE IN OSHAWA Lae 30's. 519'. 170 b, while mea is seeking another male. Must be discreet. open and forest Aga is wwriportarit. BOD: 18846 ENCOUNTERS ONLY 40 yr old, singe white male seeking the same for encounters. Discretion a must BOX 17929 LIKE DARK HAIR h 30 yr old. 5'6. 130 b male with a swimmers build, enjoys running, camp - .g. 0-4 bikwg, stay- aig in shape. tang walks and drives, etc. Seeking trends: someone I can go for coffee with or a dub in Toronto. BOX 18138 BUDDY WANTED 37 r dot, 51r, 145 b. good bicknil;, single wfrte male eves in Oshowa. Seeking anomer down to earth, dam. oscmm male, for casual ancounom. BOX 33420 SINCERE MALE LOONM %MA9 mala 34.62, agxm- npMaly 190 bs Looking bra demo mak in M ansa for Casual ancouaats. Er"s mOvia3, waft and quot laitaa Sincere irtarines orgy. BOK 21378 DISCREET FRMENDSW 58 r old, 180 b, tall, singe white mak, WON groom W, nonsimpker, nondrinket. marry interows. Seeking similar mate for fnondshij BOD( 230M FRIENDS ONLY Mature, gay while male looking ler a special male who likes an older, relined gorttlemen with many inter- ests. BOX 25130 SINCERELY YOURS - Durham's waq to meet successful A418S. like VOW $2.49 per min. SINCERE RESPONSES! 29 yr old, attached. Bi curi- ous female seeking another Bi curious female. I am sen- sitive. outgoing. sincere. compassionate. Discretion a must and assured. BOD( 25957 ON THE SIDE 26 yr old, full figured, b curious. married mother of two. seeking a married or single, full figured female. 25 to 30, ler a friendship first rotation - ship. Privacy and cleanli- ness is assured and expected. BOX 20399 GOOD TIMES WANTED Young, adventurous. attractive coupe looking for discre" times with a W or bi curious female. Call for more into. BOX 18895 DISCRETION A MUST Attractive white couple. mid 30's. seeking an attractive bi tomato ler tun. BOX 11020 DESPERATELY SEEKING White couple. Late 20's. look" ler another, couple. or d curious female, for the ultimalr bi thday fantasy. BOX 23871 NO COMMITMENTS! 24 yr old, full figured, b curious, white hotter of two looking ler a single or attached. full figured. white female. 20 to 30. ler fral stip mrd discreet oncoun- ers- BOX 33374 FANTASY FUN Attractive couple is seeking a b or b cinoua lanae to an experence of a Metnhe. BOX 15710 ARE VOU INTERESTED? 30 yr old. 120 Ib, feminine female with blonde hair and blue Ms Enjoys dt-4x dining out, cross country skiing, reading, quiet tees and more. Seeking a fonnr rwhe gay female with similar iffl~s. ler friendship first BOX 18664 Call 1-9"1-3793 $2.49 oar mile. GOING 2 WAYS Attractive coupe seeking attractive. bi curious male whid Miles to go BOX 16428 b06 mYs• LONGTERM Mid 30s, Sit*. 170 b new going, open minded mate seeking clan discreet coir paler good Intact to farm ialaYortshR BOX 11406 R eE PRMI To plane your ad with a 1villi aganwrw Cal 1.600-360-1483. The opera 9: Of the Ad e ads lbr co/Mand and assume no kafJify for ads or rasporwes; reject or revise ads Mitch are deemed inapproplaine, Pmt ads basedon s r4WSbifify. Advanced Telecom Services, htc. No III opow W and can be readled at 1,800- wo-sm Mort-. 1=d sem to spin. you may alio dmvV@ or rerfew Your ad by calling rtra number. Gjjfjl lflf 1997ATS NO COUCH POTATOES 40 yr old attractive. bkxlde. divorced. professional. white female seeking male. 4455 who likes dancing, movies and Sunday after- noon outings. Friendship and a possible commit- ment am 14006 ARE YOU LONELY Energetic. tit 50 Lady look - wig for similar gentleman Inlarests noluda cyClin% hk- i g. g.ro.nna Cook ng s theater He should be easy gong, fun wmg. wld- - dent. 6 romantic Lars gat togaeer for a chat. Pickering area BOK 25270 ARE YOU MR RIGHT? Aro you 49 1c 58. 'vndsome. outgoing, good sense of humor. personably. dancer. honest aro romhanbc Likes country music. no deprn- do . estapksted, and oem,ng. von: you gat is a whole package. all cast rekniad BOK 25273 LIVE. LOVE. LAUGH Statuesque dour to earth redhead. 47 desres compa- ny at rasacgant. W gentio man that knows the mew" of integrity and respect. Open to sharing tun. ykago- for and special tines Non smoker, ion drinker pro- ferred BOK 25265 CHRISTMAS COMPANION Attractive, shin tamale enjoys dancing. Illness. theater, dining out and more. Seeking a tall male over 50 with the same interests BOX 33922 SMILE I could be the xr Single waking mom. 57. bkreeyed blonde. 40. artily: baseball. doic+g and more. ^oreller poso- blelnendall rnoreft you'ritoar Pie Hope• Cobourg area. BOK 30417 EASY GOING GAL Single white femme 21 independent. employed. Wild. blue, great sense of S humor, seeks single T whore male. 23 to 30. With somler quartos. R BOX 30416 CHRISTMAS COMPANY. needed S,,m eW gem. attractive lady is seeking a tap. act". educated. intelligent male. over 50. non- smoker social drinker. drug free. with no dark secrets. mentally and physically fey. All calls retuned Cap for more details BOX 13629 SEEKING SOUL MATE 40 yr old 5'4- single moth et of teenager. blonde with DN- eyes. employed enjoys animals, antiques. hiking. fish ill canoeing and more Seeking a sincere mat*. who's not into head games ler a serious relationship BOX 1626,3 HI GAYS! White widowed female K seeking a white maw. 54 to 65. slim, nonsmoker. non- drinker or light drinker. hon- est, sancers. Enjoys country music, dancing and much more. BOX 16295 TAKE IT LIGHTLY! if 37 yr old, 52'. petite. sn- gw mother of three, quiet. independent, enjoys the outdoors, quiet times, dining, dancing. etc. Seeking an employed, mature, intelligent, sincere, pr= of s- snaw wish l maa positive attitude. Nothing too serous right now. BOX 16304 FIREY i EARTHY 35 yr old, 54", 120 b. singe while female, long broain has, blue eyes, left pol acall Seeking a fall. single male, nonsmoker, with a social conscience. to Implore forests and shared passions 8th( 16319 NICE GUY WANTED 21 yr old, 56', full figured mother d one. brown hair, blue eyes, employed, friendly, offbeat sense of humor. Seeking a single white male for a long term relationship. BOX 18648 SCORPIO 40, 5', petite, caring mother, honest and sincere lookng ler a sngw, fit male. 6. 35 to 40, with big hair who Mees children. animals, the sun and loves to laugh. F7iarhdsthip first. BOX 30414 Fbr a complete IF up-to-date listing of Sincerely Touts look on the Internet: bttp://www. webfrieeds. cent NEW TO AREA Female, 37, 5.112•. mother of one looking for Mr. Right, with or without dependents. Looking for a romantic maw. 35 to 40, with medi- um build, long hair kept neat. beards/mustaches a plus. Enjoy outdoors, movies, music and get togethers. BOX 30422 17A A KEEPER11 29 r old, 56. 125 b, sin- gle mom, attractive with long curly hair. is seeking a family man, 29 to 39, race unimportant. Enjoys many things. BOX 16303 FRIENDS FIRST Dee. dancing. movies. and 5g', 175 Ib. fit. profession - 1 am 56 5. 156 lbs female. ROUND MY AGE? dining out. WOrM to meet al. angle male likes skwg- non drinker, non smoker 22 yr old N"is rues base- a gw Haman who is single co " . ro4w Wading. etc. looking for unattached baa. slaying hone watching; him, honso. employed with nab seeks g femme wrath a male who likes dancing. towde n. gong out movies, sa idar nterevs Sing* rationed attitude and a lova movies and outdoors BOX ex Seeking a Thaw wound dad. so dal droner ok. BOX for Me. New to area. Boo( 23917 �22/BOX 16212 23257 14M A ANY OK SO Yr old.W winter I swage. while. iRrsc- trvr. romantic nae Iles dancing. _ moves. c utdoors. 0, NDM ►2E _ �uhtoEP .: WAS VQ$AIW, MAWUAu i�vT Lel TAE FIR STT g walks. country IlN6S WMIA MIM MD i MIASki'i READY SATE 9/ x, etc Seeking ftnu" 45-55 1 CbAA � -�- - single t be cud- A Lcr Or GL,'YS �. �'. pled and loved. 1 V0 THAT f_ weight no barren BOK 16352 h4rrt `' THAT'S ALL THERE r cww-w r j d IS yr old. 62' 230 b male tikes skiing. ) goilll. working out. dn- a 1 l BOIL 6445iat twiet. ONE-MAN WOMAN 42 yr, old 54- romantec, full figured. srge while larvae. smdker and social drnkM. Mas wales al" the beam. drives. in the country, read - mg, writing. etc Seeking an employed, good humored singe man 40 to 50. who is not afraid to show &Reckon BOX 16603 KCEY BLUE EYES 120 b blonde. loves shop- pil quet tones and more. Seeking a servo male. ler companionship and mar- riagen you are fun loving. outgoing and enjoy Me. call me! BOX 18751 CAREER LADY 37 yr old, childless. pretty. slim brunstte seeking a fall, handsome, intelligent male. 34 to 44, nonsmoker and affectionate. Enjoy ening. travel and passim... BOX 33241 BLUE EYED MOM 25, full figured, bbrn0e hair, blue eyed mom of two, with a great sense of humor. Enjoys music, daricnq. quiet tines and having a good two. Looking ler a male with similar Interests. Must like kids. BM 30410 CARING CAPRICORN 30's, fit, attractive, while professional mother of one, who is sincere. nonsmoker, social drinker. Enjoys the simple things in lee. Seeking an attractive, fit, single or divorced, white professional male, 35 to 45. sensitive, honest. for long term relationship. BOX 23839 NO HEAD GAMES Old fashioned lady, 28, beautiful, 5'10% long auburn hair, big bale eyes. very slim. Enjoys romantic walks, candlelight dinners, shopping, cooking, talking. etc. Seeks Christian man, 28 to 38, very understand- ing, unselfish, fun, tall, thin build. nice dresser. Friendship first. BOX 23900 NORTHUMBERLAND AREA Single white femaw. 23. Ms in Cobourg area Likes dancing and movies. I know how b cook rornan- so meals Would tike a guy. 24 to 28 No head games. Socials drinkers okay Treat a tody, good BOX 30407 N CUMBERLAND AREA Yoking looking 42. 51'. tamale wok brown Har due eyes nal :maker. employed. Looking for a nice guy who enjoys old and new movies. ead% aAdoors, Me arts, classical music. Sinatra. Marts. Mallow, and mon. BOX 30106 A CAIMOG CANCER FEMALE 30 yr old. 100 b, single mother of two, enjoys romantic dinners, horse- back riding and more. Looking for a single male, 30 to 40. fun loving, with similar interests and loves children. BOX 11172 SOMETHING SERIOUS 33 yr old, 57, full figured, divorced white female, nonsmoker. Looking for someone, 35 or older. hon- est, sIncere. employed and looking for a friendship Gist, possible Iong term relationship. BOX 33183 NEW TO THE AREA 20's, 5'5'. fit, attractive tamale with dark eyes and blonde hair. Seeking a mise who is cute, fid and fun. BOJ: 13108 FUNLOVIIG 25 r old, 5r. 140 b, single mother wife brown hair ant brown eyes Seeking a fun male fa friwdsfkp, rektionshp. MLpt We children. BOX 33179 COBOURG AREA rim a single hale, 20, lock - Ing ler a lee kin. I've been out of 9w dating some, so I'm ready for a fresh start Nonsmoker. nondrinker, looking for a own or social drinker. BCD: 23262 Call 1-911110-451-3793 $2.49 per min. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP 29 yr old. 5'11', 195 Ib. attractive. employed. wwhile male with brown hair and a social drinker. Seeking an attracave, white female. 25 to 35, for a tong term rela- tionship. BOJ( 14088 YWRE THE ONE 21 yr old. 6'. what male with brown halt and blue eyes, Enjoys Mie outdoors. WcM cannpng, maws, drug out and mons. Seeking a wants iamak, 18 to 22. wish srmr for rnlarayts. BOX 16521 CASUAL RELATIONS 6. good natured maw wh brown her and blown eyes Seeking an attached *nab ler a casual nelst ori ship. Mug be BOK 165,.94 GIVE ME A CALL poeh orsoback r ow aft onjoyis dic g and mora Seeking a Ism alk. 20 b 35, with smiler MtWestL Children okW BOK 16546 LONG TERM RELATIONS 411% whelk European mak, Tamhcidy social wish i , hair, fugal spa, mustache, trnokar and a social c16 do Enjoys Ve ouldoors, sports, rhNdran, Matra, dtncrrg, mB Y (roll See" Isaelkd sittit► iraerasfs Bat 16588 LETS HAVE COFFEE 6,190 b, flonaaL who male with brown hair and blue allies. Enjoys ovies. dining oke, bOwfrgm fishing and more Seeking a knuie will similar interests, patsids mbWnshp. BOX 19088 ANY AGE OK 50 yr old, 55'. 145 b sink white mak seeking full fig- ured female ler good times and companionship. Age is no b effier. BOX 11506 HAS DEPENDENTS 39 yr old. 6'. 245 Ib almployed, divorced. VA40 male. smoker, with depen- dents seekwg lamae. 30- 40. 440. for I sindshp, relation - OV or mon Any race BOX 164% SIMILAR INTERESTS 38 y old. 6'. 200 b fit. hon- est, open minded male likes travel. camping, romantic donors, goe, fish - ng, laughing. Seeking female with sen4ar nter- ests BOK 16505 Let us shorten the distance call LIKES PARTYING In 30's. 5*11% 1160 b amrac- easy block mail* with gmusiae" Seeks young, aRraetiw female for partying. BOX 18147 NEW TO AREA 42 r old, slim, 67 arra *m mala, non smoker, em out- Sealu iamak w14io Bro good MM good bock twill U" art,minarr romance for arek- ruhaftip BM 19020 BLONDE MALE 19 r old. 58' attrachm. blonde makgreen eyes, seekings. while female 18-21. BOD( 19046 FRIENDS FIRST Single a/Me trials, 30. 5V. thine quiet culdoor type and nonsmoker. Searching for fsnnak, to share cwnpihp, and 0. logeihar qmmrl Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. DISCREET ENCOUNTERS 23 yr old be curious male seeking another b curcm maw for dtscreet o nooun- Mrs First time. BOX 19012 TAKE A CHANCE Couple seeking clean be me* for discreet anCoun- fers.BOX 34895 LEAVE A MESSAGE Couple seeking attract". manned maw in mrd 30's who is easy gong Must be C" n and discreet BOX 35277 BR OF EXCNTEME" 30's. energetic. hardwork- ing male loves outdoors. movies. N. music. parties. good hinds. elo. Seeking a young male. 18 to 20. who wants a friend. BOX 11316 AGE DOESN'T MATTER 6'3', 225 Ib male erloys spat, riding, waits, jog - outdoors. etc. MSeeking a person with sim- ian interest BOK 14009 NEED TO RELAX? 33 yr ad male seeking a male 50's to Ws. to gyve masaeges to Hope to hear from you soon. BOD( 25227 BLUE/GREEN EYES Masculine, artracirve gay mae, 30. 54', 130 tbs. seeking other attractive. mascuke macs. 25 to 40. for friendship. maybe more lifer. BOX 16368 INTERESTED? CALL! 61-. 170 b, good looking male looking for ethers for good limes BOX 18945 ATTRACTIVE IN OSHAWA Lae 30's. 519'. 170 b, while mea is seeking another male. Must be discreet. open and forest Aga is wwriportarit. BOD: 18846 ENCOUNTERS ONLY 40 yr old, singe white male seeking the same for encounters. Discretion a must BOX 17929 LIKE DARK HAIR h 30 yr old. 5'6. 130 b male with a swimmers build, enjoys running, camp - .g. 0-4 bikwg, stay- aig in shape. tang walks and drives, etc. Seeking trends: someone I can go for coffee with or a dub in Toronto. BOX 18138 BUDDY WANTED 37 r dot, 51r, 145 b. good bicknil;, single wfrte male eves in Oshowa. Seeking anomer down to earth, dam. oscmm male, for casual ancounom. BOX 33420 SINCERE MALE LOONM %MA9 mala 34.62, agxm- npMaly 190 bs Looking bra demo mak in M ansa for Casual ancouaats. Er"s mOvia3, waft and quot laitaa Sincere irtarines orgy. BOK 21378 DISCREET FRMENDSW 58 r old, 180 b, tall, singe white mak, WON groom W, nonsimpker, nondrinket. marry interows. Seeking similar mate for fnondshij BOD( 230M FRIENDS ONLY Mature, gay while male looking ler a special male who likes an older, relined gorttlemen with many inter- ests. BOX 25130 SINCERELY YOURS - Durham's waq to meet successful A418S. like VOW $2.49 per min. SINCERE RESPONSES! 29 yr old, attached. Bi curi- ous female seeking another Bi curious female. I am sen- sitive. outgoing. sincere. compassionate. Discretion a must and assured. BOD( 25957 ON THE SIDE 26 yr old, full figured, b curious. married mother of two. seeking a married or single, full figured female. 25 to 30, ler a friendship first rotation - ship. Privacy and cleanli- ness is assured and expected. BOX 20399 GOOD TIMES WANTED Young, adventurous. attractive coupe looking for discre" times with a W or bi curious female. Call for more into. BOX 18895 DISCRETION A MUST Attractive white couple. mid 30's. seeking an attractive bi tomato ler tun. BOX 11020 DESPERATELY SEEKING White couple. Late 20's. look" ler another, couple. or d curious female, for the ultimalr bi thday fantasy. BOX 23871 NO COMMITMENTS! 24 yr old, full figured, b curious, white hotter of two looking ler a single or attached. full figured. white female. 20 to 30. ler fral stip mrd discreet oncoun- ers- BOX 33374 FANTASY FUN Attractive couple is seeking a b or b cinoua lanae to an experence of a Metnhe. BOX 15710 ARE VOU INTERESTED? 30 yr old. 120 Ib, feminine female with blonde hair and blue Ms Enjoys dt-4x dining out, cross country skiing, reading, quiet tees and more. Seeking a fonnr rwhe gay female with similar iffl~s. ler friendship first BOX 18664 Call 1-9"1-3793 $2.49 oar mile. GOING 2 WAYS Attractive coupe seeking attractive. bi curious male whid Miles to go BOX 16428 b06 mYs• LONGTERM Mid 30s, Sit*. 170 b new going, open minded mate seeking clan discreet coir paler good Intact to farm ialaYortshR BOX 11406 R eE PRMI To plane your ad with a 1villi aganwrw Cal 1.600-360-1483. The opera 9: Of the Ad e ads lbr co/Mand and assume no kafJify for ads or rasporwes; reject or revise ads Mitch are deemed inapproplaine, Pmt ads basedon s r4WSbifify. Advanced Telecom Services, htc. No III opow W and can be readled at 1,800- wo-sm Mort-. 1=d sem to spin. you may alio dmvV@ or rerfew Your ad by calling rtra number. Gjjfjl lflf 1997ATS "171 InWovwrrwft BUDGET HOW twilovElttENTS Basement Apts., Rec-rooms, plunbm% Additions, electrical, drywall, cerarnic Wing 15 yrs. Exp. Call Marro (905Y 619-4663- ceI4416) 560-4663 CARPENTRY Free estimates, rough arta finish work, Call Bill 619-2930 new drywall, new tile, NEW TILE 2COLORS $399. (416)282-8934 807 §= A & C RWFING, Shmghng. all types of n fs, new and old, %korkmanship. Guar- ameed. 10% discount it seniors, fully in- ,ured. Free estimates. C .ill Andrew at (905) 4284rM4 810 AH tPro P.— -1 0 and W, -N. e stucco ceilings General repairs Top quality work dl reasonable prices 20% off for Seniors Call for a FREE Estimate 404-9669 GERMAN PAINTER (Over m yrs. experience Painting, wallpapering, drywall tapirrp, C'A1.1• HARRY 428-2679 1 PZW.N a : 9 JW PAINTING InL/ExL Paper hanging sponging and raggin Serving Du k. Region since 19&3 Free Estimates 4905)683-5838 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior b Exterior European Workman- ship Fast, clan. reliable service. 420-0081 1110 a MARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS Move big or small, we price them all! Free esti- mates, seniors discount, short notice moves. Ap- pliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Call (985)987-4137 or 1-888-283-583i RKHALM MOVING Houses. Apartment, onic- es, Appliances and Piero specialists Now we have heated storage wide. Senior and Alid-llontll Discas umnsed, m ured. Fra Es- timates. EIICeN" ttarriCe. Can 438.7795. cross tlbwra bargain rales. noma$. dfi0B5. trawa. sire. Piano Padang aY m 423-3230 zee-ss�3 Mmirg a Sww r-911 1 Fborng C sa CARPET NISTALLATIONS 25 years experience. restrMthrng, our specially. Free eshrrates. D i N Duacaa, 987.17" it, 7-1888 a 10110111 CLEANING LADY looking to clean Houses and/or Apalrtrnmts. Call Otis (9051426-4!562 Rears cle"Wit Saviors No time to clean? Why clean yourself when you can rely on our experienced cleaning services. •Weekly, bI-weekly, and monthly cleanings 'Affordable pricing and seniors rates 'Fully insured! *Free eshmates! Mention this ad and receive 10'/0 off your 1st home cleaniN (9051839-7703 Chrislvnas Ckt *V! by hardworking, Honest, Reliable, experienced person Clea nr►g by the day. Reasonable Rates 576-9865 leave message ttkrving A storage AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists- Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units. Now offering free boxes with move. Park and load special, starting at $99 and up. 725-0005 or 427-0005 'THE NNWS ADVFICr1S1RR FVWAV, NOYCI618i R2lt 1!i'M7,FAf:lk•b9 s: 1 Announcements •: 1 Announcements .: 1 Announcements Ea 1 Ir►tlattlariarna ' 1 1 In-Mernortams_ IN THE EVENT OF A POSTAL STRIKE, MAIL, OR REPLIES TO ANY ADVERTISED POSITION MAY BE DROPPED OFF AT ANY OF OUR 5 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS OF THE THIS WEEK OR AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER 1822 Whites Rd. Pickering (Sears Store) - Ph. 683-0707 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax - Ph. 683-0707 1032 Brock St. S. Whitby (Sears Store) - Ph. 576-9335 865 Farewell St. Oshawa - Ph. 576-9335 95 King St. E. Bowmanville (Sears Store) - Ph. 576-9335 26 Water St. Port Perr7 - Ph. 985-2511 Don't Forget The :News Advertiser Classified Dept. phone opera- tors are avail- able for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 840 �+.'. 84C TREE REMOVAL A IIANrTIDIME Seasoned FLL irewood Available CADAVE 831-7055 : titrYfa CIM11" : • � AOM HOUSE CLEANIHO Done by dependable, reliable woman. Reasonable rates for info. Call Mary 655-1062 845 Tam ZkA"W OF EDEN Dependable snow shoveling at ff viable rices L. A. GORGEOUS MODELS '20 11195 paa,asls, Will 125 905426-4466 (Iliad Rd. i Way) NOW HMMIKi a o p Free salting' SELL IT NOW re:. , s�rwrr c� Fast free eMinlak� CALL Fully inured (905)'725-9184 N"707 pony stirvias : party servioss RAssi'r WANTS WOIAK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions. Have My Own Magician. : n Ernk 66:-4932 ::ftivim schoolli SCHOOL Approved by D.S.A.0 4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop off (416) 287.3060 Prase reed your d4ssftd ad on the first day of publilm tion as we cannot be msponsibie for more than one insertion in the event of an em. Aduk • Eiar&air= ' Enrsnakrws EXCEPTIONAL LADIES SERVING DURHAM REGION /:LEG. IWX & CIAAc REIAABIII N OL ERVICEQED SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 579-4218 CHRISTMAS IN MEMORIAMS will be published on Sunday, December 21. To place your personal In Memoriam call 905-576-9335 or fax the Classified Department directly at 579-4218 by December 18th. PACE 40 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1997 r.. .................. .. A Central Ontario Pontiac Dealers' Presentation '98 Pontiac Sunfire Coupe cDOWN• L.lets you o 5 -speed Jroes■issioo, 2.2 litre engine, the S••lire Coope ISA 0 PASSIock" theft deterrent system, deol eir fangs, 4 -AW AIS, o ren pe" ley■at lase tlr■at• Total he On Silo$0 S275/.A$412.50 sLonpoiler, folding reef sat, relining from ticket sats eei listen (less. S1,S00 1230/.+ 52,015.I5 Or let inline/ tie cried of a Swfiire iT fa tem Sar mire a i1 $3,101 Slliras S3,141.10 2.9 F I 1 C I G i W 1 V A I L 1 • x t x .tix s ry = '�'=�r` '�it, ' ;= t` x�,io. i"3 .rr, �.a-• t i7 g._ � PONTIAC � rV�� � fP71. V iv 3 rri ,. -<F „c.- GMC ±.� t" ay}^ .111111 s«aiq fid. Anddee 6..fln"", ts 14a� Ila Nor, J Clio 1a M " mot ti You should know this: 'Based on a 36 month lease for 1998 Pontiac SunMe Coupe 1 SA equipped as described. Annual kilometre limit: 20.000 km. $0 08 per excess kilometre Total obligation is $9,900.00. Other lease options are available. _ Dealer may lease for less. Freight is mckided. Licence, taxes and insurance not included Offer applies to the lease of 1996 T� new or demonstrator models. tFnancng on approved GMAC credit only. Example: $10,000 at 2.9% APR, the morithly payment is $220.90 for 48 months- The cost of borrowing a $60.3.20. Trial obligation is $10.603.20. Down paymen!, Ej GRADUATE irw .aY per... •�• trade andior security deposit may be required Monthly payment and cost of borrowing may vary depending on amount A� ...q a a • .il ® borrowed and down payment or trade. Offer applies tc the purchase of 1998 new or demonstrator models, Other pur- w�rowo.w>..o .z �% chase options are available. 'tDealer order or trade may be necessary. Oilers apply only to qualified retail customers in Central Ontario. Limited time offers which may not be combined or used with other offers. See your Dealer for details or vrA www gmcanada.com' lwww.gnlcanada com is a registered trademark of General Motors Corporation.) "Graduate rebate subject to program rules. ....................,..................r....lr....... ..,